1526482469446 Viewer JS Instructions For Installing






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How to use ViewerJS
Putting ViewerJS on your website is pretty easy, and shouldn't take more than five
minutes. ViewerJS is a pretty versatile document viewer that resides on your web server

What is ViewerJS?
ViewerJS is a combination of a number of excellent
open source tools that are built on HTML and
JavaScript. ViewerJS was funded by NLnet foundation,

Running ViewerJS is as simple as making a link. You can use it to give a full screen

consider a donation (http://nlnet.nl/donating).

presentation, but also for showing documents inline in your website or as a viewer for
links to documents. Because of the way your browser protects itself against security risks
(which is a very good thing) ViewerJS only works on documents that reside on your own
server. ViewerJS is complete and self-contained - it does not rely on other services.

For using ViewerJS you don't have to change the page you want to add the document to
- activating the viewer pretty much works like making a regular link. Normally when you

The heavy lifting in ViewerJS is done by these
awesome projects:

create a link to a document on your site you would use:

PDF.js (by Mozilla)
PDF.js is a library created by
Andreas Gal and others at
Mozilla Labs. It is an HTML5

For initiating ViewerJS we point the browser to the viewer which (if you followed the
instructions) resides at /ViewerJS/index.html. We only need to write down /ViewerJS/, the
browser will understand the rest. The next thing we need to do is tell the browser the
location of the actual file we want to show.

technology experiment that
explores building a faithful and
efficient Portable Document
Format (PDF) renderer without
native code assistance. PDF.js is community-driven

We tell ViewerJS where it can find the document by giving the regular

and supported by Mozilla Labs (http://labs.mozilla.org).

path/to/filename.ext (that is: the absolute path of the document counted from the 'root

Its goal is to create a general-purpose, web standards-

directory' of your webiste) like so:

based platform for parsing and rendering PDFs, and
eventually release a PDF reader extension powered by

In practical terms that means we indicate to the browser to go back to the top folder with


#.. (if you put the directory with ViewerJS elsewhere,

Visit project website (http://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/)

WebODF (by KO GmbH)

WebODF is a
(Since we are already using the regular path in the browser for pointing it to the folder

library that

with ViewerJS, we use a relative link back from that location preceded by the #

shows office



That is it. In principle you don't need to change anything to the 'host' page. Of course you
often want to use ViewerJS for embedding a document inside a page. For that we will

created by KO

use a so called iframe - really just a page within a web page. Check out the examples

(http://kogmbh.com). It was started by Jos van den

(/examples), and just open the source of the webpage to see how it works.

Oever at KO and is now developed by a growing team

Quick start
Here are the basic steps that are necessary to put ViewerJS on your website.

including external collaborators. It makes it easy to add
Open Document Format (ODF) support to your website
and to your mobile or desktop applications. It uses
HTML and CSS to display ODF documents.
Visit project website (http://webodf.org)

1. Everything starts with downloading ViewerJS (/releases/ViewerJS-latest.zip) from the
2. Unpack the file on your computer. This will give you a folder called 'ViewerJS'. Upload

Download or fork now

that folder to your webserver, preferably to the top folder. Now you are ready to see
ViewerJS in action.

Download now (see instructions

3. Upload a document to your webserver (for the demo we'll use a PDF, if you don't have

(/instructions/)), or fork the code at

one use this (/demodoc.pdf). If you already have documents on there, you can skip this

GitHub and send us a pull request.

4. See if the document is where you think it is, by inserting the address in the address bar
of your browser. If your browser offers to download the document, you are set. If not,
check if you have the correct location of the file.
5. Create the link to the document as you normally would do (that link can be anywhere,
as long as both ViewerJS and the document you want to link to are on the same
website). Now comes the tricky part: we have to use the syntax described above to point
to the document.

(If you want, you can always try to see if ViewerJS is installed correctly by going to the
address bar of the browser, and inserting /ViewerJS/#.. inbetween the domain name part
of your website (below it is example.org) and the rest of the path:

If that works, you can just copy that URI as well.

Embedding in a page
To embed a document in the same way as you see here:





we need to draw an iframe and then pass the same link as we had before to it. So if we
have a document in folder /demo/ohm2013.odp it will look something like this:





Source code


Note that you need to set the width and the height of the iframe in your page. ViewerJS
will try to use all the space you give it, but if you want to make optimal use of your screen
estate make sure that you fit the window of ViewerJS to the dimensions of the document
you want to show. If you don't know what to do, just try it out with some different formats.
Common formats:
(A4 sized documents - portrait) (1.414 : 1)
width='724' height='1024'
width='566' height='800'
width='389' height='550'
width='297' height='210'
(A4 sized documents - landscape) (1 : 1.414 )
width='1024' height='724'
width='800' height='566'
width='550' height='389'
width='210' height='297'
(screen sized documents) (4 : 3)
width='1024' height='768'
width='800' height='600'
width='600' height='450'
If you want to position the document to the left or right, use style="float:left;" or
style="float:right;". If you want to center the document, use style="text-align:center;":

ViewerJS (http://viewerjs.org) is brought to you by KO GmbH (http://kogmbh.com) | Impressum (http://kogmbh.com/legal/)


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Create Date                     : 2018:05:08 12:33:24+00:00
Modify Date                     : 2018:05:08 12:33:24+00:00
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