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VOL.8 -


Producing Magnetic Memory Cores
Make Your Tabulating Department a Service Department
A Survey of British Digital Computers

The most serious of facts
• "Power when wielded by abnormal energy is the most
serious of facts," wrote Henry Adams in The Dynamo and the
Virgin. One serious fact is the birth of the handful of power
above: the early form of a transistor regulated power supply,
developed by tech/ops, now in production, in sophisticated
forms by tech/ops' subsidiary, Power Sources, Incorporated.
Best suited for arduous requirements in applications demand.ing reliability under extreme operating conditions which
force rejection of conventional power supply circuItry (such
as guided missiles and other military space needs), this handful of power is also presently being used in television stations,
as in a host of other applications.
And it is another typical example of tech/ops' product
capability and broad scientific research and development for
business, industry, and government.

personnel requirements
at Fort Monroe, Virginia, or Burling
ton, Massachusetts: Operations Analysts experienced in industrial or military
operations research., systems analySiS.
weapons systems evaluation, computer
techniques, or related fields; training
should be In mathematiCs or physical
sciences, preferably on graduate level.
at Washington, D. C.: Programmers
With substantial experience In the de·
velopment of large digital computer
programs; background should include
experience With design and application
of assembly programs, compilers, and
advanced programming concepts.
at Monterey, Califomia: Communica·
tions engineer or phYSicist thoroughly
familiar with the principles of radio
transmiSSion and communications net·
work analYSIS.

address: Robert L. Koller

Technical Operations, Incorporated
Central Research Laborataries / Burlington, Massachusetts





Volume 8
Number 3




September 1951

MARCH, 1959


Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor

535 Fifth Ave.

MUrray Hill 2-4194
New York 17, N.Y.


Computer Aids Research for Better Beef .




Crew less Vehicles
Simulation of Consumers' Decisions


Automated Capitalism




Middle Atlantic States


535 Fifth Ave.
New -Xork 17, N.Y.
MUrray Hill 2-4194

San Francisco 5


605 Market St.

YUkon 2-3954

Los Angeles 5
439 S. Western Ave.

DUnkirk 7-8135


Berkeley Enterprises, Inc.
815 Washington St., Newtonville 60, Mass.
DEcatur 2-5453 or 2-3928
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION is publisned monthly
at 815 Washington St., Newtonville 60, Mass., by Berkeley
Enterprises, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (United States) $5.50 for 1
year, $10.50 for 2 years; (Canada) $6.00 for 1 year, $11.50
for 2 years; (Foreign) $6.50 for 1 year, $12.50 for 2 years.
Address all Editorial and Subscription Mail to Berkeley
Enterprises, Inc., 815 Washington St., Newtonville 60,
Office at Boston, Mass.
POSTMASTER: Please send all Forms 3579 to Berkeley
Enterprises, Inc., 815 Washingtor: St., Newtonville 60,
Copyright, 1959, by Berkeley Enterprises, Inc.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: If your address changes, please
send us both your new address and your old address (as
it appears on the magazine address imprint), and allow
three weeks for the change to be made.



University Student Scheduling by Datatron


An In-Circuit Transistor Tester .

.1, 6

Producing High-Performance Low-Cost Magnetic
Memory Cores for an Expanding Digital Computer




Make Your Tabulating Department a Service



Reaching Out By Scientists Into Other Fields .



Association for C'omputing Machinery Meeting, Sept.
1 to 3, 1959 - Call for Contributed Papers
The Art of Getting Published

Intensive Summer Courses
Calendar of Coming Events
Computer Talks: 1959 Western Joint Computer
Computer Talks: 1959 Electronic Components
Survey of Recent Articles .
A Survey of British Digital Computers (Part 1)

New Patents .
Who's Who in the Computer Field (Supplement) .
Advertising Index
Back Copies .
Bulk Subscriptions
Computer Directory
Manuscripts .
Who's Who Entry Form.


. 31




COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959


ESC: Ntj,mber





The men who represent ESC in the field are all top-flight technical people in their own right. Each is thoroughly conversant
with the very latest developments in the fast-moving delay line
field and each stands ready to apply the combined knowledge
of the entire ESC organization to your particular problems.
Whether you want advice on a standard delay line application,
218 East Hartsdale Avenue
Hartsdale, New York
SCarsdale 5-1050
New York State, New Jersey except
Camden and Moorestown, Westchester

2600 Grand Avenue
Kansas City 8, Missouri
BAltimore 1-3800

44 Brattle Street
Cambridge 38, Massachusetts
UNiversity 4-1727
New England

7603 Forsyth, SUite 206
Clayton 5, MISSOUri
PArkvlew 7-3414
Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma,
Arkansas, Albuquerque, N. M. and the
following counties In illinoIs: Monroe,
Calhoun, Jersey, Madison and St. Clair

736 Notre Dame Street West
Montreal, Canada
UNiversity 6-7367

144-15 Hillside Avenue
Jamaica 35, New York
OLympia 8-1828
New York City, Long Island



or something special from ESC's modern research laboratory,
you can be sure of receiving top engineering talent, prompt
delivery, and expert, local service. There's an ESC engineer-rep
very close to you, wherever you are. Why not discuss your current delay Iin"e problem with him now.

3347 West Irving Park Road
Chicago 18, Illinois
KEystone 9-7555 Teletype CG 913
illinOIS (except Monroe, Calhoun, Jersey,
Madison and St. Clair counties), Indiana,
Iowa and S. Wisconsin
1359 West Maynard Drive
St. Paul 16, Minnesota
Minnesota and N. Wisconsin

4029 Burbank Boulevard
Burbank, California
Victoria 9-2435
1436 EI Camino Real, Suite ~5
Menlo Park, California
DAvenport 6-3797
Arizona, California, Nevada and


121 Covered Bridge Road
Haddonfield, New Jersey
HAzel 8·2304
Camden and Moorestown, New Jersey;
Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware
Mr. Richard Trainor
115 Greenbrier Road
Towson 4, Maryland
VAlley 3-6184
Maryland, Virginia as far south as
Alexandria, and Washington, D.C.

235 S. E. 14th Street
Grand Prairie, Texas
ANdrew 2-0866
Ft. Worth: CRestview 4-4530


exceptional employment opportunities for engineers experienced
in computer components . .. excellent profit-shar~nf! plan.


534 Bergen Boulevard, Palisades Park, New Jersey

Distributed constant delay lines - Lumped-constant delay lines • Variable delay networks • Continuously variable delay lines • PushbuHon decade delay lines • Shift
registers. Pulse transformers. Medium and low-power transformers • Filters of all types. Pulse-forming networks. Miniature plug-in encapsulated circuit assemblies

See you at the I.R.E. Show, Booth #2409
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959


'~R e

a d e r s' and
Editor's Forum

The front cover shows a testing apparatus which is
able to test transistors mounted and connected in their
circuits. This is believed to be the first transistor tester
able to check the performance of transistors while they
are connected in their circuits and without turning power
on in the equipment. The tester is now being produced
by Philco Corp., Philadelphia; a contract to build more
than 900 of these transistor testers has been awarded to
Philco by the u.S. Navy Bureau of Ships.
This tester is able to distinguish between normal input
and output signals generated by the transistor being
checked, and spurious input and output signals arising
from "sneak" paths provided by the circuits surrounding
the transistor being checked. To nullify the effects of
the external circuits, low impedance methods are used
in the tester.
The next Annual Meeting of the Association for Computing Machinery will be held at Mass. lnst. of· Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Tuesday September
1 to Thursday September 3, 1959.
Contributed papers concerned with all phases of analog and digital computers and computation are invited. Each person wishing to have a paper considered
for the contributed program is requested to submit to
the Program Committee by May 4, 1959, four copies of
a 100 word abstract, and 'four copies of a summary of
the paper. The amount of time which can be allotted
to each contributed paper is limited to 15 minutes,
followed by 5 minutes for discussion. The abstract
should be suitable for inclusion in the printed program
of the meeting. The summary should be of sufficient
length to permit evaluation of the paper by the Program Committee but less than four typewritten pages is
suggested. One copy of the summary should b~ typed
in black ink on white paper to permit photographic
reproduction for inclusion in the Preprints. Preprints
will be distributed to all registrants, and offered for sale
by the Association for three months after the meeting.
Authors who do not wish their summaries to appear
in the Preprints should say so.
Abstracts and summaries should be sent to:
J. H. Wegstein, Chairman
ACM Program Committee
National Bureau of Standards
Washington 25, D.C.
Papers for the program will be selected by the Program
Committee after May 4, 1959. It will not be possible to
consider those papers whose summaries are not in
quadruplicate, nor those papers which arrive after the

I. From Carmon C. Basore
Cabazon, Calif.

To the Editor:
Your magazine has raised the question of the social
and moral responsibilities of scientists in regard to the
effect of their inventions upon society, whether the effect
be good or bad. To me, this is a timely question. Perhaps your editors are among the first to realize its increasing importance, for I believe that the first rate
scientists of this country are already assuming social
responsibility in regard to those effects of their work
that extend into international affairs.
I cl~im that, in the scientific world we now live in,
the implements of war that have been developed are
capable of destroying the whole of mankind - and that
any scientist, view:ing his own work, cannot escape some
responsibility, in his own mind, to see that this does not
I cannot accept such a point of view as that expressed
by one editor, in your poll of technical magazines, who
"We do believe that any scientific development can
be used in a good or bad manner; and it follows from
this that the scientist's responsibility in evaluating
this is not so much greater than the average citizen's.
Such questions are philosophical and should be aired
by philosophers, but finally determined by the
ci tizenry."
For me this view means that all we scientists can do
is duck our heads and take what comes, and nothing
can be done about it. But of cOt:lrse this is not true.
The leading scientists of our country, whose study of
science has greatly broadened their minds, have mastered
their own field of endeavor and are then able to look
about them, understand other fields, and relate their
work with other aspects of society.
The capacity of an able scientist to relate his work to
other fields has been illustrated in the recent past, as
with the quantum theory, when the theoretical developments of science have led into philosophical concepts
that traditional philosophy was unable to cope with. To
meet this situation the scientist had to take over the job
of philosopher and had to provide a philosophic interpretation that would allow him to proceed.
This caused strong objections from some professional
philosophers who felt that the scientist was incapable
of entering another field of knowledge with any success.
Of course the real obstacle probably was the fact that
philosophers were not able to keep abreast of the advances of science and were not able to develop the
[Please turn to page 30}

COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959

To Senior Computer Programmers interested In

Research and Development
on advanced
Programming Techniques
Those interested in performing research and development on
advanced programming techniques will find full scope for
their ability at System Development Corporation in Santa
Monica, California. SDC's projects are concerned primarily
with developing large·scale, computer-centered systems in a
number of fields. The application of advanced digital computer techniques is particularly important in these systems.
As these systems are computer-based, programming is an
essential function at SDC. Programming is Tlot a service
activity at SDC.
A few positions are open for senior Computer Programmers.
The positions call for strong experience and ability in programming and keen interest in:

MechaTlical and programmed techniques 0/ retrieval-Logical
design 0/ computers from a Programmer's point of viewPattern recognition and machine learning-Language translation (both natural and computer-oriented languages).
Those who desire additicmal information are invited to contact William Keefer at System Development Corporation,
2406 Colorado Avenue, Santa Monica, California.

Santa Monica, California


COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959


Speed routine calculations-increase creative time
with this powerful electronic computer
Large capacity ... easily programmed
and operated ... mobile ... low in cost
Compact, simple to use, Royal Precision LGP-30 will
today bring high-speed computation right to your desk
... thus relieve you of the tedium of standard hand
calculations ... increase available time for truly creative work ... help you simulate optimum designs in a
matter of minutes. And at the lowest cost ever for a
complete computer system!
Unusual capacity. Operating from a standard wall outlet,
performing an almost unlimited range of calculations,
LGP-30 gives you the flexibility of stored-program
operation combined with speed, memory (4096 words)
and capacity equal to computers many times its size and
cost. Completely mobile, LGP-30 is easily wheeled from
room to room, building to building.
Simple to operate and program. LGP-30 controls have been
so thoroughly simplified that it may be operated with
only minimum computer experience. Direct print-out of
answers - no deciphering required. Programming is
easily learned-even by non-technical personnel. Library

of sub-routines, plus programs for a wide variety of
applications, is available.
Wide range of applications. In addition to general design
and system optimization, LGP-30 is currently being
used for the refinement of estimates; computation of
design parameters; specification of new product properties and capabilities; calculation of such data as
reactance, load saturation curves, time constants, harmonics, torque-speed and vee curves.
Exceptional value; complete service. Smallest initial investment ever for a complete computer system is combined with low operating and maintenance costs. Service
facilities coast-to-coast.
For further information and specifications, write Royal
McBee Corporation, Data Processing Division, Port
Chester, N. Y.









COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March. 1959

Producing High-Performance low-Cost Magnetic
Memory Cores For An Expanding
Digital Computer Market
C. L. Snyder
Vice President, General Ceramics Corp.
Keasbey, N.J.


reduced to practice in the middle 1940s. Since
that time, as their speed and reliability have increased,
these computers are being more and more widely used
to solve industrial, and military engineering problems,
handle production controls, and speed and simplify office
procedures. One of the most important components in
the computer system is the memory, since nearly every
operation of the computer requires access to it.
Heart of the internal memory in most large modern
computers is the ferrite magnetic memory core. This is
the most reliable means yet developed of providing high
speed random access memories, which permit information to be obtained in any sequence desired. When
these tiny magnetic cores first became available in small
volume, their cost, although competitive with that of
other available systems, was high - nearly SOc apiece.
This presented what seemed to be a problem to the
growth of the computer industry but within the past
five years General Ceramics, through plant investment
and research, has reduced the cost to about 3c each,
improved the yield of quality cores from 30% to 98 %,
and increased the production from 1,000 to 250,000
The first practical memory device for electronic digital
computers was the mercury delay line, and some early
digital computers were built using this storage method.
In a few years these delay lines were replaced by cathode
ray electrostatic storage tubes which operated more
rapidly and permitted an increase in the size of the memory. But storage tubes are expensive to install and
maintain and the memory was a volatile one and subject to errors every few hours. It soon was recognized
that it was possible using magnetic devices to construct
a memory storage system that would make no errors, be
permanent in character, have a large capacity for memory
bits in a relatively small space, and be much less expensive. A few memories were made using metallic
tape-wound cores which demonstrated all these advantages with the exception of low cost.
In Fhe meantime experiments were being conducted
using ferrites as memory devices. These are magnetic
ceramic materials which have many of the characteristics
of metallic magnetic materials, but have an internal resistance which is enormously greater; ferrites reduce
eddy currents to a negligible factor, and thus have their
ability to hand!e higher frequencies. This in turn made
them operable on far smaller electrical impulses. Experiments further showed that ferrites could be made which
have a response time two to four times faster than the
best of metallic tapes in coincident current circuits.

