KT A53Q 1881081001
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IftsssSI rraaaaaaa-.-- - II ..M.BMBMMM.WMMMMMMBWWMari-TIWMIIIIBWWMMIMMMiMlllliWMillllBI- (IhMc Siaiuafimt Az ; II ! , III UBII Ia w!SF-AJ- IIWIH' IIIWHIM W" "wrmraFW ""'" ....waaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan IW III 1 I 11WT. I f iW uflHMi IIMI II IIW oar yjB.q?XMXwf -- 7Nie9itMiutil'" A. As. Mill " !""""""., i W , Z" FTBUSHED BT GRIEVE, ROBERT Slormliair. WrirtT HOLLARS PER ANNUM XlTOT 11 FITE sierlr.T.OOt0.0. iBtMmtMT"ttpTpH. Faretsra rut --In dM aew Owes tr5crwiMSre-JIw"i,H- . OScc BsHiiins TOL. L XYII.-N- o. JS.i2tmj- Caiindty. WKti" t ass aa la,iaillj nwwillif ajXH r f r- - Tt-I.- 'ail Tbe were ts, tm.i ewe"' aa. hcetesata Wo " -- - WW are a-- !. ar Br. II nriri-f- -' i""gv TW, " - - a ilMiiiiwW. Iter aa ilk.n wn)sjei-'ajs"- bavaaar. sae aA - -- lnmrlMlBTl arm f" tarn r AS3 W.a-lh.Intal- r .r ic Unhuu rr Oisct asb Pxmx Hav-amu- c t Aisasjjc Bckr Im! Osr of KiHfcm. Bat,l--c- (mh I totfiW Ca. j T - I ess ow Jbwsak Ae c iRS.A-iI.lEEXLl- & j maiMAix It ol main' k wa we rmlr-- j lesraed 4fee : IIXTAKV, JX. . !-- I &' ivnoi f treatedsc. ' the IVlfaear, pp ei ses& iLlij. i se rt txjMticcs as. f bodcaSeSLksx ta ; aiiiiwni . aai tfceFadfaaftbuAtr vxsprab-- ; J Humttns At f Am in1.", crocf i iB-liS- . lcc hiA "STe tab Ae ooa thil Tut Aat mriii!li!iSin.tbl,-;aa!-. in rrt- Stare. c f IT i tragts for EaVar. It- - S Teck. SB HeaeteSc Eabatr. &lr . VSTLEIAM tScceertoP So. 92 ir TTKKTJ.r Diltea.) Sias Street. Jt at sr IRON WORKS CO. SXEAJT HG13KS. SCGAIl Mitts Bottir,CMiete.Irea.Ennad UadCuUati HONOLULU jrPS ': Machinery of Every Description paii ta Slip' BUekxltiis itcittd aa ta iattt aetlce. cSHtj tPOEK . Htrtrt G. Coa- - Gjurd lit- -. H. L co.. r o. xscLcic. r fct ad Cyer Ware. id Iii PlM.IsiU A5DDE1LEBIS FURSITUEE CF EVEnT DESCBIPTIOS, Ware-EoaeSo. Fort St. IVerk Sh op at tke m Ucd ca Hotel S'zrtt. Order frost tke oeker Ifiaadt rtosspUr atteaded to. StOlT J. f i IVlxxr Iaarw ueacnj rrcacr. ta Bar. Gnfc.xr-zracruia. a-- . i JOS. E. WISEMAN. Real Estate Broker fc EyrtploTraeat Bcreaa Beat Iwass. ttt. r tVpas tfoer. hi.j ia aa aac Kiisoaa- - EafhT- vres tawe IfUiij. H. LYNCH, Gent's Boots and Shoes Etiiem Xakt ; alo ca kiad. a Fine Stock of Home Hade Wear, all ef wkkh wii: be oM caeap for csk. AB order frea lie ccber Itlaad sresptf j attcsded to. cf tke C PIRE INSUEANCE COMPANY, TTRE tml Total... their SaW.UW 3;elchllllk,5aO,ao nCIITTKIZERLSCII" LLOTD RUCK VERSICHERUNGS GESELLSCHAFI Total. Capital ot the Company. franc 5,003,000 Insurance Notice. r.i)i:asu)xr.n au: I'ntiPAnr.n Tue write apoa crckaadtfe, per r5tla9 reeeela betweea aad Coat Ports. eoTertnc lot or H. W. SEVERANCE, Han allan Consul anil COMMISSION MERCHANT R Ei and Rice Mill, lad Tenth In the harbor, against los or damage bj fire, on the most f iroratle terms, H IIACKFKLIl A CO. Stl It Arat of tae FIrexien Ilraohila. Jan. 3X 1SSM. Offlcc Xo. SO California Famished at Iteaeunablo Notice, by the Employment Agency of Prescrving and BcaiiifjiD , a xntr Attn preiatatiot IKCOBPOEATED, 1S05 by all to ba the most perfect to. Jra ptoaoun ed valuable mttlqae In existence I'nllke other preparations. Ilia only hinalesj but fttrjrs a nitnral and hexlthi CASTLE & COOKE, ACENTS cot action of the skin, resnlUnfj la complete pmlty asu t I - clearness of complexion. For the Hawaiian lilndi. Rrionlsh Wostphallnn Ltoyd & CO., HOLLISTER and Apothecaries, Aachenand Leipzig Insurance Co., timlted. CLAIMS roiTrAnTICCLAIt bT Goods atritin; here, aad la the sootc Coiopaale. h?e to be aide with the cocalxaaee of aad certifled to br the anderttcned, 1. C. GLADK, Ant. la order to be valid. SK If GEltEAN LLOYD 'Marine insurance Company of Berlin. Xanana Street Jlonolala. SS JUST RECEIVED nr CONCHEE&AHUNG AB0"E KIXO, FOKT STREET, New Goods of Various (ESTABLISHED, AnotE IrcnAtE cojjrAtiES established a General Acency here, aad the nadersised. Central AsesU. are isthorixed to take JUaks aaalnst the Dancers or the Seas at the ZXost Reasonable Rales, stndon the 2Iost FaTOrabte Terms. SlSly F.ASCnAEFERACOGenenlAsenU. 802. J C0RSER OF mission, and Fremont Stc, Saa rrandsco. CALIFORNIA. RICE JIILE, sRsr IS years ISDIA TI1E practical experence aad Improvement, 1. nowr the nearest to perfection ot any of the ElceilUlscf the world. In thoronfhtiess of - Cleansing- Polishing and yield It stand, nnrlvalled; and able llice from Faddy, of cleaned merchant' In Irodncea irom a to 8 per cent. Bora Descriptions Chinss3 and Japanese Ware ! ALSO, L.VTEST STTLE OF THE ISDIA IlICE MILL IS SOW IS PEEFECT ItniSlSU 011DER FOR THE lulling and Dressing of Paddy ASD IN JEWELRY! INCLUDING SOUS General InsufanceCompany of Berlin. 1 la INDIA RICE MILL, EUROPEAN NOVELTIES POUTUNA The Dra;lsti fitly Crosett&Co,, Salter St., San Francisco, California. IA7" Special pala. to select soluble person, to fill SWBai orders. S3S THE Complexion and Teeth. TAXavrdLxio. or AACIIEX. SPECIALNOTICE. -- FOR- OF M. GIADBACII. RhenUh Prussia. ly CONTRACTOR'S Painters, Snineers, Cooks, Baker i and Others ta INSURANCE COMPANY, Franelsce. SUCII AS Faad la araace Coopanr. UfilON INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAX PRAXCISCU. St, San Constsnmenti ftoto th. nawallan tslaads desired. Tha Best Ptkei Wirr,tntd, and Sale Guarantee. A Co. two IT FBANK II. AUSTIN & CO., Commission Merchants and Tor warding Agents. Carpenters, Blacksmiths, tanacx. If aaio&aUn; to 10 per rest, or more, oa tie, ?ecad nlse of the nhotejhljmtnt it port of deliver-apoa farorable terms. msnop SltCalltarnli St., Sn FrinclKo, ClL, Knom.o.". 1 51 th- Kbl MERCHANTS, A Cooke, and 3. T. Witethtase. irfT-Cn- tle 8S lye IBl.OJLWM OP WINTERTHUli. ofirs. Chamber Htrvet, Xew Tork. 119 .Rttchimatfc lvr,KU,C0) or iTAimcrttJ. CpIUIoftleConiMnjJbReerTe..ReItliiTOatk8J3eivtX) ' bisl.U,tt!M:teatp-areitamre- COMMISSION 6,0X1.01X1 NORTH CERMAN INSURANCE COMPANY, m Tr"r?,ri w utw (e WII1IAM3, LIMOHD & CO., Slxtpptns and Comalssroa McKhaHts M9 CallfMBU Street, gin rrattwo.lr K W. H. OROSSMAN & ISO., COIVIPANY, itAjiiit-Ro- . J A He f i:.DEnSI(lXED,OK.j:KALAnE.VrS above three coaipaale for the Hawaiian WEKcitAsnrsc rtrtsi. THE the are orrpared to lnare Bnlldlac, Farnltore, Xicblaerf Iatared ajraiatt Fire on tae Islaada, Ierthi&d!se and Prodece, JltchlnrtT, Ac, alto Sugar SMlT Ftirkare J Kauu HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- el C K. Ye"IL.a.IA3IJ. XF0SIE3. 14niTACTrjRSB, CTH0LSTEBE8 J or E.'V nnnr, vxntiisiusr.n having rtrxx ap. potated Axeota f tae abore Coatpaar. are pre Tia.SJiee1 7Maec asd Oru: Amu Jer P Leeilbrd A C&. Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, Vr. s. Kiakatl JtCo Taatrr Fa& G4Ta Co" OH. A Lj Ceteented fix? Tvnmos Jcfcf. KIXG STIJXET. Baataarrr" Boseo- Croi PerraatHT. Lidia. K Hat IttttacSreetft.Ae. e. Ju: receim. per list ttraarr. I, tie a!crttct of raem-HaB- HK3I IC FIRE INSURANCE Capital ot the Comroti PISE INSUBANCE COMPANY. TIRE Haaolnln. SaMle aad Haraew IZater xsd Ioporter of Leatacr acd Sadden' Exrdnare AU work dooe la tar direct aaperrltioa. aad etiMisaaeatIcseraT y wlU to pteaae sjt caitociere. esdTon Cg liiTT aae a calL SKELIiE. A: CO., TIKSHITHS AHD PLUiTBESS, It So. 3 Xanana Street, IKPaSTESS ASS ITSCIXSAir 2EAXX5S Ia TaU.td CWlif. Bl!s Cip-- . Boob. aa mrt nriftT of (SfliUnara'f 5csnor FarcEfkU Haao- is XiiTrV Bkci. (Jmt StietSVStS GV. ML1L1. HOIXXSTER & assrsrasrxsi lU.mtllRG II-- M nosi laroraaie irrmi. A. JAE(lUt,.Vseat for tae Hawaiian Itlaada, attesgeiito. EeepeesisUToacasdatsllijfntaestef n. s. ui7tifArM,Jt i.i.m: jt co.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' cask KseA& tbe lid i tin u FhT-o- viiirir. CARTER. S. XAri. CScr as P Ef bsx G003S AST GXXESA1 ICESCEASDIsr. . e asd Ageatto taie Aclavtrledsaeats to ifarti Far FOR THE HUITISIl tartnc lannact CosinaaT UatUeill bae iBttrseticctt to Itrdnec the Itntra ot betwrea Hoaotala inJ tVrtt in Ihe rtdlc. and U sot freparrd to Toticlet it Ula lovctt rates, with a xciil redacUca on frrleht per rtraarr. TnEO. ll. DAV1KS, SM ty Ageat Brit. For. Mar. In. Co.. United lj- MoreJ All orJtrt St5 - Denier 2S. i co.. u. r. KUL.r.u lOwr XeJ'.i a;-JO- B 5taticsrcrj-- Futat XSrtr. iOn.1T THK rceeired TRAMS-ATLANT- IDr KtlptlontnaTt naJ. OF HAiiBURO. Job Printer, Practical ICO. 10 EORT STREET, ?rtie-isrxt:e.- W. G1KTIX. J. HrrAamt W Gttttrsi Harfmarr. Gwi. Oiwiriw. rrrfaSMrr. SM ATTOZSXT ATD COUSJXLLOS AT LAV. SCTAKT A Arest fcc uiiar Acta M;Hatf of IamesU lar ta Ilird of Uzka. fcg Xa. Kaafeaaaa. St BraataH. K. L tr ! in lmrmc jwt4t wm. ix Itr D.!. D- - i cn frsa Pr. ilr?crii'3- llrrrkixt St Ctsatisritm CIICIL. XIROIVA. W 1M.IH riarvctrf a aunaissnsic 44 No. LA"B-ST- tlr aei S. ItrtiJSKJ e Test Strsct, i4ffei.-mCaateoeicai sirisp. asd. OSce te BrrerV,B. oxxs Batef at Satraace. ati ?trwt- yBXjr . uiaJit 'Mib riert jsesfcv- rJadftechibaTpbMiU t. Mrtf. KICI1AUO K. BK'KEKTOS. COTTXSELOa AT Uitsit tt TC3 of Cm ec tke Ihrca asd Cloai iXaZxr, M4 Feet rew. HhJcH L asa ijBOLLKS .V CO.. J. Jl. tetr I ty Jzizt Kt i js Scfcer tii Si!p CltiiitttriCtjiieJirtiirti. tna ti Irxcisa ef ecal Inocwrj xsIVanisiGniRx: Xcnttla&K. st vececac tore s ncsiaaic IT MMlCix.ILI. J task.'vthsk tpK ta-tfa- 21 Qvece treC SMttscfc CEcr at IV. acd Kttn ke M Krarr Career . uesc aesrf i u u A- - Ji ;w4r IT I CROCER AND PROVISIOK DEALER. Fxauj Itfvxrrr i&t Ttri SMrc. n (auttbec. ttrnctui is aaev a tb natrt asatysis hsTe xtiiii Saoeta?. Cnrrlasv Work. XMattItba 2ZRtilnerxt SitgpcgKUg S&ttJ. Mit CatlA CooiuV. H. H. MOORE, FCrrlj la lieerJcj at CaUe CooktJ SB OXG. DR. EMERSOX. Claim satr Insurance Notice. "J llr Of Litem UeTitsaxifSt x Mker iimtt ft latwr. S Kiar tarct. tk--w tkr SoJxs Hia-- . rt ca :w saee ii Mrrru Tt rrpilrrtl COLEHAX BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST OSt K.Cl.HU. A. hu aeC ?es.&tniaaur, ta m Jt IXE OKSTS C, Antiorixed Gom'iTafgtShlpritTis Aestx 1 II. IIACliKJtllL.D Jk. CO.. GXXEEAL C0XX1SSI0K AEE5TS. fC tw ggr. BwMb H L btorcpx: Mboak. fcmhjita HOXG QCOS I jtag eaaacitimocs lxbor la Suiwuu i It Acent at Vies as Boanl of Cndcrnrlttrs. ilnit latansce Corapanlca wltala the111 n ot the abott Boards of Vnderorltrti tut to Nj ctrUlrd to by the abot Aceal to make theia ralld. Stllr of UmlcnrrHers. IUnJ, be the ltairallan C BREWER A CO. r ftJffflB AaKXTofrtrmcnn'orAlorUmlfrwrlttri A CO. Candy Manufactory and Bakory xo uuare rtca aaiaft are oa Atone ana uncK ttored theteta. on IlalldlnEm.aadoaUerTl.nrtlte 35. EE03SJW, the aoet tiTOraole tcma. For nartlcalar anplr at Pnttietl CeifrtUcatr. Puax Csek ii Eiitr, ogee SM It of A.SCIUEFKAC0. F Tl U(;ntl.tITHll XantjrofL 3 It Hi zad Tort. SU BcmMl H. I. i .- SOSn, No Ooja.ornJL3LTcircii.jn.ciioc. I a. KHH . wi fniinnm a JV tlw $tu S. CIXGIIOBA Jt Co.. JL. of thrsecaoi W aVVMV SsetB Slrm. Bccux)c j P3 rti al wntte tttat. I!twrkxu&lpinrutrrl. OS30 It rcsttxt - SS Ecs. m i V Xcdo: Si r. f rrt St. S4tr F. T. XXXXHAX & CO, Importer mttl CosoBlssies ZTercTiBTtn, THE rOLYNBSLUt BAGE. Mitaamp AlaAra Strrrt. Strtrt SJ Ose Ooor Hctd tf all drtr1ptlot dale C. BRKWKR I Attomoy and Counsellor at Lavr. f?pcctllat3t3raTSt.5iT skstHU9 J loiO dxrTxrixf xxc ri. amm iffoUisjae M Bell J Imlc Ccgnirrinrcr cf Ieds Xotjj- FnUIc sad -: Cb!-tiTCrw JOEX KUSSHLI- - TWZ33M&S Sack. Ccz.ts vziz a. SOXSAKKAT, JA31ES v co.. iioi't"cinLi:Gi;K COEEtSnOS SSSCSiSTS IXP02EE2S e:x. lw.rairfaK c r A ftr Philadelphia Doard w. UaaMrat .tH l. J Tkrtftrt.iMtHlwtMt.M r t Xatttra Aat1e Jttitl. . then. lenlttaneM 865. jfnxttranp e?io?rrjf. F. A. SGXIAKFKR, Jotitcs. lne PIOXEER. STEAM AXP erase. tnql!.ln. iMKMtwllfctU "BB1 Attir5-lficti- M- unly X G& CIIAS. T. titXICU, te Lii-rAptr: ta Uz S J. II. WICKK. la IVUlrT1a3 rr PIrTrry aalKbtcrc ter t1ss atw Oxic sd S)l KJJ GENERAL BUSINESS ACCHT. OSce te XaVt EJed. ccs jar xa Knkiassc r 'mHi'wm MbuvHlln(t(.1L bT arJL. TCBivss o. . ixnancs, 31. d.. STECXnX ASB SOSSCJiTHIC TET5IOZX. Port ol Hmusl4 S- aaTsLWTaeasfleanse'aT IK CHR. OEKTZ, Imperter and Tnler ia Geats XjuUcs nad Children" Soots. Shoes. madSUpporx. WHOLE No. 1881. Ilosloa Board of Underwriters. OKXTS for the Hawaiian lalamla. It etiSovis. Sior tml JtxKiTcrlTni Lxiitt Xnittnntttsttfg Boot. rr. i.iJ3i,JtoValT:or.X. TWS 3sa:o:rolxjo."t Tailor. X!. O Tart St. hefair Pr. SaatrnwaUI. MT TTuiTt BR.E.H.THACHXR. SostixC XlH Kuatisaaa rtree" F. A. SCUAKFBB it CO.. Importers & Commission Merchants '55,"',B'"kl,s; u.i OSfc CROWE, WJJ. JOUASOX. S5 a ewsarr. llittllll' twMMift'MO"'' Hitl, (tut Cit Lc-rbt- f --C- COOK TTEBB. St 3X. KOMEOPATHIST, SUIT KfemptOfe EL 10. tnsur.vtce . Houss and SIga PalstervPpcr Haostr !to g Klc Strrt. naaoUla. S3 ty S N T XTU1TT CCX.U SU KD. and to atraxt yr Unim iuwwu. w ?vs yqryi. n-- targprcl MEf mac xm m Sir CCTC eeeeee. DR. BRODXE. XaajTlo1 He-- SH YTCL.OEII Jc CO., ; Tort 14 Cn SIK3. Eaulv r, Film, Oil, Atils, SU: lii .EtiUisr fatly XatsriaUaf eTarr triad. XXKU. H. A"rSTJUV. das.!. wu esaetSeiL IMJMVBUItOTI, awWomaAr . IK taw r NM ranter? Fen aad XrrTAact Streets. EB"WAILD FRTJSTOX. CoxtzesIlsr at Xa wr, Attorswy wt, Fert Street. HeareetJt. SU ly sassffir, 5T m LTv ee essyaeee . OSce at tie B.. l '"'- -. aw--- taMn . uwiscaaTaw. -- S.B.DOIX. Ceaaaellar at lav and Xotarv- - PataUe. JgltrhsKiait gards. srds. ?Biisr.S5 AUGUST akett dbi N. with III HONOLULU, WEDjSSDAY, 32.1 bsms gjsrds. (KapaMqcs. rrriM'r . ixda Um ratea. hk an ft t 0wt"crt rata rf M tijir. aJitlot, Tl All fMita WwHmwiIi fe fe FIXE SETS OF TIGER CLAWS Silk Handkerchiefs (hemstitched). UNCLEANED RICE From the Hawaiian Islands, to which It adapted. Japanese Lacquered Ware spetUlly of Paddy and EuUed Hie Consignments AH color and qualities. A FISE ASS0RTJIEXT OP ) Will receive prompt and cirefal attention. Wit. JL OREESW0OD. General Commission Merchant and Proprietor of India Rice Mill. SO am ZZ Also, 'o. 1 Rice For Sale. I . .EJ Estate is at. tss Disa. stt ly likmis," p. 125 (4s. DR. J. C0LL1S BROWNE'S TTvolFalf sad SetxH Dealer ; teaseiaf sr Se& KORTH BRITISH AHD HERCAHIILE s Xbob ttet f (ku rras3Ets: 1U GesersI HertiirClSe Betoaa4Ac(MSlvc.aadtntnoBawtrxiDBC JEL Xa X ITHST 33 INSURANCE CO., ST oc"c- "- - PgFni tat ka - test to tt carter CUM GedK at tkFrew5?act. xt so rt 13 IS THE 0BI0IHALASD OSLT OESTHHE. OF LOXOOV ASD EDIXBCUOn. aad Havana sssr5- " te teE afeMt SUC6 e laSe. ArfK . s- - saxrws G. W. JIACFABLASKiCO., FkcesBOBtnas I. admitted by the profession to be CEO. S. HARRIS, ai . w. xxrx. niLonODTSE the ESTABLISHED 1S3. rjIPOSTEKS ASD COKJEI'SIOS SESCHA5TS, most wosderfnl and valuable fe a leaium to 4oK that K vis bj r V. TT. SOBTOS Jfc CO'S remedy ever discovered. GENERAL SHIP AND BUGXSMITH. CAPITAL e JSl.03T4!tS BettBa-- .Bakeuea" Is the best remedy known for rat xeexaawaties tbeRarfseaici Store. Urr-r- Eaack PSaatuive- Ueai-- o e Vs" ro- - ;- - Seres, CIlLonoDTSE L H. Bcsalalc. Coach, Consumption, Bronchitis, DIP, TJKIIKIK. RQCSC AM) HEAVY Aceananlatcd and Invested Food. 3,S3S,118 saear easeet Uc aat y- t ACIXT! to Asthma. Wages Cati. Hosldiss HHuv Ftania? Eslrtf . HEESAP-poiale- d GUi-e- w aaraatagetc; rwa-u- rt aad Beaolala Liaeof PKleU. cSectaally checks and arrests taoso CIILOnODYXE 'Tie Oooseaecks, aad rrsafsed. Ax AavII Ascaecs Crank K G. UIXCAICOCIC aad Leadee Fltitt!. too often fatal dlseiies. Dlphthe- 1IASCFACTCBES Atrats for the Sandwich Isliads. and ate Jote Eay Ca" tirt-iw- ai Axle rude for tie trade ctt ttxsoaible ii--i Wa-taaar diru'.abe 7dBrass of ibawtes T apoa against favorable terms. Fire aathonzed to lasare Tae Wiaae Pttag Fever, Croup. Agne. Arr02-TSAT IAT5". HHjO, eavail tera. -. "The BUa aay oa Stoae part and Islaad Ftaataa.of the Risks taken la act like a charai In Dlanhsa, and CUIAinODTSE weasattaaie .aaudUe far tea royaes tiaa BUSt eSS lr and merchandise stored therein, la the only specific In Cholera aad BataM-. PJmtatio. EiJa. ar Heavy Wagons for Traction Engines "T.iojca Building OF XnrieeVwaiacrr. Hoes aad Fercitarr. Tlber, Coal. Ship Mrne tin Ifan cf Coot 'Wrei-.itseid Tai! A Tuo. Sa-Dysentery. AU tT.KAWAnan. j. Saey Baark Cosaaaar. ASD Tae la harbor with or wttaoit carroes. or ander repair S CIILOBODTSE erfectnally cats short illlttack of aW leaUarr (peak afTvsaiekrssdeef aV A r.VrYl!rIaa-:--Ci- 5 J ED HOPPgCnLAEGERA CO. Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation, ' A " asly ;. tcvetBCE. --atcaea aaa praac kk c- Coatracta and, Spasms. WELL ARTESIAN TOOLS ASD CHLOnoDTSIS IstarionlypalliaUvelnSeeraia, FIREJIAX'S FUXD of K ja. Ofire ever &e Fwt 03k. TTUi all tieirRiaar, i Spcciilty. XaWwahataa axb Tor ttt tt Rheumatism, Ooot, Cancer, Tooli- aT g Am) . siaiiqxes, srvrs AGEST. 35a5 reood e taTxl r fcraaararaiKsedw-Tage- ." achr. Meningitis, Ac. AB Orden Promptly Attexdol to, and Work INSURANCE AT THE LOWEST PRICES! COMPANY, n.- n i . 1, rjttltrrew. M. D.. formerly Lectarer i a m PAPE2 2123, r m From Vesaltni V. sat ae aisee axoca -- tro GmarwUiai. St. Georre's IIospluL London: "1 have no hesitaaear BcteL Eeso ' OF SAS FR AT. CISCO. it to Con- - Xtrdiit Si sear Fort, aad TonH. St. V i L W lie 1tjiti' I7,c ft Aceattotaie tion in stiting that! have never met with any medicine I. Mx. uakx. in tie tear ef Kr Geo. tracts fcrLaior aad sedative. I 7MTaxtXLOt loellricioas fiQ. u in 93a Lsca Havaaaa --aetrtwra cf tbe FUair; St Akaaaacasd Bawaitas tke Ala.FaWfcer Aasil havensrd It in Consumption, Asthma, Diarrhai, and IstkeKfteartofKoavlfiaaidnf Oakcar tie OSeeo Cash Capital. Gold. &300.000. creeps tae asd Bavaaaa Krettar- - asCCaksdtr. At. t rfca aaastae perfectly satisfied with th diseases, ether and llumeata Water 'Work, rots of xaasx MWS. aa dwell-Inr Speelalitya D:tuhed Starr Tae Feet rrt Sure iH Rli.s ! Dtvelllns' Tie ALTVATS OS IIASD. ASD tMBMH a at a the etesecc tee and coateat lasnred . for a period of tarree years, Earl Itnsselt communicated to th. Colleee of -fT'-g-!-C- jf ' UBOaerr. B4iii BokEr&. Ara8" ((erut. for two preaiasu in j3ICi?3I-301X tef &xdutmA-- 3Ir. Fn.-Af- T that he had received a dltpitch from Her Msjis-ty'- a ! Sew FILLED ally NOTICE well selected risks, Btaessciait--I-aacraaAT aae on car ORDERS SHORTEST f By lues writcis; WW. Consnl at Manila to the eifect thatchbleia hi been taail PEOPSIETOE. aad DODD. tnradaJAJ1CS teat BUmtBV I -- 3t dlitrfbeted, afers It rsrln;r fearf ally, and that the only rtmtiSv et lay Ms rr,ttr- - er FEir zia EimiSTrrn. ESifiasL "Ke oaaaee fceip aiaa'tae -- ec? vice was Chlobodtxc." See Zatutt, 1st Dee. lhN. x. r. xvai3or. Ko. 71 ort St, atMTe Hotel St,, . c. alixx. THE FUBHITTJEE IS aaad. J.KCOSD TO XOIE a IXDEJIS1TJ Alea. lad triEts o.!ailT Laors CAUTIOS. Bawaax or Piaacr iro larravros. taortedje BaasiSraBX&-r)aB- t. the of shwr 7eA Ure-- y StaVee tauf w Ue Betti If A: EOBWSOS. AIXET public are farther cautioned: aforzeryor The -Adjusted. Promptly -Losses ALWAYS ON KEEPS HAND 1 Tt oary ATT ata- aiai-- f oeteffiXrttcaaeaeatEiTaniZf: stamp having come to the knowledra of the VCaarf. 3VXn.io TiTrtriTi SosiaMe'e At JOULt XI. PAT1. Board of Inland Revenae. eeanareC tajaade are ia a re-- . CO., A BISHOP afl ef IXiZtn -- ?W lid J. ASD OF THE iid 2EE35 COX2ISSI0SES CACTlOX. Sir Fi-- e IVond Uted jmi AXT TZSHC d lid 501 S3! . .. Hawaiian the Agent for Island. ly r t aae liar at a rrr tVriaU. Ftizti, CO, 5a!i, At, Ac At, that Dn. J. Coxxr Bauwwa war ondonbtediy th. to aai Xew Test OSmiS Fee fce Sate af aazx-- 5 cr fcseaszxs renter of Chlobodtxx , that the story of the defendant o IT OcDirfec-ticDAAOArsT- " lfceBiakedBtefcepA.o-Bao- -. 1 TjjujLorsr on true, which, he nrretted ta My had BEST SEASONED STUFF, was deliberately ttaelaad. HALSA5ALA. yaaat.a. tasdedec Pattpaa.' been wnrn to. See Time July 10. 1S6L tnicrte crr for sale to tie trade, cr at reuU, aoaai-ae- d ffATOiuor.ic. Fire and Marine insurance Company SCLAXASr. Sold In bottles at Is md..2 W ,ss 6d and lis. each. -ASDrXPOSTES A53 DEALES 15 GESESAl STSACLTOSt Sone Is -- ennlne wltbont the word - DR. J C0LL13 AT REDUCED OF SE1V ZEALASD. l Overnbclmla-medlci- fiOwl bs I Pic ns; HAWAIIAN O Furniture iHanofactorT O O ' Fire-Fre- n..------ ijdr-tjeic- J. H. BRUSySw JR., i oa EK ooO-O- ed Dw-Iil- toa -i- xuos. Tnitt'n, isc DL-ti- B0OI-2nniE- FilTM, S , t"-Tfr-- i-t aU Ackso-rleCsiae- Piro and CONFCTI011iR n adra-sre- er fstiid. i tt ., Xiir by iii- aa of the aat Had. aaa at kaa. theaatt at 202XHA52IEE. ctT-ia a--a Si IVaai TateaaoaraTtiaaai uniua; aa aae aaaia. n n ( ia Taiai-i- rt es 5s s . L laovidiw tbe is!a-ii- ef wise Pa-t- 5c j Qeees Scret. BoatfaOa. XV2T tr B-- JKO, HASSrSGEK. Ajrest to fciio AaursrledE-a- e: tx to tracts xoar f.incr. Iateriecat)f. Bee ad- -af rixsy. TOE BEST CB.ISDS OF CHOICE CIGABS CTI-tY- Cos- - Ir Besat-- a. a.x,ca5Tx. LEAEL iy Hawanas IilazV. CASXL.E - II. B.MCISTVKE4BEOTUKB. BAKERY A: ! (es-aar- To be lad .a the axrket. WITEB & C0RDIIL3 TnnK.-s- a EOT ICECREAM. SODi STCX-- ! Asn - sasta THE tbt .a,jnnrei. COOIiE. SZTPPEiG- AJTO COnasSIOS 2ESCEA5TS i GBOCEST. ?2D STORE and -. I niti I f2POEISaS AXB Ses --rot ta Etiali ta Zkx. Cerxer Bfer aa Fort Street. EesalcMerchandise, General in Dealers ,SM IT She ia 4fhV 'Essie tas aed cc KaTa-- j Sa S Else frtreet, Becilt H. L -O the eJaitf wia vrat ta Taia-- i. Toiafc z tbe E. O. HALL A: SOX. AGEXTS FOB to ncFOarrss avd eeaixes r haes aee aasa faa. aad a ac Eaeci i Tie T"bbx Isearasee roaataxr of Saa Tostifco. Tags. psfisasea. adrx-jc- the iaatsie: reiataass f tie StMstmr. Pedrrjesjja aadef tatesea j adnat heM rejrti . --she ea-- ae arateBta.i3e rsGcse ca99F.dj-- Xeniaadbe. CesaptST, Beetec For; aad Bag Stf. TS Xew araad life lafsraace TJw Otecos, Packet LSae, JTfce Kobali Plaatxtioe. a . ra Br. Jarxe Sea" C3eext-TBafts PUaUtua. Ttuiete Pbatxtiec. edXsaenH. S; CO.. r Wiatas'i SewtacBasakxa FUstatae. trii-erwiilr Xacscxe. -.r C- tJati t rim. BREWER C. SO rtrwf aas by tasVatatc. fraet KtMVi a&ecs mi Gewra; O-- J SHIFPIRGS C0MS1SSI0F, n. my. Sari a t-- sa Err Gcd5. Pais!. jj jj - ta the i xw- -x tte Hswasix i 5crtl-I- s. ixwxaa. Ex-raj- lar ec. be if exrmtatee EapRi reair. sjvals ef waste 1acscxaes who ia te tas af Bassafcsz. tse keiri ?0xxc ejw. wiase Tteat3Ief mat acarsreasaeto 4 ' she fctsaje aia wi TbIiiW a T Henajatr. i the Oahc aad Eaes cha tn fhaa eaav lest fhvwas. naaed tie Sa 5e Basated. C amaaVtc fa. 3a& T7 ItS S-- J: TaK. c&f 1 TUOJIAS I isi--S. J - n Ssx Ar:iiK:c3 igerU Sraahtr, g-A- - Tar. PETBCE L ygTP CSAXDLESS axa. I asterse'sse n Ir . S3 5a 1 t atxadtlS rS - Laace. Per7BtT BiirttTritiJEj, etc. Also, ca kasd ard for tale cirap, a7ettXicka:eTwist.-s&it Jfal iM On AT7i it The TIensce Sewisr Xxckice. frcai S3 to $30. Wk&e Sewtss Xacalse fnaa 6 to $TS. Sewisx "aaciise. froca IS to JK. HeaeSkzule rjg- lxeJn'J-'-all extra. 51 ly .rc-.- er IT .OIL BJ ACfCI Attorneys .ata ss: rseaeIjf 3aa.latpesgrEtaadiT"ir"v-itat jjiaua.aJtiea aad GROCERS, . CxBferab Street, G. 1 , asataCttanerft2arXiTecxsaedcs Aateefeasef tbeEanstiafl- - ' la' iiriMi1i i "i rlicurni'cf J2s, aacse abeS, w&iea, afire cerrias i eg Bwassascc tbsj-.acni ass a!i , aatefcEm: Siea-xrtr-2- 1 Safe, sss d r Ti ii as tec i trerr. if frtj - Eifc. Vt set E Exai,ni".: Htjti &e i :n eaJ-- r, sad ae are baa oC greats asaca aT ": esBayaocrT&i. , eaTshss. .Tae Soataa)agciaagstaBaxlaora-Eo-T2f- f aBaafcf CattvefteasaedaaiJe. Tbe aaiSs of (Larx nrpCZTES axaax. Czxee A CoJ lines. WiiilALli fiEOHESiaoa, tSuiaaMJcttoa.Jt.TttJaa.-cTw - C . isspernas aa. ''skaT- -. a, tfcattiiiad.Trraiiiiiiiiiwriitf'raagjdtarEja3a3ta-"amk"Eaara atatCsa'araalaesaC at estrt.sad l- SfTWjacx ssas!(ataaeaa&xasLaeazraarasaT: atga CO.. On favorable turns. JT. S. WALEEE. Arret for the Hawaiian Island. 83 Jr a T a -- aaH Dcalcrf Xn LIVERPOOL and AxdsataT-wTiirr'tTxEa- - and LONDON Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors GLOBE INSURANCE CO. IS Turning, ABKXCV Uaaolaia. for the Hawaiian IsUad. aad are prepared to write risk aiast tie Lelea, Iljc; Street, Haaalala Orders lertu le.Xaai:zadGeatTaicwwaxu. BeaVs A Co.ldcex stress. wiSzseccwztA rraarsas SALAMANDER SADBLE LEATHER C,Teriiga&iIefs,SfeaH ETC ETC Tanned Gcat and Sheep Skirts Saves 25 per Cent, : sa. Uy PASILY KARSET. JaacUoa Betel autd CaJen Streela. JSf Catzs3taatrxcaFzxeBrd. CJAJUbi. TWATtK OltVEN J. KOET, PnrfTietcr. C Vjlr eatfWirfrfaweVs-tti- lice Beef tatt Fccry tSrrraftrri, aad cerastes toChxrii "S Girvetc crier. Tr, . Pipes " D. C. Hew Murray," 27 l sJwtt-tnaxa- f EOLLES&Oa XAT! OATS! Jfc ExMc ,Ia. JcrKleby ateaCSVEXT Eomstco. 3Ea.E- - -- t Syrspf al Ttr-ir(r;-i1 Trr. si, j j on ttud 23. 1m Pst bj fa A. So. t Eeined Ssctn, tidily recontmeaded for Sea TSytjej. ASD Made Wedding Istztt ca tie sst fxrmils Temt. tore Plan Exaaple ofSan-Forf- y LIFE FLAS: 1 2A Arsxal prestlsa eootSaae Policy ( years 27" days punlrnt csstaxe FsSeyr Syear days 5 prmlrrta eosttniieFoBcy V yeats y day Sods, aad of aD are. FOB 8AL1T. boxed aad dellrered t Gjtxnxc or ttiooser, AT JfODEKATZ PRICES. TrI f4B,00O - weaaasaa avaaaetasx as aeaes wttai SS3 CASTLE ft COOKE, It VOtC. Taeat SAWAIIAJt AJ.EMTS laLA-TAS- 1 a. ly Style of Art. !Be37lsjaalare 3P1 FoHcy I ycjri Sdrp vrr!i3 corrlast presissas costlsse PoBcy years S days rfisawotac. : 13,0OO,OOO!raaaea Paid tisratzxrle IToirolnlB AajeaeXi Cakes Ornamented Bith fresh hoae glide Chocolate Cream, Cocoanat and Cream Candid. So. 71 Hotel Street bet. qrSanaa a sad Fort f ly-- FcliriM TEABS-OEDISA- ET German Pastries to Order it short Sotlee' la tbe highest Co.in Atrn-T- roBsitEBr laiyLIsa. Cook & Anierifan, ?reuc!i, English the United Bale. S Aaacal iLTS OB risks taken. ISCOHPOEATED, 1835. Ihs Oldest Purely J&dital life Insurance ISSCEED AGE.3; ORN, Pastry Pioneer Steam Candy, Factory New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. Or0T03r,XAA 1 Arsaal BT OF. 3BC Praticai Confectioner How is a Good Time to Insure M3fc3 THE fan MASUTACTCEED OP Lessa aad Frst-ci- tt ECO EEPHJED A. HO. 1 SUGAR Assets-a8SO)-S90,000- ,000 Soce bit solicited. 3 H?THEW0BLD! FOE Saly tesegc. 'AI '" BELTING au huds or Order front the other Islaad av Hoaolala. May S.1CT. BISHOP or SEtr ONIMOV.S TIO I ORDERS PROMPTLY A TTE2WED TO And Work Unaranieext. and payable here.A CO. ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. BUILIJEBS IS Scroll and Band Sawing FIBE 0XBUILDISG5, JIERCBASISE A5D Planing and Sawing, Morticing and Tenanting. DTTELLI5GS & CO WILDER Asnls lor the Hasvallan lalaitda, V7.H. TATX0B, And all kinds of Woodwork. Finish. $536,740,105,70 ESTAnLISHEn AS Soxourur. X-- Corner Beale and Howard SAS FBASCISCO. Miaafictnres all kind of BOLLES & Co., Agents, Vk I BUILDER & Esplanade, Honolulu, II. I. TonB. Largest, Safest and Most V b ly a; SEE.-t- GEO. LUCAS, tie cost adjnsted N protnntlr Setia - xttrna ajcaaezv. of Fuel. ASD TO B SALE Bidders aad Paper Sclera. saea COSSTAATLTO.VriASD BEDUCED PBICE TO AaXercfcaxtS;;eee.Baaetlx.H.I- BBL. $7.50 Proper. Taanery, 3. P Pxrter. HO Taaaery-- , F. S- - Xgrsaaua. Ppo rrietor. -- b, THEO.H.DAVIES. els OtO.. ACLD5E02SCO-Arrr- t. SSF B ASKEH.S, HETBOPOUTA.I IIAIlIiET. a etoxoi-xru- r. CUIFOBtfU POTATOES AMD OSIOHS axtrAitAs isxaxxxs OZltf 3HCBASGI OS C. WALLER, Proprietor. TS CASES ASD BAGS. 5JLI FZJLaXSS IE LUX K UUFZSU, : r : : Klae; S'reet, BoboIbIsu Cropc gz fgnITT"-- faru. XsttkAaad. aaIaeaSfefstateiaefesaesticsiL Azr rasaaz tirT Tiasnr; iritrfirB tsrrrnr. fSr t mSSEJT UB.CSSP3SKES. ::-.- : XaaL Xsss.cC tlatbeasaafa. satser of tie Xsi of as ear taagtt & ! ALL KINDS OF SOAPS, SOLE g"CALLA.XU Coasters, by Special Permission! Honolulu Steam Planing. Mills, Mutual Life Insurance Co. C AFOSG. CO., fjSS&r LXii 22. CCXEISSaCS A2T3 & Coffins Always on Hand. tH Treasure On favorable term. DetaritddrelliirsxadeoatesuIaTareil for a period of three yean, far two preaissi la adrascs. Loiaea XZ0L0A, EACAL HAWAHAIf SOAP WORKS GREY Esxeta Cit"-tr.t- S. PINKHAM RaB?aBa Cpholsterlnsr Done to Order. xndnpoa DwelHnB-RIshsaSpeelallt- r BT BROWSE" on the Government Sump. testimony accompanies each bo'tle. Sole ilinnUcturer, J. T. DAVESPORT. SS Great Basse!! St Bloomsbary London. Atrents In Sew York, W IL SicnixrraTta A Caw and J. V. Wzua. Sll fen Proa Honotala to all parti of tie world, '7.5-- PLA5TATIQE" fVt Xja"ccr. EATJPASTJEA JSVraad far sale ta CCCJJt SOW COHI5C ,u THEO. IL DAT1ES. I "' CSDEOSIGSEDareACTnOUIZED THE irssre Assets, 3IAaJFACXaiIEl I gomtsiic grcdare. SMIy SATISFACTION TO HIS CUSTOMERS. CONTRACTOR OF THE (xraj; !sj rra5-- t E3se irrirr cf t3i XSa 1SZ5TKX aasaasrj pcrid. Ja2fe Eecasadcr sett ec&-- ! s tae IiTerjBoJ rxdenrraer. L9rrf aa aaass aje kasarj- of eaefc atiasd ejoater lastraace Ceasaxr. 1 Faceira 2ia EdftA T AadSoraera Ixoig Caayaar- a vetsi ef tsaaeHftr wiaci: fsSsard. Tie' xtaacsic.tztsistTe&sSiiizsiz. x.x. -Kxzzrrr. ajttiec'S-w.aKitK3- a ASasr OF WISTERTIICIl. "7 S3 Iy exxxatie tares TO CITE Swiss Lloyd Harine InsnranccCo. ! ct P.t-,"7,'"-",7- -t"'' j.c lersis. Jtarlne Jtlshs oa cirso, frtl;h, bottoary. profiu tad ceaairsiocs. Losses promptly adjosled and payable here. J. S. TVAI.KER. Stt ly CASTLE A HATCH, ' fi NC., ;vvt toiianaislrfjptix Pats Eate, are piepxreJ to accept risk attest fire In stores, warehoase. and nerciundlse, on d.e.iiirs, .On Cargo, Freight and A Variety of SewiBg Macnin.es SAJ FBASCI5CO. 4 Qeeea 5a Bacjaatc- - coder-sUne- Pains will be Spared No THE a GL1LSIL EEPJUR LISL Tie wQl pre epecisJ attea'ioa to clrsrir;. repajriar and all ctaer Uxa of aadrrnlatiscSesiBrlfuh'te Lirkt Xaehdaerr zxd iltti. Work cf every descnplfca. OJDa. EUS XsIXO.. Istradecderr. csasge zctbe psGaaasef taerrrVfs, ST. E. CASTLE. JCeorr FaHkc. a&esd al aaaaae CEgctftTTB tat iv.iik-- tt cere crraUr ia- - j taveCeen eftaeEXEZeca. aturatks. rut the acotuea ItsJ. kaiir Fi Itse, Tke tbeoCorcf ef eataad. eatBaeas CtsTtraacxCMaKlzt.cic. a- - Xese? ta katx ea lhumwi i.i. if Beaatzlr, BawaUxs Ote5&3Suanx!o A awe ef GeB-ef Setsaay aa also fezaSed, tie J Iriaat7 faaaaae-- HTiA5 WHOLESALE 810.000,000 AS AGESCTat KTADI.ISCED HAVISCi for the Hiwailan Islands, the d CAPITAL lace. F30JC COJCJOsilOI 2ESCEASTS BaaftOtaiaad Beast - aww-gad- a A CO- So. to Fort Street, Waiatexioiilorerf ia tie Uaat, Plstals. Shot. Arumnolllon. BXachine Oil, laccdlea, cScc, dec., tic . Sewiec Xaeltoe Tacitr. Birders, xsd ail oticr extra Merchandise lad ocfiteue pin ef taaelusea strppKed ca iters so- CO.. IT JI. G IXZtTlS & CO.. Esxicri-Arf- i cf General mporters LICE, BKOS., T FBAXCE, EXGLASD, GEBSEAXr, UX1TED STATES, EST EAES'CAEZ - - Beseels.H.L Street. yo.Xereux Oefa. a 6eatenl A: Caatrrr. Bet Gaede. Paaat aad 3f.ee caaaabve. yo- - g Tet Sgeea. Hoantakt. S tbeir stl.'iHj kid tbe j ri" xid cai ; rf Lawnhwiac sewascd: adirdj alum ' in .in ii" r tat&c Hawaaxs jasafeMe : as esyiil-in I- AXY-OAJ- A2TD ! . nai rr )OX- -- Ite-o- ar Enra-iaaVteb- paafat. aarw fiERCHTS, lalaxcs. -" t COOKE. LEWKBSea Lxwxs A Sar-IHPQS1ZES &DEALERS IS LTJHBEB case treat. Siaea aa seWJed i Ec-- 1 toias FertSC-e- a. in atai r the hisa y ipi'i aeas. . daws ta tfae bat tipt OKA3J OIX.L.IA t cf Etathiaefeill: aada af nt1hr are saaaataBed vo casus rjtJOSTEaS 53 3EAIEE5 -- -- r-- ed PRICES! ALSO PACABL or Sidte." i nt Cif-'en- jona t. -f- thejrot-ernme- ert.lw.nre eatsa Hr S COVrEE-O- U aawe nveea sjaaetc atasr tsatrc, awale mo sattte. A.HZEVEsrr.iriwaltaaHoUL. wtsotlaie KOXA COrjfKJB oclebr3QUJUsv Frei't. Sis., CALIFOIISIA. JOSEPH HOOBE. Eap of steam MACLUNERY ALL ITS BBASCHES, Stoamboat, Steamship, Land. ENGINES AND' BOILERS HIGH PRESSURE OR COMFCTTSD. STEA3X TESSELS of all kind, bsllt eeaplttc wlta Hall of Wood, Inn cr Composite. OBDISABY ESGISES eeaposnded when advisable. 