1964_Allied_Electronics_Catalog 1964 Allied Electronics Catalog
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= C&. ......-c -en - m ALLIED ELECTRONICS your complete electronics supp·ly.so,urce WORLD'S LARGEST INVENTORY. SAME-DAY SHIPMENT. OEM:,PRICES use the services of the ALLIED facility. nearest you f" EVERY ITEM liSTED' IN THIS CATALOG IS STOCKED tIIt ~ CHICAGO-CENTRAL HEADQUARTERS 100 N. WESTERN AVENUE. CHICAGO 80. ILL. Phone: TAylor 9-9100 TWX: 312-431-1721 ,cLEVELAND MILWAUKEE 4824 Turney Road Cleveland 25. Ohio 883-5252 (Area Code 216) 2461 W. Center Street Milwaukee 6. Wisconsin COncord 4-3970 (Area Code 414) DALLAS PliINNEAPOLIS • ST: PAUL 5622 Dyer Street Dallas 6. Texas EMerson 3-6221 (Area Code 214) 730 E. 38th Street Minneapolis 7. Minnesota TAylor 7-5401 (Area Code 6t2) ROCHESTER DAYTON 942 Monroe Avenue Rochester 21, New York CHapel 4-8750 (Area Code 716) 1823 Catalpa Drive Dayton 6. Ohio 278-5866 (Area Code 513) SAN FRANCISCO AREA DENVER 2439 Birch Street Palo Alto. California 321-0240 (Area Code 415) 6767 E. 39th Avenue Denver 7. Colorado 399-2250 (Area Code 303) SEATTLE DETROIT 1020 Fourth Avenue South Seattle 4, Washington MUtual 2-8026 (Area Code 206) 16047 W. McNichols Road Detroit 35, Michigan 836-0007 (Area Code 313) LOS ANGELES AREA WASHINGT·ON. D.C. and SALTIMORE AREA Allied Radio of California 2085 E. Foothill Boulevard Pasadena, California 795-5901 (Area Code 213) TWX: 213-449-1455 5509 Colorado Avenue, N.W. Washington II, D.C. TUckerman 2-5100 and TUckerman 2-6560 (Area Code 202) TWO ALLIED CATALOGS < INDUSTRIAL I I CONSUMER> Catalog 640 has complete listings of industrial components and equipment for purchasing personnel, procurement and design engineers. Features Knight-Kits, hi-fi components, Ham radiO gear. radios, TV accessories, books, tapes, etc. For free copy of Cat. 230. mail card-page 512. ALLIED ELECtROlillCS CONDENSED INDEX Adhesives (epoxies) ••••••••••• .462-465 Alternator .......................... 501 Batteries .................... : • .494-497 Bulbs ........................... 336-339 Cabinets, Metal •••.••••• 427-435, 460-461 Capacitors ..•.••••••••.•.••. 144-186.188 Chokes, Coils and Transformers.344-379 Communications Equip. 498, 500, 502-506 Connectors .•.•. 189-214, 222, 227, 239-242 Diodes and Transistors .•..•••.••.. 6-27, 30-36, 38, 39, 42-45, 49-52. 54-72, 75, 81 Fiber Optics ........................ 466 Fuses .......................... 340-342 Headphones .................... 510-512 Infrared Cells ........................ 78 Intercom Equipment .• , ••.•••••• 467-473 Lasers and Laser Systems .•••.•.• " .81 Meters, PaneL .................. 416-426 .Microphones and Accessories .•• 482-488 Military Specification Index •••..••••• 536 Motors ................ 305, 306. 309, 310 P.A. Equipment .••••••• .474-481, 489-492 Photo-Sensing Devices .•. 78-79, 293, 499 Pilot Light Assemblies •.•.•••••. 331-339 Plugs and Jacks ....... 207, 211-214, 218, 220-231. 237. 250, 257, 330 Potentiometers ••••••••••••••••• 122-142 Power Supplies .•••••••••••••• ".380-385 Printed Circuit Boards ...... 186.187. 247 Recording Equipment ••••••••••• 514-521 Rectifiers .••••••• 29, 31, 32, 37. 40, 41. 4548.51-53.58,59, 61, 64. 65. 72-74. 76, 77 Relays •••••••••••••••••• 284-303. 305-308 Resistors ................... 110-121,126 Semiconductors ................... 6-75 Sockets .••••••••••. 207. 212-214, 233-240 Solar Cells ....................... 78,79 Soldering Equipment •••••••••••• 438-444 Speakers •••••••••••••• .489-492,513.526 Switches .•.•.. 258-277, 283, 307, 330, 437 Test Instrumentatiqn •••••••••••. 385-415 Tools and Hardware •.•••••••••• 438-458 Tubes .................... 78, 81, 84-108 Wire and Cable ........ 312-323, 325, 329 FULL INDEX STARTS ON PAGE 528 industrial subsidiary of ALLIED RADIO WORLD'S LARGEST DISTRIBUTOR OF ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS FOR INDUSTRY AlliED. ~ ~. every time your order goes to AllIED it's the best ,buying decision you ·can make ••• 2. AlliED you're backed by these experience-proved advantages:: 1 2 3 4 5 6 SAME DAY SHIPMENT All orders received in our warehouse before 4:00 PM are shipped same day. An average of over 94% of all items ordered is shipped same day-by far the best record of service in the industry. WORLD'S LARGEST INVENTORY We fill your orders off-the-shelf from a $12,000,000 inventory of components, in all categories and major lines. You can count on supply-in-depth to fill your needs fast. FACTORY O.E.M. PRICES You pay no more than the factory price for the components you order. See O.E.M. quantity price columns in the directory on the following pages and in the catalog listings. COMPLETE ONE-ORDER SUPPLY' You realize substantial economies through one-order purchasing from Allied. You reduce handling costs-less paper work in purchasing, receiving, bookkeeping. You -place one order, receive one shipment, make one disbursement. You avoid costly delays and down-time. AN ALLIED FACILITY NEAR YOU For same day shipment, call the Allied field service o.ffice nearest you (see page 1). Expert staffs are linked by private TWX lines to strategically located warehouses-you get same day shipment wherever you are. NEW PRODUCT AVAILABILITY ,We maintain close, continuous liaison with over 600 suppliers and are fully alerted to new p'roduct releases. If it's new and available in quantity, you can get it fast from Allied. ONE ORDER TO ALLIED fILLS THE WHOLE BILL fOR YOU' ALLIED -3 HANDY DIRECTORY OF MAJOR LINES ~ CAPACITORS Fixed Types SEMICONDUCTORS MANUFACTURER General Electric Hughes International Rectifier Microwave Associates Motorola Pacific Ph ilea Raytheon RCA Sarkes-Tar.zian Sylvania: MANUFACTURER OEM TO 5000 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 5000 999 PAGE 42-48 64-66 70·73 75 34·41 58·60 54-57 61.63 49·53 74,75 999 5000 5000 68,69 67·69 24·33 Transistors Diodes Texas Instruments Government Source Inspected Tubes and Sem iconductor_s (USAF, USN, JAN, USA and SC Types) Available from Slock. See pages 6-83 for complete listing of semi. conductors. Pages 84·91 for tubes. Arco-EIMenco Centralab OEM TO 99 999 PAGE 175,176 178-180 999 999 999 249 999 999 999 249 499 999 99 499 999 999 499 499 499 99 499 999 249 999 999 169 170 169 166-168 171-173 150,151 151 162·165 177 158 155 159 152 153 152 152 153 153 153 146·148 154-161 149 174,175 Cornell-Dubilier: Mica Metallized Oil Filled All Others Good-All Keme' Mallory: Tantalums All Others Plastic Capacitors Sprague: Ceramics Computer 360 Hi-K Ceramics Metallized 11 8P 121P 155P 156P Oil Filled CP·53 CP·70 Subminiatures 96P Tantalums All Others Texas Instruments Viframon Variable Types Bud Cardwell Hammarlund JFO: Y Series All Others Johnson 184 184 185 182,183 180- 183 184 GE Industrial The following fines are sfocked in depth. OEM Price Limits vary by type (see pages 84-91 J. Amperex National Union Cetron Penta Dumont Raytheon Eimac Sylvania Electrons Thermosen Machlell Mullard Tungsol National Electronics Victoreen Waterman TRANSFORMERS, COILS AND CHOKES Acme General Electric Knight Miller, J. W.: Chokes Coils Inductors Transformers Milwaukee CONTROLS Borg Bourns Centralab Claroslal IRC-CTS: Circuitrim Precision Industrial Military Jensen Mallory Ohmite 4 • ALLIED 199 500 249 249 128 130.136 139 129 999 499 ANY 249 ANY 499 ANY 122,123 124 125 126 138 140· 142 136-138 National Raytheon Sola: Type CVS Type CVN Type CVE Solitron Type CVF Stancor Standard Superior: Single. Phase Portable Powerstats Single.Phase SurfaceMtg. Powerstats 3-Phase Powerstats 400-Cycle Powerstats Stabiline Regulators Triad U.T.C_ Wells ANY 99 ANY 373 377 358· 361 249 249 249 ANY 24 999 24 49 49 99 24 49 249 99 345·347 347,348 346 345 372,381 344 377 378,379 378 379 379 379 350·357 373,380 99 49 49 99 49 499 499 999 999 190-195 199 196,197 99 198,203 99 199 2499 200-202 249 203 999 203 249 249 2499 999 99 999 ANY 999 999 499 999 999 ANY 204,206 205,206 205 208 208 211-218 240 207,209· 211,257 239 239 218 209 210 ~ , ;.'" , ·"1 ~ - !.,.'- .~. SOCKETS, PLUGS AND JACKS Amphenol Cinch-Jones 2499 999 Eby Elco G-C Eleclronics 10.000 (varie! by type) 10,000 (varies by type) 10,000 (varies by type) RCA Receiving OEM TO PAGE Hart & Hegeman Harvey-Hubbell Herman H. Smith Swltchcraft Thomas & Bells ... 149 Each Each 499 299 99 TUBES RCA Industrial CONNECTORl» MANUFACTURER Amphenol: AN/MS Series 67 MS.R, Series 115 Series 165, 48 RF Coble Series Series 126,94 Series 5116 Series 220,221,96, 222, 223 Series 57, 74, 26, 64 Series 17, 133, 143 Audio and Microphone Cannon (Audio) Cinch-Jones Eimac Elco Grayhill Johnson: Sockets Plugs and Jacks Mallory Superior Switchcraft Vector 234,235 225,236, 237 499 238 9999 233,234 499 222,224, 225,228 1999 228 99 240 999 226 499 223 199 227 999 220· 222 999 238 RESISTORS Continental-Wirt Dale IRC: Axial Lead 1 % Carbon Precision 1 % Wirewound Ohmite Sprague Texas Instruments ANY 499 999 4999 999 499 1000 999 999 118 118,119 113 111 112,113 114,115 116-118 121 120 374 374 374 375 376 369-372 362·368 345 ADHESIVES AND EPOXIES Dow-Corning Emerson & Cummings General Electric 'Plastic Associates ANY 464,465 ANY 462 ANY 462 ANY 463 Thirte.en Convenient Locations-See Page 1 STOCKED BY ALLIED FORSAME~DA Y SHIPMEN-, THIS IS THE MOST COMPLETE INDUSTRIAL CATALOG HARDWARE, KNOBS, CLIPS AND TERMINAL BOARDS MANUFACTURER A-MP Davies, Harry Grayhill Johnson Mueller National Pomona Raytheon Smith, Herman H. Thomas & Be!!s Useco Vaco Vector OEM TO PAGE ANY 245 ANY 252.253 999 248 499 256 ANY 219 499 254· 256 249 231.232 4999 248.251 499 230.249 ANY 245 1999 241.243. 247.250 ANY 244 999 246 TEST INSTRUMENTATION MANUFACTURER Accutronics Amprobe API Associated Testing Lab, B&K Claro stat Cornell-Dubilier Eico Hathaway Hickok Knight Micro Measufements Millen Motorola Ohmite Pioneer RCA Rustrak Scott SeeD Self-Organizing Sysf. Simpson Salitron Devices Sprague SWITCHES/TIME CONTROLS Aero APM Arrow-Hart & 499 4999 276.277 263 Hegeman 4999 249 99 999 262. 263 265.267 267 271 Centralab SeriesJV·9000 Continental-Wirt Controls Co. of America 499 275 Cutler-Hammer: 999 Industrial Military General Electric GrayhiJI Hamlin Haydon Industrial Timer Intermati, Mallory Mark Time Oak Ohmite Shallcross Switchcrafl Tork 249 999 ANY 999 249 499 11 499 99 249 9 49 249 11 258.259. 261 260 264 264 264 280 277- 279 281 270.271 283 268.269 275 274 272.273 282 Test Devices Triplett Vap-Air Weston OEM TO ANY ANY 24 PRODUCTS OF OVER 600 PAGE 402 395 387 ANY 387 ANY 414 ANY 392 ANY 393 ANY 406.409 ANY 388.389 ANY 412·414 ANY 404.405 ANY 391 ANY 392 ANY 391 99 393 ANY 385 ANY 410·412 ANY 394 ANY 387 ANY 390 ANY 402 49 386.396. 397 ANY 390 ANY 392 ANY 402 24 400.401 ANY 390 24 398.399 Barber-Colman Bourns Controls Co. of America: Solenoids Danbury-Knudsen Dow-Key Ebert G-V Controls Guardian: Solenoids Relays Series 900 Relays Hurst ITT -General Controls: Counters Magnecraft Poller & Brumfield Sigma Struthers-Dunn Superior Motors 199 49 499 306 308.309 305 249 99 49 49 249 304 307, 306 295 295 499 499 199 107 296 297.298 298 305 249 499 499 249 249 99 308 299· 285293. 302. 310 302 292 294 303 API Emico JBT Parker Simpson Triplell Weston 24 99 ANY 99 49 49 49 SEE PAGES 534-536 CL:C~~ FUSES/CIRCUIT BREAKERS MANUFACTURER Bussman Littelfuse Mel-Rain Sylvania Wood Electric: OEMTO 999 999 249 999 499 25 Thermal Magnetic PAGE 342 340.341 342 341 343 343 Acme ATR Eico: Converters Electro Products Jackson Perkins Plastic Capacitors Precise Develop. Schauer Sola 24 382 ANY 385 ANY 384 ANY 383 ANY 384 ANY 381 ANY 382 ANY 384 ANY 385 24 380 ELECTRONIC SPECIALTIES American Optical: Fiber Optics Amfron: Modules Dialco: Pilot Assem. Fenwal: Thermistors Rofro": Blowers, Fans Wakefield: Heat Sinks ANY ANY ANY 1999 499 4999 466 80 331·335 143 436.437 109 ~mmt&imrrmtt~ WIRE AND CABLE Lasers: RCA, GE •••••••••••••• Page 81 Kernel Capacitors ••••••••••••• 150.151 TiNeon Lights ••••.•••.••.••••••••• 82 Miniature Module Amplifiers •••••••• 80 Electroluminescence ................. 77 "Hall Effect" Devices •••••••••••••• 77 Optical Fibers ••.•••••• : •••••••••• 466 Biological Fuel Cell ••••.••••••••••• 77 Bourns Relays •••••••••••••••••• 305 Perkins Power Supplies ••.••••••••• 381 Motorola Tesf Instrumentation •••••• 391 Tubing and Accessories 423 426 425 426 416·419 420·422 424,425 For Complete Manufacturer's Index SEE WHAT'S NEW IN INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS COMPONENTS, EQUIPMENT Alpha: PANEL METERS THIS CATALOG The listings on these pages represent the leaders in electronic components and ele<:~ trank instrumentation. OEM factory prices for each major product line are given for your ordering convenience. Remember, wherever you are, it's faster to do business with Allied! All merchandis,~ Ii~ted is stocked. You get OEM prices and same day off-theshelf shipment. POWER SUPPLIES RELA YS AND MOTORS Amphenol.Borg SUPPLIERS ARE DESCRIBED IN Military. Hook.Up Amphenol: Dielectric Microphone Teflon Belden Consolidated Timely for Complete Addresses and Phone Numbers ANY 322,323 24.999' 312 2999' 2999' 4999' 19.999' ANY 49,999' 313 313 313 314· 319 320,321 324 ALLIED. 5 ALLIED'S SEMICONDUCTOR DIRECTORY Over 6000 Types Stocked in Depth' .••• Your Easy Ordering Guide for All Your Semi~ conductor Needs-Prepared with the Purchasing Agent and Buyer i'n Mind • .. • d in this directory are . Semiconductors IIste 24-83 with manuon pages , d d uplicated , 'flcations include • focturers spec. , ", . ALLIED-YOUR SEMICONDUCTOR HEADQUARTERS • • • • • • Call your man at ALLIED TAylor 9~9100 World's Largest, Most Complete Stocks From 12 Leading Manufacturers OEM Quantity Price Discounts Every Semiconductor Listed is Stocked New Types Stocked as Soon as Announced Phone, Write, Wire for Same Day Shipment Use the Services of the Allied Facility Nearest You-See Page 1 of This Catalog for Locations of Branch Offices With Addresses and Telephone Numbers. KEY TO NAMES OF MANUFACTURERS GE •••• G"eneral Electric HA •••••••••••• Hughe. Aircraft IN,. •••••• International Rectifler MI ••• ,. ••• Microwave Associates MO ................ Motorola PA .. Pacific Semiconductors 101O.1O ".1O 1O ••• PH ................... Philco RA ................. Raytheon RC ..... Radio Corp. of Americo ST.,. •••• .Sarkes.:.Tarzian SY .................. Sylvanra He's an expert on your semiconductor .needs, knows how to take care of them fast. He serVes you best because he's backed by the world's most complete, up-to-the. minute stocks. For complete supply, for expert help, for same-day shipment at factory prices, "call your man at Allied." TWX: 312-431-1721 101O • • 101O TI •••• 101O .. 1O • • • One Order to Allied Fills the Whole Bill Texas Instruments NAVY STOCK FACILITY Over 400 military-type semiconductors are available from Allied's Navy Stock facility. They include USAF, USN, JAN, USA, and SC types. When ordering, two copies of purchase order must be sent to Allied. We will ship from stock within 48 hours. See Pages 22 and 23 for Complete Listing of Mil-Type Semiconductors. Prices Effective July 22, 1963-We Bill at Price in Effect at Time of Shipment DIODES AND RECTIFIERS , MICRO T,rr o. H~~:~R AVE ASSOCIATES E C 10100999 99 .68 .54 .61 1.02 .92 .81 19 ~15' t~~ 2:~~ IN2IDR IN21E IN21ER lf21F N21FR IN21WE IN23B lN23BR l~:~~ mngR 1: :~~~~R IN23E IN23ER IN23F gme;..~ lN23· 1NVf.1M t~m~K 3.68 '1.03 6.72 3.31 3.52 6.05 7.65 .67 1.02 02 41 2.45 3.69 4.45 6.89 .60 .92 92 1:.27 2.21 3.31 4.01 19.80 5.90 17.82 5.31 ::~g I~'~~ It:g~ I:~~ 2.90 3.14 5.30 ~.~~ (0.00 .54 .81 .81 t.12 1.93 2.90 3.50 6.00 0.50 15.75 4.65 11:~~ I~:~~ I~:~~ 19.45 17.51 15.28 9.90 8.91 7.29 IN32 11.61 10.45 9.30 IN53 23.20 20.88 18.60 IN53A 25.68 23.11' 20.58 IN53BM 74.48 67.03 64.78 TJ!,.e IN21BMR IN21CMR IN21EMR IN2lFMR IN25 lN2.A IN26 IN26 A 6A Hm m~m~ IN26AMR m~~~R Mfr. ~~ SY SY SY ~~ Sy PH SY ~~ PH PH PH m~~~~R ~~ IN26BR m~~gM IN26CR lN26CMR IN26M lN26M 1N26MR :~~~~~ lN26R IN31A IN34A IN34A PH ~~ ~~ PH SY PH pfi SY SY HA RA Type EACH No. 1-99 100-9 IN34A 2.04 1.61 3.45 IN34AS 3.07 IN35 13.50 10.50 26.00 lN38A 33.00 lN38A 3.53 2.74 8.48 ;:~g ~~~~~L 5.50 IN39AL 5.10 6.50 IN40 6.05 ~:~~ 6.05 IN48 19.30 I~:~g 19.30 18.20 lNS3BMR 23.00 9.15 IN53C 11.65 21.25 - IN53CM 2725 68.00 ~~:~g a::~~~~R 81.75 32.65 IN53D 40.85 25.50 ~~:~~ 63.75 nm~R 48.20 38.22 76.50 :m:~ 96.40 16.15 ·12.75 IN54AL 12.75 INS5A 16.15 15.30 1NS5AL 19.45 19.45 '~:8~ UmXL 9.90 7.80 lNS8A 9.90 11.75 IN60 14.70 .32 IN60 .43 .22 IN63 .32 ~~~~BM I Mfr. SY GE SY RA SY 11_99E~~ro_999 .30 .32 1.58 .75 75 .75 ~~J., 1.22 SY 4.00 ,SY 6.70 SY 30 23.20 ~~ 74.50 SY 9B.45 SY 49.79 SY 16.95 140.40 ~~ 70.20 SY 73.50 SY ;~:~~ SY 3&.30 ~~ .55 SY 1.20 SY 1.05 SY 2.52 .96 ~ 1.14 SY .77 GE .48 SY .lo SY .36 T..r::' IN63A IN64 IN65 IN66A IN67A Mfr-11_9:A~~0_999 RA .60 .90 SY .23 .30 .35 SY .48 _39 RA .30 .57 HA .46 .57 61 .47 .57 .55 .95 t~~~~ ~ .61 .48 HA .75 3.10 IN68A 1.00 RA .54 5.25 IN68A .70 .55 .23 lN68A SY .70 .23 .30 - 8.60 _58 ~~ .45 64.80 . ~~~~A .45 SY .58 78.75 IN69AL .38 SY .48 37.45 IN70 SY .79 1.01 93.60 IN70A 1.01 • 9 1.1 2 •30 ~~~~AJ.,. 5.25 ~~ 6.75 57.15 SY .70 .95 57.80 IN72 ~~.55 B.20 29.1.0 MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES .39 EACH .94 Type 110100.81 No. 999 9 99 1.97 IN78 4.95 4.32 5.50 IN78A 8.10 7.29 6.36 .~! .89 IN78AM 20.30 18.27 15.90 .55 IN78AR 12.10 10.B9 9.55· IN78AMR 24.30 21.87 19.10 .23 IN78B 9.45 12.00 10.80 .28 .23 ....... 1.21 The Semiconductor Directory is issued oria regular basisthi'oughout the year. If you want to, receive each issue, be sure you are on our mailing list by writing: Semiconductor Products Manager, ALLIED ELECTRONICS, 100 N. Western Ave~, Chicago 80, Illinois. . 6 • ALLIED See Page One for Locations and Phone Numbers Semiconductor DirectorY-DIoDEs Type EACH Mfr. "1'11 #~~ 6.50 5.10 No IN78 IN78A IN78AM IN78AR tN78AMR IN78B PH 6,36 B.IO 20.30 12.10 PH PH PH PI! 15.90 9.55 19.10 24.30 12.00 9.45 MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES EACH Type 19 No. lmmM~~:gg IN7SBR IN78C IN78CM IN78CYIR IN78CR tN78M tN781'lR 16.50 I'll I'll Pll Pil PH j'l[PH PI! I'll PII 1'1 Pli I'll m~-ff!'- INi811 IN78MR IN78R 89.00 ~T60-999 30.00 36.00 23.60 18.00 50,00 14.20 40.00 67.50 55.00 137.50 106.00 53.00 42.00 108.00 165.00 130.00 82.50 13.75 16.50 8.25 .75 .75 .72 .70 .91 .92 .91 .38 65.00 10.80 13.00 6.50 .59 .59 .55 .55 SV IN82 IN82A IN82A IN8ZA-IN90 INOD IN9D IN91 GE RA flA RA SY GE IIA ~~ m~~ IN96A ,IN97 HA HA RA HA m~t-- Sy IN9S IN98A IN99 IN99 INIOO INIOO INIOD INIOOA INtl6 HA HA SY HA RA SY HA HA RA INll6 SY IN116 INt17 INI17 1Nll8 INl1S INI18A INlt9 IN12D INI26 INI26 INt26 INt26A tN126A IN127 INt27 INI27 INI27A INt28 INl28 INt28 INI28A IN147A HA SY HA SY HA SY SY HA RA SY HA SY HA RA SY SY HA RA SV RA PH 19 3.07 3.13 1099 2.76 2.82 4.70 2.78 4.23 2.50 Type Mfr. ~!I :l\II MI MI Mfr. GE GE GE GE -]iFsy HA RA SY .71 .71 .29 .26 .27 .55 .55 1.30 1.30 /.80 .39 .34 .44 .44 .52 .46 .50 .38 .50 .66 .39 .72 .40 .40 .75 .42 .40 .41 .44 .45 .46 .48 .47 .40 .36 .34 .34 .24 .34 .24 68 .65 .65 .65 .38 .33 .25 .3B .71 .35 .85 .85 1.95 1.95 2.70 .52 .44 .59 .59 .69 .61 .66 .48 .66 .BB 50 .96 .51 .51 1.00 .56 .53 .53 .58 .5B 6 .61 .63 .51 .46 45 .44 .30 .45 .30 89 .87 .B3 .83 .50 .37 .32 .57 .96 ;o:VL GE INn IN93 IN95 ....... .34 SY GE :~~~ 27.40 +H:2-} ~ PH IN82 13.00 EACH ~\ INStAL tNIQ2 35.40 /4.85 SV IN81A IN10? INIQ2 IN198 16.20 135.00 121.50 106.00 67.50 60.75 53.00 13.75 12.38 1 10.80 No. IN78I3M IN78BMR IN78ER IN78C IN78C1\! IN78CMR IN78CR IN78D IN78DM lNI51 INt52 INt53 tNI58 tNI91 INI-9-t-tNI91 23.60 27.40 14.20 32.40 18.00 Mfr. TJ,;.e 100999 45.00 40.50 113.00 101.70 Type No. INt49 INI5D INI50R INI60 1099 27.00 HA 100999 2.45 2.50 3.76 2.22 EACH 0- ta. 2.15 2.70 3.40 2.70 4.45 3.55 6.10 5.00 .58 .40 -----:52 .35 .28 .53 .40 .47 .36 .34 .26 .39 .5 I --# Type No INt9,') Mfr. INt98 lNt98:\ SY SY SY INt98B tN207 tNl·i8 IN248A IN248A IN248C RA RA GE GE' RA GE -m~1~-8r r-~§ IN249 IN249A IN249A INHCJB IN24()C IN249C IN2·19CR IN250 tN250.\ IN250.\ IN250C IN250C tN250CR IN251 IN251 IN251 tN25t tN252 IN252 IN252 IN253 IN253 IN253 IN25.1 IN253R IN254 IN254 lN254 tN254 IN254R IN255 IN255 tN255 tN255 tN255R IN256 IN256 IN256 tN256 TNmR IN163 tN270 IN27D IN270 IN273 IN273 IN276 IN276' tN276 IN277 IN277 IN277 IN278 tN279 IN279 IN281 IN281 tN283 N283 IN283 IN287 IN288 IN289 IN2QI tN292 IN294 IN294A IN295 IN295 IN297 IN297A IN2Q8 IN30D IN300A IN30t IN30tA IN302 tN30ZA IN303 tN303A tN305 IN306 IN307 tN3t5 :~m IN332 IN332R IN.H3 TNT)3 IN333 IN333R IN334 IN334 IN.134 tN334R tN335 tN335 .UUJ\,_ !N335R IN336 tN336 GE GE RA GE GE RC RC GE GE RA GE RC RC HA RC SY Tl GE HA SY GE MO RA TI TI GE MO RA TI TI GE MO RA Tl TI GE MO Ri\ Tl TI PH HA RA SY Hi\ RA HA ~¢ HA RA SY EACH -.51 .35 .35 .39 .2B .2B 1:~~ ,.~~ 2.46 1.64 1.64 2.55 2.46 3.40 ~::~ b'~~ 1.82 3.01 3.01 1.21 2.01 j:b~ ~'AO 3.01 2.01 2.97 1.54 2.01 4.46 2.31 4:~~ ~.~ 5.75 4.54 6.60 4.45 3.03 4.40 3.~~ 2:~? /.20 .90 1.52 .80 .75 1.07 I :~g .BO 1.05 1.05 I.: ~ 1.19 • 1.25 1.24 :~? .65 .70 .70 .79 79 .79 .83 .83 I :~~ 1.25 I.BO 1.96 2.68 97 1.97 2.55 2.70 3.90 2.B5 2.B5 12.50 .75 1.90 9.19 .56 :~g :~; :~~ .83 1.20 1.31 1.79 I ll. 1.31 1.70 1.80 2.60 1.90 .68 .50 .60 .51 .40 .45 .34 24 .70 .46 .26 :j3 .93 .59 .34 HA HA /.~3 :~; RA .29 .50 .31 .22 .40 .24 .~~ :j~ .51 .88 .B8 .40 .66 .66 SY SY ~A SY HA HA HA HA HA SY RA GE SY SY RA SY RA RA RA RA RA RA RA RA RA RA RA GE GE MO TI TI GE ~1? TI GE MO TI T1 GE MO f\- GE MO .~~ .60 .34 .45 :~~ .45 .26 .35 :~~ .. ';7 .70 .72 .48 .55 .55 .3B ~:~~ !.~g 4.55 5.20 3.50 4.00 5.20 6.50 4.00 5.00 3.50 4.00 4 55 5.20 2.60 2.60 2.60 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.31 1.30 1.31 3.30 Lg7 1.95 1.97 4,95 !,g7 1.31 1.95 1.97 1.30 1.31 3.30 1.05 1.05 1.05 2.45 1.05 1.05 4.95 1.5B I 57 1.58 3.75 1.58 1.57 _~_,2~_ 3.75 1.25 1.24 ~ 2.45 SpecIfy Mfr's Name and Type Number When Ordenng .83 .83 Type No. IN336 tN3.l6R tN337 tN337 Mfr. TI TI GE MO TI TI IN337 tN3.17R IN338 IN338 IN338R IN.BO MO TI TI GE MO TI TI GE MO INJ3!) IN339 t N330R tN.140 IN.HO tNJ40 H GE IN340R IN341 IN34t tN341 IN341R IN342 IN342 MO TI TI GE MO Tl IN342 TI tN342R :~m GE MO Tl TI GE MO TI TI GE MO IN343 IN343R INJ44 IN344 tN344 tN344R tN345 tN345 tN345 tN345R tN346 IN346 tN346 IN346R IN347 IN347 IN347R TI Tl GE MO Tl TI 1\10 TI -mm- IN348 tN348R IN349 tN349 1NJ49 IN349R tN358A tN358AR TI r-~E MO TI TI GE MO TI SY SY AND T-9~rW(j-999 1.25 475 1.58 1.57 1.58 .83 1.60 .B3 .B3 .83 1.60 1.25 1.40 1.40 .70 .79 .79 1.30 .70 .79 .79 1.30 1.31 1.30 I 31 3.15 1.31 1.30 1.31 3.15 1.05 1.05 1.05 3:~~ 2:~~ 1.57 1.5B 3.50 I :~~ 1.25 2.25 1.25 1.24 25 2.25 1.72 2.00 1.05 1.05 2.25 .B3 .83 .83 1.50 .83 .83 B3 1.50 1.15 1.30 2:g~ I.~g 1.18 1.19 1.80 1.05 1.19 1.80 19.25 28.90 .79 .79 1.20 .70 .79 .79 1.20 17.10 25.65 47.80 38.22 2.45 1.25 I.~~ 2.45 1.87 2.10 2.10 1.05 1.1 B 1.19 2.00 1.05 I B 1.19 2.00 1.97 I.~~ 4.75 1.97 1.95 1.97 1.19 m~~r{'f- f]T.~{- ~ 25.48 IN369AR SY EACH TYPOI 1'110 00No. Mfr. 9 99 999 lN415E MI 15.2514.7314.12 lN416E ~!1 5.25 4.73 4.12 1 I I Type --.No tN4t6F IN429 tN42Q tN430 tN4.10 tN430A IN430A tN430ll tN432 N4,32<\ tN433 IN433A IN434 tN434A tN440 tN440B tN440B IN440B IN44t :~1::R- tN441B IN44tB IN442 IN442B IN.f.f2B lN442B IN443 t N4438 :~!1}ll-- IN444 tN444B IN444B Mfr. SY IN MO IN PA IN PA IN K~ RA RA RA ~i<\E ~:~g 3:~g 4.55 3.50 4.50 3.50 4.50 48 .48 .48 .55 .51 5 .5 I .57 .57 .58 58 .58 .66 .73 .73 73 .83 .75 .75 .83 5.85 4.55 5:~~ GE RC .72 TI .83 .77 77 .76 .86 .86 .87 87 .87 .99 1.10 1.10 1.09 1.24 1.12 GE GE RC SY TI GE GE RC TI GE GE r-J,T1 HA PA -~y T1 PA SY TI HA ~¢ T1 PA -~y t;~ PA SY TI PA SY TI HA PA ~i PA SY HA ~~ TI PA SY ~t SY Tl PA fI~ lN482 IN482 IN482 HA PA tRmA IN482A IN482A IN482A IN482B IN482B IN482B lN482B IN483 IN483 IN483 tN483 tN483A IN483A IN483A IN483A IN483B tN483B lN483B IN483B IN484 JN484 lN484 IN4H4 IN484A IN484A IN484A IN484A IN484B AA PA :~:~:~ IN484B lN485 tN485 IN485 IN485 IN485A IN485A IN485A tN485A IN485B IN485B IN485B IN485B lN486 IN486 IN486 lN486 IN486A tN486A IN486A tN486A IN486B IN486B IN486B tN487 IN487 IN487 IN487 IN487A IN487A tN487A SY SY Tl ~~ SY TI HA PA SY Tl HA PA SY TI HA PA SY TI HA PA SY TI HA PA SY TI HA PA SY TI HA PA SY TI HA PA SY TI HA PA SY TI ~~ SY TI HA ~~ TI PA SY TI HA PA SY T1 HA PA 'SY ~~~0-999 .74 .60 .45 , .56 .• 45 .36 .!~ .!~ .45 .45 .86 .36 .36 .65 .49 40 .46 .49 ..40 .40' .84 .60 .51 .51 .60 51 .51 .47 .40 .2B .90 .45 .28 .90 .53 :~5 .51 .65 .51 .51 1.12 .80 .66 .66 .BO .66 .66 .62 .53 .35 I 15 .60 .35 /.15 .70 .60 .38 ~ .30 /.31 I.B2 .64 .48 .38 .30 .BO .67 .50 .46 .36 1.95 1.49 .71 .53 .46 .36 1.05 .79 .72 .54 .45 .35 1.85 1.40 .74 .55 .45 .35 3.00 2.05 .67 .99 .60 .45 .46 .59 1.19 1.60 .91 .68 .49 .65 .46 .59 1.60 2.00 .71 .95 .49 .65 .46 .59 1.76 -4ll f:~g .67 .61 2.00 1.14 67 .61 2.12 1.20 .67 6 2.60 1.25 .67 .70 2.35 1.34 .80 .70 2.52 1.42 2.92 .70 2.92 I :~~ .B5 2.55 1.50 1.00 .B5 3.60 3.28 1.00 .85 4.20 2.00 1.20 1.25 3.15 2.10 1.43 1.25 4.30 1.71 I 25 5.00 2.50 2.00 2.05 .7~ .50 .47 /.60 .B6 .50 .47 1.70 .90 .50 .4.Z 1.9(l .94 .50 .55 1.9Q 1.01 .60 .55 2.02 1.07 2.34 .55 2.34 I:~~ .60 1.95 1.13 :r~ 2.54 2.46 .75 .60 2.35 1.50 .90 .98 2.23 -ff~ 1.07 .98 3.04 1.28 ~ 3.75 1.88 I.SO 1.60 4.00 ~3l.:; 2.75 2.37 2.B5 2.06 1',70. 2.15 ALLlED.7 Semiconductor DirectorY-DIoDEs AND RECTIFIERS Mfr. TJ.PO IN487A IN488 IN488 :N488 N488 IN488A IN488A IN488A IN488A IN497 2.12 ~:~~ j'~~ TI TI TI TI TI TI fJ MO RA RC TI GE i~o RA ~f GE RA IN .65 .45 .65 I.!~ I'~~ 1.40 1.57 1.19 .95 1.05 .79 I.~~ .~~ 1.29 .86 .86 1.00 GE MO TI TI GE MO TI TI GE MO TI T GE MO TI TI 'GE MO TI TI GE MO TI TI i 7 INS37 IN537 INS38 IN538 INS38 IN538. IN538 IN540 INS40 INS40 IN540 IN540 IN540 IN547 IN547 INS47 IN547 IN547 IN547 INS50 IN550 IN5S0 IN550R IN551 INS51 IN551 INS51R IN552 IN552 IN552 IN552R IN553 !N5S3 IN55.1 IN553R IN554 INS54 IN554 IN554R IN555 IN555 INS55 IN555R 6.60 2.B5 HA PA SV TI Wt6g tN530 h:99E8~to_999 TI HA ·PA TI GE 1.29 1.50 :.~g .92 1.10 1.18 1.18 1.1 B 1.30 1.44 2.01 1.34 1.44 ~:~~ 1.44 ~.~~ ~'Tg 3.00 3.15 5.00 2.00 2.10 3.25 ~.~~ I :~g 3.40 3.40 3.57 3.35 7.15 5.00 24.60 5.10 5.10 5.36 5.02 0.13 7.50 32.20 1.50 ~.~~ 8.10 10.00 11.20 ~.~~ 8.50 .47 .74 .~3 TI Tl :~~ GE TI GE TI GE GE GE TI GE 1.75 2.16 2.10 2.16 .53 .92 1.05 1.46 .54 .98 1.0B 1.59 TI :~~ 1.38 1.70 1.77 1.77 1.77 2.20 2.16 1.26 1.68 .66 1.40 1.44 .. T,r,pe TI GE 1;:;~g4 ¥~ IN604A IN604A IN605 IN605 IN605A IN605A IN606 IN606 IN606A IN606A W~g~ IN607 IN607 IN607A IN607A IN607AR IN607R IN608 N608 IN608 IN608 IN608A m~g~~R IN608R IN609 IN609 IN609 IN609 IN609l'. IN609A IN609AR IN609R IN610 IN610 IN6!O IN6!O IN610A IN610l'. m~:g~R IN611 IN611 N61 IN611A lN611A IN611AR IN611R IN612 IN612 IN612 IN612A IN612A IN612AR :i:lm R IN613 IN613 lN613A IN613A IN613AR IN613R IN614 IN614 :i:l~:!A IN614A 1~61!~R IN625 IN62S IN625 mm IN626 IN626 IN626 mm IN627 IN627 IN628 IN628 5..JJL IN628 5.40 IN628 7.00 IN629 7.60 IN629 IN629 IN629 IN630 .31 IN630R .49 IN631 .62 .IN632 .87 IN633 .35 IN634 .61 IN636 .70 IN643 .97 IN643 .36 IN643 .65 IN643l'. .72 IN643l'. 1.06 IN643A :j~ IN645 IN645 .B4 IN645 1.12 IN645A 044 IN64SA .. Mfr. IN603 IN603A IN603A TI GE TI GE ~~6-999 1.37 1.32 2.07 .91 .BB 1.38 '~l .~! 1.62 2.32 .90 1.08 1.68 .60 :.;; I.n TI 2.59 1.19 2.22 1.79 .79 TI n~ 1.58 233 .70 .76 .75 TI GE TI GE GE GE IN MO ~k 1.05 1.15 1.12 I.:! 1.49 .~~ TI TI TI 1.25 2.10 1.70 .83 1.40 1.20 IN I.~~ .;~ 1.19 1.19 1.17 .79 .79 .78 .86 I 50 1.35 .75 .B5 .81 BI .BI .89 1.55 GE MO TI GE TI TI TI GE IN MO TI GE TI TI TI GE !Yo TI GE TI TI TI GE W GE TI TI TI GE IN TI GE TI TI TI ~.~~ 1.90 1.13 1.22 I.~~ 1.12 1.34 2.55 2.10 • 4 1.25 1.24 1.25 I.!~ 2.75 2.30 1.44 I.~~ .83 .83 .83 .84 92 1.90 1.60 .96 I.~~ I.~~ 1.61 1.77 3.50 2.75 1.80 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.07 1.18 2.40 1.90 1.20 1.31 1.31 1.31 ~.~~ ~.44 75 2.55 1.20 1.31 1.31 31 1.44 3.30 3.00 1.63 1.90 1.90 1.91 2.10 IN TI 3.80 1.80 1.97 I.~; TI TI TI 2.16 5.00 4.50 IN TI 86 2.85 2.97 3.15 7.~~ ~.;~ .60 .60 .54 .45 AI .33 .~~ .!~ .65 .59 .62 .43 .34 .46 .53 4 .39 .48 .66 GE GE GE GE . TI TI TI HA PA SY TI HA PA SY TI HA PA SY TI HA PA SY TI HA PA SY TI SY SY SY SY SY SY SY HA PA TI 1~ PA GE PA GE PA ~.45 .~~ .67 .67 .88 .90 .8 .72 .95 .95 .88 .86 35.70 53.50 .80 .72 46 1.05 .38 3.50 ~.50 .20 3.75 1.60 3.50 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.65 1.65 .~~ .53 .71 .55 .59 .60 28.50 42.BO .63 .56 1.17 .75 .27 2.63 2.55 1.62 2.82 1.12 2.55 .93 .93 .93 1.10 1.10 Type No IN645A IN646 IN646 IN646 IN646 IN647 IN647 IN647 IN647 IN648 GE HA PA TI GE ~~ Tl GE HA im!~ ~~ IN658 IN658 IN6S9 PA SV HA 1[m IN6S9 SY TI GE IN659A IN660 IN660 PA TI PA SY TI HA PA TI HA PA Pl'. IN661 IN661 IN661 IN662 IN662 IN662 IN662A IN662A IN663 m~~t\ IN663A IN676 IN676 lN677 IN678 IN679 IN681 IN682 IN683 lN684 lN68S IN686 IN687 lN689 ! IN690 IN695 IN695 IN695A IN702 lN702 thru IN708 IN702A IN702A thru IN708A IN703 IN703 t.hru IN716 IN703A lr-;~~f~~hru IN704 IN704 IN704A IN705 IN705 IN705A IN706 IN706A IN707 IN707A IN708 IN708A T,r~e IN709 IN709 IN709A IN709A IN710 IN710 IN710A IN710A IN711 IN711 IN711A IN711A IN712 IN712 IN712A tN712A IN713 IN713 IN7!3l'. IN713A IN714 IN714 tN714A IN7f4A 1.10 1.91 1.10 I 10 1.20 2.44 1.20 1.38 1.80 3.25 1.80 3.00 I.~~ 2.B9 3.85 ~ 4.95 3.47 3.70 2.08 1.65 2.50 4.50 3.38 3.30 2.25 4.20 2.72 3.75 2.73 3.&4 2.73 1.40 1.05 1.30 .70 .78 .44 1.20 .70 HA PA TI IN648 IN649 IN649 1.65 2.55 ~:~~ GE mm Type No. tN708A t.hru IN738A EACH 1-99 100-999 3.&3 2.&& Mfr. TI 2.25 r .58 1.50 1.30 2.00 2.85 .75 .90 1.32 2.43 1.32 .90 .60 .BO .90 .&0 1.15 1.13 1.31 1.15 .62 .62 .70 .82 .90 1.02 1.10 1.20 1.25 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.65 1.92 .5B .50 .74 I :~g HA SY HA HA 1.20 1.14 1.20 1.20 1.60 1.54 1.75 1.&0 .93 .79 1.05 1.23 1.35 1.53 1.65 1.80 1.8B 2.10 2.25 2.40 2.50 2.86 .77 .65 .98 2.10 PA HA 2.10 3.21 1.60 2.41 PA HA 2.90 2.10 2 15 1.58 TI HA 2.10 2.53 1.60 1.89 TI HA SV HA 2.80 2.10 2.00 2.53 2.10 2.00 2.42, 2.10 2.42 2.10 2.42 2.10 HA PA GE RA g~ GE GE GE g~ GE GE GE ~~ ~~ HA HA HA ~~ HA HA 1.59 1.5B 1.89 1.90 1.5B 1.89 1.82 /.5B 1.82 1.58 1.82 2.64 1.98 3.21 2.41 EACH 124 Mf. ST ~~- m~- 2.25 2.00 \1.90 Mfr. EACH 2.10 = 2.10 1.60 2.42 1.82 ~.~g f:~~ 1HA PA HA· Pl'. Hl'. PA HA PA ~.A HA Pl'. Hl'. PA HA Pl'. HA PA Hl'. PA J.lA PA HA Pl'. 2.10 2.42 2.90 1.58 1.60 1.82 2.15 ~.:~ I.~~ 2.42 1.82 2.90 2.10 2.15 1.58 ~'l~ I.~~ 2.90 2.10 2.10 2.15 1.58 1.60 ~.~~ ~.~~ 2.10 1.58 2.10 1.60 2.29 1.72 2.15 2.90 Type Mfr. iii'; IN715 IN71S IN715A IN715A IN716 IN716 IN716A IN716A IN717 IN717 IN717A IN717A IN718 IN718 IN718A IN718A IN719 IN719 IN719A IN719A IN 20 IN720 IN720A IN720A IN721 IN7Z1 IN721A IN72IA IN7Z2 IN722 IN722A IN722A IN723 IN723 IN723l'. IN723A IN724 IN724 IN724A IN724A I 725 IN725 lN725A IN725A IN726 HA PA HA PA HA PA HA PA HA PA HA PA HA PA HA PA HA PA HA PA HA PA HA PA HA PII HA PA HA PII HA PA HA Pl'. HA PA HA PA HA PII A PA HA PA HA MU lN7.W IN731 IN732 IN732A IN733 TN734 IN746 IN746 IN746 thru IN759 lN746A thru IN759A I IN746A thru IN759A lN747 thru IN757 EACH 1-99 100-999 2.10 1.5B 2.10 1.60 2.&& 2.00 ~.?~ 2.~~ 2.10 2.66 2.90 2.10 2 10 2.29 2.90 2.10 2.10 2.53 2.90 2.10 1.60 2.00 2.15 ::~~ 1.72 2.15 1.58 1.&0 1.90 2.15 2.10 1.58 1.60 2.53 2.90 2.10 2 15 1.5B 1.90 2.10 1.60 3.21 2.90 .98 2.10 2.53 2.90 2.41 2.15 ~.~~ 1.73 I &0 1;96 2.15 1.65 1.60 I.B2 2.15 2.06 1.60 1.A2. 1.60 1.90 2.15 2.53 2.90 2.20 2.10 2.42 2.90 2.75 2.10 3.04 2.90 2.28 2.15 2.75 2.10 3.04 2.90 ·2.15 2.06 1.60 1 2 .28 2.64 1.98 3.50 3.50 3.50 2.40 350 3.50 2.15 2.15. 2.80 2.80 2.80 TI 2.60 2.10 HA 3.00 2.25 IN 2.95 2.20 PA 2.15 /.60 MO MO ST MO MO HA PA I ~.~~ 2.80 1.61 1.60 MOTOROLA-GLASS ZENER DIODES *10 per type. 100 total on order must all be glass. EACH Type 1*100100No. 99 Mix 999 IN746A thru IN759A 2.80 2.40 2.10 Type No 1N746l'. IN746A IN747 IN747A IN747A I 748 IN748A IN748A lN749 IN749A IN749l'. IN750 IN750A IN750A IN751 IN7SIA IN7SlA IN752 IN752A IN752l'. IN7S3 IN753A IN753l'. IN753A IN754 fN754A IN754A IN754A IN755 IN755A IN755A IN755A IN756 INi56A IN756A Mfr. PA TI HA PA TI ~k TI HA PA TI HA PA TI HA Pi\. TI HA Pl'. TI HA ~.~~ ~.~~ 2.75 3.00 2.80 2.06 2.25 2.10 ~.~~ ~.~~ 2.80 2.15 3.00 2.80 2 5 3.00 2.BO 2.15 2.10 1.61 2.25 2.~0 2.25 2.10 1.61 ;.~g ~.~~ MO 2.15 3.00 3.00 1.61 2.25 2.25 2.80 2.10 ElO PA 2.15 3.00 3.00 2.80 61 2.25 2.25 2.10 PA TI Hl'. TI HA MO PA TI HA PA TI ,", mIT7A IN7S7A EACH 1-99 100-999 3.00 2.25 2.80 2.10 2.15 1.61 PA TI ~'Ag ~.~! 3.00 2.BO 2.15 3.00 2.80 2.25 2:10 1.61 2.15 1.61 2.25 2.10 3.00 2.80 ~:~~ Use the Facilities of the Allied Branch Office Nearest Yau Semiconductor DirectorY-DIoDEs AND RECTIFIERS Type Mfr. --'10 IN758 IN758 IN758A IN758A IN758A m~~~ IN759A IN759A IN759A 1r'l761 IN761 thru IN765 IN762 IN763 m~~t IN766 IN766 IN767 IN768 IN769 IN770 IN770 IN789 IN790 IN791 IN792 IN793 IN794 IN795 IN796 IN797 IN798 IN799 INBOO INBOI IN802 INB03 IN804 IN805 IN811 IN812 IN813 IN814 IN815 HA PA MO PA Tl H, PA MO PA Tl l' Tl PA PA 1r PA Tl PA PA HA SY PA PA PA PA PA PA 1'1\ PA PA PA PA --p;, PA PA PA PA 1'E GE GE GE GE -:;:00 ~ 2.15 1.61 2.15 1.60 3.00 2.25 3.00 2.25 2.80 2 10 2.15 1.61 2.15 1.60 3.00 2.25 3.00 2.25 2.80 2.10 2.10 1.60 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 .7B I':~ 1.40 1.70 2.15 1.70 1.70 2.15 2.70 2.30 2.00 2.70 3.60 2.45 3.00 2.80 3.60 .34 1.55 2.55 2.00 2.25 2.25 1.60 1.60 I 60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 .58 .38 I OB 1.08 1.30 1.65 1.30 1.30 1.65 2.00 1.75 1.50 2.00 2.70 1.82 2.25 2.10 2.70 .26 1.09 1.58 1.40 1.58 1.58 MOTOROLA-OTC ZENER DIODES ~~~!~ut;::'u1~~ to~~ ~'!,~~: T,!.pe 0 IN821 IN821A IN823 IN823A IN825 IN825A IN827 Type No IN821 IN821A IN823 IN823A IN825 mm" IN827A Type No. IN830 IN830A IN831A IN832 IN832A mmA IN853 IN854 IN855 IN891 IN903 IN903 IN903 IN903 fN903A IN903A IN904 IN904 IN904 IN904 *100Mix 3.45 4.~0 4.30 6.50 6.90 9.75 23.30 100999 3.00 4.25 3.75 5.65 6.00 8.45 20.30 IN IN IN IN IN E C>l 1-99 100-999 3.25 5.10 5.65 4.20 6.85 5.10 7.50 5.60 10.55 7.85 !N 20.00 22.00 Mfr. m1i:ro 29.35 T.4lY EACH 110- 100Mfr. 9 99 999 MI 2.95 2.66 2.35 MI 3.85 3.47 3.00 MI 12.54 11.29 9.80 MI 8.60 7.74 6.70 MI 10.90 9.81 9.35 4.70 4.23 3.65 1~I 14.10 12.69 11.28 Type No. IN830A IN833A IN835 IN837A IN838 IN839 IN840 IN844 IN845 IN850 rnff~ 199 4.00 5.65 5.00 7.50 7.95 11.25 27.00 Mfr. SY SY HA HA HA ~A HA HA HA HA ii~. HA HA HA GE GE HA MI SY GE HA GE HA MI SY EACH 1-99 100-999 3.85 3.00 10.95 13.95 .85 .64 3.28 2.46 2.68 2.01 3.50 2.63 1.69 2.25 2.68 2.01 3.75 2.BI 1.80 1.35 2.51 1.88 2.63 1.97 2.18 2.91 3.46 2.60 4.16 3.12 1.75 2.50 1.50 1.00 1.35 1.01 1.40 1.75 2.85 2.2B 1.80 1.20 1.46 1.95 1.50 1.00 1.20 .90 1.75 1.30 2.65 2.15 TJfe IN904A IN904A IN905 IN905 IN90S IN905 IN905A IN905A IN906 lN906 rn-~g~A IN906A IN907 IN907 fN907 IN907 IN907A IN907A IN908 IN908 IN908 IN90S IN908A lN90RA IN914 IN914 IN914 1m:: IN914 IN914A IN914A IN914A IN914A IN914A IN914A IN914A IN914B IN914B IN914B IN915 IN9I6 IN916 IN916 IN916 IN916 IN916 IN916A IN916A mm~ IN916A IN9I6A IN916A mm~ IN916B IN917 IN917 m~~g IN921 IN933 Mfr. GE HA GE ~~ ", ... 'U 1-99 100-999 1.80 1.20 1.80 1.35 1.50 1.00 SY GE HA GE HA SY GE HA GE !.~~ ,.~~ 2.50 3.65 1.80 2.00 2.56 1.35 I.~~ I:~g 2.20 1.80 1.75 1.20 1.35 I.~~ 1.15 2.00 1.20 1.35 1.20 1.01 1.40 2.2B 1.20 I.BO I1.50 20 HA MI SY HA MI SY 1.45 2.50 1.80 LBO I 50 1.35 1.75 2.B5 HA MI ~;} 2.40 2.25 1.95 ~.~~ 1.90 1.69 1.55 ;.~~ Tl 2.40 3.00 2.40 1.90 2.19 I.BO ~'~2 ~.75 GE GE HA GE HA GE GE HA MI PA RA SY Tl ~~ TI TI GE HA MI PA SY TI GE I.~~ 3.20 3.25 3.20 ~.~~ 4.06 4.06 3.20 3.24 3.24 2.60 ~.~~ ;.~g MI TI 4.76 3.75 4.76 TI MI PA MI SY ;.~~ 3.26 3.03 2.60 3.40 4.41 3.80 GE . 4.85 4.05 3.20 HA MI PA RA SY TI GE 69 2.19 2.55 2.19 ~.~g ~.65 65 3.50 6.19 4.80 1.12 ~.~~ . Mfr. Type Iii';. IN949 IN950 IN951 IN952 IN953 mm IN956 IN957A IN958A 1r'l959A IN960A IN961A IN962A IN962B 'r'l963A IN963B IN964A IN964B GE GE GE GE GE GE HA GE HA GE IN966A IN966B IN967A IN967B GE HA GE HA l~ ~.~~ 5.60 7.00 7.60 2.70 3.52 3.15 ~.~~ 3.80 3.00 3.80 ~.~: 2.80 4.13 3.85 .85 .~?: 1,,0.0.: 3.00 3.35 3.95 2.60 2.90 3.45 3'j~ 4.B5 6.05 6.55 ~.OO 65 4.20 5.25 5.70 ~'7~ ~.~~ 9.15 12.30 18.75 7.90 10.65 16.20 6.B5 9.25 14.10 39.00 47.00 52.25 33.70 40.65 45.15 29.30 35.30 39.30 6'1~ ~~.~~ I~H~ I ~~.~~ !.~~ 6.05 5.35 6.35 n~ 9.90 11.10 10.55 l~·~g 24.50 33.40 37.55 54.40 64.50 70.65 ~.~~ 5.20 4.60 5.50 ~.~~ 8.55 9.60 9.10 10.35 13.75 21.15 28.85 32.45 47.00 55.75 61.10 See Page One for Locations and Phone Numbers 2.85 2.63 ~.~~ ;.~~ 1.80 2.00 2.40 1.35 1.50 1.80 I.~~ ;.~~ 2.85 2.85 2.85 HA 1.90 1.90 1.90 ~.~~ ~.~~ 2.85 3.15 2.B5 3.15 1.90 2.36 1.90 2.36 1.90 2.36 1.90 2.36 1.90 2.36 1.90 2.36 m~~~~- f--~- 1--~.B5 3.15 2.B5 3.15 2.85 3.15 2.85 3.15 HA gm~~ ~~ -.55 MOTOROLA-GLASS ZENER DIODES ~~~ p~.~,ype·I'~2 !~at;!perorType No IN975A IN957B thru IN971B IN972H thru IN984B IN985B thru IN922B *~~?- ~gg- 3.00 2.60 2.25 2.95 2.55 2.20 2.9~ 2.55 2.20 3.15 2.75 ~~ 3.65 ;.~~ MOTOROLA-OTC ZENER DIODES *10 per type, 100 total per 0 .... der--must all be OTC units 3.45 3.85 4.60 H 3.80 3.50 J:l~ Type No. IN957B ihru IN971B IN962B IN963B IN964B IN965B Mfr. IN PA PA PA PA A PA PA mg~rr IN968B IN969A IN969B GE HA :~~nx ~~ IN970B T.r.!'e IN935 IN935A IN935B IN936 IN936A TN936B IN937 IN937A IN937B IN938 IN938A IN938B IN939 IN939A IN939B IN940 IN940A IN940B IN941 IN941A IN941B IN942 IN942A IN942B IN943 IN943A IN943B lN944 IN944A IN944B IN945 IN945A IN945B IN946 IN946A lN946B E -.70 SY HA HA HA HA ;.~~ 4.55 4.00 4.75 ~.50 B5 7.45 8.35 7.90 9.00 11.95 18.40 25.10 28.20 40.90 48.50 53.10 HA PA mmx GE ~k IN971B IN971B IN972A IN972B IN972B GE HA IN rnm~ IN973B IN973B IN974B IN974B IN975A IN975B IN975B IN976B IN977B IN978B IN979B IN980B IN981B IN983B IN984A IN984B IN995 IN997 IN997 INIOO8 INIOl6 INI024 TJ: e IN1081 lN1082 IN1083 IN1084 lNI085 INI085A IN1086 IN1086A lNI087 IN1087A )NI088 INI088A ~l IN PA HA PA MO HA PA PA - .. 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 2.B5 3.15 3.15 2.85 3.15 3.15 2.85 3.15 3-45 3.38 3,45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 .~~ PA PA PA ~ PA SY GE G~ GE GE M'·. ST ST ST ST ST .~~ ST ST ST ST ST EACH 10 - ::gg 4.00 3.00 4.00 .60 2.90 2.90 1.50 3.00 1.50 2.30 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 1.90 2.36 2.35 1.96 2.36 2.35 1.90 1.96 2.75 2.25 2.59 2.70 2.75 2.59 2.70 2.75 2.59 2.75 2.75 2.59 2.75 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 ~:gg 3.00 2.60 3.00 .45 2.25 2.25 ....... ....... ....... Type No. IN1095 INI095 INI095 INI095 INI095 m:8~~ INI096 INI096 INI096 :J:mgg INIIOO INIIOO INIIOI 1r'l"OI INIIOI IN1102 IN1102 lNII02 mm~ INl103 INII04 lNII04 :m:8f Mfr. IN MO RA RC S Tl Type No. m:m INl115 INI115R IN1116 INI116 INI116 IN1116R :mm 11'11117 IN1117R IN1118 INl1l8 IN1118 m:::~l< IN1119 IN1119 INll19R IN1120 IN1120 11'11120 Nll20R N1124 IN1124 t mm~ lN1124R N1125 IN1125 IN1125A IN1125R IN1I25R IN1126 l~lmA IN1126R mnw lN1l27 INI127A IN1127R IN1127R IN1128 IN1128 INI128A IN1128R IN1l28R INI130 t~lm IN1131 IN1132. IN1l50A IN MO TI GE ¥IU GE MO TI i1'5 TI MO Tl ¥IU 1.16 1.25 1.40 3.45 2.86 3.80 3.43 4.20 4.00 4.60 4.67 Type No. IN1I57 INII58 IN1159 IN1160 INl162 IN1163 lN1165 IN1l66 4.45 :lN1167 4.27 IN1168 1.00 1.07 1.20 3.40 2.66 3.61 3.20 3.99 3.73 19 'M~ TI TI MO TI TI GE MO TI TI GE MO TI GE MO TI TI ~~ TI TI MO T TI MO TI MO H MO TI MO TI TI MO TI MO TI TI MO TI MO TI TI MO TI IN Nr TI SY ST M'r. ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST .60 .65 .65 .;~ .65 .65 .79 .95 .95 .95 .35 .50 .61 .42 .50 .75 .44 .60 .97 .54 .65 1.42 ~.~~ ~:~g 2.92 3.60 1.95 2.40 ~~- '~~9 2.75 4.15 5.55 6.95 8.35 9.75 Mfr. 2"t 1'.,0.0.: J.. 1.10 .90 1.19 1.25 1.34 I.4B 3.6B 3.34 3.98 4.00 4.45 4.67 4.86 S.35 :8~ .76 .98 .98 1.19 1.43 1.42 1.43 .53 .75 .92 .63 .75 1.13 .66 .90 1.46 .81 .97 2.13 bk MO GE 10n:1lliJl .•98 GE Type No. Mfr INII08 ST INIlO9 ST INI110 ST lN111l ST INI112 .ST IN1113 st . , ..,. -.90 GE 2.35 3.55 4.75 5.95 7.15 8.35 2.25 3.45 4.50 5.75 7.00 B.OO EACH 1-99 100-999 1.05 .70 1.09 .73 1.19 .75 1.19 .75 1 25 83 1.21 .81 1.25 .83 1.25 .83 1.58 l.oS 53 1.02 1.58 1.05 1.58 1.05 1.80 1.20 1.80 1.20 ·1.31 1.97 1.97 1.3 1.31 1.97 1.90 1.27 1.31 I:~~ 1.31 2.55 1.70 2.77 1.85 2.85 1.90 2.85 1.90 244 1.63 2.70 2.21 2.2·1 2.70 2.44 1.63 2.70 2.21 285 190 3.38 2.76 3.38 2.76 2.85 1.90 3.38 2.76 4.65 3.10 4.73 3.87 4.73 3.87 4.65 3.10 4.73 3.87 7.35 4.90 6.76 5.56 6.76 5.56 7.35 4.90 6.76 5.56 8.60 5.75 8.32 6.80 8.32 6.80 8.60 5.75 8.32 11.20 6.22 11.20 6.22 43.05 13.00 6.80 7.45 4.15 7.45 4.15 33.85 1.1.70 EACH 5099 3.15 3.70 4.15 5.10 ~.~g 4.70 650 5.25 10.75 8.70 11.30 9.30 149 4.20 4.60 5.15 100499 2.65 2.90 3.25 4.00 3.70 4.10 7.45 8.25 13.30 11.25 10.20 14.75 12.80 11.75 AL/JED. 9 Semiconductor DirectorY-DIoDEs AND Type Mfr. E C'" SARKES RECTIFIERS Type No. lN1237 INI238 rnm~~R ~ IN1187 IN1187R lN1188 RC RC RC gg 7.59 i:l: 5.06 7.01 9 90 4.68 6 60 IN1195· IN1I95A IN1195A RA GE RC B.30. 5.47 5.86 5.90 3.65 3.90 IN1196A IN1196A IN1196AR GE RC RC ~~ 8.25 8.25 6.60 I~.~g 5.50 5.50 4.40 I~.;~ IN1197A IN1197AR IN1198 RC RC RA 10.73 8.25 19.00 7.15 5.50 12.70 mm~AR ~X mlmA mg~~A ~~ IN1198AR lNI199 lN1199 RC HA IN mlm~ 5.!~ !~·l! 9.90 3.30 2.64 ~~ I.~~ m:m mrn~ INI343A mm! l~gg~A ~~ ~.~~ ! .:g lNl202 lN1202A lNI202A lN1202AR N1203 IN GE RC RC HA 5.55 3.38 2.72 2.72 7.00 3.70 2.25 1.82 1.82 4.69 lNl218A IN1220A lNI221A lNI222A IN1223A INl224A Type Mfr. ST ST ST ST ST ST .83 1.07 1.80 2.27 3.14 3.94 Mfr. No. lNI21S IN1218 lNI218A INI218B INI219 INI219A INI220 INI220A INI220B INI221 rnHW INI222A mm~B INI223A lNI224 INl224A lNI224B 'N1225 lN1226 lNl227B lNl228B IN1230B lNl232B INl234B GE MO MO GE· MO 1[8 MO GE MO MO 1110 1110 GE MO MO 1110 MO GE MO MO 'GE GE GE GE GE 10,0 ALLIED 99 .71 .91 1.54 1.94 2.68 3.37 r: ~::g 2.57 4.~~ ~.02 .85 2.03 4.12 3.90 INI487 iro GE I~:~~ .53 2.95 .35 gm~~ INI488 KtT~' Tl :;~ .8 I :;~ .54 IN1489 GE 66 044 .81 .54 .65 .~b ¥P :~~ .:~ {iHt~~~~~~¥~IO~+-~I~]~'~~--~:~~?~ i 100· 499 .67 .86 1.44 1.82 2.51 3.16 .. A H 1-99 100-999 .56 .37 .77 .51 .99 .66 .85 .57 82 .55 1.19 .79 .93 .62 1.43 .95 1.04 .69 1.23 .82 2.00 1.34 1.50 1.00 2.55 1.70 1.50 1,00 1.30 1.95 3.55 2.38 2.40 1.60 4.75 3.19 2.10 1.40 3.15 2.10 3.90 2.60 1.50 1.00 1.65 1.10 2.03 1.35 3.27 2.18 4.04 2.69 Tl IN IN INI588A m mi~~gA IN1590 GE 1110 TI .97 I.!~ ;~6~:f---1-lf~>!i~~I-~:~9!f74---~.6~o52TI GE 1110 TI 1.19 1.19 1.42 2.00 .79 .79 .95 1.33 IN IN IN 3.30 3.30 3.30 2.65 2.65 2.65 m:m m :mm -mIN1517 lNI509A l~lf~17A INI518 IN1518A INI519 IN1519A INI520 INI521 IN1521A IN ~.~g i:~g 3.30 ~:~~ ~:~; m IN IN1528A INI524 INI525 INI526 INI527 INI528 1N1530 IN1530 INI530A INI530A IN1537 INI538 INI539 IN1540 INI541 INI542 lN1543 IN1544 INI563 IN1563A INI564 INI564A IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN iro IN MO MO MO 1110 1110 1110 MO ~8 MO MO MO 1110 11.65 4.25 5.10 3.B5 3.10 ".60 7.45 9.70 7.45 9.70 6.20 3.70 5.95 7.75 5.95 7.75 4.95 8.05 6.20 6.20 6.20 6.45 4.95 4.95 4.95 m IN IN INI706 IN1707 lN1708 N'J:m IN1711 INl712 IN IN IN IN IN IN Mfr 11111 ~.~g 8.10 6.20 6.20 6.20 6.48 EACH 1· 1~· ~09 4.28 9.15 Mfr. ~.~~ 4.95 4.95 4.95, 3.851 3.40 8.24 I 7.35 _ EAC't,-:mi9 SY SY GE 9.15 12.80 1.62 7.35 11.05 1.08 lN1612 lN1612R IN1613 Tl RC GE 2.45 1.07 2.09 .72 1.39 IN1613 lNI613R lNI614 il:m~4 TI RC GE ¥t 3.50 1.24 3.05 ~:~~ ~.~~ IN1614R INI614R IN1615 IN1615 INI615 IN1615 INI615R IN1615R INI616 RC TI GE HA RC Tl RC TI GE 1.90 5.84 4.53 8.25 4.13 8.34 4.13 8.34 6.23 1.27 3.B9 3.02 5.53 2.75 5.55 2.75 5.55 4.15 IN1616 IN1616R INI616R Tl RC TI 12.75 6.02 12.75 B.50 4.02 8.50 m:m .llnm ~~ 2:~; ~~ 2:~~ I:~~_ I.B5 I :~~ 2.65 .83 2.03 -ml~a- -~2 .f-l~~ ~:~~ No ~.~~ 2.45 No. 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 13.30 12.45 19.95 18.70 19 1.50 1.55 1.70 2.00 2.65 3.45 4.20 1.70 1.10 .79 1.25 INI625A IN1626A IN1630 IN1632 IN1635 INI639 INI641 INI642 INI692 INI692 11'11692 INI693 IN1693 IN1693 IN1694 INI694 IN1694 INI694 INI695 INI695 11'11695 IN1695 INI696 INI696 lN1696 IN1697 IN1621 IN1622 IN1623 IN1624 Type MO TI IN IN IN m IN IN IN IN IN IN IN Type IN1730 IN1731 INI732 INI733 IN1734 Type 1· 24 6.83 7.98 10.22 14.98 17.50 Mfr. No. IN INI611A INI611AR lN1612 3.10 ~.:g mggg No. Type ;.?~ 3.70 :.~~ IN1697 IN1697 IN1701 IN1702 IN1703 1· Mfr. ST ST ST ST 49 2.65 3.30 3.8,4 4.68 Mfr. IN IN IN IN IN m IN GE MO T GE 1110 TI GE MO SY TI GE 1110 SY Tl GE MO TI GE ..AC'" _99!f 1.41 1.79 .75 .94 1.19 .50 1.23 1.57 2.59 I :;~ 2.15 2.87 4.33 6.50 .82 1.05 1.73 :~7 .~~ I.?~ 1.44 1.91 2.88' 4.33, HUGHES RECTIFIERS IN IN IN1606A INI607 INI608 INl609 3.15 3.40 4.05 3.40 2.25 2.32 2.55 3.00 3.97 5.17 6.30 1.05 1.65 1.18 1.87 15.50 5.30 6.40 5.~~ 1lIN:1 3.95 4.25 5.05 4.25 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 15.60 16.55 23.40 24.~~ !.~~ 2.65 thru nmu· I;';~ IN Type IN IN IN IN Mfr. 1.25 1.50 1.05 1.00 1.85 2.65 3.35 5.45 thrn INI59S IN1590A thrn IN1598A IN1599 IN1599A INl600 IN1600A IN1601 IN1601A thru IN1609A INI611 IN1611A MI N:nm m:m 1.54 2.25' 1.57 2.40 245 3.50 4.45 7.25 IN1586 T.r: e 6.45 !N1490 3.35 3.41, ; ~H·190 ml~g~AR ~X I~·~~ ~:i~ J ,l!490 INWI~20!!'5~-I-41IN!"'--I-J.1~3.""S"'0+-'!9"-."; I {') i,,;1491 IN1205A GE 5.18 3.05 IN1492 lNI205A RC 6.60 4.40 INI492 .mng~AR ~X I~·~~ 1 ~:n INI492 lNI206A GE 6.90 4.60 IN1206A RC 8.25 5.50 lNl206AR RC 7.34 4.95 lNl217 MO .68 .45 INl217A MO .84 .56 'lN1217B GE .81 .54 INI510 INI511 IN1512 -1'1.0. ' GE I .~5 9.68 5.03 5.12 25- r: ~::: 3.46 8.24 4.15 .94 2.91 2.85 MO MO MO 1110 TI rnm~ RECTIFIERS EACH mm~ ...... 18.10 18.10 3.46 1.77 1.65 1.08 1.90 1.98 1.90 1.39 2.61 2.40 1.71 ~.~~ 1.40 4.35 4.28 124 r: 20.25 20.25 5.19 I.~~ RC HA IN Type ST ST TI 5.53 5.25 3.02 1N1200AK" INl201 _ lNI201 . - IN GE RC ..,,,. INI239 INI262 INI329 ~:~~ .83 2.24 2.10 lN1204 lN1204A lN1204A 100· 499 9.95 9.95 6.60 2.21 1.76 1.24 3.35 3.15 2.!~ 50. 99 11.00 11.00 ~.~~ RC HA IN ~~ 1. 49 11.50 11.50 INI565 lNl565A lNl566 INl566A IN1581 ~1:N:I:2:39::~17:.5:0:;:17:.:00:::1:5.:2:5~1 l~l~~~ ~:~~ IN1199AR lN1200 lNI200 mggg~ Mfr. EAC'" 50. 100UD 99 2.15 1.75 2.75 2.04 3.19 2.62 3.87 3.18 EACH 1.99 100-999 .37 .26 .41 .28 .48 .36 .56 .38 .37 .26 .52 .36 .41 .28 .31 .45 .34 .51 .70 .45 .63 .39 .59 .39 .75 .50 .78 .63 .7B .73 .95 .78 .96 .96 1.02 .89 .51 .42 .52 .52 .63 .52 .64 .64 .6B .59 .96 .64 1.02 1.16 .68 .77 IN1730 INI730 INI731 IN1731 IN1732 :mm INI733 INI734 IN1734 m:m IN1736 IN1736 INI736A w:mA INI737 INI737A INI737A lN1738 INl738 IN1738A IN1738A IN1739 IN1739 INI739A INli39A lllli18 MO PA MO PA 1110 iro PA 25. 99 5.95 6.93 8.99 13.02 17.50 EACH 1-99 100-999 5.85 3.90 5.95 ...... . 6.90 4.60 6.90" ..... 8.70 5.80 I~:~; '''0:50 12.75 15.00 15.00 " ..... 10.00 ...... . ~v 8.80 8.85 14.05 Ilj'.~~ 6.60 6.65 10.55 MO IN MO IN MO IN MO IN MO IN MO 13.05 20.50 2050 17.20 17.20 27.20 27.40 2 .50 21.55 33.00 33.10 25.70 9.80 15.40 15.40 12.90 12.95 20.50 20.60 MO PA iro IN MO IN L~ ~:~g lNI7~40"A.--t--¥INNL-+~~H3 IN1740A lNI741 INI741 IN!741A lNI741A INI742 IN1742 INl742A iill+~AlNI763 mm~ .117766~7 100. 999 5.12 5.99 8.89 13.00 15.00 MO IN MO IN MO IN 1110 IN 39.65 29.80 29.90 45.50 45.75 34.00 34.10 50.10 ::~~ I~:;g 16.~ 16.20 24.85 24.90 19.30 t--1Wo 29.80 22.40 22.50 34..l.O 34.40 25.50 25.56 37.60 itO . ~~:6~ ., ~ RC ~~ .58 .69 .39 .4& i:i;' ~::g I.~ llmn g~ 2.40 3.90 2.60 JN1771 IN1'l72 INl773 INI774 GE GE GE GE g~ 3.90 3.90 3.90 ;.~~ 2.60 2,60 2.60 TI 8~45 6.50 TI 13.00 10.00 TI 8.45 6.50 j,lNN- lN1768 lmm INIS16 GE GE thru IN1836 INI816A thru IN1836A lN1816C 2.40 ~.~g 1.60 1.60 ~:~g ~:~~ TI thru INI836C lNI816R thru INI836R IN1S16RA thru I 1NN1Ig833S6RA TI 11.00 8.50 PH 37.50 30.00 IN1S38111 PH 9;.?;~ 75.00 ~1~NU1+.9~29~-+~H~A~+-~~~~2 IN1930 HA 2.20 1.65 IN1931 HA 2.09 1.57 IN1932 HA 2.09 1.57 ~lf~H:*g3~3I~-+_~~K~~+-~i2~'.~~~ ~ INI935 HA 1.98 1.49 INI936 INI937 mlm IN1958 INI959 HA HA 2.20 2.20 ~:~g ~.:g IN IN 2.60 2.60 2.10 2.10 m 1.65 1.65 Complete Technical Listings of Semiconductors Begin on Page 24 Semiconductor DirectorY-DIoDEs AND RECTIFIERS EI\(;I'I Mfr. Typo ---«<> INI960 INI961 INI962 INI963 lN1964 1-99 100-999 2.60 2.10 2.60 2.10 2.60 2.10 IN IN IN IN IN IN m~6g~ t~g ~.:g 2.60 2.10 TI 8.45 6.50 TI .00 ~ thru IN2011 IN2008A 1~{gl1A IN2008C thru IN2012C IN2008R TI 13.00 10.00 TI 8.45 6.50 TI IN IN IN 11.00 12.40 14.90 20.80 27.10 39.65 48.00 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... thru IN2012R IN2008RA thru IN2012RA IN2054 IN2055 IN2057 m~8~~ if, IN IN2063 8.50 EPOXY RECTIFIERS Type No lN2069 IN2069 IN2069A IN2070 IN2070 IN2070A IN2071 IN2071 lN2071A Type No. IN2117 IN2128A IN2129A IN2130A IN2131A IN2132A IN2133A IN2134A IN2135A IN2136A A IN2t54R IN21S5 1N2155R IN2156 IN2t56R IN2157 IN2157R IN2tS8 IN2158R IN21S9 IN21S9R IN2160 IN2160R :mm mm~ IN2248 IN22S0 IN2252 IN22S4 IN2256 IN2258 IN2326 IN2382 IN2382 IN2382 1N2383 IN2383 IN2383 1N2384 IN2384 IN2384 IN2385 1N2385 IN2385 199 .76 .76 .76 Mfr. SY TI SY SY TI ~~ :~~ .96 1.49 1.49 1.49 TI SY 100- 1000Up 999 .51 .41 .51 .76 .41 .51 .64 .50 .96 .64 .64 .50 .99 .61 1.49 .99 .61 .99 BECIIEIJ;;SS Mfr. EACH 00-999 1-99 TI 9.95 6.25 IN 3.00 4.25 IN 5.05 3.40 IN IN 5.75 8.50 6.80 9.90 IN 7.80 11.80 IN 9.20 13.95 IN 11.00 15.00 IN 13.70 19.25 GE 3.16 2.11 GE 3.16 2.11 GE 2.54 3.BI GE 3.81 2.54 GE 3.76 5.64 GE 5.64 3.76 GE 4.52 6.78 GE 4.52 78 GE .22 5.48 GE 5.48 8.22 GE 6.64 9.96 GE 6.64 9.96 8.06 GE 12.09 GE 8.06 12.09 8.00. 11.50 A~ 2.01 3.00 HA 2.24 3.35 HA 3.48 5.20 HA 4.69 7.00 6.70 10.00 8.74 13.05 HA 10.69 15.95 RC .33 .50 HA 14.25 16.50 9.30 13.95 14.00 ....... HA 19.50 22.00 MO 12.60 18.90 PA 19.00 .... HA 27.00 30.00 MO 25.05 16.70 PA 25.00 HA 39.00 34.00 MO 30.00 20.00 PA 30.00 ....... m :~~X ~:?~ t ~~ W~ 1 SARKES SILICON RECTIFIERS CH 150T,rpe 13~ 49 99 IN2389 6.00 5.85 5.30 1N2482 .80 .70 .60 IN2483 .95 .85 .75 1N2484 1.10 1.10 .90 IN2485 .85 .75 .65 1N2486 .90 .80 .70 1N2487 1.00 .90 .80 IN2488 1.20 1.10 1.00 IN2489 \.30 1.20 \.10 TJ~e Mfr. IN2446 IN2447 IN2448 IN2449 1N2450 1N2451 IN2452 IN2453 IN2458 lN2459 1N2460 IN2461 IN2462 IN2463 IN2464 HA HA HA HA HA IN2483 1N2484 lN2490 1!'I2498 1N2498A 1N2498C IN2498R 1N2498RA lN2499 IN2499A IN249'l'C IN2499R lN2499RA IN2500 lN2500A lN2500C IN2500R IN2500RA SY SY ST ~~ HA HA HA ~~ HA HA HA :mm :;::m~ ~~ TI TI TI TI TI TI TI TI TI TI TI TI I TI TI :;::m~ IN2609 1.05 1.19 1.18 1.18 1.54 1.55 1.55 1.74 I.;g Z;k IN2611 IN2611 IN2611 IN2612 MO TI GE !flU :;::~m GE MO IN2613 1N2613 IN26t3 IN2614 IN2614 IN2614 IN26t5 1N2615 IN2615 IN2616 IN2616 IN2617 IN2617 IN2765 IN2766 IN2767 IN2768 IN2769 IN2770 TI GE MO 1.95 1.95 1.95 2.22 2.30 2.30 4.85 4.85 7.50 7.80 7.65 TI GE MO TI MO TI MO TI PA PA PA PA PA PA 11.25 9.00 17.10 22.50 28.00 34.50 12.80 17.95 22.00 25.00 EACH T.lpe 110- 1100 o Mfr. 9 99 999 IN2771 I MI i'0'00 I 9.00-r 8.00 1 TJ~el I IN2792 I .1 Mfr. PH EACH 1::9 10-99 1250.00 I 183.00 MOTOROLA OTC ZENER DIODES , *10 per type, 100 total per order ~ -must all be OTC. TJ~e IN2620 IN2620A IN2620B IN2621 IN2621A IN2621B IN2622 IN2622A IN2622B IN2623 IN2623A IN2623B IN2624 IN2624A IN2624B TJ~e IN2765 1N2765A IN2766 IN2766A 1 ..99 *100~Mix 100-999 3.05 3.55 4.10 3.75 3.25 4.35 3.65 4.20 4.90 3.95 3.45 4.60 4.80 4.15 5.55 5.05 5.85 6.75 6.55 5.70 7.60 7.05 6.10 8.15 8.05 7.00 9.35 7.60 6.60 8.80 8.70 7.55 10.05 10.15 13.50 11.65 16.55 22.00 19.00 21.65 28.80 24.90 28.95 38.50 33.30 Mfr. MO MO MO MO ~, CH 1-99 100-999 6.80 9.05 11.70 8.80 8.40 11.15 _:0.65 0.30 17.15 12.90 11.85 15.75 20.70 15.55 :N~ thru ~ 7.10 9.90 6.15 6.15 6.15 6.15 6.15 6.15 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 IN~839 6.50 8.50 10.00 6.50 8.50 14.30 2.10 2.38 2.86 4.05 5.71 7.05 .60 .70 .70 .70 .79 .79 .79 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.16 :.16 16 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.15 1.55 1.55 3.25 3.25 5.00 5.00 6.00 1.05 MO MO MO MO MO MO MO MO 1N2838E 11.75 IN2818A 8.20 IN2824A 8.20 IN2826A 8.20 IN2834A 8.20 IN2836A 8.20 IN2837A 8.20 ~~ 8:~~ 8.45 11.00 13.00 8.45 11.00 18.20 3.04 3.45 4.15 5.87 8.28 10.20 .90 1.05 Mfr. MOTOROLA 'METALZENER DIODES *10 per type. 100 total on order -must "all be metal. E)!;CH Type No . 1-99 100-999 ~x IN2804 thru IN2838 6.25 4.70 5.40 IN2808A B.20 6.15 7.10 IN2804B 6.50 8.50 10.00 8.45 11.00 13.00 GE MO nmlg IN2610 IN2767 IN2767A IN2768 IN2768A lN2769 IN2769A IN2770 lN2770A t~ ~:~~ RA RA RA RA RA RA TI IN2513 lN2514 1N2515 TJ~e 1-99 100-999 2.55 3.80 3.02 4.51 3.48 5.20 3.95 5.89 4.76 7.10 5.56 8.30 6.67 9.95 7.79 11.63 2.68 4.00 3.18 4.75 3.69 5.50 4.15 6.20 5.03 7.50 5.86 8.75 7.04 10.50 8.21 12.25 .41 .63 .62 .93 .5B .87 11.70 12.B7 6.50 B.45 8.50 11.00 10.00 13.00 thru lN2846 IN2839B 7.00 5.25 6.05 IN2846B 20.55 15.45 17.75 thru Type No. lN2847 IN2848 IN2849 IN2850 IN2851 IN2852 IN2858 IN2859 IN2860 IN2861 IN2862 IN2863 IN2864 IN2939 IN2939A IN2940 IN2940A IN2941 IN2941A IN2969 IN2969A Type No. Mfr. GE GE GE GE GE ~~ RC RC RC ~~ RC GE GE Mfr H mm EACH 1-99 100-999 5.00 3.75 6.25 4.70 6.60 4.95 8.70 6.55 I A.II Semiconductors Are in Stock, Ready for Immediate Shipmenl ~~O ~~ I~:~; GE GE GE GE TI IN2970 IN2970B thru IN3005B IN TI IN2971 TI IN2972 Tl IN2973 IN2974 IN2975 TI IN2976 TI TI IN2980 IN2982 TI IN2984 TI 5 TI IN2988 IN2989 TI IN2990 TI m;~~~ TI IN2993 IN2995 Tl IN2997 TI IN2999 TI IN3000 IN3001 IN3002 TI IN3003 Tl IN3004 TI IN3005 mm~ EACH 100-999 1.65. 1.10 1.74' 1.16 2.21 1.47 2.75 1.83 2.75 1.83 4.z9 2.86 .40 .26 .41 .28 .43 .29 .56 .37 .66 .44 .73 .4B .92 .62 6.70 4.45 13.35 B.90 ~9!f H it H H 6.70 2.75 5.50 3.05 6.10 4.15 B.25 4.55 9.15 ~ :mm ll mmt IN2985B lN2986 lN2986B IN2988 IN2988B IN2989 IN2989B IN2990 ~ IN2991 IN2991B IN2992 IN2992B IN2993 ~ IN2995 IN2995B IN2996B lN2997B :~~gg~ IN2999B IN300D IN3000A m~gg?ll IN300lB IN3002 IN303 ~ IN3D03B IN3004 IN3004B ,~ IN3006B IN3007 IN3007B IN3008 :mgg~~ EACH ~~- 11~og 5.85 5.50 4.40 7.45 5.B5 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 .5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 7.45 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.65 4.40 4.40 ~ 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 ~ 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 ~ 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 M2 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 MOTOROLA METAL ZENER DIODES *10 per type, 100 total on order -must all be metal. Type ~ EACH ~ 1- 1*100-Mb::llOO-99 IN2970 15.50 IN2970B 7.60 1N2971 5.50 IN2971B 7.60 IN2972 5.50 1N2972B 7.60 Type No. IN2973 IN2973B IN2974 B IN2975B IN2976 1N2976B IN2977 1N2977B IN2978 IN2978A IN2978B IN2979 lN2979B IN2980 IN2980B IN2982 IN2982B IN2984 4.75 6.55 4.75 6.55 4.15 5.70 4.15 5.70 4.75 4.15 6.55 5.70 IN3009 IN3009B IN3011 IN3011A IN3011B ~ACH 1-99\,100-MI 100-999 5.50 4.75 4.15 7.60 6.55 5.70 5.50 4.75 4.15 5.70 ~.~~ 6.55 4.75 4 15 7.60 6.55 5.70 5.50 4.15 4.75 7.60 6.55 5.70 5.50 4.75 4.15 7.60 6.55 5.70 5.50 4.75 4.15 6.05 4.55 5.25 7.60 6.55 5.70 5.50 4.75 4.15 7.60 6.55 5.70 5.50 4.75 4.IT 7.60 6.55 5.70 5.50 4.75 4.15 7.60 5.70 6.55 5.50 4.75 4.15 7.60 6.55 5.70 5.50 4.75 4.15 7.60 6.55 5.70 '4.15 5.50 4.75 7.60 655 5.70 5.50 4.75 4.IT 7.60 6.55 5.70 5.50 4.75 4.15 7.60 6.55 5.70 5.50 . 4.75 4.15 5.70 ~ 5.50 ~ 4.75 4.IT 7.60 6.55 5.70 5.50 4.15 4.75 7.60 6.55 5.70 5.50 4.15 7.60 ~ 6.55 5.70 5.50 4.75 4.15 7.60 6.55 5.70 7.60 5.70 6.55 7.60 6.55 5.70 5.50 4.75 4.15 5.50 4.15 4.75 7.60 6.55 5.70 5.50 4.75 4.15 6.05 5.25 4.55 7.60 6.55 r.7O 5.50 4.75 4.15 5.70 7.60 6.55 5.50 4.75 4.15 7.60 5.70 6.55 5.50 4.75 4.15 7.60 6.55 5.70 5.50 4.75 4.15 7.60 6.55 5.70 4.75 4.15 ~ 5.70 7.60 6.55 7.60 6.55 5.70 5.50 4.75 4.15 .7.60 6.55 5.70 5.50 4.75 4.15 7.20 I I~:~~ 7.60 4.15 5.50 4.75 5.70 7.60 6.55 4.15 5.50 4.75 6.05 5.25 4.55 7.60 6.55 5.70 ;:;g ZENER AND RECTIFIER DIODES Type No. m~gg*ll MfJ. I tlTI W IN3007B IN3011B m~gg~ IN I :g EACH 2599 7.45 7.45 6.45 6.05 100999 5.65 4.85 7.45 6.45 6.45 6.45 6.45 5.65 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 "124 7.45 6.05 6.05 6.05 6.05 IN3011 Tl IN3012 Tl IN30t2B thru IN3015B IN 13.50 13.50 IN3012B MO 14.75 13.85 MO 13.85 II.~ m~g:~il TI 6.45 6.05 1N3014B MO 14.75 13.85 6.05 IlN30tS 5 6.05 N3015 1N3015B MO 14.75 13.85 IN3016 2.95 2.95 TI IN3016B thru IN3030B I IN 3.70 3.70 J:'P t: 10.35 " .10 10.40 4.85 " .10 4.85 4.85 11.10 2.20 2.85 MOTOROLA METAL ZENER DIODES *10 per 'type, 100 tota I per order -must all be metal. ype EACH No. 'laO-Mix 10 - 99 IN3016B"\ thru 2.90 IN3030B 3.85 3.30 Ell I 1~~~t5B I 1~1~~lB IN3044B 4.70 IN30SIB 7.85 4.05 3.50 6.75 5.90 AWED. 11 Semiconductor DirectorY-DIoDEs AND RECTIFIERS Type No. EACH Mf IN3017 IN3017 !N3017A IN3018 IN3019 9~~- ~:9 24 MO 2.95 2.20 2.55 TI 2.95 2.95 2.20 MO 3.25 2.45 2.80 2.95 TI TI ~:~~ 2.95 ~:~g 2.95 2.20 2.55 ~IU 2.95 2.95 2.20 TI 2.95 2.95 2.20 TI 2.95 2.95 2.20 TI 2.95 2.95 2.20 I I :~ig~g lN3021 IN3022 IN3023 m~m I~:~; 12:~5 12:2~ fi TI 2.95 2.95 2.20' IN3026 IN3027 IN3028 TI TI lmg~~ h IN3031 TI IN3031B lhru "IN3044B IN N3032 TI :::I~gW\ 2.95 2.95 2.20 2.95 2.95 2.20 2.95 2.~~ 2.95 ~:95 2.20 2.95 2.95 2.20 I m~g~~ IN3038 IN3039 thru IN3044 2.95 Tl lN3045B thru lN30S1B I IN 3.55 3.55 2.65 INt'~jg5tlhru 1N30~2 n:gg~t lN3055 lN3056 IN3056 ....... ~A 48.80 42.00 53.25 45.~~ · ..·....n PA HA PA 52.00 70.00 60.00 61.00 r;·g~ 64.00 ~1 ~~g lN3060 tN3061 1Nl.061 IN3062 IN3063 IN3064 IN3064 IN3064 'iN3064 IN3065 IN3066 lN3067 42.72 46.50 88.25 75.00 99.50 TI ~E RC Mfr. I MI I - - 2.20 24.20 100- 9 1- 1 15.60 5.041 4.40 Mfr. -Sy SY GE GE GE 5.60 4.40 5.60 4.15 8.25 4.15 4.40 2.75 5.55 2.75 MO-'-OROLA OTC ZEr~ER DIODES *10 per type, 100 total on order -must all be OTC units. --r:ype ~~:?~ 1~fu;- -lIso IN3154A IN3155 IN3155A lN3156 lN3156A lN3157 IN3157A S.15 11.35 12.30 16.85 IS.15 25.35 25.35 12. AWED ,*10().WiTx 5.50 6.15 8.50 9.25 12.65 13.65 19.05 19.05 GE MO GE IN3290 N3291 6.30 7.05 9.80 10.65 14.55 15.70 21.90 21.90 IN3294 lN3295 IN3296 lN3298 GE GE GE Type No. MI •• MO MO MO MO MO :N~m ~g IN3324 lN3331 IN3334 mm& IN3342 lN3350 TJfe lN3305 lN3306 lN3307 lN3308 IN3309 IN3310 IN33l1 IN3312 .rn~m lN3315 lN3316 lN3317 lN3318 lN3319 lNTIzo lN3321 lN3322 lN3323 IN3324 '"fN'3325 lN3326 IN3326 lN3328 IN3329 IN3330 IN3331 1::1 IN3515 IN m~m IN3520 IN3521 IN3522 IN IN IN 3.60 3.60 3.60 2.85 2.85 2.85 :~~m Ug 10.00 1.34 2.68 mm~ g~ 4.52 5.53 8.04 .30 g~ lN3548 lN3549 lN3560 GE GE 8.38 2.01 2.01 l~m~ ~l-l ;:~~ .63 .85 2.65 H~ lo.gg '99'9' 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 4.70 4.20 4.70 4.70 4.70 I;::g ::~g 5.40 5.40 5.40 4.70 4.70 4.70 ~:~~ I ~::~ ::7~ - - 6.05 6.05 5.25 5.25 EACH IN IN IN 6.20 6.20 6.20 IN IN IN 6.20 6.20 6.20 ~.~g ::~g IN IN IN 6.20 6.20 6.20 IN IN IN 6.20 6.20 6.20 ~.~g ~.~g - 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4~ 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 6.20 6.20 6.20 6.20 4:65 6.20 4.65 6.20 4.65 4.65 6.20 4.65 4.65 4.&5 H~ 3.49 4.50 5.55 PH IN3563 lN3569 lN3570 RC GE GE GE :::I~ggg IN3639 IN3640 lN3641 -m=A IN3671A IN3672A IN3673A ~.~~ mmr 2.85 2.85 2.85 I :~g 2.45 3.00 3.7-0 ~.~~ 3.95 5.35 1.10 6:~~ 4:!~ 2.15 2.30 TI Tl 3.00 3.00 1.79 1.87 2.22 2.31 2.22 . -rn~m~ :::~~ m~m~ II :~~ 11.75 11.75 lN3317B 11.75 lN3318B lN3319B I ::~~ IN3320B 11.75 IN3321B 11.75_ lN3322B 11.75 23B 324B I :.~~ lN3325B 11.75 lN3326B 11.75 IN3327B 11.75 lN3328B 11.75 lN3329B 11.75 " .75 11.75 IN3332B 11.75 lN3333B 11.75 IN3334B 11.75 11.75 11.75 lN3337B 11.75 lN3338B II.~~ ..il!3339B 11.75 20.55 IN3342B 20.55 IN3343B lN3344B ~g:~~ lN3345B 20.55 IN3346B 20.55 IN3347B 20.55 33.\8B .1 3349B ~g:55 .55 lN3350B 20.55 lN3580 4.90 IN3580A 5.20 lN3580B 6.00 lN3581 5.55 IN358lA 6.60 m~m[ :;:m :::Im~~ mm~~ mm~ I m I - - 10.15 10.15 10.15 10.15 10.15 :g::~ 10.15 10.15 10.15 10.15 10.15 10.15 :g:l~ - :.!g 8.80 8.80 8.80 ~.~g :g::~ 10.15 10.15 10.15 :g::~ 10.15 :g::~ 10.15 17.75 17.75 17.75 1775 17.75 17.75 17.75 17.75 17.75 17.75 4.20 4.50 5.20 4.80 5.70 "0 • IN3719 GE g~ J~m~ g~ mmt ~ GE GE GE GE GE lN3738 lN3739 lN3740 ill;'741 1 3742 ~:~~ 2.65 2.30 2.90 2.55 - EACH RC TI TI 3.30 - 1.65 1.65 1.65 H~ 3.!~ 3.70 .40 :;g .99 6.20 7.55 ~:~g ---m 2.20 ~:!~ ~.~~ 4.45 2.55 4.45 80 2.95 1.70 2.95 1.32 4.45 3.50 1.04 3.48 2.65 1. !'~2 ~~.~g I~!'~~; 34.50 26.60 43.50 33.50 52.00 40.00 70.00 84.00 ~~:gg :~g .45 6.39 6.39 .~~ .26 .30 4.26 4.26 *10 pel" type. 100 total on order . must all be metal ---'::ype No. IN3785 thru lN3813 lN3814 thru lN3820 3.75 3.20 2.80 A_In ~.~5 6.95 6.95 6.95 6~00 6.00 6.00 5.25 5.25 5.25 l~nm~ 6.95 6.95 6.95 IN3797B t:~ ~.~; m~~g~~ IN3802B ~.~~ m~~3~~ m~~g~~ lN3807B ~.~g l.m~g~: 8.80 8.BO 8.00 tN3810B lN3811B !N3812B IN3813B lN3814B ~.~~ 8.80 15.45 15.45 Tmm~ IN3817B :~.~~ 15.45 15.45 15.45 :~.:~ .15.45 3.65 3.90 4.50 4.15 4.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.00 6.00 6.00 ~.~~ 6.95 6.95 6.95 ~.95 35 8.35 8.35 8.80 ~.~g 8.80 2.65 2.65 2.65 265 2.65 lN3827A IN3828A IN3829A IN3830A "~,. ~.~5 6.95 6.95 6.95 I:mm~ !~ ",,"-,- ~.~~ 6.00 6.00 6.00 lN3818B lN3819B IN3822A lN3823A IN3824A tgg 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.95 6.95 6.95 m~~g~: ~::~ 8.BO 8.80 8.80 EACH OO-Mlx fOIf-999 A_7< Imm~~ ~'2g i-!lg lmm~ IN3792B IN3793B IN3794B =.=~ 8.80 B.80 8.80 lillil~ IN3787B tN3788B lN3789B 8.80 8.80 8.80 8.BO 8.80 8.BO - 5.80 6.70 MOTOROLA METAL ZENER DIODES 8.80 6.80 8.80 10.15 10.15 10.15 :g.15 I .15 10.15 10.15 10.15 10.15 10.15 :.:~ g~ ~:60 GE GE GE lN3756 lN3775 IN3775R *10~~u~P:111°~ 6~~luo,,~~rder - - 6.70 7.75 2.45 2.50 2.45 2.90 4.65 g~ 4.65 5.55 GE .60 GE .75 GE 1.08 1.49 ~g~ 9.30 GE 11.33 GE " .76 GE 12.15 IN3730/RD150 RA MOTOBOLA OTC ZENER DIODES 'J!:" lN3305B 11.75 lN3306B 11.75 IN3307B " .75 IN3308B tN3309B I J. 5 11.75 lN3312B 11.75 GE SY GE GE GE gll' mm~ mmg1RD500~ I.~~ !i?J> Mfr. im~m 1.90 2.85 il Tl 3.35 lN3714 I:~~ IN~~~~ 2.73 m~~g~ 2.85 2.85 2.65 6 lN3577 IN3578 lN3579 lN3593 -HHs TJ.pe E'P604 IN3604 lN3605 ~:~~ ~.~~ 2.32 2.85 4.25 IWj~96E ~::~ 6.00 8.12 1.65 I.!~ gl£ gm7} IN3573 6.70 8.00 ~~- IN H:P l~~ggg~E 3.05 ~.~~ 2.85 2.85 2.85 7.75' 8.95 9.80 10.90 thru 13.35 21.60 2.85 - EAC - IN~OOUll :.~~ 3.60 3.60 3.60 ,mm i:~g mm~ gll' 12.20 14.40 18.10 21.50 24.50 2.25 7.00 7.00 IN IN IN IN IN IN IN m~m IN3530 544 3 4 I~:~~ MO MO m m m ~.~~ _t I~.g~ 15.80 18.60 23.50 28.00 32.00 3.20 MO MO MO m 16.70 29.50 3.6Q ~.~~ ;.~~ m ~~ 3.60 3.60 3.60 10.05 1200 12.00 Mfr. IN 1::1 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 IKlg lN3510 N3511 N3512 -mr!ir ~mmB IN3S82A lN3582B 4.~~ -~::g m~m 9 lN3305 lN3306 lN3309 IN3314 IN3319 IN IN PH 2.20 1.93 10.00 ::5 .94 1.27 3.95 PA IN3339 lN3340 IN3353 ~:~g 12.00 , g~ 4.65 4.65 4.65 3.30 2.90 15.00 ~:~~ l-l~ 6.20 6.20 6.20 1::1 l-l~ HA HA HA .89 1.46 1.19 mm~ TJ.pe l~ m ~:;~ mm~ - 4.65 4.65 4.55 IN IN IN :g:gg iiI; :~~ El'CH 6-.206.20 6.20 IN3525 lN3526 lN3527 MO GE GE GE 3.85 3.40 .79 rmm IN3334 - IN IN IN ~:~g MO ~g GE GE GE .~! Mfr. T.rf e 3.60 3.60 3.60 GE MO MO MO 5.10 .28 .39 4.90 4.50 1.19 1.15 60 1.30 2.15 1.75 H:jm~ ~:~~ 3.00 36.30 PA PA lN3282 lN3283 lN3284 !:~g .~! HA HA HA ;.~~ - GE ~f lN3247 IN3248 lN3249 mm~ ....... TJ~e RC 15.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.50 12.50 3.00 3.00 3.75 5.25 4.00 2.15 2.60 .~~ ~:~~ tmm:~ k1'b mmi mmr 3.50 3.50 3.05 7.65 .41 .58 mmz:~ ~il IN3218 lN3218A IN3219 A lN3242 IN3243 lN3244 H~ 5.25 5.25 f~ IN3194 100-999 4.57 MO mm~ 5.75 2.85 3.55 2.80 5.00 3.85 ~.~~ GE mm~ :~g.~g 122.00 ... lN3124 lN3138 TJ.pe ito TI lN3190 IN3190 IN3191 lN3191 mr~~~ lN3289 ..... Type No. lN3093 lN3125 lN3128 IN3129 IN3130 TN319lr MO TI ~g .82 1.12 HA 1.05 .79 IN 9.55 IN -IN ~ci:~g IN 29.80 IN 37.80 IN 47.75 ....... Mfr. E .CH 1-_ PH 32.00 2B.00 SY .80 .63 RC 12.38 8.25 RC 12.38 8.25 RC 12.38 \58.25 Mfr. lN~Q,90 13.60 19.00 2.10 mm~ GE Hgg~~ 18.10 25.30 3.15 77.00 ....... 3.55 6.50 5.50 1.20 I~ 86.50 111.00 GE GE 5.45 6.10 8.45 9.~~ HA RC RC ·'ii.O'O )t~ 7.20 S.IO " .30 12.~~ lN3252 IN3253 lN3254 PA 95.00 HA 122.00 PA 110.00 GE GE GE IN3067 - - ~~.g~ ];It lN3068 lN3068 IN3085 lN3086 lN3087 1!'!3143 lN3143R IN3149 lN3149A tN3150 HA PA HA HA PA HA lN3058 IN3058 lN3059 TJ,PO 7.70 7.70 5.85 EACH ~t -m~m IN3143 Mf. m 1-99 GE IN3210. R IN3211. R IN3211 R 2.95 I~:~g It~~ 2.95 2.95 2.20 E, C. Mfr. lN3189 lN3189 IN3189 Uo TI '05 2.95 220 IN3052 lN3053 IN3053 lN3054 l~m~A lN3206 IN3207 IN3208. R lN3208. R IN3209 R t~ TI Type IN IN IN 4.60 4.60 2.95 2.95 2.85 ~IU 3.30 2.95 ~:;5 2.20 TI 2.95 2.95 2.20 TI 2.95 2.95 2.20 TI 2.95 2.95 2.20 I IN3034 lN3035 N3036 Type No. -IN3154 lN3154A IN3155 IN3155A IN3156 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 ~:gg ~:~~ 5.~~ 5.25 5.25 5ji 5.25 5.25 5.25 ~:~~ 5.25 5.25 5.25 ~.g~ ~.~~ 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.25 5.25 5.25 ~.gg 6.00 6.00 6.00 ~:~~ 5.25 5.25 5.25 ~:gg ~:~g 7.20 7.20 7.60 6.30 6.30 6.60 ~.~g ~.~g 7.60 2.30 2.30 6.60 2.00 2.00 ~.~~ ~:gg 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.30 - 2.30 -, Semiconductor DirectorY-DloDES-TRANSISTORS - RECTIFIERS MOTOROLA M£TALZENER DIODES *10 per t~po. 100 tOtal on order must all be meta I. Type No." 11.9<1" '100.Mlx' 00.9lilI TJ:.e 2N176 2N178 ·2N187A 88A 2m1189 1~~~~;5th:u8.50 7.35 6.40 I~J::O thfu5.65 4.90 4.25 1~~~~!~if~~.25 8.85 7.70 IN3996A thru 1N4000A\ 7.70 ~~mjA 6.65 5;BO 2N207A 2N207B 2N211 Tl!"e 'il lim [Nlfr I~ ~~ . U~ 4.95 H~ mli~! i~ i!~U 1if ~ mtf/HF r~i RC I~ tl A ,~~m 2N213A ~:~g ~:~~ ?:~; ..,;; ; 1:::~ t~g IH~ ,;;:;~ 14.B5 l~;~ :r:rr :n~ 1lf HA . , 1I:~g J~~ ~ i if .~~:~~ ~~m · 2Nl92 2Nl93 2N194 mmMP 2N227 ~l:J~28 229 mm 2N233A 2N250 m~~OA ~~~~~A 2N264 ~tg~~ 2N301A m~06 307 2N319 Rm~ 2N320 2N321 2N321 TRANSISTORS ~~~& 2N44 2N78 2N78A ~;::~!. SY SY SY 2N117 2N1!8 2N1!8A TT TI TI \:~ 1.95 1.65 I.BO 2N329A 4.50 1.82 1.65 .~~ B.15 8.15 8.15 3.00 1.21 1.10 1.24 8.14 8.14 40.00 2.45 1.95 4.~~ .83 5.43 5.43 1.05 1.60 .50 ~~!~2 !! !!.O~ 2N122. 2N123 2N123/5 TI GE SY ~~m~ ~~ 60.00 3.65 2.92 2N140 2N143/13 2NI44/13 RC SY SY 6'~2 ~m~z; 5i! ~.!~ 2N169 2N169A 2N170 GE GE 1.57 2.40 .75 ~~ ~~!~~ ~ 2N174 2N174 2N174A 2N175 2N176 j\i~ MC ~1 2N324 2N324 2N326 2.95 2.50 2.70 I.~! GE GE GE RC RC i~m i~m:t 1'!~ ~r 2.17 .78 mm N~ gl'? 2NI02/13 2N104 2N105 ~m~~ 3.26 1.17 .~! ·~r 5.45 5.45 5.45 7.35 ~.~~ ~'~2 ~.~~ 4.00 4.01 4.20 1.63 1.20 2.67 2.67 2.79 1.09 .B7 SY ~~ SY ~~ RC ~g ~r ~{1 SY ~~m N297A 2N34/5 2N35 PH PH ~~ i~~g~A ~:!~ ~~ Tl ~~293 1.70 3.40 .35 GE SY SY Rl~!O 21'1278 2N291 · 2N292 ~g g~ = 2N270 2N274 2N277 ~ ;~nn. g~ :ii PH 2N217 2N218 2N219 ~~:gg rnWof lN4009 GE ~~. ~H~ mm i~iiii i~ i~:~~ lUI i~i l~ JUI ~ Iii 111If HI1r HI m~~~A l~~~t B! :H 1l 1m ~'b mm 111 · ~Ui Mfr. 2N328A mm! 2N331 2N332 2N332 2N332A m~~iA 2N333 m~33A 333A i~~~: 2N334A 2N334A 2N335 ~~mA 2N335A 35B 2 336 mf =~A 2N336A ~i"337 N337 ~~~~A TI TI :):1 :n TI !:~~ I:~: 1.73 1.75 .66 I:!! 1.55 I.OB 2.04 ~~ 1.05 .50 1.13 5.~~ 13.75 20.45 1.90 1.16 1.17 .44 ... ~:g~ 2.25 17.85 11.50 :!~ 1.03 . .BO 1.50 I.~~ .77 .33 .76 4.13 9.15 13.60 1.25 I:~g 1.50 11.90 7.65 \:)1: 1'2~ ~8 MO i\Cf, ~f .83 1.24 2.50 3'22 3.10 1.62 .75 2.07 1.08 .50 ~~ 1·.52 3.71 3.70 1.01 2.48 2.74 2.66 4.05 .44 1.78 2.97 .29 GE GE MO SY SY RC ~~ GE ~g MO GE MO GE MO ~'5 GE MO SY itt HA ~ ,.~~ .~~ 1'~2 •59 .65 .68 .!~ .60 .60 .63 .75 12.60 4.00 3.70 5.75 I:~~ .55 .83 1.6& 2'~2 .~~ .~~ 1'~2 .39 . .43 .45 .~~ .40 •40 .42 ~~a~~ ~~~~& 2N370/33 2N371 2N37i/33 2::lm/33 2N373/33 2N375 2N376 2::l3~6A ~1-m~ = 2N396 ~r396 N396A m~~~~ 2N396A 2N397 2N397 = 2N398 2N398 2N398 bk TI GE TI .g~ TI GE TI ~~~rr H TI 4.~~ 5.25 . 5.25 8.90 600 6.00 6.30 6.30 4.B5 4.B5 5.15 5.50 5.65 5.80 10.15 I~:~g 11.85 ~ RA !! TI RC SY !}$ ~~ SY ~g ~'b SY GE PH RA ~f ff RC l;k ~ RC \:)1: . ira RC '~i ~~m~ ~8 ~i:f~~~B ~~ 2N398A m:g: TI PH RA RC '·99 100·999 11.90 7.95 16.75 11.20 18.40 12.25 2N443 2N448 4.35 5.85 1.65 I.~~ 2.03 1.70 3.00 I.!~ 1.06 .83 .72 3.19 4.29 1.10 1'!2 1.35 1.15 2.00 Im:~g .77 .55 .48 I m:~: '~2 1.92 .BI .BI .~~ .79 .79 1.24 4'!2 2.10 1.85 1.65 I.~~ .60 .59 .60 2.~~ 42.00 42.00 4.35 .~~ .50 .93 .66. .~~ .. ~~ 1.28 .54 .54 .~~ .53 .53 .83 2.~~ 1.40 1.25 1.10 I.~~ .40 .40 .40 I.~~ 2B.00 28.00 3.17 .~~ .33 .69 .44 .~~ .!~ .62 .61 .84 I.~~ 1.50 .61 .84 I·U 2.69 1.30 .61 I.~~ 1.30 1.12' 1.30 .41 .41 .56 .90 1.10 .41 .56 .~~ 1.78 .87 .41 1'2~ .B7 .B7 .B7 ~I .40 .35 .45 n .26 .23 .30 ~:~g ~.IO 3.10 3.30 ~:~g 3.30 3.50 3.50 5.95 4.00 4.00 4.20 4.20 ~:~g 3.~!! 3.65 3.65 3.85 6.75 II:~~ 7.95 ~m:: 2N414 ~i"416 N417 ~~. 2N424 2N425 2N426 ~ 2N428 2N428 2N428 ~~:~~A 1F RC GE RA .oRf RC ~~ 1a TI . !;~ GE TI GE ~If TI RA RA 2N439A 2N440A 2N441 ~ i~:!~ RC Specify Manufacturer and Type No. on All Semicon~uctor Orders MO ~. MO 2N465 2N465 2N466 i\~ rn-m .~. 2N470 2N471 2N472 ~rr TI TI TI 2N475 2N476 2N477 TI TJ' TI TI 2N479 2N479 2N479A GE TI GE = ·-m1~g 2N480A 2N489 2N489 .~~:~~~ 2N489B 2N489B 2N490 m:~gA 2N490A 2N490B 2N490B = 2N491A 2N491A 2N491B B 2N492 2N492A 2N492A m:gi rn-mI 2N493 2N493 2N493A m:~~~ ¥f '~2 .:! .34 .•39 .36 .62 .62 .41 1'~2 1.95 33.00 33.00 .!~ .92 .92 1.24 .41 .41 2.~~ 1.24 1.50 1.87 3'22 3.67 1.95 2N494B 21'1495 2N496 2N497 I m:g~ ~~:g~ 2N497A .:g ."i:92 1.30 22.00 22.00 :~g .61 .61 •• 82 I'~l .82 1.00 1.25 2'22 1.78 1.30 ~~:g~ 2N498 2N498A 2N498A imgr 2N501A 2N501/18 2N502 i~~giA 2NS04 ~f"508 N508 ~~mA 2N511B 2N512 2N512A . mm mm H I:~~ 1.50 1.50 1.50 :::~ 1.00 1.00 1.00 I:~g :.?g 2:10 2.09 3.45 ~:60 45 3.45 6.40 7.95 1.49 1.39 2.30 ~::g ~~70 3.70 7.10 ~:!g ~:~~ ~:~ 5.30 6.00 ~~ 2.BO 4;75 4.75 495 ~.50 "Ps~ !;?r: GE TI GE ~.!~ ~.~~ 7.65 7.65 9.15 5.10 5.10 6.10 Ik 9.50 9.BO N~ 6.75 ~:!g T GE TI GE TI 7.BO 8.35 8.35 5.20 5.55 5.55 ¥f GE 8.40 8.40 8.90 5.6(j 5.60 5.95 Ik ~::~ .~.~~ ::~~ ~.~~ T GE TI GE TI 10.40 9.BO 9.BO :g:~g 6.55 6.55 ¥f GE II .90 11.90 10.75 7.95 7.20 ~k TI' 11.20 12.75 12.75 7.50 8.50 8.50 :U. GE TI ~f GE 10.~~ :~.~~ 11.40 11.40 12.90 6.~!!: ::~~ 7.~ ~:~g ·~.30 ]0 7.60 7.60. 8.60 :~.~~ ~.~~ 11.63 II .63 8.85 8.B5 8.85 3.30 5.95 . 8.85 8.53 8.53 5.90 l;k 8.~5 ~ 9.00 11.00 7.90 11.35 11.30 ~:~~ ~:~ GE PA RA 7A :~~ I mf9 498 .51 .58 .54 .~I mf9 1·99 100·999 3.14 2.09 4.45 2.95 3.65 2.65 I.~~ 2'2~ . 1.05 1.57 1.40 2.10 2.35 1.55 I.~~ ~'~2 2.00 3.00 3.40 2.25 3.55 2.35 ¥f GE ~M I ?A i~m GE MO l;k R~ 2N412 2N413 2N413 H TI 2N458B 2N461 2N461 .~~ I m:~~~ .57 .39 .57 3.10 :):1 I~~:~~~ i~:~t .B5 .5B .B5 ~g 2N456A 2N456B 2N457A .54 .33 .28 RA RC RC MO RC GE GE GE TI .74 .50 .41 m:g:~ Ng ~f 2N493B 4 494 ~:gg Tl Mfr• .!! I.~~ l;k 2N404A ffl"tti 2N443 I~~~~ 2N404 2N404 2N404A 4.31 Tl!e 2~'1~ 8·~g ~:~g ~k ~ g~ GE mm :::~ TI GE GE ~ Sy PH 2N395 2N395 2N395 ~k GE tm ~ mm 2N393 GE TI GE TI ~~ MO TI RC TI 2N388 2N388A 2N388A 2~t~V .¥f GE 'PH ~ 2N405 2N406 2N407 2N408 2N409 4.65 4.95 4.95 4.65 4.65 4.95 4.95 4.95 TI TI TI m~~~ ;::~O TI GE TI Tl RC 10.00 1.00 3.10 1~'~~ Mfr. 2N384 2N384/33 2N385 13.00 1.50 4.65 4.65 4.95 .~ 2N338 2N338A 2N339 2N342 .-, CH Type 1.99 100·999 No. 2N342A 1.88 1.25 2N342B 1.10 .80 2N343 1.50 1.00 I.~~ I:~~ m344 r3B .75 .50 .83 ~~~~ .55 2N350 1.57 1.05 2N350A I.!~ .~~ 2N351 1.42 .94 1.95 1.43 '2::lmA 2.10 1.54 2N357A I.~~ 2N359 2:~~ 2N360 1.50 I.OB 1.25 .83 '2::l36~ 2N363 1.59 1.05 ¥f GE TI GE TI ~~ PH u: SY PH ~:17 .92 ~~ PH GE MO H .TI TI TI i~ 2N513A B TI TI ~ h TI 7.35 3.7~ 2.25 3.45 .69 83 ;:~g ;:~ ~:~g 5.90 5.25 7.55 7.55 ~::~ 5.35 3.4$ 215' ~:~~ 2.50 .46 .55 ~:~g 6.45 :5.25 600 7.95 6.00 6.65 4.30 3.50 4.00 g~ ~::g 8.40 12.00 5.60 8.00 t~g 4.45 ALLIED. 13 Semiconductor DirectorY-TRANSISTORS1'"'"CONTROLLED RECTIFIERS 14. AmiD MIL-Type Semiconductors Are Listed on Pages 22, 23 Semiconductor DirectorY-TRANSISTORS -CONTROLLED RECTIFIERS Type Ng. 2N909 2N910 2N910 '2N910 2N91O Hm~ 2N911 2N911 2N911 ~~m I I Mfr. PA GE PA HA RA hk HA PA' RA IIA PA I. 1-99EACH 1100-999 15.00 10.50 6.00 10.00 9.50 9.40 7.90 9.00 6.70 790 5.55 8.00 5.30 2N912 2N912 2N912 RA ~~m ~~ 5.70 13.60 5.75 PH RC ~:~I 2N914 2N914 2N914 2N914 2N914/46 2N914/51 2N915 2N91S m~t~ 2N918 mm TI MO SY SY SY GE SY GE PA MO ¥y 2N930 2N930 2N934 2N947 2N95S SY TI m~~~A ~~ 2N956 2N956 2N956 m~6g RC PH RC HA PA TI RA m~gg/46 SY TI SY 2N961 RA SY 2N960 m~M ~~~~L46 2N~6~ TI SY mgg~/46 TI SY 2N962 2N963 2N963 2N963 2N963 2N964 2N964 2N964 2N964 mg~t{46 2N965 2N96S 2N965 ~~g~~ 2N966 2N966 2N966 ~~g~~ 2N967 2N967 2N96B .~~~~. 2N969 2N969 2N970 ~;:m? ~j:j~n 2N972 ~~m i~m RA SY iti' SY TI MO M TI .~~ MO RA SY TI MO RA SY TI MO RA SY TI MO RA SY iti' MO RA MO RA MO RA MO RA W,i' 2N975 ~1"975 N976 MO mg~ RA 2N9BS 2N997 2N99B 2NIOOB '2NIOIO 2NIOl1 ~~mi mImi\, 2N1022A 2Nl023 2N1034 m:~~~ RA PH SY Tl TI GE ~t MO TI· RA iI TI RC RA ~~ :.~g 11.30 7.00 6.00 7.50 5;60 5.60 5.25 6.75 5.00 5.25 3.70 6.00 4.00 4.15 415 3.B5 10.20 3.B5 ~::: 5.70 10.65 15.00 8.B5 8.95 7.B5 7.B5 20.25 3.B5 7.10 10.00 5.90 5.90 5.25 5.25 13.50 :~:~g ;:~~ 19.90 15.40 6.60 13.30 10.30 4.40 g~ ~.~~ 5.36 B.55 17.06 9.35 9.45 2.BS 3.30 2.85 3.95 6.60 2.45 2.77 2.45 3.15 5.60 2.25 2.10 2.10 2.40 4.15 1.42 1.20 1.42 1.25 4.11 3.67 3.67 4.11 3.59 5.70 12.BO 6.90 5.70 1.90 2.20 1.90 2.56 4.40 1.65 1.85 1.65 2.10 3.60 1.50 1.40 1.40 1.60 2.65 .95 .80 .95 .85 2.74 2.45 2.45 2.74 4.87 3.50 2.50 2.20 2.20 2.50 1.65 1.69 1.65 1.90 1.02 1.00 1.02 .90 1.02 1.40 1.40 .B3 •90 .59 .69 .56 .63 1.07 1.60 .90 1.00 .63 .73 .59 .60 3.19 2.50 2.50 2.74 16.90 13.40 .90 1.93 1.45 3.10 2.65 2.75 3.05 3.15 1.32 2.75 4.69 10.00 I~g 3.75 3.30 3.30 ~:75 45 2.52 2.45 2.95 1.56 50 1.56 1.30 1.53 2.10 2 10 1.24 1.35 .89 1.02 84 .95 1.60 2.40 I.~~ .94 1.10 .89 1.02. 4.35 3.75 3.75 4.11 25.35 20.00 1.20 2.99 2.17 4.65 4.00 4.15 4.60 4.75 1.99 3.66 6.10 13.30 Type Mfr. 2Nl037 2Nl038 2N1038 2N1038·1 2N1038·2 SY TI TI TI mtg~~ H TI 2N1039·1 2Nl039·2 2NI040 2Nio40.1 2Nl040·2 2N1041 2Nl041 ~mg~U RA TI SY H Tl :~:~~ :g:~g TI 2N1043 2N1043·1 2N1043·2 TI 2NI047 2N1047A 2Nl047A mlg:~~ 2Nl048 2N1048 2NI048A m:g:g~ 2N1048B 2N1049 2NI049 ~mm;t 2NI049B 2Nl049B 2NI050 2Nl050 2NI050A 2N1050A 2NI050B 2Nl057 2Nl058 2N1059 2N1066 2NI066 2NI067 2NI067 2NI06B 2NI06B 2NI069 2NI086 2Nl086A 2NIO&7 2Nl090 2Nl091 2N1092 2NI097 2N1098 2N1099 2NI099 2NIlOO 2N1100 2NIIOI . 2N1102 mm~ 2N1118A 2N1119 2N1120 m:m 2N1122A 2NI!23 2NI!24 2N1125 2N1!28 2N1I29 2N1130 2N1131 2N1131 2N1131A 2N1l32 2N1l32 2N1I32 m:w~ 2N1l32B 2N1I32B 2N1l41 2N1I41 2NI141 2NI142 2NI142 ~:~g H SY §{. m:g:~ll I~:~~ 7.50 10.50 5.00 m:g:~'2 ~mg:tl - 4.75 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 7.50 11.25 15.75 7.50 TI TI 2NI04.5.2 2NI046 2NI046A EACH 6.30 2.65 2.65 2.B5 2.B5 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 11.25 SY 2N1042 2N1042 2NI042.! mm4 2NI044-! 2N1044-2 2Nl045 - TI TI ¥! TI TI SY h TI TI TI ~E Tl GE TI ¥f GE Tl GE bk TI GE Tl ¥f GE Tl GE bk TI TI GE ~i,. RC SY GE ~~ RC RC GE g~ RC RC RC g~ MO RC MO ~i' SY ~k PH PH MO ~~ 5.25 4.50 5.25 5.25 9.00 5.65 9.00 9.00 13.50 B.60 13.50 13.50 19.00 :~:~6 IB.OO 10.00 10.35 25.00 25.35 22.05 25.35 22.05 25.95 25.95 32.95 2B.60 29.60 ~~:~; 39.35 29.95 26.05 29.95 26.05 33.75 33.75 41.S5 36.40 41.95 36.40 47.05 1.00 1.99 1.99 ~g:~~21.95 21.95 49.90 .83 1.57 I.B2 1.24 1.57 10.75 .47 .42 4.30 4.31 5.00 8.33 .75 .84 2.~~ 15.75 11.63 B.25 HA 11.15 11.15 13.02 ~'A HA 1\10 MO Sy TI MO SY 2N1I43 2N1I43 2NI144 ~i:im~ 2NI150 2N1I51 2NI152 3.50 3.00 3.50 3.50 6.00 3.90 6.00 6.00 9.00 5.B5 9.00 9.00 12.00 7.65 12.00 12.00 6.70 12.25 16.70 16.90 14.70 16.90 14.70 2.~~ 1.65 1.43 6.06 I~·gg :~.~~ TI GE ¥f TI TI TI TI TI TI m:m A 2NI162A 2N1163 2N1163A 2 1164 2NI164A 2N1165 . 2N1I65A 2NI166 PH 2N1167A 2NI169 2N1170 m:m 2N1175A 2NI177 2N1I78 ~J:.rl:8g 2NII83 2NII83A 2N1183B ~J:.rlmA 2N1I84B 2NII85 2NI186 ~i, MO MO MO MO MO MO MO MO MO MO MO MO RC RC GE MO GE RC RC RC RC RC RC RC ~~ RC 2NIl91 2NIl92 2NII93 2NIl95 2NIl96 2NIl97 HA HA ~j:~g mg~~ ~'6 ~~m~ mmt 2N1204 2N1204A 2N1213 2NI214 2N1215 2N1216 2N1211 2N1218 .24.25 31.35 .67 1.32 1.32 -l-}.95 I r; 1.11 .74 .74 1.12 1.11 .74 .74 1.12 4.51 3.00 3.24 2.15 1.79 • B 1.65 1.10 6.75 10.10 13.10 9.75 17.25 11.50 24.00 6.00 21.00 15.65 39.50 39.00 26.75 20.25 18.75 25.00 22.50 30.00 40.00 30.00 28.75 21.60 4.60 3.06 5.94 3.96 2.15 1.45 2.25 I-J,50 4~85 3.25 ,;'l~ ~.~~ Tl 15.00 .72 1.14 10.00 .4B .76 .~~ .~~ H TI 1.02 1.39 1.29 IT TI 1.44 .67 .68 .92 .86 1.00 86 .96 ,44 .40 .66 1110 TI TI TI TI TI TI TJ RC TI RC SY I.;~ .72 .~~ 2.06 26.40 1.49 1.38 16.50 .99 I.:~ .~~ 1.65 2.15 2.15 6.~~ 1.10 1.43 1.43 4.!~ PA PA PA PA PH 4.50 3.75 3.30 ,H~ 3;00 2.50 2.15 I~'~~ 7.65 15.90 3.74 5.10 12.95 2.74 RC RC it SY TI TI TI TI TI MO ~.~~ ~.~: GE MO GE .SO .79 .83 .53 .53 .55 .~~ .~~ MO .99 2.16 2.30 .66 1.59 1.60 1.90 420 5.30 4.00 .57 .59 336 6.44 6.44 .83 it~ PH GE GE MO PA Tl RC RC PH 1[ SY SY NA NA RC SY PH RC .~~ N~ 7.95 6.00 .B6 .89 4.5B 9.78 B.78 1.25 ~.~~ ~.~~ 9.00 2.06 2.06 1.43 2.64 2.97 3.30 6.00 1.38 1.39 1.05 1.76 1.98 2.20 ALLlED~. 15. Semiconductor DirectorY-TRANsISTORSo-CONTROLLED RECTIFIERS Type _._No 2N1482 2N1483 2N1484 2N1485 2N1486 2N1487 2N1488 2N1489 2N1490 2N1491 2N1492 2N1493 2N1494 2N1494 !N1494A !N1495 ZNI495 2N1496 2N1496 2N1499A 2N1499Ir 2N1500 2N1500/18 ~f11505 N1506 2N1506A 2N1507 2N1508 2N1510 2N1511 2N1512 2N1513 2N1514 2N1524 2N1525 ~Nl526- 2N1527 2N1529 2N1529A 2N1530 '2N'T530A2N1531 2N1531A 2N1532 2N1532A Mfr. RC RC RC RC RC ~§ RC RC RC liI MO PI! PH ~W MO PH PH ~~. SY PA PA PA TI TI GE RC ~~ RC RC RC ~~ MO MO MO 1ru MO MO MO 1mTIr 1Ii:r 2N1534A MO 2N1535 2N1535A 2Nl53l)· 2N1536A 2N1537 2N1537A 2N1538 2N1539 2N1539 2N1539A 2N1540 2N1540 2N1540A 2N1541 2N1541 2N1541A 2N1542 2N1542 2N1542A 2N1543 2N1544 2N1544A 2N1545 2N1545A 2N1546 2N1546A 2N1547 2N1547A 2N1548 2N1549 2N1549A 2NI550 2N1550A 2N1551 2N1551A 2N1552 2N1552A 2N1553 2N1553A 2N1554 2N1554A 2N1555 2N1555A 2N1556 2N1556A 2N1557 2N1557A 2N1558 2N1558A 2N1559 2N1559A 2N1560 2N1560A 2N1561 2N1562 2N1564 2N1564 2Nf5652N1565 2N1566 2N1566 2N1566A 2N1572 2N1573 2N1574 MO MO 1m. MO MO MO ¥? MO MO TI ~g TI MO MO 1l~ MO MO MO ~g MO MO MO -Ng MO MO MO ~~g MO MO MO ~g MO MO MO ~g MO MO MO ~g MO MO MO ~g MO PA TI i~ PA Tl Tl H Tl 16 • ALLIED - EACH 4.13 4.13 5.36 6.19 9.08 6.60 7.43 9.90 16.50 4.13 6.60 9.90 7.50 6.83 6.83 7.35 7.35 8.55 7.80 1.43 1.92 6.38 6.38 12.25 34.50 36.50 6.00 32.85 2.40 8.25 9.90 12.40 19.80 .51 .54 .54 .58 2.15 2.60 2.25 2.70 3.00 3.80 4.30 5.10 .r, 1.55 2.30 1.71 2.45 -;87 2.60 4.40 5.15 9.05 1.68 - T.r!e 2.75 2.75 3.58 4.13 6.05 2NI586 2N15S7 2N1588 2N15S9 2N1590 4.40 ~!,!1591 4.95 6.60 11.00 2.75 4.40 6.60 5.00 5.01 5.01 5.35 5.39 5.70 5.72 1.05 1.15 4.68 4.68 8.25 25.50 27.50 4.00 21.90 1.60 5.50 - 6.60 8.25 13.20 .34 .36 .36 .39 1.45 1.75 1.50 .80 2.00 2.55 2.90 3.40 ,;25 1.05 1.55 1.14 1.64 2N1592 2N1593 2N1594 2N1595 mm~ 2N1596 2N1597 2NI597 2NI598 2N1598 2N1599 2N1599 2N1600 m:gg~ 2N1601 2N160Z 2N1602 2N1603 2N1603 2N1604 2N1604 2N1605 m:~g~ 2N1605A 2N1613 2N1613 2N1613 2N1613 2N1613 2N1613 2N1613 2N1613 2N1614 2N1623 2N1631 2N1632 21'1 1633 2N1634 2N1635 2N1636 2N1637 ;<5 1.75 2.95 3.45 6.10 1.12 2.10 1.40 2.45 1.34 2.15 2.60 3.00 3.75 2.75 4.15 4 .• U 5.55 10.30 2.15 2.75 2.60 3.30 3.90 4.70 6.70 -6.35 10.95 2.55 3.30 3.05 3.80 4.85 5.60 5.55 6.30 2.70 3.35 3.20 3.90 5.20 5.90 12.00 12.75 3.90 3.95 5.40 5.45 6.00 6.75 7.85 8.60 21.75 14.25 8.00 10.35 8.00 10.35 8.00 10.35 10.35 12.60 12.75 16.00 1.12 1.23 1.44 .73 2.00 2.50 2.25 2.78 ". 1.29 .49 55.80 72.00 10~9lf 100-999 '3.30 3.30 2.00 3.30 6.65 t:~ .~~~~ g~ C45C C45D C45E GE GE GE ~:~~ GE GE GE C55C C55D C55E GE GE GE g~~ g~ GE GE GE ~~gc ~l"i gg~ C80M C80N' ~:~~ . ~~~~ ~ t;~ CK66B CK261 CK262 RA RA 2_95 3.30 3.63 ~lmr ~ 9.~0 ~g 1.75 1.60 1.60 1.75 ~~tg~ ~~ · ~.~~ ~.~~ GE GE 1.45 1.30 ~~~~ Call the Allied Electronics Office Neare~t 2g~:::g ......... 238.00 340.00 294.00 44.50 '"100-999 1.70 2.00 2.20 1.82 1.65 1.90 1",,':'- 1~~,:;" 44.40 59.15 55.61 32.56 66.96 ~:~g .HZ 6.91 9.42 11.67 Mfr ~~ RC RC RC R!: ..... 4.79 4.19 5.10 7.07 5.27 4.61 5.61 7.78 EACH 6.00 9.40 9.60 11040 13.20 ;~:~~ - 5.50 7.70 9.80 10.45 12.10 :::~g RC RC RC 20.40 24.00 26.40 19.70 22,00 24.20: R!: ;:20 6:60 You 8.90' 12.10 15.40 19.70 21.45 Type Mfr. I~~ D4231B D4231D D4231F D4231H D423IJ Type No. D4232E D4241C D4252A D4252B D4264A D4266-3 T.::e 90.00 90.00 96.00 110.00 Mfr. SY SY SY SY SY Mfr. ~i SY SY sy sy Mfr. TJ!,e ~~ggi D4S70X D4570Y D4S70Z Mfr. sy sy sy sy sy ~{ sy sy SY ~:gg~~ ~i D4603F g~61IG 4611H SY SY SY ~~m~ ~{ D4632E D464lE D4643C TJ:pe SY SY SY Mfr. -1_99 60.00' 84.00 120.00 169.00 210.00 E - 23.00 23.00 12.50 9.00 23.00 12.50 9.00 23.00 12.50 9.00 138.00 99.00 149.00 88.00 0600 121.00 121.00 110.00 77.00 121.00 SY 1- 10-99 85.75 39.60 39.40 55.00 77.00 39.40 .- 51.50 72.00' 104.00 143.00 190.00 CW - 19.90 19.90 11.00 I~:Z~ 11.00 6.95 19.90 11.00 6.95 118.00 85.00 129.00 ~5.~~ 104.00 104.00 95.00 66.00 104.00 D5061A DS061B DS061C ~~g~ DD06 DD07 TJ!.e DMCIOO E84 thru89 E26l E262 SY SY 48.00 SY 90.00· SY. 130.00 iN IN IN Mfr. R~ TI TI TI ~~:gg 3~:~g 41.00 77.00 111.00 :54 .54 1.25 EaCH ::~ .45 .98 33.00 - 3.00 3.00 3.00 2 •.50 2,50 2.50 .90 ~'Z5.1T5 IN IN IN 3.60 3.60 3.60 2.95 2.85 2.95 tZ8.2TS FZ9.1T5 FZIoT5 IN IN IN 3.60 3.60 3.60 ;.~~ 2.95 2.85. 2.85 ~m:g IN IN IN 3.60 3.60 3.60 2.95 2.85 2.95 }m:g IR FZ20T5 IN 3.60 3.60 3.60 2.85 2.85 2.85 3.60 3.60 3.60 I.~~ 2.95 2.95 2.95 .75 .95 1.25 .65 .70 ~~~:8n FZI5T5 ~~t~:::~ ~m:::~ m m m FZ30T5 g129 130 ~m~ GE-l GE·2 GE-3 m m IN :::1 H GE GE GE GE ~l"i 4.50 1.63 1.75 I.;~ gl"i ~lt~oioo GE 1.20 1.00 1.50 GEM-l GE-Xl GE-X2 GE GE ~.~g ~ltjU ~l"i 6.00 1.95 4.45 GE-XS GE-X6 GE-X7 ~O2 HI1 H35 H38 m~ H62 HA7520 HA7521 ~~~m HA7527 HA7528 HA7530 ~~~m ~~~m HC7008 1lD1810 HDI811 TJ!,e HD2155 HD5000 HD5001 ~g~gg~ HD5004 HD6225 HD6635 ~g~~~ ~~~~2 TJ!e plOlO 11020 ~.~~ ~.g~ .~~ ...... ......... . ........ ......... ......... .......... ...... ........... 1.00 ......... ......... ......... ... ..... GE GE GE ·I.~~ fi .85 .73 4.00 .66 .56 2.90 H TI 9.00 9.00 13.50 5.60 6.25 10.00 HA HA HA HA 9.90 25.70 16.13 35.~~ 7.42 20.78 12.10 2~.~~ HA HA 7.65 9.00 21.05 5.75 6.75 15.79 3.50 4.00 2.40 2.63 3.00 1.90 TI :n HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ;.~~ ::~g HA HA Mfr. ~~ :~: .;~ .44 .67 .49 1.50 "A"~ 1-99 100-999 2:~~ 3:~~ ~.~ ~:gg HA HA HA 2.41 1.25 2.73 HA 4:50 Mfr. ~!.~~ .59 .99 .64 1.95 3.20 2.90 2.40 I I ::~~ I~.~~ HA HA HA IN IN ......... ~.~~ m~m~ ~~ HD2135 HD2150, ~.~~ ;.~~ ~.~~ ~l"i:~ ~.~ ;.~~ GE GE GE-6 GE-7 GE-S ~.~~ H~ mrg m ~~~g~ 107.0!, .961 2.95 2.85 2.85 93.00 144.00 98.00 134.00 ~:gg I - "A"''' - Mfr. 3.60 3.60 3.60 ;.~~ HA7534 125.00 '~1l;" '1~'1.- IN IN IN .... lBI100-99 Type EACH Mfr. 1No 25.00 21.40 D4961 ~i 110.00 94.00 D4961C SY 20.00 17.15 D4962 SY 50.00 43.00 D4962B 'SY 10.60 12.00 D4966 ~~~~~~ No. t ~HH FZ3.9TS 1.'1.~ 10034.30 47.20 95.75 154.50 172.00 ,. I Each ~~g:g ..... ..... ..... ,.. 1-9 100.00 45.00 46.00 64.00 90.00 46.00 Mfr., ST I 1.00 ..... ~~m:~ 77.00 77.00 92.50 95.00 140.00 55.00 100.00 190.00 200.00 I No. F·8 FZ5.6T5 FZ6.2T5 . I~~:gg I ~~.~~ I~~:~g "4'" Type .71 15.00 12.95 11.95 25.00 21.20 19.40 40.00 35.25 31.40 sy g~!gt~ sy D440lH sy D440IJ sy D440IK sy D4554X D4SS6X D4SS6Y D4556Z D4560X 1.~ 1,; No. T.::e '" -.42 1-li9 .55 .91 I~i D4912B 48.94 65.07 61.17 35.92 73.66 !i9 gmg .....llC.Ila Mfr. No. ~~ D4762 109.00 4.60 ~{ 168.00 D4763 ........ D4764 SY 114.00 ......... ... , .. D4765 SY 156.00 .......... g~mA ~i I~g:~~ 73.26 97.60 91.76 53.72 110.48 RC RC RC CRIOI CRI02 CRI03 CRI04 CRI05 ~~:~g EACH Mfr. lib 25-99 23.00 25.00 37.50 I:~~ .66 2.40 .90 1.50 RA RA RA TJ: e CRl08 CRI09 CRUO 2.18 1.95 RA ~~ ........ 29.50 41.00 55.00 22.00 79.00 iT.00 153.00 176.00 RA RA Type D4210H D4221H SY ~!:gg ~ RC RC RC 29.75 6.90 I::~~ 6.35 ........ 1-9 9.60 13.20 16.90 20.40 23.40 ~~~~ ~~ CR208 CR210 CR2Q -:~:~ B!~g?n I~y 22.75 SY' 35.00 51.00 69.00 27.00 107.00 Mfr. Mfr gmgA D4168B SY D4168C sy D4168D sy 11~::gg RA ~:~~ 3.10 1.90 2.05 ~l"i TJ!,e 9.25 15.50 7.90 19.00 72.00 93.00 142.00 113.S0 35.00 43:00 64.00 224.00 259.00 62.50 177.00 292.00 302.00 433.00 361.00 55.50 GE GE GE GE RC RC RC ~g~ q;;:gg GE GE GE ~ 9.25. 13.00 19.25 ~1.50 CK22C CK64C CK6SA TJ!e .. 50 23.00 92.00 119.00 181.00 142.00 43.00 54.00 90.00 E ,-;;gg 2.55 3.00 3.30 2.73 2.48 CK72I* C.K722* CK768* 6.50 11.15 15.75 29.50 32.00 47.50 ~l"i CS5H C55U C80A 2!:~g ~24 ~l"i C45N C50N C55M 5.60 9.30 I~~gm 13.50 CM0913 4AlI CM0914 7.40 11.30 CM0915 4.10 ~~J917 3.40 4.2!r 'CP0918 . CP0919 5.80 CP0920 6.95 16.95 6.15 5.10 6.30 g~ 8.70 GE 10.30 g~ · 4.65 2.85 GE 3.08 GE GE · g~ 2.63 2.40 GE 2.40' GE 2.63 Mfr No· ~~fE OF ~1·~g 9.55 g~ 170.00 GE 210.00 Type 1::80D 34.15 44.65 10.35 GE GE GE ~tg~ 100-999 25.00 29.50 20.00 ~~:~g g~ C50M ~~i~ 175.00 290.00 400.00 14.00 9.00 GE GE GE g~ :::~ g~ ~~I! C40D C40E C40F C40G C40H I:~~ '~~~~ 1.93 2.35 .79 .., ,1-1 g~:; CISD CI5F CI5G ~:~~ g~g csos ¥t 27:3'0 '30.00 ~t~~ C80U TI 39.00 TI 5 •00 ........ TJ!e ........ TI 16.00 GE 9.40 GE 13.95 GE 20.25 g~~ :~~ GE :8. GE 1.20 CI2A C12B C12C C12H CI2U Cl5A :~ :~; g~ ~l"i TJ!.e :::~ GE GE GE ~~g A651 A670 A671 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 .51 GE GE GE ~~~ 4.!~ GE AMI): A44M A45A A45B A45F A92M A92N . :::~ Mf 1_99 GE , 37.50 GE 42.75 GE 30.00 GE 3~:~~ GE 9.75 g~ 16.73 GE 23.63 GE GE ~:?~ 13.90 g~ 19.50 GE 27.40 GE GE !~:!~ 12.40 g~ 23.25 GE 11.70 No. C35M C35S C36M C36S C37A 651C9 652 652CO 652C2 652C4 2.40 f:~g 1.50 .75 1.85 .94 2.10 to-g . ""... 11.60 1.60 I 101.35 1.35 ALLIED • 19 Semiconductor Directory LISTINGS BY MANUFACTURERS TYPE NUMBER 20. ALLIED. See Page 536 for Listing of MIL Specification Numbers Semiconductor Directory Mfr. Typ" No ~§i415 PA PA PA ~A PS420 PS425 ~~H~ LISTINGS BY MANUFACTURER'S TV PE NUMBER ... ". -9 100-999 1.60 2.13 2.60 1.80 1.85 2.80 ~.~~ ~.~~ ~~!11~ PA PA PA ~A 3.10 3.20 3.30 2.10 2.20 2.30 PSII42 PSII43 PSII44 PA PA PA 12.00 16.00 20.00 PSI910 E* PA PA PA 31.00 39.00 51.00 1~lm E* PA PA PA 21.00 21.00 2.75 psm.F E* PA PA PA 3.60 2.75 3.60 ~~ifo PS460 ~~lm ~~nu ~S1911 SI912 PS6313 PS6313A mfl4 ....... ~.~~ ....... ... '" ....... ..... .. ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... ~~:gg ;~.~~ T~'p" Mfr ~.493C ST ST ST ST ST S·495 S·495A ~!g~~ ~:mA ~T ST ST ST ST S·539B &'539C &'542 ~m~ si ST ST ST S-542C S·544 S-544A ~:~::~ sf ST ST ST &.550 S·550A S·S50B ~:m" "'2.20 S·S53A ~:~~ 2.85 2.20 2.~ si ST ST ST &.553B S-553C EACH ~- 1~~- 8.37 4.39 6.46 7.53 3.95 5.81 6.70 3.51 5.17 1.02 1.42 1.76 .93 1.28 1.58 ,i I .. ,~.~~ ,~.~; ~.!~ ~.g~ 3.58 4.64 6.49 3.22 4.18 5.84 ~.~; ~.~~ 6.56 9.31 .71 5.90 8.38 .64 ,.~! ,:~~ 1.32 1.19 1.66 2.08 2.73 1.67 2.38 3.04 4.04 1.19 1.07 1.49 1.87 2.46 1.50 2.14 2.74 3.64 ~:~~ .82 1.14 1.41 T~:e ~f:~A T~!", 2.86 3.71 5.19 ST720P ST740P ST760P ST9!OP ST920P ~:~~ 5.25 7.45 .57 :~~ 1.06 .95 1.33 U~ 1.34 ~f~~g~ ST950P 60P 2-10P ST2·20P ST2-30P ST2-40P ST2-50P ST2-60P m 1-9 14.40 28.25 13.00 137.50 137.50 13.00 5.95 IN ST.S ST·9 ST·IO STU STI4 I:~~ ".le. Mfr IN IN IN IN IN IN Mfr. ST ST ST ST ST sf ST iii ST ST ST ST ST ype - No i:::~ 12.24 24.01, 11.05 116.88 116.88 11.05 '5.06 3.05 3.70 4.48 6.40 7.05 2.61 3.17 3.84 5.46 6.05 L80 1.50 .56 .~~ Ti:~¥ TI TI 1;1 :~~ :n .99 .76 .87 .76 .65 .74 I.?~ :}:l::~~ TI TI TI p 1.52 12.00 31.00 '1.30 8.00 20.70 ~~.~~ 3~:~~ T1-137 T1-138 TI-140AO TI-140AI TI·140A2 TI TI TI :}:I 31.00 47.90 4.65 20.70 31.45 3.10 ~.~~ ~:~g TI TI TI 8.70 10.30 3.40 5.80 6.85 2.25 1'1-117 f!::!g~l T1-145AO TI·14SAI T1.145A2 -145A3 T1·145A4 1'1.150 TI·153 1'1·251 .252 Tl·253 1'1·254 .- , :]:1 2.75 2.25 .73 iU! 2.45 2.97 3.60 5.12 5.65 - TI TI TI {W6 14.15 12.12 11.33 22.45 19.25 17.94 32.40 28.65 25.90 ~~.~~ ~ ;.~~ 14:9g 22.55 19.35 18.05 24.60 21.10 19.65 30.65 26.30 24.55 3~.~~ 3;:00 3g:~~ - TI.S6 T1·S7 TI·S8 TI·72 'ael< ~~- ".~~- l: Mfr. :}:1 TI TI TI :~i ~.~~ !:~g 8.70 10.30 25.00 8:'22 1.72 1.78 2.75 5.80 6.85 22.50 2.20 1:mA §i Type 1.90 2.85 1M., ST S·556B 2.43 No. 2.20 :}:1 7~:~2 &.556C ST 3.23 1.40 1.40 2.20 E* ~t:g~ SY TI 1.28 SY 1.30 1.30 2.20 2.75 PA Type TI 1.32 SYLI04 SY 1.38 1.38 Ea!<~ Mfr., ~~gmA 2.85 PA 3.60 NO 1.991 Op.9S9 TI 1.60 SYLl08* SY PS6318 2.75 2.20 PA I.~~ I::~ SSZSP IN 2.49 2.12 SYLI09* SY 2.85 ~.~~ ~.~~ ;A +l:m ;.~~ E~~mA '§YLI26S* SY 1.25 .83 2.20 T1-257 TI 2.80 SYLI7S0 SY 3.65 1.64 1.09 2.85 PA 3.60 Type Tl-320 Mfr. TI l.oo SYL2113 SY 3.55 2.35 1.50 ~~m~A 2.20 PA 2.75 ~~TI-321 TI 1.10 1.66 PS6320A 2.85 -dlOIIA ST 12.00 PA 3.60 TI.363 I E 10.30 9.60 .57 PS6321 2.20 T~:e .~~ 1'1.364" ~A ST 12.00 10.30 9.60 S-5017 Mfr 1052 H~ PS6321A 2.85 &.5018 ST 12.00 10.30 9.60 TI SY 11.72 7.81 1.50 I.~~ 2.20 PA 2.75 Ttm ~~g~g~ ST TI SY 2.67 .49 1.78 .71 ~~~mA 2.85 ~:mg 3O PA 3.60 2~'fg .ST 1'1-377 TI I 80 :t~g SYL2860 SY 1.67 .47 2.50 .70 PS6323 2.75 2.20 PA TI.388' 18.10 15.50 I.~~ E~~323A ;A T1·389* ::~ ~:~m ~T , 8.65 7.40 14'50 .."c~ 6.90 ~:;~ 6324 ~:~~ &.5367 T~!" ST .. 75.70 64.85 60.50 I-S 1 0TI 1.36 2.04 2.85 S-S344 PA 3.60 ST TI 75.55 64.70 60.45 SY 6.75 4.50 1.23 1.85 ~~~mA 2.20 S-S737 PA 2.75 T1·39S" ST 75.55 64.70 60.45 TI .94 SY 4.20 2.80 1.41 PS632SA 2.85 PA 3.60 T1-397* TI T0037* PH .61 89.90 77.00 60.50 .75 .55 .92 ;A :g~:gg T1,399* TI PH 1.28 .5,8 .87 ~m?A I~~:gg ~:~rs~ ~f 60.40 51.70 48.30 i:m: PH 1.13 :~~ PT600 PA 32.50 ~4.90 Type "~,CH 1360* .98 .72 PT601 24.90 PA 32.50 No Mf 1-99 100T1361*" 1.05 .77 T~!e Mfr. QQ PT612 37.50 PA 49.00 ~c:- ~~~~IN Tl826* PH .62 1.80 1.32 .~! ~g:~~~ IN T1·429* 1'1 34.75 23.00 , .. .72 .48 Tl943* PH 2.40 1.76 ~i~~gA ~~ 75:gg 5~:g~ SD-93A TI.432* TI 22.00 14.50, .. IN T2028* PH 4.50 .60 .90 3.30 PT8S0 8.95 PA ,11.95 T1·440 SD-94A IN TI 30.PO 20.45 .. ' .67 I.ro 1.01 2.~~ PT8S0A 17.50 PA 25.20 30.80 SD-95A _75 .. ' IN H~~~ 1.12 1.50 1.10 1+1. 442 PT886 2.95 3.50 PA ·443 +1 3080 I ~~.45 045 T2040* PH 1.05 .77 4.25 3.75 887 T1·444 ~A TI 30.80 20.4~ . T2113 PH 4.20 3.00 E:r T888 3.95 450 T1.445 10100TI 30.80 20.45 . T2122* PH 4.20 3.08 T.rr Mfr. PA 85.00 T1·480* 1.55 1.20 1.02 99 499 TI 3S:gg PA 42.50 1.45 f~1g~ .97 I .70 PH I:~~ 1.03 ~.90 481 * 42.56 -sJ)~SOO 1 IN I 1.05 PTlS58 PA 49.50 +t :.~~ +1 - 82* 15 65 T23S1 PH 60.00 35.00 2.00 T1·483 2.40 .57 TI 1.85 T.r!e h~ ~:~g ~.1i 3.00 m~l: E~ ::g T1-484* 2.95 2.25 1.91 TI GE 7.95 5.30 ~A1A TI·48S* TI 3.25 2.50 2.12 SY ~!,F-I 160.00 T2444* PH 3.90 2.86 RAIB 9.40 GE 14.10 SFF-2 SY 280.00 244.00 T2834 PH 1.00 .. 18.50 SFF-3 RAIC GE 27.75 ~'2~ ~.~~ +1 SY 225.00 180.00 T2857 PH 5.43 3.61 1+I:m: RA2 5.30 7.95 1.02 T1-492* TI 1.55 1.20 I gEE 2250 T2872 6.17 4.17 PH RA2A 15.00 EACH T1·493* 1.90 1.45 1.23 TI T2877 PH 5.43 3.61 TJPe 49.50 TI-494' 1.61 2.50 1.90 TI ~~~I> g~ 8.25 ~~:~g E 3.00 TI 44.50 Type 56.00 Mfr. RA3A' 15.60 GE 23.40 +1:!~~: §~m +1 ::~~ 75 TI -24 64.00 51.50 No. 25-U 36.00 T1.607A TI 21.85 17.55 SN512 TI n,5. 56.00 44.50 PH 160.00 1 35.00 I ~~~~40044 I ~~ I~g:gg SNSI3 1'1·874 4.20 TI 2.70 RC 110.00 ~::gg SNSI4 ~!Jg Mfr. ~~t~g:~ RC 125.00 T~!.e EA:H Type Mfr. TI 56.00 44.50 RCA-40047 ;S9 RC 150.00 100-999 No . TI 108.00 86.00 TA2267 RC 99.00 .76 .51 180.~~ ····jiri SNS22 TD-I TI 132.00 106.00 3.75 2.50 GE ~~~:~g?~~ ~~ 1'1 .96 .64 TD-IA 5.60 GE 3.75 .91 .61 TI 1.49 U-214 .99 Type "',C~ ~~tig:?g: ~ ~g 1.57 1.05 ~. TI M •• ig:~A g~ ~:30 No. 1 -1Tii: .15 ~.:g RCA-4011l. R RC 2.15 1.43 ~:~g TI I'D-3 SY 60.00 GE 2.55 1.70 1.65 3.55 2.80 ~l:lg:~ ~fIN30.' SY 60.00 2.95 TD·3A GE 4.45 ~g~:ml~' ~ l}~ ~.~~ 2.48 ~A 3.05 2.30 SNG-4 SY 150.00 TD.4 GE 2.55 1.70 1.32 .88 PA 3.05 Y7E 2.30 SNG-5 SY 130.00 TD·4A 4.45 2.95 ~~~:ig~~~: R ~g 1.40 •94 VIO PA 3.05 2.30 SNG-6 g~ SY 130.00 TD.S 80 1.20 RCA-40210. R RC 1.90 1.27 PA 3.05 VIOE 2.30 SNG-7 SY 125.00 2.95 GE 4.45 12 i8:f' 3.00 GE 4.50 l}~~:~m' ~ l}~ ~.~~ ::~g p~ tg~ ~:ig VI2E ".,e. Mfr. TD.IOI GE 12.00 8.00 T.r:." 4.21 2.81 !!-~A-40214. R RC PA 3.05 VIS 2.30 8.00 RV8 IN 52.00 102 PA g~ :tgg SY ig:·103 .80 .50 8.00 };l~E ,~~:m SY PA ~.~~ ~:~~ RV8A lIN 57.00 .30 .45 TD.104 GE 12.00 8.00 RV8-PC IN 45.00 A 3.05 V20E 2.30 SRI693 SY .50 .39 TD.189 RC 35.00 RV8-PCA IN 49.00 V27 PA 2.75 2.05 SRI694 SY .59 .29 TD-190 RC 50.00 .. PA 3.05 V27E 2.30 SRI69S SY .45 .68 +p.191 PA 2.75 SSA-S50 GE 24.00 16.00 ~~ ;~:gg ...... D-192 TJ,pe Mfr ~~:~~ PA 3.05 10.65 GE 16.00 11~- 1~~- SSA-S51 TD-31O GE 30.00 20.00 V39 A 2.75 2.05 SSA-SS2 GE 21.00 14.00 TD.3IOA 23.50 GE 35.00 .78 &.487 ST .87 .70 SSA-S53 GE Y39E PA 3.05 2.30 13.00 8.65 TD-311 20.00 GE 30.00 &.487A 1.18 1.06 .94 ST PA 2.75 2.05 V47 TD-311>\ 1.44 S-487B ST 1.30 1.15 Type "AC~ PA 3.05 g~ I~~·gg ~~:~g {;~~E TD.311 B S-487C 1.43 1.79 No PA 2.75 T1-2 2.22 Tl 3.00 iii 1.46 S-490 1.83 , 3.05 V68 2.~0 IN 13.00 11.05 -~~ 3.05 .44 Tl·6 TI .56 2.62 2.36 2.10 2.30 V82 22.50 IN 30.00 Tl·40AO 1'1 4.65 3.10 s::~~~ si 3.36 3.02 2.69 §i:1A ,2.50 ST-2 PA 3.50 V900 IN 11.05 13.00 Tl·40Al 3.40 5.10 Tl S-490C 4.15 3.69 ST 4.61 3.50 2.50 ST-2A PA V907 IN 17.38 20.45 1'1-40.0.2 4.20 TI 6.30 S-493 ST 3.11 2.80 2.49 2.75' ST-3 V90"E PA 3.75 11.05 IN 13.00 Tl·40A3 1'1 5.BO 8.70 &'493A ST 4.58/ 4.12 3.66 2.50 ST·4 PA 3.50 V910 IN 11.05 13:00 TI.40M' 1'1 10.30 6.95 S.493B 5.33 4.74 ST 5.9~ 2.75 ST-5 V910E PA 3.75 12.24 IN 14.40 PS6315A ~~m~A ~.~~ , - :):! t t..'l:li :g - :t .... "I~gm :}:! il:~~¥ ~~ PH 1- ~H~5 .... . ....... ....... ....... ....... " ~l:lm ... - - - 1i ...... - :n I ~:~~ N~ I I - - l}:m . .... ....... ....... - .... .... ........ ...... .......... ......... ......... - - Hgmm . ... '. ;;U'" i:~~ .... Coli the Allied Electronics Office Nearest You - t~~ - ALLIED • 2.t Semiconductor Directory USTINGS BY MANUFACTURERS TYPE NUMBER .Over 350. J?i1itary-t~pe semiconductors are available from Allied's Navy stoc~ facIlity. T~ey mcl.ude J.AN, USN, JRe, USA and USAF. As sped· ficatlOn~ are revised, Allied will stock the latest MIL spec., When ordering, two copzes of your purchase order must be sent to Allied. T '::.. !" : MfS; lN2IB/JAN SY mmi,k'/AJf" ~i N B/~" O:A"'' 1':!i ~c:.c:.c:.- .68.5 1.02 .81 .... 7.65 6.0 , .. , .5 .... .... INncrlA~N ~~ :!? tN2S~~W'" SY ~,9g 4.~~ g:ma~J1N ~~ IN26B USN PH ::!g 1,7',. H~ .~~ .... I. T,::.e Mfr! 'A"''' IN3IS/USAF' GE !~.75 2.50 IN430/USN IN 25.20 21.60 IN4S.7/JAN HA 1.00 .75 ..... .74 ';.' TI:; 36 lN4S~~{~N mm~~~~ !:~ .~~ Ilm~~~~~~ ~ :~8 ::~ ~~i" 1Nm\{~~ ~Y .~~ .~~ AI Im~g~mJ ~t I:~~;~; m~~Rtt~N I~~ +~?58 I~:;~45 I::~36 ImN:~g;JJ~~N ~~ I:~~ I:~ SY 4S91 A PA .93 .70 lN69A/JAN iN-70A/JAN :;;; .;. .;:~ ~~~!O'Vl/J"N :~ 665 520 lN78/JA~ SY 6:50 5:10 IN78B/Slg. C PH 12.00 9.45 lN78C/Sig C PH 1~;5 00 3540 iNiUA"TAN SY 1"':75:.. 0 ".47 I~~ 81 71 61 lN93/USN GE 3:45 2:30' lNI26/JAN HA .45 .34 SY N4 9 A IINN,4488313B,/lJJASNI'f PA 1.50 3 / PA 1.00 IN483B/USN HA 1.44 IN483B/USN SY .61 IN483B USN :;:: I ~:;;;, ti IN48SB/USN I PA lm~~;~J§~r. t~g 1.60 4.20 1.05 .75 1'.08 .47 ':0" d~ 1.20 3.35 mm11l~N ~i .~g :;g :~~ ~~m~i~~ lli'~ ::; :65 .52II~~g~~1 ~t ~:gg ~:~~ mmM~ ~ :~~ IN48SB/USN TI mm-f.oIA~~rlr-l---'!!!!-1-~6¥8j,...:~ IN485BM"iTAN ;,; lNI28/iAN HA ~~~!~~W'!~ ~':' .55 .51 INI98/JAN RA .51 lNI98/JAN SY .35 lN2491j/USA GE 8 18 lN249B{USA RC 3'63 .~!!i 570 .~~ mm~{~~ I:~~ I.~~ 1.95 TI 1.28 GE 1.63 MO 2.17 TI:34 ~M'~O 32 •• 3285 TI 2.06 GTE I 3.24 1.30 .85 1.09 1;k ~!:!~~~!{"';:!':!.v IN253/JAN IN2S4/JAN lN254i j~~ lN2S4iJAN ~1~N~2~S~S/'WIJA~;:;N lN2SS/JAN I1NN22S S6 6JJA ANN mm~{~~ .44 I.~~ .R" 1.57 2.15 1.37 2.16 H1.'A' 13'.7 8 35 10.52 .56 RA .50 .39 ~l :~~ (.25 ~y :~~ :~: .:? m~:g~m~ ~C ::~~ .20 :'0 3.75 I.~~ .~:; ::? TI 1.05 I :~~ .70 ~4 !!A~ lN547/JAN ':'f:! 1.51 \'01 .97 1.0 I .98 2.55 .~~ 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.60 1.00 1.20 1.20 gl(: RC INS47/JAN TI INS4~~/JAN GE lN643 SC PA ~~~~~~'='E!A lN64S/AF GE IN64S/AF PA IN645/AF TI lN64Sn'AN GE 1!'i:645l1fUAJIl O::~ lN646/AF GE IN646/AF PA mm~~~ ~~ 1.45 1.52 1.47 3.50 2.~0 1.50 1.55 1.55 2;40 I 55 1:80 1.80 lN649/AF ~f lN662/SC lN662 USA ,~~ m~~~//~t :~~ ::H !:!i TI ~~~~~i'I'§A H' m~~~~i~~ ~ IN716 ..'1,0.... 't°~9 Mfr•. ' 99 si~ r PA ::~~ .~~ ::g :::: . .... :::: ::!g .... Hg t~~ 2.10 1.60 ".. m~~g~!!~g ~~ ~:!g GE 250 IN649~iAN !~~49M ITA~ lN649/AF'" I 5:25 It~ -.. 50 GE 2:63 I " ~ii 3.50 4.00 lN984B/USN .4.8 3.85 4.40 1~~~B/USN TVDpa Mfr. 1.. .;; .... 2.40 1100- IUUU_ 1 QQQ 4- "'!~=111"'2"""4A/Wf,U,;..!.rNI.. :!:~",!",.H31l!5~8c1-l!!2~9t,,2l,iltl1lt IN1126AiuSN TI 6:26 5:13 .... IN112SA/USN TI 11.01 8.99 mm?/B~' :g l~il~~~~~ ~% ~:!~ ~::~ :::: mg~~~~ ~~ !:~~ ~:~g , lN1200jOSAF INI201/AF . INI201/AF INI201/USAF ~. ~0..'l;, INI202/AF ~~!~!!~(~~, 1I.~g ~.~g 2.06 1.38 ~S 2.72 '1.82 GE 3.30 2.20 HA 5.95 3.99 .... RC 3.30 2.20 GE 4:05 ,:70 !!!} 7.00 4,69 H:m~~m~~ ~~ ~:~g ~::g ::::: }~g~~~~~AF ~~ ~:~~ ~:~~ m~!g~~B~~ ~~ ~.20 INI20~~f HA ~:~g ~'~T INI203 SAF RC 5.63 3.75 2.40 ..... lNI204/USAF 6.27 4.18 2.40 ..... INI2OS/AF GE 6.83 4.55 2.40 ..... m!~2~~V§AF I~!< ! .~~ ~.95 ~.~~ ..... 1ffi-i"11~t"!Lf\W~'U'~......-H"~jl';+~HI~ .. 25+~5;.al!.'n+--mI20~~l!,~~·~s. 8.66 5.78 2.40 ..... INI3S3/S1gC, MO 12.35 11.60 2.40 ..... INI361/SigC MO 12.35 11.60 2.40 ..... 1!~!~!4~!l~ GE 7.01 4.67 2.40 ..... 1Nlbl,'JIJ"A TI .. n .:0;' INI615/USA I~!" 5.52 3.68 ....n INI6IS/USA TI 5.83 3.87 . lN1616/USA GE 8.70 5.80 .' INI616~ySA TI ::g~ ~.~~ 2.40 ..... iN750; '~iT"N HA I d~ !~~ !1~N'7SS~AA~/~'UUSSNN HHAA 3.20 3.20 mm~',B~~ ~~ 33 .20 ; iN755A~iTsN I HA I :;:.~~ IN7S6A/USN HA 3 IN7S7 / .20 lN7S8~ B~~ ~~ 3.20 IN7S9A'/USN HA 3.20 3.20 IN7hr46A/USN t U ,lUi . 13.'~ lN7S9A SN PA l'1~Af\J:;Nr ..... I~l:: ~~1ir&J~s;.1~ ~'.~ ~'.~~ '.:::: mim~li;~ ~i I~:~~ 'I IN276/JAN .19 lN277@/JANHA.93.70 .. "IN647/AFTI3.251.56 lN93:i7uSN Sy' 1.04 .~~ • ...70 lNI733/USA IN2771 AN RA .59 .46 ... , IN647/JAN GE 4.05 2.70 1NYO'ISJIISN:} INI73~~J1SA .34 .26 .21 IN647M/JAN PA 1.95 1.30 -'ihi-ii-'--" 'INI734JUSA IN277 AN SY H:gglW.~N ~':' .56 .42 .... IN648/AF PA 2.75 1.95 ... , lN97IB/US PA 3 'tb;~'V~/VV" ,...... RA .50 .40 .. IN648/AF TI 3.95 2.25 , . 6 0 2.65 ..... lN1836A/USN 22 • ALLIED .~. lN97IB/USN 4.3 IN1199/USAF RC lN759A/USNI3.2012.7 Mf 1'1~~B/U:;N ,I MOTOROLA-GLASS ZENER DIODES' *10.per type, 100 total on orda.. -must all be glass. Type ~H ix100-999 1'1~;::A/U:;N 100 per order Type Mfr. 1. E1tW.H1000. 1:6".... Np 99 999 1999 350 lN972B/USN 2.40... thru_ 1.75 ... lN974B/USN PA 4.00 3.00 ..... GE 'N~ Mz~~~~oL~ig~~$ "1~ per tHe, 4.4.... -must all be .lila... 3.05 "I)-op,a _ 00 ~ • ,. 2.73 ... , . . . ~~. 6.35 4.60 3.75 IN'648/AF .55 .61 .50· .58 . Tl!,a INS40/JAN I~~~~W~N '0".' )IIJ ~1~N'':207>10/J/JJAUN' , .. n·"",T IN270/JAN :;;0 IN486B,USN TI 5.00 '25 .20 IN48~~NtJAN~~! 2.~~ 40 INS38 AN '39 !IN~38~~~~ MO .87 :28 .22 lNS38/JAN RC .91 5.45 INS38/JAN Ti .75 2.42 INS38~/JAN GE 3.80 IN<40 IT AN GE m~~?7f'pJA ~i 5:;~ 3:~~ 0'&, ,.. s9 999 ~'T.::.e 14.00 PA 13.75 HA 1~.50 16.00 PA Ih.OO TI 12.50 9.50 .... Include 2 Copies of Purchase Order for Gov't. Source-Inspected Semiconductors Semiconductor Directory MIL-TYPE SEMI-CONDUCTORS Type MI.) EaCH '.'1'= 1-99 100-999 IN213SA/USA I GE: 119.071 6.05 lN21S3/USA 'IRA ,IB.OO 12.06 IN213SA/USA RC 9.0B 6.05 10.30 6.B5 7.15 4.75 10.50 7.00 10.50 7.00 945 630 9.70 6.45 9.70 6.45 10.45 6.95 10.~; ~.~~ 11.55 7.70 13.BO 9.20 13.BO .9.20 MOTOROLA-METAL ZENER DIODES *10 per type, 100 tOt3' pcr order . -must all be metal. Typo No. IN2804B/USN It\'~~;8B/U§!i 14.65 II.OC IN2840B/USN lk~~46B/usr; IN2970B/USA 12.65 !~.~; !~.~~ 5.75 19.3 22.25 lk~~77BJUSA 10 0 7." I~ :g:g~ n~ Hmm~g~~ 10.05 7.S! B.70 gg B.70 thru IN2986B/USA 10.05 7.5 IN2988B/USA 8.70 75 B.70 IN2997B /USA 10.05 7.5 IN2999B/USA B.70 IN300SB/USA 10.05 7.5! IN3007B/USA S.70 It\'~~93B/USA 10 05 ]SA thru thru 7.' lM'I809BI1JSA In.M B.70 IN30IlB/USA 10.05 7.55 B.70 IN3012B/USA thru IN3015B/USA 17.50 13.1515.00 IN3016B /USA 1~830B/USA 5.20 3.9C 4.50 It~843BjUSA 5.20 3.9C 4.50 IN3031B/USA \ EACH TJ.pe m~gg:~~~ IN3189jUSN IN3206jSig. C IN3207·jSig. C IN3666MjUSN Mr. 14 ¥r ~:~~ ~:~g ~::g ~~- ~~ MO 4.35 4.35 2.90 PA 4.90 4.90 3.S5 PA 4.50 4.50 3.40 'rA .70 .70 .53 EACH 2!".191OW /U§!' I 2NI911W /USN 2NI912W /USN 2NI913W/USN 2N1914W/USN 2N2031W jUSN Type No. mtl~~g~~~ 2N78A/USAF 2N117/USN 2NII8/JAN mm~g~iF 2NI28/JAN 2N167A/USAF 2N174/JAN 2N174/JAN I GE GE GE TI TI 5.25 4.95 3.10 B.45 9.15 GE MO 4.62. 5.65 I 3.78 4.75 3,18 7.67 5.11 l:;g bk PH 6.30 RC 3.50 3.30 2.10 5.65 6.35 ,!E 34.40 27.90 GE 42.40 34.40 GE 50.40 40.40 GE 53.40 42.90 GE 6B.40 54.40 GE 34.40 27.90 3:~g ALLIED SEMICONDUCTOR DIRECTORY is issued at regular intervals throughout the year. Each issue carries a complete rundown of all available semiconductors, including the latest releases. If you are not already on our mailing list, send your name (on your company letterhead) to: SEMICOI\IDUCTOR PRODUCT MANAGER Allied Electronics 100 N. Western Ave. Chicago 80, Illinois Indude' 2 Copies of Purchase Order for Gov't. Source-Inspected Semiconductors ALLIED -23 Texas Instruments Silicon Transistors ALLIED STOCKS EVERY 11 SEMICONDUCTOR, AS SOON AS ANNOUNCED I~ Over 400 military version semiconductors ore now _available from Allied. plete stocks. SMALL.SIGNAL SILICON TRANSISTORS BVCBO measured at IE=O. T~~~ Fig.1 A A A A A A A C C s ~~ I ~~ Min. hf\bMax.IBV~BOI ~~ 1_9:ACI~0_999 A OGJ IsO 25 0:9"" 0.953 """45"'4 8.i5 5.45 I I MIL-T-19500/35 °GJ t 150 t 25 t MIL-T.-19500/2 °GJ \150 1 25\ °GJ 150 25 MIL-T-19500/35 °GJ 1150 1 251 °GJ 150 25 MIL-T-19500/37A 0.948 t 0.976 t 45 t 5 0.948/ 0.9891 0.973 0.989 45 / 8 45 6 0.9871 0.9971 0.9 0.953 45 45 I 7 6 8.45 5.65 8.15 5.45 9.15 6.35 8.15 5.45 I I .05 7.35 I 1.45 7.55 12.60 8.40 4.65 3.10 4.95 3.30 2N332A C "GJ1500125\~\ 0.953\"""45110 4.95 3.30 2N333 C °GJ 150 25 0.948 0.976 45 8 4.65 3.10 USN2N333 C MIL-T-19500/37A 4.95 3.30 2N333A C °GJ \500\ 2510.948/0.976\ 45 4.95 3.30 2N334 C °GJ 150 25. 0.948 0.989 45 10 4.65 3.10 USN2N334 C MlL-T.19500/37A'-- - - - - 4.95 3.30 2N334A C °GJ 1500 1 251 0.9481 0.9891 45 112 4.95 3.30 2N335 C °GJ 150 25 0.973 0.989 45 11 4.95 3.30 USN2N335 C MIL-T-19500/37A 5.25 3.50 2N335A C °GJ 500 25 0.973 0.989 45 13 5.25 3.50 2N336 C "GJ 150 25 0.987 0.997"""4513 6.00 4.00 2N336A C °GJ 500 25 0.987 0.997 45 15 6.30 4.20 2N470 C °GJ 200 25 *10 *25 15.... 3.45 2.30 2N471 C °GJ 200 25 *10 *25 30.... 5.60 3.75 2N472 C °GJ 200 25 *10 *25 45.... 7.45 4.95 2N473 C "GJ 200 25 ""*20 *50 -1-5- 3.45 2.50 2N474 C °GJ 200 25 *20 *50 30 6.40 4.30 2N475 C °GJ 200 25 *20 *50 45.... 7.95 5.30 2N476 C °GJ 200 25 *30 *60 15.... 8.80 6.00 =:2"'N-'47':-7_____ I--:-C °GJ 200 25 *30 *60 30 9.80 6.55 2N478 C "liT 200 25 *40 *100 -1-5-:-:-:-: 3.70 2.80 2N479 C °GJ 200 25 *40 *100 30 .... 7.10 4.75 2N480 C °GJ 200 25 *40 *100 45 .... 9.50 6.55 2N541 C °GJ 200 25 *80 *200 15 .... 6.20 4.10 2='N:-:-::5~4c:'2_ _ _ I-::-C °GJ 200 25 *80 *200 30 6.30 4.20 2N543 C "liT 200 25 ----.go *200"""45 e:TO 5.40 2N734 D OM 500 50 20 50 60 40 8.95 5.95 2N735 D OM 500 50 40 100 60 40 8.95 5.95 2N736 D OM 500 50 80 200 60 50 9.90 6.60 2N736A E OM I W 100 *80 *200 80 30 9.90 6.60 =2O:N=7::=3':;8'-'--'iii 500 50 *20 *50 125 60 12.50 8.30 2N739 D OM 500 50 *40 *100 125 60 12.50 8.30 2N740 D OM 500 50 *80 *200 125 60 12.40 8.30 2N760 E OM IW 100 *76 *333 45 50 8.10 5.40 2N760A E OM IW 100 *76 *333 60 50 14_95 9.95 ~c.=.:::':--:-=-=-=-I - - - ---2N I 149/903 B °GJ 150 25 0.9 0.953 45 4 8.65 5.75 2N 1150/904 B °GJ 150 25 0.948 0.976 45 5 8.65 5.75 2N I 151/904A B °GJ 150 25 0.948 0.949 45 8 8.65 5.75 2N I 152/905 B °GJ 150 25 0.972 0.989 45 6 I 1.35 7.55 2N 1153/91 0 B °GJ 150 25 0.987 0.997 45 7 13_35 8.90 2N 1276 C OGJ IsO 25 ~ *22 40 303.85 2.55 2N 1277 C °GJ 150 25 *18 *44 40 30 4.25 2.84 2N 1278 C °GJ 150 25 *37 *90 40 30 4.75 3.15 2N 1279 C °GJ 150 25 *76 *333 40 34 5.60 3.70 2N 1564 C OM 600 50 *20 *50 80 40 10.35 6.90 2N 1565 -C 'iii 600 50 *40 *100 80 40 10.35 6.90 2N 1566 C eM 600 50 *80 *200 80 50 10_35 6.90 2N I 566A C OM 1.2W 100 *80 *200 80 30 10.35 6.90 2N 1572 C OM 1.2W 50 *20 *50 125 30 12.60 8.40 2N I 573 C OM 1.2W 50 *40 *100 125 30 12.75 8.55 2N 1574 C 'iii 1.2W 50 ----.go *200 125 30 13_65 9_15 2N2387 H 0p IW 30 *40 *120 '45 30 18.4012.25 2N2388 H 0p IW 30 *100 *300 45 30 29.95 19.95 \11 o 24 • ALLIED from Allied. Same-day shipment, OEM prices, com- IT] Explanation of Abbreviations and Column Headings. A, alloy june. AD, alloy diffused; E, epitaxial. EM, epitaxial mesa. GD, grown diffused. G]. grown junction; M, mesa. P, planar; EP. epitaxialptanar. All PNP, except oNPN. Symbols: *, h,.; t, h,b; §, BVCEO; ~V,at. Column heads; BVeBo, collector-base breakdown voltage, open input; BVCEO, collector-emitter breakdown voltage, open input; BVCER. collector-emitter breakdown voltage, resistance input; ::2-:C N"'I-:-I::7=--USN2N I 17 2N I 18 JAN2N I 18 2NI18A 2N I 19 USN2N I 19 2N 120 2N332 USN2N332 Order your TI semiconductors BVCEX, collector-emitter breakdown voltage, base-emitter back biased; fab, alpha cutoff freq; hfb. small-signal current gain, common base; h'e. small-signal current gain, common emitter; hFE. DC current gain; Ie. max. call. curr.; Ico. collector-base cutoff curr.;, pc. max. collector diss.; Pt, total diss.; Rsat, sat. res.; 5, structure; VeBo, max. collector-base voltage, open input; Vsat, collector-emitter sat. voltage; YBB, base-to-base voltage; "1. intrinsic standoff ratio. · V NEW LS-600 NPN LIGHT SENSOR Ultra-miniature light sensor device is designed specif. §, ically.for 1;16" printed circuit board insertion. Unit is ,'" ideal for use in tape and card readers, character recognition and photo relay applications. Especially useful where size is a critical factor. Compact unit combines high sensitivity (light current, .8 rna minimum; dark current; .25 rna maximum) with extremely minute size. Tiny encapsulated package is less than 1/10" high with a body diameter of only !As". LS-600. 1-99 ......... EACH 13.00 100-999 .......... EACH 9.50 INDUSTRIAL TYPE SILICON TRANSISTORS Type Fig. No. 2N I 586!J503 2N I 587/J504 2N I 588/J505 2N I 589/J506 2N I 590/J507 2N 1591/J508 2N I 592/J509 2N I 593/J51 0 2N I 594/J51 I TI-480 TI-481 TI-482 TI-483 TI-484 TI-485 TI-486 TI·487 TI·492 TI-493 TI-494 TI-495 TI-496 B S Pt Ie rna rna hFE Min. BVCBO! feb Max. ---.u "GJ IsO 25 *9 B °GJ 150 25 *9 *27 B °GJ 150 25 *9 *27 B °GJ 150 25 *25 *75 B ~ ~ ~ ~...::.!2. B °GJ 150 25 *25 *75 B °GJ 150 25 *70 *210 B °GJ 150 25 *70 *210 B °GJ 150 25 *70 *210 F °GJ 600 60 9 36 F "GJ 600 60 --9- ~ D OM 2W 500 20 D OM 2W 500 20 60 D OM 2W 500 40 120 G OM IW 15 60 C ---ri1 TsW 1A C OM 15W IA 20 80 C °GJ 150 25 15 45 C °GJ 125 20 15 45 C °GJ 125 20 40 125 C "GJ 125 20 250 25iJ F °GJ 600 60 10 .... V 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60 50 Me 4 4 4 6 ~ 6 7 7 7 I ---SO""1 20 40 40 20 60 60 60 80 40 40 40 25 8 20 20 ----zo -so ---so 25 @] "'"40 20 40 EACH 1-99 100-999 4.65 4_50 6.15 4.90 5.25 6.30 7.75 9.05 10.30 1.55 1_90 2_15 2.40 2.95 3.25 5.00 5.65 1.55 1.90 2_50 3_00 I _75 3.10 3_00 4.10 3.25 3.50 4.20 5.15 6.05 6.85 1.20 1.45 1.65 1.85 2.25 2.50 3.85 4.)5 1.20 1.45 1.90 2.30 1.35 UNIJUNCTION SILICON TRANSISTORS For pulse timing circuits, relaxation oscillators, medium power switches. Max. ratings; peak emitter curr., 2 amps; RMS, 50 Ma. Type S VBB Pt ~ EACH No. V mw Min. Max. 1·99' 100·999 - - - ---- - - 2 N489 °GJ 65 600 .51 .62 7.10 4.75 2N490 °GJ 65 600 .51 .62 7.80' 5.20 2 N491 °GJ 65 600 .56 .68 8.40 5.60 2N492 °GJ 65 600 .56 .68 9.80 6.55 2.N493 ~ 65 6Q() ----:62 ----:75'" 10.75 7.20 2N494 °GJ 65 600 .62 .75 10.90 7.30 2 N 1671 °GJ 35 450 .47 .62 2.95 1.98 2NI671A °GJ 35 450 .47 .62 3.20 2.14 2 N I 67 I B ~ 35 """45() ---:47 ----:62""'""'3.55 2.36 2 N489A GJ 65 600 .51 .62 7 _65 5_10 2N489B GJ 65 600 .51 .62 9.15 6.10 2 N490A GJ 65 600 .51 .62 8.35 5.55 _2=-:..:Nc.:4c::9.:::O..:B'--I_..:G:,;J_ 65 ~ _.5_1_ ~ 9.85.~ 2N491A GJ 65 600 .56 .68 8.90 5.95 2 N491 B GJ 65 600 .56 .68 10.40 6.95 2 N492A GJ 65 600 .56 .68 10.40 6.95 2N492B GJ 65 600 .56 .68 11.90 7.95 2N493A GJ 65 600 .62 .75 11.20 7.50 2N493B ~656Q()~~ 12_75 8.50 2 N494A GJ 65 600 .62 .75 I 1.40 7 _60 2N494B GJ 65 600 .62 .75 12.90 8.60 2 N2160 GJ 35 450 .47 .80 2_50 1.68 Specify Manufacturer and Type No. on All Semiconductor Orders Texas Instruments Silicon Transistors Order your 1 from =--'. :, ~ II] 1"'·" TI uII semiconductors Allied. Same-day shipment,OEMprices, complete stocks. -- @] SWITCHING AND HIGH FREQUENCY SILICON TRANSISTORS Type No. 2N337' USN2N337 2N338 USN2N338 2N702 USA2N702 2N703 USA2N703 2N706 USA2N706 2N706A 2N706B 2N726 2N727 2N743 2N744 2N753 2N849/ TI1430 2N850/ TI1431 2N851/ ·T11422 2N852/ TI1423 2N2410 2N2411 2N2412 2N2413 3N34 3N35 JAN3N35 Fig. S I I" I Pt mw Min.hFE Max. IBVCBol'''b V me EACH 1-99 100-999 - -3.20 ~ ill 20 20155 45 2il -4.85 MIL-S-19500/69C A A A A C C C C C C C C C C C C C rna 'GJ 1 125 1 20 1 MIL-S-19500/69C 'p IIW 1 30 1 MIL-S-19500 /153 'EM 1 600 1 50 1 MIL-S-I9500/153 'EM IIW 1..... 1 MIL-S-19500/120 'EM IW ..... 'EM IW ..... EP IW 50 EP IW 50 'EM IW 200 IW 200 'EM IW ..... -EM B 'E IW 30 1 IS 1 45 1 20 1 100 40 1 120 1 25 1 ISO 20 1.... ··1 25 1 100 20 20 IS 30 20 40 40 60 60 45 90 60 120 120 20 160 IW 200 25 15§ 100 ~ 100 9.60 6.40 12§ 100 11.50 7.65 100 12.40 8.25 -EL .. I - -IW - 30 -40- -120 60 20 IW 200 B 'E 120 12§ 40 120 ~ A 'EP 2.5W 800 30 20§ C EP IW 100 20 60 IW 100' 40 120 C EP 201 D 'EM IW 200 30 120 18i D 'GO 125 20 *1@30 me 30 20 *1@70me D 'GO 125 30 MIL-S-19500/80B 2~'263 45 45 E GJ 20 '25 2: '£;4 E GJ 1 125 55 20 1150 45 1 20 MIL-S-19500/120A JA. a'706M 21\715 C EM 500 50 10 50 40 2N716 MIL-S-19500/154A USA2N716 60 C EP 3W 800 20 30 2N2217 120 C EP 3W 800 40 30 2N2218 300 30 2N2219 C EP 3W 800 100 C EP l.8W 800 20 60 30 2N2220 C EP l.8W 800 40 120 30 2N2221 300 30 C EP l.8W 800 100 2N2222 120 80 C EP 2.8W IA 40 2N2243 C EP 2.8W IA 40 120 80 2N2243A 0 GO 125 ·20 10@1 ke " . 30 TI874 - - - -- - - I I 8.10 5.40 10.80 7.20 -100 -100 18.00 12.00 100 100 100 100 I I 30 20 ~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~ 70 100 100 100 100 100 100 20 20 -- - - - 5.15 3.40 5.50 3.65 5.80 3.85 7.65 5.10 7.65 5.10 7.65 5.10 7.80 5.25 1.57 1.05 1.57 1.05 1.82 1.21 5.40 3.60 15.00 10.00 16.50 11.00 7.65 5.10 8.25 5.50 5.65 3.75 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 25 25 201 20§ B 'E B 'E 30 45 1 ISO 1 45 ....... 22.50 11.55 5.00 22.50 24.38 17.85 11.50 2.23 34.65 43.10 43.10 5.85 5.85 6.75 5.85 5.85 6.75 19.40 20.90 4.20 15.00 7.70 4.15 15.00 16.25 11.90 7.65 1.49 23.10 28.70 28.70 3.90 3.90 4.50 3.90 3.90 4.50 12.90 13.90 2.70 MEDIUM & INTERMEDIATE-POWER SILICON TRANSISTORS (Cont'd From Column ot Left) Type No. Fig. 2N721 2N722 2N730 2N731 2N870 2N871 2NI131 2NI132 2N1154/951 2N1155/952 2N 1156/953 2NI252 2NI253 2NI420 2NI507 2NI613 2NI711 2NI889 2NI890 2NI893 2NI22 JAN2N342 JAN2N696M JAN2N697M 2N910 2N911 2N912 2N956 USN2NI131 USN2NI132 USN2NI613 USN2NI893 2N1973 2NI974 2NI975 C C C C C C A A E E A A C C A .... Type No. 2N243 2N244 2N339 2N340 2N341 2N342 2N342A 2N342B 2N343 JAN2N343 2N343B 2N696 USA2N696 2N697 USA2N697 2N698 2N699 2N717 2N718 2N71BA 2N719 2N719A 2N720 2N720A Fig. S p. hFE I, mw ma i(iJ -750 60 BVCBORsat Max. E 10.9 10.968 'GJ E 750 60 10.961 to.989 F 'GJ 1000 60 10.9 10.989 F' 'GJ 1000 60 10.9 10.989 F 'GJ 1000 60 ~ to.989 'GJ 1000 60 10.9 10.97 F 'GJ 1000 60, 10.97 to.97 F 'GJ 1000 60 *9.0 *32 F 'GJ 1000 60 10.966 10.989 F MIL-S-I9500/160 Min. F F I'GJ F 'p '000 I 60 I *28 12000.... 20 F Mll-S-I9500/99A A 1 M 12000 1.... 1 40 A MIL-S-19500/99A G G C C C C C C C .... ~ 1 ~~~~ .... 'p l.8W .... 'p l.8W .... 'p l.8W ;p l.8W -.... 'p 'p 'p l.8W .... I.8W .... l.8W ... 20 40 20 40 40 20 20 40 40 V 60 60 55 85 125 60 85 85 60 Ohms 350 350 300 350 400 350 350 200 350 65 60 I +1.5 200 -- I I *90 60 1 120 1 60 1 +1.5 60 . 120 60 120 120 -6060 120 120 60 60 60 60 75 120 120 120 120 +5 +5 +1.5 +1.5 +1.5 Ts:D +5.0 +5.0 +5.0 NET EACH 1-99 100-999 13.75 9.15 20.45 13.60 10.15 6.75 10.80 7.20 17.50 11.65 11.85 7.90 11.90 7.95 16.75 11.20 18.40 12.25 22.90 15.25 -22.40 14.90 1.57 1.05 1.9B 1.32 2.06 1.38 2.06 1.38 2.89 1.93 2.89 1.93 1.87 1.25 2.36 1.58 7.31 4.88 5.25 3.50 5.55 3.70 5.25 3.50 10.~01 8.05 Make Allied Your Semiconductor Headquarters hFE NET EACH BVcnoRsBt Ohms V -Min. - -Max. - -50 11.5 20 45 -- -- -.... A A A A A 30 20 90 60 120 120 300 45 90 ~1.0 40 40 -100 --20 30 10.9 10.9 10.9 ~1.0 50 60 60 100 100 50 50 50 80 120 30 30 60 60 75 75 100 100 120 120 Tt:o - 45 90 300 300 120 300 120 300 120 15 30 100 100 40 IOU 40 100 40 3 ....... -- 1-99 100-999 6.82 4.55 U.S 20.90 15.65 t1.5 1.87 1.25 U.S 2.36 1.58 +5.0 15.45 10.30 18.45 12.30 ~1.5 6.00 4.00 +1.5 13.02 8.25 300 12.65 8.40 350 13.15 8.80 400 17.65 11.75 +1.5 7.00 4.65 +1.5 11.95 7.95 U.S 6.00 4.00 +1.5 6.00 4.00 3.71 2.48 ~1.5 4.54 3.03 +5.0 15.45 10.30 +1.5 18.45 12.30 ~ 9.85 6.55 200 60.00 40.00 14.55 9.65 1.98 1.32 2.48 1.65 8.40 5.60 1.2V 5.55 ·3.70 1.2V 6.20 4.15 1.5V 8.45 5.70 6.00 4.00 13.95 9.30 7.00 4.68 9.85 6.55 10.50 7.00 11.2V 1.2V 7.90 5.25 1.2V 6.20 4.15 11.5 IT.5 ~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~ C C C P 1.8W.. .. 40 P 1.8W.... 20 P 1.8W.. .. 100 MIL-S-19500/177A MIL-S-19500/177A MIL-S-19500/18IN MIL·S-19500/182N A 80 3W A 3W .... 40 1 1""1 3W .... 20 A I~ 100 50 300 100 100 75 I I 200 100 50 100 100 100 SILICON FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORS Pt Max. ID(ON) @ VDS = -10 v .. (W) Vcs=O ema) 1.2 3 1.5 6 1.5 15 1.5 6 1.5 .... Type Fig. S No. P 2N2497 A P 2N2498 A P 2N2499 A P 2N2500 A P 2N2386 A @] .MEDIUM & INTERMEDIATE-POWER SILICON TRANSISTORS I, P, mw ma "iii 1.5W -.... 'M l.5W .... 'M 1500 .... 'M 1500 .... 'p 1.8W ;p 1.8W .... M 2000 .... M 2000 'GJ ' 750 60 'GJ 750 50 iGJ 750 40 'M 2000 .... 'M 2000 .... 'p 1.8W M 2000 ;p 3W -.... 'p 3W .... 'p 3W .... 'p 3W ... : 'p 3W .... GJ 8.75W 140 MIL-S-19500/160 MIL-S-195OU/998 MIL-S-19500/998 S EACH 1-99 100-999 33.40 22.30 27.60 18.35 35.50 23.65 68.00 52.95 14.86 9.75 SILICON DUAL EMITTER CHOPPER Type 2N2432. Has epitaxial planar construction in TO-IS case; collector or gate in electrical contact with case. Total power dissipation, Pt. 0.6 watt. Maximum emitter current when emitter junction is reverse biased and collector is open circnited, lEBO, 2ma @ VEB = ISVand lc = O. 2N2432. 1-99 .••••••••• EACH 18.50 100-999 ........ EACH 12.35 SILICON DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER DUAL TRANSISTORS Type I;lg. No. ---, 2N2639 2N2640 2N2641 2N2642 2N2643 2N2644 2N2060 2N2223 2N2223A -D D D D D D D D D S P P p P P P P P P Pt eW) 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 3.0 3.0 3.0 hFE@VCE-5V IC=10I'A' t100"a Min. Max. EACH 1-99 -'-5-0-~ 50 50 100 100 100 30 25 25 300 300 300 300 300 90 ' 150 150 100-999 44.60 29.75 29.55 19.70 21.80 14.55 51.00 33.95 44.60 29.75 26.20 17.50 51.90 34.80 25.95 17.40 34.25 23.00 SILICON LOW LEVEL SWITCH TRANSISTORS ~I~I_S_'I 2N2692 2N2693 2N2694 C C C ptew,) IMin. 8VCEO@IC-lOma eV)I'-99'EA·1100-999'EA. EP.6 30 29.25 19.50 EP' .6 30 18.65 i 2.45 EP.6 20 I 1.05 7.45 ALLIED. 25 Texas Instruments Germanium Transistors =8=. 1 @ i ' 11 I"":' @) @] SEE PAGE 24 FOR EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS AND COLUMN HEADINGS HIGH-SPEED TRIODE SWITCHING TRANSISTORS Fig. A types are short round welded triodes; each has nickel TO-S case and I liz" leads (min.) Fig. C types are miniature round welded triodes with standard TO-IS case and liz" leads (min.); collector is in electrical contact with case. 2N2001 is a core driver. # Indicates positive volts. Total power dissipation is measured at 25°C freeair ambient. except t 2SoC case temp. fBi-directional types. Typo Fig I siP' \S!J Vo (mw) A °A ISO 125 A °A 150 #40 MIL-T-I9500/65 A I Al iSO 130 A A ISO 30 ==No;::._ _ .-:. _ 2N3S8 2N388A USN 2N388 2N395 2N396 ~~~~~ 2N404A USAF 2N404 2N426 2N427 2N428 2N 524 2N525 2N526 2N527 2N594 2N595 2N596 2N705 USN 2N705 2N710 ~~~ l lA 10 IOBo@voB hFE !hfb(*fT) EACH (ma) (pa@V)Min. me ~ 100-999 200 5 II 60 IS .60 .40 200 5 II 60 16 1.10 .73 .61 .41 250 6 IS 20 3 .50 .33 250 6 20 30 5 .61 .41 :I: I:~~ I~~ ~~~ T1f :~ : f A A 150 40 MIL-T-19500/20 AI A 1150130 A A 150 30 A A 150 30 A A 225 45 A A 225 45 A A 225 45 A A 225 45 At °A ISO 120 At °A ISO #20 .At °A 150 120 C M 150 15 MIL-S-19500/86 C M ISO 15 150 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 300 300, 300 50 50 50 I :~~ :~~ .S5 .57 5 12 30 12 .50 ~~= .72 4 1.5 40 ...........•92 4 1.5 60 .•....... I .24 10 30 25 2 I .35 10 30 34 2.5 1.65 10 30 53 3.0 1.65 10 30 72 3.3·1.91 5 #5 20 ......... 2.76 5 #5 35. ........ 4.26 5 #5 50 5.66 _3_ _ 5 _ 25 300 2:48 3.00 3 5 25 300 2.48 g ~ ~~ :~ :~~ ~.5 ~ ~ ~~ 2N711B C M ISO 18 ~ 2N797 C M ISO 20 ISO I 10 2N960 C EM ISO IS ISO 3 6 2N961 C EM 150 12 ISO 3 6 2N962 C EM ISO 12 ISO 3 6 2=:N",9:c6;.:3;"-_:I-:-C EM ISO 12 ISO 5 6 2N964 C EM ISO IS ISO 3 6 2N965 C EM ISO 12 ISO 3 6 2N966 C EM ISO 12 150 3 6 2N967 C EM ISO 12 ISO 5 6 2N985 C EM ISO IS 200 3 5 2N 1300 A AD ISO 13 100 6 6 2NI301 A AD ISO 13 100 3 6 2N 1302 A °A ISO #25 300 6 125 USN 2N 1302 MIL-S-19500/126A 2N 1303 A I A I 150 I 30 300 6 25 USN 2N 1303 MIL-S-I9500/126A 2NI304 A lOA 11501#25 300 6 '25 USN 2N 1304 MIL-S-19500/126A 2NI305 A I A 1150 I 30 300 6 25 USN 2N 1305 MIL-S-19500/126A 2NI306 A lOA I ISO 1'25 300 ti'§25" USN 2N 1306 MIL-S-I9500/126A 2NI307 A I A 1150 130 [300 6 25 USN 2N 1307 MIL-S-19500/126A 2NI30S AloA 1150 li25 300 ~ USN 2N 1308 MIL-S-I9500/126A 2N 1309 A I A I ISO I 30 300 6 ~ USN 2N 1309 MIL-S-19500/126A 2N I 404 A A ISO 25 300 5 15 2NI605 A".~ 150 i25 100 5 il2 2N I 80S A °A ISO 300 5 liS 2NI994 At °A ISO 30 300 6 120 2NI995 At °A ISO 25 300 6 120 2N 1996 At °A 150 20 300 6 120 2NI997 A A 250 ~~ 6 IS 2N 1998 A A 250 35 500 6 15 2NI999 A A 250 30 500 6 IS 2N2000 A A 300 SOIA 10 30 2N2001 .. _. A A 300 30 lA 6 15 TI-440 B M 300t 15 50 3 5 TI-442 B M 300t 12 50 3 5 i2s 26- ALLIED : ::; 30 ~ 1.56 40 1000 4.5S 20 ......... 3.85 20 3.15 20 2.40 20 I .25 40 ......... 4.1 I 40 ......... 3.75 40 2.85 40 1.30 60 4.1 I 30 1.82 30 2.48 20 3 .50 .51 20 3 .50 -:sI 40 5 40 5 60 10 60 10 80 IS 80 IS .61 .63 .61 .63 .SO .84 .80 .84 1.12 I .1 7 1.12 1.17 .5S .72 4 12 4 15 ......... 2.32 25 3.77 35 5.16 40.:..:.::.:..:.. 1.98 50 2.55 75 ......... 3.45 50......... 3.00 60 2.75 25 300 30.80 20 300 30.80 40 r-:Ss .33 .48 .61 .S2 .90 1.10 1.10 1.27 1.83 2.83 3.76 1;65 2.00 1.65 ::~ . '1.02 3.05 2.56 2.10 I .60 .S5 2.74 2.50 1.90 .90 2.74 I .21 1.65 .33 .34 .33 .34 .41 .43 .41 .43 .53 .57 .53 .57 .74 .79 .74 .79 .39 .48 .39 1.55 2.50 3.43 1.31 1.70 2.29 2.00 I.S3 20.45 20.45 SWITCHING TRANSISTORS (Conl'd) Typo P, (mw) A 225 A A 225 A A 225 C EM ISO S Fig. No. -A 2NI924 2NI925 2NI926 2N2635 Vc 10 10BO@VOB (p.a@V) 500 ""'i045 500 10 45 10 45 500 100 3 25 (V) (ma) 45 45 45 30 EACH hFE fhtb(*fT) Min. me 1-99 100-999 34 3 1.90 1.25 53 3.5 2.10 1.40 72 4 2.45 1.65 280· 45 1.75 1.15 - -- - -- SMALL-SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Fig. D types are short. round welded tetrodes in std. TO-12 nickel cases. Fig. E types are tall. round welded triodes. Type No. TI-363 T 1-364 T 1-365 T 1-388 T 1-389 T 1-390 T 1-391 TI-395 TI-396 ~ TI-398 TI-399 2N2188 2N21 B9 2N2190 2N2.J91 Fig. E E E E E D D E E E' E E E E E E S -AM AM AM AM AM EM EM AM AM AM AM AM AD AD AD AD P, (mw) ISO ISO ISO ISO 150 75 75 150 150 ISO ISO ISO 125 125 125 125 Vo (V) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 45 35 35 35 40 40 60 60 10 ICBO@VOB hFE(*hf,) fbfh (ma) (l'a@V) (me) Min. 3.0@ 12 35 50 ...... 5.0@ 12 20 50 5.0@ 12 50 30 ...... 5.0@ 12 35 50 ...... 5.0@ I~ 20 50 4.0@ 12 10 450 25 4.0@ 12 10 25 450 5.0@ 12 50 5.0@ 12 50 35 ' 3.0@ 12 50 5.0@ 12 30 50 20 50 5.0@ 12 ...... 125 typ 3@ 12 *40 30 3@ 12 *60 150 30 125 30 3@ 12 *40 150 3@ 12 30 *60 ...... ......... ...... ...... EACH 1-99 100-999 .S5 ---:s7 .52 .78 1.50 1.00 1.20 .80 .SO 1.20 2.04 ...-:36 1,85 1.23 .95 1.41 1.67 2.51 .92 .61 .S7 -:Sa .58 .S7 1.27 .S5 1.64 1.09 .98 1.47 I.B6 1.23 HIGH-FREQUENCY SMALL-SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Fig. A and C types are same as described .above left. Fig. B types are "Micromesa" units. Type No. 2NI141 2NI142 2NI143 2NI195 2N2415 2N2416 TI-443 TI-444 TI-445 Fig. A A A A C C B B B S -M M M M M M EM EM EM PI Vo (mw) (V) 300 35 300 30 300 25 225 30 75 15 75 15 100 35 100 30 100 25 EACH 10 hf,(*hFE) 10BO@VOB fhfb (ma) (me) 1-99 100-999 Min. l/-Ia@V) 5@ 15 750 typ 10.12 6.75 100 *12 5@ 15 600 typ 9.45 6.30 100 *10 5@ IS 480 typ 6.38 4.25 100 *8 5@20 750 typ 6.65 4.42 40 12db 20 2.5 ~ 840 typ 52.50 35.00 5@ 10 750 typ 37.50 25.00 20 2.0 5@ 15 750 typ 30.80 20.45 100 12 db 10 db 5@ 15 600 typ 30.BO 20.45 100 5@ 15 480 typ 30.80 20.45 100 8 db GENERAL-PURPOSE TRANSISTORS T~:.e Fig. S TI-376 -:-:-: TI-377 .. TI-320 ... TI-32 I ... 2N 1273 A 2N 1274 A 2N 1370 A 2NI371 A 2N 1372 A 2N 1373 A 2NI374 A 2N 1375 A 2N 1376 A 2N 1377 A 2NI37B A 2NI379 A 2N 13BO A 2N 13S1 A 2N 1382 A 2NI383 A 2N650A A 2N651A A 2N652A A 2N65B A 2N659 A (~~) VMo (~·a) A 150 A ISO A 100 A 100 AlSO A 150 A 150 AlSO A 250 A 250 A 250 A 250 A 250 A 250 A 250 A 250 A 250 A 250 A 200 A 200 Ii 200 A 200 A 200 A 170 A 170 2O""1sO 20 30 30 15 25 25 45 25 45 25 45 25 45 12 25 12 25 25 25 45 45 45 30 30 ISO 50 50 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 SOO 500 500 1000 1000 hFE Min. Max. 1fT (;;) ·(~e~p 60 150 15@ 20V - 30 75 20@ 20V ....... 19 49 20@ 30V .40 min 49 142 20@ 30Y .50 min 30 ISO 14@ 12V' 30 150 14@ 20V - 50 150 14@ 20V 5 50 150 14@20V 5 30 95 7@ 20V 5.5 30 95 7@ 20V 5.5 50 150 7@ 20V 7 50 '150 7@ 20V 7 75 150 7@ 20V 10 75 150 7@ 20V 10 95 300 7@ 12V 13 . 95 300 7@20V 13 30 300 14@ 12V 7 30 300 14@ 20Y 7 50 150 14@ 20V 7 50 150 14@ 20V 5 33 10 @3OY .75 45 ..... IO@30V 1.00 80, ..... 10 @3OY 1.25 15 ..... 6@12V 9 ·25 ..... 6 @ 12V 10 EACH 1-99 100-999 .74 .70 1.50 1.65 .67 .49 .47 1.00 1.10 .44 .46 .72.48 1.14 .76 .B2 .54 ),,20 .BO 1.02 .68 1.39 .92 1.29 .86 1.50 1.00 1.29 .86 1.44 .96 .67 .44 .72 .48 '.99 .66 .92 .61 1.70""i":i3 1.70 LI3 2.25 1.50 1.65 1.10 2.32 1.55 --:69 Specify Manufacturer and Type No. on All Semiconductor Orders Texas Instruments Germanium and Silicon Transistors NEW HIGH-VOLTAGE SWITCHING TRANSISTORS GENERAL-PURPOSE GERMANIUM TRANSISTORS (Continued From Poge 26) Type No. Fig. S A A A A A A 2N660 2N661 2N662 Pt Vena (mw) .-S"L 170 170 170 30 30 30 hFE I, (ma) 100 ("a) Min. 1Max. 40 ..... 6@12 55 ..... 6@ 12 18 ..... 6@ 12 1000 1000 1000 EACH fab Typ (Me) 1.991100.999 2.78 1.85 4.05 2.70 1-921-15 15 22 10 MEDIUM-POWER TRANSISTORS Type No. Fig. 2N398 2N39BA 2N398B 2NI310 2NI311 2NI312 A A A A A A ---- fhfc Min. Min. 2NI038 2NI039 U5N2NI039 2NI040 2NI041 USN2NI041 2NI042 USA2NI042 2NI043 U5A2NI043 GA20403 GA20603 Per MIL·S·19500/89 20 1 80 1 3 GIAI GA20100 3 20® IA 20@IA 225ke 225ke 20@ IA 20@IA 225ke 2NI044 USA2NI044 2NI045 U5A2NI045 2N2552 G I A I 20 I 80 I Per MIL·S·19500/137 GIAI2011001 Per MIL·S·19500/137 H I A I 20 I 40 I 60 H A 20 H A 20 80 H A 20 100 40 G A 20 G A 20 60 80 G A 20 G A 20 100 40 H A 20 H A 20 60 80 H A 20 2N2553 2N2554 2N2555 2N2556 2N2557 2N2558 2N2559 2N2560 2N2561 2N2562 Per MIL·S·19500/89 G I A I 20 I 40 I 3 Per MIL·S·19500/137 G I A I 20 I 60 I 3 Per MI L·S·19500 /137 H E E E E 2N2563 2N2564 2N2565 21112566 2N2567 A A A A A 20 20 30 20 20 - 100 40 60 80 100 - - 1·99 A A A A -- 20@3A 250ke 20@3A 250ke 3 20@3A 250ke 3 20@3A· 250ke 3 20@IA 225ke 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 20@IA 20@IA 20@IA 20@IA 20@IA 225ke 225ke 225ke 225ke 225ke 20@IA 20@IA 20@3A 20@3A 20@3A 20@3A 20@3A 20@3A 20@3A 20@3A No. 2N250A 2N251A 2N456A USA2N456A 2N456B 2N457A U5A2N457A 2N457B 2N458A USA2N458A 2N458B 2NI021 U5A2NI021 2N I 021A 2NI022 USA2NI022 2NI022A I, ~ _ _(v_)_ (a) A 90 F 40 7 90 A F 60 7 F A 90 40 7 Per MIL·S·19500/217 40 F I A I 150 I 7 60 7 F I A I 90 I Per MIL·S·19500/217 60 7 150 F F I A A 1 90 I 80 7 Per MIL·S·19500/217 80 7 150 F F I A A 1 90 I 100 7 Per MIL·S·19500/217 7 100 150 F F I A A 1 90 I 120 7 Per MIL-S-19500/217 7 F I A I 150 I 120 Fig. S Pt BVCBO A 2N497A JAN2N497 2N498 2N498A JAN2N49B A A A A A 2.60 3.90 6.10 2.05 2.65 2N656 2N656A JAN2N656 2N657 2N657A 11.40 4.30 5.65 8.55 11.25 7.60 2.85 3.75 5.70 7.50 30@5A lab -- ..... ........ 200 ke 200 ke -200 ke 30@SA 30@5A 200 ke 200 ke 30@5A 30@5A 200 ke 200 ke 30@5A 30@5A 30@5A -200 ke 200 ke 200 ke No. 2NI046 21111907 2NI908 Fig. S F F F AD AD AD Pt BVCBO _ _(v_l_ 150 100 150 100 150 130 (w) I, hFE ~ Min. EACH 1·99 100·999 2.00 1.30 2.25 1.50 2.35 1-55 3-45 2.30 2.50 1.65 ---2.85 1-90 4.00 2.65 3.00 2.00 3-40 2.25 4.50 3.00 3.55 2.35 4.00 2.65 5.10 3-40 4.15 2.75 4.60 3.05 5.70 3.80 4.75 3.15 10 20 20 EACH lab ~1100.999 40@ .5A 15 me min 10.00 6.70 1O@15A 20 me min 9.00 6.00 1O@15A 20 me min 13.00 8.70 Fig. F A A A A A A 150 ISO ISO 150 150 150 40 60 80 40 60 80 25 25 25 25 25 25 20@ lOA 20@ lOA 20@IOA 20@ 15A 20@15A 20@ISA 260 260 260 280 280 280 ke ke ke ke ke ke 4.50 5.25 6.45 5.25 6.00 7.95 3.00 3.50 4.30 3.50 4.00 5.30 F F F F F F A A A A A A 150 40 60 80 40 60 80 25 25 25 25 25 25 20@20A 20@20A 20@20A 20@2SA 20@ 25A 20@ 25A 300 300 300 350 350 350 ke ke ke ke ke ke 6.00 6.65 8.70 8.25 8.40 12.00 4.00 4.45 5.80 5.50 5.60 8.00 F F F F F 2N513 2N513A 2N~13B 2N514 2N514A 2N5148 150 150 150 150 150 20@5 rna 20@S ma 20(05 rna 1120@S ma 1115@5ma 1120@20 ma ~ ....!:99 I EACH \100.999 .87 .87 .8 me .8 me 1.30 I .30 1.0 me \ 1.6211-08 3.8 me 4.51 3.00 i:~ ~~ n~ I ~:: ~ Make Allied Your Semiconductor Headquarters loooe; ttlndicates rating is BVCEX; S \ P, - - oM I 4 oM 5 1"1 MIL-T-19500j74C oM I 4 oM 5 1 ' 1 60 6011 I 60 S I 6011 I 10 12 36 100 12 I 36 I 100 I 30 30 90 I 90 I 60 60 25 I 10 30 30 90 100 I 90 I 100 25 I 10 25 10 1·99 100·999 ---- 42.0028.00 43.3528.90 33.0022.00 34.35 22.90 5.95 3.95 --B.85 5.90 6.40 4.25 7.90 5.25 11.30 7.55 8.35 5.55 -6.70 - -4.45 9.85 7.15 9.00 10.05 6.55 4.75 6.00 6.70 MIL·T·19500/74C OMI40 15001 12 36 I oM 40 500 12 I 36 Per MIL·S·19500/176 9.45 6.30 80t 17.5V+ 22.05 14.70 80 7.5V+ 22.05 14.70 23.20 15.45 25.95 17.30 • M \ 40 \ 750 112 36 80 1 2.0+ -;jii" 120tt 7.5V+ 28.60 19.05 .M 40 500 12 36 120 7.SVt 28.60 19.05 Per MIL·S·19500/176 29.75 19.80 38.35 25.55 2.0+ oM 140 1750 112 I 36 1 120 1 7.5Vt 26.05 17.35 ~~~~~~ oM 40 500 30 90 80 7.5V+ 26.05 17.35 27.15 IB.IO 33.75 22.50 I 90 I 80 1 2.0+ oM 40 500 30 90 120 7.SV+ 36.40 24.25 • M 40 500 30 90 120 7.5Vt 36.40 24.25 Per MIL·S·19500/176 37.50 25.00 40 750 30 90 120 47.05 31-3' ·M 2.0+ oM 40 500 20 60 80 7.5V+ 28.10 IB.70 .M 40 60 120 500 20 7.5Vt 40.80 27.20 10** 1A 20 60 60 13.05 8.70 -·M - - - 2V+ .M 10** IA 20 60 100 17.40 11.60 2V+ .M 10** IA 40 120 60 2Vt 14.70 9.80 oM 10** IA 100 40 120 19.50 13.00 2V+ oM 10** 1A 20 60 60 2V+ 13.90 9·25 oM 10** IA 20 60 100 2Vt 18.20 12.15 -.M 10** 1A 40 120 60 2V+ 15.50 10.35 .M 10** IA 40 100 120 2Vt 20.30 13.55 .M 50** 7.5A 20 90 80 IV+ 67.25 44.75 M 50 7.5A 50 150 IV 80 80.75 53.80 90 80 ·M 50** 7.5A 20 IV+ 69.00 46.00 r~ 50 7.5A 50 150 IV 80 82.50 55.05 M 30 2A 20 60 80 1.25V 35.85 23.90 M 30 2A 40 120 80 L25V 39.75 26.50 I I 40 500 -12 36 I"" o~el ~ciL·T~~r3~ ". .... USN2NIOSOA 2NI0508 2NI690 2NI691 2NI714 A 2NI725 2N2150 2N2151 EACH BVOEO I R,at MIL·T·19500/74C :M 4 I"". ' "I MI S MIL·T·19500/74C I' " 2NI715 2NI716 2NI717 2NI718 2NI719 2NI720 2NI721 2NI722 2NI723 2NI724 I hFE ~1_4 +=+·.!~I~I~I~ .M 5 " " 12 36 60 10 A A A A A 2N I 0488 2NI049 ". 2NI049A ... USN2NI049A 2NI0498 2N I 050 2NI050A II' I _..S!!l... ~ ~\~ -",,--\(OhmS) oM 85 2A 12 MIL·S·19500/173 .M I 85 I 2A I 12 r~1 L·S·19500/173 JAN2N657 2NI047 "" 2NI047A " " USN2NI047A 2NI0478 I' . 2NI048 ~ 2N I 048A " " USN2NI048A A A A H H H H - -- -- 1~IBVOEol I Type IFig'l SiP' I, ~'IMax.~ (OhmS)~I~1100.499 Rout EACH ~. __ ~. \(ma) 2N 1936 ." oM 100" 15A 10 50 60 2.5vt 130.00 I 12.00 88.00 2N 1937 ". oM 100" 15A 10 50 80 2.5Vt 172.00 150.00 115.00 HIGH-GAIN LOW-NOISE TRANSISTORS Type No. HIGH-POWER GENERAL-PURPOSE TRANSISTORS 2N511 2N511A 2N5118 2N512 2N512A 2N512B ICO 200 200 300 300 300 POWER TRANSISTORS Type No. HIGH-FREQUENCY TRANSISTORS Type 105 105 105 ISO 1175 ',50 voltage. V,at. 2N389 U5N2N389 2N424 USN2N424 2N497 250ke 250ke 250ke 250ke 250ke 30@5A t, 5.50 3.00 3.50 3.90 4-40 5.85 6.35 7.65 8.15 2.00 3.95 ,6.15 2.95 3.85 5.80 35@.5A 35@.5A 30@5A BVOER; 8.25 4.50 5.25 5.85 6.60 225ke 225ke 250ke 250ke 250ke Min. #. 1.90 2.50 3.00 3.80 5.00 8.80 9.55 11-45 12.20 3.00 3.90 5.85 9.15 3.05 3.95 5.90 9.20 4-45 5.80 8.70 hFE hFE Min. **Indicates Pc measured at 2.85 3.75 4.50 5.70 7.50 GENERAL-PURPOSE POWER TRANSISTORS Type 250 120 120 120 (v) I, (a) BVena SILICON TRANSISTORS 100·999 ------ 225kc Pt (w) :I~ EACH 10 t _ Fig I_ S I~J:1..~ P I Vo 1 hFE No. I S Pt is for 25°C case temperature. Type + Round triodes; have welded nickd ca~es. #Indicates Fig. S P, mw I, (ma) 2N780/T1490 D oM D OP 2N929 D .p 2N930 C P 2NI247 C P 2NI248 D P 2N2586 1W 600 600 30 30 600 50 30 30 5 5 30 __h_fb_ _ BVCBO Fab (me) Max. (v) Min. 35 40 100 25 50 80 140 120 300 150 250 45 45 45 6 6 60 60 60 .... ..... 45 60 EACH 1·99 IOD·999 10.95 7.30 10.90 7.28 15.40 10.30 13.50 9.00 13.50 9.00 22.00 14.70 ALLIED STOCKS OVER 6000 TYPES OF SEMICONDUCTORS, WITH NEo/ TYPES CONSTANTLY BEING. ADDED ALLIED • 27 Texas Instruments Integrated Circuits SOLID CIRCUIT SEMI-CONDUCTOR NETWORKS • Microelectronic:Equipment Performance Compatible with Present Digital Requireme~ts • Advanced Package Design; Low Power Drain • Unique Standard Silicon Wafer Design a:' Series of six digital networks, requiring' only Single-phase clock ,source. Fulfill logic functions of a complete assembly. Flat design allows advanced packaging techniques. Lateral leads permit highdensity construction, compatible with micro-electronic practices. Op. temp .. - 55° to +125°C. Supply voltage: +3 to +6 VDC ±10%. Prop. delay: 150-450 nsec, Vcc=3 v.; 75-225 nsec, Vcc";'6 v.. 125x.250x.035 n (less leads); weigh only .005 gms.' r - -.......- - - - - SERIES 51- DIGITAL COMPUTER T Y P E S - - - - - - - - . 'RUlI C:P PRESET CP SN 510 - R-S FLIP-FLOP/COUNTER SN 511- R'-S FLIP-FLOP/COUNTER r--r-~~-~~~----oG 4:::-l-Il=-lI-J:::-Yt::::l4::,l------o A SN 512 - NOR/NAND NETWORK ON. D SN 513 - NOR/NAND NETWORK' OUTPUT 1---r--1'-oQH L-t-..J..+--1---!-.....+ .....-t-'---o OND D A SN 514 - TWO NOR/NAND NETWORKS SN 515 - ' Exclusive OR NETWORK SN510 R-S flip·flop Counter, Clock pulse internally capacitively coupled, allowing single'phase source. Fan-out, 4 max. Power drain: 2 mw @ Vcc=3 v.; 8 mw @ V cc=6 v. (N =4). Max. clock pulse to 1 mc. SN510. 1·24,EA, 56.00 25-249"EA.44.50 SN5 12 NOR/NAND Network.Fan-outof5 max. Drain 2mw @ Vcc=3v.; 8 mw@ Vcc=6 v. Logic: NOR (high voltage input=logicall), A+B+C+O+E+F: NAND (low voltage input-logical 1), ~ SN512. 1-24.EA. 56.00 25·249 .. EA.44.50 SN514 Two NOR/NAND Networks, Contains two isoh;l.ted logic functions; however. a common B+ terminal is used. Fan-out: Term G and H-5 max. Power drain: 2 mw @ Vcc=3 v.; 8 mw @ Vcc=6 v. (N=5). SN514. 1·24. EA. 56,00 25·249 .. EA. 44.50 SN511' R·S flip-flop Counter with Emitterfollower Output. Same as SN510, except fanout: term. Q and 0,-4 max.; Q. and 0·,20 max. Drain: 3 mw @3 v.; 18,mw @6v. SN51'. 1·24,EA, 64.00 25-249" EA. 51.50 SN513 NOR/NAND Network. Same as SN512, except fan-out: terminal G-5 max.i·terminal H*-2S max. Power drain is 3 mw @ Vcc=3 v.; 13 mw @ Vcc-6 v. (N=10). SN513. 1·24.EA. 64,00 25·249 .. EA.51.50 SN515 Exclusive OR Network. Contains NOR logic and NAND logic circuits. Fan-out: Term. C and E-4 max.; Term D-5 max. Drain: 4 mw @ Vcc=3 v.; 16 mw @ 6 v. SN5IS. 1·24.EA. 56,00 25·249 .. EA,44.50 r--------S~RIES 52 - FOR ANALOG COMPUTERS - - - - - - - , -Vee SN521 - Operational Amplifier SN521 Operational Ampliller. Compact basic amplifier for nse in analog computers. Measures only %x14x'Az". Has open-loop voltage gain of 62 db, common-mode reiection of 60 db, DC offset referred to input,.,--0.5 my. Frequency response: DC to 50,000 cps. Has input impedance of 12K ohms; output impedance of 10K ohms. DC drift referred to input is 8 "volts/oC. SN521. 1·24 ... : .. EACH 108.00 25·249 ............. EACH 86.00 28 2• ALLIED _Vee SN522 - Operationa, Amplifier SN522 Operational Amplifier with Emitter·follower Output. Small basic amplifier for analog computer applications. Measures only 'i1,x!l..x'Az". Has open'loQP voltage gain of 62 db; common-mode reiection of 60 db; DC offset referred to input of -0.5 my. Frequency response, DC to 50 kc. Input impedance, 12K ohms; mitput impedance, 160 ohms. DC drift referred to input, 8 lOCo SN522.1·24 ...... EACH 132.00 25·249 ........... EACH 106.00 "V Allied-Everything in Electronics from One Dependable Source Texas Instruments Silicon Rectifiers EXPLANA TION OF COLUMN HEADINGS APPEARING IN TABLE BELOW lo-max. avo rectified forward current IRP-rccurrent peak current PI V-peak inverse voltage Pt-total device dissipation BE SURE TO SPECIFY MANUFACTURER'S NAME AND TYPE NUMBER WHEN ORDERING SEMICONDUCTORS GENERAL-PURPOSE SILICON RECTIFIERS :j:lndicates type is in stock with "R" suffix (anode to stud). Use suffix "R" when ordering this type. Prices same as those of standard units. §For each half-wave section. Typo No. I N253t JAN I N253 I N254t JAN I N254 J N255t JAN I N255 I N256 JAN I N256 I N332t I N333t I N334t I N335t I N336t I N337t I N338t I N339t I N340t I N341 t I N342t I N343t I N344t I N345t I N346t I N347t I N348t I N349. I N440B I N441 B N442B N443B N444B N445B N530 N531 N532 N533 N534 N535 N536 N537 N538 JAN I N538 I N539 I N540 JAN I N540 I N547 JAN I N547 N550' N551' N552' N553' N554' N555t N570 N588 N589 N599 N599A N600 N600A N601 I N60lA I N602 I N602A I N603 I N603A I N604 I N604A I N60S I N60SA I N606 I N606A I N607t I N607At EACH IRP (A) 110 (A) @50oC @ 50°C 1-99 100-999 --A 100 3 10 1.19 .79 MIL-E-ID/l024A 1.28 .85 3 A 200 [ 10 1.25 .83 MIL-E·1D/989B 1.34 .89 A 400 [ 3 10 1.97 1.31 -2.06 - - -1.37 -MIL-E-ID/990B A 600 [ 3 10 2.85 1.90 MIL-E-ID/99IB 2.94 1.96 A 400 4.0 1.2 1.97 1.31 A 2.0 400 0.6 1.97 1.31 A 300 4.0 1.2 1.58 1.05 A 300 0.6 2.0 1.5B 1.05 A 4.0 200 1.2 1.25 .B3 A 200 0.6 2.0 1.25 .B3 A 3.0 10.0 100 2.10 1.40 A 100 1.2 4.0 1.19 .79 0.6 2.0 A 100 1.19 .79 A 400 1.2 4.0 1.97 1.31 A 400 0.6 2.0 1.97 1.31 A 300 1.2 ·4.0 ---1.58 - - -1.05 A 300 0.6 2.0 1.58 1.05 A 200 1.2 4.0 1.25 .83 A 200 0.6 2.0 1.25 .83 3.0 A lOa 10.0 2.00 1.30 A lOa 1.2 4.0 1.19 .79 0.6 A 100 2.0 1.19 .79 0.75 B 100 2.5 .83 .55 B 200 0.75 2.5 .86 .57 0.75 B 300 2.5 .99 .66 400 0.75 B 2.5 1.24 . '3 0.65 B 500 2.0 1.40 .94 600 0.65 B 2.0 1.82 1.21 100 0.3 B 1.5 .68 .43 0.3 B 200 1.5 .85 .55 300 0.3 B 1.5 1.00 .70 -1.20 - - .80 0.3 400 B 1.5 500 0.3 B 1.5 1.25 .84 600 0.3 B 1.5 2.40 1.60 0.75 50 B 2.5 .53 .35 100 2.5 B .60 .40 -- - -0.75 -200 0.75 B 2.5 .68 .45 MIL-E-lD/l084 .75 .50 300 0.75 B 2.5 .B3 .55 400 0.75 B 2.5 .98 .65 MIL-E-ID/1085A 1.05 .70 -600 [ 0.75 B 2.5 1.43 .95 MIL-E-ID/I083A 1.52 1.01 A 100 0.5 1.5 1.29 .86 200 0.5 A 1.5 1.38 .92 300 0.5 A 1.5 1.77 1.18 --2.16 - - 1.44 400 0.5 A 1.5 A 500 0.5 1.5 2.16 1.44 600 0.5 A 1.5 3.15 2.10 §0.038 C 1500 §1.2 32.20 24.60 D 1500 O.o!5 0.15 -8.10 - - 5.40 D 1500 0.05 0.25 11.20 7.60 0.4 B 50 1.5 .74 .49 B 50 0.4 1.5 1.31 .87 B 100 0.4 1.5 .92 .61 B 100 0.4 1.5 .97 -1.46 B 150 0.4 1.5 .98 .65 B ISO 0.4 1.5 1.59 1.06 0.4 B 200 1.5 1.05 .70 200 0.4 B 1.5 1.6B 1.12 300 B 0.4 1.5 1.37 .91 300 B 0.4 1.5 2.07 1.38 B 400 0.4 1.5 1.86 1.24 B 400 0.4 1.5 2.S2 . 1.68 B 500 0.4 1.5 1.97 1.31 500 0.4 B 1.5 2.S9 1.79 B 600 0.4 1.5 2.22 1.48 B 600 0.4 1.5 3.S0 2.33 A 50 1.0 3.0 1.14 .76 A 50 1.0 3.0 1.25 .83 Fig. PIV ~ ---- I All Prices Shown Are OEM Factory Prices 10 (A) IRP (A) PIV Fig. (V) @50°C @50°C No. 1.0 3.0 A 100 1 N608t 3.0 100 1.0 I N608At A 3.0 150 1.0 A I N609t 3.0 150 1.0 I N609At A 3.0 A 200 1.0 I N610t -1.0 3.0 A 200 I N610At 3.0 A 300 1.0 I N611 t 300 1.0 3.0 A I N611At 3.0 A 400 1.0 I N612t 3.0 A 400 1.0 I N612At 3.0 500 1.0 I N613t A 3.0 500 1.0 I N613At A 600 1.0 3.0 I N614t A 3.0 A 600 1.0 I N614At 0.15 B 500 2.5 I NI095 -0.15 2.5 B 600 IN 1096 100 0.75 2.5 I NIIOO B 200 0.75 2.5 NIIOI B 300 0.75 2.5 NII02 B 400 0.75 2.5 NII03 B 500 0.75 2.5 NII04 B 2.5 600 0.75 NII05 B 5.0 lao 1.5 A N1115' 5.0 A 200 1.5 N1116. 5.0 300 1.5 NIII7t A --- ---5.0 400 1.5 A N1118' 500 1.5 5.0 NII19t A 5.0 600 1.5 N 1120:1: A 200 3.0 10.0 N 1124:1:, A 3.0 10.0 300 N1125:1: A. _ 400 3.0 10.0 N I 126t A 3.0 500 10.0 N1127t A 600 3.0 10.0 N 1128:1: A 3.3 NI124A 200 10.0 A MIL-S-19500/104 USN IN 1124A 300 3.3 10.0 I NI125A A 400 3.3 10.0 I NI126A A USN I NI126A MIL-S-19500/104 500 3.3 10.0 I NI127A A ,A 600 3.3 I NI128A 10.0 MIL-S-19500/104 USN I NI128A IN 1130 1.0 .... 1500 [ 0.3 USA IN 1130 MIL-E-ID/1281 I NI131 .... 1500 [ 0.3 1.0 USA I NI131 MIL-E-ID/1287 NI487 B 100 0.75 2.5 B 2.5 NI4B8 200 0.75 2.5 NI489 B 300 0.75 NI490 B 2.5 400 0.75 2.5 NI491 B 500 0.75 --- ---2.5 NI492 B 600 0.75 35.0 NI581 50 10.0 A 10.0 35.0 NI582 A 100 . 200 35.0 10.0 NI583 A 10.0 35.0 N 1584 300 A 400 ~.~ N 1585 A NI586 A 500 10.0 35.0 600 10.0 35.0 N 1587 A NI612 A 50 15.0 50.0 NI613 100 15.0 50.0 A ---A 200 15.0 NI614t MIL-S-19500/162A USA IN 1614:1: A 400 [ 15.0 50.0 IN 1615t MIL-S-19500/162A USA IN 161S:I: A 600 [ 15.0 50.0 I NI616t MIL-S-19500/162A USA I N1616:1: B 100 0.75 I N1692 2.5 I NI693 B 200 0.75 2.5 B 300 0.75 I NI694 2.5 B 0.75 IN 1695 400 2.5 -B 500 0.75 I NI696 2.5 B I NI697 600 0.75 2.5 B I N2117 720 0.75 2.5 A 1500 3.3 I N3775t 10 Type I I ----so:o- EACH 1-99 100-999 1.19 .79 1.29 .86 1.22 .81 1.34 .89 1.25 .83 -1.47 -- -.92 1.58 1.05 1.77 1.18 1.97 1.31 2.16 1.44 1.97 1.31 2.16 1.44 2.B5 1.90 3.15 2.10 .9B .65 1.43 .95 .92 .61 1.13 .75 .97 1.46 2.13 1.42 --3.30 - - -2.10 3.60 2.40 1.19 .75 1.25 .83 1.58 1.05 --1.97 - - -1.31 1.97 1.31 2.85 1.90 2.70 2.21 2.76 3.38 -4.73 - - 3.87 6.76 5.56 8.32 6.80 2.70 2.21 3.58 -3.38 - - -2.92 -2.76 4.73 3.87 6.26 5.13 6.76 5.56 8.32 6.80 - - 8.99 11.01 6.22 4.15 7.03 4.69 6.22 4.15 7.03 4.69 .69 ~ .81 .54 1.04 .69 .79 . 1.19 1.19 .79 --2.00 1.33 2.45 1.85 3.50 2.65 4.45 3.35 7.25 ~ 9.95 7.50 12.75 9.60 15.50 11.65 2.45 I.B5 3.50 2.65 5.B4 3.B9 2.B7 4.33 8.34 5.55 5.B3 3.B7 12.75 8.S0 8.05 S.35 .63 .39 .78 .51 .9S' .63 1.02 .68 1.02 .68 1;79 1.19 9.95 6.25 6.39 4.26 ALLIED • 29. Texas .Instruments Regulator Diodes , EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS ON THIS AND FACING PAGE Iv-vaHey current Iz-zener current PI V-peak inverse voltage Pt-total power dissipation VF-forward voltage drop VR-reverse voltage Vv-vaHey voltage Vz-zener voltage Z-dynamic impedance BVF-min. forward breakdown v. C--capacitance IF-maximum forward current IGT-gate-current to trigger IMR-maximum reverse-current I.-max. avo rectified fwd. current Ip-peak point current IRP -recurrent peak current Isur-non-recurrent surge current VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES Suffix "A" Types and 650CO through 653C9. ±5% tolerance. zeller current. except 10 rna for 1N761 through 1N764. 12 rna for 1N713 through 1N715. 20 rna for 1N746 through 1N759. and 25 rna Others. except where Vz range is indicated. ±10%. Power dissipafor 1N709 through 1N712. Ratings are at 25"C. tion. 400 mw;'except Types 650 through 655C9. 150 mw. Vz at 5 rna EACH EACH T V Z EACH Type Z Type Z V. V. Fig. Volts Ohms 1-99 100-999 Fig. Volts Ohms 1-99 100-999 Fig. Voits Ohms 1-99 100-999 No. No. 3.6' 3.0-3.9 ~ 2.10 .1.60 A 24 I N703 I N747 2.10 1.60 TN765 A: 9.0-12.0 2.iO 1.60 A 3.6 3.0-3.9 55 I N747A A 24 2.80 2.10 I N703A A 2.80 2.10 I N766 A 11.0-14.5 70 2.10 1.60 3.7-4.5 45 A 3.9 23 I N704 A 2.10 1.60 I N748 2.10 1.60 650 B 3.7-4.5. . . . .. 4.35 3.65 3.9 23 45 I N704A A 3.7-4.5 I N74BA A 651 B 4.3-5.4 .... ,. 4.35 3.65 2.80 2.10 2.BO 2.10 4.3-5.4 I N749 I N705 1.60 652 B 5.2-6.4 .... " 4.35 3.65 .A- - - -A- - 4.3 - - 2277 2.10 - - 35 2.10 1.60 4.3 I N705A A 4.3-5.4 ~ 2.80 2.10 I N749A A B 6.2-8.0 - - 4.35 3.65 2.80 2.10 5.2-6.4 20 A 4.7 19 I N706 A 2.10 1.60 I N750 2.10 1.60 650CO B 3.7 4'.85 4.15 5.2-6.4 20 4.7 I N706A A 2.80 2.10 I N750A A 19 2.80 2,10 650C3 B 4.0 ...... 4.85 4.15 10 '2.10 1.60 I N707 6.2-8.0 I N751 A 5.1 17 A 2.10 1.60 651CO B 4.5 ...... 4.85 4.15 6.2-8.0 I N751A A 5.1 I N707A A 2.10 2.80 2.10 651CI B 4.6 ...... 4.85 4.15 -103.6 - 2.80 -A- - 5.6 - - 17 651 C4 B 5.6 I N70B A 2.10 1.60 I N752 11 2.10 1.60 3.6 2.80 2.10 I N708A A 5.6 I N752A A 5.6 2.80 2.10 11 651C5 B 5.0 4.1 2.10 1.60 I N709 A 6.2 A 6.2 7 I N753 2.10 1.60 651C6 B 5.1 ...... 4.85 4.15 4.1 2.80 2.10 6.2 I N753A A 6.2 I N709A A 7 2.80 2;10 651 C7 B 5.2 4.7 2.10 1.60 6.8 6.8 I N710 A I N754 A 5 2.10 1.60 651C9 B 5.4 - - - 6.8 - - 4.7 2.80 2.10 - - - 6.8 - - 5 2.80 2.10 652CO B I N710A A I N754A A 5.3 2.10 1.60 A 7.5 7.5 6 I N711 I N755 A. 2.10 1.60 652C2 B 5.7 .... .. 5.3 7.5 I N755A 7.5 I N711A A 2.80 2.10 A 6 2.80 2.10 652C4 B 5.9 ...... 4.85 4.15" 6.0 2.10 1.60 A 8.2 A 8.2 8 I N712 I N756 2.10 1.60 652C5 B 6.0 6.0 2.80 2.10 8.2 I N756A A I N712A 'A 2.10 652C7 B 6.2 - 8.2 - - 108 2.80 652C9 B ~ - - - - --2.10 1.60 TN7i3 A -9-.1- 7:0 2.10 1.60 I N757 -A- 9.1 7.0' 2.80 2.10 9.1 9.1 10 2.8.0 2.10 I N713A A I N757A A 653CO B 6.5 8.0 2.10 1.60 10.0 I N714 A I N758 A 10.0 17 2.10 1.60 653C2 :B 6.7 . ..... 4.85 4.15 8.0 2.BO 2.10 10.0 10.0 17 I N714A A I N758A A 2.80 2.10 653C3 B 6.8 9.0 2.10 1.60 11.0 A 12.0 30 653C4 -..!!.. ~ :..:.:.= _____ I N715 A I N759 2.10 1.60 -- - -30- 2.80 2.10 9:il 2.80 2.TO- I N759A -A- -12.0 I N715A A 653C5 B 7.2 10.0 2.10 1.60 12.0 4.3-5.4 55 A I.N761 A I N716 2.10 1.60 653C8 B 7.8 12.0 10.0 2.80 2.10 A 5.2-6.4 20 I N716A A I N762 653C9 B 8.0 4.85 4.15 2.10 1.60 28 8 3.3 6.2-8.0 I N746 A 2.10 1.60 I N763 A 2.10 1.60 654C9 B 8.5-9.5 28 3.3 7:5,10.0 15 2.BO 2.10 I N764 A I N746A A 2.10 1.60 655C9 B 9.5-10.5 ..... . ,::.e -- --- ----so rn- ----u- -- -- --- -- ---s:s- - - -- --- -- ---u:o @] SINGLE-ANODE SILICON POWER REGULA TORS Handle 10 watts. ±20% tolerance. 10-32 top-hat stud mounting EACH Max. Z @ Type Vz @ Iz Iz (ma) (V) Iz (Ohms) 1-24 25-99 100-999 No. -- -6.8 370 1.2 I N2970 7.5 335 1.3 I N2971 8.2 305 1.5 I N2972 5.85 5.50 4.40 9.1 275 2 I N2973 10 250 3 I N2974 11 230 3 I N2975 210 3 12 I N2976 13 190 3 5.85 5.50 4.40 '.I N2977 3 15 170 I N2979 ' 16 155 4 \~ 18 140 4 I N2982 20 125 4 I N2984 22 115 5 I N2985 5.85 5.50 4.40 24 105 5 I N2986 27 95 7 I N2988 30 85 8 I N2989 33 75 9 I N2990 36 70 10 I N2991 5.85 5.50 4.40 '11 39 65 I N2992 43 I N2993 60 12 --5-547 14 I N2995 51 I N2997 50 15 I N2999 56 45 16 5.85 5.50 4.40 62 40 17 I N3000 1 68 37 18 I N3001 --r 75 33 22 I N3002 82 30 25 I N3003 5.85 5.50 4.40 91 28 35 I N3004 I N3005 100 25 40 - -110 23 55 IN3007 120 I N3008 75 20 6.45 6.05 4.85 I N3009 130 19 100 17 175 150 I N301..!.. -- -I N3012 160 16 200 180 14 260 I N3014 6.45 6.05 4.85 200 300 I N3015 12 ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30 • ALLIED -- @] POWER REGULA TORS AND DOUBLE-ANODE CLIPPERS 10-watt diffused silicon types. Tol .. ±10%. Welded case. Glass-tometal hermetic seal between case. anode. 10-32 UNF-2 thread. Typo Vz @ Iz No. NI816 NI817 NI818 NI819 NI820 NI821 NI822 NI823 NI824 NI825 NI826 NI827 NI828 NI829 NI830 NI831 NI832 NI833 NI834 NIB35 1 NI836 I N2008 I N2009 I N2010 I N2011 I N2498 I N2499 I N2500 (V) 13 15 16 18 20 -22 24 27 30 33 36 39 43 47 51 56 62 68 75 82 91 100 110 120 130 10 11 12 ,> IMR (ma) 5iii)"'" 25 @ 5 v 500 15 @ 5 v 10 @ 5v 500 10 @ 5v 500 250 ~~ 250 10 @lOv 250 10 @10v 250 10 @10v 250 10 @10v 150 10 @10v 150 10 @ 10 v 150 10 @10v 150 10 @10v 150 10 @ 10 v 150 10 @ 10 v 150 10 @ 10 v lO@lOv 50 50 10 @ 10 v 50 .10 @ 10 v 50 10 @ 10 v 10 @ 10 v 50 50 10 @ 10 v 10 @ 10 v 50 50 10 @ 10 v 50 10 @ 10 v 500 40 @ 5v 30 @ 5 v 500 25 @ 5 v 500 I. (ma) -'-- EACH 1-99 100-999 8.45 ~ 6.50 8.45 6.50 8.45 8.45 6.50 8.45 6.50 8.45 "6:50 8.45 6.50 8.45 6.50 8.45 6.50 8.45 6.50 8.45 "6:50 8.45 6.50 B.45 6.50 8.45 6.50 8.45 ~ 8.45 6.50 8.45 6.50 8.45 6.50 8.45 6.50 8.45 6.50 8.45 "6:50 6.50 8.45 8.45 6.50 8.45 6.50 8.45 "6:50 6.50 8.45 8.45 6.50 8.45 6.50 Allied-your most dependable, up-fo-date source of Texas Instruments diodes in industrial quantifies. You select from'the worldls largest electronic stocks. One order flUs the bill. Specify Mfr's Name and Type No. on All Semiconductor Orders Texas Instruments Rectifiers and Diod.es I! ALl.IED STOCKS EVERY TI SEMICONDUCTOR AS SOON AS ANNOUNCED ~ I:i"" o @ ALL-DIFFUSED SILICON CONTROLLED-RECTIFIERS • Tight Lot-to-Lot Uniformity . • High· dV/ dt Capability-Resist False Firing, Transient Turn On • High Voltage"Stability-No Derating • Low Internal Dissipation-Reliable • High Surge Current Capability Temperatures in column headings are case temperatures. tlndicates 65·C stud. tlndicates 60"C case. 