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computers automation and COMPUTERS, TEACHING MACHINES, AND PROGRAMMED LEARNING . I mplications of Automatic Data Processing on the Engineering Profession FEBRUARY 1962 • Vol. XI - No. 2 GET RESULTS AND RELAXATION ... DIVIDENDS FROM STATISTICAL'S DATA-PROCESSING ""/ ---0--- of I= sior mel /"" extE When data-processing problems put the pressure on you, you'll find the "safety valve" you need at ST ATISTICAL. A wealth of experience is always ready to go to work for you here. Behind every assignment is a searching understanding of management problems and solutions ... gained in serving America's top companies since 1933. From this experience comes the consistently-high quality service you would expect from America's oldest and largest independent data-processing and computer service. Sophisticated methods. Responsible personnel. The latest electronic equipment. Coast-to-coast facilities. Advantages like these add up to "know-how" and "show-how" that can not be acquired overnight. ~ war of I III . . Established 1933 TABULATING CORPORATION cou NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS This experience-in-depth service is available to you day or night. A call to our nearest data-processing and computer center will bring. you the results you want ... and relaxation. ~I/ soh niql qua 104 South Michigan Avenue-Chicago 3, Illinois OFFICES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES - COAST TO COAST inf( mal ava T . /r~ THE STATISTICAL MARK OF EXCELLENCE 2 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1!Hi:! COl\1 How to telephone a payroll ve., [nco )iv., 3 / You can send an entire company payroll, a day's volume of orders, stacks of waybills, inventories-almost any kind or amount of business data-by telephone today. ky., & i ~ You simply use Bell System / 41 t. Transmission is super-fast. For example: payroll data for thousands of employees can be sent in minutes. And the DATAPHONE call costs no more than a regular telephone call. ew, rp., Think-how DATA.PHONE service could speed up your data handling, how it could cut your costs and improve your service to customers. Then reach for your phone. Call your Bell Telephone Business Office-and one of our Communications Consultants will bring you the complete DATA.PHONE story. & ago 16, ng- BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM 16, 962 service. This new service takes machine data from punched cards or tapes and sends it over telephone lines in a special tone language. At the other end, the data is received in exactly its origi na I form. sual 6, 1 DATA·PHONE COMPUTERS ([lid AUTOMATION for Fehruary, 1962 COMPUTERS 3,009, and and AUTOMATION tive :L009, and Gre LilT Var COMPUTERS AND Dpi.TA PROCESSORS, AND THEIR CONSTRUCTION, APPLICATIONS, AND IMPLICATIONS, INCLUDING AUTOMATION Volume XI Number 2 FEBRUARY, 1962 EDMUND C. BERKELEY MOSES M. BERLIN D. MACDONALD SYDNEySTARR Editor Assistant Editor Assistal1t Editor Assistant Editor Art Director CONTRIBUTING EDITORS D. ANDREW BOOTH NED CHAPIN JOHN / A iste] :1,009, N .. A ( ;1,009, che era] Fra che PATRICK J. McGoVERN NEIL Established September, 195 1 fore W. CARR, III ALSTON S. HOUSEHOLDER PETER ·KUGEL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MORTON M. ASTRA HAN HOWARD T. "So Computers, Teaching Machines, and Programmed Learning: pro eire :\,009, I I Ha The Computer-Assisted School System, by DON D. BUSHNELL . A Decision Structure for Computer-Based Teaching Machines, by RICHARD D. SMALLWOOD Computer Teaching Machine Project: PLATO on ILLIAC, by DONALD L. BITZER and PETER G. BRAUNFELD for 6 que 9 3,010, Sze Pit: dev 3,010, 16 ReI Spr eIe: Teaching Machines and Programmed LearningRoster of Organizations and What They Are Doing, by PATRICK J. McGOVERN . 3,010 anc Ch 33 cag rea ENGSTROM GEORGE E. FORSYTHE RICHARD W. HAMMING ALSTON S. HOUSEHOLDER HERBERT F. MITCHELL, JR. SALES AND SERVICE DIRECTOR me FRONT COVER Working with Computer-Controlled Teaching Machine. 1, 6,44 21 ACROSS THE EDITOR'S DESK ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Los Angeles 5 sysl Computer Marketing Trends-Some Comments, by NORMAN STATLAND . Implications of Automatic Data Processing on the Engineering Profession, by DICK H. BRANDON 3,010 18 pat 48 3,011 Ke i\fa WENTWORTH F. GREEN 439 So. Western Ave. San Francisco 5 605 Market St. Elsewhere Ne ARTICLES Newtonville 60, Mass. DEcatur 2-5453 DUnkirk 7-813 5 A. S. BABCOCK YUkon 2-3954 PATRICK J. McGOVERN 815 \Vashington St. DEcatur 2-5453 . Newtonville 60, Mass. READERS' AND EDITOR'S FORUM Reliability Record, by PHYLLIS HUGGINS Conference on Self-Organizing Systems, May 1962, by MARSHALL C. YOVITS. Application No. XXX Who's Who in the Computer Field-Cumulative Edition, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States, $15.00 for 1 year, $29.00 for 2 years, including the June Directory issue; Canada, add 50c a year for postage; foreign, add $1. 5 a year for postage. Address all Editorial and Subscription Mail to Berkeley Enterprises, Inc., 815 Washington St., Newtonville 60, Mass. ° ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER at the Post Office at Boston, Mass. POSTMASTER: Please send all Forms 3579 to Berkeley Enterprises, Inc., 815 \Vashington St., Newtonville 60, Mass. Copyright, 1962, by Berkeley Enterprises, Inc. CI lANGE of ADDRESS: If your address changes, please send us both your new address and your old address (as it appears on the magazine address imprint), and allow three weeks for the change to be made. Calendar of Coming Events 44 44 44 44 45 1962 . COMPUTERS and AUT011A nON is published monthly at 315 Washington St., Newtonville 60, Mass., by Berkeley Enterprises, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. S.p me 3,010 pal PATRICK J; McGOVERN 815 Washington St. 3,010 \Val . 51 Who's Who in the Computer Field (Supplement) Books and Other Publications . New Patents 54 56 INDEX OF NOTICES CO~1PUTERS al/d Ca Ca ke) 3,011 Vii Ca Ca ein 3,011 La· ma rec REFERENCE INFORMATION Advertising Index Computer Directory and Buyers' Guide Glossary of Computer Terms. Manuscripts . Reference and Survey Information Who's Who Entry Form. Ne sys 54 see see see see Oct., Nov., Oct., Oct., page page page page 31 50 30 31 53 AUTOMATION for february, 1962 3,011 N. Yo cui 3,011 SIr Inl sto 3,011 011 Da 3,011 Ca Yo cui 3,011 W; COi\ 5 T. ,. CO:\I:\IEI~CI.AT.. INF()I~:\I.A-''l'H)::\" IL\.:\"])J .. I::\"G Our client, a leader in the Commercial Information Handling Systems field, is seeking several creative minded individuals at the Ph.D. level who are interested in advancing the state of the art in one or more of the following areas: eneeNew m. icott, Y. / 1 apnan i- Reliability Analysis and Prediction Electrophysics Display Techniques Optical Maser Technology Photo·lnformation Processing Solid·State Memory Development Microwave Data Transmission Polymer Chemistry Synthesis Linear Programming and Queueing Theory Complex Systems Integration Diagnostic Programming Techniques Control Logic, Buffering & Arithmetic Solid Logic and Thin Films Advanced Circuit Analysis Magnetic Device Analysis Advanced Systems Planning Magnetic Recording Surfaces Piping and Heat Exchange own, 'a. / Salaries are open to $25,000 Jtion In addition, we are seeking individuals with interest and experience in Advanced Programming Technology for assignments in N. Y. C. and Boston. and tion, ). of lign- Compiler Writing Language Analysis Artificial Language Construction Non-Numerical Mathematics on Computers System Design (Both Hardware and Programming) Game PlayIng on Computers Symbolic Logic List Processing Techniques Information Retrieval Symbol Manipulation Artificial Intelligence Operations Research Automatic Programming \lewidge, ~ula lin- If you seek analytical stimulation, creative leeway and an environment which encourages both - write for personal interview, including a complete resume of your background. ~eles, Co., :or a MR. DWIGHT L. GREENLAND Executive Vice President field, Llenl- Hi\"~IILTON ~TITT~f.t\"N ASSOCI.l~TES Management Consultants aintEleevoie, 551 Main St., East Orange, N. J. Our client is an equal opportunity employer L Y. (ork, , Pa. ~mp Ltion COMPUTERS alld .\ LJTO~L\TIO~ for February, 19()~ 1> ubi tion Rei The Computer-Assisted School System AVI off, Th root proxi Don D. Bushnell using the I whid Corn: Kit Inc Automated Education Project System Development Corporation Santa Monica, Calif. The System Development Corporation has conducted an active program of research in automated education for the past three years. Initial experiments were performed with an instructional system controlled by a Bendix G-15 computer. \;\Tith this computer-based teaching machine, various branching techniques were studied with some six hundred students acting as experimental subjects. More recently a new facility, designated CLASS (Computer-Based Laboratory for Automated School Systems), has permitted members of the Automated Education Project staff at SDC to broaden their scope of research. The investigations have included both experimentation with optimum sequences of educational materials for individual student instruction, and development of a computer-assisted school system which makes individualized education feasible. The new laboratory, a part of the general purpose Systems Simulation Research Laboratory at SDC, utilizes a Philco 2000 computer to provide highspeed data-processing assistance to many parts of a simulated educational system. CLASS permits simultaneous automated instruction to twenty students in either an individual or group mode of study. In the individual mode, CLASS operates in much the same way as the Bendix-based system. Adaptive Control over the Individual Student The first teaching system used by the SDC staff is shown in Fig. 1. The Bendix computer, operating under program control, transmits instructions to a Random-Access slide Projector (RAP) Model 600 for the selection of one of six hundred slides held in storage. The sequence of slides seen by the student is determined on the basis of the student's response to a single question, or to several questions, or on the basis of the time interval between presentation of material and response. The student receives feedback messages through the computer-controlled typewriter keyboard or by means of addi tional slides. Prior to an experimental run, the G-15 is programmed for its teaching functions by input of a perforated paper tape. The instructions on this tape represent decisions in regard to type and sequence of educational "items" to be selected for each student on Ihe basis of his overt learning behavior. The G-15 sends four signals of four bits each to the Projector Adapter; three of these signals set the stepping switches which record the computer's instruction to Ihc RAP GOO. The first signal clears the relay regisIeI' o[ any previous information. In addition to these signals, there is an interlocking feedback control which prevcnts changing of instructions while the system is in operation. It takes the G-15 about Gjl 0 of a second 6 / to transmi t to the RAP 600 the full command for a slide selection. A sample teaching machine lesson used with the Bendix G-15 is given in Appendix 1. Although actual lessons are longer and generally more complex than this one, this sample does illustrate a number of important facets of the lesson design. Some of the instructional items branch the student to remedial paths designed to correct particular errors. At two points in this lesson, decisions are made on the student's cumulative error tallies. At these points, additional instructional items are given to the student if he is experiencing difficulty in learning the material. At the end of the lesson, a self-evaluation item is presented to students who have made at least one error. This gives the student the choice of deciding whether or not he needs more instruction. ] A math parar chem STA< cedm porta speed tures How. 1m Ro nic of ice! setl Fol lure I descr: form; techn given arc ( sirabi concl The CLASS Facility Use of the Philco 2000 computer in the new laboratory enables the researchers to teach twenty students in several modes of automated instruction-an individual mode, a group mode, or a mixed mode in which some students study independently while others work in small groups. Except for classroom space limitations in our laboratory, the Philco 2000 could instruct some three hundred students in the individual mode with each student seeing a different sequence of instructional materials adapted to his particular needs. In the group mode, this number of students instructed could be 900. For individual instruction, a manually operated film Rein. L. En: gm int Pn 65! Tn dame ment to es chim comr parts Anal the I form pute] card of a Two Cadi chine Optil Pracl lator Char mt of Wi Nt pp Tl FIGURE 1 The first experimental computer-based teaching machine used by the Automated Education Project at SOC for research in auto-instruction is shown here. On the left is the Bendix G- 15 Computer and on the right, the teaching machine unit which houses a random access slide projector, rear-view projection screen, and an alpha-numerir. typewriter tied to the computer. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 19G2 "\ '.' who tions Ihe over the; ics i of d term one; inec]1 c1udi lions conc( outli symb COl\ COll- I Mest 42 inted, and maxiinto I arc: ,a IiLy- TechTech- Total and ning. uring neral apter tality l'S for '-Hill New , pp, proreal busi- n an ~ au~ San ,tems Inst., men'Pro; the ful- pters ransing," etc. com- 7070 ughs sary, and vood pp, usses sysning )ters ity." ning freIther Case Reity," Deles," and x. Ar~y & New pp, nen:uits hich doc[his 'ork~ven .nal- of lues, lude text Ref- i 1962 viewer serves as the output source. A student, working independently, makes multiple-cho,ice response~ on the response unit keyboard (see the front cover of this issue). The computer is programmed to analyze these responses, signal the correct answer on the response keyboard, and instruct the student where to proceed next by way of a four-digit read-out panel on the response unit. Automated or semiautomated group instruction can be effected by using the RAP 600 or teacher-controlled audio-visual projectors for generating a common stimulus display over the large closed-circuit TV screens in the classrooms. As seen in Fig. 2, students in CLASS are learning in the group mode. The teacher will have five sources of information available with which to watch and check student learning behavior or call up information on individual or group performance. These components are: (1) a teacher's console with automatic alarm lights, corresponding to each student station, alerting the teacher to students who are not meeting predetermined criteria programmed in the computer; (2) a read-out panel, similar to the student response device, making it possible for the instructor to monitor a specific student; (3) a remote-control panel for sequencing and controlling audio-visual materials; (4) a film viewer for following the educational program; and (5) an educational data display, generating performance or historical data directly from the computer memory drum. To study the application of data processing methods in other school functions, special areas are available in CLASS for administrative and counseling functions. A teletype unit in the counseling office will aid the counselor in preparing daily scheduling programs and conducting interviews, and will generate displays to aid the teacher in classroom management. Automatic referrals will bring students to the counselor before serious educational problems are encountered. For administrators, a 900-line-a-minute high-speed printer, operated either on-line or off-line, wi~l supply immediate information on the state of academIc knowledge of each student. Less urgent reports necessary for scheduling, curriculum planning, budgeting and logistics can be retrieved when the computer is not selecting and analyzing instructional programs. A 'real-time switch and storage transducer, which permits coupling human inputs to and outputs from the computer, has been developed by SDC engineers. This machine is capable of recording in the computer some 4,000 input signals ten times a second. The machine also permits distribution of 4,000 output signals to the simulation area every 1/10 second. A plugboard for rearranging the receptor and effector connections to computer memory locations is also included. Programming for CLASS Computer programs written for this project fall into two broad categories: the lesson assembler and the instruction control program. The lesson assemblers resemble, in both structure and function, the typical computer compiler-assembler. The instruction control program, called i\f ell Lor :WOO, has many of the characteristics of the usua I process control programs. Lesson assembly programs for CLASS are designed to generate a magnetic tape that contains a complete COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 FIGURE 2 Students in CLASS are learning French in a group mode of automated instruction. The teacher, Gerald Newmark, sequences the educational items presented to the students via the closedcircuit TV system and the students respond to questions in French about the pictures shown. The computer records and analyzes student responses and presents displays to the teacher in real time. description of the teaching machine's program. The assembled tape, when read into the computer, will store in the memory, the codes of the instructional items, the codes of counters to be used for tallying the number of student errors per teaching concept, a Illl teachi ng i nsl rue! ions. The teaching- ('()nlrol program will be designed to ('onll'Ol the inpllI/()UIPlIt functions, process teaching 1'01Ilincs, ;Ind rec()rd Ihe results of instruction. 'l'IlC prilllary language to be used for the CLASS C()lIlpUler program will be JOVIAL, a general-purpose programming language initiated at SDC. It is a readable and concise language, utilizing self-explanatory English words and the familiar nota tions of algebra and logic. It has been found especially suitable for problems requiring an optimulll balance between data storage and program execution time. Besides, JOVIAL is a machine-independent programming l'anguage and can serve as a m~ans of realizing a stated process on a llulllber of dIfferent computers. The Future School Systelll and New Technology CLASS development has recognized that the most practical and immediate need for a computer in our educational systems is probably to automate paperwork, a prosaic function in school, but we foresee the future role of the computer in education to be more than that of bookkeeper. The evidence for this projection lies in some of the recent developlllcnls in COIllputer technology: (1) The computer-based Icaching- llIaciline \Vi~I,1 the potential for handling individual studel~t ddferences in learnillg ra Ie, background, and apu tude; (2) Informa t ion reI rieval syst~ms, i.e., automa~ed library services utilizing abstractmg and translatmg machines; (3) Computer programs for aiding management 7 IN Wh BaSi A an DIRI Th MICRO-ENCAPSULATION MAGNETICS THIN FILMS OPERATIONS ers' ( June ANI the 1 Roster Roster to t Surve] Surve] Descri Surve] Surve~ and Auton List Comp Ma( OPTICS LOGIC & CIRCUITRY' MECHANICS DIGITAL SYSTEMS Over Appli( Comp Rostel Cor Robot Teach GLO~ DOD SIC defini ~ BACI For excep 1960, BE B AUG SUB~ U.~ add 1 e1sewl BUU THE NCR 315 COMPUTER THE NCR 450 CONTROL AND PROOF MACHINE Ncn offers a wide range of opportunities for experienced scientists and engineers intere~t{'d in commercially oriented projects or adnlllced military electronic development. Current work encompasses a broad field of activity including semi conductor research, low temperature physics, micro-electronics, photochromics, advanced electronic systems development. high frequency communications, and operations research studies related to THE NATIONAL CASH complex business and financial systems. Previous efforts of NCR research and development have resulted in new products such as: NCR (no carbon required) Paper, 'the highly successful Electronic Data Processing Systems, and other items for the electronic and business machine industries. Rapid growth has caused openings at all levels of experience and education and provide opportunity for technical or administrative growth. REGISTER COMPANY, Th to comi! Send letter of application and resume to: T. F. Wade, Technical Placement, G 5, The National Cash Register Company, Dayton 9, Ohio. An equal opportunity employer. 7 or r 4 t( 3 2 For ( side $1.5( ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING ADDING MACHINES • CASH REGISTERS ACCOUNTING MACHINES NCR PAPER (No CARBON REQUIRED) - - - - - - - - - - - - _ .. 8 Nun Simul Subsc CO~IPUTERS ([1/d AUTOMATIO~ for February, 1962 C 815 If nl CO~ ',_I IE )N., will ttive the date 28, :omving may per) free the heir -ho's editries -ho's and decision-making activities in schools paralleling those in business which supply periodic economic forecasts, balance budgets, and plan financial strategies; (-1) New techniques for processing educational data such as real-time registration and scheduling programs, counselor and teacher data displays, automated diagnostic interviews, and testing routines. The application of the digital computer to eduGttional functions holds the potential of an importan t technological breakthrough in a field that has been remarkably resistant to change. With more students to teach, fewer teachers, and an increasing portion of the working population to retrain, educators are being pressed in the direction of automation. The question whether school systems can afford the large general-purpose computers currently being marketed would in many instances have to be answered in the negative. But the development of the special-purpose computer with multiprocessing, time-sharing capabilities is on the horizon. It would be short-sighted to delay the rcscarch until the hardware is available. As new uses arc cxplored and computers are designed with educatiollal functions in view, many school systems will joill thosc pioneers who have already made the leap into thc modern technological world. A Decision Structure for Computer-Based Teaching Machines Richard D. Smallwood Research Laboratory for Electronics Massachusetts Institute of Tcchnolo~y Camhrid~t~ ;{9, Mm;~. l? .... dis- this -ho's uto- reet, 1962 111 the teaching machine field, although onc hcars statements that "the devices problem has bccn soh'cd," it would appear that the tremendous spccd alld vcrsatility of modern day computers can nevcrthcless hc used most profitably. A great deal of the current research in the developIllent of new educational techniques has been in thc area of teaching machines. l\IIost of the contributors in this area up to now have been psychologists intercsted in applying their theories of the psychology of learning to new teaching techniques. Now, the opportunity for contribution by the designers and programmers of computers is fast approaching. Basically, present day teaching machinesl,~, 3 present a subject to a student in short incrementseach increment being followed by a question. These increments (hereafter referred to as "information blocks" or just "blocks") may be anywhere from a sentence to a paragraph in length and may contain pictures, diagrams, and even auditory information. They are presented to the student in long sequences called teaching machine programs (not to be confused with computer programs); these sequences are constructed in such a way that 'the student is led in an easy and straightforward way to eventual mastery of the subject matter. The advantages of present-day teaching machines, 1. Crowder, N. A., "Automatic tutoring- by Illcans of intrinsic prog-ramming-," Chapter X in AutulIlatic Teac/till/!, by Galantcr (cd), John Wilcy & Sons, N. Y., 1959. 2. Lumsdainc, A. A., and Glascr, R., T('lIcltill/!, .llllr-hi/u's IIlIti 1''-0grarn111ed Learning: A SOll'-Cl~ nooll, Dcp!. of A udio- Visual Instruct ion, National Educational Association, 1!/(iO. 3. Smallwood, R. D., ,-III/O/llII/l'll /I/.\/nlclio/l Decisiun Systellls, ScD. Thesis, Electrical Eng-inccring- Dcpt., ~I.I.T., Cambridgc, ~rass., !W October 1961. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 illclllde sclf-paccd instruction and immediate evaluaI iOIl for I he sllIdcnt of his answers to the questions, ele.; bill thc illlportant thing to remcmber is that we are first alld foremost interested in the development of tcchniqucs that will "teach better." Since one of thc best tcaching methods that we know today is the human tutor, a logical approach to automated instruction is to try to simulate as many properties of a human tutor as possible; and indced, this is the criterion commonly uscd to dcscribe the advantages and indicate thc vast potcn tia I of teaching machines. Two very importallt propcrtics of the human tutor, however, arc prcsenl in only a very limited degree in the teaching machines currcntly in vogue; these are adaptability to thc studcn t and systematic improvement with expcricncc. Student Adaptability A dcsirable feature of any tutor or teaching machine is that it be able to react to differences among students and adapt its presentation to the individual learning characteristics of each student. For the tutor or machine to do this implies a decision process that uses some known past history of the student to decide which presentation of the material is likely to be best for him; and this dccision proccss is no less important for a teaching machinc than for a 111101'. The process of providing dillcl'elll leachillg lI1achine programs for difrcrcnt stlldenls is called "brallching." One of thc II10St cOll1l11only uscd mcthods of branching is thc "intrinsic programming" of Norman Crowdcr! in which thc IICXt hlock presented to the student is dctcrll1illcd hy his answer to the last question. A lIalllral cXlcllsion of this method is to base the decision on thc en/if(: /)(Isl history of answers of the student too thc tcaching program; a structure for such a decision process is the subject of this paper. Systematic Improvement with Experience When a tutor is good, we expect him to become better at his job as he teaches more and more students. The same property is a desirable one for a teaching machine. At the present time this property is available in teaching machines only through the improvements that the researchers make in their teaching ma" chine programs. Improvements in the teaching machine programs are, of course, desirable, but a method for systematic improvements in the quality of the branching decisions is also needed. A good teaching machine should be capable of improving its decision processes as it "learns" more about the effects that are caused by the decisions. Thus, we should like for the next tutoring decision to depend not only on the present student's past responses, but also on other available information including the responses of all past students; in other words, the teaching decision system should be an adaptive system. Structure The class of teaching machines proposed here is based on a particular structure; the elements of this structure are: (1) an ordered set of concepts; (2) a general branching network; (3) a model for estimating probabilities of responses. 1. An Ordered S{~t of Concepts Every educator, no matter whether he is a teacher or a writer of teaching machine programs, must have Sample Path No.1 a set of goals. This is list of things that he is trying to teach successfully to his students. We shall call these things concepts, although a very broad definition of the word concept is intended. Generally, the educator will also arrange these concepts in some reasonable order so that he can teach the concepts to the students in sequence. Therefore, we shall assume that the subject matter to be taught has been decomposed into an ordered set of concepts. The question of measurement also arises: How shall we find out whether or not a student understands a concept? For this purpose we shall assume that there exists a set of test questions for each concept being taught. Answering the test questions correctly is considered to be equivalent to understanding the concept. These test questions will be given to each student at the end of his instruction on the concept to determine how well he has absorbed the subject matter and how well he understands the concept. 2. The General Branching Network In order to provide a high branching capacity in the class of teaching machines discussed here, a large network of information blocks (see Fig. I) is assumed to exist for each concept to be taught. Each block contains information or material that one might want to present to a student during the course of the instruction. Each block is identified by two numbers i and j. The first number i specifies the level or rank of the block in the sequence of concepts to be taught. The second number j is a serial number that identifies Sample Path No.2 2. ~ - ---~ - - I Level 1..--- 1 1. 1. -~--- Level 2 Block of Information Level 2, No. 4, spanning Levels 2,3,4 2. --~- Level 3 2. 1_- 1. Level 4 9 ------------------------------------------~~--------------,--------~~------~~--~~-- , I 2. I t1. FIGURE I-A diagram of a sample of a general branching network of blocks of information of various spans. Wrong answers take the learner out to the left. Right answers take him through the entire span. 10 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 COM] obuse. e In nnel suplowries, adeponlres. onal leerthe this This ·. / lrgmr .. / elphi 1 grp r Dig ~YU, ation f '35, , MP AMP lrado .. / engr . '61, ·. / oston res, f '21, Bldg, Dal- \'M / ~es in lction ·. / (BS), rBA), pora- ·orate lains, lathn Ins ~gmg, NY ;6, 1962 the block among alternatives explaining that information. Thus block b(3,2) is block no. 3 in level and no. 2 in manner of explaining. Some blocks may span more than one level; in this case, the level number denotes the first of the levels spanned by the block. In Fig. 1 the branching network shows in Path I and Path 2 how two students have progressed through the branching network. In general, students start at the first level and travel downward through the blocks as they learn more and more about the subject material. Generally the same material will be contained in sequences of blocks spanning the same l~vels; for example in Fig. 1, b(I,3), [b (1,1), b (2,1), b (3,1)], [b(I,I), b (2,2)], and [b (1,2), b (3,1)] will all contain the same information. The presentations, of course, will be different; for example b(I,3) would present the information in a much more condensed form than [b(l,l), b (2,1), b(3,1)J. Alternate presentations of the same material are also illustrated as in b(2,3) and h(2,4) of Fig. 1. Test Questions At the end of each block there will be a question for the student. These questions can be used either as reinforcing agents for conditioning student behavior or as tests to determine the student's comprehension of the information. The answers to each of these block questions are classified into a finite number of exhaustive alternatives so that every answer can be recognized by the teaching machine. Furthermore, it is desirable that the student be told whether or not he has answered the question correctly. (One can also use this opportunity to explain to the student his likely error if he missed the question.) For this reason each information block will generally have a fine or more detailed structure similar to that shown in Fig. 2. Student Procedure The procedure for a student taking the course will consist of many cycles of the following two steps: 1. If the student is at level i, the teaching machine will decide which of the several blocks leaving this level to present to the student. 2. After reading the information in the block that is presented to him, the student will answer the question at the end of the block. If his answer is correct, it is assumed that he has absorbed the material in the block satisfactorily; and thus, he will be placed at the terminal level of the block and Step 1 repeated. If he does not answer the question correctly, then the student will be placed at some level less than (or perhaps equal to) the terminal level of the block in order to clear up the misunderstanding that caused him to miss the question. Thus, we see that a student will wend his way through the network of blocks proceeding from the first level to the last with the teaching machine deciding at each level what block to present to the student. The student's level at the end of each block is determined by his answer to the block; that is, we shall assume that a function v(i,j,k) is given along with the branching network, and the function is equal to the level of a student if he gives the kth answer to block b(i,j). In Fig. 1 the dotted lines show two possible paths COMPUTERS a1/d AUTOMATION for February, 1962 FIGURE 2-A diagram of the more detailed structure of an information block. r----- -- ------------- --- - -- - - --- ---- I I I I I I I INFORMA TlON BLOCKDETAILED STRUCTURE I Statements and Instruction I I I I I I Block Question I I I I Explanation for answer l___OO~ Explanation for answer 1 _______ ~~2 Explanation for answer ________: 3_ ... etc. ------J--j that students might take through the array. Path 1 represents a student who has given all correct answers to the block questions, while the student of Path 2 has missed block questions at b(I,3) and b(3,I). In any practical application there will be one of these networks of blocks for every concept to be taught. Although the emphasis in this paper is on the decision-making aspect of teaching machines, the importance of the actual contents of the information blocks can hardly be overstated. On the other hand, the illcorpora tioll of a decision mechanism into a teachillg machine call make the improvement of the block cOlltellts easier through the relative evaluation of alternative presentations of the course material. 3. A Response Probability Estimation Model In order to decide which of the possible blocks the student should receive, it is necessary for the teaching machine to investigate many paths that the student might take. Each of these paths must be weighted with the probability that the student will indeed take that path. This requires a model (see Reference 3) that will estimate the probability, p(i,j,k), that the student will respond with the kth answer to the question at the end of b(i,j). There is a question here of just what is meant by these probabilities. Here the probability p(i,j,k) that a student with a certain known past history will give the ktlt answer to block b(i,j) will be defined as the fraction of students out of an infinite population of students with the same identical past history who would give the kth answer to block b(i,j). The problem, then, is to find mathematical models that will use the past history of the student correctly to estimate the true values of p(i,j,k) as defined above. The particular elements of a student's past history that will be used in this estimation are part of the model. These models will formulate an abstract description of the process whereby a student's past hist.ory determines the value of the abstract probability defined above. As with allY mathematical model, the model's description of the process is entirely abstract, and the value of the model is determined by how well this abstract description conforms to the n:(/I w()rld j)l"()CCSS being simulated by the ll)odel. II "''".-~ In general one would expect the probabilities to be closer to 0 and 1 as the past history of the model includes more and more pertinent details about the student. Unfortunately, as the number of such detai1s increases, it becomes more difficult to use them correctly and the complexity of the computations also increases. Thus, one must face the eventual trade-off between high uncertainty in the true probabilities on one hand, and inaccurate prediction and complex computations on the other. "V\Te see here an example of how the teaching machine will be able to improve its decision process with experience. As the number of students that the device has taught increases, the errors in the probability estimates due to lack of information will generally decrease and the decision process of the machine will become more accurate. Decision Criterion In makillg the decision, the computer must have some cri Lerion (or utili ty function) to use for deciding which of several alternate paths through the "blocks" of subject matter is to be selected for teaching to the learner. The particular criterion chosen will depend, in general, on the opinions and goals of the educator using it. Some possible criteria that might be used are: nil 1 1 U = - , L = -(na -n\J), or R = --(na -n\J) N N NT where nil and na are the number of test questions for tha t concept that the student answered correctly before and after taking the presentation of the material represented by the path; N is the number of test questions for that concept; and T is the time for the student to read and respond to the material in the path. An Actual Demonstration In order to illustrate the structure presented here and to study its potential advantages, a preliminary teaching system containing an example of each of the preceding elements was developed. 'Vhen one considers what is potentially attainable within the structure, the system described here will appear rather unsophisticated-and indeed, it is. Nevertheless, the teaching system was applied to instruct 20 students, and indicated that is was capable of distinguishing among students, making different decisions for students with different past histories. Furthermore, the system also changed its decision process with experience. The physical device was composed of three interconnected pieces of equipment: (1) a microfilm reader; (2) an electric typewriter; and (3) the IBM 709 digital computer at the M.LT. Computation Center. The array of information blocks was stored on microfilm; and the microfilm reader was connected to the computer so that it could select any particular frame of the microfilm and display it to the student. The illst rllction process for the system consisted of the followi Ilg steps: 1. After giving the student some brief instructions Oil t he operation of the microfilm reader and typewriter, the computer decided what block to present to the student first and then cycled the microfilm forward to the frame that contained the desired block. Each of these blocks contained a paragraph or so of information about the course, followed by a question that tested the student's comprehension of the information. 2. The student wrote his answer to the block question on an answer pad; then he advanced the microfilm reader forward one frame to where a list of possible answers to the question was displayed. (In each case, of course, one of the alternatives was a catch-all for any answer not listed.) Next to each of these possible answers was a number; the student entered the number next to his answer into the typewriter an"d then punched the "carriage return" key. 3. Upon sensing the carriage return, the computer advanced the microfilm to a frame that explained to the student whether or not he had answered the question correctly; if he had not, this frame also attempted to explain to him where he had gone wrong. While the student was digesting this explanation, the computer calculated the next block that the student should receive. When finished reading the explanation to his last answer, the student was instructed to punch the "carriage return" on the typewriter. 4. The computer then advanced the microfilm to the next block and the process was repeated until the studen t finished the instruction on a particular concept and arrived at the test question(s). The test questions were given to the student in the same way as the blocks; the only difference was that all students received the same test questions. 5. At the end of the instruction the student's responses were used to update the parameters needed by the system's decision process. The computer program for this teaching system used approximately 5000 of the 32,000 registers available on the M.LT. 709. Vo "\IV data and auto] ing. panel exter lapse exarr Cll Content of the Sample Teaching System It may be of some interest to report what was the actual content of the material taught. This was a miniature (or finite) geometry expressed in the following statements: a Postulate 1. There is point. Postulate 2. Every line is a set of exactly two points. Postulate 3. Every point lies on exactly two lines. Postulate 4. For every line there are exactly three parallel lines. Definition 1. If a point P belongs to a set L, then P lies on L, and L contains P. Definition 2. Two lines are parallel if and only if there is no point that lies on both. The outcome of the teaching system was for the student to be able to demonstrate two theorems: Theorem 1. There are exactly six points. Theorem 2. There are only two models. (One of the models is a hexagon, with the convention of the points being the vertices and the lines running along the edges of the hexagon, and stopping at the vertices; the other model is two separate triangles, with the same convention.) This particular subject was chosen because it is short, simple, and relatively unknown. Tl autOl sign, versa fanta phen force (whi ever tools this, In comr COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 COM] Po I Elc .... , ...• that can ore, ~ of h.esc Soday and 1na ~s ry. ';y':~'" ; computer, the scientists had the answers to their questions. The best way to test new equipment is to put it into actual use. But how can the performance of advanced airborne guidance systems be evaluated without spending millions of dollars in production and Right test of equipment? How can the effect of possible design changes be determined? How much can systems and equipment be improved before over-all performance becomes subject to diminishing returns? The IBM people doing simulation studies such as this have extremely varied backgrounds, mathematics, physics, engineering. But they ha\1~ in common-the ability to "see" physical problems in mathematical terms and to solve them by machine computation. For people with this ability IBM offers the advantages of advanced tech, nical facilities and widely experienced associates. Scientists have been exploring these questions-and many more-at the Simulation Laboratory of the IBM Space Guidance Center in Owego, N. Y. For example, they constructed mathematical and logical models of every factor in a major B-52 air strike. Into an IBM computer went simulation data on enemy missiles, radar, fighter defenses, as well as detailed weather and terrain data and complete aircraft performance parameters. After more than 1200 simulated battles were "fought" inside the If you are interested in one of the areas in which IBM is making important advances-semiconductors, micro waves, simulation, magnetics, superconductivity, or many others-we'd like to hear from you. IBM is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Write to: Manager of Technical Employment IBM Corporation, Dept. 5390 590 Madison Ave., N. Y. 22, N. Y. IBM ® SIMULATION: 1200 air battles inside a computer echmly )me esti- and 5 to rom and milrIta I ab- ltIy. permd. inines one nits nds lare ex- and ac- >cu,lat- er's 1962 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 13 The teaching system usually (but not always) presented a paragraph of information, and offered usually (but not always) three answers, of which only one was the right answer. In other words, it was like the scrambled book of Norman Crowder (see Reference 1). Equipment Limitations Due to equipment limitations, only one student at a time was taught by the teaching system described above. This was a tremendously inefficient use of computer time, since the calculation of each decision required less than one second of computer time. A student took from 1 to 6 minutes to complete a block with 2.5 minutes a typical time. Hence, we see that over ~)9 per cent of the computer time was spent waiting for the student to answer a question or finish reading an explanation. The answer to this inefficiency is either to allow the computer to teach many students at once, or to allow some one else the use of the computer during the idle time. A time-sharing system is currently under development at M.l.T. that will provide this latter solution to the problem. The former solution is the natural one for the computerin-a-school situation. The response probabilities for this teaching system were estimated by a simple intuitive lllodeJ3 that estimated p (i,j,k) as a function of: 0, the fraction of correct responses by the student in the past; rfJij(k), the fraction of students taking b (i,j) in the past who have responded with the ktll answer; and a, the fraction of correct responses by students to all questions in the past. The course covered two concepts containing 12 and 13 levels and 25 and 27 information blocks, respectively. The entire course used 224 frames of microfilm. Twellty students took the course as taught by the teaching system. The average instruction time was 53.0 minutes with a range from 33 to 75 minutes. The total fraction of correct responses was 0.753 with a range from 0.529 to 0.938. There were many instances in which the computer made different decisions for students with different past histories (for this simple system the entire past history of the student was con tained in 8, the fraction of correct responses in the past). Analysis of Results These results indicate that the teaching system described in this' paper can (1) make quantitative decisions in its presentation of the course material to students so that different students, depending on their past performance, receive different presentations, and (2) change this decision process with experience. We have not proved, of course, that this teaching machine is a better machine than any other; we have not even proved that the changes mentioned above are changes for the better. At this point one must rely on his illtuitioll to convince himself that a system capable of makillg systematic changes in its presentation of lllaleriaI and in its internal decision process must be a pOlel1tially better teaching device than one without I hesc advantages. On the debit side of the ledger there are some practical disadvantages that should be mentioned concerning the implementation of an extensive teaching system along the lines of the above comments. First there is the problem of storage space in the computer. While it is true that the teaching of many subjects to many students would indeed tax the core storage requirements of most computers, it should be possible to employ auxiliary storage such as magnetic tapes and drums to solve that problem (at a slight reduction in speed). This compromise plus the technical advances in the future plus the possible advantages to be gained from a mass-produced, specialpurpose tea~hing-decision computer should adequately solve this problem. Cost A more serious problem is the cost of such a teaching system: First of all there is the cost of the computer; but when one considers the reduction (in dollars per instruction hour per student) that should be achievable with special-purpose, mass-produced computers capable of teaching many students at once, the cost restrictions from this source become less severe. A more significant chunk of the cost dollar will go toward the writing of the information blocks. This is admittedly a tougher job for the system discussed here than for the usual straight-line teaching machine programs, since there arc two to three times as many blocks to write. However, the computer may be able to help with this problem-first, by providing relative evaluations of alternate presentations of material (as in b(2,3) and b(2,4) of Figure 1), and secondly, by spotting situations in which the addition of blocks to the branching networks may be advantageous. On the other hand, if, after all is said and done, computers are the only way to do the required job, then the economics of the problem may have to be subordinated to educational necessity. The structure defined above has two further applications other than general classroom instruction. First, teaching systems using this structure could be used for the evaluation of teaching machine programs. As an example, one could use the teaching system to find a preferred pa th through the branching network and then use this preferred path in simplier, less expensive teaching machines. Secondly, this class of teaching machines could find valuable applications in the area of educational research. Through the use of the wide versatility in the controlled situation enforced by the system, it should be possible to conduct research into important educational problems, such as: What are the important measurements that should be made in the educational situation? How can the data for a particular student be used most effectively in teaching decisions? What is the best simple decision mechanism that one can use in an inexpensive teaching machine? :. I: I t."': iii '·:. ·. ~:·. ·: ~ .. ~.... ~.....~ ..··.··.·I L;"" , .. ""'1 •.. '.:. :••..... : ...!:: . • . . I I Acknowledgment This paper is a short summary of work submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Science in the Electrical Engineering Department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The computer work was done at the lVLl.T. Computation Center. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 CO~l Technical Information Series #2 160·A Input·Output \.ssoNew Dir., Llters :010.; [nst., ~nce, -1. J. leve- 1edi.orial ;lein, ., E. and and Wes- man, e on Mr. Inc., ltion row, nical ~rno, . the lery, :ech- NEW CONTROL DATA 160·A COMPUTER Desk Size Computer with Large Computer Capabilities In most computer evaluations, the flexibility and capability of the computer to handle input-output operations is of special importance. No other small scale computer on the market today has the input-output features that are standard on the Control Data 160-A Computer. For example, the 160-A exchanges data with inputoutput devices at any rate up to 70,000 12-bit words per second. The 160-A also has the capability of buffering data while computing ... or while the operator manually enters data (whether the computer program is running or stopped). This input-output flexibility is combined with the following 160-A features: )nICS lerts, • Internal and external INTERRUPT , Ill. ::. & con:ncy, Ex- Elec. Ie & lelm, o E. t. In :ago, ·ans- • 8192 words of magnetic core storage (expansible to 16,384; 24,576; or 32,768 words) 6.4 microseconds ••••• memory cycle time 12.8 microseconds ••••• basic add time 15.0 microseconds ••••• average execution time • Flexible repertoire of 130 instructions • External multiply-divide unit (optional) • Completely solid state • Low power requirements: 16 amps, 110 volt, 60 cycles There arc two input-output channels in the 160-A: a bufler c/1lI1l1ll'1 and a non-buffer channel called the norm{/l C/UIIl II cl. Both can be used simultaneously for any combination of input-output operations. During an input-output operation via the normal channel, computation is halted temporarily while the operation is carried out. However, once an input-output operation is initiated on the buffer channel, the 160-A either continues computation or performs some other I/O operation on the normal channel. The Control Data 350 Paper Tape Reader and the BRPE-ll Teletype Paper Tape Punch-standard equipment on the 160-A-are connected to the normal channel and are not buffered. Other peripheral devices can be connected either to the normal channel or buffer channel. When a peripheral device is connected to the normal channel, data is transmitted between the 160-A and the peripheral device via the normal channel only. However, when it is connected to the buffer channel, data can be transmitted between the 160-A and the peripheral device via either the buffer or normal channels. In this case, the normal channel is utilized at any time the buffer channel is not engaged. A desk-size computer, the Control Data 160-A has the speed, capability, and flexibility of many large-scale computers. For more detailed information write for Publication No. B 12-61. leer- IRE ~nce, 1962 CONTROL DATA COMPUTER DIVISION CORPORATION 501 PARK AVENUE, MINNEAPOLIS 15, MINNESOTA COMPUTERS and ;\ UT()~L\TIO~ for February. 1%2 15 ",' c COMPUTER TEACHING MACmNE PROJECT: PLATO ON ILLIAC Donald L. Bitzer and Peter G. Braunfeld University of Illinois Coordinated Science Laboratory Urbana, Ill. A certain teaching machine developed at this laboratory has been named PLATO, standing for "Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations." It is a device for teaching a- number of students individually by means of a single, central, high-speed, general-purpose digital computer, in this case the lLLIAC, the University of Illinois automatic computer. The general struct~re of PLATO is indicated in l'ig. 1. For simplicity, only one student is represented in the diagram. The central clement of PLATO is the high-speed digital computer. Each student communicates with the computer by means of his own keyset, which can be provided with up to G1 keys representing a full complement of alphanumeric characters. When asked to answer questions posed to him by the machine, the student's answers may thus take such varied forms as numerals, algebraic expressions, and words or phrases. Special keys enable the student to control the presentation of material to him by the machine. The machine communicates with each student by means of closed-circuit -television. Material is presented in two different ways: (I) The machine presents static textual material by commanding an electronic switch to connect the video output of the appropriate slide to the appropriate student's display. (2) Dynamic non-textual material, or material furnished in the course of instruction (such as student answers), is written by the machine on the student's TV display tube by means of an intervening buffer storage tube. For multiple, student operations, a keyset, television display, and intermediate output buffer storage device (Electronic Book) Student Fig. I General organization of PLATO equipment. Iii are provided for each student. The central computer and slide selector, however, need not be duplicated; they serve all students on a time-shared basis. It appears to be important in multiple-student operations, to require the condition that no student shall be aware of any other student's existence. To meet this condition, we are requiring the computer to respond to any student's request within 200 milliseconds. The general logic by which instruction takes place is indicated by Fig. 2. Textual material is presented on a sequence of slides. \Vhen the student has finished reading a given slide, he may proceed to the next slide by pushing the "continue" button on his keyset. Similarly, if he desires to review ,material contained on a previous slide, he may do so by pushing "reverse." On certain slides, questions arc posed to the student. He cannot "continue" beyond such a slide until he has successfully answered all the questions theron. As the student types in his answer, the machine displays it-character by character-in the space provided for the answer on the slide. As soon as the student indicates to the machine that he has completed his answer, the machine responds by indicating "OK" or "NO," depending on the correctness of the answer. The student may continue to punch in revised answers until the machine indicates that the answer is correct. H the student indicates to the machine that he needs help in answering the question-by pushing the "help" button-the machine jumps to a "HELP" sequence appropriate to that question. In this sequence, further relevant textual material, if necessary, is presented, and the original question is broken up into a series of "easy" subquestions, designed to lead the student stepwise to the solution of the main question. A student need not complete a help sequence. At any point in the help sequence, he may indicate to the machine his desire to be confronted once again with the original troublesome question by pushing the "aha" button. As indicated in Fig. 2, failure to answer this question properly, leads to a return to the help sequence at the point it was broken off. In the case where a student should feel it necessary to ask for help for a question posed in the help sequence, the machine itself will provide him with the appropriate correct answer to that question. The important features of the machine are: 1. The material is presented to every student in a standard, objective fashion. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1%2 Feb. Hi M' Ec Feb. fo tOJ m: OJ Feb. tr< IR Al Feb. an co T( sit Feb. fe Pa La Feb. Se N, ci, H Feb. W In Ba Feb. of M va sil Mar. H tic te Sy 12 Mar. tic Pr Tc Be Mar. va o Cl N Mar. sel ta YI Apri R: G ta B( Apri Sc M U B; COl\! • can multi-processing make all components of your computer system work full time for you? • can your Jobs run simultaneously in any combination even though your programs are written to run by themselves? • can you feed new Jobs into the system any time without interfering with programs in process? can you add a second central processor to the system and thus get true parallel processing without reprogramming? II --- • can you have automatic scheduling, memory allocation, error checking, and routine control functions without the inefficiencies of conventional operating systems? . the nine 1 the You see our master control program wasn't patched up to fit the computer. We designed the computer to fit a carefully thought-out master control. This is the secret of the built-in operating system's unmatched flexibility and efficiency. It does all the things we mentioned in our 5th question and also permits the addition of new equipment and programs. Another thing: The B 5000 can process programs written in COBOL or ALGOL-but that's a story in itself. If you would like the details on all the advantages of this remarkable computer, just write Burroughs and ask for a copy of The B 5000 Concept, Burroughs Corporation, Detroit 32, Mich. Burroughs-TM percon:cl by A Burroughs B 5000 is your answer to all these questions. Take multiple processing. We define it as "priority processing on a time-sharing basis." This is the way the B 5000 is normally used. When you want to feed in another job, the B 5000 does not need additional instructions for sequencing and scheduling. It has its own master control program that does scheduling automatically. The programmer doesn't even have to specify the components to be used. He just feeds in the new program. Any time. Usually while other jobs are processing. The master control will integrate it into the work load and see that the components operate at maximum efficiency. The human error factor in scheduling is virtu,ally eliminated. )- pring puter ; Febplease ay be 52 And your work load can't outgrow the B 5000. It's the only computer on the market that can accommodate a second central processor. A new processor can be linked in any time-without costly reprogramming. Thus equipped, the B 5000 can solve several problems absolutely simultaneously; this is true parallel processing. of in the . field, Wh-o's l little Burroughs Corporation \ y, 1962 :1) . COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 17 Fig. 2 PLATO programmed logic. 2. Each student may proceed at his own speed, seeking as much or little supplementary material as he wishes, subject to the boundary condition that he must solve successfully a prescribed sequence of problems. 3. Thc machine keeps an accuratc rccord of each "move" thc student makes. Thus at thc end of an instruction period, the experimenter has at his disposal a print-out of how long thc student spent on cach pagc, what right and wrong answers were given and in what sequence, how long a problem took for solution, at what points help was requested, etc. 4. The student knows as soon as he has worked the problem, whether his solution is correct or incorrect. In the latter case, the machine can indicate "NO" without in any way revealing the correct solution. 5. To test the versatility of the machine as well as the basic logic of the computer program, a number of instructional sequences have been prepared ranging from topics in mathematics (such as the elementary theory of congruences) to instruction in computer programming. To change machine instruction from one subject-matter to another requires only replacing slides in the slide selector and giving the computer an appropriate set of parameters. A study using the machine to teach high school students the binary and other non-decimal number representations has been completed. Post-tests given the students participating in this study indicated that they had been able to learn from the machine. It also provided useful information on data-rates-considering the teaching system from the standpoint of an information processing system. Studies on teaching students computer programming are currently in progress. COMPUTER MARI(ETING TRENDS SOME COMMENTS Norman Statland Vice President Charles W. Adams Associates, Inc. Bedford, Mass. Historically, the commercial use of computers passed the tenlh anniversary mark only in 1961. Those familiar with general-purpose digital computers and their applications have witnessed the progress and increasing spccd of central-processor equipment from electrostatic-tube memory devices through delay line storage to the predominance of magnetic core storage. Most recent developmcnts point toward the use of thin-film deposits for faster memories. Similar increases in the speed of photoelectric card readers and pa pcr-ta pc readcrs, as well as new techniques for highcr dcnsity Illagnctic tape recording, have combincd to incrcas~ thc potential speed of computer systems. With these more powerful systems have come a lowering of unit cosls of data processing and a second generation of computer marketing directly concerned with software programs and advanced logical design features for the central processor. In the production of second-generation solid-state computers, a new breed of equipment manufacturer has appeared on the marketing scene. Being small, these companies cannot hope to compete with the largest concerns. Rather, what they produce has ap18 peal to the more sophisticated users of electronic data processing systems. They sell their equipment at a potentially lower cost for each unit processed, but they leave almost entirely to the customer the organization of the installation, the development of complex software programs, and the provision of on-site assistance. The advent of this group poses the interesting question of what trends the computer market will follow during the decade of the Sixties. To this no firm answer can be given but some conjectures can be made. It is quite possible that the computer industry may follow the course which developed in the automobile industry about fifty years ago. During those early years there were many manufacturers of "horseless carriages." Some grew large, others remained small, while many withdrew from the fiercely competitive race or were absorbed by bigger companies. In time, the Big Three emerged. But there always were-and still are- independent manufacturers offering a limited number of models to a specialized segment of the market. These companies, all relatively small, are among the first to adopt new design features; they COMPUTERS and AUTOMATIO:\, for February, 19G~ C( • Th« most I numci COMPl EAST WEST vs. DIAGRAMS \1S. EQUATIONS THE COMPUTER'S ANSWER TO ·A LONG· STANDING COMPUTER ISSUE. For a decade East Coast and West Coast computer designers have been using different methods of representing computer logic-the Easterners with diagrams, the vVesterners with equations. L6SMI= u.-)(A))(L~AZ. *)(LFCA *) +Q.)(.AI*)(L:xA2) (L FCA *) +(L'l-Al*)(LXA2.*) (LFCA) + (LXA I) (LXA2.)(LFCA) lFCAJ= (L~J\f)(L~A2.) lfCAK =(LXA '~)(L)(A2. %) In the example illustrated here, the diagram and the equation tell us exactly the same thing. Either represents a serial full adder where the sequence of pulses at the output, LBSM, will represent a serial binary number that is the sum of two serial binary input numbers occurring at LXAI and LXA2. (The asterisks indicate binary complements; for example, whenever LXAI is energized LXAlll1< is not, and vice versa. LFCA is a carry flip-flop.) There are persuasive arguments on both sides. Eastern proponents of diagrams point out that the logical interconnections can be seen at a glance and followed through any number of stages by eye. The logical structure of an entire system can be understood from a diagram more directly and intuitively, they maintaii1, than from a set of equations. The \Vestern argument for equations goes like this. It's not true that diagrams communicate better to the viewer's intuition, except at first exposure. The human mind is highly adaptive. After working analytically with the equations for a while, the mind begins to operate intuitively in that symbology. Then the intrinsic superiority of equations over diagrams begins to make itself evident. One advantage, say the Westerners, is that equations can represent the same information more compac.:lly and efficiently, as our illustration shows. Another is that equations lend themselves better to computer manipulation of logical design information. As evidence of the latter advantage Westerners point to a recent achievement of some Litton Systems people: a completely mechanized procedure for translating logical designs into wiring lists, including operational simulation of the design to verify its accuracy. A procedure enormously facilitated by the computerizability of logical equations. It's easy to picture the benefits in cost, delivery schedules, reliability, price. Using only a partial development of this method Litton Systems recently brought a major computer system from concept to operation in less than a year. ,... III.. .., ....1111 Now under consideration at Litton: a machine that will accept as inputs a supply of standard computer components and a set of coded specifications defining the logical functions desired, and will crank out completely fabricated systems. Maybe you think we've loaded the arguJrwnt in favor of equations. You're right. But we're ready to listen to arguments on either side. Drop us a card. Or better still, drop in in person. You'll like the imagination-stretching atmosphere generated by Litton management's appreciation of the rewards of creative controvcrsy. We have a few exccllcllt opportunities for comp"tcr dcsign people. Ask for Harry LallI' at Litton Systems, Inc., Data Systcms Division, 6700 Eton Ave., Canoga Park, California. A,. equal opportunity employer LITTON SYSTEMS, INC. A DIVISION OF LITTON INDUSTRIES DATA HANDLING & DISPLAY SYSTEMS , 1962 • GUIDANCE & CONTROL SYSTEMS • COMPUTER SYSTEMS COMPUTERS and A UTOMA TJON for Fehruary, 19()2 • SPACE SCIENCE • BIOELECTRONICS • ADVAIlCED COMMUNICATIOllS TECltrlOLOGY I!) led in the recent introduction of the American compact car. The trend in the computer industry shows a close correlation. In it there are today large corporations producing a wide range of equipment for the complete market spectrum. There are also at least a halfdozen smaller computer manufacturers who generally offer no more than one or two models aimed at specific installations. The activity of this segment of the marketing group is evidenced by Digital Equipment Corporation's introduction of high-speed and low-cost computers for primarily scientific applications, and the emulation of this development by Advanced Scientific Instruments, Computer Control Company, General Mills, Packard Bell and Ramo-\I\T ooldridge. \"'hile some may argue with this rather arbitrary selection, the fact remains that these organizations have presented machines of small binary word length having fast internal speeds coupled with attractive pricing (under $4,000 per month average rental), in order to gain a place in the computer marketing race. It is true that the larger companies have entries which may compete directly with the machines of these smaller firms; but one must recognize the quandary of their sales people in first selecting a system for a prospective user and then gathering enough arguments to outweigh either the price or the speed advantage sometimes enjoyed by the competition. It is perhaps in the area of support, machine backup and software and other intangibles that the public image of a corporation is most important; yet it is probably the most difficult to comment on since each case must be treated independently. One large manufacturer, International Business 1\Ilachines Corporation, presently occupies a dominant position in the electronic data processing industry. The other companies appear to be somewhat behind, except a few small ones which are seemingly coming along well and show promise of offering performance figures that are quite admirable for young boys com- Nunlhcr of Computer and Data Processing Systcnls, by Monthly Rental Monthly Rental Number $50,000 and above .................................... 7 $30,000 to 50,000 ..................... ................. 4 $20,000 to 30,000 ....................... ................. 6 $15,000 to 20,000 ........................................ 4 $10,000 to 15,000 ...................................... 5 $5,000 to -10,000' ........................................ 8 $2,500 to 5,000 .......................................... 10 under $2,000 ................................................ 7 'J'olal: ............................................................ 51 SO/lH'l': "Computer Characteristics Quarterly," issue of December I!.JGI, published by Charles W. Adams' Associales, Inc., Bedford, Mass. ~() peting against grown men. One cannot help wondering how many others are going to cast themselves in the role of David engaging Goliath in combat with only a small stone in the sling. Yet every time that everyone agrees it takes around ten to fifteen million dollars to get into the commercial marketing and manufacturing of EDP equipment, some new small organization turns up and begins to distribute marketing information and literature. On paper, each of the newly-designed computers competes very well, especially in price, with its adjacent competition. Most if not all manufacturers have found, however, that price is not the only key to the sale of equipment. Some of these low prices can continue only if the manufacturer considers the develop· ment of software and a large sales staff as luxuries not required by its particular type of prospective customer. Following this pattern, such companies as Control Data Corporation and Digital Equipment Corporation have been successful in producing and selling small computers to a limited segment of the market. On the other hand, there are companies such as Burroughs, National Cash Register, Remington-Rand and Royal McBee, to name only a few, which have long been in the data-processing business and evidently feel that to maintain their competitive position they must stay in the computer race. These manufacturers have extensive sales staffs and in varying degrees have endeavored to compete with IBM in the development of software for their various systems. Likewise, Bendix, General Electric, Minneapol,is-Honeywell and Radio Corp. of America, all large corporations, have ventured into the hardware production battle with the hope of reaping profits from what promises to be a multi-billion dollar industry during the next ten years. All have already learned, however, that considerable manpower and money must be invested be[ore even a glimpse of adequate return can be realized. Because of its many installations in active operation, IBM's library of software programs still exceeds that of any of its competitors. This is not to be construed as an endorsement of IBM software as superior or more applicable to a particular situation than anything produced by others. It is simply a statement intended to suggest that one way to whittle a giant down (assuming this to be desirable) is by flanking rather than frontal attacks, so to speak. To increase their competitive position, it might be well for companies which have entered the EDP f.eld during the past ten years to consider the desirability of c~ncen trating their efforts-design, production, programming and sales-on specialized equipment areas. By so doing, they could eliminate some needless expense in areas where they do not have much hope of competing successfully. _ Recognizing that the initial expenditure will cover only a limited amount of research and subsequent program support, there is mounting' evidence to strengthen _the contention that a more li"mited approach to the marketing of selected system~' rather than an entire range of systems seems the logical course for those organizations to follow if they desire to c?ntinue as successful. producers of equipment. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 "ONI have statis form Since tiona' this j econc "TWI cessit ourse 390, langu since NCR throu The Na COMI ACROSS THE EDITOR'S DESI( News of Computers and Data Processors 3S New na- Firms, Divisions, and Mergers lcs IBM WORLD TRADE CORP TO MOVE HEADQUARTERS is I lId gces e an- ed ed e ~d re ',t- s IBM World Trade Corporation has announced that it will move its corporate headquarters to White Plains, N.Y., from its present location at 821 United Nations Plaza, New York City. Its UN Plaza building will be kept for other company purposes. The new site is located 2~ miles from downtown White Plains. It consists of a 35acre tract of which 20 acres are zoned for office-campus use. The relocation will take place after January 1964. NEW COMPANY MAKES OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITION EQUIPMENT Recognition Equipment Inc., located on Ross Avenue at Prairie, Texas, specializes in making machines that read. This new company is one of a very small number of manufacturers of optical character recognition equipment in the world. Recognition Equipment will also engage in military and commercial contracts for the development of mechanical, electromechanical, electronic, and optical apparatus. All personnel of Recognition Equipment were associated pre~ously with a Dallas concern which designed and manufactured the first all-electronic optical character reader now in commercial use. Principals of the new concern are: Herman L. Philipson, Jr., President; E. Gordon Perry, Jr., Executive Vice President; Thomas Q. LeBrun and Robert L. Woolfolk, Vice Presidents; G. William Childs, Director of Mechanical Design; and H. Gene Emery, Secretary. TECHNICAL OPERATIONS, INC. ACQUIRE BECKMAN AND WHITLEY, INC. Technical Operations, Inc. of Burlington, Mass. and Beckman and Whitley, Inc. of San Carlos, Calif., have agreed in principle to pooling their interests through the acquisition of Beckman and Whitley by Technical Operations. A probable factor in bringing the two organizations together is the compleCOMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 mentary nature of B&W's and TechjOps' product· and research activities. TechjOps' Directors have approved the issuance of approximately 150,000 shares of stock to Beckman and Whitle~ Inc., which will continue to be operated by its present management. Beckman and Whitley,' as a wholly-owned subsidiary, will be represented on TechjOps' Board of Directors. PERIPHERAL PRODUCTS DIVISION ESTABLISHED BY CONTROL DATA CORPORATION This company has formed a Peripheral Equipment division to help provide a complete line of digital peripheral equipment to be supplied with the firm's electronic digital computers. The CDC 350 punched paper tape reader is already being marketed. The CDC 606 magnetic tape unit is scheduled for first deliveries in the last half of 1962. Oifices and manufacturing facilities of the new division are now in full operation in the Minneapolis suburb of Bloomington. BURROUGHS FINANCE CORP Burroughs Corp., of DetrOit, Mich., has formed a whOlly-owned sales affiliate, the Burroughs Finance Corp. This new affiliate was capitalized at $3.6 million. It will handle the sale and lease of the corporation's electronic data processing systems. Headquarters for Burroughs Finance will be in the corporation's Detroit offices. DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS TO BE PRODUCED BY NEW FIHM Albert F. Sperry and Max Palevsky have formed a new firm, Scientific Data Systems, Santa Monica, Calif. Its function will be to design and build all devices necessary for scientific data processing systems and process control systems, including associated analog-oriented electronics. SDS systems will be built on modular subsystems that can be expanded to large, complex systems. The computers themselves will be special purpose digital sYbtems employing silicon transistors. 21 NEW PRODUCTS DEFT -- DYNAMIC ERROR FREE TRANSMISSION General Dynamics/Electronics Rochester 3, N.Y. MODEL AD-lOA ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER Raytheon Company Communications G Data Processing Operation 1415 Providence Highway Norwood, Mass. This company has developed a new high speed analog-to-digital converter which can give 500,000 complete 10-bit conversions per second. Output is either serial (5 million bits per second) or parallel straight binary (500,000 words per second). Accuracy is about 1/10 of a percent, plus or minus one-half of the least significant bit. The Model AD-lOA can be operated internally or externally for sampling command. This converter has 12 plug-in panels with the 10 logic panels directly interchangeable. This company has developed a new technique, for high-speed transmission of data over ordinary telephone lines at rates up to 15,000 words per minute. This is equivalent to 150 different teletypewriter messages transmitted all at once. Alphanumeric characters are coded into phase relationships among simultaneously transmitted tones. It makes use of a new phase modulation technique that makes the possible number of symbols that can be generated astronomical in magnitude. The differences between the very few characters in the English alphabet are great enough so that automatic character recognition is almost error-proof. It also gives DEFT an exceptional resistance to interference, noise, and jammings. The character-recognition technique does not require either dynamic logic or storage circuitry. Teal I D d Tel N Tho D C c t b t t ( L TOR ]\ Tre l j Tu( I Q: SEQUENCE STACKER The Standard Register Company Dayton 1, Ohio This company has produced a new Sequence Stacker which accumulates burst forms in sequence as they issue from a bursting operation. MEDICAL COMPUTER FOR BLOOD VOLUME DETERMINATION Delta Instrument Corporation 250 Delawanna Ave. Clifton, N.J. The device is designed to carry burst forms by continuous belt action directly from the burster to an accumulator tray where they are stacked evenly and smoothly in the exact sequence in which they were detached from the conti nuous web. The acc umula tor tray wi 11 hold up to 800 tab card-size forms or 400 long lightweight sheets. A new medical computer for precise determinations of total circulating blood volume or red cell volume in operating and recovery rooms has been produced by this company. The Delta Volume computer automatically calculates blood volume, and presents data in a lighted, numerical display, indicating in liters directly. An illuminated panel control guides the operator. Radioactive iodine is used to measure total blood volume and radioactive chromium-labeled compounds measure red cell volume. 22 u COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 cc MODEL 791-S ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER Librascope Division General Precision, Inco bOS Western Ave. Glendale 1, Calif. This miniaturized electromechanical converter for analog-to-digital conversion is designed primarily for low-speed conversion of linear data into digital form. c. ~ge ates marker pulse train ouputs at any predetermined memory addresses on up to 32 separate lines. Selection of marker outputs at any address is easily made in the field, so that as tracking experience is gained, diagnostic testing routines may be modified without difficulty. POSEIDON -- FAST DIGITAL UNIT Ferranti, Ltd. Hollinwood, England , A ncw high-speed real-time digital computer has been developed by this company and the British Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment. The new computer, called Poseidon, is in the same speed category as Ferranti's big Atlas computer. IS The computer is capable of performing one completed operation every 2 microseconds. Poseidon is a parallel machine working in binary notation with a word length of 24 binary digits; a magnetic core storage capable of holding 8192 words; and immediate access to 32 addresses. Program instructions are held permanently in a fixed storage with a capacity of 4096 words. ~ago / ;he The converter accepts 400-cycle AC voltages, and produces an II-bit binary output. The converter's parallel and unambiguous output can be increased to as high as 19 bits. Accuracy is one part in 2048. The speed in the arithmetic section of the computer is made possible by a special adder-subtractor. It is said to be easily adaptable to a wide range of input functions in digital computers, fire control systems, airborne navigation systems, and machine tool control sy stems. International Telephone & Telegraph Corp. 320 Park Avenue New York 22, N.Y. ~o- ing L- )nse L. ~d .962 MEMORY UNITS FOR TELSTAR SYSTEM Di/An Controls, Inc. 944 Dorchester Ave. Boston 25, Mass. MILE-A-MINUTE MEMORY Creed G Company Ltd., British associate of this company, has introduced a tape storage unit that provides automatic retrieval and read-out of prepunched tapc data on reels revolving at speeds of 88 feet per second. The unit, called the Model 2000, has a capacity of 240,000 alphanumeric characters per reel. Maximum access time is 13 seconds. Twelve magnetic core memory systems have been delivered by this company to Bell Telephone Laboratories for use in the Telstar Satellite Communication System. The Telstar System is designed to test the feasibility of instantaneous voice relay from an orbiting satellite. The Di/An memory units are part of the digital servo control system which steers u giant antenna. The six memories in each set are standard, sequential-access, coincidentcurrent buffer-storage units. An unusual feature which has bcen added to two of the buffers is a programming deuice which generCOMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 23 PLUG-IN MEMORY ARRAY 16,000-WORD MEMORY UNIT Sylvania Electric Products Inc. 730 Third Ave. New York 17, N.Y. Radio Corp. of America Semiconductor G Materials Division Needham, Mass. This company has developed a plug-in magnetic-core memory array, which can be used individually or in groups to provide information storage capacity in a large-scale digital computer. Usually when there is a malfunction in a conventional memory array, four to eight hours are needed to remove it, install a new one, and resolder. But this plug-in memory can reduce time for changing from a faulty memory to a properly working one to 15 minutes. Since down time for a computer may cost over $400 an hour, the saving is considerable. This company is building a 16,000-word memory unit for a new computer under development at the Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. il Tl o~ 9 Int! 5, Itel M. s: ar pI Each memory location will be accessible within 2 microseconds. Each machine word will consi st of only 16 bits due to the "unconventional M uses planned for the computer. More than 250,000 ferrite memory cores and associated electronic circuitry will go into the memory. The computer is sponsored by the three military services and the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the Defense Department. The computer is expected to be in operation early next year. Among the applications of the computer will be studies on how computers can be used in teaching both general subjects and specialized skills, air traffic control, man-machine relationships, and computer programming and design. or it 1: t1 [: R( Kunj Y( 1: VI: TE Lear / Lear Yc of ct Lect S~ PUNCHED CARD TO PUNCHED TAPE CONVERTER Electronic Datacouplers, Inc. Subsidiary of Dashew Business Machines, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif. This company has developed a punched-card to punched-tape converter, Model DC-3000, and a converter-comparator combination, DC-3500. The processing rate is 60 characters per second, or 45 cards per minute. Any card format can be converted to any 5, 6, 7 or 8 channel tape code format. Link N. ,M.: 11 Mant: No in The Po Will Ne re Mast Da McGr Yo INSERTION OF COMPONENTS TO BE AUTOMATED Sperry Gyroscope of Canada, Ltd. Montreal, Quebec, Canada This company has developed and is now building new numerical control systems to automate the insertion of components and the wiring of boards and racks in computers. One such system is for application to a high-speed punching and drilling machine which will produce printed circuit boards.- Another system is for the first station of a 12station component insertion line for Sperry's Hcmington Rand Univac division. 24 NEW HIGH-SPEED TAPE PERFORATOR Anadex Instruments, Inc. Van Nuys, Calif. A tape perforator produced by this company has speeds up to 60 cps. It is designed for recording digital data in punched tape from computer output, and also for systems for data logging machine control, automatic test, simulation, data transmission, etc. It has a non-synchronous drive. Five to eiJht code channels are available. It uses paper or mylar tape in widths up to one inch and has a simplified tape loading. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 in Be fr ne pr ot ve Fi Minn vi / ti fi ab ar Moto Il Mult La CON n- sonic 1- speak udent's iate com- NEW POWERFUL IBM COMPUTERS NEW ANALOG-DIGITAL CONVERTER International Business Machines Corp. Data Processing Division White Plains, N.Y. Norden Division United Aircraft Corp. Norwalk, Conn. aIle lared Jes con- Two new modular electronic computers, for scientific data processing, are being produced by this company. The IBM 7040 and 7044 are compatible with each other, with a wide variety of input-output equipment and with the IBM 1401. Data recorded in paper tape or transmitted over wire is accepted by these systems. They also can be linked to such devices as analog-to~digital converters, radar, microwave transmitters, and telemetering equipment. md dis" deters al- The new 7044 data processing system has a memory access time of 2.5 microseconds. In one second it can perform 400,000 ~ogical decisions, 200,000 additions or subtractions, 33,333 multiplications or 20,000 divisions~ I, cers trol ce vices ~sponse lachine. lor. op/ p opIs mit Itional lal Ims Iterlevelhing 'or in- .. ;arICI ,ce " irobmanI pro[rant Irch Tn , to been Ig A new size 11 analog-digital encoder with small size, long life, and high conversion accuracy, is now being produced by this company. The conversion accuracy is plus or minus 27 minutes. It has 256 counts per turn, and operates at temperatures ranging from minus 60 degrees to plus 180 degrees Fahrenheit. A typical configuration of the 7040 contains a card read-punch, high-speed printer, and low-cost magnetic tapes. A basic system could be expanded in stages to include highspeed tape drives, magnetic disk files and an on-line IBM 1401 data processing system. A typewriter built into the computer's console will print messages during testing and "debugging~ of programs. Advanced modular design makes available hundreds of computer configurations built around the two new central processing units. DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT "DME" DISC FILE UNIT EXPANDS MEMORY OF TWO UNIVAC COMPUTERS International Telephone G Telegraph Corp. 320 Park Ave. New York 22, N.Y. Remington Rand Univac 315 Park Avenue South New York la, N.Y. The rapid-access storage capacity of the Univac 490 Real-Time Computer and the 1107 Thin-Film Computer will be increased by an additional 700 million bits with a new massmemory disc file. This memory can include up to 24 identical storage discs per unit. Discs are rotated at a rate of 900 RPM. Data can be stored on both sides of each 39-inch diameter disc. Each disc face accommodates 768 recording tracks which are arranged in six groups or zones. Six data read-write heads (one for each zone) are aligned with each disc face. Fully-transistorized read-, write-, and selection-circuits connect the magnetic heads with appropriate logic circuits in the system. ITT has developed a transistorized, lighter-weight distance-measuring equipment (DME) to meet the "pinpoint en route" guidance needs of super-speed commercial aircraft . The new model has 10 electron tubes and weighs only 29 pounds. Earlier versions, now in service, have 33 tubes and weigh 34 pounds. The elimination of 23 electron tubes and their associated circuitry enables the transistorized model to operate at cooler temperatures. DME enables a pilot to read from a dial his exact distance in nautical miles from a selected ground station in the nationwide check-point network operated by the Federal Aviation Agency. Th,= equipment furnishes important in-flight information reuarding arrival schedules and holding patterns and is said to be a major advance in aviation safety. [ Ich- , 1962 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February,' 19G2 25 COINCIDENT CURRENT MEMORY SYSTEM Dayst rom, Inc. Military Electronics Division Archbald, Pa. This company's most recent development in memory systems is a coincident-current Memory System, called the CCM Series; it provides cycle times to 3.5 microseconds. It is available in random access, sequential-interlaced and sequential-non-interlaced models, with up to a 30% reduction in size over presently available commerical units. All circuitry is solid-state design and power supplies are self-contained and transistor-regulated. A variety of memory capacities are available with word sizes to 4096 and bit lengths to 64. Shown below is an exposed view of the coincident current memory system. ton, Creati St. , Cybur1 bric Q..: St. , Daystl mar DeverE Proc 50. wod tar~ BURROUGHS VISIBLE RECORD COMPUTER SYSTEM NEW INSTALLATIONS POST OFFICE MAIL-SORTER An advanced experimental electronic address reader has been delivered to the Post Office Department, Washington, D.C. by Farrington Electronics, Inc., Alexandria, Va. This new reader is an optical scanning device that reads addresses at a rate of 9300 letters an hour. It will undergo a period of testing on live mail in the Post Office research laboratory in Washington, D.C. The automatic address reader reads typewritten, printed or imprinted addresses, single or double spaced, staggered or flush, "almost anywhere" on the facing of any letter size envelope. A special reading technique has demonstrated its capabilities with a 50way state sort and a 61-way city-state sort. The reader can be programmed to read any combination of destinations by use of interchangeable wired panels. The experimental machine will not accept hand-addressed envelopes; however Post Office Department figures show that today nearly 85% of letter mail is printed or machine addressed. 26 South Shore National Bank at Quincy, Mass. has completed installation of a computer system handling ledger records. The system consists of an electronic sorter-reader, a fully transistorized central processor, a program card reader, the record processor, and the control console. Processing of the accounts will be the first step in the bank's transition to complete electronic accounting. Later the bank intends to process electronically all information necessary for savings, installment and mortgage loan accounting as well as management reports. U~IVERSITY OF NAPLES INSTALLS BENDIX G-20 A Bendix G-20 is scheduled for installation in January at the University of Naples, Italy. of • cornI DevE Dicta! / M, Digit. Mayr Dorse1 Norn the thei panE ~. infc Dougl. San1 devi panE DuKane ible the gran Arnel Dyna ~ 5, ] pla~ text stU( Dynate Pro( has DT-~ of ( nar) dia] ber E: Thorna~ ange in c rea( tior Pro( Ed-U-C Lon~ Educat Lon~ This high-speed computer will be used to provide teaching and research support to the university's engineering school. It will be used by students and faculty in ci~il engineering, electronics, hydraulics, naval engineering, chemistry, and aeronautical engineering. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 Educat sit) Educat Eure teac The by c bord COM! )5 TWO UNIVAC 490 SYSTEMS FOR EASTERN AIR LINES COMPUTER-CONTROLLED PAPER MACHINE A multi-million dollar set of electronic computer equipment -- two Remington Rand Univac 490 Real Time Computing Systems -- has been shipped to Eastern Air Lines Electronic Data Processing Center at Charlotte, N.C. Instrumentation is being installed for the automatic control of a miniature papermaking machine at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center of International Business Machines Corp. in Yorktown, N.Y. The ultimate aim of the research program is the production of uniform paper by control of physical properties such as caliper, moisture content and weight. ~o- mts :I~en Le:IS ;~ench. nan. ~s. Jdy [nsci- derams ~62. ;J of Ll t The new Univac system is replacing a Remington Rand Univac File Computer which has been controlling reservations in nine metropolitan areas. The new system, when in full operation, will have direct links through 4880 miles of high-speed telephone communication lines. As applied to the Eastern Air Lines reservations system, the real-time principle will permit almost instantaneous rec~ipt and transmission of data on reservations and other flight information between the computer center in Charlotte and any ticket selling point in the Eastern Air Lines System. "SPACETRACK" COMPUTER (. BM prorhe o re :le- the inal rs ty ics am nned. 11 ~r 7. aper two itonse. e e~ork lTidtiple nsic too ctor. e ia. t •• promul:>nse :>ring 1ll1er- 1962 A Philco 2000 Electronic Data Processing System has been delivered to Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass. It will be used in conjunction with the Philco 2000 in NORAD's Space Detection and Tracking System (SPADATS) in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The H~nscom computing system, known as Spacetrack, will provide basic programs and operational concepts for SPADATS. It will be available for backup should SPADATS ever be out of commission. Fischer & Porter, Warminster, Pa., are supplying the instruments to be used in the two phases of the program. The first phase is measurement of all process variables by means of instruments. Phase two involves integrating these instruments with a digital computer to regulate the settings on the machine and achieve optimum quality and quantity of paper produced. The machine is a scalemodel of those used in paper mills. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF BOSTON TO INSTALL SECOND NCR SYSTEM Another automatic check-handling computer system will be installed in the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston by April. The bank has successfully completed a six-month trial of National Cash Register Co.'s electronic checkhandling equipment. The current installation, incl.uding an NCR 304 computer and allied equipment, has helped the reserve bank sort and list an average of 1.3 million checks per day. The ordered equipment consists of two additional electro-mechanical check sorters connected to a NCR 315 computer. TOTAL OPERATIONS PROCEDURES SYSTEM -- TOPS ELECTHONIC COMPUTER FOR NASSAU COUNTY Barber-Colman Company has installed a Philco 2000 Electronic Data Processing System. TOPS will be utilized by Barber-Colman for its business data processing. The system will be used for three major applications: payroll and labor distribution; material control and production planning; and machine center loading, order scheduling, and work- in-proces s. N.H. INSURANCE COMPANY HAS FIRST HONEYWELL 400 Nassau County, N.Y., has installed an electronic computer to handle a growing mountain of paper work which as accompanied its own rapid growth. The IUM 1401 computer's first task was processing the payroll of nearly 10,000 county employees. The computer is scheduled for additional use in budget preparation and control, appropriation and revenue accounting, inventory, and other functions. Eventually it will be programmed to help in analysis and control of operations in all departments of the county. The New Hampshire Insurance Group, Manchester, N.H. has received delivery of the first commercial model of the Honeywell 400 electronic computer. The Honeywell 400 is a full-scale data processing system including magnetic tapes and input-output equipment. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 27 NEW APPLICATIONS CANCER CENTER USES COMPUTER IN TREATMENT OF CANCER Hospital scientists at the Memorial-Hospital Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, N.Y., are programming a Bendix G-15 computer system for use in applying data processing techniques to the study of radiation in diagnosing and treating cancer patients. The computer will be used in general for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, and in particular, at the start, to quickly and accurately determine the amount of radiation from external sources delivered to cancer tissue and surrounding normal tissues, and the distribution of radiation by radioactive needles and seed implants. functions are: vehicle tracking; data reception and recording; and satellite command and control. The nerve center of the tracking station is the Data Acquisition and Processing Center. Among the instruments in use there are the PAM/FM telemetry, IBM 1604 computer, and a storage and dissemination device called PICE (Programmable Integrated Control Equipment). The 1604 computer performs normal computer functions. PICE, an electronic "storage cabinet", receives all data-tracking, vehicle performance and payload performance at a high speed -- converts it into a common digital language -- and stores it until needed. PICE functions as the central memory of the system with the computer doing its thinking. of a teac Addi Toe G-15 system, manufactured by The Bendix Corporation's Computer Division in Los Angeles, Calif., includes two magnetic tape units and a PA-3 graph plotter. * M COMPUTER APPLICATION IN AIRFRAME INDUSTRY p A computer has been applied to cut in half the time required to process parts catalog changes for Convair jetliners. This application is by General Dynamics/Convair, San Diego, Calif. C -- The heart of the system is a master list, which contains detailed information about each of more than 50,000 parts in each Convair jetliner. When a parts change decision is made, writers make the required revisions on a master work sheet. The data processing department, using IBM 1405 and 705 computers, process, analyze, and reassemble the change data. A: Detailed parts information formerly was contained on almost one million key-punched cards. They have now been converted to magnetic tape. Instead of 30 days to process parts change transactions, which average about 2500 each day, the computer system will need only 15 days. SATELLITE TRACKING STATION Under direction of the 6594th Aerospace Test Wing, Lockheed Missiles & Space Company is the contractor and manager of the tFacking station at Vandenberg AFB (Calif~). This tracking station is composed of VHF and UHF equipment, VERLORT (Very Long Range Radar) and telemetry readout equipment. Its main 28 B -- R S -- Lockheed engineers and Air Force personnel intently watch systems time displays, as the estimated time to acquire Discoverer satellite approaches zero. AUTOMATION IN LEGAL RESEARCH A pilot study, being conducted by Datatrol Corp., Silver Spring, Md., and George Washington University Law Center, indicates that electronic computers may be useful in automating legal research. The first field being studied is merger and monopoly cases arising under the Anti-Trust Laws. A "'special electronic legal language" has been developed for the retrieval project. Using this, a researcher may ask the computer to provide a list of citations for all the cases fitting certain descriptive specific terms. Or,the researcher might ask for citations, pleadings, briefs, or motions related to a specific type of merger or monopoly AntiTrust Law case. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 ~. 4t Aero Ne Amer Av th in se ti an vi in as cr th in re he an in Amer Br is in su he ne N. ev COM U.S. ARMY'S SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM tion ford A 60-foot, 9-ton parabolic reflector antenna is placed on a three-story pedestal at Fort Dix, N.J., completing the installation of the final major component of one of the ground antenna stations for a U.S. Army communications satellite program. This program is called ADVENT. Sylvania Electronic Systems, a division of Sylvania Electric Products Inc., is responsible for the development and installation of the operations facilities, except for communications and telemetry electronics. 3 )n ~r tes The objective of the ADVENT program is to show the possibility of a communication system that would produce almost instantaneous global transmission of both voice and radio-teletype traffic making use of satellites in a synchronous, equatorial orbit, 22,300 miles high. puters will be put to work on routine record keeping and paper work. The new system was designed entirely within the Department by USDA employees. It will use existing equipment. The first step, already underway, will combine payroll, personnel record keeping, and related budget and accounting work into an automatic data processing system. The second step will apply the information gathered to new manage~ent techniques. Among the expected benefits once the new system is in full operation are: savings of as much as $1.5 million per year; month by month evaluation of the effectiveness of Department programs; greater opportunity for advancement and service in the special fields of professional and technical employees; and elimination of most of over 17,000 individual reports now produced each year. J- CONNECTICUT STUDENTS INTRODUCED TO COMPUTERS v Students in Fairfield County, Conn., are finding that computers really aren't so difficult to understand and operate as they thought they were. Fifteen minutes after being "introduced" to a computer, one ll-year-old girl wrote a workable program of step-by-step instructions to the machine for solving a mathematical problem. Others, from junior high to college level, have become absorbed in writing programs of their own for the computer to process. 1- 1. , 1t- The computer is an IBM 1620 data processing system. It has been loaned to the schools for a series of brief introductory courses which give the students training in the art of communicating instructions to computers. 1- )f ~s 1S J 1S- :t- AUTOMATION FOR U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE It Id An administrative improvement program to cut costs and increase efficiency in the Dept. of Agriculture is starting. Electronic com- 962 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 The series was launched early in November at Weston Junior High in conjunction with the "Madi son Proj ect," an experimental mathematics program. Since then the IBM 1620 has been made available to students at several schools and universities. At Fairfield University it was used for teaching programming techniques and also for improving methods of teaching logic at all class levels, freshman to senior. At Bridgeport University, the computer was used as an aid to developing a regular college course in computer technology. Staples High used the machine to learn the fundamentals of programming. And at Joel Barlow High School the use of computers ill the fields of mathematics and science was demonstrated. The purpose of loaning the machine is to encourage students to take a serious look at careers in applied mathematics and allied subj ects. 29 RACE TRACK USES PORTABLE COMPUTER A Clary DE-60 computer has been introduced as part of the totalisator service at Santa Anita Racetrack. The new computing system, developed by the Clary Corporation of San Gabriel, Calif., saves time and increases accuracy in the determination of prices paid on winning horses. This system is a prelude to installations expected to be made in 15 to 20 major race tracks in the country. A second system has been completedj four others are under construction. The computer performs the necessary computations during the minute or so each race is being run. The system has a decoding device which scans the totalisator board and converts the pooled figures into the numerical system used by the computer. State and track percentages are deducted automatically. As soon as the winners are announced, the numbers of the win, place and show horses are punched into the computer and calculated within a few seconds. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS USE COMPUTER AS PART OF CLASSROOM WORK At St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic High School in New York City, 400 girls are using, experimentally, a general purpose electronic computer as part of their regular classroom work. The project is being carried out jointly by the school and Royal McBee Corporation, Port Chester, N.Y., which has provided the computer -- a Royal Precision LGP-30. Du~ing the initial period of instruction the high school is putting one hour of introductory electronic data processing into the first semester mathematics courses. In the second semester, the computer will be integrated into the curriculum and, for those who so elect, 80 class hours will be devoted to the programming and operation of electronic computers. Among the objectives of this experiment are: (1) to determine at what point th e electronic computer can be effectively and desirably introduced into the high school curriculumj (2) to study the value of the electronic computer as a tool of teaching and learning in mathematics and science areas at the high school levelj and (3) to explore the extent of interest of young women in electronic computer operation and programming as a career. 30 FIRM REBUILDS ANALOG COMPUTERS David R. Miller, President Comcor, Inc. Denver 22, Colo. In recent years a number of advances have been made in analog computer technology that greatly increase the utility and applicability of analog computers. Most of these new features are offered on computers currently being sold, but have not been available to computer users whose computing equipment was acquired several years ago. Tas tem Div wil Ori Therefore, this company has undertaken a program of rebuilding analog computers so as to raise older computers to present technology levels. Computer components are reworked and upgraded, and controls and logic are replaced to permit automatic high speed programming and readout. of ed of tro Eas The inc iti two Modernization converts an old analog computer into the equivalent of the best new machines, often at a fraction of the cost of a new analog computer. Furthermore, funds for modernization can often be obtained when funds for new equipment are not available. Modernization funds are already established for much government owned equipment, and similar budgets often exist in private industry also. Syl Osg the tro Div Mat AIRBORNE COMPUTER CONTROLS THE MANAGEMENT OF JET ENGINES A computer-controlled instrumentation system to simplify the "management" of jet engines and improve the efficiency of jetpowered aircraft has been developed by The Bendix Corporation of Teterboro, N.J. Its basis is this: an advanced digital computer scans all engine functions at a rate of 2Yz times a second. The system "feels the pulse of an engine". The computer automatically decides which engine is in need of corrective action and displays its characteristics on a single set of indicators. Thus, in the test aircraft, instead of 36 indicators to present 36 conditions of engine performance, there are only 10 indicators to present 80 conditions of engine performance. of Mil anc at Ti t .~ l mi~ Mot anc api The new system eliminates tedious computations by the crew to determine proper engine settings for each part of a flight. If the computer fails to function properly in flight, engine performance will continue to be displayed, but manual pushbutton selection would then replace the automatic selection and detection features. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 COl PEOPLE OF NOTE ALVIN N. LIPPITT JOINS BENDIX Alvin N. Lippitt, a member of the CODASYL Task Force for COBOL 61, has joined the Systems Programming Section of Bendix Computer Division, Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Lippitt will head the Bendix COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language), Development Group. y e p- GENERAL MANAGER OF EASTERN OPERATION Richard M. Osgood, former General Manager of the Waltham Laboratories, has been appointed as General Manager of the Silvania Electronic Systems new Eastern Operation. The Eastern Operation includes three facilities in Waltham and two in Needham. omla- a ,r Before joining Sylvania, in 1955, ML Osgood was chief of the Air Force's Electronic Defense Systems Division of the Air Material Command. DIRECTOR OF MILITARY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Vern E. Leas has been appointed director of military program management for the Univac Military department. 11 lte Ie lc'"- it- ~ .. 1 Mr. Leas is responsible for the direction and supervision of all major military programs at St. Paul Univac, including computers for the Titan ICBM (Athena computer), Nike-Zeus antimissile missile (Target Intercept computer), Mobile Atlantic Range Station (1206 computer), and an advanced digital computer for aerospace applications. ~n- cors 3.nce. NEW CONTRACTS NEW ANALOG COMPUTER FOR TORY II-C REACTOR Electronic Associates, Inc., Long Branch, N.J., has been awarded a contract to produce a large-scale analog computer for simulation and control of the TORY II-C reactor, which is the nuclear power source for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission's Project PLUTO ramjet missile. The $192,000 contract was awarded by the Lawrence Radiation Laboraiory of the Univ. of California. The contract covers a 300-amplifier computer system consisting of a number of special purpose computers. Each of these will serve a particular function. The primary use will be controlling the various functions of the nuclear reactor during test. Other uses will be simulation of the reactor systems for training operators. Each of the computers in the system will be made up of EAI's PC-12 solid-state components. DATA DISPLAY EQUIPMENT CONTRACT A government subcontract from Aircraft Armaments, Cockeysville, Md. has been awarded to Kollsman Instrument Co., Elmhurst 73, N.Y. for the prototype development of electronic visual display equipment. This equipment consists of eighteen electronic display projectors and a character generator which supplies all eighteen projectors with the proper alpha-numeric symbols. The total system is being developed by Aircraft Armaments for the U. S. Naval Training Device Center, Port Washington, N.Y., as a submarine training device for the simulation of tactical maneuvers of both friendly and unfriendly surface and subsurface ships. The intelligence information is displayed on two six-by-six-foot and one twenty-by-twentyfoot screen where actual traces show the paths of friendly and hostile ships. LANGUAGE DATA PROCESSING ?uJine e ght, Ramo-Wooldridue Corp., Canoga Park, Calif., will continue its investigation of new techniques for language daLa processing under a cost-sharing contract from the National Science Foundation. The work will include processinu 000,000 words of Russian text as part of a program to partially automate dictionary compilation. uld e- (This section continued on page 40) 1962 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 31 U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT ORDERS AUTOMATIC DATA SYSTEM An ITT 7300 Automatic Data Exchange (ADX) system has~e~n ordered from the ITT Information Systems Division of International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, New York, N.Y. by the U.S. State Department. This high-speed message/data communications system is scheduled to be installed in the Paris (France) Embassy early in the year. The system will serve as the nerve center for European operations and will be connected directly to State Department headquarters in Washington. It is expected to handle automatically all of the State Department's message traffic between Washington, the Paris Embassy, and most of the U.S. embassies throughout Europe. NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION GRANT FOR INDEXING RESEARCH A National Science Foundation grant has been made to National Biomedical Research Foundation, New York, N.Y., for further development of "Tabledex", a coordinate method of indexing a bibliography by tables of numbers corresponding to articles, and associated with descriptive indexing words found in the articles. The grant will permit work on the use of computers to assist in automatic preparation of such indexes. GUARANTY BANK OF PHOENIX PLACES CONTRACT WITH GENERAL ELECTRIC The Guaranty Bank of Phoenix, Ariz., has placed a contract for handling all demanddeposit activities with General Electric Computer Department's information processing center in Phoenix. This will be the fir~t time that the GE 225 general-purpose computer at G.E.'s Deer Valley Park Plant will be used for bank account processing. It is expected that the switch-over to electronic bookkeeping will permit processing up to 30 times the present accounts without expanding office facilities. ~ '"-'" 32 - '- -'-- BURROUGHS B5000 FOR STANFORD UNIVERSITY A large-scale Burroughs B5000 Information Processing System has been ordered by Stanford University. Its installation early in 1963 will climax a multi-million dollar expansion of the Stanford Computation Center. The Stanford machine is valued at approximately $1 , 300 , 000 . U.S. ~(, Stanford is the first university to purchase a 85000. This electronic system writes its own machine-language programs after receiving instructions prepared in English statements for business data processing and algebraic notation for scientific problems. The B5000 system ordered by the university will consist of one central processor with 16,000 words of magnetic core memory, two input-output channels, six magnetic tape transports as well as a high speed printer, punched card readers, and a card punch. tenn Fort of t grou muni is c a di is r stal cept tron to s syst eous radi ites 22,3 Stanford University, a pioneer in popularizing electronic computer education, now has 43 courses concerned with or using computers. Principal users of the computer facilities are students, University staff members, the two-mile linear accelerator project, Stanford Research Inst., the Graduate School of Business, etc. CONTRACT FOR NIAGARA POWER COMPUTER Leeds & Northrup Co., Philadelphia, Pa., has received a contract of approximately $300,000 for a transistorized digital computer system to be used in connecti~n with the control of the on-line operation of the Niagara Power Project of the Power Authority of the State of New York. Uhl, Hall & Rich, Boston, Mass., the Authori ty' s consulting engineers, issued the contract. It provides for equipment to be used at the two Stations of the Project; the Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant and the Lewiston Pump Generating Plant. POTTER INSTRUMENT COMPANY RECEIVES CONTRACT 1 The award of a contract amounting to over $800,000 for its model 90611 tape transports has been announced by this company. The ITT Federal Laboratories has selected this equipment for use in a project for the Strategic Air Command. The 90611 Tape Transport System will be used in the Electronic Data Transmission Control Center that is part of the overall Strategic Air Command Control System (SACCS). COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 AUTOM cut I of AI COM] TEACHING MACHINES AND PROGRAMMED r. ROSTER LEARNING OF ORGANIZATIONS l- AND WHAT THEY ARE DOING Patrick J. McGovern Assistant Editor Computers and Automation n I I Following is the second cumulative edition of a roster of organizations in the field of teaching machines and/or programmed learning. Additions. corrections. and comments are invited. Abbreviations See last-minute addenda at end. M teaching machines. auto-instructional devices P programmed learning. programs C -- using computers B books expressing teaching machine philosophy R research and development in the area 5 simulated teaching machines and simulators to teach skill s Roster * -- A: A-Alpha Pattern & Manufacturing Co •• 2523 E. - 4th St •• Los Angeles 33. Calif. / M.S Aeronutronic (Div. of Ford Motor Co.) Ford Road. Newport Beach. Calif. / SIC American Institute for Research. 410 Amberson Avew. Pittsburgh 32. Pa. / R. particularly in the preparation. use. or refinement of autoinstructional materials and techniques. Has several grants from the U. S. Office of Education on the evaluation of independent thinking and judgment evoked by self-instructional devices. the role of machines in an educational information system. and programs in such areas as chemistry. mountain-climbing. geometry. creative writing. etc. Has cooperated with the DuKane Corporation of St. Charles. Ill •• in design and development of a flexible 35mm rear-screen projection device. The program here consists of a short. Skinner-type frame and includes both textual material ,and drawings. American Management Association. Inc •• 1515 Broadway. New York 36. N.Y.,/ This organization is active in two areas: (a) it is holding seminars. workshops and conferences on the general subject' of programmed instruction. One was held in Los Angeles in November of 1961. The next is planned for the Hotel Astor. New York. N.Y. in August. 1962. (b) it is holding special evening programs which will incorporate the .962 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 orientation and demonstration of programmed learning materials for management. This program is expected to begin in April or May. 1962. It is called PRIME -- "Project - Programmed Instruction for Management Education." American Seating Coo. 901 Broadway. Grand Rapids 2. Mich. / An experimental communications system is under development. It includes a desk ,assembly with a closed circuit television screen. a response device. and a tape recorder for audio mater ials. American Systems. Inc •• 1625 E. 126th St •• Hawthorne. Calif. / Presently developing an audiovisual type machine without a response mechanism. American Teaching Systems. Inc •• 12902 So. Broadway. Los Angeles 61. Calif. / M.P American Telephone & Telegraph Co •• 195 Broadway. New York 7. N.Y. / This organization has been writing and field testing audio-instructional training programs for their telephone operators. See entry for Bell Laboratories. Anirama Company. 385 East Green St •• Pasadena, Calif. / Developing audio-visual type machine without a response mechanism. Applied Communications Research. Culver City Airport. Culver City. Calif. / A training station is available with an audio-visual desk console. The trainee sits in the middle of a semi-circular desk facing a screen on which is shown filmed programs. The device has been successfully applied to training for production assembly line work and test'ing inspection and quality control among other areas. Applied Communications Systems. Div. of Litton Systems. Inc •• 8535 Warner Dr •• Culver City. Calif. / Developing aud.io-visual type machine without response mechanism. Astra, Inc •• 31 Church St., New London, Conn. / Presently marketing a mUltiple choice teaching device of the Pressey type. called AUTOSCORE. It presents punched cards with ten questions. each question having up to five possible answers. An error counter keeps track of wrong answers and a digital clock keeps track of time expended on each card. Designed expressly to reinforce material ulready presented rather than to present new materiul. Auerbach Electronics Corp •• 1634 Arch St •• Phila- delphia 3, Pa. I P Program is called the AUERBACH Required COBOL-1961 Self-Teacher. It will consist of 4 volumes. The first is a student manual which contains an introduction to COBOL-196I, a glossary of required COBOL-1961, a glossary of computer and EDP terms, illustrative and summary material, a checklist for writing COBOL-1961 programs, and a final examination. The other three volumes are programmed text material consisting of 2,500 linearly programmed frames. At selective frames the student is advised to consult the diagrams and illustrations to aid in comprehension. The first 500 of these frames is an introduction to EDP and computer fundamentals. The self-teacher is expected to be available in May 1962. Auto Instructional Devices, Inc •• 12 Manheim Rd., Essex Fells. N. J. I Markets a mUltiple choice question box with three possible responses selected by a stylus. Correctness of response indicated by colored lights, and a counter keeps student's score. A number of programs available. Automated Instructional Materials Corp •• Box 181, Ansonia Station, New York 23. N.Y. I P :!; B: Basic Systems, Inc •• 42 E. 52 St •• New York, - N.Y. I P This group is largely formed from workers at Columbia University. They have entered into an agreement with the Meredith Publishing Co. for production of a variety of programmed industrial and academic teaching textbooks. They offer consulting services concerned with the application of the behavioral sciences to the teaching situation. Battelle Memorial Institutions. Columbus. Ohio I R Bell Telephone Laboratories. Inc •• 463 West St •• New York 14. N. Y. I R,M,C The device has a random access slide projector controlled by a computer and a visual display. Billerett Company, 1544 Embassy St., Anaheim, Calif. I M Bolt. Beranek and Newman, 15 Moulton St., Cambridge, Mass. I R,P.C A computer-centered teaching device is designed to instruct sonar operators in the distinctive quality of sound. It has a typewriter keyboard input and presents aural stimuli from recording tape for recognition of various characteristics: frequency. amplitude. repetition, time. duty cycle and length. The unit uses the PDP-l computer as the sound producer and student performance evaluator. Work also being carried on in the programming of foreign languages, and mathematics. A compact portable. relatively inexpensive, automatic framing. teaching machine is expected to be available in April, 1962. Britannica Center for Studies in Learning and Motivation, Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif. I Study being conducted in the applications of learning theory to actual school situations. Consists of programming and then evaluating the results of the use of programmed course material. Burgess Cellulose Company, Grade-O-Mat Division. P. O. Box 560, Freeport, Ill. I Developing test scoring device. Burrough McBee Corp., 850 Third Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. I Has conducted experiments on the use -of a typewriter as a "teaching machine" in four teachers' colleges in the United States. Burtek, Inc •• 7041 E. 15th St., Tulsa, Okla. / SIC 34 Center for Programmed Instruction, Inc •• 365 West End Ave., New York 24, N. Y. I P Non-profit educational organization supported by grants from the Carnegie Foundation. the Ford Foundation for the Advancement of Education, has been extending the activities of the New York Collegiate School Teaching Machine Project. It has been translating research findings into classroom application by programs for beginning French, spelling, French via pictures. beginning German, and in elementary and intermediate mathematics. A programmed physics course incorporating the materials created by the Physical Science Study Commission will be tested at schools in 1962. Central Scientific Company, Division of Cenco Instruments, 1100 Irving Park Road, Chicago 13, Ill. I M Claim emphasis on the logical and scientific approach, both the inductive and the deductive. A mUltiple choice device with programs is expected to be available in the summer, 1962. Chester Electronic Laboratories, Inc., Chester, Conn. I A mechanical teaching center is being developed in cooperation with the University of Michigan and Yale University. The device will probably have a modified language laboratory set-up employing programmed materials with a dialing system at each student's position to allow him to select different programs. Columbia University Teachers' College, New York, N. Y. I An experimental test run using the IBM 650 computer to teach business and marketing procedures employing game playing techniques. The rules of economic theory were programmed into the machine and various teams of students were given hypothetical business assets. They independently developed their businesses and fed the data into the computer for analysis of the final results produced. The experiment ran 20 hours consecutively and demonstrated the versatility of the computer as a self-instruction device. Work also being done in programming mathematics courses. A summer institute course in program instruction and programming technique is planned. Comparator, P. O. Box 452, Petaluma, Calif. I M Conceptograph Corp., 179 Berkeley St., Rochester 7, N. Y. I M The model COG-7 uses the rolled paper strip technique for a linear program, having two display areas, one for the program material itself, and the other for the constructed response. Concord Control, Inc., 1282 Soldiers Field Rd., Boston 35, Mass. / R,M CQnsolidated Lithographing Corp., Carle Place, P.O. Long Island. N. Y. / A modified multiple choice device and other self-instructional devices developed in cooperation with the New York Institute of Technology. The unit uses individual television screens, earphones, and a multiple choice response panel. It works on an intrinsic programming principle. If the student makes too many errors, he is advised to see the instructor. Consolidated Systems Corporation, Space Science Department, 1500 South Shamrock Ave., Monrovia. Calif. I R,M Robert E. Corrigan and Associates, 8701 Adah St., Garden Grove, Calif. I M Students watch the program on a television display screen an~ make multiple choice responses on an individual response panel. Colored lights provide feedback. Scoring is automatic. Corrigan Communications, Inc., 1111 Ash St., Fuller- TWO 1 C: COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 comp vac ' been Data ~ Remi been poli oper 4880 tion Line prin rec·e tion the tick Syst Syst Base with tion Spri Spac oper avai out T01 Phil tern. for ~, appl matE mad wod ches fin elec pro( and COl\ ton. Calif. / P Creative Education Resources. Inc •• 1544 Embassy St •• Anaheim. Calif. / P Cyburtek Corporation. 