In the late 1940's Dr. Ernst Albers-SchJenberg, General Ceramics' Director of Research, and pioneer in the
development of ferrite materials, developed a unique
ferrite material which exhibited a rectangular hysteresis
loop pattern. This material provided a practical solution to the memory storage problem. Essentially the
same materials are being used in cores today.
The rectangular hysteresis loop ferrite core is magnetized by a small amount of driving energy which exceeds a certain threshold value, the core remaining magnetized when the energy is turned off. When an equal
amount of reverse energy is applied, however, the magnetic polarity is reversed. The core remains in either
of two states of stable magnetization unaffected by time
or external influence other than the specifically applied
driving force.
Each core stores a single bit of information which can
be correlated with the numbers 1 or 0, which are the
basis of the binary system of numbers used in digital
computers. Through a system of circuits this information is broken down into arithmetic operations of addition and subtraction to provide the solution of the problem being solved.
In December, 1949, Dr. Albers-Schoenberg published
his findings. They came to the attention of William
Papian of Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Lincoln Laboratories who was actively involved in the development of a reliable large high-speed memory system.
As a result, a joint development program evolved, in
which General Ceramics and Lincoln Laboratories cooperated closely. Within a year ferrite cores were commercially available for use in random access memory
devices. The first of these cores were used to replace the
electrostatic storage tube memory in the MIT Whirlwind Digital Computer. The new memory equipped
with the ferrite cores, while of the same size as the
earlier system, had a speed three times as fast, occupied
only one quarter the space and reduced the air conditioning load by four tons. A further result was reduction of memory errors from two to three each twentyfour hours to only one in the first six months of use.
Ferrite cores, the latest of which have a response time
of one microsecond, are produced in the shape of rings
so that all of the flux generated by the driving circuit can
be coupled to th~. 'largest possible area of magnetic
material. The rings' are, extremely small. Of the two
sizes now availal:?le; ,one has an outside diameter of .080"
and an inside:di'aiietei 'of .050" while the other has an
k~"'~"'d"'r' "r,-\' ·>'t
O. D . 0 f .059fi~J;l"~~i:<~~~:~'o~~",0~0'.,
CommertJ.aI~ma:biifadure_ starts with, pure red iron
, ,oxide, 95 cL,~
than 0.5 microns, to which are added
IV fi;t'ler

oxides, hydroxides~or carbonates of other bivalent metals
to provide the desired magnetic properties. Binders and
lubricants also are added to assist in subsequent forming
operations. Protracted wet ball-milling yields a mixture
that is very fine and homogeneous.
The ferrite material is dried, and from the product
the cores are pressed and fired. Since firing is one of the
major factors affecting performance, an entirely new
kiln technology, based on exact control of temperatures,
rates of heating and cooling, and special atmospheres,
during heating up, soaking and cooling, has been developed for ferrite manufacture.
General Ceramics produces a broad line of' .ferrite
products other than the rectangular hysteresis loop mat~­
rials, 'and this broad development and manufacturing
effort has led to materials and production control and
economies that have been very advantageous in the production of t~e memory cores. These other ferrites have
different chemical compositions, are subjected to different physical and thermal treatments and have magnetic
properties which are different from those of the memory cores. They are designed to perform specific magnetic functions, many of which were formerly unattainable either in kind or degree. For example, one small
ferrite antenna rod gathers feeble radio signals so effectively that it has rendered portable wire-wound antennae
obsolete, while at the same time making possible miniature portable radios. Other types of ferrites have important applications: magnetic cores for recording heads,
saturable reactors, deflection yokes, permeability tuners,

permanent~magnets, and special trans1formers. Some are
magnetic niaterials specifically designed to yield high
efficiencies within different frequency bands. Two unusual qualities may be noted. The first is that these
magnets are electrical semi-conductors, with the result
that eddy current losses can be reduced to very low
levels. The second is that by altering the composition,
a wide range of magnetic permeability and coercive force
can be designed into the magnets. For example, a very
high coercive force, which is a measure of the resistance
to demagnetization, has been developed in certain barium
ferrites, with the result that permanent magnets resist
demagnetization to a greater degree than any other
magnetic material.
Testing and Handling
No equipment existed to test finished memory cores
when production began five years ago. The evolution
of test equipment has run parallel to the development
of the cores themselves. Some testers are now commercially available, but the design, development and modification of testing equipment by General Ceramics has
become an integral part of the manufacturing operation.
This equipment includes devices for measurement of
permeability and coercive force, current calibrators,
voltage calibrators, low level sense amplifiers, current
sources, and high speed core handlers.
The two primary areas of consideration in the design
of this equipment are ,current sources and core handling.
The current source testing equipment simulates the
smallest possible electrical information pulse while in-

,Figure' 1 - 'An automatic core handler


COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION f9f March, 1959

Figure 2 -

An automatic core tester

troducing a high degree of disturbing outside influence
into the wire system; this determines the core's stability
level. But this has never presented a major problem.
Most of the difficulty in making test equipment has
centered around handling the very small cores, which
are about the size of a pin-head. Originally the operation was entirely manual, and a wire to contain the test
current was placed through each core by hand. Only
1000-1500 cores could be tested daily by this method.
An automatic core handler then was developed which
handled 6000-8000 cores daily but still required the operator to determine the rejects.
The next step was the development of a fully automatic tester to eliminate human decision. The first of
these handled one core per second or 25,000 per eight
hour day.
Fully automatic handling and test equipment has
since been upgraded twice. In the first of these improvements, core handling speed was increased to 4 per second
and the equipment now in use handles 10 per second or
250,000 cores per eight hour day, as well as measuring
additional parameters of the core.
As core testing and handling speed have increased,
production improvements have kept pace and the core
reject rate has dropped sharply.
Core Performance: Present and Future
Present day cores are used in large high-speed digital
computers and such other equipment as buffer memories, digital voltmeters, industrial programmers, redundancy devices, even jukeboxes. They are uniform in
quality and performance, are stable indefinitely, economical to use, inexpensive to measure and calibrate, and
fast in response time. Development work, however, is
being actively pursued and higher performance standards are continually being attained.
COMPUTERS alld AUTOMATION for March, 1959

Production has begun on cores of .050 inches of outside diameter in contrast to the .080 inches of the earlier
cores; this change permits many more bits of information to be stored per cubic foot. The smaller cores also
allow the use of transistor drives with greater reliability
and simpler circuitry. Presently available materials with
switching times of about 1 microsecond soon will be
complemented by new materials having twice the switching speed.
Thus, the struggle continues to improve and make
I. From Jordan and Van Deusen
Laguna Beach, Calif.

We are often asked if we guarantee the publication of
technical articles that we may be commissioned to write.
Our answer:
There is no inside track to getting an article published
in the trade press. If the article is well written, informative, and newsworthy, it will be printed. If it does
not meet this test, all the personal contacts (and advertising schedules) in the world will not make up for
the lack.
Editors are constantly looking for good technical
articles . . . .
Editors judge an article by just one measure: its value
to the reader. The reader must get something out of
the article or it will not be printed. The more technical
the subject, the more difficult and important this becomes. Engineers cannot be convinced by unsupported
claims or adjectives. They want to be educated but with
facts. They can tell, like the editor, when a "technical"
discussion is only an advertisement in editorial dress ....
II. From the Editor:
Hear! Hear!



C. J. Brown
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, Ark.

DEVELOPMENT OF MUCH more productive and economical types of beef cattle is being aimed for by use of
an electronic computer, installed at the Department of
Animal Industry and Veterinary Science at the University
of Arkansas. The computer is a G-15 general purpose
digital computer produced by the Computer Division of
Bendix Aviation Corporation.
The computer will be programmed to determine and
interpret trends and correlations in the qualities of beef
cattle and allied livestock. Statistics concerning breeding,
efficiency of production, mothering ability of cows, weight
of animals, body measurements, and various feeding and
digestive factors in different breeding groups, etc., will
be processed.
Statistical data projected over generations of cattle eventually should take the guesswork out of breeding.
C. Joseph Clawson
Facts Consolidated
Chicago, 111.
(Based on a talk before the American Marketing Association,
Chicago, Ill., December 30, 1958)

Computers are used in the simulation of the probable
flight of an intercontinental ballistic missile or a space
rocket: in the same way, it may soon be possible to give
trial flights to promotional programs on electronic computers.
They may make it possible to forecast with greater
accuracy the behavior of consumers in response to marketing programs which are under consideration.
I believe there are many indications that the decisionand-action process of consumers will soon be simulated,
or at least reduced to a systematic set of mathematical
functions which can be programmed onto an electronic
computer. In this way, we will be thinking about a
representative sample of consumers in a way similar to
the way they think for themselves.
Charles 1. Patterson, Chairman of the Transit Authority of the City of New York, which operates the city
subway trains, has reported on a year-long study of
crewless trains. Engineers of the authority and four
electronics companies have explored the feasibility of
running subway trains by remote control. The shuttle
subway trains between Times Square and Grand Central
(about three blocks) would be a logical first test. If the

system were successful, it could mean the transfer to
other work of 90 percent of the 3100 motormen and
775 percent of the 3500 conductors now employed by
the New York City Transit Authority.
Michael J. Quill, international president of the Transport Workers Union, and Matthew Guinan, president of
the New York local, have protested the dangers of
"tampering with the safety of millions of passengers
daily." But they apparently did not discuss the point
whether passengers might not be safer with guidance
systems, that make fewer mistakes than human beings.
The Soviet Union has reported a recent test run of
an automated train between Kuntsevo, near Moscow,
and Usovo, a distance of about 300 miles. In this test,
an automatic control system replaced the train engineer,
made computations solving problems in connection with
the train's movemerits, and interpreted coded information on the grade of the tracks, the distances between
stations, and other such data.
The elevators in a number of N ew York's new office
buildings with 20 to 30 floors have no human attendants.
The automatic elevators appear to operate more safely
and efficiently than those having human operators.
There are no signs in those buildings however saying
how the displaced elevator men are now earning their
Edward G. Brender
Brender and Brender
Wayne, Mich.

Some time ago, a number of small groups of people
got together to study the stock market. Needing education in the way that investments in the stocks may be
wisely made and to learn how the stock market operates,
the groups joined together in a cooperative effort, and
established a National Association of Investment Clubs.
These clubs are composed of 10 to 15 people, who
need guidance in their education, and learn by actually
investing in stock of their choice. But what stock should
they buy?
The NArC published a four page "NArC Stock Selection Guide," which formulates the principles and
policies of the investments of the clubs. These principles
require plotting sales and earnings records for 10 years
past, and their projections for 5 years in the future. The
price-earnings ratio, the dividend pay-out, and the return on invested capital are also averaged for 5 to 10
years. The current investment yield is also computed.
A prediction is made by a formula for the possible high
and low prices five years from now. From this information, zones for buying, holding, and selling, are established, and compared with the market price.
Doing this analysis for a stock manually required 1 Y2
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959

to 2 hours of work, and some pulling of teeth and tearing of hair. But one of our staff members who was in
our club programmed this process for our Royal McBee
LGP-30 computer. Zoom - 10 minutes analysis time!
So we now enjoy 6 to 8 analyses per month to look at
and consider each month. The computer program also
permits speedy up-dating of the reports of the stocks
that we have in our portfolio, as well as 40 other stocks
that we have examined but not purchased.
Through cooperation, at least seven other clubs from
Poughkeepsie to Phoenix are also using this investment
analysis computer program.
The printed-out report is a delight to behold, with its
alphanumeric, precise tabulation and color shifts.
Viva La Capitalism, and Computers!
Neva Sabbagh
Purdue Univ.
Lafayette, Ind.

