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VOL. 7 - NO. 11

Survey of Commercial Computers
Chemical Structure Searching with Automatic Computers
Symbolic Logic and Automatic Computers (Part 1)










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This letter l110ved an engineer ahead 5 years
Two years ago a man took 10 minutes to write this letter. Today he enjoys the
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At Autonetics we have concentrated on developing original techniques
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Our engineers, have designed and built both analog and digital computers-for inertial navigation, bombing-navigation, armament control, flight control and data processing equipment. Out of this experience, Autonetics built the first transistorized digital computer of true
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Today at Autonetics there's a respected combination of scientists,
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You owe it to yourself to consider how far you can advance by
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Decide now to investigate your opportunities at Autonetics. Reply will be
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P. L.
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COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for November, 1958





Volume 7
Number 11




September 1951





Assistant Editor


MUrray Hill 2·4194
New York 17, N.Y.

535 Fifth Ave.


International Bridge·Playing by Computer



Chemical Structure Searching with Automatic Computers 17
Symbolic Logic and Automatic Computers (Part 1) . 18

Middle Atlantic States
535 Fifth Ave.
New York 17, N.Y.
MUrray Hill 2·4194

San FI"ancisco 5
605 Market St.

YUkon 2·3954

Los Angeles 5
439 S. Western Ave.


International Conference on Information Processing,
Paris, June 15-20, 1959 .
Data Processing Concepts - An Elective Course for
High School Seniors
Cybernetic Scheduler .




DUnkirk 7·8135

Berkeley Enterprises, Inc.
815 Washington St., Newtonville 60, Mass
DEcatur 2·5453 or 2-3928

1, 6

Low Cost Conversion Adapts Univac High-Speed Printer
to IBM 704 Outputs





Automatic Computing Machinery - List of Types
Components of Automatic Computing Machinery-List
of Types
Who's Who in the Computer Field (Supplement)
New Patents.


Advertising Index
Back Copies
Bulk Subscriptions
see Oct. issue, p. 26
see Oct. issue, p. 26
Statement of Management and Ownership
Who's Who Entry Form.

COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION is published monthly at 160 Warren St., Roxbury 19, Mass.,
by Berkeley Enterprises, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (United States) $5.50 for 1 year, $10.50 for 2 years; (Canada) $6.00
for 1 year, $11.50 for 2 years; (Foreign) $6.50 for 1 year, $12.50 for 2 years.
Address all Editorial and Subscription Mail to Berkeley Enterprises, Inc., 815 Washington St.,
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Copyright, 1958, by Berkeley Enterprises, Inc.
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COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for November, 1958

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TWO '/Dt.E P(/i.t.~ y S





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TWO '(-40 SeT SCRL!}1/$
TO I"'9LJ..I. HL:AO ..FO~



-eeA,e Or ON/SeRVO

Figure 2 -

Schematic drawing of front of Uniservo (looked at sideways), showing Potter magnetic head mounted
in place.

COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for November, 1958

The IBM tape is a 7-channel tape. Therefore, a
sprocket signal had to be generated for each digit which
was read from the tape. This was accomplished by
buffing the outputs of all 7-channel amplifiers together
and triggering a delay flop. This delay flop provides a
positive 20-microsecond pulse delayed 25 microseconds
from the beginning of each digit read from the tape,
which pulse is used as the sprocket signal.
6.- Block the longitudinal check digit which is recorded
at the end of the blockettes of information on IBM tapes
from being sensed by the high speed printer.
At the end of each blockette of information on the
IBM tapes a longitudinal check digit is recorded. This
digit is recorded approximately 3 to 4 p~lse times after
the last digit of information of the blockette. When
reading IBM tapes on the Uniservo this longitudinal
check digit comes approximately 150 microseconds after
the 120th digit. During normal operation the highspeed printer does not deliver a read-ending pulse until
400 microseconds after the 120th digit. This would
mean that the longitudimll check digit would be read
in as the 121st digit. To avoid this, when reading IBM
tapes the timing of the read -ending pulse was changed
to apply the jam-clear signal 100 microseconds after the
120th digit was read from the tape.
7. Design a reel hub which will secure an IBM 10-inch
plastic tape reel as well as the Univac metal tape reel.
Since the IBM and Univac tape reels are different a new
reel hub was designed which allows either IBM or Univac
tape reels to be mounted with a minimum of time. IBM
tapes have a greater length, so it was necessary to make
a larger take-up reel which is used at all times.
After all of these major parts of the problem had been
solved certain problems developed because of the higher
input-digit rate.
The Potter amplifiers produce positive pulses with a
much faster rise and fall time than the pulses which are
generated from the Univac tape amplifiers. Therefore,
coaxial cable was used in all channel lines from the Potter
amplifier's output to the high-speed printer power-supply
cabinet. In doing this much more capacitance was added,
which gave the output pulses from the Potter amplifiers a

very long tail and resulted in poor resolution. After suitably modifying the Potter amplifiers, the rise and fall
time of the output pulses was greatly reduced which gave
good resolution and reliable operation.
Another problem was that IBM tape used a silver marker
to indicate the beginning of good information. This means
that normally there is information on the leader of the
tape. The easiest solution to the tape load problem when
reading IBM tapes was to erase the leader of the IBM tape
and let the Uniservo read blank tape up to good information.
Some trouble was experienced with acetate-base tapes
breaking on the Uniservo. To correct this condition the
spring tension of the Uniservo equalizer bar was reduced
from 51 to 40 ounces. This greatly reduced acetate-base
tape breakage. At the present time only mylar-base tapes
are being used which will operate satisfactorily on the
high-speed printer with normal spring tension.
The last problem was that of reading-head wear. The
first reading head was mounted so as to have as much
tape wrap as the Potter Instrument Company uses on their
tape units. Due ot the increased speed and tension on the
tape, the reading head was worn out after one month's use.
It was found that by reducing the tape wrap to approximately 3 0 the wear was greatly reduced but that the reliability of reading was not affected. Time has shown that
a head mounted with this amount of wrap will last at least
The switch-over from U~iv"ac to IBM operation of the
high-speed printer or back is accomplished by means of a
single switch mounted on the printer's control panel. This
switch operates relays which connect the appropriate amplifier to the input circuits and determines the delay between
the l20th digit and the read-ending pulse.
This converter has operated successfully for over a year.
A by-product of the conversion is an effective increase in
printer output speed (from 600 to 650 lines per minute)
because the Univac printer, when operating on IBM 704
tape, is operating on the 200-pulse-per-inch density and
%-inch spacing between blockettes of the IBM tape rather
than the l28-pulse-per-inch density and the rYs-inch spacing between blockettes of the Univac tape.

Chemical Structure Searching"
With Automatic Computers
National Bureau of Standards
Washington 25, D.C.

HE NATIONAL BUREAU of Standards and the U.S.
Patent Office have been actively collaborating on a
long-range program to develop and apply automatic techniques of information storage and retrieval to problems of
patent search. In experiments carried out by 1. C. Ray and
R. A. Kirsch of the Bureau's data processing systems laboratory, a collection of over 200 descriptions of steroid
chemical compounds was exhaustively searched with a
high-speed electronic computer to answer typical questions
that might occur in evaluating a patent application. The
methods developed can be applied with little or no modi- ,
fication in examining descriptions of most chemical compounds.



In the granting of United States patents it is necessary
for patent examiners to refer to literary collections that
may contain from 10 6 to 10 7 documents. Before granting
the patent, the examiner must assure himself, insofar as
possible, that he has exhaustively searched through all documents in the public domain that might possibly contain
any information pertinent to the given application. An
estimated 60 percent of the time spent by an examiner in
processing a patent application is thus devoted to searching
the technical literature. In an attempt to reduce this expenditure of time, the National Bureau of Standards-Patent
Office group has considered, among other techniques, the
use of automatic data processing systems.
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for November, 1958

