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Cryogenic Thin-Film Memory Plane The Scientific Extension of the Human Intellect Delay Lines The New Electronics Industry, Education , and the Midwest News of Computers and Data Processors: ACROSS THE EDITOR'S DESK FEBRUARY 1961 • VOL. 10 - NO. 2 & 28 Have you heard about the new Bell System service that lets modern business machines talk with each other over regular telephone lines? Its name 1· IS DATA-phone Something new has been added to the art of data processing. Business machine data can now be sent in a new "machine language"-~utomatically, from machine to machine-by telephone. A new kind of telephone service- Data-Phoneis the connecting link. You can send any kind of data-from punched cards, paper tape or magnetic tape-at Super-Phonic speeds. And you pay for your data transmission just as you do for regular telephone calls. You simply place a· phone call to the distant machine location, switch on your Data-Phone at both ends, and the machines start "talking." The Data-Phone unit takes ( .. little more space than a typewriter, and the monthly rental charge is small. Data-Phone can speed the handling of accounting and billing information, inventories, payrolls, invoices, sales orders and numerous other forms of business data. And it is compatible with an everincreasing number of data-processing machines in use today. Many business firms already have it. Call your Bell Telephone Business Office and ask for a Communications Consultant. He'll show you how new, versatile Data-Phone service can streamline your data processing and improve your profit picture. THE 2 .' 1=:::.2 BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM THE ONE SOURCE FOR 11 ALL B'JSINESS COMMUNICATIONS COMPUTERS and A UTOivL\ TIOX for February, 1961 COM ,loy- orc, ·ork. • ~or\«S test las tetll "'~nd S~S SOf\t"D • Jeclass. 9, sing 1 7 / Offi- >age . J. 750 n & )04, [nco .ng~s 1961 COMPUTERS Wo, era! ode 2,9;18,: Rol Inl( Nc\ slor and AUTOMATION COMPUTERS AND DATA PROCESSORS, AND THEIR CONSTRUCTION, APPLICATIONS, AND IMPLICATIONS, INCLUDING AUTOMATION Volume 10 Number 2 & 2B Established September 195 1 FEBRUARY, 1961 EDMUND C. BERKELEY Editor NEIL D. MACDONALD Assistant Editor MOSES M. BERLIN Assistant Editor PATRICK J. MCGOVERN Assistant Editor CONTRIBUTING EDITORS ANDREW D. BOOTH NED CHAPIN JOHN W. CARR, III ALSTON S. HOUSEHOLDER ADVISOR Y COMMITTEE MORTON M. ASTRAHAN HOWARD T. ENGSTROM GEORGE E. FORSYTHE RICHARD W. HAMMING ALSTON S. HOUSEHOLDER HERBERT F. MITCHELL, JR. SAMUEL B. WILLIAMS SALES AND SERVICE DIRECTOR WENTWORTH F. GREEN , 439 So. Western Ave. OR 815 Washington St. Los Angeles 5, Calif. Newtonville 60, Mass. DUnkirk 7-8135 DEcatur 2-5453 ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES' Los Angeles 5 WENTWORTH F. GREEN 439 So. Western Ave. DUnkirk 7.:..813 5 Chicago l O R E X GAY 18 E. Division St. MIchigan 2-0778 San Francisco 5 A. S. BABCOCK 605 Market St. YUkon 2-3954 Elsewhere WENTWORTH F. GREEN 439 So. Western Ave. OR 815 Washington St. . Los Angeles 5, Calif. Newtonville 60, Mass. DUnkirk 7-8135 DEcatur 2-5453 Vol. 10, No. 2B News of Computers and Data Processors: ACROSS THE EDITOR'S DESK . inserted between pages 16 and 17 llll\ 'fI 2,9;18, Da, Fre / E mn mal 2,958, Gre son Mu dat: 2,958, Car tior Lor syst 2,958, F. 1 De, Illll FRONT COVER Cryogenic Thin-Film Memory Plane ARTICLES The Scientific Extension of the Human Intellect, ~MONRAMO . Delay Lines and Electromagnetic Filters, MORTON FASSBERG . . . . The New Electronics Industry, Education, and the Midwest, DR. FREDERICK E. TERMAN . 1, 6 9 2,958, and and Fla. Tcl ana 2,959, lon N. 14 18 2,959, han Wa COl ane READERS' AND EDITOR'S FORUM Computers in Inspection for Disarmament, R. L. TURNBOW and the Edito~' Calendar of Coming Events Employment of Computers . 6 22 28 24 25 INDEX OF NOTICES Advertising Index Glossary of Computer Terms. Manuscripts Reference and Survey Information. Who's Who Entry Form. Lah 2,960, Wo Pm REFERENCE INFORMATION Survey of Recent Articles, MOSES M. BERLIN New Patents, RAYMOND R. SKOLNICK 2,960, phi YOl 30 26 12 23 15 Bal Wa N. N. 2,960, hm Phi Ai 2,960, Ma me anc at 2,960, ~Ie COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION is published 13 times a year (monthly except two issues in June) at 815 Washington St., Newtonville 60, Mass., by Berkeley Enterprises, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (United States) $7.50 for 1 year, $14.50 for 2 years; (Canada) $8.00 for 1 year, $15.50 for 2 years; (Foreign) $8.50 for 1 year, $16.50 for 2 years. Address all Editorial and Subscription Mail to Berkeley Enterprises, Inc., 815 Washington St., Newtonville 60, Mass. ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER at the Post Office at Boston, Mass. POSTMASTER: Please send all Forms 35 79 to Berkeley Enterprises, Inc., 815 Washington St., Newtonville 60, Mass. Copyright, 1961, by Berkeley Enterprises, Inc. CHANGE of ADDRESS: If your address.changes, please send us both your new address and your old address (as it appears on the magazine address imprint), and allow three weeks for the change to be made. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for Fehnrary, 1961 Ne sen Co incl 2,960 Bc: Be' pu 2,961 Ar / 2,961 Eli th( lin rCf CO~ ondo and Har, and Y- / The Honeywell Word: San York, echa- How it contributes to the flexibility and efficiency of Honeywell fOP Systems / A and Eng_ mcnt core corp. The basic unit of information in Honeywell Electronic Data Processing Systems is the Honeywell Word. The Honeywell Word contains 48 bits representing information. plus additional bits for checking purposes. lcord, arvev Id :E. atorv ss. / Though the checking function is an important feature. this discussion is primarily concerned with the 48-bit information portion of the word. ade!- ,eden :sson, reg- oster, N. Y. lazoo, lazoo, ltoga, N. Y. sync de· i This 48-bit portion is extremely versatile. As a data word. it may represent information in the form of decimal or binary numbers, alphabetic characters or special symbols. As an instruction word. it causes the System to carry out specific data processing functions. Let's look at data words first. Honeywell Systems can treat a word as a pure binary number consisting of a sign and 44 bits. or 48 bits without a sign (a positive sign is normally represented by four binary ones and a negative sign by four binary zeros). Data words An- DATA WORDS TYPE DECIMAL ALPHANUMERIC JI I EXAMPLE do Rio COMBINATION DECIMAL AND ALPHANUMERIC 1 BINARY do FLOATING POINT 01 9 do 714 81 71 6 51 4 1 3 B I I N I S P I A R 21 t( 0 I K IA (44 Binary digits) EXPONENT (7 Binary Digits) MANTISSA (40 Binary Digits) The 48 bits may be considered as four-bit groups representing decimal information. Hence a word may contain 12 decimal digits or II digits plus a sign. Extensive analysis of commercial data helped to determine the size of the Honeywell Word. A curve showing the frequency of use of numbers of various sizes indicates 10 to II-digit numbers as being most common. In the economics of computer design. a word containing II digits (plus sign) is thus of optimum size. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for Fehruary, HlOl 12 Bits I ADDRESS A I 12 Bits ADDRESS B 12 Bits I I ADDRESS C 12 Bits Exceptional programming flexibility is achieved in several ways. One of these is the ability to specify the location of data relative to other data without relying on specific or absolute addresses (indexing). Masking permits the selection and manipulation of information units smaller than a word. A special type of instruction called a Simulator Instruction permits any routine to be treated as if it were a built-in instruction. Programming flexibility °IN Alphanumeric information takes the· form of six-bit groups. resulting in as many as eight alphabetic (or six-bit numeric) characters in a word. Four-bit and six-bit groups. incidentally, can be combined in a word. In addition, Honeywell 800 has optional floating-point arithmetic logic wherein the 48-bit word is treated as a 40-bit mantissa. a seven-bit exponent and a onebit sign. The floating-point option includes both binary and decimal arithmetic. 1961 INSTRUCTION WORD OPERATION CODE aiser, o Three-address instruction logic. because of its speed and programming advantages. is standard in Honeywell EDP Systems. Honeywell instruction words are interpreted fundamentally as four groups of 12 bits each. The first group represents a command code or function to be performed. The remaining three groups represent address groups normally used to designate the location of operands and results. In certain instructions. however, they may contain special information - such as the number of data words to be transferred. the number of decimal or binary digits to be shifted. or the number of words to be edited. Instruction words Still another special word in the Honeywell System vocabulary is called an Ortho word_ Ortho words are generated by the System and appended to the end of each record as it is recorded on magnetic tape. Unique to Honeywell Systems. these Ortho words are an automatically generated mathematical image of the information in the record. If portions of the record should-for any reason-be unreadable at some later time, Orthotronic control not only assures detection. but permits the original information to be reconstructed by the system. Orthotronic control The flexibility and efficiency of the Honeywell word are indicative of the many advances in logic and engineering that are typical of Honeywell equipment. To get full descriptive information on either or both Honeywell 800 and Honeywell 400 Transistorized Data Processing Systems. just write: Honeywell Electronic Data Processing Division, Wellesley Hills 81, Massachusetts. Get the whole story B o neY1N"ell [j) ~ Data, ~~ 5 I I I 2,951 d 'and " Rea ers Editor's Forum wo tm I . 2,951 fie] Gr of tell 2,951 Co ul;; FRONT COVER: CRYOGENIC THIN.FILM MEMORY PLANE The front cover shows an experimental cryogenic thin-film memory plane. It consists of 135 cryotron devices built up in a 19-1ayer "sandwich." It has been successfully duplicated many times by automatic control techniques at International Business Machines Corp. The memory plane is about the size of a large postage stamp, and stores 40 separate bits of information in 120 of its cryotrons. Of the remaining 15 cryotrons, 10 permit access to the stored bits of information; the other five are "in-line" cryotrons which switch bits of information from one memory plane to another. Cryogenics is the branch of solid-state physics which is concerned wi th the properties of ma terials and devices at temperatures of about 450°F below zero. At such low temperatures certain metals permit electric current to flow endlessly, without additional power, in devices that can be used to perform logic and to store information in a computer memory. Cryotrons are devices in a cryogenic computer which will perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, logical switching operations, and amplification. A key to this new development is the special technique which permits accurate duplication of devices. By means of this technique, microscopically thin layers of metals and insulating materials are automatically deposited on a glass substrate. The equipment used for deposition allows each layer of a metal or insulator to be sequentially deposited through 17 microscopically adjusted masks, or perforated metal sheets. The masks are changed automatically like records in a juke box and are held in a large metal cylinder operating under high vacuum. Once the masks have been properly aligned, the process automatically produces duplicate superconducting memory planes with similar electrical and mechanical characteristics. COMPUTERS IN INSPECTION FOR DISARMAMENT I. From R. L. Turnbow Modesto, Calif. I am currently a student at Stanislaus State College in Turlock, California. In one of my courses, "Economics of Free Enterprise," I am doing a term paper. My instructor, Mr. E. J. Haga, showed me the November 1960 issue of Computers and Automation, where the article, "The Social Responsibilities of Computer People and Peace Engineering," appeared. In this article, you noted a bill, H.R. 9305, and a specific provision of it, "The Agency shall undertake 6 programs to carry out the purpose of this act, including among others, programs ... for development and application of communications and advanced computer techniques for analyzing the problems involved in inspection of national budgets and economic indicators as they bear upon disarmament inspection systems." This provision is the topic I have chosen for my term paper. As this is an entirely new field to me, I would more than appreciate any and all aid you could give me in its development, or references to people who know about this area or have written about it. I am also writing for a copy of the House Debate on Bill· H.R. 9305, and to Congressman Charles E. Bennett, who introduced the bill. En 2,951 N. Yo 2,951 Ca N. 2,951 Be H. Dy ser del 2,951 M2 sig 2,952 wo Pa, I . 2,952 Ne Co shi 2,9:')2 II. From the Editor I am very glad that you have chosen for your term paper the interesting topic of the application of computers to inspection of national budgets and economic indicators as they bear upon disarmament inspection. The book which I believe you should begin with is "Inspection for Disarmament" edited by Seymour Melman, Columbia University Press, New York, 1958, 291 pages, particularly the paper "The Control of Disarmament by Fiscal Inspection" by Jesse Burkhead, pp. 75-84 in that book. I would also suggest that you take a look at the other papers in the book. The first problem as I see it is proof by a nation that it is honestly adhering to disarmament agreements and not spending more than an allowed sum for mili~ tary expenses. The second problem as I see it is detection of attempted concealment by a faction within a nation that the nation is spending money for armaments contrary to international agreement. In the case of the first aim, proof of full conformity with agreement, we can assume full cooperation in obtaining figures from all parts of the government. Then it seems to me it would be possible rather easily to set up a computer program for verifying say 1,000 different tests every 3 months or so on figures and information coming into the system. In the case of the second aim, detection of illegal nonconformity by a faction not the majority of a government, it seems to me that pretty much the same plan of checking data, applying great varieties of tests to data coming in, would succeed in focusing on spots where unexplained amounts were occurring. This kind of problem is quite similar to auditing to prevent dishonesty. References on accounting and auditing and articles related to computer applications in this field would be relevant. I hope these suggestions will be of use to you. 2,954 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1961 COl\ qUi Sar de) Mi U. At< log 2,952 Spc tio M2 2,952 tin Yo cor 2,952 for for ag< 2,952 Gr tio Yo de' 2,952 Pa / . 2,953 rac Sec Cal 1ec 2,953 t01 sal Dc: cal 2,953 .Tal as N, de 2,954 Pa / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ~phone J. / A Mount Corp., ivision, ) drive nation. ~oches- " u •. : Corp., c data PhiIa)Tp., a select- ns, Par MagA data ington, Chifor an With the Bendix G-20 Computer You Can ,N. Y. ,N. J. tiladel, New adder erwyn, •. , East nit for :imore, )., East It flip- . N. Y. . / An grator. st VaIl, Ine., ator . Barrough, WapCorp., c data ..w ,auger, York, )ry. MapJe :sentec\ shiftL Louis eywelJ inn. / ,n ap,yossel, rd InYork, erter. ldison, ., New mnter. ~is, Fr. Paris, ce for TODAY'S MOST ADVANCED COMPUTI NG "PACKAGE" •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Today's high-powered computing equipment is only as good as the programming systems that enable it to do useful work. In the development of the Bendix G-20,' these all-important programming systems were planned and perfected in close coordination with the equipment designers, and received equal emphasis. The result: today's most powerful computing Hpackage~' • The G-20's simplified programming enables your present personnel to take advantage of the powerful problem-solving abilities of the computer, regardless of their previous computer experience. Such a programming system is ALCOM-:an algebraic problem-solver based on the international mathematical language of ALGOL. Compatible with the ALGO programming system for the Bendix G-15, ALCOM permits your technical staff to transmit problems to the floating point circuitry of the G-20 in universal mathematical language. • ALCOM is complemented by aJibrary of sorting, file maintenance and other routines for specific tasks. The refined indexing and decision-making capabilities of a powerful command vocabulary have been instrumental in making these simplified techniques possible. They are unmatched for ease of use and efficiency. • Not overlooking the G-20 proper, we have recently increased computing speeds by 40% ... to the rate of 83,000 additions per second (average, floating point, one-word precision). Magnetic tape speed is now 240,000 digits per second ... and printing speed can be up to 1500 lines per minute. These new characteristics, combined with the G-20's efficient "organization chart" system design and perfected programming ease, provide an unmatched return on your computing dollar. Prove this fact to your own satisfaction. CaU the nearest Bendix Computer office, 01' write: l. donclo :Ioster, N. Y., Park, York, )erger, , New :uit. , 1961 Bendix Computer Division l~ncU/ tORPORAllON DEPT. 0-29. LOS ANGELES 45. CALIFORNIA COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1961 7 lhem, inclue! and n noiog) ~) rOASSURE PROPER CR€OfT RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR Jonke trie' tom I T Jacl An "Tern for inf of WOl inforn future of the Huma Ham gim Resl PAYMENT p 31 200 Som mine cler e Huma while results coneIlI tween COBO essi Gill< Tow The gllage, to ser puters gllage, adapt, curren plaine compi UTILITY COMPANY CUTS COSTS WITH MACHINE THAT READS DATA FROM CUSTOMERS' BILL STUBS When you send in your electric bill with payment, a machine may be waiting to read it and to translate {_ / what it says into computer language. Atlantic City -;:;- Electric Company already uses a Farrington Optical Scanner for this purpose. Here's how it works: bill stubs are run through the Scanner (also known as the EYE) at the rate of 240 a minute. The Scanner reads each account number and the amount paid. It instantly converts this "people language" into "machine language" (computer tape, punched cards or magnetic tape). ~ By eliminating time-consuming and laborious manual punching, the Farrington Scanner makes possible such highspeed, high-accuracy cash accounting systems. You'll find it also being used for Insurance Premium Cash Accounting and for Subscription Promotion Entry. The versatility of Optical Scanning permits almost unlimited applications. You can build an entirely new system around it. Or, if your present system uses three or more operators who read and punch, chances are that you can profitably use an Optical Scanner right now. Only Farrington has the experience to go with it. -- For further information. write Farrington Electronics Inc .