Purdue University students of the past and even up
to a few years ago remember the seemingly endless
hours of waiting in line to be registered, first at the
Registrar's Office, then at the Armory, and later in
Quonset Huts. What a bother, they grumbled, to have
to walk into registration headquarters, wait in line while
the guy in front argued with the registration official,
and then when your turn finally came, you found out
that the class you had to be in - it was your last semester and it was a required course - was closed. This
meant starting all over - again consulting with your advisor, again trekking to registration headquarters,
again . . .
But that's all over now. At least the long lines are
getting to be a thing of the past. Through the efforts
of Mr. James F. Blakesley, Administrative Coordinator
of Schedules and Space, and other staff members devoted
to helping Purdue operate efficiently, Purdue's digital
computer, the Datatron, has been adapted to the scheduling process. Purdue is the first university, so far as we
know, to use this practical- and satisfactory - way
to schedule students electronically. Although the machine was bought from ElectroData Division of Burroughs Corp. for research in the Statistical Laboratory,
it was found to be of great use in student registration
and scheduling.
The Datatron electronic digital computer "memorizes"
in about five minutes the 1400 courses and 4000 divisions that may be selected by students. The machine
also "knows" the course identification, the maximum
size of each class, and the meeting time of each class.
As students are scheduled and divisions of courses become filled, a method is available for opening additional divisions.
Here's how a student is scheduled electronically: He
goes to his counselor and together they list the courses
he is to take in the next semester. This information is
translated into Datatron language through pre-punched
cards and fed into the machine. In processing the schedule, the computer schedules first those courses with only
one division (because this division has no alternate time
schedule), and then continues to schedule courses by
a pre-determined priority. The machine keeps track of
available spaces and equalizes the number of students
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959

assigned to particular sections of a course by attempting
to schedule the section with the most remaining spaces
first. If a student plans to work, he signs up with his
advisor for a period of "free time." If no conflict develops, this free time will be scheduled along with the
other courses by the Datatron.
In a matter of seconds (in many cases 35 or 40), out
of the computer comes the student's sc~edule of classes
punched on cards. Tabulating equipment is used to
produce the student's schedule in readable form.
Advantages of the Datatron are numerous. First,
there is the speed of selecting sections of courses to
meet the students' requests (free from conflicting hours).
Second, course section enrollments are equalized. Third,
the last student through the computer has nearly the
same opportunity to be enrolled in the courses of his
choice as the first student. Fourth, the instructors have
classes of a more uniform size. An additional benefit
of equalized enrollments is found in more effective use
of instructional rooms; that is, fewer rooms are needed
since the classes are spread among many rooms at various
times instead of using a large number of rooms at a
peak hour. Finally, the staff members previously busy
with registration details are freed for counselling and
The machine is no more infallible of course than the
information put into it by human beings. But, once it
begins its electronic scheduling, it does a job no human
being can possibly do in five seconds or perh.aps 20 minutes. It is a certainty that no human can make such an
even distribution of classes as the Datatron does in the
same time limit.
Work on the idea of electronically scheduling students began in 1955. After much probing and testing,
the first group of students was registered December 11,
1957. In order to sample a diversified group of students,
agriculture and engineering students were chosen. Two
hundred and nine freshman ags were registered successfully by the Datatron. The next day nearly 1600
freshman engineers were scheduled by the same procedure. A maximum time of 2 minutes and a minimum
of five seconds was used in scheduling each student. This
made an average of between 35-45 seconds for almost
1800 students. Since that time more than 20,000 registrations have been processed, with a similar average
time for scheduling on the computer.
Enrollment is promising to double at Purdue U niversity in the next few years and threatening to triple by
1970, but the Datatron still promises quicker and more
practical individual scheduling of students. It will also
give them the advantage of better clas'room atmosphere,
free from over-crowded conditions. The student is not
turned into a mere number by the Datatron; he receives
his own schedule tailored to his individual needs.
The University benefits in utilizing its staff to nearmaximum efficiency in doing the job it was expected to
do, and the number of rooms that are needed for instructional purposes are reduced to a minimum.
If any reader of this brief report is interested in this
application and has access to a high speed computer, he
is invited to contact Mr. James F. Blakesley, President's
Office - Schedules and Space, Purdue Univ., Lafayette,
Ind., for more information and details of the programming technique.


1959 Western Joint Computer
Conference, Fairmont Hotel, San
Francisco, March 3 to 5, 1959
New Components and Circuits / c. L. Wanlass, Aeronutronic Systems, Inc.
A Multiload Transfluxor Memory / D. G. Hammel, W.
L. Morgan and R. D. Sidnam, RCA
Design and Analysis of MAD Transfer Circuitry / D. R.
Bennion and H. D. Crane, Stanford Research Institute
A Magnetic Matrix Memory for Semi-Permanent Information / D. H. Looney, Bell Telephone Laboratories
Card Changeable Nondestructive Readout Twistor Store
/ J. Janik, Jr., J. J. DeBuske and B. H. Simons, Bell
Telephone Lab.
Square Loop Magnetic Logic Circuits / E. P. Stabler,
General Electric
Information Retrieval and Machine Translation / c.
Bourne, Stanford Research Institute
Relative Merits of General Purpose and Special Purpose
Computers as Used for Information Retrieval/A.
Opler and N. Baird, Computer Usage Co., Inc.
A Special Library Index Search Computer / B. Kessel,
Computer Control Co., Inc., and A. DeLucia, Rome
Air Development Center
Programmed Interpretation of Text as a Basis for Information Retrieval Systems / L. Doyle, System Development Corp.
A Theory of Information Retrieval / c. Walker, Hughes
Aircraft Company
The Role of USAF Research and E)evelopment in Information Retrieval and Machine Translation / R. Samson, Rome Air Development Center
Industry's Role in Supporting High School Science Problems / Dr. Paul Hurd, Associate Professor of Education, Stanford University
Information Retrieval and Machine Translation / c.
:2ourne, Stanford Research Institute
Computing Educated Guesses / E. S. Spiegelthal, General Electric Company
A Memory or 314 Million Bits Capacity With Fast and
Direct Access - Its Systems and Economic Considerations / N. Bishop, Time, Inc., and A. Dumey, Consu4tant
Information Retrieval on a High Speed Computer / A.
Barton, V. Schatz and L. Caplan, General Electric
The Next 20 Years in Information Retrieval: Some
Goa:ls and Preaictions / c. N. Mooers, Zator Company
Computer Communication / H. C. Martel, California Institute of Technology
Simulation of an Information Channel on the IBM 704
Computer / E. G. Newman and L. O. Nippe, IBM

A Compiler with An Analog-O~iented Input Language
/ Marvin L. Stein, Univ. of Minnesota, and Jack Rose
and Donn B. Parker, Convair-Astronautics
Automatic Design of Logical Networks / T. C. Bartee,
Mass. Inst. of Technology
The Role of Digital Computers in the Dynamic Optimization of Chemical Reactions / R. E. Kalman and
R. W. Koepcke, Research Inst. for Advanced Study,
Simulation of Human Problem Solving / W. G. Bouricius, IBM
Education and Methodology for Use of Computers /
G. W. Brown, Univ. of Calif. at Los Angeles
The Role of the University in Computers, Data-Processing, and Related Fields / L. Fein, Consultant, Palo
Alto, Calif.
The RCA 501 Assembly System / H. Bromberg, T. M.
Hurewitz, and K. Kozarsky, RCA
A Program to Draw Multilevel Flow Charts / L. M.
Haibt, IBM
A Compiler Capable of Learning / R. Arnold, Michigan
State Univ.
Achieving Reliability in Operation Control / L. Fein,
Cotlsuitant, Palo Alto, Calif.
Special Purpose Electronic Data Systems / M. V. Crowley, RCA
The Residue Number System / H. L. Garner, Univ. of
System Evaluation and Instrumentation for Military Special Purpose Digital Computer Systems / A. J. Strassman and L. H. Kurkjian, Hughes Aircraft Co.
Automatic Failure Recovery in a Digital Data Processing
System / R. H. Doyle, R. A. Meyer and R. P. Pedowitz, IBM
Learning Concepts and Pattern Analysis / P. Suppes,
Stanford Univ.
A High-Speed Data Translator for Computer Simulation
of Speech and Television Devices / E. E. David, M.
V. Matllews, and H. S. McDonald, Bell Telephone
Some Experiments in Machine Learning / H. Campaigne,
American Univ., Washington, D.C.
Some Communication Aspects of Character Sen-sing Systems / c. C. Heasley, Jr., Intelligent Machines Research Corp.
An Approach to Computers That Perceive, Learn, a-nd
Reason / P. H. Greene, Univ. of Chicago
Military Applications / H. Silverstein, Dept. of the
Army, Washington, D.C.
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959

Drafting Digital Computers Into Tactical Combat /
Capt. A. B. Crawford, Jr., Fort Huachuca, Arizona
Data Transmission Equipment Concepts for Fieldata /
Capt. W. F. Luebbert, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey
A High-Accuracy Real-Time Digital Computer / W. J.
Milan-Kamski, EPSCO
The Man-Computer Team in Space Ecology I. J. McLeod,
Convair, and J. Stroud, Naval Electronics Laboratory
New Machines and Systems / M. Montalbano, Kaiser
Steel Corp.
The RCA 501 High Speed Printers - The Story of a
Product Development -; C. Eckel and D. Flechtner,
A Digital Computer for Industrial Process Analysis and
Control/E. L. Braun, Genesys Corp.
The Burroughs 220 High Speed Printer System / F.
Bauer, Electro-Data Corp.
The ACRE Computer - A Digital Computer for a
Missile Checkout System / R. I. Tanaka, Lockheed
Aircraft Corp.
The IBM 7070 Data Processing System / J. Svigals, IBM
Computer Applications in Business Environments / R.
R. Crane, Touche, Niven, Bailey & Smart, Detroit
An Organizational Approach to Electronic Data Processing / G. Fleming, Boeing Airplane Co.
Developing a Long-Range Plan for Corporate Methods
and the Dependence on Electronic Data Processing /
N. J. Ream, Lockheed Aircraft Corp.
A Long-Range Electronic Data Processing Plan for a
National Multi-Plant Manufacturing Company / G.
Redmond, Chrysler Corp.
Dynamic Production Scheduling of the Job Shop Operation / ;r.. N. Caplan and V. L. Schatz, General
Electric Co.
Numerical Analysis / R. D. Levee, Univ. of Calif., Lawrence Radiation Lab.
Survey of Numerical Analysis / G. E. Forsythe, Stanford University
More Accurate Linear Least Squares / R. Von Holdt,
Univ. of Calif. Lawrence Radiation Lab.
The Cordic Computer: (1) The Cordic Transcendental
Computing Technique / J. E. VoIder, Convair; (2)
Implementation of Coordinate Rotation and ether
Trigonometric Function Algorithms by Cordic / D.
R. Clutterham, Convair; (3) Decimal-Binary Conversions in Cordic / D. H. Daggett, Convair
Monte Carlo Techniques Applied to Statistical Mechanics
/ W. W. Wood, Los Alamos Scientific Lab.
Real-Time Digital Analysis and Error Compensating
Techniques / W. Ito, Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co.
Automatic Digital Matric Structural Analysis / B. Klein
and M. M. Chirico, Convair
Problems of the Future / S. Ulam, Los Alamos Scientific
"Blue Sky" Session / L. N. Ridenour, Lockheed Aircraft
A New Approach to High-Speed Logic / W. D. Rowe,
Westinghouse Electric Corp.
Experiments in Information Retrieval / R. Cochran,
General Electric Co.
Communication Across Language Barriers I. W. F. Whitmore, Dept. of the Navy, Washington, D.C.
Program Design To Achieve Maximum Machine Uti liz aCOMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959

tion in a Real Time Computing System / A. F. Rosene~
Pattern and Character Recognition Systems - Picture
Processing by a Net of Neuron-Like Elements / L. A.
Kamentsky, Bell Telephone Lab.
Philosophy and Responsibility of Computers in Society
/ R. W. Tyler, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University
Social Responsibility of Engineers / F. Wood, IBM
Emergency Simulation of the President of the United
States / L. Sutro, Datamatic
Can Computers Help Solve Society's Problems / J.
Rothstein, Edgerton, Germeshausen & Grier, Inc.
Measurement of Social Change / R. L. Meier, Univ. of
Analog Simulation / J. E. Sherman, Lockheed Aircraft
Simulation of Sampled Data Systems Using Analog-toDigital Converters / M. S. Shumate, Space Technology
Lab. Thompson-Ramo-Wooldridge Corp.
A Transistorized Analog Memory for Functions of Two
Variables / P. C. Sherertz, and L. E. Steffen, Convair
A Time-Sharing Analog Computer / J. V. Reihing, Jr.~
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Computers - The Answer to Real-Time Flight Analysis
/ G. Hintze, Chief, Flight Simulation Lab., White
Sands Missile Range
Symbolic Language Translation / E. C. Gluesing, Remington Rand
New Horizons In Computer Technology / H. Aiken~
Harvard Univ.
New Applications of Computer Technology / H. D.
Huskey, Univ. of Calif.
A Generalized Scanner for Pattern and Character Rec;ognition Studies / W. H. Highleyman and L. A. Kamentsky, Bell Telephone Lab.
File Searching Using Variable Length Keys / R. De La
Briandais, U.S. Naval Ordnance Lab.
1959 Electronic Components Conference,
Benjamin Franklin Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa.,
May 6, 7, 8, 1959
Session on High Speed Data Processing
(May 6, morning):
Functional Components / R. J. Cypser, IBM Corporation
Electronic Components for Future Computers / N. M.
Abov-Taleb, IBM Corporation
Magnetic Domain Switching in Evaporated Magnetic
Films / David W. Moore, Servo-mechanisms, Inc.
The Fabrication and Properties of Memory Elements
Using Electrodeposited Thin Magnetic Films of 82-18
Nickel Iron / I. W. Wolf, H. W. Katz, General 'Electric Electronics Laboratory, and A. E. Brain, Stanford
Research Institute
In the January, 1959, issue of Computers and Automation, in the article "Symbolic Logic and Automatic
Computers, Part 3," on page 19, on the last line, a
tilde (--') should be inserted before the expression
"xM". On page 20, left column, line 6, the same insertion should ~e made before the same expression, and
again on line 12. Our thanks to William F. Culliton of
Niagara Falls, N.Y., for catching these three errors.

Make Your Tabulating
Department a Service Department
Edmond W. McNamara
Ed McNamara Associates
Bridgeport, Conn.