An automatic data processing system (ADPS) is a collection of equipment machines, usually, but not necessarily,
electronic in nature. The system can process information
in accordance with internally stored programs and can
perform a whole data processing task involving the use of
extensive data storage facilities without the necessity for
manual intervention. It also includes devices for the preparation of input data and the reproduction of output data.
SEAC, the National Bureau of Standards Electronic Automatic Computer, is an ADPS and has been used in successful preliminary experiments in patent search techniques.
The area that was selected for initial experimental investigation was that of "Composition of Matter," i.e., patents generally concerned with what may loosely be classified as chemistry. Chemists have for a long time been concerned with information retrieval, and it was hoped that
use could be made of some of the techniques that the chemists have developed. As it turned out, results were obtained
by taking advantage of a technique of chemistry that was
probably not originally developed for the purpose of information retrieval; namely, the use of chemical structural
diagrams for describing the chemical nature of matter.
In using automatic techniques for the retrieval of technical information, no more information can be obtained
from a file than is represented according to a well-defined
consistent notational scheme. Because the method of representing chemical structures in diagrammatic form has
just such properties, the Bureau decided to experiment
with the use of SEAC for searching through files of chemical structure diagrams in response to search requests fed
into the machine.
In the Patent Office the examiners in the chemical arts
have frequent need to perform so-called generic searches
through structure diagrams. As an example, in examining
the compounds brucine and codeine, two similar rings are
found even though the diagram of codeine indicates the
ring in a distorted manner. The two compounds are therefore said to share the generic property of containing this
fragment. Part of the experiments performed on SEAC
were copcerned with developing a method for performing
generic searches of this type through a file of steroid chemistry structures.
In the system used on SEAC each atom in a structural
diagram is numbered serially in arbitrary order. One unit
of computer storage, called a word, is given to each atom
to represent its position in the structure. In each word are
listed the numbers of the other atoms, up to four, that are
attached to the atom represented by the word. The element symbol and the serial number of the atom are also
placed in the word. Thus each coded atom word has six
fields: the serial number of the atom, four connection
fields, and an element symboL Once the code is' known,
the structure can be redrawn. The code for any structure
is not unique since by numbering the atoms in some other
arbitrary order a different code would be obtained. It can
be shown, however, that all of the possible codes are
A file of coded structures is searched by machine for all
structures which are identical to some question compound
or which have some generic property in the sense previously defined. The SEAC search program tries to make
an atom-to-atom match between the atoms of the question
structure and the atoms of the first structure recorded in the
file. Each match that is made is considered as tentative by
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for November, 1958

the program until the search through the first file structure
is completed. Whenever failure to match is discovered
by the program it tries to go back to the previous match
to make a new match. If the program finds that all possible first matches lead to irreconcilable mismatches, the
program will reject the first file structure and proceed on
to the next. When a one-to-one correspondence exists between each of the atoms of the question structure and the
atoms of part of the file structure that is being examined,
the routine accepts the structure by printing on the computer output an indication of the structure that was found.
The search routine continues this process until the whole
file has been searched.
Even with a high-speed electronic computer, such a de-·
tailed search can be very time-consuming. Short-cuts must
therefore be devised to speed up the process without compromising the exhaustiveness or accuracy of the search.
Techniques are needed that will enable the ADPS to perform a cursory inspection of a small piece of data in such
a manner that most structures not satisfying the search requirement will be rejected immediately. Such a technique
is called a "screen" or a "screening device." It is essential
that a screening device should never reject a structure when
that structure does in fact meet the search requirement. The
screen is acceptable, however, if it allows some structures
to be considered further by the structure search routine even
though they are subsequently rejected as failing to meet
the requirements.
One such useful screen is inherent in the empirical
formula of a chemical structure. Stored in the file, along
with the description of the chemical structure, would be a
list of the number of occurrences of each type of atom in
the structure. The ADPS can inspect this list before it
searches the structure to find out whether there are enough
atoms of the right type present to satisfy the search requirement. Such a screen has been incorporated into the SEAC
search program; on most searches it enabled the computer
to reject quickly the vast majority of structures that would
otherwise have been the subject of a long computational
The SEAC experiments indicate the practicality of using
an ADPS for very rapid scanning of a file. However, many
mechanisms considerably simpler than an ADPS could also
do such scanning, and the question remains open as to the
comparative advantages of an ADPS and the simpler
mechanisms for the actual process of looking at a properly
organized file. In some retrieval situations, most notably
in the Patent Office, the problem is of sufficient magnitude
and complexity that the power of an ADPS to do more
than just scan a file appears upon further inspection to be
a requirement. Where the ADPS seems to offer a unique
contribution is in the auxiliary operations. For such functions as preparing a search prescription, editing a file,
eliminating errors, transliterating from one code to another,
exploring complex logical conditions imposed on the question and file structures, and probably many others, the
ADPS offers the outstanding virtues of high speed and
great versatility. SEAC can not only be used to test the
utility of an ADPS for the Patent Office retrieval problem
but also to study the performance of other devices by simulating them. In the computing machine field it is a wellknown phenomenon that machine users discover many new
applications of these machines while in the process of using
them. It is expected that further experiments on SEAC
will serve a similar purpose.

Symbolic Logic

Automatic Computers


Edmund C. Berkeley
(Based on two chapters in a forthcoming book "Symbolic Logic and Intelligent
Machines," to be published in 1959 by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York)


HE OPERATION OF automatic computers, both
their circuits and their programming, often depends
on the on-ness and off-ness of signals, circuits, and codes
- the pattern of interaction of yeses and noes. As a result, the science of dealing with patterns of interaction of
yeses and noes has taken on fresh and considerable importance. This science is essentially symbolic logic, rather
than mathematics, because the emphasis is not on numerical
relations but on non-numerical relations. For example, the
statement: "If A is the father of B, and B is the father of
C, then A is the grandfather of C" displays a non-numerical
relation; and so does the statement "If switch A is on and
switch B is off, then the combination of A in series with
B is off, but the combination of A in parallel with B is on."
A part of symbolic logic known as Boolean algebra (the
name comes from George Boole, English mathematician,
1815-1864, who developed much of the new algebra in
his book "The Laws of Thought" published in 1854) has
received widespread attention in the computer field. This
algebra is the technique for manipulating AND, OR,
NOT, and conditions, using efficient symbols; and for
many years it has been used in the design of computing
circuits, so much so in fact that in some areas circuit wiring diagrams have been replaced by lists of Boolean algebra
But there is a good deal more to symbolic logic than
just Boolean algebra. It is the purpose of this article to
draw attention to and explain a number of ideas in these
other parts of symbolic logic. For we can be confident that
these other parts of symbolic logic will become more and
more useful and applicable in the computer field. For
mathematics, symbolic logic, and "computology" (the science of handling information, and computing and data
processing machines) are all three needed to take hold of
the full powers of the Second Industrial Revolution, the
revolution in information handling.
1. What is Symbolic Logic About?
Whenever we approach a new subject, our first problem
is finding out what the new subject is about, what it deals
with. And to our surprise, we often find we have already
had a good deal of experience with its content, even if we
are strangers to its special vocabulary. We are like Moliere's rich man in "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme," who discovered that all his life he had been speaking "prose."
You and I and everybody we know have all our lives
been dealing with much of the content of symbolic logic.
We are not strangers to it: it is the underlying fabric of
much of our thinking. We deftly and quite unconsciously
adjust to many of its fine points. But nearly all of us are
completely unaware of the modern science which deals
with these ideas.

The content of symbolic logic consists of many of the
commonest ideas expressed in the commonest words and
phrases of language. A few of these words and phrases are:
there is
a, an
is a
All these words are commonly used by six-year olds. Expressed in more advanced words, words which would probably be understood by a senior in college, the content of
symbolic logic includes the ideas expressed in the following words and phrases:
statements, sentences, propositions
truth, falsity, assertion, denial
reasoning, implications, theorems, proofs
individuals, elements, things
properties, relations
classes, groups, collections, types
choosing, selection, arrangement, comparison, matching, correspondence, merging, collating, sorting
But the words of ordinary language are often neither
exact nor clear. We have much trouble saying just what
we mean whenever we use a word all by itself, an isolated
word, a word without a context surrounding it. For that
word has many different meanings, and we are never sure,
without more indications than the word alone, which
meaning to give to it. Words suffer from being ambiguous. Take for example the word "yes": it is ambiguous in
ordinary language. Some of the meanings of the word
"yes" as it occurs in conversation are these:
"yes", no. 1: The statement referred to is true.
"yes", no 2: I don't want to disagree with you in
"yes", no. 3: probably
"yes", no. 4: maybe, perhaps
"yes", no. 5: I did not hear what you said, but I want
to be polite.
Because of the ambiguity of the common words of ordinary language, we not only find it hard to know exactly
what such a word means when someone else uses it, but
also not to mislead ourselves when we ourselves use it.
To achieve precise meaning, the scientists working in
the field of symbolic logic and reasoning - the symbolic
logicians - have invented symbols and given them precise
Each symbol invented selects, codifies, signals, one particular meaning out of many meanings of such words.
When that symbol is used again, precisely that meaning
is meant. And that meaning is fixed, stabilized, and sharpened by careful exact (calculating) relation to other exact
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for November, 1958

symbols. For example, in symbolic logic "the" is coupled
with the assertion "there exists one and only one." For
example, when you say "the Statue of Liberty," you also
imply the assertion that "there is one and only one Statue
of Liberty."
As a result of the precise meanings, and the calculating
relationships among them, we gain a great clarity - such
a wonderful clarity that many ideas we were unable to
think of or realize or express in ordinary language become
expressible and open to study and understanding. In this
way, the foundations of mathematics have become far
better understood than ever before.
A good symbolism that precisely suits a field of thought
becomes an indispensable tool for working in that field.
2. What is Symbolic Logic?
We are now ready to try to answer the question, "What
is symbolic logic?"
Symbolic logic in its broadest sense is a science that has
the following characteristics:
(a) It studies mainly non-numerical relations.
(b) It seeks precise meanings and necessary consequences.
(c) Its chief instrument is efficient symbols.
When dealing with one particular field of application,
symbolic logic studies the non-numerical statements and
relations in that field. When not dealing with any particular field of application, symbolic logic studies the general properties of statements and relations, the foundations
of mathematics, and the grounds for reasoning in general.
Other names besides "symbolic logic" have been used
for this subject. The other names include: "mathematical
logic, axiomatic method, logistic, logistic method." But
"symbolic logic" is the name most widely used at present.
3. The Comparison of Symbolic Logic and Mathematics
The closest cousin of symbolic logic among the sciences
is mathematics. In fact, many people include symbolic
logic as part of mathematics. Yet symbolic logic differs
from mathematics in a number of ways.
None of the territory of symbolic logic ordinarily includes numbers or numerical ideas like "two, three," or
numerical operators like "plus, minus, times, divided by"
or numerical relationships like "greater than, less than"
or indefinite numbers like "several, most, much." These
ideas are all properly part of mathematics.
Mathematics deals mainly with:
numbers, like 3 and 1/7
shapes, like the shape of a circle or a square
arrangements, like the six possible sequences of the
letters A, E, T
patterns, like those in a tiled floor
Symbolic logic deals with:
statements like "Switch A is set at position P"
classes like "switches, relays, contacts"
relations like "Switch A is on only if Switch B is on"
properties like "slow-acting, conducting, magnetic"
Mathematics concentrates on answers to questions like:
"How much?" "How many?" "How far?" "How long?"
Symbolic logic deals with questions like: "What does this
mean?" "Does this set of statements have conflicts or loopholes?" "What is the basis of this proof?"
An example of a rule in mathematics is, "The reciprocal
of the reciprocal of a number is the number itself." An
example of a rule in symbolic logic is, "The denial of the
denial of a statement is the statement itself."
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for November, 1958

