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Division of labor in Scientific Digital Computer
Service Facilities

· . . l. N. Caplan
Cam Profile Design With The Univac 120
· . . louis D. Grey
Supplementing Electronic Equipment With a Modern
Communications System
Monroe M. Koontz
Use of a Computer for Certain Operations of
Andrew D. Booth
Robots and Automata: A Short History -

· .. J. T. Culbertson

New Products and Ideas
Western Joint Computer Conference, los Angeles,
February 26-28, 1957 - Program, Titles, and Abstracts



an open letter to

The General Electric Company has announced the establishment of
new facilities in Phoenix, Arizona for the development and manufacture of a full line of digital and analog, special afld general purpose
computers and peripheral machines. It is intended to apply this equip.
ment to a broader range of commercial and industrial problems than
has been attempted previously by any single 'company.
Company management is supporting this objective by building up a
strong activity in the general area of computer programming. Proposed machines will be simulated on currently available equipment,
research in programming methods will be undertaken, and investiga·
tion will be sponsored in information handling fields beyond engi·
neering calculation and business data processing.
Programming will be done to support the application of ERMA, and
other equipment under construction and in the logical design stage,
to customer problems.
The Applications Section is operating a large IBM 704 installation,
including peripheral tape equipment and auxiliary punch card
machines. Analog and digital equipment of the most advanced sort
will be added as available, and training in its application will be
offered both within the Department and in cooperation with the
appropriate schools of Arizona State College.
Phone collect WOodland 7·2001 f9r further details or send your reply
in strict confidence.

Dar.q GaoscH


M~; - Applications Section









Vol. 6, No. 4

April, 1957

Division of Labor in Scientific Digital Computer
Service Facilities
Cam Profile Design With the Univac 120
Supplementing Electronic Equipment With a
Modern Communications System
Use of a Computer for Certain Operations of
Robots and Automata: A Short History Bibliography (Part 2)

L. N. Caplan


Louis D. Grey
Monroe M. Koontz


Andrew D. Booth


James T. Culbertson




Western Joint Computer Conference, Los Angeles, February 26-28, 1957,
Program, Titles, and Abstracts
Association for Computing Machinery, Los Angeles Chapter, Meeting,
Los Angeles, March 1, 1957, "New Computers: A Report from the
Manufacturer s", Progr am
Symposium on Systems for Information Retrieval, Western Reserve
University School of Library Science, Cleveland, Ohio, April 15-17, 1957,
On Glossaries and Malapropisms

•.. Alston S. Householder

The Editor's Notes
Index of Notices
Advertising Index






Editor: Edmund C. Berkeley
Assistant Edi tors: Neil D. Macdonald., F. L. Walker
Contributing Editors:
Andrew D Booth, John W. Carr,III, Alston S. Householder
Advisory Committee: Samuel B. Williams, Herbert F. Mitchell Jr., Howard T. Engstrom,
Alston S. Householder, H. Jefferson Mills, Jr.
Publisher: Berkeley Enterprises, Inc.
815 Washington Street, Newtonville 60, Mass. - Decatur 2-5453 or 2-3928
Advertising Representatives:
New York - Milton L. Kaye, 601 Madison Ave., New York 22, N.Y., Plaza 5-4680
San Francisco - W.A.Babcock, 60S Market St., San Francisco 5, Calif., Yukon 2-3954
Los Angeles - Wentworth F. Green, 439 So. Western Ave., Los Angeles 5, Calif., Dunki rk 7 -8135
f:l sewhere - the Pub1.isher
COMPUTERS AND AUlOMATIONis published monthly. Copyright, 195~ by Berkeley Enterprises, Inc.
Subsc'ription rate!!: in the Uni ted States - one year S5.50, two years $10.50; in Canada - one year $6.00, two years $11.00;
elsewhere - one year S6.5e, two years

~tered as· second class matter at~_he~P_o_st~O_ff_i_c_e~,_N_e_w_~_o_r~k,~N_.Y_.~~~~~~~~~~~~

- 3 -





We take pleasure in putting into this issue of
"Computers and Automation" brief accounts of two
important new developments in the computer field,
neither yet completed. They show again how unlimited this field is. One is an accwnt of Project
STRETCH, in which the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and International Business Machines Corp.
are engaged. This machine will gulp a million program instructions a second. The other is an acCOlmt of the Datamatic 1000, which is due to be
complete in the autumn. It will sort or merge 5000
items of 12 decimal digits per second. Both set
new marks. We tried very hard to get a third frontier computer story, which has been described at
recent computer meetings; we wrote letters and
wired, but received no response to any of our requests.
To your editor, the computer field is still
extraordinary. He started work upon graduating
from college in 1930 in the a9tuarial department
of a life insurance company as an actuarial clerk.
For four years, his equipment consisted of large
sheets of ruled paper for entering figures, tables
of actuarial functions and formulas, and desk calculating machines, where to shift from one figure
column to the next, you turned a handle. In the
13 years since 1944, the change has been tremendous. To mathematics with wings have been added
arithmetic and calculation with wings.
It is a satisfaction to think of the important
new products and ideas in the computer field which
without any doubt will come into existence in the
next 50 to 100 years:
- Machines that will recognize
- Machines that will play chess or other
games at least as well as nine tenths
of human players
- Machines that will handle 1&t'1guage as
intell~gently as sixty percent of human beings
- Machines that will teach,supplementing and aiding the work of teachers
in school
- Machines that will treat over ninety
percent of cases of mental illness,
and diagnose nearly a hundred percent of all cases of illness
- Machines that will calculate alternative solutions to social and economic
problems, and al ternative plans for
the production of a whole society
And more besides. There is no theoretical barrier to any of these machines.

This extra number of "Computers and Automation", 212 pages long, went to press on March
11. It contains 199 pages of entries, with about
61 entries per page, each showing name, address,
and some information for about 12,000 computer
Please look at your entry in the directory,
and please tell us of any revision needed. We expect to print revisions in early issues of "Computers and Automation".

This regular number of "Computers and Automation", the June issue, will contain as Part 1, a
"Roster of Organizations in the Computer Field",
and as Part 2, "Buyers' Guide to the Computer
Field: Products and Services for Sale or Rent".
For roster entry forms, see page 43 of the March
The closing date for information to be published in the directory will be about April 30.

*---------- *----------*




1. The Ds.tamatic 1000 Computer
2. The Project STRETCH Computer (IBM)
3. Programming With Soap (Symbolic Optimum Assembly Programming)





For Information on:
Adve rtising Index
Advertising Rates and
Back Copies
Bulk Subscription Rates
Reader's Inquiry Form
Special Issues




See Page:
37, 40

see Mar. issue

see Mar. issue

Address Changes: If your address changes, please
send us both your new and your old address (torn
off from the wrapper if possible), and all~w three
weeks for the change.

- 4 -

Microton hardness test typifies quality control measures that ieat'e nothing to chance at Automatic Electric


the ideal relay iron
Only soft, pure iron assures
fica tions. Chemical analysis then
proper release, even
makes certain that no magnetic caafter millions of operations.
pabilities have been lost. Annealing
In service, many relays get progres- is rigidly controlled, and grain size
sively slower to release, until finally
the armature hangs up permanently.
Excessively "hard" magnetic relay
iron often is to blame. But in all
Automatic Electric relays, the magnetic iron is so soft and pure that it
saturates quickly, yet the flux dies
out instantly. Even after millions of
This improved relay iron is made
and rolled to our own exacting speci-

and temper carefully checked. Elongation, hardness, permeability, and
density tests further safeguard this
pampered material. Result: not the
ideal relay iron, but the most nearly
perfect iron available.

This is no isolated example. Exhaustive tests prove that all our raw
material is equally fine. It's one of
the many reasons why Automatic
Electric relays enjoy far longer life.


Series SQPC Relay lor printed circuitry



applications. Write today for Bulletin
RH-9. Automatic Electric Sales Corporation, Chicago 7. In Canada: Automatic
Electric Sales (Canada) Ltd., Toronto.
Offices in principal cities.









L.N. Caplan
463 Irving St.
Dayton 9,Ohio
The past five years have seen a '~opsy­
like" growth of digital computer scientific
service facilities in American industry.
Since this growth has been so rapid, labor
division has been done on an expediency basis
rather than by planned organizational procedure. The result is an overlapping of technical and semi-technical skills in particular
jobs within computer service organizations.
With the shortage of highly skilled personnel
that exists at the present time, efficient use
of personnel is a serious problem.

lems a good portion of the mathematics involved
is simple algebraic and transcendental equation
solution. Therefore, the solution of these
equations is the first type problem to be considered. If a range of variables is desired
in combination with a large number of values
for the coefficients of the equation, hand
calculation (although possible) is now prohibitive time wise; and the solutions of these
equations are machine computation problems.
The skills required for the solution of
this type of problem are: A working knowledge
of algebra and trigonometry, coding knowledge
of the machine being used, and a clever knack
for machine logic. In solving these problems
machine errors, errors in logic, and other
simple numerical mistakes are invariably encountered. Therefore, in addition to the
skills listed above, the person solving the
problem must be able to diagnose trouble in
the case of incorrect answers or failure of
the problem in the machine. This calls for
an exacting knowledge of the machine itself,
as well as an analytic mind. The two latter
features are no small part of the job.

Not much has been written about this particular aspect of computer facility organization. The following theory of organization is
a possible guide toward a solution of this
An endeavor will be made to delineate
the types of work to be done within the organization, to estimate skills required for the
work, and to assign specific job classifications. Thus, the company thinking of adding
a digital computer facility will get at least
a framework idea of what is required in the
way of organization. Existing facilities may
gain an idea or so for making better use of
the personnel they now possess.

Let us call the job classification for
solving this type of problem, "Programmer".

Problems brought to the computing facility can usually be classified into three types.
The division of labor will be made upon the
basis of solution of these three types -- that
is, the people called upon to solve problems
of a certain type will be placed in a specific
job classification. It should be noted that
solution of any problem involves cooperation
and exchange of information between job classifications. The work should be arranged so
that employees of one job classification learn
from the employees of another. There is nothing so conducive to labor turnover as assigning a specific function, such as machine coding only, to members of the organization.

Since even the latest computing machines
can only add, subtract, multiply, and divide,
if the equations given to the programmer contain functions of a variable, such as exponential of X, root of X, sin X, etc., the programmer must have available methods of using
add, subtract, divide, and multiply to compute
these functions. These methods are commonly
known in the trade as sub-routines. We shall
leave the designing of the sub-routines to the
second job classification.
Job Classification for
Problems of Type II
Under problems of Type II consider:

Job Classification for
Problems of Type I
In all mathematical and engineering prob-6-

Solutions of differential-integral equations with variable coefficients that have no
known or simple closed form solution.

Division of Labor
Systems of algebraic or differential
Type III problems differ from Types I and II
equations with variable coefficients.
in that in the latter problems the equations
were furnished by the person desiring solution.
Functions as log x, sin x, x lIn. eX.
It is assumed that the equations arose from
problems that originated in Research and DeThese problems all have one thing in common
velopment. In this type problem the solver
when done on a computer. An approximating
must help formulate the equations. His deseries or iterative procedure must be used.
cisions are based upon his knowledge of what
The solution of these problems requires all
the machine can do. One might think that the
of the skills embodied in solving problems
physical system determines the formulation of
of Type I,plus a working knowledge of numerthe mathematical model, but this is not true.
ical analysis techniques. Consider evaluatConsider a problem where maximization of a
ing an integral. Will Simpson's Rule for
quantity is desired. It is the problem solver's
solution furnish accurate enough ~nswers?
decision as to whether linear programming or
Perhaps it is necessary to start the solution
Lagrange mUltiplication method is most approwith one method and later change tG another.
priate. The design of physical systems is
Not only is there a difference of accuracy
usually done by an engineering group. Such a
in these methods, but there may be a large
group might include a chemical, electrical,
amount of machine time difference. Since
mechanical engineer, and perhaps a physicist.
machine time for the larger machines is
If the problem is to be solved via mathematiestimated at costing between 4 and 12 dollars
cal machine models, the group will have to
per minute, the method will make quite a difinclude a person from the computer section.
ference in the cost of solving large problems.
This person can be called a "Computer AppliThe better the problem solver is acquainted
cations Consultant". In order to design a
with the machine itself, the better he is
mathematical model for a physical system, the
able to determine what numerical techniques
problem solver must be able to understand and
to use with respect to accuracy of solution,
communicate with the engineers working on the
economy of time, and trouble shooting proproject. Therefore, a broad engineering backcedure in case of difficulties arising in
ground is desired. In addition to having all
machine solution.
the knowledge required to solve problems of
Type I and II, the consultant must have an
Type II problem solvers are "Numerical
excellent knowledge of mathematical techniques,
Analysts". As mentioned previously, the anaespecially of recent developments. He should
lyst must supply machine subroutines for evalknow which portions of the problem are best
uating mathematical functions to the Prosolved by analog machines rather than digital
grammer. The Programmer is then able to use
computers. Personality will playa large part
these routines in solving equations involvin his job,as the consultant must be a team
ing these functions. Once the numerical anworker and be able to consult harmoniously
alysis has been done on a problem (which means
with the engineering group.
it has been reduced to algebraic' equations)
the problem may be turned over to the proAfter the model has been formed by the
consultant, he turns this model over to the
numerical analyst. The analyst having reformulated the model into algebraic equations turns
Job Classification for
the problem over to the programmers for coding.
Problems of Type III
After the problem has been completely solved,
the consultant must help interpret the results
Type III problems deal with the design
for the engineering group.
of m~thematical models of physical systems,
such as chemical processes, rockets, jet and
There is one other position that must be
airframe performance, and electronic servoincluded in the organizational setup. This is
mechanisms. The mathematical model must be
a "Machine Techniques Specialist" to prepare
formats for machine input and output, design
suitable for machine computation. Such a
system may save building pilot models, since
input and output methods, keep abreast of new
techniques that may be used on the machine,
the experimentation is done mathematically
and teach the how and what required to use
by varying design parameters numerically in
the machine. In some instances, control over
the machine for problem solution. The job
the actual processes is desired through the
calls for a person who has grown up wi th comuse of a stored program digital computer*.
puting machinery in the past five years rather
than a mathematician. Often the company supplying the machine will furnish a machine
techniques specialist for the first few months
*See Fortune, April 21, 1956. The article
~ntitled "Automation" furnishes informaof installation.
tion about this type of problem.
(cont'd on page 36)
- 7 -

time for a machine word of 12 dd, 10 microseconds.
Henry W. Schrimpf
The Datamatic Corporation
Newton Highlands, Mass.
The first one of the Datamatic 19Q,0 computers
made by t11e Datamatic Corporation, formed 1955
and jointly owned by Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co. and Raytheon Mfg. Co., is more than 85%
complete. It is scheduled to be delivered to the
purchaser, Michigan Hospital Service, in the autumn.
A summary of its main features follows (Note: "dd"
means "decimal digits" and "dds" means "decimal
digits per second"):
1. Input Convertor: receives source data in--':'--

punch card form / reads twice, compares, edits,
arranges, and delivers to a magnetic file unit /
processes 9QO fully punched cards per minute /
can accept the presence or absence of anyone of
12 punches in anyone of 80 columns of each punch
card, so that each column of a punch card can convey anyone of 212 pieces of information / converts
into binary codes in fours and sixes, giving a machine word of 52 binary digits, which can be a set of
12 dd, or 11 dd and sign, or 8 alphanumeric characters, or anyone of many other choices with great
flexibility .
2. Main Memory of Magnetic Tape: tape, 3
inches wide / 31 parallel recording channels /
reels, 2700 feet long / maximum capacity of each
reel, 37.2 million dd / reading and recording speed,
60, 000 dds / up to 100 magnetic tape file units can
be directly connected in a single system / up to 10
tapes can be scanned simultaneously / maximum
searching rate, 600,000 dds.
3. Intermediate Memory of Input Register Bufmagnetic cores / total capacity, 1488 dd /
receives data at rate of 60, 000 dds / delivers data
to high-speed memory at 420, 000 dds.