TUDENTS ANALYZE THE evolution of electronic
data processing into certain stages of development.
One of the early stages pictures the giants of industry,
the large insutance and utility companies, and the government pioneering in the use of electronics against a
backdrop studded with many pronounced question
marks. While off to the side, the smaller, more conservative, more timid managements wait for the first
full audit of results bef9re they take any active step to
become involved with the spectacular and expensive
new tools of data processing.
Some of these managers await the returns with eager
anticipation. They seek justification for going out on
thin ice in hopes of finding solutions to their clerical
problems. Others are far less eager. In fact, some of
them hope that the new equipment and methods will
prove to be failures so that they can justify a continuation of their old ways and not muddy the water of their
existing systems - at least not until their own personal
retirement from work has excused them from the responsibility for action.
Reports on Computer Applications
Meanwhile the reports roll in. In some ways they are
encouraging. Yet in many respects there is an emphasis
on the negative, and an air of caution. For example,
there is the recently published "Computer Use Report,"
by the Systems and Procedures Association's Empire
State Chapter's Research Committee. This was published by the Systems and Procedures Association, l>enobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich., in 1958, 12 pages long.
It ~s a "statistical information release," covering 281
replies to a questionnaire. 82 organizations reported
applications in service. The total number of computers
involved in the study is 203, about 15 % of the total
medium and large scale computers in use as determined
by a recent census. Table 1 analyzes about 270 applications accepted for electronic computer operation (82
companies reporting). Table 2 covers about 160 applications rejected (63 companies reporting, 23 of which
have applications in service). Five more tables analyze
occurrence of applications by size of firm, industry, etc.
This report, however, has the following introduction:
Information on the success or lack of success of the
use of electronic data processing equipment has, up to
this point, been somewhat vague. To the best of our
knowledge, no specific figures have been released
from any source that can be used to determine with
any accuracy the acceptance or rejection of such equip16

ment. We believe that this report contributes to help
fill this void in the field of electronic data processing.
In the section devoted to applications rejected, the
rejections are analyzed as to when they were rejected,
such as: during the study, after study, in the programming
stage, and so on. And then the reasons for rejection are
listed as follows:
Too costly
Volume of data too large
Volume of data too small
Routine has too many exceptions
Programming too difficult
Lack of reference to account history
Inadequate input-output equipment
Inadequate input-data sources
Fear of equipment obsolescence
Lack of continued top management: support
Lack of employee cooperation
Memory capacity too small
Access time too high
Excessive down time
Underlying Reasons for Rejection or Failure
Psychologists tell us that there are two reasons for
everything, the obvious and the underlying. Perhaps
this explains why two of the major reasons for -rejection
and ultimate failure are not even mentioned. Nor is
their omission a reflection on those who compiled the
report. The twO major reasons I refer to are:
1. Failure to do sound systems analysis before forging
ahead into electronic mechanization.
2. Failure to establish proper operating policy as
to organizational location and role of the data processing function.
On this point, we might consider a few significant excerpts from another recent publication, "The Ram
Myth," Apr. 1958 issue of EDP Analyzer, by Canning,
Sisson, and Associates.
"With all the excitement about large volume random
access memories for EDP systems, we think the time
has come to add a few words of caution about them ...
"To state it bluntly, we think that RAM memories are
heavily booby-trapped for the unwary . ~ .
". . . we feel that only a few of the many orders
on the books for RAM systems are really valid applications . . .
"The answer to the proper use of RAMs is, of course,
hig~ quality systems plans. Equipment always is a
poor substitute for thinking. . . ."
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959


Digital Computer
POGO is a new programming system that combines
the use of simple, easy to learn commands with all
of the G-1S's machine language power and speed.
A fixed point compiler, POGO recodes a simple statement of a problem in machine language with all
commands stored in optimum memory positions. Thus,
a programmer with very little training can write high
speed production programs.
For the first time in a low-price computer, a set of
fully self-contained automatic programming systems
is available . . . POGO, with its ability to convert
simple commands into fast and powerful machine
language programs ... and the already famous
INTERCOM 1000 interpretive system, with its
extreme programming simplicity and speed of

* Program

POGO commands are very similar to those used for
INTERCOM 1000. The principal difference between
the two systems is that POGO, unlike INTERCOM
1000, compiles an optimum machine language program and reproduces it for repeated use. Computing
speed is also increased, since no interpretation is
required during computation. While floating point
INTERCOM 1000 is ideal for open shop problems,
POGO may be preferred for production problems that
must be solved repeatedly at high speed.
In POGO, data is handled in decimal form. Seventeen
accumulator registers are available, as well as twelve
index registers, which can be used to modify the
effective address of any command. Additional data
on the G-15, POGO, and INTERCOM 1000 will be
sent on request.

Optimizer for 6-15 Operations


COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959'


Getting back to the two major reasons cited above for
rejection and failure, my experience tells me that these
are perhaps the two most serious reasons. Yet they are
the ones least discussed or admitted by official spokesmen
of co'mpanies engaged in electronic data processing programs. You get much of your information "off the record." Much of it must be deduced. Here is a case in
Inadequate Systems Work
A large, national organization solicited help in June
of 1958. They wanted to hire a systems man. The essence of my questions and their answers follows:
Q. What is this man to do? What will be the scope
of his job?
A. He will have to hire and train assistants in programming and be ready for the installation of a
medium scale computer.
Q. To whom will this man report?
A. We're not sure yet.
Q. When is the computer scheduled for delivery?
A. Next December.
Q. Nineteen fifty-nine?
A. No, No! This year, fifty-eight.
Q. Is this a basic computer, or . . .
A. It is the basic unit first and tape units will be delivered in 1959.
Q. Do you have anybody working on systems now?
A. No.
Q. Who has done the systems analysis?
A. Nobody; that is why we want to hire a systems
Q. Who chose the computer?
A. An executive [whose knowledge and background
in the field was slightly above zero].
Q. Who advised this executive?
A. The equipment salesman.
Q. Who determined the feasibility?
A. The equipment salesman.
What would you consider are the chances of success in
this installation? If it fails, what do you think will be
recited as the reason for failure? Lack of employee
-cooperation? . . . , memory capacity too small?
Six months later I revisited the company whose
computer was due in December 1958. I found the
computer installed in a room far removed from the
tabulating department (the floor there wouldn't hold
the weight of the computer). The computer had been
in for two weeks. It had actually been running but
not very much. Three young service engineers, with
a full library of charts and diagrams, were still tinkering and experimenting. The harried systems man
told me he had been working "all hours" trying to
get the thing running, and was busy explaining to a
member of management that there are mechanical
bugs, etc., etc.
Operating Policy on Role of Data Processing Function
Perhaps some organizations can get by without classi<:al systems analysis. So let us consider the second of
the two major reasons mentioned - failure to establish
adequate operating policy as to the place and role of
the data processing function.
Since a great number of computer applications are an
outgrowth of punch card tabulating functions, let us
concentrate our attention back in the tabulating department and inquire immediately: Is your tabulating department a service department?

There are many illogical situations in business offices.
Think of the systems function, fettered under the jurisdiction of an old school accounting officer. Or think of
the tabulating department used as a tool at the whim
of the controller; keeping' only the records he wants
kept, making only the reports and analyses that serve
his purposes; actually providing an imbalance of information which distracts management attention from important matters and gives birth to a cardinal sin of data
processing, duplicate records. These duplicate records
are maintained by each division as a defense against the
highly mechanized record keeping in the controller area.
Let us not carry this illogical philosophy and thinking
into computer installations - if we want success. One of
the best insurances against this carryover of illogical
thinking is to make your tabulating department a service
department now.
Overloaded Tabulating Department
Writing in SYSTEMS magazine, Vincent P. Connolly
"A sudden demand for a tab report by the executive
committee of a large steel mill confronted its comptroller. The chore, accepted as routine, revealed that
the tab department on three shifts was working just
about to capacity. Investigation showed that any
employee in the organization on the level of supervisor
could requisition a machine tabulation job, while the
tab accountant had no discretion, only a squawk, about
taking it on."
This far from healthy situation is not uncommon.
Underloaded Tab:.Ilating Department
In other companies we find a deplorable situation
which is the opposite of the above. The tabulating department is on a one-shift basis and overtime is frowned
upon. In this situation the machine accountant, through
his superior, exercises what may be too much discretion
- to the extent that the services of the electric accounting machines are denied to legitimate users. In some
situations desirable reports either are done by longhand
methods or on some cumbersome office machine, or not
done at all.
Such operating conditions emphasize t4e need for an
intelligent perspective in relation to the use of tabulating equipment; a perspective and an approach which
help to furnish maximum service in the issuance of essential reports and analyses, on time, and at minimum
In one medium size company whose tab department
was on a one-shift basis on the controller's department,
it was found that their "loaded to the hilt" situation not
only denied the company the clerical savings of mechanical preparation of reports, but it presented a serious
roadblock to any unemotional, openminded approach
to the possibilities of integrated or electronic data processing applications. It was recommended that if they
were ever to get into a position to benefit from integrated application of machines to paperwork, they
must first of all break the road block.
Basic Principles
To begin with, management had to agree that in the
area of control reports for management there are three
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959

main considerations: 1) the objective of the report;
2) the content or requirements of the report; and 3)
the cost of preparation, issuance and use of the report.
Next a review of policies showed that it was explicitly not their accounting policy to charge individual
departments for the reports that were prepared specifically for them in the tabulating section. The rental
cost of equipment, supplies and salaries of operating
personnel were being charged, against a budgeted allowance, to the factory accounting department. It was
pointed out to management that this lack of specific accounting charges for reports defeats the establishment
of sound requirements, specifications, and economic justification for reports. We were able to illustrate how some
reports were being run simply because "the right guy
had asked for them" or some one had happened to ask
for them at the right time, or because "they always ran
that report in tabulating."
Accounting Charges for Services Performed
We stressed that tabulating work is of a service nature and that the concept of service cannot be properly
developed if accounting charges are not made for services performed. Furthermore, we pointed out that even
an approved report on the approved list, suffers if specific accounting for services rendered is lacking. The
following two paragraphs from our report to management cover this point:
To get a concrete picture of the type of problem
created by your present policy let us consider the
area of statistical sales reporting and analysis. From
a sales administration standpoint, Sales Management
rightfully has the authority to realign geographic
territories, to reassign salesmen or to reassign accounts.
The manner and degree to which these steps are
taken has direct bearing on the cost of administering
your machine accounting section. Without a "charge
for service" concept your machine accounting section
is subject to conditions which encourage improvisation and short cuts; and which require costly manual operations and extra difficult schedules, all of
which reflect unfavorably upon the machine accounting section and on the equipment used. Because all
work performed in the machine accounting section

is charged to the factory accounting department, it
puts them under the pressure of their departmental
budget. This produces a tendency to do the minimum
and often results in unsatisfactory sales reports coming off the machines - of which there is ample evidence.
We suggested that as a matter of philosophy and
policy any department of the company should have equal
right to request a report or an analysis that would help
them in their departmental operations. Based on this
request a cost of performing the service would be
computed by the machine accounting section. If the
using department agreed to pay the cost and management gave the report the blessing, then the report
would be produced on a service basis by the machine
accounting section and charged, accountingwise, to the
benefiting department or departments.
Price Tags on Reports
Based on this thesis, management agreed to change
policy to conform to a service concept. To implement
this we worked out a set of rates per hour to be used
as standard service charges for tabulating reports (see
appendix A.) We also established a budgeted allowance for each division against which reports would be
charged - with the Division Head's approval.
Now each report has a price tag. The using department pays the price. A re-evaluation of existing reports
in terms of what it costs versus how useful it may be, is
serving as a real control over the number and kinds of
reports being turned out by the tabulating department.
More important, having removed the roadblock, the
company is now in a position to go ahead with plans
for future use of their equipment - interim and long
range. To this end they have established an office automation committee. The work of this committee is to
review present procedures and methods and examine
the possibilities of instituting integrated data, or electronic data processing methods into their reporting processes. If they do develop a feasible plan, they know
that they will have a greener light based on the merits
and economic justification of the proposed application.
They will not have to worry about being stifled by an
unscientific situation such as observed by Mr. Connolly.


Key Punch Alpha.
Key Punch Numerical
Key Punch Numerical
Key Verifier
Tab. 402
Reproducer 514
Calculator 602-A















160% overhead = 4.68
Labor @ 1.80/hr
160% overhead = 5.46
Labor @ 2.10/hr
"Based on 60% Efficiency Normal Operation, 1200 hrs. per yr.


*MO'nthly rental figures subject to change.
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959


Beginning in this issue, we plan
to publish frequently a survey of
articles related to computers and
data processors, and their applications and implications, occurring in
certain magazines. We hope to cover
at least the following magazines, beginning with issues dated January 1,
1959, or later:
Automatic Control
Automation and Automatic
Equipment News (British)
Business Week
Control Engineering
Electronic Design
Harvard Business Review
Industrial Research
Instruments and Automation
ISA Journal
Proceedings of the IRE
Management Science
The Office
Scientific American
It is not easy to look into more than.
fifteen magazines each month, and
make a search; the purpose of this
type of reference' information is to
help anybody interested in computers
find articles of particular relation to'
this field in these magazines.
For each article, we shall publish:
the title of the article / the name of
the author(s) / the magazine and
issue where it appears / the publisher's name and address / two or
three sentences telling what the
article is about.
Wodd Brains Ponder Mechanisation of
Thought Processes / G. Mobell / Automation and Automatic Equipment
News, yol. 4, no. 5, Jan., '59, p 929 /
A. and A. E. News, 9 Gough Square,
Fleet St., London, E.C. 4, Eng.
A report of the Teddington, Middlesex,
symposium on advanced electronic machines which perform logical operations,
and certain other "intelligence" operations. The findings and opinions of certain international scientists are' cited.

How Electronics Controls Depth of Anes. thesia / J. Weldon Bellville, M.D.,
Sloan-Kettering Institute, New York,
and G. M. Attura, Chief Engineer, Industrial Control Co., Lindenhurst, N.Y.
/ Electronics, vol. 32, no. 5, Jan. 30,
1959, P 43 / McGraw-Hill, 330 West
42 St., New York
Automatic controls may be used to
check continuously the "border-of-wakefulness" of a patient undergoing a surgical operation. A servo-driven automatic
system replaces the human anesthesiologist in the administration of anesthetic
agents; it regulates the amount of anesthetic being administered.
Mechanization in a British Public Library / John Grindrod / The Office,
vol. 49, no. 2, Feb., '59, p 16 / The
Office, Office Publications Inc., 232
Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y.
The use of both marginal punched
cards and machine tabulating cards in
London's libraries; how the systems are
effectively used, and how much they cost.
Digital System Positions Shafts Over
Phone Line / R. B. Palmiter, Chief
Electronics Engr., Amer. Mach. and
Foundry Co. / Electronics, vol. 32, no.
7, Feb. 13, 1959, P 62 / McGraw-Hill,
330 West 42 St., New York
A modulator superimposes positions of
master shaft expressed in digital codes
on a carrier wave; mixes the modulated
signal with control information; transmits the composite signal at the rate of
750 bits per second. An amplifier and
demodulator reproduces the original signals, which are then compared with positions of slave shafts expressed in digital
codes. Differences are then converted'
into analog signals correcting the slave
Magnetic Drum Provides Analog Time
Delay / H. L. Daniels and D. K. Sampson, Remington Rand Univac, Division
of Sperry Rand Corp., St. Paul, Minn. /
Electronics, yol. 32, no. 6, Feb. 6, 1959,
P 44 / McGraw-Hill, 330 West 42 St.,
New York
A relatively uncomplicated drum recording system has been developed to
make analog simulations in designing
continuous-processing systems, which provide a time delay. In a highly stable system, applkable also to' tape, precision
of 0.1 percent is exceeded, between recorded and played-back low-frequency
analog voltages.