Historically, symbolic logic is the result of applying the
powerful technique of mathematical symbolism to the subject matter of logic.
4. A Simple Example of Symbolic Logic
A rather simple example of symbolic logic is the following system of abbreviations for the presence or absence of properties. Suppose we have ten properties each
of which may be. present or absent in any case. The
properties might be ten abilities of people; or ten characteristics of jobs; or ten features in any classification of
cases where considerable overlapping of the features may
occur. We can set up the following system of abbreviations:
a. For the ten properties, we use the letters A, B, C,
. . . . , ], respectively.
b. For any combination of properties present in a
case, we use the letters of properties present.
(They may be written for convenience in alphabetical order.)
c. For the absence of all the properties, we use the
letter Z.
This system of abbreviation can be useful; each abbreviation tells precisely which properties are present and
which are absent; in addition, if we are given some combinations of properties and a rule governing selection from
these combinations, then we can promptly write down the
combination determined by the rule. For instance, if we
have four combinations of properties:
and the rule:
Select that which is present in the first or the second,

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and is absent in what is common to the third and
the fourth,
then the answer is ACD]. For what is present in the first
or second is ABCDEHI], and what is common to the third
and fourth is BEFHI, and if we exclude the latter from
the former, we have ACD] left. The system of abbreviation is not numerical, and it is efficient, and it does permit

An extension of this system is used in chemistry. The
abbreviation NaOH for the compound sodium hydroxide
tells that the elements Na (sodium), 0 (oxygen), and H
(hydrogen) only are present (in the proportions of one
atom of each for each molecule of the compound). T, e
abbreviation H20 for water tells that hydrogen and oxygen
are present (in the proportion of two atoms of hydrogen
and one atom of oxygen for each molecule of the compound). Here, the facts belong to the science of chemistry,
the numbers belong to mathematics, but the system of abbreviation belongs to symbolic logic.

5. The Branches of Symbolic Logic
There are at least four fairly well-recognized branches
of symbolic logic. One of these - and the most important
branch applicationally - is Boolean algebra, the' algebra
of AND, OR, NOT and statements (or classes). For example, a rule from Boolean algebra is that "neither a nor
b is the same as not-a and not-b." Here a and b are statements or classes or circuit elements, but not numbers (be.
yond 1 and 0).
Another branch of symbolic logic is the one that deals
with the foundations of mathematics. It has studied such
questions as these: "What is a mathematical function?"
It has answered these questions to a large extent. One of
the great books in the development of symbolic logic is
Principia Mathematica, by Bertrand Russell and A. N.
Whitehead (published in Cambridge, England, 1910-13),
which to a large extent furnished a logical foundation for
all of mathematics.
[To be continued]

Automatic Computing MachineryList of Types
(Edition 4, cumulative, information as of
October 10, 1958)

HE purpose of this list is to report types of machinery that may properly be considered varieties of
automatic computing or data processing machinery.
There are 78 types in this list, as compared with 38
in the last list published in the March, 1957, issue of
Computers and Automation.
We shall be grateful for any comments, corrections,
and proposed additions or deletions which any reader
may send us.
Accounting-bookkeeping machines, which take in numbers through a keyboard, and print them on a ledger
sheet, but are controlled by "program bars," which,
according to the column in which the number bel~ngs, cause the number to enter positively or negatively in anyone of several totaling counters, which
can be optionally printed or cleared.
Addressing machines, programmable, which take in
names and addresses, either on metal plates or punch
cards, and print the names and addresses on envelopes, wrappers, etc., and which may be controlled for
selection and in other ways, by notches, punched
holes, and other signals, on the plates or cards.
Air traffic control equipment (including ground control approach equipment), which takes in information
about the location of aircraft in flight and gives out
information or control signals for the guidance of
the flight of the aircraft.
Aircraft airborne computers, for automatically controlling aircraft flight functions, programming fuel consumption, navigating, searching for targets, selecting
target, and attacking.
Aircraft ground computers, for radar tracking and remote control of aircraft and anti-aircraft devices.



Analog computers, which take in numerical information in the form of measurements of physical variables, perform arithmetical operations, are controlled
by a program, and give out numerical answers.
Analog-to-digital converters, which take in analog measurements and give out digital numbers.
Astronomical telescope aiming equipment, which adjusts the direction of a telescope in an observatory so
that it remains pointed at the spot in the heavens
which an astronomer intends to study.
Automobile traffic light controllers, that take in indications of the presence of motor cars from the operation
of treadles in the pavement or in other ways, and
give out signals, according to a program of response
to the volume ~nd density of traffic.
Ballistic computers, which take in data on a projectile
as it is fired from a gun and make computations.
Card-to-tape converters, which take in information on
punched cards, and put out corresponding or edited
information on punched paper tape or on magnetic
Character reading, and recognizing systems, which scan
a printed letter or digit, photoelectrically or magnetically, take in data about points, lines, and shapes,
send the data through classifying circuits, identify
characters, and activate output devices accordingly.
Color scanners, for a~~omatic production of color separation negatives.
Correlation computers.
Data reduction systems, which take in large quantities
of observed data and reduce them to small 9uantities
of computed data.
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for November, 1958

Data sampling systems, which take in a continuous voltage or other physical variables and give out samples,
perhaps once a second or perhaps a thousand times a
second; this machine may be combined with an analog-to-digital converter, so that the report on the sample is digital not analog.
Desk calculating machines, including desk adding machines, which may take in numbers to be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided, and put out results
either shown in dials or printed on paper tape; such
machines store one up to several numbers (but not
many numbers) at one time, and may store a simple
program such as automatic multiplication by controlled repeated addition and shifting.
Differential analyzers, which take in information specifying differential equations and boundary conditions,
and solve the equations.
Digital computers, which take in numerical, alphabetic,
or other information in the form of characters or patterns of yes-noes, etc., perform arithmetical and logical operations, are controlled by a program, and put
out information in any form.
Digital-to-analog converters, which take in digital numbers
and give out analog measurements.
Early warning systems, which detect by radar, infrared,
or other means aircraft or missiles, distinguish friend
from foe, determine flight patterns, and provide responses.
Elevator control systems, which accept calls by passengers, automatically control the movement of cars, door
opening, and closing, and economize travel and power.
Error detecting and counting systems.
Facsimile copying equipment, which scans a document
or picture with a phototube line by line and reproduces it by making little dots with a moving stylus or
with an electric current through electrosensitive paper.
File-searching machines, which take in an abstract in
code, and search for and find the reference or references alluded to.
Fire control equipment, that takes in indications of targets from optical or radar perception and puts out
directions of bearing and elevation for aiming and
time of firing for guns, according to a program that
calculates motion of target, motion of the firing vehicle, properties of the air, etc.
Flight simulators, which take in simulated conditions of
flight in airplanes, and the actions of airplane crew
members, and show the necessary results, all for purposes of training airplane crews.
Fourier analyzers, which take in complex wave forms
and analyze them into constituent wave forms.
Game-playing machines, in which the machine will play
a game with a human being, either a simple game
such as tit-tat-toe or nim (which have been built into
special machines) or a more complicated game such
as checkers, chess, or billiards (which have been programmed on large automatic digital computers).
Geophysical seismic readers and profile plotters.
Graph readers, which automatically take in the positions
of a graph or a curve on a sheet of paper, and give
out coordinates to a computer.
Helicopter flight control computers.
Information retrieval devices.
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for November, 1958