5. Operations in the Central Processor: additions, 4000 per second / multiplications, 1000 per
second./ speed of sorting machine words of 12 dd,
5000 per second, or 60, 000 dds / speed of merging
machine words, 5000 per second, or 60, 000 dds /
thus for business and commercial problems the
machine can utilize fully the speed of the magnetic
6. Intermediate Memory of Output Register
Buffers: magnetic cores / total cagacity, 1488 dd /
receive data at 420, 000 dds / record on magnetic
tape at 60,000 dds.
7. Output Converter: reads data from magnetic
tape at 60, 000 dds / delivers 80 column punch cards
at 100 per minute / prints either 150 or 900 lines
per minute, of 120 characters each.
8. Checking, etc. Completely checked internally
by a built-in checking system / has an extremely .
versatile system of orders.


Nell D. Macdonald
New York, N. Y.

The Los Alam'os Scientific Laboratory of the
U. S. l\tomic Energy Commission contracted in
November 1956 with International Business Machines Corp. for a computer 100 to 200 times as fast
and as capacious as the most powerful commercial
computers of the present day, such as the IBM 70.4
and 705. The name assigned to the new project was
The Atomic Energy Commission has begun to
design reactors and other apparatus so complicated
that one hundred billion arithmetical operations may

4. High-speed Memory of Magnetic Cores /
24,000 dd capacity / access in parallel/access
- 8 -

New Products and Ideas

be required to make one evaluation of a single design. A present-day computer would take six months; the Project Stretch computer is expected to
take a day.

punches t and printers. New types will also be included: a magnetic-disk randomly addressable
memory capable of holding one million machine
words and communicating at the rate of one word
every four microseconds; and new magnetic tape
units communicating at nearly the same speed.
The total memory may per haps be one hundred
million words.

Some of the main directions for pushing toward
this increase of speed and capacity are: (1) the use
of faster components coming out of laboratory work
on scientific frontiers; (2) anticipation now of solving certain problems within a few more years; (3)
multiplexing equipment to gain concurrent operation,
thus avoiding waiting by the central computing unit;
and (4) more powerful instructions within the computer to reduce the number of steps in calculation.

The intermediate serial computer will have a
high speed parallel memory of8192 words of 64
hits each. Its full cycle of operation will be two
microseconds and it will read out a word in 8 tenths
of a microsecond. The central parallel computer
will have a high speed parallel memory of 512 words;
its full cycle of operation will be half a microsecond.

Some information about the features that this
computer will have is now available.
The Project Stretch computer will have a number of main sections. One is an input-output section to maintain smooth swift communication With
the magnetic tape file units. A second section is
an intermediate serial computer for editing the flow
of input and output data. A third section is a central parallel computer to operate as fast as possible
on the assembled calculating work of the problem.
The machine word will be 12 to 15 decimal digits

The machine will have: automatic checking; a
means for localizing and signaling errors; and in
several places, automatic correction of errors.
Transistors in the machine will perform at a 10
megacycle repetition rate; these are coming out of
IBM laboratories right no}\'o


The intermediate serial computer will operate
in either binary notation or decimal notation, and
in either fixed point or floating point arithmetic.
It will perform addition in 2 or 3 microseconds,
and multiplication in 5 to 15 microseconds. Logical operations that are more comprehensive than
are most of those in present day computers will be
carried out in 2 microseconds. The speed of the
intermediate serial computer will be 5 or 10 times
the speed of the IBM 704 or 705.

Lockheed Missiles
Van Nuys, Calif.

The central parallel computer will consume a
million or more instructions a second, which will
be prepared for its consumption by the intermediate
serial computer, which in its turn will use statements in mathematical and logical notation. In the
central parallel computer, fixed-point addition and
subtraction will take place in two tenths of a microsecond. Floating-point addition and subtraction
will take place in six tenths qf a microsecond.
Multiplication will take place in 1. 2 microseconds.
Transfer over buses will take place in two tenths
of a microsecond.
The types of memory and input-output devices
will include present-day types such as: ferrite
core memory, magnetic tapes, paper tapes, manual keyboards, typewriters, card readers, card

Employees don't have to be computer experts to
use giant "electronic brains" at the Van Nuys plant
of the Lockheed Missile Systems division. The
company announced on March 19 that they will have
the opportunity to use its IBM 650 computers on a
do-it-yourself basis to solve mathematical problems
they encounter in their work. To qualify, all an
employee has to do is take a 12-hour course in
programming on company time. A knowledge of
simple algebra is the only prerequisite for the
E. K. Fisher, head of the plant's mathematics
and computer services department, said the new
opportunity is aimed to help employees with mathematical problems too complex to be solved e~sily
with desk computers and slide rules. It will also
ease the work load of his professional programmers,
who can spend more of their time on highly technical problems. Fisher estimated that an employee
can easily program and get in a day the answer to
a problem which would take him a week to solve by
usual means. Here's the way he will do it: First.
(cont'd on page 37)

- 9 -






Louis D. Grey
Remington Rand - Univac Division
Norwalk, Conn.
A good portion of the work of the Univac
Engineering Division at the-South Norwalk Laboratory of the Sperry Rand Corporation concerns
itself with the design of cams for various input
and output devices. These cams are now produced
by a well integrated process which consists of
mathematical analysis of the cam profile requirements, construction and evaluation of mathematical functions which embody these requirements
with the aid of the Univac 1.20, and the production of a paper tape from the punched card output of the computer for the purpose of guiding
an automatic cam cutting machine. This process
has resulted in a savings of days over the
tedious process of mechanically drawing the cam
radii and having the cam cut on a human controlled machine. In this paper we describe the
problems_encountered in the design of a cam
profile and illustrate the uses of the Univac
120 in solving this problem. Accordingly, we
begin with a description of the Univac 120.
The Univac 120 is a punched card computer
using 90 column Remington-Rand cards and capable
of handling alphabetic or numeric data. It consists of an electronic computing unit and a
sensing and punching unit operating at a maximum
speed of 150 cards per minute. Data is processed
according to a plugboard program consisting of 40
triple address steps having the following format:
1. First value (VI) ...... any input-constant
or storage value
2. Process (V2) .... addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division
3. Second val ue (V2) •.•.. any input-constant
or storage value
4. Result (R) •.... any intermediate-output
storage except one used
for Vi or V2
5. Plus result branching
6. Minus result branching
Additional steps are obtainable through the
use of any" or all of the 96 selectors. Special
instructions are available for releasing'values
in storage for punching into the card, sorting
cards into two groups, clearing storages, transferring selectors, etc. The basic word length
is 10 decimal digits with a 22 decimal digit
accumulator. Gate vacuum tube trigger circuits
are used with bi-quinary coding. Cold cathode
gas tubes are used for storage with a slightly
different type of bi-quinary coding. Process
time including an automatic inverse-process
zero check averages 10 milliseconds for addition
and subtraction and 50 milliseconds for multi-

plication and division. At maximum speed 325
milliseconds of computing time are available.
If the computation takes longer, the sensingpunching unit automatically waits until the computation is completed. There are three types of
storage, as follows:
A. Intermediate-output storage; 12 units of
10 decimal digits each, including sign;
or a total of 120 decimal digits.
B. 108 (even) or 216 (odd) decimal digits of
plugboard constants, which may be grouped
into values of 10 digits maximum.
C. 120 digits (maximum of 90 or anyone card)
of card input, which may be grouped into
values of 10 digits maximum.
Branching is fully flexible and takes place
on a plus or minus result.
A cam is a device for imparting motion through
another device called a follower which is always
in contact with the cam. Motion is achieved by
varying the lengths of the radii measured from the
center of rotation of the cam. The follower center may be constrained to move along the radius
of a cam in which case the motion is said to be
radial or along the arc of a circle in which case
we speak of non-radial motion. These moti~ns are
illustrated in Figures 1 & 2.
The cam profile. consists of a series of
smooth curves which incorporate the dynamic characteristics of the system and which have identical
displacements, velocities and accelerations at the
point where any two curves are joined. Well known
curves used in the design of cam profiles qre the
harmonic and cycloidal curves(l). In general,
however, a profile can always be obtained in the
form of a series of polynomials each of whose
degree is one less than the number of conditions
the polynomial must incorporate. Thus suppose
that a polynomial in 9 is to have given displacement, velocity, acceleration and rate of change
of acceleration characteristics at Q ~ 0 and at
9 = ~/. We shall suppose the follower center to
have radial motion since the results need very
little modification for non-radial motion.


t'Cp= Ao (~J+ A,{:J'

A3 (~.r+ Aq

+ A7
-10 -

(~.Y -I- As






A,( :,)

Cam Profile Design

{Co) :

{ Cr,)

:::. Ca...

{' (c)

=C 3

"Product Engineering", May 1955, p. 155
3 - "Simultaneous Linear Equations and Matrix
Inversion (floating decimal method) with
Univac 120 punched card computer~
Remington Rand, 315 Fourth Avenue, New
York, N. Y.
4 - "Using Punched Cards for Automatic Machine'~
A. H. Stillman, "Product Engineering", June
1955, p. 172
5 - "Polydyne Cam Design", D. A. Stoddart,
Machine Design, Vol. 25) January, February,
March 1953, pgs. 121-135, 146-154, 149-164.