8TEA3X LACSCIIE!. Barzee and Steam Tar with reference to the Trade In which they are to be employed. Speed, tenure aad draft of water jaaran teed. STEAM noiLEHS. Particular aitentloa fives ta the quality of the material and workmanship, aad none trot flrit-clt- u work produced. BTUAK niLLN ASD BCOAK-MAUIS- a XA. fTUISERT nude after the meet approved piaa. Also all Boiler Iron Work connected therewittu WATES II'E, of Boiler or Sheet Irra, of toy iir, rude in suitable lenztha for connectlnj tojethef. et Sheet, rolled, punched aad packed for shipment, ready to be riveted oa the rround. IXYDKACLICBITETISU. Boiler Work aad W. let Pipe mid try this eiUbrlsbment, riveted by Hydraulic Blvrtinx Maehiaery, thatqalBtysrf weris belaj fir laperlor to hied weik. . (HIP tTOBU. Ship sad Steam Capstan, Stcsat Wincbe. Air and Clrcalatinz Pampe, saade after Its most approved plan. City rUX". Direct Actlni Pomps, lor Inl-a- a Water Work purpose, bollt with the (efehnted Dary sopertor aay Motion, to other pump. Talre r acenU for Wartfalraertas'S Bapiez ateaea SI Fams). ly ASTESIAK- - WELL TITJSS, The Honolulu Iron Works . Is sow prepared to Tuammmicm ass mowsnoLU OF THE Aeensrsex National Tabe "Work. Ce's Wsrlcs ", ATXcXEXSPOaT. PA, Aad ta taaaeeoetr-tctrtJeFirsr It is Iuh ar Mail VtaatWea fatal city . mmmBBmm!SmmS ".'l ( f U & fl op jpuKVxm azflte Haiuanrnt VSfwM O MminreJ ee SaaptrsilType. I?-l w 1 at 3m m W 11 eUaeS Uloth. ISO m.' 3(0 so J Uase 3 laehN T lei i it et is w as usw a laeuni ISO is ce' aw, at tao u M rjna4 lBehn! 400 M1 II 0 as W II 00 8 10W Quarter efCol ana 8 00 hoc law mob m or. see Third ef Colama. ooi 31 W saaaiaaaa eBM 11 Mi It HalfofCbtamB... ' To sow. Two.Thtrd Cotuaia t-11- 0M tl.1 .. l! a. MJlM,MltttM out -whki srefte aliowtdi dlieeVal from the-r- " ST rCBUSSXI ROBERT" GRIEVE, Metnalaerr. W44aj PER AXKUM Crtrr 11 FITS HOLLiKSJiara-Tcj" a imams I wi ." c. aiii."."ir.Ty s. ates adrtttlstniSBts, whsa paw with bcv rotOScs Bniiaing Is xbe -- Ofrrix Ml Aim S&grX, tlWreWB, " VOL. - XVn.-lST- AUtcrmgy Carindty. -TtrrBBJStal eapnaM tpeSI - UlMlni J- m(lm a - Taewordsta -" Importers eei ' . - i:i. prwntTTTK Absjlbax PB- - lsaasXass.H- - lBtBACu. sMseaaJsaehi tarn Batlbr af (MBf sacwewes be MGJ ttt mirmji MBrtha to s&atitaere- - ah weefcaad saalpas ef what '0111111111 eta, iNb4mc JadCTiiwuJgbtTt bws able y Met f k woink roaierihrtteaMteTC ctlheEa s char ufculJ. Tb pcsest IWt th ar Tet-iw- T3Liroatfdt- peep of IVyea: tke Mfe Qapca Slrwt. Boaoltlc A. V. Dl e.I bK aai xjc caoerulen to IfcrPiuifeaftfe&idtT vstirob- .Liimitiii ii in expcdiQeo-- Wk Sn ke? raak bc9i& S tS kmn a wc "BuWO fBtn ack&. ifennimu to AoeH tfent it ns Ijt ao nm set Ifcetawetos tbe Peirnen p3sWerurj,ad r oasees for mivnri J TliiMrrUffiTT'1 : &aa T" "' Tr- iiOrads IBraa3Sf those noo :4a.tBfteMt for wTOTee5 Una tt haafer leDJacr ef vresri isde et pUais Tiasiwriod of rural it mBj iieta itsai toteTe tested aboat'rro tsadrwi CTTKge." m: jmk. te iimsus bestaaaag sbe k f:fc. ietbrotTer1iaspsi IVecasaaibdp :aIrrteM'na& sbmrVeiatntie&stvS IWHMWrfkMiuthtnT. : e nKMsswdbs-tbeasQeatHaniuns- rwnn'!g"" ihwukiii the ibad. lUasif. tare eesweatrond yaahl.a. iaaeed ea Potapeia- .- 51- aa.ltawiB aal itaal Sk b M at eaa of aae atektt ASJtMBheMaad.ttre The tiawaar -of tstaads sweaohtac M tfee TaaLT i f MfatHfr fbesserres wt tartest eadt ef -- red be tbe Juift. teea with rassacec. Tbs. "FiEisbeJ (exptered) is r.hfli hf'SaG.,Besu'BBttoEabQdtafetcb Jheioi SfeC -- Enste hs laaded oa TVawaa," west to Tabiti, Tihrti ia tbe yea swa, Tf ao es. Eaocb is adraaced to narscBee az? eae ef tbe intimate relatkcs of tbe Bawaaasf wattttbe SesJbera Volraesans and of -- O Ibewf vrAiirsr. S.M. CARTER, Acentto take AdsioirledjrtneBtx to tracta for Eabor. .11. si. Aa t4 CO.. "5THCLESALE DEALEES ClothlBC. Hate. Caae. Poote. ISPORIERS ASD la rafUwahli Sho. and ererr earleiy of (ieaueneaV Sayerior Famlthlat . Cdr.H. LVtete la Makee'e Btech. Qaeca Sta elS Hoao-lataT KOLXJSTER & Apotliccnrloo jlsb txrosrxas or IJ. F. KULKUj Jc CO.. UEAUEZS IS BET GO03S ASD GE5XSAI mim: COMMISSION Itly GltLaUAIUaA; l It A: Con- - OSce at P. X S Bocfc. Ecalaaade. Heaelara. IL L CKCII IIKOWX. rr; Tobacco aad Arate fe P LorflUrd A Coif. S. KicafetU & Co" Vanity rate. Goodwin A Co'a Oed Jcdre. Baeaaaaa lyle'a CeJeorated P!oc Tobaccos Ctawa FerfaKery. S Laadoa. Haaipareys' Hoawo-paial- c renaB. t It Sredac CO., Ac- - Ae Aad Claa Gosd. la aad vj . w. jwaras. t JK Jfc ATTOaSZT AT LATT, EILO. EAfTAII. 1 BID praapiir coawted oSP KAWATNTJI. J. V. to Eabor Ackno-s-ledgmcst- a Contracta Tor the DU Irict ef Keta. tMSce ot Sir lr A the Post OSee. nV ATTT.TJT Wrtrlrt of Kooa. Island of Oihe.a! the la the the Haaolalo trater Works foot of staaB Mreet- - ar !l 01?2:X, 3FSwIw71?3S33C2J" jxxes pood. pKopainroB, EOTa STREETS, JtSICUILu, COnSEB OF FG6T The beet Ale. Wises and L'eaors cocstaatlT cat hand. SD urar gagy, mwjw. w t mv. JOlLt II- PATV. S25 Uorse Shoelnjr, Cnrrlajrc Work, bV. IIACFAKLAABo; CO.. 1KP0RTEKS ASD COKKISSIOS" 1TERCHASTS, BalkKac- Rohtasoa's Fire-ProHaaoJala, H. L Qceea Street, -- " asms Gkre aad Hoaola Jets Hay Co" Llrerpo The raLine ef Packets. aad Loaeoa Packets. The Waikapa riaatatie The fpeaeor Plaauum. H;to. Hakalac Ptaatauon. Bilo. Xlrrsees.TaitiWatsoo. iaiarXachiaerT. eg The raafca Saep Haac a Coeanaay. A'nitcn, TUOS. statiosib, srars agest, booe-besu- asd er PAPEB BULES, Xerchaat St. tear Fort, aad Fort Su aear Bote, Heao lata. Othu. H. 1. Also. Pnbnsaerof the Hawatiaa Alaaaacaad Aeaaal and Hawatiaa DirrcJorr and Cakadar. ie. The Fort rtrort Store will The XerchaatstreetStore w0J be deTottd to tieaeral embrace Flae SUtiocery. SUdocerr. Btask; Books. Boets. Artlsft" Noteriais. Ieaart Toys aad Fancy Goods, 2Cews and TSnAh-iSM raenu a. c. anxx. j a- - r. ly iscarxsox. AIXK.1 Jc UUUi.tltV.t, At Bohiasoa'e Wharf, - and all kinds cf Xciliiag ef DEEDS Dealers ia Lantber ax., Earcriis. Paiitj, OUt, SsiiJ, OSce at Tee lie State ef California and Xew Tork. caM xsxxTs or Kseosxxs ly the Back of Bishop A Co . Hoaotaia 21EECHASDISE. Qceen street. HoaWalc c t. H-- Interior OCor. Hon lore- - Con- S5 aad General Xerchandise. Career rort aad Hac Slf. castta. r -- LE1TESS A; COOIiE. COinilSSIOS KEECHASTS ASD fXPOBIEES AXD SBTPPESB Ceneral Merchandise, Dealers In H. L S3 CrymTeoeacalL """ AGESTS FOB The rcioa Insaraaee Coapaay of Saa Francisco. The Sew axtasd life Insaraace Capaay, BosU. Line, ITht Eatala Plaauttea, The Oi eras Packet Kafka Plaatauoa. Dr. Jarne 4: Soo- Ceiebrat-Ta- e JWaiaake PUaorlon. ed'X'heiaes. Wheeferi Wilson's SewiagiHamakra Plantation. ttttlT Xacaiaes. COOKE, IJlI.Lt g 11113 Stnr S17 HONOLITLF IHON WOBKS CO. STEAJI n.VGUE!, SCOARJIILLS SEUELUES co., linos.. WHOLESALE jy rr TIEE FIEE IKSTJBAHCE COMPANY. TJXDEIWIWXKO IIAVIXO Ttr.KX AP pointed Axents of the abore Compuiy, are pre pared to Insure risks adnst fire on Stone and Befell stored therein, on BBdlnsa,asdonUerdi.ndlie the naost taroraole terms. For particular, npply at the P. A. SCIt ABFEB A CO. tot ly oBce of .FIEE INSUEANCE W. E. CASTIX. Seeary PabKc anead al SrCAR SOW to s A: CO., ia C. E. 1VH.I.IAMS. ntPOBTlffi. KASUTACTUBEB, OTHOLSTEREB ASD DEALER IS FURSITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Xo. W Fort St Work Sh op at Fcrcitare Ware-Boothe old stand oh Hotel street Orders froa the other Islands promptly attended WBIy t. J J J. H. LYNCH, - KIXG STnECT. Has yctt receired. per last stcaser. a se asortaect of Gent's Boots and Shoes cf the EettEitterL Xake; alsooa hand, a GENERAL alns, Work. Xoaldra Blltsr Planlcs Asehort aad Aarlts repaired- - Oootenecks. Crank Axlea aad Wajoa Axles made for the trade oa reasonable terns. for Traction Engines Heavy Wagons AXD TOOLS ARTESIAN WELL FitUnrs, a Specialty. UfllOH INSURANCE COMPANY OP SAX FRAXOISCO. IVTrvrdbcLO. United, OF AAC1IEX. CLAIMS rolt ALL sustained by Goods arrlTin? here, and sured in the abore Companies, hare lo be made with PARTICCLAR AVCR. In- the eofalxaace or and certified to by the nndertlcaed, J. C. GLADE, Ajent. in order to be nlld. Pronptly Attended to, and Work (fnarmlttd. oon-ad- er "IF??S!W-,.- SXSISO? 'lK , "" --TBE- - AND VALUAI1LE PREPARATIOX pronoun ed by all to bs the most perfect In existence. Unlike other preparations, it la cot only harmless but f irora a natural and health, action of the skin, resulting in complete purity aau clearness of complexion. J & CO., HOLLISTER Drnggitta and Apothecaries, Klly 19. I.007.219 CAPITAL Accumulated and Inretted Pond. 3,838,118 HAVE DEES AP- ftnilFi UXDHRSIOXED JL potnlrd Acents for the Sandwich IlUnril. and ate aathorized to Insure arlast Lire upoa farorsMe terms. Risks taken in any part of the Islands oa Stone and W.vden Boildinrs aad raerchandlte stored theie'.n, Coals. Ships DwrlliDj Hoaies and Farnitare, la harbor with or without carjoes. or under repair ED HorFsCnLAEQEaa CO. 3 It FIREMAN'S iorUent As of si JUST EECSI7ED HV OF SAX FBAXCISCO. fixtcl Iiaro Casb Capital. Gold. 8300,000. bt Frrncl: ind Wtidrte cSrt for sa-- e to tie trade, or at retaU. AT REDUCED PRICES! CHOICE CIGARS To be had in the market. CORDIALS CREIK, SODA WATER THE BEST DBASDS OF THE I BEST-IC- E TBT TODf.'a AXn -- gafei TIIO.UA.S LACE, MAOHIM-IXo. ao fort Street. S Rv - T, Chiii6S9 and Japanese ALSO. LATEST STTLE OF i GEKERiL EEPA1R LIBE. CL0I. GUS He wQ c.,e special auction to cleanin;. repaMnz and rexaUtinE ewtnrXalh!nes.and all otner Idait of Liret Xachltery xad ileta, Work ef erery descnptloa. Blacks mliiin;. etc. Auo, on hand and for sale cheap, A Variety of Sewing Macbin.es &c . Sewixr Xachine Teeters. Birder, and aH other extra and ocpHcate parts of raachiaes f eppfied oa thon notice43- - Best Xachiae Twux.Ca &U Ustsl t Hie Eimfiaa frr The Florence Snriir Xachine. frcm SW to Sew In; Xachine frera fB to 33. Beae Sbsttle Sewiaz Xachrae, boa 1$ to $33. SiO ly tS Ixclndlnx all extras. ?S! -- OSL, SLACK! NC.sA . TJNTOKr Fire and Marine Insurance Company OF XEir ZEALAXD. 810.000,000 CAPITAL Japanese Lacquered Ware G. S. PIHKHAM & CO., KOLOA, EACAL CALIFOKXIA. INDIA RICE WILL, years ner now Tnr. practical experience and Improremenl, tbe nearest to perfection of any of tha ItleeXUuof the 1 world. Ihthoroushiiessof THE ISDIA RICK MILL IS SOW IX PEBFECT RUXNIh'U ORDER FOR TUB FINIT01 KB U U ira.Ta"XF AXIS OX IIAXD. ORDERS FILLED AT SHORTEST NOTICE THE FUBH1TUBE IS 3VTzcio "toy 'BJX.n.cdxLsxoirsr AXD OF THE STUFF, BEST SEASONED AXD Pains will be Spared No J. IS 0RI0n.AI.AKD C1ILORODTXE Is admitted bytheprofesslaa la ha AXD ALtVATS Stlsta COLLIS DROIFXE'S Xj O H, O X "3T 3ST 13 O HC THE OSLT 0E5TJ1HE. JlAXUFACTUBES JL of Paddy and Bulled Ric Will recelre prompt and careful attention. V3I. X. OREKKWOOD, General Commission Merchant and Proprietor of India DR. J. H. BRUrtiS, JR.. DF From the Hawaiian Islands, to which It is specially adapted. Rice Mill. HAWAIIAN Jl IIM Hon the most weaderfal and saleable remedy erer iBseaTered. Is the best remedy known for Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma. CIILOnODTSE offectaally checks sad arrests those, too often fatal diseases r Dipalhe-FeserCroup, Ague. CIILOJIODTXK acts like a charm la Dlanhaa, aad Is the oaly speeISc la Cholera and Dries tery. CIILOBODTXE effectoany eats thert all alUtkt of Epilepsy. Hysteria, Palpitation, and, spasms. CULORtlDTXB It thrjontypafflatlsela XeuralgU, Bheumatrsm, Ooat.Caacer, Toothache. Sleolozltlt, Ac. From W. Vesaliui Psttlgrtw, M. D., formerly Lrctarer at St. aeotge'a nospltaL London : " I hare no hesitation In stating that I base neTcrraetwIth any medlctao so efficacious aa an Antispasmodic and aeilttlie. I hireuted It In Consumption, Asthma. Dltrrcoa, tad other dlteaaes, and aa perfectly satisfied with there-oU.- " " Earl Buttell commnnlcated to the College ef Physician that he bad receired a dliptteh from Ue 1U July' Consul at Manila to the effect that ehNeia has been the only nmtdf of asy ter-Tlraginj fearfully, and that was Cbiosodtss " See Latit. ttt Dec CAUTION. Dawaaa or Piaacr aitn larrarrosa p The public are farther caolloned: afergenror hating, come to the knowledge of At Board of Inland Rerenne. Sir Page Wood sUtod CAUT10X that Da J Cotxis Dauwwa war nndonbtedly tbe of CaxoaoDTSX , that the story of the df endaat was deliberately untrue, which, he r grettcd to uy had beo sworn to -- See Tlmtt JnlyW10.. 4-tsot - 6L and lis. each. Soldlnbottleaatls Hid. t Xone Is genuine without tbe words' DR. J COLLIS DROWSE" on the Oorerament Sump Orerahelmlas medical tettimony accompanies each bottle. Sole Manufacturer. J. T. OA Tr EXPORT. St Great Ba.iell St Bloomtbury Loadoa. Aeenta la Xew Tork, W II ocararrxus 4s Co aad W Bt J. C. Wxlls. CIILOItODYXE lt ; GEO. LUQAS, Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance Co. OF W1XTERTI1CR. OXDERSlGXEDare ACTUORIZED THE insure On Cargo, Freight and CONTRACTOR mtm BUILDER & Treasure From Honolulu to all parts of the world, and npon Comer Beale and Howard Sts., Coasters, by Special Pcnnlaalon! Honolulu Steam Planing. Mills, S3 Oa the Best faTorahfe terras. J. S WALKEIL Agest for the Hawaiian Islands. It THE and LIVERPOOL Esplanade, Honolulu, II. I. SAX FBASCISCO. CALIFOKXIA. Manufactures til kinds of and LONDON GLOBE INSURANCE CO. $26,740,105,70 Assets. Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors DTTELLISGS On farorable terns. DsrelllntrRIskanSpeelallty Detached dwelnnss and content insured for a period of three year, for two premiums in adranco. tosses bere. promptly adjusted and payable BISHOP A CO. SBta I Planing and Sawing, Hoxtiring and Tenanting. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTE2TBED TO And lYorlc tinaranteest. Orders froa the other Islands solicited. Mr ?Moa Hoaolgla.Mara.lgra. OP MAXOFACTUBED EEFUfED A. NO. . IP. ia: OF SEW TORK. SUGAE 1 BT o aa TO", Largest, Safest and Most Pratical Confectioner & Pastry Cook ECONOMICAL LIFE IHS. CO. IN THE WORLD! Pioneer Steam Candy, Factory BAKSK7 Assets-(i8SO).S90,OOOf- No-- Leaoa aad Tsssrlsd Syreps always oa haxsd OOO is a CASH. Good Time to Xese but s Frst-cia- Sgta Irisnre risks taxes. P PutSL "rt OFBOSTOS.MISS orXon-ForreJtn- IxTvnils Texas. Plan re a -- Losses Paid tbrwacb 13,SOO,OOOi, Koaolalo AstEcy-- 149.O0O CASTLE fc COOKE, 19 la the highest Eki fresh hoae asde Erjle of Art. Chocolate Cressu, CoeoinBt sad Cream Candies. So. 71 Hotel Street bet. Xanana and TEABS-OBDnTUFB rXSCBED AG2, FLAX: I Annual premium eonnaues PoHey 5 years 3 days Aaaaal premiums continue PoBcy 4 years X 2 days premlxxes esaflsne PoScy years 57 days I Asanal Arsxal prexalssss costlsse PoEcy 8 years 4S days : Cakes Ornamented Wedding Co An the United Stale. Example German Pastries Hide to drier St short Xotice' , 1SCOBFOBATCD, 1S35. Ike Oldest Purely ZlaiualTJelnrarance ti acrt 3LS AXD New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. Fcliriei Ixxzed ea aTIIO. EL up In A. Xo. t Eedaed Sugars, hi jhly recommesded for Sea Toragea. Americarj, French, English THE AJENTS jy BUItDEBS Fm'L J03ZPH KOOSZ. Saj' OF STEAM MACHINERY Steamboat, Steamship, Land ALL KIXDS OF & CO., WILDER Agents for tbe Hawaiian Islands, OF THE- - H. TATIOB, IX ALL ITS BBAXCBES, Scroll and Band Sawing AX AUESCT IX Turning, Honolulu, for the Hawausa Itlaads. aad the OX B17ILDISGS, 3IERCUASISE ASD V7. And all kinds of Woodwork Finish. nSTARLlSUED Mutual Life Insurance Co. vvN' For Silc. under-tlrne- FIRE JIAJinFACTlJEED 1 Rico S4I ly Also, Xo. are prepared to write risks against 14-- C0RXER OF Hissioa and Preraont Sts., San Praneisca Consignment TO GIVE AX AGEXCXat AVISO ESTADMSnCD Islands, d the Hoadala. for the Hawaiian TO HIS CUSTOMERS. SATISFACTION Are In against are prepared to accept risks d.e.liacs, stores, warehouses, and aerchaadise. on Upholstering Done to Order. terms. JIarine Ullu on cargo, freights, bottomry. prodta and coanissions. Coffins Always on Hand. SEE.-fgLosse promptly adjnsled and pnyable here. ly m J. S. WALKEB. Stxly S J?tf V INDIA RICE 11ILL, ASD All colors and qualities. A FIXE ASSORTMEXT OF f" the Hawaiian Itlaads. Areata 1802-- 1 UNCLEANED RICE Silk Handkerchiefs (hemstitched), ait BISHOP & CO., ly BSOtaa ESTABLISHED, Ware ! nulling and Dressing of Paddy FINS SETS OF TIGER CLAWS THE Will attend to all orders In the Vans. Pistols. Shot, Ammunition, BZachinc OS, ZTccdlcs, &c, Sic, 30 238 Sutter 8L. San Francisco, California. Special pains to select suitable persons to III la Produces front 3 to 8 per cent. Descriptions New Goods of Various TO XOXE HECOXD and Others able Rice from Pad FOBT STREET, ABOVE KISO, , 3VHx-i3a.- AtiA TalaMsfa, GaJLtJUitwd; hj and Polishing COINrCHEE&AHUIN'G ItCleansing tUnds unrlTalled; aad la yield of cleaned mrrchantj Jy, FUXD Losses Promptly Adjusted. Con fectionery ! Xunana Street .Iionolnla. COMPANY, AT THE LOWEST PRICES! INSURANCE IXDESXlTt Fort St,, above Hotel St., KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND Ho. 71 S3 FuriiituTC Manufactory OF LO.IDON AXO KDIXnCRGII. s Rlshs a Speciality- - Detached and contents insured for a period of thrree years, far two premiums ia adraure. By writing small Iiaes on ear fully selected risks, well distributed, ofers : ivEoiisrEa-:!!""- orders, XEtr CO., INSURANCE p SPECIALNOTICE. nr Complexion and Teeth. General AeenU. CO & WrTntptl and 8Ie Employment Agency of Crosett SCo Preserving and Bcastifjin HOETH BRITISH AHD HEECAHTILE PLABTATIQE" COHISG IS and Or sale la percaasers, by CO., F. A. SCHASFEB ly TTItaaa Faraltheil at Reasonable Notice, by las -- FOB- E 1XHCHAXCE COHPAXIES THE ATIO etUblttbed a General Acency here, and the andertlraed. General Acents. are authorised to Uke S15 aV. m CONTRACTOR'S IN JEWELRY! INCLUDING SOME Risks acalntt tbe Dancer or the Seas at the Moat Reasonable Rate, nndou tbe Host rarornble Terms. SL, San FraBtlsco. "o. 20 California Painters, Engineers, Cooks, Baker dwell-lnc- :. .o. FRAMC H. ArSTIX & CO., Conimisaion Mercliante and For- EUROPEAN NOVELTIES F0 IITUNA TST' Shop on the Esplanade lathe rear of Xr. Geo. SSI n Lscas ntsInzXIH eaj-a.teioagst- GREY LLOYD GERMAN 'Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. St, San nooua SUCH A3 IX With all their AU Order SKCaUfornla tea Carpenters, Blacksmiths, A Co. Areata of the Firemen's Fnad Insurance Company. SM Sm Honolulu. Jan. aX 1S1. ESTADLISBED BUGKSfniTH. It O IKE AXI IIEATT IIRIDGH. SniP, COMMISSION MERCHANT TriatlKO, Cat, TU Bett Price coTerlnjt CEO. S. HARRIS. AND IlaTf allan Consul aad . franca 8,000,000 Capital of the Company H. W. SEVEBANCS, Office damasr. If amowntln- - to 10 per cent, or more, cm the sonnd salae of the whole shipment at port of delivery, npon farorable terms. General lnsuranceCompany of Berlin. Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, SHIP IIS Chamber Btreet, Xew Terlt. Cooke.snd J. T. Waletfceate, SoreMr-Cai- tle SB lyr warding Agents. LLOYD RUCK VERSiCHER.U..GS GESELLSCHAFI OP V INTEKTH UK. Notice. Insurance I'xur.itsiGxr.n auc prcpaiied The write npon Merehandlse, per firstla resselt between this aad ths Coatt rorts, lct or OF EeepcoatUauyoshandafBllattortaicatof Tta.Shee1 Iroa aad Copper are. Galr'd Iroa asd Lead Fise.Isdia BahberHeM,&e MO Be!ch.markASM"J Total rrnxi. INSURANCE C0IV.PANY, C AFOG. the Cocna of the Einxdora. wbeprcrcat3Twandrrrr2ege wre Kreatly SMlj EOLLES & Co., Agents, to the BexorJaaom or Loans. aBeaBoa Tl essabhsbracat of tbscSseof ifoi, C3i.CHecorZe. aavHoaey to loan on ! WOEES SOAP HAWAHAB" this period. XOnSxalSEaahtx3aaa tte loiKri of HoxoLCix:. Street Boaercls. HawaHaa A sort of CoBese of Soialiry was ilso f ocaded, tbe L?? Ai Aba-e"beface wboca erery atstaser aspirant t o -& XII EO. XI. DATIES. ; Co-it prenyaltirs and pSTneKes xaast recUe tis Larr Jaxros. Gsxxs A &J T In Dealers aad JlanuXactttrer Xaxc Im pecsetee and eaaaecaaas." oNiMovns nio DEPOBTEB ASD C0XTKS10S JCEECSASI AIBrprrrcs bis readers a (rraprss reriew of tbis jlxx accxr Toa SOAPS, K1F.DS OF ALL a aatratery period, cde Fernaadec next Uord-- aad the Ltteo, Klac; Street, Ilonoinlu. SALAMANDER -- FELTING t srmsa xoc a arn;r tbe irisinry of aiisUnaic?aralely dcriat "'TzZr wSiV Beef. Xsttaa aad GfatTaTlow wanted. Orders left at Assaraace CBpaxy. Sorthera And xeosptat-teaxlpfoBowed. wbicb Tbe with wxii BoB tranqaxSity Qcren A Street, jee Cos. FOE a resod of ly XstahbshodlSSI. era WZ3CS are reeoroed are not eery strikxag in ROBERTSON, fflTeriEg Sf earn Pipes Boilers, & FHTTKEr aSJesded toUsoraasxirs, character; eaca island SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER, (Sacceasart to H. JL xotneyi ETC ETC, and tbe history of tbe tnae iay be racaJaded ra Statianers Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins Ixapoxtinc as fJKaa." AreSccfoaecf tbe Ha wan Saves 25 per Cent, of Fuel PabUabeza, Kemrs Dealers. Book- CojrsTAjrry.ToxHixD aidtob saxx Paper Hlcra. and Blitders BEDTJCED TO $7.50 BBL. PEICE Talanea Tannery. J. 1. Parker. Prop'r. AgXerchaxt Street. BoaotBla.H.1- - B31 Sfe, a brse sbeB, abiri, after xairlag S. Lrnuui. ProprlelOT. Tmnatry, eauatjaes ef EawaSantfoc tbefray.now resU F. THEO.H.DAVIES. Hit m cfc OO., TTtpL "We set lrttle 635 Jy aKva A.S CLEGBOEX X CO, Aeeats. tt TIIJ" " ' fktera, here and there, of HnnSia lifeat the UOXOLX-LT- . BAS'KESS, HETBOPOLITA.'V UMIUETT. CHUFOHKIH POTATOES AND ONIONS a s HAIVUtAXISLASDS i,,'.eie7,rc.and we are tarae. abacs are J12AW BXCBASGE OX Proprietor. WALLER, IX CASES AXD BAGS. C. esxyaorrytbat tbeastborbaa xaAfrrreaxsxaore - SIX FaUOSCO 1EE EAK CF CIlarXEIU. : : : eftbcES. .TtxfaSsnreatratSteUbora-Zo-XalBElmg Street. HaolBln. xx jxxrs asa Hew Crop, ex tl D. C. Murray," kebafof Oabx, obtained a sife. Tbe xajds of . Trfc Sew MABKET. TABJLY t KECEZTEB THIS SAT. taste, to baa aad a canoe wastlrted Fails, AwchdaBd, of Hotel maid Cation Streeta. Jaattlea FOB SALE BOrXES&CO. SSS ST CaoiceaXXeatainnariaestHcda. atebsEToCtbeciaefesaestben. ASer astiaj; TEHaOCTal UU C5?8SiTrI. : : : : LK33s JalyLISSL 41 w.t'jy. y?Tr itaJtaasira! aad Lonai arisbwat saeaes. tfcey beard at V .fl1 UJ " XILLSXXXS xx K --n , SLtsi. eg ahebaaatafBlaasferoe the aoa of O WEN J. EOET, Prsprieter. BAY! OATS! aad YeaL alway- tbataaad. deyxsxesdjasedy saadxar Hsrsabsa-ya-a, ThechoSeeslPfBeef Xrrtnr SyCi7asd .ExBtcLaeSCSCO-FrrRtheeeiexea tae Xal aras keecsa; Jas coart,trid caLaad. The gcrf U this XarhcXtsfnga POKaryaad Btet Asrar3,lSL TccjaJehj tedtfsdirfJaaaCiapheil,EosBalisH. Jtclbaarae, KS3x.eStbeeatEststtbeeaxfyinarE&et IT EOLLES 4 CO. SBIy Gaaseiocrdc ?Coaeta4eS-eerSasrfit pafe. 1 COMPANY, Capital of theCompanyJtneserTe..ReIchsmark9J5!0,rro 33,tn,WW their Belntarance Companies TUE theUXDERSitJXEB.GEXERALAOEVrS abore three companies for the Hawaiian siErtCTTANnisE. Islands, are Dreparcd to Insure Building, Furniture, TTJRB and Xachlnery Iniorrd train t Fire on the Xrrthandite and Produce. Xachlnery, xc--, also sugar most farorable terms. aid Bice Xltla, and Teasels In the harbor, a;ra!nstlosa A. JAEOCIt, Arent for the nawallas Islands. or damage by lire, on the most farorable terms. SMly 831 It . It. 1IACKFEL11 A CO. KATJPASTJEA re tbe position of tbe chiefs, C HAMBURC-tYlACDEBUR- OF IIAHKEKll. MERCHANTS, COMMISSION 1OT,EU,CW NORTH GERMAN INSUBANCE COMPANY, ILAJJIUOKGII-UREnE- ?! a. GLADDACII. Rhenltb Prussia. TIKSMITES AID PLUMBEBS, Aachenand Leipzig Insurance Co., S'o. 3 Xanana Street, d isl-aa- Agent Brit For. Xar. las. Co, Limited SB ly y Capital of the Company A KMrrre.. Helen tmark COOO.mi 101,831,000 Companies their Kelchsmirk . W1XLIA2B, UIKOHB & C0 Salppln! and'. Cosaaissrsa MtrcliaBls Ktt a3 CaUtornU Street. San Fraaclsco-IW. H. OHOSSMAN & BBC, COIrlPANY, ToUl " jfrs. foreign OF HAJinCKO. DAV1KS. (ctiaiy aaJOBtrOBStxecste4oathiherttaetlre. G. ll. Asenl of Dresden Board Bf CBdenrrlteTf, Agent of Vienna Board of Underwriters. Claims against Insurance Companies within tho luris-dictlo-a of the abore Boards of Underwriter! will hate to ha ccrtUed to by thesboTsAgeattomaks them SSly Talld. Far. FIRE INSURANCE xscusg. "Sa paid to Ship'a Blaekaziltiiz; o. FOR THE BUITISII Marine Insaranc Company (Limited! has receired In t tractions to Kertnce the HiiM" of Insurance hetrreea Ilosolaln and rort In the rarisc, and It now prepared la Isne Polielea at the lowest rates, with a special redaction on frrical per steamers. THKO. f. a. n?iiai:frr. Board of Underwriters, TIU.l IKCOBPOBATED, 1805 CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS sit For the Hawaiian Islands. Rhonlsh Wostphallan Lloyd f:! nctIcra,Cor.Iroa, Bran aad Lti Cullnra Machinery of Every Description 6. exextssx. C.BRKWEnACO. Insurance Notice. ABE.T tcrfplions ace samps. Bisnop Saddle aad IIarnet Mater aad Importer of Leather asd frtaddlerf Hardware. All work done In say establishiaent It andir dt direct eaperrislon, and will ace ay tiat endearora to pirate my enstorarn. pS lllnnili, AGKXTS tor tbe roe ri."s ualt "'rti. red.rd t.. w J rairseitaritiMs"rin mAurit-ixattantf hr may oe aw, vj ,..,.-.- - th.j.y then, finsttratttt Notices. A TnR WHOLE No. Jolit Boston Board or Underwriters. X GRXTS for tbe Hawaiian Talamli, C. BRKWEK & CO. Kaiy Phllarlelpbia Doard or UnderwrlterSt No. 92 Kins Street, Honolulu, Kior. Street, roxoicla. Eo-be- a ly WII.T.TAW rXNfNELi, (Snecejer to P. Daltoa.) CASTLE So- - SO, AX3 DEALEES LS EAED'ffAEB Oi PAUARI, rjlLAXA. LEAHI. ly BesatPta. nawaHaa Itaaadr. SM iT Corner Kinj; and Fort Streets. HocoJalc Drr Goods. Paint. S9 ji tOter Mcllis' Store.) orden falthfcily attended to. AM I. GKOCESY. PSED rXPOETXBS XVETELLES. ly L II. CMclSTlKBiBROTHEB. STXJBE and BAKERY E. O. HAH. A" HALBAEALA. SCLAXAJTC. EESACLCOHt. , JNO. A. Agent to take Acknowledgments to tracts for Labor. HASSE-GER- ly Job Printer, Practical NO. 10 TORT STREET, 33 1881. 865. OP nAMBCBO. n.ntalloa JtRChlnery, c SS Shop on Kla; Street, xeit Cattle JtCoohaV H. K. MOORE, (Fcnaerly ia the eaploy of Cattle & Cooke,) d SOIABT TZSUC aad C01E2ISSI0SEB X Hotelttreethetweea Xaaantt and Fort. Sly C. tU COI.E3IAX. BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST G. CO'S Tnim la Ooce Gro- Stare. rre Baaea HattiK ceriea aa FrantWat aad UeaeraJ Xfecaaadiie. ti It r; ;. urrcxicocii. Aceat to take aad Baker, Cook Ettaie la al! parts of the Ktredots Ematoy-nea- t Fine Stock of Home Hade Wear, foaad torlbf eeekinc work ia all therariou with there Islands. braaehes af basine conaec-.eCollected. -Btlb drawn. Docaamits all of which will be sold cheap for cash. B. Local X. S5Books aad Aeroaats kp. aad reacnl oSee work trans All orders from the other Istaeds promptly attended to. acted, ratroaare oocaiec vuuihwi jwukc X & 1. Uoaornla. IteractfeaspecwdaaaaTcartfs frost tbe Soatb-er- a C. BREWEE & CO.. SERCKARTS. rosjw eaaaf to tbe Ha warren Tsr.s obtaiaed SHIPPlRGckCOMSISSIOR ly laaab aad seeded, fecaafe m ease cases, dynas-tae- e Ialaxda. go XXYyiAX BEOS., Hcadclc. was rway. Socb ebief a bead recal w - cooxi. xxwrss. near, KthiVi taritatiaa ftoe: Importers of General Merchandise te Tsie esEawah. aad tres: abaca tbe Hawaiian Saccessocs t Lxvits A Ifiaaas. rarwt dears to Easiebaxaeba. Oiairael deaosat : FHOX IKPOBTEBS &3EA1ERS IS 1UHBSK ls frees Saasoa and settled ia Faaa wfeo iatrfiass. of aU Baliac; Aad aad aac FBAXCE, EXGLASD, GEBICAXF, ASD immrHrii1 tbe bigb puestbood to his anisosalarc ij Fort Street. Berra-dea-Hgb priesl, last tbe to nlj, fa nail U2HTED STATES, UBAS A: CO.. . istbereasnef Eafasharaeba II ; aada rXPOBTXBS ASD DEALESS IS HABD'K'AEE - - Honotelc,H.I. Street. ef eAes an ULanttaetd vbose narae; Catkrr. Dry Goods. Paints aad Oils, asd Geeera! . brwerec.be caviare te tbe EssKsb reader. Xerchaadlse. IT Xo. C Fori StretC HoboIbIe. 8 Tradtaos abe apeika of white foceissera vbo nTJiArr wx.a.tawxa. UlimtbiltlirTjdirrlrrr-Tr- r - Pa rna Vra, xaen ctara eraacsaxa. Jc "qaaae taataie. ferisbt spsriics; exes, triate iron, . GROCERS, ifcurVir" Tbepsriodoff naaxioal actSTJir caxae to Conitission igents Pactors-anStreet, Camersia atisdraS a Hawaiian cWff aa easd arafc T1 ratyy8 Hcnolarc. H. L 3 FBAXCISCO. SAX xteax: beai ke Oate aad Kaxai cbJefs trace tbeir COA "W. PETRCE & PartJealtrittesrirapald taalBaxaadtUpplsj eseeaC Ee lett Sawan. riaaod tbe Sjaibeza SED? C3A5DEEBS A-- COJtXXSSIOS TTTPXHASTS SS ly Island orders. ncsxaed, xaazraed, aad nsaSj left again, asnxrs roa (aaiaSBl bs days a Tabiti. Gcxs aad Boob -p Era jsate, Tiaa csasiant iateiuasae naSangy bid the gomtsfo gjredutc. T JCo. 8 Qseea St- - Bosararc- SS 1 aad csssoens; eSesof f'i-Ujg- g HATCH, & CASTA.E added words: p:tJLunc;atam of ibe tinfratced r" 71 - al aaaaa anerta. . W. SORTOS a FHaXaiSea.-wfeooaineb- SIS . ?se. wrarx Klaj I? Ftre-rro- Street, Pmtical Cesfeetiosrr, Fattrj- I C AX'OgI TT33t.T One door be azc Bctti Street. rarattxre o all descriptions male and repaired oa rea eanabletcrat. Beat worknantllp rnaria teed. oSW ly JOS. E. WTSEMAN. MERCHANTS aad DnJcan in Hty. Graic. and Real Estate Broker & Employment Bureau laiorCraeralof lTcdare. 3? Hooiaa. H. I. Brat kombs otutee. rioer aao en aaa rraea Importer. "Wholesale and Eelail Dealer in General Herchaodise a.-- CABZK-S-Alaben FanicilarattesUoa Gnxmissifm ilrrtkant and General Heater la Drr Good. Georerle. Hardware. Statteaery, rateat Xediriaea. rerfaaerr. asd Gtafware. " iy sm XAn. ATT0K5ET A3TO COUSSEIXOE AX LAW, SOTAST FITJUC Aad Areat Jer t&ttac Ackaoiri!sBwaU ef latlrsaeaU Mr ta IUa! of uoba. gas at'.3 islands of tbe PaeiSc. tr T' i aad Crt CcimeHrtiart. rZSCHASDISE, LAf ATT0B5ST A5B C0TJ2TSEL0B AT on the other Itlaadf tnil attend the Teraw of Xoney to trod oa It ertsact of Frtro4sZS-OFFIC- i: So. Xenhaat SU. Sdoors froa Dr. Sla?ernwaWa. XXOL.L.i:S A: CO.. Ship CLazilexi aad hi Gnmi XfrckradiK.trra asd Srakrt Ianorn Jr ti M. Hofcorela. H I. JOIO T. WATEUHOtsE, EtMSTER ASD BEAIEB IS GESESAl JO aanaVar RICI1AKD F. 1IICKERTOM. a. iv. Giitvirv. of ibe thiitwath Agent to take Acknotrledgmenta to Con- tracta forT.alwrr rotooeis b u OSce of . BfcBe asoegtbe sostbera ctocps ll aacnMC as Icte as tse cnee ise iosristui Mr. Foraaader t ef fee ttTaiac test sad tmasla- - Sbe roeeas. t. Sa? It etas So.SKaaiaaaa stjuoeo Qaeen f rrett KesWeac. vrcp OSee at Dr. DeCsana't. SI the old Krarrr freattee. Corner Fort aad Kchal as Ogjeehoarr IoU A.aU8teP. X. It raiiionablo Sreia and Cloal: Slaicr, J4 V1 mt noDolclc II. L tfee oocoa af th e3IrqsS, tctne Hsvsh. IHaft, i is. ta At N ZifhTtf -CteOMdSrafeaai fclfc. p. IS (edit. t & Im ckaoc ei waOBEc tbt ka "lost MtbBacbT 15 U DR. EMERSOX. lr 3rjbi. x. mcxajr FwtMrwcnweJalc SERS. A. M. irTT.T.TS. feffly m tfefCEfeatofai?ii.wr.t:cnggB ' te Aatboxiaed Gortmment Shlppinf: Acresta GROCER AND PROVISIOR DEALER. Faai& unxtry ad Feed Siwt - i ffllTi HONG QUOK & I.KE ONG. lj I- - S. l For the State of Cxhforcia aad Scir Toit. ij,' Oface. No Kaaheoaaa St.. Uoaolala. U. I. SUIT a. 3i. mtir.MY, m. i.. i- - o.s. ScztalSocBt ea Tcit Street, Bjop,at OCee la &r.BJoei. wra He; aad Ft trU ri Mwt, Eattaaee. yalr Iwr i.lrf o. OISEEAi C0SX1SSI0XXLAGE5TE. M J. II. 1TICKB, 3VCIl, Of Lahoren for FiaaUtMM 3r other Viada of labor. OSceatXo.S5Klnf aaeet. below the Statioa IIoae, S3 oa opixwiie tide of thettreet. II. HACUtELD Jt CO., we bare Jsdre set asy teak. wanes ifctdnUj. mm if.t ptece together tite nasi Sreea 6efci5Mrtt of end towwae ttowsi t recent tisaee. sbbrs replete wjtfe yucnc csd lk imi mill n.iavs xa& gaK7. dbcane! ts-B&- k . wliW vitb skwe iBoaiaiire-- m Oerare Qarea aad KaaagaaaaB SimU, SS "w miu ai tbe aaicre el a " 1 aicrcTinnrilo BK.2S9. '' -- JA3ES JO. 3IONSARUAT, Attorney and Counsellor pt Law. attention raid to the reiothtUai of toaa.") 4 CoaitjavUnc. aad a. manere appenalniac to Beal V (.Ertlte. J Notary Public aad Comaicrioner of Deedi fSj-ctla- XX ef ihesscaai ace. we iscst lfce ldjiiii Anahn Bnmiir ; swans, waatleara- ,Mlinit aa caBaoearJeos laber aa Wuissa bearcpap his boot. say eae,whe bat not at Mreett. bt-.c- A. S. CJ.EXIOK." & Co.. '"' ZKTOKXXSS AXt rTttrKi L. Tailor. PIONEER STEAiT GENERAL BUSINESS A CENT. OSre ia Kate' Btoch. corner tjcrea sad Kaaanaasa Hopojala. te M8 ly of rort St. F. T. LEKXHAN & CO, Izxportan nnd CrnmnlgJea Zlercbasta. rewt SOT HVrrctm.