The Orange County, FL, Jail Educational And Vocational Programs (Program Focus) FPL33RSD 166820

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U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
National Institute of Justice
National Institute of Justice
P r o g r a m F o c u s
The Orange County,
Florida, Jail
Educational and
Vocational Programs
2 National Institute of Justice
The Orange County, Florida, Jail
Educational and Vocational Programs
by Peter Finn
State and Federal prisons typically
provide educational courses similar to
those included in these studies. By
The Orange County, Florida, Corrections
Division provides unusually intensive edu-
cational and vocational programs to most
inmates in its 3,300-bed jail. Staffed by 70
fulltime instructors, programs include adult
basic education, preparation for the general
equivalency diploma (GED), vocational
training, life skills development,
psychoeducation groups, and substance
abuse education. Courses are carefully tai-
lored to the short periods of time that jail
inmates are incarcerated and typically run 6
hours a day, 5 days a week.
Educational and vocational programming is
the central component of a package of three
interrelated innovations in the jail designed to
work together to reduce corrections costs,
improve inmate conduct, and lower recidi-
vism. In addition to educational program-
ming, the package includes:
Direct supervision in facilities architectur-
ally designed to allow maximum direct con-
tact between staff and inmates without physi-
cal barriers.
Behavioral incentives in the form of valu-
able privileges inmates earn if they participate
in programming and avoid misconduct.
The Corrections Division finances these inno-
vations from the inmate welfare fund, local
and Federal grants, and State education dis-
bursements to the county school board for
teaching adult basic education.
Evidence—much of it provided by an inde-
pendent national auditing firm—suggests that
the combination of programming, direct su-
pervision, and incentives has reduced staffing
needs, construction costs, and violent inci-
dents, while it has increased inmate educa-
tional levels and job readiness. Another inde-
pendent evaluation found that, as long as 18
months after release, inmates who were housed
6 to 45 days in direct supervision facilities
were less likely to reoffend than inmates who
were housed in these facilities less than 6 days.
I didn’t want to participate in any programs, but that was the only way I could get
out of 33rd Street [the main facility] into one of the buildings that have open spaces,
only two guys to a cell, and good visitation rights. So I wouldn’t have taken MRT
[Moral Reconation Therapy—a substance abuse education program] if I didn’t
have to, but I’m glad I did. I learned about myself: I used to blame drugs as the
source of my problems, but I learned it’s my own attitudes and behavior that’s
responsible. Once you learn that, other things fall into place. Drug classes I had
taken before never did this for me. In the life skills classes, I learned how to write
a resume and present myself at a job interview, like sitting up straight. But you have
to obey the rules in the program facilities if you want to stay. I’ve seen guys get
busted back to 33rd Street because of shouting matches between inmates, for
example. A few come back here again, but then they’re careful to behave, because
the other facility stinks. There’s loud noise that keeps you from sleeping, it’s cold,
and there’s no carpeting, so they like it here much better.
— An inmate in the Orange County jail
contrast, few jails offer these pro-
grams, primarily because they lack
the money and suitable classroom
space, but also because most jail in-
mates remain locked up only briefly.
The Orange County, Florida, Correc-
tions Division overcame these barriers
to providing intensive educational and
vocational programming in its 3,300-
bed jail—the ninth largest in the Na-
tion—after it took over the facility
from the sheriff in 1987. However, as
the inmate’s description above im-
plies, setting up these programs re-
quired dramatic changes in how the
jail was run. In fact, the entire jail now
revolves largely around its educational
and vocational programs—operation-
ally, budgetarily, and architecturally.
Because many inmates have poor
reading skills, few job skills, and
substance abuse problems, they fre-
quently cannot find jobs after they are
released or can find only low-paid or
temporary work. Partly as a result,
they often return to a life of crime.
Conversely, studies have found that
inmates who improve their educational
level during confinement are less likely
to reoffend than are inmates who do
not. To be sure, many of these studies
are inconclusive because they do not
eliminate the possibility that more mo-
tivated inmates —who would have
done better after release even without
the programs—are the ones who im-
prove their basic academic skills. How-
ever, a study of Federal inmates that
attempted to adjust for this selection
bias also found that inmates who par-
ticipated in educational programs were
less likely to reoffend.
Similarly, a
study of Wisconsin inmates concluded
that prison education programs were
cost-effective because they reduced
recidivism or increased the time before
released inmates returned to prison.
Program Focus 3
Specifically, the jail:
Offers inmates a wide range of
structured educational and voca-
tional programs (from adult basic edu-
cation to carpentry) that are crafted to
accommodate inmates’ short stays.
Provides job readiness and place-
ment services.
Offers inmates valuable incentives to
participate in programming—and to
avoid misconduct.
Manages most inmates through direct
supervision to contain costs, promote
inmate responsibility, and allow for open
areas that can be used as classrooms.
Each of these features is part of a compre-
hensive corrections strategy that enables
programming to flourish at the same time
(Main Facility)
(Central Booking Facility)
Educational and
Vocational Programs
(Genesis, Horizon, Phoenix,
Whitcomb, and Zenith Facilities)
Work Release
• Intake
Initial classification
Release from jail
- Charges dropped
- Bond posted
- Nonfinancial pretrial
Testing for grade level
Testing for substance
Vocational assessment
Placement decision
Inmate agrees to
All amenities
Basic education
Vocational training
Life skills programs
Women’s psycho-
education support groups
Substance abuse education
• Literacy/English-as-a-
Second-Language (ESL)
Community transition
Job assistance program
- Job readiness services
- Job placement services
* The following factors make an inmate ineligible for programs:
maximum security classification, a severe mental illness, and
a jail sentence of less than 60 days.
nmate is not
eligible for
County or DOC
Job assistance program
- Job readiness services
- Job placement services
Inmate refuses
Basic Incarceration
(Municipal Justice Building)
No amenities
No programs
Inmate has
Inmate has
reduced disciplinary
EX 1 1
• Time served
• Charges dropped
• Bond posted
• Nonfinancial pretrial
Basic Housing
(Main Facility)
Minimal amenities
No programs
Inmate has
Inmate agrees to
or becomes eligible
for programs
Exhibit 1. Educational and Vocational Programming Process
that it saves the county money, keeps
inmates occupied and out of trouble, and
(it is hoped) reduces recidivism.