{"(o) -= <=s


{" (PI) ={hI (0) =

{' (t,) =c:::"


~~~ (r,) :. Cs

Imposing the above conditions leads to a
system of eight simultaneous linear equations
which are then solved to determine the A's.
These equations are conveniently solved on
the Univac 120 by employing a routine(3) based
on the method of direct elimination featuring
floating point decimal arithmetic and good for
matrices up to (15x15). If desired the system
of equations can be solved for various sets of
constants. For an ill x ill matrix (m~15) the total
number of cards involved is
~ m(m




On + 2n}

where n is the number of columns of constants
that the equations are to be solved for. The
computer time necessary to solve these m sets
of equations is

J2 m(m + n (m t 2n)
Average card speed
The average card speed is dependent upon the
elements of the coefficient matrix. Having
solved these equations, what is then desired
is the eval uation ,of the resul ting polynomial
at small intervals, say ~o. This gives the radii
of the cam measured about an axis of rotation
through the center of the cam. The polynomial
is conveniently evaluated on the Univac 120 by
using Horner's algorithm. Thus for



= Ao (~.)""' + A.(~,)-'+

.... +A_


{ea+ = e {~ +




0,') ••.• 1m-I

WhicnIequires ~ additions and m multiplications
to get f(G). Permanent charts of radii for various angles can be made up if a curve is used'frequently. The results are produced in the form of
punched cards. Information is then taken off the
card and either tabulated on special drawing paper
enabling a draftsman to construct a drawing of the
cam profile or converted in the form of a paper
tape by means of the Remington Rand Card-to-Tape
Converter (Model 318). The resulting paper tape
output is then fed into an automatic machine tool
which cuts a cam having the specified profile.
It has been found that cams of high quality can
be produced by this process cheaper and faster
than had previously been possible.
BffiLIOGRAPHY1 - "Plate Cam Design", M. Kloomok and R. V.
"Product Engineering", February 1955, p. 156
2. ,... "Plate Cam Design", M. Kloomok and R. V.
-11 -


Figure 2








Monroe M. Koontz
Inland Steel Co.
East Chicago, Ind.

ffieprin'ted by permission from "N. A. C. A. Bulletin", vol. 38, no. 5, Jan. 1957,
published by the National ~ssociation of Cost Accountants, New York, N.Y.>
The paperwork structure upon which control is based today does not have the physical attributes needed in the transition to an
eight hundred billion dollar economy in 1957.
Growth of such magnitude means continued decentralization and the accompanying increase
in producing units. Each of these must be
able to communicate to·produce efficiently.
Overhead costs will increase geometrical.ly
unless the basis-paperwork-of our present
control technique is eliminated in large:chunks.
It is intended, in this article, to relate the
new array of office machines with the elements
of control, to outline a broad perspective for
improving their application, and to suggest
changes in emphasis, with regard to office
automation, which may be desirable to avoid
what might be called a plateau of development,
i. e., the limitation of development to a fixed
In approaching automati~n of the office,
many experts, busily applying well advanced
knowledge in organization .management and traditional communication techniques, seem to have
over looked the startling .poss ibi Ii ty that (ilysical communication facilities now in general
use have become so old, technologically speaking, that they must be on the verge of superannuation. Paradoxically - because the line of
progress for management, itself, lies in decentralization--the best commercial potential
of information processing system may lie in
centralization or semi-centralization of communications and data processing. Decentralization of industry puts a strain on over-all
control and also places a premium upon control
at production locations. This dual need can
be served. The executive span of control can
be extended considerably by new electronic
communications, and the massive ability of centralized electronic systems to boil down routines full of detail can be put to use at all

-12 -

Limited Means of Control
Limits the EconomY's Growth Potential
Our thinking should not be burdened by
undue emphasis upon tradition either in devices or organization. Current and forthcoming developments will be best adapted to
use in terms of their inherent characteristics, and these will impose a need for organizational as well as technical changes.
The concept most vital to future planning is
the analogy between sensory functions of the
individual and what might be possible in the
office. In the light of this concept, existing organization concepts will metamorphose
extensively. (After the change, the game of
organizational chess may be resumed.) There
is urgency. here. If communications are not
given a new structure with a specific goal
of tremendous acceleration, economical use
of high-speed computers will be hampered and
predicted business growth may achieve less
than optimum results, and might outrun our
ability to control it with paper, with partial stagnation following.
The central problem is that the span of
business control is circumscribed substantially
by paperwork. Accountants and managers know
this well and admit it reluctantly. To reduce
the burden of necessary detail by electronic
communication and processing will augment the
talents of our limited supply of managers and
analysts, thus elevating the ceiling over new
business growth.
Control as it is known today grew out of
the industrial revolution. As technical problems of produc tion were surmounted in the first
half of the nineteenth century, the commercial
consequences were virile expansion, an extension of division of labor, and continued evolution into departmental allotment of functions. One correct term for this process is

organization, in itself a control tool. Organization in turn encouraged prolific growth, because it lifted the limitations of single management from the application of new technology
potentials. By 1900, more than organization
itself was needed. The size and expanded logistics of business were getting beyond the
personal grasp of the management representative. The medium to supplement-and in turn
to constitute--his control was paperwork:
reports, charts, and a body of clerks to
produce them.
The industrial accountant emerged simultaneously to help decision makers screen vital
facts. Paperwork tools,~hile not exclusive to
the industrial accountant, do largely characterize his activity, because they include organization charts, the card of accounts, and
the structure of reports to management. The
accountant is traditionally oriented to paperwork and, in some situations, new paperwork is
the only way to get control. However, it has
natural limitations. These are time factors
(in terms of both cost and delay) for preparation and transmission, plus a relatively
moderate space for filing. Until the last
few years, the volume and complexity of business had not progressed sufficiently for these
limitations to hurt the operation, but the inexorabl~ establishment of mUltiple new communication lines-paper vehicles for informationeach time a new center of activity was set up,
finally began to take its toll.
The Essence of Control
Is Immediate Reaction
It is a real dilemma. Communication facility must be improved for continued busine~
growth but, in the natural limitations of
paperwork, will not change. The best we can
hope for, without a basic divorcement of communications from paper, is to palliate the
effects by simplification. However, the American economy of 1975 can be commensurately
profitable only if the controllers of busin~
go back to true fundamentals to achieve the
controls they are seeking. Basically, these
fundamentals, long pushed out of sight, resemble in nature the original control endeavors of an owner of a business. On the current
day scene, they take form as electronosensors,
or the extension by mechanical and electronic
facilities of human sight, hearing, and memory, all interacting instantaneously to relegate details and synthesize action. All of
the necessary facilities with which to enact
this concept of control are on the market todaY,and a combination of these with superior
potentials can be 'cheaper, more reliable, and
more effective within a given business unit
than anything based upon messengers, pneumatic
-13 -

tubes, or medium distance wire transmission,
such as telephone and telegraph extensions.
These substitute facilities will be considered
in greater detail and the use of true electronosensors will be explained. First, however, we
need to restore to our consciousness the original model of control appraisal and action as
it existed in the sole owner of the one-time
typical small enterprise.
The successful, if archaic proprietor, ~
a data originating, processing and control system
within himself. His shop contains most of the
elements of the business- fixtures and inventory, a drawer or two containing his purchase
and sales slips, and the hidden strongbox or
stocking containing the rest of his net worth.
His brain serves at once as:
1. The reporting system which corresponds
to input in a modern machine installation.
2. The data processing center containing
sorting and merging abilities, programs for economical purchasing, payment of bills, and preparation of tax
3. The reporting system which corresponds
to output, as it is popularly termed
4. The evaluation system, which recogn~es
situations and generates action to stop
pilferage, control waste, and develop
policy based upon sales, cost and operating experience.
From this oversimplification, several
secondary considerations will place in perspective the unsound claims that a multiplying vqriety of parallel, inadequate, and, for
the most part, excessively costly developments
in current management reporting and control
technology will solve our problem. These
secondary considerations emphasize the instantaneous character of the original sole-owner
control. We might visualize him talking to
another or, by extension, we might imagine any
number of proprietors or data originating and
processing centers "talking" to each other.
In the sole proprietor's bio-mechanical system,
1. There is visual contact with input.
2. There is auditory or hearing ~ontact
wi th input.
3. Communication is instantaneous.
4. Processing capacity depends upon the
size and speed of the memory.
5. Reports are drawn directly from memory for the most part, rather than
being transcribed to paper for tedious
and delayed perusal.
6. Action may ,be taken quickly without
7. Input is largely accurate in the first
three above, by reason of their inherent value to each other, but error

Computers and Automation


correction is poor in the rest.
The element of top managerial surveillance may intervene at any time in
every component of the system.

Expensive (and Doubtful) Developments
in Data Transmission
The quest for ways in which to utilize
advanced equipment for better control communications goes on actively but not always effectively or along economical lines. Hundreds of
engineers and management consultants across the
country have been sinking millions of dollars
into adapting known telephonic and telegraphic
methods, along with paper tape or punched card
originating equipment, to computer input. However, most of these devices lack vision, hearing,
and instantaneousness in varying combinations or
altogether. Furthermore, they really increase
paperwork because they require paper to bridge
from one to another, and this, in turn, imposes need for more hardware. The hardware,
itself, has generated further input errors from
compound circuitry and relays which sometimes
fail. When errors occur, paper tapes impose
exceptional difficulty in locating the point
in question. A large insurance company indicates that it has discontinued paper tape
transmission, for this reason, to return to
cards. One supplier has announced a machine,
or rather a number of machines circuited together, to produce cards and reports at various production points, but this system lacks
vision and instantaneousness ,and, to couple it
with logical (computing) ability, messengers
will have to be hired to pick up the cards at
each unit. Such a device, which cannot possibly be used full-time on a decentralized
basis, rents for more per month than the wages
of an average clerk.
There are other still more expensive ways
to communicate. Even these, because communi-,
cation to a data evaluation center is so vital
to control, have been pressed into service.
One such means is represented by pneumatic
tubes, which cost up to several hundred dollars
per installed lineal foot. They are all but
inflexible, once set, and fixed charges for a
substantial installation will equal the wages
of a number of people. They also lack sound,
which must be supplied by telephone auxilaries,
and they lack the visual component altogether.
Being built to transport physically full-scale
paperwork, with its clerical preparation and
timelag straits, they have relatively low
transmission capacities.
Computers, Magnetic Storage
- and the In pu t Problem
Moreover, communications must tend to
-14 -

some point, or points, of collection and evaluation. Hence, at this juncture, the data processing facility should be considered, i. e.,
how to use communicated data for comprehension
and reaction. On a warship, this facility is a
group of men and technological nerves to all
quarters, termed a combat information center.
In a plant, it is designated, variably, after
many decades of progressive decentralization,
as an office, whether mill, accounting, production control, shipping, or some other descriptive adjective. Superintendence of these
offices has been centralized in waves as the
spreading out process has caused them to become identifiably functionalized and, in this
process, establishment or expansion of a staff
function has coincided with each new wave. In
all cases there is an input, mostly of paperwork. Communication channels are plant mail,
telephone, pneumatic tubes, and conferences.
In a few recent cases, paper tape is the medium.
And, like the old telephone company advertisement, es~ablishment of one new instrument where
ten existed before required ten new lines of
liaison, except that the lines have been lines
of paper with clerks at both ends.
Electronic computers have entered this
scene and are operating successfully in spite
of the paperwork load at the input end but, so
far, the most effective applications have been
integrations of master data, which avoided a
new flood of reports coming in. The latter
are better absorbed into an integrated system
over the time needed to redesign the basis of
origination. Detailed liaison is needed all
the way to the source in this endeavor. Once
the paperwork has been adapted to the purpose,
it can be readily filtered by a junior clerk
with a keypunch machine so that the computer
may be set up to handle the data. Data punching on this ,basis is duplication of effort,
again using paper, but the costs are more than
overcome by some integration in processing.
Thus, the computer is no problem as far as its
internal operation is concerned but, in drawing more paper through the door of the machine
room, the communication problem is accentuated.
And the key-punch group becomes packed tighter
than office standards permit.
In the light of these factors the present
and potential economics of computers must be
considered. What processing problems do they
solve? Like the sole proprietor, they communicate rapidly internally. They have substantial processing capacity. Reports may be
drawn directly from memory with moderate and
ever-improving speed for management action.
The problem of error correction now lies mostly outside the system, once it is "debugged".
Input both external and internal to the system
and their very interrelationship develop as
joint and several integration factors affecting computer capabilities. The integration


of production reports from two adjacent units,
for example, means that the computer can automatically produce inventory data between units
and, usually, more than half of the external
repetitiveness in data origination can be eliminated. If production data be stored in a random access magnetic file, even the inventory
reports can be eliminated, for all inventory
data is available instantaneously and visually
to anyone who has an interrogating connection
between his office and the magnetic storage
unit. If production orders were mechanized
upon receipt, the external input concerning
each order from each production process could
be reduced about 65 per cent. l
Random access on the foregoing terms is a
key point here. Announcements, since this
paper began in preparation, have been most significant in terms of opening up the large random access memory capacity to provide memory
characteristics like those of the sole proprietor. It appears that the economy of magnetic
storage is already getting to a point at which
it will appear cheaper than cards on many jobs,
but caution in applying it is still needed.
Still other recently announced developments
are similarly indicative. One laboratory has
a two-ended cathode ray tube with a metallic
grid for permanent storage, capable of holding one million bits on a square-inch-screen.
Its speed is great because one end reads while
the other end writes,and the screen is so small.
Such a development in production would render
obsolete discs and drums as to speed, space
requirements, and capacity, and even this would
ultimately be excelled. Nuclear physicists chat
about the ideal as calculation and perhaps storage in a matrix of differentially chargeable
molecules. Not only would computers built on
such principles exceed by a factor of thousands anything available today; they would be
ridiculously compact for their capacity, and
possibly inexpensive after perfection of the
necessary manufacturing processes. The upshot
is that commercial memories will, in the near
future, be capable of relegating the detailed
input of the business to storage for reference
by the computing component as needed, just as
in the sole proprietor's mind. But the tool
will be expanded to the proportions of the
economy as we know it, and it will be more
capacious, more speedy and potentially less
erroneous than the proprietor ever was. That
is fine. However, its very instantaneousness
is also silly if messengers are coming in
eight to twenty-four hours late with the input.
IBased on a survey of two production centers
made for purposes of this discussion. The
percentage will vary depending upon the system and the degree of integration.
-15 -

There is little purpose in not glvlng large
scale instant storage an input when the event
occurs, and this is the strongest argument
against large centralized computer facilities
until communication facilities can be improved.
Another factor of uselessness, i.e., irrelevance of advantages of speed and capacity,
inheres in any lack of accuracy in input as
long as computers are expensive. With an
I. B. M. 650, for example, input may range up
to a maximum of over 900,000 digits per hour.
Even if only'three of these are wrong'enough
to stop the machine and it takes only two minutes to correct each one, 10 per cent of the
capacity has been lost. On larger machines
this item is so important that some installations have a machine scheduler (the 705 does
over 40,000 logical operations per second) to
enforce nondelaying procedures. If an error
stops the machine more than a very few minutes,