102 Mt. Auburn St.. Cambridge. Mass. / P D: Davis Scientific Instruments. 12137 Cantura St •• Studio City. Calif. / R Daystrom. Inc •• Control Systems Div •• 4055 Miramar Rd •• La Jolla. Calif. / R Devereux Teaching Aids. Box 717. Devon. Penn. / Producers of the Devereux Teaching Aid, model 50. A simple mUltiple-choice device employing workbooks which set on top of each unit. A rotary switch is used to synchronize the pattern of answers on the page with the machine. The company is a self-sustaining adjunct to the Devereux Foundation. Devon. Penn. Dictaphone~ Inc •• 73 Third Ave •• New York. N.Y. / M,P (industrial training) Digital Equipment Corporation, 146 Main St., Maynard, Mass. / M,C Dorsett Electronics, Inc •• 119 West Boyd St •• Norman. Okla. / M Telescholar. Students watch the program displayed on a screen and indicate their answers by pressing 5 buttons on a response panel. with colored lights providing feedback ':. information. Douglas Aircraft Corp •• 300 Ocean Park Blvd •• Santa Monica, Calif. / R Auto-instructional devices using a visual display and buttonpanel input. DuKane Corp •• St. Charles. Ill. / Producing a flexible 35 mm. rear screen projection device for the use of a program with short. linearly programmed frames. Working in cooperation with the American Institute for Research. Dyna Slide Company. 600 So. Michigan Ave •• Chicago 5. Ill. / Produces the Slide-a-Mask. a flexible plastic sliding mask which fits over a programmed text page showing the correct answer after the student has constructed his answer. Dynateck Corp •• 471 79 St •• Miami 38. Fla. / Producers of a digital logic demonstrator which has uses as an instructional device. Called the DT-508 digital computer. it is composed of a set of clear lucite flip-flop cards holding two binary readqut lights each. Employs a telephone dial input. and multiplies and sums to the number 31. o E: Edex. 809 San Antonio Rd •• Palo Alto. Calif. / Thomas A. Edison Research Laboratories. West Orange. N. J. / Presently doing device research in areas such as the teaching of typing and reading to pre-school children. Has a publication called "Program Learning in the Educational Process" edited by Annice L. Mills. Ed-U-Cards Manufacturing Company. 13-05 44th Ave •• Long Island City. N. Y. / M.P' Educational Aids Publishing Corp •• Carle Place. Long Island. N. Y. / P Educational Design of Alabama. Inc •• 1428 University Ave., Tuscaloosa. Ala. / R,P Educational Development Associates. 2302 J St •• Eureka. Calif. / P Producers of a sequential teaching program to be placed on a punched card. The student procedes from one frame to another by a coded sequence of holes punched along the border of the programmed card. COMPUTI';RS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 Educational Development Corp •• 200 California Ave •• " Palo Alto. Calif. / M Utilizing paper tape and offering a flexible programming capacity; expected to be available in the late Spring or early Summer. 1962. Educational Development Labs •• 75 Prospect St •• Huntington. N. Y. / Producers of film strip projector using a paced presentation for teaching. called Tach-X. Also make a simpler circular hand masking device called Flash-X. Educational Engineering Associates. 3810 Pacific Coast Hwy •• Torrance. Calif. / Producers of a slide display device. using multiple choice responses and feed back supplied directly by the program. i.e •• a correct response changes the question. Educational Television Aids. III Hampton Rd •• West. Williamsport. Md. / Presently designing an instructor controlled teaching device. Unit uses linearly programmed frames with a constructed response elicited from the student. Electronic Teaching Labs •• 5034 Wisconsin Ave •• N.W. Washington 16. D.C. / Producers of various forms of film strip or slide materials coordinated with an aural program for teaching purposes. Modifications of this arrangement used for speech therapy training. Encyclopedia Britannica Films. Inc •• 1150 Wilmette Ave •• Wilmette. Ill. / P Presently field testing. mainly in mathematics. Emphasis is on film strips and books. Epsco. Inc •• 275 Massachusetts Ave •• Cambridge 39. Mass. / Self-contained logic demonstrator of digital circuitry for industrial laboratory and training applications. ERA Research. Inc •• 1009 Montana Ave •• Santa Monica. Calif. / R Science teaching devices. Execugraf Corporation 113 No. San Vicente. Beverly Hills, Calif. / E-Z Sort Systems, Ltd., 45 Second St., San Francisco 5. Calif. / S F: Fairchild Camera and Instrument Co •• Syosset. Long Island. N. Y. / R Field Enterprises Educational Corporation. Merchandise Mart Plaza. Chicago 54. Ill. / M.P Forbes Product Corp •• 6255 Goodwin St •• Rochester 3. N. Y. / M Consists of large display window. typewriter roller operation. and detachable answer unit. Teaching devices are being field tested in the Rochester Public School System. Foringer and Co •• Inc •• 312 Maple Drive. Rockville. Md. / Produce simple teaching device consisting of a projected film strip with one or two levers on which the student indicates his response to a question. Physical reinforcement includes presentation of marble upon a correct answer. Other experimental teaching devices concerned with the field of applied psychology. i.e •• controlled environment boxes for training animals. W. G. Fuller Products Co •• 5880 Hollywood Blvd •• Hollywood 28. Calif. / M Self-teaching device has been indicated to be available. G: General Atronics Corp •• 1 Ualla Ave •• BalaCynwyd. Pa. / Producers of the Atronics Tutor. Model 580. This machine is a portable. mechanical. multiple-choice teaching device. It operates by allowing pages of programmed material to fall by gravity when an operator selects correct 35 answers by pushing a button at the base of the machine. Also, produces the TAG System which is a modified punch board device used mainly for recording answers in scoring. The company indicates a general interest in industrial training with accent on electronic data processing in programmed form. General Education, Inc., 96 Mt. Auburn St., Cambridge 38, Mass. / P Currently making the GEM-I, a molded plastic machine using an 8~ x 11 sheet for linear programs. Have recently written a training program to train programmers of educational materials. The personnel have been responsible for the development of a program statistics probability course used at the Harvard Business School. G8neral Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. / R G. E. Control, Inc., Minneapolis 20, Minn. / R,M General Precision, Inc., Link Div., Binghamton, N. Y. / Produces an electronic maintenance trainer where punch cards provide the conditions for the student to measure some hypothetical fault on a simulated circuit tester. General Programmed Teaching Corporation, 1719 Girard, N.E., Albuquerque, N. Mex. / M,P Ginn and Company, Statler Building, Boston 17, Mass. / B Investigating the publication of programmed materials. Graflex, Inc., 3750 Monroe Ave., Rochester 3, N.Y. / Graphics, Inc., 3750 Monroe Ave., Rochester 3, N. Y. / The Graphics Audiographic System is a coordinated slide and audio presentation unit used for training in industrial assembly procedures. The audio record is repeatable at the request of the student. Gray Manufacturing Company, Special Products Divis ion, 16 Arbor St., Ilartford I, Conn. / The Grolier Society, Inc., 575 Lexington Ave., New York 22, N.Y. / CurrentJy distributes various models of self-instructional devices for Teaching Machines, Inc. Example is the Min/Max machine. See Teaching Machines, Inc. H: Hamilton Research Associates, 4 Genesee St., New Hartford, N. Y. / M,P This company has recently withdrawn its Visitutor, a 35 mm microfilm program device. It is developing a 3 x 5 card model Visitutor and microfilm unit using a film sort card •.. The unit is expected to be available in July, 1962. Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 750 Third Ave., New York 17, N. Y. / P D. C. Heath, Inc., Boston, Mass. / R,P Holt, Reinhart, and Winston, Inc., 383 Madison Ave., New York 17, N. Y. / P Presently publishing program materials for the Center for ~rogrammed Instruction; also looking into the development and writing of other programs. HRB-Singer, Inc., P. O. Box 60, Science Park, State College, Pa. / P Hughes Aircraft Co., Videosonic Systems, P. O. Box 9094, Airport Station, Los Angeles 45, Calif. / Developers and producers of the Video sonic System. The equipment consists of desk slide projector and a synchronized tape recorder. It has direct application in industrial assembly line training procedures. The device can be programmed incrementally and the subject matter can be presented visually and orally to a learner using slide displays and coordinated oral 36 instructions. Either multiple choice or constructed responses are possible. The Videosonic System has the ability to be used in an oralcomplement response mode. The student can speak the answer into the machine and then the student's answer, the correct answer, and the appropriate slide display are shown together for direct comparison, and correction. Hunter Manufacturing Co., Inc., P. O. Box 153, Coralville Branch, Iowa City, Iowa. / Producers of the Model 340 Cardmaster. This is a control circle card display device for paced-practice learning. Other automated instructional devices being developed. L: Industrial Education Corp., 33 North LaSalle St., Chicago 2, Ill. / P Programs are prepared on a custom basis for clients for use in sales training purposes and are normally linear, constructed response type. Information Products Corp., 156 Sixth St., Cambridge 39, Mass. / M,C An interrogator and display unit which allows selective correction, deletion, and addition of alphanumeric characters on a cathode ray tube display. Expected to allow a ready means of student constructed response to questions on a computer-based teaching machine. Ready by the summer, 1962. The Institute for Behavioral Research and Programmed Instruction, P. O. Box 302, Ann Arbor, Mich. / P Institute of Behavioral Research, College Park, Md. / R, in the field of programmed learning, program writing, evaluation, and field testing. Institute for Instructional Improvement, Inc., 110 E. 30th St., New York 16, N.Y. / P Institute of International Research and Development, Inc., P. O. Box 4456, Lubbock, Texas / P Institute of International Research and Development, Inc., Educational and Training Methods Div., 4910 13th St., Lubbock, Tex. / This unit does research and development work in educational testing and preparation of self-instructional programs. Evaluation and testing of programs also done. Plans call for the design of materials and training methods for use in underdeveloped countries. The unit is already publishing a newsletter to serve as a clearing house for information on programmed learning: AID. Instructional Systems, 497 No. Santa Cruz Ave., Los Gatos, Calif. / P Instrument Research Co., 12031 Euclid Ave., Garden Grove, Calif. / Producing a self-instructional device using 3 x 5 inch cards with a linear program. Provides for multiple choice response, and feedback is by colored slides. Intellect, Inc., 42 Pleasant St., Newburyport, Mass. / P, ranging from training mail-order house personnel to developing programs in probability and statistics and U.S. Navy store management. A study of the use of graphics in programmed education being conducted under a grant from the U. S. Office of Education. International Business Machines, Corp., Research Center, P. O. Box 218, Lamb Estate, Yorktown Heights, N. Y. / Has developed program text to teach electronics to their employees. Has been studying a computer base system for teaching purposes for several years. Has been field testing experimental arithmetic teaching mach- COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 19(;~ ~ sc by co et IE tr sy vi mi eq a on ci 33 ta ar cc Sf or ty wi bL hl al Dr Tn ac mE Ut Dj Cc dj 7t sj IH ec WI me Cl co ines in Yorktown, N. Y. public school system. The machine being used has the capacity to rec, ognize and correct constructed answers of up to 9 alphanumeric characters. , International Teaching Systems, 457 Washington, S.E., Albuquerque, N. Mex. / P Itek Corp., Information Technology Lab., 10 Maguire Rd., Lexington, Mass. / R,P,M Emphasizes advances in the field of optics. For example, work being conducted on use of a light pen for the construction of student responses on the surface of a cathode ray tube for direct input into a computer. d op- Ie will enre ci- J: Jensen, Gerald J., 1267 Wensley Ave., El Centro, Calif. / P K: Koncept-O-Graph Corporation, 179 Berkeley St., Rochester 7, N. Y. / M Kunins Engineering Company, 1730 Popham Ave., New York 53, N. Y. / M e h 1: LaBelle Industries, Oconomowoc, Wis. / Developing audio-visual type machine without response mechanism. Learning, Inc., 1317 W. Eighth St., Tempe, Ariz. rt- paow er- / P Learning Resources Institute, 680 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. / Presently conducting an evaluation of currently available programs and teaching machines for professional educational organizations. Lectron Corporation of America, 9929 W. Silver Springs, Milwaukee, Wis. / M,R Link Division, General Precision, Inc., Binghnmton. N. Y. / SIC and electronics trnining. aid M: IC. card and 10. per 8 " omgned e s ic e to es nch 1962 The Macmillan Company, 60 Fifth Ave., New York II, N. Y. / P Management Research Associates, Room. 1300, 185 No. Wabash, Chicago I, Ill. / Currently producing a pull-tab, multiple choice teaching machine. The Marquardt Corporation, 2709 No. Garey Ave., Pomona, Calif. / M,S,C William Barton Marsh Co., Inc., 18 East 48 St., New York 36, N. Y. / P, with emphasis on LP records and programmed textbooks. Mast Development Company, Inc., 2212 E. 12th St., Davenport, Iowa / M McGraw lIill Book Co., Inc., 330 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N. Y. / The company is presently selling the Holland-Skinner book "The Analysis of Behavior" with nearly 2,000 linearly programmed frames. They claim to have under development nearly 40 other kinds of teaching machine type programs, some intended for the program books, others for both books and machines. Also developing machines using fan-folded paper tapes. First unit expected to be available in May 1962. Minneapolis Honeywell Regulator Co., Ordnance Division, 1724 So. Mountain Ave., Duarte, Calif. / Presently developing an audio-visual instruc~ tion system. Expected to be demonstrated the first time this month and to be generally available the summer of 1962. Instructional programs are specific in this device. Motorola Corp., 4545 Augusta Blvd., Chicago 51, Ill. / R,M Mul t i-~I;lt ics Machines, Inc., 6782 La Jolla ill vd. , La .1011a, Calif. / M COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 N: National Blank Book Company, 2829 Water St.,. Holyoke, Mass. / Developing a masking device. National Communication Laboratories, 507 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N. Y. / R,P,M National Education Assoc., Div. of Audiovisual Instruction, 1201 16th St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. / This division of NEA, the American Psychological Assoc., and a committee of the American Educational Research Assoc. are cooperating in the evaluation of teaching devices and programmed learning. Criteria are being worked on to determine the effectiveness of programmed learning techniques. The Association also sponsors the publication of books and periodicals concerned with teaching machines and programmed learning. One such is its "AV Communication Revie~' which appears bi-monthly. An "Occasional Paper No.3" which has just appeared surveys the current industrial activities in teaching machines and programmed learning. It is written by Dr. James D. Finn and Donald G. Perrin. National Educational Systems, Inc., 9250 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly lIills, Calif. / R,P,M / Developing programs and teaching machines. National Teaching Machines, P. O. Box 4016, El Paso, Texas / R,P Navigation Computer Co., Valley Forge Industrial Park, Norristown, Pa. / Experimenting with computer centered teaching device. Work being done in investigating programming methods for teaching in various disciplines. North American Aviation Corp., Columbus, Ohio / R,M Nortronics, Div. of Northrop Corp., 222 N. Prairie Ave., Hawthorne, Calif. / R,M An audio-visual training device with visual student response under development. ~ Paromel Electronics Corporation, 3956 Belmont Ave., Chicago 18, Ill. / Serving as an electronics trainer. Perceptual Development Laboratory, 6767 Southwest Ave., St. Louis, Mo. / Making a modified movie projector for training purposes. Can be used for a flash projection of individual frames or superimposing two different films upon one another. An adaption allows 10 possible multiple-choice panel for student reaction to the questions and ideas in the film. Phoenix Associates Teaching Machines, 13012 Willamette St., Westminster, Calif. / P, consulting. Picture Recording Company, 1392 W. Wisconsin Ave., Oconomawoc, Wisc. / Developing a 35 mm slide projector with synchronized aural presentation. Student unit provides multiple-choice push button response. PolarOid, Inc., Cambridge 39, Mass. / R,M Positronics, Inc., Chicago, 111./ R,M Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J. / P Programmed Learning ASSOCiates, 700 Font Blvd., San Francisco 27, Calif. / P and consulting. Programmed Teaching Aids, Inc., 3810 S. Four Mile Run Dr., Arlington 6, Va. / H,P,M Prudential Insurance Co. of America, 763 Broad St., Newark I, N•.1. / H,P The PsycholoUical Corporution, 30<1 E. <15th St., New York 17, N. Y. / P Psychological Research Associates, 507 So. 18 St., Arlington, Va. / Currently working on an audio- 37 visual training device for research purposes. It is designed as a modified sound film projector which would allow for forward branching review. Psychotechnics, Inc., 105 West Adams St., Chicago 3, Ill. / P,R,S Public Service Research. Inc., 91 Prospect St., Stamford. Conn. / R,P Recently completed traffic safety teaching program. R: Radio Corporation of America. Research and Development Div., Camden 8. N. J. / Research on experimental devices employing audio-visual display techniques now being conducted. Random House, Inc., 501 Madison Ave., New York 22, N. Y. / P,B Recordak Corp •• a Div. of Eastman Kodak, Inc., 415 Madison Ave •• New York 17, N. Y. / P,M Work based upon their microfilm reader. They anticipate availability of the auto-instructional device in 1963. Renner, Incorporated, 1530 Lombard St., Philadelphia 46, Pa. / P Developing masking device. Rheem Califone Corp., 5922 Bowcroft St., Los Angeles 16, Calif. / Producers of the Didak Model 501, a teaChing machine using a linear program. The program is manually moved through the device on rollers and the student can record each error by punching a hole in the response strip with a pencil. The strip provides an accounting system for improving the program by indicating the number of times a question is misread or misunderstood. / The company has also established a division to do programing research for writing. Currently testing its programs in the Los Angeles School system. / Also in production is a Didak 101, a pre-verbal device that indicates correct answers by a bell or buzzer. The Didak 601, a multiple choice version of the 501, and the Didak 1001, an industrial training device that depends upon the ability of the person to make the cptrect physical response to a situation in order to advance the program. / Publishes a monthly magazine, Automated Teaching Bulletin. Rheem Electronics, 5200 W. 104th St., Los Angeles 54, Calif. / Developing computer-controlled teaChing machine. Richards Manufacturing Co., Melrose Park, Ill. / M. Roto-Vue. Room 1212 Holland Bldg., 211 No. 7th St., St. Louis, Mo. / R,M 5: Sanford Associates, 159 Crescent Dr., Menlo Park, Calif. / P, consultant. Science Research Associates, 259 East Erie St., Chicago 11, Ill. / R,P (math course available) Scientific Development Corp., 372 Main St., Watertown 72, Mass. / M, the Miniyac 601, a unit suitable for self-instruction in the basic principles of digital computer operation. This device uses relays and switching circuits for binary addition and subtraction. Texts accompany the unit to guide the student. Scott, Foresman, and Company, 433 E. Erie St., Chicago 11, Ill. / P Seminar Inc., 480 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. / Part of an industrial programing group. Shoe Corporation of America, 35 N. 46th St., Columbus 16, Ohio / Presently using several 38 semi-automatic devices in program materials and and sales training. / Device research being conducted using a programmed projector as a central display unit. A three-button response panel operated by the student. This device provides ~or both forward and backward branching in the program. Shoentgen, Brandt & Associates, 385 E. Green St., Pasadena, Calif. / B,P, distributing an audiovisual device made by the Anirama Company of Japan. Sigma Press, 2140 K. St., N.W., Washington 7, D.C. / P H. R. B. Singer, Inc., Science Park, State College, Pa. / Developing a device called Star using a printed circuit board without a dual button response panel. Color device provides feedback. Smi th-Harr ison, Inc., Box 717, Devon, Pa. / M, Units rely on a buzzer or light for feedback. A Model 15 uses display cards for an instructor produced program. Models 15 and 80 rely on a paper program placed on top of the machine and the Model 90 has a fixed program of 24 problems which represent the 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12 multiplication tables. Solartron Electronics Group, c/o Rheem Mfg. Co., 400 Park Avenue, N.Y., N.Y. / C, M, consisting of a display screen for film or paper programs to teach keyboard operation for typing, adding machine, or keypunch work. Standard Projector and ~quipment Co., Inc., 7433 N. Harlem Ave., Chicag~ 48, Ill. / M Standard Teaching Machine, 7106 Touhy Ave., Chicago 31, Ill. / M, a converted film strip with a push button response unit. Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, Calif. / R,P Staples-Hoppmann, Inc., 500 East Monroe Ave., Alexandria Va. / This is a rear-view projecting device for the presentation of film and slides, both individually and simultaneously. The instructor has individual control of the microphone audio for the materials that accompany the film. Staten, J. B., Box 44, Bay City, Texas / R,M Synchro-Mat Equipment Corp., 1316 Wildwood Ave., Jackson, Mich. / Presently developing a synchronized audio presentation device for training purposes. System Development Corporation, 2500 Colorado Ave., Santa Monica, Calif. /R,M A report on the present activities of this group appears elsewhere in this magazine. Systems Research Ltd., London, England/ R,P Using a "game-playing" technique, an attempt to form a logico-mathematical system as a ba&is for programming is being conducted. I: Teaching Aids, Inc., 3S10 S. Four Mile Run Drive, Arlington, Va,' / M Teaching Machines, Inc., 235 San Pedro, N.E., Albuquerque, N.M. / Producers of the Min/Max teaching machine. It uses a constructed response student-scored program. An improved version, the" 1984" machine has a handle to move the program forward. The Wyckoff Film Tutor is a portable device with a keyboard response panel. A microfilmed program is automatically advanced as long as the student continues to choose the correct answer. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 vert s igr linE agel The put Acci widt putt gatj syst beer phor SatE Sy st i I1st satE digi ginn are curr feat !Juff COM ~o It ~r- r- le )es ~ nee e~ion. rom hey ct the . 962 Teaching Materials Corp., Sales Organization for Teaching Machines, Inc., 575 Lexington Ave., New York 22, N.Y. Teaching Materials Corp., A Division of Grolier, Inc., 575 Lexington Ave., New York 22, N.Y. / Distributors of the Min/Max and other teaching devices produced by Teaching Machines, Inc. Teleprompter Corp., 311 W. 43rd St., New York 36, N.Y. / R,M Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, Inc., Intellectronics Division, 8344 Fallbrook Ave., Canoga Park, Calif. / R The unit being developed uses a synchronized audio-visual display, a six button multiple choice response panel and is controlled by a small analog computer. Educational Electronics Division includes Dage (educational television), Magnetic Recroding Industries (language laboratories) and the Intellectronics Division. TOR Education, Inc., 55 Fifth Ave., New York 3, N.Y. / P Training Systems Inc., 12248 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles 25, Calif. / P Programs in management development, sales training, chapter writing, etc. expected to be available by June, 1962. Tucker, Dr. J. A., 504 W. 19th St., Wilmington 2, Del. / P, consultant United States Air Force, Aero Medical Laboratory, Wright Air Development Center, Air Research and Development Command, United States Air Force, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio / Have been engaged in a project for teaching SAGE (anti-missile) personnel the techniques of trouble-shooting misfunctions in electronic equipment. The Psychological Hesearch Associates, Systems Development Corporation, and Western Design Division of U. S. Industries are cooperating in this project. The device being used is the U. S. Industries' Auto-Tutor. / A Program course has been prepared for pilot training and retention of in-flight information. The machine designed by the U.S. Navy Training Devices Center presents multiplechoice information items to the student. Scoring is based on the time delay and the accuracy of the response. A problem of flight was presented to the student pilots, and they were required to make decisions about the action that should be taken. Final conclusions were that "the self-t utori ng approach to pilot training and retention of in-flight information appears profitable." / Other research involves a card device and programing techniques, as well as proper prompting procedures. This is an effort to analyze the meaning of intrinsic motivation and reinforcement in successful programing efforts. / Further research is being carried on at: (a) Air Force Personnel and Training Hesearch Center, Lackland Air Force Base. Texas. (b) Armaments Systems Training Res. Lab~. Lowry AFU. Denver. Colo. (c) Operations Laboratory. Air Force Personnel and Training Research Center. Air Research and Development Command. Randolph AFU. Texas. (d) Pilot Training Res. Lab •• 6656th Res. and Development Group. Goodfellow Air Force Base. Texas. United States Army / Teaching device and programi nu research now bei ng conducted at: (a) U. S. Signal Corps School, Fort Monmouth, N. J. (b) U.S. Southeastern Signal Corps School, Ft . Q: COl\IPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 Gordon, Ga. (c) HUMRRO Human Resources Research Office, U.S. Infantry Human Research Division, Ft. Benning, Ga. United States Industries, Robodyne Division, 12345 New Columbia Pike, Silver Springs, Md. / Digifle~ a device to train the post office mail sorting machine operators. Uses a simulated keyboard and a slide projector to train the operator in the appropriate response to the addresses presented. United States Industries, Western Design and Electronics Division, Santa Barbara Airport, Goleta, Calif. / Producers of the Autotutor, Models Mark I and Mark II. Mark I is a 35mm film program wi th a 40 push but ton mul tiple-·choice response panel surrounding a display screen. The machine can display motion pictures as well as single frames. The student sees a question, answers it, and is told next to his answers the frame to which he should dial ahead. This is the only machine to automate total branching programs for every question. / The Mark II a simplified version of Mark I does not allow for the extensive branching of the former device. The company has also established a center for programmer training, instruction and field testing. A large amount of work is being done in training personnel for the electronics programs of the United States Air Force. / Under Dr. Norman Crowder computer text s have been developed in the following areas: advanced electronics, football, strategy statistics, introduction to music, chess, etc. Universal Electronics Laboratories Corp., 510 Hudson St., Hackensack, N.J. / R,M United States Naval Training Devices Research Center, Port Washington, N.Y. / R,P Main aims are towards training programs in electronics for technical personnel, radio men, computer programers, and guided missile maintenance crews. U. S. Photo Supply Company, Inc., 6478 Sligo Mill Rd., Washington 12, D.C. / M,P Developing programs and teaching machines. University of California, Berkeley 4, Calif. / P, Programing work on college engineering courses IJeing done in cooperation with the Systems Development Corp. Also some field-testing various programs and devices in local school systems / Experimentation in one facet of digital computer program using a semi-automatic teChnique. University of California, Los Angeles 24, Calif. / The Data Processing Center, Graduate School of Business Administration has produced a book "FORTRAN: An Auto-instructional Introduction to Computer Programming". The book provides no response frames but optional forward skimming. Exercises with immediate feedback and programming coding tasks and diagnosis. To be published by McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. in the spring of 1962. University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. / A project being planned to compare current human and machine teaching methods. Also a program to develop a model of an automated system under computer control. / Programming of science courses for e1 (!mentary grades using the Hughes Videoscope device performed. Additional program is being developed in reading and mathematics. V: Van Valkenburgh, Nooger and Neville, Inc., 15 Maiden Lane, New York 38, N.Y. / P, linear programs in the area of electronic technician training. Varian Associates, 611 Hudson Way, Palo Alto, Calif. / R,M,P Device research presently in its initial stages for programming and teaching units. Also doing research in programming several disciplines. Viewflex Inc., 3501 Queens Blvd., Long Island City, N.Y. / M Viewflex, a film strip, or slide device from which the program advances with the correct choice. Additional material can be produced when errors are made. W: Webster Publishing Company, St. Louis 26, Mo. / P Westinghouse Corp., 3 Gateway Center, Pittsburgh 3, Pa. / Teaching machine device research in its initial stages. Westrex Co., Division of Litton Industries, 335 North Maple Drive, Beverly Hills, Cal~f. / Producing a portable audio-visual unit called the Communicator. It is about the size of a desk typewriter. It contains a 35mm automatic 36 frame slide viewer and a synchronized sound tape playback mechanism. It is especially suitable for military field service where selfcontained battery supply is needed. The unit has an optional voice control panel for direct student pacing. / Development is under way in a film st,rip teaching device expected to be available by the end of 1962. / The company has entered into an arrangement with the PrenticeHall Publishing Co. to offer a variety of teaching devices for programs in the near future. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 440 4th Ave., New York 16, N.Y / P, publishing Williams Research Corp., P.O.Box 95, Walled Lake, Mich. / Producing a 16mm film projection unit with a four-button response panel. Immediate automatic scoring is provided on a separate piece of paper and feedback is by light above the question buttons. It is called the Science Desk. Roger Wurtz Company, Box 524, San Rafael, Calif. / P, consultant * JOHN DIEBOLD RECEIVES AWARD The U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce has announced the selection of John Diebold as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men of the Year. The award, aside from being a personal honor, indicates a growing public awareness of and concern for the whole field of automation, information processing, and electronics communications and control. N lB. Mr. Diebold, who is 35, is president and founder of The Diebold Group, Inc., a multinational corporation providing management services to private as well as public organizations with offices in 13 cities on three continents. Mr. Diebold started his organization in 1954. He is a pioneer in the field of automation; wrote the first book on automation at the age of 26, and originated many of the concepts which are today accepted as basic in the field. He has an MBA degree with distinction from the Harvard Business School; an engineer1ng degree from the United States Merchant Marine Academy; and a degree with high honors in economics from Swarthmore College. Mr. Diebold is a member of Secretary of Labor Goldberg's advisory committee on Automation and Manpower. I.B.M. AIDE IS PROMOTED ADDENDA AVTA (Audio-Visual Teaching Aids) Corp., 3450 Wilshire Blvd •• Los Angeles 5. Calif. / M Marketing a learner paced, constructed response, paper roll. separate answer strip teaching device called AVTA 440. The device has a variable display area. Programming is being done by the International Research and Development Co •• Lovelock, Texas. Doubleday & Co., Inc., 501 Franklin Ave., Garden City, N.Y. / The publishers of the Tutor Text. a scrambled book using an unsequential arrangementof pages in ~rder.to achieve a branched program. Developed in cooperation with Dr. Norman A. Crowder of the Western Design Div. of the United States Industries. 40 PEOPLE OF NOTE (Cont'd from page 31) John J. Fitzgerald has been named director df organization for International Business Machines Corporation. Mr. Fitzgerald, formerly director of organization for the company's data-processing division, succeeds Richard H. Bullen, who was recently named treasurer. thato I tio Cit: othl dowl acrl off: pIal Rosl makj is ( of ( the enge for meet werE cerl all- COmIl are: E. ( ThOll Pre~ Meet tar) Mass Carl pool tior Opel the COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 COl\! nderes In with that Ilion and ;mall :rketuters adjahave ) the conelopunes cus~s as nent and the " h as land have ~ntly they Hers have nent ldix, adio venthe be a ten coni beized. )eraeeds con~nor anynent ;iant king 'ease :omthe cen~am- By ense :om:wcr lent to aplher ~ical ~Slrc "why we chose the NCR computer" Hycon Manufacturing Co., Monrovia, California "We chose the NCR 390 Computer for three basic reasons: "ONE ... Dealing primarily with government contracts, we have daily need for the ability to get our accounting and statistical data quickly organized and recorded in a visible form for ourselves and government personnel to utilize. Since the NCR 390 is a computer which employs conventional business-type records, it will permit us to accomplish this first requirement in an extremely fast, efficient, and economical manner. "TWO ... It is absolutely essential that our records be accessible, sometimes for years, for audit and reference by ourselves as well as government person!lel. With the NCR 390, our records will be constantly available, in humanlanguag(~ Conn, to satisfy this second requirement. And, since these same records will store data in the electronic- language of the computer, they will be constantly available for high speed processing. "THREE ... The NCR 390 will up-grade our reporting abilities. It will contribute greatly to the needs we have for more timely factual data at every level of management, which is so essential in a highly competitive market. "With these many abilities, we are sure our choice of the NCR 390 Computer was a highly-profitable decision." Trevor Gardner Chairman of the Board and President Hycon Manufacturing Company NCR PROVIDES TOTAL SYSTEMS-FROM ORIGINAL ENTRY TO FINAL REPORTthrough Accounting Machines, Cash Registers or Adding Machines, and Data Processing The National Cash Register Company-1039 Offices in 121 Countries-78 Years of Helping Business Save Money INlclRI ® )!l62 C()~IPlJ'J'ERS and AUTOMATION for February, 1962 'II E D: E( THE ( STAN[ For [ Coas been reprE Easb Wesb LBS~ lFCP lFC) In th diagl exac1 sents sequi FILE # 47 MASTER INVENTORY LBSl num1 binm Ne\tV Hypertape Drive gives your IBM This new Hypertape stores two to four times as much information and delivers the information to your computer two to four times faster than your present tape system. The magnetic tape is kept in a sealed, dust-proof cartridge. All you do is place the cartridge in the tape drive ... the rest is automatic. No more manual threading and unthrea.ding. It takes only 20 seconds or about one-quarter the time it takes with conventional reels. DATA ttA Ask your local IBM Representative for details. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for Fehruary. LFC Here's a new input/output device that will let you get more information into your computer to take even greater advantage of the tremendous electronic speed with which it processes information internally. ·12 LXA indi( exan gizc( 1!l/i~ C ();\ [or Co rked Inicate solu- l' ~ll as cr of glllg Itary proone lides >pro- stu~pre the they pro!ring nfor- ning ~s data at a but 5ani plex ssist- iting will s no n be t- COl11puter inforl11ation tltVice as fast may >bile !arly eless naIl, itive illle, -:Ind o limthe are they 1%2 • the new IBM 7340 Hypertape Drive detects all errors; automatically corrects all one-bit, and most two-hit errors; and, depending on the system with whiCh it is used, processes up to 340,000 numeric or 170,000 alphabetic characters per second_ CO\II'( JTERS and :\ UTO~r:\ TION for Fehruary. 1902 DATA PROCESSING Readers' and Editor's Forum FRONT COVER: STUDENT WORKING WITH COMPUTER-CONTROLLED TEACHING MACHINE Application No. XXX The front cover shows a student, working independently, making his selection of a multiple-choice answer on the response keyboard of a computer-controlled teaching-machine system. The system is. the "Computer-based Laboratory for Automated School Sys-· terns" or CLASS of System Developmelit Corporation, Santa lVlonica, Calif., which is exploring a computercontrolled teaching-machine system. For more information, see the .article in this issue "The ComputerAssisted School System" by Don D. Bushnell. = o a ( c:n o ......• ~ • ca' comr- RELIABILITY RECORD Phyllis Huggins • ca' tion them. The Bendix Corporation Los Angeles 45, Calif. I Although the reputation of the Bendix G-15 computer for reliability is well known, we thought Computers and Automation might be interested in the most recent ·statistic-this we believe is a record that has not yet been equaled: The Bendix G-15 com pu tel', machine No. 334, installed -at Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y., has had an uptime of 100 per cent, for more than a year. The computer is used approximately 50 hours a week. . -Incidentally, the average uptime figure for all G-15 customer installations is, according to present records, over 97 per cent. We understand that this record also has not yet been equaled. I t is worth remarking that the G-15 is an el~ctronic tube computer. CONFERENCE ON SELF-ORGANIZING SYSTEMS-l\fAY, 1962 Marshall C. Y ovits Conference Chairman Office of- Naval H(~~earch Washington 25, D. C. A conference on Self-Organizing Systems will be held on May 22, 23, 24, 19G2, co-sponsored by the Information Systems Branch, Office of Naval Research and the Armour Research Foundation. This Conference will be held at the -Museum of Science and I ndustry, Chicago, Illinois. The ohjective of this Conference is to bring together research workers who are concerned with the evoluIiOIl of self-organizing information systems. While improved ullderstanding and modeling of cognitive,_ Iearllillg. and growth processes is clearly of interest, Ihis COllference is primarily concerned with these fields ollly insofar as they interact with the major ohjecl ive. In the three years intervening since the previous ONR-ARF Conference on this topic there has been greatly increased emphasis placed on SelfOrganizing Systems. It appears to be an appropriate • ca with( ca tem repn II • ca catio withl syste "Blue Bonnet looks good in the fifth race." time to evaluate recent progress and to consider the future directions of research. It is hoped to examine this topic in depth with particular emphasis upon the more salient research of the past three years. _ Attendance is open to all interested technical personnel. Further information and a preliminary conference program, when available, may be obtained by contacting: MR. GEORGE T. JACOBI COS OS Conference Secretary Armour Research Foundation lOWest 35th Street Chicago - 16, Illinois WHO'S WHO IN THE COMPUTER FIELDCUMULATIVE EDITION, 1962 Computers and Automation is publishing this spring a cumulative edition of "Who's Who in the Computer Field." The closing date for receiving entries is Fehr?ary 28, 1962. If you are in the computer field, please fill in the Who's Who entry form (which may he copied on any piece of paper) shown on page 52 of - this issue, and send it to us for your free listing in Ihe ·'\;\Tho's '\;\Tho. If you have friends in the computer field, please call their attention to sending us their 'IVI10'S ''''Tho entries. (Even if you find out about this a litLle late, we still may be able to get your entry in!) - AB ,I ques as " This you not] sehe 'that mer to h timE mas' and effie: virtl \ COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for February. I%:.! . C:()~I CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS •• )uter ated; op- t shall meet a re)nds. place :e of ~lven ~ the e de;lide, [ides, 'confully ldent araclswer ) the ma)endldent I the t he ,hing ~LP" s se,sary, [l up lead quesence. icate Lgain ~ the lswer help case ~ for , the ,ria Ie ill a I!)(j~ Feb. 1-3, 1962: Forum on Electronic Computers, StatlerHilton Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif.; contact John E . Mulder, Director, Joint Comm. on Continuing Legal Education, 133 South 36 St., Phila. 4, Pa. Feb. 6-7, 1962: Symposium on Redundancy Techniques for Computing Systems, Dept. of the Interior Auditorium, C St. between 18th & 19th St., N.W., Washington, D. c.; contact Miss Josephine Leno, Code 430A, Oflice of Naval Research, Washington 25, D. C. Feb. 7-9, 1962: 3rd Winter Convention on Military Electronics, Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif.; contact IRE Los Angeles Office, 1435 So. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Feb. 12-16, 1962: 4th Institute on Information Storage and Retrieval, American University, Washington, D. C.; contact Dr. Lowell H. Hattery, Director, Center for Technology and Administration, The American University, 1901 F St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. Feb. 14-16, 1962: International Solid State Circuits Conference, Sheraton Hotel & Univ. of Pa., Philadelphia, Pa.; contact Richard B. Adler, Rm. C-237, MIT Lincoln Lab., Lexington, Mass. Feb. 19, 1962': Symposium for Owners and Managers of Service Centers, NCR Data Center, 660 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y.; ,contact Mr. W. H. Evans, Association of Data Processing Service Organizations, 1000 Highland Ave., Abington, Pa. Feb. 26-Mar. 9, 1962: Data Processing Systems Seminar, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio; contact Public Information Div. (MCKP), Wright--Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio Feb. 27, 28-Mar. 1, 1962: Symposium on the Application of Switching Theory in Space Technology, Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., 1123 No. Mathilda Ave., Sunnyvale, Calif.; contact Kenneth T. Larkin, Lockheed Missiles & Space Co., Sunnyvale, Calif. Mar. 8-10, 1962: 10th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Houston Neurological Society, Symposium on Information Storage and Neural Control, Texas Medical Center, Houston, Tex.; contact William S. Fields, M.D., Symposium Chairman, Houston Neurological Society, 1200 M. D. Anderson Blvd., ~ouston 25, Tex. Mar. 13-15, 1962: Symposium on Application of Statistics and Computer to Fuels and Lubricants Research Programs (Unclassified), Granada Hotel, San Antonio, Tex.; contact Roy Quillian, Southwest Research Inst., Box 2296, San Antonio 6, Tex. Mar. 24, 1962: 6th Annual Symposium on Recent Advances in Computer Technology, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; contact R. K. Kissinger, Publicity Chairman, c/o Nationwide Insurance Companies, 246 No. High St., Columbus, Ohio Mar. 26-29, 1962: IRE International Convention, Coliseum & Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York, N. Y.; contact E. K. Gannett, IRE Headquarters, 1 E. 79 St., New York 21, N. Y. April 2-5, 1962: Annual Meeting of POOL (LGP-30, RPC-4000, and RPC-9000 Electronic Computer Users Group), Penn-Sheraton Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa.; contact Dr. Henry J. Bowlden, Union Carbide Corp., P. O. Box 6116, Cleveland 1, Ohio April 4-6, 1962: Univac Users Association and Univac Scientific Exchange Organization, Leamington Hotel, Minne;lpolis, Minn.; contact David D. Johnson, Sec'y, Univac Users Association, Ethyl Corp., P. O. Box 341, Ba ton Rouge, La. C();\ll'lJTERS and AUTO~IATION for February, 1962 April 9-13, 1962: Business Equipment Exposition, McCormick Place, Chicago, 111.; contact G. H. Gutekunst, Jr., Mgr., Press Information, Business Equipment Manufacturers Exhibits, Inc., 235 E. 42 St., New York 17, N. Y. April 11-13, 1962: SWIRECO (S. W. IRE Conference and Electronics Show), Rice Hotel, Houston, Tex.; contact Prof. Martin Graham, Rice Univ. Computer Project, Houston 1, Tex. April 16-18, 1962: Symposium in Applied Mathematics on "Interactions Between Mathematical Research and High-Speed Computing," at American Mathematical Society and Association for Computing Machinery Symposium, Atlantic City, N. J.; contact Mrs. Robert DrewBear, Head Special Projects Dept., American Mathematical Society, 190 Hope St., Providence 8, R. 1. April 18-20, 1962: Conference on Information Retrieval in Action, Cleveland, Ohio; contact Center for Documentation and Communication Research Conference, Western Reserve Univ., 10831 Magnolia Dr., Cleveland 6, Ohio April 24-26, 1962: 12th Annual International Polytechnic Symposium, devoted to "The Mathetr.atical Theory of Automata," United Engineering Center, 345 E. 47 St., New York, N. Y.; contact Symposium Committee, Polytechnic Inst. of Brooklyn, 55 Johnson St., Brooklyn 1, N. Y. April 30-June 8, 1962: Seminar in Search Strategy, Graduate School of Library Science, Drexel Institute of Tech., Phila. 