• Needham Heights 94. Massachusetts ,'r F!RST NAME IN OPTICAL SCANNING Unh pati( both COM The Scientific Extension of the Human Intellect nual ~nsc, f~9J \..1 Dr. Simon Ramo . for ). 3, Executive Vice President Thompson Ramo-Wooldridge, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif. ~om- New LutO· code n to tran·pose were leer· disLents ~om- m I 3, ;omlins- [). (Based on a talk "The Scientific Challenge of the New Age" by Dr. Ramo before the 65th Annual Congress of American Industry, Dec. 7, 1960, New York) We all now realize that we are in rapid transItIOn to a new, highly technolob'ical society. The needs of the new age will present many challenges to the scientist and engineer. However, these challenges are as nothing compared with the challenges that scientific advance will offer to society as a whole. ger's ent's ltheally, dus) be king Gross Imbalance Already a gross imbalance exists between technologiG!l and sociological progress. Will the transition to the new society be orderly or chaotic? Civilization lllust adapt; the impact of technology must be absorbed. 'Ve have no take-it-or-leave-it choice. The expanding, increasingly fast-paced, complex, and interacting world urgently requires solutions to the problems of its physical operations of production, communication, transportation and resources control and distribution. Because technological creativity is able to do so, it is furnishing the answers. A match between need for solutions and supply of solutions exists. Science and society have finished their court'ship and are now getting married. 'Vill it be wedded bliss, with the offspring sources of pride and joy, or will it be a shaky, unstable partnership? The H-bomb is the established symbol of the growing disparity between rapid scientific change and the lagging adjustment of society. 'Ve have learned how to release quickly such tremendous amounts of energy as to destroy a civilization that has not yet produced accepted, respected conduct to preclude the use of force. But the bomb is not the best example. It emphasizes the military side of the world's problems. Even if no war or peace issue existed, disorder threatens if and as we fail to assimilate the technological revolution. Outer Space Outer space is the newest symbol of the influence of technology on world affairs, and it brings us headlong into a striking array of challenges in the making of unprecedented national and international arrangements. vVhat is the role of private, free enterprise? 'I\There do national boundaries end? How will the world judge the contest for the limited radio spectrum as satellite repeaters make possible the wholesale interconnection of cOlllmunications into a single, endless, world-wide web? ';\That bodies and agreements will decide how space technology, meteorology, and nuclear energy will be applied, not only to predict but ultimately to influence the earth's weather? 1961 COMPUTERS uni,sing This lters, :0l11- rsity ting ke / ). 3, :om'ins- :echVIos:lop. use lssia. arc ding ude: may ~icaI with the In / ,ssn. 0.4. :om~uil- ients nber apy to thm ined the hen, hich thm :om,lvin iew, ~5 / lnisield, III/({ .\ UTO;\fATIO:\, for February, 1961 Nuclear energy developments and outer space conquest will change our way of life. So also will chemical and biological discoveries. Large stretches in life expectancy and flights to and even colonization of other planets may conceivably occur before the twentieth century is over. But meanwhile, there is another area of science and technology already emerging, I believe, as the most influential and important for the next decade or two. It will use the greatest fraction of our technical resources, will be most determining in internatipnal competition, war or peace, and is the most substantive example of the inequality between technological and social advance. A discussion of this area will help us to understand the nature of the coming technological society. Intellectual Pursuits Assigned to Electronic Machines The rest of this century will see the gross extending of the human intellect and senses by application of science and technology. In every intellectual pursuit in which man is engaged, whether in the professions, in production control, in the military, in teaching everywhere,-when we break down what we do with our minds, we find a part that is best assigned to electronic machines. 'Ve reduce the intellectual activity to stored and incoming information, to logical processes, sorting, deciding. The part that is well understood, that involves rates and quantities too large for the human mind, we assign to the machine. This raises the human intellect to the more complex aspects of the intellectual task, the aspects above the routine work of the electronic partner. Intellectronics Obviously, we are not talking about "automation," the replacement of the factory worker. The words "automatic control" and "computer" are also inadequate and narrow. 'Ve are speaking of a new manmachine partnership in the powerful domain of the intellect. I like the ncw word "intellectronics," because it reflects extending the intellect by electronics, suggests a broad technological area, and portends a great industry. (Anyonc who is inclined to doubt that the grand-scale extending of the human intellect, intellectronics, will in a decade or two become our largest, most significant activity, takes the risk of having his brains listed among the first needing extension!) The intellectual activity we call science and en9 gineering has already been revolutionized by intellectronics. The intercontinental ballistic missiles, if the brains of the designer were 'not extended by elev tronics, would be many years away. Thousands of Bights would be needed in a clumsy, trial-and-error approach to optimizing the design. Instead, mere dozens of actual flights have been sufficien t to finalize the engineering and prove out the design. The thousands of other trial flights took place in the simulation laboratories; and the selection of the right cOlllbinaI ion of parameters out o[ the myriad o[ possibilitiestoo huge a task for human comparison and sorting alone-was made by a man-machine, intelleclronics partnership. Practice of Law Picture the practice of law in the technological world of a decade from now-or, at least, law as it might be practiced if technology is used to the fullest. Every practicing attorney would have in his office means for convenient electronic connection to a huge national central repository o[ facts, rules, procedures, and precedents. For the routine filing of papers, records, and petitions, he or his assistant would in trodduce his data into the intellectronics svstem, a technique his legal training would include.' Any conflict, omission, inconsistency, or other shortcoming of his work, any problems with the law or the existing records or the claims of another, would be automatically, instantly displayed to him. And it would cover not just the few possibilities an unaided human brain might have handled, given enough time. It will scan, select, reject, and present the result of the equivalent of the work of thousands of searchers covering many decades of records over the entire nation in a split second. It elevates the lawyer's intellect to the more cOlllplex intellectual tasks, giving him better tools with which to work. It alters a substantial fraction o[ legal practice. Even on the nonroutine legal processes, the attorney, in the coming intellectronic age, will be able to consult with the equivalent of a host of informed fellow attorneys. His request to the system [or similar cases will yield an immediate response from the central store, together with questions and advice filed by other attorneys on those similar cases-even as he will add his facts and guidance into the system for future use by all. Consultations for Physicians This concept of man-machine partnership on difficult intellectual tasks is made clearer by considering the physician's potential approach in the latter part of the century. He also will routinely introduce his data on a given patient to the network of "consultative wisdom." The system will quickly react to give him some key portions of what would have been the results of many consultations "'ith other physicians. It will call out questions he lllay not have asked himself. It will give statistical probabilities of relative effectiveness of various treatments with numerous variations to account for the corollary possibilities. Notice that with diseases-their symptoms, characteristics, treatments-all nationally monitored, the statistical approach to medical practice takes on an 10 entirely new stature. New branches oL medicine will emerge based on the practical possibility of studying cause and effect on a large-scale, yet rapid, basis with detailed up-to-the-minute facts on the relationship o[ ailment to treatment covering many thousands of cases. Partnership of Machine and Man \Ve observe, from both the legal and medical examples, that merely extending man's memory through electronics, creating a library that is both mammoth yet accessible with electronic speed, offers radical advantages in achieving excellence of professional activity. But the memory extension is far from the total effect. The properly designed system does some of the processing of the library's information. It handles the lower intellectual tasks of the first sorting, categorizing, comparing, selecting, questioning. These tasks, clone well, require ideally tha t tremendous volumes of data be processed quickly. The machine member o[ the partnership does this high-quantity, high-rate part of the intellectual job, allowing the higher intellect of the human partner to concentrate OIl the more subtle, less clearly defined, less routine conclusion drawing, decision making, judgmen t aspects of the intellectual task. Let us continue our quick look at what man is today engaged in doing with his remarkable intellect, and we shall see much evidence to suggest that too often the task is intellectually, qualitatively beneath him, while oftentimes too much [or him quantitatively. The coming technological age will be characterized by a much better match between man's intellectual ca pabilities and the assigned thinking role, than ks to t.he concept of man-machine partnership in men tal activity. Keeping Track in Banking Take, for instance, money and banking, and the whole process of keeping track of who owns what, where it is, and who owes whom. How absurd that millions of people are engaged all day in putting little marks on pieces of paper, reading them off, and reintroducing similar ones on other pieces of paper, without much need [or deliberation in the processl This is as unsuitable for the human intellect as pulling huge stone blocks to build the pyramids was to human muscles. Currency and coins will be for the rural areas alone in a few decades. Even checks, and most other of today's forms of human record originations, will be extinct. If you buy a necktie or a house, your thumb before an electronic scanner will identify you, and the network ·will debit your account and credit the seller. The system will automatically do the routine accounting, call out violation of rules or problems in the transaction, and list alternatives. Again, the machine partner does the brainwork when it is simple but high-quantity and also acts to aid the human partner for the morc difficult aspects. (Of course, occasionally a transistor burning out in Kansas City might accidentally wipe out someone's bank balance in Philadelphia. One has to expect some continued dangers and risks in life in the period ahead, though they will likely be new ones.) Guidance of Moving Traffic Hardly a better example can be fonnd of the urge)) t COMPUTERS nnd AUTo~rATION for February, I9GI • In <:) ~ is 01 mati Org RI RI RI Sl Com Sl Sl CI T~ Pro! p Cl T: Sl App Ir N 0 Mar G T T Peo " Pic1 A A W01 G Inf( B N S ~ aut< tha1 and co~ ~s ConEliza- mHo ;h 22, renee, "obert ss. hibit, York vIAA, BioTech. Y.; fEE, edical Bio., Dr. t 01 of con3Ivd., :.I.T., nalog Lation tiona I \uto- lavia. ~c. & B. L. 'rans- of Elias, ;t. iation geles, I Ar1728 ss on of It , rue Con- , The geles, ISA, Teleurch, need for man-machine, intellectronics partnerships to handle intellectual tasks than the control of things moving in the sky and on the ground. For safety and reliability, at the airports, in the airways, and 011 our surface freeways and streets, it is clear that hUlllall brains unaided (whether a pilot, an airport controller, or a Los Angeles automobile driver) cannot integr;lte all the data and process it fast enough to 111 a ke de,cisions leading to the largest, smoothest, safest use of the artery. Intellectronic systems are needed ill which facts as to nature, quantity, rate of change, spatial :spread, and interconnection of traffic are all sensed accurately and continuously over wide areas, all tomatic predictions are made and compared as to COIlse(l uences and as to alternate directions to influence the How. Not only will the handling of plalles and the role of the pilot be drastically changed with tillIe, but it is not ridiculous to imagine automobiles of the future which go onto electronic control if directed onto crowded freeways, the driver limited to pushing a button for the number of his chosen exit. Our factories and refineries already have beglln to recognize the limitations of reliance on the UllCXtended human intellect for co.otrol of the operation, even as has the military. Too many things to keep track of, too rapidly changing a situation, too lllllCh processing of facts and possibilities. Since llluch of the intellectual process is clear, only involving high quantities and rates, the machine partner, properly integrated, both relieves and suitably elevates the human intellect and makes for more efficiency, higher pl'Ofits, or greater security. World-Wide Integration J t should be clear from these examples that 11l0St or the physical operations of the world are candidates for passing under intellectronics systems control. Bu t also much of the operations invol\'e world-wide integration and interconnection. :Many millions of huIllan minds and their extensions, in the form of signals and data and information collection, will be C011nected together, often crossing national and language barriers. No wonder one of the most interesting of intellectronics areas is in machine translation o[ natural language. Again, the machine member of the team handles the high volume, cruder intellectual task. It produces rough translations, identifies double meaning possibilities, weighs alternative meaning ..; based on what preceded and followed-it assists and "sets up" for its more intellectual human partner. 'Vhat is less clear is that the nature of language and its function will probably change drastically in the years ahead. The machine partners in the universal intellectronics systems of the future will want the facts and the rules in the most efficient language possible. They will create pressure for a common, purely informational, completely logical and consistent kind of language. The technological age may force on the world a real measure of language reform or at least a new common language for some functions of human endeavor. ~ence, Jack Edueation of Hunlan Beings nvay, The most truly intellectual activity of all lllust be the education of the human brain. \Ve are approach- . 19Gt COMPUTERS fllld AUTOMATION for Fehruary, 19(il ing a crisis in education because the needs of a more complicated, more populous world are increasing rapidly while our ability to place human resources behind the educational system is decreasing. But an intellectronics system of the future can make a tenor hundred-fold change in the effectiveness of eduGItion. The human educator can ha\'e tools analogous to the physician'S x-rays and electrocardiographs. The routine material can be presented by machine, leaving the more difficult concepts for the higher intellect of the human educator. Programmed machines call stimulate the thinking of the student, alter the presentation, speed it up, slow it down, add more explanations, skip steps-all automatically as a result of continually monitoring the student's responses to questions. An ill tellectronics sys tem ca n remem ber the progress of millions of students, compare their tested learning with the plan, measure and report deviations. Yet, the same system can immediately recognize an indi\:idual student, give him an accelerated or special presentation or test, all by a virtually instantaneous scan of his record and a following of rules put in by wiser human educators as to how to modify the course in relation to the individual record. Such a future system will involve new large inchistries employing experts in the subjects to be ta ught, . the design of programs, devices, and systems. It will also call for new professional groups within an augmented educatibnal profession to provide for statistical study, planning, diagnosis of problems, and generally the matching of the synthetic intelligence of the machine with the human brain to achieve the fullest utilization of both human and machine resources in an educational system suited to the coming technological age. Citizen Participation in National Decision~ These sketchy portrayals of the nature of the coming technological age should not imply one grossly wrong conclusion: that the future world will be automatic, robot-like, every human being only a constrained cog in a tight machine, freedom o[ spirt and expression and democracy dead. On the contrary, if we should so desire, intellectronics makes possible a degree of citizen participation in policy and goals, both discussion and decision, unthinkable today. Consider only that our Congresses, our policy bodies, could have their deliberations open to millions in their homes, and further-the added future possibility -the entire nation could vote by push-button from their homes 011 any fraction we might choose of all issues. The resu~t would be kllown to all instantly. I am not sllggesting that it would he practical to seek more than a slllall, partial alt;til1lllent of all that technology could he en:ploycd to provide in this area. But the future could he one in which a much greater portion of all people arc up to date, understanding, interested ill, anxiolls to participate and indeed do participate in determining the aims and priorities of our lives and the manner of reaching our objectives. In summary, a basic characteristic of the future technological society is that brainpo'wer will deter11 - mine the course of the world, the stature and influence of nations. But total brainpower will be the sum of natural human intellectual activity and synthetic man-made intelligence. The machine partner '\vill possess less mentality but will have greater capacity for the big, lower-grade load. Disparity Between Scientific and Sociological Advance Since the real bottleneck to progress, to a safe, orderly, and happy transition to the coming technological age lies in the severe disparity between scientific and sociological advance, we must now ask the key question: 'Vill intellectronics aid in removing the imbalance? Obviously, not directly. The challenging intellectual task of accelerating social progress is for the human mind, not his less intellectual electronic partner. But perhaps there is a hope. If the machines do more of the routine, every-day intellectual tasks, man will be elevated to the higher mental domains. He will have the time, the intellectual stature, and hence the inclination to solve the world's social problems. 