the memory must be dumped by the hapless operator so that the next person in line may get
to his problem. The price of delay is over
$150 per hour.
These considerations reinforce the need
for development of reliable, inexpensive,
plant-wide data recording and transmission
systems, which can provide audio and visual
contact with low origination error ratio. It
appears that such systems also may be the key
to decentralization of memory elements of a
unifiable computer complex in various locations. For example, if a number of memory
devices can be hooked electronically into
central, their distance from the unit is merely the length of the connection, and distance
does not occasion the delays of traditional
input-output via paper linkages. It is the
instantaneous merging of plant-wide data that
matters. Nevertheless, the best commercial use
of a computer installation currently implies
centralization because:
1. Personnel acquainted with the interaction
of computer and commercial systems are
too scarce and too expens i ve to Its pread
thin" •
2. The new category of communications-data
originating control expert which will
have to be brought into existence in the
manufacturing establishment does not exist, although materials are available to
start training.
3. A large memory is not yet adequately
adaptable to decentralization, which
would remove it from the computing unit
and the master file systems. A large
magnetic memory is needed for paperwork
elimination, rather than simplification,
and elimination occurs when master files
are integrated. Presently applied communications are not adequate, either in

Computers and Automation

terms of facilities or personnel, to assure high-speed integration of decentralized memory components with the presently
developed heart of the system, i.e.,
cards, tapes, and programs.
4. Integration of related master data simultaneously reduces input error ratios and
reduces the need for duplicating data
from external sources.
5. The reduction of external input gained
by centralized integration would reduce
the load on the communication system,
rendering it more effective for a given
6. Concentration of data improves computer
payoff and builds necessary knowledge of
techniques in the organization. The
loading of a medium-size machine must be
effected rapidly to justify the economy of larger equipment. Cost per calculation on a loaded 705 would be less
than 10 per cent of that on a loaded
650, in terms of rental alone.
7. Larger capacity units handle greatly
more complex logistical and research
problems, which provide greater payoffs
than straight commercial applications,
to supplant today's generally unsophisticated analyses.
8. Complaints already have been heard that
all of the fastest computers available
cannot handle computer demand, either
in terms of volume {this is on a national basis} or in terms of problem complexity •.ftdvancement of the art is certain to bring more demands.
A Proposal for Control Communications
by Monitored Television
The limitations in data transmission and
input, along with other limitations which have
just been described, would be discouraging,
were it not that modern components are available to'develop a reporting system lower in
cost than any complex of traditional paperwork
adapted to 50-year-old communications technology to ease its burden. Such a system can
command the economy of integration in a highspeed processing organization, provide channels
for extremely heavy volumes of transmission,
and provide audio-visual contacts among many
points. The proposal involves television cameras for data transmission. They may be obtained for prices under $1,000 per unit,
ranging up to two or three times that amount
for units having combinations of remotely controlled multiple turret lenses, sound, and
weather protection components.
Scanning tube developments in recent
months already have reduced prices. The industry, by means of printed circuits, other
-16 -

innovations, and volume demand for industrial
applications, undou'btedly could cut prices 50
per cent in coming years. Units may be portable. They require no programming as in the
case of tape or card punching gadgetry_ Coaxial connections from cameras to monitors at
about a dollar a foot would pe' far shorter and
cheaper than multiple-circuited mechanical
data originators wired to messenger service
or connected all the way to central. Reliability of camera operation is superior and
maintenance simple. If an unusual maintenance problem occurs, another unit may be
plugged in while repairs are made.
In contrast to tape-punching equipment,
which costs $2,000 to $4,000 per originator
and receiver, a variety of forms can be transmitted by camera without programming, thus
rendering floor da'ta simi taneous ly adaptable
to local use and data transmission within
reasonable limits. The need for originators
would be greatly condensed. If a number of
stations are multiplexed to the monitor, mltiplexing is electronic and visually instantaneous, whereas older devices multiplex mechanically and far more slowly. These characteristics are vital to high-speed, high volume
data origination and processing, and also restore the opportunity for visual management
surveillance of operations.
A description of what should happen to
data will make the proposal concrete. Most
readers will have observed that data origination is only a part-time job for many production recording clerks, although they are writing their reports in slow longhand. Because
of this fact, a semi-centralized monitoring
station {which would also really be a decentralized outpost of machine accounting}, should
be able to handle in practical fashion the data
from ten or more points in the plant. For example, a common work situation at present is a
recording 60 per cent to waiting 40 per cent
ratio. Based upon the survey referred to in a
previous paragraph, 65 per cent of the data
formerly ~andwritten at all points would be in
computer room master files - in the integrated
system- and this would cut the data originating
factor required for each point to 20 per cent
at the monitor. At the monitor, the usual
three-for-one speed advantage of keyed over
handwritten data would apply, thus reducing
the data origination time for each point monitored to an average of 6 2/3 per cent. This
estimate is conservative, because it has not
been factored further to adjust for better
skilled personnel,or the enhancement of speed
which occurs in the contemplated range of
punches per item as a consequence of fewer
keys activated per transaction, or for addition of totals formerly done by the mill recorder, as part of the original 60 per cent


work time, and now done in the computer.
It is seen that data relaying and visual
switching from the monitors will depend upon
a type of control communications personnel
generally new to industry. To obtain the
necessary accuracy for unimpeded volume of
external input to the computer, it also is
probable that these persons would perform
every entry twice to obtain verification on
the spot before triggering their transmissions.
However, except for salary levels, these persons would cost nothing if their work were
loaded properly. They would offset equivalent personnel otherwise employed in the machine room. Training of monitor personnel
would correspond to that of, say, railroad
telegraphers or nautical radiomen, and would
cover data origination and control techniques,
operating practices at points scanned in the
local complex, and, to some extent, the computer programs for processing its particular
data. The personnel would service, in reverse, any data from the central unit requested
for local analysis or control purposes. It is
likely that the data transmission component of
carrier waves from monitors would preferably
use key punching equipment or an adaptation.
So far, it is better than other types of devices in reliability of operation. Monitors
further would need policy enforced control
or disciplinary procedures 9ver the stations
under their observation.
Completed entry and verification of
weights, counts, and simple order ,indicia
would be signalled from monitor to camera by
a green light, advising the material handler
that production has been recorded. From the
monitor to the computer, a private micro-wave
transmission system (these units also contain
the camera multiplexing circuits) can be engineered economically for all but small plants.
Simultaneous visual and data transmission on
one carrier beam is obtainable either by "band
splitting," which is using parts of the transmitter's wave band for different channels, or
by use of extra transmitters. Thus, management could get visual contact, with one or
more points per transmitter, without interrupting flow of data to the processing machine.
A transmitting-receiving combination with
the necessary multiplexing system reportedly
is available for $30,000 or less, although
elaborate units cost more. If ultra-high
frequencies (up to 10,000 megacycles are
available) are used, signals may be beamed
thirty miles with ridiculously low powerless than 10 watts -and by using only moderately high towers. The plant roof is often
high enough to mount the antenna without constructing a tower. The high frequencies lie
outside the range of static for all practical
-17 -

purposes. Compared with this medium, pneumatic
tubes are poor. With the latter, coverage of
a few points over a maximum range of 1000 feet
may cost over $100,000 and have lower transmission capacity. The wavelength of a 10.000
megacycle frequency is about l~ inches. Transmitting-receiving antennas are "dishes" as small
as a few inches in diameter and precisely aimed
at each other.
Incoming data at the processing location
would be recorded either on film (tapes) or go
directly to random access storage. The data,
although verified, might be occasionally erroneous, but a small residue of error can be corrected to some extent by the processing machine
because of the integration of the system.
Stock checks on the production floor would be
minimized, compared with the present-day situation.
Most day-to-day reports to management,
reduced by the programming of the system to
exceptions, would be drawn from the processing machine in summary, and visual form only.
Details would be fed out to operations visually for the most part, by a system of inquiry
units. Data required for historical comparisons could be merged gradually into index or
percentage figures. It is availability of
figures such as these, now in relatively meager supply throughout industry, that helps/
the operating team to pull together for the
best of the over-all enterprise.
Fully detailed data would be dumped
periodically out of memory as needed for
audit, or for permanent and minimized cost,
financial, and inventory records.
Some Problems in Applicable
Equipment and Methods
The television industry has concentrated
on home receivers. As a consequence, all producers of equipment are largely standardized
for a 525 line vidicon scanner, which cannot
legibly transmit small print on many current
business forms. This can be overcome by optical systems feeding smaller areas into the
scanner or by redesign of the form to provide
smaller volume of somewhat larger print- in
the transmission. Another- tube called-an
image orthocon develops 750 lines for the
screen, but it costs about $1,250 compared
to about $280 for the vidicon. There is no
question that finer scanners can be engineered
for higher prices and that all prices will decrease over a period of time. Of course, the
vidicon should be adequate for most purposes,
although finer equip~nt is theoretically desirable for, say, fine photo-copy work if the
data system develops around that particular
(cont'd on page 38)










Andrew D. Booth
Birkbeck College Computational Laboratory
University of London, London, England

It is proposed to examine, in this paper,
the way in whicn an automatic digital computer
can be applied to the resolution of two sorts
of classification problems. The first problem
is that of frequency analysis and, in particular, the making of what may be termed a 'concordance'. The second problem concerns the
analysis of the structures of groups of words
which may be likened to sentences occurring
in a text.
At the outset it should be made clear
that there is no difficulty in programming
a computer to solve either of the problems
if an adequate internal store is available.
The interest arises when the problems have
to be solved with limited storage capacity
and where, because they arise in linguistic
applications, the number of items to be classified may be very large.
Consider first the problem of frequency
analysis. He~e, in linguistic terms, it is
necessary to list the numbers of different
words which occur in a given text. It is to
be imagined that the text to be analyzed is
presented to the machine in the form of a
punched or magnetic tape, and that on this,
each alphabetic or other symbol is represented in a coded form acceptable to the
machine. Each word is supposed to be terminated by a space symbol or by a punctuation
mark whose code can be recognized by the machine as differing from that which represents
a letter. If unlimited internal storage capacity is available the frequency analysis
could proceed as follows:
Assume that, so far, n different words
have been encountered in the text, and that
the code symbols for these have been stored
in locations a + 1, a + 2, .•• a + n. Each
location will be filled as:
(Code symbols) (Spare digits) (Count number).
The next word is now read from the tape,
its end being recognIzed by the presence of a
space or punctuation symbol. An attempt is
now made to identify the word with one of the
words already held in positions a + 1, a + 2,
••• a



-18 -

this can be most conveniently carried out by
the method of t Bracketing', first described by
the author(I). If the word is found to have
occurred previously, in location a + k say,
unity is added to the count number held in
that position. If, however, the word has not
occurred previously, it is stored in position
a + n + 1 and a count number 1 is placed in
the relevant count number position.
This process is continued until the end
of the tape is reached,at which point the
words and their count numbers are either output directly, or sorted into alphabetic or
frequency order and then printed out.
When only limited internal storage is
available this simple process is impossible,
but it has been found that the follow'ing
variant gives satisfactory results. It is
assumed that the available internal storage
extends from a + I to a + L.
(a) Read the next word from the input
(b) Compare with words already stored.
(c,l) If previously encountered, add
unity to the relevant count number
and return to (a).
(c~) If not previously encountered,
test to see if available storage
is filled.
W,D If storage is available record
word and unit count number in next
unfilled location. Record filling
of additional storage space and
return to (a).
(d,2) If storage is full punch out, or
otherwise record, the word on output tape. Return to (a).
It is clear that the result of this process will be an analysis of the frequency of
occurrence of the first L different words to
be used in the text, and a new tape from which
these words have been eliminated. The process
is now repeated on the derivative tape and the
cycle repeated until all of the text has been
dealt with.
The more general problem of preparing a
concordance involves, not only the statistical

Computer Use

analysis described above, but also the provision of a list of page and line numbers on
which each word appears. This can be handled
in a precisely similar way but involves the
use of several computer storage locations to
hold the data for each text word. The input
tape is now provided with page and line end
symbols and these are used to insert the
necessary concordance data into the storage
locations associated with the word under examination. The program of uperations is as
Read symbol from tape.
(b) Examine to see if it is:
1. Line start symbol, if so go to
2. Page start symbol, if so go to
3. Alphabetic symbol, if so store
with previous symbols and go
to (a).
4. Space symbol or punctuation
mark, if so go to (d).
(c,D Increase current line count number
held in store by unity, punch line
start symbol on output tape and
return, to (a).
(c,2) Increase current page count number held in store by unity; reset line count number to unity,
punch page: start symbol on output
tape and return to (a).
(d) Compare assembled word with words
already stored, if present go to
(e,!), if absent to (e,2).
(e,l) Increase frequency count number
by unity, insert page and line
count numbers in storage, return
to (a).
(e,2) Examine "storage occupied" count
number. If i~ has not reached
the permissible limi~ increase
it by unity and store the new
word, page and line numbers and
unity frequency count number in
the next storage location. If
the permissible limit has been
reached, punch the word onto the
output tape and return to (a).
It is evident that the program just given
will result in an output which treats the various forms of any word (singular, plural, etc.)
as different entities. If it is desired to
avoid this, all that is jnecessary is to .provide the machine with a stem dictionary(2)
which will enable the various forms of a
word to be recognized. Since, however, programs of this type are generally used to make
analyses preliminary to the construction of
the stem-ending dictionary, it is frequently
more useful to produce the full output in
alphabetical order. The effect of this is,
in general, to associate all forms derived
from the same stem in adjacent positions,

which is a considerable aid to the ensuing
For the second of the two problems mentioned at the outset, the following may be
taken as typical: It is required to examine
a given text and to produce a list of all
sentences (or phrases) having a given structure.
Here again, given unlimited storage space, the
problem can be solved in a straightforward manner. Assume that the machine holds in store a
dictionary which associates each word with a
part-of-speech or other grammatical symbol.
The problem is to recognize a given configuration, say (sl, S2, ..• sn), in th~ input and to
list this as and when it occurs. A simple
program would be:
(a) Read and store all words up to the
next punctuation mark.
(b) Compare words, in sequence, with
dictionary and thus obtain grammatical indication numbers.
(c) Compare indication numbers with
(Sl, s2, •.. sn). If iden/tical, output the given sentence and return
to ~a); if not return to (a) directly.
With most modern machines this method of
approach is quite practicable since structural
groups are, in generaL not very large. The
disadvantage lies in the fact that the program required to handle variable length sentences tends to be complicated. To overcome
this the following procedure has been evolved:
(a) Read in the next word and punch
it on to the output tape.
(b) Compare with dictionary to obtain
grammatical symbol.
(c) Compare grammatical symbol with
the appropriate configuration
symbol, sr say. Test to see if
sr is the last unit of structure
to be considered.
WJ) If the configuration symbols are
identical, and Sr is not the last
unit of structure, return to (a).
~~) If symbols are not identical continue reading and punching until
the next punctuation mark is
reached; punch this out and return to (a).
(d,3) If the symbols are identical, and
Sr is the last unit of structure,
continue reading and punching until the next punctuation mark is