'At 90·C. §At -55 "C. IGT(rna) PIV BVF{V) @ 25"C ('I) @ 125'C 10 (A) IRP(A) Isur Fig. @80"C @SO"C (A) T1pe No. --- - C TI·40AO TI-40AI TI·40A2 TI·40A3 TI·40AA TI-116 TI-117 TI-118 TI-136 TI-137 TI-138 TI·140AO TI·140AI TI-140A2 TI-140A3 TI-140A4 TI-145AO TI·145AI TI-145A2 TI-145A3 TI-145A4 2N2653 2N681 2N681A 2N682 2N682A 2N683 2N683A 2N684 2N684A 2N685 2N685A 2N686 2N686A 2N687 2N687A 2N688 - C C C C E E E C C C D D D D D E E E E E C F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F t 3 TtO"" t3 t3 t3 tlO tlO l:IO t3 TtO"" 1 3.3 3.3 1 1 3.3 10 3 3 10 10 3 P50 t2.4 P50 t2.4 P50 .24 P50 t2.4 n50 t2.4 t 560 t.560 U.8 t.560 U.8 ••560 ~ t.560 tl.S 140 *3 j50 tI6 --ns ~ ~ j50 t50 j50 t50 tI6 tI8.tI6 ~ tI6 tl8 jl6 jl8 jl6 jl8 tl6 jl8 jl6 t50 t50 t50 j50 j50 t50 j50 t50 Min. Max. 75 50 60 I 75 100 120 I 75 200 240 1 75 300 360 I 75 400 4S0 1 15 200 240 1 15 300 360 1 15 ·400 4S0 1 25 200 240 I 360 1 25 300 I 25 400 480 50 60 60 -120 - II 60 100 1 60 300 240 I 360 60 300 I 60 400 , 4S0 50 60 I 30 100 120 1 30 1 30 200 240 30 300 -360 - 1I 480 30 400 75 400 480 .... 150 1 25 25 35 25 -250 -50 - 101 150 50 10 250 50 75 150 100 100 1 250 100 150 10 150 150 ISO I 225 10 250 150 150 200 200 1 10 250 200 300 150 250 300 1 350 10 250 250 150 300 400 1 250 300 400 10 150 400 500 1 - - - - - - @] 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 §20 25 40 25 40 25 40 25 40 25 40 25 40 25 40 25 - - - !sO - EACH 110099 999 -4.65 - -3.10 5.10 3.40 6.30 4.20 8.70 5.80 10.30 6.85 12.00 8.00 18.00 12.00 30.00 20.00 12.00 8.00 18.00 12.00 30.00 20.00 4.65 3.10 5.10 3.40 6.30 4.20 8.70 5.80 10.30 6.85 2.25 3.40 5.10 3.40 6.30 4.20 8.70 5.80 6.85 10.30 33.00 22.00 8.65 5.75 8.65 5.75 9.40 5.75 9.40 6.25 10.50 7.00 10.50 7.00 12.75 8.50 12.75 8.50 15.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 18.00 12.00 18.00 12.00 21.00 14.00 21.00 14.00 26.25 17.50 I I I EACH Mfr's IRP (ma) BVF (V) Max. Case Anode Current -:---;--:-::::- @ 60·C @ 125·C Temp. 1T-42 ----u:- ~ 150·C ~9 to Trigger I ~~~- 300 p.A max. 1.50 T.OO TI-43 Same as above. but with symmetrical trigger. 2.25 ·1.50 o GALLIUM ARSENID~ - Type No. I N2069 I N2070 I N2071 tl8 tl6 t18 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 t4.7 1:4.7 -~ t4.7 104.7 .4.7 104.7 .4.7 jl6 jl6 ~ j16 tl6 t16 ~ tI6 jl6 0.850 0.850 0.S50 0.850 0.S50 U50 0.850 VF (V) 1.10"'10% 1.10= 5% 0.98=10% 0.98 typ 250 t50 150 t50 250 t50 IS 3.3 15 3.3 IS 3.3 15 3.3 3.3 -10- 2515 25 10 10 25 10 25 25 10 60 US 60 .15 ~ 60 60 tiS 60 US 60 .15 ~ 60 60 US 150 t45 j45 ISO j45 150 j45 150 j45 150 j45 150 150 t45 ISO t45 j45 ISO 2.S 30 2.8 30 2.8 30 2.S 30 2.8 30 2.8 30 2.8 30 Min. Max. 400 500 500 50 100 200 300 400 50 100 200 300 400 25 50 100 150 200 250 300 400 25 50 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 25 50 100 150 200 250 300 - - - - - 10 500 1 600 600 10 I 60 120 I 240 I I 360 1 480 1 60 1 120 240 1 I 360 I 480 30 1 1 60 1 120 180 I 240 1 300 1 -360 - 1I 480 35 2 2 75 150 -225- 22 300 2 350 2 400 2 SOO 2 600 2 1 35 75 1 1 150 225 I I 300 1 350 1 400 40 25 40 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 IS 15 IS 15 15 IS IS 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 15 15 IS 15 15 15 15 - - -- - - - - - -- - RECTIFIERS-ECONOMY PACKAGE PIV (V) 200 400 600 I. IRP 750 750 750 6 6 6 ~ (A) EACH 1-99 1100-999 .76 .51 .64 .96 1.49 .99 IMR (pa @V) 10 @ 200 10 @ 400 10 @ 600 TRANSISTOR MOUNTING CLIPS TUNNEL DIODES Specifications at 25·C Type HH case C @Vy Ip Mfr's Ip/ly (ppf) Type (ma) 25 typ A-650 10"'10% >15:1 25 typ A-651 10= 3% >10:1 35 typ > 5:1 A-652 5=10% 35 typ > 5:1 A-653 5"'10% @] F F 2N689 2N689A F E 2NI595 -E2NI596 E 2NI597 E 2NI598 2NI599 E C 2NI600 C 2NI601 C 2NI602 2NI603 -CC2NI604 C 2NI770 C 2NI771 C 2NI772 C 2NI773 C 2N I 774 C 2NI775 C 2NJ776 -C 2NI777 2NIB42B F 2NI843B F 2NI844B F 2NI845B F 2NIB46B F 2NI847B F 2NI848B F 2NI849B F 2NI850B F D 2NI929 D 2NI930 D 2NI931 D 2NI932 D 2NI933 D 2NI934 D 2NI935 EACH 110099 999 26.25 17.50 31.90 21.25 31.90 21.25 3.75 2.50 6.00 4.00 11.25 7.50 22.00 14.65 31.00 20.75 6.00 4.00 7.50 5.00 12.00 8.00 16.50 11.00 21.00 14.00 5.55 3.70 6.00 4.00 7.50 - - 5.00 9.75 6.50 12.00 8.00 14.25 9.50 16.50 11.00 -21.00 - - 14.00 7.75 5.15 8.50 5.65 9.45 6.30 7.65 11.50 13.50 9.00 16.15 10.75 18.75 12.50 23.65 15.75 27.00 IB.OO 4.10 6.15 7.65 5.10 7.10 10.65 13.25 8.80 15.00 10.00 18.00 12.00 22.00 14.65 Epoxy encapsulated types. Type GG case. Average power 100 milliwatts Type MM-I case Type -2N688A @ SILICON PNPN TRIGGER IGT(rna) PIV BVF(V) @ 25"C ('I) @ 125'C 10 (A) IRP(A) I Rut Fig. @SO"C @ 80"C (A) Type No. EACH 1-99 100-999 27.30 21.00 39.00 30.00 IB.20 14.00 9.00 11.70 Transistor mounting-clips are not illustrated. Beryllium copper, cadmium-plated. gold-iridited. Non-insulated EACH Stock Mfr's No. 4 U 055 4 U 05& 4 U 057 Type Mounts 70318-1 354001-100 354001-99 2N454. etc. 2N497. etc. 2N339; etc. 1-99 .15 .15 .15 /100.-999 .05 .10 .10 SILICON STABISTORS Forward-conductance diodes. Maximum leakage current (or reverse current) is only 0.1 microamp at -2 volts. VF is given at 100 milliamps at 25·C. Type·MM case. ~~ I (~I --::T;:-,Nc;y:=:;;.e::-I (:a) I G-129 250 10 G-130 . 150 - 6 1 I ~Fm~ 0.56=10% 0.64=10% 11_99EAIC;00~999 1.30 .85 1.30 INDUSTRIAL QUANTITIES AT OEM PRICES Inquire for latest OEM prices on all 11 semiconductors. Allied has industrial quantities on hand, ready for shipment, as soon as ·announced by TI. Orders are shipped the same day 1hey are received. For prompt delivery of industrial quantities at OEM prices, make Allied your one-stop electronic source. .85 Use the Services of the Allied Facili:y Nearest You-See First Page· ALLlED.31 Texas Instruments Diodes and Rectifiers COLUMN HEADINGS ON PAGES 32 AND 33 Column Headings: BVR. min. rev. breakdown v. fh.b. common base alpha cut-off freq. fh ••• common emitter alpha cut-off freq. fT. gain bandwidth product freq. where ,h'e. is unity. ICBO. max. collector rev. current. IF. mjn. fwd. current. I•• peak point current. I./Iv. peak-ta-vaUey current ratio. IR. max. rev. current. Pt. total diss. Q. quality factor. S. structure, t rr• max. recovery time. Ye. max. collector v. VF. fwd. voltage drop. VMR, max. rev. v. BVF. forward breakdown voltage. f max, maximum frequency, It, recurrent peak. forward current. 10, maximum rectified forward current. PIV, peak inverse voltage. VR, reverse working voltage. ~ SILICON COMPUTER DIODES-GLASS CASES GENERAL-PURPOSE SILICON DIODES-.3x.12" (Cont'd) Fig. A except 1N3593. TI-6 and TI-251/TI'257 seri';s which are microminiature glass diodes (not ilIus.). tJAN 256 (30 ma to -35 v. recov. to 400K); **JAN 256 (5 ma to -40 v. recov. to 200K); UAN 256 (5 rna to -40 v. recov. to SOK); §JAN 256 (5 ma to -40 v. reeov. to lOOK); ttJAN 256 (5 ma to -10 v. recov. to 20K). #EGG 2236A (10 ma to 6 v recov to 1 ma rev) ·Measured at 1 5 v EACH Type IR PIV (V) BVR (V) (l'8ec) I'F No. (I'a) (m;) 1-99 100-999 "30 ~ O.lStt 0.1 @lOv 11'1251 1.52 1.07 JAN 11'1251 Per MIL-S-19500/188 1.20 1.90 30 It 20 11'1625 1 @20v *4 .43 .57 35 50 11'1626 1 @35v *4 .62 .46 75 100 11'1,627 1 @75v *4 .67 .48 125 150 @ 125v 11'1628 1 *4 .72 .53 11'1629 175 200 1 @175v *4 .86 .60 1 @ lOOv 175 200 0.3** 1/'1,643 10 2.20 1.62 60 0,3t 5 @50v 50 6 11'1659 1.20 .70 5 @ 100v 100 110 0.3t 11'1660 6 \'30 .80 10 @20Ov 200 240 6 11'1661 1.95 1.32 20 @50v 80 100 0.5§ 11'1662 10 .80 1.14 USA 11'1662, Per MIL-E-l/1139 1.14 .80 11'1663 I 80 I 100 I 0.5*' I 5 @75vl100 1.54 1.13 USA 11'1663 Per MIL-E-l/1140 1.54 1.13 11'1914 I 75 I 100 I .OOOH I 5 @75vl1'0 2.40 --.-:90 USN 11'1914 Per MIL-S-19500/116 2.40 1.90 75 100 0.004# 0.025 @2Ov 20 3.20 2.19 IN914A 75 100 0.004# 0.025 @ 20v 100 4.85 3.26 IN914B 65 0.010 0.025 @ 10v 50 4.05 3.03 50 11'1915 5 @ 75v 75 100 0.0041 10 3.20 2.60 11'1916 IN916A 75 100 0.0041 0.025 @ 20v 20 3.80 3.15 IN916B 75 100 0.004# 0.D25 @ 20v 30 4.76 3.80 11'1917' 30 50 10.003 0.05 @10v 10 4.65 3.74 @50v 10 3.55 2.80 75 4.0 0.1 11'13064 50 USN 11'13064 Per MIL-S-19500/144 3.55 2.80 50 0.010 0.025 @ 10v' 10 3.00 2.22 11'13593 40 CO-I 65 0.5t 10 4 1.00 .82 40 1 @10v 5 .44 TI-6 20 30 0.100 .56 1 @20v .65 ..... 40 .01 6 .76 TI-71 TI-72 ..... 40 .02 1 @20v 10 .87 .74 1 @20v 20 40 .02 .85 TI-73 1.03 1 @ 15v 30 1.02 TI-74 ..... 40 .03 1.19 5 @35v ...... 40 .05 75 1.52 1.30 TI-75 @10v 40 0.15t: 1.0 5 1.68 1.26 TI-251 30 1.28 50 60 o:3t 5 6 1.72 TI-252 5, 1.32 6 TI-253 100 120 0.3t 1.78 1.60 75 100 0.0041 0.025 @ 20v 10 2.75 TI-254 75 100 0.004# 0.025 @20v 20 2.95 2.40 TI-255 TI-256 75 100 0.004# 0.025 @ 20v 10 3.35 2.60 75 100 0.004# 0.025 @ 20v 20 3.65 2.80 TI-257 .. I I I t.. I ---- U H o:3t -- ..... HIGH-CONDUCTANCE DIFFUSED SILICON DIODES ~~~ ~~f T.::.e 11'1645 AF I 1'1645 I N645A I 1'1646 AF 11'1646 11'1647 Fi9.\ \ A 225 275 Per MIL-E-l/1l43 ,A 225 275 A 300 360 Per MIL-E-l/1l43 A I 400 I 480 AF I 1'1647 11'1648 AF 11'1648 11'1649 AF 11'1649 Per MIL-E-1/1143 A I 500 I 600 Per MIL-E-1(1143 A I 600 720 Per MIL-E-1/1l43 I I I I(::'t I (:-a) 400 600 400 400 600 600 W) I I I, 400 600 400 600 400 600 ~~ 1.50 .93 1.55 1.00 3.63 2.66 2.00 1.10 2.25 1.21 3.00 ~ 3.25 3.70 3.95 4.20 4.60 1.56 2.08 2.28 2.72 3.05 GENERAL-PURPOSE SILICON DIODES-.3x.12" ~~~ ~~) T.::.e Fig. (!'a) 71:-:N-:-4~56:;--- ---p;--"JO ---"'40 IN456A A 25 30 100 I 1'1457 A 60 70 20 JAN 11'1457 Per MIL-S-19500/193A IN457A A 60 70 100 I 1'1458 A 125 150 7 JAN 11'1458 Per MIL-S-19500/193A 25 I I 32 • ALLIED I I (!!.) 1_9~A~~_999 ----soo -:37 --:29 500' 500 500 500 .37 .45 .45 .29 .36 .36 A5--:36 .51 .51 .40 .40 Type I I I lit I Fig PIV ~ VMR Pt No. _ _ . ~ (ma) (mw) IN458A A 125 150 100 500 11'1459 A 175 200 3 500 JAN 11'1459 Per MIL-S-19500/193A 500 IN459A 100 A 175 200 A '25 30 15 200 11'1461 25 30 200 IN461A A 100 60 11'1462 A 5 200 70 A 175 200 200 11'1463 1 150 3 200 125 11'1464 A 30 500 A 40 11'1482 -- -100 - - -500 -30 40 I N482A A 100 30 IN482B A 40 100 500 A 60 80 100 500 11'1483 A 60 80 100 500 IN483A A 60 80 100 500 IN483B USN 11'14836 Per MIL-S-19500/118 A 125 150 100 500 11'1484 150 100 500 IN484A A 125 125 150 100 500 A IN484B A 175 200 100 ~ 11'1485 100 A 175 200 500 IN485A 175 200 100 500 IN485B A USN I N485B Per MIL-S-19500/118 11'1486 100 A 225 250 500 I N486A .~~~~~ A 225 250 100 500 IN4B6B USN I N486B Per MIL-S-19500/118 300 330 100 500 A 11'1487 330 500 A 300 100 I N487A 380 100 420 A 11'1488 500 380 420 100 A IN488A 100 250 80 A 60 11'13575 250 125 150 100 A I N3576 175 200 100 250 A I N3577 """225 2SO 100 250 A 11'13578 275 300 100 250 A 11'13579 3 150 27 30 C 600 45 50 10 150 C 601 5.5 60 150 C 4.7 604 6.8 ~ 35 150 C 606 10 11.0 25 150 C 608 20 150 17 C 15 610 ·20 150 22 25 C 612 20 33 37 150 C 614 150 47 52 10 C 616 68 75 10 150 C 618 100 110 150 C 10 620 7 150 150 170 C 622 220 250 3 150 C 624 100 125 200 ....... A G-OI '50 A 50 65 G-02 100 125 250 A G-222 200 250 250 A G-296 I I I I I I I 1 I I ----soo --- f81, FLANGELESS I2J ....... ....... ....... EACH ~ 100-999 .51 .66 .66 .66 1.15 1.15 1.82 1.95 1.85 1.60 2.00 2.20 2.00 2.12 2.60 2.60 2.35 2.52 2.92 2.55 3.60 4.20 4.20 3.15 4.30 5.00 5.00 4.00 6.60 5.05 B.OO 1.75 2.15 2.30 2.73 3.00 1.94 3.60 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.60 3.65 3.70 3.75 .85 .73 .75 .85 .40 .51 .51 .51 .90 .90 1.31 1.49 1.40 1.19 1.60 1.76 1.60 1.70 1.90 1.90 1.90 2.02 2.34 1.95 2.54 3.35 3.35 2.23 3.04 3.75 3.75 2.85 4.67 3.57 5.68 1.45 1.79 1.87 2.22 2.31 1.58 2.94 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.70 2.78 2.86 2.94 2.94 2.99 3.03 3.07 .66 .56 .65 .70 RECTIFIERS VF (max) is1 volt @ .75 amperes for all units. IR is 5 micraamps @ 25'C for all units. §§Indicates 10 measured at 100'C and 150'C. EACH 10 Type No. 11'13189 11'13190 11'13191 11'12609 11'12610 11'12611 11'12612 11'12613 11'12614 11'12615 11'12616 11'12617 VR(max.) 25'C (8) - 200 - - -§§-1-- 400 600 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 §§1 150C (a) U.S §§.5 §§.S §§1 .75 .75 .75 .~5 .75 --.7-5.75 .75 .75 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 ' .25 .25 1-99 100·999 3.32 4.75 7.65 .90 1.05 1.18 1.55 1.70 1.95 2.30 4.85 7.50 2.21 3.05 5.10 , .60 .70 .79 1.03 1.16 1.30 1.55 3.25 5.00 Specify Manufacturer's Name and Type No. on all Semiconductor Orders Texas Instruments Regulators, Diodes, Sensors : - - , . . - - - - - - - - - - - S E E PAGE 32 FOR EXPLANATION OF COLUMN H E A D I N G S , - - - - - - - - - - DIFFUSED GALLIUM ARSENIDE MESA VARACTOR PILL DIODES ~----~----TYPE 55----------- BERYLLIUM OX'TI-' GOLD p\..AnD KOVAR GALLIUM ARSENIDE SAMPLING DIODES GOLD PLAUD KOVAR ~:~::d~ LI 4 Times Actual qj}"+ ~.. Size , FLANGE INDICATES ANODE END -f1-0.010 All DIMENSIONS IN INCHlS r---------TYPEEE----------------~ GOLD PlATED KOVAR Used in fractional nanosecond sampling and pulse generators, and ultra high-speed switching. Minimum reverse breakdown voltage, 10 v. RDYN, dynamic resistance. trr, rise time. Type No. A-670 A-671 0.015 All DIM("'SIONS IN INCHES Case Type EE EE EE SS SS SS 'max. (Go.) 90 120 150 90 120 150 No. -I N3016 6.8 I N3017 7.5 8.2 I N30lB I N3019 9.1 I N3020 10 - 11 -I N3021 I N3022 12 ·1 N3023 13 I N3024 15 I N3025 16 I N3026 18 I N3027 20 I N302B 22 I N3029 24 I N3030 27 I N3031 30 33 I N3032 36 I N3033 I N3034 39 I N3035 43 I N3036 47 I N3037 51 I N3038 56 62 I N3039 I N3040 68 I N3041 7 5 I N3042 82 I N3043 91 I N3044 100 I N3045 .110 I N3046 120 I N3047 130 I N304B 150 I N3049 160 I N3050 180 I N3051 200 (ma) 37 34 31 28 25 23 21 19 17 15.5 14 12.5 11.5 10.5 9.5 8.5 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.7 3.3 3 2.8 2.5 2.3 2 1.0 1.7 1.6 1.4 1.2 (ohms) 3.5 4 4.5 5 7 8 9 10 14 16 20 22 23 25 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 95 110 125 150 175 200 250 350 450 550 700 1000 1100 1200 1500 .8 .6 @5 ma (ohms) 15 20 EACH --1-999 --.3-- --5.00 Max. t" (nsec) .3 6.00 EACH • 9 MA Output At 1000 Ft. Candles ,., MIN LI,=_.....f_ _ 060D MAX e Compact End-Reading Design t --L For use in scanning, cataloging, and . rf information storage equipment. LSI 0.078 (±O 002) D I J 400 provides 9 rna output at 1000 ft. DdT INDICATES CATHODE LEAD candles input. Cycle capability, 0.010 {:rOD01) OIA 25,OOO/sec. Temp. stability, 1 %/oC. ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--J BVF @ 100 ,..a., 7v. BVR @ 100 ,..a., 50 v. Power dissipation, 50 mw maximum. Light current @ 5 vdc, 1 rna minimum. Dark current @ 30 vdc, .025 p'a maximum. Light current sensitivity between 300 and 600 ft.-candles at 5 v., 7/La./ft.-candle. LS-400. 1-99 .. , ...... EACH 13.50 100-999 ........... EACH 10.80 1-10 11-99 30 40 50 30 40 50 225.00 325.00 425.00 225.00 325.00 425.00 175.00 290.00 400.00 175.00 290.00 400.00 LS-221. Output, 250 my. at 280 ft. candles (10,000 ohm load). Imbalance between sensitive elements, maximum output 50 mv. ( LS·221. 1-99 ......... EACH 24.00 100-999 ........... EACH 20.00 EACH 'LS-223. Typical output is 350 microamps at 1250 ft. candles, 2800·K input (1000 ohm load). LS·223. 1-99 .......... EACH 9.40 100·999 ............ EACH 9_20 Zener Zener Max.DC Surge Test Voltage CUrrent Impedance Current Current (v) 1 1 Max. ROYN Q DIFFUSED SILICON 1 WATT REGULATORS Type (pI) SUBMINIA TURE PLANAR SILICON PHOTO DEVICE Designed specifically for usc in parametric amplifiers, microwave switches, phase shifters, harmonic generators, and parametric limiters. Construction consists of a gallium arsenide wafer encased in a beryllium oxide microwave cartridge. Offers ceramic-to-metal seal and matched temperature coefficients for wide operating temperature range-units are checked for diode action in liquid nitrogen. Minimum cutoff frequency (fmax .), 90 to 150 gigacycles (Ge) at -2 volts. Cutoff ,frequency defined as measurement frequency of 3 Go times Q (quality factor). Q is measured at f =3Go, VR= -2 v. Junction capacitance, .15 to .75 picofarads at zero bias. 8 v. minimum reverse breakdown voltage (110= 10 /La.), and total capacitance from .45 to 1 picofarad (f=l mc, VR=O). No. A-600 A-601 A-602 A-610 A-611 A-612 (na) PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS 510T INDICATES ANODE (NO Type Max. IR Max. CT @ @ -2 v. f=1 me, 0 bias (ma) 100 90 80 70 65 55 53 50 42 40 35 32 29 26 23 21 20 18 15 14 13 12.2 (ma) 199 100999 -- 740 680 600 540 -480 - - No Suffix 420 20% 400 2.95 2.20 370 320 300 -260 -240 210 200 A Suffix 170 10% 3.25 2.45 160 150 130 110 100 95 90 B Suffix 85 11 5% 75 10 3.85 2.90 70 9 63 8.5 58 7.5 7 SO 6 45 5.4 42 No Suffix20% 5.2 40 3.551 2.65 4.5 35 3.7 29 A Suffix 10% 5.201 3.90 27 3.6 B Suffix 5% 3.4 25 7.B515.90 3 23 SILICON PHOTOVOLTAIC LIGHT SENSORS LS-222. Typical output is 290 microamps at 1250 ft. candles, 2800 0 K input. (1000 ohm load). LS·222_ 1·99 .......... EACH 6.00 100·999 ............ EACH 5.45 SILICON P!'IO~OCONDUCTIVE LIGHT SENSORS Have bias voltage ±SO v. maximum. ,Maximum dark current @ 25·C ±50 v., .5 p.a except Type R-38, 10 p.a. Light current measured in terms of radiation. Radiation =9 rnw /crn 2 in a frequency bandwidth of .7 to 1 micron. Type No. I N2175 H-II H-35 H-38 H-60 H-61 H-62 Max. Dark Min. Light Max. Light Curro @ 25°C. CUrro @ 25°C. Curro @ 25°C, :::1:::50 v. =10 EACH :::1:::10 v. V. (ua) (ua) (ua) .5 .5 .5 10. .5 .5 .5 100 40 60 100 100 200 300 ... ... ... ... 200 300 400 199 100999 iT:5o 8.00 4.00 2.BO 5.00 3.50 -4.00 2.BO B.OO 5.60 9.00 6.25 13.50 10.00 TYPE 2N997 DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR An epitaxial planar type grown unijunction device for use in pulse timing circuits, relaxation oscillators, and medium power switches. Miniature round welded case. Power dissipation @ 25°C case tempera.ture, 1.5 watts. Minimum open input collector-emitter breakdown voltage @ 100 rna collector current and o base current. 40 v. Min. DC gain @ 10 v. collector to emitter voltage and 100 rna collector current. 7000. 2N997. 1-99 ........ ,EACH 25.35 100~999 ..... . EACH 16.90 I TRANSISTOR CIRCUIT DESIGN MANUAL Written by Texas Instrument engineers to assist the circuit designer in solving difficult design problems. Bridges the gap between theory and practice and offers generalized design procedures applicable to a wide range of circuits. Contains dozens of complete, tested designs. 37 K 689 .............................................. 15.00 Allied Maintains the World's Largest Stocks of Electronics Components ALLIED. 33 Motorola Silicon Zener Diodes EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS ·t+.·····~ft . Ii" .d' .." . . : m@ @"m m Type No. V. Volts !/.oM2.4AZ5 !/.oM2.7AZ5 !/.oM3.0AZ5 !/.oM3.3AZ5 !/.oM3.6AZ5 !/.oM3.9AZ5 !/.oM4.3AZ5 !/.oM4.7AZ5 !/.oM5.IAZ5 !/.oM5.6AZ5 !/.oM6.2AZ5 !/.oM6.8AZ5 2.4 2 ..7 3.0 3.3 3.6 '3.9 4.3 4.7 5.1 5.6 6.2 6.8 m lte.. Z @] ma Ohms -- 10 10 10 10 10 -1010 10 10 10 10 10 1-99 -60- - - 60 55 55 50 -50 45 35 25 20 -15 10 4.00 EACH Assorted Single Type 100-999' 100-999 ® 3.65 3.20 --- 4.00· 3.65 3.20 3.65 3.20 !/.oM6.8Z5 !/.oM7.5Z5 !/.oM8.2Z5 !/.oM9.IZ5 !/.oM I OZ5 !/.oMIIZ5 !/.oMI2Z5 !/.oM 13ZS !/.oMI4ZS !/.oM 15Z5 !/.oM 16Z5 !/.oM 17ZS !/.oM 18Z5 !/.oM 19Z5 !/.oM20ZS !/.oM22ZS !/.oM24ZS !/.oM2SZS !/.oM27ZS !/.oM30ZS !/.oM33ZS !/.oM36ZS !/.oM39ZS !/.oM43ZS !/.oM45Z5 !/.oM47ZS !/.oM50ZS !/.oM52ZS !/.oM56ZS !/.oM62ZS !/.oM68Z5 ~M75Z5 !/.oM82ZS !/.oM91 ZS !/.oMIOOZS !/.oM I 05Z5 !/.oMIIOZ5 !/.oM 120Z5 !/.oMI30Z5 !/.oM 140ZS !/.oMI50ZS !/.oM 175Z5 !/.oM200Z5 6.8 7.5 8.2 9.1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 25 27 30 33 36 39 43 45 47 50 52 56 62 68 75 82 91 100 105 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 9.2 8.3 7.6 7.0 8.0 9.0 4.00 3.65 3.20 3.65 3.20 6.9 W- --- 6.3 11 5.7 13 5.2 15 4.8 18 -4.5 20 4.2 22 3.9 24 3.7 26 .28 3.5 3.3 30 3.1 33 2.8 40 46 2.6 2.5 50 2.3 - 2.1 - - -58 -70 1.9 85 100 1.7 1.6 120 140 1.5 1.4 150 -1.3 ISO 1.2 180 1.2 200 230 1.1 1.0 290 0.92 350 0.83 450 0.76 550 0.69 700 0.63 .. 900 0.60 1000 0.57 1200 0.52 1500 0.48 1900 0.45 -0.42 - - 2200 2500 0.36 3300 0.31 4300 4.00 --4.00 3.65 3.20 --.. 4.00 3.65 3.20 --4.35 4.00 3.50 --4.35 4.00 3.50 --4.35 4.00 3.50 --4.35 4.00 3.50 --- --4.35 4.00 3.50 400-MW ALLOY ZENER DIODES (:1:5% Vz Tol.) 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.3 4.7 5.1 4.6 6.2 6.8 7.5 8.2 9.1 10.0 12.0 34 • ALLIED 20 20 ,20 20 -20 -20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 24 23 22 19 17 11 7 5 6 8 10 17 30 2.80 2.40 2.10 --2.80 2.40 2.10 2.40 2.10 --- --2.80 , V. Volts No. --4.00 400-MW DIFFUSED ZENER DIODES (:1:5% V z Tol.) Type v..-WATT DIFFUSED ZENER DIODES (:1:5% Vz Tol.) @] Itest-Test Current V'--:-Nominai Zener Voltage Z-Maximum Zener Impedance *ASSORTED PRICE FOR 100-999 MUST INCLUDE A MINIMUM OF 10 UNITS OF EACH TYPE ORDERED v...WATT ALLOY ZENER DIODES (:1:5% Vz Tol.) 1 N746A 1 N747A I N748A I N749A 1 N7S0A I N751A I N752A I N753A I N754A I N755A I N756A I N757A 1 N7S8A I N759A . - I N957B 1 N958B I N959B I N960B I N961 B I N962B I N963B I N964B I N965B I N966B N967B N968B N969B N970B N971B N972B N973B N974B N975B N976B N977B N978B N979B N980B N981B N982B N983B N984B N98SB N986B N987B N988B N989B N990B N991B N992B o Z ma Ohms 'li!T ----u- - - 16.5 15 14 12.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 2.95 EACH Assorted'Slngle Type 100-999' 100-999 2.55 2.20 2.55 2.20 2.55 2.20 2.55 ' 2.20 2.55 2.20 2.55 2.20 3.15 2.75 "'iT.'S ----gy --10.5' 9.5 8.5 7.8 --v.o6.2 5.6 5.2 4.6 11.5 13.0 16.0 17.0 -2-125 29 33 41 2.95 --2.95 4:2" 49'" - - 3.8 3.4 3.2 3.0 "'2.7 2.5 2.2 2.0 58 70 80 93 ~ 125 150 185 2.95 --2.95 1 . 8 230 --1.7 1.5 1.4 270 330 400 1QO ---r:T"" 5iiO 110 120 130 150 160 180 200 1-99 1.1 1.0 .95 -:ss .80 .68 .65 750 900 1100 ~ 1700 2200 2500 2.95 --3.65 --3.65 I 3.15 2.75 1-WATT ALLOY ZENER DIODES (:1:5% Vz Tol.) I N3821A I N3822A I N3823A I N3824A I N3825A IN3826A I N3827A I N3828A I N3829A I N3830A o 6.8 7.5 8.5 9.1 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 20 22 24 27 30 33 36 39 43 47 51 56 62 68 75 82 91 Itest 3.3 .~.6 3.9 4.3 . 4.7 5.1 5.6 6.2 6.8 7.5 76 69 64 58 53 49 45 41 37 34 10 10 9 9 8 7 5 2 1.5 1.5 2.65 2.30 2.00 2.30 2.00 --2.65 1·WATT DIFFUSED ZENER DIODES (:1:5% Vz Tol.) IN3016B I N3017B IN3018B I N3019B I N3020B I N3021 B I N3022B I N3023B I N3024B I N3025B I N3026B I N3027B N3028B N3029B N3030B N3031B N3032B N3033B N3034B N3035B N3036B N3037B N3038B N3039B N3040B N3041B 6.8 7.5 8.2 9.1 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 20 22 24 27 30 33 36 39 43 47 51 56 62 68 75 37 3.5 34 4.0 '31 4.5 28 5 25 7 -2-3-- - - 8 21 9 19 10 17 14 15.5 16 -1-4-- "20" 12.5 22 11.5 23 25 10.5 35 9.5 3.30 2.90 3.30 2.90 3.85 3.30 2.90 4.05 3.50 4.05 3.50 3.85 --3.85 --- ---s.s- 4 i l ' 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 45 50 60 70 4.70 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.7 3.3 90 110 125 150 175 4.70 s:s- so- - - - Specify Mfr's Name and'Type No. on All Semiconductor Orders Motorola Silicon Zener Diodes *ASSORTED PRICE FOR 100-999 MUST INCLUDE A MINIMUM OF 10 UNITS OF EACH TYPE ORDERED SEE PAGE 34 FOR EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS AND FOR ILLUSTRATIONS [ill !KI1-WATT DIFFUSED ZENER DIODES (oI:S% Vz Tol.) IO-WATT DIFFUSED ZENER DIODES (oI:S% Vz Tol.) (Conl'd from previous poge) I I I I I I I I I I Type Vz No. Volta N3042B N3043B N3044B N3045B N3046B N3047B N3048B N3049B N3050B N3051 B 82 91 100 110 120 130 ISO 160 180 200 ltest ma ~ 2.8 2.5 Z Ohm. 200 250 350 1-99 --4.70 EACH Assorted Single Type 100-999 100-999' 4.05 3.50 6.75 5.90 --z:J 45iJ --2.0 1.9 1.7 ---""l.6 1.4 1.2 550 700 1000 1100 1200 1500 @ %-WATT "SURMETlC"® 7.85 --7.85 6.75 5.90 ZENER DIODES (oI:S% Vz Tol.) Zener diode with void-free silicone package and glass surface passivated hermetic seal-10,OOO times less permeable than epoxy and other coatings. Passed all std. MIL high temperature-humidity storage tests plus 20 000 g acceleration and 1500 g shock I N36BOB I N36BI B I N36B2B I N3683B I N36B4B I N3685B I N36B6B I N3687B I N368BB I N36B9B IN3690B I N3691 B I N3692B I N3693B I N3694B I N3695B I N3696B [ill I I I I I I I I 11.5 10.5 9.5 8.5 7.8 ----w 6.2 5.6 5.2 4.6 4.2 3.8 3.4 3.2 -J:O 2.7 2.5 9.5 11.5 13.0 16.0 17.0 21.0 25 29 33 41 49 58 70 80 93 105 125 3.05 2.65 2.30 --- - - 3.05 2.65 2.30 --- - - 3.35 2.90 2.55 2.90 2.55 --3.35 I N2970B N2971B N2972B N2973B N2974B N2975B N2976B N2977B N2979B N29BOB N29B2B N2984B N29B5B N29B6B N29BBB N29B9B' N2990B N2991B N2992B N2993B N2995B N2997B I N2999B I N3000B I N3001 B I N3002B I N3003B I N3004B I N3005B I N3007B I N300BB I N3009B I N3011 B I N3012B I N3014B IN3015B 3.9 4.3 4.7 5.1 5.6 6.2 6.8 7.5 640 580 530 490 445 405 370 335 2.0 1.5 10.25 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.1 7.70 1.2 1.3 8.85 7.70 --6.65 5.BO I.S-WATT DIFFUSED ZENER DIODE (01:5% Vz Tol.) N37B5B N3786B N3787B N37BBB N3789B N3790B N3791B N3792B N3793B N3794B N3795B N379'6B N3797B N379BB N3799B N3BOOB N3BOIB N3B02B N3B03B N3B04B N3805B N3B06B N3807B N3808B N3809B N3810B N3811 B N3BI2B N3813B N3814B N3815B IN3BI6B I N3BI7B I N3BI8B I N3819B I N3B20B 6.8 7.5 8.2 9.1 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 20 22 24 27 30 33 36 39 43 55 50 46 41 37 2.7 3.0 3.5 6.95 4.0 5 34 - -6 31 7 29 8 6.95 10 25 23 11 21 13 19 15 17 16 6.95 16 17 14 20 --12 ~ 30 10 35 6.95 10 40 9.0 45 47 8.0 55 51 7.4 65 56 6.7 75 6.95 62 6.0 85 68 5.5 95 -110 ----75 82 4.5 130 6.95 91 4.1 150 100 3.7 200 -3.4 110 300 120 3.1 350 B.35 130 2.9 400 --150 '2:5 --:wi) 160 2.3 750 B.BO 180 2.1 800 200 1.9 1000 -- 6.00 5.25 6.00 5.25 6.00 5.25 6.00 5.25 --- --- 11: --- I I I I I N2804B N2805B N2806B N2807B N2808B -N2B09B N2810B N2811B N2812B N2813B N2814B N2815B N2816B N2817B N2818B N2819B N2820B N2821B N2822B N2823B N2B24B N2825B N2826B N2B27B N2B28B N2B29B N2830B N2B31B ......... N2B32B N2B33B N2B34B N2835B N2B36B N2B37B N2838B N2B39B N2840B N2841 B N2842B 6.00 5.25 6.00 5.25 7.20 6.30 . .... . . . . . 6.60 . . .. . . . . . . . -s:o -- N2843B I N2844B 7.60 Type IOM6.BZ5 IOM7.5Z5 IOM8.2Z5 IOM9.IZ5 IOMIOZ5 IOMIIZ5 IOMI2Z5 IOMI3Z5 IOMI5Z5 IOMI6Z5 IOMIBZ5 IOM20Z5 IOM22Z5 IOM24Z5 IOM27Z5 IOM30Z5 IOM33Z5 IOM36Z5 IOM39Z5 IOM43Z5 IOM47Z5 IOM51Z5 IOM56Z5 IOM62Z5 IOM6BZ5 IOM75Z5 ICMB2Z5 IOM91Z5 10M 100Z5 IOMIIOZ5 IOMI20Z5 IOMI30Z5 IOMI50Z5 IOMI60Z5 10M 180Z5 IOM200Z5 @] lID IO-WATT ALLOY ZENER DIODE (oI:S% Vz Tol.) N3993A N3994A N3995A N3996A N3997A N39'JBA N3999A N4000A [ffi 11 12 13 15 16 18 20 22 24 27 30 33 36 39 43 47 51 Mfr'. JEDEC No. I N2845B I N2846B Make Allied Electronics Your Semiconductor Headquarters EACH V. Itest Z Volts ma Ohms 1-99 Assorted Single Type 100-999' 100-999 6.8 370 1.2 7.5 335 1.3 8.2 305 1.5 7.60 6.55 9.1 275 2.0 10 3 11 ~ 230 3 12 210 3 13 190 3 7.60 6.55 15 170 3 16 155 4 18 '140 4 20 125 4 22 115 5 7.60 6.55 24 105 5, 27 95 7 30 85 8 33 75 9 36 70 10 7.60 6.55 39 65 11 43 60 12 47 55 14 I--51 50 15 56 45 16 7.60 6.55 62 40 17 68 37 18 75 33 22 82 30 25 7.60 6.55 91 28 35 100 25 ~ 110 2J 55 120 20 75 7.60 6.55 130 19100 17175 150 160 16200 180 14260 13.85 11.95 200 12300 5.70 5.70 il.:1 5.70 , 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 10.40 SO-WATT DIFFUSED ZENER DIODES (01: S% Vz Tol.) N3305B N3306B N3307B N330BB N3309B N3310B N3311B N3312B N3313B N3314B N3315B N3316B I N3317B N3318B N3319B N3320B N3321B N3322B N3323B N3324B N3325B N3326B N3327B N3328B N3329B N3330B N3331 B N3332B N3333B N3334B N3335B N3336B N3337B N3338B N3339B N3340B N3341B N3342B N3343B N3344B N3345B N3346B N3347B N3348B N3349B N3350B 6.8 1850 0.2 7.5 1700 0.3 8.2 0.4 11.75 9.1 g~g 0.5 10 1200 0.6 -11- 1100 0.8 12 1000 1.0 13 960 l.i 11.75 14 890 1.2 15 830 1.4 16 780 1.6 17 740 1.8 18 700 2.0 11.75 19 660 2.2 20 630 2.4 22 570 2.5 24 520 2.6 25 500 2.7 11.75 27 460 2.8 30 420 ~ 33 380 3.2 36 350 3.5 39 320 4.0 11.75 43 ,290 4.5 45 280 4.5 47 270 5.0 50 250 5.0 51 245 5.2 I i.75 52 240 5.5 56 220 6 -762 200 68 180 8 75 170 9 11.75 82 150 11 91 140 15 100 120 20 - 120 25 105 110 110 30 120 100 40 20.55 130 95 50 140 90 60 150 85 ~ 160 80 80 70 85 175 20.5~ 68 90 180 65100 200 10.15 8.8,0 10.15 8.80 10.15 8.80 . 10.15 8.80 10.15 8.80 10.15 8.BO 10,15 8.80 17.75 16.45 17.75 16.45. - - - - ALLIED • 35 ~ . Motorola Diodes and Transistors ~~ EXPLANA TION OF COLUMN HEADINGS, ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ZD-Maximum Dynamic Zener Impedance Vz-Zener Voltage Z-Maximum Zener Impedance at Vz MINIA TURE AND SUB-MINIATURE REFERENCE DIODES Hermetically sealed, temperature-stable Zener diodes. V,?ltage/tempe~ature co~fficients .01 % JOC or less. * Assorted Prices. Any order for 100-999 units at these pnces must mclude a minimum of 10 of each type ordered. lID 6.2-V. SUBMINIATURES (400 MW.) Voltage range, 5.9 to 6.5 volts @ 7.5 rna. T e mperature range 55 to +100'C EACH - Type No. ZD - - - - 15 I N821 I N821A 10 15 I N823 I N823A 10 15 I N825 I N825A 10 15 I N827 I N827A 10 lID Assorted Single Type 1-99 100-999* 4.00 3.45 4.90 5.65 5.00 4.30 7.50 6.50 --7.95 6.90 9.75 11.25 27.00 23.30 29.35 25.35 100,999 3.00 4.25 3.75 5.65 6.00 8.45 20.30 22.05 S.4-V. SUBMINIATURES (400 MW.) Voltage range, 8.0-8.8 v. @ 10 rna. Temp., "A" Types, -55 to +IS0'C; others, +100'C 5.50 I N3154 15 7.30 6.30 6.15 I N3154A 15 8.15 7.05 8.50 I N3155 15 11.35 9.80 9.25 I N3155A 15 12.30 10.65 12.65 I N3156 14.55 15 16.85 13.65 I N3156A 15 18.15 15.70 19.05 I N3157 15 25.30 21.90 20.95 I N3157A 15 27.85 24.10 lID 9.0-V. SUBMINIATURES ('12 W.) Range, 8.SS-9.4S v. @ 7.S rna. "A" Types, -55 to +100'C; "B", to +IS0'C; others, o to +7S'C I N935 20 3.45 3.00 2.60 I N935A 20 3.35 2.90 3.85 I N935B 20 3.45 4.60 3.95 3.00 I N936 20 4.00 3.45 I N936A 20 3.65 -4.85 - - 4.20 4.20 I N936B 20 5.60 4.85 I N937 20 7.00 6.05 5.25 I N937A 20 5.70 7.60 6.55 6.40 I N937B 20 8.50 7.35 I N938 20 6.10 --8.10 - - - 7.00 I N938A 20 7.90 6.85 9.15 I N938B 20 12.30 10.65 9.25 I N939 20 18.75 16.20 14.10 I N939A 20 25.80 22.30 19.40 I N939B 20 28.75 24.85 21.60 ---29.30 I N940 20 39.00 33.70 I N940A 20 47.00 40.65 35.35 I N940B 20 52.25 45.15 39.30 o 9.3-V. MINIATURES (o/.! W.) Range, 8.9-9.7 v. @ 10 rna. "A" Types, -55 to +100'C; "B", to +IS0'C; others, 0 to +7S'C. I N2620 1151 4.10 3.55 3.05 I N2620A 15 4.35 3.75 3.25 I I o 9.3-V. MINIATURES (Conl'd) Range, 8.9-9.7 v. @ 10 rna. "A" Types, -55 to +100'C; "B", to +IS0°C; others, o to +7S'C EACH Type ZD No. --- I N2620B 15 I N2621 I N2621A I N2621 B I N2622 I N2622A I.N2622B I N2623 I N2623A I N2623B I N2624 I N2624A I N2624B lID 15 15 15 1.1 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1-99 4.90 4.60 5.55 6.75 7.60 8.15 9.35 8.80 10.05 13.50 22.00 28.80 38.50 Assorted Single Type 100-999* 4.20 3.95 4.80 5.85 6.55 7.05 8.05 7.60 8.70 11.65 19.00 24.90 33.30 100-999 3.65 3.45 4.15 5.05 5.70 6.10 7.00 6.60 7.55 10.15 16.55 21.65 28.95 11.7-V. SUBMINIATURES C'hW.) Range 11.12-12.28 v. @ 7.5 rna. "A" Types, -55 to +100'C; "B", to +150'C; others, o t 0 +75'C 3.65 4.90 4.20 30 I N941 4.55 3.95 I N941A 30 5.25 4.55 6.05 5.20 IN941B 30 30 4.60 4.00 I N942 5.35 5.50 4.75 I N942A 30 6.35 --6.35 5.50 I N942B 30 7.35 6.85 30 9.10 7.85 I N943 9.90 8.55 7.45 I N943A 30 9.60 8.35 I N943B 30 I 1.10 7.90 30 10.55 9.10 I N944 - - - 10.35 9.00 I N944A 30 12.00 11.95 13.75 I N944B 30 15.90 18.40 I N945 30 24.50 21.15 25.10 I N945A 30 33.40 28.85 28.20 r N945B - 30 37.55 32.45 -40.90 30 54.40 47.00 I N946 48.50 I N946A 30 64.50 55.75 61.10 53.10 I N946B 30 70.65 o 11.7-V. MINIATURES (o/.! W.) Range, 11.12-12.28v. @7.5ma. "A" Types, -55 to +100'C; "B", to +150'C; others, o t 0 +7S'C 3.65 4.90 4.20 I N3580 25 3.90 4.50 5.20 I N3580A 25 4.50 6.00 5.20 I N3580B 25 4.80 4.15 25 5.55 I N3581 4.95 5.70 I N3581 A 25 -- -6.60 5.80 6.70 1,,3581 B 25 7.75 6.70 7.75 25 ,8.95 I N3582 7.35 8.45 9.80 I N3582A 25 8.20 9.40 I N3582B 25 10.90 MOLDED ASSEMBLY REFERENCE DIODES Not illus. Vz and Z @ 7.5 rna. except INlS30 and IN1530A, 10 rna. Vz ±5% tol Op temp., -55 to +IS00 C. Voltage/ Z Vz No. Volts Ohms 6.2 I N429 20 6.2 I NI735 20 IN 1736 12.4 40 40 ' IN 1736A 12:4 18.6 IN 1737 - -60 I NI737A l8.6 60 24.8 I NI738 80 I NI738A 24.8 80 IN 1739 31.0 100 IN 1739A 31.0 100 -120 -IN 1740 37.2 I NI740A 37.2 120 I NI741 43.4 140 I NI741A 43.4 140 49.6 I NI742 180 Type 36. ALLIED EACH 1-99 100-999 4.35 6.20 4.65 8.85 6.65 10.60 14.10 9.80 13.05 20.50 15.40 17.20 12.95 20.60 27.40 21.55 16.20 24.90 33.10 25.75 19.35 45.10 33.90 34.30 25.80 52.25 39.30 29.40 39.10 --s.so temp. coefficient, .001-.01 %/' C. Axial leads except IN429, IN1530, IN1530A, out one end only Case length , .360-1 200" EACH Z Type Vz 100-999 1-99 Volts Ohms No. 43.20 180 57.45 I NI742A 49.6 6.8 3.75 20 5.00 I N2765 6.8 20 6.25 4.70 I N2765A 13.6 40 4.95 6.60 I N2766 40 8.70 6.55 I N2766A 13.6 20.4 60 9.05 ~ I N2767 60 11.70 8.80 I N2767A 20.4 27.2 80 8.40 I N2768 11.15 80 10.65 I N2768A 27.2 14.15 34.0 I N2769 13.70 10.30 100 --- --I N2769A 34.0 100 17.15 12.90 40.8 120 I N2770 15.75 11.85 120 I N2770A 40.8 20.70 15.55 8.4 I NI530 15 16.55 12.45 8.4 15 I NI530A 24.85 18.70 Pc-Avo Collector Power Dissipation'" BVeBo-DC Breakdown Coll.-Base V. Ie-Maximum Collector Current' MILLIWATT TRANSISTORS Suitable for audio, switching and control applications requiring moderate power levels and current gains to SOO-at frequencies to 3 megacycles. to< Meg-A-Life", tested to military standards. **Per Mil-specs shown. EACH Ie Ma. ~ -225- - - - - 99 999 2N320 ...... 500 .59 .39 2N321 225 ... .... 500 .68 .45 2N322 225 ....... 500 .48 .32 2N323 225 .. ..... 500 .60 .40 2N324 225 .. ..... 500 .75 .50 --- -2N331 30 200 200 1.50 1.00 JAN2N331 **S-19500/4C I.BO 1.20 2N398A 150 I 105 I 200 1.30 .87 USN2N398 **S-19500/ 174 I 200 1.47 .98 USAF2N461 **T-19500/45 3.45 2.30 2N464 200 I 45 I 100 1.50 l.pO USA2N465 **T-19500/ SOB 1.80 1.20 2N466 35 1100 1.65 1.10 2001 JAN2N466 **S-19500/ 51D 1.95 1.30 2N467 35 100 2.10 1.40 200 USA2N467 **T-19500/ 52B 2.25 1.50 2N508 225 ....... 500 .83 .55 2N524 225 ....... 500 1.30 .87 2N524A 225 ....... 500 1.95 1.30 2N525 225 - - ..... - - 500 1.30 .87 2N525A 225 ....... 500 2.00 1.35 2N526 500 1.65 1.10 225 JAN2N526 **S-'1'9sooi60C 1.74 1.16 2 N526A 225 ....... 500 2.02 1.35 2N527 225 - - - 500 1.91 1.27 2N527A 225 .. ..... 500 2.28 1.52 2N650 45 500 1.85 1.25 200 2N650A 45t 500 2.40 1.60 200 USN2N650A **S-19500/ 2.92 1.95 2N651 200 175A 45 500 1.88 1.25 2N651 A 200 45t 500 2.30 1.55 USN2N651A **S-19500/ 2.85 1.90 2N652 200 175A 45t 500 2.40 1.60 2 N652A 200 45t 500 2.75 1.85 USN2 N652A **5-19500/ 175A 250 ,3.37 2.25 2N653 200 2sO'1:65 2N654 250 1.80 1.20 200 30 2N655 200 30 250 1.95 1.30 2NI175 225 ...... 500 .99 .66 2NI185 200 45 500 2.75 1.85 2NI188 200 500 3.15 2.10 60 2N 1191 200 40 200 1.12 .75 2N 1192 200 40 200 1.12 .75 2N 1193 200 40 200 1.50 1.00 2NI414 225 ....... 500 .82 .55 --225 ....... 500 .99 .66 2N 1415 2N 1924 225 ....... 500 1.65 1.10 2N 1925 225 ....... 500 1.85 1.25 2N 1926 225 ....... 500 2.20 1.48 2 N2042 200 105 200 1.85 1.25 2N2042A 200 105t 200 2.25 1.50 200 105 200 2.25 1.50 2N2043 200 2N2043A lOSt 200 2.60 1.75 Type Pe BVeBo Mw. Volts No. I I -- I I I I -wt 1:10 ALLIED ... YOUR SEMICONDUCTOR HEADQUARTERS • OEM Prices • All Types in Stock • Personal Service. Same Day Shipment Specify Manufacturer's Name and Type No. on Semiconductor Orders Motorola Silicon Controlled Rectifiers EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS PRY-Peak Reverse Voltage ton-Turn On Time nsee typ-Nanoseconds Typical TJ-Junction Temperature e.-Full Cycle Average VBo-Breakover Voltage FORWARD CURRENT 2S AMPS RMS (TJ= 12SoC.) have 'X6" mounting stud. Types 2N2573 through 2N2579 are housed in TO-41 package; have pa ir of solder lug terminals. Rugged. heavy-duty silicon controlled rectifiers for industrial and military power control applications. Types 2N681 through 2N689 Tygo No. Maximum Ratings and Characteristics @ T J Max. PRV. Y2 Cycle Forward Gate Surge Current VBO Voltage Drop Firing Current Volts Amps Volts Ma. 16 Amps fca 25 150 0.86 25 50 150 0.86 25 100 150 0.86 25 150 150 0.86 25 200 150 0.86 25 250 150 0.86 25 300 150 0.86 25 400 150 0.86 25 500 150 0.86 25 25 260 0.7 25 50 260 0.7 25 100 260 0.7 25 200 260 0.7 25 300 260 0.7 25 400 260 2'; 0.7 500 260 0.7 25 Fig. D D D D D D D D D 2N6S1 2N682 2N683 2N684 2N685 2N686 2N687 2N68B 2N689 2N2573 2N2574 2N2575 2N2576 2N2577 2N2578 2N2579 A A A A A A A EACH 1·99 100-999 S.65 9.40 10.50 12.75 15.00 18.00 21.00 26.25 31.90 7.70 8.40 9.45 13.50 18.90 23.60 28.65 5.75 6.25 7.00 S.50 10.00 12.00 14.00 17.50 21.25 5.15 5.60 6.30 9.00 12.60 15.75 19.10 4.95 5.55 6.50 9.20 15.90 21.20 26.90 3.30 3.70 4.35 6.15 10.60 14.15 17.95 4.50 5.25 6.00 7.50 12.75 IS.OO 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 B.50 12.00 5.15 5.75 7.35 14.60 3.45 3.85 4.90 9.75 ,~ ; FORWARD CURRENT 20 AMPS RMS (TJ= 100°C.) A A A A A A A MCR649-1 MCR649-2 MCR649-3 MCR649-4 MCR649-5 MCR649-6 MCR649-7 25 50 100 200 300 400 500 13 Amps fca 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 FORWARD CURRENT 18 AMPS RMS (TJ= 100°C.) 12 Amps fea B B B B B MC.R808·1 MCRSOS-2 MCRBOS-3 MCRSOS-4 MCRSOS-5 MCRSOB-6 25 50 100 200 300 400 B 225 225 225 225 225 225 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 65 65 65 65 65 65 FORWARD CURRENT 2 AMPS RMS (T J = 10SoC. c MCRS46-1 MCRB46-2 MCRS46-3 MCRB46-4 c c @) 1 Amp 1.2 DC @ 25 0 C'1 30 30 30 30 25 50 100 200 c 1 RADAR MODULATOR TYPES-2 AMPS AVERAGE (TJ-l0SoC.) Silicon controlled rectifiers especially designed for use in radar modulation circuitry. All have VI." mounting stud and solder termiMfr'. Type MCR729-5 ·MCR729-6 MCR729-7 MCR729-8 MCR729-9 MCR729-10 VBO Volt. 300 400 500 600 700 800 o MGCS82'·' MGCSB21-2 MGCSB21-3 MGCS821-4 MGCSB21-5 MGCS821-6 nals. Electrical characteristics in table below are measured at ambient of 2S °C. 'Higher voltages available on request. Maximum Ratings Min. Holding Max. Gate Max. Fwd. Voltton Firing Current age Drop @ 1 Current PRV' Pulse Current (30 Amp Pulse) Amp DC Volts Ma. Volts (PW 10 s.c) nsec typ Ma. 1.2 100 50 50 200 5 50 100 50 1.2 200 5 1.2 50 50 100 200 5 50 1.2 50 100 200 5 50 1.2 50 100 200 5 50 50 1.2 100 200 5 PRV. VBO Volts 25 50 100 200 300 400 EACH 1-99 100-999 37.50 52.50 60.00 90.00 150.00 210.00 25.00 35.00 40.00 60.00 100.00 140.00 GATE CONTROLLED SWITCHES (TJ= 10SoC·)t All are housed in TO-41 package; have pair of solder lug terminals. All electrical characteristics in table below are measured at ambiMfr'. Type 50 50 50 50 1.2 1.2 1.2 Maximum Ratlr.gs Anode Control Y2. Cycle Surgo Current Current Amps Amps 60 5 60 5 60 5 5 60 60 5 60 5 All Prices Shown are OEM Factory Prices ent temperature of 2S o C. tValues apply with gate-to-cathode resistor (Roc) of 300 ohms. Max. Fwd. VoltaQ'e Drop @5 Amps DC Volts 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Max. Gate Turn-On Ma. Volts Ma. -----100 ~ 500 100 100 100 100 100 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 EACH Max. Gate Turn .. Off 500 500 500 500 500 Volts 10 10 10 10 10 10 1-99 100-999 15.00 18.75 22.50 29.25 60.00 90.00 10.00 12.50 15.00 19.50 40.00 60.00 AWED. 37 Motorola Germanium Power Transistors EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS IiVcB:-breakdown voltage. collector to base (in volts) BVcBo-breakdown voltage. collector to base, open input (in volts) BVcES-breakdown voltage. collector to emitter. shorted input (volts) hFE-DC current gain (large signal DC beta) Ie-maximum collector curreut (in amperes) Pc-maximum power dissipation of collector (in watts) Po-maximum power output (in watts) TI-junction temperature expressed in degrees centigrade Motorola powe'r transistors come in a variety of heavy-dnty power handling capabilities-some types offering up to 170 watts of power dissipation. Types in "doorknob" TO-36 cases feature low silhouette packaging. that requires .30% less headroom than conventional TO-36 packages. Over 200 different types are availableall in stock at Allied. "See Data Sheet for safe area operation. GERMANIUM POWER TRANSISTORS IFI9.1(~)I~1 o~~:~:B.IBV:ul (~) I~i~~~ T,::.e 2 N 173 clWoI100 60* JAN2NI74 Per MIL-T-19500/13A 2 N 174 C 150 100 80' 2NI74A C 150100 80' ~ C 150 100 40' 2 N278 C 150 100 50* 2 N297A A 90 100 60 USA2N297A Per MIL-T-19500/36A 2N375 A 90 100 80 2 N441 C 150 100 40" 2N442 C150100 SO' 2 N443 C 150 100 60' 2 N618 A 90 100 80 2 N627 A 90 100 40 2 N628 A 90 100 60 2N6'29 A 90 100 80 2 N630 A 90 100 100 2NI011 A 90100 80 USA2NI011 PerMIL-T-19500/67A 2NI0991~115°11001 C ISO 100 2 N I 100 2NI120 A 90 100 80' 100* 80 I SO 15 35 70 70 40 45 SO 15 15 25 25 35 35 40 60 40 45 50 60 30 45 60 75 80 70 80 70 ~ 15 3 3 15 15 15 3 10 10 10 10 5 35 20 20 20 60 10 10 10 10 30 70 3.70 2.50 4.75 3.18 4.00 2.67 4.20 2.79 2.50 1.66 1.85 1.25 1.75 1.17. 2.65 1.78 90 4.10 2.75 40 1.85 1.25 40 1.95""""1.30 40 2.08 1.39 140 4.50 3.00 30 2.85 1.90 30 3.35 2.25 30 5.30 3.55 30 6.05 4.05 75 2.17 1.45 2.90 1.94 50 50 70 70 100 m-51~1.2Q. 15 25 50 15 20 SO 4.30 2.87 5.00 3.34 8.25 5.50 ~::: ff\2! P\i1g1~\-N~OO/'"1 ~ ~2~\~~ \ ~~ I~::g Hg 2 N I 164 A 90 100 80 60 25 15 65 8.25 5.50 2NI165 A 90 100 80 60 25 15 65 8.25 5.50 USN2NI165 Per MIL-S-19500/17SA 14.60 9.75 2NI1661 A 19011001 100 ~5 25115165 2NI167 A 90 100 100 75 25 15 65 9.75 9.75 6.50 6.50 2'Ni"3'58c ISO 100 80* 70 1525 50'4:60 3.06 USA2 N 1358 Per MIL-S-19500/122 6.25 4.17 JAN2 N 1358M Per MIL-S-19500/122A 6.25 4.17 2NI359 A 90100 50 40 ] 3 5 90 2.15 1.45 2NI360 l~IOO 50 40 3 ~ 140 2.25~ 2 N 1362 A 90 100 100 75 3 35 90 4.85 3.25 2 N 1363 A 90 100 100 75 3 60 140 5.10 3.40 2 N 1364 A 90 100 120 100 3 35 90 13.85 9.25 2N 13~_5 A 90 100 120 100 3 60 140 15.00 10.00 2NI412 C 150100 100' 80 15 25 SO 5.75 3.84 US N2 N 1412 Per MIL-S-19500/76A 6.50 4.34 2NI529 A 90 100 40 30 5 20 40 1.95 1.30 2 N I 530 A 90 100 60 45 5 20 40 2.00 1.35 2 N 1531 A 90 100 SO 60 5 20 40 3.00 2.05 ~14- 90 100 100 75 5 20 40 4.30 2.90 2 N I 533 A 90 100 120 90 5 20 40 7.75 ""S":25 2NI534 A 90 100 40 30 5 35 70 1.55 1.05 2NI535 A 90100 60 45 5 35 70 1.71 1.14 2NI536 A 90100 80 60 5 35 70 1.87 1.25 2 N 1537 A 90 100 100 75 5 35 70 4.40 2.95 2 N 1538 A 90 100 120 90 5 35 70 9.05 - 6.1 0 2 N 1539 A 90 100 40 30 5 50 100 1.68 1.12 2 N 1540 A 90 100 60 45 5 50 100 1.34 1.23 2 N 1541 A 90 100 80 60 5 50 100 3.00 2.00 2NI542 A 90 100 100 75 5 SO 100 4.15 2.78 2NI543 A- 90 100 120 90 5 50 10010.30 6.95 2NI544 A 90100 40 30 5 75 150 2.15 1.44 2 N 1545 A 90 100 60 45 5 75 150 2.60 1.75 2 N 1546 A 90 100 SO 60 5 75 ISO 3.90 2.65 2 N 1547 A 90 100 100 75 5 75 150 5.60 3.80 lID EACH hFE Type Fi Pc Tj BVCBO BVCES Ie ~ g·(W)·C V V (A) min max 1.99 100-999 2 N I 54B A 90 ."'10"'0'1---,-,12'"'0,---1----:9"'0- 1--'--::-5-1--::::'75 1sO 10.95 7.40 2NI549 A 90 100 40 30 15 10 30 2.55 1.70 30 3.05 2.05 2 N 1550 A 90 100 60 45 15 10 2NI551 A 90100 80 60 15 10 30 4.85 3.25 2 N I 552 A 90 100 100 75 15 10 30 5.55 3.70 2NI553 A 90 100 40 30 15 30 60 2.70 1.80 2 N 1554 A 90 100 60 45 15 30 60 3.20 2.15 2 N 1555 A 90 100 80 60 15 30 60 5.20 3.50· 2NI556 A 90 100 100 75 15 30 60 6.35 4.30 2NI557 A 90100 40 30 15 50 100 3.20 2.15 2NI55B A 90100 60 45 15 50 100 4.BO 3.20 2NI559 A 90100 80 60 15 50 100 5.90 4.00 2 N I 560 A 90 100 100 75 15 50 100 7.85 5.30 2NI970 C 150100 100 50 15 17 40 2.60 1.73 2 N2075 ~ 170 110 80 SO 15 20 5.75 3.B4 - - 40 2 N2076 C 170 110 70 70 15 20 40 4.00 2.67 2N2077 C 170 110 50 50 15 20 40 3.20 2.12 2N2078 C 170 110 40 40 15 20 70 2.08 1.39 2 N2079 C 170 110 80 80 15 35 70 B.OO 5.34 2 N20BO C 170 100 70 70 15 35 70 5.65 3.78 C 170 :-'l1;oO,I--;5::0,---I--;5;;':0-1--:2 N2081 1==-5-1-':;':;35 70 3.50 2.32 2 N20B2 C 170 110 40 40 15 35 70 2.65 1.7B 2N2137 A 62.5100 30 30 3 30 60 I.BO 1.20 2N2138 A 62.5100 45 45 3 30 60 2.10 1.40 30 60 2.25 1.50 2N2139 A 1~1~10~0'1 _ _60~'__ 1_~60~'1_~3_1~~11~~ 2 N2140 A 62.5100 75 75 3 30 60 3.90 .2.60 2N2141 A 62.5100 90 90 3 30 60 7.85 5.25 2 N2142 A 62.5100 30 30 3 50 100 2.30 1.55 2 N2143 A 62.5100 45 45 3 50 100 2.45 1.65 2 N2144 A 62.5100 60 60 3 50 100 2.50 2iii2i45 A 62.5100 75 75 3 50 100 4.50 3.00 2N2146 A 62.5100 90 90 3 50 100 B.60 5.75 2 N2152 C 170 110 45 45 30 50 100 3.60 2.40 2N2153 C 170110 60 60 30 50 100 5.55 3.70 2N2154 C 170110 75 75 30 50 100 10.10 6.75 2iii2i55CI70110 90 90 30 5010015.3510.25 2N2156 C 170110 45 45 30 80 160 4.10 2.75 2 N2157 C 170 110 60 60 30 80 160 6.35 4.25 2N2158 C 170110 75 75 30 80 160 10.85 7.25 2N2159 C 170110 90 90 30 80 160 16.25~ 2 N2490 C 170 110 70 50 15 20 40 3.30 2.40 2 N2491 C 170 110 60 40 15 35 70 3.30 2.40 2 N2492 C 170 110 80 65 15 25 50 5.50 4.1 5 100 75 15 25 50 11.00 8.50 2 N2493 C 170 110 2N2526 A 85110 80 80 10 20 50 7.10 4.75 2N2s27 A 85 110 120 120 10 20 50 9.30 6.20 2N2528 A 85110 160 160 10 20 50 14.85 9.90 2 N2728 C 170 110 15 5 50 20 ..... 26.25 17.50 2 N2832 A •• 110........... 50 20 25 .... 9.00 6.00 ~ A ~ 110.. ......... 75 20 25 .13.00 8.70 2 N2834 A ., 110........... 100 20 25 ..... 22.50 15.00 MP500 C 170 110 45 45 60 30 60 6.35 4.25 MP501 C 170110 60 60 60 30 60 10.80 7.20 MP502 C 170 11075 75 60 30 60 14.25 9.50 MP503 C 170 110 90 90 ~~ ~ 20.25 13.50 MP504 C 170 110 45 45 6Q 50 100 7.40 4.95 MP505 C i70 11~ 60 60 60 50 100 12.00 8.00 MP506 C 170110 75 75 60 50 10016.1010.75 MP507 C 170 110 90 90 60 SO 10022.5015.00 2:ZE MOTOROLA TRANSISTOR MOUNTING KITS AUTOMOTIVE TYPE POWER TRANSISTORS EACH Typ. Type BVCBO BVCES Po Pc Ie (waUs) (watts) (amps) hFE 1·99 100·999 V V No. 30 2 90 3 45 1:20 .87 40 2NI76 40 3 SO 1.10 .80 40 30 2 2NI78 30 1.65 1.10 SO 40 4 90 3 2N350A 40 90 45 1.70 1.15 2N351A 50 4 4 90 5 60 1.85 1.25 2N376A SO 40 4 50 2N554 15 16 2 40 3 .60 .40 30 40 3 50 2N555 30 2 .75 .50 90 1.55 1.15 2N669 40 30 2 90 3 38 • ALLIED Provide h~rdware for chassis mtg. TO-3 power transistor types and 50-watt zener diodes. *With heat sink. 3 oz. Type No. MK·IO MK·15 MK·20 MS·IO MS·15 I r'lsulatlrig Washer Tefton-coated fiberglass Mica Anodized Aluminum Teflon· Mica· New Semiconductor Types Are Added to Stock 1·99 •. EA. .23 .23 .35 2.25 2.25 100·999. EA. .15 .15 .23 1.95 1.95 as They Are Announced Quality Engineered Motorola Transistors EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS AND SYMBOLS f-typ. operating frequency fT-gain bandwidth product G. @ f-common emitter AC gain hFE-large signal DC gain Ie-maximum collector current Pd-transistor power dissip. Po-maximum power output Tj-iunction temperature Yea-maximum collector· to-base voltage t-hFE @ Ie ·-stud mtd. t-epitaxial fl--Po in mw §-4 lead TO-lS HIGH FREQUENCY SWITCHING AND AMPLIFIER TRANSISTORS GERMANIUM PNP MESA SWITCHING TYPES For high speed switching applications All have Tj of lOO·C EACH Type Vea hFE @ Ie fT typo Case p. No. (mw) (volts) typo (ma) (me) 1-99 100-999 2N695 A 75 15 40 250 10 17.60 11.75 2N705 B 150 15 40 10 325 1.95 1.32 2N705 USN B 150 15 40 10 325 2.45 1.65 10 2N710 B 150 15 40 325 1.75 1.16 2N711 B 150 12 30 300 10 1.15 .77 2N711A B 150 -1-5- 40 10 320 1.45 .97 10 2N711 B B 18 150 50 320 1;02 1.56 B 2N828t 150 15 40 10 400 3.75 2.50 B 2N828At 150 15 40 10 400 3.75 2.50 2N829t B 80 10 400 150 15 4.45 2.90 B 2 N960t 150 15 40 10 460 2.85 1":90 2N961 t B 150 12 40 10 460 2.45 1.65 2N962t B 150 12 10 40 460 2.25 1.50 B 2N963t 150 12 40 10 460 1.42 .95 2N964t B 150 15 70 10 460 4.11 2.74 B 2N964At 150 15 80 10 460 5.25 3.50 2N965t B 150 70 10 12 460 3.75 2.50 B 2N966t 150 12 70 10 460 2.45 1.65 2N967t B 150 12 70 10 460 1.56 1.02 2N968 B 150 15 35 10 320 1.02 1.53 2N969 B 150 12 35 10 320 1.24 .83 B 2N970 150 12 3S 10 320 .89 .59 2N971 B 150 7 35 10 320 .84 .56 B 150 2N972 15 75 10 320 1.60 1.07 2N973 B 150 12 75 10 320 1.35 .90 B 2N974 150 12 75 10 """"320 -:94 .63 2N975 B 150 7 10 75 320 .89 .59 C 250 20 30 400 2N 1204t 400 6.38 4.65 30 400 2NI494t 400 7.50 c* 300 20 5.00 2NI495t 250 40 40 200 400 7.35 5.35 -CC*- 300 40 40 200 2N 1496t 400 8.55 5.70 C 300 30 2N2381t 45 200 400 7.50 5.00 C 300 45 45 2N2382t 200 400 8.55 5.70 --- -- -- - - GERMANIUM PNP MESA AMPLIFIER TYPES ea.. Pd Vea G. @ f fT typo EACH No. (mw) (volts) db (me) (me) 1-99 100-999 2N700 A ""'15 25"""23-w 500 7.35 4.90 2 N700A A 75 25 25 70 500 I 1.85 8.70 2 N700A SigC A 75 25 25 70 800 14.25 9.50 2N741 B 150 15 22 30 360 2.18 1.45 2 N741 A B 150 2()' 22 30 360 3.30 2.20 2NI141t c300~~8s01o.i2 6.75 2 N I 142t C 300 30 26 70 850 9.45 6.30 2 N I 143t C 300 25 26 70 850 6.38 4.25 2 N I 195t C 225, 30 27 70 850 6.63 4.42 2NI561 D 250 25 6001 160 500 21.75 14.50 2 N 1562 D 250 25 500# 160 ~ 14.25 9.50 2 N 1692 E 350 25 600, 160 500 22.50 17.00 2 N 1693 E 350 25 500# 160 450 18.00 12.00 Type SILICON NPN EPITAXIAL SWITCHING TYPES Pd Tj Vea hFE @ Ie fT typo Case (mw) ·C (v.) mini (rna) (me) max 2N697 C 600 175 60 40/120 150 400-300 300 175 25 20/10 ' 400 2N706 B 10 400 2N706A B 300 175 25 20/60 2N706B B 300 175 25 20/60 10 400 2 N706M(JAN) B 300 175 25 30/120 10 400 B 360 200 40 30/120 10 450 2N708 B 300 200 20 40/120 10 450 2N744 400 B 300 175 25 40/120 10 2N753 B 300 175 40 25/10 500 2N834 300 -175 25 20/10 ·150 B 2N835 200 ' 360 40 B 30/120 10 500 2N914 300 2NI420 C 600 175 70 100/300 150 800 175 60 20/60 150 400 2 N2217 C 400 C BOO 175 60 40/120 150 2N2218 175 800 60 100/300 150 400 2N2219 C 400 B 500 175 60' 20/60 150 2N2220 B 400 500 175 60 40/120 150 2 N2221 175 400 B 500 60 100/300 150 2 N2222 B 360 200 40 50/150 10 500 2N2501 400 BOO 200 60 50/150 150 2N2537 C 400 C 800 200 60 100/300 150 2N2538 B 500 200 60 50/150 150 400 2 N2539 400 B 500' 200 60 100/300 150 2N2540 Type No. EACH 100999 2.07 1.38 1.55 1.05 1.80 1.21 5.40 3.60 5.40 3.60 2.90 1.93 8.25 5.50 5.60 3.75 6.15 4.10 5.40 3.60 5.75 3.85 6.30 4.20 5.85 3.90 5.85 3.90 6.75 4.50 -5.85 - -3.90 5.85 3.90 6.75 4.50 8.25 5.50 6.65 4.45 -7.40 - 4.95 6.65 4.45 7.40 4.95 1-99 -- NPN CHOPPER 1 C \175\ 30 1 50 / B 1 800 500 175 30 50/- 2N2330 2 N2331 10\ 10 200 200 \14.62\9.75 14.62 9.75 SILICON PNP EPITAXIAL SWITCHING TYPES ~ 400 17550 2N722 2 N I 132 2 N I 132A 2NI132B ::-2~N-=-2:::80='0~--1 2 N2BO I 2N2837 2N2838 C C C C C B B 600 175 50 600 175 60 600 175 70 8iiO 20050 800 200 50 500 200 50 500 20050 30/90 30/90 30/90 30/90 30/90 15/225 30/90 75/225 150 60(Min) 150 6O(Min) 150 60(Min) 150 60 (Min) 150120(Min) 150120(M!n) 150120(Min) 150120(Min) 11.15 8.36 I 1.15 8.36 16.65 12.50 26.0019.50 13.95 9.3C, 14.70 9.80 13.95 9.30 14.70 9.80 NPN AMPLIFIER Typo No. 2N707 2 N707 A 2 N918 M M 719 MM 799 MM 800 MM 801 Cas. Pd TJ VeB (mw) ·C (volts) ""'B" (l.3 175 --s6 B 0.5 175 70 B§ 0.2200 30 C 3 200 60 ""F"' 20 175 F 25 175 55 E 5 175 55 ---ss Po @ f fTtyP. (me) (me) (w.) o:3lOO 35iJ 0.5 100 0.02 500 O.BO 60 ~ 17 50 6 50 350 600 400 200 200 300 EACH 1-99 100-999 7.54 s:T3 22.50 15.00 20.25 13.50 4.50 3.00 48.75 32.50 66.75 44.50 14.25 9.50 COMPLEMENTARY NPN-PNP MESA SWITCHES 2 N2257 SI 2 N2259 Ge I B 1300 11751 B 150 100 7 7 150 50 10*1 320 10* 320 I 1.27 1.27 I .85 .B5 "MEG-A-LlFE" TYPE INDUSTRIAL POWER TRANSISTORS Rugged power transistors especially designed for industrial use. Identical to those germanium power transistors listed above that Type No. 2NI162A 2NI163A 2NI164A 2NI165A 2NI166A 2NI167A 2NI529A 2NI530A 2NI531A 2NI532A 2N I 534A 2NI535A 2NI536A 2NI537A 2N 1539A 2 N I 540A EACH 1-99 100-999 6.T5 "'""4.TO 6.15 9.00 9.00 10.50 4.10 6.00 6.00 7.00 Iil:SO 7.iiO 2.60 2.70 3.80 5.10 1.75 1.80 2.55 3.40 ""2:30 ""1:55 2.45 2.60 5.15 2.45 2.60 1.64 1.75 3.45 1.62 1.73 Typo No. 2NI541A 2N 1542A 2NI544A 2N 1545A 2 N 1546A 2NI547A 2NI549A 2N 1550A 2NI551 A 2NI552A 2N I 553A 2N 1554A 2N 1555A 2NI556A 2NI557A 2 N 1558A· EACH 1-99 100-999 3.75 2.50 4.90 3.28 2.75 1.85 3.30 2.20 4.70 ~ 6.35 4.30 3.30 2.20 3.BO 2.55 5.60 3.75 4.20 6.30 --2.25 3.35 3.90 2.65 5.90 4.00 7.10 4.80 3.90 2.60 5.45 3.65 All Prices Shown Are OEM Factory Prices are without "A" suffixes in their Type Nos.. 'but. in addition. are certified to meet the latest MIL-S-19500 specifications. Type No. 2NI559A 2N 1560A 2N2075A 2N2076A 2N2077A 2N2078A 2N2079A 2N2080A 2N2081 A 2N2082A 2N2137A 2N2138A 2N2139A 2N2140A 2N2141A 2N2142A EACH 1-99 100-999 6.65 8;60 5.80 6.50 4.34 4.75 3.17 3.95 2.62 --2.85' 1.89 B.75 5.84 4.28 6.40 2.82 4.25 3.40 2.28 2.55 1.70 2.85 1.90 2.00 3.00 4.65 3.10 8.60 5.75 3.05 2.05 - - - ---;uo Typ. No. 2N2143A 2N2144A 2N2145A 2N2146A 2N2152A 2N2153A 2N2154A 2N2156A 2N2157A 2N2158A MP500A MP50lA MP502A MP504A MP505A MP506A EACH 100-999 1-99 3.20 2.15 4.50 3.00 5.25 3.50 6.25 9.35 4.35 2.90 6.30 4.20 7.25 10.85 4.85 3.25 7.10 4.75 11.60 7.75 7.10 4.75 7,70 11.55 15.00 10.00 B.IS 5.45 12.75 8.50 16.85 11.25 ALLIED • 39 Motorola Silicon Rectifiers EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS lo-maximum average rectifled forward current Isur-surge current P1V-peak inYerse yollage HIGH-VOLTAGE MOLDED ASSEMBLY (Not illus) Max operating temp is 150 'C EACH Type I' (A) P.IY Isut (V) No. @2S'C 1-99 100-999 ;~ 1000 0.2 2.5 I NI730 5.95 3.90 1500 0.2 2.5 I NI731 6.90 4.60 2000 0.2 2.5 9.70 5.90 I NI732 3000 0.15 2.5 12.75 9.50 I NI733 5000 0.10 2.5 115 •00 10.00 I NI734 I N2382 4000 0.15 2.5 13.95 9.30 2.5 18.90 12.60 6000 0.10 I N2383 8000 0.07 2.5 25.05 16.70 I N2384 2.5 30.00 20.00 I N2385 10.000 0.07 . llil GENERAL-PURPOSE TYPES Letter uR" in Type No. indicates reverse polarity Max temp is 175 'C Type PlY No. (V) MR322 MR322R MR323 MR323R MR324 MR324R MR325 M R325R MR326 MR326R. 50 50 100 .100 200 200 300 300 400 400 o " \ EACH I' (A) Isur @ISO'C ~ 1-99 ~ 300 --:66 .45 18 18 300 .66 .45 300 .72 .51 18 300 18 .72 .51 300 1.08 18 ~ 18 I 300 1.08 .74 300 1.27 .85 18 300 1.27 .85 18 18 300 1.48 .99 300 1.48 .99 18 FLANGE LESS TYPES Type PlY No. (V) I' (rna) . @SO'C 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 Jsur (A) EACH 1-99 100·999 100 30 1:05 "'"YI) I N2610 200 30 I N2611 1.18 .79 300 30 I N2612 1.55 1.03 400 30 I N2613 1.70 500 ~ 1.95 ~ 1.30 I N2614 30 2.30 1.55 600 I N2615 800 30 4.85 3.25 I N2616 1000 30 7.50 5.00 I N2l>17 200 ~ 30 3.TS 2.10 I N3189 USN I N3 I 89 Per MIL-S-19S00/ISS 4.35 2.90 I N3190 lA 400 30 5.25 3.50 I N3191 600 IA 30 7.35 4.90 I I ffiI I SINGLE-ENDED TYPES EACH I' (A) IsurCA) @25'C @25'C 1-99 100-999 100 1.0 70 1.05 .70 100' 1.5 70 1.65 1.10 200 1.0 70 1.18 .79 200 1.5 70 1.97 1.25 300 ""TO 70 1.54 "'i':25 300 1.5 70 2.17 1.45 400 1.0 70 1.57 1.05 400 1.5 70 2.40 1.60 Mfr', Type I NI563 I NI563A I NI564 I NI564A I NI565 I NI565A I NI566 I NI566A PlY mSUB-MINIATURE TYPES I N3282 I N3283 I N3284 I N3285 I N3286 lS00 1000 2000 1 2500 3000 @I 100 1100 100 100 100 I 513.9512.65 5 5.60 3.75 5 7.95 5.30 5 10.05 6.70 5 12.00 8.00 "SURMETIC" TYPES Max operating temp is 175 'C Typo PlY No. (V) .1 N4001 I N4002 I N4003 I N4004 I N4005 I N4006 I N4007 50 100 200 ·400 600 800 1000 40 • ALLIED I' (A) @7S'C 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Isur (A) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 EACH 1-99 100-999 .45 --:30 .49 .33 .60 .40 .67 .45 .96 .64 2.55 1.70 5.10 3.40 * @] TOP-HAT TYPES t @ lOO'C', § @ 30'C @ 50'C', Type PlY No. (V) I' (A) , I,ur 4 STUD"MOUNTED TYPES (Conl'd) EACH 1-99 100-999 --:so 50 30 -:78 .750' I N536 .750* 30 100 .78 I N537 .50 30 200 I N538 .750' .78 .50 300 30 .750' .91 .60 I N539 30 ·400 .7S0· I N540 .97 .65 JANI N540PerMIL-E-l/108SA 1.24 .80 I N54730 600 .750' 1.42 .95 .600§ 800 15 2.55 1.70 I N560 1000 .600f 15 5.10 3.40 I N561 500 30 I NI095 .750~ .97 .65 600 .750' 30 1.42 I NI096 .95 15 I NIIOO 100 .750' .75 .50 .750* INIIOI 200 15 .75 .50 300 .750* 15 .90 I NII02 .60 400 .750' 15 .97 I NII03 .65 -.750' - - 15 2.47 1.65 500 I NII04 600 .750* 15 2.92 1.95 I NII05 400 15 1.20 .80 .500t I NI169 50 1.2 15 .45 I NI217 .68 50 1.2 15 I NI217A .56 100 1.2 15 ~ I NI218 .77 --:5i"" 15 INI218A 100 1.2 .99 .66 15 I NI219 150 1.2 .82 .55 15 I NI219A 150 1.2 1.19 .79 200 1.2 IS .62 I NI220 .93 15 1.43 --:95 LNI220A 200 300 1.2 15 NI221 1.23 .82 15 2.00 1.34 N122·IA 300 1.2 400 1.2 15 1.50 1.00 NI222 15 2.55 NI222A 400 1.2 500 1.2 15 T.95 ~ NI223 1.30 15 3.55 2.38 NI223A 500 1.2 15 2.40 1.60 600 1.2 NI224 15 4.75 3.19 NI224A 600 1.2 700 1.2 15 3.15 NI225 800 1.2 1'5 3.90 2.60 NI226 15 4.42 2.95 1000 1.2 NI443 .750 100 15 .72 .48 NI487 200 .750 15 .75 '.• 50 NI488 .750 300 15 .55 .82 NI489 15 .750 400 .97 .65 NI490 500 .750 15 .65 .97 I NI491 .750 15 1.42 .95 600 I NI492 20 100 .600' .70 .45 I NI692 .60020 200 .75 I NI693 .60020 -:78 .52 300 I NI694 .600-' 20 400 .96 .64 I NI695 .60020 500 .96 .64 INI696 20 1.41 600 .600* .94 I NI697 u:- g 4 [Q] [II STUD-MOUNTED v,."; TYPES ' Fig. D, Fig. E, .'].1.". Max. temp., 17S'C. "R" indicates reverse polarity. * @ 13S'C; t @ lOO'C; t @ 50'C; § @ 85'C; {} @ 140'C', •• @ 150'C I EACH Type PIV 10 Fig. (V) 1100(ma) )11o. 99 --- - 999 I N253 D 100 IA* 1.05 ----:70 D 200 400' .83 I N254 1.24 D I N255 400 400' 1.96 1.31 I N256 D 600 200' 2.70 1.80 1.30 , I N332 400*' 1.95 -- - -1.30 --DD- 400 400 400*' 1.95 I N333 D 300 400** I N334 1.57 1.05 D 300 200" 1.57 1.05 I N335 D 200 400" I N336 1.24 .83 D '200*' 200 1.24 .83 I N337 lA** D 100 1.87 1.25 I N338 D 100 400*' .79 I N339 1.18 D 100 200** I N340 1.18 .79 D 400 400** 1.95 1.30 I N341 400 200" 1.95 1.30 ~ D D 300 400** 1.57 I:OS I.N343 300 200" D 1.57 1.05 I N344 EACH 110099 999 N345 D 200 400" 1.24 -:s3 N346 D 200 200" - 1.24 .83 D N347 100 lA** 1.72 1.15 D N348 100 400" 1/18 .79 N349 D 100 200" 1.18 .79 N550 D 100 SOOt 1.29 .86 D N551 200 SOOt 1.38 .92 N552 D 300 SOOt 1.77 1.18 N553 D 400 SOOt 2.01 1.34 D N554 2.10 1.40 -500 - ~ 3.00 N555 D 600 SOOt 2.00 N562 D 800 400" 5.02 3.35 N563 D 1000 400" 7.50 5.00 D N607 50 IAt 1.12 .75 N608 D 100 ~ 1.18 .79 ---D N609 ISO lAt 1.21 .81 N610 D 200 1At 1.24 .83 D NII15 100 1.SA§ 1.09 .73 D NII16 200 1.SA§ 1.21 .81 D 300 1.5A§ NII17 -/.53 - 1.02 NII18 D 400 1.5A§ I.BO 1.20 D NII19 500 1.5A§ 1.90 1.27 NI120 D 600 1.5A§ 2.77 1.85 D NI537 50 1.6A# 1.75 /.19 D 100 1.6A# NI538 2.25 1.50 D NI539 150 1.6A# 2.32 1.55 NI540 D 200 1.6A# 2.55 1.70 NI541 D 300 1.6A# 3.00 2.00 D I NI542 400 1.6A# 3.97 2.65 NI543 D 500 1.6A# 5.17. 3.45 NI544 D 600 1.6A# 6.30 4.20 E N3208 50 15A" /.15 .79 N3208R E 50 lSA" 1.15 .79 N3209 E 100 15A** 1.30 .89 N3209R E 100 15A" 1.30 .89 -200 - -15A" - - ""'1.75 N3210 E 1.19 N3210R E 300 15A*' 1.75 1.19 300 15A" N3211 E 2.40 1.60 N3211 R E 300 .t5A** 2.40 1.60 400 ISA" N3212. E 2.90 1.93 N3212R E 400 ISA" 2.90 1.93 NI124 D 200 3M 2.44 1.63 NI124R D 200 3.3M 2.44 1.63 D 300 3M NI125 2.85 1.90 NI125R D 300 3.3M 2.85 1.90 --NI126 D 400 3A~ 4.65 3.10 400 3.3M I NI126R D 4.65 3.10 ,J'N1127 D 500 3At 7.35 4.90 I NI127R D 500 3.3M 7.35 4.90 D I NI128 600 3At 8.60 5.75 I NI128R D 600 3.3At 8.60 5.75 D I N3649 800 3.3M 12.15 8.10 I N3650 D 1000 3.3M 14.10 9.40 Type No. PIV Fig. (V) -- -- ---- -- -- -- SEMICONDUCTOR BOOKS Silicon Zener Diode and Rectifier Handbook. Accepted as a standard refer- --- -- -- ence for those who use, specify t or purchase semiconductors, A comprehensive 200-page guide to basic theory, design, and applications. 6x8\!z" •. Postpaid in U.S.A. 2 0'0 37K412 ......... . -- -- -- -- -- 10 (ma) Power Transistor Handbook. Begins with semi-conductor t>asic theory and structure, progresses to newest designs and applications. Recognized as the standard industry reference. 215 pages. 6x8 \!z". 37 K 185. Postpaid in U.S.A•.......• 2.00 Allied Electronics Is Headquarters for Semiconductors at Factory Prices Motorola Silicon Rectifier Stacks, Logic Circuits • FOR MEDIUM-CURRENT APPLICATIONS Motorola rectifier stacks described on this page consist of mediumcurrent rectifier ceUs interconnected in any of six standard rectifier circuits, and are available with voltage and current ratings up to 1200 volts and 105 amperes. Securely mounted iu extruded-fin aluminum coolers, which provide optimum heat-sink surface contact, these units offer a new concept in compact, thermal-efficient circuit packages. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: Rectifier Stacks; Storage and operating temperature, -65° C to +125° C. Individual Rectifier Cells (at 25° C); DC forward voltage drop at 100 Adc, VF = 1.5 Vdc max. Reverse Current at rated DC reverse voltage, In = 1.0 mAde max. Peak recurrent forward current at 60 cps, IF = 115 amps max. See diagrams below for standard rectifier circuits available . . . . - - - STANDARD RECTIFIER CIRCUITS Vertical Configurotion Free Convection Cooling AVAILABLE Voltcge/c;.;rr ... n~ ratings up to 1200 volts & 105 amperes QSINGLE PHASE FULL WAVE BRIDGE In any of six type's of design THREl: PHASE FULL WAVE BRIDGE I~ T Maximum heattransfer due to extrudedfin coolers + VOLTAGE DOUBLER FULL WAVE CENTER TAP RECTIFIER HORIZONTAL CONFIGURATION Forced-Air Cooling HALF WAVE RECTIFIER THREE PHASE .HALF WAVE RECTIFIER EXTRA-WI DE-SELECTION OF ASSEMBLY COMBINATIONS AND CIRCUIT CONFIGURATIONS Standard assemblies in six basic circuits provide a choice of more than 400 voltagecurrent combinations. See diagrams of standard rectifiers above. Custom circuits are also available upon request. See ordering information below. HIGH THERMAL-EFFICIENCY ••• PLUS'SLOnED-BRACKET DESIGN FOR EXTREME MOUNTING EASE The number of cooler-fins, their precise orientation and radial design, are engineered for maximum heat dissipation. Optimum rectifier-cooler contact assures maximum heat-transfer. Slotted-bracket design provides chassis mounting flexibility. Extruded·fin design provides maximum air exposure-greater heat dissipation. Mount horizontally. Also can be mounted vertically for convection cooling. FULLY TESTED-MULTI-STAGE IN-PROCESS CHECKING-YOUR ASSURANCE OF MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE Individual rectifier cells are 100% stresstested and checked for thermal fatigue (lot sampling). They are again tested after insertion into coolers, and finally the completed assemblies are again 100% tested to their maximum ratings. ORDERING INFORMATION nearest Allied Electronics office (see page one for locations). Complete specifications and ordering instructions for more than Ask for Motorola publication number DS6016-you'll receive 400 standard Motorola rectifier stacks (as described above) are prompt, courteous attention. provided in a, special brochure that is now available from your MECL INTEGRATED LOGIC CIRCUITS • Simultaneous OR·NOR and AND-NAND Functions • Propagation Delay of Only 4 nsec at 35 mw Power Dissipation • High Naise·lmmunity-50% of Logic Swing MC306G and MC307G. Feature: Extreme high-speed capability -due to the elimination of storage delay time as a speed limiting factor. Low noise and crosstalk-because of high input and output impedances and the constant-current characteristics of this logic form. High logic capability-thanks to the simultaneous availability of the logic output and its complement from the same circuit. For systems in which the logic operation is performed at the circuit outputs, the Type MC307G gate is supplied without output resistors so that it can be connected in parallel with a MC306G gate to substantially reduce the overall system power dissipation. Complementing the 3~input gate circuits are: Fan·ln Expanders (MC305G), each of which adds five inputs to the original 3input gate. Bias Regulator (MC304G) which provides a regulated bias voltage for optimum- circuit performance under extreme temperature and power supply variations. " Stack No. I Type Mfr'. I Lagical Function I Fan IFanl Po I EACH25-99 In Out (mw) 1 .. 24 - 4 U 025 MC306G 3-input gate - 3 - 26 4 U 026 MC307G ,3-input gate 3 26 35 15 75.00 160.00 75.00 60.00 Me 30SG Me 304G Up to four expanders may be used to provide as many as 25 Fan·lns without affecting performance of the basic gate. Operates over a temperature rangeof -55°Cto +125°C. Me 307G Me 306G Stack No. I Mfr'. Type I i.agical FUnction I Fan Fanl (mw) Po I 1 .. 24 EACH25-99 In 1 Out 4 U 023 MC304G Bias Regulator - ..-.- 26 4 U 024 MC305G Expander 5. . You Ca;] Depend on Allied for t' e Latest in Industrial Electronic Equipment 18 .. 45.00 136.00 50.00 40.00 ALlIED. 41 General Electric Silicon Transistors • EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS BVcBo-coll.-to-base breakdown voltage. open input Cob-output cap, hFE-DC fwd curro trans. ratio ICFc-cathode gate ~urrent to fire rs-series "on" h'e-srnall signal (AC) fwd current transfer ratio VCER-coll.-to-emitter resistance VCB-coll.-to-base volts VCEo-coll.-to-emitter volts. open input res. input VEEo-emitter-to-emitter v. V., fhfb-small signal common base fwd curro trans. ratio cutoff freq. ICBo-col1ector cutoff current, emitter open IF-forward current VGFA-anode gate volts to fire VGFc-cathode gate volts to fire VEBo-emitter-to-base volts. open input Vo-offset voltage diff. PLANAR PASSIVATED TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE PLANAR PASSIVATED NPN TRANSISTORS (Conl'd) , For switching and amplifier use. TO-S package. Typ. ft. 130 me. Pt@25°C VEBD VeER hFE h'e (w) (v) (v) Min. Max. Min. Max. No. 0.6 20-60 5 .......... 2N696 40 0.6 40-120 ......... 2N697 5 40 20-60 0.8 IS 2N69B 7 80 40-120 35-100 0.6 5 80 2N699 30-100 40-120 2N 1613 - 0.8 7 50 -- -50-200 100-300 0.8 7 50 2N 1711 40-120 30-100 0.8 -2N 18B9 7 80 50-200 0.8 7 80 100-300 2N 1890 30-100 40-120 0.8 7 100 2N I B93 75 min. 76-200 2N 1973 - 0.8 - - -77- 80 36-90 35 min. 0.8 80 2N 1974 18-50 0.8 7 80 15 min. 2 N 1975 70-210 5 ....... 2 N 19B3 0.6 30 35-100 2 N 19B4 0.6 5 30 ....... 15-45 0.6 5 30 ....... 2 N 1985 0.8 7 ....... 75 2N2049 50 Type EACH 1-99 100-999 1.57 1.05 2.06 1.3B 4.95 3.30 4.95 3.30 7.01 4.6B B.25 5.50 15.45 10.30 18.45 12.30 10.60 6.85 10.50 7.00 --7.90 5.25 6.20 4.15 7.50 5.00 5.10 3.40 3.90 2.60 24.00 16.00 JEOEC Pt @ 25°C VEBO (sat) (w) (v) Min. Max. Pkg. (v) - - -- - - -- - ~ - - - - - 0.35 TO-5 0.8 5 40 100 300 2N2192 TO-46 0.35 40 100 300 0.4 5 2N2350 0.25 40 0.8 5 100 300 2N2192A TO-5 0.25 40 100 300 2N2350A TO-46 0.4 5 8 0.35 50 0.8 40 120 2N2193 -- -- -----TO-5 ---TO-46 8 0.35 50 40 120 0.4 2N2351 0.8 8 0.25 50 40 120 2N2193A TO-5 8 0.25 50 40 120 2N2351 A TO-46 0.4 TO-5 5 0.35 40 20 60 2 N2194 0.8 0.35 40 60 2 N2352' TO-46 0.4 5 20 -- ---- -- -60 0.8 5 0.25 40 20 2 N2194A TO·5 60, 0.25 40 20 2N2352A TO-46 0.4 5 TO-5 0.35 25 0.6 5 20 ..... 2 N2195 TO-46 0.35 25 0.35 20 ... - . 2 N2353 5 0.6 0.25 25 20 .... 2N2195A TO-5 5 0.35 0.25 25 20 5 2 N2353A TO-46 Type EACH hFE No. ---- l- IDO- 99 999 - -- 10.50 7.00 10.50 7.00 12.00 B.OO 12.00 B.OO 6.20 -9.30 -9.30 6.20 10.80 7.20 10.80 7.20 6.75 4.50 4.50 -6.75 -B.25 5.50 8.25 5.50 2.35 1.50 6.75 4.50 2.55 1.70 8.25 5.50 PLANAR EPITAXIAL PASSIVATED HIGH-SPEED SWITCHES Type hFE No. Min. Max. 2N706 VeER VCEO (v) (v) ton 'toff (nsec:) (nsec) :W--.-.-. :W--.-..--.-.-. -.-.-. Cob @ VCB EAC H (pf) (v) 1-991'100-999 --6--W-~~ ~ ~~g~A ~g l~g ~g g !g ~g ~ Ig ~:~~I: :~~ 2 N753 2 NBJ4 2 N914 120 20 30 20 IS 75 75 40 5 4 6 5 10 10 5.6513.75 6.19 4.13 5.7B, 3.B5 40 25 30 120 15 40 35 40 PLANAR PASSIVATED AMPLIFIERS 2N759 2N760 2N915 2N916 76 6 1 333 454 5.1 . ." ' 1 . ." . ' 188 1 5 5 3 9 0 .. 1." ' 1 1 ~g ~gg .. . ~~ .. .: ~.~ I~ 7.BOI5.20 B.IO 5.40 1 B.BS 5.90 7.B5 5.25 PLANAR PASSIVATED TRANSISTORS 2N717 20 60 40 2N71 B 40 120 40 2N71 BA 40 120 50 80 20 2N719 60 2 N719A 20 60 - - -40 - 80 --120 2 N720 80 2 N720A 40 120 100 2 N870 40 120 80 2 NB71 100 300 80 2N910 75... 80 35 10 1.87 1.25 35 10 2.36 1.5B 25 10 7.31 4.8B 20 10 5.25 3.50 IS 10 5.55 3.70 ---- --.60.---. 20 10 5.25 3.50 80 IS 10 10.90 B.05 60 ... ... IS 10 15.45 10.30 60 ... ... IS 10 I B.45 12.30 ... . .. '" 15 10 10.501 7.00 ~3S-.-.-. 80-...---..-.--.-..-1510 7.90 5.25 2 N956 100 300 50 ". '" ... 25 10 B.55 5.70 GENERAL PURPOSE PLANAR PASSIVATED NPN TRANSISTORS Type \ hFE IVCEO 30 190 18 ~ Min.IMax. 2N2711 42 • ALLIED (v) P, I Cob 1 V,at 1455 Kc powerl EACH Gain (db) 1'991100-999 10 0.8 42 1.13 .75 :"'mw)~~ 200 EACH 1-99 100-999 1.20 .BO 1.50 1.00 1.65 1.10 1.13 .75 1.20 .BO NPNP LOW-CURRENT CONTROLLED SWITCHES TO-S pkg .• isolated case. RL-800 ohms Type Anode Blk'g IF @ Voltage (v) 100°C No. 40 40 40 3N58 3N59 3N60 *Measured @ VAc=40 v.j Rac=O; Max. IGFC* VGFA* (v) VGFC* (v) (ma) (I'a) --100 ... ..... .. 1.0 .4 to .65 100 -.6to -1.2 100 -.6 to. -1.2 1.0 .4 to .65 EACH l- IDO- 99 999 -- -3.40 2.25 3.75 2.50 4.15 2.75 MESA NPN PASSIVATED POWER TRANSISTORS PLANAR EPITAXIAL PASSIVATED TRANSISTORS VCE VeE.R hFE Type VCEO P, Cob Vsat 455 Kc Power Min. Max. (v) (mw) (pf) (v) No. Gain (db) ------2N2712 75 225 18 200 10 0.8 45 2 N2713 30 90 18 200 10 0.15 .. 2N2714 75 225 18 200 10 0.15 .. 90 18 2N2715 30 200 4 2.0 42 2N2716 75 225 18 200 4 2.0 45 Tvp It IS me *At 100°C tVcE=lO v .• Ic=200 rna. #Ic=2S0 I'a Type hFEt VCEO# Max. Max. Power Min. Max. (v) P, @ 25°C @ 25°C 1_--,-...,-,.__ 1_--...,.,--- (watts) (watts) 2N497 12-36 60 4 --0.8-2 N497A 12-36 60 5 1.0 2 N49B 12-36 100 4 0.8 2N49BA 12-36 100 5 1.0 2 N656 30-90 60 4 0.8 =-2-"NC::6-=5C:6-:A-I--c3cCO-'_90:-'---I'--':6-'-05 1.0 2 N657 30-90 100 4 0.8 2N657A 30-90 100 5 1.0 2 N20 17 50-200 60 5 1.0 2 N21 06 12-36 60 ...... 1.0 2 N21 07 30·90 60 ...... 1.0 2 N21 OB 75-200 60 ..... 1.0 2 N2726 30-90 200 5 1.0 2N2727 75-150 200 5 1.0 7A30 12-36 40 5 1.0 7A31 30-90 30 5 1.0 7A32 75-200 30 5 1.0 2 N I 047A 12-36 80 40 1.0 2NI04BA 12-36 120 40 1.0 No. ~ ~: ~:~: ~~:~~ EACH 110099 999 B.BS 5.90 B.B5 5.90 11.35 7.55 11.35 7.55 9.85 6.55 9. B5 6.55 10.05 6.70 10.05 6.70 8.35 5.55 3.70 2.45 -4.20 2.80 4.35 2.90 22.50 15.00 26.8017.95 1.20 1.05 1.35 1.20 1.70 1.50 25.35 16.90 32.9521.95 I~~ -....::.:~:-----II--.=.~':::~-- -!-~:-:-~ -~~-:-:-~ 2NI067 15-75 60 5 ..... 20.9513.95 2NI06B 15-75 6010* ..... 21.9514.65 2N2196 30-90 60 10* 2.0 7.00 4.70 ",2-:cNc::2,",1,",9:,;7_1-:7",5cc-2;:;0c-0_I-::-;6",0_ _ _-:-10",*::-_1 _ _-:;2:-;.0::-_ _7_._7_0 _5_._1_0 2 N220 I 30-90 100 10* 2.0 14.05 9.35 2 N2202 30-90 100 10* 1.0 13.20 8.95 2 N2203 30-90 100 10* 1.0 13.30 8.85 2 N2204 30-90 lao 10* 1.0 . 15.55 10.35 2 N261 I 12-36 100 10* 2.0 13.65 9.10 GROWN DIFFUSED PASSIVATED NPN TRANSISTORS TO- 5 isol case *VCB-S - v Type No. --4C28 4C29 4C30 4C31 4020 4021 4022 4024 4025 4026 --2N332 2N332A 2N333 2N333A 2N334 2N334A 2N335 2N335A 2 N335B 2 N336 2 N336A .. IE-1 - rna I-I - kc tVCE-S - v " Ic-I - rna EACH 1-99 100-999 IS 2.25 1.65 30 I.BO 1.20 55 2.50 I.B5 115 2.BO 2.10 IS-50 1.90 1.45 40-135 2.50 1.90 120-250 3.00 2.30 15-50 1.17 .7B 40-135 1.26 .B4 120-250 I.B3 1.22 14 4.65 3.10 14 4.95 3.30 27 4.65 3.10 27 4.95 3.30 36 4.65 3.10 -36 4.95 3.30 45 4.95 3.30 45 5.25 3.50 45 8.90 5.95 75 6.00 4.00 75 6.30 4.20 Min. BVCBO Max. Pd hfe* hFEt (v) (mw) Min. Max. Min. Max. 9-19 18-40 37-80 76-300 See hFE See See See See See hFE hFE hFE hFE hFE 9-22 9-22 18-44 18-44 18-90 18-90 37-90 37-90 37-90 76-333 76-333 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 15 15 15 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 60 45 45 150 150 150 150 150 ISO 150 125 125 125 150 500 150 500 150 500 150 500 500 ISO 500 Specify Manufacturer's Name and Type No. on Semiconductor Orders . General Electric Silicon and Germanium Transistors SEE PREVIOUS PAGE FOR EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS SILICON GROWN DIFFUSED PASSIVATED SILICON NPN DARLINGTON CIRCUITS NPN TRANSISTORS (Cont'd) *VeB =5 v .• IE =1 rna. f =1 kc. tYeE =5 v .• Ie =1 rna. #TO-46 case. others TO-S. hfe* Min. Max.Pd hFEt No. Min. Max. BVCBO (v) (mw) Min. Max. -20-55 --2N337 5~ 45 125 20-55 2N337A 55 45 500 2N338 99 45-150 125 45 45-150 2N338A 99 45 500 2N478 40-100 15 200 ...... 200 2N479 40-100 30 ...... 2N479A 40-100 200 30 40-100 200 2N480 45 2N480A 40-100 45 200 80-200 15 200 ...... 2N541 80-200 30 200 2N542 ...... 80-200 200 2N542A 30 ...... 80-200 45 200 2N543 80-200 200 ...... 2 N543A 45 30 ...... 6 15 min. 2 NI248 9-22 150 40 10 2NI276 150 18-44 40 20 2N1277 150 31-90 33 2N 1278 40 150 80 16-333 40 2 NI279 30-200 15 150 2NI417 ...... 30-200 150 30 ...... 2NI418 8-22 9-22 60# 250 2N2673 12-40 250 18-44 60# 2 N2674 250 22-16 31-90 60# 2N2675 45-290 16-333 60# 250 2N267& -20-55 --19-120 250 4511 2N2677 250 45-150 39-250 451 2N2678 Type ---...... ...... ---...... ---- ---- EACH 1-99 100-999 4.85 3.20 5.15 3.40 5.50 3.65 5.80 3.85 3.70 2.80 7.10 4.75 7.40 4.95 9.50 6.55 9.80 6.75 6.20 4.10 6.30 4.20 10.05 6.70 8.10 5.40 12.90 8.60 13.50 9.00 3.85 2.55 4.25 2.84 4.75 3.15 5.60 3.70 2.30 1.60 2.75 1.90 4.95 3.30 4.95 3.30 5.25 3.50 6.30 4.20 5.15 3.40 5.80 3.85 Interbase Intrinsic Res. TO-1S (K ohms) TO-5 - - - 4.1-6.8 ---2N489 2N2417 2N2417A 4.1-6.8 2N2417B 4.1-6.8 6.2-9.1 2N2418 2N241BA 6.2-9.1 2N2418B 6.2-9.1 4.1-6.8 2N2419 2N2419A 4.1-6.8 2 N2419B 4.1-6.8 2N2420 - - - -6.2-9.1 --2 N2420A 6.2-9.1 2N2420B 6.2-9.1 4.1-6.8 2N2421 2N2421A 4.1-6.8 2N2421 B 4.1-6.8 6.2-9.1 2N2422 2N2422A 6.2-9.1 2N2422B 6.2-9.1 . . . . . . . . . 6.2-9.1 ........... 4.1-9.1 - - - 4.1-9.1 . . . . . . . . . 4.7-9.1 4.0-12.0 .......... 2N2646· 4.1-9.1 4.1-9.1 .......... 2N2647 2N489A 2N489B 2N490 2N490A 2N490B 2N491 2N491 A 2N491 B 2N492 --2N492A 2N492B 2N493 2N493A 2N493B 2N494 2N494A 2N494B 2N494C 2NI671 2NI671A 2NI671B 2N2160 ---- . . ---- Standoff Ratio .51-.62 .51-.62 .51-.62 .51-.62 .51-.62 .51-.62 .56-.68 .56-.68 .56-.68 .56-.68 .56-.68 .56-.68 .62-.15 .62-.75 .62-.15 .62-.15 .62-.75 .62-.15 .62-.75 .41-.62 .41-.62 .41-.62 .41-.80 .56-.15 .68-.82 Min. Emlt.ter Rev. Volts 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 30 30 30 30 30 30 Max. Vo (J. C case BlOC case arc case SloC case BlOC case BlOC case BlOC case BlOC cas!! 25°C ambo 2S'C ambo 25°C ambo 25'C ambo 25°C ambo Max. Required Gate Signal 0.8V, 200l'a @ 25°C Tj 0.8V, 2001'8@ 2S QC Tj 0.8V, 200 I'a @ 25°C Tj O.8V. 200 1'8@ 25°C Tj 0.8V, 200l'a @ 25°C Tj 0.8V, 200l'a @ 2S'CTi O.8V, 200l'a @ 2S'C Ti 0.8V, 2001'a@ 25°C Tj 0.8V, 201'a@ 25°C Tj 0.8V, 20 "a @ 25°C Tj O.8V, 2Ol'a@ 25°e Tj 0.8V, 2Ol'a@ 25°C Tj O.8V, 2Ol'a@ 2S'C Ti 3V, 10ma@ 25°C Ti 3V, 10 ma@ 2S'C Ti 3V, 10 ma@ 2S'C Ti 3V, 10ma@ 25°e Tj 3V, 10 ma@ 25'C Ti 2V, 8 ma@ 12S'C Ti 2V, 8 ma@ 12S'C Ti 2V, 8 ma@ 125°C Tj 2V, 8 ma@ 125°C Tj 2V, 8 ma@ 125'C Ti EACH 1-99 100·999 3.75 4.15 &.&0 9.50 12.40 15.55 24.00 34.15 8.10 10.00 14.10 16.50 19.BO 3.75 6.00 11.25 22.00 31.00 &.15 7.65 10.70 13.20 15.00 2.50 2.75 4.40 6.35 8.25 10.35 16.00 22.75 5.40 6.70 9.40 11.00 13.20 2.50 4.00 7.50 14.65 20.75 4.10 5.10 7.10 8.80 10.00 Type PRVand -No.- 2NI934 VBO (v) 2NI935 CI5U CI5F CI5A CI5G CI5B el5C CI5D 2NI770A 2NI77IA 2NI772A 2NI773A 2NI774A 2NI775A 2NI776A 2N1777A 2NI770 2NI771 2NI772 2NI773 2NI774 2NI775 2NI776 2NI777 2NI778 2N2619 ~ CI2F CI2A CI2G CI2B CI2H CI2C 2N681 2N682 2N683 2N684 2N&B5 2N&86 2N6B7 2N688 2N6B9 2N690 2N69I 2N692 2NI842 2NI843 2NI844 2NI845 2NI846 2NI847 2NI848 2NI849 2NI850 C36M C36S C37U C37F ~ C37B C37C C37D ~ C40F C40A C40G C40B ~ C40C C40D C40E ~ C38A C38B C3BH C38C ~ C38E 2S0 300 25 50 100 ISO 200 300 400 25 50 100 150 200 2S0 300 400 2S 50 100 150 200 2S0 300 400 SOO SOO 25 50 100 ISO 200 250 300 Max. Required Gate Signal 2V, 8 ma@ 12S'C Ti 2V, 8 ma@ 12S'C Ti 2.5V, 2Sma@ 2S'C Ti 2.SV, 2Sma@ 25°C Tj 2.5V, 2S ma@ 25°C Tj 2.SV, 2S ma@ 25°C Tj 2.SV, 25 ma@ 2S'C Ti 2.SV, 2S ma@ 2S'CTi 2.SV, 2S ma@ 25°C Tj 2V, S ma@ ISO'C Ti 2V, S ma@ ISO'C Ti 2V, S ma@ 150'C Ti 2V, 6 ma@ ISOaC Tj 2V, S ma@ ISO'C Tj 2V, S ma@ 150'C Ti 2V, S ma@ ISO'C Ti 2V, S ma@ ISO'C Ti 2V, 8 ma@ 125'C Ti 2V, 8 ma@ 125'C Tj 2V, 8 ma@ 125'C Ti 2V, 8 ma@ 125°C Tj 2V, 8 ma@ 12S'C Ti 2V, 8 ma@ 12S'C Ti 2V, 8 ma@ 125°C T j 2V, 8 ma@ 12S'C Ti 2V, 8 ma@ 12S'C Ti 2V, 8 ma@ 12S'C Ti @Temp 'C SSA@ 84°e stud SSA@ 84°e stud SSA@ 84°e stud S5A@ 84'C slud Gate Signal 3V, 70 ma@ 2S'C Tj 3V, 70ma@ ·2S'CTi 3V, 70 ma@ 25°CTj av, 70 ma@ 25°CTj EACH 1·99 100·999 18.00 12.00 22.00 14.65 4.65 3.10 4.80 3.20 5.10 3.40 5.85 3.90 &.30 4.20 8.70 5.80 10.30 6.85 6.15 4.10 7.00 4.65 9.00 6.00 11.10 7.40 13.50 9.00 15.75 10.50 18.40 12.25 23.65 15.75 5.55 3.70 6.00 4.00 7.50 5.00 9.75 6.50 12.00 8.00 14.25 9.50 16.50 11.00 21.00 14.00 25.90 I7.4s 30.00 20.00 &.15 4.10 Other ratings and characteristics are the same 6.60 4.40 as for 2Nl17041776. eXcEpt that turn-off time 8.40 5.60 is guaranteed at less than 12 microseconds. 11.10 7.40 These units are designed specifically for fast 13.95 9.30 turn-off time for inverter applications. 1&.95 11.30 20.25 13.50 MEDIUM CURRENT TYPE 25A@ 57°e stud 25 3V,. 2S ma@ 12S'C Ti B.65 5.75 25A@ 57°e stud 50 3V, 2S ma@ 12S'C Tj 9.40 6.25 100 2SA@ 5JOe stud 3V, 25 ma@ 12S'C Ti 10.50 7.00 ISO 25A@ 57°e stud 3V, 25 ma@ 125'C Ti 12.75 8.50 2SA@ 57°e stud 200 3V, 2S ma@ 12S'C Ti 15.00 10.00 2S0 25A@ 57°e stud 3V, 25 ma@ 12S'C Ti 18.00 12.00 25A@ 57°e stud 300 3V, 25 ma@ 125'C Ti 21.00 14.00 25A@ 57'C stud 3V, 25 ma@ 12S'C Ti 26.25 17.50 400 500 2SA@ S7'C slud 3V, 25 ma @ 12S'C Ti 31.90 21.25 25A@ 57°e stud SOO 3V, 25 ma@ 125'C Ti 37.50 25.00 2SA@ S7'C slud 700 3V, 25 ma@ 12S'C Ti 42.75 2B.50 2SA@ 57°e stud 800 3V, 25 ma@125'C Ti 48.00 32.00 25 ISA@ 25°C stud 3.,SV, SO ma@ 100'C Ti 7.75 5.15 ISA@ 25°C stud 3.SV, 50 ma@ 100·C Ti 8.50 5.65 50 ISA@ 25°C stud 3.SV, SO ma @ 100'C Ti 9.45 6.30 100 ISO ISA@ 25°C stud 3.5V, SO ma@ 100'C Ti 11.50 7.65 200 ISA@ 25'C slud 3.SV, SO ma@ 100'C Ti 13.50 9.00 ISI\@ 25°e stud 3.SV, SO ma@ 100'C Ti 16.15 10.75 250 300 16A@ 25°e stud 3.SV, SO ma@ 100'C Ti IB.75 12.50 400 ISI\@ 2S'C slud 3.5V, SO ma@ 100'C Ti 23.65 15.75 500 ISA@ 25°e stud 3.5V, 50 ma@ 100'C Ti 27.00 IB.OO SOO ISA@ 2S'C slud 3.SV, SO ma @ 100'C Ti 30.00 20.00 700 ,ISA@ 25°e stud 3.SV, SO ma@ 100'C Ti 32.25 21.50 25 16A@ 2S'C slud 3.SV, 80 ma@ 25°C Tj 5.18 3.45 ISA@ 25°e stud 3.SV, 80 ma@ 25°C Tj 6.00 4.00 50 100 ISA@ 2S'C slud 3.5V, 80 rna@ 25°C Tj 6.B3 4.55 ISA@ 25°e stud 3.SV, 80 ma@ 25'C Ti 9.75 6.50 200 ISA@ 2S'C slud 3.SV, 80 ma@ 2S'C Ti 16.73 11.15 300 400 ISA@ 2S'C slud 3.5V, 80 ma@ 2S'C Tj 23.63 15.75 25 9.55 6.35 50 10.35 &.90 100 other ratings and characteristics are the same 11.70 7.80 ISO as for 2N681-689, except that turn-off time is 14.50 9.65 200 guaranteed at less than 12 microseconds. These 17.40 11.60 25iJ units are designed specifically for fast turn-off 21.45 14.30 300 time for inverter applications. 25.75 17.15 400 34.15 22.75 500 44.65 29.75 50 35A@ 6O'C slud 3V, 40 ma@ 25'C Ti 12.40 B.25 100 3SA@ SO'C stud 3V, 40 ma@ 25°CTj 13.90 9.25 200 3SA@ GOoe stud 3V, 40 ma@ 25°C Tj 19.50 13.00 2S0 aSA@ GOoe stud aV,40ma@ 25'C Ti 23.25 15.50 35A@ GOoe stud 3V, 40 ma@ 25°CTj 27.40 IB.25 300 3SA@ GOoe stud 3V,40ma@ 25°e Tj 34.15 22.75 400 35A@ GOoe stud av, 40 ma@ 25'C Ti 41.65 27.75 500 MEDIUM CURRENT TYPE Max. Required EACH Max. IDC (amp) PRVand Type No. VBO (v) C - - - - --5-0- 45F C 4511 C 45B C 45C Max. IDe (amp) @ Temp. 'C UA@ ·25'C ambo l.lA@ 25'C ambo 3A@ lSoe stud 3A@ 7S'C slud 3A@ 75°C stud 3A@ 7S'C slud 3A@ 7S'C slud 3A@ WC slud 3A @ 75'C slud 7A @ l1S'C slud 7A @ 115'C slud 7A@ 115'C slud 7A @ 115'C slud 7A@ l1S'C slud 7A @ l1S'C slud 7A @ l1S'C slud 7A @ 115'C slud 6A@ loDe stud SA@ loDe stud SA@ 70'C slud SA@ lOoe stud SA@ loDe stud SA@ lO°C stud SA@ loDe stud SA@ loDe stud SA@ loDe stud SA@ loDe stud 100 200 300 Use f.e Services of the Allied Facility Nearest You-See Ba~k Cover for Locations 1-24125_99 23.001 B.OO 29.50 23.09 32.00 25.00 47.50 3Z.50 ALLlED.45 General Electric low-Current Rectifiers @] ~ GERMANIUM LOW-CURRENT CELLS ,JEDEC PRV No. """"iN93 I N315 ;'.1 N368 300 300 200 200 100 '.1 N92 i N91 @ SILICON · · · · JEDEC No. I N645 I N645A I N646 I N647 I N648 I N649 I N676 I N677 I N678 IN679 /N681 I N682 I N683 I N684 IN685 I N686 I N687 I N689 I N3544 I N3545. I N3546 I N3547 I N3548 I N3549 @] Max. IDe @SS·C Amb. 75 ma 75 ma l00ma l00ma 150 ma EACH 110099 999 3.45 3.30 Max. FullMax. Load Voltage Opere Drop (Volts) ·C .18 95· Min. fwd./rev. 85· ratio 700 @ 5S·C .48 55· 95· .19 95· .22 3.00 2.55 1.95 .85 2.00 1.70 1.30 .55 SUBMINIATURE GLASS CELLS (LEAD MOUNTED) EACH . Repeti- Transient Max. IDe Max. tlve PRV @25'C Oper.oC 1-99 100-999 PRV 225 275 400 ma 175' 1.43 --:93 225 215 400ma 175' 1.65 1.10 300 360 400 ma 175' 1.65 1.10 400 480 400ma 175' 1.80 1.20 500 600 400ma 175' 1.95 1.30 600 720 400 rna 175' 2.50 1.65 100 120 200ma 175' .93 .62 100 120 400 ma 115' 1.05 .70 200 240· 200 ma 115' 1.23 .82 200 240 400 ma 115' 1.35 .90 300 360 200 ma 175· 300 360 175' 400 ma 1.65 1.10 400 480 200 rna 175' 1.80 1.20 400 480 400 rna 175· 1.88 1.25 500 600 200 ma 175' 2.10 1.40 500 600 400 rna 175' 2.25 600 720 200 rna 175' 2.40 1.60 600 720 400ma 175' 2.50 1.65 100 120 600 ma 200' 2.25 1.50 200. 240 600 ma 200' 2.78 1.85 300 360 600 ma 200' 3.49 2:45 600 ma I 400 480 200' .4.50 3.00 500 600 600 ma 200' 5.55 3.70 600 ·720 600 ma 200' 6.45 4.30 1.53 1.02 .-:so SILICON LOW-CURRENT CELLS (LEAD MOUNTED) JEDEC or G-E No. Max. IDe PRV TN599 50 SO 100 100 ~ 150 150 I N60lA I N602 200 I N602A 200 300 IN603 I N603A 300 400 400 IN604A 500 I N605 I N605A 500 600 I N606 IN606A 600 I.N560 800 1000 I N561 I NI692 100 I NI693 200 I N!j99A I N600 I N600A :rN604 "i"N"i694 300 I NI695 I NI696 I NI697 .1 N444B '1 N445B I N440B I N441B I N442B I N443B INIIOO I NIIOI I N II 02 I NII03 I NI487 '1 NI488 400 500 600 500 600 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 '46. ALLIED @T'CAmb. @ SO'C 600 ma @25'C 600 ma @2S'C 600 ma @2S·C 600 rna @2S'C 600 rna @2S'C 600 ma @2S·C 600 rna @2S'C 600 ma @2S'C 600 rna @2S'C 600 ma @2S·C 600 rna @2S'C 600 ma @2S'C 600 ma @2S'C 600 ma @2S'C 600 ma @2S·C 600 ma @2S·C 600 ma @30'C 600 ma @30'C 600 ma @SO'C 600 rna @SO'C 600 rna @SO'C 600 ma @SO'C 600 rna @SO'C 600 ma @50·C 650 rna @SO'C 650 rna @SO'C 750 ma @SO'C 750 ma @SO'C 7S0 rna @50'C 7S0 rna @ SO'C 750 ma @SO'C 7S0 rna @ SO·C 7S0 rna @50'C 750 rna @ 50'C 750 ma @2S·C 750 rna @25'C Max. Peak 1-Cycle Surge lOA lOA lOA lOA lOA lOA lOA lOA lOA 10 A lOA lOA lOA lOA 10 A lOA 15 A 15 A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 15A 15A 15A 15 A 15 A lSA 15 A IS A 15 A 15 A 15 A 15 A Max. Opere 'C ISO' ISO' ISO' ISO' 150· ISO' ISO' ISO' ISO' ISO' ISO' ISO' ISO' ISO' ISO' ISO' 150' ISO' 115' US' 115' 115· 115' 115' ISO' 150 0 16S' 165' 165' 16S' 16S' 165' 165'. 165' 140' 140' EACH 110099 999 .47 --:31 .93 .62 ~53 .35 1.05 .70 .54 .36 1.08 .63 .42 1.26 .84 .66 .44 1.32 .88 --:72 --:aT --:54 1.62 1.08 .90 .60 1.77 1.18 1.19 .79 2.37 1.58. 2.55 1.70 5.10 3.40 .51 .34 .59 .39 ---:63 .42 .78 .52 .89 .59 1.16 .77 1.12 .75 T.6T 1.07 .48 .72 .51 .77 .87 .58 1.10 .73, --:s3 ----:35 .63 .66 .81 .53 .63 .42 .44 .54 .35 .42 SILICON LOW-CURRENT CELLS (LEAD MOUNTED-Cont'd) JEDEC or G-E PRV No. 300 I NI489 400 I NI490 500 INI491 I NI492 600 SO I N536 I N537 100 200 I N538 300 I N539 400 I N540 500 I NI095 IN 1096 600 600 I N547 AIOA 100 AIOB 200 300 AIOC AiQi) 400 AlOE 500 AIOM 600 800 AION AIOP 1000 Max. IDe @T'CAmb. @50'C 750 rna @2S'C 750 ma @25'C 150 ma @2S·C 150 ma @25'C 150 ma @50·C 150 lila @SO'C 750 rna @SO'C 750 ma @SO'C 150 ma @50'C 615 rna @50'C 640 ma @50'C 750 ma @50'C 1.5 A @25'C 1.5 A @2S'C 1.5 A @2S'C 1.5 A @25·C 1.5 A @25'C 1.5 A @2S·C 1.5 A @25'C 1.5 A @ 25'C lID JEtl'EC No. I N2610 I N2611 I N2612 I N2613 I N2614 I N2615 I N3639' I N3640 I N3641 I N3642 I N3189 I N3190 I N3191 PRV 100 200 300 400 500 600 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 Max. Peak 1-Cycle Surge' 15 A 15 A 15 A 15 A 15 A 15 A 15 A 15 A 15 A 15 A 15 A 15 A 45A 45A 45A 45 A 45 A 45A 45A 45 A Max. Opere 'c 140' 140' 125' 120' 165' 165' 165' 165' 165' ISO' ISO' '165' 165' 165' 165' 165' 165' 165· 165' 165' EACH 100199 999 ---:66 -----:44 .81 .90 1.19 .47 .54 .60 .79 .31 .63 .66 .81 .90 .42 .44 .54 .60 --:s3 -:35 T.T9 ---:79 1.19 .66 .69 .77 .79 .44 .46 .51 -:s9 ~ .9B .65 1.43 .95 2.67 1.7B 5.33 3.55 FLANGELESS EACH Max. Peak 1- Max. Max. 'De @25'C Amb. Cycle Surge Oper.oC 1-99 100·999 850 'rna 30A 115' 1-:05 115' 850 ma 30A 1.19 .79 30A 175' 850 ma 1.54 1.03 115' 850 ma 30A 1.74 1.16 850 ma 30A 175' 1.95 1.30 30A 175' 850 rna 2.22 1.55 4OA. 750 ma ----:60 -:40 1000 7501;'[la 40A .75 .50 40A 100' 750 rna I.OB .72 40A 100' 500 rna 1.49 .99 30A 175' 1 A @ l00'C 3.15 2.10 1 A @ 100'C 30A 115' 5.25 3.50 30A 175' 1 A @ lOO'C 7.35 4.90 ------:ro ----woo- m INSULATED STUD JEDEC No. I N2B51 I N2B52 I N2847 I N284B I N2849 I N2850 PRV I I I I I I I I I 100 100 200 200 300 300 400 400 100 100 200 200 300 300 400 400 800 1000 100 200 300 400 500 600 570 190 380 50 SO 500 600 100 200 300 400 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 A A A A A A [f] N340 N349 N337 N346 N335 N344 N333 N342 N339 N348 N336 N345 N334 N343 N332 N341 N562 N563 N550 N551 N552 N553 N554 N555 N25.6 N254 N255 N607 N607A Max.IDc @T'C @ 50' Case @ 50' Case @ 75' Case @ 15' Case @ 75' Case @ 75· Case Max. EACH Oper.oC ISO' ISO' 165' 165' 165' 165' 1-99 100-999 ----2.60 1.73 3.83 1.49 1.58 1.98 2.48 2.55 .99 1.05 1.32 1.65 1.05 1.05 1.25 1.25 1.58 .70 .70 .83 .83 1.05 STUD MOUNTED 200 ma @ 150· Case 200 ma @ ISO' Case 200 ma @ ISO' Case 200 ma @ 1SO' Case 200 am @ ISO' Case 200 ma @ ISO' Case 200 ma @ ISO' Case 200 rna @ ISO' Case 400 rna @ ISO' Case 400 rna @ ISO' Case 400 ma @ ISO' Case 400 rna @ 150· Case 400 rna @ ISO' Case 400 rna @ ISO' Case 400 rna @ ISO' Case 400 rna @ ISO' Case 400 ma @ 100' Case 400 ma @ 100 0 Case 500 ma @ 100' Amb. 500 ma @ 100' Amb. 500 ma @ 100' Case 500 ma @ 100' Amb. 500 rna @ 100' Amb. 500 rna @ 100' Amb. 600 rna @ 135 0 Case 800 rna @ 135' Case 800 rna @ 135· Case 1 A @ 100' Amb. 1 A @ 100' Amb. 170' 170' 110' 110' 170' 17iiO" I:5B 1-:05 170' 1.97 1.31 170' 1.97 1.31 110' 1.05 .70 110' 1.05 .70 170' 1.25 .83 170' 1:25 ----:B3 110· 1.58 1.05 110' 1.58 1.05 110' 1.97 1.31 170' 1.97 1.31 170' 5.36 3.57 1500 10.73 ?.is ISO' . 1.29 .86 150· 1.38 .92 ISO' 1.18 1.77 ISO' 1.34 2.01 ISO' 2.16 1.44 ISO' 3.T5 2.TO ISS' 2.55 1.70 170' .83 1.25 170' 1.80 1.20 ISO' .70 l.d5 ISO'· 1.14 .76 Specify Mfr's Name and Type No. When Ordering G.E. Rectifiers and Military Semiconductors If) ,SILICON LOW-CURRENT .iEDEC N.j. I N608 I N608A I N609 I N609A N61,O N610A N611 N611A N612 N612A N613 N613A N614 N614A NII15 NII16 NII17 NIIIB NII19 NI120 N253 Max. PRV lA lA IA IA IA lA IA lA lA lA lA lA lA lA 1.5A 100 100 '150 ISO 200 200 300 300 400 400 500 500 600 600 100 200 300 400 500 600 95 @T'C @ 100' Amb. @ 100' Amb. @ 100' Amb. @ 100' Amb. @ 100' Amb. @ 100' Amb. @ 100' Amb. @ 100' Amb. @ 100' Amb. @ 100' Amb. @ 100' Amb. @ 100' Amb. @ 100' Amb. @ 100' Amb. @ 85' Case Max.. Oper. DC l.SA @ 85° Case 1.5A I.sA 1.3A 1.3A lA @ 85' Case @ 85' Case @ 85' Case @ 85' Case @ 135' Case ISO' ISO' ISO' ISO' ISO' ISO' ISO' ISO' ISO' ISO' ISO' ISO' 150' ISO' 170' ,170' 170' 170' ISS' ISS' 170 0 EACH, 100-999 -1-99 1.08 -----:72 1.17 .78 1.13 .75 1.22 .BI 1.14 .76 Fig. T"N35"69 INI341A I NI342A I NI343A I NI344A F F F F F F F F "iNi345A F 300 'i"Ni2oOA F F F F F ---- 'i""N"i6i"6 I I I I F F F F F F F F F NI346A NI347A NI34BA F NI199A F I NI20lA I NI202A I NI203A I NI204A I NI205A I NI206A I N248C I N249C I N250C F F F F F 400 500 600 50 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 55 110 220 ISO 275 400 525 650 775 100 200 350 600 800 100 200 300 350 450 600 700 800 100 200 3110 350 450 600 700 800 -- ...... ...... ...... 3.SA 3.SA 3.5A 3.SA 3.SA 3.SA SA SA SA SA SA 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A bA 6A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 20A 20A 20A @ 8S'C @ 8S'C @ 8S'C @ 8S'C @ 8S'C @8S'C @ IS0'C @ ISO'C @ISO'C @ ISO'C @ ISO'C @ 145'C @ 14S'C @ 14S'C @ 14S'C @ 14S'C @ 14S'C @145'C @ 145'C @ 145'C @ 145'C @ 145'C @ 145'C @ 145'C @ 145'C @ 145'C @ 145'C @ 145'C @ 145'C @ 145'C ...... 1.25 ---:B3 ---- 1.58 1.80 1.97 2.55 1.05 Repetl. Tran .. Max. IDe Max. Peak sient Stud 1 .. Cycle tJve PRV PRV Single-Phase Surge 100 200 300 400 500 -600 -50 100 200 400 600 SO 100 ISO 200 I N3570 I N3571 I N3572 I N3573 I N3574 I NI612 I NI613 I NI614 I NI615 - ---- 1.44 1.61 I.BO 1.97 loBO 1.97 2.45 2.B7 1.05 .96 1.07 1.20 1.31 1.20 L31 1.63 1.91 .70 1.05 1.20 1.31 1.70 .70 3SA 3SA '35A 35A 3SA 35A ISOA ISOA ISOA ISOA 150A 150A 150A iSOA 150A ISOA ISOA 150A IS0A 240A 240A 240A 240A 240A 240A 240A 240A 350A 350A 350A EACH 110099 999 1.34 -:B9 1.62 I.OB 2.10 1.40 2.57 1.71 3.B6 2.57 -5.54 3.69 1.62 I.OB 2.09 1.39 3.05 2.03 4.53 3.02 6;23 4.15 1.62 1.0B 2.09 1.39 2.57 1.71 3.05 2.03 3.72 2.4B 4.53 3.02 5.19 3.46 6.23 4.15 I.BO 1.20 2.33 1.55 2.B5 1.90 3.38 2.25 4.13 2.75 5.03 3.35 5.7B 3.B5 7.65 5.10 2.46 1.64 3.01 2.01 4.54 3.03 '.' ' EACH JEDEC Repeti- Tran .. Max.IDC Max. Peak Stud '.~ or G .. E Fig. tive sient 1-Cycle 1100PRV PRV Single-Phase Surge" 99 999 No. 300 20A @ 145'C 350A I NI195A F ...... 5.47 3.65 400 ...... 20A @ 14S'C 350A I NI196A F 6.73 4.49 350A 500 ...... 20A @ 14S'C B.25 5.50 I NI197A F 600 20A @ 14S'C 350A I NI198A F 10.14 6.76 300A A40F G 50 50 20A @ 1I0'C 1.19 .79 - G -100 - - 100 20A @ 110'C 300A A40A 1.34 --:ii9 300A A40B G 200 200 20A @ 110'C 1.79 1.19 300 20A @110'C JOOA MOC G 300 2.40 1.60 300A A40D G 400 400 20A @ 110'C 2.90 1.93 20A @ 1I0'C 300A A40E 3.53 2.35 - - - GG -500 - - 500 A40M 600 600 20A @ 1I0'C 300A 4.20 2.BO 300A A44F H 50 50 20A @ IW'C .73 .49 300A A44A H 100 100 20A @ 1I0'C .54 .81 A44B 200 200 20A @ 1I0'C 300A H 1.20 .BO 300 300 20A @ IW'C 300A A44C H 1.54 1.03 -H -400 - 20A @ IW'C 300A A44D 400 1.9"3 1.29 A44E H 500 500 20A @ 1I0'C 300A 2.79 1.86 600 20A @ 1I0'C A44M H 600 300A 3.51 2.34 F SO 100 2SA @ 1I0'C 400A 3.16 2.11 I N2154 100 200 2SA @ 1I0'C 400A I N2155 F 3.BI 2.54 -F 200 350 2SA @ 1I0'C ' 400A 5.64 3.76 I N2156 F 300 450 25A @ 1I0'C 400A I N2157 6.7B 4.52 600 25A @ 1I0'C 400A I N2158 F 400 B.22 5.4B F 500 700 2SA @ lW'C 400A 9.96 6.64 I N2159 F 600 800 2SA @ 1I0'C 400A I N2160 12.09 B.06 - - 6.20 240A 700 900 12A @ ISO'C 9.30 I N3670A 800 1000 12A @ IS0'C 240A I N3671A J 11.33 7.55 900 1100 12A @ ISO'C 240A 11.78 7.B5 I N3672A J 240A 1000 1200 12A @ ISO'C 12.15 B.IO I N3673A J F 100 ISO 3.SA @ 8S'C 35A I N3958 1.49 .99 35A F 200 275 3.SA @85'C loBO 1.20 I N3959 300 400 3.5A @8S'C 3SA I N3960 F 2.33 1.55 35A F 400 525 3.SA @8S'C 2.B5 1.90 I N3961 3SA' 650 3.5A @8S'C F 500 4.2B 2.B5 I N3962 35A F 600 775 3.SA @8S'C 6.15 4.10 I N3963 ~ -:B4 SILICON MEDIUM-CURRENT CELLS JEDEC or G-E No. SILICON MEDIUM-CURRENT CELLS (Cont'd) CELLS (STUD MOUNTED-Conl'd) 'DC i! --- -- T SILICON 100 AND 2SD-AMP CELLS Repetl .. TranG-E Max. IDe SingleType Fig. tive sient Phase Av. PRV PRV No. 300 lOOA@130'CTs K 200 I N32B9 A70B 400 100A@130'CTs K 300 I N3290 A70C K 400 '525 100A@130'CTs I N3291 A70D 650 lOOA@130'CTs K 500 I N3292 A70E 800 IOOA@130'CTs K 600 I N3293 A70M K 800 1050 100A@130'CTs I N3294 A70N K 1000 1300 100A@130'CTs I N3295 A70P JEDEC No. - I N3296 A70PB I N3736 A90B I N3737 A90C I N373B A90D I N3739 A90E I N3740 A90M I N3741 A90N I N3742A90P K L L L L L L L --- 1200 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1500 300 400 525 650 800 1050 1300 100A@I30'CTs 2S0A@130'CTs 250A@130'CTs 250A @130'CTs 250A @130'CTs 250A@130'CTs 250A@I30'CTs 250A@130'CT EACH ------1-99 100-999 12.00 13.10 14.25 15.BO IB.60 23.50 2B.00 1-24 32.00 24.50 2B.BO 34.50 43.50 52.00 70.00 B4.00 9.50 10.00 11.00 12.20 14.40 IB.IO 21.50 25-99 24.50 21.00 24.60 26.60 33.50 40.00 55.00 '66.00 MILITARY SEMICONDUCTORS Typo No. USN IN93 USAF IN315 USA IN2498 USA IN2508 JAN IN253 JAN IN254 JAN IN255 JAN IN256 JAN IN538 JAN IN538M ,JAN IN540 JAN IN540M JAN IN547 JAN IN547M JAN IN645 USAF IN645 USAF IN646 JAN IN647 USAF IN647 USAF IN648 JAN IN649 USAF IN649 USAF IN1I99 USAF INI200 EACH MILI· 100· 99 999 E·1/895 3.45 3.30 E-I/I088 3.75 2.50 S-19500 /134 3.63 2.42 . . . . . . . . 5.70 3.80 S.19500/194 1.57 1.05 S-19500/194 1.63 1.09 S-19500/194 2.35 1.57 S-I9500/194 3.24 2.16 E·I/1084A .B7 .5B S-I9500/202 .B7 .58 E-I/I085A I.OB .72 S·19500/202 1.08 .72 E-I/I083A 1.47 .9B S·195OO/202 1.47 .98 S·195OO/240 2.40 1.60 E·I/1!43 1:50 1.00 E·I/1!43 I.BO 1.20 S·19500/240 4.05 2.70 E'I/1!43 1.95 1.30 E·I/1!43 2.50 1.65 S-19500/24O 5.25 3.50 E·I/1143 2.63 1.75 [·1/1108 2.IB 1.45 E-I/II08 2.70 loBO ---- . Type No. MIL- USAF INI201 USAF INI202 USAF INI203 USAF INI204 USAF INI205 USAF INI206 USA INI614 USA INI615 USA INI616 USA IN2135A USN IN3064 USAF 2N43A USAF 2N44A USAF 2N78A USAF 2NI23 USAF 2NI67A USN 2N332 USN 2N333 USN 2N334 USN 2N335 USN 2N337 USN 2N338 USN 2N388 JAN 2N396A E·I/1108 E·I/1108 E-I/1108 E-I/1108 E-I/1108 E-1/1108 S·19500/162 S-19500/162 S·19500/162 S·19500/134 S·19500 /144 1-19500/18 1·19500/6 S·19500/90 1-19500/30 S·19500/lIA 1-19500/37 A T.195QO/37A l-19500/37A l-19500/37A S·19500/69C S-19500/69C 1-19500/65 S-19500/64C All Pri-es S' own Are CEM factcry Pric~s EACH I100· 99 999 3.30 2.20 4.05 2.70 4.BB 3.25 5.63 3.75 6.B3 4.55 B.25 5.50 5.52 3.6B 7.01 4.67 B.70 5.BO 9.07 6.05 2.70 loBO 5.25 3.50 4.95 3.30 3.10 2.10 4.50 3.00 5.65 3.7B 4;95 3.30 4.95 3.30 4.95 3.30 5.25 3.50 5.15 3.40 5.80 3.B5 2.35 1.55 .83 .55 EACH 100.. l· 99 999 JAN 2N497 S-19500/74C 9.30 6.20 JAN 2N498 S·19500/74O II.BO 7.85 JAN 2N526 S-19500 /600 1.74 1.16 JAN 2N656 S·19500/74O 10.30 6.B5 JAN 2N657 S·19500/74C 10.50 7.00 JAN 2N681M S-195OO /108A 9.70 6.45 JAN 2N682M S-19500/108A 10.45 6.95 JAN 2N683M S-19500/108A 11.55 7.70 JAN 2N684M S-19500 /108A 13.BO 9.20 JAN 2N685M S-19500 /108A 16.05 10.70 JAN 2N686M S-19500/108A 19.05 12.70 JAN 2N687M S-19500/108A 22.05 14.70 JAN 2N688M S-19500/108A 27.30 IB.20 JAN 2N689M 5-19500/108A 32.95 21.95 USN 2N681 S-I9500/108 9.70 --USN 2N682 S-19500/108 10.45 ~ 6.95 USN 2N683 5-19500/108 11.55 7.70 USN 2N684 S-195oo /108 13.BO 9.20 USN 2N685 S·19500 /108 16.05 10.70 USN 2N686 S·19500 /108 19.05 12.70 --USN 2N687 S·19500/108 22.05 14.70 USN'2N688 5·19500/108 27.30 IB.20 JAN 2N696 5-19500/998 1.9B 1.32 JAN 2N697 S-19500/998 2.4B 1.65 Typo No. MIL- Type No. USAF 2N404 JAN 2N428 USAF 2N461 USAF 2N489 USAF 2N490 USAF 2N491 USAF 2N492 USAF 2N493 USAF 2N494 USN 2NI305 USN 2NI307 USN 2NI613 USN 2NI77IA USN 2N1772A USN 2NI774A USN 2N1776A USN 2NI777A USN 2N2031W USN 2NI91OW USN 2N191!W USN 2NI912W USN 2NI913W USN 2NI914W EACH I100· 99 999 T-195OO/20 .50 .33 S·195OO/448 2.16 1.44 1-19500/45 3.45 2.30 1·19500/75 7.B5 5.25 T-19500/75 B.55 5.70 1-19500/75 9.15 6.10 T-19500/75 10.55 7.05 1·19500/75 11.40 7.60 1·19500/75 ' 11.60 7.70 S-195OO/126A .64 ~ S·19500/126A .B4 .57 S·19500/181 9.00 6.00 S-19500/168 B.05 5.35 S-195OO/168 10.05 6.70 5·19500/168 14.55 9.70 S·195OO/168 19.45 12.95 S-19500/168 24.70 16.45 S-19500/204A 34.40 27.90 S-19500/204A 34.40 27.90 S·19500/204A 42.40 34.40 S-I95oo/204A 50.40 40.40 S-195OO/204A 53.40 42.90 S·19500 /204A 6B.4o 54.40 MIL· ALLIED • 47 General Electric Rectifiers • EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS RECTIFIER STACKS (W)PRV, (working) peak reverse voltage.'VBO, breakover voltage, Inc, DC current, TJ, iunction temp. HOW TO ORDER RECTIFIER STACKS ..Order by series number. Include NEW SILICON-CONTROLLED HIGH-CURRENT RECTIFIERS EACH Max. Req'd JEDEC G.E. PRV Max. IDe @Stud Gate Signal Type and No. 1-24 26-99 @TJ No. Vao Temp.oC 2.N 1909 C50U 25 1l0A@59°C 3V, 40 ma@125°C 22.00 17,00 2NI910 C50F 50 110A@59°C 3V, 40 rna@125°C 30.00 23.50 2NI911 C50A 100 110A@59°C 3V, 40 ma@125°C 38.00 30.00 2NI912 C50G 150 lIOA@59°C 3V, 40 ma@125°C 46.00 36.00 2NI913 C50B 200 110A@59°C 3V, 40 ma@125°C 49."00 38.50 2NI914 C50H 250 110A@59°C 3V, 40 ma@125°C 64.00 50.00 2NI915 C50C 300 110A@59°C 3V, 40 ma@125°C 75.00 59.00 2NI916 C50D 400 110A@59°C 3V, 40 ma@125°C B4.00 66.00 ........ C50E 500 110A@59°C 3V. 40 ma@125°C 101.00 79.00 ........ C50M 600 110A@59°C 3V, 40 ma@125°C 137.00 108.00 C50N 800 110A.@59°C 3V. 40 rna@125°C IBI.OO 142.00 27,00 22.00 ........ C55U 25 ........ C55F 50 35.00 28.50 43.00 35.00 ........ C55A 100 ........ C55G 150 Other ratings and characteristics C55B 200 are the same as for 2N 1909 series ---.--C55H 250 above. except that turn-off time 69.00 55.00 guaranteed at less than 20 80,00 64.00 ........ C55C 300 ismicroseconds. 89,00 71.00 ........ C55D 400 106,00 B4,00 ........ CS5E 500 ........ C55M 600 142.00 113.00 25 110A@87°C 3V, 30 ma@1500C 25.30 19.55 2N2023 C60U 2N2024 C60F 50 110A@87°C 3V, 30 ma@150°C 34.50 27.05 2N2025 C60A 100 110A@87°C 3V, 30 rna@150°C 43.70 34.50 2N2026 C60G 150 110A@87°C 3V, 30 ma@1500C 52.90 41.40 2N2027 C60B 200 110A@87°C 3V, 30 ma@150°C 56.35 44.30 2N2028 C60H 250 110A@87°C 3V, 30 rna@150°C 73.60 57.50 2N2029 C60C 300 110A@87°C 3V, 30 ma@150°C 86.25 67.85 2N2030 C60D 400 110A@87°C 3V, 30 ma@150°C 96.60 75.90 ......... C80A 100 235A@75°C 1. 7V, 100 rna @125°C 101.00 79.00 CBOG 150 235A@75°C 1.7V, 100 rna@125°C 123.00 96.00 ~ CBOB 200 235A@75°C 1.7V. 100 rna@125°C 144.00 113.00 ........ CBOH 250 235A@75°C 1. 7V, 100 rna @125°C 169.00 133.00 ........ C80C 300 235A@75°C 1.7V, 100 rna@125°C 195.00 153.00 CBOD .400 235A@75°C 1.7V, 100 rna@125°C 224,00 176:00 ........ C80E 500 235A@75°C 1.7V. 100 rna@125°C 259.00 204.00 ........ C80M 600 235A@75°C 1.7V, 100 rna@125°C 302,00 238.00 required current, voltage, rna...,;:. ambient temp., no. of phases, and circuit configuration. (For SCR combinations. Specify how SCR's . are to be connected--a circuit diagram is preferred.) Up.to 29 pieces will be "Special Ordered" direct from G.E. at current OEM prices. Write or call Allied for prices and delivery. If you need more specs. contact YOllr nearest Allied Electronics branch. ·Type Germanium Low Curl-ent Silicon Low Current Silicon Medium Current Potted Rectifier Circuit Silicon High Current' --- ~!:~ --- :tgg ........ NEW SILICON-CONTROLLED AVALANCHE RECTIFIERS G-E Type WPRV No. -A7G - ISO 200 A7B 300 A7C 400 A7D A7E SOO --200 A27B A27D 400 A27M 600 A27N 800 A27P 1000 A27PB 1200 Min. Avalanche V.@2S·C 200@SOp.a 300@SOp.a 400@SOp.a SOO@SOpoa 600@SOpoa 2S0@5rna SOO@Srna 7S0@Srna 1000@S rna 12S0@S rna IS00@S rna Peak Trans. Max. Inc Rev. Surge 10 psec 500 rna @ SO' C Arnb. SOO rna @ SO' C Arnb, 500 rna @ SO' C Arnb. 500 rna @ SO' C Arnb. SOO rna @ 50° C Arnb. 12 A @ 12S' C Stud 12 A @ 125' C Stud 12 A @ 12S' C Stud 12 A @ 12S' C Stud 12 A @ 12S' C Stud 12 A @ 12S' C Stud 310 w. 310w. 310 w, 310 w. 31Ow. 3900 w. 3900 w_ 3900 w_ 3900 w_ 3900 w, 3900 w. SCR Combination EACH 1100999 99 -1.95 - 1.30 1.95 1.30 1.95 1.30 1.95 1.30 1.95 1.30 -6.38 - - -4.25 -8.63 5.75 11.48 7.65 12.75 8.50 12.75 8.50 18.00 12.00 NEW HIGH-CURRENT AVALANCHE RECTIFIERS Series/Max, Amps/Max, PRY 4]A211/6/630 4JA411/18/3360; 4JAlOll-similar, but features 45 amp. I-cycle surge. 4JA2011/32/1800; 4]A2511/50/1800; 4]A3511/65/1800; 4]A3512/108/1800-5" fin. 4]A220/0.4/1800; 4]A420/2/3000; 4]A421/0.65/10.000; 4]A422/1.50/2000 4]A7012/165/1000 (5x5xVs" fin); 4]A7013/165/ 1000 (7x7x%" fin); 4]A7014/24O/1000 (4x4x5" fin); 4]A9013/690/1000 (7x7x%" fin); 4]A9015extruded aluminum stacks• 5 Series-C3512. 13; C4012, 13; Cl012. 13; Clll2, 13; C1212, 13. Up to l3.65A/fin, convection. Up to 23.5A/fin. forced. Fin sizes: 3x3"; 5xS". 2 Series-C5014; C6014. Up to 64A per fin. free convection rating. SILICON BRIDGE RECTIFIER STACKS Series 4JA10ll. Feature excellent regulation, high efficiency and low leakage. Forward voltage drops less . than 1 volt per cell; efficiency is up to 99%. Negligible reverse losses. Oper. temp. range, -65° to +170°C,*Arnp. rating ® 25'C. Compact designj require no fins or insulation. Z-bolt mtg. 12 Stock 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 No. U 950 U 951 U 006 U 952 U 953 U 007 U 954 U 955 U 008 U 956 U 957 U 958 Mfr'. AC Type AB1ADl AB1AD2 CB1AD3 BB1ADI BB1AD2 BB1AD3 CB1ADl CBIAD2 ABIAD3 DB1AD2 EB1ADl CB2ADI V. 70 70 210 140 140 140 210 210 70 280 350 420 DC Output V. *Amps 62 62 188 125 125 125 188 -188 62 250 314 376 3,6 7.2 10.8 3.6 7.2 10.8 3.6 7.2 10.8 7,2 3.6 3.6 Size 2Yzxl Yzx3Yz' 2V,xl Yzx5Yz' 2V,xlYzx7" 2V,xl V,x3Yz' 2Yzxl Yzx5Yz' 2YzxlYzx7' 2Yzxl Yzx3Yz' 2Yzxl Yzx5Yz" 2YzxlYzx7' 2Yzx1 Yzx5Yz" 2YzxlYzx3Yz" 2!/zdYlx5" OZ, EACH 1-9 10-Up 7.00 5.80 14.00 11.60 22.80 18.60 7.20 6.00 -14.40 12.00 21.60 18.00 7.60 6.20 15.20 12.40 21.00 17.40 16.80 13.60 8.40 . 6.80 15.20 12.40 THYRECTOR DIODE.S, TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORS Selenium rectifiers perform like zener diodes. Effective as transien.t v. suppressors-for con_lection across AC Input of silicon, siliconcontrolled, and germanium rectifiers. Limitation of transients to known values aids in circuit design; reduces cost by allowing use of ,rectifiers with lower PRY. Instant response; high dissipation. Temperature-stable and nonaging. Max. leakage current at rated v.. 12 mao Max. operating temperature. lOO°C. Units are 1" square. "Length" in table is between stud ends. Av. shpg. wt .. 2 oz. e G-E Typo --A92M A92N A92P Min. WPRV Avalanche V.@2S·C 600 800 @ 25 rna 800 1000 @ 2S rna 1000 1200 @ 2S rna EACH Rev. Surge 125- , 99 24 10 "sec 80,000 w. 66.00 55.80 80.000 w, '84.60 72.00 80,000 w. 110.40 93.60 Peak Trans. Max. Inc 2S0A @ 130' Stud 250A @ 130' Stud 250A @ 130' Stud G.E. SEMICONDUCTOR MANUALS 37 K 00 I. 6th Edition Transistor Manual. Detailed explanations of basic theory. applications and circuitry. Includes section on transistor specs. plus interchangeability chart. 440 pages, Size, 6x8y..". Postpaid in U.S.A•...• , ..... , •.... , .• , .. _ , , ..... , . , ••.. _ •. 2.00 37 K 410. Tunnel-Diode Manual. Clearly explains tunnel_diode theory and ratings. Specific applications and test circuits. Illustrated. 90 pages. Size, 5 Yz x 8Y,". Postpaid in U.S.A•.. , . , . _ .... , ... _ ••• 1.0'0 G.E. RECTIFIER CHART AND MANUAL 4 U 170. Rectifier Selection Chart. Easy-to-use rectifier slide' rule selects the optimum rectifier for your nee,ds. Just set avo forward current against peak inverse v. and ambie'nt temperature; rule indicates proper rectifier. Shpg. wt., 4 oz•.. , , .•... _ . , .•. , , . , , 1.00 37 K 058. 2nd Edition Controlled-Rectifier Manual. Theory of operation. ratings, applications, and specifications. Fully illustrated. 338 pages. Size, 5Yzx8Yz". Postpaid in U.S.A. .•.......•.••••. , .•.. 1.50 48 • ALLIED Stock No. 4U 150 4U 151 4U 152 4U 153 4U 154 4U ISS 4U 156 4U 157 4U 158 4U 159 4U 160 4U 161 4U 162 4U 163 4 U 164 4 U 165 4 U 166 4 U 167 4 U 168 4 U 169 Mfr'. Type 6RS21SA1Dl 6RS21SA2D2 6RS21SA3D3 6RS21SA4D4 6RS21SA5D5 6RS21SA6D6 6RS21SA7D7 6RS21SA8Q8 6RS21SA9D9 6RS21SA10DlO 6RS21SAllDll 6RS21SA12D12 6RS21SA13D13 6RS21SA14D14 6RS21SA15D15 6RS21SA16D16 6RS21 SA17D17 6RS21SA18D18 6RS21 SA19D19 6RS21SA20D20 RMS (V) 25 50 75 100 12S 150 Inpu~ 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 EACH Peak (V) Length 1·49 50-Up 35 1,87 1.33 1%" 70 2.00 1.45 1'~6" 105 lVs' 2.20 1.63 140 2' 2.38 1.70 175 2\16" 2.55 1.85 210 2Vs' 2.75 1.97 245 2V4" 2.90 2.10 280 3.10 2.25 20/16" 315 2%" 3.30 2.40 350 3.47 2.55 21't6' 385 2~6' 3.65 2.70 420 2%" 3.85 2.88 455 2'\16" 4.00 3.05 490 4.20 3.23 2'~'" 525 2Vs" 4.37 3.40 560 4.55 3.60 2'~6" 595 3" 4.75 3.75 630 3Vs' 4.90 3.95 665 3Y16' 5.10 4.15 3y.," 700 5.25 4.30 Inpu~ Specify Mfr's Name and Type No. on All Semiconductor Orders RCA Germanium Transistors These top-quality RCA germanium transistors are ideal for use ill both con- sumer product and industrial applications. Allied maintains large stocks of RCA semi- cond uctors-orucr now for same day ship- TO-40 ment at OEM prices. EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS AND SYMBOLS fhfb-small signal (AC) common base forward-current-transfer-ratio cu toff frequency. fT-large signal gain-bandwidth product hFE-DC forward-current-transfer ratio (large signal current gain) h.e-small signal forward-currellt-transfer ratio (AC current gain) Ic-DC collector current Rugged PNP type transistors designed for transmitting 'lad pulsing PNP types for oscillator. amplifier or switching use. Type No. Material and JEDEC Construction Pkg. 2NI39 Alloy Alloy 2NI40 Alloy 2N21S. 2N219 Alloy 2N274 Drift~Field 2N370 Drift-Field 2N371 Drift-Field 2N372 Drift-Field 2N3B4* Drift-Field 2N409 ~ 2N410 . Alloy Alloy 2N411 2N412 Drift-Field 2NI023 Drift-Field 2NI0&& Drift-Field 2NII77 Drift-Field 2NI178 Drift-Field 2NI179 Drift-Field 2NIISO Drift-Field 2NI224 Drift-Field 2NI225 Drift-Field 2N122& Drift-Field 2NI395 Drift-Held 2N139& Drift-field 2NI397 Drift-Field 2NI425 Drift-Field 2N142& Drift-Field 2NI524 Drift-Field 2NI525 Drift-Field 2 N152& Drift-Field 2 NI527 Drift-Field 2 NI&31 Drift-Field 2 NI&32 Drift-Field 2 NI&37 Drift-Field 2 NI638 Drift-Field 2 NI639 Drift-Field TO·40 TD·40 TO-I TO-I TO-44 TO-7 TO-7 TO-7 TO-44 10-40 10-1 10-40 10-1 TO-44 TO-33 TO-45 10-45 10-45 TO-45 TO-33 TO-33 TO-33 10-33 TO-33 TO-33 TO-7 TO-7 TO-I TO-40 TO-I TO-4O TO-40 TO-I TO-I TO-I TO-I Max. Typ. Typ p. db 37 Typ. hr. rna 48 48 I 321 75 75 0.6 37 4.7 48 48 I 10 75 75 0.6 3U 27 30 60 60 1.5 17 60 100 100 I 80 80 I 26.2 10 60 80 80 I 21 50 60 60 I 100 37.8 0.455 ~I~ 48 I 37.8 0.455 6.71 48 48 I 32# I 75 0.6 I I 75 0.6 321 24 50 120 1 60 60 I 24 50 120 I 60 60 1.5 14 100 140 i JOO 100 I ....... ....... 140 II 40 40 I 17# 100 140 80 80 I 35 10.7 100 80 80 1.5 27 12.5 ~.!~ 60 1.5 21 50 100 60 60 1.5 27 12.5 30 ; 60 60 1.5 27 12.5 30 1 90 SO 1.5 21 50 100 90 90 1.5 24 50 120 90 90 1.5 51 0.455 33 50 50 I 130 130 I 43.51 1.5 33 54.4 0.455 33 60 60 I 54.4 0.455 33 60 60 I 48.9# 1.5 33 130 130 I 48.9# 1.5 33 130 130 I 47.7 1.5 45 80 80 I 47.7 1.5 45 80 80 I 47.7 1.5 45 80 80 I 61.5 0.262 40 75 75 I 37# 1.5 45 75 75 I Me 0.455 I 0.455 I 12.5 20 applications. Can be used in RF power amplifiers utilizing either Max. VCB fT~ - fhIb Me I--4J 10 Me :~ ;~ i I - Pd-transistor total power dissipation P.-available power gain VCB-collector-to-base voltage *-military version also available t-Iow noise type: NF=5 db max. :j:-NPN type {conversion power gain TYPES FOR LARGE-SIGNAL AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS TYPES FOR RF APPLICATIONS Characteristics ICBo-collector-cutoff current with emitter open volts 16 16 16 20 40 24 24 24 40 13 13 13 13 40 40 30 30 30 30 40 40 60 40 40 40 24 24 24 24 24 - 24 34 34 34 34 34 EACH 1-99 100·999 1.1 & .77 1.24 .83 1.1 & .77 1.24 .B3 1.24 .B3 .BI .54 .79 _53 .79 .53 1.&5 1.10 .54 .3& .51 --:34 .58 .39 .54 .3& 1.98 1.32 1.98 1.32 .83 .55 .SI .54 .SI .54 .74 .50 1.24 .S3 1.40 .94 1.49 .99 1.49 .99 1.&5 1.10 2.15 1.43 .S& .57 .S9 .59 .51 .34 .54 .36 .54 .3& .58 .39 .&3 .42 .59 .40 .&3 .42 .56 .37 .59 .40 Class A or Class B operation. Characteristics Typ. lyp. Typ. MaXimum Ratings Material and Type No. 2NI09 2N17& 2N217 2N270 2N301 2N30lA 2N351 2N37& 2N407 2N40S 2N&47t 2N&49t 2NI90S 2NI906 2N2147 2N2148 JEDEC Pd \ Pkg. @25'C VeB Const. --Alloy TO-40 AI!oy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy ~ Alloy Alloy Drift-Field Drifl-Field Drift-Field Drift-Field TO-3 TO-I TO-7 TO-3 TO-3 TO-3 TO-3 TO-40 TO-I TO-I TO-I TO-3 TO-3 TO-3 TO-3 Ic hFE @Ic(ma) rna 75 50 0.15 25 0.07 10 40 3 63 500 75 50 0.15 25 0.07 150 0.25 25 0.075 70 11 32 3 70 1000 11 32 3 70 1000 10· 40 3 65 700 10 40 3 78 700 0.15 20 0.07 65 50 0.15 20 0.07 65 - - 70 50 0.1 25 0.05 50 0.1 50 20 0.05 65 50 60 10 90 1000 50 100 10 125 5000 12.5 75 5 150 1000 12.5 60 5 80 1000 Watts Valls -Amp- hFE Ihfb IT Me Me EACH 1-99 100-999 I .&9 .4& .. 45 1.88 1.25 I ..... .&& .44 I ..... .S3 .55 1.52 1.01 -... 3.71 2.48 45 2.03 1.35 .... 60 2.10 1.40 .... ..... .45 .30 .41 ~ .. 1.16 .77 .S& .57 .... 7.5 4.13 2.75 .... 7.5 &.60 4.40 .... 4 2.0& 1.38 .... 3 1.58 1.0& TYPES FOR SMALL-SIGNAL AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS Max. Ratings Type No. 2NI04 2NI75 2N215 2N220' 2N405 2N40& 2N591 2N1010+ 2N2&13t 2N2&14 Canst. Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy JEDEC 7Pkg • TO-40 TO-40 TO-I TO-l TO-40 TO-l TO-l TO-I TO-I TO-l Characteristics Typ. VCB Volts 30 \0 30 \0 20 20 32 10 13 20 IC ma 50 2 50 2 35 35 20 hfe Typ. Max. @'c(ma) fhfb ICBO ~I~ 44 I 65 44 65 35 35 70 35 125 50 160 2 \0 0.5 1 0.5 I I 2 0.3 0.5 1 -- EACH 199 100999 Me ~ 0.7 \0 1.65 T:Iii 0.S5 12 1.63 1.09 0.7 10 1.73 1.1& 0.85 12 1.55 1.03 0.65 14 _.40 .2& 0.65 14 .35 0.7 7 .58 .39 2 \0 2.89 1.93 4 10 .59 .40 10 6.5 .54 .36 -:n \ SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES DESIGNED TO MEET MILITARY SPECIFICATIONS Type USA-I N249B USA-I N250B USAF-I NI199 USAF-I NI200 USAF-I NI201 USAF-I NI202 USAF-I NI203 . USAF·I N 1204 USAF-I NI205 USAF-I N120& USA·I N2135A JAN-2NI74 JAN-2N220 USA-2N274 JAN-2N384 USN-2N388 USN-2N398 USAF-2N404 USA-2N1183 USA-2 N I 183A USA-2NI183B USA-2N1184 USA-2 N I 184A USA-2NI184B Specification MIL-S-19500/134 (Sig C) MIL-S-19500/134 (Sig C) MIL-E-l/ll08 (USAF) MIL-E-I/ll08 (USAF) MIL-E-l/ll0S (USAF) MIL-E-I/llOS (USAF) MIL-E-I/1l0S (USAF) MIL-E-I/ll08 (USAF) MIL-E-l/llOS (USAF) MIL-E-l/ll08 (USAF) MIL-T-19500/134 (Sig C) MIL-T-19500/13A MIL-T-19500/1 MIL-T-19500/26 (Sig C) MIL-S-19500/27C MIL-T-19500/65 (Navy) MIL-S-19500/174 (Navy) MIL-T-19500/20 (USAF) MIL-S-19500/143 (Sig C) MIL-S-19500/143 (Sig C) MIL-S-19500/143 (Sig C) MIL-S-19500/143 (Sig C) MIL-S-19500/143 (Sig C) MIL-S-19500/143 (Sig C) 1-99. EA. 100-999. EA. 3.30 2.20 4.54 3.03 2.0& 1.38 2.72 1.82 3.30 2.20 -3.9& 2.&4 5.12 3.41 &.27 4.18 7.43 4.95 S_&& 5.7S 7.S4 5.23 3.18 4.77 2.0& 1.38 2.48 1.&5 3.30 2.20 - -..." - .&1 .41 1.47 .9S .50 .33 2.64 1.7& 3.30 2.20 3.88 2.59 2.4S 3.71 2.70 .4.04 4.70 3.14 Type USA-2N1224 USA-2N 1225 USN-2N 1302 USN-2N1303 USN-2N 1304 USN-2N1305 USN-2N 130& USN-2N 1307 USN-2NI30a USN-2N1309 USN-2N1412 USA-2N1479 USA-2N1480 USA-2N 1481 USA-2N1482 USA-2N 1483 USA-2 N 1484 USA-2N 1485 USA-2N 148& USA-2N 1513 -----_. USA-2N1514 USN-2N1853 USN-2N1854 USA-2 N2273M Call the Nearest Allied Offic:e for All Your Eledronic: Needs Specification 1-99, EA. 100-999. EA. MIL-S-19500/1B9 (Sig C) 2.0& 1.38 MIL-S-19500/1B9 (Sig C) 2.31 1.54 MIL-S-19500/126A (Navy) .51 .34 MIL-S-19500/126A (N\lvy) :51 .34 MIL-S-19500/126A (Navy) .&4 .43 MIL-S-19500/126A (Navy) .&4 .43 MIL-S-19500/126A (Navy) .8& .57 M!L-S-19500/126A (Navy) .86 .57 MIL-S-19500/126A (Navy) 1.19 .79 MIL-S-19500/126A (Navy) 1.19 .79 MIL-S-19500/76 (Navy) &.52 4.34 MIL-S-19500/207 (Sig C) 3.47 2.31 MIL-S-19500/207 (Sig C) 3.S0 2.53 MIL-S-19500/207 (Sig C) 4.13 2.75 MIL-S-19500/207 (Sig C) 4.95 3.30 MIL-S-19500/1BO (Sig C) 5.3& 3.5S MIL-S-19500/180 (Sig C) &.&0 4.40 MIL-S-19500/ISO (Sig C) S.25 5.50 MIL-S-19500/ISO (Sig C) 11.14 7.43 M IL-S-19500 /20B (Sig C) 1&.50 11.00 MIL-S-19500/208 (Sig C) 23.95 15.95 MIL-S-19500/171A (Navy) 1.32 .88 MIL-S-19500/172A (Navy) 1.&5 1.10 MIL-S-19500/244A (EL) 4.95 3.30 ALLIED • 49 RCA ~ ~ L~ TO-7 TO-5 Semiconduct~rs fnf 'fit "'''''''·'''1 ,III" TO-18 TO-9 TYpe No_ 2N398 2N398A 2N398B 2NS86 ~I TYPES FOR HIGH-SPEED SWITCHING APPLICATIONS EACH Min. Max. Max. Max JEDEC Min. 10DPd VCE 1IT hFE@I. C.b Pkg. (mc) (rna) ~ (mw) (volts) 99 999 TO-5 50 105 '--:61 .41 TO-5 150 lOS 1.12 20 .75 TO-5 250 lOS 1.30 .87 TO-7 ....... 35 250 ....... 250 105 1_73 1.16 ros ~~ ~ TYPES FOR MEDIUM-SPEED SWITCHING APPLICATIONS 13* 24 TO-l 5* 30 TO-5 TO-5 5* 30 TO-5 3* 20 30 TO-5 5' ~ ~~ Go Alloy ~ 30 2N396A 10* 40 2N397 Go Alloy TO-5 13* 24 2N404 Go Alloy TO-5 2N404A Go Alloy TO-5 4* 24 TO-5 SO 80' ~ ~~ Go Alloy TO-9 3* 10 2N578 Ge Alloy TO-9 5* 20 2NS79 10* 30 2NS80 Ge Alloy TO-9 2N581 Ge Alloy TO-5 4* 20 14- 40 2NSB2 ~~ TO-5 4- 20 Ge Alloy 2N583 2NS84 Ge Alloy TO-l 14* 40 3* 20 2N5B5t Go Alloy TO-9 25 30 2N794 Ge Mesa TO-18 ~ Ge Mesa TO-18 35 30 Go Mesa TO-i8 50 50 '2N796 2N828 Ge Mesa TO-18 300 25 Si Plenar.: 2N834t epitaxial TO-18 350 25 51 Planar2N914t epitaxial TO-18 300 30 Ge Mesa TO-IS 1000 30 2N95Sf ~I Epitaxial TO-IS 1000 30 2N95SAt Ge Mesa TO-5· 25 30 2NI300 2NI301 Ge Mesa TO-5 35 30 Go Drift2NI384 Fiold TO-lI 20 20 Ge Drift2NI450 Field 20 TO-9 Mesa 2NI683 TO-5 50 50 2NI711 t Si Triple2N269 2N388t 2N388At 2N39S Ge Go Go Ge Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy ro:s ToT 'Go 2420 120 24 200 ....... 150 20 200 ....... 150 20 10 20 150 15 10 20 150 20 10 20 200 20 10 20 150' ,15 24 20 150 24 24 20 150 35 ... 11 150 ~ 400 120 14 400 ....... 120 14 400 ....... 120 14 20 20 150 15 24 20 150 14 20 20 15 120 2 12 120 14 20 25 .120 15 10 12 13 ISO 10 12 12 ISO 10 12 12 150 10 6 150 15 10 4 300 30 10 6 30 6 30 6 10 12 10 12 360 150 150 ISO 150 15 200 ....... 10 10 12 1.98 .59 2.57 .66 .84 .84 1.34 .41 .58 .41 .99 1.57 2.06 .50 .99 .83 3.22 .99 1.49 1.98 2.89 3.30 1_32 .40 1.72 .44 .56 --:s& _89 .28 .39 _28 .66 1.05 1.38 .33 .66 .55 2.15 .66 .99 ~ 1.93 2.20 4.13 2.75 3_71 2.48 4.79 ~ S 5.36 3.58 12 1.16 .77 12 1.49 .99 30 120 150 I~ 12 2.06 1.38 2.06 1.38 1.65 1.10 diffused- planar 2NI853 2NI854 2N2273 2":12475t Ge Go Mesa Mesa ~~ TO-5 70 100 150 25 TO-5 ....... 30 6 ....... TO-5 40 40 20 12 TO-IS 200 20 1 3.5 Si Planar- epitaxial TO-IS 2N2476t Si Planar- 2N2477t epitaxial TO-5 Si Planar- 2N2482t 2NI090t 2NI091 t 2NI169t 2NII70t 2NI302t 2NI303 2NI304t 2NI305 2NI306t 2NI307 2NI308t 2NI309 2NI319 SOO ISO ISO 100 eplta~ial TO-5 Go Mesa TO-IS Go ~ TO-9 Go Alloy TO-9 Ge Bidirectional TO-5 Ge Bidirectional TO-5 Go Alloy TO-5 ~~ TO-5 Go Alloy TO-5 Go Alloy TO-5 GE Alloy TO-5 Go Alloy TO-5 Ge Alloy TO-S Go Alloy TO-5 600 20 250 20 250 40 300 25 5* 30 10~ 40 -- - - Ge Bidirectional 2NI60St Ge 2NI605AI Go Alloy Alloy TO-5 . TO-5 TO-5 50 50 3.47 2.31 6 1.32 .88 6 1.65 1.10 4_13 2.75 ~ 3 300 6 150 10 600 20 3.71 150 2 20 20 600 ISO 120 120 20 20 IS 12 6.19 4.13 6.19 4.13 1.24 .83 1.57 1.05 10 4.5 25 25 6.19 4_13 2.48 4.5' 20 200 19 120 IS 1.98 4.5* 20 3' 20 3' 20 5' 40 5* 40 10' 60 10* 60 IS' SO 15* SO 200 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 120 150 150 150 ISO ISO 150 150 150 20 25 30 25 30 25 30 3.71 2.48 .50 .33 .50 .33 .61 --:4i .48 .32 .79 .53 .79 .53 1.11 .74 1.07 .72 4.5*20 4' 24 4' 24 200 19 24 20 24 20 120 ISO 200 21 24 40 1.65 1.10 1.24 .83 1.50 1.00 ~ 25 1.32 Draw on the world's largest, most complete stocks of RCA semiconductors. All orders are shipped the same day they are received. 50 • ALLIED Material Type No. JEDEC Pkg. and Const. Max. Max. Min. Min. Max. IT hFE@I, (rna) Cob Pd VCE (me) ~ (mw) (volts) 199 EACH 100999 2N643 Go Drill20 20 5 5 120 29 1.40 2N644 Field Drift- lO-9 Go Fiold DriftField TO-9 40 20 5 5 120 29 1.65 1.10 2N645 Go 2N696t Si Diffused- 2N697t Si 2N705 2N706t 2N706At 2N70BI 2N709t, Go Si Si Si Si Junction DiffusedJunction Mesa Mesa Mesa Planar Planarepitaxial Mesa Mesa Ge .94 TO-9 60 20 5 5 120 29 2.64 TO-9 SO 20 150 35 600 40 1.57 1.05 40 25 20 20 30 ISO 35 10 5 10 '6 10 ....... 10 6 600 150 300 300 360 40 IS 20 20 20 2_06 1.98 1.32 I.B2 2.06 300 ISO ISO 6 15 12 8_25 5.50 1.73 1.16 1.16 .77 SOO 50 2.89 1.93 300 25 3.30 2.20 TO-5 100 TO-5 300 TO-IS 200 TO-IS 200 TO-IS ....... TO-IS 600 15 30 3 10 5 TO-IS 30025 Ge 10 5 TO-IS 200 20 5i Triplediffusedplanar TO-5 60 20 0.1 25 2NI70Bt 5i PlanarepitaXial TO-46 200 20 10 6 2N2102t Si Triplediffused_ planar TO-5 60 ,~ 15 2N220St Si Planarepitaxial TO-18 200 . 20 1 6 2N2206t Si Planarepitaxial 10-46 200 40 10 6 2N2270t Si Triple2N710 2N711 2NI613t diffusedplanar TO-5 ' r-4- 240 Pd-total dissip. VeE-col-emitter v. VCEX-c-e v. rev. "bias VCE(sus)-c-e sus·,v. t-NPN, others PNP *alpha, §beta. cutoff GERMANIUM AND SILICON COMPUTER SWITCHING TRANSISTORS typES FOR LOW-SPEED SWITCHING APPLICATIONS Material and Consl. Alloy Alloy Ge Alloy Ge Alloy Cob--Dutput cap_ fr-galn-bandwldth hFE-fwd DC ratio I.-DC coll_ cur. TO-46 TO-ll GERMANIUM AND SILICON COMPUTER SWITCHING TRANSISTORS \ EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEAI)IN~S, SYMBOLS 60 50 ISO 15 1000 1.76 1.38 1.32 .BB 1.21 1.38 80 4.13 2.75 300 25 3.30 2.20 300 25 3.71 1000 60 2.06 1.38 2o!'18 SILICON .AND GERMANIUM POWER TRANSISTORS MEDIUM-POWER TYPES Min. Min. Max. Typ. EACH 1- 10Dand IT Pkg. Pd ~CEX VOE(SU8) hFE @ Ie VCE(est) Const. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 99 999 15@.2 2 @.2 60 2N1092 t Si Alloy TO-5 2 1.5' 10.75 7.15 4O@.IS S @.I5 50 2.S9 1.93 2 SO SO 2~699t Si Plan. TO-5 1.5@.15 60 3.71 2.48 50 ........ 3S@.01 2NI6131 Si PI-Ep. TO-5 3 13.5@.2 ...... 3.30 2.20 60 ........ 12@.2 2N497 1 5i Alloy TO-5 4 13.5@.2 TO-S 60 3O@.2 4.13 2.75 2N656t ~~ 15@.2 ~ 1.5* 20.95 13.95 60 2N1067 1 Si Alloy TO-18 5 20@.2 1.4@.2 60 40 1.5' 347 231 2NI4791 Si Alloy TO-5 5 1.4@.2 2NI4SI1 SI Alloy TO-5 5 60 40 35 ® 2 1.5' 3.30 2.20 2O@.1 1 @.1 60 40 2.23 1.49 2N1700t Si Alloy TO-5 5 35@.001 .9@.I5 60 60 45 2.06 1.3S 2N2270t Si PI-Ep. TO-5 5 ---~- lillo-5-520@.2 t:4@2 1.5* 4r 2.75 2N14801 TO-5 5 35@.2 l.4@.2 2Nl482t Si Alloy TO-5 5 100 55 1.5' 5.7S 3.S5 35 @ .01 .5 @ .15 60 65 4.95 3.30 2N2102t Si PI-Ep. TO-5 5 SO Type No. Material JEDEC Max. Min. 1+ WIIOY INTERMEDIATE-POWER TYPES Max. Typ. EACH Min. Material JEDEC Max. Min. Min. and 1- 10DIT Pkg· Pd VCEX VCE(BUB) hFE @I, VCE(eat) Gonst. ~ (v) _(_v)_ ~ ~ ~ 99 999 .5@.4 0.5* 1.82 1.21 2N1183 GeAlloy TO-8 7.5 45 ........ 20@.4 .5@.4 0.5- 2.48 1.65 2N11S4 Go Alloy TO-8 7.5 45 ........ 4O@.4 ·20@.4 .5@.4 2N1l83A Go Alloy TO-S 7.5 60 0.5' 2.31 1.54 .5@.4 2N1l84A G3 Alloy TO-S 7.5 60 ........ 4O@.4 0.5' 2.S1 I.S7 7.5 80 20@.4 ~ 0.51.93 ~Alloy TO-S ~ ~ .5@.4 0:5* 3.47 2.31 2Nl184B Go Alloy TO-8 7.5 80 4O@.4 2 @.75 1.!i* 21.95 14.65 2NI06St Si Alloy TO-S 10 60 ........ 15@.2 2N2147 GoD. F. TO-3 12.5 50 lOO@l 701-'8 max. 4 2.06 1.38 40@1 -100JLII rna •. 3 2N2148 GeD. F. TO-3 12.5 40 1.5S 1.06 2N1483 Si Alloy TO-8 25 20@.75 ~ 1.25' 4.13 2.75 60 40 .75@.75 1.25' 6.19 4.13 2N1485t 5i Alloy 60 40 35 @.75 20@.3 1.5@ ..3 ...... 3.30 2.20 2NI701 t Si Alloy TO-S 25 60 40 20 @ .75 2NI484t Si Alloy TO-S 25 100 55 2 @.75 1.25' 5.36 3.58 .75@.75 1.25' 9.0S 6.OS 2N1486t Si Alloy TO-S 25 100 55 35 @ .75 .75@.75 1.25- ·S.25 5.50 Si Alloy Stud 40 60 40 ~ Si Alloy 1 5tud i40 60 40 ~ 20@.3 1.5@3 4.95 3.30 2N2339t 55 35 @ .75 .75@.75 1.25' 10.73 7.15 2NI769t Si Alloy Stud 40 100 Typo No. lro:s Ifs- Specify Mcmufocturer's Name ond Type No. on Semicondu:tor Orders RCA Transistors and Rectifiers COLUMN HEADINGS (See also preceding page.] VRM(rep)-repetitive peak reverse voltage VRM(nQn rep)-non rep. trans. peak rev. v. VFBOMcrep)-rep.peakfwd blocking voltage IFCa.)-average forward current IFM(.u ...)-peak surge current IGy-maximum DC gate trigger current t-NPN, others PNP. *alpha, §beta cutoff TO-36 TO·3 00-4 00·\ 10·39 00·5 51L1CON AND GERMANIUM POWER TRANSISTORS SILCON DIFFUSED-JUNCTION RECTIFIERS HIGH·POWER TYPES HIGH VOLTAGE 'TYPES (Conl'd) Material JEDEC Type No. 2NI069t 2NI070t 2NI487t 2NI4S9t 2N1511 t 2NI513t 2N1702t 2N1703t 2N1488t 2NI490t 2NI512t 2NI514t 2N277 2N441 2N278 2N442 2NI73 2NI74 2N443 2NI099 2NIlOO 2NI358 2NI412 2N2338t 2N2015t 2N2016t and Pkg. Canst 5i 5i 5i 5i 5i 5; 5i 5i 5i 5i 5; 5i Ce Ce Ce Go Ce Ce Ce Ce Go Ce Ge Si Si Si Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy Alloy TO·3 TO·3 -TO·3 -TO·3 TO·36 TO·36 TO·3 TO·36 -TO·3 -TO·3 TO·36 TO·36 TO·36 TO·36 TO·36 TO·36 TO·36 TO·36 TO·36 TO·36 TO·36 TO·36 TO·36 TO·36 TO·36 TO·36 EACH Typ. Max. Min. Max. Min. Min. p. VeEX VCE No. 500 501 502 VO VO VO VO Working Voltage (volts) minimum (pf) minimum 4-10 4-9 4-8 4-8 50~ EACH Is:OO 125 150 175 200 25.00 40.00 60.00 SILICON UHF POWER VARACTORS Have cut-off freq. to 50 kmc at breakdown; wkg. voltages to 200 v. VO VO VO VO VO VO VO VO 510 511 512 513 520 521 522 523 125 150 175 200 125 150 175 200 1-2.5 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2.5 1-~ 1-2 1-2 30.00 45.00 75.00 100.00 45.00 70.00 100.00 150.00 30.VOLT GALLIUM ARSENIDE VARACTORS Cut-off frequency is measured at 10 kmc. Power dissipation is up to 500 mw. All characteristics below are given for TA = 25'C. Type No. VO 310 VO 31 I VO 312 I Cut-off Frequency te @ -6 V. min 20 Cj (pt) EACH 0.22-1.5 0-22.1.4 0.22-1.3 20.00 30.00 50.00 t e @ -30 v. typo 40 35 70 60 110 I Cut .. off Freq uency Type No. VO 313 VO 314 VO 315 t e @ -6. v. Tin 80 100 120 THYRISTOR (BISTABLE) TYPES t e @ -30 v. typo 145 180 220 Cj EACH 0.22-1.2 0.22-1.1 0.22-1.0 100.00 150.00 200.00 ~--- MULTIPLE DIODES I In TO-5 cases. All have VOB. 25 v.; 10. 100 rna; Pd @ 25'C. 75 rna. ''Turn-Off'' EACH "On" Storage Fall 110010 mpsec m,..ec ~ 99 999 mj.lsec ~~~ ~ 60 10 4.54 3.03 15 2NI213 8 0.5 3@10 5 15 50 50 20 4.54 3.03 2NI214 18 1.0 7@20 6 15 30 30 4.54 3.03 2NI215 26 1.5 10@30 6 35 5.0 ... .. . 50 2.97 1.98 2NI216 45 ... 7 20 Type No. Max. Max. 10("",) IF Max. IR ---- "Turn-On" Delay Rise 1---50 GERMANIUM TUNNEL DIODES Type N•• IN3128 IN3847 IN3852 IN3857 IN3848 IN3853 IN3858 IN3129 IN3B49 IN3B54 IN3B59 IN3130 IN3138 IN3850 IN3855 IN3860 IN3851 IN3856 Material and Construction Ge ... Ge Ep.itaxial Ge Epitaxial Ge Epitaxial -Ge - Epitaxial Ge Epitaxial Ge Epitaxial Ge ... Ge Epitaxial Ge Epitaxial Ge Epitaxial Ge ... GaAs ... Epitaxial ~ Ge Epitaxial Ge Epitaxial G. Epitaxial Ge Epitaxial 52· AWED JEDEC Max.lp Min. Max.C ~ ~ ~ (pI) Special RCA Special RCA Special RCA Special RCA Special RCA Special RCA SP.ecial R.CA Special RCA Special RCA Special RCA Special RCA Special RCA Special RCA Spetial RCA Special RCA Special RCA Special RCA Special RCA 8:1 5"'5% 5",10% 6:1 8:1 5"'5% 8:1 5"'5% 10"'10% 6:1 8:1 10"'5% 8:1 10"'5% 8:1 20"'5% 20"'10% 6:1 20=5% 8:1 8:1 20=5% 8:1 50=5% 50=5% 13:1 50=10% 6:1 50=5% 8:1 50=5% 100= 10% 6:1 100"'5% 8:1 -- 8:l EACH 1-99 100-999 12.38 8.25 4.95 3.30 I 1.39 7.59 14~85 9.90 4.95 3.30 I 1.39 7.59 14.85 9.90 11.47 7.65 4.95 3.30 11.39 .7.59 14.85 9.90 12.38 8.25 36.30 24.20 4.95 3.30 1·1.39 7.59 14.85 9.90 4.95 3.30 I 1.39 7.59 Is --- - 25 15 8 25 15 8 20 30 20 10 25 30 40 25 12 40 25 -- -- Type I __N_o_._. 2 OG 00 I 3 OG 00 I Type No. IN2326 Male'ialandl Min. BVRI Max. VF IMax.IF\ Max. IR EACH JEDEC Pkg. _(_v)_ _(_v)_ ~ @55'C (pa) ~1100-999 Ge TO-33 20 0.4 40 15 I .62 I .08 Ge TO-33 20 0.4 40 15 2.34 I .56 I I GERMANIUM COMPENSATING DIODE Mate'ial and JEDEC Pkg. Ge I TO-l I VR IIF I EFWD @ 25'C I EACH (rna) @ IF = 2 rna (mv) ~ 100-999 I 10 . 135 .50 .33 ~ DIGITAL MICROCIRCUIT TJ~ I Max. Number ITYr~ I Tyr; I TYPD~::;e, IlmN~~~lty \ EACH _=_.__ Inputs IOutputs (nsec) (nsec) ~ Off (v) IOn (v) _ __ OMC-IOO 15 5 11 10 7 1.5 1.5 33.00 GERMANIUM TUNNEL RECTIFIERS EACH Max. VR Material Min. Max. Min. (mv) and C 1100VF I. JEDEC Pkg. (rna) @IF=lma (pO 99 999 ~\IR-lOma l':ol ... 170 400 6 6.19 4.13 IN 3861 Ge\spoc. Pkg. 300 150 420 4 11.39 7.59 IN 3862 Ge Spec. Pkg. .01 300 150 435 4 14.B5 9.90 IN 3863 Ge Spec. Pkg. .01 Type No. RCA Transistor Manual. ·5C-l0. Includes rect .• diodes. 5l1.ix8Ys". RCA Tunnel-Diode Manuol. TO-3D. Contains 160 pgs. 5l1.ix8Ys". 37 K 683 , .............. 1.50 37 K 7,27 ............... I .50 Specify Manufacturer's Name Clnd Type No. on All Semiconductor Orders RCA Silicon Power Rectifiers STUD MOUNTED SILICON RECTIFIERS ••• o 1. RUGGED TERMINAL ~ RCA presents a series of studmounted. diffused-junction type silicon rectifiers engineered to provide a high degree of quality and dependability. Designed specifically for service in heavy-duty military and industrial power supplies. these rugged power rectifiers incorporate the finest of materials in their construction, as well as an engineering concept that embodies balanced electrical and mechanical ruggedness through solid construction at every critical point. Check the important construction features listed in the cross-sectional view at right. Long term life-testing and field experience have proven the soundness of this important RCA design concept. Units are conservatively rated for continuous operation over long periods of time. These fine rectifiers provide the added reliability and large safety factors so important in critical military and industrial power rectification applications. Allied maintains large stocks of these RCA stud-mounted silicon rectifiers-call or wire us for same day shipment at OEM prices. Offer all these Engineered Advantages ... 2. HEAVY GAUGE UPPER LEAD _~_ 3. HERMETIC GLASS·TO·METAL SEALS ~ 10. EXCLUSIVE UPPER }ONTACT DESIGN r- H-r-r-r-T"T<..r. 4. UNIQUE PINCHED / I II / / ' / / Ill; SECTION STRESS ISOLATOR / 5. DRY·BOX ENVIRONMENT r- __ ~ 11. DIFFUSED JUNCTION 6. ONLY 2 SOLDER JOINTS ~], _ _ -~SILICON PEllET V ""--L 12. STRESS RESISTANT 7. SPECIAL MULTIPLE r PEDESTAL ENCAPSULANTS 8. WELDED SEAL '---:--_ _-, r------' I I -~ ? Hermetically Sealed ••• Welded Construction ••• Conservatively Rated for Continuous Operation 9. EXCLUSIVE ZIRCONIUM·COPPER ~ ALLOY STUD ~ Maximum Ratings Maximum Ratings IF@·C· Type -(amp) (·C) No. IN1612.IN1612R IN1613.IN1613R IN1614.IN1614R INI6IS.INI6ISR IN1616.IN1616R 4010B 40109 40110 40111 40112 40114 IN1199A. INI199RA IN1200A.IN1200RA IN1202A.IN1202RA IN I 203A. INI203RA IN 1204A. IN 1204RA INI20SA.INI20SRA IN I 206A. INI206RA 5 10 VR (v) Maximum Peak Amperes Re· I Cycle (60 cps) Peak Pulse Surge (l ,usee) current Surge' 50 100 135· 200 400 600 50 100 200 ISO· 300 400 - 600 50 100 200 ISO· 300 400 500 600 25 40 2000 ISO 140 - 12 Type 50 3100 240 *Average value DC forward current at indicated case temperature. No. 40208 40209 40210 40211 40212 40214 IN248C.IN24BRC IN249C.IN249RC IN2S0C.IN2S0RC INI19SA.INI19SRA IN1196A.IN1196RA INI I 97A. INI197RA INI19BA.INI19BRA INIIB7.INIIB7R INIIBB.INIIBBR INIIB9.INIIB9R IN1190.IN1190R INIIB3A.INIIB3RA INIIB4A.INIIB4RA INI186A.INIIB6RA IF@·C (amp) (·C) Va (v) Maximum Peak Amperes Re- current 50 100 200 IS ISO· 300 72 400 600 -55-lIO 220 20 ISO· 300 90 400 500 - -600 300 35 140· 400 130 500 - -600 50 40 ISO· 100 195 200 I Cycle (60 cps) Peak Pulse Surge Surge (ipsee) 250 - 350 4500 500 6400 SOO 11.000 -- PRICES AND ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS OF STUD MOUNTED RECTIFIERS Type JEOEC Pkg. No. INI612 00·4 INI612R 00·4 00·4 INI613 INI613R 00-4 00-4 INI614 INI614R 00·4 00·4 INI615 INI615R 00-4 00-4 INI616 INI616R 00·4 00-4 4010B 00·4 40109 00·4 40110 00·4 40111 00-4 40112 00·4 40114 00·4 INI199A INI199RA 00-4 00-4 IN 1200A INI200RA 00·4 00-4 INI202A I IF @·C 5@ 135 5@ 135 5@ 135 5@ 135 5@ 135 5@ 135 5@ 135 5@ 135 5@ 135 5@ 135 10@ ill 10@ ISO 10@ ISO 10@ ISO IO@ ISO 10@ ISO 12@ ISO 12@ ISO 12@ ISO 12@ ISO 12@ ISO PRV EACH Type (v) 100-999 -1-99 -1.07 .72 No. 50 50 100 100 200 200 400 400 600 600 50 100 200 300 400 600 50 50 100 100 200 1.07 .72 1.24 .B3 1.24 .B3 1.90 1.27 1.90 4.13 2.75 4.13 2.75 6.02 4.02 6.02 4.02 .74 .50 .91 .61 1.57 1.05 2.15 1.43 2.4B 1.65 3.71 2.4B 1.24 .B3 1.24 .B3 1.40 .94 1.40 .94 2.72 I.B2 1.27 INI202RA INI203A INI203RA INI204R INI204RA INI205A INI205RA INI206A INI206RA 4020B 40209 40210 40211 40212 40214 IN248C IN24BRC IN249C IN249RC IN250C ·IN250RC JEOEC IF Pkg. @·C 00-4 12@ ISO 00-4 12@ ISO 00·4 12@ ISO 00-4 12@ ISO 00-4 12@ ISO 00-4 12@ ISO 00-4 12@ ISO 00-4 12@ ISO 00·4 12@ ISO 00·5 18@ ISO 00·5 18@ ISO· 00-5 IS@ ISO 00·5 18@ ISO 00-5 IS@ ISO 00·5 IS@ ISO 00·5 20@ ISO 00·5 20@ ISO 00·5 20@ ISO 00-5 20@ ISO 00·5 20@ ISO 00-5 20@ ISO PRV EACH Type (v) 1-99 100·999 -2.72 - -I.B2 - No. 200 300 300 400 400 500 500 600 600 50 100 200 300 400 600 55 55 110 110 220 220 4.13 2.75 4.13 2.75 5.12 3.41 5.12 3.41 6.19 4.13 6.19 4.13 7.43 4.95 7.43 4.95 1.32 .BB 1.40 .94 1.90 1.27 2.39 1.60 2.B9 1.93 4.21 2.81 I.B2 1.21 1.82 1.21 2.31 1.54 2.31 1.54 -3.30 - -2.20 3.30 2.20 INI195A INI19SRA INI196A INI196RA INI197A INI197RA INI19BA INI19BRA INI187 IN 1187R INIIBB INIIBBR INIIB9 INIIB9R INI190 INI190R INI183A INIIB3RA INIIB4A INI184RA JEDEC Pkg. 00·5 00·5 00·5 00·5 00·5 00·5 00·5 00·5 00·5 00·5 00·5 00·5 00·5 00·5 00·5 00-5 00·5 00-5 00·5 00·5 EACH PRV IF @ ·C ~ 1·99 100·999 20@ ISO 300 5.36 3.58 20@ ISO 300 5.36 3.5B 20@ ISO 400 6.60 4.40 20@ ISO 400 6.60 4.40 20@ ISO 300 B.25 5.50 20@ ISO 400 B.25 5.50 20@ ISO 500 9.90 6.60 20@ ISO 600 9.90 6.60 35@ 140 300 7.01 4.6B 35@ 140 300 7.01 4.6B 35@ 140 400 B.66 5.7B 35@ 140 400 B.66 5.7B 35@ 140 500· 10.31 6.88 35@ 140 500 10.31 6.8B 35@ 140 600 12.38 B.25 35@ 140 600 12.38 8.25 4O@ ISO 50 2.56 1.71 4O@ ISO 50 2.56 1.71 40@ ISO 100 3.22 2.15 4O@ 150 100 3.22 2.15 -- ATTENTION INDUSTRIAL BUYERS Allied constantly maintains large stocks of RCA semiconductor products-ready for immediate shipment in quantity! Your order will be 5hipp~d to you the same day it is received-at the lowest OEM factory prices prevailing at the time of shipment. Call the Nearest Allied Office for All Your Electronic Needs I ALLIED • 53 ·PHILCO Semiconductors EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS cpU.-base output cap. fhlb. AC commonbase forward-current-transfer-ratio cutoff freq. ft. gain/bandwidth product. hFE. large Big. DC current gain. h'e. AC Clll:"rent gain. h'lb, co~mon-base AC short-circuit input imp. hob, base AC open-circuit output condo h,b. base AC open-circuit reverse transfer v. ratio. la. DC current. Ic. max. coil. current. ICBO; colI. Cob. cutoff current, open emitter. Nf, input noise; v. ref. to 1 p.v. PG, power gain @ specified freq. PO. power output. PT. total dissipation. rb'Cc• -internal base resistance/colI. cp a. product. TJ, junction temp.' ton, on time. toff, off time. f r, rise time. tSI storage time. Vca, max. coll.-base V. VCE(SAT). sat. V. @ specified Ic. lB. Explanation of column headings applies to the following page also. GE:RMANIUM SWITCHING TRANSISTORS MEDIUM AND LOW·SPEED PNP ALLOY JUNCTION TYPES PT VCB at 25°C (volts) (mw) --2-5150 100 2N317A ISO 100 15 2N395 200 30 2N396A 100 ISO 25 2N404 85 USAF2N404 Per MIL-S-i9500/20 30 I 150 I 2N429 Per MIL-S-19500/44B JAN2N428 50 20 2N536 250 45 2N597 100 85 250 35 100 2N598 1 Per MIL-S-19500/197A USA2N598 30 I 250 I 2N599 1001 Per MIL-S-19500/166B USN2N599 35 2N600 1001 I 750 1 Per MIL-S-19500/197A USA2N600 30 750 2N601 750 100 45 2NI123 250 100 1 30 2NI478 Type TJ (I'a) 2 5 5 5 I 400 I I Max. 500 200 200 100 asl 30 400 400 hFE leBO Ic (rna) (OC) No. I 4 VCE(SAT) Max. (volts) .20 .1 .1 .15 IB (ma) Max. 20 25 25 60' 60 1...... 1 .32 1 200 110 1...... 1 .225 .13 .2 .2 I 10 10 10 150 150 ...... ...... I Ic (ma) Min. 10 5 40 100 5 . 1 70 400 20 20 12 -40 1 1 0.4 1 10 , ~.33' 0.33 1 1 3 5.6 20 1130 ....... .•...•. I 1 10 1 0.331 400 400 400 5 5 5 100 40 40 .2 , 10 10 10 \ \ I I r 1 TO-9 20 20 20 10 1 0.331 10 , 0.331 10 0.33 3 0.33 3 ig:~3 130 1 165 1 .2 1 TO-31 I TO-31 '1'0-31 TO-9 la CEMax. TJ VCR at PT 25°C Ic \ICBO\ Max. Min. ICObl ·Max. Typ. Typ. Case t, I t . hFE (SAT) I (rna) Ic 1 (rna) 1fT ~ (Oe) (volts) (mw) (rna) (I'a) Min'l Max. (volts). (me) ~ (nsee) (nsec) 175 5 11 .... _ .• TO-l 2 N 50 I 100 15 60 50 5 2 0 . . . .. .. .2 1 10 1 1 JA(II2N50 I A Per MIL-S-19500/62A TO-l 12 100 3 25 .13 0.2 125 100 35 2 2 TO-18 2N768 _24 100 3 25 10 100 12 35 ....... 1 600 3 . 18 TO-18 2N769 _125 2_5 50 200 10 320 100 15 60 50 3 0.5 13 39 TO-18 2N779A - 1- - -320 - - 2_5 -360 50 25 125 .14 10 13 39 100 15 TO-18 2N846A 30 20 600 100 15 100 100 3 .17 2 3 7 15 TO-18 2N976 30 20 60 100 3 .2 10 1 100 3 25 100 TO-9 2NI499A 100 USA2N 1499A Per MIL-S-19500/170 60 1 50 I 5 1 20 ....... 1 .2 2 N I 500 1 100 I 15 1 10 1 1 1 3 1 13 1....... 1 TO-9 1 1 USA2N 1500 Per MIL-S-19500/125 20 13 .2 10 1 3 25 100 2N 17541851 0_5 150 100 5 50 20 .14 10 3 35 2N2048 100 75 TO-9 50110015 150' 100 3 30 1"300"1 12 .22 10 0.4 1'-Hf'1 4 48 2N2400 100 100 TO-18 _2 150 100 1.5 50 10 0.4 200 48 2N2401 100 IS 4 90 TO-18 150 100 1.5 60 .2 10 0.4 250 4 2N2402 100 18 48 15 TO-18 Type ....... ...... ....... ..... - - - - - --- I I I 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 1204 1204A 1494 1494A 1495 1496 100 100 100 100 100 100 20 20 20 20 40 40 I I HIGH·CURRENT DIFFUSED·BASE PNP POLARITY TYPES 200 200 400 400 250 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 7 1 7 1 7 7 15 25 15 25 25 25 ...... .5 .4 .5 •4 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .3 .3 200 200 200 200 200 200 10 10 10 10 20 20 220 220 220 220 150 ISO 10 8 10 8 6.5 6.5 I I 18 15 18 15 30 30 . ...... 45 ....... 45 60 60 1·99 100·999 .93 1.50 .74 .94 2.33 2.93 3.38 2.63 2.55 3.08 3.08 3.90 3.45 3.98 3.83 3.30 1.43 .69 1.10 .54 .62 -1.71 1.95 2.48 1.93 1.87 2.26 2.26 2.86 2.53 2.92 -4.05 - - -2.9.7 -- TO-5 TO-9 I .2 1 225 I 165 20 1.... ;.1 1 70 ~2 0.4 20 1 100 5 _2 I 20 1 5 400 1 TO-5 TO-5 TO-5 TO-5 ,.. 2'0 .. ,..... _., 5.6 1 400 1 Case ....... ...... ...... I··...... .... ' I I HIGH·SPEED I I DIFFUSED·BASE PNP POLARITY TYPES I EACH t, Cob iT Typ. Min. Max. (me) ~ (l'Iee) 14 20 0.3 20 20 ....... 4 20 ....... TO-9 TO-9 TO-31 TO-31 TO-9 TO-31 2:81 2.42 1.05 EACH 1· 100. 99 999 6.38 4.65 7.35 5.35 5.85 4.29 6.75 4.95 3.53 2.59 5.40 3.96 4.35 3.19 1.43 1.05 1.73 1.27 6.38 4.68 7.35 5.35 1.35 .99 1.80 1.32 1.28 .94 1.43 1.05 2.25 1.60 6.38 6.38 6.83 6.83 7.35 7.80 4.68 4.68 5.01 5.0 I 5.39 5.72 GERMANIUM COMMUNICATIONS TRANSISTORS LOW·FREQUENCY PNP ALLOY JUNCTION TYPES Small Sig nal Para meters Type No. ----2N207 2N207A 2N207B 2N534 2N535 2N535A 21-1535B 2N2374 , 2N2375 2N2376 TJ (OC) 65 65 65 65 85 85 85 100 100 PT VCB (volts) at 25°C (mw) Ic (rna) 12 50 20 12 50 20 12 50 20 50 25 25 20 50 20 20 20 50 20 50 20 35 250 500 35 250 500 Matched pair of 2N2375 , ICBO Max. (I'a) 15 10 10 15 10 10 10 5 5 h,. Min. Max. -....... 35 35 35 35 ....... 35 200 35 200 200 35 100 500 35 200 hie match ~ 20 % ....... ....... hib Max. (ohms) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 fhfb h,b Typ. hob Typ. (me) Max. ("mhos) x10· 4 2 4 2 2, 2 4 2 4 2 2 4 ...... 1 4 2 -41 2 I 4 2 ..... 15 9 ........ ......... ........ ......... ..... EACH PG NF Typ. (db) Max. (db) Case 10 5 43' '43 43 ...... 100· 999 TO-23 TO-23 TO-23 TO-23 TO-23 TO-23 TO-5 TO-5 TO-5 2.10 2.25 2.33 2.78 3.00 3.38 .98 .83 1.65 1.54 1.65 1.71 2.04 2.20 2.48 .72 .61 1.21 TO-9 TO-9 TO-9 TO-9 TO-9 TO-9 TO-9 TO-9 TO-9 TO-9 TO-9 1.05 . .98 1.02 .90 .90 .83 .90 1.20 1.13 1.17 1.05 --1.95 - - -1.43 TO-23 ~ --- ...... . ..... 43 43 43 1. 99 10 5 0 . ..... ...... . ..... MEDIUM HIGH FREQUENCY DIFFUSED·BASE PNP POLARITY TYPES 2N 1726 2N 1727 2N 1728 2N 1752 2N 1785 2N 1786 2NI787 2N 1788 2N 1789 2111 1790 2M 1864 100 100 100 100 85 85 85 100 100 100 100 54 • AWED 20 20 20 12 10 10 15 35 35 35 20 60 60 60 60 45 45 45 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 1 1 10 120 15 150 ' 100 25 50 300 40 120 --- -200 15 20 100 40 120 15 150 25 100 20 80 40 ........ ........ ........ ........ --........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 ..... ...... ..... ...... . ..... . ..... ..... ...... . ..... ..... ...... . ..... 35 -- 35...... ..... . ..... ..... ...... 40 . ..... ..... ...... 35 . ..... ..... ...... 35 ...... ..... . ..... 40 ...... ..... . ..... 30 ...... 35 35 40 .77 .72 .75 .66 .66 .61 .66 .88 .83 .86 .77 Specify Manufacturer and Type No. on All Semiconductor Orders PH I LCO Semiconductors SEE PREVIOUS PAGE FOR EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS GERMANIUM COMMUNICATIONS TRANSISTORS (Cont'd) HIGH-FREQUENCY DIFFUSED-BASE PNP POLARITY TYPES PT VCB (volts) at 2S'C (mw) 20 25 35 30 IS 30 20 60 20 60 20 60 35 60 35 60 T~ Type No. ('C) 2N503 2N504 2N588 2N 1746 2NI747 2N 1865 2N 1866 2NI867 85 85 85 100 100 100 100 100 hFE leBo Max. IC (ma) Min. Max. PG Min. -Min. -(psee) (me) ~ 120 360 11 50 14 . ...... 200 100 30 100 . ...... 180 ~ 25 ....... 180 ·25 ....... 180 25 . ...... 180 rb' C c hob Cob Typ. Max. (j.lmhas) ~ 2 2.5 1 f (me) f max Max. -- .Je!..... ----50 5 45 ....... ........ 50 10 16 ....... ....... 50 15 ....... ....... ........ . ..... 50 10 0.2 3 10 -- 10 --50 ....... 0.2 ...... 10 50 10 25 100 0.2 ...... 50 10 25 100 0.2 ...... 50 10 10 ....... 0.2 ...... EACH 110099 999 2.25 1":65 3.45 2.50 1.43 1.05 .90 .66 .98 .72 1.05 .77 .83 1.13 1.10 .81 Caso 100 TO·9 TO-I TO-l TO-9 TO-9 TO-9 TO-9 TO-9 50 4.5 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 VERY HIGH-FREQUENCY DIFFUSED-BASE PNP POLARITY TYPES 2N499 1 85 I 30 1 30 1 50 USA 2N499 PerMIL-S-19500/72B USA 2N499A Per MIL-S-19500/72B 2 N502 I 85 1 20 I 60 1 50 USA 2NS02A Per MIL-S-19500/112 20 60 100 2NIIS8 100 2NI158A \00 20 75 100 USA 2N I I 58A Per MIL-S-19500/113 20 2NI745 60 50 100 100 20 2N 1868 60 50 I I I I I I I I 1 5 1.•••••• 1.•••••• 1•••••.•• 1 2.5 1 250 1 250 1 7.5 1 100 1 TO-l 1 5 1· •••••• 1..••••• 1•••••... 1 2 I 200 I TO-9 I I 5 5 I I I I 200 200 I I TO-9 TO-9 10 10 50 50 33 33 1 120 1 500 1 8 1·······1········1 ............... I 1·······1 1·······1········1······1·······1 ............................ I 3 2.8 25 27 50 50 500 400 21 19 45 45 3.98 4.20 5.18 2.93 3.75 5.25 7.13 7.13 1.80 1.88 TO-9 TO-9 2.90 3.05 3.80 2.15 2.75 3:BS 5.23 5.23 1.32 1.38 ULTRA HIGH-FREQUENCY DIFFUSED-BASE PNP POLARITY TYPES Type No. TJ ('C) Vco (volts) - -20- - 100 100 100 125 125 125 125 125 2NI742 2NI743 2NI744 2N2360 2N2361 2N2362 2N2398 2N2399 - 20 20 - -20 -20 20 20 20 PT leBo at a5 D e Max. t@25'C(mw) ~ 10 60t 10 60t 60t 10 30 10 -30 10 30 10 SO 10 30 10 PG or PO' hFE Min. (db or mw*) Max. - -10- - -Min. - ---14 19 10 14 10 1.5' 10 14 - -10- - - -14 -10 1.5' 10 16 16 10 ......... NF" Max. f (me) Case ~ 1000 1000 -TO-9 --- 5.5 12 '10-9 ......... . . . . . . . .. TO-9 200 5.5 TO-12 --......... 200-44 - -12- - -TO-12 ......... 257 . ........ TO-12 TO-12 22 200 4.5 9.0 TO-12 ......... 200-44 ......... 19 EACH 100999 --2.93 2.15 2.11 2.87 2.25 1.65 2.63 1.93 ~ 2.40 1.54 2.10 3.75 2.75 2.42 3.30 199 VIDEO AMPLIFIER DIFFUSED-BASE PNP POLARITY TYPES EACH Small Signal Parameters Type No. T~ Vco (volts) ('C) 2N 1748 2N 1748A 2NI749 PT at 25°C (mw) Ic (rna) 60 75 50 10 leBo h'e Max. (j.la) Min. 30 50 30 -- -- -----25 60 50 10 100 100 100 25 40 10 10 hob Max. Max. (ohms) (j.lmhos) 40 1 40 1 40 1 hib Max. 150 150 150 Cob Max. (pf) fT Min. (me) Case 2.5 2.5 100 80 TO-9 TO-9 199 100999 1.13 1.43 .83 1.05 -1.05 - - - .77 -- 2.5 -- -- --TO-9 80 SILICON SWiTCHING TRANSiSTORS NPN epitaxial silicon planar transistors feature interdigitated emitter-base configuration-raises useful current range, lowers base resistance. and lowers capacitance of both emitter and collector. Results in faster switching over a wider current range. *Core drive/pulse amplifier ("Tear Drop" design). VERY HIGH-SPEED NPN INTERDIGITATED EPITAXIAL PLANAR TYPES Type No. ---2N706 2N708 2N784A 2N834 2N914 2NI613 2NI893 2N2651 2N2710 2N709 T2877 PT Vco TJ ('C) (volts) at26°C (mw) - 25 300 175 360 300 40 300 40 350 40 300 175 360 300 40 - 7.5 800 300' 800 300' 120 300 40 360 40 360 ~OO -- -- 1 300 200 I 15 12 300 300' Ic (rna) Icoo Max. (j.la) 50 .5 .025 .025 .5 .025 .01 ...... 200 200 500 ...... ...... 500 ·500 hFE VCE(SAT) Ic 10 Max. (ma) (ma) Min. (volts) 20 0.6 10 1 30 0.4 10 1 25 0.19 10 1 25 0.25 10 1 30 0.25 10 -15140 1.5 150 40 1.2 50 5 25 0.25 10 1 40 0.25 10 1 -- -- .01 .03 .03 -- --...... ULTRA HIGH-SPEED NPN PLANAR TYPES I····· .1. EACH 1100999 99 1.32 .B8 2.48 1.65 9.61 6.39 4.13 2.75 3.71 2.48 3.73 2.48 9.86 6.55 4.43 2.95 7.44 4.94 IT· Cob t. ton toft Min. Max. Max. Max. Max. Case (me) ~ (nsec) (nsec) (nsec) 200 6 60 ....... ....... TO-18 300 6 25 ....... . ...... TO-18 300 S.5 15 20 40 TO-18 '35 350 4 TO-18 25 75 SOO 6 20 40 40 TO-18 -60- 25 - - ....... - - TO-S . ...... ....... 50 15 ....... . ....... TO-5 35 350 4 25 75 TO-18 500 4 15 20 35 TO-18 6 05 .05 8 15 17 15 17 I TO-18 TO-18 I 8.25 5.43 5.50 3.61 HIGH-GAIN PNP POLARITY TYPES I TJ ~ (OC) Type \ VCR (volts) I('!~f PT IIC (mOl) \ Icoo I ~j.I~i· USA 2N495 Per MIL-T-19500/54A USA 2 N496 Per MIL-S-19500/85 140 40 150 50 .1 2N858 40 2N859 140 150 50 .1 140 25 150 50 .1 2N860 140 25 150 50 .1 2N861 140 15 150 50 .1 2N862 140 150 50 15 .1 2N863 140 6 150 50 .1 2N864 140 10 ISO 50 .1 2N865 I hFE \VCE(SAT)IIC 110 I h,. \ Mln.1 Max. (:~:~) (ma) (ma) Min. Max. 10 60 10 100 10 40 -25- 75 12 48 100 25 20 100 45 125 .15 5 .15 5 .15 5 - -.15- - --5.15 5 .15 5 5 .1 .1 5 .8 15 .5 30 .8 -.5- 15 30 .8 20 .5 40 .5 25 .5 100 75 120 45 -100 -·60 120 125 350 New Semiconductor·Types Are Added to Stock as They Are Announced Cob ~:f)· 9 9 9 9 9 --9 9 9 I fT ~~~; Case 5 6 6.5 - 7.5 -8 10. 16 24 TO-18 TO-18 TO-18 'TO-18 TO-18 TO-18 TO-18 TO-18 EACH 110099 999 8.53 11.63 11.63 8.53 9.23 6.77 10.43 7.65 8.48 6.22 6.00 4.40 8.33 6.11 4.50 3.30 6.23 4.57 8.25 6.05 ------ --- --- ALLIED • 55 PH I LCD Semiconductors EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS ter. NF. input noise; v. ref. to I I'v. PG. power. gain @ specified freq. PO, ·power output. PT, total dissipation. rb'cc, internal base resistoff freq. fT. gain/bandwidth product. hFE.·large-signal DC current ance/collector capacitance product. TA. ambient temperature. ··TJ. junction temp. ton, on time. tolf, off time. f r, rise time. fSI storage gain. h'e, AC current gain. hJbl common-base AC short-circuit input impedance. hob, base AC open-circuit output conductance. hrb, time. VCB. max. collector-base v. VCE (SAT). saturation v. @ specibase AC open-circuit reverse transfer v. ratio. la, DC base current. fied Ic and lB. VEC. inverted offset v. VEE. offset voltage of matched pair. Ie, max. collector current. leBo, collector cutoff current, open emitCob. collector-base output· capacitance. fh.b. AC common-base forward-current-transfer-ratio cut- SILICON SWITCHING TRANSISTORS Tr::.e HIGH-GAIN PNP POLARITY TYPES (Cont'd) I I I__ I:~ (v~f:s) la(tm7w5')~1 (~Ca) -IVC~~~T)IIC I IB l_h_,_e_1 ~~~ IM'fn ICase I_-:-:c:-E_A,-C_H=--:-:c:-_ (ma) (ma) Min (pf) (me) 1-99 100-999 :v.(::a·0)x h-,.F_E_ _ r Min I Max (volts) 2 N I I 18AI 140 I 25 I ISO I 50 I I I 20 1...... 1 .07 USA2 N I I I B Per MIL Spec. MIL-S-19500/138A USA2N 1119 Per MIL Spec. MIL-S-19500/139A 2 N 1428 I 140 I 6 I 100 I 50 I 0.1 I 12 1...... 1 0.1 0.1 1429 1140 6 I 100 100 I 50 50 1 0:1 0.1 0.1 22 N N 1676 140 4.5 ...12". ,,"" 0.1 2N 1677 140 4.5 100 50 0.1 """""" I I I.... "I I 8 I 40 I 12 I 40 I I 25 14 16 0.8 0.8 0.8 1 0.8 5 1 I 1.0 ~ I TO-51 15.75 11.63 11.63 B.7B I TO-l I 1.55 B.53 B.53 6.44 PNP POLARITY CHOPPERS-SINGLE AND MATCHED PAIRS Differential Offset I Voltage Type No. 2N2185 2N2187 2N2274 2N2275 2N2276 2N2277 2N2278 2N2279 2N22BO 2N22BI VCB t. 'c (V) PT Ic 'at 25°C ICBO Max (ms) (mw) 140 30 ~ Matched Pair of 2N2185's 140 I 25 I ISO I Matched Pair of 2N2274's 140 I 15 1 ISO I Matched Pair ot 2N2276's 140 I IS I ISO 1 Matched Pair of 2N227S's 150 140 I 10 I 1 Matched Pair of 2N2280's VEC Max' Cob Is fr Max Case VEE Max hFE Min (mv) (ma) (pf) --so -(na) 1- 2:() --1- -9- Min 1 3 1 3.25 I 1 I 9 I I 6 50 1 3 I 2.25 I 1 I 9 I 6 50 I 1 I 1.75 I 1 I 9 I 7.6 50 I 3 I 1.50 1 1 I 10 I 16 25-85 1 10 100 ----1.5- -25-65 I 10 -100 - - - 1.5 - - --25-65 --- - - --I...... - - - - - --50 I 25-85 -- ----I...... 100 1-99 TA 18 ~ (ma) ~ (me) ~ ~ 50 50 EACH Offset Voltage 25-65 1.0 TO-18 TO-18 TO-18 -TO-18 -TO-18 --TO-18 ---TO-18 -TO-18 TO-18 -TO-18 -- 100-999 15.00 ~ 31.50 23.10 9.00 19.50 14.30. 6.00 4.40 13.20 9.68 12.00 8.80 25.BO· 18.92 ~ 3.30 10.05 7.37 6:60 NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON MESA TRANSISTORS Type No. 2N20B6 2N20B7 2N23BO VCB TJ 'C 175 300 175 (v) 2N23aOA 175 2N247B 2N2479 300 300 120 120 80 80 120 80 HIGH-VOLTAGE. MEDIUM-SPEED TYPES VCE(SAT) t,. ICBO fT PT Cob t. hFE Max Typ Typ at 25'C Max Min Max Ic Ic 18 (mw) (rna) (I'a) Min Max (v) (me) (ma) (nsec) (nsec) ~ ~ 600 500 2 .20 15 12 tOO 130 ..... - - . 7 - - 150 ISO 600 500 40 120 0.5 150 12 2 15 ISO 65· 55 500 4 20 1.3 14 600 120 ISO IS 100 125 130 -4600 500 20 120 14 125 .5 50 1.67 100 130 500 2 30 600 0.7 ISO 15 200 12 55 65 4 120 0.85 150 14 600 500 30 15 150 60 65 EACH Case --TO-5 TO-5 TO-5 TO-5 TO-5 TO-5 1-99 ,00-999 10.95 8.03 11.55 8.47 3.75 2.75 2,97 4.05 7.13 5.23 3.75 2.75 NEWEST SEMICONDUCTORS FROM PHILCO - HIGH FREQUENCY SURFACE BARRIER TYPES C~ Max .I Typ 1 Max 1 rb' Max Min 1 Type TJ 1 VCB 1@25°Cj PT 1 Ie IICBO h'e 1 hob Co 1 'ma. (,C) No. (volts) *40'C ~~~I~(l'mhos)~ (psee) ~ 10 25 5 3 19 66 1.5 5 1000 . 45 . 85 2NI28 JAN2NI2B Per MIL Spec. MIL-T-19500/9A 6 6 2N232 55 1 4.5 1 9* 1 3 85 6 25 15 6 2N240 1 10 JAN2N240 Per MIL Spec. MIL-S-19500/25A 85 5 20* 5 3 11 33 2 6 1200 30 2N344 5 20' 110 2 I -6 I 1200 30I 2N345 -85r - I I -5I - 3I -25I II85 5 20* . 5 3 10. . . . . . . 2 6 1200 60 . 2N346 75 . 14 15* 5 2 18 40 5. 6 1200 30 2NI750 I.... ~ .. .I. .. ~~. J .. ~ .... .