Tape Recording System Speeds Data
Processing / Way Dong Woo, DATAmatic Div., Minneapolis - Honeywell
Regulator Co., Newton Highlands,
Mass. / Electronics, vol. 32, no. 6, Feb.
6, 1959, P 56 / McGraw-Hill, 330 West
42 St., New York
The use of a technique for recording
pulse duration and a 31-channel block
format give large information content,
while minimizing "dead space" and effect
from tape skew, plus the ability to rerecord on individual blocks, These unique
uses of magnetic tape enable a dataprocessing system to handle information
at a rate of 40,000 alpha-numeric characters per second.
Automatic Failure Recovery in a Digital
Computer / R. H. Doyle, R. A. Meyer,
and R. P. Perdowitz / IBM Journal of
Research and Development, vol. 3, no.
1, Jan., '59, p 2 / IBM Corp., 590
Madison Ave., New York 22, N.Y.
A program which enables a complex
digital data processing system to discover
and correct its own errors. The "Fix"
program compensates for its errors,
achieving recovery with a negligible loss
of time. Some methods of the program
are discussed, as well as reliability techniques, program design, and recovery
On the Mathematical Theory of ErrorCorrecting Codes / H. S. Shapiro, and
D. L. Slotnick / IBM Journal of Research and Development, yol. 3, no. 1,
Jan., '59, p 25 / IBM Corp., 590 Madison AYe., New York 22, N.Y.
A discussion of the use of "Hamming
codes" for efficient transmission O'f binary data over a noisy channel. Hamming reconstruction considered errorfree signalling over a channel which corrupts no more than one binary digit in
each sequence of length n; the authers
consider the problem for channels which
can corrupt a greater number of digits.
An Experimental Modulation-Demodulation Scheme for High-Speed Data
Transmission / E. Hopner / IBM
Journal of Research and Development,
yol. 3, nO'. 1, Jan., '59, p 74 / IBM
Corp., 590 Madison Ave., New York
22, N.Y.
The theoretical and practical problems
involved in a system designed to determine speed and reliability limitations on
transmitting binary data over telephones
designed for speech transmission. Probe
[Please turn to page 25]


all-new, all-transistorized

The only all-purpose medium-scale
data processing system that starts
economically, expands with your needs,

and cannot be outgrown " .,'" .':



COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959',:






The all-transistorized Honeywell 800 is the only computer that gives you the ability to process up to eight
programs simultaneously - each independently written
and automatically controlled.
No complex and costly programming is necessary to
utilize the full efficiency of the Honeywell 800; a single
powerful control unit supervises each and every independent operation speeding in parallel.
This achievement we call automatically controlled
parallel processing. Its practical economic advantages are
sizable for work loads large and small, business or
For example, you could run off a payroll, update your
inventory and schedule production all at the same time,
and all as independent jobs. And if your engineering staff
needed to solve a complex scientific problem in a hurry,
you could put that on Honeywell 800 too - whil€" data
processing is going on.
All these operations are meshed into a machine-determined schedule, always geared to utilize Honeywell 800
to its maximum efficiency. The central processor does not
wait for relatively slow mechanical operations such as
card reading or printing. All programs are automatically
dovetailed to fill in ttdead time" when the computer
would otherwise lie idle.
Honeywell 800 thus introduces heretofore unimagined
simplicity, efficiency and economy in this vital area of
programming and scheduling. Your entire day's work can
now be accomplished smoothly and on schedule with
several of your key programs operating in parallel and
automatically controlled.
The profitable use of the basic Honeywell 800 system
begins far down the ladder to include relatively small
volumes of work, and it can be utilized to accommodate
your company's growth for years to come. This extraordinary capacity can be expanded at any time in small
steps and at small cost. No management need make such
additions until they can efficiently and profitably use
And you can't outgrow Honeywell 800. Its tremendous
potential capacity plus its ability to operate more than
a dozen data processing devices simultaneously make it
your profitable partner indefinitely. And with Honeywell
800 you will never again have to face the cost of reprogramming.

Does all this sound costly? Honeywell 800 is competitively priced with other systems. In a working day it
can process more data per dollar than any other computer.
Both the equipment and the programs of Honeywell
800 are backed by years of experience - and the caliber
of service which users of Honeywell's DATAmatic '1000
have come to expect.

Vital Statistics
of The Honeywell 800
Word Definition
12 decimal digits, 8 alphanumeric characters or
48 binary digits
Memory Size
4,096 to 16,384 words
Order Structure
Internal Operating Speeds
Single active address operations-60,006 per
Three-address operations-30,000 per second
Information transfer rate-140,000 words per
Accumulations-125,000 per second
MAGNETIC TAPE (%:" wide)
Speed-96,000 decimal digits per second per unit
Tape Capacity-up to 20,000,000 decimal digits
(Maximum of eight units reading and eight units
writing in simultaneous operation)
STANDARD CARD READER-240 cards per minute
(Maximum of 8 units in simultaneous operation)
HIGH SPEED CARD READER-750 cards per minute (Maximum of eight units in simultaneous
STANDARD PRINTER-l 50 lines per minute (Maximum of eight units in simultaneous operation)
HIGH-SPEED PRINTER-600/900 lines per minute
(Maximum of 8 units in simultaneous operation)
STANDARD CARD PUNCH-lOO cards per minute
(Maximum of 8 units in simultaneous operation)
HIGH-SPEED CARD PUNCH-200 cards per minute (Maximum of eight units in simultaneous
Standard Features
1. Parallel processing of up to eight independent programs
2. Parallel operation of input output devices
3. Binary and decimal arithmetic
4. Indexing
5. Word masking
6. Tape reading in either direction
7. Fast tape rewind
8. On-line inquiry processing
9. Multi-function instructions
10. Orthotronic Control
11. Automatic programming routines
12. Library routines
13. Bi-sequence operation mode
Optional Features
Floating-point arithmetic
Random-access storage
Paper-tape input-output equipment
How To Get More Facts
If you would like more information about
Honeywell BOO, please let us know. We will send
you complete details by retUrn mail. Write
Minneapolis-Honeywell, DATAmatic Division,
Dept. A, Newton Highlands 61, MassacllUsetts.

[jj] DATArnatic

COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959



do up to a different independently programmed jobs
simultaneously - business, sCientific, or both
process many business jobs independently in no
more time than it takes to do the longest job alone
solve complex scientific problems more efficiently
than computers marketed for this purpose
process small-volume applications economically
expand capacity in small, economical stages
grow without limit to meet your future needs
grow without re-programming (with its heavy costs)
process more data per dollar in a working day than
any ot her system

Honeywell 800 is priced competitively with other systems.
It cuts costs for floor space, air-conditioning, and power,
and is backed by Honeywell's electronic experience and the
type of service you have come to expect from Honeywell.
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959



for experienced methods analysts and engineers

The overwhelming acceptance of Honeywell 800 has created immediate openings for ambitious and imaginative people with experience in the field of
electronic data proce~sing. If you are looking for the opportunity to make
substantial contributions to advances in this field, if you seek the recognition
that comes through performing difficult assignments well, if you enjoy working
with competent, stimulating associates on projects that have solid management support, consider the following:







Systems and Methods Analysts assist
Sales Engineers in analyzing and developing potential customer applications. They provide the necessary
training and guidance to assure
optimum utilization of the system,
combining a knowledge of the customers office systems and procedures
with their command of the Honeywell
800 system.

Systems Analysis Engineers are responsible for advanced logical and
systems design and evaluation; the
design and implementation of compilers, utility routines, operating
procedures for automatic routines,
library subroutines; test routines; and
new automatic programming techniques.

Depending on training, experience
and qualifications; systems, circuit
and logical design projects are available involving the advanced application of transistors, cores, tubes,
diodes, and a variety of magnetic
devices; electronic and electromechanical design of manipulative
memory and peripheral conversion
equipment; component evaluation
and design; or the design of complex
digital systems test equipment.

Formal background desired:
Formal background desired:
High academic standing in business
administration or a field of science.
Data proce~sing or computer
programming experience desirable.

High academic standing in a
field of science.

Formal background desired:

Data processing experience and
advanced degrees desirable.

Electronic Engineering.
Mechanical Engineering.


Personnel Director, Dept. 10
Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Company
DA TAmatic Division
Newton Highlands 61, Massachusetts



COMPUJ:ERS and AUTOMATION - for March, 1959

Survey of Recent Articles
[Continued from page 20]
lems such as impulse noise, phase distortion and choice of modulation scheme,
are covered, while performance of the
equipment is reported with the reliabilities experienced at 600, 1000, 1600, and
2400 bits per second.
Fast Automation - Britain's Salvation /
J. W. Murray / Automation and Automatic Equipment News, vol. 4, no. 5,

Jan., '59, P 904 / Automation and
Automatic Equipment News, 9 Gough
Sq., Fleet St., London, E.C. 4, Eng.
The seventh and concluding article in a
series by the author on the problems of
automation. The series dealt with comparative economic and political problems
in the United States, Great Britain, and
the Soviet Union. This article discusses
future prosperity based upon automation.
Diffusion Attenuation, Part I / J. A.
Swanson / IBM Journal of Research

and Development, vol. 3, no. 1, Jan.,
'59, p 13 / IBM Corp., 590 Madison
Ave., New York 22, N.Y.
The problem of calculating the attenuation of signals consisting of compensated
space charges moving in an electric field
of general, but prescribed, form is solved
by pertubation methods. An iteration
process is developed for obtaining the
general solution in the one-dimensionaL
case; asymptotic formulas for attenuation and phase shift are derived.

A Survey of
British Digital Computers
(Part I)
Joseph L. F. De Kerf
Research Laboratories
Gevaert Photo-Producten N.V.
Mortsel, Belgium

N THE United Kingdom, as, in
the United States, most of the innovations in design, development,
and use of computers, have come
from university and other scientific
research laboratories.
these studies were supported by government or interested manufacturers.
As most of us know the first automatic digital calculator was designed
by a British subject, Charles Babbage. Though constructed in parts,
his engines were never completed.
It was only about 1944 that, in the
U.S., H. H. Aiken set the first digital
computer into operation: the IBM
ASCC or Mark I (Harvard University).
Since that time a lot of pioneer
work has been done in the United
Kingdom. The first computer using
a magnetic drum storage, the ARC,
was 'constructed by A. D. and K. V.
H. Booth, both of Birkbeck College. '
A prototype SEC and the APE(X)C
series followed later. The first British computer with delay line storage,
EDSAC I, was constructed by M. V.
Wilkes of Cambridge University.
Recently an expanded type (EDSAC
II) with magnetic core storage has
been completed. Another computer
with delay lines, the well-known
Pilot ACE, was completed at the National Physical Laboratories, the
counterpart of the U.S. National
Bureau of Standards. Later on this


computer w~s replaced by an engineered version, while Pilot ACE was
bequeathed to the British Science
Museum for exhibition. An expanded
type ACE has been completed recently. The use of cathode-ray tubes
as store element was pioneered by
F. C. Williams of the Manchester
University in his Mark I. An expanded type (Mark II) and an experimental transistor machine followed soon. Like EDSAC II, Mark
II has a magnetic core storage.
From all these experimental machines several commercial versions were
derived. It must be noticed however,
that in Great Britain the total number of computers installed or on
order is only about three hundred
(1958). This number is small, compared with that in the U.S., but on
the European computer market,
Great Britain is undoubtedly leading.
Readers of this journal receive
yearly a list of information about
what is available in the computer
field. The Computer Directory and
Buyers' Guide embraces only the
U.S. products (and those overseas
products, represented in the U.S.).
Details about British commercial
computers are given in some journals
and other publications related to the
field, but so far as we know, a complete description has never been published in the U.S.
It is the purpose of this repon to
do so. Most of the information was

COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959

assembled by the author as a member
of a course on digital computers, organized at the end of 1957 by the
British Council, and as a visitor t(}
the Electronic Computer Exhibition,
held at London (Olympia) in November-December 1958.
The author is indebted to the direction of the Gevaert Photo-Producten N.V., Monsel, Belgium, who.
made this study possible. He wishes
also to thank the manufacturers who.
checked the information given.
British C(}mputers and Manufacturers
Hyde Park, London.
The company has been marketing
Hollerith punched card equipment
(80 column cards) for nearly fiftyyears. Allied with International Bus·~
iness Machines Corporation, the com·
pany became independent about ten
years ago. Recently BTM has entered into association with the Laboratory for Electronics, Boston,.
Mass. and with the General Electric
Company, Kingsway, London. A
proposed merger between BTM and
Powers-Samas should be finalized in
Since 1951 a series of electroniccalculating punches, the most recent
being the Hollerith type 555 electronic calculator, has been developed.
About fifteen 555' s have been delivered so far. In 1953 an electronic

computer for scientific calculations,
Hec 2, was introduced. To satisfy
the needs of business and industry
Hec 4, now called Hec type 1201, has
been constructed. A similar com'puter, but with expanded storage ca'pacity, is the Hec type 1202. About
fifty Hec's have been installed or are
on order. Data processing systems
.also have been designed. The first,
type 1400, will be completed in the
near future.
- Hollerith 555
Controlled by panels. Operation mode:
.serial parallel. Number base: binary

l' "


fiR '$ T:' in" t h 'e

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r n d U $ t r i ci 1,'" fie' I' &if"




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Reg. Patent Agent
Ford Inst. Co., Div. of Sperry Rand Corp.
Long Island City 1, New York

HE followin~ i~ a compilation of
patents pertalrung to computers
and associated equipment from the
"Official Gazette of the United
States Patent Office," dates of issue
as indicated. Each entry consists of:
patent number / inventor(s) / assignee / invention. Printed copies
of patents may be obtained from the
U.S. Commissioner of Patents, Washington 25, D.C., at a cost of 25
cents each.