reached. Punch this out twice
in succession and then return to

The output tape produced by this process
will contain the· original text marked in such
a way that each structural unit of the required
type is followed by a double punctuation mark.
This tape is now fed to the machine backwards
(cont'd on page 37)

-19 -






James T. Culbertson
California State Polytechnic College
San Luis Obispo, Calif.

(Part 1 of this article with numbered references appeared in the March issue, and consisted
of the first chapter of a forthcoming book, "The
Minds of Robots: Behavior and Sense Data in Hypothetical Automata". The ~hole bibliography of
the book is here included in Part 2; the numbers
used in Part 1 agree with the numbers here.)
1. Adrian, E. D. ; The Physical Background of
Perception; Oxford University Press; 1947
2. Ashby, W. R.; Design for a Brain; New York:
Wiley, 1952
3. Attneave, Fred; Some Information Aspects of
Visual Perception; Psychological Review;
Vol. 61, No.3, 1954
4. Bacon, Francis; The New Atlantis
5. Bakewell, C. M.; Source Book in Ancient
Philosophy, Scribners, 1907
6. Bales, Fried
7. Bavink, B.; The Natural Sciences, AppletonCentury, 1932
8. Berkeley, E. C.; Giant Brains. New York:
Wiley, 1949
9. Berkeley, Bishop; Principles of Human.Knowledge, Sections 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 23
10. Boring, E. G.; The Physical Dimensions of
Consciousness; New York;' Century, 1933
11. Boring, E. G. ; Sensation and Perception in
the History of Experimental Psychology;
New York; Appleton-Century Go., 1942
12. Brewster, Sir David; Letters on Natural
Magic; Harper Brothers; New York, 1870
13. Brunswik, E.; The Conceptual Framework
of Psychology; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1952
14. Bulletin of Mathematical BiophysiCS; Edited
by N. Rashevsky; University of Chicago
Press; numerous articles especially since
about 1942
15. Bullfinch's Mythology, Chap. II
16. Carnap, R.; Logical Foundations of the Unity
of Science; Encyclopaedia of Unified Science;
Vol. I, No.1, Univ. of Chicago Press; 1934
- 20-

17. Castiglioni, Arturo; A History of Medicine
(translated by E. B. Krumbhaar)Alfred A.
Knopf; New York, 1947
18. Chambers Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge, Gould Kendall and Lincoln,
(No date)
19. Churchman, C. West
20. Cohen and Drabkin: Source Book in Greek
Science; McGraw-Hill, 1948 (Note also Aulus
Gellius Attic Nights X)
21. Culbertson, JT.; A Physical Theory of Sensation; Journal of Philosophy of Science; Vol.
9, No.2, April, 1942
22. Culbertson, JT.; Distances and Qualities in
Perceptual Space, Journal of Psychology,
Jan., 1945
23. Culbertson, J. T.; Temporal Change in Perpetual Space, Journal of Psychology, Jan., 1946
24. Culbertson, J. T. ; A Device for Optic Nerve
Conduction and Form Perception I; Bulletin
of Mathematical Biophysics, June, 1948
25. Culbertson, J. T.; A Device for Optic Nerve
Conduction and Form Perception II; Bulletin
of Mathematical Biophysics, June, 1948
26. Culbertson, J. T.; Consciousness and Behavior;
Wm. C. Brown Co., 1950
27. Culbertson, J. T. ; Flicker and Fusion in a Hypothetical Device for Light Intensity Discrimination; RAND paper RM-744, Nov., 1951
28. Culbertson, J. T.; Hypothetical Robots and the
Problem of Neuroeconomy; RAND Project
P-296, April, 1952
29. Culbertson, J. T.; Memoryless Robots; RAND
Paper P-316, Aug., 1952
30. Culbertson, J. T.; Sense Data in Robots and
Organisms; RAND Paper P-378, May, 1953
31. d'Abro, A.; Evolution of Scientific Thought,
Liveright, 1927
32. Descartes (Letter from Gassendi to Descartes,
1641, quoted by Descartes in Objections and
Replies; See Philosophical Works of Descartes, trans. E. S. Haldane and ?, Cambridge University Press, 1912, v. 2 pp. 20102. Quoted in The Spirit of Western Philosophy, Stallknecht and Brumbaugh, Longman~,
Green & Co., 1950, p. 274)
33. Dotterer, R. H.; Philosophy by w~ of the
Sciences. New York; MacMillan, 1929.
p. 197ff.
34. Dudley, H., and Tarnoczy, T. H., "The
Speaking Machine of Wolfgang von Kempelen";
Bell Telephone System Technical Publications, Monograph, 1734. Copyright, 1950,
Acoustical Society of America
35. Eddington, A; Nature of the Physical World,
New York, MacMillan, 1929
36. Edinburgh Encyclopedia, 1843

37. Einstein, A.; Relativity, Holt, 1931, p. 65.
38. Encyclopedia Universaillustrada, Madrid,
Article on Automata
39. Feigl, Herbert
40. Flood, Merrill, Refer to RAND paper
41. Gassendi; See Descartes
42. Gerard, R. W. ; Scientific Monthly, 62:477, 1946
43. ~rard, ; Caesar; Charles Scribnerrs Sons,
1952; Page 544
44. Gibson, James J.; The Perception of the
Visual World; Houghton Mifflin, 1950
45. Granit, R.; Sensory Mechanisms of the Retina; Oxford Univ. Press, London, 1947
46. Gregory, J. C. ; Short History of Atomism, A.
and C. Black, London, 1931, Chap. 5.
47. Grey-Walter, ; The Living Brain, W. W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1953
48. Hartline, H. K. ; Nerve Messages in the Fibers
of the Visual Pathway, Journal of the Optical
Society of America, 30, 239-247 (1940)
49. Hayek, F. A.; The Sensory Order; University
of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1952
50. Hebb, D. 0.; The Organization of Behavior;
New York; Wiley, 1949
51. Helmholtz, H. von; Physiological Optics
(trans. J. P. C. Southall) Optical Society of
America, 1924
52. Householder, A. S. ; RAND paper RM-671
Neural Nets for Toad T1, 1951. RAND paper RM-678 Pavlovian Learning, 1951
53. Householder, A. S. and Landahl, H. D.; Mathematical Biophysics of the Qentral Nervous
System. Principia Press, 1945
54. Huxley, T. H. ; Science and Culture; 1881
55. James, William; The Principles of Psychology;
New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1890
56. Kaempffert, Waldemar, Explorations in
Science; New York; The Viking Press; 1953,
Page 283
57. Kaplan, A.
58. Kleene, S. C. ; Representation of Events in
Nerve Nets and Finite Automata, RAND
paper RM-704, Dec., 1951
59. Kluever, H.; Behavior Mechanisms of Monkeys; Univ. of Chicago Press; 1933
60. Lashley, K. S.; In Search of the Engram, in
"Physiological Mechanisms in Animal BehaVior," New York, Academic Press, Inc.,
61. Lashley, K. S. ; Functional Interpretations of
Anatomic Patterns, in "Patterns of Organization in the Central Nervous System",
Philip Bard, Editor. Baltimore; Williams
and Wilkins Co., 1952
62. Leibnitz Mondology
63. Loeb, J.; Forced Movements, Tropisms and
Animal Conduct
64. Lovejoy, A. 0.; The Revolt Against Dualism,







- 21 -


Open Court, 1930
Major, D. R. ; Introduction to Philosophy,
Odyssey Press, 1933
Manning, H. P.; Geometry of Four Dimensions,
MacMillan, 1914
Margenau, H.; The Nature of Physical Reality,
McGraW-Hill, 1950
McCullough, W. S. and Pitts, W.; A Logical
Calculus of Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity; Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics
5, 1943
McCullough, W. S. and Pitts, W.; How We
Know Universals
McCurdy, Edward; The Mind of Leonardo da
Vinci; Dodd, Mead, and Co., 1948
McDougall, William; Body and Mind; New
York; MacMillan Co., 1920
Mead, H.; Types and Problems of Philosophy; Henry Holt & Co., 1946
Mettler, C. C. ; History of Medicine; Blakeston Co., 1947
Miessner, B. F. ; From Electrical Experimenter, Sept., 1915, p. 202
Northrop, F. S. C.; Science and First Principles, MacMillan, 1931
Northrop, F. S. C.; Science, 107:411, 1948
Parry, T. W. ; The Prehistoric Trephined
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Med. (Hist. Sect.) Vol. XIV, Suppl, (London, 1921)
Patrick, G. W. W. ; Introduction to Philosophy;
Houghton Mifflin, 1936
Penfield, W. and Rasmussen, T.; The Cerebral Cortex of Man; MacMillan, 1950
Pirenne, M. H.; Vision and the Eye; Pilot,
London, 1948
Poe, E. A. ; Maelzelrs Chess Player
Polyak, S.; The Retina; Univ of Chicago
Press, 1941
Quastler, Henry (editor); Information Theory
in Biology; Univ. of illinois Press, Urbana,
Rapoport, A and Shimbel, A.; Cybernetics
and Mathematical Biology, in ETC., a Review of General Semantics, Spring, 1949
Rapoport, A.; Operational Philosophy, Harpers, 1953
Rashevsky, N.; Mathematical Biophysics,
1948, Part Three
Rosenblueth, Wiener and Bigelow; Journal
of the Philosophy of Science, 1943, 10, 18
Russell, B.; Human Knowledge; New York,
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Sarton, George; History of Science; Vol. I,
Carnegie Institute, 1927
Schrodinger, E.; Science and Humanism;
Cambridge, 1951
Shannon, C. E. and Weaver, W.; Mathemat-

COmputers and Automation











ical Theory of Communication; Univ. of
illinois Press, 1949
Sherrington, C.; The Integrative Action of
the Nervous System; Yale Univ. Press,
New Haven, 1920
Sperry, R. W.,; Neurology and the Mind-Brain
Problem; American Scientist, Vol. 40, No.
2, April, 1952
Stallknecht and Brumbaugh, the Spirit of
Western Philosophy; Longmans, Green and
Co., 1950
Swift, J; Gulliver's Travels, Part ill
Tarski, Alfred; Introduction to Logic, New
York, 1941
Titus, H. H.; Living Issues in Philosophy;
American Book Co., 2nd ed., 1953
Tolman, E. C.; Purposive Behavior in Animals and Men; New York, Century 1932
Tornebohm, H.; A Logical Analysis of the
Theory of Relativity; Stockholm; Almquist
and Wiksell, 1952
Troland, L. T.; The Principles of Psychophysiology; New York, Van Nostrand, 1932
Turing, A. M. ; Computing Machinery and
Intelligence; MIND, Oct. 1950
Von Foerster, H. (editor) Cybernetics, Circular Causal and Feedback Mechanisms in
Biological and Social Systems; Transactions
of the Sixty Conference, 1949; Josiah Macy
Jr. Foundation
von Kempelin
von Neumann, J.; The General and Logical
Theory of Automata, in "Cerebral Mechanisms in Behavior, Hixon Symposium, New
York, John Wiley and Sons, 1951
von Neumann, J.; Probabilistic Logics, California Institute of Technology Lectures,
Jan., 1952
Wiener, N.; Cybernetics, N. Y., Wiley, 1948
Wiener, N.; The Human Use of Human Beings,
Houghton-Mifflin, 1950
Woodger, J. H.; Axiomatic Method in Biology;
Cambridge Univ. Press, 1937
Descartes; Passions of the Soul XXXIV
Creegan, R. F.; (R)-systems versus Psychological Spaces; Journal of Philosophy of
Science, Oct. ,1942
Morgan and Steller; Physiological Psychology, McGraw-Hill, 1950
Hurewicz, W. and Wallman, H., Dimension
Theory, Princeton Vniv. Press, 1941,
Page 4
Manning, H. P.; Geometry of Four Dimensions, MacMillan, 1914
Barnett, L.; The Universe and Dr. Einstein,
Sloane, 1948, Chap. 9
Jeans, J.; The Mysterious Universe, Cam- 22 -










bridge Univ. Press, New Revised Edition,
1932, pp. 117-121
Korzybski, A.; Science and Sanity, 2nd Ed. ,
1941, pp. 626-630
Russell, B.; The ABC of Relativity, Keagan
Paul, 1927, p. 58ff.
d' Abro, A.; Evolution of Scientific Thought,
Boni and Liveright, 1927, Chap. XVllI.
Note discussion of point- event and worldline
Minkowski, H.; In the Principle of Relativity
by A. Einstein and Others, Methuen & Co.,
London, 1923, page 75
Steinmetz, C. P.; Relativity and Space, McGraw-Hill, 1923, p. 24
Margenau, H.; The Nature of Physical Reality, McGraw-Hill, 1950, p. 150
Fitch, F. B. ; Physical Continuity. Philosophy
of Science, 3, No.4, Oct., 1936, 486-494
Biser, I.; A general Schema for Natural Systems. Philadelphia, Westbrook Publishing
Co., 1938
Hinton, C. H.; The Fourth Dimension.
London: Swann Sonnenshein & Co., Ltd.,
Hobbes, T.; Leviathan. London: J. M. Dent,
Lucretius; De Rerum Natura. English translation by W. H. D. Rouse. London: W.
Heinemann, 1931
Thompson, D'Arcy W.; On Growth and Form.
Culbertson, J. T.; The place of the sense
world in physical theory; Ph. D. Thesis.
Yale University, 1940
Bowden, B. V.; Faster Than Thought, Pitman & Sons, London, 1953
Lewin, K.; Principles of Topological Psychology, McGraw-Hill, 1936
Gerard, Ralph W.; What is memory? Scientific American, Sept. 1953
Fulton, J. R. ; Physiology of the Nervous
System; 2nd Edition. New York: Oxford
Vniv. Press. 1943
Watson, J. B.; Behaviorism. New York:
Mead, Shepherd; The Big Ball of Wax;
Simon & Schuster; New York, 19P4. p.109ff
McCloy, Shelby T.; French Inventions of the
Eighteenth Century; Univ. of Kentucky
Press, 1952. Chap. VIII on automata.
Sinnott, E. W.; Cell and Psyche, Unlv. of
North Carolina Press, 1950
Bonner, J. T. ; Morphogenesis, Princeton
Vniv. Press, 1952
Culbertson, J. T. ; Some Uneconomical Robots. In Automata Studies, Edited by

















Shannon, C. E., and McCarty, J. Princeton Univ. Press, 1956
Booth, A. D. and Booth, K. H. V.; Automatic
Digital Computers; Butterworths Scientific
Publications, 1953
Computers and Automation. Monthly Periodical. E. C. Berkeley & Associates
Abbott, John A. Electroencephalography.
Reprinted from New England Journal of
Medicine; Jan. 6 and Jan. 13, 1955
Report of Conlmittee on Colorimetry for
1920-21. Journal of the Optical Society
of America and Review of Scientific Instruments. Aug. 1922, §. p. 535
Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics. Ed
N. Rashevsky
Frankel, Stanley; On the Design of Automata
and the Interpretation of Cerebral Behavior. Psychometrika, Vol. 20, Number 2,
June 1955
MacKay, D. M. ; Mindlike Behavior in Artefacts. British Journal for the Philosophy
of Science, 1951, II, P 108
Thrall, R. M., Coombs, C. H., and Davis,
R. L.; Editors Decision Processes, Wiley,
New York,1954
Brain, W. Russell; Mind, Perception and
Science; Blackwell Scientific Publications,
Oxford, 1951
Richter, D., Editor; Perspectives in Neuropsychiatry; Lewis, London, 1950
Von Newnann, J. and Morgenstern, 0.;
Theory of Games and Economic Behavior.
Princeton University Press, 1944
Babbage, H. P.; Babbage's Calculating
Engines. London: E. and F.N. Spon.,
Watson, G.; "Apparent Motion and the MindBody Problem", British Journal for the
Philosophy of Science, Vol. II, No. 7
Shannon, C. E. and McCarthy, eds.; Automata Studies, Princeton University Press,
McKay, D. M.; "The Epistemological Problem for Automata". In Automata Studies,
Edited by Shannon, C. E., and McCJIthy,
J., Princeton University Press, 1956
Muller, D. E.; "Complexity in Electronic
Switching Circuits", I. R. E. Transactions
on Electronic Computers, March, 1956
Minsky, M. L.; "Some Universal Elements
for Finite Automata". In Automata Studies,
Edited by Shannon, C. E. and McCarthy,
J., Princeton University Press, 1956
Moore, E. F.; "Gedanken-Experiments on
Sequential Machines". In Automata Studies,
Edited by Shannon, C. E. and McCarthy, J.,
- 23 -








Princeton University Press, 1956
Turing, A. M. "On Computable Numbers".
Proc. of the London Mathematical Society
2, 42 (1936)
McColl, L. A. ; Fundamental Theory of Servomechanisms. Van Nostrand, 1945
Huxley, A; Brave New World
YOWlg, J. Z.; Doubt and Certainty in Science.
Clarendon Press, 1951
Maxwell, J. C.; "On Governors". Proc. Roy.
Soc. 16, 270, 1868
Hazen, H. L.; "Theory of Servomechanisms".
J. Franklin Institute, 218, 279, 1934
Ahrendt, W. R.; Servomechanism Practice,
McGraw-Hill, 1954
Richards, R. K. ; Arithmetic Operations in
Digital Computers, Van Nostrand, 1955
Pierce, John R.; Book review, Scientific
American, Aug., 1956
Tsien, H. S. ; Engineering Cybernetics, McGraw-Hill, 1954
Diebold, J.; Automation, Van Nostrand, 1952
West, J. C.; Textbook of Servomechanisms,
English Universities Press Ltd., 1953
Soule, G.; Time for Living, Viking Press,
Cleator, P. E.; The Robot Era, Allen and
Unwin, 1955
Greene, J.; "Man as a servoconiponent",
Control Engineering, Oct., 1954
Tustin, A; "Feedback", Scientific American,
187: 48-55, Sept., 1952
Butler, Samuel; Erehwon, N. Y. , Nelson,
Rapoport, A.; "Technological Models of
the Nervous System". ETC., Sept., 1954
Pierce, John R.; Electrons, Waves and
Messages. Hanover House, Garden City,
New York, 1956
Berkeley, E. C. and Wainwright, L.; Computers, Their Operation and Applications,
Reinhold Publishing Co., New York, 1956
Aiken, H. H. and others; Description of a
Magnetic Drwn Calculator. Harvard Univ.
Press, 1952
Allport, R. H.; Theories of Perception and
the Concept of Structure. Wiley, 1955
Allport, F. H.; The Structuring of Events.
Psychol. Rev. 61, 1954
Adrian, E. D.; Bremer, F. and Jasper,
H. H., Editors; Brain Mechanisms and
Consciousness. Blackwell Scientific Publications. Oxford, 1954
Kohler, W. and Held, R.; The Cortical
Correlate of Pattern Vision. Science, 110,
414-419. 1949
Lorente de No, R.; Analysis of the Activity

COmputers and Automation





of Chains of Internuncial Neurons. J.
Neurophysiology 7, 1938
Schrodinger, E; What Is Life? New York.
MacMillan, 1946
Titchener, E. B.; Experimental Psychology
of the Thought Processes; MacMillan, 1909
Titchener, E. B.; A Textbook of Psychology,
MacMillan, 1914
Tolman, E. C. and Brunswik, E.; The Organism and the Causal Texture of the Environment. Psych. Rev., 42, 1935
Adrian, E. D.; Rhythmic Discharges from
the Thalamus. J. Physiology, 113, 1951
Bartley, S. H.; Vision. Van Nostrand, 1941
Pavlov, I. P. ; Lectures on Conditioned Reflexes. Conditioned Reflexes and Psychiatry. Translated and edited by W. H.
Gantt. New York. International Publishing Co., 1942
Laslett, Peter, Editor; The Physical Basis
of Mind. MacMillan, 1950
Culbertson, J. T.; Mathematics for Digital
Devices. (Text now used in mimeographed
form for two undergraduate courses at
California State Polytechnic College. To
be published for fall 1957)
Engineering Research Associates; High
Speed Computing Devices. McGraW-Hill,

193. Keister, W., Ritchie, A. E. and Washburn,




Oct., 1953




, S. H.; The DeSign of Switching Circuits,
Van Nostrand, 1951
194. "Review of Input and Output Equipment
Used in Computing Systems", Joint AIEEmE-ACM Computer Conference, 142
pages Dec. 1952. (Published March 1953)
195. Proceedings of the mE, Computer Issue,


"A Survey of Automatic Digital Computers",
Report 111293, U. S. Dept. of Commerce,
Office of Technical Services, Washington
25, D.C.
Brain, W. R. ; Neurological Approach to Perception. Philosophy, 1946, 21, 133
Whitehead, A. N.; Process and Reality, MacMillan, 1936
Brain, W. R.; Cerebral Basis of Consciousness, Brain, 1950, 73, 461
Physiological Mechanisms in Animal Behavior, Editors, Cambridge, 1950
Locke, J.; Essay Concerning Human Understanding; Open Court, 1927
Kant, I.; Critique of Pure Reason, Translated
by Max Muller, MacMillan, 1925
Mach, E.; Analysis of Sensations, Translated
by C. M. Williams, Open Court, 1897
Broad, C. D.; Scientific Thought, Harcourt,
Brace, and Co., 1927. Chaps. 8, 9, 10


Haeckel, E.; Riddle of the Universe, Harpers, 1902, Chap. 10
Parish, E.; Hallucinations and illusions,
Scribners, 1897
Eddington, A. S.; Space, Time and Gravitation; Cambridge Univ. Press, 1935, Chap. 3
Lewis, G. N.; The Anatomy of Science, Yale
Univ. Press, 1929
Ramsperger, A. G. ; Philosophies of Science,
Crofts, 1942, Chap. 4
Reiser, O. L.; The Alchemy of Light and
Color, Norton, 1928
Hume, D.; Treatise of Human Nature, Everyman's Library, 1930
Carnap, R.; Scheinprobleme in der Philosophie, Weltkreis-Verlag, Berlin, 1928
Poincare, H.; Science and Hypothesis, Dover
Publications, 1952
Weyl, H.; Space-Time-Matter, Methuen, 1922
Alexander, S.; Space, Time'.and Deity, MacMillan, 1934
Johnson, S.; Rasselas, Oxfor,~ Univ. Press,
1949, Chap. XLVIII
Steward, Dugald; Works. Edited by W. Hamilton, 1858
Sarisberiensis, J.; Collected Works, Edited
by Giles, J. A., Oxford, ~848:. (John of
Salisbury's 12th Century associ~tional
psychology. )
Comte, A.; Fundamental Principles of Positive Philosophy. Translated by P. Descours
and H. G. Jones, London, 1905
Kohler, W.; The Place of Value in a World
of Facts, Live right, 1938
Plato; Dialogues. Trans. by B. Jowett
Five Vols., Oxford Univ. Press, 1931.
Theaetetus, pp. 151-154, 156-161, 182
Brillouin, Leon; Science and Information
Theory, Academic Press, 1956
Granit, R.; Receptors and Sensory Perception, Yale Univ. Press, 1955