\ I.. ~:~~ .. I... ~~ ...I EACH Case TO-24 TO-24 TO-24 TO-24 TO-24 TO-24 TO-24 1-99 100-999 6.30 4.62 6.68 4.90 1.05 .77 5.63 4.13 5.93 4.35 3.45 4.35 3.19 5.B5 4.29 1.17 .86 2.53 HIGH-FREQUENCY MICRO ALLOY TYPES Type No. 2N393 JAN2N393 2NI122 2NI122A USA2NI411 2N 1427 TJ 1 VCB 1 II 26°Cj Max 1 hFE 1VCE(SAT) Max' Ie PT *45°C 1 Ie IICBO (mw) (ma) (I'a) (Min) (volts) (ma) 25* 50 10 20 .07 8 MIL-S.19500/77B 50 25* 5 25 .1 8 50 1 5 25 1 .1 25" 1 8 MIL-S-19500/133 .2 25" I 50 I 5 I 25 I I 50 @ ('C) (volts) 85 6 Per MIL Spec. 85 12 85 1 15 1 Per MIL Spec. 85 I 6 I I I laf T Min li (ma) (me) 1 25 Case (nsec) _ _ _ 55 TO-24 (pI) 6 1 1 40 1 40 I I I 5 1 50 I 1 EACH 1Max Cob 1 Typ t. 1 6 6 75 75 1 TO-24 TO-24 6 I 55 1 TO-24 1-99 4.35 4.73 5.48 6.75 3.74 4.58 100-999 3.15 3.45 4.00 4.95 2.74 3.36 PULSE AMPLIFIER TYPES PT Type TJ VCB at 25'C No. ('C) (volts) ~ - - 85 40 300 2N670 40 2N671. 85 • 1000 2N672 85 25 300 85 25 2N&73 1000 56 .. ALLIED Ic ~ 2000 2000 2000 2000 ICBO Max (I'a) 25 25 25 25 hFE Min 40 40 Max 250 250 ...... ....... ...... ........ VCE(SAT) Max'" (volts) 0.35 0.35 0.2 0.2 Ii: (ma) 1000 1000 400 400 IB (ma) 100 100 20 20 fh.b Typ ~ 700 700 ........ ........ tr Max (nsee) ....... ....... 500 500· Case M3l/zH TO-26 M3l/zH TO-26 EACH 1-99 3.38 4.13 3.38 4.13 100-999 -2.48 3.03 2.48 3.03· Specify Manufacturer's ,Name and Type No. on Semiconductor Orders PHILCO Diodes ",o.s ....... "/..- • j EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS BV-maximum breakdown voltage. BVR-~everse breakdown voltage. C-total capacitance of unit. G.-gigacycles (one gigacycle equals 1000 megacycles). IMR-l,Tlaximum reverse current. Ip-maximum peak-point current. ~. IR'--reverse current leakage through 00/I77A &.45 4.84 S-19500/177A 13.08 9.81 S-19500/179 25.3019.00 -------- VOLTAGE-VARIABLE SILICON CAPACITORS Efficient variable-voltage capacitors in DO-7 package. "Q" shown in table below is typical Q at 5 me at maximum voltage. Range is given for 0-1 V to maximum voltage. Capacitance variation is 300 ppm/'C over the operating range (-65'C to 150· C). Maximum leakage current (from bias voltage supply) is 1 pa at 25 'C, 50 I'a at 150' C. §Measured in p.l'f at -4 VDC at ambient temperature of 25'C. Type No. ICap. Max. Range "'20% VOC (I'p.f) I N950 --:lS 130 6-88 I N951 50 80 12-120 I N952 70 60 20-170' I N953 ~ ~ 46-240 I N954 35 25 14-88 I N955 50 25 22-120 I N95& 70 25 32-170 64 • ALLIED EACH Q ~9 1~~- 360 3.80 2.85 330 3.50 2.&3 270 2.902.18 ~\3.00 2.25 175 1.80 1.35 175 2.00 1.50 175 2.401.80' @ SILICON @ POINT-CONTACT. GERMANIUM DIODES MILITARY SPEC TYPES Allied maintains large stocks of Government Source Inspected MIL Spec semiconductors - ready for immediate shipment. When ordering MIL Spec units; two (2) copies of your purchase order must be sent to Allied. EACH Tr::.e MI'L1100~~~~~~1=-~~~__ 1__9_9__9_9_9_ JAN I N 12&A E-l/156C .45 .34 JAN IN 127A E-l/157C .89 .68 JA N I N I 28 E-l/158B .55 .41 JA N I N 198 E-l/700 .51 .39 JAN I N270M S-19500/200 .75 .5& JAN I N27&M S-19500/192 .70 .53 JAN I N2,/,7M E-l/993A .93 .70 JAN I N457M S-19500/193A 1.00 .75 JAN I N458 M S-19500/193A 1.25 .94 ;J~A7N~IN~475~9~M~JS~-~1~95~0~0~/1~9~3A=I __ I._5_0 __ 1._1_3 USN I N483BM S-19500/118 1.44 1.08 USN I N485BM S-19500/118 2.40 1.80 USN N48&BM S-19500/118 2.88 2.16 -------USN N74&AM S-19500/127 for OEM prices. Allied can supply the entire Hughes semiconductor line; tJ,se one order to fill all your needs. ULTRA-FAST DIODES PLANAR COMPUTER TYPES Qnality point-contact diodes for all general purpose applications. Housed in DO-7 packages or equivalents. Ratings shown in table below are given for ambient temperature of 25 'C. Type PIV 'tV) @(':~V) No. I N34A I N&7A I N&8A I N90 I N95 I N9& I N97 I N98' I N99 I N I 00 I Nil & I NI17 INI18 I N I 28 I N 191 IN 192, H 021 20 H 02125 H 02135 IFWD IMR EACH ~m~) ~9 1~~- 75 5 .5 @50 .43 .32 100 4 .05 @50 .& I .4& 3 .625@100 1.00 .75 120 75 5 .5 @50 .38 .29 75 10 .5 @50 .52 .39 --75 20 .5 @50 .59 .44 100 10 .1 @50 .&9 .52 100 20 .1 @50 .&& .50 100 10 .05 @50 .88 .&& 100 20 .05 @50 .9& .72 75 --5--T@sij"'.5&.42 75 10 .1 @50 .58 .44 75 20 .1 @50 .&1 .4& 50 3 .1 @10 .50 .38 60 5 .125 @50 .58 .44 60 5 .25 @50 .53 .40 75 5 .5 @50 .59 .44 100 5 .05 @50 .89 .&7 60 5 .1 @50 .&4 .48 GERMANIUM DIODES I N9&A I N98A I NIOOA I NI18A I N273 I N278 I N279 I N283 I N287 I N288 I N289 I N291 I N292 I N&95 I N770 I N835 H02150 H02155 EACH IMR PIV IFWD -1-(ma 100. (V) , (ma) @V) @V) 99 999 40@1 .500@50 .59 .44 75 40@1' .100@50 .&& .50 100 40@1 .050@50 1.00 .75 100 40@1 .100@50 .&3 .47 75 30@1 .020@20 .68 .51 100 60# 20@1 .125@50 1.03 .77 30 100@1 .200@20 .71 .53 200 200@1 .020@10 .&0 .45 20@1 1.500@50 .88 .&6 60 8s 4O@1 .350@50 .88 .&& 85 20@1 ,050@50 .90 .&8 120 40@1 .100@100 .95 .71 75 100@1 .200@50 .&0 .45 20 100@1 ,020@1O .77 '.58 30 15@,5 .Ql5@10 .78 .59 30 100@1 .200@30 .85 .&4 80 100@1 0.5@50 .80 .&0 .5;@50 .84 .&4 60 50@1 @ SILICON LOW-POWER RECTIFIERS Type No. PIV (V) I. (A) I N3242 I N3243 I N3244 I N3245 I N324& I N3247 I N3248 I N3249 I N3250 I N3251 I N3252 800 1000 1200 1500 50 100 200 400 600 800 1000 0.75 0,75 0.75 0,75 Isur (V) -I - - ---- - --600 0,75 20 N3241 1 1 --- -11 1 1 1 EACH 110099 2.00 20 4.00 20 6.00 20, 8.50 --20 12.50 20 3.00 20 3.00 20 3.75 --20 5.25 20 &.75 20 8.25 20 12.00 Type No. I N251 I N252 I N903 I N903A I N904 I N904A I N905 I N905A I N90& I N90&A I N907 I N907 A I N90B I N908A I N914 I N914A I N91 & I N91 &A I N30&4 I N3067 I N30&8 @ @ GOLD-BONDED Type No. tAt 5 microamperes. §Measured at+l volt. * Indicates types available in U Microseal" packages. 999 1.34 2.&8 4.02 5.70 8.38 2.01 2.01 2.51 3.52 4.52 5.53 8.04 BVCBot IFWD! Max. (V) (ma) (~a.!:f) 40 30, 50 50 ~ 40 30 30 30 30 40 40 50 50 100* 100* 100' 100' 75* 30* 30' 5 10 l.O 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 5 5 1 1 1 1 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 4 4 2 2 2 4 6 EACH ~;; 1~~' 1.35 T:Oi 1.35 1.0 I 1.35 1.0 I 1.95 1.4& 1.20 .90 1.80 1.35 1.20 .90 1.80 1.35 1.20 .90 1.80 1.35 1.20 .90 I.SO 1.35 1.35 1.01 1.95 1.4& 2.25 1.&9 2.40 1;80 2.55 1.91 2.70 2.03 3.15 2.3& 1.80 I .3~ 1.05 .79 HIGH-CONDUCTANCE SILICON DIODES Type No. PIV (V) IFWD ~m~) IMR (ma @ V) EACH ~9 1~~- I N482 40 100@1.1.25 l'a@30 --:ii9--:67 I N482A 40 200@1 .025I'a@30 .91 .&8 I N482B 40200@1 .025I'a@30 .95.71 I N483 , 80 100@1.1 .25I'a@60 1.00 .75 I N483A 80 200 @1 .025I'a@60 1.14 .8& I N483B80200@1 .025p.a@60 i:2OM I N484 150 100 @1.1.25 I'a @125 I .25 .94 I N484A 150 200 @1 .025I'a@12!> 1.34 1.0 I I N484B 150 200@1 .025I'a@125 1.42 1.07 I N485 200 100@1.1.25 l'a@175T:45T:09 I N485A 200 200@1 .025p.a@175 1.50 1.13 I N485B 200 200@1 ,025p.a@1752.001.50 I N48& 250 100 @1.1.25 l'a@225 2.00 1.50 I N48&A 250 200 @1 ,05 1'" @225 2.1 0 1.58 I N487 330 100 @1.1 .25 l'a@3002.5iiT:8ii I N487A 330 200@1 .1 p.a@3002.752.0& @ GEN. I N45& I N457 I N458 I N459 PURPOSE SILICON DIODES 30 4O@1 70 20 @1 150 7 @1 200 3 @1 .025I'a@25 .025 @60 .025 @125 .025 @175 IN461---:JO "'i5@l ,5 l'a@25 I N4&2 70 s@l ,5 p.a@60 I N4&3 200 1 @1 ,5 p.a@17 5 I N464 150, 3 @1 ,5 l'a@125 .&2 .74 .8& 1.12 .&2 .70 .80 1.05 .47 .56 .&5 .84 .47 .53 .&0 .79 @ GERMANIUM FAST-SWITCHING HIGH-CONDUCTANCE DIODES EACH Type PIV IFWD TREC No. ~ (ma) (nsec) 1_991~ HOl810 50 100 9 .98 .74 H 0 181 I 30 100 9 .77 .58 I N&95A 25 100 6·" .98 .74 Specify Manufacturer's Name and .Type No. em Semiconductor, Orders Hughes Zener Diodes and Rectifiers HIGH-TEMPERATURE STUD MOUNTED RECTIFIERS New, fast switching types. Have typical recovery time of 120 nanoseconds. Insulated base types are also available 011 special order -phone or write Allied for information. Type PIV -I N3879 -No. -- ~ 50 10 (A) 6 6 RECTIFIERS Have I1lR of 10 !Lamps, full cycle operational average. Op. temp. range. -55 ° to 150°C. + 1000 IN 1730 .2 6.83 5.95 I NI731 1500 .2 7.98 6.93 2000 I NI732 .2 10.22 8.89 I NI733 3000 .15 14.98 13.00 5000 I NI734 .1 17.50 15.00 -4000 - - -.15 - -16.50 - - -14.25 -I N2382 I N2383 6000 .1 22.00 19.50 I N2384 8000 .07 30.00 27.00 I N2385 10,000 .07 39.00 34.00 I N3052 12,000 .1 48.80 42.75 -I N3053 - - - 14.000 .1 -53.25 -- - -46.50 .1 I N3054 16,000 61.75 53.50 .1 I N3055 18.000 70.00 61.00 I N3056 20.000 .1 64.00 73.50 .1 I N3057 22,000 88.25 --.1- -99.50 - - -77.00 86.50 I N3058 24,000 .1 97.00 112.00 I N305S 26.000 .1 122.50 I I 1.00 I N3060 28,000 .1 140.00 122.00 I N3061 30,000 -- HIGH-TEMPERATURE SILICON STUD-MOUNTED RECTIFIERS No. NI199 NI200 NI201 NI202 NI203 NI204 NI205 NI206 NI341 NI342 NI343 NI344 NI345 NI346 NI347 NI348 NI612 NI613 NI614 NI615 ---I NI616 I N2246 I N2248 I N2250 I N2252 I N2254 I N2256 I N2258 I N2446 I N2447 No. N2448 N2449 N2450 N2451 N2452 N2453 N2458 N2459 N2460 N2461 N2462 N2463 N2464 N2465 EACH ~ SILICON HIGH-VOLTAGE Type Type 100-999 --1-99 --18.00 13.50 100 I N3880 21.20 15.90 150 6 I N3881 24.45 18.34 200 6 20.85 I N3882 27.80 6, 300 I N3883 31.00 23.25 ---- --- - --50 12 I N3889 21.00 15.75 100 12 I N3890 24.65 18.49 200 12 I N3891 28.40 21.30 300 12 I N3892 24.15 32.20 12 36.00 27.00 -- ------II N3893 - - - -400 50 20 N3899 25.00 18.75 100 20 I N3900 32.00 24.00 200 20 I N3901 40.00 30.00 300 20 I N3902 45.00 33.75 400 20 I N3903 50.00 37.50 -----50 30 I N3909 50.00 37.50 100 30 I N3910 65.00 48.75 200 30 I N3911 80.00 60.00 300 30 I N3912 90.00 67.50 400 30 I N3913 100.00 75.00 @] HIGH-TEMPERATURE SILICON STUD MOUNTED RECTIFIERS (Cont'd) EACH PIV to (V) (A) 1-99 100-999 --50 3.00 2':01 12 100 12 3.35 2.24 150 12 4.35 2.91 200 12 5.20 3.48 300 12 7.00 4.69 --12- 10.00 400 6.70 500 12 14.00 9.38 600 12 17.00 11.39 50 6 2.64 1.77 100 6 2.95 1.98 --150 6 3.90 2.61 200 6 4.50 3.02 300 6 6.15 4.12 400 6 8.25 5.53 500 6 10.20 6.83 -600 6 12.30 8.24 5 50 2.64 1.77 5 100 2.95 1.98 5 200 4.50 3.02 5 400 8.25 5.53 -600 - - 5 12.30 8.24 3 50 3.00 2.01 3 100 3.35 2.24 200 3 5.20 3.48 3 300 7.00 4.69 -400 - - 3 10.00 6.70 3 500 13.05 8.74 3 600 15.95 10.69 50 20 3.80 2.55 100 20 4.51 3.02 0 EACH PIV I. (V) (A) 1-99 100-999 -----1.10 20 5.20 3.48 200 20 5.89 3.95 250 20 7.10 4.76 300 20 8.30 5.56 350 20 9.95 6.67 -- -----400 20 11.63 7.79 50 30 4.00 2.68 100 30 4.75 3.18 150 30 5.50 3.69 30 200 6.20 4.15 - 7.50 - - ----s:03 250 30 30 300 8.75 5.86 350 30 10.50 7.04 30 400 12.25 8.21 2S0-MW ZENER DIODES EACH Z V. Itest (V) (rna) (ohms) 1-99 100-999 No. I N702 2.6 5 60 2.10 1.58 I N702A 2.6 60 5 3.21 2.41 I N703 3.45 60 5 2.10 1.58 I N703A 3.45 60 5 2.53 1.89 I N704 4.1 5 45 2.10 1.58 -- - - 5- - 45 I N704A 4.1 2.53 1.90 I N705 4.85 5 35 2.10 1.58 I N705A 4.85 5 35 2.42 1.82 I N706 5.8 5 20 2.10 1.58 I N706A 5.8 5 20 2.42 --- -- 10 - - 2.10 1.82 I N707 7.1 5 1.58 I N707A 7.1 5 10 2.42 1.82 I N708 5.6 25 3.6 2.64 1.98 I N708A 5.6 25 3.6 3.21 2.41 I N709 6.2 25 4.1 2.10 1.58 --- -- -- --I N709A 6.2 25 4.1 2.42 1.82 25 I N710 6.8 4.7 2.10 1.58 I N710A 6.8 25 4.7 2.42 1.82 7.5 25 5.3 I N711 2.10 1.58 25 I N711A 7.5 5.3 2.42 -- -6.0- 2.10 1.82 ~ 8.2 25 1.58 I N712A 8.2 25 6.0 2.42 1.82 I N713 9.1 12 7.0 2.10 1.58 I N713A 9.1 7.0 12 2.29 1.72 12 8.0 I N714 10 2.10 1.58 --- -- -- --I N714A 10 12 8.0 2.29 1.72 12 I N715 11 9.0 2.10 1.58 I N715A 11 12 9.0 2.66 2.00 12 12 I N716 10 2.10 1.58 12 I N716A 12 10 2.66 2.00 - - - -- -- --- --- --13 12 I N717 11 2.10 1.58 12 I N717A 13 11 2.29 1.72 15 12 I N718 13 2.10 1.58 I N718A 15 12 13 2.53 1.90 16 12 15 I N719 2.10 1.58 --12 15 I N719A 16 2.53 1.90 17 . 12 I N720 18 2.10 1.58 12 17 I N720A 13 3.21 2.41 I N721 20 4 20 1.49 1.98 4 I N72IA 20 20 2.53 1.90 4 24 I N722 22 2.31 1.73 4 I N722A 22 24 2.53 1.90 24 4 28 I N723 2.20 1.65 4 28 I N723A 24 2.42 1.82 35 I N724 27 4 2.75 2.06 --- -- -- --4 35 I N724A 27 3.04 2.28 30 4 42 I N725 2.75 2.06 4 42 I N725A 30 3.04 2.28 33 4 50 I N726 2.64 1.98 5 8 I NI929 5.65 2.20 1.65 -- - -5I NI930 6.85 7 2.20 1.65 15 8.3 5 I NI931 2.09 1.57 5 22 IN 1932 10 2.09 1.57 30 I NI933 12 1 2.09 1.57 I NI934 14.5 - - -1.98 - - - - - 11- - 50 - - 1.49 70 I NI935 18 1.49 1.98 100 1 I NI936 22 2.20 1.65 1 300 I NI937 27 2.20 1.65 Type -- -- 0 I I I I I I I N746 N746A N747 N747A N748 N748A N749 400-MW ZENER DIODES 3.3 3.3 3.6 -3.6 3.9 3.9 4.3 20 28 28 20 20 24 24 20 -20- - 23 -20 23 20 22 2.15 3.00 2.15 3.00 --2.15 3.00 2.15 1.61 2.25 1.61 2.25 --1.61 2.25 1.61 Specify Manufacturer's Name and Type No. on Semiconductor Orders 0 400-MW ZENER DIODES (Cent'd) Type N •. I N749A I N750 I N750A I N751 I N751A --I N752 I N752A I N753 I N753A I N754 --I N754A I N755 I N755A I N756 I N756A I N757 I N757A I N758 I N758A I N759 I N759A I N962B I N963B I N964B I N965B I N966B I N967B I N968B I N969B I N970B IN971B I N972B I N973B I N974B I N975B V. (V) 4.3 4.7 4.7 5.1 5.1 -5.65.6 6.2 6.2 -6.8 6.8 7.5 7.5 8.2 8.2 9.1 9.1 10 10 12 12 11 12 13 15 16 18 20 22 24 27 30 33 36 39 Z Itest (rna) (ohms) EACH 1-99 100-999 20 22 3.00 2.25 19 20 1.61 2.15 20 19 3.00 2.25 20 17 2.15 1.61 20 3.00 2.25 - - 17 20 11 2.15 1.61 20 11 3.00 2.25 20 7 2.15 1.61 20 7 3.00 2.25 20 5 2.15 1.61 - - -5 - 3.00 2.25 20 20 6 2.15 1.61 20 6 3.00 2.25 20 8 2.15 1.61 20 8 3.00 2.25 -20 10 1.61 2.15 20 10 3.00 2.25 20 17 2.15 1.61 20 17 3.00 2.25 30 20 2.15 - -30 -- - 1.61 20 3.00 2.25 11.5 9.5 3.15 2.36 10.5 11.5 3.15 2.36 9.5 13 3.15 2.36 8.5 16 3.15 2.36 --7.8 - - 17 -7.0 21 6.2 25 3.15 2.36 29 5.6 33 5.2 -- --- ---4.6 - - 41 3.15 2.36 4.2 49 3.45 2.59 3.8 58 3.45 2.59 70 3.4 3.45 2.59 80 3.2 3.45 2.59 v SOO-MW "MICROSEAL" ZENER DIODES MD746 MD747 MD748 MD749 MD750 MD751 MD752 MD753 MD754 MD755 MD756 MD757 MD758 MD759 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.3 4.7 -5.15.6 6.2 6.8 7.5 -8.2 9.1 10 12 20 28 20 24 20 23 20 22 20 19 - -1-720 20 10 20 7 20 5 20 6 - - -8 20 20 10 20 17 30 20 5.33 4.00 - - --- 5.33 4.00 - - --- 5.33 4.00 ZENER DIODES-250-MW TYPES 4.85 I N761 5.8 I N762 7.1 I N763 8.75 I N764 10.5 I N765 --12.75 I N766 I N767 15.75 I N768 19.0 23.5 I N769 IN 1929 5.65 -- -IN 1930 6.85 8.3 IN 1931 I NI932 10.05 I NI933 12 IN 1934 14.5 IN 1935 18.0 IN 1936 22.0 IN 1937 27.0 10 55 2.31 1.73 10 20 2.20 1.65 10 8 2.20 1.65 10 15 2.09 1.57 5 50 2.09 1.57 -- - - ---5- - 70 1.98 1.49 120 5 1.98 1.49 5 200 1.49 1.98 300 1.87 1.40 5 - 8 1.65 ---55- - -7 - 2.20 2.20 1.65 5 15 2.09 1.57 22 5 2.09 1.57 30 i 2.09 1.57 1.98 --11- -50 -- - -1.49 70 1.98 1.49 100 1 2.20 1.65 200 1 2.20 1.65 "MICRO SEAL" ZENER DIODESDOUBLE ANODE MD471 MD472 MD473 MD474 MD475 MD225 MD226 MD227 MD228 MD229 MD230 3.45 4.10 4.85 5.8 7.1 -8.75 10.5 12.75 15.75 19.0 5 5 5 5 5 65 60 55 40 25 7.00 5.25 -- - - - ...... ...... ...... 7.70 5.78 ...... .2 ..... --23.S -.2 ...... 8.35 6.26 .2 .2 .2 .2 ALLIED. 65 Hughes Silicon Transistors EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS Column headings for semiconduCtors in this catalog are industry standard, including hFE, large signal DC gain; P t , total dissipation; VCE(SAT). max. collector-to-emitter saturation voltage; fT, unity gain frequency. See preceding pages for explanation of other column headings. Case styles: Fig. A, TO-S; Fig.,B, coaxial; Fig. C, TO'18; Fig. D, Microseal .080' dia... 030" thick. Note. Microseal units can be put into larger packages if desired. PNP JUNCTION-GENERAL PURPOSE TYPES Quality PNP alloy junction transistorsfor general purpose applications, Ideal for use in radios, phonos, switching devices, etc. Operating temperature range is from +65° to -160°C. "Minimum AC forward current transfer ratio Typo No. 2N327A 2N32BA 2N329A 2NI22B 2N·1229 2NI230 2NI231 2NI232 2NI233 2NI234 2NI23B 2NI239 2 NI240 2NI241 2NI242 2tii243 2NI244 2NI275 2NI623 2N2551 EACH hFE Case Pt VCE (SAT) BVCBO fT (V) Style (W) ~ (me) 1-99 100-999 A -:3s5 ~ 50 0.6 4.00 3.00 11 A 0.2 50 0.6 5.75 4.31 18 .385 0.6 12.55 9.41 A .385 0.2 50 26 0.8 3.10 2.33 A 0.2 15 .4 14' 0.8 3.10 2.33 15 A 0.2 30' .4 -.40.8 B.65 6.50 0.2 A 14' 0.2 35 0.8 10.65 B.OO A .4 30' 0.8 16.00 12.00 A 0.2 60 .4 14' 0.2 60 0.8 IB.35 13.75 30A .4 0.2 110 0.8 24.67 IB.50 14A .4 0.8 5.00 3.75 0.2 15 1.0 B 14' 0.8 7.00 5,25 0.2 15 B 1.0 30' 0.8 9.00 6.75 0.2 35 1.0 B 14' 1.0 0.2 35 0.8 14.65 11.00 30' B 0.8 17.60 13.20 1.0 0.2 B 60 14' 20.00 'i5.OO 0.2 60 B 1.0 30' 0.8 27.65 20.75 0.2 110 1.0 14B 0.8 6.50 4.BB 0.3 100 0.4 9A 50 0.8 2.16 1.62 0.3 A 0.4 9' 150 0.8 37.54 2B.15 1.2 A 0.4 15- -as ~ --- -- - ---- o:s ~ NPN PLANAR TYPES Extremely small and compact planar units, ideal for use in a wide variety of' miniaturization projects. All units shown below feature unique "Micro-seal" construction. Units measure only .080' in diameter, are .030' thick, INTERMEDIATE POWER TYPES Extremely versatile general purpose units for intermediate power and switching applications. VCE(SAT) ratings shown in table below are given @ 100 rna EACH Type Pt VeE (SAT) BVeBO fT hFE (me) 1.99 100·999 IW) IV) No. ~ 80 60 9.20 6.90 20-60 .250 --1.-5MT696 80 1.5 60 9.20 6.90 40-120 .250 MT697 80 12.50 9.3B 5.0 120 20-60 .250 MT69B 80 15.90 11.93 120 5.0 MT699 40-120 .250 60 .. 9.45 7.09 20-60 .250 --1.-5MTI420 75 80 15.50 11.63 1.5 MTI613 40-120 .250 75 80 15.90 11.93 100-300 .250 1.5 MTI711 .. ~ 5.B5 1.5 30 100-300 .250 MT651l! 20.55 15.41 5.0 120 100-300 .250 MT6520 75 .. 6.00 4.50 .250 5.0 MT6521 20 75 .. 6.50 4.BB 40-120 .250 5.0 MT6522 75 6.50 4.8B 5.0 100-300 .250 MT6523 -.. .. HIGH SPEED SWITCHING TYPES "For use as high frequency amplifier and oscillator. tCharged storage time constant in nanoseconds. EACH T),pe fT Pt VeE (SAT) BVCBO hFE IW) No. IV) ~ (me) 1·99 100·999 MT706 20 .250 --0:6 25 6Ot" B.20 6.15 20-60 .250 MT706A 25 25 0.6 B.35 6.26 20-60 .250 0.4 25 MT706B 25 B.50 6.3B MT707 .250 0.6 56 .. 10.00 7.50 9" MT708 30-120 .250 40 20 10.60 7.95 0.4 MT753 40-120 .250 0.6 25 30 B.45 6.34 MTB040 20 .250 0.6 20 .. 6.00 4.50 30-120 .250 MTBIOO 0.3 40 20 13.BO 10.35 MT1893 GENERAL PURPOSE TYPE Type MT1893. Highly versatile, general purpose planar unit ideal for use in RF and IF amplifiers, oscillators, mixer circuits, etc. Has hE of :40 ,minimum, 120 maximum; power dissipation (P,) of .25 watt; VCE(8AT) of 5 volts; BVCBO of 120 volts; fT. unity gain frequency, of 100 mc.' MT 1893. 1·99 .... EACH 20.05 100·999 ............. EACH 15.04 66. ALLIED PNP PLANAR-GENERAL PURPOSE TYPES Rugged, high-quality planar units for general purpose applications. All have operating temperature range of from -65° to +175 o C .. except Type 2N995, -65 0 to +200°C. *Measured at I. = -150 rna. VCE = -10 VDC. tAt 100 microamperes. T),pe No. 2NI131 2NI131A 2NI132 2NI132A 2NI132B 2N721 2N722 2NI991 hFE* 20-45 20-45 30-90 30-90 30-90 20-45 30-90 15-60 Case Style A A A A A C C A -- p. VCEISAT) BVCBOt Typ.fT (V) IV) (me) 50 80 ......... 60 80 ......... 50 80 ......... 60 80 ......... 70 80 ......... 50 80 ......... 50 80 ......... 30 80 ~ .75 ......... .75 .75 .75 .75 .4 .4 .75 EACH 1·99 100·999 6,06 10.00 11.15 16.65 26.00 6,06 11.15 4.25 4.55 7.50 8.36 12.50 19.50 4.55 B.36 3.19 PNP PLANAR-HIGH.FREQUENCY TYPES High.frequency units for high-speed switching applications. All have operating temperature range offrom -65 0 to +17S oC. 25-50 40-80 25-50 40-80 75-150 25-100 75-200 2N 1254 2NI255 2NI256 2NI257 2NI258 2NI259 2N2303 tru A A A A A A A .275 .275 .275 .275 .275 .275 2.0 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 1.5 30 30 40 40 30 50 50 100 7.80 5.85 100 10.27 7.70 100 12.67 9.50 100 12.67 ~ 100 13.00 9.75 100 12.85 9.64 80 31.33 23.50 PNP SILICON ALLOY DUAL TRANSISTORS FOR CHOPPER APPLICATIONS Types 2N2871 and 2N2872. Both units feature maximum VEC of 1.5 millivolts; A VEC of 0.2 mc; total dissipation (Pt) of 400 mw; ICBo of 0.1 microamperes; and typical f.b of 500 kc. Type 2N2871 has BVCBO of 60 volts; Type 2N2872 has BVCBO of 110 volts. 2N2871. 1·99 ...... EACH 45.00 100-999 ..•..•..... EACH 33;75 2N2B72. i-99.' ...•. EACH 60.00 100·999 ..••..••••. EACH 45.00 PNP ALLOY JUNCTION-INDUSTRIAL TYPES A selection of rugged alloy junction units especially designed for use in industrial applications. Type No. HA7520 HA7530 HA7521 HA7531 HA7523 HA7533 HA7524 HA7534 HA7527 HA7537 HA752B HA753B EACH hFE Cas. Pt VeE (SAT) BVCBD Typ. fr (V) (V) Style (W) (me) , 1·99 100·999 --2.-04 B TO 35 6.60 4.95 4 A 0.4 2.0 35 0.8 4.62 3.47 4 B 1.0 2.0 60 0.8 B.45 6.35 4 A .04 2.0 60 0.8 7.65 5.75 --2.-010 B TO 3 5 0.8 9.90 7.42 10 A 0.4 35 2.0 0.8 9.00 6.75 B 10 1.0 2.0 60 0.8 27.70 20.7B 10 A 0.4 2.0 60 0.8 21;05 15.79 16 B 1.0 35 2.0 16.13 I2.iO 16 0.4 2.0 A 35 0.8 14.65 11.00 16 B 1.0 2.0 60 0.8 35.39 27,23 A 0.4 0.8 20.00 15.00 16 2.0 60 ----o:s-- o:s: tru PNP DDM/PLANAR-INDUSTRIAL TYPES Type HA9048 and HA9049. Both units are rugged, heavy-duty planar units especially designed for industrial applications. Have power dissipation (Pt) of 275 mw; VCE(SAT) of 0.6 volts; BVcBo of 25 volts; and Typical fT of 45 mc. Type HA9048 has DC forward current transfer ratio (hFE) of 10-30; Type HA9049 has hFE of 25-80. HA9048. 1·99 ..... EACH 3.50 1,00·999 ................ EACH 2.63 HA9949. 1·99 •... EACH 4.00 100-999 ............... EACH 3.00 ATTENTION QUANTITY BUYERS Allied maintains large stocks of Hughes semiconductor products~ _ready for immediate shipment in quantity_ See the list of natipn". wide offices on page One of this catalog and find out how coravenient it is to call the Allied man nearest you for fast, sameodc:ioY shipment of all your Hughes semiconductor needs. OEM factorY prices prevail, of course, and you will be billed at the lowest pric,e in effect at the time your order was shipped. Specify Manufacturer's Name and Type No. on Semiconductor Orders Sylvania Diodes and Integrated Circuits Allied can sup· ply the camplete line of Sylvania semico.nductors •. Phone or write us if the unit you need is not 5 hown. ® ~ II @] @) 0 ill t 11( Uniform Quality Q] ffi1 @] EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS AND SYMBOLS Bv-br~akdown voltage f,.-cutoff frequency C-typ. terminal valley point capacitance Ip-peak current IF-DC forward current IMR-rnax. reverse current IFWD-minimum forward current MICROWAVE VIDEO DETECTOR DIODES EACH, Type Fig. Frequency Band 1·99 100·499 No. X 14.10 11.75 C N31A L-X 19.25 17.10 C N358A. L-X C 28.90 25.65 N358AR L-X 31.85 25.48 C N369A L-X C 47.80 38.22 N369AR --L-X C 35.70 28.50 N630 L·X 53.50 42.80 C N630R 1000 me 3.00 A 3.85 N830A X E 13.95 10.95 N833A -X A 9.15 7.35 NI611A X ,12.80 11.05 NI611AR A X A 5.60 4.40 N3143 X A 5.60 4.40 N3143R - EACH Type f •• Fig. Bv (v) (kmc) 1·9 No. -10·99 --6100 90.00 77.00 D4200H -J100 6 90.00 77.00 D420lH J 100 15 96.00 82.50 D4210H J 24 100 110.00 95.00 D4221H J 30 70 100.00 85.75 D4232E J 50 D4241C -J- 45 45.00 38.60 60 30 D4252A 46.00 39.40 J 60 40 D4252B 64.50 55.00 J 90 30 D4264A 90.00 77.00 J 5 46.00 39.40 D4266·3 _J_ 90 60 E 23.00 19.80 D4554X E 60 ...... 23.00 19.80 D4556X E 60 D4556Y 12.50 11.00 E 60 D4556Z 8.00 6.85 90 ...... 23.00 19.80 E D4560X E 90 D4560Y 12.50 11.00 E 90 D4560Z 8.00 6.85 E 120 D4570X 23.00 19.80 E 120 D4570Y 12.50 11.00 6.85 8.00 ~ E 120 - 120 138.00 118.00 G 6 D4600J G 6 100 D460lH 99.00 85.00 G 6 80 149.00 128.00 D4603F 15 90 G D4611G 88.00 75.50 G D4611H -15 - -100 - 106.00 91.00 15 90 121.00 104.00 D4612G G G 24 100 D4621H 121.00 104.00 30 70 110.00 95.00 D4632E G 70 G 45 D4641E 77.00 66.00 G 45 50 121.00 104.00 D4643C ...... ...... ...... - ...... ...... ...... ...... - -- GERMANIUM TUNNEL DIODES EACH Ip f •• (ma) (kmc) 1·9 - 10·99 7 H 2.0 25.00 21.40 H 2.0 32 110.00 94.00 H 5.0 6 20.00 17.15 H 5.0 17 50.00 43.00 H 100 3 12.00 10.60 H. 100' 8 ,37.50 ,3,2.00 F 2.0 7 30.00 26.00 2.0 13 F 48.00 41.00 2.0 18 F 90.00 77.00 F 2.0 32 130.00 111.00 ,ii'496'6B ,'D5061 D5061A D5061 B D5061C - ,~ DIODE MATRICES Not illus. Fast silicon planar epitaxial single chip logic circuits in durable,' hermetically sealed TO·S package. N.G. in Circuit col· umn below indicates NAND Gate circuit. Operating temperature range, -SO·C to +12S·C EACH Type Fan Fan Circuit No. In 10·99 Out 1·9 SNG·2 2 N.G. 3 5 60.00 45.00 3 N,G. SNG·3 3 5 60.00 45.00 SNG·4 4 Dual N,G. Dual3 10 150.00 120.00 SNG-5 5 Dual N,G. Dual3 25 130.00 104.00 Dual3 10 130.00 104.00 SNG·6 6 N.G. SNG·7 7 N,G, 6 25 125.00 100.00 Flip·Flop SFF·I ....... 25 160.00 128.00 SFF·2 Flip·Flop ....... 20 280.00 244.00 SFF·3 Flip·Flop ....... 20 225.00 180.00 Silicon planar epitaxial diode matrices in molded package. Have gold·plated Kovar ribbon leads. PlY. 35 v. Size: .3Sx.2x.07". - ID~o~·es I fp~) I(~!) 11.~ACI ~~99 e TJ:. MO I 16 MO I 17 Di. Vm • IFWD t" odes ~ (rna) (nsec) -340 225 2 40 225 3 3 2 75 225 3 3 75 200 3 2 100 175 3 -3 100 175 3 40 175 2 4 3 40 175 4 40 175 4 4 40 225 4 3 -34 75 200 4 175 3 2 225 3 100 225 3 3 4 100 225 3 40 175 4 2" 40 175 4 3" 40 175 4 4" 75 200 3 2' 75 200 3 3' 3 4" 75 200 40 225 3 2' 3 40 225 3" 40 225 3 4' !gg, EACH 1·9 10·99 3.82 3.42 5.65 5.10 4.75 4.25 7.05 6.30 5.10 4.55 7.65 6.80 3.18 2.84 4.75 4.25 6.35 5.70' 7.65 6.90 9.50 8.50 10.20 9.10 6.90 6.20 10.45 9.40 14.00 12.50 3.18 2.84 4.75 4.25 ,.6.35 5.70 '4.75 4.25 7.05 6.30 9.50 8.50 3.82 3.40 5.65 5.10 7.65 6.80 Not illus. Silicon planar epitaxial high speed diodes in modified TO·S pkg. Surge current per diode, 500 rna, 1 sec. Type MOllO has common cathode; Type MOlll, common anode. MOII018 1 40 1 175 1 4 112.50111.00 MO I I I 8 40 175 4 12.50 I 1.00 MULTIPLE ST.EERING DIODES Not illus. Silicon planar epitaxial high con· ductance diodes. TO-47 pkg. lm.. 2SO namp @ 40 v. Common cathode. except 'common anode 50 50 12.00 8.00 9.60 6.40 DIODE BRIDGE modulator, instrument detector, low power full wave rectifier, etc. Type \ VR \Max. IFWD\ Pt I EACH (rna) (mw) ~110.99 45 250 12.00 10.70 ~~ Not illus. Silicon planar eptaxial high speed No. MOOOI MOO02 MOO03 MOO04 MOO05 MOO06 MOO07 MOO08 MOO09 MOOIO MOOII MOOl2 M0045 M0046 M0047 MOIOI MOI02 MOI03 MOI04 MOI05 MOI06 MOI07 MOI08 MOI09 3 3 Not illus. Silicon planar epitaxial high speed diode bridge in hermetically, sealed 4 lead TO-46 package. Designed for use as bridge SILICON UHF DIODES diodes. Common cathode, except *common anode All in TO. 46 pkg Typo 12 8 MO.! 19 50 MULTIPLE DIODES Type No. Fig. D496 I FD4961C "D4962 D4962B D4966 P.-total power dissipation Vmr-maximum reverse voltage **--comm. anode t, 0 v.; §, 1 y ....- INTEGRA TED LOGIC CIRCUITS SILICON EPITAXIAL VARACTORS For use in RF switching, RF tuning, para· metric amplifiers, harmonic generators, etc. PlY-peak inverse voltage trr-reverse recovery time VR-reverse working voltage I~ EACH No. V m • IFWD @1.1 v (v) (ma) No. 1·9 10·99 300 MOl12 4 60 10.20 9.10 60 300 MOl13 5 12.70 11.40 300 MOl14 4" 60 10.20 9.10 300 MOilS 5" 60 12.70 11.40 Type - Specify Manufacturer's Name and Type No. on Semiconductor Orders Type Fig. VR No. (v) E -3I N82 E I N82A 3 USAIN82A E D3530 .... 3 IFWD (ma) 10-25 10·25 .... ....... 8-25 EACH 1·99 100·999 .55 .70 .91 .71 .91 .71 .91 .71 MICROWAVE MIXER DIODES Type No. JANIN21B IN21BMR JANIN21C IN21CMR IN21FMR JANIN21WE IN21EMR JANIN23B JANIN23CR JANIN23WE ~ JANIN25 IN25A IN26 JANIN26 IN26M IN26MR IN26R IN26A IN26AM, IN53 JANIN53 IN53M IN53MR IN53R IN53BM IN53BMR IN53C IN53CM, IN53CMR IN53CR IN53D --JANIN78 IN416F IN1l32 IN2510 EACH Fig. Freq. Noise Fig. (db) 100·999 Band 1·99 - - --A S 10.3 .68 .54 A S 10.3 2.04 1.61 A S 8.3 .81 A S 7 2.45 A S 6 33.00 26.00 --7A S 6.00 7.65 A S 7 13.50 10.50 A X 11.5 .67 .54 A X 9.5 1.41 1.12 B X 7.5 5.90 4.65 -LA 3.53 2.74 A L 12.6 3.53 2.74 A L 10.3 8.48 6.60 C K 13.1 6.50 5.10 C K 1 i 1 6.50 5.10 C K 13.1 16.15 12.75 C K 13.1 19.45 15.30 C K 13.1 9.90 7.80 C K l i : 3 7.75 6.05 C K 11.3 19.30 15.20 D Ka 13.1 23.20 18.60 D Ka 13.1 23.20 18.60 D Ka 58.10 46.55 - - 13.1 D Ka '""'13.l 72.75 58.20 D Ka 13.! 36.30 29.10 D Ka 10.0 74.50 64.80 D Ka 10 98.45 78.75 D Ka 9 46.79 37.45 D Ka 9 1'16.95 93.60 D Ka 9 140.40 112.30 D Ka 9 70.20 57.15 0 K. 9 73.50 57.80 C Ku -1-26.50 5.10 C S 10.3 12.25 9.80 9.5 C s·x 43.05 33.85 C X 9.5 18.20 14.30 \ ~:g~ l2.6 AlLIED -67 Sylvania Transistors Allied can supply the complete line of Sylvania semiconductors. Phone or write us if the Uniform unit you need is Quality not shown. SILICON EPITAXIAL MICRO-POWER PLANAR NPN TRANSISTORS GERMANIUM PNP MEDIUM POWER AND AUDIO TRANSISTORS (Cont'd) [rast switching transistors. Plague-free passivated planar 'construction. All types 'ave 15 v collector to base voltage EACH f, ',Type Fig. (me) ton+toff 1001'No. (nsec) 99 999 -3-02N709 C TI:39 7.59 2N709/46 D 800 30 9.B5 6.S0 2N709/S1 E 800 30 22.50 IS.OO 2N709A C ..... 30 13.S0 9.00 2N709A/46 D 13.6S 9.10 r:-:-:-:.:- 30 2N709A/SI E 30 30.00 20.00 2N27B4 C 1200 18 22.S0 IS.OO 2N27B4/46 D 1200 18 IB.OO 12.00 2 N27B4/5 I E 1200 18 37.50 25.00 '""Boo 'm GERMANIUM RF T~ANSISTORS Used primarily in'AM radio as RF and IF amplifier oscillators, mixers and converters. Closely controlled feedback parameters simplify neutralization. Feature TO-22 outline PT 150 rna', Ie 100 rna' Tj +85°C Type No. 2N94 2N94A 2NI93 2NI94 2NI94A 2N211 2N212 2N216 2N233 2N233A 2NSI5 2N516 2NSI7 2NI058 SYLIOI SYLI02 Application IF amp. IF amp. Oscilialor VeB VeE ~ ~ 25 25 Mixer leanv. 18 18 Mixer lConv. 25 Osc./Mixer 18 20 18 12 Mixer leoRv. IF amp. Gen. Purp. Gen. purp. IF amp. IF amp. IF amp. Mixer leanv. Mixer leanv. IF amp, 20 18 18 18 18 18 25 20 20 18 18 20 18 18 18 10 18 18 18 18 18 18 20 - - EACH 1·99 100·999 1.34 .B9 I.SO 1.00 1.17 .7B 1.25 .B3 1.42 .94 I.BO 1.3B 1,50 1.00 1.75 1.17 .SO .33 1.13 .76 1.42 .94 I.SO 1.00 1.67 1.11 1.75 1.17 2.20 1.40 2.00 1.30 ---- Type VCB -No. -2NI040 (v) 2NI041 2NI042 2NI043 2NI044 2N1045, SO 100 40 60 80 100 hFE 33-200 @ 50 rna 33-200 @ 50 rna 20·60 @ 3 amps 20-60 @ 3 amps 20-60 @ 3 amps 20-60 @ 3 amps EACH 1-99 100-999 11.25 7.50 15.75 10.50 5.25 3.50 9.00 6.00 13.50 9.00 IB.OO 12.00 ~ SILICON LARGE SIGNAL NPN EPITAXIAL PLANAR TRANSISTORS Feature fast switching combined with high power dissipation. Plague-free passivated construction T- 200°C Have TO-5 outline EACH Type VCB Pr (v) (mw) 100-999 No. 1-99 75 SOO I3:TO 2NI613 60 600 2NI95BA 15.00 9.50 11.00 2NI959A 60 600 17.00 11.00 80 SOO 2N2297 17.00 60 SOO 2N2410 7.20 10.BO ,. B.75 SILICON NPN EPITAXIAL MESA TRANSISTORS High speed, low storage time and low saturation voltage T' 175°C TO-5 outline EACH Type Pr Fig. VCB No. ~ (mw) 1-99 100·999 A 60 600 I.S7 I":OS 2N696 A 60 600 2N697 2.06 1.3B A 120 SOO 10.05 6.95 2N69B A 120 SOO 14.25 9.50 2N699 2NI253 A 30 600 11.95 7.95 2NI95B A 60 600 6.00 ' 4.00 A 2NI959 60 600 '6.16 4.11 D 2NI964 60 400 6.37 4.35 - - 3.60 2N 1990 A 100, 600 2.90 100 400 4.05 2.70 2 N t990/46 D A 2N261 B 60 600 5.40 3.60 2N261 B/46 D 60 400 B.25 5.50 ,. m GERMANIUM AUDIO AND GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTORS GERMANIUM NPN AUDIO POWER TRANSISTORS NPN types for both amplifier and switching service. TO-22 outline. Rated: PT. 180 mw; Ie, 100 rna; Tj maximum is 85°C EACH Type VCB VCE Application (v) (v) 1- 100No. 99 999 Hi gain amp 40 25 T:T7 -:7ii 2N3S Driver 2N213 40 25 1.2'S .B3 2N213A Hi gain driver 40 25 1.59 I.OS AudloOutput 40 25 1.42 .94 2N214 Output Amp. 40 15 1.59 I.OS 2N22B -Gen. Purp. 12 10 .50 .33 2N229 20, 15 .B4 ,.S6 Gen. Purp. 2N306 2N647/22 AudioOutput 25 25 1.16 .77 2N649/22 AudioOutput 18 IS 1.00 .67 Output Amp. 20 15 1.00 .67 2N IOS9 Output Amp. 20 15 2NII01 .75 Output Amp. 40 25 2NII02 .B4 .56 Hi gain amp. 20 15 1.00 .67 2NI2S1 Output Amp. 20 15 .92 .61 2N2354 Compact units feature high current and high power capabilities ' EACH Type Pr Fig. VCB No. ~ ~ 1-99 100-999 30 4 2N102/13 G 4.50 3.00 4 2N144/13 G 60 B.14 '5.43 35 7 12.60 B.40 2N326 J 2N326 JAN per MIL-S-19500/4O 14.10 9.40 2NI21B 6 7.50 5.00 ...L 45 35 2NI292 25 10.05 6.70 J 2NI294 60 25 13.10 B.75 J 80 25 2NI296 17.60 11.75 J H 35 25 2NI321 10.10 6.75 H 60 25 2NI323 13.10 B.75 H 80 25 2N 1325 17.25 11.50 -- --:so o GERMANIUM MEDIUM POWER, AND AUDIO PNP TRANSISTORS Designed for high current switching and amplifier applications. Features modified TO-5 outline. Ie=3 amperes. \~eil' 11_9~AI~O~'999 e TJ:. hFE 2NI038 40 33-200 @50rna 2.B5 1.9() 2NI039 60 33-200 @50ma 3.75 2.50 lID GERMANIUM PNP AMPLIFIER TRANSISTORS ,Type f AppliVCB No. ~ (me) cation 40 2N247/33 1.5 R.F:'"" 2N370/33 24 20 R.F. Osc. 2N371/33 24 20 Mix. 2N372133 24 20 2N373/33 24 .455 I.F. R.F. 2N384/33 40 50 R.F. 2 NS44/33 24 1.5 30 12.5 2N624 I.F. 2N624 USA MIL-S-19500/S2 2NI066 I 40 150 I R.F. EACH 1-99 100-999 3.14 2.09 .BI .54 .79 .53 .79 .53 1.24 .B3 1.65 1.10 .97 1046 B.IO 5.40 9.00 6.00 1.9B 1.32 I GERMANIUM PNP AMPLIFIER TRANSISTORS (Cont'd) j EACH Type f AppliNo. (v) (~ cation 1.99100.999 2NI224 40 112.~ I.F. ~~ 2N 1224 USA MIL-S-19500/189 2.06 1.3B 2NI225 140150 1 R.F. 1.40 .94 2 N 1225 USA MIL-S·19500/189 2.31 1.54 2N1264/33 20 1.5 I.F. .59 .39 2NI395 40 12.5 I.F. 1.49 .99 2NI396 40 50 R.F. 1.65 1.10 2NI397 40 ~ R.F. 2.15 1.43 2NI432 45 Linear Amp. 2.41 1.61 2N 1637/33 35 R.F. 5 .90 .•60 2N1673 35 1.5 I.F./R.F. 2.B5 1.90 SYL2113 40 50 R.F. 3.55 2.35 \vCBI GERMANIUM PNP HIGH FREQUENCY AND HIGH SPfED SWITCHING TYPES Type No. , 2N602 2 N60.3 2N604 2N643 2N644 2N645 2NI450 VCB (v) 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 'Ic' f. (ma) (min) .10 10 10 30 10 50 100 20 100 40 100 60 100 ' 40 EACH 1-99 100-999 -1.92 - - -1.2B -4.05 2.70 6.15 4.10 1.40 .94 1.65 1.10 2.64 1.76 2.06 1.3B ,SILICON EPITAXIAL HIGH SPEED SWITCHING AND HIGH FREQUENCY AMPLIFIER NPN TRANSISTORS Small signal. plague-free passivated construction T· is 200°C Type VCBI (me) f, ~ EACH F,g • .J!L 100.499 No. 2N703. C 25 ..... 16.35 10.90 2N706 C 25 320 1.57 1.05 JAN 2N706 MIL-S-19500/120A SAO 3.60 D 2N706/46 25 320 4.05 2.70 2N706/51 E 25 320 9.00 6.00 2N706A 320 C 25 ~ 2N706A/46 D 25 320 4.50 3.00 2N706A/51 E 25 320' 9.40 6.25 2N706B 320 C 25 5.40 3.60 2N706B/46 D 25 320 9.75 6.50 2N706B/51 E 25 320 IB.75 12.50 2N706C C 40 320 7.50 5.00 320 10.50 2N706C/46 D' 40 7.00 2N706C/51 E 40 320 22.50 15.00 2N70B C 40 400 2.4B 1.65 D 40 400 2N70B/46 5.40 3.60 2N70B/51 E 40 400 II.B5 7.90 20 350 2N743 C 6.90 4.60 D 2N743/46 20 350 12.00 B.OO E 20 350 20.25 13.50 2 N743/5 I C 20 .,50 2N744 7.50 5.00 D 2N744/46 20 350 12.75 B.50 2 N744/5 I E 20 350 21.00 14.00 C 25 320 2N753 5.65 3.75 D 2N753/46 25 320 7.30 4.85 E 25 320 2N753/51 9.75 6.50 2N7B3 C 40 350 7;SO 5.00 30 350 2N7B4 C B.OB 5.39 2N7B4A C 40 350 11.25 7.50 2N784A/46 D 40 350 15.00 10.00 2N7B4A/51 "'E 40 350 22.50 15.00 2NB34 C 40 450 2.75 4.13 D 2NB34/46 40 450 10.50 7.00 2N834/51 E 40 450 19.50 13.00· C 2N835 25 425 .5.40 _ 3.611, 2NB35/46 , D 25 425 9.75 6.50' E 2 NB3S/51 25 425 I B.75 12.50 3·.B5 2N914 C 40 450 5.7B D 2N914/46 40 450 10.65 7.10 E 2N914/51 40 450 15.00 10.00 , .I I ---r:rr Specify Manufacturer's Name and Type No. on Semi~nductor Orders Precision Sylvania Semiconductors EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS The following is an explanation of column headings of tables appearing on this page. and on the preceding page. PIV. peak inverse voltage. I:FWD. minimum forward current. 10, maximum average rectified forward current. YR. reverse working voltage. PT. total power dissipation. Th maximum junction temperature. ft. typical frequency. IR. reverse current. t r• pulse rise time. VCB, maximum collector to base voltage. ton. turn-on time. tort. turn-off time. VeE. collector to emitter voltage. Ie. average collector current. hFE. common emitter De forward current transfer ratio. f, frequency. fo• cutoff frequency. SILICON EPITAXIAL HIGH SPEED SWITCHING AND HIGH FREQUENCY AMPLIFIER TRANSISTORS (Conl'd) Type No. 2N915 2N929 2N930 2NI708 2N 1962 2N 1963 2N2205 2N2368 2N2369 2N2397 2N2719 Fig. Vca (v) C C C E E E C C C E C 70 45 45 25 40 3il 25 40 40 35 25 EACH ft (me) 1-99 100-999 - --... -B.B5 5.90 ... ... '" 350 350 375 ... '" 350 '" 12.25 8.15 19.90 13.30 4.79 3.19 7.87 5.25 -8.47 - -5.65 -4.95 3.30 7.65 5.10 9.75 6.50 10.00 6.75 3.75 2.50 Epitaxial design provides high f, and fast switching. PT is 150 mw; T;. 100 o e. Type No. 2N501118 2N705 2N705USN 2N705A 2N710 2N711 2N711A 2N711 B 2N781 2N782 2N82B 2N960 2N960/46 2N961 2N961/46 2N962 2N962/46 2N963 2N964 2N964/46 2N965 2N966 2N967 2N96B 2N9B5 2N 1500118 2N 1646 2N 1853118 2N 1960 2NI961 2N2455 2N2456 Flg.\ vca\ ft _~ (me) EACH 1-99 100-999 C 15 250 5.17 3.45 C 15 290 2.62 1.75 MIL-S-19500/ 1.57 1.05 C 15 300 2.62 1.75 C 15 300 1.57 1.05 C 12 300 1.12 .75 C 15 300 1.35 .90 C 18 .330 1.42 .95 C 15 350 11.72 7.81 C 12 400 2.40 1.60 - - - - 3.30 -2.20 -C 15 380 C 15 400 3.30 2.20 D 15 400 6.60 4.40 C 12 400 2.77 1.85 D 12 400 5.60 3.60 C -12- 400 2.10 1.40 D 12 400 4.15 2.65 C 12 350 1.42 .95 C 15 420 3.67 2.45 D 15 420 7.30 4.87 - - 3.30 2.20 C 12 420 C 12 420 2.52 1.68 C 12 350 1.56 1.02 C 12 350 2.10 1.40 C 15 360 3.75 2.50 -C 12 400 6.• 38 4.68 C 15 320 6.00 4.0.0 C 18 320 1.32 .88 D ...!:L 350 15.00 10.00 D 12 400 8.25 5.50 C 15 800 4.50 3.00 C 15 1200 10.00 6.65 -- -- GERMANIUM EPITAXIAL MESA PNP AMPLIFIER TRANSISTORS Tj is lOOoe. 'Indicates non-epitaxial. EACH Type ff Fig. VCB PTt (v) (mw) (me) 1-99 100-999 No. 2N700118 C 25 150 800 7.35 4.90 2N700A/18 C 25 150 800 11.85 8.70 2N741 C 15 150 360 2.15 1.45 2N741A C 20 150 360 3.30 2.20 2NI141 B 35 300 10.12 6.75 2NI142 B 30 300 9.45 6.30 B 35 300 ..... 6.38 4.25 2NI143 2N2455 C 15 150 800 4.50 3.00 2N2456 C 15 150 1200 22.50 15.00 *SYL3613 C 25 125 800 6.75 4.50 *SYL3926 C 25 125 ..... 4.20 2.80 -- Uniform Quolily [R] SILICON EPITAXIAL PLANAR DIODES llij] Feature extremely fast switching. low shunt capacitance and low leakage. Tn. dioile recovery time in nanoseconds Efficient silicon epoxy power rectifiers. Type PIV No. N903 N904 N905 N906 N907 N908 N914 N914A N916 N916A N30&4 N3&04 (v) [KJ GERMANIUM EPITAXIAL MESA PNP SWITCHING TRANSISTORS Order Sylva';;ia semiconductors from Allied. Same-day shipment,OEMprices, complete stocks. 40 30 20 20 30 40 100 100 '100 100 50 50 IFWD (ma) TR EACH 1-99 100-999 --so 4" T.75 1.40 50 50 50 4 4 4 1.&5 1.45 1.25 1.30 1.15 1.00 50 75 75 4 4 4 1.75 1.95 2.20 1.40 1.55 1.75 75 4 4 4 3.35 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.00 1.65 --so 4" 1.45I.T5 7 5 4" 3.Oil "'2.30 .. .. SILICON GENERAL PURPOSE AND FAST SWITCH DIODES *lndicates fast switch type EACH Typo IR VR IFWD (v) (ma) (ua) 1-99 100-999 No. 25 90 .025 I N45& .37 .29 .025 25 200 .37 .29 I N456A 60 75 .025 I N457 .45 .3& JANI N457 PerMIL-S-19500/193A .45 .36 I N457A .36 ~1~1·0251~ 125 55 .025 .5 I AO I N458 JANI N458 PerMIL-S-19500/193A .5 I .40 I N458A 125 200 .025 .51 .40 175 40 .025 .66 .5 I I N459 JANI N459 PerMIL-S-19S00/193A~ .51 175 200 .025 .6& I N459A 60 25 .5 IN461 .35 .28 25 200 .5 IN461A .35 .28 60 50 .5 .38 .30 I N462 200 60 .5 I N462A .38 ~ ;46 .36 175 ""'3il .5 I N463 200 175 .5 I N463A .4.6 .36 125 40 I N464 .5 .45 .35 125 200 .5 I N464A .45 .35 100 36 .25 .59 .46 I N482 . 36 200 .025 IN482A .59 --:46 36 200 .025 I N482B .59 .46 70 100 .25 I N483 .61 .47 200 I N483A 70 .025 .61 .47 I N483 B 70 200 .025 .6 I ~ USN I N483 BPerMIL-S-19500/118 .61 .47 130 100 .25 N4B4 .70 .55 130 200 .025 N484A .70 .55 130 200 .025 .70 .55 N484B N485 180 100 .25 .85 .60 .025 .85 .60 N485A 180 200 180 200 .025 .B5 .60 N485B .25 N486 225 100 1.25 .98 .05 N486A 225 200 1.25 .98 225 200 .05 N486B 1.25 .98 300 100 N487 .25 2.05 1.60 N487A 300 200 .1 2.85 2.15 380 100 N488 .25 2.50 1.95 380 200 I'N488A .1 3.29 2.51 I N625 20* 20 .54 .33 ~ I N626 35* 20 100 .59 .34 I N627 75* 20 100 .67 .39 I N628 125* 20 100 .81 .47 I N629 175* 20 100 .88 .59 I N643A 175* 40 ...... 1.60 1.12 I N659 50* 100 5 .85 .66 I I I ---:sT [R] SILICON BONDED DIODES For fast switching VHF detecting EACH Type PIV IIFWD (v) (rna) No • 1-99 100-999 -3-0I N251 40 ~-:75 JANI N251 MIL-S-19500/188 .90 .75 I N252 30 40 .80 .65 40 50 I N997 2.90 2.25 I New SemiConductor Types Are Added to Stock as They Are Announced SILICON "BULLET" EPOXY DIODES Type No. I N2069 I N2069A I N2070 I N2070A I N2071 I N2071A I N2482 I N2483 I N2484 SRI692 SRI693 SRI694 S R 1695 PIV EACH I. (v) (rna) 200 200 400 400 600 600 200 400 600 100 200 300 400 750 750 750 750 750 1-99 100-999 ~ .60 .6B .75 .87 ----:33 .50 .68 .87 .33 .45 .58 .50 .59 .6B .33 .39 .45 .40 .45 .50 .58 """'750 T:TO -:78 750 750 750 600 AS --:30 600 600 600 GERMANIUM POINT CONTACT DIODES For use in the audio. IF. ,RF. and VHF ranges. *Indicates matched pair; **matched quad EACH Type PIV IFWD Fig. (v) (ma) 1-99 100-999 No. K 75 50 I N34A .30 ---:23 75 50 1.58 1.21 I N35 K:* 125 50 .75 .57 I N38A K 125 50 I N38B .75 .57 L 125 50 I N38BL .95 JAN I N38B LPerMIL-E-1/492B ~ 1.22 -:95 220 50 4.00 3.10 I N39AL L 50 6.70 5.25 75 I N40 R** 85 50 K I N48 .30 .23 K 75 I N54A .55 .39 I~ K 170 50 T:os ----:aJ I N55A 170 50 2.52 1.97 I NS5AL L USNl N55A L PerMIL-E-1/497B 2.51 1.97 L 50 60 1.14 .89 I N56AL 50 120 I NS8A K .77 .55 K -:30 ---:23 I N60 K 125 50 .36 .28 I N63 25 50 K .30 .23 I N64 85 K 50 I N65 .48 .35 K 100 30 .61 .48 I N67A K 125 40 IN68A .70 .55 K 75 40 .30 .23 I N69 75 40 K .30 .23 IN69A 40 75 L .58 .45 I N69AL JANI N69A LPerMIL-E-1/142D .58 .45 .48 .38 I N70 K 130.l 30 L 130 30 1.01 .79 IN70AL JANI N70A LPerMIL-E-1/154D 1.01 .79 I N81A .48 .38 K 50 I N81AL L 50 30 .75 ~ JANIN81A LPerMIL-E-1/15'5D -:7S .59 K 30 .35 .27 I N90 75 K 45 .53 .41 I NI16 K 75 25 .51 .40 I NI19 K 25 .46 .36 I NI20 75 K 30 I NI26 75 .30 .24 K 30 I NI26A 75 .30 .24 JANI NI26A KPerMIL-E-1/156C .30 .24 I NI27 .83 .65 K 125 30 K 125 30 .83 INI27A JANINI27A KPerMIL-E-l/157C '"JI3 ~ .65 K 30 I NI28 50 .32 .25 K 90 30 I NI91 .35 .28 K 45 I NI92 75 .34 .26 30 K 105 I NI9B .35 .2B JANI NI98 K Per MIL-E-l/700 .35 --:2B 30 K 105 I NI98A .35 .28 30 1.03 .80 K 105 I NI98B 60 K 70 I N294 .34 .26 35 K 50 I N295 .35 .27 K 100 35 .70 .55 I N297 K 85 50 .48 .38 I N298 K 75 30 I N636 .38 .27 K 50 35 .34 .27 I N805 K 100 30 1.12 .85 I N933 ---w- ---so I I UL I I I I I I ALLIED. 69 International Rectifier Silicon Zener Diodes NEW "R & D" ZENER-DIODE LABS The Right Zener When You Need It-Right at Your Fingertips , • Giant Saving Over IndiVidually Purchased Units • Glas~, Flangeless, Tap Hat, Stud Types • All a~e Highly Stabl_5% Tolerance • Each Lab Includes a Complete IR Engineering Technical Data Zener Handbaok, Lacator, Curves and Characteristics . . • Every Zener Diode is Tagged with Its Valtage, Tolerance, and Test Current 24 POPULAR ZENERS Lab KI0W. Purchased separately, units cost $485.40. Lab contains 24 10-watt studmounted zeners from 3.9 to 150 volts. Hermetically-sealed units are 4 ways better 'through processing that locks in superior electrical characteristics. 4 U 405 ...................... : .168.00 Designed to save you time and money at the breadboard stage. Choose from 3 labs covering the 3.9- to 200-volt range. In a wide variety of packages, power ratings and configUrations. Supplied in a 6-drawer metal cabinet with lock (two cabinets with KI000 Kit.) Plus, the most complete library of technical data available on zener diodes-furnished with every IR zener lab. 32 POPULAR ZENERS Lab Kl W. Purchased separately, units cost $228.25. Lab contains 32 highly stable flangeless zeners covering the voltage range from 3.9 to 200 volts. All devices are process-selected to assure sharp zener knees and excellent regulation, 4 U 406 .... ; ................... 98.50 lOS POPULAR ZENERS Lab KI000. Purchased'separately, units cost $885.23, Lab contains all 1- and 10-watt devices in labs KIW and KlOW, plus 44 400mw glass zeners, and the highly stable IN429, IN430, IN1530, IN832A, and IN3l55A reference elements. 4 U 404 ...................... 382.00 PARTIAL ZENER-DIODE LISTING Listings on this and facing page represent only part of the wide IN1805-l815, IN1351-1375, IN18l6-l836, IN2008-20l2, IN2498IR zener line, Allied also stocks such zener series as IN1767-1802, 2500. Contact your :Allied office -for detailed data. [KJ 400-MWGLASSSILICON ZENER DIODES EXPlANA TIONOF COLUMN HEADINGS ZT, zener test current. Vz, nominal zener voltage. ZzT, max. zener dynamic impedance. "HIGH SPECS,":l:S% V. TOLERANCE I EACH Typ~ Vz IZT ZZT ~ ~ ~(Ohm.) 1-99 100-999 FZ3.3T5 FZ3.6T5 FZ3.9T5 FZ4.3T5 FZ4.7T5 FZ5.IT5 "FZ5:6Ts ,FZ6.2T5 FZ6'.BT5 FZ7.5TS FZS'.2T5 FZ9.IT5 FZi'iiTS FZIITS FZI2T5 FZI3T5 FZI4T5 'F'ZI5T5 FZI,6T5 FZI7T5 FZIBT5 F'Z19T5 FZ20T5 FZ22T5 FZ24T5 FZ25T5 FZ27T5 FZ30T5 3.3 20 27 3.6 20 23 3.9 20 22 4.3 20 21 4.7 20 14 5.1 20 10 -75.6 20 6.2 20 4 6.8 20 4 7.5 20 5 8.2 20 6 9.1 20 7 --810 20 11 5 10 12 5 11 13 13 5 14 5 15 -5-' -1-715 16 19 5 17, 5 21 18 5 25 19 5 28 32 20 5 22 5 35 24 37 5 25 39 5 27 40 5 30 5 45 ----3.60 2.85 -- --3.60 2.85 -- --3.60 2.85 - - --3.60 2.85 -- --3.60 2.85 JEDEC IN746A-748A, ::l:S% V. TOl. Type No. "i'iii74"6A Vz In ZZT EAC,H 28 24 23 2.95 2.20 ~ .ems) eOhms) 1.99/'00.999 3.3' 20 I N747A, ,3.6 20 I N74SA 3.9 20 70. ALLIED JEDEC IN749A-75!A, :l:S% V. TOl. Type Vz No. ~ IN749A 4.3 I N750A 4.7 I N751A 5.1 I N752A 5.6 IN753A 6.2 I N754A 6.8 I N755A 7.5 I N756A 8.2 IN757A 9.1 IN75SA 10.0 IN759A 12.0 IZT ZZT EACH (ma) (Ohms) 1.99 100·999 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 22 19 17 11 --75 6 8 10 17 30 2.95 2.20 Vz eV) 6.8 - - --2.95 2.20 7.5 8.2 9.1 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 20 22 24 27 30 33 IZT ZZT 5~6 5.2 4.6 4.2 3.8 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 11.5 13 16 17 21 25 29 33 41 49 58 . Vz (V) 5:6 6.8 8.2 10 12 14.5 18 22 27 33 IZT :I: 10% ZZT (ma) (Ohms) 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 0.2 --8- 7 15 22 30 -50 70 100 200 300 V. TOl. EACH 1.99 100-999 2.60 2.10 - - --2.60 2.10 JEDEC IN3510-3530, :l:S% V. TOl. EACI1 (ma) (Ohms) 1·99 100·999 20 20 20 20 20 11.5 10.5 9.5 8.5 7.8 7.0 6.2 Type No. I NI956 I NI957 I NI95B I NI959 I NI960 I NI961 I NI9S2 I NI963 I NI964 I NI965 -- --- - - - -- -2.95 2.20 JEDEC IN957B-973B :1:5% VOLTAGE TOLERANCE Type No. I N957B I N95SB I N959B IN960B IN961B IN962B IN963B IN964B I N965B I N966B I N967B I N96BB I N969B I N970B I N971 B IN972B I N973B JEDEC IN19S6-196S, 2.20 1.65 - - --2.20 1.65 2.20 1.65 2.20 '1".65 2.20 1.65 2.20 " 1.65 2.45 1.90 2.45 1.90 Type No. Vz (V) "i'N35i'ii 4.7 I N3511 I N3S12 I N3513 I N3514 I N3515 I N3516 I N3517 I N351S I N3519 I N3520 IN3S21 I N3522 I N3523 I N3524 TNill5 I N3526 I N3527 I N3528 I N3529 I N3530 IZT 20 20 20 20, 20 7.S 10 8.2 10 9.1 10 10 10 11 10 12 10 13 5 15 5 16 5 18 5 .. 5, 20 22 5 24 5 4 27 30 4 33 3 5.1 5.6 6.2 6.8 ZZT ema) (Ohms) 16 14 8 3 3 l:I 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 35 38 40 48 50 EACH -- --- 1·99 100·999 3.60 2.85 -- --3.60 2.85 -- --3.60 2.85 -- , " 3.60 2.85 Allied StotksEvery IR Product Listed in This Catalog International Rectifier Silicon Zener Diodes m%-WATT AXIAL-LEAD TYPES Hermetically sealed ±1O% tal *±5% EACH Type Vz IZT ZZT (V) (rna) (Ohms) 1-99 100-999 No. -3.9 35 14 I NI507 4.55 3.65 14 INI507A 3.9* 35 5.45 4.35 4.7 30 12 I NI50B 4.55 3.65 12 IN 150BA 4.7* 30 5.45 4.35 5.6 26 5.2 3.30 2.65 I NI509 ---- -- -- --- -- - 26 5.2 IN 1509A 5.6' 3.95 3.15 MZ6.2T5 6.2' 26 5.2 3.96 3.15 6.8 22 1.5 3.30 2.65 I NI510 1.5 3.95 3.15 I NI510A 6.8* 22 8.2 18 I NI511 1.5 3.30 2.65 ---- -- -- --8.2* 18 1.5 3.95 3.15 I NI511A 1.8 3.30 2.65 15 I NI512 10 15 1.8 3.95 3.15 I NI512A 10' 2.8 3.30 2.65 I NISI3 12 12 12 2.8 I NI513A 12* - - - - 3.95 3.15 10 I NI514 15 5 3.30 2.65 I NI514A 15* 10 5 3.95 3.15 8 I NI515 18 3.30 2.65 9 I NI515A 18' 3.95 3.15 ---86- - 19 -9 - I NI516 22 3.30 '2.65 19 I NI516A 22* 6 3.95 3.15 5 50 IN 1517 27 3.30 2.65 50 I NI517A 27* 3.95 3.15 5 mI-WATT AXIAL-LEAD TYPES Hermetically sealed. ±10% tal. * ±5%. 3.9 50 I NI51B 9 4.25 3.40 I NI51BA 3.9* 50 9 5.05 4.05 4.7 40 8.5 4.25 3.40 I NI519 8.5 I NI519A 4.7* 40 7.44 5.76 8.5 5.05 4.05 IZ5.IT5 5.1 ' 40 I NI520 5":6 35 3.10 2.45 5.5 3.70 2.95 IN 1520A 5.6* 35 6.8 30 1.6 3.10 2.45 I NI521 6.8* 30 1.6 3.70 2.95 I NI521A 8.2 25 1.1 I NI522 3.10 2.45 --1-.1I NI522A 8.2* 25 3.70 2.95 20 1.5 3.10 2.45 I NI523 10 20 I NI523A 10* 1.5 3.70 2.95 15 2.4 3.10 2.45 I NI524 12 15 2.4 3.70 2.95 INI524A 12* 13 5.4 3.10 2.45 IN 1525 15 I NI525A 15* Tl ----sA 3.70 2.95 11 I NI526 18 3.10 2.45 10 10 I NI526A 18* 11 3.70 2.95 IN 1527 22 9 18 3.10 2.45 18 INI527A 22* 9 3.70 2.95 - 9 - -1-8IZ24T5 24* 3.70 2.95 27 7 28 IN 152B 3.10 2.45 I NI52BA 27' 28 7 3.70 2.95 7 28 IZ33T5 33* 3.70 2.95 --.s:s [[] I-WATT JEDEC TYPES Type Nos. as listed, without suffix letter, are rated Vz tolerance ±200/0; odd suffix A for 10% tal.; odd suffix B for 5% tal. EACH Type ZZT Vz IZT (V) (ma) (Ohms) 1-99 ~ No. I N3016 6:8 4.0 I N3017 7.5 34 4.5 I N30lB 8.2 31 I N3019 9.1 28 5.0 25 7 I N3020 10 ""TN302T U- 2 J - - 8 9 I N3022 12 21 19 I N3023 13 10 14 17 I N3024 15 No Suffix 15.5 16 I N3025 16 2.BO 1,2.15 I N3026 18 ~ -2-012.5 22 I N3027 20 11.5 23 I N302B 22 1 10.5 25 I N3029 24 Suffix A 9.5 35 I N3030 27 3.10 12.40 40I N3031 3!J 7.5 45 I N3032 33 7.0 50 I N3033 36 6.5 60 1 I N3034 39 -7-0Suffix B TN3035 ;w- 6.0 3.70 2.B5 80 5.5 I N3036 47 5.0 90 I N3037 51 4.5 110 I. N303B 56 4.0 125 I N3039 62 I N3040 68 3T ~ 3.3 175 I N3041 75 3.0 200 I N3042 82 2.8 250 I N3043 91 2.5 350 I N3044 110 n- ---u-- s:s [[] I-WATT JEDEC TYPES (Conl'd) Type -No.- I N3045 I N3046 I N3047 I N304B I N3049 I N3050 I N3051 @] EACH Vz IZT ZZT (V) (ma) (Ohms) 1-99 1100-999 450 No Suffix 110 2.3 550 3.50 I 2.60 120 2.0 700 130 1.9 Suffix A 150 1.7 1.000 1.100 5.10 I 3.B5 160 1.6 Suffix B 180 L4 1.200 1.500 7.70 I 5.B5 200 1.2 3%-WATT STUD-MOUNTED TYPES Silicon zener voltage regulators with Vz tolerance of ± 10%. except * ±5%. All have hermetically sealed cases. 3.9 150 2.6 IN 15BB 5.30 4.25 IN 15BBA 3.9* 150 2.6 6.40 5.10 4.7 125 2.3 5.30 4.25 IN 15B9 2.3 IN 1589A 4.7* 125 6.40 5.10 1.4 I NI590 5.6 110 3.85 3.10 --1.4 IN 1590A 5.6* 110 4.60 3.70 1.4 4.60 3.70 3Z6.2T5 6.2* 110 .58 3.85 3.10 6.8 100 IN 1591 .58 4.60 3.70 I NI591A 6.8* 100 80 .5 8.2 3.85 3.10 IN 1592 .5 4.60 3.70 I NI592A 8.2* 80 .7 70 3.85 3.10 IN 1593 10 70 .7 I NI593A 10' 4.60 3.70 50 1.4 3.B5 3.10 IN 1594 12 50 1.4 I NI594A 12* 3.70 -50- - 1.4 - - 4.60 4.60 3.70 3Z 13T5 13* 40 3.4 IN 1595 15 3.B5 3.10 3.4 40 4.60 3.70 IN 1595A 15* 35 6 IN 1596 18 3.B5 3.10 35 I NI596A 18* 4.60 3.70 ---30 - - 96- - 3.85 3.10 IN 1597 22 30 9 4.60 3.70 IN 1597A 22* 25 13 I NI59B 27 3.B5 3.10 13 25 4.60 3.70 I NI59BA 2713 27 3Z33T5 33' 4.60 3.70 @] EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS: IZTi zener test current. Vz, nominal zener voltage. ZZT, max. zener dynamic impedance. 10-WATT STUD-MOUNTED TYPES Hermetically sealed voltage regulators with Vz tal. of ±10%. *±5%. Same length and stud as 3 Yz-watt types (above). .84 7.45 5.95 3.9 500 I NI599 .84 9.70 7.75 I NI599A 3.9* 500 .68 7.45 5.95 4.7 400 I NI600 .68 9.70 7.75 I NI600A 4.7* 400 4.95 5.6 IN 1601 -350 - .3.3 6.20 B.05 6.45 I NI60lA 5.6' 350 .2 6.8 300 6.20 4.95 I NI602 .2 B.05 6.45 I NI602A 6.8* 300 .25 6.20 4.95 8.2 250 I NI603 .25 B.05 6.45 I NI603A 8.2' 250 .55 200 6.20 4.95 I NI604 10 200 .55 B.05 6.45 I NI604A 10' 170 .95 6.20 4.95 IN 1605 12 .95 8.05 6.45 170 I NI605A 12' -140- 1.5 6.20 4.95 IN 1606 15 140 1.5 8.05 6.45 I NI606A IS' 2 110 6.20 4.95 I NI607 18 18110 2 6.45 IN 1607A -90- - 3 - - 8.05 6.20 '4.95 I NI60B 22 90 3 8.05 6.45 I NI608A 22* 4.5 70 6.20 4.95 I NI609 27 4.5 70 8.05 6.45 I NI609A 27* @] 10-WATT JEDEC TYPES Hermetically sealed silicon zener voltage regulators. Type Nos. as listed, without suffix letter, are rated Vz ±20% tolerance; add suffix A for 10% tol ; odd suffix B for 5% to I. EACH Type IZT ZZT Vz No. ~ (ma) (Ohms) 1-991100-999 1.2 IN2970 6.8 370 1.3 7.5 335 I N2971 No Suffix 1.5 I N2972 8.2 305 5.40 14~IO 275 2 9.1 ~ -3-250 I N2974 10 Suffix A 230 3 I N2975 11 210 3 12 I N2976 5.9014.50 190 3 I N2977 13 -3-170 I N2979 15 Suffix B 155 4 I N2980 16 140 4 7.451 5 •65 I N2982 18 125 4 I N29B4 20 X-Y ZENER PLOT FURNISHED WITH ALL INl500 AND INl600 ZENERS At no extra charge. an X- Y plot of reverse . breakdown characteristics is packaged with Series IN1500 and IN1600 IR zeners. @] 10-WATT JEDEC TYPES (Conl'd) Type No. "'iN2985 I N2986 I N298B I N2989 I N2990 I N2991 I N2992 I N2993 I N2995 I N2997 I N2999 I N3000 I N300 I I N3002 I N3003 I N3004 I N3005 I N3007 I N3008 I N3009 I N30 II I N3012 ZZT Vz IZT (V) (ma) (Ohms) 5 22 115 24 105 5 95 7 27 85 8 .10 --933 75 10 36 70 39 65 11 43 12 60 14 47 55 ,5 51 50 45 16 56 17 62 40 --37- - 68 18 22 33 75 30 25 82 35 28 91 40 100 25 23 55 110 75 20 120 100 19 1.10 175 150 17 200 16 160 I N3014 180 14 260 I N3015 200 12 300 EACH 1-99 100-999 --- No Suffix 5.40/4.1.0 Suffix A 5.90/4.50 Suffix B 7.45 5.65 No Suffix 5.60 I 4.50 Suffix A 8.70 I 6.75 Suffix B 13.50 I 10.35 SILICON VOLTAGE REFERENCE ZENERS IZT at 25°C. 7.5 rna for Series IN800 and IN429; others. 10 rna. Temp. range. -55 to +100·C. except' -55 to +150·C. ZZT. 15 ohms. except pO ohms. §Top Hats. Type No. Volt Temp' Fig. Range (O/:;.~) EACH ~-9 ~~D9 I N429t F 5.9·6.5 ~ 5.70' 4.35 USN-I N430 K 8_0-8.8 ± .002 25.20 21.60 N430 K 8.0·8.8 ± .002 15.50 13.30 N430A K 8.0·8.8 ±.OOI 23.2019.95 N430B K 8.0-8.8 ± .001 * 35.60 30.60 N1530§ .8.0·8_8 ±.002 15.6013.30 N 1530A§ .. 8.0-8.8 ± .001 23.40 19.95 N821 A5.9-6.5~s:T6 3.75 N821 A A 5.9-6.5 ± .01 5.65 4.20 N823 A 5.9-6.5 ± .005 6.85 5.10 NB23A A 5.9-6.5 ±.005 7.50 5.60 N825 A 5.9-6.5 = .002 10.55 7.85 N825A A 5.9-6.5 =.002 11.25 8.40 NB27 A 5.9-6.5 ± .001 27.0020.00 N827A A 5.9-6.5 =.001 29.3522.00 N3154 A 8_0-8.8 ~ 7.20 5.45 N3154A A 8.0-8.=_01* 8.10 6.10 N3155 A 8_0-8.8 ± .005 I 1.30 8.45 N3155A A 8_0-8.8 = .005* 12.25 9.20 N3156 A 8.0-8.8 = _002 16.80 12.60 N3156A A 8.0-8.8 = .002 18.10 13.60 N3157 A 8.0-8.8 ± .001 25.30 19.00 ALLIED • 71 Specify Mfr's Name and Type No. When Ordering -\ International Rectifier Zener Diodes, Rectifiers EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS ON THIS AND FACING PAGE (ILLUSTRATIONS ON FACING PAGE) IOF, gate current to assure firing of rectifiers at maX. given operating . temperature. IL, maximum forward and reverse leakage current. 10 , avo rectified forward current (DC output). IMR, max. reverse current at rated;PIV. IZT, zener test current. P"power dissipation [II TEMPERATURE-COMPENSA TED REFERENCE ELEMENTS JEDEC No. INI735 INI736 INI736A INI737 INI737A im 1738 1N I 738A !N1739 IN I 739A INI740 INI740A INI741 INI741A INI742 INI742A EACH Oper. V.@ ZzT 7;5 ma (Ohms) 6.2 20 40 12.4 12.4 40 18.6 60 18.6 60 24.8 80 24.8 80 31.0 100 31.0 100 37.2 120 37.2 120 43.4 140 43.4 140 49.6 180 49.6 180 P (mw) 1-99 100-999 --200 -6.20 4.65 400 400 600 600 800 800 1000 1000 1200 1200 1400' 1400 1600 1600 8.80 6.60 14.05 10.55 13.00 9.75 ~ 15.40 17.20 12.90 27.20 20.50 21.50 16.20 33.00 24.85 25.70 19.30 39.60 29.70 29.80 22.40 45.50 34.10 34.00 25.50 50.10 37.60 SILICON VOLTAGE "REF PAKS" All are Fig. J on page 70, except *Fig. E. ·Output, 8.4 v. DC (=5%), except t16.8 v. Typical regulation, =0.01%. -55 to +12S'C, except § -S5 to +75°C. Type Input Froq. TS EACH No. ~ (Cps) (%/"1:) RV8 28V=10% =0.002 52.00 RV8-A O.84W 57.00 ~ =0.001 4RV8 l15V=IO% 400 =0.002 75.00 4RV8·A 1.25W 400 =0.001 ~ 6RV8 l15V=ID% 60 =0.002i 63.00 1.25W 6RV8·A 60 =O.OOli 69.00 115V~ID% 4RVI6t 400 =0.002 100.00 4RVI6-At 2.5W 400 =0.001 ~ 6RVI6 60 =0.002i 115V=10% 98.00 2.5W 6RVI6-A 60 =O.OOli 105.00 RV8-PC" 28V=10% D.C. =0.002 45.00 RV8PC-A" O.84W D.C. =0.001 49.00 ---- o:c. ---- @l 50-WATT STUD-MOUNTED TYPES JEDEC No. IN3305 IN3306 IN3307 IN3308 IN3309 IN3310 IN3311 IN3312 IN3313. ~ IN3315 IN3316 IN3317 IN3318 IN3319 IN3320 IN3321 IN3322 IN3323 IN3324 IN3325 IN3326 IN3327 IN3328 IN3329 IN3330 IN3331 IN3332 IN3333 IN3334 ,IN3335 IN3336 IN3337 ·IN3338 'IN3339 ·IN33.40 Zz,· IZT ~ (Ohms) 1850 --0:4 1700 0.5 1500 0.6 1370 0.7 1200 0.8 1!00 0.9 1000 1.0 960 1.1 890 1.2 830 1.4 780 1.6 17 740 1.8 18 700 2.0 19 660 2.2 20 630 2.4 22 570 2.5 24 520 2.6 25 500 2.7 27 460 2.8 3D 420 3.0 33 380 3.2 36 350 3.5 39 320 4.0 43 290 4.5 4.5 . 45 280 47 5.0 270 50 250 5.0 51 5.2 245 52 240 5.5 5& . 220 6 -'-162 200 180 68 8 '75 170 9 82 150 1! 91 140 15 100 120 20 Vz ~ 6.8 7.5 8.2 9.1 10 1! 12 13 14 15 16 72.· ALLIED EACH 1-99 100-999 6.20 4.65 LOW-YOLTAGESTACKS Miniature seleniums. All rated at 25 v. rms max., ex- cept 'Q4B, 130 v.' rins max. H in. Type No. indicates single-plate half-/.v"ave; B, full-wave bridge reCtifier. EACH Stock Mfr's. Max. DC Sizo No. Typo ma 1,.,..,....,._ _'-1. 1-99 10(1.999 4 U 822 QiH ~ 4'Mx4'A.x'li,' .36 .22 4 U 823 AIH 100 lxlx 7A,' .38 .23 4 U 824 BlH ISO I' 'Mxl' 'Mx 7A,' .40 .24 4 U 825 CIH 250 IYzxlYzx7,1o' .42 .25 4 U 826 MIH 500 2.2. 7A.' .56 .34 4 U 827 QIB 100 43A.x''Mx 7A,' .84 .50 4 U 828 Q4B 100 ''Mx''A.x 15A,' 1.56 .94 4 U 829 AlB 180 lxlx*' 1.22 .73 4 U 830 BIB 300 1''MX!13A.X*' 1.28 .77 4 U 831 CIB SOD I Yzxl YzxW 1.46 .88 4 U 832 MIB 1200 2x2x*' 1.72 1.03 HERMETIC AND "QUAD-SEALED" SILICON POWER RECTIFIERS 6 AND 12.AMP TYPES *10 depends on heat sink. cooling, ambo temp All are Fig C on page 70 Type No. 11111199 I NI200 I NI201 I NI202 I NI203 I NI204 I NI205 I NI341 I NI342 I NI343 INI344 I NI345 I NI346 I NI347 EACH PIV VRMS I. (V) ~ (A) 1·99 100-999 - 1.76 -35 12 50 2.64 100 70 12 3.15 2.10 150 105 12 4.28 2.85 200 140 12 5.55 3.70 300 210 12 6.68 4.45 -400 .280 -12 9.68 6.45 500 350 12 13.80 9.20 50 35 6 2.48 1.65 100 70 6 1.90 2.85 150 105 6 3.60 2.40 200 140 6' 4.28 2.85 300 210 6 5.85 3.90 6 400 280 5.25 7.88 500 ·350· 6 9.23 6.15 All I·N2128A I N2129A IN2131A I N2133A I N2135A I N2137A 25-45 AMP TYPES are Fig H on page 70 50 12 4.25 100 24 5.05 48 200 7.10 72 300 9.90 400 96 13.95 500 120 19.25 --- --6.20 4.65 --6.20 4.65 --- --6.20 4.65 --- --6.20 4.65 --- --6.20 4.65 --- --6.20 '4;65 at 2S·C. PIV, peak inverse voltage. PRY, max. peak reverse volts . TS, thermal stability. VaD,' mil;limum: brea.kover voltage. VRMS, recommended rms input voltage. Vz, nominal zener voltage. at IZT. ZzT m'!x. zener dynamicirnpedalice. . --- -- •• •• • • 3.00 3.40 4.90 6.80 9.20 13.70 45-150 AMP TYPES' All are Fig G on page 70 JEOEC No. I N3111 I N3085 I N3086 I N3087 I N3088 I N3089 I N3090 EACH PIV VRMS No. ~ ~ 1-99 45LS 50 12 7.75 45LIO 100 24 9.55 45L20 200 48 14.20 45L30 300 72 20.80 45L4O 400 96 29.80 45L50 500 120 37.80 45L60 600 144 47.75 Int'l 70·250 AMP TYPES' All are Fig G on page 70 . I N2054 70U5 50 12' 25 I N2055 70UIO 100 50 I N2057 70U20 200 75 I N2059 70U30 300 70U40 400 95 11112061 500 . 118 I N2063 70U50 12.40 14.90 20.80 27.10 39.65 48.00 NEW l00O-MA MINIATURE RECTIFIERS Silic\m units similar to Fig. F, but rhuch smaller. Series 10D: .ISOx.140" dia.; Series SA: .. 375x.200" dia. 1000 rna at SO'C. Rev. . leakage up to 2 p.a at 25°C. V. drop, .90 v. at 2S'C. -40 to +ISO°C. "IR IPRVI RMS I EACH ~ ~ Input. V. ~ll00'999 1002 1003 200 300 . 140 210 .73 .80· .58 .63 1000-MA RECTIFIERS (Cont'd) IR No. PFIV (V) ""TOii4 400 500 1005 1006 600 800 1008 10010 1000 ~ 200 400 5A4 500 5A5 600 5A6 BOO 5A8 1000 5AI0 'EACH 1-99 100-999 .87 -:69 1.00 .80 1.12 .90 2.65 1.85 3.25 2.2'5 .73 .87 .69 1.00 .80 1.12 .90 2.00 1.60 2.65 2.10 FlMS Input. V. 2BO 350 420 560 700 140 280 350 420 560 700 ---:sa HIGH-VOLTAGE SILICON RECTIFIERS (Not iIIus.) Withstand ambient" temperature to ISO'C. At 130'C base temperature. AXIAL LEADS ' 10 (ma) Type PIV IMR (V) 25·C 75·C (ma) EACH No. * 600 145 125 I N596 800 145 125 I N597 1000 145 125 I N598 600 115 100 I NI406 BOO 115 100 I NI~07 1000 115 100 I NI408 1200 115 100 I NI409 1500 115 100 I NI410 1800 115 100 I NI411 2000 115 100 I NI412 I NI413 2400 115 100 STUD MOUNTED S%" hIgh x I N I 130 I N I 131 11500 1300* 1500 300* -- .025 5.00 .025 6.00 .025 8.50 .001 5.00 .001 5.50 .001 8.00 .001 8.00 .001 9.00 .001 11.00 .001 13.50 .001 15.50 Iv.," hex. -- 275 I .005 II 1.20 275 .OOS I 1.20 INDUSTRIAL SELENIUM RECTIFIER STACKS . . All are bridge-connected, except JI4CI, JI4CS, J14C8• .]14C04, have center-tapped common cathode; JD-4346B-center-tapped . common anode. All batterycharger types are single plate for trickle chargers, except JD-4346B-a universal fast-charger replacement. * Rated 100 amps when fan-cooled at 800 linear feet/minute. t Max. AC input volts. Battery charger-types: DC output v., 0-13. AC input v: 16.5, except :j:16.S /33 volts. HIGH DENSITY POWER RECTIFIERS DC EACH Stock Mfr'. t Out.put. Type No. V A 1-9 10-99 4 U 834 JI4C04 36 14 0.4 .95 ~ 4 U 835 J14Cl 36 14 1.5 1.39 I ~ 16 36 14 4.8 3.48 2.90 4 U 987 J14C5 36 14 8.4 4.89 4.08 4 U 988 J14C8 4 U 836 J29B04 36 29 0.4 1.57 1.33 4 U 837 J29Bl 36 29 1.5 2.28 1.90 4 U 838 J29BS 36 29 4.8 6.43 5.63 36 29 8.4 8.93 7.44 4 U 839 J29B8 4 U 840 J58B04 72 58 0.4 3.11 2.60 72 58 1.5 4.49 3.74 4 U 841 JS8B1 4 U,842 J58B5 72 58 4.8 12.08 10.07 72 58 8.4 16.75 13.96 4 U 843 J58B8 4 U 844 J116B04 144 116 0.4 5.56 4.63 4, U 989 144 116 1.5 8.15 6.80 4'U 845 144 116 4.8 22.91 19.10 4 U 846 J116B8 144 116 8.4 32.09 26.75 4 U 847 J135B04 180 135 0.4 6.77 5.65 4 U 848 n3SBI 180 135 1.5 9.93 8.28 4 U 849 J135BS 180 135 4.8 28.29 23.60 4 U 986 J135B8 180 135 8.4 39.71 33.10 BATTERY·CHARGING TYPES . -- ~m:~ 4 4 4 4 St:ock Mfr.'. No. Type U U U U 748 JD-4346B 798 JD-116K 799 JD-117K 749 JD-241K DC Output Wt" Amps Lb•. T*3O :j:2 f2.7 6.0 3 2 2 2 EACH 1-9 10-99 16.75 13.95 1.20 .96 1.80 1.44 2.46 1.97 SpeCify Mfr's Nome and Type No. on Your Order Internationa I Rectifier Silicon Rectifiers ::r::O~ ..r~ SEE FACING PAGE FOR EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS ECONOMY SILICON RECTIFIERS AU are "Tri-Sealed," epoxy-encapsul~ted silicon junction cells. except Type SD500, which is a hermetically sealed. top-hat unit. Fig. PIV Type. No. 2E4 5E4 5E5 5E6 SD500 ~ 400 400 500 600 400 H H II H E EACH I. (ma) 1-9 10-99 100-999 200 Jo .6B 350 .75 .75 .50 350 1.15 1.15 .77 350 1.20 1.20 .BO 650 1.05 .97 .70 A9 0.32- TO 2-AMP SILICON RECTIFIERS I. ratings are given at 50·C, except *100·C. 1N536 through 1N547 and 1NI095 and 1NI096 are high-temperature top-hat diodes with operating temperature range from -65 to +165·C. 1N607 through 1N614 are stud-mounted types for temperatures to 150°C. 1N1701 through 1NI712 are hermetically sealed miniature top hats. ALLIED STOCKS EVERY IR CO.NTROLLED Miniature. silicon-controlled, solid-state rectifiers provide complete control of current turn·on at micro-second switching speeds. Units cover ,nominal avo forward current from 3 to ISO amps., over a PRV LIGHT-DIMMER AND FAST TURN-OFF TYPES ARE ALSO AVAILABLE Although not listed in tables below, 1R light-dimmer controlled rectifiers for residential light-dimming uses are available in 4.7- and 10-amp series. Fast turn-off types in 4.7-, 16-, 70-amp series are designed for inverters and other DC switching applications. Write for bulletins SR-354, SR-359, and SR-366 on these types. Fig PIV . (V) No. B 50 750 B 100 750 B' 200 750 B 300 750 B 400 750 B 600 7.50 G 50 800 G 100 800 G 150 800 G 200 800 G 300 BOO G 400 800 G 500 BOO G 600 BOO B 500 750 B 600 750 B 50 300 B 100 300 B 200 300 B 300 300 B 400 300 B 500 300 B 50 500 B 100 500 B 200 500 B 300 500 B 400 500 B 500 500 IN536 IN537 IN53B IN539 IN540 IN547 IN607 IN60B IN609 IN610 IN611 IN612 IN613 IN614 INI095 INI096 INI701 INI702 INI703 INI704 INI705 INI706 INI707 INI70B INI709 INI710 INI711 INI712 - - Fig. PIV Type No. 5MA2 5MA4 5MA5 5MA6 lOBI IOB2 IOB3 IOB4 lOBS IOB6 SD91A SD92A SD93A .SD94A SD95A 10 (rna) Res. Capac. J 200 625" J 400 625" J 500 625" J 600 625" B 100 200 B 300 B 400 B 500 B 600 B 100 B 200 B 300 B 400 B 500 -- -- 20il 200 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 10 (rna) ~ Res. Capac. B 550 550 550 550 550 550 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 550 -550200 200 200 200 1.8A 1.8A 1.8A 1.8A I.BA I.BA 750 750 750 750 750 500" 500" 500" 500" 1.4A 1.4A 1.4A 1.4A 1.4A 1.4A 600 600 600 600 600 1·9 .B5 1.30 1.25 1.70 .86 1.24 1.75 2.46 3.46 4.89 .62 .72 .90 1.01 1.12 EACH 1·99 100·999 .66 .44 .72 .48 .76 .51 .91 .61 1.07" .71 1.60 1.07 1.15 .76 .79 1.19 .BI 1.22 .B3 1.25 1.5B 1.05 1.97 1.31 1.97 1.31 2.B6 1.90 .9B .65 .95 1.43 .75 .50 .58 .87 1.01 •68 .B2 1.23 1.57 1.05 2.59 1.73 1.53 1.02 1.7B 1.19 2.15 ~ 2.B7 1.91 4.33 2.B8 6.50 4.33 EACH' 10-99 100-999 .85 .63 1.30 .90 1.25 .99 1.70 1.35 .B6 .66 1.24 ""Ts 1.75 1.34 2.46 1.89 3.46 2.65 4.B9 3.75 .62 .41 .72 .4B .60 .90 •67 1.01 1.12 .75 IR _RECTIFIERS NOT LISTED Contact your nearest Allied office for information on IR rectifiers not listed. See page 1 for addresses and phone numbers. - Stresses physical n"'nf.rti.es. their e'!fect in on structure and op'''anOI", static, dynamic characteristics, methods.Illus.144pp·250 37 K 692. Ppd. in U.S. • .+~''fTU' ~119~ All 5M Types are plug-in rectifiers that may be snapped into radio-TV. motor control, audio-amplifier, industrial power supply, and other circuits using fuse-type clip holders. lOBI through 10B6 are heavyduty top-hat types (10 ratings for these top hats are for 1 Yzxl Yz" heaf sink). All Fig. B's below are top-hat type rectifiers. Type RECTIFIER AS SOON AS ANNOUNCED range of 25 to 500 v. Choose from ]EDEC 3-.4.7-, 10-, 16-. 70-. ISO-amp types. Series U A" in 4.7- and lO-amp types offers wider temperatu're range, as well as more sensitive switching characteristics. !IJ 3-junction hermetically sealed devices. Gate excitation (10F) values shown in rna are o 3-AMP JEDEC 2NI600-1604 10F, 10 rna @3 v. -65* to +125°C. t Peak. Typo No. 2N 1600 2NI601 2NI602 2N 1603 2NI604 3RC50A§ o EACH 110099 999 1.ot 5.70 3.BO 1.ot 6.60 4.40 1.ot 10.50 7.00 1.ot 15.00 10.00 LOt IB.OO 12.00 LOt 24.0016.00 Max. PRV. IL Min. VBO (ma*) (V') so 100 200 300 400 500 4.7-AMP JEDEC 2N1770-1778 10F, IS rna @ 1.35 v. -65* to +125°C. 2NI770 2NI771 2NI772 2NI773 2NI774 2NI775 2NI776 2N1777 2NI77B o 25 50 100 150 ·200 250 300 400 500 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.0 1.0 5.B5 6.30 7.20 9.75 10.40 14.25 16.50 19.95 26.70 3.9 o 4.2 o 4.8 o 6.5 o 7.6 o 9.5 o 11.0o 13.3 o 17.B o 4.7-AMP JEDEC 2NI700A-1777A 10F, 15 rna @ 1.35 v. -65* to .+1500C*. Type No. 2NI770A 2NI77IA 2N 1772A 2NI773A 2NI774A 2NI775A - 2NI776A 2N1777A 5RC50B§ o Max. PRV, k' Min. Vao (ma*) (V') 25 50 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 -4.5 4.5 4.5 4.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.0 1.0 EACH 110099 999 6.45 4.30 7.35 4.90 B.55 5.70 11.10 7.40 12.90 B.50 15.75 10.50 18.40 12.25 22.50 15.00 52.0034.00 10-AMP JEDEC 2N1842-18S0 10F; 90 rna @ 2.5 v.' -40* to +100°C*• 2NI842 2NI843 2NI844 2N 1845 2N I 846 2N 1847 2NI B4B 2NIB49 2N I B50 25 50 100 150 200 250 -300. 400 500 22.5 19.0 12.5 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.0 3.0 B.IO 5.40 8.70 5.80 9.30 6.20 11.40 ~ 12.90 B;60 16.05 10.70 IB.75 12.50 22.50 15.00 28.35 18.90 Use the Services of the Allied Facility Nearest You-See Page 1 ill ffiJ @] [K] Q] required to assure firing of all units. * ]EDEC registered values, except §. o 100AMP JEDEC 2N1842A-18S0A 10F, 75 rna @ 2.5 v. -65* to +125°C. Type No. 2NIB42A 2N I B43A 2NIB44A 2NI845A 2NIB46A 2NIB47A 2NI84BA 2NIB49A 2NIB50A Max. PRV. Min~ IL Vao (ma') (V') 25 22.5 19.0 12.5 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.0 3.0 SO 100 ISO 200 250 300 400 500 EACH 1001999 99 B.B5 5.90 9.75 6.50 9.90 6.60 12.45 8.30 14.10 9.40 16.55 11.70 20.55 13.70 24.75 16.50 31.2020.BO o 16-AMP JEDEC 2N681-689 10F, 40 rna @ 2.0 v. -65* to +125°C*• 6.5 9.00 6.00 2N681 25 6.5 9.90 6.60 2N6B2 50 100 6.5 10.20 6.BO 2N6B3 150 6.5 12.75 B.50 2N6B4 -200 2N6B5 6.0 14.25 9.50 250 2N6B6 5.5 IB.OO 12.00 300 2N6B7 5.0 21.00 14.00 400 2N68B 4.0 25.50 17;00 2N6B9 500 3.0 33.00 22.00 [ill 70-AMP JEDEC 2NI909-1916 10F, 70 rna @ 2.5 v. -40* to +125°C*. Type No. 2NI909 2NI910 2NI911 2NI912 2NI913 2NI914 2NI915 2NI916 70RC50A§ Max.PRV, IL Min. Vao (ma') (V') 25 50 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 EACH 1-24 6.5 22.BO 6.5 31.00 6.5 37.50 6.5 46.00 6.0 4B.25 5.5 64.00 5.0 7.5.00 .4.0 BI.OO 3.0 105.00 25-99 17.BO 24.50 29.00 36.00 36.50 50.00 59.00 63.00 B2.00 @] ISO-AMP JEDEC 2N2S03-2S08 IOF, 100 rna @ 2.5 v. -40 to +125°C*. 2N2503 2N2504 2N2505 2N2506 2N2507 2N250B 50 100 200 300 10 10 10 10 400 8 500 6 65.50 52.00 99.00 77.00 140.25 110.00 195.00 153.00 216.40 170.00 271.75 214.0g ALLIED • 73 Sarkes Tarzian Rectifiers [ffi LOW AND MEDIUM CURRENT TYPES ,@-J..2 SERIES Max. .Max. DC PIV RMS Load VolU Amps 10}2 100 70 10 20}2 200 140 10 30}2 300 210 10 4OJ2 400 280 10 50}2 500 350 10 60}2 600 420 10 Type 'No. S.T N,o. ~ I NI622 I NI623 I NI624 50J2 60J2 00 F-2 F-4 F-6 2F4 F-g, I N2482 I N2483 I N2484 2F4 F·8 '1.1. 200 400 600 .400 800 EACH 25., 1· 24 99 2.24 T:92 2.80 2.40 3.45 2.96 4.24 3.62 6.12 5.25 6.80 5.81 .50 .43 75 0.75 0. 1 .60 .50 0.75 .65 .57 0.2 :50 .43 0.75 1.00 .86 SoT No. I NI218A I NI220A I NI221A I NI222A I NI223A I NI224A lOB 20B 30B 40B SOB 60B 100· 499 1.80 2.24 2.67 3.40 4.90 5.45 F SERIES 140 280 420 280 4SO .40 .47 .53 .40 .80 Q] .51 .53 .60 .87 lOLA 20LA 30LA 40LA SOLA 60LA 100 200 300 400 500 600 70 140 210 280 350 420 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 10M I NI081 I NI082 20M 30M I NI083 M-IS0 M·150 I NI084 40Mor M-500 ~ 50M 60M 60M 100 200 300 360 70 140 210 260 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.15 400 500 600 280 3sO 0.5 0.5 0.5 I NI085A I NI086A INI087A I NI088A 50LA 60LA ill I NII08 I NII09 I Nil 10 INII" I Nil 12 IN" 13 @] 3.34 2.86 4.00 3.43 4.67 4.00 5.35 4.67 5.87 5.03 6.45 5.52 ill M SERIES 420 .65 .75 .85 .65 2.66 3.20 3.73 4.27 4.70 5.15 .57 .65 .72 .57 .53 .60 .67 .53 .95 ~ .77 1.05 .90 .84 1.35 1.15 1.07 HIGH VOLTAGE SERIES SOSM 800 120SM 1200 160SM 1600 200SM 2000 240SM 2400 280SM 2800 560 840 1120 1400 1680 1960 .45 .425 .4 .375 .35 .325 3.15 2.71 4.75 4.07 6.35 5.44 7.95 6.82 9.55 8.20 ILI5 9.55 2.54 3.90 5.07 6.35 7.63 9.20 H3 SERIEs-MEDIUM CURRENT TYPES AIl are positive base types SoT No. IOH3P 20H3P 30H3P 40H3P 50H3P 60H3P +==~ Max. 'Max. RMS PIV Volts 70 100 200 140 300 210 280 400 350 500 600 420 + [!) 74 • 'AWED ,!~ 100.4,99 1.60 1.73 2.20 2.60 3.32 3.93 SILICON RECTIFIERS VACUUM ,TUBE REPLACEMENT SERIES *Indicates hermetically sealed unit. When ordering units with two Type Nos., show both. Type Max. PIV Nos. +==:;@ @ EACH 1·24 25-99 -2.00 1.71 ' 1.86 2.17 2.75 2.36 3.25 2.79 4.16 3.57 4.92 4.22 I N1150A/ 5·5011 A I N1237/ 5·5017 I N1238! 5-5018 I N2490/ 5·5207 5·5347 I N2389/ 5-5251 I N1239/ 5·5019 I N1262/ 5-5033 5·5343 5-5130 5·5373 5·5449 5·5367 ,S·5}44 Size (A x B) 1· 24 EACH 25. 100· 99 499 1600 2ZJ1,xl14" 12.00 10.30 9.60 1600 2ZJ1,xl14" 12.00 110.30 9.60 1600 2Z)1,xl14" 12.00 10.30 9.60 12.00 10.30 8.65 7.40 9.60 6.90 1600' 1~6X'~6H, 1600' 2X'~6' 1600 '1%xl14" 6.10 5.23 4.87 2800' 3%xl%~ , 18.10 15.50 14.45 4500 7000 10.400 10.000 15.000 19.000 10;000. 3%xl%' 2Yzxl1:\,', 4]16Xl%,' 7~6Xl%" 9~6Xl%' 614x2lt\6N 7~6Xl%' 18.10 18.10 22.50 75.55 89.90 75.70 75.55 15.50 15.50 19.30 64.70 77.00 64.85 64.70 14.45 14.50 18.00 60.45 60.50 60.50 60.45 Max. RMS Max. PIV EACH 1·24 25.99 10.-499 100 ~ .83 .71 .67 200 140 1.07 .91 .86 300 210 1.80 1.54 1.44 280 2.27 1.94 1.82 400 500 350 3.14 2.68 2.51 600 420 3.94 3.37 3.16 Volts SERIES ST2 HERMETICALLY SEALED TYPES I NI200 I NI202 I NI203 I NI204 I NI205 I NI206 [R] I N2486 I N2487 I N2489 80H SERIES B HERMETICALLY SEALED TYPES Type No. ST2-10P ST2-20P ST2-30P ST2-40P ST2-50P ST2-60P 100 200 300 400 500 600 70 140 210 280 350 420 2.50 2.14 3.05 2.61 3.70 3.17 4.48 3.84 6.40 5.46, 7.05 6.05 2.00 2.45 2.97 3.60 5.12 5.65 SERIES ST9 HERMETICALLY SEALED TYPES 5·T No. ST-910P ST·920P ST·930P ST-940P ST·950P ST·960P Max. Max. RMS PIV 100 200 300 400 500 600 Volts 1-24 17.10 20.15 22.55 24.60 30.65 38.40 70 140 210 280 350 420 EACH. 25-99 100-499 15.00 14.00 17.25 16.10 19.35 18.05 21.10 19.65 26.30 24.55 33.00 30.75 (g SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIERS I SERIES 3TCR-3 Amps DC EACH Max. S·T PIV 1-24 100.499 No. 25-99 -3TCRA 25 3.15 2.70 2.54 3TCRB 50 2.74' 3.40 2.93 3TCRC 100 3.85 3.28 3.07 150 3TCRD 4.35 3.71 3.47 3TCRE 200 4.85 4.14 3.B6 -250 3TCRF 5.45 4.64 4.34 300 3TCRG 6.65 5.71 5.34 3TCRH 400 9:60 8.10 7.67 500 ,3.75 3TCR.I II.BO 11.00 SERIES 5TCR-5 Amps DC 5TCRA 25 4.00 3.43 3.20 5TCRB 50 5.90 5.07 4.74 5TCRC 100 6.35 5.42 5.07 5TCRD ·150 6.85 5.85 5.47 5TCRE 200 7.35 ~ 5.86 250 5TCRF 10.10 8.63 8.07 5TCRG 300 13.75 11.00 11.79 5TCRH 400 14.35 17.90 15.36 500 5TCRI 24.60 21.10 19.69 HIGH CURRENT, STUD BASE SERIES §] S·T No. --5R3P IOR3P 20R3P 30R3P 40R3P 50R3P 60R3P Max. R3P TYPES Max. Amp @ 100'C 50 100 200 300 400 I 25. 24 99 - -120 - - -3.50 - -3.00 35 -20 20 20 20 20 20 20 120 120 120 120 120 120 ioo 35 70 140 210 S3P 35 ,35 35 35 TYPES 210 210 210 210 500 600 350 420 35 35 210 210 SO 35 70 140 210 500 600 70 140 210 280 350 420 [ill 5S3P IOS3P 20S3P 3053P 40S3P 50S3P 60S3P SO 100 .100 -400 - 2sO 35 ---'210 [f] 5V3P IOV3P 20V3P 30V3P 40V3P ,50V3P 60V3P EACH Max. RMS PIV Volts DC Recur. Load Peak 100 200 300 400 500 600 280 350 420 3.86 4.34 5.23 6.00 6.60 7.25 3.32 3.72 4.57 5.15 5.65 6.23 100. 499 2.80 3.10 3.46 4.26 4,80 5.2B 5.82 4.17 4.93 5.46 6.53 6.90 7.62 8.36 3.68 4.23 4.69 5.60 5.93 6.54 7.19 3.34 3.93 4.38 5.23 5.54 6.16 6.71 1· V3P TYPES 600 10.80 9.30 8.66 600 12.20 10.50 9.80 600 15.30 13.15 12.29 600 18.00 15.45 14.40 60iJ 24.60 21.19 19.73 600 27.20 23.30 21.78 600 29.90 25.65 23.90 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 @'STTP TYPES ST72OPI200 ST740P 400 ST760P 600 1401'1601 280 160 420 160 960 960 960 114.15112.15111.33 22.4519.2517.94 32.4028.6525.90 Specify Manufacturer's Name and Type No. on all Semiconductor .orders Rectifiers and Semiconductors SARKES TARZIAN RECTIFIERS llil POLARIZED KLlPVOLT SUPPRESSORS SoT No. 5-550 S-550A S-550B S-550C 5-553 S-553A S-553B S-553C 5-556 S-556A S-556B S-556C Max. DC Max. Peak Blocking PIV Dischg. Amps ~ 5.5 45 27 11.0 45 27 20.0 27 45 33.0 27 45 5.5 180 108 11.0 180 108 20.0 180 108 33.0 108 180 189 189 189 189 Dimensions (AxBxC) l~xl~G"l l~xlr1sxl1j., 1~xlr1sx1.6 1~xlr1sx2 1%xlx1 l%xlxl1j., 1%xlx1.6 1%x1x2 l0/8xl1j.,xl 10/8x11j.,x11j., 10/8xl1j.,x2 10/8x11j.,x2 3i5 -s:s 315 315 315 11.0 20.0 33.0 1- 9 EACH 10010Up 99 ---:7i -:64 -:s7 .94 1.12 1.32 1.19 1.66 2.0B 2.73 1.67 2.38 3.04 4.04 .B5 .75 1.01 .90 1.19 1.06 .95 1.07 1.49 1.33 I.B7 1.66 2.46 2.IB 1.50 1.34 2.14 1.90 2.74 2.43 3.64 3.23 00 SINGLE PHASE NON-POLARIZED KLlPVOLT SUPPRESSORS 5-487 5-487A 5-4B7B 5-487C 5-490 5-490A 5-490B 5-490C 5-493 5-'193A 5-493B 5-493C 5-495 5-495A 5-495B 5-495C SO 50 SO SO 35 35 35 35 140 140 140 140 280 280 280 280 420 420 420 420 200 - -200 - - -200 200 400 40 400 400 600 600 600 600 2.5 4.5 8.0 13.5 2.5 4.5 8.0 13.5 2.5 4.5 ----s:o 13.5 2.5 4.5 8.0 13.5 1%xl'i'(sx1 .B7 1%x1'i'(sx1 1j., 1.18 1%xl'i'(sx1.6 1.4'1 l%xl'i'(sx2 1.79 1Vsx1%x1 I.B3 1Vsx1%x11j., 2.62 1Vsx1%x1.6 3.36 1Vsx1%x2 4.61 2%x2x1 3.11 2%x2x114 4.58 2%x2x1.6 5.92 2%x2x2 8.37 2Vsx2o/,sxl 4.39 2Vsx2o/,sx11j., 6.46 8.48 2Vsx2o/,sx1.6 2Vsx2o/,sx2 12.13 .70 .94 1.15 1.43 .78 1.06 1.30 1.61 ~~ 2.36 3.02 4.15 2.80 4.12 5.33 7.53 3.95 5.81 7.63 10.92 2.10 2.69 3.69 2.49 3.66 """4.74 6.70 3.51 5.17 6.78 9.70 Klipvolt suppressors are designed to reduce transient voltages to a minimum without changing circuit characteristics. Units should be selected to fully meet circuit requirements-not simply to "match silicon rectifiers they are intended to protect. @) THREE.PHASE SoT No. 5-539 5-539A 5-539B 5-539C 5-542 5-542A 5-542B 5-542C 5-544 S-544A 5-544B 5-544C NON-POLARIZED KLlPVOLT SUPPRESSORS Max. DC Max. Peak Blocking PIV Dischg. Amps Volts --5-035 2:5 35 50 4.5 35 8.0 SO 35 13.5 SO 200 140" 2.5 200 140 4.5 200 8.0 140 13.5 200 140 210 2:5 300 210 4.5 300 210 8.0 13.5 300 210 ---wo Dimensions (AxBxC) 1- 9 2o/,sx1 1r1sx1 1.03 2o/,sxl 1'V!sx11j., 1.42 2o/,sx11'V!sx1.6 1.76 2o/,sx11'V!sx2 2.26 3Vsx3~xl 2.47 3Vsx3~xl1j., 3.58 3Vsx3~x1.6 4.64 3Vsx3~x2 6.49 4y.,x4x1 3.43 4y.,x4x11j., 5.02 6.56 4y.,x4x1.6 4y.,x4x2 9.311 EACH 10100Up 99 .93 ~ 1.28 1.14 1.58 1.41 2.03 1.81 2.22 3.22 2.86 4.18 3.71 5.84 5.19 3.09 2.74 4.52 4.02 5.90 5.25 8.38 7.45 I.9B MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES DIODES EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS Cmax-maximum capacitance offered by diode to circuit (in pi) IR-maximum reverse DC current SILICON MIXER DIODES CARTRIDGE CASE·TYPE-IOOO-4000 EACH Type Description No. 1-9 10·99 Forward Polarity IN21B .68 •61 IN21BR Reversed Polarity 1.02 .92 Forward Polarity IN21C 1.02 .92 IN21CR Reversed Polarily 1.41 1.27 IN21D Forward Polarity 2.45 2.21 IN21DR Reversed Polarity 3.68 3.31 IN21E Forward Polarity 4.48 4.03 Reversed Polarity IN21ER 6.72 6.05 IN21F Forward Polarity 11.00 9.90 IN21WE Reversible Polarily 7.65 6.89 IN416E Reversible Polarity 5.25 4.73 MA4127 High Burn-out Type 3.80 3.42 MC 100-99 .54 .81 .BI 1.12 1.93 2.90 3.52 5.30 8.6 4 6.0o 4.1 2 2.90 CARTRIDGE CASE TYPE-4000-IO,000 MC IN23B Forward Polarity .67 .60 .54 IN23BR Reversed Polarity 1.02 .92 .81 Forward Polarity IN23C .92 1.02 .81 IN23CR Reversed Polarity 1.41 1.27 1.12 IN23D Forward Polarity 2.45 2.21 ~ IN23DR Reversed Polarity 3.68 3.31 2.90 IN23E Forward Polarity 4.45 4.01 3.50 IN23ER Reversed Polarity 6.05 6.72 6.00 IN23F Forward Polarity 13.20 11.88 10.50 IN23WE Reversible Polarity 5.90 5.31 1 4 •65 IN23WEM Matched Pair 14.75 13.28 11.60 Forward Polarity INI49 3.07 2.76 2.45 INI50 Forward Polarity 3.13 2.82 2.50 INI50R Reversed Polarity 4.70 4.23 3.76 Forward Polarity INI60 2.78 2.50 I 2.22 Reversible Polarity 5.25 4.73 4.12 IN415E MA4133 High Burn-out Type 4.20 3.78 3.30 COAXIAL CASE TYPE-I 0,000-1 8,000 MC Forward Polarity 5.50 4.95 4.32 Forward Polarity 8.10 7.29 6.36 Matched Pair 20.30 18.27 15.90 Matched Pair 24.30 21.87 19.10 Reversed Polarity 12.10 10.89 9.55 Matched Pair 30.00 27.00 23.60 IN78 IN7BA IN78AM IN78AMR IN78AR IN78BM PIV-peak inverse voltage measured in volts Pt-total power dissipation of diode measured in milliwatts VF-forward voltage drop SILICON MIXER DIODES RF POWER MONITORING DIODES 10,000-18,000 MC TYPES (Conl'd) EACH Type Description No. 1·9 10·99 100·999 IN78BMR Matched Pair 36.00 32.40 27.40 Rev. Polarity IN78BR 18.00 16.20 14.20 Fwd. Polarity 45.00 40.50 35.40 IN78C IN78CM Matched Pair 113.00 101.70 ~ IN78CMR Matched Pair 135.00 121.50 106.00 IN78CR Rev. Polarity 67.50 60.75 53.00 Matched Pair 13.75 12.38 10.80 IN78M IN78MR Matched Pair 16.50 14.B5 13.00 For test equipment. Provide reproducible microwave powerandvoltagemeasurements. COAXIAL CASE TYPE-I 8,000-26,500 MC Type MA4121. Glass case, point contact, subnanosec. switching, low cap. C, 0.5 pf @ IN26 I Fwd. Polarity I 6. 50 1 5. 851 5.10 I N26R Rev. Polarity 13.70 12.33 I 1.10 IN26MR Matched Pair 27.60 24.84 22.36 I COAXIAL CASE TYPE-26,000-40,000 MC IN53 IN53A IN53BM Fwd. Polarity 123.20120.88118.60 Fwd. Polarily 25.68 23.11 20.58 Matched Pair 74.48 67.03 64.78 150aC-5U8MINIATURE GLASS CASE TYPE 9.80 6.70 9.35 SILICON VIDEO DIODES CARTRIDGE CASE TYPE-I 000-1 0,000 MC EACH Type Description No. 1·9 110.991100.999 IN 161 I Forward Polarity 4.28 3.85 3.40 INI611A Forward Polarity 9.15 B.24 7.35 MA4128 High Burn·oulType 7.50 6.75 5.90 1S0aC SUBMINIATURE GLASS CASE TYPE IN830 1100 MC Test Freq'12.9512.6612.35 IN830A 100 MC Tesl Freq. 3.85 3.47 3.00 INB33 9375 MC Test Freq. 4.70 4.23 3.65 IN833A 9375 MC Test Freq. 14.10 12.69 I 1.28 Use the Allied Facility Nearest You-See Back Cover for Locations Type No . IN2771 IN3143 MA425 MA4135 Description 1·9 Carlr., 100·1000 me 10.00 Cartr., 9375 me 5.60 As IN3143, but rvsbl. 6.70 Coax•• 16,000 me 17.50 EACH 10·99 100·999 9.00 8.00 5.04 4.40 6.03 5.25 15.75 13.80 SILICON COMPUTER DIODE Ov.; VF,1.0v.@30 rna; IR. 200 p,a @-4 v. MA4121. 1·99 .. EA.5.00 IOO·999 .. EA.4.00 PLANAR EPITAXIAL DIODES LOW" CAPACITANCE HIGH CONDUCTANCE Typo' No. PlY (v) IN9i4 75 IN914A IN914B IN916 IN916A IN916B IN920 IN921 75 75 75 75 75 40 80 Cma::s: (pi) 4.0@ OY 4.0@ OY 4.0@ OY. 2.0@ OV 2.0@ OY 2.0@ OV 7.5@-W 7.5@-9Y p. (mw) 250· 250 250 250 250 250 400 400 EACH 1·99 " 100·999 1.95 1.55 2.20 1.75 2.50 2.00 3.00 2.40 3.40 2.70 3.75 3.00 3.50 2.80 4.80 3.85 DIFFUSED SILICON MESA, LOW CAPACI· TANCE, FAST SWITCHING DIODES IN903 I N904 IN907 IN908 140 30 30 40 110@-6V 1:0@-6V 2.5@-6V 2.5@-6V 250 1 250 250 250 75 III :65 1.45 1.75 1 I1:30 40 1.15 1.40 ALlIED.75 Instrument Rectifiers by Conant Series 160·C Series 80 + ~/. . o ,.' YELLOW FULL BRIDGE '/4 BRIDGE BROWN BLACK Ideal for incorporation in new equipment. or as exact-replacement instrument rectifiers in virtually any relay or meter. All are copper oxide, and have 24K gold anode contact. All are color coded for easy recognition of terminal inputs and outputs. and for simplified identification of rectifier by color and physical form. Stock No. 4 U 171 4 U 172 4 U 173 4 U 174 4 U 175 4 U 1.,6 4 U 177 4 U 178 4 U 179 4 U 180 4 U 181 4 U 182 4 U 183 4 U 184 4 U 185 4U 186 4U 187 4U 188 4U 189 4U 190 4U 191 4U 192 4U 193 4 U 194 4U 195 Type M TH HS T H B BTH BHS BT BH B.U BTH-U BHS-U BT-U BH-U B-C BTH·C BHS-C BT·C BH-C A ATH AHS AT AH "'Circuit I Series 2 500 3 4 5 I Series 2 160 '3 4 5 I Series 2 160-U 3 4 5 1 Series 2 160·C 3 4 5 I Series 2 80 3 4 5 Cell Size Input Act.ive Area .125 sq. in . 5V .166" ,.012 sq. in. 5V .166" .012 sq. in. 5V .166" .012 ~Q. in. 5V .080' 1.0012 sq. 'in . 5V ... ~u,:/f2~: ~~~~~. ~~:~. :~~~~~~e.~ 44.95 6928-KB "B" Kit. As above, but with more materials for more circuits. Assemble fiipflops, amplifiers, "and" and liar" gates, ~riud1~~:~~~i.t~ •. ~~~:. ~:he~s: .... 139.95 TERADYNE DIODE CLIP A practical magnetic clip for all small parts wi th rna gnetic leads. Reliable contact for fast accurate testing; permanent DC mag- ~e~ici ~;:d. ~~~~.~~t. ~~~:~ ~~~~s: ... 57.50 MWs Type DC Ma Output 100 rna 75 rna 50 ma 100 rna 50 rna 10 rna 7 rna 5 rna lOrna 5 rna IOma 7 rna 5 rna 10 ma 5 rna 10 ma 7 rna 5 rna 10 rna 5 rna 1 rna 1 rna 500 p.a 500 p.a 500 p.a Size EACH ~rO'999 4U 144 1234A·H 65·75 %x%x%' .59 .53 4U 145 1235A-H 100·150 lxlx%' .68 .61 4U 146 1237A-H 300·500 l~xl~xIW 1.29 1.16 !.T.T. "PACKAGEDI POWER" TYPES' . Exceptionally-rugged. high current-output selenium rectifiers. All are single phase, fullwave bridge type. Ratings shown below are for an ambient temperature of 35' C. Max. Dcl~ax. Stock Mfr's Output AC No. Type _ _ _ Input V. 4 U 227 4 U 207 4 u 208 4 U 209 4 U 210 4 U 213 4 U 214 4 U 228, 210 2ll 213 20 20 20 20 40 215 310 711 lOt 712 811 Size EACH 10·99 A. \·9 I~ 1.5 26 2xlYax2' 2.09 1.74 3 26 3x3x2IA.&' 3.76 3.13 ·6 26 4x4x2%' 5.29 4.41 12 26 6x5x2%' I 1.22 I 1.04 3 T2:iX3x3W 1-7.496.24 8.84 8.32 1 130 2x2x5W 130 3X3X6%' 116.49 15.52 156 1l>lx4VsxlW 6.79 5.66 \~~ I~:: o OPPOSED \12 BRIDGE !.T.T. HI-DENSITY SELENIUMS Rectifiers for replacement use in radios, TV sets,. high-fidelity components. etc. Maximum rms input, 130 volts. Maximum peak inverse voltage. 380 volts. Internal voltagedrop is approximately 7 volts. All have locking lugs. All are shipped individually boxed. Stock No. 6928-KA "A" Kit. Build a complete 22component. lQ·kc flip-flop circuit with set and reset capabilities. Occupies only 0.179 RED GREEN V. BRIDGE Series 500 is designed for application where dependability in a general instrument rectifier is a necessity. Series 160. 160-C, and 160·U (differ only in construction) are especially suitable for use as rectifier replacement in VTVl\iI's, VOM's, etc. Series 80 is microminiaturized-weighs less than half a gram. .500' P. R. MALLORY "MICROKITS" 76 • AWED '/2 BRIDGE I Mounting EACH Finish 6-32 stud Lacquer 112 screw Solid fill ,2 screw Solid fill Fuse clip Solid fill 12 screw I; Bonded vinyl 2.10 1.86 1.53 1.53 1.20 --2.10 1.86 1.53 1.53 1.20 1.98 1.74 1.41 1.41 1.08 2.10 1.86 1.53 1.53 1.20 2.10 1.86 1.53 1.53 1.20 I.T.T. RECTIFIER STACKS • Compact, Efficient and Reliable Types ,1013 and 1512 are for use in battery chargers. Type 1013 is exceller>t for charging small 2 and 6-volt batteries of the type found in photoflash equipment and portable radios. Type 1512 is ideally suited for trickle charging of 6-volt auto batteries. All nnits have locking lugs. *Tubular type (not illustrated); paper enclosed. Have 1 liz" leads for easy installation. Stock Mfr's DC Rms Ma Volts No. - Type 4U 131 1159 4U 132 4U 133 4U 134 4UI35 4U 136 4U 137 4U 138 4U 139 4U 140 4U 141 4U 142 4U 143 20 65 75 lOin 75 1007 75 1014 lOa 1004A 100 1l0lA 100 1005A 150 1016 300 1017 6DO 1013 450 1512 18an 1002A 1003A Size 130 *'n' dia.x%· 130 lxlx~&' . 130 lx1x%' EACH 1-99 100·999 --.65 .53 .64 .71 .44 2.32 l~xl~xl' 1.59 IV4xBh%' .79 lxlxlYs" .94 IV4xl%,xl' .94 l~xlY4x%' 1.35 25· Hixl!4x*~, 1.56 18 .1!4x!!4x%· .73 26 2~x2~x%' 2.20 20 160 160 130 130 130 -25" !x1x%;. Ix1x2 1A&' .52 .57 .36 1.86 1.28 .63 .76 .76 1.08 1.25 .59 1.76 Conant Instrument Rectifier Handbook. 37 K 170. Postpaid in U.S.A ...... , .... .15 Everything in Electronics from One. Dependable Source Lab Kits, Circuit Controls, Fan, and Stencils BIOLOGICAL FUEL CELL EXPERIMENTAL KIT F. W. BELL by ELECTRON MOLECULE RESEARCH "HALL PAK" KIT Permits Many Experiments with the Hall Effect The Fuel Cell ••• an Unlimited Source of Power for the Future 'Conduct Fascinating, Practical Experiments Kit Is Complete -Everything Is Provided An educational kit demonstrating the operation of biological fuel cells. Ideal for science classes. Consists of 12 cells, each containing harmless bacteria that feed all brown, powdered rice husks. The energy absorbed by tbe bacteria is chemically transformed into electricity (via anode and cathode) capable of powering a transistor radio, light bulb, etc. Offers opportunity to investigate this batteryof-the-fnture in industrial, borne and military use. Easy to assemble and use. All material and parts, plus easy-to-follow instructions are included. 7 E 65B •............................................. 16.95 RAYTHEON The "Hall Pak" kit lets you become acquainted with, demonstrate, and make interesting experiments involving the Hall effect in the lab, home. industry or classroom. The development of a voltage potential between the two edges of a strip of metal in which an electric current is flowing longitudinally, is a phenomenon that may prove to be the key to many diffi'. cult magnetic-field applications. The "Hall Pak" kit lets you examine the Hall effect at an opportune time. Kit includes: Halleffect device; circuit board for easy hook-up and applicationcontains balancing network and DC transistorized amplifier (voltage gain of 50); magnet to provide stable DC field; instruction booklet that explains the Hall effect in detail, gives instructions for testing and demonstrating and illustrates many practical applications that ;ri; ~a~~;. ~~~~r~:~i~~'~~: .......•...••.................. 19.95 ELECTROLUMINESCENT LAB KIT "RA YSISTORS" .A New Type of Light Source Basic Circuit eMany Instructive Experiments Devices A kit that instructs you in the application of electroluminescence-a new way to produce "cold" artificial light. Offers some present. and many future, applications in industries, homes, and institutions. Electro-luminescence provides true area-light (covers an entire surface-not generated by an incandescent point or fluorescent line) by converting electrical energy d rightness neon lamps that press-fit into 'li6" dia. hole. Durable nylon housing and plastic lens in specified colors. With speed nut. Series 36N is rated at 110-125 volts; 36HN at 210-250 volts. Both have built-in resistor. Series 41 N uses external resistor (not supplied). 110.120 VOLT INDICATOR LIGHTS Stock No. S E698 8 E699 8 E700 8 E701 VHF-UHf VARACTORS . Fot doubler, tripier, and quadrupler service. Stud mount. 90 VOLTS BREAKDOWN .35 DOMEoSHAPE-CAP PILOT LIGHT ASSEMBLIES 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 FIRING CIRCUIT For firing silicon controlledrectifiers over wide range of voltages. Phase can be varied by use of SOOK variahle resis-· tor. Circuit is potted in epoxy resin. Operating v.. 28-240 VAC. Maximum peak pulse v., 7 v. Maximum peak pulse current, 200 rna. Rise time. 3/10 l'8ec. Temperature range, _20 0 C to 85 0 C. . 4 U 025. 1-49 .... '............. EACH 5.40 50-149 .. EACH 5.10 150-249 .... EACH 4.85 D.scrip'tion EACH Non-coherent 130.00 7 E 101 LED-2* Coherent 1300.00 7 E'102 LED-3t Non-coherent 260.00 2600.00 7 E 103 LED-4t Coherent Laser Experimental KIt. For laboratory research. Consists of one each, LED-I, 2, 3 and 4, laser pulser. With sample experiS1:ock No. SNAPLITE NEON PILOT LIGHTS IIJh~~1W~.___ Stock No. SECO COHERENT/NON-COHERENT INFRA-RED & VISIBLE LIGHT LASERS .60 .1 .45 MA450C* MA460Ct I 0.8 0.8 I 3.6 3.6 15.00 15.00 I 10.00 10.00 Type MA78S Heat Sink Mount. For reversible base cartridge varactor, above. Increases wattage rating of varactor. 4 U 027. 1-99 .... EACH I 1.• 50 100-999 ............ EACH 9.20 .• 295 "KLIP-SEL" VOLTAGE-SURGE PROTECTORS '''''''' ~ CORP t\.$tGtlMto CARTRIDGE TYPE op. temp.. C. Current at clamp voltages: Series KY. 0.25; KZ. 1.0; KA. 3.0; KL, 15.0. Stud or lead size: KY and KZ. 20 AWG; KA, 8-32; KL, Y4-20. Height (inches) : KY, .56; KZ •. 69; KA. 1 Y4; KL. 2%. See page 384 for "Klip-Sel" selector. 82 • ALLIED CARTRIDGE TYPES EACH Clamp UIh. V. Volis ~ 1-9 10-99 ~ K26 4U250 YIOPF 63 .56 1.31 1.08 52 125 .56 4U 251 Y20PF 1.46 1.20 130 4U 252 Y50PF 310 .88 1.85 1.53 156 375 .88 . 1.96 1.61 4U253 Y60PF 4U254 Y100PF 260 625 .88 2.52 2.07 26 63 .63 4U 255 Z10PF 1.70 1.40 125 .63 52 4U256 Y20PF 1.91 1.57 ZSOPF 130 310 .88 4U257 2.41 1.98 156 375 .88 4U 258 Z60PF 2.55 2.10 234 565 .88 3.06 2.52 4U 259 ZSOPF 260 625 .88 3.26 2.69 4U260 ZlOOPF 364 890 .88 4U261 ZI40PF 4.07 3.38 PRY rating of rechfler must be greater than the . clamping voltage of both types of "Kllp-Sels." Stock Type RMS STACK TYPES Stock Type RMS No. -K-- V.26 4U 262 AlDAF 52 4U 263 A2DAF 130 4U 264 A5DAF 156 4U265 A6DBF 208 4U266 A80BF 4U267 A9DBF 234 4U268 AIODBF 260 4U 269 A14DBF 364 26 4U270 L1DAF 52 4U271 L2DAF 130 4U272 L5DAF 156 4U 273 L6DBF 208 4U 274 L8DBF L10DBF 260 4U275 Clamp Volis 63 125 310 375 500 565 625 890 63 125 310 375 500 625 EACH lith. ~ 1-9 10-99 1.35 2.21 1.82 1.45 2.46 2.03 1.72 3.14 2.59 1.82 3.31 2.73 2.00 3.74 3.08 2.00 4.00 3.29 2.28 4.25 3.50 2.20 5.34 4.40 1.55 5.52 4.55 1.65 6.17 5.08 1.92 7.87 6.48 2.00 8.30 6.83 220 9.35 7.70 2.40 10.62 8.75 -- Depend Upon Allied for the Latest in Electronic Equipment Newest Lamps and Light-Activated Devices SYLVANIA MINIATURE MITE-T-LITE DIALCO SERIES R-l00 NUMERIC READOUTS Model Ml-202A_ New and improved miniature incandescent lamp to pro-. vide a compatible light source for micro-miniature equipment and systems. Suitable for photoelectric logic systems, highspeed punch card and tape readout devices, compact matrix displays, airborne electronic equipment, commercial displays, optical point sources, medical and industrial probes. miniature cameras, pushbutton lighting, miniaturized light sources, etc. Can even be used with a photodiode to produce a high-resolution miniaturized detection device, for counting small objeCts in servo and general instrumentation systems, as well as high-speed readout of punched cards and tapes. The ML 202A lamp is long-lived, and has exceptional physical ruggedness. Extremely low power consumption permits operation directly from the output of a transistor. This singleended lead lamp has body diameter of .055" maximum, with overall length of .176" maximum. Tungsten-wire filament. Designed for operation between 1.0 and 1.2 volts, maximum. Cold resistance, 8 ohms minimum; hot resistance, 77 ohms minimum at 15.5 rna. Lamp current, about 15.5 rna at 1.2 VDC. Light output, 20.0 millilumens at 1.2 VDC (for clearly visible light in any normally illuminated room) ..05" by .050" long. At full 1.2 VDC, lasts approximately 500 hours under pulsed conditions. 8 E 710. 1 to 999 .........................................91 1000 to 4999 ................................... ~ .........76 Each single-plane numeric readout module has line segments that form any number from 0-9, 0-9 plus decimal point, or and - plus decimal point. Superior legibility is obtained by high brightness, great contrast, defined shape and proportion. Dependability is ensured by use of long FRONT BACK life neon lights and moderate driving current. Modules mount easily on black, cast metal fram. Jf one-piece, solid aluminum construction (not supplied; see table below) with plastic window. ·Indicates the number·of modules that can be mounted on the frame. For 115 VAC or 160 VDC. G.E. SERIESL6 Max. Temp. Co Opere Star. PRV Vao Mfr'. Type --12- -7-5L6Xl2 L6U 25 75 L6F 50 75 u;-p:-- 100 75 L6B 200 75 L6C 300 75 L6D 400 75 L7XI2 L7U L7F L7A L7B L7C L7D 12 25 50 100 200 300 400 --- 75 75 75 -75 75 75 75 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Max. Light 1;0 Fire* 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 SERIES L7 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 0.0075 0.0075 0.0075 0.0075 0.0075 0.0075 0.0075 EACH 1-99 100-999 1.67 2.50 3.00 2.00 5.00 3.33 -7.50 - - -5.00 -10.00 6.65 15.00 10.00 25.00 16.65 2.50 3.00 5.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 25_00 1.67 2.00 3.33 5.00 6.65 10.00 16.65 l::!J NUMERIC READOUTS Stock 8 8 8 8 No. E 660 E 661 E 662 E 663 Mfr's Type Descri ption EACH 50-99 100-199 --19.50 18.00 20.80 18.90 17.45 6.60 5.90 7.95 5.35 7.20 6.00 25-49 1-24 -23.50 - - -21.50 -- R-100 0-9 w Idee. point R-IOI 0-9 less point 22_65 R-102 and - w /point 9.50 R-1C3 and - less point 8.70 + + METAL PANEL FRAMES Stoek 8 8 8 8 No. E 664 E 665 E 666 E 667 Mfr's Typo * RF-I00-1 RF-IOO-2 RF-I00-3 RF-IOO-4 1 2 3 4 LIGHT-ACTIVATED UNITS Tiny solid-state units that remain electrically isolated from ~ their triggering source, while actuating solenoids, contactors and other sizable loads. Light source for triggering is as little as 50 foot-candles of intensity. This new triggering technique . makes the light-activated unit ideal for card and tape reading, . character recognition, logic circuitry, relay replacement .. appli- '.\ ance controls. counting, sorting, precision indexing, etc. *At 25° C. TJ, 6 VDC, in watts/cm'. ~ + 7.00 7.50 8.00 Mfr's Type • RF-100-5 RF-lOO-6 RF-I00-7 RF-100-8 5 6 7 8 Stock EACH -6.50 -- 8 8 8 8 No. E 668 E 699 E 670 E 671 EACH -B.50 -9.00 9.50 10.00 INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER SOLAR POWER SUPPLIES IR's newly developed solar power supply, the "Solarpack," converts sunlight directly into electricity by means of space-satellite-type silicon solar cells. Housed in anodized aluminum castings, with active cell area encased in weather and heat-resistant epoxy, the "Solarpack" gives lengthy, dependable service. Adjustable exposure angle. Three corrosionresistant terminals are provided with the "Solar pack" -two connect directly to cells; one connects to the negative terminal through a blocking diode, for use in battery charging (required to prevent discharge of battery when the cells are not illuminated). Higher voltages or greater current can be obtained by connecting several units in series or in parallel. SCP-lOO and SCP-IOI are used for charging 2 NiCd cells in series, or one lead-acid· cell; SCP-I05 and SCP-I06 are used for charging 4 or 5 NiCd cells, or 3 lead-acid cells; SCP-I08 used for all 12-v. batteries. With mtg. hardware. Stock Type No. SCP-=7-;E~171-=2-1 100 7 E 166 101 7 E 108 105 7 E 109 106 7 E I 10 108 Output V ma 3.5-4 7.5-8 7.5-8 15-16 120 30 60 30 Size EACH 1-9 3.5-4 6 0 1--=5x-,2,--x.,-Yz'"'H,--I-2- 8- .-0-05x4xYz" 5x2xYzH 5x4xYzH 5x4xYzH 55.00 29.75 57.50 57.50 10-99 -2-6-.-7-052.40 28.00 54.00 54.00 SYLVANIA "PANELESCENT" METAL AND PLASTIC LAMPS • lamps that Employ no Tubes or Bulbs • Provide Diffused, Glareless Area light New kind of lighting with many industrial applications. "Panelescent" lamps are sheets of steel or laminated plastic, with a special electrified coating that produces a soft, diffused green light. These true area light sources provide virtually glareless illumination. Excellent for vehicle and aircraft instrumentation, safety devices, signs, display devices, test equipment, and many novelty applications .. "Panelescent" lamps operate completely cold, with all emission in the visible range. And there's never a problem of SUdden burnouts; brightness decreases gradually over a period of many years. • Electrified coating Produces Green Light • Ideal for Instr~mentation, Signs, etc• Exceptionally rugged, lightweight, and compact-only Va" thick. Lamps are unaffected by variations and extremes of temperature and humidity. Provide an excellent contrast for high readability at a considerable distance when used with overlays. V.L. Listing can be secured for devices using "Panelescent" lamps that employ correct installation techniques. I---....\~- Blank lamps listed below are designed Thin Sheet of Metal that Glows only for prototype applications; cannot be cut or drilled since they are finished de- I-------..,...,::::-c:-o;::----------; vices. All units listed below are supplied with lead wire and clip assembly. All prices for lamps include 10% F.E.T. METAL LAMPS Stoel;: .No .. 8·E 672 ·8E 673 8 E 674 8 E 675 8 E 676 8 E 677 8 E 678 EACH -1-99 - 100-249 1.38 ~ 1.65 1.36 1.82 2.20 2.97 2.44 ~. 6,,6 3.74 6x12 5_90 7.79 12x12·' 13.30 9.83 Si::l!:e (In.) 2x2Yz 2.6 4.4 4,,6 PLASTIC-LAMIN ATED LAMPS EACH Size (In.) 1-99 100-249 No. 5_50 2x2Yz 4;11 E 679 2x6 E 680 6.54 5.43 4x4 E 681 9.20 7.12 4x6 E 682 8.65 11.00 6x6 E 683 12.82 10.39 6.12 18_35 E 684 15.15 12.12 26.60 E 685 32.95 Stock 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Allied-Everything in Electronics from One Dependable Source Wide Application-Low Cost ALLIED. 83 Special·Purpose Tube Directory KEY TO NAMES OF MANUFACTURERS AMP-E4 CE-E15 DUM-E6 EIM-E9 ELEC-Ell GE-E3 ML-E13 MULL-E21 NAT-ElO Amperex Elect. Corp. Cetron Dumont Eitel McCullough Electrons, Inc. General Electric Machlett Lab. Mullard Products Nat'l Electronics, Inc. NU-E19 PEN-E16 RCA-El RAV-E2 SVL-E12 THER-E18 TUNG-E14 VIC-E20 WP-E5 National Union Penta Lab, Inc. Radio Corp. America Raytheon Mfg. Co. Sylvania Electric Thermosen, Inc. Tungsol Victoreen Instrument Waterman Products o Over 1300 Tube Types in Slack from 18 Manufaclurer. o Full Warranly Protection on All Tubes o Over 90 Military Tube Types Available Complete selection of high-reliability tubes for almost every purpose. *Tubes with asterisk are listed on the following pages with specs and additional information. MP indicates matched pair; DI means directly interchangeable. To assure speedy service, give Dept. and Tube Type thus: E3-1B85. Quantity purchases of individual tube tyPes are billed at current OEM prices. IMMEDIA TE DELIVERY FROM WIDEST STOCKS See Page 91 for Military Type Tubes from Navy Stock Facility Stock No. Tube Type Depl. OA2 EI E3 OA2 EI OA2WA EI OA3 E3 OA4G EI2 OA5 EI OB2 E3 OB2 EI OB2WA E2 OB3 E3 OB3 EI OC2 EI OC3 003 El 003 E3 E4 OG3/85A2 EI OZ4A Ell C1A* EI2 VG1A E2 lAD4 E2 lAG4 Ell C1B* Ell CI8/A* E20 lB85* Ell lC* EI lC21 E12 lD21/SN4 EI9 lDP1* EI lEPl - lEPll El Ell CU* Ell CU/A* Ell C1K* EI C1K/6014 El lL4* E3 1L21 E3 1L36 IP21* EI EI lP22 El lP28* E2 1P31 EI !P37 El IP39* El lP40* E3 lP40 El lP41 El 1P42 E14 lZ2 E9 2-0IC* E9 2-25A* ~ 2-50A* EZ9 2-450A* EI 2APIA EI8 2AS15A E3 2B22 E3 2823 EI 2BPI EI 21Pll EI2 2C36 EI2 2C37 EI 2C39A E9 2C39A* EI 2C39WA* E9 2C39WA* EI3 2C39WA* EI 2C40A EI 2C43 EI4 2C51 EI9 2C53 EI 2021 E4 2021 E3 2D21 EI 2D21W 84 • ALLIED EACH 1-4 5-18 19-49 50-Up RCA 1.32 1.18 1.08 .94 GE 1.50 1.24 1.13 .99 RCA 3.65 3.12 2.92 2.58 RCA 1.54 1.33 1.24 1.10 GE 1.90 1.58 1.43 1.26 ---SYL 6.96 RCA 1.37 1.23 1.12 .98 GE 1.45 1.23 1.12 .98 RCA 2.40 2.11 1.92 1.69 RAY 2.35 2.07 1.88 1.66 GE 2.35 2.201 2.00 1:75 RCA 1.50 1.28 1.20 1.06 1.30 1.21 1.07 RCA 1.50 RCA 1.44 1.24 1.16 1.03 GE 1.45 1.23 1.12 .98 - -- AMp 2.30 2.03 1.84 1.62 RCA 1.16 1.04 .94 ELEC 13.65 11.95 10.85 32.60 27.40 SYL RAY 2.80 2.50 2.27 2.00 RAY 3.05 2.68 2.44 ELEC 15.40 13.75 12.55 ELEC 19.20 17.15 15.60 VIC 8.50 7.35 6.25 9.60 ELEC 10.85 9.40 8.55 RCA 3.54 - 3.31 2.93 4.15 SYL 6.30 5.50 5.00 NU 20.00 20.00 20.00 19.35 18.15 RCA 23.60 RCA 26.00 20.00 ELEC 14.85 13.80 12.08 ELEC 15.10 13.50 12.~~ ELEC 13.10 11.30 10.25 RCA 13.10 11.30 10.05 RCA 1.37 1.19 1.11 .98 GE 25.00 GE 18.50 RCA 54.50 47.60 41.90 RCA 13.50 12.15 15.80 RCA 21.60 18.85 16.60 RAY 7:95 7.25 9.04 RCA 4.50 3.95 3.15 RCA 2.80 2.43 2.20 1.95 RCA 3.25 2.95 2.60 3.75 3.25 2.96 2.60 GE 3.75 RCA 4.75 4.12 3.75 3.30 RCA 13.95 12.20 11.00 9.75 ' TUNG 6.40 5.70 6.40 ElM 14.70 13.50 18.00 ElM 24.00 18.25 ElM 20.50 27.00 ElM 138.00 117.00 RCA 16.45 12.65 THER 9.00 7.20 6.30 GE 31.00 -GE 68.20 RCA 20.15 15.50 RCA 21.60 16.60 SYL 36.90 SYL 37.50 -=.:.:.:.: RCA 22.50 16.60 ElM 20.75 17.10 15.50 RCA 30.00 21.50 ElM 24.00 ,32.00 ML 30.00 21.50 RCA 33.00 26.00 RCA 26.95 21.50 TUNG 3.65 3.25 2.95 2.60 9.15 9.15 8.85 8.40 NU RCA 1.29 1.05 .92 1.05 --:92 AMP ~ GE 1.30 1.09 .99 .87 RCA 2.90 2.48 2.31 2.04 Mfr. ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... -..... - ..... ..... ..... -..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... -..... ..... -- ..... ..... -..... - -..... - ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... -..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... -..... ..... ----us EACH Stock No.' Mfr. Dept. Tube Type 1·4 5-18 19-49 50-Up RCA 5.25 EI 2E24 4.60 4.20 3.70 RCA 3.75 3.22 3.02 2,,60 2E26 EI RAY 3.35 E2 2E32 3.00 2.72 RCA 275.00 235.00 2F21* EZI GE 288.00 EZ3 2H21 -RAY 2ci4.OO RK2J42* EU2 RAY 204.00 EU2 RK2J55* RAY 204.00 EU2 RK2J70A'" E2 RAY 32.25 2K25* 28.20 EI RCA 65.00 2K26 61.50 55.00 E2 75.00 2K28A* IRAY EI8 2SM15 10.00 8.00 7.00 ITHER GE E3 3.30 2X2A 2.77 2.52 2.23 ' RCA EI 3.35 2X2A* 2.94 2.67 2.35 EUI2 SYL 144.00 2Xl000A EX9 34.iiO 1=-= 3-400Z* IEIM EX9 3-1000Z* 119.00 RCA EI 1.25 3A4* 1.04 .97 .86 RCA El 2.03 1.64 1.45 3A5* SYL EI2 3ACP1A 37.00 28.30 ELEC Eli 11.40 38* 10.00 9.~ RCA EI 3B4WA 4.35 3.80 3.10 CE E15 8.40 3822*' 7.35 6.70 5.90 E3 GE '10.55 3B24W 9.90 9.00 E2 3B24WA 11.05 9.95 9.05 -,~ CE EI5 3B24WA* to.oo 7:50 6.84 6.00 RCA 8.50 EI 3125 7.45 5.95 RCA EI 6.00 5.44 5.08 4.20 3B28* EI2 SYL 38.10 3BGPl 34.90 32.50 3BMP; SYL 50.85 EI2 43.00 38.00 ELEC Ell 11.80 3C* 10.33 9.40 ELEC Ell 13.00 3C/l* 11.30 10.30 RCA EI 11.98 3C23 8.40 GE E3 11.98 3C23 10.50 9.55 RCA EI 28.75 3C33* 27.00 22.10 RCA EI 3C45 17.80 14.20 E9 3CPN10A5/7815* ElM 32.00 24.00 ElM E9 32.00 3CX100A5/7289* 24.00 RCA EI 28.00 3D22A 25.30 21.55 RCA El 20.85 3E29* 18.85 16.05 ~ ELEC 13.80 Ell C3J* 11.45 10.40 RCA 13.80 EI 11.35 9.65 C3J/5632 ELEC Ell 14.50 12.60 11.10 C3J/A* NAT 18.40 17.20 15.60 13.55 EIO C3J/Al-NE RCA 14.50 EI C3J-A/5684 12.70 11.25 -ELEC 15.25 Ell 13.35 112.60 C3J/l* RCA 21.45 EI 3JPl 16.50 RCA 3KPI 20.35 15.65 EI RCA 13.45 EI 3RPl 9.40 RCA 21.80 EI 3RPIA 16.75 ElM. 280.00 240.00 EU9 3W5000Al* ElM 245.00 210.00 EU9 3W5000A3* ElM EU9 260.00 220.00 3W5000Fl* ElM 250.00 210.00 EU9 3W5000F3* RCA EI 3WPI 26.15 20.10 WP 26.40 23.20 21.10 E5 3XPI ElM 200.00 170.00 EZ9 3X2500A3* ElM 205.00 175.00 EZ9 3X2500F3* ElM 210.00 180.00 EZ9 3X3000Al* ElM 220.00 185:00 EU9 3X3,000F1* AMP 27.00 21.00 E4 4-65A ElM 27.00 20.50 E9 4-65A* RCA 36.00 27.00 EI 4-125A/4D21 ElM 36.00 E9 21.00 4-125A/4D21 RCA ' 4-250A/5D22 46.50 34.87 EI --!.!.!.!! ElM E9 46.50 35.00 4-250A/5D22 ElM E9 48.00 36.00 4-400A* PEN 48.00 EI6 36.00 4-400A* ElM EZ9 131.50 112.00 4-1000A* CE 17.90 16.25 14.75 12.99 E15 4131 -- ElM E9 58.50 44.00 4CN15A* ElM E9 29.50 ..... 4CX250B/7203* 39.00 E9 ElM 64.00 48.50 4CX250K*' ..... ..... ..... - ..... -..... ...... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ........ ..... - -..... ...... -..... 'BM ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... .... 3~:~~ -- ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... -..... - ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... -..... --..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... -..... ..... . .... ..... ...... .... ..... ..... ..... -..... --..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...•. -- ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... -..... ..... ..... ..... Please Specify Department and Tube Type When Ordering Special-Purpose Tubes (Cont'd) Stock No. Tube Type 4CX300A* 4CX350A* 4CX350F* 4CX1000A* 4CX1000K* 4CX3000A* 4CX5000A* 4CX10000D* 4D21* 4D21A* 4D22* 4D32* 4E27A* 4E27A/5-125B* 4Eli7 4EJ7 C4H-l* C4H-2* C4H-3* 4PR60B* 4PR65A* ~ E9 4W300B* EZ9 4W20000A* 4XI50A/7034* E9 4X 1500 /7035* E9 E9 4X250B* 4X500A Ell EZ21 QY5-3000A* EZI 5ABPI 5ADPI EZ6 5ADP2 EZ6 5ADP7 EZ6 5AflP7 E12 5AMP1A E12 EZ6 5AQP1A E12 5BGPI 5BH1'1 E12 EZ6 5BHP2* 5BP1A EZI EZ6 5BP1A Ell 5CP1P. E16 5D22* 5FP4A EZI EZ6 5LP1A E3 5R4GYA El 5R4GYB* 5UPI EZI E12 5Y3WGTA El 6AG7Y* 6AJ5 E2 El 6AI(6* E4 6AL3/EYSB E2 6AN5 E2 6AN5WA E14 6AR6 El 6A56* E3 6A56 El 6AS7C* E2 6AS7GA E3 6AS7GA El 6AU6WA* El 6AU6WB Ell 6B* Ell 6B/L* E12 6BL6 E12 6BM6 Ell C6C* Ell 6C* EZ9 6C21* E12 604 E4 6DJ8/ECC88 E4 6EH7 E4 6EJ7* Ell 6F* El 6F4 E4 6HA5 Ell C6H-l* Ell C6H-2* Ell C6H-3* Ell C6J* E15 C6J* El C6J/5C21 Ell C6J/A* Ell C6J/F* Ell CiiJ/K* -Ell C6J/KL* E10 C6J/K-NE El.l C6J/L* Dept. E9 E9 E9 EU9 EU9 EZ9 EZ9 EZ9 E16 E16 E2 E2 E16 E9 E4 E4 Ell Ell Ell EZ9 EACH 5-18 19-49 50-Up 1·4 58.50 ElM 51.70 44.00 55.50 ElM ...... ..... ..... 60.00 ElM ...... ..... 181.00 ElM 154.00 21B.00 ElM ....... ..... ..... - 420.00 - - - -- ElM ...... .... 495.00 ElM ..... .... 550.00 ElM ...... ..... ..... 36.00 PEN 28.50 37.50 PEN 30.00 ..... ..... ----32.76 RAY 29.20 26.60 32.76 RAY 29.20 26.60 ..... 45.00 PEN 34.00 ..... ..... 45.00 ElM 34.00 ..... 1.45 AMP 1.29 ..... ..... --- - - - 1.45 AMP 1.29 ..... 23.25 ELEC 20.38 18.50 ..... 24.35 ELEC 21.30 19.40 ..... 24.35 ELEC 21.30 19.40 ..... 107.00 ElM 94.45 BO.OO ..... -- -43.00 ElM ...... ..... 57.00 ElM 43.00 ..... , 1950.00 ...... ..... ElM 25.00 ElM 18.50 ..... 27.90 21.00 ..... ElM -- - - 36.50 ElM 34.65 29.50 129.50 IOB.50 RCA ..... MULL 310.00 ...... 31.50 RCA 24.20 ..... ..... 28.30 24.90 DUM - -- 35.00 DUM 30.00 26.25 38.50 DUM 34.00 ..... 34.40 30.10 -27.40 ..... SYL 51.40 46.30 42.00 SYL 40.00 DUM 35.25 -~ 6B.75 62.60 SYL 92.50 82.50 73.40 ..... SYL 92.50 DUM 77.50 ..... 30.50 RCA 25.20 23.30 DUM 21.10 - -- RCA 22.55 17.35 46.50 PEN 37.00 ..... 25.75 RCA 19.80 40.00 35.40 DUM 2.05 GE 1.73 1.57. 1.38 - - - -- 2.03 RCA 1.76 1.45 13.10 RCA 9.15 ..... 4.05 3.57 3.25 SYL 2.BO RCA 2.33 1.98 3.95 RAY 3.12 2.75 3.44 1.40 RCA 1.00 1.22 '1.13 1.45 AMp 1.19 1.08 4.17 RAY 3.39 3.72 10.80 RAY 9.65 0.75 5.75 TUNG 5.65 5.00 4.50 - - - - - - - -- RCA 2.97 2.77 2.45 3.43 GE 2.90 2.64 2.33 3.45 RCA 3.52 4.1:5 4.93 RAY 4.40 4.00 3.52 4.95 GE 4.16 3.80 3.34 4.95 Dept. El E12 EI E6 E12 El E12 E2 E14 E12 E12 E2 EZ6 E12 EZ3 E4 EX12 Ell Ell E4 EZI EZI EZI E2l EZI El El E4 E4 Ell Ell Ell El E9 E10 E9 E10 E9 El El El El E3 E4 E3 E4 E2l E2l E4 E21 E4 E9 E2l E2l E2l E15 E15 E2l E15 E20 RCA RCA ElEC ELEC SYL EZ4 E20 E20 E2l E21 Mfr. - - ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... . ...... . ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... -- --1.91 - -2.70 - --2.25 ..... 2.70 13.00 13.50 40.00 SYL ELEC ELEC ElM SYL 51.00 58.90 21.40 93.00 2.85 AMP AMP AMP ELEC RCA 1.89 1.45 1.45 14.15 13.10 AMP ELEe ELEC ELEC ElEC 1.25 29.10 30.25 30.25 28.10 RCA ELEC ElEC ELEC 28.10 29.00 30.00 28.30 _._-- ELEC NAT ELEC 29.45 32.50 29.40 2.25 1.91 ..... 11.35 10.35 11.80 10.75 ..... 26.00 ..... ..... -- - - 34.00 32.50 51.00 45.80 ..... 19.10 17.30 ..... 70.00 -1.72 -- 2.00 •..•• 1.28 ••••• 1.28 ••..• 12.40 11.30 11.70 10.65 9.35 -1.07 .97 25.50 23.20 26.50 24.20 ..... 26.50 24.20 24.70 22.50 ..... ..... ..... ""1 ,." ..... ..... ..... - - - ---- - - - 25.40 CE 19.75 24.601 22.50 ••.•• 22.70 23.90 22.60 ..... ..... ..... -- - -..... 25.70 23.40 ..... 30.50 27.25 23.90 25.40 23.10 ..... 22.30 25.20 26.:15 24.70 EACH 5-18 19-49 50-Up 1-4 -3.73 --3.37 - 2.99 RCA 4.19 5.00 4.54 :1.99 SYL 5.60 3.BO RCA 5.35 4.75 4.32 DUM 3.30 ..... 2.40 2.12 S~~ - -2.70 -RCA 1.73 1.58 1.39 1.95 2.55 SYL 3.15 2.80 1.67 RAY 2.09 1.90 2.34 3.50 4.38 3.9B TUNG 4.90 1.31 1.19 SYL 1.45 1.30 1.60 ~ SYL RAY 1.51 1.35 1.23 DUM ...... ..... 300.00 SYL 34.20 31.20 39.10 GE 647.00 ~ AMP 1.60 1.44 1.31 30.25 2B.20 SYL 33.00 RCA 54.45 70.BO RCA 25.30 22.10 19.45 AMP 1.55 1.70 RCA 1610.00 .... RCA 2155.00 RCA 1690.00 ..... ..... ..... MULL 28.70 26.10 23.00 33.75 RCA 61.50 . .... 77.25 2.40 RCA 3.36 2.71 121.6 2.B9 RCA 1.81 .... 12AT7WA':' 2.53 2.13 lSCW5 AMP 1.09 1.43 1.20 AMP 1.08 16AQ3 1.45 1.19 ELEC 35.20 31.35 28.50 16F* - -- ELEC CI6H* 62.00 54.40 49.40 ELEC 52.50 45.BO 41.70 CI6J* RCA C16J/5665 56.90 45.25 ElM KY21A* 26.75 23.50 20.00 KY21A NAT 26.75 23.45 20.05 ElM RX21A* 25.75 23.00 20.00 NAT RX21A 25.75 23.00 19.30 ElM 2B.50 25T* 21.50 ..... RCA 2.63 26A6* 3.70 3.10 RCA 4.99 26A7GT* 7.00 5.B7 RCA 2.45 2:t6 26C6* 3.05 2.70 2.16 RCA 2.45 26D6* 3.05 2.70 GE FG27A 52.00 46.45 41.40 1.51 27GB5 AMP 1.67 2.05 I.B5 GE 3.82 2807 4.95 4.20 EL34(6CA7) AMI' 2.39 2.90 2.62 MULL 2.39 EL34(6CA7)DI 2.90 2.62 MULL EL34MP 5.17 6.86 5.70 .... EL34/6CA7 MP AMP 6.30 5.75 GZ34(SAR4) MULL 1.76 2.10 1.94 -AMP GZ34/5AR4 2.10 1:94~ ElM 33.00 35T* 25.00 EL37(6L6) MULL 2.67 .... 3.24 2.83 MULL 5.37 EL37MP 6.74 5.B9 EF40 MULL 1.72 2.16 I.B9 CE B.50 T40* 8.14 7:14 T140 CE B.13 7.14 10.20 8.95 MULL E55L* 13.25 12.40 10.50 8.63 155 CE 11.50 10.75 9.80 VIC VX55* 24.20 22.00 19.70 17.40 Stock No. Tube Type 6J4 6J4WA 6J6WA* 6Q5G 6SJ7WGT 6SJ7Y* 6SL7WGT 6SN7WGT 6SU7GTY 6V6GTY 6X4W 6X5WGT 7BCP15 7BP7A 7D21 7HG8 7 JPl /7VPl 7TP4* 7VPl 9AB 9C21 9C22 9C25 TD03-10" 10SP4 Mfr. ...... ..... ..... -- ..... ..... ..... -..... ..... ...... . -..... ...... ...... ..... ..... . . ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... . .... ..... ..... ..... ..... . .... . .... . .... ..... -..... - ..... ..... . ..... -..... - 56AVP VR57* VX6B DM70(lM3) 7SC1* E9 75TH* 75TL* EABC80(6AK8) EBF80(6N8) ECFBO(6BL8) E9 E2l E2l E2l ElM ElM MULL MULL MULL EC~lal(6AJB) MULL MULL AMP MULL MULL E2l E2l E4 E3 E4 EMS1(6DA5) EZ81(6CA4) Eza1 FG81A ECCB2(12AU7) MULL MULL AMP GE AMP E2l El E3 EF30(6BX6) , EZSO(6V4) ECC81(12AT7) Ecca1(12AT7jDI AMP VIC VIC MULL MULL E2l E21 E4 E2l E21 E21 E2l F.2l E2l [21 ..... ..... ..... . ~CCn2(12AU7)DI IMULL ECF82(6U8) MULL ECL82(6BM8) MULL ECL82 MP MULL - -UCL82(.50BM8) - - - - - - -IMULL -UCLa2 MP MULL 83* RCA U3 GE Please Specify Department and Tube Type When Ordering -325.00 ------ -. ..... ..... ..... 4.50 10.00 1.00 5.70 4.00 8.00 .B8 4.73 43.00 1.72 1.52 1.93 32.00 32.00 1.50 1.33 1.69 .77 1.53 1.47 1.52 .68 1.30 1.29 1.41 -43.00 -- 3.50 7.75 .BO 4.25 - -3.40 ..... ..... ..... . ... , 1.37 1.21 1.54 - -1.57 - - -1.38 1.35 1.14 1.05 32.50 1.23 2.95 7.50 . .... 1.25 .62 1.20 1.17 1.27 -- 1.07 1.18 .93 .99 .95 .87 28.90 26.10 .97 1.05 . .... ..... -..... ..... 1.11 ..... 1.15 -..... - .B7 .81 . .... .B9 - -1.23 - - -1.0S ---.97 ..... 1.93 1.52 3.48 1.49 3.48 1.89 1.75 1.69 1.33 3.40 1.54 1.21 2.77 ..... ..... ..... 40 3. 1.641 1.60 2.77 1.52 1.45 1.35 1.28 ~I~ - - ALLIED • 85 Special·Purpose Tubes (Cont'd) Dept. E4 E21 E4 E4 E21 E21 E21 E21 E21 E21 E21 E4 E21 E21 E21 E21 E21 E21 E21 E4 E21 E21 E21 E21 E4 E21 E21 E21 E21 E21 E21 E21 E21 E21 E21 E3 E3 E9 E9 EUl3 E4 E3 El2 El9 El9 El9 EX13 El3 El9 EUl3 EX4 EX3 EXI EX3 El6 El6 El6 E21 EZl3 El5 E4 El5 El5 EZI EUl2 EZl2 EUl2 EUl2 EUI2 EZ12 El5 El6 EZ9 EZ9 EZ9 El6 EZ3 EZ2 El5 E9 E9 El2 El3 El5 EZl3 E3 E.1 El2 Stock No. Tube Type EACH 1-4 5-18 19-49 50-Up 1.09 1.00 ---:93 1.28 AMP ECC83P 2AX7! ECC83 12AX7 DI MULL 1.28 1.09 .98 EL84(6BQ5) AMP 1.30 1.05 .93 .86 EL84(6BQ5)MP AMP 2.63 2.35 2.16 2.00 EL84(6BQ5)DI 1.19 1.04 .95 MULL EL84MP 2.70 2.36 ""2.15 MULL EM84(6FG6) 1.61 1.27 1.41 MULL UL84(45B-5) MULL 1.39 1.22 1.11 85AI MULL 2.50 MULL 2.30 2.16 1.85 1.62 85A2* ECC85(6AQa) MULL 1.35 1.18 ~ ECC85(6AQa) 1.35 1,19 1.09 1.01 AMP EF85(6BY7) MULL 1.58 1.38 1.25 ECL86 MULL 1.58 1.38 1.25 EF86(6267) MULL 1.32 1.15 1.05 EL86(6CW5) MULL 1.39 ~ 1:11 EL86MP MULL 3.15 2.76 2.51 UF86 MULL 1.68 1.47 1.34 MULL 4.75 4.50 4.10 3.60 E88CC* ECC88(6DJ8) AMP 1.89 1.65 1.55 ECC88(6DJ8) 1.67 MULL 2.10 ~ EBFa9(6DC8) MULL 1.58 1.38 1.25 EF89(6DA6) MULL 1.48 1.29 1.18 MULL 3.50 3.20 2.87 2.61 90CI* 90NB3/900V AMP 27.00 23.20 20.20 18.00 1.39 EC90(6C4)DI MULL 1.75 --u3 .88 EL90(6AQ5) MULL 1.10 .97 EL90MP 2.60 MULL 2.28 2.07 .66 EZ90(6X4) MULL .83 .73 ECC91(6J6)DI 1.37 MULL' 1.20 1.10 1.29 EF91/6AM6 MULL - u 2 -u2 .82 EF94(6AU6)DI MULL 1.03 .90 EF95 MULL 2.10 1.83 1.66 .90 EL95(6DL5) 1.13 MULL .99 EL95MP MULL 2.60 2.28 2.08 54.00 GE FG97 62.00 59.00 FG98A GE 77.00 72.50 66.00 ElM 23.50 100TH* 17.50 ElM 23.65 17.50 10OTL* ML 186.00 153.00 102A* AXI05/FGI05 AMP 53.33 46.82 43.00 39.80 GE FGI05 59.00 52.50 48.00 FT118 SYL 7.90 7.15 6.32 5.65 NU 23.35 23.35 23.35 22.65 122PI* NU 33.35 33.35 33.35 32.00 123PI* NU 24.65 129PI* 24.65 24.65 24.00 ML 117.00 141* ML 78.50 142* NU 40.00 142PI* 36.60 34.10 ML 162.00 148* 152AVP AMP 130.00 GE FG154 108.00 99.00 RCA 172 122.00 116.00 GE FGI72 122.00 115.50 PEN 50.00 45.40 40.00 175A* PEN .26.20 29.00 177A* PEN 33.50 30.10 177WA* MULL 6.80 6.35 5.60 E180F* ML 370.00 301.00 199* CE 32.45 28.40 24.80 22.72 T200* -58.50 200NB/900V AMP 49.20 45.15 41.95 CE 12.80 10.40 9.20 8.20 203* CE 8.00 206 7.20 6.55 5.75 RCA 207 330.00 280.00 SK-220A-G SYL 140.00 130.00 125.00 120.00 -SK-220Z SYL 315.00 295.00 275.00 255.00 SK-22IA SYL 160.00 150.00 145.00 140.00 145.00 135.00 130.00 125.00 SK-22IB-G SYL SK-222A-G SYL 145.00 135.00 130.00 125.00 SK-222Z SYL 320.00 300.00 280.00 260.00 CE 10.68 249C 9.35 8.50 7.48 PEN 36.00 32.40 28.50 250R* ElM 36.00 27.00 250R* ElM 38.50 29.00 250TH* ElM 38.50 29.00 250TL* ~ PEN 25.00 22.80 20.00 254W* FG280 GE 105.00 98.50 RAY 407.00 QK291* ·CE 39.00 34.00 31.00 27.30 T300* 304TH* ElM 75.00 57.00 -ElM 75.00 57.00 304TL* ' SA309 18.50 16.30 15.25' SYL 20.40 ML 27.00 24.70 322* 323B CE 13.00 11.40 10.35 9_10 675.00 563.00 356* ML' - -- - - 393A GE 13.25 11.50 10.50 404A RCA 9.55 6.79 GB407A 5.90 5.10 4.77 4.21 SYL 86 • ALLIED Mfr. ..... -..... - ...... ..... ..... ..... -..... - ..... ..... -..... ..... -..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... -..... ..... -..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... - ---- -..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... -..... ~~:~ ..... ..... -- -- ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... --- ..... ..... -..... ..... ..... ..... Dept. El2 EZ3 El EZ9 EZ9 EZ2 El E3 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E4 EXI EX3 El E9 El2 no EIO EIO EIO EIO EIO EIO EIO E2 El E2 El El EIO EIO EIO EIO EIO EIO EIO EIO EIO El EXI El El E3 E2 ElO ElO EIO EIO EUI2 EZl2 EU12 EZl2 EU2 EUIO EIO E2 EIO EIO EZ9 EIO E2 EIO E2 EIO EIO El El El EI El E3 El El EI5 El E3 El El El El El El El Stock No. Mfr. Tube Type GB408A SYL 414 GE 41'7A RCA ElM 450TH* ElM .450TL* RAY QK456* 502A RCA 502A GE 512AX RAY 526AX RAY QK531* RAY RAY QK532* 533AX RAY RAY 534AX QK549* RAY Z550M AMP RCA 575A* 575A GE 579B RCA 592/3-200A3* ElM 592/3-20oA3 SYL 604 NAT NAT 604L 606 NAT 606L NAT 615 NAT 616 NAT 619 NAT 623 NAT RAY QK623* RCA· 627 RAY 627 629 RCA RCA 632B NAT 635/7019 635L/7020 NAT NAT 635P/6930 NAT 649/5834 NAT 660 NAT 660L/7786 NAT 660P NAT 664L* NAT 664P* RCA 672A RCA 673 RCA 676 RCA 677 678 GE RAY 710/6011 NAT 710/6011* 710L/7518* NAT NAT 714 716 NAT SYL SYK-720A-G SYK-720Z SYL SYK-722A-G SYL SYK-722Z SYL RAY RK-725A NAT 732 NAT 734/5544 RAY 740 740L NAT NAT 740P ElM 750TL* 760 NAT RAY 760L NAT 760L RAY 760P NAT 760P 770L NAT RCA 801A* RCA 802 RCA 804 RCA B05 RCA 807* GE 807 RCA 809 RCA 810 810* . CE RCA 811A* GE 811A RCA 812A* RCA 813 RCA 814 RCA 815 RCA 816* RCA 828* RCA 8298* EACH 5-18 19-49 50-Up ~ --;4,2i 3.94 3.48 231.00 225.00 7.35 .5.25 85.00 64;50 85.00 64.50 --- - 543.00 2.28 1.94 1.63 2.30 1.97 1.77 1.55 2.90 2.58 2.35· 4.59 4.10 3.74 -~ 62.50 68.00 62.50 3.01 2.69 2.45 3.01 2.69 2.45 68.00 62.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 12.00 20.15 17.60 15.50 20.15 17.60 15.50 20.50 18.00 15.35 46.00 34.50 46.00 34.50 11.80 10.30 9.40 13.00 11.30 10.30 21.40 19.10 17.15 23.50 21.00 19.30 • • 10 •• 10.05 ~ 7.85 7.15 10.35 9.50 8.55 7.75 10.00 9.00 8.00 7.30 13.35 12.00 10.70 9.10 68.00 ...... 31.50 27.70 23.60 31.50 27.00 18.25 14.35 33.00 27.15 23.10 13.00 11.40 10.40 13.50 11.80 10.80 14.15 12.40 11.25 10.20 8.95 8.15 13.00 11.35 10.35 13.50 11.80 10.75 14.15 12.30 11.20 26.00 22.80 20.75 27.30 23.90 21.75 39.85 31.70 20.15 17.60 15.50 63.80 54.25 63.80 54.25 49.50 46.~~ 42.80 39.00 13.00 12.05 10.95 9.65 13.00 12.05 10.95 ~ 15.25 13.38 12.15 10.70 10.00 8.75 7.95 12.50 10.95 9.95 145.00 135.00 130.00 125.00 325.00 305.00 285.00 265.00 150.00 140.00 135.00 130.00 330.00 310.00 290.00 270.00 211.00 120.00 19.90 18.10 22.50 20.80 18.50I 16.56 21.40 18.80 17.10 21.60 18.90 17.20 169.00 143.00 22.40 -28.10 - - -24.70 -- 29.40 26.25 23.95 29.40 25.40 23.00 29.40 26.25 23.95 29.40 26.20 23.90 45.25 40.00 36.40 -13.00 10.70 9.10 13.00 10.70 9.10 27.20 24.60 20.90 22.10 17.00 3.00 2.47 2.10 -2.95 2.50 2.28 2.00 7.95 6.52 5.55 26.95 23.50 20.70 18.00 17.00 15.80 13.90 6.90 6.00 5.45 4.80 - -6.00 - 5.45 6.90 6.90 6.00 5.45 4.80 23.15 20.90 17.80 28.35 21.80 28.35 24.75 21.80 2.95 ~ 2.33 2.05 32.95 25.35 19.00 16.60 1-4 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... -..... ...... ..... . .... ..... ..... . .... ..... ..... . .... ..... ..... ..... ..... -..... - -..... - ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... -...... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... -..... ..... ..... ..... -..... ..... ..... ..... ..... -..... ..... I /109:50 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... -..... ..... ..... ..... ..... --- ..... ..... ..... ..... --- -..... ..... - - -..... ..... ..... ..... 14:60 ..... Please Specify Department and Tube Type When Ordering Special-Purpose Tubes (Cont'd) Dept. E3 El E15 El EZI EZ4 EI El EI E3 El EUI El El E3 E4 El El5 E3 EXI EX4 EXl5 El E3 El5 E4 E15 E15 EZ3 El EZI EZI EZI EZI EZI EZ13 El El El E15 El El El E3 El El El E2 El El E2 E15 El E3 El El El El5 El El ~ El EZ9 EulO E4 E2 E2 EUIO E2 E4 E4 EZIO EllO EllO EIO EIO EIO EIO EZIO E12 E12 E12 El2 E12 El2 El2 E12 El8 Stock No. Tube Type 829B 830B 830B 832A B33A* 833A 834 836 837 838 845* 857B* 860 866A* 866A 866AX 868 868* 868/PJ23 869B 869BL 869B/8 W 872A* 872A 872A 872AX 873 875A 8BO 884 889A 891 891R 892* 892R 892R 917 918* 919 919* 921 922* 923* 923 925* 926* 927* 927 928* 929* 929 929* 930* 930 931A* 931VA 934* 934* 935 955 959 991 1000T* I009A XP1010 1020 1021 1022A 1026 ·ZM1030* ZM1032* 1051A* 1051AP 1052A* 1061* 1061P 10!.2 1062P 1063 Rllll R11308 R1131C R1l68 GB-1219/5670 GB-1220 /5654 1222A 1229 1236C Mfr. GE RCA CE RCA RCA AMP RCA RCA RCA GE RCA RCA RCA RCA GE AMP RCA CE GE RCA AMP CE RCA GE CE AMP CE CE GE RCA RCA RCA RCA RCA RCA ML RCA RCA RCA CE RCA RCA RCA GE RCA RCA ,RCA RAY RCA RCA RAY CE RCA GE RCA RCA RCA CE RCA RCA RCA RCA ElM NAT AMP RAY RAY NAT RAY AMP AMP NAT NAT NAT NAT NAT NAT NAT NAT SYL SYL SYL SYL SYL SYL SYL SYL THER EACH 5-18 19-49 50-Up 16.60 14.60 13.35 17.35 11.90 11.00 10.00 15.90 13.90 12.20 53.65 48.50 '41.25 -""""53:65 48.55 --41.25 16.35 21.25 11.10 9.10 7.75 9.00 10.30 8.20 7.20 20.00 17.50 14.00 -- - -- - - -19.20 25.00 218.50 187.00 37.00 48.10 2.65 2.18 1.85 2.65 2.32 -2.12 - -1.85 2.65 ~ 2.10 1.85 4.45 3.87 3.52 3.10 3.24 3.75 2.96 2.60 4.50 3.88 3.53 3.10 138.00 118.00 - - - - - - - -, 138.00 118.00 168.50 147.00 144.00 9.90 8.45 6.95 8.45 6.95 9.90 7.25 8.50 -9.90 - -- 8.20 - - -6.60 - -5.80 6.95 18.31 16.00 14.60 12.87 22.26 19.50 17.75 15.58 595.00 527.00 2.28 1.97 1.84 1.63 235.00 200.00 275.00 240.00 , 430.00 380.00 270.00 235.00 425.00 375.00 --- -- 425.00 375.00 7.00 6.10 5.55 4.90 4.45 3.87 3.52 3.10 7.15 6.25 5.67 5.00 3.85 4.50 -2.78 - 2.45 3.50 3.05 2.68 2.44 2.15 3.10 2.93 3.40 2.67 2.35 2.94 2.66 2.35 3.40 3.14 3.65 2.94 2.55 3.22 """"3.75 3.00 2.60 4.25 3.68 3.35 2.95 3.25 3.75 2.96 2.60 5.25 6.00 4.78 4.20 2.35 2.06 1.87 1.65 - - -- - - 2.15 1.88 1.50 1.71 2.13 2.00 1.76 3.65 3.18 2.90 2.55 3.65 3.19 2.90 2.55 10.80 12.40 9.85 8.65 --13.00 ~ 10.03 9.10 4.15 3.57 3.33 2.90 4.15 3.57 3.30 10.40 11.90 9.40 8.30 6.30 5.70 5.02 7.05 --13.85 - - -11.25 -.80 .75 .62 .87 169.00 143.00 155.00 ----76.00 - - -10.52 11.86 9.65 11.86 10.52 9.65 116.00 4.34 3.88 3.52 9.95 9.95 9.95 S.OO 9.95 9.95 9.95 8.00 65.00 65.00 99.00 65.00 -65.00 99.00 99.00 284.00 .12.70 -19.00 ----20.80 16.70 15.60 19.60 17.91 15.70 14.75 24.50 22.40 19.60 18.90 3.70 3.28 2.99 2.63 3.05 2.70 2.46 2.16 --- - -- 2.45 2.13 1.94 5.35 4.75 4.32 12.00 9.60 8.40 '1IIl'" 1·4 -19.00 - ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... . ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... -..... ...... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... -- ..... -..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... -..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... -...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... .... ..... ...... .... ..... ..... Dept. E12 E14 E21 El El El El El El EI EI El El El El El El El El EZI EZI El E3 E2 E3 E2 EZ4 EZI EZI EZI EZI E12 EZ12 EZ12 EZ12 EZl2 E12 EZI El El El EZI EZI El El El EZI El El El El EZI El Ell EZI El EZ3 E15 E2 EZ3 EZl3 EZl2 EZl3 EZ13 EZ13 E3 E4 EZ3 El E3 EIO El E3 E3 EZI EZ3 EZI EZ3 EZ3 E3 El E3 El5 EIO El E2 E3 El Please Specify Department and Tube Type When Ordering Stock No. EACH Mfr. Tube Type 1-4 5-18 19-49 50-Up --2.00 GB-1252/6U8A SYL 1.79 1.63 31.80 1258 22.70 TUNG ME1400* 6.70 6.20 5.78 5.10 MULL 5.77 5.00 4.66 4.12 1612 RCA 3.00 2.65 1613 2.40 2.12 RCA 4.93 4.25 3:9s ~ 1614 RCA 13.90 12.10 11.00 9.70 1616 RCA 5.67 1619 7.90 4.57 4.05 RCA 7.55 6.51 6.10 5.39 1620 RCA 3.50 1621* 3.00 2.80 2.48 RCA 4.85 4.19 3.90 3.46 1622* RCA 6.25 5.42 4.93 4.35 1624 RCA 4.75 4.10 3.75 3.30 1625* RCA 1.86 1.62 1.51 1.33 1629 RCA 3.82 3.30 3.08 2.73 1635 RCA 1699* RCA Price and delivery data on request 1947 18.30 14.05 RCA 1949 15.20 11.70 RCA 2.84 2.50 2022 3.60 3.12 RCA 2041* RCA 7825.00 ------2048A 720.00 RCA 1.91 1.69 2050 2.37 2.04 RCA 1.83 2050 2.40 2.02 1.61 GE 1.80 1.58 2050A 2.21 1.98 RAY 2.2,5 1.79 1.58 2050A 1.98 GE - -7.50 -- 2050W 6.70 ~ 5.35 RAY ZB3200 AMP 440.00 402.00 372.00 4009 RCA 1755.00 4011 A RCA 1585.00 4012 RCA 1425.00 - - -- 4013 RCA 1425.00 CT4251 SYL 11.10 10.00 SYT4260 SYL 1065.00 SYT4268 SYL 1065.00 'SYT4273 SYL 1250.00 --- - -- SYT4278 1250.00 SYL R4307 4.48 4.00 SYL 5.60 5.10 4401-VI RCA 1320.00 1.82 1.60 4402 2.30 2.00 RCA 1.47 1.20 4403* 1.75 1.57 RCA 1.44 1.27 4408* RCA 1.85 1.58 4415* RCA 1400.00 4416* RCA 1400.00 5.05 4.45 4420* RCA 6.40 5.55 1.44 1.27 4423* 1.58 RCA 1.80 -1.50 1.32 4425* RCA 1.90 1.65 4427 585.00 RCA 4438 RCA 105.00 82.50 4439 RCA 105.00 82.50 4440 RCA 105.00 82.50 -1.15 4448 1.65 RCA 1.44 ---u-i 4600A* RCA 330.00 280.00 4604 5.60 RCA 8.00 7.00 4605V2* RCA 8845.00 4614 RCA 310.00 265.00 ------'75.00 58.00 4615 RCA 5513 GE 525.00 9.50 8.33 5514* CE 11.90 10.40 5517 3.36 3.06 ', RAY 3.80 5518 GE 1060.00 13sil.Oo 294.00 5530 ML 5530 350.00 294.00 SYL 5530H* 350.00 294.00 ML 5531* 660.00 ML 5541* 560.00 470.00 ML ------ 5544 GE 32.50 5545 AMP 29.30 25.00 23.10 5549 GE 653.50 5550 RCA 49.00 5550* GE 49.00 46.50 --- - 5550 NAT 49.00 5551A RCA 65.00 , 5551A* GE 65.00 61.30 5551AjPC GE 65.00 61.30 5552A RCA 99.00 !99:00 5552A* GE 93.75 5553B RCA 245.00 5553B* GE 245.00 231.00 5555 GE 316.00 300.00 5556jPJ8 GE 39.00 36.60 33.40 ----5557 RCA 6.65 9.50 .7.80 7.55 6.65 5557/FG17 GE 9.50 8.30 5557/FGI7* CE 9.50 8.30 7.55 6.65 NAT 7.55 6.65 5557/715 9.50 8.30 5558 RCA 17.50 - 17.50 - - -15.30 -5558/FG32 RAY 13.95 5558/FG32 GE 17.50 15.30 13.95 5559 RCA 23.00 ..... ...... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ...... ..... ..... ...... . .... -...... . .... . .... ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... -- ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... -..... .... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ---...... ..... ..... ...... .... ..... ..... -..... ..... .... ...... -..... - -...... ...... ..... ..... ..... ALLIED • 87 Special-Purpose Tubes (Cont'd) Stock No. Mfr. , Dept. Tube Type 5559/FG57 GE E3 5560 El RCA E3 5560/FG95 GE 5561 EI RCA 5563A Ell RCA EZ3 5564 GE EZ13 5575/100* ML Ell 3 5576/200* ML El 5581 RCA El 5582 RCA El 5583* RCA El5 5583* CE El 5584 RCA EZI 5592 RCA El3 5593 GE EZ13 5604* ML EZ13 5606* ML El 5618* RCA E3 5623 GE EZ3 5630 GE E3 GE 5632/C3J El5 5632/C3J* CE El 5636* RCA E3 5636* GE El 5639* RCA E2 5639 RAY El2 5641 SYL El 5642* RCA El 5651* RCA E3 5651 GE El 5651WA* RCA El 5653 RCA E2 5653 RAY 1:1 5654* RCA E2 5654 RAY El 5654/6AK5W* RCA E3 5654/6AK5W GE El 5654/6AK5W/6096 RCA EZ12 5658 SYL E3 5663 GE EIO 5665/CI6J NAT 5666 El12 SYL EZ13 5667* ML Ell 3 5668* ML El 5670* RCA 5670* GE E3 El 5670WA* RCA EZI 5671 RCA E2 5672 RAY EZ3 5674 GE El 5675 RCA E2 5676 RAY 5678 E2 RAY E2 5684/C3J/A RAY EIO NAT 5684/C3JA E2 5684-NE RAY EIO 5684-NE NAT E2 5684A-NE RAY EIO 5684A-NE NAT E2 5685jC6JK , RAY GE E3 5686* El 5686* RCA RCA El 5687* E3 5687 GE GE E3 5687WA 5687WA EI4 TUNG El 5691* RCA E2 5691 RAY RCA El 5692* 5692 E2 RAY El 5693* RCA E3 5693 GE El 5696 RCA 5702 E2 RAY E2 5702WA RAY 5703 E2 RAY E2 5703WA RAY EZI 5713 RCA E3 5718* GE El 5718* RCA El 5719* RCA E3 GE 5719* EU2 5721* RAY El2 5722 SYL El 5725 RCA E2 5725/6AS6W RAY E3 5725/6AS6W GE El 5726* RCA ~ '81:1 • ALLIED EACH 1·4 5·18 19·49 50.Up 23.00 21:60 20.25 33.00 27.20 23.10 33.00 28.80 26.20 23.10 59.00 50.00 42.50 37.40 850.00 250.00 235.00 280.00 266.00 3.45 3.00 2.73 2.40 5.40 4.76 4.45 3.75 4.22 4.80 3.94 3.35 4.90 4.24 3.86 3.40 7.15 5.80 5.38 5.00 1615.00 310.00 600.00 495.00 305.00 247.00 6.75 6.00 5.45 4.81 30.00 1900.00 13.80 12.05 10.73 13.80 12.05 1,0.95 9.65 6.10 5.10 4.35 6.10 5.15 4.68 4.13 5.25 4.40 3.74 ,5.22 4.23 3.73 7.55 6.75 6.15 5.39 3.85 1.78 1.49 1.27 1.78 1.38 1.21 ~ 3.80 3.17 2.69 2.25 2.09 1.94 1.55 2.25 1.94 1.76 1.55 2.41 2.02 1.72 , 2.41 2.08 1.97 1.72 2.45 2.02 1.72 2.45 2.04 1.86 1.63 3.63 4.35 3.09 630.00 2.10 1.79 1.63 1.43 52.50 46.00 41.80 295.00 390.00 315.00 350.00 281.00 2.45 2.06 1.75 .\ ~ --..s9 ---u6 2.48' 3.00 2.11 1760.00 2.27 2.03 1.84 225.00 16.05 ~ ~ 3.05 2.68 2.44 2.27 2.03 1.84 14.50 12.10 11.00 14.50 12.70 11.25 16.45 14.95 13.15 16.70 15.30 14.00 12.30 16.70 15.30 14.00 12.30 16.40 14.90 13.15 17.90 24.40 22.60 28.30 3.40 2.88 2.62 3.37 2.84 2.41 4.05 3.48 2.8~ 4.00 3.40 3.10 2.72 6.13 4.80 4.38 3.84 5.65 5.03 4.58 4.03 8.75 7.55 7.05 6.23 8.75 7.80 7.05 6.23 8.25 7.12 6.64 5.88 8.25 7.35 6.67 5.88 - -6.60 5.70 5.31 4.70 6.60 5.60 5.10 4.47 2.05 1.74 1.63 1.44 4.20 3.73 3.40 6.48 5.80 5.25 2.65 2.37 2.06 7.07 6.30 5.75 340.00 290.00 3.65 2.78 2.45 3.06 3.65 , 3.02 2.58 3.15 2.65 2.25 3.15 2.65 2.41 2.12 116.00 6.60 5.90 5.35 3.15 2.65 2.23 -3.11 2.78 2.53 2.22 3.15 2.65 2.41 2.12 1.55 1.29 1.10 ..... ...... ..... ..... -...... ..... .... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... -..... -- ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... -..... ..... ...... ..... '"4:66 ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... -...... ..... ..... ...... .... ..... , ..... ..... ... ----us ..... ..... ..... ..... -- ..... ..... ..... '17.90 ~ ..... ..... -..... ..... ..... ..... ..... -..... ..... ..... ..... ..... Dept. El E3 El El E3 El EU3 EU13 El E3 El E3 El E3 El E2 EUI Ell El E3 El2 EZI EU3 EUI El5 El E3 El El EZI EU3 EZ3 El E3 El E2 El E3 E20 E2 E4 El E3 El2 E4 El EU3 E4 E4 EZ4 E4 E4 El El E3 E2 E3 E14 El4 E2 E2 El5 E4 E3 El2 El E3 El2 El E3 El2 El E2 El2 El2 El2 EZI E2 El E3 El El E3 E3 E2 El2 EU3 E2 Stock No. EACH Mfr. Tube T.ype 5.18 19·49 50.Up 1·4 5726/6AL5 W, RCA 1.55 ~ ~ 5726/6AL5 W, GE 1.55 1.33 1.19 1.05 5727* RCA 2.90 2.40 2.04 5727/2021 W* RCA 2.90 2.40 2.04 5727/2021 W* GE 2.90 2.21 22.05' ~ 5734* RCA 19.04 17.59 ~ 15.73 5736 GE 205.00 166.00 5736* ML 190.00 5749* RCA 2.20 1.85 1.57 5749/6BA6W GE 2.20 1.90 1.70 1.49 -,5750* RCA _3.45 2.87 2.44 5750/6BE6W GE '3.45 2.90 2.64 2.32 5751* RCA 2.55 2.13 1.81 5751* GE 2.55 2.15 1.96 1.72 5751 WA* RCA 2.95 2.47 2.10 -5755 RAY 8.45 ~ 6.85 5762/7C24* RCA 230.00 205.00 5762A* RCA 230.00 205.00 5763* RCA 2.53 2.13 1.81 5763 2.55 GE 2.15 1.96 1.72 5768 31.15 SYL 5770 RCA 1250.00 5779 GE 200.00 5786 RCA 220.00 190.00 5796 16.90 14.40 13.10 11.45 CE 5814A* RCA 2.35 1.98 """1.68 GE 2.34 5814A* 1.99 1.81 1.59 RCA 5814WA* 2.40 1.98 1.68 5819 RCA 56.50 51.00 43.45 5820A* RCA 1070.00 5820A* GE 1070.00 5822A GE 116.00 ,1.54 5823 RCA 1.72 1.40 1.23 5824 GE 3.60 3.05 2.78 2.44 5825 RCA 22.90 20.00 17.60 5837 RAY 69.00 5840* RCA 5.35 4.45 3.79 GE 5.35 5840* 4.50 4.10 3.60 5841 VIC 7.35 6.50 5.60 4.75 5842 RAY 7.40 6.25 5.28 -5842 AMP 7.45 5.30 6.25 5842/417A RCA 7.35 5.25 5844 GE 2.30 1.93 1.75 1.54 5845 9.95 8.90 SYL 8.10 5847 AMP 9.65 8.10 6.90 -9.55 5847/404A* RCA 6.79 5855 GE 85.00 5866A AMP 23.30 21.40 19.50 5867A AMP 32.45 30.00 28.00 25.95 5868 AMP 60.00 55.75 52.00 48.00 --5869 AMP 25.00 23.10 21.25 20.00 5870 AMP 100.00 93.00 86.50 80.00 5876 RCA 10.25 8.97 8.15 7.17 RCA 5876A 23.10 19.40 16.50 5879 GE 1.85 1.65 1.52 RAY 1:95 ~ IA7 5879 GE 5881 3.50 2.62 2.38 2.09 5881 TUNG 3.50 2.98 2.50 2.20 5881 MP TUNG 7.85 6.75 5.55 RAY 5.00 5886 4.42 4.02 5889 RAY 14.66 13.10 11.90 5892/6B CE 13.00 11.40 10.35 9.10 5894 AMP 25.00 23.20 21.80 19.00 5896 GE 3.75 3.19 2.90 2.55 4.15 3.68 3.35 2.95 5896A SYL RCA 5.55 4.62 5899* 3.93 GE 5.50 4.66 5899 4.24 3.73 5899A SYL 6.05 5.40 4.92 4.32 5902* RCA 4.80 4.00 3.41 5902 GE 4.80 4.04 3.68 3.24 I 4.26 5.25 4.69 5902A SYL 3.75 RCA 5915 1.62 1.40 1.31 1.16 5915 RAY 1.65 1.45 1.31 1.16 GB-5931 6.80 6.05 5.50 SYL 11.30 GB-5932 SYL 10.10 9.20 -12.35 11.10 10.00 GB-5933 SYL RCA 125.00 105.00 5946* 5962 RAY 9.95 8.85 8.05 RCA 1.36 1.14 5963 .97 5963 GE 1.50 1.24 .99 -- 1.13 ,1.33 RCA 1.55 5964 1.24 1.10 5965 RCA 1.92 1.61 1.37 1.61' 5965* GE 1.90 1.47 1.29 GE 1.90 1.61 1.47 , 1.29 5965A* RAY 1.90 1.70 1.55 1.36 5965A 42.00 5966 SYL 36.60 33.40 5973 GE 495.00 5976* 66.00 62.50 RAY· 68.00 ..... ..... ...... .... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ...... - -..... ...... -..... ...... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... r=-:-=-:-: ...... .... ...... ..... ..... ....... -..... - ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ---- ..... r=-:-=-:-: ..... ..... -..... - - - -..... - ..... ...... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... - -- ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... Please Specify Department and Tube Type When Ordering Special-Purpose Tubes (Cont'd) Stock No. EACH =D-ep-'t-."'--"-"""T=-u"7b"-e'-=T"'y-pe---1 Mfr. 1-4 5-18 19-49 50-Up E14· 5998 TUNG 12.95 ~. 10.50 9.24 .E3 5998A GE 12.95 11.00 10.00 8.78 El 6005 RCA 3.93 3.30 2.81 E3 6005* GE 3.95 3.33 3.03 2.67 ;:::E4,--_----6-;co~0:-:7:_:::=--I~A:'::M""P- 1.25 1.17 1.12 E3 6011/710 GE 13.00 12.10 10.95 9.65 El 6012 RCA 7.65 6.63 6.28 5.46 EI 6014 RCA 13.10 ••••. ••••• • •.•• E2 6014/C1K RAY 13.10 11.30 10.30 ;:,EI;-:5'--1---6~0::1:-:4;.:./;::Cc:.l:.:K-*-I;;C:;::E-.-- 13.10 11.30 10.30 9.03 EI 6021* RCA 3.50~ 2.50 ••••• E3 6021 GE 3.50 2.98 2.71 2.38 E3 6046* GE 1.55 1.33 1.20 1.05 El 6072 RCA 3.90 3.26 2.77 ••••• :;E3:-_I-----:-6~07:::2~Ac=_*---I~G"'EC:_-I-_:3"-.9o_,0=_ 3.50 3.20 ••••• El 6073* RCA 3.00 ~ 2.34 2.06 El 6073/0A2 RCA 3.35 2.88 2.68 2.37 EI 6074* RCA 3.45 2.94 2.67 2.35 El 6074/0B2 RCA 3.70 3.19 2.97 2.63 EZ4 6076 AMP 305.00 •.••.• "E'l-·I----:;60=-8::c00,;*;:----I,R"'C"'A- --5-.3-3- --4-.4-7- --3-.8-1-.-.-.-• • El 6080WA RCA 10.80 9.63 8.75 7.71 E2 '6080WA* RAY 10.80 9.65 8.75 7.70 E2 6080WB* RAY 29.78 26.80 24.10 •••.• ~El;;_-I--_;:-;::;;60=8::;;2;.;*===I~R:;:;C:-:A:.... 5.60 4.95 4.51 3.99 E3 6087/5Y3WGTB GE -s:75 ---:4,'84 4.42 3.88 E2 6088 RAY 2.75 2.46 2.24 1.97 E3 6100* GE 2.50 2.12 1.92 1.69 EI 6101* RCA 5.35 4.60 4.30 3.80 ;:::El;;-_I----76-:-11~I;-,*,._-- RCA 3.70 3.09 2.63 ..•••. E3 6111* ~'""""'3.70~ 2.84 2.50 El 6112 RCA 4.15 3.45 2.93 •••• E3 6112* GE 4.10 3.48 3.16 2.78 El 6130/3C45 RCA 17.80 •••••• • •••••.••••• EI 6136* RCA 2.70 2.25 1.91 .•.••• ;;:E3;---I---~6:-:13"'6;-:;*:---....,.I;G"E,-- ~~ 2.06 1.81 EI 6146 RCA 4.35 3.58 3.05 E3 6146 GE 4.35 3.63 3.30 2.90 EI2 6146A SYL 4.35 3.80 3.46 3.05 ""EI;--J____6~1.4~6c.;A"'*-;;;;:=:_I~R:;:;C,.A:.... 4.35 3.58 3.05 ••.•.. El 6146W/7212 RCA --US---s:52 4 . 7 0 - EI 6155/4-125A RCA 36.00 27.00 •••••••..••• El 6159 RCA 4.80 3.94 3.35 ..•••• EI 6159W/7357 RCA 6.90 5.64 4.80 .••••• ;:~;:;;~;--'I----7:=-::~!-:-*:----.I,~"'~"'A-I=!!;:::~=-:=~~=- _.-1.1-~-:0-.~__~ ~_~_:O_.~ _::_:_::_: EZI EI EZI EI EI El EI El E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 6166A/7007* 6173 6181 6186/6AG5WA* 6189/12AU7WA* 6197 6199 6201 * 6201 * 6202' 6203 6205 6206 RCA 1020.00 865.00 RCA 15.05 13.40 12.20 10.74 RCA -1110.00 3.34 3.11 2.75 RCA 3.85 2.62 •••••• 3.08 RCA 3.70 RCA 2.48 2.01 1.77 2.21' RCA 47.30 42.75 36.40 ••..• RCA 2.95 2.47 2.10 GE 2.95 2.28 2.00 2.50 ~2:i5~ 2.20~ GE 4.10 3.46 3.14 2.77 GE 5.35 4.52 4.12 3.62 GE 7.25 6.15 5.58 4.91 ;:;:~;--I----676:::,~:-:~:-:*:----I:~:::~:-A- --:-:~-:- --~-:~-:---~-::-~ -'-;-:;-~ E3 6211A* GE 2.35 1.78 1.63 1.43 E3 6216 GE 3.47 3.40 3.10 2.72 E2 6216 RAY 3.96 3.53 3.22 2.83 EZI 6217 RCA 72.00 55.00 ;:;;--.1---":"'---·1=,-- - - - - - - - - - - E3 6222 GE 7.35 6.25 5.70 ••••• EZ3 6228 GE 3696.25 • • • • • • • • •• • •••• EZ3 6251 GE 2400.00 ••••• E4 6252 AMP 25.00 23.08 21.10 19.00 ;;E;-I_'I-__76::,26:o:3:.:A:-.--.1:R:;:C",A- _2_1_.5_0_ 18.00 _1_5_.3_4 _._._ .•_. EI 6264A RCA 21.50 18.00 15.34 ••••• E3 6265* GE 4.10 3.46 3.15 2.77 ~1 6267/EF86 AMP 1.38 1.15 1.06 .98 6268 AMP 32.50 • • . • • • • • •. • •••• El5 6278/C5F14 CE 40.90 37.80 33.15 ••••• ;;E4;--I---...:6c:2=7='9c.::.:;.:..::..:.....I-:A7M:;:P:-I--:4-;;5-=.0:=-0 -.-.-• •-.-. -.-.-.-• • -.-.••-. EZ3 6283 GE 500.00 E6 6291 DUM 55.00 46.75 46.75 E6 6292 DUM 55.00 El 6293 RCA 5.95 4.87 4.15 ••••• E;::3;;--I----o-62"'9~9:----I"G:-::E:-- -5-6-.0-0- --.-.-.-• •- -.-.-.-• . -.-.•.-. E20 6306 VIC 11.30 10.00 8.65 7.35 EZ 1 6326* RCA 515.00 440.00 •.•••••••• EI 6328 RCA 12.65 11.05 10.05 8.85 EZ4 6333 AMP 345.00 275.00 ••••• 13.60--EI ' 6336A* RCA 19.04 E2 6336A* RAY \9.00 13.60 •..•• EI 6342A* RCA 57.20 44.00 •... , ••.•• =--,-.-_S"'t"'oc=-k"'N"-o"'·,.-----1 Mfr. 1-~,...,.,,.-o-:E:.:-A::C::;H7:::-:-:;,,,,,,,,,=,,"" ~D",ePc.:t:.. 1---T:..:;u;cb~e;.;T(-y!::.pe=---I;~-I--;;;I;_-4~ ~ 19-49 50-Up E3 6346 GE 70.00 El 6350 RCA 1.85 1.65 1.50 1.32 E3 6350 GE 2.35 1.82 1.60 2.00 E4 6360 AMP 5.15 4.78 4.28 4.00 E4 6360A* AMP 5.85 5.18 4.85 4.55 EU6 , 6362 DUM 125.00 100.00 -::-:-:-:-:-:::: EZ6 6363 DUM 115.00 105.00 ••••• E3 6386 GE 7.40 6.25 5.70 5.01 El 6386* RCA 7.38 6.20 5.27 ••••• .~E2;;_-I.---76379;.:7=---I;R:;-;A;::.Y-I-;8;.:.730~ 7.40 6.75 ••••• E3 6414* GE 3.65 ~ 2.82 2.48 El 6417* RCA 3.04 2.60 2.43 2.17 E2 6418 RAY 3.05 2.68 2.44 2.15 El3 6442* ML 39.25 •• • •• ••••• • •••• EZI 6448 RCA 5675.00 ••••• =-E3:;.:.--I·----:-64-:-6c:-:3"'*,.----I,G"'E:--F-"'I'"."'9=-'0 --1-.5-8- --1-.4-3 -1-.2-6 E4 6463 AMP 2.95 2.53 2.18 1.90 E6 6467 DUM 55.00 46.75 El2 6476A SYL. 14.95 12.56 11.42 El5 6478 CE 15.80 14.70 13.65 11.98 El2 6481 SYL 30.25 ~ ••••••.••• El2 6483 SYL 3.09 •...• El5 6484/3C CE 11.80 10.32 9.40 8.26 E2 6485 RAY 2.05 1.87 1.69 ••••• El2 6503 SYL 60.50 E2 6519 RAY 5:iiO~ 4.06-:-:::: ·EZI 6521 RCA 700.00 ••••• El 6524 RCA 17.90 16.15 13.75 E2 6528* RAY 21.55 19.00 17.40 15.37 E2 6533 RAY 13.25 11.75 10.80 EZ13 6544* ML 960.00 •••.• -:-:::: El6 6549* PEN 29.00 26.20 23.00 ..... El 6550* RCA 4.59 3.85 3.28 El4 6550 TUNG 4.30 3.82 3.39 3.05 ~El;.:.4'-.I---6~5~5;C;0:-;M;;;;;P=;-IT~,;;U:-:N-=-G _9_.2_5___8_.2_5_ 7.52 _ _ El 6562/5794A RCA 8.15 7.10 ".47 5.70 El6 6569* PEN 37.50 34.05 30.00 .... . El 6571 RCA 77.95 59.95 ..... • .. .. EI6 6580* PEN 45.00 41.00 36.00 •..•• El 6626/0A2WA* RCA 4.45 3.84 3.58 3.17 E2 6627/0B2WA RAY 2.35~~ .... . El 6655A RCA 54.35 41.80 . . . . . . . . .. El 6661/6BH6 RCA 1.34 1.13 .96 ... .. El 6663/6AL5 RCA .92 .78 .66 ••••• El 6677/6CL6 RCA 1.85 1.55 1.32 El 6678/6U8A RCA ~~""""1.16-:-:::: E3 6678/6U8A GE 1.62 1.40 1.24 1.10 El 6679/12AT7 RCA 1.50 1.26 1.07 ..... El 6680/12AU7A RCA 1.221.02 .87 ~E37__I.---766~8=:8;.:A;-*---I,Gc:;E7;o_ 8.75 7.40 6.75 5.92 E4 6688A AMP 6Ji6 ~ 6.02 5.66 E4 6693 AMP 25.00 21.80 18.50 .... . ,El 6694A* RCA 13.20 11.95 10.15 .... . EZ13 6697 ML 1400.001155.00 E3 6771 GE 71.90 65.00 59.70 El2 6802 SYL 15.70 14.00 12.70 ..... EZI 6806 RCA 6975.00 ..... • .... E3 6807 GE 29.30 27.20 25.60 .... . E3 6808 GE 30.50 28.70 27.00 .... . E3 6809 GE 31.00 29.50 27.25 .... . =EZ::cl:--·I----6.:.81-0-A---·I~R-:C:-A- -22-5-.0-0- -1-9-0-.0-0- -.-...-. -.-.-.-. . E2 6814 RAY 5.01 4.48 4.07 3.58 E3 6814 GE 5.05 4.26 3.86 3.41 El 6816 RCA 52.00 39.90 :;.E3:-:"-_I-_ _...:6c:8.=2:;.9--_FG:::E:-- _6_.1_0_ _ _ 5._15 ___4_.6_8 _4_.1_2 El9 6842 NU 14.70 14.70 14.35 14:00 E20 6842 VIC 14.00 13.00 12.00 11.00 EZ3 6848 GE 1740.00 H 6850 RCA 17.90 16.15 13.75 ..... =-E3_ _ I.---6c:.85c:.8:.:./.:.7.:,6.:.0-_I-G:"E,-_1-,2::c8::.:•.::.IO:"I--=2:..:5.:c'0:..:0:" 22.00 E3 6859/760P GE 29.80 27.40 24.2s EZI 6866 RCA 1280.00 ..... El 6883* RCA 4.45 3.65 3.10 ..... El 6884* RCA 60.00 45.00 El 6887 RCA 1.25 1.11 1.01 .89 :::EX-:-:1,.....·I---6-:-8-9,..4----I~R-:C,..A- -2-5-.0-0- --2-1-.0-0- -1-8-.5-0 -'-'-00-' E10 6895 NAT 25.00 22.60 21.00 18.50 El5 6895/673 CE 19.50 17.10 15.55 13.65 E3 6897 GE 32.15 29.20 27.40 El5 6901* CE 13.00 11.35 10.35 9.10 :::E3:---I----:6-9"'07::---- I"G=-=E:--+""'2"'5.""0-=-0 -----:-:-:-:-: -'-'-00-' E4 6907 AMP 25.00 23.20 21.10 19.00 EZ13 6908 ML 740.00 E2 6909 RAY 11.43 E2 6910 RAY 13.37 ..... .. . . . . . . . . cc I I :::EU 6:-- ----:-69"'1::-:1:----- :D:':'U:-:-M.,-I::-: ••-. -.-...-. 11"'0,...0-:'0,.. --9-5-.0-0- -.-.EZI 6914 RCA 140.00 107.00 EZI 6914A RCA 150.00 126.00 Please Specify Departme"t and Tube Type When Ordering ALLIED· 89 Special.Purpose Tubes (Cont'd) Dept. E3 EI E2 E4 E4 EUI EI E2 EZ3 Ell EZI EI EU4 E4 E14 EI5 EIO EIO EZ3 EZI3 E21 EZI E4 EI E9 E4 E9 E3 EZI EI E3 EI El El El El EI E3 E4 E3 EI EZI El E4 E4 EI2 EZ3 EI2 El E3 E3 E4 E21 E21 EZI EZI E4 El E9 E4 EI Ell EZI E3 EI9 EI9 E3 E21 Ell3 Ell eli E3 E3 E9 El3 eli Ell E3 E4 E4 EI5 EUI2 EZI EI El E15 E3 EZI Stock No. Tube Type 6919 6922* 6922 6922M 6922/E88CC 6929 6939 6939 6942 6950/2039* 6952* 6957 6960 6977 6977 6988/C6JL 6989/C6J/KL 6989-NE 7007 7007* 7025 7029 7034W 7034/4X150A* 7034/4X150A* 7035W 7035/4XI50D* 7036* 7038* 7043* 7044* 7054 7055 7056 7059 7060 7061 7061 7062 7077 7094* 7102* 7117 7119 7136 GB-7137 7151* 7155 7163* 7167 7171 7189 7189 7189MP 7198 , 7200 7203W 7203/4CX250B* 7203/4CX250B* 7204W 7204/4CX250F* 7213* 7214* 7233 7234* 7235* 7239* 7247 7248* 7262A* 7263A 7266 7289 7289/3CX100A5* 7293* 7293A* 7295B* -7296 7308 7316 7319/C1KB 7325 7326 7358* 7360* 7363 7370 7389A .. 90. ALLIED EACH 5·18 19·49 50.Up 1·4 1.35 - W 1.03 GE .90 4.87 4.35 3.95 3.48 RCA 4.75 4.50 4.10 3.60 RAY 4.60 4.26 AMP 5.25 4.75 4.40 4.10 3.60 AMP RCA 130.00 111.00 RCA 11.90 10.60 9.65 8.50 10.60 9.65 8.50 RAY 12.00 GE 875.00 RCA 39,490.00 --RCA 7690.00 RCA 3.20 2.81 2.55 2.25 AMP 150.00 138.00 AMP 2.50 2.32 2.15 2.00 TUNG 2.50 2.32 2.15 2.00 CE 20.45 -v:9o 16.30 NAT 29.45 25.80 23.40 NAT 31.00 28.20 24.90 33.90 GE 1020.00 865.00 ML . 1020.00 MULL 1.35 1.18 1.07 RCA 605.00 515.00 AMP 18.75 ..... 25.00 RCA 25.00 19.25 ElM 25.00 18.50 ~ AMP 27.90 , 21.00 ElM 27.90 24.70 21.00 GE 1.50 1.27 1.15 1.01 RCA 205.00 175.00 RCA 4.40 3.Bl 3.46 3.05 GE 3.20 2.72 2A7 2.17 RCA 1.54 1.33 1.24 1.10 .71 RCA 1.00 .80 .86 .86 .76 RCA 1.06 .95 RCA 1.72 1.48 1.39 1.23 RCA 1.95 1.70 1.55 1.36 RCA 1.29 .92 1.15 1.05 GE .B7 1.30 1.09 .99 AMP 2.10 1.99 1.80 1.69 GE ,28.75 26.50 25.00 -RCA 32.25 29.20 24.80 RCA 110.00 82.50 RCA 12.65 11.05 10.05 B.85 AMP 2.95 2.63 2.39 2.10 AMP 25.00 18.50 -SYL ~ ---c;:To GE 750.00 SYL 13;37 RCA 1.65 1.44 1.31 1.15 GE .96 1.50. 1.20 ~ GE 81.50 AMP 1.80 1.40 1.18 1.02 MULL 1.60 1.40 1.18 MULL 3.36 2.94 2.68 RCA 2095.00 RCA 205.00 ~ 175.00 AMP 39.00 29.50 RCA 39.35 30.25 ElM 39.00 29.50 AMP 39.00 29.50 -RCA 39.35 30.25 RCA 465.00 395.00 RCA 485.00 415.00 GE 2.40 2.02 1.84 1.61 NU 15.65 15.65 15.35 15.00 NU 10.00 10.00 9.80 9.65 GE 6.25 5.30 4.82 4.24 MULL 1.48 1.29 1.18 ML 900.00 RCA 280.00 240.00 ,:.:..:.:..: RCA 430.00 367.50 GE 24.75 23.00 21.50 GE 32.15 26.40 24.00 . \ ElM Same as 3CX100A5 GE 1300.00 --=..:.:.:.:..:,:.:..:.:..: RCA 1300.00 ........... RCA 1440.00 GE 35.65 33.40 31.00 AMP 5.20 4.84 4.50 3.96 AMP 1.40 1.25 1.14 1.00 -- CE 15.10 14.70 13.35 11.55 SYL 230.00 185.00 RCA 410.00 350.00 RCA 8.30 7.25 6.58 5.80 RCA 3.77 3.26 3.04 2.69 - 12.90 -CE 11.40 10.35 9.10 GE 10.80 9.15 8.30 7.32 RCA 1440.00 Mfr. ..... -..... -..... ...... ..... ..... --..... ...... -..... ..... ..... -..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... -..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... -- ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... -..... ..... ..... ..... ..... •.... ..... ..... -..... - ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... -- ..... .... -...... - ..... ..... ..... ..... - - -- - ...... ..... ..... Dept. E3 EI5 EI " E3 EI EZ4 EI EZI EZI EI EI EI EIO EI E4 EI EI E3 E4' E3 EZ3 EZ3 E3 " El Ell Ell E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 EU3 EU3 EU3 EI EXI3 E3 EU3 E3 EIO E3 E3 E3 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 Ell E4 E4 EZI EUI EUI E3 E3 E10 E4 El E9 EZI E3 El El EI EZI E4 EU6 E3 EI EI EI EU4 EI E3 E3 EI E15 El El E4 El El E9 EI5 EI EI2 EZI Stock No. EACH Mfr. Tube Type 1·4 5·18 19·49 50·Up 67.00 7391 GE 7410 CE 13.10 11.89 RCA 7412* 2.10 1.86 1.73 1.45 7427 GE 2.65 2.44 2.34 RCA 65.25 7457* 50.20 ---7459 AMP 230.00 205.00 7467* RCA 10.00 8.75 7.95 7.00 RCA 1320.00 7513* RCA 1400.00 7513/Vl* RCA 7536* 2.10 1.86 1.45 ~ 7551 RCA 3.49 3.02 2.82 2.49 RCA 7554 50.05 45.25 38.50 7556A-NE. NAT 19.60 18.00 16.40 14.40 RCA 7558* 3.49 3.02 2.B2 2.49 AMP 7580W* 45.00 . . 34.00 ~ RCA 7586* 3.35 ' 2.88 2.68 2.37 RCA 7587* 5.20 4.46 4.16 3.68 GE 7588 63.25 59.10 55.110 AMP 7609 29.35 27.15 25.50 GE 7625 28.75 26.50 25.00 -7629 GE 1 BOO.OO GE 7629A* 1800.00 7644 GE 65.00 RCA 70.00 53.00 7649* RCA 290.00 245.00 7650* RCA 7651* 305.00 260.00 GE 65.00 7669* 7669PC GE 65.00 7670 GE 77.20 GE 7671* 99.00 ~ GE 7671PC 99.00 7672 GE 116.00 GE 7673* 245.00 GE 76Bl* 155.00 RCA 205.00 175.00 7697* --ML 7698 110.00 105.00 96.00 84.50 GE 7701 2.50 2.10 1.70 GE 7703 190.00 GE 7716 1.75 1.54 1.40 7723/610-NE NAT 13.10 12.00 10.90 9.60 7724/14GT8 GE ~ ---u4 GE 7725 13.50 GE 7726 16.30 7729 RAY 1.95 1.74 1.56 1.39 7730 RAY 1.93 1.73 1.55 1.38 7731 , 'RAY - W ~ 2.02 1.78 RAY 7732 1.78 1.59 1.45 1.27 RAY 7733 2.53 2.27 2.06 1.81 RCA 205.00 175.00 7735A* 7737 AMP 7.20 6.60 6.10 -7737M AMP ~ 6.65 6:16 RCA 7746 200.00 170.00 RCA 7764 125.00 105.00 RCA 135.00 115.00 7767 GE 7768 74.75 69.50 65.00 ~ GE . 65.00 7784 15.50 14.25 12.95 11.40 7786/660L-NE NAT AMP 10.50 7788 9.70 9.00 8.50 RCA 95.00 72.60 7801* 24.00 7815/3CPNI0A5* ElM 32.00 RCA 47,475.00 7835* GE 24.75 23.00 21.50 7841 RCA 65.25 50.20 7842* RCA 60.00 45.00 7843* RCA 52.00 39.90 7844* RCA 240.00 205.00 7850 AMP 26.80 24.60 7854 29.00 DUM 7860 125.00 114.00 GE 3.50 3.00 2.73 2.38 7861 RCA 72.60 7870* 95.00 -RCA 7895* 3.35 2.88 2.68 2.37 RCA 1.34 1.20 1.09 7B98 AMP 250.00 200.C?~ 7900 RCA 7905* 3.43 3.12 2.75 ' 3.85 7964 GE 72.00 - - -- - - 7984 GE 5.35 4.52 4.12 3.62 RCA 29.15 26.30 22.40 8000* CE 22.90 20.85 18.35 8000 26.45 '8005* RCA 17.85 16.10 13.70 RCA 8.45 6.95 9.90 8008 -8.80 7.45 8008AX AMP 10.65 13.10 RCA 17.05 15.00 8013A RCA 8020 24.00 12.00 ElM 16.00 8020* 17.00 15.85 14.30 13.00 8020W/578A CE RCA 5.25 --:u6 4.15 3.6,5 8032 10.20 B035* SYL 11.10 8051 RCA 575.00 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ....... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... -..... --..... . .... ...... ...... ...... .... ..... ...... ...... ..... - - -- ..... ...... ...... .... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ....... .... ..... ..... ...... ..... --uo ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... ....... ..... ...... ..... ...... .... ..... ..... ..... ~ ...... .... ...... .... .... ...... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... --..... ---- - --..... ..... ..... , ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... -..... - :::!~ ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... Ple~se Specify Department and Tube Type When Ord~ring Special-Purpose Tubes (Confd) Dept. EXI EXI EUI El El E3 El El E3 E3 E3 EZ3 EZ3 EZ3 EZI E12 E3 E3 E4 El Stock No. Tube Type 8053 8054* 8055 8056* 8058* 8068 8072 8077/7054 8081 8082 8083 8092A* 8092/ZL·7802 8093* 8093A* 8100 8102 8106 8117 8121 Mfr. RCA RCA RCA RCA RCA 107.25 125.00 170.00 5.00 13.25 GE RCA RCA GE GE 3.60 18.75 1.55 29.90 29.90 GE GE GE RCA 1975.00 1975.00 1350.00 1320.00 GE GE AMP RCA 1.45 1.55 29.00 25.90 8122 8136 EACH 5·18 19·49 ~ 82.80 96.80 131.25 4.15 3.54 9.46 ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... - - -3.05 2.78 2.44 16.90 14.40 1.37 1.25 27.50 26.00 27.50 26.00 1.10 ..... ..... - -29.90 - - --- - - - GE 27.50 26.00 ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... . .... ...... ..... . .... -- - --- -- SYL 1.40 1.23 1.12 .98 ~ El E3 ~ RCA GE 1.23 1.11 1.31 1.19 23.15 23.40 19.90 .98 1.05 ..... ..... ..... -31.60 - ----28.50 24.30 1.20 1.02 .92 Stock No. Tube Type 8142 8143 8156 8165/4.65A 8166/4·1000A* Dept. E12 E12 E3 E16 EU16 Mfr. SYL SYL GE PEN PEN EACH 5·18 19·49 50.Up 1·4 1.40 ~t:12 ~ 1.23 1.12 1.40 .98 3.48 3.16 2.78 4.10 27.00 24.40 21.50 132.00 112.00 ..... ..... ..... ..... -..... - - - ---- - EZI El El E4 E4 8184* 8226 8227 8228 8233* RCA RCA RCA AMP AMP 1890.00 83.00 90.10 2.90 13.25 E4 EU16 EZ16 E12 E12 8254/EC1000 8295A* 8295/172* 8345 8346 AMP PEN PEN SYL SYL 15.50 152.00 135.00 1.40 1.40 E12 E12 EU16 El El 8347 8353 8432* 9001 9002 SYL SYL PEN RCA RCA 1.40 11.10 152.00 5.38 4.14 El 9003 RCA -5.38 ..... ..... 63.80 69.30 2.68 2.44 12.00 10.50 2.15 ..... - -- 14.75 13.30 . .... 129.00 115.00 1.23 1.23 ..... ..... 1.12 1.12 - ---1.23 1.12 10.20 129.00 4.80 3.59 .98 .98 .98 ..... ..... 4.35 3.35 3.84 2.96 - -- 4.60 4.20 3.84 .81 LATEST MILITARY-TYPE TUBES Over 90 military·type tubes are available from Allied's Navy stock facility. They include JAN, USN, JRC, USA and USAF. All tube types listed are in stock, ready for immediate shipment. As military specifications are revised, Allied will stock the latest MIL spec. FuJI warranty protection on all tubes. When ordering, two copies of your purchase order must be sent to Allied. Stock No. Dept. Tube Type El JANOA3 El JANOA4G JAN·CRCOC3 El El JAN·CRCOD3 El JAN·CRC 1 C21 RCA RCA RCA RCA RCA Mil MIL·E· Spec 1/929 JAN 5PEC. 1/853 1/215 1/933 EACH 1·49 50·99 25.75 21.80 2.95 2.05 17.10 14.60 14.30 12.20 48.55 41.25 JAN·CRC836 JAN·CRC 837 JAN.CRC 868 JAN·CRC 884 JAN·CRC 902A RCA RCA RCA RCA RCA 1/912 1/934 1/561 1/8948 1/593 11.10 7.75 10.30 7.20 4.45 3.10 2.28 1.63 18.10 15.30 El El El El E15 JAN·CRC918 JAN·CRC920 JAN·CRC923 JAN·CRC925 JAN 927 - RCA RCA RCA RCA CE 1/562 1/408 1/411 1/4128 1/414 RCA RCA RCA RCA RCA Mil MIL·E· Spec 1/178 1/790A 1/193 1/196 1/791A EACH 1·49 50·99 -1.10 1.54 1.86 1.33 1.50 1.07 1.03 1.44 4.15 2.93 Dept. El El El El El Stock No. Tube Type JAN·CRC 815 JAN·CRC 816 JAN·CRC 8298 JAN·CRC 832A JAN·CRC 833A 21.45 18.15 9.09 11.12 49.40 41.90 6.08 5.02 3.15 4.~0 El El El El El Mfr. -- Mfr. El E15 El E15 El USN·CRC JAN JAN·CRC JAN JAN·CRC 1EPl C1K lP21 lP30 lP37 RCA CE RCA CE RCA 1/1342{NAVY) 1/103C 1/28D 1/556 1/401 E15 El E15 El E15 JAN JAN.CRC JAN JAN·CRC JAN IP37 IP39 IP39 lP40 lP40 CE RCA CE RCA CE 1/401 1/402 1/402 1/403 1/403 El El El El JAN·CRC 2APIA JAN.CRC 28Pl JAN·CRC 2E24 JAN·CRC 2E26 JAN·CRC 2X2A RCA RCA RCA RCA RCA 1/588 1/2728 1/336 1/338D lj749A 14.95 18.20 5.25 3.75 3.35 15.50 3.70 2.60 2.35 El El El El El JAN·CRC929 JAN·CRC930 JAN.CRC 931VA JAN 5684/C3J/A JAN 5685/C6J RCA RCA RCA CE CE 1/416 1/417 1/597C 1/3758 1/150D 2.35 1.65 3.65 2.55 13.00 9.10 11.26 9.46 17.96 15.91 El E15 El El El JAN·CRC 3API A JAN 3824WA JAN·CRC 3828 JAN·CRC 38PIA JAN·CRC 3C33 RCA CE RCA RCA RCA 1/589 1/110 1/753D 1/594 1/799 17.50 8.06 6.06 6.00 4.20 15.50 13.10 26.00 22.10 El El El El El JAN·CRC 5690 JAN·CRC 5691 JAN·CRC 5692 JAN·CRC 5693 JAN·CRC 5819 RCA RCA RCA RCA RCA 1/4898 1/133A 1,1348 1/81A 1/9438 14.10 10.06 8.75 6.23 8.25 5.88 4.70 6.60 56.50 43.45 E9 El El E15 El JAN 3CX100A5 JAN·CRC 3D22A JAN·CRC 3E29 JAN 4831 JAN·CRe 4CX2508 ElM RCA RCA CE RCA 1/1i07C 1/798A 1/212 1/615 1/889A 25.40 18.85 15.51 35.75 21.55 16.05 13.05 30.25 El El El El El USN·CRC 5963 JAN 5964 USN·CRC 6012 JAN·CRC6080 JAN·CRC 6080WA RCA RCA RCA RCA RCA 1/1035 (NAVY) 1/4728 1/714C (NAVY) 1/209 1/510C 1.36 1.55 7.65 5.33 10.80 ElM ElM ElM ElM ElM 1/8898 1/1385A 1/1313A 1/41G 1/160H 45.00 58.50 107.00 25.00 34.00 44.00 80.00 18.50 El El El El El USN-CRC 6082 JAN 6146 USN·CRC 6159 USN·CRC 6197 USN·CRC 6211 RCA RCA RCA RCA RCA BuShips 1/380C 1/863 (N:AVY) 1/9048 (NAVY) 1/905C (NAVY) 5.60 4.35 4.80 2.48 2.15 E1 E9 E9 E9 E9 E9 JAN4CX2508 JAN4CX250R JAN4CX300A JAN 4PR608 JAN4X150A 4.11 2.80 1.89 3.75 3.11 -3.41 1.95 1.56 2.60 2.56 -12.65 -- -31.00 - -23.00 -39.00 - -29.50 - -- 4.45 7.30 3AO 3.65 3.24 -3.10 5.10 2.35 2.55 2.66 -- -- .97 1.10 5.46 3.81 7.71 -3.99 3.05 3.35 1.77 1.51' -- E9 El El El El JAN4X150G JAN·CRC 58P1A JAN·CRC 5CPI A JAN·CRC 5CP7A JAN·CRC 5R4GY ElM RCA RCA RCA RCA 1302 1/592 1/273E 1/273E 1/344A 58.00 43.50 29.80 25.20 20.50 17.35 22.00 2.03 1.45 El El El El El JAN 6293 US ARMY·CRC 6816 USN·CRC 6914A US ARMY 7533 USAF 7580 RCA RCA RCA RCA RCA 5.95 4.15 1/3818 1/1239 (SigC) 47.10 39.90 1/1049A{NAVY) 140.00 126.00 1/1311 (SigC) 10.75 7.50 1/1318 (USAF) 40.95 34.65 El El E15 El El JAN·CRC 5UPl JAN·CRC,5UP7 JAN6C JAN·CRC 80lA JAN·CRC805 RCA RCA CE RCA RCA 1/498A 1/498A 1/54A 1/926 1/921 10.10 22.10 16.71 13.00 20.00 9.15 18.70 13.77 9.10 17.00 El El El El El USN·CRC 7586 JAN·CRC 8005 JAN·CRC 8013A JAN 9001 JAN 9002 RCA RCA RCA RCA RCA 1/1397 (SigC) JAN SPEC. JAN SPEC. 1/652A 1/653A El JAN.CRC 807 JAN·CRC811A JAN·CRC813 RCA RCA RCA lj99A 1/871A 1/928A 3.00 6.90 20.95 2.10 4.80 17.80 El El El RCA RCA RCA 1/654A 1/655A 1/476A El El -- -- Please Specify Department and Tube Type When Ordering JAN 9003 JAN 9005 JAN 9006 -- 3.35 2.37 16.05 13.70 15.40 13.10 3.84 4.14 2.96 5.38 8.05 2.70 -3.84 ..... ..... ALLIED. 91' RCA Industrial Tubes EXPLANATION OF CLASS OF SERVICE '.CERMOLOX TUBES In tables, typical operating values for RCA vacuum power tubes and Cermolox-type beam power tubes are given for CCS (Continuous Commercial Service) unless otherwise indicated. Abbreviations used in Class of Service column in these tables are: AB1 and AS2. class AB. or AB. push-pull AF modulator service; B, class B pushpull AF modulator service; BPP, class B plate-pulsed amplifier service; BT, class B television service; CP, class C plate-modulated telephone service; CPP, class C plate-pulsed amplifier service; eTA, class C telegraph/amplifier service; CTF, class C telegraph or FM telephone service; PPA, plate-pulsed amplifier service; PPO, platepulsed oscillator service; PSP, plate and screen-pulsed amplifier Beam power tubeS featuring p1,"ecision-aligned grids', ceramic metal structure and unitized electrode and terminal construction. Ideally suited for UHF applications such as CW, pulsed RF and SSB. Cermolox tubes have been performance-proved in hundreds of installations from land mobiles·to space communications. Ratings given in' table service; SSB, linear RF power amplifier. single-sideband. suppressedcarrier service. Specify Dept. El on all orders. areforCCS; 7457. 7650 and 7842 are ruggedized. For further Cer- VACUUM POWER TUBES FOR CW APPLICATIONS All are natural-cooled types except *forced-';:ir and twater. Typical frequency and output ratings for appropriate Classes of Service are listed for CCS (Continuous Commercial Service) except tICAS (Intermittent Commercial and Amateur Service). Class BT operat- uum Power Tubes for Special Applications" (l~ft. below) and "Vacuum I:'ower Tubes for RFPulse Applications" (below). ing data is for synchronizing-level conditions per tube at bandwidths of: 6 mc for' type 5762A. 8.5 me for types 6166 and 6166A/7007. and 5 mc for types 7203/4CX250B and 7204/4CX250F. tSpecial order. Tube Type 2C39WA 2E26 4- t 25A/4 021 4-2 50A/5 022 80lA 807 811A 812A 828 829B 833A Descrip- 1 tion Class of Freq. Output Service (Mc) (Watts) triode- ! MIL·E·I/778C (Navy) beam pwr* AB./CP /CTF j ... / .. ./125 \54/18/27 'i 300/375 beam pwr* CP/CTF 120/120 beam pwr* AB./CP/CTF .. ./110/110 104O/510/1K triode CTA ... 25 ---beam pwr AB./CP /CTF t .. ./ ... /60 120/44/54 triode 310/135/200 B/CP/CTAj triode B/CP/CTAj 340/130/190 beam pwr AB. /CP /CTA t ... 385/150/200 twin beam AB./CP/CTAj 44/70/90 triode 1900/800/1150 B/CP/CTAt trlode* B/CP/CTAj 2700/1500/1600 triode AB. 115 845 triodet B/CP/CTA ... 22K/6K/14K 892 ! beam pwr! Same as 807 1625 triode* B/CP/CTF .. ./30/30 8800/4200/7K 5762/7C24 triode* BT /CP/CTF 216/30/30 6350/4200/7K 5762A beam pwr AB./CP /CTF j .. ./ .. ./60 131/52/70 6146A beam pwr* BT/CP/CTF 216/60/60 12K/5.5K/ll.6K 6166t 61 66A/7007t beam pwr* BT/CP/CTF 216/60/216 l'4K/6K/IOK beam pwr AB./CP/CTF .. ./ ... /60 131/52/70 6883 7034/4X 150A beam pwr* AB./CP/CTF .. ./150/150 630/230/370 beam pwr* AB. /CP /CTF j .. ./60/60 560/240/340 7094 7203/4CX250B beam pwr* BT/CP/CTF 216/175/500 440/235/250 7204/4CX250F!beam pwr*! Same as 7203/4CX/250B 8000 triode 1 B/CP/CTAj 1 1725/380/575 8005 triode B/CP/CTAj 330/170/220 \, ... ... ... ... ... ... I· EACH 1-4 3000 3.75 36.00 46.50 13.00 3.00 6.90 6.90 32.95 19.00 53.65 25.00 270.00 475 230.00 230.00 4.35 850.00 1020.00 4.45 25.00 32.25 39.35 39.35 29.15 17.85 RECEIVING TUBES WITH 26.S-VOLT HEATERS For aircraft receivers operating from 12-ce11 storage batteries Tube TyPO! 26A6 26A7GT a(oC6 2606 6082 Apptl- Description cation remote-cutoff pent. twin beam power twin diode/triode pentagrid converter twin power triode RF/IFam p.p/par. AF det./AVC osc./mixer regulator Heat.er Max.Plate EACH' (Ma) Oi,s.(W.) 1-4 70 600 70 70 600 3 2 2.5 1 13 3.70 7.00 3.05 3.05 5.60 HARD-TUBE MODULATORS Natural-cooled tubes. Typical ratings in table are for Continuous Commercial Service. 7358 is ruggedized beam-power type. Tube Type 3E29 6293 7358 Description twin beam pwr. beam pwr. beam pwr. Pulse Our. \jIoee.) 1.2 100 100 Duty Peak Power Factor Output (Kw) 0.001 0.01 0.01 40 3.4 3.4 EACH 1-4 20.85 5.95 8.30 VACUUM POWER TUBES FOR SPECIAL APPLICATIONS Voltage-regulator power tubes. Type 3C33 is natnral-cooled; 4600A. forced-air. Values for 3C33 are given in table per triode section; grid-circuit resistance is 30.000 ohms. I Tube oeserIP_,Max. Pla.e, Max. Plate, Plate ,EACH Type tion Voltage Diss. Current 1·4 3C33 twin triode ±2000 15 watts 120 ma avo 28.75 4600A Cermolox 3500 VDC 1750 watts 1 amp DC max. 330.00 For information on ordering and quanlily prices available on all RCA industrial tubes listed on this page, see the SpecialPurpose Tube Directory on pages 84-91 of this catalog. molox tube listings, see, "Vac_ Tube Type Cooling 6816 forced-air 6884 forced-air 7213 forced-air 7457 forced-air 7650 forced-air 7801 conduction 7842 conduction 7843 conduction 7844 conduction 7870 conduction Class of Service AB,/CP/CTF AB,/CP/CTF CP/CTF SSB/CP/CTF SSB/CP/CTF CP/CTF SSB/CP/CTF SSB/~P/CTF SSB/ P/CTF CP/CTF Freq. (Me) ..• /400/1215 .. ./400/1215 600/600 60/400/1215 30/400/400 3000/1200 60/400/1215 60/400/1215 60/400/1215 3000/1200 Output EACH (Watts) 1-4 140/45/40 52.00 140/35/40 ~O.OO 800/1350 465.00 40/45/40 65.25 680/600/800 290.00 1.7/15 95.00 40/45/40 65.25 40/45/40 60.00 40/45/40 52.00 1.7/15 95.00 VACUUM POWER TUBES FOR RF-PULSE APPLICATIONS Typical operating conditions are shown for CCS (Continnous Commercial Service). 'C column in table indicates cooling: N is natural; L. liquid; W. water; FA. forced-air. Types 7649. and 7651 are ruggedized Cermolox tubes. tSpecial order. Pulse Duty Peak Description *C Class Me Dur. Fac- Pwr. EACH Servo 1-4 -- ("see) tor (Kw) Lighthouse PPO 3000 triode N 1 .001 0.3 33.00 -- -200 -- 300 BPP 450 .01 beam L 2041t power BPP 450 2000 .06 180 7825.00 BPP 425 .004 2000 8845.00 4605V2t beam power L triode FA CPP 1250 5 .01 14 5946 125.00 -shielded-grid 6950/ PPA 200 1500 39,490.00 .05 2039t beam triode W -2000 -BPP 425 beam power L 1.3 .004 2000 . 7690.00 6952 FA PSP 1215 Cermolox 10 .01 65 7214 485.00 FA PSP 1215 10 .01 4.5 Cermolox 7649 70.00 Cermolox FA PSP 1215 10 .01 39 7651 305.00 -triode W BPP 250 25 .006 10000 7835t Tube Type 2C40A. ---u -- -- -- 8184* Cermolox BPP FA PSP 250 -500 2000 .06 .005 ---w 5000 47,475.00 10 1890.00 RECTIFIER TUBES Selection of widely used vacuum, mercury-vapor and gas-filled rectifiers. All are balf-wave rectifiers except type 83, full-wave. Mercury-vapor rectifier· ratings depend on condensed-mercury temperatures varying from 20 to 70°C. Ratings for 3 B28 gas rectifier are for ambient temperatnre range of -75 to +90°C. *Designcenter values; tper plate; tvaIues shown for quadrature operation; §values shown for in-phase operation. Tube --2X2A 83 --575A 816 857B 866A 872A 3B28 Type Peak Inv. Volts vacuum' rnerc.-vapor rnercuryvapor merc.-vapor merc.-vapor merc.-vapor merc.-vapor gas Aver- Peak Amps age Amps Fautt Amps EACH 1-4 --- --0.06" 0.0075*t 3.35 125001550l*t 15000-10000 § 6-7§ 15000-10000t 10-10t 7500 0.5 22000-10000 40-40 1-2 10000-2500 10000-5000 5-5 10000-5000 1-2 0.225" 1.5-1.751 2.5-2.5t 0.125 10-10 0.25·0.5 1.25-1.25 0.25-0.5 ........ - -1.89 100-100\ 20.15 100-100t 5 2.95 400-400 218.50 20-20 2.65 50-50 9.90 20-20 6.00 MONOSCOPES Type 2F21 is 5" electrostatic-focus. maguetic-deflection model with Indian Head pattern. Supplies video test signal for TV equipment. Pattern-electrode signal current (p-p) , 0.3 to 0.7 "amps. Type 1699 is custom version of Type 2F21 and is available on special order; write for price and delivery information. 2F21 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1-4, EACH 275.00 9~ • ALLIED. See Pages 1 03- ~ 08 for listillgs of RCA Receiving Tubes RCA Premium Receiving Tubes Industrial receiving tubes for virtually every known application. All meet conditions requiring greater shock resistance, longer life. greater power, more reliability and higher signal-to-noise ratios Stock No. Dept. Type E l OA2WA :! ~ ~~~~ than conventional tubes. Other features: compactness, weight reduction, and high resistance to heat, cold, altitude and radiation. Specify Dept. E-l and tube type when ordering. Heater or ~~Ialme~~ Description . Max. -;:i~!~ 'Trans- Amp.' ::wnhd~s Factor Out- '::t~s 'Fre q . (Me) Voltage regulator. 7-pin miniature. cold cathode Operates at 150 VDC, 5 to 30 rna. ~~~::~~~g~::::~.7;~~7nm~7~~!~:~~. C~l~ Cla~~~de 1.5~eral~e~~~0101~ '~~'~I"~ ~~. ~~ '~~I'. EACH 3.65 .... 3w. to; 2.58 2.70 2.25 1.91 ... . 5.354.754,323.80 2.53 2.T3T:81 ~ 1.78 T:5S ~ T:27 2.412.021.72 ...• 2.45 2.02 2.452.16 3.00 2.48 3.37 2.84 -.uw:- ;::57;;4-;-9;;---I-'R;;:::em'-'!o::te!!-2cu:::t"'o':;;ff~p"'en!!to::'-"d"'e"'."'7;.'-p='i"n=m"i"'n-.-;F;:-o::-:r:-I~ ~ ~99" 3.T2 2.92 ~::~ ~:!~ ~:~~ t~: EI 6AU6 WA Sharp-cutoff pentode. 7-pin miniature. 6.3 0.3 1.5w. 5300...... .......... ...... El 6J6WA I~M",e",d",i-"u::.m,--::.mo:u:,.t::r.::io:;do:e:;. . ..:.7-;-p",in:::,.:m:.:;i:.:;n:;;ia::;t:::u:c-re""_ _ 1 6.3 0.45 2.5w. 5500...... .......... ...... Ell2AT7WA High-mn twin triode. 9-pin miniature. ~ ~ Max. peak fwd., 650 v.; rnax. peakinv .• 1300v. 12.6 0.15 E l 5651 Voltage reference tube. 7-pin miniature. cold cathode Approx. DC starting volts, 107 For use in equipment requiring extreme Approx. DC operating volts, 87 voltage stability. Sharp-cutoff pentode. 7~pin min. For RF / 6.3 0.175 El5654 1.65W., 5100' ...... , .......... , •..... IF amp. in HF broadband receivers. ~~ El5654/ 6AK5W Sharp-cutoff pentode. 7-pin miniature. 6.3 0.175 1.65w. 1 5100 I ...... 1.......... 1. .. . .. E1 5670 Medium-mn twin triode. 9~pin miniature. 6.3 0.35 For data refer to MIL-E-l/5E E1 5670 WA Medium-rou twin triode. 9-pin miniature. 6.3 0.35 For data refer to MIL-E-l/247 E l 5686 Beam power tube. 9-pin miniature. For ~0:35 7.5w. 3100. .. . . . 2.7 160 AF or RF power~amplifier service. E l ;::57:;-;-18;;---I-'M'iice"'d"'iu"'m=-m=u'-7:tr7io='d"'e::'.S'Su"'b"'m-""in"'i'"a"'tu"'r"'e-.-;F;:-o::-:r:-I~ o:I5 5800 2 7 ---;1'w=a;::;tt:- 1 1000 UHF amplifier and oscillator circuits. (500 mc) El5725 Sharp-cutoff pentode. 7-pin miniature. ~ 0.175 1.65w. 3200 ~ ....•..... ~ For use in gated amplifier, delay, gaincontrolled amplifier, mixer circuits. E l 5726 Twin diode. 7-pin miniature. For detector ~ ~ PIV, 360 volts max. and rectifier service. DC output per plate, 10 ma E l ;57;;2"'7;:;---I-;~"'n"'hlo..r;:';g~=::i"'~o:::_~=o:;'~e':;t~:::ro:':I~7e~:':·"::;-;c-P::-'tA-e-~"'~-ns-'es""~:-o-r-r"'el'a-y-l~ (f."6" -~=va:".x::':~a::~.:'~"'~dc;.de"-e"'~;;~;:'-;,"',.'-;~~~;;:?~?'-'p'-'e'-a!!k!!c'-a-t-h-.-a-.,-0-.5El ~; '.; 1.72 1.75 2.1 I 2:-41 ... . ... . ... . ~ 3.653.02 2.58 ~ 3.152.65 2.23 ~ 2.90 2:40 2.04 -:-:-:-: 2:20 1:"85 T:57 ~ ,4300 , ...... , .......... , ...... -ru 5751 high-gain RF or IF amplifier service. High-mu twin triode. 9-pin miniature. ~ 0:35 .8w. El5751WA High-mutriode.9-pinminiature. ~0:35 .8w. 1 1600 I····· '1' ......... ,. ..... 1 1600 1····.·1···.·· .... 1...... .3w. 1 2200 I' .... '1' ........ '1' ..... 2.351.98 T:6s ~ El5814A El5814WA 12.6 0.175 -;;-;c-:;c=-:::c::-:--;::-:-:c=:-;;====__ I 12.6 0.175 12.6 0.175 Medium-mu twill triode. 9-pin miniature. Medium-mutwintriode.!/-pinminiature. El5842/ 417 A El5847/ 404A El6005 Medium-mutriode.9-pinmin.Forgrounded-grid inputs of broadband VHF amp. Sharp-cutoffpentode. 9-pin min. For use in high~gain UHF amplifiers. . Beampower.7-pinmin.ForAFpoweramp. ElI~6c;0;;:7;-;22---1 Medium-mu twin triode. 9-pin min. Fo. 1:;;-;;-:;-:;-__ 1 low-level stages of high~gain AF amps. E l 6073 Voltage regulator. I-pin min. Glow dis1-:-:=:-:-__ 1 charge tube critical to shock/vibration. E l 6073/ Voltage regulator. 7-pin min. Glow disQA2 charge tube critical to shock/vibration. '1E16074 Voltage regulator. 7-pin min. Glow discharge tube critical to shock/vibration. El6080WA Low-mu twin power triode. Glass-octal. El6101 Medium-mu twin triode. 7-pin min. For Class A amp. in mobile/aircraft eQPt. E l 61 12 High-mu twin triode. Subminiature. El6136 Sharp-cutoffpentode.7-pinmin.ForHF broadband applications. E l 620 I High-rnu twin triode. Subminiature. For mixer, oscillator, amplifier circuits. El6626/ OA2WA Voltage regulator. 7-pin miniature. ~ 0:35 ~0:35 12.6 0.175 ~~ .3w. 1 2200 ,······1···.·.·· .. ,.. ·... 2.55 2.T31:BT ~ 2.952,472.iO~ 2.401:9BT:6s~ ...•............ 7.355.25 -.-. .-. ~ ~~~ 13000 ~ .......... ~ 9.556,79 -...-. ~ ~~~ 3.933."302.1!L ...•. 3.90 3.26 2.77 .••• ~ 0:35 12.6 0.175 cold cathode cold cathode cold cathode 6.3 2.5 ~~ 4w. 27000 44 4100 ~ ---uw:- 1750 4 4 4.5 ~ .......... ...... DC starting, 156 v. DC operating 3.00 2.57 2.34 2.06 DC operating, 151 v. range, 5-30 rna DC starting, 156 v. DC operating 3.35 2.88 2.68 2,37 DC operating, 151 v. range, 5-30 ma DC starting, 115 v. DC operating 3.452.942.672.35 DC operating, 108 v. range. 5-30 rna .13w.1 70001· ..... 1......••.. 1...... 10.809.638.757.71 0.85W.j 6000' 38 j .......... j ...•.. 5.354.604:"303.80 ~~ .55w. 1 2500 I··· ... 1.......... 1. . . ... 4.15 3.45 2.93 ~ 6.3 0.3 _3W. 1 5 2 0 0 ...... 1 _1.••....... 1~ 2.702.251.91 .•.. ~ 6.3 12.6 0.3 0.15 cold cathode 2.5w. 5500 60 . .. ...... . 300 A v. starting current 75 mao Cathode current min. 5 ma; max. 30 mao 2.95 2.472.10 ... . _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4.45 3.84 3.58 3.17 RCA NUVISTORS Low-Noise, High-Gain RF-IF-Osc. Triodes GRID No.2 Ht •. / Type 7586 7587 7895 8056 8058 Description Fil. V·I Mu Freq. EA. ~~ 1-:-::-::-:-----:--:---;:--:-1 Ma - Medium-mn triode. General~ 6.3 135 35 osc. 1000 I purpose for oscillator and amp. 350 3.35' amplifier circuits. MeetsMIL-E-1/1397 SigC Sharp-cutoff tetrode. General- 6 3 1 150 , lose. 850 purpose. For IF. RF, video . \ .... amp. 250 5.20 amplifier/mixer service. Meets MIL-E-1 /1434 Sig C High-mu triode. General-pur- 6 sl135j 64 lose. 1000 pose. Useful in oscillator and . amp. 350 3.35 amplifier circuits. ~leetsMIL-E-1/1433 SigC Medium-mu triode. For low pl~te voltages, especially in RF/IF amp., multi-vibrator, 6.3 135 l1Yz ~:::p. ~~go 5.00 cathode-follower ckts critical to shock/vibration. High-rnn triode. For oscillator ~ ~ ~ aBC. 2000 13.25 and cathode-drive amp. ckts.· amp. 1200 • • t(W) -100 100 400 1000 10 100 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 3000 3000 o o o o ~ o o o 550.0 4S.0 o 107.0 43.0 57.0 o 1950.0"0 '25.0 27.9 o 36.5 o 25.0 o 27.9 o 39.0 o 300 25 50 75 75 100 100 250 250 300 300 450 450 200 750 1000 '""""i2.O Dis. Peak Inv. Peak Plat. t(w) Volts Cur. CA) /WOO 25,000 .1 15 30 30,000 30,000 ~ 250R B020 KY21A RX21A 150 60 ... ... .01 I 1 __ 8 __ 160,000 40,000 11,000 2.5 1.5 3.0 11,000 3.0 Av. Plate Cur. CA) --150 75 1000 250 100 750 750 Fi!. Volts 5.0 6.3 5.0 7.5 5.D .s.o 2.5 2.5 Fi!. Cur·CA) .35 3,0 4.0 26.5 10,5 6,5 10.0 10,0 EACH 1·4 IB.OO 24.00 27.00 138.00 36.00 16.00 26.75 25.75 AIR SYSTEM SOCKETS AND CtflMNEYS RECOM MENDED SOCKET Stock No. Type No. Tub. Type o Plito AmpUl. Fil. Plato Fil. EACH Volts Cur. (Ma) Factor VOlts Cur. (A) 1·4 1000 125 100 6.3 1.0 ~ 125, 1000 100 6.3 1.0 32.00 '200 5,0 14,5 4000 350 34.00 7,5 6000 SOO 200 '2l.3 119.00 100 6.0 3500 3500' 1.0 32.00 6,0 1000 125 100 1.0 32.00 7.5 6000 2500 5 51.0 2BO.00 6000 2500 20 7.5 51.0 245.00 7,5 GOOD 2500 5 51.0 260.00 2500 20 7.5 51.0 GOOO ~ GOOO 2500 20 51.0 200.00 2500 6000 20 7.5 51.0 205.00 2500 6000 5 7.5 51.0 210.00 ' 51.0 7,5 6000 2500 5 220.00 8,2 30,000 15,000' 3D 17.0 93.00 6,3 ' ,24 2000 75 3.0 28.50 2000 150 39 5.0 4.0 33.00 225 3000 20 5.0 6.25 43.00 3000 225 12 5.0 6.25 43.00 5.0, 3000 225 38 6.3 ~ 6,3 3000 225 14 5.0 23.S0 350 5.0 4000 37 10.5 3B.50 350 i4 10.5 4000 5.0 38.50 3000 900 20 50r 10 25 or 12,5 75.00 3000 900 12 50rl0 25 or 12,5 ~ 6000 600 38 7.5 B5.00 6000 600 18 7.5 12.0 85.00 250 10.0 3500 25 5.0 46.00 10,000 1000 15 7.5 21.0 169.00 750 15.5 7500 35 7.5 169.00 7.5 DIODE AND RECTIFIER TUBES Typ. No. 2-01C 2-25A 2-50A TRIODE TUBES Dis. For OEM quantity prices on amounts over four pieces, see Special Purpose Tube Directory, Pages 94 through 91. In the tables on this page, tindiccUes plate dissipation expressed in watts; *indicates pulsed plate current ratings expressed in milli~mperes. 4CXSOOA 4.125A,4·250A,l 4-400A, 3·400Z J 42H 139 SK·300A 105.00 42 H 031 SK·400 17.50 42H 163 SK·4Io 6.50 42 H 034 SK·500 20.00 42H 159 SK·510 6.50 42H 039 SK·600A 42H040 SK·610 11.50 42H 124 SK·640 7.50 42H 127 SK·650 B.50 42 H 041 SK·700 23.00 42 H 042 SK·710 23.00 42H043 SK·740 10.00 42 H 045 SK·770 10.00 42 H 046 SK-8iOI~ 4.1000A} 3-IOOOZ Family of RECOMMENDED CHIMNEY Stock No.' Type No. EACH 42H 048 SK·306 6.50 42H 049 SK·406 6.50 42 H 054 SK·506 12.00 42 H 055 SK·606 ,.75 II:SO 4XI5O/7034'1 4CX250B Tubes EAC~ J 4CXSOOA} Fanilly of Tubes 4CXIOOOA - - - - - - --42H 055 SK·606 .75 42 H 056 SK·806 B.50 HEAT DISSIPATING CONNECTORS stock No. 42 H 058 42 H 059 42 Ii 093' 42H 063 42 Ii 096 Type No. HR·I HR·2 HR·3 HR·5 HR·6 42H 064 42H 073 HR·7 HR·8 \ HR·9 HR·lD 42tl074 42 H 078 Tubes Usod With 2·25A,25T Plato 75TH· TL, lOOTH·TL Grid 2·50A, KY21A, ~X2IA, 75TH·Tl Plat. 4E27A/S-125B Plate, 592/3·200A3 Grid 2·240A, 4·65A, 4'125A, 4-250A, 4·4DOA, 100TH·TL, 250T"·TL, 250R Plale 304TH·TL Plate 2·2000A, 4PR60B, 4.IO 21 1700 1700 Ell C6H-2 6.4 2.5 21 1700 1700 ---Ell C6H-3 6.4 2.5 21 1700 1700 Ell C6J 6.4 2.5 21 1250 750 Ell C6J/A 6.4 2.5 21 1250 1000 Ell C6J/F 6.4 2.5 21 1250 1000 Ell C6J/K 6.4 2.5 21 1250 1000 3.40 cause of limited tube life-evaporation-has been so drastically reduced that it is no longer a factor! Specially-designed. tough cathode-coatings will withstand the heavy ion-bombardment encountered in industrial applications. Sturdy mechanical construction permits use in severe environs of shock and vibration. THYRATRONS Dept. 3.86 XEON POWER-CONTROL TUBES Xeon gas has practically the same space-charge neutralizing power as mercury, yet is unaffected by surrounding tempera~ tures. Xeon-filled tubes require no temperature control, and have no temperature effects on control characteristics, rating or life. thereby greatly enhancing reliability. Will easily withstand many thousands of hours of useful service. as the main Anode Max' Cur .. Peak rent Filament I n(DC - - - - verse 19-49 50-Up 2.96 2.60 ....... ........ 1.76 3.30 ...... low-speed computers. Type 8353 operates from 0 to 4 kc. Both have 10 cathodes-permit multiple or sequential pulses. Both have 13-pin glass base. Internal construction permits readout from the top. Tube Type ELECTRONS, INC. 5-18 -3.24 -3.85 2.00 3.57 ·4.24 SPECIAL COUNTER TUBES Designed for a variety of purposes. including scaling. frequency dividing, matrixing, multiplexing, addition, and subtraction. Type 8035 is designed to operate in high-speed computers from 0 to SO kc. Produced for Dept. 70 70 205 EACH 1-4 -3.75 -4.50 2.13 4.15 4.90 EACH 1-4 13.65 15.40 19.20 14.85 15.10 13.10 13.80 14.50 15.25 23.25 24.35 24.35 58.90 29.10 30.25 30.25 28.10 29.00 30.00 28.30 5-18 11.95 13.75 17.15 13.30 13.50 --11.30 11.45 12.60 13.35 20.38. 21.30 21.30 51.00 25.50 26.50 26.50 24.70 25.20 26.25 24.70 Oepl. 19-49 10.85 12.55 15.60 12.08 12.30 ---. 10.25 10.40 11.10 12.60 18.50 19.40 19.40 45.80 23.20 24.20 24.20 22.50 22.70 23.90 22.60 F:or Additional Quantity Prices See Pages 84-91 Eli Anode Current Tube Type (DCAmps) Ell Ell C6J/L C6J/KL C16H Ell CI6J 6.4 6.4 16.0 18.0 16.0 18.0 Filament Max. Max. Peak Peak Inverse Forward Volts Amps Voltage Voltage 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 EACH 21 21 31 1250 1250 1700 1·4 5·18 19·49 1000 29.40 25.40 23.10 1000 29.45 25.70 23.40 1700 62.00 54.40 49.40 31 1250 1000 52.50 45.80 41.70 -- RECTIFIERS Dept. Ell Ell Ell Ell Ell Ell Ell Ell Ell -- Tube Type Max: .Cathode Heating InTime (OCAmps) (sec.) Valls Amps verse Anode Current IC 1.0 3B 2.5 3C 2.5 3C/L 2.5 6B 6.4 -6B/L - - -6.4 -6C 6.4 6F 6.4 16F 16 Filament EACH Peak --- 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1-4 Volt. - -20- -10.85 -6.0 72s 9.0 920 30 11.40 11.5 725 30 11.80 11.5 725 30 13.00 21 60 920 13.00 --920 - - -60- 13.50 21 17 40 725 21.40 21 920 60 14.15 36 620 180 35.20 5·18 19·49 10.00 10.33 11.30 -11.35 -11.80 19.10 12.40 31.35 9.10 9.40 10.30 10.35 -10.75 -17.30 11.30 28.50 ----9.40 8.55 ALLIED. 99 New Special-Purpose Tubes PENTA LABORATORIES Power tetrodes, except: § power triodes, #high vacuum rectifier, t beam pentodes. Beam pentodes feature patented Penta vane-type suppressor grid-used by leading manufacturers of commercial, military and Amateur single-sideband equipment PL-177WA is Plate Plate Plate Seteen EACH Tube FII. Fi!. V. 01 ... Volt. Ma Type V. Amps Max.W. Max. 1-4 Max. Max. 4-400A 14.5 400 4000 350 ----siiil 4S.00 5.0 6.5 4021 125 3000 225 600 36.00 5.0 4D21A 6.5 175 3000 225 600 31.50 4E21At !i.0 7.5 125 4000 200 750 45.00 5.0 5022 14.5 250 4000 350 800 46.50 5.0 14.5 ~ 4000 "J5i) 115At 800 50.00 6.0 I 11At 3.2 600 75 2000 175 29.00 I 11WAt 6.0 3.2 75 2000 175 600 33.50 5.0 10.5 ........ 60,000 250 R# 250 36.00 --- s:o- ........ ruggedized; PL-829SA and PL-8432 are ceramic for increased reliability, decreased cooling requirements, ability to tolerate high temperatures, severe shock and vibration. Figures: A-829SA; B6569; C-177WA; D-175A Specify Dept E-16 . Plate Plate Plate Screen EACH Tube Fil. FII. 01 ... Volts Ma V.Max. Type V. Amps. Max.W. Max. Max. *p. 1-4 S.O """'7.5 100 4000 225 '*25 25.00 254W§ 6.0 3.2 75 2000 175 600 6549t 29.00 5.0 14.5 250 300 6569§ *45 31.50 S.O 14.5 400 350 65S01 *45 45.00 6.0 3.5 65 2000 150 600 S165/4-65A 21.00 1000 6000 ""ToO 1oiiO 132.00 S166/4-1000A 7.S 21 6.0 8.2 1000 3000 1000 600 135.00 S295/112t 6.0 8.2 1000 3000 1000 600 152.00 S295At 6.0 8.2 1000 3000 1000 600 152.00 S432t :ggg ACCESSORIES fil PL·184 Socket and Chimney. For 172. Built-in screen grid and . S ,£ 11 I. PloCl Glass Chimney. For 4-400A, 175A, 6S80•... , ... 6.50 ~ suppressor grid bypass capacitors. Contact provisions for all s'£ 112. PL-CI84 Plastic Chimney. For 172. Same chimney as used base pins and screen grid and suppressor grid ring terminals. Pro)n PL-184. and PL-184A sockets................. , •..•..... 5.00 vides proper ajr distribution for correct cooling of 172 at full plate dissipation rating. filS E 713. PL-184A Socket and Chimney. For 172. Same as PL-184. S E714.............................................. 53.00 ~ except suppressor-grid contacts are grounded ............. 4S.00 ~ NATIONAL UNION TUBES TYPE 5BHP2 HIGH-VO.LTAGE 5" CATHODE·RAY TUBE MINIATURE CATHODE-RAY TUBES National Union's miniature cathode-ray tubes with electrostatic focus and deflection are used for space-saving monitoring operations, data presentations. and film recording operations. Types listed in table below have flat faces; use standard sockets. Tubes produce high brilliance and small spots (less than .010") at low plate voltages. Heater power only ~-watt. Specify Dept. E-19. Tube Type IDPI 122PI 123PI 129PI 142PI I Plate FII. Dia. L. Volts V. 1000 6.3 %" 3" Standard Miniature High Deflection Sensitivity 1000 6.3 718" 4" 3000 6.3 Post Accelerator Type %" 4" 6,3 1000 Medium Dia. Standard 1~" 4" 3000 6.3 1~" 4" Post Accelerator Type Description EACH 1-4 20.00 23.35 33.35 24.65 40.00 TYPE 7235 HIGH-MU TRIODE Electrically interchangeable with octal Type 2CS3, but is in a miniature bulb. Operates to 8000 volts with 10 watts plate . dissipation. Very efficient as a high-voltage series or shunt _ regulator, or as a voltage amplifier. Efficient service in series or shunt voltage regulator supplies. 6.3-volt, 0.3-amp heater •. 5-ma plate current. Carhonized anode permits. cool operation. ~~;~~:.~~~~..E.-~~: ...................... ;........ 10.00 I TYPE 7234 HIGH-VOLTAGE PENTODE Up to 8000 volts regulation. Screen grid element permits close regulation independent of line voltage variations. Adaptable to high-voltage sweep circuits, voltage amplifiers, or may be used as a passing tube. Performance range beyond NU's Type 6842. Uses 6.3-volt, O.lS-amp max. heater; Soma plate current. Plate diss., 10 watts. Rugged and dependable-for severe environs. Specify Dept. E-19. 6. 7234 .............. ·.......................... .15. 5 QUANTITY PRICES-ORDERING INFORMATION See Tube Directory an pages 84-91 for ordering information and OEM quantity prices on tubes you need. Same-day shipment. 100 • ALLIED Improved direct-replacement CRT for Techtronix T54P2 osciiloscope. Has high deflection sensitivity, coupled with high writing rate, and separate astigmatism and pattern adjustment electrodes to ensure distortionless displays. Electrostatic focus and deflection. Features a linear post-acce1erator-a spiral resistance winding that extends from tube face to deflection plate region allowing a gradual voltage gradient. Aluminized screen. . Used as instrument indicator or in oscillography for high-frequency display, fast transients, and fast pulses. Vertical response, 220 mc, ,1,3 db. Third anode, 10 kv; second anode, 1.6S kv. Deflection factors: horizontal-70 to 85 volts per inch; vertical-IS to 18 volts per inch. Filament, 6.3 volts, 0.6 amps. Post accelerator, 12,000 volts max. Accelerator, 200 volts max. Specify Dept. E·6. 5BHP2. 1-~, EACH ................................... 92.50 MULLARD INDUSTRIAL TUBES SpeCify, Dept. E-21 and Tube Type. Tube Type T 003-10 QY5-3000A E55 L C~::'s Description EACH Ref. 1-4 5861 Disc Seal Triode '"'33.75 6076 Tetrode 315.00 8233 High Slope WideBand Pentode 13.25 15CI ...... Voltage Reg. 5.10 2.30 :;;S~5==A=2-=-__ 1 OG3 Voltage Reg. 6922 Frame Grid ESSCC Twin Triode 4.15 ...... Voltage Reg. 3.50 90CI 6688 High Slope EISOF RF Pentede 6.S0 Electrometer MEI400 6.10 ...... Specify Dept. No. and Tube Type When Ordering New Special-Purpose Tubes AMPEREX Ijil Jype 6EJ7 "Ampliframe" TV-IF Sharp Cut-Off Pentade_ Frame-grid ~ -55% higher gain and bandwidth. New construction: higher G m per rnaj tighter G m and plate-current tolerance; lower transit time. capacitance. and microphonics; increased ruggedness. 9-pin construction; 2 cathode leads; internally shielded; internally neutralized screen grid. G m , 15,000 I'mhos at 10 rna. Grid v. for 625 I'mlios, 9.5 v. Fil., 6.3 V., 300 mao 10 mmf input; 3mmf output; plate to control grid, less than .005 mmf. 6 EJ7. 1-4 EACH ........................................ 1.45 fjjl 7580W Ruggedized Ceramic Tetrode (Replaces 4CX'250R). Manu~ factured to military specifications. Ceramic-yet costs 110 more than glass versions. Forced-air cooled. Filament. 6 V., 2.6 amps. 250-watt plate dissipation. For single sideband and other linear amplifier applications up to 500 mc. 7580W. 1-4, EACH .................................. .45.00 ret Types ZM~ 1030 end ZM-1032 Biquinary Numerical 0-9 Indicators. ~ 20,OOO-hour life. 150 0 angle viewing. Compact-for transistorized circuitry. Red lacquer ZM-I030. Clear ZM-l032. Anode supply, 200 v. Anode-cathode ignition, 160 v. Maintains 140 v. at 4 rna. Min. plate supply, 170 V. Min. cathode current, 3 rna; max .. 5 rna. Max. extinguishing V., 110 V. 15K plate limiting resistor at 200 V., ±3%. lOOK shield-grid limiting resistor. ZM-I030. 1-49, EACH ...... 9.95 50-Up, EACH ............. 8.00 ZM-1032. 1-49, EACH ...... 9.95 50-Up, EACH ............. 8.00 f[i1 Type 8233 Miniature Double-Frame-Grid Wideband Power Pentode. ~ lO,OOO-houT life. For exacting military and industrial service. High G n.. 45.000 !LmhoS at 50 ma and 10 watts dissipation. Frame grid-reduced microphonics, minimum spread-in characteristics. Lower screen-grid current-unusually high ratio of plate-to-screen ~~,;~~\'-r~~t~ .r~~~,ced. ~ .. ~~~~~~~ .~~s:: .............. 13.25 fE1 Type 56AVP Photomultiplier. Extremely fast rise-time. High gain ff1 t.=.J (guaranteed. minimum 108). Large anode currents without loss of linearity. Pulse in less than 2 nsee. Outstanding for: fast coincidence and Cerenkov countingj time-of-flight and short-lived isotope measurements; study of photo emissions from semi-conductors. 14 stages. Typical sensitivity, 60 ,ua/lm; ma.",imum spectral response in blue region. Photocathode dia., 42mm. 56AVP. 1-4, EACH ............................. _.... 325.00 Type 6360A Twin Tetrode. Improved and interchangeable with L'J Type 6360. Expected life, 3 times that of 6360. Improved anode material increases life, RF conductance, and tank efficiency. Gettering action is also enhanced. Useful as class C RF amplifier, oscillator frequency modulator, and modulator in mobile equipment up to 200 mc. Other outstanding features: interilaI neutralization; oxide-coated, indirectly heated cathode; heater that withstands battery v. fluctuations of mobile service. Plate dissipation, 14 watts lCAS; 16 watts at 200 mc ICAS. 6360A. 1-4, EACH ...................................... 5.85 VICTOREEN NATIONAL ELECTRONICS 1 B85 TYPICAL TUBE OPERATION "m. .. '01 .. ~ VR57 VOLTAGE REGULATOR ...... Voltage Regulator D.C. Coupling • VlS7 • : ~ . IGJ Type 1B85 Geiger-Counter Tube. Aluminum walled-shock and ~ vibration resistance much greater than glass walled types .. Organically squelched. Oper., 850-950 V. Amb. temp., -30 to +75°C. ReI. humidity, 95% max. Beta energy, 160 Kev min. Threshold, 800 V. max.' Recovery time, 100 !Lsec. Background (V o, 900 v.) 40 c/m. Life (6000 c/m) 10' counts. Std. RETMA Al-82 base. I B85. 1-4, EACH ....................................... 9.60 fH1 Type VX55 Electrometer Triode. May be used in many circuits ~ as direct substitute for popular 5803. New design features permit most VX55's to fall near design'center of tolerable parameter limits. Typical ratings: Fil., 1.25 v .. 10 rna. Plate to fil., 7.5 v. Grid, -2.2 V. Plate current, 95 !La. Transconductance, 110 !Lmlios. ~~~5c.ufT'h.~~1.~ ~1.4 .a.~:s: .~~: .~ ..1: ................ 24.20 IJl Type VR57 Subminiature Voltage Regulator. Glow discharge type ~ for relatively low power regulation. Also for use as voltage reference and sawtooth generator. DC striking V., 75 v. max. DC operating v.: 54 V. min. at 200 !La; 59 v. max. at 800 I'a. V. reg .. (200-800 !La) 1.8 V. Amb. temp., -55 to 85 cC. VR57. 1-4, EACH ...................................... 4.50 IGNITRONS. Types below are typical of the many sizes of ignitrons availahle including the new coaxial ignitrons (as Type NL-I061). All are interchangeable with ignitrons of other manufacture. Specific ignitrons listed below are metal, water-cooled, mercurypool tubes. Specially designed for welder control and similar AC uses. Inner can, all-copper cooling coil, and thermostat mount are brazed together in a t;;ingle unit to assure exceptional cooling efficiency, and a dependable and adiustment-free temperature control system that operates directly on inner can temperature. fj(l Type 1052A. 140 amps DC. Equivalent to 600-amp magnetic con~ tactor. Slotted-terminal, quick-change. 1-4, EACH ....... 99.00 INJ Types 1051A and 1061. 56 amps DC. Equivalent to 300-amp ~ magnetic contactor. NL-I061 (not iIIus.) is electrically same as NL-I051A, but has new coaxial base. 1-4, EACH •........... 65.00 THYRATRON AND RECTIFIER TUBES. Complete line of mercury, mercury-gas, and gas types stocked. "Life Indicating" tubes that change color as end of useful life approaches also available. For information on indicating types, 'wY'tte Industrial Customer SCl'vice Departmenl. Ask JOY bullet;n SB-15. fll Types 710/6011 and 710L/7518 Quick-Heating Thyraton Tubes. lC:J 2.5 amps DC, 30 amps peak. Especially designed for ignitor firing and regulated rectifier applications. Gas and mercury filled for quick starts. 7!OL/7518 has lug type base. 710/60 I I. 1-4, EACH ..... 13.00 71 OL/7518. 1-4, EACH ... 15.25 IMJ Types 664L and 664P Rectifier Tubes. 10 amps DC, 120 amps EJ peak. Specially designed for industrial power rectifier applications up to. 250 volts. Mercury and gas-filled to withstand high inverse voltages. 664L has lug base. 664P has bracket base. 664L. 1-4, EACr;.. . .... 26.00 664P. 1-4, EACH ......... 27.30 Slee Tube Directory Pages 84-91 for Ordering Information and Quantity Prices ALLIED. 101 "Reliable Plus" Industrial Tubes Allied presents a oelectiDn Df RaytheDn ApprDved ElectrDn Tubes especially design~d for industrial ap·plicatiDns requiring a high degree Df reliability. The use of uncompromising quality control methods and pro- o Volts 4022 {25.2 12.6 6.3 4032 TRANSMITTING TUBES Max.' Max. Max. Max. Plate Plate Grid 1 Grid 2 Plate Grid 1 Grid 2 Disl. Watts Ma Amps Volts ~ Volts ~ Ma -200 350 300 -1-535 50 600 0.8 1.6 -200 350 300 3.75 600 15 35 50 Filament Type No. I Max. Max. [!J QK-291 20 15 5 300 2250 Output. Milliwatts Av. 140 f50 125 40 5925-6450 120 6200-7425 110 6575-6875 110 6875-7125 110 7125-7650 110 8500-9660 { 32 22 33,520-36,250 18 2000-12,000 QK-549 5976 QK-531 QK-532 QK-623 2K25 85 85 Freq. Range Me 1500·3750 2K2BA R.so .. Poten. DC Volts 300 1000 1000 1250 300 300 300 300 300 Power Max. Type No. @] Min. 95 50 100 20 100 85 85 -W 135 1.5 135 EACH 1-4 60 3'2.76 60 32.76 Dperation over frequency ranges of an octave or more. Extremely wide range ideally suits them for signal generatDr Dr special DscillatDr use. Types QK-S31, QK-S32, QK-S49 and QK-623 are for lDw-band communicatiDns. Types 2K2S and 5976 are lDW-coSt local oscillatDr types', Type QK-291 is fDr high frequency use Focus Max. Poten. DC Volts 300 Temperature Coeffllcient 4to 18 ............ ............ ........ : .... ............ ............ Me/oC =.15 =.040 =.025 =.040 .1 to +.1 -.1 to +.1 -.1 to +.1 -.1 to +.1 -.1 to +.1 ............ o to -.20 -20 to -250 To be specified Fllaman-t CUrrent. @ 6.3 V. Amperes EACH 1-4 0.650 "'75.00 0.580 116.00 0.440 0.440 0.440 0.440 0.440 6B.00 6B.00 6B.00 6B.00 6B.00 0.440 0.580 32.25 407.00 MAGNETRON OSCILLATORS Lightweight, compact units. High efficiency and low: operating voltages required by these units reduce necessary power supply size. Units affDrd .the means of having a Dne-tube system, with the absDlute minimum of connections and associated equipment. Type RK2J70 is a medium power S band type ideal fDr general purpose Type Range Heater Me Class No. Amps Volts RK2J70A 3030-3110 2 6.3 1.25 QK-456 6.3 1.50 5360-5400 2 9345-9405 2 RK2J55 6.3 1.0 2 RK2J42 6~3 0.5 9345-9405 - - Power Power Max. Drive Output Freq. Watts Watts Me REFLEX KLYSTRON OSCILLATORS Use of reflex klystrDns is indicated where very lDW cost, wide mechanical tuning, vernier vDltage tuning, cDmpact size and lDng Dperating life are desired features. Available in self-contained and external cavity types. Types 2K28A and 5721 are external cavity types fDr use in coaxial cavities for CW Dr pulsed 5721 cedures further insures tubes Df greater than average efficiency and pDwer handling capabilities-tubes that prDvide maximum prDtection against costly prDduction breal - -=-=-=....c:J- Type PW-5Xl0. 5-watt. 1 ea.; 10. 20, 25. SO. 100. 500. 1000. 2000, 4000, & 5000. I M 176 ... ·........................... 2.50 Type PW·5X20. 5-watt. 1 ea.; 1, 5. 7.5, 10. 15. 20, 25. SO. 100. 150.500. 750. 1000, 1250, 1500,2000. ~5~'1 ~~OO,. ~???: ~???: ................. 5.00 Type 20-A. lOw. 1 ea.; SO, 75. 100, 250. 500, 750, 1000, 1500. 2000. 2500. 3000, 3300. 3900. 4000. ~O~'I ~~~O,. :~O?,. ~~??: .1?~,. ~~~~'....... .7.20 ~u~p;~~.~~ll1pl.e~~ .~t~\.ll1e.t~~ .~~si~:-.~-.~~~~~~t: .4.~.I.~s: ... 18.00 Assortment No. SA. Contains 125 IRC l-watt resistors. 7 each: 1000. 10K. 27K. 47K. lOOK, 270K, 470K, 1.0 meg; 5 each: 2200, 4700. 22K; 4 each: 33K, 39K, 68K; 3 each: 47, 100. ISO, 220, 270. 470. 1500. 2700. 3300. 15K. 150K, 220K, 2.2 meg. 4.7 meg. With metal Resist-O-Cabinet. 4% Ibs. . 2 M 77B ......................................../ .... 22.50 Combination Assortment No. 6A. 139 IRC insulated and Type DCF resistors. Y. Watt. 4 each: 1000. 47K. lOOK, 270K. 470K. 1.0 meg; 3 each: 4700. 10K, 220K, 2.2 meg; 2 each: 47. 100, 150. 220,270,470. 1500.2200,2700.3300, 15K, 22K, 27K, 33K. 39K. 68K. 150K, 4.7 meg. 1 Watt. 4 each: 1000, 10K, 27K. lOOK. 1.0 meg; 3 each: 47K. 470K. 2.2 meg; 2 each: 3300. 15K. 22K. 68K, 150K, 270K; 1 each: 47.100, ISO, 220, 270, 470. 1500,2200,2700.4700, 33K, 39K. 220K. 4.7 meg. 2 Watt. 1 each: 47, 100. 470. 4700. 10K. 22K, 47K. Type DCF. 1 each: 1000. 10K. lOOK. 1.0 meg. 5.0 meg. With Resist-O- ia~i~~~.5 lbs: .......... : .....................•...•. 23.22 FUSE·RESISTORS Plug-in unit functions as resistor under normal conditions. fuse under overload conditions. Extensively ALLIED COLOR·CODE GUIDE Easy way to read color-code. Includes tolerance code and listing of EIA-JAN 10% standard stock valnes. Only 2%x 3%". (FREE with order for 20 or more ~es.(,;'t~;~)2 ~~: .................. .15 Specify Ohms and Wattage When Ordering Resistors used in TV sets. Ceramic body. lZ%4X1 lI"xYa". 3 oz. Stock No. Type Ohms 2 M 773 FR5.0 FR5.6 FR7.5 5.0 5.6 7.5 2 M 772 2 M 771 }-9, EA·110-UP. EA. I .45 .35 ALLIED • 113 IRe Wirewound Power Resistors , 1. Clean, easy.to.solder terminals. 2. Quality, selected ceramic cores. 3. Premium, heavy.gauge windings. ·ft Fixed 4. Uniform spacing-no hot spots.' 5. Chip·resistant Resisteg coating. 6. Mtg. brackets with most units. Fixed, Units of 25 watts or more have mtg. brackets. *Others have 1'At leads and lugs. To!., =5%. Adjustable, Units of 25 watts or more TABLE "A"-FOR FIXED AND ADJUSTABLE RESISTORS STOCK VALUES (OHMS)-SPECIFY VALUES 1 10 40 225 600 1100 2500 6000 11K 18K 1.5 12 50250 650 1200 2750 7000 12K 20K 2 15 75 300 700 1250 3000 7500 12.5K 22.5K 3 20 100 350 750 1500 3500 8000 13.5K 25K 4 25 125 400 SOO 1750 4000 8500 15K 30K 30 ISO 450 900 2000 4500 9000 16K 3SK 5 7.5 35 200 500 1000 2250 5000 10K 17.5K 40K DESIRED 45K SOK 175K 50K 85K 200K 55K 90K 250K 60K 95K 65K lOOK 70K 12SK 75K 150K FIXED POWER RESISTORS *TYPE IA I I I I I 5·8 WAnS-Ix"A," EACH See Table "An Above 1·9 10·24 26·99 100-249 250-499 1 to 1000 except 650 ~ .44 """T6 ~ .26" 1100 to 5000 except 2750 .28 .55 .47 .39 .33 6000 to 10K except 8500 .29 .58 .49 .41 .3~ 12.5K to 20K except 13.5K, 16K,18K .65 .55 .46 .39 ' .33 MM254 22.5K and 25K only .34 .68 .58 .48 .41 Stock No. MM250 MM251 MM252 MM253 Values Available In Ohms 10-12 WAnS-l%x'A." EACH See Table "A" Above 1·9 10·24 25·99 100·249 250-499 1 to 1000 except 650 .57 .48 AD -:34 -:29 1100 to 5000 except 2750 .61 .52 .43 .37 .31 6000 to 10K .70 .60 .49 .42 .35 11K to 20K .79 .67 .55 .47 '.40 22.5K to 40K .83 .71 .58 .50 .42 45K and 50K only .93 .79 .65 .56 .47 *TYPE 1% A Stock No. I MM270 I MM271 I MM272 I MM273 I MM274 I MM268 Values Available In Ohms *TYPE 2C 20 WAn5-2xfu" Values Available In Ohms Stook See Table uA" Above No. I MM278 1 to 1000 except 1.5, 7.5,12· 20, 30-40, 125, 225, 450, 600 I MM279 1200 to 5000 I MM280 6000 to 10K except 8500 I MM281 12.5K to 20K except 13.5K, 16K, 17.5K and 18K I MM282 25K to 40K I MM 283 45Kto 60K I MM258 65K to 80K I MM 259 85K to lOOK TYPE 2D EACH 1·9 10.24 25·99 100·249 250·499 -- -- - - -- .68 .70 .83 .58 .48 .60 .49 .71 .58 .41 .42 .50 .34 .35 .42 ,60 .51 .43 .85 .72 .99 -:B4 1.15 .98 1.37 1.16 1.57 1.33 -:69 --:59 --:50 .81 .96 1.10 .69 .82 .94 .58 .69 .79 25 WATTS--2x~6" Values Available In Ohms Stock See Table nAil Above No. MM 203 1·1000 except 1.5, 7.5, 12, I '20, 30-40, 125; 225, 300· 450, 600·700, 900 I MM204 1500 to 5000 excellt 1750, 2250, 2750, and 41>00 I MM 205 6000, 7500, 10K only I MM206 12K, 15K, 20K only I MM 207 25K to 40K I MM 208 50K and 60K only I MM 209 70K and 80K only 1M 210 lOOK only EACH 1·9 10·24 25-99 100.249 250·499 ---- - - - - .72 .61 .50 .43 .36 .75 .64 .53 ~ ,38 .85 .72 -:60 .51 -:43 .90 .77 .63 .54 .45 1.04 .88 .73 '.62 .52 1.21 1.03 .85 .73 .61 1.42 1.21 .99 .85 .71 1.64 1.3~ 1.15 .98 .82 TYPE 4D 50 WAn5-4x'A6" I MM 290 1-1000 except 1.5, 7.5, 12· 20, 30-40, 125, 225, 300450, 600-700. 900 1.11 .94 .78 .67 .56 MM 291 1500 to 5000 except 1750, 2250,2750,3500 and 4500 1.14 .97 .80 .68 .57 MM 292 7500, 8000, and 10K only 1.23 !:Os .86 .74 .62 MM293 12 K, 15K, and 20R; only 1.35 1,15 .95 .81 .68 MM 225 25K and 35K only 1.54 1.31 1.08 .92 .77 M 226 50K only 1.72 1.46 1.20 1.03 .86 M 227 75K only 1.97 ~ 1.38 1.18 .99 M 228 lOOK only 2.13 1.81 1.49 I.2iI """1:07 M 229 125K only 2.57 2.18 1.80 1.54 1.29 M 330 150K only 2.70 2.30 1.89 1.62 1.35 175K only M 331 2.79 2.37 1.95 1.67 1.40 M 332 200K only 2.89 2.46 2.02 1.73 1.45 M333 250K only 3.24 2.75 2.27 1.94 1.62 114 • ALLIED W"""""'i'·i''' ... ' ... '''''... ' ... have silver contacts. AIl have mtg. brackets. To!., =10%. Specify resistance value when order· ing. 5·50 watts, 4 oz.; 100 watts up, 1 lb. i~' Adjustable FIXED POWER RESISTORS (Conl'd) TYPE 6¥.zE 100 WATTS-6¥.zX%H Stock Values Available In Ohm.I _ _,---,,....::E::.A::C:.:H::......_~_ _ No. See Table "A" at Left 1.910·24 25·99 100.249 250.499 I MM 309 1 to 1000 except 1.5, 7.5, 12·20, 30-40, 200. 225, 300-450,600·700, BOO and 900 1.541.31 1.08 .92 .77 I M M 310 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 5000 only 1.60 1.36 1.12 .96 .80 M M 31 I 7500 and 10K only T:73 T:47 i l i To4--:B7 MM23515Kand20Konly 1.871,591.31 1.12 .94 M M 236 25K, 30K and 40K only 2.13 1.8 I 1.49 1.28 1.07 I M M 237 50K and 60K only 2:21 1.88 1.55 1.33 1.11 I M 238 75K only 2.45 2.08 1.72 1.47 1.23 I M 239 \ lOOK only 2.75 2.34 1.93 1.65 1.38 I TYPE 8¥.zH 160·115 WATTS-S¥.zxl%" M M 385 I to 1000 except 1.5, 7.5. 12-20, 30-40, 200. 225, 300-450,600-700,800,900 2.28 1.94 1.60 1.37 1.14 M M 386 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 2.32 1.97 1.62 1.39 1.16 5000 only MM3877500and 10K only 2.532.151.77 1.52 1.27 M M 388 15K and 20K only 2.71 2.30 iTo ,1.36 M M 389 25K, 30K and 40K only 2.80 2.38 1.96 1.68 1.40 MM 390 50K and 60K only 2.89 2.46 2.02 1.73 1.45 I M 391 75K only 3.08 2.62 2.16 1.85 1.54 I M 392 lOOK only 3.26 2.77 2.28 1.96 1.63 TYPE 10¥.zH 200-225 WATT5-10¥.zxl%" I MM 441 1-1000 exc. 1.5, 7.5, 12-20, 30-40, 125, 200, 225. 300· 2.46 2.09 1.72 1.48 1.23 450, 600-700, SOO, 900 I M M 442 1500,2000,2500, 3000,5000 only 2.53 2.15 1.77 1.52 1.27 I MM4437500andiOKonly 2.712.301.90 1.63 1.36 I MM 444 15K and 20K only 2.8'92.462.021.7'31":4'5 I MM44525K,30Kand40Konly 2.982.532.09 1.79 1.49 I M M 446 50K and 60K only 3.08 2.62 2,16 '.85 1.54 I M 447 75K only 3.26 2.77 2.28 1.96 1.63 I M 448 100Konly 3.462.942.42 2.08 1.73 ----------- 1':63 ADJUSTABLE POWER RESISTORS . TYPE I%AA 1012 WAnS-I%x'A6" I ,MM 275 I to 1000 except 1.5, 4, 12, 30-40, 125, 225, 450, 650, 700,900 1.14 .97 .80 I MM276 1250 to 5000 except 1750 and 2750 1.18 1.00 .83 I MM277 6000 to 10K 1.27 1.08 .89 TYPE 2DA 25 WAnS-2x • I MM284 I to 1000 except 1.5. 4, 12. . 30-40, 125, 225, 350, 450, 600·700. 900 1.29 1.10 .90 I MM 285 1250 to 5000 except 1750 and 2750 1.32 1.12 .92 1.42 1.21 .99 I MM286 6000 to 10K except 8500 I MM 287 12K, 15K and 20K only 1.47 1.25 1.03 1M 288 25K only 1.61 1.37 1.13 TYPE 4DA 50 WATTS-4x~." I MM294 I to 1000 except 1.5. 7.5,1220, 30-40, 125, 225, 350, 600-700. 900 1.68 1.43 1.18 I MM 295 1250 to,5000 except 1750, 2750 1':71 1.45 1.20 1.80 1.53 1.26 I MM 296 6000 to 10K except 8500 I MM 297 12K. 15K and 20K only 1.92 1.63 ~ 2.11 1.79 1.48 I MM 298 25K, 30K and 40K only I MM 299 50K and 60K only 2.29 1.95 1.60 2.54 2.16 1.78 1M 269 80K only, 2.70,2.30 1.89 I M308 lOOK only TYPE 5EA 15 WAnS-Sx%" I MM211 I, 2·5, 10.25, 50, 100,250, 500,1000 1.86 1.58 1.30 I MM212 1500, 2500, and 5000 only 1.95 1.66 1.37 1M 213 10K only 2.09 1.78 1.46 I MM214 15K and 20K only 2.22 1.89 1.55 I MM215 25K, 30K and 40K only 2.41 2.05 1;69 .68 .57 .71 .76 .59 .64 .77 .65 .79 .85 .88 .97 .66 .71 .74 .81 1.01 .84 1.03 1.08 1.15 1.27 1.37 1.52 1.62 .86 .90 .96 I.'ii6 1.12 1.17 1.25 1.33 1.45 .93 .98 1.05 1.11 1.21 1.15 1.27 1.35 (ADJUSTABLE RESISTORS CONT'D NEXT PAGE) Be Certain to Specify Ohms and Wattage When Ordering IRC Wirewound Power Resistors ADJUSTABLE RESISTORS (Cont'd) TYPE al!.>HA-160.175 WATTS-l0l!.>xlv.." TYPE 5EA-75 WATT5-5x%" Values Available" In Stock Ohms. See Table "Au No. o. . n Facing Page M 21& 50K only M217 75K only M 21B lOOK only I MM312 I MM 313 1M 314 I MM 315 I MM 316 I M 317 I M 31B I M 319 EACH ~1'0.24125.991'00.2491250.499 2.60 2.21 1.82 1.56 2.872.442.0 I 1.72 3.10 2.64 2.17 1.86 TYPE 6l!.>EA-l00 WATTS-6l!.>x%" 1. 2-5. 10.25. 50. 100, 250, 500, 1000 2.11 1.79 1.4B 1.27 1500, 2500, and 5000 only 2.17 I.B4 1,52 1.30 10K only 2.30 1.9& 1.61 1.3B 15K and 20K only 2.44 2.07 1.71 1.46 25K, 30K and 40K only 2.70 2.30 I.B9 1,62 50K only 2.7B 2.36 1.95 1.67 75K only 3.02 2,57 2.11 I,BI lOOK only 3.32 2.B2 232 1.99 TYPE al!.>HA-160.175 WATTS-l0l!.>xl v.. " Values Available In Stock I_-:-=..,..,,=~,.-,_,.,..,,=_ MM 360 M 362 M 3&3 M 3&4 1.30 1.44 1.55 I I I I 1.06 1.09 1.15 1.22 1.35 1,39 1.51 1.66 I MM 377 MM 35~1' 500, 2-5, 10, 100025,50, 100, 250'1 3.16 12.69 12.21 1 1,90 1 1,5B MM 357 1500,2500, and 5000 only 3,202.722.24 1.92 1.60 M 35B 10K only 3.41 2.902.39 2.05 1.71 M M 35 15K and 20K only 3.59 3,05 2.51 2.15 I,BO EACH Ohm's. See Table "A" on Facing Page No. 250.499 1.84 1.89 1.98 2.07 1·9 10·24 25·99 100·249 25K. 30K and 40K only 3.68 3.T3 2.58 2.21 50K only 3.77 3.20 2.64 2.2& 75K only 3.9& 3.37 2.77 2.38 lOOK only 4.14 3.52 2.90 2.4B TYPE IOY,HA-200 225 WATTS-IOY2xl v.. " I, 2-5. 10. 25. 50. 100. 250. 3.34 2.B4 2.34 2.00 500. 1000 1500, 2500, and 5000 only 3.41 2.90 2.39 2.05 10K only 3.59 3.05 2.51 2.15 15K and 20K only 3.77 3.20 2.64 2.26 25K. 30K and 401( only 3.B6 3.2B 2.70 2.32 50K only 3.96 3.37 2.77 2.3B 75K only 4.14 3.52 2.90 2.4B lOOK only 4.34 3.69 3.04 2.60 . I MM 37B I M 379 I MM 3BO I MM3BI I M 3B2 1M 3B3 1M 3B4 1.67 1.71 I.BO I.B9 1.93 1.9B 2.07 2.17 Exira Sliders. For adiustable resistors. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. 2 M 600, For Type I%AA .................................. 14 2 M 604. For Types 2DA, 4DA............................• 14 2 M 605. For Types SEA, 6Y2EA, ........................... 14 2 M 603, For Types 8l1zHA, 10llzHA........................ 23 WIREWOUND 1% PRECISION RESISTORS Precision resistors surpassing MIL-R-93A specs. Designed for high reliability with extremely conservative specifications-power ratings at 85" C. WW4J liz· Wall. Wound in four sections, 700 v. max. breakdown voltage Rated 1 20-watts at 40· C ambient 0 SOTYPE WW4J Stock No. Ohms 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 M M M M M M M M M 541 549 542 500 546 501 502 503 504 5 10 25 50 100 2 2 2 2 2 M M M M M 505 506 543 507 SOB 200 250 300 500 1000 2 2 2 2 M M M M 509 510 511 547 1500 2000 2500 3000 EACH 0.1 0.2 0.5 I 1.32 1.41 --1.53 watts at 8S"C. Lug terminals. Size, o/16x1". WW10J O.15-Waft. Wound in 1 section. 200 v. max. breakdown voltage. Rated 1.00-watt at 40" C ambient, O.IS-watts at 85· C. 2" wire leads, Size, o/3,x1o/\,'. Shpg. wts.: WW4J 3 oz .,. WWI0J 2 oz TYPE WW4J (Conl'd) Ohms EACH 2 M 512 4000 1.53 2 M 513 5000 2 M 514 7500 1.62 10K 2 M 515 12.5K 2 M 516 15K 2 M 517 2 M SIB 20K 22.5K 2 M 544 2.10 25K 2 M 519 30K 2. M 520 2 M 521 40K 50K 2 M 522 60K 2 M 523 75K 2 M 524 2.37 lOOK 2 M 525 Stock No. ----- 2 M 526 2 M 527 2 M 52B 125K 150K 175K TYPE WW4J (Conl'd) Ohms EACH 200K 529 2.61 -225K 530 250K 531 2.88 , 300K 532 400K 533 3.39 500K 3.B7 534 Stock No. Ohms 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 5000 7500 10K 12.5K 15K 20K 25K 30K 40K 50K 60K 75K lOOK M M M M M M TYPE WWIOJ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.61 TYPE WWIOJ Stock No. M 550 M 551 M 552 M '553 M 554 M 555 M 556 M 557 M 55B 10 25 50 100 200 250 300 500 1000 1.35 --1.29 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 56B 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 EACH 1.32 1.38 1.62 I.BO TYPE AS 1% AND 5% POWER RESISTORS Max. working voltages: AS-2, iso v.; AS-5, 400 v.; AS-IO, 1000 v. I liz" leads. Wt., 2 oz. TABLE "B" l%-TYPE AS·5 5·WATT (Conl'd) STOCK VALUES (OHMS)-SPECIFY VALUES WANTED Stock Values Available In Ohms ..,-,..,..~=,.:E::A:::C:;.::H~."..,...,..,__ 33 680 3300 1.5 6.8 150 15K -,...,N=o:,.._1_.::S:::e.:.e...:T.::a:.:b:.:.le=--":;:Bc.".!.':;:L:::e.:.:ft=--I'·9 10.2425.49 50.99 100-249 36 160 750 3600 16K 16 7.5 M M 032 16K to 20K ~ -:92 --:74 --:69 ---:65 39 1.8 180 820 3900 18K 8.2 I MM B78 22K to 39K 1.28 .98 .7B .74 .6B 910 4300 2.0 9.1 43 200 20K I M M 879 43K to 51K 1.39 1.05 .85 .79 .74 47 220 1000 4700 22K 2.2 10 I M 034 56K 1.54 1.16 .92 .B7 .B I 240 1100 5100 2.4 11 51 24K 1200 5600 2.7 12 56 270 27K ,l%-TYPE AS·IO 10·WATT (J1%x13hz") 3.0 13 62 300 1300 6200 30K 6800 3.3 68 330 1500 33K 15 1.0 to 1000 1.03 .78 .62 .59 .55 I MM BB2 360 1600 7500 3.6 16 75 36K I MM 883 1100 to 4700 1.12 .B6 .69 .65 .60 8200 18 82 390 1800 39K 3.9 5100 to 10K 1.15 .B9 .67 .62 I MM 8B4 .71 4.3 20 91 430 2000 9100 43K 11K to 15K .65 I MM BB5 1.17 .91 .73 .69 10K 4.7 22 100 470 2200 47K 16K to 20K 1.24 .95 .77 .72 .68 I MM 033 110 510 2400 11K 51K 24 5.1 22K ta 39K 1.31 1.01 .BI .77 .71 I MM BB7 5.6 27 12K 560 2700 120 56K 43K to 51K 1.42 1.08 .88 .B2 .77 I MM 8BB 13K 130 3000 6.2 30 620 MimaturewirewoundresistorswithsiliconeThermacoat-carry full rated power at 125· C ambient. .1 .12 .15 .18 .22 .27 .33 .39 .47 .56 .68 .82 l.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Stock No. IMM 867 I MM 868 I MM 869 I MM 870 I MM031 I MM 8731 I MM 874 I MM 875 I MM 876 5%-TYPE AS·2 2·WATT-MIL RW69 (l!.>xv..") 1%-TYPE AS·2 2·WAn (l!.>x'/.o") EACH Values Available In Ohms See Ta ble I I B" Above 1.9 10·24 25·49 50.99 100·249 - .54 .50 1.0 to 1000 .98 .73 .57 1100 to 4700 .60 1.07 .81 .64 .55 5100 to 10K .62 1.10 .B4 .66 .57 11K to 15K 1.12 .B6 .6B .64 .60 16K to 20K 1.19 .90 .72 .67 .63 -- MM 0361 MM037 -- 1%-TYPE AS·5 5·WATT (15A6x1'h2") 1.0 to 1000 .561 ,.001.751 .• 59 1100 to 4700 1.09 .83 .66 .62 11.12 .B6 .6B 1 .64 5100 to 10K 11K to 15K .66 1.14 .BB .70 .1 to .82 1.0 to 910 .751 •64 1 .5BI I .55 .47 .41 .52 I .3B .45 .33 5%-TYPE AS·5 5·WATT_IL RW67 (1'lO",1'h2") MM 0421 MM 043 MM044 .1 to .82 1.0 to 1000 1100 to 3600 .7BI . 67 1 . 61 1 .39 .551 I .56 .4B .43 .59 .50 A6 .41 .47 .34 .35 5%-TYPE AS·IO 10·WATT-MIL RW68 (l 13A","'h2") .52 .57 .59 .62 I I I I MM MM MM MM 0531 054 055 056 Be Certain to Specify Ohms and Wattage When Ordering .22 to .82 1.0 to 1000 1100 to .4700 5100 to 8200 ·86·1 .61 1 .67 .76 .731.671 .52 .48 .57 .51 .65 .59 .60 .43 .47 .53 I .51 .37 .40 .46 ALLIED. 115 Ohmite Resistors and Resistor Assortments "LITTLE D,EVIL" ASSORTMENTS ' "LITTLE DEVIL" RESISTORS Molded composition resistors. Meet MIL-R-llD specs. Can be used at full wattage ratings at 158 0 F. Breakdown ratings: 1/10 w., 150 v.; lI.I w., 250 v.; Ih w., 350'v.; 1 w., 500 v.; 2 w .. 750 v. ' CONFORMS TO STYLES OF MIL·R·l0D IIl.Watt, RC20 I 1·Wat.t, RC32 2.Watt, RC42 14.Watt, RCOT 10% RESISTORS-SEE TABLE "A" BELOW FOR VALUES Stock ,No. Watts 2MM 050 2 MM451 2 MM450 2 MM040 2 MM060 2 MMOBO ~o lI.I lI.I ---v. 1 2 EACH May Be Asstd Not 1·4 5·49 50·Up 100.249 250·499 10 ohms to 1 meg .24 .20 .16 .14 .122 2.7 ohms to 22 ohms .20 .17 .105 .075 .075 27 ohms to 22 meg .05, .13 .11 .07 .05 2.7 ohms to 22 meg .12 .10 .06 .04 .04 2.7 ohms to 22 meg .IB .15 .09 .06 .055 10 ohms to 22 meg .096 .24 .20 .15 • 11 Values-See Table ClAn Below TABLE "A" 10% RESISTORS-SPECIFY VALUES WANTED Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms 2.7 3.3 3.9 4.7 5.6 6.8 8.2 Ohms """"39 150 560 10 12 15 18 22 27 33 180 220 270 330 390 470 47 56 68 82 100 120 5% A••td 500·999 l000·Up .112 --:-iOS .06 " .05 .04 .034 .032 ---:03 .050 .045 .OB2 .088 2200 2700 3300 3900 4700 5600 6BOO 680 820 1000 1200 1500 1800 Ohms Ohms Ohms 8200 10K 12K 15K 18K 22K 27K 33K 120K 39K 150K 47K 180K 56K 220K 68K 270K 82K 330K lOOK 390K Ohms Mega Megs 470K 560K 680K 820K 1.8 2.2 2.7 3.3 3.9 4.7 5.6 6.8 8.2 10 12 15 18 22 1.0 meg -, 1.2 meg 1.5 meg RESISTORS-SEE TABLE "B" BELOW FOR VALUES 2 2 2 2 2 Watts MM456 MM455 MM045 MM065 MM OB5 lI.I lI.I Ih 1 2 Values-See Table UB" Below May Be A••td Not Asstd 1-4 5-49 50-Up 100.249 250.499 500-999 10DO·Up 2.7 ohms to 24 ohms .40 .34 -:21 ~ .11 --:T02 .OB6 27 ohms to 22 meg .26 .22 .14 .073 .095 .091 .062 2.7 ohms to 22 meg .24 .20 .12 .075 .073 .065 .056 2.7 ohms to 22 meg .36 .30 .IB .123 .125 .11 .09 .IB5 • 175 10 ohms to 22 meg .4B .40 .24 .19 .16 TABLE "B"-5% TOLERANCE RESISTORS-SPECIFY VALUES WANTED Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.9 """"39 150 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 20 22 24 27 30 33 36 4~3 4.7 5.1 5.6 6.2 6.8 7.5 , S.2 9.1 43 47 51 56 62 68 75 82 91 100 110 120 130 160 180 200 220 240 270 300 330 360 390 430 470 510 560 620 680 750 820 910 1000 1100 1200 1300 1500 1600 lS00 2000 Ohms 2200 2400 2700 3000 3300 3600 3900 4300 4700 5100 5600 6200 6BOO 7500 Ohms Ohms Ohms 8200 9100 10K 11K 12K 13K 15K 16K 18K 20K 22K 24K 27K 30K '33K 36K 39K 43K 47K SlK 56K 62K 68K 75K 82K 91K lOOK 110K 120K 130K lS0K 160K 180K 200K 220K 240K 270K 300K 330K 360K 390K 430K Ohms Megs """47 x%" I MM 768 1,2,3 I MM 795 4,5,10,25,50,75,100,125,150.250, 500, 750, 1000 I MM 796 1500, 2000, 2500 3000, 5000 I MM 797 7500 and 10K I MM 798 15K and 20K I MM 799 25K, 30K and 40K I MM 801 50K and 60K I M 802 75K only lOOK only I M 803 160 WATTS 8~xlYa" I MM 837 1,2,3,4,5 I MM 638 10,25,50, 75, 100, 125, 150,250, sao, 750, 1000 I MM 839 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 5000 I MM 841 7500 and 10K I MM 842 15K and 20K I MM 843 25K, 30K and 40K I MM 844 50K and 60K I M 845 75K only I M 846 lOOK only 200 WATTS 10ll:>x1Ya" I M M 84711,2, 3,4,5 I MM 848 10,25,50,75,100,150,250,500,750, 1000 I M M 849 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 5000 I MM 650 7500 and 10K I MM 851 15K and 20K I MM 852 25K,30K 40K I MM 853 50K and 60K I M 854 75K only lOOK only I M 855 1024 2.37 2.46 2.75 25- 10099 249 1.95 T:67 2.02 1.73 2.27 1.94 2.16 1.84 1.51 1.30 1.54 1.60 1.73 1.87 2.13 2.21 2.45 2.75 1.31 1.36 1.47 1.59 1.81 1.88 2.08 2.34 1.08 1.12 1.21 1.31 1.49 1.55 1.72 1.93 .92 .96 1.04 1.12 1.28 1.33 1.47 1.65 3.19 2.71 2.23 1.91 2.28 2.32 2.53 2.71 2.80 2.89 3.08 3.26 1.94 1.97 2.15 2.30 2.38 2.46 2,62 2.77 1.60 1.62 1.77 1.90 1.96 2.02 2.16 2.28 1.37 1.39 1.52 1.63 1.68 1.73 1.85 1.96 3.44 2.92 2.41 2.06 2.46 2.53 2.71 2.89 2.98 3.08 3.26 3.46 2.09 2.15 2.30 2.46 2.53 2.62 2.77 2.94 1_ 10- 9 24 1.72 1.77 1.90 2.02 2.09 2.16 2.28 2.42 1.48 1.52 1.63 1.73 1.79 1.85 1.96 2.08 DIVIDOHM ADJUSTABLE RESISTORS 10 Stock WATTS-l%x~," Resistance 75 WATTS-6x'M," (Conl'd) EACH 1- 10- 25- 100(Ohms) No. 9 24 99 249 -...."-,,--,-,-.].---,---.,---__..,.--,,---::-:---,-,,.,-1-- - - - - - M M 804 1 2,3,5,10,25,50,75 100,150,250, 500,750, 1000 1.14 .97 .80 .68 MM 8051500,2500,5000 1.181.00 .83 .71 M M 8067500 and 10K 1.27 1.08 .89 .76 31 M 946. Exira Slider. Shpg. wt., 2 oz ....................... 14 25 WATTS-2x'M," M M 807 I, 3, 5, 10, IS, 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500,750, 1000 1.29 1.10 .90 .77 MM 8081500,2000,2500,3000,5000 1.321.12 .92 .79 MM 8097500 and 10K 1.42 1.21 .99 .85 MM B I 0 12K, 15K. and 20K 1.47 1.25 1.03 .88 M 811 25KonlY 1.61 1.371.13 .97 31 M 947. Extra Slider. Shpg. wt .. 2 oz........................ 14 50 WATTS-4x'M," 2.12 1.80 1.48 1.27 I M 812 1 only I MM 813 2, 3, 4, 10, 25, 50. 75, 100, ISO, 200, 250, 500, 750, 1000 1.68 1.43 1.18 1.01 I MM 814 1500, 2000, 2500. 5000 1.71 1.45 1.20 1.03 10K only I· M 815 1.80 1.53 1.26 1.08 I MM 816 15K and 20K only 1.92 1.63 1.34 1.15 I MM 817 25K, 30K, 40K 2.11 1.79 1.48 1.27 I M BIB 50K only 2.29 fo95 1.60 1.37 lOOK only I M 819 2.70 2.30 1.89 1.62 31 M 947. Extra Slider. Shpg. wt .. 2 oz....................... 14 75 WATTS-6,,'M," I M M 85611 and 2 12.3912.0311.6711.43 I M M 857 3, 4, 5, 10. 15. 25. 50. 100, 200, 250. 1.87 1.59 1.31 1.12 300. 400, 500, 750, 800, 1000 Stock Resistance No. (Ohms) EACH 2599 100- 249 -- I MM 858 1250, 1500, 2000, 2250, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000 1.92 1.63 1.34 1.15 I MM 859 6000, 7000, 7500, 8000. 9000 2.01 1.71 1.41 1.21 I MM 861 12K, 15K, 20K 2.13 1.81 1.49 1.28 I MM 862 25K, 30K. 35K. 40K 2.32 1.97 .!.,g 1.39 2.52 2.14 1.76 1.51 I MM 863 45K, 50K, 60K I M 864 SOK only 2.78 2.36 1.95 1.67 I M 865 . lOOK only 2.93 2.49 2.05 1.76 31 M 947. Extra Slider. Shpg. wt .. 2 oz... : ................... 14 100 WATTS-6l1:>x%" I I I I I I I I MM 821 MM 822 M 823 M 824 MM 825 MM 826 M 827 M 828 1.2,3 2.73 2.32 1.91 1.64 4, 5, 10. 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000 2.11 1.79 1.48 1.27 5000 only 2.17 1.84 1.52 1.30 10K only 2.30 1.96 1.61 1.38 -- -15K and 20K only 2.44 2.07 1.71 1.46 25K and 40K only 2.70 2.30 1.89 1.62 50K only 2.78 2.36 1.95 1.67 lOOK only 3.32 2.82 2.32 1.99 31 M 948. Extra Slider. Shpg. wt .. 2 oz....................... 14 200 WATTS-l0ll:>xlYa" M M 829 I, 2, 3,4,5 4.32 3.67 3.02 2.59 M M 830 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000 3.34 2.84 2.34 2.00 M 831 5000 only 3.41 2.902.392.05 ------M 832 10K only 3.59 3.05 2.51 2.15 M 833 50K only 3.96 3.37 2.77 2.38 M 834 lOOK only 4.34 3.69 3.04 2.60 31 M 949. Extra Slider. Shpg. wt., 2 oz., ....................• 23 Be Certain to Specify Ohms and Wattage on Resistor Orders ALLIED. 117 Resistors, Thermistors, Fuse-Resistors, Surgistors DALE SERIES RSE WIREWOUND RESISTORS i,1;~4E_= ~:~f~e~o~dm~';s.th~i~~:~~~st a~dvi~~: chanical-shock proof-resistance unit is encapsulated in shock-absorbing material. Metal encased for full protection against moisture and salt spray. Can be lead or clipmounted. 1000 v. dielectric strength. In 2 or 10-watt power ratings. OHMITE Axial-lead ceramic-core I resistors. Covered with vitreous enamel to wi thstand high temperature. Tolerance =5%. Wattage ratings are based on temperature rise of 300'C. IVa" leads. Shpg. wt" 4 Oz. SPECIFY VALUES FROM TABLE "C"BELOW TABLE "An I 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 4.5 5 6 7.5 8 10 12 12.5 13 14 15 40 45 47 50 60 70 75 80 110 125 ISO 175 180 200 220 225 330 350 375 390 400 450 17.5 470 20 500 25 85 250 560 30 90 270 600 35 100 300 620 650 700 750 800 850 900 1000 1100 1200 1250 1300 Ohms Ohms 1400 1500 1600 1750 1800 2000 2200 2500 3000 3100 3500 4000 4500 4700 5000 6000 6800 7000 7500 Ohms Ohms Ohms -10K· - - -27.SK -- 85K 11K 12K 12.5K 13K 14K 30K 35K 40K 47K 50K 15K 17.SK SSK 8000 20K 8200 22.5K 9000 25K lOOK 150K 60K 68K 70K 80K RSE-2A 2-WATT = 1 % tolerance; Max. working voltage 200 v. AC or DC; Max. continuous operating temp., 275'C.; Temp. coefficient, 0.00002 per degree C., Size: 'liz" dia., 1\I,,{' long. Wt., 1 oz. Be certain to specify values from Table "AII above EACH Stock Values-See No. Table "A" Above 1-24 25-49 50-99 100-249 250-499 1.09 1.00 -:90 ---:aT"' ~ 2 MM 989 I to 5000 ohms 6000 to 10K .75 2 .MM 990 1.12 1.02 .94 .84 11K to 15K .96 .87 .77 2 MM 991 1.16 1.06 17.5K to 20K .89 .79 1.19 1.09 .99 2 MM 992 .84 2 MM 993 22.5K to 27.5K 1.25 1.14 1.05 .94 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ' " , ',,' .' ~ I-WATT 1% RESISTORS Metal film resistors having iow inductance, -' initial accuracy, and excellent resistance MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM VALUES FOR CONT'L-WIRT NR-25 STOCK VALUES-SPECIFY VALUES WANTED Ohms Ohms --1- 5 10 15 20 , 25 50 100 150 200 Ohms Ohms 300 400 500 1000 2000 4000 5000 8500 10K 13.5K OHMITE Ohms Ohms -----15K 50K 20K 25K 30K 40K 75K lOOK 150K 200K IJ16x1 112" 10 10 10 10 10 10 11~6Xl%2' .59 .41 .35 .62 .53 .43 .37 .66 .56 .46 .40 --.62 .53 .43 .37 .66 .56 .46 .40 .70 .60 .49 .42 .78 .66 .55 .47 .82 .70 .57 .49 .68 Ts AS .41 .44 .73 .62 .51 .84 .71 .59 .50 .95 .81 .67 .57 1.00 .85 .70 .60 1.12 .95 .78 .67 20 ,25 30 33 40 50 75 100 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.0 ISO 200 220 250 300 330 400 470 G-C M 2000 2200 2500 2700 • 3000 3300 3900 4000 Mfr'. Ohms No. Type Hot Cold 20 250 950 75 31 260 600 11 50 150 10.5K at 125V. 43 600 9 600 375 40 067 068 053 054 055 070 071 072 25-914 25-916 25-920 25-922 25-924 25-926 25-928 25-910 I G-C 2 2 2 2 2 Stock No. M 021 M 022 M 023 M 024 M 025 Ohms 8200 9000 10K 12K 15K 18K 20K 22K 25K 27K 30K 33K 39K 40K 47K 5600 6000 6800 7000 7500 8000 SOK" GLO-BAR THERMISTORS Stock M M M M M M M M Ohms 5000 For series-string filament circuits of RCA, Admiral, Phil co, and other TV receivers. A necessary service item. "Matched pair; replace filament resistors of G.E., Motorola, Philco, etc. Wt., 2 oz. -- --2 M 066 25-912 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 1500 EACH Replaces G.E. RRW051 G.E. RRW041 G.E. RRW097 M'rola 6A73541 Philco 33-1343-3 G.E. RRW052 Crosley RCA 100118 *(see above) 1-9 10-Up .88 1.29 1.12 1.47 .94 1.88 .79 1.16 1.01 ...-:34 .85 1.67 IA7 r:32 .93 1.76 .84 1.58 TV FUSE-RESISTORS Replace similar units in Raytheon, RCA, Motorola, Sylvania, Zenith and other TV receivers. All units are less than an inch in length; tinned leads for quick and easy installation. ' EACH Mfr's Ohms Oz. Type 1-9 10-49 50-49 WO-Up 25-980-BU 4.7 2 25-984-BU 5.6 2 7.5 2 25-988-BU .29 .18 .16 25-990-BU 9.0 2 22.0 25-994-BU 3 - - - - -.24 Type 25-996 Fuse·Resistor Kit. Contains: 6-7.5, 1-4.7, 1-5.6, 1-9.0. Ohms Megs 250K 300K 400K 500K 800K 1.0 2.0 5.0 ~~20~~~~·. ~O. ~~'•..••.•••••••..•...•......•........... 1.95 WUERTH HANDY OHM'S LAW CALCULATOR Easy-to-use rapid calculator. Quickly solves any electrical problems involving various applications of Ohm's Laweven has a parallel-resistance calculator. . Handy pocket size, 9x3". Wt., 3 oz. 2 ,M 780. Varnished Cardboard .............................. 25 2 M'781. Deluxe Plastic Model............................. 1~50 118 • ALLIED -:so 'l16x1I.!' -Ohms - Ohms -Ohms - - Ohms Ohms Ohms 1.0 ""'15 120 """'SoO ~ 47iiO TYPE NR-25-1 WATT 1% METAL FILM TABLE "B" 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 TABLE "C" stability. Vitreous enameled body withstands temperatures to 200'F. Rating, 500 v. IVaN leads. Size. 10/16"1I.!" dia. Wt., 2 oz. Stock \ReSlstances Available\ . / EACH No. See Table uB" Below 1-24\25-99\100-499\500_UP 2 MM 300 1 ohm to 1.0 meg .74 .50 .42 .31 2 MM 30 I 2.0 megs to 5.0 megs .93 .62 .51 .39 1-9 10-24 25-99 100-249 1-1000 1200-5000 S600-10K 1-1000 1200-5000 56oo-lOK 12K-20K 22K-25K 1-1000 1200-5000 56oo-lOK 12K-20K 22K-4OK 47K-50K 090 095 110 115 130 135 145 146 122 123 124 125 126 127 EACH Size Watts STOCK VALUES -SPECIFY VALUES WANTED RSE-l0 10-WATT =1% tolerance; Max. WV. 1000 v. AC or DC; Max. continuous operating temp., 275'C.; Temp. coeff., 0.00002 per degree C.; Size: 'Ya" dia., 16~4N long. 2 oz. MIL-R-26 type RW56G. Be certain to specify values from Table "An above when ordering EACH Values-See Stock Table uAIl Above 1-24 25-49 50-99 100-249 250-499 'No. 1.09 1.00 -:90 ---:aT"' ~ 2 MM 411 10 to 5000 ohms 6000 to 10K .75 2 MM 412 1.12 1.02 .94 .84 2 MM 413 11K to 15K .87 .77 1.16 1.06 .96 17K to 20K .79 2 MM 414 1.19 1.09 .99 .89 22K to 40K .84 2 MM 415 1.25 1.14 1.05 .94 47K to 55K .99 .88 2 MM 416 1.32 1.21 1.10 .97 ' 60K to 75K 2 MM 417 1.45 1.33 1.21 1.09 80K to lOOK 1.06 2 MM 418 1.59 1.46 1.33 1.20 150K 1.45 1.29 2M 420 1.94 1.77 1.62 CONTINENTAL-WIRT Ohms See Table UC" Below Stock No. STOCK VALUES-SPECIFY VALUES WANTED Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms AXIAL-LEAD WIREWOUNDRESISTORS I:M"i!Wllfj I!! Stock No. 28 M 552 28 M 553 28 M 560 Mfr'. Type Watts 4100-2 8050-4 100-275 250-400 300-500 ~035-5 SURGISTORS Limit harmful initial voltage surge to 25% Of normal, yet allow full voltage after warm-up. Connect directly into the power line. For use with 110-120 v., AC-DC. Av. shpg. wt .. 7 oz. EACH ~ll0-49150_991100_UP 1.17 1.77 1.98 1.05 1.59 1.78 .97 .88 1.47' 1.33 1.64 1.49 Be Certain to Specify Ohms and Wattage When Ordering Resistors Dale Wirewound 1<70 Resistors SERIES RH POWER RESISTORS TABLE "A" STOCK VALUES (OHMS)-SPECIFY VALUES WANTED Sealed in silicone and housed in radiator-finned aluminum honsings that mount on chassis for maximum heat dissipation. Completely impervious to moisture and salt spray. Welded construc- .5. I 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 4.5 5 6 7.5 tion. Temp. coelf. of O.00002;oC. Meet MIL-R18546C. 1 % tolerance. Tolerances less than 1% aI'e available 011 Special Ord.... For .5% tolerance. add 100% to prices shown; for .25%. add 150%; for .1%. ad I .. ,±10%, Has'3 Teflon insulated leads, 1~6xlnxly.,". Units-are available in the following resistance values (ohms): 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000,2000,5000, 10K, Be sure to specify values wanted. Av, shpg. wt., 3 oz, 31 MM632.1-9 ...... " ................. EACH 12.96 10-24 .... , ....... , .• "., •.. " " , .... " .• ,EACH 12.00 25-49 ... " ........ , •• ,.,.,., •.. , ... ,." .. EACH 10.80 50·99,.,., .. ,. " ........ :,., .. ,." •. ,., . EACH 10.26 100-249,., ............... ,., ... , ... ,., .. EACH 9.60 25.0·500 ... ', •.• , ........ " .. ,.,.,., •.. ,: .. EACH 9.12 Specify Mfr's Type and Value When Ordering Potentiometers Bourns Precision Potentiometers SUBMINIATURE AND MICROMINIATURE TRIMPOT® 'S-TURN MfCROMINIATURE, HIGH-TEMPERATURE, HUMIDITY-PROOF TRIMPOT® POTENTIOMETERS 175·C, rated Yz watt @ 70·C. Resolution varies from 1.7% to 0.29% from 50 to 20K ohms respectively, Tol .. ,1,10%. Type 300lP is carbon usable to 150·C, rated 0.2 w. @ 7O·C. Infinite resolution. Tol., ,1,20%. Both types have PC mtg. *x%2xo/i6". 3 oz . ypes 3000P, 3001 P. Micro·miniature Trimpot® with dgh temp. plastic case. Meet MIL-STD-202B specs or humidity, vibration and shock. Both types have 5-turn screwdriver adjustment and wiper which idles .t end of travel. Type 3000P is wirewound; usable to Stock N0'IMf.'S TYPClvalUCS Availablo (Ohms)-Spocify values\ 1-9, EA. 110_24. EA./25_49, EA./50-99, EA./100_249,EA.\250-500,EA_ i I M M &21 3000P 50, laO, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10K 9,72 9.00 8.10 7.69 7.20 6.84 i I M 622 3000P 20K only . 10.80 10.00 9.00 8.55 8.00 7.60 il MM 064 300lP 20K, 50K, lOOK, 200K. 500K. 750K, I Meg. 9,18 8.50 7.65 7.27 6.80 6.4& I-TURN MICROMINIATURE TRIMPOT® ype 3300. Humidity·proof, single·turn wirewound poteniometers. Power rating: Yz watt @ 70·C ambient; ~ 'att @ 1l0·C ambient. Provide excellent shock and viIration stability. Meet MIL-STD-202B and MIL-E,272C specifications. Stops are provided at each end of ravel-units have low residual end setting resistance a to 1.0%). Continuity is maintained throughout full nechanical range. Silverweld® termination eliminates Stock II II II II No. MM 931 M 932 MM 933 M 934 Mfr's Type 3300P 3300P 3300S 3300S vulnerable single-wire termination. All have resistance tolerance of ±5%. Electrical adjustment slot is .025" wide. Type 3300P has No. 26 gold·plated printed circuit pins .016" dia. Type 3300S has gold-plated solder lugs %2" long; accept No. 20 wires. Body size o/I6xo/16" diu. with l4" long #10-32 bushing on Type 3300S. Specify desired resis· tance values from table below. Phone or write jor prices on qltanlittes over 500. Av. shpg. wt .. 2 oz. 33005 3300P EACH Values Available (Ohms)Specify Values Wanted 50, lOa 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10K 20K only 50, lOa. 200, sao, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10K 20K only 1-9 5.94 7.5& B.91 10.53 10-24 5.50 7.00 8.25 9.75 25-49 4.95 6.30 7.43 8.7B 60-99 4.70 5.9B 7.05 8.33 100-249 4.40 5.&0 6.60 7.80 150-500 4,IB 5.32 6.27 7.41 i-TURN SUBMINIATURE TRIMPOT® ypes 3367, 3368. Single turn, subminiature pots in light,eight, all-plastic case. Individually inspected for ;uaranteed electrical and physical characteristics. Type 367 is a wirewound pot rated @ Yz w. to 7O"C, usable o 105"C ambient. Resolution 0.70 to 0.12% from 100 a 20,000 ohms respectively. Tolerance, ±S%. Type 368 is a Resiston® carbon pot rated @ ~ w. to 50·C, Stock No. II MM &40 II MM 083 II MM &42 II MM 084 3367P 3368P 33675 336B5 EACH Values Available (Ohms)Specify Values Wanted Mfr's Type 3367S* 3368S* 3367Pt 3368Pt 1/10 w. @ S2·C, usable to IOS·C. Infinite resolution. Tolerance, ±20%. Both types meet steady state humidity test with less than 1 % wiper shift under extreme vibration. *S indicates solder lug terminals, tP, Yz" printed circuit leads. Body size (both types), o/16XYz" dia. S types have #12-28 bushing and nut, %2" long. Av. shpg. wt .. 2 oz. 1-9 5.67 &.75 4.86 5.94 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000. 5,000, 10K, 20K 20K, 50K, lOOK, 200K, 500K, 750K, 1 Meg. laO, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10K, 20K 20K, 50K, lOOK, 200K, 500K, 750K, 1 Meg. 10-24 25-49 250-500 - - - 50-99 - - -100-249 - - ------s:25 - 4.73 4.48 4.20 3.99 &.25 4.50 5.50 5.&3 4.05 4.95 5.34 3.85 4,70 5.00 3.60 4.40 4.75 3.42 4.18 3 AND 5-TURN BUSHING MOUNT POTS • Humidity Resistant • Rated @ 2-Watts to 70·e Ambient ! Outstanding Humidity Resistance • Available in Two 5haft Lengths • Temp. Range -65 to +125"e 35005-1 35005-2 ypes 35005-1, 35005-2. Humidity-proof, 10-turn precision-made lotentiometers. Power rating, 2 watts @ 7O·C ambient, temperaure. Operating temperature range, -65· to + 125 ·C. Resist effects If shock, vibration, sand, dust, fungus, etc. Resistance tolerance, 1=3%; end settings, 1 per cent or less. Mechanisms maintain 100% ontact pressure control to insure high mechanical life. Reliability ontrolled by individual inspection. Have molded all-plastic, moisure-resistant case with shaft seal. Resolution is exceptionally good -varies from .03% to .01 % from 500 to 125K ohms respectively. Jnits are available in two shaft lengths. Type 35005-1 has 1V,6" long haft including bushing; Type 35005-2 has '0/16" long shaft including lushing. Both have ~" shaft diameters with %-32 bushing and lody size 1" long by ?/a" diameter. Also have Silverweld® terminaions, .032" wide adjustment slot, and solder lug terminals. Be sure :> specify value wanted when or"dering. Av~ shpg. wt., 4 oz. Stock Mfr's Values No. Type (Ohms) 19 EACH 10- 25- 50- 100- 25024 49 99 249 500 il MM 935 3500S-1 500,1000, 2000,5000, 10K, 20K, 50K, IOOK,I25K 10.00 9.50 9.00 B.50 8.00 7.50 II MM 078 3500S-2 500.1000, 2000,5000, 10K, 20K, 50K, IOOK,I25K 10.00 9.50 9.00 8.50 8.00 7.50 • Individually Inspected 3520 Types 35105, 35205. Compact, sealed wirewound pots with high humidity resistance. Meet MIL-STD-202 specifications for humidity, vibration and shock; meet MIL-E-5272C for sand, dust, fungus. Have operating temperature range of -65·C to 12S"C. Individual inspection of each potentiometer is carried out to guarantee physical and electrical characteristics. Type 35105 is a 3-turn pot rated @ 1 watt to 7O·e ambient. Resolution is .1 to .028% from 200 to SOK ohm models respectively, ?/a" dia. body is .549" long with' V,6" long bushing and shart. Va" dia. shaft with ~" bushing. Type 35205 is a 5-turn pot rated @ I Yz watts to 70·C. Resolution is .07 to .015% from 200 to 75K ohm models respectively. ?/a" dia. body is .678" long with , Y,6" long bushing and shaft. ~" dia. shaft with %" bushing. Both types have resistance tolerance of ±3%. Both types have solder lugs. Specify values wanted when ordering. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. Stock Mfr's Values No. Type (Ohms) 19 10~ EACH 25- 100249 99 250500 31 MM 079 3510S 200. 500. 1000, 2000, 5000, 10K 20K,50K 14,99 14,24 13.49 12.74 11.99 31 MM 080 3520S 200, 500, 1000, 2000,5000, 10K, 20K, 50K, 75K 13.50 13.10 12.30 11.10 9.90 nee~s. Save time, minimize paperwork-make Allied Electronics headquarters for all your control Our tremendous stocks assure prompt, off-I the-shelf deliveries of orders in industrial quantities at OEM prices. Call the Allied facility nearest you-see Page 1 for locations. iee Page 136 for Listing of Dials for 3, 5 and 1O-Turn Potentiomet~rs . ALLIED • 135 .-' Bourns Potentiometers/Dials and Ohmite Pots BOURNS SERIES 3700 10-TURN • Minlafure Size," Only 'YzH by. 1" • Independent Linearity ±0.25% Steady-state humidity-resistant. 10-turn bushing mount pots. Rated. I watt @ 7O·C ambient. Operating'temperature range -65· to +12S·C. Resistance tolerance. ±5%; end settings. I % or less. Special rotor design assures excellent wiper stability. Molded all-plastic case with shaft seal; solder lugs. Silverweld® termination elimin,,:tes vulnerable single-wire termination. Av. wt .. 2 oz. Res. Ohms , 500 1000, 2000 5000 II M M Max. % 37OOS-1-501 3700S-1-102 3700S-1-202 3700S-1-502 I PRECISION POTENTIOMETERS Resolution . Type Stock No. ~" Mfr'. ,060 .050 " .040 .040 . Res'. Ohms 10K 20K 50K lOOK Mfr.'s Max. % Type Resolution 3700S-1-103 .035 3700S-1-203 .025 3700S-1-503 .020 37008-1-104 .020 Specify Values and Mfr s Type No. Wanted 1-9. EA. 10-24. EA'12S-99, EA'll00-249. EA'12SO-S00. EA. 091 24.50 2l.28 22.05 19.60 18.l8 1" DIAMETER 10-TURN COUNTING DIALS Blackwith brake Clear Ie .. brake' Mfr" Stock II II II II II II II II II 31 II II Space-sparing counting dials for Bourns precision potentiometers. In black or clear finish with knurled knob and anodized aluminum dial ,that matches any paneL Dials can be easily read and set to, less than a tenth percent of total travel. Reliable locking device on' units with, brake. positively secures dial without shift in No. M 587 M 588 M 589 M 590 M 591 M 592 M 59l M 594 M 595 M 596 M 597 M 598 Type Fits With Brake Without Bra ke ...... H-412 ...... H-411 Shaft Yo'dia. \4' dia. ...... H-461 ...... H-462 ...... H-422 ...... ...... H-472 H-431 ...... Clear Clear %2/1' dia. ~2"dia. ~2"" dia. H-481 ...... H-482 dla. Va" dia. dia. Va" dia. Va" dia. "A,' dla. Va" H-471 ...... H-43Z ...... ~"dia. Black Black Clear V4" H-421 ...... Finish- Black Black Clear Black Black Clear Clear' 1-9 7.75 895 7.75 8.95 7.75 8.95 7.75 8.95 8.10 9.30 8.10 9.l0 setting. Show no appreciable wear after more than Yo-million cycles of life testing. Dials are easily mounted-no extra panel holes required. Knob fastens directly to pot shaft to eliminate backlash. Types H-431. H-432. H-481. and H482 fit %" dia. shaft on Series 3700 pots. Av. shpg. wt .• 2 oz. EACH 25-99 6.98 8.06 6.98 8.06 6.98 8.06 6.98 8.06 7.29 8.l7 7.29 8.l7 10-24 7.l6 8.50 7.l6 8.50 7.l6 8.50 7.l6 8.50 7.70 8.84 7.70 8.84 100-199 6.59 7.61 6.59 7.61 6.59 7.61 6.59 7.61 6.89 7.91 6.89 7.91 200-500 6.20 7.16 6.20 7.16 6.20 7.16 6.20 7.16 6.48 7.44 6.48 7.44 OHMITE POTENTIOMETERS AND RHEOSTATS TYPE E 12Yz-WATT MINIATURE RHEOSTATS "AS" Y2-WATT MINIATURE POTS Compact power rheostats for limited space applications. Rugged, ceramic and metal construction. For high temperat ure applications; operate at maximum hot spot temperature of 340·C. Resistance tolerance is ±10%. Only Va" diameter. Require I 'As" behind panel. Have Yo" by 32 threaded bushing %" long. Va" diameter shaft. Ya" long. Less knob (below left). Av. shpg. wt .. 2 oz. • Molded, Composition Element • Lasting Gold-Plated Terminals • Screwdriver Slotted Shaft Linear-taper controls ideal for miniaturized assemblies. Molded composition resistance and collector tracks. dust-proof sealed enclosures. gold-plated terminals. Screwdriver-slotted. locking-type shafts. Rated at 350 volts. Ya" dia. I 'AG" long. Shaft. 'Va" long. Meet QQ-M-151. MIL-R-94. MIL Type RV6LA YSA and EIA specs. Types 3613 through 3615. ±20% tolerance; others ± 10%,. Wt. 2 oz. Stock No. 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 :!8 28 28 28 2B 28 M 580 M 581 M 582 M 58l M 584 M 585 M 586 M 587 M 588 M 589 M 590 M 591 M 592 M 59l M 594 Mfr's Type 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3606 3607 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 3613 3614 3615 OhmS 100 250 500 1000 2500 5000 10K 25K 50K lOOK 250K 500K 1.0 meg 2.5 5.0 , 1-99. EA. 100-Up. EA. 5.10 3.58 5.10 3.58 5.10 3.98 meg meg TANDEM COU,PLlNG KIT Type 6591 Tandem Coupling Kit. For assembling two Type E rheostats (above right). Consists of a steel "U" frame, mica washer. coupling, Allen wrench and complete assembly instructions. Max. panel thickness 'As". Frame 1VIs" long and %" ~~d'i.n ~~~~: .~~':.~ .o~:., ................. 2.01 DIAL PLATE AND KNOB Type 5007 Dial Plate. For Type E rheostats. 1 Yo" diameter. Hils black ~~c~r~~~~:,~~~~: ~~.: .1. ~~'.............. : ......••......• 29 ;~p~5~~~.K~~~: .~.". ~~~~~-.~~~ .t~~. ~~r.~. ~~~~~t~.t~ .. ~ .~~' ..... 29 136 • AlLIED. I~clude Stock No. Type II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 'll II II II 31 II II II II M 200 0101 M 201 0102 M 202 0103 Ohms 1 2 3 6 M 20l 0104 8 M 204 0105 M 205 0106 10 M 206 0107 15 25 M 207 0108 35 M 208 0109 'M 209 0110 50 M 210 0111 75 100 M 211 0112 M 212 0113 125 175 M 21l 0114 250 M 214 0115 350 M 215 0116 500 M 216 0117 750 M 217 0118 M 218 0119 1000 M 219 0120 1500 M 220 0121 2500 M 221 0122 3500 M 222 0123 5000 M 155 4190' 7500 10K M 156 4191 12.5K M 157 4192 15K M 158 4193 1-4. EA. 5-9. EA. 10-24, EA. 25·49, EA. 4.6.3 3.94 3.10 2.55 3.49 2.75 2.26 3.49 2.75 2.26 3.94 3.10 2.55 4.90 4.17 5.ii6 4.l0 3.28 2.70 l.l9 l.l9 l.69 3.69 2.78 2.78 l.03 l.03 --4.11 --4.11 --- 4.63 --- --5.06 5.50' 5.50 4.l0 4.68 4.68 FAST DELIVERY-OEM PRICES Make Allied Electronics your headquarters far prampt, aff-the-shelf deliveries af Bourns and Ohmite controls in industrial quantities at OEM prices. Ohms .and Manufaqurer's Type No. When Ordering Controls Ohmite Wirewound Rheostats Selected wirewound rheostats; all are vitreous-enameled, (except Types 4200, -I, -2, -3 and -4), silicone-ceramic. Cannot smoke, char, shrink or shift. All have copper-graphite brushes. except "'silver-graphite brushes. Ratings are at fun setting. All U .L. Listed except types indicated by t. Types H, J, K and L mount on panels up to 14" thick; Type N on panels up to 114" thick. Specifications: Type H, dia. 10/16", depth behind panel, 1Ya";' Type J, dia. 20/16", depth behind panel. lYa"; Type K. dia. 3'1a", depth behind panel. 1%"; Type L dia. 4", depth behind panel, 2"; Type N. dia. 6", depth behind panel. 2Ya". Less knobs; see knobs, dial plates, and conpling kits at bottom of page. Av. wt., 10 oz. 25 WATT-TYPE H Stock No. Type 31 M 223 0140* 31 M 224 0141 ~: ~ ~~~ g:!~ 31 M 227 3_1_M_2_2_8 31 M 229 31 M 230 0144 0145 0146 0147 ~: ~ ~~~ ~:!~ 31 31 31 31 M M M M 234 236 237 238 ~: ~ ~!6 31 M 241 _3_I_M_2_4_2 31 M 244 31 M 245 31 M 246 0150 0151 ~ 0153 gm 31 31 31 31 31 M M M M M 150 151 152 153 154 ~ 9 10 15 25 ;g 4.63 3.94 3.10 2.55 ___ ---.1----.1---- 4.11 3.49 2.75 2.26 75 100 125 - - 175 ~~~ 4.11 3.49 2.75 2.26 0156 500 _0_1_57_ _7_50 _ _ _ _ _ _ _.1 _ _ _ _ 1____ 0158 1000 0159 1500 0160 2500 _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ __ 4.63 3.94 ~: ~ ~:~ ~:~~ --- 150 WATT-TYPE L Ohms 1-4,EA. 5-9, EA. 10-24, EA. 25-49, EA. 1 2 4200t 4201 t 4202t 4203t 4204t ~gg~ 4.90 4.17 3.10 2.55 3.28 2.70 3.39 3.39 3.69 4.13 4.57 2.78 2.78 3.03 3.39 3.75· - - ---'----1----11--7500 10K 15K 20K 25K 5.06 5.06 5.50 6.16 6.82 4.30 4.30 4.68 5.24 5.80 50 WATT-TYPE J 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 M 249 M 250 M 251 M 252 M 253 M 254 M 255 M 256 M 257 M 258 M 259 M 260 M 261 M 262 M 263 M 264 M'265 M 266 M 267 M 268 M 269 M 270 M 271 M 272 M 273 ---- 0308* 0309' 0310* 0311 0312 -0313 0314 0315 0316 0317 0318 0319 0320 0321 0322 0323 0324 0325 0326 0327 0328 0329 0330 0331 0332 0.5 1 2 4 - -8612 16 22 35 50 80 125 150 225 300 500 -800 -- --1000 1600 2500 3500 5000 SOOO 10K 5.15 4.38 3.45 2.83 4.63 3.94 3.10 2.55 ----- --- 4.63 3.94 3.10 2.55 4.90 4.17 3.28 2.70 --- --- ---- - - 5.15 4.38 3.45 2.83 100 WATT-TYPE K 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 M 274 M 275 M 276 M277 M 278 M 279 M 280 M 281 M 282 M 283 M 284 M 285 M 286 M 287 M 288 M 289 M 290 M 291 M 292 M 293 M 294 M 295 M 296 M 297 0440* 0441* 0442* 0443' 0444' 0445 0446 0447 0448 0449 0450 0451 0452 0453 0454 0455 0456 0457 0458 0459 0460 0461 0462 0463 0.5 1 2 3 5 7.5 10 16 25 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 750 1000 1500 2000 2500 5000 7500 10K 7.72 6.56 5.17 4.25 --7.21 No. 298 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 Type 0524* 0525' 0526* 0527* 0528* 0529' 0530 0531 0532 0533 0534 0535 0536 0537 0538 0539 0540 0541 0542 0543 0544 0545 0546 0547 0548 0549 Ohms 1-4, EA. 5-9, EA. 10-24, EA. 25-49, EA. 0.5 1 2 3 --5 7.5 10 15 -25 35 50 75 100 150 200 250 . 350 500 9.78 8.31 6.55 . 5.38 9.78 8.31 6.55 5.38 6.20 5.09 --- 9.26 7.87 --- 9.26 7.87 -7sO -9.78 8:31 1250 1800 2250· 3000 -4500 -7500 10K --- 10.30 8.76 -10.81 -11.33 12.35 9.19 9,63 10.50 --- 6.20 5.09 6.55 5.38 6.90 5.67 7.24 7.59 8,27 5.95 6.23 6.79 300 WATT-TYPE N Stock No. 31 M 325 31 M 326 31 M 327 31 M 328 31 M 329 31 M 330 31 M331 31 M 332 31 M 333 31 M 334 31 M 335 31 M 336 31 M 337 31 M 338 31 M 339 31 M 340 31 M 341 31 M 342 31 M 343 31 M 344 31 M 345 31 M 346 Type 0650' 0651' 0652' 0653' 0654' 0655' 0656' 0657' 0658 0659 0660 0661 0662 0663 0664 0665 0666 0667 0668 0669 0670 0671 Ohms 1 2 3 4 5 7.5 10 15 25 50 75 100 150 200 300 400 700 900 1200 1500 1750 2500 1-2, EA. 3-4, EA. 15.29 13.00 15.29 13.00 15.29 13.00 15.29 13.00 15.2~ 13.00 15.29 13.00 TANDEM COUPLING KITS Handy kits for assembling Ohmite rheostats in tandem. Each kit consists of a steel "U" frame, mica washer, coupling, Allen wrench and complete instructions for easy assembly. Type 6533 Tandem Coupling Kit. Large frame for Type K or L rheostats. Will accommodate Model H or J in rear position. Maximum panel thickness for Ohmite knobs . (below). 'Ia". Frame is 20/16" long, 114" wide. Shpg. wt., 40z: 31 M 941 .............................................. 6.13 4.83 3.97 2.51 Type 6532 Tandem Coupling Kit. Small frame designed for Type H or J, and will accommodate K or L in the rear position., Maximum panel thickness, %.". Frame 2%." long and 1\4" wide. 5 oz. 31 M 942............................................... --7.21 Stock 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 31 M 2.01 DIAL PLATES AND KNOB J, K and L rheostats. 20/,6" diameter. Handsomely finished with bright figures and lines on etched black background. 0-100 scale. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. 6.13 4.83 7.72 6.56 5.17 4.25 31 M 943 ...............................................70 5.52 5.87 6.20 4.53 4.82 5.09 31 M 969 .............................................. 1.38 Type 5150 Knob. 1~" finger-grip type for H, J, K and L. 2 oz. 31 M944 .............................................. ----8.24 8.76 9.26 3.97 --- Type 5000 Dial Plate. For Type H, 31 M 945 ••••..•.•••.•.•••..••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Type 5001 Dial Plate. For Type N. 5~" 29 dia. 0-100. 3 oz. Type 5104 Handwheel. With pointer. For Type N. 3\4" dia. 2 oz. 7.00 7.45 7.87 Include Ohms and Manufacturer's Type No. When Ordering Controls 29 ALLIED. 137 Ohmite and Jensen Potentiometers ,.f!" OHMITE "AB" MOLDED COMPOSITION CARBON-CONTACT 2-WATT POTENTIOMETERS , CA, CB, CU , , " Single units ,are '%xl%,O'dia.; double units are 11 ~4xl %2° dia. Mount in Ya" hole in panels to Y4" thick. 2° 100ig Y4 H round shafts except CLU, slotted shaft and locking nut; CMU, '/8" slotted shaft. CU, CCU, CMU and CLU Types linear taper; CA Types, ,CW log; CB Types, CCW log. ±1O% tol. except *±20%. Wt., 5 oz. CLV TYPES CA, CB, CU Mfr·. Stock No. 2B M 500 2B M 501 2B M 596 2B M 502 '. 2B M 597 2B M 503 2B M 59B 2B M 504 2B M 599 2B M 505 2B M 600 2B M 506 2B M 601 2B M 507 2B M SOB 2B M 602 2B M 509 2B M 510 2B M 603 , 2B M 511 Type CU5001 CUI011 CU1511 CU2511 CU3511 CU5011 , CU7511 CUI021 CU1521 CU2521 CU3521 ' CU5021 CU7521 CUI031 CBI031 CUl531 CU2531 CB2531 CU3531 CU5031 Stock No. 2B M 525 2B M 526 28 M 527 2B M 52B 2B M 529 2B M 530 2B M 531 2B M 532 28 M 533 Type CLU5001 CLUlOll CLU2511 CLU5011 CLUI021 CLU2521 CLU5021 CLUI031 CLU2531 EACH Ohm. 50 100 150 250 350 500 750 1000 1500 2500 3500 5000 7500 10K 10K 15K 25K' 25K 35K 50K 1-99 100-Up 1.95 1.46 --1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 2.25 1.95 1.95 2.25 1.95 1.95 1.46 -1.46 -1.46 1.46 1.46 -1.69 -1.46 1.46 1.69 1.46 1.46 I Stock No. 2B M 512 2B M 604 2B M 513 2B M 514, 2B M 605 2B M 515 2B M 516 28 M 606 2B M 517 28 M 518 2B M 607 2BM519 2B M 520 2B M 60B 2B M 548 2B M 521 2B M 522 2B M 609 2B M 523 , Mfr'. Ohms Type CB5031 CU7531 CUI041 CAI041 CU1541 CU2541 CA2541 CU3541 CU5041 CA5041 CU7542 CUI052 CAI052 CU1552 CU2052 CU2552 CA2552 CU3552 CU5052 50K 75K lOOK lOOK 150K 250K 250K 350K 500K 500K 750K 1 meg* 1 meg* I.S meg* 2.0 meg* 2.5 meg* 2.5 meg* 3.5 meg* 5 meg~ EACH 100-Up 1-99 1.69 2.25 1.95 1.46 1.95 1.46 1.69 2.25 1.95 1.46 -1.46 -1.95 1.69 2.25 1.46 1.95 1.95 1.46 1.69 2.25 1.46 1.95 1.46 1.95 2.25 1.69 1.46 1.95 1.95 1.46 1.95 1.46 1.69 2.25 1.46 1.95 1.95 1.46 ---- ............. ........... ,}. ................. ; ...... .. .......... , CLU LOCKING-SHAFT TYPES-MEET MIL-R-94B MIL Type RV4LA YSA500A RV4LAYSAI0IA RV4LA YSA251A RV4LAYSA501A RV4LAYSAI02A RV4LAYSA252A RV4LA YSA502A RV4LAYSAI03A ,RV4LAYSA253A 1 1.99. ............... EACH 2.55 Ohms 50 100 250 500 1000 2500 5000 10K _ 25K Type CLU5031 CLUI041 CLU2S41 CLU5041 CLUIOS2 CLU2052 CLU2552 CLU5052 Stock No. 28 M 534 2B M 535 2B M 536 28 M 537 2B M 538 2B M 549 28 M 539 28 M 540 MIL Type RV4LAYSA503A RV4LAYSAI04A RV4LA YSA254A RV4LAYSAS04A RV4LAYSAI0SB RV4LAYSA20SB RV4LAYSA2SSB RV4LAYSA505B , Ohms SOK lOOK 250K SOOK 1 meg* 2 meg* 2.5 meg* 5 meg* ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... ............ 1.90 IOO.Up •• : ••••••. EACH 1·99 ....•........... EACH 2.55 1.9b IOO.Up .......... EACH CMU SLOTTED-SHAFT TYPES-MEET MIL-R-94B 2B M 612 2BM613' 28 M 614 2B M 615 28 M 616 2B M 617 28 M 618 2B M 619 2B M 620 CMU5001 CMUI011 CMU2511 CMU5011 CMUI021 CMU2521 'CMU5021 CMUI031 CMU2531 1·99 ................ EACH RV4NAYSDSOOA RV4NAYSDI01A RV4NAYSD251A RV4NAYSD501A RV4NAYSDI02A RV4NAYSD252A RV4NAYSDS02A RV4NAYSDI03A RV4NAYSD2S3A 1.95 50 100 250 500 1000 2500 5000 10K 2SK 28 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 28 28 1.46 IOO·Up ........... EACH M 621 M 622 M 623 CMUS031 CMUI041 CMU2541 CMU5041 CMUI052 CMU2052 CMU2SS2 CMU5052 M 624 M 625 M 626 M &27 M 628 RV4NAYSD503A RV4NAYSDI04A RV4NAYSD254A RV4NAYSD504A RV4NAYSDI05B RV4NAYSD205B RV4NAYSD255B RV4NAYSD505B SOK lOOK 250K 500K 1 meg. 2 meg* 2.5 meg* 5 meg. ........ ; ... .............. ................. '... . .. . ... .... 1.99 ...•• ~ ••........ EACH 1.95 IOO.Up.- •••••••••• EACH 1.46 TYPE CCU DUALS ~:~~:~ 2B M 543 2B M 544 1 ~~g~~~~ 1:::::::::::::::::::::1 ~~~ CCU5031 CCUl041 1·99 ............... EACH .• •• .. .... • •• • •••• • •• .•.•••.••••.•••••.•. . 5.85 50K lOOK IOO·Up •••••.••.. -EACH } 4.40 Mfr' • 138 • ALLIED Type ST-760 ST·276 ST'837 I'••••••• ................... '1 .-. •••••• •• •• • . CCU2541 CCU5041' .. ~~- ~ .~:~..... :~~~~~~ ... 1·99_ ............... EACH 2S0K SOOK ::::::::::::::::::::: .. ~ .~~~~. - .. 5.85 100·Up ......... EACH 4.40 function. For single-unit types only. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. 2B M524. 1-99 ...... EACH .66 100.Up_ .............. EACH .55 SPEAKER CONTROLS Two-section L pads for smooth, gradual control of volume at individual speakers. Does not effect the volume of other speakers or total system impedance. For use in voice coil or line circuits in P.A., inter- . com, high-fidelity systems, etc. With nut, knob and escutcheon plate. Av. shpg. wt., 1 lb. ' 33 M 942 33 M 940 3) M 93B 1 - TYPE CS-l SPST SWITCH FOR "AB" SERIES Single·pole single-throw switch for Ohmite "AB" potentiometers listed above. Easy to mount on potentiometer-supplies on-off JENSEN 2 B M 545 2B M 546 Ohm. Watts EACH 3.2 8 16 15 15 35 2.B5 1.91 3.38 BUY AT OEM PRICES • Commercial, Industrial and Military Types are Stocked in Depth at Allied Electronics • You Buy from a Dependable, Centrally Located Source and Receive Personalized Service • Fast, Safe Shipment of Your Merchandise on the Same Day Your O"der is Received Depend on Allied for the Latest in Industrial Electroni:: Equipment Centra lab Potentiometers HMS ACTUAL SIZE JML JWL MINIATURE WIREWOUND CONTROLS (MIL~R-19A) JWP PLAIN TYPE and JWL LOCKING BUSHINGS These miniature wire-wound controls are excelIent for military and industrial applications. Ideal for compact equipment or for applications where space is limited. Available in two models: Type JWL with locking bushing, and Type JWP with plain bushing. Rated at 1 liz watts at 40° Centigrade; derated to 0 watts at 125°c' Breakdown: 900 volts, AC-RMS at normal atmospheric pressure. Resistance element is completely enclosed. Size, 4'%4", ± ~4" diameter. Bushings: for Type JWP (plain type bushing), ~" 32NEF 2 A thread, Y4" long; for Type JWL (locking type bushing), ~" 32NEF 2 A thread, ¥a" long. Slotted stainless steel shafts are: Ya" diameter, 'lfI" long from mounting surface for Type JWP; Ya" dia., VIs" long from mounting surface for Type JWL. Mechanical rotation: 250°, ±3°. Type JWP comes complete with mounting nut and lockwasher; Type JWL is complete with mount~ ing nut, lockwasher and locking nut. Left side locating lug. Linear taper only. Tolerance ±5 %. Specify resistance values (from table directly below) when ordering. Average shpg. wt., 4 oz. TABLE OF VALUES FOR JWP AND JWL-SPECIFY VALUES ohmslohmslohmslohmslohmslohmslohmslohmsIOhmslohms 50 100 28 28 28 28 28 28 200 300 500 750 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 Stock No. Mfr's Type (Ohms)!} 1-9 MM 637 MM 638 M 639 MM 640 MM 641 M 642 JWP JWP JWP JWL JWL JWL SOil-10K 15K-2SK 30K SOil-10K ISK-2SK 30K 6.00 8.40 10.11 6.00 8.40 10.11 I 5000 7500 10K 15K 20K 25K 30K 5.40 7.56 9.10 5.40 7.56 9.10 4.50 6.30 7.59 4.50 6.30 7.59 Offer greatly increased high voltage stability due to wide clearance between bushing and colIector track. ExceptionalIy long, noise-free operation. Completely enclosed construction permits encapsulation or potting without affecting operation. Rated 2.2S watts at 70°C .. 500 volts. Tolerance ±10% except *±20%. 1%," dia .. 3'%4" deep. Rotation 312°. ±3°. ~" dia. slotted steel shafts. Bushings ¥a"-32 NEF-2A thread-YaH long. HMS shaft 211a" long. HML shaft 'Yo" long. Specify resistance values below. Av., 4 oz. TABLE OF VALUES fOR TYPES HMS and HML Ohms Ohms Ohms Megs -- -- -Ohms - - Ohms SO 3S0 1500 7S00 35K lS0K 7S0K* """"2.5'*" Ohms Ohms 100 ISO 250 SOO 7S0 1000 3.24 4.54 5.46 3.24 4.54 5.46 3.60 5.04 6.07 3.60 5.04 6.07 PNS7 HOT-MOLDED POTS (MIL-R-94B2, STYLE RV6) Rated Yz watt at 70° Centigrade. liz" diameter, 1%," deep. Panel and shaft seal bushing. Slotted shaft, Ya" diameter, 'lfI" long from mounting surface: Bushing ~" 32NEF 2 A thread. ~"long. Linear taper only. Tolerance, ± 10% except * ±20%. Specify resistance from NCP9 table at right. Shpg. wt .. 4 oz. 28 M M 634. 1-9 ..•••.........•.........•....•.... EACH 5.10 10-24 ................ EACH 4.59 25-49 ........... , .. EACH 4.25 50-99 ................ EACH 4.04 100·249 ........... ,EACH 3.83 Mf.'sl Taper Type' TABLE OF VALUES FOR JML AND JMP-SPECIFY VALUES Stock No. I Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms 2S00 SOOO 10K 2SK SOK lOOK 2S0K SOOK I. Megs 1.0 IType Mfr'sl EAC H ~i~i~i~il00_249 28 MM 635 JMP 28 MM 636 JML 4.20 4.50 3.78 4.05 3.15 3.38 2.52 2.70 Linear Linear SOK 7SK lOOK I 1-9 2S0K 3S0K SOOK 10-24 1 meg'" 1.5 meg"" 2 meg* 3.5' S' ......... EACH 25-49 50-99 100-249 ""'i':'95i""'l:76il.63il.47i--.-:20 2.55 2.30 2.13 1.92 1.35 NCP9 HOT-MOLDED POTS (MIL-R-94B, STYLE RV4) Rated at % watt at 70° Centig~ade. Completely enclosed construction. Size: 2%," diameter, liz" deep behind panel. Plain round stainless steel shaft: ~" diameter. 2liz" long from mounting surface. Standard bushing: ¥a" 32NEF 2 A thread-¥a" long. Available in linear taper only. Mechanical rotation: 300°, ±3°. Tolerance, ±10% except *±20%. Be sure to specify resistance values (from table directly below) when ordering. Wt .. 4 oz. .' 28 MM 632.1-9 .................................. EACH 2.10 10·24 ................ EACH 1.89 25-49 .............. EACH 1.75 50-99 ................ EACH I .66 100-249 ............ EACH I .58 TABLE OF VALUES fOR yYPES NCP9 and PNS7 SOO ~I 1000 Ohms 2S00' 5000 I Ohms I Ohms I 10K 2SK SOK lOOK Ohms Megs 250K SOOK 2.S* I" TYPE TMXO %-WATT COM~OSITION TRIMMER POTENTIOMETERS Miniature composition types rated Yz-watt at 70° Centigrade; derated to 0 watts at 120° Centigrade, Breakdown: 900 volts, ACRMS to ground. Bushing ~" 32NEF 2 A thread; ¥a" long from mounting surface for locking type bushing JML; ~"long for plain type bushing JMP. Mechanical rotation: 260° ±3°. Slotted shaft, Ya" diameter: liz" long from mounting surface for JML; 'lfI" long for JMP. Size: 4%4" ±~4" diameter. Linear taper. Tolerance, ±10%. Specify resistance from table below. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. 500 1000 10K ISK 2SK I Stock No. JML-JMP CONTROLS (MIL-R-94B, STYLE RV1) Ohms 2S00 3S00 SOOO 28 MM 570 HMS 28 MM 571 HML EACH 10-24 25-49 50-99 100-249 Resistance HOT-MOLDED CARBON POTS (MIL-R-94B, STYLE RV4) HMS (PLAIN BUSHING) and HML (LOCKING BUSHING) 2.27 2.43 Composition trimmer-potentiometers resistant to shock, vibration and acceleration-suitable for heavy-duty. high-stress applications. Small size of these trimmer pots makes it easy to add to existing circuits or to design new ones. Rugged open construction permits potting of all types. Rated V3 watt at 70·C. Size: 1%," diameter, IIA,H deep from mounting surface. Have U-shaped. screwdriveradjustable shafts. Easily mounted by threaded stud through center of unit. Mechanical rotation: 300·, .±3°. Linear taper only. Tolerance, ±20%. Be sure to specify resistance values (from table directly below) when ordering. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. . 28 MM 643. 1-9 ................................... EACH 2.10 10-24 ................. EACH 1.89 25-49 .............. EACH 1.75 50·99 ................ EACH 1.66 100·249 .... : ....... EACH 1.58 TABLE OF VALUES FOR TMXO-SPECIFY VALUES Ohms I 500 1000 Ohms 2S00 SOOO I Ohms I 10K 2SK Include Resistance and Manufacturer's Type Number When Ordering Controls Ohms SOK lOOK Ohms I I 2S0K SOOK Megs 1 2.S ALLIED. 139 Mallory Potentiometers and Rheostats TYPE VW WIREWOUND 5-WATT CONTROLS "M" and "MT" WIREWOUND CONTROLS Miniature S-wat.t potentiometers. Very small size for this rating; ideal for limited space' applications. Only y,," dia., ~6" deep. Bushing: Vsx¥'t dia. and length. y.," plain round shaft, 2" long from mtg. surface. Linear taper. ±S% tol. 30S 0 mechanical rotation; 275 0 electrical rotation. High-quality construction. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. For use as bias controls and voltage dividers. Also for replacement 'of: TV rec~iver controls. 4 watts: Arm insulated from shaft. 294 0 rotation. Knurled y.," shaft isVs" long; screwdriver slot. "M" shaft. is hollow to accept DS-36 shafts· (below, left). MT types center-tapped TV units. 1 %" dia. x ~6". Mount in Vs" hole. Linear taper. Av., 4 oz. Stock Number 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 2B 28 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 28 28 28 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 28 2B 2B 2B 28 2B 2B 2B 2B Mfr·. Type EACH Ohms M 087 VW-l M 088 vw-z M 089 VW-3 M 090 VW-S M 091 VW-6 M 092 VW-8 M 093 VW-I0 M 094 VW-15 M 095 VW-20 M 096 VW-Z5 M 097 VW-30 M 09B VW-40 M 099 VW-50 M 100 VW-60 M 101 VW-75 _ M 102 VW-I00 M 103 VW-200 M 104 VW-250 M 105 VW-300 M 106 VW-400 M 107 VW-500 M lOB VW,-6oo M 109 VW-750 MilO VW-IK Mill VW-IP5K M 112 VW-2K M 113 VW-2P5K M 114 VW-3K MilS VW-4K M 116 VW-5K M 117 VW-7P5K M liB VW-lOK M 119 VW-15K M 120 VW-20K M 121 VW-25K 1 2 3 5 6 8 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 200 250 300 400 500 600 750 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 7500 10K 15K 20K 25K 19 1049 6099 100, 249 250499 1.38 1.24 1.15 1.04 .92 - - - - --- --- - I 1.38 1.2.4 1.15 1.04 .92 - - - - - - - - --1.38 1.24 1.15 1.04 .92 -- - - - - - - --- 1.38 1.24 1.15 1.04 .92 - - - - - - - - --1.38 1.24 1.15 1.04 .92 - - - - - - - - --1.44 1.30 1.20 1.08 .96 -1.50 1.50 1.56 1.56 1.65 -1.35 - --.:2S 1.35 1.40 1.40 1.49 1.25 1.30 1.30 1.3B 1.13 1.13 1.17 1.17 1.24 1.00 1.00 1.04 1.04 1.10 3-WATT CONTROLS Thre~-watt wirewound potentiometers. Excellent for use as voltage dividers and bias controls. Insulated-contact arm type, linear taper. Special dual-contactor mechanism. 900 volts AC insula- tion between resistance element and chassis. 297 0 rotation. Taper 4. 12%4" dia. Knurled stub shaft. ·Center-tapped. Vs" bushing. Av. wt., 4 oz. Stock Number 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 1,29 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 835 836 837 83B 839 840 864 841 834 842 843 844 846 845 692 693 694 695 , Mfr's Type R20L R20CT* R25L R30L R30CT* R50L RlOOL R250L R500L RI000L R1500L R2500L R3OO0L RSOOOL R7500L RlOML· R15ML R20ML EACH Ohms 20 20 ' 25 30 30 50 100 250 500 1000 1500 2500 3000 5000 7500 10K 15K 20K ,19 -- 1049 50- - - -99- 100- 250- -249- -499- .93 .84 .78 .70 .62 - - - - - - -- - .93 .84 .78 .70 .62 -- -- -- -- -.93 .84' .78 .70 .62 POTENTIOMETERS Stock 29 M 424 29 M 425 29 M 426 29 M 427 29 M 428 29 M 400 29 M 401 29 M 429 ,29 M 402 29 M 403 29 M 430 29 M 404 29 N\ 405 29 M 406 29 M 407 29 M 408 29 M 409 29 M 410 29M 411 29 M 412 29 M 413 29 M 431" 29 M 414 29 M 432 29 M 415 29 M 416 29 M 417 29 M 418 29 M 419 29 M 420 29 M 421 29 M 422 29 M 423 29 M 433 29 M 434 AlIiec:l loiJ:; world's largest stock of coMrols for commerciall lndustrial and mmt~r} v::.e. Current factory prices prevail. ' t40 '" lW!D MIPK I M3PK 3 M6PK 6 Ml0PK 10 MTI0PK 10 M15PK 15 M20PK 20 MT20PK 20 M25PK 25 M30PK 30 MT30PK 30 M40PK 40 M50PK 50 M60PK 60 M75PK 75 MI00PK 100 M200PK 200 M400PK 400 M500PK 500 M600PK 600 M1MPK 1000 M1.5MPK 1500 M2MPK 2000 M2.5MPK 2500 M3MPK 3000 M4MPK 4000 M5MPK 5000 10K MI0!4PK -15K -M15MPK M20MPK 20K 25K M25MPK -50K -M50MPK M70MPK 70K M75MPK 75K MI00MPK lOOK 1049 60- - - - - -99- 250. 100- 249 -499-- 1.35 1.22 1.12 1.01 .90 -- -- -- -- -./.35 1.22 1.12 1.01 .90 -- ---- -- -1.35 1.22 1.12 1.01 .90 -- -- -- -- -1.35 1.22 1.12 1.01 -- -- -- .90 -- -- 1.35 1.22 1.12 1.01 -- -- .90 -- - - - - 1.35 1.22 1.12 _1.01 .90, ---- -- -- -1.-47 1.32 1.23 1.10 .98 -- -- -- -- -1.74 1.57 1.45 1.31 1.16 2.46 2.21 2.05 1.85 1.64 Type M05RK MIRK M2RK M3RK M4RK M6RK MlORK M15RK M20RK M25RK M30RK M40RK M50RK M60RK M75RK MI00RK Stock No. 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 M 451 M 452 M 453 M 454 M 455 M 456 M 457 M 45B M 459 M 460 M 461 M 462 M 463 M 464 M 465 IVi 466 Ohms Amps ~ 2.80 2.00 1.40 1.15 1.00 .82 .63 .52 .45 .40 .37 .32 .28 .26 .23 .20 1 2 3 4 6 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 10-49 ...... EACH .B4 50-99 ... EACH .7B 1·9 ...... EACH .93 100-249 ............ EACH. 70 250·499 .. , . '" .. , ..... EACH .62 29M 651. Type 395 Dial Plate. For "M" controls. 2 oz ..... EACH .21 THEATER SPEAKER CONTROLS Made specially for drive-in theaters. Weatherproofed to withstand severe conditions. Type TSA-lO L-pad has steel construction, lO-ohm input, 4-ohm output. Type TSA-35 Series-type Pot has steel construction, 35-ohm impedance. Type TSA-6 Shunt-type Attenuator has brass construction, 6-ohm impedance. All have 1'AG" diameter cases; ~"long shafts. With mtg. nut. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. '29 M 9B5. OS·36 Special 3" Extension Shaft. For tubular shaft TV 2-watt controls, and Type "M"pots. Wt .. 2 oz ................. 3B r - - - - - - - - O E M PRICES - - - - - - -..... EACH 19 Ohms RHEOSTATS Have open or off position counter-clockwise .72 29 M 987. EB·214 Special Bushing. Dimensions ~"-28 thread, 2¥.G" long with .403" milled flat. Shpg. wt .. 2 oz•......••... ~ ....•.. 75 Type Number -- -- -- -- -1.08 .97 .90 .81 Mfr'. EACH Stock Mfr's Number Type 19 1024 2549 29 M 847 29 M 846 29 M 849 TSA-l0 TSA-35 TSA-6 1.35 1.35 1.14 1.26 1.26 1.06 1.13 1.13 .95 50- 100- 250- 99 249 499 - -.90 -1.02 - -.?7 - 1.02 .86 .97 .B2 .9p .76 S;ccdfy Ohms cad Mom;fccturer\ Type No. When Ordering Controls Mallory "Midgetrols", L .and T-Pads la'::fi";;;;;;? SERIES U MIDGETROL CONTROLS INSULA TED-SHAFT MIDGETROLS For audio. tone and similar.. control circuits in . home receivers, audio . _ ~ amplifiers •. porta~les •. TV ~~. sets. and mdustnal elec- '.. .. troni~ e'luipmeI,lt. Avail- ~_"_ ~ r1a::::&e::="",=~=='" able ma ful1lme of re. ~ sistances, tapers, and . taps. Rouud. hol1ow shaft-easily cut to desired leugth. Two spline-shank knob adapters furnished with each Midgetrol-see illustration above. With nut and lockwasher. 1o/t6" diameter. Brass shaft. 2Va" long. ';4" dia. Less switch (at right). Wt. 3 oz. Stock No. Type Ohms Taper* Stock No. Type Ohms Taper* 75K 29 M 714 U-l 100 1 4 29 M 764 U-36 29 M 715 U-52R 500 2 29 M 765 U-39 lOOK 1 29 M 709 U-2 2 500 4 29 M 766 U-40 lOOK 29 M 638 U-751R 750 lOOK 2 29 M 767 U-41 4 29 M 796 U-3 1000 2 29 M 795 U-415 125K 4 29 M 785 U-4 4 U-42 150K 1000 1 29 M 797 U-5 U-43 200K 1500 2 4 29 M 786 U-6 2000 4 29 M 770 U-44 250K 1 29 M 798 U-7 2 2 2500 29 M 771 U-45 2S0K 29 M 787 U-8 3000 4 29 M 772 U-46 250K 4 ----3000 29 M 717 U-9 2 29 M 773 U-48 500K 1 29 M 751 U-12 SOOO 1 29 M 774 U-50 500K 4 U-14 5000 29 M 752 4 750K 29 M 775 U-51 1 29 M 753 U-18 10K 1 29 M 713 U-52 1 meg 2 10K 29 M 754 U-19 2 29 M 776 U-53 1 meg 1 10K 29 M 755 U-20 4 4 29 M 777 U-54 1 meg 29 M 756 U-21 15K 1 29 M 790 ·U-·1S5 1.5 meg 4 ISK 29 M 757 U-22 2 29 M 778 U-SS 2 meg I 20K 29 M 758 U-24 1 4 29 M 781 U-S6 2 meg 29 M 783 U-26 20K 4 29 M 784 U-2SS 2.5 meg 4 -- 29 M 779 U-S7 3 meg 29 M 759 U-28 2SK 2 I 29 M 712 U-28A 2SK 1 4 29 M 782 U-S9 3 meg 29 M 760 U-29 25K 4 2 29 M 699 U-63 5 meg 30K 29 M 698 U-30 4 1 29 M 780 U-65 5 meg SOK 29 M 761 U-33 1 4. 29 M 788 U-67 5 meg SOK 2 29 M 762 U-34 29 M 789 U-82 10 meg 4 SOK 29 M 763 U-3S 4 Size and construction same as Midgetrol at left. but have ';4" dia. fixed. knurled and slotted phenolic shaft protruding ';4" beyond bushing. Linear taper. Washer. nut. 3 oz. "'!.. .. - - =- ~~ =~~~ --- --- -- 1-24 ...... EACH 1.02 100·174 ... EACH .77 --- 25·49 ...... EACH .92 175·299 .... EACH .73 50·99 ...... EACH .85 300·499 .... EACH .68 Stock No .. 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 M M M M M M M M 646 647 832 826 812 827 813 828 ~ SU-6 SU-8 SU·14 SU-20 SU-29 SU-3S SU-41 SU-46 ---- Ohms 1500 3000 SOOO 10K -25K -SOK lOOK Stock No. Type 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 SU-SO SU-S4 SU-S6 SU-S65 SU-59 SU-67 SU-69 M M M M M M M 814 829 830 833 831 815 587 1 meg 2 meg 2.S meg 3 meg 5 meg 7.S meg 2S0K 1·24 ....... EACH .93 100·174 .... EACH .70 25·49 ...... EACH .84 175-299 .... EACH .66 50·99.... . EACH .78 300·499 .... EACH .62 SWITCHES and ACCESSORIES FOR MIDGETROLS "Push·on, stay-on" switches for Midgetrols. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. 29 M 620. US·26 SPST Switch. 1·24 ..................... EACH .42 25·49 ...... EACH .38 50·99 ...... EACH .35 100·174 .... EACH .32 175·299 .............. EACH .30 300·499 .............. EACH .28 29 M 621. US·26T SPST. With dummy terminal. 1·24 ..... EACH .51 25·49 ...... EACH .46 50·99 ...... EACH.43 100·174 .... EACH .38 175·299 .............. EACH .36 300·499 .............. EACH .34 29 M 622. US·27 DPST Switch. 1·24 ..................... EACH .51 25·49 ...... EACH .46 50·99 ...... EACH .43 100·174 .... EACH .38 175·299 .............. EACH .36 300·499 .............. EACH .34 29 M 623. US·28 SPDT Switch. 1·24 ..................... EACH .51 25·49 ..... ; EACH .46 50-99 ...... EACH .43 100·174 .... EACH .38 175·299 .............. EACH .36 300·499 .............. EACH .34 29 M 985. DS·36 Special 3" Exfension Shaff. For tubular shaft Midgetrols. TV and industrial3-watt controls. and Type "M" pots. Also couples front and rear sections together. 2 oz.............•38 29 M 882 .. DS·37 ¥l6" Diamefer Shaft. For use with round-shaft Midgetrols for knobs requiring ¥l6" shaft. Wt .• 2 oz.................33 29 M 987. EB·214 Special Bushing. Dimensions: 112"-28 thread. 2¥16" long with .403" milled flat. Shpg. wt .• 2 oz................75 STEREO L PADS-MONOPHONIC L, T PADS *EX~LANATION OF TAPERS Taper No.1: For use in audio or antenna shunt circnits. Taper No.2: For series circuits or cathode voltage controls. Taper No.4: Linear. For voltage control. Type "LL" Pads. Rated 4 watts. continuous DC; 15 watts peak. For stereo· balance or master volume in low level. low impedance audio circuits. Consist of two 'fL" pads mounted in tandem and operated by a common shaft-permits adjnstment of 2 channels with one control. 1%x2o/i6". Type "LA" L Pads. Rated 4 watts; 15 watts peak. For level control in monophonic equipment. Maintain constant impedance between control and amplifier. 1%x1 Va". Type "RL" L Pads. Rated 3 watts; 10 watts peak. For monophonic use. 1%,xl ';4". Type "RT" T Pads. Rated 3 watts; 10 watts peak. Maintains equal input and output impedances. 1%x1%". All types have ¥ax1" bushing; include knob. dial plate. TYPE UT SINGLE-TAPPED MIDGETROLS Same as U-types above. but tapped for tone compensation. Stock'No. 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 718 585 802 586 803 816 804 860 805 861 862 806 807 808 809 863 810 817 1·24 ...... EACH I .26 100·174 ... EACH .95 Type Ohms UT-153 UT-41S UT-420 UT-421 UT-42S UT-429 UT-427 UT-430 UT-431 UT·44Q UT-438 UT·443 UT-450 UT-448 UT-4S4 UT-449 UT·451 UT·457 ISK 30K Tap 10K 2SK SOK 2S0K 2S0K 3S0K 150K 70K SOOK lOOK IS0K 22SK 2 meg 25·49 ..... EACH I .13 175·299 ... EACH .90 Shpg. wt. series "LL". 6 oz. Shpg. wt. series "LA", 4 oz. 200K 300K 4S0K 12SK ·2S0K 400K 600K 900K 900R '1 meg 2 meg 2 2 2 3 SERIES "LL" and "LA" L PADS SOK SOOK SOOK SOOK 1 meg 1 meg meg meg meg meg Type. 29 29 29 29 29 29 M M M M M M 988 989 990 991 992 719 UDT-283 UDT·289 UDT-291 UDT·295 UDT-296 UDT·303 1·24 ...... ,EACH 1.26 100·174 ... EACH .95 Ohms SOOK 1 meg I.S meg 2.25 meg 2.2S meg 3.3 meg 25·49 ..... EACH 1.13 175·299 ... EACH .90 Mfr's Type EACH 19 1024 2649 50- 100- 29 29 29 29 M 098 M 099 M 071 M 072 LL16 LLSO L8A L16A 29 29 29 29 29 29 M M M M M M 100 101 102 103 104 105 RL4 RL8 RLI6 RLSO RL2S0 RL500 29 M 106 29 M 107 29 MI08 29 M 109 29M 110 29 Mill RT4 RT8 RT16 RTSO RT2S0 RTSOO 16 SO 8 16 5.70 5.70 2.85 2.85 5.42 5.42 2.71 2.71 5.13 5.13 2.57 2.57 4.75 4.75 2.38 2.38 4.28 4.28 2.14 2.14 250499 3.80 3.80 3.80 1.90 1.90 SERIES "RL" L PADS Shpg. wt .. 4 oz. 50·99 ..... EACH I .05 300·499 ... EACH .84 Taps IOOK/200K 2S0K/SOOK 4 8 16 SO 2S0 , 2.52 2.39 2.27 2.10 1.89 1.68 SOO SERIES "RT" T PADS. Shpg. wt .• 5 oz. 22SK/SOOK 2S0K/SOOK SOOK/l meg ) 300K/1.5 meg SO·99 ... .. EACH 1.05 300·499 ... EACH Imp •• Ohms 249 99 - -- -- -- ------- - 8- -5.70 29 M097 LL8 5.42 5.13 4.75 4.28 TYPE UDT DOUBLE-TI\PPED MIDGETROLS Stock No. Stock Number .84 Specify Manufacturer's Type and Value When Ordering Controls 4 8 16 SO 2S0 SOO 3.33 3.16 3.00 2.78 2.50 2.22 ALLIED. 141 Mallory· Composition and Wirewound Controls ST A-LOC UA UNIVERSAL CONTROLS· SHAFTS FOR UA CONTROLS Designed to eliminate the headache and expense of maintaining a large inventory of. original .replace~ent controls •. the "Sta-Loc" system makes possible on~the·spot assembly of exact· replacement controls. With this system it is possible to join shaft and control together,.and attach a switch when necessary-and all in 10 seconds without any . tools. Order shafts and switches separately-a wide . choice of shafts is available in column at right. Switches listed be· low; Virtuaijy any control desired is possible, from 100 ohms to 10 megohms. untapped, .tapped, and double·tapped, with choice of three tapers, switched or un·switched. y'!.watt sprayed carbon ele· ments fulfill requirements for radio, TV, hi·fi, and other home elec· tronic equipment, as.well as many industrial applications. Replaces older style U, UT, UDT, and SU types. Provided with %"-32 bushing with mounting nut. Less shaft (see listings at right) and switch (see listings below). Av. shpg. wt .. 2 oz. ' UNTAPPED (Less Shaft) Stock No. 28.M 000 28 M 001 28 M 002 28 M 003 28 M 004 28 MOOS 28 M 006 28 M 007 28 M 008 28 M 009 28 M 010 28 MOil 28 M 012 28 M 013 28 M 014 28 M 030 28 M 031 28.M 032 28 M 033 28 M 034 ; 28 M 035 28 M 036 ·28 M 037 28 M 038 28 M 039 c 28 M 040 28M 041 Type Taper 4 4 2 2 4 ~ 1000 2 1500 4 1500 2 4 2900 2500 2 3000 4 3000 2 5000 1 5000 4 10K 1 10K 4 10K 2 15K 1 15K 2 20K 1 20K 4 25K 1 25K 4 25K 2 30K 4 50K 1 50K 4 Ohms UAI2L UAS2L UA52R UA751R UA13L UA13R UAlS2L UA152R UA23L UA252R UA33L UA33R UA5JA UAS3L UA14A UA14L UA14R UA153A UA153R UA24A UA24L UA253A UA253L UA253R UA34L UAS4A UA54L 100 500 500 \ 750 Stock No. Type 28MOl5 28 M 016 28 M 017 28MOl8 28 M 019 28 M 020 28 M 021 28 M 022 28 M 023 28.M 024 28 M 025 28 M 026 28 M 027 28 M 028 28 M 029 28 M 042 28 M 043 28 M 044 28 M 045 28 M 046 28 M 047 28 M 048 28 M 049 28 M 050 28 M 051 28 M 052 28 M 053 UA54R UA7SJA UA15A UA15L UA15R UA1253L UA154A UA2SL UA254A UA254L UA254R UA55A UA55L UA754A UA16A UA16L UA16R UA155L UA26A UA26L UA255L UA36A UA36L UA56A UAS6L UA56R UA17L Taper 50K 2 75K I lOOK 1 lOOK 4 lOOK 2 125K 4 IS0K 1 200K 4 2S0K 1 250K 4 250K 2 500K 1 500K 4 750K 1 1 Meg 1 1 Meg 4 1 Meg 2 1.5 Meg 4 2 Meg 1 2 Meg 4 2.5 Meg 4 3 Meg 1 3 Meg 4 . S Meg 1 SMeg 4 5 Meg - 2 10 Meg 4 Ohms Less shaft (listed above, right) .............................................. EACH .63 EXPLANATION OF TAPERS Taper No.1: For use in audio or antenna shunt circuits. TAPPED (Less Shaft) Ty.pe Ohms Tap Stock No .. UA153T14 UA34T2S3 UA254T54 UA2S4T154 UA3S4T74 UA5STS4 UAS5T15 UA55TI54 UA5ST2253 UAI6T25 15K 30K 2S0K 250K 350K 500K 500K 500K SooK 1 Meg 10K 25K 50K IS0K 70K 50K SOOK 150K SOOK 200K 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 --- M 064 M 065 M 066 M 067 M 068 M 069 M 070 M 071 M 072 Type Ohm. UA16T35 UA16T454 UA26T1253 UA26T254 UA26T4S UA26T6S UA26T95 UA36T95 UA32S4T35 1 Meg 1 Meg 2 Meg 2 Meg 2 Meg 2 Meg 2 Meg 3 Meg 3.25 Meg ~ 300K 4S0K 12SK 250K 400K 600K 900K 900K 300K --- ............. ............ ......... ....... Less shaft (listed above, right) .............................................. EACH .85 DOOaLE,TAPPED (Less Shaft) Stock No. 28 M073 .28 M 074 28 M 075' 28 M 076 28 M 077 28 M 078 Type Ohms UAS5DT2S UAI6DTSS UAI5SDTS5 UA2254DTS5 UA2254DTI6 UA335DTI55 Tap jI1 Tap 12 lOOK 2S0K 22SK 250K 500K 300K 200K 500K SOOK SOOK 1 Meg 1.5 Meg SooK 1 Meg I.S Meg 2.25 Meg 2.25 Meg 3.3 Meg Less shaft (listed above, right) .............................................. EACH .85 SWITCHES FOR UA CONTROLS Quality switches for direct mounting on any of the abOve controls. Three types are available: US41 (SPST), US42 (DPST), and US43 (SPDT). Switches attach firmly Stock No. 28 M 084 28 M 085 28 M 086 142 • ALLIED I and easily with locking colIar included with each switch. Can be readily removed in serv· ice and replaced without unsoldering control leads on UA controls. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. Mfr', Type Action US41 ~~~~ IUS42 US43 SPDT I . Stock No. 28 28 28 28 28 M 079 M 080 M 08 I M 082 M 083 EACH :~1 .51 Type SFI000 SKlOOO SNI000 SL2500 SL3S00 Fig. Description A I' (Flatted) I' (Knurled) IN (Nylon) 2Yz' (Plain Round) 3Yz' (Universal) B C D E EACH ............................... 39 CONSTANT-LOAD ATTENUATORS T PAD L PAD Control the level of low·impedance audio circuits in sound systems. Rated 4 watts, continuous DC; 15 w .. peak audio. Have 2" shafts. %" dia. bushing. With ·knob, 0-10 dial plate, instructions. Wt .. 7 oz. T~Pad Attenuators. Present a constant source.. impedance as welI as constant load. Size, 1%" dia. x I1Jf,6 N, Ohms Taper No.2. For series circuits or cathode voltage controls. Taper No.4: Linear. For voltage control. ' Stock No. 28 M 054 28 MOSS 28 M 056. 28 M 057 28 M 058 28 M 059 28 M 060 28 M 061 28 M 062 .28 M 063 Fit any of. the Sta·Loc controls described at "left. Types SL2500 and SL3500 are universal shafts--easily cut to shorter lengths. SNloo0 is made of nylon-for insulated TV controls. All shafts are .J4" dia. Dimensions in description column of table are lengths from assembled mounting surface. Shpg. wt .. 2 oz. 2 4 6 8 15 50 100 200 250 500 600 1000 2000 3000 Stock No. Type 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 T2 T4 T6 T8 TIS TSO TIOO T200 T2S0 TSoo T600 TIOOO T2000 T3000 M 868 M 869 M 870 M 871 M 872 M 873 M 865 M 874 M 875 M 876 M 866 M 867 M 877 M 878 1-9 ....... EACH 3.54 25-49, .... EACH 3.19 100-249, .. EACH 2.66 10·24 .... EACH 3.36 50·99 .... EACH 2.95 250-499. EACH 2.36 L·Pad Allenualars. Present a constant load· impedance at alI control settings. Size, 1 %H dia. x 1 lis" long. Ohms 2 4 6 8 15 50 100 200 250 500 600 1000 2000 3000 4000 Stock No. Type 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 L2 L4 L6 L8 LIS LSO Lloo L200 L2S0 L500 L600 LIOOO L2000 L3000 L4000 M 8B3 M 884 M 885 M 892 M 886 M 8B7 M 920 M B88 M 889 M 890 M 921 M 922 M 891 M 923 M 708 1-9" ..... EACH 2.73 25-49 ..... EACH 2.46 100-249 ... EACH 2.05 10-24 .... EACH 2.59 50-99 .... EACH 2.28 250-499. EACH 1.82 Specify Mfr's Type and Value When Ordering Controls Fenwal Electronics Inc. Thermistors -follows standard curves over wide range (curve matched as dose as Yo% of resistance). Discs-for medium power and time response. Rods and washers-for high dissipation. Discs and rods to 125°C; washers to 150°C. See "Engineering Package" below. Use glass-coated beads where smallness, fast response, high precision, stability, and temp. to 600°F are required. Medium-small glass . probes are similar to beads, but more rugged, mount more easily; useful in liquid media. (*) Iso-Curve interchangeable glass probe ,.; U·~ --: .... . . " ~.. TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT Stock Mfr's No. Type GAS ANALYZER Fig, GD25J1 i-;\ GB31J1 A GB3ZJZ A GB35J1 A GB41J1 A GA45J1 A GA5111 A GA52J2 A GA5511 A GA6111 A GB31P2 B GB32P2 B GB32P8 B GB34P2 B ~ GB34P92 E 8 E 630 GB41P2 B 8 E 631 GB42P2 B 7 E 116 GA45P2 B 7 E 117 GA45P8 B 9 E 910 GA51P2 B 9 E 967 GA51P8 B 8 E 632 GA52P2 B 8 E 633 GA55P2 B 8 E 634 GA61P2 B 8 E 635 JB2511 C 8 E 636 JB3lJl C 8 E 637 JA33J1 C 9 E975 JA35Jl C 7 E 118 JA38Jl C 8 E638 JA4111 C 8 E 639 KB21J1 C 8 E640 KB2211 C 8 E641 KB23Jl C 8 E642 KB25J1 C 9 E 914 KA31L1 G 7 E 119 KA33Jl C 8 E 643 KA35J3 C 8 E644 LB12J2 C 7 E 120 LB1511 'C C ~ LB2111 8 E 645 LB22Ll G 8 E 646 LA25L2 G 8 E 647 LA3111 C 8 E 648 MB13Jl C 8 E 649 MA2lJl C 7 E 121 MA23Jl C 8 E 650 NBl1Jl C 8'E651 NA21J1 C 8 E652 NA22J1 C 8 E 653 QB41J1 D 9 E916 QA5111 D 9 E917 RB33L1 D 9 E 918 RB41Ll D 9 E 878 RA43L1 D 8 E 654 RA51Ll D 8 E 655 TB31Ll D 8 E656 TA45L1 D 9 E 925 WBllWl H 8 E 657 WB13Wl H 9 E919 WA21Wl H 8 E 686 WA23W1 H 8 8 9 8 8 8 9 7 8 7 8 8 9 8 E621 E 622 E 911 E 623 E 624 E 625 E 909 E 113 E 626 E 114 E 627 E 628 E 912 E 629 Style Bead Bead Bead Bead ~ Bead Bead Bead Bead Bead Probe Probe Probe Probe Probe* Probe Probe Probe Probe Probe Probe Probe Probe Probe Disc ~ Disc Disc Disc Disc Disc Disc Disc Disc Disc Disc Disc Disc Disc Disc Disc Disc Disc Disc Disc Disc Disc Disc Disc Rod Rod Rod Rod Rod Rod Rod Rod Washer Washer Washer Washer OJ' ~~ o "" ",,".. % A . ' . , ,,' LOAO "lID" VOLTAGE CONTROL Ohms@ 25°C Tol. Res. Ratio (=%) O"C: SO"C 500 1000 2000 5000 10K 50K toOK 200K 500K tOOOK 1000 2000 2000 4000 4000 10K 20K 50K 50K lOOK lOOK 200K 500K 1000K 500 1000 3000 5000 SOOO 10K 100 200 300 500 toOO ,3000 5000 18.6 50 100 200 500 1000 25 100 300 10 100 250 10K lOOK 3150 10K 31.5K lOOK 10K 50K .10 31.5 100 315 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2 20 20 20 15 15 15 20 20 20 10 .10 10 to 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5.1:1 7.3:1 7.3:1 7.3:1 7.5:1 10.3:1 10.3:1 10.9:1 11.S:1 14.0:1 7.3:1 7.3:1 7.3:1 7.3:1 7.04:1 7.5:1 7.5:1 10.3:1 10.3:1 10.3:1 10.3:1 10.9:1 11.8:1 14.0:1 6.9:1 6.9:1 9.1:1 9.1:1 9.1:1 9.1:1 6.9:1 6.9:l 6.9:1 6.9:1 9.1:1 9.1:1 9.1:1 6.9:1 6.9:1 6.9:1 6.9:1 9.1:1 9.1:1 6.9:1 9.1:1 9.1:1 6.9:1 9.1:1 9.1:1 7.1:1 9.1:1 7.1:1 9.1:1 9.1:1 9.1:1 7.1:1 9.1:1 6.9:1 6.9:1 9.1:1 9.1:1 "ill @"@] Djss. Const. (mw/"C) .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 1 1 1 1 1.9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 7 6 7 8 11" 8 10 25 20 50 20 16 30 2.5 2.5 4 6 4 6 15 24 860 500 800 350 Lead Time Canst. Dia. Lgth. ~ (In.) (In.) 2 ~ 2 v.. 2 v.. 2 v.. Z v.. --Z-- ~ 2 Yo 2 % 2 v.. 2 ~ 2 25 2 25 25 2 2 25 Z 25 --2-52 25 2 25 2 2 25 25 2 25 2 25 2 2 25 25 2 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 16 18 Iv.. 20 Iv.. 25 Iv.. 20 Iv.. 22 35 Iv.. 26 3% 40 3% 65 3% ---w.;---w.;- ~~ 60 70 85 80 ~ 90 100 140 20 20 70 90 70 90 110 125 12 16 13 18 3% 3% 3% 3% ~ 3% 3% 3% 1% .043 .043 .043 .043 .043 .043 .043 .043 .043 .043 .1 .1 .1 .1 .IS0 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .6 .6 .6 .77 .77 .77 --w.1% 1% 1% ~ 2 2 ........ ........ ........ ........ .053 .053 .11 .11 .11 .11 .173 .173 .77 .77 .77 .77 ill @]" Lgth.or [BJ EACH -Thick. ~ @ 1-9 10-24 25-99 ........ """"""3.24 ----u;o -2-,-1-1........ 2,70 2,16 1.76 1,76 2,16 ........ 2,70 2.11 ........ 3.24 2.60 2.60 2.11 2.14 ~ 2.16 1.76 1.76 2.16 2.60 2.11 3.03 2.46 1.60 1.30 1.30 1.60 Yo 1.88 1.53 2 1.60 1.30 Yo 32.00 26.00 v.. 1.92 1.56 1.56 1.92" Yo 1.76 1.43 Yo 2.08 1.69 2 1.30 1.60 ~~ 2 2.35 1.88 1.53 1.60 1.30 2.00 liz 2:40 1.92 1.56 Yo 2.24 1.82 2.80 liz .0345 ~ .80 .65 . • 65 .069 1.00 .80 .029 1.00 .80 .65 .048 .80 .65 1.00 .076 1.00 .80 .65 .095 1.00 .80 .65 .028 .56 .85 ---:68 .056 .85 .68 .56 .083 .56 .68 .85 .138 .85 .68 .56 .038 .56 .68 .85 .114 .85 .68 .56 .190 .68 .85 .56 .021 .97 .78 .64 ,68 .055 .56 .85 .68 .110 .85 .56 .220 ---:68 .56 .0,,78 .68 .85 .56 .150 .68 .85 .56 .064 .68 .56 .85 .036 .68 .85 .56 .108 .68 .85 .56 .041 " .85 .68 .56 .056 .68 .85 .56 .140 .68 .85 .56 1.00 1.25 .82 liz 1.00 1.25 .82 'Va 1.20 .96 .78 .96 1% 1.20 .78 1.20 .96 .78 Va .88 1.08 1% 1.35 1.08 ~ 1.35 1% 1.60 1.28 1.04 .038 1.00 .82 1.25 .112 1.25 1.00 .82 .048 1.25 1.00 .82 .151 1.00 1.25 .82 --........ ........ ........ ........ ----v.----v.- 3.24 2.67 2.70 2.70 3.24 3.78 2.00 2.00 2.35 2.00 40.00 2.40 2.40 2.20 2.59 -:as ----v.- --:as EXPERIMENTER'S THERMISTOR KITS THERMISTOR ENGINEERING PACKAGE Model G-200. Contains 12 different thermistors (2 glass probes, 3 beads, 2 discs, 3 rods, 2 washers). Each thermistor is packed with specification sheets showing complete operating Includes resistance-temperature computer card and thermistor manual giving specifications of all thermistors. 9 E 877 •........... No charge when requesled wilh your next order. characteristics-resistance-temperature ~u~v~~'6~~~: .............•..•...... 19.95 8 E 658. G-700 Economy Kit. (Not iIIus.) Includes 4 glass beads and probes for a variety of basic applications. With manual and thermistor data-and-curve computer............................... 4.95 8 E 659. G-701 Economy Kit. (Not illus.) Includes 10 glass beads and probes in a wider range of resistance values. With manual and thermistor data-and-curve computer........,' ............... 9.95 o THERMISTOR ASSEMBLIES Hermetically-sealed, bead-mounted assemblies for use in gas analysis and" chromatography. Lead length, 1 n • D.D., .380". Time constant 10 Diss constant· MW/"C G126-o l', G112 G128-o 1 EACH Stock Mfr's Descrip .. Tol. Ratio Ro Type t.ion No. @25"C (±%) O°C:50oC 1-9 11O_UP 7 E 122 G126 2~GC32L3 2000 2 5 ---s:7:i: 14;42 11.54 9 E 961 G112 2-GB3SLl BOOO 20 7.3:1 26.00 20.80 9 E 962 G128 2-GA51LA lOOK 15 10.3:1 33.00 26.40 Depend on Allied Electronics for the Lastest in Industrial Equipment v.. . .. ALLIED. 143 Convenient Capacitor Selection Chart and Index CHARACTERISTIC OF CAPACITOR CAP~ D.F. loR. SIZE ©1962 CORNELL-DUBILIER, NEWARK, N.J. Reprinted by permission. 144 • ALLIED Shows What You Need and Where to Find It· ., o 5 •• • l oa ,""::: __ I I 1""' ... 1 OIL A 2 .. B 3" C 4 " f 5 .. C S" J 710 l 8" S 11 -I 0 ~ I 10 -1 5 ~ -2 ~ -2 o ,. " 9 10 11 12 ,., T -60 -40 -20 • :::::- ..\.,1- r-r- ;;;;: , T u ~ +15 I CHARACTERISTICS ~ Various Plastic FiI'm~ a~ Combinalions of +5 18 19 Dilleclrlcs ~ -5 § -10 !;; -15 - -20 T .",,~' 14 14 S 80 100 " " ~~CITAHCE'TEMPERATURE ~ +10 10-11 .. U HIGH TEMP WAX M!NERAl WAX SCUDTH[RMOSmING 0 20 40 60 T{MP£RATUR£ (DEGREES c) .. +20 CAPACITANCE.TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS r-. of Pap~CapacilOrS Wi~ V~rious ImpregnanIS_&I_+, 120 CHARACTERISTIC OF CAPACITOR CAP. ~~ , , 18 r;.r , "A -15·17 I 12 M,I3I 13 PapuM11at - 14 POrr5t~l!ne Mylar 15 Metallized Paper.Resin lSAMetalllzed Paper-Wax 16 17 18 19 Metallized Mylar Metallized Paper Mylar PoJyslyreRit Tellon - 44020020406080IOO~~~~~m~~ TEMPERATURE (DEGREES C) POLYSTYRENE MICA RECEIVING CHARACTERISTIC CAP. VOLTS D.F. I.R. I.R. TEMP. TEMP. STABILITY D.A. SIZE SIZE COST MIL. SPECS. MIL. SPECS. ©1962 CORNELL-DUBILIER, NEWARK, N. J. Reprinted b.v permission. . ALLIED • 145 SPRAGUE 1500 Solid-Tantalum Electrolytics seal is broken accidentally. Extremely bfgh insulation resistance. Insulating sleeve. -'-80 to +85°C. 2 oz. For price and size, see Case Size (*), Subminiature Tantalex units, meet MIL-C26655A - for transistorized circuitry in most military applications. Hermetically sealed in metal cases. Cannot leak or corrode even if hermetic then refer to "Locator"~ table.. . 10% TOLERANCE PRICE AND SIZE LOCATOR Case Slze~ A B C D E F G H J K L M Diameter x Lengt.h %4xl1.· %4~l1.' %4x~6" *.xYz' ~6x!h'" %ax14' %ax14' !)izX%1I 'J12x5%4'1 ll1zxs%4' 'J12x5 %4" 'J-32xs%4" Type Stock No. 150D10 L026 472X9035A2 10 L027 562X9035A2 13 L315 103X9035A2 13 L316 153X9035A2 13 L317 223X9035A2 13 L 318 333X9035A2 13 L319 393X9035A2 13 L 320 473X9035A2 10 L081 473X9050A2 13 L 321 563X9035A2 13 L 322 683X9035A2 13 L 323 104X9035A2 14. L 150 104X9050A2 13 L 324 '-124X9035A2 13 L 325 154X9035A2 10 L 079 154X9050A2 13 L 326 184X9035A2 10 LOSS 184X9050A2 13 L 327 224X9035A2 14 L 151 224X9050A2 13 L 328 274X9035A2 13 L 329 334X9035A2 14 L 171 334X9050A2 10 L 029 394X9035A2 10 L 059 394X9050A2 13 L 330 474X9035A2 14. L 172 474X9050A2 26-49 1.08 1.11 1.99 1.27 2.10 2.01 2.07 3.43 3.56 3.66 3.81 6.39 1-24 1.34. 1.37 2.48 1.57 2.62 2.23 2.57 4..28 4..50 4..60 4..75 7.98 Mfd .0047 .0056 '.01 .015 .022 .033 .039 .047 .047 .056 .068 .1 .1 .12 .15 .15 .18 .18 .22 .22 .27 .33 .33 .39 .39 .47 .47 wv Case DC Size· 35 B 35 B B 35 35 B 35 B. 35 A 35 A 35 A 50 C 35 A 35 A 35 A 50 C 35 A 35 A C 35 A 50 C 35 A 50 C 35 A 35 A 50 C 35 A 50 C 35 A 50 C -- -:so -- Stock EACH 50-99 .75 .98 1.68 .77' 1.77 1.36 1.42 2.90 2.34. 2.53 2.81 5.39 No. 100-499 .62 .81 1.45 .64. 1.52 1.12 1.16 2.4.7 1.91 2.06 2.29 4..60 St.ock Type No. 13 L 331 13 L 332 13 L 333 10 L 863 13 L 334 14. L 173 13 L 335 13 L 336 14. L 174 13 L 337 14 L 175 13 L 338 IOL067 13 L 339 13 L 340 14. L 176 13 L341 10 L 069 10 LOl3 13 L342 14. L 177 13 L 343 13 L344 10 L 071 13 L345 13 L346 14 L 185 150D564X9035A2 684X9035A2 824X9035A2 824X9050A2 105X9035A2 105X9050A2 125X9020A2 125X9035B2 125X9050B2 155X9035B2 155X9050B2 185X9035B2 185X9050B2 225X9020A2 225X9035B2 225X9050B2 275X9035B2 275X9050B2 335X9015A2 335X9035B2 335X905082 395X9010A2 395X903582 395X905082 475X9010A2 475X903582 475X905082 500-999 .53 .66 1.31 .54. 1.39 .94. .98 2.26 1.60 ' 1.73 1.91 4..20 Mfd wv Case .68 .82 .82 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.7 2.7 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.9 3.9 3.9 4.7 4.7 4.7 35 35 50 35 50 20 35 50 35 50 35 50 20 35 50 35 50 15' 35 50 -1035 50 10 35 50 A A C A C A 'DC Size* -35- ---.56 A D E D -- -E D E A D E D E A D E -A D E A D E I4i:I52 13 L347 13 L 348 10 L'080 10 L 030 13 L349 10 L031 14. L 186 13 L 350 14 L 153 10 L 077 13 L351 10 L 033 14. L 187 14 L 154 10 L034 14 L 18a 14 L 155 10 L 035 14 L 189 14 L 156 10 LOl8 10 L036 10 LOl9 14 L 160 13 L 353 10 L 038 10 L 007 14 L 163 10 L 021 10 L 039 10 L 000 10 LOl4 10 L 022 10 L 001 14 L 164 10 L008 IO,L024 10 L 009 10 L 025 14 L 165 14 L 166 10 LOll 14 L 168 10 L 006 Type, IVrfif 150D56SX9035B2 685X9006A2 685X9035B2 685X9050R2 825X9035R2 106X9020B2 106X9035R2 106X9050R2 126X9020B2 126X9035R2 126X9050R2 156X9020B2 156X9035R2 156X9050R2 186X901582 186X9035R2 186X905082 226X901582 226X9035R2 226X905082 276X901082 276X9020R2 276X9035R2 336X9020R2 336X903582 396X901082 396X903582 ' 406X9010B2 476X900682 476X9020R2. 476X903582 566X900682 566X9015R2 566X902082 606X900682 686X902082 826X9010R2 826X902082 107X901OR2 107X902082 127X902082 157X901582 187X901082 227X901082 337X9OO682 5.6 6.8' 6.8 6.8 8.2 10 10 10 12 12 12 15 15 15 18 18 18 22 22 22 27 27 27 33 33 39 39 40 47 47 47 56 56 56 60 68 82 82 100 100 120 150 180 220 330 Type Mfd wv Cas e DC Size • 35 D 6 35 50 35 20 35 50 20 35 A -50 D H G D G H D G H D 20 35 G 50 H D 15 35 G 50 H 15 D 35 G 50 -10 - DM 20 F 35 K 20 F 35 -10 - KD 35 L D 10 6 D 20 -35- 'LF 6 D 15 F 20 J 6 D -20- - J 10 F 20' J F 10 -20 - J 20 J 15 J 10 J 10 J 6 J -- 20% TOLERANCE PRICE AND SIZE LOCATOR Case Size* N P R 8 T U V w EACH 50-99 I .72 ' .93 1.30 .74 1.37 1.33 1.39 2.24 2.31 2.50 2.78 Diamet.er 1·24 1.31 1.32 1.92 1.54 2.02 2.20 2.54 3.30 4.4.7 4..57 4..72 x Length %4X~6g !%4x!j16" %4xl1.' ~6XVz" ~6XY2." %2X%/I %ax14" ~x%" X y IYnxS%4" 1Mzx5%4" Z '~X5%4" Stock Type No. 13 L 300 13 L301 10 L 040 i3 L 302 10 L042 13 L 303 10 L 044 13 L 304 13 L 305 10 L 048 13 L 306 10 L 052 13 L 283 10 L 054 13 L 307 10 L 056 150D. 472X0035A2 103X0035A2 103X0050A2 153X0035A2 153X0050A2 223X0035A2 223X0050A2 333X0035A2 473X0035A2 473X0050A2 104X0035A2 104X0050A2 154X0035A2 154X0050A2 224K0035A2 224XOOSOA2 146 • ALLlED\ Mfd --.0047 .01 .01 .015 .015 .022 .022 .033 .047 ..047 .1 .1 .15 .15 .22 .22 wv 25-49 1.05 1.06 1.54 1.24 1.62 1.98 2.04 2.64 3.53 3.63 3.78 Case DC Size* 35 P 35 P 50 R 35 P 50 R 35 P R 50 35 N 35 N R 50 35 N 50 R 35 N 50 R 35 N -- ' SO R 100-499 .59 .76 1.11 .61 1.17 1.09 1.13 1.91 1.88 2.03 2.26 Stock Type No. 13 L 308 10 L 058 13 L 309 10 L 060 13 L310 10 L062 13 L311 10 L064. 13 L 295 10 L066 13 L 296 13 L312 10 L 068 13 L 293 10 L070 13 L313 150D. 334X0035A2 334X0050A2 474X0035A2 474X0050A2 684X0035A2 684X0050A2 105X0035A2 105X0050A2 155X0020A2 155X005082 225KOO20A2 225X003582 225X0050B2 335XOO15A2 335X005082 335X003582 Mfd .33 .33 .47 .47 .68 .68 1.0 1.0 1.5 L5 2.2 2.2 2.2 3.3 3.3 3.3 600-999 .50 .61 1.02 .51 1.07 .91 .95 1.75 1.57 1.70. 1.88 WV Case DC Size* N .50 R 35 N 50 R 35 N 50 R 35 N 50 R 20 N 50 T 20 N 35 8 50 T IS N 50 T, 35 8 35 Stock No. 13 L 290 13 L314 10 L072 13 L 2S8 13 L 297 13 L 284 10 L07.4 13 L 298 13 L 285 IOL076 13 L 299 13 L 286 10 L078· 13 L 294 13 L 287 t :~ ~;1 13 L 292 13 L 282 13 L 354 13 L 276 13 L 289 13 L 280 13 L 355 13 L 278 356 -13 -L13 L 279 13 L 357 13 L 277 13 L 358 10 LO,04 13 L,359 150D. 475XOOI0A2 475X0035B2 ~m2ggg~!~ 685X0020B2 685X003582 685X0050R2 106X0020B2 106X0035R2 106X0050R2 156X002082 156X0035R2 156X0050R2 226XOO15B2 226X0035R2 336X0020R2 336X003582 406XOOI082 476X0020R2 476X003582 476Xoo06B2 606XOO0682 686XOO15R2 686X002082 107XOOI0R2 107X002082 127XOOI0R2 157XOO1582 IS7XOO06R2 227XOOI082 277X000682 337X000682 wv Case DC Slze* 4.7 10 N 4.7 35 8 4.7 50 T 6.8 6 N 6.8 20 8 6.8 35 8 6.8 50 W 10 20 8 10 35 V 10 50 W -20- -815 15 35 V 15 50 W 22 15 8 22 35 V 33 20 U33 35 Y 40 10 8 47 20 U 47 35 Z 4 7 - 6- 8 60 6 8 15 68 U 68 20 X 100 10 U 20 100 X 10 120 U 150 15 X 180 6 U 10 X 220 X 270 6 X 330 6 -- --- -- -- Specify Mfr's Type No. and Capacitance on Capacitor Orders SPRAGUE Military CS13 Solid- Tant~lum Electrolytics WHY YOU SHOULD USE TANTALUM CAPACITORS When it comes to high capacity-values in subminiature size, practically no capacitors can compare with tantalums. As demonstrated in the illustration. tantalums are at least twice as small as other electrolytics with similar ratings. This small size is particularly important to designers of transistorized . equipment, And, the tantalums' solid CS13 SUBMINIATURE HERMETICALLY SEALED TANTALUMS Meet MIL-C-266SSA. Life test. 15.000 hours with stable capacitance. low dissipation factor. and low DC leakage. High frequency performance-impedance remains low at frequencies in excess of 1 me. Withstand 2000-cycle vibration test and SOg shock test without evidence of deleterious effects. Her- metic seal'-withstand severe humidity. Plastic insulating sleeve. NOTE: CS12 with uninsulated bare can available on Special Order in values below. Deduct 2~ for each from prices shown. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. . For price and size, see Case Size (*), then refer 10 lab Ie. NOTE ON ORDERING Values listed below combine highest voltages with smallest case size. For example. on a 6-volt •. 33 mfd unit. it pays to order the 3S-volt unit. You get COMPARISON CHART OF CAPACITOR SIZES electrolyte means greater reliability and dependability. They cannot. will not. leak or corrode-it's impossible, even if hermetic seals are fractured. Tantalums are inherently capable of with, standing high shock such as experienced under missile use or shell firing. Exhibit excellent non-aging characteristicslong shelf life. added protection at no extra cost because case sizes of both the 6-volt and 3S-volt units are the same. and prices are based on case size. SOLID TATALUM o --c::J- %,. x 'A,n (6.8 mId @ 6WVDC) TYPE TE SUB-MINIATURE ELECTROLYTIC o ~ \4"DIA. 6mFd.@6WVOC(-l~,n o -l.. LENGTH TYPE BR-SMALL ELECTROLYTIC ~ _5_m_F_d_@_6_W_VD_C_... %" DIA. lV,." LENGTH 10% TOLERANCE Slze* A B C D E F G H Dia. x Lgth. J 1J..12x5%4' %4Xo/!611 %4Xo/16" ~6XVz." 71'6 X Yz" %zx~" !}3zx%" 1}1zx5%4" ll12.xS%,t" Stock No. MIL CS13 12 12 12 12 L L L L 165 166 167 168 ~ 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 AFR33K AFR39K AFR41K AFR68K AFR82K AFOlOK AGOI0K AEIR2K AFIR2K AGIR2K AEIRSK AFIR5K AGIR5K AEIR8K AFIR8K AGIR8K AE2R2K AF2R2K AG2R2K AD2R7K AF2R7K AG2R7K 1-24 EA. 25-49 EA. 50-99 EA. 100-499 EA. 500-999 EA. 1.34 1.08 .75 .62 .53 2.48 1.99 1.68 1.45 1.31 1.57 1.27 .64 .54 '\ .77 2.62 1.52 2.10 1.77 1.39 2.23 2.01 1.36 1.12 .94 2.57 2.07 1.42 1.16 .98 4.50 2.34 3.56 1.91 1.60 4.60 3.66 2.53 2.06 1.73 .2.29 4.75 3.81 2.81 1.91 Mfd WVDC Slze* .33 35 A .39 35 A .41 35 A .68 35 A .82 35 -35 - AA 1.0 1.0 50 B 1.2 20 A 1.2 35 C 1.2 -50 - AD 1.5 20 35 1.5 C 1.5 50 D 1.8 20 A 1.8 35 C 1.8 D -2.2 - -50 20 A 2.2 35 C 2.2 50 D 2.7 15 A 2.7 35 C 2.7 50 D --- -- Stock No. MIL CS1312 L 195 AD3R3K 12 L 200 AF3R3K AG3R3K 12 L 201 12 L 202 AC3R9K 12 L 203 AF3R9K 12 L 204 AG3R9K 12 L 205 AC4R1K 12 L 206 AF4R1K 12 L 207 AG4R7K 12 L 208 AB5R6K 12 L 209 AF5R6K 12 L 210 AB6R8K AF6R8K 12 L 211 12 L 212 AE8R2K 12 L 213 AF8R2K 12 L 214 AEIOOK 12 L 215 AFI00K 12 L 216 AEI20K 12 L 217 AFI20K 12 L 218 AE150K 12 L 219 AFI50K 12 L 220 AD180K Mfd WVDC Slze* 3.3 -I-S- A C 3.3 35 D 3.3 50 3.9 10 A 3.9 35 C 3.9 50 D A 4.1 10 4.7 35 C D 4.7 50 5.6 -356- AC 5.6 A 6.8 6 6.8 35 C C 8.2 20 35 8.2 F 10.0 20 C F 10.0 35 12.0 20 C F 12.0 35 15.0 20 C 35 F 15.0 18.0 IS C -- --- MIL CS13 AFI80K 12 L 221 12 L 222 AD220K 12 L 223 AF220K 12 L 224 AC270K 12 L 225 AE270K -12 L 226 AF270K 12 L 227 AC330K 12 L 228 AE330K 12 L 229 AF.130K 12 L 233 AC390K 12 L 234 AE390K 12 L 235 AF390K 12 L 236 AB470K 12 L 237 AE470K 12 L 238 AF470K 12 L 239 AB560K 12 L 240 AD560K AE560K 12 L241 12 L 242 AD680K AE680K 12 L 243 12 L 244 AC820K 12 L 245 AE820K 12 L 246 ACI0lK 12 L 247 . AE101K 12 L 248 ACI21K 12 L 250 AD121K AB151K 12 L 251 12 L 252 AD151K 12 L 253 AB181K 12 L 254 AC181K 12 L 255 AC221K 12 L 256 AB271K i 2 L 257 AB331K Stock No. - - -- Mfd WVDC 5lze* F 18.0 35 15 C 22.0 35 F 22.0 27.0 10 C E 27.0 20 35 27.0 H 33.0 C 10 E 33.0 20 33.0 35 H C 39.0 10 20 E 39.0 39.0 35 J 47.0 C 6 E 47.0 20 35 _J_ 47.0 - 6 C 56.0 E 56.0 15 G 56.0 20 E 15 68.0 20 G 68.0 E 82.0 10 -20- G 82.0 E 10 100.0 G 100.0 20 E 120.0 10 G 120.0 15 E 150.0 -IS6- C& 150.0 180.0 6 E G 180.0 10 220.0 10 G G 270.0 6 G 330.0 6 -- - - --- --- 20% TOLERANCE Slze* %'¢X!}1'6'" L %4x7i6'" o/1sxVz" o/16 X Yz' %zx%" M N p R S T U Stock No. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 L L L L L L L L L Dia. x Lgth. K 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 %2x%" 1~2xS%4N l}izx5%4" l}1zx5%4" MIL CS13 AFR33M AFR47M AFR68M AFOIOM AGOI0M AEIR5M AFIR5M AGIRSM AE2R2M 1-24 EA. 25-49 EA. 50-99 EA. 100-499 EA. 500-999 EA. 1.31 1.05 .59 .50 .72 1.92 1.54 1.30 1.11 1.02 .51 1.54 i 1.24 .74 .61 1.07 2.02 1.62 1.37 1.17 .• 91 2.20 1.98 1.33 1.09 2.54 2.04 1.39 1.13 .95 1.57 4.47 3.53 2.31 1.88 4.57 3.63 2.50 2.03 1.70 4.72 2.26 1.88 3.78 2.78 Mfd WVDC Size* .33 35 K .47 35 K 35 . .68 K 35 K 1.0 1.0 50 L 1.5 20 K 1.5 35 M 1.5 50 N 2.2 20 K -- Stock No. MIL CS13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 L 267 L 268 L 269 L 270 L 271 L 275 L 276 L 277 L 278 AF2R2M AG2R2M AD3R3M AF3R3M AG3R3M AC4R7M AF4R7M AG4R7M AB6R8M Mfd WVDC Size* M 35 2.2 50 N 2.2 K 3.3 15 3.3 35 M N 3.3 50 K 4.7 10 M 4.7 35 N 4.7 50 K 6.8 6 Tables Are Arranged in Order of Increasing Capacitance Stock No. 12 12 1.2 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 .12 12 12 L 279 L 280 L 281 L 282 L 283 L 284 L 285 L 286 L 287 L 288 L 289 L 290 L 291 L 292 L 299 L 391 L 392 L 399 L 412 L 417 L 425 MILCS13AF6R8M AE100M AF100M AE150M AFI50M AD220M AF220M AC330M AE330M AF330M AB470M AE470M AF470M AD680M AE680M ACI01M AElOlM AB151M AD151M AC221M AB361M Mfd WVDC Size* 35 M 6.8 M 10.0 20 35 R 10.0 15.0 20 M 35 R 15.0 22.0 15 M 35 R 22.0 M 33.0 10 33.0 20 P T 33.0 -356- . M 47.0 P 47.0 20 47.0 35 U P 68.0 15 S 68.0 20 100.0 10 P S 20 100.0 P 150.0 6 S 15 150.0 S 220.0 10 S 330.0 6 -- ALLIED • 147 SPRAGUE Tantalex Capacito'rs ORDERING AND TYPE NO. INFORMATION TYPE NO. EXAMPLE (MFR'S TYPE 132D306C2006UO)t 1320 306 Prices of These Capacitors Are "Based on Case" Size. For prices, note C2 006 U 0 TOLERANCE WVDC CASE CODE STYLE -I -I T -I 1 1 TYPE MMF tNumbering system not applicable to special military Type CL25. Case Size (*) and refer to Price and Size Table ..' Explanation of Type 'Nos. See example at left which illustrates the numbering system. 132D is SpragUe's Type No.; 306 is the capacitance in micro-microfa:ra<;ls-the first· two digits are significant figures, the third is the number 'of zeros. C2 denotes tolerance; C2, -15%, +75%; C3, -15%, +30%; C5, -15%, +50%; C7, -15%, +75%. 006 denotes WVDC; U denotes Case Size. 0 denotes style; 0 for no outer wrap; 1 for outer plastic film wrap; 2 denotes removable plastic sleeve. 132D "CUP TYPE" TANTALEX CAPACITORS "Cup tYpe" tantalum capacitors conforming to MIL 3965-B specs. Provide exceptionally large capacitance for such a small physical size. Withstand severe military vibration tests. Operate from -55°C to +85°C at full rating. Also operate at up to +100 oC with only 15 % derating. Stable performance characteristics over entire temperature range. Maintain an appreciable portion of their roomtemperature capacitance at low operating temperatures-may be used where aluminum-foil electrolytics will not operate. Low leakage current permits use where aluminum-foil designs are unsatisfactory. Av. shpg. wt .• 2 oz. For sizes and prices, refer to Case Size (*), then High Capacitance in a Tiny Size PRICE AND SIZE TABLE Case Size* U V Dia. xL. T %x4%4" Stock No. 12 L 930 12 L931 12 L 932 12 L 933 12 L 934 12 L 935 12 L 936 12 L 937 12 L 938 12 L 939 EACH 1-24 1.78 2.74 4.30 ~,x'%," o/3zx l Y1611 Mfr'. Type 1~1~ll00'4991500'999 1.42 1.20 1.02 .93 2.19 3.44 1.85 2.90 1.58 2.47 WV Case DC Slze* 30 -6- U 140 6 V 320 6 T 25 8 U 20 10 U 100 10 -V 250 10 T 15 15 U 70 15 V 170 15 T St.ock· No. 12 L 940 12 L 941 12 L 942 12 L 943 12 L 944 12 L 945 12 L 946 12 L 947 12 L 948 12 L 949 Mfd 132D306C2006UO 132D147C2006VO 132D327C2006TO 132D256C2008UO 132D206C2010UO 132D107C2010VO 132D257C201OTO 132D156C2015UO 132D706C2015VO 132D177C2015TO 1.44 2.26 refer to Price and Size Table. Mfd ~~ S~::: Typ e 132D106C 2"'0-=25""U""0,.1'1O 25--U 132D805C 2030UO 8 30 U 132D406C 2030VO 40 30 V 132D107C 2030TO 100 30 T '132D505C 2050UO -255- -50 - -VU132D256C 2050VO 50 132D606C 2050TO 60 50 T 132D405C 2060UO 4 60 U 132D206C 2060VO 20 60 V 132D506C 2060TO 50.60 T Stock No. L 950 L 951 L 952 L 953 L 954 L 955 L 956 L 957 L 958 Mfr' 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Mfr'. Type 132D355C2075UO 132D156C2075VO 132D406C2075TO 132D205C2100UO 132D116C2100VO 132D306C2100TO 132D175C2125UO 132D905C2125VO 132D256C2125TO ......... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . Mfd 3.5 15 40 2 11 30 1.7 9 25 WV Case DC Size* U 75 V 75 T 100 U 100 V 100 125 U 125 V T' 125 7S"" -:r .. .. .... ..... 109D SINTERED-ANODE TANTALEX CAPACITORS Used in Missile Guidance and Airborne Radar and Communications For applications where superior quality and reliable design in military equipment are required. Meet 2000 cycle missile vibration requirements. Design permits higher capacitance for given physical size-permitting use in equipment where limited space is available. Exhibit optimum characteristics with respect to fre%uency and temperature-coefficient of capacitance. Operate to +85 C at rated voltage; to +105°C with 15% voltage derating. TFE-Fluorocarbon elastomer end-seals and insulating plastic sleeve. Shpg. wt .. 