4, Pa.; contact Seminar in Search Strategy, Graduate School of Library Science, Drexel Inst. of Tech., Phib. 4, Pa., Att: Mrs. M. H. Davis May 1-3, 1962: Spring Joint Computer Conference, Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, Calif.; contact Richard I. Tanaka, Lockheed Missile & Space Div., Dept. 58-51, Palo Alto, Calif. May 8-10, 1962: Electronic Components Conference, Marriott Twin Bridges Hotel, Washington, D. C.; contact Henry A. Stone, Bell Tel. Lab., Murray Hill, N. J. May 9-11, 1962: Operations Research Society of America, Tenth Anniversary Meeting, Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D. c.; contact Harold O. Davidson, Operations Research Inc., 8605 Cameron St., Silver Spring, Md. May 14-16, 1962: National Aerospace Electronics Conference, Biltmore Hotel, Dayton, Ohio; contact George A. Langston, 4725 Rean Meadow Dr., Dayton, Ohio May 21-25, 1962: Institute on Electronic Information Display Systems, The American University, Washington, D. c.; contact Dr. Lowell H. Hattery, Director, Center for Technology and Administration, The American University, 1901 F St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. May 22-24, 1962: Conference on Self-Organizing Systems, Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, Ill.; contact Mr. George T. Jacobi, COSOS Conference Sec'y, Armour Research Foundation, 10 W. 35 St., Chicago 16, Ill. May 28-June 1, 1962: Colloquium on Modern Computation Techniques in Industrial Automatic Control, Paris, France; contact French Association of Automatic Control (AFRA), 19, Rue Blance, Paris 9, France. June l8-Sept. 14, 1962: Engineering Summer Conference Courses, Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich.; contact Raymond E. Carroll, Univ. of Mich., 126 West Engineering Bldg., Ann Arbor, Mich. June 19-21, 1962: Fourth Joint Automatic Control Conference, Univ. of Texas, Austin, Tex.; contact Prof. Otis L. Updike, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Va., Charlottesville, Va. fIJ. BOO K S - - - - - - - ; Techn T be use of programed instruction in schools, business, industry, and the arm,ed forces is one of tbe most exciting and prom,ising innovations ever made in the field of education a11d training. N ow, this new book brings together the 11M1ty and complex hows and whys: PROGRAMED INSTRUCTION USES IN INDUSTRY AND ARMED FORCES Edited by STUART MARGULIES, Research Psychologist, and LEWIS D. EIGEN, Executive Vice President, Center for Programed Instruction, I11c. Forty leading figures in the field of programed instruction have combined their experience, and their research findings, to present vital information on applications and implementation of this important new technique. Most of the material has been prepared especially for this book, and it gives intensive coverage of all areas of application (present and projected), estimates of economic feasibility, data on uses of programed instruction, and reactions of students to the material. In short, virtually everything that is known about the subject is covered here. Drawing upon a wealth of empirical data, the authors make a penetrating analysis of the role of machines in training and education. Equally important, they explore the many practical questions involved in applying programed instruction: • How much time and money must be spent in preparing training programs using machines? Q Should you use teaching machines or programed books? • What sort of situations are appropriate for using programed instruction? • How much training time will programed instruction require, as against programs using conventional methods? , These and a good many other questions are set against such a background that you will be able to answer them precisely and correctly. In effect, you will have a sound basis for making necessary policy decisions with regard to the application of programed instruction to specific training and educational situations. READY IN MARCH Sml(l "OJV • NOW IN PRESS for your on-approval copy JOHN WILEY & SONS, Inc. 440 PARK AVENUE SOUTH, NEW YORK 16, N. Y. IIj June 19-22, 1962: National Machine Accountants Association International Conference, Hotel Statler, New York, N. Y.; contact R. Calvin Elliott, Exec. Dir., NMAA, 524 Busse Highway, Park Ridge, Ill. June 27-28, 1962: 9th Annual Symposium on Computers and Data Processing, Elkhorn Lodge, Estes Park, Colo.; contact W. H. Eichelberger, Denver Research Inst., Univ. of Denver, Denver 10, Colo. June 27-29, 1962: Joint Automatic Control Conference, New York Univ., New York, N. Y.; contact Dr. H. J. Hornfeck, Bailey Meter Co., 1050 Ivanhoe Rd., Cleveland 10, Ohio. July 18-19, 1962: Data Acquisition & Processing in Medicine & Biology, Whipple Auditorium, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, N. Y.; contact Kurt Enslein, Brooks, Inc., 499 W. Comm. St., P. O. Box 271, E. Rochester, N. Y. Aug. 21-24, 1962: 1962 Western Electronic Show and Convention, California Memorial Sports Arena and Statler-Hilton Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif.; contact Wescon Business Offi,ce, c/o Technical Program Chairman, 1435 S. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles 35, Calif. Aug. 27-Sept. 1, 1962: 2nd International Conference on Information Processing, Munich, Germany; contact Mr. Charles W. Adams, Charles W. Adams Associates, Inc., 142 the Great Road, Bedford, Mass. Sept. 3-7, 1962: International Symp. on Information Theory, Brussels, Belgium; contact Bruce B. Barrow, Postbus 174, Den Haag, Netherlands Sept. 3-8, 1962': First International Congress on Chemical Machinery, Chemical Engineering and Automation, Brno, Czechoslovakia; contact Organizing Committee for the First International Congress on Chemical Machinery, Engineering and Automation, Vystaviste 1, Brno, Czechoslovakia. Sept. 19-20, 1962: 11th Annual Industrial Electronics Symposium, Chicago, Ill.; contact Ed. A. Roberts, Comptometer Corp., 5600 Jarvis Ave., Chicago 48, Ill. Oct. 2-4, 1962: National Symposium on Space Elec. & Telemetry, Fountainbleu Hotel, Miami Beach, Fla.; contact Dr. Arthur Rudolph, Army Ballistic Missile Agency, R&D Ope Bldg. 4488, Redstone Arsenal, Ala. Oct. 8-10, 1962: National Electronics Conference, Exposition Hall, Chicago, Ill.; contact National Ekc. Conf., 228 N. LaSalle, Chicago, Ill. Oct. 30-31, 1962: Conference on Eng. Tech. in Missile & Spaceborne Computers, Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, Calif.; contact William Gunning, EPSCO-West, 240 E. Palais Rd., Anaheim, Calif. Nov. 5-7, 1962: 15th Annual Conf. on Elec. Tech. in Medicine and Biology, Conrad Hilton Hotel, Chicago, Ill.; contact Dr. J. E. Jacobs, 624 Lincoln Ave., Evanston, Ill. Nov. 13-15, 1962: NEREM (Northeast Res. & Engineering Meeting), Boston, Mass.; contact NEREM-IRE Boston Office, 313 Washington St., Newton, Mass. Dec. 4-5, 1962: Eastern Joint Computer Conference, Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa. CO~IPUTERS and AUTOMA'I~ION for Fehruary, 1!J(j~ N De In m bility is of on tl ares For outp seeOl data entel or st with • In • 811( 1: 1~ • FI • •0 • E~ 1..4 1m II CO:".I ~aeh- cnts. comnany corc d bc nctic light tcch: ad~cial- ... ately ~ach- com(in auld ueed )nce, less .i 11 go This Issed :hine nany able Hive [ (as ,, by ks to [one, job, 0 be ppli, mgmt / '17, Iowa Univ, '50, coordinator Van Brink, Herbert F / Res Engr, Missile Div, North .\merican Aviation, 12214 Lakewood Blvd, Downey, Calif / AMP / '37, Queens Coil, New York Univ, '59, prgmr Vesley, Allan / Supvsr of Systems and Prgmg, The Sperry and Hutchinson Co, 114 Fifth Ave, New York 11, N Y / ABp / '31, Cornell Univ (BS), New York Univ (MBA), '.~6, management Villani, Carmen D / Comptr Section I.eader, Vitro Corp of America, 200 Pleasant Valley Way, \Vest Orange, ;\) J / AMP / '30, New York Univ, '52, ('ngr's aide Vitait'. Walter L / Tech Staff-Systems, Bl'lock Instrument Corp, College Point r,(i, I, I, N Y / ABPS, market res / '23, LaSalle, '43, tech staff-systems / various pul>cns \Vatson, Gordon M / Prgmg Insll'1lctor, Bendix Computer Div, 291 S La Cienega mvd, Beverly Hills, Calif / ELI' / '36, UCLA, '59, prgmr Wegstein, Joseph H / Asst Chief, Computation Laboratory, National Bureau of Standards, Washington D C / visiting lecturer for 1961 winter trimester at Computation & Data Processing Center, llniv of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 13, Pa Wells, Joan / App Science Prgmr I, Calif Div of Highways, POBox 1499, Sacramento 7, Calif / LMP / '29, Vassar Coli, 'GO, prgmr West, Charles B / Dev Engr, ITT Laboratories, 492 RiVer Rd, Nutley, N .J / A / '21, New York Univ, Columbia Univ, ':"is, electrical engr West, Irwin / Sales Engr, Computer Systems Inc, ~lonmouth .Jct, N .J / AS / ':l!i, CCNY, '56, sales engr Wes\neat, Arthur S, Jr / Tech Dir, Ortholog Div of Gulton Industries, Inc, l' 0 Box 37, Princeton Junction, N J / E, statistical data handling 'eqpmnt, telemetry, communications, modulation systems / - , Purdue Univ (BSEE, MSEE), '43,Wolff, Fred G / Tech Consultant, self, £) Kent Lane, Paoli, Pa / D / specifcn, system, and logic desgn of comptr peripheral eqpmt / '23, Frankfurt, Germany, '50, tech consultant Wolff, S Arnold / Systems Analyst, Daystrom Systems, 4455 Miramar Rd, La Jolla, Calif / AP / '34, Univ of Fla, Univ of Calif, '59, prgmr 'Volzein, Frank J / Tech Serv Supvsr, Electronic Ctrs, Inc, Eileen \Vay, Syosset, N Y / AELP / '34, CCNY, '56, field serv engr Woodcock, Gerald E / Adm officer, U S Railroad Retirement Board, Chicago, III / mgm t level analysis and studies in evaluation of business data procg with respect to feasibility, coordination and integration of inter-departmental processes, costs and comparisons and machine utilization / '06, Stinson Flight, Manufacturers Computer Schools, '56, managmnt analysis officer Woodson, William B / Electronics Methods, .J P Stevens & Co, Inc, Charlotte, N C / AELMP / '21, Univ of N C, Harvard Business School, '55, electronic methods and prgmg Zellmer, Neale A / Sr Staff Engr, Lenkurt Electr Co, San Carlos, Calif / data transmission subsets / '21, Iowa State Coil, '58, elec engr / "A Quaternary Frequency-Shift Data Transmission Subset" Addiscott, Derek H / Mgr, Elenc Data Procg Dept, Pan American World Airways, Inc, Guided Missile Range Div, POBox 4187, Patrick AFB, Fla / AB / '10, educated in England, '58, administrator Anderson, "'Talter R / Pres, Commercial Computers, Inc, 36 Pleasant St, Watertown 72, Mass / B, industrial and scientific / '28, Clark Univ, Worcester Poly tech, '57, engr Babb, R A / Systms Apln Engr, Friden, Inc, 2350 Wash Ave, San Leandro, Calif / ABDErS / '23, Colo State, '48, pIng / dir S F Chap NMAA Blumenthal, S C / Pres, National Computer Analysts, Inc, Route 206 Center, Princeton, N .J / Briney, William F / Pres, William Briney Co, POBox 1759, La Jolla, Calif / S / '20, Montana State Univ, '59, -' al WHO'S WHO IN THE COMPUTER FIELDCUl\iULATIVE EDITION, 1962 Computers and Automation will publish this spring a cumulative edition of "'!\Tho's vVho in the Computer Field." The closing date for receiving entries is Feb. 28, 1962. If you are interested in compu ters, please fill in the following '!\Tho's Who entry form (which may be copied on any piece of paper) and send it to us for your free listing. If you have friends in the computer field, please call their attention to sending us their Who's V"ho entries. The cumulative edition will include only the entries of persons who send us their Who's 'Vho information. th fo eg d. pI III T tion tech rem: to I( Name? (please print) Your Address? ................................... . Your Organization? ....................... . I ts Address? ...................................... .. Your Title? ...................................... .. Your ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Main Computer Interests? ) Applications ) Business ) Construction ) Design ) Electronics ) Logic ) Mathematics ) Programming ) Sales ) Other (specify): It state it w tilit usee A lller are;1 in t este lear T\ Year of birth? ................................... . College or last school? ................... . Year en tered the com pu ter field? ... . Occupa tion? .................................... .. Anything else? (publications, distinctions, etc.) .................................. .. sign pro: B sent eacl Inn bloc sent pict 'I'll( call witl stTli eas) the 'I I. "\Then YOll have filled in this en try form please send it to: ''''ho's \Vho Editor, Computers and Automation, 815 'Vashington Street, Newtonville 60, Mass. COMPUTERS and gl'alll Wi Ie gnllll Nali, :1. Th('~ 0('(0] AUTOMATIO~ for Febl'llary, I%~ CO~ e to: G 5, lany, IN THE COMPUTER FUND THM: fg~Y. Z}2~~~.v~f~y)#(;'li#fXY) #fxy FIELD DEFINITIONS: Who? What? Where? Answers, Basic Source lnfo~mation, Available to You from COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION DERIVATION: DERIVI NG MAJO RITY LOGIC . *~.v~tr~aj ~~;Y;Z): fXy=f(X,X,Z).;.fJ(y=f(X,X,Z) letJ(~;Y.Zrb~even-parity functioo·"P. ThenJ~y =z~~~ fxy=Z so P=(Xfl.Y HZ) I!(X#Y/iZ)#l. NETWORKS DIRECTORY: The Computer Directory and Buyers' Guide, 1961, 156 pages long (the June 1961 issue of COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION), containing the following reference information: The fundamental theorem of majority-decision logic. a typical product of Univac's Mathematics and Logic Research Department. has practical as well as theoretical interest. The even-parity chec~er derived above from the fundamental theorem can be treed to determine the parity of 3 n bits in n logic levels using only ~ ~ 31 three-Input majority gates. Roster of Organizations in the Computer Field Roster of Products and Services: Buyers' Guide to the Computer. Field Survey of Computing Services Survey of Consulting Services Descriptions of Digital Computers Survey of Commercial Analog Computers Survey of Special Purpose Computers and Data Processors Automatic Computing MachineryList of Types Components of Automatic Computing Machinery - List of Types Over 500 Areas of Application' of Computers Application Programs Available Computer Users Groups - Roster Roster of School, College, and University Computer Centers Robots - Roster of Organizations, and Survey Teaching Machines and Programmed Learning - Roster of Organizations Qualified applicants will find at Remington Rand Univac a scientific climate tuned to the intellectual curiosity of the professional man. The opportunity and the incentive for advancement are waiting for you in highly significant positions at Univac. You are invited to investigate them immediately. ST. PAUL, MINN. LOGICAL SYSTEMS ANALYSTS COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS COMPUTER APPLICATION ANALYSTS COMPUTER LOGICAL DESIGNERS· MILITARY SYSTEMS ANALYSTS. ENGINEER WRITERS For til£' aho!'£' positions in our St. Paul, Minnesota, lahoratories, selld «'.1"1111/(' of £'xpt'fi('nCL' alld ('du('(ltion to: R. K. PATTERSON Remlnoton Rand Univac. Univac Park. St. Paul 16, Minnesota SAN D I EGO, CALI F. Directory $15.00 GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND EXPRESSIONS IN THE COMPUTER FIELD: COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS • ,MILITARY SYSTEMS ANALYSTS • SYSTEMS TEST AND EVALUATION ENGINEERS for Over 860 careful, clear, understandable definitions. 5 th cumulative edition . . . $3.95 ( 10 or more copies, 200/0 discount) data extraction and reduction, debugging of equipment and systems integration. BACK COPIES: The above positions are now available at Univac in San Diego. Send resume of experience and education to: WILLIAM LOWE For ten years of publication: $1. 50 each, except Directory issues, June 1955 to June 1960, $4.00 each. ALL BACK COPIES WILL BE BACK IN PRINT BY THE END OF AUGUST. Remington Rand Univac. P. O. Box 6068 • San Diego 6, Calif. COCOA BEACH, FLORIDA SUBSCRIPTIONS: U.S.A. one year, $15.00; two years, $29.00; add "50c per year for Canada, $1.50 per year elsewhere. A new data processing center is being established in the Cocoa Beach, Florida, area to service the Atlantic Missile Range. Qualified applicants interested in a Florida location can be offered very challenging work on essential range problems. Openings include the following: • PROGRAMMERS. SYSTEMS ANAlYSTS for correlation of radar tracking data and programming techniques for data handling and data reduction. BULK SUBSCRIPTIONS: These rates apply to prepaid subscriptions to COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION coming in together direct to the publisher. BULK SUBSCRIPTION RATES (United States) Rates for Each Number of Subscription, and Simultaneous Resulting Saving: Subscriptions One Year Two Years 7 or more $11.40 - 24% $20.00 - 31 % 4 to 6 12.60 - 16 22.00 - 24 13.65- 9 24.30-16 3 14.25 5 26.40 9 Send resume of experience and education to: R.K. PATTERSON Remington Rand Univac. Univac Park. St. Paul 16, Minnesota REM There' are also immediate op{'nings in all areas of digital complller del'e/opme11l at our other laboratories. Inqlliries shollld be addressed to; COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION H15 \Va~hilll;ton St., Ncwto'lville 60, Mass. "1"lhl,I/'lory, rell/Yllable ill seven days for full r{,/lIlId. (:().\ll'liTERS al/d :\LJT()~L\TIO~ TON RAN 0 DIVISION OF SPERRY RAND CORPORATION SClld /,,"c/Jilit! orders or requests for II/ore ili/ormatiolt 10: I/(}! G UNIVAC For Can.It"'. add 50 cents for each year; out~ide of the United States and Canada, add $1.50 for c.lch year. 1/ N for Fehruary, F. E. NAGLE Rom. Rnnd Unlvnc P.O. Box 500 Bluo Boll. Pa. (An equal opportunities employer) l%~ D. CLAVELOUX Rom. Rnncl Univac Wilson Avonuo South Norwalk. Conn. BOOI(S AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS Moses 1\1. Berlin Allston, Mass. Outstanding opportunities in: INTEGRATED DATA PROCESSING Computing Engineers for research and development of mathematical models. Degree in math or physics with two years of experience. Applied or Utility Programmers to program integrated data processing systems applied to EDPM 709-7090-140l. Degree in math or accounting or equivalent in directly related experience. Please write to: North American Aviation, The Professional & Technical Employment Office, Box CA-439, 4300 East Fifth Avenue, Columbus 16, Ohio All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, creed, color, or national origin. COLUMBUS DIVISION A NORTH AMERICAN AVIATION QI~A We publish here citations and brief reviews of books anel other publications which have a significant relation to computers, data processing, and automation, and which have come to our attention. We shall be glad to report other information in future lists if a review copy is sent to us. The plan of each entry is: author or editor / title / publisher or issuer / elate, publication process, number of pages, price or its equivalent / comments. If you write to a publisher or issuer, we would appreciate your mentioning Computers and Automation. Indonesian Scientific Periodical Index, 1960 I I>embangunan Publishing House, Gunung Saharo 84, Djakarta, Indonesia I 1961, printed, 91 pp, limited distribution This index provides a list of articles published in Indonesian periodicals during 1960. ~I()re than 1000 titles are listed. A list of periodicals is then given. The name of the periodical, its translation in English (where necessary), the language and frequency of publication and address of publisher are given. For the articles, the title, author and a classification number are givcn. In addition, a bibliography is included. The articles are listed under general headings such as: Logic, Religion, Mathematical and Natural Sciences, the Arts, Literature, etc. Miller, C. L. I COGO: A Computer Programming System for Civil Engineering Problems I Mass. Inst. of Technology, 77 :Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. I 1961, offset, 43 pp, limited distribution A programming system for solving coordinate geometry problems in civil engineering using a digital computer is described. Applications of the Coordinate Geometry program are given. The author is Director of the Civil Engineering Systems Laboratory at M. 1. T. He discusses the commands which the program recognizes and explains their usage. Three appendices include saniple protlems and discuss design problems and how they were (or why they were not) solved. Symposium at the lVestern Data Proces~ing Center (13 authors) I Contributio~s to Scientific Research in Management I Western Data Processing Center, 'University of California, Los Angeles 24, Calif. I 1959, printed, 172 pp, $2.50 Twelve papers by 13 authors which were delivered immediately following dedication ceremonies at the center are here published. The headings-which represent sessions- are: The Economics of Management, General Theory of Management and Particular Fields of Management. The papers include the following titles: "Optimization, Decentralization, and Internal Pricing in Business Firms," "Capital Values in a Growing Economy," "Computer Capabilities and Management Models," "Simulation and the Theory of the Firm," and "Forecasting by Generalized Regression Methods." Gcigenbaum, A. V. I Total Quality Control: Engineering and Management I !\I(:Graw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 33ll West 42 St., New York 36, N. Y. I 1961, printed, 627 pp, $11.00 VleW ing on t this thes( This book discusses engineering and management methods for achieving maxilllum quality control. The six parts into which the subject matter is subdivided arc: Business Quality Management, QualityControl Management, Engineering Technology of Quality Control, Statistical Technology of Quality Control, Applying Total Quality Control in the Company, and Quality-Control Education and Training. The author, Manager of ~Ianufacturing Operations and Quality Control at General Electric, presents an introductory chapter which outlines the principles of quality control. Index. SpOil proc the I AI be eJ audi uIlis ill tIl are I TI avail ing 1 grou tead spon to stl prog Chapin, Ned I Programming Computel's for Business Applications I McGraw-Hill nook Co., Inc., 330 West 42 St., New York 36, N. Y. I 1961, offset, 279 pp, $7.50 Methods and techniques for efficient programming of "real computers using real programming languages" to. control business operations are here discussed on an introductory level and explained. The author, an Assoc. Prof. of Finance at the San Francisco State College and a Systems Analyst at the Stanford Research Inst., presents an introduction to the fundamentals of programming. The chapter, "Programmers and Programming" discusses the role of the programmer and how he fulfills that role. Eight subsequent chapters include: "Automatic Computers," "Translation and Development Programming," "Subroutines and Library Programs," etc. Eight appendices furnish condensed command repertoires for COBOL, IBM 7070 Autocoder and 1401 Systems, Burroughs 220 BLEAP, and other systems. Glossary, selected references and index. Snlll. sible (3) T~ In 0 in C A tE COUf cone aiel I refel serio Fe prin imm edge schel gisti, lecti A pern the Bazovsky, Igor I Reliability: Theory and Practice I Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J. I 1961, printed, 292 pp, $10.95 This interesting and useful book discusses the components which form a reliable sys· tem and presents methods for attaining reliability. The first of twenty-six chapters introduces "The Concept of Reliability." The author briefly discusses the meanint-; of reliability in engineering, failure frequency, probability, and estimates. Other chapt~rs include: "The Exponential Case of Chance Failures," "\"'earout· and Re· liability," "Bayes' Theorem in Reliability," "System Maintenance, Availability, and Dependkbility," "Design Analysis Examples,'· "The Implementation of Reliability" and "The State-Of-Art of Reliability." Index. I Thi~ som~ chin to tl Hennie, Frederick C., III I Iterative AI"tays of Logical Circuits I John Wiley &. Sons, Inc., 440 Park Ave. South, New Yor~ 16, N. Y. I 1961, offset, 242 pp, for $4.~5 AUTOM:\TIO~ I 10 C< The properties of one- and two·dimen· sional iterative networks of logical circuits are· examined in this monograph which was presented by the author as his doctoral thesis at M. 1. T. in May, 1961. This book may be of interest for people work· ing in the communications sciences. Elev('n chapters include: Decidable Systems, Anal· ysis of Transient Behavior, Synthesis of Unilateral Systems, Reduction Techniqu('s. and Conclusions. Two appendices includ!' a proof of a lemma occurring in !he lex! anel a list of theorems and corollaries. Rderences and index. COMPUTERS mId ( troll folIo catie torie for Fehruary, l!l(j~ , 0 illlo tile bIer: typi l COllI ella I I.~ 10 g C():\ :tion Jter. Dubinsky, Alvin C. I Real Root Evaluation with the UNIVAC 120 Computer I Remington Rand UNIVAC, 315 Park Ave. South, New York 10, N. Y. I 196D, offset, 27 pp, free on request The Newton-Raphson method for real root evaluation can be used to derive approxim,!te solutions to algebraic equations, using the computer. This paper discusses the method and the computer program which gives the approximations. Correlation and Optimization of Chemical Kinetics Models I Computer Systems, Inc, Culvcr Rd., Monmouth Jct., N. J. I I !)(ill, olJ'sct, 26 pp, free on request :\ lie\\, procedure for determining the mathelllatical model and optimum process parameters for economic optimization of chemical processes, is described. The DYSTAC analog computer is used in the procedure. The discussion points out the importance of the dynamic memory and highspeed repetitive operations which are features of the DYST AC system. Howe, H. Herbert I ISOPAR-A New and Improved Symbolic Optimizing Assembly Routine for the IBM 650, NBS Tech·, nical Note ~76, PB 161577 I u. S. Dept. of Commerce, Office of Technical Servo ices, 'Vashington 25, D. C. I 1960, of[sct, 55 pp plus program listings, $1.53 Fo1Jowing a brief discussion of the nature of assembly programs, this publication describes IS0PAR. The program's input formats, pseudo-ops, outputs, processing techniques and space requirements are given. Many examples of its application arc demonstrated. An analysis of the desirability of the program's unique features concludes the discussion. Reiner, Erwin, W. Ryland Hill, David L. Johnson and others I Linguistic and Engineering Studies in Automatic Languagc Translation of Scientific Russiall into English I University of 'Vashingtoll Press, Seattle 5, 'Vash. I 1960, printed, 658 pp, $10.00 This book presents a summary of the fun· damental problems, procedures and achieve· ments of a lexicographical research proje ro(Jramming Specialists are needed fo!" a,i
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