Attneave, Fred; Amer. Journal of Psychology,

68, 69 -82, 1955
225. von Bonin, G.; Essay on the Cerebral Cortex,





Springfield, Ill., Charles Thomas, Publisher, 1950
'Cobb, Stanley; On the Nature and Locus of .
Mind, Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry,
Vol. 67, 1952
Brazier, M. A. B. ; A Neuronal Basis of Ideas,
Dialectica 4: 73, 1950
Gerard, R. W.; Brain Physiology: A Basic
Science; In Changing Concepts of Psychoanalytic Metiicine; Grune and Stratton, 1956
von Bonin, G.; Notes on Cortical Evolution,
Archives Neurology and Psychiatry, Vol.
67, Feb. 1952
Penfield,. W. ; Memory Mechanisms, Ar(cont'd on page 38)

- 24 -


LO~ ANGELES, FEB. 26 TO FEB. 28, 1957,

The 1957 Western Joint Computer Conference took place at the Statler Hotel, Los
Angeles, Calif., February 26 to February 28,
1957. Following is the program, sponsored
jointly by the Institute of Radio Engineers,
the American Institute of Electrical Engineering, and the Asspciation for Computing
Machinery. All registrants receive a free
copy of the proceedings. Others may order
a copy of the proceedings from any of the
three sponsoring societies, such as the
Association for Computing Machinery, 2 East
63 St., New York 21, N. Y. (The following
numbers of papers were not in the program,
but have been added, for convenience in
reference, by the editor of "Computers and

by which statisticians organize experimentation in order to simplify analysis and maximize information obtained.
Completely randomized, randomized blocks,
Latin and Greco-Latin square designs and their
associated analyses for single factor experiments are discussed briefly. The organization
of multiple factor experiments is illustrated
by the discussion of a factorial experiment
involving use of split plots. The role and
necessity of randomization is emphasized.
5. "Reliability and Computers", W. H.
Ware, The Rand Corp. -- The problem of reliability in a computing system is examined,
and the contrast between analog and digital
systems in this respect is discussed. The
application of the two previous papers to
providing reliable computing system operation
is developed.

Tuesday Morning
1. Welcome, J. L. Barnes, System Laboratories Corp., Conference Chairman

Robert Johnson, General Electric Co., Chairman

2. Keynote Address, J. M. Bridges, Director of Electronics, Application Engineering Office of the Assistant Secretary of
Tuesday Afternoon
Edward Coleman, UCLA, Chairman
3. "Reliability from a System Point of
View", A. W. Boldyreff, The Rand Corp. -- The
basic concepts of reliability are defined
critically and the present status of reliability of complex equipment is accessed.
The emphasis is on treating reliability as
one of the system parameters, all of which
have to be properly balanced in optimum system designs.
4. "Design of Experiments for Evaluating
Reliability", J. F. Hoffmann, System Laboratories Corp. -- Some of the basic philosophy
of experimentation is discussed, and the role
of statistics in the analysis and interpretation of experimental data is outlined. A
hypothetical experiment reveals the methods
- 25 -

6. "A Digital System Simulator", W. E.
Smith, Aeronutronic Systems, Inc. -- The digital systems simulator is a device for simulating any digital system which is capable of
being represented by flip-flops and and/or
decision elements, or more generally speaking
by memory and logic. No physical changes are
required in causing this simulator to assume
the characteristics of various systems. All
changes are done by coding or programming
into memory. Extensions to the capacity of
the device for representing systems beyond
a certain complexity involve minor physical
changes and an increase in the memory storage
7. "A New Input-Output Selection System
for Florida Automatic Computer (FLAC) " , C. F.
Summer, RCA Missile Test Project -- Details
of a new high speed input-output selection
system are presented. The basic computer
characteristics and the construction of the
computer word are described. This information is then related to factors which dictate
the design of the logic necessary to control
the selection matrix. Characteristics are

Computers and Automation

also presented on a new high speed reliable
relay with replacement hermetically sealed
contacts. Finally, illustrations are included
which cover the logic and selection matrix,
the new relay package, finished chassis and
an over-all view of the ultimate computer layout.
8. "The IBM 650 RAMAC System - Disk Storage Operation", D. Royse, IBM - This paper
describes the operation of a single-step data
processing system. Elements of the system are
a flexible medium-speed stored-program compute4
and a six to twenty-four-million-digit memory
composed of one or more magnetic-disk storagearrays. The paper reviews the basic computer
and the disk-storage units. The computer's
control of seek, 'read, and wri te memory operations is described with emphasis on speed and
reliability considerations.
9. "The IBM 650 RAMAC System - Inquiry
Station Operation", H. A. Reitfort, IBM - The
Inquiry Station provides quick access to the
data processing system from remote locations.
The system consists of a transmitting-receiving
typewriter operating through a control unit
which synchronizes the Inquiry Station and the
IBM 650 RAMAC. Typed information under control
of a format tape in the typewriter is stored
on the magnetic drum for processing in the
computer. The results are sent back to the
typewriter and automatically typed under control of the format tape. The system has flexibility and provides quick access to any or all
records stored in .the RAMAC.
Wednesday Morning
Cornelius Leondes, UCLA, Chairman
10. "An RCA High-Performance Tape Transport System", S. Baybick and R. E. Montijo,
RCA -- A high-performance, multi-channel digital tape transport was developed to meet the
needs of the data processing industry in general. This is a tubeless equipment using semiconductor and magnetic components.
This paper describes the electronics and
mechanism in detail, including the methods
employed in obtaining start-stop rates to 120
per second, start and stop times of less than
12 milliseconds, and a start-stop spacing of
less than 0.2 inches. The transport handles
various widths of tape from 1/2" to 1 1/8"
and magnetic heads which provide up to 18
recording tracks.
11. "A Medium Speed Magnetic Core Memory",
G. E. Valenty, Remington Rand Univac -- The
completely transistorized type S3 magnetic
core memory designed and built by Remington
Rand Univac for the Transac SlOOO computer
~ses 1145 transistors, consumes 300 watts,
- 26 -

and occupies 4 cubic feet. A timing device
utilizing magnetic switch cores has been developed to sequence the memory operation. A
memory cycle requires 20 microseconds and the
word is available after 6 microseconds. The
logical circuitry consists of diode "and" and
"or" circuitry plus transistor amplifiers.
Low and high frequency transistors are employed to generate well regulated constant
current pulses to drive the memory.
12. "Millimicrosecond 'FTansistor Switching Techniques", E. J. Slobodzinski and H. S.
Yourke, IBM Research Center -- A program was
initiated to develop semiconductor circuitry
capable of performing five sequential logical
operations in 100 milliseconds. The advent
of the drift transistor and improved current
switching techniques have made these goals
feasible. The design philosophy that resulted
from this investigation will be discussed.
Circuits will be shown that are not critical
with respect to variations in alpha and Ico.
The driving capabilities and switching speeds
of these circuits will be discussed.
13. "The Utilization of Magnetic Domain
Wall Viscosity in Data Handling Devices",
V. L. Newhouse, RCA -- The investigation of
the switching behavior of metal tape rectangular loop cores in the millimicrosecond region
has led to the discovery of a group of phenomena collectively referred to as the magnetic inertia effects.
Various digital circuit applications are
described. These include a technique of continuously displaying the contents of magnetic
shift registers and increasing the spe~d of
operating random access memories without an
increase in the amount of equipment required,
and without the use of extra windings or of
a special core geometry.

Gilbert D. McCann, Calif. Inst. Tech, Chairman
14. "Reliability in Business Systems",
H. T. Glantz, J. Diebold & Associates, Inc.
-- Although general agreement exists that
scientific and commercial data processing
systems are different, the precise nature of
these variations, with their res~lting implications, has not yet been clearly defined.
One reason for this is that business data
processing systems are used for such a wide
variety of applications, with each system
operating under the restraint of a number
of unrelated but dogmatic outside agencies
(I.C.C., S.E.C~, Bureau of Internal Revenue,
etc.); utilizing data that is frequently uncontrollable as to format, scheduling, or
accuracy; and facing intractable time deadlines. This paper sets forth a method of

Western Computer Conference

approach that has proven useful in determining
the reliability requirements of systems that
operate under such hazardous conditions.
15. "On Prediction of System Performsnce
from Information on Component Performance",
~. R. Rosenblatt, National Bureau of Standards
-- This paper proposes some building blocks
for an approach to useful representations of
system performance or reliability as a function of pertinent aspects of component performance. Particular attention is given to
the use of information on ways in which components are believed or known to be interdependent. Some simple hypothetical examples
are given of mathematical expressions for the
relation of system behavior to the behavior
of interdependent components. Consideration
is given to estimation and prediction of system reliability using data on components, and
to use of the mathematical expression to simulate the effect of variations of component
behavior on system performance.
16. "Evaluation of Failure Data", H. I.
Zagor, American Bosch Arma Corp. -- The evaluation of failure data can be made if graphs of
failures vs. operating time are plotted and
the data tested for adherence to (1) Poisson,
and (2) negative binomial distributions.
Methods of cumulative probability can be employed to select items.. An example will be
given of an analysis of amplifier failures
in requiring immediate reliability attention.
An example will be given of an analysis of
amplifier failures in a computing laboratory.
The calculations and formulas derived will be
shown, and their application to electronic
equipments to (1) analyze high unreliability
items, (2) estimate spares, (3) compare competitive equipments, and (4) set up logistics
procedures will be discussed.
Wednesday Luncheon
17. "Computers with European Accents",
Arthur L. Samuel, IBM
Wednesday Afternoon
Ronald Cone, North American Aviation, Inc.,
18. "Accuracy Control Systems for Magnetic-Core Memories", A. Katz, A. G. Jones,
G. Rezek, RCA -- Because of its simplicity
and reliability, the coincident-current magnetic-core memory has become the standard
storage medium in high-speed digital computers. The present paper is concerned with
means for the immediate detection and speedy
location of faults in the memory system.
Two such means are described: one, for the

register selection channels; the other, for
the information channels. In association with
appropriate alarm logic in the control element
of the computer, these· means complement each
other in enhancing overall system reliability.
19. "Design of Basic Computer Building
Block", J. Alman, P. Phipps, D. Wilson, Remington Rand Univac -- This paper describes a
system of circuit design which uses a high
speed digital computer to do most of the design work. The digital computer will optimize the circuit by commutating component
specifications and checking the circuit output requirements; therefore, allowing the
circuit designer to choose a circuit that
will operate with the widest tolerance on
individual components. After this circuit is
chosen the digital computer is again called
upon to check this optimum circuit. The computer does this by calculating the variations
in components that will make the circuit fail
to perform.
20. "Error Detection in Redundant Systems", S. Schneider and D. H. Wagner, Burroughs Corp. -- The paper is addressed generally to the problem of automatic detection
of error of switching to a redundant standby. Comparator methods to pass a majority
signal from a triplicated system are presented and evaluated. Some techniques are
discussed for low-level duplication and lowlevel preventive maintenance--these are less
promising because of the difficulty of automatic error-deteotion.
Hans Meissenger, Hughes Aircraft Co., Chairman
21. "Analog Logari thmic and Antilogari thmic Circuits Using Switch Transistors", A. J.
Schiewe and K. Chen, Westinghouse Elect. Corp.
-- Analog logarithmic and antilogarithmic circuits are described which take advantage of
the inherent reliability of junction transistors and their stability when operated in the
switching mode. The operation of the circuits
is based upon the use of exponential time decays in conj unc t ion wi th pul se-width modulation.
Circuitry is described for performing
algebraic operations on the P. W. M. Signals
(add., subt., mult., and dive by a constant).
This algebraic circuitry uses a magnetic core
of constant volt-time area. Test results in
using the log-algebraic-antilog computer ensemble as a multiplier and as a square-rooter
are given.
22. "High Precision Digital-to-Analog
Conversion by Integration of a Variable Rate
Pulse Train", A. D. Glick, Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co. -- A method of converting
from straight binary to an analog voltage or.

- 27 -

Computer'S and Automation

shaft position is described. The analog output is produced by integrating a train of
standard pulses whose effective rate is dependent on the binary input. The system,
designed for an airborne digital computer,
provides a continuous analog output for each
binary input and responds in less than one
microsecond to a change fn the input. The
results of tests performed on the system indicate a conversion precision of one part in
ten thousand.
23. "A Reliable Method of Drift Stabilization and Error Detection in Large-Scale
Analog Computers", E. E. Eddy, Goodyear Aircraft Corp. -- This method 'of drift stabilization and error detection makes use of a
multi-channel mechanical commutator and single
stabilizer amplifier to stabilize many d.c.
amplifiers. Past experience has shown the
following to have major influence on system
reliability: switch leakage, switch phasing,
mechanical failure, capacitive couplings and
hum pickup. Improvements in the commutator
and the use of new and novel circuitry have
greatly increased the reliability of this
system. This provides a convenient central
point for the detection of faulty operation
of the computer. An alarm system using three
separate fault indicators pin-points defective
24. "A New Method of Verifying analog
Computer Problems and Performance", W. C.
Meilander, Goodyear Aircraft Corp. -- Electroni~ differential analyzers have become extremely useful tools in research and development work during the past decade. A factor
limiting the extended utilization of analog
computers has been the question of reliabilit~
not only of computer performance, but of operator performance as well. This paper describes
methods of verifying that an analog computer
problem has been properly wired, that proper
scale factors have been chosen, that "in use"
computer components are functioning properly
and that undesired patching has not been
made. Other desirable features in computer
reliability are discussed.
Thursday Morning
Montgomery Pfi~ter, Ramo-Wooldridge Corp.,
25. "The Lincoln TX-2 Computer Development", W. A. Clark, Lincoln Laboratory, MIT
-- The Lincoln TX-2 incorporates several new
developments in high-speed transistor circuits,
large capacity magnetic-core memories, and
flexibility in machine organization and is
designed to work efficiently with many inputoutput devices of different types. Lincoln
has constructed a small self-checking multi- 28 -

plier system whfch is on life test, and a complete, though skeletal, general-purpose computer known as the TX-O which is now in
26. "Functional Description of the Lincoln
TX-2 Computer", J. M. Frankovitch and H. P.
Peterson, Lincoln Laboratory, MIT -- The
Lincoln TX-2 computer is a general-purpose
parallel binary machine with a code of 64
single-address instructions and 64 index
registers. It includes a random access memory of 70,000 36-bit words with a speed of
160,000 36-bit additions per second. A unique
feature of the central computer is its ability
to deal with operands in one 36-bit, one 27
and one 9-bit, two IS-bit, or in four 9-bit
27. "The Lincoln TX-2 Input-Output System", J. W. Forgie, Lincoln Laboratory, MIT
-- The design utilizes the multiple-sequence
program technique to permit the concurrent
operation of a number of input-output devices.
A stored program (instruction) counter is
associated with each input-output device. A
priority system ranks the devices according
to speed and type of efficient operation. The
multiple-sequence program technique provides
an environment in which buffer storage may be
2S. "Memory Units of the Lincoln TX-2",
R. L. Best, Lincoln Laboratory, MIT -- Two of
thesa core memories are used for conventional
storage of data and instructions. The third
is used as a file of index registers and program counters. The largest memory contains
65,536 words 37 digits long. The next largest
is entirely transistor driven and contains
4,096 words 37 digits long. The smallest and
fastest contains 64 words 19 digits long and
uses external selection and two cores per bit
to achieve a "read" cycle time of 1 usec and
a "write" cycle time of 3 usec.
29. "Standardized Circuitry for the
Lincoln TX-2", K. H. Olsen, Lincoln Laboratory, MIT -- Only two basic transistor logic
circuits are used in TX-2, surface barrier
transistors in saturated emitter-followers
and saturated inverters.
Circuit tolerance to variations in transistor and other component characteristics,
in temperature, supply voltages, and noise
was studied. The study led to the selection
of voltage sensitive parameters for indicating the deterioration of components with age
and became the basis of the marginal checking

Western Computer Conference

Gene Amdahl, Aeronutronic Systems, Inc.,

J. Howard Parsons, Hughes Aircraft Co.,

30. "Diagnostic Techniques Improve Reliability", M. Grems, R. K. Smith, ~~. Stadler,
Boeing Airplane.Co. -- Diagnostic techniques
are aids to testing, sampling and spot-checking a computer program. Reliability is an
accumulation of confidence, a~surance, and
trustworthiness promoted by these techniques.
Three levels of 'routines employing these techniques are discussed. Examples are given of
routines which detect errors and stop the
machine, which detect errors and record pertinent data before stopping, and which detect
errors, record data, take corrective measures
and then continue. Advanced diagnostic techniques not only improve reliability but are
essential to computing systems.

33. "The Interpretation and Attainment of
Reliability in Industrial Data Systems", B. K.
Smith, Beckman Instruments', Inc. -- No component is unreliable except as made so the way it
is used. The practicality of proper use should
determine the choice of component, rather than