Inventory machines, which store as many as ten thou. sand totals in an equal number of registers, and will
add into, subtract from, clear, and report the contents
of any called-for register.
Machine tool control equipment, which takes in a program of instructions equivalent to a blueprint, or a
small size model, or the pattern of operations of an
expert machinist, and controls a machine tool so that
a piece of material is shaped exactly in accordance
with the program.
Machine tool data processors, which sense input, compute chip loads, and automatically vary the angular
velocity of the work spindle to produce a uniform
chip load.
Machine tool direction center, which controls machine
tools and computes their operations.
Machine tool tape producing machines, which automatically prepare machine tool control tapes from
blueprint data.
Materials handling systems, which will move heavy
blocks, long rods, or other pieces of material to or
from stations and in or out of machines, while taking
in indications furnished by the locations of previous
pieces of materials, the availability of the machines,
etc., all depending on the program of control. (Example: automobile engine block automatic machining
Missile check-out computers, for examining, scanning,
and inspecting missiles and signalling warnings.
Missile control ground computers, for radar tracking
and remote control of missiles and anti-missile devices.
Missile control missile-borne computers, for issuing
properly timed and conditioned commands for the
proper functioning of the missile.
Missile launching computers, for controlling the proper
sequence of steps for the launching of the missile.
Navigating and piloting systems for aircraft and ships,
which take in star positions, time, radio beam signals,
inertial signals, motion of the air, etc., and deliver
steering directions.
Navigating systems for land-based combat vehicles.
Nuclear reactor simulators, for study and design ..
Post office mail sorting systems.
Power company network analyzers, which take in analog information about the resistances, inductances, and
capacitances of an electric power plant's network of
electrical lines and loads, and enable the behavior of
the system to be calculated.
Printing devices of high speed, which take in punched
cards or magnetic tape and put out printed information at rates from 600 to· 2000 characters per second.
Process controllers, pneumatic, electronic, hydraulic, etc.,
which take in indications of humidity, temperature,
pressure, volume, flow, liquid level, etc., and put out
signals for changing positions of valves, altering
speeds of motors, turning switches on and off, etc.
Process industry advanced control systems, for handling
connected or flowing materials, which will take in
indications of flow, temperature, pressure, volume,
liquid level, etc., and give out the settings of valves,
rollers, tension arms, etc., depending on the program
of control.
Process industry data processing systems, for recording"
checking, and signalling alarms.

Process industry plant flow analyzers.
Product assembly control systems, which take in semifinished materials, position them in work stations,
perform assembling operations on them, and deliver
units of products to shipping stations (Example:
electronic component assembly systems).
Punch card machines, which will sort, classify, list, total, copy, print, and do many other kinds of office
Railway tower signalling equipment, which for example enables a large railroad terminal to schedule
trains in and out every 20 seconds during rush hours
with no accidents and almost no delays.
Railway centralized traffic controllers, that remember
the locations, directions, and speed of trains, optimize the allocation of track space for fulfillment of
scheduled train operations, and provide signals therefor.
Random access file computers.
Remote control telemetering systems.
Sale recorders, also called point-of-sale recorders, which
take in the amount, the type, and other information
about sales of goods, and produce records in machine
language, which can later be automatically analyzed
and summarized by punch card or computing equipment.
Signalling controls.
Sorting and counting controls.
Spectroscopic analyzers, which vaporize a small sample
of material, analyze its spectrum, and report the presence and the relative quantities of chemical elements
and compounds in it.
Strategy machines, which enable military officers in
training to play war games and test strategies, in
which electronic devices automatically apply attrition
rates to the fighting forces being used in the game,
growth rates to the industrial potential of the two
sides, etc.
Submarine crew training simulators.
Tape-to-card converters, which take in information on
punched paper tape or on magnetic tape, and put out

corresponding or edited information on punched
Target simulators.
Telemetering transmitting and recelvmg devices, which
enable a weather balloon or a missile to transmit information detected by instruments within it as it
moves; the information is recorded usually on magnetic tape in such fashion that it can later be used for
computing purposes.
Telephone equipment including switching, which enables a subscriber to dial another subscriber and get
connected automatically.
Telephone message accounting systems, which record
local and long distance telephone calls, assign them
to proper subscriber's account, and compute and print
the telephone bills.
Terrain data translators, which automatically process information from stereographic photographs.
Test-scoring machines, which take in a test paper completed with a pencil making electrically conductive
marks, and give out the score.
Toll recording equipment, which record, check, and
summarize tolls for bridges, highways, and turnpikes.
Training simulators, which take in simulated conditions
affecting the training of one or more persons in a
job, and their responses under these simulated conditions, and show the results, all for the purpose of
teaching them; SEE also flight simulators.
Travel reservations and inventory systems for airlines
and railroads.
Typing machines, programmable, which store paragraphs and other information, and combine them according to instructions into correspondence, form
letters, orders, etc., stopping and waiting for manual
"fill-ins" if so instructed.
Vending machines, which take in various coins and
designations of choices, and then give out appropriate
change, coffee, soft drinks, sandwiches, candy, stockings, and a host of other articles, or else allow somebody to playa game for a certain number of plays,
Weather observation recording, telemetering, and transmitting systems.

Components of Automatic Computing
Machinery-List of Types
(Edition 4, cumulative, information as of
October 10, 1958)

The purpose of this list is to report types of components of automatic machinery for computing or data
We shall be grateful for any comments, corrections,
and proposed additions or deletions, which any reader
may send us.
1. Storage mediums, for both internal and external
Punch cards

Punched paper tape
Magnetic tape
Magnetic wire
Metal plates
Plugboards, i.e., panels of patch cords
(All these physical forms express machine language;
when inserted into a machine, they give the machine
information and instruction; when left in a filing
cabinet, they hold information and instructions in reserve for later use. Sometimes it is the whole area of the
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for November, 1958

storage medium which is used, as in the ordinary punched card. Sometimes it is only the edge which is used,
as in edge-punched cards or edge-slotted metal plates.)
2. Storage mediums, internal only:
Magnetic drums
Magnetic tape devices
Magnetic disc devices
Magnetic belt devices
Magnetic cores, arranged either one-dimensionally
as in a magnetic shift register, or in two or three
dimensions as a magnetic core matrix memory;
they may be made of special iron alloys, iron oxide ceramics called ferrites, etc.
Electrostatic storage tubes, in particular cathode ray
storage tubes and glass-metal-honeycomb-type
storage tubes.
Delay lines, of mercury, quartz, nickel, electrical
elements, etc.
Relays, in relay registers and stepping switches
Electronic tubes, in registers of flip-flops, counting
rings, etc.
Cryotrons, on-off devices operating at liquid helium
Barium titanate crystal devices
Switches: toggle switches and dial switches
Rotating shafts
3. Calculating and controlling devices
a. Digital type:
Transistor circuits
Magnetic core circuits

Electronic tube circuits
Relay, stepping switch, timing cam, and switching
Diode and rectifier circuits: using germanium diodes, selenium rectifiers, silicon diodes, electronic
tube diodes, etc.
Capacitor and resistor circuits
Cryotron circuits
Packaged arithmetical and logical circuits
Mechanical computing elements: latches, gears,
levers, ratchets, program bars, cams, etc.
b. Analog type:
Function generators
Resolvers: product, sine-cosine, coordinate transform
Automatic process controllers as such: pneumatic,
electronic, hydraulic, etc.
c. Auxiliary circuit elements:
Amplifiers: electronic, magnetic, etc.
Pulse transformers
Voltage regulators
4. Input Devices
a. Manual positions: buttons, switches, keys
b. Punched holes:
Punch card readers: electric, photoelectric, mechanical
Paper tape readers: mechanical, electric, photoelectric


The Thompson-Ramo-Wooldridge Products Company is forming a group which
will be responsible for preparing programs for RW-300 Digital Control Computers employed in the real-time control of industrial processes, especially in
the petroleum and chemical industries. The preparation of such programs
raises a number of challenging problems, and requires that the persons
involved become familiar with this new and rapidly expanding application of
digital computers. This group will be responsible not only for setting up
process control problems but also for building a library of subroutines and
for organizing calculations involved in the design of computer process control systems.
Openings exist at all levels, including the group manager, who should have a
degree in mathematics and several years' experience in digital computer

Those interested are invited to write:

Director of Marketing


COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for November, 1953


c. Polarized spots:
Magnetic tape readers, magnetic card readers
d. Character readers:
Optical, with photoelectric reading
Magnetic ink, with magnetic head reading
Electrically conducting pencil marks, with electric
e. Small spot scanners: photoelectric, electronic
f. Sensing instruments of all kinds
(The category "sensing instruments" verges into the
science of instrumentation, where humidity, temperature, pressure, volume, flow, liquid level, etc., and many
other physical variables can be measured and reported
to a data processor in machine language.)
5. Output devices:
Visual displays, such as lamps, dials, oscilloscope
screen, etc.
Electric typewriter, or other electrically-operated
office machine
Line-at-a-time printer
Matrix printer, that forms each character by a pattern of dots
Automatic plotter, which will trace or plot a curve
according to information delivered by the machine
Facsimile printer
Photographic recording
Paper tape punch
Magnetic tape recorder
Punch· card punch
Microphones, telephones, loud speakers, alarms,
Article delivery mechanisms, as in vending machines
Positioning devices, that may operate a valve, roller, tension arm, etc., resulting in control of a
manufacturing operation or process, the aiming
of a gun, etc.