July 22, 1958: 2,844,308 I Roger R. Dussine, Paris, Fr. I Societe d'Electronique
et d'Automatisme, a Corp. of Fr. I
Circuits for the addition and subtraction of numbers.
2,844,310 I John Robert Cartwright,
Letchworth, Eng. I - I A data column
shifting device.
2,844,312 I James M. McCampbell, San
Francisco, Calif. I U.S.A. as repre-

25 stages driven by a 50 mw transistor
25 KC unit
to 30/1 minimum
HIGH RELIABILITY from generous
operating margins, long life, three
years of field testing.
LINE: magnetic, transistor, coincident-current.
Among USERS of our shift registers: Dupont, Eastman Kodak,
IBM, Lockheed Aircraft
Try our SAMPLE REGISTER ASSEMBLIES - ready to operate.
See the DII AN difference for yourself

DII AN Controls., Inc.

40 Leon St.
Boston 15, Massachusetts
Telephone: HIghlands 5-5640
TWX: Roxbury, Mass., 1057

.' .. Niaii Thi~' C~~~~~· (~~ .~ ~~py' ~f .it) ..
40 Leon St., Boston 15, Mass.

Please send me information on
shift registers, 0 counters,
buffer storage. My name and
address are attached.


sented by the Sec. of the Navy I A
radiation intensity dosage analogue
July 29, 1958: 2,845,219 I Gerard J. R.
Piel, Paris, Fr. I Societe d'Electronique
eLd'Automatisme, Paris, Fr. I A scaleconversion apparatus for converting a
numerical quantity expressed in a binary scale of notation to the corresponding expression of said quantity in
the denary scale of notation.
2,845,220 I Lowell S. Bensky and Linder
C. Hobbs, Haddonfield, N.J. I Radio
Corporation of America, a corporation
of Delaware I An electronic comparator.
2,845,222 I Joseph F. Genna and Robert
E. Stalcup, Indianapolis, Ind. I U.S.A.
as represented by the Sec. of the Navy
I A high speed parallel type binary
electronic adder.
2,845,597 I George D. Perkins, Duarte,
Calif. I Consolidated Electrodynamics
Corp., Pasadena, Calif. I A system for
digitizing analog signals.
2,845,609 I Edward A. Neuman, Teddington, Donald W. Davies, Southsea,
and David O. Clayden, Hanwell, London, Eng. I National Research Development Corp., London, Eng. I A
method of recording digital information.
2,845,610 I Warren A. Cornell, Murray
Hill, and John H. McGuignan, New
Providence, N.J., and Orlando J. Murphy, New York, N.Y. I Bell Telephone
Laboratories, Inc., New York, N.Y. I
A magnetic data storage system.
2,845,611 I Frederic C. Williams, Oakhurst, Romiley, Eng. I National Research Development Corp., London,
Eng. I A digital storage system.
August 5, 1958: 2,846,141 I Roy Bailey,
Woolhampton, and Gerhard Liebmann,
Aldermaston, Eng. I Sunvic Controls
Limited, London, Eng. I An electrical
analogue computing apparatus.
2,846,593 I Eugene A. Sands, Mount Kisco, N.Y. I - - I A logical computing
August 12, 1958: 2,847,161 I Alexander
Greenfield, Detroit, Mich. I Bendix
Aviation Corp., Detroit, Mich. I A
counting circuit.
2,847,568 I Julian A. Saucedo, Covina,
Calif. I Hoffman Electronics' Corp., a
Corp. of Calif. I A distance digital display circuit arrangement.
2,847,615 I Douglas C. Engelbart, ,0akland, Calif. I Digital Techniques, ~nc.,
Berkeley, Calif. I A memory device.
2,847,658 I Francis V. Adams, Endicott,
N.Y. I International Business Machines
Corp., New York, N.Y. I A drum
storage look-up device.

August 19, 1958: 2,848,160 I Ben Biderman, Cedar Rapids, Iowa I Collins
Radio Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa I A
trigonometric computing apparatus.
2,848,161 I Harry J. Woll, Audubon,
N.}. I R.C.A., a Corp. of Del. I An
analogue multiplication device.
2,848,532 I Robert L. Weida, Elmhurst,
N.Y. I Underwood Corp., New York
N.Y. I A data processor.
2,848,605 I Saul Kuchinsky, Phoenixville,
Pa. I Burroughs Corp., Detroit, Mich.
I An analogue-to-digital conversion
using cathode ray sampler to control a
cathode ray coder.
2,848,670 I Leroy U. S. Kelling and Lawrence R. Peaslee, Schenectady, N.Y. I
General Electric Co., a Corp. of New
York I An Automatic programming
servomotor control system.
2,848,709, 1 Curtis M. Jansky, New York,
and Arthur W. Vodak, Garden City,
N.Y. I Sperry Rand Corp., a Corp. of
Delaware I A digital data storage circuit.
August 26, 1958: 2,849,181 I Jules Lehmann, Trenton, N.}. I R.C.A., a Corp.
of Del. I A time-division computing
2,849,183 I John H. Kuck, Silver Spring,
Md. I U.S.A. as represented by the Secretary of the Navy I An analyzer for
plotting the probability of the occurrence of a given amplitude in an electrical wave.
2,849,184 I Arden H. Fredrick, Mount
Kisco, and John W. Gray, Pleasantville, N.Y. I General Precision Lab.,
Inc., a Corp. of N.Y. I A navigational
system wind computer.
2,849,704 I Glyn A. Neff, Pasadena, Calif.
I Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp.,
Pasadena, Calif. I A data processing
2,849,705 I Munro K. Haynes, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. I I.B.M. Corp., New
York, N.Y. I A multidimensional high
speed magnetic element memory Matrix.
2,849,706 I Charles L. Hamblin, London,
Eng. I General Electric Co., Lim., London, Eng. I An electronic circuit for
deriving a voltage proportional" to the
logarithms of the magnitude of a variable quantity.
Sept. 2, 1958: 2,850,236 I David H.
Schaefer, Wash., D.C., and Donald G .
Scorgie, Pittsburgh, Pa. I U.S.A. as
represented by the Sec. of the Navy I
A polarity sensitive analogue divider.
2,850,237 I Gordon C. Irwin, Fair Haven,
N.J. / Bell Telephone Lab., Inc., New
York, N.Y. I A number scanning circuit.

COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959



Basic Source Information,
Available to You from

Mailing plates for over 18,500 computer people. We address your envelopes.
$19.00 per M
The Computer Directory and Buyers'
Guide, 1958 (the June, 1958, issue of
organization listings, 3220 product and
service listings.
Over 480 careful, clear, understandable
definitions. 4th cumulative edition. (20
or more copies, 10% discount.)
(For seven years of publication.)
If available, $1.25 each, except Directory issues June 1955 to 1957, $4.00
each; June, 1958, $6.00.
U.S.A. one year $5.50; two years $10.50;
add 50c per year for Canada, $1.00 per
year elsewhere.
These rates apply to prepaid subscrip.
tions to COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION coming in together direct to the

(U nited States)
Number of

Rate for Each
Subscription, and
Resulting Saving:
One Year
Two Years

7 or more
4 to 6

4.60, 16
8.00, 24
5.00, 9
8.80, 16
5.25, 5
9.55, 9
For Canada, add 50 cents for each year;
outside of the United States and Canada,
add $1.00 for each year.
Send prepaid orders or requests for
more information to:

815 Washington St., Newtonville 60, Mass.
If not satisfactory, returnable in seven days
for full refund.

2,850,667 / Frederic C. Williams, Romiley, Eng. / National Research Development Corp., London, Eng. / An apparatus for storing binary digits.
2,850,719 / Richard J. LaManna, Orange,
N.J. / Monroe Calculating Machine
Co., Orange, N.]. / A data entering
means for storage devices .
Sept. 9, 1958: 2,851,219 / Luther W.
Hussey, Sparta, N.]. / Bell Telephone
Lab., Inc., New York, N.Y. / A serial
adder for adding successive pairs of
binary digi ts.
2,851,220 / Richard E. Kimes, Concord,
Calif. / Beckman Instruments, Inc.,
South Pasadena, Calif. / A transistor
counting circuit for counting electric
Sept. 16, 1958: 2,852,191 / Howard A.
Lazarus, Brooklyn, N.Y. / Reeves Instrument Corp., New York, N.Y. /
A circuit for computing the cosine of
the angular position of a shaft.
2,852,764 / Donald MeL. Frothingham,
Darien, Conn. / Barnes Bngineering
Co., Stamford, Conn. / A data conversion system.
Sept. 23, 1958: 2,853,234 / Roger R.
Dussine Paris Fr. / Societe d'Electronique et d'Autdmatisme, Courbevoie, Fr.
/ An electronic digital adder-subtractor
computer device.
2,853,235 / John F. Brinster, Homer M.
Hill, Jr., and Erwin Donath, Princeton,
N.]. / Applied Science Corp. of Princeton, Princeton, N.]. / A binary digit
multiplier circuit for USe in digital
2,853,238 / Robert R. Johnson, Pasadena,
Calif. / Hughes Aircraft Co., Culver
City, Calif. / A binary-coded flip-flop
2,853,357 / Alfred W. Barber, Flushing,
N.Y. / John T. Potter, Locust Valley,
N.Y. / A pulse packing system for
magnetic recording of binary coded
2,853,697 / Sheldon D. Silliman, Forest
Hills, and Willard A. Derr, Pittsburgh,
Pa. / Westinghouse Electric Corp., East
Pittsburgh, Pa. / A logic-element decimal register.
2,853,699 / Stephen]. O'Neil, Lexington,
Mass. / U.S.A. as represented by the
Sec. of the Air Force / A digital-toanalogue shaft position transducer.
Sept. 30, 1958: 2,854,191 / Gordon Raisbeck, Basking Ridge, N.J. / Bell Telephone Lab., Inc., New York, N.Y. / An
apparatus for computing the correlation
of two signals.
2,854,~18 / William W. Pharis, Rochester,
New York / General Dynamics Corp.,
Rochester, N.Y. / A digit adding
2,854,573 / James E. Fernekees, Wappingers Falls, N.Y. / International
Business Machines Corp., New York,
N.Y. / An electronic storage device
employing a phantastion with arrangement for gating synchronizing pulses.

COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959

Data Processing Engineers

To Maximize
General Electric
SAMPLE PROBLEM: Determine the
optimum detection criteria for a
particular class of radar target.
Examine the potentials for basic
information in the applicable
class of radars. Specify the logical criteria for the design of a
data processing system to utilize
the chosen class of radar against
the particular target.
Intercept Data to be
Evaluated Increases Geometrically
with Increasing Target Speeds

As target speeds enter the hypersonic region, necessitating proportionate increases in radar
range, a rising Hood of target information demands split-second
evaluation - data link transmission and conversion into forms
useful for tactical decision
Are you interested in the
problems of applying non-classical approaches to achieve a new
order of systems capabilities critically needed? If so, you are invited to look into the many
opportunities open now on a diversity of projects in:

Display Systems
** 3-D
Large Screen Display Systems
* Digital Detector Trackers
* Air Traffic Control Systems
* Environments
Integrated Air Defense

Positions at Several Levels
Write to:
M}"~~eo~ge~. <::allender, Div: 21-MC

Heavy Military Electronics Dept.

Court Street, Syracuse, New York

A full entry in the "Who's Who in
-the Computer Field" consists of:
name / title, organization, address
/ interests (the capital letters of the
abbreviations are the initial letters
of Applications, Business, Construction, Design, Electronics, Logic,
Mathematics, Programming, Sales) /
year of birth, college or last school
(background), year of entering the
computer field, occupation / other
information such as distinctions,
publications, etc. An absence of information is indicated by - (hyphen). Other abbreviations are used
which may be easily guessed like
those in the telephone book.
Every now and then a group of
completed Who's Who entry forms
come in to us together from a single
organization. This is a considerable
help to a compiler, and we thank the
people who are kind enough to arrange this. In such cases, the organization and the add~ess are represented by . . . (three dots).

Following are several sets of such
Who's Who entries.
Bendix Aviation Corp., Systems Division,
3300 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich.
Becher, William D / Staff Engr, . . . /
DL / '29, Tri-State Call, V of Mich,
'58, engr / Member of IRE
Buzzard, Robert D / Engr, . . . / A /
'26, MIT, San Diego State Call, '53
Dye, Robert H / Staff Engr, . . . / AL /
'29, V of Mich, '53 / Tau Beta Pi, Eta
Kappa Nu, co-author of VMRI Tech
Rpt #79
Gordon, David George / Staff Engr, . . .
/ DL / '34, Case Inst of Tech, '58, engr
Gildner, Gilbert G / Staff Engr, . . .
/ ADL / '32, Mich ColI of Mining &
Tech, '57, elecncs engr (data procg)
Johnston, George A / . . . / AD / '31,
Nwn V, '56, engr
Collins, Arthur B / ... / ACEDL / '29,
Mich State V, '53
Kloosterm:!n, James L / Staff Engr, . . .
/ ALP / '33, Western Mich V, '55
Loughray, Jr, Bruce / Data Procg Proj
Engr, . . . / ACEDL / '29, Vniv of
Conn, '52
Potter, William H / Engr, ... / EMDL /
'22, Ind Vniv, V of Mich, '52

5 me Data Bloc

• Data-Pac

Versatile, High-Speed digital building blocks for data
handling, data conversion systems ... special purpose
counters ... process cont~ol and automation ... laboratory research and test equipment.
NMR instrumentation, electromagnets and power supplies,
error signal comparator ... digital components.