'Ve must believe he has the inherent capability. rattling good history "War," wrote Thomas Hardy, "makes rattling good history; but Peace is poor reading." Scientists at ProJect Omega, in Washington, taking a pioneering part in the ancient and honorable tradition of war gaming that stretches from the first chess of 3,000 years ago to modern stochastic models, are writing rattling good history in both fields, war and peace. Synthetic history, they call it: the application of advanced mathematical thought, and the digital computer simulation of war or in support of map battles, have brought ProJect Omega to the frontiers of new developments in gaming, for Army, Navy. Air Force, OCDM and ARPA, as well as business and industrial sponsors. Appointments are available for team leaders -senior scientists capable of running their own groups (flexible ones)-especially in mathematics, computer applications, and operations research. For your free copy of THE GAME OF WAR, an illustrated history of the highlights of war gaming over 3,000 years, illustrated with authentic warriors of the periods, write to James L. Jenkins. Technical Operations. Incorporated ~ t' EL WHA exact ments Bulbs patent Box; "Brail circui1 perim l puzzle for in compl.: desigr kit an teach solder MANUSCRIPTS WHA WE ARE interested in artiCles. papers, reference information, and discussion relating to computers and automation. To be considered for any particular issue, the manuscript should be in our hands by the first of the preceding month. LOGH SyU Jam AN] OJ A Si The The The ARTICLES: \Ve desire to publish articles that are factual, useful, understandable, and interesting to many kinds of people engaged in one part or another of the field of computers and automation. In this audience are many people who have expert knowledge of some part of the field, but who are laymen in other parts of it. \Ve look particularly for articles that explore ideas in the field of computers and automation, and their applications and implications. An article may certainly be controversial if the subject is Ordinarily, the discussed reasonably. length should be ] 000 to 3000 words. A suggestion for an article should be submitted to us before too much work is done. NEWS AND DISCUSSION: \Ve desire to prinl news, brief discussions, arguments, announcements, letters, etc., anything, in fact, if it is not advertising and is likely to be of substantial interest to computer people. PA YMENTS: In lllany cases, we make small token payments for articles, if the author wishes to be paid. The rate is ordinarih Y2c a word, the maximum is SIS, and both depend on length in words, whether prin ted before, etc. All suggestions, manuscripts, and inquiries about editorial material should be addressed to: The Editor, COMPUTERS find AUTOMATION, 815 Washington Street, Newtonville 60, lVIass. GAME Tit-' Blac Nim Sunl Fral COMP m al Ope Add Fac· Prir ThiJ Thrl Cal( MOIl Fou Cha Ten , PUZZ The The Call The The Bru The The Gen The ~ 3600 M Street Northzeest Washington 7, D. C. 12 Mal and COMPUTERS {lIut AUTO;\IATIO~ for Fehruary, 19G1 CO~ll g prounlconse~ such alone, more ronlCS He of Caliees in linois, ssouri tances boys )r deafter their elec1stitu5plant ~ midafter n the ler to ld for T ... a compact, multi-duty Electronic Data Processing System i111 rein the mporin its IS surpanies loIs as :ty of onsin, lck of eaders. On { well es Inmuch vas ... a complete E. D. P. system priced at $75,000 -leased at $1,850 per month 390 ... an "Electronic Statistician" ... electronically analyzes mountains of paperwork-efficiently and economically. 111 390 ... an "Electronic Accountant" ... electronically maintains complete records that can be read by people and machines. 390 ... an "Electronic Mathematician" ... electronically performs to be ldwest t eurential st has Lave a n the [ elee- 390 ... an "Electronic Filing System" ... electronically classifies tly by 390 ... an "Electronic Reporter" ... electronically digests volumes g, the up in citing Ie the ronies )f the resent mting ed to ronies lng. y, 1961 all types of business arithmetic and formula computations-at speeds measured in 1/1000 of a second. and files data without the need for human decisions. Millions of digits can be stored on magnetic-tape ledger records, punched paper tape, and punched cards. of business data and provides complete, timely reports. Investigate This Pathway to Increase Savings .•. backed by 76 Years of System Service Experience THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPANY, Dayton 9, Ohio 1039 OFFICES IN 121 COUNTRIES • 77 YEARS OF HELPING BUSINESS SAVE MONEY COMPUTERS alld AUTO~fATION for February, 196] .13 :Delay Lines and Electromagnetic Filters Morton Fassberg, President ESC Electronics Corp. Palisades Park, N. J. (From a talk before a group of secnrit~· mUlly"I", November 30, 19(0) The principal products of this company arc precision delay networks which account for about 90 per cent of the company's total volume of sales. Other products include electro-magnetic fllters and widc band video transformers. Delay networks, or, as they are widely known, delay lines, are specially created for specific situations to do definite jobs. Once a prototype, or successful sam1- I e, has been produced, then others of identical structure are made under the most precise conditions in whatever numbers the user may wish. To borrow from a current phrase, the priceless ingredient is ima~,ination. T,l,lis is m~re than :v~lat we commonly call know-how. It reqUIres creatIVIty. What is a Delay Line? It is not easy to arrive at a simple definition of a delay line in one-syllable words. Technicians shudder at the thought of such an eHort because there are so many nuances in electronics and especially in the custom-designing of delay lines. A colloquial description of a delay line is less accurate than a technical exposition, but it may be more generally useful. A good way to get a glimpse at what a delay linc does, is to consider the use of delay lincs at airports which use aircraft identification in landing systems. During the five years in which delay lincs have comc into use at airports, it is now possible to identify fivc times as many planes in the sky, at one time, t hall was possible just a few years ago. .-\ssigned pulses from individual planes arc decoded through delay lines and thus more planes can be identified on thc ground. This, of course, means beller communication between ground and air, better control, and greater safety. The delay lines may bc considered as locks. The impulses would be the keys . .Just as keys fit locks and open them, so elcctrical impulses are identified through delay lines. Another use of delay networks is on telephone lines. Some frequencies normally would run ahead of others on telephone lines. But, for conveying messages properly, it is necessary for the frequencies to be synchronized, to arrive at a given place at a given time. A delay line equalizes the frequencies, or delays them different amounts of time so that they arrive at the right place at the right time. The process is something like what would happen if an object were dropped through air and then through a layer of water. It 14 would move faster through the air sector than through water, which would slow it up. Scientists could provide just the right amount of air and water to be sure that a weight would use up a predetermined amount of time if it were dropped. Delay lines do to electric impulses what the water and air would do in this homely illustration, but the factors are infinitely more delicate in electronics as we shall see. Perhaps one more illustration will serve to picture these unique electronic components. Staggered traffic lighting systems, in a sense, perform for traffic what delay lines do for electric impulses. The staggered lighting system can be arranged to move automobiles along at predetermined speeds and thus assure an even flow, eliminating traffic jams. Delay lines can be designed to restrain the motion of electric impulses, similarly, and a Ilm\" them to novv as required. Infinitesimal Tinle Electrical impulses travel fast. How fast they travel is indicated by the demands made on a delay line that is fashioned to control them. Delay lines reckon with time so brief that a thousandth of a second is pedestrian. A thousandth of a millionth or a second is a commonplace time element in delay lines. In fact, a word has been illYen ted to design a te this"nanosecond." The delay time involved in all the thousands of delay lines thus far built by this company, if operatcd end-on-end, ,,"ould add up to less than one minute. How Delay Networks Grew As carriers of in telligence, pulses of electi'ical energy have been used since the inven tion of the telegraph because of their simplicity of generation, ease of recognition and rela tive immunity to noise. These inherent characteristics became still more significant during 'Vorld ,I\'ar II when the development of radar started a wholly new sciencc of pulse technology. Today electrical impulses are the primary carriers of intelligence in almost cvery sophisticated electronic system. Of great importance in such systems is a component that has the ability to achieve a desired time relationship among electrical impulses and signals by delaying one or more of them for specific intervals of time, generally running in the order of milli-microseconds to milli-seconds. Pulse dclay networks, the principal product of the company, developed as the new COMPUTERS (lnd AUTOMATTO~ for February, 1961 t junel alrcslcghe Stanb a si n t rdcn III i llic that I sllch electr wry I refine than. 1t has by re( ing 1.1 barel; poner Teler Linco ratol') with No" Ironic the p midw ma Ill! i lcms crs, v which efficie ill a h the d prodtl they work technl traini cntist~ radar, \'Ices o[ th even U LcchnJ type I dustri thesc Telep Neith the N \'elop cia ted types, the R water borne As ; indus t hand I 'Var 1 from ticipal equip: COMP )ll ,t'cchnology grew. .\lllong their uses are: in the conuol SyS~C1l1S or guided missiles and in telelllelering systems between satellites and the earth; in digital compUlers and electronic data-processing equipment; in COIllllluI1ication systems; in radar systems; in television camera chains; and in aircraft identification and landing systems. Because tbey are passive networks, they Ferforlll reliably for long periods in extreme environ. men ts. Why Creativity? poslvail11 ils iverepth Tsity lities ~ood Lded, 1tific y, In vides also nded From this record, it can be seen that as electronics develops in all phases of human activity, new and perhaps even unpredictable demands will be made for delay lines or their counterparts. As developmen ts in TV, radar, data processing, missiles, or any of the modern wonders, require new combinations and conditions for controlling electrical impulses, engineers will go to work designing delay lines for the new purposes. Since there currently seelllS to be no end to the variations and implications in the use of del a y lines, there seems to be no end to the combinations of ways in which they will have to be de-· signed to solve problems as they arise. To tackle these problems, awareness of the importance of the neal ive instinct in a staff of engineers is vital. This COlli pan)' is fully awake to this challenge. Filters and Transformers permost IniCS. ance wing lllay one eIec) the yard It of 'r<1nLford evelIvcr~ral1l .'s in The o die re- Chi- :r of and. elop:onts 1 the 1 the t the 'hose )lied lnIes men- , 1!lG I Since 1958, this company has been producing addielectronic components, electro-magnetic filters alld wide band video transformers. Our electro-magnetic filters are designed to select useful or desired electrical signals and to reject those that interfere or are undesired. A simple example would be that of a Illobile radio unit in a taxicab. For obvious reasons, its recep tion should be tuned to ca b headquarters, not to the police department. The filter keeps the cab radio on beam. Electro-magnetic filters' are used in far more complex and diverse situations than that, however. They are useful not only in communications I ional \VHO'S WHO IN THE COMPUTER FIELD From time to time we bring up to date our "'1\1ho's Who in the Computer Field." vVe are currently asking all computer people to fill in the following 'IVho's Who Entry Form, and send it to us for their free listing in the '!\Tho's ,\;Vho that we publish from time to time in Computers and Automation. 'IVe are often asked questions about computer people-and if we have up to date information in our file, we can answer those questions. If you are interested in the compu tel' field, please fill in and send us the following 'IVho's Who Entry Form (to avoid tearing the magazine, the form may be copied on any piece of paper). COl\fPlJTERS 1I11t! systellls, but also in data processing, telemetering, servomechanisms and multiplex telegraphy. ESC's wide-band transformers have been custOl\ldesigned and manufactured to meet the requirements of simultaneous transmission of both low and high frequencies commonly encountered in television, computers, scatter transmission, atomic instrumenta Lions, etc. Conventional transformers will transmit only a relatively narrow band in audio, intermediate frequency range, radio frequency range and very high frequency range. ESC has constructed a substantial number of prototypes which have been delivered to customers, but to date the production orders have been limited in quantity. It remains to be seen whether a profitable market will develop. Transformers, nonetheless, currently offer sOllie promise. The layman might identify them as devices which operate like the process that occurs when a city's water supply pours from many sources through huge viaducts and then is divided into diverse directions, sizes and pressures, for use in many faucets. The wide-band transformer, indeed, is an unusual conveyor and distributor. Prototypes .Most businesses do not routinely use the prototype as it is known in electronics. It is a tested, working sample, specially designed for the customer's need. In a limited sense, it is the first try-on suit the customer orders, the one he uses for a fitting before it is finished. There the similarity ends, for the suitwearer orders only one, or perhaps two-but the delay-line user may order only a few dozen, or hundreds, or thousands. The prototype is the ESC answer to the customer question: "'!\That can you create that will do and be all these things?" in electronics. In 1959, the company built 288 prototypes. During ] 960, up to October 30, ESC built and delivered 33:\ prototypes. This is at the rate of about 400 for the year] 960. Name? (please print) ....................... . Year entered the computer field? ... Your Address? ........... ,...................... . Occupation? ., ..... ,........................... ,._ Your Organization? ........................ ,. ~nyt!ling 1ts Address? ....................................... . else? (publica tions, distInctIOns, etc.) ........................ ,........ , Your Title? ,...................................... . Your ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( i\fain Computer Interests? ) Applications ) Business ) Construction ) Design ) Electronics ) Logic ) lVlathematics ) Programming ) Sales ) Other (specify): Year of birth?, .. " ................ " ............. , College or last school? .................... . ,\UTO\L-\TIO:\' for Fel>rllary, I!)(il When you have filled in this entry form please send it to: '!