Readers' and Editor' s Forum
[Continued from page 6]


Flexibility of machine control- plugboard (use
BPLI manual).
1. Reading brushes to punch or print
2. Adding
3. Selectors - emphasize this. Illustrate by adding and subtracting.
4. Program steps - illustrate by 604.
D. Typical punched card applications
Here the students should visit a running installation or see a demonstration, and have a
chance to handle cards, run the sorter, place
a control panel in a machine, etc.
E. Miscellaneous topics and other equipment.
1. Data transceiving, 101, etc.
2. Test-scoring machine, mark sensing
3. Remington Rand - 90 col., round holes, prewired panel "box."
4. Underwood Samas
5. Dennison tickets - retail clothing, converted to
6. Royal McBee - needle sort only, library

II. Stored Program Machines
A. Introduction - faster processing, but still accurate
and flexible.
1. Film
2. Concept of one machine as a system in itself
B. Over-all design of machine
1. Stored program control - machine can make
up its own instructions, which are stored in
the machine like data.
2. Process - coding systems, using binary arithmetic and-or gates.
3. Memory
a. Drum
b. Core
c. Electrostatic
d. Mercury-delay line
4. Input-output
a. Magnetic tape
b. Printers - wire, electrostatic
c. Cathode ray
d. Paper tape
5. Auxiliary storage
a. Disc
b. Drum
c. Bin
6. A typical system - 705
Illustrate with an integrated processing system.
e. Characteristics of large computers
1. Digital vs. analog
2. Fixed vs. variable word length
3. Binary vs. decimal arithmetic
4. Special devices
a. Floating decimal
b. Indexing registers
c. Table look-up
D. Programming - to whatever extent possible
E. Applications and field trips - discuss the applicatioq.s the class will have a chance to see.
F. Survey of the field
1. IBM - 305, 650, 704, 705
2. Others - Datatron, Remington Rand, Bizmac,
3. Special- NORC, LAE..C, Whirlwind

Edd Doerr
Bogota, Colombia

l l hell had broken loose. And quite literally too.
Members of the Board of Governors of the university
were demanding my head. Student rioting outside my
windows, one of which had already been shattered, made
it virtually impossible to hear the constant jangling of the
telephone. The resignations of two full professors, five
associate professors and a number of instructors lay in a
pile on -my desk. The Gove~nor had just called to inform
me that the General Assembly was going to demand an
immediate investigation. The switchboard was jammed
with long distance calls from irate parents and alumni. One
1p.others' group was organizing a motorcade from the state
capitol for a protest demonstration. Reporters from Time,
Newsweek and a score of newspapers were making an
uproar in the outer office that rivaled that of the students


COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for November, 1958

outside. The state police had even been called in to maintain order.
I had just finished bolting down another aspirin and was
wondering whether I would ever get out of the mess alive
when the door to the outer office opened suddenly and I
was confronted with the huge terrifying bulk of K. Jason
Smathers, the barge baron who was the President of the
Board of Governors. He stomped across the room, planted
his huge hairy paws heavily on my desk and began to
make ominous growling noises.
"O.K., Frank," he began jarringly, "you're the president
of this university, or what's left of it. At the moment anyway. So you'd better start explaining, and it'd better be
good. The state hasn't been in such a turmoil since Morgan's Raiders and something's got to be done about it. Now
what the hell happened?"
He remained hovering over my desk, like a gargoyle
on a Gothic cathedral, his huge glowing cigar heightening
my awareness of the fire into which I had jumped from
the relative comfort of the frying pan.
"Well, Jason," I began, trying to assume an air of confidence but not quite succeeding, "it's not much more
than a big misunderstanding."
"Misunderstanding, he1l!" barked K. Jason Smathers.
"You've just set higher education in this state back fifty
years. Heads are going to roll, and yours is going to be
one of them. Now get on with it."
I swallowed another aspirin and gripped the arms of my
chair tightly to stop the trembling of my hands.
"I suppose it all began with a chance remark I made at
a faculty tea nearly a year ago. It was shortly after registration and I had not yet fully recovered from the ordeal.
I just happened to remark to Cseszko of the Cybernetics
Department that it would be nice if the whole business
could be handled by machines, that it would save wear and
tear on everyone and substantially reduce the number of
mistakes. I don't recall what he said at the time, but a
few weeks later he came to me with an idea which made
me feel fully ten years younger.
"I guess that Jan Cseszko's about the best cybernetics
man in the country, so I never questioned his ability to
build a computer which would automatically handle the
entire registration and class scheduling process. It was a
magnificent idea, and still is, although perhaps it represents an advance which we are presently incapable of
"But damn it," Smathers interrupted sonorously, "why
didn't you get the Board's approval before going ahead?
This might never have happened."
"That's a moot point," I retorted. "In all likelihood they
would have approved of the computer without hesitation.
After all, the idea is the most important single idea in
university administration that I can think of. No one
would have predicted trouble."
"Well, would you mind explaining just how the damned
thing misfired?"
"All right, Jason. But would you mind sitting down?
"Cseszko reported before last Christmas that the computer would be operational in time for registration and
scheduling this year. The plan seeme4 to be foolproof.
Into the computer we would feed data as to the desired and
possible schedules of instructors, from the freshman level
up to and including the Graduate School. The machine
would also have complete data on degree requirements and
license requirements for teachers, physicians, dentists, engiCOMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for November, 1958



CLARE Service
which can solve your
Wiring Problems
If your present policy is to buy separate
relays and switches and perform the
necessary wiring yourself, you can benefit
from our new, complete wiring service.
From the smallest bench unit to large
rack-type cabinets, CLARE can offer
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exact requirements. We can build to your
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With the opening of our new plant in
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As a result, we can deliver to you wired
assem blies which are fully tested and
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Why not let us, show you how you can
fit this special service into your own operation? Call or write: C. P. Clare & Co.,
3101 Pratt Blvd., Chicago 45, Illinois.
In Canada: C. P. Clare Canada Ltd.,
2700 Jane Street, Toronto 15. Cable Address: CLARELAY


neers, nurses, med techs, etc., and would automatically give
preference in scheduling to graduate students over undergraduates, seniors over juniors, juniors over sophomores,
etc. Then each student would submit a requested schedule,
together with alternate choices in the event that classes
were closed or there were insoluble conflicts. Each registration request would be accompanied by various data concerning the student, so that schedules would be made consistent with degree and other requirements. Classes would
also be formed in such a way as to group students by ability
levels, so far as possible.
"So that's the system we used for registration this year."
"Yeah," the big man roared as he jarred my desk with
his big meaty fist, "but the cockeyed gadget must have
cracked up. How the hell else can you explain what happened?"
"Well, actually," I explained, "the fault does not lie with
the computer. If anything, the computer is too good, too
intelligent. You see, the computer did a lot more than just
arrange schedules on the basis of available choices. In
order to improve upon the usual pre-registration counseling procedure, we fed the computer complete data on the
results of intelligence, personality, aptitude, attitude and
interest tests for each student, plus data on each student's
academic history. In this way we hoped to route students
into programs best suited to their own aptitudes and personalities, a job which counselors can do only imperfectly.
Of course, changes in students' schedules were optional,
although we felt that they would be very largely accepted
once the procedures were explained.
"Naturally, however, we did not expect such repercussions."
"Obviously not," the man behind the cigar bellowed.
"But go on. This is getting interesting."
"Well, the results of the computations, together with a
brochure explaining the whole business, were printed and
sent out. The instructors and students had their schedules
at the same time that the Registrar's office did. We didn't
examine the schedules before distribution because we had
complete confidence in the new system.
"That, it seems, was our mistake. But even then, we
could hardly have been able to predict all the results. At
any rate, this is what happened.
"Nearly three thousand students were given schedules
which completely changed their major subjects. Although
their personality, intelligence and other tests indicate that
these changes are advisable, very few of the students are
inclined to accept them. Nor, for that matter, are a large
number of parents. Nearly two thousand students were
advised by the computer that they were wast,ing time and
money by attending college as they were totally unfit for
higher academic work. I'm sure that you can readily imagine the reaction to that.
"To complicate the picture, the' computer advised that
certain students, who happen to be members of our athletic teams, were unfit for academic work and would not
be wise to hope to graduate from college. Naturally, this
infuriated the coaching staff and brought down on our
heads the wrath of a group of powerful and important
"There was even more trouble when the computer advised that the sons and daughters of several politicians,
lawyers and industrialists were likewise better off elsewhere
than on the campus.
"And beyond that, as we wished to avoid student-faculty

conflict, unconscious or otherwise, we gave the computer
data on the personalities of faculty members, though this
data was and is confidential. As a result, the computer
suggested that several faculty members, from full professors
down to mere instructors, were not suited to teaching, and
even recommended that several of them enroll for certain
courses themselves.
"And since you're here, you're thoroughly familiar with
the results of all this. Once the thing got started, it was
too late to stop it."
''I'll say it's too late."
"Of course," I resumed, "if the Board, the Governor,
the Alumni Association and the Faculty Council will back
us up, we can still go ahead with the plan. There will be
certain dislocations which cannot be avoided, but on the
whole, I think that everything can eventually be straightened out. And in the future our system will probably be
regarded as one of the most important developments in
American higher education. It will take a while for the
idea to become accepted, but I have no doubts as to its
ultimate value and importance."
"Well, maybe you can sell some other state on the idea.
But this one's had enough. You can't just maneuver people
like that, even if it's for their own good. At any rate, I
think that your resignation and Cseszko's had better be on
my desk before this time tomorrow. It will be for the good
of the university."
''I'm sorry that it has to be this way, but there is no
He rose, pumped my hand perfunctorily and bounded
I slumped down in my chair. A beautiful career shot
to hell, I thought, just by trying to do one's best. Cseszko
could always go to MIT or IBM or somewhere. But what
would I do?
Well, maybe I can get a job in one of those jerkwater
colleges that no one has ever heard of.
I buzzed for Miss Simmons, who came in looking much
the worse for wear after her encounter with that flock of
"Take a letter," I began slowly, "to the Board of Governors."