2 oz. PRICE AND SIZE TABLE Case Size* C F Stock No. 12 L 959 12 L 960 12 L 961 12 L 962 12 L 963 12 L 964 Dia. x L. '%4x3%4" '%4,,4%4" I~1~1~ll00'499_1' EACH 1.83 2.79 1.47 2.24 1.25 1.90 WV Case Mfr's Mfd Type DC Size* -6109D306C2006C2 30 C109D147C2006F2 140 6 F 109D256C2008C2 25 8 C 109D206C2010C2 20 10 C F 109D107C201OF2 100 10 109D156C2015C2 115 15 C 1.07 1.63 Stock No. 12 L 965 12 L 9£>6 12 L 967 12 L 968 12 L 969 12 L 970 500-999 .98 1.49 For prices, see Case Size (*), then refer to Price! and Size Table. WV Case Mfr's Mfd Type DC Slze* 109D706C2015F2 .70 15 F 25 109D106C2025C2 10 C 109D805C2030C2 8 30 C 109D406C2030F2 40 30 F 5 109D505C2050C2 50 C 109D256C2050F2 25 50 F 112D AND CL25 TANTA~EX with virtually leakproof fluorocarbon elastomer end seals, low leak· age current, and high stability even at low operating temperatures. Operating range is -55°C to +85°C at up to 150 WVDC. Have sealed tubular aluminum cases and nickel wire leads. Type CL25. A military version of type 112D-meet MIL·C-3965B specs. Have Stock No. 12 L 900 12 L 901 12 L 902 12 L 903 12 L 904 12 L 905 12 L 906 12 L 907 12 L 908, 12 L 909 Mfr's Type 112D156C7015Dl 606C7015G1 207C7015Jl 407C7015Ml 587C7015Pl 106C7025D1 406C7025Gl 127C702>5J1 257C7025Ml 357C7025Pl 148·e AlliED 10.24 3.43 5.04 8.75 14.21 18.86 For prices and sizes, see Case Size*, then refer to the Price and Size EACH 26-49 50-99 100-499 500-999 - 1.80 - - 1.29 2.52 2.80 1.97 1.82 3.90 6.75 4.83 3.37 3.08 10.93 7.80 5.41 4.96 14.54 '10.36 7.20 6.57 --- Stock No. 12 L 976 12 L 977 12 L 978 12 L 979 12 L 980 12 L981 12 L 982 12 L 983 12 L 984 12 L 985 Mfr'a Type eL2SBE150UP3 BE600UP3 BE201UP3 BE401UP3 BE581UP3~ BG100UP3 BG400UP3 BG121UP3 BG251UP3 BG351UP3 I.T3 WV Case DC Size* 15 15 D 60 15 G 200 15 J 400 15 M 580 15 P 10 25 D 40 25 G 120 25 J 250 25 M 350 25 P Mfd -- CAPACITORS Table, below at left. PRICE AND SIZE TABLE 1-9 4.30 7.65 12.70 20.65 27.45 Mfr's WV Case Mfd Type DC Size* 109D405C2060C2 4 60 C 109D206C2060F2 20 60 F 109D355C2075C2 3.5 75 C 109D156C2075F2 15 75 F 109D116C2100F2 11 100 F floating design for higher insulation resis- ~.","."h."''''''.'.'''''''' tance, ultra·low leakage current, and a ;.... SPR.At;UE ., = longer service life. Have tubular aluminum -"'~''''''''' .. ' "", ~ cases and an outer plastic insulating sleeve. Average shpg. wt., 2 oz. Type 112D. (Not. illus.) Polarized etched·foil tantalum capacitors Case Dia. xL. Si:r:e* D '%4x3,4" G '%4X'~6". 2%4x1Y2" J M 25A4,,2~6" P 2%4"2'~6" Stock No. 12 L 971 12 L 972 12 L 973 12 L 974 12 L 975 ~ Mfr'a Type Stock No. 112D· 12 L 910 805C7030Dl 12 L 911 326C7030Gl 12 L 912 117C1030Jl 12 L 913 227C7030Ml 12 L 914 307C7030P1 12 L 915 455C5050Dl 12 L 916 186C5050G1 12 L 917 606C5050J1 12 L 918 107C5050Ml 12 L 919 157C5050P1 12 L 920 305C5075Dl 126C5075G1 12 L 921 12 L 922 306C5075Jl 12 L 923 706C5075M1 12 L 924 107C5075P1 12 L 925 • 205C3100D1 12 L 926 805C3100G1 12 L 927 256C3100Jl 12 L 928 105C3150Dl 12 L 929 405C3150Gl Mfr's Type Stock WV Case Mfd No. CL25· DC Size* 12 L 986 BH080UP3 8 30 D 32 30 12 L 998. BH320UP3 G 12 L 999 BH111UP3 110 30 J 13 L 000 BH221UP3 220 30 M BH301UP3 300 30 13 L 001 P 4.5 50 13 L 002 BJ4R5UP3 D 13 L 003 BJ180UP3 18 50 G 13 L 004 BJ600UP3 60 50 J 13 L 005 BJ101UP3 100 50 M 150 50 P 13 L 006 BJ151UP3 13 L 007 BL030UP3 3 75 D 12 75 G 13 L 008 BL120UP3 13 L 009- BL300UP3 30 75 J M 13 L 010 BL700UP3 70 75 BL101UP3 100 75 P 13 LOll 2 100 13 L 012 BN020UP3 D BN080UP3 8 100 G 13 L 013 25 100 13 L 014 BN250UP3 J 1 150 D 13 LOIS BQOlOUP3 4 150 13 LOl6 BQ04OUP3 G -- -- Specify Mfr's Type No. and Capacitance on Capacitor Orders Texas Instruments Solid Tantalum Electrolytics . - - - PARENT DEVICE SYSTEM - - - , Extremely compact solid tantalum electrolytics for miniaturized circuitry. Feature long life. stable operation and low DC leakage. Operate at temperatures from -80 a C to +85°C at rated voltage; operate to 125°C at % rated voltage. Solid electrolytic eliminates leakage and dehydration. AU are hermeticaUY sealed in corro.ion resistant cases. Absence of external weld aUows either lead to be beut next to case. Surge voltage rating is 130% of rated working voltage at +85°C. Meet electrical and mechanical specifications of MIL-C-2665SAj2B. Shpg. wt •• 2 oz. Enjoy a VOLTAGE SAFETY MARGIN at no increase in cost. For example: If you need a 1 mfd 6-volt capacitor. purchase the 35volt type-at no extra charge. Use parent types for voltages equal to or "less than" Extremely Small Size indicated in tables. Prices are based on Cese Size. To determine prices, note the Case Size (*) and refer to Price and Size Table. COMMERCIAL-TYPE SCM-UN INSULATED CASE-l0% TOLERANCE PRICE AND SIZE LOCATOR TABLE EACH Dia. x Length Size* .125x.250" A B .125".250" C .125x.250" D .175".438" .175x.438' E F .279".650" 124 Case Stock No. L 700 L 701 L 702 L 703 L 704 L 705 L 706 L 707 L 708 L 709 L 710 L711 L 712 L 713 L 714 L 715 L 716 L 717 L 718 L 719 L 720 L 721 L 722 L 723 L 724 L 725 L 726 L 727 L 786 L 846 L 728 L 729 L 847 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 2549 I.3s T:09 1.32 2.44 1.55 2.57 2.21 Type 1.06 1.95 1.25 2.06 1.99 EACH 50- 100- 500- Case 99 499 999 Size* -:96 --:79 ~ G H .73 .60 .51 1.64 1.42 1.28 I .75 .62 .52 J 1.73 1.48 1.36 K 1.34 1.10 .92 L Max. Case WVDC Size* .0047 3 5 35 .0056 A .0068 35 A .0082 35 A 35 A .01 .012 3 5 35 A .015 35 .018 A .022 35 A 35 A .027 .033 3 5 "'B .039 B 35 .047 35 B 35 B .056 .068 35 B .082 3 5 "'B B 35 .1 35 B .12 .15 35 B .18 35 B .22 3 5 J J B .27 35 .33 35 B .39 35 B .47 35 B .56 3 5 ~ .68 35 B 35 B .82 1.0 35 B 50 1.0 C 1.2 20 F 35 B 1.2 . 50 1.2 F Mfd SCM- 472FP035A2 562FP035A2 682FP035A2 822FP035A2 103FP035A2 123FP035A2 153FP035A2 183FP035A2 223FP035A2 273FP035A2 333FP035A2 393FP035A2 473FP035A2 563FP035A2 683FP035A2 823FP035A2 104FP035A2 124FP035A2 154FP035A2 184FP035A2 224FP035A2 274FP035A2 334FP035A2 394FP035A2 474FP035A2 564FP035A2 684FP035A2 824FP035A2 105FP035A2 105FP050A2 125FP020A2 125BP035A2 125BP050A2 " " Dia. x Length .279x.650" .279x.650" .341x.750· .341x.750· .341x.750' .341".750" Stock No. 14 L 730 14 L 731 14 L 848 14 L 732 14 L 733 14 L 849 14 L 734 14 L 735 14 L 878 14 L 736 14 L 737 14 L 879 14 L 738 14 L 739 14 L 880 14 L 740 14 L 787 14 L 881 14 L 741 14 L 742 14 L 88Z 14 L 743 14 L 744 14 L 883 14 L 745 14 L 746 14 L 884 14 L 747 14 L 748 14 L 885 14!.. 749 14 L 750 14 L 886 124 2.55 4.22 4.48 4.58 4.73 7.88 2549 2.05 3.38 3.54 3.64 3.79 6.31 Type SCM- 155FP020A2 155BP035A2 155BP050A2 185FP020A2 185BP035A2 185 BP050A2 225FP020A2 225BP035A2 225 BP050A2 275FP015A2 275BP035A2 275 BP050A2 335FP015A2 335BP035A2 335BP050A2 395FP010A2 395BP035A2 395BP050A2 475FP010~2 475BP035A2 475BP050A2 565FP006A2 565BP035A2 565GP050A2 685FP006A2 685BP035A2 685GP050A2 825BP020A2 825GP035A2 825GP050A2 106BP020A2 106GP035A2 106GP050A2 50- 100- 50099 499 999 1.40 I.i4 -:96 2.85 2.32 2.51 2.79 5.32 Mfd 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.9 3.9 3.9 4.7 4.7 4.1 5.6 5.6 5.6 6.8 6.8 6.8 8.2 8.2 8.2 10. 10. 10. 2.43 1.89 2.04 2.27 4.53 Max. 2.22 1.58 1.71 1.89 4.14 Case WVDC Slze* 2 0 "'B 35 50 20 35 D E B D """E -so B 20 35 50 15 D E B I 35 ) 50 E B 15 35 D E 50 10 JJ 35 50 10 35 D E B D -so """E 6 35 50 6 B D G B 50 20 35 50 20 35 50 H' D F H D F H 3 5 --n Stock No. 14 L 751 14 L 752 14 L 887 14 L 753 14 L 754 14 L 888 14 L 755 14 L 891 14 L 756 14 L 757 14 L 758 14 L 892 14 L 759 14 L 760 14 L 761 14 L 762 14 L 763 14 L 764 14 L 765 14 L 766 14 L 767 14 L 768 14 L 769 14 L 770 14 L 771 14 L 772 14 L 773 14 L 774 14 L 775 14 L 776 14 L 777 r4 L 778 14 L 779 14 L 780 14 L 781 14 L 782 14 L 788 14 L 783 14 L 789 14 L 790 14 L 784 14 L 785 Type SCM- 126BP020A2 126GP035A2 126GP050A2 156BP020A2 156GP035A2 156GP050A2 186BP015A2 186GP050A2 186GP035A2 226BP015A2 226GP035A2 226HP050A2 276BP010A2 276GP020A2 216HP035A2 336BPOIOA2 336GP020A2 336HP035A2 396BP010A2 396GP020A2 396HP035A2 416BP006A2 476GP020A2 476HP035A2 566BP006A2 566GP015A2 566HP020A2 686GP015A2 686HP020A2 826GP010A2 826HP020A2 107GP01OA2 107HP020A2 127GP010A2 127HP020A2 157GP006A2 157HP015A2 187GPOO6A2 187HP01OA2 227HP01OA2 227HP006A2 337HP006A2 Mfd 12 12 12 15 15 15 18 18 18 22 22 22 27 27 21 33 33 33 39 39 39 41 47 47 56 56 56 68 68 82 82 100 100 120 120 150 150 180 180 220 270 330 Max. Case WVDC SIze* 20 35 50 20 35 50 15 50 35 ~ 35 50 10 20 35 10 ·20 35 10 20 35 6 20 35 6 15 20 15 20 10 ""20 10 20 10 20 6 15 6 10 10 6 6 D F H D r4H D H F D F L D F J D G J D G K'"" D G K 4G I G I G I G I G I r-c I G I I I I MILITARY STYLE CS13-INSULATED CASE-l0% TOLERANCE r--PRICE AND SIZE LOCA TOR-EACH Case Dia. x 1- 25Slze* Length 24 49 ~ .135x.286" T:34 T:OB N .185x.474' 1.57 1.27 .289x.686" 2.23 2.01 0 P .289".686" 2.57 2.07 R .351x.786" 4.50 3.56 S .351".786" 4.60 3.66 T .351x.786" 4.75 3.81 Stock Mil. No. No. 14 L 893 CS13AFR33K 14 L 894 CS13AFR39K 14 L 895 CS13AFR47K 14 L 896 CS13AFR56K 14 L 897 CS13AFR68K 14 L 898 CS13AFR82K 14 L·899 CS13AF01OK 14 L 900 CS13AE1R2K 14 L 901 CS13AFIR2K 14 L 902 CS13AE1R5K 14 L 903 CS13AF1R5K 14 L 904 CS13AEIR8K 14 L 905 CS13AF1R8K 14 L 906 CS13AE2R2K 14 L 907 CS13AF2R2K 5099 100- 500499 999 ~ ---:62 .77 1.36 1.42 2.34 2.53 2.81 Mfd .33 .39 .47 .56 .68 .82 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.2 --:53 .64 .54 1.12 .94 1.16 .98 1.91 1.60 2.06 1.73 2.29,1.9 I Case WVDC Size* 35 M M 35\ 35 M 35 M 35 M 35 M 35 M 20 M 35 N 20 -35- NM 20 M 35 N 20 M 35 N -- Stock Mil. No. No. 14 L 908 CS13AD2R7K 14 L 909 CS13AF2R7K 14 L 910 CS13ADJR3K 14 L 911 CS13AF3R3K 14 L 912 CS13AC3R9K 14 L 913 CS13AF3R9K - - - CS13AC4R7K 14 L 914 14 L 915 CS13AF4R7K 14 L 916 CS13AB5R6K 14 L 920 CS13AF5R6K 14 L 925 CS13AB6R8K 14 L 926 CS13AF6R8K -14 L 927 CS13AE8R2K 14 L 933 CS13AF8R2K 14 L 934 CS13AE100K 14 L 935 CS13AFI00K 14 L 936 CS13AE120K 14 L 937 CS13AF120K 14 L 938 CS13AE150K 14 L 939 CS13AF150K 14 L 940 CS13AD180K 14 L 941 CS13AF180K 14 L 943 CS13AD220K 14 L 944 CS13AF220K 14 L 945 CS13AC270K 14 L 950 CS13AE270K 14 L 951 CS13AF270K Case Slze* 2.7 15 M 35 2.7 N 3.3 15 M 3.3 35 N 3.9 10 M 3.9 35 -10- NM 4.7 4.7 35 N 5.6 6 M 35 5.6 N 6.8 6 M 6.8 35 N 8.2 20 N 35 8.2 0 10 20 N 35 10 0 12 20 N 12 35 0 15 20 N 15 35 0 15 N 18 35 18 - -15- -NP22 22 35 P 27 N 10 27 20 0 27 35 P Mfd WVDC -- - - -- Stock No. 14 'L 952 14 L 953 14 L 954 14 L 955 14 L 956 14 L 957 14 L 958 14 L 959 14 L 960 14 L 961 14 L 962 14 L 963 14 L 964 14 L 965 14 L 966 14 L 967 14 L 968 -14 L 969 14 L 970 14 L 971 14 L 972 14 L 973 --14 L 974 14 L 975 14 L 976 14 L 977 14 L 978 Depend on Allied for Complete Stocks, OEM Prices, Fast, Friendly Service Mil. Mfd WVDC No. CS13AC330K 33 10 CS13AE330K 33 20 CS13AF330K 33 35 39 CS13AC390K 10 CSI3AE390K 39 20 CS13AF390K 39 35 CS13AB470K """47 6 CS13AE470K 47 20 CS13AF470K 41 35 CS13AB560K 56 6 CS13AD560K 56 15 CS13AE560K 56 20 - - - - -68- - 15 -CS13AD680K CS13AE680K 68 20 CS13AC820K 82 10 CS13AE820K 82 20 CS13AC101K 100 10 -20 CS13AE101K 100 CS13AC121K 120 10 CS13AD121K 120 15 CS13AB151K 150 6 CS13AD151K 150 15 CS13AB181K 180 6 CS13AC181K 180 10 CS13AC221K ·220 10 CS13AB271K 270 6 330 CS13AB331K 6 -- Case Size* N 0 S N 0 T N 0 T N 0 R -N R N R N R -N R N R N R R R R ALLIED. 149 Commercial and Military Soli~ Tantalums NEW COMMERCIAL J-SERIES AND MILITARY CS13-SERIES All Are Hermetically Sealed, Insulated, ancl Polarized; 10% Tolerance New solid tantalum capacitors combine very small size with exceptionally high resistance to mechanical shock and vi·bration. All J -series commercial units meet or exceed performance requirements of MIL-C-26655/2C In addition, lOO-volt capacitors exhibit exceptionally low dissipation factor, low leakage, and high stability with respect, to temperature variations. :Encapsulated in miniature, solder-coated brass cases. Hermetic glass-to-metal end-seals maintain capacitor stability under humid conditions. Absence of liquid electrolyte eliminates all risk of physical leakage. At full rated voltage, units will operate continuously through a temperature range of -80°C to 85°C; derated to% of nameplate voltage, capacitors can be operated at 125°C. CS13 military types meet MIL-C-26655A in all respects. Price of capacitor depends on case size. Av. wt., 2 oz. . PRICE AND SIZE LOCATOR *Case Diameter Size A B C x Length D E F 'G H J .135x.260' .135x.260' .135x.260' .135x.375' .135x.375" .185x.448' .185x.44S' .185x.448' .185x.44S" 1-24 1.37 1.34 2.48 6.14 7.98 1.57 2.62 6.48 8.42 EACH 60-99 100-499 25-49 - -.98 - -1.11 .81 1.08 1.99 3.53 4.58 1.27 2.10 3.71 4.82 .75 1.68 2.66 3.45 .77 1.77 2.80 3.63 Commer. Military J-Serles Stock - MIL Mfd 't::~ Stk •. No. No. CSI317LI07 .0047 TsA' 17 L 108 ...................0047 50 C 17 L 109 ...................0056 35 A 17 L 110 ...................0056 50 C 17LIII .006835A i7LTi2 - - - - - - .0068 50 C 17 L 113 ...................0082 35 A 17 L 114 .................... 00182 50 C 17 L II 5 ...................01 35 A 17LII6 .01 SOC * 17LI17~~-:0i'2 3sA 17 17 17 17 50 C 35 A 50 C 35 A SOC 35 A 50 C 35 A 50 C L L L L I I 8 ......... ......... .012 I I 9 ......... ......... .015 120 ...................015 121 .018 17LI22~~ .018 17 L 123 ...................022 17 L 124 ...................022 17 L 125 ...................027 17 L 126 .027 17 L 1 2 7 - - - - - - .033 17 L 128 ...................033 17 L 129 ...................039 17 L 130 .............. : . . . .039 17LI31 .047 17 L 132 - - - - - - - - .047 17 L 133 ...................056 17 L 134 ...................056 17 L 135 ...................068 17 L 136 .068 17LI37~~ .082 17 L 138 ......... ......... _082 :~ ~ :~6 ,........ .........:~ 17 L 141 .1 17LI42---~.1 TsA 50 C 35 A 50 C 35A So C 35 A 50 C 35 A 50 C 3sA 50 C ~~ ~ 75 D 100E 35 A 50 C 75 D 100 E 17 L 147 .. .. .. ... ......... .12 17 L 1,48 ................... 12 17 L 149 ......... ..........12 17 L 150 .12 17 L 155 - - - ~ -:is Ts A I 7 L 156 .. . . . . . . . .15 50 C 17 L 157 ...................15' 75 D 17 L 158 ...................15 100 E 17 L I 63 .18 35 A 17 L 1 6 4 - - - - - - .18 50C 17 L 165 ....................18 75 D 17 L I 66 ......... ......... .18 100 E 17LI71 '.22 35A 17 L 172 .22 50 C 17 L 1 7 3 - - - - - - - : 2 2 1 5 D 17 L 174 ................... 22 100 E 1.7 L 179 ................... 27 35 B 17 L 180 ......... ......... .27 50 C 17 L 181 .27 75 D 17 L 1 8 2 - - - - - - .27 l00E 17 L 187 17 L 191 AFR33K .33 35 B 17LI88 ...................33 SOC 17LI89 ...................3375D 17 L 190 ...................33 100 E 17 L 196 17 L 200 AFR39K .39 35 B 150' ALLIED .62 1.45 2.11 ·2.74 .64 1.52 2.23 2.89 600-999 .66 .53 1.31 1.96 2.54 .54 1.39 2.05 2.66 *Case Size K L M N P R S T .U Dlamet.er x Lengt.h .289x.660' .2S9x.660' .289x.660' .289x.660' .351>:.760' .351x.760' .351x.760· .351x.760' .351x.760' Com mer. Military J-Serles Stock MIL Mfd ~ Stk. No. No. CSI317 L 197 ~ Soc 17 L 198 ................... 39 75 D 17 L 199......... .39 100 E 17 L 206 17 L 21 I AFR47K .47 35 B 17 L 207 .47 50 C 17 L208 ~~ "'A'i"7sD 17 L210 ................... 47 100 E 17 L 216 17 L 220 AFR56K .56 35 B I 7 L 217 ......... ......... .56 50 C 17 L 218 .56 75 D 17L219~~-:56"100 E 17 L 225 17 L 229 AFR68K .68 35 B 17 L226 ...................68 50 C 17 L 227 .. .. .. .... .68 75 D 17 L 228 .68 100 J 17 L 234 17 L 238 AFR82K ~ Ts Ii 17 L 2 3 5 ' .82 50 C 17 L 236 .82 75 H 17L237......... .82 100 J 17 L 252 17 L 256 AF010K 1.0 35 B I 7 L 253 I 7 L 257 AGO 10K 1.0 50 C I 7 L 254 ......... ......... 1.0 75 H 17 L 255 .. .. .. .. . 1.0 100 J 17 L 262 17 L 267 AEIR2K 1.2 20 B 17 L 263 17 L 268 AFIR2K 1.2 35 F 17 L 264 17L 269 AGIR2K 1.2 50 G I 7 L 265 ......... ......... 1.2 75 H 17 L 266 ......... 1.2 100 J 17 L 275 '17 L 280 AEIR2K 1.5 20 B I 7 L 276 I 7 L 281 AFIR2K 1.5 35 F 17 L 277 17 L 282 AGIR2K 1.5 50 G I 7 L 278 ......... ......... 1.5 75 H 17 L 279 ......... 1.5 100 J 17 L 28B 17 L 293 AEIR8K 1.8 20 B 17 L 289 17 L 294 AFIR8K 1.8 35 F 17 L 290 17 L 295 AGIR8K 1.8 50 G 17 L 291 ......... ......... 1.8 75 H 17 L 292 1.8 100 J 17 L 30 I 17 L 306 AE2R2K 2.2 20 B 17 L 302 17 L 307 AF2R2K 2.2 35 F 17 L 303 17 L 308 AG2R2K ~ 50 G 17 L 304 .. .. .. ... ......... 2.2 75 H 17 L 305 ......... 2.2 100 J 17L31417L319AD2R7K 2.7 15 B 17L31517L320AF2R7K 2.7 35F' 17 L316 17 L 321 AG2R7K 2T 50G 17 L 317 ......... ......... 2.7 75 H 17 L 318 ......... ......... 2.7 100 J 17 L 328 17 L 332 AD3R3K 3.3 15 B 17 L 329 17 L 333 AF3R3K 3.335 F 17 L 330 I 7 L 335 AG3R3K 3.3 50 G 17 L 331 3.3 75 H 17 L 341 17 L 345 AC3R9K 3.9 10 B 17 L 342 17 L 346 AF3R9K 3.9 35 F 171:34317 L 347 AG3R9K 3.9 50 G 17 L 344 .. . .. .. .. 3.9 7s H 17 L 354 17 L 358 AC4R7K 4.7 10 B 17 L 355 17 L 359 AF4R7K 4.7 35 F 17 L 35617 L 360 AG4R7K 4.7 50 G 17 L 357 .. .. .. ... ......... 4.7 75 N * EACH 1-24 25-49 2.23 2.01 2.57 2.07 4.28 3.43 10.58 6.05 4.50 3.56 4.60 3.66 4.75 3.81 7.98 6.39 19.77 11.30 50-99 100-499 500-999 - - ----:9:4 -- - -1.36 1.12 1.42 2.90 4.56 2.34 2.53 2.81 5.39 8.48 1.16 2.47 3.63 1.91 2.06 2.29 4.60 6.75 .98 2.26 3.35 1.60 1.73 1.91 4.20 6.23 Com mer. Military J-Series Stock MIL Mfd 't::~. Stk. No. No. CSI317 L 36717 L 371 AB5R6K ---s:6"'6 Ii 17 L 368 17 L 372 AF5R6K 5.6 35 F 17 L 369 17 L 373 AG5R6K 5.6 50 M 17 L 370 ......... 5.6 75 N 17 L 380 17 L 384 AB6R8K 6.8 6 B 17 L 381 17 L 385 AF6R8K ~ 35 F 17 L382 17 L 387 AG6R8K 6.8 50 M 17 L 383 ......... 6.8 75 N 17 L 394 17 L 398 AE8R2K 8.2 20 F 17 L 395 17 L 399 AF8R2K 8.2 35 L 17 L 396 17 L 400 AG8R2K --s:2 50 iii 17 L 397 ......... 8.2 75 N 17 L 650 17 L 654 AE100K 10 20 F 17 L 651 17 L 655 AFI00K 10 35 L 17 L 65217 L 656 AG100K 10 50 M 17 L653 ......... lO7sN 17 L 66317 L 667 AE120K 12 20 F 17 L 664 17 L 668 AF120K 12 35 L 17 L 665 17 L 669 AG120K 12 50 M '17 L 666 12 75 U 17 L 677 17 L 681 AE150K 1:5 20 Ii' '17 L678 17 L 682AF150K 15 35 L 17 L 679 17 L 683 AG150K 15 50 M 17 L 680 .. . . . . . . . 15 75 U 17 L 691 17 L 694 AD1S0K 18 15 F 17 L 692 17 L 695 AF180K "'18 35 L 17 L 693 17 L 696 AG180K 18 50 M 17 L 704 17 L 708 AD220K 22 15 F 17 L 70'6 17 L 709 AF220K 22 35 L 17 L 707 17 L 710 AG220K ~2 50 T 17 L 718 17 L 721 AC270K ~ 10 Ii' 17 L 719 17 L 722 AE270K 27 20 K 17 L 720 17 L 723 AF270K 27 35 R 17 L 729 17 L 732 AC330K 33 10 F 17 L 730 17 L 733 AE330K 33 20 K I 7 L 73 I I 7 L 734 AF330K 33 35 R 17 L 740 17 L 743 AC390K 39 10 F 17 L741 17 L 744AE390K 39 20 K 17 L 742 17 L 745 AF390K 39 35 R 17 L 751 17 L 754 AB470K 47 6 F 17 L 752 17 L 755 AE470K 47"""" 20 K 17 L 753 17 L 756 AF470K 47 35 S 17 L 762 17 L 765 AB560K 56 6 F 17 L 763 17 L 766 AD560K 56 15 K 17 L 764 17 L 767 AE560K 56 20 P 17 L 77317 L 775 AD680K '6815 K 17 L 774 17 L 77& AE680K 68 20 P 17 L 781 I 7 L 783 AC820K 82 10 K 17 L 782 17 L 78,4 AE820K 82 20 P 17 L 788 17 L 790 AC101K 100 10 K 17 L 789 17 L 791 AE101K 100 20 P 17 L 795 17 L 797 AC121K 120 10 K 17 L 796 17 L 79B AD121K 120 15 P 17 L 802 17 L 804 AB151K 150 6 K 17 L 80317 L 806 AD151K 150 15 P 17L81217L814AB181K!sO 6 K 17 L 813 17 L 815 AC181K 180 10 P 17 L 81 9 17 L 821 AC221K 220 10 P ,17L82417L825AB271K 270 6 P 17 L 827 17 L B28 AB331K 330 6 P Specify Mfr's Type No. and Capacitance on Capacitor Orders Kemet and Mallory Tantalum Capacitors KEMET NEW C- AND P- SERIES 10% TOLERANCE POLARIZED SOLID TANTALUMS C-Series. Bullet shaped. epoxy molded. For better grade entertainment devices, twoway radio, etc. Peak performance under severe shock and vibration. Low DC leak- age and high capacitance-stability at temperatures from -55°C to +85°C. Price depends upon case size. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. PRICE AND SIZE LOCATOR ·Case Diameter Size --A x Length B C D E F G H J K L .138x.390" .195x.562" .195x.562" .195x.562" .303x.710" .303x.710" .303x.710" .368x.875" .368x.87S" .368x.875· .368x.875· 1-24 .88 1.14 1.02 1.32 1.45 1.67 2.16 2.92 2.99 3.09 4.01 25-49 .71 .91 .82 1.06 1.17 1.34 1.73 2.34 2.40 2.48 3.22 Mfr's WV MId Type DC 17 L 145 KRIC3,K .10 35 A 17 L 146 KRICSOK .10 50 B 17 L 161 KRI5C35K .15 35 A 17 L 162 KRI5C50K .15 50 B 17 L 177 KR22C35K .22 35 A 17 L 178 KR22C50K .22 50 B 17 L 194 KR33C35K .33 35 A 17 L 195 KR33C50K .33 SO B 17 L 214 KR47C35K .47 35 A 17 L 215 KR47CSOK .47 50 B -17 L 232 KR68C35K .68 35 A 17 L 233 KR68CSOK .68 SO B 1.0 35 A 17 L 260 KIC35K 17 L 261 KIC50K . 1.0 .50 B 17 L 285 KIR5C20K 1.5 20 A 17 L 286 KIR5C35K 1.5 35 C 17 L 287 KIR5C50K 1.5 50 D 17 L 31 I K2R2C20K 2.2 20 A 17 L 312 K2R2C35K 2.2 35 C 17 L313 K2R2C50K 2.2 50 ~ 17 L 338 K3R3CI5K 3.3 15 A 17 L 339 K3R3C35K 3.3 35 C 17 L 340 K3R3C50K 3.3 50 D 17 L 364 K4R7ClOK 4.7 10 A 17 L 365 K4R7C35K 4.7 35 C 17 L 366 K4R7C50K 4.7 50 D Stock No. * EACH 50-99 100-499 _63 .52 _81 .67 .73 .60 _77 .94 .85 1.03 .97 ...!..=.!..!!.. 1.53 1.25 2.06 1.69 2.12 1.74 2.19 1.80 2.84 2.33 = use with automatic insertion equipment. Polarity symbol molded in case. -55°C to +S5°C. Price depends on size. 2 oz. PRICE AND SIZE LOCATOR 500-999 .42 .54 .49 .63 .69 .78 1.01 1.36 1.40 1.45 1.88 *Case Size A B C D E F Stock Mfr's MId WV. Type No. 17 L391 K6R8C6K .6.8 6 A 17 L392 K6R8C35K 6.S 35 C 17 L 393 K6R8C50K 6.8 50 G 10 20 C 17 L 660 KIOC20K to 35F 17 L 661 KlOC3SK KIOCSOK 10 50 G 17 L 662 15 20 C 17 L 688 KI5C20K 15 35 F 17 L 689 KI5C3SK 15 50 G 17 L 690 K15C50K 22 IS C 17 L715 K22CISK 22 35 F 17 L716 K22C35K 22 SO L 17 L 717 K22CSOK 33 10 C 17 L 737 K33C10K 33 20 E 17 L 738 K33C20K 33 35 17 L 739 K33C35K 47 6 C 17 L 759 K47C6K 47 20 E 17 L 760 K47C20K 47 35 K 17 L 761 K47C3,K IS E 68 17 L 779 K68CI5K 68 20 H 17 L 780 K68C20K 17 L 793 KIOOCIOK 100 10 E 17 L 794 KlOOC20K 100 20 H 6 E 17 L B08 KI50C6K ISO 17 L 809 KISOCI5K ISO IS H 17 L 82~ K220CIOK 220 10 H 6H 17 L 829 K330C6K 330 ~- - P·Series. Encapsulated in a unique. rectangular. precision-molded epoxy case with excellent moisture resistance, and dielectric properties. Withstands severe shock and vibration. Maximum capacitance per unit of chassis area. Designed for space saving applications. Epoxy case permits --- J -- Physical Size (HWD) .170x.225x.290" .170x.225x.290" 25-49 1.52 1.98 1.58 2.07 2.62 3.42 1-24 1.90 2.47 1.98 2.57 3.28 4.26 ~170x.325x.360" .170"'.325x.360" .195x.375x.600" .195x.375x.600" --- Mldl~~ • Type K6R8PI5K 6.8 15i\: K6RSP3SK 6.8 3S C K6RSPSOK 6.8 50 F K8R2P35K 8.2 .3S C KIOPIOK 10 lOA KIOP35K 10 35 C KIOP50K 10 50 F KI2P35K 12 35 E KI5PIOK IS 10 A KISP251( IS 25 C KI5P35K IS 35 E KI5P50K IS 50 F KI8P35K 18 35 E KI8P50K 18 ~!' 22 6A T7L7iT K22P6K 22 IS C 17 L712 K22PI5K 22 35 E 17 L714 K22P35K 27 35 E 17 L 725 K27P35K 33 10 C 17 L 735 K33P10K 17 L 736 K33P35K 33 3sE 47 6 C 17 L 757 K47P6K 47 25 E 17 L 758 K47P25K 6S 6 C 17 L777 K68P6K 68 IS E 17 L 778 K68P15K 82 15E 17 L 785 KS2P15K 17 L 792 KIOOPIOK 100 10 E 17 L 807 KI50PIOK ISO 10 E 6E 17 L 822 K220P6K 220 Stock Mfr's MId WV. Type No. DC .1 35A L 143 KRIP35K .1 SO B L 144 KRIPSOK L 159 KRI5P35K .15 35 A L 160 KRI5P50K .15 SOB L 175 KR22P35K .22 3S A L 176 KR22PSOK .22 50 B L 192 KR33P3SK _33 3S A L 193 KR33P5CK .33 50 B L 212 KR47P3SK .47 35 A L 213 KR47P50K .47 50 B L 230 KR68P35K .68 35 A L231 KR68P50K .68 SO B L 258 KIP35K 1.0 35 A 1.0 SOB L 259 K1P50K L 270 KIR2P35K 1.2 35 A L 283 KIR5P35K 1.5 35 A L 284 K1R5P50K 1.5 50 B L 296 KIR8P35K 1.8 35 A L 309 K2R2P35K 2.2 35 A L310 K2R2P50K 2.2 50 B L 322 K2R7P35K 2.7 35 A L 336 K3R3P35K 3.3 35 A L 337 K3R3PSOK 3.3 50 B L 349 K3R9P35K 3.9 3S C L 361 K4R7P25K 4.7 25 A L 362 K4R7P35K 4.7 35 C L 363 K4R7P50K 4.7 50 D L 375 KSR6P35K 5.6 35 C 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 EACH 50-99 100-499 500-999 .95 ---:90 1.28 1_68 1_17 1.24 .93 1.34 .98 1.20 1.27 1.74 2.21 1.63 1.55 2.87 2.02 2.09 Stock No. L 388 L 389 L 390 L 403 L 657 L 658 L 659 L 672 L 684 L 685 L 686 L 687 L 699 L 700 Mfr's 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 -- MALLORY TANTALUM CAPACITORS TNT-SERIES SUBMINIATURE TYPES SubJ):liniature elec- .""=oL."!~'- ~r~!r~i~~g~i~I~;~~t ~~ tive values despite tiny size. Polarized. Used in communications equipment. computers, transistorized circuits. and control systems. Have silver cases with epoxysealed axial leads. Excellent salt spray and TAP-SERIES MIN!ATURE WET-SLUG TANTALUMS Extremely small sintered-anode capacitors. Have corrosion-and moisture-resistant silver cases with epoxy resin end-seals and 1 Y2:" leads. Low DC leakage. For military and.commercial aircraft control. com- munications equipment, hearing aids, and PC's. Tolerance, -15% to +75%. -55°C to +S5°C. Price depends on case size. Shpg. wt •• 5 oz. humidity resistance. Temperature range: Case Code -55°C to +S5°C. Tolerance: -15% to +75% at 85°C. Price depends on size. 2 oz. A B PRICE AND SIZE LOeA TOR EACH Case . Code' Di:i.Z: L 1-125-15O-11ooroo24 49 99 499 999 A, B 'Ji",,'J1z" 1.24 M Ji4 :7i4:6ST 'l$4xy." Stock No. 18 L 18 L 18 L 18 L 18 L 18 L 18 L 18 L 18 L 18 L 18 L 181_ 960 961 962 955 963 944 956 964 957 947 965 958 I B L 959 1.46 1.17 .99 .84 .766 Mfro's Type TNT205U050POA TNT 405U050POA TNT605U035POA TNTS05U050POB TNTI26UOl5POA TNTI26U035POB TNT156U030POB TNT256U006POA TNT256UOl5POB TNT356UOl2POB TNT406U003POA TNT506U006POB TNT806UG03POB WV Case DC Code 2 50 A 4 SO A 6 35 A 8 50 B 12 15 A - - -- - 12 35 B 15 30 B 25 6 A 25 IS B 35 B 12 -40 -3 A 50 6 B 80 3 B MId . Stock No. 18 L 796 18 L 441 18 L 442 18 L 443 18 L 444 --18'L 445 18 L 446 19 L 842 18 L 447 18 L 448 I PRICE AND SIZE LOCATOR Size Dia meter x Length 'o/,6XY." '%\x2 J1z' I~I 1.46 2.46 Mfr's WV Case Mfd Type DC Code TAP205U090POA 2 90 A TAP355U075POA 3.5 75 A TAP405U060POA 4 60 A TAP505U050POA 5 50 A TAP605U040POA 6 40 -ATAP805U030POA 8 30 A TAPI06U025POA 10 25 A TAP116U090POB 11 90 B TAPI26U020POA 12 20 A TAPI56UOl5POA IS IS A 25-49 1.17 1.97. EACH 50-99 100-499 _84 .99 1.66 1 1.415 1 Stock No. 19 L 841 18 L 449 19 L 840 19 L 839 18 L 438 --19 L 838 19 L 837 19 L 836 19 L 835 19 L 834 Mfr's 1500-999 .766 1.29 MId -type TAPI56U075POB IS TAP206UOIOPOA 20 TAP206U060POB 20 TAP256U050POB 25 TAP306U006POA 30 TAP306U040POB 30 TAP406U030POB 40 TAP706UOl5POB 70 TAP107UOIOPOB 100 TAPI47U006POB 140 WV Case DC Code 75 B 10 A 60 B 50 B 6 A -40 B 30 B IS B 10 B 6 B -- TAM-SERIES PRINTED-CIRCUiT SOLID ELECTROLYTICS Sintered pellet anode in plastic case. Grid- ==_~ spaced leads per EIA standards for PC's. From -55°Cto +85°C. Tolerance, 20%. Case size. only .175x.325x .410". Leads. 0.2" dia. x 1 Y.". 2 oz. 1-24 ..•.......••...••........ EACH 1.20 25-49 ..... EACH .9& 50-99 ..... EACH .82 100-499 ..• EACH .69 500-999 •.• EACH .63 Tables Are Arranged in Order of Increasing Capacitance Stock No. 18 L 286 18 L 287 18 L 288 18 L 289 18 L 290 18 L 291 18 L 292 Mfrra Type MId TAM685M02SP5C TAM106M025P5C TAMI56M025P5C TAM226MOl5P5C TAM336MOIOP5C TAM396MOIOP5C TAM566MOO6P5C 6.S 10 IS 22 33 39 56 WV -DC 25 25 25 IS 10 10 .6 ALLIED • '151 SPRAGUE Metallized Paper Capacitors TYPE 11ap HERMETICALLY SEALED "DIFILM" CAPACITORS Hermetically sealed with glass-to-metat" solderat 125·C without voltage derating. High insulaseal terminals. Feature Sprague's unique dual tion resistance and special self-healing properdielectric-a combination of metallized paper ties. Meet latest MIL-C-25 specs. All are unand polyester film, impregnated with highgrounded-case units without outer insulating temperature mineral wax. Rated for operation sleeves. Tolerance, ±10%. Av. Shpg. wt., 5 oz. Dual-Dielectric-Solder Sealed 200 WVDC 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 I) 13 13 13 L 068 L 069 L 070 L 071 L 072 L 073 L 074 L 075 L 076 L 077 L 078 L 079 L 080 L 081 L 082 L 083 L OB4 L 085 L 086 L 087 L 088 L 089 L 090 L 091 L 092 L 093 L 094 L 095 L 096 SIze Mfd 118P 1039252 1239252 1539252 1839252 2239252 200 WVDC (Coni'd) EACH Type Stock No. - .01 - - '%,:.3,4' 27392S2 .012 .015 .018 .022 .027 .033 .039 .047 '%4X %' .'%,:.3,4' '%,:.3,4' '%,:.3,4' ,%,x%' '%4X %' 3339252 3939252 ~6XVs" 4739252 ~6XVs" 5639252 ~ ~6XW 68392S2 .068 ~6XVs" 8239252 .082 ~6XVs" 1049252 .1 ~6XVs· 1249252 .12 ~6xIYs' .15 ~6xIY8· ~ --:22 '%2XVs· 2249252 2749252 .27 '%2xIYs" 3349252 .33 '%2xIYs" 3949252 .39 ];2xl Ys" 4749252 .47 Y2xIYs" 5649252 .56 ];2xIYs" 6849252 ---:68 Y2xIYs" 8249252 .82 'Y16xIYs· 1059252 1.0 'Y16xIYs' 1559252 1.5 'Y16x lo/a' 2059252 2.0 ,,%,xlo/a" 3059252 3.0 43A4xIVs" 4059252 4.0 %xIVs· 5059252 5.0 IxIVs" 1. 24 25. 49 50· 99 100. 499 500· 999 1.95 1.14 .88 .78 .72 1:95 1.95 1.96 1.97 1.98 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.04 2.07 2.07 2.15 2.22 2.2B 2.33 2.37 2.40 2.48 2.55 3.62 4.29 4.50 4.BO 5,25 1.14 1.14 1.15 1.15 1.16 I.IB 1.19 1.19 1.19 .88 .88 .89 .89 .90 ---:9T .92 .92 .92 .94 ~ 1.21 --:94 .97 1.26 1.30 1.00 1.33 1.03 1.36 1.05 1.39 1.07 1.40 1.08 1.45 1.12 1.49 1.15 2.11 1.63 2.51 1.94 2.63 2.03 2.BO 2.16 3.07 2.37 .78 .7B .79 .79 .80 .BI .BI .82 .82 .83 .83 .86 .89 .92 .93 .95 .96 .99 1.02 1.45 1.72 I.BO 1.92 2.10 .72 .72 .72 .73 .73 .74 .75 .75 .75 .76 .76 .79 .82 .84 .86 .87 .8B .91 .94 1.33 1.58 1.65 1.76 1.93 Stock No. 13 13 13 I) L 097 L 09B L 099 L 100 Type 118P EACH Mfd 6059252 6.0 8059252 8.0 1069252 10.0 1269252 12.0 Size IxIVs" IxIVs" 1x2%" lx2o/a" 1· 24 6.00 6.15 6.57 7.41 25· 49 3.50 3.59 3.84 4.33 50· 99 2.70 2.77 2.96 3.34 100. 499 2.40 2.46 2.63 2.97 500. 999 2.20 2.26 2.41 2.72 400 WVDC 13 13 13 I3 13 L L L L L 101122392521 102 1549252 103 1059452 I 04 2059452 105 3059252 '0221~6XVs"12'01 .15 ];2x1Ys' 2.37 11.171.91 1.39 1.07 1.81 .95 1.74 .B7 1.0 %xlVs' 3.40 1.98 1.53 1.36 1.25 2.0 lxlVs" 4.95 2.B9 2.23 1.9B 1.82 3.0 Ix2'Ys" 5.B5 3.42 2.64 2.34 2.15 600 WVDC 13 L 106 1039652 13 L 107 1539652 13 L 108 2239252 13 L 109 3339652 13LII0 4739652 13 L III 68396S2 13LII2 10496S2 13LII3 15496S2 13 L 114 22496S2 13LII5 3349652 13 L II (, 4749652 13LII7 68496S2 13LIIB 1059652 13LII9 15596S2 13 L 120 2059682 13 L 121 25596S2 .01 .015 .022 .033 .047 .068 .1 .15 .22 .33 .47 .68 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 ~.xVs· ~6XVs" 2.0·1 2.03 ¥l6Xl Ys' 2.04 ~6xlYs' 2.04 '%2xlYs' 2.07 '%,xlYs' 2.16 ];2xl Ys. 2.34 'Y16xl Ys" 2.43 'Y16x1%' 2.57 'Y16xlo/a' 2.B5 '%,xlo/a" 3.08 '%,xlVs' 3.33 lx1 7;'" 4.35 lxlVs' 4.59 lx2'Va" 5.55 lx2o/a" 6.30 1.18 .91 .81 .74 1.19 .92 .BI .75 1.19 .92 .82 .75 1.19 .92 .82 .75 1.21 .93 .83 .76 .9B 1.26 .B7 .BO 1.37 1.06 .94 .86 1.42 1.10 .98 .90 1.50 1.16 1.03 .• 95 1.67 1.29 1.14 1.05 1.80 1.39 1.23 1.13 1.95 1.50 1.34 1.23 2.54 1.96 l.t4 1.60 2.68 2.07 1.84 1.69 3.24 2.50 2.22 2.04 3.68 2.84 2.52 2.31 TYPES 155P AND 156P METALIZED PAPER CAPACITORS IN MOLDED CASES In terms of cost. safety; and 85 o C, the minimum product of insulation resistance and capacitance performance under conditions is 40 megohm-microfarads. Safety feature-capacitors withstand of high humidity, these capacan overvoltage of twice the rated voltage. Circuit designers can use itors are superior to most them at extremely low voltages where other metallized paper capaper-jacketed or film-wrapped metallized capacitors. The molded pacitors are unsatisfactory. Operating temperature range, -40·C phenolic case supplies excellent resistance to high humidity. At to +85 ·C. Tolerance, ±20%. Av. shpg. wt .. 3 oz. St.ock No. Mfd 10 L 200 10 L 201 10 L 202 10 L 203 10 L 204 10 L 205 10 L 206 10 L 207 10 L 208 10 L 209 10 L210 IOL211 10 L212 10 L213 10 L 214 10 L 215 10 L216 10 L 217 10 L 218 10 L 219 10 L 220 10 L 221 10 L 222 10 L 223 10 L 224 10 L 225 10 L 226 10 L 227 10 L 228 10 L 229 10 L 230 10 L 231 10 L 232 10 L 233 10 L 234 10 L 235 10 L 236 10 L 237 10 L 238 10 L 239 10 L240 .01 .015 .02 .022 .03 ;033 .047 .05 .068 .1 .15 .22 .25 .33 .47 .5 .67 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 I 9.0 9.5 .01 .015 .02 .022 .025 .03 152 • ALLIED WVDC EACH Size 25.49 .26 .26 .26 .26 .27 .27 .27 .27 .28 .2B .28 .28 .39 .39 .40 .60 .60 .63 .70 .85 50·99 100.499 200 ¥16Xl" .20 .18 200 o/!6xl" .42 .20 .IB 200 ~6xl' .42 .20 .18 200 ~6xl' .42 .20 .18 200 ~6xl' .21 .18 .45 200 7'16x l" .45 .21 .IB 200 o/16x l" .45 .21 .18 .21 .19 200 ~.xl' .45 200 ~6x1· .45 .22 .19 200 o/16x l " .45 .22 .19 200 %xI1l.l" .45 .22 .19 200 %x11l.l" .20 .22 .45 200 116xI 1l.l" .30 .27 .66 200 116x11l.l· .66 .30 .27 200 Yl6x11l.l" .31 .28 .66 -200 - - ];2xl ];2" ---:78 .46 .41 200 ];2xIY2· .78 .46 .41 200 ];2xl ];2' 1.05 .48 .43 200 o/axlVs" 1.20 .54 .48 .59 .66 -200 - - o/axlVs" 1.41 200 %x211.1" 1.65 ~ .75 .66 200 %x211.1" 1.80 1.05 .81 .72 200 %x211.1' 2.10 1.23 .95 .84 200 %x211.1" 2.22 1.30 1.00 .89 200 Vsx2];2' 2.40 1.40 .96 1.08 -200 -1.49 1.15 1.02 Vsx2W 2.55 200 Vsx2];2' 2.70 1.58 1.22 1.08 200 Vsx2];2' 3.00 1.75 1.20 1.35 200 Vsx2W 3.15' 1.84 1.42 1.26 200 Vsx2];2· 3.33 ·1.95 1.50 1.34 200 Vsx2];2' 3.51 2.05 1.58 1.41 200 lx2!/z" 2.19 1.69 1.50 3.75 200 Ix2];2' 2.28 3.90 1.76 1.56 200 1x2];2" 4.05 2.37 1.83 1.62 20a Ix2];2H 4.20 2.45 I.B9 1.68 400 ~6xl' .42 .26 .20 .18 400 .42 .26 .20 .IB 400 I~ ~6xl' .42 .27 .21 .18 400 ~.xl· .42 .27 .21 .IB 400 %xl11.1· .42 .27 .21 .19 400 Yaxl11.1· .42 .27 .21 .19 1·24 --.42 --- Stock No. 10 L 241 10 L 242 10 L 243 10 L 244 10 L 245 10 L 246 10 L 247 10 L 248 10 L 249 10 L 250 10 L 251 10 L 252 10 L 253 10 L 254 10 L 255 10 L 256 ,10 L 257 10 L 258 10 L 259 10 L 260 10 L 261 10 L 262 10 L 263 10 L 264 10 L 265 10 L 266 10 L 267 10 L 268 10 L 269 10 L 270 10 L 271 10 L 272 10 L 273 10 L 274 10 L 275 10 L 276 10 L 277 10 L2711 10 L 279 10 L280 Mfd - .033 -.04 .047 .05 .068 - .1- .15 .2 .22 .25 .33 .47 .5 .68 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 .01 .015 .02 .022 .03 .033 .04 .047 .05 .06 .068 .1 .15 .2 - .22 -.25 .33 .47 .5 .68 1.0 1.5 --- WVDC 400 400, 400 400 400 ,400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 --600 600 600 600 -600 -600 600 600 6iiO 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 EACH Size -1-24 .42 %xI1l.l' .42 %xI1l.l' .42 %xI1l.l" .45 %xI1l.l" .45 YI.x111.1H .51 116xI1l.l' ];2xl ];2' .66 .69 ];2xl Y2' ];2xl ];2H .69 o/axlVs" ~ .72 o/axlVs' o/axlVs' .90 %xlY," .93 l%x211.1" 1.05 %x211.1· 1.29 Vsx2];2' 1.59 VsX2Y2" 1.80 1x2];2" 2.25 .45 ~6XI" %xI1l.l· .45 .45 %xI1l.l" H .45 %x11l.l %x11l.l' .48 %xI1l.l' .48 .51 %x11l.l' .51 %xI1l.l" .51 116x1 1l.l' .51 116xI 1l.l· 116xI1l.l· .51 ];2xl];2' .57 ];2xlY,' .72 %xl¥a" .90 .90 o/axlVs' o/axlVs' .90 o/axlVs' .93 %x2y.,· 1.14 %x211.1· 1.14 %x2W 1.14 Vsx2];2' 1.3B 1x2];2" I.B9 25-49 50-99 100-499 -- -.19 .21 .27 .28 .22 .19 .2B .22 .20 .20 .29 .23 .20 .29 .23 .21 .30 .23 .39 .30 .27 .44 .35 .30 .44 .35 .30 .48 .37 .33 .48 ~ .33 .55 .43 .38 .48 .42 .62 .62 .48 .42 .60 .77 .53 .93 .72 .64 .84 .75 1.09 1.02 1.32 .90 .27 .21 .19 .28 .21 .19 .28 .22 .19 .28 .22 .19 .29 .23 .20 .29 .23 .20 .31 .24 .22 .24 .22 .31 .32 .25 .22 .32 .25 .22 .32 .25 .22 .35 -:27 .24 .29 .42 .33 .54 .42 .37 .54 .42 .37 .55 .42 .38 .38 .55 .42 .67 .52 .46 .76 .59 .52 .52 .59 .76 .84 .65 .57 1.10 .B5 .75 .......... ....... ....... ....... .... .. .... .. .... .. ....... Specify Manufacturer's Type No. and Capacitance on Capacitor Orders Quality Capacitors by ... SPRAGUE SERIES 96P "VITAMIN Q" SUBMINIATURE TYPES Features posItive hermetic glass-to-metal end seals. Style S-2-insulated section. plain metal casco Impregnated with "Vitamin Q" for higher insulation resistance and long life. Exceed MIL-C-25 specs. Inserted-tab construction. Temp. range. -55"C to +125"C. Tolerance is ±IO%. Av. shpg. wt .. 2 oz. Write for prices on quantities of 500-999_ 100 WVDC Stock Type No. 96P Mfd Size Dia. x L. .001 o/16X%" 16 16 16 16 16 15 16 16 16 15 16 15 15 L L L L L L L L L L 756 757 75B 759 760 911 763 765 766 926 L 767 L 925 L 044 10291 15291 .0015 22291 .0022 3.l29! .0033 47291 .0047 10391 .01 22391 .022 47391 .047 68391 .068 10491 .1 22491 .22 47491 .47' 10591 1.0 16 16 16 16 16 15 16 15 15 15 16 15 15 16 15 L 771 L:772 L 773 L 774 L 775 L 912 L 777 L 913 L 914 L 924 L 7BO L 915 L 923 L 7B2 L 916 10292 15292 22292 33292 47292 10392 15392 22.192 47392 10492 15492 22492 47492 68492 10592 15 L 0451 47393 Y16 X %" Y16 X %" Y16 X %" 7'16X%" Y16X%" Y16 X %" l9 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.51 T.5I 300 WVDC (Cont'd) ID24 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.10 1.16 1.19 1.25 1.52 1.91 EACH 2549 .B4 .B4 .B4 .B4 .B5 .B5 .B3 .B3 .B7 .90 .94 1.14 1.43 99 .56 .56 .56 .56 .57 .57 .57 .55 .5B .60 .63 .76 .96 lDO499 .45 .45 .45 .45 .46 .46 .46 .44 .47 .4B .50 .61 .77 .BI .B I .BI .83 .B3 .B3 .B4 .B4 .B7 .92 .93 1.02 1.16 1.23 1.47 .54 .54 .54 .55 .55 .55 .56 .56 .5B .61 .62 .6B .7B .B2 .9B .43 .43 .43 .44 .44 .44 .45 .45 .47 .49 .50 .55 .62 .66 .79 1.51 1.47 o/,6XVs" 1.55 1.59 o/!6x'l'a" '%,xIVs" 1.67 '!16xI Vs" 2.02 '!16xJ1/a" 2.54 200 WVDC .001 f"x%" 1.43 1.07 .0015 Y3zx%" 1.43 1.07 .0022 f"x%" 1.43 1.07 .0033 f"x%" 1.47 1.10 .0047 f"x%" 1.47 1.10 .01 f"x%" 1.47 1.10 .015 f"x%" 1.49 1.12 .022 f"x%" 1.49 1.12 .047 o/,6XVs" 1.55 1.16 .1 '%,x7/a" 1.63 1.22 .15 '%,xIVsn T.65 1.24 .22 '%,xl%" I.BI 1.36 .47 o/t6xl¥a" 2.06 1.55 .68 '!16xIVs" 2.IB 1.64 zv"xlVsn 2.62 1.96 1.0 300 WVDC 1 .047 lo/,6XVs" 1 1.63 1 1.22 1 7l6X Vs" SO- .92 1 .61 1 .49 Stock Type No. 96P Size Mfd Dia. x L. --- ---16 15 16 15 15 L 793 L 046 L 796 L 047 L 04B 68393 .06S 10493 .1 33493 .33 47493 .47 10593 1.0 16 16 16 15 16 15 16 15 15 16 15 16 15 15 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 797 BOO BOI 917 B03 91 B B04 919 922 B07 920 B06 921 049 10294 .001 33294 .0033 47294 .0047 10394 .01 15394 .015 22394 .022 33394 .033 47394 .047 10494 .1 15494 .15 22494 .22 33494 .33 47494 .47 10594 1.0 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 L L L L L L L L L 927 902 903 904 905 906 907 90B 910 22296 47297 68296 10396 22396 47396 68396 10496 47496 19 -'%,xVs" 1.67 '%,xIVs" 1.67 '!16xl%" 2.02 '!16xIVs" 2.46 %X2V,6' 3.37 10· 24 1.25 1.25 1.52 I.B5 2.53 EACH 5025· 99 -49 .94 .63 .94 .63 .76 1.14 .93 1.39 1.90 1.27 100- - - -499 .50 .50 .61 .74 1.01 400 WVDC Ylzx%" f"x%" Y3zX%" 'l32X%" 716x Vs" o/,6 X Vs" o/,6XVs" '%,xVs" '%,xl%" '!16xIVs" '!16xl%' o/16x1 Va" . zV"xIVs" IxIVs" 1.49 1.53 1.53 1.55 1.5B 1.61 1.61 1.67 1.75 1.91 2.02 2.06 2.46 3.39 1.12 1.15 1.15 1.16 1.19 1.21 1.21 1.25 1.31 1.43 1.52 1.55 I.BS 2.54 .B4 .B6 .86 .B7 .90 .91 .91 .94 .9B 1.07 1.14 1.25 1.39 1.91 .56 .5B .58 .5B .60 .61 .61 .63 .66 .72 .76 .78 .93 1.27 1.13 1.16 1.16 1.19 1.22 1.2B 1.34 1.43 2.01 .B5 .B7 .87 .90 .92 .96 1.01 1.07 1.51 .57 .5B .5B .60 .61 .64 .67 .72 1.01 .45 .46 .46 .47 .4B .49 .49 .50 .53 .5B .61 .62 .74 1.02 -- 600 WVDC .0022 .0047 .0068 .01 .022 .047 .068 .1 .47 lo/16X%." "%4X%" '%4X%" o/,6XVs" 1.51 1.55 1.55 1.59 7'16 x VsII 1.63 '%,xIVs" '%,xl%" '!16xI Vs" %x2Vs" 1.71 1.79 1.91 2.6B .46 .47 .47 .4B .49 .52 .54 .5B .BI MIL TYPE CP 53 CAPACITORS TYPE CP-70 CAPACITORS Non-inductive oil-filled bathtnb capacitors; hermetically sealed. silicone rubber compression terminals. Have mtg. flanges. Exceed MIL-C-25A. Suffix K has tolerance of ±10%; V, +20%. -10%. For use np to 85"C. 600 WVDC, except *1000 WVDC Av wt 50z Rectangular, oil-filled paper capacitors for power snpply filter application. Meet MIL-C-25A and JAN-C25 specs shown in table. Tolerance ±10%. Terminals have ceramic pillar insulators (Type E) or rubber compression seals (Type B). Impregnated with specially processed mineral oil to withstand severe operating conditions. Hermetically sealed in metal cases with crimped and Type B Type E soldered seams. Built for long life and reliable service under high ambient temperatures. surge voltages, and ripple currents. Operate dependablY and efficiently in temperatures ranging from -55"C to +85"C. Av. shpg. wt., 12 oz. .. MIL No. CP53 Stock No. - - - BIEF503K 15 L 727 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 L 736 L 737 L 73B L 739 L 740 L 741 L 742 L 743 L 744 L 745 L 735 L 746 L 747 L 74B BIEFI04K BIEF254K BIEF504K BIEFI05K BIEF205K B4EFI04V BI4EF254V B4EF504V B5EFI04V BIEG254K* BIEGI04K* B4EG254K* BIEG504K* BIEGI05K* Mfd Size .05 .1 .25 .5 1.0 2.0 .1-.1 .25-.25 .5-.5 .1-.1-.1 .25 .1 .25-.25 .5 1.0 1'Y16xlx%" 117i6xlx%." 1'0/,6Xlx3.4" 1'0/,6Xl xl" 2xl%xl" 2x2xlVsn 1'0/,6Xlx%" l'o/16xlxl" 2xl%xl" Ixl%xVs" 1'0/,6XlxVs' 1'0/,6Xlx%" 2xl%xVs" 2xl%xVs' 2x2x1Vs' l9 1.79 I.B4 1.91 2.06 2.41 3.21 2.50 2.5B 2.94 2.B7 2.02 1.95 2.B3 2.16 2.90 ID24 1.19 1.23 1.27 1.37 1.60 2.14 1.67 1.72 1.96 1.91 1.34 1.30 I.BB 1.44 1.93 EACH 25- SO49 99 1.01 .74 1.04 .77 I.OB .79 1.17 .B6 1.36 1.00 I.B2 1.34 1.42 1.04 1.46 1.07 1.67 1.22 1.63 1.19 1.14 .B4 1.10 .B I 1.60 1.18 1.22 .90 1.64 1.20 lDO· 499 .65 .67 .70 .75 .BB 1.17 .92 .94 I.OB 1.05 .74 .71 1.03 .79 1.06 TYPE 121P METALLIZED PAPER CAPACITORS Operate at 125"C without derating. Have ungrounded cases. Hermetically sealed, glass-to-metal solder-seal terminals. Tol., ±10%. 150 WVDC. 2 oz. Stock No. 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 1'3 13 13 13 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 122 123 124 125 126 127 12B 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 Type 121P 15591R5S2 20591R5S2 25591R5S2 30591R5S2 35591R5S2 40591R5S2 50591R5S2 60591R5S2 80591R5S2 10691R5S2 12691R5S2 14691R5S2 16691R5S2 18691RSS2 Mfd -1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 IS.O Size '!16xIVs' '!16xl%' '!16xl%' 4%4xl%" 4%4XI%" 4%4XI%" 4%4XIVs" %x1Vs" %x2,%" %x2%" IxIVs" Ix2Vs" lx2%' 1x2%" EACH 1- 25- SO- lDO· 50024 49 99 499 999 2.73 1.6Q 1.23 1.10 1.01 3.00 1.75 1.35 1.20 1.10 3.09 1.81 1.40 1.24 1.14 3.45 2.02 1.56 1.3B 1.28 3.66 2.14 1.65 1.47 1.35 3.72 2.17 1.6B 1.49 1.37 4.0B 2.3B I.B4 1.64 1.50 4.44 2.59 2.00 1.7B 1.63 5.16 3.01 2.33 2.07 1.90 5.97 3.49 2.69 2.39 2.19 6.75 3.94 3.04 2.70 2.4B 7.53 4.40 3.39 3.02 2.77 8.01 4.6B 3.61 3.21 2.94 9.12 5.32 4.11 3.65 3.35 Allied Has the World's largest Stocks of Capacitors TYPE B-RUBBER COMPRESSION SEALS Stock No. JAN No. CP 70 WV Mfd DC Size BIEFI05K 1.0 600 1'0/,6xl)l,6x214" BIEF205K 2.0 600 1'0/,6xl)l,6",314" BIEF405K 4.0 600 2Yzxl0/,6X3Vs" BIEF605K 6.0 600 3%xl14x3Vs" BIEFSOSK 8.0 60T%XI14X4 14" BIEFI06K 10.0 6003%",I%x4" BIEG504K .5 10001'0/,.. I)I,6x214" BIEGI05K 1.0 1000 1'0/,6XIV,6x2Vs" BIEG205K 2.0 100l'0/,6X1 )1,6X4%n BIEG405K 4.0 10003%xl14x3Vs" BlEG80SK 8.0 10003%xl%x4%" BIEGI06K 10.0 1000 3%x214x4% n BlEGI26K 12.0 10003%x214x5Vs" 16 15 15 15 16 15 .. 6 15 15 15 16 16 16 L 164 L 262 L 263 L 264 L 165 L265 L 166 L 266 L 267 L 26B L 167 L 16B L 169 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 .1 1000 1'0/,6XIV,.. I%" L564 EIEGI04K L 566 ElEGI05K 1.01000 1'0/,6XIV,6x2Vs" L 567 EIEG205K 2.01000 1'0/,6xl)I,..4%' L 56B EIEG405K 4.0 1000 3%xl14x3Vs" L 569 ElEG605K 6.01000 3%xl%x4" L 590 EIEGS05K 8.01000 3%xl%x4%" L 591 EIEGI56K IS.O 1000 3%x30/,6X4% " L 593 ElEH405K 4.0 1500 3%xl%,,414" L 595 EIEJ254K .252000 2Yzxl0/,6x2 Y." 1.02000 2Yzxl0/,6X 4%" L 596 EIE]105K L 527 EIEJ205K 2.0 2000 3%x114x4%" 4.0 2000 3%x214x5!1s' L 52B EIEJ405K EACH 10. 25- 5019 24 49 99 3.06 iT2 1.05 1.02 3.96 1.5B 1.40 1.37 5.53 2.19 1.94 I.B9 6.55 2.61 2.33 2.26 B.14 3.23 2.90 2.B3 B.79 3.49 3.21 3.15 3.11 1.35 1.1 B 1.14 3.6B 1.46 1.33 1.30 -- -- -4.73 I.BB 1.71 1.68 6.39 2.60 2.33 2.27 B.93 3.BI 4.39 3.42 10.B3 4.41 4.07 3.99 I 1.754.994.644.57 TYPE E-CERAMIC PILLAR INSULATORS 2.71 4.14 5.41 6.B5 B.47 9.06 13.15 B.77 4.47 5.67 6.71 9.45 1.37 1.59 2.01 2.73 3.37 3.95 5.99 3.37 2.19 2.76 3.47 4.94 1.25 1.46 1.84 2.46 3.04 3.62 5.62 3.10 1.96 2.50 3.14 4.64 1.22 1.43 I.BI 2.40 2.97 3.55 5.54 3.04 1.91 2.45 3.07 4.5' ALLIED • 153 SPRAGUE Subminiature Capacitors TE "LlTTL-LYTiC" (30D) SUBMINIATURE ELECTROLYTICS *Code Size *Code Ultra-small 30D series electrolytics, dependable for transistorized and printed circuit applications, Size ---p:- II.!x'X6' ~ ¥Sx'Yl6" such as, radios, hearing aids, wireless microphones. B l16x'Y16' F ¥Sxll1.!" Hermetically sealed and metal enclosed. Clear plasC ¥Sx'Y16' G ¥Sxl!12" tic outer insulating sleeves resist corrosion in hot, D humid conditions. Withstand temperatures to 8S'C ¥SX'~6" EACH II II II II II II II II II II 16 II II II II II 16 II 16 II 16 II 16 L 735 L 736 L 737 L 738 L 739 L 000 L 001 L 742 L 743 L 744 L 028 L 002 L 746 L 747 L 748 L 749 L 029 L 003 L 654 L 004 L 656 L 005 L 658 Type TE Mfd' 1050 1051 1052 1052.1 1052.2 1052.3 1052.5 1053 1053.5 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1059.5 1060 1061 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1 2 3 4 5 ,6 8 10 15 20 25 35 40 50 75 100 110 150 200 250 300 400 500 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B C C D ,E E F G 124 25- 50- 10049 99 249 .75.51 .40 .32 .75.51 .40 .32 .75.51 .40 .32 .75.5 I .40 .32 .75 .51 .40 .32 .7551 .4032 .75.51 .40 .32 .75.5 I .40 .32 .75.5 I .40 .32 .75 .53.42 .33 .75 .53 .42 .33 Js .53 .42 -:33 .75 .53 .42 .33 .75 .53 .42 .33 .84 .56 .43 .35 .84 .61 .48 .38 .84 .61 .48 .38 --:a7 .61 .48"3ii .90 .61 .48 .38 .96 .61 .48 .38 .99 .66 .5 I .41 1.00 .70 .55 .44 1.05 .75 .58 .47 6 WVDC EACH St.ock No. Type TE • Mfd - - -- -A 1 16 L 030 1080 2 16 L 031 1081 3 16 L 032 1082 4 16 L 033 1083 5 16 L 034 1084 -6II L 750 1085 8 16 L 035 1086 10 16 L 036 1087 15 16 L 037 1089 20 II L 751 1090 16 L 038 1ii91 25" 30 16 L 039 1092 35 II L 752 1093 40 II.L006 1095 50 16 L 041 1100 60 16 L 026 1101 16 L 659 1101.5 75 II L 753 1102 100 150 II L 754 1103 II L 007 1104 200 250 II L 008 1105 16 L 661 1106 300 A A A A A A A A A A A A A 25 WVDC 10 WVDC 3 WVDC Stock No. without derating. Extremely low leakage current; long shelf life. All-welded construction. no pressure joints. For sizes, first refer to column with asterisk (*) in tables below, then to size code table at left. Size indicated in table is diameter by length. Av. wt .. 1 oz. 124 25- SO- lDO49 99 249 .75 •.75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .81 .81 .BI .81 .51 .51 .51 .51 .51 .51 .51 .51 .53 .53 .53 .53 .53 .56 .56 -:aT .84 .84 .84 B .84 B .84 C .87 C .90 E .93 F .96 F 1.02 G 1.08 ~ .61 .61 .61 .63 .66 .69 .40 32 .40 .32 .40 .32 .40 .32 .40 .3;i1 .40 .32 .40 .32 .40 .32 .42 .33 .42 .33 .42 -:33 .42 .33 .42 .33 .43 .36 .43 .36 .48 .38 .48 "3ii .48 .38 .48 .38 .49 .40 .51 .41 .54 .43 Stock No. i"TL7s6 II 16 16 16 16 L 009 L 043 L 621 L 622 L 623 Type TE Mfd 1114 10 1116 15 1118 25 '50 1119 1119.3 100 1119.6 200 EACH • 124 .81 .81 .81 .92 D 1.02 F 1.20 A A A C 25- 50- 10049 99 249 .53 .53 ,56 .61 .61 .69 .42 .42 .43 .48 .48 .54 .33 .33 .35 .38 .38 .43 12 WVDC EACH Stock No. Mfd' Type TE -----II L 757 1120 1 A II II II 16 II II 16 II II II II II II II II II II L 010 1121 L 759 1122 LOll 1123 L 044 1127 L 012 1127.1 L 762 1127.3 L 045 1128 L 763 1129 L 013 1130 L 765 1131 L 014 1132 L 7671i:33 L 768 1134 L 769 1135 L 770 1136 L 771 1137 L 772 1138 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 15 20 25 35 A A A A A A A A A A 75 100 150 200 250 D D F F G B -so C 124 25- 50- 10049 99 249 .75.51.40 .32 .75.51.40 .32 .75.51.40 .32 . .81.5 I .40 .32 .81.51.40 .32 -:aT .53 .42 .33 .81 .53.42 .33 .84 .53 .42 .33 .84 .53 .42 .33 .84 .56 .43 .35 .87.56.43 .35 .93 .61 .48 .38 .99 .61 .48 .38 1.05 .61 .48 .38 1.14 .65 .50 .40 1.23 .69 .54 .43 1.32 .72 .56 .45 Type TE Stock Na. Na. --II L 773 II II II 16 II L 774 L 015 L 776 L 624 L 777 IiLOiB 16 16 II 16 16 16 16 II 16 16 16 L 625 L 626 LOl9 L 628 L 629 L 630 L 631 L 020 L 633 L 634 L 635 Type TE Mfd -- 1148 1 1149 2 1150 3 1151 4 1152 5 1153 6 8 1154 10 1155 1156 15 1157 20 1157.1 25 1158 30 1159 35 50 1160 1161 75 1162 100 1163 150 1164 200 EACH • L 779 L 780 L 021 L 022 L 046 L 047 L 023 L 048 L 049 L 636 L 637 L 638 L 639 L 024 L,641 II 16 II 16 II II II II II 16 16 16 L 784 L 642 L 785 L 643 L 786 L 025 L 788 L 789 L 790 L 644 L 662 L 645 1300 1301 1302 1302.1 1303 1303.1 1303.3 1304 1304,2 1305 1306 1307 II II II II 16 II II 16 II 16 L L L L L L L L L L 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 A A A A 124 -:75 .51 .75 .75 .78 .84 .84 A A A A A A B B C C D E F G 25- 50- laO49 99 249 ---:B4 .84 .87 .87 .87 .90 .93 .96 1.02 1.08 1.17 1.26 .51 .51 .51 .51 .51 .53 .53 .53 .53 .53 .56 .56 .61 .61 .61 .66 .72 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .43 .43 .48 .48 .48 .51 .56 .32 .32 .32 .32 .32 .32 .33 .33 .33 .33 .33 .35 .35 .38 .38 .38 .41 .45 026 792 793 794 646 795 027 647 028 649 II L 797 II L 798 II L 029 II L 799 16.L 651 II L 800 II L 801 16 L652 II L 030 1201 2 1201.1 3 1201.2 4 1202 5 1203 6 1203.5 8 1204 10 1205 15 1206 20 1207 25 1208 35 1209 50 1210 75. 1211 100 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 192P "PACER" MINIATURE 200WVDC CAPACITORS ~ ~ Nearly 3 times smaller than conventional paper-film tubulars, Fit tight spots in small electronic assemblies that require high temperature operation and good humidity performance. Sizes are same as composition Stock No. 10 L 334 10 L 360 10 L 361 10 L 362 10 L 335 10 L 336 10 L 337 10 L 338 10 L 339 10 L 340 10 L 341 10 L 342 10 L 343 10 L 344 10 L 345 10 L 346 ,Type 192P 47192 56192 68192 82192 10292 12292 15292 1'8292 22292 27292 33292 39292 47292 56292 68292 82292 154'. ALLIED Mfd • -A .00047 A .00056 .00068 A .00082 A .001 A .0012 A .0015 A .0018 B .0022 B .0027 B ~ B .0039 C .0047 C .0056 C .0068 C .0082 .D resistors-may be used with resistors and diodes in modules. Non-inductor capacitors have metal end caps over foil sections. High insulation resistance; epoxy coating. 200 WVDC; range. -SsoC to +8SoC. Derate 50% at 10SoC. Tolerance, ±10%. Wt .• 2 oz. EACH 1-24 .33 .30 .30 .30 .27 25-49 .23 .22 .22 .22 ~ 50-99 100-249 .18 .17 .17 .17 .15 -.-15.14 .14 .14 .12 .27 .19 .15 .12 .27 .27 .27 .27 .27 .30 .15 .15' .15 .15 .16 .16 .12 .12 .12 .12 .13 •.13 .19 .19 .20 .20 .20 .21 Stock No. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 L 347 L 348 L 349 L 350 L 352 L 351 L 353 L 354 L 355 L 356 L 357 L 358 L 359 L 366 L 367 L 368 Type 192P 10392 12392 15392 18392 22392 27392 33392 39392 47392 56392 68392 82392 10492 12492 15492 22492 • A B C D Mfd .01 .012 .015 .018 .022 .027 .033 .039 .047 .056 .068 .082 .1 .12 .15 .~2 EACH • 25- 50- laO49 99 249, 124 - -1200 1 A -:75 .51 II II II II 16 16 II 16 16 16 16 16 16 II 16 15 WVDC Stock Mfd C C D E F G .32 .32 .32 .32 .33 .33 .33 .33 .35 .38 .38 .38 .38 .40 .42 .59 .59 .59 .59 .59 .59 .60 .60 .61 .61 .63 .65 .46 .46 .46 .46 .46 .46 .47 .47 .48 .48 .49 .51 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .38 .38 .40 .41 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .61 .61 .93 .62 .96 .63 .47 .47 .47 .47 .47 .47 .47 .47 .48 .49 .37 .37 .37 .37 .38 .38 .38 .38 .39 .39 .49 .49 .49 .49 .49 .49 .49 .49 .51 .39 .39 .39 .39 .39 .39 .40 .40 .41 50 WVDC 1 A .78 2 A .81 3 A .81 4 A .81 5 A .87 6 B .87 8 B .90 10 B .90 15 C .90 20 D .90 35 F 1.02 50 G 1.11 -- 100 WVDC 1 E .81 2 E .84 3 E .84 4 E .84 5 E .90 6 E -:90 8 E .93 10 E .93 15 20 F G 150 WVDC 1 E .84 2 E .87 3 E' .87 4 E .87 5 E -:93 6 8 10 12 F F F .93 .96 .96 .96 'G • G H Yl,xY16" Yl'X0/,6' '%,X0/,6' '%,XY2' 1-24 25-49 E %,xl16' 'li,xYl.. F '%,XY!6' '%,x!l2" .63 .63 .63 .63 .63 .63 .63 .63 .65 -•J K L M Size '%,1<%" 2l1i,x%' 2%,xVs" 2\i4x1 Yo' EACH • 50-99 100-249 --:30 ~ -:T7 -.-13.30 .30 .30 .30 F F G G H H B .40 .40 .40 .40 .42 .42 .42 .42 .43 .48 .48 .48 .48 .50 .52 .78 .51 .78 .51 .78 .51 .84 .53 -:s4 .53 .87 .53 .87 .53 .87 .56 .90 .61 .93 .61 .99 .61 1.08 .61 1.17 .65 1.26 .67 SIZE CHART Size Size D E E A A A A A A A -:33 _J_ J K K L L, M Specify Manufacturer's Type No. and Capacitance .33 .36 .39 .39 .42 .45 .45 .48 .48 .51 o~ .22 .22 .22 .23 .24 .25 .26 .28 .29 .31 .32 .3,4 .35 .35 .37 .17 .14 .17 .14 .17 .14 .18 _._1_4_ .19 .15 .20 .16 .21 .77 .22 .17 .23 .18 .24 .19 .25 .20 .26 .21 .27 .22 .27 .22 .29 .23 Capacitor Orders Tubular and Electrolytic Capacitors SPRAGUE 'BLACK BEAUTY" (160P) "MYLAR" PAPER TUBULAR CAPACITORS Molded tubular capacitors specially built for long life under high mmidity and heat conditions. Rugged, completely insulated tubuars will not leak or drip. Dual dielectric (Mylar and paper) comlines best features of both Mylar polyester film and paper capacitors. t;;xc\usive HCX® solid impregnant construction produces rock hard :apacitor section. 200 to 1000-volt types operate to 10S"C without lerating; 1600-volt and up, to 8S "C. 1600-6000-volt types are oilmpregnated. ± 10% tolerance except §, ±20%. Av. wt., 3 oz. See >age IS6 for a selection of "Black Beauty" kit assortments. 200 WVDC -- 400 WVDC .01 A .15 .015 A .15 .02 A .15 .022 A .18 .025 C .18 .03 C .18 .04 C .18 .047 C .18 .05 C .18 .OG8 D .21 .1 D .21 .15 - EE .24 .2 .27 .22 E .27 .25 F .30 .47 F .45 .5 F .45 1.0 G .75 .11 .12 .12 .12 .12 -.12 .13 .13 .14 .16 .16 .21 .23 .23 .28 .40 .43 .69 .09 .07 .09 .07 .09 .08 .09 .08 .10 .08 .10 .08 --.10 .08 .10 .08 .11 .09 .11 .09 .12 .10 .17 .13 .18 .14 .18 .14 .26 .21 .31 .25 .34 .27 .62 .49 600 WVDC 16 L 250'GTM-TiO 16 L251 GTM-T2S 16 L 252 GTM-T40 16 L 253 GTM·TSO 15 L 070 GTM-DIO -- --IS L 084 STM·DIS 15 L071 GTM·D20 15.L 092 STM-D22 .0001 B .15 .00025 B .15 .0004 B .15 .0005 B .15 .001 B .15 .0015 B .15 .002 B .15 .0022 B .15 Size *Code Size - A - - %xl';4" --G-Ix21/z" B ~6xl" H P16xl%" c P16x1';4" J 1/zxl%" - - 0 - - 1/zxl1/z" --K-- 'y,6xIVs" E %xIVs" L 'Yt6x2';4" F %x2';4" M %x2Ya" 600 WVDC (Cont'd) EACH Mlr'. Stock MId • 1·24 25-49 50·99 100·249 No ~-- - - -- -- - 15 L 120 2TM·S20 .02 A .15 .12 .09 .07 15 L 000 2TM-S22 .022 A .15 .12 .09 .07 15L 149 2TM-S47 .047 C .15 .13 .10 .08 15 L 121 2TM-SSO .05 C .15 .13 .10 .08 15 L 122 2TM-PIO .1 D .21 .14 .11 .09 15 L 145 2TM-PIS .15 D .21 .16 .13 .10 15L 146 2TM-P22 .22 E .24 .21 .16 .13 15L 147 2TM-P2S .25 E .24 .21 .17 .13 15L 148 2TM-P47 .47 F .36 .34 .31 .25 15 L 123 2TM-PSO .5 F .36 .35 .33 .27 15 L 124 2TM-MI§ 1.0 F .63 .54 .42 .34 15 L 125 4TM-SIO 15 L 001 4TM·SIS 15 L 126 4TM-S20 15 L 013 4TM-S22 15 L 002 4TM·S2S 15 L 003 4TM-S30 IS L 004 4TM-S40 15LOl4 4TM-S47 15 L 127 4TM·SSO 15 LOIS 4TM-SG8 15 L 128 4TM-PIO 15 LOll 4TM-PIS IS L 521 4TM-P20 15 L 012 4TM-P22 15 L 129 4TM-P2S 15 L 005 4TM-P47 15 L 010 4TM-PSO 15 L009 4TM·MI SIZE CHART *Code .11 .11 .11 .11 .11 .11 .11 .11 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 Stock 1 Mlr's No. Type 15 L 072 GTM-D30 15 L 522 STM-D33 15 L 073 GTM-D40 15 L 093 GTM-D41 15 L 074 GTM·DSO 15 L 075 STM-DGO 16 L 254 GTM-DG8 15 L 523 GTM-D80 15 L 076 GTM-SIO 15 L 094 GTM-SIS 15 L 077 GTM-S20 16 L 255 GTM-S22 15 L 078 GTM-S30 15 L 526 GTM-S33 15 L 006 STM-S3S 15 L 079 GTM-S40 IS L 098 GTM-S41 15 L 080 GTM-SSO 15 L 081 STM-SGO 15 L 007 6TM-S68 15 L 082 6TM-PIO 15 L.524 STM-PIS IS L 525 GTM-P20 15L 008 GTM-P22 15L 083 6TM-P2S 15 L 016 GTM-P47 16 L 260 GTM-PSO 16L261 GTM-MI MId • 1-24 25·49 50-99100-249 T9-m.09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .11 .11 .11 .12 .12 .13 .13 .13 .16 .22 .30 .30 .40 .52 .52 .69 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .09 .09 .09 .10 .10 .11 .11 .11 .13 .18 .24 .24 .32 .42 .42 .56 .14.11 .14.11 .14 .1 I .14 ;11 .09 .09 .1 0 .09 1000 WVDC B .30 B .30 B .30 A .30 and humidity Stock Mlr'. No. ~ IS L 939 IOTM-SIS 15 L 940 IOTM-S20 15L 941 IOTM-S22 15 L 942 IOTM-S30 15 L 943 IOTM-S3S 15 L 944 IOTM-S47 15 L 945 IOTM-SSO 15 L 946 IOTM-SG8 15L947 10TM·PIO .14 .14 .14 .15 .15 .1 6 .1 I .1 I .11 .12 .12 .13 .09 .09 .09 .09 .10 .1 0 MId .015 .02 .022 .03 .035 .047 .05 .068 .1 EACH • 1-24 D .30 D .30 D .30 E .30 E .30 E .36 E .36 E .42 F .45 25-49 50-99 100-249 - --- .18 .14 .11 .21 .21 .23 .23 .25 .26 .27 .41 .16 .16 .18 .18 .19 .20 .21 .32 .13 .13 .14 .15 .16 .16 .17 .26 .31 .31 .31 .32 .32 .32 .32 .32 .32 .32 .33 .33 .33 .33 .33 .33 .37 .37 .37 .38 .37 .41 .24 .24 .24 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 .29 .29 .29 .30 .29 .32 .19 .19 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .23 .23 .23 .24 .23 .25 1600 WVDC 15L 019 MB-DI 16 L 270 MB-TS 16L 271 MB·DIS 15L 158 MB-D2 16L272 MB·D22 15L 159 MB-D3 16L 273 MB-D33 15L 160 MB-D4 16 L 274 MB-D47 15L 161 MB-DS 15 L 162 MB-DG 1'6 L 275 MB-DG8 15 L 163 MB-D7 15 L 164 MB-D7S 15 L 165 MB·D8 15 L 166 MB-SI 15L 167 MB-S1S 15 L 168 MB-S2 15 L 024 MB-S22 16 L 277 MB-S3 16 L 278 MB-S4 16 L 280 TR-IS .001 H .39 _0005 H .39 .0015 H .39 .002 H .39 .0022 H .39 .003 J .39 .0033 J .39 .004 J .39 .0047 J .39 .005 J .39 .OOG K .39 .00G8 K .39 .001 K .39 .0075 K .39 .008 K .39 .01 K ;42 .015 L .42 .02 L .42 .022 L .42 .03 L .42 .04 L .42 .05 M .42 6000 WVDC ~~ ~-'.!..!.~ A .30 A .30 A .30 A .30 A .30 C .30 to resist heat 1000 WVDC (Cont'd) EACH' .003 ii -:IS Ti" .0033 B .15 .11 .004 A .15 .11 .0041 A .15 .11 .005 A .15 .11 .OOS A .15 .12 .00G8 A .18 .12 .008 A .18 .12 .01 A .18 .12 .015 A .18 .13 .02 C .18 .13 .022 C .18 .13 .03 C .21 .14 .033 C .21 .14 .035 C .21 .15 .04 D .21 .15 .047 D .24 .15 .05 D .24 .i7 .06 D .24 .17 .068 D .27 .17 .1 E .27 .20 .15 .28 - EF .30 .2 .39 .38 .22 F .42 .38 .25 F .45 .43 .47 G .75 .66 .5 G .75 .66 1.0 G1.05 .89 15L928IOTM-TSO .0005 15 L 92910TM-DIO .001 I 5 L 930 10TM-DIS .0015 15L9311OTM-D20 .002 15 L 9321OTM-D22 ~ 15 L 93310TM-D30 .003 I 5 L 0 I 7 IOTM-D40 .004 15L0181OTM-D47 .0047 15 L 93610TM-DSO .005 15 L 9371OTM-DS8 .00G8 I 5 L .938 IOTM-SIO .01 Specially made 15 L 850ITVM-3SGI·000SIKI·81 1.471.371.29 15 L 851 TVM-216 .001 K .81 .40 .38 .38 15 L 852 TVM-2S6 .005 L.8 I .52 .40 .32 10000 WVDC 15 L 853\TVM-3SI\ .000S\L\.90 \.52\.41 \ .33 TYPE 36D "POWERLYTIC" INSULATED COMPUTER-GRADE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTICS Jigital computer quality-for applications requiring maximum safety vents employing silicone rubber are :apacitance in a given size. uPowerlytic" capacitors have low ESR used on case covers. %2" terminals tapped md leakage currents and extremely long life. With rigid plastic in- for 10-32 screws. Temperature range. -20"C iUlating tube which will withstand military environmental condi- to +65·C. Tolerance: 10 to 50 WVDC, :ions including -5S"C storage tests. Aluminum can is crimped onto -10~ to +100%; 51 to 450 WVDC, 1 rubber gasket recessed in the clear molded cover. Pressure-type -10'10 to +75%. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. Stock No. Type 360 - - - 1026T 10 L 281 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 L 282 L 283 L 284 L 285 L 286 L 287 L 288 L 289 L 290 L 291 L 292 L 293 L 294 L 295 L 296 L 297 L 298 L 299 L 300 L 301 L 302 L 303 L 304 1027T 1029T 1033T 1039T I040T 1042T 1045T 1046T 1048T 1049T 1065T 1066T 1068T 1070T 107lT lOUT 1077T 1089T 1090T 1094T 1096T 1097T 1100T Mfd WV 7300 11000 27000 2600 10 10 10 15 5300 --158000 IS 17000 15 20000 15 30000 IS 35000 IS 1500 25 3100 25 4700 25 7000 25 -10000 - - 25 17000 25 32000 25 23000 30 30 27000 -2000 40 4000 40 6000 40 10000 40 --- EACH Size xL.) - DC - (Dia. --3600 10 IP16X21/z" lP16x31/z" 1P16x41/z' 2'y,sx31/z" IP16x2 1/z" 1P16x31/z" 1P16x41/z" 2Yt6x41/z" 2'y,6x31/z" 2'y,6x41/z" 2'y,6X5" 1P16x2 1/z" IP16x31/z" 2P16x41/z" 2Yt6x31/z" 2Yt6x41/z" 2'%Gx41/z" 3Yt6X5" 3Yt6x41/z" 3¥16X5" IP16x41/z" 2Yt6X3 Y2" 2Yt6X 4!/z." 2'y,6X41/z" 1-24 3.31 3.92 4.46 8.61 3.32 3.93 4.49 7.38 8.67 10.74 12.06 3.34 3.95 4.52 6.14 7.40 10.80 17.04 IS.S.4 17.07 4.56 6.33 7.44 10;94 25-49 50-99 1.93 ....-:49 2.29 1.77' 2.61 2.01 5.03 3.88 1.94 1.50 2.30 1.77 2.62 2.02 .4.31 3.33 5.06 3.91 6.27 4.84 7.04 5.43 1.95 1.50 2.31 1.78 2.64 2.03 3.58 2.77 4.32 3.33 6.30 4.86 9.94 7.67 9.07 7.00 9.96 ~ 2.66 2.06 3.70 2.85 4.34 3.35 6.38 4.93 -- Stock No. Type Mfd WV DC -36-0- - - - - 40 L 305 1101T 12000 10 10 L 306 10 L 307 10 L 308 10 L 309 10 L 310 IOL311 10 L 312 10 L 313 10 L 314 10 L 315 10 L 316 10 L 317 10 L 318 10 L 319 10 L 320 10 L 321 10 L 322 10L 323 10 L 324 10 L 325 10 L 326 10 L 327 10 L 328 1104T 1105T 1107T 1109T 1110T 1113T 1122T 1127T 1133T' 1139T 1146T 1148T 1150T 1151T 1154T l1S9T 1166T 1168T 1174T 1184T 1190T 1208T 1211T Allied Maintains World's Largest Stocks of Electronic Components 750 1500 2200 3300 5000 8600 2000 6200 1000 4000 900 2000 3400 5300 400 1600 530 1100 240 190 1000 330 860 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 75 100 100 150 ISO 150 150 200 200 250 250 -300 -350 350 450 450 EACH Size (Dia. xL.) 1-24 25-49 50-99 2'y,6x5" 12.33 7.20 1P16X2Yz' 3.36 1.96 1P16X3Yz" 4.00 2.33 IP16x41/z" 4.60 2.68 6.21 3.63 2Yt6x31/z" 7.47 4.36 2Yt6x41/z" 2'y,6x41/z" 11.01 6.43 6.30 3.68 2Yt6x31/z" 2'y,6X S" 12.51 7.30 4.63 2.70 1P16x41/z" 2'y,6X4Yz" Ti':"iO 6.48 IP16x41/z' 4.68 2.73 7.59 4.43 2Yt6x41/z" 2'y,6x41/z" 11.18 6.52 3Yt6x41/z" 16.14 9.42 4.12 2.41 1P16X31/z" 2'y,6x31/z" 9.24 5.39 4.77 2.78 1P16x41/z' 2Yt6X41/z" 7.64 4.46 IP16x31/z" 4.16 2.43 -4.18 2.44 1P16x31/z" 2o/,6x41/z" 11.33 6.61' 2Yt6X41/z" 7.68 4.48 3Yt6x41/z" 16.56 9.66 5.55 1.52 I.BO 2;07 2.80 3.37 4.96 2.84 5.63 2.08 5.00 2.11 3.42 5.03 7.27 I.B6 4.16 2.15 3.44 1.88 1.88 5.10 3.46 7.46 -- .ALLIED. 155 SPRAGUE Capatitorsand Capacitor Kits "ORANGE DROP" (220P) PRINTED CIRCUIT "MYLAR" PAPER CAPACITORS Small tubular capacitors for exact replacement use. Significant amounts of space can be saved by the compact "Oran~e Drops." All have dual dielectric-combines best features of Mylar and special capacitor tissue. Rock,hard case has space-saving radial leads. Wire leads are crimped for correct spacing when mounted on printed circuit boards. DoubleStock No. 13 13 13 13 13 17 13 17 13 17 17 13 13 13 13 17 17 13 17 17 13 13 17 17 17 13 13 13 13 13 13 17 13 17 13 13 17 17 13 17 17 Type L 017 2PS-S20 L 139 2PS-S22 LOIS 2PS-S47 L 019 2PS-S50 L 020 2PS-PIO L 915 2PS-PI5 L'I3S 2PS-P20 L 916 2PS-P22 L 021 2PS-P25 L 917 2PS-P33 L 912 2PS-P47 L 022 2PS-P50 L 023 4PS-SIO L 137 4PS-S15 L 024 4PS-S20 L 920 4PS-S22 L 921 4PS-S25 L02S 4PS-S30 L 91B 4PS-S33 L 919 4PS-S40 L 026 4PS-S47 L 027 4PS-SSO L 922 4PS-S56 L 911 4PS-S68 L 923 4PS-S75 L 02S 4PS-PIO L 136 4PS-PI5 L 029 4PS-P20 L 030 4PS-P22 L 031 4PS-P25 L 032 6PS-DIO L 925 6PS-D12 L 033 6PS-D15 L 924 6PS-D18 L 034 6PS-D20 L 036 6PS-D22 L 926 6PS-D2S L 927 6PS-D27 L 03B 6PS-D30 L914 6PS-D33 L 92S 6PS-D39 Mfd WVDC .02 .022 .047 .05 .1 .15 .2 .22 .25 .33 .47 .5 .01 .015 .02 .022 .025 .03 .033 .04 .047 .05 .056 .068 .075 .1 .15 .2 .22 .25 .001 .0012 .0015 .0018 .002 .0022 .0025 .0027 .003 .0033 .0039 Size --200 ¥Sx%" 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 2%4x%" 2%4x%" ''%2x%" dipped in orange epoxy resin to give extra protection against heat and moisture. Coating prevents leaking or drippingprevents damage to other parts of circuitry. Outside foils ,identified by black striping. Capacitance tolerance, ± 10% for universal operation: Working voltages from 200-1000 VDC. Av. wt., 2 oz. EACH 1-24 25-49 50-99 100-249 -:IS .11 .15 .15 .15 ~ .21 .24 .24 .24 .30 .36 .36 .15 .15 .15 .IS .IS .IS .IB .IB .09 .09 .10 .10 .12 --:07 .07 .OS .OS 3%,"I~." .09 -.1-1~.xl~." -:T3 ,%,xl~." .16 .13 3%,xl~." .16 .13 'Ysxl~.· .16 .13 'Ysxl'Ys" .IS .15 4!%4X1 o/a'" .21 .17 2~,xl'Ys" .21 .17 '~,x'JI,.· .OS .07 2%,x'JI,." .11 .OS .07 .12 .09 .07 '~zx'h" 2~,x%" -:IT -:09 .OS .12 .10 .OS r..x'h" 2%,x%" .13 .10 .OS '%,x%" .13 .10 .OB 2~,xl~." .14 .11 .09 2%4XI~." -:T8 .14 .11 .09 Z%4xl~." .IS .15 .11 .09 3%,xl~." .21 .15 .12 .10 3%,xl~." .21 .15 .12 .10 3%,xl~." .21 .16 .13 .10 3~4XI~.· -:2T T7 -:T3 -.1-13%,xl~." .24 .21 .16 .13 '%xl'Ys" .27 .25 .20 .16 3%,x1'Ys" .27 .25 .20 .16 400 4%4X I'Ys" .30 .26 .20 .16 600 2%4x'JI,." -:IS .10 --:07 600 2%4x'JI,." .15 .10 .OS .07 600 2%,x'JI,." .15 .10 .08 .07 600 2%,x'JI,." .15 .10 .OB .07 600 2%4x'JI,." .15 .10 .OB .07 600 2%,x'JI,." -:IS .10 .OB --:07 600 2%4x1!-16" .15 .10 .OB .07 600 'V32x')1." .15 .10 .08 .07 600 '\-32x'JI,." .15 .10 .OB .07 600 2%,x')1." .15 .10 .OB .07 600 ¥Sx'JI,." .15 .10 .OS .07 .11 .13 .13 .15 .17 .20 .20 .20 .23 .26 .27 .10 -:oa Stock No. Type 13 L 042 6PS-D40 13 L 043 6PS-D47 13 L 049 6PS-D50 17 L 929 6PS-D56 13 L 050 6PS-D50 13 L 051 6PS-D68 17 L 900 6PS-D75 13 L 144 6PS-D80 17 L 930 6PS-D82 13 L 052 6PS-SIO 17 L 933 6PS-SI2 13 L 053 6PS-SI5 13 L 054 6PS-S20 13 LOSS 6PS-S22 17 L 901 6PS-S25 17 L 932 6PS-S27 13 L 056 6PS-S30 17 L 935 6PS-S33 17 L 903 6PS-S35 17 L 936 6PS-S39 13 L 057 6PS-S40 13 LOSB 6PS-S47 13 L 059 6PS-SSO 17 L 904 6PS-S56 13 L 142 6PS-S60 17 L 90S 6PS-S68 17 L 907 6PS-S75, 13 L 143 6PS-S82 13 L 060 6PS-PIO 17 L 913 6PS-PI5 -13 L 061 6PS-P20 17 L 90B 6PS-P22 13 L 062 6PS-P25 13 L 063 10PS-DIO 13 L 141 lOPS-DIS 13 L 064 IOPS-D20 13 L 140 IOPS-D22 13 L 065 IOPS-D30 17 L 909 IOPS-D4O 13 L 066 IOPS-D47 13 L 067 IOPS-DSO Mfd WVDC Size -600 ¥Sx'JI,." .004 .0047 600 2%4"'Y,." .005 600 25A.!x'Y,." .0056 600 2%,x'JI,." .006 - 600 ,~,x'Y,." .0068 600 1~2X1M6" .0075 600 2%",7h" .008 600 2%",%" .0082 600 ¥Sx%" 600 25.44X%" .01 ,012 600 2%4x7h". .015 600 2~4X%" .02 600 3%",7h" .022 600 3~4X7h" .025 600 '%2x%" .027 600 r..xl~." .03 600 r..xl~." .033 600 ,%,xl~." .035 600 '%zxl~." .039 600 3%,xl~." .04 600 Yzxl~." .047 600 '~zxl~." .05 600 'r32xl~." .056 600 3%4xl~." 600 'Y1.xl~." .06 .068 600 3~xl~." .075 600 'Y1.xl~." .082 600 3~,xl~." .1 600 'Ysxl~." .15 600 '%,xl'Ys" .2 6iiO %xl'Ys" .22 600 20/32XI 'Ys" .25 600 '~.xl'Ys" 1000 ~%,x'JI,." .001 .0015 1000 ' 'l12x'JI,." :002 1000 ¥Sx'JI,." .0022 1000 ¥Sx'JI,." .003 1000 '\-3,x7h" .004 1000 ¥Sx%" .0047 1000 '~x'h" .005 1000 '~,x'h" -- EACH 1-24 25-49 50-99 100-249 -:IS -:TO Ta --:07 .15 .15 .15 .15 .1S .1S .1S .1S .IS .IB .IS .IS ,IS .21 .10 .OS .07 .10 .OS .07 .10 .OS .07 .11 .OS .07 .11 .OS .07 .11 .09 .07 .11 .09 .07 .11 .09 .07 .11 .09 ~ .11 .09 .07 .11 .09 .07 .13 .10 .OS .13 .10 .OS .09 .13 .11 -:2T -:T3 .11 .11 .11 .11 .11 --:09 .12 .12 .12 .14 .10 .10' .10 .09 .09 .09 .09 .21 '.21 .21 .21 .21 .24 .24 .24 .24 .27 .27 .27 .27 .30 .39 .42 .45 .30 .30 .14 .14 .14 .14 .15 .15 .15 ;15 .IS .IB .IS .IS .19 .23 .27 .27 .27 .09 .10 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .10 .OB .10 .OS .11 .08 .11 .OB .11 .09 -:IT -:10 .11 -:T4 -.1-1.14 .14 .15 .IS .21 .21 .21 .07 .OB .12 .12 .12 .15 --:T7 .17 .17 .06 .06 -:30 -:TO Ta --:06 .06 .06 .07 .07 .07 .--------CAPACITOR K I T S - - - - - - - . "BLACK BEAUTY" KITS Contain popular assortments of Atom electrolytics, Black Beauty. or Orange Drop capacitors. Perfect for service shop or laboratory. Supplied in compartmented steel cabinets or plastic cases. You know iust where capacitors are-when you need them. TK·!. Molded tubulars. 72 of the most common values. From .001 tc .25 mfd. All are 600 WVDC. In plastic case with compartments size, 1 %x11x6 Yz". 2 Yz Ibs. ' 13 L 507 ........ , .................................... TK-3. Buffer capacitors. 36 of the most used ratings. From .001 to .01 mfd. 1600 WVDC.' In handy compartmented plastic case. Size l%x11x6Yz". Shpg. wt., 2Yz Ibs. 13 L 509 ......................... " ................... TK·S. Sturdy, single-drawer steel cabinet contains 59 molded tubu, lars in 9 popular ratings. From .001 to .25 mfd at 600 WVDC. Size ATOM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR KITS EK-!. Handy kit of Atom electrolytic capacitors. Meets 93 % of all tubular electrolytic replacement requirements. Ideal for the service shop or labinsures having the proper capacity value at all times. Consists of the following TVA types (listed in table on facing page): 1 each-H1205, 1303, 1304, 1410, 1704, 1711, 1716, 2450, 2453; 2 each-i/1705, 1709, 1712. SlIpplied in crystal-clear comp~t llEuted plastic case; each capacitor is immediately accessible. Capacitors are small in size; rated at SO·C. Case size is 6 Yzx11xl %". Wt., 2lbs. 13 L SOB ............. : .... .13.70 EK·9 Contain capacitors of ",Os! popular values pocked in handy cases for quick access. 156 • ALLIED EK-9. Deluxe assortment of Atomelectrolytics. Perfect for shop or labinsures always having the correct elec-, trolytic capacitor available when needed. Contains one each of the following TVA types (listed in table on facing page): #1205, 1207, 1303, 1304, 1306, 1308, 1310, 1410, 1413, 1422, 1704, 1705, 1709, 1711, 1712, 1716, 2450, and 2453. Supplied in a blue plastic cabinet with nine clear plastic drawers, complete with adiustable dividers. Cabinet size (HWD), 5x9Y4x61,f.,". Shpg. wt., 3 Ibs. 19 L 280 .................... 16.14 14.7C 14.2.5 i~~3~~~~.":.~~~~: .~~':.~ ~~~' .................... ,.... 12.7,5 TK·6. Handsome two-drawer steel cabinet contains 119 moldec tubulars in 10 popular ratings. From .001 to .25 mfd at 600 WVDC ~~zeL !~~~~~.~.":;~~~~: :-':~". ~.I.~s: 24.0C ..................... TK-26. A handy plastic storage tray containing 40 molded tubulars5 each of 8 popular values from .001 to .1 mfd. All are rated 60< ~Vf~I~~~' .~~~~~ ~~.. ~~~~: :,,:~.: .1.~. ~~~' .............. .7.8C "ORANGE DROP" KITS TK.!2. 70 "Orange Drop" "Mylar" paper capacitors in 10 mosl popular ratings from .001 to .1 mfd at 600 WVDC. Supplied h handy plastic case with individual compartments. Dimensions W'~jt~6~:':.~~~.g: .~~.: .~~ ~~~'....................... .I3.8~ TK-24. Rugged 2-drawer steel cabinet contains 124 "Orange Drops' in the 13 most popular ratings from .001 to .25mfd at 600 WVDC f~b~~etl~i~~: .~~~~~~~~..~t.... ~.I.~s: ................... 24.9C TK.27. Contains 40 "Orange Drop" capacitors in 8 popular values All are rated at 600 WVDC. Assortment features values from .00: to .1 mfd. Supplied in handy plastic tray. Dimensions, 9x6xl Yz' ~;Pt·2';~·:. ~ ~.I~~: ................................... ~7.8C Specify Manufacturer's Type No. and Capacitance on Capacitor Orderl SPRIIGUE TV A, TU Atom Midget Electrolytics Sprague Atom electrolytics offer dependable performance, compact size and the ability to operate at high temperatures. Ultra-compact size makes these dry electrolytics excel1ent for use in circuits for television, .AC-DC home radios. auto radios, and radio~phonograph combinations. Easy to install---:even in crowded chassis. Capacitors will perform efficiently at temperatures up to 85 °C(185 of) and withstand high surge voltages and ripple currents as found in television circuits. All have extremely low leakage and long shelf life. *In table below indicates separate negative leads. Have metal cases with outer cardboard insulating case except those indicated by t, cardboard. Av. shpg. wt., 6 oz. llil Stock No. Type TVA ----15 L 9BI 1100 16 16 16 16 15 16 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 15 15 15 15 15 16 15 15 15 16 L 230 1101 L 231 1102 L 232 1103 L 233 1105 L B61 1106 L 234 1130 L B62 1131 L B63 1132 L 235 1133 L 236 1160 L 237 1161 L 23B 1162 L 239 1163 L 207 1203 L 205 1204 L 206 1205 L 20B 1206 L B67 1207 L B6B ',1208 L B69 1209 L B70 1300 L B71 1301 L 200 1303 L 201 1304 L IB3 1305.5 L 202 1306 L 203 1308 L B76 1310 L B5B 1311 L 859 1312 L 192 1402 L 241 1403 L 193 1405 L-226 1406 L 194 1407 L 195 1409 L 196 1410 L 242 1411 L 197 1412 L 198 1413 L 199 1414 L 243 1415 rID 50 100 250 500 1500 2000 100 250 500 1000 100 250 500 1000 5 10 25 SO 100 250 500 I 2 5 10 20 25 SO 100 150 250 4 5 8 10 12 16 20 25, 30 40 50 60 WV DC 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 IS IS IS 15 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 SO SO SO 50 50 SO SO 50 50 SO ISO ISO 150 150 ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO Size %xl14" YzxIYs" o/axlV16" o/aX2'l16" t'l1,x2 t X6" t'l16x2t o/t6" o/!6xl'l16" o/axl tX6" %XltX6" t'l16x2'l16" o/aXI'l16" o/aXl t X6" tX6x2'l16" v..X2'l16" %xl14" %xl 14" , %xl14· o/!6xl'l16" o/!",l t X6" %XI'X6D 7/ax2'l16" %xl14" %xl14" %xlY." %xl14" Yl6xl%" Yl6xl %" o/!6x l t X6" %Xl t X6" %Xl t X6" lo/t6X11 V,6" %xlY." %xlY." %xl%" %xl%" Yzxlo/a" o/!6xlt X6" o/!6xl'X6" o/axl t X6" o/aXl t X6" %XltX6" 1¥16x l 1!-i6" v..Xl t X6" 1- 25- 50. 100· 24 49 99 249 .57 .41 .32 .26 .72 .50 .39 .32 .BI .64 .50 .40 .93 .73 .57 .46 1.26 .9B .76 .61 1.3B I.OB .B4 .67 .72 .52 .40 .32 .B7 .6B .53 .43 1.02 .79 .62 .49 1.35 1.05 .B2 .65 .75 .52 .41 .33 .93 .74 .60 .46 1.05 .B3 .64 .52 1.3B 1.07 .B4 .67 .60 .42 .26 ~ .60 .42 .33 .27 .60 .44 .35 .2B .66 .47 .37 .30 .BI .5'B .45 .36 1.02 .79 .61 .49 1.3B 1.07 .B4 .67 .54 .39 .31 .25 .54 .39 .31 .25 .60 .42 .32 .26 .60 .42 .33 .27 .60 .43 .34 .27 .63 .44 .35 .2B .72 .52 .40 .32 .B4 .60 .47 .40 .93 .51 .41 ~ 1.05 .83 M .52 .60 .43 .33 .27 .60 .43 .34 .27 .63 .45 .35 .28 .63 .46 .36 .29 .66 .47 .37 .29 .69 .49 .38 .31 .72 .50 .39 .32 .75 .53 .41 .33 .7B .55 .43 .35 .BI l-:Sa .45 .36 .84 .60 .47 .38 .90 .63 .49 .40 Stock Type No. TVA Type No. TVA L 255 2315 L 245 2415 L 254 2420 L,247 2428 L 253 2421 L 252 2438 L 251 2434 L 249 420 L 250 2442 L 243 2445 L 244 2450 L 305 2453 L 306 2460 L 259 2462 L 262 2464 L 263 2467 L 221 t2640 L 220 2720 L 221 t88 L 222 2725 2722 L 884 L215 1616 L 227 2730 L 986 2735 L 987 2740 L 220 t2711 Mfd 10-10 8-8 16-16 20-20 30-20 40-20 30-30 *40-20 40-30 40-40 50-30 SO-SO 80-30 80-50 100-100 200-5 140-5 8-8 *8-8 16-8 10-10 *16-16 20-20 30-30 40-40 80-100 SO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO 350 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450-50 @] EACH WV DC Size v..XI%6" v..Xl%6" v..xl%6" 7/axIYl6" v..Xl t X6" v..Xl t X6" 7/axl t X6" IX6x2o/a" v..Xlto/t6" v..Xlto/t6" v..xl 1o/t6" ~~i. v.. 13 " a" lx3Va" IY.x3v..* v..XI'X6" IV,,,,3%H 7/ax2'l16" v..xl'o/t6" l%x,3Ys" 7/ax2'o/t6" Ix3'l16" lx31~6" l%x4%" Mfd 15 L B7B 1418 16 L 619 1420 16 L 240 1422 16 L 244 tt423 16 L 245 t1425 15 L 191 1447 16 L246 1480 15 L 185 1501 15 L IB6 1503 16 L 617 1504 15 L IB7 1505 15 L I BB 1507 15 L IB9 1508 16 L 61 B 1510 15 L 190 1511 16 L 247 t1575 16 L 616 1601 15 L IBI 1603 15 L IB4 1608 15 L 9B3 1611 15 L 9B4 1613 16 L 615 1701 15 L 170 1702 15 L 171 1704 15 L 225 1705 15 L 172 1706 15 L 173 1708 15 L 174 1709 15 L 169 1711 15 L 178 1712 -15 L 991 17i3 16 L 24B 1714 15 L 9B5 1716 IB L 219 1718 16 L 613 1802 16 L 614 1804 15 L 175 1902 15 L 176 1905 15 L 177 1906 16 L 249 1962 16 L 256 1963 16 L 257 1965 16 L 25B 1966 DUAL SECTION TYPE TVA (Except *TU) Stock 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 18 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 18 Mfd SINGLE SECTION TYPE TVA EACH 1· 25. 50· 100· 24 49 99 249 .B4 .57 .46 .90 .75 .5B .47 I.OB .78 .61 .49 .99 .80 .62 .50 1.02 .B2 .64 .51 1.05 .B4 .65 .52 I.OB .B5 .66 .53 1.32 .B3 .65 .52 1.08 .86 .67 .54 .69 .55 1.11 I~ 1.17 .8B .69 1.26 .93 .72 .5j! 1.32 .94 .73 .59 1.41 .99 .77 .62 1.92 1.11 .87 .69 - -- 1.59 1.17 .91 .73 2.49 1.66 1.29 1.03 1.12 .88 .69 .55 1.29 .89 .69 .55 1.20 .98 ~ .61 1.11 .92 .72 .58 1.68 1.10 .85 .68 1.50 1.19 .92 .74 1.80 1.46 1.13 .91 2.04 1.79 1.40 1.12 2.22 1.70 1.32 1.06 n --:ss Stock No. 15 L 307 15 L 30B 15 L 309 I B L 222 15 L 327 -IS L 9B9 15 L 9BB 15 L 312 15 L 32B 15 L 313 -15 L 329 15 L 314 I B L 223 15 L 990 Type TVA 80 100 150 200 300 150 200 4 8 10 12 16 20 30 40 140 4 8 20 40 60 2 4 8 10 12 16 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 10 20 8 16 20 8 10 16 20 WV DC ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO 200 200 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 300 350 350 350 350 350 450 450 450 !l50 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 475 475 500 500 500 600 6PO 600 600 EACH Size v..xl"Y16" v..,,2¥16" Ix2'l1.. 1x317l6" l%x3v.." l%x3%" t 3/sx3¥S" Yl6xlo/a" Yzxlo/a" o/!6xltV,6" o/!6xl t V,6" o/axl'V,6" 'V,6x11 Y16" lY16x2Y16" %x2¥16" l%x3%" Yzxlo/a" o/aXI'X6" '¥16Xl1YJ6" v..X2Vt6" Ix2%6" %6xl%" o/,6x l'V,6" tX6xlt V,6N 'Y16x l'Y16" %Xl'V,6" %x2¥16" %x2o/16" v..x2¥16" v..X2'V,6N 'l8X3o/16" lx3'X6" lx3 1Y!6" 1~'sx31116" %xl'M6" v..X2Vt6" 'l8x l'Y16" 'M6X2¥16" lx2¥1," lx3M'66 lx3V,," lx4V,6" lx4V,6" 1· 24 .96 1.05 1.14 1.32 1.53 1.53 1.74 .60 .69 .72 .75 .7B .BI .B7 .93 I.B9 .63 .72 .B7 1.05 1.17 .66 .69 .75 .7B .BI .B4 .93 1.02 1.0B 1.26 1.41 1.6B 1.92 .BI .96 .7B .90 .96 1.71 1.77 2.07 2.13 25- 50· 100· 49 99 249 .69 .54 .43 .75 .58 .47 .82 .64 .4B .93 .72 .5B 1.25 .97 .7B 1.09 .B5 .68 1.25 .97 .78 .48 .37 .30 .54 .42 .34 .56 .43 .35 .57 .45 .36 .60 .47 .3B .64 .50 .40 .6B .53 .43 .74 .57 .46 1.3B 1.07 .B6 .49 .3B .31 .55 .43 .35 .6B .53 .42 .BO ~ .50 .91 .71 .57 .52 .41 .33 .54 .42 .34 .60 .46 .37 .60 .47 .37 .64 .50 .40 .6B .53 .42 ,.73 .57 .46 .BO .63 .50 .B3 .52 ~ .9B .76 .61 1.16 .90 .72 1.11 .B7 .69 1.69 1.31 1.05 .64 .50 .40 .75 .5B .47 .61 .4B .3B .70 .55 .44 .75 .5B .47 1.37 1.07 .B5 1.64 1.2B 1.02 1.87 1.46 1.17 1.93 1.50 1.20 TRIPLE SECTION TYPE TVA Mfd 3440 20-20-20 3448 40-30-20 3451 40-40-40 3453 50-30-20 3455 80-40-20 3419 30-30-100 3415 20-20-20 3423 40-30-20 3427 40-40-100 3430 50-30-20 3433 50-30-200 3436 50-50-20 3437.1 80-40-20 3716 12-12-20 WV DC 150 150 150 150 150 150-12 150-25 150-25 150-25 150-25 150-25 150-25 150-25 450-25 EACH Size v..Xl'V,6" v..x2~6" lx2%6" lx2P16" lx2'M6" v..xt t'l16" v..Xl%6" v..xl to/t6" v..X2?l6" v..x2Y!6" Ix2%" ''i16x2'l16" lxl''i16" lxl''i16" 1· 25. SO- lDO. 24 49 99 ~ 1.50 1.27 .99 .79 1.56 1.34 1.04 .B4 1.6B 1.40 1.09 .87 1.62 1.36 1.06 .B5 1.74 1.45 1.13 .90 - -- -- 1.3B 1.31 1.02 .B2 1.47 1.25 .97 .7B 1.50 1.30 1.02 .BI 1.6B 1.39 I.OB .87 1.59 1.34 ~ .B3 1.65 1.46 1.14 --:9i 1.65 1.37 1.07 .B6 1.6B 1.40 1.09 .B7 1.3B 1.37 1.07 .B6 QUADRUPLE SECTION TYPE TV A 16 L 2.84 4576 140-5350-300 200-30 200-150 ,,400-400 16 L 2BB 4659 80-tO40-100 300-50 I B L 224 4708 10-80450-300 40-40 250-250 I B L 225 4748 40-20-20-10 450 15 L 856 4570 40-40-20-20 450 Allied Is Headquarters for Industrial Components at Factory Prices 1 Yzx4v.." 3.63 2.56 1.99 1.59 l%x4Ys" 3.27 1.9B 1.54 1.23 l%x4%" 2.97 I.BS J.44 1.15 l%x4%" 2.B2 1.90 I.4B 1.19 1 Yzx414* 3.27 2.23 1.74 1.39 ALLIED- 157) SPRAGUE Ceramic Capacitors "CERA-MITE" DISC CERAMIC CAPACITORS In standard EIA and other popular values. Moistureproof coating. Tolerances: 1000 WVDC types ±20%; PRICES FOR SERIES SGA 1000 WVDC A B C D E • Code 100-400 4.90 per 100 5.10 per 100 5.90 per 100 6.40 per 100 25.00 per 100 25-99 .12 .12 .12 .12 .31 1-24 .15 .15 .15 .15 .39 -. In Multiples of 100 Only EACH * Code 3000 WVD.C types I.S mmf. ±.2S ",mf; 4.7 mmf.. ±.S mmf; 10 thru 68 mmf. ±10%; 100 thru SOO mmf. ±20%. PRICES FOR SERIES 30GA AND SERIES lOTS BELOW 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 L 300 L 301 L 302 L 303 L 304L 305 L 306 L 307 L 308 ~ 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 L 310 L 311 L 312 L313 L314 L315 L 316 L317 L 318 L319 L 320 L321 L 322 L 323 L 324 L 325 L 326 L 327 L 328 L 329 L 330 L 331 L 332 Type 5GA- Mmf 5 6 7.5 8 10 12 IS 18 20 22 25 27 30 33 39 47 50 56 68 75 82 91 100 120 130 ISO 180 200 220 V50 V60 V75. V80 QI0 Q12 QI5 QI8 Q20 Q22 Q25 Q27 Q30 Q33 Q39 Q47 Q50 Q56 Q68 Q75 Q82 Q91 TIO TI2 TI3 TIS TI8 T20 T22 T24 T25 T27 T30 24Q 250 270 300 * Ie C C C I~ C C C C - CC C C C - CC C C C C -C C C C - AC _c C A C C C C Stock No~ 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 16 16 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 L 333 L 334 L 335 L 336 L 337 L 338 L 339 L 340 L 341 L 342 L 343 L 344 L 345 L 670 L 347 L 348 L 671 L 350 L 351 L 352 L 353 L 354 L 355 L 356 L 357 L 358 L 359 L 360 L 361 L 362 L 363 L 364 5GA- Mmf T33 T35 T36 T39 T40 T47 T50 T56 T60 T68 T75 T80 T82 DIO DI2 DI3 DIS DI6 DI8 D20 D22 D25 D27 D30 D33 D39 D40 D43 D47 D50 510 520 330 350 360 390 400 470 500 560 600 680 750 800 820 .001 t .0012t .0013t .0015t .0016t .0018t .0020t .0022t .0025t .0027t .0030t .0033t .0039t .0040t .0043t .0047t .005t .01t .02t B C D E F G H • -A C C C C A A A C A A A A A A C A C A A A C C C A A C C B B D E SERIES SHK-1000 WVDC (*SOO WVDC) EACH In Multiple. of 100 Only 1.24 25-99 1~0.400 4.70 per 100 18 L 650 D"i"O ~ .15 .12 DIS .0015 18 L 651 4.70 par 100 .15 .12 .002 4.70 per 100 15 L 672 D20 .15 .12 .0022 4.70 per 100 18 L 654 D22 .12 .15 .0025 '5.70 per 100 18 L 659 D25 .15 .12 .0033 4.70 per 100 .15 .12 ~ D33 .0047 4.90 per 100 18 L 665 D47 .15 .12 .005 4.90 per 100 IS L 673 D50 .12 .15 .0068 5.40 per 100 18 L 666 D68 .15 .12 .010 5.40 per 100 .12 15 L 674 510 .15 *.015 7.00 per. 100 18 L 667 515 .15 .12 -.020. 7.60 per 100 .12 19 L 950 520 .15 *.022 7.60 per 100 .12 18 L 668 ~ .15 *.025 7.60 per 100 18 L 669 525 .15 .12 I 530 -.030 18.00 per 100 19 L 951 .27 .21 *.040 18.00 per 100 19 L 952 540 .27 .21 *.050 18.00 per 100 19 L 953 SSO .27 .21 -.1 19 L 954 PI0 51.40 per 100 .78 .62 Stock No. Type 5HK- Mfd J-13S "CERAMICENTER" CERAMIC CAPACITOR KIT Saves Time and Effort-Eliminates Searching Through Scattered Boxes Contains 710 capacitors of 57 different values. packaged in handy reusable "K1eer-Pak" plastic boxes and conveniently arranged in a two-drawer. metal sliding-tray cabinet. Kit includes: 290 Type 5GA; 1000 WVDC ceramic disc capacitors in 31 different capacitance values from 5 mmf to 20.000 mmf; 145 Type 5HK "High K" bypass and coupling capacitors in 7 different values from .001 mfd 'to .01 mfd @ 1000 WVDC. and .02 mfd to .1 mfd @ 500 WVDC; 100 Type lOTS. 1000 WVDC temperature stable capacitors in 12 different values from 100 mmf to 20.000 mmf; and 175 Type TG. SO WVDC miniaturized disc capacitors in 7 different values from .005 to .1 mfd. Cabinet. 30*XSJ,1,xU*h. 291bs. II LU 182,. ....................................... 12~ • ALLIED 1-24 .15 .15 .18 .21 .15 .15 .15 .15 .18 .24 .33 A tD eSlgna . es Mfd Stock No. .172.50 In Multiples of 100 Only EACH J K L 25-99 .12 .12 .14 .17 .12 .12 .12 .12 .14 .19 .26 100-400 8.90 per 100 9.30 per 100 11.00 per 100 13.00 per 100 8.50 per 100 7.50 perIOD 7.90 per 100 8.30 per 100 12.00 per 100 15.10 per 100 20.40 per 100 SERIES 30GA-3000 WVDC Stk. No. 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 L 387 L 370 L 371 L 372 L 373 L 374 L 389 L 375 L 390 L 376 Type Mmf • Stk. No. 30GA-Vls 30GA-V47 30GA-QIO 30GA-Q15 30GA-Q25 30GA-Q30 30GA-Q39 30GA-QsO 30GA-Q60 30GA-Q68 1.5 4.7 10 15 25 30 39 50 60 68 A A A A A A A A. A A 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 L 377 L 378 L 379 L 380 L·381 L 382 L 383 L384 L 385 L 386 Type 30GA-TlO 30GA-Tl2 30GA-T15 30GA-Tl8 30GA-T20 30GA-T22 30GA-T25 30GA-T27 30GA-T30 30GA-TsO Mmf 100 120 150 180 200 220 250 270 300 500 * -A A B B B -B B' B C D TEMPERA TURE-ST ABLE SERIES lOTS 1000 WVDC. §Mfd. Tolerance. ±10% . 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 L 201 L 202 L 203 L 204 L 205 L 206 L 207 L 208 L 209 L 210 'i'3L2iI 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 L 212 L 213 L 214 L 215 L 216 L 217 L 218 L 219 L 220 L 241 L 242 L 243 L 244 L 245 L246 L247 L 248 L249 L 250 L 251 L221 L 222 L 223 L 224 10T8-V33 10T8-V50 IOT5-V60 10T8-V68 10TS-V75 IOTS-V80 10TS-QI0 10TS-Q12 10TS-Q15 10T5-Q18 10TS-Q20 10TS-Q22 10T8-Q25 10T8-Q27 IOTS-Q30 lOTS-Q33 10TS-Q39 10T8-Q47 10TS-Q50 10T8-Q56 lOT5-~8 10T8- 75 10T8-Q82 10T8-Q91 10T8-TlO 10T8-Tl2 10T8-Tl3 lOTS-TIS IOTS·T18 10T8-T20 10TS-T22 10TS-T24 10TS-T25 10T8-T27 10TS·T30 3.3 5 6 6.8 7.5 8 10 12 15 18 20 22 25 27 30 '33 39 47 50 56 68 7S 82 91 100 120 130 ISO 180 200 220 240 250 270 300 -- E E E E - EE E E E E --E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 1.2;. E E F E E F E E E E 13 L 225 13 L 226 13 L 227 13 L 228 13 L 229 13 L 230 13 L231 13 L 232 13 L'233 13'L 234 13 L 235 13 L 236 13 L 237 13 L 238 13 L 239 13 L 240 13 L 252 13 L 253 13 L 254 13 L 255 13 L 256 13 L 257 13 L 258 13 L 259 13 L 260 13 L 261 13 L 262 13 L 263 13 L 264 13 L 265 13 L 266 13 L 267 13 L 272 13 L 273 10TS-T33 10T8-T35 10TS-T36 10TS-T39 IOTS-T40 10T8-T47 10T8-T50 10T8-T56 10T8-T60 10T8-T68 10TS-T75 10T8-T80 10T8-T82 10T8-DIO 10TS-D12 10TS-D13 lOTS-DIS 10TS-D16 10TS-D18 10TS-D20 10TS·D22 IOTS·D25 IOTS·D27 10TS·D30 10TS·D33 10TS-D39 IOTS·D4O 10TS-D43 10TS·D47 IOT8-D50 10TS·DS6 .IOTS·D68 10T8-D75 10TS·SIO 330 F E 350 E 360 390 E E 400 470 F 500 F 560 F 600 E 680 F. 750 F 800 F F 820 G .001! .00121 G .00131 A .00151 G .00161 A .00181 H .002! -H .00221 H .00251 B .00271 B .003! C .00331 B -J.00391 .0041 D .00431 D .00471 J .0051 J .00561 K .00681 K .00751 L .01 § L Series TG-50 WVDC Tol ... +80 to -200/,o. except *+80 to -300/,o· Stock No. 15 15 15 15 15 L 995 L 996 L 997 L 998 L 999 Mfr's Type TG-D50 TG-SIO TG-S25 * TG-S50 TG-PIO Mfd .005 .01 .025 .05 .1 EACH 1-24 25-99 .15 .12 .15 .12 .15 .12 .30 .24 .39 .31 In Multiples of 100 pnly 100-500 8.00 per 100 7.40 per 100 9.50 per 100 18.80 per 100 25.00 per 100 Series HY-capacitances are GMV's 3 WVDC except *12 WVDC 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 L671 L672 L 673 L 674 L 675 L394 L 395 L 396 L 397 HY-120 .10 39 HY-12S .22 .24 • 1 .47 HY"130 .24 HY-135 1.00 .30 I HY-lS0 2.20 ~I HY-310* --:047 15 HY-320* .1 .15 1 • HY-32S* .22 .24 HY-330* .47 .36 .31 .19 .19 .24 .31 .12 .12 .19 .29 26.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 9.00 9.40 15.00 24.00 per per per per per per per per per 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Specify Mfr's T.ype No. and Capacitance on Capacitor Orders Electrolytic and Ceramic Capacitors by SPRAGUE SERIES TL TRANSI-LYTIC (310) CAPACITORS Transi-lytic capacitors are miniature units specially designed for transistorized circuit applications. Ideal for use in pocket radios, walkie-talkies. intercoms. etc. Utilize special low-leakage current on capacitor case-leads are marked as to polarity. Have operating temperaturerangeof -20°C to +65°C. Tolerance is -10% to +100% of rated capacitance measured at 120 cps and 25°C. construction to meet requirements of trarisistor circuitry. Have plastic case with thermo-setting resin end-seals for excellent resistance to high humidity conditions. All values are clearly marked Stock No. Mfr's Type Mfd WV DC - - - - -I - -3 ---14 L 072 TLI050 14 L 073 14L074 14L075 14 L 076 14 L 077 14 L 078 14 L 079 14 L 080 14 L081 14 L 082 14 L083 14 L 084 14 L 085 14 L 086 14 L 087 14 L 088 14 L 089 14L090 14 L091 14 L 092 14 L 093 14 L 094 14 L 095 14 L 096 14 L 097 3 TLI051 2 TLI052.2 5 3 TL1052.5 8 3 TLI053 10 - -33 - - - -25 TLI055 TLI058 50 3 TLI059.5 100 3 TLI061. 3 ISO TLI064 3 200 TLI065 - - - -250 - 36 TLI080 I TLI081 2 6 6 TLI084 5 6 TLI086 8 TLI087 6 10 TLl091 6 25 TLll00 6 50 TL1102 6 100 TLll03 6 15.0 TLll03.5 175 6 -1 - -12TL1120 TL1121 12 2 TL1127 12 5 TL1l27.3 8 12 TL1128 10 12 Size Dia. xL. .180".57 .180".57 .180x.57 .180x.57 .180x.57 .250x.82 .250".82 .250x.82 .375,,1.07 .375,,1.07 .375x1.07 .180x.57 .180x.57 .180".57 .180".57 .210".70 .250x.82 .312x.82 .375x1.07 .375x1.07 .375x1.07 .180".57 .180x.57 .180x.57 .210x.70 .210x.70 EACH 124 2549 SO99 Stock No. lDO249 -- -- - .32 .42 .25 --14 L 098 14 L 099 14 L 100 14 L 101 14 L 103 14 L 104 14 L 105 14 L 106 14 L 107 14 L 108 14 L 109 14LII0 14 L III 14LII2 14LII3 .20 --- - - - .42 .32 .25 .20 .42 .32 .45 .33 .54 .41 .54 .41 .66 .49 .42 .42 .42 .45 .60 .60 .42 .32 .25 .26 .32 .32., .38 .20 .21 .25 .25 .• 30 .25 .20 I4iII4 -.32- --.25 .20 .32 .33 .44 .44 .25 .26 .35 .35 .20 .21 .28 .28 .32 .25 .20 14LII5 14LII6 14 L 117 14 L 118 I4LiI9 14 14 14 14 LJ.20 L 121 L 122 L 123 HIGH-K MONOLYTHIC CAPACITORS frequency use. Temperature range of -55°C to +85°C. Tolerance ±20%. No anti-resonance points to 1000 me. Withstand test potential of 100 VDC for at least 1 second at 25°C. 2 oz. r;mjrll!t, RADIAL LEADS 25 WVDC 13 L 370 13 L 371 13 L 372 13 L 373 13.L 374 13 L 375 13 L 376 13 L 377 13 L 378 13 L 379 13 L 380 13 L 381 16 L 589 13 L 382 16 L 698 16 L 699 16 L 825 16 L 823 16 L 824 16 L 697 16 L 695 16 16 16 16 L L L L 663 660 667 668 669 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 L 360 L361 L 362 L 363 L 364 L 365. L 366 L 367 L 368 L 369 Mfr's Type Mfd -- 3C3 .01 3C6 .015 3C9 .022 3CI2 .033 3CI5 .047 3CI8 .068 3C21 .1 4C38 .15 4C41 .22 4C44 - -.33 4C47 .47 .68. 4C50 5C7 .1 5C8 .15 5C9 .22 5CIO - .33 5CIl .47 5CI2 .68 5C13 .1 5C14 1.5 .5C15 2.2 Size (LxWxT) 149 .390x.202".125 .390x.202x.125 .390x.202x.125 1.74 .390".2021'.125 .390x.202x.125 -.390x.202x.125 1.84 .390x.2021'.140 1.92 .515".296x.150 2.18 .515x.296".150 2.38 .515".296x.150 3.02 .535x.340".234 4.07 .535x.340".234 5.14 .500x.500".125 .80 .500x.500x.125 .92 .500x.500x.125 1.06 .500".500x.125 1.20 .50Ox.500x.125 1.38 .500x.50Ox. t 40 1.48 .500".500".140 1.96 .500x.500x.238 3.00 .500x.500x.238 3.96 5099 100. 249 250499 Stock No. -19-L-955 19 19 19 1·9 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 1.31 .98 .87 -- -- -- - - -.92 1.38 1.04 1.44 1.08 1.64 1.23 1.79 1.34 2.27 1.70 3.05 2.29 3.86 2.89 .45 .60 .52 .69 .80 .60 .68 .90 1.04 .78 1;11 .84 1.47 1.11 2.25 1.69 2.97 2.23 RADIAL LEADS 50 WVDC .1 5C50 1.06 1 .90 .80 1 SCSI 1 .15 1·5oox.5oo".125 .500x.50Ox.125 1 1.20 5C52 .22 .5OOx.500x.140 1.38 1.04 .33 5C53 .500x.500x.238 2.00 1.50 5C54 .47 .500x.500x.238 2.52 1.89 3Cl 3C4 3C7 3CIO 3CI3 3ci6 3C19 4C36 4C39 4C42 I· .60 .68 .78 1.13 1.42 TL1131 25 12 TL1133 50 12 TL1135 12 100 TL1148 I 16 TL1149 -52 - -16 TL1152 16 TL1154 8 16 TL1155 10 16 TL1157.1 25 16 TL1l60 50 -16 TL1162 100 16 TL1170 I 20 TLl171 2 20 TL1l74 5 20 TL1176 8 20 TL1177 10 20 TL1180 25 20 TL1182 50 20 TLI200 1 25 TL1201 2 25 -5-TLl202 25 TL1203.5 8 25 TL1204 10 25 TL1207 25 25 TLl209 50 25 .250".82 .312x.82 .375x1.07 .180x.57 .180x.57 .218x.57 .2IOx.70 .250x.82 .250x.82 .375x1.07 .375x1.07 .180x.57 .180x.57 .210x.70 .2IOx.70 .250x.82 .312x.82 .375,,1.07 .180".57 .180x.57 .250x.82 .250".82 .250x.82 .375".107 .375x1.07 Mfd -- -- 124 .42 .42 .45 .42 .42 .42 .42 .45 .45 .45 .48 .42 .42 .45 .45 .45 .54 .54 .42 .42 .45 .1!·5 .45 .54 .54 2549 SO- .32 .34 .32 .32 .32 .32 .33 .34 .34 .36 .32 .32 .33 .33 .33 .40 .41 .32 .32 .33 .33 .33 .41 .41 .25 .27 .25 .25 .25 .25 .26 .27 .27 .28 .25 .25 .26 .26 .26 .31 .32 .25 -.25 .26 .26 .26 .32 .32 99 -.32 - -.25 .96 1.09 1.19 1.51 2.04 2.57 .40 .46 .53 .60 -.69 .74 .98 1.50 1.98 .53 .60 .69 1.00 1.26 AXIAL LEADS 25 WVDC .01 .390".202x.125 .015 .390x.202x.125 .022 .390x.202x.125 1.82 1.37 1.03 .91 .033 .390x.202x.125 .047 .390x.202x.125 - - - - - - -.96 .068 .390x.202".125 1.92 1.44 1.08 .390x.202x.140 2.00 1.50 1.13 1.00 .1 .. 15 .515x.296x.156 2.26 1.70 1.28 1.13 .22 .515x.296".156 2.46 1.85 1.39 1.23 .33 .515x.296".156 3.10 2.33 1.75 1.55 lDO249 .20 .20 .21 .20 .20 .20 .20 .21 .21 .21 .23 .20 .20 .21 .21 .21 .25 .25 .20 .20 -.21.21 .21 .25 .25 • .. SERIES 10TCC NPO CERAMICS Zero temperature-coefficient capacitors. 1000 WVDC. Tolerance: ±S%. 6.8 ",,,,f and ahove; ±.2S ",,,,f. 4.7 ",,,,f and below. EACH Stock No. Size Dia. xL. Type CERAMIC DISC CAPACITORS Series C-23. For VHF and UHF equipment. low RF and audio EACH WV DC Mfr's L 956 L 957 L 958 L 959 L 960 L 961 L 962 i. 963 L 964 L 965 L 966 L 967 L 968 L 969 L 970 L 971 L 972 L 973 L 974 L 975 L 976 L 977 Mfr's Type Mmf IOTC;C-VI0 -uJ 10TCC-VI5 1.5 10TCC-V22 2.2 10TCC-V33 3.3 10TCC-V47 4.7 10TCC-V68 -c;:s IOTCC-QIO 10.0 IOTCC-QI5 15.0 IOTCC-Q20 20.0 10TCC-Q22 22.0 IOTCC-Q25 25.0 IOTCC-Q33 33.0 IOTCC-Q39 39.0 10TCC-Q47 47.0 IOTCC-Q50 50.0 -IOTCC-Q6S 68.0 IOTCC-Q75 75.0 IOTCC-TIO 100.0 10TCC-Tl2 i20.0 10TCC-Tl5 150.0 10TCC-Tl75 175.0 IOTCC-T22 220.0 IOTCC-T27 270.0 EACH In lVIultipiesof100 Only 100·400 1·24 -- 25·99 .15 .12 5.00 per 100 .12 5.00 por 100 -.15 -.15- -.12.15 .15 .15 .15 .12 .12 .12 .12 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.20 6.20 .15 .12 6.20 per 100 -.15.15 .18 .24 .12 .12 .15 .19 9.00 10.00 10.60 r5.30 per per per per per per per per per 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 SERIES 10TCU N750 CERAMICS Negative temperature coefficient capacitors with a negative chan ge of 750 parts per million per degree Centigrade. All are rated 10 00 WVDC Tolerance. ±S%. 5 19 L 978 10TCU-V50 10 19 L 979 IOTCU-QI0 5.00 pe.l00 .15 .12 IOTCU-QI5 15 19 L 980 20 19 L 981 10TCU-Q20 19 L 982 IOTCU-Q22 22 25 19 L 983 10TCU-Q25 5.00 pe.l00 .15 .12 33 19 L 984 IOTCU-Q33 47 19 L 985 IOTCU-Q47 68 19 L 986 10TCU-Q68 75 19 L 987 10TCU-Q75 .15 .12 6.20 pcr 100 100 19 L 988 10TCU-TiO 150 19 L 989 10TCU-Tl5 200 19 L 990 10TCU-T20 6.20 per 100 .15 .12 220 19 L 991 IOTCU-T22 9.00 per 100 .fs .12 330 19 L 992 10TCU-T33 10.00 po •. l00 .15 .12 19 L 993 10TCU-T47 470 15.30 per 100 .24 .19 680 19 L 994 10TCU-T68 .27 17.00 per 100 .21 --- -- Allied Maintains the World's Largest Stocks of Electronic Components / ALLIED. 159 \ SPRAGUE Twist-Prong Electrolytic Capacitors TVL AND PCL MIDGET CAN CAPACITORS "Twist-Lok" hermetically sealed, aluminum can capacitors. Withstand extremely high temperatures, ripple currents and surge voltages. Excellent for use in selenium rectifier circuits. *PCL types, for use in printed circuits. With both bake- lite and m~tal mounting washers. All types rated +85?C. Up to 150 WVDC, capacity tolerance is -10% to +100%; above 150 WVDC, -10% .to +50%. Can is common negative. Terminals are welded to capacitor cathodes . and tinned for easy soldering. Values clearly marked to eliminate error. Av. wt., 6 oz. TWIST-PRONG CAPACITOR SIZE CHART C:de I B Ola. x L %x2' 1x2' Code e D I Ola. x L 1x2Yz' lx311' I Code lOla. XL,' Code E lx3Yz' G F 1x4' H Dla. x L lo/ax2' lo/ax2W I COde, J K Oia. x L lo/ax3' lo/ax3Yz' Ola. x L lo/ax4' Code L SINGLE SECTION Stock No. Cap. Mfd OC WV ~ 2000 1000 2000 3000 500 1000 100 500 1000 1500 50 80 100 120 140 150 150 200 300 160 20 40 100 150 200 6 15 15 15 25 25 50 '50 50 50 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 200 250 250 250 250 250 EACH Type TVL- Size 1- 26. SO- 100. ·PCL. 24 49 99 249 1115 G I.B3 1.30 1.01 .81 1165 e 1.53 .94 .74 .59 1168 G 2.07 1.44 1.12 .89 1170 J 2.55 I'.B2 1.42 1.14 B 1220 1.53 .B7 .68 .54 1230 G 2.13 1.30 1.01 .81 1317 A .9,9 .5B .45 .36 H 1.59 1.09 .85 .6B 1330 1338 K 2.25 1.49 1.16 .93 1341 I.B7 1.45 1.16 -LB- 2.64 1415 .99 '.66 .51 .41 1420 e 1.11 .71 .56 .45 1423 C 1.20 .75 .58 .47 1425 e 1.29 .7B .61 .49 1428 D 1.29 .81 .63 .51 1429 D 1.29 .B3 .65 .52 1430 1.29 .99 .77 .62 J 1431 L 1.47 1.10 .B6 .69 1434 K 1.68 1.25 .97 .7B 1473 _J_ I.B9 1.10 .B6 .69 1509 B .96 .64 .50 .40 1519 B 1.08 .70 .54 .44 1535 D 1.62 .89 .69 .55 1540 H I.B6 1.17 .91 .73 1547 K 2.19 1.36 1.06 .85 15 16 50 50 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 200 250 250 250 300 300 350 350 350 350 2160 , E 2.64 1.40 1.09 .B7 2179.5 e I.B3 1.02 .BO .64 B 2320 1.02 .73 .57 .46 2326 B 1.26 .81 .63 .50 2415 B 1.02 .73 .57 .45 B 2422 1./1 .76 .59 .47 2425 B I. /I .76 .59 .47 2428 e 1.14 .BO .62 .50 2432 e 1.20 .BO .62 .50 B 1.20 .79 .62 .49 2432' 2435 C 1.29 .B3 .64 .52 2439 C 1.32 .83 .64 .52 2441' e 1.35 .84 .65 .52 2442 H 1.3B 1.02 .79 .63 D 2442' 1.3B .B6 .67 .54 2442.1 C 1.44 .BB .6B .55 2444 1.62 1.24 .96 .77 J 2447 L 2.40 1.50 1.17 .94 2470 G 1.83 1.37 1.07 .85 2515 B 1.14 .78 .61 .49 2520 ~ 1.50 .90 .70 .56 2535 L 3.09 1.76 1.37 1.09 2575 H 2.25 1.13 .BB .71 2585 2.43 1.45 1.13 .90 J 2625 B 1.35 .BI .63 .50 D 2626 1.74 .87 .6B ~ D 2628 1.74 .96 .75 .60 2634 L 2.46 1.41 1.10 .88 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 L 364 L 365 L 366 L 362 L 363 L 357 L 35B L 359 L 360 L 344 L 345 L 346 L 347 L 34B L 349 L 350 L 351 L 352 L 343 L 338 L 339 L 340 L341 L 342 ---- , -- -- Stock No. Cap. Mfd OC WV 19 L 334 19 L 335 19 L'OOO 19 L 336 19 L 337 -19 L 329 19 L 330 19 L331 19 L 332 19 L 333 19 L314 19 L 315 19 L 316 19 L 317 19 L 324 19 L 325 19 L 326 19 L 327 19 L 328 19 L 307 19 L 308 19 L 309 19 L 310 19 L 311 19 L 312 80 100 125 150 250 40 50 80 125 150 10 15 20 30 40 50 80 100 125 10 20 30 40 80 90 300 300 300 300 300 350 350 350 350. 350 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 500 500 500 500 500 500 EACH Type TVL. Size 1· 25. 50. 100. ·PCL. 24 49 99 249 1573 E 1.53 .90 "To .56 1578 F 1.74 .98 .76 .61 M 1580 2.10 1.25 .97 .78 1584 K 2.10 1.34 1.05 .B4 1590 L 3.33 1.74 1.35 I.OB 1621 B T:2O .77 --:&ii AS 1622 B 1.26 .B2 , .64 .51 1630 G 1.71 1.10 .B6 .69 1638 K 2.37 1.37 1.06 .B5 1642 L 2.37 1.50 1.17 .93 -B- --:93 .65 .51 .41 1705 B 1709 1.02 .69 .54 .43 1714 B I.OB .72 .56 .45 1720 1.17 .BO .63 .50 'C 1725 D 1.23 .BB .68 .55 1728 D 1.41 -:95 .7·4 .59 1735 H 1.83 1.31 1.02 .BI 1750 2.07 1.47 1.15 .92 J 1760 L 2.31 1.69 1.31 1.05 1940 B 1.02 .68 .53 .42 1943 C 1.11 .78 .61 .49 1947 D 1.20 .89 ;69 .55 1950 E 1.50 .99 .77 .62 1958 2.16 1.54 1.20 .96 J 1960 K 2.10 1.66 1.29 1.03 DUAL SECTION 19 L 120 1000-1000 800-200 19 LOOI 50-50 19LII6 19LII7 100-100 20-20 19 L406 30-30 19 L 407 40-20 19 L 408 19 L 102 40-40 50-30 19 L 103 50-30 19 L 104 50-50 19 L 105 19 L 106 70-30 19 L 002 . 80-30 80-40 19L 107 80-40 19 L 003 80-50 19 L 108 19Lfl4 200-5 19L 115 200-200 19 L 405 200-5 20-20 19 L 402 19 L403 40-40 19 L404 150-150 19 L 400 40-40 80-80 19 L401 19 L 395 15-15 20-20 19 L 396 30-30 19 L 397 19 L 004 80-40 -- 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 L 398 L 394 L 376 L 377 L 37B L 379 L 3BO L 3BI L 3B2 L 3B3 L 3B4 L 3B5 L 3B6 L 3B7 L 38B L 3B9 L 390 L 393 L 392 L 373 L 374 L 246 L 375 L 368 L 369 L 370 L371 L 372 100-100 80-60 10-10 20-10 15-15 20,20 30-10 30-30 40-20 40-40 50-50 60-40 60-60 80-10 80-20 80-40 100-40 10-20 80-100 15-15 30-10 80-40 80-50 10-10 20-20 30-30 40-40 60-40 350 400 450 450 450 450 450 450 ,450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450' 450 450-25 450-50 475 475 475 475 500 500 . 500 500 500 2641 2677 2750 2754 2753 2755 2757 2759 2762 2764 2767 2770 2772 2776 2776.5 2778 2780 2701 2711 2820 2824 ' 2850 2851 2933 2935 2937 2940 2944 I.BO '1.40 1.12 1.73 1.35 I.OB .B I .63 .50 e .B8 .69 .55 .B9 .69 .55 ~ D 1:53 --:% .75 .60 D 1.44 .96 .75 .60 H I.B3 1.26 .98 .7B H 1.95 1.26 .9B .7B 2.07 1.42 1.10 .B8 J J 2.31 1.56 1.22 .97 K 2.37 1.57 1.23 .9B K 2.70 1.72 1.34 1.07 2.16 1.49 1.16 .93 J 2.34 1.56 1.22 .97 J K 3.03 1.72 1.34 1.07 L 2.91 I.BB 1.46 1.17 B 1.02 .75 .58 .47 2.25 1.49 1.16 .93 J e 1.41 .92 .72 .5B D 1.56 T:02 .79 .63 L 3.7B I.BB 1.47 1.17 L 3.12 1.97 1.53 1.23 e 1.17 .B7 .67 .54 H ~ 1.22 .95 .76 1.95 1.43 1.11 .B9 J 2.5B 1.63 1.27 1.02 J K 2.76 1.84 1.43 1.15 L J B 3.69 2.82 1.14 1.35 1.35 TRIPLE SECTION 19 L 305 19 L 306 19 L 302 19 L 303 19 L 304 19L'I95 19 L 196 19 L 197 19 L 005 19 L 19B 19 L 199 19 L 017 19 L 301 19 L 185 19 L IB6 19 L 187 20-20-20 40-40-40 70-30-100 80-60-230 90-40-400 40-20-100 40-40-20 40-20-200 40-40-200 50-30-100 50-50-20 60-40-200 70-30-20 20-20-20 40-20-20. 40-30-20 160 , ALLIED 25 25 150-150-10 150-150-10 150-150-10 150-150-25 150-150-25 150-150-25 150-150-25 ' 150-150-25 150-150-25 150-150-25 150-150-25 150 150 150 3210 3230 3411' 3414.3' 3414,5 3423 3426 3423.2 3426.3 3427 3430 3431.3 3431.1' 3433 3437 3438 B B B 'e -DHB e E D -B D 'e B e B 1.17 1.92 1.6B 2.04 2.10 1.50 1.44 1.62 1.68 1.62 1.59 1.83 1.62 1.3B 1.44 1.50 .78 .81 .93 1.05 1.25 .91 .B8 1.08 1.00 .94 .92 1.03 .92 .84 .82 .88 .60 .4 8 .63 .51 .73 .5 8 .B2 .6 6 .97 .7 8 .71 .5 7 .69 .5 5 .B4 .6 7 .78 .6 2 .73 .5 9 .71 .5 8 .80 .6 4 .72 .5 7 .65 .5 2 .64 .51 ;69 .5 5 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 3430 150 E IBB 40-40-40 1.56 150 3441.2' e I B9 50-40-30 1.62 i50 3442 D 190 50-50-50 I.BO 3443 D 150 191 60-40-20 1.65 150 34« D 192 80-40-20 1.74 3448,2 150 193 120-120-40 J ,2.43 3450 K 150 194 200-100-60 2.73 L IB4 60-200-140 200-150-150 3461.4 2.BB D 183 80-10-20 200-200-50 3471 1.6B D 181 30-30-20 250-250-25 3513 1.6B 3540 E: 1.74 250 I BO 40-20-20 3560,5 100-200-60 300-150-150 L 179 3.00 L 3.30 178 200-60"20 300-250-250 3563 L 177 100"60-20 300-250-250 3562 2.94 3580 B 300 174 '10-10-10 1.44 ........ .......... .......... ...... ..... . ... .95 .94 .99 .94 .9B T:37 .74 .59 .73 .59 .77 .62 .74 .59 .76 .61 1.07 1.18 .94 1.27 1.02 .71 .57 .74 .59 -:as 1.51 1.63 .91 .94 1.00 -:7B -:62 1.75 1.36 1.09 1.95 1.52 1.22 1.57 1.22 .9B .B6 .67 .53 . ... . ... .... Use the Services of the Allied Facility Nearest You-See Back Cover SPRAGUE Ct I Dia. x L .%x2'" lx2" I COgde I Twist-Prong Electrolytic Capacitors TWIST-PRONG CAPACITOR SIZE CHART .I Dia. xL lx2~" tx3" Code I Dia. x L ~I--lx.,~· F lx4" I Code --G-·H I I Dia. x L l'/ax2' l'/ax2~' Ct I I Dia. x L l¥ax3" COLde I l'/ax3~" Dia. x L l'/ax4' TRIPLE SECTION (Conl'd) Cap. Mid Stock No. 19 L 006 19 L 175 19 L 176 19 LOl6 19 L 173 19 L 169 19L 171 19L 170 19L 172 19 L 168 19 L 167 19L 165 19L 166 19L 164 19L 163 19L 162 19 L007 19 L 158 19 L 159 19 L 160 19 L 161 19 L 155 19 LOl5 19 L 156 DC WV 80-40-40 120-50-40 150-100-30 10-50-100 30-30-20 15-10-20 20-10-20 20-20-20 30-30-20 100-60-20 20-10-5 30-20-10 60-40-20 20-20-20 100-10-80 40-90-50 80-40-40 10-10-20 20-10-20 20-20-20 40-40-20 20-10-50 30-15-150 40-10-100 300-300-300 300 300 350-150-50 350-300-25 350-350-25 350-350-25 350-350-25 350-350-25 350-350-200 350-350-250 350 350 400-400-25 400-400-350 450-150-150 450-250-250 450-450-25 450-450-25 450-450-25 450-450-25 450-450-50 450-450-50 450-450-50 Type TVl·PCl· 3583 3585 3586' 3608 3620 3630 3634 3635 3636.3 3639.2 3639.4 3639.8 3640 3678 3689.3 3708 3713.4 3731 3735 3739 3744 3751 3753 3754.2 ........ ........... .......... ..... Size EACH 25· 50· 24 49 99 2.85 1.52 1.18 3.51 1.76 1.37 3.81 2.03 1.58 1.71 .96 .75 1.89 1.02 .80 1.50 .88 .69 1.53 .90 .70 1.74 .94 .74 2.04 1.19 .93 3.30 1.76 1.37 1.53 .91 .71 1.95 1.04 .81 2.55 1.53 1.19 1.71 1.02 .79 3.66 2.04 1.59 2.40 1.44 1.12 2.88 1.77 1.38 1.44 .90 .70 1.62 1.02 .80 '1.83 1.05 .82 2.34 1.50 1.17 1.71 1.01 .78 2.22 1.32 1.03 2.58 1.36 1.06 I· K L L E r-4--C C B G L C C L 0 L J L B 0 0 H 0 J J . ... .... .... ..... 100· 249 .95 1.09 1.26 .60 .64 .55 .56 .59 .74 1.10 .57 .65 .95 .64 1.27 .90 1.10 .56 .64 .66 .93 .63 .82 .85 .. " Cap. Mid Stock No. Type TVl'PCl- DC WV 19 L 157 80-20-100 19L 154 40·40-40 19 L 152 40-10-80 19 L 153 40-40-100 19 L 129 10-10-10 19 L 130 15-15-10 19 L 131 20-10-10 19 L 132 20-20-20 19 L 133 30-20-20 19 L 134 30-30-30 19L 135 40-30-20 19 L 136 40-40-10 19 L 137 40-40-20 19 L 138 40-40-40 19 L 139 60-20-20 19 L 141 60-30:10 19 L 150 60-40-20 19 L 151 80-40-20 19 L 126 30-30-20 19 L 127 40-10-10 19 L 128 40-30-30 19 L 124 40-40-100 19 L 121 10-10-10 19L 122 30-20-20 19L 123 40-40-10 450-450-50 450-450-150 450-450-200 450-450-200 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 475 475 475 500-500-200 500 500 500 .757 3758 3761 3764 3776 3778 3779 3780 3781 3782 3784 3785 3786 3787 3789 3790 3791 3793 3840 3841 3843 3935 3952 3956 3965 124 L 2.88 K 2.49 J 2.34 l 2.97 0 1.56 -E- 2.67 0 1.74 H 2.16 J 2.31 K 2.61 J 2.58 H 2.49 J 2.67 K 2.94 2.76 J J 2.70 K 3.00 L 3.24 J 2.67 -Jl - 3.48 3.09 L 3.48 D 1.62 J 2.52 K 3.03 EACH 502599 49 1.75 1.36 1.58 1.23 1.46 1.14 1.75 1.37 .97 .76 1.05 .82 1.04 .81 1.34 1.04 1.43 1.11 1.59 1.24 1.57 1.23 1.56 1.21 1.65 1.28 1.81 1.41 1.65 1.28 1.65 1.28 1.8 I 1.41 1.97 1.53 1.60 1.25 1.43 1.12 1.80 1.40 1.97 1.53 1.05 .82 1.62 1.26 1.83 1.42 100249 1.09 .99 .91 1.09 .61 .66 .65 .84 .89 .99 .98 .97 1.03 1.13 1.03 1.03 1.13 1.22 1.00 .89 1.12 1.23 .66 1.01 1.14 1.89 2.49 2.70 J 2.79 -JK- 2.82 3.30 l 3.87 J 2.73 K 3.33 G 1.80 G 2.01 G 2.22 2.82 J J 3.12 K 2.76 J 3.33 l 3.63 l 3.87 L 3.39 J 2.67 J 2.88 K 3.36 H 2.61 -JJ- 3.06 3.06 J 2.52 G 2.10 l 3.42 1.19 1.43 1.60 1.60 1.68 1.89 2.21 1.56 1.79 1.11 1.25 1.33 1.58 1.72 1.63 1.90 2.04 2.19 1.84 1.44 1.59 1.86 1.49 1.51 1.68 1.49 1.36 1.98 .74 .89 1.00 1.00 1.04 1.18 1.38 .97 1.12 .69 .78 .83 .98 1.07 1.02 1.18 1.27 1.36 1.15 .90 .99 1.16 .93 .94 1.05 .93 .85 1.23 Size -- FOUR SECTION 19 L092 50-40-160-40 19L091 60-40-20-200 19 L 082 30-30-30-40 19 L 083 40-40-30-20 19 L 086 80-40-30-100 19 L 087 80-40-40-20 19 L 088 80-40-40-100 19 L097 250-200-10-25 19 L 079 40-40-40-30 19 L 078 100-80-60-40 19 L 075 100-40-10-100 19 L070 40-40-40-20 19 L 072 100-10-200-30 19 L099 150-10-200-30 19 L 722 40-40-20-10 19 L008 100-60-60-40 19 L066 60-40-60-20 19 L063 40-40-20-20 19 L009 90-30-5-100 19 L055 80-60-40-20 19 L 052 40-80-100-25 19LOI0 100-10-30-20 19 L 049 80-40-10-20 19 L 050 80-40-30-40 19 L 048 40-40-40-20 19 LOll 80-10-40-30 19 L 047 20-15-20-20 150-150-25-25 4410.7 150-150-150-10 4414 150-150-150-25 4415 150-150-150-25 4420 150-150-150-25 4430 150-150-150-25 4431 150-150-150-25 4434 150-150-150-50 4440 150 4441 150 4445 250-250-250-50 45i6 300-300-300-150 4575 300-300-150-150 4561 300-300-150-150 4561.3 4579 300 350-350-200-75 4608.9' 350-350-200-150 4609. 350-350-350-25 4621.6 350-350-350-75 4525 350 4635.7 400-350-200-50 4654 400-400-50-50 4663.5 400-400-400-25 4669 -400-400-400-25 4670 450-300-300-150 4703.7 450-400-300-300 4710.2 450-450-25-25 4712 G G G G H G H L G J K J L L K l K J K l L K L L J L G ........ .......... .......... ..... ..... 2.13 2.07 1.86 1.86 3.33 2.13 2.25 3.21 1.98 2.79 3.09 2.94 3.54 3.75 2.73 3.83 3.03 2.79 3.69 3.84 3.57 3.06 3.18 3.57 2.94 3.48 2.07 1.22 1.22 1.13 1.15 1.28 1.23 1.29 1.78 1.20 1.44 1.53 1.49 1.82 1.97 1.43 1.97 1.61 1.49 1.70 1.99 1.91 1.75 1.87 2.01 1.62 1.94 1.24 .95 .76 .95 .76 .88 .71 .90 .72 1.00 .80 .96 .77 1.01 .81 1.39 1.11 .94 .75 1.12 .90 1.19 .96 1.16 .93 1.42 1.13 1.53 1.23 1.12 .89 1.53 1.23 1.25 1.00 1.1 & .93 1.33 1.06 1.55 1.24 1.49 1.19 1.36 1.09 1.46 1.17 1.57 1.25 1.26 1.0 I 1.51 1.21 .97 .77 .... .... .... . .... 19L201 19 L 042 19 L 043 19L044 19 L 045 19 L 046 19LOl2 19 L 040 19 L 039 19 L 030 19L031 19L032 19 L 033 19 L 034 19 L 035 19 L036 19 L 037 19 L 03B 19 LOl3 19 L 029 19 L 027 19 L026 19 L 023 19 L 024 19 L 025 19 L 022 19 L 020 19L021 10-10-10-20 20-20-20-20 40-30-10-20 40-20-20-40 40-40-10-20 40-40-40-40 80-40-40-40 30-30-15-30 40-40-10-100 5-5-5-5 10-10-10-10 20-10-10-10 20-20-20-20 30-30-20-20 35-35-10-5 40-40-20-20 40-40-30-30 40-40·40-40 60-20-20-20 20-40-100-80 15-15-80-40 50-30-10-20 20-20-10-10 20-20-20-20 40-20-10-10 30-10-150-30 10-10-10-10 -40-40-8-8 450-450-450-25 4723 450-450-450-25 4724.2 450-450-450-25 4734 450-450-450-25 4732 450-450-450-25 4736 450-450-450-25 4739 450-450-450-25 4739.6 450-450-450-50 4742 450-450-450-100 4747 4759.7 450 4760 450 4761 450 4763 450 4769.4 450 4771 450 4773 450 4774 450 4775 450 4778 450 475-300-50-25 4800 475-475-300-50 4815 475-475-475-300 4827 4832 475 4834 475 4840 475 500-450-50-50 4917 4940 500 4944 500 G H -K -- .93 1.11 1.25 1.24 1.30 1.47 1.72 1.22 1.40 .B6 .98 1.03 1;23 1.34 1.27 1.48 1.59 1.70 1.44 1.12 1.24 1.44 1.16 1.17 1.31 1.16 1.06 1.54 TYPE AM MOTOR-STARTING CAPACITORS A metal-encased electrolytic capacitor designed especially for intermittent duty with 110 volt capacitor-start AC motors. Carefully question as to proper size should arise, it is always safer to choose the next larger engineered to pass the correct amount of current for the maximum value of capacitance. *Indicatesminimum- possible starting torque. In a hermetically sealed aluminum can with insulating outer cardboard tube for high efficiency and dependability. Provided with lug terminals for quick, easy installation. Screws are removable for solder connections if desired. When any maximum capacitance yalues replaceable with these units. Type AM-ll09 is for Ys hp motors; AM-1110, Ya hp; AM-1113 and AM-1116, 14 hp; AM1125,113 hp; AM-1131, ~ hp; AM-1146, % and I hp. Wt.. 10 oz. Stock No. 15 L 94B 15 L 579 15 L 580 15 L 581 15 L 582 15 L 583 15 L 5B4 15 L 585 15 L 586 15 L 587 15 L S88 15 L 570 IS L571 Mfr's Type AM-U05 AM-U06 AM-U07 AM-U08 AM-U09 AM-1UO AM-UI3 AM-1U6 AM-1U9 AM-U22 AM-U25 AM-lI28 AM-lI30 * Size 43-53 47-56 53-64 64-77 72-88 88-108 108-130 124-149 130-156 145-175 161-193 189-227 200-240 lx2Ys" 1x2Ys" 1x2Ys" lx2Ys· lx2%N lx2%" l'/ax2%" 1'/ax2%" l'/ax2%" l'/ax2%" l'/ax2%D l'/ax2%" l'/ax3Ys" Mfd EACH 1-24 .76 .76 .77 .B I .83 .78 .86 .89 .89 .9& .9B 1.13 1.17 Stock No. 15 L 572 15 L 573 15 L 574 15 L 575 15 L 576 15 L 577 15 L 589 15 L 578 15 L 949 15 L 561 15 L 562 15 L 565 Mfr'. Type AM-1131 AM-U34 AM-1137 AM-1HO AM-1142 AM-1143 AM-1146 AM-l 149 AM-1152 AM-1155 AM-U58 AM-U61 EACH * Size 216-259 233-280 ·243-292 270-324 324-388 340-408 378-440 400-480 430-5f6 460-552 540-648 590-708 l'/ax3Ys" H'ax3YsD l'/ax4Ys" 1'/ax4Ys" l'/ax4Ys" l'/ax4Ys" l'/ax4Ys" l%x4Ys" l%x4YsD l%x4Ys" l%x4Ys" l%x4Ys" Mfd 1-24 25-49 1.09 1.27 1.27 1.28 1.45 -1.50 -1.62 1.63 2.03 2.10 2.44 2.57 25-49 .66 .67 .68 .71 .72 .74 .75 .75 .BI .B6 -.BB 1.02 1.07 ............. ............ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . ...... ....... Complete Stocks, OEM Prices, Same-Day Shipment AlliED. 161 """"f:22 1.35 1.41 1.43 1.62 1.67 1.80 1.82 2.09 2.28 2.95 2.66 , Twist-Prong Electrolytic Capacitors , Types FP, PFP, WP. For filter, audio by-pass, TV circuits. Stable under high ripple current, surge voltages and temperatures ( +85°C). FP types have fabricated plates. tWP types have etched-plate anodes. *PFPtypes are for PC's. Tol.: 0-50 WVDC, -10·to +250%; 100-350 WVDC, -10 to 100%; over 350 WVDC, -to to +50%. With insulating . washer. §In table refers to size.Av. wt" 6 oz. TWIST-PRONG' CAPACITOR SIZE CHART SINGLE SECTION (FP, Except tWP, *PFP)-Specify Stock No. and Type When Ordering Sto'ck Mfr'a Cap. DC No. Type Mfd WV 19 L 554 039At 19 L 555 041At 19 L 556 042At 19 L663 055M ~ 057At 19 L 553 0s9t 19 L 664 064At 19 L 549 065t 19 L 550 068t 19 L 542 USA 19 L543 116A 19L544 116.5A 19 L545 116.8· 19 L546 117A 19 L 547 11BA' 19 L 54B 119A 19 L540 121 19 L541 122* 19 L 665 123M 19 L 53B 128A 1000 2000 3000 100 500 1000 100 500 1600 50 100 120 140 150 200' 300 120 160 500 80 1000-1000 19 L458 200t 19 L 671 200.7At 500-200 19 L 670 201.5t 1000-1000 50-50 19 L 455 202.1At 19 L456 202.5At 100-100 20-20 19 L 660 208A 30-30 19 L 661 211A 40-20 19 L 662 210A 40-40 19 L446 21:2A 50-30 19 L447 213A 50-30 19 L 44B 213:1* 50~50 19 L449 214A 70-30 19 L450 214.3* 80-40 19 L451 216.2A 125-100 19 L 672 215A 200-5 19 L452 216.1A 200-150 191,673 216.3A 200-200 19 L 674 216.4A 200-200 19 L454 216.4* 20-20 19 L 657 217A 40-40 19 L 658 221A 150-150 19 L 659 217.7A 19 L 675 217.74A 200-200 40-40 19 L 656 217.87 15-15 19 L 652 225A 20-20' 19 L 653 227A EACH 19 1024 2549 50- 10099 249 Mfr'. No. Type Cap. Mfd EACH WV § DC 100 300 B 1.53 1.25 .94 .73 .58 19L 539 i29.iA 200 300 G2.07 1.92 1.44 1.12 .90 19 L 666 132t 30 350 G2.10 2.10 1.82 1.42 1.13 19 L 721 135A B .96 .85 .63 .49 .39 50 350 19 L 536 137A 80 350 B 1.53 1.16 .87 ~ .54 19 L 667 138A 125 350 GW 1.73 1.30 1.01 19 L 537 140A 150 350 B .99 .B6 .65 .50 .40 19 L 66B 140.6A 320 350 GI.59 1.44 I.OB .84 .67 19 L 669 141 10 450 19 L 529 142 J2.31 2.31 1.83 1.42 1.14 15 450 B .99 .B7 .66 .51 .41 19 L 530 143A 20 450 131.20 .99 .74 .58 .46 19 L 531 144 30 450 D 1.23 1.04 .7B .60 .4B 19 L 532 145 450 40 F 1.44 1.11 .B3 .65 .52 19 L 533 146 80 450 D 1.29 1.10 .B3 .64 .51 19 L 534 149 100 450 G 1.47 1.39 1.04 .81 .65 19 L 535 150 10 500 GT:6s 1.63 1.22 .95 --:76 19 L 524 i7ti\ 20 500 173 GI.41 1.31 .98 .76 .61 19 L 525 30 500 H 1.91 1.47 1.10 .B6 .69 19 L 526 175 40 500 J2.19 2.19 1.90 1.4B 1.18 19 L 527 177 90 500 EI.53 1.19 .B9 .69 .55 19 L 52B 187 DUAL SECTION (FP, except twP, *PFP)-Specify Stock No. and Type When Ordering 15 15 15 25 25 25 50 50 50 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 300 -:sr 15 20 35 50 50 ISO ISO 150 150 150 150 150 . 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 250 250 250 250 300 350 350 19 L 654227.3A G2.642.031.531.19 .95 B I.BO 1.42 1.07 .B3 .66 19 L 676 227.5A H3.93 3.01 2.26 1.76 1.42 19 L 677 227.6A B 1.02 .9B .73 .57 .45 19 L 655 227.7A B 1.26 1.07 .BO .62 19 L 67B 228.3 ~ B 1.02 .96 .72 .56 .45 19 L 679 229.3 BI.II 1.01 .75 .59 .47 19 L 6BO 229.5 B I.OB 1.01 .75 .59 .47 19 L 5B7 231 B 1.14 1.05 .79 .61 ;49 19 L 590 231.3 19 L 591 234A BI~ 1.05 .79 .61 .49 D 1.40 1.08 .81 ~ .50 19 L 592 237 EI.56 1.10 .82 .64 .51 19 L 593 238A D 1.46 1.12 .84 .65 .52 19 L 681 239 C 1.38 1.14 .86 .67 .53 19 L 594 240 G2.04 1.58 .92 ~ 19 L 598 242.5A GI.65 1.65 ~ 1.28 1.00 .80 19 L 650 245.2 G2.25 1.89 1.42 1.10 .88 19 L 682 245.3A H2.40 2.00 1.50 1.17 .93 19 L 683 247 J2.59 2.00 1.50 1.16 .93 19 L 564 258 1.04 19 L 565 259 .60 .4B ~ BI~ C 1.50 1.21 1.21 .91 .71 19 L 5BO 262 H3.09 2.34 1.76 1.37 1.09 19 L 5B2 264.5 J3.60 2.74 2.06 1~60 1.28 19 L 584 266 GI.77 1.48 1.11 .87 .69 19 L 6B4 282A C 1.35 1.07 .BO .62 .50 19 L 560 284 DI.38 1.14 .B6 .67 .53 19 L 562 288 TRIPLE SECTION (FP, except tWP. *PFP) -Specify Stock No. and 19 L 720 300.85t 500-500-100 16 D2.40 1.51 1.13 ·.B8 .70 40-40-40 25 B 1.29 1.07 .BI .63 .50 19 L 523 520At 19 L 520 302.38* 70-30-100 150-150-10 EI.67 1.2B .96 .75 .60 302.5A 150-150-10 80-60-250 19 L 521 E2.04 1.41 1.06 .82 .66 19 L 522 302.75* 90-40-100 150-150-10 F 1.93 1.4B 1.11 .B6 .64 50-30-100 150-150-25 CI.62 1.24 .93 .72 .5B 19 L518 309A 50-50-20 150-150-25 C 1.59 1.23 .92 .72 .57 19 L 519 311A 150 19 L 509 311.2A 20-20-20 BI.38 1.11 .83 .65 .52 150 19 L 510 311.4A 40-20-20 B 1.44 1.16 .B7 .6B .54 150 19 L511 311.5A 40-40-40 . CI~ 1.25 .94 .73 .5B 150 19 L 512 311.63· 50-40-30 EI.67 1.28 .96 .75 .60 150 19 L 685 311.65A 50-50-50 D 1.80 1.32 .99 .77 .61 80-40-20 150 19 L513 311.7 GI.74 1.48 1.11 .B7 .69 ISO 19 L 687 311.95A 150-50-50 G2.22 1.74 1.31 1.01 .81 40-20-20 250 19 L 507 320 G 1.74 1.51 1.13 .88 .70 19 L 506 326.3A 100-200-60 300-150-150 J 3.27 2.33 1.75 1.36 1.09 100-60-20 300-250-250 H2.94 2.06 1.54 1.20 .96 19 L 504 335A 300 19 L 688 326.75A J3.00 2.34 1.76 1.37 1.09 19 L 503 326.77 ~~~f::O~~o I' 300 L3.55 2.73 2.05 1.59 1.27 19 L 502 331A, 30-30-20 350-300-25 .E 1.89 1.36 1.02 .79 .64 15-10-20 350-350-25 'C 1.50 1.16 .87 .67 .54 19 L 490 328A 20-20-20 350,350-25 J) 1.68 1.25 .94 .73 .58 19 L 501 329.5 350 19 L486 330.5A .10-10-10 C 1.44 1.17 .B8 .68 .55 350 ,E 1.95 1.39 1.04 .81 .65 19 L 487 330.7A 30-20-10 350 19 L 689 330:9A 60-50-50 ,J2.94 2.29 1.'12 1.07 350 19 L 690 331.3A 80-60-60 K3.33 2.55 1.91 ~ 1.49 W 350. X4.0B 2.• 62 1.96 1.53 1.22 19. L 691 332.4A 100-100-10 162 • ALLIED Stock 30-30 80-40 80-80 100-100 150-20 75-75 120-40 10-10 20-10 20-20 30-30 40-40 50-40 50-50 60-60 80-20 80-30 100-40 15-15 30-10 40-40 80-40 80-50 10-10 30-30 40-40 350 350 350 350 350 400 400 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 475 475 475 475 475 500 500 500 19 1024 26- 60- 10049 99 249 EI.74 1.29 .97 .75 --:6ii H2.58 1.99 1.49 1.16 .93 B 1.14 .96 .72 .56 .45 D 1.26 1.10 .B2 .64 .51 GI.71 1.4B 1.11 .B6 .69 H2.37 1.80 1.35 1.05 ' .B4 H2.55 1.96 1.47 1.14 .91 L4.05 3.10 2.32 1.81 1.45 A .93 .77 .57 .45 .36 B 1.02 .91 .68 .53 .43 D I.OB .96 .72 .56 .50 EI.17 1.07 .80 .62 .50 EI.23 1.16 .B7 .6B .54 H 1.83 1.74 1.30 1.01 .BI ..1 2 •07 1.96 1.47 1.14 ~ B .96 .90 .67 .52 .42 DI.II 1.03 .77 .60 .48 EI.20 1.17 .BB .6B .55 F 1.50 1.31 .9B .76 .61 J2.10 2.10 1.64 1.27 1.02 . I!: 1.74 1.2B .96 .75 .60 H2.16 1.88 1.41 1•. 10 .8B J2.82 2.IB 1.63 1.27 1.02 H3.69 2.43 I.B3 1.42 1.14 J2.73 2.21 1.65 1.29 1.03 L2.91 2.43 I.B3 1.42 1.14 L3.15 2.52 1.89 1.47 1.18 DI.14 1.07 .BO .62 .50 EI.32 1.18 .BB .69 .55 E 1.53 1.28 .96 .75 .60 HI.83 1.67 1.26 -:9a .7B H2.07 1.89 1.41 1.10 .88 J2.19 1.98 1.49 1.16 .92 J2.31 2.08 1.56 1.21 .97 K2.70 2.31 1.73 1_35 I.OB J2.34 2.08 1.56 1.21 .97 K2.49 2.21 1.66 1.29 1.03 L2.91 2.50 1.88 1.46 1.17 EI.41 1.23 .92 .72 .57 F 1.56 1.35 1.01 ~ .63 J2.5B 2.02 1.52 I.IB .94 L3.03 2.51 I.BB 1.47 1.17 L3.12 2.63 1.97 1.53 1.23 D 1.17 1.,14 .B6 .67 .53 H 1.95 I.B9 1.42 1.10 .BB J2.58 2.17 1.63 1.27 1.01 T,ype When Ordering 19 L 692 333.95 100-30-20 20-20-10 19 L 693 333.6 60-30-20 19 L 694 333.7 333.8 80-20-10 19 L 695 19 L477 333.85 100-10-80 10-10-20 19 L473 345.2 20-20-20 19 L474 345.8 40-40-20 19 L475 346 20-10-50 19 L 472 366A 40-40-100 19 L471 375 19 L 696 375.6A 60-20-40 10-10-10 19 L461 375.8 15-15-10 19 L462 376.1 20-10-10 19 L463 376.3 20-20-20 19 L464 376.5 30-30-30 19 L 697 376.7 40-40-10 19 L 468 376.8 40-40-20 19 L 69B 376:9 40-40-40 19 L469 377.1 80-40-20 19 L470 378 40-80-10 19 L701 385.5 19 L 702 389.IA 20-10-100 19 L 703 391.1A 20-20-60 10-10-10 19 L 704 394 30-30-20 19 L 459 396 40-20-20 19 L 705 396:1 40-10-10 19 L 460 396:2 400 L3.30 2.55 1.91 1.49 I.I~ 400-400-350 FI.80 1.41 1.06 .82 .66 400-400-350 J2.73 2.13 1.59 1.24 .99 400-400-350 J2.5B 2.14 1.61 1.25 1.00 400-400-350 L~ 2.72 2.04 '1.59 450-450-25 D 1.44 1.13 .B5 .66 ~ .53 450-450-25 E 1.83 1.40 1.05 .81 .65 450-450-25 J2.37 2.02 1.51 1.18 .94 450-450-50 E 1.71 1.34 1.00 .78 .62 450-450-200 L2.97 2.34 ~ 1.36 1.09 450-450-350 K2.94 2.30 1.72 1.34 1:07 450 EI.56 1.29 .97 .75 .60 450 FI.77 1.39 1.04 .BI .65 450 F 1.74 1.39 1.04 .81 .65 450 H2.16 1.79 1.34 1.04 .83 450 J2.67 2.10 1.57 1.22 .98 450 J2.49 2.10 1.57 1.22 .98 450 J2.67 2.19 1.64 1.2B 1.02 450 K3.12 2.41 I.BO 1.40 1.12 450 L~ ~ 1.96 1.53 1.22 475-450-450 L3.30 2;59 1.94 1.51 i l i 475-475-400 K3.15 2.57 1.93 1.50 1.20 475-475-450 K2.91 2.30 1.73 1.34 1.07 475 F 1.62 1.34 1.00 .78 .625 475 J2.67 2.14 1.60 1;25 1.00 475 J2.85 2.14 1.60 1.25 1.00 475 H2.311.891.421.10 .B8 Additional Mallory Electrolytic Capacitors on Next Page Electrolytic Capacitors TWIST-PRONG ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS (Cont'd) TWIST-PRONG CAPACITOR SIZE CHART _ 1- 5 G~iZ:...O_I,--_D_la_m~;:"-;'",:=2X~',,-L_O_ng_t_h __l_5J!z:. .e_l-_-_-_-=D~I_a: ._m:. :. : ;:~'" i:~_":'"'X: .r'-:;3'-'x: -,:L:e_'.:.:n~g_t.: c_hc:._-_~I'_ 5_~_a_I:. .-_-_-_; ; .D_.:.:1_a~m~; ; .e_:~ ~:. :x_:~.;:L_.: ca_n~g~t~h~ ~I' l¥ax2l;'2' l¥ax3l;'2' FOUR SECTION (FP, Except fWP)-Specify Stock No. and Type When Ordering St.ock No. 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 439 436 706 707 708 709 710 433 711 712 713 714 715 431 716 428 717 426 420 421 422 423 424 425 718 416 417 719 418 723 Mfr's Type 40S 412A 412.IAt 417.3A 419.4A 419.55A 419.65A 419.67A 419.66A 420.35A 420.38A 420.4A 420.39A 420.45A 425.6 426 42S.4A 429 434 434.5 444 444.8 445 447A 452 474.5 475 475.5 476 495A Capacity Mfd 60-40-20-200 100-SO'60-40 200-200-60-30 10-200-140-30 100-10-200-30 150-100-10-10 160-60-10-4 60-100-60-40 60-40-60-20 40-20-20-10 40 S0-60-40-20 100-40-25-25 40-S0-100-50 40-100-20-10 20-15-20-20 40-40-30-30 40-30-10-20 10 20-10-10-10 20 30-30-20-20 35-35-10-5 40-40-20-20 20-S0-20-10 20-20-10-10 20 40-10-10-10 40-20-10-10 40-40-8-8 WVDC Size 150-150-150-10 150 175 300-150-150:150 300-300-150-150 300 350-300-300-300 350-350-200-75 350-350-250-150 350 350 350 350 400-350-200-50 450-350-350-350 450-450-25-25 450-450-350-350 450-450-450-25 450 450 450 450 450 450 475-300-300-300 475 475 475 475 500 G G J TYPE CG COMPUTER-GRADE ELECTROLYTICS Aluminum electrolytics for high reliability in power supplies of military and com- mercial computers. Pressure-sensitive { -so --;;s _ J_ _ 2.73 3.12 3.06 3.54 H 3.96 K K H G J K K K L --GK J G G J J J K _J_ H J J J K Siz. [) safety-vent design for extended life-no electrolytic leakage. Range. -20 to +85° , ~:... C. Capacity tolerance: -10 to +75% of units rated to 150 WVDC; to 450 WVDC. -10 to +50%. 4YsH high except *50/1(. (Vertical mtg. clamps on page 164; 2" dia. electrolytic uses VR-8. 3" dia. uses VR-12.) lIb. Mfr'. Mfd WV Surge DJ. Type DC VDC a 36.000 3 - 5 - 2' 18 L 120 CG363U3DI 18 L 121 CG753U3FI 75,000 3 5 3' 18 L 107 CG1153U3Gl* 115,000 3 5 3' 18 L 122 CG2752U5DI 27.500 5 7 2' 18 L 123 CG653U5Fl 65,000 5 7 3' 18 L 108 CGI5U5GI* 100.000 5 - 1 - 3' 18 L 124 CGI83UIODI 18,000 10 15 2' 18 L 125 CG4352UI0FI 43,500 10 IS 3' 18 L 109 CG683U40GI * 68,000 10 IS 3' 18 L 126 CG143U15Dl 14,000 15 20 ~ 18 L 127 CG343UI5FI 34,000 15 20 3' 18 L 128 CG852U25Dl 8500 25 40 2" 18 L 129 CG24U25Fl 20,000 25 40 3' 18 L 110 CG3152U25GI* 31,500 25 40 3' I B L ,130 CG452U50DI 4500 50 15 2' ~ CG14USOFl 10,000 ---y18 L 132 CG3451U75DI 3450 75 100 2' 18 L 133 CG822U75FI 8200 75 100 3' 18 L III CG1252U75Gl* 12,500 75 100 3' 18 L 134CG2251UI00Dl ~~~~ 18 L 135 CG532UIOOFI 5300 100 135 3' 18 L 136 CG1551U150DI 1550 150 190 2' 18 L 137 CG362U150Fl 3600 150 190 3' 18 L I 12 CG562UI50GI * 5600 ISO 190 3' 18 L 138 CGI3T200Dl ~ 200 250 ~ 18 L 139 CG2451 T200Fl 2450 200 250 3' 18 L I 13 CG382T200Gl* 3800 200 250 3' 18 L 140 CG82T250Dl 800 250 300 2' 18 L 141 CGI92T250FI 1900 250 300 3' 18L114CG33T250GI* 3000 250 300 3' 18 L 142 CG72T300Dl 100 300 350 2' 18L143CGI65IT300Fl 1650 300 350 3' 18 L 144 CG551T350DI 550 350 400 2' 18 L 145 CG132T350Fl 1300 350 400 3' ~ CG23T350GI' 2000 350 400 3' I B L 146 CG3250T400DI 325 400 475 2' 18 L 147 CG241T450DI 240 450 525 2" H 3.84 3.93 3.24 2.61 3.60 3.84 4.20 3.63 3.84 2.07 3.54 2.70 2.01 2.22 2.82 3.12 2.76 3.33 3.00 2.61 3.12 2.79 3.06 3.42 10-24 1.63 1.92 2.83 2.21 2.42 2.75 2.78 2.63 2.29 1.88 2.40 2.65 2.59 2.55 2.59 1.65 2.53 2.11 1.67 1.77 2.10 2.29 2.15 2.53 2.12 1.99 2.24 2.12 2.24 2.64 -25-49 - - -50-99 1.22 .95 1.44 2.12 1.66 1.82 2.06 2.08 1.97 1.72 1.41 1.80 1.99 1.94 1.91 1.94 1.24 1.90 1.59 1.25 1.32 1.57 1.72 1.61 1.90 1.59 1.49 1.68 1.59 1.68 1.98 1.12 1.65 1.29 1.41 1.60 1.62 1.53 1.34 1.10 1.40 1.55. 1.51 1.49 1.51 .96 1.47 1.23 .97 1.03 1.22 1.34 1.25 1.47 1.23 1.16 1.30 1.24 1.30 1.54 100-249 .76 .90 1.32 1.03 ~ 1.28 1.30 1.22 1.07 ~ 1.12 1.24 1.21 1.19 _1_.2_1_ .77 1.18 .99 .78 .82 .98 1.07 1.00 1.18 ~ .93 1.04 .99 1.04 1;23 TYPES HC AND NP DRY ELECTROLYTICS M-Y ( ALLO R Stock No. EACH 1-9 -2.07 -- EACH 1-49 50-99 3.79 3.37 6.05 5.38 7.67 6.82 3.69 3.28 5.99' 5.33 8.03 7.14 3.65 3.24 6.89 6.12 8.10 7.20 3.70 3.29 5.99 5.32 3.34 2.97 5.60 4.98 7.47 6.64 2.97 2.64 5.74 5.10 3.45 3.07 6.40 5.69 8.10 7.20 3.50 ~ 5.91 5.26 3.48 3.09 6.02 5.35 8.44 7.50 3.87 3.44 5.83 5.18 8.57 7.62 4.05 3.60 6.49 5.77 8.71 ~ 4.06 3.61 7.17 6.37 4.31 3.83 6.98 6.20 9.11 J!!.!.Q. 3.24 2.88 3.1 I 2.77 C 'D E § Clamp VR-3 VR-3 VR-3 VR-8 VR-6 A B F G H J Size "ijf6x41/s' Clamp VR-3 VR-3 11l16x4¥a' VR-6 3x4Ys' VR-12 1~6x2y..' Moisture-resistant, plastic-cased electrolytics; screw termin31s. Temperature range: -400C to +85°C. :j:Aluminum case, lug terminals-for fence control. *NP nonpolarized types fot intermittent AC use only. Others are HC polarized types for high-capacity, lowv. uses. tFor photoflash. **Dual section. See page 164 for mounting clamps. Tolerimces: NP-±25%, except 3003A, ±15%; HC-10% to +100% up to 150 VDC; -10% to +50% above 150. S::.k ~:~: Mid 19 L 934 1020A 2000 17L577 1040A 4000' 17 L 579 1060A:j: 6000 18 L 429 10100 10000 17 L 580 1520A 2000 17 L 581 1540A 4000 17 L 589 1560A 6000 19 L 935 2050-50, 5000*' 19 L 936 2060A 6000 19 L 923 2025:j: 25.000 , 17 L 582 2510A 1000 17 L 583 2520A 2000 17L5842540A 4000 19 L 937 4040A 4000 19 L 9381 5C05A 500 1 17L 586 5010A 1000 17 L 590 5020A 2000 18L0985040 4000 19 L 940 1225A' 200 19L941 1235A 300 17L80S 1255A* 500 19L94420005 500 18 L 428 3003A* 15 19 L 939 ISO lOA 1000 17 L 592 2000SA 500 19 L 942 3008A* 50 19 L 943 3014A* 100 17 L 588 3025* 200 17 L 81 0 450S* 50 100 17L 811 4510* 17 L 820 45003t 300 Use the Services of the Allied Facility Nearest You-See Page 1 WYDC § 1-9 10-24 lO" A 3.36 2.88 10 8 4.60 3.95 10 C 5.20 4.46 10 0 7.82 6.70 15 ~ 3.47 2.97 15 F 5.37 4.61 15 E 5.62 4.82 20" D 8.00 6.86 20 H 6.11 5.24 20 ~ 12.88 I 1.04 25 G 3.19 2.73 25 B 4.15 3.56 25 E 5.58 4.79 40 H 6.98 6.00 So A 3.33 2.85 50 B 4.25 1 50 E 5.06 4.34 50 D 7.32 6.27 125 B 4.04 3.47 125 E 4.87 4.17 12S H 6.30 5.40 200 D 5.97 5.12 300 G 2.87 2.46 150 H 6.44 5.52 200 E 5.53 4.74 300 B 1---s:25 4.50 300 E 6.13 5.25 300 D 7.00 6.00 450 E '6.30 5.40 450 D 7.70 6.60 450 D 8.47 7.26 "3":65 E~~:9 50-99 100-249 1.68 1.30 2.30 1.78 2.60 2.00 3.90 3.02 1.74 1.34 2.69 2.07 2.81 2.17 4.00 3.09 3.05 2.36 6.44 4.96 1.59 1.23 2.07 1.60 2.79 2.15 3.49 2,69 1.66 1.28 2.13 1.64 2.53 1.95 3.66 2.B2 2.02 1.56 2.43 1.88 3.1'5 2.42 2.99 2;30 1.44 1.1 I 3.22 .2.4B 2.772.13 2.63 2.03 3.06 2.36 3.50 2.70 3.15 2.42 3.85 2.97 4.24 3.27 1.05 1.44 1.62 2.59 I.OB 1.68 1.75 2.17 2.29 4.02 .99 1.29 1.74 2.1 B 1.04 1.33 1.58 2.28 1.46 1.65 1.90 1.86 .96 2.0 I 1.73 1.76 1.84 2.10 I.B7 2.64 2.64 ALLIED • 163 Capacitors and Mounting Accessories' METAL-CASED TUBULAR ELECTROL YTICS Electrolytics that are rated up to 150 WVDC have tolerance of -'.10% to +100%. Units above 150 WVDC, capacity tolerance is -10% to +50%. Rated at 85°C, except TC83, 650°C. All capacitors have externaUnsulating sleeves. Type TC has 3" tinned copper leads; Type TCD. has 8" insulated wire leads. TCD duals: are c«?mmon-negative. Indicates non-polarized type. All units, except TC capacitors of less than ,~." diameter, have fixed mounting straps. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. * TYPE TC SINGLE-SECTION Stock No. WV Type Mfd DC Mfr"s EACH Si:z:e 1- '9 .69. .84 1.02 .93 1.14 .84 1.05 1.38 .60 .60 .66 .81 .87 1.38 .54 .54 .60 .60 .63 .72 .84 1.05 1.92 2.91 .60 .63 .63 .66 .69 .72 .78 .81 .84 .96 1.05 1.14 1.58 1.53 .63 304 200 L 804 .1'J1.x1 v.." 305 500 L 549 3'J1.xl Yz" 310 1000 L 463 3'~.xl%" 605 500 L 461 6'~.xl%" 610 1000 L 462 61~.x2" L"642 1502 200 15'~6XlYz" L 460 1505 500 15'~.x2" L 209 1501 1000 15111.,,2v..' 22 10 25 Yf.x%" L 600 26 25 25 Yf."%" L 601 29 50 25~."IYz" L 602 L 500 2501 100 25'J16X1%" L 933 25015 150 25'YI.xl%" L 466 2505 500 25 IJ1.x2v.." L 932 31 1 50 y.,x'J1." 302 L 639 2 500/1",,%" 30 5 50ri6XVs" L 623 32 10 50 Yf.x3,!.," L 603 36 25 50 'YI.xly.," L 604 39 50 50'~6Xlv.." L 60S L 641 3501 100 50'J16x1%" L 342 50025 250 50'0/1.xl%" L 451 50050 500 501J1.x2y.," L 464 50100 1000 501Y1.x4" 40 5 150 YfsxVs" L 458 8 150 Yf.xl" 41 L 624 L 459 42 10 ISO Yf.xlv.." L 419 43 12 150 Yf.xlv.." 44 16 150 'It,.xlYz" L 608 L 502 45 150 '~.xlYz" ~ L 610 ~ 30 !sO '~.xlYz" 48 40 .150 '~.x1%" L 611 L 504 49 50 150 '~6xl%" L 640 492 80 150 '0/16x2" 493 100 i50 lY1.x2v.." L 802 L 242 -:495 150 150 IJ16X2y.," L 519 496 200 150 lY16x2Vs" 499 300 1501Yf6X3" L 931 L 626 SOX 5 250 'J1.xl y." 18 17 17 17 17 J 7 '·.17 17 17 17 17 17 19 17 19 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 17 17 19 17 251050- 10049 249 24 99 .69 .53 .41 .33 .41 .84 .66 .51 1.02 .82 .64 .51 .93 .75 .59 .47 1.14 .92 ~ .84 .68 .53 .42 1.05 .85 .66 .53 1.38 1.10 .85 .68 .56 .42 .33 .26 .59 .44 .34 .27 .62 .47 .36 .29 .76 .57 .45 .36 .83 .62 ,.48 .39 1.38 1.10 .85 .68 .52 .39 .30 .24 .52 -:39 .30 .24 .32 .26 .55 .41 .56 .42 .33 .26 .59 .44 .34 .27 .72 .54 .42 .34 .79 .60 .46 .37 1.05 .85 .66 .53 1.48 1.11 .86 .69 2.24 1.6~ 1.31 1.05 .43 ~ ~ .59 .44 .35 .28 .61 .45 .35 .28 .62 .47 .36 .29 .65 .49 .38 .30 .53 .41 .33 .77 --:57 --:36 .61 .81 .47 .38 .83 .62 .48 .39 .95 .71 .55 .44 1.03 .77 .60 .48 1.12 .84 .65 .52 .57 1.22 .91 .71 1.41 1.05 1.05 1.05 .63 .48 .37 .30 4 4 4 7s"" No. 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 L L L L L L L L 081 479 503 477 4BO 478 482 481 Mfr'. Type Mfd 500-100 25-25 20-20 30-30 40-20 40-40 50-30 50-50 '16 26 45 47 485 48 497 49 EACH WV DC 16 25 150 150 150 150 150 150 17 17 19 17 17 17 17 17 19 17 17 17' 17 19 17 17 17 18 17 19 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 19 18 17 19 17 17 17 17 17 Mfr'. EACH WV Size 1025SOlDO24 49 99 249 51 ~ 2sO 'J1.xl%" ---:69 ' .69 .53 --:42 .33 52 10 250 'J16xl%" .72 .72 .55 .43 .34 53 12 250 '~.xl%" .75 .75 .60 .46 .37 54 16 250 1~.x1%" .78 .78 .63 .49 .39 55 20 250 1~.x1%' .81 .81 .66 .52 .41 - -- 58 40 250 IJ1.xl%" .93 .93 .76 .59 .47 59 50 250 IJ1.xl%" 1.02 1.02 .83 .64 .52 1265 100 250 lYl6x2Vs" . 1.47 1.31 .98 .76 .61 595 2 350 Yf.xlYz" 1.26 '.63 .47 .36 .29 5 350 'J1.xl%" ~ 60 .63 .50 .39 .31 --8 350 '~.xl%· 61 .72 .72 .58 .45 .36 62 10 350 '~6x1%" .75 .75 .61 .48 .38 63 12 350 '~6xl%" .78 .78 .63 .49 .39 64 16 350 'o/1.xl%" .84 .84 .68 .53 .43 65 20 350 'o/1.xI%" .87 .87 .55 .44 I~ 66 40 350 IJ16x2y.,"· 1.44 I.TT .83 ~ .52 68 60 350 IJ16x2y.," 1.17 1.17 .94 .73 .58 69 100 350 IJ1.x4" 1.86 1.86 1.5 I 1.17 .94 692 150 350 II1.x3Vs" 3.16 2.43 1.82 1.42 1.13 695 2 450 'J1.xlYz· .66 .52 .40 .32 697 4 450 IJ1.xl%" ---:97 ~ .75 ---:s& ----:44 .35 70 5 450 'J1.xl%" .72 .72 .56 .43 .35 8 450 'o/1.xl%" 71 .75 .75 .62 .48 .38 72 10 450 '~.x1%' .78 .78 .64 .50 .40 73 12 450 'ri.xl%" .81 .81 .67 .52 .41 16 450 'ri.xl%" .84 ---:B4 .70 .55 .44 20 450 75 lY1.xl%" .93 .93 .75 .59 .47 77 30 450 IJ1.x2y.," 1.02 1.02 .83 .64 .51 78 40 450 lY1.,,2v.." 1.08 1.08 .86 .67 .53 79 50 450 IJ16x2Vs" 1.26 1.00 ~ .62 ~ 795 60 450 ~ 1.38 1.38 1.06 .82 -:66 80 80 450 IJ16X4" • 1.68 1.68 1.42 1.10 .88 805 100 450 1]16X3" 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.51 -1.21 81 10 500 'ri.xl%" .81 .81 .66 .51 .41 83 20 500 IJ1.xl%" .96 .96 .77 .60 .48 84 30 500 IJ1.x2y.," 1.05 1.05 .86 .67 .54 90 4 600 %x2Yz" 2.30 1.77 1.32 1.03 .82 92 10 600 IJ16x2Vs" 1.77 1.77 1.35 1.05 .84 Type Mfd DC L 627 L 457 L 930 L 629 L 505 L 633 L 243 L 249 L 927 L 634 L 635 L 455 L 484 L 929 L 456 L 465 L 244 L 801 L 418 L 928 L 469 L 452 L 619 L 620 L 638 L 622 L 453 L 454 L 508 L 925 L 800 L 204' L 926 L 245 L 246 L 247 L 467 L 450 19 ----u .......... ...... .... .... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... TYPE TCD DUAL SECTION ., Stock Stock No. 19 .78 .84 .99 1.08 1.05 1.11 1.17 1.26 Size '0/16"2" '~SXly.," '0/16"1%" '0/16xl%' lo/16Xl%" lY16x2' 10/16x2" IJ16x2y.,' 1024 .78 .84 .99 1.08 1.05 1.11 1.17 1.26 2549 .78 .84 .99 1.04 1.03 1.08 1.07 1.13 50- 10099 249 .78 .78 .72 .57 .76 .61 .81 .64 .80 M .84 .67 .83 .67 .88 .70 -- Stock No. 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 L L L L L L L L Mfr's Type Mfd 498 52 55 65 71 72 75 78 80-50 10-10 20-20 20-20 8-8 10-10 20-20 40-40 344 475 476 474 470 507 472 468 WV DC EACH Size 150 lY16x2v.." 250 'ri6x2' 250 IM.x2" 1).1.x2%" ~ 450 '0/16x2" 450 tYl.x2" 450 lY1.x3Ys" 450 lY1sx4" 1- 10- 25- ,SO49 99 9 24 1.41 1.41 1.18 .92 .99 .99 .98 .76 1.11 1.11 1.08 .84 1.35 1.35 1.24 .96 1.02 1.02 1.02 .83 1.11 1.11 1.11 .B7 1.50 1.50 1.39 1.08 2.04 2.04 1.87 1.45 lDO- 249 .74 .61 .67 .77 .67 .70 .87 1.16 CAPACITOR MOUNTING HARDWARE @q OooJ~ ITJ Mounting accessories for easy installation of Mallory capacitors. For FP or WP types, use MP. BP and PS units. For TC, FP, WP, HC, CG and other tubular capacitors, use VR brackets for vertical mounting or TH spring clips for horizontal mounting. 'Metal mounting wafer; tPhenolic mounting wafer. MW-I00 tool is for use with FP and WP capacitors. Av. shpg. wt.; 3 oz. CE FIBER INSULATING SLEEVES. For FP electrolytics. Wt .. 2 oz. S'tock No. 17 17 17 17 17 L L L L L 510 511 512 513 514 Mfr'. Type 1 3 4 5 6 Size %x2" lx2" tx3" 1%x2" l%x3" lo64 • ALLliD EACH .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 Stock No. 17 17 17 17 L L L L 515 516 517 518 Mfr's Type 7 8 9 10 Size lx2Yz" lx4'" l%x2Yz" l%x4" EACH -.06.09 .06 .09 ......... ..... . ....... ...... Stock No. 1·7 L 531 17 L 532 17 L 402 17 L 413 17 L 414 17 L 415 17 L 416 17 L 420 17 L 421 17 L 494 17 L 496 17 L 497 17 L 498 17 L 499 17 L 412 17 L 486 17 L 488 17 L 4B9 17 L 490 17 L 492 17 L 493 17 L 417 Mfr's Type Fig. --A-- ~ PS-6 A VR-l B VR-3 B VR-4 B VR-6 B VR-8 B VR-I0 B VR-12 B TH-13 C --C-TH-15 TH-17 C TH-19 C TH-21 C TH-25 C MP-2 ~ MP-4 D* DO MP-6 BP-2 Et BP-4 Et BP-6 Et MW-l00 F Size EACH I" 1%" 1 to IJ1." 1% to IYf.. lYz to 1~." 1% to 1'~." 2 to 2).1.. .42 .54 .09 .09 .12 .13 .17 .20 .4B .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .06 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 1.05 2Yz" 3' %" Yz to.~." o/a to 1~6" % to'~6' % to '0/1." 1% to lYf." %. I" 1%" '%" I" 1%" Mtg. wrench Use the Services of the Allied Facility Nearest You-See Back Cover I Industrial-Quality Capacitors MALLORY PVC "MYLAR" CAPACITORS Exhibit exceptionally low drift characteristics and are highly recommended for circuits demanding the ulti- Stock No_ Mfr's Type 18 L 150 13' L 145 13 L 146 13 L 147 13 L 14B IB L 151 IB L 152 13 L 149 18 L 153 I B L 154 13 L, 150 I BLISS 18 L 156 I B L 157 13 L 151 --IB L 15B IB L 165 13 L 152 13 L 153 13 L 154 13 L 155 13 L 156 13 L 157 IB L 173 13 L 15B IB L 171 IB L 172 13 L 159 18 L 167 IB L 170 T3i:I6O 13 IB 13 13 L L L L 161 166 162 163 ~ I B L IBI 13 L 1'64 18 L 174 1118 1122 1133 114 1147 1156 1168 101 lOIS 1022 1025 1033 104 1047 Mfd mate in reliability and moisture resistance. Flexible encapsulation allows leads to be bent in any manner for mounting withont cracking. Polyvinyl chloride case unaffected by soldering iron heat. High purity aluminum foil used throughout. Leads are solid copper radial-type_ -40·C to +105·C. Tolerance, ±IO%_ Av_ wt" 2 oz_ Iwv Mfr's Type .018 .022 .033 .04 .047 DC lOa 100 lOa lOa lOa Ji5 .11 have case diameter of ¥a" with length of 1 %", except which· are 1 Va" in length. Av. shpg. wt., 6 oz . * Siock No. 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 L 422 L 423 L424 L 425 L 426 L 427 L42B L 429 L 430 L431 L 432 L 433 L 434 L435 L 436 L437 L438 L 439 L440 L 441 Specify Manufactlirer's Type No. and Capacitance on All Capacitor Orders WV Mid DC 19 --330' 31.94 450 3 1.9& 220' 61.94 300 6 1.96 175· 101.94 240 101:% 125' IS 1.94 175 151.96 85'" 25 1.94 115 25 1.96 65' 301_94 90 301.96 35' 50 1.94 50 50 1.96 25' 751.94 40 75 1.96 15' 100 1.94 30 100 1.96 10' 150 1.94 20 I~O 1.96 - EACH 1024 1.66 1.68 1.66 1.6B 1.66 1.68 1.66 1.6B 1.66 1.68 1.66 1.68 1.&6 1.6B 1.66 1.68 1.66 1.6B 1.66 1.6B 2549 -.97 .9B .97 .98 .97 .9B .97 .98 .97 .• sa .97 .98 .97 .9B .97 .9B .97 .98 .97 .9B 50- 100· 99 ,249 -.75 .664 .76 .75 .76 .75 .7& .75 .76 .75 .7& .75 .76 .75 .7& .75 .76 .75 .76 .75 .76 .673 .664 .673 .664 .673 .664 .673 .664 .673 .6&4 .673 .664 .673 .664 .673 .664 .673 .664 .673 ALLIED. 165 Beaver" Cornell-Dubilier "Blue Capacitors Tubular electrolytic capacitors. designed for economical circuit applications. All are sealed in aluminum cans with mrdboard sleeves for protection against heat and humidity. Types BR and BBR have negative terminal grounded to can. Type BBR is a miniature version of Type BR. ideal for limited space applications. Anodes and cathodes of BR and BBR units up to and including lS0-volt types. are etched for use with junction rectifiers. Types BBRD. BBRT and BBRQ have 7H flexible vinyl-covered leads with color-coded positive and common negative. All "Blue Beavers" are rated for operation up to 85 ·C. except SOO-volt types-up to 65 ·C. Sizes shown in tubular listings indicate size of cans only. Av. sbpg. wt .• 4 oz. TYPES BRIBBR SINGLE SECTION Stock No. Mfr's Type 19 L 203 BBR 25-6 19 L 204 BBR50-6 19 L,,205 BBR 100-6 19 L 206 BBR 250-6 19 L 285 BR 500-6 19 L 286 BR 1000-6 19 L 287 BR 2000-6 19 L 207 BBR 100-15 19 L272 BR 250-15 19 L 273 BR 500-15 19 L 274 BR 1000-15 19 L 284 BR 2000-15 19 L 216 BBR 10-25 19 L 217 BBR-20-25 19 L 218 BBR 25-25 19 L 219 BBR 50-25 19 L 208 BBRl00-25 19 L 270 BR 250-25 19 L 271 BR 500-25 19 L 209 BBR 1-50 19 L 210 BBR 2-50 19 L 211 BBR 4-50 19 L 222 BBR5-50 19 L 223 BBR 10-50 19 L 224 BBR 25-50 19 L 147 BR 100-50 19 L 148 BR 150-50 19 L 149 BR.250-50 19 L 269 BR 500-50 19 L212 BBR 10-90 19 L214 BBR4-150 19 L 249 BBR 8-150 19 L 226 BBRlO-150 19 L 247 BBR 12-150 19 L 248 BBR16-150 19 L 225 BBR20-150 19 L 145 BR 25-150 14 L 045 BR 30-150 14L046 BR 40-150 14 L 047 BR 50-150 19 L 146 BR 60-150 14 L 039 BR 80-150 14 L 056 BR 100-150 14 L 057 BR ISO-ISO 14 L 542 BR 20015 Mfd. 25 SO WVDC 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 15 15 15 15 15 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 Size 1. Inches 49 ~xlH6 ~xlH6 100 250 500 1000 2000 100 250 500 1000 2000 10 20 25 50 100 250 500 1 2 4 5 10 25 100 150 250 500 10 4 8 10 12 16 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 150 200 50 50 50 90 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 20-20 10-10 20-20 30-30 40-20 40-30 40-40 50-30 50-50 80·40 100-50 100-100 25 50 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 *xlH. *xlYf. *xtY,. v..xl'Yf. v..xl'Y,. v..x2 v..x2 v..x2 lx2 1:.2*. lx3 lx3 20-20-20 30-25-20, 30-30-30 40-20-20 40-30-.20 40-40-20 40-40-40 80-40-20 150-150-150 30-30.20 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150.25 v..xt'H. v..x2 1:.2 lx1'Yf. 1:.2 !x2 SO Yz:xll1. Yzxll1. Yzxl¥l. o/axl'l1. *x2 YzxlH. V.x1I1. V.x1¥1. o/axl'l1. *:.2 %xlH. %xll1. %xll1. Yzxll1. V.xl¥1. V.xl¥1. o/axl'Yf. %xll1. %xlH. %xll1. %xtYf. %xll1. V.xlH. V.xl¥1• o/axl¥.. *xl¥.. v..xl'l1. V.xl~. %xll1. V.xlYf. V.xll1. V2xll1. V.xl¥.. V2xl¥.. *xl¥.. *xl¥1. *xl'Yf. *xl'Yf. v..xl'Y, • v..xl'H. v..x2 1:.2*. !x3 EACH 60· 100· 99 249 -:si' --:3& .29 .57 .39 .31 .72 .46 .37 .81 .55 .44 .93 .63 ~ 1.14 .63 1.38 .96 .77 .75 .47 .38 .93 .63 .51 ~ .59 ~ 1.38 .93 .75 1.92 1.10 .88 .60 .33 .26 .60 .33 .27 .60 .34 .27 .66 .36 .29 .81 .44 .36 1.02 .61 .49 1.38 .83 .66 .54 .30 .24 .54 .30 .24 .60 .32 .26 .60 .32 .26 .60 .33 .26, .63 .34 .27 •84 .46 .37 .93 .51 .41 1.05 -.66 .51 1.44 .86 .69 .66 .34 .27 .60 .33 .26 .63 .34 .27 .63 .35 .28 .66 .36 .29 .38 .30 ~ .72 39 ~ .75 .41 .33 .78 .43 .34 .81 .45 .36 .84 .46 .37 •90 .49 .39 .96 .54 .43 1.05 .58 .46 1.14 .63 .51 1,.32 .76 .62 -:79 Stock No. Mfr's Type 14 L 543 BR 300-150 19 L 227 BBR 4-250 19 L 228 BBR 8-250 19 L 229 BBR 12-250 14 L 033 BR 16-250 14 L034 BR 20-250 19 L 142 BR 30-250 14 L 035 BR 40-250 19 L 143 BR 50-250 19 L 144 BR 60-250 14 L 020 BR 4-350 14 L 021 BR8-350 14 L 022 BR 12-350 14 L 023 BR 16-350 14'L018 BR 20-350 14 LOl9 BR 30-350 14 L 026 BR 40-350 14 L 544 BR 60-350 14 L 545 BR 80-350 14 L 546 BR 100-350 14 L 008 BR 145 14 L 009 BR245 14 LOIO BR4-450 14 L,OII BR 8-450 14 LOl2 BR 1045 14 L 013 BR 12-450 14 LOl4 BR 16-450 14 LOIS BR 20-450 14 LOl6 BR 3045 14 LOl7 BR 40-450 14 L 004 BR 60-450 14 L 005 BR 80-450 14 L 547 BR 100-450 19 L 21 5 BR450 14 LOOO BR850 14 LOOI BR 1650 14 L 002 BR 2050 14 L 003 BR 3050 14 L 534 BR 8-600 14 L 535 BR 10-600 14 L 537 BR 16-600 14 L 538 BR 8-700 14 L 539 BR 10-700 14 L 541 BR 16-700 EACH Mfd. WVDC 300 4 8 12 16 20 30 40 50 60 4 8 12 16 20 30 40 60 80 100 1 2 4 8 10 12 16 20 30 40 60 80 100 4 8 16 20 30 8 10 16 8 10 16 150 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 500 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 700 700 700 8-8 20-20 30-30 75-20 150-100 8-8 16·8 16-16 20-20 30-30 40-40 40.50 250 250 250 250 300 450 450 450 450 450 450 450-50 Size 1. 50· 100· Inches 49 99 249 lx3'*. T:53 1.04 ':84 YzxIYf. .60 .37 .30 V.xl¥.. .69 .41 .33 V.xl¥.. .75 .44 .35 .47 .38 *xl¥.. ~ *xl¥.. .81 -:49 .40 *xl'Yf. .87 .53 .42 %x2 .93 .57 .46 v..xl'Yf. 1.02 .62 .50 lxl'H. 1.08 .65 .52 o/axlH. .63 .38 .30 o/axl¥.. .72 .43 .34 *xl¥.. .78 .47 .38 *xtr.. .84 .51 .41 *xtr.. .87 .52 .42 .99 .60 .48 *x2 1.05 .62 .50 v..:.2 1:.2 1.17 .71 .57 lx3 1.26 .78 .63 lx3 .86 .69 ~ o/axlY,. .66 .39 -:3i' o/axlH. .66 .40 .32 o/axlY,. .69 .42 .34 %xl¥'. .75 .46 .37 *xl¥.. .78 .47 .38 %xl~. ~ .50 .40 *xl'Yf. .84 .53 .42 v..xl'Y,. .93 .56 .45 lx2 1.02 .62 .50 1:.2*. 1.08 ~64 .52 lx3 1.41 -:B3 ---:67 lx3~. 1.68 .99 .79 lx3'*. 1.92 1.15 .92 o/axl¥.. .72 .43 .34 *xl¥.. .78 .47 .38 v..xl'H. .90 .54 .43 v..:.2 .96 .60 .48 lx2 1.05 .64 .52 '%:.2¥1. 1.26 .75 .60 ''Vt.x3¥1. 1.32 .77 .62 IH.x3*. 1.53 1.04 ':84 ''Vt.x3*. 1.32 .77 .62 IYf.x3~. 1.41 .82 .65 IH.x4'Vt. 1.59 1.15 .93 TYPE BBRD DUAL SECTION 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 19 2202 L 220 115 L 250 2215 L 252 3315 L 254 4215 L 255 4315 L 256 4415 L 257 5315 L 258 5515 L 259 8415 L 260 0183.7 L 609. L 288 101015 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 19 L 230 L 231 L 232 L 233 L 234 L 235 L 236 L 298 L 620 L 238 .84 .55 .44 .84 .55 .44 .99 .60 .48 1.08 .64 .51 1.05 ~ -:5i' 1.08 .65 .52 1.11 .66 .53 1.17 .67 .53 1.26 .73 .59 1.35 .77 .61 1.80 .83 .67 1.92 .91 .73 19 19 19 19 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 L 289 L 263 L 296 L 264 L614 L 265 L 266 L 267 L 268 L 297 L 221 L 617 8D25 225 3325 7V225 0286 8D45 16845 16D45 2245 3345 4445 0652 *xl¥.. .96 lxl'H. 1.11 1.35 1:.2~. lx3 1.56 l%x4¥1. 3.iS v..xl'H. 1.02 1.20 1:.2~. 1:.2 V. 1.35 lx3 1.50 IVsx3~. 1.80 lx4H. 2.04 Ix3~. 1.80 .56 .70 .78 .90 1.84 .69 .78 .85 .94 1.14 1.32 1.00 .45 .56 .62 .72 1.47 .55 .63 .68 .75 .91 1.06 .80 TYPE BBRT TRIPLE SECTION 22215 32V215 33315 42215 43215 44215 44415 84215 0126.5 3315C 1.32 1.35 1.41 1.35 1.41 1.41 1x2~. 1.47 lx3 1.65 l%x4Y16 2.85 v..x2 1.32 .94 .97 .99 1.02 .99 1.00 1.04 1.08 1.75 .96 .75 .78 .79 .81 ,.79 .80 .83 .86 1.40 .76 19 19 19 19 19 18 19 19 IB L 239 L241 L242 L 243 L 245 L 621 L 282 L 283 L 626 4215C 40-20.20 4415C 40-40.20 4415X25 40-40.250 5315C 50-30.20 8415C 80-40.20 0185 40-40·40 16T45 16-16-16 2245C 20-20.20 1411 30.50.100 150.25 lxl'H. 1.29 .96 .76 150.25 lxl'H. 1.35 .99 .79 150.10 1x2¥1. 1.56 1.06 .85 150.25 lxl'Yf. 1.41 1.16 .93 150.25 I:.2Yz 1.59 1.05 .84 300 IVsx3 2.76 1.30 1.04 450 lYsx3 1.86 1.20 .96 450.25 lx3 1.74 1.15 .92 450.150.25 lYsx3 2.22 1.36 1.09 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T_Y~P~E~-B~B~R~Q~Q~UADR~U~P~L~E~S~E_CT~I~O~N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 19 L 2901 33215C 130-30-20.201150.25 11X2 1,.741,.,41.9, 1'8 L 6281 19 L 293 44315C 40-40·30. 20 150. 25 I:.2Yz 1.80 1.1 B .94 18 L 634 .:.1.:.9.cL:..2=.9.:..4-'!....c5"'5.:.5=-15:..C=-"'5"'0-'-5;.:0-'-,5:..0c:.•.;:2.:.0.:......c1"'5"'0.:.;2:,:5;.,...",I",x3,----,=2.:.;.0:.:7=1':.;:2:.:4-'-".:.,:.99 18 L 635 166 • ALLIED 0789.4 0170.5 0174 1140-5.200-301300.150 40-20-20-10 450 40-40-20-20 450 11Yzx4Y1.13.0911.941,.56 1%x3~. 2.82 1.68 1.34 l%x4*.3.27 1.89 1.51 Specify Manufacturer's Type No. and Capacitance on Capacitor Orders Cornell-Dubilier Electrolytic C-apacitors -==q;':';;;':'~. . ,ID=· TYPE NLW "ELECTOMITE" SUBMINIATURE CAPACITORS Aluminum foil capacitors hermetically sealed into ultra-small tubular aluminum cans tightly fitted with an outer transparent Code plastic sleeve to insure freedom from "shorts." All terminal connecA tions are securely welded. For use in transistorized and printed B circuits. Surge voltages exceed working voltages by 20%. Operating C temperature range, -40'C to +85'C. Tolerance, -10% to D +150%. Grounded negative lead. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. 12 WVDC 3 WVDC EACH Stock Type No. NLW Mfd Size 10-3 25-3 50-3 75-3 100-3 125-3 150-3 200-3 250-3 300-3 350-3 450-3 10 25 50 75 100 125 A B !sO J -10 L 373 18 19 10 19 19 10 IB 19 10 10 19 L 640 L 612 L 374 L 775 L 595 L 375 L 641 L 776 L 376 L 377 L 777 200 250 300 350 450 D G H H K L L L N 1- 25- 50- 10024 49 99 249 .75 .51 .39 .32 .75 .53 .41 .33 .75 .53 .41 .33 .B4 .55 .43 .34 .B4 .61 .47 .3B .B4 .61 .47 .3B .B7 -:&i' .47 .3B .90 .61 .47 .38 .96 .61 .47 .38 .99 .65 .51 .41 .99 .6B .53 .42 1.05 .72 .56 .45 6 WVDC 10 18 15 10 19 10 10 19 10 10 10 1-6 L 378 L 645 10-6 L 994 15-6 L 379 20-6 L 774 30-6 --L 901 40-6 L 3BO 50-6 L 597 125-6 L 381 150-6 L 382 250-6 L 3B3 300-6 10 IB IB 10 19 10 10 L 3B4 8-10 L 652 25·10 L 653 50-10 L 3B5 75-10 L 773 125-10 L 386 150-10 L 3B7 225-10 1 10 15 20 30 40 50 125 150 250 300 A A .75 .51 .39 .32 .81 .51 .39 .32 .81 .53 .41 .33 B .81 .53 .41 .33 .53 .41 .33 -CF- .B4 .84 .53 .41 .33 G .84 .55 .43 .34 .90 .61 .47 .3B J K .93 .61 .47 .38 M 1.02 .65 .51 .41 N 1.06 .69 .54 .43 B Stock No. 10 10 10 10 10 L 388 15-12 L 389 35-12 L 390 100-12 L 391 200-12 L 905 250-12 10 L 392 3-15 10 L 907 4-15 18 L 655 5-15 18 L 656 10-15 IOL911 15-15 18 L 657 20-15 10 L 913 25-15 18 L 658 30-15 19 L 765 40-15 19 L 766 50-15 '19 L 768 100-15 19 L 769 125-15 19 L 770 150-15 19 L 771 175-15 19 L 772 200-15 19 19 19 19 IB 19 19 19 19 10 19 10 WVDC 8 A .BI .51 .39 .32 25 C .B7 .55 .43 .34 50 G .93 .61 .47 .3B 75 H .99 .61 .47 .3B 125 K 1.11 .63 .49 .39 150 L 1.14 .64 .50 .40 225 M 1.26 .70 .54 .43 Type NLW L L L L L L L L L L L 596 3-25 75B 6-25 759 8-25 60B 10-25 660 15-25 760 25-25 761 30-25 762 40-25 763 50-25 393 75-25 764 100-25 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Mfr's Mfd Type FB 10404000 FB 1050 5000 FB 1520 2000 FB 2510 1000 FB 2520 2000 FB 3010 1000 FB 5005 500 FB 5010 1000 FB 5020 2000 FB 5040 4000 'wv ---wW",4Vs' 10 ll/ax4Vs" IS 25 25 30 50 50 50 50 l'/sx3Vs' l'/sx3Vs" l'/sx4Vs' l'/sx4Vs" l'/sx3Vs' l'/sx4Vs' ly.,x4Vs' 2l/ax4Vs' 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L BBO 8BI B82 B83 8B4 8B5 BB6 8B7 BBB BB9 B90 B91 B95 896 B97 B99 400 401 H o/,oxYs' o/,.x14' J Stock Type No. NLW L 915 L 754 L 916 L 755 L 662 L 917 L 394 L 663 L 919 L 664 L 920 L 395 L 921 L 756 L 757 L 396 1-50 2-50 3-50 4-50 5-50 6-50 8-50 10-50 15-50 20-50 25-50 30-50 35-50 40-50 50-50 75-50 Size %xYs" %x14' %xVo" K Code L Size %"F %xll/a' %xll/a' M N 50 WVDC 1- 25- 50- 10049 99 249 -15- -B- 24 .84 .53 .41 .33 35 F .87 .55 .43 .34 100 J 1.05 .61 .47 .3B 200 M 1.23 .6B .53 .42 250 N 1.32 .71 .55 .44 15 WVDC 3 A .75 .51 .39 .32 4 A .7B .51 .39 .32 5 A .B4 .51 .39 .32 10 B .84 .51 .39 .32 15 C .B7 .53 .41 .33 20 C .87 .53 .41 .33 25 F .B7 .55 .43 .34 30 F .90 .55 .43 .34 40 H .93 .55 .43 .34 50 H .96 .61 .47 .38 -100- ~ LOB .61 .47 .3B 125 L 1.11 .63 .49 .39 150 M 1.17 .65 .51 .41 175 M 1.20 .68 .53 .42 200 N 1.26 .72 .56 .45 25 WVDC 3 A .78 .51 .39 .32 6 B .B4 .53 .41 .33 8 B .B7 .53 .41 .33 10 C .87 .53 .41 .33 15 F .B7 .55 .43 .34 25 H .93 .61 .47 .3B ~ H -:96 :6i .47 40 J 1.02 .61 .47 .3B 50 K I.OB .61 .47 .3B 75 M 1.17 .64 .50 .40 100 N 1.26 .66 .52 .41 -- 10 19 10 19 IB 10 10 18 10 18 10 10 10 19 19 10 EACH 1- 25- 50- 10024 I~ 99 249 1 A .78 .59 .46 .36 2 A .BI .59 .46 .36 3 B .BI .59 .46 .36 4 B 1.05 .64 .50 .40 5 B .B7 .59 .46 .36 6 C .B7 .59 .46 .37 8 E .90 .59 .46 .37 10 F .90 .59 .46 .37 15 H .90 .61 .47 .38 20 H .90 .61 .47 .38 -J25 .93 .61 .47 .38 30 J .96 .61 .47 .38 35 K 1.02 ;63 .49 .39 40 L 1.05 .64 .50 .40 50 M 1.1 I .65 .50 .40 75 N 1.20 .65 .51 .41 Mfd Size 100 WVDC 10 L 397 2-100 2 C 3 F 10 L 923 3-100 19 L 599 6-100 6 H 8-100 8 19 L 753 J 19 L 605 10-100 10 K 10 L 924 15-100 IS M 19 L 607 '20-100 20 N :38 19 19 19 19 19 10 19 L L L L L L L .84 •59 1. 