\Tho's Who Editor, Computers and Automation, 815 Washington Street, Newtonville 60, Mass. 1:) Mathematical computation: vital element of Space Techno'logy Leadership The rapid solution of ever-more complex problems is indispensable in converting physical concepts into specifications fOl' advanced space and ballistic missile systems. Space Technology Laboratories employs the modern, high·speed digital computer as an integral part of systems engineering. At STL's Computation and Data Reduction Center, computing specialists are daily expanding the wide potential of modern computing devices, as well as solving problems arising in advanced space technology. The Center, a modern, flexible facility, has a capability including two IBM 7090's and IBM 1401 auxiliary equipment. Continuing expansion of STL's activities in this vital area now creates the need for additional specialists with B.S., M.S., or Ph.D. in Mathematics, Engineering or the Physical Sciences, and related experience. Those capable of contributing within the environment of Space Technology Laboratories are invited to contact Dr. R. C. Potter, Manager of Professional Placement and Development. Their resumes and inquiries will receive meticulous attention. SPACE TECHNOLOGY LABORATORIES, INC. a subsidiary of Thompson Ramo Wooldridge Inc. • EI Segundo • Santa Maria • Edwards Rocket Base • Canoga Park ~ 16 P.o. BOX 95005BB, LOS ANGELES45, CALIFORNIA Cape Canaveral • Manchester, England COMPUTERS and • Singapore • AUTO~r:\TION Hawaii for February, 1961 C01\ NEWS of Computers ~~ACROSS THE and Data EDITOR'S Processors DESK" "' COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION Volume 10 Number 2B FEBRUARY 2,1961 Established September 1951 Published by Berkeley Enterprises, Inc., 815 Washington st., Newtonville 60, Mass. j- THE COMPUTER DIRECTORY AND BUYERS' GUIDE FOR 1961, 7TH ANNUAL EDITION The Computer Directory and Buyers'Guide for 1961, the 7th annual edition, will be published this year in July on a new basis. I, Ig We shall seek to make it a complete and inclusive directory and guide for the greatly expanding field of computers and data processors. It will contain at least the following reference information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Roster of Organizations Roster of Products and Services: The Buyers'Guide Roster of Computing Services Roster of Consulting Services Descriptions of General Purpose Digital Computing Systems Descriptions of Analog Computers Descriptions of Special Purpose Computers; and other reference information If there is any kind of reference information which you would like to see published in the Computer Directory, please send us your suggestions, QUICKLY. All regular editorial entries in the directory will be published FREE, and the first 25 words of ~ editorial entry will be FREE. For example, there will be no charge for 22 words of description (subject to editing) of a product in the "Roster of Products and Services". For subscriptions received March 1 and later, the "Computer Directory" will no longer be automatically included in every subscrip- 1 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1961 tion to "Computers and Automation". The price of the directory will be $12 before publication, $15 after publication. Any purchaser. of the directory will receive the monthly issues of "Computers and Automation" at no additional cost. If the directory is not included in a subscription, the price of the monthly issues of "Computers and Automatio~' will remain at $7.50 per year (in the United States). BATTERY OPERATED COMPUTER ~ackard Bell Computer Subsidiary, Packard Bell Electronics 1905 Armacost Ave. Los Angeles, Calif. For the first time, we believe, an electronic computer can operate entirely from a battery power supply. The computer, a PB 250 manufactured by this company, was demonstrated at the Eastern Join Computer Conference, New York, in December. The PB 250 is normally operated from the battery, which is plugged into a standard 115 volt power line and is continously regenerated by trickle charging. If the 115 volt input to the charger is interrupted, however, the computer can continue in operation without any more electricity for more than one hour. The PB 250 battery supply incorporates sealed cells with a life of more than 5 years without service. The battery supply can be charged from even poorly regulated mobile generators as efficiently as from a power line, while the computer executes thousands of mathematical operations every second. lB RUGGED, WBILE, DIGITAL COMPUTER OFF TO U. S. 7TH ARMY IN WEST GERMANY Sylvania Electronic Systems Needham 94, Mass. In January, the mobile general-purpose digital computer WBIDle 7A built by this company was turned over to the United States 7th Army, and shipped to Zweibrucken, West Germany. This digital computer is ruggedized for use in the field; it occupies 3 standard 30-foot Army trailer vans. The vans contain (1) the complete highspeed computer system, (2) an off-line control system which allows independent performance of large-capacity administrative functions simultaneous with operation of the central computer system, and (3) maintenance and support equipment and facilities. The weight of the equipment is 6 to 10 tons. The power required is 30 to 50 KVA. The computer will perform 50,000 typical operations per second (10 typical operations are defined as 7 additions plus 3 multiplications). It is a 38bit, parallel, binary machine, with fixed point. It uses 52 instructions (standard Fieldata code). The computer can be rapidly interrupted by a call from high priority program, and when that is completed, will at once return to its original program. At Zweibrucken, the first assignment of MOBIDIC will be to control thousands of sup.ply requisitions for items such as replacement parts for rockets, guided missiles, electronic warfare, air defense, combat surveillance or atomic artillery. It will process more than 18,000 requisitions each day to and from depots which supply some 200,000 different line items to the 7th Field Army, and dispatch supplies from depots to combat units in hours instead of the days once required. The saving in reduction of inventory combined with increased accessibility should pay for MOBIDIC several times over. MOBIDIC is made rugged for movement and operation under extreme environmental conditions. Emphasis in design was on performance with extreme reliability in combat, and resistance to extremes of shock, vibration, humidity, dust and temperature. In the hard road testing of ruggedization at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, the truck containing the computer developed defects and not the computer. An evaluation model of MOBIDIC was publicly displayed in New York in December in conjunction with the Eastern Joint Computer Conference. The picture shows a WHIDIC computer in Central Park, New York, in a snow storm on December 12, 1959. Additional models of MOBIDIC are under development for various military uses, including test at the U. S. Army Electronic' Proving Ground, Fort Huachuca, Ariz., and applications within the future Army Tactical Operations Center and other projects. pr to ed ma an sa st ta tu co 10 ve ne bi th th dI all v€ st ae a] NEW RETAIL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM WITH OPTICAL SCANNER ir lj cj Farrington Manufacturing Co. Needham Heights 94, Mass. A new retail accounting system designed around an optical scanner has been developed by this company. The system includes credit card tokens, imprinters, variable encoders, cash registers, forms, the Farrington Optical Scanner, and conventional business machines or other data processing equipment. The optical scanner can "read" the customer's account number, amount of sale, salesperson's number, transaction code, register and home department number, salescheck number, and convert the information at high speed into a punched card record. It also can recognize other information such as cash, miscellaneous charges, sales taxes, etc., and punch machine codes for the respective answer permitting mechanical sorting of punch card saleschecks into "yes" or "no" categories. The Farrington reading machine is the only optical scanner in commercial operation today. CE PI tc 9( pl w~ i1 nl P d s a ·c b c v T c t 2B COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1961 ( r- FIRST COMPUTER-DESIGNED COMPUTER OFF TO SOUTH ATLANTIC Bell Telephone Laboratories 463 West St. New York 14, N.Y. Ly IC- Ls 11- )e- :l The first computer built from complete wiring information and parts lists furnished by another c~mputer has been completed. It was shipped on Jan. 16 to Ascension Island, near the target area of the Atlantic Missile Range. The computer is to be used in connection with target-tracking tests for NIKE-ZEUS, the U. S. Army's anti-missile defense system. rIS ~s ~l The entire logic network of the digital computer, consisting of 47 sub assemblies, had been built from wiring diagrams, assembly information, and parts lists produced by a specially-programmed, general-purpose digital computer. The computer was built at Burlington, N.C., by the Western Electric Company. wire paths to be followed for minimum path length. Any special-purpose logic packages to be used in a subassembly were also specified by the computer. After the wiring information sheets were completed, a complete parts list including logic packages, externally wired resistors and capacitors, and necessary wire was prepared. The majority of the logic packages in the Zeus computer are of a single generalpurpose type. Any logic function can be performed anywhere on the subassembly by varying the interconnections among the packages. The module package contains four individual and independent logic switches which can be interconnected to form 2-, 3-, or 4- terminal logic gates, or flip-flop circuits. ~ell 1aboratories !utomatic DEsign abbreviated BLADES, required less than 25 minutes per subassembly to produce manufacturing information which would have consumed four man-weeks of manual effort with conventional drafting methods. Use of the BLADE System can save thousands of man-weeks of time in the design of equipment. The ~ystem, ew s- rean atas ost- n to ents ube. opa e ates s it ions tal cic 61 In addition, manufacturing information can be converted into a control program for an automatic wiring machine, which would do the actual assembly work. Initial experiments on this aspect of the program are now underway. Results indicate that automatic wiring of the mechanically-designed computer is feasible. This will, of course, result in additional substantial savings in time and money. The first step in designing the computer was the synthesis of the logic network to perform the necessary functions. This network was then converted into a set of topologic equations, expressing both the topology and logic of the network, in computer language. (Topology involves the geometric aspects of the network; i.e., the position of each component and its relation to other components.) The general purpose computer then used these topologic equations to produce sheets of instructions specifying the number of modular logic packages to be used in a subassembly. The instructions also specified the pins to be interconnected, the size and length of wire to be used in connecting them, and the COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1961 ---- A Bell Laboratories' engineer at Whippany, N.J., checks design information for the first computer built from complete information furnished by another computer. A subassembly of the computer is on the table. The computer will be used with the target-track radar for the Army's NIKE-ZEUS antimissile defense system. -- 3B The computer shipped Jan. 16 uses about 2500 of these logic packages, plus about 200 packages of other types in its 47 subassemblies. The BLADE System, as currently designed, can handle up to 12 different types of packages. Separate wIrIng instructions for power and signal wiring are provided. Also, power wiring is arranged so that no two successive logic functions are supplied by the same power bus. ELECTRONIC TUTOR AND INTERVIEWER GUIDED BY A COMPUTER System Development Corp. 2500 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, Calif. A computer-operated teaching system with the ability to tailor its instructions to an individual student's talent was demonstrated at the recent Eastern Joint Computer Conference. The heart of this "automated teaching research machine" is a Bendix G-15 electronic computer, programmed to sense a student's needs, respond to his errors, and build his knowledge and confidence quickly and reliably. Teaching machines may be a major resource in the face of an expected shortage of teachers that may amount to 250,000 instructors within five years. The electronic tutor could be the forerunner of small individual desk units capable of being centrally controlled by a master computer. When properly programmed the system could simulate a human tutor and work with as many as 100 students simultaneously but on an individual basis. The automated teacher took participants through a series of questions- on Christopher Columbus. The questions, all multiple-choice, were displayed by a slide projector controlled by the G-15. The "student" answered by pressing a key on an electric typewriter. The computer immediately acknowledged the answer as "right" or "wrong", ordered up another slide, and kept a record of performance on each question. When the student missed a question, the machine "detoured" him to a special set of remedial questions. Once his performance on the remedial set was satisfactory, he was returned to the main program of the course, to be detoured again only when he was unsure of an answer. basic series if the student requires excessive remedial help. The computer can make a major change in the training approach according to the individual student's needs, just as a human tutor can do. Thus the machine can be programmed to help both the bright and the slow learner. If the student's performance is high enough he can skip whole items in the basic series. If the student indicates doubt or confusion or takes too much time in answering, the computer may divert the student to less difficult questions. This responsiveness to delay in the student's reaction is particularly designed to help the slow learner. Though designed originally as a teaching aid, the automated teaching machine could also be the basis of other information gathering and dispensing systems. is atj spl at to tel ah{ er, Th( in~ we< tU( mal cu] fl( pre 1 il an< Two other possible uses of the "humanized" computer were also demonstrated. In one case the system played the role of student counselor and, acting on previously programmed information about the student's interests, quizzed him to determine basic aptitude for a chosen field (in this case, journalism). At the end of the "interview" the machine suggested a course of studies and activities that seemed to best suit the student. In the other case, the system impersonated a medical interviewer, questioning a patient on a standard series of facts about his family's medical history. (Sample question: Have you, or any blood relatives, ever been afflicted by varicose veins? The patient can answer "Yes," "No," "I don't know," or "I don't know what varicose veins are." In the last case he gets a photographic slide that shows him what varicose veins are and another asking the question again). The information gained from the interview would be immediately available to doctors for making diagnosis, and for permanent retention as a complete file on the patient. While such machines have certain human qualities, the instruction-giving or information-collecting abilities it may possess are only as good as the stored programs placed in the machines by a teacher, counselor or doctor. The machine may take the student out of the original series completely and into other 4B COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1961 C( rMRYLAND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS LFARN COMPUTER PROGRAMMING AND PRACTICE ON THE IBM 709 1- ,\ Zeke Seligsohn, Public Relations Chairman Association for Computing Machinery 1111 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington 6, D.C. J, II f s 0, 1 On the morning of January 7, the console lights flashed on the giant IBM 709 computer at the IBM Space Computing Center. An int.ense group of young computer programmers gathered around the machine, watching as it calculated second-by-second altitudes of five simultaneous rocket shots. An ordinary sight at the Computing Center? Not quite -- because the group consisted of 26 juniors and seniors from BethesdaChevy Chase High School. The students had reached the climax of a 15-week course in High-Speed Digital Computing, and were testing the programs they themselve~ had written to solve the rocket problem. The Saturday morning course, sponsored jointly by the Washington, D.C., Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery and the Board of Education of Montgomery ~ounty, Maryland, is an unusual experiment designed to attract talented youngsters to the computing field -- and especially to the computer programming profession. There is a current nationwide shortage of computer programmers. It is expected that some 200,000 new program- COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1961 mers will be needed by business, industry, government and research in the next ten years. The ACM course covered such topics as the history of computers, the use of binary and octal number systems, analysis of typical problems, fundamentals of programming, and applications of computers. Several outstanding authorities on war gaming, automatic language translation, satellite tracking, and business applications addressed the class during the term. The students learned how to program a simple, theoretical computer at first. Then they worked up to writing programs for the high-speed IBM 709 computer, capable of 40,000 calculations per second. Actual IBM manuals for the 709 were used as training aids, as well as motion pictures specifically designed to teach computer programming and computer technology. IBM's Federal Systems Division provided free program check-out time on the multi-million dollar 709 computer at the Space Computing Center. First-hand information about the programming profession was 5B also obtained from IBM personnel during a student field trip to the company's Systems Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Students who volunteered for the extracurricular course took on three class hours per week, with an average of 4-5 additional hours homework a week. Requirements for the course included: grades of A or B in all regular classwork; two years of algebra, one year of geometry, and one year of physics (or enrollment in one of the latter two courses); and a high degree of interest in mathematics and science. The current course is part of a rapidly expanding educational program of the ACM -the nation's largest computer organization, with over 7,000 members. The Washington, D.C. Chapter plans to present similar courses in several other local high schools next semester. ASSOCIATION OF DATA PROCESSING SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS FORMED W. H. Evans, Executive Vice President Association of Data Processing Organizations 1000 Highland Ave. Abington, Pa. Leading American and Canadian companies in the computer and punched-card service field have formed the Association of Data Processing Service Organizations (ADAPSO). Its purpose is to maintain high-performance standards and thus further improve service to business and science, and awareness of public service aspects. The new association is made up of companies which service clients through data processing centers, as distinct from companies which manufacture and rent or sell equipment. Data processing service centers or bureaus perform various tasks on their own premises, for a fee; based on the type of work done and the time required to complete it. They serve firms which do not have sufficient work to justify investing in their own computers or punched-card machines, or who lack the specialized know-how required for data-processing systems. Association officers include: President: Mr. Romuald Slimak, Mgr. of Remington Rand Univac Service Centers Vice Pres.: Z. V. Zakarian, Mgr~ New York Electronic Systems Center, Radio Corporation of America Treasurer: C. G. Green, President, Statistical Reporting & Tabulating Ltd., Toronto, Canada 6B Director: G. M. Witherspoon, Mgr., Data Processing Centers, National Cash Register Company, Dayton, Ohio Director: H. W. Robinson, President, Corporation for Economic & Industrial Research, Arlington, Va. Director: R. C. May, Vice President, May & Speh, Chicago, Ill. Director: J. H. McDonald, Vice President, Recording & Statistical Company, New York, N.Y. il\ II h I Other members include: W. A. Lynch, The Service Bureau Corporation; A. M. Lount, Enelco Ltd., Toronto; T. Yamashita, Bendix Corp.; Walter Camenisch, Walter Camenisch, Inc.; G. W. L. Davis, Ferranti-Packard Electric Ltd; William Levy, Nationwide Tabulating Corp. tra a n rec tub duc up pen fer tub 2,5 Other leading organizations in the field, which include a great number of independents, have expressed interest in ADAPSO and are expected to join soon. 1 The Association is a cross-section of this new and rapidly growing business service. Thus, independents (small and large), chains and manufacturers' centers are equally active. A one-day symposium was scheduled in New York on January 20. A first directory of all American and Canadian centers is in the making. Membership is limited to those companies Which perform on their own premises work which requires the utilization of such equipment as punched-cards, punched and magnetic tapes, optical readers and computers. Officers of organizations interested in the Symposium, in being listed in the Directory, or in membership, should communicate with W. H. Evans, at the address above. It \ \ / ------.....---COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1961 C( '0- TUBE CARRIERS MADE OF CERAMIC-GLASS Om- Corning Electronic Components Division of Corning Glass Works Bradford, Pao ra- :'11 L.' f·· ttI he :nelo j td.j ld, s, Chemically-machined glass ceramic boards transport 154 electron tubes at once through a newly-designed automatic conveyor tester, recently put into operation in the receiving tube headquarters of Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., at Emporium, Pa. The glass-ceramic boards are produced by a photographic-chemical etching process. The pattern of holes and slots are implanted in photosensitive glass; then the image is etched away. The glass is then converted to a glass-ceramic called Fotoceram. The computer-programmed machine performs up to 23 separate measurements per cycle, depending on the tube type being tested. Dif-, ferent sockets permit testing of hundreds of tube types. The capacity of the machine is 2,500 tubes an hour. The unique material was chosen because of its insulation resistance and its adaptability to odd patterns and successive design changes. x- ceo s veo rk ing. es ich as opr n t- 161 Glass-ceramic boards made by Corning Electronic Components carry electron tubes through a newly-designed machine that can test 2,500 tubes an hour. Odd patterns of holes and slots required for the boards are achieved with a photographic-chemical etching process. Wire contacts, riding on bus bars, are connected to tubes by metallized circuit paths. Up to 23 separate measurements per cycle can be made on the computer-programmed machine, built by Sylvania Electric Products, Inc. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1961 7B 64 WEATHER MAPS PER DAY DRAWN ELECTRONICALLY BY PLOTTER Electronic Associates, Inc. Long Branch, New Jersey The U.S. Weather Bureau put into operational use on Dec. 1 an electronic computerplotter that mechanically draws a complete weather map of the Northern Hemisphere in less than three minutes. Known as the Weather Plotter, and produced by this company, the electronic unit reads weather information supplied in numerical form on magnetic tape and presents the information to a digital-to-analog converter. The converter then instructs the "mechanical hand" of the plotter to automatically draw contours or isobars, which represent-lines ocequru barometric pressure, on a 30-by-30 inch map of the Northern Hemisphere. The plotter produces a complete weather map in less than three minutes, compared with approximately 20 minutes required by the former hand-drawn method. Also, the automatic, electronically controlled method produces maps that are much more accurate than those that were hand-drawn. SOlE putE intE gat} calc siml ter( ed ( Chev reac Higt ing to s Figure -- A 30-by-30-inch weather map produced mechanically by the "Weather Plotter". The isobar map depicts air flow patterns from 18,000 to 20,000 feet. 8B COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1961 join the the Mary to a ing prog nati It i CO~ ve Informatiort fed into the Weather Plotter is gathered from more than 500 weather observation stations throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Observations are taken twice daily, at noon and midnight London time, and fed into the National Meteorological Center by teletype. r Forecasts, for 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours ahead, are calculated on a programmed computer, and the results recorded on magnetic tape. The tape is then put on the plotter for reading, converting, and map plotting. It During the course of a 24-hour day, 64 weather maps are produced for various altitudes from sea level to 40,000 feet. Each map forecasts air flow patterns for a particular forecast period. Maps of these air flow patterns at 40,000 feet and higher are prepared for use by the military and by airlines in determining the best flying routes and altitudes for jet aircraft. .g ~r- Immediately after each map is produced, it is distributed by facsimile to 26 U.S. Weather Bureau stations throughout the United States for use in local and regional weather forecasting. Maps also are distributed by facsimile to more than 600 military airfields and stations, airlines, universities and commercial weather forecasting operations. The reduction in time from 20 to less than three minutes for producing a map permits tightened deadlines with a consequent increase in the usefulness of the information. The equipment is an important step forward in the Weather Bureau's efforts to automate weather data processing, weather analysis and weather forecasting. It is another link in the fundamental technological changes now occurring in the science of meteorology • :ed" :e ~lor l- l Id ~r lOt 'I ~r 1 1 ~ly and In 1- .n ;or. Figure 2 Here the plotter draws isobars. jG1 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1961 9B INTELLIGIBLE PHONE CONVERSATIONS WITH DIFFERENT LANGUAGES AT EITHER END, DUE IN NEXT 20 YEARS Dr. Edwin G. Schneider Vice President, Research and Engineering Sylvania Electric Products Needham, Mass. (Based on a talk before the annual convention of the Telephone Association of New England, Sept. 27, Bretton Woods, N.H.) An intelligible telephone conversation from continent to continent with different languages being spoken on either end of the line will be possible within the next 20 years. Automatic translation of transoceanic conversations will be performed through advanced communications and data processing devices. In regard to the future growth and expansion of communications, we can forecast: 1. 2. 3. A communications satellite network that will make possible global television and high-speed data transmission. "Wireless" telephone calls by pedestrians through two-way pocket radios the size of a package of cigarettes. Transmission of still photographs through the telephone system at a moderate cost. The basic computer mechanism for automatic translation is already in existence, although primitivei to complete the translation for spoken words, it will be necessary to recognize automatically the basic sounds of speech, independent of the peculiarities of the speaker, and to reconstitute these sounds from information stored in the computer memory. Rudimentary translation of Russian into English is currently being carried out by a computer. A Russian-English dictionary is coded and stored in the computer memory. The document to be translated is typed out on punched paper tape and fed into the computer, which looks up the corresponding words in the other language. The document is then typed in translated form. The problem of translation of spoken words does not appear very formidable when one considers that there are only 40 basic sounds used in English. To date, a relatively high degree of success has been achieved in generating recognizable speech by piecing lOB together the appropriate ated speech sounds. ~rtificially gener- However, the process of automatically recognizing the basic sounds has so far only been solved for very limited cases. For example, fairly reliable recognition of vowels clearly spoken by a male voice has been accomplished -- but the same equipment was unable to understand women. Maybe this was because the men who made the machine didn't understand women either. There is little doubt that a solution for the speech pattern recognition will be found, and it will have applications beyond that of automatic translation. Applications cited were more efficient use of phone lines -- carrying 100 conversations over a channel which now carries only one, and a speech typewriter, which would reproduce a spoken statement in document form. NEW DEVICE AIDS HUMAN SUPERVISION wir by was nea Ran tio the com had inf spe com ton OF COMPUTER QPERATION The Electrada Corporation Los Angeles 48, Calif. An electronic unit which provides a new display and control link between the human operator and high speed data processing systems, has been developed. By matching the logic and speed requirements of the electronic system and the human operator, -the unit, called the Electrada Datacom, increases the flexibility of computers and communication systems. In addition, costly interruptions during monitoring and correciing activities are eliminated. The device accepts digital information at line speed, automatically translates it to ordinary alpha-numeric characters and presents a display on the screen of a cathode-ray tube. As the information is being displayed, the operator may approve its contents, or he may alter them in part or in total by striking a standard typewriter keyboard. Both incoming and outgoing records are held in the display. When the operator punches the send button, the unit retranslates the information to coded form and transmits it automatically to the associated communications network or computer. ~ys tha man con con BLA of can an the men und wir is add mOil was per wor log and gua as~ eac pOll thE of moe Capable of receiving and sending digital data at speeds of approximately 3600 characters per second, the unit provides automatic interface matching between data processing units or between communications and data COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1961 as~ to wi] CO nd processing systems. It allows the operator to perform selective monitoring, correcting, editing or re-routing of data. The 'operator may also compose, transmit, receive, correct and expand incoming mess'ages, or send messages composed from prerecorded internally stored forms. i- nce rd een om- ere Display of incoming and outgoing data takes place in a high-brightness cathode ray tube, the upper part of which shows the incoming information or message, while the lower part displays the revised or approved version which is to be transmitted. A magnetic storage drum with a capacity of 3072 bits provides a display memory which stores the information for the screen and holds them ready for editing or transmittal. The drum uses transistor read-write circuits, and contains an engraved clock track to prevent accidental clock erasure. Larger-size storage-memory drums can be provided to fit any specific application. The Datacom will also display and correct information stored in the computer's own internal memory when linked directly to the computer memory circui ts. b- r om- r :lp- that only a reasonable degree of precision is required of the person marking the card. The machine is equipped ~ith a sensitivity control mechanism which allo~s adjustment for cards bearing marks of varying density, thus making it possible to process cards which have been too lightly marked with a pencil and others which may be smudged by dirt or improper erasures. On reading a card with a missing mark or a double mark, the machine automatically catches the error in one of two ways: it either stops until the error has been corrected, or continues, while automatically segregating the error card into a special reject pocket. Then the reader stops, indicator lamps on the machine's. operating control panel automatically signal the type of error and indicate the location of the improperly marked columns. 190,000 STOCK ITEMS HANDLED BY COMPUTFB James E. Burd Spiegel, Inc. Chicago 8, Ill. OPTICAL SCANNING INTRODUCED IN TABULATING CARD PUNCH ~d Remington Rand Univac A Division of Sperry Rand Corp. New York, N.Y. ~d ;, ~rs, ;a ;- .esler, nto In e t- ~ An optical scanning device for data processing systems, called the Optical Scanning Punch, has been developed. It is designed to read handwritten markings on a standard 90-column tabulating card and punch the appropriate code holes into the same card. It works at the speed of 150 cards per minute, it does not require the use of a special magnetic pencil -- any soft lead pencil will do -- and no special symbols are needed. It reads numerals as well as normal pencilled notations such as check marks, lines, X-marks and circles. By eliminating the need for manual card punching from original source documents, the device drastically reduces the most time-consuming phase of punched-card data processing and automatically detects improperly marked -cards. As many as 40 columns of information can be marked on one side of a standard 90 column card. Suitable cards can be designed to provide 80 columns of marking, using both sides. The marking area for each position on the card (which determines the digital value of the mark) is a relatively large rectangle, so 961 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1961 One of the nation's largest mail order houses, Spiegel, Inc., has installed a powerful new computer system -- the IBM 7070 -which will ultimately provide dpily electronic control over its more than one million customer accounts. The company has a long range program of automating clerical operations using electronic data processing facilities. The new system will also eventually provide automatic inventory control for some 190,000 stockkeeping units; therefore the company will probably be the first major mail order house in the country to achieve complete inventory control on a computer. The system installed is comprised of 22 separate pieces of equipment and incorporates three basic types of data processing -punched cards, punched paper tape and magnetic tape. Eight magnetic tape drive units each will be able to feed data to the computer at speeds ranging from 15,000 to more than 60,000 alpha-numeric characters per second, while data on paper tape is fed at the rate of 500 characters per second. Extensive use will be made of the new data processing facilities for other applications, such as sales and marketing research, payroll accounting, credit research and other accounting functions. lIB "," TELEMETERING DEVICE SHARES ANALOG FREQUENCY CHANNELS General Electric Co., Inc. Schenectady 5, N.Y. A new digital telemetering system that makes possible transmisSion of integrated data over existing analog telemeter channels has been produced. The system is designed to accumulate and register digital data inexpensively, and yet maintain the usual high accuracy inherent to digital techniques. It is believed to be the first system available that can share an existing frequency-type channel. eliminating the need for additional channel facilities. A typical application for the device will be to transmit and record kilowatt-hour data from electric utility tie-lines and substations. In the case of tie-line applications, the engineers said, the equipment will handle both "KWH-in" and "K\\H-out" data. The device is also expected to prove useful in petroleum, natural gas, and hydrostation data collection, where it will permit integrated flow values to be telemetered over existing rate-of-flow channels and recorded digitally at the control point. Advantage of the equipment is that it eliminates the need for a separate channel, and 2) avoids the inherent one percent error characteristic of integrated analog signals. With the new equipment users will be able to ielemeter and record integrated digital data from the sensing source with higher accuracy and at roughly the same cost of adding a separate integrating device. 