How the System Works
The principal steps in the jail’s pro-
gramming operations, beginning with
intake, are presented in a flowchart in
exhibit 1, “Educational and Vocational
Programming Process.” The levels of
supervision and amenities in each type
of facility are shown in exhibit 2,
“Quality of Life in Jail Facilities.”
Orientation: Testing,
Assessment, and
After leaving the central booking facil-
ity, inmates spend 5 days of orientation
in the main facility of the jail complex,
where they take the Test of Adult Basic
Education (TABE) to determine their
grade level, the Substance Abuse/Life
Circumstances Evaluation (SALCE) to
determine whether they have a sub-
stance abuse problem, and a vocational
needs and interests assessment to iden-
tify suitable job options after release.
After testing, inmates meet individu-
ally with an assessment staff member
who explains the course offerings and
the strong incentives for participating.
Depending on the inmate’s program
preference and classification status, as
well as available space, the inmate
transfers to one of four facilities that
offer the desired courses—along with
relatively congenial living conditions:
Genesis: a one-story, 220-bed facil-
ity for men.
4 National Institute of Justice
Horizon: a three-story, 768-bed
coeducational facility.
Phoenix: a one-story, 288-bed facility
for men attached to a vocational school.
Whitcomb: a one-story, 199-bed
facility for women.
Mark Holmes, who supervises the jail’s
programs, explains, “The main facility
holds inmates who are not expected to
remain in the jail for more than 60
days, who are severely mentally ill, or
who have a maximum security classifi-
cation, together with eligible inmates
who refuse to participate in a program.”
Inmates who test below a fourth-grade
level are housed in Zenith, a special
literacy or English-as-a-Second-
Language (ESL) dormitory in the main
facility that offers the same amenities
and privileges as the four program fa-
cilities. As soon as they raise their test
scores, these inmates may move to one
of the four program facilities. (See the
aerial photo of the Orange County Jail.)
Program Offerings
The Orange County jail offers five
types of courses: (1) basic education,
(2) vocational training, and (3) life
skills development, each of which
involves 6 hours of classes, 5 days a
week; (4) women’s psychoeducation
support groups, which meet daily for
about 2 hours; and (5) substance abuse
education classes, which meet for 90
minutes on alternating days (see “Prin-
cipal Education Programs Offered in
the Jail”).
Inmates may join any course in prog-
ress if space is available. Nevertheless,
Holmes reports, “There may be de-
lays.” After orientation, if there is a
The Orange
County Jail offers
educational and
programs housed
in specially
designed facilities.
waiting list for inmates to enroll in the
program of their choice, the classifica-
tion officer must assign them to an-
other program that has an opening.
Furthermore, while the Phoenix facil-
ity holds 288 beds, there are only 200
vocational slots. Administrators added
a GED program and substance abuse
Coed Option
Contact Visits
Gain Time
Secure Personal
Library Services
Visits and
Telephone Use ✓✓ Limited Limited
Activities ✓✓ Limited Limited
Privileges ✓✓ Limited Limited
and Vocational
Programs Basic
(Genesis, Horizon, Basic Incarceration
Amenities/ Phoenix, Whitcomb, Housing (Municipal Justice
Privileges and Zenith Facilities) (Main Facility) Building)
Exhibit 2. Quality of Life in Jail Facilities
Main Facility
Horizon Facility
Genesis (not visible)
Housing Classrooms
Whitcomb Facility
Administration Bldg.
Program Focus 5
education to the facility’s offerings to
occupy inmates until a vocational slot
opens up. Despite these shortcomings,
few inmates experience delays or
Job Assistance Programs
The jail has two prerelease job assis-
tance programs. The first program,
staffed by four full-time corrections
employees, helps inmates search for
work and monitors the job perfor-
mance of the 15 percent of former
inmates who are placed on county
probation. The second program,
staffed by two job developers from
Mid-Florida Technical School, helps
inmates enrolled in Phoenix vocational
courses find employment and ad-
dresses their medical, housing, and
transportation needs.
Job developers report that it can be
difficult to motivate released inmates
to continue their education, look for
work, or remain employed. One job
developer estimated that “as many as
three-quarters of inmates placed in
jobs while in work release or on pro-
bation quit after criminal justice super-
vision ends.” Even the most motivated
An instructor helps inmates prepare for their
general equivalency diploma (GED) exam.
Basic education. All four program facili-
ties—Genesis, Horizon, Phoenix, and
Whitcomb—offer adult basic education
(ABE) and general equivalency diploma
(GED) preparation. Whitcomb also offers
remedial reading instruction. Basic literacy
and English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL)
courses are available in the main facility.
Vocational training. In the Phoenix facility,
male and female inmates attend classes in
auto maintenance, desktop publishing, car-
pentry, culinary arts, warehousing, electrical
wiring, and other occupations and trades 6
hours a day. Every vocational course devotes
time to resume writing, mock job interviews,
and other job readiness skills.
Life skills programs. Available in three of
the program facilities, life skills courses ad-
dress employability skills, job search tech-
niques, money management, and parenting
and relationship skills. The courses are self-
paced, and the sequence of topics is flexible.
Women’s psychoeducational support
groups. Under the supervision of a professor
of social work, master’s-level interns from
the University of Central Florida conduct 5
weeks of 90-minute small group sessions
two to three times a week in the Horizon
facility. One-on-one counseling to promote
Principal Education Programs Offered
In the Jail
self-esteem, sober living, anger management,
and basic life skills is also offered.
Substance abuse education. Inmates in all
four program facilities whose Substance
Abuse/Life Circumstances Evaluation
(SALCE) indicates they have an alcohol or
other drug problem must enroll in Moral
Reconation Therapy (MRT), a nontraditional
psychoeducational course for use with sub-
stance abusers, batterers, and other individu-
als with “resistant” personalities. Through a
series of 16 structured tasks and workbook
exercises, MRT seeks to reeducate these
individuals behaviorally and socially and
raise their level of moral reasoning. MRT
changes the way individuals act by changing
the way they think.
inmates often face debilitating ob-
stacles to continuing their education or
remaining on the job, ranging from not
being able to afford the necessary
housing, child care, or transportation,
to lacking the education and job skills
to qualify for anything other than
minimum-wage jobs.
“We are trying very hard to solve these
problems,” Mark Holmes reports. “For
example, two county social workers are
now operating in the jail trying to ad-
dress inmates’ social needs upon re-
lease; case managers are starting to talk
about potential problems related to
release at the beginning of an inmate’s
confinement; and we have arranged for
a local homeless shelter that normally
closes at 9 p.m. to accept inmates at
any time of the night if they arrive with
a copy of a special admissions form
that we developed with the shelter.”