46 .37 .B4 .59.46 .37 .90 .60 .47 .37 .93 .60 .47 .37 .93 .60 .47 .38 .93 .61 .48 .3B .96 .63 .49 .39 150 WVDC B 750 1-150 I 2-150 751 2 F 5 H 600 5-150 8-150 8 K 601 602 10-150 10 L 39B 15-150 15 M 752 18-150 18 N .B4 .63 .B7 .63 .93 .63 .96 .63 .96 .63 .96 .65 .96 .66 .49 .49 .49 .49 .49 .51 .51 Unique miniature square ca- EACH no wasted space. Leads are firmly welded for minimum EACH 1. ,100- 100099 999 ~ A Mtg. Ring: 11;4." .1 B -:IS .13 A Mtg. Ring: 1%' .1 B .15 .13 A M tg. Ring: 1 l/a" .1 B .15 .13 B Mtg. Clip: 14' .12 .OB .06 B Mtg. Clip: I' .12 .09 .07 B Mtg. Clip: 1%' -'-'-!!.. .15 .13 -C "C" Clamp; %-14" .12 .10 .OB C "C" CIampi %-1" .12 .10 .OB D Mtg. Strap; I.D. Ys" .09 .07 .05 D Mtg. Strap; I.D. y.,' .09 .07 .05 D ]\itg. StraPi LD. Va" .12 .10 .OB E '/s-rt." .12 .10 ~ E !/z-o/16' .12 -:TO .OB E Ys-l).1o' .12 .10 .OB E 14-1Y10' .09 .15 .11 E %-10/,.' .09 .15 .11 E 1-1).1." .15 .12 .10 E 1%-lrto' .15 .12 .10 Deserl ptlo n o/,.xl/a' pacitors solve costly design problems. Capacitors butt squarely against each other- CAPACITOR MOUNTING HARDWARE Fig. E F G .39 .39 .39 .39 .39 .41 .41 SERIES ECSP "SQUARE" MINIATURE ELECTROL YTICS For CoD can-enclosed and tubular capacitors. Universal clip (Fig. E) adjust. to fit cans or tubulars; Figs. ABC for cans 2 oz Stock No. Code Y1.xl/a' 14xV.' 14x%' 14x14' 1-2425-49 50-99 100-249 2.B5 1.94 1.501.33 3.09 2.10 1.62 1.44 2.B2 1.63 1.26 1.12 2.BB 1.57 1.22 I.OB 3.45 I.B5 1.43 1.27 2.94 1.66 1.2B 1.14 2.34 I.B4 1.42 1.26 4.20 I.B4 1.42 1.26 5.46 2.29 1.77 1.57 7.50 4.90 3.7B 3.36 Size DC Size Mrd Size FB HIGH CAPACITY TYPES No. L 443 L444 L 353 L 355 L 356 L 441 L 320 L 321 L 322 L 323 Code EACH Sealed in aluminum cans with wax impregnated insulating sleeves for high capacity. low voltage applications. Range to 85 'C. 60z. Stock SIZE CHART Size contact resistance. Units are ] SIZE CHART Code -A-- I '/sx'/sxYs' Size .B Ysx3/ax'lfr" C l/axl/axl" side-filled with epoxy resin to eliminate voids and misalignment . of capacitor elements. Molded phenolic case is moisture proof and heat resistant. Range: -20'C to +65'C. Tolerallcc: -10% to +150%. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. Stock No. -12LII0 12 L III 12LII2 12LII3 12LII4 12 L 120 12 L 121 12 L 122 12 L 123 12 L 124 12 L 125 12 L 126 12 L 127 12 L 12B 12 L 130 'i2iI3I 12 12 12 12 L L L L 135 140 141 150 iTLi5i' 12 12 12 12 12 L L L L L 152 153 154 155 156 Mfr's Type ECSP 50-3 ECSP 100-3 ECSP 250-3 ECSP 35-10 ECSP 50-10 ECSP 150-10 ECSP 5-15 ECSP 10-15 ECSP 25-15 ECSP 30-15 ECSP 35-15 ECSP 50-15 ECSP 100-15 ECSP 125-15 ECSP'10-25 ECSP 15-25 ECSP 25-25 ECSP 75-25 ECSP 10-50 ECSP IS-50 ECSP 20-50 ECSP 30-50 ECSP 50-50 ECSP 3-75 ECSP 5-75 ECSP 15-75 When Ordering, Specify Ma,ufacturer's Type No. and Capacitance Mfd WV DC EACH Size 50 --3- "A 100 250 35 50 150 5 10 25 30 35 50 100 125 10 IS 25 75 10 15 20 30 50 3 5 15 3 3 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 IS 15 IS 15 25 25 25 25 50 50 50 50 50 75 75 75 B C A -4C A A A ~ B 124 .69 .69 .75 .69 .69 .72 .66 .66 .69 .69 -:sJ .53 .57 .51 .52 -:ss .50 .50 .51 .51 --:69 -:sJ B .69 C .72 C .72 A ~ A .69 B .69 C .72 A .69 .69 C -:69 C .69 C .72 A .66 B .69 C .69 1-4- 2549 .52 .54 .54 .51 -:sJ .52 .54 .51 .51 -:52 .52 .54 .50 .51 .52 5099 .40 .41 .44 .40 .40 .43 .39 .39 .40 .40 .40 .40 .42 .42 .39 .40 .40 .42 .40 .40 ;40 .41 .42 .39 .39 .40 100249 .34 .35 .3B .34 .35 .37 .33 .34 .34 .34 .34 .35 .36 .• 36 .34 .34 .34 .36 .34 .34 .34 .35 .3& .34 .34 .34 ALLIED • 167 C " ornell-Du~~lier Tubular Capacitors P.P.!F:tWMF "MYLAR - DIELECTRIC TUBULARS Compact "Mylar" dielectric tubular capacitors encased in HMylar" film and eud-sealed with a highdensity thermosetting plastic. , Outstanding featuresare'high resistance to humidity. excellent capacitance stability, wide temperature range andloug life. Operating range: -5SoC to +12SoC. Full rated voltage at 8S'C. Derate voltage 10% at 100'C. 50% at 12S'C. Tolerance, ±10%. Av. shpg. wt .. 3 oz. 100 WVDe Stock No. 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 L975 L976 L977 L978 L979 L980 L981 L982 L983 L984 L985 L986 L987 L 988 L 989 L990 L991 L 992 L 993 L995 L996 Type WMF 1Dl ID15 ID22 ID33 ID47 ID68 181 1815 1822 1833 1847 1868 IPI IP15 IP22 IP33 IP47 IP68 lWl lWlP5 lW2 ,Mfd Size .001 .00f5 .0022 ..0033 .0047 .0068 .01 .015 .022 .033 .047 .068 'l12xVz' 'l12xVz' %zxVz' ~xy.' 'l12xy.' 'J.1i4xVz' '%4XVz' '%1xy.' %2"%' '%4xS/a" '~4X%' %x%' '%4X %' 2J.1i4X%' 2%4d' .1 .15 .22 .33 .47 .68 1.0 1.5 2.0 2~4XiYs' '%,xl\4' ~6d\4" Voxl'h" 2%2xl%' 6%4X1%' EACH 25. 50. 49 99 -.-11.2\ .21 .14 .11 .21 .14 .11 .21 .14 .11 .21 .14 .11 .21 .15 ---:12 .15 .12 .21 .21 .15 .12 .16 .13 .24 .24 .16 .13 .27 .14 .17 .27 ~ .14 .19 .15 .36 .36 .19 .15 .21 .39 .16 .45 .23 .18 124 -:f4 100249 --:os .09 .08 .09 .09 -:09 .09 .09 .10 .10 .11 -.-11.11 .14 .14 .16 S I --:26 --:21 --:T9 .57 .87 1.23 1.50 .38 .56 .81 .98 .30 .44 .63 .76 .24 .35 .50 .61 200 WVDe 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 I~ 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 '16 L 877 L 878 L B79 L B80 L B81 L 882 L 883 L 884 L885 L 8B6 L 887 L BB8 L 889 L B90 L 891 L 892 L 893 L 894 L 895 L 897 L B9B 2Dl 2D15 2D22 2D33 2D47 2D68 281 2815 2822 2833 2847 2868 2Pl 2P15 2P22 2P33 2P47 2P68 2Wl 2WIP5 2W2 .001 .0015 .0022 .0033 .0047 .0068 .01 .015 .022 ..033 .047 .068 ;1 .15 .22 .33 .47 .68 1.0 1.5 2.0 %2XVz' %2XY.' %,xY.' %2XY.' 'J.1i4xy.' '%4X Y.' '%4X Y.' '%4xVz' %2xS/a' '~4X%' 2J.1i4"'j.,' "I12X%' l~x%' Y.x%· VzxlYs' 3%1xlYs' '%xl\42J12xl%' %xl%' 2%xl%' 6%4XlVs' .14 .21 .11 .21 .14 .11 .14 .11 .21 .21 .14 .11 .21 .14 .11 .21 ~ .12 .21 .15 .12 .15 .12 .21 .24 .16 .13 .24 ~ ~ .14 .27 .17 .14 .27' .18 .36 .23 .18 .19 .24 .36 .20 .39 .26 .22 .45 .29 .26 .51 .33 .30 .57 .38 .44 .56 .87 .81 .63 1.23 1.50 .98 ' .76 .08 .08 .OB .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .10 ~ .11 .11 .14 .15 .16 .18 --:21 .24 .35 .50 .61 400 WVDe 16 L 832 16 L 833 16 L 834 16 L B35 16 L B36 16 L B37 16 L 83B 16 L 839 16 L 840 16 L 841 16 L 842 16 L 843 16 LB44 16 L 846 16 L B47 481 4815 4822 4833 4847 4868 4Pl 4P15 '4P22 4P33 4P47 4P68 4Wl 4WIPS 4W2 .01 .015 .022 .033 .047 .068 .1 .15 .22 .33 .47 .68 1.0 1.5 2.0 '%4X%' 2%4x%' ~sx3j.,' '%2X%' '~x%' M d- 2S '%2,,1' 3%4xl\4' 'JIi6x1%' '%2d%' 4%4Xl%' '~6xl%' %x2' 3J12xl\4' l\4xl\4' .27 .27 .27 .27 .30 .33 .33 .36 .42 .66 .7B .96 1.20 1.56 2.04 .17 .17 .IB .18 .19 .13 .1'3 .14 .14 .15 ;10 .10 .11 .11 .62 .78 1.01 1.33 .49 .60 .BO 1.04 .12 .13 .13 .14 .16 .27 .32 .39 .4B .63 .B3 .19 .19 .15 .1 5 .15 .16 .1 6 .12 .1 2 .12 .12 .1 3 --:21 --:T6 .21 .23 .26 .43 .17 .IB .21 .33 --:51 --:39 600 WVDC .01 12 L 715 681 .015 12 L 716 6815 .022 12 L 717 6822 6533 .033 12 L 718 .047 12 L 719 6847 12 L 720 ~---:068 .1 12 L 721 6Pl .15 12 L 722 6PlS .22 12 L 723 6P22 12 L 724 ~--:33 ,47 12 L 725 6P47 .68 12,k.726 6P68 1.0 12 L 727 6Wl 168 -ALLIED .30 .30 .30 .30 .33 ~O .20 .21 --:36 --:22 --:T7 ---:-i'4 .42 .45 .51 .2B .30 .34 .22 .23 .27 1.14 1.53 2.55 .75 1.00 1.66 .59 .78 1.29 .1 B .19· .2 I -:90 -:sa ""'A5 --:36 .47 .62 1.03 PKM "BLACK CAT" 125°C KRAFT,;"MYLAR" CAPACITORS Type PKM "Black Cat" tubular capacitors are dual dielectric-combine "Mylar" and Kraft dielectrics to make highly reliable, extremely moisture resistant units. Ideal for the most exacting and rugged applica. tions. Feature Comell-Dubilier's exclusive impregnant "Fixfill", a solid thermosetting end·seal compound which completely seals units against the deteriorating effects of humidity and moisture. All have durable, molded plastic cases. Designed to operate efficiently at temperatures from ..,..40'C to +125'C. No voltage derating is necessary. Tolerance, ±10%. Av. shpg. wt .. 2 oz. 200 WVDe Type Stock No. 2Dl 2022 2047 251 2815 2522 2847 2Pl 21:'15 2P22 2P47 2Wl Size Mfd PKM .001 ~G"I' .0022 ')16x1 ' .0047 '!}II6xl" 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 L 300 L301 L 302 L 303 L 304 L 200 L201 L 202 L 307 L 203 L 205 L 207 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 400 WVDC L 30B 4Dl .001 ')16x1' L 20B 4D22 .0022 Y16 x1 " .0047 Y16xl' L 209 4047 L210 451 .01 ')16xl" L211 4515 --:iii.'5 %xl14" L212 4522 .022 %xl\4' L 214 4847 .047 *6xl \4' .1 L216 4Pl Y2x1Y.· L217 ~ .15 VzxlY." .22 L21B 4P22 %xl%' L 220 4P47 .47 '116x1'Y1SL 222 4Wl 1.0 lx2Ys' ~ .015 ..022 .047 .1 .15 .22 .47 1.0 Ysxl\4' Ysxl \4' V,6xl\4' VzxlY.VzxlY.· %xl%' 1~6Xl'~6' lx2Ys' 600 .001 .0015 .0022 .0047 .01 .015 .022 .047 .1 .15 .22 .47 6Dl 6D15 6D22 6D47 651 6515 6522 6847 6Pl 6PlS 6P22 6P47 14 L 223 14 L 324 14 L 224 14L 225 14 L 226 14 L 227 14 L 22B 14 L 230 14 L 232 14 L 233 14 L 235 14 L 239 ~6xl' ')16xl' %xl\4' %xl\4' %xl14" %xl\4' VzxlY.'JIi6xl'J1i6" %xlVs' '~6xl'~6' lx2Ys' 1600 WVDC .001 %xl\4' .0015 %xl\4' .0022 %xl\4' .0047 %xl\4' .0082 *6xl \4' .01 Y.XlY2· .015 Y.xlVz· .022 %xl%' .047 %xl%' 16Dl 16015 16D22 16D47 16D82 1651 165i5 16522 16847 L 252 L 327 L 253 L 255 L 25B L 259 L 261 L 262 L 264 EACH 255049 99 100- .OB .OB .07 .07 .07 .08 .10 .13 .14 .25 .4B .08 .OB .08 .07 .07 .07 .07 .10 24 .17 .17 .17 .15 .15 .15 .IB .21 .24 .27 .45 .75 249 -.13- -.10- --:os .21 .35 .60 .10 .10 .09 .09 .09 .10 .12 .16 .IB .31 .52 .17 .17 .17 .15 .13 .13 .13 .11 -.-11.12 .12 .16 .10 .10 .10 .09 .09 .09 .09 .12 .13 .13 .11 .11 .12 .13 .16 -:T9 -:IS .IB .18 .2.1 .24 .27 .45 .75 -:T9 ---:-i6 --:T3 .21 .35 .60 .18 .31 .52 .14 ' .25 .48 .11 .11 .09 .09 .09 .09 .07 .07 .07 .07 .10 .10 .12 .20 .29 .52 .08 .OB .10 .13 .18 .24 .42 .30 .14 .11 .30 .14 .11 .30 .14 .11 .30 .14 .11 .30 .16 .13 .30 ~ .14 .30 .21 .16 .36 .25 .19 .39 .26 .20 .35 .45 .31 .09 .09 .09 .09 .10 .11 .13 .16 .16 .26 .39 .39 .39 .39 .19 .19 .20 .20 .21 .21 .23 .23 .23 WVDC ~6xl" -}i6x l" 1000 WVDC .001 14 L 245 10Dl Y16xl' .0015 o/t6x l11 14 L 32B 10DlS .0022 %xl\4' 14 L 326 10D22 .0047 %xl14' 14 L 247 10047 14 L 248 ~ .01 x l\4' - - *6 10515 .015 14L315 Y.xlY.' .022 14 L316 10522 VzxlY.' .047 14 L 249 10847 'JIi6xl 'Jli6' .056 14 L 250 '10556 %xl%' .1 14 L 251 lO,Pl '~6xl'')16' 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 1- .15 .15 .1'5 .15 ~ .IB .IB .24 .27 .30 .42 .75 .11 .11 .12 .12 .13 .15 .20 .23 .33 .60 .30 .30 .30 .30 -:TO --:os --:T6 .24 .24 .25 .25 --:39 30 --:26 .42 .42 .42 .54 .33 .33 .33 .35 .26 .29 .29 .29 6000 WVDC .00051 Y.xl Y.' .001 'JIiG"1'J1i6" .005 '~6xl'~6' 14 L 32516OT5 14 L 267 60Dl 14 L 26B 6OD5 14 L 269 14 L 270 I I lOOTS 125T25 .BI .BI .BI .37 .29 .30 .32 47 1..40 1.35 .52 .40 I 10,000 WVDC; .0005 I Vzxl Y.' I .90 .52 .41 .33 I 12,500 WVDC .000251 Y.xl Y." 11.02 '.59 .45 .36 When Ordering, Specify Manufacturer's Type No. and Capacitance <~") Cornell-Dubilier Paper and Mica Capacitors TJU-TJL HERMETICALLY SEALED CAPACITORS "SILVER MIKE" DIPPED MICA CAPACITORS - Quality transmitting capacitors for power supply filters. Similar to MIL CP-70. "Type TJL; all others are Type TJU. Have threaded terminals with high voltage insulators. TJU supplied with universal mounting strap; TJL has mounting foot brackets. TJL Types 20100, 20120, 25040, 30040 and 40040 indicated by t, have extra-wide mounting brackets with dual mounting holes on each side; all other TJL units have standard-width brackets, single holes. Temperature range, -55 'C TJU MOUNTING STRAP to +85'C. Tolerance, ±IO%. Av. shpg. wt., Sibs. 600 WVDC EACH Size Mlr's MId Stock Inches No. 1·9 10·24 2S·49 SO·99 100·499'SOO·999 ~ ---13L710 600S .5 2Vsxll3;'i6xl1A6 2.56 1.30 1.17 1.14 1.11 1.05 1 2Yax113A6X1'A6 2.73 1.43 1.34 1.32 1.21 1.18 13L 706 6010 2 2%xl"A,xI'A, 3.27 1.71 1.56 1.52 1.49 1.40 13L 707 6020 4.41 2.28 2.05 2.00 1.95 1.83 13L 708 6040 .i. 3%x2l1zxPA, 6 4%x2Yzx1 3A6 13L 736 6060 5.15 2.66 2.40 2.35 2.29 2.18 8 13A6 X3 %xl1,4 6.31 3.22 2.92 2.85 2.78 2.54 13 L 709 6080 13 L 725 6100 10 4%x3%xl\4 6.78 3.45 3.20 3.15 3.09 2.92 1000 WVDC 2.31 13L 715 10001 .1 2xI' 3/16xl1Ji6 13L 716 10002S .25 2Vaxl' 0/16xl'I16 2.65 13L 717 10005 .5 2 Vaxl' 3/16X1'116 2.72 13L 711 10010 1 2 Vaxl' 3/16X1 Vis 2.94 13L 712 10020 2 4x1 13A6xl'A6 . 3.6B 4.94 13L714 10040 4 4%x2 lIzxPA, 13L 713 10080 8 3%x3%xl% 7.06 B.09 13 L 726 10100 10 4%x3%x1%1I' 13 L 735 10120 12 3"A,x3%.2\4 B.B6 13 L 730,IOISO IS 4%x3%x2l1z 11.04 1.39 1.45 1.49 1.54 1.92 2.54 3.61 4.11 4.62 5.BO 1.28 1.32 1.34 1.42 1.77 2.30 3.3? 3.82 4.34 5.47 1.26 1.24 1.29 1.26 1.31 1.2B 1.40 1.37 1.74 1.71 -2.25 2.20 3.25 3.19 3.75 3.69 4.27 4.21 5.40 5.33 1.18 1.20 1.22 1.30 1.59 2.05 2.96 3.43 3.94 5.07 1.74 1.90 2.36 2.74 3.90 6.12 7.11 S.15 1.71 I.B6 2.32 2.69 3.B5 6.06 7.03 B.06 1.6B I.B3 2.10 2.65 3.BI 5.6B 6.95 7.97 1.5B 1.75 2.03 2.55 3.67 5.49 6.72 7.72 3.26 3.42 3.73 4.51 6.09 8.29 3.13 3.33 3.63 4.40 5.94 8.07 3"12.95 3.2 3.16 3.53 3.42 4.29 4.15 5.79 5.61 7.86 7.60 2000 WVDC 13L 721 20001 .1 13L 722 20005 .5 13L 71B 20010 I 13L 719 20020 2 13L 720 20040 4 13L 737 20080* 8 13L734 20100*10 13 L 73B 20120*12 3.7B 4.21 4.73 4x3%xl!,4 5.B5 313/16X3%x2Y4 B.16 4%x3%.3'A, 12.34 4%x3%x4 9A, 14.34 5%x3%x4 9116 16.5B 2Ysxl 13A6X1 J.,16 2Vax1 13A6 x1'A6 3%x2 lIzxl'A, I.S7 2.07 2.55 2.95 4.10 6.43 7.46 B.57 3000 WVDC 13L73130001 ~I 2x2l1zx1V" 7.10 13 L 732 300025 .2S 2l1zx2y,xJ3A, 7.55 13 L 733 3000S .S 3%.2l1z.J3A, B.25 13 L 723 30010 I 31 V".3%.2\4 9.B I 13 L 72430020* 2 4Va.3%x3'A, 13.0 I 13L72730040* 4 4%.3%.4 9A, 18.19 3.62 3.84 4.20 5.03 6.BO 9.30 4000 WVDC 13 L 72S/4OO1O /115x3%X2\4 13 L 729 40040A* 4 8.3%.4% II 1.591 5.941 5.251 5. II I 4.951 4.7S 25.1712.8811.27 10.93 10.5S 10.26 TYPE DYR PAPER-OIL "BATH-TUB" CAPACIJORS Designed for aircraft. submarine, marine and tropcal applications or wherever components must operate under severe heat and humidity condi~ions. Have "bathtub" type metal shells; solder terminals. Capacity tolerance: +20%,. -10%. All capacitors are rated at 600 WVDC, except *1000 volts. Satisfy MIL-C-25A performance and test requirements. Similar to JAN CP53. Dual section units have common case. Operating temperature range: from -55'C to +85'C. Av. shpg. wt., 6 oz. Siock Type Mid EACH Size No. 10·24 25·49 50·99 100·499 SOO·999 - -DYR- -.\- - - - -1·9- - - - -.75 - -.66 - -.63 14 L 621 6010 11%.1.%' 1.78 1.20 1.0 I 14 L 622 602S .2S I "A,xlx%' 14L623 60S0 .5 1'%.lx'/o' 14 L 624 6100 1.0 2.I%x'/o' 14L625 ~ ~2.2xlVa'_ 14 L 626 600S5 .OS·.05I'%.lx%' 14 L 627 6011 .\•.\ l"A,xlx%' 14 L 62S 6022X .2S·.2S 1" A,.lx%' 14 L 629 ~ ~ 2.I%x'la" 14 L 630 6110 1.0·' 14 L 631 6111 .\·.\·.\I"A,xlx%' 14 L 615 1002S* .25 l"A,xlx%' 14L6161oo50* .S 2.1%.""", 1.85 1.95 2.29 3.05 2.36 2.44 2.50 2.S0 3.42 2.73 1.89 2.06 1.23 1.31 1.52 2.03 1.57 1.63 1.67 1.8S 2.24 I.S5 1.28 1.37 I!P.I!I 1.04 .77 .67 .65 1.12 .S2 .72 .69 1.29 .95 .S3 .80 1.72 1.26 ~ 1.07 1.33 .98 .86 .83 1.38 1.0 I .89 .85 1.41 1.04 .91 .SS 1.59..G.!Z. ~ ~ 1.• 94 1.42 1.25 1.20 1.57 1.15 1.0 I .97 1.09 .79 .70 .68 1.16 .86 .75 .72 Multi·coated with epoxy. meet· EIA and Mil-C-5B specs. Range (0 to +70 ppm/'C). Maximum drift, ±.05% +.1 mmf. Operate from -55'C to +150'C without derating. Tolerance ±5% or .5 mmf. whichever is greater-also available in 2% tolerance. 500 WVDC except *300 WVDC. 1\4" tinned brass wire leads: CD 10. No. 26 gauge; CM05(CD15), No. 22. TYPE CD 10 Siock No. 12 L 728 12 L 729 12 L 730 12L731 12 L 732 12 L 733 12 L 734 12 L 735 12 L 736 12 L 737 12 L 73S 12L 739 12 L 740 12L741 12 L 742 12 L 743 12 L 744 12 L 745 12 L 746 12 L 747 12 L 748 12 L 749 12 L 758 12 L 759 12 L 760 12 L 763 Mfr's Type C020M C050K CIOOJ CI20J CI50J CI80J C220J E240J E270J E300J E330J E390J E470J F510J FS60J F620J F680J F820J FlOlJ FI2lJ FISlJ Fl8lJ F20lJ F22lJ F24lJ F27lJ Mml --2 5 10 12 IS - 18 22 24 27 30 33 39 47 51 56 - 6268 82 100 120 -150 180 200 220 240 270' Size ZUtxZ 'Utx ~611' Z3,,",XZ 'MxlA6. z%4xz '.44X%6· ¥ax 1 1Azx 3A6. o/axl1;3zx3Ji6· %X1'A2x 3A6. ¥ax 1 1Azx 31t6· ¥axl1Azx3A6· ¥axl1AzxlA6'" zS,,",x¥aX'l)z· Z%4x¥ax'liz" zS,,",x¥aX'l)z· ZS.44x¥ax7m' 1·24 25·99 .IS .17 .IS .17 .21 .19 .24 .22 .24 .22 .24 --:22 .24 .22 .24 .22 .24 .22 .24 .22 .24 .22 .24 .22 .27 .25 .27 .25 .27 .25 .27 .25 .27 .25 .27 .25 .27 .25 .30 .28 .33 .30 .39 .36 .39 .36 .42 .39 .45 .42 .45 .42 EACH 100·249 .09 .09 .11 .12 .12 --:12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .15 .17 .20 .20 .21 .23 .23 2S0·499 500·999 .06 .047 .07 .054 .07 .06 .07 .062 .07 .062 .07 .062 .07 .062 .OS .063 .OS .063 .OS .063 .08 .063 .OS .066 .08 .067 .08 .067 .08 .06S .OS .06S .OS .07 .09 .072 .09 .075 .10 .079 .11 .091 .13 .105 .14 .11 3 .14 .117 .15 .126 .15 .121 TYPE CD 15 (Style CMOS) 19 L 996 C020M 12 L 666 COSOK 12 L 667 CIOOK 12 L 668 CI20K 12L 671 CI80K 12 L 672 E220J --12 L 673 E240J 12 L 674 E270J 12 L 675 E300J 12 L 676 E330J 12 L 664 E360J 12L667 E390J 12 L 678 E470J -12 L 6S0 F510J 12L6S1 FS60J 12 L 6S2 F620J 12 L 6S3 F680J 12 L 661 F750J 12 L 6S4 F820J 12 L 685 FIOlJ 12 L 6S6 FI2lJ 12 L 687 FI51J 12 L 6SS F18lJ 12 L 689 F20lJ 12 L 690 F22lJ 12 L 658 F24lJ 12 L 692 F27lJ 12 L 693 F30lJ 12 L 694 F33lJ 12 L 695 F39lJ 2 5 10 12 18 22 24 27 30 33 36 39 47 51 56 62 68 75 82 100 120 150 180 200 220 240 270 300 330 390 E431J F47lJ FSl\J F56lJ F62lJ' F68lJ F821J FI02J F122J F152J F182J F202J F222J F242J F272J F302J F332J F392J F432J 430 470 510 560 620 680 820 1000 1200 1500 1800 2000 2200 2400 2700 3000 3300 3900 4300 -- V'16xz3Mx lA6" z%4XZ%4X~6' , 5hzx"hz,7hz' I%zXl~X~" '%ZX I%zX'l'3z" .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .IS .IB .18 .18 .IS .IS .IS .18 .IS .IS .18 .18 .18 .IS .18 .21 .21 .24 .24 .27 .27 .30 .30 .33 .36 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 -.17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .19 .19 .22 .22 .25 -.25 .28 .28 .30 .33 .08 .08 .08 .08 .OS .09 -;og .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 -.09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .11 .11 .12 .12 .14 .14 .15 .15 .17 .18 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .07 .OS .OS .OS .09 .10 .10 .11 .12 .13 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 .05 .05 .052 .052 .067 .061 .07 .07 .075 .OS .OS4 .089 .098 .IOS .09 .10 .10 .10 .11 .11 .13 .14 .16 .19 .22 .24 .26 .27 .31 .34 .37 .43 .48 .075 .OS4 .084 .084 .093 .093 .11 .11 9 .136 .162 .18 .197 .214 .225 .255 .286 .306 .357 -- TYPE CD 19 (Slyle CM06) 12 L 696 12 L697 12 L 698 12 L 699 -12 L 700 12 L 701 12 L 702 12 L 703 12 L 704 12 L 705 12 L 706 12 L 707 12 L 708 12 L 657 12L 710 12L711 12 L 712 12 L 713 12 L 714 Allied-Everything in Electronics from One Dependable Source Z1hzx l 3MJ:7Az" 'l1zx'%4x~' l1A6X3~14': lM6X3%4X!.4" .30 .28 .33 .30 .33 .30 .36 .33 .36 .33 .39 .36 .39 .36 .45 .41 .48 .44 .54 .50 .66 .61 .72 .66 .7S .72 .S4 .77 .90 .83 .99 .91 1.05 .96 1.17 1.07 1.23 1.13 .15 .17 .17 .IS .IS .20 .20 .23 .24 .27 .33 .36 .39 .42 .45 .50 .53 .59 .62 .3~7 AWW· 169 MetaUized Capacitors MTY 1250 C HERMETICALLY SEALED METALLIZED PAPER Lightweight, space-saving nnits for high---.ljlr~rt.1it_ grade equipment. Feature superior mois-"""'A~1.::11 . . . ture resistance. a ",vide temperature range, high insulation resistance,- no derating, and self-healing properties of metallized dielectric capacitors. Resin impregnated Triclad tube with resin end-fill is wax-free for deanhandling; virtually unaffected by hot irons. Range, -55°C to +125°C. Tolerance, ±20%. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. =4! 6 For use where high capacitance values in extremely small case sizes are needed. Have high insulation resistance, low dis~ . . . ' sipation and capacitance-temperature vat· mtlOn. T~ese metallIzed, sealed units are vibration resistant per MIL reqUIrements, and offer excellent resistance to humidity Both terminals are inSUlated from case., Operating temperature ~ange, -55°C to +125°C. Tolerance, ±20%. Av. shpg. wt., 2 Oz. I~ Mfd Type 14 L 470 14 L 471 14 L 402 14 L 485 -14 L 486 14 L 403 14 L 488 14 L 404 MPY_ 2S22 2S33 2S47 2PI 2P22 2P47 2Wl 2W2 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 4S15 4S27 4S33 4S47 4Pl 4PI5 4P22 4P47 4Wl 4W2 - .022 -.033 .047 .1 - .22 -.47 1.0 2.0 Size EACH 26- 60- 10049 99 499 124 -.45 - -:26 -:20 y.,x'Vs' y.,x'Vs" y.,x'Vs" %x'Vs' '%,x'Vs" Yt.xlYs" .45 .26 .20 .45 .26 .20 .48 .30 .23 .63 .37 .28 .75 .44 .34 1.08 .62 .48 1.47 ~5 .66 ~6XIYs" o/sxl1'16" .18 .18 .18 .20 .25 .30' .43 .58 600999 Stock· . No: Mfr" Type 400 474 475 405 491 401 492 406 494 407 14 L 495 14 L 478 14 L 479 14 L 408 14 L 496 --14 L 497 14 L 409 14 L 499 14 L 410 .015 .022 .033 .047 .1 - .15 -- .22 .47 1.0 2.0 6S1 .01 6S22 .022 6S33 .033 6S47 .047 6Pl .1 -6P22 - - - .22 -6P47 .47 6Wl 1.0 6W2 2.0 y.,,,'Vs' -======- 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Mfd 103M .01 223M .022 473M ;047 104M .1 224M "T2'" 474M .47 105M 1.0 205M 2.0 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 L 454 L 455 L 456 L457 L 458 L459 L 460 L461 TYPE MTYN1F-600 WVDC 103M .01 .235x'o/,.- 1.44 .86 223M ,022 .312x'o/,." 1.47 .88 473M .047 .400x'o/,.· 1.49 .90 104M ,.1 .400x1Ys' 1.60 .96 224M .22 .562xlo/,6· 1.87 1.12 474M .47 .562xl'o/,.· 2.20 1.33 105M 1.0 .750x2)i.· 2.48 1.49 205M ,2.0 1x2o/,.· 3.53 2.12 .26 .45 .48 .28 .51 .30 .54 .31 .60 -.81 - -.34 .47 ~6xIYs' 'VsxIYt.' 1.14 .67 2%,xl'o/,o" 1.44 .83 2,%,x2%" 2.10 1.23 .20 .18 .21 .19 .23 .20 .24 .21 .26 .23 .36 .32 .52 .46 .64 .57 .95 .84 .165 .174 .193 .193 .215 .297 .421 .525 .770 -- MMW.033 L 411 2S33 .047 L 412 2S47 L 413 2Pl .1 L 414 2P22 .22 L 415 """"2P33 .33 .47 L 416 2P47 1.0 L 417 2Wl 2.0 L 418 2W2 1024 EACH 25- 50- 100- 250249 499 49 ~ .90 .68 --:si .39 .93 .70 .52 .41 .99 .75 .57 .44 .67 .52 .1.351.01 '.76 .59 1.381.04 .78 .61 1.831.37 1.02 .80 2.6'1 1.96 1.47 1.15 .240"';1." .340,,';1." .390x1Y16" .370"1" '·"1·" .SOOxl" .620xl y.," .32 .27 .33 .28 .35 .301 .41 ~ .47 .406 .48 .415 .64 .546 .92 .785 400 WVDC 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 L 419 L 420 L 421 L 422 L 423 L 424 L 425 L 426 L 427 L 428 4S1 4S22 4S33 4S47 4Pl 4P22 4P33 4P47 4Wl 4W2 , .01 .022 .033 .047 .1 .22 .33 .47 1.0 2.0 L 429 6S1 .01 L 430 6S22 .022 6S33 .033 L 431 L 432 6S47 .047 L 433 6Pl .1 L 434 6P22 .22 .33 L 435 6P33 L 436 6P47 .47 1.0 L 437 6Wl 170 • ALLIED -- .180x~.' .210x';1." .250x'}i'0" .300x';1.' .325xl" .400xly.,' .450xlV," .520xlV," .675xl*" .950xl*' .90 .67 .50 .39 .93 .70 .53 .41 .96 .72 .54 .42 .99 .75 .56 .44 I. II .84 .63 ~ 1.35 1.02 .77 .60 1.53 1.16 .87 .68 1.80 1.35 1.01 .79 2.70 2.03 1.52 1.19 4.14 3.10 2.32 1.81 600 WV FC .200x*' .93 .69 .52 .300x*' . .99 .75 .57 .370x*' 1.02 .77 .58 .325xl;1.. I. II .83 .62 .450xt;1.,1 1.29 .96 .72 .575xly.,,1 1.68 1.26 .95 .560xl*' 2.07 1.55 1.17 .675xI~· 2.52 1.89 1.42 .950,,1*' 4.29 3.21 2.41 1 .60 .63 .66 .67 .76 .86 1.22 .53 .55 .58 .59 .67 .76 1.07 .50 .52 .54 .55 .63 .71 1.00 .40 .44 .45 .48 .56 .74 .91 1.10 1.87 .31 .33 .34 .35 .39 .48 .54 .63 .95 1.45 .268 .281 .287 .299 .337 .409 .463 .539 .812 1.24 .32 .35 .36 .39 .45 .59 .73 .88 1.50 .276 .301 .307 .330 .384 .504 .622 .756 1.29 .235x'Y1.' 11.41 .312x'o/,O· 1.42 .312xl Ys' 1.42 .400xlYs' 1.54 .500xl I .6~ .562XIYt6'11.9 .670xl'o/,o· 2.30 Ixl'o/,.' 3.50 I .85 .86 Yo' .86 .93 .63 .64 .64 .69 ----:98 -:73 1.16 1.38 2.10 .87 1.03 1.57 .55 .52 .56 .53 .56 .53 .61 .57 .64' --:&0 .76 .71 .91 .85 1.38 1.28 .64, .57 .66 .58 .67 .59 .72 .64 .74 .84 .86 .99 1.11 .98 1.58 1.39 .53 .54 .55 .59 .69 .81 .91 1.30 DMP 1250 C DIPPED METALLIZED PAPER Ideal for transistorized circuits-use in .180x~." .200x~o' 500- -.60 - -.53 - -999 .50 Space-saving, radial-lead type for close work. PC circ~its. or point-to-point wiring. Extremely smallsized. with rock-hard epoxy-phenolic dip casewithstands 95-100% relative humidity test and MIL-C-18312A vibration test. Resin-impregnated; have high insulation resistance. Temperature range, -55°C to +125°C. Tolerance, ±20%. Av. shpg. wt., 2 Oz. ~onventional m:,nner or imbedded/potted 19 .235x'o/,.' .235x'o/,." .235x'Y16" .312x'Y1.' .312xIYs" .400xIY.· .562x1Ys' .562xl'o/,." EACH 5010099 499 TYPE MTYN1E-400 WVDC 600 WVDC y.,x'Vs" %x'Vs' %x'Vs' '%,x'Vs" %xlYs' Size .81 .81 .85 .88 .95 1.02 1.15 1.64 L 446 L 447 L 448 L 449 L 450 L451 L452 L 453 .164 .164 .165 .174 .208 .235 .264 .347 .485 .638 200 WVDC Stock No. Type DMP- '14 L462 14 L 463 14 L 464 14 L 465 466 -14 -L14 L 467 14 L 520 14L468 14 L 469 2S47 2Pl 2P15 2P22 2P33 2P47 2P68 2WI 2W2 200 WVDC Mfr'. Type 1.35 1.35 1.4.1 1.47 1.49 1.70 1.91 2.72 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 .20 .18 .20 .18 '.20 .18 .21 .19 .26 .23 .29 .26 .32 .29 .43 .38 .60 .53 .78 .70 ill . 2549 103M .01 223M .022 473M .047 104M .1 224M .22 474M .47 105M 1.0 205M 2.0 sub-assembhes. Constructed of metallized polyester film dielectric, tightly wound and encased in polyester film-tape wrap; sealed with highdensity thermosetting resin. Resistant to humidity and moisture. Temperature range, -55°C to +85°C. Tolerance, ±1O%. Av. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. Write for prices on quantities of 500·999. Stock No. 124 L 438 L 439 L 440 L441 L 442 L443 L 444 L 445 MMW MINIATURE METALLIZED FILM TUBULARS, ' ~;}=' -=={J;~ m!':- Size 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 .164 .165 .186 .231 .277 .391 .535 .26 .26 .26 .28 .33 .37 .42 .55 .77 1.02 .45 .45 .45 .48 .57 .63 .72 .96 1.32 1.74 Y1.x'Vs' %x'Vs" yt.,,'Vs" %xIYs' Yt.x1Ys" V,xlYs' 'VsxlYt.' ')I,.xl'o/,o" 'o/,.x2%" Mfd --:T62 400 WVDC L L L L L L L L L L F ~ TYPE MTYNI C-200 WVDC 200 WVDC Mfr's Stock No. \ 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 L 500 L 501 L 502 L 503 L 504 L 505 L 506 L 507 L 521 L 508 4S22 4533 4547 4Pl 4P15 4P22 4P33 4P47 4P68 4Wl 19 1049 EACH SO- lDO- 250- 50099 249 499 999 .47 .68 1.0 2.0 .39x .63 .44x .63 .51x .63 .4lx1.08 .46x1.08 .52x1.08 .6Ix1.08 .69x1.39 .63 .96 1.'14 1.32 1.50 1.68 1.83 2.01 2.37 .46 .72 .85 .99 1.11 1.25 1.37 1.50 1.77 .35 .54 .64 .74 .83 .94 1.03 1.13 1.33 .22 ;19 .17 .34 .29 .27 .40 .34 .31 .46 .40 .36 .52 .45 .41 .58 .50 .46 .64 .55 .50 .70 .60 .55 .83 .71 .65 .022 .033 .047 .1 .15 .22 .33 .47 .68 1.0 400 WVDC .37x .68 .60 .44x .68 .81 .48K .68 .99 .43x1.12 1.38 .47x1.12 1.59 .57x1.12 1.77 .66x1.12 1.95 .66x1-.44 2.16 .69x1.81 2.37 .73x1.81 2.55 .44 .60 .74 1.03 1.18 1.32 1.47 1.62 1.77 1.91 .33 .45 .56 .78 .89 .99' 1.10 1.21 1.33 1.43 .20 .18 .16 .28 .24 .22 .35 .30 .27 .48 .41 .38 .55 .47 .43 -.62 .53 .49 .&9 .,59 .54 .76 .65 .59 .82 .71 .65 .89 .76 .70 600 WVDC .32x .68 .60 .35x .68 .81 .41" .68 1.02 .44x .68 1.23 .50x .68 1.41 .43,,1.12 1.83 .52,,1.12 2.01 .61x1.12 2.22 .66,,1.12 2.40 .66xl.44 2.61 .69x1.81 2.82 .82x1.81 3.00 .45 .60 .75 .91 1.06 1.36 1.50 1.66 1.80 1.95 2.10 2.24 .33 .45 .57 .68 .80 1.02 1.13 1.25 1.35 1,.47 1.58 1.6S Mfd Size - .047 - --.32x - -.63.1 .15 .22 .33 , .01 14 L 509 6S1 .015 14 L 510 ·.6S15 .022 14L511 6S22 14 L 512 6S33 .033 - -- .047 -14 L 513 6S47 14 L 514 6Pl .1 14 L 515 6PI5 .15 .22 14 L 516 6P22 .33 14 L 517 6P33 -14 L 518 6P47 .47 14 L 522 6P68 .68 14 L 519 6WI 1.0 .21 .18 .28 .24 .35 .30 .45 .36 .50 .42 .64 .54 .70 .60 .78 .66 .84 .72 ,91 .78 .98 .84 1.05 .90 .16 .22 .28 .34 .39 .50 .55 .61 .66 .72 .77 .82 Specify Manufacturer's Type No; and Capacitance on all Orders Good-All Subminiature Capacitors TYPE 663UW "MYLAR" CAPACITORS UMylar"-dielectric subminiatures in "skin-tight" cases. Ideal for maximum space-saving designs. Offer long stable life. high insulation resistance. low dissipation factor. Epoxy end-fills assure high humidity-resistance. Range: -SsoC to +8SoC; to +12S oC with SO% derating. Tolerance: ±1O%. Av. shpg. wt .• 2 oz. • Subminiature • Plastic Film Case • Instrument Quality 400 WVDC 100 WVDC ,Stock No. EACH MId Size .001 II L 079 .0015 II LOBO .0022 II L 081 .0033 II L OB2 .0047 II L 083 .0068 II L 084 .0082 II L 085 II L 086 .01 .015 II L087 II L OB8 - - - .022 .033 II L OB9 II L 090 .047 II L 091 .068 .10 II L 092 II L 093 - - - .22 II L094 .33 .47 II L 095 .68 II L 096 .82 II L 097 II L 098 1.0 II L 099 2.0 o/"xYz" o/J2xY1" %ZXY1" %zx!I2 11 o/"xYz" o/32XYz" o/"xYz" o/"xYz" ¥16xY2" '%,x'Vs' ,%,x'Vs" '%,x%' '!ii,x%' o/"xVs" z!-i,xl' %xIYs" 'o/"xly.," ')16xly.," 'Vsxly.,' 'o/,zxlYz' 'V,6xl%" 125- so49 -24 - -99.50 .36 .27 .50 .36 .27 .51 .37 .2B .52 .37 .28 .53 .38 .29 .54 .39 .29 .55 .40 .30 .56 .41 .30 .57 .41 .31 .58 .42 .31 .59 .42 .32 .60 .44 .33 .44 .33 .61 .63 .45 .34 .68 .49 .37 .73 .53 .40 .79 .57 .42 .86 .60 .47 .89 .65 .48 .94 .6B .51 '1.27 .92 .69 250- 500249" 499 999 .24 .22 .20 .24 .22 .20 .25 .22 .21 .25 .22 .21 .26 .23 .21 .26 .23 .22 .27 .24 .22 .27 .24 .22 .28 .25 .23 .28 .25 .23 .29 -:25 .24 .29 .26 .24 .30 .26 .24 .27 .25 .31 .33 .29 .27 .36 .32 -:29 .38 .34 .31 .42 .38 .34 .44 .39 .36 .38 .46 •41 .62 .55 .51 lDO- 'iTL3i5 II II II II II L316 L 317 L31i1 L 319 L 320 .001 )'0015 .0022 .0033 .0047 .0068 .0082 .01 .015 .022 .033 .047 .068 .10 .22 .33 .47 .68 .82 1.0 2.0 o/"xYz' o/,zxYz' %zxYz" 7'32XYzII o/"xYz" o/"xy," o/"xYz" '\i4xYz' '%,xY," y.,x'Vs" y.,x%" '%4X%" '],),x%" %xVs" r.6xl Ys' 3\i4xl Ys' 3%4xly.," 3%,xl'Vs" 4!-i4Xl'Vs" 4%.xl%" Vsxl%" .50 .50 .51 .52 .53 .54 .55 .56 .57 .58 .59 .60 .61 .63 .68 .73 .79 .86 .89 .94 1.27 .36 .36 .37 .37 .38 .39 .40 .41 .41 .42 .42 .44 .44 .45 .49 .53 .57 .60 .65 .68 .92 .24 .24 .25 .25 .26 .26 .27 .27 .28 .28 .29 .30 .30 .31 .33 .36 .38 .42 .44 .46 .62 .27 .27 .28 .28 .29 .29 .30 .30 .31 .31 .32 .33 .33 .34 .37 .40 .42 .47 .48 .51 .69 .22 .22 .22 .22 .23 .23 .2,4 .24 .25 .25 .25 .26 .26 .27 .29 .32 .34 .38 .39 .41 .55 L377 L 322 L323 L324 L325 L 326 L327 L 328 L 329 L 330 L331 L 332 L 333 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Size .0022 .0033 .0047 .01 .022 .033 .047 .10 .22 .33 .47 1.0 2.0 125- SO- lDO- 250- 50024 49 249 499 999 99 -.51 - .37 .2B .25 .22 .21 .52 .38 .29 .26 .23 .21 .54 .39 .29 .26 .23 .22 .40 .30 .27 .24 .22 .55 .58 .42 .31 .28 .25 .23 .61 .44 .33 .30 .27 .25 .63 .46 .34 .31 .27 .25 .65 .47 .35 .31 .28 .26 .69 .50 .3B .34 .30 .2B .79 .57 .42 .38 .34 .31 .B6 .62 .47 .42, .37 .34 .96 .69 .52 .47 .42 .38 1.38 1.00 .75 .67 .60 .55 1.88 1.36 1.02 .92 .B2 .75 -- %z.xo/a" o/"x'Vs" o/"x'Vs" V,6X'Vs" y.,x'Vs" 0/,6X %' 0/,6XVs" ']'),xVs" 21i4x1 " 3%4X1Ys" "%,xl'Vs' 4%,xl'Vs" lo/16x2" lY"x2y.,' 600 WVDC EACH Stock -:22 1_ Size MId No • .20 .20 .21 .21 .21 .22 .22 .23 .23 .24 .24 .24 .25 .27 .29 .31 .34 .36 .38 .51 MId -.001 ----I L321 200 WVDC L 300 L301 L 302 L 303 L 304 L 305 L 306 L 307 L 308 L 309 L 310 L311 L312 L313 L314 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EACH Stock No. 24 -.51 %,x%' V,6X%" .53 '%",%' .54 .55 '%4x%" 0/,6X%' .59 %xVs' .63 17'3zxl" .66 2%4Xl" .70 ')16xl%" .80 Z%,xl'Vs" .94 1.26 5%4X2" 1Ysx2Y,' 1.72 L334 L378 L335 L 336 L 337 L 338 L339 L340 L341 L379 L 397 L 398 .001 .0022 .0033 .0047 .01 .022 .033 .047 .10 .22 .47 1.0 L 399 L 185 L 186 L 187 L 188 L 189 L 190 L 191 L 192 .001 .0022 .0033 .0047 .01 .022 .033 .047 .10 2549 .37 .38 .39 .40 .43 .46 .48 .50 .58 .68 .91 1.25 SO- lDO- 99 .28 .29 .29 .30 .32 .34 .36 .38 .43 .51 .68 .93 .26 .26 .27 .29 .31 .32 .34 .39 .46 .61 .84 250- 500499 999 .22 .21 .23 .21 .23 .22 .24 .22 .26 .24 .27 .25 .28 .26 .30 .28 .34 .32 .41 .38 .54 .50 .74 .69 .30 .32 .32 .33 .38 .40 .42 .44 .53 .27 .28 .28 .29 .35 .36 .38 .40 .47 .24 .25 .25 .26 .31 .32 .33 .35 .42 249 -- -.25 1000 WVDC II II II II II II II II II ,%,x%' '%,xVs" y.,xVs" o/"xVs" %xVs" 'l1,xl Ys" 'l1zxly.,' ',%,xly.," 'VsxlYz' .54 .57 .58 .59 .71 .74 .77 .81 .97 .40 .41 .42 .43 .51 .53 .56 .59 .70 ____ . .22 .23 .23, .24 .28 .29 .31 .32 .39 TYPE 617 "EXTENDED LIFE" HERMETIC::;ALLY.SEALEDSUBMINIATURES Extended-foil .. Mylar" -dielectric capacitors in hermetically-sealed metal cases. Designed for long stable life in limited-space applications. Life test: 500 hours at 12SoC and 12S% of rated voltage Temperature range: -SsoC to +12SoC; to +IS0°C with SO% derating. Tolerance: ±10%. Av. wt .• 2 oz. !!""'_ _ _ ~:;~~=::[~ CGOOD.ALL n .. 50 WVDC Stock No. 1. 24 .001 'l1i,xl~· 2.91 .0022 'l1i4X%" 2.91 .0047 ' V,6 X %" 2.95 .01 o/16X%." 2.98 .022 3.22 '%4x'Y16" .047 X 3.43 0/,6 %' .1 'Y"xVs" 3.72 .22 '%2xl0/,6" 3.97 .47 ')16,,1 y.," 4.30 1.0 %xl%" 5.12 Size - - --IS L 455 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 IS 15 L 456 L457 L 458 L 459 L 460 L 461 L 462 L 463 L464 15 15 IS 15 15 15 15 IS 15 IS L465 .001 L 466 .0022 L 467 .0047 L 468 .01 L 469 .022 L 470 .047 L471 .1 L 472 ' .22 L4731 .47 L474 1.0 25- SO- 99 1.74 1.26 1.74 1.26 1.77 1.28 1.79 1.29 1.93 1.39 2.06 1.49 2.23 1.61 2.38 1.72 2.58 1.86 3.07 2.22 49 lDO- 249 T.T3 1.13 1.15 1.16 1.26 1.34 1.45 1.55 1.68 2.01 Stock No. EACH 250- 500499 ' 999 .93 1.01 .93 1.01 .94 1.02 .95' 1.03 1.12 1.03 1.19 I.TO 1.29 1.19 1.38 1.27 1.49 1.38 1.77 1.64 15 L 475 .001 15 L 476 .0022 15 L 477 .0047 15 L 478 .01 15 L 479 .022 15'L 480 --:047 15 L481 .1 15 L 482 .22 15 L 483 .47 15 L 484 1.0 1.07 1.07 1.10 1.14 1.26 1.30 1.40 1.53 1.67 1.97 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Mfd Size 1265024 49 99 V,6 X %' 3.26 1.95 1.39 V,6x'Y16' 3.26 1.95 1.39> '%,X'V,6' 3.40 2.04 1.47 o/,.x'V,." 3.59 2.16 1.56 lYllX%" 3.76 2.26 1.63 t3;l,xly.,' 3.91 2.35 1.69 ')16xly.," 4.25 2.55 1.85 4~",lYz" 4.70 2.82 2.04 %x2W 5.24 3.14 2.28 lx20/,6" 6.23 3.74 2.71 150 WVDC 'l1i4X %' '\i4x%» V,6 X %' '%4X%' '%4XVs' o/,.xVs' 'Y"XlV,6" YzxlYs' !K6xl!K6' %x2W SOO-Hour life MelalCase "'My/ar" Dielectric 400 WVDC EACH MId re" •. D 3.07 1.84 1.33 1.20 3.07 1.84 1.33 1.20 3.16 1.90 1.37 1.23 3.28 1.97 1.42 1.28 3.62 2.17 1.57 1.41 3.74 2.24 1.62 1.46 4.03 2.42 1.74 1.57 4.41 2.65 1.91 1.72 4.83 2.90 2.10 1.89 5.69 3.42 2.48 2.23 100249 250499 600- 1.26 1.33 1.40 1.47 1.52 1.67 1.84 2.05 2.44 1.12 1.18 1.25 1.30 1.36 1.47 1.63 1.82 2.16 1.03 1.09 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.36 1.50 1.68 1.99 999 IT6 I.T2 1.03 600 WVDC .98 .98 1.01 1.05 1.16 1.20 1.29 1.41 1.54 1.82 L 485 .001 L 486 .0022 L 487 .0047 L 488 .01 L 489 .022 --L 490 .047 L 491 .1 L 492 .22 L 493 .47 L494 1.0 Specify Capacitance and Voltage Rating on Capacitor Orders ~6X%" V,6X'Y1.', '%4,,'0/,6' 916,,'916" '%2,,1" Yzxl Ys" ')16xl%" 4%4X2" lxl1~6" lx21~6" 3.36 2.02 1.46 1.31 1.16 1.03 3.36 2.02 1.46 1.31 1.16 1.03 3.47 2.08 1.51 1.36 1.20 1.11 3.75 2.25 1.63 1.46 1.30 1.20 4.05 2.42 1,.74 1.57 1.40 1.29 4.1.7 2.50 1.81 1.63 1.44 1.33 4.66 2.80 2.03 1.83 1.62 1.49 5.12 3.07 2.22 2.01 1.77 1.64 5.65 3.39 2.46 2.22 1.96 1.81 6.85 4.11 2.98 2.68 2.37 2.19 ALLIED. 171 Good-All Micro and Ultra-miniature Capacitors MICROLAR 608 MICROMINIATURE FOIL-WOUND "MYLAR" CAPACITORS Take advantage of the new order of component-density offered by the Microlar 608 series. Provide the answer you've been waiting for to meet micro-miniature design problems. As small as mica units, they offer more heat tolerance and superior stability. As small as tantalums (case size "A") to .01 mfd, but offer less leakage, better insulation resistance-and at only 0/3 the cost. EACH Stock No. II II Mfd Dia. 1--::-1-----'-,-;;2-::5--;-;5';;0""-'iI ~10;;;0;--"~25;;0;--"5;;0;;;0;-- (in.) 24 49 99 249 499 999 1.40 1.42 1.44 1.45 1.47 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.06 1.07 .76 .77 .7B .79 .BO .69 .70 .70 .71 .72 .61 .62 .62' .63 .64 .56 .57 .57 .5B .59 Temperature range is -55'C to +85'C; to +125'C with 50% derating. Dissipation factor is less than 0.1 % when measured at 1000 (±20) cps at 25' (±5')C. Life test: 250 hours at +85'C and 125% of rated voltage. Humidity resistance exceeds MIL-C-27287 paragraph 3.12 when tested at 40'C for 96 hours. Tolerance~ ± 10%. 100 WVDC. All are .375" in length. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. Stock No. - - --1:39 1.01---:75 --:&iI-:60 -:ss L L L L II L II L /I /I /I /I -'-'~.~i~~~~~.:....:.=.:.-,-==--,-:.:..::o"';'-:';;":'-'-"'-'-TYPE 1255024 49 99 ~A835 .B I .49 .35 .B3 .50 .36 .86 ~~ .94 .56 .41 1.0 I .60 .44 I.OB .65 .47 1.30 .7B .56 5099 .BI .BI .B3 .B3 .B6 .BB 100249 250499 500999 -:73 -:64 --:s9 .73 .74 .74 -7B .79 .64 .66 .66 .69 .70 .59 .61 .61 .63 .65 saving "Mylar" dielectric and tough plastic film case. Temperature range: -55,'C to +85'C; to +125'C with 50% derating. Excellent for military use where hermetic sealing is not required, Tolerance: ±10%. Av. shpg. wt .• 2 oz. I 21/i4Xs~4'Xly.," ~1--:6S1'471'421-:37135 EACH 100- 250- 500249 499 999 .31 --:2B~ .31 .2B .26 .32 .29 .26 .34 ~~ .37 .32 .30 .39 .35 .32 .42 .37 .35 .51 .45 .41 Stock No. Size Mfd "i"TL9i6 .47 II L917 1.00 124 '%4x''%4Xl%" 1.30 .46 .47' .4B .49 -:So .52 .56 .60 .33 .34 .35 .35 .36 .3B .41 .44 .30 .30 .31 .31 .32 .34 .37 .39 .27 .27 .2B .2B .29 .30 .32 .35 .25 .25 .26 .2,6 .26 .27 .30 .32 2549 5099 100- 250249 499 500999 .7B .56 .51 .45 .41 .35 .37 .3B .39 .41 .47 .57 .31 .33 .34 .35 .37 .42 .52 .28 .29 .30 .31 .33 .37 .46 .26 .27 .2B .2B .30 .35 .42 400 WVDC II L91B II L 919 II L 920 .BO .85 .87 .B9 II L 922 200 WVDC II L 90B .01 Y"X''%4X%" .77 II L 909 .015 Y"x'%4x%" .7B IIL910 .022 Y1sx Z!44x0/8" .BO 1.1 L 9 II ,~ 0/,6X''%4X %" .BI iTL9i'"2 .047 ~2",i%4X%" .B3 I/L913 .10 ''%4X'~4Xv." .B6 II L 914 .22 2~4x'1/i4xl Ys" .94 II L,915 .33 21/i4X"3A54xl W 1.01 .135 .155 .176 .215 .252 2549 I.OB I.OB 1.10 1.10 1.15 I.IB 200 WVDC (Conl'd) EACH Size -:t28 EACH 124 1.49 1.49 1.52 1.52 1.5B 1.62 663F "MYLAR" CAPACITORS 100 WVDC MId (In.) .0082 .01 .015 .022 .033 .047 364 365 366 367 3B5 3B6 Special-purpose Type 663F capacitors are the same as Type 663UW (on page 169). bllt can be butted together where chassis area is limited. This design has wide acceptance in military and high-quality instrument applications. Space- Stock No. Dla. Mfd -.4B .51 .52 .53 .57 .65 .79 600 WVDC II II II II L L L L 925\ 926 927 92B 2%4x3j.,"[ .B I [.49[.351 .32 .2B \.26 .01 .047 2%4X''%4Xl" .96 .57 .41 .37 .33 .31 .10 2%4XS~xlYs" 1.09 .66 .4B .43 \ .38 .35 .47 4~xl'%4X2" 1.73 1.04 .75 .67 .60 .55 ['%4x ULTRA-MINIATURE METAL ENCLOSED "MYLAR" CAPACITORS Metal enclosed. hermetically sealed "Mylar"-dielectric capacitors. Designed and assembled to ultra-miniature standards. Two types are similar in performance characteristics-differ only in construction and size. Type 613G is extended-foil TYPE 613G EXTENDED-FOIL CONSTRUCTION construction; Type 615G is tab construction. Offer high insulation resistance, low dissipation factor and long stable life. Temperature range: -55'C to +85'C; derate 50% for +125'C. Meet MIL-C25C. Tolerance: ±10%. Av. shpg. ~., 2 oz. TYPE 615G TAB CONSTRUCTION 200 WVDC Stock No. 200 WVDC EACH Mfd 15 L 410 1--:001 15 L 412 .0047 15 L413 .01 15 L414 .022 15 L 415 .033 15 L416 .047 15,L 417 .1 15 L 418 .22 15 L 419 .33 15 L 420 .47 ' 15 L 421 1.00 Size '~4,,2~,. '~4x2~2" '~4x2~2" '%4,,2~," '%4,,2Y,," ~6X2~," 7i6 XZ %t" '~,xlJ.16" '%,x1y.," YzXl0/,6" 0/,6x1 '%" 124 3.21 3.26 3.41 3.46 3.49 3.55 3.61 4.04 4.29 4.54 5.9B 2549 1.93 1.96 1.74 2.0B 2.09 2.13 2.17 2.43 2.5B 2.72 3.59 SO- 99 1.40 1.42 I.4B 1.50 1.51 1.54 1.57 1.76 I.B7 1.97 2.60 100- 250249 499 1.26 I. II 1.2B 1.13 1.34 1.1 B 1.36 1.20 1.37 1.21 1.39 1.23 1.42 1.25 1.59 1.40 1.68 1.49 1.78 1.57 2.35 2.07 500999 1.03 1.04 1.09 1.11 1.12 1.14 1.16 1.29 1.37 1.45 1.91 1.30 1.15 1.31 1.16 1.37 1.21 1.42 1.26 1.44 1.27 1.46 1.29 1.5B 1,40 1.76 1.56 1.94 1.71 2.05 I.BI 2.34 2.07 1.06 1.07 1.12 1;16 1.17 1.19 1.29 1.44 1.5B 1.. &7 1.91 Stock No. -15 L 433 IS L 434 15 L 435 15 L 436 15 L 437 --15 L 438 15 L 439 15 L 440 15 L 441 15 L 442 15 L 443 Mfd .001 .0047 .01 .022 .033 .047 .1 .22 .33 .47 1.00 Size '~X0/,6" '~4X0/,6' '~X0/,6" '%4X271!' ''%4x2~2' '%4x2~2" ~6X2%z" '%'X'~6' '~2xlYs" YzxlJ.i6" 0/,6,,1'%" 400 WVDC 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 L 422 .001 L 423 .0047 L 424 .01 L 425 .022 L 426 .033 L 427 .047 L 42B .1 L 429 .22 L 430 .33 L 431 I .47 L 432 1.00 172 • ALLIED '~4X2~,. '~4x271!' '~4x2~2" 1%4X2?jZ'" ',%<,,2%2" '~,x2~", '71!xlYs' 0/,6xl Ys" 0/,6xl%" %xIYs" %X2J.16" 3.31 3.39 3.49 3.63 3.67 3.71 4.04 4.49 4.95 5.23 5.9& 1.99 2.01 2.10 2.IB 2.20 2.23 2.42 2.69 2.97 3.14 3.5B 124 3.13 3.17 3.21 3.21 3.33 3.39 3.49 3.73 3.9B 4.23 4~93 2549 1.8B 1.90 1.93 1.93 2.00 2.03 2.09 2.24 2.39 2.54 2.96 -- EACH SOlDO- 99 1.3& 1.3B 1.40 1.40 1.45 1.47 1.51 1.62 1.73 I.B4 2.14 249 1.23 1.24 1.26 1.26 1.30 1.33 1.36 1.4& 1;!j6 1.66 1.93 I 250- 500499 999 1.09 1.00 1.10 1.02 1.11 1.03 1.11 1.03 1.15 1.06 1.17 1.08 1.21 I. II 1.29 1.19 1.3B 1.27 1.47 1.35 1.71 1.58 400 WVDC 1.44 1.46 1.52 1.5B 1.60 T.6T 1.76 1.95 2.15 2.27 2,59 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 L444 .001 L 445 .0047 L 446 .01 L 447 .022 L 44B .033 L 449 .047 L 450 .1 L 451 .22 L 452 .33 L 453 .47 L 454 1.00 '~X0/,6" '~4Xo/,6' 3.19 3.23 3.28 3.2B '~2~," l%4xZ zit . 3.3B ~6x2~2" 3.44 3.59 '71»:1" 'Y16xl" 3.99 4.23 0/,6x1Yz" 4%4Xl'J.16" 4.44 5.33 %xl'~6" '~0/,6" ,.92/,.39 ,.251"" 1.94 1.41 1.27 1.12 1.97 1.42 1.28 1.14 1.97 1.42 1.2B 1.14 2.03 1.47 1.33 1.17 ---2.07 1.50 1.35 1.19 2.15 1.56 1.40 1.24 2.40 1.74 1.57 1.38 2.54 I.B4 1.66 1.47 2.66 1.93 1.74 1.54 3.20 2.32 2.09 1.85 1.02 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.08 1.10 1.15 1.2B 1.35 1.42 1.71 Allied Has the World's Largest Stocks of Capacitors Space-Saver Capacitors by Good-All HERMETICALLY-SEALED IIMYLAR"-DIELECTRIC CAPACITORS Subminiature UMylar"-dielectric capacitors in hermetically-sealed metal cases. Ideal for transistorized circuitry. Exceed all environmental requirements of MIL-C-25C. Provide long stable life. Operating temperature range: -55°C to +85 °C; derate 50% for +125°C. Tolerance: =10%. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz.' eGOOD.ALL TYPE 683 EXTENDED-FOIL :::n~-- TYPE 685 TAB CONSTRUCTION 100 WVDC Stock No. Mfd Size 124 -- --15 L 330 .001 '%,x2t\,' 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 L 331 .0022 '%,x2t1zL 332 .0047 '%,x2t\,' L 333 .01 '%,x2t1zL 334 .022 '%,x2t\,' L 335 --:ii47 Y16 x2 t\,' L 33& .1 716 X2:%Z" L 337 .22 'tlzxl!-16" L 338 .47 l/zxIYt6" L 339 1.0 '%6xl'0/3," 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 L 340 :001 '%4X2t\," .0022 '%,x2t\," L 341 L 342 .0047 1U4XZ%2" 1%4X2~t" L 343 .01 L 344 .022 '%,x2t\,' L 345 .047 Y16 x2 t\," L 346 .1 ~6x2o/J2" L347 .22 'Y"xl!-16" L 348 .47 l/zxlYt6" L 349 1.0 '%6x1'0/3," 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 L 350 .001 .0022 L 351 L 352 .0047 L 353 .01 L 354 .022 L 355 .047 L 356 .1 L 357 .22 L 358 .47 L 359 1.0 '%,x2t\,'%,x2t\,' ,%,""t\," '%",21\," Y16x21\," 't\,x2?:\," 'o/"xl y.," ,%.x1 Ys" y.,xl%" y.,x2!-1.' 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 L 360 .001 L 361 .0022 L 362 .0047 L 363 .01 L 364 .022 L 365 .047 L 366 .1 L 367 .22 L 368 .47 L 369 1.0 '%,x2t\," '%,x2t\,' ,%,x2t\,' '%,,,21\,' Y16x2?:\,' 100 WVDC EACH 5010099 249 2549 -1.8& - -1.35 - 3.09 3.09 3.11 3.21 3.36 3.41 3.49 3.70 4.22 5.00 1.8& 1.87 1.93 2.02 2.05 2.10 2.23 2.53 3.00 1.35 1.35 1.40 1.46 1.48 1.52 1.&1 1.83 2.17 1.21 1.21 1.22 1.2& 1.32 1.34 1.37 1.45 1.&5 1.96 250499 500999 1.07 1.08 1.11 1.17 1.18 1.21 1.28 1.46 1.73 .99 1.00 1.03 1.08 1.09 1.12 1.18 1.35 1.&0 - -.99 1.07 Stock No. 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Mfd Size 1.11 1.03 1.11 1.03 1.13 1.04 1.18 1.09 1.20 1.11 1.23 1.14 1.25 1.16 1.40 1.29 1.57 1.45 1.91 1.76 .001 'li'X'%6" .0022 %,X'%6" .0047 'li,x,%." .01 '%4x!}'16 11 .022 '%,x"t\," 15 L 385 .047 1%4x20/3z" 15 L 386 .1 o/J6x27i2" 1~zxl7i6" 15 L 387 .22 15 L 388 .47 Yzxl!-1." 15 L 389 1.0 ,%.x1'%z" 15 L 380 15 L 381 15 L 382 :~ t·~~~ 'tIz""?:\," 'o/"xly.," '%6XIYs" y.,xl%" y.,x2!-16" 1.29 1.44 1.67 1.91 L 390 .001 'li,x,%s" .0022 'li,x,%." L 391 L 392 .0047 'li,x,%." L 393 .01 '%,x2t\," L 394 .022 o/,6 x20/3t' L 395 .047 't\,x2t\,' L 396 .1 'o/"xlYs' L 397 .22 !J16x l" L 398 .47 y.,xl y.,' L 399 1.0 %Xl'0/,6' 2.05 1.48 1.34 1.18 1.09 2.05 1.48 1.34 1.18 1.09 2.07 1.50 1.35 1.19 1.10 2.15 1.56 1.40 1.24 1.15 2.28 1.65 1.49 1.32 1.22 2.32 1.68 1.52 1.34 1.24 2.68 1.94 1.75 1.55 1.43 2.96 2.14 1.93 1.71 1.58 3.55 2.46 2.32 2.05 1.89 3.84 2.78 2.51 2.22 2.05 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 L 400 .001 'li4X'%6" .0022 'li'X'%6" L 401 L 402 .0047 'li'X'%6" L 403 .01 '%,""tIz" L 404 .022 0/,6x2 %,' L 405 .047 't\,x2t\," L 406 .1 't\,xIYs" L 407 .22 o/t6x l" L 408 .47 y.,xl y.," L 409 1.0 y.,XI'0/,6" 1.15 1.16 1.21 1.26 1.27 1.29 1.40 1.56 1.81 2.07 1.06 1.07 1.12 1.16 1.17 T.T9 II L 929 II L 930 II L 931 II L 932 II L 933 IlL 934 II L 935 II L 936 II L 937 II L 938 II L 939 .01 .022 .033 .047 .10 .22 .33 .47 .68 .1.00 2.00 %zX'%.xf,6" '%,x'Jti,xf,." ~,"%zxf,.' 'li4X'%4X'%6" y.,,,2%""'%6' 'Jti,X%X'!-16" '%,x'li,x'!-1." 2%"x'%,x'!-1.' '~x33Mx'Y1." 2Jti,x'%,x'Y1." 2Jti,x2t\,xl y.,' 124 1.80 1.31 1.80 1.31 1.82 1.32 1.84 1.33 1.85 1.34 1.97 1.43 2.02 1.46 2.08 1.50 2.35 1.70 2.65 1.92 500_ 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.29 1.32 1.36 1.53 1.73 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.14 1.17 1.20 1.36 1.53 !.Os 1.36 1.36 1.38 1.40 1.40 1.47 1.51 1.62 1.84 2.14 1.23 1.23 1.24 1.26 1.26 1.33 1.36 1.46 1.66 1.93 1.09 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.1 I 1.17 1.21 1.29 1.47 1.71 1.00 1.00 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.08 1.11 1.19 1.35 1.58 1.39 1.39 1.41 1.42 1.42 1.50 1.56 1.74 1.93, 2.32 1.25 1.25 1.27 1.28 1.28 1.35 1.40 1.57 1.74 2.09 1.11 1.11 1.12 1.14 1.14 1.19 1.24 1.38 1.54 1.85 1.02 1.02 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.28 1.42 1.71 1.96 1.42 1.28 1.96 1.42 1.28 1.98 1.43 1.28 2.01 1.45 1.31 2.01 1.45 1.31 2.10 1.52 1.37 2.21 1.60 1.45 2.55 1.85 1.&7 2.78 2.02 1.82 3.45 2.50 2.25 1.13 1.13 1.14 1.16 1.16 1.21. 1.28 1.48 1.61 1.99 1.04 1.04 1.06 1.07 1.07 1.12 1.18 1.36 1.49 1.84 .96 .97 .98 .99 1.07 1.11 1.25 1.41 3.13 3.13 3.17 3.21 3.21 3.39 3.48 3.73 4.23 4.93 1.88 1.88 1.90 1.93 1.93 2.03 2.09 2.24 2.54 2.96 3.19 3.19 3.23 3.28 3.28 3.44 3.59 3.99 4.44 5.33 1.92 1.92 1.94 1.97 1.97 2.07 2.15 2.40 2.66 3.20 3.26 3.26 3.30 3.34 3.34 3.50 3.69 4.26 4.64 5.74 TYPE 601PE "MYLAR" CAPACITORS • Epoxy Encapsulated "Slim-Line" Design for High Humidity-Resistance Thin. oval case design. Extended-foil metallized "Mylar" -dielectric is self-healing; provides long stable life. high insulation-resistance. low dissipation factor. NOTE, the 200 WVDC units listed below are identical in price and size to 100 WVDC units (not listed) -you get this higher voltage-rating at no extra cost. Temperature range: -55°C to +100°C; derate 50% for +125°C. Life test: 250 hours at 100°C and 125% of rated voltage. Tolerance: =10%. Average shpg. wt .. 2 oz. Size - -499- -999 1.18 1.04 .96 • Ideal for Use with Transistors in PC Boards • Ultra-Miniature, lightweight • UMylar" Dielectric and Cases • Instrument Quality. 200 WVDC Mfd 250- 99 600 WVDC TYPE X663F METALLIZED "MYLAR" CAPACITORS Stock No. 3.01 3.01 3.03 3.07 3.09 3.28 3.36 3.46 3.91 4.41 EACH lDO249 so- 400 WVDC 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1.99 1.44 1.30 2.01 1.46 1.31 2.10 1.52 1.37 2.18 1.58 1.42. 2.20 1.60 1.44 2.23 T.6T 1.46 2.42 1.76 1.58 2.69 1.95 1.76 3.14 2.27 2.05 3.58 2.59 2.34 600 WVDC 3.41 3.41 3.44 3.58 3.80 3.87 4.46 4.93 5.92 6.41 2549 200 WVDC 1.93 1.40 1.26 1.93 1.40 1.2& 1.96 1.42 1.28 2.04 1.48 1.34 2.08 1.50 1.36 2.13 1.54 ....-:39 2.17 1.57 1.42 2.43 1.76 1.59 2.72 1.97 1.78 3.31 2.40 2.16 400 WVDC 3.31 3.39 3.49 3.63 3.67 3.71 4.04 4.49 5.23 5.96 124 L 370 .001 'li,x,%." L 371 .0022 'li'X'%6" L 372 .0047 '%,x'%." L 373 .01 'li,x,%." L 374 .022 '%,x"%,' L 375 --:ii47 '%,x2jf,," L 376 .1 o/16x2M211 L 377 .22 't\,x'Y1." L 378 .47 l/zxl!-1.' L 379 1.0 '%6xl'%," 200 WVDC 3.21 3.21 3.26 3.41 3.46 3.55 3.61 4.04 4.54 5.52 • Lightweight • Choice of Construction 2549 EACH 50- 100- 25099 249 499 500- -- - - - - -999.84 .62 .56 .49 .45 1.41 1.31 .79 1.22 .73 1.13 .68 1.04 .62 1.17 .70 -1.42 .85 1.63 .98 1.80 1.08 1.84 1.10 2.52 1.51 .58 .54 .50 .46 .51 .62 .72 .79 .81 1.10 .53 .49 .45 .41 .47 .57 .65 .72 .74 1.0 I .46 .42 .39 .36 .41 .49 .57 .62 .64 .87 "Mylar"-dielectric capacitors have dipped epoxy coating; space-saving tlslJrrt-line" shape; and are specially designed for use with transistors in printed circuits. Will replace ceramic discs where stability with temperature change is important. Operating range: -55°C to +85°C; derate 50% for +125°C. Life test: 500 hours at +85'C and 125% of rated voltage. Units have high insulation resistance, low dissipation factor. Tough epoxy coating tightly seals winding and lead entries; provides high dielectric strength. All units are rated at 50 WVDC. Tolerance: =10%. Av. wt., 2 oz. .42 .39 .36 .33 .37 .45 .52 .58 .59 .82 Stock No • II II II II II II II II II L L L L L L L L L 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 Mfd .01 .022 .033 .047 .068 .10 .15 .22 .33 Specify Capacitance a':'ld Voltage Rating on Capacitor Orders Size . 0/,6X ,%.XYt." 2%",,%.x3A6" 'Y"x't\,,,Yt." '?:\zx2%,x'%," '~,xl/zx1\,' 2l1,x'Y"x'%," '%,x2l1,x'Jti," 'Jti,x'!-16x'J16" I'Yt.xy.,x'J1." 124 2549 EACH 50- 10099 249 .76 M; .33 .79 .81 .83 .87 .92 .98 1.04 1.12 .48 .49 .50 .52 .55 ·.59 .62 .67 .34 .35 .36 .38 .40 .42 .45 .49 .30 .31 .32 .32 .34 .36 .38 .41 .44 250499 500999 .26 .28 .28 .29 -:24 .32 .34 .36 .39 -:29 ~30 .25 .26 .27 .28 .31 .33 .36 ALLIED. 173 Vitramon Porcelain Capacitors TYPES &IVY" CY-SERIES AR, A, AND R PORCELAIN 'CAPACITORS Stable low-loss units ideally suited for use in tuned circuits, high-power RF applications, high~frequency designs, or in other applications where high stability, vibration requirements of MIL-C-11272B; meet requirements of 20oo-cps vibration at 20g acceleration. For centrifugal acc;elerations over 40,OOOg. 500 WVDC, except *300, tlOO, §50. Tolerance, ±5%, except #0.25 mmf. (I % or 2% tolerance available on special order.) No drift-over 10,000 hours at 80°C at 500 VDC. Av. shpg. wt .. 2 oz. ~r!~~~~r~h.!"r~~t'!'rY!iigs ~~~d~~~i~~~~YiJ~~ affected by humidity; maintain insulation resistance after immersion. Meet shock requirements of MIL-STD-202; exceed CAPACITANCE RANGE-SPECIFY MMF DESIRED O.S 1.0 1.5 2.2 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.3 4.7 5.1 10 11 12 13 15 16 ·5.6 6.2 6.8 7.5 8.2 9.1 18 20 22 24 27 30 56 62 68 75 82 91 33· 36 39 43 47 51 100 110 120 130 150 160 180 200 220 240 '270 300 330 360 390 430 470 510 560 620· 680 750 820 910 1000 1100 1200 1300 1500 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2700 3000' 3300 3600 3900 4300 4700 5100 5600 6200 6800 AXIAL-RADIAL (AR) SERIES AND· SIZES-Specify MMF from Table Above VYI2C, CYI2C-%X~6X%Z' to %x~6X~' VYl6C, CYI6C--3~4X%ZX%z' to 3~x%zx'.4· TYPE VY-COMMERCIAL Stock No. 12 LL 000 12 LL 001 12 LL 002 12 LL003 12 LL 004 12 LL 005 12 LL 006 12 LL 007 12 LL 008 12 LL 009 12LLOI0 12 LLOII 12 LLOl2 12 LLOl3 12 LLOl4 12. LLOl5 12 LLOl6 Mfr'. TYPE CY-MILITARY EACH 100·249 250·499 500·999 Type 1.49 60·99 VY12C VY12C VY12C VYI2C VY12C VY16C VY16C VY16C VY16C VY21C VY21C VY21C VY31C VY31C VY31C VY31C VY31C 1.70 1.10 .88 1.10 1.10 1.62 1.36 1.29 .88 .83 1.05 .84 .70 .66 1.05 .88 .83 .88 .83 1.05 1.05 .88 .83 1.37 1.15 1.08 1.08 1.37 1.15 1.46 ~ . 1.16 --,;sa 2.00 1.68 1.90 1.79 2.26 2.26 1.90 1.79 2.15 2.72 2.29 4.18 3.52 3.30 5.64 4.75 4.46 4.46 5.64 4.75 8.06 6.78 6.36 T.iO 1.44 1.44 1.54 2.'iO 2.38 2.38 2.86 4.40 5.94 5.94 8.48 1.06 .69 .5.5 .69 .69 .69 .90 .90 .96 1.31 1.49 1.49 1.79 2.75 3.71 3.71 5.30 Mm' 0.5 to 4.7# 5.1 to 10 11 to 91 100 to 200 220 to 300* 220 to 430 470 510 to 620. 680 to 1000' 510 to 910 1000 1100 to 2400' 1100 to 2000 2200 to 3000. 3300 3600 to 4300' 4700 to 5600' St.ock 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 '12 No. LL049 LL 050 LL051 LL 052 LL 053 LL 054 LL 055 LL056 LL 057 LL 058 LL 059 LL 060 LL 061 LL 062 LL 063 LL 064 LL 065 .EACH 50·99 100·249 260.499 500·999 Mfr' • Type 1·49 CY12C CYI2C CYI2C CY12C CY12C CY16C CY16C CYI6C' CY16C CY21C CY21C CY21C CY31C CY31C CY31C CY31C CY31C 1.75 1.15 .93 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.49 1.49 1.59 2.15 2.43 2.43 2.91 4.45 5.99 5.99 8.53 --.:67 1.41 1.33 -1-.-111.10 .89 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.42 1.42 1.51 2.05 2.31 2.31 2.77 4.23 5.69 5.69 8.11 .93 .75 .93 .93 -::93 1.20 1.20 1.28 .88 .71 .88 .88 .88 1.13 1.13 1.21 J:73 1.63 1.95 1.95 ,2.34 3.57 4.80 4.80 6.83 1.84 1.84 2.20 3.35 4.51 4.51 6.41 .74 .60 .74 .74 .74 .95 .95 1.01 1.36 1.54 1.54 1.84 2.80 3.76 3.76 5.35 AXIAL. (A) SERIES AND SIZES-Specify MMF from Table Above TYPE VY·COMMERCIAL Stock Mfr'. NO. Type 1.49 60·99 12 LL045 12LLOl7 12 LL 018 12LLOl9 12 LL 020 12 LL 021 12 LL022 12 LL 023 12 LL 024 12 LL 025 12 LL 026 12 LL 027 12 LL 028 12'LL 029 12 LL 030 12'LL031 12LL 032 12 LL 033 VY13C VY13C VY13C VY13C VY13C VY13C VY17C VYI7C VY17C 1.55 1.00 .62 .70 1.00 1.47 TYPE CY-MILITARY EACH 100·249 250·499 500·999 .97 .63 .39 .44 .63 --.-:00- ---:95 ~ .63 1.00 .95 .80 .75 .63 1.30 1.24 1.04 .98 .81 1,30 1.24 1.04 .98 .81 VYi7C 1.40 --.:33 I.i2 I.OS .88 VY22C 1.90 1.52 1.19 1.81 1.43 VY22C 2.16 2.05 1.73 1.62 1.35 VY22C 2.16 2.05 1.73 1.62 1.35 VY32C 2.60 2.47 1.63 2.08 1.95 VY32C 4.00 3;80 3.20 2.50 3.00 VY32C 5.40 5.13 4.32 4.05 3.38 VY32C 5.40 5.13. 4.32 4.05 3.38 VY32C 7.70 7.32 4.81 6.16 5.78 .95 .59 .67 .95 1.24 .80 .50 .56 .80 --:eo 1.16 .75 .47 .53 .75 Mm' 0.5 to 4.71 5.1 to 10 11 to 43 47 to 91 100 to 200 220 to 300. 220 to 430 470 510 to 620. 680 to 1000' 510 to 910 1000 11 00 to 2000. 1100 to 2000 2200 to 3000 3300 3600 to 4300' 4700 to 6800' Stock No. 12 LL 046 12LL066 12LL067 12 LL 068 12 LL 069 12 LL 070 12 LL 071 12 LL 072 1'2 LL 073 12 LL 074 12LL075 12 LL 076 12 LL on 12 LL 078 12 LL 079 12 LL 080 12 LL 081 12 LL 082 Mfr'. Type CY13C CY13C CY13C CY13C CY13C CY13C CY17C CY17C CY17C CY17C CY22C CY22C CY22C CY32C CY32C CY32C CY32C CY32C 1·49 EACH 60·99 100·249 250·499 500·999 .1.60 1.52 1.29 1.21 1.02 1.05 1.00 .85 .80 .68 '. .44 ' .67 .64 .55 .52 .58 .49 .72 .75 .61 1.05 1.00 .85 .80 .68 1.00 1.05 .85 .80 .68 1.05 1.00 .85 .80 .68 1.35 1.29 1.09 1.03 .86 1.09 1.35 . 1.29 1.03 ~ .93 1.45 1.38 1.17 1.10 1.95 1.86 1.57 1.48 1.24 2.10 1.78 1.67 1.40 2.21 2.10 1.67 1.40 2.21 1.78 2.65 2.52 ~ 2.00 1.68 3.85 3.25 2.55 4.05 3:OS 3.43 5.45 5.18 4.37 4.10 5.45 5.18· 4.37 4.10 3.43 6.21 5.83 4.86 7.75 7.37 RADIAL (R) SERIES AND SIZES-Specify MMF from Table Above I Stock Mfr'o Mm' No. Type 12LL044 VY04C 0.5 to 5.1# 12 LL 034 VY04C 5.6 to 22 12 LL 035 VY04C 24 to 100' 12 LL 036 VY04C 110 to.200t 220t 12 LL 037 VY04C 174 • ALLIED VY04C-%X~6X%o" 1·49 1;08 .70 .70 .84 1.00 to %X~6X%4· EACH 60·99 100·249 250.499 500·999 1.03 .67 .67 .80 .95 ---:B6 .56 .56 .67 .BO .81 .53 .53 ;63 .75 .68 .44 .44 .53 .63 I VY05C--3~%zx%o" Stock No. 12 LL 038 12 LL 039 12 LL 040 12 LL041 12 LL 042 to 3~4X%zx%4. Mfr'. Mmf Type VY04C VY04C VY05C VY05C VY05C 240 470 300 470 680 to 430, to 5101 to 430t to 620t to 12001 1.49 J EACH 50·99 100·249 250·499 500-999 1.00 .95 1.44 1.37 1.10 1.05 1.44 1.37 1.54 -.1.46 .80 1.15 .88 1.15 1.23 .75 1.08 .83 1.08 1.16 .63 .90 .69 .90 .96 Specify Manufacturer's Type No. and Capacitance on Capacitor Orders Vitramon and Arco-Elemenco Capacitors VITRAMON CAPACITIES-SPECIFY MMF DESIRED MICRO·MINIATURE CERAMICS Meet MIL-C-ll015C specs-highly resistant to shock, vibration, moisture. Meet MIL-STD-202 temperature, immersion specs. Precision-molded cases are flame-resistant. Standard 0.2" lead spacing simplifies circuit design. Handle 200 WVDC without derating; surge voltage up to 400% of rated voltage. Range, _55' C. to +150· C. Up to 1000 mmf, .2x.2x.l"; over 1000 mmf, .3x.3x.l". 2 oz. 10 1271681180' 470 12' 33 82 220 560 15 39 100 270 680 18 47 120 330 820 22 S6 ISO 390 1000 11200 1500 ,1800 2200 2700 8200 133001 3900 10K 4700 5600 16800 TYPE VK-COMMERCIAl-Specily MMF from To&le A&ove TYPES VK20, VK3D-l0% TOLERANCE Stock No_ 12 LL 091 12 LL092 12 LL093 12 LL094 Mfr's Type VK20 VK20 VK30 VK30 1·49 1.16 .BO 1.10 2.70 --- TYPES VK20, VK30-20% TOLERANCE EACH Mmf 50-99 100·249 250-499 500·999 -1.10 -- -- -- .73 10 to 100 .93 .87 120 to 1000 .76 .64 .60 .50 1.05 .88 .B3 ,.69 1200 to 4700 2.57 2.16 2.03 1.69 5600 to 10.000 Stock No. 12 LL 096 12 LL 097 12LL098 12 LL 099 LL 0831 LL OB4 LL 085 LL 086 .7B .55 .74 1.74 CK05 CK05 CK06 CK06 1 1~~ ~~ ~~go I:~12 LL ~~ 089 g:~ 1 CK06 g~~~ 1200 to 4700 5600 to 10.000 VITRAMON 12 LL 090 General-Purpose Kit.Features· 'Vitramon" axial-radial "VY" Porcelain Capacitors for prototype and breadboard use. Contains 576 units of 18 pieces each of VY 12 and VY 16 case sizes in all values between 100 and 1000 mmf and the following lower values: 10,22,33,39,47,68, and 82 mmf. For specifications see page 174. In 13%xI2'1zx6" enameled metal cabinet with 32 labeled drawers. Shpg. wt .. 15 lbs. II LU 183 ........................... 380.00 • Packaged Individually • In, Handy, Convenient Cabi.. net RF Capacitor Kit. A specially'selected assortment of highly reliable porcelain capacitors in VY 12 cases particularly suited to high-frequency applications. Contains 18 each of the following values: 1.0, 1.5, 2.7,3.3,3.9,4.7,5.6,6,8,8.2,10,12,15,18,22,33, and 47 mmf. In 7 14x12'lzx6" enameled cabinet with 16 labeled drawers. 9 Ibs. II LU 184 ........................... .180.00 ARCO-ELMENCO TYPE CM·15-%z,c¥Zx'li," -- -- --- CK06 1 :~~ 1 .99 2.29 :~~ .94 2.18 1 :~~ .BO I.B4 1 :~~ .76 1.73 I .55 .48 .64 1.45 , "VK" SERIES CERAMIC CAPACITOR KIT General.Purpose Kit. Wide assortment of over 600 "VK" Ceramic Capacitors-l0 each, in both 10% and 20% tolerances of all values in Table "A" above. Units are packaged and sorted by value in 32 individual, labeled drawers for fast, easy selection. Compact, sturdy, 13%x12'1zx6" cabinet takes up less than liz-foot of bench space. Shpg. wt., 12 lbs. II LU 163 ........................... 349.00 Popular Value Kif. Special selection of the mostoften-used "VK" series Ceramic Capacitors. Would cost far more if bought separately. All have 10% tolerance. 10 each of the following values: 100, ISO, 220, 330, 470, 680, 1000, 1500, 2200, 3300, 4700, and 10,000 mmf. All are sorted by value and packaged in lOx6x6 liz" enameled cabinet with 12 labeled drawers. Shpg. wt .. 4 lbs. 75 00 II LU 164 .•••••• : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM MOLDED SILVERED MICA5-:!:5% TOLERANCE Reliability, dielectric strength, resistance to puncture and moisture-all combined into tiny capacitors. Meet Mil-C-5 and EIA spec RS-153. In low-loss phenolic cases. All are 500 WVDC except t300 WVDC. TemEACH Stock Mfr's Mmf Type No. 1·24 25·99 10 L424 CM-15-C-Ol0M 1 .18 .16 10 L 425 CM-15-C-020M 2 .18 .16 10 L 426 CM-1S-C-030M 3 .18 .16 10 L427 CM-15-C-050IC 5 .18 .16 10 .18 .16 10 L42B CM-1S-C-IOOJ 10 L429 CM-1S-C-120J 12 .18 ~ 10 L436 CM-15-C'150J 15 .18 .16 IOL437 CM-1S-C-180J 18 .IB .16 10 L438 CM-15-C-200J 20 .18 .16 IOL439 CM-15-C-220J 22 .18 .16 10 L466 CM-1S-E-240J 24 .18 .16 27 ~ .16 IOL467 CM-15-E-270J 10 L 468 CM-15"E-300J 30 .18 .16 33 .18 .16 10 L 469 CM-15-E-330J IOL470 CM-15-E-360J 36 .18 .16 10 L471 CM-15-E-390J 39 .18 .16 10 L472 CM-15-E-430J 43 .18 .16 IOL473 CM-1S-E-470J 47 .18 .16 IOL474 CM-15-E-500J 50 .18 .16 10 L475 CM-15-E-S10J 51 .18 .16 10 L476 CM-15-E-S60J 56 .18 .16 10 L 477 CM-1S-E-620J 62 .18 .16 10 L480 CM-15-E-680J 68 .IB .16 10 L478 CM-1S-E-7S0J 75 .18 .16 10 L 479 CM-1S-E-820J 82 .18 .16 10 L 496 CM-15-E-910J 91 .18 ,16 10 L497 CM-15-E-10lJ 100 .18 .16 10 L 498 CM-15-E-lllJ 110 .21 .18 10 L 499 CM-1S-E-121J 120 .21 .18 10 L514 CM-1S-E-13lJ 130 .21 .18 10 L515 CM-1S-E-1S1J 150 .21 .18 10 L516 CM-1S-E-16lJ 160 .24 .21 --- --- CAPACITOR LABSTOCK KITS "VY" SERIES PORCELAIN CAPACITOR KITS • In Most·Often·Used Values EACH 50·99 100·249 250-499 500·999 .76 .64 .60 .50 ,65 .54 .51 .43 .89 .71 .59 .75 1.40 2.13 1.79 1.68 1·49 .BO .6B .94 2.24 TYPES CK05, CK06 MILITARY~20% TOl. TYPES CK05, CK06 MILITARY-l0% TOl. 12 12 12 12 Mfr'. Type VK20 VK20 VK30 VK30 perature coefficient depends on middle letter of Mfr's Type number: letter C, =200 parts/million/'C; letter D, =100 parts; letter E, -20, +100 parts. Av. wt., 1 oz. Write for prices on quantities over 100. TYPE CM·15-%2x¥Zx'l1," (Conl'd) EACH Mfr'a Mmf Type 1·24 25·99 CM-15-E-18tJ 180 .24 .21 CM-15-E-20tJ 200 .24' .21 CM-1S-E-221J 220 .27 .24 CM-15-E-24tJ 240 .27 .24 CM-1S-E-2S1J 250 .27 .24 CM-1S-E-271J 270 ,30 .27 CM-1S-E-30lJ 300 .30 .27 CM-15-E-331J 330 .33 .29 CM-1S-E-361J 360 .36 .32 390 .39 .35 CM-15-E-391J 430 .42 .37 CM-15-E-431Jt 470 .45 .40 CM-15-E-471Jt 500 .4B .43 CM-15-E-SOIJt 510 .4B .43 CM-1S-E-511Jt Stock No. 10 L517 10 L51B 10 L519 10 L 542 10 L 543 10 L 544 10 L545 10 L546 10 L 547 10 L548 10 L 549 10 L 554 10 L 555 10 L 556 10 L 557 10 L 55B 10 L 566 10 L 567 10 L 568 IOL569 10 L 583 10 L 584 10 L 585 10 L 586 10 L 587 10 L 58B 10 L 589 10 L 594 10 L 595 10 L 596 TYPE CM-2o-~6X~xl'A6" CM-20-D-S61J 560 .33 CM-20-D-6211 620 .36 CM-20-D-6811 680 .36 CM-20-D-751J 750 .39 820 .42 CM-20-D-82lJ CM-20-D-911J 910 .42 1000 .45 CM-20-E-l02J CM-20-E-112J 1100 .45 1200 .48 CM-20-E-122J 1300 .48 CM-20-E-132J 1500 .51 CM-20-E-152J CM-20-E-162J 1600 .54 1800 .60 CM-20-E-182J CM-20-E-202J 2000 .66 CM-20-E-222J 2200 .72 CM-20-E-242J 2400 .75 .29 .32 .32 .35 .37 .37 .40 .40 .43 .43 .45 .4B .54 ,59 .64 .67 TYPE S~oo~k CM.2o-~'x~xI1A," I ~:~: TYPE CM.2o-~,x~x25h2" 10 L 422 CM-20-E-252J 10 L 423 CM-20-E-272J 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 L 599 L619 L 620 L 621 L 622 L 623 L 624 L 638 CM-20-E-302J CM-20-E-332J CM-20-E-362Jt CM-20-E-392Jt CM-20-E-432Jt CM-20-E-472Jt CM-20-E-S02Jt CM-20-E-S12Jt 10 L 639ICM-30-E-562J 10 L 640 CM-30-E-622J 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1,0 10 10 10 Specify Manufacturer's Type No. and Capacitance on Capacitor Orders L641 L 642 L 643 L 644 L 645 L 646 L 647 L648 L649 L 684 L 685 L 686 (Cont'd) CM-35-E-682Jt CM-35-E-7.52Jt CM-35-E-822Jt CM-35-E-912Jt CM-35-E-l03Jt CM-3S-E-123Jt CM-35-E-153Jt VCM-35-E-682J VCM-35-E-752J VCM-35-E-822J VCM-35-E-912J VCM-35-E-I03J mfll'~:CI2~.99 1M 2500 -:7B 2700 .84 3000 3300 3600 3900 4300 4700 5000 5100 .90 .96 1.02 I.OB 1.14 1.20 1.26 1.26 .70 .75 .BI .86 .91 .97 1.02 I.OB 1.13 1.13 1 560011.2611.13 6200 1.32 1.18 6800 7500 8200 9100 10000 12000 1S000 6800 7500 8200 9100 10000 1.32 1.44 1.56 1.68 1.86 2.16 2.58 1.44 1.56 1.6B I.B6 2.04 1.18 1.29 1.40 1.51 1.67 1.94 2.32 1.29 1.40 1.51 1.67 1.83 ALLIED. 175 Arco Capacitors ARCO-ELMENCO "DUR-MICA" SILVERED MICA CAPACITORS-:l:5% TOLERANCE Special plastic coating on mica capacitors resists extreme humidity and moisture. All are 500 WVDC. except t300 WVDC and §100 WVDC; Operate in temperatures from' -55°C to +150 o C without derating. Compact size makes them espe" dally suitable for use.in delay lines, computers. test equip- near NPO. Meet or exceed MIL-C-5B and RETMA specifications for mica capacitors. Capacitance tolerance:,'±5% except * ±.S mmf. Approx. sizes: DM-I0. ¥axv,6xy,6" to ,~" thick; DM-15.V,6xl';\2x%z" to~" thick; DM-19.%x l %zx%z" to V,2" thick; DM-30. 2%2X2 %2xV,2" to %2" thick. Wt., 1 oz. Write for prices in quantities over 100. ment, guided missiles. etc. Low temperature coefficlentTYPE DM-IO Stock No. Mfr'. Type 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 '12 L 350 L 351 L 352 L 353 L 354 L 355 L 356 L 357 L 358 L 359 L 360 L 361 L 362 L 363 L 364 L 365 L 366 L 367 L 368 L 369 L 370 L 371 L 372 L 373 DM-I0-0I0K* DM-I0-020K* DM-1O-030K* DM-I0-050J DM-I0-I00J DM-I0-120J DM-10-150J DM-10-180J DM-I0-200J DM-IO-220J DM-I0-240J DM-10-270J DM-1O-300J DM-IO-330J DM-IO-360J DM-I0-390J DM-I0-430J DM-I0-470J DM-I0-s00J DM-10-510J DM-10-560J DM-1O-620J DM-IO-680J DM-10-750J 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 L 376 L 377 L 378 L 379 L 380 L 38 I L 382 L 383 L 384 L 385 L 386 L 387 L 388 L 389 L 400 L 40 I ,DM~1.O-10U :~ ~ ~~: ~::!~:!:~i DM-1O-11lJ DM-I0-12lJ DM-I0-131J DM-IO-15lJ DM-1O-16lJ DM-1O-181J DM-I0-20lJ 'DM-IO-221J DM-I0-241J DM-IO-25I] DM-1O-271J DM-IO-30lJ DM-1O-33lJ DM-IO-361J DM-IO-39lJ TYPE DM-15-(Conl'd) TYPE DM-15 Mmf 1 2 3 5 10 12 15 18 20 22 24 27 30 33 26 39 43 47 50 51 56 62 68 75 :: 10Q 110 120 130 ISO 160 180 200 220 240 250 270t 300t 3301 3601 3901 EACH Stock No. 1-24 26-99 .18 .16 .18 .16 .18 .16 .18 .16 .19 .17 .23 10 L 716 10 L 71,7 10 L 718 10 L 719 10 L 720 10 L ,721 10 L722 10 L 723 10, L 724 10 L 725 10 L 726 10 L 727 10 L 728 10 L 729 10 L 730 10 L 731 10 L 732 10 L 733 10 L 734 10 L 735 10 L 736 10 L 737 10 L 738 10 L 739 .21 __ .23 -:23 .21_ .23 .26 .26 .26 .21 .21 .23 .23 .23' .26 .23 -:26 .23 .23 .23 .27 .26 .26 .30 .30 .33 .37 .40 .40 .43 .46 :46' .46 .50 .50 .53 .56 : ,10 L 742 10 L 743 I d L 744 10 L 745 10 L 746 10 L 747 10 L 748 10 L 749 10 L 750 I' 0 L 751 10 L 752 10 L 753 10 L 754 10 L 755 10 L756 10 L 757 DM-15-11lJ DM-15-121J DM-15-13lJ DM-15-15lJ DM-15-16lJ DM-15-18lJ DM-15-20lJ DM-15-2211 DM-15-2411 DM-15-251J DM-15-271J DM-15-30lJ DM_15-331J DM-15-36lJ DM-15-39tJ EAcH Mlnf DM-15-010K* DM-ls'{)20K* DM-ls-030K* DM-15-050J* DM-15-100J DM-ls-120J DM-15-150J DM-15-180J DM-15-200J DM-15-220J DM-15-240J DM-15-270J DM-15-300J DM-15-330J DM-15-360J DM-ls-390J DM-ls-430J DM-15-470J DM-15-500J DM-15-510J DM-15-560J DM-15-620J DM-15-680J DM-15-750J gt ~:? DM-15-IOlJ ~~i=:~:~~gf ~ .30 .33 .36 .36 .39 .41' .41 .41 .45 .45 .48 .50 Mfr's Type 1-24 25-99 1 2 3 5 10 12 15 i8 20 22 24 27 30 33 36 39 43 47 50 51 56, 62 68 75 82 91 10,0 110 120 130 150 160 180 200 220 240 250 270 300 330 360 390 .15 .14 .17 .15 .17 .15 .17 .15 .17 .15 .20 .18 .23 .21 .26 .23 30 ~ NEW TYPE PT HERMETICALLY, SEALED TUBULARS Rated' @ 100 VDCW • .special construction uses polystyrene dielectric in nonferrous metallic tube with compression glass end seals. High stability, high insulation resistance, low dielectric absorption. and low dissipation factor. Used in precision filters and tuned circuits. analog computer circuits, servos. Tolerance, ±5 %. , Stability, ::1:0.1 % max long term capacitance-drift. Insulation resistance. 10 5 megohms-mfd. Dielectric absorption •. 05 % max. Dissipation factor. .02 to .04% max, 25-85°C. Temp. range. -55 to ,+85°C. Temp. coeff.• -120 ppmjDC (±15 ppm). With #20 tinned copper leads, Ht.,H min. Vary from Vax.312° dia. to lVax.670" dia. Wt .. 2 oz. Mfr's No. Type EACH 19 14 L 024 I'PT-202J .,002 3.17 14 L 025 IPT-332J .0033 3.17 14 L 027 IPT-472J .0047 3.17 14 L 028 1PT-502J .005 3.i7 14 L 029 IPT-682J .0068 3.17 14L'030 IFT-I03J .01 3.17 14 L 031 IPT-IS3J .015 3.20 14 L 032 IPT-203J .02 3.22 14 L 036 IPT-223J .022 3.24 14 L 037 IPT-333J .033 3.30 -_ .. _--14 I.. 038 IPT-473J .047 3.38 14 L 040 IPT-503J .05 3.40 14 L 041 IPT-I04J .1 3.99 14 L 042 IPT-154J .15 4.38 14 L 043 IPT-204J .2 4.90 - 14 L 044 IPT-224J .22 5.04 14 L 048 IPT-334J .33 5.85 14 L 049 IPT-504J .5 7.18 176 • ALLIED Mfd -- 1024 2.27 2.27 2.27' 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.36 2.42 2.43 2.78 3.13 3.50 3.60 4.18 5.13 2649 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.83 1.84 60- 10099 -4991.36 1.09 1.36 1.09 1.36 1.09 1.36 1.09 1.36 1.09 - -1.36 1.09 1.37 1.10 1.38 1.11 1.39 1.11 1.41 1.13 1.45 T.I6 1.46 1.17 1.67 1.33 1.88 1.50 2.10 1.68 2.16 1.73 2.51 2.00 3.08 2.46 -- -- 1.~5 1.89 1.93 1.94 2.22 2.50 2.80 2.88 3.34 4.10 .27 .30 .30 .33 f0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 L L L L L L L L L L L .,58 .,59 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 .,67 .,68 Mfr's Type EACH Mmf DM-IS-431J DM-15-471J DM-15-501J DM-15-511J DM-15-561J DM-15-621J DM-15-681J DM-15-751J DM-15-82lJ DM-15-911J DM-15-102J 1·24 25-99 .36--:33, .39 .36 SOOt .39 .36 SlOt ~ ~ 560t .43 .39 620t .45 ,.41 680t .49 .45 750t .52 .48 820t .56 .50 9101 .63 .56 10001 .66 .59 430t 470t TYPE DM-19 910 DM-19-102J 1000 DM-19-112J 1100 DM-19-122J 1200 DM-19-132J 1300 DM-19-152J 1500 DM-19-162J 1600 DM-19-182J 1800 DM-19-202J 2000 DM-19-222J 2200 DM-19-242J 2400 DM-19-252J 2500 DM-19-272J 2700 DM-19-302J 3000 DM-19-332J 3300 DM-19-362J 3600 DM-19-392J 3900 TYPE DM-30 L 402 DM-30-432J 4300 L 403 DM-30-472J 4700 L 404 DM-30-502J 5000 L 405 DM-30-512J 5100 L 406 DM-30-562J 5600 L 407 DM-30-622J 6200 L 8 I a DM-30-682J 6800 L 819 DM-30-752J 7500 L 820 DM-30-822J 8200 L 821 DM-30-912J 9100 L 822 DM-30-103J 10.000 L 769 DM-19-911J .43 .46 .46 .52 .39 .41 .41 .45 ~ .48 .56 .50 .60 .54 .66 .59 .74 .66 .79 .71 .86 .77 .89 .81 .92 .83 .99~ 1.06 .95 1.12 1.01 1.19 1.07 L 770 L 771 L 772 L 773 L 774 L 775 L 776 L 777 L 778 L 779 L 780 L 78 I L 782 L 783 L 784 L 785 1.06 1.12 1.16 1.16 1.19 1.25 .95 1.0 I 1.04 1.04 1.07 1.13 1.52 1.65 1.78 1.98 1.37 1.48 1.61 1.79 1.391.25 NEW TYPE PJ INSULATED TUBULARS ...'" Extremely High Stability and Insulation Resistance S'tock 10 1.0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 .i5 .17 .30 .33 .33 .36 Stock No. 500- 999 -1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.07 1.22 1.38 1.'54 1.58 I ~84 2,26 High Stability and Insulation Resistance at Low Cost ~" Rated @ 100 WVDC. Has polystyrene dielectric in silicone treated fused polystyrene jackets. Similar to the Type PT capacitors at left with lower cost and smaller size. Meets MIL tests for vibration, shock. moisture resistance and immersion. Tolerance, .::1:5%. Stability. ±0.1 % max long term capacitance drift. Insulation reaistance. 105 megohms-mfd. Dielectric absorption •. 05% max. Dissipation factor •. 02 to .04% max. 25-85°C. Temp. range. -55 to +85°C. Temp. coeff.• -120 ppmjDC (±15 ppm). With #20 tinned copper leads, 1%" min. Vary from IY,6X%2" dia. to l%x%" dia. Wt .• 1 oz. EACH Stock No. Mfr's Type Mfd 14 L 050 14 L 051 14 L 052 14 L 053 14 L 054 -14-L 055 14 L 058 14 L 059 14 L 060 14 L 061 14 L 062 14 L 063 14 L 064 14 L 065 14 L 066 14 L 067 14 L 068 14 L 069 14 L 070 IPJ-202J IPJ-332J IPJ-472J IPJ-502J IPJ-682J IPJ-I03J IPJ-153J IPJ-203J IPJ-223J IPJ-333J IPJ-473J IPJ-503J IPJ-I04J IPJ-124J IPJ-154J IPJ-204J 1PJ-224J IPJ-334J IPJ-504J .002 .0033 .0047 .005 .0068 .01 .015 .02 .022 .033 .047 .05 .1 .12 .15 .2 ,22 .33 .5 -- 19 10- 1.49 1,06 24 2549 .85 50- 99 .63 100- 500- -499- -999.51 .46 - - -.85 -- --.51- -1.49 1.06 .63 .46 1.51 1.53 1.54 1.60 1.67 1.69 2.09 2.28 2.54 2.99 3.12 3.82 4.97 1.0'8 .86 .64 1.10 .87 .65 .6'6 1.10 .88 1.13 .91 .68 1.19 .95 .71 1.21 .96 .72 .99 1.50 1.20 1.63 1.30 .97 1.81 1.45 1.09 -2.14 "1.71 1.28 2.23 1.78 1.34 2.73 2.18 1.64 3.55 2.84 2.13 .51 .52 .52 .54 .57 .57 .71 .78 .87 1.03 1.07 1.31 1.70 .47 .48 .48 .50 .52 .53 .65 .71 .79 -.94 .97 1.20 1.56 Depend on Allied for Immediate Delivery at OEM Prices Plastic Capacitors, Inc. PLASTIC DIELECTRIC, GLASS-ENCASED CAPACITORS Capacitors are impregnated with purified mineral oil and have a plastic film dielectric. Useful for high volt'age power filter-mount in any position. Extremely long life even under high temperature conditions. Operate 10.000 hours at 85°C at rated voltage. Range: -SsoC to +8S oC; derate 60% at 10SoC. Units meet or exceed Mil-C-2SA specs except for high-altitude fiashover. Tolerance: ±IO%. Case is a heavy-wall. hard-glass tube with metal ferrules soldered to each end. Mounting terminals: 8-32x%" for capacitors with %" dia. or larger; smaller units have No. 18 tinnedcopper axial pigtails. Shpg. wt .• 2 oz. TYPE OF-20 2000 WVDC 16 16 16 16 16 12 L 901 L 902 L 903 L 904 L 925 L BOO 103 203 503 104 254 504 .01 .02 .05 .1 .25 .5 Size (Dia.x L.) l0/3ax1y'0" l0/3axl,%o" %xly.," %x2y.," 20/3ax2!4" 1 Yox2" 16 16 12 16 12 12 L 909 L 910 L 801 L 911 L 802 L 803 103 203 503 104 -254 504 .01 .02 .05 .1 .25 .5 TYPE OF-30 10/32x1 0/,0" %xl%" %x2y.," lYox1%" l%x2" l%x2y.," TYPE OF-50 .001 10/3,xlo/,o" .002 10/3,xlo/,o" .005 10/3,xl%" .01 %xly.," .02 %x2y.,· .05 20/3,x2y.," . .1 lYox2y.," .25 lo/ax3'" .5 l%x6" Stock No. Mfr's Mfd Type 16 L 912 102 12 L 806 202 12 L 807 502 16 L 913 103 16 L 914 203 -- -16 L 915 503 16 L 916 104 12 L B08 254 12 L 809 504 -- TYPE OF-SO 8000 WVDC EACH 1-9 10-24 2.10 25-49 50-99 100-249 2.10 2.2B 2.33 2.69 3.22 1.93 1.93 2.09 2.14 2.5B 3.08 1.73 1.73 I.B7 1.91 2.30 2.75 1.51 1.51 1.64 1.67 2.02 2.42 3000 2.46 2.64 2.70 3.19 3.75 4.70 WVDC 2.46 2.64 2.70 3.19 3.75 4.70 2.30 2.46 2.51 2.97 3.48 4.37 2.13 2.28 2.33 2.75 3.21 4.03 1.62 1.73 1.77 2.09 2.55 3.02 5000 3.25 3.25 3.30 3.54 3.61 4.17 4.84 5.72 7.73 WVDC 3.25 3.25 3.30 3.54 3.61 4.17 4.84 5.72, 7.73 2.88 2.88 2.91 3.14 3.20 3.70 4.53 5.35 7.22 2.70 2.70 2.72 2.93 2.99 3.45 4.22 4.97 6.71 2.33 2.33 2.35 2.53 2.58 2.98 3.62 4.20 5.68 2.10 2.10 2.2B 2.33 2.69 3.22 Stock No. 16 16 12 16 16 16 16 L 917102 .001 L 918 502 .005 L 810103 -:01 L 919 203 .02 L 920 503 .05 L 921 104.1 L 922 204.2 19 16 16 16 16 12 L 925 92312021 L 103 L 926203 L 927 503 L 81 I 104 1024 2549 5099 104 .1 2Yzxlo/,ox2Yo" 4.72 3.37 254 .25 2Yzxlo/,ox2Yo" 4.96 3.54 504 .5 2Y2Xlo/,ox2Y2" 5.45 3.90 lOS 1.0 2Yzxl0/,0x3%" 6.33 4.52 205 2.0 3%xl y.,x4Yz° 8.60 6.11 405 4.0 3%x2y.,x4%0 13.00 9.37 805 8.0 40/16X3y.,x4!4 ° 23.30 16.70 3.03 3.18 3.52 4.07 5.50 8.40 15.00 2.80 2.47 2.95 2.60 3.25 2.86 3.77 3.32 5.11 4.49 7.80 6.86 13.70 12.40 12 12 12 12 12 12 L 832 L 833 L 834 L 835 L 836 L 837 TYPE EP50-5000 WVDC 104 .1 2Yzxlo/,ox2Yo° 4.85 3.47 254 .25 2YzxlfjOX2%0 5.46 3.90 504 .50 2YzX11i'6x411 6.43 4.60 lOS 1.0 3%xl%x3%" 9.90 7.10 205 2.0 3%x2y.,x4%" 14.65 10.42 405 4.0 40/10x3y.,x4y.," 24.30 17.35 3.13 3.52 4.13 6.35 9.40 15.60 2.90 3.25 3.83 5.88 8.70 14.40 12 12 12 12 12 L 838 L 839 L 840 L 841 L 842 Type 104 .1 3%xl y.,x2Yz" 254 .25 3%xl%x2Yz" 504 .50 3%x2y.,x4%" 105 1.0 3%x3Y,oxsy.," 205 2.0 49j,6X3%x8Yz" 2.55 2.86 3.37 5.18 7.65 12.70 EACH 1-4 5-9 11.60 13.65 15.90 21.50 33.60 8.28 9.75 11.35 15.35 24.05 10-24 25-49 50-99 7.46 8.75 10.22 13.84 21.60 6.92 8.1/2 9.43 12.75 20.00 6.08 7.16 8.31 11.25 17.62 TYPE EPIOD-l0000WVDC 12L 84312541·2513%Xl%X4y.," 12 L 844 504 .50 3%x2y.,xs%0 12 L 845 lOS 1.0 4'Y16X3y.,XsYz" 12 L 846 205 2.0 40/16X3%xI0" 2.75 """2.3B 2.99 2.57 3.05--z.&2 3.62 3.1 2 4.69 4.05 5.58 4.77 7.77 6.50 1 o/J'XIW 14.4413.8913.451 20/3,x2y.," 5.28 4.62 4.09 3.221 3.83 I Yox2%" 5.76 5.05 4.40 4.17 l%x2%" 8.16 7.13 6.32 5.92 l%x5" 13.32 11.52 10.07 9.72 2.77 3.30 3.60 5.10 8.28 5.47 5.83 7.17 7.20 TYPE OF-300 30000 WVDC 12 L 81315021.0051 I'/sxs" 115.85 14.30113.05112.12110.27 12 L 814 103 .01 l%x6Yz° 20.70\18.68 17.05 15.84 13.40 12 L 815 203 .02 l%x9" 22.54 21.08 18.70 17.25 14.85 MINIATURE METALLIZED "MYLAR" CAPACITORS -.( C=-r-- TYPE AM2-200 WVDC Stock No. 114.90110.6219.5618.8617.79 18.40 13.17 I 1.82 10.98 9.64 28.0020.0017.9816.6314.62 49.50 35.40 31.80 29.40 25.95 Allied Electronics maintains the world's largest stocks of capacitors for fast delivery of industrial quantities at OEM factory prices. Make Allied your one-stop. complete supply source for everything in electronics. For fastest service. use the Allied facility nearest you-see page one of this catalog. Wherever you are. it's always easier to do business with Allied. Mfr's Type Mfd - - -- --12 L 847 103 .01 223 .022 333 .033 473 .047 - .10 -104 .22 224 .33 334 474 .47 lOS 1.05 --205 2.0 405 4.0 80S 8.0 106 10.0 Size Dia. x L. 1%4X %" 124 -1.08 2549 EACH SOlDO- 250- -99 - -249 - -499 .62 .77 .68 .84 .62 1.08 .84 .77 .68 .82 .72 .65 1.15 .88 .66 1.16 .89 .83 .73 1%4X10/,0" .84 1.17 .90 .74 ----;;7, Y,oxlo/,O' 1.21 .93 .86 .76 .69 1'%2X10/,0" .97 .86 .78 1.36 1.05 1,%,xlYo" 1.40 1.08 1.00 .88 .80 0/16xl Yo0 1.70 1.31 1.21 1.07 .97 2.31 1.79 1.65 1.46 r:32 4%4Xl~." 4%4"110/,0" 2.93 2.26 2.09 1.84 1.67 lxl10/,00 4.52 3.49 3.23 2.85 2.58 Ix2Y,0" 5.81 4.49 4.15 3.66 3.32\ o/,ox%O 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 L 848 L 849 L 850 L 851 L 852 L 853 L 854 L 855 L 856 L 857 L 858 L 859 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 L L L L L L L L L L L 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 L L L L L L L L L TYPE AM_OO WVDC .01 1.08 .84 .77 871 103 0/10x10/,0' .022 1%4,,10/,0' 1.10 .85 .78 872 223 .033 Y,ox10/,0' .80 1.12 .87 873 333 .047 Y,ox10/,0' .81 1.14 .88 874 473 - - 1%,xlYo' 1.25 ---:97 .90 - - - .10 875 104 .22 1%,xlY,o" .96 1.34 1.03 876 224 .33 1.59 1.23 1.14 877 334 o/1oxl Yo" .47 1.69 1.31 1.21 878 474 0/10x10/.0' 2.53 \.95 1.81 %xlY!." 87.9 lOS 1.0 TYPE EPSD-SOOO WVDC Size 2.95 3.20 3.25 3.88 5.00 6.22 8.49 16 %x3!/z" 18.6317.8517.091 9.18 8.37 7.54 6.89 .002 1 10/,6X3Yz" 16 L L 93011021 931 202 .001 6. 47 1 16 L 932 502 .005 I Yox3Yz" I 1.16 10.14 9.15 8.37 1Yox4Yz" I 1.20 10.20 9.20 8.40 12 L 812 103 .01 100249 L 825 L 826 L 827 L 828 L 829 L 830 L 831 Mfr's Mfd .0021 .01 .02 .05 .1 electric areas result in extreme small 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Stock No. 3.32 3.61 3.68 4.38 5.67 6.63 9.05 size without sacrificing life. reliability or economy. Hermetically sealed solid dielectric capacitors are stable over a vast temperature range: -90°C to +125°C. Terminal to case voltage is 200% of rated voltage. Windings are extended foil 'non-inductive type. Tolerance: ±20%. Glass-bead solder-seal terminal insulators. Insulation resistance at 25°C: 50,000 megohms. Meet temperature. humidity, vibration and shock tests of MiI-C-25A. Wt., 2 oz. EACH Size 10/3,xl,%o" 3.80 %xly.," 4.12 %x2y.,' 4.20 20/3,x2y.,° 5.00 lYox2%0 6".48 l%x3%" 7.76 l%x7" 10.47 Metallized mylar's self healing characteristics and elimination of weak di- TYPE EP3D-3000 WVDC Mfr's 10-24 25-49 50-99 100-249 TYPE OF-IOO 10000 WVDC PLASTIC FILM HIGH VOLTAGE FILTER CAPACITORS Type Mfd EACH 1-9 TYPE OF-200 20000 WVDC Priced lower-built smaller than comparable CP-70 style. Range: -50°C to +60°C for 10.000 hours. Impregnated with purified mineral oil and aging inhibitor. Insulators are steatite bushings. Mil·C-25A dielectric resistance. Tolerance: -10%. +20%. With footed brackets; nuts and solder lugs on terminals. 3 oz. Stock No. Mfr's Mfd Size Type (Dia. xL.) 1%4X%" 1%4X%" TYPE AM3-300 WVDC .01 103 1%4X %" 1.08 .84 .77 .68 .62 223 .022 o/,ox%" .84 .78 .69 .62 1.09 .033 1%4X%" .65 333 .81 1.14 .88 .72 .047 1%4xl 7f6'" 473 1.14 .88 .81 .72 .65 104 .10 Y,ox 10/,0o .92 .85 .75 ~ 1.19 - - 1%,xlYo" 1.32 1.02 -224- - .22 .75 .83. ·95 334 .33 1,%,xlYo" 1.38 1.07 .99 .87 .79 .47 474 1.65 \,27 1.18 1.04 .94 o/1oxlYo" 105 1.0 1.90 1.47 1.36 1.20 1.08 o/1oxl~o' 205 2.0 %xlY,o" 2.93 2.26 2.09 1.84 1.67 405 4.0 4.06 3.13 2.90 2.55 2.23 IxlY!o" Specify Manufacturer's Type No. and Capacitance on All Capacitor Orders .68 .62 .62 .69 .71 .64 .72 ~ .71 .79 .84 .76 1.00 .91 1.07 .96 1.59 1.44 ALLIED. 177 Ceramic Capacitors SERIES DD DISC CERAMICS Centralab DD Series disc ceramics feature higher dielectric constant, increased .working voltage and hirger capacitance in less physical space than equivalent paper or mica types. Bypass coupling and filter applications are primary ·uses. double coating of "Durez" WlI.UO'''''''U temperature wax minimum length. lempe:rature varia- DD 1000 VOLTS ('600 V) Tolerance, ± 10% Stock Type Stock Type Mmf DDNo. DDNo. 5 II L421 121 II L407 050 6 II L531 13'1 II L 520 060 6.S II L422 151 II L408 6R8 10 100 II L 409 " L 423 181 IIL424 201 II L410 ISO 15 II L425 221 " L 411 200 20 II L426 251 II L 525 220 22 II L427 271 II L412 250 25 II L428 301 II L 527 270 27 II L429 331 II L 528 300 30 II L430 391 II L413 330 33 II L431 471 II L 415 470 47 II L432 501 II L416 500 50 II L433 561 II L417 560 56 II L434 681 II L418 680 68 II L435 751 II L419 750 75 II L537 821 II L 533 910 91 ......... ..... II L420 101 100 -- Mmf 120 130 150 180 200 220 250 270 300 330 390 470 500 560 680 750 820 ..... except Types 102 and 152, ±10% tolerance; Types 472, 5022 and 1032, ±20%. Stock Type Mfd Stock Type Mfd DDDDNo. No. II L 602 402 .004 II L437 102 .001 .0047 472 II L 707 102G .001 " L 441 II L438 152 .0015 II L.442 5022 .005 II L 037 502 .005 II L439 202 .002 II L542 222 .0022 II L 605 682 .0068 II L 615 103" .01 II L440 302 .003 " L 600 332 .0033 II L 106 1032 .01 Any type except 103 and 10321-24, EACH. 15 25-99, EACH ...• 12 100-249, EACH ....• 10 250-499, EACH .075 500-999, EACH ....• 056 Type 103 and 1032 only .... 1-24, EACH .24 25-99, EACH ...• 19 100-249, EACH ...... 16 250-499, EACH .12 500-999, EACH ... _.. 09 Type CEo Provide exceptional stability through an extended temperature range. Capacitors are especially engineered for applications requiring a minimum capacity change as tem. perature varies between -55°C and +85°C. Phenolic vacuum insulation is impregnated with high melting point wax. All are 500 WVDC. Life test: 1000 hours at 1000 volts at +85°C. Leakage resistance initial: 10,000 megohms minimum; after humidity: over 100 megohms. Power factor: 2% maximum at 1 KC. Tolerance: ±10%. 1112" .minimum lead length. All are %2" thick. *1%4" dia.; t 2 !j1i4" dia. No. 22 tinned copper leads. Capacities range from 150 to 1000 micromicrofarads. Av. shpg. wt., 1 oz. No. 10 L 873 10 L 874 10 L 875 10 L 876 10 L 877 Type CE Mmf lSI" 150 221- 220 331- 330 471' 470 SOl" 500 Stock Type Mmf No. - - -CE- - 10 L 878 561- 560 10 10 10 10 L 879 L 889 L 890 L 891 681t 680 751t 750 SOlt 800 102t 1000 24 99 249 Ts ""iTi:642 502 .005 :2T :T66 ~ 499 999 L686153.015--- - - L 042 203 .02 .24.19 .16 .12 .09 L 687 303 }j3 -- -- -L 688 403 .04 .45 .36 .30 .23 .17 L 689 503 .05 D016 1600-VOLT BUFFER CAPACITORS Guaranteed minimum value. IIL37115021·0051 11 L 375 103 .01 .27.21 .18 D030 3000 VOLTS Tolerance, :±20% I I L 634 330 33 .24 .19 .16 II L614 101 I I L 500 151 150 .24 .19 .16 I I L 619 271 270 .24 .19 .16 I I L 621 501 500 .24 .19 .1 6 II L 622 102 1000.30.24 .20 I I L 626 502 5000 .30 .24 .20 00606000 VOLTS Tolerance ± 20% I I L 680 100 10 II L 681 150 15 II L 466 390 39.36.29 .24 I I L 468 500 50 I I L 469 560 56 II L470 680 " 6 8 - - - I I L 472 820 82 II L 473 101 100 .36 _29 .24 I I L 475 151 150 II L 476 181 180 1 I L 682 391 390 -II L 485 471 470.36.29 .24 I I L 486 501 500 I I L 683""7s17Sii .36 .29 .24 I I L 445 102 1000 .'60 .48 .40 I I L 447 152 1500 .60 .48 .40 I I L 448 202 2000 _60 _48 _40 Durez resin insulation, except **Type CK -- -.18 .135 DD 600 VOLTS Tolerance, -20% +80% EACH T6~e Mfd ,. 25. 100. ~50. 500- .14 .10 .12 .09 .12.09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .15 .12 .15 .12 .18 .135 ---.18 .135 .135 .• 30 .225 .30 .225 .30 .225 TYPE DF FLAT PLATE HI·KAPS Rated at 6.00 WVDC., Have high capacity with ceramic stability and permanence. For bypassing, filtering and audio coupling applications, Type DF -503 is guaranteed minimum value; DF-104 is +80-20% tolerance. With 1/20 tinned leads. DF-503 is lY,6x11A6x~2". DF-104 is 1Y,6x11,16xl~",". Wt .. 3 oz. Stock Type M EACH DF'-:~; 1~~·1'~4~-1 !~~-I ~~~- No. I I L 247 503 .05 .75 .59 _50 _375 .281 I I L 245 104 .1 1.05 .83 .70 .525.394 CERAMIC CAPACITOR KIT DD K-200 Ceramic Capacitor Kit. 200 most commonly used Type DD discs in a convenient storage tray. 1-24, EACH ........................... 18 25-99, EACH .......................... 14 100-249, EACH ..............-........... 12 250-499, EACH .........................09 500-999. EACH ........................07 178 • ALLIED S~oo~k II II 1I II II High-capacity low-voltage capacitors with are phenolic insulated, vacuum wax im,pregnated. Designed for transistor applications. Type DA: Yzx1l2x~6" thick; tolerance, -20% to +100%, 30 WVDC. Type DDA: %" dia. x %2" thick; tolerance -30% to +80%,75 WVDC_ Type DM: I%X~2X %I" thick; tolerance *-20%to +50% and t -20% +80%, 150 WVDC. Type CK are -20+80%,50 WVDC, sizes: 502 and 503, %" dia_ x %2" thick; 203, 253 and 303 are 0/,6" dia. x %2"; 503 and 104 are o/aX%2". Av_ shpg. wt .. 2 oz. TYPE OA 30 WVDC M EACH Stock Type f DANo. d 24 99 249 499 999 II L627 To3 .02 -:36 -:29 H" .24 :Til _135 II L628 503 .05 .81 .64 .54 .405 .304 IlL 629 104 .1 1.35 1.07 .90 .675 .506 TYPE DDA 75 WVDC M EACH Stock Type f 1-125"1'00-1250.1500. No. DDA- d 24 99 249 499 999 I I L 630 503 "])5 .30 .24 To Ts :09 I I L 631 104 .1 .60 .48 .40 .30 .225 TYPE OM 150 WVDC M EACH Stock Type f No. DM- d 1- 25- 100- 250- 50024 99 249 499 999 II L636 102* .001 .30 .24 To Ts :Ti3 II L637 202* .002 .30 .24 .20 .15 .11 3 II L638 302t .003 .30 .24 .20 .15 .113 II L 639 502t .005 .30 .24 .20 .15 .113 II L 640 103t .01 .60 .48 .40 .30 .225 TYPE CK 50 WVOC M EACH Stock Type f No_ CK- d 1- 25· 100- 250- 500- I I I I Following types are guaranteed minimum value Stock LOW·VOLTAGE CAPACITORS tion,. humidity, and vibration. Types DD. DD30 and DD60 have power factor of 2% max at I KC. High voltage types DD30 and· DD60 are tested at twice their voltage rating and have temperature range. -50° to +85°C. Types DD and DD16 vary capacitance +22% to -56%, from 10° to 85°C. Range of diameters: DD, .290-.969"; DD16 .969"; DD30 .290-.969"; DD60 ;590-1.000". Thickness: DD .156"; DD16 .172"; DD30 .218"; DD60 .340". Specify Mfr', Type No. and capacitance when ordering. Wt., 2 oz. specified. 120, 150, 470,500, v.) mmf, 10 each-lOO, 200 each-IOOO, 5000; 20,000 (600 v.) mmf. 20-10,000 mmf. Cabinet size, 4x6xll". Shpg. wt., 6 Ibs. 18 L 912 .................... EACH 34.10 "'r" ~'" '"I 24 II II 11 II II II L 643 L 644 L645 L646 L647 L648 103 203 253 303 503 104 n z2', '. Mfi\ .01 .21 .02 .21 .025 .21 .03 .21 .05 .21 .1 .60 99 .166 .166 .166 .166 .166 .475 249 499 999 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .40 .105 .105 .105 .105 .105 .105 .30 .079 .079 .079 .079 .079 .079 .225 UK ULTRA-KAP MINIATURE DISC CAPACITORS , Miniature ceramic disc capacitors for transistor circuitry. For low voltage use requiring high capacities and low power factors. Insulated with double coating of "Durez" and impregnated with hig'h-vacuum wax. Tol.: UK, GMV; UKI0, +80 -20%. %2" thick; 14 to %" dia. No 22 leads. Av. shpg. wt., 1 oz.' TYPE UK 3 WVOC M EACH Stock Type f 1- 25. 100- 250- 600UK- d 24 No. 99 249 499 999 II L286 502 .005 :75 ;59 To :38 ~ II L297 103 .01 .75 .59 .50 .38 .28 II L299 203 .02 .75 .59 .50 .38 .28 II'L701 104 .1 .54 .43 .36 .27 .203 '" L293 224 --:22 .33 .26 T2 :-T6s .124 II L294 474 .47 .33 .26 .22 .165 .124 II L295 105 1.0 .54 .43 .36 .27 .203 II L296 225 2.2 .54 .43 .36 .27 .203 TYPE UK.l0 10WVDC EACH M Stock Type f 1- 26- 100- 260- 500·No. UK- d 24 99 249 ,499 999 II L 702 10-503 .05 .33 .26 T2 :-T6s .124 II L 703 10-104 .1 .33 .26 .22 .165 .124 II L 704 10-204.2 .33 .26 .22 .165 .124 II L 705 10-474 .47 .54 .43 .36 .27 .203 Specify Manufacturer's Type No. and Capacitance on Capacitor Orders I Cen~ab Ceramic Capacitors SERIES TC TEMPERATURE-COMPENSATING CAPACITORS Limit frequency drift in RF circuits. Meet JANC-20A specs. Intermediate temp. coefficients are possible by using TCN and TCZ capacitors in parallel. Type TCN has a negative coefficient of 750 parts/million/"C temperature rise. Left end coded violet. Type TCZ zero temperature coefficient from -20'C to +85'C. Left end coded black. TCN tol.: 5-10 mmf are ±.5 mmf; 12-100 mmf,±2%; 120-750 mmf,±5%, TCZ tol.: .5-3.3 mmf, ±.25 mmf; 4.7-10 mmf, ±5 mmf; 12-100 mmf, ±2%; 120-300 mmf, ±5%. All rated 600 , WVDC; test, 1200 VDC. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. TC CAPACITOR SIZES TYPETCN Cap. Mm. Size -ut;;-wo lIsx%' 120 to 200 lis x 'VIs' 240 '%4X Vs' 300 to 510 %zxl'~' 560 to 750 %zx10/0' Stock No. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II TYPE TCZ Cap. Mm. Size 0.5 to 39 'Is x %' 43 to 82 lis x 'VIs' 91 to 100 '%4"Vs' 120 to 220 %zx1'%4' 240 to 300 %2x10/0' TYPE TCN-NEGATIVE (N750) EACH Mm. 1- 25- 100- 250- 50024 L241 L 250 L 252 L 253 L 254 L 255 L494 L 259 L495 L 265 L 267 L 269 L 271 L 273 L 275 L 278 L 282 5 10 15 18 20 22 25 33 50 56 68 82 100 120 150 200 300 99 249 499 TYPE TCN-(N750) (ConI.) Stock II L 288 510 II L 292 750 -- -- -- -- -- II II II II II 1'1 II II II II -- .30 .24 .20 .15 .11 -:24 .35 .20 .30 .15 .22 -:IT .17 L 200 L 201 L 202 L 203 L 204 L 205 L 206 L 207 L 208 L210 .5 .68 1.0 1.5 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 10 15 e;:Jh:'~ii~:fr:~:en~~~1~ !t~ ', ' ~d~~~~n~~~k":~~s cl:~~ FT BC MFT Type MFT. Miniature version of FT, above. Have ~" maximum·diameter flange eyelet for insertion in .160' dia. hole. Solder directly to chassis; #16 wire leads. Maximum length, IVa". All units rated 500 WVDC; 1000 VDC test. Tolerances: *±20%; t-20 to +50%; §±1O%; :j:guaranteed minimum value. Av. shpg. wt.,·2 oz. II II II II L 390 L391 L 392 L394 -24 99 249 499 -999- 500 '500 1000 *1000 .75 .59 .50 .375 .281, 1500 U500 2300 t2300 TYPE MFT Stock No. II II II II EACH Type MFT- Mm. 1- 25-100- 250- 500- 24 99 249 499 999 §So - - - - - - - - L488 50 L489 100 §l00 .30 .24 .20 .15 .113 L490 500 *500 L491 1000 UOOO CENTRALAB 4-STAGE PACKAGED AMPLIFIER An ultra-miniature, 4·stage ,.mit with 78 db gain (minimum) at 1 kc. Noise, 30 db below 25 p,v input at 1 kc. Frequency response, 2-5 db down at 3 kc; output, up to ~ mw. Uses 1.34 v. mercury battery. Thoroughly sealed to prevent mechanical and atmospheric damage. l~z" diameter. Less battery. Shpg. ~~'i.gz98 ................ EACH 45.00 .22 .22 .30 .17 .22 24 - -- II L 213 22 II II II II II II II II II II II II L 492 L215 L 216 L 217 L 221 ,L 493 L 222 L 226 L 229 L 233 L 236 L 237 L 240 25 27 30 33 47 50 51 75 100 150 200 220 300 99 -999 .30 .24 .20 .15 .II -- -- -- -- -.30 .24 .20 .15 .II -- -- -- - - -.45 .36 .30 .22 .17 -- - - -- - - -.60 .40 .48 :~:'~~:R CERAMIC for ~~!:a~:'~::~~~-~r~! Hi-Kaps use i n bypass and coupling .30 .22 Yr" fT ....." ., ' " , cir~ Size 499 -249- -- II ......... ..... .... .... .... .... . .... ......... ..... .... .... .... .... . .... ......... ..... .... .... .... . ... . .... .30 .24 .20 .15 .II cuits. Leads are 1 Yo" long. 600 WVDC -1200-v. flash test. Tolerance: ±10%, except §±20%; . *Guara nteed minimum value. #Qualify for MIL-C-ll015A. Over 10,000 megohms leakage r esistancej after humidity, over 1,000 megohms. Power fa etor 2% max at 1 Kc. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. .260x.460' .260x.790' .260x.460' .260x.790' .280x.900' .330x1.210' Type Mmf No. Type Mm. No. 3 II L 556 390 39 II L 545 030 47 II L 546 050 5 II L 557 470 10 II L 558 500 50 II L 547 100 68 15 II L 560 680 II L 549 150 20 II L 561 750 75 II L 551 200 22 II L 564 101 100~ II'L 552 220 33 II L 566 151 150 II L 555 330 II II II 1'1 II II II Type Mmf No. L 569 221 220# 270 L 571 271 L 572 301 I~ L 573 331 33M 470# L 576 471 500 L 577 501 8201 L 582 821 II II II II II II Type Mm. No. L 583 102 10001 15001 L 585 152 22001 L 598 222 L 592 332 -3300* L 595 502 5000' L 599 103 10.000' ......... ..... ...... 1·24, EACH ................... , ....... .15 25·99, EACH .....• 12 100-249, EACH. .10 250·499, EACH •... 075 500·999, EACH .056 1.24, EACH .......... .' ... , .......... .15 25·99, EACH ....... 12 100·249, EACH', .10, 250·499, EACH, .•075 500·99, EACH .•056 TYPE FT EACH Stock Type No. FT- Mmf 1- 25- 100- 250- 500- .30 .30 .40 -.17- .30 .24 .20 .15 .II Cap. Mm. 3-500 560-680 750-1800 2000-4000 4700-5600 10K cuits requiring feed-thn! capacitors with a capacity ground to chassis or shield. mium-plated brass, double-flatted mounting bushing, .281" long with 12-28 thread bushing and mounting nut; .050" diameter tinned copper wire leads are hooked' for easy soldering. Length, 1'i1z". .35 .47 100- 250- 500249 499 999 ---- - - - - -- - - FEED-THRU HI-KAPS Type FT. Hi-K ceramics .45 .60 Stock TYPE TCZ NEGATIVE-POSITIVE-ZERO (NPO) .30 .24 .20 .15 .II .30 .45 25- - - -- -24- -99II L 283 330 .45 .35 .30 .24 .20 .15 .II - - -- -- -- Mmf 1- No. 999 TYPE TCZ-ZERO (NPO) (Cont ) EACH Mmf 125- 100- 250- 500No. EACH 850 SERIES TRANSMITTING CAPACITORS Designed for transmitters, induction heaters, electronic welding equipment, X-ray, diathermy, and other high voltage, high frequency circuits. Have extremely low power factor, stable retrace characteristics, and long leakage paths. All ±10% tol., except 858 types- ±20%. Type nos. with N have temp. coel!. of neg. 750 parts/miIJion/,C, types with Z have zero (NPO) coeff .. types with no terminal, letter are Hi-K, variable. 850S, 858S have Ya" axial hex studs tapped 6-32; 853, 854, 855 have 1 Yo" axial wire leads; 857 has axial studs tapped 10-32 NF-2, \4" deep. 'Typical RF characteristics (these are not specific ratings.) Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. Types 8505 8585 St.ock II II II II II No. L 100 L 101 L 104 LI07 L 108 8505 "11" ,S d'la. x Sf,8 " long Mfr'. Type 850S-25Z 850S-50Z 850S-100N 858S-S00 858S-1000 Mm. WVDC 25 50 100 500 1000 7500 7500 5000 5000 5000 Types 853, 854, 855. Type 853; 855, \4" dia., 'l1z" long. ~" dia., EACH • RF Load 30 Me 7 amps 1-9 10 amps 9.8 amps ........... ........... 10-24 I 25-99 100-249 2.70 2.431 2.14 1.92 'lls" long; 854, Va" dia., Van long; !! H!!.I m:~g~ I ~g I i~g I H::~: I'·SO 11.62 1 1.4311.28 I I L 721 I I L 723 854-20N 853-40N 20 40 5000 5000 3.2 amps 5.6 amps Type 857. 1%," dia .. 1 Vs" long. II II II II L 7251 L 726 L 727 L 728 857-25Z 857-50Z 857-100N 857-200N I 25 50 100 200 15,000 15,000 15.000 7500 12 12 14.4 18.2 amps amps amps amps Write for Prices on Centralab Capacitors in Quantities Larger Than Shown I 8.40 8.40 7.20 7.20 , I 7.56 7.56 6.48 6.48 I I 6.65 6.65 5.70 5.70 5.99 5.99 5.13 5.13 ALLIED. 179 Centra lab and JFD Capacitors and Trimmers CENTRA LAB CAPACITORS TYPE CPR POLYSTYRENE CAPACITORS CERAMIC DIELECTRIC TRIMMERS '~.' provide excellent reliability at very low cost. Lightweight, highly reliable, sealed polystyrene foil capacitors. Designed to replace mica and "Mylar" dielectric capacitors inexpensively. Available in a wide range of capacitances. Ideal for applications where unusual1y long life expectancy is required. Outstanding features include:' high leakage resistance-greater than 500,000 megs; very low capacitance drift; "Q" factors of over 2000. Leads are tinned copper wire. All polystyrene capacitors are rated at 500 WVDC;·1500 VDC test. Operating temperature range: _10' C to +70' C. Tolerance: ±5%. Average shpg. wt., 2 oz. Be certain to specify capacitance as well as Stock No. when ordering_ SIZE CHART Mmf Nominal Length 20 thru 250 251 thru 3000 3001 thru 10,000 .394" .591" .787" Capacity Diameter .1576 to .276" Mmf Mmf Mmf 20 22 24 27 30 33 36 39 43 47 56 62 68 75 82 91 100 110 120 130 150 160 180 200 220 240 270 300 330 360 390 430 470 510 560 620 680 750 820 910 ~ Mmf Mmf Mmf loiiO 2500 1100 1200 1300 1500 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2700 3000 3300 3600 3900 4300 4700 5000 5100 ,- - Capacity No, Mmf EACH 12 LL 100 20 to 1000 12 LL 101 1100 to 3000 12 LL 102 3300 to 10,000 124 .15 .18 .21 5002526099 .1100-1' 249 499 -.119 - - -.10 -.-•- 999 075 .056 .068 ,079 1 :::~ :n5 ::~ Stock Mf.... No. Type Ii/.:3iiI 820-D 820-A 820-B 820-C 822-EN 822-CN 822-BN 822-AN 822-EZ 822-BZ 822-FZ 822-AZ 823-DN 823-BN 823-AN 823-DZ 823-AZ 827-A 827-B 827-C 827-D II II II II II II II II II II II 5600 6200 6800 7500 8200 9100 10,000 PRICE LOCATOR SPECIFY MMF FROM TA BLE ABO VE Stock ~ ~ ,lID .197" to .413" .33S" to ,531" CAPACITANCE RANGE CHART Mmf Wide selection of trimmer capacitors featuring ceramic dielectric for high insulating strength. Full capacity-range with 180' rotation. Silver is fired to stator and rotor, which make contact on a flat,. ground surface in order to eliminate air space. Simplicity of design makes these trimmers a dependable approach to fine tuning. Ideal for a variety of applications in critical frequency-determining and RF coupling circuits. They are designed to compensate for variations in tube capacities. Rated at 500 WVDC. Power factor: less than 0.2% at 1 me. Types 820,822 and 823 have steatite base; 827, phenolic base. Letter N in Type No. indicates negative temperature coefficient; letter Z in Type No. indicates zero temperature coefficient. Mtg. holes of Types 820 and 822 take No.4, machine screws; Type 823 is tapped for No. 4·40 machine screws; Type 827 has ~6" mtg. centers. Av. shpg. wt.. 2 oz. L 382 L 383 L384 L 651 L 125 L 124 L 123 L 653 L 128 L654 L 127 ITi5i2 II II II II II II II II L511 L510 L515 L513 L516 L 517 L 518 L 51,9 Fig. A 1-3.5 A 2.5-6 A 5-20 %x'~" .78 A 7-35 -B T3il B 4.5-25 B 7-45 4\o!4x'rI," 1.14 B 8·50 --- -B "'i":5-7 B 2.5-13 B 3-12 4\o!4x'Jf32" 1.14 B 4,5-25 -C 8·50 C 10-100 C 20-125 'M6x1r1," 3.60 C 6·25 12-62 --- -D 2.5·7 D 3.5·12 D 6-30 'r1,xy,," .75 D 7-35 --- . f- Stook No. ! II L 400 829-3 0.5-3 -WII L 402 829·6 1.0·6 0/0" II L404 829-10 1.S·10 y,," 124 100249 .65 .62 .52 -- -- -- .95 .90 .76 -- ---- .95 .90 .76 --- I..g.. 2699 -- -- -- 3.00 2.85 2.40 -- -- -.63 .59 .50 MIL-C-81A TRIMMERS EACH Mfr's 1024 Ceramic trimmers meet MIL-C-81A specs. Pure silver stator plate fired on top of low-loss steatite base. Rated at .s00 WVDC; 1500 VDC test. Power factor: less than 0.2% at 1 mc. Zero temperature coefficient, except *llegative 650. Body size, z~,x4144". Replace Series 833 trimmers. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. Smal1, lightweight ceramic trimmers. Rugged steatite bodies with silver rotor and stator plates. Provide equal stability over 180' rotation, even under adverse environmental conditions. Rated at 500 WVDC; 1000 VDC test. Power factor: less than 0.25% at 1 mc. Suppl"Ie d WI'th Iock nu t f or mount'Ing agalns . tme tl a panel or chassis. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. Type Mmf Length EACH 19 --- -- -- SERIES 829 TRIMMERS Stock No. Base Size Mmf 2599 12 12 12 12 12 12 ~499- -999- 100249 .30 .238 .20 .15 .113 L 393 L 394 L 395 L 396 L 397 L 398 Mfr's Type 825-EZ 825-FZ 82S-AZ 82S'DN* 82S-EN* 82S-BN* Mmf , 1.5-7 3.0-12 4.5-25 2.0-6 4.0·39 7.0·45 EACH 1-9 10-24 1.05 .88 26-99 100-249 - - - - - - ----- .83 .70 r _______- -__..J;:.;..F=D;...:,,;MINI!I~~~e ~ra~I~7!!~~'?~!e~I~!"E~~h pecially designed for use in push-pul1 RF and similar circuits. The stator is split into 2 equal-area plates. When tuning, capacitance varies simultaneously from each plate to bushing, and/or from plate to plate. Meet or exceed performance and environmental requirements of MIL-C-14409B. Telescopic adjust mechanism allows tuning through entire range SPS226G SP206G negligible size change. Available in two styles: regular miniature design and exclusive "Sealcap" design. "Sealcap" has sealed interior and closed end construction. Temp. range: -55'C to +125' C. All are rated at 750 WVDC. Panel mtg. types have 10-32 mtg. stud; PC-Lug types have metal mtg. lug plus 2 flat leads; PCWire types have 2 flat leads and 2 pigtail leads. Dia., \14". Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. PANEL MOUNT SERIES Capacitance Mmf Plate to Plate to Type Mtg. Plate Bushi~ 0.8-2.0 Bush'g 0.8-9.0 ' 1.5-4.5 1.0·14.0 2.0-7.0 Bush'g Bllsh'g Regular Miniature Series Mf .... Stock No. Type Lengt.h 17 LOl2 SP86G 17 L 013 SP87G 17 L 014 SP88G' EACH 124 4,20 12%2' 5.25 214" 2Z~," 5.85 25- 10099 199 3.78 3.50 4.72 4.37 5.26 4.87 200299 3.15 3.94 4.39 With Sealcaps MFr's Stock Length Type N~. 17 L 041 SPS226G 2\o!4" 17 L 042 SPS227G 2' %," 17 L 043 SPS228G 3%4" EACH 12524 99 5.40 4.86 6.45 5.80 7.20 6,48 -- 100- 200299 '4.05 5.37 4.84 6.00 5.40 199 4.50 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD SERIES 0.8-4.2 0.8-4.2 0.8-9.0 0.8-9.0 1.0·14.0 1.0-14.0 0.8·2.0 0.8-2.0 1.5-4.5 1.5-4.5 2.0-7.0 2.0-7.0 180 • AlliED PC-Lug 17L 01,5 PC-Wire 17 LOl6 PC-Lug 17 LOl7 PC-Wire 17LOL8 PC-Lug 17 L 019 PC-Wire 17 L 020 SP206G SP216G SP207G SP217G SP208G SP218G 4%4" 4%4" 1U4" 1U4" 12%," 1'%," 3.7513.37 3.75 3.37 4.80 4.32 4.80 4.32 5.4014.86 5.40 4.86 3.12 2.81 3.12 2.81 4.00 3.60 4,00 3.60 4.50 4.05 4.50 4.05 17 17 17 17 17 17 L 044 L 045 L 046 L 047 L 048 L 049 SPS236G SPS246G SPS237G SPS247G SPS238G SPS248G l\o!4" l\o!4" 11%," 1' %," 2%4" 2%4" 5.40 5.40 6.45 6,45 7.20 7.20 4.86 4.86 5.80 5.80 6.48 6.48 4.50 4.50 5.37 5.37 6.00 6.00 4.05 4.05 4.84 4.84 5.40 5.40 Specify Manufacturer's Type No. and Capacitance Range When Ordering JFD Inductors and Trimmer Capacitors MINIA TURE FIXED METALLIZED INDUCTORS New miniature-design inductors offer same construction' and operating features as inductors listed below, but in an even smaller package. The diameter of these inductors is little more than a quarter inch. Available in two convenient mounting types-panel mounts and printed-circuit mounts. Inductors utilize a silver film. permanently fired to a tiny glass cylinder of high-dielectric constant-offer remarkable simplicity and stability. Capable of withstanding severe shock and vibration and a wide temperature variation. Frequency range: below 10 to over 700 mc with high Q. more than 150. Both types of inductors have an O.D. of .290". Panel mounts arc from 5144" to 13%4" long. Printed-circuit mounts are from I'l1Z" to 11%4" long. Average shpg. wt., 2 oz. TYPE LF-3P-PANEL MOUNTS Mfr's Stock No. 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L Type 120 121 122 123 124 130 131 132 133 140 141 142 143 144 150 151 152 153 160 161 162 LF-3P005 LF-3P006 LF~3P003 LF-3P009 LF-3POIO LF-3POI2 LF-3POI4 LF-3POI6 LF-3POIS LF-3P020 LF-3P025 LF-3P030 LF-3P035 LF-3P040 LF-3P045 LF-3P050 LF-3P060 LF-3P070 LF-3POSO LF-3P090 LF-3PIOO I'h ±5% .05 .06 .OS .09 .10 .12 .14 .16 .IS .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 .60 .70 .SO .90 1.00 -1-24 -- 1.95 TYPE LF-4W-PRINTED-CIRCUIT MOUNTS EACH 25-99 100-199 1.75 200-299 1.62 1.46 ------ --- --- 1.95 1.62 1.75 1.46 - - - --- - - - - - - 1.95 1.75 1.62 1.46 --- - - - - - - --1.95 1.75 1.62 1.46 Stock No. 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 L 163 L 170 L 171 L 172 L 173 L 174 L 175 L 176 L 177 L 178 L 179 L 180 L 181 L 182 L 183 L 186 L 187 L 188 L 189 L 201 L 212 EACH Mfrrs I'h ±5% LF-4W005 .05 LF-4W006 .06 LF-4WOOS .os LF-4W009 .09 LF-4WOIO .10 LF-4WOI2 .12 LF-4W014 .14 LF-4WOI6 .16 LF-4WOIS .IS LF-4W020 .20 LF-4W025 .25 LF-4W030 .30 LF-4W035 .35 LF-4W04O .40 LF-4W045 .45 LF-4WOSO .50 LF-4W060 .60 LF-4W070 .70 LF-4WOSO .SO LF-4W090 .. 90 LF-4WIOO 1.00 Type 100-199 -1-24 - - -25-99 - - --- 1.89 1.70 1.57 200-299 1.42 --- --- - - - --1.89 1.70 1.57 1.42 --- --- - - - --1.89 1.70 1.57 1.42 --- --- - - - --1.89 I 1.70 1.57 1.42 STANDARD FIXED METALLIZED INDUCTORS A complete range of inductances covering a wide variety of circuit application requirements. Fixed inductors employ silver film winding permanently fused to a low-loss dielectric glass cylinder. Provides a new low of temperature-coefficient. of inductance. and distributed capacitance. Frequency range: below 10 to over 600 mc; high Q over broad frequency range. Both types have 1%," O.D. Panel mounts are from %" to 1 Yz" long. Printed-circuit mounts are from 2%." to I%,"long. Operating temperature range: -55°C to +125°C. Q at 75 mc from .05 to .5 I'h. Q of other types is measured at 25 me. Average shipping weight, 2 oz. TYPE LF-1P-PANEL MOUNTS Stock No. Mfr'. Type 16 L 050 16 L 051 16 L 052 16 L 053 16 L 054 16 L 055 16 L 056 16 L 057 16 L 058 16 L 059 16 L 060 16 L 061 16 L 062 161;063 16 L 069 16 L 070 16 L 071 16 L 072 16 L 073 16 L 074 16 L 075 16 L 076 16 L 077 LF-IP005 LF-IP006 LF-IPOOS LF-IP009 LF-IPOIO LF-IPOI2 LF-IPOI4 LF-IPOI6 LF-IPOIS LF-IP020 LF-IP025 LF-IP030 LF-IP035 LF-IP040 LF-IP045 LF-IP050 LF-IP060 LF-IP070 LF-IPOSO LF-IP090 LF-IP100 LF-IPI50 LF-IP200 I'h ±5% .05 .06 .OS .09. .10 .12 .14 .16 .IS .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 .60 .70 "1.00 :~g 1.50 2.00 Q Min 125 130 135 140 145 ISO 100 100 lOS 115 135 140 lOS 105 lOS 115 115 120 125 130 135 170 180 -1-24 -- --- - - - --- - - 1.95 1.75 1.62 1.46 - - - --- - - - - - - 1.95- 1.75 1.62 1.46 - - - - - - --- - - - 1.95 1.75 1.62 1.46 -2.25 - - -2.02 - - -1.87 - - -1.69 -2.02 LF-2P TYPE LF-2W-PRINTED-CIRCUIT MOUNTS EACH 25-99 100-199 200-299 1.95 1.75 1.62 1.46 2.25 LF-IP 1.87 1.69 Mfr's Q Type Min I'h ±5% .05 16 L 078 LF-2W005 .06 16 L 085 LF-2W006 .OS 16 L 086 LF-2WOOS .09 16 L 087 LF-2W009 .10 16 L 088 LF-2WOlO .12 16 L 089 LF-2WOI2 .14 16 L 095 LF-2W014 LF-2WOI6 .16 16 L 096 .IS 16 L 097 LF-2WOIS LF-2W020 .20 16 L 100 LF-2W025 .25 16 L 101 .30 16 L 103 LF-2W030 .35 16 L 104 LF-2W035 .40 16 L 105 LF-2W040 .45 16 L 106 LF-2W045 .50 16 L 107 LF-2W050 .60 16 L lOB LF-2W060 .70 16 L 109 LF-2W070 .SO 16 L 110 LF-2WOSO .90 16 L III LF-2W090 16 L 112 LF-2WIOO 1.00 16 L 113 LF-2W150 1.50 16 L 114 LF-2W200 2.00 Stock No. 125 130 135 140 145 ISO 100 100 lOS 115 135 140 lOS lOS lOS -1-24 -- EACH 25-99 100-199 200-299 1.89 1.70 1.57 1.42 --- - - - - - - --1.89 1.70 1.57 1.42 - - - --- --- --- 1.89 1.70 1.57 1.42 l i S --- - - - - - - --115 120 125 130 135 1.89 1.70 1.57 1.42 180 2.10 -1.89 - - -1.75 - - --170 --1.57 2.10 1.89 1.75 1.57 TRIMMER CAPACITORS PC35H SERIES SPLIT·STATOR PANEL MOUNT SERIES Highly popular piston-trimmer capaci- tors. Performance-proven in thousands of applications on land, sea, in the air. and in space. All are panel mounting type; have lI.I-32 mounting bushing. Rated at 500 WVDC. Units meet or exceed performance and environmental requirements of MIL-C-14409B. All have single. 1 Yz" long. No. 22 wire lead. Av. shpg wt .. 2 oz. Stock No. 17 17 17 17 L 008 L 009 LOla LOll Type No. PC35H030 PC35HOSO PC35HI60 PC35H300 Min Max Body Size Mmf Mmf Dla.x L. 0.5 . I 1 I 3""" S 16 30 Yax%" 124 3.75 ¥axVa" 4.20 Yaxl'l1z" 4.65 YaxIVs" 4.95 EACH 25- 100199 99 3.37 3.7B 4.18 4.45 3.12 3.50 3.87 4.12 200299 2.81 3.15 3.49 3.71 Feature balanced electrode construction. Glass dielectric rated 500 WVDC. Q of 700; have lI.I-32 brass mtg. shank. Quartz rated 750 WVDC. Q of 1000; have lI.I28 invar mtg. bushing. Temp. range: glass. -55°C to +125°C; quartz 55°C to +150°C Mount in lI.I" "D" hole Wt 2 oz EACH Type Min Max Dielec- Size Stock No. Mmf Mmf tric Dia.xL. 1-24 ~99 100-199 200-299 No. 16 L 064 VCI6G O.S 2.5 Glass YaX2r.6' 3.i5 2.83 2.62 2.36 16 L 065 VC17G 1.1 4.5 Glass Yax23J1z" 3.60 3.24 3.00 2.70 16 L 066 VCISG I.S 7.5 Glass Yax32~' 4.05 3.64 3.37 3.04 Quartz Yax2" 16 L 067 VCSOA 0.5 3.94 5.25 4.72 4.37 16 L 068 VC81A o:7s 1.3 Quartz Yax2Yz' 6.00 5.40 5.00 4.50 16 L 079 VCS2A 0.95 2.5 Quartz ¥ax2'l's* 6.75 5.62 5.06 16 LOBO VCS3A 3.5 5.5 Quartz Ynx31%z' 8.85 7.37 6.64 .. - Use the Services of the Allied Facility Nearest You-See Page 1 # t~~ ALLIED. 181 JFD .Piston Trimmer Capacitors 30lid dielectric. peecision bore. glass and quartz variable trimmer capacitors have patented telescopic adjust mechanism with antibacklash assembly and precision piston assures linear tuning for accurate alignment .. Operate from _55 0 C to +125 0 C in glass. _55 0 C to +150 0 C in quartz. with no derating. Feature high shock and vibration resistance; low temperature coefficient; low loss and low inductance for high-frequency use. Have special alloy anti-corrosion undercoating. Meet or exceed MIL-C-14409B requirements. Available in standard and miniature sizes for panel mount and printed circuit applications. MINIATURE SERIES SEALCAP MINIATURE SERIES Permanently sealed construction for unique environ- mental app1ications-increases insulation resistance and dielectric strength. Constant internal pressure locks out atmospheric effects; protects a~nst corona and voltage breakdown-ideaHor space applications. All are rated 1250 WVDC. except *750 WVDC. Panel mount types have 10-32 mtg. bushing; PC-lug types have mtg. lug; PC-wire types have 4 leads. Prefix SC in Type No. indicates glass dielectric and Q of 500; QS. quartz dielectric and Q of 1500. All !/.iN in dia. 2 oz. 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 EACH Mfr's Min Max Type Type Mmf Mmf Mtg. L - - - - - -4.5 Bush'g L 945 SC131* O.S L 946 L 947 L 948 L 949 L 950 L 951 L 952 L 953 SC133 SC134 SC136 SC139 QSI71QS173 QS176 QS179 0.8 0.7 0.8 1 -0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 8.5 12 18 30 1.8 5.5 9.5 16 2%2 0 Bush'g 1112" Bush'g 1!/.i° Bush'g 1'%2" Bush'g 2Y." Bush'g 2%20 Bush'g 1112" Bush'g l'%z" Bush'g 2Vs° 124 4.95 4.80 5.40 5.85 6.60 7.65 8.25 10.05 12.45 2599 -4.45 4.32 4.86 5.26 5.94 6.88 7.42 9.04 11.20 100199 4.12 4.00 4.50 4.87 5.50 6.37 6.87 8.37 10.37 200299 3.71 3.60 4.05 4.34 4.95 5.74 6.19 7.54 9.34 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD TYPES 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 L 954 L 955 L 956 L 957 L 95B L 959 L 960 L 961 L 962 L 963 L 964 L 965 L 966 L 967 L 96B L 969 L 970 L 971 SC141' SC151" SC143 SC153 SCI44 SC154 SC146 SC156 SC149 SC159 QS181' QS191' QS183 QS193 QS186 QS196 QS189 QS199 0.8 4.5 0.8 4.5 0.8 8.5 0.8 8.5 0.8 12 0.8 12 0.8 18 0.8 18 0.8 30 0.8 30 --1.8 0.6 0.6 1.8 0.6 5.5 0.6 5.5 0.6 ·9.5 0.6 9.5 0.8 16 0.8 16 -- Lug Wire Lug 5li4° 4.95 4.45 4.12 3.71 5li4" 4.95 4.45 I" 4.80 4.32 4.80 4.32 1%20 5.40 4.B6 1~2° 5.40 4.B6 1'%2' 5.B5 5.26 1'%2" 5.B5 5.26 2J1i." 6.60 5.94 2J1i." 6.60 5.94 5li," 7.20 6.4B 5Ji4" 7.20 6.4B I" 7.BO 7.02 I" 7.80 7.02 j'%2" 9.60 B.64 1%.0 9.60 B.64 2J1i." 12.00 10.BO 2J1i.0 12.00 10.BO Wire I" Lug Wire Lug Wire Lug· Wire Lug Wire Lug Wire Lug Wire Lug Wire PANEL MOUNT TYPES Stack No. PANEL MOUNT TYPES Stock No. Ideal· for use in miniaturized equipment. All are rated 750 WVDC. Panel mtg.· types have 10_32 . bushing. PC-lug types have nietal mtg. lug. PC wire types have 4 wire leads. Suffix "GH or "GW" in Type No. indicates glass dielectric and Q of 500; others are quartz dielectric and Q of 1500. All have !/.i" dia. 2 oz. 4.12 4.00 4.00 4.50 4.50 4.B7 4.87 5.50 5.50 6.00 6.00 6.50 6.50 B.OO B.OO 10.00 10.00 3.71 3.60 3.60 4.05 4.05 4.34 4.34 4.95 ~ 5.40 5.40 5.B5 5.B5 7.20 7.20 9.00 9.00 Type 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 L 021 L 022 L 023 L 024 L 025 L B09 L BIO L.BII L BI2 VC20G VC21G VC22G VC24G VC24G MQ101 MQ103 MQ106 MQ109 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 LOBI L 092 L OB2 L 093 L OB3 L 094 L OB4 L 09B L 090 L 099 L 091 L 102 L BI3 L BI4 L BI5 L BI6 L 817 L BIB L 819 L 820 VC9G VC9GW YCIOG VC10GW VC31G VC31GW VC32G VC32GW VC42G VC42GW VC43G VC43GW MQlll MQll3 MQ116 MQ119 MQI21 MQ123 MQ126 MQq9 construc~ tion and an inert dielectric assure long life and superior operation. Meet and exceed 14409 B requirements. Panel mtg. types have 10-32 bushing·; printed circuit-lug types have metal mounting lug; printed circuit-wire types have four wire leads. All rated 1000 WVDci 0/16" in diameter. 2 oz. 16 16 16 16 16 L B21 L B22 L B99 L 933 L 934 Mmf Type Range Mtg. Type MC601 MC603 MC604 MC606 MC609 1-14 ' 1-28 1-42 1-60 1-90 Bush'g 4,U Bush'g 1%2" Bush'g 1%2" Bush'g 1''%2" Bush'g 2" 124 10.20 10.50 10.BO 11.40 12.60 2699 9.IB 9.45 9.72 10.26 11.34 100199 B.50 B.75 9.00 9.50 10.50 200299 7.65 7.B7 B.IO B.55 9.45 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD TYPES Stock No. Mfr'8 Mmf Typ,e Range Type 126Mtg. 24 99 Lug sli," 10.20 9.IB Lug 1112' 10.50 9.45 Lug 1!/.i' 10.BO 9.72 Lug 1'~," 11.40 10.26 .Lug 2'%2' 12.60 11.34 Wire 5li," 10.20 9.IB Wire 1112" ' 10.50 9.45 Wire l!/.i" 10.BO 9.72 Wire l'li," 11.40 10.26 Wire 2'%z" 12.60 11.34 --- -----1-14 16 L 935 MC611 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 L 936 L 937 L 93B L 939 L 940 L 941 L 942 L 943 L 944 MC613 MC614 MC616 MC619 MC621 MC623 MC624 MC626 MC629 182 • ALLIED 1-28 1-42 1-60 1-90 1-14 1-28 1-42 1-60 1-90 ' EACH L 100199 B.50 B.75 9.00 9.50 10.50 B.50 B.75 9.00 9.50 10.50 200299 2.70 2.BI 3.26 3.49 3.94 4.16 4.61 5.96 7.76 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 I 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 8.5 8.5 4.5 4.5 12 12 18 18 i1 I~ 30 30 1.8 5.5 9.5 16 1.8 5.5 9.5 16 Lug 4%4" 47'64" Wire 1~2" Lug 2~4" Wire Lug 2%2.11' Wire 2%2' Lug I~,o Wire 1%4" 1'%4" Lug Wire 1'%4 Lug 14 %," 0 Wire 14~," Lug Lug Lug Lug 1~," Wire Wire Wire Wire ''%2" 4'%4" 14%,0 ''%20 43,44" 1~," 14~4° 3.15 2.83 3.15 2.B3 3.45 3.10 3.45 3.10 4.05 ·3.64 4.05 3.64 4.20 3.7B 4.20 3.7B 4.35 3.91 4.35 3.91 4.BO 4.32 4.BO 4.32 5.25 4.72 5.B5 5.26 7.65 6.BB 10.05 9.04 5.25 4.72 5.B5 5.26 7.65 6.BB 10.05 9.04 2.62 2.62 2.B7 2.87 3.37 3.37 3.50 3.50 3.62 3.62 4.00 4.00 4.37 4.B7 6.37 B.37 4.37 4.B7 6.37 B.37 2.36 2.36 2.59 2.59 3.04 3.04 3.15 3.15 3.26 3.26 3.60 3.60 3.93 4.3B 5.73 7.54 3.93 4.3B 5.73 7.54 Units are interchangeable with most JFD telescopic devices listed 600% increasdn adjustment life to exceed MIL-C-14409B requirements. Torque holds constant for 500 cycles with no derating and minimum wear. Have same electrical and physical characteristics as standard JFD parts. All have glass dielectric and are !/.i" in diameter. Shpg. wt .. 2 oz. PANEL MOUNT TYPES EACH L 'l1. 100199 3.00 3.12 3.62 3.B7 4.37 4.62 5.12 6.62 B.62 on these pages. Capacitors feature "Hi Life" tuning mechanism with Stock No. PANEL MOUNT TYPES Mfr's 12524 99 f-8.5 Bush'g 1Y16" 3.60 3.24 4.5 Bush'g 0/16" 3.75 3.37 Bush'g 1,44" 12 4,35 3.91 Busb'g 1!/.i" 18 4.65 4.18 Bush'g IV." 30 5.25 4.72 1.8 Bush'g 0/1'6" 5.55 4.99 o 5.5 Bush'g 6.15 5.53 9.5 Bush'g l!/.i° 7.95. 7.15 16 Bush'g IV." 10.35 9.31 NEW REDUCED-COST Y SERIES Special process glass provides a 300% increase in the capacitance range over any existing piston Stack No. 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.8 I 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 L PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD TYPES MAX-C TRIMMER SEALCAP CONSTRUCTION trimmer of comparable size. Seal cap EACH Min Max Type Mmf Mmf Mtg. Mfr'. 200299 7.65 7.B7 B.IO B.55 9.45 7.65 7.B7 B;IO B.55 9.45 Mfr's Type VC- 16 16 16 16 16 L424 L425 L426 L 427 L 42B 21GY 20GY 22GY 23GY 24GY 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 L 429 L430 L431 L 433 L 435 L 436 L 43B L 439 L440 L441 lOGY 10GWY 9GY 9GWY 31GY 31GWY 32GY 32GWY 43GY 43GWY Min Max Type Mmf Mmf Mtg. 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.8 1.0 EACH 5099 2.50 2.70 2.95 3.40 3.60 100199 2.10 2.25 2.45 2.B5 3.05 300499 2.00 2.15 2.35 2.70 2.90 '%2" 2.BO 2.60 2.20 '%2" 2.BO 2.60 2.20 2'%2" 3.00 2.75 2.40 2 732''' 3.00 2.75 2.40 3%2''' 3.35 3.05 2.65 3%2" 3.35 3.05 2.65 111.0 3.95 3.60 3.10 1%.0 3.95 3.60 3.10 12%.2" 4.15 3.BO 3.30 12%," 4.15 3.BO 3.30 I.B5 I.B5 2.00 2.00 2.20 2.20 2.60 2.60 2.BO 2.BO 1.75 1.75 1.90 1.90 2.10 2.10 2.45 2.45 2.65 2.65 L 14:5 Bush'g 3%," 8.5 12 18 30 Bush'g 5%.." Bush'g 1112 0 Bush'g 1'%,0 Bush'g 1v.° 124 3.20 3.40 3.75 4.35 4.55 2549 2.95 3.05 3.40 3.95 4.15 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD TYPES 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 4.5 4.5 8.5 8.5 12 12 18 18 30 30 Lug Wire Lug Wire -Lug. Wire Lug Wire Lug Wire NEW "Y" SERIES Allied will stock all new "Y" Series, glass and quartz dielectrics as they become available. Inquire for prices on new types. When Ordering, Specify Mfr's Type and Capacitance Range JFD Tuners and Trimmer Capacitors JFD HIGH-RELIABILITY LC TUNERS Combine a precision variable-piston capacitor with a coaxial metallized inductor on the same low-loss dielectric glass form. Provide more circuit in less space with higher reliability. Three connectionscommon, inductor, and adjustable piston of trimmer nance. Panel-mount type illustrated at left uses mtg:. stud for piston connection. Q is greater than 135. Sizes: panel mounts, l4x4~U' to 1 4%," long with !4" mtg. bushing; PC mounts, Y4X zYJl'to lZ¥3z"long. (through bushing) for either series or parallel reso- cycles. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. *Indicates self-resonating frequency range in mega- PANEL MOUNTS Mfrrs Stock No. 1& 1& 1& 1& 1& 1& 1& 1& Type L 214 L 34& L 349 L 393 L 39B L 399 L 401 L 402 LC-303 LC-304 LC-306 LC-309 LC-333 LC-334 LC-336 LC-339 PRINTED-CIRCUIT MOUNTS EACH Range 1-24 25-99 100-199 200-299 Mc' --- --- --- --400-725 4.&5 4.IB 3.B7 3.49 275-550 4.32 4.00 3.&0 4.BO 200-500 4.95 4.45 4.12 3.71 125-375 4.B& 4.50 5.40 - - -4.05 -- - 3.24 -3.00 -400-725 - - - -3.&0 2.70 275-550 3.12 2.BI 3.75 3.37 200-500 4.05 3.&4 3.37 3.04 125-375 3.7B 3.50 3.15 4.20 Stock No. 1& 1& 1& 1& 1& 1& 1& 1& 1-24 100-199 200-299 Mo' -- ---400-725 - - -4.35 - - -25-99 3.91 3.&2 """"3.26 Type LC-313 LC-314 LC-316 LC-319 LC-323 LC-324 LC-326 LC-329 L 405 L 40& L 40B L 409 L410 L 411 L414 L 415 EACH Range Mfr's 275-550 4.&5 200-500 4.BO 125-375 5.25 -400-725 - - - -4.35 -275-550 4.&5 200-500 4.BO 125-375 5.25 4.1 B 4.32 4.72 3.91 4.1 B 4.32 4.72 3.B7 4.00 4.37 3.&2 3.B7 4.00 4.37 3.49 3.&0 3.94 -3.2& -3.49 3.&0 3.94 MINIATURE TANK CIRCUITS Employ a precision-wound air core coil across a miniature trimmer piston capacitor. Cost is. little more than cost of trimmer alone with only one small unit to mount instead of two. Have a nominal Q of 230. Trimmer varies from 0.8 to 8.5 mmi. Size: approximately 'Y16XYzxl4" with 1O-32xl4" mtg. bushing and nut. ·Self-resonant frequency range. Shpg. wt .. 2 oz. Stock No. 1& 1& 1& 16 1& Mfr's L 115 L II & L 117 L liB L 119 Mfr's T.Jci.C .4.05 3.64 3.37 3.04 Have two stator-bands with one common piston. As capacity in one section of capacitor increases. capacity in the other section decreases at the same rate. Sum of capacities in both sections remains constant in peak-to-peak area of tuning curve. All rated 1000 WVD C, all are l4" dia. Panel mounts have 10-32 bushing. Wt., 2 oz. PANEL MOUNT TYPES EACH Mm' Range W' D'"" \ ~; DC (Inches) I&L442~ 0.8-13.02500 'U,xlY16 25100199 99 1.&5 I.4B 1.37 1.95 1.75 1.62 .B9 .B3 .99 200299 1.24 1.4& .74 1& L443 S5C' 1& L 444 57G 5.0-50.0 1250 '~xll4 1.0-12.0 750 l4xll4 1& L 445156C* 1& L44& 58G 5.0-'50.0112501'U,X1Z'%'1 1.951 1.751 1.&21 1.4& 11.0-12.0 750 l4xl z,%, .99 .B9 .B3 .74 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD TYPES STANDARD PANEL MOUNT SERIES Popular piston trimmers. Lower dielectric constant and greater stability O f , ~ fused quartz types make them desir'{(~ able as high-resolution trimmers for ""f>-="'critical tuning applications-high Q ideal for UHF. Use glass types for greater range. Glass dielectric, except *quartz. 2 oz. 1& 1& 1& 1& 1& 1& 16 1& 1& 1& 1& Mc 1-24 25-99 100-199 200-299 450-1000 - - - - - - - - - - - 280-765 225-580 190-485 170-415 SEALED DIFFERENTIAL SERIES NEW DIRECT TRAVERSE SERIES Low-cost glass and cel amic dielectric direct-traverse trimmers. Non-rotating direct traverse mechanisms with expanding self-aligning spring-clip pistons. Std. panel mount construction also included. Glass, except 'ceramic dielectric. 2 oz. PANEL MOUNTING TYPES Stock No. 0.7-9 L OOB lG 0.7-4.5 L 005 2' 0.6-6 L 000 5* 0.8-18 LOll 5G 0.8-10 L 001 11' -0.6-14 L 002 llG LOIS llGRA 0.6-14 L 01 & llGRB 0.6-14 LOl7 llGRC 0.8-18 9-21 L 007 12' 0.8-30 L 004 30G 1250 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 7S0 750 l4xz,%, 2.55 4.35 ~6x'M6 5.25 ~6XVa l4xll4 3.00 6.00 ~6x1l4 l4xll4 2.B5 l4xl14 2.55 l4xll4 2.40 l4xll4 2.55 ~6xlz~, 7.95 l4x1z~, 3.45 2.29 3.91 4.72 2.70 5.40 2.5& 2.29 2.1 & 2.29 7.T5 3.10 2.12 3.&2 4.37 2.50 5.00 2.37 2.12 2.00 2.12 &.&2 2.B7 1.91 3.2& 3.94 2.25 4.50 2.14 1.91 I.BO 1.91 5.9& 2.59 1& L 454. Model 5284. Adj-ustment tool.. .............•.......• B5 1& L 455. Model 7104-5. Production tool. ....•.......•.•... 2.50 1& L45&. Model 7104-4. Production tool. ............•.•.•. 2.50 Stock No. Mfr's Min Type Mmf Mfr"s Mmf Length Range (Inches) 124 --- - - - --1& L447 VC1GC* 0.7-9 ~ 1.&& 2%, 1& L 44B VC26G 0.7-9 1.74 0.8-18 114 1& L 449 VC4G 1.70 VC27G 0.8-18 1& L 450 ~ I.BO 0.8-30 IZYl, 1& L451 VC28G 2.00 0.8-30 I Z7I, 1& L 452 VC29G 1.90 I 6 L 453 VC25G 0.5-3 1.74 Va Type L 0&0 DS441 0.7; 2.0 3;3 Bush'g 17i's" L 0&1 D~443 0.8; 2.5 8; 8 Bush'g '716' L 0&2 DS444 0.8; 3.0 12; 12 Bush'g 1l4' L 0&3 DS44" 0.9; 3.5 16; 16 Bush'g lY16' L 065 DS449 1.5; 5.0 28; 28 Bush'g 1'~6' 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 L 0&& DS451 0.1; L 0&7 DS461 0.7; L 06B DS453 0.8; L 069 DS463 0.8; L 070 DS454 0.8; L 071 DS464 0.8; L 072 DS456 0.9; L 073 DS466 0.9; L 074 DS459 1.5; L 075 DS469 1.5; EACH 1- I 25- 1 100 - 1200 • 24 99 199 299 5.5T·991 5.40 4.B& &.00 5.40 &.45 5.BO 7.20 &.4B 4 .&21 4 • 16 4.50 4.05 5.00 4.50 5.37 4.B4 &.00 5.40 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD TYPES 2.0 3; 3 2.0 3; 3 2.5 8; 8 2.5 8; 8 3.0 12; 12 3.0 12; 12 3.5 16; 16 3.5 16; 16 5.0 28; 28 5.0 28; 28 Lug Wire Lug Wire Lug Wire Lug Wire Lug Wire 5!4,' 5.55 5!4,' 5.55 11&' 5.40 l1h," 5.40 1'%,' 1&·00 I'%" &.00 l zU,' &.45 tZU," &.45 15%.,' 7.20 15%," 7.20 4.99 4.&2 4.99 4.&2 4.B& 4.50 4.B& 4.50 5.40 5.00 5.40 15 . 00 5.BO 5.37 5.BO 5.37 &.4B &.00 &.4B &.00 4.1& 4.16 4.05 4.05 4.50 4.50 4.B4 4.B4 5.40 5.40 PIN TRIM SERIES Extremely small and compact piston capacitors, approximately l4 the weight and less than V. the diameter of regular miniature trimmers. Enable maximum comExtremely Small pactness between stacked circuit boards and Compact and insure less stray capacitance - in a given mounting area when used to replace conventional trimmers. Also enable use of variable capacitors in applications previously limited to fixed ones. Panel mounting types have 3-48 mounting bushing. Printed circuit types have 2 mounting lugs. All are rated 500 WVDC, all are ~4" in diameter. 2 oz. PANEL MOUNT TYPES EACH 60- 1002549 99 299 1.50 1.34 1.12 1.55 1.35 1.14 1.53 1.35 1.13 1.&0 1.42 1.12 I.BO 1.55 1.30 1.70 1.46 1.22 1.55 1.35 1.14 Max Type Mmf Mtg. Length 17 17 17 17 17 NEW "Y" SERIES STANDARD PANEL-MOUNT Exceeds adiustment life requirements of MIL-C-14409B ·by over 600%.750 WVDC, except *1250 WVDC. Glass dielectric. l4" dia. Stock No. EACH Range'" Type LC371 LC372 LC373 LC374 LC375 300499 1.07 1.09 I.OB 1.12 1.22 1.17 1.09 Stock No. 17 17 17 17 L oCio L 001 L 002 L 003 Mfr's Min Max Length Type Mmf Mmf o:s 2.0 PT901 PT902 0.5 PT903 0.5 PT904 0.5 3.0 5.0 7.0 ').16' '716' lM6' 1~6' EACH 1-24 100-199 200-299 - - -1.91 --2.55 - - -25-99 -- 2.29 2.12 2.B5 3.00 3.15 2.5& 2.70 2.B3 2.37 2.50 2.&2 2.14 2.25 2.3& PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD TYPES I7 L L 005 0041 PT911 17 PT912 1 17 L 00& PT913 17'L007 PT914 Depend on Allied for Complete Stocks, OEM Prices, Same-Day Shipment 1.91 2.14 2.25 2.36 ALLIED • 183 Variable Capacitors and Trimmers E. F. JOHNSON CAPACITORS • COmpact • Stable . ~ Dependable [QJ TYPE M MINIATURE VARIABLES Small types for compact equipment. Quality constructed. Peak voltage 1250 v., except *850 v. Panel space %x'Ya", up to 1114 behind. ~s" dia. slotted shaft with 114"-32 mtg. bushing. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. except Differential types. 4 oz. SINGLE SECTION o Stock Mfr's No. --~ I~ L 758 160-102 13 13 13 13 L 759 L 760 L 761 L 766 EACH Mmf Max-Min 1-9 10-49 50-99 5.0-1.5 .90 .83 160-104 8.7-1.8 .95 .88 160-107 14.2-2.3 1,00 .92 160-110 19.6-2.7 1.10 1.00 160-130 32.0-3" 1.20 1.11 lID .76 .80 .85 .92 1,02 BUTTERFLY 13 L 7631160-205 5.1-1.8'11.3011.20 1.10 13 L 764 160-208 8.0-2.2 1.45 1.33 1,22 1.3 L 765 160-211 10.8-2.7 1.60 1.47 1.35 @] [ffi TYPE S "ARIABLES Compact and rugged. 850 v. peak rating. Slotted hex-nut shaft. Panel space 2,%,x 2%," 11'As"behind Tw04-40 mtg holes lib Stock Mfr'a No. I~ 13 13 13 13 13 L771 L 772 L 773 L 774 L 776 EACH Mmf Max-Min 1-9 10-49 50-99 15-2.3 25-2.6 35-2.9 50-3.2 100-4.5 148-1 148-2 148-3 148-4 148-6 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.30 .93 .97 1.00 1.03 1.20 .85 ,89 .92 .95 1.10 TYPE L VARIABLES Extremely stable; vibration- and shockproof. 1500 v. peak rating. Panel space 1%" sq., behind. Wt" 1 lb. @ SINGLE END PLATE 13 13 13 13 I o L 7771167-1 L 778 167-2 L 779 167-3 L 780 167-4 DIFFERENTIAL 11-2.8 1.8011.6511.52 27-3.5 1,90 1,72 1.58 51-4.6 2.10 1.93 1.77 75-5.7 2.302.04 1.96 Bun'ERFLY 13L767!160-303!5.0-1.5!1.2511.161.06 13 L 768 160-305 8.7-1.8 1.45 1.34 1.23 13 L 770 160-311 19.6-2.7 1.85 1.72 1.58 Stock No. EACH [Q] 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 1. 49 Max."Min. L 530 L 531 L 532 L 533 L 534 L 535 L 536 L 537 L 538 L 539 L 540 L 550 L 551 1850' ~T:821.641:46 1852* 33- 4 1.88 1.69 1.50 1853* 50- 5 2.482.23 1.98 1855* 100- 7 2.702.432,16 BUD MIDGET TRIMMERS 1856* ~ 2.782.502.22 Type MT-833. For antenna 1858* 190- 9 3.002.702.40. coupling, interstage cou1859* 235-10 3.453.11 2.76 1860* 300-12 3.753,373.00 . piing and receiver tracking. Maximum capacity. 36 mmf.; min. cap., ,3 1870 15- 3 1.801.621.44 mmf. Has ceramic base. 4 oz. . 1872 33- 4 1.88 1.69 1.50 13 L 510.1 to 49 ............... EACH .15 1873 50- 5 1.95 1.76 1,56 50-99 ......................... EACH .13 1875 100- 1 2.101.891.68 100-149 ....................... EACH .12 1876 . 140- 8 2.402.16 1.92 150-199 ........... , ........... EACH .11 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 3.30 5.25 5,85 6.23 2.97 4.73 5.26 5.61 2.73 4.20 4,68 4.98 RADIO CONDENSER CO. VARIABLE CAPACITORS 2-GANG CAPACITORS • Trimmers for Each Section • Spring Brass Wipers • Rugged Constru,ction • Slotted End-Plates For use in superhets without an RF stage, or in 2-stage TRF receivers. Each section' has 29 plates. Range of 15.5 mmf to' 467.8 mmf. each section. Counter-clockwise rota· tion increases capacity, clockwise rotation decreases capacity. With trimmers for each section. End plates are slotted-permits easy tracking adjustments. Spring brass wipers. Require series padder for application ill oscillator circuits. Have ¥a" diameter shafts. See coil and I.F. transformer section for coils. Size: 1 'Ya" high, l' 71s" wide. 2' 71s" deep. Shpg. wt., 10 oz. 13 L 528.1 to 9 ............... EACH 1.11 10-49 ........................ EACH I ;00 50·99 ........................ EACH .92 100-499 ...................... EACH .83 184 • ALLIED 3.5-1.2 5.4-1.3 7.3-1.4 9.1-1.5 11 -1.7 13 -1.8 4.1-1.3 .60 .55 .51 ,63 .57 .53 .65 ,59 .55 ~~~ .70 .65 .60 ,72 .66 .61 ,72 .66 .61 VHF BUTTERFLY CAPACITORS 50- 100. 99 149 Type 15-3 11-5 17'::'5 25-6 189-1* 189-2* 189-3* 189-4* 189-5* 189-6* 189-26t Mfr'a Type 13 L 739 PL-6076 13 L 740 PL-6077 13 L 741 PL-6078 EACH No. 1660 13 L 552 1845 13 L 553 1846 13 L 554 1847 L 697 L 698 L 699 L 700 L 70 I L 702 L 703 No. M mf ;~- "o~; 50- 6.5 102- 8.5 2.802,622.40 140-13.5 3.002.752.53 TYPE U SUBMINIATURE VARIABLES Stock Mfr'a ~~ EACH -!~~·r·49150·99 2.552.342.1 5 N a moving contacts. Isolantite insulation. Removable plates. Air gap, .030". 114" dia. shaft; panel space, 1?-isx11 ;1,". 10 oz. Stock -13 L 555 Max .. Min CARDWELL CAPACITORS Compact, three-gang capacitors for HF use. Ideal for converters, pre-selectors, b etc. Soldered brass plates. Type 1660 is dual-section. 4 oz. Mmf' Mfr's Type Max .... Min. Mmf Typo Tiny' high-quality capacitors. Require only ?-is" sq. panel space, up to %" behind. Offer high Q and low temp. coeff. *850 v. peak breakdown; t1300 v. o/1s" terminals for wiring in or printed ckt. mtg. 4 oz. BUD LC "TINY MITE" CAPACITORS Stock No. Mfr'. 13 L 754 149-3 13 L 756 149-5 13 L 757 149-6 BUD· VARIABLE CAPACITORS MC Midgets. Feature small size. sturdy construction, and high ,mechanical and electrical efficiency. Available with single or *double bearings. Panel or base mounting. Air gap .024" (1 kv. peak). Steatite insulation. Semi-circular plates. Shpg. wt" 7 oz. TYPE R VARIABLES Extra-heavy rugged construction. Panel or base mtg. Panel space 11'Asx1'Ya", up to 2~" behind. 1200 v. peak. 1 lb. 2- AND 3·GANG CAPACITORS • Rugged Design • Quality Controlled • Slotted End·Plates • Compact Size Compact TRF variable capacitors. Have trimmers on side of frame. Outer rotor plates are slotted for' tracking adiustment. Tapped holes in frame provide secure mounting. Range: 12 to 367 mmf. Shaft diameter, %". Size of 2-gang: 271sx l' 71sxl'Ya". Size of 3-gang: 3~sxl1 71sxl 'Ya". Av. shpg. wt., 6 oz. 13 L 521. 2-Gang. 1-9 ......... EACH 1.08 10-49 .... EACH .97 50-99..... EACH ,.90 100-499 ...................... EACH ,81 13 L 522. 3-Gang. 1-9 .. , ....... EACH 1.66 10-49 .... EACH 1.49 50-99..... EACH 1.38 100-499 ...................... EACH 1.25 Max. Min. EACH Mmf Mmf 5 7 13 1.5 2.0 3.0 2.07 2.49 2.64 TRIM-AIR MIDGETS Universal mounting. Isolantite insulation. Shaft has rear extension for ganging; except*. tAir gap, .02"; others .03". !4" dia. shaft; panel space, 1 %xl 131,". 7 oz. Stock No. 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 L 742 L 743 L 744 L 745 L 746 L 747 L 748 L 749 Mfr'. Max. Min. Type Mmf Mmf PL-6000 PL-6001 PL-6002 PL-6003 PL-6004 PL-6016t PL-6017t. PL-6018t* 10 15 25 35 50 75 100 140 1.2 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.8 2.7 3.0 5.0 AMPEREX EACH 1.57 1;65 1.85 2.03 "2.Iii'" 2,14 2.48 3.45 VACUUM CAPACITORS ',"""",Extremely-high-voltage e@t. ___ - _ vacuum capacitors- especially suitable for industrial RF applications. Provide high stability in critical bypass, coupling. and neutralizing circuits. May be employed as plate tank capacitors. Breakdown voltage of all capacitors is rated at 32,000 volts, maximum. 61nx2Y2". Av. shpg. wt.. 10 oz. Stock Mfr's Fixed EACH No. Type Mmf - I""3-'cL=50-1-1-"V""C'?_"'2-=5- 1--2-5- -2-5-.-2-513 L 502 VC-50 50 29.50 13 L 503 VC-100 100 35.00 OEM PRICES-FAST DELIVERY Allied Electronics maintains the world's largest inventory of industrial electronic components. Call us for prompt shipment. Specify Mfr's Type and Capacitance on Capacitor Orders Hammarlund Variable Capacitors fA1 Quality variable capacitors feature silil!!J conized steatite base. nickel-plated brass plates. silver-plated contacts. For panel or chassis mounting. "Straight-line capacity 'characteristic indicated by S suffix; others have mid-line capacity characteristic for nearly linear frequency divisions. Air gap: M and S types •.0245"; SX types •. 0715". Tested at 1000 v. and 1750 v .• respectively (60 cycle rms). Capacity increases with clockwise rotation. Space required: Sand SX types. l'lI,6" sq. M type. 2 \4" sq. Depth of longest cut: S. 2'1a; SX. 4%"; M type. 3\4". Shaft is \4" dia .• l/z" long with %-32 bushing. Shpg. wt .. 10 oz. Stock No. 13 L 666 13 L 667 13 L 668 13 L 670 13 L 672 13 L 673 13 L 674 13 L 675 13 L 676 13 L 677 13 L 678 Sto~k 13 13 13 13 No. L 679 L 682 L 684 L 686 Mfr's Type "MC-20-S "MC-35-S "MC-50-S "MC-75-S *MC-I00-S MC-lOO-M MC-140-M *MC-l40-S MC-200-M MC-250-M 'MC-325-M Max. Min. EACH Mmf Mmf 20 35 50 80 100 100 140 140 200 250 320 5.5 6.0 6.5 8.0 8.3 7.7 9.0 10.0 10.3 12.0 13.5 DOUBLE-SPACED MC's Max. Min. Mfr's Type *MC-20-SX *MC-35-SX *MC-50-SX *MC-lOO-SX Mmf Mmf 20 32 53 100 6.8 8.5 11.5 16.5 2.27 2.31 2.48 2.55 2.69 2.72 2.88 2.85 3.27 3.41 3.90 fC1 TYPE HFA TYPE HF Single and split-stator tUlling capacitors ~ ideally suited to high frequency applica- tions. *Double-spaced plates. 1400 v. (60 cycle rms) test; others 600 v. HF. Size, l'j1"xlo/,." up to 1 l/z" behind panel; HFD, 1 l/zxl" up to 3%" behind panel. Shpg. wt .. 6 oz. Stock No. 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 L L L L L L L L L L L L L Max. Min. Type -Mmf -17.5 Mmf 2.8 36 3.2 52 3.7 102 5.3 -142 - - -6.315 3.6 30 5.2 Type 076 648 649 650 651 652 Mmf HFD-25 25 HFD-50 52 HFD-l00 102 HFD-140 142 *HFD-15-X 16 *HFD-30-X 28.5 EACH --1.14 HFD SPLlT.STATOR Mfr's Max. Min. Stock No. 17 13 13 13 13 13 Mfr's 59,0 HF-15 HF-35 591 592 HF-50 593 HF:100 594 HF-140 595 *HF-15-X 596 *HF-30-X Mmf 1.25 1.31 1.49 1.74 1.29 1.43 EACH -2.9- - - 4.37 4.55 4.98 5.15 4.55 4.65 3.6 5,0 6.0 3.8 5.0 NEUTRALIZING CAPACITOR fjj1 Type EACH 2.63 2.79 3.05 3.87 TYPE MCD DUALS fjj1 Split-stator panel-mounting types with NZ-l0. For use in neutralizing final ~ stages of transmitters. Rotor attaches to fine thread lead screw which may be adjusted with screwdriver and locked with clamping screw. Stop prevents plates shorting at max. capacity. Peak voltage rating 3000 v. at minimum gap. Capacity: 2.3-10 mmf. Size 2'0/,6xl'o/,6X2Va". Two 'lI,6" mtg. holes. Wt. 1 lb. 4 77 13 L 653 ........................ 1000 v. (60 cycle rms). Mid-line capacity characteristic provides nearly linear frequency division. Have shield between stators. nickel-plated brass plates. silver-plated contacts. Panel space: 2\4" square; 3'!.12" required behind panel. \4" diameter shaft. l/z" long; mount by means of %"-32 bushing Av shpg wt ., 11 oz Stock Mfr's Max. Min. EACH Type No. Mmf Mmf 50 13 L 687 MCD-50-M 5.5 7.25 13 L 690 MCD-I00-M 100 6.3 7.74 13 L 695 MCD-140-M 140 7.8 8.16 TRANSISTOR·TYPE CAPACITORS Midget Superhet. Two section capacitor specially designed for use with broadcast band transistorized ·receivers. Ideal for small table models and portables. Counterclockwise rotation increases capacity. With trimmers. Oscillator section for 455-kc IF. Capacity ranges: Oscillator section; 7.2 mmf to 66 mmf. RF section; 7.5 mmf to 81 mmf. 1%xlo/,6x"Y16". Av. shpg. wt .. 4 oz. 13 L 526. 1·9................. EACH 10-49......................... EACH 50·99......................... EACH 100-499....................... EACH 1.25 1.12 1.00 '.87 Miniature Superhet. Similar to above midget superhet. much more compact-ideal for miniature transistorized receivers. Capacity ranges: Oscillator section. 6.1 mmf to 73.4 mmf; RF Section, 7.0 mmf to 123.1 mmf. Size, 1 Vaxl %x%". Shpg. wt., 2 oz. , 13 L 527.1-9................. EACH 1.30 10-49 . ... EACH 1.17 .. 50-99..... EACH 1.04 100-499...................... . EACH .91 . TYPE MAC ~ features of MC Types above. Tested at (Not illus.) These extremely small variable capacitors provide low minimum capacity essential for use as VHF trimmers. Steatite base; only %x%". Screwdriver adjustment. Have threaded bushing for convenient panel mounting. Up to 10/,6" behind panel. Shpg. wt 40z .. Stock No. 13 13 13 13 L L L L 659 660 661 662 Mfr's Min. Type Max. Mmf Mmf EACH MAC-5 MAC-lO MAC-15 MAC-20 5.4 9.6 15.8 21.5 1.3 1.5 1.9 2.2 1.00 1.05 1.20 1.35 Two·Section Superhet Variable. 19-plate oscillator section with 172.6 max.-10.6 min. mmf; has one 2-17 mmf trimmer. 27-plate RF section with 434 max.14.5 min. mmf; has one 2-17 mmf trimmer. Provides 4.55-kc frequency-difference in combination with oscillator coil below. Capacity increases in counter clockwise rotation. Size. 1%xl'o/,6X 20/,6'" Shaft. \4" diameter; %" long. Shpg. wt., 10 oz. 13 L 529. 1·9.................. EACH 1.06 10-49......................... EACH .95 50-99....................." ... EACH .88 100·499........................ EACH .80 Oscillator Coil. Provides 455-kc frequency difference when used with above. 4 oz. Everything in Electronics from One Dependable Source ~ similar to HF. but larger plates and wider air gaps. For general-purpose and transmitting applications. Single-hole panel mounting. Also bracket for base mounting. End letter A in type no. denotes .02" air gap. B-.03". E-.07"; 800.1200 and 1750 test volts respectively. l'%.xlV,2!'. Up to 1%" behind panel Wt ., 1 Ib Mfr's Stock Type No. J3 13 13 13 13 13 13 L 599 L 643 L 644 L 645 L 646 L 597 L 598 HFA-lOB HFA-15B HFA-25B HFA-50B HFA-lOOB HFA-lOOA HFA-140A Max. Min. Mmf Mmf 9 16 25 -50 100 102 145 2.3 2.8 3.0 4.3 7.5 4.5 6.0 EACH """1:62 1.71 1.74 1.92 3.05 2.13 2.39 TYPE APC ff1 Compact high-quality variables. With I!J both screwdriver or hex-wrench adjustment. lV,2x'0/,6". Up to 1%" behind panel. Shpg wt 40z .. Stock No. 13 13 13 13 13 L 654 L 655 L 656 L 657 L 658 Mfr's Type APC-25 APC-50 APC-75 APC-100 APC-140 Max. Min. EACH Mmf Mmf 2S 50 75 100 140 3.0 3.9 4.6 5.5 6.7 1.35 1.55 1.70 1.85 2.15 TYPE MAPC fG1 Midget padding. trimming and generalpurpose capacitors. Similar to APC. but smaller. Ideal for small space applications. Gap, .0135". Rotors and stators are nickelplated brass. Nickel-plated beryllium copper wiper contact. Tapped (4-40 thread) brass studs in steatite base permi.t mounting without grounding rotor. Tested at 600 volts rms. 60 cps. Overall size: 25/ :12" wide. ''Y16'' high; up to 1 Yz" behind panel. All have slotted shafts for screwdriver as well as hex-wrench adjustment Shpg wt 4 oz ~ .. Stock "No • 13 13 13 13 13 13 L L L L L 584 585 586 587 588 L 589 Mfr's Type MAPC-15 MAPC-25 MAPC-35 MAPC-50 MAPC-75 MAPC-lOO Max. Min. EACH Mmf Mmf 15 25 35 50 75 100 2.3 2.6 2.9 3.2 3.9 4.5 1.01 1.10 1.10 1.19 1.28 1.44 MIDGET SUPERHET AND TRF TYPES SUPERHET CAPACITOR AND MATCHING COILS 13 L 504. 1-49.................. EACH 50-99 ......................... EACH 100-249 ....................... EACH 250-499 ....................... EACH IfI Sturdy, durable, high quality capacitors. .36 .32 .29 .26 Midget Superhet. Miniature size without sacrifice of performance makes these 2-gang variables perfect- for portable and midget sets. Capacity: RF section. 14.5 mmf to 368 mmf. 27 plates; Oscillator section, 11.6 to 136.6 mmf. 15 plates. Capacity increases counter-clockwise. For use with 455-kc IF. With trimmers. Size. 1'lI,6x1 l/zxl0/,6". \4" diameter shaft extends 1" beyond frame. Ball-bearing shaft. 6 oz. 13 L 523. 1·9................. EACH 1.05 10-49 ..... EACH .94 50-99...... EACH .87 100.499........................ EACH .79 Midget TRF. Compact, 33-plate. single-gang capacitor. Variable from 15 to 409 mmf. Capacity increases with clockwise rotation. Size. 1~6" deep, l¥S"wide, 10/,6" high. \4" diameter shaft extends beyond frame. Shpg. wt .• 5 oz. y.," 13 L 524. 1·9................... EACH .80 10.49 ..... EACH .72 50·99..... . EACH .64 1 00-4~9........................ EACH .57 ALLIED. 185 Trimmers, Padders, Printed Circuit Kits KEPRO SC-601 SILK SCREEN KIT KEPRO FK-701 PHOTO REVERSING KIT • Simple, Two-Step TECHNIQUES Photo Process 5100 • No Darkroom Work Necessary , I ....:....:.16::;:8:.:-1:.:8'-~"1_.:-1.:.:;2-:-6_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~.:.:.:..:..:.:.:..:..:..:.:..:.:..:.:.:..:..: .79 .63 1.05 .88 .70 .60 .50 .40 .99 .B3 .66 ................... .. .76 .61 1.02 .B5 .68 .57 .• 48 .38 .96 .80 .64 ................... .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'""""I:2i) J.Oi) -:SO~~ ~~ ~~ ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... 2.22 I.B5 1.48 ..................... . -:so -----:641.T6 --:96 ---:77 ---:62 ~ -:411.02 ~ ----:681:28 "'1:06 ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~,..!,.QL ~ _._7_1_~.J..:..!..Q... ~ .BO .B8 -:90 .93 .64 .70 1.16 1.25 .96 1.04 .77 .83 .62 .71 .51 .59 .41 .47 1.02 1.11 .B5 .93 .68 .74 1.28 1.37 1.06' 1.14 .85 .91 --:n: I.2iI "'1:06 ~ -:74 --:61----:491":14 ---:9S -:n 1:40 I.T6 ---:93 .74 1.31 1.09 .87 .77 .64 .51 1.17 .9B .7B 1.• 43 1.19 .95 --:99 --:79 I.3B I.T5 ---:92 ~ --:70 --:561.251.04" ---:831.Sil1.25 J.Oi) .99 .79 1.38 1.15 .79 .63 1.14 .95 .92 .B4 .70 .56 1.25 1.04 .83 1.50 1.25 1.00 .76 . .60 .50 .40. 1.0 I .84 .67 1.26 1.05 .84 -:so ---:64 I.T6 --:96 ---:77 ~ ~ -:411.02 ~ ----:68 ""i":281.06 ~ .B4 .67 1.20 1.00 .BO .66 .55 .44 1.07 .89 .71 1.32 1.10 .B8 -:n ----:61-1.-1-1- ---:93 -:74 ----:s7 ----:48 ----:38 ---:98 -.-8-1- ----:65 "'1:23 J:03---:a2 1.05 -:841:47 "'1:23 --:98 ~ -:75 ~ 1.441.20 ---:96 ~ ~ ~ 1.11 .B9 1.55 1.29 1.03 .98 .81 .65 1.52 1.26 1.01 ................... .. --:99 ---:791:40 I.T6 ---:93 ~ ~ ~ I.37I.T4 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1.18 .94 1.62 1.35 I.OB 1.05 .8B .70 1.59 1.33 1.06 ................... .. -:90 ----:n I.29I.OB ----:86 ----:n -:&0 -:48 J.261.OS ~ ~ ~ ~ 1.05 .84 1.47 1.23 .98 .90 .75 .60 1.44 1.20 .96 ................... .. 2.74 2.'i'9 3.50 ~ 2.33 2.93 2.44 1.95 3.47 2.89 ""2.31 ~ ~ ~ 3.20 2.56 4.05 3.3B 2.70 3.48 2.90 2.32 4.02 3.35 2.68 .................... . --:99 ---:79 1.34 -1.-1-1- ---:B9 --:BI ----:68 --:-:54 1.25 1.04" ---:831:52 J.26 ~ 1.05 .84 1.41 1.18 .94 .B9 .74 .59 1.32 1.10 .B8 1.59 1.33 1.06 168-4P 1.1 I ---:93 ----:74 J.26 1.05 ~ ----:74 ----:61 ----:49 "'I:T7 --:98 ----:781.441.20 ---:96 _.::.16:.:5-:-4;::8:-__1_-:-1.",1'74_ .95 .76 1.29 1.08 .86 .77 .64 ;51 1.20 1.00 .80 1.47 1.23 .98 165-5P . 1.1 I ---:93 --:74 J.261.OS ~ ----:74 --:61----:49 J.T7 --:98 ----:78 1.44 '""""I:2i) ---:96 _-:-16:,.;8,...:5",5=-__1_-;-1.",1-,;7_ .98 .78 1.32 1.10 '.88 .80 .66 .53 1.23 1.03. .82 1.50 1.25 1.00 168-SP 1.14 ---:9S --:76 I.29I.OB ----:86 ---:77 ---:64 ~ 1.20 J.Oi) 1:471':23--:98 _-:.16;0.:5-:-,8;0.:8'-_-1-.;:1':.:;2:;:0_ 1.00 .80 1.35 1.13 .90 .B3 .69 .55 1.26 1.05 .84 1.53 1.28 1.02 18-1P 1.50 I.25I:CiO 1.761.46 J.T7 1.07 ---:B9 ----:71 <1.67 1:39 -1.-1-1- 2.ii6 1.711.37 _-:.lS:;--~18::--_ _ I~I':.;:7:;:;0:- 1.41 1.13 1.95 1.63 1.30 1.26 1.05 .B4 I.B6 1.55 1.24 2.25 1.8B 1.50 IS-3P 1.20 J.Oi) 1.46 1.21--:97 ---:77 ---:64 ~ 1.37 I.i'4 ~ --.-:76 1.46 J.T7 -,-.::.18.:--.:.38=-_ _ 1...-;-1.:.:4",1_ 1.18 .94 1.67 1.39 1.11 .98 .81 .65 1.58 1.31 1.05 1.97 1.64 1.31 18-4P 1.23 J:03 -:a21:491.24 --:99 ---:66 --:531:40 I.T6 --:93 J.79 I:49I.T9 18-48 1.34 1.1 I .89 1.59 1.33 1.06 .90 .75 .60 1.50 1.25 1.00 1.89 1.58 1.26 ---:so ---:so -:so --:-18':--~5P::--'---I"'-;-I.'-:6-=5"" I.3B ...-:TO 1.911.591.27 f.22l.01i --:BI1.B2 ~ 1.21 ~ I.B4I.47 _".IS;:---::-58=-_ _ I,---;-I-;.4;-,;;1,... 1.18 / .94 1.67 1.39 1.1 I .98 .8 I .65 1.58 1.31 1.05 1.97 1.64 1.31 lS-8P 1.49 1.24 -:99 J:74 'I":'4S I.T6 1.05 --:70 1:65 I.3B ""T:IO 2.04 1.70 1.36 _-:.18:;--::88=-_ _ I---:I;.o.~62==- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18-9P 1.44 1.20 .96 1.70 1.41 1.13 1.01 .B4 .67 1.61 1.34 1.07 2.00' 1.66 1.33 1 ~,..!,.QL ~ ~~~. ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _.::.18=.-.:,9=:8_ _ _1_",1",'::,6718-11P 1.52 1.26 1.01 1.77 1.48 1:18 I.OB .90 .72 1.6B 1.40 1.12 2.0,7 1.73· 1.3B 18-118 1.70 1.41 1.13' 1.951.63 1.30 1.• 26 1.05 .B4 I.B6 1.55 1.24 2.25 I.BB 1;50 ---:as 192. • AlLIED Allied Is Headquarters for Industrial Components at Factory Pric:es Latest Amphenol' AN/MS Connectors '-~~ATTENTION-OEM .. PRICES' FOR QUANTITY BUYERS,---. Allied can supply any Amphenol connector types at OEM quantity prices. And, you are ahvays assured of prompt delivery of your order, too; Write, wire or phone for a price ,quotation, on the connectors you require to meet your particul,ar needs • (~ ~------~--~------~------------~----------------~ SEE PAGES 190 AND 191 FOR INSERT CONTACT ARRANGEMENTS SEe PAGES 194 AND 195 FOR SERIES 3108A AND 31088 RIGHT-ANGLE PLUG LISTINGS , , Sories 3100A 'EA,CH 1.49 50·99 100.999 , Shell Insert 18·12P 18-125 18-ISP 18-155 18-16P 18-165 20-4P 20-4.5' 20-7,1' 20-75 20-8P 20-85 20-9,P 20-95 20-14P 20-145 20-ISP 20-155 20-16P 20-165 20-17P 20-175 20-18P 20-185 20-21P 20-2.15 20-22P 20-225 , 20-23P 20-235 20-UP 20-245 20-27P 20-275 20-29P 20-295 20-33P 20,.335 22-2P 22-25 22-4P 22-45 22-SP 22,-55 22-9P, 22-95 22-10P' 22-105 22-IIP 22-115 22-12P 22-125 22-14P 22'145 22-ISP 22-155 22-17P 22-175' 22-18P 22-18S 22_19P 22-195 22'22P 22-225 22-23P 22-23 l? 22-36P 1.43 1.56 5.72 6.74 1.38 1.62 1.47 1.70 1.47 1~67 ~ 1.30 4.76 5.61 ~- Series 3101 A EACH 1·49 60·99 100·999 Serie.3102A EACH 1.49 60·99 100·999 --:99 --:a3 ~ Series 3106A EACH 50.99 100·999 1·49 Series 31068 EACH 1·49 50·99 100.999 1:59 1.33 1.06 1.98 1:65 1.32 I.6a T.4O 1:12 .94 .75 1.04 1.13 1.73 1.44 1.15 1.21 1.82 1.51 2.12 1.76 1.41 Tal 5.97 4.98 3.98 5.28 4.40 3.52- 5.88 4.90 3.92 6.27 5:23 4.TB 6.30 4.20 6.90 4.49 5.25 5.75 4.60 7.29 6.99 5.83 4.66 6.08 4.86 J.T5 -:92 1.64 1.36 1.09 ----:95'" --:79 ----:63 -r:ss 1':29 1.03 1:94 1:61 1.29 .99 .79 1.08 1.19 1.79 1.49 1.35 2.18 1.19 1.88 1.56 1.81 1.45 1.1,5 1:07 ~9 -:71 1.74 lAS I.T6 J:95 1.63 1.30 1.23 ----:9B 1.73 --r:44 ~ 1.29 1.08 .86 1.97 1.41 1.13 1.30 1.64 1.31 2.18 1.95 1.63 1.81 1.45 1.23 --:98 1.73 --r:44 J.T5 1:07 ~ -:71 1.74 lAS I.T6 J:95 J.63 1.30 1.26 1.05 1.39 .84 1.94 1.61 1.11 1.28 1.29 1.79 1.92 1.60 2.15 1.43 lAB """T:T8 2.03 --.-:69 ---.:35 -.-:37 ~ ---:9J 2.04 1:70 1.36 2:25 J:88 1.50 1.70 1.41 1.13 2.37 1.98 1.75 1.40 1.57 1.58 2.58 2.36 1.96 2.15 1.72 lAB """T:T8 2.03 --.-:69 ---.:35 --.:37 ~ ---:9J 2.04 1:70 1.36 2.25 J:88 1.50 1.06 1.89 1.66 1.33 2.27 1.51 1.59 1.33 2.48 2.06 1.50 2.25 1.88 1.65 1.54 1.23 2.TO 1.75 --.:40 --r:44 1.20 --:96 2.T2 r:76 !AI 2.33 1:94 -r:ss 1.32 2.39 1.99 1.98 1.65 2.66 2.21 1.77 1.59 1.76 2.87 2.64 2.20 1.91 ---.:35 ---.:os J:88 -.:s6 -.-:25 --.-:22 ---.-:01 ---:sr- --r:B9 -.-:sa 1.26 2.TO 1.75 --.:40 1.58 1.91 1.26 2.57 2.14 1.71 1.89 1.53 1.70 2.78 2.31 1.85 2.55 2.13 T33 -.:06 --.:as 1.54 1.23 I.T9 --;99 --:79 -.-:s6 -r:ss ---.:24 2.07 1.73 I.3B 2.18 1.81 1.45 1.50 1.00 1.59 2.39 1.99 1.25 1.27 1.44 2.16 1.80 1.59 1.48 """T:T8 2.03 --.-:69 ---.:35 -.-:37 I.T4 ---:9J 2.04 1:70 1.36 2.25 J:88 1.5~ 1.08 1.91 1.62 1.35 1.69 2.30 1.53 2.51 2.09 1.52 1.67 1.35 2.28 1.90 !:SO 1.20 2.06 -r:7I -.