Research and Development Division


Smith, James F / . . . / MP / '29, Sou'n
Methodist Vniv, '58
Van Valkenburg, E S / Head, Data Procg
& Display Dept, . . . / ACDL / '23,
V of Mich, '47, engr
Computer Control Co., 2251 Barry Ave.,
Los Angeles 64, Calif.
Alexander, James C / Head of Autom
Prgmg, . . . / AMP /' '30, Vniv of
Wash, '55, Sr Prgmr
Arnold, Dorothy E / Head, WLA Math
Gp, . . . / CDMPS / '22, Vniv of
Ariz, '53, mathn
Baugh, Harold W / Sr Proj Engr, . . .
/ AELM / '24, CIT, '51, elecnc engr
Baumer, William E / Asst Engr, "
CDEL / '29, VCLA, '56, engr
Brathwaite, Louis K / Analyst, . ,
AMP / '27, NYV Grad Sch, '54, mathn
Brinckerhoff, Frank E / Prgmr, . . . /
AMP / '32, Vniv So Cal, '56, mathn
Coker, Louise / Mathn Prgmr, . . . /
MP / - , VCLA, '55, mathn
Dyer, James / Analyst, . . . / MP / '21,
VCLA, '52, mathn
Fairbrother, Edward M / Prgmr, . . . /
MP / '29, VCLA, '56, mathn
Frieden, Howard / Mathn-Prgmr, .
/ LMP / '35, Vniv of Chi, '54, mathn
Giese, Gerald J / Prgmr, .'. . / AMP /
'34, Ariz State at Tempe, '~6, mathn
Holden, Louise / Prgmr, ... / P / '0.5,
Nwn Vniv, Evanston, Ill, '54, prgmr
Holguin, Raul E / Prgmr, ... / MP / '28,
VCLA, '53, prgmr
Kampe, Elza M / Prgmr, . . . / MP /
'16, Vniv of Mich, '54, mathn
Kosinski, Walter J / Math Sales Mgr,
. . . / ABCDELMPS / '31, Vniv of
Conn, VCLA, '54, mathn
McMillan, Malcolm C / Analyst, . . . /
LMP / '27, VCLA, '55, mathn
Nickols, Alexander / Prgmr, ... / AMP
/ '32, VCLA, '54, mathn
Rawl, Wilfred E / Mathn, . . . / MP /
'27, Ind Vniv, USC, UCLA, '52, mathn
Ritland, Lloyd 0 / Head, CCC Math Gp,
. . . FMP / '06, VCLA, '56, prgmr
Skidmore, John W / Prgmr, . . . / MP
/ '05, Case Inst of Tech, '57, mathn
Spargur, Janet L / Compr Operator, ...
/ ALMP / '27, LA Jr Call, '56, compr
. operator
Sprong, D C / Head, Engrg Dept, . . .
/ CDEL / '09, VCLA, '48, engr
Stockmal, Frank / Head, Math Dept, ...
/ AMP / '21, Univ of Rochester, '51,
Wesley, Louis W / Compr Analyst, . . .
/ MP / '20, Vniv of Minn, '42, mathn
Wiegert, Samuel C / Prgmr, . . . /
MP / '29, Iowa St Teach Call, '55,
Remington Rand Univac, Div. of Sperry
Rand Corp., Univac Park, St. Paul 16,
Callahan, James I / Prod Planner ... /

COMPUTERS and AVTOMATION for March, 1959

Call on Clevite's Computer Know-How

ABDPS / '29, Wm & Mary, Univ of
Ill, '56, prod planner
Clamons, Eric H / Mgr, New Products
· . . / ABMP / '19, Univ of Minn,
,48, mech engr, mathn
Cramer, John B / Mathn, . . . / ABP /
'23, Univ of Colo, '50, mathn
Dyal, J 0 / Head, Prod Proposal Sec
· . . / planning computer products /
'25, Univ of N C, '49, physicist
Ericksen, Gerald L / Mathn, . . . / A /
'31, Univ of Minn (M.A.), '54, prod
Higgins, Jr., Leo J (Aplcns Analyst, . . .
/ ABP / '24, Univ of Wisc (BBA '51),
'56. accountant (prior to computers) /
Phi Beta Kappa, Beta Gamma Sigma
Hildreth, Dalton L / Aplns Analyst,. . .
/ ABP / '21, Univ of Ill, '56, accountant
Holston, Alfred A / Systems Analyst, ...
/ AP, air traffic contr systems / '20,
N Tex State ColI, '56, analyst
Jarvis, Donald T / Supvr, Systems Re-

;u~~~~~ ;e~22~~ni~r~~ ~~~~, ·'56:

Ke:;et:'~aVid E /

Supvr, New Prod Dept
· .. / ABD / '23, Univ of Va, '49, prod
Lunger, George F / Staff Consultant, ...
/ ABDELMP / '18, Univ of Mich, '56,
mathl statn / "Theory of Queens" publ
• by Univac Div; co-author of two papers
on lake trout fisheries
Rennacker, Harvey E / Mgr, Planning
Support Dept, . . . / prod planning of
new prod & modifns to current products / '23, US Naval Acad, '54, elecl
Sampson, Lewis H / Aplns Analyst, ...
/ ABDELMP / '27, Univ of Minn,
'56, aplns analyst
The Datics Corporation, 6000 Camp
Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas
Austin, Kenneth L / Pres, ... / ABDELMPS / '25, Univ of Okla, '50, mgt of
compr svc orgn
Ergle, John L / Datatician, . . . / A /
'29, Georgia Tech, '55, chern engr
Marotta, Anthony F / Dir of Data Proc
Svcs, . . . / ABMP / '30, Texas Christian Univ, '56, Dir, Data Proc Svcs /
Journal of Petroleum Technology, Oil
& Gas Journal, Ninth Oil Recovery
Conference at Texas A&M
McIntire, Robert L / Vice Pres, . . . /
AP / '24, Purdue & Iowa State, '50,
registered engr / 20 patents in field of
engrg and papers in tech journals
Medwedeff, Marion C / Datatician,
/ APS, engrg / '29, Lamar State Call
of Tech, '56, campr prgmr
Roberts, Cloyd M / Ch of Opns, . . . /
A / '27, Texas A&M, '56, ch of opns
Schneider, John C / Datatician, . . . /
MPS, engrg, stat analysis / '28, St.
Edward's Univ, '53, data proc engr
Titt, Mrs La Veta / Statistician, . . . /
M, statistics, engrg / '06, Univ of
Chic & Univ of Md, '53, mathl statn
Vinson, Jon A / Datatician, ... / AMPS,
engrg probs / '29, Centenary ColI of La,
;55, mathn

Memory Drum

This stainless steel belt drive was
developed to reduce the noise of instantaneous speed variations and
backlash inherent in gear drives.
In actual tests with FM recorded
data, the noise level was four to
six decibels lower than the finest
gear drives available for comparison. Signal-to-noise ratios of
over 60 db (with noise cancella,tion) have been measured.
Unusually durable, this stainless
steel belt drive holds its low
noise level for years.
While this drive is! for a specialpurpose magnetic memory drum,
similar drives can be designed
for any memory drum or tape

This precision component is just
one example of the specialized
engineering and production skills
to be found at Clevite, Texas
Division. We are producing complete analog computer systems
with an overall accuracy of 1 part
in 6000. We are also equipped
to design and build sub-systems
and computer-controlled servosystems to any specification.
If you want to know more about
us and what we can do, just
write. We will be glad to send
you our brochure describing facilities or arrange for an appointment at your convenience.

Clevite Corporation, Texas Division, 9820 South Main Street~
Houston 25, Texas

Other Divisions of Clevite Corporation
serving industry and defense:

Brush Instruments • Cleveland Graphite
Bronze • Clevite Electronic Components
• Clevite Harris Products • Clevite limited
• Clevite Ordnance • Clevite Research Center • Clevite Transistor Products • Intermeta II G.m.h.H.

COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959





Burroughs Corporation,
ElectroData Division, has just
completed the most successful sales
year in its five-year history. In this
dynamic, youthful organization
new opportunities are constantly
arising. For professionals who seek
the advantages of a completely
computer-centered company,
in all its aspects, ElectroData
Division has much to offer.
Openings exist in Pasadena in
Product Planning, Applied
Programming, Publications and
Training, and in scientific
and commercial applications ..
In the field, throughout the U. S.,
there are openings for Application
and Programming Specialists
who are interested in being part
of a sales operation, with all
its variety, excitement and rewards.
If you feel you can meet the
standards of this quality-conscious
organization, and if you want to
participate personally in one of
the most stimulating business
dramas of the 20th century, contact
the nearest Burroughs-ElectroData
-office-or write to Professional .
Personnel Director in Pasadena.

Burroughs Corporation

"NEW DL'tfENSIONS! in eleclronicJ and dala prOO'JJing .!,YJtem,s"


General Electric Company, Evendale
Computations Building 305, Cincinnati
15, Ohio
Allison, M H / Mgr, Automatic Test Data
Procg Unit, . . . / P / '26, Ohio State
Un iv, '57, Bailey, Barbara Wells / Numerical Analyst, . . . I LP I '32, Goucher Col--~
lege (B.A. Physics), '54, prgmr
Baker, J M / Automatic Test Data Redn
Analyst, ... / P, Testing Area of Data
Reduction / '26, Hanover Colleg':!,
'55 Banan, Frederick B / Mgr, Compr Techniques Devt, . . . / P. Opernl Systems
/ '14, Worcester Poly Inst, '56, Bartlett, Jan C / Systems Devt Analyst,
. . . LMP, Systems / '32, Univ of Cincinnati, '56, 704 systems devt
Booher, W L / Numerical Analyst, .. ,
/ ALMP / '28, Purdue Univ, '58 Campbell, Donald J / Math Compns Analyst, ... / LMP / '33, Univ of Mich,
'56, prgmr
Caplan, L N / Bus Systems Analyst,
/ ABLMP / '3D, Carnegie Tech, '55,
bus systems analyst / "Orgn of Scientific Compg Installations" in "Computers and Automation"
Carr, George J / Mgr, Thermodynamics
& Performance Compns, . . . / AMP /
'32, Villa Madonna ColI; Univ of Cincinnati, '55, mathn
Clarks, Dorothea S / Automatic Coding
Analyst, . . . / Systems & Automatic
Coding Devt I '21, Hiram College,
'53 Cruickshank, Robert D / statl analyst,
... / AM / '31, AB, Oberlin College,
'57, mathn, statn
Donovan, David P / Mgr Compns Facilities, . . . / BP / '24, Univ of Cincinnati, Earner, George E / Thermodynamics
Compns Analyst, . . . / LMP / '3~,
Miami Univ, Oxford, Ohio, '58 - /
MA Thesis on "Applications of the
Fields of Integers, Modulo P, to the
Fermat Problem"
Entzminger, Thomas A / Thermodynamics
Compns Analyst, . . . / LMP / '26,
Va State ColI '57 Erickson, Daryth Y / Prgmr, ... / AMP
/ '36, Colo ColI, '56, prgmr
Hahn, Donald J / Thermodynamic Compns Specialist, .. , AMP / '31, Univ
of Cincinnati, '54, Holt, Roy Vincent / Engrg Systems Compns Analyst, . . . / AM / '26, Ohio
State Univ, '52, math I analyst
Hunter, William Heber / Automatic Test
Data Procg Analyst, . . . / ALMP
/ '35, Ohio Un iv, '58 Kuzirian, James H / Automatic Test Data
Procg Analyst,.
. / AP, test and
tech data' procg / '33, Wayne State
Univ, '57 Marlette, Lora Lee / Prgmr, ... / AMP
/ '32, Hanover ColI, Xavier Univ, '58,
Robertson, Yancey V / Prgmr, . . . /
AMP / '34, Georgetown ColI, '55,
Schatz, Vernon L / Mgr, Bus Systems
Aplns, . . . / AB / '21, Iowa State
ColI, '57. engrg / Registered Engr, Ohio
Member SAE
Schneider, Martha May / Numerical Analyst, ... / MP / '34, Univ of Ky, '56,
numerical analyst

Each year we like to bring up to
date our "Who's Who in the Computer Field." We are currently asking all computer people to fill in the
following Who's Who Entry Form,
and send it to us for their free listing
in the Who's Who that we publish
from time to time in Computers and
Automation. We are often asked
questions about computer peopleand if we have up to date information in our file, we can answer those
If you are interested in the computer field, please fill in and send us
the following Who's Who Entry
Form (to avoid tearing the magazine, the form may be copied on any
piece of paper).
Name? (please print) ................................... .
Your Address? .................................................. .
Your Organization? .......................................
Its Address? ........................................................... .
Your Title? ............................................................
Your Main Computer Interests?
( ) Applications
( ) Business
( ) Construction
( ) Design
( ) Electronics
( ) Logic
( ) Mathematics
( ) Programming
( ) Sales
( ) Other (specify):

Year of birth? ......................................................
College or last school? ................._..............
Year entered the computer field ?.........
Occupation? ..................................._.......... _.......... .
Anything else? (publications, distinctions, etc.) ........................................._.......... .
...................................-..................................... _........................... .
.........................................._....................................-................. .