1) The system's transmitter accumulates pulse signals and sends totalized data to the receiver at intervals programmed by a builtin timer. Values are relayed in two or three digit form. Since the transmission sequence takes only about four seconds, the interruptions this causes in the analog recording system are negligeable. Although the digital signal will be "seen" by the rate readout devices, these are indicated as "pips" which can be identified by their regular occurrence. If desired, the rate-recording and associated control devices can be automatically switched out during transmission of the digital signals. THE I fo pu in ex so ref« ati, the sug rec 25 For wor a p Ser lat be 12B COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1961 CO: S fOl' puter daily Ilogy. lUing athe· nt of Their RNIA Is Bit Masked? fawaii • Interrupt Accepted? Proceed with Program .I!ltil (:01\1 PllTERS a//{{ AUTO~L\ TION for February, 1961 17 tech; The New Electronics Industry, Education and the Midwest 1101 tems pute COnI] cam( lIlg ~ Fed( llIen Dr. Frederick E. Terman Provost and Vice President Stanf ord University Stanford, Calif. . Fr deve perh for I meni of tl and engil the I no e of d( bina! signe these creat comr (Based on a talk at the National Electronics Conference, Chicago, Ill., Oetoher 12, 1960) During the last two decades electronics has become one of the most exciting industries of all times. It is exciting because of its diversity and because of the many challenges it offers. Electronics also attracts interest because of its potential for spectacular financial growth. A New Electronics This situation has been brought about by a new electronics that originated about 20 years ago, and which is based on sophisticated applications of recent developments in science and technology. This new electronics lives close to the frontiers of science, and requires a high level of technical competence. It grows by the devclopmen t of new products. It is characterized by the transistor and other solid-state electronic devices, by electronic computers, by microwave technology in general and microwave tubes in particular, by automation, by the electronics associated with outer space research, etc. Educational Institutions In the new electronics, education and also educalional institutions, have a new and increasingly important role. To the individual interested in the new electronics, formal university training is essential because the concepts involved in the more advanced and in teres ting devices are too complex to be acq uired by a combination of home study and on-the-job experience. In fact, a minimum of one full year of graduate training is becoming almost a necessity for the bright young man who wishes to participate importantly in the technical aspects of the rapidly moving and most promising areas of electronics. A Ph.D. has become desirable for the man who aspires to be a technical expert. Concurrently, the university as an institution is acquiring a new significance. Industry is discovering that for those types of electronic activities that involve a high level of creativity of a scientific and technological character, it is more important to be located near an educational institution (i.e., near a center of brains) than near markets, raw materials, components suppliers, transportation, or factory labor. This is because: First, universities are the sources of the highly trained young men who represent the most important raw material going into creative electronics. Second, universities, through their research activities, are sources of ideas; a few of these ideas are directly exploitable commercially, while many others contribute to an understanding that stimulates useful invention and innovation on the part of industry, particularly nearby industry. Third, the faculty members lR of a good university provide a panel of experts possessing a wide range of highly developed skills available on a consulting basis to aid industry with its problems; thus even a small company near a university can have access to specialized knowledge in depth on a basis that it can afford. Fourth, a university close at hand can provide educational opportunities [or employees, whereby bright young men with good potential but inadequate training can be upgraded. and whereby all can be kept abreast of new scientific developments and technological changes. Finally, in an in tangible but very real way, a university provides an atmosphere that stimulates creativity and that also makes a community attractive to scientifically minded individuals. The Factor of Education in the Future of Electronics 'Vhen these various factors are viewed in broad perspective, it is seen that education is perhaps the mosl significant factor affecting the future of electronics. Education is a natural resource of first importance to that part of the electronics industry that is growing through creative activity. Thus, the Boston area may be stagnant in many areas o[ commerce, but it is one of the liveliest places in the country for the new electronics. The reason for this is easily traceable to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University. Similarly, a spectacular development of creative electronics has taken place on the San Francisco Peninsula during the last dozen years. Stanford University is at the geographical center of this development, and this is not an accident. Stanford University has over 400 day students in its graduate program in electrical engineering, and it trains more Ph.D.'s in electronics than any other school in the country. The faculty at Stanford in the field of electronics also directs a $3.5 million per year research program, the results of which are open to industry. Electronics in the l\Iidwest Electronics in the midwest in general, and in Chicago in particular, lacks t.he explosive character of electronics on the Pacific Coast and in New England. This region is not regarded as leading in the development of new ideas and in the opening up of new fronts of activity. An illustration of this is provided by the article "The Egghead "Millionaires" appearing in the September issue of Fortune. This paper is about the new breed of young industrial entrepreneurs whose personal roots are founded in technology and applied science, and who have built successful companies based on this fact. Of the 18 proper names menCOMPUTERS and AUTO:\L\TIO:\, for Fehrllary. I!IIi I Sir tiona and' netic clectJ are u mobi its n not t cab r in fa: howe o· - Fn to d; COIll} askin in thl Form free I we p COI11J: arc < COlli P lip t< we (';1 Jr. plitel liS til, Forn] zinc, ;IIIY } co :\f s lIgh )1'0- ure lllll tric this [ore tloned in this article-exam pies or egghead IllillioJl;Iil'es-ollly one lives in the midwest bet\veen the AIIeollenies and the Rockies. Likewise, while ;\UT, ;., Stanford, and other schools get favorable mention, not ;1 single college in the whole midwestern area is even referred to. Now there are at least some egghead Illillionaries in the midwest, hut the fact remains that the spotlight is clearly llot on the midwest when slIch Illauers arc being talked about. This is because elvctl'Onics in the midwest has for over a quarter celltlll'Y heen more interested in the exploitation and the rC/inelllcnt of exist ing ideas and existing product lines than in opening up and entering new fields o[ activity. I I. has heell more concerned with trying to make money by redesigning established products than with attempting to grow from the exploitation of new products barely in\'ented. It has not developed a strong C0111ponent o/" research, and as a result has spawned no Bell Telephone Laboratories, David Sarnoff Laboratory, Lincoln Laboratory, General Electric Research Laboratory, etc. In short, the midwest is still preoccupied with the old electronics. H'W Reasons for Lagging Now why has the midwest lagged in the new electl'Ollilid III [S- the :>1 ll- less 'l'gy Ipll 1'('('- Ili- a lit dal >gy. iers 1111 c (,lit Oil· tlcor ~e('· 1'111- for Fehruary, 19(il lory models originated in the east by groups lllore deeply orien ted in science. Midwest electronics simply did not have the scientific competence by and large to stand on its own feet with respect to these war developed techniques and devices. I have been told by men who were connected with handling war production that the lack of scientific depth of the midwest electronics industry-the lack of a research base-made it very difficult-in fact virtually impossible-to use fully the productive capacity of the midwest in getting these new types of devices produced, whereas on the east coast the production capacity for these desperately needed items was greatly over taxed because it was associated with the scientific know-how necessary to do the job. At the end of the war electronics in the midwest, having been only superficially innoculated with the new ideas of electronics that originated in ',Vorld\,Var II, happily reverted to its old interests involving the engineering, design, and production of products and components emphasizing the consumer market, and found in television a sufficient challenge. Although this was highly profitable as long as television was being introduced into new areas, it had limited opportunity for further growth once television was established in every community. In recent years the total dollar sales of television and radio receivers has not been growing much and not much growth can be expected in the years ahead. "Moreover, the Japanese may well get an increasillg share of the total in the future. During the lllsh profit days of television, too few of tile midwest organizations used their television profits and their existing engineering organizations as a mea ns of ('st a blishing a strong position in other areas of eleCll'OlIics that had much greater potential for long range ex pansion. In this connection, Motorola is an exception, and as a result it has achieved a growth situation not dominated by its consumer goods business. Electronics on the East Coast In contrast with the post war course of events in the electronics industry of the midwest, the electronics industry of the east coast continued its interest in the further development of the new concepts introduced into electronics during the war, and maintained and even strengthened research and technical staffs that were strongly based in science. The result has been that the east is now strong in the new areas of electronics such as microwave tubes, electronic computers, transistors and diodes, ferrites, automation, guided missiles, pulse communication, instrumentation, etc. These are the areas that have almost unlimited growth possibilities, in contrast with the consumer goods business. Electronics Oil the West Coast In view of the above, one may wonder why west coast electronics has grown so rapidly during the last 15 years, when it was 1llllch less important than the midwest electron ics both before and during the war. The answer is tlla t after the war some very strongly science orien ted electronics concerns began to develop on the west coast. Hewlett-Packard, Tektronics, Varian Associates, Hughes Aircraft, and Ampex are examples. These companies prospered, and demonstrated the 19 possibilities of growth and of profits through developing products in which a high proportion of the value was in the engineering involved, in contrast with the principal products of the midwest where the value resided to a much greater degree in material and labor costs. Thus the west, without a tradition, got started in a new and forward looking pattern at the end of the war. An important feature of this development of electronics in the west has been the strong emphasis on graduate training. NIany are familiar with the phenomenal concentration of men with M.S. and Ph.D. degrees that Hughes had achieved by the early fifties, and this is a pattern which has been subsequently copied by numerous other west coast companies. This concentration on brains, and along with it an interest in education and in universities has been symbolic of west coast electronics, and probably accounts in large measure for the fact that electronics has grown so rapidly in the west. Midwest Interest in the Ph.D. In contrast with the electronics industries on the east and west coasts, the electronics industry of the midwest has not been much interested in the man with the Ph.D. and what he can contribute to the opening up of new frontiers and the resultant development of new products. It has also failed signally to exploit the educational resources and the educational institutions that are available to it. It was not willing during the past fifteen years to put much of its own money into the development of new kinds of products; in fact until recently it hasn't shown much interest in research and development even when the government would pay the bill. To be brutally blunt and frank the major path of electronics took off in a new direction in the decade 1940-50, but too little of the electronics industry of the midwest followed the turn. There are, of course, individual exceptions to these general statements, but in broad terms what is said here is true. Electronics in the midwest somehow just has not developed much enthusiasm for staffing up with high concentrations of people who have the highly technical background required to do creative work in the new and rapidly growing areas of electronics. This is emphasized by the fact that there are various companies with headquarters in Chicago that do their creative work elsewhere in the country, while examples of the reverse are scarce indeed. This situation is further emphasized by the distribution of Fellows· of the IRE. These men have received this award in recognition of creative technical or administrative leadership. The Chicago Section currently includes about 15 fellows, while the San Francisco Section has 32, and the Los Angeles Section has 47. Anti-Intellectualism The basic problem of midwest electronics is what academic people call anti-intellectualism. Speaking in broad terms, the midwest is more interested in the man with a lot of practical know-how than in the man whose strength is depth of training in advanced science and technology. Not enough of the midwest companies and their leaders know how to make effective use of the "egghead" type. As a result the midwest companies don't really fight for the men with 20 master's and doctor's degrees in c1eclronics being produced by their own universities, let alone by universities in other parts of the country. The conse· quence is that the midwest schools don't produce snch men in large numbers. For example, Stanford alone, and Stanford is not a large school, produces more men each year with advanced degrees in electronics than do all of the institutions in the entire state of Illinois together. Put another way, the state of California produces more men with advanced degrees in electronics each year than do the states of Illinois, \l\Tisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, NIinnesota, lVIissouri and Iowa all put together. Under these circumstances is it any wonder that many of the brightest boys graduating from midwest schools with bachelor degrees are recruited by west coast colleges, and after completion of advanced training there devote their subsequent professional careers to advancing electronics in the west. The same is true of such institutions as MIT and Harvard, who likewise transplant a group of the brightest young people from the midwest to the east coast for advanced training, after which they either settle down somewhere 011 the Atlantic seaboard or move to California in order to do the type of work they have come to like and for which they see an attractive future. Another facet of this same anti-intellectualism referred to above is that the electronics industry in the midwest has not adequatetly appreciated the importance of the educational institutions that are in its midst, and has not made full use of them. It is surprising that there are not more electronic companies of the creative type clustered around such schools as the University of Illinois, Purdue, University of Michigan, Michigan State University, \Visconsin, Northwestern, etc. This is the result both of lack of vision on the part of industry and of lack of leadership on the part of the educational institutions. On this particular point, the principal blame may well be placed on the doorsteps of the universities involved; they have had it in their power to take much more initiative than they have taken, and it was in their self interest to do so. Provocative Intent These remarks have deliberately attempted to be provocative. The electronics industry of the midwest is in a rut and needs to be jolted out of it. It currently lacks the glamour and the growth potential that it should have. Electronics in the midwest has a long tradition and a successful past. It can have a worthwhile future, and can participate more in the good new things that are ahead in the field of electronics during the next several decades, but only by developing with the times. If it just plods along, the midwest will become increasingly the peon group in the electronics industry, which does hard, unexciting work and makes a living, while at the same time the east coast and particularly the west coast electronics industries will have all of the fun and most of the growth. If the midwest continues in the present pattern, it will continue to be the happy hunting ground where bright young people are recruited to go to the east and west coasts to make the electronics industries there steadily stronger and ever growing. COMPUTERS alld .\UTO~IATTO:\T for Fehruary. 1%1 Invc: co lee of ~tie "ill ity Make over 200 Small Computing and Reasoning Machines with ELECTRIC BRAIN lfe, eh~ell Isk ,ng Lal- ess ee:he .tal tal ,tal d's ~nt BRAINIAC CONSTRUCTION KIT WHAT COMES WITH YOUR BRAINIAC® KIT? All 33 experiments from our original kit (1955), with exact wiring templates for each one. All 13 experiments from the former Tyniac kit. 156 entirely new experiments with their solutions. Over 600 parts, as follows: 6 Multiple Switch Discs; Mounting Panel; 10 Flashlight Bulbs; 2 Multiple Socket Parts, each holding 5 bulbs; 116 Wipers, for making good electrical contact (novel design, patented, no. 2848568) ; 70 Jumpers, for transfer contacts; 50 feet of Insulated Wire; Flashlight Battery; Battery Box; nuts, bolts, sponge rubber washers, hard washers, screwdriver~ spintite blade, etc. ALSO: 256 page book, "Brainiacs" by Edmund C. Berkeley, including chapters on: an introduction to Boolean Algebra for designing circuits; "How to go from Brainiacs and Geniacs® to Automatic Computers"; complete descriptions of 201 experiments and machines; over 160 circuit diagrams; list of references to computer literature . This kit is an up-to-the-minute introduction to the design of arithmetical, logical, reasoning, computing, puzzle-solving, and game-playing circuits-for boys, students, schools, colleges, designers. It is simple enough for intelligent boys to assemble, and yet it is instructive even to engineers because it shows how many kinds of computing and reasoning circuits can be made from simple components. This kit is the outcome of 11 years of design and development work with small electric brains and small robots by Berkeley Enterprises, Inc. With this kit and manual you can easily make over 200 small electric brain machines that display intelligent behavior and teach understanding first-hand. Each one runs on one flashlight battery; all connections with nuts and bolts; no soldering required. (Returnable for full refund if not satisfactory.) ... Price $18.95. WHAT CAN YOU MAKE WITH A BRAINIAC KIT? LOG IC i\1 A CHINES Syllog-ism Prover James McCarty's Logic Machine AND, Ol{, NOT, OR ELSE, IF . • . THEN, IF AND ONLY IF, NEITHER ... NOR Machines A Simpll' Kalin-Burkhart Logical Truth Calculator The Mag-azine Editor's Argument The Hull' About Semicolons and Commas The Farnsworth Car Pool GAME-PLA YING MACHINES Tit-Tat-Toe Black Match Nim Sundorra 21 Franl\: McChesney's Wheeled Bandit COMPUTERS - to add, subtract, multiply, divide, . . . , using- decimal or binary numbers. - to convert from decimal to other scales of notation and vice versa, etc. Opera ting- with Infinity Adding- Indefinite Quantities Factoring- Any Number from 45 to 60 Prime Number Indicator for Numbers 1 to 100 Thirty Days Hath September Three Day Weekend for Christmas Calendar Good for Forty Years 1950 to 1989 Money Changing Machine Four hy Four Magic Square Character of Roots of a Quadratic Ten Basic Formulas of Integration The Submarine Rescue Chamber Squalux The Three Monkeys who Spurned Evil Sig'nals on the 1\1ang-o Blossom Special The Automatic Elevator in Hoboken Timothy's Mink Traps Josephine's Man Trap Douglas Macdonald's Will Word Puzzle with TRICK QUIZ MACHINES The Waxing and the Waning Moon Intelligence Test Guessing Helen's Age Geography Quiz Mr. Hardstone's Grammar Test Solving Right Triangles SIGNALING MACHINES The Jiminy Soap Advertising Sign The Sign that Spells Alice Tom, Dick, and Harry's Private Signaling Channels Jim's and Ed's Intercom CRYPTOGRAPHIC MACHINES Secret Coder Secret Decoder Lock with 65,000 Combinations Lock with 15,000,000 Combinations The General Combination Lock Leonard's Two-Way Coding Machine . . . AND MANY MORE :"11111111111111 PUZZLE-SOLVING MACHINES The 1\1 issionaries and the Cannibals The Daisy Petal Machine Calvin's Eenie Meenie Minie Moe Machine The Cider Pouring Problem The Mysterious Multiples of 76923, of 369, etc. Bruce Campbell's Will The Fox, Hen, Corn, and Hired Man The Uranium Shipment and the Space Pirates General Alarm at the Fortress of Dreadeerie The Two Suspicious Husbands at Great North Bay MAIL THIS REQUEST or a copy of it 11111111111111" Berkeley Enterprises, Inc. 815 Washington Street, R120, Newtonville 60, Mass. Please send me BRAINIAC KIT K18, ,includin,g manual, ins tructions, over 600 parts, templates, circuit diagrams, etc. I enclose $18.95 for the kit plus for handling and shipping (30c, east of Mississippi; 80c, west of Mississippi; $1.80, outside U.8'.). I understand the kit is returnable in seven days for full refund if not satisfactory (if in good condition). My name and address are attached. ;;;;;;;;;;~;.;...._..