What Is So Special
About the Program-
ming Innovations?
As noted above, the Orange County
Corrections Division educational/
vocational effort is much more than
just an impressive array of program
offerings. Several other features are
A life skills instructor videotapes a mock job
interview with an inmate.
6 National Institute of Justice
indispensable to the programs’
achievements: incentives for participa-
tion, direct supervision, active support
by corrections officers, cooperation
from schools, and programs tailored to
short jail stays.
Although inmates may refuse to join
any of the jail’s programs, administra-
tors have created powerful incentives
for participating. According to Gillian
Hobbs, assistant manager of the Com-
munity Corrections Department, “Less
than 5 percent of inmates refuse to
join. We have an excellent balance of
positive incentives for desired behav-
ior and negative consequences for
inappropriate behavior. Offering pro-
grams without these incentives would
have little effect because participation
would be minimal.”
Positive incentives. Sentenced in-
mates in Florida earn 5 days of gain
time (reduction in sentence) every
month if they follow the rules, and
pretrial inmates have 5 days a month
credited to any jail sentence they are
given if convicted. However, inmates
in program facilities earn an additional
6 days of gain time every month, for a
total of 11 days. While inmates can also
earn the additional 6 days as trusties in
the main facility, many find the work
boring. As one inmate observed, “You
work 9 hours a day for free [as a trusty]
and gain nothing. Here [in a program
facility], you get to go to classes—you
get something out of the system.”
Negative consequences. Inmates
who refuse to participate remain in the
main jail facility where—unlike in the
four program facilities—they are de-
nied contact visits and television, have
fewer visits and less use of the tele-
phone, are permitted recreation only 3
hours a week, and are limited to buy-
ing only personal hygiene items at the
commissary. Inmates in the main facil-
ity are housed in uncarpeted dormito-
ries without secure personal lockers
and with a relatively high noise level.
Every inmate becomes intimately, if
briefly, familiar with these spartan
conditions during orientation.
Once transferred to a program facility,
inmates can be sent back to the main
facility at any time for misconduct
ranging from shouting matches to
chronic class tardiness. One instructor
reported, “After an officer woke an
absent student, the inmate went up to
the teacher and snarled, ‘Don’t go wak-
ing me up again!’ The teacher had the
jail send the inmate back to the main
facility the same day.” Administrators
can also ship inmates in the main facil-
ity who misbehave to the downtown
jail, which offers even fewer privi-
leges—and no air conditioning.
According to Don Bjoring, manager of
Community Corrections, “Probably 10
to 30 percent of inmates in program
facilities get bounced back to basic
housing. But classification officers in the
main facility routinely ask all inmates
who have not broken any rules during
the previous 2 weeks if they want to
return to a program facility. Most in-
mates ask—some even beg—to return.”
One inmate explained, “Guys think
they can take it there [in the main fa-
cility], but they learn it’s awful. It’s
macho to say you don’t care [about
conditions there], but it’s eight men in
a four-person cell with no privacy or
space for yourself.”
“Ironically,” Mark Holmes points out,
“it would be impossible for the educa-
tion programs to continue if every
inmate were motivated to participate.
The jail could not sustain its old-style
main facility, which we need as an
incentive for inmates to participate in
programs and avoid misconduct.”
Direct Supervision
Programming also could not thrive
without direct supervision in the four
program facilities. Direct supervision
is an inmate management system that
combines three main features:
An architectural design that per-
mits direct contact between staff and
inmates without physical barriers (bars,
A direct supervision common area with carpeting
and upholstered chairs does triple duty as a
television viewing area, classroom, and place to
socialize, all within easy observation of a
corrections officer sitting at her desk checking her
computer records.
glass, doors) and uses standard com-
mercial furniture, plumbing fixtures,
and security hardware. Typically,
buildings have two or more “pods,”
each consisting of two-person cells that
open onto a large all-purpose open area
that serves as both a classroom and a
dayroom. One or two corrections offic-
ers staff a desk within each pod and
Program Focus 7
An inmate practices basic carpentry skills in the
Phoenix facility vocational program.
circulate as needed. Inmates are free
during the day to go back and forth
from their cells to the common area.
Behavioral incentives that moti-
vate inmates to participate in pro-
grams and follow all rules. Direct
supervision helps officers quickly
apply the incentives previously de-
scribed, because constant contact with
inmates enables them to observe brew-
ing misconduct very easily.
A behavior-based classification
system that places inmates in
the least restrictive possible jail
environment based on their obeying
the rules and participating in
programs. This contrasts with assign-
ing inmates to minimum, medium, and
maximum security areas based exclu-
sively on the seriousness of the crime
they have committed (or been charged
with). Case managers and classifica-
tion officers monitor inmates’ progress
with face-to-face meetings. They log
class attendance, infractions, and other
pertinent information into a computer
database that all staff share so that any
inmate who breaks the rules is reas-
signed swiftly to the main facility.
Programming, incentives, and direct
supervision are all indispensable for
the Orange County approach to work.
For example, direct supervision may
lead to increased disturbances unless
inmates are kept busy—something that
6 hours of programs a day takes care
of and the facilities’ architecture
makes possible. However, incentives
motivate most inmates to participate in
programming, which in turn keeps
them busy.
Do inmates who may feel coerced into
participating in educational and voca-
tional programs learn anything? Sev-
eral inmates think so, reporting that,
while they would not have participated
if it were not for the incentives, they
were glad they did. As one inmate
said, “Guys are angry when they get
here [in the jail], so they don’t want to
take programs, but the classes turn out
to be interesting and valuable. So it’s
good they force you to take them.
When you come in, you’re not think-
ing about programs, but then you start
working them and you learn from
them.” There is also clinical evidence
that individuals subject to compulsory
drug abuse treatment have reduced
criminal recidivism rates.
regardless of their motivation, hun-
dreds of inmates in the Orange County
jail have earned their general equiva-
lency diploma (GED).