-- . g King Candy Manufactory and Bakery AXD EEKCHA35TS C0E2OSSICB T. GIIMCK. r U RTiTC, AgtsttaTireAr't-nrgledcgtstateLabctCaattae- JOHNBU5SEXL. BfEalakaBa. Unsbl Order Ls&raSe (k.K-U- ta. CSIAS. 3?JSrJE, P.ADJJIS. JLKD . I St lr Auctioneer asd Concussion Merchant. ly S Qitrp Strwt. Iicpoicla. IIOFFSCIIIKGEU A; CO.. hwaea Cheney. btHimi imH' t tj Commission Merchants E- - peace. S1t T So. 1WS Fort Street, (Brewer's Bktk, np atalreO c of Naboli. JST" So more pala In CMss teeth, car A SeW DlaeoTTiT In DnUalrTv3a KItroaf Oxide Gas adainUtrred for palale cxtrae-tlo- a SSt of teeth. to y- TKETOLlXESLtN BACE. - rTKrxiusIUB.mteaxtni tnaB DR. E. H. TKACHER, DontirC CO.. o. s. cunnnGS. si. x.. ibIBSi Baa Waffc. st fuest aw SIT Xavw &. and Sursoon. AUGUST 10. gfitsnrante S Street. noaolBla. Xo VS Fort atreet. aad Ear. OSre and TevHtrBcr. iy xrerrr xir.LU WX. JOIWSOS, a 3MCoi,olxa2A-fE. COOK WEBB. K. D ly Xo. 3 Fort St, below Dr. SunrrawaldT SC KOMEOPATHtST, 'Ward't Hrmrppathle narr.ltll, (Late Chief of tteff OERTZ. CHB. Wand, S.T.I Office. SS neie! St hetwwa AUtra and Fort Streeta. Itapcrtcr and Dealer in Gents', Itadic', and Sperial atlretim to diea of vccira and children. Children 'a Boots. Shoes, and Slippcra, OSce tocrt Vaul S to A. JL.S to S, and T to S r. X. Jnjt recelTed a rreat ranerr or Boots, Shoe and Slip S3 It pera. alo Ladlet TThlte Kid ftattoa Boou. ETEGIOX ASS SOrSJPATSIC IHTSICIiS. OSw-Oor- oerort cad Brtnla SuBontaElti. tfcesHs, . DR. BRODTX. ED, CROWE, Htmse and Sign Fainter, Paper Hanger, &e c noccHla. llrmlliii Itmdt- - iygt - j ibbs - -t-t-i" F. A. SClIAEFF.lt wmxnMvwr. may ir- ti ny 1 TTi Hoeolc3- 3 . " wt warn Shy tnrwmti FortStrfft. c owssziXion at choice. OHt M BeaTca; its W BB mis r tBftil (MfWt CM, Jtfittkmical Cnfe, tieTtroa J3SSperfalaUMiMrBrlrcaodiraof 1C3 TCL.XEI Jt GO., Cots crf Fettaad Caea Stcts, HobbIo, TiisXx, OUx, SaOa, Salt asd EUiig at It lfatiirialt of ertrr tbd- - lii raw?. Sac tXH 1 ' lif WW EDWARD PBESTOK, Attamex arR Cosssellor at Xaaw, ly MfrVM SSf guiinrss gards. X2i,'5'siC2iA33. CommvllnT PahlleL at tLc tomfr of Tort and liertlmit S&nb,SM l!, aZdt&Tawtasaiett II S.E.DOLE. at Zait aad Kotary OScc " eejaeaa mull nifi-- r Jy Mrfiikrnu. .pmr. aim moiw. m , LBMflBU (jgards. . IIL4I..IM V nsiuss mi nwbMf eompesHipa. aa.' "f .miunt pecaliarty a, aa Ha ItV 1s"Be; HONOLULU, WEDISSDAY, 32.1 o. I charred Port Tssiyfq.r 1 r& JEmm 33eirTc op THEmfi riJSKBT iiraaiEH BaaaL. an sgrt.FOB BALE. rkka'stnlsi.ssdor liiflr- -f aad dellrered to steamer or. athooier, ATXODESATE PBICSS. ENGINES AND' BOILERS niGD PEESSURE OB COXPCUXD. STEAM TESIiKLS of all kinds, buiH complete wita Halls of Wood, Iroa or Coa posit. ORDIXART EXUIXES ceatpooaded when adrU- able. STEAI3 LA TJX CII EN. Barge and Steam Tat coa- structed with reference to lie Trad Is wSkh they are to be employed. Speed, taaaage aad daft f water guaran teed. STEAM BOILESJL rartkalsr aUeaaoa zlrea to the quality of the material aad worsaiistSJp, led work prodseed. aoae but llrit-claSCUAlt 2TILLS AXO aUOAX-MAKlX- O C1IISEEY mads after (he most apfrsred pUss. Alto all Bolter Iron Work connected thenwitk. WATER PIPS, of Boiler or Sheet Iroa, ef say size, Eiade In soluble lengths for emratcuai tegether. or 4jraeat, Sheets rolled, punched sad packed for ready to be rireted oa the Eruesd. ITTDRACUCEirirTISO. Boiltr Work and Wa- itt Pips suds by this esta Hit meat, rireted by Hydraulic Hireling Machinery, that quality of wark , being far superior to hand work. SHIP WOBK. Ship sod Steaa Cspslaat, Steaaa Winches, Air and Clrealniog Psaps, naje after tha moft appmed plans. PUMPS. Direct Acting rampt. for Irricaaoa or Cty Water Works purposes, hellt with the wlebrated Bary Talre Voiloo, toperior to say otter pea?' Hi. Aeenta mt lor Wortblisctoo" Bsptex tUSN Puapw. ABTESIA3T ly IL TTJBZS, IThe Honolulu iron Work . ISBoirjrepsredlo JUSKISHP2IC3B AID SHOW SAXEEJsS PersOBS w(MsHCe isaes srKIt Bnt sseelc OF THE AltOTKPJWX. User stew Imtc, er to lBspere-lto- i east SHsy fat pairs awt atkJ. national Tube Wori Ce'f. Wsrlu, i69 c A.BERBE2T 9. OiPHE-OI- iD SUI ;' XawalUs Betel. KOXA COFiTKB j)FSaIehyBOU.CO AXXcXEESPOET. PA . ia large m eawli s u Aadtomaker;r"tjt3ut;Te;;s 9ntitteJa (hfitiiy rilP gs gawaiiait fhorifn. fe 1ST HOSTS IN BIBCS. WEDNESDAY, m .TRIDAT. September Snd, 1SS1, 10, 1SS1. The reception of His SIngesty theKing in Europe is highly gratifying Had ho been the sovereign of millions, instead of thousands, he could not have been better received. "Vo have every hope that his visit may "prove of great advantage to tho Islands." Wo are sure of one thing, his nrcsenco there, his manner and bearing, will have a great influence in creating a just and proper appreciation of tho civilization of our country. "We seo that the visit to tho East also is not likely to be Tvithont fruit; the Indian immigration matter is to be thoroughly gone into; m fact, it has been already carefully examined, and further communication is to be held on the subject. "Wb imagino that when the'Eoyal party return, the Commissioner of Immigration vdllbo in possession of valuable information, "which will aid in definitely settling tho matter, either for or against. This mail certainly has brought the most gratifying accounts of the progress of the King and his parry-B- y next mail vre "will hear of the reception in Germany, which ive may be sure "will be as brilliant as in the other European States. TnxGEASistotheSCthnlt continue the favorable accounts of President Garfield's condition. Ultimate recovery is looied upon as an assured fact. The attending physicians declare that all dangers are now nearly passed since tho pieces of fractured ribs "were removed, ana an incision made lower down in the wound for the discharge of pus; the progress toward recovery has been constant. Now that the President is likely to recover, this terrible episode in his experience, "will tend to strengthen his political position, while it has demonstrated the lively sympathy of the whole civilized world in his welfare. the anniversary of the birth of HerEeya! Hlghnes the Princess Regent. 'WW be observed as national holiday. nd all Gortrn taint eScc ihro&xhoni lie the KlcraoQ will be dcscd. H. A. T. CARTER, Minister of the Interior. Interior Office, AcxKhlSSl. AUGUST SB It bar fluted Her Royal Hlrbrrrs the rrirces Segrat to appoint Honorable J. M. Karrx. rort- xsaster General, vie A. r. Brfekwood, Esquire, resign ed. SO St IoUnl Palate. July 30th. 1ST. keeper of the appointed v. has been J. Krinsi Tetrad for rstrays at Walmea, South Kohala, Hawaii, KEKATJUKE. Gmtnini of Hawaii. Kl t HUo, HawaU. June 1 st, 1SH. The Tonr right: we always feel thoroughly assured ROYAL PROGRESS that the good cause wins in tho long run, certo tho as prophecies all tho OP and after tainty of Moreno's success we are glad to seo that our judgment has not failed us. H. R. H. THE PRINCESS Bon Celso is scotched only, not killed, ho REGENT. has plenty of string in him left, and ho tho ono of to has written a furious letter Italian papers, upon a gentleman resident Interesting Letter from Our Own among us. However we happen to know that the Italian Press are not quite unanimous upon tho Don, and wo may expect by next mail to receivo Italian papers, whose articles will bo very different in tono from those wo have been receiving. AYb are glad to bo ready to hear the word s'finis'totho wholo episode of iTorcno: we are only sorry wo cannot blot it out of the national history. We have Dnn Qixttts When we bid rood-by- e to Honolulu last Tioday we certainly had a btj crowd onboard, anil I had hard work to find a soft lie cpjn, and even tho little comer which ylank to racked oat for myself I had to Rive up before I reacvd Hilo; the passencers came pour-i-- ns in so from all the way porta. On our passage fmm the cardial tn TAhaina somethicc Wint wrong with the machinery which delayed us for an hour, from half past seven to half past eiRht, but the night was pleasant, tho water smooth and as I was in no hurry it mattered littlo to me. We reached Lahaina at 5 o'clock in tho morning, they were expecting us as they always do, but there was more than tho usual stir tho on shore and the lights of numerous torches flashed brilliantly across the dark and blackened waters. through the gloom we could make out the boats and they soon dashed along side ; they were full ; a deputation of the principal natives came for the off with presents of fruit, lew, flowers IWcenL Bv 7:30 a. if. we were off MaalacaBay; large crowd on from the vessel we could ice a shore, and here again a" deputation came off, among whomwas the Hon. H. Kuihelani ; presents of pigs, nsh, irons and leia were onerca nna accepted, and then away we steamed t Hawaii. The horrors of that passage are simply awful, cooped up in a shell of a thing like the little (.learner, cno can't be sea sick in any comfort (?) and we irrrv sick, the whole crowd of us, except tome case hardened individuals, whoee stomachs must be made of cast iron. We reached Mahu-kon- a at 1:30, and I can tell you I put for the shore as fast as I could. There was a very large crowd awaiting the arrival of the steamer, but I did not stay to see what went on onboard. 1 found a great change shros I was here Inst; since Mr. Mulder has taken hold a fine wharf has been built and passengers carvland by just stepping out ofthe boat. When I was here last there was a miserable rickety lamliTif; and I had to step from stone to stone in order to get on shore, while the boats run great danger of being dashed to pieces. Of course quite a change has been wrought on shore, there is the building for the station, and there are capital arrangements for landing and loading freight. Air. wilder is certainly a smart, man. There is a very fair restaurant too, and passengers are no longer obliged to sit on the rocks cooling or burning their heels, as the case may be, while they wait for steamer and schooner. At the restaurant I got a capital meal and a good cup of tea. Mr. Wilder has built a pleasant little cottage on the hill which is to to the manager's house, it is not pretentions but it is comf ottable. Going on board again, we proceeded to Kawaihae ; here a number of people came off, some to pay their respects to the Begent and others as passengers to Hilo, bound like myself to see the flow. Among the former was Mr. Samuel Parker, and among the latter Dr. and Mrs. Wight of Koba'a. The ltegent again received a number of presents. As we went along the coast after daybreak, every plantation that was grinding exchanged salutes with'us by whistling and all of them showed their respect to their royal visitor by dipping their flags ;' it was a pretty sight, as we steamed along the coast, to see tho signs of civilization and of prosperity and then to get the little mark of We reached Hilo at .30 onThurs recognition. day morning. There had been rain in the early morning, but the clouds ghad Tolled away and the sun was shining brilliantly, and it was truly a brilliant day. fairly as they say in England Queen's weather, when we "steamed into port. Hilo was gay with bunting, all the flags that could be raised were raised, and the population had turned out in full force ; a number came on board. Foremost among them were the Hon. F. A QEEsnox which has not yet been asked, might very well have been put any time during tho last three weeks. It is this: "Why did the Jlctperia come hero! At whoso request did she comeT "Wo have Strpreme Court of the Hawaiian Islands, been unablo to get any satisfactory reply Hortnlnln. Osdm. to this question. As far as wo can see, By Tbtseeflb aetterlty In toe vested by the the ITttpaia belongs to that class of vessels and the Statctes of till Kingdom, and deemet, so strongly objected to in Xew South ing it e metal to the promesJon of Justice, Chinese "being by chartered "Wales, as I d hereby erder. tit the regular term of tie Circuit speculators, who mako their gain by Owl tor the Fennh Judicial CtreaK to be held transporting their countrymen to foreign at NairUvtH, Island el Kaeai. ontbe Brat Tuesday In A. B. ISSi.be hereby postponed nntil Wedneslands in ship loads, on credit, and then Asf. day the JtUi day of September, A. D. 1SS1, at ten trusting to make a good thing out of it tioek,- -. by draining their earnings from them for Witness ray hand and the teal of the some timo after they reach their destinaSupreme Ontt. at Honolulu, tilt SXh tion. This is not "healthy immigration. djeJJoljr.A.D 1S81. (Signed.) This is a very different kind of thing from A. FRAXCIS JTiDD, JTrrt Aoeite JosKce Snpreme Court, preforming the assisted passages, given at the wish of tho dattes X Chief Justice, daring the Tacasey of that State or Colony to which the immigrants T3t oSe. are being attracted. "When we give asThe tesrig pereena hate been commissioned at sisted passages, Ave can at least regulate, TasAesestnrs restbetaxatroa Districts ofthe Kingdom somewhat, the nronortion of the sexes; we lor the year US. have a little control over what wo get; but OAHU. this kind of immigratian we nave no con.. CHJodd JfeceMa ; Walatae. Frank Brown E trol over: we can bo flooded with males; MWaVea SKMaboe we can be overwhelmed with men of any .HKanalhUo iMUlki. . .TAlJoyd Kottanpek character. Under a regularly organized HL&XTL svstem. the asrents who recruit will take a A Forcander Lahalraa.... littlo pains about the people they get, in TW Everett Wattaka. T H HavseMen Xakava order tnat tney may give sausmcuou io bavraiku P Biai.. M...m.... their principals and" retain their agency. Xtsetal Laaai J Tiakateka The news from HQo is fairlydarming; No such restraining influence is upon the HAWATL ........ L SeTeranee and for the first time tho Hilo people Chinese firms who ship their countrymen .T KaaihtH on speculation. H SI Whitney seem to have unanimously awaked to Ki. Something ought, certainly, to bq done ..... D HKahtne rnWL'SoBa.... appeared time some danger. it For their JO neartH '3klAi to prevent the recurrence of the arrival of thought divided; some they were as if S HMahsfca fiehKbala.. "We H Johnson was danger, some thought not, but irresponsible vessels liko Hafcakaa meets, ...........RA Lyman there Legislature the until that imagino by came which sound uncertain was no it KAUAI. stringent quarantine regulations may ... Jacob Hardy the last irtrfiir. The .citizens of Hilo are G Tocher J earnest now, and their appeal is being have the desired effect; but this can only in Um ....... ..Chss. Foersnta iKtTaftea be as long as our health authorities can -.KFaelki responded to. By this steamer, shovels, SHrtiM Wafeaea. .J II KapnBiai pickaxes, railway barrows, and food have regard Chinese ports as infected. "When J Uaika been sent op; we do sincerely trust that the .speculators find that importing ChiJOHN S. WJIKER, SOeieterat naanee. human means may be of some avail to nese does not pay, we may be soro they BMNMm.alrlr3?H. ta Legstay the dread destroyer, but wo have our will drop tho scheme. But when tho grave fears. The force of molten lava islature meets will be the time to put this licenses Expiring in August, 1BS1. that appears irresistible. It seems to be able question upon a proper footing. All KCTAIL-OAH- ll. to surmount all obstacles, and if it can is done now can be but, as it were, tinker-in-s: Heiinlc overcome the gigantic obstacles of Nature, at former legislation or :ereac.5naaSi, :Aktb.'aMnSc WafcaewlapVe, we can hardly liope that the pigmy efforts "What we shall have to have next LegislaSm. I Ah can, unc Jiaiiatnsa. of man will be of much avait Still while ture, will be n thoroughly VT H. Waoa, 31 wl fet. Woa we. saaanaI St, there is life there is hope, and we must all measure, which will definitely regulato iSXaJial . tTalxBie, of us bear in mind the fable of Hercules the importation of Chinese. "We pointed out last week what was Acting Governor, Sheriff Severance at A. IsmL. Khas M. and the waconner: heaven helps them Any quantity of offerings c XAkea.KMtUIL if. a little 4 being done in the Australian Colonies in themselves; even help that poured in, including the usual products and in Ktaarea.KaMlUt. money is thrown away uselessly, the '' this direction. In opening the debate addition specimens of Java. On snore there was a K W. K. Pmtttt. Fart H KfaSC, of the Tnflnx of great crowd. Her ltoval Highness the Princess authorities will have the satisfaction of upon the second reading Abtoa. aawaoi a31HH.lana.Kirihw. and the Hon. Mrs. C 1L Bishop landed on feeling that they have done their utmost. Chinese Bestriction- Bill," Sir Henry liegent !4ta Skac. Haeta. Kralaayk. side, the rest of us disembarked at St, A. wTWroe A C Parkes brought forward some strong the usual landing. suc"O'o hope the of much have not do The band did not play as we the K S. JSaxaia. Fart cess of the mounds ; from all we havo read, arguments in favor of tho Government entered the harbor nor did it do so all day, but by BUrAIL-31AtJ- X. tho to find curious is measure; and request special citizens it placed at Capit ofthe unpleasant have to an lava seems the 1 XMacrat.Watacks, tain Spencer's residence in the evening, the lter CAbMcKak. faculty of travelling uphill as well as members of tho Opposition fighting, not gent his being guest for the time being. Haaaataapaka, Haae, 9aau down," still they are worth trying. "What the bill, which most of them agree with, No sooner were we ashore than every man, S LaatCkav. raaaWkaa, Labaitia, forward. bring who Government it the but 3 AaaU. Caapts Haaa. woman child use the and started for the flow, which was commends itself to our minds is UCTAIL-llAIVA- lr. half hour's ride from the beach. Every animal dynamite on the upper part of the flow; Apparently it is not measures, but men athat had four legs, in fact, they were not particu1 Akt. PaaahML Eh if an outlet could be made above, it micht and office" that are contended against Ah Taaac t Aaaa. Raid. N. Kakala, lar to four, but took those with three, the bony, peoas Chinese the to objected Henry Sir S Ckaat a. Kapmaa. X. Eabata. j le possible to drain off from the main the spavined, the roarers, in fact all tho horse! C Atoac naarkaaHUa. artery and thus cnecK tne advance. ple "who did not take part in the per- flesh of Hilo was pressed into tha serviceA and still J Aaa Alcal. yaaaapoa. atti Sana, were left out and to trudge it. party of many country, who of the manent settlement K tTWa 4 Ca, Kaaak. Vhatever is done will be viewed with the 100 met at the base of the'tlow : among these sympathy over have H Ajaaaa. Krinaaacte. Hwakaa, could not and not did ; we sure by are keenest interest L. Miss W. Green, Hon. Kanoa, noticed Hon. P. I girt. Haaakaa. Haaaakaa. British we Green. Miss Mist, Gov. Lyman, J. M. Kapena, PianlaTHanakEa. that the next two mails from Hilo will be with British progress." For aa VfAktaa. Islands, read Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, etc, etc Aaa.Walnea. watched for with intense anxiety. No may, in the Hawaiian a Aktaa. Haaapaea. North Kaaak, -The flow was just back of tho round hills and ftL-aone can contemplate the destruction of American and European. He further ob- threatening 8 Jte.Halan, come down on Lyman's School, so JAsa, Tata, HaBakaa,oni Eahala, jected to them as being in the proportion it seemed to to of feelings spot, without beautiful such a me. The lower stream seems to be 9 and unless it is very intense sadness. Let us trust that the of one in ten with the male adults carry- following tho much reinforced, wdl find its way to the sea by ing on similar pursuits. "What would ho this executive by mado the being efforts now Qeees Ca. St. A WTekce IIoseMe, part destroying means, a of the road and the S may be crowned with success. The have said if he had found that the Chinese bridge on its way. - "rt a were exceptionally fortunnCTAIL spiuir. adult voting equaled the almost population seeing phenomenon magnincent volcanic citizens of Hilo may b3 sure that they a ate in 1 R BraUry. earner Etee and Fort Sta, Bate), we were watching the flow. When I arrived a it! S UaMa, Ceamerrial havo the most profound sympathy population; and yet that is tho present while was just on the point of running over a small JOBCIXG SPIRIT. ne speaEer itprecipice. from every person in the group and condition ol anairs nere. At first I could only sec a small th read S Xaafarlane A CawKaahnmane St, not a few quiet and Tmostentatious then went on to point out that tho Chinese of vermilion trickling over and windicg its way S C&aa XB. Xertbast M. families, wives and down the rocks, liko a tiny but vicious little snake; pravers are raised for their safety. The came without their BILUaRD. small-po- x and gradually the shining black mass behind heaved, J"af YlftCI aiiTlfc i"if Th K 1 Latte, Faaabaa. HUe. AAJaJP aiaaiju niuu Jiviviuviiiu va fc"L. that thev had introduced VA tn'tlil and more jets of fiery liquid burst forth, till finally KaJrotei, Xto, II J. F. AMI 4AX Eeraikai. capital of Hawaii are suffering must be leprosy into the colony; finally he the whole breadth of the stream was occupied, and T1CTI'AIJG. "We hope to bo able to give more eluded by saying that the colony wanted it fell into the pool in one magnificent torrent of Ckaac Fat. BasaM. Eaaat. :g At lava from 15 to 20 feet high. Itwasawfui. favorable accounts of the condition of none "to form an inferior class a class of molten Seay Eiaihahr, ygtt Kabate, yet fascinating. The heat was frightful, and S AtaaTvraUaka. affairs in Hilo when we write next week, hewers of wood and drawers of water. and many of us used fern leaves to protect our faces, 4 TfcC ir & Oa. Nesanc M, BaneliHn. but we have great fears lest instead of Unless they could be admitted to the full but thev withered and wilted in a few moments. r Okaac Abaca. WaMakn. pool it Siac Oa. Halaa. 'anh Kabila, being more hopefuL the accounts may be rights of citizenship with all their priv- As the "lava reached the surface of the & Saw Ta Foac Oa. Hotel St, Hesetala, of it floated. There were every ileges, they had farbetter be kept away"! cooled, and somejets worse. Baa. n AM, up, and a then of steam spouting Hen Cac. Vfataea. Easai, Almost every argument used by Sir Henry now and as of a million kettles boilincatonce. From ktec.Meeia. "HoEESoHoKAr' tho words which came Parkes in Xcw South "Wales has been used. sound higher up came continued explosions like cannon Tee SUa. Faaabaa. HUa. aS Leas flashing over the telegraph wires, were ; in the Hawaiian Islands, but the last has ; shots at irregular intervals. In an hour the poor Demean, Hotrt St, Haaarnrti, pool was filled up, and the hungry monster EtTCIICiU The wily Don is certainly not to our knowledjre, been brouprht for little pursued its course, licking cp the ferns and lan- S r0TT.FHbXarket,Hesalalc, hoka." He ma v come to the front rurain. ward; or if it has, not very prominently; nala only blackness and desolation trees, C GWCJffiN.KlD. iiiill ! lwl are! aa raT a mnaa rs vet this is tho very heart of the matter. behind it. leaving 7 Saa Book. "araa Kobak. I could have lingered longer, but my Xarket, Uaneraic, FWi X2K. Sjra. do so. "When the steamer Mia, with the "What should time was limited and I had to tear myself away, or . the Hawaiian Government ' . T H got this letter. It FmakaL.rarhee. ! joiner and oniie on ooaru. arnvea1 in uie in- - nt is tho bniidinir un of a you, Mr. Editor, would never hare IE tr. Belt. X. KiU, as a leit x jooKeu oacs: ana saw a eouuuy ugure was and on the hand, Don Xaples. will of Bay Xow, never Chinese tho life. national which was rockrwatohing demon a on the sitting CAKE rCODUXG. arrived with the various diKnatanes of lmild nn a national life. Thev raav rive coming towards him, dreamingof a "molten globe1 SAhtpa.EaE. can easily guess who that fascinated TIRE ABS&, Italy to receive His Majesty. For a time material prosperity to a minority; they no doubt ; youindividual was. solitary S JatTMben. Ecna.Oahn. he was successful ; none of the Boyal i may cultivate lands which would other- - and On my return to Hilo I was invited to dine at party understood j.iauan. and tne jsazoo vnse he waste; but they do not give Captain Spencer's; there were present H. RH. Circuit Court of Kaoi. the Princess Hegent and ladies in attendance, had it all his own wav ; ne introduced om- nolitical strencth to a country.' Gov. J. O. Dominis, Hon. W. L. Green, Hon. J. tTb Jcne terra of the CSrreit Coart of Hard, mis cials to his heart's content ; he elbowed the to wish not we it do By remarks these M. Kapena, Hon. A. S. ClegborD, Hon. J. E. Bush art Wu"niuu"a . ?, aswAl & .l.. Al. iwtanail Taa" a be "thought that we advocate the total and others. The Captain treated us splendidly, . - AfcV?TV t . . JnnM Jrrtrt nroM',ftir Ma- Tvux4n-- a tr1 and drove with Jnm to his hotel, abrogation of Chinese immigration. All and kept up the croirir of Hilo for hospitality. lfc case wns the Kiae lalloiray. eelling ine" carnage dinner a preliminary meeting was held, at liquor Here, however, a change came over the we wish for is to have it brought within Afterrequest trst ts. of H. B. H. the lit rent to sae whether vithoot license, verdict of enfltj; Jones for de- - spirit of his dreams ; as soon as oppor-- manageable compass. "We are well aware the thing could be done for the town, to save it an offered, a private conversation was that it is a vital matter for plantations to from impecdiEg destruction. His Ex. the MinMfi" ana A. nreaa, indrctfa lor an assaslt was appointed Chairbe supplied with labor; and it is a vital ister of foreign .Relations Bitb. intent to rob ; verdict, not Kifltr: EtrMI heldjnth him. and he was treatod to a The Princess liegent occupied a seat on The next trial ins the tadjetraeat ' tie Chinese biography; there also came matter for the country to have its planta- man. right hand. his AUardrce, Jameson and Kennedy, oa acainst e question of accounts ; a settlement prosperous; but as we have mainGov. Lyman was tie first speaker. He spoke of .cbArceofbcrKlarr. llie inrr rendered a pronipl U,: i,4; W,,. ue- - tions we near ni tained on several occasions, China is not the progress of the flow, he bad examined the ardonaxirKaieidictofritT:HarrireUlor ' carefully, he ABardyce, Hatch tor Jomieson and Kennedy. manded. Ahe Don, we understand, reels the only field from which labor is to be ground that it was likely to gorer diverting the Shag Ta. Aka- c- araa cert tried, tfce plaintiff claim- - himself too dignified to keep accounts, and obtained, and we should not lean too thought there was a possibility of Not one up flow throwing by embanaments. SSli156.f?r-Ch,0.Su,imi- s " hcd' e $7G0 much upon he onlv had stated that he ones. The but many smaller it Chinese immigration might large embankment, rmce uas eolv """""" the flow should be carefully watched, Mta bend. After the evidence wLs U jn. the , to account for ; that sum he had drawn even be made to do good in a certain way. course of points up at embankments various thrown and the pSaiatiSiathdrew his c&sb. and accepted the $15 a from Mr. Martin in Paris ; the $3,000 that A capitation tax on every Chinaman enter to meet it-- Ko tune should be lost in sending up 3j:Preuafprplsintiff.HArtueHforeefenJiint JS fcpea furnished him bv the Govem- - ing tne counrrv miens ae utroieu. ui the Surveyor General and one of the staff, also the entirely on his own private ac- - bringing in a more desirable class of im-- Superintendent of Public Works, these genUeicen ts. & P. Alexander. Arent ofthe Haita lfctchCo. mnt and e nuVroien: for the defendant : Kaica for count, jvo wonder tnat ne was spending rnifrrants. Such a capitation tax ought would get the levels and know the exact lay of the ria.muff.jv. O. South for defendant. On Satnr- - his own monev for the bovs. He was not not to be so large as to be prohibitive, but lard. Sheriff Severance rose and said that he con auiongtguktsinvitedto dine with the it ourrht to be sufficiently large to check vened with the la-- t speaker. He hid talked with planters in the vicinity and they had offered act EtT;HrtiieH for defendant. Kirkroodts. King. The King. on the day after his ar-- an invasion which threatens the national the to furnish men to assist in the work. It would be Svira, action artinsl an endorser, found a verdict rival, visited the King of Hal v, and we are independence. desirable to have more tools than were at present fe, u ptainaff for $i0: Fwstoa f or plaintiff, gjven to understand that during that in-to be had about Hilo ; if these were not used they AhMo far def ends-- t. A cattle stealing case iras The condition of affairs among the cncmlizcd could be disposed of at little or no loss in Hilo, or tho character of Moreno was J terview, oa mti ctarcraar aiteznooa. I of the Sooth Pacific seems to be eminently they could be returned to Honolulu. A supply nrettv thorourfdv discussed and unders-- islands unsatisfactory. The tale of murders of traders of food should be sent or? weekly, he felt very - Airport nmroand town that Captain Fahet in ' jtoodthe: Italian Government know the continaes to mount cp. and the manner in which strongly on this point ; cuiple supplies of rice and of o of our coasters, hid killed or venturer of old. "When the Eing left for retribution, or, rather, no retribution, is meted paiai should be on hand. He would also recom-- It-- sJ -- -- k ................ .. ' ...... ....... . CpU-aiKnce- r. Qs Wai-ike- a a . water-cours- i T,l, con-inten- ' well-chose- ....... a i ; a. I ' 1 1 -- -- A A - w.asth arri'thTGtrr faty ,e j .fcTSJE j. - , ", ,'i ; thIJnSS "s same carnage with JUS Jlajesty, out ne did not succeed, and followed the party 3rd class. At Rome the same game was at tempted to be played as in Naples, but it was as completely foiled- - He played the old tactic, of which we have heard before now, of refusing to give an address, but Parke they said this statement vis nntrne. There his residence was discovered and a fur ia anSeaent eseertainti aboct tbe ta tv. ther conversation was held with him, and by His people who d esddealy uKhout da iaTesas- - itajesry hrmseil tnat JUS political status, tioa. In the present case a grave charge is made CS far as Hawaii was concerned, was at an aftemrds vhhdravn against a man. Ten arid. minutes investicatios by coroaer's jury would This nearly finishes up the Moreno care aroiaea ail tins. episode, he has played his best card and he J Anxeg the arrivals by the last 6tesaer ire notice has lost his stakes, xleran the boys as a po tbenaoeof XT. L. Halleabeck. familiar to many litical move, be will drop them now : this Captain on retnminc oa board at one of the snail ports in Hanii foend the man drank. He exam- ired the cabin and found haaor in a demiiohn. this he broccnt on deck and drev a pistol sunac be avoid bre k it. The da af ier the C2unaman died and berried on share. When the ressel arrived in Honolulu tcx of the cretr reported that the CmnarviTi had bees murdered tT the Captain. j ni i , j Six. Hallenbeck nasheard uith great intezestin the meeting! be o soccessfnllT conducted ta San ( j ia-latmoSaO- the youth who abused Marshal Parke so roundlvafew months ago; we shall re-- CSSMbamlboxS been inrited here by the Christian peopue ol ocr now tt3t the great Don Will SO longer be dry with the hope of acoompiishinc as good sort influencing them. As far as the bovs aaaoae m mcoh seeded here a in any com- - j themselves are concerned tier seem to be ' vjS will of the Italian Government towards A casiage accident occurred on "Wednesday the Hawaiian youths. After all the great street, aftexsooa on Merchant ilra. JciV car boasting the amount the Don had spent liage in cooseqnesce of a'.hotse on behalfoiof the boys, from his own 'pribBtkmsagamstit. ilrs. JuddTrtsthnranctaad bid the saallbone of her ass broken, the other vate estates,' it was found on examination 4X .j unl of the raniage ns only slightly brtased, that he had borrowed $C00 from M. ejeat credit ia dse to the coacmsanfor thersaa-xteri- n GernUi a banker. Bhich to bis hoses heads and Certainly oar worthy friend has made a prevtsied their running avay. grand fiasco, he had evidently hoped to Captain Cjvrrly,weII taowa hi this city, and accompany the King in a grand tour srlro has t or aaay years been in charge of steamers through Italy, and to cover himself with detailed Wbrinf; of theP.iLS.S.Ox, hasbcen nBtfnKin TSwtnomrKwiif 4I, g. nan ' t glory. TheDon, after aU, is only another of the Tirrrrierb, "honesty TErohas:ibTthncirsntiiT tiirC.twnf n;Jw; wSifoUow, and toth are to bo is the best policT." TbeC.fr He "was snecessrni for. iatsa respaayg serriceiatfce PacSc. j a fa-1 - r 'ufcLl " "". itC U4&S IXXU IXiLUZU . jsuch is the end of most knaves social end! r batbrJohi: oai Sob far pa&Sesl: Vaaaaar faaV "ftrgTTI ftakai aaaWla JSttaaWU 4BtMaatW OTKB af"t(""K (re hare a great belief In the s W orez-tszse- d Mi-chi- -- - w-- r t f OaTTk J PWBBHMpWip jjK Wfpw - 'iHRIIR W&iu "' W JBtsC. J"wiMKiipitai W ' " -- L- out. only increases the TiL From a letter published in the Sydney IXy Triiyrapk to cull the follovriEf; particulars : Tee cruise of the mtrvU has only served to confirm the Halites' in the opinion that they can commit murder and Ostrase vrith comparative impunity. Oaths coast of Go&dal-canthey say that the men on board a "fiit'itirg ship' "saree fight tree and old toman."' TTxjse nanves who are favorable to the ihitcs say that if one man had been killed it would have done Rood; as it is. the Tillages punished do cot believe in "clemency." because the destruction of their trees and houses indicates a desire to do harm, and they putdo'sm to iEeapacitT the sparing of thelites of the murderers. This Exeter HaH policy has, moreover, adirectlr evil upon the satires, and party fosters quarrels among them; the iTranuiring, and, is some instances, murdering, those arho are in favor of, or friendly to, the whites A interesting feature of the LaetvtraMma is ilB band. It is formed entirely cf Peruvians. The poor fellows came off as refugees from various regiments, brinpng their instruments along with them. They were shipped as sailors, and in a very short time gat to be able to play well together. They can none of them understand a word of Tnffei When they reach Sen Francisco their engagement is at an cod, sad they will hare to beOT existence over fgiir. gin the stress Poor fo&nrs, it was almost sad to see them; they were nearly all men with Indian blood in tieir veias, SIcstisoes. having the sains high cheek bones nr.d melancholy cast of features which characterizes et,. Vnytt, a rn.ri-i- n IrAi an There W3S HO mis- talrigg their nationality. Alas! their nationality isbntamme. "When one thinks how the Peruvians fought, what privations the troops went through, how terribly they were beaten, and what fearful exacrious Cnui has made from her conquered foe, one cannot help feeling sorry even at the sight of Peruvian. The wedding of Paymaster.F. H. Homartto Ifiss IToUie Colsraan took place on board the VH. S. ladsacanna on Monday afternoon. The ceremony was performed by the Eight Ktr. Bishop Willis, assisudbj the The ship was beanlil clir decorated with flags, &c all in full dress and the affair The for storing property in. Mr. 1. A. Martin also thoroughly agreed with the last speakers. He agreed immediate action; there was not a dayto be lust. It was not certain that the now could be turned,, but it wasthsduty of the Government to take the necessary steps to attempt to sate Hilo" Hilo was the capital, the best harbor on the coast, no labor nor expense should be spared to save it. taCapt. T. Spencer, recommended that more tools should be feent than bad been proposed by Sheriff Severance. He could give no men, he could give very little help, he was old, but be would go out ana he could make men work, he oould do a heap of hallooing and bocsing.' Gov. Donimis, agreed with what had been said ; he thought it was the duty of the general Government to take immediate measures. Hon. A. S. CIehom considered it was presumption on his part to give an opinion of the flow or the lay of the land ; that was for gentlemen thoroughly conversant with the country. He had thought about the necessity and possibility of doing something before he left Honolulu, and after hearing them his oxiniong vae strengt hened. He urged that there should be no delay. Hon- - J. IX. TTapTi concurred in all that had been sard. He was certain the natives would heartily and render all the assistance! in their power. They would be pleated at seeing the efforts ofthe Government to take care of ar anti-vhi- te - Cleg-ho- m Vinos. n. tAto,lZB3. i lanw TJf fagjjBw&iM iwiss.st'ss'ss's'sslMssMssJssiss.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s. 'LssSssSssssTilstBTIsfllflslssssfl "Cheshire," "Zoo," "Kale" Ex AND OTHER tATE ARR1VAM, w offer In lota to soil, at the Lowest Market nicnaey wklj gKLKOIED additions hare been mada to their lima ot Agxicultoal Implements, Plantation Tools and Supplies, Builders Hardware, (A fine assortment of Locks by Ball from N T). FOR BlacJsmUht, Carptnltr, Cahinrt Makers, U- pholstcm, Machinists, Saddlers and Harness Makers, Painters. House Furnishing Goods. SILVER. PLATED WARE, Table and Pocket Cutlery, CHANDELIERS, Lamps. Lanterns. Carriage Lamps, Lamp Fittings, Wicklng, Chimneys, etc to Oct- - ONE SUPERIOR WOOD TURNING LATHE COMPLETE. Stocks and Dies or latest Improved rjattcrns, Doujlis Stand and Suction Pumps. Hay and Fodder Cotters. Empire Portable Forges, Scales, Put form and Counter 3U) pounds. gprinz Balances, to a Cut and Wrought ITails, Boat flails, Tacks, Horse and Mole Shoes, "Globe"- - and Pntnan Horse Nails, Horse and Mule Uames, Whunetiees, Ifvtv JldcerJisemmfS. Olotjtx, Plows I Plows ! Plows by ! tht Molins All sixes made to order, extra stronjr, Plow Co., suitable for Sugar and llice Plantations, COMPJtISlSG Grab Breakers, Boston Clipper, Paris Improved Steel PIos, Gilpin Sulkey Plows, OX CHAINS. OX YOKES. OXBOWS, Topsail Chains, Trace Chains, Swivels, Fence Wlre.Barbed Wlre(i"al&d and Galtanlzed), Galvanized and Black Staples, Fenco Wire Stretchers, Superior Hemp Packing, Jute and Cotton Twine, Blaine Twine. Shovels, Spades & Scoops, JEitra quality, made to order. Hoea "Crescent" Rice. Cane and Garden, Snpcr'ne Sash Cord, Wire Sash Cotd, Sash Weights, Blacksmiths' and Hand Bellows Peter Wright's Anvils, I0U lo 603 pounds. Vises Hand and Bench, Caulking Irons, Carriage and Cart xles and Springs, Tuyere Iron. Machine. Carriage and Tire Bolts, Bolt Ends. Nuts and Washers, Beat TNirlUT, and American Files, Manila and Sisal, from Cordage 1-- in. up, 2 Leather Beltln; and Belt Laclni-s- , Pure Lubricating Oils and Compounds, Lubricating Caps ot most approved patterns, standard Axle urease. Glue. :., &c, &c (1C0 CO., DILLINGHAM Fort Street, Honolulu. 33 E. 0. HALL & SON BECEIYED BY THEDISC0YEIiY, A Foil Line of those Unexcelled " Trail Steel 3P2oosrs" Made to order by the MO LINE PLOW CO., No. S, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and U. Also, a few of the PDEEOW TTAT.T. on rAi.ir.UAS. Agricultural Implements ' o LOST. Steel-bowe- d eivea on all kinds o." bnlldlnrs. When required. Oflces and Stores Cued np ia the taest Eastern style. Bepairing of every ducriptlox. done la the best possible nsnner. and at reasonable ratea. OF ALL KCfDS. men nteei ureacers, i men nnja Qneens, and cctoiuc niib rkuno i SOON EXPECTED. Eitai Points for all the above plows constantly on hand. Expected bojbi by the "Amy Tnmer" from and the "Mohican from New Tork, a fall usoTtment of Goods in oar line. Bos--o- We keep Constantly on Hand A very foil line of English and American- - Slxelf Hardware ALSO, CALIFOBNIA LEATHEB.1 We deal in Black Blasting Powder, Hercules and miant Powder, and Sportinc Powder of all kinds, i Cported direct from tho California Powder Works UNDERSIGNED HAVING ts Commissioner's BY Seal Estate: VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF Sale of by the Honorable, CHARLES C. IIARB1S, Chief Jostles of the Supreme Court, Issued on the th day or January, A. D. 1S80, the undersigned will fell at public auction, THURSDAY, ON AUGUST 18, A. D. (381, Stoves and Hanges Also, Silverplated Ware for CHRISTXaS A5D TfEDMXG PJIESE3TS HP Orders forPlantation DISPATCH. Goods from the other will bo filled with 862 W. DE FRIES, VETEEUT AY SUBGE0H, SICK OR Office B. Mortgage Foreclosure Sale TNer ACCOKlA"SCE "iVITU ATOAV- a X of sale contained In certain aortzar zivea br KAAIMAKAVAUI and HULIPEE to tfEOBOK C WILLIAMS dated lh July HOT recorded Liber Ji par 61, the undeislened Rives notice that he Intends to fere-dos- e said morteage for condition broken and will sell at public auction the premises or a portion thereof, described in said mortgage at public auction la Honolulu, on THURSDAY, the of ACOCST at Ll Jf of said day. at the auction room of X. p! Adams. The premises to be sold consist of certain tracts of land in Waiahole and Walaane, Oaks, rateable for ltlce, Kalo, Ac. and containing over tares acres, more particularly set forth In P.oral Patents and 7&G6. ml Pnrlher particular can bo had st the ofllM of Cutis Jt Hatch. r Dated, Honolulu the 19th day of July. 1W1. GEOKOE C. WILLIAMS TX ACCOItDAXCE er a POT-- "IVITH of sale contained In a certain mertg2t gives A. MEEMANO to GEORGE C. WlLLUMrf dated 1st br of MAY 1SB1 recorded In Liber 43 page sari, ta saderslcB-e- d givea notice that he intend u forelos mortgage for conditions broken and will sell said at pubMe auction the premises er a portion thereof, described In said mortgage, at public suction In Hunokita. oa THURSDAY IStadayof AUGUST, said day. at the suction room of E. P. Adams. 7h premises to be sold consist of over seven acre, of aaa l8ItBMsf cane land, suitable also for s building site at Kaueebr, In Psnaluu, near the Kaneohe church, described ta deed recorded In Liber 43, pags 499. Kurthrr particulars can be hid st the offlcs of Cast Hatch. Dated Honolulu the 19th day of Jlr. 1E8L GEORGE C. WILLIAMS. Et MOETGAGEE SALE. OTICE IS IIEREI3T GIVEN, or a W!0.lF.",.,: - rentln P'o'"on '. msdsbrKALAL'OMAXOrWitnU ,KvntT A,1a the abth dy of My. 187). recorded liber 58, pz ao. and by him assigned to Frsnci M. listen. U? ht assignee, Intends to foreclose said mortrsge for cee8-tlo- n broken, and will sell the premise mortgaged at public section tn Honolulu, on SATtRDAY. tllffSMh. DAYofACOUST, IWI.at JSo'eloek, sahtdsy! at the Auction Room of E. P. Jdams? Mof The premise to bo told consist of several valaaWt kalo patches In Palaraa.adiolnlngthemauks pertrss ofthe rice plantation, well watered, and centatalag over one acre, fully described tn Koyal Pavnt SSL For further particular apply to Castle A Hatch, ' 1L"C Dated. Honolnlo, July ltth. 13M. MJ ASSIGNEES NOTICE. UJsTEl8ICrNKD IITiHEBY TITE notice that Mr. WILLIAM DABT.of Island of Hawill. Hawaiian Islsnds. ha th' day made an assignment of all hi goods chatties, ana merchandise aud all properly of every name art and nature tons for the benritofbis Creditor. And all person hilB property of s6y kind, or deetrtpDn belonging to the said Dart, in their pesrsston are requested to report the same to me, and all parlies iadtMed ta the said Dart, are renoeated ta settle mo sad any parties baring any claims against saidikeestate, matt presentthe ramedsly authenticated on or before ts ISM. Oct IT.gr B.F. B0LLK3, .6th, 1831. j. MILLS, 880 "" Astlspiee. "l a 2.0TICE TO CHEDIT0E3. CITE THE UXDEIISI03TED that they have been annotated Administra- tors of the KstaWof the Hon. Chirk Ceffln Harris, late of Honolnlo decaased. All persons hiring r claims' against said Estate, whether secured by mart-gag- e or otherwise are notified lo present ths taaofor payment to the undersigned within six months from this date, or they will be forever barred. P.C JOKES. Jr. W. F. ALLEJJ. M" ?' Honolulu. July th. 1831. tm. U"m E. B. THOMAS, Contractor and Builder. LJ rLArlLl fssssssVssB lissssssssiaBB' Hssl H'JssH dHjf"r""rri lT"""""""""""f""""H Kb? rBTBTBTBTBTBTsTsTssTB- I Stables. Orders left at G, West's Shoeing Shop will bo attended to. axTzr vr rzxsrxssxmc to C.T.Gnllck, Levers & Cooke, Bxn. Slaea Kill, Geo. P. CaslU, II. Webb. rjsr-A- Il orders frasi the other Islands proraptir 63st ""i BBBSl" Sesldenee, Ho. 33 ssH ass ssssM sTBTsTsTssaX "fSBBBB? BSSBnSBBBsL sTbTbb JsBBT s'l Atavltesa St real. tt short police, and workdea M la Estimate furn iibed th best manner. IRRIGATION! AFTER TITig D XTR-I- CATTLE. IHJUREOJPSES and Stalls at Hawaiian Hotel -i St3sil3BBjff'jPSliJ 3awsBapsBsKMpsH".,. WILL ATTEND TO ALL Eli-Ba- te AT 12, At the front door of Alitolanl Hale, all the right, till and lnterst which tho said CHARLES KAjJAlXA. deceased, had of lu or to tbf following parcel of laaa situated in Keelelpopo. an III of ruahale, KaHhLOah. and bounded a folio: E hoomaka ma kt Uhl Akas e hele ana. Hem. 'Jf Ko. 1 1W kl. ma ka paleas pa o Ohule, malalla akn Hem. 43" III. I an ksnV ma kabs-k- al malalU akn Ak. Su 111. I S.SU kl. ma ka palena Loao o Ananoho, malalla. akn Ak. 43" Ka I 0.73 tin I. ma ka palena kola a blkll ka hoomakt ans Maloko o keis kaulahao hulnaha a ot iki akn, s sal Ik! Apana 1 mat nana. IEUuS. Cash, and deed at expense or purchaser Any person desiring Information In regard to ths shorn described premises, can hare tht same br calling st the Marshal' Offlre. W-PABKB, CosasBUitoaer. -' ,. lWt. Honolulu. July MSSt VBY PIUE ASSOETltEHT Soon expected. A2TT Hoto-ka- csed thera to be stronger and better than any other kinds in the market. We have also a foil assortment of Plow Handles. 13 IIAV12CO appointed, by th Supreme Court. Tresis and administrator ofthe estate ofthe late THOMAS MEEK, of Honolulu, hereby nptitrs sit psrtle faasbt-e-d to said estate, to make Immediate payment to t nndcrslgned; all parties having property In their chare belonging to ssld estate are requested to notify ta administrator of the same wlihc-tt- i delay. Alt parties having claim against said estate are requested to present the same duly authenticated, to tht undersigned within six months, or they will be farever barred. H. O. CKAnBIi, Trustee and. Administrator Estate ofThoma Meek, deceased. Honolulu, July 18th. 1381. MB PLOWS, These Flows are acknowledged by all who have trail s it ana PARTIES 8t AGENTS FOR WAITHD, a r.airr tvxmiis a mituatiux a.s nv-eness. Woald do some ewls; if iesxni. Address Cook1 2m B4t NOTICE. Mortgage Foreclosure Sale. Tho Bain Wa-0Tho Davis Iron Wagon, Hallidie'a Barbed Wire, Albany Lubricating Compound, Halliclie's Patent Wire Bopo, American Lubricators, Averill's Mixed Paints, . Albany Cylinder Oil, Continental Oil and Transportation Co., California Wire Works. A tOO P. Adam. The premise to be sold consist of tw sere ot land In PohikunnL Waiehn, Manl, granted to KekU by Royal Patent Sl9. Said premise art aaiubio for Kalo or Cane land, and are well sltcated. further partlculara can be had at tht office of Cast ADMUnSTBATOR'S 2.0TICE. Guns, Gun A'ipples and Mpplo Keys, Fonder, Shot and Caps, ETC Dr. Thacher'a Saturday, the 27th day of Angnrt, 1881, at 12 o'clock M. of said day, at tho suction room of X. THE 2""L:rlge:E,ao:rs, AU Dersnns havinz claims a jralost the Estate of the late L. tV. Hopp, are hereby notified U present tlie tame to the andertlrned within six months from this date or the samcwlllbe forever barred, and all persons Indebted to the said estate are hereby requested to JOHN UOPP. make Immediate payment to me. No. 73 Kin? street. 1581. 851 1, Honolulu, Aszntt B Basins, Jennings Jnd Hygienic Water Filters and Coolers, Ice Cream Freeacrs, - r4a F0EECI0STJEZ SALE. ACCOKDASCE WITH A ftssTKR OT sale contained In a certain mortgage glvea by Lhss-kato Capt. James Mskee, dated July h, I&S, recorded Liber SD. page 9A, the undersigned gtvr notice that a Intends to fureeloeo said mortgage (or coadltlon broken, and will sell at public auction the premise, or a portion thereof, dercilhed In said mortgagt at pubHe auction In Honolulu on A Ills Toilet and Laundry Soap. Queen,""Crova," "Palace," "Sideboard," "Zero" NOTICE. Seatal Ofice will be closed until farther notice. In Probate. In the milter of tat late of Donehila. Cuba, deceased. At Chambers, before Mr. Jostles Jadd, On reading and filing the petition and aeeewsls et Alexander J. Cartwrlght Administrator of the Xsutc ot Andre Machado, lite of Honolulu, Ostia, drreiKd. wherein he ask to be allowed JI.5T1 03, aad charges' himself with $5,173 37, and asks that to same may b examlded nd approved, and that a anal order may be made of distribution of tho property rcmalulsg la Us hands to the persons thereto entitled, and ulittirgiag him and his sureties from sll farther responslbutty as such Administrator. It Is ordered that TTESDAT, the Gib day of D. 1S81. at 10 o'clock A. M before tht said Justice, at Chambers. In the Cetrrt House at Honolulu, be and the same hereby Is appointed ss tht Usn and place for hearing said petition snd aceownt. and that alt persons interested may then and then aepcas aud ahow cause. If any they have, why the aaa sheskt not be granted, snd may present evidence as to was an entitled to the said properly. And that Utl order, la the English and Hawaiian language, b pabHshed In tho Hawaiian Gazette" and Nupepa Kuolsua,' newspapers printed snd published In Honolulu, for three successive week previous to the Urns therein appointed for said hearing. Dated at Honolulu. II. U this Mfh day of Jaly. A. Q. A. FEASC1S JT3JD, MM. Justice of the bBpreiss Covrt, Attest r A. Rosa. Deputy Clerk. horse or cattle belongtugto tht Estate of lb late THOMAS MEEK, with hi. brani. arerastieaed against changing the same, or selnng such horse or cattle, under penalty of proaecntion. U. O. CILUHJE. Tru.tee and Admlatstrater. Estate of Thomas Heek, deceased. lloiiolnla. July 15lh. ligjl. MS m Sailor Pans. Saucepans, rry Pans. Rat Traps Charcoal, Shield and Tailors Irons, Sad Irons, Tinned Iron Spoons and Forks, Silver Steel Spoons and Forks, Champagne Corkscrews, Coffee Mills, Boston Card and California Matches, "ESJLoo COURT OV THE HA. Dated, Honolulu, the Mlh day of Jnhr.lSSl. PARKER MAKEE. for the Heir of Ja. Makee. Buckets, Tubs and Galvanized it (HAWAHAX COSSOL) Undertakes the porcine and shipment of iti kinds of British and Cestinestal goods, and will beglad to receive Orders, at rates either free on board at shipping port lo Europe, or delivered ex ship (hot with duty for buyer's aecosnt) at Iloedolu. Sach Orders may be accompanied by remittances, payable In London urSaa Frao-eiscor be will draw at Cu days siht against confirmed credits from Honolulu Bankers, rr otherwise, to suit the convenience of buyers. BEresxxczs : MESSES. WK. a. IKWIK CO Honolulu. IIOX. W. L. unEES, Hoaetslo HON--. J. i. WALKEfi. Huoalaln. THE AGBA BASK. (Limited), London. gj ly It It farther ordered, that notice thereof be riven by publication, for threo successive weeks. Ia B 6 Hawaiian Oaaetto" a newspaper printed and psbBsb-e- d In nonolalu. thit elutlon be Isonrd lo And It la further the subscribing witnesses ta said will, sad u ts aetrt of the testate In Honolnlo, to appear at Us Usa appointed for hearln;. Dated Honolulu, II. I., Anrnst th, ISM. LAWRSSCE JlcCCLLT, Justice of the Supreme Cocrt. Attest! Sstt 3t Jso. E. ninxaan. Clerk of Sap. Court. & Hatch. Hose Coopllnzs, Hose Pipe, Lawn Sprinklers, "Philadelphia" and "Preslden" Lawn Mowers, Brooms, Step Ladders. 4 to 12 fret, Eureka" and "Unitenal" Clothes Wringers, Utugham Buckets, lit. JAS. DUNN, MERCHANT. GLASGOW, 4tr Carbollzcd and Standard Hose, 3 and 4 ply, Kiss "Berry's School MERCflflKTSLPLaNTRS, Id the matter of the Estate a&nACTXL SYTTB. 1st of Honolulu, Oahn, deceased. Older appals Hb Uibj foe probate of will and dlrectlr.j: pabHeatrea cfnoWte of the tame. A document, purporting to b the last wHI tad test. meat of Daniel Smith, deceased, eittnz on tb- - Hn! of AuEBJt, A. D.iai. been presented to said Presets Court, and a petition for the probate thereof, tho Issuance of latter testamentary to Boa. A, Jricnct Jndd. havtnz been Hied by Marnrct E. Smith, wMoc ordered that Friday, the am day ot It la hereby D. I&i.at 1(1 o'clock, A. V, of sM oar. at th Court Boom of slid Court, at Alllolsnl Bat. isHtw. inla be, and the tame Is, hereby appointed the t! fee proving said will and hearlnff said appHeatton. staes and where any person Intseetied may appear and co-te-st the said will, and the sraatlng of letter tcitanira-tar-y. M0ETGAQE VALENTINE'S celebrated Varnishes. Brashes in every variety and. tor all purposes. Honday, Aa;cjt She has room Will for a few more Fapllt. Corner Alakea and Beretanla 6SJ 7 3t Streets. North Kocila, JliwalL TEST, 150 Best Brands). pahjts. on, TasPEimmu putts', George Eckley or Frank ?. Eckley, will receive mocey and receipt O. (WI CC3U1IXOS, 5. II. D. bills forme. lm) Governess, OIL, Ofthe COCRT OF THt WAHMlrAW Ia Probstev Island of Oina, Hrtt Islands. wallan Islands. TOOLS AND SUPPLIES KEROSENE JgtkpHsmil. K state of AXDRE MACIIADO. HAVE JCST lit I Yours, jis?i:tuiU), gpcjfol polices. ETWEES' THE IlfsTEI, ASD T1TE POST At the dose of the proceedings His Ex. the MinOfice, a pair ot SPECTACLES Tilth a small piece of wonted tied to one tlie of the ister of Foreign Affairs and the Hon. A.S-were appointed to put the minctesof the frame. Any one andinx the same and feasia; at J. A. will bessitablr rewarded. meeting in proper ahaps and to inform the Min- Palmer & Co's Ores fctore, sn ister of Interior as to the condition of affairs. conseThe steamer was flinw an hour in If.r.BTJEGESS, quence of tho rneetrng. bare had to write liko rt? JblUXXDaUA-- t an ogre to get this off to poo. More next week. O l Ta.X3siry Friday. Shop os Bins Street, appeal le Eose'n. The Hegent trill go to the now th-- STOCK OF NEW GOODS The King reached Home on tho 2d of July. On tho lid he had a pleasant interview with the Holy Father. He tisited some of the noted places in the city, but time did not permit him to seo much. On the 4th he left Borne direct for London. He arrived at Paris at 5 xju,, where he was met by M. Collin de Paradis, the Hawaiian acting Consul. After driving about the city for several hours ho took the train for London, arriving there at 8 r-Lootos, July 12th, 1S31. The King was met at Folkestone by Mr. A.Hoff-nun- g, who had secured a special car from the railway company. At the Charing cros3 station, he was met by Mr. Manley Ilppkinl, Hawaiian Consul, who accompanied him to Clandga's Hotel, where he has seImmediately cured reasonable Accommodation. upon His Majesty's arrival, the British Foreign Otfica assigned Mr. R. Follct Synge of that office to attend on htm during his Etay in England. Tho assignment of Mr. Synco was especially gratifying to His Majesty, as Mr. Syngo has resided at thefiawaiinn Islands some j ears ago. On the day following his Majesty's arrival Lord Granville called upon him, other persons of distinction also called. HerJIajesty tho Queen, most graciously placed her box at the Koyal Italian Opera at his Majesty's disposal and also sent one of the royal carriages to convey him to and from tho Opera House. Onthelltti instant a grand military review was held at Windsor Park. By Her Majesty's direction he was taken by carriage and not by rail to Windsor, and was placed in one of the royal carriages, on that part of the ground reserved for the Boyal family, a position of high honor. Before the review commenced, the Crown Princo of Germany rode up to his Majesty's carriage and introduced himself, saying tie wished to thank his Majesty for the very kind treatment he had accorded to his son Prince Henry, whilo he was at the Hawaiian Islands; shortly afterwards His Uoyal Highness, the Prince of Wales left his position and rode on horseback up to bis Majesty's carriage'and saluted him, shaking his hand. He remarked to his Majesty that ho had often heard his brother, the Duke of Edinburg, speak of the He 6aid Sandwich Islands, and of his Majesty. hegratly regretted the absence of his brother. After the review his Majesty was conveyed in tho royal carriage to the quarters of the Marine Brigade, commanded by fair Thomas Brassey. His re Majesty dined with a large company in the tent and at a late hour was driven back royal carriage. London in the to On the 11th of June his Majesty lunched with Earl Granville; there were present. Lord and Lady Granville, Wm. Gladstone, Lord Kimberly and Sir Charles Dilks. Immediately after lunch his Majesty and suite were conveyed in a roval carriage to the railway, and proceeded to Windsor. A royal carriage conveyed his Majesty and suite to tho ccstle, where an interview took place between His Majesty and Her Majesty tho Queen. There were present, Earl Granville, the Princess Louise, and other members of the Boyal household. After s very pleasant interview Her .Majesty commanded that the suite of his Majesty be presented to her. She spoke of Queen Emma, and expressed her gratification in hearing bis Majesty speak such excellent English. After the termination of the interview, his Majesty was accompanied by Prince Leopold and tho Grand Duko of Hesso Darmstadt to the dining room and lunch was served ; subsequently, bis Majesty inspected the interesting curiosities and relics preserved in the castle. At I r.ir. ho was taken in ono o the royal carriages to the station, and conveyed to London in a special car. His ilajesty and suite will attend a lunch on Thursday next, given by Lord Charles Befesford, at which His Boyal Highness the Prince of Wales will be present, and at C r.u. of the same day bis Majesty will attend a garden party to be given by the Prince and Princess of Wales, at Marlborough House. The Imperial Government have shown his Majesty every attention necessary to his comfort and pleasure, and be has fuUy appreciated it. TO CAIJi THE "PESPECTPTJIiIiT of buyers to their XL attention Pompeii. On the 2d of July he went to Home. We call the attmlfrm of pastf ngeis aid shippers to the change in the hour of sailing of the steamer tXA It JJttUU for windward ports, viz? 4 o'clock t.tc instead of fi, ts heretofore. This change is inLET, TO tended to take place from and after the lCth,and AIiATTKA STUEET OS Hotel Coaly, trill enable the steamer to reach I Ho early Thcrs-da-y HOUSE above 43. the Princess mriike, Jicaad Mrs.S.ec-MjagaStreet, newly papered moraing. The steamer en her next trip will J Major and Mrs. Wodehoose, Hon. A. throsgboct. Friremain, roaming until Thuraday from in nilo "We the mformed are that mtor others. banand o'clock; giving passesgezx rTaj-- , rmtnn bl S9bm to tb T2ewir lfflfd day afternoon si A hoasc on Punchbowl Street, between Eerrtaala St. coapli"r These were a.xaimberof Tery handsoma ample time to visit tie great lava fiow and other and Pxktce WaUc Forpartlcalars ayplrj to objects of isierest. DK. McOKEW, Hotel St. 84 let pressats tor aohsjw pair. Ker.T.B-Blackbur- --3s,. .IHHIHHHHK mend sheds to be built as shelter for those whose houses might be destroyed by the flow, and also DILUMHA1&G0. a. j ' ABBIVAl OF THE CHESHIRE. relative to tho King's tour. Our letters extend to his departure from Singapore. Wo are obliged to omit tho account ot that part of the trip. Wo tako up tho narrative from when tho King reached Aden. Durjng his visit to India, which was short, the question of Indian emigran conf orcnee noon " tion was held. All the documents bearing on tho subject were submitted to the Commissioner of Immigration, and the officials controlling emigration were present and expressed their views fully and kindly. On Juno Hth tho King reached Aden. Tho steamer remained there for six hours. On landing ho visited tho Arab town of Aden, and drovo out to the great tanks built by tho Bomans or tho Turks. For the first timo ho saw camels in largo numbers used as beasts of burden. Tho dealeis in ostrich feathers were in seores. On arming at Suez, the Prince had made arrangements to go ashore and tako lodgings at a hotel in Cairo. There was no intimation that the Egyptian Government would notice his arrival, and no steps had been taken to inform it. He was therefore taken by surpriso when a delegation arrived, informing him that they had oorao from Cairo (distant 155 miles) at tho command of tho Khedivcjto receive tho Prince and escort him to Cairo. They had brought tho Khedive's special car from Cairo. The interview took placo at 3 a. u. At daylight the Prince left the steamer in a yacht. After entering the mouth of the canal, ho returned, and took tho special train for Cairo. At that place he w.is lodged in tho Palace of He visited tho Pyramids, tho Citadel, and several of the mosques. After remaining there two days, ho went to Alexandria in a special train. The Knedive met him at tho depot, and escorted him to the Palace of Mahmoudcab, three miles from the city. The Khedive understanding fully tho meaning of tho term incognito, received tho Prince as a distinguished stranger, and insisted on no formal ceremonies. On the Prince's returning his call, he was dressed in morning costume. The Prince dined with the Khedive on the 23d, and on the 2tth attended a grand ball given at the Palace on the occasion of some anniversary of a religious ceremony. The Prince attended a Masonic meeting in Cairo, but declined one in Alexandria owing to his short Btav of only two days. Whilo in Cairo, be visited one of the stables noted for Arabian horses. On leaving Alexandria, ho was taken to the steamer about to leave for Naples in the Khedive's barge, manned by twenty oarsmen"; and as thb vessel passed out of the harbor an Egyptian frigate guns. fired a salute of twenty-on- e The steamer Atia stopped at Catalania for threo hours, and from that place to Messina the view of Mount itna was fine. It had many points of resemblance to Haleakala. At Messina the Prince went on shore for an hour, and visited one of the He arrived at Naples on the 30th. A epntation of citizens met him, together with the Mayor and Prefect of the city, tho General, the the Admiral and civil officers. He went to the Hotel lloyal des Etrangeis. On July 1st he called on King Humbert and tho Queen MnrghariU, and was received by them in a very informal, pleasant way. In the afternoon he drove out to the ruins of My oflce will be closed from An;, Dsrioz. my abenee from the Kingdom. gdcttjtismtnls. Uir His Majostr tho King Round tho "World. received a largo quantity of matter oT egxt strictly prohibited, except between O. D. GtoK.ni.nsid4 tap.Ki. boperlntendentorWater'Wmls-clgne- Approved; IT. A P. CaBTs.Mlai!iof Istertor. eMSltf nonolaln. April ffla. Wl. r KX yr. s thhHof FKEETB. d NOTICE hacfaiixaxe, &it 6.VTh. comprise tm. -- K. Kaefatlsse. Maefarlsas & Co. fi HoBolms, Jnly Is! rise a. W 11. 