Computers and Automation is published monthly at Boston,
1. The names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing
editor, and business manager are:
Publisher, Berkeley Enterprises, Inc., 815 Washington St.,
Newtonville 60, Mass.
Editor, man:lging editor, and business manager, Edmund C.
Berkeley, 34 Otis St., Newtonville 60, Mass.
2. The owner is: Berkeley Enterprises, Inc., 815 Washington
St., Newtonville 60, Mass.
Stockholders holding one percent or more of the stock are:
Edmund C. Berkeley, 34 Otis St., Newtonville 60, Mass.
William L. Mandel, P.O. Box 5374, Cleveland 1, Ohio.
Max S. Weinstein, 25 Highland Drive, Albany 3, N.Y.
3. The known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security
holders owning or holding one percent or more of the total
amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: None.
Edmund C. Berkeley, Editor.
SWORN TO and subscribed before me, a notary public in the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, on October 3, 1958.
George W. Odell, Notary Public
My commission expires March 17, 1962.
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for November, 1958

A full entry in the "Who's Who in
the Computer Field" consists of:
name / title, organization, address
/ interests (the capital letters of the
abbreviations are the initial letters
of Applications, Business, Construction, Design, Electronics, Logic,
Mathematics, Programming, Sales) /
year of birth, college or last school
(background), year of entering the
computer field, occupation / other
information such as distinctions,
publications, etc. An absence of information is indicated by - (hyphen). Other abbreviations are used
which may be easily guessed like
those in the telephone book.
Every now and then a group of
completed Who's Who entry forms
come in to us together from a single
organization. This is a considerable
help to a compiler, and we thank the
people who are kind enough to arrange this. In such cases, the organization and the address are represented by . . . (three dots).
Following are several sets of such
Who's Who entries.
I. Navy, Army & Air Force Institutes,
Planning & Methods Dept., Imperial
Court, Kennington Lane, London
SE-ll, England, and elsewhere.
Dohmen, Wilhelm J / Prgmr, ... / ABP,
commercial systems analysis / '3~, Viersen ColI (Gymnm), '58, prgmg busn
Evans, J. Wynford / Prgmr, ... / BMP,
operns res / '34, St John's CoIl, Cambridge Univ, '57, prgmr sped routines
Kay, Emile L / Mgr, O.R & Compr Sec,
... / ABM, operns res / '20, Univ of
London, ' 54, orgnzn of compr use /
several papers
Kopsieker, Gunther / Prgmr, ... / ABP
/ '25, Halle ColI (Gymnm), '58,
prgmg busn routines
Renton, Mrs. Joyce A / Asst Mgr, ... /
AB / '20, Loretto ColI, (Calcutta)
'57, gen supvn of compr staff
van Warmelo, W L / Prgmr, ... / AP /
'34, Univ of the Witwatersrand (So
Africa), '57, prgmg of checking &
Safety routines

helps plan operations for
our ultra-modern refinery:'
Process Engineering Analyst,

Robinson, Illinois Refinery

"In the highly competitive oil industry, efficiently planned
refinery operation is a must. To handle the complex mathematics
involved in this planning, we needed the speed of electronic
computing. After careful study, we have installed a Bendix
G-15 and although it is one of the lowest priced machines, we
are using it very successfully on large scale problems.
We like the compact size and have found reliability to be
exceptional. G-15 users share valuable programs through their
own organization, too, and this adds materially to the
computer's value:'
Low-cost versatility for thousands of office
and laboratory applications - Simplified operating methods Memory and speed of computers costing four times as much Typewriter input-output, paper tape output and 250 char/sec paper
tape input at no added cost - Expandability through accessories
for 1,200,000 words of magnetic tape storage and punched card
input-output - Extensive program library - Users share programs Proven reliability - Nationwide service - Lease or purchase.



II. Sperry Gyroscope Company, Division
of Sperry Rand Corporation, N. Y.: /
Garden City, Lake Success, Great Neck,
Abraham, David / Assoc Engr, . . . /
DEL / '31, Cornell, '56, eng physicist
Albrecht, Marjorie L / Engr, . . . / A,
system simulations / - , Hunter ColI,
'54COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for November, 1958


Built and backed by Bendix, the G·15 is serving scores of progressive
businesses large and small throughout the world. For details, write to
Bendix Computer, Department D-7, Los Angeles 45, California.


Each year we like to bring up to
date our "Who's Who in the Computer Field." We are currently asking all computer people to fill in the
following Who's Who Entry Form,
and' send it to us for their free listing
in the Who's Who that we publish
from time to time in Computers and
Automation. We are often asked
questions about computer peopleand if we have up to date information in our file, we can answer those
If you are interested in the computer field, please fill in and send us
the following Who's Who Entry
Form (to avoid tearing the magazine, the form may be copied on any
piece of paper).
Name? (please print) ................................... .
Your Address? .................................................. .
Your Organization? ...................................... .
Its Address? ...........................................................
Your Title? .......................................................... ..
Your Main Computer Interests?
( ) Applications
( ) Business
( ) Construction
( ) Design
( ) Electronics
( ) logic
( ) Mathematics
( ) Programming
( ) Sales
( ) Other (specify):

Year of birth? .................................................... ..
College or last school? ................. _..............
Year entered the computer field ?........ .
Occupation? ..........:............................................... ..
Anything else? (publications, distinctions, etc.) ......................................... _.......... .
......................................... _......................................................

When you have filled
form please send it to:
Editor, Computers and
815 Washington Street,
60, Mass.

in this entry
Who's Who

Barton, George R / Engrg Sec Head,
... / CD / '26, Columbia Univ, '51Bauerle, P / Engr, . . . / D, devt / '30,
Brooklyn Poly tech, '55, engr / member
Pi Tau Sigma & Sigma Ki
Crean, Martin J / Supt Data Procg
Sys, . . . / A / '13, NY Univ, '55,
Fahey, William D / Stds Engr, . . . /
C / '25, Manhattan CoIl, '55, engr
Freeman, Herbert / Engrg Dept Head for
Advcd Studies, ... / DEL / '25, Columbia Univ, '48, engr
Galli, Enrico J / Engr in chg of Tube
Res Compr Facility, . . . / ADEP /
'31, MEE, Brooklyn Poly tech (MEE),
'53, electrl engrg / various articles,
H;~ser, Arthur A, Jr / Asst to VP for
Res & Devt, . . . / E, digital compr
sys / '20, Columbia Univ, '42,Isaacs, Peter J / Engrg Sec Head for
Digital Components Res, ... / CDEL
/ '26, Columbia Univ, '53, engr
McCormick, Robert / Sr Sys Prgmr, . . .
/ AB / '29, NY Univ (MIE) '55, industrial engr
Rattner, Jack / Sr Engr, . . . / MP /
'25, Columbia, '52, engr
Saltman, Roy G / Engr, . . . ADLM /
'32, MIT, '53, engr
Scott, John E / Sr Engr, . . . / DEL /
'21, Columbia Univ, '53, engr
Silver, Lawrence / Engr, . . . / ADELP
/ '25, NYU, '52, engr
Stowens, Bernard H / Engrg Dept Head
for Digital Sys, . . . / ACP / '16,
Johns Hopkins, '52, physicist
White, George R / Engr, . . . / AMP /
'29, Iowa State ColI, (PhD) '55, physicist
Zadoff Solomon A / Res Engr, . . . /
AMP / '26, Columbia Univ, '50, sys
analyst / several papers ?n comprs,
sampled-data systems, & nOise
Zaremba, Charles / Engr, . . . / E /
'31, NY Univ, - , electrical engr

III. Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology, 10 W.
35th St., Chicago 16, Illinois
Bock, Frederick / Operns Analyst, . '.'
/ AMP, statistics / '18, Univ of Chi,
'54, statn
CaPlpron, Scott H / Electl Engr, . . . /
CDET.M / '28, Univ of Ill, III Inst of
Tech, '54, - / several papers
Deterding, James M / Supr, Compr &
ContJ 01 Sys, . . . / ABDL / '28, Purdue 1 Tniv, Univ of Chi, '53, electl engr
Engelhart, Thomas / Asst Mathn, . . .
/ MP / '34, III Inst of Tech, '57,
Floyd. Robert W / Asst Electl Engr, ...
/ P. appln of comprs to algebraic &
verhal languages / '36, Univ of Chi,
'56: scientific prgmg
Glu~~, Brien / Assoc Operns Analyst,
... / AMP / '30, Pembroke CoIl, '58,
mathl statn
Hawkes, Albert K / Asst Supvr, Mathl
Svcs Sec, . . . / ADELMP / '26, III
lnst of Tech, '53, elect! engr
Mittman, Benjamin / Res Mathn, . . . /
ALMP, operns res / '28, UCLA, III
Inst of Tech, '56, Mathn
Moore, Clarence J / Assoc Mathn, . . .
/ P / '22, Univ of Chic, '54, Mathn
Prince, Richard T / Res Engr, . . . /
ABCDELMP / '25, III Inst of Tech,
'51, electnc engrg
Smith, Richard H / Assoc Sys Analyst,
... / AB, similarities in functioning of
comprs & human brain / '23, Nwn
Univ, '56, bus sys analyst