Active Support by
Corrections Officers
Conflict between security officers and
program staff in corrections facilities
is a classic problem. Corrections of-
ficers claim that programs get in their
way and compromise security, while
program staff complain that officers
cavalierly yank inmates out of class
and interrupt instruction with counts,
searches, and lockdowns. However,
most officers in the Orange County
jail’s four program facilities cooperate
with the programs because they be-
lieve they experience fewer assaults
and lawsuits than do officers in the
main facility. Some officers report
they enjoy seeing inmates learning
rather than playing basketball or
watching television all day. One fe-
male officer said, “I’m proud to see
women learning how to change a car’s
oil and filter.” When instructors leave
for semester break, some officers tell
them, “Hurry back!” Most officers
support the programs with actions as
well as words:
When instructors report an absent
student, officers immediately wake up
the inmate and escort him or her to
class. Officers often circulate through
classroom areas to stop inappropriate
behavior, such as an inmate putting his
feet on the desk or dozing during
class. They also help new teachers
write up incident reports.
Corrections officers saw how well
Genesis—the jail’s first direct supervi-
sion facility—was working out. When
construction began on the Horizon
facility, the jail director was swamped
with requests for transfers from offic-
ers in the main facility’s basic housing
units. Conversely, when the county
8 National Institute of Justice
Corrections Division was considering
turning Genesis into an all-female
facility, its male officers began fight-
ing the plan because they hated the
idea of being transferred back to tradi-
tional housing.
According to one inmate, “Officers
care about you here in Horizon. Every
day, one officer who knows I have
epilepsy asks me if I’m OK. When I
needed to call my parents badly one
day, another officer let me use the
office phone.”
A lieutenant in the main building
asked that programming be expanded
to the basic housing units—as an in-
mate management tool. Ironically, it is
program staff who have to resist these
Officers who work in the main facility
must cooperate with the innovations
because they need to observe and record
the positive and negative inmate conduct
to determine whether inmates are eli-
gible for transfer to a program facility.
Main facility officers also need to avoid
the temptation to transfer inmates to
program facilities simply to reduce over-
crowding or to get rid of inmates who
are a nuisance or who continually pester
them to be transferred.
Cooperation From
The jail’s educational innovations
would not have been possible without
close collaboration with the Orange
County Public School Board, which
runs the county’s adult literacy and
technical education programs. The
State of Florida, which funds these
efforts, requires counties to provide
free basic education to disadvantaged
adult residents. Every year the head of
the county school system recommends
to the school board’s advisory council
that eliminating illiteracy among in-
mates and providing them with voca-
tional education be made a high priority
in deciding how to allocate services
among competing educational needs in
the county. As a result, one-quarter of
the total adult education system budget
for Mid-Florida Technical is allocated
to providing instruction in the Orange
County jail. An assistant director of the
Orange County Technical Education
Centers serves as the jail’s full-time,
onsite “principal,” supervising 70 full-
time instructors.
Most instructors like working in the
jail—indeed, many prefer it to regular
teaching because they have more con-
trol over discipline. According to one
teacher, “If you kick someone out of
class [in regular schools], even if the
student gets suspended he’s back in
class a few days later. But if you re-
move someone here [in the jail], they
go back to the main facility for at least
2 weeks and then, if they do come
back to the program facility, they are
never placed with the same teacher.”
Programs Tailored to
Short Jail Stays
Jail and school administrators have
implemented several strategies to help
ensure that inmates are offered the maxi-
mum possible amount of useful educa-
tional benefits before they are released.
Focus on core competencies. The jail
focuses first and foremost on providing
inmates with basic reading skills. For
example, the vocational programs de-
vote time to raising inmates’ TABE
scores to give them the academic
skills, like math, needed for jobs in the
trades. Similarly, while there is a gener-
ally accepted order regarding which
skills should be taught first, second, and
so on in life skills classes, instructors
teach the skills they feel are most critical
first—for example, stress management
and coping with anger—in case inmates
are released before the course ends.
Self-paced course work. In most of
the jail’s courses, inmates can work at
their own pace, either on a computer
or in a workbook, or by means of
independent study monitored by the
instructor. As a result, quick or moti-
vated learners are not held back by
slower or less energetic students.
Intensive course work. Most courses
involve 6 hours of classes a day, 5 days
a week. As a result, although the typical
inmate assigned to a direct supervision
facility remains in jail for about 60
days, even this short stay enables them
to attend over 250 hours of classes
before release. Each inmate in Phoenix,
which typically houses inmates for a
shorter, 45-day period, attends an aver-
age of 192 hours of vocational classes
before release—the equivalent of
nearly five 40-hour weeks.
Identification of “early exit” points.
Because of the shorter average stay of
Phoenix inmates, jail and school ad-
Women inmates in the Horizon facility life skills
course use computers to pursue topics of interest at
their own pace, such as job search techniques and
money management strategies.
Program Focus 9
ministrators try to identify technical
skills in local demand that Phoenix
instructors can teach in a short period
of time. School administrators then
restructure their standard 9-week vo-
cational courses (the number of weeks
required for State reimbursement) to
focus initially on quickly learned
skills. For example, instructors altered
the automobile repair course to focus
on the quickly taught skills of changing
oil and filters after a local automobile
repair chain reported these were the
skills it needed most.
After release, interested Phoenix in-
mates can transfer easily into Mid-
Florida Technical School’s Post-
secondary Technical School to com-
plete their education or to enter an
apprenticeship program. This is be-
cause the Phoenix facility’s vocational
offerings duplicate the school’s curricu-
lum and because inmates participating
in Phoenix courses are already offi-
cially enrolled in the school. Further-
more, under Florida guidelines, ex-
offenders can obtain tuition waivers or
financial assistance if they continue
their education at the technical school.
Short-term substance abuse counseling.
Most inmates are released too quickly to
attend traditional substance abuse counsel-
ing groups. As a result, every program
facility provides a self-paced substance
abuse education course, Moral Reconation
Therapy (MRT) (see “Principal Education
Programs Offered in the Jail” on page 5
for an explanation of MRT).
Does It Work?
The combination of programming and
direct supervision has achieved a num-
ber of noteworthy milestones.
Staff reductions. The four program
facilities have a much higher inmate-to-
security-staff ratio (5.6:1) than either
the main facility (3.2:1) or comparable
nearby jails (3.2:1 to 3.8:1).
Operating cost reductions. Ac-
cording to an independent evaluation
by a national accounting firm, the daily
operating cost per inmate in the Orange
County jail is lower than at four other
Florida jails of comparable size:
Orange County $60.40
Broward County $66.68
Dade County $71.87
Palm Beach County $74.95
Comparing costs with those of the next
most inexpensive county (Broward)
shows that the daily savings per inmate to
Orange County of $6.28 add up to a sig-
nificant amount when multiplied by
3,300 inmates over 365 days—
$7,564,260 (see “Program Funding
Sources and Major Costs”).