3CACFA8LA-0- - CO. Wt 4sJt IB Issssssi .. ISLAND LOCALS. COH3EKCIAI.. THE VERY LATES About Xerox. o.vturir.ArfiTST.io.is8i -lB Uie rtuu llae-j- . Tho TJJS. Lachucanna. sailed on ITondaj-- . '" VsntLt tk Ml mi Cewrteerabie activity prevails in vAfter the next trip thejamtt --Vnt-re trill prob" numbers of mwreawWsfcrtiKelsrtr Islandsnbly be laid op for repairs. - Ire - ,.eJMSas:ctaj:.taaWncit "for On Monday wuwn and schooners. York nra.- tw arrived er Cttr f New Mr. Incnberg is back from Kauai, he reports the cane as looking splendidly. - c- -.- rt-- raeka:es of The lletperia sailed on Saturday and look back aae that our San to the Flowery Kingdom some 230 Celestials. eeesMsr Honolulu i an in- JL Lc Monnyer, who some years ago Tras acting , . T........ Vtlt'M French Consul, has married a Norwegian lady. road. It looked tMs morning as though r FROM THE VOLGAKO itvolcano would let up and fill up behind. It is only a narrow stream, in Bome places not 10 feet wide, bo yon Greatly Increased Activity. HILO IN IMMINENT DANCER. tfce news dealers wd alse t.rUl. Tart. r sM --.- - rrfm SMt JrM-o- """") ..1., TV""""""1"" tttae KHMtat, from I'ort rtasrtFaz'e tatat; ma . - Am New Tork TMnal; Mxar Bwka ad - CRyr Hmwwi from Hawkm. e m. f!M ai Mi Hearty Back, for II ln-i- s wt-Se S.-en, hf MMNMirfar San - s- s rsfc.w- 4TW nil ll ll)tlrtti I tm: far Su Francisco Tho water will be shut oft from the Kcnann and Makild reserroira on Friday neit from SA.21.to 5 p.m. Vle-,Her Eoyal Highness the I?rincessliikelike, trent np to Hilo, by the steamer to join her sister the Itcgent. Dr. J. Molt Smith is among the nrrivalsby the the Doctor intends spending a month or rek. the former steamer, two here. M- -, Aa - -S.- t-- - and ItTt lasss 11 r4ttcljir Lasapsen wij .!! sairs 1ss nirniun tnus.mil at KasnM, STfSSMt w( ( aboal Uie Owing to pressure npon our columns, wo hare been obliged to omit our ctnal resume of the Foreign Kews. to Haooiala w loae. 'or can The now Chinese bell is considered by our musical critic, to be a success. It is clear and -- . ula niM fe- e- San Francisco for pleasant in sound. MaTll alt- - The Ea sailed cs lac 26tl Tho latest news has been received in a telegram klJSH?r.AdbwfUpallfrastof wh- o- it from Brussels, dattd June 18th. The King and ex. Mirpriee, ai road to Berlin. ?iarMitwiitTm rrtfflW and H sood order. suito were on their news farors are dne and tendered thanks Our for ua market the that W a that a tol'urscr Piatt of the steamer CltwefStu; Tori: ssw sssem, Uh- - Manila basis. hi fca alaeF Whitney & Uobertson of this Messrs. tott KBr lain and also to Jaly Sank. 181. S city. a (a wtaclraatarUehMCatifi4rlea4r IW-Offie- e ! m ll FntBV 01 IUC officials have hardly settled to their .aae IH M aimalcd : 00- - haW of last rear. work, the paper mail of the Ci(g of Xne Yoxih was KWKMJw.n.ofoWcar. delivered till late on Monday afternoon. not f -r Iw4. a dcliae ka taVen effect In !.,snai M. Ballien, Consul of the 1st class at Sydney, ills) Lq aas Sow left.Mark rslenner s do been appointed to Port Louis. SL Maurice) in has Bnaonetedlj nalek It mvjnavl IraaRtmnM; nnwfrom tae rowing oeet the place of tho present, Consul General Laplaer. r" Jr bldn T Cfca are Kill r in theirt, Among the crew of the Pttisarola is an HawaiiKe-" FTminrK a r masters. He was all Loel resneriea an who i one of tho quarter regular American citizen. isartoC an4 mHk acmaUlIn; through the war and is a rr Another artesian well has proved a great success. KjCK-- ke i reltnd of Mie aeenmnlated wtkrt and of all This well is beyond Judge McCnlly's residence. at k fcetlmtax 4,kirrar h -as taara. aaac a tar Jobber! hare iarse inches above h. It produces a flow which rises . '. irrat aaaaUN ewU. aeloac we bate alars taerHpc will be found the In our supplement of Rtu m the Ta- -' uwmMrBP "H" IM the tanrrrt mrlr interesting letter of our San Francisco corresponjr.., to to VatVi fat. lallaa fcai flanalahj aaa aot exoeaoa JW teo. dent, and an article on Taxation from the pen of isaoeai Hon. S. af WaaiWaa baai tnx Hanoi uastie. t: r- -. ajaaaaagaiava p for )f ehwc i alicnt, and We hear that Capt. GUlis, of the U. S. aacavaaanaa ai swock ie hk itw received the news of the death of his father Taamai Tape arB&LK OIL The ArrtJc oil er are to be a by the mail. Capt. Gillis' father was fl prominent If the other waalam at4cta. can be thio whether arkc hi aioalla. and noted man in hisState. The Thma rope hat tailed aorth on a anil Friday, September I'd the birthday of H.B.H. uaiMt. rendered; TKctaQ! T tXUa- mawnicM far the Princes Kegcnt will be observed as a public ar.au, hhawit aatfC Barters la bniar't faror. holiday, and all Government office, throughout tr. sowar HataVeia atseta to Wctt: Oreaen. SS ct to the Kingdom will be closd. rMlattiMk c oi AUIH. and alter s ii ftfW u. jsi .'' mr. JZ273E hate l'uxra, .r HikHmtkiiMiM anc ba.:9ttl. fWruiraslr. at; ttMiaTfal4.ltapil. nrt ftkejr li tre I. a nt (o It gnxT wliwweEaat.$i.a: Siar!Hta SI.GO. laa in ais si Unrpeol iimin waaraaaauar, lew arrivaie of tonnage . 1 Taaaf Tin. "1. it aac. aaavfaa aaanaa am ease. rt'glHat-lntl- l, Meat Wh aaaailaia. dy, S. Xew lork. Assrrau: 11 Sodden: Kaho- - Asaa-froB- Jaly . .:rOnj af VwTaefc: Jaftl.hkta o,Ittnoverj: from . tcitr Jle-ariJatjr .': . it bk jyfchBia, BBPaBresza: ir.ataiAaaaawa; Jarjr t. tch Abb, tor Kahnlal vautt rvarcKan.n lor uobii" srr IT. a. ea f Jnlr Sw & h&or Kahnlni; r Sarekv ialr n. aric ConaaetB. pa.ua lirilar: Iw raamoroi ittrAETrtif: r fl Meyer; A.wf lt,aktae f f DieWTery; iti - Sailed. hk BnrT Back. Dsrta. forTJrtoria,.BC rnnami 4 Haw bk Kale, jcauuae. tor an -HeMia.Iwlatoa.forforSinUonckon: PraoclMO 3eakt. Wrs a. Kaaaa. --riS ObtoOh York. Coeb, for Sydney t S tekeKaisa, OHIIt. for s F. via Hflo KEMORAJ"DA. a. tont, Wm. B TVFIIS.S Cfcj- of Sewn VT- K. Frabciteo July tt . r'.t. CaaiMidtir TillHI a - fr-r- iiKhatred niolatS-BO:r -- hi Aaeaiaxth.at--. x. r ArriveaatUo-- after J ei --Mm from San rrandtoD exper- . 4 hr- -f a oat wC fro m the XXVV; re alnder aav aaa t aaHiia r aac a 001a1 ta. iroai aim waraat ath A W Bofan . X. tn.wJia.-- i . harried at eta tfae fonowiag day at 4 Ttr, EEPOKTS. . aai JSJBik) iVk to varioat Cblne-- e r la. r Jenny Walker, An E firms. II tons . rotna. eaaae B IT tkg Ft- o- hac rnw4eo. ITperk- Eareka. Aac inQ mecrace, r- taad aath. oaU, and bra .!alr --, powdor ,81 cs BRht hoote -a- -(-- - drr r - - .Jhi!yi.roaadbarJeT. IHa hailiiiin.Tii tttii 'r aaaaraaera. Ft - eaTcat 1 Hs'pce .beet iron feed ana "' ' per City of Xw Tork. Ang S pkg CToeeriet. lehaeea. H akj aaaahsry. and tmall artlclet, ro.ean.Mca(aac,4ealar rrjall ahzt ha -- til for Aackland and tydney. mi T- r- -t. ft - 3M. rwrlTmo aeead. per Kllkttat, ahingiet WW lalht. ptae areeaAog e- WWW EXPORTS. --oadr. wr Hen Back. Anzust -- M06 gilt --. Aala Haareetk Jl., . - v;Lb . ImJ 9G?1-5lbt tn 1 - :STwS2bt-viaaaaaat. krt F TJL. 1A wot ib. Don Talne. tSfi,bl.. iwrtr. VOt lbs roflee. SUO hvrnt. ID W lbs arrowroot. Domestic hksaUe.IerValae. $4. T i of Xew Tork. Ace IVr AaoUaad Ejdney. per Cliycane. S bx pergonal x iwla. Stl lb tsxar Va! Bo eetlc. $S,tSOJ7. T"i'ore-.- ft m' iTinTaaiaVis oil cikea. al. Foreign I. Val ForSaeiwclaoa, P Kalakaaa. AnK6-50t moJatset. 1 ca eneinec. C tallow. -, ."hat--. .keep Jkina. 4 pkr. fciaUnt. ' ,.-.- ..aloff it.iaaneee.oBoittpok.e. H bseht buuu. S bx hontebvld ir TaTrXa iWU. Val DomUc T,5 I -- cl'.S ta. AsH.K.H. the Princess Kegent steamed out of Honolulu last Tuesday a royal salute was fired from Punchbowl. No salnle was fired from the Zatlmranua, we have not heard the reason of this. kL-- Ttrta, Calaoan. from 1 Gamble ri-- m 1 The building improvements at tho corner of Fort and Queen streets are progressing very favorably. The new stores which are being put up by ilr. Campbell promise to be the finest in town. Altogether on the irnfani there have been three tho disease hasonly appeared FORT OP HOKOLTJI.U. cases of small-po0 among the members of the quarantined crew. may consider the town as thoroughly rid of tho .Arrived. pest. ark Ana. UrCalloch. from Kahnlsl loah Jaaajr Walker, Knatie. ra it Wc see that tho Admiiwi- still publishes the aktarr Eareka. Eiaereoa. from San Fran KHkiimt- - Kobintaa. fm It Gamble advertisement for St. Louis College, and yetwe 1" Cobb, York. San from New OHy of X every now and then of want of space. Tho t aaa, rlier, iroox xiaonc hear St. Louis College advertisement must bo really - in: Mr. ltobertson of the firm of Mirlecs, Tail VaUon, pasiod through in the City ofXnr Tori: ; he will reium later in the year and probably stay over to visit some of our sugar plantations. & ' 1 hi H11 nil JairS.aktBe Catherine walT,rchr i .'iTVMcOanaai; OaTt.achTCIaaaSanfceltIroKaaalai; .il-t- to point out that no reply has been made to tho statements published in tho a week Rgo, reflecting npon the Chinese Consulate here, w by is it thnriy ? "We would like gK. T!e.fJJS. SS KGCRS. Jam aa Hu. XJ T?3ae7jnJadS rai. M "VVe have very largo quantity of matter relating to the King's trip, which we have been unable to put before our readers this week. Wo have only given an outline of this tour. The outline is correct "however. Professor Alexander and an assistant, and Mr. Sierlinc. have gone up to Hilo by this week's Lilt-lil- r. They carry with them materials for trying to check the flow. Mr. Sterling has in charge a quantity of dynamite. We see by the papers that Mr. Campbell and Mr. Dodd have each purchased a fine entire horse while at tho ooa6t. We need blood to improve our breed down hero, and we are glad to see these gentlemen spending their money npon bo necessary an object. The agent of tho Mendelssohn Quintleto Club, called at our office on Monday. He told ns that he had made all his arrangements and if there is convenient time, a concert will be given by the party. We trust time will be convenient, as we should much like to hear them. A pleasant party was given by His Excellency States the Minister Besident of tho United and Mrs. Comly, at their residence on Friday last. A large number of the officers from the U. S. S. Zflmranita and of our prominent citizens were present. Captain Cobb, the popular commander of the a fursteamer City of --Vor l'ort, who has been on lough, has resumed command of that steamer. During his absence Capt. Cobbhas visited theEast, and has also had command of tho steamer Cittcf Tolto, for two trips relieving Capt. Maury, who also had a leave 01 absence. Tho schooner Jtnnit Jl 'tMtr, on her first trip to Fanninp's Island, made a fine run down of six days and two hours which is conceded to bo tho return she enbest passage on record. On her countered a calm of throe days which prolonged !n her passage to ten days. The Jraiiij ""o'fr tends to keep up the reputation of tho J inrf, for short passages to and from Fanning s Island. The City ofXnc I'ortbronghthomequiteanum-be- r of our residents, who had been abroad on busnotice the iness and pleasure. Among them, we Dr. J. Mott names of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Schaefer, Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. Glade, Mrs. J. P. Uooke, W P. Mrs. Mr. and Spreckcls. D. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brewer. Mr. and Mrs. Biemenschneider, Miss F. Henry Mr. May Bichardson, Mr. G. N. Wileox, roor. A. Brown, Capt. B. Whitney, Mr. Henry Williams and others; The city had better supply itself with a public At the present moment anal vst as soon as possible. mil i vmlnnir analysis, we are dependent He is a busy gentleman. one upon the courtesy of man and cannot be expected to lay aside his own work to investigate and analyse for the Hawaiian Government, when it happens to need snch investigation made. We havo so much that a public analyst could do, and it would further the ends of we justice so much to have such an officer, thatgentrust some steps will ! taken and thatofsome which matter A is appointed. tleman may be some of public interest has been in the handsasofyet no and one to analyse for ten days or more, ery Ppfsjplo word has leaked out to the public Vte would like the matter is yet uninvestigated. to havo an answer soon. a a 5 Sod- -r Far Wiadwaad Port, per Ukelike. Ang AaMwe Rota. Akam. Mr. Geo C Bcck-- ' Mist Jylia HlKthes. 3H A- HEmaaa -- h jRi ITiaihoIr Xrt J 00 MCnlly. Mis C K KeSat AS UhaaraT- M- S McGrew, E O Hall and wST Mrs HaaWe. Mrr Clan. Coney - Mlta UealeCwnay. Nita Ellen Coney. LCi31. "arke. ! Farron. Mr Ilnmble. Kl aMMaVltVt and danKhter.DK TM T t vHIMrMl. 3ir nobk Jlr. A Cammlns. danKhterand Fill ehlWren and eonant.Mr iZl.-tUi- . Mr Keonrdy. Mr fchaw. T Wal-kt- r aat. F J.' Walker child and . Angnst Snd- -B tv IVaw. perIhB rartat-ar- d A T 3Sjr. KCtarkc Fraaei a. per Idy Lantptoo. Anrntt 1 Ft a m te. profitable. jt an. Brilliant Descriptions by Different Cor- respondents, jar ".; 2"-- v. ajot. lrvM - r " uincu. Bi. DWU cloud. One of the most wondcrf nl phenomena observed in connection with the great eruption of Manna Loa 1SS0-- 1 may bo mentioned Tho Volcanic Cloud. It is really a most remarkable cumulus cloud, having a rough serated lower edge not unlike the corresponding portion of a thunder-clou- d. In color the volcanic differs from all other clouds, and is exceedingly picturesque. It was first observed soon after tho eruption occurred on Manna Loa, Xov. ith, 1SS0. From that time np to the present tho volcanic cloud has been almostas much an object of interest as the lava flow which it faithf nllv pilots down the mountain side. It can be seen at all times hovering over the active portions of the llow, where vapor and sulphurous gases constantly arise, forming a sort of mist or veil between me now ana tne ciouu. auo mporbe-u sufficiently transparent to disclose tbo view yond. At the point of union with tho cloud tho vapor tikes on a peculiar coppery color with varying opalescent tints. The cloud appears to be stationary, that is it moves only as the lava advances. It matters little bow strong the wind may blow, tho cloud will only twny n little and is never blown from its position over the active fires. When seen opposed to a clear sky with the sun back of the observer, the cloud appears to be exceedingly dense, and sharply outlined with vivid white lights scpar-tin- g its cumulus caps from tho surrounding azure. In general appearance the cloud might suggest a mountain peak capped with snow. Those portions seen iu shadow afford many graduations of gray tones, while near the faco the color becomes a darker toned blue than the intermediate gray tones, varying in color according to tho density of that part of the cloud producing tho shadow. The afternoon light furnishes quite a different effect H the sky be clear, and the time about an hour before sunset we then havo Mauna Kea on our right with its snow clad peaks. Tho volcanic cloud on U13 left quite like another mountain, its cumulus caps made golden by the rays of the setting sun. As the shades of night creep on, this strangely wonderful cloud becomes transformed into pillars of light, taking on a most vivid reflection from the river of fire that moves so persistently onward. It is not a wavering or flashing light like that Nor is it in color like tho caused by conflagration. reflections from any usually known burning substance. In common with the lava, it has a color peculiarly its own liquid lava is simply fire from no apptrent cause original fire, the hottest kind of fire. The reflection therefore is strango in color, varying in intensity according to the activity of the flow. In the early stage of the eruption, the volcanic cloud being at a distance of thirty miles or more from Hilo, received but little nttention few persons looked upon it as anything so very remarkable, but as tho warning cloud by day and pillar of fire by night approached the village, it came to be looked upon aa indicating tho amount of tho work of destruction in progress. An occasional shower or one of Hilo's noted rains might hide for tho time being this strange cloud, only to have perhaps in grander proportions and it Occasionally even more threatning than befpre. the cloud becomes so dense and hangs so low that we feel it must surely settle down on the flow and civo it a good drenching, which il has done more hear the rough edge a times than once, whirling motion is seen ; This increases till a Tunnel shaped cloud is formed having a long end, which extends down to the liquid fire and conducts relieving the cloud of iu a largo body of water from the volcanio undue burden. A water-spou- t cloud deluges the fire with material gathered from the same womb which gave the firo birth, is a rather singular phenomenon. It is to be hoped that this pillar of fire by nicht, and the cloud by day, may have, as I think it has been truly interpreted by tho citizens of Hilo, a reasonable warning given in time that precautions are not to be neglected; the fiery monster is truly coming, but bo has not come without warning, and in that the good people of the city must find their consolation. STEAMER AND time to visit the Low. The German Bark FUnXJSIIEDNo. BOOMS PLEASA3Cr without 7 King St board, at y-- fg LET! TO NOTICE. ijt the imumr.sof Kekaha. i.vterest Kami. ceara on TTjr. Mr. this dale. SniarCo.. Honolnla.Jnlyg9.lSSl. to Walklkl for the oratBnshe's the Drlvera Boisnard, Gonzalez TOUR AND ITVE SUllAnccr Host KEKAHA 3IILK AT WAIKIKI. HTXNS A rAll'AiV DAIRY Summer. Arply to THE THE lm SC5 to 3t Grocery. 1VATER! WATER! FriOM WATER IVIM. UK hilXTOI-Kescrvelra on FRIDAY, ynnanuand JUklki 12th. from 5 a. m ., to B p. m. Per Order. O. D. FltKETH, Honolulu, Anr. 9 Itjoi. M It Snp't Water Works. California St., San Franclxeo. Mr! Mnrphr Is an Attorney of the Supreme Court of California and United States District Court. He It also a solicitor of her JIaJcstr'a High Court of Chan-eer- y In Ireland, and practised lor many Tears In the SC3 ly Colonies of Australia. . E E. S- - ! TniS MAST I.U?f, CUNHA, KTotice. thankful I had not fallen into that, although it Extract from a private letter, Thursday 2 pji. Aug. 4th: Wo have just come down from the flow. We rode up past the c:metnry to that part of the flow which is not over an eighth of a mile from the upper hill and the lower end of which is more than abreast of the upper end of the same. First we rode 'to tho top of that hill and took n general survey. Tho general trend of tho main body of tho flow seems to be towards tho hills. The tongue which is so tar uuvvu iuuiuj, uum iuo uui, ua 11 it were headed directly towards tho Waiakea mill. Wo rode across to that tongue and down to the lower end of it. There it was running into n cat cm about thirty or foity feet long, perhaps twenty feet wide and bay fifteen feet deep. When wo reached there it had just begun to flow over the precipice, and was coming very sluggishly but moved faster before we left Did you ever see molten iron? and have you ever seen the sugar coming out of tbo vaccuum pan ? Imagine if yon can live fire apparently about the thickness of sugar resistlessly running over a precipice and so heating the air and everything around, that standing forty feet away, your faco is fully as heated as if bending over "a red hot stove. From tho top of the hill, we could see a good distance over the flow, and the flat which, five weeks ago was covered with grass, ferns and trees is now a glittering wasto ol desolation. To stand and look over it from a height, then to ride along by its edge, where it is cool and see the broken surface and to throw a stone and see it roll over the solid surface, it seems hard to believe that it has rolled a distance of forty or fifty miles. And it is hard to believe that it can move steadily and resistlcesly on till it has covered with desolation this beautiful spot l'et it is I suppose bat a question of time if God in his mercy does not say stop! Words can give no description of this living, moving destroying power. It must bo 's seen to be appreciated, if you can see Mr. paintings they will give a better idea than anything I can say. In the tongue nearest town there was roaring as of mighty waters, wd - a t aafek?Sfig!i I 603 3m w HI 3E3sss C. E. HENSON. No. 80 ov Auk for Advertlseil letters. JNO. M. KAPENA. P. M. O 1815. Prices. Mil CI01II HIM IN BARRELS :5 0,000,000 1 UHUMITED LIABILITY. Fire Insurance of all descriptions will be effected at modcrtte rates of premium, by the undersigned. J. S. WALKER, Acrnt for Hawaiian Islands. P. S. The Royal Insurance Company has tho largest net surplus of any Fire Company In the world. 8K1 ly CAUTION. EX BARK "LADY LAMPSON" Order Tti JPJTiTTie KS. ion SALE P. ADAMS. E. 1m 43 653 . IJY IF0. GpE33S."a?5a, ARE TIEREBT PUUIiIC THE against negotiating any of tho following Stock Certificates of tho Walmanalo Sugar Coritpany. the same having been lost from the oillce of the undersigned. Certlilcates numbered from Ml to COO, both Inclusive. The above certificates are Issued to Thomas Cammlns, Esq , amf art taliulttl to any othtrpenon, aa they are only transferable on the books of the Company by said Cummins or his duly authorized attorney. Any pcrsin landing and returning the above to my office will be suitably rewarded. A. J. CARTWHIOHT. 864 Honolulu, Jniy 30, 1881. NOTICE. BOOT A!rD SHOEMAKER SI?n of the Golden Boot, Has Removed to Ho. 1 Fort St. 14 Opposite Tantheon S tables, where he will be prepared to manufacture ix riRsr.RATi: style; Dress Soots, Biding Boots, Malgrct, do hereby notify to all It may concern, that In have assumed, by legal right, from this date.thcadmin-Isiratioof all properly belonging to the Catholic Mis. slon in these Islands. All business concerning said Catholic Mission to be Jflgg,H,K.(5SASN. Bishop of Olba. Honolulu, Jniy 27th. 1531. contracted by unauthorized persons or by No debts not regularly attached to the Catholic Mission rrlcsts recognized Honolulu, July 27th. Will do Repairing of all kinds at lowest rates. Cffod Workmanship, and prompt attention to orders. 665 j&CKaASK. by will be "Water Boots. He Guarantees T1IEEMANN KOCKMASN, JL Bishop elect of Olba, Coadjutor to Monsiigneur Bishop of Olba. A Aliplr'to J. E. WISEMAN. 663 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. CHARLES WOOXJUNGTOX MR.July.lSSI. been admitted a partner In our urm on the CO. II. F. EIILERS SSthof Honolulu! AUZ. 1st 4J8H81 18SI. NOTICE. DTjnixa aihexoe rnon this inof business act for under foil of my eon, E. A. WILLIAMS, me in all matter torney. Honolulu. Anzust will Tower At- C. E. WILLIAMS. l 2m 1. 1331. 0AHU COLLEGE. Tnn attiiis isstiti io?r en Wednesday, the 7th day of Septem- x ext Trusi begin ber next. Candidates for admission will be examined on Thursday and Friday, September 1st and Snd at 10 o'clock A. M. W. L. JONES. 6M lm MR. NOTICE. H. R. SrACFARIiAXE, HAS been admitted a Fartner In our firm. day dates from July 1st All The new account of the firm of U. W. Macfarlane & Co, prior to by O. W. Mac'arlane, this date, will be settled G. W. MACFARLANE & CO. Mil 4B St Honolulu. July 1st 1881. 1S31. Notice. AT TITE ADJOURNED ANNUAI, of the Haiku Sojar Co., held at the office of the Agents Jniy Snd. the fo!!oiIn; officers were elected for the ensuing year: Hon. J. Mott Smith. President S. T.Alexander. ..Hon. S. N. Castle. Treasurer... B. Atherton. Secretary ...J. C. ". M. Cooke. Auditor J. B. ATHERTON, Secretary. 661 lm nonoluln. Jaly g7.1S3U. NOTICE. ITEETIN'G OF THE STOCK- ATA ldhrs or the Kloa Sugar Com panr, held at CX. Honolulu, JiJt lth, 1S31, the following Oatce were elected for the ensuing year: John X. Wright President Vice President Adolf Hanebere.. Secretary. William O. Smith, .Treasurer. H. W. Schmidt, Auditor. S. M. Damon,., By the terms of the Charter of Incorporation "no r shall individually be liable for the debts of the Corporation beyond the amount which may bo due upon the share or shares held or owned by him. WltLIAjr 0. SMITH, Secretary. Honolula, H. L Jaly 13th, lffil. to 4t w.. COfilP'Y WILL ISSUE BONDS, FIRST MORTGAGE IN SUMS OFt FiyE HUNDRED DOLLARS EACH. These bonds will be Usned in the following serin: Scries A Bonds of $300 each, dno October 1, 1S83. Series B Bonds of f00 each, dne October 1, 1885. Series O Bonds of S500 each, dne October 1, 1887. Series D Bonds of $300 each, dne October 1, 1S80. Each Bond will have coupons attached, payable on the 1st days of April and October of each year j Interest free at the rate of Seicn tier cent, peronniinunj, them will be of Government taxes. The interest Bishop & Co., and will be ennn inteect by made payable at the Bank of Messrs Bishop Co. These Bonds will be secured by a first mortgage on all the property of the. Hawaiian Agricultural Co. They will be made payable to bearer or order, at the option of the purchaser; and If parties prefer the latter can have them registered oa the books of lha Company, thus affording absolute eeenrity In case of loss by robbery or Parties desiring to parchsso any of these bonds will please state what aeries they prefer A. B, C, or D. will now be received. For further particulars aDDIVJ at lue omce vl V. JJICMcr i.u., uuuvmiu, r" P.C.J0XES,Jb., Treajnrer II. A. Co. 861 43 Sm THE BEVISED NEWTESTA31ENT ABOVE COPIES OF THE BOUKD aasorted bindings. Just Received. Another Invoice Expected Shortly. Prices jjinr- - PHRASE BOOK THE HAWAIIAN FOR SALE BT Creditors Estate Kipi. . OF T IVlLVrV FEB CKXT. ADITIDKUD S. be paid by the undersigned on all accounts accepted by the Administrators, payable Immediately at the office of W. H. Reed, by the nnder-aime- d. S.L.COAN, Administrator Estate 8. KIpl. 63 3- Hilo. Jniy g. 1881. T0LET JTEATjjY ITJIINISIIED Inquire at No. 5 ZT Merchant St Wueima, E. of or Square J. Emsu. 859 roomavltbbath-houseathiche- In Jellies, Jams, Corned Beef, Millc Sordines, Candles, Pickles, Oysters, Ac. 4c. Sacks New Potatoes, Sacks Wheat, Com, Onions. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. jk Cc& THE AI BRITISH BARK Lady Lampson, -.- Master, MARSTON, Will have Quick Dispatch for the ahovePort C. BREWER & Co.. Agents. S&143 & COS BEEWEE CHAS. Case 215- -1 doz Clark's Expansion Bits, y, doz Carpet Nail Pollers, 2 doa Epr Beaters, Sdoz Rim Knob Locks, 4 doz Cast Steel Dlrlders, 8. 8. 10 ar.d 11 111--, 4 doa Compasses, 6,8, 1U and 1 J In, Rales, Xo. 67, SI dcz Stanley IS doz Star Can Openers. M, Machine Bolts. Case No. s-- ku 10 doz Vulcan Shovels, 3 IhIIs S Round Iron. 1 doz each, 4 bdls U Round Iron, 4 doz each. BOSTON LINJLOF PACKETS - P.ADAMg.Aucfr. ASSIGNEE'S SALE ! OF Tailor's tools.! By Order of J. Hyman, Esqand W. Xaertent, Esq., Assignees of the Estate of L. Kerr, Esq., WILT. BE ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 11th, At 10 A. JT at Sales Boom. next. Tho 1st day of Fersons nlshlng to order goods shipped by this vessel Will bo sold at Public Auction, should mall orders on or before September 26tb. ior to THE . dispatched from Boston for Honolula on or about vS? No-cm- ber further particulars apply TTIE STOCK O? C. BREWER & CO. 863 331 L?s:i3m&a Tailors' Cloths & Materials TIMES NSISTINO OF CO EroadolotHs, -.o h- STEAMER LIKELIKE liINO, I I Tweeds, JIASTCIt. Doeskins and Flannels, Hilo ..Circuit of Hawal Hilo .Circuit of Hawaii Illli. ..Circuit of Hawaii Hilo ..Circuit of Hawaii Augnst 16, 4 p m ; August SI, 4pm AngnM 30. 4 p m September 6,4pm September 13, 4 p m September 15), 4 pru..... September 27, 4 pm.... October 1, 4 p.m -KU OB-- No Credit for riuwairo Money. We positively declina to open accounts for Fassazcs, and we particularly call the attention of tho traveling public to the necessltv of having Baggapo and Freight plainly marked; the Steamer will not be responsible for any unmarked Baggage, or for Freight or 1'arccls, unless ltrcelitcl lor. Freight Honoy Dn-- o on Demand. In all cases of freight for paitlcs not responsible, or unknown, the frelghtmoncy will be rrijulredtnadranco iMcuauEs or nations nud wixcft ' BE n.AIXX.T J1AKKED ats. Drills and Linings, Buttons, linens, Marseilles, Italian Cloth, Bedford Cord, Serge, &c &c. TERMS CASH. .K. P. ADAMS, Ascfr. HEW YORK MFE INSURANCE COMPANY! For the party whom they aro for, or plainly stated In the receipt to whom they arc consigned. All demands for damage or loss must be made within one month. In no way liable for loss or accident to live stock. far Hack Drivers, Boys, and such like, will not ba allowed on board the steamer on arrival, until after the passengers have been landed. CO. WILDER 860 PACIFIC WAIL STEAMSHIP MUTUAL. ORGANIZED 1843. COMPANY 845,000,000 10,000,000 0,000,000 Cash Assets For San Francisco. Animal Incozao Caai Surplus THE HPEEXniD STEAMSIIir amfo WILLIAMS, DIMOND & CO., General Agents. OF SYDNEY! CITY DKAnilOllN. S. A. SWALM, General Manager COJIMAXDEK. WILL LEAVE- - HONOLULU FOR SM FRANCISCO On or ahont Monday Aug. 28. For San Francisco, Anstralia, Japan and Hawaiian Islands. FOR SYDNEY VIA AUCKLAND! FRED'K F. LOW, TUB SPEENDID STEAMSHIP .A--L CHEVALIER. COMMANDEH. ZE 4 jSTD I , On or about Saturday, Sept. 3d, For Freight and Passage, apply to H. IUCXFELD & CO., Agents. So) in. Prest. of Local Board in Saa Francisco. H. HACKFELD & CO., Genoral Agents, C. 0. BEKGER, Special Agent, OiMuIa lor Shipment per Btenmer can now be stored. Tree ol Clmrcc In llio Flre.proo( WnroliotiKO nenr the Hleamer Wharf. For tho Hawaiian! Islands. A. FRANK COOKE, AOEST FOR THE FOLLOWINO y? fflrjb Woilelo, Woibll. Wnlohn, ijPuli COASTERS ALL FORMS OF : Malolo LUlu, Life Insurance Policies Issued. "Wattain, tlXAMrSE THE NEW and Mnrm. FLAO 831 Red with While Ball. Offlce-Cor- ntr and Nnnanu Streeta of Queen 1 PLANTERS' LIBERQR SAN FRANCISCO C. Browor & Co. Agents. JJ Merchandise received Htornco 're.SEL& and liberal cash advances made on shipments byThls TBO ly u.iiKnj:utiu. inc. TO LET. APnil. lat. THAT WITO POSSESSION desirable residence Ho. 195 Nuuano Avenue, containing eight rooms, LUcben, pantry, bjth room, servants room, coach house, stable and fowl Apply to J. II. WOOD, or hous J. E. WISEHAJf , S7 Merchant St S380tf TS HEREBY GIVEN" T1TAT I HAVE In- X this dsy (Jniy 9J) sold out all the right, title and terest in the bnsines of Woodlawn Dairy, to 3Iesirs. Tcnny and Oraham Bros- -, who will enntinse the bus!;, ncss under the name or "Woodlawn Dairy." cotnmenc-In- s August 1. IS31. All accounts against the oWnrm aro requested to be presented without delay to B. P. Dillingham. 