-:37 T.4O I.T6 ~ 2.07 1.73 I.3B 2.28 1.90 -r:52 1.66 2.27 1.89 1.51 2.06 1.59 1.06 1.33 2.48 1.50 1.33 2.25 1.88 1.65 136 ~ I.B9 I.6B 1.26 ---.:23 ~ .82 1.91 1.59 1.27 2.12 1.76 1.41 1.19 .95 1.75 1.40 1.53 1.39 1.43 2.10 2.31 1.93 2.09 1.54 1.74 ,1.71 ~ 2.11 1.37 2.31 1.93 1.54 1.65 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Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 2.03 2.43 2.85 2.84 2.3B 2.23 I.7B 2.9j'"" 2.66 2.04 2.54 8.10 8.85 AN/MS Connectors Are Continued on the Next Page , 1.4'6 1.74 1.73 2.13 1.63 2.03 6.48 7.08 3.44 2.69 3.29 9.96 10.86 2.36 2.43 2.86 2.24 2.74 8.30 9.05 1.62 1.90 1.89 1.94 2.29 1.79 2.19 6:64 7.24 I ALLIED • 193 Latest Amphenol AN/MS ,C;onn~ctors SEE PAGES 190 AND 191 FOR INSERT CONTACT ARRANGEMENTS Shell Insert 24-2P 24-2S 24-5P 24-5S 24-6P 24-6S " '24-12~ 24-70 P ~4-20S ~ 24-27P 24-27S 24-28P ,24-285 28-2P ,28-2S ,2S-9P 2S-98 '2S-11P 2S-118 28-12P 2S-128 '2S·15P 2S-15S 2S-16P 28-168 28-17P 28-178 28-18P 28-188 2S-20P 28-208 , 28-21P 2S-218 32-7P 32-78 32-13P 32-138' 32-17P 32-i78 36-7P 36-7$ ,36-8P 36-88 36-10P , 36-10S 36-405P 36-405S Shell Insert 88-1p 8S-1S 108-2P 10S.28 108L-38 10SL-48 12-5P 12-5S 12S-2P 12S-28 128-3P 12S-38 ,12S-4P 12S-48 12SL-844S 14S-1P 148-18 14S-2P 14S-2S "2:31 1'-:70 --u:n;-24-7S 24,10P 24-10S 24-11P , ,24-11S 24-12p S8rles3100A Series 3102A S8rl.s 3106A Series 3101A' Series 3106B ., EACH EACH, EACH EACH EACH 1.49 50.99 100·999 1·49 60·99 100"999 '.4!! 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'3108A EACH EACH 100·999 1·49 50·99 100·999 -60·99 -- -, 1.25 1.56 1.20 1.00 .BO 1.23 1.27 1.03 1.59 .82 '1.65 1.32 1.31 ---:B7 1.65 1,32 1.31 1.09 .87 I.OB .. ----:9i)" 1.17 1.46 ---:72 1.20 1.13 .75 ~ ~ 1.04 ' .116 ' , .69 1.43 1.07 1.45 1.16 .B9 .71 2:06 1.65 ~ J:3O 1.04 1.70 2.13 1.64 1.36 1.09 1.60 1.49 .99 1.24 1.75 ~ 1.43 2.19 1.14 1.38 .92 1.15 1.91 1.53 2.06 1.65 ~ ~ ~ 2.'\19 ' 2.39 3.00 3,75 3.59 4.2'1 ~'3,37 3.45 ~ ~ 2.06' 1.43 ~ , .95 1.65 1,70 ~ ~ 1.25 ~ 2.00 ~ 1.35 .90 1.13 2;03 1.38 1.62 1.15 .92 --- 1.09 1.14 2.00 Allied Is Headquarters for Industrial Components at Factory Prices Latest Amphenol AN/MS Connectors SEE PAGES 190 AND 191 ,FOR INSERT CONTACT ARRANGEMENTS serlea 310BA Shell EACH Insert 1-49 60-99 100-999 Series 31088 EACH 1-49 50-99 100-999 2.40 2:CiO I.6il J':351':T3 -----:9il 2.462.05 1.64 1.41 1'.18 .94 2.43 ~ 1.62 1.38 1.15 .92 --:1:;;6.::8-~S:=8'--'I_=2::;.4:-:9:-- ~ 1.66 1.44 1.20 .96 IS-IP 3.05 2.54 2.03 1.95 1.63 1.30 ---=1",S...:-I",S'--_1-73",.2",4,-- ~ 2.16 2.15 ~ 1.43 IS-3P 2.75 2.29 1.83 1.65 1.38 1.10 ---:1c::S_-3:-:::8:-_1~2",.9..:6,-2.46 1.97 1.86 1.55 1.24 IS-4P 2.78 2.31 1.85 1.68 1.40 1.12 --:1:;;S-:-4=-=8;-_1~2!!.8~8=-- 2.40 1.92 1.79 1.49 1.19 IS-SP 3.20 2.66 2.13 2.10 1.75 1.40 IS-S8 2.96 2.46 1.97 1.86 1.55 1.24 IS-SP 3.03 2.53 2.02 1.94 1.61 1.29 IS-S8 3.17 2.64 2.1 I 2.07 1.73 1.38 IS-9P 2.99 2.49 1.99 1.89 1.58 1.26 IS-98 3.15 2.63 2.10 2.06 1.71 - - - , - - - 1.37 IS-llP 3.06 2.55 2.04 1.97 1.64 1.31 IS-118 3.24 2.70 2.16 2.15, 1.79 1.43 16S-SP 16S-S8 16S-SP i ~tg~ ~:n ~:;; ~:6~ ------ ~:g~ i : :~~ : :~~ 7.26 ~"""4.84~i's:T4~ 8.28 6.90 5.52 7.19: 5.99 4.79 2.93 2.44 1.'9'5" .-:83TI.5'3 1.22 3.17 2.64 2.1 I 2.07 1.73 1.38 3.33 2.78 2.22 2':i)3'" "1-:69 1.35 3.56 2;96 2.37 2.25 1.88 1.50 3.33 2.78 2.22 ~ 1.69" 1.35 3.53 2.94 2.35 2.22 1.85 1.48 3.63"3:03 2.42 2.33 '1:94~ 3.96 3.30 2.64 2.66 2.21 1.77 3.63"3:03 2.42 2.33 1.94 ~ 3.86 3.21 2.57 ~ ~ ~ 3.71 3.09 2.47 2.40 2.00 1.60 20-14~ 4.25 '3.54 2.83 _2_.9_4_'_2_._4_5_ 1.96 20-ISP' 3.48 2.90 2.32 2.18 I 1.8 I 1.45 20-IS8 4.16 3.46 2.77 2.85 2.38 1.90 20-16P 3.45 2.8iI 2.30 2:i5":-I:79iA3 --;2::;°-;-1-;;:6=8_ 1--,3:.:•.:,7".7_ ~ 2.51 ~ 2.05 1.64 20-ISP 3.66' 3.05 2.44 2.361.96 1.57 20-IS8 3.86 3.21 2.57 2.55 2.13 1.70 20-23P 3.51 ~ ~ 2.21 1.84 1.47 20-238 3.84 3.20 2.56 2.54 2.1 I 1.69 20-27P 3.53 ~ ~ 2.22 1.85 1.48 20-278 3.84 3.20 2.56 2.54 2.1 I 1.69 20-29P 3.66 3.os- 2.44 2.36 1.96 1.57 20-298 4.04 3.36 2.69 2.73 2.28 1.82 20-33P 3.68 3.06 2.45 2.37 1.98 1.58 2(1,.338 3.86 3.21 2.57 ~ 2.13 1.70 22-2P 3.84 3.20 2.56 2.46 2.05 1.64 22-28 4.23 3.53 2.82 2.85 2.38 1.90 22-4P 3.87 3.23 2.58 2.49 2.08 1.66 22-48 4.43 3.69 2.95 3.05 2.54 2.03 22-SP 3.66 3.os- 2.44 2.28 1.90 1.52""" 22-S8 4.13 3.44 2.75 2.75 ~ 1.83 22-IIP 3.33 2.78 2.22 I. 95 1.63 1.30 22-118 3.54 2.95 2.36 2.16 1.80 1.44 22-12P 3.86 3.21 2.57 2.48, 2.06 1.65 22-128 4.40 3.66 2.93 3.02 2.51 2.01 22-14P 3.86 3.21 2.57 2.48 2.06 1.65 22-148 4.25' 3.54 2.83 2.87 2.39 1.91 IS-ISP IS-IS8 IS-16P IS-168 20-4P 20-48 20-7P 20-78 20-SP 20-S8 20-9P 20-98 20-14P DUST CAPS Protect against live circuits, from dirt and dust when connector is not in use. Have a soft rubber gasket to form a waterproof seal. Attached chain prevents loss. Shpg. wt .. 2 oz. , AN/MsType Fits Shell 9760-10 9760-12 9760-14 9700-16 9760-IS 9760-20 9760-22 9760-24 9760-2S 9760-32 9760-36 108.108L 12,128 128L, 14, 148 16,168 18 20 22 24 2S 32 36 . 1-49, EA. 50-99, EA. 100-999, EA. .50 .56 .60 .66 .78 .86 .98 1.14 1.37 1.59 1.76 .41 .46 .50 .55 .65 .71 .81 .95 1.14 1.32 1.46 .33 .37 .40 .44, .52 .57 .75 .76 .91 1.06 ,1.17. Series 31 DBA Shell EACH Insert 1-49 50-99 100-999 Series 31088 EACH 1-49 50-99 100-999 2.33 1:94 ~ 3.39 2.71 2.69 2.24 1.79 2.98 2.38 2.19 1.83 1.46 3.10 2.48 2.34 1.95 1.56 3.45 2.76 2.76 2.30 1.84 --:2~2--:1~98;::--_I_..:4:-:.:::13:o- 3.44 2.75 2.75 2.29 1.83 22-22P 4.20 3.50 2.80 2.82 2.35 1.88 -=2:::2-..=2,=-28=--_I __4:.::•.:,:73=-- 3;94 3.15 3.35 2.79 2.23 22-23P 3.98 3.31 2.65 2.60 2.16 1.73 ---:2::o2--::2=38-'-_I __4:.::.'=-58=-- 3.8 I 3.05 3.20 2.66 2.13 24-2P 4.43 3.69 2.95 2.64 2.20 1.76" --:;2:-;4--;:2",8'--_1__4;-,.",85,:- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 24-SP 4.64 3.86 3.09 2.85 2.38 1.90 24-58 4.70 3.91 3.13 2.91 2.43 ~ 24-7P 4.46 3.71 2.97 2.67 2.23 1.78 24-78 4.82 4.0 I 3.21 3.03 2.53 2.02 24-10P 5.40 4.50 3.60 3.62 3.0 I 2.41 ---:2,:-4--:1-:0=8_'1_=6',-:5",0___5_.4_1_ _4_.3_3_ 4.71 _3_.9_3_ 3.14 24-11P 5.0 I 4.18 3.34 3.23 2.69 2.15 24-118 5.70 4.75 3.80 3.92 3.26 2.61 24-12P 5.03 4.19 3.35 3.24 2.70 2.16 24-128 5.63 4.69 3.75 3.84 3.20 2.56 24-20P 4.46 3.71 2.97 2.67 2.23 1.78 24-208 4.52 3.76 3.01 2.73 2.28 1.82 24-27P 4.25 3.54 2.83 2.46 2.05 1.64 24-278 4.32 3.60 ~ 2.54 2.1 I 1.69 24-2SP 4.64 3.86 3.09 2.85 2.38 1.90 24-2S8 5.07 4.23 3.38 3.29 2.74 2.19 2S-2P 4.73 3.94 3.15 2.87 2.39 1.91 2S-28 4.98 4.15 3.32 3.12 2.60 2.08 2S-9P 4.89 4.08 3.26 3.03 2.53 2.02 2S-98 5.21 4.34 3.47 3.35 2.79 2.23 28-11P 5.10 ~~ 3.24 2.70 2.16 2S-118 5.61 4.68 3.74 3.75 3.13 2.50 2S-12P 5.13 4.28 3.42 3.27 2.73 2.18 2S-128 5.67 4.73 3.78 3.8 I . 3.18 2.54 2S-15P 5.58 4.65 3:72 3.72 3.10 2:48 2S-158 6.08 5.06 4.05 4.22 3.51 2.8 I 2S-16P 5.24 4.36 3.49 3.38 2.8 I 2.25 2S-168 5.48 4.56 3.65 3.62 3.0 I 2.41 2S-17P 4.70 3.91 3.13 2.84 2.36 1.89 2S-178 5.22. 4.35 3.48 3.36 2.80 2.24 28-ISP 5.03 4.19 3.35 3.17 2.64 2.1 I 5.25 4.38 3.50 3.39 2.83 2.26 2S-IS8 2S-20P 5.22 4.35 ~ ~ 2.80 2.24 2S-208 5.51 4.59 3.67 3.65 3.04 ~ 2S-21P 5.61 4.68 3.74 3.75 3.13 2.50 2S-218 6.20 5.16 4.13 4.34 3.61 2.89 32-7P 7.25 6.04 4.83 5.03 4.19 3.35 --=3.::2-..:7-'08=-_1....:.7.:.:8:,:8'-- __ 6._5_6___ 5._2_5___5_.6_6_ 4.71 3.77 32-13P 6.42 5.35 4.28 4.20 3.50 2.80 32-138 6.86 5.71 4.57 4.64 3.86 3.09 32-17P 7.80 6.50 5.205.58 4.65 3.72 32-178 8.25 6.88 5.50 6.03 5.03 ~ 36-7P 8.55 7.13 5.70 6.08 5.06 4.05 36-78 9.14 7.61 6.09 6.66 5.55 4.44 36-SP 8.42 7.01 5.61 5.94 4.95 3.96 36-S8 8.79 7.33 5.86 6.32 5.26 4.21 36-lOP 8.10 4.69 6.75 5.40 5.63 3.75 36-108 8.79 7.33 5.86 6.32 5.26 4.21 22-17P 22-178 22-1SP 22-1S8 22-19P 3.71 4.07 3.57 3.72 4.14 """"3.'09 2:47 CABLE CLAMPS Support wire or cable at connector to provide strain relief. 'Slep down cable clamp, accommodates smaIler cable. Av. wt., 2 oz. AN/Ms Type Flta Shell 3057-3 3057-4 3057-6 30S7-8 3057-10 3057-12 3057-16 3057-20 3057-24 3057-2S 97-3057-10-6" 97-3057-12-6· S8.l08 108L. 12. 128 14,148 16. 168 IS 20,22 24,2S 32 36 40 18 20,22 Allied EleCtronics, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 1-49, EA. 60-99; EA. 100-999, EA. .56 .57 .57 .59 .71 .75 .92 1.13 1.56 1.94 .77 .81 .46 .48 .48 .49 .59 .63 .76 .94 1.20 1.61 .64 .68 .37 .38 .38 .39 .47 .50 .61 .75" 1.04 1.29 .51 .54 ALLIED • 195 Amphenol 67 Series MinniE® Connectors 67-01C 67·06C 67·01P 67·01E 67·06P 67·06J Miniature bayonet quick-disconnect connectors, in a variety of types including enviro~mental (El. potting (Pl. standard wire· bundle cable clamp (C). Jacketed cable clamp Ol. and hermetic (Hl. Three bayonet pins prevent wobble. Stainless steel slots are inclined. and are spring-loaded. Full engagement visual indicator. E. P. and H types meet E specs of MIL-C-sOls. Available in X and Walter· nate positions except hermetics. No. 20 contacts rated 7.5 amps. No. 16 contacts 17.<1 amps. Voltage rating 500 VRMS at sea level except 14-5 which is 600 V. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. e1 :,~.,~Mfr'S -: Type SIZE 12 00C12-7P .... 7 . .... 9.06 7.93 6.80 00C12-7S .... 7 ,0,54 9.22 7.91 00E12-7P .... 7 9.68 8.47 7.26 OOE12.7S .... 7 11.16 9.77 8.37 00P12-7P .... 7, ..... 7:62 6.67 5.72 OOPI2-7S 7 9.10 7.96 6.83 7 01C12·7P 9.00 7.88 6.75 7, ..... 10.48 9.17 7.86 01C12-7S 01E12-7P 7 . .... 9.62 8.42 7.22 01E12-7S 7 11.10 9.71 8.33 01P12-7P 7 7.56 6.62 5.67 01P12-7S 7 9.04 7.91 6.78 02E12-7P 7, ..... 5.54 4.85 4.16 02E12-7S 7 7.02 6.14 5.27 03E12-7P 6.30 5.51 4.73 ~ 7, 03E12-7S 7.78 ""6.8T 5.84 06C12-7P 7 . .... 8.56 7.49 6.42 06C12-7S 7 10.06 8.80 7.55 06E12-7P 7 9.18 8.03 6.89 OfiE12-7S 10.68 9.35 8.01 I~ 06J12-7P 7 7.32 6.41 5.49 06]12-7S 7 B.14 7.12 6.11 06P12-7P 7 7.12 6.23 5.34 06P12-7S 7 8.62 7.54 6.47 00C12-60P 3 1 8.96 7.84 6.72 f:..:..:.: 00C12-fiOS 3 9.78 8.56 7.34 00E12-60P 3 9.68 8.47 7.26 00E12-60S 3 10.50 9.19 7.88 00P12-60P 3 7.52 6.58 5.64 00P12-60S 3 I=.!.: 8.34 7.30 6.26 01C12-60P 3 8.90 7.79 6.68 01C12-60S 3 9.72 8.51 7.29 01E12-60P 3 9.62 8.42 7.22 01E12-60S 3 ,10.44 9.14 7.83 01P12-60P 3 7.46 6.53 5.60 01P12-6OS - 3 B'.28 7.25 T.2T 02E12-60P 3 5.42 4.74 4.07 02E12-60S 3 6.30 5.51 4.73 03E12-60P 3 6.18 5.41 4.64 03E12-60S 13.24 11.59 9.93 3 I':":":': 06C12-60P 3 .... 8.46 7.40 6.35 06C12-60S 3 9.30 8.14 6.98 06E12-60P 3 9.18 8.03 6.89 06E12-60S 3 10.02 8.77 7.52 06J12-60P 3 .... ..... 7.32 6.41 5.49 06J12-60S 3 .... ..... 8.14 7.12 6.11 06P12-60P 3 .... 7.02 6.14 5.27 06P12-60S 3 ..... 7.84 6.86 5.88 ..... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... .... ...... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... -..... .... ..... .... ..... ..... .... .... ..... ..... .... ..... 00CI4-5P 00C14-SS ,OOE14-SP OOEI4-5S OOP14-5P 00P14-5S 01C14-5P 01C14-5S 01E14-SP 01E14-5S 01P14-5P 01P14-5S 02E14-SP 02E14-5S 03E14-5P 03E14-5S 06G1,4-5'P 06Cl4-5S 06E14-5P 06E14.5S 06J14·5P .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... SIZE 14 S S 5 S 5 S S S S S 5 S S S S ..... . .... ..... ..... . .... ..... ..... - 6.18 ..... ..... ..... . .... -- 5 . .... 5 ..... S ..... 5 . .... S . .... S .... 196 • ALLIED 9.12 10.00 9.18 10.06 6:94 7.80 8.36 9.22 8.42 9.30 . 7.04 4.88 5.74 5.40 6.26 B.16 9.02 8.22 9.08 8.52 06-Cable Plug 7.98 8.75 8.03 8.80 6.07 6.83 7.32 8.07 7.37 8.14 5.41 6.16 4.27 5.02 4.73 5.48 7.14 7.89 7.19 7.95 7.46 6.84 7.50 6.89 7.55 5.21 5.85 6.27 6.92 6.32 6.98 4.64 5.28 3.66 4.31 4.05 4.70 6.12 6.77 6.17 6.81 6.39 67·03E J-Jacketed Cable. Waterproof Clamp P-Potting, Ind udes Potting Form SIZE 14 (Cont'd.) EACH Contacts Type 16 20 Coax 1·24 25·99 100·199 06J14-5S .... """5 . .... 9.40 8.23 7.05 06P14-5P .... S . 5.9!'1 5.23 4.49 06P14-5/3 .... 5 . 6.84 5.99 5.13 00C14-9P .... 9 9.52 8.33 7.14 OOC14-9S . ... 9 10.72 9.38 8.04 00E14-9P .... 9 . 9.90 8.66 7.43 00E14-9S . ... 9 11.10 9.71 8.53 OOP14-9P .... 9 . .... 7.34 6.42 5.51 00P14-9S .... 9 . .... 8.52 7.46 6.39 01C14-9P .... 9 . .... 8.76 7.67 6.57 01C14-9S . .... 9 . .... 9.94 8.70 7.46 01E14-9P . ... 9 .- .... 8.82 7.72 6.62 01E14-9S . ... 9 10.02 B.77 7.52 01P14-9P .... 9 . .... 6.58 5.76 4.94 01P14-9S .... 9 . .... 7.76 6.79 5.82 02E14-9P .... 9 ..... 5.30 4.64 3.98 02E14-9S . ... 9 6.48 5.67 4.86 03E14-9P .... 9 . 5.BO 5.08 4.35 03E14-9S .... 9 . 7.00 6:13 5.25 ..... 06C14-9P .... 9 8.54 7.47 6.41 06C14-9S .... 9 ..... 9.74 8.52 731 06El4-9P .... 9 . 8.94 7.82 6.71 06E14-9S . ... 9 10.14 8.87 7.61 06J14-9P .... 9 . .... 8.92 7.81 6.69 06J14-9S .... 9 10.12 8.86 7.59 06P14-9P .... 9 ..... 6.36 5.57 4.77 06P14-9S .... 9 7.,56 6.62 5.67 00C14-12P .... 12 ..... 9.60 8.40 7.20 00C14-12S .... 12 11.04 9.66 8.28 OOE14-12P 12 7.10 1'-'-'-'-' 9.46 8.28 00E14-12S ... 12 10.90 9.54 8.T8 OOP14-12P 12 . .... 7.42 6.49 5.57 00P14-12S 12 . .... 8.86 7.75 6.65 12 ..... 8.84 7.74 6.63 .... 12 10.2B 9.00 7.71 01E14-12P .... 12 . .... 8.70 7.61 6.53 01E14-12S . ... 12 10.14 8.87 7.61 01P14-12P, 12 . .... 6.66 5.83 5.00 01P14-12S .... 12 .... 8.10 7.09 6.08 02E14-12P 12 - - 5.34 4.67 4.01 02E14-12S .... 12 ..... 7.14 6.25 5.36 03E14-12P 12 . .... 5.86 5.13 4.40 03E14-12S .... 12 . 7.66 6.70 5.75 04H14-12P .... 12 22.34 19.55 16.76 04H14-12P (105) .... 12 12.14 10.62 9.11 06C14-12P . ... 12 ..... 8.64 7.56 6.48 06C14-12S . ... 12 10.08 8.82 7.56 06E14-12P .... 12 ..... 8.48 7.42 6.36 06E14-12S .... 12 ..... 9.92 8.68 7.44 06J14-12P .... 12 6.75 i'-'-'-'-' 9.00 7.88 06J14-l2S 12 10.44 9.14 7.83 06P14-12P .... 12 6.44 5.64 4.83 06P14-12S .... 12 7.88 6.90 5.91 00C14-61P .... 8 1 10.50 9.19 7.88 00C14-61S .... 8 _1_ 14.12 12.36 10.59 00E14-61P .... 8 1 10.96 9.59 8.82 00E14-61S .... 8 1 14.56 12.74 10.92 00P14-61P 8 1 8.32 7.28 6.24 00P14-61S .... 8 1 11.92 10.43 8.94 01C14-61P 8 1 9.74 8.52 ...ld! OlC14-61S .... 8 1 13.34 11.67 10.01 01E14-61P .... 8 1 10.20 8.93 7.65 01E14-61S .... 8 1 13.80 12.08 10.35 01P14-61P .... S 1 7.56 6.62 5.67 01P14-61S 8 _1_ ~ 9.77 8.37 02E14-61P . ... 8 1 6.28 5.50 4.71 02E14-61S . ... 8 1 9.90 8.66 7.43 03E14-61P .... 8 1 6.80 5.95 5.10 03E14-61S 8 1 10.42 9.12 7.82 06C14-61P .... 8 1 9.54 8.35 7.16 Mfr's .... .... ..... .... ..... .... .... .... ..... ~:~:!:g~ 00 67·02E Shell-First Letter of Type C-With Clamp For Wire Bundle E-Environmeqtal H-Hermetically Sealed SIZE 14 (Cont'd.) Contacts EACii 16 20 Coax 1·24 25.99 100·199 .... .... 67·00C 67·06E Function-Second Digit of Type DO-Panel lack 01-Cable Receptacle 02-Panel Receptacle 03-Gne Hole Receptacle. Rear Mtd. 04-0ne Hole Receptacle,FrontM td. . .... -..... 00' , Mfr's Type Contacts EACH 16 20 Coax 1.24 25·99 100·199 06C14-61S .... 8 -1- 13.14 11.50 06E14-6!P .... 8 1 10.00 8.75 06E14-61S .... 8 1 13.60 11.90 06J14-61P .... 8 1 9.90 8.66 06]14-61S 8 1 13.52 11.83 06P14-61P 8" -1- 7.36 6.44 06P14-61S 8 1 10.96 9.59 00C14-63P S ..... 9.70 8.49 00C14-63S S 10.96 9.59 00E14-63P 5 9.86 8.63 00E14-63S 5 IT.T2 9.73 00P14-63P 5 . 7.52 6.58 00P14-63S S ..... 8.78 7.68 01C14-63P :; 8.94 7.82 01C14-63S S 10.20 8.93 01E14-63P 5 9To 7.96 01E14-63S S !0.36 9.07 01P14-63P :; "," 6.96 6.09 01P14-63P S B.OO 7.00 02E14-63P 5 5.46 4.78 - ..... 6.72 5.88 02E14-63S 5 03E14-63P 5 .... ..... 5.98 5.23 03E14-63S 5 7.24 6.34 06C14-63P 5 .... ..... 8.74 7.65 06C14-63S 5 10.00 8.75 06E14-63P S .... B.90 7.79 06E14-63S 5 10.16 8.89 06J14-63P 5 .... 9.10 7.96 06J14-63S 5 10.36 ,9.07 06P14-63P 5 .... ..... 6.56 5.74 06P14-63S 5 .... ..... 8.02 7.02 - .... -- ... ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .... -.... ..... ..... ..... 9.86 7.50 10.20 7.43 10.14 5.52 8.22 7.28 8.22 7.40 8.34 5.64 6.59 6.71 7.65 6.83 7.77 5.22 6.00 4.10 5.04 4.49 5.43 6.56 7.50 6.68 7.62 6.83 7.77. 4.92 6.02 SIZE 18 OOC1S-24P .... 24 ..... 10.08 00ClS-24S .... 24 . .... 13.52 00ElS-24P .... 24 ..... 11.10 00E18-24S .... 24 . .... 14.54 OOPlS-24P .... 24 . .... 8.18 OOP1S-24S .... 24 11.62 24 . .... 9.36 01ClS-24P 01C1S-24S .... 24 12.80 24 . 01ElS-24P 10.38 01Eis-24S .... 24 . .... 13.82 01PlS-24P .... 24 . 7.46 01PlS-24S . ... 24 10.90 02E1S-24P 24 . 6.60 02ElS-24S .... 24 . 9.92 03E18-24P 24 7.16 03ElS-24S . ... 24 10.52 06C18-24P 24 . 9.36 06C18-24S .... 24 12.80 06E18-24P .... 24 10.38 06E18-24S 24 13.B2 il6Ji"S-24P . ... 24 ---a.T4 06J18-24S . ... 24 11.58 06PlS-24P . ... 24 7.46 06P18-24S . ... 24 10.90 00C18-62P 19 1 11.38 00ClS-62S . 19 1 I B.56 00E18-62P . ... 19 1 13.20 00E18-62S . ... 19 1 20.40 OOPlS-62P .... 19 1 9.48 00PlS-62S .... 19 1 16.66 01ClS-62P . ... 19 1 10.66 01C18-62S . ... 19 1 17.84 01E18-62P . ... 19 1 12.48 01EIS-fi2S .... 19 1 19.68 01P18-62P .... 19 1 8.76 -101P18-62S .... 19. 15.94 02E18-62P 19 1 7.46 02E18-62S .... 19 1 12.60 03E18-62P 19 1 B.04 .... .... .... .... -.... ..... -..... ..... ... 8.82 7.56 11.83 10.14 9.71 8.33 12.72 10.91 7.16 6.14 10.17 8.72 8.19 7.02 11.20 9.60 9.08 7.79 12.09 10.37 6.53 5.60 9.54 8.,8 5.78 4.95 8.68 7.44 6.27 5.37 9.21 7.89 B.19 7.02 11.20 9.60 9.08 7.79 12.09 10.37 7.12 6.iT 10.13 8.69 6.53 5.60 9.54 8.18 9.96 8.54 16.24 13.92 11.55 9;90 17.85 15.30 8.30 7.11 14.5B 12.50 9.33 8.00 15.61 13.38 10.92 9.36 17.22 14.76 7.67 6.57 13.95 ~ 6.53 5.60 11.03 9.45 7.04 6.03 Amphenol MinniE Connectors Continued _on Next' Page Amphenol 67 Series MinniE· Connectors TYPE 67 MinniE CONNECTORS (Cont'd) SIZE 20 (Cont'd) SIZE 18 (Cont'd) MIrra Type 03E18-62S 06C18-62P 06C18-62S 06E18-62P 06E18-62S 06i18-62P 06J18-62S 06P18-62P 06P18-62S OOCI8-64P OOCI8-64S 00EI8-64P 00E18-64S 00PI8-64P 00P18-64S 01C18-64P 01C18-64S 01E18-64P 01E18-64S 01P18-64P 0IPI8-64S 02E18-64P 02E18-64S 03E18-64P 03E18-64S 06C18-64P 06C18-64S 06E18-64P 06E18-64S 06J18-64P 06JI8-64S 06P18-64P 06P18-64S 00C18-65P OOCI8-65S 00E18-65P 00E18-65S 00P18-65P 00P18-65S 01C18-65P OiC18-65S 01E18-65P 0IEIB-65S 0IPIB-65P 01P18-65S 02EIB-6SP 02E18-65S 03E1B-65P 03E1B-65S 06C18-65P 06C18-65S 06E18-65P 06E1B-65S 06J18-65P 06J1B-65S 06PIB-65P 06P18-65S EACH 1.24 25·99 100·199 13.18 11.53 9.89 10.66 9.33 8.00 17.84 15.61 13.38 12.48 10.92 9.36 19.68 17.22 14.76 9.78 8.56 7.34 ... 19 1 16.98 14.86 12.74 ... 19 1 8.76 7.67 6.57 1 15.94 13.95 11.96 ' . ' 19 14 9.71 8.33 - - - 11.10 14 12.08 10.57 9.06 14 · .. .... 11.78 10.31 8.84 14 · .. .... 12.76 11.17 9.57 14 · .. .... 9.20 8.05 6.90 14 10.18 8.91 7.64 14 10.38 9.08 7.79 14 .. . .... 11.36 9.94 8.52 14 ... .... 11.06 9.68 8.30 14 · .. .... 12.04 10.54 9.03 14 ... .... 8.48 7.42 6.36 14 ... .... 9.46 8.28 7JO 14 ... .... 7.08 6.20 5.31 14 ... 8.12 7.11 6.09 14 ... .... 7.66 6.70 5.75 14 8.70 6.53 14 10.38 9.08 7.79 14 ... .... 11.36 9.94 8.52 14 ... 11.06 9.68 8.30 14 ... .... 12.04 10.54 9.03 14 ... ~ 9.52 8.33 7.14 14 10.48 9.17 7.86 14 ., . 8.48 7.42 6.36 14 9.46 8.28 7.10 4 7 11.94 10.45 8.96 11.38 9.96 8.54 4r-'f4 7 12.54 10.97 """9.4T 4 7 .... 11.96 10.47 8.97 4 7 .... 10.06 8.80 7.55 4 7 9.48 8.30 7.11 7 11_22 9.82 8.42 ~ 4 1" 10.66 9.33 8.00 7 .... 11.82 10.34 8.87 4 4 7 .... 11.24 9.84 8.43 7 .... 9.34 8.17 7.01 4 7 .... 8.76 7.67 6.57 4 7 .... 8.02 7.02 6.02 4 7 .... 7.44 6.51 5.58 4 4 7 .... 8.62 7.54 6.47 7 .... 8.02 7.02 6.02 4 4~ - - 11.22 9.82 8.42 4 7 10.66 9.33 8.00 4 7 .... 11.82 10.34 8.87 7 4 11.24 9.84 8.43 7 .... 10.36 9.07 7.77 4 4 7 .... 9.78 8.56 7.34 7 .... 9.34 B.I7 7:oi 4 4 7 .... 8.76 7.67 6.57 Contacts 16 20 Coax ... 19 1 ... 19 1 ... 19 1 19 1 19 1 -1- ... 19 .... -M-b .... .... .... -- Contacts Type 16 Coax ~ 01P20-37S 37 02E20-37P ... 37 .... 02E20-37S ... 37 03E20-37P 37 .... 03E20-37S 06C20-37P 37 06C20-37S ... 37 .... 06E20-37P ... 37 . ... 06E20-37S ... 37 .... 06J20-37P 37 -06J20':17S 06P20-37P ... 37 .... 06P20-37S 37 . ... 00C20-66P 19 . .. .... 00C20-66S 19 - OOE20-66P 19 OOE20-66S 19 . .. .... 00P20-66P 19 . , .... 00P20-66S 19 . .. .... 01C20-66P 19 01C20-66S 19 01E20-66P 19 ., . .... 01E20-66S 19 ., . .... 01P20-66P 19 . .. .... 01P20-66S 19 02E20-66P 19 ., . .... 02E20-66S 19 .- . .... 03E20-66P 19 . .. .... 03E20-66S 19 06C20-66P 19 ... .... 06C20-66S 19 06E20-66P 19 ... .... 06E20-66S 19 . .. .... 06J20-66P 19 ... -06J20-66S 19 06P20-66P 19 06P20-66S 19 ....... Mfr'. .... ... f4 -IJ7 . - - .... .... SIZE 20 00C20-37P .. 37 00C20-37S ... 37 00E20-37P ... 37 OOE20-37S ... 37 00P20-37P ... 37 00P20-37S ... 37 01C20-37P ' " 37 01C20-37S ... 37 0lE20-37P ... 37 01E20-37S ... 37 ·0IP20-37P 37 ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 14.24 19.10 14.60 19.46 12.14 17.00 15.46 18.26 13.76 18.62 11.28 12.46 16.71 12.78 17.03 10.62 14.88 13.53 15.98 12.04 16.29 9.87 10.68 14.33 10.95 14.60 9.11 12.75 11.60 13.70 10.32 13.97 8.46 SIZE 22 (Cont'd ) EACH 1·24 25·99 100·199 16.22 14.19 12.17 11.08 9.70 8.31 14.58 12.76 10.94 11.84 10.36 8.88 15.38 13.46 11.54 13.44 11.76 10.08 18.30 16.01 13.73 13.80 12.08 10.35 18.66 16.33 14.00 14.30 12.51 10.73 19.16 16.77 14.37 11.34 9.92 8.51 16.20 14.18 12.15 12.50 10.94 9.38 15.68 13.72 11.76 12.26 10.73 9.20 15.42 13.49 11.57 10.40 9.10 7.80 13.58 11.88 10.19 11.66 10.20 8.75 14.84 12.99 --,---Q3 11.42 9.99 8.57 14.58 12.76 10.94 9.56 8.37 7.17 12.74 11.1"5 9.56 8.40 7.35 6.30 7.98 6.98 5.99 9.14 8.00 6.86 12.34 10.80 9.26 11'.70 10.24 8.78 14.88 13.02 IT.T6 11.46 10.03 8.60 14.62 12.79 10.97 12.56 10.99 9.42 15.74 13.77 IT.Bf 9.60 8.40 7.20 12.7811.18 9.59 SIZE 22 OOC22-48P 00C22-4BS 00E22-48P 00E22-4BS 00P22-4BP 00P22-48S 0IC22-4·8P 01C22-48S 01E22-48P 01E22-48S 01P22-48P 01P22-48S 02E22-48P 02E22-48S 03E22-48P 03E22-48S· 06C22-48P 06C22-48S 06E22-48P 06E22-48S 06J22-4BP 06J22-48S 06P22-4BP 06P22-48S 00C22-67P 00C22-67S 00E22-67P 00E22-67S 00P22-67P 00P22-67S ... ... ... ... 48 48 48 48 .. - 48 ... 48 ... 48 ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... _ ... ... 25 25 25 25 25 25 .... 16.52 14.46 12.39 .... 22.62 19.79 16.97 .... 15.82 13.84 11.87 . ... 21.92 19.18 16.44 .:....:..;...: 14.60 12.78 10.95 20.70 18.11 15.53 .... 14.46 12.65 10.85 4B .... 20.56 17.99 15.42 48 .... 13.76 12.04 10.32 48 19.86 17.38 14.90 48 .... 12.54 10.97 48 .... 18.64 16.31 13.98 48 11.82 10.34 8.87 48 .... 17.66 15.45 13.25 48 .... 13.34 11.67 10.01 48 19.18 16.78 14.39 48 .... 14.18 12041 10.64 48 .... 20.24 17.71 15.18 48 .... 13.48 1.1.80 10.11 48 .:...:....:...: 19.58 17.13 14.69 48 16.22 14.19 12.17 48 .... 22.30 19.51 16.73 48 .... 12.26 10.73 9.20 48 .... 18.36 16.07 13.77 .:....:..;...: 14.80 12.95 ~ 19.02 16.64 14.27 ... .... 14.52 12.71 10.89 ... .... 18.74 16.40 14.06 ., . .... 12.88 11.27 9.66 . , . .... 17.10 14.96 12.83 -- 9AI" .... - Mfr', Type OlC22-67P 01C22-67S 01E22-67P 01E22-67S 01P22-67P 01P22-67S 02E22-67P 02E22-67S 03E22-67P 03E22-67S 06C22-67P 06C22-67S 06E22-67P 06E22-67S. 06J22-67P 06J22-67S 06P22-67P 06P22-67S 00C22-68P 00C22-68S OoE22-6BP 00E22-68S 00P22-68P 00P22-68S 01C22-68P 01C22-6BS 01E22-68P 01E22-6BS 01P22-68P 01P22-68S 02E22-6BP 02E22-68S 03E22-68P 03E22-6BS 06C22-68P 06C22-6BS 06E22-68P 06E22-68S 06J22-68P 06J22-6BS 06P22-68P 06P22-6BS 00C22-69P .00C22-69S 00E22-69P iJOE22-69S 00P22-69P 00P22-69S 01C22-69P 01C22-69S 01E22-69P 01E22-69S 01P22-69P 01P22-69S 02E22-69P 02E22-69S 03E22-69P 03E22-69S 06C22-69P 06C22-69S 06E22-69P 06E22-69S 06J22-69P 06J22-69S 06P22-69P 06P22-69S Stock No. 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 H 320 H 571 H 321 H 572 H 325 H573 H 326 H 574 Mfr'. Type 91-MPF3L 91-MPF3S 91-MPF4L 91-MPF4S 91-MPM3L 91-MPM3S ·91-M-PM4L 91-MPM4;S StD. k I Mfr'. ~ Type 40 H 570 91-MPM5L 40 H 328 91 -MPM6L Stock No. 40 H 330 40 H 331 40 H 332 40 H 333 l.et Allied Fill All Your Connector Needs at OEM Prices . .. .... - .. . ... - .. . .... . .. .... ... - ... .... ... .... . .... .... .... - .... F. ... - .... . - . .... .... .... .... . .... .... ... . . ... ~~. .~., drawn steel mounting plate. Suffix "L" in Type· . No. indicates long (1~6"); "S" indicates short (1~6"). Last numeral in Type No. denotes number of contacts. Shpg. wt .. 2 oz. . EACH Fig. 1·24 25-99 100·249 250·499 500.999 A ---:3a .31 .27 .24 .21 A .25 .22 .30 .20 .36 A .29 .26 .24 .42 .35 A .25 .22 .198 .35 ~29 B. .35 .22 .194 .24 .29 B .21 .185 .33 .23 .27 .22 B .198 .35 .29 .25 - .189 B .24 .34 .21 .28 . Alter.nate X and W positions eire ava,ilable at an : additional cost of"$0.20 extra per connector in quantities of 1-24; $0.18 extra in··qu~ntities ~f 25.99; and $0.15 in quanfifies of 10.0-199 • MINIATURE CABLE CONNECTORS Series 91 are high quality, compact connectors for shielded or unshielded cables. Black phenolic elements housed in cadmium-plated brass shells. held by set screws in side. Series 78 receptacles Contacts EACH 16 20 Coax 1.24 25.99'i-iiii:199 25~:-:-:-: 12.74 TT:Ts -9.56 25 . .. ... 16.96 14.84 12.74 25 .. .... 12.46 10.90 9.35 25 . 16.68 14.60 12.51 25 ... 10.82 9.47 8.12 25 T5~04 13.16 TI.28 25 , ... 9.78 8.56 7.34 25 14.06 12.30 10.55 25 .... 11.34 9.92 8.51 25 15.62 13.67 11.72 25 12.44 10.89 9.33 25 16.66 14.58 12.50 25 12.18 10.66 9.14 25 .... 16.40 14.35 12.30 25 ~ 14.48 12.67 10.86 25 18.70 f6.3& 14.03 25 10.52 9.21 7.8.9 25 14.74 12.90 11.06 2 36 ... 15.66 13.70 11.75 2 36 ..:..:....:...: 20.88 18.27 15.66 2"" 36 15.64 13.69 11.73 2 36 20.86 18.25 15.65 2 36 13.74 12.02 10.31 2 36 18.98 16.61 14.24 13.60 11.90 10.20 214 2 36 18.82 16.47 14.12 2 36 13.58 11.88 10.19 2 36 .... 18.80 16.45 14.10 2 36 .... 11.68 10.22 8.76 16.92 14.81 12.69 2~ 2 36 10.88 9.52 BT6 2 36 . 16.30 14.26 12.23 2 36. ; ... -12.40 10.85 9.30 2 36 .... 17.82 15.59 13.37 13.30 11.64 9.98 21~ 2 36 18.54 16.22 13.91 2 36 13.28 11.62 9.96 2 36 .... 18.52 1.6.21 13.89 2 36 ... 15.34 13.42 11.51 20.58 18.01 15.44 2~ 2 36 11.40 9.98 8.5e 2 36 ... 16.62 14.54 12.4. 2 40 .... 16.20 14.18 12.1~ 2 40 21-.42 18.74 16.07 2 15.82 13.84 11.87 2"" I~ 40 21.06 18:43 -T5~80 2 40 14.28 12.50 10.71 2 40 19.50 17.06 14.63 2 40 14.14 12.37 10.61 16.94 14.52 19.36 21~ 2 40 13.76 12.04 TO-:32 2 40 19.00 16.63 14.25 2 40 12.22 10.69 9.17 2 40 ... 17.44 15.26 13.08 2 40 11.38 9.96 8.54 2 40 16.84 14.74 12.63 2 40 12.92 11.31 9.• 69 2 40 . 18.36 16.07 13.77 2 40 ... 13.84 12.11 10.38 2 40 - - 19.08 16.70 14.3'2 40 13.48 11.80 JO:TT 2 40 ... 18.70 16.36 ·14.03 ·2 40 . ... 15.88 13.90 11.91 2 40 . 21.1.2 18.48 IS.!! 4 2 40 .... 11.92 10.43 8.9 4 2 40 17.16 15.02 12.87 l'ype 78-PCG3 78-PCG4 78_PCG5 78-PCG6 1·1 Fig. B B Fig. ----cC C C "[ • ... . 'iii ~ ., . f81. fC1 ~ ~ .' E.AC H - . 1'241~1'00'2491250'4991500'999 .39 42 .32 35 .27 29 .24 26 .22 24 1.49 50·249 250·499 500·999 lM.2499· .114 .20 .168 ---:143 .151 .136 .24 .20 .169 .24 .20 .153 .137 .171 .20 .18 .161 .29 .24 """Yz8 ALLIED • 197 Amphenol MS-R Lightweight Connectors Amphenol;s comple~e line of MS-R Lightweight Environmental Resistant Connectors. in 4' shell styles and 14 sizes. All meet MIL-C 5015D. Ideal for ·control circuits.·, .. • ,Sto~k No. 32 H 378 32H 379 32 H 392 32 H 393 32H 390 32H391 3'2'H 394 32ti 395 32.H 396 32H 397 32-.H 399 32 It 389 3211 390 3 2 11391. 32 H 392 32 H 393 32 H 394 32 H395 32 H 396 32H 397 32H 406 3211,407 32 H 409 32'H 409 32 H 399 32 H399 32 H 400 3211401 32 H 402 32 H 403 32 H 404 32 H 405 32,H'410 32 H 41 I 32:H'412 32 H 413 32 H.414 32 H:41 5 32 :H,41 6 32 H417 .32.11 419 32 H 41 9 32 H'420 32 H'42 I 32 H 422 32H423 32 II 424 32 H 425 32 Ii 426 32.H'427 32 H 429 32 H 429 32 It 430 '32H 431 32H 432 32 H:433 32 It 434 32 It 435 32 H 436 32 H 437 32 H 439 ,32.",439 32.H440 ~~. ~ ::~ 32 H 443 32 H444 32 H 445 32 H 446 32 H 447 32,H 449 32H 449 32 H 450 32 H 451 32 Ii 452 32 H 453 32 H 454 32·.t\·455 32H 456 32'H 457 '32 II 45B 3a-'tt 459 Tinned silver-Plated alloy contacts, Type. 3106R plug mates with recept!lcjes ,3100R •. 3101R and 3102R. Add .05 to.prices for W, X. Y, or Z'.positioning. Av. wt., .4. oz. SERIES 3100R PANEL JACKS 3100R Type EACH ~ 1.871,49 85-IP 1.99 1.59 85-15 105-2P 2.12 1.69 105-25 2.24 1.78 105L-3P 2.00 !.,!9. 105L·4P 2.17 1.73 125-3P 1.95 I.5f/ 125-3S 2.19 1.74 145-IP' 1,89 1.50 145-15 2.59 2.06 14S:2P T.1iO 1.44' 145-25 ·2.19 1.74 145-5P 1.97 1.49 145-5S 2.34 1.96 145-6P .. 2.05 1.64 145-65 2.74 2.Ii i45-7P 2.04 1;62 i4S-75 2.47 1,97 145-9P 1,72 1.37 145·95 1.92 1;53 16-10P . 2.42 i_Hos 2.72 2,17 Hi-UP 1.90 1'52 i6-U5 2.12 i;69 lli5-lP 2.27 1.91 l1i5-15 3.07 2.45 ilis-4P' 2.37 1.99 i65-4S 2;57 j!.05 i1i5-5P 2.42 1.93 165-55 2.51 2.00 . 165-SP 2.44 T:94 165-S5 3.01 ;l.39 2.49 I.9a IS-IP IS-15 3.07 2.45 IS-4P 3.11 2.47 IS-45 3.42 2.73 IS-8P 2.59 2.06 IS-S5 3.24 2.59 IS-12P 2.52 2.01 IS-125 ' 2.96 2.35 18-20P 2.47 !.97 IS-205 2.96 2.27 20-4P 2.47 1.97 20-45 2.91 2.23 20-7P 2.64 2.10 20-75 3.2f> 2.59 20-15P 2.76 2.19 20-155 3.46 2.75 20-16P 2.74 2.18 20-165 3.46 2.75 20-lSP 2.77 2.21 20-IS5 3.77 3.01 20-27P 2.94 2.34 20-275. 3.97 3.17 20-29P 3.06 2.43 20-295 ' 4.19 3.34 22-14P 3.36 2.67 22-145 4.64 3.70 22-19P 3.07 2·4~ 22-195 3.96 3.07 24-SP 3.27 2.6T 4.44 3.54 2HIi 24-20P 3.12 2~49 24.?Q!> 3.",1 3.11 24-2SP 3.77 3.01 24-2S5 5.04 4.02 2a-2P 3.44 2:74 2S-25 4.49 3.56 2S-UP 4.01 3.19 28-115 5.49 4.38 2!!-12P 4.TT ~.27 2S-125 5,69 4.54 28.1SP 4.54 3.62 28-155 6.7f/ 5.39 2S-HlP 3.69 2.94 28-165 5,08 4.04 2S-2ip 4.68 3.72 2S-215 6.56 5.23 32-7P 5.35 4'2 0 32-78 ~ h2 '3~-IQP 5;09 36-lQ5 . ~:;8 6;93 198 • AlliED m SEE PAGES 188 AND 189 FQR INSERT ARRANGEMENT SI'RIES .31061: $ERIES 3101R (:ABLE JACKS Stock No. 3101R 32 H 460 32 H 46 I 32 H 462 32 H 463 32 H 464 32 H 465 32 H 466 32 H 467 32 H 469 32 H 469 32 H 470 32 H 47 I 32 H 472 32 H 473 32 H 474 32H 475 32 H 476 32 H 477 32 H 478 32 H 479 32 H'480 32 H 48 I 32 H 492 32 If 4B3 32 H 484 32 H 485 32 H 486 32 H 487 32 H 488 32 H 489 32 H 490 32_H 49 I 32 H 492 32 H 493 32 H 494 32 H495 32 H 496 32 H 497 32 H 499 32 H 499 32 H 500 32 H 50 I 32 H 502 32 H 503 ,32 H 504 32 H 505 32 H 506 33, 221HH 50 5 07 8 32 H 509 32 H 510 32 H 5 n 32 H.5 I 2 85·IP S5·15 105-2P 105-25 105L-3P 105L-4P ii5-3P 125-35 145·IP 145-15 145·2P 145·25 145-5P 145-55 145.6P 145-65 14S-7P 14S-78 ~~ ~ ~.: Type t EACH 1-4950.99 T:92 T:53 2.04 1.62 2.00 1.60 2. I 0 1.68 1.92 1.53 2.091.66 1.59 1.26 1.82 1.45 1.84 1.46 2.522.01 I.i2 T:45 2:25 1.76 I :85 1.48 2:39 1.90 2. I 0 1.68 2.792.22 1:74 i .38 2: I 7 1.73 14S-9P' I :70 1.36 145-98 1.97 1.57 165-lP 2.34 I.ii6 165-18 3: I 2 2.49 i65-4P 2:39 1'.90 i6S-4!> 2:59 2.06 16S-5P 2.42 1.93 165-55 2.49 T:9i 16S-8P 2:49 1.98 165-85 3.06 2.43 16-10P 2.49 I.9B 16-105 2.79 2.22 16-11P 2.42 T:93 i6-iiS 2:64 1.0 IS-IP 2.47 1.97 18-is 3:6i 2.39 18-4P 2.39 1.90 2: ~2.7T2.15 IS-SP IS-S5 lS-12P IS-125 18-20P IS-205 20-4P 20-45 20-7P ~Q-15p 2.54 3. I 9 2.45 2.91 2.42 2.B I 2.49 2.82 2.67 3.;27 2.77 ~0-16p ~Q-165 2.7.6 2.19 3;492.78 ~0,75 ~O-I~!i ?Q-18p 2Q-lS!> ~0,27p 2.02 2.54 1.96 2.3 I T:93 2.23 1.98 2.25 2.13 m 2.;2 I ~.49 2.79 2.79 2.22 3 •.79 ~,02 2.84 2.26 ~g:~~~ ~:gn:~~ H 5 I 5, 20-~95 3.97 3.i7 H 5 I 6 22,14p 3.34 2.66 H 517 ~~-a!i 4,6.8 3.72 H 5 I 8 22-19P 3. I I 2.47 H 519 22-198 4.143.30 If 520 24-5P 3.20 2.55 If 52 I 24-55 4.38 3.48 ~;2 tI 522 ~+20r 3.22 2.57 'Ill It S23 llH!!!'i 3.811 3.06 32 H 524 24-2SP 3:9 I 3. I I 32 H 525 24-2S5 4.96 3.95 32 H 526 2S-2P 3.59 2.86 ~21! 52? 28-25 4.4 I 3.5 I 32 H 528 2S-UP 4. I I 3.27 32 H 529 2S-115 5.544.42 32 H 530 2ii=i2P" 4.24 3.38 . 32 H 531 2S-125 5.63 4.48 32 H 532 28-15P 4.793.80 32 H 533 28-155 6.70 5.33 32 H 534 . 28.16P 3.B7 3.09 3;2 H535 ~ Ml3.99 32 H 536 2S-21P 4.933.92 32 H 537 2S.215 ~.51 5.19 32 11 538 32-7:(' 5.43 4.32 32 11 539 32-7!:J ~~ '3:1 H 540 ~~lOP . f/;4 r !ii; II :32 It 54 I .16,IQ5 . 8.65 6.89 32 32 32 32 32 3;2 , 32 PLUGS Stock No. 3106R Type EACH 1~49' 50.99 32 H 626 lQ5-2P 2.49 2.00 32 H627 105-25 2.59 2.08 32 H 628 IOSL-35 2.07 1.67 32 H 629 IOSL-45 2.B3 2.26 32 H 630 125-3P 1.97 1.49 32 H 63 IPS-35 2. I 7 TYs 32 H 632 14S-IP 2. I 4 1.72 32 H 633 145-18 2.85 2.27 32 H 634 l45-2P 2.08 1.82" 32 H 635' 145-25 2.542.04 32 H 636 l45-5P 2.iI T:69 ,32 H €l37 145-58 2.702. I 5 32 H 638 14S-6P 2.6 I 2.09 . 32 H 639 145-65 3.28 2.62 . 32 H 640 145-7P 4. I 3 3.30 . 32 H 641 145-75 4.53 3.62 32 H 642 14S-9P 2.Q3 1.62 32 H 643 145-95 2.26 1.68 32 H 652 16-IOP 2.85 2.27 32 H 653 16-105 3.13 2.50 . 32 If 654 16-UP 2.80 2.23 32 H 655 16-U5 3.0Q 2.39 32 H 644 l65-IP 2.85 2.27 32 H 645 165-i5 3.6 I 2.89 32 H 646 165-4P. 2.46 1.97 32 H 647 165-45 2.5 I 2.OT 32 Ii 648 165-~P 3.06 2.45 32 H 649' 165-5!:J 3. I 3 2.50 32 H 650 165-SP 2.86 2.29 32 H 65 I 165-85 3.4 I 2.73 ' 32 H 656 18-iP 3.3 I 2.64' 32 H 657 18-18 4.02 3.22' 32 H 659 lS-4P 3.04 2;43 32 H 659 IS-45 3.342.67 32 H 660 lS-SP < 3.2 I 2.56 32 H 66 I ~ 3.843.07 32 H 662 l8-12P 3. I 2 2.50 32 H 663 18-125 3.56 2.84 32 H 664 l8-20P 3.09 2.47 32 H 665 18-205' 3.46 2.76 . 32 H 666 20-4P 3. I 7 2.54 32 H 667 20-45 3.472.7B 32 H 668 20-7P 3.342.67 32 H·669 20-75 3.923. I 4 32 H 670 20-15P 3.442.75 32 H 1'>7 I 20-155 4. I 43.31 32 Ii 672 20-16P 3.442.75 32 H 673 20-165 4. I 43.3 I 32 H 674 20-ISP 3. I 92.55 32H 675 20-IS5 4. I 93.35 32 H 676 20-27P 3.642.9f· 32 H 671 20-275 4.64 3.71 32 H 67B 20-29P 4.0 I 3.20 32 H 679 20-295 5.23 4. I 7 32 H 6BO 22-14P 4.49 3.59 32 H 68 I 22-145 5.88 4.69 . 32 H 682' 22-19P 3.87 3. I 0" 32 H 683 22-195 4.88 3.89' 32 H 6B4 24-5P 4.28 3.44 32 H 685 24-55 5.454.37 32 H 686 24-20P 4.05 3.25 32 H 687 24-205 4.923.94 32 H 689 24-2SP 5.02 4.02 32 H 689 2<\-2S!:J 6.76 5.40 32 H 690 2S-2P 4.20 3.36 32 !'I 69 I 28-25 5.32 4.25 32 H 692 28-UP 4.62 3.69 32 H 693 28-11!> 6.3.4 5.06 32 H 694 2S-l2P 4.62 3.69 32 H 695 28-125 6.52 5.2 I 32 H 696 2s=i5P 5.08 4.07 32 H 697 2S-15S 7.606.08 32 H 698 2S-16P 4.43 3.55 32 H 699 28-168 5.924.73 32 H 700 2S.21P 5.884.71 32'H 70 I 2S-215 8.52 6.liI . 32 H 702 32.1P 6.975.57 32 H 703 32,75 9.767.79 3.2. H .7.04 36-.10P 8.406.72 32 H 705 ~!J..:.Q.! ~ ,.. ........................ . ........................... You Can Depend on Allied for Everything in Industrial Elec;tronics Amphenol Miniature Connectors and' Plugs TYPE 48 SERIES CONNECTORS SERIES 165 MINIATURE AN CONNECTORS Pressure-proof and weather-proof miniature AN COIlnectors. Widely used in instrumentation and miniaturized electronic equipment. Eight insert configurations are available in two shell sizes. Contacts are gold over silver plating. Aluminum shells feature quick bayonet coupling. Small receptacles mount in '~6' hole secured through four .125H holes on Z%H centers. Large rEceptacles,require 1lt\.H hole with four .125" holes on 10/,." centers. Plugs are 2lt\." long. Small plugs are 5%4" dia.; large plugs are 1%4" in dia. Rated: 500 volts rms, except *600 volts. All' have strain relief clamps except tpotting construction. §Positioned shells. Av. shpg. wt .• 3 oz. SMALL SHELL-5 No. 20 CONTACTS Type Contacts and Ampere Rating No. 165-33 *5 @ 7.5 40 H 596 165-34 '5 @ 7.5 40 H 597 165-35 '5 @ 7.5 40 H 598 165-.16 '5 @ 7.5 Stock -No.- 40 H 595 EACH Description 1-49 50-99 Male Plug 3.36 2.67 3.66 1.92 2.31 Female Plug 4.59 Male Receptacle 2.40 Female Receptacle 2.91 SMALL SHELL-9 No. 20 CONTACTS 9 @ 7.5 3 •52 1 2.81 Male Plug 1 5.41 9 @ 7.5 Female Plug 4.31 1 Male Receptacle 9 @ 7.5 2.61 2.07 9 @7.S Female Receptacle 3.34 2.66 13 1 40 H 5791 165-14 40 H 580 16540 H 581 165-15 40 H 582 165-16 SMALL SHELL-12 No 20 CONTACTS Male Plug 40 H 575 165-9 12 @ 7.5 Female Plug 12 @7.S 40 H 576 165-10 @ 7.5 §Female Plug 16S-IOW 12 40 H 262 16S-IOX 12 @ 7.5 §Female. Plug 40 H 263 -12 @7.S § Male Receptacle 40 H 264 16S-IIW 12 @7.S §Male RecePtacle 40 H 265 16S-IIX Male Receptacle 12 40 H 577 165-11 12 Female Receptacle 40 H 578 165-12 3.71 2.95 5.53 4.40 5.73 4.50 5.73 4.50 --2.99 2.32 2.991 2 •32 2.79 2.22 4.5B 3.64 :n, LARGE SHELL-4 No. 16 & 7 No. 20 CONTACTS 40 40 40 40 H 5B31 165-1714 @ 17; 7 @ 7.51 Male Plug 14.931_3.92 6.03 4.80 H 5B4 165-18 4 @ 17; 7 @ 7.5 Female Plug 3.1 I 2.47 H 585 165-19 4 @ 17; 7 @ 7.5 Male Receptacle H 586 165-20' 4 @ 17; 7 @ 7.5 Female Receptacle 4.19 3.34 LARGE SHELL-14 No. 16 CONTACTS S~O:k 40 40 40 40 H59I H 592 H 593 H 594 T,::." AC;;::;:t~:t~~gl De.~riptlon 165-29 165-30 165-31 165-32 ! 14 14 14 14 @ 17 @ 17 @ 17 @ 17 EACH 1-49 [50-99 Male Plug Female Plug 5.03 6.98 3.24 Female Receptacle 5.16 I Male Receptacle 1 4.00 5.56 2.58 4.11 tSMALL SHELL-8 No. 20 Contacts And One Coax Contact 40 H 2661165-61 18 @ 7.5; I @ 101 Female Plug 40 H 267 165-61 W 8 @ 7.5; I @ 10 §Female Plug 40 H 268 16S-61X 8 @ 7.5; I @ 10 §Female Plug 17.6716.10 7.B7 6.20 7.87 6.20 tLARGE SHELL-19 No. 20 Contacts And One Coax Contact 40 H 2691165-62 119 @7.S; I @ 101 Female Plug 40 H 270 16S-62W 19 @7.S; I @IO §Female Plug 40 H 271 16S-62X 19 @ 7.5; I @ 10 §Female Plug 40 40 40 40 H 5871 H 588 H 5B9 H 590 111.1618.88 11.36 8.98 I 1.36 8.98 LARGE SHELL-24 No. 20 CONTACTS 24 @ 7.5 83 4.64 Male Plug 5. 24 @ 7.5 Female Plug. 7.65 1 6.09 1 Male Receptacle 4.02 3.21 24 @ 7.S Female Receptacle 5.83 4.64 24 @ 7.5 I 25 165165-26 1 165-27 165-28 . MINIATURE TYPE CP PLUGS 7 and 9 pin "CP" type plugs for miniature tube sockets. Molded froin diallyl phthalate dielectric; incorporates a molded~in strain relief post. Utilizes retainer-ring mounting. Contacts gold over silverplating. Also available with rubber plug caps in end and side cable outlet styles. Voltage rating: 1500 v. rms at 5 amps. Overall seated height, Overall width: type 86-896, .685"; 86-893 •• 778"; 86-895, .781"; 86-897, .875"; 86-894 •. 750". Pin circle diameter: for 7 pin plugs, .375"; 9 pin plugs, .468H • Av. shpg. wtoo 2 oz. 'M.". Stock Mfr'. No. Type H 650 H 651 H 652 H 653 86-896 86-893 86-895 86-897 86-894 - -H-649 - 42 42 42 42 42 7-Pin 149 .84 1.48 .,94 (" 9-Pin with Cap 1.58 7-Pin Si, :(i'igl!re A. jack; 'R;, pIng; C, right-angle plug; 0, bulkhead jack; E, receptacle. 3 oz.' Stock' Ty'PB RG 5116- Cable No. Ohm. ,- Fig. 24 42 H 320037475 1178A ~ B ".B5 42 H 321 037600 J 50 C 2.44 42 H 322 037700 g~B 50 A /,B5 :~ ~ ~~! g~~~~~ 196A ~g ~ I.B5 I.B7 42 H 325037575 } 174 5 0 B 42 H 326 037675 316 50' C 2,44 42 H 327 037775 188 50 A I.B5 42 H 328037875 188A 50 D 1,85 .,-:as IIJ 50~ 99 1.94 1.4B I.4B 1.49 1.48 1.94 I.4B 1.4B 250_ 600· 249 499 999 1.33 i l l ,.06 1.75 1.46 1.40 1.33 1.11 1.06 1.33 1.11 1.06 1.34 1.12 1.07 /'33 i l l 1.06 1.75 1.46 1.40 1.33 1.11 1.06 1.33 1.11 1.06 No. 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 -- 8* 8' 2t 2t .. -2t..2L .. -.... Type 32 H 910 32 H 909 43 HOI 5 4YH 016 294-90 294-85 294-58 294-48 1-- --'gs- J~:~ 95 95 95 95 5 ~~5A B T:85 T:67 T:4s T:33 /.IT 2.44 2.19 1.94 1.85 1.67 1.48 D 1.85 1.67 1.48 E 1.87 1.68 1.49 --ii-- 1.85 T:67 T:4a C 2.442.19 1.94 A 1.85 1.67 1.41l D I.B5, .67 I.4B E I.B7 1.6B 1.49 C A /,7? 1.46 1.33 1.1 I 1.33 1.1 I 1.34 1.12 1.33 /.IT 1.75 1.46 1,33 1.11 1,;33 1.1, 1.34 1.12 1.06 1.40 1.06 1.06 1.07 1:06 1.40 1.06 '.06 /,07 MINIATURE RACK PANEL AND CABLE CONNECTORS Molded of Amphenol Blue 1- _ ~~t v~i;~bC!~i~: . '" plated contacts are gold-finished lUI fIl fill t<;> pFeven~ cort!:!J ~ ~ rOSI9Jl. FIgures . G and H (hex nut types) for panel mounting in 3~4" dia. hole. Figure J (hex nut type with locking clip) mates with Figure K (hood and cable clamp type). Dia. of hex nut types. 'Va"; cable clamp type, ~". Overall length of cable clamp type, 11 'lU'. 5 oz. @] Receptacle Plug EACH 1-9 10-49 50.99 100_249 22.51 19.29 14.47 13.50 2B.57 24.49 IB.37 17.14 9.13 15.21 13.04 9.7B 23.02 19.74 14.BO 13.BI B.74 14.57 12.49 9.36 24.37 20.B9 15.67 14.62 5.77 9.61 B.24 6.IB 14.38 12.33 9.25 B.63 4.75 5,09 7.92 6.79 B.39 B.99 13.9B 11.99 3.73 3.5B 5.72 4.92 6.22 10.36 B.8B 6.66 MALE CONNECTORS 40,., 632 40 H 634 40 H 636 40 H 644 40 H 646 40 H 64B 40 H 63B 40 H 640 40 H f/42 EACH F'ig. Type 1.9 10-49 50-99 100-249 5 126-010 II ~ ------:47 ---:39 126-191 H .55 .46 .92 .70 7 .54, 126-012 .65 9 H I.OB .B3 -5- K I . i I 1.3B 126-217 1.09 .91" .99 126-195 7 K 1.19 1.98 1.51 1.33 --'-=.!..9.. 126-220 9 K 2.21 1.69 126-216 5 .B2 .63 .41 J 126-197 7 .50· .99 .75 .60 J 126-219 9 1.15 .8B .70 .5B J 40 H 633 40 H 635 40 H 637 40 I{ 645 40 H 647 40 H 649 40'1{ f/39 40 H 641 40 H 643 126-011 5 G ,6:; 1.26 .99 .78 126-192 7 G ,B9 1.13 1.4B .74 2,QO ~ 1.21 ~ G 126-013 9 126-223 - 5 - K· ~ l.q6 ~ .70 K 126-196 7 2,5B 1.9B 1.56 1.30 126-222 9 1.51 3.00 2.30 1.1l2 ~ 126:218 -'-5- -.J-' . I ;34 .BI 126,198 7 ,77 J 1,53 1.17 .9.2. 9 126-221 2.04 1.57 1.23 1.03 J Stock No. Mfr'. TOOLS FOR CRIMPING AND REMOVING CONTACTS Stock No. )179A 7 5 179B 75 187 75 187A 75 75 42 H 340., .......•••.••••••••••••.. , ................. 16.00 RACK AND PANEL CONNECTORS Series 94. Feature "Poke-Home" contacts. Can be inserted into mounted or unmounted connectors. listed In mllting pairs,' receptacle, then plug. #16 and #20 contacts are crimp-type (see tools below); *RG-180jU and tRG58U coax' contacts are solder type. Mtg.flange H~xl" to 1'%," wide with six 4 -40 holes 6 oz 43HOOO 94-62548-1 4 25 43HOOI 94-52548-1 4 25 43H002 94-64352-1 -5- 43 43H003 94-54352-1 5 43 43H004 94-65940-1 4 59 43H005 94-55940-1 4 59 43H006 94-41722-1 2 17 43H007 94-31722-1 2 17 43HOOB 94-42530-1 3 2S 43HOI0 94-32530-1 3 25 43HOII 94-21320-1 2 13 43HOl2 94-11320-1 2 13 H. 33'ii 037525 H 331 037625 H 332 037725 H 333037825 H 334056825 H 335037550 H 336 037650 H 337037750 H 33B 037850 H 339 057400 TYPE 227-911 CRIMPING TOOL FOR ABOVE CONNECTORS crimps cable braid to connector in seconrf •. Shpg. wt., lIb. Type '227-911 tool crimps all Serics 5116 connectors. Inexpensive tool handles all cable sizes. Designed for qtlick. easy operation- No. of Contacts Stock Mfr'. No. ~ #16 ~ Coax EACH Type RG Ohm. Fig. -1~-~~26~.~6-0. 1~0~O.~2-50-.~5-00-. 5116. Ca biB ' 2 4 49 99 249 499 999 ,Stock 10D~ Me ,r - - - ,- . .. U'(:H 2649 1.67 2.19 1.67 1.67 1.68 1.67 2.19 1.67 1.67 14 A --1!-~ ~ ,"'. ~o'" ~ ~ lI@J @] o![!iin' . m' Description #20 Contact Crimping Tool 116 Contact Crimping Tool no Contact Removal Tool #16 Contact Removal Tool EACH IOB.04 IOB.04 15.B6 13.B3 MULTI-CONTACT PLUGS AND SOCKETS Shielded cable and chassis connectors. N onrotating contacts silver-plated with gold shell. Interlocking barriers prevent shorting. 900 v .. 60 cycle AC. 'Insert only; all others with can. "A" in dese. column-cable type, 4 oz. "Btl-chassis 2 pz. Contacts -:i7 -- ---:so FEMALE CONNECTORS I.O'f" SERII;S 115....50 AND l00.C;ONTAC;T -;;:;- CQNN"C;TQ~$ Vi~e-IQcked cable .connectors accommodate 5Q pr ioo #16 wlies. Vise action of screw lock provides leverage for Ilttaching I'n4 disengaging of pll!~. Inserts !jave molded. in numbers to facilitate wiring and checking' of circuits. Solder-cup contacts are free floating for alignment in mating bu t cannot rotate. Cable c1\lmps for a~taching to each type cOl!neCtor listed at left, below. Approximate size of shells; tpO-contact. 3 l/zx3l/z1 0 4-member spring deslgh of male contact assures positive, low-resistance. connecllon wit~ femole ,Complete line of, micro-miniature connectors provides maximum miniaturization and application versatility. Connectors handle almost, every contact' need imaginable. They not only provide excellent performance. but assemble Quickly. easily. 'and positively. -The all-important wire-form pin contacts consist of 4 gold-plated wiper fingers.' Contacts maintain continuous tension with low con,tact resistance. Gold plating resists rust and corrosion. Rated: 3 amps continuous; ,600' v; max @ 60 cps.: 0.0025 to 0.0030 ohms. -, CHOOSE FROM THESE MICRO-MINIATURE CONNECTORS _. FEATURING HIGHLY RELIABLE WIRE-FORM CONTACTS 'Female Strip Mal. Strip ,D9PD DDlJD Cul.Away View Showing Wlre·Form Pin Cantacl [ ACTUAL SIZE e-cas e WIRE-FORM CONTACTS CQt~Away View Of Connedors II DI JI " . .413 ~I , 1.1149 female '.413, '\ [JI =~.049 Male Compact micro-miniature, contacts fit any connector on this page. 4-member, spring design of male contact exerts self-equalizing force on wall of female. Maximum current rating. 3 amps. Contact resistance •.0025 to .0030 ohms. Take No. 22~ 24. 26 o91id wire; No~ 24. 26 stranded. 100 per package. Shpg. wt •• 3 oz. - Stock No. Mfr" Delcrip- TlIpe tlon 42 H 885 42 H 291 220-501 220-679 Male Female PER PKG. OF 100 1-9 1 1D.,99 1 5.iO 3.60 4.00 4.60 ~~~ I ~~09~- 2.20 2.80, 3.20 2.30 POKE-HOME CONTACT TOOLS Stock No. H 181 H 182 H 183 H 184 42 42 42 42 Mfr'. Description Type 294-125. Economy Crimp Pliers 294-78 Quality Crimp Pliers 294-123 Insertion Tool 294-137 Removal Tool Wt •• Lb•• EACH l!h 4 42.00 130.00 4.49 8.32 ~ ~ SERIES: 221 STRIP CONNECTOR KiTS, SERIES 220 MICRO-RAC CONNECTORS Incorporate ,Poke:,Home wire-form contacts to proviile excetlent electrical performance. Connectors in 'each kit can be cut to any length and stacked. When stacked. contact hole spacing is same from strip to' strip. 221·6 kit cOntains: 1-6- male strip; 1-6"female strip; 59·male contacts; 59 female contacts; and 4 guide pins. 2215.tl kit contains, 1-4- male strip; 1-4" female strip';,55 male contacts; 55 female contacts; and 4 guide pins. 221-6 is on .100" centers with'shrouded male contacts.:221"Sll Is,on .075· centers with unshrouded male, contacts. Wt~. 7 0& ' High-density micro-miniature rack and panel connectors have reli" able. wire-form contacts. Mono-block body is molded resin. Contact identification numbers are molded into connector. Polarization is achieved by a trapezoidal mating area. and accurate keying is obtained by molded-in "slot and key arrangements. Cable clamp assemblies are available (see below) for both 52- and 104-contact types. Dimensions: 52-contact. type. 1.88S" long. 1.492" mtg: centers; 104-contact type. 3.012" long. 2.614" mtg. centers. Both types occupy 682" depth when mated ,EACH Stock Mfr' • Con- De.crlp,- Wt. tlon Oz. 1-9 10·49 50·99 100·~49 No. TlIpe tach 42 H 799 220-37-01 52 Receptacle 2 4.07 3.33 2.86 2.50 42 H 848 220-3~1 52 Plug 2 3.81 3.12 2.69 2.34 42 H 849 220-39·{)1 104 Receptacle 3!h 6.93 5.67 4.89 4.26 42 H 887 220-4O-4l1 104 Plug 3!h 6.20 5.08 4.37 3.81 42 H 888 220-5 52 Cable Clamp 2 1.95 1.61 1.29 1.17 42 H 889 220-6 104 Cable Clamp, 3!h 2.00 1.66 1.33 1,.19 'Stock . 'No. '42,H,939" 42H'940 "I' Mf.·,; I ' .. PER KIT T y p e ' 1.9 110-49 1 50-99 I~ 221-,6 8.18 6.705.77 5.02 221-511' 7.13 5.83 5.02 4.37 :SERIES223 TINY TIM RACK AND PANEL CONNECTORS Ideal int~rc09nection means for circuit modules. either potted-in or'surface mounted. Used as, micro-miniature cable-to-cable conn!!ctors. Contact spacing'is on .100" centers on each r!)w• .For screw type or,metal clip mtg. Meet MIL-C-8384B. Wt•• 1!h oz. 'Stock No., 42 H300 42 H301 42 H302 :~~~g: 42 H 305 4214306 42 H'307 42 H 308 42 H 30,9 42 H 310 ,,2 H311 42 H 312 42 H 313 42 H 314 42 H 315 42 H3t6 42 H 317 42H31f1 42 H 319 Mfr'.· Con- D..c.lp~ Mtll. Mtll. Type taw 223-1 5 223-2 5 223-3 9 223-. ' 9 223-5 ,17 223-6 Ii" 223-7 25 223;8 25 223-9 33 223-10 33 223-11 ',5 223-12 5 223-13 9 223-14 9 223'15 17 223-16 17 223-17 25 223-18 2,5 223-19 33 22,3-20 33 204. ALliED CtH. ,.593' Plug Recept. .593' Plug Screw .793' Recept. .793' Plug 1.193~ Recept. 1.193' Plug 1.593' Reeept. ScreW 1.593' Plug 1.993' 'Recept. 1.993' Plug .526" Recept. .526" Plug Clip .726" Recept. .726" Plug 1.126" Recept. 1.126" Plug t.s26" Recept. Clip' 1.526" Plug 1.926" 'Recept. 1.926" tlon -- -- -- EACH 1-9 10.49 50-99 100·249 1.19 1.22 1.37 1.44 1.73 1.89 2.14 2.34 2.47 2.79 1.24 1.26 1.42 1.48 1.78 1.94 2.18 2.39 2.51 2.83 .97 1.00 r.12 1.18 1.42 1.55 1.75 1.92 2.02 2.28 1.01 1.03 1.16 1.21 1.45 1.58 1.79 1.95 2.06 2.32 .84 --:73 .86 .75 .97 .84 .88 1.01 1.22 1.06 1.33 --.-:T6 1.57 1.31 1.65 1.44 1.74 1.52 1.96 ~ .76 .87 .78 .89 1.00 .87 .91 1.05 1.25 1.09 1.36 I.i'9 1.54 1.34 1.68 1.46 1.77 1.54 1.99 1.74 SERIES 222 MIGHTY MirE CIRCULAR CONNEC'fORS Low-cost. highly reliable micro-miniature connectors for cable-tocable or cable-to-chassis applications. Available in 19- or 31-contact sizes. Contacts are'wire-form Poke-Home type; spacing is on .085" centers. Five keys are -molded into connector to insure proper alignment'. Two receptacles are available: a square mounting flange type with 4 mounting holes; or a single hole mounting type. Dimensions: 19-contact types•• 621" dia. x 2.618" long; 31-contact types•• 746" dia. x 3.962" long. Shpg wt 1!h oz ' .. . . . . . . . . . . ~""~ ..... ,~ No. ~;:: taw tlo,n -,--I--=-=- - 5-01 _. . UCK Ct... 1·9 ~; S:9-" ~40; ;;---- - - - - - - - - - - 42 42 42 42 42 H H H H H 140 141 142 143 144 42 42 42 42 42 H H H H H 145 9.01 31 ~IUg ack ...... 146 10-01 31 147 ll-Cl 31 -hole recept. 1.000' 148 12~1 31 I-hole recept. .750' 149 ,519 , Clamp for 31-contact Plug and Jack 6~1' 7-01 8-01 518 . 19 Plug ...... 19 ack ...... 19 holerecePt. .S7S" 19 I-hole recept. .624' Clamp for 19-contact Plug and Jack I...... 2.18, 2.14 2.20 2.31 1.78 1,.75 1.80 1.89 1.54 1.51 1.55 1.63 1.34 1.31 1.35 1.45 2.71 2.86 2.93 3.03 1.19 '1.02' 2.21 1.91 2.34 2.02 2.40 2.07 2.4812.13 .89' 1.66 1.76 1.80 1.86 1.4~ 1.73 ' 1.42 1.22 1.06 Allied is Headquarters for Industrial Components at factory Prices Amphenol PC, Rack & Panel, Miniature Connectors SERIES 143 PRINTED CIRCUIT CONNECTORS SERIES 17 "MIN RAC" RACK AND PANEL CONNECTORS Miniature connectors with Hpokc_ Home" contacts-ideal for computers, projc~tors, or any rack-and-panel or module use. Zytel 101 dielectric. Contacts are gold-over-silver plated. Cadmium-plated, ,steel shells. Rated 5 ,amps, 0° to 230°F. Tools for crimping, insertion, or removal of contacts bel~w. Av. wt., 2 oz. 03 Contact Mate with any std.. 005" to .Q7.3" PC Qoard or Series 133 connectors (below). Diallyl phthalate blue dielectric. Gold-plated contacts. When used with Series 133 mating connector, may be polarized by 143-953 key. Last ~ digits in Type No. indicate tail style; Type 01, std. contact; 03, pm contact. 600 v. @ 5 amps. Av. wt., 3 oz. Stock Mfr's Con- No. Type tacts 41 40 42 40 40 40 40 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 090 503 &75 500 501 502 553 850 851 B52 B53 8!i4 855 &7& 143-1)06-01 6 143-010-01 10 143-012-01 12 143-015-01 15 143-018-01 18 143-022-01 22 143-122-01 ' 44 143-006-03 6 143,010-03 10 143-012-03 12 143-015-03 15 143-0\8-03 ~ i43-022-O.J 22 143-953 Polar Key 1. 49 1.4& 5.15 1.29 .92 1.&0 1.19 1.44 1.&2 50· 99 1.03 .70 1.25 .90 1.10 1.22 4.30 1.08 .77 1.34 .99 1.20 1.3& .02 .02 '"""i"":23 .83 1.30 1.08 """T:3I EACH 100250· 1000· 249 999 2499 .8& .&4 .74 .5B .50 .44 1.05 .90 .78 .7& ~ .57 .92 .79 .&9 1.02 .88 .7& 3.&2 3.12 2.70 .91 .78 .&B .&4 .55 .48 .9& 1.12 .84 .83 .71 .62 1.00 .8& .75 ' .85 1.14 .9B .02 .02 .012 SOLDER-TYPE RECEPTACLES Stack No. Cont.acts tvJfr's Type ---42 H 421 - 9- 19 1049 1.49 2.03 2.97 4.04 5.18 50· 99 1.23 1.67 2.45 3.32 4.27 EACH 100. 250. 249 499 1.10 .93 1.49 1.25 2.19 1.84 2.972.49 3.81 3.20 500. 999 .88 1.20 1.75 2.37 3.05 1000· 2499 .84 1.14 1.6& 2.2& 2.90 42 42 42 42 H H H H 422 423 424 425 17-10090 17-10150 17-10250 17-10370 17-10500 42 42 42 42 42 H H H H H 42&1 427 428 497 498 17-20090 11-20150 1 15911.5°11.2711.051.941.791.751.&8 1.74 1.48 1.22 1.09 .92 .87 .B3 25 2.392.031.&71.491.261.20 1.14 17-20250 37 3.142.672.201.9& 1.&5 1.57 1.49 17-20370 50 3.973.38 2.78 2.48 2.09 1.99 1.89 17-20500 42 42 42 42 42 H H H H H 8&41 8tj5 86& 8&7 8&8 17-10090-11 17-10150-1 17-10250-\ 17-10370-\ 17-10500-\ 42 42 42 42 42 H H H H H 8&91 870 871 872 B73 17 _20090-11 17-20150-1 1720250-1 11-20370-1 17-20500-1 42 42 42 42 42 H H H H H 5401 541 542 543 544 17-310-0 I 17-311-01 11-,312-01 17-313-01 17-314-01 15 25 31 50 1.7& 2.33 3.50 4.74 6.10 SOLDER·TYPE PLUGS CRIMP-TYPE RECEPTACLES 15911.9311.&411.3511.2111.011.9&1.92 2.&& 2.27 1.8& 1.&7 1.40 1.33 1.27 25 3.943.35 2.7& 2.47 2.08 1.97 I.B7 37 5.474.66 3.83 3.43 2.87 2.74 2.61 50 7.08 &.02 4.9& 4.42 3.72 3.54 3.37 CRIMp.TYPE PLUGS SERIE;S 133 PRINTED CIRCUIT PLUGS 159 25 37 50 I 11.4&11.2311.011.911.7&1.731.69 1.&61.41 1.1& 1.04 .87 .83 .79 2.24 1.91 1.57 1.40 1.18 1.12 1.07 2.942.50 2.05 I.B3 1.54 1.47 1.40 3.71 3.15 2.&0 2.32 1.95 1.85 1.7& CABLE-CLAMP ASSEMBLIES 03 Contact 21 Contact For aboy~ c~mnectors-same construction and electrical specs, Las~, 2 .dlglts II} Type l':' o. indicate tail style. Type 03 tail contact, .042 dla: for dIp soldermg to PC board; Type 21, with conventional eyelet t'lll, for conductor connection, Two .128" holes permit mtg. to' board. Brass cOntacts with gold over albaloy 2 oz Stock Mfr's No. Ty!,e 42 H 41 H 42 H 41 H 41 H 41 H 42-H 42 H 42 H 42 H 42 H 42 H 85& 085 857 OB& 087 088 858 B59 BtjO B& I 8&2 863 133-006-21 133-010-21 133-012-21 133-015-21 ~ 133-022-21 133-006-03 133-010-03 \.13-012-03 133-015-03 133-018-03 133-022-03 EACH Con .. 1. 50· 100· 2501000. tacts 49 99 249 999 2499 6 ~ 1.24 1.0& ---:93 10 2.pO 1.&7 1.40 1.20 1.05 12 2.45 2.05 1.72 1.48 1.29 15 2.30 1.93 1.&2 1.39 1.21 -1.72 - - 1.48 1.29 18 2.45 2.05 22 2.&& 2.23 1.87 1.60 1.40 6 1.73 1.44 1.21 1.04 .90 10 ' 1.93 1.&2 1.36 ~ 1.01 12 2.04 1.71 1.43 1.23 1.07 15 2.23 1.8& 1.5& 1.34 1.17 18 2.39 2.00 1.&8 1.44 1.25 22 2.52 2.10 1.77 1.51 1.32 --;-:n Stock No. 42 42 42 42 H H H H Mfr's 890 891 B92 893 Type Contacts 74-101' 74-102" 74-103t 74-104t 19 19 38 38 74-103 74-104 1. 9 Component mtg. bd. 4.64 Mating receptacle 6.82 Plug-adapter 9.32 Receptacle 11.&& EACH 10· 50. 49 99 3.87 3.09 5.&9 4.54 7.78 &.20 9.747.75 Desc;riptian 1.131.951.761.&81.571.521.49 1.18 .99 .78 .71 .59 .54 .50 1.02 .82 .74 .&2 .57, .53 11.24 1.28 1.07 .8& .77 .&4 .59 .55 1.31 1.09 .87 .79' .65 .&0 .56 «'I TOOLS FOR SERIES 17 "MIN RAC" CONNECTORS 42 H 874. Model 294·91 Crimping Tool. Wt .. 6 oz.. , ' ... _... 108.04 42 H 539. Model 294-92 Inserllon and Removal Tool. 4 oz ..... 13.28 SERIES 57 MICRO·RIBBON MINIATURE CONNECTORS Micro-Ribbons make possible the routing of many circuits " through one, or more, small • connectors at great saving of space and weight. Bodies ' are molded of diaUyl phtha@ late with high-impact strength r.1A ' and excellent dielectric feal!!J tures. Self-cleaning contacts are gold-plated over silver. Receptacle shells have float b\lshings allowing .020" in each direction. Rated 5 amps, 100 v. DC. ' IAJ fjj1 Cable-to-Chassis Latching Connectors. Cadmium-plated brass l!!J ~ shells', clear chromate finish Description above 2 SEIUES 74 "MICRO·MIN" CONNECTORS For micro-miniature circuitry. Low-capacitance contacts on .oson ctrs.; 0.40" spacing between contacts. Gold-over-silver '.010" beryllium copper. Rated 300 v. @ 500 rna. 'Single sided. fDouble sided. 2 oz. 9 15 25 37 50 Stock' 100· 249 2.78 4.09 5.59 7.00 ATTENTION-QUANTITY BUYERS Allied can supply any Amphenol connector types at OEM Quantity prices. And, you can always count on prompt delivery (same-day shipment of industrial quantities). Write, wire or phone for price Quotation on the CDnnectors you require. 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 No. H 075 H 079 H,07& H OB2 H077 H 083 H 078 H 084 fC1 fjj1 Mfr's T:tPa 57-30140 57-40140 51-30240 57-40240 51-30360 57-40360 57-30500 57-40500 Description 1.9 3.38 2.24 3.&9 2.&8 4.55 2.86 50-Contact Plug 5.05 50·Contact Socket 3.72 14-Contact 14-CQntact 24-Contact 24-CQntact 36 Contact 36-Contact Plug Socket Plug Socket Plug Socket Oi< EACH 10.49 50.99 100.249 2.50 2.03', 1.80 1.6& 1.34 1.19 2.73 2.21 1.9& 1.9B 1.& I 1.42 3.37 2.73 , ~:~~ 2.12, 1.72 3.74 3.03 2.&9 2.75 2.23 1.98 Chassis-la-Chassis Connectors. Clear iridite-finished brass shells. ~ ~ Wire np to #22 Description above 2 oz Stock , No. 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Everything in electronics from One Dependable Source H H H H H H H H 482 485 483 486 484 487 098 099 Mfr's Type 57-10140 57-20140 57-10240 57-20240 57-10360 57-20360 57-10500 57-20500 Description 14- Contact Plug 14-''contact 24-Contact 24-Contact 36-Contact 36-Contact 50-Contact 50..:Contact Socket Plug Socket Plug Socket Plug Socket E"CH 1.9 10·49 50.99 100·249 1.77 I.3T 1.0& -----:94.'" 1;82 1.35 1.09 .97 2.37 1.75 1.42 1.2& 2.39 '1.77 1.44 1.27 2.70 2.00 1.&2 1.44 2.73 2.02 1.&4 1.45 3.54 2.62 2.12 1.88 3.59 2.66 2.15 ,1..91, ALlIED • 205 Amphenol Blue Ribbon Connectors BLUE ,RIBBON CONNECTORS Iii \I! • Self·Cleaning Contacts • Positive Polarization • Heavy·Duty Applications @ Stock No. 40 H 610 42 H 632 42 H 633 40 H 614 42 H 681 42 H 682 8 8 42 H 683 8 42 H 684 16 40 H 611 16 42 H 634 16 ' 42 H 635 16 40 H 615 16 42 H 685 42 H 686 16 16 42 H 687 16 42 H 688 24 40 H 612 24 42 H 636 24 42 H 637 24 40 H 616 24 42 H 689 24 42 H 690 24 42 H 691 24 42 H 692 32 40 H 6f3 32 42 H 638 32 42 H 639 32 40 H 617 32 42H 677 32 42 H 678 32 42 H 679 32 42 H 680 IC1 fji1 ~ ~ Mfr's Type 26-4301-88' 26-4501-88t 26-4301-8P* 26-4501-8P t, 26-4302-88· 26-4502-88t 26-4302-8P!o. 26-4502-8Pt 26-4301-168' 26-4501-16St 26-4301-16P* 26-4501-1 6P t 26-4302-168' 26-4502-168t 26-4302-16P* 26-4502-16Pt 26-4301-248' 26-4501-248t 26-4301-24P* 26-4501-24Pt 26-4302-248' 26-4502-248t 26-4302-24P* 26-4502-24Pt 26-4301-328' 26-4501-328t 26-4.101-32P* ,26-4501-32Pt 26-4302-328' 26-4502-328t 26-4302-32P* 26-4502-32Pt ' 1.9 ,5.80 5.80 5.14 5.14 5.80 5.80 5.14 5.14 6.94 6.94 6.45 6.45 6.94 6.94 6.45 6.45 7.86 7.86 7.23 7.23 7.86 7.86 7.23 7.23 8.80 8.80 8.04 8.04 8.80 8.80 8.04 8.04 EACH 10·49 50·99 100·249 4.34 3.46 3.14l 4.34 3.46 3.14} 3.85 2.79 3.07 2.79 3.85 3.07 4.34 3.46 3.14 4.34 3.46 2.79 3.85 3.07 ~ 3.07 2.79 5.20 4.15 3.76} 5.20 4.15 3.76 4.83 3.85 3.49} 3.85 ~ 5.20 4.15 5.20 4.15 3.76 4.83 3.85 3.49 4.83 3.85 3.49 5.89 4.70 5.89 4.26 4.70 4. 26 4.32 5.42 3.92 5.42 4.32 I ;~:l t ~::l """'S':89 4.70'" 5.89 4.70 4.26 5.42 4.~2 3.92 4.32 5.42 3.92 6.59 5.26 4.77 4.77 6.59 5.26 6.02 4.81 4.36 6.02 ~ 4.36 6.59 5.26 4.77~ 6.59 5.26 4.77 4.36 6.02 4.81 6.02 4.81 4.36 1 8 16 24 32 8 16 24 32 " Stock No. 40 H 671 40 H 672 40 H 673 40'H 674 40 H 0411 40 H 049 40 H 051 40 H 052 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 H H H H H H H H [QJ [ill 650 651 652 653 053 093 094 097 Mfr'. Type 26-4201-88 26-4201-165 26-4201-245 26-4201-325 26-4202-88 26-4202-165 26-4202-245 26-4202-325 1-9 EACH 10·49 50.99 100·249 2.35 2.80 3.27 1.72 2.35 2.80 3.27 1.70 2.02 2.36 1.25 1.70 2.02 2.36 1.87 2.23 2.61 1.37 1.87 2.23 2.61 (Fig D) MALE 26-4101-8P 2.01 1.20 1.51 26-4101-1,6P 3.00 2.25 1.79 26-4101-24P 3.47 2.60 2.08 26-4101-32P 3.99 ~ 2.39 26-4102-8P 2.01 1.51. 1.20 26-4102-16P 3.00 2.25 1.79 "26-4102-24P 3.47 2.60 2.08 26-4102-32P ~.99 2.99 2.39 1.09 1.63 1.88 2.16 ---.:09 1.63 1.88 2.16 SERIES 26 PIN-POLARIZED CONNECTORS (Fig G) FEMALE Stock No. tact. 16 40 H 545 -40 H 547 24 32 40 H 5 49 Con- Mfr's Type 26-190-16 '26-190-24 26-190-32 ,1-9 2;58 3.11 3.66 EACH 10·49 50·99 100·249 ---.:94 ---.-:54 ---.-:40 2.33 2 4 (Fig. H) MALE 16 24 32 40 H 544 40 H 546 40 H 548 206 • ALLIED 26-159-16 26-159-24 ,26-159-32 I, 2.05 2.48 2.92 Ii! Ill' 1.55 1.86 2.19 1.86 2.18 II Stock No. 8 EACH 10·49 60·99 100·249 Mfr', Type ,1.9 40 H 618 26-4401-8P 3.11 8 40 H 619 26-4401·85 3.76 8 42 H 695 26-4402-8P 3.11 --- --- --2.33 1.86 1.68 2.82 2.25 2.04, 2.33 1.86 --1.68 2.82 2.25 2.04 3.46 2.76 2.50 3.07 2.45 2.22 2.76 2.50 --- 8 42 H 696 26-4402-85 3.76 16 40 H 620 26-4401-16P 4.10 16 40 H 621 26-4401-165 4.62 16 42 H 697 26-4402-16P 4.10 16 42 H 698 26-4402·165 4.62 3.46 24 40 H 622 26-4401-24P 4.60 3.44 24 40 H 623 26-4401-245 5.22 3.91 24 42 H 699 26-4402-24P 4.60 3.44 ,24 42 H 790 26-4402-245 5.22 3.91 32 40 H 630 26-4401-32P 5.12 3.83 32 40 H 631 26-4401-325 5.85 32 42 H 693 26-4402-32P 5.12 32 42 H 694 26-4402-328 5.85 -------3.07 2.22 2.45 --- ------ 4.38 --- --2.75 2.49 3.12 2.83 3.12 2.83 3.49 3.17 -----2.49 2.75 ----2.77 3.06 --- --- --3.83 3.06 2.77 4.38 3.49 3.17 SERIES 26 BARRIER POLARIZED CONNECTORS (Fig E) FEMALE ""'2.30 '"'"'i":721.37 """'i:2S 3.13 3.73 4.36 2.30 3.13 3.73 4.36 Contach 00 II] SERIES 26 BARRIER POLARIZED CONNECTORS-KEYED SHELLS (Fig. C) FEMALE Contaets 8 16 24 32 8 16 24 32 III III (Fig A) FEMALE (Fig B) MALE Con .. tact. -88 8 8 --8- 111"10 1.68 1.98 .23 1 1• 1,2 1.48 1.34 1.75 1.58 Con~ tacts 8 8 16 24 32 Stock No. 40 H 543 40 H 664 40 H 665 40 H 666 40 H 667 8 8 16 24 32 40 40 40 40 40 H H H H H 5421 660 661 662 663 EACH 10.49 60·99 100.249 1.31 1.05 1.25 1.00 .91 1.80 1.44 1.30 2.17 1.73 1.57 2.56 2.04 1.85 Mfr'. Type ,1·9 26·183 1.75 26-4200-85 1.67 26-4200-165 2.40 26-4200-245 2.90 26-4200-325 3.42 (Fig. F) MALE ~~:!~~0-8P 26-4100-16P 26-41OO-24P 26-4100-32P I: :bg 1.91 2.27 2.66 --;gs 1 :;~ 1.43 1.70 1.99 .661 .59 .61 .55 1.14 1.03 1.36 1.23 1.59 1.44 96 "MICRO MOD" For micro-min.modules. stick circuits. 963 mates with 96-4; 961 with 96-2. 500 mao *Not polar. 2 oz. EACH Stock Mfr'. Description No. Type 1.9 10.4950.99100.249 42 H 894 ~ Polarized reCePtacle 3.05 2.53 2.0 I "T.82 42 H 895 96-2 Polarized plug 6.30 5.26 4.19 '3.79 42 H 896 96-3* Recep. (Jess contacts) .54 .45 .36 .32 42 H 897 96-4* Plug 5.40 4.51 ,3.59 ,3.24 TYPE 64-15 "MICRO EDGE" RECEPTACLE 60% smaller than ordinary PC types. 15 con· tacts are .010" beryllium copper. gold-over silver. on .075" ctrs. Glass-filled, diallyl phthalate; MIL-M-19833. Fits 1-1z" PC board or wiring receptacle. 1%4X1144xl 1'%2". 2' oz. 42 H 898.1-9 .......... EACH 7.26' 10-49, .......... EACH 6.06 50-99 .....•' ••••••••• ; •• EACH 4.83 100.249 •••• ~ •••• EACH 4.36 Allied Is Headquortersfor Industrial Components at Factory Prices Amphenol and Elco Connectors MULTI,WIRE Matching male CONNECTORS and female cable connectors.Accommodate cables up to ¥Ii" O.D~ Size,lt16'11'l1,". 3 oz. ."Y"i8"'i''''')'\ AC CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES f ".. ', , ' ,. '-'" " : FEMALE Stock Mfr's ~o. Type 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 42 42 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 524 525 526 527 528 516 517 504 505 506 507 50S 512 513 655 656 Contacts 78·PF4 78·PF5 78·PF6 78·PF7S 78·PF8 78.PF9 78·PF11 7S 8 9 11 149 .32 .33 .35 .35 .34 .37 .39 50249 .27 .27 .29 .29 .2B .30 .32 86·PM4 86·PM5 86·PM6, 86·PM7S 86·PM8 86·PM9 86·PM11 86·PM12 86·PM20 MALE 4 .36 5 .37 6 .38 7S .39 8 .39 9 .40 11 .42 12 .44 20 .62 .30 .30 .3i .32 .32 .33 .35 .36 .51 4 5 6 EACH 250499 -.23 .23 .24 .25 .24 .26 .27 500- 1000- 2499 999 --.20 - -.18 .21 .22 .22 .21 .23 .24 .185 .194 .198 -:T92 .21 .22 .25 .23 .20 .21 .26 .23 .27 .24 .21 .27 ~ .22 .22 .24 .?7 .25 .22 .211 .29 .24 .26 .25 .31 .2B .43 •39 .35 Amphenol Cable Clamp Type 79·CC4. For "bove conl1ectors. Relieves strain on soldered conl1ections. Shpg. wt.. 5 oz. 40 H 670. 1·24", , .. ,EACH .10 25·99"", ' , . , , ' , , , . ,EACH .09 100·249,." ,EA•• 077 250·499", .. EA.• 069 SOO·?99 .... ,EA•• 062 STANDARD ANQ GROUNDING-TYpE PLUqS, SQCKETS 61 series is 2 pole; 160 series is 2.pole witb grounding lug. Black phenolic rated 15 amps at 120 v. AC/DC. U.L. List. except Fig. A types which mount in 1'14." keyed hole with retaining ring supplied. Fig. 'B types have molded·in mtg. plates except, §retail1iug·ring. mounted plate; require 1%," mtg. holes and have %," slotted holes on 1!1;z" to 1%" ctrs., except 61·MIP·61F, It16" mtg. hole, %," holes on 1!1;z" ctrs. Fig. C types mount in IV,6" hole, have two %," holes on 1 %" ctrs tV,6" I D grommet instead of Va" clamp. Wt. 30z EACH Stock Type Fig. Dese. 150- 250- 500- 1000No. 249 999 2499 -male - - 49 -499- - -A 40 H 675 61·M .29 .24 .20 .179 .16 40 H 677 61·F A female .27 .22 .186 .166 .149 42 H 522 160·10 A female .60 .34 .38 .50 .42 A male 42 H 523 160·11 1.10 .91 .77 .69 .62 B §male 40 H 680 61·Ml .185 .33 .27 .23 .21 B §female .32 ;199 .17B 40 H 682 61·Fl .26 .22 42"H 524 160·2 B female .72 .59 .50 .45 AD B 42 H 525 160·3 male 1.12 .92 .7B' .7Q .63 40 H OB5 61·Mlp·61F B female .2B .23 .199 .17S .159 40 H 6B5 61·MIO C male .44 .36 .31 .2B .25 61·FIO C female 40 H 6B7 .44 .36 .31 .28 .25 42 H 526 16Q,4 C female .82 .6B .57 .51 :46 42 H 527 160·5 C male 1.22 1.01 .85 .76 .68 42 H 528 160·6 tD female .82 .6B .57 .51 .46 42 H 529 160·7 I.I!) .97 .83 .74 .61'1 tP male D 42 H 535 160·8 female .SB .73 .62 .55 .4'i! D 42 H 536 160·9 maJe 1.26 ,.04 .88 .79 .71 -- STANDARI> TYPE ep P~I,IGS Bakelite plugs for use as chassis connecto",. Re.tainer- «p'", ring mounting. Use adapter plate beloW-for replacelrient mtg. With mtg. ring for 1'144" !toles e'fcept' *~2144" keyed hole. tRave guide post and aligning key. 2 oz. E~CH Stock No~ 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 42 H H H H H H H H H 015 016 017 OIS 019 020 021 022 654 Mfr'. Type 86·CP4 86·CPS 86·CP6 86·CP7L* 86·CP7S 86·CP8t 86·CP9t 86·CPl1t 86·CP12t pins 4 5 6 250- 500- 1000" 499 999 2499 I 991- -100249 -I .17 .14 .12- -.11- .10 1-- ' .IB .19 7-Large ~ 7·Small Octal 9 11 12 .20 .20 .21 .24 .25 .15 .IE! .IQ .13 ' .13 .15 -:T7 -:14 .17 .17 .20 .20 ,.14 .15 .17 .17 .10 .11 .12 .11 .14 ' .12 -.-11.13 .13 .11 • 12 ' .13 .13 .15 .15 .14 Adapter Plate Type 12·001·03. Nickel·plated steel. For all Type CP plugs above except 86-CP7L. 1 Va" to 1 Va" ce\lters. 2 oz. 40 H Q23, .. , ... ", .........,., ..... , ... '.. " .....,.,., ....,.05 Everything ill Eler;tronic;s frgm For Amphenol 61, 160, 78S and 86CP plugs and sockets. All are drawn steel except 61·61, cadmium·plated. 61·61 shell fits IV,6" hole and has 1%" ctrs. 3·13 and 3·24 caps permit cablc·to·chassis and cable· to·cable applications for 61, 78S and 86CP plugs and sockets. 3·13 has rubber grommet for up to V,6" dia. cable. 3·24 has cable clamp for up to Va" O.D. cable. 3·13 and 3·24 have black japan finish; 3·857 and 3·856 without enameling. Use with 160 series. 2 oz. Stock No. --42H537 42H545 42H53B 42H546 40H086 Mfr'. Fig, Type 3·13 3·857 3·24 3·856 61·61 E E F F G Description Black plug ca~ Above, plain Black plug cap Above. plain Recessing shell 149 .13 .14 .19 .20 .11 50249 .10 .12 .15 .16 .09 -- -- EACH 250- 500499 - 999 .08B .079 .099 .089 .13 .116 .139 .124 .OS .071 10002499 .071 .08 .104 .111 .064 SINGLE-CONTACT SOCKETS AND PLUqS Jacks and plugs have molded phe· ~ noli" bodies in black or red. Jacks ' . ' " come with Amphenol 2·11 retainer ~~ L· ,'~o ring. Use standard .080" phone tips for 78·1P. Jack contacts are re· cessed Ys". Socket body may be used as a feed·through insulator • In table below. *red, tblack. Shpg. wt., 1 oz. Stoctc M~rJs 1'10. Type 41 HI53 41HI54 41 HI56 41 HI57 41HI58 41HI59 41HI60 41HI61 41HI62 41HI63 41HI64 41HI65 41HI66 41HI67 71·1L 71·1L 71·1M 7HM 71·1S' 7HS 78·1L 78·1L 78·1M 78·1M 78·1P 78·1P 78·1S 78·1S Descrip"t.ion l- 49 "'Plug for %2''' socket .OB t PI ug for %2" socket .08 *Plug for 'Va" socket .08 tPlug for YaH socket .OB "'Plug for ¥lz" socket .08 tPlug for til" socket .08 -"'Socket lor 7'32" plug .11 t Socket for %2" pI ug .11 *Socket for Vs'" piug .11 tSocket for Ys' plug .11 "'Socket std. phone tip .11 tSocket std: phone tip .11 *Socket for ~2." plug .11 t80cket for ~2." plug .11 SD- 249 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 EACH 250- 500499 999 .059 .053 .059 .1l53 .059 .053 .059 .053 .059 .053 .059 .053 .074 .066 .074 .066 .074 .066 .074 .066 .074 .066 .074 .066 .074 .066 .074 .066 TYPE 29175 TIP JACKS 10002499 .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 .047 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 • Meet MS16108 and MIL·STD·242 (Ships) specs. ., Molded nylon body and silver-plated beryllium turret contact. One· piece construction of threaded steel body and upper nut. Va" hex nut. Mount in v." hole. Length, 5'Ai.-'. Maximum rat· ings: 1000 volts; operating temperature, 400· F. Shpg. wt .. 2 oz. , EACH Stock Nih's Color 150250IiOO- 1000-' Type No. 49 249 499 2499 999 42H959 350·29175·1 Red .34 .28 .24 .21 .19 42H960 350·29175·2 Black .34 .2B .24 .21 .19 42H961 350·29175·3 Brown .34 .2B .24 .21 .19 .34 .28 .24 .21 .19 ~ 350·29175·4 Green .24 -:21 .19 4?H963 350·29175·5 Orange ""'34' .28 .34 4?H964 350·29175·6 White .28 .24 .21 .19 .28 4?H965 350·29175·7 Blue .24 .21 .~4 .19 .34 .28 4?H966 350·29175·8 Gray .24 .21 .19 Cable, and Panel Auclio Connector$. Rugged, low·qlst conneCtors for audio and general-purpose uses. Satin·finished nickel·plated zinc, shells feature positive key and groove polarization and p\lsh.actiQn latch· IQck. Silver-phited contacts rated for 300 VAC. All con· , nectors have 3 contacts for #14 wire; rated 15 amps. Cable· type connectors accommodate up to ,%." dia. wire. Av. shpg. wt.. 2 oz. EACH Stock No. 41 41 41 41 On~ OeP~ndgble $ourc~ H 145 H 146 H 147 HI4B Mfr' • T~~e EL2214·3 EL2216·3 EL221S·3 EL2213·3 Fig, H J K L Description 1- 9 Cable· type, fern. -:93 Cable·type, male .90 Panel·type, fern. .93 Panel·type, male .72 11024 25- 99 100 .. 249 -:B4 -:78 -:62 .B I I .65 .B4 .75 .78 .60 .60 ;62 .48 AWED • 207 Amphenol and Cannon Audio Connectors '-----------AMPHENOL AUDIO CONNECTORS ---...,....--,....--,..-....,.........,.....--' All microphones listed in this catalog are supplied less connectors. Choose one to meet your application from complete selection belo"". Receptacles are for chassis mounting; plugs and jacks are used on cables. Plugs fit eitheriacks or receptacles. Type 75-MCIF (Fig. A) fits all Knight public"address amplifiers. When splicing two cords, use Type 75-MC1F plug and Type 75-MCIM jack. SERIES 75 SINGLE-BUnON-CONTACT TYPES Standard connectors ¥sn, 27 threads; 'Ya" mtg. holes, except tminiature connectors are approximately half the size and weight of standard counterparts with same specifications Av wt., 3 oz SERIES 91-3 AND 4-CONTACT TYPES Microphone connectors feir portable equipment. Polarized to eliminate incorrect insertions. Clamps elimiriate stress ori soldered connections *3-contact type. t4-contact type. Shpg. wt., 3 oz • Stock No. 41H958 41H955 41H962 41H965 41H959 41H967 42H658 42H659 42H660 Mfr's ~ 75 MCIF 75 MCIM 75 MCIP *75 PCIM 75 MCIFA *75 CL PCIM t751 t752 t753 Fig. Description 1-24 A Cable plug .46 S Cable jack .42 C Phone plug adap. .50 D Receptacle open .37 E 900 cable jack 1.28 F Recep!., short'g .52 A Straight cable plug .48 S Cable jack .29 F locknut receptacle .33 EACH 2S-99 100-249 2S0-499 .38 .32 .29 .35 .29 .26 .41 .35 .31 .30 .26 .23 1.06 .90 .80 .43 .36 .33 .40 .34 .30 .24 .21 .184 .28 .23 .21 SOO-999 .26 .24 .28 .20 .72 .29 .27 .165 .187 SERIES 80 SINGLE AND DOUBLE-PIN-CONTACT TYPES For shielded cables, single and two conductor coaxial cables, photo cell leads, etc. Center contacts are pin and socket type. ·Singlecontact tPolarized double-contact Av shpg wt, 3 oz. 42HOB4 42H661 42HOBO 42H662 42H081 42H663 42H082 42H664 42H083 42Hc65 42H085 42H666 'SO C *SO CI *So F 'SO-F\ 'SO-M 'BO-MI tBO-MC2F tSO-MC2F1 tBO-M~2M t80-MC2MI tso-pe2F tBO PC2M P P G H H G G H Female receptacle Male receptacle Female cable jack Female cable plug Male cable plug Male cable jack Female cable jack Female cable plug H Male cable plug· G Male cable jack N Female receptacle P Male receptacle .60 .60 56 .66 .64 .52 .62 (70 .6B .52 .60 .60 .50 .42 .50 .42 .46 .39 .54 .46 .53 AS .43 .• 36 .51 .43 .58 .49 .56 .48 .43 .36 .50 .42 .50 .42 .38 .• 34 •34 .38 .35 .31 .41 .37 .36 .40 .33 .29 .39 .35 .44 ~ .3B .43 .29 .33 .38 .34 .34 .3B f81 Type 75-CCCI Cap and Chain. Seals open chaSSIS umts agamst· l2.J dirt. Used with Series 75 and 80 receptacles. Wt .. 3 oz. 40 H 381.1.24 ........... _._ ........................ EACH .44 25-99 ................ EACH .36 100-249 .............. EACH .31 Stock Mfr's No. ~ 41H970 ~91-MC3F 42H667 *91-MC3Fl 41H971 '91-MC3M 42H66B j*91-MC3MI Fig. Description 1-24 J Fernal. cable jack .84 K Female cable plug .92 K Male cabie plug .89 J Male cable jack .80 N Female receptacle .72 41 H9721*91-PC3F N Mal. receptacle 42H669 *91-PC3M .82 J Femal. cable jack .90 41 H977 t91-MC4F K Female cable plug .9B 42H670It91-MC4Fl 41 H976 t91-MC4M K Male cable plug --:90 .82 42H6721t91-MC4MI J Male cable Jack N female receptacle .74 41 H978 91-PC4F N Male roceplacl. 42H673 t91-PC4M .82 EACH 25'99 100-249 250-499 SOO-999 .69 -:s3 " .47 .76 .64 .58 .52 .49 .73 .62 .55 .45 ~ ~ .50 .59 .50 .45 .40 .68 .57 .51 .46 .56 .74 .63 .50 .69 .61 .55 ~ .74 .50 .51 .68 .57 .46 .61 .52 .46 .41 .51 .68 .57 .46 ---:sg -:63 -:56 SERIES 91 "QUIK" 3 AND 4-CONTACT TYPES Locked connection made by inserting plug in jack; released by light pressure on lock button. Gold-plated (over silver) bronze contacts • *3 contact type t4 contact type Av wt ., 3 oz - 42H065 42H066 42H067 42H068 42H069 42H070 42H07.1 42H072 , - *91-853 *91-854 *91-85S *91-856 t91-857 t91-858 t91-859 t91-S60 'L M P R L M P R - Male cable plug 1.34 Female cable plug 1.54 Male receptacle 1.00 Female receptacle 2.23 Male cabl. plug 1.42 Female cable plug 1.96 Male receptacle 1.04 Female receptacle 2.29 I.n 1.27 .83 1.84 1:17 1.62 .86 1.89 .94 .84 1.09 . .96 .70 .63 1.56 .1.39 .• 9.9 1.37 1.23 .73 ".65 1.60 1.43 .75 .86 .56 1.25 .BO 1.1.0 .58 1.28 --:ii9 f81 Type 91·CCC3 Cap and Chain. Effectively seals open chassis l2.J units against harmful dirt and dust. Desigeed for use with Serie. 91 connectors. Shpg. wt .. 3 oz. 42 H 674. 1·24 ..•••.•••••.•.••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••. EACH .38 25·99 ................. EACH .32 100-249 ............... EACH .27 ":,1. Siock. No. 40 H.790 40 H 983 41 H 212 40" 9B4 40" 791 40 H 995 41" 213 40" 986 Mfr', Type XLR-3-11C XLR-3-11SC XLR-4-11C XLR-4-11SC XLR-3-12C XLR-3-12SC XLR-4-12C XLR-4-12SC 41" 214 41 H 215 41 H 216 41 H 217 41" 219 41 H.219 41 "·223 41 H 224 40 H 792 41 H 225 40 H 793 41 H 226 40 H 987 40 H 9BB XLR-3·13* XLR-4-13* XLR-:i-13Nt XLR-4-13Nt XLR-3-14* XLR-4-14* XLR-3-14Nt: XLR-4-14Nt XLR-3-31* XLR-4-31* XLR-3-32* XLR-4-32* XLR-3-3S* XLR-3,35-2G* Fig. W W W W X X X X Description 1·9 Female (socket insert) : 1.29 As above, steel shell. 3.49 Female (socket insert) 1.64 As above. steel shell. 3.55 -Male lpin insert) 1.13 As above, ste.1 shell. 2.6B Mal. (pin insert) 1.20 As above, steel shen. 2.87 EACH 10-49 50-99 I,IB 1.08 3.20: 2.91 1.50 1.37 3.26 2.96 1.03 .94 2.55 2.32 1.10 1.00 2.63 2.~9 WALL AND PANEL RECEPTACLES Wide selectian af small male and female three and four .. cont'act audio connectors with satin·nickel' finish. 3 and 4-contact connectors with damp and resilient socket insulator. Integral cable-clamp and push-action latchlock. First digit in type no. shows no; of contacts. 3-15-amp, .0r4-lO-amp contacts. 'Wall-type receptacles; tpanel-type receptacles. Av. wt .. 4 OZ. EACH Stock ,- Mfr's Description , No. Type 'Fig.' 1-9 40 H 948 XLR-3-15 --r:Female (socket insert) 3.38 40 H 949 XLR-4-15 T Female (socket insert) 3.41 208 • ALlIED 3.10 2.B2 I~I~ 3.13 Female (socket insert) Female (socket Insert) female (socketlnserl) SS Female (socket insert) CC Male (pin insert) . Male (pin inserl) CC DD Male (pin Insert) DD Male (pin insert) Female (socket insert) EE EE Female (socket insert) FF Male (pin Insert) Male (pin insert) FF GG· Female (socket inserl) HH' As above. Dual ganged. 1.85 1.93. 2.14 2.20 ,8"3 .87 1.73 1.87 1.93 1.99 1.10 1.22 4.03 7.42 1.70 1.77 1.96 2.02 1.55 1.61 1.79 1;84 .70 .73 "1.45 1.56 --::i(; .80 1.59 1.71 1.77 1.82 1.66 .92" 1.01 1.12 1.02 3.70 3.36 6.80' 6.18 .J..:.!!... TYPE P 3-CONTACT RECEPTACLES ANI> PLUGS For up' to No. 10 wires. 15-amp contacts. Av. wt., 4 oz. 9O-DEGREE PLUGS - AA AA ss 2.85 40 H 7071 P3-13 40 H 757 P3-14 40 H 724 'P3-CG-llS '40 H 70, P3-CG-12S I Y I-panel socket, female 1 3 •6B Y Panel rilount, male (pin) 2.19 Z Cable piug.female (skt) 4.16 ... Z Cable plug, male (pin) .3..40 1 32.01.: •38 "1 3 ;07 I.B3 3.BI 3.12 3 ..47 2.94' "Everything in Elec:tronics from One Dependable Source New Switchcraft and Elco Connectors ~qp WALL MOUNt PLATES C3M A3F Plug D3F New "Quick-ground" audio connectors featuring a separate "ground terminal" that is electrically integrated with connector shell, and "ground contactors" 'that always ensure ground continuity between mating plugs. Insert-mounting screws effectively wedge' insertassembly against interior of connector or receptable shell. Newly designed insert screw cannot be lost during installation, FEMALE "QUICK-GROUND" RECEPTACLES Three-contact receptacles with extra shell-grounding terminal. Have bronze, silver-plated, chromate-dipped pin contacts, Satin. nickel finish. Die-cast zinc shell Nickel-plated nut and washer. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. "QUICK-GROUND" AUDIO CONNECTORS Connectors offering four-contact versatility by means of three circuit contacts plus "ground terminal" on the shell. Die-cast zinc alloy construction; satin-nickel finish. Have rubber cable strain relief bushing keyed to shell; ribbed for easy cable entry. Pin and socket contacts: brass and phosphor bronze. Both silver-plated and chromate-dipped, *Single-hole mounting. Av. wt., 2 oz. Stock I Mfr's I EACH ~ Type ~125_49150_991100-2491250-4991~ 41 H355 C3F I.B6 1.65 1.41 1.24 1.17 1.10 41 H356 D3F .1.92 1.70 1.46 1.2B 1.20 1.13 EACH 100- 250- 500249 - 499 999 H 351 A3F Female Plug T:3s i l i 1.01 .BBB .835 .7B9 H 352 A3M Male Plug 1.14 1.03 .B86 ,775 .729 .689 H 353 B3M *Panel Receptacle. 1.74 1.58 1.36 1.19 1.12 ' 1.06 H354 C3M Wall Receptacle .84 .767 .657 .575 .541 .511 Stock No. 41 41 41 41 Mfr'. Type Descrlp~ tion 124 2549 5099 WALL MOUNTING PLATES Stainless steel single and two-gang wall mounting plates with B3M male receptacles (described at left). Easy to wire and mount on standard electrical outlet boxes. 4Yzx2l4". Av. wt., 31/z oz. EACH Stock Mfr's Descrlp. 25I50- 100- 250- 500Type No. tion 24 49 -99- 249 -499- 999 41 H 357 G3MS I-gang w/Recep 3.30 2.90 2.51 2.20 2.07 1.96 41 H 369 H3MS 2-gang w/2 Recep. 4.80 4.27 3.66 3.20 3.0 I 2.84 -- -- \ELCO\ . NEW "VARICON" CONNECTORS "Varicon" fork-like contacts by' Elco are identical in'both male and female design. Full length, 4.5· bevel provides high ratings and pqsitive contact., HVaric.on" connectors cannot be over-stressed or overstrained. And they maintain excellent retention capabilities even after thousands of insertions and withdrawals. ~ @ DOUBLE-TIER, MINIATURE CONNECTOR PLUGS Series 7021, 7022. Molded body protects contacts and minimizes card warpage. Fit PC Boards, 1.16" thick. For Series 7001-7008 receptacles. Series 7022 for receptacles with card guides. Series 7021, Fig. H; '7022, Fig. G. 'With flanges. tFor 7009 series. 3 oz. Fig. Contacts Mfr's Type Stook No. 1-249, E!to. 17 45 H 592 00-7021-017-000-001' A 1,44 A 23 45 H 593 00-7021-023-000-001' 1.74 29 45 H 594 00-7021-029-000-001' A 2.04 35 45 H 595 oo-7021 c035-0oo'001* A 2.34 41 45 H 596 00-7021-041-000-001' A 2.64 47 45 H 597 00-7021-047-000-001' A 2.94 B 17 45. H 598 00-7022-017-000-001 1.44 B 23 45 H 599 00-7022-023-000-001 1.74 B 29 45 H 621 00-7022-029-000-001 2.04 35 B 45 H 622 00-7022-035-000-001 2.34 B 41 45 H 623 00-7022-041-060-001 2.64 .47 B 45 H 624 00-7022-047-000-001 2.94 34 45 H 625 oo-7021-034-oo0-001't A 2.34 40 45 H 626 00-7021-040-oo0-oo1*t A 2.64 45 H 627. 00-7022-034-000-001 t B 34 2.34 45 H 62B 00-7022-040-000-001 t B 40 2.64 Panel, Chassis or Cable Connectors. Silver and cadmium-plated contacts. Rated: 20 amps @ 115 v.; 1500 v. test .• 002 ohm contact resistance; 25.000 megohm insulation res. 14M" in Mfr's. Type indicates Male; (Figs. D, E); .oF," Female; (Figs. C, F);" R, "ruggedized ends; first digit indicates no. of tiers. 3 oz. @] @) STANDARD BRACKET-.125" MOUNTING .. Stock Mrr'. ConType FIg. tacts No. -445 H 564 MI0420-1 D 45 H 565 MI0820-1 D 8 45 H 566 RM11220-1 D 12 45 H 567 RM11820-1 D 18 45 H 56B RM22420-1 D 24 45 H 569 RM22820-1 D 28 45 H570 RM23620-1 D 45 H 571 FI0420-1 C ~ 4 45 H 572 FI0820-1 C 8 45 H 573 RF11220-1 C 12 45 H 574 RF11820-1 C 18 45 H 575 RF22420-1 C 24 45 H 576 RF22820-1 C 28 45 H 577 RF23620-1 C 36 1-49 r----:v .41 .58 .90 1.38 1.69 2.32 .26 .38 .53 .83 1.30 1.61 2.22 EACH 50-99 100-249 250-499 .17 -:22 .18 .26 .34 .27 .48. .38 .36 .• 75 .60 .57 1.15 .92 .B7 1.40 1•. 12 1.07 1.93 ~ . 1.47 --.2-1.17 .16 .32 .26 .24 .36 .34 .44 .52 . .55 .69 1.08 .86 .82 1.02 1.37 1.07 1.85 1.48 1.41 . [[] mCOVER and CLAMP WITH TOP OUTLET Stock 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Con .. Mfr'. FIg. tact. No. ~ 4 H 578 MI0425' E E 8 H 579 MI0824 12 H 5BO RM11224. E 18 H 581 RM11824 E 24 H 5B2 RM22424 E 28 H 583 RM22824 E 36 H 584 RM23624 E 4 H 585 FI0425' F 8 F H 586 FI0824 12 H 587 RF11224 F 18 H 59'8 RF11824 F 24 H 589 RF22424 F 28 H 590 RF22824 F F 36 H 591 RF23624 1-49 .52 .65 .92 1.35 1.94 2.29 3.02 .50 .63 .88 1.28 I.B7 2.21 2,93 ('Side Outlet) EACH 50-99 100-249 250-499 .43 .33 .34 ,44 .54 .41 .58 .77 .62 .90 .85 1.12 1.62 1.30 1.23 1.91 1.53 1.45 2.52 ~ 1.91 --:42 .34 ~ .52 .42 .40 059 .56 .73 1.07 .86 .BI 1.55 1.24 1.18 1.84 1.47 1.40 2.44 1.95 1.85 @]!ill MICRO-MINiATURE RACK-AND-PANEL CONNECTORS Series 812S. Uses "Varicon" principle to achieve nigh contact density. Each connector has four rows of eight contacts. Intervals: .100" between contacts, and .125" between rows of contacts. Have .078" base taper fab with wire hole. Av. wt.,.3 oz. Stock I Mfr'. ·/FI9.\ DescriPtion/ EACH . Type '~I~ 00-8125-032-605-001 G Plug 45 H 631 00-8125-032-605-002 H Receptacle 4.90 3.35 ~ 45 H 629 ACCESSORIES FOR SERIES 8125 Stock No. 45 H 633 . 45 H 636 Mfr'. Type 50-8105.3315 50-8105,3219 -,:-;S:-,~:;-;oo~~:-:k:-:-_I ~;~: 45 H 634 45 H 6B7 50·8105.4011 50-8105.4311 Let Allied Fill All Your Connector Needs at OEM Prices I I Descript.ion Potting Shell w/Flange Honey Comb Insulator Description Side Mt. Cable Clamp Top Mt_ Cable Clamp I EACH .50. .50 11_9~ACll:-0-_-24-9 .50 .50 --:38 .38 ALLIED. 209 Elco Printed Circuit Connectors and Accessories Jl~'. '. [QJ~ ~~}}}»J mw..~ ,~ 00 A wide selection of printed circuit connectqrs-at OEM pric~s. Write, wire~ or. phone for a price quotation on the connectC?rs y. Of Type Contacts Termlnatl~n Varitwin.,.Pin 1009-24.5-1-22 24 Varitwin-Pin 34 7009-34-5-1-22 . V~itwi~-Pin 1009-40-5-1-22 40 Mfr'. -rTIf EACH 1-99 5.65 8.70 9.00 '3.15 5.20 5.80 Ifl Series 6007 PC Card-Edge Connectors. One-piece connectors for ~ 'A." module boards. Ribbon-type phosphor bronze contacts, gold plated over silver base. 'l.S-amp rating. Dual-contact terminations ",re .046" by .125" straight tab wire !Iole. Glass-filled diallyl phthalate insulation. Polarization: between contacts. 2 oz. I EACH ' ' --3-6-~1""'"i":S51J":40 1.75 1.55 . 25-249 250-999 45 H 443. 66002.3124. Polori;ipg Tob. Type ~. 2 oz...... ~"'Ctl .0 l!i 210 • ALLIED ELCO ~CCESSORIES Model Hs-l' Hand Staker. (Not illus.) For stakillg Elco Varicon contacts. Accommodates most cQntacts Ilvaila!!le on model s40p or lab basis. Y-I-ton rating. Ram dimensiolls: YzxYzx2Yz". Ram stroke: tYl.". Height of opening: 1 Ya". T!Iroat dept!! from center of ralU: I". Working surface: 2x2'l'a". Shpg. wt., 3 Ibs. 45 H'I59, .... ·......._...... _........................ 3S.00 Han~ Staker, (Npt ilIlls.) for Varilok contacts. ~fP~-o';~': .3. ~~~' ........ : .. _........... _.......... , .. 98,00 Model T-1751 Heating Platep, (Not iIlus.) For remov'll of plastic strip from Varicon PC cO'ltacts after st'lking and soldering is completed. 10" long. F()r 110-120 v. AC-DC. Sibs. ' 45 H461 .................................... , ...•.. 3S.00 T& B CONNECTORS FOR IRC POLYSTRIP FLAT CABLE First number in Mfr'·s Type indicates number of conductors connector accommodates. Type 3PVVA and 5PWA adapters are r r for \lse il1 connecting round wire to pplystrip flat cable. Other con- l.~o~I~m III ' Stook Mfr"'1 No. ;'f 1 . No.' Type Contact. 1-24 45 H 418 6007-36-5-M-S 45 H 419 6007-44-5-M-S 44 4.05 Series 7015 Female PC C!)nnectors. Designed for use with Varilok crimp-type, self-locking contacts. For lA." module cards with card guides. Polarizing tab listed below may be Ip~~ted q'lsame center line as even numbered contacts: Av. slipg. wt.,·2 0.. Verilok contacts must be ordered separately. Stock No. Co~tact. '-$9,. EA. 1 OQ"~49, EA. Mfr'. TYe~ 1.05' 45 H 656 7015-17-5-1-27 17 1.90 7015-23-5-1-27 45 II 657 23 1.10 2.00 45 H 485 7015-29-H-27 29 2.,0 1.20 45 H 486 7015-35-5-1-27 35 1.25 2.25 7015-41-5-1-27 41 45 H 487 ·2.35 1.30 45 H 442 5006.3414 Polarizing Tab .015 .015 , 45 H 484. #80)7.0313 Varilok Contact, For connectors above. Shpg. wt., 2 oz..................................... 1-9999, EACH .06 Model T.I72S;1 !ji1 Series 7009 "Vc;ui\win.Pin" 'Female PC Connectors. For 'A6" module l!!I ~Ilrd. COl1l1:ectQr width i~ .5110" and pe~mits mounting of adiac~nt cOllnectors Oil .600" centers. Integral guIdes etlsure perfect matmg of PC card With connector. Phosphor:bronze contacts are nickelpla.teq, _gol~ fl",shed. \Q7amp rating. DialM phthalate insulation per l\4IL-~8794-SPG, Conp.~ctors, MIL-E-19600A (WEP). Shpg. wt.,5 oz. Stock No. 45 H 430 45 tl4~1 45 H 434 FOR VARILOK-TYPE CONTACT (Order conlaels separately) Mfr's Type ~ontaCfts 1-99, EA. 100-249, .EA. 45 H 457 MSBOI7-75-1-CS 75 7.75 4.85 45 H 649 MS017-75-1 75 5.00 2.80 45 H 458 F8017-75-1 15 5.90 3.30 45 H 650 FSS017-75-1-CS 75 10.15 6.35 45 H 464 MS8017-100-1-CS 100 5.05 8.00 45 H 651 MS017-100-1 100 5.25 2.90 45 H 481 FS017-100-1 100 6.15 3.45 45 H 652 . FS8017-100-1-CS 100 10.50 6.45 45 H 484. #8017.0313 Varilok Contact. For connectors above. Shpg. wt., 2 oz........•................... '.' ... , ... 1·9999, EACH .06 Stock No . 1.05 1.05 Upper board %2' E ...... ...... C5-30-Q-.200 CS-30-R-.200 1-999 45° for %2' board ...... E C5-30-~-.200 !HII H 412 EACH, Fig. fGI Series 8017 Rack-and·Panel or Cable Conneclors. Offer highest con~ tact density available. Male unit supplied with either actuating screw device or fixed screw. Female unit is available with either fixed / or turnable nut. Varilok crimp-type, self-locking contacts accommodate all sizes of wire from lS to 30 gauge. 5-amp rating. Pin and socket system provides 36 polarization positions and it possibility of over 100 variations. Units with actuating screw or nut are suppHed with covers and side cable openings. Types: MS is male with actuating screw; M is male with fixed screw; FS is female with actuating nut; and F is female with fixed nut. Av. shpg. wt .. 1 lb. Varilok contacts must be ordered separately • nectors accommodate polystrip cable widths shown in table below. Av. shpg. wt .. per 100,2 Ibs. EACH Mf,'s Stock Fig. For Polystrlp Cable Width ~~ No. TYl'e .330 40H 896 3PWR - J AO .31 .630 40 H 897 5PWR .48 .3,7 K .330 .60 .47 40.H 887 3PWM ;7Q .55 .630 40 H888 5PWM L .28 .22 40 H 898 3PwA .32 ,.25 40 H 899 5PWA Allied Is the World's largest Supplier of Electronic Components for Industry Elco and Cinch-Jones Connectors ELCO CONNECTORS CINCH-JONES CONNECTORS-CLAMPS 5006 SERIES All-molded Varicon PC connectors -feature single row of contacts on .200" spacing. Guides molded in sections of the connector ensure perfect mating. Contact termination: .098" base taper with wire hole ("Type 11 contacts; see Table) and conventional solder termination for 3 wires (*Type 12 contact; see Table). Polarization accomplished by a polyethylene insert with no loss of contact positions. Rating, 10 amps. Insulator, diaUyl phthalate per MIL-M18794, type SDG. Contact material: phosphor-bronze. nickel-plated, gold-flashed Insulator accepts J,16" thick module card 3 oz EACH Stock Mfr'. No. of *Typeof Type No. Contacts Contact 1·99 100·249 5006-12-11-3-5-1 45 H 669 12 11 1.68 --.-:30 5006-12-12-3-5-1 45 H 670 12 1.6B 1.30 12 45 H 671 5006-15-11-3-5-1 15 11 2.01 1.56 5006-15-12-3-5-1 45 H 672 15 2.01 12 1.56 45 H 673 5006-20-11-3-5-1 11 20 2.59 2.01 5006-20-12-3-5-1 45 H 674 20 12 2.59 2.01 '5006-23-11-3-5-1 45 H 675 23 11 2.93 2.2B 5006-23-12-3-5-1 45 H 676 23 2.93 2.2B 12 45 H 442 5006.3414 Polarizing tab for above .015 --:oTS 5007 SERIES Similar to series 5006 above. with the exception of the end sections. Series 5007 end sections have guides and mounting holes for direct mounting to chassis. Contact termination; .098" base taper tab with wire hole (*11) or conventional solder termination for three wires ("12). The units listed below will accept J,16" module card. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. EACH Stock Mfr's No. of *Typeof Type No. Contacts Contact 1·99 100.249 -1-15007-12-11-4-5-1 45 H 677 12 I.6i""' 1.24 5007-12-12-4-5-1 12 45 H 67B 1.61 1.24 12 5007-19-11-4-5-1 19 45 H 679 2.36 11 I.B4 45 H 6BO 5007-19-12-4-5-1 19 12 2.36 I.B4 45 H 6BI 5007-20-11-4-5-1 20 11 2.4B J:'92 45,H 682 5007-20-12-4-5-1 12 2.4B 1.92 20 45H 683 5007-24-11-4-5-1 24 11 2.92 2.26 5007-24-12-4-5-1 45 H 6B4 24 12 2.92 ~ 45 H 442 5006.3414 Polarizing tab for above .015 .015 5006-5007 SERIES PC module card is, punched or drilled, and contacts staked in and soldered. forming the main part of the connector. Hole pattern for the printed circuit lies on a .200" grid. and should be held to ±3% tolerance. non-accumulative for hole locations. Hole diameter is .052", plus .000", minus 004. Shpg. wt., 2 02. Stock Mfr" No. of EACH Type No. Contacts 1·249 45 H 685 CS-12-Q.200 12 .42 45 H 686 CS-15-Q.200 15 .53 19 . 45 H 68B C8-19-Q.200 .67 45 H 689 C8-20-Q.200 20 .70 45 H 690 CS-23-Q.200 23 .81' CINCH-JONES PLUGS AND CONNECTORS Series 101 and 201. Series 101 plugs (Fig. A) have 1I8x!/2" prong; match any 101 socket (Fig. B). 201 plug has %zx!/2" prong; fits 201 socket. Prefix "P" in Type No. indicates plug; "S", socket. Snffix in pIng Type No. is cable O.D. that plug accepts. S-101 and 8-201 are for insulated mtg.; S-lOl-D Mod has two sides of base milled. Series 101 have 'l16"-18 thread; 201 have *"-27. 30z Stock No. 22ii38ii 22 22 22 40 22 40 22 22 H,389 H 390 H 391 H 825 H 395 H 835 H 393 H 394 22 H 396 Mfr'. Type P-I01-!4' P-I01-.290· P-I01-7'16" P-101-o/a" P-I0l-lIz' P-201-o/a" S-101 S-101-D 8-101-D Mod S-201 Length 1·24 25.49 50.99 114" '.65 .522 .435 114' .79 .636 .53 1' %," .79 .636 .53 .79 •636 .53 1%;" 1%" .89 .708 .59 1'l16" 1.02 .816 .68 1116' .58 .462 .385 17f6' .88 .708 .59 17fs" .8B .708 .59 I' 1.09 .876 .73 EACH 100·249 250·499 500-999 .348 -:3'31--:3i'3 .424 .4Q3 .382 .424 .403 .3,B2 .424 .403 .382 .472 .448 .425 .544 --:5i7 .49 .308 .293 .277 .472 .44B .425 .472 .584 .448 .555 .425 .526 liD" SUB.MINIA TURE CONNECTORS Pin and socket insert. Gold-plated. copper alloy contacts. Cadmium-plated steel shells. *Digits indicate no. of contacts. M in Type No. indicates insulators are monobloc, diallyl phthalate. glass fiber-fiUed per MIL-M, 14F. Insulation resistance greater than 5000 ohms as per MILi STD-202A Method 302 Others have 2-piece nylon insert 2 oz ,. I. EACH Flango Stock *Mfr's I Type No. Size 1·9 10·49 50·99 100.249 250·499 I'JS,x3J.64" 1.06 40 H 101 DA-15P .97 """'Ji9 .80 ---:71 I'JS,x3li4' 1.60 1.47 1.34 1.20 1.07,' 40 H 102 DA-15S 1.05, 40 H 104 DB-25P 2%4X3 li4" 1.58 1.45 1.32 I.IB 40 H 105 DB-25S 2%4X3 li4" 2.36 2.16 1.97 1.77 1.57 " 1.47, 40 H 106 DC-37P 2Z7:\,x3l1i4" 2.20 2.02 1.84 1.65 2Z7:\,x3l1i4" 3.30 3.03 2.75 2.48 2.20, 40 H 107 DC-37S 3 DD-50P 2.82 2.59 2.35 2.12 I.B8 40 H 108 2%X %4" 40 H 109 DD-50S 2%X3%4" 4.24 3.88 3.53 3.18 2.B2 X3 DE-9P .55 .49 40 H 110 .74 .68 .62 1''%4 U4" .73; .B2 40 Hili DE-9S .92 1''%4x3 l1i4" 1.10 1.01 40 H 772 DAM-15P l'~x3li4" 2.24 2.06 I.B7 "T.6B '1.50 " 40 H 773 DAM-ISS 1'V,l,x3J.64' 3.44 3.16 2.87 2.58 '2.30 ' 40 H 774 DBM-25P 2%4x3l1i4" 3.40 3.11 2.83 2.55 2.26 ' 40 H 775 DBM-2SS 2%4X3 li4' 5.20 4.76 4.33 3.90 3.46' 40 H 776 DCM-37P 2Z7:\,x3\i4" 4.76 4.37 3.97 3.57 3.18 40 H 777 DCM-37S 2'7:\,x3l1i4" 7.15 6.56 5.96 5.36 4.77' 40 H 77B DDM-50P 2%X3%4" 6.29 5.76 5.24 4.72 4.19 40 H 779 DDM-50S 2%X3%4' 9.42 8.64 7.B5 7.07 6.28 ' 40 H 770 DEM-9P 1''%4x3l1i4' 1;60 1.46 1.33 1.20 1.06' 1.60 40 H 771 DEM-9S 1'%\X3l1i4' 2.40 2.20 2.00 1.80 JUNCTION SHELLS Low-carbon steel clamp. Cadmium-plated. Pass 50 hr. salt spray test; meet MIL-STD-202A. *Straightclamps;others, round clamps. 3 oz. STRAIGHT ROUND EACH Stock Mfr's Type 10-49 50.99 100·249 250.49~ No. 1·9 .34 .30 .3B .42 40 H 780 DA-19678-1 * .46 .31 ' .35 .43 .39 .47 40 H 7BI DB-19678-2* .43 .54 .49 .59 .65 40 H 782 DC-19678-3* .66 .44 ' .55 .50 DD-19678-4* .61 40 H 783 .49 .67 ~ .55 40 H 784 DA-20961 .73 .54 .6B .61 .75 .82 40 H 7B5 DB-20962 .60 .6B .83 .75 .90 40 H 786 DC-20963 .66 .82 .74 .90 .98 40 H 787 DD-20964 Screw Lock Assemblies. For junction shells above. Same corrosion" . t an t const rue t'lOn. *Fema1' e, tmale. Wt 2 oz reSIS EACH MfrJs For Stock 9-1 Type Shell Size 1·9 No. ~~~r'991~:~~rO'49 .14,: 40 H 550 D20418-2* DA, DB, DC, DD .22 .20 .18 .16 _13,: 40 H 551 D20419t DA, DB, DC, DE .19 .18 .16 .14 .IB, .28 .25 .23 .21 40 H 552 D20420t DD - .. Depen!~!le~~~~~::t~!S polarized connectors with *°-27 threaded fittings. P-202-B and S-202-B have In mtg. centers. fC1 ~~.,i' ~~ @] 00 - l!!J 1 Prefix "P" denotes male connector. Prefix "S" denotes female. *Less Cable damp. tUse with P-202-CCT for cable extension. 3 oz. EACH' . Stock Mfr's Fig. Type No. 1.24 25·49 60·99 100·249 250·499 500-9911: ~---------40 H 980 P-202-CCT D .81 .64B .54 .432 .41 .389 , .55 .418 .396_ 22 H 397 S-202-CCT C .83 .66 .44 .313 22 H 398 P-202-FHT D* .65 .522 .435 .34~ .331 22 H 3,99 S-202-FHT D* .67 .534 .445 .356 .33B .32 E .92 .738 .615 .492 .467 .443 22 H 400 P-202-B E 40 H 982 S-202-B .96 .768 .64 .512 .486 .461 40 H 981 S-202-CCTTHR Ct 1.09 .B76 .73 .584 .555 .526 .' Cable Clamps. For fanning strips, terminal strips, etc. Nickel-plated brass; 6-32 round head-screws. Sizes below are I.D. 2 oz. ' EACH Mfr·. 51: • Stock Type 1·24 25·49 60·99 100·249 260·499 500-999,' No. - - - .076 .072 ': 14" --:IS -:T2 -:TO .08 41 H 852 161-4 .076 41 H 853 1.61-6 o/a" .16 .126 .105 .OB4 .08 41 H B54 161-8 .088 .084 .079 liz" .17 .132 .11 41 H B57 161-10 %" -:17 .138 .115 ,.092 .087 -:Oa3: '.096 .091 .086 41 H B58 161-12 '14" .18 .144 .12 41 H 859 161-14 %' .19 .15 .125 .10 .095 ,.09 Use This Catalog as Your Guide to Everything in Electronics ALLIED • 21 J, Cinch-Jones Series 300 Plugs Compact multi-circuit connectors. Phosphor-bronze "knife-switch" type socket contacts engage both sides of flat plug contacts. All plugs and soc\<:ets are polarized to eliminate possibility of incorrect . insertion. Plugs having from 24 to 33 contacts have special long polarizing pin in approximate center position to assure correct in- o Mfr'. Type Stock No. mCCT SOCKETS WITH CABlE CLAMPS (Cont'd) E~CH 1-24 26-49 60-99 1-00-2~9 250-499 500-999 2' 40 3 40 4 40 6. 40 8 40 lQ 40 12 40 15 40 18 40 21 40 24" 40 27 40 30 40 33 40 H 870 H 871 H 872 H 873 H 874 H 875 H876 H 816 H 817 H 818 H 819 H 820 H 821 H. 822 P-302 P-303 P-304 P-306 P-308 P-310 P-312 P-315 P-318 2' 40 3 40 4 40 6 40 8 40 10 40 12 40 15 40 18 40 21 40 24 40 27 40 30 40 33 40 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H .130 8-302 .144 ,137 .27 .216 .18 8-303 .155 .32 .258 .215 .172 .163 ;,73 8-304 .192 .182 .36 .288 .24 8-306 .30 .24 .228 .216 .45 .36 8-308 ~ .45 .27 .375 .30 .285 8-310 .32 .67 .534 .445 .356 .:U8 8-312 .77 .618 .515 .412 .391 .371 8-315 .96 .768 .64 .512 .486 .461 8-318 1.16 .93 .558 .775 .62 .589 8-321 1.43 1.14 .955 .764 ~ .688 8-324 J:7O 1.36 1.13_ ---:908 .863 .817 8-327 1.97 1.57' 1.31 1.05 .947 7999 1.08 8-330 2.26 1.80 1.50 1.20 1.14 8-333 2.52 2.01 1.68 1.34 1.27 1.21 P-~21 P-324 P-327 P-330 P-333 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 .198 .165 .132 .246 .205 .164 .225 .18 . .27 .336 .28 .224 .396 ~ .264 .375 .30 .45 .332 .4~8 .415 .55 .44 .f!6 .82 .685 .548 1.03 .86 .688 1.24 1.04 .832 1.47 1.22 .98 1.68 1.40 1.12 1.89 1.58 1.26 .125 " .119 .156 .148 .171 .162 .213 .202 .251 .238 .285 .270 .315 .299 .418 .3 9 6 .521 ,493 .654 .619 .790 .749 .931 .882 1.06 1.01 1.20 1.13 ®AB SOCKETS FOR CHASSIS MOUNTING 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 864 865 866 867 868 869 877 @] 2' 3 4 6 8 10 12 .25 .31 .34 .42 .50 .56 .62 .83 1.02 1.29 1.56 1.84 2.10 2.37 H 401 H 402 H 403 H 404 H 405 H 406 H 407 @] FP PLUGS WITH FLUSH PLATE P-302 P-303 P-304 P-306 P-308 P-310 P-312 .44 .47 .52 .58 .66 .73 .79 .348 .29 ;378 .315 .414 .345 .462 .385 .528 .44 .582 .485 .63 .525 .232 .252 .276 .301! .352 .388 .42 .220 .239 .262 .293 .334 .369 .399 ~209 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 ;:u- 40 27 40 30 40 33 40 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H .44 .50 .53 .61 .73 .83 .94 .354 .396 .426 .486 .582 .666 .75 .295 .33 .355 .405 .485 .555 .625 .236 .264 .21!4 .324 .388 .444 .50 .224 .251 .270 .308 .369 .422 .475 .212 .238 .256 .292 .349 .400 .450 802 P-302 803 P-303 804 P-304 806 P-306 808 P-308 81l! ' P-310 812 P-312 805 P-3IS 807 P-318 809 P-321 811 P-324 813 P-327 814 P-330 815 P-333 .57 .61 .66 .73 ~ .91 .99 1.29 1.56 1.84 2.17 2.46 2.87 3.07 .456 .486 .534 .588 .648 .726 .792 1.03 1.24 1.47 1.73 1.96 2.29 2.45 .38 .405 .445 .49 .54 .605 .66 .86 1.04 1.22 1.44 1.64 1.91 2.04 .304 .324 .356 .392 .432 .484 .528 .688 .832 .98 1'.15 1.31 1.52 1.63 .289 .308 .338 .372 .410 .460 .502 .654 .• 790 .931 1.09 1.24 1.45 1.55 .274 .292 .320 .353 .389 .436 .475 .619 .749 .882 1.04 1.18 1.37 1.47 mCCT SOCKETS WITH CABLE CLAMPS r j:g ~ :;~I ~:~~; 4 6 .248 .277 .317 .349 .378 FP SOCKETS WITH FLUSH PLATE mCCT PLUGS WITH CABLE CLAMPS . 2" 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 18 21 .2l!7 8-302 8-303 8-304 8-306 8-308 8-310 8-312 2- 22 H 408 3 22 H 409 4 22 H 410 6. 22 H "III 8 22 H 412 10 22 H 413 12 22 H 414 40 H 854 40 H 856 8-304 8-306 212 • ALLIED I:~~I ::~~I :!n I:~~~ I:~n I .67 .54 .45 .77 .618. • 515 .36 .412 .342 .391 Sockets sertion and removal. Heavy-duty plug and socket contacts are cadmium-plated .. Plug contacts are '%2" wide by %4" thick. Black bakelite body is encased in black. crystal-finish metal cap. All caps have fiber insulators. Rated at 730 rms volts at 10 amps. *2-contact units have round shells; others are rectangular. Av. wt .. 3 oz. AB PLUGS FOR CHASSIS MOUNTING Contacts a~d .277 .299 .324 .371 Mfr's Type CO". Stock t.acu No. 8 40 H 858 10 40 H 860 12 40 H 862 IS 40 H 850 18 40 H 851 21 40 H 855 24 40 H 857 27 40 H 859 30 40 H 861 33 40 H 863 [ill 8-308 8-310 8-312 8-315 8-318 8-321 8-324 S-327 8-330 8-333 [EJ 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 QJ P-302 P-303 P-304 P-306' P-308 P-310 P-312 .72 1.00 .804 1.16 .924 1.43 1.14 1.70 1.36 1.97 1.57 2.33 1.86 2.59 2.07 3.00 2.40 3.2112.56 --:60 .67 .77 .955 1.13 1.31 1.55 1.73 2.00 2.14 .48 .536 .616 .764 .908 T.05 1.24 1.38 1.60 1.71 .456 .509 .585 .726 .863 .999 1.17 1.31 1.52 1.62 .432 .482 .554 .688 .817 .947 1.11 1.24 1.44 1.54 .50 .54 .59 .68 .78 .90 .99 .402 .432 .474 .54 .624 .72 .792 .335 .36 .395 .45 .52 .60 .66 .268 .288 .316 .36 .416 .48 .528 .255 .274 .30 .342 .395 .456 .502 .241 .259 .284 .324 .374 .432 .475 RP SOCKETS WITH RECESSED PLATES H 421 H 422 H 423 H 424 H 425 H 426 H 427 S-302 8-303 8-304 8'306 8-308 8-310 8-312 .52 .57 .61 .74 .86 .99 1.13 .414 .456 .486 .588 .684 .792 .90 .345 .38 .405 .49 .57 .66 .75 .276 .304 .324 .392 .456 .528 .60 .262 .289 .308 .372 .433 .502 .57 .248 .274 .292 .353 .410 .475 .54 CCT-L PLUGS WITH CABLE CLAMPS AND LATCHES 2' 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 H 440 P-302 H 441 P-303 H 442 P-304 H 443 P-306 H 444 P-308 --H 445 P-310 H 446 P-312 H 140 P-31S P-318 H 141 H 142 P-321 H 143 P-324 H 144 P-327 H 145 'P-330 H 146 P-33'> 2" 3 4 6 8 10 12 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 H H H H H H H 2* 3 4 6 8 10 12 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 H 460 H 461 H 462 H 463 H 464 H 465 H 466 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 H H H H -- -:90 RP PLUGS WITH RECESSED PLATES 2" 22 H 415 3 22 H 416 4 22H417 6 22 H 656 '8 22 H 418 10 22 H 419 12 22 H 420 2" 3 4 6 8 10 12 EACH 1-24 25-49 50-99 100-249 250-499 500-999 [R] 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 .73 .77 .83 .90 .96 1.05 1.16 1.43 1.70 1.97 2.33 2.60 3.00 3.21 .582 .612 .66 .72 .768 .84 .93 1.14 1.36 1.57 1.86 2.07 2.40 2.56 .485 .51 .55 .60 .64 .70 .775 .95 1.13 1.31 1.55 1.73 2.00 2.14 .388 .408 .44 .48 .512 .56 .62 .764 .908 1.05 1.24 1.38 1.60 1.71 .369 .388 .418 .456 .4B6 .532 .589 .726 .863 .999 1.17 1.31 1.52 1.62 .349 .367 .396 .432 .461 .504 .558 ,688 .817 .947 -1.11 -1.24 1.44 1.54 CCT-K SOCKETS WITH KEEPERS 8-302 8-303 8-304 8-306 8-308 8-310 S-312 .74 .78 .83 .93 1.04 1.17 1.28 .588 .624 .666 .744 .834 .936 1.020 .49 .52 .555 .62 .695 .78 .855 .392 .416 .444 .496 .556 .624 .684 .372 .395 .422 .471 .528 .593 .650 .353 .374 .40 .446 .50' .562 .616 .213 .232 .258 .293 .334 .376 .426 .202 .22 .245 .277 .317 .356 .403 .619 .764 .901 1.06 1.20 1.37 1.51 .587 .724 .853 1.01 1.13 1.30 1.43 ITJl'HT PLUGS WITf:I HOLE IN TOP P-302 P-301 P-304 P-306 P-308 P-310 P-312 .42 .46 .51 .58 .66 ,74 .84 .336 .28 .366 .305 .40B .34 .462 .385 .528 .44 .594 .495 .672 .56 .224 .244 .272 .308 .352 .396 .448 ~ DB PLUGS WITH DEEP B~ACKETS 148 ISO 151 152 H 153 Ii 154 HISS P-31S 1.22 .978 P-318 1.51 1.20 P-321 1.78 1.42 P-324 . 2.11 1.68 P-327 2.37 1.89 P-330 2.72 2.17 P-333 2.99 2.39 .815 1.00 1.18 1.40 1.58 1.81 1.99 .652 ,804 .948 1.12 1.26 1.45 1.59 Allied Electronics, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois Cinch-Jones Connectors, Plugs and Sockets 300 SERIES SOCKETS NEW TYKON EDGE CONNECTORS DB TYIJC Sockets have a deep lracket for recessed mounting; SH fypes have shallow bracket for flush ",ounting. Sockets with 24 to 33 fA] :ontacts have center-positioned pot& arizing contact. Rated at 730 volts rms. *2-contact sockets have ,oulld shells; other types are rectangular. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. lligh-dcllsiLy (.050" centers) connectors for .062" PC boards. Designed for modular plug-in units-memory planes (std. and thin film types), diodes on insulating sub· strates, etc. Phosphor-bronze contacts; wiring tails. 730 volts rms, DC. Av. 2 oz. ~ DB SOCKETS-CHASSIS MOUNTING Con~acts Mfr's Typo Stock No. 30 33 22 22 22 22 2,2 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 H 454 H 455 H 456 H 457 H 45B H 459 H 474 H 475 H 476 H 477 H 47B H 479 H 4BO 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 H 467 H 46B H 469 H 470 H 471 H 472 H 473 2' 3 4 6 8 12 15 18 21 24 27 S-302 S-303 S-304 S-306 S-308 S-312 S-315 S-318 S-321 S-324 S-327 S-330 S-333 1.24 25.49 --:65 .522 .70 .558 .74 .594 .B3 .666 .94 .75 1.16 .924 1.37 1.09 1.64 1.30 1.91 1.53 2.26 I.BO 2.52 2.01 2.B7 2.29 3.14 2.50 EACH 50·99 100·249 250-499 .435 .348 -----:331 .465 .372 .353 .495 .396 .376 .555 .444 .422 .625 .50 -.475 -.77 .616 .5B5 .915 .732 .695 1.09 .B72 828 1.27 1.02 .969 1.50 1.20 1.14 1.6B 1.34 1.27 1.91 1.52 1.45 2.09 1.67 1.58 500.999 ----:3i3 .335 .356 .40 -.45 -.554 .659 .785 .918 I.OB 1.21 1.37 1.50 00 SB SOCKETS-SHALLOW BRACKETS S-315 S-318 S-321 S-324 S-327 S-330 S-333 1.37 1.64 1.91 2.26 2.52 2.B7 3.14 1.09 .915 1.30 1.09 1.53 1.27 I.BO 1.50 2.01 1.6B 2.29 1.91 2.50 2.09 .732 .B72 1.02 1.20 1.34 1.52 1.67 .695 .B2B .969 1.14 1.27 1.45 1.5B .659 .7B5 .91B I.OB 1.21 1.37 1.50 BIFURCATED CONTAb EDGE CONNECTORS Bifurcated ::::ontact con~ nectars have two flexing 3urfaces in~ 3tead of one for positive :olltact-ef· ficiently ac:ommodate irregularities in PC boards. lnslliation is glass filled diallyl phthalate, type SDGF per MIL·M-14F. Contacts are phosphor-bronze with .00003, minimum, Sel-Rex .g?ld plat~. Types 250 and 251 have wiring tails, with con. tact posItIons as Itsted. Type 252 has contact tails for dip soldering' at .051" diameter holes. 253 has contact tails for "wrapost" con: nections. Each connector supplied with unassembled, plastic polarizing key. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. 250 SERIES Stock No. Mfr' s Type C~nt. Pos. No. of H 319 H 322 H 323 H 324 H 327 H 329 50 6A-20 IOA-20 12A-20 15A-20 18A-20 22A-20 40'H 334 40 H 337 40 H 340 40 H 341 40 H 342 40 H 343 12A-30 20A-30 24A-30 30A-30 36A-30 44A-30 40 40 40 40 40 40 12B-I0 6 20B-IO 10 24B-1O 12 30B-I0 IS 36B-IO 18 44B-IO ,22 12 20 24 30 ,36 44 12B-20 20B-20 24B-20 30B-20 36B-20 44B-20 12 20 24 30 36 44 40 40 40 40 40 40 6 10 12 15 18 22 Cant. 6 10 12 IS 18 22 1. 14 25. 49 I:i2 -:9ii 1.50 1.6B 1.97 2.25 2.62 1.20 1.35 1.57 I.BO 2.10 EACH 50· 100. 250· 500· 99 249 499 999 --:i5 .60 .57 .54 1.00 .BO .76 .72 1.12 .90 .B5 .BI 1.31 1.05 .999 .947 1.50 1.20 1.14 I'.OB 1.75 1.40' 1.33 1.26 ---- 251 SERIES 6 10 12 15 18 22 12 20 24 30 36 44' 1.12 1.50 1.6B 1.97 2.25 2.62 .90 1.20 1.35 1.57 LBO 2.10 .75 1.00 1.12 1.31 1.50 1.75 .60 .BO .90 1.05 1.20 1.40 .57 .76 .B55 .999 1.14 1.33 .54 .72 .81 .947 I.OB 1.26 .B4 1.16 1.32 1.56 loBO 2.12 .672 .92B 1.05 1.24' 1.44 1.69 .63B .BB2 1.00 I.IB 1.36 1.61 .60 5 .B3 5 .95 1.12 1.29 1.52 1.27 1.65 I.B4 2.13 2.41 2.79 1.02 .969 1.32 1.25 1.47 1.40 1.70 1.61 1.93 I.B3 2.23 2.12 .91 B 1.19 1.32 1.53 1.73 2.01 252 SERIES H 344 H 345 H 346 H 347 H 34B H 349 40 H 376 40 H 377 40 H 378 4Q,H 379 40 H 3BO 40 H 3B3 1.26 1.74 1.9B 2.34 2.70 3.IB 1.00 1.39 1.5B I.B7 2.16 2.54 253 SERIES 6 10 12 15 18 22 1.91 2.4B 2.76 3.19 3.62 4.19 1.53 1.9B 2.21 2.55 2.B9 3.35 Offer maximum number of contacts in minimum space. Designed for easy engagement and disengagement to elimi· nate contact damage caused by high insertion and extraction forces of ordinary connectors. Socket (Fig. C) or plug body (Fig. D) fit cap. Castings of black bakelite; phosphor-bronze, cadmium-plated contacts. Rated at 4.5 amps. 1 oz. PLUG WITH LOCK Contacts Stock No. Mfr's Type ---w 40 H 363 37M20L 30 40 H 364 37M,10L 40 40 H 365 37M40L 50 40 H 366 37M SOL 60 40 H 367 37M60L 70 40 H 36B 37M70L 80 40 H 369 37M80L 90 40 H 370 37M90L 100 40 H 371 37MIOOL 1·24 25.49 2.25 LBO 2.66 2.13 3.0B 2.46 3.49 2.79 3.90 '3.12 4.31 3.45 4.73 3.7B 5.14 4.11 5.55 4.44 .EACH 50.99 100·2491250·499 500.999 - - - -1.14 - - I.OB 1.50 1.20 1.35 1.27 1.77 1.42 2.05 1.64 1.55 1.47 1.67 2.32 ,1.B6 1.76 2.60 2.0B 1.97 I.B7 2.B7 2.30 2.1 B 2.07 3.15 2.52 2.39 2.26 3.42 2.74 2.60 2.46 2.66 3.70 2.96 2.BI SOCKET WITH LOCK 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 H H H H H H H H H 274 275 276 277 278 2B2 2B3 2B4 2B5 37F20L 37F30L 37F40L 37F50L 37F60L 37F70L 37F80L 37F90L 37FI00L 40 40 40 40 60 40 70 40 80 40 90 40 100 40 H H H H H H H H H 303 304 305 306 307 30B 309 310 311 37M20 37M30 37M4O 37M50 37M60 37M70 37M80 37M90 37MI00 H H H H H H H H H 240 243 244 24B 250 251 253 257 259 37F20 37F30 37F4O 37F50 37F60 37F70 37F80 37F9O 37FI00 2.25 2.66 3.09 3.49 3.90 4.31 4.73 5.14 5.55 I.BO 2,13 2.46 2.79 3.12 3.45 3.7B 4.11 4.44 1.14 1.34 1.55 1.76 1.97 2.18 2.39 2.60 2.BI I.OB 1.27 1.47 1.67 I.B7 2.07 2.26 2.46 2.66 1.02 1.35 I.OB 1.62 1.30 ' 1.23 1.44 1.90 1.52 2.17 1.74 1.65 2.45 --.-:96 I.B6 2.73 2.18 2.07 2.2B 3.00 2.40 3.27 2.62 2.4B 2.69 3.55 2.84 .972 1.17 ,1.36 1.56 1.50 1.77 2.05 2.32 2.60 2.B7 3.15 3.42 3.70 1.20 1.42 1.64 I.B6 2.0B 2.30 2.52 2.74 2.96 PLUG WITHOUT LOCK 20 30 40 50 2.02 2.44 2.85 3.26 3.6B 4.09 4.50 4.91 5.33 1.62 1.95 2.2B 2.61 2.94 3.27 3.60 3.93 4.26 1.76 1.96, 2.16 2.35 2.55 SOCKET WITHOUT LOCK 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 2.03 2.44 2.B5 3.26 3.67 4.0B 4.50 4.91 5.32 1.62 1.95 2.28 2.61 2.94 3.27 3.60 3.93 4,26 1.35 1.62 1.90 2.17 2.45 2.72 3.00 3.27 3.55 I.OB 1.30 1.52 1.74 1.96 2.IB 2.40 2.62 2.84 1.02 1.23 1.44 1.65 I.B6 2.07 2.2B 2.4B 2.69 .97 1.17 1.36 1.56 1.76 1.96 2.162.35 2.55 CAPS FOR HINGE CONNECTORS Black wrinkle finished caps and cadmium-plated' steel cable clamps. Cap liners of formed fiber. Cable hole size: 20-contact units, %"; 30, 40, 50-contact units, 1o/16x1H; 60 70 80 90 100-contact units 10/,",,1 Yz" Av wt ., 20z EACH Con- Stock Mfr's Type tacts No. 1·24 25·49 50·99 100~249 250·499 500.999 40 H 219 37C20 3.99 2.52 2.10 1.68 1.59 1.51 30 40 H 220 37C30 3.19 2.55 2.12 1.70 1.61 1.53 40 40 H 221 37C40 1.54 3.22 2.5B 2.15 1.72 1.63 50 40 H 222 37CSO 3.26 2.61 2.17 1.74 1.65 1.56 60 40 H 223 37C60 3.30 2.64 2_20 1.76 1.67 1.58 70 40 H 229 37C70 3.34 2.67 2.22 1.7B 1.69 1.60 80 40 H 230 37C80 3.37 2.70 2.25 1.80 1.62 1.71 ,90 40 H 231 37C90 3.41 2.73 2.27 1.82 1.72 1.63 100 40 H 232 37CI00 3.45 2.76 2.30 1.84 1.74 1.65, ---w Everything in Electronics From One Dependable Source ALLIED. 213 Heavy-duty multiple-circuit plugs apd sockets. Series ~OO types 1100 V. rms @ 15 anip$; Series 2400 types rate 65 .63 /.31 1.05 4 I H590 19-140 19 .736 .699 .6E>2 /.39 1.104 .92 4 I H591 20·140 20 21 .965 .772 .733 .695 1.45 1.15 4 j H592 21-140 , S~nes 141. Leakage path between termmals IS v,.'. Base IS IVa " wide x '!-1" 2 ' high Use with Series 161 fanning strips 2 ./12 .118 41H835 2-141 .23 .196 .155 .124 .16 .151 3 .252 .21 .169 41H936 3·141 .32 .194 4-141 4 .324 .205 41H837 .41 .27 .216 5 .234 .49 .39 .325 .26 .247 41H942 5·141 .295 .27 6 41H939 6-141 .56 ~ .375 .30 --7-/ .334 .317 .352 22H200 7·141 .66 .529 .44 .376 .356 8 .74 .594 .495 .396 41 H939 8·141 .396 .44 .419 9 22H20 I 9-141 .93 .66 .55 ;439 .464 .92 .732 .61 .498 41H940 10-141 10 .505 11 .532 .479 2~H202 11-141 1.00 .799 .665 12 .519 .864 .72 .576 .547 41 H941 12·141 1.09 .79 .624 .593 .562 22H203 13·141 13 1.17 .936 .635 .60/ 1.25 1.00 .935 .668 4\ H976 14-141 14 .99 .712 .676 .641 22H204 15·141 15 1.34 /.06 .722 .694 .95 .76 1.43 1.14 41 H977 16-141 16 .764 .724 17 Z2H205 17-141 /.51 1,20 T:OO .904 18 1.06 .949 .906 .763 1.59 1.27 4fH978 18-141 19 .95/ .906 1./2 .996 22H206 19-141 1.69 1.34 1.17 .94 .893 .946 1.76 1.41 41H979 20-141 20 Se,nes 142. Leakage path between termmals IS 0/,6" . Base IS 10/1." wide x 'Va" high Use with Series 162 fanning strips .19 . ./44 2 ./37 .13 41 H670 2-142 .27 .216 .194 3 .306 .255 .204 .194 4/H671 3-142 .38 4 .234 .49 .39 .325 .26 .247 41 H672 4-142 5 .468 .39 .312 .296 .281 4'1 H673 5·142 .59 6 .552 .46 .331 41 H674 6-142 .69 .369 .35 --7.407 .395 22H207 7-142 .90 .642 .535 .428 8 .456 .432 4)H676 8·142 .90 .60 .49 .72 9 .804 .67 .509 .482 22H208 9-142 1.01 .536 .566 .536 1./2 .994 .745 .596 41H679 10-142 10 .91 .649 .6/6 .583 22H209 11·142 11 1.22 .972 .704 .669 .634 4'1 H680 12·142 12 1.32 1.056 .98 .722 .694 .95 .76 41H991 13-142 13 1.43 /.14 .775 .734 4) H982 14-142 14 1.53 1.224 1.02 .916 .929 4( H993 15-142 15 1.64 1.309 1.09 .872 .795 .992 .935 4fH994 16-142 16 1.74 1.392 1./6 .929 17-142 17 .931 .992 1.94 1.47 1.225 .99 41H996 w_ _ tions with fanning strips. Molded bakelite base. Series 140, 5-40xV1i' binder-head screws; 141, 6-32xV."; 142, 8-32xo/,6'. 5 oz. Series 140· Y. Identical in construction to Series 140, shown at left. but with solder terminals instead of binder-head screws EACH Stock Mfr's No, Type Term. 1.24 25.49 50.99 100·249 250·499 500·999 2 22H279 2-140·Y .24 ./92 ./6 ./28 ./22 .115 3 22H279 3-140-Y .33 .264 .22 .176 .167 .159 4 22H290 4-140-Y .43 .342 .285 .228 .217 .205 5 22H281 5-140-Y .52 .414 .345 .276 .262 .249 6 22H292 6-140-Y .62 .499 .415 .332 .315 .299 22H293 7-140·Y -'-7- .71 .57 .475 .39 .36/ .342 8 22H294 8·140·Y .9/ .649 .54 .432 .389 .4/ 22H295 9-140-Y 9 .91 .726 .605 .494 .46 .436 22H296 1O-140·Y 10 /.00 .799 .665 .532 .505 .479 22H287 11-140-Y 11 1.09 .97 .725 .59 .55/ .522 22H289 12·140-Y T:T9 .949 .79 .632 .60 .569 22H299 13·140-Y 13 1.29 1.02 .955 .694 .65 .616 22H290 14-140-Y 14 1.39 1.10 .92 .699 .736 .662 22H291 15·140-Y 15 1.47 1.17 .99 .794 .745 .706 22H292 16-140-Y 16 1.57 1.25 1.04 .936 .794 .752 22H293 17-140-Y 17 1.66 1.32 I.TO .984 .84 .796 22H294 18-140·Y 18 1.76 1.40 1./7 .936 .989 .942 22H295 19-140-Y 19 1.95 1.47 1.23 .994 .935 .996 22H296 20-140-Y 20 1.95 /.56 1.30 1.04 .999 .936 22H297 21·140-Y 21 2.04 1.63 1.36 .979 1.09 1.03 ----u- Series 141·Y. Identlcal 111 constructIOn to Series 141, at left, hut have brass solder terminals \vith hot-tin dipped finish 2 22H299 2-141-Y .31 .246 .205 .164 ./56 .149 3 22H299 3-141-Y .43 .342 .285 .228 .217 .205 22H300 4·141·Y 4 .56 .444 .37 .296 .291 .266 5 22H30 I 5-141·Y .69 .54 .45 .36 .342 .324 6 22H302 6·141-Y .90 .642 .535 .429 .385 .407 7 22H303 7-141-Y .92 .739 .6/5 .492 .467 .443 8 22H304 8-141-Y 1.05 .94 .70 .56 .532 .504 9 22H305 9·141-Y 1.17 .936 .79 .624 .593 .562 22H306 10·141·Y 10 1.30 1.03 .965 .692 .657 .623 22H307 11-141-Y 11 1.42 1.13 .945 .756 .718 .69 22H308 12·141-Y 12 1.54 T:23 1.03 .924 .793 .742 22H309 13·141·Y 13 1.66 1.33 .989 .944 .799 I. " 22H310 14-141-Y 14 1.79 1.43 1.19 .956 .909 '.96 22H311 15·141·Y 15 /.91 1.53 1.27 1.02 .969 .919 22H312 16·141-Y 16 2.04 1.63 1.36 1.09 1.03 .979 -1-722H313 17·141-Y 2.16 T:72 1.44 /.15 1.09 1.03 22H314 18·141·Y 18 2.29 1.83 1.52 1.22 1.15 1.09 22H315 19-141-Y 19 2.4/ 1.92 1.60 1.29 1.22 1.15 22H316 20·141-Y 20 2.54 2.02 1,69 1.35 1.29 1.21 Series 142· Y. Identlcal m constructIOn to Series 142, shown at left, but have brass solder terminals with hot-tin dipped finish 22H317 2·142·Y 2 .39 .30 .25 .20 ./9 ./9 22 H319 3·142-Y 3 .53 .42 .35 .29 .266 .252 22H319 4-142·Y 4 .69 .54 .45 .36 .342 .324 22H320 5-142-Y 5 .83 .666 .555 .444 .422 .40 22H321 6·14Z·Y 6 .98 .796 .655 .524 .499 .472 22H322 7·142· Y 7 1./4 .912 .76 .609 ;547 .579 22H323 ' 8-142-Y 8 1.29 1.03 .96 .699 .654 .619 22H324 9·142·Y 9 1.45 1.15 .965 .772 .733 .695 22H325 1O-142-Y 10 1.59 1.27 1.06 ,949 .906 .763 22H326 1l·142·Y 11 1.75 1.39 1.16 .932 .995 .939 22H327 12-142-Y 12 1.90 1.51 1.26 1:01 .96 .9/ 22H329 13·142·Y 13 2.06 1.64 1.37 1.09 1.04 .98 22H329 14·142-Y 14 2.2/ 1.76 1.47 1.17 1.1/ 1.05 22H330 15·142-Y 15 2.36 1.99 1.57 1.26 1./9 1.13 22H33/ 16-142-Y 16 2.5/ 2.00 1.67 1.33 1.26 1.20 22H332 17·142·Y 17 2.66 2./2 1.77 /.41 1.34 1.27 ADAPTER SOLDER TERMINA LS Optional terminals for use with above barrier te rminals. Permit topside or underside solder cqnnections. Types % W and W for topside; Type Y for underside. Types 141·J and 95B a re jumpers (95B not formed). Tinned brass. Wt .. per 10, 3 oz. H 1000.4999 ·999 19 .017 27 .024 32 .029 .0/7 /9 .024 27 32 .029 45 .04 91 .072 .104 17 .017 19 .024 27 .029 32 .016 19 94 "Y" ~16 • AWED GC TERMINAL STRIPS 9' U For a variety of connecting applications. Serve as andio amplifier output terminals. antenna termi- nals in shortwave rcceiv- ers, power supply output terminals, etc. Made of black :y,," bakelite. Screw-type terminals are cadmium-plated with tinned lugs. Av. wt., 4 oz. EACH Stock Term. Mtg. 1· 10· 50· 100. No. Ctrs. 9 49 99 499 ---- -- 1!/z" .20 .19 ./7 .15 2 41 H 975 3 2" .27 .25 .23 .21 41 H 980 4 2!/z" .33 .31 .28 .26 41 H 995 -y;5 .40 .36 .34 .31 41 H 990 6 41 H 995 3!/z" .45 .42 .38 .35 7 4" .51 .47 .43 .39 41 H 997 8 41 H 999 4!/z" .59 .53 .49 .44 Depend on Allied for Complete Stocks, Same Day Shipment, OEM Prices Cinch-Jones. Fanning, Terminal and Marker Strips FANNING STRIPS Insli're positive, firm connections; ideal for cable or harness wiring. Facilitate disconnecting subassemblies for servicing or replacement purposes. Laminated ¥JzN bakelite strips with a hole in either cnd of stlip for fastening cable with cable clamp or lacing twine--last letter Series 1.60l. Fit Series 140 barrier terminals on Ya" ctrs. 'h" wide. EACH Stock Mfr's Typo No. 1-24 25-49 50-99 100-249 250-499 500-999 -.056 - - -.053 - - .05 2-160L .10 41 H 808 .084 .07 3-160L 41 H 809 .088 .084 .079 .16 .132 .11 4-160L 41 H 812 .112 .106 .101 .21 .168 .14 5-160L 41 H 813 .126 .26 .14 .21 .175 -6-160L - - .32 .258 .215 .172 ~ 41 H 814 .163 .155 7-160L 22 H 248 .37 .20 .19 .18 .25 .30 8-160L 41 H 817 .42 .224 .213 .202 .336 .28 9·160L 22 H 250 .239 .252 .47 .378 .315 .227 41 H 818 10·160L .266 .52 .42 .28 .252 .35 22 H 252 11-160L .57 .308 .293 .462 .385 .277 41 H 819 12-160L .63 .504 .42 .336 .319 .302 --- -- on Y16" .06 .092 .116 .144 .176 .204 .228 .256 .288 .316 .34 etrs. %" wide. .054 .057 .083 .087 .104 .11 .137 .13 .167 .158 .194 .184 .217 .205 .243 .23 .274 .259 .30 .284 .323 .306 Fit Series 142 barrier terminals on 0/16" 2-162L .14 .114 .095 .076 3-162L .18 .15 .125 .10 4-162L .24 .192 .16 .128 S-162L .29 .234 .195 .156 6-162L -:35 .282 .235 .188 7-162L .39 .318 .265 .212 8-162L .45 .366 .305 .244 9-162L .50 .402 .335 .268 10-162L .56 .45 .375 .30 11-162L .60 .486 .405 .324 12-162L .66 .528 .44 .352 ctrs. 'lis" wide. .068 .072 .095 .09 .115 .122 .14 .148 .179 .169 .201 .191 .232 .22 .241 .255 .285 .27 .308 .292 .334 .317 Series 161L. Fit Series 41 H 822 2-161L J-161L 41 H 823 41 H 824 4-161L 41 H 827 5-161L 6-161L 41 H 828 7-161L 22 H 254 8-161L 41 H 829 22 H 256 9-161L --41 H 832 10-1611. 22 H 258 11-161L 41 H 833 12-161L Series 162L. 41 H 834 41 H 843 41 H 844 41 H 845 41 H 846 22 H 260 41 H 847 22 H 262 41 H 848 22 H 264 41.H 849 141 barrier terminals .09 .075 .11 .17 .138 .115 .21 .174 .145 .27 .216 .18 .33 .264 .22 .38 .255 .306 .42 .342 .285 .48 .384 .32 .54 .432 .36 .59 .474 .395 .63 .51 .425 in Type No. indicates right or left mounting·position. Terminals are made of .032" thick cadmium-plated brass. Preflx in Type No. indicates number of terminals. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. Series 160R. Fit Series 140 barrier terminals on Ya" ctrs. 'h" wide. EACH Stock Mfr's No. Typo 1-24 26-49 50-99 100-249 250-499 500-999 40 H 956 2-160R .10 .084 .07 .056 .053 .05 3-160R 40 H 957 .16 .132 .11 .088 .084 .079140 H 958 4·160R .21 .168 .14 .101;, .112 .106 5-160R 40 H 959 .26 .21 .175 .14 ./33 .126-40 H 960 6-160R .32 .258 .215 .172 .163 ~ 7-160R 22 H 249 .37 .30 .25 .20 .19 .18 40 H 961 8-160R .42 .336 .28 .224 .213 .202,· 9-160R 22 H 251 .47 .378 .315 .252 .239 .227:> 40 H 962 10-1'60R .52 .42 .35 .252" ~ .266 22 H 253 11-160R .57 .462 .385 .308 .293 .277'" 40 H 963 12-160R .63 .504 .42 .336 .319 .302' Series 161 R. Fit Series 141 barrier terminals on VJ6" etrs.. o/s" wid~: 40 H 964 2·161R .09 .11 .075 .06 .057 .054· 40 H 965 3-161R .17 .138 .115 .092 ,083 .087 40 H 966 4-161R .21 .174 .145 .116 .104. .11 5-161T 40 H 967 .27 .216 .18 .13;'_ .144 .137 6-161R 40 H 968 .33 .264 .22 ~ -:T67 .158' 22 H 255 7-161R .38 .306 .255 .204 .194 .1848-161R 40 H 969 .42 .342 .285 .228 .217 .205' 22 H 257 9-161R .48 .384 .32 .256 .243 .23 40 H 970 10-161R .54 .432 ~ 3B •274 .259 . 22 H 259 11-161R .59 .474 .395 .316 .30 .284': 40 H 971 12-161R .63 .51 .425 .34 .323 .306, Series 162R. Fit Series 142 barrier terminals on 0/16" ctrs. 'lis" wide. 40 H 972 2-162R .14 .114 .095 .076 .072 .068. 40 H 973 3-162R .18 .15 .125 .10 .095 .09 4-162R 40 H 974 .24 .192 .16 .128 .122 .115._ 40 H 975 5-162R .29 .234 .195 .156 .148 .14;:;.: 40 H 976 6-162R .35 .282 .235 .188 .179 .169:; 7-162R 22 H 261 .39 .318 .265 .212 .201 .19L 8-162R 40 H 977 .45 .366 .305 .244 .232 .22p. 22 H'2C!3 9-162R .50 .402 .335 .268 .255 .241 ~ 40 H 978 10-162R .56 AS .375 ~ .285 .27., 22 H 265 11-162R .60 .486 .405 .324 .308 .29~;. 40 H 979 12-162R .66 .528 .44 .352 .334 .3171- ,-, SERIES 170 TERMINAL STRIPS Have extra heavy-duty solder terminals. Suitable for use in appIications requiring a strong, durable terminal strip. Sturdy black molded bakelite base is 0/,6" wide Y.." thick Solder terminals are EACH Stock TarMfr's Type minals 1-24 25-49 50-99 100-249 250-499 500-999 No. 40 H 990 1-170 1 .19 .156 .13 .104 .099 .094 40 H 991 2-170 2 .24 .198 .165 .132 .125 .119 40 H 992 3-170 3 .28 .228 .19 .152 .137 .144 40 H 993 4-170 4 .33 .27 .225 .18 .171 .162 5 40 H 994 .5-170 .39 .318 .265 .212 .201 .191 made of .032" tinned brass; mounted on Ya" centers. Double notched to insure good mechanical connection Av shpg wt 5 oz EACH Stock Tar .. Mfr's 1-24 25-49 50-99 100-249 -No.- - Type minals 40 H 995 6-170 6 .44 .354 .295 .236 40 H 996 7-170 7 .48 .384 .32 .256 8 40 H 997 8-170 .52 .42 .35 .28 9 40 H 998 9~170 .58 .468 .39 .312 40 H 999 10-170 10 .62 .498 .415 .332 .. MARKER STRIPS For barrier strips on preceding page. Act as insulators. 'Az" black fiber Mtg holes match those in corresponding barrier strips Middle EACH Stock Mfr's Type No. 1-24 25-49 50-99 100-249 250-499 500-999 22 H 333 MS-2-140 .07 ---:os3 .044 .035 .033 .032 22 H 334 MS-3-140 .058 .07 .039 .037 .035 .049 22 H 335 MS-4-140 .08 .064 .039 .054 .043 .041 22 H 336 MS-5-140 .09 .07 .058 .046 .044 .042 22 H 337 MS-6-140 • 10 .076 .063 .05 .048 .045 .10 .081 --:or;s .054 "'FsI .049 22 H 338 MS-7-140 .087 .055 .11 .073 .058 .052 22 H 339 MS-8-140 .092 .062 .059 .055 .12 .077 22 H 340 MS-9-140 .128 .086 .081 .077 .107 22 H 341 MS-IO-140 .16 .134 .089 .085 ~ .112 22 H 342 MS-11-140 .17 .14 .084 .089 MS-12-140 .18 .093 .117 22 H 343 .145 .092 .087 .121 .097 22 H 344 MS-13-140 .18 .096 MS-14-140 .19 .151 .rol .091 .126 22 H 345 .099· .094 .157 .131 .104 22 H 346 MS-15-140 .20 .1'61 .122 .193 .128 22 H 347 MS-I6-140 .24 -.116 -.198 .165 .132 22 H 348 MS-17~140 .25 .12S .119 .204 .17 .136 22 H 349 MS-18-140 .26 ,122 .129 .209 22 H 350 MS-19-140 .26 .175 .14 .12& .133 .245 .205 .164 22 H 351 MS'20-140 .31 .155 .147 22 H 352 MS-21-140 .31 .251 .209 .167 ~ .151 .07 .056 22 H 353 MS-2-141 .047 .038 .034 .036 .08 22 -H 354 MS-3-141 .064 .054 .043 .039 .041 .09 22 H 355 MS-4-141 .079 .06& .053 .048 .05 MS-5-141 .10 .079 22 H 356 .066 .053 ,048 .05 . .073 MS-6-141 22 H 357 .11 •OS8 .055 .087 .052 22 H 358 MS-7-141 .12 .095 .079 .063 .06 .057 22 H 359 MS-8-141 .13 .102 .085 .068 .065 .061 22 H 360 MS-9-141 .14 .092 .11 .073 .07 .066 Alhed IS ,:£ i;-. 250-499 .224 .243 .266 .296 .315 500-9il~ .21'2·'" .23- ,. ;252·· .281_, .299;· I~ figure in Type No. indicates number of contacts; last tIIr~~ figures indicate corresponding barrier strip series 5 oz EACH I~ Stock Mfr's ~ 1-24 25-49 50-99 100-249 250-499 500-11119 - -No. - - MS-I0-141 .18 --:T47 .123 .098 ~ .088 22 H 361 .155 .093 . .129 .098 .103 22 H 362 MS-11-141 .19 .163 .13& .108 .103 22 H 363 MS-12-141 .20 .098~ .17 .142 .113 .108 22 H 364 MS-13-141 .21 .102, .107 . .178 .148 .118 .113 22 H 365 MS-14-141 .22 22 H 366 MS-15-141 .27 ~ --:T8 .144 -:T36 .129 .223 .148 .186 .134 22 H 367 MS-16-141 .28 .141 .23 .192 .154 22 H 368 MS-17-141 .29 .146 .138 .238 .199 .159 .151 22 H 369 MS-18-141 .30 .143, .275 .23 .184 .174 22 H 370 MS-19-141 .34 .165' MS-20-141 .35 .283 .236 .179 --:TB9 .17 22 H 371 .036 . .08 .061 .1151 .04 .038 22 H 372 MS-2-142 .09 .07 .058 .046 .044 .042 22 H 373 MS-3-142 .09 .079 .053 .05 .048 .066 22 H 374 MS-4-142 .11 .089 .074 .059 .056 22 H 375 MS-5-142 .053_ .066 22 H 376 MS-6~142 .12 -:098 .08? .062 .059 .108 .068 .065 22 H 377 MS-7-142 .14 .09 .072 .078 .074 .07 22 H 378 MS-8-142 .15 .117 .098 .084 .08 .07& 22 H 379 MS-9-142 .16 .127 .10& .139 .111 .105 .10 22 H 380 MS-I0-142 .21 .166 .106 22 H 381 MS-11-142 .22 .176 .147 .117 .1 II .124 .117 .111 22 H 382 MS-12-142 .23 .185 .155 22'H 383 MS-13-142 .24 .195 .13 .124 .117 .1C!3 22' H 384 l\clS-14-142 .26 .136 .122' .204 .129 .17 .1 &2 .154 22 H 385 ~ .31 .244 .203 .146 .169 .160 22 H 386 MS-16,142 .31 .253 .211 .152 .263 .219 .115 .166 .158 22 H 387 MS-17,142 .33 the World's Foremost Suppher of Electronic Components to Industry ALLIED • 217.: Terminal Strips, Clips, lugs, and Connectors H. H. SMITH LUG.TYPE TERMINAL STRIPS ~ .~ o 0 861 ~ 847 8 '" .? ~ ~ 61 813 862' .820 849 821 815 828 ~ 863 • 864 •¥ dI 6i 830 829 d'b ~ 853 816 846 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 854 850 857 817 869 868 W C» 865 0 01 • 866 855 ~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 848 ~A'!M 871 859 860 900 %." dia 879 Dark brown bakelite strips 11,6" thick x %" wide Solder-coated steel lugs have %" centers EACH EACH .. Stock Mfr'. Stock Mfr'. Type No. 1.99 1-99 100-999 No. 100-999 ~ 861 44 H 061 .02 .016 44 H'072 -sJO .03 .021 .a4 H 062 862 .02 44 H 073 846 .03 .02 .017 44 H 063 813 816 .02 .016 44 H 074 .05 .045 820 853 44 H 064 .02 .017 44 H 075 .05 .032 849 44 H 065 .02 44 H 076' 847 .018 .04 .034 821 44 H 066 865 .02 .018 44 H 077 .04 .033 828 44 H 067 .02 .018 44 H 078 R6H. .04 .034 815 44 H 068 .04 .035 44 H 079 857 .04 .026 863 44 H 069 .02 850 .019 44 H 080 .04 .027 864 817 44 H 070 .03 .021 44 H OB I .06 .056 829 869 44 H 071 .03 .019 .05 .036 44 H 082 iO yo0IiiO. , Mfr'. 22 22 22 22 22 H 487 H 649 H 650 H 651 H'652 '~.~ ~ ~~~ 22 H 489 22 H 490 ,22 H 49 I Term. --1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mtg. Ct.... ¥J.' 1' Y1.' 1*' 1-99 .04 .07 .10 2%' 311.3Y,' 3' Y1.' 4%' 4' ¥.." .15 .18 .23 .26 .29 .32 2¥..' • I3 EACH 100-999 .02 .034 .048 .062 .077 .091 .113 .128 .143 .158 ~~V'~ S @ ~ Spring clips offering positive. reliable contact but extremely easy to cottnect and disconnect. *Made of bronze. All others brass. Av. shpg. wt .• per pkg .. 3 oz. 10 clips. per package. Stock Mf.'s . . Max. Mtg. No. Type F,g. Length W,dth WI.e Hole " 4iT.i7Qo-2-A-l'-- W #10#8 4 I'H 702 3 A 111.' %' #10 #8 41 H 705 10 A . *. Y1." #14 1/6 4 I~H 703 5 B %' #10 #8 4lcH 707 15* B ~. fun 1/16 #4 41"H 704 - 9 - C 211.W #10 fiB 41'H'710 9C C 1*' %' ~10 118 4 r.;H 7 I 5 18 C 1Y,' Y1.i14 #6 4 I,H 708 36* D 1%' %' #10 lug 1 ,41.H70945 E %' %' #12 #6 W,.' .. -.. ~.C ~ !fl',' 0 PEA PACKAGE 110- 1009 99 Up .17 .15 .14 • I 7 .15 .14 • I 0 .09 .08 •I9 •I7 •I6 • I 0 .09 .08 .69 --:62 --:s7 1.50 1.35 1.24 .50 .45 .41 .55 .50 .46 .17 .15 .14 TERMINAL AND FLUSH-MOUNT LUGS' 0 Terminal Lugs. Screw-mount to chassis. terminal boards. etc. 2 solder lugs; on,e with hole. oth,er grooverl. 4"" oz. 10 per package. 0', il . 4IH·767.1-9Pkgs.................. PERPKG• • 51 IOi49, Pkgs............. ; ...... ',' : ... PER PKG. .46 l!.J ~ 50-.99 Pkgs.......................... PER PKG. .43 ' 1 0 0 - 4 9 9 Pk"s. ..... : ................. PER PKG. .39 . ... , '!'-"I .,.~: I(i.t,Nu-Way FlushoMount Lugs. Fit Nu-Way snaps. 'above at right. For ~temporary or permanent corinections. Have hole for 6-32 mtg. .i:~ew. Wt.. per 100, 12 oz. 100 per package. ,. 4 .... H 451.'10 or More Pkgs....................... PER PKG. 4.30 1'9 Pkgs........... .' ............................. PER PKG. 5.00 ...C . 218 -AlliED / .. . Make or break contacts for temporary or permanent connections. A quick and simple way to join wires together. Snap connectors fit IQl studs •. listed below. or flush-mounting lugs, ~ ~ listed below at left, May be cascaded together for multiple connections. Snaps have solder lug. Stud has threaded screw shaft with nut for panel or chassis mounting. Shpg. wt .. per 100. 12 oz. 100 per package. t'A~ ," . , " r STANDARD TEST CLIPS Stock No. EACH Mfr's Type Color Description 1- 10 .. 50 .. 100. 33. 41 H 300 ~ Red With tip jack adapter. 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 With With With With With With With H H H H H H H 305 16B 169 373 374 3B2 3B3 .336 330' 332* 328R 328B 326Rt 326Bt Black Red Black Red Black Red Black 9 tip jack adapter tip & banana jack tip & banana jack tip jack adapter tip jack adapter banana plug adapter banana plug adapter 49 99 499 .25 .22 TI~ .25.22.21 .19 .27.24.22 _20 .27.24.22 .20 .30.271.25--:22 .30.. 27.25 _22 .301.27.25 _22 .30.27.25 .22 DUAL BANANA PLUG Type 33-010. Molded black polystyrene with nickelplated brass plug and four-leaved, phosphor-bronze, nickel-plated spring. Mates with std. dual binding post %./1 centers; polarity clearly marked. Has VB" hole for wire; set-screw holds wire firmly. Two or more units can be stacked for multiple connections. Base size, Y2.xl71l'; overalllgth., 1%".3 oz. 41 H 325.1-9 ....... EACH .60 10-49 ............... EACH 54 50-99 ............... EACH .50 100-499 ............. EACH AS GENERAL RADIO DOUBLE PLUG Type 274-MB. Dual plug for standard banana jacks. Molded as a unit on Y4" centers. Recessed top forms double jack, allowing units to be used in tandem. Banana plug prongs. Holes in body accept phone tips or wires up to No. 12; terminal screws damp conductors sccurely !~-a~'f4~at~~~: .1~~':'.\~~~:1~,. ~I.~~': ~~~~:~'. :::.: .3. ~~: ......... 65 Everything in Electronics from One Reliable Source Test Prods, Terminal ADC TERMINAL BLOCKS Rugged terminal blocks for design and con- struction use in telephone circuits. computers, recording studios. broadcast stations and wherever many electronic circuits are in operation. Each unit has a one-piece molded black phenolic base; individual terminal separators are also of molded black phenolic_ Polished phenolic surface surrounding terminals assures easy removal of solder flash after wiring has been completed. Terminals are .040" thick plated brass. Terminal rows are graduated in length for ease of wiring. and are identified by numbering imprinted along the top row. Available with from 2 to 6 rows. 20 terminals per row. Base dimensions: 6'A6" long by 3" depth. Height of each block depends on the number of rows. and varies from 2'/.4" to 3%" high. Av. shpg. wt .• l'h lbs. Stock 40 40 40 40 40 No. H 695 H 696 H 697 H 69B H 699 Mfr's No. of No. of Type PJ-I02 PJ-I03 PJ-I04 PJ-I05 PJ-106 Rows Terms. 2 3 4 5 6 40 60 80 100 120 Ht. EACH 2'/.4" 2''%," 2'0/,6" 3,%," 3%" """4:6S 5.B5 7.05 B.25 9.45 G-C ELECTROCRAFT "KLlPZON MINIPRODS" Self·Gripping Tip Test Prods. Clip to any terminal, lug, etc. Needle point pierces insulation-snaps securely on wires. Solderless connection inside 1'/.4" plastic handle. Wt .. 2 oz. 42 H 271. Type 33·138. Red. 1·9 ........ EA.• 33 42 H 272. Type 33-140. Black 50-99, ..... EA •• 2B G-C ELECTROCRAFT TEST PRODS IjiI Type 33·404 Solderless Test Prod. Threaded prod with 5" lOIig ~ plastic handle. ¥a" diameter. Nickel-plated phone tip. Wire fits through handle. wraps around screw portion. Wt .. 4 oz. , 42 H 110. Red. 42 H III. Black. 1·9 ................ EACH .17 10·49 .. , ........................................... EACH .1 6 50·99 ...•.............. EACH .14 100·499 ........... EACH .1'3 Ig1 Type 33·384 Phono Needle Test Prod. Brass nickel-plated body ~ with steel. nickel-plated. phono-type needle. Removable chuck for replacing needles. Plastic handle. Overall length 6'i16". 3 oz. f~.4~,37~: .~~~'...~~.~ .~~~ •. ~.l~~~: .. 1:~:::::::::::::: :~!2~ :N 50·99 .................. EACH .17 100·499 ........... EACH .16 IjiI Type 33·376 Solderles. Fiber Test Prod. Solid. bone fiber handle. ~ molded to nickel-plated brass tip. Features .245" inside diameter -for heavy duty wire. Overall length 4'/.4". Shpg. wt .• 2 oz. 42 H 25B. Red. 42 H 259. Black. 1·9., ............. EACH .24 10·49 .. EACH .22 50·99 .. EACH .20 100·499 ........... EACH .1 8 Type 33.'378 Heavy·duty Test Prod. Threaded type. Extra sturdy ~ brass. nickel-plated tip with red or black molded plastic handle. Overall length. 6' 'A6". Shpg. wt .• 3 oz. 42 H 375. Red. 42 H 376. Black. 1·9 ................ EACH .18 10·49 ... EACH .16 50·99 ... EACH .15 100-499 ......... EACH .13 'Cl 10·49 .. EA •• 30 100·499 EA. .25 Miniprod Adopter Tips. Fit over standard or phono-needle types. Convert to self-gripping Klipzon wire-piercing test prod with insert supplied. Shpg. wt .• 2 oz. 41 H 114. Type 33·160. Red. 1·9 ........ EA.• 33 10·49., ,EA•• 30 41 H I 16. Type 33·162. Black. 50-99, , .... EA.• 28 100·499 EA•• 25 GRA YHILL TEST CLIP ADAPTER Type 2-2. For testing resistors. capacitors and other pigtail components. PIngs into std. banana jacks mounted on %" centers; spring clips accept wire leads. Metal parts are nickel plated. Hex nut permits tension "adjustment of individual clips which extend 1 lis" above board. 2 oz. 45 H 266 ......................... EACH 1..40 ~ LAB-TRONles AUDIO CONNECTOR CABLES fiii ~=---mlnL~ IWJ ~-..mm_. ~-""WIIO;j..."-" ill ~ ...'.. "'1iI' l!!J ,-~ ~ m~=",=~ ,...."" == [£]~ ~ @]~= [ill ,~ ~~~'~_"'" -"""~ 8J~c- . -- ' ';;;' [@~i2!dI:>" [ill oo~~ ,_ ~ ::at "'-" . ," 'om: lYJ ~"Cti ~~~ fiil ~ <: rn ~====-s:==: ~--=~_""""""'=...::::.. <=!lJt.tF''q, I!l~"'" ~~~ Valuable accessories for trouble-free installation of hi-fi compoJ,1.ents. Cables are soldered prior to molding for noise-free connec:Stock No 44 H B07 44 H 80B 44H810 44 H 8 II 44 H-812 44 H B 13 44 H BI5 44 H BI6 44 H 817 44 H B18 44 H BI9 44 H 820 44 H 821 44 H 822 44 H 823 44 H 825 44 H 826 44 H 827 44 H B2B 44 H 829 44 H B30 44 H 831 44 H_B32 44 H B33 44 H 835 Mfr's FIg. Type CI01 C102 C103 ClO4 S3415 C202 C203 C204 P7210* P7220* C106 ClO7 ClO8 S3015 C4406 C4410 C44I5 C4006 C4010 C4015 C4606 C4610 C4615 P6110* P6120* D D D D S E E E F F G G G T H H H J J J K K K L L EACH 1.49 50·99 100·Up IS*'; pin plug each end .53 .45 .40 3&"; pin plug each end .62 .52 .47 72"'; pin plug each end .79 .6B .61 10'; pin plug each end 1.09 .93 .B4 15'; pin plug each end 1.44 1.23 1.11 36"; pin plug/pin jack .71 .60 .54 7211; pin plug/pin jack .B8 .75 .67 10'; pin plug/pin Jack 1.18 1.00 .90, 10'; phone plug/clips 1.15 .98 .B8 20'; phone plug/clips 1.44 1.23 1.11 3611 ; pin plug/tinned .47 .40 --:36 72"; pin plug/tinned .65 .55 .50 10'i pin plug/tinned .94 .80 .72 15'; pin plug/tinned 1.25 1.07 .97 72"'; phone plug/pin plug 1.09 .93 ~ 10'i phone plug/pin plug 1.32 T.I3 1.02 15'; phone plug/pin plug 1.62 1.38 1.24 7211 i phone plug/tinned .94 .80 .72 10'; phone pl.!lS/tinned 1.18 1.00 .90 15'; phone plug/tinned 1.47 1.25 1.13 ----72"; phone, plug/jack 1.68 1.43 1.29 10'; phone. plug/jack I.B5 1.5B 1.43 IS'; phone, plug/jack 2.15 I.B3 1.65 10'; pin plug/lugs .62 .52 .47 20'; pin plug/lugs .91 .78 .70 Descri ptlon tions. Dual pin plugs on Figs. Nand R are spaced ~6" (standard) for stereo use. "Indicates nnshielded. Wt .. 5 oz. Stock No 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 H B36 H 837 H B3B H B39 H B40 H B41 H 843 H B44 H 845 H 846 H 847 H B4B H B49 H B50 H B51 H B52 H 853 H 854 H B55 H 856 H 857 H 85B H B59 H B60 H B61 See Page 1 for Location of the Allied Facility Nearest YOll Mfr'. Fig. Type P6210* P6220* SP8403 SP841 0 E803 E806 SP8003 SP80iO P7310* P7320* P7410* P7420' P7106* P7110* P7I20* P6010* P6020* Ell06 Ell10 E1125 E906 E912 E925 P501* P502* M M N N P P R R W W X X Y Y Y Z Z AA AA AA BB BB BB .... .... Delcription 10'; pin plug/clips 20'; pin plug/clips 36"; dual pin plug each"end 10'; dual pin plug each end 36"; mike con./pin plug 72·; mike con./pin plug 36#; dual pin plug/tinned 10'; dual pin plug/tinned 10'; phone plug each end 20'; phone plug each end 10'; phone plug/pin plug 20'; phone plug/pin plug 72#; phone plug/lugs 10'; phone plug/lugs 20' i phone plug/lugs 10'; pin plug/tinned 20'i pin plug/tinned 72#; mike con./tinned 10'i mike con./tinned 2S'; mike con./tinned 72# mike, male/female 12' mike. male/lemale 25' mike, male/temale 10' lugs each end 20' lugs each end EACH 1·49 60·99 100·Up .85 .73 ----:66 1.15 .9B .B8 2.15 I.B3 1.65 2.76 2.35 2.11 .BB .75 .67 1.09 .93 ----:B4 1.65 1.40 1.26 2.26 1.93 1.74 1.35 1.15 1.04 1.65 1.40 1.26 1.06 .90 ---:aT 1.35 1.15 1.04 :19 .6B .61 .91 .78 .70 1.2/ 1.03 .93 .56 .4B ----::43 .85 .73 .66 .97 .B3 ,.75 1.26 1.07 .96 2.36 2.00 1.80 1.26 1.07 ---:% 1.6B 1.43 1.29 2.59 2.20 1.98 .44 .3B .34 .73 .63 .57 ALLIED· 229 H. ,H. SmithT est Leads-Shielded and Unshielded ........... ~ I!] Pin Plug Both Ends ~;;; . ., ~ @ Ill' Spad,: LUll. 10lh' Ends '. f5E't . \ .. !PStd. AlIIgalor Clip 10 Pin Plug @] : Std. Alligalar Clip to Banana Plug CIiJ Stock .Mfr'. No. 41 H 851 4'1 H 850 41H 856 41 H 855 41 H861 4fH860 41 H 863 41 -H 862 41 H 865 41 H 864 41 H 867 41 H 866 41 H 869 41 H 868 41 H871 41 H 870 41 H 873 41. H 872 41H901 41 H874 41 H904 41 H'903 41 H 909 41H 909 41 H914 41 H912 41 H916 411t915 41H 919 41 H 918 41H921 Type 1596-12-102 1596-12-103 1596-36-102 1596-36-103 1596-60-102 1596-60-103 1597-12-102 1597-/2-103 1597-36-102 1597-36-103 1597-60-102 1597-60-103 1862-12-102 1862-12-103 1862-36-102 1862-36-103 1862-60-102 1862-60-103 1863-12-102 1863-12-103 1863-36-102 1863-36-103 1863-60-102 1863-60-103 1864-12-102 1864-12-103 1864-36-102 1864-36-103 1864-60-102 1864-60-103 1865-12-102 41 H 969 41 H 973 41 H 974 41 H 975 41 H 979 41' H 980 41 H 981 41-H982 41 H985 41 H 986 41. Ii .987 1589-12 1589-36 1589-60 1869-12 1869-36 1869-60 1580-12 1580'36 1580-60 1537-12 1537-36 :I BNC Female Plug Bolh Ends ill -1= Double Plug Bolh End. Double Plull lolh End. L gg Double Plug 1o Alligalor Clip. BNC Male Plug 1o Alligalor Clips Wide selection of single leads for making tests. temporarily connecting instruments to a circuit, or making other temporary connections. Top-quality leads ensure firm mechanical and electrical coritact at all times. Idpal for every kind of industrial and servicing aPl)lication. Each lead utilizes No. 18 AWG 20.000-volt insulated wire that is extra-flexible and kinkless. Handles are of tough molded Ft. Color BNC Male to Shielded Double Plug ~i' 'il lID : L UHF Male 10 Alligalor Clips BNC Male Plug Bolh Ends ffil m {ar rn *0.- ·.eE TMeler Leads-Pair Red and Black m @L.-. Bonana Plug 80lh Ends -,:.; = Pin Plug 10 Banana Plug I!l . Min. Alligator Clip 80th Ends @] [!J , UHF Male Plug Balh Ends SId. Alligalar Clip 10 Spade LUll' SId. Alligalor Clip Bolh End.- tenite. and/or molded bakelite. Cadmium-plated steel clips; niCkelplated brass tips; vinyl plastic boots. H. H. Smith test leads offer an extremely wide variety of terminations. ·Type 0625-meter leads -one red and one black. Shielded cable types useRG58C/U coaxial cable; except tRGllA/U; +low-capacity cable; §twisted pair. Av. shpg. wt .• 5 oz. - UNSHIELDED TEST LEADS Fig. 1 1 3 3 5 5 1 1 3 3 5 5 1 1 3 3 5 5 1 1 3 3 5 5 1 1 3 3 5 5 I Red A Black A A Red Black A A Red Black A Red B Black B B Red Black B Red B Black B Red C Black e Red e Black e Red' e Black. e Red D Black -D Red D Black D Red 0 Black 0 Red E Black E Red E Black E Red E Black E Red F 1 3 5 Black L Black L Black L Black M Black M Black M Black N Black N Black N. p. Gray Gray .,p EACH 10·49 60-99 AD -:36 .332 .40 .36 .332 .48 .432 .398 .48 .432 .398 .55 ;495 .457 .55 .495 .457 Ail .36 .332 .40 .36 .332 .48 .432 .398 .48 .432 .398 .55 .495 .457, .55 .495 .457 AS .415 .50 .45 .415 .60 .54 .498 .60 .54 .498 .70 .63 .581 .70 .63 ;581 ---:60 ~ .498 ,54 .60 .498 .70 .63 .581 .70 .63 .581 .80 .72 .664 .80 ~ .664 ~ .27 .249 .30 .27 .249 .40 .36 .332 .40 .36 .332 .50 .45 .415 .50 -.45 .415 .40 .36 .332 1-9 ----:so 100-499 ~ .30 .36 .36 .413 .413 -:30 .30 .36 .36 .413 .413 -:37S .375 .45 .45 .525 .525 .45 .45 .525 .525 .60 ~ .225 .225 .30 .30 .375 .375 .30 Stock No. Mfr'. Type Ft. Color Fig. -4"'I':H~9720-:-I-l"'8'-'6,o.5_"-1!:.2_::'1703""--'-1 Black 41 41 41 41 H 923 H 922 H 925 H 924 1865-.16-102 1865-36-103 1865-60-102 1865-60-103 3 3 5 5 Red F Black F F Red F Black F 1-9 EACH 10-49 50-99 100-499 .332 -:30 .45 .415 .375 A5 .415 .375 .54 .49B .45 .54 .498 .45 AD ~ .50 .50 .60 .60 _:--,-:;.~7;'61-:"':'--:cc:~-:-:~-:-:~-i--: -:-;a-:k- -~- -::-:- -::-~-:- -:~-;-:- -:~-~~- ,;;:.:.: 41 41 41 41 41 H.930 H 929 H 935 H 931 H 943 1866-36-102 1866-36-103 1866-60-102 1866-60-103 1867-12-102 3 3 5 5 1 41 41 41 41 41 H 936 H 951 H 944 H 956 H 952 1867-12-103 1867-36-102 1867-36-103 1867-60-102 1867-60-103 I 3 3 5 5 Red Black Red Black Red G G G G H .55 .55 .65 .65 .35 .495 .495 .5B5 .585 .315 .45.7 .457 .54 .54 .291 .413 .413 .4BB .4B8 .2.63 ----1-----1-- --- -- --- --- --- --Black H Red H Black H Red H Black H :;4..:.I~H.:..:.9=-6=-0I_I:.:8::6.::8-..:1.::2-..:1:::.02=+-=--1 Red _J_ 41 H 957 1868-12-103 1 Black J 41 H 963 1868-36-102 3 Red J 41 H 961 1868-36-103 3 Black J 41 H 966 1868-60-102 5 Red J 41 H 964 1868-60-/03 5 Black J 41 H968 0625* 4 ...... K :;.:.;..:.:=1-:.==----1..::.. - - - - 41 H 787 1530-12§ I Gray W 41 H 790 1530-36§ 3 Gray W 41 H 791 1530-60§ 5 Gray W 41 H 792 1531"IZ§ 1 Gray X 41 H 793 1531-36§ 3 Gray X 41 H 794 1531-60 5 Gray X .35 .315 .45 .405 .45 .405 .55 .495 .55 .495 .50.45 .50 .45 .60 .54 .60 .54 .70 .63 .70 .63 1.35 1.22 --2.15 1.94 2.40 2.16 2.65 2.39 1.55 1.40 1.80 1.62 2.05, 1.85 .291 .263 .374 .33B .374 .338 .457 .413 .457 .413 .415.375 .415 .375 .498 .45 .498 .45 .581 .525 .581 .525 1.12 1.01 1.78 1.61 1.99 I.BO 2.20 1.99 1.,29 1.1'6 1;49 1~35 1.70 1.54 3.45 3.50 3.B5 4.25 5.80 6.10 6.45 3.35 3.95 4.50 2.86 2.91 3.20 3.53 4.81 5.06 5.35 2.78 3.28 3.74 COAXIAL-CABLE SHIELDED TEST LEADS 230 • ALLIED 1 I 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 3.50 3.15 3.70 3.33 4.00 3.60 3.75 3.38 4.00 3.60 4.25 ~ 2.TS 1.94 2.40 2.16 ·2.65 2.39 2.85 2.57 3.15 -2.84 2.91 3.07 3.32 3.11 3.32 2.63 2.78 3.00 2.81 3.00 3.19 ~ 1.78 ...-:61 1.99 I.BO 2.20 1.99 2.37 2.14 2.6.1 2.36 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 H 990 1537-60t H 999 1872-12t 1872-36t H781 H 782 1872-60t • H 783 1873-12t H 784 1873-36:1: H 786 i873-60t 1871-12t H 991 H 993 1871-3.6l H,998 1871-60 5 Gray 1 3 5 1 3, 5 1 3 5 Black Black Black Black bi.l r grommets in en~ larged mounting holes of sturdy steel plate. Mounts in 10/,." hole witl) two Y.H,holes on 1 Yz" centers. With.grommets. mtg. screws, nuts and washers. Shpg. wt., 5 oz. 40 H 043. 1·49 .... : ......................•........ EACH .32 50·249 ............ EACH .26 . 250-499 ............. EACH .22 . 500-999 ........... EACH .199 1000-2499 ........... EACH .17B Type 77-3K Kit. For making any of, the "Mip" sockets listed o~ facing page,· into a floating socket. Includes 4 grommets. 2 mountscrews, all necessary nuts and washers. Shpg. wt .. 3 oz. 40 H 092.1-49 .................................... EACH .16 50-249 ....... : .... EACH .13 250·499 ............. EACH .1 12 500-999 ........... EACH .10 1000-2499 ........... EACH .09 fi1 Type 168-015 Saddle Oclal, Designed for below-chassis:mountL!:J ing. Steel plate is molded directly into bakelite body. For 1" hole; %4" mtg. holes on 1316" ctrs. Shpg. wt., 5 oz. 40 H liB. 1·49 ..................................... EACH .15 50-249 ............ EACH .13 250·499 ............. EACH .. 106 500·999 ........ ; .. EACH .095 1000·2499 .....•..... EACH .OB5 IM1 Type 49-SS11L Magnal. Has 111,6" pin circle to accept ll-prong ~ CR tubes. Made of low-loss steatite. Steel retaining ring for quick assembly. Required 1%" mounting hole, Shpg. wt., 7 oz. 40 H 090. 1'49 ..............................,; ....... EACH .!l6 50·249 ............. EACH .71 250-499 ................ EACH .60 500-999... ; ..... ; .. EACH .54 1000-2499 ............. EACH .4B RA YPAR ANTI·CORON~ SOCKET Octal-type for 1 B3's. Corona' ring minimizes break-down. Mounts on insulator or high-voltage ~~~c~~~.~~~~ .s.c~~-:". ~~~'.".i~~~~.. ~~':.~ .~z: .. 44 I 234 • ALLIED Lowest Prices-Highest Quality-Best Service ••• At Allied Amphenol Sockets, Shells, and Tube Shields .. O.S rn 1100 POPULAR STANDARD SOCKETS fA1 Type MIP. Bakelite body with molded-in steel plate. 'Require ~ 1 Va" hole; mounting centers. 10/16";" others have 11lz" mtg. ctrs. tRequires 1%," hole·, §I%," hole tMica-filied bakelite Av wt ., 40 • . EACH Stock Mfr's Prongs Typo 1-49 50-249 250-499 500-999 1000-2499 No. 40 H 024 77MIP4§ 4 .14 .12 .09B ----:o7B 40 H 025 77MIP51 5 .096 .OB6 .15 .13 .IOB 6 .10 40 H 026 77MIP6§ .IB .15 .125 .111 .121 .109 40 H 027 77MIP7S§ 7 Small .19 .16 .136 .109 40 H 029 77MIP7Lt 7 Large .19 .16 .136 .121 .OBB 40 H 028 77MIP8§ .099 Octal .16 .13 .11 I Octal .094 40 H 126 88-8' .17 .14 .11 B .105 40 H 030 88-8X* Loctal .22 .18 .154 .llB .123 ----- - .133 .119 40 H 034 77MIP8TU Octal .19 .16 .106 .102 40 H 032 77MIP9§ 9 .IB .15 .127 .114 77MIPl1§ 40 H 033 11 .134 .12 .21 .1 B .15 12 .134 .12 40 H 069 77MIPI2§ .21 .IB .15 40 H 070 77MI1'20§ .34 .30 20 .54 .45 .38 .. ---:oaa BAKELITE AND MICA-FILLED SOCKETS High-grade miniature type. 147 series mount in y,," chassis hole; '1/a" mtg. ctrs., with YaH screw holes, S9 series mount in %" chassis hole and have I Ya" mtg. ctrs. with .095" rivet holes. (except 59-403, .125"). f,Black bakelite. tMica-fillcd bakelite. Av. wt., 5 oz. [ill Stoc k Mfr's No. Type mount with retainer ring, wt ., 5 oz .OBI .073 .091 .07B •09B .OB8 .099 .OBB .111 .116 .104 .093 .IOB .096 .OB6 .124 .155 .139 .10 .125 .11 I .141 .126 .113 --- fC1 Type RS. Have removable mounting plate. All of the units listed ~ below mount in 1'1,.U' hole. Slotted mounting holes to fit centers from 1'h to IVa" Av shpg wt ., 40z 40 H 004 78RS4 4 .102 .18 .15 .127 .114 40 H 005 78RSS 5 .20 .16 .139 .124 .111 40 H 006 78RS6 6 .21 .17 .144 .129 .115 40 H 007 78RS7S 7 Small .22 .18 .136 .122 .153 40 H 008 78RS8 Octal .20 --:T6 .139 .124 -.-1-11Loctal .27 .22 40 H 010 78RS8L .189 .169 .151 40 H 012 78RS9 9 .127 .23 .19 .158 .141 40 H 071 78RSli 11 .14 .25 .21 .175 .156 -- Type RSS. Ultra-low-loss steatite. Excellent for use in high- ~ frequency transmitting equipment. etc. All are universal type; have removable mounting plate with slotted holes 1'h to IVa". Mounting hole 1 y.," except 49RSS7L 12~4" Av wt ., 5 oz .35 40 H 074 49RSS4 4 .62 .51 .43 .39 49RSS5 .40 .36 .45 5 .64 .53 :gi~ g~ 49RSS6 .35 6 .43 .39 .62 .51 40 H 079 49RSS7L 7 Large .68 .56 .48 .43 ~ .44 .39 40 H 077 49RSS7S 7 Small .70 .58 .49 40 H 07B 49RSS8 Octall .43 .39 .35 .62 .51 EAC H Prongs 1-49 50-249 250-499 500-999 10QO.2499 40 H 199 t147-505 40 H 193 *59-409 40 H 167 t59-410 7 9 9 TI-:TB -:IS ~ ~..c .22 .27 .26 .IB .22 .21 Q] WITH TUBE SHIELD 40 40 40 40 40 H H H H H 1941 175 103 176 196 U47-9051 t147-913 t59-403 t59-407 *59-406 Ijjl Type S. High-dielectric molded bakelite body. Units are same as ~ Type RS, but without mounting plate; supplied All require 1'1,.U' hole Av shpg 40 H 054 78S4 4 .13 .11 40 H 055 78S5 5 .14 .12 40 H 056 78S6 6 .16 .13 7 Small .17 .14 40 H 057 78S7S ---- - -.15 -~ 40 H 05B 78S8 Octal Loctal .22 .IB 40 H 060 78S8L 40 H 062 78S9 9 .1 B .15 40 H 072 78S11 11 .20 .17 WITHOUT TUBE SHIELD BASE -4-,0....:,:,H:..:I....,9-1-1-*....:14~7~-5:.::0-0 - 7 - --- fiJl ill -00 MINIATURE SOCKETS AND SHIELDS 77 9 9 ·9 .151 .186 .181 .135 .166 .161 BASE :~~ 1 :::~ .39 .33 .28 1 :m .25 1 I .36:~:I ·.30 .25 .23 .32 .27 .121 .149 .144 .23 .20 .157 .159 .22 .20 .1.81 RETAINER RING SOCKETS fj(1 Mount in y,," round or "D" shaped hole with retainer ring pro- ~ vided. May be used with 91-MPM plugs found elsewhere in this section. All are black bakelite, except 'mica-filled. Av. wt., 5 oz . Stock 40 40 40 40 40 40 Mfr's Type No. H 131 H "5 H 122 H 130 H 120 H 124 Prongs 78-S3S - 3 78-S4S 4 78-S5S 5 78-S6S 6 78-7P 7 *78-7PT 7 !Il EACH 1-49 50_249 250-499 500-999 1000-2499 T9 -:os --:0&6 .12 .16 .17 .22 .22 .10 .13 .14 .18 .18 .059 ~ .076 .068 .098 .087 .104 .093 .136' .122 .124 .139 .085 .109 .116 .153 .155 TUBE SHIELDS-FOR 7-PRONG SOCKETS Stock I Mfr'" I Height I " EACH Type _ _ _ 1-49160-2491250-4991500-99911000-2499 " No. 40 H 197 5-401 1%" .16 .13 .109 .098 .087 40 H 198 5-402 1%" .15 .13 .108 .096 .086 FOR 9-PR ONG SOCKETS I I !