When you have filled
form please send it to:
Editor, Computers and
815 Washington Str~et,
60, Mass.

in this entry
Who's Who

COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959

WE ARE interested in articles,
papers, reference information, and
discussion relating to computers and
automation. To be considered for
any particular issue, the manuscript
should be in our hands by the first
of the preceding month.
ARTICLES: We desire to publish articles
that are factual, useful, understandable, and
interesting to many kinds of people engaged
in one part or another of the field of computers and automation. In this audience are
many people who have expert knowledge of
some part of the field, but who are laymen
in other parts of it.
Consequently, a writer should seek to ex·
plain his subject, and show its context and
significance. He should define urifamiliar
terms, or use them in a way that makes their
meaning unmistakable. He should identify
unfamiliar persons with a few words. He
should use examples, details, comparisons,
analogies, etc., whenever they may help
readers to understand a difficult point. He
should give data supporting his argument
and evidence for his assertions.
We look particularly for articles that
explore ideas in the field of computers and
automation, and their applications and implications. An article may certainly be controversial if the subject is discussed reason
ably. Ordinarily, the length should be 1000
to 3000 words. A suggestion for an article
should be submitted to us before too much
work is done.
TECHNICAL PAPERS: Many of the foregoing requirements for articles do not necessarily apply to technical papers. Undefined
technical terms, unfamiliar assumptions.
mathematics, circuit diagrams, etc., may be
entirely appropriate. Topics interesting
probably to only a few people are acceptable.
print or reprint reference information: lists,
rosters, abstracts, bibliographies, etc., of use
to computer people. We are interested in
making arrangements for systematic publication from time to time of such information, with other people besides our own
staff. Anyone who would like to take the
responsibility for a type of reference information should write us.
NEWS AND DISCUSSION: We desire to print
news, brief discussions, arguments, announcements, letters, etc., anything, in fact.
if it is not advertising and is likely to be
of substantial interest to computer people.
PAYMENTS: In many cases, we make small
token payments for articles and papers, if
the author wishes to be paid. The rate is
ordinarily Yzc a word, the maximum is $15,
and both depend on length in words.
whether printed before, whether article or
paper, etc.
All suggestions, manuscripts, and inquiries about editorial material should be addressed to: The Editor, COMPUTERS and
AUTOMATION, 815 Washington Street,
Newtonville 60, Mass,

Stephens, Garnett L / Mathl Compns Analyst, . . . / ALMP / '31, Univ of
Ky, ' 56, mathn
Toth, Fred C / Prgmr, . . . / ABLMP /
'34, Univ of Cincinnati, '57 Trenkamp, Paul J / Engine Performance
Compns Analyst, . . . / LMP / '3~,
Villa Madonna College, '55 Tumbusch, James J / Specialist, Statl
Aplns, . . . / AM / '29, Univ of Dayton, Purdue Univ, '56, statn
Vollenweider, Mrs. Deborah B / Reactor
Compns Analyst, . . . / LMP / '33,
Wellesley ColI, Univ of Cincinnati,
'55 Watson, Doneley H / Mechanics Compns
Analyst, ... / AMP, astronomy / '29,
Omaha Univ, Indiana Univ, Univ of
Cincinnati, '55, mathl analyst / Cincinnati Engrg Society, many pubns on
prgmg, etc.
Watson, Flora J / Part-Time Compr
Prgmr, . . . / MP, astronomy / '28,
Hunter College, Indiana Univ, '50, analysis prgmg / Sigma-Xi
Williams, Gregory P / Compr Aplcns
Specialist, . . . / AMP, stat / '26, Columbia ColI, '54Woldstad, Carole / Numerical Analyst,
... / P / '34, Univ of Mich, '57, mathn
U. S. Navy, Electronic Supply Office
Building 3500, Great Lakes, Ill.
Adams, Alexander / Program Branch
Head . . . / PO / '21, Newark ColI,
Univ of Ala, '56, compr prgmg
Alexander, Clarence 0 / Supt Compr
Prgmr . . . / ABLPO / '27, Met Sch
of Music, '56, Syst Analyst, prgmg
Clark, Betty J / Compr Prgmr, . . . /
P / '24, Ohio State Univ, Wilberforce
Univ, '57, prgmr
Copeland, James L / Compr Prgmr
/ LP / '32, Lake Forest ColI, '56,
Hayes, Lucy A / Compr Prgmr . . . /
P / '24, Univ of Wyo, 56, prgmr
Johnson, June M / Compr Prgmr . . . /
- / '27, Wright Jr ColI, '56, prgmr
Keddie, Clifford M / - , ... / ABLMPS
/ '25, Western Mich Univ, '56, prgmranalyst
Kollman, Robert C / compr prgmr ... /
ACDELP / '24, - , '57, prgmr
Kula, Walter A / compr prgmr . . . /
ALP / '26, - , '57, prgmr
Leszko, Nick J / Supervisory Compr
Prgmr ... / ABELP / '28, Lane Tech,
'56, prgmr
Lillehamer, Arne M, Jr. / Compr Prgmr
... / ABLMP / '29, Wisc State Teacher's ColI, '57, prgmr
Matoushek, Edith / Compr Prgmr, Integrated Data Procg Div . . . / BP /
'22, Univ of Chi, '55, prgmr
Niemann, Clifford R / Asst Dir, Integrated Data Proc Div ... / AB / '18,
Univ of Chicago, '55, systems devt
Olmer, Jane / Staff Mathn, . . . / BMP
/ '12, Wellesley ColI, Sorbonne, Ecole
libre des Sciences Politiques, Wash
Univ, '56, Mathn, Res Prgmr / Phi
Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Pi Mu Epsilon
Paul, John William / Compr Prgmr,
. . . / GMP / '26, Cath Univ of Amer,
'56, economist, prgmr

COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959

Send us your entrtes and your
advertising orders for


5th Annual Issue,
the only directory in the
computer field,
the June 1959 issue of
Computers and Automation
Part 1, ROSTER OF ORGANIZATIONS. Each entry gives:
Name of your organization / Ad/ Telephone number / Types
of computers, data processors, accessories, components, services, etc., that
you produce or offer / Approximate
number of your employees / Year
your organization was established

(The 1958 directory had over
740 organization entries)
SERVICES. Each expanded boldface entry gives:
Name or identification of product
or service / Brief description (20 to
50 words) / Uses / Price range, between ... and ... / Heading., under
which it should be listed
(The 1958 directory had over 3200
product and service entries in total)
The 1959 Computer Directory will
close for entries April 15 and for advertising May 10. Ordinary entries
are condensed and are FREE. Boldface, expanded entries cost $10 each,
except that if you take display advertising (one page black and white,
$330; 1/6 page, $80; . . . . ) you receive a certain number of expanded
bold-face entries free.
(or a copy of it)

Directory Editor,
Computers and Automation
815 Washington St., R140,
Newtonville 60, Mass.

( ) We enclose our entries for the
1959 Computer Directory.
( ) Please send us more information about the 1959 Computer
Name ................,............ Title..............
Organization ......................................
Address ................................•.............


Battelle Memorial Institute, 505 King
Ave., Columbus 1, Ohio
Belzer, Jack / Consultant, ... / ABLMP
/ '10, Cooper Union, '40, engr-mathn
/ Publns: many articles on Computer
Applications, including Astronomy,
Thermodynamics, Mathematics, Engineering; also various tables in book
Boyd, Roger S / Prine Physicist, . . . /
AL, nuclear-reactor simulation / '31,
Ohio State Univ, '56, physicist / licensed to operate Battelle Research Reactor
Fletcher, B L / Prine Physicist, . . . /
AP / '22, Ohio State Un iv, '56, physicist
Gordon, Ben / Proj Leader, ... / ADE,
pertaining to analog comprs / '26, Ohio
State Univ, '55, elect! engr
Hulbert Lewis E / Prine Mathn, . . . /
MP '24, Ohio State Un iv, '52, mathn
Jenkinson, George H / Proj Leader, . . .
/ ADEL / '21, Marshall ColI, '47, engr
/ publn "Communicating with Computers"
King, Rolland D / Proj Leader, . . . /
CDEL / '29, Otterbein CoIl, '54, proj
leader in systems engrg
Kuhn, George R / Prine Mathn, . . . /
AMP / '32, Ohio State Univ, St. Louis
Univ, '56, mathn
Nealeigh, Thomas R / Prine Mathn, . . .
/ AMP / '25, Ohio State Univ, '55,
Pritsker, A. Alan B. / Proj Leader, . . .
/ ABLM / '33, Columbia Univ, Ohio
State Univ, '55, engr - both electl and
indusl publns: "Evaluation of Microfilm as a Method of Book Storage,"
"Simulation to Obtain a Systems Measure of an Air Duel Environment"
Smith, Richard L / Prine Engr, . . . /


ALMP / '33, Ohio State Univ, '52,
indus engr
Solomon, Josef G / Prine Mathn, . . . /
ALMP / '31, Ohio State Univ, '56,

Positions are open for computer engineers capable of
making significant contributions to advanced computer
technology. These positions are in our new Research
Center at Newport Beach, California, overlooking the
harbor and the Pacific Ocean - an ideal place to live.
These are career oppormnities for qualified engineers in
an intellectual environment as stimulating as the physical surroundings are ideal. Qualified applicants are invited to send resumes, or inquiries, to Mr. L. R. Stapel,
Aeronutronic Systems, Inc., Box NE486, Newport Beach,
California. Telephone KImberly 5-9421.
Positions Open:
Systems Engineers
Logical Designers
Magnetic Memory
Digital Computer
Circuit Engineers
Mechanical Engineers

Following is the index of advertisements. Each item contains:
Name and address of the advertiser / page number where the
advertisement appears / name of agency if any.

Aeronutronic Systems, Inc., a Subsidiary of Ford Motor
Co., 1234 Air Way, Glendale, Calif. / Page 38 /
Honig-Cooper, Harrington & Miner
Bendix Aviation Corp., Computer Div., 5630 Arbor
Vitae St., Los Angeles, Calif. / Page 17 / Shaw Advertising Inc.
C. P. Clare & Co., 3101 Pratt Blvd., Chicago 45, Ill. /
Page 31 / Reincke, Meyer & Finn
Clevite Corp., 9820 S. Main St., Houston 25, Tex. / Page
35 / Rives, Dyke & Co.
Di-An Controls, 40 Leon St., Boston 15, Mass. / Page
32/ElectroData Div. of Burroughs Corp., 460 Sierra Madre
Villa, Pasadena, Calif. / Pages 28, 36 / Carson Roberts Inc.
ESC Corp., 534 Bergen Blvd., Palisades Park, N.J. /
Page 5 / Keyes, Martin & Co.
General Electric Co., Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Dept.,
P.O. Box 132, Cincinnati 15, Ohio / Page 39 /
Deutsch & Shea, Inc.
General Electric Co., Apparatus Sales Office, Schenectady, N.Y. / Page 27 / G. M. Basford Co.

Areas of Interest:
Computer:; &
Data Processors
Memory Systems
Flight Data Entry
Digital Circuit Design
Advanced High Speed
Computer Systems
Storage Units
Display Devices
Computer Components
Solid State Devices




Weissberg, Alfred / Prine Mathn, . . . /
M / '28, Univ of N.H., '57, mathn
Wetherbee, John K / Div Chief, . . . /
ACD / '26, Ohio State Univ, '50, elect!


General Electric Co., Heavy Military Electronics Dept.,
Court St., Syracuse, N.Y. / Page 33 / Deutsch &
Shea, Inc.
Harvey-Wells Electronics, Inc., Research & Development Div., 5168 Washington St., W. Roxbury 32,
Mass. / Page 34 / Industrial Marketing Associates
Lockheed Missiles & Space Div., 962 W. El Camino
Real, Sunnyvale, Calif. / Page 30 / Hal Stebbins Inc.
Minneapolis - Honeywell Regulator Co., DATAmatic
Div., Newton Highlands, Mass. / Pages 21-24 / Batten,
Barton, Durstine & Osborn
Philco Corp., Government & Industrial Div., 4700 Wissahickon Ave., Philadelphia 44, Pa. / Page 3 / Maxwell Associates, Inc.
Radio Corp. of America, Semiconductor and Materials
Div., Harrison, N.J. / Page 40 / Al Paul Lefton Co.
Royal McBee Corp., Data Processing Div., Port Chester,
N.Y. / Page 8 / C. J. LaRoche & Co.
System Development Corp., 2500 Colorado Ave., Santa
Monica, Calif. / Page 7 / Stromberger, LaVene,
Technical Op~rations, Inc., Burlington, Mass. / Page 2
/ Dawson Macleod & Stivers
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959



The complexity of the mathematical problems involved in
the design of a reactor for aircraft nuclear propulsion at General
Electric has led mathematicians to develop new techniques in the
statistical design of experiments, of interest to both applied scientists and theoreticians. At this time a number of positions are open
with groups working on these problems:
APPLY advanced mathematical procedures and approaches in resolving
diverse and complex problems in areas of aircraft nuclear power plant design
and development. Requires experience in utilization and capability of high
speed computers. (PhD, JWS)
CON DUCT theoretical investigation of the effect of neutrons and
photons on matter. (PhD)
CARRY OUT engineering analysis of physical systems in electro-mechanical areas, deriving equations associated with systems study I developing
generalized digital programs for parametric study. (PhD, JWS)
ANALYZE and simulate nuclear powerplant control systems, through
the use of analog computers. Develop controls systems integration. (JWS, BS)
ALSO - EE with 1 year's experience, to assume operating responsibility for data reduction equipment. Develop data reduction techniques I
formulate engineering analysis computer programs.

the opportunity to do original work with a company that fosters
free inquiry and initiative, are invited to inquire about positions
now open in the above areas. Please include salary requirements
with resume.
Write to Mr. P. W. Christos, Div. 21-MC

P.O. Box 132

COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for March, 1959

Cincinnati 15, Ohio





Curves illustrate typical delay time
per stage vs. gain·bandwidth product
and fanout for the switching circuit
shown below .

+) 0 VOL TS




Minimum gain·
bandw id th
product" Mc




co llector-breakdown




Minim um
DC current
tra nsfer
rat io"



Max imum


·Co ll ector Volts
-7, collector ma
.. • Collector Current
100 ~la




RCA-2N643 , RCA-2N644 , and RCA-2N645 fe atu re con t roll e d
min imum gain-bandwid t h p rodu cts, of 2 0 , 40, and 6 0 Mc
RCA continues to pioneer superior-quality semiconductor devices with th e
new RCA-2N643, RCA-2N644, and RCA-2N645 "Drift" transistors . These three
new units feature controlled minimum gain-bandwidth products permitting
the design of extremely high-speed non-saturating switching circuits with
rise, fall, and propagation time in the order of 20 millimicroseconds .
For your high-speed switching circuits r equiring pulse repetition rates up to
10 Mc, investigate the superior design possibilities and benefits available
to you with the new RCA "Drift" transistors-RCA-2N643, RCA-ZN644, and
RCA-2N645-hermetically sealed in cases utilizing dimensions of J etec TO-9
outline. Your RCA field representative has complete details. Call him
today. For technical data, write RCA Commercial Engineering, Section C-90-NN,
Somerville, N . J .

Semiconductor and Materials Division
Somerville, N. J .

RCA Field Offices
EAST : 744 Brood Street
Newark 2 , N. J.

HUmboldt 5·3900
NORTHEAST: 64 ·· A·· Stree t
Needham Heig ht s 94, Mass .

Hillc re st 4 -7200
EAST CENTRAl..: 714 New Ce nter Bldg., Detroit 2, Mich .
TRini ty 5 -5600
CENTR-AL : Suite 1154, Merchandise Ma rt Plaza
Chicago 54, III.
WHiteha ll 4-2900
WeST : 6355 E. Was hington Blvd.
los Angeles 22, Ca lif.

RAymo nd 3-8361
GOV '; . 224 N . Wilki nson Street
Dayto n, Ohio

BAldwin 6 -2366
1625 ··K ·· Street, N.W .
We-shi nglon, D. C.

District 7- 1260


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