37 Fort Street; and all accounts doe to Woodlawn Dairy ay be paid to the driver of the new firm, or at tho onlco of DllllnKbam & Co., 37 Fort St. t be patrons of Woodlawn I take thU nreaslon to Uj-Dairy for past farors, and recommend the sew Una to the patronaje of the public -.- ....-.., B. F. Dot KTOTIOH. SCHOOL OF COOKERY TONTINE INVESTMENT INSURANCE. (Extract from a letter of lion. F. F. LowJ have taken out " Tontine'' poller la Lira Imuran Co. for$S),0COs thatlra-eardlttheNew the best and fairest plan of Life Insurance, and that the principles embodied In the new plan, after a careful examination. bav icmoved the objections I have heretofore entertained ajralnst "Llfa Insnranra. I have steadily declined to Insure until thCTonlina was presented to me. Tours very truly. F. F. LOW. that I I certifyYork It provides for one's family at ordinary Hit rates, and the money returned with Interest on arrittsg at si certain ac.. IT OFFERS ADVANTAGES Far in excess of those realized from the Investment of equal amounts In ssrincs banka" or corporate stocks of' fcrin; eqail security. SEE LIST OF POLICY HOLDERS Ech of ranging RESTAURANT, yf bom From RICHAUDS STREET, Between Herchanfand Queen Streets, Ilonolnla. oa this pUn for isumnU $5,000 to - alterations shower and all modern improvements. N. B. 'o Celestials employed In this House. All thetonvenlcndesof a First Cuss Hotel. Meals at AIT Hera i in tho Besxanront. Samuel Parker, William H Dimond, FTLeoehan, WW Hall, A SloWayne; BreaVfastdtoSp. m Dinner 12 to S p. ra. Supper 5 DKFvfe, O W Macfaruwe, to 7 p.m. Board SI O) per week. SInzle, Meals 23 cents. Board and Residence JSOJ per week by the day or H K Macfarlane, month, as per agreement. Acknowledged by all FW Macfarlane, The Best Cooklnr in Honolulu, Bar Jfone. Albert Jaeger, FATJchaefer, Also. the createatllberality In all arrangements. CODercer, ALFRED n. norjOHTOy. Frop'r. E51 43m E. P.ADAMS, CANNED GOODS DEALER IN Gr'JELO O 3EI 3R. X 3E3 FRESH JnLHotinff, WraG Inriii, J W Pflnger, EO.WalSr. Cecal Brown, H E Whitney, M Green. UWLaine, AnsTJcna, OS Wilcox. Mark Eobinaon, And niany others. Which Is sufficient jrnarsntee as to Its merits. For foil information, apply to JI. UACBXEXJD : CO.. or E3 Qtn O O. BE BOS. ,J H0?r0LTTL7 lEOir WOEKS CO This UU1 apparatus oils lha cylinder eoasta tt3r and r perfectly. So little oil la used that a savtnijr of oil and wear equal to four times lu cost may bt eSectea la one sesi an. For Sale at Reduced Rates. CjUOMTIABITTTIsR Area the other Islands faithfully E- - P. ADAXS, Hoaolalu. x eb-- ASPEClALTrOl! 3a ' J T Waternonse, E 0 Damon, SKKaai, I Domett, 3r, JHenry Bercer, SEIBEETS AUTOMATIC STEAM Just Received per " Ella," and ers $20, 00 0. H W Schmidt. J3 CYLDTDEE LTJBEICATOE FOR SALE BT THE Invoices of New Goods CHOICE ! Hato lniarcd HAPCarter, ExtAnniaiEXTOPTiiis iiouse- JO rrniiF. Glade, H and additions beln" complete, I have seven rooms, newly furnished, to let. Bath Room with rj Pint Shi, $45; Half Pint w SflDR :v-r.- .TO."- 4c EX OIESnlKEl , For Freight and Passage Apply to, . . WM. O. IRWIN A Co.. Agents. WHITNEY & ROBERTSON. EC21m An Assortment of Denims, .AND Also, Jnst Issued the Fourth Edition of THURSDAY, AUGUST 11th, At 10 A. M. tSIes Room. Coses Tobacco. NOTICE S ON THE 1ST DAT OF OCTOBER NEXT THE HAWAIIAN AGRICULTURAL OH" For account of whom it may concern , MeCCtLOClI. JIASTEll. Will have Quick; D.lspatch for ahove port. - FOR LEASE, RARE COTTAGE OH" THE AVENUE, OPPORTUNITY FOR INVESTMENT with six rooms Kitchen, Bath Boom, Servants Koom detached. RE6ULARGASHSME Sacks Sncar, Cnn Bntter, FOR SAN FRANCISCO. 1681. During my absence from ttfe Kingdom the R. Father Regis Jean Moncany, la authorized, nnder power of attorney, to transact for me all business concerning the Catholic Mission in these Island. HERMANN KOCKMANN. Bishop of Olba. 861 2t HonoIoln,Jnly3Uth.li!SI. Sxigax-- . Sacks of YO SPRECKELS LINE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital Koloa Sujar.Co'ai These Socsrs have bean Xlll, and are tn'nne order. s- 1881. :o.o-raL- .i. OF LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. King St. 675 Sacks of atSugar.- - White Cottons, Br--vn Cottons, Prints,-FlannShirts, 'WlutoSh&ts. Handkerchiefs, Socks and Hose, Pants, 49 SANKEY, . exportation per brie Surprise, deslrta: to York to this Fort about Nov 1st. Partlea orders by shin by this line direct, will need to forward room for thefr the Steamer of th of Anpnst to assureCOOKE, & CASTLE freight. Agcnls In Honolulu. 49 8C5 2 .Tr:Kr-&.- Hunt. James II Andrew Miss Net- Humble, Fred 2 Houchton, Alfred tie lleury Arnold, J D Anderson, Collin noistetn. Lincoln Concern, Sorst. dam ajred oa voyage of Certain Saekn HONOLULU The Al Clipper Schooner IN THE GENERAL KE3LAINING AUQUST 5ril, 1SS1: it May For Account of Whom A Line in New Groceries ! n. crossmaos w. lirESSRS Hams, Bacon, Yat Povrdor. Ird, 11JL Bro- will dispatch a lint class vessel from New Eetail Sealer in Choice Wines and Spirits, 865 Merchant St bet. Bethel and Fort Sts. LIST OF LETTERS 0, At 13 o'clock 3f., on the Esplanade wharf, will be sola. PACKET LINE. M. L. EALLENBECK. MOODY A Co.. Agenta- - AND NEW YORK Torler, Henry Porter, Daniel Emily Porter. In China, litt Chung Lan, rteldinzin l'lath, Wm In the firm of Man Chuck Jfc Honolulu, are C Co. doing business as Dele In General Merchandise, Archibald, Jno II Irvine, Oeorce PhllMps.tonlscES at No. 43 Nunanu St, Honolulu. l'ensilly, Wm MAN CHUCK A CO. An- Jackson, Mrs 0 Perry, M N Miss Drccic, S65 2t Honolulu. August 5th, 1831. Phillips, Manual na J EG Mrs Braun, Gustav Jacobs. Miss 1 lit- Phillips, NOTICE. Mary tle Aana Ilorck, Chaa A DAY Payson. Miss Marvin WITH. HAH W THIS Jones, Brand, JIAXCIincK Chat mnit 1 1 0 drawn from the arm of Man Chuck & Co., of No M2 Blanc, Stewart Johnson. Mr under Burgct, IraAlon-z- o 45NuuauuSt Tho boines will bo continued liabiliKnight Miss Eu- Rice, Capt J C the same firm name. The firm assumes all the ties. Mr. Man Chuck beta; released therefrom. nice itosenui, Anurcw Baler, T J MAN CHUCK X- CO. A2 Blake, Capt J II Kohler.Jrit Rogers, E II 3 USai Berry, Jas N Honolulu. August 5th. 1SS1. Killis.JM Blanchard, Har- Kuhlcen. Geo W Robcllo, J NOTICE. Rice, Mlsa Han- low L nah Larkln. Rev M J CI1CCK II a.N THIS DAY WITH. Black, J II V Riekleln, Geo C jr Lane, Brcnij.Clias Go MR. 31 AXfrom the firm of Man Clinck and Livingston. Miss Rodders. Lizzie 2 Chun, of Haiku, Island of Maui. The business will be Bradley, Mr Ryan, II B continued under the same firm name. The firm as- Bresler, Mra Dora Lelchmaii,Thos Rowen, Wra sumes all the liabilities. Mr. Man Chnck being released liaumetster. Geo Loft, II W Levy, Robt Rice. Mrs J Ual, Wm E GO CHUN. MAN CHUCK there from. Redelob, R Brown, Miss Min- Lowe, H 665 21 Honolulu. Angnt5th.lSSt. Lake, Miss Har- Rowald, Fritz nie Robertson, Jennie riet C Randel, Otto Calhum. Mrs L C Lancaster, n Lorcnzen. S Curtin.Corncl'sB WITH Snntcr, Albert Campbell, Miss Spencer.Capt JR Maybcwitr Addle Schraith.Wm Colby, Delwin S AMD MtCausland.AB Scott Mrs C A 2 Chant, J 8 2 AI'SPICES or the Y. 31 C. A. Corriea, Manuel G MorrK Chas E . Stone, Wm H the UXDim the of the Chrlstaln people of Choate, Chas 31 Miller. Wm Smith, Mrs Abble W Miss Muchlcl. Cook Honolulu will hold a scries of meetings In the roller Amiila Con V Carender, diiu.u, FORT STREET CHURCH, Cooke, Anna CR Manchester, TW Sherwood, Isaac Ttejriniug Sunday Evening, Aullth, when he will Cherry, Antonio Munrn. M Smith. Jno 3 relate Ills OW.N IUK.SO.V A I, KXft:itIE.CI', Carson, William Mills, Mrs Jos F Smith, J-Smith, Era Murray, C F which every person In the community should hear. Crlnton. Mr Smith, J W Young men are especially Invited. Song service to Ti .sichay, aicx bejln at T p. M. Regular eenrlce at 7:30. BOMIt Snow, Lydla V Devcrlll. ncrbert Morris. W McKapue. Rob't Scott, Mra II A Davis, W 2 Sebra, Dnshalcsky, Mrs .Mcwmiuea.dfls Silva,J 2 McGlffln.Thoa Dwycr, John-EmmSqnlrcs, 7. Y McManus, J C Mrs Miss Merchant, Mary A Tnrncr, Mrs M A Edwards, J C Turner, Wm Mnflat, Albert Edwards. Geo Wm Thielson, A Madden, OPIXIOX 1JEI2TG SOJIE-wh- at Flohr. Alex,jr McLeod, Jno A Tennent Hnsh speed horses of the relative to as dlrided the Fox. Geo McUlnn.JasW V Menser, Paul Volet. Angnst Foster. A and "BLACKTHORN" Fnrrie, "MARK Veltman, Jaa Edward Marsh, II And being desirons of having the natter settled, I Von Schmidt Capt G will consent to let "Blackthorn" run the same race harry J 2 Morris, A Gramlich, aa date, weeks for from two again anytime within 01 er A Mrs A dray, juoran, donn any sum suitable To the backers of "Mark Twain." Galbntlth. Hugh Mackenzie, A Williams Co CECIL DROWN. Welsh, O & it Honolsla.Anzn ttS.lSSl. . NcllsonrChas 2 Wellcr, E O Hoeck, Jll Walker, TB Newby, L ncijer, it a Wllhoit. Geo E Uouzhuillng, G Nichols, II White. Wm Nllsson. Chas Hayball, Edwin NIolopa. Lcwaina Vt oodara, jiiss No- - 80 KING STREET, Ann Hind, John U Howell, James O'Ncil. Cornelius Wcieht BJ Holt, John Dlr O'Sulllvan, Peter Williams. Jos W I- Wilson. Mrs E T u auiuvan, Hawke. O Wilson, AW Holleck, Daniel Jnst Arrived by Steamer. Also frcslt supplies rartics enquiring for Letters In the above List arc. particularly requested to OF NOTICE. IS TO C1UITIFY THAT Oallfornia was not more than five feet deep when I saw the lava flowing into it We had crossed over, ahead of tho lava and sat down to watch it, forgetting entirely that we must go back, when suddenly H. said "look here wo must go back I" so we crossed back right in front of the stream pouring down toward us. I not stopping to see how near right above, us was this hole which I had not seen, and which was revealed by the lava pouring in. At first there was a fall of four or five feet, within a To-da(Aug. few moments it was level. 4th) people expect to see it from the Wailama steadily on. All this of which I bridge coming have been writing is a small branch, the other, a long distance above is wide and roaring with its force and heat It was not flowing fast last night, but 6till very active. Down on the flats '(above the hills) tho grass and trees burn like tinder, it Is so much drier than in deep underbrush, where the fire can not spread. The branch in the Kukuan gulch on the south border of Hilo is almost one hundred feet wide at the end. The other branch was onlv from ten to twentv-fiv- o feet wide. I pre sume that in the morning it will be fifty feet wide. Some are now moTing furniture from their homes to a sate place. For freight or passaee apply to II. HACKFKLD W5 50 NOTICE. IS TO CERTIFY THAT MAX T.IJX. residing In China. OooCnnn residing In Haiku, Maul, and l5o Pot resldlnc In Honolulu, are In the firm o'f JIan Chuck & Goo Chun doing bnschess a Dealers In General Merchandise at Haiku, MAX CHUQK Jt GOO UIIUK. JIaul. b65 it Honolulu. Anzust 5th. ISSt EMERSON, Master, Will have Quick Dispatch for ahove Port Medical or Family Use. 433 3C:, J& 3E ID" 1 Samples of Sugars can be aeen al the offlce of E. P. ADAMS, Anefr. American Bukentlne CROTSTN TJNSTJBPASSED FOR P. G. nJUBHHY, Attorney and CoonscUor at Law. laT ! On Wednesday, August F011 SAN FRANCISCO. & Go. G.I A C CO r-a For freight or paaiase apply to II. nACKFELD & CO. S6S 50 It CELEBRATED Xnnann Arenac. ICO TTr--i f-sTr- -i CAPT. 0. E. O. WELLER, -n- Will have quick dispatch, for above port. A SHALL LOT OF THE New Furnished Rooms Apply at Ko. .. CO. WILDER. FOR HONGKONG-- Also a limited number of day buardcia tjkeo. sale OF StTGAB On anfl after AucHth, tho Likeilka will leave her wharf at I r. x. No frclsht will b received after S r. x. Due noti Is riven of this rule, and It will be carried WILDER Jt CO. (SC3) out. . AT TOE KS lm TUls Day. UHDERWRiTER'S ".VlIiS. 1VEAYE HONOLULU, Tuesday Aup 15U. at 4 o'clockr.. and will leave Hilo. on arriving at Hilo. Thursday . return trip Friday at 4 r. . Olrlnj passengers am pl PER LATE ABBT7ALS, ADAMS. By II. V. STEAMER "LIKELIKE"! NOTICE. C. E. - rf RECEIVED Jjfrito, faction hi&iir TAIN" t - SMS dvcrtistmtnfs M gdvcrfiscmcnls. Extract from a private letter, dated Aug. 3rd. Last night I went to the flow with E. and D. It was magnificient and went forward faster than I have seen it before. It was not above tho Wailaraa bridge, more than half-a-miit is said. The Wailama is a tide water inlet from the sea south of Hilo, which connects with gulches from the Kukuau land. It is crossed by the volcano road by a wooden bridge, perhaps a K. timed it (tho mile south of the Hilo landing. flow) once. It went aboat twenty feet in seventy beats of his pulse, above where it had buisted out, it was roaring like tho surf. It flowed nlong so fast that constantly it was heaving, puffing and bursting open with hissing sounds. This was caused by tho imprisoned air which must find a vent somewhere. Then ns before wo occasionally heard a distant boom like a cannon. The gulch down which thii flow was running (tho Kukuan) had no water with U19 exception of an occasional pool, and was comparatively shallow. As we rode nlong home, we saw the lower pait of the ravine Canned Goods, ' in which it was appointed to run. It is quite wide Potatoes, and deep but where it reaches Hilo, it flats oat into a very slight depression. Unco wo saw tho Onions, rcflection;of the lava m a little pool as it was dropping over the edge of a rock. Just below this And Othor Produce, at lowest sight one were surprised by another hole. I was it . eJJ; THE VOIjOAKIO !,. n.t. rjfeteL-- it We are enabled to present our readers with some graphic descriptions of thello . We have the fiery monster described by various pens. i, mnvaWe nroTiprt v at the Hilo jail was re E Mvaard. E Weekt. L elth. Wednesday, August" Fw 6aa Fraaoleeo. per Eale, Ang 4- -W nenicke and moved to the Court House on 3d. SChtawa. AugE- -ti Pt- -a 6aa Fraaatmv PCHr of Xew York. The schooner Ttrilight, Captain Whitney, sailed W A I Brewer ilrefcteaer asdwifr. Tuesday, August d, for San FranHurls. X 11 Uallen-..- from Hilo on aadwUcJiieeBteluiraMHi. ., .... SI fclEdwl!, - t, tXMIHttnt. cisco with a cargo of sugar and molasses. ' ZJZiZ i 11 T.l-tT.-tw, " "L e. " a. aa reriaa ".;:".. ,A.l horses for tho Therowas.. a great demand for Vuoat. EMXantnL Ml.sJBeon. k wvMn., 4l. arrival f fhft KPATTtPV fit Hlltl Ml a Epsaaae. z- 1 Thursday, August h. The demand was greater vo oun; -- If, .ul -- calKren. Mian tteoer. Jar , i -l1 TKlrk and ankoitaad wife. John Hlndr The lava flow is making considerable headway, and nitr. wSa.7w Oasae. A C Sandero ,n. KVMrkpennon. II it has reached a point about one and E Beaoieu. F J Itorle. J Jflliiia.Mn from the sea. On Wednesday a HaMtatTj f MBkr. G W Coffey. Til Brade, of a mile dit-tan-t stream of fire ran Borne COO feet in three hours down the Kukuan gulch. Many of tho families in LlkeHVe ATth--n- i Tt- -a WWiwarf C Carter. the region of the Kukuan stream, Hilo, have alHon A S Clerho- -. Cot T Eoiioa. MS l- R A ready left their houses and sought refuge in other JHat MektM- - Ue F Joed. D Mnlmaka. Akana, J Donnelly. Mr portions of the town for themselves and their SaaL JX UHrate. G Akama. S HartiteU. Aid. E W Barnard, L effects. Extract from a letter of Mr. Hitchcock : , Chi u H ComweW. A ABardy The lava flow Etill approaches the town and sea, Acg Kami. and Sydney, p- Cirr of XewTork, So TVr a-and but it is chiefly massing itself on the fiat just in Vt" B Powler, A B UcCastland and fee- - M-I-m. are above the hills, and it will probably keep doing so, The majority of the Norwegians at Kekaha, pressnre is so great that it will burst and till the some ever, malarial perhaps with iBoada. wsrUrary Back, Asgi-- F VUllf. side with r. low i make quick time to tho sea, we visited it last night typhoid symtoms. waa ana u and it is as full of fire aa ever. The signs on top Fanalnrala. per Jenny Walker, Ang5-- co owner of the of Mauna Loa are not encouraging, and so long as "5 Mr Brcde, the engineer and rait sold his inter- those seminal fires are in active operation, we Kekaha Sugar Mill, has left andlias perKalakaua, have good came to fear for apart if not all, of est in tho mill to MrJsenbe . aa eWaUx aiateo BalieVa. rro Kosaler. Mr the town of Hilo. Tho flow is but fifteen minutes aaChUd. P Jenea. F firandls; Mra Hnkham and 3 hundredths inches of rids from the wharf. Seven and thirtr-thrc- e Sir Birbee. ..iu ! an inch month, last Twonrt-t.p-neeje- rl. rain fcl! at Kilauea'Plantation Atg gM Chinese. Hrxo, August 4th, lSSt more than during the previous month. I sepposo yon will be looking for something as BORN. theWai-mea flow. Well, we are still looking to regards the population of the portion of The native and the prospects are good, that ws sido of the island, are at present having a at of C. Karanagb, ia thttcrtT. Ane. 3rd. to the wife swing eoon bo able will to on our front gate, and many good drunks, good time, drinking papipi Xe.aKmaSc.nai . acxtghtrr . gsze at the flow at the same time. It has done but little brawling or disorderly conduct. good work since you solid some left On the Hilo XSASBXED. cane fields from Koloa to Kekaha are all side, it is coming down the ravine at the divide, The -Oa lard the U. S. . Lack-m- loo'iing well. An unprecedented amount of rain has reached nearly the lowest point of the upper ottbetahlnsl- - tor the Bicht Eev. BishopAor 1,0 f.itnn in Rnloa the last few months, and all the round hill. Up mauka, it has pushed over towards antsted bribe Ber. T. llUckborn, toil.Miss --ditches are full and planters are jubilant No rain the Hall road, should judge it to be about 1000 feet KmM. T. a. Bnux. Eao.. laymater U. b, X, from the road, it may be a little more, or a little whatever taougn in naimea. less. I am not good at distances. When I speak along of (the ravine at the divide, I mean the 2d bridge raThe Artesian well alKekaha. does not get arranged be-tSa e time since a match race-wa- s Yesterday morning, wo found the lake just S00 vine. feet, IU present deptn is aitie toover " Ssandford Colt" and "Eom ping Girl, to at all. is be given np a going down the 1st bridge ravine. You can just rumor has it that well-boriUie place vesterdiy at EapioUm Park, for a, but I stopped there 3 hours, and it went at is almost a year since opera lions bet it went H) pur offOOO. The owner of" Standford Colt," as a bad job. Itenced, the rate of paces per hour, and 0 paces the last and this is the result we learn, had been informed that the race track were just comm hour, so you see it just trotting right along. I went aot be 1 d for this occasion, and --considered up this morning, so that I could report what it did the on Kilauea, np got at were festivities Grand Bomping the race as oS, while the owner of the night and found it had kept up agaod of the marriage of the daughter of the during GiH'did cotfotrndeTStand the matter, and went occasion 7 o'clock this xjl (ThursMr. Mahoe, to Mr. J. A. Harper, oneof pace all night but since oc with tl training. Yesterday, at the appointed Minister, commenced slacking np, and had not run day) it general There was aluau and a U a EampiEi: GiH" pat in an, appiaranoo, the over-seer- s. to 10 o'clock, when I left I should, They always ;see to e having very far up run jollification. in-- o walked over the track and was declared the since yestcday morning over K some ting bright at this plantation, hence the think it had fhhe ra &ad-k- es . We do not roach for jcoatentrucnt more snehnms would Bend it down to the dl0,od? of the laborers. Uaieraqyol the above. hlM--a it will have to build up so as to hold the heat Mr. Kennedy is building walla nlong the ravine in some of the low places to see if he cannot turn if it docs not it from going into the come down too thick,! think he will be able to Buch a Btream as turn I feel sure'he could tnm was running yesterdav. I have been to the flow every day since you left and have taken sora o pretty hot walks. Tho only hot place we can see on the flow, is down an the flats, no emote np above until you get up into tho woods, somewhere about the " Island," you know where that is. Tho Laumaia flow is smoking, don't know what it is doing. The smoke on the mountain haa been as heavy aa ever, and Eomo nights as bright as ever. Bee b - Size, $30, Xr. PaalOLeaijer, ,ii aa piiEase fSExn njs ajj- utu bu.iffait JSwtOtai, JJ. t dress, to the a -,- 7p MESSRS. CASTLE & COOKE JE Concluded THEIR STOCK OF NEW GOODS EECEIVED TEn W. H. FEIt NnMn, frcm Kew York, City of Madrid and City of Won, frcm Englnnd TIIESE GOODS ABE ADAPTED FOB L s JE Plantations, Country Stores and Families for CASH, irith best disconnt on And Vxracbt from FIEST HANDS FOB CASH, and trill bo cold to De, or on jkb1 terms to parties approved. We offer on band and arrive, Palace Water White High Test Kerosene Oil, Vulcan Water White Above Standard Kerosene Oil. Flai Steam Packing, Lard Oil, Castor OH. Xeata Foot Oil,Cylinder Oil, Asbestos Boiler Coverinc Ae.: ABbcstos Stenm Pa KnWr Flat IaddnK, MG Belting, 3, 46j 8, 10 and 12 inch ; Babbit Metal, Canal Barrtws, Lace Leather. Leather Knives, Cane ; mperior Disstpn's Belting, artide a Vceton'sCentrifngal Ox Bows, Mnle Cart Axles, Mule Collars and Hames, SlnleShocs, HyuteTHoea, Planters' Hoes, Axe andtick Mattocta, Pan, BreakmgPlo iO and XI Steel Horse Plows, LC. lie old favonteind nneicelled Moline Steel Breakme GAiG PLOWS, Eacle Xo. 28 Plow. Planet jr. Horse Hoe,11--a2 few MOLINE 2 inch; and John Deere male QK Hose, Forges, Centrifugal Lininps, 12 and H inch, best nuahtv ; ItSt BawSnSlCaUers, Anvils, Spear oi Jackson's; Disstcn A ;StnbW Assorted Files, DtSscScbratedawstall sixes; Machines' Masons' and Btacksmiths' A SaccharomcK-rand Syrnp Thermometers, Cot hails, all sizes ; Cut Spikes, ronslit hails, Home Shoes, Horse Kails, Finishing Kails. iWs s A POLL LINE OF SHELF to HARDWARE STJCHA& Catches, Ac., Locks, Butte, Screws, Hinges, AnRers, Anger Bits. Chisels, .Saws, Brns,Bdts, Machine and Carriage Bolts. lest mannf act ore ; Smooth, Jack and Jointer 1 lanes, Flows and Match Planes. A.Full Line of Paints and Oils of tho Best English and American Brands 1B81. from onr Int page. "On that very morning Eelca and her attendants had gone down to the beach to enjoy the sport Swimming ont bejond the surf, of she encountered the canoe, and was at first somewhat surprised and Btartled at seeing strangera in it, but being reassured by their kindly speech, and being invited to come on board, tho messengers offered to ride the canoe ashore through the surf a sport as exciting as that of swimming on the Helen accepted the invitation, and gallantly the canoe shot over the foaming surf and landed safely on tho beach. All sense of danger or mistrust being dispelled, the princess accompanied the canoo again ont over the surf, and again rode successfully ashore over the breakers, the attendants hurraing lustily at the bravo and fearless style in which the canoe was handled. The messengers having by this time ascertained who their illustrious guest was, invited her to another trip through the roaring surf. Thoughtlessly she consented, and the canoo pulled out beyond the surf, watching for a good, nigh, combing roller of the sea to start in with. At this moment a squall or a whirlwind suddenly struck the canoe, cominc from off the shore, and away sped the canoe with its fair and involuntary passenger over thebroaa ocean, nnentne siorm suosiaea, me shores of Maul were far distant, and the messengers started for Waialua, Oahu, where they arrived safely. From Waialua Keloa was taken up to received her with the regard Lihue, where duo to a chief ess of her rank, and as she did not commit suicide, it may be inferred thatsbebecame reconciled to her lot and accepted him as her husband. And as no invasion of Oahu was ever attempted by Hawaokaohelc, or vengeance exacted for tho abduction of his sister, it is probable, though tho legend says nothing about it, that tho affair was diplomatically settled to the satisfaction of all parties." Inland Iahno did not suit a lady who was so fond of aquatio sports, and she finally determined e and wander forth in quest of adto leave composed a' very beautiful ventures. chant, expressive of his grief, commencing, " Farepartner on the lowland plains," and conwell, my cluding with " Dimness covers my eyes. Woo is Oh !" but he could not touch her heart, and me she went. The following extract tells us how she picked up her next husband : "Leaving Lihue, Kclea descended to Ewa, and skirting the head of tho lagoon by way of Ealawa, nrrived at tho mouth of X'earl river opposite Puuloa, and found a crowd of idlers, nobles and retainers of Kalamakua, the high chief of that region, disporting themselves in tho surf. Borrowing a surf board from one of the bystanders, Kelea jumped in the sea and swam out beyond tho ureaKers and joined tho company of the other surf bathers. When the surf broke at its highest, they all started for the shore, and Kelea excelled them all, and was loudly cheered for her daring and skill. Kalamakua, being at tho time in a neighboring plantation, heard tho loud uproar of voices from the shore, nnd inquired what the cause of it was. He was told that a beautiful woman from Lihue had beaten all the Halawa chiefs at and hence the loud and continued cheering. Satisfied in his own mind that but one woman at Lihue could perform such a feat, and wife, the that she must be his cousin, Maui chiefess, Kalamakua went nt once to the beach, and threw his kihci (mantle) over Kclea as she touched the si ore, returning from another victorious trip thrcugh the surf. Explanations followed, and Kclea was Lome home in stato to the residence of Kalamakua in Ualawa, and became his wife. With him sho remained to her death." Judge Fomander closoa his third division of Hawaiian history with tho death of Kalanioi.uu; it is n period which presents a broader field to tho historian the legends arc fuller, mora reliable ; tho historical figures come out with sharper out serf-boar- Lo-Io- lio-Lal- Lo-La- 1 1 STAPLE GOODS, SUCH AS 4ArooftkcaR Denims. 8 and 9 oz. Tickings, A C A B and D J Headed Cottons, -t wide, best make ; TJnbleacbed Cottons, Cherrv Medium and Fine; Brown and Bine Drills, Linen Drills, henvy ; Flannel, Flannel, Bine Scarlet Mosquito Sheeting. Lace, Fine Bonds Diaper, Pore Linen A Snperior Assortment of American White Flannels. STAPLE aROCERIES : Golden Gate Extra Family Flour, Hawaiian Pia, Com Starch, Japan, Comet and Cheap Teas, Cube Sugar, Hawaiian Sugars, Com and Peas, Condensed Milk, Corned Boef and Tongues,;, Sardines, Oxford Sausages, McMurray's Oysters, Evans & Lescher Finest Spices, The Favorite Fancy and Washing Soaps. California and Eastern brands Hams, Corn Meal, A vena, Graham Flour, c, Ac.. Ac On Consig'iiiueiit 10, Tho Polynesian Raco, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES, LATE ABBIYALS, AXD TO ABKIVE AUGUST : The Geo. P. Blafce Mfff. Co's Steum Feed Irrigating & Vacuum Pumps Wotion's Patent Centrifugals, Woodtcard & Brotcn'e Celebrated Pianos, 2?cw Raven Organ Co. Parlor Organs Washburn Jlocn Mfg. Co. Barlitd Wire, the Past Barbed Wire manvfacturet Portland Cement, Sugar Bags, Oats and Bi an, California Hay, Oohanbia Iiiver Sdbnon, Ibis, and If. bbls., Salmon Bellies in Kits Very Fine. fa chasTt. gulick, NOTARY PUBLIC 's standing ground of written accounts is rcachiu. Tip to that point one feels very much as if one. had been for a long swim in utrp tatcr. and it is OAHU. quilo n pleasure to feel, mentally, that tho Bhoro is reached at last. This period opens with the reign of Ural in Hawaii. Cmi was an illegitimate son of Liloa, Moi of Hawaii, and was brought np by his mother man. in obscurity till ho was nearly a For tho District of Kona, Oahu. His lineage was then revealed to him, and going to recognized inado second by him, and Liloa, ho was in command to LiIoas son. On the drain of became Moi, tho Liloa, bat rendering himself win AND GENERAL REAL unpopular, Umi entered into a plot for his over throw, which was Buccetsfu), and Unit becamo Moi, In his reign tho priesthood increased in jwi er nnd prcrogr.ti cs. Umi extended his f .xmily tho Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Wills and other legal documents drawn nl shortest influence to Maul by raarrxinc tho daughter of too, MoiofMnul. Uo carried war to that island, notice xnti at reasonable rates. heading a snccCMf ul expedition to put his brother-in-laJlesrt Hstatc nod propcrtjr of every description on nnj of tho Islands, bought, sold, on the throne. After winning laurels abroad, Umi turned hi attention to internal asd negotiated, and intending buyers or sellers will do well to intrust their business to affairs: built nnd repaired many hciam,mul saTcarc the residence of the Mota from Wainio to Ahuam-UmHe kept hi chtt-- r In proper subjection, mid lundo constant tours through his st'tllo dispute and "encourago imluRtty nnd works of public utility." Ho left a numerous itirinc Protests noted and extended, nnd Survey papers drawn. from one son is descended tho present fitiaks for Labor Contracts and other business, of tho lntc&t and most approved family; reigning djnakty. Wo n t nn nmroximtvtion to n ilato in tlio rclcn foras, cptantly on hand and for sale. of Umi's kucoeiuor, for in his time tho Spanish Office 2o. 1 Kaahnmann Street, Honolulu. ship was wrecked. Judgo 1'onminlor, calculating Kosidoncc Xo. King Street. Business attended to nt either OfTico or Residence. by generations, on purely Hawaiian authority, NSOtfSt The calculaplacrsthat "cut between 1C3S-tion is Ingenious and linpitfiift to tit with n (Into nt which thero was a Spanish expedition of three ships sailing across tho l'aciflo. Tho two smaller ycnscIs wero lost sight of in n storm nnd neer again heard of. Ono of thoso essel9, it H argued, reached Hawaii. Tho nintUrls well worked out, and Dealers in is too long for quotntlo . Another but noted Moi of thin period H Lonolknmnknhlkl, n pott of Hawaiian skilled in nil Morrises, of great powers of nthlctio and rrgumrnt and conversation, nn excel lent politician, Tlio legend bold, haughty nnd J et of tho estrangement between his wife and himself; -- AJfD FORT STREET STORE. his visit, incognito, to Oahu; his reconciliation his wars, and his travels, all form a brilliant episode, w hich must bo read as a whole. Wo cannot, however, forbear making nn extract of an inA tine asst. or Wlntkor & teuton's cident which occurred during his stay in Oahu, This Js again ono of the Hashes which reveals the OF AI.l. KINDS. ancient Hawaiian as ho was ; brings him botoro us COLORS OIL AND ns n mnn, and not as a mere name : "After Lono had left hia royal host in tho evenBrushes, assorted sizes; Palettes, ing nnd retired to rest, cither that the thoughts of Knirt, Oil Cups Ink Slabs, the Kalanpnpa affair troubled bis mind, or that tho Liquid Gold, Artists' Drying Oil, heat of tho night mado it uncomfortable to sleep -- EXin tho house, uo got up nnd wtnt down to the Gold and Silver Shells and Saucers, beach to sleep in his canoe, where the cool broezo Picture Mastic, Prepared Canvas, off tho sea would tan and refresh him. Windsor Jt Kewton'a Water Colors in boxes, " While there, another double canoo arrived during tho night from Kauai, having on board a Wooden Plates, several sizes ; named Ohaikawiliula, bound to Hawaii chicfes3 White Wood Fans, asst'd sires and shaped ; on a visit. Lono nccosted tho stranger, inquired Black Cardboard Panels, various sizes. tho news from Kauai, and in course of conversaSEVEIlAt tion learned that a now melo or chant had just ALSO been composed in honor of this chiefess naroo ; URGE AND CARGOES that it was only known to n few of tho highest Fine Tapcterlcs and Queen Anne Stationery chiefs on Kauai, and had not yet becomo public. 