Construction cost savings. The aver-
age per-bed construction cost of the jail’s
indirect supervision facilities was nearly
$50,000 (1996 dollars), while the average
cost for the four direct supervision facili-
ties was just over $30,000. Based on
these figures, the independent accounting
firm concluded that if all the jail’s direct
supervision housing had been built as
indirect supervision beds, it would have
cost the county approximately $28 mil-
lion more (1996 dollars)(see “Are the
Reduced Jail Costs Due to Cost Shifting
or to Real Savings?”).
Use-of-force reductions. The num-
ber of incidents requiring the use of
force (for example, takedowns) de-
clined from 3.59 per 100 inmates in
1987, the year before programming and
direct supervision were introduced, to
2.02 in 1989, the year after their intro-
duction, to 1.30 in 1995. Although
about half of all inmates are housed in
direct supervision facilities, only 45—
8.4 percent—of the 533 uses of force in
1995 occurred in these four facilities.
Low rates of violence. A study by
the University of Central Florida
Inmate Welfare Fund: $394,000 a Year*
$199,000 for student registration fees.
$15,000 for school expenses such as
student workbooks.
$180,000 for substance abuse educa-
tion instruction.
County School Board Funding (via State
Funding): $3.6 Million a Year
Salaries of 70 instructors.
Purchase of half of vocational equip-
ment for Phoenix facility.
Two full-time staff for the Test of Adult
Basic Education (TABE).
Two full-time job developers.
Program Funding Sources and Major Costs
* Inmate welfare funds come primarily from a surcharge that jails place on collect calls inmates
make to their families and from profits realized when jails purchase commissary goods at
discount but charge inmates the prevailing retail price. In effect, because most inmates have no
savings or income of their own, their families provide the money that supports the fund. Some
inmate advocates have questioned the way correctional facilities use these funds, but few critics
are likely to object to spending the money on educational and vocational courses for inmates.
U.S. Department of Education Grant,
1994–1996: $241,580 a Year
Two life skills instructors and a pro-
gram coordinator for Horizon facility.
Computers and curriculum software for
life skills program in Horizon facility.
University of Central Florida: $30,000
matching grant to supervise women’s
psychoeducation groups
Volunteers: Instructors, community
members, chaplains, and corrections of-
ficers volunteer their time to plan and
teach a special course for juvenile inmates
who test at a 12th-grade reading level.
10 National Institute of Justice
found that direct supervision units had
much lower rates of suicide, inmate
injury, staff injury, fighting, use of
force, and disciplinary reports in 1995
than did the basic housing units.
example, the average use-of-force rate
in direct supervision areas was 3.2
compared with nearly 30 in regular
housing. The rates for death, homicide,
and suicide per 1,000 inmates in 1995
were also lower in the entire Orange
County jail than for other similar size
jails (jails with a rated capacity above
2,000) in Florida, in the southeastern
United States, and nationally.
Educational improvement. More
than 4,200 inmates attended at least
some education classes in 1995; 15
percent of these inmates completed the
life skills course, 3 percent the
women’s psychoeducation groups, and
1 percent substance abuse education.
Fourteen percent earned their GED.
Eighty-four percent of inmates who
took the GED test in the jail earned
their diploma, compared with 70 per-
cent of test takers in the county as a
whole. Women in Horizon’s psycho-
education groups were significantly
less depressed and anxious after com-
pleting the course compared with
women inmates waiting to enroll in the
groups. The groups’ supervisor said
that several officers have told her that
members become much more manage-
able after a few sessions. In fact, during
the 12 months after the introduction of
the psychoeducation groups and the life
skills programs, Horizon experienced a
20 percent reduction in the number of
female inmates—94 versus 121—sent
back to the main facility for discipline
problems, compared with the previous
12-month period.
Recidivism. Finally, on the critical mea-
sure of whether the programs reduce
recidivism, the University of Central
Florida study found promising results.
The researchers compared postrelease
bookings (that is, rearrests) into the Or-
ange County jail among 600 inmates
transferred into direct supervision units.
They divided the inmates into 3 groups
of 200 each according to the amount of
time spent in direct supervision:
Group 1 Least time in direct
supervision. 167 of these
inmates spent no time in
direct supervision housing.
The remaining 33 spent 0 to
5 days in direct supervision
housing before being
returned to regular housing
or released.
Group 2 Moderate time in direct
supervision. All 200 of these
inmates spent from 6 to 45
days (the average was 23 days)
in a direct supervision facility.
Group 3 Most time in direct
supervision. All 200 of
these inmates spent 46 days
or more (the average was
102 days) in a direct
supervision facility.
As shown in “Program Funding Sources
and Major Costs,” the State of Florida
provides the Orange County Jail with $3.6
million, principally for 70 full-time in-
structors. The inmate welfare fund pays
for the instructors who teach the jail’s
substance abuse education program. The
question might therefore be asked, have
the innovations actually reduced the costs
of running the jail or have they simply
shifted the cost to the State and to the
inmates (or their families)? The answer is,
some of both.
Jail administrators readily acknowledge
that for direct supervision to work, in-
mates need to be kept busy, and it is the
programming—paid for largely by the
State and, to a much lesser extent, by the
inmate welfare fund—that prevents in-
mate idleness. Without the programming,
the jail would have to hire additional cor-
rections officers to handle the disciplinary
problems idleness might create. In this
sense, the jail has reduced corrections
costs to Orange County by taking advan-
tage of available State and inmate funds to
provide the programs that avoid the need
for additional security staff.
However, the innovations also make it
less costly to run the jail irrespective of
State and inmate support. An independent
Are the Reduced Jail Costs Due to Cost
Shifting or to Real Savings?
evaluation of the jail’s costs conducted in
1996 by a national accounting firm found
that, if the same number of inmates who
are housed in the jail’s direct supervision
facilities were housed in indirect supervi-
sion facilities, it would cost the county
approximately $9.5 million more each
year. Yet the State and inmate contribu-
tions to providing programming total less
than $4 million. This suggests that the jail
saves $5.5 million a year in staffing costs
that cannot be attributed to cost shifting
but instead reflect the advantages of direct
supervision coupled with incentives and
educational programming. As jail admin-
istrators point out, the instructors are not
in the jail on the evening and night shifts,
on weekends and holidays, and during
semester breaks.