Ungar, Andrew / Operns Analyst, . . .
/ M / '22, Univ of Chi, '55, applied
stad res
Weyer, John R / Assoc Engr, . . . / DL
/ '29, Purdue, '51, compr design
Wise, Richard B / Assoc Elect! Engr, ...
/ AMP / '31, III Inst of Tech, '53
electl engrg
Wolff, Morton C / Assoc Sys Analyst,
· . . / ABP / '26, Nwn U, '54, sys
. analyst
IV. Autonetics, A Division of North
American Aviation, Inc., 9150 E, Imperial Hwy., Downey, Calif.
Bergmann, Frank H / Sales Engr, . . .
/ AS / '17, UCLA, '54, compr sales
Dufford, D E / - , . . . / ABPS / '23,
Harvard, '46,Homer, Robert L / Prgmg Specialist,
· . . / AMPS / '29, Reed ColI, '53,
Johns, Richard H / Chief, Compr Sales,
· .. / AS / '26, Stanford Univ, '49,Peck, Lionel S / Aplns Engr, . . . / AB
/ '22, Harvard, '52, market planning

Reg. Patent Agent
Ford Inst. Co., Div. of Sperry Rand Corp.
Long Island City 1, New York

HE followin~ i~ a compilation of
patents pertalrung to computers
and associated equipment from the,
"Official Gazette of the United
States Patent Office," dates of issue
as indicated. Each entry consists of:
patent number / inventor (s) / assignee / invention. Printed copies
of patents may be obtained from the
U.S. Commissioner of Patents, Washington 25, D.C., at a cost of 25
cents each.


April 22, 1958: 2,831,971 / Carl R.
Wischmeyer, Houston, Tex. / Esso Research and Engineering Co., Elizabeth,
N.]. / An electric gating circuit.
2,831,983 / Bernard Ostendorf, Jr.,
Stamford, Conn. / Bell Telephone
Lab., Inc., New York, N.Y. / A flipflop trigger circuit.
2,831,9.85 / John Presper Eckert, Jr.,
Philadelphia, Pa. / Sperry Rand Corp.,
New York, N.Y. / An amplifier for
a computing system where spaced
pulses are to be amplified.
2,831,987 / John Paul Jones, Jr., Pottstown, Pa. / Navigation Computer
Corp., Penn. / A transistor binary comparator.
2,832,019 / Sidney B. Cohen, Bayside,
N.Y. / Sperry Rand Corp., New York,
N.Y. / A servo system using a magnetic amplifier mixer.
2,832,064 / Samuel Lubkin, Bayside, N.Y.
/ Underwood Corp., New York, N.Y.
/ A cyclic memory system.
2,832,065 / Stanley B. Disson, Broomall, and Albert J. Meyerhoff, Wynnewood, Pa. / Burroughs Corp., Detroit,
Mich. / A diodeless transfer circuit
for transferring information stored in
a bistable magnetic transferor core to

Co.MPUTERS and AUTOMATION for November, 1958

another bistable magnetic transferee
2,832,066 I Harley A. Perkins, Jr., Baldwin Township, Allegheny County, Pa.
I Westinghouse Electric Corp., East
Pittsburgh, Pa. I Memory elements for
electrical control systems.
2,832,070 I Lee J. Bateman, Los Angeles,
Calif. I Hughes Aircraft Co., Culver
City, Calif. I A binary decoder.
April 29, 1958: 2,832,536 I William E.
Woods, Haddonfield, Robert E. Wilson, Morrestown, and John H. Sweer,
Collingswood, N.J. I U.S.A. as represented by the Secretary of the Navy I
An electronic computer circuit for performing multiplication and division.
2,832,541 I Eric John Guttridge, Barnes,
Powers-Sam as Accounting
Machines Lim., London, Eng. I An
electrical counter circuit responsive to
successive impulses.
2,832,898 I Paul R. Camp, Middletown,
Conn. I Radio Corp. of America, Del.
I A time delay transistor trigger circuit.
2,.832,937 I Louis A. Ule, Alhambra,
Calif. I Gilfillan Bros., Inc., Los Angeles, . Calif. I A time domain circuit
for filtering signals expressible as solutions to linear homogeneous differential equations with constant coefficients.
May 6, 1958: 2,833,470 I William R.
Welty, West Los Angeles, Calif. I
Hughes Aircraft Co., Del. I An electrical ballistic computing system.
2,833,471 I Emory Lakatos, Cranford,
and Henry G. Och, Short Hills, N.J. I
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., New
York, N.Y. I A computing system and
2,833,474 I Edward S. Wilson, Poughkeepsie, and Regin:lld A. O'Hara,
Staatsburg, N.Y. I International Business Machines Corp., New York, N.Y.
I A card registration checking device.
2,833,476 I Monson H. Hayes and James
L. West, Binghamton, N.Y. I Link
Aviation Inc., Binghamton, N.Y. I
A reversible counting circuit.
2,833,858 I George F. Grondin, Van
Nuys, Calif. I Collins Radio Co., Cedar
Rapids, Iowa I An electronic code
converter for converting a nonsynchrono us mark-space ir..put signal from a
teletypewriter to a synchronous output
2,833,981 I William H. Newell, Mount
Vernon, N.Y. I Sperry Rand Corp.,
New York, N.Y. I A control for three
2,834,007 I Bruce K. Smith, Devon, Pa.
I Sperry Rand Corp., New York, N.Y.
I A shifting register or array.
2,834,011 I Raymond P. Mork, Needham
Heights, Mass. I Raytheon Mfg. Co.,
Waltham, Mass. I A binary cyclical


• • • on the computer reel

has three important feature~



May 13, 1958: 2,834,543 I William H.
Burkhart, Ease Orange, N.J. I Monroe
Calculating Machine Co., Orange, N.].
I A multiplying and dividing means
for electronic calculators.
2,834,831 I John A. H. Giffard, London,
Eng. I International Business Machines
Corp., New York, N.Y. I Data Recording Means.
2,834,893 I Richard W. Spencer, Philadelphia, Pa. I Sperry Rand Corp., New
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for November, 1958

Type EP Audiotape is the extra-precision magnetic instrumentation
tape that is guaranteed defect-free. Now EP Audiotape is available in
a form particularly suited to electronic computers. It is made on both
1.5-mil cellulose acetate and polyester film. Tapes are 2500 x l/z".
Every reel is tested by a 7 -channel certifier before it leaves the factory
and is guaranteed to have absolutely no "dropouts" (microscopic imperfections causing test signal to drop below 50% of average peak output).

Reel is Audio's computer reel- an opaque polystyrene 10l/z" reel
with a hub diameter of 5.125". Each reel comes with pressure-sensitive
identification labels and a yellow polyethylene drive slot plug.
Two photo-sensing markers are accurately placed on the tape, one 14 feet
from the hub end, the other ten feet from the other end. These markers
are vaporized aluminum sandwiched between the base and low flow
thermosetting adhesive. Both markers are firmly placed and wrinkle-free_
Container is of transparent polystyrene and
made especially for the computer reel. A
center-lock mechanism and peripheral rubber
gasket seal the reel from external dust and
sharp changes in temperature and humidity.
EP Audiotape on the computer reel has been
used in large computer installations with perfect results. Although the reel, markers and
container are designed for specific computers, the tape is the same
precision EP Audiotape that has stood the tests of time and operation
on hundreds of applications in automation, petroleum seismology, telemetering, and electronic computing. To get the complete specifications:
for type EP Audiotape on the computer reel - or for a Company representative to -call- write on your company letterhead to Dept. TA
AUDIO DEVICES. INC., 444 Madison Avenue, New York 22, N. Y.