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;; -11111 1 II II 1111111111111111111111111 ••• I • I ••••••• I ••• I • I I II • II II .. II 1111 ••• II 1 .. !llil C():\[PUTERS a/l(l .\UTO~L\TIO~ for Fehruary, 19G1 21 CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Feb. 1-3, 1961: Winter Convention on Military Electronics, featuring Communications, Telemetry, Data Handling and Display, Los Angeles, Calif.; contact Dr. John J. Meyers, Hoffman Electronics Corp., Military Products Div., 3717 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles 7, Calif. Feb. 13-16, 1961: Third Institute on Information Storage and Retrieval, The American University, Washington, D. C.; contact Prof. Lowell H. Hattery, Dir., Center for Technology and Administration, The American University, 1901 F St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. Fcb. 15-17, 1961: International Solid State Circuits Conference, Univ. of Pa. and Sheraton Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa.; contact Jerome J. Suran, Bldg. 3, Rm. 115, General Electric Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mar. 16-17, 1961: Conference on Data Processing Techniques and Systems, sponsored by Numerical Analysis Laboratory at the University of Ariz., featuring "Discussions of data processing problems in engineering and scientific research," Tucson, Ariz.; contact Miss Betty Takvam, Conference Secretary, Numerical Analysis Lab., Univ. of Ariz., Tucson, Ariz. Mar. 20-23, 1961: IRE International Convention, Coliseum and Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York, N. Y.; contact Dr. G. K. Neal, IRE, 1 E. 79 St., New York 21, N. Y. April, 1961: Joint Automatic Techniques Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio; contact J. E. Eiselein, RCA Victor Div., Bldg. 10-7, Camden 2, N. J. Apr. 19-21, 1961: S. W. IRE Reg. Conf. and Elec. Show, Dallas, Tex.; contact R. W. Olson, Texas Instruments Co., 6000 Lemmon Ave., Dallas 9, Tex. May 2-4, 1961: Electronic Components Conference, Jlck Tar Hotel, San Francisco, Calif. May 7-8, 1961: 5th Midwest Symposium on Circuit Theory, Univ. of Ill., Urbana, Ill.; contact Prof. M. E. Van Valkenburg, Dept. EE, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. May 8-10, 1961: 13th Annual National Aerospace Elcctronics Conference, Biltmore and Miami Hotels, Dayton, Ohio; contact Ronald G. Stimmel, Chairman, Papers Committee, Institute of Radio Engineers, 1 East 79 St., New York 21, N. Y. May 9-11, 1961: Western Joint Computer Conference, Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif.; contact Dr. W. F. Bauer, Ramo-Wooldridge Co., 8433 Fallbrook Ave., Canoga Park, Calif. May 22-24,1961: 10th National Telemetering Conference, Sheraton-Towers Hotel, Chicago, Ill. May 22-24, 1961: Fifth National Symposium on Global Communications (GLOBECOM V), Hotel Sherman, Chicago, Ill.; contact Donald C. Campbell, Tech. Program Comm., LT.T. - Kellogg, 5959 S. Harlem Ave., Chicago 3 8, Ill. May 23-25, 1961: Symposium on Large Capacity Memory Techniques for Computing Systems, Dept; of Interior Auditorium, C St., Washington, D. c.; contact Miss Josephine Leno, Code 430A, Office of Naval Research, Washington 25, D. C. 22 June 6-8, 1961: ISA Summer Instrument-Automation Conference & Exhibit, Royal York Hotel and Queen Elizabeth Hall, Toronto, Ontario, Can.; contact William H. Kushnick, Exec. Dir., ISA, 313 6th Ave., Pittsburgh 22. Pa. June 28-30, 1961: Joint Automatic Control Conference, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, Colo.; contact Dr. Robert Kramer, Elec. Sys. Lab., M.LT., Cambridge 39, Mass. June 28-30, 1961: 1961 National Conference and Exhibit, National Machine Accoun tan ts Association, Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Canada; contact R. C. Elliott, NMAA, 1750 W. Central Rd., Mt. Prospect, Ill. July 9-14, 1961: 4th International Conference on BioMedical Electronics & 14th Conference on Elec. Tech. in Med. & Bio., Waldorf Hotel, New York, N. Y.; contact Herman Schwan, Univ. of Pa., School of EE, Philadelphia, Pa. July 16-21, 1961: 4th International Conf. on Medical Electronics & 14th Conf. on Elec. Tech. in Med. & Bio., Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York, N. Y.; contact Dr. Herman P. Schwan, Univ. of Pa., Moore School of Electrical Eng., Philadelphia 4, Pa. Aug. 22-25,1961: WESCON, San Francisco, Calif.; contact Business Mgr., WESCON, 1435 La Ciencga Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Sept., 1961: Symposium on Information Theory, M.LT., Cambridge, Mass. Sept. 4-9, 1961: Third International Conference on Analog Computation, organized by the International Association for Analog Computation and the Yugoslav National Committee for Electronics, Telecommunications, Automation and Nuclear Engineering, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Sept. 6-8, 1961: National Symposium on Space Elcc. & Telemetry, Albuquerque, N. M.; contact Dr. B. L. Basore, 2405 Parsifal, N.E., Albuquerque, N. M. Sept. 6-8, 1961: International Symposium on the Transmission and Processing of Information, Mass. Inst. of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.; contact Peter Elias, RLE, M.LT., Cambridge 39, Mass. Sept. 6-8, 1961: 1961 Annual Meeting of the Association for Computing Machinery, Statler Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif.; contact Benjamin Handy, Chairman, Local Arrangements Committee, Litton Industries, Inc., 11728 W. Olympic Blvd., W. Los Angeles, Calif. Sept. 11-15, 1961: The Third International Congress on Cybernetics, Namur, Belgium; contact Secretariat of The International Association for Cybernetics, 13, rue Basse Marcelle, Namur, Belgium. Sept. 11-15, 1961: ISA Fall Instrument-Automation Conference & Exhibit and ISA's 16th Annual Meeting, The Biltmore Hotel and Memorial Sports Arena, Los Angeles, Calif.; contact William H. Kushnick, Exec. Dir., ISA, 313 6 th Ave., Pittsburgh 22, Pa. Oct., 1961: National Symposium on Space Elec. & Telemetry, Albuquerque, N. M.; contact A. B. Church, 1504 Princeton, S.E., Albuquerque, N. M. Dec. 12-14, 1961: Eastern Joint Computer Conference. Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, D. c.; contact Jack Moshman, C-E-I-R, Inc., 1200 Jefferson Dayis Highway, Arlington 2, Va. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for Fehrllary. 1%\ llee har Ina reli our bra or : all ClSI, the fact sprc :tcC! III a I seql the thc but fUll olll a b ( ren tent eve] lra( pro the qua in t<:: hlll~ pro 11 of t for aIse legl lila I and lIce agc oj' II:tt the t as~ lIIe; baSI , "SCI its \'ca ill t ( laci pos I >III ,.,ist rIm or; or thc co will ll1g lith ) of of exlI hu h oth adacJtal the clles atelese volllne Lity, the rate tine asI IS leel, too ~ath rely. ized tual s to nlal the hat, Lha[ itlk Get Your Relerence ond Survey Inlormotion in the Computer Fieltlfrom C 0 M PUT E R S and AUTOMATION DATA PROCESSORS ()'j per, Ildlto ~ [he alld IlIa- lise. It i fy ;llId do ., 01' \ (',". II ('II till' (01 II.,a ~ ;1111;. 111)(' 'iod ~ APPLICATIONS • IMPLICATIONS Keep!~is List for Handy Reference ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Computers and Automation now publishes more than 20 kinds of reference and survey information. Here is our latest inventory, of kind of information and issues when published .... Subscribe to Computers and Automation and have this information at your elbow! Organizations: Roster of Organizations in the Computer Field (June 1960) Roster of Consulting Services (.June 1960) Roster of Computing Services (June 1960) Survey of Computing Services (Dec. 1960) shall do. For it is a fact that reference information of the kind here described is not computable from automatic computing machinery-instead, it comes from collecting observations and reports about the real world. This is our job. Computers and Data Processors: Survey of Special Purpose Digital Computers (Sept. 1958) Survey of Commercial Computers (Jan., Feb. 1960) Computer Census (July 1960) Types of Automatic Computing Machinery (Nov. Be3"innin-r with Fehruary 1960, Computers and Automation publishes 24 "issues" a year, closing at semimonthly intervals. The dozen regular issues, letterpress, close about the 2nd of the month. The additional issues (numoered B), photooffset, devoted to "News of Computers and Data Processors: ACROSS THE EDITOR'S DESK" close about the 15th of each month. Both issues in each month are bound together and mailed as a unit to subscl'ibers, except that in June they are not bound together, but are mailed separately-because the regular letterpress issue in June is The Computer Directory and Buyers' Guide, which due to its size of over 80 pages is ordinarily delayed till late in the month. tHoR) Products and Services in the Computer Field: Products and Services for Sale 01' Rent (June 1960) Classes of Products and Services (June 1960) Types of Components of Automatic Computing l\Iachillury (Nov. 1958) Survey of Basic Computer Components (Feb. 1959) Applit'af ions: Impo}'t ant Applications of Computers (Oct. 1958, I !)o!), ] 960) Novel Applications of Computers (Mar. 1958, Mal'. l!)f>!)) ----.....::;.. GOOD ONLY UNTIL FEB. 2R, 1961 ......r - - - . . . . . . . . . 11 Over :WO Areas of Application of Computers (Jan. 1!)(iO) I'C- T,-;S! • Marl{cfs: Computer Market Survey (Sept. 1959) The Market for Computers in Banking (Sept. 1957) The Market for Computers in the Oil and Natural Gas Industry (Noy. 1957) 1. \Vords and Terms: Glossary of Terms and Expressions in the Computer Field, 5th edition, sold separately, $3.95 Informat ion and Publications: Books and Other Publications (many issues) New Patents (many issues) SUl'\'(!~' of Recent Articles (many issues) ('II [ With t.he ever-increasing expansion of the field of automat ie handling of information, it is easy to predict that mOl'e and more reference information of these and otlWI" kinds will need to be published; and this we I !IIi I C:C>:\II'I'·I'ERS 1/1/([ .\UTO~I:\TIO~ for Fehruary, l!lok. jon :l1tS ilili~ de:hin III a- nity lin enl. lsi I)' ,000 and .~gal d' a the -ties ;illg illg. ~ to Illd 2.95 I ,233 / Felipe R. Tanco, Collingswood, N. J., and Luis A. Rivas, Levittown, N. J. I R. C. A., a corp. of Del. I An information storage system. 2,!15 I ,234 I Arnold M. Spielberg, Haddonfield, N. J., and Donald W. Evans, Grand Rapids, Mich. I R. C. A., a corp. of Del. I A storage interrogation system. 2,~5 1.2:19 I Arthur J. Spencer, Sutton Coldficld, England I The British Tabulating Machine Co., Lim., London, Eng. I A magnetic core storage device. 2,!1!i I ,2-10 I Andrew H. Bobeck, Chatham, N. J. I Bell Telephone Lab., Inc., New York, N. Y. I A magnetic core circuit. 2,951,2,11 I Edward A. Quade, San Jose, Calif. I I. B. M. Corp., New York, N. Y. I A magnetic storage device. 2,~!i1,2'12 I Charles R. Fisher, Jr., and Hen A. Harris, Rochester, and Darwell H. Webster, Palmyra, N. Y. I General Dynamics Corp., Rochester, N. Y. I A serial-to-parallel binary code converter device. Senior Methods Analysts, Scientific Applications Specialists, and Sales Representatives GIVE YOUR FULL EXPRESSION - AT A LOCATION OF YOUR CHOICE -\NITH RCA'S EDP DIVISION There's an atmosphere of achievement at RCA. You become associated with other highly capable people working on important projects. You are stimulated to contribute your best ... and your accomplishments are recognized and rewarded. September 6, 1960 I Bernard M. Gordon, Newton, Mass. I Epsco, Inc., Boston, Mass. I A signal counting apparatus. 2,952,007 I Albert J. Meyerhoff, Wynne· wood, and John O. Paivinen, Berwyn, Pa. I Burroughs Corp., Detroit, Mich. I A magnetic transfer circuit. 2,!)52,OO!1 I Jean F. Marchand, Eindhoven, Netherlands I North American Philips Co., Inc., New York I A magnetic shift register. 2.9:i2.012 I George W. Rodgers, Albuquerque, N. Mex., John E. Althous, San l>iq~(), Calif., and Davies P. Anderson, (;ene R. Bussey, and Leslie H. ~finncar, Albuquerque, N. Mex. / U. S. A. as represented by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission I An analog-to·digital data converter. 2,951,98G You're a vital member of a company whose equipment is universally accepted and respected ... a company that's growing ... expanding its EDP offices and facilities throughout the country. Because of this, you're able to choose your own location. The qualifications required: for Senior Methods Analysts, an extensive background in EDP systems analysis and a knowledge of programming methods and planning. For Scientific Applications Specialists, a minimum of three years' experience in scientific computations on EDP tape equipment, plus systems experience. For Sales Representatives, a background that includes at least one year of on-quota EDP sales experience with either government or commercial clients, and a thorough ED P systems knowledge. S.'ptember 13, 1960 2,952 .. 107 I Eric Weiss and William S. Speer. I.os Angeles, Calif. I The National Cash Register Co., a corp. of Maryland I A parallel adder circuit. 2,952,H,17 I Andrew St. Johnston, Buntingfonl, Eng. I I. B. M. Corp., New York, N. Y. I An electronic digital computing machine. 2,!1!i2,8:l!I I Adolfo A. Capanna, Stamford, Conn. I Pitney-Bowes Inc., Stamford, Conn. I An electrical signal storage device. 2,952,8·10 I Desmond S. Ridler and Robert GrilllmOlHi, London, Eng. I International Standard Electric Corp., New York, N. Y. I An intelligence storage device. 2,952,8·1 I I George E. Lund, Havertown, Pa. I Burroughs Corp., Detroit, Mich. I A logic circuit using binary cores. Call or send your resume to the nearest RCA Electronic Data Processing Divz'sion office for confidential consideration of your qualifications: September 20, 1960 2,953,77-1 I Ralph J. Slutz, Boulder, Colorado I u. S. A. as represented by the Secretary of Commerce I A magnetic core memory having magnetic core selection gates. 2,953,775 I Vernon L. Newhouse, Moorestown, and Noah Shmarja Prywes, Pennsauken, N. J. I R. C. A., a corp. of Delaware I A magnetic storage and coun ting circuit. 2,953,77G I Eli Blutman, Riverside, and Jacob M. Sacks, Corona, Calif. I U. S. A. as represented by the Secretary of the Navy I :\ photographic digital readout device. S(~plember CAPABILITIES Mr. R. W. Baumann, Pers. Mgr., Northeastern Reg. 45 Wall Street New York, 5, New York HAnover 2-1811 Mr. R. W. Stephens, Pers. Mgr., Western Reg. 11819 W. Olympic Blvd. Los Angeles, 64, Calif. BRadshaw 2-8842 Mr. R. C. Mercer, Pers. Mgr., Cent. & Southeastern Reg. RCA Cherry Hill, Bldg. 204-1 Camden, 8, New Jersey WOodlawn 3-8000, Ext. PY 5444 Mr. M. G. Young, Pers. Mgr., Fed. Gov't Sales 1725 K Street, N.W. Washington, 6, D.C. FEderal 7-8500 a 27, 1960 OilS 2,95·1,lG:1 I Robert H. Okada, Bryn Mawr, Pa. I Burroughs Corp., Detroit, Mich. I A transistor binary counter. 2,95-t,lGJ I Kenneth E. Schreiner, Har- 1961 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1961 The Most Trusted Name in Electronics ® RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA 27 rington I>al'k, N. J., Lowell D. Amdahl, Redondo Beach, Calif., and Byron L. Havens, Closter, N. J. I 1. B. M. Corp., New York, N. Y. I A check digit monitoring and correcting circuit. 2,954,165 I George H. Myers, Mount Vernon, N. Y. I Bell Telephone Lab., Inc., New York, N. Y. I A cyclic digital decoder. 2,954,166 I Donald E. Eckdahl and Rich· ant E. Sprague, Torrance, 'Villis E. Dobbins, Manhattan Beach, Bernard T. Wilson, Los Angeles, and Hrant H. Sarkissian, Pacific Palisades, Calif. I The National Cash Register Co., a corp. of Maryland I A general purpose digital computer. 2,954,167 I Roger B. Williams, Jr., Toledo, Ohio I Toledo Scale Corp., To· ledo, Ohio I An electronic multiplier. 2,954,168 I James L. Maddox, Philadelphia, Pa. I Philco Corp., Philadelphia, Pa. I A parallel binary adder-subtracter circuit. 2,954,467 I Robert H. Hardin, Los Angeles, Calif. I Hughes Aircraft Co., CuI· ver City, Calif. I A gating circuit. 2,954,481 I William F. Steagall, Merchantville, N. J. I Sperry Rand Corp., a corp. of Delaware I A free running digital multivibrator. 2,954,484 I Frank A. Hill, Van Nuys, and A. J. Pankratz, Glendale, Calif. I General Precision, Inc., a corp. of Delaware I A direct coupled transistor flip-flop. October 4, 1960 2,954,926 I Loring P. Crosman, Wilton, Conn. I Sperry Rand Corp., a corp. of Delaware I An electronic data processing system. 2,954,927 I William Woods-Hill, Letch· worth, Eng. I International Computers and Tabulators Lim., London, Eng. I An electronic calculating apparatus. 2,955,281 I Andrew E. Brennemann, Ralph B. DeLano, Jr., and Donald R. Young, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. I 1. B. M. Corp., New York, N. Y. I A ferroelectric memory system. October 11, 1960 2,955,755' I Robert S. Bradshaw, Broomall, Pa. I Burroughs Corp., Detroit, Mich. I An electromechanical storage transfer, and read-out device. 2,955,756 I Robert A. Jensen, Flushing, N. Y. I 1. B. M. Corp., New York, N. Y. I A serial word checking circuit. 2,955,759 I Gerhard Wolf, Munich-Pasing, Germany I Kienzle Apparale G. m. h. H., Munich-Pasing, Germany I An accumulator for computing machines. 2,955,760 I George M. Berkin, Poughkeepsie, New York I 1. B. M. Corp., New York, N. Y. I A relay arithmetic device. 2,956,175 I Theodore P. Bothwell, Collingswood, N. J. I R. C. A., a corp. of Delaware I A transistor gate circuit. 2,956,182 I Robert H. Norman, Glen Oaks, N. Y. I Sperry Rand Corp., a corp. of Delaware I A binary halfadder circuit. N. J., Lowell D. Amdahl, Redondo Beach, Calif., John P. Cedarholm and Joachim Jeenel, New York, N. Y., Harley R. Meadows, Fort Wayne, Ind., and George E. Mitchell, Endicott, N. Y. I 1. B. M. Corp., New York, N. Y. I A high-speed electronic calculator. 2,957,690 I Herbert E. Thompson, San Jose, Calif. I 1. B. M. Corp., New York, N. Y. I A data storage access mechanism. 2,958,074 I Tom Kilburn, Urmston, and George R. Hoffman, Manchester, Eng. I National Research Development Corp., London, Eng. I A magnetic core storage system. 2,958,075 I Robert D. Torrey, Philadelphia, Pa. I Sperry Rand Corp., a corp. of Delaware I A shift register. 