life statistics taken in any arbitrary environment. Fortunately, many of the ways to reliability also result in design and production
economies. The inclusion of a digital computer as a part of an industrial control system can be a complication useful to the guarantee of continuous system operation. The builtin intelligence may be used to race system
inertia, and through rapid repair make 'the
difference between momentary failure and complete breakdown.

31. "Error Detection and Error Correction
in Real Time Digital Computers", A. Ralston,
Bell Telephone Laboratories -- A number of
programming techniques are presented for the
detection and correction of random transient
computer errors in a digital computer operating in a real time environment. The term
correction is meant to signify obtaining either
the true value of the quantity in error or a
sufficiently good approximation to enable the
real time system to continue operation. Computer errors are classified according to the
seriousness of the error to the system operation and the techniques presented are related
to this classification of errors. The techniques include application of well-known mathematical methods as well as the use of newer,
more specialized methods.
32. "The FORTRAN Automatic Coding System,
Description and Users' Reports", J. W. Backus,
et aI, IBM -- The FORTRAN Automatic Coding
System enables the programmer to communicate
with the IBM 704 using a language considerably
more familiar and concise than the language of
machine instructions. A program of about
22,000 instructions enables the 704 to accept
a FORTRAN-language program and produce from
it a 704-language program, ready to run.
The FORTRAN language is intended to be
capable of conveniently expressing most procedures of numerical computation. Much of the
translation procedure is devoted to producing
a machine-language program which will run at
about the same speed as one written by a good
Following a description of the FORTRAN
System, members of several computing installations will describe their experiences in using

34. "Accuracy Control in the RCA Bizmac
System", 1. Cohen, J. G. Smith, A. 1'11. Spielberg*,
RCA, (*Formerly with RCA, now with General
Electric) -- The RCA Bizmac System has developed a philosophy designed to insure the
maintenance of accuracy and reliability in
its overall data processing functions. In
its system design emphasis is placed on the
accuracy requirements of all machines acting
as parts of an integrated data processing
system as well as upon the individual machine
requirements. Adequate checks are provided
in all machines of the system to maintain
reliable operation, and a further set of
checks is provided for the system as a whole
to maintain reliability in data transfer.
The basic design of the system controls was
engineered to incorporate such checks.
35. "Continuous Computer Operational
Reliability", R. D. Briskman, Army Security
Agency -- The paper is a study of system requirements to approach maximum reliability in
the operation of the computer which must function continuously. Various type complexes,
composed of multiple computers, are discussed
in relation to system down time, allowable
output error level, computer costs, continuity
in data output, and probability of failure.
36. "Field Performance of a New Automatic
Fault Locating Means", J. F. Scully, Monroe
Calculating Machine Co. and L. P. Colangelo,
Rome Air Development Center -- The shortage
of adequately trained personnel in the Air
Force has not only hampered research and development programs, but has adversely affected
sound field maintenance and the reliability
of electronic equipment under operational
(cont'd on page 35)

- -29 -





Immediately following the Western Joint
Computer Conference in Los Angeles, February
26 to 28, the Los Angeles Chapter of the
Association for Computing Machinery held a
Symposium, "New Computers: A Report from
the Manufacturers".

Friday, March 1, 1957
Opening Remarks, Walter F. Bauer, The
Ramo-Wooldridge Corp.; Chairman, Los Angeles
Chapter, Association for Computing Machinery

Following is the substance of the program, which did not contain abstracts.

Session I
Paul Armer, The RAND Corp., Chairman

In the past technical papers representing
computer systems have been presented at technical meetings such as the Joint Computer Conferences and meetings of the Association for
Computing Machi~ery. The question often aros~
"Is a paper given by a computer manufacturer
describing a new computer system a true and
proper technical research paper for such a
conference?" Two thoughts seem to run in
opposition: first, the description of a
new computer system by a manufacturer is often
an advertising venture and not proper for a
technical meeting; and, second, public presentations of detailed technical aspects of
new computer systems are an important means
of communicating information necessary and
important to the user.
It seems clear, however, that it is entirely proper for, if not the responsibility
of, the professional computer societies to
provide a forum for the manufacturers to present and discuss new computers; the stated
purpose of these groups is to exchange and
disseminate technical information in the computer field. In recognition of this and the
increased needs for information exchange in
this rapidly developing field, the Los Angeles
Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery is sponsoring this Symposium.
The Symposium is one of the first intended
solely for the presentation and discussion of
technical details of new computer systems.
Because the field has grown so large, the program has been restricted to papers describing
general-purpose, large-scale systems for scientific and b~siness applications. Furthermore,
it was felt that the Symposium would serve the
best interests of users and potential users
everywhere if only the newest, most advanced,
and most recently publicized computers were
- 30 -

"Magnetic Tape File Processing with the
NCR-304, a New Business Computer", J. S.
Sumner, National Cash Register, Inc.
"The Cardatron and the Datafile in the
DATATRON System", F. G. Withington and Dean
H. Shaw, ElectroData Corp.
"A New Large-Scale Data Handling System
--DATAmatic 1000", W. C. Carter, DATAmatic
"The RCA BIZMAC II--Characteristics and
Applications", J. A. Brustman, H. M. Elliott
and A. S. Kranzley, RCA
Session II
Jack A. Strong, North American Aviation, Inc.,
"Advanced Techniques in Univac Scientific
Computer Systems", A. A. Cohen, Remington Rand

"Recent IBM Developments in High Speed
Computation and Design Objectives for the Super
Speed Stretch Computer", J. L. Greenstadt and
S. W. Dunwell, International Business Machines
"The Philco S-2000 Transistorized LargeScale Data Processing System", S. Y. Wong,
Philco Corp.
"The Logistics Research Model 800 Computer", Neil Block, Logistics Research, Inc.
Closing Rematks, John W. Carr III, University of Michigan; President, Association
for Computing Machinery


A Symposium on Systems for Information Retrieval is to be held Monday, April 15 to Wednesday, April 17, 1957, at Western Reserve University, Cleveland 15, Ohio.

Center for Documentation and Communication Research, School of Library Science, Western Reserve University
7. Machine-sorted Notched Cards: "Experience
in Setting Up and Using the Zatocoding System" Subject field, "Aeronautical sciences" - Presented
by Claude W. Brenner, Allied Research Associates,

The host organization is the School of Library Science and its Center for Documentation
Research. The co-sponsors are The Council on
Documentation Research, and 16 other organizations representing diverse interests ranging from
the American Bar Foundation to the Special Libraries Association.

8. Uniterm Cards - Subject field, "Water
pollution" - Presented by Patricia Mines, Case
Institute of Technology

Following is the program. (The numbers have
been supplied by the editor of "Computers and
Automation". )

9. The Peek-a-Boo System (Batten-Cordonnier)
- Subject field, "Instrumentation" - Presented by
W. A. Wildhack, Joshua Stern, Office of Basic
Instrumentation, National Bureau of Standards

Monday, April 15
10. "The Role of Foundations in Documentation
Research -- The Program of the Council on Library
Resources", Verner W. Clapp, President, Council
on Library Resources

Fundamentals in Systems Design
1. A Semantic Approach: "Problems in Defining", PhIlip B. Gove, General Editor, G. & C.
Merriam Company

Tuesday, April 16
2. "Classification, Cataloging, and Indexing
Systems", Maurice F. Tauber, Melvil Dewey Professor of Library Service, School of Library Service,
Columbia University

Coordinated Systems
11. Introduction: "Foreign vs. American
Developments", Allen Kent, Associate Director;
Robert E. Booth, Research Associate; Center for
Documentation and Communication Research, School
of Library Science, Western Reserve University

3. "Organizational Problems of Technical Abstracting in the Field of Applied Mechanics",
Stephen Juhasz, Executive Editor, Applied Mechanics Reviews, Southwest Research Institute
4. An
of a Study
Russell L.

12. "Intercontinental Guided Missives", James
D. Mack, Librarian, Lehigh University

Operations Research Approach: "Report
for the National Science Foundation",
Ackoff (Director), Joseph McCloskey,
Research Group, Case Institute of

5. An Engineering Approach: "The Basis for
a General Th~ory of Documentation", James W. Perry
(Director), Center for Documentation and Communication Research', School of Library Science, Western
Reserve University

13. A Corporation's International Network:
"Tentative Proposal" - Subject field, "Petroleum" - Presented by George S. Crandall, Philip
Q. Stumpf, Technical Information Group, Research
and Development Laboratory, Socony Mobil Oil
Company, Inc.
14. The F. B. I. Network - Subject field,
"Operations ot the Identification Division" Presented by C. Lester Trotter, Assistant Director,
Federal Bureau of Investigation

Semi-Automatic Systems
15. Library Networks - Subject field, "Any"
- Presented by Herman H. Henkle, Librarian, John
Crerar Library; Margaret E. Egan, School of Library Science, Western Reserve University

6. Hand-sorted Punched Cards - Subject field,
"Metallurgy" - Presented by Marjorie R. Hyslop,
Managing Editor, Metal Progress; Betty Bryan,
Associate Editor, Metals Review, American Society
for Metals; Thomas H. Rees, Research Assistant,

16. Communications:
- 31 -

"Present and Future" -

Computers and Automation

Searching Selector - Subject field, "Metallurgy" Presented by Cedric Flagg, Research Associate,
Allen Kent, Associate Director, Center for Documentation and Communication Research, School of
Library Science, Western Reserve University

Presented by R. C. Matlack, Special Systems Engineer, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.
17. Data-Vision: "Video Communication by
Telephone Line" - Presented by J. C. Langner,
Electronics Engineer, Fitzgerald's Communications
Systems,Using Accounting or Statistical Machines
18. Retrieval of Information Manually or by
Machine - Subject field, "Armor and kinetic-energy
armor-defeating alllmunition" - Presented by John
McCafferty, Chief, Technical Information Section,
Watertown Arsenal
19. Control of Data on the Pharmacologic
Properties of Chlorpromazine - Subject field,
"Pharmacology" - Presented by Robert L. Hayne,
Fred Turim, Science Information Department, Smith,
Kline, & French Laboratories

28. Machine Searching of Patent Files using
the SEAC Computer (N.B.S.) - Subject field,
"Steroid compounds" - Presented by Don D. Andrews,
Director, Research and Development, U. S. Patent
Office; R. A. Kirsch, Louis C. Ray, National Bureau of Standards
29. Documentation by the Filmorex Technique Subject field, "Scientific information" - Presented
by Jacques Samain, Chef de Service, Centre National
de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France
30. A Minicard System for an Information Center
- Subject field, "Any" - Presented by J. W. Kuipers,
A. W. Tyler, W. L. Myers, Eastman Kodak Company
31. Panel Discussion: "Machine Li terature
Searching Potentials in a Variety of Subject
Fields" - Moderator, Robert C. McMaster, Professor
of Engineering, Ohio State University

20. Chemical Structures and Responses of Organisms to Applied Chemicals--Coordination Subject field, "Biological activity and chemical
substances" - Presented by George A. Livingston,
Isaac D. Welt, Chemical-Biological Coordination
Center, National Research Council

- END-

21. Indexing and Retrieval of Literature Using
Machine-sorted Punched Cards - Subject field "Fuel and lubricant additives" - Presented by
Ben H. Weil, Manager, Information Services Division; Barbara Hildenbrand, Supervisor, Literature
Searching Section, Information Services Division,
Ethyl Corporation Research Laboratories

*---------- *-----------*

22. "The Patent Office Problem", Robert C.
Watson, Commissioner of Patents

These rates apply to prepaid subscriptions coming
in together direct to the publisher. For example,
if 7 subscriptions come in together, the saving on
each one-year subscription will be 24 percent, and
on each two-year subscription will be 31 percent.
The bulk subscription rates, depending on the number of simultaneous subscriptions received, follow:

Wednesday, April 17
Systems Using Accounting and Statistical Machines
23. Machine Searching for Legal Research
Subject field, "Mechanics liens" - Presented by
Frederick B. MacKinnon, John C. Leary, American
Bar Foundation

Bulk Subscription Rates
(United States)

24. Retrieval of Information from Technical
Reports on the Development Problems of Various
Plastic Products - Subject field, "Plastics" Presented by Gilbert L. Peakes, Bakelite Company
25. Adaptation of the ASM-SLA Metallurgical
Literature Codes for Use with Machine-sorted
Punched Cards - Subj ect field, "Metall urgy" Presented by Barbara H. Weil, E. A. Clapp, Electro
Metallurgical Company

Number of
7 or more
4 to 6

26. A Deep Index for Internal Technical Reports - Subject field, "Chemistry" - Presented by
Fred R. Whaley, Linde Air Products Company

Rate for Each Subscription, and
Resulting Saving to Subscriber
One Year
Two Years
$4.20, 24%
4.60, 16
5.00, 9
5.25, 5

$7.25, 31%
8.00, 24
8.80, 16
9.55, 9

For Canada, add 50 cents for each year; outside of
the United states and Canada, add $1.00 for each year.

Systems Using Computers or Computer-Like Devices
27. Abstracting, Coding, and Searching the
Metallurgical Literature for A.S.M. The WRU
- 32 -



Alston S. Householder
Mathematics Research Center, U. S. Army
Madison 6, Wisc.

A common symptom of advancing age is a
growing impatience with the foibles, fancies, and
failings of the younger generation, coupled with a
release of the inhibitions that had earlier restrained
possible hortatory impulses. Age and experience
may not always bring wisdom to others, but it is
axiomatic that they do to oneself I
Among my own favorite abominations, a disrespect or low regard shown the mother tongue
ranks very high. In particular, we, the mathematicians and the processors of data and information, are presumably experts in the handling of
symbols. What, for example, are flow-charts
and coding sheets? Presumably each of us is
meticulous in manipulating the special symbols
of his trade. Why, then, should he be less so in
handling those symbols that are the common property of the public at large, experts included, and
especially those which relate more directly to his
own particular domain? Yet examples of laxity
are legion. One can argue, of course, that the
English language, like the Chinese people throughout history, combats invaders by aSSimilating
them. But while the analogy is possibly apt, it
should be equally apt to remark that assimilation
occurs only when other defenses have failed.
On the technical level, a rather recent assim-

ilation is the term "algorithm", defined as "any
peculiar method of computing". In just commemoration of the Arabian algebraist al-Khwarizmi,
the term "algorism" was adopted into the language
to denote the art of computation with Arabic numerals. But alas for the memory of the defunct
algebraist, logarithms also have to do with computing and the terms have a certain superficial
similarity. Hence the mmning was broadened
and the word transformed, and algorisms survive
now chiefly in the dictionary. Sic transit gloria
The bastard formation "eigenvalue" is rather
too technical for most general dictionaries (I understand Veblen pounced upon an offender with "You
mean proper Werte? "), but it is probably perman- 33 -

entlyentrenched. Latin-Greek and Greek-Latin
hybrids are fairly common and seem somehow'
less objectionable since these "dead" languages,
in barbaric times like these, tend to coalesce into
a uniform nimbus. But however objectionable,
"eigenvalue" seems to be here to stay.
Dictionaries do not yet recognize "parallelopiped", but they may be forced to, eventually.
The fourth vowel plays a very incidental role in
"parallelogram "; it provides a euphonic link for
the essential elements "parallel" and "gram".
Yet somehow this particular vowel assumes a
prominence incommens urate with its function,
and tends to displace the second "e" in "parallelepiped", as though the word were composed of the
parts "parallel" and "piped". Actually the solid
figure is a parallel-epi-ped, or, if you like, a
parallel upon a pedestal. Bipeds exist, but pipeds
do not (or not yet).
In these examples the assimilation is in varying degrees complete, and probably nothing can
be done about it. In some others there seems to
be a trend, but whether the process is reversible
is yet to be seen.

Among data-process:>rs, a misconstruction
of "data" seems especially reprehensible but there
is a singular trend toward treating it as singular.
1 have not yet seen an intrusion of "datas" but I
am waiting, and, in fact, the correct singular
"datum If seems to have gone out of existence.
Manuals issued by a leading manufacturer (which
shall here be nameless I) seem to be consistent
in taking "data" to be singular. There are nouns
which can designate either a class or the members
of that class, hence which can be construed as
singular or plural according to the intention of
the speaker (or writer); and there are nouns which,
though plural in form are singular in construction,
but "data" is not (yet) among them. Will it become so?
Mathematicians and the processors of data
should be able to count, at least, and we should

Computers and Automat1on

not be, even if we often are, corrupted by the colloquial "between you and me and the gatepost".
"Between" refers specifically to two, and not to
three or more. A can be between any two of B, C,
and D, but it is among the three of them.
Not being a lawyer, I cannot argue with the
lawyers about their beloved "and/or", but in either
scientific or popular discourse it can be explained
only as affectation or laziness. The disjunction
expressed by "or" is not necessarily exclusive.
Hence "x or y or both" is unobjectionable. It i&
moreover, inexpensive in terms of time, space,
and printer's ink, and even the "or both" is generally unnecessary except for special emphasis.
A fact is a fact and no argument, period. And
yet repeatedly one hears phrases like "true facts",
"correct facts", or assertions that people argue
over whether some fact is so. If it is a fact, it
cannot fail to be so. One can argue about theories,
assertions, speculations, hypotheses, conjectures,
but never about facts. One can argue over whether
an assertion states a fact, or whether that which
is asserted as a fact is indeed a fact. And one can
adduce facts to support, negate, refute or confirm