York, N.Y. / A magnetic amplifier
flip-flop circuit.
May :.W, 1Y58: 2,835,444 / Norman B.
Blake and William H. Cox, Beaumont,
Tex. / Sun Oil Co., Phila., Pa. / A
multiplIcation circuit.
2,835,854 / Edward O. Uhrig, Euclid,
Ohio / U.S.A. as represented by the
Sec. of the Navy / A two channel
servo system.
2,835,856 / Francis L. Moseley, Pasadena,
Calif. / F. L. Moseley Co., a Corp. of
Calif. / A servo system input and balancing circuit.
2,835,857 / Harry C. Moses, Baltimore,
and Robert S. Raven, Catonsville, Md.
/ U.S.A. as represented by the Sec. of
the Navy / A limited output range
May 27, 1958: 2,836,356 / Cameron B.
Forrest and Sidney S. Green, Los Angeles, Calif. / Hughes Aircraft Co., a
Corp. of Del. / An electronic analogto-digital converter.
2,836,357 / Paul C. Hoell, ConcordsvilIe,
Pa. / E. I. du Pont de Nemours and
Co., Wilmington, Del. / An electrical
computing measuring apparatus.
2,836,359 / Roy P. Mazzagatti, Bellaire,
Tex. / The Texas Co., New York,
N.Y. / Integration of electrical signals.
2,836,360 / Franklin L. Adams, Inkster,
Mich. / Bendix Aviation Corp., Detroit, Mich. / A pulse counter.
June 3, 1958: 2,837,278 / Kenneth E.
Schreiner, Harrington, N.J., and John
P. Cederholm, New York, N.Y. / International Business Machines Corp.,
New York, N.Y. / A modulo nine
computer as a checking circuit.
2,837,279 / Arthur H. Dickinson, Greenwich, Conn., and Robert I. Roth, Mount
Pleasant, N.Y. / International Business Machines Corp., New York, N.Y.
/ A data processing machine.
2,837,665 / James N. Edwards, Los Angeles, Calif. / Hughes Aircraft Co.,
Culver City, Calif. / An electro-mechanical voltage differential detector.
June 10, 1958: 2,837,929 / Raymond E.
Crooke, Roslyn, N.Y. / Sperry Rand
Corp., a Corp. of Del. / A disc-roller

2,838,236 / Gilbert deChangy, Clamart,
Fr. / Electricite de France - Service
National - Direction des Etudes et
Recherches, Paris, Fr. / A rotary multiplying-dividing device.
2,838,240 / Herbert M. Heuver and John
B. D'Andrea, Dayton, Ohio / /
A device for superimposing digit
counts in the mechanical counters.
2,838,661 / Jeffrey C. Chu, Naperville,
Ill. / U.S.A. as represented by the
U.S. Atomic Energy Comm. / A binary storage element.

June 17, 1958: 2,839,244 / Rawley D.
Mc Coy, Bronxville, and Leo Wiesner,
Kew Gardens, New York / Reeves
Instrument Corp., New York, N.Y. /
An electronic multiplier and divider.
2,839,245 / Robert E. Wilson, Moores·
town, N.J. / U.S.A. as represented by
the Secretary of the Navy / An analog
division device.
2,839,693 / Richard C. Weise, Philadel.
phia, Pa. / Burroughs Corp., Detroit,
Mich. / An electronic computer power
supply circuit.

Positions are open for computer engineers capable of making significant contributions to
advanced computer technology. These positions
are in our new Research Center at Newport
Beach, California, overlooking the harbor and
the Pacific Ocean-an ideal place to live. These
are career opportunities for qualified engineers
in an intellectual environment as stimulating as
.the physical surroundings are ideal. Qualified
applicants are invited to send resumes, or
inquiries, to Mr. L. T. Williams.
Positions Open:
Systems Engineers
Logical Designers
Circuit Engineers
Sales Engineers

Areas of Interest:
Computers &
Data Processors
Input/Output Equipment
Storage Units
Display Devices
Computer Components
Solid State Devices

a subsidiary of Ford Motor Company
1234 Air Way· Bldg. 27, Glendale, Calif.• CHapman 5-6651

Following is the index of advertisements. Each item contains:
Name and address of the advertiser / page number where the
advertisement appears / name of agency if any.

Aeronutronid; Systems, Inc., a Subsidiary of Ford Motor Co.,
1234 Air Way, Glendale, Calif. / Page 30 / Honig,
Cooper & Miner.
Ampex Corp., 934 Charter St., Redwood City, Calif. /
Page 32 / Boland Associates.
Autonetics, a Div. of North American Aviation, Inc.,
9150 E. Imperial Highway, Downey, Calif. / Page 3
/ Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn.
Audio Devices, Inc., 444 Madison Ave., New York 22,
N.Y. / Page 29 / Marsteller, Rickard, Gebhardt &
Reed, Inc.
Bendix Aviation Corp., Computer Div., 5630 Arbor
Vitae St., Los Angeles, Calif. / Page 27 / The Shaw Co.
C. P. Clare & Co., 3101 Pratt Blvd., Chicago 45, Ill. /
Page 25 / Reincke, Meyer & Finn.

Electronic Associates, Inc., Long Branch, N.J. / Page 7
/ Halsted & Van, Vechten, Inc.
ESC Corp., 534 Bergen Blvd., Palisades Park, N.J. /
Page 5 / Keyes, Martin & Co.
General Electric Co., Apparatus Sales Div., Schenectady
5, N.Y. / Page 2 / G. M. Basford Co.
Radio Corp. of America, Semiconductor Products, Harrison, N.J. / Page II/AI Paul Lefton Co., Inc.
Royal-McBee Corp., Data Processing Div., Port Chester,
N.Y. / Page 9 / C. J. LaRoche & Co.
Southwest Research Institute, 8500 Culebra Rd., San
Antonio 6, Tex. / Page 19 / - .
System Development Corp., Santa Monica, Calif. / Page
31 / Stromberger, LaVene, McKenzie.
Thompson-Ramo-Wooldridge Products Co., P.O. Box
45067 Air Port Station, Los Angeles, Calif. / Page
23 / The McCarty Co.
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for November, 1958


Man-Machine Relationships:

A New Field for Computer Programmers

A new field for Computer Programmers has arisen from System
Development Corporation's work on relationships of men and
complex machine systems.
The work involves two major projects: 1 creating and conducting
large-scale training programs in present and planned air defense
systems, and 2 operational computer programming for SAGE.
Each project requires intensive programming efforts in areas of
real-time analysis and data reduction, using the most advanced
computing equipment-704, 709 and SAGE computers.
The ultimate goal of Computer Programmers in each project is to
attain the most effective interaction between men and machines
and maximum utilization of those machines. They join with Oper':
ations Research Specialists, Engineers, and Behavioral Scientists
to achieve this objective.
Both activities have these elements in common: they are constantly changing • they are long-range in nature • they are essential to the welfare of the United States.
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for November, 19'5R

The close interrelationship of these two major projects, the wide
range of specialists involved in them, and the dominating influence of man-machine relationships makes SDC's work, in effect,
a new field f,?r Computer Programmers.
The expanding scope and importance of SDC's work has created
a number of positions for experienced Computer Programmers
possessing strong mathematical backgrounds and a high level
of ability. Inquiries are invited. Address: R. W. Frost,
2406 Colorado Avenue, Santa Monica, California, or phone collect at EXbrook 3-9411 in Santa Monica.

Santa Monica, California

An independent non-profit organization.



f ""


When to use magnetic tape in automatic control
Iron dust and a magnifying glass provide a revealing visual comparison
You are seeing iron dust clinging to Signals recorded on
magnetic tape. There can be 3200 extremely reliable binary
bits on one square inch - or analog control information similarly compact. In the compacting of automatic control data,
magnetic tape is supreme-second only to nature's remarkable chromosome. Nature makes people, dogs, cats and
monkeys. Magnetic tape recorders make, for example, machined parts - their shapes the most complex and p recise
that have ever been produced in quantity. It is done by numerical control. The principles involved are very widely
applicable to all kinds of control applications. Three main
criteria determine where magnetic tape is your best choice.

Any automatic control operation that can benefit from
very large numbers of time-synchronized commands is a
natural candidate for magnetic tape. For example, continuous-path control of a milling cutter may require X, Y and
Z coordinates at several hundred points per inch of tool
movement. The more points, the greater the accuracy. A reel
of magnetic tape can define millions of points at extremely
low unit cost.
Continuous real-time control of variables is applicable to
process programming, simulation devices, automatic inspection and electronic-system checkout - prOVided there is need
for great accuracy in a complex situation . The program tapes
may incorr,orate the work of giant computers and intricate
interpolating devices. A great advantage of magnetic tape is
that the cOIl),puter and interpolator are usE;9 only during tape
preparation,. hence may be shared with many other needs.



. The Ampex FR-300 digital tape handler can spew out
alpha-numeric characters at rates as high as 30,000 to 90,000 p er second. A short burst of digital information equivalent to a standard punched card can be extracted from magnetic tape under 4 milliseconds-including start and stop.
On analog position-control data, magnetic tape can provide many hundreds of complete commands per second 200 p er second in one example and up to eight times this
many if needed.
On control-system monitoring, a recording of as much as
two hours duration can be played back in one minute for
review by high-speed computers. Ampex tape recorders with
overall speed ratios as high as 120-to-l are available.
Magnetic tape can be erased to accept new data an endless number of times. Hence tape-loop recorders can operate
on a rep etitive cycle of recording, reproduction, erasure and
re-recording to serve as time-delay devices or endless monitors. Such a loop can be the analog equivalent of a p roduction line, conveyor belt or process flow. The loop keeps in
step, accepts sensing information at one p lace and then triggers commands at some fixed time downstream. Or as a
calamity monitoring device, the tape loop stores information
briefly and erases it to make way for new dat a if nothing
has occurred.
Can we advise you on a specific application of magnetictape control or send further literature on magnetic-tape recorder principles and applications? Write Dept Z-19


Phon e yo u r Ampex data specialist for personal attention to your recording n eeds. Offices se rv e U. S. A. and Canada.

Engin ee ring . representatives cover the free world.


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