Furthermore, to the extent that dollars have
been shifted from the State and the inmate
welfare fund to pay for providing educa-
tional programs, the money from these
sources has not come from increased taxes
to the public or increased fees to inmates.
Finally, irrespective of any reductions in
the costs of operating the jail, the county
has saved millions of dollars in construc-
tion costs by not having to build and
furnish more expensive indirect supervi-
sion facilities.
Program Focus 11
The researchers used time in direct
supervision housing as a proxy for
program participation because, for
most of their stay in these facilities,
inmates were required to participate in
at least one program.
The researchers followed the inmates
for a minimum of 18 months after
release. Although the recidivism rates
of groups 1 and 3 did not differ sig-
nificantly, ex-offenders in group 2 had
statistically significant fewer bookings
than did ex-offenders in either group 1
or group 3 (see exhibit 3). Statistical
tests suggested that longer jail terms
reduced recidivism only if the offender
spent at least a moderate amount of
time in a direct supervision facility.
The number of days in custody
significantly predicted the number of
postrelease bookings only among in-
mates who remained at least 6 days in
direct supervision housing. The re-
searchers have not yet determined why
a moderate amount of programming
(6–45 days) had a greater effect on
recidivism than did longer periods (46
or more days).
How the Program
The stage was set for innovation at the
Orange County Corrections Division in
1987 when, in an unusual move, the
sheriff decided to turn the jail over to
the county (see “The County Commis-
sioners Play a Crucial Role”). After
taking over the jail, the county board
commissioned a study that predicted
that by 1998 the jail population would
increase from 3,300 to 5,000–6,000. To
accommodate the increase would have
required $50 million in new construc-
tion costs, with needed additional staff-
ing raising the price tag still higher.
The commissioners hired Tom Allison
in February 1987 to head the new cor-
rections division precisely because he
convinced them that he could run the
The County
Commissioners Play
A Crucial Role
The chair of the seven-member Board of
Orange County Commissioners, not a sher-
iff as in most jurisdictions, runs the local
correctional system. The board has sup-
ported the jail’s innovations largely for
four reasons:
Costs. The combination of program-
ming, direct supervision, and State fund-
ing for instructors, along with a decline in
jail population, has kept county correc-
tions costs relatively low. (See the section
“Does It Work?” on page 9).
Security. Escapes have not increased
since programming and direct supervision
were instituted, and they are no more fre-
quent than at other nearby jails. Equally
important, no escapee has attacked any tour-
ists visiting the county’s numerous theme
parks—a major source of county revenue.
Get-tough approach to criminals.
According to Howard Tipton, the deputy
county administrator, politicians who tour
the jail always ask, “How do you survive
politically doing this—providing inmates
with such pleasant living conditions?”
Tipton’s answer: “This isn’t a liberal ini-
tiative; we balance punishment and treat-
ment.” In fact, Tom Allison, the former
Corrections Division director, removed
exercise weights from the entire jail, elimi-
nated television, basketball, and cards from
basic housing units in the main facility,
and expanded the institution’s work crews.
Furthermore, the county introduced medi-
cal copayments. Tipton adds, “The treat-
ment inmates receive is directly related to
their conduct: the better they behave, the
better they are treated.”
Potential for reducing recidivism.
The commissioners directed that jail ad-
ministrators arrange for independent
evaluations to determine whether direct
supervision and programming have
achieved their promised potential for re-
ducing recidivism, thereby decreasing
criminal justice system costs.
Exhibit 3. Recidivism by Time Spent in Direct Supervision
Direct Supervision Time Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
(0–5 days) (6–45 days) (46 or more days)
Total number of postrelease
bookings* 379 248 289
Recidivism: Average
number of postrelease
bookings per inmate** 1.9 1.24 1.45
Reduction in recidivism
compared to group 1 NA 34.7% 23.7%
*Subjects released before July 30, 1995, were tracked for 18 months after release.
** Some subjects were rearrested many times, some only once, and some not at all.
12 National Institute of Justice
jail cost effectively (see “The Correc-
tions Division Director Was the Driv-
ing Force”). Allison proposed to use
the money available in the county’s
capital budget to experiment with con-
structing a small direct supervision
facility. Its proposed built-in class-
rooms for educational programs would
make it possible to both manage in-
mates and reduce staffing costs. In
July 1988, Genesis opened. After wit-
nessing the success of Genesis, the
commissioners approved Allison’s
request to construct the other three
direct supervision buildings.
From the beginning, Allison worked to
persuade the county school board that
inmates should receive priority treat-
ment because State statutes required
the board to provide adult basic educa-
tion services to disadvantaged adults.
The board had been offering classes in
the jail for 23 years when Allison was
appointed, but those classes made up
less than 5 percent of its adult educa-
tion activity. Furthermore, its pro-
grams were designed primarily to keep
inmates occupied. Allison argued suc-
cessfully that the only way to keep
inmates from returning to jail is to
“send them out different people from
when they came in.” This reasoning
helped persuade the school board advi-
sory council (composed largely of
private-sector business people) and the
director of one of its technical educa-
tion centers to shift more school board
resources to the jail.
Setting up the programs and learning to
live with direct supervision generated
considerable conflict among everyone
involved. Because no officers volun-
teered to staff Genesis, the building was
staffed forcibly on the basis of senior-
ity. Some officers quit rather than
switch. Instructors raised union issues
to oppose the use of dayrooms in the
jail as classroom space. Until the incen-
tive system was developed, many in-
mates who chose Genesis either did not
appreciate the living conditions or, if
they did, still broke the rules.
Over time, a team focus evolved in
which each group became less self-
centered and had less of a need to be in
control. This transformation occurred
because Tom Allison employed a judi-
cious mix of reasoning, exhortation,
training, and compulsion. In addition,
he brought in a small group of consult-
ants to promote team building. Perhaps
most important, the innovations proved
their value as a management tool for
corrections staff, as an educational
priority for school board officials and
instructors, and as an improvement in
living conditions for most inmates.
Can Other Counties
Set Up Similar
Replicating Orange County’s accom-
plishments will require considerable
effort. However, the payoffs are likely
to be equally rewarding. The follow-
ing conditions appear to be the mini-
mum requirements for achieving what
this jail has done:
Strong support from the top.
Fearing negative media coverage,
most sheriffs, as elected officials, tend
to focus on avoiding potential inci-
dents such as escapes or violence and
shy away from the political risks in-
volved in radical change. As a result,
jurisdictions in which the sheriff runs
the jail may need a strong mayor, chief
judicial officer, or other key official to
support the changes—and to share the
heat when problems arise.