1'roinpted by curiosity and a natural bent Tor acVisiting Cards, Diaries, Blank Books, quiring all sorts ofknowledge, Lono entreated tho chiefess "to repeat tho chant, whiot she Miscellaneous and Presentation Books, did, and Lono's quick ear and retentive TTT1IDDD memory soon caught and correctly retained the UVTER AND whole of it. The chant was well known to of the last generation, and many of the Maps of .the Hawaiian Islands ! present may recall it to mind by hearing tho first lino: TTRATt OOMPIUSIKO DIAMOND "The fait pond of Mini. "His expected sleep on the beach having been ALL 1HE USUAL-S- I 0 OK SIZES thus interrupted, Lono returned to the house and slept soundly till late in tho morning. (With view of this characteristic engraved ' Kaknhihewa, having e,n joyed an uninterrupted Co., 17. Y.0 to be had to order by the night's rest, rose early next morning and repaired SCANTLING. ,tc qualities to aclt. to the seashore for n bath, according to the custom. He there found tho canoo of the Kauai Fresh Goods, Novelties chiefess getting ready to leac. Saluting the TIJUBEE, PIANK, BOAEDS, stranger, he also inquired tho latest news from and New Books received tho same information that IENCINQ AND PICKETS Kauai, andreceived during the night, of which fact, had Lono Constantly fought for and added as they appear. however, Kaknhihewa was ignorant. Having reS54 Special order forwarded regular)y each mail. peated the chant to Kakuhihewa, and he having committed it to memory, tho Kauai chiefess made sail and departed, and Kakuhihewa returned to -- ifcuM, A Host Complete Stock of his palace much pleased at the opportunity of puzzling his guest, when ho should nwake, with he latest news from Kauai. When Lono fin?!!; awoke A FINE ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER and made his appearance, Kakuhihewa challenged him to chant the latest mele frcm Kauai. Without hesitation Lono complied, nnd recited the lVTEST feTIXS. chant correctly ftirc beginning to end, to the great discomfiture and perplexity of Kakuhihewa." THE "BIG COLLAR KAILS, LOCKS, Passing by a number of chiefs, we come to Alapai-Ku- i, during whoso reign, on one stormy BUTTS, HINGES, night, Kamehameha the Great was born. Alapai occupies an important placo in the history, Tho BOLTS. SCREWS, Etc birth of Kamehameha enables the Judge once more to give nn approximate dale ; and we find ourselves between the years 173G and 1740. Alapai CORNER UIXU AXD FORT STREET!?. was a great warrior, and made conquests in Maui and MolokaL He likewise made an attempt on HARNESS MAKER! PRACTICAL Oahu, but the expedition came to naught. We get Scantling; Flank, surface and rough into a perfect whirl, of battles, invasions, skirmishes, revolutions, and murders, as we turn over FinejSingle and Double Buggy Harness, Boards, surfaced and rough ; Battens page after page ; and the picture becomes dark, Pickets, Rustic, Lattice, Clapboard. almost wearisome, when wo suddenly come upon Concord and Mule Harness the episode of the visit of Captain Cook to the Islands in 1778. Judge Fornandcr's account of Plantation Earnest of all sorts, important event is a vtry valuable one ; he this AISO, IS STOCTX, handles his subject in an extremely fair and imRiding Bridles, Saddle Whips partial manner ; he throws considerable light upon Pain nda Whitewash the actions of tho great navigator by appealing to Currycombs, Brushes, Saddle Cloths, Hawaiian tradition; he is not carried away by WHITE LEAD, prejudice, and altogether we would recommend A&d every ScecsHiry for Stable ute at) any one wishing to nave a thorough knowledge of IVIirTEZLTCT. the circumstances of the event, to turn to the BED EOCE PRICES FOE CASH. TAINT Olt, Judge's pages. Wo are glad to be able to quote tho following paragraph, which sums up the arguof everr descrlDtton done In the bes ment as to whether Cook had any previous knowlpossible manner, with the best materials, at lewes METALLIC AND OTHER FAINTS! worcmen snuca. edge of the Islands : " If these words mean anything at all, they conWork GHarantecd or Exchanged vey the unavoidable inference that Cook had no previous knowledge of the existence of the group. LOOK FOR TOE BIO COE1UAK ! 615 To argue the contrary, as Mr.Jarves has done, is to accuse Cook of a hypocrisy and disingennous-nes- s LANDSCAPES. that his works give no warrant for, and of TO HAVE which competent men who can appreciate the real PEESONS es'WISHIlfG or any ont door photography done. traits of his character will acquit him." It is impossible, in the limits of an article, to give any fair sketch of the Judge's views upon PICTURES H7 FIRST-CLASSTTLE ALT, SIZES, Cook. He takes great pains to confute the charge By applyioz to the underaJencd, at 137 Fort Street. of self deification which has been brought against (636) Bonolnln. Jan. 18, ItSl. H. L. CHASE Captain Cook: at the same time ho reprobates Of Eastern and California Make. many of Cook's actions his greed, his niggardli.SPEAKS FOR ITSELF I " his disregard of the proprieties of ordinary ness, SALE IN QDASTITIES TO SUIT intercourse," and his "wanton insult" to the rePISHEa'S CHAMPAGJTE CIDSE, ligious sentiments of the Hawaiians by carrying AKD AT So wU ana favorably known In this community, can off the fence from the heiau. At the conclusion of always be loaod, on ice, at Jacob Weik1, "o. CI KIcr his account Judge Fomauder says : Street. Call In and eooljronreeivt J. "Thus ended the episode of Xoso (Captain Bonololi, Jaaniry 17, ISO. fSOa vi-r- FOR THE ISLAND OF Agent to take Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts n BUSINESS AGENT. ESTATE w Records Searched for Titles of all Lands Bought or Sold i. ilomlr.-ions- Ill ART NOVELTIES WILDER MATERIALS! ARTISTS' TUOS. G. THRUM'S & CO. Importers e LUMBEE knight-erran- war-lik- o t, to Just Arrived JUST RECEIVED LATE ARRIVALS! Matches Card. consequences. Starting direct in Waikiki,, where Kahekili's and organizing preparatory to fight Kahahana, the eight Oahu warriors "boldly charged a large contingent of several liundred men of the Maui troops collected at tho heiau. In a twinkling they were surrounded by overwhelming numbers, and a fight commenced Stock of Choice Groceries LowiV Tomatoes, discs Sausage Meat, Green Corn. Succotash, Gherkins, 1 and y. gall. Boston Baked Beans, Corn Starcb, Boston Crushed Sugar Boat Bonrds, An Invoice of Carriages Xiatcst Stylos Basket Phaotons, CO. INFORM THE PUBLIC ft fr.ifir. KNOWLES' STEAM AND VACUUM PUMPS HAVE .TUST rpiIK UKDKH310NKD Turner, from ltotnn,afnll as- X received prr Amy sortment "f theso eelibrteit Tumps, which are enrn-trc-ord to os ehMiwrind better thin any other stylo pump Imported. We call tho attention ot planters to tho Vacuum Tump, which la less compll eatoj and more sen Icablo than other pumlii. q llltKWEn A CO. MO 3m IJtf Letter and Note Paper, land-mar- g Fb . iBR HARNESS SHOP C. HAMMER, DRY REDWOOD! Brushes, ill Glass. Salt Firewood. DOORS SASH BUNDS IW NU .m KiVUlOES OF The DARK BLTJE DENIMS J. & C.LANE'S WORKS, MARBLE I1EUIEL STREET, NEAIt CELLULOID TRUSSES Especially adapted to this climate. A Fall Line of HOSIERY: Agents for P. Lorillard & Co's Celebrated Tobaccos, and Drawing Boom Tobacco and Cigarettes, Buchanan MARBLE WORK OFEUERY DESCRIPTION MADE TO OKDEIl AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE BATES. skIHBALL Wftl. Which are so well known all over the world aa to need no comment from ns. KOTICE. D. B. GRIFFIN WISHES TO MRS. the Ladles of Honolulu and the public generally that the has disposed of her Millinery .ana Drrsa Making Establishment to Mrs. Wilkinson, who will cany on the hoslncsl, and takes the present opportunity of thanking her numerous patrons for the very liberal patronag-- extended to her, and would bespeak for her successor a continuance of the same. MltS. D. B. GBIFFIN. MRS- - WILKINSON CATyL WOUI.D RESPECTFDXIr of the Ladles of Honolulu and of other Islanda to the above announcement, and she will canyon the Feather Dusters, Harmonicas, Violin Strings, Flayina Cards. Looking Glasses, Vienna Chairs. A Milliner of taste and experience, who' will have this inper-vislo- STATIONERY: Blank Books, Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, Copy and Receipt Books, Gold Loaf. WKAPPING PAPEK, Superior Printing Paper, two sizes, Manila Hops all bizes, Spunyarn,; Flax and Hemp Packing, Sugar kSo Ooal Bags Woolpack, Burlaps, Sail Twine, India Bobber Packing, SADDLESSydnoy and English. Fowdor, Lead and Zinc Faint, HARDWARE : Iron, RiVels, Fence Galvanized Iron Pipes K to 1 inch, Yellow Metal 1C to IK oz Nailm Steel Rails, Perforated Brass, Buckets, I Butcher and Pocket Knives. Razors, Sheep Shears, Saw Files, Ac. Wire, 4, 5, C; Hoop CROCKER Y in Assorted Crates. Also, Dinner, Breakfast nnd Tea Sets, Bowls, Kico Dishes, Cups, Flower Tots. "" " lntn nfmr Storlr .. - aI r.h wlrhlt. imiia aauasj v- - ALWAYS GROCERIES : Sardines, Vinegar, Dnrot's OUto Oil, German Sausage, Ultra Wash lllue, Bine Mottled Soap, Tablo Salt, Stearino Candles, 47. Ac. LIQUORS Bontollau Brandy, Gin, Rum, Alcohol, St. Paul's Ale, Mullor's Lager Bier, Champagne Ch. Farro and IllJaleck Dry Monopolc, Ac, Empty Demijohns, Market Baskets, Molasses and Tallow Barrels. CEMENT : Stockholm Tar, Fire Clay, Fire Bricks, Red Urlcka, Tllen, Slltcs, lioata, lllAckKiullh'ii Coiil. Steam Coal, Ae. ALSO- -0 Mrs. 'Wilklnton takes pleasure In annonndne that she is now opening a large assortment of Dress Silks, Satins, Ploirers, Feathers, Gibbons, &e., SPEGTflTi NOTICE. Get yonr Pianos Tuned In addition to the above Mrs. Wilkinson has a fine c Ordered from Europe and San Francisco by Mra.GriOn and selected with special reference to the requirements of the ladles of this city and gronp. Mra.W. hopes by atriet attention to tho wants of her patrons, moderate terms, and furnishing only 8rrt-cli- J articlea la her line, to merit a share, of thepabUcpat-ronag- e, wl O BT A COMPETENT TUNER, Who 61123 til II Jut arrived from Sia Francisco. ORDERS AT WJC1XS Ml'HC STOKE, 64 and 68 Fort Sheet iWr' nT LINES IN EACH DEPflHTMEUT - 7S........,.. ts - j SS........ 73...... ............ LADIES' FTJK.MSHISU GOODS: EmbroldcrrJ Chemises. . Plain Chemises Embroidered Skirts....... Olnsham 8klrta Summer Skirts. Balmoral Skirts Ileary Shettand Shawls... Silk and Hobair Shawls... Princess Jackets Ladies' Corsets Ladlea' Lace Tics Ladles' SIkTIes ....m.. 1 59 .............. !S.... ....... J tit 3 25, 1 0a.... . 3 SO, t SO. 1 01. t .... 3 3 00 4 00. 3 91 3 ia ....tte) 3 OI.... -- ..... I W. 4 09 ....-.-.. S .... ........... t J J . .. Bargains In Horue Furnishing .......... 3 Woods: V 13 1 SO . loa . ... n a ... 109 1 00 AND II. FR aju Orders Cseods from the other Istan4s sold at the same prleea as If boeght penoaaHy at say counters. SM FOR HALR 1IY 1 TO PURCHASERS OF 85 OR 0TER CENT. DISCOUNT, 3 104 Tori SL Br.ir.r'. BloIc,HonoiUa,IZ.X Pianos from L. Noufold, Berlin W) Former prices pr yd Present prices erri. Black Sllki $3 SO.. Black Cajsimens... JS5 ija Black Silk Grenadine.. ... 1 ccj CO.. Black Silk Bnstlng . I Alpaca . Black 73.......-.-si Velonr Poplin t t fSJ . 1 Senutle, De Lion j 1 T3.. All shades ef Satins j gj Colored French ilerlnos... 1 S0........raMMM. 1 03 A. M. 2IELUS, CliAKlFIEIlS, STK.VJI . CO. IIACKl-F.I.i- ) WATER PIPES! WATER PIPES iAi.VA?ix;n Annus ljrin want P bait I oi-- to nil frohl tb to Iko th UMlsnlanhl a call. RECEIVED THIS DAY EX DARK KALAKAUA. hat. ci.irori5A Cafra Frrn-i.Mrtn?i- iA CalltixnM Cms. CtMfrrit ttseai. Brw. All fresh and la seal attlrr, tail fo'JiK? hsw Mains, wtll do wsll rtpliiA1 V Feet of Galvanized Pipinr On haii.1. Jim ltcrUd AUtsr" and "Olealfftr " aud c.n oirtr li at 60,000 TAB LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURES Dy th Vorro Caatlf ," Just at hand, a mil Una vt t'LOUIt. spI.nK . HATE BXTHA usftfen ttaie sate by Ex bark Kalakasa, HOUSE PLUMBING MATERIALS All Work in tho Above Line Wilt beatiendei! to wllh dispatch. Also, Jest atnand.auaw lot of t.X KAI.AKAWA." JtKRltll.IN Tenet ranker, Tm, SfwHb Rre.lt Te, rnoviHioxu. m nr.r.r vt PninKfVituit, r.xtuA Beer tn ttM berf Kptta .am,,,,.. 1 and H barters. BvHer In I'M l VBorJwT lALMOfC. nivrit n.t i.m?r in mnnrxx C oi.vaiiia and half barren, CiftBed 8irsm Hretrsa. BOLLHAW AND OIIU-ATTVN-T- IC Lead. UnbbMk'a Lead. Habwaek'e Zrae. VeUfrie, tttaak ratal, Cheewie Aerew, Cbfiwie Teltnw. rarh Htm, sd a fall aaseetBem ef Pbmt PaHite. rorsaJeby BOLUW A Cay IIEMPQOKDAGE AND BOLT ROPI. lh. Three different Dixie, of four sites ractu Also, and Ting St" . A X AMOItTHRMT OF HIZDI TXM AIM, 8pajarn, IWsfsf. Kitsta. lath tn S Ueaseane, Marltae, Revadsag, Ac. UNCLE SAM RANGE, Opera, May, Quartstts A Pltrjtrtl.V 111 Pofk L'artli Closets, Cast Iron Sinks, Kniimoloil Cast Iron Waahstumls, Mnrlila topa ami Hasina forWasliatalula, witli Corks and Chains for same, Hoso Hill. Cocks, Sawar nnd Sink Traps, Urinals, Kitchen Slop Sinks, Sink Flues, Light Cast Iron SollPipo,2, 3 & Inch. fAmi.Tf av Burn fr (JIIOCIIHU'.S iteelvtd l Hou R.anses! Toerttiiir Kllh lb BOtLHAW, 3 SIS 1 LIN8EEI PAINT OIL. Anltr Paint OH. Wasmitea H BOII.ED mk LAMfeattsjC. l"a. er SseH ira uii, lor Alhatk Uail.lspakaeif Irb,a4 upward of 29 lbs. ratal Brsshee hi cfeat rarlety. All of whkh wMt be W If BOLLE4A69. VSE GOODS, Te-pentl- raesJfSti c . Cotton Plant, Sunny South A large asterKaeeit of TnHM, Meats, TU, trailers, biaaas. ursiera, Magna Cbarta, Osceola, at recelred, and fee sasesy iBtih AC. y 'Demand, Buck's and cir.Ait.i. cortr test n.xr mxnrLt.BOtXZ3t. Charter Oak Stoves. k ex muiiu, rer sale by Mueb. 19, 1?1. os SUPERIOR FRENCH RANGES, LINST-;E1JBLS. Oils Df B OILEU Raw and S gaKoa east. For Frlrate Families, or Hotels. and Schooners' Cabooses, Laundry Stoves, Keroseno' Stoves IF ANYTHING to 35o,2B',. Inordfrlncfitovn throojh tbe mill, and 1T' In; the matter ofebolcw to n pleasaute Unjlt,ncl tb nombfr of people yoa wish to cook for. Honolulu. J one 18, 187$. W N. B a iseh. THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL. XJ KeceJTedbythe-CHy- M. twm. BOlXSSACe. IN THE ABOVE LINE! T5UTTEU AND CHEESE, cu or sr.sn v fttrmf, Pahrt OfLrke Vat ease by P0LLE MANILA COICDAGK rcn. AR.sonTjiE.ir or izx CO. six thread lo flee 3 81 YOU ARBIN NEED OF Oydsey of lrl s ;1f BLOCKS AND MAST HOOra. UTRtppim Btsras Patent Ironamds Patnl aUahear stnned Plain inn aeeorunesii or atxr. Blocks. Doshln; BOLLuea. 813 X F GUOCErtlES. s ie AinSSMHV UBO 1.1 JMirjl.Pnm.mm CUj ea'h. Butler In Jara mad Err. niJtaVl Hosey In OUss. Pickles Keea Kegs of Pig Pork tot family rise, ot ylAlmm. wmliMn Ban of CMre, rants and (addles ofTtaest Tea. Saratae bt asd M sexeav Vermicelli, klaecanml. CrvLim Is nrirr dwhm nm JgajjEg&Btgjg-?S3aaa"ailissss- fKrLLM. "NJ BY THE LATEST ABSTVAIS KegSngar. B WE raon xs xkaxcixco HAVE IIECEIVED A I,VUGE Ship Stores. CQ,1 Si COn Proprietors, HOTEI. oTKEET, H050LIXU. JNO. M. TtVWXOB FIRST-CLAS- to osr former stock ef SUp e, Ac,waica Pio-ltlo- gireat aa er & Greatest Assortment of Qoois Prices ths same as Firs WJlajs Hotels In Saa Francisco. SCO 3 30 '! s; Samples sent on application They also contlnnc to manufacture BelfastGingerAIe. afH : Entrances on Hotel, Richards, and Beretaala StrteU Together with their jp 00..... 00... "Hon.'BarawellSlote," The Favorite Eed BrantL, Pedro Hnrias, The Eragrant Stump. Soda Water fn all its Branches M . tvafrg. w .. I 35.... White Damak Tabte Lrnen UnblescheJ Damask Ta Me Uflea.. ICO..., "A.... LaceCnrtalas tS..., Bnsslan Towels ICO.. LlneTowes White Marseilles QaM, 14 T White Marseille Qolru, lt- -i S White llarsdlles qallu, 12-- 1 IN DEMAND! Amons onr One Hundred brands of CIGARS, we wonld call especial attention to the Cost. To enumerate the 3Jany Bargains ned Damask Table Ltcen TOBACCO ASD CIGARETTES 77 Goods, Shrouds, TWiTtfnn Eelor ....tfla Goodwin & Co's Old Judge DRESS MAKING Business in all Its details. Mrs. TV. would also lUte that she has sxnrcd the services of Line of Mourning 25 to 50 per cent. H from. Assorted Table Frnlla. Canned Meats. Jam 860 branch of the business under her Immediate & CO'S VANITY FAIR IamyEiUolIihment To glre aa Idea ef TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES, Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. AND Lylo's Tobaccos, Which we have lately Introduced here, and which la rapidly growing Into favor and demand. Blouuiueuls nml Hendiloues CIcnnctI and Kcsct, MILLINERY &i t BEDUCED ETEBT LDiE of GOODS LEADING Genuine Ean da Cologne, Fhilocome, Combs, Tooth Brashes, Labia's Extracts, ing purposes, Headstones, Tombs, Tablets, Marble Mantels, WashstandTTops, and Tiling in Black and Witta Marble. liar To accomplish this more (Actually India Rubber Coats and Overalls THE GENERAL REDUCTIONS: Fancy and Toilot Articles : Florida Water. Carbolic Acid and Chloride) of Lime, for disinfect- MANUFACTURERS OF MOPMENTS f ASSORTED STOCKS GOODS I offerwonld be Impossible In my llmltrf nan. simply append a few Balbriggan, Children's Ac Silk Handkerchiefs, Fonlardj. T. II. and Fancy Cotton Handkerchiels, Neckties, Wool and Silk Braids, Bibbons, Thread, Buttons, Ac Socks nnd Stockings, Humphrey's Homeopathic Specifics, Ships' KI.NU. Shirts, Woolen, Flannel and Cotton Mixed, Merino and Cotton Undershirts, Wool Jackets, Shawls, Blankets, Towels, Ae. Hair and Tooth Brushes, TKUE NOTICE ! Linen Drills, Ac An Assortment of LARGE ASSORTMENT Soaps Cosmetics and Face Powder, and To realize on ray large and ruifScratfy Bnckakins, Doeskins. CoatinRS, Diagonals, Printed Moleskins, Brown Cords, These Oomls received the highest award at th lata LUBIN'S AND PINAUD'S COiEPTETED HATTN'G .TUST u reduce my stock on tao aber AR. data CONTINUE FOR THIRTY DAYS : TAILORS' GOODS: Sjilnrj Exhibition rmr all other competitors. Camclllnc for the Complexion and Teeth, STOCX, COMMENCE OS JUKE 20tk I will commence Turkey Bed Cotton. TicMnns, Bine Cotton Drill. Blue and Fancy FLANNEL- IfflStinjrs, Italion Cleth Heprw. Fancy While nnd Black DftESS GOODS, Jasqnard, Mohair, Monwjlice, Jaconets, rc Barege, Curtain, Lambrequins, Table Ctrrera, Ac, Ac., Ac., Ac., "White OP HJVENTORY TAKING KcnytStarlAc. Brown Cottons, Horrock'sWhito Cotton, AND THE CElEDIlATKli OF JOHN COSIIXLL'S Goods g in our possession : Are now Soaps, Cosmetics, Opaline Face Powder. Folio-win- ox Accornrr or Iolaa!,") And per Steamer, via Panama consistinci A MDiMLliroM UlllI mi UUillDMl, 1 (To bn followed by tho "Kaleanf' The Crownor Groods Perflimes, BEEHEN, "ATALANTA,' FEOX Cabriolots. ffOLWER k JTST UECE1YED PEE a Tomato and Hock Turtle Soap, Usinn their lone SDcars and iavelins with marvel lous skill and dexterity, and killing a prodigious Sandwich Ham and Tongue, number of their enemies, tho eight champions Irish Stew, llarricot of Mutton, broke turougn tne circle oi spears mat surrounuca Slewed Calves' Head, Dairy Salt, them. But Makaioulu, one of tho warriors, though Qr Barrels Family Pork. a good fighter, was a bad runner, on account of bow-leKauovertaken was bv he and his short Cases Lard, 5 lb tins, full weight hikonkoa, a Maui chief. Makaioulu was , soon tripped, up, cecurea, nna oouna ny xvnnniEO.-u.onwho, swinging tho captive up on his own shoulders, Btarted off with him for tho camp to have him sacrificed as the first victim of the war. Thi3 affair took placo on tho bank of the Pnniluu taro pitch, near the cocoanut grove of Kuiknanka. Makaioulu, thus hoisted on tho back of his captor, caught FAIRBANKS' PLATF0B31 SCALE! sight of his friend Fupuka, and called out to him to throw his spear straight at tho naval of his Iron Safes, Yellow Metal and Nails, stomach. In hopes of shortening tho present and Manila Coidnge, Now Bedford make; prospective- tortures of his friend, and knowing ' Whitewcod, Slates, Boscndalo Cement, well what his fato would bo If brought alivo into tho enemy's camp, Fnpnka did ai ho was bidden and with an unerring aim. Hut Makaioulu, seeing tho spear coming, threw himself with n violent effort on one sido, and tho spear went through tho coiirnisiNu some.of. Seeing their loader fall, back of Kanhikoakoa. the Maui soldiers desistod from farther pursuit, TOfcL and the eight champions escaped." Dnrins KnhekiU's sovereignty La Perou90vi?iled AMMH MllKl) SIAMirACrUIlKIM. O.i ii.iauds. nnd intercourse between tho Hawaiians Wo raunt foreigners frequent. bscamemoro and refer our readers to tho work itself for tho given of tho condition of tho two islands nt Mitioral P.iint, this time. On page 21.' will bo found a very con Caustic Soda, ciso resume of tho political situation in l?J"--. Bublior Packing, Concluding his survey of tho various Islands, Judgo rornandcr opens tho fourth part of his subSheathing Kelt, conquest group by the of ject, which iletnlli tho Qrindstonos,) Tho work closes with tho ImUio of Kamehameha. Kuuauu, about April, 1795. ThU latter part does Sugar and Coal Bays, not present such now and intoreMing facts as nro given to us in tho commencement of ths volume, Toi'Mand Cement. Tho ground hat been, in fact, trodden before ; but i histori.-mwith previous diiers the author mi The aboTC GckhIa will bo oOVrnl for lc to irrtva savernl points, and corrects their errors nnd their erroneous deductions. TERMS. Judge Fomander has certainly produced rt val- UPON REASONABLE uable l)ook, nttd ono to which every future his 1 V. IlM'.WKK A CO. frt npiienf. to pity a will havo Hawaii It li torian of that a work which will bo' constantly used for purposes of rcferencn sho ild lack tho convenience of nn Index and should b. undivided Into u'lnplera. Tho necessities of tho aubject probably compelled the Judgo to n very rrco o of Hawaiian lmmps, but wo think h llttlo pruning of some ot tho 11KU I.KAVB TO genealogical detaih would linvo made thoteitninro nttracllvo to tho ordinary reader. For Instance1, tho statement that 'rtilanlwnhino becamo the wife of Ahu n-- I nnd mother of LonnnuatUmakn, tho nnd mother of wlfoui Kevwvlkohahhlliokimokn Knlaninitlamanmo," may bo Important, 1ml might Til at they hnvo moved Into tliolr lio or put in a footnote in ft upeclal cry wtll genealogical section, nnd not in tho body of tho history, Theo nro tho only lilemtshe whlHi havo SEW AND COMMODIOUS STORK, (Struck ns, nnd they nro after nil slight. Hawaii lnthol'Irol'nxitlhillillnRl mi ought to Ixt proud that ono nt her ndopted children h davmed himself mi nnwiwr) Ingly to tho nnrnTi-llin- nf mat. His success hns cer NO. 05 NXniANTJ STREET, tainly boon downed, nnd wo nro suro that tho pages ot "Polynesian ltnco" will lw read with Three door Mow their old sUiul. whf r may bt found interest, not only In onr little Kingdom, but nlso assortment of III most wmplft by tho students of history nnd ethnology in every p.irt of tho world ; that tho liniuo of Abraham will bo quoted nnd rcmemlx'rrd tw nn Drugs, Ohoni'calB & Toilot Artioloa authority for statements upon tho history ot tho lVicillo long after tho generation which ho has in Tin: rv. mingled w till shall hnvo sunk Into tho tomb. AmoneafewoftlitlrSpfeUUIfimty ba found Full Stock ot general WELL-SELECT- 4 INVOICES OF NEW GOODS Light, BUILDING MATERIALS! WATER H. riACKFELD&CO. REDUCTIONS! OFFER FOR SALE BREWER & GO. REDUCTIONS! BARK "EDWARD MAY," total disregard of from Apuakehan army was in camp a march inland to gencrat --gfirttumlisf. Antral $&irftnnAic. tttnl G. EST MODUS IN BEBT8. WEDNESDAY, OFFER FOR SALE mi ferity garauiw (general ?$trclumdisc. 1 rHjUcTthzndiSc. Cook), but its infiajilce on the Hawaiian people was fasting and till long be remembered. He came as a god, nnd 'in the untutored minds of the natives, was worshipped na such ; but his death dispelled the illusion: and by those, whom he might have so largely benefited, he is only remembered for tho quantity of iron that for the first time was so abundantly scattered over the counsow- try, and for the introduction of a previously unknown and terrible disease. As education and among the intelligence are spreading, however, natives, they will gradually learn to appreciate the benefits that have followed and will continue to follow in the wake of hi first discovery. The OF THE AMERICAS reproaches that have been levelled at bis memory will gradually fade, as men leam to judge others according to the standard of tho times and the exceptional circumstances under which they lived the andhadto'ct; and while time will eradicate evils attributed to Cook's arrival, time will also JOIISSOS, MASTEIt, bring into t reater prominence the advantages and blessings, tae light and the knowledge, to which his discovery opened tho portals, and enable f nturo from Boston, historians, be they native or foreign, to draw a truer, more just, and more generous balance. In contemplating what the Hawaiian were one hunCOSSISTIKO IJT TAUT AS FOLLOWS: dred years ago and what they are this day, no candid person can fail to kindly remember tho man and Store Coal, who first tore tho veil of isolation that for cen- Steam, Cumberland turies had shrouded the Hawaiixm in deeper and deeper growing darknesf, who brought them in re- Kerosene Oil,"" Electric" Brand. lation with the civilized world, and who pointed Kerosene ODBrewer's Best," 150 Test the way for others to bring them that knowledge which is power and that light which is life." Turning from Hawaii and the episode of Cook, Judge Fomander devotes a considerable space to the history of Maui and of Oahu. '1 no most stridEastern Pino Birrcl Sliooks, ing feature in this part is the reign of Kahekili in Maui, a perfect Machiavelli in Hawaiian politics, Besin, Oars. " Copper-tipped- ," who by means of a crafty and insidious policy Fire Clay, Plaster Paris, Tnr, Pitch, Oahu. managed to acquire the sovereignty of Ico Befrigerators various sizes, Kahahana, the legitimate Moi of Oahu, had gradually been estranged from his best advisers by tho arts of Kahekihi, and in tho beginning of BARRELS EXTRA MESS BEEF, 1783 the Moi of Maui sailed against him. Kahahana was beaten m battle, and after wandering Pick and Axo Handles, for run vfvtrn nraonff the mountains of Oahu. was Pamber Buckets, finally betrayed to his foe and killed. In conneclegend daring of has tion with this invasion a come down which is well worth repeating : CAETS, Heavy and " When the news of the invasion spread to Ewa MULE and Waialua, eight famous warriors from those Farmers' Boilers, for Plantation uso ; places, whose names the legend has retained, concerted nn exnedition on their own account to win Invoice of Cut Nails, assorted; ' Au distinction for their bravery and inflict what dam- Aine.1 Shovels, Hunt's Axes and Hatchets chivalrous undertaking, a forlorn hope, and wholly 1 WELL SELECTED unauthorized by Kahahana, but fully within the IN EVERY S RESPECT. TRAHSLATIOWS. CO AI1TTJXITT THE theBUSINESS public generally are t Kept on these Ishads. all ef whleh be teU H Lowest Market Prices, aa aaoaJ. Our fneavte asat M public generally are respectfully iasMed to esaatjM 3 815 BOLfJW C ESTABLISHED IN 1852. ij-nE.Ei- I: s: iTEWSFAPEX RTIS! HO A DVE Gr in; 3ar o ' informed that I hare Beans 3) awl 31. Merchants Excaaage, CaSfetaia U, Saa rraadjecs Uatmit. succeeded In makinz arrangements with competentlin-galala- . and am sow prepared to supply T&ussla noxa from or to the Enjliia language, of either of the ILxABVEVTISIJCS eWUCXTCB following languages: Js"ewsjper pnbUjsHctt u HM Vt Frenci, Geraoaa, Italian, Span- elfle Coiut. lbs Kananlefa IsUsde, nynelav, Kexleaxt rorts. roraswTsUynriei.Jni. ish, Fortogaeso ChJneso. Orders attended to with promptness. Accuracy gup. CMnaw Sets; ZenleuuL TWO he Eastern States suae! antM. Copjlnr. Eogrosslns.and wrtttn; of erery description doss with neatness and dlspaub. Mr of neju-l- errery Senpaper poHiej Oct CHAS. T. OOXICK. atauuU Corass eaattausUjr es sire kept SSOtS No. lKa4hamanaSt.IonoIalB Paeifle na all nUTerttwrs aHeireil fre anjnuw t tlieni dnrtas bnf Tbm MstwHoei Gazette) Is iept on fliakeus. PAINT3 AND OILS. at Me oearn FUher LE1BI5 PACSAtlESOF 3T0 K TOM-aU- ta Eare. ae AXMSTIO 2 7 II Zinc White, lTabimcs: Lead, Boiled Paint Oil In bait and In 5 gallon drams, A fall auortaeat Fancy Color 1'aiaU. 813 OLLESjiCO , I I LIME. tttr. isABkB8Cu resK eaUfMUU - JSiTC J04 Hawaiian iazetfeSuppi emenf, An Taxation. Eurroa Gutm As oar method of assessment and collection of taxes, is more defective than it osgbt. or need to be, cTen under the present laws, I beg present some thoughts upon the subject fit the risk of repeating what I hare before wud ; ome of the defects cannot bo remedied without legislntioa or the action of the Supreme Court, bat others can and (should be ; they were intro-dnced without lepislntion, in their uorking they turn been found to contravene both the Constita- Una and laws, and if bo, they should not be : cm t aiian 3E3C lamtioti, for this is not only self evidently conocr trary to the constitution, but has been declared to BELL be so by the Supreme Court. The principles here discussed are so plain and ! simple, as to be to every ordinary mind, IM'llltl'OnATED 1IEC 30, I8S0. and as prompt action upon them, as the circumstances will permit, will soon restore Ibis branch H. A. tYlfeEMAXS ritrorsT of the public service to tho satisfactory condition S. O. WILDER. SicEETiar jLxuTsinjcutn in which it was practically, prior to the law of 1870, C. O. EEHUKK. S.N. Castle. first enforced in 1877. hem, sow rixi:rARi:n sl TELEPHONE COMPANY Anc to Wnontflts to the pnbllc for private pnrposca of Telephonic Instnimer.ts of the ok ocly.com-plet- HAWAIIAN TIIE TRANSLATIONS. ITXIIEUSIGXED c latet pattern B. inclndinq thecelelirated make Tranf mltter.' We will alfo fnnilth etlmatea to erect private Telephonic lines on lhe other Islands. Kor partlculara, C. O. BEItGEK. apply to Sec'y Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co. bIJ 6m IS to traiiflite, with accuracy acd dispatch, and on reatonablc terms. cuntinned. Deeds, Leases. &c &&, A ConsUtntion is defined to be, "a system of rrom Kngllph tn Hawaiian, and n're rerta. Repldenec. 