an argument. But about facts one cannot argue.
And that' s a fact.
Even scientists are sometimes subject to a
linguistic confusion of cause and effect in succumbing to an epidemic aphasia in the use of "imply".
Perhaps "infer" sounds more elegant, but whatever
the reason the custom of using it in the sense of
"imply" seems to be mounting in scientific as well
as in popular discourse. It is true that dictionaries recognize this as a possible meaning of "infer", but the habit is still reprehensible since it
creates a potential source of confusion. Fowler,
the English lexicographer, was especially emphatic
about the importance of segregating meanings, not
permitting a word having a particular, definite,
function, to encroach upon another whose function
is distinct. Clearly "infer" and "imply" are such
There is a story that a certain psychologist
would not speak to his daughter for a week because
three times in her thesis she used "different than".
If he were alive today and behaved uniformly, he
might condemn himseH to much silence. According to Webster, x may be greater than y or less
than y, and'in either event it is other than y, and,
in fact, different from y. Under "different" it is
stated that whereas the word is normally followed
by "from", there are good literary precedents for
following it by either "to" or "than". But none is

cited and the use is said to be considered improper
by many. The fact of the matter is, one does not
often see the bald, unadorned statement "x is different than y". Rather, "than" is generally introduced in an ineffectual attempt to escape from a
grammatical trap, as in "a different x than y".
The tendency to fall into this trap is understandable. English, unlike French, commonly places
the modifier before the word modified. Hence
one starts with "a different x" and then realizes
that the modifier is incomplete. One might like
to say "a different-from-y x", but everyone sees
this would be going too far. The reasonable escape is, as usual, very simple. One has merely
to start over and say "an x that is different from
y", or even "an x different from y". In colloquial
speech, of course, one cannot erase and may not
wish to start over, but in writing there is no
There are a number of pitfalls for the nonnative in expressions of degree, and often the
natives succumb, whether through imitation or
mere carelessness. We seem on the way to
adopting "less or equal to", or "equal or less
than", or both, and I can see no real argument
against either, except that it offends the purist's
(at least this purist's) ear, like the omission of
a bar from a well known tune. There are difficulties in the use of words like "enough", "sufficient", "adequate". In these days of inflation,
linguistic as well as. monetary, one sees at times
an amusing misuse of "excellence" as though it
could be used as a criterion. In fact, the word
means "surpassing requirement or expectation",
and hence stands for a judgment one can make
only ill retrospect. One can hardly make an advance requirement that one's requirements be
At a more technical level, though, and still
on the subject of relations, I have seen many
people who should know better apply the term
"equation" where they should have used "expression". And even more often "roots" is used where
zeros are meant. The distinction may seem pedantic, but functions and polynomials possess
zeros; only equations possess roots.
To return briefly to grammatical traps, a
possibly harmless but rather amusing and common
one starts out with ''What it is, is •.. " After
arriving at the first "is" one recognizes the need
for the second, yet feels uncomfortable about the
repetition, and o~e escape is to disregard grammar
and drop it. The logical solution is again to start
over with a simple "it" in place of ''what it is".
(Cont'd on next page)

- 34 -



(Cont'd from page 34)

Or if one feels that more of an introduction is
needed, it would be: ''Well, I'll tell you what it is.
It'S ••• "


(cont'd from page 29)

conditions. A special purpose computer, built
for the Rome Air Development Center by the
Monroe Calculating Machine Company, included
a unique automatic internal ~iagnosis unit
which quickly pinpoints any malfunction in
one of the computers 4,500 logical elements.
This paper will discuss the diagnosis techniques employed and will present the field
performance results achieved in the pioneer

A true redundancy cannot be condemned on
either logical grounds, or grammatical. Hence
everyone has a right to his redundancy, and sometimes it can be effective, as for emphasis. But
a particular redundancy, often repeated, comes
to lose its force. An example of such is "each
and every". I have no idea who started the fad,
but in my mind it is strongly associated with inspirational talks heard during my youth in YMCA's
and Sunday Schools. In technical discourse today
it has nothing to contribute.

Paul Armer, The RAND Corp., Chairman
37. "The Variable Word and Record Length
Problem and the Combined Record Approach on
Electronic Data Processing Systems", N. J.
Qean, Ramo-Wooldridge Corp. -- This paper
distinguishes between "fixed", "adjustable"
and "variable" word and record lengths. It
discusses some of the advantages of the variable word and record lengths and the "expandable" record in practical business data-processing applications. A technique for reducing the variability of storage required for
detailed transactions is presented. A typical application (commercial deposit accounting) is described in which a drastic reduction
in storage requirement is affected by utilizing st~tistical averaging.

But "each" and "every" suggest "all", and
also a little suggestion I heard made by a former
professor. The suggestion is that it is generally
easier to speak in the singular than in the plural.
If a property P is possessed by all members of
a class C, then it is possessed by each (and every!)
member of C. Many times I have started to say
something about all members of a class, and become hopelessly lost in a grammatical maze. But
by starting over and making the assertion about
each (Q! every) member the difficulties melted

38. "Empirical Exploration of the Logic
Theory Machine", A. Newell, J. C. Shaw, H. A.
Simon, The RAND Corp. -- The Logic Theory
Machine is a program that discovers proofs
for theorems in elementary symbolic logic.
It does this, not by means of an algorithm
(although such algorithms exist), but by using
heuristic devices, much as a human does. This
paper presents the results of detailed explorations of the program on RAND'S JOHNNIAC (see
following paper). It describes the program
and evaluates the contribution of the various
methods and heuristics to the total problem
solving capability of the machine.

I have, in my own published writings, perpetrated and propagated many barbarities for which
I blush today. In a rapidly changing technical
field the language is correspondingly fluid, and
all of us who publish on the subject are helping to
create and establish the technical vocabulary of
the field. We have therefore a particular responsibility to select our technical vocabulary well.
Among the words I have helped perpetuate and now
regret, are "round-off" and "approximation" used
as adjectives. The correct adjectives are, of
course, "rounding" in the one case, "approximate"
or "approximating" in the other. It is part of the
strength of our language that it is possible to use
a noun as a modifier when needed, although there
are times when one could wish for a special ending
to be attached as a signal. But in any event, to
use a noun as an adjective where a perfectly good
adjective exists is surely gratuitous.

39. "Programmi'ng the Logic Theory Machine",
A. Newell and J. C. Shaw, The RAND Corp. -- The
Logic Theory Machine (called LT, see previous
paper) represents a class of non-numerical
problems with quite different programming requirements than either normal arithmetic calculation or business data processing. The
program itself is a large, complicated hierarchy of subroutines. For LT an intermediate
language (interpretive psuedo code) was written
for the RAND JOHNNIAC. This language is independent of symbolic logic, the subject matter
of LT, and is a general language for information processing. This paper first characterizes the programming problems involved, and
then illustrates solutions to them by describing the language.

And so my homily concludes with a brief confession. I seem to be fallible, too.

- END-

- END - 35 -

Computers and Automation

(cont'd from page 7)

What has been described (as diagrammed
in the accompanying chart) 'should complete
the requirements for a complete computer installation. The number of people will depend
on the size of the installation. If it is so
desired, a unit of the type shown on the diagram may specialize in a particular application, such as aircraft; then the complete organization may be made up of a unit for each
application in which the company is engaged.

The details of the work beyond the programmer will not be discussed in this article.
The people r~quired to handle these details
are included 'in the bottom block of the accompanying diagram. Some of these details
are: data transition from problem to form
acceptable for machine input, card punching,
routine running of the problem on the machine
for various data input sets, and the clerical
work involved in any operation.


























- 36 -

































Ccont'd from page 19)


and examined by a simple program which produces the following effect:
(a) Read in the next symbol.
(b,l) If it is an alphabetic character,
and if the previous punctuation
mark has been doubled, punch it
(b,2) If it is an alphabetic character,
but the previous punctuation mark
has not been doubled, return to

Are you looking for



about the Computer field?

Here are some of the articles and papers which we
have published in recent issues of "Computers and
Au toma tion":
November: Use of Automatic Programming -- Walter
F. Bauer
Data Problems of a Grocery Chain -- Frank A.
The Power of the Computer -- George J.
Huebner, Jr.
An Automatic Micro-Image File -- National
Bureau of Standards
December: Indexing for Rapid Random Access Memory
Systems -- Arnold I. Dumey
Self-Repairing and Reproducing Automata -Richard L. Meier
The Computer's Challenge to Education -Clarence B. Hilberry
January. 1957 (vol. 6, no. 1): Modern Large-Scale
Computer System Design -- Walter F. Bauer
Logical and Combinatorial Problems in Computer
Design -- Robert McNaughton
Transistorized Magnetic Core Memory -- Bell
Telephone Laboratories
Education for Automation -- Alston S. Householder
Social and Public Relations' Responsibilities
of the Computer Industry -- Jay W. Forrester
High School Science Education --R.W. Melville
February: Computation for an Earth Satellite -Neil D. MacDonald
New Computer Developments Around the World -Everett S. Calhoun
Industry and the Automated Future: Problems Along
the Way -- John Diebold
Electronic Digital Data-Handling -- Howard T.
The Solution of Boundary Value Problems on a
REAC Analog Computer -- M. Yanowitch
March: Office Equipment Outlook -- Oliver J.
New Products and Ideas
Group Behavior of Robots -- Manfred Kochen
Robots and Automata: A Short History -- James
T. Culbertson
Automatic Computing Machinery -- List of Types
Components of Automatic Computing Machinery -Lis t of Types
The Computer Field: Product~ and Services for
Sale or Rent
List of Headings


(b,3) If it is a punctuation symbol
examine the next character. If
this is also a punctuation symbol
store suitable instructions to
produce (b,l) and (b,2). Punch
out the symbol and return to (a).
If the next character is not a
punctuation symbol modify (b,l)
and (b,2) appropriately and return
to (a).
The final operation is to print out the
contents of the tape just produced, again
presented to the printing reader backwards.
The output will be a list of the iso-structural
units contained in the original text.
This type of program can be extended to
give page and line indications, and also to
enable simultaneous examinations to be made
for several different structural units. Since,
however, no ne~ principles are involved, it is
not worth detailing the program steps which
are required.
(1) "Nature", by A. D. Booth, 176, (1955) 565.
(2) "Automatic Digital Calculators", by A. D.
Booth and K. H. V. Booth, p. 221, 2nd Ed.
Butterworths, London (1956).

(~ont'd from page 9)

he states his problem as an equation. Next, he
draws up a flow chart analysis of the problem as
a series of computer operations. Then he fills out
a coding sheet from which the computer's key punch
operators take instructions.
Finally, he prepares a test case to which he
knows the answer. When his problem runs on the
machine, he checks the answer, and eliminates
troubles through diagnostic methods taught in the
The Lockheed do-it-yourself computing opportunity is the result of a new simplified coding technique called SOAP (for Symbolic Optimum Assembly
Programming) developed by International Business
Machines Corp. Using this technique, the employee
can write the actual equations on his coding sheet
instead of a more complicated system of address
numbers normally used to locate various pieces of
information within the machine. The new opportunity is designed for employees who have never
seen or used a computer before. It can be used
to solve both scientific and accounting problems.

BACK COpy PRICE: If available, $1.25 each, except
June 1955, $4.00, and June 1956, $6.00 (the June
issue if the Computer Directory issue)
Mail this coupon (or a copy of it) - - - To: Berkeley Enterprises, Inc.
815 Washington St., R198
Newtonville 60, Mass.
Please send me the following back copies:
I enclose $
in full payment. If not
satisfactory, returnable within week for full refund (if in good condition) •

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1 My name and address are attached.


- 37 -






Computers and Automation


(cont'd from page 17)

Still another ~mpediment must be overcome if electronosensory systems are to be
effectively implemented. This is the leverage applied against them via Government in
the communications industry. Federal Communications Commission approval must be obtained
to use micro-wave transmitters even locally.
The concept of visual data transmission is
quite new to that agency and time is needed
to work out the rules, as well as to get
judicial precedent for private operation of
any kind of television micro-waving. One
regional director has reportedly expressed
interest in the possibilities, indicating
that trials might be permitted in wavebands
allocated to experimental use, but temporarily
only. Lawsuits are pending in one instance to
resolve the issue between a communications
company and a semi-private authority, although
data transmission as such is not a part of the
contemplated television micro-waving. There
should be no hesitation to press the issue.
The economic significance of the control function is at least equal to use of space radio
for railroad yards and taxicabs. Industry
should make a consolidated bid for bands reserved to this purpose. Incidentally, some
pipelines do micro-wave radio data to pumping
control points many miles from the point of
transmiss ion.
There are other obstacles, also, which
require surmounting. Many plants do not have
a reliably cycled source of electrical current. For ,television cameras, this is a must.
Job standards for monitor personnel will have
to be developed. It is also true that the
idea of inquiry units to central needs expansion. Clearly, industrial accountants would
do well to procure some technical knowledge
of communications!

ized data processing. However, the centralized potential of the processing equipment is
so far from full development that a course of
centralization may be desirable for a number
of years yet. "Micro-linking" of data storage units would enable decentralization eventually, however.
The industrial accountant needs a medium
other than paperwork to provide managerial
control of an eight hundred billion dollar
econo~ by 1975.
Fortunately, i~ is available
and, in the bargain, many production people
can be freed from clerical duties. The consolidation of visual, auditory, and instantaneous input and output,with a storage and
processing capacity of proportions commensurate with the business, can return management
to the enviable position of the sole proprietor--action based on observation, quickly reduced data, and relegation of detail. But
the structure is fundamentally human rather
than mechanical. It pre-supposes the control
communications specialist who can be justified by his command over a large volume of
data .and who will remove the undue emphasis
of mechanics inherent in paper tapes or cards.
Direct use of the magnetic storage medium
will provide a renaissance of control in the
twentieth century ,if the industrial accountant
and his systems people provide it with good
communications. It will be helpful to remember we are in the communications business on
a big scal~ whether or not we ever thought of
it before. Will we adapt our communications
tools to a renaissance of control?
- END -

*------------------ * ------------ *

Re-Birth of Control
A new electronosensory component of organization to extend the eyes and ears of
management, more reliable and speedier than
anything so far proposed or in use, promises
return of a degree of contact and control
which management has not had for years. Magnetic storage and electronic computation, the
heart of the concept, is instantaneous but
worthlessly so unless input is equated to its
capacity. A drastic cut in paperwork is not
only the objective of the system,but the major
principle enabling such a system to develop
effectively. Also the cost of such a system
is potentially low enough to merit use by
many small companies.
A communication system,having the necessary characteristics to meet the above specifications, demands decentralization of data
origination,and may be the key to decentral- 38 -


(cont'd from page 24)

chives of Neurology and Psychiatry, Vol.
67, Feb. 1952
231. Schiller, F.; Consciousness Reconsidered,
Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry,
Vol. 67, Feb. 1952
232. Brazier, Mary A. B. ; Expanding Concepts
in Neurophysiology, Archives of Neurology
and Psychiatry, Vol. 67, April, 1952
233. Gerard, R. W. ; The Biological Roots of
Psychiatry, Amer. Jr. of Psychiatry,
Vol. 112, No.2, Aug. 1955
- END-


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in the Computer Field?



publishes 16 kinds of reference, information that
computer people can hardly afford to be without.
Latest issues containing each are indicated.


Roster of Organizations in the Computer Field
(June, Aug. 1956)
Roster of Computing Services (June 1956)
Roster of Consulting Services (June 1956)

in the





Computing Machinery and Automation:
Types of Automatic Computing Machinery {March
Roster of Automatic Computers (June 1956)
Outstanding Examples of Automation {July 1954
Commercial Automatic Computers (Dec. 1956)
Types of Components of Automatic Computing
Machinery {March 1957>

• Over 480 terms def ined

Products and Services in the Computer Field:
Products and Services for Sale or Rent (June
Classes of Products and Services {March 1957>

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Words and Terms: Glossary of Terms and Expressions
in the Computer Field (Oct. 1956)

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New Patents (nearly every issue)
Roster of Magazines (Dec. 1955)
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