Another essential component of the Or-
ange County story is the leadership of a
determined director of corrections. Tom
Allison, appointed in 1987 and director
until 1997, was committed from the start
to providing inmates with programs that
would give them both improved self-
esteem and marketable reading and voca-
tional skills as the only realistic course for
preventing recidivism. However, Direc-
tor Allison was determined to provide
these skills as part of a package of innova-
tions that would include direct supervi-
sion, behavioral incentives, and a behav-
ior-based classification system.
Allison knew that the innovations had to
reduce corrections costs if he hoped to
gain support from both the county com-
missioners and the public for inmate pro-
grams. As a result, rather than focusing on
the programs’ benefits to inmates or the
program’s future and uncertain impact on
recidivism, he emphasized that the changes
The Corrections Division Director Was the
Driving Force
would reduce construction and staffing
costs to the county. Allison also believed
the innovations could be successful in the
long run only by delegating a great deal of
control to midlevel managers and line
staff. For example, he gave officers in
program facilities the authority to transfer
inmates who engage in misconduct to the
main facility. Inmates can only appeal this
decision to the facility shift supervisor,
who usually sides with the officers. He
encouraged senior managers to set up plan-
ning, accountability, and consistency
teams, made up of line staff, to overcome
their own difficulties. According to
Allison, “One person can’t sell change
within a jail; everyone has to take the
initiative.” Reflecting this delegation of
authority, Howard Tipton, the deputy
county administrator, reported approv-
ingly, “Tom doesn’t know what’s going
on in the jail today [1996], but that’s OK;
we pay him for what’s going to go on
tomorrow and the next day.”
Program Focus 13
Leadership skills. Jurisdictions
need a sheriff or corrections director
with the vision, determination, and
management and public relations skills
to make the innovations work and to
see them through the tough times they
will encounter. The sheriff or director
in turn needs the authority to pick
qualified managers from inside or
outside the corrections department to
implement the changes.
Constructing or retrofitting facili-
ties. Orange County was fortunate in
having a large capital budget at its
disposal combined with the need to
expand bed space. As a result, it could
move immediately into constructing
direct supervision facilities with built-
in classrooms. Jurisdictions not in
these circumstances will need to retro-
fit their existing jail buildings or pur-
chase or lease suitable structures.
A comprehensive package of in-
novations. Programming needs to be
integrated into a comprehensive pack-
age that includes direct supervision,
delegation of considerable decision-
making to the manager and line level,
collaboration with local schools
(which may be more difficult than in
Orange County if the State does not
mandate that public educators serve
the disadvantaged), and tapping into
every possible source of funding.
No overcrowding. The jail cannot
be so overcrowded that there is no bed
space in the old-style part of the jail to
which inmates who break the rules in
program facilities can be transferred.
Another key to success is to begin
small. Orange County began by con-
structing the 220-bed Genesis facility
as a test case for the innovations. Even
if a jail has only one building and
funds are not available to construct a
direct supervision structure, it may be
possible to retrofit one section of the
existing facility to test the innovations.
Some jails have already introduced
some of the major features of the Or-
ange County package of innovations.
Several have developed extensive edu-
cational programs for inmates. With
nine full-time instructors and more than
200 volunteers, the Safer Foundation’s
PACE Institute in Chicago has pro-
vided GED, pre-GED, and literacy
services to over 15,000 inmates in the
Cook County Jail since the 1970s.
The National Institute of Corrections
and the American Jail Association
have each identified more than 100
facilities in more than 24 States that
have implemented direct supervision.
In some cases, as in Larimer County,
Colorado, sheriffs have retrofitted
existing podular remote facilities by
leaving doors open or removing them
and placing corrections officers in the
housing units.
The National Institute of Corrections
has identified at least 16 additional
facilities that have been converted to
direct supervision. Still other counties
have built new direct supervision fa-
cilities. A few jails, including facilities
in San Francisco and Contra Costa
Counties, California; Broward County,
Florida; and Larimer County, Colo-
rado, have combined direct supervi-
sion with formal programs (see
“Sources for Further Information”).
Finally, Orange County has shown
that the benefits of educational pro-
gramming and direct supervision can
be substantial—more than enough to
offset the work involved in imple-
menting the innovations: reductions in
staff, operating costs, and inmate vio-
lence and improvements in inmate
education and employability. If juris-
dictions need to construct or obtain
additional bed space, they can save
considerable money by building or
leasing facilities that can accommo-
date programming and direct supervi-
sion. Finally, the innovations may
reduce recidivism—perhaps the most
important payoff of all.
1. Anderson, D.B., R.E. Schumacker, and S.L.
Anderson, “Releasee Characteristics and
Parole,” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 17
(1991):133–145; Berk, R.A., K.J. Lenihan,
and P.H. Rossi, “Crime and Poverty: Some
Experimental Evidence from Ex-Offenders,”
American Sociological Review 45 (1980):766–
786; Freeman, R.B., “Crime and Unemploy-
ment,” in Crime and Public Policy, ed. James
Q. Wilson, San Francisco: ICS Press,
2. Harer, M.D., “Recidivism Among Federal
Prison Releasees in 1987: A Preliminary
Report.” Unpublished paper, Washington
D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Federal
Bureau of Prisons, Office of Research and
Evaluation, March 1994.
3. Piehl, A.M., “Learning While Doing Time,”
Unpublished paper, Cambridge, Massachu-
setts: Harvard University, John F. Kennedy
School of Government, April 1994.
4. Leukefeld, C.G., and F.M. Tims, eds.,
Compulsory Treatment of Drug Abuse:
Research and Clinical Practice, NIDA
Research Monograph 86, Rockville, Mary-
land: U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, National Institute on Drug Abuse,
1988; Anglin, M.D., and H.Yih-Ing, “Treat-
ment of Drug Abuse,” in Drugs and Crime,
ed. Tonry, M., and J.Q. Wilson, Chicago:
14 National Institute of Justice
The Orange County Corrections Divi-
sion distributes a narrative and videotape of
the programs at its Horizon facility, as well
as literature describing the jail innovations.