47 be found at the Government Emma J.'o ttwl.fromMy f BDdamexM rale, prinoinlt", nd ordinances Law Library dally 'J:X to 12 o'clock. " II. I.. SHELDON'. the Government of a State or .Nation. In frtt Sfc lm !. the Oonstitntion is pnraraonnt to the statutes or laws enacted by the Legislature, ' limuinc and controlling it power. In the L' ntted States the Iegiriature is created, and its v.vt fltesiiTTintMl lir tliA rVinRiitntian. It fol low that any lav. which in practice, is found to be incouMsteat with any imucipie of the Couatilntiou utohI, end is declared so liytbc conrt,on occa-S)or nullified by legislation. It also follows that any law admitting of two interpretations or ouustroctnms, oneol wludi, m practice wonldbo rxxmsistent with any principle of the Constitution mnsil interpreted so as Hot to conflict with it Dow the principles of the Constitution demand njnabty in tiie distribution of the puWic cliaicd, that nil fcboeld be taied alike to meet them. If therefore any role or law is found, in its applica-trto operate unequally upon one more than auuUur. then if a title, not imposed by liw, it fiUooM be abrogated, and if a la?, it should bu rliet.t possible moment by reivtuedied at the read, or the court. The wrong has n remedy, and li tbouldbejipiJiednttheearliestreoment. are fallible and in making laws do not always e just what their oinitiou will be ; neither do executive officers empuweied bylaw to make rules within the law, always seethe beannRthey may hiiTc in their application to existing laws. ow the rule bv which debts dno to foreign credit ts cannot be deducted, like debts due in the lvmcd' im. from the returns made of property to be taxed, was made to meet a f pecific class ot cases, and when applied to another class did great ina double justice, bv bringing nponthc tax, and in the very natnre of its ap- or three-fol- d might bring a much heavier one still, rJicaU'Hi. if as a general rule, has no fixed limit, and should never be applied, as a gtmivl rule. A note worth $10,000, but w ith a high credit might botTnw for IJ $ttl,UX the latter might the whole invaluable improvements and bo Uixnl upon 950,000, whilst A WJUld also be taxed nnder this rule on that sum besides his 10,000 but in eases like those, whose Hupposed existence sleeks, of g.ivcnscto the rule in 18G7, lo ml totGovernment piods bought on credit and receiving iw.itecuon like all others, it would fine to the tr, asury only its just dues for that protection. JTie property tax first imposed was li of 1 per was to assess as cent, '.hen '. The practice thendesignated as well nropertv, every species usually so as all solvent debts, whether of book, note or deduct nsbcHsed to party mortgage but allow the t rum the aggregate, all debt, due from him tonilothers his the balance remaining, being the sum of to be assessed, 'lue rule of 18G7, was aihipied to cover cases of the kind above men-- ti ned But whilst this method of assessment did essential justice to the tax payers and Government -- the assesiwre complained that the mortgages held in Honolulu, the deduction of the mortgaged estate, left to U..111 the work of assessment, but gae to tin. Honolulu assessor the which should be theirs, and the seemed to be just The law ot 187C was to remedv, this Bceming wrong or inequality. It made all real estate assessable in the district where situated irrespective of . .iy lucumbmuoe winch there might be upon it and the word niort-cawas dropped from the definition of property and unsecured debts" subsUluted in Its place, t ro: JoHblr tjmlni, of the same proierty. ior, m its district, then to if the estate must be taxed value lay in the tax th mortgage also whose onlygavo to the estate, it title preferred and .ndiuonal w mid be a double taxation of the same property. deducting the morteof I uder the former practise as . the estate paid taxes only on such portion m Oebts were nmaiued. fter the mortgage and allrest, fins pajiuglko mortgage is d. ducted, the accortiing to the law just passed m the btato of now practice in MassachuseltB. It is the guieral Money is California under the new Constitution. - Maury fur mi-,,.,quoted la the papers of " tliritnutrgmiraHtrril rrtalf, f h nlf V rami Ivta lotht tvnvmr. ? 'tins and the new Massachusetts law exact! with the former practice here. In both the tax is paid by the lender, but who shall cvs vlunmtcly boar it. usually depends on private es-between the parties, that is, if the t It w ould le imid the tsxt instead of the mortgage Vo much less intern,!, and vice versa lhe ihv and the prob- -i vractice bore, before the law of 170, recent law of .t practice of California and the here the practice Hmjiler than is Mnwmchubetts ltTG. Whilst the former pracwas government, there tice did ample justice to the 1,8 liability cf injustice to is not requiredUnder to rethe law of lt76, the for the reason that turn rnrrtl Wrfc, as proirty, secured, being genthe property, upon the debt erally real estate w rrqmttd, by the bame law, to present to intended was This pay t'ie taxes. the proptaxation by the payment on bothdone u,blf so in has whilst and it erty and the security, Mecihc oases, in others, more numerous, the law from lira nrohit.iung the deduction of anything due by the owner, has tm-- a .rf, ralirt,It forto debts doxtJr tiuntion, contrary to tho old iblv violation of tho equity mlemion of the law, and in The deducUon of uebts clans, of the consUtulion. is allowed to the from ibe invenlorj- of property property, but pergonal the amount of the value of amount, nothing can bo this exceed debt the i'd. ducted from the value of real estate as an offset, necessary law, a is this under but dible taxaUon. exceed tho personal result for just what theA.debts real estate valued at has property, tor example. valued at fc.i,U0O. property personal tax 00 and He oeslk ?U00U.but has nust return his ks personal his real estate at $1U0 00p. andfrom his debt he deducts iwoni rtv at 26,000-- but proiierty but can KjiOinihe value of Ins from the real ostato value, he Sot'd. duct pJj"s on orsjSSO,-tiierti re pavs on tfllXUWJ and H. I'noV to 18tlA.would litno deducted tax upon $75,0y wh..li debt of SSO.UuO, and present $50,0tw-- at wlulfct H. as now pays on uis In the above $25,000. tiiere is double payment on be executed, without cise a law. which cannot the constitution mma violation of the principles of this is self evibe unconstitutional -- but although kttmrn to have nnjusUy dent, and although,. u wronged tax-- i individual unconstitutionally a ad wversof thonsands of dollars, it cannot be set aside legislation, but or court the of wiihont a decision ing the infliction must still be so, the Isut mlt of its wrong on individuals.Thatisuottbe creaturein debts. r Jen -nee tofomgnconstitution, but m its operation Uu- law or the .' created adverse to the latter, and the ranter, that so that it w ould cease modify it, or annul should ii nor, done, has which it to do the indmdai.1. wrong, iw-- r, is it a stulicieut Teasou when the wrong continued wiong done, for itv continuanef. and the . to individuals that 1U ,. . r .U may. by the fraud feared from individuals, Biieles to the government. Is the lair idiBg to the treasury, from that some toss may accruereason why tho governdisbon4y or persons apenetrate n Iikxch vrroiig ment niav continue to of the contrattnUon persona iu nroo innocent pnntiplesof the coustituuon. by which it w the all tuffer ebould If the treasury 'oss,whichitfearafrom individual dnJiuuwsty equal 111 Itiere isrtotaimtaibiUty that it would Miffcicd, aaiouat the loss which individuals lune or this mle, trom the nnconstitntional operation for the and cannot feel that it is not as wrong as individuals it is for indefraud to covernment dividuals to defraud the government- - This rolo Kbouid be altered or modified u tmre, and the law fchotld be amended or set aside, as soon as possible. The simplest and best law is to tax property as inwherever f onna, to the prwon in posses--ion-, Prestroduced into the liegistature of ltxM, by Mr. practice restore the is to ton and the next simplest, amend be, to need 1676. bo if and to was prior as it the law as to conform it to the practice.rfrf out of (VrTii Mt$ leaves nil rtrwvd ps! 10, 1881 LIME'! LIME! ArillTi TTXZjJKTVXE "AVRESTIjEII" lL For tale by 21. 1681. B0LLES Jt CO 31 " ' AT s tieRi-lator- coui-lilHi- Corner of Kort and Hotel Streets. 850 The Largest Wcbcr Pianos, Decker Pianos, Fisher Pianos, Mathcslicik Pianos -- AND- American Piano ESTreirsr Wo can and WILL SELL MUCH CHEAPER tlran anj ono can buy (lie eamo inslrninent in San Francisco. Wo keep constantly in slock most of llic LEADING LINES, anil POSITIVELY ASSERT lliat wo will sell j'ou a Piano so that yon will SAVE from 50 to S150 by purcli.is-iti- g of us. If you liavo a Poor, Cheap, or Old Worn Out Piano, nail tliis EXTRAORDINARY OFFER oxr:D ?, y. .',, 3B).gLd t&idjej sijairos OFFER KHfETY DAYS . ! rTE3"7"i ONLY. corrts-poud- s e. tax-pay- i Kw-iTr- PgSg""?""; OLD PIANOS! and ullnw much more than Ihcy arc worth lor tlicm, while wo will sell (he new piano AT THE VERY LOWEST GASH PBICE. OGKAWS. Wc offer Mason & Hamlin's well-knoand justly celebrated make nt SI 00 to SI50. Tho Estcy Organ, it will bo almost unnecessary lo speak of, as all lovers of orp.in music aro so well aware of its excellence. This grand instrument wo oflcr for 8125 up lo $350. Wo further add a list cf Musical Instruments, with the lowest quotation of prices, and wo will guarantee lo carry out our customers' orders with caro, taste and judgment, and with (lio Eamc tcjjaid lo economy as if they were present. S12 10 5 3 00 00 00 00 1 00 2 50 Banjo Violins Gmccititias Accoideons Flutes S 00 00 15 03 25 00 1 50 1 20 1 1 , to $35 00 lo 5 00 lo CO 00 to 50 00 In 2 00 to 2 00 : GUITiTt AND BANJO ATTACHMENTS : Patent Screw Heads, Keys, Pegs, and the Finest Imported Strings. Reeds for Clarionets, Drum, Tambourine and Banjo Heads. Pianos, Organs, and all kinds of Musical Instruments Tuned and Repaired by a TM First-Cla- NEW AMERICAN Workman. es SEWLti MkmM (Recently improved) stands on its own merits. More than $15,000 worth of these machines have liccn sold here within the past thrco years. For family use they tiro unsurpassed. A FULL LINE OF TJFL1XXTTJEUE: FIRST CLASS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, Viid :it, . X Drums Tambourines Cornets Clarionets Fifes Triangles Violin Rows, Boxes, Resin, Keys, Bridges, Finger Boards, Tail Pieces, Mil tee, and tho Finest Imported Strings. iid pos-fctb- to $75 00 to 50 00 to 30 00 to 30 00 to 18 UO to 15 00 VIOLIN ATTACHMENTS w abro-iraU- nSTSTETJMEISrTS. MUSIC-AI- , Guitars g executed-contmu- ncit nincly days EXCHANGE NEW PIANOS FOR Wo will during tlic G-rojtl.I- I8.eciii.octl XWocj ! llavius purchased thcpe Gmnls at EXTRAORDINARILY LOW FIGURES for spot cash, lem fit. Fort Strccl. MUSIC STORE and SALES ROOM, C& FURNITURE PARLORS al 10i and OS Fott Street. wo give our eiiMiuncrs tho GG 3713. neatest Ty iia. m Wo arc soon lo receive 33.! a large invoico of the SPRINGFIELD SEWING MACHINE! This is tho most important of all the wondcrfnl achievements' of mechanical invcnlionsto any one who has nnv sewing to do, for tho following reasons : The Springfield Sewing Machino is made up of the good points of many nmchiucf combined in one. . tn. . . IimitA- Xllinntlt rntnrftM. Oiders from the other Islands filled with dispatch. . S. ,. we uhoi ;. '""-r:excepuon, auu uw ton orwhich, 57 tmUs would result out, in carried if ranmd HouolJln.JnnclMtS:. -- w"'.- iuii'in" ." CEO. F. WELLS. iBrntnLJatntonWc. . J Our San Francisco Letter. "OCB COBSXSFOSDX3T. Feascisco, July COth. Editor Oiuin; Ate the Snndwich Islands for sale ? That's tho question of the hour. Nevrspapcrdora hereabout asserts that they are for sale, and the public, accustomed to depend apon their editors for information as well as inspiration while trondering somewhat at the new phase of yoar affairs, are inclined to bclieTe that such is tho case. Kingdoms aro notyorery day pnt npon the market, hence thero is ranch cariosity nboat the rarticnlars such as who is the bnjer ? lias the birgain been really closed, and what's the price ? Co the Islanders oppose the sale ? Have they any say in the matter ? What will the neijih-bosay or do about it ? What n field of queries is opened on all points connected with this matter, all at present, with nebulous and misty surrounding, with nobody to clear Them ap or to Bpcak authoritatively. When a citizen hero exclaims, "yon are to bo sold oat ; yoar Kins is in Europe concluding the bargain" what reply can bo made except this 'don't know anything about it can write to the Honolulu editors and ask them to Rive rcliablo information. Their calling imposes opon them the work of leading and instructing tho public, and urges them to be foremost in prying out Stato secrets. It was believed there, that the King went abroad to hunt np saitablo immigrants, in fact, to Uoonlula Lahni, and not to sell oat those left nt home. These reports which are flying about mast be false, or may be tho result of a change of mind, whatever bo tho case, let us wait patiently until the Honolulu editors have had a chance." This interesting theme appears to have been started by tho Xnr York Timet, in which the fact is thus tersely announced, as well as followed with n sigh of pity. What can bo more natural or comp ission ito in a ruler than with n wasting people, to quickly and at onco dispose of the &13 rs bil.inco : " It is nu open secret that Kalakana, King of the Hawaiian Islands is on a voyage round tho wnr'd for the parpju of selling his Kingdom. Tne native population of the islands is steadily decreeing in uumbsrs, the half-castincreasing more rapidly than does the pure foreign element. A runzh estimate of the nounlatiun of the King dom pats the total nt about KflOO, of which one-ten- th is foreign nnd tho remaind r half-cast- e nnd native. There is in the world no more pathetic picture of n pjople's decay than the steady nnd rapid wasting away of the native population of thuSmdwich Islands." It is hard to understand tho piradoi, "Open Secret, " n telling point of the prragraph, for it allows of infinite suspicion, both in tlioso who really don't know anything abont it, and those who may think they do. Probably it is the equivalent of a t" which got into that condition "Inrstwl FUjruy afur t;is nrrival of the Iloyal party in London. The correlation of tho "Open Secret" nnd tho "arrival" justifies apparently, the credence given ti the statement ol the Times. It is true that the Hawaiian Minister at Washington his entered a rebutting statement, n denial upon general ground; bat oven ho cinnot make head against tho potential fact. A Sccre I now nt length " opened nnd divnljod. The publioaro mystified. It might be bo, or may not, who knows 1 The California papers tako up tho matter haying found a toxt, they enlarge nnd comment npon it, wonder who is the buyer, nnd forthwith enter a prot33ton behalf of Cncle Sim', who is supposed to bj much interested, nnd therefore ready to interpose in a neighborly way In yonr future. They flatten to outline what will bo said and done on tali side of tho pond should this rumor prove 1 3 1 true and what is more unfortunate, do not h3Sitatd to wound tho amour propre of tho islanders, that is, if thoy have any. Qioth the lhilltlin - " And now we have a turmoil on the same in tho Hawaiian Islands. King Kalakiua is endeavoring to sell his Kingdom to some European power. He is, nt nobody knows whoso expense, traveling abroad for that purpose. A strange fellow he to be a potentate. But he will hardly bo able to dispose of it. Fortunately there is a strong American element in the islands an industrious nnd influential class that will see to m liters at home while he is attending to his own affairs abro id. The news from the islands is both exciting and exhilarating. The United States has nnnsiin" friends there who appear to be fully able to hold their own, whether in the King's presence or in tho King's absonce. Whether this country shall deem it advisable to favor annexation in the ovent that a proposition to that effect is tendered, is n subject for contingent consideration ; bat it is not prob ible that Our Government at Washington would, look with unconcern npon tho possession of tho important midway station between our Pacific Coisinud tho coast of Asii by any acquisitive power beyond the Atlantic" There is rather a curious expose of the situation, as Been from the editorial stand point, and if all bo trn, merely shows th it selling is a complicated matter, a point to be borne in mind by tlioso who h ivo the selling in hand. It may be true says tho same newspaper in n late isme, that this rumor may not be correct, that tho motive for travel may be only personal, yol we are not wholly convinced. Wo hear that the Hawaiian Minister at Washington, Eliiha H. Allen, jirofcsses lo Know an auuui iu Accoruing iu 1119 wen me sale of tho Kingdom is as nhorrent to His Majesty as a similar thoaaht would be to anv sovcreimi in Europe. Tho Royal travels aro for patriotic par- poses, mm intenueu to be a great henent lor nis Commissioner of P2ople. Ho is a Immigration from the Government of which he is the head, a pleasant fiction in the way of an mnch affocted by peregrination royalty. There is no denying that many a European Government would be glad enough to acquiro sway over the important territory: but it may bo assumed that King Kalakana is powerless to make such a transfer of it with the United States in the . rpnmp. BKEWE' full visor of its jealous faculties." And so annexation comes to tho front, to be discussed and looked nt as one. of the questions of the future, arising on tho strength of a rumor from abroad. Probably all this talk will not distnrb you Uonolnlans, you are used to rumors and surmises as to what is going to happen ; bnt what if s true lino morning, when least on the should wake up nnd find yourselves a sold people ? ClllSESE. You are looked upon as being menaced by .another d inger. Tho Chinese Emperor needs your islands the sprouting horns of its commercial ambition, which now seeks to control, or at least absorb this Pacific Ocean transit, need fordevelop-men- t, potential possession of your country. Hence either by flooding yon with Chinese emigrants or by negotiation, or some hook or crook, this consummation will be reached. That any objection will be made by you or your governing powers, or any efforts be pat forth to avert your absorbtion into the Flowery Empire, especially if suflieient money inducements shall be offered, does not form any component part of popular belief here. You are cl issed among thoso helpless victims of circumstincos who cannot avert or even modify fate, if it be true, it is nrguea mat yonr sovereignty is upon tho market what's tho difference who 13 tho buyer, or why should a sentiment or a ' prejuaice interfere wi'n a Bargain i Yoa may dany, Mr. Editor, that tbrre is no occasion for fear from that nuarter : that our native and forcizn pjpulatton have a prudent dreid of race, and that a transference of the almond-eye- d your political power to them cannot happen. That the fact of a Chinese steamer on route to B in Francisco, touching at Honolulu, or the in flux of a fow thousand Obineso laborers, all of whom have fonnd ready employment, does not indie ite any danger to Hawaiian Independence or furesmdow3 new necessities in tuu snapo ot new political combinations. Tho last few months the Chinese stcamera have brought to this city, unusually fnll loads of Cuiness passengers. It is amusing to see the express wagons piled up with their baggage and to repletion such that one or the there, other tumble to the cobbles frequent! pass along the streets from tho wharf to Chinatown. The street comments are cot complimentary to tho new arrivals, they do not rcceivo any welcome, on tho contrary the Chinese question Ioom3 np again, and citizens inquire when aro wo to begin keeping them out. Scuaior Miller has jist arrived from Washington, Iihs been interviewed, and has given assurances that the matter is in band and will be looked .JCW" gehtntfjjjh&a S32L$H$&t, The islands have ew teen plagued with letter writers, statements tnonstrnous). and untrue, or absurd and malicious, have without stint been rcrved up for the San Francisco public. The Cliivnith reporter has lately bagged another Mnnchansen ami dished up his story in two, two column letters. The authority is an escaped according to whom, slavery in Its attendant barbarisms now exists on the Hawaiian Islands. The free hand describes how the said Korwelgian was lured from his borne by the sweet deceptions of an Emigrant Agent was subjected to the horrors of a middle passage on an Emigrant Ship, was on arrival at the islands auctioned off to the highest bidden taken, to labor in a cane fif Ids under fear of the lash; wasill-febadly housed, nnd in all respects, found the reality agreed not with his anticipation or wishes. Ho found himself under the girt of yonr contract law which consigned him to perpetual bondage. This and other sufficiently absurd nonsense is fully elaborated in the letters. This lucky Norwegian has escaped to tell the tale, leaving his comrades to brrnst their own fates, and more lucky stdl, has found the Chronicle with n ready car and a ready page to expatiate upon and embellish his story. It docs not appear as it that newspaper Is anxious to secure the verities or cares much for unrighteous invasion of tho reputation or) character of others. So long as an article or letter can bo made sensational it is grist for its mill. Theso two letters might do somo damage in the way of misleading friends of the islands or creating n prejudice in the public mind, except for the known character of the Chmnitlt, as it is, the people only exclaim, "pooh, that's only more of tho Chronicle bosh." "Pioneer" Line n, d, iron-bou- &igilipr FROM LIVERPOOL. THEO. H. DAVIES Offer for Sale, Of ibe Flae Iron BARQUE "ZOE," From Liverpool, COSMISTISU Of S301B CXBCVUS. Tho stoarusr takes down n sugar circular which covers the question of the hour. Without doubt thero is somo uncertainty as to what can bo done with tho crop of 1362. The planters will have a good bit of sugar to sell and compctativo buyers aro scarce. That good raf sugars should go begging, seems absurd. The circular ndvises continuance of tho present rtatu quo, that is, if the tlnlit will stay quo for another season. But every one mast read and judge for themselves, and nendiuu final settlement ot the ones- tion, let us hope everybody may do well nnd be In 6. How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes. Mb. Knnon : Do you like mosquitoes ? If you do then I have nothing further to say. Enjoy their friendly greeting of an evening after an exhausting day's work in. this enervating climate; be enchanted witu tueir company when they have formed an opening in your netting and propose to entertain yoa for the night. Their attractions are pointed, nnd they hnvo not tho least objection to sealing your friendship with yonr blood. Hut if you wonld feel no grief lo be rid of them, t will tell yon how you can accomplish it. Not by killing tho mosquito once a mosquito ho is a mosquito forever till he is crushed. No, yon mast work on tho coming generation. A mosquito is short lived only n few months. The female lays ono batch of eggs, nbout 2C0 in number. They aro deposited on the surface of still water in a littlo d, mass which cannot bo capsized. About the third daythey hatch, each one n wriggler, nnd in a week or two tho wriggler has grown to its full size and changes to another form of wriggler: in a few days tho latter opens his big head on tne snrtaco and n Miry llKo bung rises errct from tho opening nnd, if not drowned by somo disturbing forco capsizing it, flies away a mosquito. Now, when tho water is full of wrigglers yon might boil it and thus kill them but that would be inconvenient. The way I do it and I have no mosquitoes except they come from my neighbor, I skim off the masses of eggs nbout every other morning if I fail to do it for three mornings in succession a crop of wrigglers comes out, nnd the same if one block of eggs is overlooked. I use n wire-gauz- e skimmer Listened in a loop of large so I can wire which is fixed in an old dislodge them with n thump. When I began to destroy the eggs in this manner I sometimes took off 10,000 in a morning; now I seldom find more than n block or two. A tub of wntcr, n woodsn vessel is best perhaps, quite necessary part fnll only is set in a quiet, shady place. It must havo plenty of decaying vegetable matter in it, nnd tho sun should shine in it at lnst part of the day. It should not bo often disturbed. Mrs. M. is ery particular, but if all the above hints are attended to, success is certain. Ux A FnEiD or Peack. Shipment of Frozen Moat by the Orient Steamer Cnzco- The ranch Texed question as to how Australia is to profitably dispose of her surplus meat is at length in n fair way trf a satisfactory solution. The Orient steamer Cuzco, now lying in the harbor, is taking in a cargo of frozen meat for the Orange Slaughtering Company, her cooling rooms being sufficient for tho conveyance of about luO tons. At present the freight is, wo are informed lltd per lb., nnd delivery on board coats Jd per lb. more, making 3d iu all. Tho meat in the old country will realise between and Od per lb., which will enable tho English butchers to sell Id d or 2d cheaper than tho price. Tho uu wmiu me inzco la vo ieet iteviiiu long, 40 feet broad, and G feet Ijigh. Itound the sides are boards, between which and tho hull is a 4d home-kille- space of !) inches filled with charcoal ; tho ceiling is boarded and packed in like manner to the samo thickness, whilst tho ilooring has G inches of charcoal packing. The freezing chamber is partitioned off, or partly so, by a donblo partition sufficiently apart to permit the passage of a man, and through which n current of cold air runs. When our reporter visited the vessel yesterday the ceiling and sides were coated with sparkling frost, which could be scraped off in handfnls. At one side of the partition the temperature was 15K degrees P., whilst at tho other side it was IU degrees. The average temperature in tho freezing-room- s during tho passagu is to be from Itt to --" degrees ;. but in one of the chambers of the machine tho temperature is as low as 73 degrees below zero. Of tho shipment of ISO tons there aro some 60 tons on board, and tho meat is in really first-clacondition, being clean, hard, and firm. The sheep average about CO lbs. each whilst the quarters of beef aro from 'SO lbs. to liX) lbs. each. In the event of this shipment turning out as successful as is expected the operations of the company will be very considerably extended, and tho industry will assume the dimensions its importance appears to warrant. The hrst consignment of English fresh fish was submitted at auction on board the Orient steamship Cnzfo, on Monday, Jub 4, by Messrs. Nelson it ifewlett. The fish were m splendid condition, and comprised salmon, soles, turbot, and cod, each assortment of which was well selected. The highest price obtained was Ts per lb. for salmon, soles 3s fxl, cod Is lid, and tnrbot Is Od. About 100 lbs. of salmon, 2S0 lbs. of turbot, 00 lbs. of soles, and CO lbs. of cod were sold of the wholo consignment, which consisted of upwards of.fonr tons. The fish were so firmly frozen together when taken from the refrigerating room that they could only bo separated with the aid of iron instruments. Syduti Teltgraph. JSTJH Id 6 rillNTIiiO OFFICE, or alroat tbc ICth Irntint. when they will pared lo rtrcelre be pre- A CloiMafindDry Read. Blanket. Is.otat, Horso Blan Haberdasher jr, - BLOOD, WOLFE'S ALE! t, "I'UfBrjsd-Sles- Liquor, win. Oiirger Al, Cbampssne, Chief. ,1c Ac ALSO NOW HAND! OR! HV LATE ARRIVALS. A bnH FeHtiqr, for PK CetMHt, E00I5.S, Writing and Copjlnjr Papers'. Tricing Cloth. Trlanglea, Paper Filer, Peat, Inks, a.d Mhn. Hma Pt WJt. IUitrowl Irm Kltfc SptkM, Bolls, Swilekw, it., Slates jR.oo:Lris Galvanised Irea Ware, Bine MotUad ifeap. Yellow Soap. Saddlery, Liverpool StH, Crockery and GlnMWaru Dry Goods and Clothing, Fire Clay, Canvaa, Tobacco. Ac, &t. Oottago jPIemios. ALSO 3I!rrlcs, Tait & Watson Centrifugals AND Two Evaporators, n 500-GalIo- Ac., Ac . dc THEO II. 83 8M D Wilts EMO VAI! riKus to ixforjx Tiir. urF.njuixj:n Customers and the Public generally lhat REMOVED HE HAS nisiJjEMa to the Shops on Queen Street Oils ADJOININO II. HACKPELD Jt CO.. Where he will be prepared la Manufacture All Kinds OK Carriages, Buggies, Express "Wagons, andCane Dump Carts Aleo. to attend (a MA Eepairing, Blacksmthinff o-Sl- a.o I shall also keep a oing Full and Complete Stock OP IIU1I.S, KI'UUKH, HIM.S, AXLUS, , Talnta, VamUaee IUta-- d Bar Iran, . onraj m.I Hweilra lion, UetM-ehe- , C toiler - d Coal, Oak, .tea and llkaorj Planks. Willie W x.l, Jtc ic. WH1JH I WILL OFFER BINDING & PAPER RULING I3oca. EitaMhhment in ennar ctlnn whti the above, makes It Ibe oaly complete office in the Islands. Jnst to hand, ex late arrivals, an Invoice of JUt. Sags, Sugar Sags, Rice Burlaps and Trcine, (UKIU.tUn-riSIHMlXtM- Orders for Printing JBljanl STAPLES, & Hardware, Cement, Saddlery. Palnls and Oils, Red Lead. Doer 1 Bill and Lntler Head. ICcceiptr, Drafl, Xote. Vlailiu: Card. Contracts. IlllI of Lading. Pottcra and other Prlntlnr, HAVIXO fret tenths. FENCE WIRE 3ELTo:t?s OFFICE vn.r. ope.y a jun rip JL in: 8 and 9 feet rensths. AM) W JOB PRINTING T. Galvanized Iron Ridging1 aouks, a. nappy. On Galvanized Iron Roofing AUORDEM AT Hods. 2Pxrloes FitUO WUrmOMPTNEtt AH Toasting the Public for rt-- .ulj constant "ndi-arto continuance ot tlie same. a tf 37 DISPATCH, l Palrooase. t bnpe by niy oalrvna. to merit c. i-l ! a. s WEST. BEST AMERICA! after. The reporter then with friendly interest looks &C. STEAM after you in the following way : TriiiT.'vr.r & uiintrrrso.v. Reporter Do you look with any apprehension, erj General, upon the reported possibility of tho We would call the attention of thoso relriiii Pieig-- . PEE FOREST aUSBrT. Chinese getting complete possession of the Sandlouarlsrre slock of us wich Islands ? noxes. i i.u. sciiait General Miller I have no doubt, from what I I Crii'bed Sasrr Barrels. Dry Oranalated Snzar In learn, that certrin steps have tecntiken looking Barrels. BUek Weld Stum Hoe K lo 7 tn. diameter. Si! 6 Sale try For IIULLK3 X L'U to that result, which is one, in my view, greatly to tfalTSBMfd Water Pi S tail to. dtaaaewr. bedeprecited. I do not believe that the United UUIIKEK tJT- - Th abort at Hmterate Prfess). PACIFIC the Sandwich St ites oah t to or wool J al!-A faHaiortmralof this. cel(jra!ed paint In t. X to com9 under "the government of the bind Sgallvn package, all the (inMe etude airl THE HONOLULU IEON WOEKS COMFY Chinese. ohm". for Mlc try B0LLES & Co Su CRICKET BALLS, riniir &c. ANDpTER PIPE. 154,000 Feet On Hand I'AIT, &i 2J1 .'811 ; - 32 n Qiaisllillll BITaffllsssaaaaaaWassss Fl S - SfiE
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