2,958,076 I Robert C. Kelner, Concord, Harrison W. Fuller, Boston, Harvey Rubinstein, Lynnfield, and Harold E. Lerner, Chelsea, Mass. I Laboratorv for Electronics, Inc., Boston, Mass. / An electrical data synchronizer. 2,958,077 I Carl G. Svala, Alvsjo, Sweden I Telefonaktiebolaget L. M. Ericsson, Stockholm, Sweden I A magnetic register circuit. Novelllber 1, 1960 ~,958,465 October 18, 1960 2,957,104 I Richard l\L Roppel, New Haven, Conn. I ............ I An analogue to digital converter. 2,957,168 I Jack L. Dempsey, Morristown, and Roderick K. McAlpine, Summit, N. J. I Bell Telephone Lab., Inc., New York, N. Y. I A diode gate translator. October 25, 1960 2,957,626 I Byron L. Havens, Closter, and Kenneth E. Schreiner, Harrington Park, I Byron L. Havens, Closter, N. J. I 1. B. M. Corp., New York, N. Y. / An electronic adding circuit. 2,958,466 I Clayton D. Alway, Kalamazoo, Mich. I The Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. / A computer circuit. 2,958,851 I Perrin F. Smith, Saratoga, Calif. I I. B. M. Corp., New York, N. Y. I A data processing system with synchronous and asynchronous storage de· vices. 2,958,852 I Howard M. Robhins, Los An· geles, Calif., and Harold R. Kaiser, J TI Proc Wor, bits Tl discl portl Tl may num instr data Oat SIgn norn by f( EMPLOYMENT OF COMPUTERS D> 0000 0000 0 0 0000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I~I\M'V~~ 1/ 0000 ~I~I CI-3C® c PROVIDES THE HUMAN-ENGINEERED APPROACH FOR CONVERTING VISUAL DECIMAL SETTING TO CODED ELECTRICAL OUTPUT; c- Leading computer manufacturers have C( J o TI decil digit data curv indic ccon sign: O specified Al DIGISWITCH as their standard manual-input switch. rcsul char, can Write for information and a demonstration unit. optic is tn bit ~ "Remember the good old days when we could get five men for a bowling team?" 28 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for Fehruary, 19GI dccir CON hed )51 1, 6 Woodland Hills, Calif. / Hughes Aircraft Co., Culver City, Calif. I A diodclcss magnetic shifting register. 2.!I!iH.H!i3 I Desmond Sydney Ridler and Rohcrt Grimmond, London, Eng. / In ternational Standard Electric Corp., New York, N. Y. I An intelligence storagc device with compensation for unwantcd output currents. 2,!I!iH,H!i·' I Hewitt D. Crane, Palo Alto, David R. Bennion, Lorna Mar, and Frcd C. Heinzmann, Palo Alto, Calif. I Burroughs Corp., Detroit, Mich. / A multi-aperture core element design for magnctic circuits. 2.958,8!i!l / Robert J. Froggatt, Norwood Grccn, Southall, and Nigel D. Robinson, Ilillingdon, Eng. I Electric an(1 ~Iusical Ind. Ltd., Hayes, Eng. I A data storagc device. 2,9!)8,85G I Raymond Bird and John R. Cartwright, Lctchworth, Eng. I International Computers and Tabulators, Ltd., 'London, Eng. I A magnetic storagc system. 2,9!18,857 I Walter C. Johnson and John F. Brinslcr, Princeton, N. J. / General Dcviccs. Inc., Princeton, N. J. I A multi-signal sampling circuit. 2,!I!iH,Hli I / Joseph Luongo, Cedar Grove, an (1 Ri('h:inl H. Rywer, Belleville, N. J., and Frank p, Turvcy, Jr., Melbourn, Fla. / Intcrnational Telephone and Tcll'graph Corp., Nutley, N . .I. I An :lIIalo~ to digital translator. Nuvember 8, 1960 9 14 18 2.!I!i!1.2H:1 / Donald H. Apgar, Binghamlon, N. Y. / r. B. M. Corp., New York, N. Y. / .\ data comparing device. 2,9;l9,:1!i I / Francis E. Hamilton, Binghamton. alld Erncst S. Hughes, Jr., and Warrcll 1\. l.ind, Vestal, N. Y. I I. B. M. Corp., :'\l'\\ York, N. Y. I A data storage and proll'ssing machine. No\'t'lllber 15, 1960 6 22 28 24 25 30 26 12 23 I5 I!llil 2,%O.liH I / Thl'odorc H. Bonn, Philadelphia. I'a. / Spcrry Rand Corp, Ne IV York. :'\. Y. I A transistor function tahlc. 2,%O,GH:1 / Ralph A. Gregory, Willialll "rolcnsky and Robert \V. Murphy, Poughkl'epsic, N. Y., and Charles T. Baher, .II'.. Philip vV. Jackson, and Wayne D. Winger, Wappingers Falls, N. Y. I I. B. M. Corp., Ncw York, N. Y. / :\ data coordinator. 2,9fiO,(iH!i / Ilcndrick van der Heide, Eind· hovcn. :'\ctherlands I North American Philips Co .. Inc., New York, N. Y. / A magnl't ic switching device. 2,9GO,GHli / Rohert de Gaillard, 12 Rue ~[arlJcuf. Paris, France I ............ I A mcthod of and device for recording and reproducing on magnetic carriers at an)' specd. 2,9(iO,GHi / Gcrson H. Robison, North ~rcrrick. ;\1. Y. and John F. Dickson, Ncptulu·. N. J. I u. S. A. as represcntcd b\' the U. S. Atomic Energy COlllm. / :\ coincidence occurrence indicator. 2.!lliO,(i!IO / Daniel L. Curtis, ~Ianhattan Bcach. Calif. I Litton, Inc. of Calif., Bevcrly Ilills, Calif. / A computer input-output system. November 22, 1960 2,!lIil,60!1 I Robcrt C. ~Ianring, Phocnix, ,\rizona / Motorola, Inc., Chicago, Ill. / A pulse width discriminator circuit. 2,!lIil,liIO / lIans A. Hoscnthien, Fort Bliss, 'l'l'xas / U. S. A. as represcntcd hy the S('c. of the Army I :\ reflected nOI1linear lIIodulator in alternating currenl clntrical analog' computcrs. COMPUTERS fllld 2,961,G42 / Owen L. Lamb, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. / I. n. M. Corp., New York, N. Y. I A peak sensing circuit. 2,DG1,643 / William R. Ayres, Wichita, Kans., and Joel N. Smith, Westmont, N. J. I R. C. A., a corp. of Del. I An information handling system. 2,961,644 I Charles W. Gardi~i{' l'.Ianchester, Mass. / Laboratory~r Electronics, Inc., Boston, Mass. I A data translating apparatus. November 29, 1960 2,961,944 I E. Paul Anderson, Burlington, N. J. and James E. Guertin, Camden, N . .I. I ............ I A digital computer. 2,962,212 I Herbert A. Schneider, Englewood, N. J. / Bell Telephone Lab., Inc., New York, N. Y. / A high speed binary counter. 2,962,213 I Paul P. Namian, Asnieres, France I Societe d'Electronique et d'Automatisme, Courbevoie, France I An electric digital computer. 2,962,214 I Bernard M. Gordon, Newton, and Marshall M. Kincaid, Arlington, Mass. I Epsco, Inc., Boston, l'.Iass. I A function generating apparatus. 2,962,215 I Munro K. Haynes, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. / I. B. M. Corp., New York, N. Y. / An arithmetic circuit employing magnetic cores. 2,962,216 / Bennett Housman, Arlington, Va. I I. B. M. Corp., New York, N. Y. I A binary adder circuit. 2,962,217 I Robert M. Landsman, Norwalk, Conn. I The Perkin-Elmer Corp., Norwalk, Conn. I A system of producing curves from pulse data. 2,DG2,GOI I Hcwitt D. Crane, Princeton. and Arthur \V. Lo, Elizaheth, N. J. I R. C. A., a ('orp. of Dclaware / A magnetic cont 1'01 system. 2,DG2,GOl I Willard ~1. Brittain. Amherst, N. Y. / \\Testinghouse Electric Corp., East Pittshurgh, Pa. / :\ scmiconductor logic circuit. 2,962,G99 I Richard O. Endrcs, Collingswood, N . .J. / R. C. A., a ('01'1" of Del. I A memory system. December 6, 1960 2,963,223 / Edmund H. Cooke-Yarborough. Longworth, near Abingdon, Eng. I U. S. A. as represented by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission I A multiple input binary adder employing magnetic drum digital computing apparatus. . 2,963,G85 I George .I. Laurel', Johnson City, and Carl D. Southard, Endwell, N. Y. / I. B. M. Corp., New York, N. Y. I A data storage apparatus and controls therefor. 2,963,686 I Arthur .J. Spencer, Stevenage. Eng. / International Computers and Tabulators Lim., London, Eng. I A data storage apparatus utilizing cores of magnetic material. 2,963,687 I George R. Briggs, Princeton, N. J. I R. C. ,-\., a corp. of Del. I A magnetic system. 2,963,688 I Hiroshi Amensiya, Haddonfield, N. J. I R. C. A., a corp. of Del. A shift register circuit. 2,DG3,689 / Oscar B. Stram, Paoli, Pa. / Burroughs Corp., Detroit, ~1ich. / An input buffer for a magnetic step counter. 2,963,(i!)O / Weslcy A. Holman, San Jose, Calif. I J. B. ~1. Corp., New York, N. Y. / A write-widc, read-narrow magnetic transducer. 2,!l/i3,(i!)8 / George ~I. Slocomb, Altadena, Calif. I Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp., Pasadena, Calif. I A digital-toanalog converter. 2,963,699 I Thaddeus C. Burncttc, Jr.. Swannanoe, N. C. / Amul Propulsion AUTOMATION for Fehruary, 1961 Laboratory For Electronics, Inc. Announces the establishment of its Monterey Laboratory at Monterey, California for Operations Research Systems Analysis Computer Programming Computer Applications Located 21A, hours from San Francisco in the heart of the Monterey Peninsula, excellent living and working conditions are combined with challenging professional opportunities. An unusual opportunity is now available for a mathematicianprogrammer to expand his horizons in mathematical analysis and computer programming. A BS degree with 3 to 5 years programming experience on larger scale digital equipment is required. For information concerning professional appointments write: Mr. Harold E. Kren 305 Wehster Street Monterey, California LABORATORY FOR ELECTRONICS, INC. Boston 15. Massachusetts Systems, Equipment & Components for Airborne Navigation Radar and Surveillance Electronic Data Processing Automatic Controls • Ground Support Air Traffic Control 29 Inc., a corp. of Del. / An analog-digital converter. December 13, 1960 2,964,238 / Kenneth O. Kling, Torrance, and Constantine M. Melas, Saratoga, Calif. / The National Cash Register Co., Dayton, Ohio / A card readout system. 2,964,242 / Ralph B. Brown, Ralph H. Beter, and James L. Maddox, Phila., Pa. / Philco Corp., Phila., Pa. / A binary computer circuit. December 20, 1960 2,965,884 / J. Alvin Henderson, Fort Wayne, Ind. / International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. / A memory circuit. 2,965,886 / Darrell L. Mitchell, Charleston, N. H. / Ex-Cell-O Corp., Detroit, Mich. / A device for setting and locking magnetic transducer heads associated with a magnetic data storage device. 2,965,887 / John J. Yostpille, Livingston, N. J. / Bell Telephone Lab., Inc., New York, N. Y. / A multiple input diode scanner device. keepsie, N. Y. / I. B. M. Corp., New York, N. Y. / An apparatus for transferring pulse information. 2,966,662 / Theodore H. Bonn, Philadelphia, Pa. / Sperry Rand Corp., New MAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS --~ .~,.- • December 27, 1960 2,966,304 / Leonard Roy Harper, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. / I. B. M. Corp., New York, N. Y. / An electronic computer. 2,966,305 / Gerald B. Rosenberger, Wappingers Falls, N. Y. / I. B. M. Corp., New York, N. Y. / A simultaneous carry adder. 2,966,306 / Jean G. V. Isabeau, Berwyn, Ill. / Zenith Radio Corp., a corp. of Del. / A computing apparatus. 2,966,307 / Hermann Schmid, Binghamton, N. Y. / General Precision, Inc., a corp. of Del. / An electronic computer circuit capable of four-quadrant operation. 2,966,599 / Isy Haas, Menlo Park, Calif. / Sperry Rand Corp., New York, N. Y. / An electronic logic circuit. 2,966,661 / Munro K. Haynes, Pough- . . York. N. Y. / A gating circuit employ· ing magnetic amplifier. 2.966,664 / Richard C. Lamy, Kenmore. :"Jew York / I. B. M. Corp .• New York. :"J. Y. / A magnetic core flip. flop. .. '. . ' I: I, The Litton Marine Tactical Data System (AN/ASA-27) is a digital computer·centered system using CRT and numerical displays, and advanced read·in/read·out equipment. Unique interface components integrate the system with sensing and communications equipment. It is designed to aid Marine assault forces in combatting any air threat the enemy can mount. If your discipline can contribute to further advancement in this area, write to Mr. S. L. Hirsch. rn LITTON SYSTEMS, INC. Tactical Systems Laboratory Canoga Park, California . . . . ,. .," ADVERTISING INDEX Following is the index of advertisements. Each item contains: Name and address of the advertiser I page number wh~re the advertisements appears I name of agency if any. Minneapolis Honeywell Regulator Co., Honeywell Electronic Data Processing Div., Wellesley Hills 81, Mass. I Page 5 I Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn American Telephone & Telegraph Co., Bell Telephone System / Page 2 I N. W. Ayer & Son National Cash Register Co., Main & K Sts., Dayton 9, Ohio I Pages 13 & 31 I McCann-Erickson Advertising Bendix-Computer, 5630 Arbor Vitae St., Los Angeles 45, Calif. I Page 7 I Shaw Advertising, Inc. Phil co Computer Div., Willow Grove, Pa. Maxwell Associa tes, Inc. Berkeley Enterprises, Inc., 815 Washington St., Newtonville 60, Mass. / Page 21/- Phil co Corp., Government and Industrial Group, Computer Div., 3900 Welsh Rd., Willow Grove, Pa. I Page 3 I Maxwell Associates, Inc. Digitran Co., 660 So. Arroyo Pkwy., Pasadena, Calif. Page 28 I Ormsby Adv,ertising I Farrington Electronics, Inc., Needham Heights 94, Mass. I Page 8 I N. W. Ayer & Son Laboratory for Electronics, 1079 Commonwealth Ave., Boston 15, Mass. I Page 29 I Hoag & Provandie, Inc. I Page 17 R.C.A., Electronic Data Processing Div., Camden, N. I Page 27 / Al Paul Lefton I J. Remington Rand Univac, Div. of Sperry Rand Corp., 2750 W. 7th St., St. Paul 16, Minn. I Page 25 I Mullen & Associates, Inc. I Space Technology Laboratories, Inc., P. O. Box 95004, Los Angeles 45, Calif. / Page 16 I Gaynor & Ducas, Inc. Lockheed Missiles & Space Div., 962 W. EI Camino Real, Sunnyvale, Calif. I Page 32 I Hal Stebbins, Inc. Technical Operations, Inc., 3600 M St., N.W., Washington 7, D. C. / Page 12 I Dawson, MacLeod & Stivers Litton Systems, Inc., Canoga P;;rk, Calif. / Page 30 Compton Advertising, Inc. 30 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for Fehruary, 1%1 Presents opportunities for peTI'onnel qualified for the following openings located at Dayton, Ohio .1 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT For advanced planning in ON-LINE REAL TIME SYSTEMS. Applications would generally be focused on large.scale business and finance operations. Appropriate engineering degree and 6-10 years of experience necessary. SEMI-CONDUCTOR RESEARCH PHYSICIST: Ph.D.Physicist with 2-3 years' minimum experience in semicOllductor R&D. DATA TRANSMISSION ENGINEER: ELECTRONIC ENGINEER: Openings in commercial or military R&D up to staff or project level. Circuit alld lo~ical design utilizing advanced concepts. B.S. Degree plus experience necessary, M.S. preferred. MAGNETICS: Ph.D. Physicist with primary interest in maglleties research, experience beyond doctoral work rcquirtd. SYSTEMS ENGINEER: B.S. or M.S. in Electrical Engineeri II~ with interest in development of business machine systems with 3-6 years of experience which should include some advanced circuit design preferably for Computer Development, but other may suffice. DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS PROJECT LEADER: 6-10 years' experience in military R&D projects related to Digital Communications. Background in circuits or systems desirable as well as some supervision. OPERATIONS RESEARCH SPECIALIST: With interest or experience in Business Systems Research. Must have utilized advanced OR techniques, prefer Ph.D. or equivalent. Position entails research group guidance involving interrelated complex business functions. APPLIED MECHANICS: Mechanical Engineer with M.S. Degree and specialization in applied mechanics and vibrations of high-speed mechanisms. Man selected must be able to provide self·guidance, even though competcnt leadership is available to assist in further professional growth. ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING PROGRAMMERS The NATIONAL line of EDP systems including the 304, :~ l5 and 310 provides the basis for interesting and effective work in any operation wherever money or merchandise is handled. Stability and growing responsibility are characteristic of the climate at NATIONAL whether your work is in one of our Data Processing Centers or with our Data Processing Systems and Sales group in support operations. General qualifications for present openings are a college degree and experience with a tape system applied to business or financial functions. SALES SUPPORT: At least two years of programming experience plus B.S. or M.S. in Business Administration or Mathematics will qualify for challenging work with EDP sales organization. Opportunities are varied and include: Programming Manual Writing Systems Analysis Programming Research Programming Instructor CUSTOMER SITE REPRESENTATIVE: Locations will vary. Qualifications require broad experience in programming, operation and systems analysis. Must have worked with tape systems and be familiar with computer·user problems. Training given at Dayton prior to installation assignment. F or these and other professional level opportunities in challenging areas of work, write to: T. F. Wade, Technical Placement G5-1 The National Cash Register Company Main & K Streets Dayton 9, Ohio • TRADEMARK REG. U.S. PAT; OFF; ELE.CTRONIC DATA PRO(f.SSlNG DIVERSIFIEDCHENlICAL·. PRODUCTS<~ THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPANY, DAYTON 9, OHIO . . ONE OF THE WORLD'S MOST SUCCESSFUL CORPORATIONS 77 YEARS OF HELPING BUSINESS SAVE MONEY !)(il COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1961 ADDING MAcHINES- CASH RE.GISTERS ACCOUNTINGMACHINES.NCRPAPER ~: LL~~:~~;~~:y;.~::;~.;;~.i;,.;J·;::d1iii:~::::):::.:::;;:;:.,;;.;.;;.:;) 31 Said '-'. Stefan and L. Boltzmann: liThe total radia~ion from a black body is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature of the black body." The Indl an Radiation is usually associated with high temperatures. Yet very cold bodies emit a radiation which can be highly significant in missile and space applications. The problem faced by infrared scientists, trying to detect variations in radiation from low temperature atmospheres, can be likened to detecting a one-foot cube of ice from a distance of five miles. Lockheed Missiles and Space Division scientists are deeply engaged in studying the problems of infrared emission 0 ·from the earth and its atmosphere, as seen from orbital altitudes. Although the earth resembles a black body at 300 Kelvin, the emission from its atmosphere, under some circumstances, is much colder. To make measurements under these circumstances, Lockheed has evolved radiometric equipment with one of the most sensitive detection systems yet conceived. Scientists and engineers must also take careful measurements of a potential employer. Lockheed Missiles and Space Division in Sunnyvale and Palo Alto, California, on the beautiful San Francisco Peninsula, invites this close scrutiny. As Systems Manager for the DISCOVERER and MIDAS satellites and the POLARIS FBM, Lockheed preeminence in Missiles and Space creates positions in many disciplines for outstanding engineers and scientists. Ne, and J E[ Why not investigate future possibilities at Lockheed? Write Research and Development Staff, Dept. M-13H, 962 West EI Camino Re~!, Sun.nyvale, Calif. U.S. citizenship or existing Department of Defense industrial security clearance required. I lllt:klJeed MISSILES AND SPACE DIVISION Systems Manager for the Navy POLARIS FBM and the Air Force AGENA Satellite in the DISCOVERER and MIDAS Programs SUNNYVALE. PA~O ALTO. VAN NUYS. SANTA CRUZ. SANTA MARIA, CALIFORNIA· CAPE CANAVERAL. FLORIDA. HAWAII V(
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