Staff also give guided tours of program
facilities and classrooms. Contact:
Mark S. Holmes
Senior Unit Supervisor
Programs Unit
Community Corrections Department
Orange County Corrections Division
P.O. Box 4970
Orlando, FL 32802–4970
Telephone: 407–836–3375
The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is the
principal research, evaluation, and develop-
ment agency of the U.S. Department of Jus-
tice. For information about the NIJ’s efforts in
corrections, program development, and cor-
porate partnership development, contact:
Marilyn C. Moses
Program Manager
National Institute of Justice
810 Seventh Street, N.W., Seventh Floor
Washington, DC 20531
Telephone: 202–514–6205
Fax: 202–307–6256
The National Institute of Justice established
the National Criminal Justice Reference
Service (NCJRS) in 1972 to serve as a
national and international clearinghouse for
the exchange of criminal justice informa-
tion. For more information about topical
searches, bibliographies, custom searches,
and other available services, contact:
P.O. Box 6000
Rockville, MD 20849–6000
Telephone: 800–851–3420 (8:30 a.m. to
7 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday)
For specific criminal justice questions or
requests via Internet, e-mail:
The Office of Correctional Education
(OCE) within the U.S. Department of Edu-
cation was created by Congress in 1991 to
provide technical assistance, grant funding,
and research data to the corrections and
correctional education fields. To speak with
Sources for Further Information
a program specialist or be placed on OCE’s
mailing list to receive grant announcements,
OCE’s quarterly newsletter, and other pub-
lications, contact:
Office of Correctional Education
U.S. Department of Education
600 Independence Avenue S.W.
MES 4529
Washington, DC 20202–7242
Telephone: 202–205–5621
Fax: 202–401–2615
World Wide Web site: http://
The National Institute of Corrections Jails
Division offers free technical assistance on
inmate programming and direct supervision
and a 30-hour jails orientation workshop on
direct supervision. Ask for the publications,
NIC Jails Division: A National Resource for
Local Jails and the NIC Service Plan for the
current year. The institute also offers a Podular
Direct Supervision Jails Information Packet
and a videotape for sheriffs, county commis-
sioners, jail planners, and line staff that high-
lights the basic concepts of direct supervi-
sion. Contact:
NIC Information Center
1860 Industrial Circle, Suite A
Longmont, CO 80501
Telephone: 800–877–1461
Fax: 303–682–0558
The National Institute of Corrections’ Office
of Correctional Job Training and Place-
ment (OCJTP) was created in March 1995 to
Cooperate with and coordinate the efforts
of other Federal agencies in the areas of job
training and placement.
Collect and disseminate information on
offender job training and placement programs,
accomplishments, and employment outcomes.
Provide training to develop staff compe-
tencies in working with offenders and ex-
Provide technical assistance to State and
local training and employment agencies.
For more information, contact:
John Moore
Office of Correctional Job Training and
National Institute of Corrections
320 First Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20534
Telephone: 800–995–6423 ext. 147 or
202–307–3361 ext. 147
The American Jail Association (AJA)
provides regional training seminars, onsite
technical assistance, and training materials
related to inmate programming, direct su-
pervision, and other corrections topics for a
modest fee. The Association also sponsors
an Annual Training Conference & Jail Expo.
The Association’s magazine, American
Jails, includes articles on jail innovations,
such as “Direct Supervision: A Systems
Approach to Jail Management,” Spring
1989, pages 67–71. Contact:
Stephen J. Ingley
Executive Director
American Jail Association
2053 Day Road, Suite 100
Hagerstown, MD 21740–9795
Telephone: 301–790–3930
Fax: 301–790–2941
World Wide Web site: http://
The Correctional Education Association
(CEA) is affiliated with the American Cor-
rectional Association as an international
professional organization serving educa-
tion program needs within the field of cor-
rections. Membership includes teachers, li-
brarians, counselors, and other education
professionals. Members receive a quarterly
journal and newsletter, an annual directory,
and a yearbook. Annual conferences are
held in each of CEA’s nine regions and
many of its State chapters. One of the re-
gions hosts an international conference with
workshops on successful instructional strat-
egies. Contact:
Alice Tracey
Assistant Director
Correctional Education Association
4380 Forbes Boulevard
Lanham, MD 20706
Telephone: 301–918–1915
Fax: 301–918–1846
Program Focus 15
The National Institute of Justice is a compo-
nent of the Office of Justice Programs, which
also includes the Bureau of Justice Assistance,
the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the Office of
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention,
and the Office for Victims of Crime.
NCJ 166820 December 1997
All photos courtesy of Michael Davies,
Orange County, Florida, Corrections
On the cover: A vocational instructor
in the Phoenix facility shows an in-
mate in the automotive repair course
how to mount a tire.
This document was written by Peter Finn,
senior research associate at Abt Associ-
ates Inc. The findings and conclusions of
the research reported here are those of the
author and do not necessarily reflect the
official position or policies of the U.S.
Department of Justice.
About This Study
University of Chicago Press, 1990:393–460;
Falkin, G.P., H.K. Wexler, and D.S. Lipton,
“Drug Treatment in State Prisons,” in Treating
Drug Problems, Vol 2, ed. Gerstein, D.R., and
H.J. Harwood, Washington, D.C.: National
Academy Press, 1992:89–131.
5. The auditors found that per-inmate costs in
the Orange County jail were higher than
those of two other Florida jails. However,
one of the other jails, in Hillsborough
County, had at least one overcrowded
facility; it arguably costs less per inmate to
operate an overcrowded than an at-capacity
facility, because the number of corrections
staff and fixed costs remain constant no
matter how many inmates are housed. The
other jail, in Duval County, had only 694
staff compared with 864 in Palm Beach,
1,259 in Broward County, 2,349 in Metro
Dade, and 1,436 in Orange County.
6. McCarthy, B., R. Surrette, and B.
Applegate, Orange County Corrections Jail
Evaluation Project: Outcome Analysis,
Orlando, Florida: University of Florida,
Department of Criminal Justice and Legal
Studies, April 1997.
7. Although inmates were not randomly
assigned to the three groups, they did not differ
significantly in race, classification level, age,
education, or number of bookings before
release. Groups 2 and 3, however, included
larger percentages of females than did group 1.
In addition, as the length of program participa-
tion increased, both the proportion of inmates
who had been convicted (as opposed to
awaiting trial) and the average number of days
in custody increased. As a result, differences in
gender, conviction status, or days in custody,
rather than programming or direct supervision,
may explain differences in recidivism. The
recidivism data would be more valid if further
analysis of the data could control for previous
criminal history and offense seriousness, either
of which may relate to length of jail stay and
later risk of recidivism (more serious offenders
get longer sentences and are more likely to be
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