~!: I::~I ::~ I:n~ ~g ~ I:: t~~ 5-409 40 H 190 2%' .23 .19 086 •.12 1 .146 .164 .077 .108. .131 ~ ASSORTED SOCKETS AND SHELLS ~ ill ~ Type "5" Mini~ture Sockets. 7 or 9-pin contacts. Bakelite; mount HIGH-VOLTAGE SOCKETS Sockets for top performance under high-voltage. 77 A-4T for TV tubes with 1.156" diameter base; requires 1 Y2" dia. hole. 146-101 takes ,! @] octal tubes to 1.377" dia .• 1.087" high; 2';3," mtg. ctrs., 2 1 ';3," dia. hole. 146-812 above chassis mounting plate type; two %4" mtg. holes on 2%," ctrs. Requires 14~" dia. mtg. hole. *4-prang type; tB-prong type. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. .. m ,. .: . Stock No. Mfr'. Type Fig. EACH 124 149 2599 60249 -:so 40 H 147 77A-4T E* ... -:60 . .. 40 H 088 146-101 Ft .88 ... .73 . .. 40 H 089 146-812 G* 2.27 ... I.B7 . .. 100- 250- 500- 1000249 499 999 2499 e·' -:42 ~ .34 .62 .55 .49 ... 1.59 1.42 1.27 ... DUODECAL TV SOCKET Type 59-402. For CR tubes. 12 prongs spaced on 1.063" dia. Low-loss bakelite; removable cap. 5 oz. 40 H 100. 1-49 ......... , .............. EACH .86 50-249 ...••.. EACH .71 250-499 ........• EACH .60 500·999 ...... EACH .54 1000-2499 ....... EACH .48 ' "" ._-- in I' ~4" hole. Retainer ring supplied. 5 oz. . -: Stock I Mfr"I Pins I E A C H . -•. No. Type _ _ 1.49150-2491250-4991500_99911.000.2499 40 H I 13 78-A71' 7 .34 .2B .24 .22 ;20 40 H 114 78-A9P 9 .34 .28 .2"4 .21 .19 . rw Type 23-IS ACS Socket-Shell,.: Lightweight a1uminuim shell· 'f!)r ~ use with Types "RSS," "RS," and "~" sockets, except 78S7L, 7BRS7L, aud Type 49RS~7L. Permits extension of sockets I ¥I." above or below chassis surface. Body diameter, l 11A.". Requires 1%" mounting hole. Less socket. Shpg. wt., 5 oz. 40 H 127. 1-49 .. ; ....... EACH .14 50-249·........... EACH .12 250-499 .... EA•• 099 500-999 ..... EA•• 089 1000-2499 .... EA •• 08 rp1 Barrier-Type Octal Relay Sockets. Max. EIA working voltage, 2000 l!.J DC. Bronze cloverleaf contacts. Rated 8 amps each contact. Inter-electrode capacitance, 2.6 mmf. B screw terminals. Top mtg., except "bottom mtg. tIncludes 4 molded-in threaded inserts for use as tie points. 6%1xl1!j-j.x2y,,". Shpg. wt., 8 oz. Stock Mfr's "No. Type 146-103 146-104t 146-203* 146-204't 40 40 40 40 H H H H 180 181 080 087 Depend on Allied for Off-The-Shelf Delivery in Industrial Quantities EACH 1-24. 25-99 100-249 250-499 500-999 1.44 1.76 1.44. 1.76 I.i9 """"1:01 ---:90 ~ 1.45 1.19 1.45 1.23 1.01 1.23 1.10 .90 1.10 .99 .81 .99 ALLIED. 235 ,!)ockets, !)hields and Heat Sinks ~inch-J()nes MINIATURE SOCKETS, SHIELDS, BASES, STRAP NUTS JAN/MIL SOCKETS AND SHIELDS 7 -pin octal and' 9-pin sockets; shields for 7- and 9-pin tubes. Shields are "J"-slot design, shield-base sockets ,fit "J"-slot shields. Sockets made to MIL-12883-A specifications; shields, JA;N-S-28A. In "Description" <;01umn, TM indicates top mounting; BM-bottom mounting; SB-shield base; Cer-ceramic; Mica-mica filled bakelite. Shpg. wt.; sockets, 2 oz.; shields, 1 oz. I!I ~ W@j Socket saddles, shield bases and shields are steel unless otherwise noted. 7 -pin sockets and shield bases mount on %" centers, sockets require %" hole. 9-pin sockets and shield bases mount on 1 Ya" centers; sockets require %" hole. Strap nuts are curved strips with two threaded holes (and a pair of ground terminals) that take place of two nuts ,in mounting miniature sockets. "Not illus. Dia. of rivet holes: t.125", 1.098". Wt.: 1 oz.; except sockets, 2 oz. llil Stock No. Mfr'. -22 H 565 22 H 566 22H 592 22 H 593 7ABI 7AMI 9AB 9AM H H H H @] 22 22 22 ,22 22 22 '7-pin black bakelite 7-pin mica-filled bakelite 9-pin black bakelite 9-pin mica-filled bakelite BOTTOM-MOUNTING SOCKETS§ 'I :7EB 'I 7EM 567 568 594 595 EACH 1-99 100-999 .09' .047 .11 .056 .12 .062 .14 .072 Description Type lID , 22 22 22 22 To/-MOUNTING SOCKETS§ 7-pin 7-pin 9-pin 9-pin 9EB 9EM .047 09 .056 .11 . 1 1 .12 .062 .14 .072 black bakelite mica-filled bakelite black bakelite mica-filled bakelite TOP-MOUNT SHIELD BASE SOCKETS C"J" SLOT) 7XBI, 7XC 7XMI 9XB 9XC 9XM H 569 H 570 H 571 H 596 H 597 H 598 t7-pin' black bakelite t7-oin ceramic t7-pin mica-filled bakelite §9-pin black bakelite fi9-pin ceramic §9-pin mica-filled bakelite [Q] 7S2 7S3 7S4 9S1 9S2 9S3 22 H 573 22, H 574 22 H,575 22 H 599 22 H 600 22 H 601 .17 .33 .19 .21 .36 .22 .085 .165 .096 .104 .179 .113 .11 .055 .058 .089 .082 .082 .15 TUBE SHIELDS lYo" high "J" slot, 7-pin .1'1 1%" hirrh, ItJ" slot, 7-pin 2!4'" hign. "J" slot. 7-Din .17 .16 .16 .30 I liz' high, "J'. slot, 9-pin l1Y1s'" higb "Ju slot. 9-pin ZYs'" high, uJ" slot. 9-pin j mSHIELD' BASES 22 H 577 , 7SB2 22 H 578 *7SB3 22 H 602, 9SBI t'Vs" high, brass. 7-pin, "J" slot 1.071 .036 llli3z" high, 7-pin. snap-on ' .04 .017 t9-pin. "J" slot .07, .036 *BRASS STRAP NUTS 22 H 56317SN 2,2 H 564 9SN ,> For 7-pin sockets .084 1 .161 .18 .092 1 For 9-pin sockets " :: For Mallory, FP, type capacitors.' Permit instant ' replacement when capacitor fails. Molded from bl,ackbakelite; recessed center contacts for extended 'prongs, flush outer contacts for short prongs. Steel ,mtg. saddle has 4, ground lugs. 2C5 has 1 liz" mtg.' centers; .140'-.145" mtg. hole dia. 2C7 has 12%2" mtg. centers; .156" mtg. hole dia. 3 oz. '., ~ , , '. , , , , S~o:,k "I 22 H 603 22 H 604 • Stock No, ~:;: 2C5 '2(:7 I 11_9~AI~0~_999 ' Description For.t" dia. FP capacitors For 1%' dia. 'FP capacitors 44 :67 218 :339 POWER TRANSISTOR HEAT SINKS Anodized 'aluminum wafers to meet exacting applications. High thermal conductivity reduces operating temperature of transistor. High corrosion resistance. Types 2W-2 and 2Wr3 not illustrated. Shpg., wt., 2 oz.' Mfr'. Type , For 124 2649 236. ALliED EACH 60- 10099 249 250499 600999 .21 .21 .21 .16 .16 .16 .151 .151 .151 - - - - - - - - -- - - 2? H 539 2W-I Mot.2N179, 2NI76,2N554 .32 .252 22 H 540 2W-2 Delco 2NI74 .32 .252 22 H 639 2W-3 Texas 2N389 .32 .252 Mfr'. Type 22iiS4T 7JC-2 F 7JC-3 H 7JCN-l .... 7JM-2 F 7JM-3 H 7JMN-I ... , 8JC-2 G 8JCN-2 G 8JM-2 G 8JMN-2 G 9JC-2 F 9JC-3 H 22H553 9JCN-I - 22 H 554 9JM-2 F 22 H 555 9JM-3 H 22 H 556 9JMN-I '." 22 H 557 7SJ2-1 , .. , 22 H 558 7SJ3-1 '." 22Hs59 7SJ4-1 22 H 560 9SJI-I .. '. 22 H 561 9SJ2-1 .... 22 H 562 9SJ3-1 .... 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 .168 .168 .168 JAN/ MIL Fig. H 542 H 543 H 544 H 545 H 546 H 547 H 548 H 549 H 550 H 551 H 552 .. EACH 1- 10099 999 Description TS102COI TSI02C03 TSI02C02 TSI02POI TSI02P03 TS102P02 TSIOICOI TS1OIC02 TS101 POI TSIOI P02 TSI03COI TSIOI C03 TSI03C02 TSI03 POI TS103 P03 TS103P02 TS102UOI TSI02U02 TSI02U03 TSI03UOI TS103U02 TSI03U03 = SB Cer 7-pin :3T :T54 Cer 7-pin .33 .163 Cer 7-pin .33 .163 SB Mica 7-pin .23.114 Mica 7-pin .20.10 Mica 7-pin .25.125 Cer Octal .72.358 Cer Octal Tbreaded .90.45 Mica Octal .35 .177 Mica Octal Tbreaded .54 .27 SB Cer 9-pin .34.171 Cer 9-pin .35 .173 'I'M Cer 9-pin .35 TM SB Mica 9-pin .25 .124 BM Mica 9-pin .21 .106 TM Mica 9-pin .21 .106 lYo" 7-pin tube shield .14 .072 1%" 7-pin tube shield .16 ;08 2'14" 7-pin tube sbield :T8 .089 I liz· 9-pin'tube shield .18 .088 110/,6' 9-pin tube shieid .19 .097 2Yo' 9-pin tube shield .21 .105 TM BM TM TM BM TM BM BM BM BM TM BM m SPECIAL-PURPOSE SOCKETS o IJl Chassis-Mounting AC Socket. Lug terminals. For lOA, 250V, or ~ 15A, 125V. Yox%" mtg. hole. 1 'hxY." overall. Wt., 2 oz. I Sto~k =_ _-:-:-::-7N~o.:,. 40 H 830 PLUG-IN SOCKETS FOR, TWIST-PRONG ELECTROLYTICS , Stock No. Mfr'. Type 2R2 Descri~tion·1 1 I EACH 1-99 .19 (Above) 100-999 .095 fj(l 282 Cetron Tube Socket. For Cetron tubes CE701. CE702. ~ Special alloy spring-brass contacts. Black bakelite. 2 oz. 22 H 535 I 2B2 I 2-TSI (Above) I .72 I .09 I .36 I .049 rv Power Transistor Sockets. Wax impregnated XP bakelite. Formed ~ thread for 6-20 screw, .104/.110' dia. hole in CRplate. 2 oz. 22 H 537 I (Above) IMJ 3M 11 Magnal Socket. Mica-filled bakelite 11-prong socket for l!!!J cathode ray and television tubes. For 5BP1, 2APl, 1P21, 931A and 3KPI Less mtg ring in table below. EACH Mfr'. Wt. Type Descri ptlon Oz. 1_\25_\50- rOO_\250-\50024 49 99 249 499 999 3 4.503.603.00 2.40 2.28 2.16 22 H 606 3MlI Socket 3RlI Steel mtg. ring 2 22 H 607 .30 .24 .20 .16 .152 .144 Stock No. rw Duodecal CRT Socket. Bakelite 12-prong socket. ~ 2BPl, 5TP4, etc.; RCA 6199; Jedec No. BI2-43. 22 H 60813Bl21Black 22 H 609 3MI2 Mica-filled For 10BP4, 1 4 1 •60 11 •48 1 .40 1 •32 1 •3041 .288 4 1.80 1.441.20 .96 .912 .864 rp1 Diheptal CRT Socket. Bakelite 14-prong socket. For RCA 6217 I!J and 5819 photo tubes, and Jedec No. BI2-37. Less mtg. riug. 22 H 61 013Bl4lBlack ' 1411.051.841.701.561.5321.504 22 H 6113Ml4Mica-filled 4 1.351.08 .90 .72 .684 .648 22 H 612 3RI4 Steel mtg. ring 2 .30 .24 .20 .16 .152 .144 Second-Anode Connector. (Not illus.) For diheptal-based tubes. IFi~r~?;,t dia'l 22 H 53413AI 2 I .561 .481.3751 .301.2851 .225 ,Depend on Allied for Complete Stocks, OEM ,Prices, Same Day Shipment \ Cinch-Jones Plugs and Sockets PRINTED CIRCUIT SOCKETS WITH SHIELD BASES ASSORTED RELAY SOCKETS Casting is of top-quality mica insulation. Sockets have beryllium copper, silver-plated contacts Printed circuit sockets have attached bayonet-type shield base with ground tab. For use with v,s" printed circuit boards. Low-loss mica-filled phenolic castings with phosphor bronze contacts. Center shield and ground tab are hot-tinned brass. Nickel-plated brass base. S. :~.:.:o :.:~_k ~:~: for high conductivity. Contact tails arc hot tinned for easy soldering. All sockets listed in table below have steel saddles, 1 V-I" mounting centers S_~_~_~_·_ll.99 EAI~~0_999 __ __ 1 41 H 342 7PC-M2 41 H 343 9PC-M2 l_p_in_s_I' __ 7 2 oz. 9 2 oz. .94 1.17 .474 .585 Stock No. H 605 H 339 H 340 H 338 22 41 41 41 Mfr's No. of Type Contacts 14RS 14RS-I 16RS-1 20RS EACH 100·999 1·99 .37 .73 .66 1.32 .72 1.44 1.68 .B4 Shpg. Wt. 14 14 2 2 2 2 16 20 oz. oz. oz. oz. 20·PM PHOTO-MULTIPLIER SOCKET 8-PIN RELAY SOCKET 20-contact socket designed for lise with RCA photo-multiplier tubes. For tubes 6810, C7187A, C7122, 7265, or others with similar bases. Has durable MAI-60 alkyd glass fibre base. Meets JETEC 20-102. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. 41 H 348,1-99 ... EA. 3.33 Tvpe 8RS relay socket is molded of mica filled phenolic; has cold rolled, cadmium-plated steel mounting clip. Contacts are silver-plated beryllitim copper. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. 100-999 ... EA. 2.40 41 H 350. 1·99 ... EA•• 45 SUBMINIA TURE SOCKETS FOR TUBES AND TRANSISTORS Type 7VT 7-contact socket designed for RCA vidicon tubes 6198 and 7038. Has mica base with silver plated phosphor bronze contacts. Meets JETEC E8-11. Shpg. wt .. 2 oz. 41 H 349. 1-99 .... EA. 1.40 100-999 .... EA.I.01 NOVAR TUBE SOCKETS Meet or surpass ErA standards. Molded from high dielectric black bakelite or mica-filled lowloss bakelite. Have cadmium-plated brass contacts. Provide maximum fatigue strength and mating force with tube pins. Same dimensions as octal sockets-layouts and cutouts for octal sockets will accommodate novar sockets. 1 Yz" mounting centers. Available for top or bottom mount. Av. shpg. wt .• 2 oz. Stock. 41 41 41 41 No. H 390 H 392 H 391 H 393 Mfr's Type Bakelite 9NS-B 9NS-M 9NS-Bl 9NS-Ml Black Mica-filled Black Mica-filled Mount "bottom bottom top top ~@] Mica-filled, bakelite with silver-plated contacts. 5PC socket for printed circuits; 5WC socket for wired circuits. *SSMP socket with mtg. plate attached. 2H3, 2H5, 2H6, 2H7 and 8SM sockets are with mtg ring tExtra ring for 8SM socket. Wt .. 2 oz. Stook No. 40 40 40 40 22 40 40 22 22 EACH 1·99 100.999 .09 Jl45 .11 .055 .09 .045 .11 .055 BAKELITE AND CERAMIC OCTAL SOCKETS Saddle types have 4 ground lugs. Fig. A have I Yz" centers, clinch-on steel saddle; I Yo" dia. Fig. B lo/Js" centers. presson saddle; I" dia. Fig. C I' 'Ai'" dia .• have keyway and retaining ring. BRO, extra ring. 8AP permits rivet mtg. of Fig. C types (slotted 1 Yz" to IVa" centers). UMtg." column is rivet-hole dia. or chassis thickness. Sockets, 2 oz. Ring or plate, 1 oz, Stock 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 '22 No. H 579 H 580 H 581 H 5B2 H 583 H 584 H 5B5 H 586 H 587 H 588 H 589 H 590 H 591 Mfr'. Type BAB BAM 8EB SEC SEM SRI SR2 SR3 SR4 SR5 SR6 SRO SAP Fig. -BB A A A C C C C C C -- ..... ..... Descrl ption . Mtg. Illack Mica-filled .136" .136" Black .143" Ceramic .140" Mica-filled .143" Black !'i6" Black Yo' Mica-filled !'i6' Black fuN Mica-filled ~2' Mica-filled Yo' Retainer ring Adapter pIa te ' EACH -------100·999 -1·99 .09 .050 .12 .10 .45 .12 .063 .051 .225 .065 --:-i""i3 -:093 .IB .22 .IB .22 .22 .04 .04 .093 .11 -.,-,.093 .11 .017 .029 STAND-OFF TYPE SOCKETS FOR PRINTED CIRCUITS Stand-off sockets rest on shoulder of the contact tail-provide air gap for cooling and elimi,ate possibility of a moisture trap. Designed 'or l'i6" printed circuit boards having bottom Mfr's Type 7PC-BI 9PC-Bl 8PC-BI PIns 7 9 8 Shpg. Wt. 2 oz. 2 oz. 2 oz. Mfr's Type Fig. 2H3 2H5 5WC SPC 2H6 2H7 SSM 8SMP* 2MRt D 294 245 249 252 613 247 242 614 615 Pins 1-99, EA. 100-999, EA. E J H E E 3 5 5 5 6 1 F 8 G 8 ...... ..... .20 .22 .38 .39 .29 .31 .42 .54 .02 .104 .112 .19 .198 .149 .155 .21 .27 .009 SUB·MINIA TURE NUVISTOR 5·PIN TUBE SOCKETS Constructed of type MFE, lowloss phenolic insulation; saddle of cold rolled steel, cadmium. plated. Contacts are copper alloy cadmium-plated for easy soldering. Av. wt .. 2 oz. I I Stock No. Mf.'1 Typel Fig. Mount 11_99, EA·l100.999, EA. 22 H 657 SNS M Ring type .13 .069 41 H 336 SNS-I K Screw .21 .107 41 H 337 SNS-2 L Printed circuIt .42 .21 WAFER·TYPE SOCKETS Sturdily constructed, laminated bakelite tnbe sockets. All are equipped with solder-coated brass contacts Av shpg wt 2 oz. ' . Stock No. Mfr's Type Mtg. Ctrs. 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 H H H H H H 622 623 624 625 626 627 H 628 Va' 7W2A 1WL2 7WL4 8WI 8W2 9WI 9W2 I" IY1." IY16" IV," I Yo' IY16" Pins 1 (min.) 1 (min.) 1 (min.) 8 (octal) B (octal) 9 (min.) 9 (min.) 1·99, EA. 100-999, EA. .07 .034 .07 .034 .08 .04 .08 .04 .OB .041 .OB .042 .09 .047 MULTI.CONDUCTOR PLUGS AND SOCKETS 'lack phenolic casting with hot tinned brass ,ontacts. Type 7PC-Bl is for 7-pin miniature tubes, 9PC-Bl for 9-pin miniature tubes, and lPC-B for octals. No. 41 H 344 41 H 345 41 H 347 H H H H H H H H H Mount in I'U." keyed holes (use 8RO retainer ring). Type 8PB plug fits standard octal socket. Type 11 RB socket accepts llPB plug. Type 16F snap-on shield fits all plugs and sockets listed in' table below. Av. shpg. wt" 2 oz. :ircuitry. All are constructed of general purpose Stock 100-999 ... EA•• 225 , 7VT VIDICON SOCKET EACH 1.99 1100-999 .06 .032 .09 .043 .07 .047 Stock No. 40 H 846 40 40 40 22 H H H H 847 B49 84B 590 Type Fig. Description 8PB llPB 11 RB N N P B-Contact Plug ll-Contact Plug' ll-Contact Socket 16F Snap-on Shield 8RO .... Retainer Ring 6.lIied is Headquarters for Electronics Components at Factory Prices ALLIED. 237 ':»OCKeTS, I UrreTS, ~ans, ana ':)OCKer Aaaprers EBY SOCKETS AND ADAPTERS EBY TUBE SOCKETS Type 12. I-piece molded bakelite, for top-oC-chassis or panel mounting. Mtg. centers, 1'';16". Wt •• 2 oz. NUVISTOR AND NOVAR ADAPTERS Type 9320 7·Pin Nuvistor Adapter., Per· ' mits testing of 7-pin nuvistor tubes with your present tube tester. Simply plug adapter into standard octal socket on tester. With instructions. Shpg. wt., 8 oz. 2 06 41 H 359.................... • Type 9330 Navar Adapter. Adapts your present tube tester for accurately test9330 9320 ing 9-pin Novar tubes. Adapter simply plugs into standard octal socket on tube tester; Novar tube then plugs into adapter. Supplied with testing instructions. Shpg. wt., 5 oz. 41 H 399............................................. 2.06 NUVISTOR SOCKETS Type NU·S 5·Pin Nuvistor Socket. Quality low-loss socket for use with RCA 5-pin nuvistor tubes. Constructed of mica· filled bakelite. Mounts in ~~'~ h~!~. ~.~~~ . ~.t:,.~ .~z: ................. 20 Mfr', Stock 40 40 40 40 40 No. H 254 H 255 H 256 H 261 H 258 4 5 6 7L& 78 Octal 1.9 EACH 10·49 60·99. 100·499 38 -:34 --:32 -:29 .43 .44 .46 .51 .39 .40 ..41 .46 .36 .37 .38 .42 .32 .33 .35 .38 Type 49·130.0 TV Picture Tube Socket. Molded bakelite, duodecal CRT socket. With 18" leads. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. 40 H 291.1·9EA.. 47 10·49EA.. 43 50·99EA.. 40 100·499EA.. 36 Type 1000 CRT Test Socket Adapter. External lugs permit easy testing of picture tube pin voltages while set is operating. 3 oz. 40 H 273.1·9 EA.. 94 10·49 EA•. 8450·99 EA.. 80 ·100·499 EA•• 72 GRA YHILL Type NU·7 7·Pin Nuvistor Socket. For use with RCA 7-pin nuvistor tubes. Made of general purpose bakelite. Saddle mounting; fits "0" hole. Wt., 2 oz. 40 H 289................................................... 90 TRANSISTOR SOCKETS For TO-12 and TO-33 types. Leads fit on 100·mil grid for printed circuits. Terminal numbers molded on bottom of sockets; top faces' have key ribs for alignment with transistor tab. Micafilled phenolic per MIL·M-14, Type MFE. 22·11 (Fig. B) fits %" hole. 22·16· 4 (Fig. A) can be soldered in printed circuits or ring fastened in liD" hole. TYPE CA-l COLOR CRT TEST SOCKET ADAPTER Test point adapter for all color cathode ray picture tubes. Permits easy testing of a color CRT in its circuit, under actual operating conditions':"-"no need to remove it or the chassis.' Easy to use-adapter plugs into CRT's socket in TV set; CRT plugs into adapter. Test voltages are taken off test points protruding out from side of adapter. Shpg. wt., 8 oz. 10·49 .............. EACH 5.40 41 H 384.1·9 ......... EACH 5.88 50·99 ..........•..... EACH 5.00 100·499 ............ EACH 4.50 Pins Type 12·4 12·5 12-6 12·7·N·0 12-8 I ~:~: S~O:k 45 H 288 ~ 45 H 289 22-16-4 Np~;.:" Mt g . ' L@s1F;:,.c:.or - 4 - 8crew .06 A 4 Ring .06 'Fig.' B '1.!AI~:'99 -:35 .35 .263 .263 @] 45 H 249. Mounting Ring for 22·16·4 Socket. For fastening 22-16·4 socket above, in punched "D" hole. 1 oz ........•.... EACH .0 I VECTOR TURRETS, PLUG-IN SOCKETS AND CANS, TUBE ADAPTER TEST KIT SOCKET TURRETS ROUND PLUG·IN CANS Dependable terminal structures for limited space applications.. Simplify construction of electronic equipment. Components mount on phenolic form. Turrets are liz" dia. Octal units fit 1" hole; 7-pin miniatures, 'Va" hole; 9-pin novals, %" hole. 3 oz. 2l1z" Turrets. Have 9 terminals in two rings, spaced 1%" apart. Stock EACH No. 40 H211 .40 .46 .46 Round plug-in cans with case and plug, or "with case, plug, and mounted vertical terminal wall. Cases may be quickly detached by removing screws at base. Completely accessible inner structure is supported by pluI(. All cails are 2" long. 7-pin miniatures fit 'Va" hole, 9-pin Novals fit %" hole. tWith center screw, all other units supplied with side screws.,Av. shpg. wt .. 5 oz. Type 40 H 930 G2.1-St 40 H 931 G2.I-SF 40 H 932 G2.2·St 40 H 933 G2.2-SF 40 H 934 G2.1-S-4* 40 H 935 G2.2-S-4* No. , .36 .42 .42 Shield Bases. For miniature sockets above. Fasten above chassis on socket mtg. centers. Use with standard bayonet shield. 2 oz. EACH Stock Mfr's Description 1.19 20.99 100.199200.999 Type No. 87 40 H 235 For 7-pin sockets .1.034 89 40 H 236 For 9-pin sockets 05 .045 .042 .034 PLUG·IN SOCKETS 238 • ALLIED EACH 20·99 100·199 200·999 1.28 1.19 .95 .95 1.28 1.19 1.14 1.07 .85 ~85 1.14 1.07 1.71 1.60 1.27 1.69 1.58 1.26 TERMINAL TURRETS Stock NO.\ 40 H 936 40 H 942 40 H 943 Type 1i..9th.\1.19. EA.\20.99, EA'1100.199. EA.\200_999, EA .. 6-12 1liz' .45 .41 .38 .30 8-12 2' .48 .43 .40 .32 10·12 2l1z' .51. .46 .43 .34 TRANSISTOR SOCKET TURRETS Transistor socket turrets with unique terminal structure. Enable user to mount and wire other parts in close proximity to associated components. Units -include combination transistor socket and saddle for 'easy mounting. Socket fits in 0.361" hole. Components mount on liz" dia. phenolic form with 2 rings and 12' terminals. Av. shpg. wt .. 3 oz. TUBE ADAPTER TEST KIT Type T·789. For easy tube socket measurements. Adapters insert into sockets; tubes insert into adapters. Includes· one 7-pin, one 9-pin miniature, and one octal adapter. In plastic' case. Wi th cable, test prod. 6 oz. 40 H 210 ............................ 5.90 Plug Dia. 1.19 Description 9-pin Noval %. 1.42 9-pin Noval. %' 1.42 7-pin Min. 'Va' 1.27 7-pin Min. 'l'a' 1.27 9-pin Min. %' 1.90 7-pin Noval 'Va' 1.88 Terminal turrets simplify construction of electronic equipment. 2 rings with 12 terminals provide mounts for 6 or more resistors and capacitors with a minimum of Hfloor space." Components mount on liz" dia. phenolic Corm. Turrets bolt to chassis through a 0.150" hole with R 6-32 screw which extends end·to·end. Space between rings is .62" on Type 6-12; I" on Type 8-12; 1%" on Type 10-12. Av. shpg. wt .. 3 oz. I~1.0451.042' Consist of standard tube socket, tubular terminal post, octal plug and shield can. Can sizes: Bl0M and. Bl0N, 1.37" square, 2.5" long; CI0M and ClaN, 2" square, 2~5" long. Aluminum covers may be quickly detached by reo moving screws at base Av shpg wt ., 5 'oz Stock No. Type Descript.lon 1·19 20·99 100-199 200·999 -40 H 237 Bl0M 7-pin Miniature 2.01 1.81 "1:69 1.35 40 H 238 BION 9-pin Noval 2.05 1.85 1.72 1.37 CIOM 7-pin Miniature 2.21 1.99 1.86 40 H 241 1.48 40 H 239 CION 9-pin Naval 2.24 2.02 ,1.88 1.50 Mfr's Stock NO.\ Stock 40 H 944 40 H 945 40 H 946 Type jL9th'll.19, EA.\20-99, E~\I00.199' EA.\200.999, EA. 5-A·12Tly 03. Mfr's For Use With Type 1200 1250 12BO 1300 1310 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2500 2510 4435 4440 4441 4442 4443 4444 Terminal Type 44.45 .. 1200B, C, 1250B, C, 1280A, B, 1300B, C, 1310B, C, 2000A, B, 201OA, B, 2020B 2030B, C 2040B, C, 2500C,0 2510B,0 4435B 4440B 4441B 4442B 4443B 4444B .. .. ~_4S~ EACH 0 0 C, 0 0 0 C C. 0 7.50 0 7.50 25.00 25.00 Call the Nearest Allied Offiee for All Your Eledronic Needs Terminals, Boards, Blocks, and Terminal Kits • USECO TERMINAL BOARDS USECO MOLDED TERMINAL HEADERS Molded terminal headers for transformer. plug-in type module. filter network. vibrator, and timer applications. High ' mechanical strength, conductivity. and insulation resistance-cxcel~d MIL-T27 A spece. Made of low-loss phenolic II with gold-plated brass pins with numbers molded into plastic. 'Number of pins indicated by suffix except 4008. 4010 and 4011 single headers. 4011 is high voltage tJiPe. 8000 max. All have insulation resistance greater than 100 megohms Wt ~ 'lZ • EACH Stock Mfr's Fig. No. Type* Hole 1·50 51·100 101·200 251 .. 5 00 D 43 H 500 4008 0/)6" --:33 .31 .26 .29 D 43 H 501 4010 1%2" .33 .30 Va"" .3B .36 4011 0 43 H 502 1YJ2" 1%,· .46 .42 .40 .3& 43 H 503 4014-7 C IYJ," 3V3z" .83 .77 .72 .65 43 H 504 4033-10 C 1'7)2" 2312" .8B .83 .77 .69 4033-11 C 43 H 505 l'¥3z" 2YJ,' .90 .84 .78 .71 43 H 506 4033-14 C 11~z'" zV3z" .96 .90 .83 .75 43 H 507 4033-16 C 1'%," Z)(\,' •99 .78 .92 . .86 43 H 508 4055-7 C .52 .47 'lI.!' W .61 .56 43 H 509 4055-S C .63 .58 .54 .49 'lI.!" Yz" 43 H 510 4055-9 C .56 .51 W Yz" .64 .60 43 H 511 4056-10 C 2%2''' .69 .64 .58 Yz' .74 43 H 512 4056-12 C 20/32." .61 .67 Yz" .78 .73 zYJ,' 43 H 513 4064-6 C .66 .62 .57 .52 ¥t6" 43 H 514 4067-9 C .64 .60 .56 .51 Yz" W Y1611' 43 H 515 4074-5 C '%," .63 .58 .54 .49 43 H 516 4074-6 C 1%2:" .64 .60 .51 ¥t6" .56 43 H 517 4074-7 C .57 .52 '%2''' 716" .66 .62 43 H 518 4109-8 C 2%z''' .81 .64 .75 .70 Yz' Z%," 43 H 519 4109-10 C .67 .85 .79 .74 Yz" 43 H 520 4115-8 C .60 .56 .51 Yz" .64 W 43 H 521 4115-9 C .66 .62 .57 'lI.!" .52 !12" 43 H 522 4151-5 C 2%2''' 2 Y32" .56 .45 .53 .50 2~2· 43 H 523 4151-7 C 2Mt" .61 .56 •52 .47.. .~~ ... Mtg. Lgth. --w Distance between rows of terminals: Type 1100B. C. and D-I Yz. 2. and 2Yz". respectively; Types 2200B and C-Yz and 'lI.!". respectively; Types 2202 Band C- Yz and 'lI.!". respectively; Types 1180. 1181. and 1182-Yz. 'lI.!. and Va",'respectively. Types 1100 and 2200 are made of phenolic; T~'pes 1102 and 2202 are glass Epoxy; Types 1180. 1181. and 1182 are glass Melamine. All terminals are brass. Av. shpg. wt .. 4 oz. Stock 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 No. H 910 H 911 H 912 H 913 H 914 H.916 H 917 H 919 H 932 H 920 H 921 H 922 Mfr's Type 1100B 1100C 11000 1I02B 1I02C 2200B 2200C 2202B 2202C 11 SO 1181 1182 Fig. No. of Term. A 50 A 50 A 50 A 50 A 50 A A 50 A 50 A 50 Size 1·50 2xI3.12" 2.66 2YzxI3.12" 2.76 3xI3.12" 2.86 2xI3.12" 4.94 2YzxI3.12" 5.59 'lI.!x7.81' 2.62 Ix7.SI" 2.97 'lI.!x7.SI" 3.27 lx7.81* 4.22 -- S- .719x.S8" --:78 B B 8 1.03x1.22' .78 B 8 1.16xl Yz" .86 -- ----so -- EACH 51·100 101·250 251·500 - - - -1.80 -2.26 2.04 2.34 2.12 1.87 2.42 2.20 1.95 4.18 3.80 3.36 4.73 4.30 3.79 --2.22 2.02 ~ 2.51 2.28 2.02 2.77 2.51 2:22 3.57 3.24 2.86 ---:6& ---:&il ----:s3 .66 .72 .60 .66 .53 .58 GRAYHILL INSULATED STAND·OFF TERMINALS Molded of natural mka filled phenolic ~ -will not support Ii fungus growth. Offer low loss at high freType 18.1 Type 18.2 quencies, low moisture absorption. and high dielectric strength. With silver-plated brass terminals. Type 18-1 has 4-40 threaded hole in base for mtg. Type 18-2 has Ml" mtg. stud with 4-40 thread. Both have bodies 1116" long x 116" dia. Wt .• 3 oz. --'4C::5S:-~7::-,O::C::C0:--I-T_:_~_~-:-1 M::::::g 1_--,-~;=-~=9,-E_ACH 5~;:~ 45 H 291 18-2 Male .40 .30 MODt,JLAR ELECTRONICS TERMINAL BLOCK "Uni-Block" Terminal Block. Accepts all common lead terminations-spade. ring or fork lug. test probe. straight pin. taper pin and wire wrap. Has top and side entry. for telemetry patch panels. breadboard and proto-type work. Provides positive. secure electrical and mechanical connection with withdrawal pressure of 35 to 40 pounds. Makes connections that exceed MIL-Spec requirements for con. tact resistance. Beryllium copper spring contacts. 350'F phenolic body. Electrical capacity. 50 amps. F-type have feed-thru pins. Size: S-position. z'l:\,xlx3"; 10-position. 2Mlxlx5". Av. shpg. wt.. 4 oz. . Stock 46 46 46 46 No. H 066 H 067 H 068 H 069 r--- Mfr' $ Type P-1000-5 P-1000-10 F-P-1000-5 F-P-IOOO-IO Positions EACH 5 10 5 10 1.95 2.75 2.45 3.75 FAST DELIVERY-OEM PRICES-'-----r Allied makes immediate shipment on USECO terminals' at factory OEM prices-write, wire, or phone the Allied facility nearest y~u-you'lI 9 at fast service. ' "4. @]@] USE CO ENGINEERING DESIGN KIT A representative selection of each type of terminal is included in these engineering design kits. Kit K-44-1 has Loc-Fit terminals which snap into teflon grommets mounted in.146" holes. K-14-1. -2. and -3 offer a variety of threaded mtg. bases with aluminum oxide, teflon and plastic insulations respectively. Kit K-12 offers a complete line of solder terminals for .064" to .116".mtg. holes. All terminals are for .062" thick mtg boards Wt I lb . Stock Mfr's No. 43H524 43H525 42H985 42H986 43H526 Type K-44-1 K-I4-1 K-14-2 K-14-3 Kcl2 Terminals Included EACH 350 Lac-Fit w/teflon grommets and swaging tool 160 Hi-Alumina insulated standoff 30 teflon insulated standoff 160 Plastic insulated standoff 1200 Solder terminals w/mtg. tool 28.50 28.50 28.50 28.50 28.50 ELECTRO·GLASS MOUNTING STRIPS Electro-Glass Laboratories polypropylene strips are designed to increase production efficiency and contribute to compact circuitry. Dielectric constants are 400% better than phenolic. 200% better than ceramic. Loss factors are 200 times better than phenolic. 30 times better than ceramic. even as frequencies increase. Fasten to chassis by speed nut, 6~32 nut, pressure fit. etc. Improved serviceability of electronic instruments using EGL mounting strips is made. possible since all test points are accessibile and components can easily be replaced. The strips are lightweight and non-breakable. Lost digit in Type No. indicates number of terminals. Supplied· in various lengths, from 19;3;{ to 3'%4" Av shpg wt 2 oz EACH Stock Mfr's No. Type 1·99 100·499 500·999 1000·4999 MS-I-PP-2 43 H 090 .071 '%Z" -:ii98 .090 .080 43 H 091 MS-I-PP-3 . 51),' .098 .090 .OBO .071 MS-I-PP-4 IYr6' 43 H 092 .133 .120 .095 .107 MS-I-PP-5 11o/J2'~ 43 H 093 .133 .120 .107 .095 43 H 094 MS-I-PP-7 2Yi6" --:T33 -:T2O --:107 --:095 MS-I-PP-9 2zYJ," .158 43 H 095 .145 .127 .113 MS-I-PP-U 3'%4'" 43 H 096 .158 .145 .127 .113 Depend on Allied for the latest in Industrial Electronic Equipment '. Lgth. ALLIED. 243 Vaco Solder.lessT erminals and Tools Form perfect electrical connections. Constructed of copper alloy. Explanation of symbols in fa ble: tJ.~n male tab. §Female tab socket. t~n angle male tab. #Angle female tab socket. *'Butt connector. ttSnap terminal. ##Snap connector. Av. shpg. wt.: pkg. of 100, 8 oz.; economy pack, 3 oz. NON-INSULATED TERMINALS Wire Stud Size Size Lth. Fig. Stock Mfr'. Type INSULA TED TERMINALS PER PKG. OF 100 No. 1.9 10-49 50-99 lDD-Up 22-18 4 '%," "A 44H20011204 2.22 1.33 I.OB .972 22-16 4-6 '%," A 42HBOO 11205 2.22 1.33 I.OB .972 22-16 4-6 o/.i' A 42HBOI 11206 2.22 1.33 I.OB .972 22-18 8 4%4' A 44H201 11208 2.22 1.33 1.08 .972 22-16 8-10 o/.i' A 42HB02 11210 2.22 1.33 1.08 .972 16-14 44H203 11304 2.22 1.33 I.OB .972 0/1.' 16'14 4-6 '1:),' A 42HB03 11305 2.22 1.33 I.OB .972 16-14 4-6 2%z' A 42HB04 11306 2.22 1.33 I.OB .972 16-14 8 2~1I A 44H204 11308 2.22 1.33 I.OB .972 16-14 8-10 2j1,' A 42HB05 11310. 2.22 1.33 I.OB .972 12-10 8-10 o/.i' A 42HB07 11410 2.77 1.66 1.35 1.21 12-10 12-~ 2%' A 42HBOB 11414 3.6B 2.21 I.BO 1.62 22-18 4 '1:),' B 44H205 13204 1.9B 1.12 .963 .B67 22-16 4-6 '1:l,' B 42HBI2 13206 1.9B 1.12 .963 .B67 22-18 8 4%4' 44H206 13208 2.22 1.33 I.OB .972 22"18 10 'Vi.' B 44H207 13210 2.22 1.33 I.OB .972 16-14 4-6 4%4' B 42HBI0 13306 2.22 1.33 I.OB .972 16-14 8 2),i," B 44H208 13308 2.22 1.33 I.OB' .972 16-14 8-10 4%." B 42HBII 13310 2.22 1.33 I.OB .972 22-16 4-6 0/1.' B 42HB09 14206 1.98 .963 .867 22-16 4=8 'Va' T 42HBI9 15208 1.98 ~ 1.12 .963 .B67 16-14 4-6 '%,' D 44H209 15306 2.22 1.33 I.OB .972 16-14 . 8 2].1,' C 44H210 15308 2.22 1.33 1.08 .972 16-14 10 4%.' C 44H211 15310 2.22 1.33 1.0B .972 22-16 0/1." E 42HBI6 17202*' 1.72 1.03 .B37 .753 16-14 0/1.' E 42HBI7 17302*' 1.72 1.03 .B37 ;753 22-10 ..... 0/1." E 42HBI8 17402*' 2.22 1.33 I.OS .972 16-14 'Va' F 42H813 19301 tt 1.72 1.03 .837 .753 ..... o/.i' G 44H212 19302## 4.05 2.43 1.97 1.77 22-18 '%,' H 44H213 18204§ 2.22 1.33 1.08 .972 18-14 2%z' J 42HB20 18301 t 2.22 T:33 1.08 .972 18-14 2%z' K 42H821 18302§ 2.22 1.33 1.08 .972 18-14 ..... 0/1.' L 42H822 18303: 2.22 1.33 I.OS· .972 18-14., ... '%,' M 42HB23 18304# 2.22 1.33 1.08 .972 '4 Stock 44 42 42 44 42 44 42 42 44 42 iA 4- -..... -- Mfr's No. Type H 214 51204 H B2B 51205 H B29 51206 H 215 51208 H B30 51210 H 216 51304 H B31 51305 H B32 51306 H 217 51308 H B33 51310 PER .,PKG. OF 100 10-49 60-99 lDO-Up -1-9- --- 4.05 2.43 1.97 1.77 - - -- - - - - 4.05 2.43 1.97 1.77 --- -- --- --........... ...... ....... ....... ...... . ..... ........... ....... ...... ...... . ..... ....... 44 H 21B 42 H B40 44H219 44 H 220 42 H B3B 44 H 221 42 H B39 42 H B37 42 H 846 44 H 222 44 H 223 44 H 224 42 H B41 '42 H 842 42 H B43 53204 ·53206 4.05 2.43 1.97 1.77 53208 -- - - - - --53210 53306 53308 4.05 2.43 1.97 1.77 53310 54206 -55208 -- - 55306 55308 4.05 2.43 1.97 1.77 55310 57202 -- --1.77 -57302 4.05 2.43 1.97 57402 4.50 2.70 2.IS 1.97 - - - - --- -- ........... ....... ...... . ..... . . . . . . ...... ........... ....... ...... ...... . ..... . ...... ...... ....... ...... ........... ....... - ---- . ..... 42 H B47 58301 4.05 2.43 1.97 1.77 ~ 44 H 225 58302 4.77 2.86 2.32 2.09 ........... ....... ...... ...... . ..... . ...... . . . . . . . . . .. ....... ...... ...... . ..... . ...... DOUBLE GRIP TYPES 22-18 4 4%," N 44H226 41204 4.88 2.93 2.37 22-18 5-6 4%." N 44H227 41205 4.88 2.93 2.37 22-18 8 1o/f6'" N 44H229 41208 4.88 2.93 2.37 22-18 10 '0/16'" N 44H230 41210 4.88 2.93 2.37 --- --16-14 4 2%,' N 44H231 41304 4.88 2.93 2.37 16-14 5-6 2%z' N 44H232 41305 4.88 2.93 2.37 8 5%4" N 44H234 41308 4.B8 2.93 2.37 16-14 16-14 10 5%4" N 44H235 41310 4.B8 2.93 2.37 22-18 4 2%,' P 44H236 43204 4.BB 2.93 2.37 22-18 8 5%4' P 44H238 43208 4.8B 2.93 2.37 10 21:)," P 44H239 43210 4.88 2.93 2.37 22'18 16-14 8 5%4" P 44H241 43308 4.8B 2.93 2.37 10 21:),' P 44H242 43310 4.88 2.93 2.37 16-14 - 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 H 243 91204 H 244 91205 H 246 91208 H 247 91210 H 248 91304 H 249 91305 H 251 91308 H 252 91310 93204 H 253 -H 255 93208 H 256 93210 H 258 93308 H 259 93310 " I ._.. "" .,,::. [0 Model' 5000. Similar to Model 4900 assortment above bu t contains 1000 single-grip terminals with tool in steel box. Includes SO each of 20 different types and sizes. 10 lbs. 44 H 319 ...................................... 53.95 SERVICE KIT Mode1219S. Contains approximately 250 solderless terminals in assorted sizes. Type 1900 tool described below. Terminal assortment and tool are supplied in handy clear plastic case with slotted dividers for index tabs. 8o/.ix6x1o/.i". 2 lbs. 44 H 427 ................. 8.95 7.10 4.26 3.45 3.10 -- -- -- -- 7.10 4.26 3.45 3.10 ECONOMY PACKAGES TERMINAL ASSORTMENTS Model 4900. Assortment of 500 insulated single grip terminals with tool for correct installation. Package includes: 20 different types and sizes of terminals; Vaco 1906 crilJ1ping tool, described below; steel case with individual compartments for terminals and tool. Dimensions of case, 13 ~x 9~x2·. Shpg. wt., 10 lbs. 4 5 44. H 317................. 9.2 7.10 4.26 3.45 3.10 -- -- -- -- Non .. lnsulated Insulated Stock No. Type Qty. Stock No. Type Qty. 11204 41 44 H 268 51204 20 11205 41 44 H 269 51205 20 11206 41 44 H 270 51206 20 11208 41 44 H 271 51208 20 11210 41 44 H 272 51210 20 44H262 11304 41 44 H 273 51304 20 44 H 477 11305 41 44 H 274 51305 20 44 H 485 11306 41 44 H 275 51306 20 44 H 263 11308 41 44 H 276 51308 20 44 H 486 11310 41 ~ 51310 20 44 H 489 11410 32 .......... ..... . .... 44 H 490 11414 24 44 H 264 13204 45 44 H 278 53204 20 44 H 265 13206 45, 44 H 279 53206 20 44 H 266 13208 41 44 H 280 53208 20 44 H 267 13210 41 44 H 281 53210 20 44 H 492 13306 41 44 H 282 53306 20 44 H 283 13308 41 44 H 303 53308 20 44 H 493 13310 41 44 H 304 53310 20 44 H 49B 14206 45 44 H 305 54206 20 44 H.499 15208 45 44 H 306 55208 20 44 H 2B4 15306 41 44 H 307 55306 20 44 H 285 15308 41 44 H 308 55308 20 44 H 286 15310 41 44 H 309 55310 20 44 H 287 17202 52 44 H 310 57202 44 H 28B 17302 52 44 H 311 57302 20 44 H 289 17402 ' 41 44 H 312 57402 17 44 H 290 19301 52 ..... ..... 44 H 291 19302 20 ..... ..... 44 H 294 18204 41 44H295 18301 41 44 H 313 58301 20 44 H 297 18302 41 44 H 314 58302 17 44 H 301 18303 41 .......... ..... ..... 44 H 302 18304 41 .......... ..... . .... Per Pkg .. " ••••••••••••••• ,. •••. , ... 1.00 44 44 44 44 44 H 260 H 476 H 4BI H 261 H 4B2 4 CRIMPING TOOLS Model 1906. Tool for use with insulated terminals. Crimps barrel of terminals, strips and cuts wire. Two crimping dies for termi· nals used on 14-22 and 10-12 wires. 6 wirestripping notches are marked for Nos. 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 22.wires. Steel with plastic handles. 1 lb. 44 II 228 ........................ 4.25 244 • AlliED .......... .......... Model 1900. Similar to 1906, but 3 crimping dies for non-insulated terminals. Crimps terminals on 18-22, 14-16, and 10-12 wires. 44 H 233 .... ", ..•................ 3.95 Depend on Allied for Same Day Shipment at OEM Prices Terminals, Kits, Crimping Tools and Tool Kits THOMAS AND BETTS A-MP TERMINALS - - - - TERMINALS FOR EVERY U5E---..... SOLDERLESS TERMINALS Barrel for staking conductor has ring or spade tongue. Ex planation of symbols used in table below: *Indicates insulation grip. tSclf-insulated. with insulation grip. §Insulated connectors. :{:Disconnects. Crimping tools for terminals are listed at bottom of page. Av. shpg. wt .. per package 7 oz. Packed 100 to a package. Stock - -No.- 43 H 756 43 H 757 43 H 75B 43 H 759 43 H 760 ---43 H 761 43 H 762 43 H 763 ---43 H 765 43 H 766 43 H 767 43 H 76B 43 H 769 43 H 770 --43 H 771 43 H 772 43 H 773 43 H 774 43 H 775 43 H 776 ---43 H 777 43 H 778 43 H 779 43 H 780 43 H 7BI 43 H 782 Fig. A A A A A A A A E E B B F F G· G G G H H H H H C C D IJ1 No. 20 Ter· ~ minal Kit .. "Sta-Kon" pressure terminal kit includes 250 solderless terminals plus heavyduty Model WT-llIM cut- ~~~f'~~~re~iti~ a plastic case. Mfr's Wire No. Size A18-6 A18·10 B14·6 B14-8 B14-10 B14-14 CIO-6 CIO-IO BI4-6G* B14·IOG* A18-6F BI4·IOF BI4·6FG* BI4-IOFG* RA18-6t RAI8-IOt RB14-6t RBI4-lOt RA18-6Ft RAI8-IOFt RBI4-6Ft· RBI4-8Ft RBI4-IOFt 2RA18§ 2RB14§ B14-250Ft 22-18 22·18 20-14 20·14 20·14 20-14 16·10 16-10 16-14 16-14 22·18 20-14 16-14 16-14 22-18 22-18 16·14 16·14 22·18 22-18 16-14 16·14 16-14 22-18 16·14 20·14 Stud Size PER PKG. 1.4 5·9 ----- - - 6 10 6 8 10 10·Up 2.64 2.64 1.98 - - -2.62 - - -2.62 -v.;- -3.50 6 10 --610 -1066 10 6 10 -1066 3.80 3.80 3.50 3.50 2.64 2.64 3.50 3.50 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 10 6.00 - 6- 6.00 8 6.00 10 - 6.00 ..... 5.25 ... 5.25 ...... 3.75 -- 2.90 3.80 2.80 2.80 2.64 2.64 2.BO 2.BO 4.80 6.00 4.BO 6.00 6.00 4.80 6.00 4.80 6.00 4.20 5.25 3.00 2.90 -2.90 -2.80 2.80 1.98 1.98 2.BO 2.80 4.BO 4.80 4.BO 4.BO 4.BO 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.BO 4.20 4.20 3.00 TERMINAL KITS AND TOOLS fKJ ~ General Wiring Terminals. Ideal for use v.rhere power for soldering iron is not available or where fast reliable connections are desired. *Indir.:;] r.:il ID1 In] r.J fT1 IW1 cates insulated ~ ~ LfJ ~ ~ t!J ~ terminals-plastic outer sleeves. Use with wire size 14 to 16. eKcept t16 to 22. Require crimping tools listed below-Type 47100-1 for insulated terminals and Type 49835·1 for nou-insulated terminals. Excellent for radioTV service. electrical repair. etc. All are U.L. Listed. Shpg. wt.. 8 oz. per pkg. Packed 100 per pkg. Stock No. H 301 H 302 H 303 H 304 H 305 H 306 H 307 H 308 H 323 H 310 H 311 H 312 H 313 H 314 H 315 H 316 H 317 H 31B H 319 H 320 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Features: 100 Type A18-10 ring tongue ter. minals for any wire from .025" to .052" diameter; 100 Type B14-10 ring tongue terminals for wire, .032" to .080" diameter. SO Type CI0·IO ring tongue terminals for wire, .051" to .125" diameter. Model WT -111M crimping and cutting tool is fully described below. Kit'includes complete instructions for proper crimping procedure. Case dimensions, IlIzx4x8". Shpg. wt., 3 lbs. 43 H 785 ............................................. 9.00 PK·4 Terminal Kit. (Not Illus.) A complete assortment of 450 terminals. plus Model T-152 cushion-grip installing tool. Specially designed for contractors, industrial maintenance, etc. Can bej used to terminate or splice #22-#10 AWG wire. Complete with plastic case, 3x8x9". Shpg. wt .• 4 lbs. 43 H 786 ............................................ 29.75 fj(l MODEL WT-Ill M. Quality crimping/cutter tool which assures ~ proper fastening of solderless terminals and doubles as heavy duty wire cutter. For series A. Band C uninsulated terminals listed above. Made of hardened tool steel. Shpg. wt .. 1 lb. 43 H 784 ............................................. 3.95 'll MODEL WT· 100. Crimps terminals on wire #22-#10; also cuts or t..=J strips solid or stranded wire. For use ,vith insulated or non-insulated terminals. Shpg. wt.. I lb. . 42 H 845 .................................... , ........ 4.50 No. Fig. Type -----Ring R R ...... Ring Splice Ring Ring Spade Spade Splice S Spade M M Ring Ring Splice Ring Ring Spade -Spade --Knife ... ... R R -S S T M M N N W W P .... Kni~e Plug Recep. Stud Size PER PKG. 8-10 4·6 6.25 6.25 7.50 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 7.50 6.25 4.46 3.91 4.66 4.46 3.91 4.99 4.99 10.11 10.11 2.25 6.96 ........ 4·6 8·10 4-6 8·10 ........ 5-6 8·10 4-6 ........ 4·6 8-10 4-6 8-10 ........ ........ ........ ........ .TYPE 290:l3 SOLDERLESS TERMINAL KIT For use wherever soldering iron is un· available or impractical, and where fast, reliable terminal connections are needed. By eliminating need for soldering-saves time and labor. Kit contains assortment of most popular types of insulated solderless terminals for general wiring applications plus tbe heavy-duty "Super Champ" crimping and wiring tool described below. Terminals and tool come in one handy, compact, transparent plastic case with individual compartments. Ideal for radio-TV and electrical servicemen, automobile repairmen, hobbyists, etc. For wire sizes from 10 to 22. and most-often used stud sizes. Case, 9o/.ix6l1zx2. Shpg. wt .• 2lbs. . 45 H 322 ............................................ 19.95 ...•- : .4l~1IV ill ,: ~ _~.. .- Mfr'. 34149*t 34142*t 34070*t 34158' 34161* 34165* 34167* 34071' 34154*t 3J214t 34194t 31818t 34197 33217 33471 33219 31762t 31763 34846 36840* "SUPER·CHAMP" CRIMPING TOOLS Type 47100-1. Crimps insulated solderless terminals; shears machine screws, measures stud sizes, cuts and strips wire. Constructed of tool steel: has insulated plastic handles. Shpg. wt., I lb. 45 H 321 ................. 4.95 Type 49835·1. For crimping non-insulated terminals. Otherwise same as above-shears machine screws, measures stud sizes. cuts and strips wire. Shpg. wt .. 1 lb. 44 H 453 ................. 4.95 47100-1 49835-1 TYPE A OMNI·GRIP SOLDERLESS CONNECTOR Has tension spring inside a forked cuplift loop and insert lead. Accepts up to 8 leads. Mounts with self-tapping or machine screw. 'l16x!j46" dia. Shpg. wt .. I lb. 100 per pkg. 42 H 899. 1·9 Pkgs ........ PER PKG. 9.00 10·49 Pkgs................ PER PKG. 8. 10 50·99 Pkgs................ PER PKG. 7.30 100 or More Pkgs.......... PER PKG. 6.60 Call Your Nearest Allied Facility for All Your Electronic Needs . ALLIED· 245 Vector Terminal Boards and Terminals CIRCUIT STRUCTURES PLUGBOARDS AND RECEPTACLES EXPERIMENTERS CHASSIS KITS Des;gned for rapid setnp of 'experimental. circuits. Utilize push-in terminals, perforated XXXP phenolic decks. and supports. Type 20X Sampler Kit. Has 1 deck, 3 each 7 and 9-pin tube sockets, 2 octal sockets' 2 pot and switch brackets, bus wire, 75 push-iii and 30 solderless Save Setup Time Extremely flexIble I R616·1 40 40 40 40 No. H 906 HX 907 H 908 HX 909 EACH 1-19 20·99 100·199 200·999 - - 5.25 - - 4:'i'9 4%xSY." 6.25 5.63 4%xI7" 15.25 13.73 12.81 10.22 4%xSY.' 10.50 9.23 8.61 6.87 SY.x17' 19.50 17.55 16.38 13.07 Size of Type Main Deck Mfr'. 20X 21X 22X 25X "VECTORBORD" PRE·PUNCHED TERMINAL BOARDS Designed· for bread board or production use. QQGlQQGlGlQQ Type MA18 is GlQQGlIiIQGlQQ phenolic Grade Q·GI Q Q Q iii Q GI XXXP. MiI-PQGlQQQQGIGI 3115B; §epoxy paper meets MiI-P-22324; Pattern G Pallern A, AA, f "epoxy glass is G-IO .per MiI-P"18177. Patterns A and AA have .093" holes on .265" grid; Pattern G has .062" holes on staggered 0.1" grid; Pattern F has .062" holes on .2" grid. All are 'A." thick except boards indicated by t. %" thick. All are 17" long except boards indicated by :t, 8 Y.". T9.4 and T30N Vector terminals fit Patterns A and AA. T28 "MiniK1ip" terminals fit Patterns F and G. Av. shpg. wt .• 7 oz. QQQ~ Stock No. 40H916 40H917 40H918 40H919 40H926 45H601 45H604 45H605 46H008 46H009 46H005 46H006 46H.007 Mfr's Type 85G24EP§ 32AA18*H 64A18t 64AA18*t 32AA9*H MAI8WE* 85G24WE" 85F24EP§ 64AA18EP 42G24WEt 45B30t 9OB30 64AA32 Width Pat· tern 4' Y1." G 4' Y1." AA 4' Y1." A 4' Y1." .AA AA 2~.' 4' Y1." A 4' Y1." G 4' Y1.' F 4' Y1.' AA 4'.Y1." G 5%" B 5%' B 8Y.' AA QQQQ EACH 1·19 20·99 100·199 200·999 (85x23)x2 2.06 1.85 1.73 1.38 32x18 .84 .76 .71 .56 64x18 .84 1.25 1.13 1.05 64x18 1.44 1.34 1.07 ~ ~ .60 --:s4 .40 64x18 3.72 3.35 3.12 2.49 (85x23)x2 3.81 3.43 3.20 2.55 85x23 1.85 ~ 1.38 64x18 ~ 2.73 2.46 2.29 I.B3 (42x24)x2 1.94 1.75 1.63 ·1.30 45x30 .84 .76 .71 .56 90x30 1.62 1.46 1.36 1.09 64x32 2.45 2.21 2.06 1.64 No. Holes -:so COPPER CLAD TERMINAL BOARDS Pre-punched. have G-I0 epoxy glass insulation per MiI-P-1394B. Type FL-GE except * which have XXXP phenolic per MiI-P13949B. Type PEE Patterns Fand Ghave .062"hol;,s; Fan .2" grid, G on staggered 0.1" grid. For use with Type T-28 Mini-Klips. Last digit 1 in type no. indicates one side copper; 2, two sides copper. 'A." thick. 4 Y." wide except t 3", and~ 8 Y.". Av. shpg. wt .. 7 oz. EACH Type No. tern Holes 1·19 20-99 100·199 200·999 46HOI0 849-1-XXXPt 4Y.' F 22x15 .41 ---:3B ---:30 46HOl2 849:2-XXXPt 4Y.' F 22x15 .55 .50 .46 .37 46HOl3 850'I-XXXP 6Y.' F 32x22 .56 .84 .76 .71 46HOl4 850-2-XXXP 6Y.' F 32x22 1.04 .94 .87 .70 F 46HOl6 42F22Cl .70 42x22 .95 .88 8Y.' - - - 1.05 46HOl7 42F2ic2 1.32 1.19 1.11 .88 8Y." F 42x22 46HOl8 42G22WEC1* 8Y.' G (42x22)2 2.55 2.30 2.14 1.71 46HOl9 42G22WEC2* 8Y.' G (42x22)2 2.60 2.34 2.18 1.74 46H020 85F42WEC1*t 17' F 8Sx42 9.33 8.40 7.84 6.25 F 85x42 10.25 9.23 8.61 6.87 46H021 85F42WEC2*t 17' Stock Mfr'. Lgth. Pat. 838-A Plug boards. Sturdy 'Ae" thick epoxy paper or 'Mil spec epoxy glass. All except 2536WE have grid of .062" holes on alternate 0.1"· centers. 2536WE has .093" holes on .2" grid .. and number matrix for hole identification. With Eko "Varicon." or § etched 0.062" wide contacts on .156" centers on boards ends. 838PWE has etched copper pad network .. Receptacle contacts supplied with wire wrap and taper tab leads. Wt .. 2 oz. terminals, hardware. Type 21 X. Has 1 large and 2 small decks, 5 each" and 9-pin tube sockets. 4 pot and switch brackets, 114 push-in and 45 solderless terminals, hardware. Type 22 X Transistor Circuitry Kit. Has 1 large and 2 small decks, 9 transistor sockets. 4 switch brackets. terminals, hardware. Type 25 X. Has 1 large and 2 small decks, 115 solderless terminals, inserting tool. 4 brackets, hardware. Shpg. wt.; 20X, lIb .. 21X. 2\4 Ibs .. 22X, 1\4 Ibs., 25X. 3 Ibs. Stock 812 No. r-'--:4s 2536-WE Stock No. 40 H 928 45 H 606 40 H 927 45 H 607 45 H 609 45 H 611 45 H 608 46 H 022 46 H 023 Mfr'. Type 812 812WE* 837 837WE* 838A§ 838BWE*§ 848WE* 838§ 2536WE* No. Size Contacts 16 4Y.x6Y.' 4Y.x6Y." 16 12 12 -22 22 35 4Y.x6Y.' 43 4Y.x6Y.' 35 4Y.x6Y.' 3x4Y.' 3x4Y.' 4Y.x6Y.' 4Y.x6Y.' 1·19 2.73 3.23 2.13 2.36 2.57 3.56 5.58 3.34 6.38 EACH 20-99 100·199 200·999 2.4& 2.29 I.B3 2.16 2.91 2.71 1.92 1.79 1.43 2.12 1.98 1.58 2.42 2.33 2.08 3.31 3.16 2.74 5.02 4.69 3.74 3.17 3.06 2.77 5.74 5.36 4.27 Receptacles. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. Stock No. 46 46 45 45 H H H H 024 026 612 635 Mfr's Type R612-1 R616-1 R644 R635 No. of Contacts 12 16 22 35 EACH For 837. 837WE '1.64 812. 812WE 2.38 838PWE.838/A 2.62 848WE, 2536WE 4.46 PATCHBOARDS Type P81010. ioo holes, silver-plated, gold flashed contacts on .265" centers. Cream epoxy panel. Solder tabs, mtg. hdw. 3\4x3\4". ~ lb .. 46 H 027.1-19 EA. 10.75· 20·99 .... EA. 9.68 100-199 ........ EA. 9.03 200-999 .. EA. 7.20 Type PBIOIO-I. As above, black panel. 46 H 028. 1-19 .EA. 10.85 20·99 .... EA. 9.77 100-199 ........ EA. 9.11 200-999 .. EA. 7.27 Patchcords•. 09" diameter prongs. 25· per bundle. Stock N0'1 Mfr'. Type 46 H 029 K2.06 46 H 03 I K2.09 46 H 032 K2.15 I Description 6" black cord 9" yellow cord 15' blue cord I~I Y. Y. Y. Per Bundle 2.00 2.25 2.50 ETCHED CIRCUIT KIT Type 27X. Just add hot water. Consists of: 2 pieces 4 Y.x6 Y." 2-oz. copper clad XXXP phenolic boards, tape resist circles. strips. 2 bags dry etchant in heavy plastic. etch resist ball pen, layout paper, and easy instructions. Boards punched with .062" holes on .2" grid. Shpg. wt .. 1\4 jbs. 46 H 033.1-19......... EA. 5.95 20-99 ................. EA. 5.36 100-199 ............... EA. 4.99 200-999 ............... EA. 3.99 ~ PUSH·IN TERMINALS Hold multiple leads. need no staking. . ~_;~ T9.4 terminals have slots for sm.all ~:~:_~ ".' .::.and large leads. T30N spring· clIPS ~1~ ~~~in~:}~~s s':~~i:ti;:~~~e~~~: _ ponents. Wt. per pkg. of 100, 3 oz.. Mfr's Type 'T9A T28 T30N Fits Holes Description Slack No. OF 100 1-19 1 20-99 0 ,;:' . T9.4 PER PKG. ~. T30N SIeck No. 0 T28 PER PKG. OF 1000 4 5 24 1- 1 7.48 41 H 437 8.90 .093' Tinned brass 40H 878 1~25 .062' Tinned copper 40H 879 1.55 1.40 41 H 438 11.00 9.90 58.9053.01 .093' Nitkled brass 40H 889 8.45 7.61 41 H 439 T.I3 Insertion Tools. Simplify insertion of push-in terminals. 2 oz.' We stock printed circuit boards and related components in depth at Allied. For fast, efficient service and OEM factory prices, you can depend on Allied Electronics. 246 • ALLIED Stock N0'IType luseforl1.19, EA·120-99. EA·110o;.199, EA'1200-299, EA~ 40 H 60 I P-91 T28. .50· .45 .42 .34 40 H 603 P-92A T30N .50 .45 .42 .34 Depend on Allied for The latest in Industrial Electronic Equipment· Printed Circuitry and Building Panels DeVRY USECO CIRCUIT CARDS PC COMPONENTS An invaluable aid in developing experimental or prototype circuits. Land pattern is compatible with standard .1 grid design. Circuit card has 233 mounting pads of one or more holes each, front and back for a total of 444 holes per card; 22 fingers fit any standard plugin, right angle or swage-type connector with .156" spacing. Standard spacing of holes permits insertion of components directly into board. Standard hole size • .052". Cards may be sawed or sheared to adapt to any circuit. Gold-plated finish for optimum performance. Size. 4x4 %"; lI,s" thick. Shpg. wt.. 3 oz. 42 H 926. 1-9 ..................................... EACH 6.95 .10-24 ............................................. EACH 5.95 25·49 ............................................. EACH 5.25 TYPE 13600 EXTENDER CARD Used to extend the fingers of a circui t card to allow access to boards mounted in racks or panels. Frees both sides of electronic circuit for maintenance under operating conditions; engineering change testing during operation; investigation of parameters or parameter changes during operation. Card has 43 extension strips on each side of board; standard .156" connector spacing. Quality gold plated finish. 5x8"; lI,6" thick. Shpg. wt .. 4 oz. 42 H 929. 1-9 ...................................... EACH 10-24 ............................................. EACH 25-49 ............................................. EACH PRINTED CIRCUIT BUILDING PANEL Size. 7.50 7.00 6.25 TYPE 13700 PLUG-IN TERMINAL CARD For development of prototype printed circuitry; design testing of circuit layout. Employs more than 300 terminals in seven rows of Y2" spacing on each side of card. Allows mounting an almost unlimited number of components to either or both sides of board. Standard .156" connector spacing. Gold-plated fingers . for good contact with low noise. COfTerminals rosian protection. Size, 4x4Yz"; 1;16" thick. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. 42 H930. 1-9 .................................... EACH 19.75 10-24 ............................................. EACH 17.75 25-49 ................•........................... EACH 16.50 TYPE 13510 UNIVERSAL CIRCUIT CARD Extension of Type 13500 board. but incorporates in advanced design specific transistor locating holes, a ground bus down center'of card, and more convenient location for pad rows. Designed for Elco-type connectors (below). 190 mtg. pads of one or more holes each, front and back. for a total of 421 holes per card. 22 fingers for any connector with .156" spacing. plus 22 pairs of pads. Std. hole size. .052". Gold plated finish. 4x4Yz"; lI,6" thick. 3 oz. 42 H 927. 1·9 ..................................... EACH 6.95 10-24 ............................................. EACH 5.95 25·49 ............................................. EACH 5.25 TYPE 13511 UNIVERSAL CIRCUIT CARD Similar to'Type 13510 card above. but 4x7". and with more than 300 mtg. pads of one or more holes each, front.'and back. for a total of more than 650 holes per card. Has 22 fingers on both ends for any connector with .156" spacing; transistor locating holesi ground bus down center of card; and 22 pairs of pads for Elco-type connectors. Wt .• 5 oz. 42 H 92B. 1-9 .................................... EACH 10.50 10·24 ............................................ EACH 9.75 25-49 ............................................. EACH 9.25 Uses no clips. jacks, connectors-requires no soldering. Simply plug in any size wire from #30 to #17 gauge-they hold contact and remain connected until user changes circuit. Also, standard electronic components can be connected anywhere on the panel. Permits rapid changes, eliminates accidental disconnections. Insulation resistance between contact strips is 1000 megohms. Contact strips of spring tempered phosphor bronze for long life. Dielectric strength is 5000 v. RMS. Panel contuins 150 contact strips. 750 contact points. Parts may be spaced with similar density as in cOllventional wiring. Molded acrylic. punch vinyl plastic (ambient temperature 20°F to U5°F). 9y.x14%x%". Shpg. wt .. 214 lbs. 40 H 654 ..................................... EACH 37.50 MATCHING PLUG-IN TUBE AND TRANSISTOR SOCKETS For use with P.e. building panel listed above. Av. shpg. wt.. 3 oz. Type Socket Type EACH Stock No. 15070 Octal 1.90 40 H 655 9-Pin 15060 40 H 656 1.90 7-Pin 15050 1.90 40 H 657 Transistor 15080 40 H 659 1.65 PLUG-IN INSTRUMENTS PRINTED CIRCUIT BLANKS Made of lI,s" XXXP paper phenolic or epoxy-glass. with I-oz. copperfoil. Sealbrite finish. Undrilled. 6 transistor pads each. Fit Amphenoll43 connectors. EG-Epoxy glass board; GFGold-flash finish; DH - 59 holes drilled in pads; RF-Rhodiumplated contacts. 50/8" high. Widths: 9-pin, 30/8"; 10-pin, 4YaH ; 15pin, 3 1%4". Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. PLUG-IN BLANKS WITH BRACKET Stock No. Mfr's Type Allied maintains complete stocks of Elco and Amphenol pril;1ted circuit connectors. Both the Elco 6007 ond Amphenol 143. series of PC con· nectors can be used with boords described above. EACH Solder Pads 1.4 5.14 15.49150.99 46 46 46 46 9 ~ 5.65 5.37 4.94,4.66 H 695 M90012PA 253 6.BO 6.46 5.94 5.61 H 696 M90012PA-EG-GF-DH 9 296 6.40 6.0B H 697 M90014PE 14 296 7.60 7.22 H 699 M90014PE-EG-GF-DH 14 46 46 46 46 H H H H j ~::~I~:~~ PLUG-IN BLANKS WITH FINGER CONNECTIONS 6991M90026PH 690 M90026PH-EG·RF·DH 1 691 M94010PJ . 692 M940IOPJ-EG-RF-DH 10 10 125411.90[1.71[1.521,.33 254 4.25 3.B2 3.40 2.98 15 282 1.95 1.75 1.56 1.36 15 282 4.30 3.B7 3.44 3.0 I AMPHENOL SERIES 143 PC CONNECTORS Stock No. CONNECTORS FOR CIRCUIT BOARDS Pins 40 42 40 42 H 503 H 951 H 500 H 953 Mfr's 143 • Mates Pins 010·03 01501 015-03 9/10 14/15 14/15 Type 149 5099 .92 1.09 1.19 .77 EACH 100249 .59 .64 .76 .83 -- --010·01 - - - - -9/10 ---.93 .70 Allied Maintains the World's Largest Stocks of Electronics Components .90 .99 250- '10002499 999 .50 .55 .65 .71 A4 .49 .57 .62 ALLIED· 247 Elco Varipak, Hardware and Accessories GRA YHILL ELCO VARIPAK II PC CARD ENCLOSURES Reduce wiring' time to a minimum. Aluminum rack holds boards and connectors in correct alignment for efficient staking of printed circuitry. Fit any 19" standard relay rack or cabinet. Adiustable to hold PC boards up to 8 Yz" long and from 3 Yz to 4 Yz" wide. All are supplied complete with blank connector panel for your own cut-out design, except Type S which has strap in place of panel mounting. Dimensions: 1) Depth of guide plate; 2) Depth of mounting hanger. Av. shpg. wt., 2l1.! lbs. Stock No.' H 488 HX 695 HX 696 H 489 H 490 45 45 45 45 45 Mfr'. Type 9016-2-P 9016-6-P 9016-6-S 9016-1O-P 9016-14-P SYz' SYz" SYz' 8'1z' -7' 8' -1-24 - - -25·99 --' 2 1 4' Molded of rugged black electrical grade phenolic, for general applications where· insulating washers are required. Highly resistant to moisture absorption-will not support fungus growth. Have high dielectric strength. Washers are available in a variety of commonly used sizes. Hole diameter is listed under "Dia. Gil; shoulder diameter under Dia. A"; thickness. "Dim. D, E, and F". Shpg. wt., 2 oz. II EACH Dimensions SYz', SY.' Dim 0-094' 100·Up 19.50 16.00 13.50 11' POLYCARBONA TE GUIDES FOR ABOVE 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Stock No. Mfr's Type Size Style 9016-1201 9016-1202 9016-1203 9016-1204 9016-1205 9016-1206 9016-1207 9016-1208 9016-1209 9016-1210 9016-1211 9016-1212 ]Ils' A A A VJS' B B B C C C .10 D D D .10 H 491 H 492 H 493 H 692 H 693 H 694 H 494 H 495 H 496 H 497 H 498 H 499 %.' 'Is' %.' '.'Is' ]Ils' %.' 'Is' ]Ils' %.' 'Is' EACH No. H 292 H 293 H 294 H 295 H 296 H 297 H 298 H 299 EACH Screw Dia. Ola. Oia. Size A B C 1·499 500·999 ------- --21BIOOI-2 .500' .375' .145' #6 Type 21BI002-2 21BI003-2 21BI004-2 21 BlOOS-2 21BI006-2 21B1021-2 21BI022-2 .10 GUIDE STRIPS For use in printed circuit packaging. Reduces engineering design time and production expense. Allows you to accurately guide printed circuij;modules-strips made for VJs" boards, 9011.3031 at .750" spacing. Made of glass-filled diallyl-phthalate. Series 9011 guide strips are assembled as "building blocks"-permit designer to include as many strips as requiredin increments of 7 guide locations. Series 9012 may be used in similar manner but are wider and longer. *Right-hand and left hand may be used interchangeably. 10 'oz. 248 • ALLIED Right guide; 2" high Center guide; 2" high "*Left guide; 2" high Right guide; 3%" high Left guide; 3%'" high ~6' . ¥a" Q6 #4 .625" .375" .37S H .171" .198' .10 .08 .10 .08 .258' --- - - --.319' .384" .145' .111' .250' INDUSTRIAL HARDWARE' Precision-lnade captive screws and inserts designed to meet MiI-E-I6400 (Ships) spedfi- "'~l:",,'I1- cations. Have slotted-head thumb screws and panel inserts, manufactured of corrosion and tarnish-free stainless steel. Available in two screw and insert thread sizes and two screw lengths to fit most material thicknesses. *In table below indicates length shown less head. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. Stock j Mf"8jTh.eadj'! EACH· . . No. Type ~ Length 1.4991500.999\1000.2499\2500.4999 45 H 357 CS-l11 10-24 Ys' .55 .468 .44 .40 45 H 358 CS-122 10-32 l' .55 .468 .44 .40 PANEL INSERTS Type 9016.2402 Marker Strip. Flexible, white poly-vinyl chloride locator for guides, PC cards. 16*" long. Wt., 2 oz. 45 H 454. Any Quantity .............................. EACH .09 45 45 45 45 45 .500' --.500' RA YTHEON I j Mf.'S!Thread! Hole EACH No~ Type ~ ~ 1.4991500.99911000.249912500.4999 45 H 360 PIN-ll1 3-32 10-24 .23 .196 .184 .167 45 H 361 PIN-122 10-32 10-32 .25 .213 .200 .182 ! Description lI.!" .315' .375' .375' .375' .500" .250" .500' Stock Type 9016. 1302 Guide Plates. Extra plates. 1 oz. 45 H 691.1·49 ... EA. 5.50 50·199 ... EA. 4.50 200·Up ... EA. 3.50 Mfr'. Type 9011-3011 9011-3021 9011-3031 9012-3029 9012-3019 .500' CAPTIVE SCREWS Type 9016, 2201 Front Panel. Enhances the appearance of the Varipak and provides a mtg. for gauges and other instruments. For Type 9016-6P Varipak only. Wt., 1 lb. 45 H 480.1·24 ........ EACH 10.50 25.Up., ....... EACH 8.75. No. H 449 H 450 H 451 H 452 H 453 #8 #10 Meets Mil·E·16400 Specs. COMPONENTS FOil VARIPAK II Stock I Dim E-063" I Dim F-031" Mfr's Stock Printed circuit hoards slide into slots on guides and are firmly held in rack. Guides are made of polycarbonate and are designed to snap into place in guide slots. Supplied with snap rivets. Available in three thicknesses to accommodate boards of different sizes. Styles: A, for 9016-2-P Varipaks; B, for 9016-6-P and 9016-6-S; C, for 9016-1O-P; D, for 9016-14-P. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 MOLDED INSULATING WASHER EACH 1·99 100·249 2.50 1.95' 2.50 1.95 2.50 1.95 3.50 2.95 3.50 2.95 PANEL BRACKETS Heavy-duty "L" brackets for use in pairs to hold terminal and resistor boards under condi tions of shock or vibration. Panels may be mounted singly; or in ·pairs in parallel planes. Mounting feet and panel supports drilled for 6-32 screws. *Indicates distance between centers of holes in panel supports. Shpg. wt" 4 oz. Stock 46 46 46 46 Mfr'. Type H H H H MB-12S MB-126 M B-121 MB-128· 619 620 62 I 623 EACH Overall Support No. Height Centers* 2]1l6" 2%6" 3)06' 3%6" SUPERIOR I' lYz' 2" 2Yz' 1·99 '-"1--"~' - - -.16. - - -.15 -1---:2il -.17 .21 .22 .23 .179 .187 .196 .168 .176 .184 .157 .165 .172 NEW FUSED BINDING POST • Eliminates Need of Separate Units • Fuse Accessible From Front of Panel Combines a fuseholder and 5-way binding post in one unit-eliminates necessity of separate wiring. Ideal for use where limited panel space prohibits the use of individual binding post and fuseholder components. Molded of phenolic resin-accepts standard 3AG fuse. Mounts in YaH hole, panels up to lI.!" thick. Rated 15 amps, 250 volts. Less thumbnut, listed below. Shpg. wt .. 3 oz. 41 H 180.1·9 .......... EACH 1.40 10·99 ............ EACH 1.• 05 Thumbnuts for Above. Available in black, blue, red, white, yellow, or green. Specify color when ordering. Wt.• 1 oz. 41 H H 181. 1·9 ........ EACH • I 0 . 10·99 ............. EACH .075 Depend on Allied for The Latest in Industrial Electronic Equipment H. H. Smith Spacers and Posts ALUMINUM SPACERS AND POSTS I ALUMINUM SPACERS '14" a.D. tubular spacers with pred- sion machined ends l " CADMIUM-PLATED BRASS SPACERS I 1. <:222221~1r:\\-r ~11:df~~::h~ S~~:[::::::::::::;;;;;;J ~~~ port components or .------------T structural members in electronic assemblies. mechanisms. Aluminum. with iridite protective finish (meet Mil-C-5541 specifications). Length, ±.005" tolerance. I. D. (inside diameter) for #4 screws is .113", for #6 screws is .140", for #8 screws is .169". Av. shpg. wt.. 6 oz. Packed IOta a package Stock 44 44 44 44 .44 44 44 44 44 44 No. Mfr's Type H H H H H H H H H H 8481 8483 8501 8503 8505 8507 8511 8521 8523 8527 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 Screw Size --./4 PER PKG. OF 10 Length Inches H 86 #6 06 16 #6 ,'8 #8 18 .250 .500 .250 .500 .750 1.000 2.000 .250 .500 1.000 1·49 50.99 100·Up 1.00 .90 .83 -.90 --:a3 1.00 1.66 1.00 1.00 1.00 ALUMINUM POSTS 1-· 1.49 .90 .90 .90 "I 1.38 .83 .83 .83 _. . Round metallic rods L ~ J tapped through, or --L tapped at each end. ~ ~ Support and sepa- ~ ~ T aD rate componets or '"---:---------:--~T structural members" 'd I --r withouttheneedfor~d-+i I- +I T long screws or machine nuts. Aluminum with iridite finish. Length and outside diameter dimensions within ±.005" tolerance. *Indicates minimum full thread depth. Av. shpg. wt., 6 oz. Packed 10 posts to a package. @ 0) 250" OD Stock Mfr's No. Type 44 H 44·H 44 H 44 H 44 H 44 H 44 H 44 H 44 H 44 H 44 H 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 695 697 698 8323 8327 8329 8343 8345 8347 8349 8351 8352 8353 8355 44 H 699\ 8365 44 H 675 ,8367 I PER PKG. OF 10 T Length Inches *d 4-40 4-40 4-40 6·32 6-32 6-32 6-32 6-32 6-32 6-32 6-32 .500 1.000 1.500 .500 .750 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 4.000 Thru -1·49 - - -50·99 - - 100·U p .250 .250 2.66 2.39 2.21 Thru Thru .375 .375 .375 . 375 .375 .375 2.66 2.66 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 2.39 2.39 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 ""2.21 2.21 2.76 2.76 2.76 2.76 .313" 0.0. 8-32 \ 8-32 .500 .750 \ Thru \ Tllr" 2.66 \ 2.39 \ 2.21 FIBER .SPACERS t::':-':-~ ----- Round fiber bushings for screw sizes indicated in table. Meet ~ Mil-F-1l48A, Grade CH. Ideal for use in raising sub panels, chassis, condensers, transformers etc. Have '14" outside diameter. Av. wt., 2 oz. Packed 10 to a package. tQ\ FOR #4 SCREWS Stock No. 44 44 44 44 44 H H H H H Mfr's Type 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 700 701 702 703 705 PER PKG. OF 10 Length 1·49 Y4" .39 .50 .60 .72 •83 Ya' Yz' %' I' -50·99 -.351 .445 .54 .648 .747 100.Up .324 .411 .498 .598 .688 FOR #6 SCREWS 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 H H H H H H H H H H 706 707 708 709 710 711 713 714 715 716 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 I 14' ¥a" Yz' %' I' I .39 .50 .60 .72 .83 I .351 .445 .54 .648 .747 I .324 .411 .498 .598 .688 FOR #8 SCREWS 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 14' Ya' Yz' %' I' I .39 .50 .60 .72 .83 I .351 .445 .54 .648 .747 I .324 .41 I .498 .598 .688 Round or hex spacers designed for usc in raising sub panels, chassis, condensers. transformers, etc .• in electronic assemblies. Constructed of durable cadmiumplated brass. Ends are precision machined, lengths and outer diameters accurately controlled to ± 1 /32" tolerance. *Indicates hole in bushing accommoROUND dates #4 screw, t 66 screw, 1: #8 screw. Tapped bushings are for threads indicated ill table below. Av. shpg. wt., 6 oz. Packed 10 spacers to a package. @ 'f.!" 0.0. ROUND-NON-THREADED Stock Mlr'. Length PER PKG. OF 10 _-.:.N::o~'~~I.__T::y~p!::e:""_I _ _-:-;,c-_,_~1.~4::..9_ 50·99 . 100·U p 2100t 14' .33 ~~ 2!Olf Ya' .44 .392 .361 2102t Yz' .53 .475 .438 2103t %' .63 .567 .523 .:4~4::....:H.:...!7.:.2:..:9:"1 __.:.2:.:.10::..4:.!t__ I_.....:I~'~_I_~'7.:.2,.648 .598 44 H 730 2105t '14' .33 .297 ·.274 44 H 73 I 2106t Ya' .44 .392 .361 44 H 732 2107t Yz' .53 .475 .438 44 H 733 2108t %' .63 .567 .523 .:4~4~H~7~3~4~1_-=2~10~9~t~_I_~I~'~__.I __.~7~2~ .648 .598 44 H 718 2340* 14' .33 .297 .274 44 H 719 2341* Ya' .44 .392 .361 44 H 720 2342* Yz' .53 .475 .438 44 H 721 2343* %' .63 .567 .523 44 H 723 2344* I' .72 .648 .598 44 44 44 44 H H H H 724 725 726 728 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 H H H H H H H H H 741 743 744 746 747 749 750 751 752 753 735 736 737 738 740 ROUND-NON-THREADED H H H H H H '14' 2110t 2Ult 2112t 2113t 2114t 2115t 2116t 2117t 2118t 2119t 2345' 2346' 2347* 2348* 2349* Ya' Yz' %' I' 14' Ya' Yz" %' I' '14" Ya" Yz' %' I" ROUND-THREADED S~o:,k 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Tap Length 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 H 782 H 783 H 785 H 786 H 787 H 788 H 789 H 790 H 791 H 792 H 775 H 776 H 777 H·779 H 780 Allied-Everything in Electronics from One Dependable Source .438 .523 .598 .685 .772 .438 .523 .598 .685 .772 .438 .523 .598 .685 .772 'f.! /I 0.0 • 1.49 """""6-32 ~ --:39 6-32 6-32 6-32 6-32 8-32 8-32 8-32 8-32 8-32 4-40 4-40 4-40 4-40 4-40 Ya' Yz' %' I' ~ Ya' Yz' %' 1" ~ Ya' Yz' %' I' HEX-NON-THREADED Stock No . .475 .567 .648 .743 .837 .475 .567 .648 .743 .837 .475 .567 .648 .743 .837 PER PKG. OF 10 ~:~: 761 2120t 765 2121 t 766 2122t 767 2123t 768 2124t 770 ~ 771 2126t 772 2127t 773 2128t 774 2129t 755 2370* 756 2371* 758 2372* 759 2373* 760 2374* %" O.D. .53 .63 .72 .83 .93 .53 .63 .72 .83 .93 .53 .63 .72 .83 .93 Mfr's Type 2300t 2JOlt 2302t 2303t 2304t 2305t 2306t 230n 2308t 2309t 2380* 2381' .2382* 2383' 2384" - Length '14' Ya' Yz- %' I" '14" Ya' Vi" %' I' '14' Ya' Yz' %" I' .50 .60 .72 .83 .39 .50 .60 .72 .83 50.99 100.Up· ~ ~ .445 .54 .648 .747 .41 I .498 .598 .688 ~----:324 .445 .54 .648 .747 .41 I .498 .598 .688 --:39 ~ ~ .50 .60 .72 .83 .445 .54 .648 ·.747 .4 1 I .498 .598 .688 %" 0.0. PER PKG. OF 10 1·49 50·99 100·Up .36 .47 .56 .68 .78 ~ .419 .502 .607 .702 .299 .386 .463 .56 .648 .47 .56 .68 .78 .36 .419 .502 .607 .702 .324 .419 .502 .607 .702 .38& .4&3 .56 .648 .299 .386 .463 .5& .648 --:36 ~ ---:299 ;47 .56 .68 .78 ALLIED • 249· Knobs, Handles, Test Jacks, and Insulating Materials POLYSTYRENE SHEETS, RODS AND TUBING • UHF, VHF, SHF Applications • Low.. Loss • May Be'Cut to Any Size I . High-grade polystyrene sheets. rods. and tubing. Suited to numerous RF applications including VHF. UHF. and SHF because of its ;,extremely low-loss factor. Rods and tubing are excellent for use as coil forms, or in construction of insulators. Sheets may be used for shielding or dial and gauge glass. All have extremely high dielectric strength. excellent arc resistance and insulation properties-no . moisture absorption. Highly stable under varying climatic conditions-always retain original dimensions. will not warp or stretch. Easy to cut to any size-may be sawed. drilled, or tapped. All sheets are. transparent. All tubing and all rods have satin finish. except "'transparent. . ., POLYSTYRENE SHEETS Stock No. 43 H 150 .43 H 151 43 H 152 43 H 153 43 H 154 43 HX 155 43 HX 156 43 HX 157 .43 HX 158 43 HX.16.2 Shpg. Wt. 8 oz. 10 oz. 12 oz. 1 Iii. Iii lb•. 1 lb. lYs Iba. Iii Iba. 2 lba. 3 lba. Thlckness Size 12x12' 12x12' 12x12' 12x12' 12x12' 12x24' 12x24' 12x24' 12x24' 12x24' J16' %Z' lis' ~6' Ys' J16' ~z' lis' ~6' lis' EA.CH 10-Up 1-9 4.07 3.66 4.70 4.23 4.85 5.39 7.01 6.31 7.19 7.99 7:64 ---us 8.97 10.39 12.89 15.34 8.07 9.35 11.60 13.81 12" POLYSTYRENE RODS Stock No. 43 H 164 43 H 165 .43 H 167 43 H 16B 43 H 169 43 H 170 43 H 171 43 H 172 43 H 173 43 H 174 EACH 10-Up 1-9 .02 .03 .07 .06 .12 .11 .1 B .16 .25 .22 .47 .42 .64 ·.71 .98 .88 1.39 1.25 1.86 1.67 Shpg. Wt. 2 oz. 3. oz. S oz. 6 oz. 6 oz. 6 oz. S oz. Boz. 8 oz. S oz. Dia. lis'· .~6' Ys' .0/16' ¥oI' Ii' Ys". %' Ys' I' 12" POLYSTYRENE TUBING Stock No •. 43 H 175 43H 176 43 H 177 43 H 178 43 H 179 43 H 180 43 H IBI '!4". 0/16" ~6' Ii' Ys' W Ys' Ya' 1;4' ., ,t %' I' Shpg. Wt. 2 oz. 3 oz. 3 oz. I. D. O. D. a oz, Ii' 4 oz. 4 oz. 6 oz. Ya' Ys' . ;;f ~ . ® Top-quality.080' test dia. jackstest for standard ...' ~¥l:~e:f~i~~?i~ ©. I G @) .. soldering; Fig. B by expansion shonlder. Nylon insulated except *teflon. EACH Mtg. Fig. Color Hole 1- 25- 50- 250- 50024 49 249 499 999 A Red <46 H 502 TJ'303R .21 .19 T7 T6 .15 A Black .%,' .21 .19 .17 .16 .15 .46 H 503 TJ-305BL B Red 46 H 504 TJ-4OJR. .23 .21 .18 .17 .15 ~z' B Black ~2' .23 .21 .IB .17 .15 46 H 506 TJ-405BL 46 H 507 TJ-103R C Red 1;4' .35 '.35 Ts Ts 46 H 508 TJ-I05BL C Black 1;4' .35 .35 .35 .35 .... 46 H 509, TJ-153R D Red Ys' .40 .40 .40 .40 .... 46 H 510 . TJ-155BL 'D Black 1;4' .40 .40 ;40 .40 .... 46 H 511 .TJ-lll-WT C White 1;4' .68 .68 .68 .68 .... 46 H 512 *TJ-161-WT D White 1;4' .B2 .82 .B2 .B2 46 H 515 TJ-I08W C White 1;4' Ts Ts Ts .35 .... 46 H 516 TJ-I02B C Brown .1;4' .35 .35 .35 .35 .... 46 H 517 TJ-I06G C Green Ys' •35 .35 .35 .35 , ... 46 H 518 TJ-I07MB C Blue 1;4" .35 .35 .35 .35 .... 46 Ii 519 TJ-I0IY C Yellow 1;4' .35 .35 .35 .35 .... Stock No. Mfr'. Type ~" 10002499 :T35 .135 .145 .145 ..... ..... ..... ..... -- -..... 250 • ALLIED Stock Mfr'. Fig. Knob Type Dla. No. 43 H 722 1000-20 E 2%4' 2%4' 1038-20 E 43 H 723 43 H 724 500-20 F Vz'" 43 H 725 625-20 G Ya' 43 H 726 300-20 H s~4' 43 H 727 310-20 H 5~411' MILLEN , . ~ ''. .. ' ..... ..... .... ..... EACH 1-10 11-24 25-49 50-99 1.03 -:s9 --:BTS .73 1.15 .995 .91 .815 .86 .74 .68 .615 .BB .755 .695 .625 1.10 .95 .B7 .7B .B25 1.17 1.00 .92 Skirt Dla. I' --- lYs' Ya' .. ", *' lYs' DIAL AND MINIATURE KNOBS INSTRUMENT DIAL Type 10007. Good-looking dial with 0-10 clockwise scale spread over 180· {or easy, direct .calibration and high legibility. Easy-to-read black etched numerals; black plastic knob. Dial diameter. I YaH. Fit. Ys" shaft. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. 43 H.252 ................................. 75 MINIATURE PLASTIC KNOBS II -f;i Black, plastic knobs offering excellent appearance and minia- ", ~.j. • ~tJ:!le·f!as~o~g~~~ equipment. Each knob r.1 fj(1 I7lL '!s fitted with ~ brass J ~ ~ t=J Insert that WIll accommodate a' lis" diameter shaft. Type A018 has a slQtted top-accepts a screwdriver blade. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. •. . . . . iUl M l!!!J Stock No. Type 43 43 43 43 AOl9 A01S A007 A006 H H H H 253 254 255 256 EACH 1-9 10-Up --.1-0- ~ .14 .13 .1 B .16 .25 .22 --.3-1.28 .39 .35 .55 .49 RAYTHEON TEST JACKS .- .. ~. Round Aluminum Knobs. Rugged, attractive knobs for use on receivers, test equipment, hi-fi systems-electronics equipment of any type . All have straight knurl except T ,pes 300-20 and 310-20 which have diamond knurl. All fit Ys H shaft and have anodized aluminum finish. Supplied with 6-32 set screws, except Type 310-20, which has 8-32 set screw. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. Fig. J Height Diameter Ya' Ya' Ya' 1;4' . K L M Ys' Ya' Ii' %' EACH .36 .39 .42 .4B USE CO NICKEL-PLATED BRASS HANDLES Sturdy handles for instrument panels, rack panels, portable equipment, etc. All are constructed of brass, heavily nickel, plated for durability under frequent usage. Types 1005-12. 1010-12, 1012-12 • 1013-12,1015-12,1017-12,1033-12.1034-12, and 1035-12 are oval handles with 10-32 threaded mounting holes. Type 1020 is a cabinet handle. has mounting ferrule, 'i16-8 threads with hex nuts. Type 1032-12 is a folding handle with 180· swivel, has Ys-24 mtg. threads. Type 900 is a nickel-plated brass mounting ferrule. Fits Type 1005-12,1010-12,1012-12,1013-12, 1015-12, and 1017-12 handles. Av. shpg. wt .• 4 oz. Stock No. 43 H 728 43 H 729 43 H 730 43 H 731 43·H 732 43 H 733 43 H 73~ 43 H 735 43'H 736 43 H 737 43 H 73B .Stock No. M:fr', Type 1005-12 1010-12 1012-12 1013-12 1015-12 1017-12 1033-12 1034-12 1035-12 1032-12 1020-12 I EACH Hand Ctrs. Clearance 1-10 11-25 26-75 76-199 Fig. Mtg. P P P P P P T T R S S Mfr'slFi g. Type ~ Iii' Iii' 41i' Iii' 3' '11i' 2' Iii' 3' ~ 4'%,' Iii" 6" 41;4' 4' 6.44' 4' 414" . I 1%" 1'~6' . Il1z'" . Description 43H""739 "9oiiT2 N" lW Brass Ferrule I.OB -:9i5 --:ii3 .99 .B4 .76 .99 .84 .76 1.01 .855 .775 .9B .825 .75 .96 .81 .735 1.79 1.52 T.3B 2.03 1.72 1.56 2.2B 1.93 1.75 3.07 2.60 2.36 1.301.10 1.00 I -:73 .67 .67 .685 .66 .65 T:22 1.38 1.55 2.09 .B8 PER 6-13 PKG. 14-38 OF TWO 1-5 39-100 -:301--:261-:231--:20 Coli the Nearest Allied Office for All Your Electronic Needs Raytheon Knobs, Knob Locks, and Shaft Locks KNOB LOCK POINTER KNOB Especially designed for easy legibility-feature pointer that curves over knob towards panel to increase accuracy in reading. Match standard series knobs at right. Constructed of sturdy, acrilonitrilestyrene plastic. In mirror finish, or non-reflective "matte," conforming to military specs. Less knob lock below. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. "G" after Type Na. STANDARD CONTROL KNOBS indicates "malte" finish-others arc mirror flnish. Stock Mfr's Type No. 46 Ii 520 70-ILK-2 46_H 522 70-ILK-2G 46 H 524 90-ILK-2 46 H 525 90-ILK-2G 46 H 526 125-ILK-2 46 H 527 125-ILK-2G Fits Lock Type 5-126-01 5-126-02 5-127-01 5-127-02 5-128-01 5-128-02 EACH 1-99 100-199 ~00-499 500-999 ---:B6"" --:791 .744 --:6Si""" .91 .842 .792 .693 .91 .842 .792 .693 .97 .893 .841 .735 .97 .893 .841 .735 1.02 .944 .888 .777 STANDARD KNOB LOCKS Fit standard %"-32 threaded shanks. Outer skirts are acrilonitrile-styrene plastic. For all Fig. C and D knobs above right; and with pointer knobs above. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. "G" after Type No. indicates "matte" finish-others are mirror finish. Stock Mfr's Fit Knob EACH 46 ~o~281_K=::'_;::;o:;=-_I----,s=-e:;r:::ie=s,-- 1-99 100-199200-499500-999 70 ---:71----:655 --:6T6 .539 46 H 529 KL-70IG 70 .76 .706 .664 .581 46 H 530 KL-901 90.8 I .748 .704 .616 46 H 531 KL-90IG 90 .86 .799 .752 .658 46 H 534 KL-1251 125 .86 .791 .744 .651 46 H 536 KL-1251G 125 .91 .842 .792 .693 IBJ ~ Stock No. H 100 H 101 H 102 H 103 H 104 H 105 H 106 H 107 H lOB H 109 H 110 Hili H 112 H 113 H 114 HIlS H 116 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 DESIGNER SERIES KNOBS Molded black plastic knobs with spun aluminum cap inserts. "BD" in Type No. indicates knob has black dot as indicator. All have .708" O.D. except *.911" O.D. and t 1.225". § ring skirted. Meet military specs. Wt. 3 oz. EACH Fig. Shaft Size 1-99 100-199 200-499 500-999 Mfr's Typo DS70-I-l DS70-1-2 DS70-1-3 DS70-IBD-2 DS70-2-2 DS70-2BD-2 DS70-3-2 DS90-I-l DS90-1-2' DS90-1-3 DS90-IBD-2 DS90-2-2* DS90-2BD-2* DS90-3-2* DSI25-1-2t DSI25-2-2t DSI25-3-2t B B B B B§ B§ A B B B B B§ B§ A B B§ A .127" .252 n .190n .252n .252n .252" .252n .127" .252" .190" .252" .252" .252" .252" .252" .252" .252" ~ --:7TB .679 .593 .78 .718 .679 .593 .B8 .81 .767 .669 .88 .BI .767 .669 ~ --:767 ~ .98 .902 .853 .745 .96 .B83 .835 .73 .98 .902 .853 .745 .88 .81 .767 --:669 .9B .902 .853 .745 .98 .902 .853 .745 .98 .902 .853 .745 1.08 .944 .94 .724 1.05 .96& .914 .798 .98 .902 .853 .745 1.08 .994 .94 .724 1.14 1.05 .992 .866 --:as PLASTIC BAR KNOBS Give leverage for control of heavy detent switches. Fitted with alnminum insert that accepts standard Y-I" control shaft. Size, 21h" long, %" wide and Va" deep. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. Type 125-7·2G, "malle" finish; 125.7.2, mirrar finish. Stock Mfr'. II_-:--::::--;-:c:o:-:-:::E;:-A:;-C=--;H:::--:,--;::::-.---::===~-:--N~O=--:'~~I~~T~y~p~e~'I_~1~-~9~9__ 1 100-199_1_200-499-1-500-999 46 H 537 125-7-2G 1.21 1.122 1.057 .924 46 H 540 125-7-2 1.16 1.071 1.00 I .882 I MOLDED-NYLON SHAFT LOCKS Reliable means of maintaining control settings under conditions of shock and/or vibration. Mount on control bushing, in place of the usual nut and washer. Molded nylon with nickel-plated brass insert. Threaded for Y-IH or YaH bushings. R or B after Type No. indicates color-red or black. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. Stock No. 46 46 46 46 H H H H 541 542 543 544 EACH Mfr's Thread :",fror Type Size Shaft 1-99 100-199 200-499 500-999 SL-IOOB Ya-32 Y-I" -:28 .238 .224---:203 SL-IOIR Ya-32 Y-I" .28 .238 .224 .203 SL-llOB Ya-32 Y-In .22 .187 .176 .159 SL-lOSB Y-I-32 Yo" .22 .187 .176 .159 A variety of knob types and sizes combining rugged design with modern styling. Knobs are molded plastic. Each fitted with an aluminum insert. Two Allen head set-screws fasten to the control shaft. Available in choice of two standard finishes-a high gloss mirror finish and a uniform non.reflecting "matte" finish that conforms to military specifications (MS 91528B). All for lise with Y-I" shafts except 50 series. Yo" shaft size only. Types: C, Round; D, Skirted Round; E, Round Dial; F, Pointer; G, Skirted Pointer; H. Crank. 'Dial dia. tLength. 3 oz. "G" after Type No. indicates "matte" finish-others are mirror finish. 50 SERIES Stock No. 46 H 545 46 H 546 46 H 549 4& H 550 46 H 551 46 H 552 46 H 553 46 H 554 46 H 556 46 H 557 Mfr's Type 50-1-1 50-I-IG 50-2-1 50-2-IG 50-3-1 50-3-IG 50-4-1 50-4-IG 50-5-1 50-5-IG Fig. 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 70-1-2 70-1-2G 70-2-2 70-2-2G 70-3-2 70-3-2G 70-4-2 70-4-2G 70-5-2 70-5-2G C C C D D E E F F G G Dia. l~Z" '~z" '932'" '~z" '112''' *'~2" t'v,." t'v,." t'v,." t'v,." EACH 1-99 100-199 200-499 500-999 -:sJ .468 ----:4:4 ----:38S .56 .48B .519 .427 .59 .544 .512 .488 .64 .595 .56 .49 .66 .612 .576 .504 .546 .72 ----:663 .624 .51 .468 .44 .385 .56 .519 .• 488 .427 .544 .59 .512 .448 .64 .595 .56 .49 70 SERIES H H H H H H H H H H 558 559 563 564 567 568 569 570 571 572 C D D E E F F G G 27'32" 2%2" 2~z" 2%2" *2~t" *2%211 t'7i." t'7i." t'7i." t'Y1.n .64 .70 .73 .7B .81 .86 .64 .70 .73 .78 .595 .646 .672 .723 .748 .799 .595 .646 .672 .723 .56 .60B .632 .68 .704 .752 .56 .608 .632 .68 .49 .532 .553 .595 .616 .658 .49 .532 .553 .595 .68 .74 .76 .82 .85 .629 .68 .706 .757 .782 .833 .672 .723 .748 .799 .592 .51B .56 .64 .664 .581 .623 .712 .736 .644 .784 ~ .632 .553 .68 .595 .704 .616 ;752 .658 90 SERIES 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 H H H H H H H H H H 575 576 577 578 580 581 5B3 584 586 587 90-1-2 90-1-2G 90-2-2 90-2-2G 90-3-2 90-3-2G 90-4-2 90-4-2G 90-5-2 90-5-2G 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 H H H H H H H H 588 589 590 591 594 595 596 597 125-1-2 125-1-2G 125-2-2 125-2-2G 125-3-2 125-3-2G 125-6-2 125-6-2G 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 H H H H H H H H 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 610 175-1-2 175-1-2G 175-2-2 175-2-2G 175-3-2 175-3-2G 175-6-2 175-6-2G 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 H H H H H H H H 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 225-1-2 225-1-2G 225-2-2 225-2-2G 225-3-2 225-3-2G 225-6-2 225-6-2G C C D D E E F F G G 5%," 5~" 5%4" 5%," *5%." *5%4" Uv,." Uv,." Uv,." ttv,." ---:90 .73 .78 .81 - .86 125 SERIES C C D D E E H H 1'%." 11'%4" 1'%," 1'%," *1'%." *1''%4' U2%," U2Mz" .73 .78 .81 .86 .88 .94 1.86 1.91 .672 .723 .748 .799 .816 .867 1.717 1.768 .632 .6B .704 .752 .768 .816 1.616 1.664 .553 .595 .616 .659 ;672 .714 10414 1.456 .782 .833 .859 .91 .969 1.02 1.87, 1.921 .736 .784 .808 .856 .912 .96 1.76 1.80B .644 .686 .707 .749 .798 .B4 1.47 1.5B2 .893.944 .969 1.02" I.OB 1.131 1.938 1.989 .84 .888 .912 .9& 1.016 1.064 1.824 1.872 .73:; 175 SERIES C C D D E E H H 14%4n 14%4" 14%." 14%4" *1 4%4" *14%." t22%4" t225A4" .85 .90 .93 .98 1.05 1.10 2.02 2.0B 225 SERIES Allied-Everything in Electronics from One Dependable Source C C D -DE E H H 2,%z" 2'%z' 2,%," 20/32n *20/32" *20/32" t2''%z" t22,%z" .97 1.02 1.05 1.1.0 1.17 1.22 2.10 2.15 ;777 .79B .84' .. .BB9 .931 1.596 1.638 AlliED • 251 Knobs-Dial Plates-Shaft Fittings HARRY DAVIES MOLDED KNOBS WALDOM ACCESSORIES SQUARE DIAL PLATES, Attractive anodized aluminum dial plates with polished finish and black lettering and scales: For use with rotary switches. Require 1y.." bar knob. Size. 2~6X2%". Have liz" center hole. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. Handsomely styled plastic control and pointer knobs for almost every purpose. For replacement use, as well as original equipment application for radio and TV sets, electronic instruments, and other electrical equipment. Figures Band C are for small radios. Figs. AA, BB and CC are fluted knobs. * Indicates for use with knurled Stock No. ;44 '44 44 44 H H H H 127 128 129 130 ~:: :~! 44 H 133 44 H 134 44, H 135 44 H 136 44 H 137 44 H 138 44 H 139 44 H 140 ,44 H 141 44 H 142 44 H 143 44 H 144 44 H 145 44'H 146 44 H 147 44 H 148 44 H 149 44 H 165 44 H 166 44 H 167 44 H 168 44 H 169 44 H 170 44 H 171 44 H 172 44 H 173 44 H 174 44 H 175 44 H 176 44 H 177 44 HI78 44 H 179 44 H 180 44 H 181 44 H 154 44 H 182 44 H 183 44 H 184 44 H 156 44 H 157 44'H 159 44 H 160 44 H 161 44 H 162 44 H 163 Mfr's Type ~ 1600 1610 2500 2500 2500-B 2600 1450 1450 1450-D 1475 1400 1400-B 1410 1500 1500 24-082 .2965 30oo-A 2710 24-662 BK-IB 24-708 24-110 5149-A 5149-A 1710-F 1770-F 1700 1550 2300 2300 2300-A 2150 2350 2350 2350-A 1920 1930 1915 1935 1910 2100 2110 1914 1919 1919 1925.0 1925-0 1580 1580 252 • AnlED Fig. Dia. A A A B B *B B 1 liz" Il1z' C C *c C D *D D E E *F G G H 2%2:" %" %" ¥.i" ?/a" 'V,6" 'v,.- 'M6" I" 'V,6" 'V,6" I" I IVa' IVa' '7'16" ?/a' J 1%" %' I' L L M M IVa' IVa" , liz" liz" K N N P R S, S tS T W W tw 'V,6" 3J,t.." 3J,t.." %" 1~6" ly.." ly.." ly..' ly.." 2" 2" 2' V V X-V X-AA V Z Z AA 1y..' IVz' ly..-%' BB BB ly.." ly.." ly..· ly..' CC CC DD DD Il1z-%" %" 2l1z' 1%" %' 2" 2' shafts; t have y.." brass iriserts; Type 2710 screws on to 8-32 threaded shaft; 24-708, 24-710 and 1770-F screw on to 6-32 threaded shaft; all others have set-screws for mounting on either flatted or round y.." shafts. Available in more than one color. All are made by Harry Davies except § G-C Electronics. Av. shpg. wt .. 3 oz. EACH 25110050024 99 -499- -999Black .14 ' .124 .107 .098 Red .15 .131 ;112 .105 Black .13 .104 .09 .079 Black .13 .11 .095 .088 Walnut .13 .114 .098 .091 Walnut .07 .056 .048 .042 Black .13 .104 .09 .078 Black .09 .072 .062 .055 Walnut .09 .076 .066 .058 Black .05 .044 .038 .034 Black .13 .104 .09 .078 Black .09 .072 .062 .055 Black .05 .044 .038 .034 Black .14 .122 .105 .098 Black .14 .11 I .096 .084 Red .13 .11 .095 .088 §Walnut .26 .228 .195 .182 Black .13 .104 .09 .078 Black .18 .161 .138 .129 Black .08 .063 .054 .048 -§Walnut .18 .157 .135 .126 §'Black .38 .331 .284 .264 §Walnut .18 .157 .135 .126 IIvory .IB .157 .135 .126 Black .07 .059 .051 - - .045 Red .09 .078 .067 .059 Black .06 .048 .042 .036 Red .08 .067 .058 .05 Black .093 .08 .11 .07 Black .11 .094 .082 .071 Black .10 .081 .07 .062 Red .089 .077 .067 .11 Black .14 .123 .105 .098 Black .13 .104 .09 :078 Black .17 .152 .131 .122 -Red .18 .159 .137 .127 Black .22 .189 .162 .151 Black .16 .14 .12 .11 2 Black .18 .154 .132 .12~ Blk .. Red .30 .262 .225 .21 Black .59 -:5i3 .44 .41 Black .14 .122 .105 .098 Black .19 .168 .144 .134 Black .18 .161 .138 .129 Black' .23 .201 .173 .161 Black .20 T75 .15 .14 Red .22 .193 .165 .154 Black .28 .245 .21 .196 Red .30 .262 .225 .21 Black .82 .717 .615 .574 Red .86 .752 .645 .602 Color -- S'tock Mfr'. No. Type 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 100 101 104 105 113 114 116 117 II 8 119 120 121 122 124 125 126 129 130 ~ .093 .10 .075 .084 .087 .0'4 .075 ".052 .055 .032 .075 .052 .032 .093 .08 .084 .173 .075 .122 .045 .12 .251 .12 .12 .043 .056 .035 .048 .068 .068 .059 .064 .093 .075 .11 6 .121 .144 .106 .117 .20 -- ---:39 .093 .128 .122 .153 --:T33 .146 .186 .20 .545 .572 Treble, 0-10 Bass. 0-10 Treble, 5-0-5 Bass, 5-0-5 Microphone, 1,0-10 Microphone? 2. 0-10 Microphone. 0-10 Master Gain. 0-10 Gain. 0-10 Gain, 5-0-5 Tone, 0-10 Volume, 0-10 Record,O-lO Fader, 5-0-5 Expansion, 0-10 Phono.O-1O Increase with arrow No title. 0-10 1-24 .......................... EACH .52 25·99 ......................... EACH .44 1OO·Up ........................ EACH .31 ROUND D.At 1000- Description 448 447 429 428 416 417 415 413 412 422 411 426 414 427 430 446 423 410 PLATE'O Attractive, easy-to-read _ etched aluminum scale with highly polished black background. 1 %H diameter. Type 25 has clockwise a.rrow labeled "Volume." Type 569, 0-100 over 180· clockwise, no label. Type 905, 0-100 over 270· clockwise, no label. For use with 1 Y4" bar knobs. Diameter of center hole is '%2". Shpg. wt., 2 oz. Stock No. Type 43 H 131 43 H 135 43 H 136 25 569 905 Mfr'sl---c:-=-:-;-:E:::A",C:-:;H,..,=:-:-:-- ~126-991100_UP .28 .28 .28 .24 .24 .24 .17 •. 17 .17 "OFF-ON" SWITCH PLATE Economy-priced switch plate. Etched aluminum with black background. Has pol- ' ished aluminum letters and border. lVtSX11Vt6'" Shpg. wt., 2 oz. 43 H 139 •. 1-49 ................. EACH .IS 50·99 ......................... EACH .13 100.Up ........................ EACH .10 Extender Coupling Couplings for extending shafts of volume controls, switches, capacitors. etc., or for ganging single units. Insulated types are made of black phenolic. Extenders for decreasing or increasing shaft, diameter and length. 41 H 109 has Ye H opening, y..n shaft. Shaft length on all extenders. %"; overall length, 1Va". Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. Brass 41 41 41 41 41 Insulated H 105 41 HIli H 106 ........... HI07 41 H II 2 H 108 41 H 113 H 109 ........... Type Size Coupling Coupling Coupling Extender Extender y.. to y... Ye to Ye' y.. to Ye" 14 to y.." Ye to y.." I to 9 ......................... EACH .18 10·49 ......................... EACH .16 50·99 ......................... EACH .15 100·499 .....•••••••••••••..... EACH .13 Allied Maintains the World's Largest Stocks of Industrial Electronic Components Knobs-Coupl ings-Coil Forms-Dial Cord HAMMARLUND COUPLINGS Type FC·46S. Sturdy, slip.proof irisulated coupling. Excellent for providing flexible linkage between angnlarly misaligned shafts. Eliminates backlash, etc. ~.@ ~ Has high resistance to mechan- ical shock. Maximum torque is limited only by holding power of the 4 set·screws (2 on each side). For use on all standard \4"·dia· meter shafts. Shaft clearance. %,". Flash· voltage rating, 5000 volts. Size, 1\4x1 Y1s". Shpg. wt., 3 oz. 42 H 403 •..••..••....•••.....••... 1.10 HARRY DAVIES FLUTED KNOBS High·quality, ruggedly built fluted knobs. Made of durable, high·gloss bakelite. All knobs listed in the Series below are de· signed for use with either flatted or round \4" shafts. 'Indicates pointer. All types listed are available to MIL specification MS91531 on special order'; con/act us for prices. All are supplied with set·screw. Av. shpg. wt .. 4 oz. Stock No. 44 H 117 44 H 118 44 H 119 44 H 120 44 H 121 44 H 122 44 H 123 44 H 124 44 H 125 44 H 126 44 H 150 44 H 151 44 H 152 44H 153 Type TNC·46S. As above, but non·insulated type. Durable, heavy·duty construction. Maintains firm, slip. proof grip. Has flexible arms which compensate for out·of·line or eccentric shaft motion. Has nickel·plated brass ring. Size, 1 ~n diameter by 2~2n. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. 42 H404 .......................... 93 e INSULATED COUPLING For coupling drive shafts to capacitors, gang switches, ' '!!iJ controls and other compo.. nents. Use bakelite insulation. - .""'- .",.• Hubs are drilled to fit stan· .~. dard \4".diameter shafts. Set· • ""screws hold the coupling for rigid support. Supplied complete with mounting screws. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. 42 H 405 .......................... 53 Mfr's FIg. Type 4100·Q' 4lOl·1' 4102·BD* 4lO3·W* 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 4108 4105 4106 4107 4109 PANEL BEARING ASSEMBLY For use with either rigid or flexible coup· lings on panels up to VI." thick, mounted away from controls, etc. Brass bearing has stub to ·accommodate a knob on one end; and a long \4"·diameter shaft on the other end. Can be used with couplings described above, and elsewhere in this catalog under the listing, "shaft couplings." Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. Stock O~eralll_--.,...,.,-.::E,:,A:,:C::Hc:..,,",,,",-__ ~ Length ~ll0.49150.991100-499 44 H 094 3" .33 44 H 095 6" .39 44 H 096 Bearing .15 .297 .274 .24B .351 .324 .293 .135 .125 .1 13 E. F. JOHNSON FLEXIBLE SHAFTS Sturdy, non·rusting phosphor·bronze flexible shafts with universal \4" hubs. Excellent for connecting out·of·line shafts together· to correct misalignment problems. An invaluable accessory for in· er- " dustrial manufacturers, Amateurs. experi- menters, labs, etc. Permit up to 90 degrees angular control .. Shpg. wt .. 2 oz. I Stock Mfr's iLen9thi EACH Type 1-49150-991100-499 No. 46. H 411 115·253 -3-"- -:s7 .524 .480 46H412115·2S4 6" .83.761.700 His" 1%' 2%" IYs" 1%" 1%" 2%" IVz" C C C C B B B B 2V,." 1%" tVz" 1%" 3" B B ~11· 11_ 11;: '. 46 46 4& 46 46 Type 24"SH 24·6H 24·4P 24-5P 24·6P --:T6B -:TS9 .191 .2B .308 .378 .315 .30B .315 .49 .181 .266 .292 .359 -:299 .292 .299 .465 ./ '-.' [] and R, smooth knobs. Made of Tenite, ex· cept Types HRP, HRP·P, and R, bakelite; HRM, satin·chromed brass. HRS Types ceivers, etc. Useful for experimenters. Well· have VIs" chrome dial. Type R has 1%" suited for production·line use. Deeply aluminum dial *Black tgray Av ., 3 oz knurled for sure grip except Types HRP EACH Stock Mfr's Fig. Knob Description Type Dia. 1-99 100-199 200-299 300-399 400-491}No. .63 .59 .56 ---:s3 42 H 106 HRS·3' D 300' O· lO scale .66 ff'1." .59 .53 42 H 107 HRS·3t D 300' O·lO scale .66 .63 .56 1V..' .66 .63 .59 .56 .53 42 H 125 HRS·4* D i-line scale IV..' .59 .53 42 H 126 HRS·4t D 1-line scale .66 .63 .56 IY1." .53 .66 .63 .59 .56 42 H 12B HRS·5' D 0·10 180' scale 1V.." .56 ---:s3 42 H 129 HRS·5t D 0-10 1800 scale 1Y1." --:&6 -:63 .59 .42 .37 .35 42 H 135 HRp·P* E Pointer l\4xVz" ;44 .40 E Without pointer .29 .34 .32 .31 42 H 035 HRP* l\4xYz" .36 F 180 0 0-10 scale .55 .. 42 H 136 R* . 69 .66 .62 .59 1%" G Skirt, white dot .59. 42 H OB9 HF·2* 4%4" --:&6 .63 .56 ---:s3 45,i4" .50 G Skirt. no dot .63 .60 .54 42 H 090 HF·2* .57 G Skirt,MIL cap n.d. 4%4" .65 42 H 091 HF·3* .80 .76 .72 .68 .53 G Flat cap. no dot 42 H 092 HF·4* 4%4" .66 .63 .59 .56 G MIL cap. no 'dot 4%4'" .80 .65 42 H 094 HF·S* .76 .72 .6B G Skirt, mil cap, dot 4%4" .90 .B6 .72 42 H 095 HF·3* .BI .72 G MIL cap, dot .90 4%4" .B6 .81 42 H 097 HF·5* .77 G Flat top, dot 4%4" .67 .57 42 H 09B HF·4* .71 .64 .60 H White dot 1Y16'" .39 .37 .35 .33 .31 42 H 176 HR' H White dot 1116" .39 .37 .35 .33 .31 42 H 177 HRt .99 .94 .88 .B3 42 H 178 HRT* 1 Chrome insert 2Ys" 1.04 42 H 179 HRTt .99 .94 .88 .83 2Ys" 1.04 J Chrome insert .96 .91 .B6 .82 .77 42 HI BO HRM* K Arrow %" Miniature Knobs. Smaller version of HRT ance and increases visibility. Face·to·back knob, above. Made of tenite with sparkling size, 2~". Fastens to \4" shaft with two. chrome·plated circle that enhances appear· 8·32 slotted·head set·screws at 90' angle, 42 H I B5IHRT.M*1 J IChrome insert 'I 1\12" I .58 I .55 I .52 I .49 I .46 42 H 186 HRT.Mt J Chrome insert IV." .58 .55 .52 .49 .46 --:n- U !.I,;: . l, WALSCO DIAL CORD SPOOLS An excellent selection of dial cord covering 80% of the replacement demand. All Types of service spools have either a fiberglas or linen core, with a nylon· braided sleeve. Each is pre·stretched to prevent slipping; maintains proper tension after long period of use. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. Size Lx Dia.! .242 .259 .346 .154 hance appearance of test instruments, re- EACH 1-99 100-499 500-999 1000-Up -5 min. lo/t.x%" .2B .• 25 .23 .21 6 min. lo/t.x%" .33 .30 .27 .25 4 std. 2\4x1\4" .37 .33 .30 .28 5 std. 2\4x1\4" .27 .24 .20 .22 6 std. 2\4xl\4" .40 ;30 .36 .33 Prongs .254 .273 .364 .162 .,. c Stock Mfr's .319 .273 .341 .292 .455 .39 .203 .174 -.2-1-.I-B-:24 .204 .27 .238 .40 .35 .30 .44 .385 .33 .54 .473 .405 A S --:J94 ~ .3B5 .33 .44 ,45 .394 .33B .70 .613 .525 Choose from various sizes and styles. En· POLYSTYRENE COIL FORMS No. H 693 H 694 H 695 H 696 H 697 .36 .39 .52 .23 NA TIONAL KNOBS Selection of forms for winding RF coils of nearly all types. Feature low loss, high dielectric polystyrene constructionproduce coils of exceptional stability. Excellent for plug·in type regenerative receiver coils; plate. grid or tank coils in VFO's; grid·dip meter coils; etc. 4, 5, and 6 prong forms fit standard tube sockets; 5 and 6 prong miniature forms fit Amphenol Type 78·S5S and 78·S6S sockets. Av. wt., 2 oz. Stock EACH 1-24 25-99 100-499 500 .. 999 1000-Up --w.;- -:36 -:3iS --.27 --:2s2 ~ A A A A lID H.H. SMITH Dia. 43 43 43 43 43 43 Everything in Electronics from One Dependable Source No. H 194 H 198 H 199 H 197 H 195 H 196 Mfr's Type 652·Med. 656·Thin 654·Std. 652·Med. 656·Thin 6S4·Std. 'Dia. Strength Length .040" .025" .032" .040" .02S" .032" 35 lb •. 151bs. 201bs . 35 lb•. IS lb•. 20 lb•. 25 ft. 25 It. 25 ft. 100 It. 100 ft. 100 ft. EACH .73 2.32 ALLIED • 253 National Dials, Shaff Couplings and Accessories CALIBRA TED AND NON-CALIBRATED DIALS CALIBRATED DIALS '-. Famous National dials .for smooth performance. dependability. and attractive appearance. Recommended for all types of equipment. Knobs are black bakelite with dials of nickel-plated brass. Type 0 is similar to Fig. A, . has fluted knob. Knobs for \4" shafts. Stock Mfr's Fig. Ratio Type No. .42 H 113 AM-2 42 H 114 AM-3 42 HilS AM-4 ~42 H 150 AM-5 42 H 151 AM-6 '42 HISS ~ .42 H 000 N-2 42 H 002 N-3 42 H 003 N-4 :42 H 160 K A 5:1 A 5:1 A 5:1 A 5:1 A 5:1 -A ...... B 5:1 B 5:1 B 5:1 C 12:1 EACH Dia. Wt.,'· Scale Oz. 1-99 100-199 200-299 300-399 400.499 - - - - ---- --- - - - --- - - -3' 10 0-100; 180' 100-0;'180' 150-0; 270' 200-0; 360' 0-150; .270' 0-100; 180' 0-100; 180' 100·0; .180' 150-0; 270' 0-100; 180' 3' 3' 3' ·3' 10· 10 10 10 3Y.' 4 4' 4' 4' 3Y.' 12 12 12 12 5.25 5.00 4.70 4.45 4.20 2.85 8.25 8.25 8.25 3.30 2.71 7.84 7.84 7.84 3.14 2.57 7.43 7.43 7.43 2.97 --2.28 2.42 7.01 7.01 7.01 2.81 6.60 6.60 6.60 2.64 VERNIER DIALS FOR ..INDIVIDUAL CALIBRATION .lIpiII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"IIi!!!!!9 Type ACN. 5~scale blank dial featuring famed "Velvet Vernier" with 5:1 drive ratio. Pointer has cen- tered hairline and pinIIII!!.I... holes for accurate calibration. Knob has bright chrome insert. 5x7\4". With extra scales, hardware, and \4" shaft hub. Shpg. ....................... 7.80 ;~"Hl n91~~ Type SCN. Vernier dial similar to above. but smaller in size. Ideal for use where panel space is limited but a full 5-scale dial is needed. 4V1.x6\4". lIb. 42 H 170 ............ ; ....... , .. .7..80 Type MCN. Compact. 3. scale vernier dial. Ideal for limited space applications in . mobile equip- SERIES TX SHAFT COUPLINGS Insulated and Nan-Insulated Types far ~" Shafts. Shaft couplings by National Co. have been performance-proved in thousands of industrial. commercial and Amateur installations throughout the world. All fit \4" shafts. are extremely compact, and are fully insulated except Types TX-22 and TX-25, which are of aU-metal constriIction. Hubs and spiders Stock Mfr's - -No.- 42 H 007 42 H 008 42 H 009 42 H 010 42 H 011 42 H 015 Type Fig. TX-8 D TX-9 E TX-I0 F TX-22 .... TX-23 G TX-2S G Insul. Mat' •. Ceramic Steatite Bakelite Not InsuI. Bakelite Not Insul. Type -Rigid -Rigid Rigid are made of solid. nickel-plated brass. All have two set-screws at right angle on each hub. Types TX-23 and TX-25 are for radial misalignment up to a maximum of ~6"; ment, small receivers, tuners, test instruments, etc. Offers three blank calibrating scales and 0-100 logging scale. Utilizes IIVelvet Vernier" drive for smooth, back lash-free tuning. Drive ratio is 5:1. Size: 2%x3Vs". With extra scales. hardware. hub for \4" shafts. 10 oz. . 42 H 171 ........................ 7.20 also Type ICN. Illuminated 5-scale blank dial. Two dial lights handle approximately 2' of angular misalignment. Type TX-9 is for isolating cir. cuits. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. Dia. lYi.' 1%' lV,6" Rigid lYi.' Flexible I' Flexible I' in upper corners provide efficient. even illumination of all scales. Utilizes EACH 1-99 100-199 200-299 300·399 400·499 1.17 1.49 .54 .54 2.40 2.40 1.05 1.34 .49 .49 2.16 2.16 I. " 1.42 .51 .51 2.28 2.28 ---:9'9 1.27 .46 .46 2.04 2.04 .94 1.19 .43 .43 1.92 1.92 "Velvet" Vernier" 5:1 drive mechanism. 0-100 logging scale, and Type HRT knob. Size: 5Yo" high; 7\4" wide. For \4" shafts. Shpg. wt.• 1\4 Ibs. 42 H 172 .......... : ............. 7.80 DIAL ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT·DESIGN COMPONENTS High.Quality Components far Industrial, Cammercial and Consumer Equipment. Design Applications. Type SB bushing is of nickel-plated brass. SL shaft lock is popular with potentiometers. capacitors, etc. CFA frame is of y,." thick heavy-duty steel. FWH and FWJ terminal assemblies have identical mica- filled bakelite insulators. but FWJ has banana-type jacks. When FWJ is used with FWT mica~filled bakelite plug. no metal parts are exposed. TPB has removable. molded-in through-point bushing. Av. wt .• 3 oz. EACH Stock Mfr's Fig. Description Type No. 1·99 100·199 200·299 300·399 42 H 017 ~ J Panel Bushing for Y411 Shafts .26 .27 .24 ----:23 K Shaft Lock for \4' Shafts 42 H 018 SL .40 .38 .36 .34 42 H 161 Cl'A L Cbart frame; 2\4x3\4' .40 .38 .36 .34 42 H 162 FWH H Jack Binding Post Assembly .99 .94 1.10 1.05 42 H 165 FWJ ...... Jack Assembly .74 --:B7 --:B3 .78 42 H 166 FWT ...... Plug for FWH and FWJ. 1.56 1.48 1.40 1.33 Threaded PolYstyrene Bushing. 42 H 167 TPB M .08 .077 .073 .069 -- Stock N0'1 Type \ Descrip'tion EA. 40 H 6BB ~ Cycolac panel ---:7S 40 H 689 M-C62 Celcon connector .30 254 • ALLIED I. N0'1 22-60* Type 6-33 6-32 De.c~lption Nylon stackmg rods 9-pin min. socket 7-pin min. socket Type ODL Dial Lock. Thumbscrew rim-clamp type locking device for HO" and UK" type dials. Of nickel-plated brass. Offers positive. no-slip operation. Jaws grip dial plates up to Y,6" thick. Has two %4" dia. mtg. holes on %" ctrs. 4 oz. 42 H 029 .............................. 59 . Modular connectors, panels, stacking rods and tube sockets for high-density breadboarding in circuit development. Compact 1 Yoxl y,.x'%." connectors may be used hori_ zontally or vertically in any direction. Each 3x4" panel accepts up to 40 connectors (200 contact points). Yo" dia. rods fit mtg. holes in connectors and panels. ·Pkg. of 12-4" IgtllS. Wt., 4 oz. Stock 40 H 690 40 H 691 40 H 692 Type DP-2 Dial Pointer. For dials. of many sizes and st}les. Clean. functional modern design. Of solid brass with highly visible nickel-plate finish. Diamond-shaped pointer. ¥Sxy,."; has %" long 4-40 mtg. stud with lock washer and nut. 1 oz. 42 H 027 ........................... 25 RIGHT.ANGLE DRIVES DeVRY SOLDERLESS MODULAR CONNECTORS " To assemble circuit, interlock as many modular : panels as needed to make base. Leads insert . directly into connectors for positive contact. Type DP·l Dial Pointer. Adaptable to many types of dials. Made of solid brass with highly visible nickel-plate finish. Has easyto-read VI." long kite-shaped pointer. Mounts in single hole. Has %" 4-40 mtg. stud, lock washer, and nut. Wt •• 1 oz. . 42 H 026 ........................... 25 I EA. 2.00 .25 .25 ~ _ Type RAD. ControIs variable - '.. capacitors, pots, -.. -, at right angles to front panel. Saves space. Will drive two units. Aluminum housing/ gears. 2 Yax\4" shaft. 6 oz. 42 H 173 ......................... 4;31 .~ Type PRAD. Above, but deluxe .model with brass gears. For remote operation of tuning capacitors,- etc. Used for continuous operation at low speeds. Backlash under 1 Y. %. If s~~fji,l~:'.I.~~~•. ~ .~z: .......... 17.25 See Opposite Page for National Dial·Drive Mechanisms Millen Components . FOR PROTOTYPE, DIRECT REPLACEMENT, AND ORIGINAL-EQUIPMENT USE MINIATURIZED COUPLINGS FOR ·Va" AND Y-I" SHAFTS Designed for limited space applications. Type M003 is brass. Type M006 (illustrated) is universal joint style constructed of nickel-plated brass with steatite insulation and spring fingers. Type M008 is an insulated coupling with brass inserts. Type 39003 is solid brass for Y-IH shafts; all other types listed are for 11,u shafts. Av. shpg. wt •• 2 oz. Stock - -No. -H 204 43 43 43 43 Mfr'. Type M003 H 205 M006 H 206 M008 H 207 39003 Description EACH Solid brass coupling Univ. joint coupling Insulated coupling Solid brass coupling .34 .75 .51 .24 SERIES 39000 FLEXIBLE SHAFT COUPLINGS Popular 39000 series flexible couplings. Provide higher flexibility. no backlash. high breakdo'wn voltages. small diameter and accurate align~ ment. Type 39001 is insulated universal joint. Type 39006 "slide-action" coupling permits longitudinal and eccentric shaft motion and out-of-line operation. as well as angular drive without backlash. Type 39005 (high torque) is similar to Type 39001 but not insulated. Type 39016 (illus.) molded for high resistance to mechanical shock; has solid insulating. barrier diaphragm. All are for Y-I" shafts except 'for 716" shaft. 2 oz. Stock No. 43 H 208 43 H 209 43 H 212 43 H 213 43 H 214 43 H 215 Mfr's Description EACH Universal joint Fixed joint Universal joint Slide action Barrier *Miniature of 39016 .48 .48 .48 .48 .48 .63 Type 39001 39002 39005 39006 39016 39017 Ruggedly constructed drive mechanism offering a 16-to-1 step-down ratio. Rugged castaluminum frame is drilled for secure mounting on either panel or chassis base. Springloaded nickel-plated brass gears work with polished stainless-steel worm to provide smoothest operation and minimum of back lash. v.." left and righthand shafts. Size. 3x2x%". Shpg. wt.. 6 , ~~ H 216 •..••..••.•...•.•.•.•.•. 9.75 SERIES 45000 LOW-LOSS MICA-FILLED COIL FORMS Type 45004. Low-loss molded micafilled coil form with phenolic base. Four-prong type. Excellent for use by the experimenter and builder in construction of shortwave receivers. low-power transmitters. and similar .applications. Guide funnel makes for easy threading of leads through pins. Size: 1" diameterj 11~z" winding length; 2716" overall. Shpg. wt .• 2 oz. 43 H 217 ............................51 Type 45005. Identical to Type 45004 above. but has 5 prongs. Wt .• 2 oz. 43 H 218 •. ...... , ...................51 Type 45000. As above. but without prongs. Screw mounting. Shpg. wt .. 2 oz. 43 H 219 ........................... Use the ~earest fl QJ A selection of most widely used Millen "Designed for Application" componentsfamous for their outstanding quality among industrial. Amateur, and experimental users. Excellent for original-equipment applications, as well as for replacement purposes in existing units. All are made to. exacting specifications to provide maximum dependability. Included in this listing are Series 69000 slug-tuned ceramic coil forms -copper slug reduces inductance when it moves into coil i iron slug increases induct. . Stock No. 43 H 220 43 H 221 43 H 222 43 H 223 43 H 224 43 H 225 43 H 226 43 H 22.7 43 H 228 43 H 229 43 H 230 43 H 231 43 H 232 43 H 233 43 H 234 43 H 235 43 H 236 43 H 237 43 H 238 43 H 239 43 H 240 Mfr'. Type ance. Form dimensions indicate diameters and winding lengths. Series 10061. 10062. and A061 shaft locks convert any control to locking-shaft type. Series 80040 CRT shields eliminate hum and strong magnetic fields from oscilloscopes. Series 80070 cathoderay bezels have satin-black finish. neoprene cushions and green lucite filters. Refer to Manufacturers Index for page numbers of RF chokes and the many other Millen products listed in this Catalog, *Items not illustrated. Description Fig. R~ght Angle Drive .................••••••••••••••. 10012 F 10050 H Dial Lock ................ "..........•..••••••••••. Shaft Lock, [orYs" Bushing;!4" shafts .............. 10061 D Shaft Lock for!4# Bushing; Vs'" shafts ..•.•.••••••.. A061 D Shaft Lock with Knurled Nut, for ya '" shafts ......... 10062 E 37001 G High Voltage Terminal and Thru-Bushing, Black ..... High Voltage Terminal and Thru-Bushing, Red ....... 37001 G 5-Prong Steatite Coil Plug ...... . .................. 40305 37202 Bakelite Plates (2) for 37222 below, Black ........... Binding Post ......... , ........................... 37222 B 69046 A Ceramic Slug·tuned Coil Form, !;2xlY16". Iron Slug.... 69048 \ Ceramic Slug-tuned Coil Form, "Y4xYa". Iron Slug ..... Ceramic Slug-tuned Coil Form. YzxlYz", Iron Slug .... 69056 C 69058 C Ceramic Slug-tuned Coil Form. yaxo/a". Iron Slug..... 69062 C Ceramic Slug-tuned Coil Form. Yax%". Iron Slug..... 74400 Octal Base and Shield. 1:%6xl'lsx310/16" ......•....... 80042 _J_ Nicoloi Shield for 2APl and 2BPl 2" CR Tubes ...... Nicoloi Shield for use with either JAPl, 3BPl or 3DPl 80043 J 80072 80073 80075 Jfl CR Tubes ......... , ......................... Bezel. Cushion and Filter for 2'" CR Tube ..•....•.... Bezel, Cushion and Filter for 3" CR Tube .....•.•.•.. Bezel, Cushion and Filter for 5'" CR Tube .......•.... 39 [RJ fj(l Type 10035 Multi-Scale Oi ase exte~ds mo,!nt.. log hole Increasing breakdown rating. Flat mounting surfaces with cushion washer. Long leakage paths. White glazed porcelain except fsteatite. "Type Nos. with suffix -2 have banana jack plus lug-type terminal. Jacks ,accommodate Johnson' Type' 108-740,01' other standard banana plugs. Av. shpg. wt., 12 oz. , . ". • 1!1 @ .' Stock Mfr r • No. 46 H 200 46 H 201 46H 202 46 H 203 46 H 205 46 H206 46 H 208 46 H 210 46 H 211 46 H 215 46 H 216 Type 135-40t 135-40-2 135-42t 135-42-2 135-44t U5-45 135-45-2 135-46 135-47 135-48 135·48-2 : .,' !ill .@ EACH Top Panel Hard .. Fig. Ht. Hole Ware 1-49 50-99 100-499 A lv..' ~6'" 10-32 .42 .385 -:354 B .53 .487 .447 lv..' Y16b A 7/a' 1~,. 10-32 .42 .386 .355 B .422 .50 .459 Vo' 1'~2' A 0/11'. 0/,6' 6-32 .31 .284 .262 C 1%' liz' 10-32 .59 .541 .497 D 1%' liz' .69 .634 .582 A 2%' 'M6" v..-20 1.50 1.38 1.26 ---A 2.32 4Yz' 3)12''' !i4-20 2.75 2.52 1~6" 10-32 .95. .872 .80 C 2' ·D 2' 1~6'" 1.05 .964 .885 -- • • · · LEAD-IN BUSHINGS e.ga. . .,. Insulated bushings for use in transmitter and antenna installations. Serve as an+.. tenna terminals on trans•. '._' mitters. as high voltage ~ terminals on heavy duty If! Ijjl power supplies. ?O, 51 •.52, ~ l!J ~ ~ 55 are steatIte, wIth nickeled-brass rod and nuts; 53 and 54 are porcelain. less all hardware except cushion washer. Av. shpg. wt .. 8 oz. Stock No. 46 H 217 46 H 219 46 H 220 46 H 221 46 H 222 46 H 223 If! IG' Top Type Fig; Ht. 135-50 H -W135-51 H tY16N 135-52 H IVa' 135-53 F, 1%' 135-54 E 4' 135--55 G v..' Mfr's EACH 50-99 100-499 .367 ""33'7 .57 .524 .481 .749 .89 .815 .35 .322 ----:295 .925 1.10 1.010 .287 .24 .31 Max. Panel Dia. Hole 1-49 10/12" %' Iv..' 3:%2' I:%l 12:%2' 21J,i.1%2' 1%' 2 liz' 3liz' %' --.40 ULTRA-STEATITE CONE INSULATORS (Not illus.) Non-ribbed high-grade steatite insulators. For mouutiug coils, capacitors, etc. Threads tapped directly iuto the steatite. Width shown is max. (base). With 2 nickel-plated brass machine ~crews and washers. cork cushion washer. Shpg. wt .. 5 oz. St.ock No. 46 H 224 46 H 231 46 H 232 46 H 233 46 H 234 Mfr'. Type 135-500 135-501 135-502 135-503 135-504 Height. Width EACH 50-99 100-499 1-49 --w- -----w----:23 --:2T3 --:I7B %' .31 .287 .240 I' lYz' 2' 3' I' lY.' 1 liz' .51 .77 1.34 .472 .705 1.230 .395 .649 1.130 ~ , ; ~ . J' ""s 'S fJ1 ~ -'.. DII 'Kl lators. Ideal for transmitter applications. etc. Feature long leakage path. low capacity and freedom from moisture absorptio~. Heavy. ~ l!oJ I,!!!J breakage-resIstant bases. Nickel·plated brass hardware iucludes screw, flat washer, two nuts. Type Nos. with suffix ·2 have banana jack and solder lug mounted ou top of insulator; Jacks accept Johnson 108-750 or other standard banaua plugs. ·Relatively large 2-hole mounting surface permits substantiallateral'loads. Types 65, 65-2, 68, 68,2' are ribbed; others have drawn bases. "Similar to Fig. L but square base. Av shpg. wt.. lib. EACH Mfr'. B~dY Hard .. Type Fig. Ht. ware 1-49 50-99 100-499 10-32 ~ --.294 135-20t -1- 1M.'.270 135-20-2 K lY1.. 740 .35 .322 .295 135-225 J 8-32 I' .20 .184 •.169 740 135-22-2 K .26 I' .239 .219 135-245 _1_ %' 6-32 .16 ~~ .135 v..-20 1.20 1;100 I.OiO 135·60 4l1z' v..-20 135-62 .62 .570 ;522 2%' L 10·32 135·65 1%' .31 .285 .262 740 135-65-2 L .39 1%' .361 .302 M 135-66 v..-20 2%' .87 .805 .674· 135-66-2 M 2%' 76()" ---:99 .910 --:ii35 v..-20 135-67 M 1.25 4l1z' 1.140 1.050 10-32 135-68 2' .54 .50 .419 740 135-68-2 2' .60 .550 .505 Stock 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 fi,il 1[1 No. H 235 H 236 H 237 H 238 H 239 H 240 H 241 H 242 H 247 H 248 H 250 H 251 H 252 H 253 •• •• ANTENNA INSULATORS Insulators porcelain·glazed to prevent moisture ~~ absorption. Superior quality units with heavily glazed surfaces and heavy nickel·plated· brass hardware suitable for exposed applications. Types 136-107 and 136-112 are wet process; glazed porcelain, I" diameter round design with 800 Ibs. breaking strength. Type 136-104.is dry pro~ess. glazed %" square with 400 Ibs. breaking strength. Mfr'. Stock - -No.- - ~ 46 H 254 136-104 46 H 255 136-107 46 H 256 136-112 Size 4I1x¥a" sq. 711xll1 dia. 12"'x1'" dia. EACH ·Shpg. Wt. ~15O-991100-499 4 oz. .28 .257 .236 1.30 1.190 1.09 . 10 oz.' Iv.. lb. 1.85 1.700 1.560 FEEDER SPREADERS S:CW:E9¥-' General·purpose feeder spreaders of high·grade, low~absorp.tion porcelain. built to exacting stand· ards for lowest leakage loss. All 3 types are conventional designs for constructing open-wire antenna feeders and transmission lines with impedauces of approximately 200 to 600 ohms. Unglazed-porcelain bars with a cross-section of %xllz" treated with "Silaneal," a silicone .product-impervious to moisture. Surfaces suitable for exposed applications. In choice of 3 lengths. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. Stock No. 46 H 257 46 H258 46 H 2'59 Mfr'. -;,;T:-;y,--:pc;e;;;-+_L,,-e--;"~g_t_h_.""I 136-122 136-124 136-126 2' 4" 6" EACH 1-49 50-99 1100_499 ~ ~~ .28 .257. .236 .40 .368 .337 I' . NA TIONAl 'STAND-OFF INSULATORS fN1 Ribbed In.ulalor.Glazed porcel!!J laiu insulator 2 lIzHlong. Ideal for use as end insulators in antennas. Ribbed design extends leakage path. Shpg. wt .• 2 oz. A per package. 46 H 051. 1·9 Pkgs. PER PKG., ................. 26 10·49 Pkgs. ..... ' PER ·PKG•• 234 50·99Pkg........ PER PKG•• 216 100·499 Pkgs.... PER PKG•• 195 !pi Egg In.ulalor•• White porcelain strain insulators for breaking l!J guy wires into non-resonant lengths. Modeled of top-quality ceramic. l%xVo" dia. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. 4 per package. 4--6 H 052. 1·9 Pkg •• PER PKG•• 38 10·49 Pkgs.... , .PER PKG •• 342 50·99 Pkg;.: ..... ,',' ,'PER PKG. :315 100·499 Pkg ••.. PER PKG•• 285 fRi. Nail Knob In~ulafar. Standard size. 4 oz. 4 per package. .. 17l,46 H 053. 1·9 Pkgs. PER PKG•• 24 10·49 Pkg ••. PER PKG•• 216 50·99. Pkg ......... PER PKG •• 199 100·499 Pkg ......... PER PKG•• 18 256 • AlliED ~~~~;flt;,~~ari~!)c1:~~ , l\ ANTENNA INSULA TORS ~ ~@ BUSHiNGS Molded steatite insulators for use in RF circuits. Base and terminal assembly remove to form single-screw type pillar. mount. Cap and base nickel·plated; glazed-ceramic insulator. 3 mountiug holes with clearance for 6-32'thread machine screws are spaced 120' degrees apart--on 1" pitch circle for GS-1 and GS-2; on 1*6" pitch circle for GS-3 and GS-4, Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. Stock No. 42 H 102 42. H 103 42 H 104 42. H 105 Mfr'. Type' G5-1 GS-2 G5-3 GS-4 EACH Body Ht. Dia. Hi.' . ·lIz' 210/,.. 21~M 41*,- Yz' %' '%" 100-199 200-299 300-399 --1-99 -- --.62 .59 .69 .66 .97' 1.02 .92 1.20, 1.13 1.26 : 1'.74' , 1.65' '1.57 .87 1.07 1.48 ATTENTION:"""QUANTITY BUYERS -.-'-' Allied makes same-day shi~m~rti a'f·i~d~~'~i·al·q~~nfi,ie. al OEM prices. Write, wire or phone for' prompt price quotations. Allied mai~tains the world's lar9~st stock of electronic parts. _Depend ~n Allied for Off-the-Shelf Delivery in Industrial Quantities latest Amphenol and Elco Connector Releases EXCLUSIVE~ ~RIMP O~ NEW • •• IIQ~"~K:~wRI::g': ~~~'~ou SOLDER Small '" Size... . ~v,~~~~~~~~ TYPICAL CONNECTOR COMPONENTS ~ PLUG BODY ASSEMBLY ".'MALE CONTACT TYPICAL CABLE ASSEMBLY CONTACT MUST BUTT AGAINST CABLE DIELECTRIC7 ~ (5 i;;;-=efJ~ I Sim. Stock Mlrrs No. Type Fig. 36775 36875 36800 36900 34625 68175 34650 68150 95700 95725 95750 95775 95800 95575 95600 95625 95650 95675 36650 36675 A A ---- 40 H 423 40 H 424 40 H 425 40 H 426 40 H 427 40 H 428 40 H 429 40 H 430 40 H 431 40,H 433 40 H 434 40 H 436 40 H 437 40 H 440 40 H 441 40 H 442 40 H 443 40 H 444 40 H 445 40 H 448 D D A A D D C C C C C B B B B B A D ~o UG/-U 88E 88E 89C 89C 260B 260B 261C 261C 909B 909B 910B 910B 910B 913A 913A 913A 913A 913A 1033 1056 Doscri ption Plug Plug Cable Jack Cable Jack Plug Plug Cable Jack Cable Jack Blkhd. Jack Blkhd. Jack Blkhd. Jack Blkhd. Jack Blkhd. Jack Angle Plug Angle Plug Angle Plug Angle Plug Angle Plug Plug Cable Jack Q1J ~ ~I JWII' ~ ---~ - Connectors Mate with All Other BNC's Latest design I Permits optional crimp or solder connection to cable center conductor. Even when center contact is crimped, connector maintains constant impedance. and your costs are appreciably reduced-crimping: cuts assembly time o/3rds or more. Positive positioning of contact provides C011sistently uniform assembly. VSWR is identical to standard solder-type BNc"s up to 10 kmc. Connectors may be used with other than50-ohmcablefornon-imped. match. 30z. VOLTAGE RATING-500 volts, maximum. VSWR-1.25:1 max. (straight plug & jack) OPERATING TEMPERATURE-350°F max. IMPEDANCE-50 ohms CABLE RETENTION-cqual to cable braid. DIELECTRIC MATERIAL-leflon FEMALE AND OUTER CONTACT-phosphor bronze (female contact-crimp or solder). MALE CONTACT -brass (crimp or solder). ALL OTHER METAL PARTS-brass. PLATING-center contacts gold-plated, all other parts silver-plated. ASSEMBLY TIME-V> that of improved clamping BNCconnector(e.g. UG 260B/U). SIZES plug, 11 '%.x!J16" dia.; rt.-angle plug, 1!J16x1 V>Xo/t6" dia.; cable jack, l'Ynx!J16" dia.; bulkhead jack, 1'Y16x'J,16" dia. liz" "D" mtg. hole. III ~ OUTER ~ FERRULE to Crimp or Solder Center Contact For Uso With RGj .. U, tAmphenol. Cable EACH 124 58, 58A. 58C, 141 55, 55A. 142. 223 58. 58A. 58C, 141 55. 55A, 142, 223 71 59/A/B,62/A/C. 140 71 59/A/B, 62/A/C. 140 55, 55A. 142. 223 58. 58A. 58C. 141' 59/A/B. 62/A/C. 140 71 122. 180A, 195. t21-597 55, 55A. 142. 223 58, 58A. 58C, 141 59/A/B, 62/A/C, 140 71 122. 180A, 195. *21-597 122. 180A. 195, *21-597 122, 180A. 195. *21-597 2549 -- 1.05 .91 1.05 .91 1.14 .99 1.14 .99 1.05 .91 1.05 .91 1.14 .99 1.14 .99 1.49 1.29 1.49 1.29 1.49 1.29 1.49 1.29 1.49 1.29 2.89 2.51 2.89 2.51 2.89 2.51 2.89 2.51 2.89 2.51 1.05 .91 1.14 .99 5099 -.79 100249 .71 .79 .71 .85 .77 .85 .7.7 .79 .71 .79 .71 .85 .77 .85 .77 1.11 1.00 1.11 1.00 1.11 1.00 1.11 1.00 1.11 1.00 2.16 1.95 2.16 1.95 2.16 1.95 2.16 1.95 2.16 1.95 .79 .71 .75, .77 250499 500999 10002499 .60 .60 .65 .65 .60 .60 .65 .65 .85 .B5 .57 .57 .62 .62 .57 .57 .62 .62 .81 .81 .85 1.65 1.&5 1.65 1.65 1.65 .60 .65 .81 1.57 1.57 .54 .54 .59 .59 .54 .54 .59 .59 .77 .77 .77 .77 .77 1.49 1.49 ---- -- -- --:as --:aT - .85 .BI 1:57 1.49 1.57 1.57 .57 .62 1.49 1.49 .54 .59 NEW ELCO 8016 MINIATURE "VARICON" RACK & PANEL AND CABLE CONNECTORS [ill Stock No. 45 H 700 45 H 701 45 45 45 45 45 45 H 702 H 703 H H H H 704 705 706 707 Contact Form PLUGS (Less Cover Assembly) Mfr's Type Locking 00-8016-038~000-001' AS AS 00-8016-038-217-001 00·8016·038·000-002 * 00-8016-038-217-002 00-8016-056-000-001' 00-8016-056-217-001 00-8016-056-000-002 • 00-8016-056-217-002 FN FN AS AS FN FN Contacts 38 38 38 38 56 56 56 56 1-99, EA. 100-249. EA. 2.30 4.60 1.70 4.00 2.40 5.75 1.80 5.15 2.00 4.30 1.50 3.80 2.10 5.45 1.60 4.95 1.80 5.15 2.40 5.75 1.70 4.00 2.30 4.60 1.60 4.95 2.10 5.45 1.50 3.80 2.00 4.30 ---------------------"'~,~ [] RECEPTACLES 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 H 711 H 712 H 713 H 714 H 708 H 709 H 710 H 719 00-8016-056-000-007' 00-8016-056-217-007 00-8016-056-000-008' 00-8016-056-217-008 00-8016-038-000-007* , 00-8016-038-217-007 00-8016-038·000-008 , 00-8016·038-217-008 FN FN 56 56 56 56 38 38 38 38 AS AS FN FN AS AS COVER ASSEMBLIES Stock No. 45 45 45 45 H H H H 715 716 717 718 Mfr's Typo Size 00-8016-038-000-100 00-8016-038-000-101 00-8016·056-000-100 00-8016-056-000-101 38 38 56 56 Cabls Clamp Mounting 1·09. EA. 100-249, EA. Side Top Side Top 2.00 1.75 Depend on Allied EI_e.ctronics for the Latest in Industriol Equipment High-contact-density connectors with 38 or 56 0.150" honeycomb-grid contacts. Plug contacts recessed in molded rim .for protection against damage. Cable-clamp mounted at, 45 ° on side - top or side cable entry. Connectors come polarized in position #1. Have .098" taper-tab, phosphor-bronze. gold-over-silver-plate contacts with wire hole termination. *Units for "Varilok" contacts (contacts must be ordered separately -see page 210, Stock No. 45 H 484). Polycarbonate thermoplastic insulation. Locking: FN-nut; AS~screw. 8 oz. AWED .• 257 Cutler-Hammer Switches . and Hardware AC-DC TOGGLE SWITCHES LIGHT-DUTY TYPES F.or service .on small m.ot.or-driven t.o.ols. appliances and similar equipment where a high-perf.ormance switch is required. Feature a quick-make. quick-break c.ontact mechanism. Offer l.ong life and high arc-resistance. Phenolic case. '%," diameter threaded stem. Fdr installati.on .on panels, housings. and .other flat surfaces. *6" Wire leads. tscrew terminals--a11 .others have solder lug terminals. b.L. and C.S.A. Approved. Av. shpg. wt•• 3.oz. SPST . Stock 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 No. B 527 B 749 B 500 B 7B3 B 7B4 B 7B5 B 7B6 B 7B7 B SOB B 7BB B 7B9 B 790 B 791 Mfr'. ~ 8280K14 8280K15 8280K16 8290KlS* 8290K16* 829SK7t 8295K8t 8381K7 8381K8 8391K7* 8391K8* 8396K7t 8396K8t 34 B 52BI8282K121 35 B 939 8282K13 34 .B 50 I 8282K14 Stem Amperes Fig. Length 125V 250V ..... ..... '%," ..... ..... 'M,' -'%2' ..... '\12' ..... '%,' ..... 'M,' 6 A !!.I' '\12" A A B B C C A '%,' '\12' '%2' '\12' '%2' A B B C C Dg I ,~: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -33 3 3 6 Ii Ii Ii 6 EACH 1-9 10-99 -.52 - 100-999 .43 .43 .43 .5.2 .52 .52 .52 .50 .50 .52 .52 .63 .63 .63 .63 .60 .60 .71 .71 .71 .71 ----:s9 .59 .59 .59 .356 .356 .356 .432 .432 .432 .432 .40B .40B .4B4 .4B4 .4B4 .4B4 SPDT 1 '%2' ~3 .• 661 I .66 I .66 2-CIRCUIT I I .70 .70 .70 I .551 .55 .55 .452 .452 .452 .58 .5B .58 .476 .476 .476 DPST 529 502 941 792 944 793 8360K6 8360K7 8360K8 8370K7 8370K8 8372K7t y B 530 8363K6 34 B 503 8363K7 35 B 942 8363K8 D D D 34 B 632 8373K7 3.4 B 794 8373K8 34 B 795 8375K7t D D 35ii943 8365K7t E ..... ..... !!.I' D D D D D D '%,' 'M,' ..... '%2' '\12" '%2' Ii Ii 6 DPDT !!.I' '%,' 'M1' ..... ..... ..... ~ -- E '%,' '\12' '%2' Ii 6 6 Stock Mfr's No. Type ":3:C5::-:::B':'6"'6:-::3c-18::-::2'=80=-=K"'2::-::0 35 B 664 8281K16 35 B 665 8282K18 35 B 666 8360K12 35 B 667 8J70K12 35 B 668 8373K12 3 3 3 3 3 3 .95 .95 .95 1.02 1.02 1.25 .7B .78 .78 .85 .85 1.04 .64B .648 .648 .696 .696 .852 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1.24 1.09 1.09 1.03 .91 .91 .B44 .744 .744 '1.44 1.20 --:98 I.IB 1.18 1.51 .97 .97 1.24 .80 .80 1.028 ROTARY SWITCHES Action Fig. Amperes 125V 250V SPST A ~ -3SPST A 6 3 SPDT D 3 1 DPST D ..... 3 DPST D 6 3 DPDT D 6 3 1-9 ----:s2 .60 .66 .95 1.02 I.IB EACH 10-99 100-999 .44 .50 .55 .79 .85 .98 .356 .408 .452 .648 .696 .80 II] STANDARD-DUTY TYPES Standard-duty switches. All empl.oy the Cutler-Hammer "snuffer type" quick-make. quick-break c.ontact mechanism which eliminates pitting caused by arcing .on stalled-r.ot.or currents. Excepti.onally long life and high arc-rupturing-capacity are c.ombined in the design. The switches are designed primarily f.or service .on small m.ot.ors and similar equipment. All have sturdy bakelite cases and c.onvenient screw terminals--n.o s.oldering required. '%,0 threaded stem U L Appr.oved Av shpg wt 3 .oZ . Stock 3:; B 71 °18284K12I D 35 B 711 8284K13 D 35 B 940 8284K14 D 34 B 34 B 35 B 34 B 35 B 348 LlGHT~DUTY TYPES-PLASTIC 'Rugged. all'plastic c.onstructi.on. Designed for use where switch may be .operated under wet conditi.ons, .or f.or .outd.o.or applicati.ons. Small in size but wi.th maximum insulati.on for added safety. Fast operating. Solder lug terminals; '\12" stem length. U.L. and C.S.A. Approved Av shpg wt.. 3 .oZ 35 34 34 34 34 35 No. B 546 B 545 B 408 B 520 B 717 B 669 Mfr's Type 7320K2 7320K3 7321K2 7321K3 8680K1 8680K2 Stem Amperes Action Length 125V 250V 1-9 DPST '\12' 1 6 - 8 - 1:00 DPST '%,' 16 8 1.00 SPST 16 8 1.00 '\12" 8 SPST 16 1.00 '%,' DPDT 'J.1,' ..... 5 3.17 DPDT 1%,' ..... 5 3.17 EACH 10-99 100-999 ---:s3 .83 .83 .83 2;64 2.64 .684 .684 .684 .684 2.156 2.156 II] HEAVY-DUTY TYPES Heavy-duty switches similar t.o standard-duty types in appearance and construction, but with heavier parts, larger clearances and higher ratings. Handle larger m.ot.ors .or heavier l.oads; als.o pr.ovide l.onger life .on lighter l.oads, Quick-make quick-break c.ontact mech-. anism eliminates pitting caused by arcing .on stalled-r.ot.or currents. L.ong life and high arc-ruptiIring-capacity are c.ombined in the design. All have sturdy bakelite b.odies, c.onvenient screw terminals that eliminate the need .of s.oldering. '%z" threaded stem. V.L. Appr.oved Av shpg wt 3.oZ .. . St.ock 34 34 34 34 34 35 34 No. B 71B B 516 B 714 B 719 B 517 B 670 B 715 Mfr'. Type Action --7360K7 DPST 7360K8 DPST 7361K5 SPST 7402K3 DPST 7402K4 DPST 8690Kl DPDT 8690K2 DPDT Stem 'M,' '%,' '%,' 'J.1,' 1~ZIt '\12' '%,' EACH Amperes Lengt.h 125V 250V 15 1il 15 10 10 15 1l1z hp 20 1l1z hp 20 10 15 15 10 1-9 10-99 100-999 1.74 1.74 1.74 2.47 2.47 3.84 3.84 1.44 "I.i8a 1.44 1.188 1.44 1.IB8 2.04 T.676 2.04 1.676 3.20 2.612 3.20 2.612 SWITCH HARDWARE 701l 8122 7241 ROTARY AC·DC AND AC SWITCHES. Ideal f.or fans, .air conditioners. and similar uses. Types 7011K1 and 7012K4 are AC-DC and have screw terminals. 'Ya" .stem length. Types 8122K4 and 8123K4 are AC .only and have s.older lug terminals. 'Ya" stem length. Heavyduty indnctive-l.oad Type 7241K2 is AC .only and has "quick c.onnect" !!.I" terminals. 716" stem length. V.L. and C.S.A. Appr.oved. Av. shpg. wt .. 6 .oz. Stock No. 35 B'658 35 B.659 35"B 660 35B 661 35 B'662 Mfr'. Type 7011K1 '7012K4 8122K4 8123K4 7241K2. 2.58 • ALLIED Action 2 .on. 3 .on. 2 .on. 3 .on. 1 .off 1 .off 1 .off 1 .off DPDT A~pere. EACH 126V 250V 1-9 100-999 -10-99 ----1.05 .89 .724 5 5 3 3 1 hp -22 ..... ..... 15 1.10 .45 .48 1.32 .92 ., .37 .40 1.10 ,74B .304 .328 .896 Mounting hardware f.or Cutler-Hammer switches. liz" hole dia. 2 oz. Stock No. 35 B 671 35 B 672 34.B 589 Mfr's Plate EACH Fig. Type Description ~ll0_9TOO_999 827-228F3 .04 .03 .•02 G On-off, vertical 827-228F13 H On-off. horizontal .04 .03 .02 .04..•03 .02 827-228F16 J Hi-low•.vertical fj(l 35 B 701. Type 29-761-3 Locking Rings. Package of 25........45 ~ 35 B 703. Pkg • .of 100. 1-4 pkgs.. EA. I .50 5-10 pkgs.. EA. I .20 Ii! 35 B 705. Type 16·886 tockwash"r~. Pcu:kage of 25...........30 I..!:J 35 B 708. Pkg• .of 100. 1·4 pkgs,. EA. 1.00 5·10 pkgs,. EA. .80 .CglI the Nearest Allied Offi,efor All Your Elettronit Needs Cutler-Hammer AC Toggle Switches LIGHT-DUTY TYPES For use in appliances. open-type heater uIlit~. radios. many other applications. Employ snap-action "positive kickoff" mechalli~m. Utilizing AC power to operate motors provides many advantages and economies not found in Universal or DC type devices. Reduction in arcing all AC po\ver eliminates the need for quick-make and quick-break mechanisms-permits a simpler contact structure. Favorable characteristics of AC power arc utilized throughout the Cutler-Hammer line of slow-make. slow-break switches to provide ratings unusually high for switches so compact in size. lYlcchanical life is considerably longer than in corresponding devices dC'!:;igncd for DC service. Switches are rated 6 amps at 125V, 3 amps at 2S(]V; except *7140K6 (Fig. C) which is rated 3 amps at 125V. Terminals are either solder lug, screw type. or Faston "quick connect" (specified in tables). U.L. and C.S.A. Approved. See Lever Chart below for explanation of code numbers. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. ~ SPST Terml .. Code Stem Length No. ~~ "a Is Screw I 34 B 640 7580K4 '%," Screw I 35 B 605 7580K5 '%2"" 1~z't' Solder I 34 B 641 7580K6 35 B 604 7580K7 Solder I 'Y3Z" Faston I 34 B 566 7580K8 '%," 34 B 557 7580K9 Faston I IYJ2" Faston II 34 B 558 7583K8 '¥3z" ,~. 34 B 559 7583K9 Faston II Stock EACH Mfr's 1-9 10-99 100-999 -- -- - .356 -.52 .43 .52 .45 .45 .45 .45 .59 .59 .43 .38 .38 .38 .38 .50 .50 .356 .308 .308 .308 .308 .412 .412 I!l SPDT 34 34 35 34 35 3'4 34 34 35 34 35 34 34 B 522 B 642 B 603 B 643 B 602 B 560 B 561 B 644 B 657 B 645 B 600 B 562 B 563 7140K6* 7581K4 7581K5 7581K6 7581K7 7581K8 7581K9 7582K4 7582K5 7582K6 7582K7 7582K8 7582K9 Screw Screw Screw Solder Solder Faston Faston III III III III III III III IV IV IV IV IV IV B 646 B 606 B 647 B 607 B 564 B 565 B 612 B 613 B 566 B 567 7590K4 7590K5 7590K6 7590K7 7590K8 7590K9 7593K4 7593K6 7593K8 7593K9 ''})l'' 'M2" --- -- '%T Screw Screw Solder Solder Faston Faston [Q] 34 35 34 35 34 34 35 35 34 34 '11," '11," '%,' Screw I Screw Solder Solder Faston Faston I I I I Screw Solder ,~. '%," '11," .50 .60 .60 .49 .49 .49 .49 .60 .60 .49 .49 .49 .41 .50 .50 .41 .41 .41 .41 .50 .50 .41 .41 .41 .41 .34 .408 .408 .332 .332 .332 .332 .408 .408 .332 .332 .332 .332 .81 .81 .66 .66 .66 .66 1.10 .95 .95 .95 .67 .67 .55 .55 .55 .55 .99 .78 .78 .78 .552 .552 .448 .448 .448 .448 .748 .648 .648 .648 .96 .96 .73 .73 .73 .73 .79 .79 .61 .61 .61 .61 .79 .79 .61 .61 .61 .61 .652 .652 .50 .50 .50 .50 .652 .652 .50 .50 .50 .50 '0/,," -:49 IMz" '732 '11,' 11 DPST '%," 'Y3z'" '%,' '11,' '%,' ----;w I II II Faston II, Faston II ,%,. 'o/JZ'' '%2'" ,~. ill DPDT 34 B 648 35 B 608 34 B 649 35 B 609 34 B 568 34 B 569 34 B 689 35B610 34 B 690 35 B 611 34 B 570 34 B 571 7591K4 7591K5 7591K6 7591K7 7591K8 7591K9 7592K4 7592K5 7592K6 7592K7 7592K8 7592K9 Screw Screw Solder Solder Faston Faston Screw Screw Solder Solder Faston Faston III III III III HI III IV IV IV IV IV IV '%,' '11,' '%,' '11,' '%,' '11,' '%," -:96 '11,' '%,' '11,' '%,' ,~. .96 .73 .73 .73 .73 LEVER-TRAVEL CHART Explanation of Roman Numeral code numbers appearing in tables on this page, to determine lever travel. tlndicates momentary contact. CODE NUMBER I 11 III IV UP 0 .. Off On On TOGGLE POSITION "CENTER None ~ SPST Stock 35 34 35 34 34 34 35 35 34 No. B 932 B 591 B 933 B 534 B 572 B 573 B 616 B 617 B 574 35 34 35 34 34 34 35 34 35 34 34 34 B 945 B 592 B 948 B 796 B 575 B 576 B 949 B 593 B 950 B 536 B 577 B 578 Mfr's Termi .. ~ nals 7500K13 Screw 7500K14 Screw 7501K12 Solder 7501K13 Solder --7501K14 Faston 7501KI5 Faston 7506K3 Solder 7506K4 Screw 7506K6 Faston Off Ont On NOMO On ~arger Code St.em Length '11," I I I I I I II I! II '%," '}Jz" l%z" -- EACH - 1-9 - -10-99 .50 .60 '11," '%,' '%,' '%Z" '%,' .60 .52 .52 .52 .52 .68 .75 .69 .50 .43 .43 .43 .43 .56 .62 .56 .71 .71 .60 .60 .60 .60 .71 .71 .60 .60 .60 .60 .59 .59 .50 .50 .50 .50 100-999 '.408'..408,: .356 .356 ----:3s6 .356 .464." .512. .464· I!l SPDT ----, 7502K12 7502K13 7503K12 750JK13 750JK14 750JK15 7504K3 7504K4 750SK3 7505K4 7505KS 7505K6 Screw Screw Solder Solder Faston Faston Screw Screw Solder Solder Faston Faston --- 34 35 34 35 34 34 35 35 34 34 34 B 594 B 951 B 537 B 934 B 579 B 580 B 618 B 619 B 581 B 582 B 583 7560KS 7560K6 7561K4 7561K5 7561K6 7561K7 7566K4 7566K5 7566K6 7566K7 7599Kl* Screw Screw Solder Solder Fa....ton Faston Solder Screw Faston Faston Faston 34 35 34 35 34 34 34 35 34 35 34 34 B 596 B 952 B 539 B 953 B 584 B 585 B 595 B 954 B 538 B 955 B 586 B 587 7562K4 7562K5 7563K4 7563K5 7563K6 7563K7 7564K6 7564K7 7565K5 7565K6 7565K7 7565K8 Screw Screw Solder Solder Faston Faston Screw Screw Solder Solder Faston Faston 35 34 34 34 35 B B B B B 7600K3I 7610K2 761lK2 7611K4 8320Kl* Screw Screw III Solder I Faston. I Screw I 35 34 34 34 34 B 9571 B 598 B 523 B 799 B 798 I I I I I I II II II II I " '11," '%,' 'Mz'" II! III III III III -III IV IV IV IV IV IV [Q] '%z" I}1ZIT 1%Z" '11,' '%," '11,' '%l" '11,' '%z" DPST f?J,.----:-96 .96 'Ylz:" '11;( .81 .81 'M2" l%z" .BI .81 'Ylz'" 1.10 '%," 1.24 '%,' 1.1,0 'Mz'" 1.10 '%," .89 '%2'" -:59 .59 .50 .50 .50 .50 .79 .79 .67 .67 .67 .67 .484 .484 .408:', .408r. .408,; .408' .484, .48«~ .4011--" .408," .408 '0408, '. .652..' .652.': :;;~,: .552 .552 c ----:99 ~ 1.03 .99 .99 .75 .84~< .74!r:' .741(, .608.." ill DPDT III III III III III II! IV IV IV IV IV IV '%z" 'Mz" '%,' '11," "%,' 'Mz" .98 .98 .79 .79 .79 .79 1.. 18 1.18 .96 .96 .96 .96 1.18 1.18 .96 .96 .96 .96 '%T ,~" '%,' '11," '0/3z" '11,' .804 .804 .652 .652 .652 .652 --:9B --:ao4 .98 .79 .79 .79 .79 .804 .652 .652 .652 .652 [] 3PST 9561 597 543 588 958 Flush '%,' '%," l~Z" I '%t" 2.06 2.06 1.66 1.66 3.36 I I 1.388 ' 1.69 1.69 1.388" 1.124'., 1.35 1.35 2.80 I 2.44 2.44 2.04 2.44 2.04 I 2.03 1 664 , 2.03 1 1.664 • , 1.69 1.38B 2.03 1.664 C 1.69 1.388 t~~: " []3PDT DOWN Off None Contc;Ict Us for Prices.,<:>11 DP 3P 4P 5P 6P 5 6 EACH 1-9 5.00 7.64 10.29 12.94 15.58 18.23 10-99 100"'249 ----;I,"i6 6.37 8.57 10.78 12.98 15 •. 19 3.40 5.20 7.00' 8.80 10.60 12.40 LEVER TRA VEL CHART . 4PDT 35 B 980 7662K7 25068-21 E 35 B 981 7664K5 25068-23 E 35 B 646 7670K6 25068-31 E 35 B 647 7672K5 25068-27 E --- --- --- 35 B 648 7674K5 25068-26 E 35 B 649 8838Klt 25308-21 B 34 B 511 88.18K2 25308-27 B 35 B 650 8838K4t 25308-23 B --35'8651 8838K5t 25308-26 B 35 B 652 8859K39 25127-1 . C 35 S.653 8859K40 25127-2 C 35.B 656 8859.K43 25127-7 C 35 S'()S5 8859.K44 25127-8 C B B B B B B Action 1-9 - - -- SPDT I 1.11 I VI II III ViI I III VI VII XIII XIV XV XVI 4.71 4.71 5.61 5.61 5.61 21.75 23.40 21.75 23.40 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 3.89 3.89 4.64 4.64 4.64 17.98 19.50 17.98 19.50 5.49 5.49 5.49 5.49 3.176 3.176 3.82 -3.82 -3.82 14.80 15.92 14.80 15.92 4.488 4.488 4.488 4.488 Explanation of Code Numbers. *Indicates momentary contact. Arrow(~) indicates direction of movement against which lever is locked. Lever Travel Code No. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX Lever Travel Code Up Center No. ~ Center Down - X -~ None On ~ On On On' On ~one Off Off Off On On On On On None None None' None On' On' XI XII None Xln XIV XV XVI XVll XVIII On' On On' • Off Off' Down On' On' None On' On' On-7 f-Off-t f-On On On f-Off~ On-7 Off f-On None f-On On-7 On-7 None f-Off On~ Off ~On None Off [)epend on Allied. for Same-Day Shipment at OEM Prices Cutler-Hammer and Eagle SpecialnPurpose Switches CUTLER-HAMMER SWITCliES NEW PLASTIC PLUG-IN SWITCHES PUSHBUTTON SWITCHES ~utomatical1y tum lights on and off in refrigerators. telephone )00th8, machines. *Rt"d button; § l4" metal button; others black. ;PST. except "SPDT; #DPDT. Norm. open. except :j:norm. :Iosed. Screw terminals; tsolder lugs. U.L .. C.S.A. Listed. 3 oz. MOMENTARY PUSHBUTTON CAe ONLY) Stock No. 15B 987 14 B 548 14 B 631 15 B 988 14 B 547 14 B 549 14 B 541 13 B 828 15 B 989 13 B 829 14 B 513 15 B 538 14 B 515 14 B 691 14 B 518 M'r's Type Fig. 8411K3 B 8411K4t B 8411K6*t B 8411K7t B 8411K8tt B 8440K2t B 8440K3 B 8442K4§ C 8444K3 C 8444K4§ C -C 8446K2 8448K2" A 7190Klt E 7196KI E 7199K2t# E Am peres 125V 250V --.75 .25 .75 .75 .75 .75 3 3 6 IS 15 15 15 6 6 6 .25 .25 .25 .25 Stem Length '0/32''' W I%,' I%,' I I 3 ~ 10 10 'l16' '%2' ''MZ" -- 10 10 3 3 3 EACH 10-99 100-999 1-9 '%2' '!1lZ" 'M6'" 'l1z" Y," liz" liz" .40 .36 .36 .31 .26 .74 .84 .80 .86 .86 1.00 1.24 .96 1.07 1.74 .33 .32 .32 .26 .21 .60 .70 .67 .71 .71 .BI 1.03 .81 .88 1.47 .268 .244 .244 .204 .176 .496 .572 .548 .5B8 .588 .668 .86 .656 .73 1.184 .94 1.07 .94 .78 .88 .78 .64 .728 .64 .82 .68 .56 PUSH-PULL CAe-DC) 15 B 98317106-K2 15 B 984 7116-K2 15 B 985 7118-K2 IFI6 ~ ~ I ~6'1 ~:. 13 ~ PUSH-PUSH CAe.DC) 14 B 51917208IK-41 D 16 [ill [ffi 13 1 'l16 N 1 Low-cost. uniquely designed switches have all-plastic bodies with integral plastic hushing for added safety. Terminals are "plug-ill, lead" type. Have plug-in lead "bussing terminal" for simplified;. cost-saving assembly. Plug-in terminals will accept tinned No. 16-,; 18-, or 20-gauge wire skinned only !4 H • Wt., 4 oz. POSITIVE-ACTION MINIATURE TOGGLE SWITCHES 'ositive wiping action; gold· plated cOlltacts. 4A @ 28 v. DC. A @ 50 v. D.C, 3A @ 115 v. AC. Min. 30 I'a @ 50 my. "Mom. 2 oz. Stock No. 34 34 34 34 34 34 B 521 B 524 B 525 B 526 B 531 B 532 Mfrr • '5 B 528 '5 B 624 '5 B 625 •5 B-529 .5 B 530 .5 B 531 .5 B 532 .5 B 623 .5 B 533 .5 B 621 ,5 B 622 5 B 534 5B 535 ,5 B 536 5 B 537 .s B 620 8866KI 8866K2 8866K3 8866K4 8866KS 8866K6 8866K7 8866K8 8867KI 8867K2 8867K3 8867K4 8867KS 8867K6 8867K7' 8867K8 Action Up 1- Cent,er Down EACH 1010099 249 - - On--9- 3.79. -- 4.55 SPDT Off On SPDT SPDT SPDT SPST SPST SPST SPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT DPST DPST DPST DPDT On' On On On None On None On On' On On On None On None Off Off On" On' None On Off None Off On" None Off On On" Off On Off On" Off On' None On Off None Off On" None Off On On' -- ---- 5.14 5.14 4.55 4.55 5.14 4.55 5.14 5.70 6.64 6.64 5.70 5.70 6.64 5.70 6.64 4.2B 4.28 3.79 3.79 4.2B 3.79 4.2B 4.75 5.54 5.54 4.75 4.75 5.54 4.75 5.54 3.10 3.50 3.50 3.10 3.10 3.50 3.10 3.50 3.B8 4.52 4.52 3.BB 3.88 4.52 3.88 4.52 [ffi LARGE LEVER-'M6x4%.x''A2-''A4'' 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 B 683 B 684 B 685 B 686 B 687 B 688 B 689 B 690 B 691 B 692 B 693 B 694 B 695 B 696 B 697 B 698 8868KI 8868K2 8868K3 8868K4 8868KS 8868K6 8868K7 8868K8 8869KI 8869K2 8869K3 8869K4 8869K5 8869K6 8869K7 8869K8 SPDT On Off SPDT On' Off SPDT On Off SPDT On None SPST On Off SPST None Off SPST None On SPDT "None On DPDT On Off Off DPDT On' Off DPDT On None DPDT On DPST On Off DPST None Off DPST On None DPDT None On --- On On' On' On 4.64 5.23 5.23 4.64 None 4.64 On' 5.23 Off 4.64 On" 5.23 On 5.79 On" 6.73 On' 6.73 On 5.79 None 5.79 On' 6.73 Off 5.79 On' 6.73 -- Amperes Stem 250V Lgth. 3 3 5 5 3 5 EACH 1-9 l~2:H 10-99 100-999 - -.356 -.43 .52 .52 .56 .56 .50 .54 . '%2" 'l-12" 1%" Flush Flush .43 .47 .47 .41 .45 .356 .384 .384 .340 .368 NEW LIGHTED PUSHBUTTON SWITCHES v.". Stock No. Mfr'. Action Type 1-::-==-__-:-:-___ 1 34 B 533 8452K6 SPST-normallyopen 34 B 535 84S3K6 SPST-normaUy closed 34 B 540 84S4K6 Lamp only EACH 110_991100_999 1-9 3.79 3.'i'6' ~ 3.79 3.20 3.16 2.67 2.58' 2.18 "ROCKETTE" APPLIANCE SWITCHES Lever Tra vel Type Fig. For use in momentary-operation circuits that are either normally open or normally closed. Switches control devices up to 6 amps at 125 v. AC or 3 amps at 250 v. AC. 14-volt removable bulb is supplied with switch (bnlb circuit is independent "90 0 Snap-On-Cap Orientation" of switch circuit). Solder lug , terminals, .110". Stem length, Switches come with red, green, and white legends that can be engraved with desired marking. U.L. and C.S.A. Listed. Shpg. wt .. 3 oz. [ill SMALL LEVER-~,x:y..xl'A2_3%4" Stock No. Mfr's ~ -- 125V 7516K4 J 6 6 7S16KS J 7517K4 J 10 7S11KS J 10 8476K1 K 6 8477KI K 10 3.87 4.46 4.46 3.87 3.87 4.46 3.87 4.46 4.B2 5.61 5.61 4.B2 4.82 5.61 4.82 5.61 3.16 3.56 3.56 3.16 3.16 3.56 3.16 3.56 3.94 4.58 4.58 3.94 3.94 4.58 3.94 4.58 Highly attractive switches for applications where smart appearance is important. Made of durable, molded white nylon. Compact units measure li1ax'\12xl 1'l32". including flanges and terminals. Rated 15 amps at 125 volts or 10 amps at 250 volts AC. faston terminals are "quick-connect" type. Shpg. wt., 4 oz . -:::cS::-t==N°::.OC:-:.k=_I_-;;7~~:;:~~::35 35 35 35 B 699 B 339 B 718 B 540 8144K1 8144K8 8142K7 8142K8 Action Terminals SPST SPST DPST DPST Faston Screw Faston Screw 1 .. 9 10 .. 99 100 .. 999 ----:59 --:49 AQ' .66 .91 1.04 .55 .75 .87 .448 .616 .712 EAGLE SWITCHES KNIFE SWITCHES Designed for heavy-duty use. Ideal for limited space applications. Rated 25 amps at 125 v. AC. With durable bakelite base, except 34 B 889, porcelain base. Av. shpg. wt., 5 oz. Stock No. Action S·ize 34 34 34 34 34 SPST SPDT DPST DPDT SPST. l%xlN 2%xt' 1lAxlYz' 2%xl%' 3Yt6Xl Ys' B B B B B 884 886 887 888 889 1-9, EA. 10-99, EA. 100-Up, EA. .19 .22 .32 .36 .24 .17 .20 .29 .33 .21 .16 .18 .26 .30 .19 FLUSH-MOUNT PUSHBUTTON SWITCH Excellent for signaling bells, lights, buzzers, etc. Has pearl button; screw terminals. Mounts in Va" diameter ~~I"B ~~~~·I~~~·:.~.~~· ................... EACH .34 10·99 .......... EACH .31 :verything in ElectroniCs from One Dependable Source I ao·up ........ EACH .29 ALLIED • 261 Arrow-Hart and Hegeman Switches AC-DC TOGGLE SWITCHES BAT-HANDLE AC TOGGLE SWITCHES Small. canopy type. positive action switches. On small bases; switch mechanism consists of a small roller on a track of laminated phenolic. SPST types rated 3 amp @ 250 v. Others rated 1 amp @ 250 v.; 3 amp @ 125 v. Solder lug terminals. 1%2" long shanks. except *1%z". t%". #1". U.L. Listed. Wt.. 2 oz. BAT-HANDLE TYPES Offer high-current ratings for their size. Molded phenolic bases. butt contacts and ball-joint levers for long life. Shanks 1~2" long. Light-duty types rated 3 amp @ 250 v .• 6 amp @ 125 v.; heavyduty types. 10 amp @ 250 v .• 15 amp @ 125 v. Positive action. except tmomentary one side. 2 pos.. except §3 pas., center-off. ·S.L.. solder lugs; Q.C .. quick connect. U.L. Listed. Av. wt. 2 oz. LIGHT DUTY TYPES • fill 338542 33 B 543 338544 338545 Mfr'. Type 20994LH 21350EH 20902CX 2090SFR 348100 348138 348101 338538 348111 '348120 348133 338537 348132 20994-BF 20994-CS 21518-B 21350-BF 80023-B 20902-AM 20902-N 20905-BX 2090S-C 'Stock No. lID Action -1-9 .52 EACH 10-99 100-999 1000-4999 SPST* .43 SPDT* .66 .55 DPST* 1.06 .92 DPDT* 1.09 .90 BALL-HANDLE TYPES SPST .52 .43 SPST* .52 .43 SPSTt .63 .52 SPDT* .66 .55 SPDTt .77 .64 DPST .95 .79 DPST* .95 .79 DPST* 1.09 .90 DPDT" 1.23 1.02 '.36 .45 .70 .74 .36 .36 .43 .45 .52 .65 .65 .74 .84 -.33 -.42 .66 .69 .33 .33 .40 .42 ~ .60 .60 .69 .78 INTERMEDIATE SIZE-BAT-HANDLE SWITCHES Have molded phenolic bases. Wiping action. plus silver-plated contacts for low contact resistance. Rated: 6 amps @ 125 v .. 3 amps @250 v.; except *1 amp @ 250 v. 6 amps @ 125 v. Solder lug terminals; shanks. l'i'lz" long. U,L. Approved. Wt. 2 oz. @] POSITIVE ACTJON-2-POSITJON TYPES Stock No. Mfr'. Type 338869 33 B 501 33 B 502 33 B 868 33 B 867 Action EACH 1-9 10-99 100-999 1000-4999 -.57 - -- .44 -.69 .47 81015-AW SPST 81021-AV SPDT* .83 .69 .56 81018-J 2-Circuit .86 .72 .58 81024-GB DPST 1.02 .85 .70 .80 ' 81027c CE DPDT 1.18 .97 @] MC?MENTARY ACTION-2-POSITION TYPES .52 .54 .65 .74, 33 8 505j8104S-FB SPST"N.O·II.OO I 1.18 . 83 1 .68 338506 810S4-H ,j DPST-N.O.I.43 .98 ,I .63 .91 33 B 507 81051-G SPDT* 1.20 1.00 .80 .76 33 8508 8107-N DPDT 1.58 1.30 1.07 .99 @] POSITIVE ACTiON-3-POS,ITION-CENTER .OFF TYPES .BO 33 8 509 1 82022-HD SPDT 1.2711.061 .86 , .90 33 B 510 82021-HD 2-Circuit 1.43 1.19 .98 34 B 103 82024-HD DPDT 1.58 1.30 1.07 .99 [IJ POWER-TYP~ BALL-HANDLE SWITCHES Heavy-duty. 2-position switches; except§. 3-position center off. All are rated 12 amps @ 125 v.; 6 amps @ 250 v .• except §1 amp @ 125 v.; 5 amp @250v.; and tI YzHP @ 125 v.; 20 amp @ 250 v. Have screw terminals and 1%z" dia. shanks. 1'i'l2" long; except §%" dia. s h an k s, 1;1" I k s. l1A2" Iong. W t .• 3 oz. 2 Iang; tv." 2 di a. Slan Stock No. 33 33 33 33 34 Mfr'. Type Action EACH 10-99 100-999 1000-4999 B 539 540 541 849 107 80607-B 80618-A 80600-B 80421 80638-D " [f] MIDGET BAT-HANDLE SWITCHES B B B B SPST SPDT DPST DPSTt PPDT§ 1-9 r.06 1.00 1.00 2.46 3.70 .83 .83 .• 83 2.05 3.08 .68 .68 .68 1.68 2.52 .63 .63 .63 1.55 2.33 Quality' units featuring superior dry circuit characteristics, snapactiori mechanisms. Contacts and term~naIs silver-plated; other metal parts nickel-finished. Rated: 1 amp @ 250 v. AC-DC; 3 amp @ 125 v AC DC Shanks l'i'l2" long Av wt 2'oz .. - Stock ,·No. Mfr'. 33 B 862 338863 3388&4 33 B 865 338866 ~62· Type 83050 83051 830S2 83053 83054 AlLIED Action SPST SP-2 SPDT ,DPST DPDT 10-99 EACH 100-999 1000-4999 .69 .57 ;86, .71 .83 ,.69 ' .1.02 .85 1.18 .98 :47 - ~ .58 ;54 _56 .52 ,.70 .64 .80 .74 1-9 I Stock No. Mfr'. Fig. Type 33 B 832 83001 33 B 511 83002 338512 83010 338513 83011 33 il 833 83004 338514 83005 338834 83007 338515 83008 338835 83025 338516 83026 338517 83037 338518 83038 338836 83028 33 B 519 83029 338520 83031 338521 83032 Termi .. Action nals· S.L. Q.C. S.L.t Q.C.t S.L.§ Q.C.§ S.L. Q.C. S.L. Q.C. S.L.t Q.C.t S.L.§ Q.C.§ S.L. Q.C. EACH 1-9 10-99 100-999 1000-4999 H SPST .45 H SPST .45 H SPST-NO .61 H SPST-NO .61 H SPDT .49 H SPDT .49 H, SPDT .49 H SPDT .49 .66 J DPST DPST .66 ..L .95 J DPST-NO .95 J DPST-NO .74 J DPDT .74 J DPDT .74 J DPDT .74 J DPDT HEAVY DUTY TYPES H SPST S.L. 338837 82601 .52 Q.C. 338522 82601-P H SPST .52 H SPST-NO S.L.t .68 33 B 523 82721 338524 82721-P H SPST-NO Q.C.t .68 H SPDT S.L.§ .60 33 B 838 82603 Q.C.§ .60 33 B 525 82603-P H SPDT H SPDT S.L. 338839 82605 .60 Q.C. 33 B 526 82605-P H SPDT .60 S.L. 338940 82607 .81 J DPST Q.C. 338527 82607-P ..L DPST .81 - - - - S.L.t 1.10 DPST-NO 338528 82731 J 338529 82731-P J DPST-NO Q.C.t 1.10 S.L.§ .96 338841 82609 J DPDT Q.C.§ .96 338530 82609-P J DPDT DPDT 82611 S.L. 338531 _J_ -Q.C. - - .96 338532 82611-P J DPDT .96 K 3PDT 33 B 858 82615 S.L;\ 2.04 Q.C. 2.04 33 B 533 82615-P K 3PDT K 3PDT S.L. 2.04 33 B 860 82617 Q.C. 2.04 33B534~ K 3PDT K ~ S.L.§ 3.05 33 8 959182634 Q.C.§ 3.05 33 8 535 82634-P K 4PDT 33 8 861 82636 K 4PDT S.L. 3.05 Q.C. 3.05 33 8 536 82636cP K 4PDT - @ SPST .38 .38 .52 .52 .41 .41 .41 .41 .55 .55 .31 .31 .41 .41 .33 .29 .29 .38 .3B .31 .33 .33 .45 .45 .65 .65 .50 .50, .50 .50 .31 .31 .42 .42 -:33 ~ -:79 .79 .61 .61 .61 .61 .43 .43 .57 .57 .50 .50 .50 .50 .68 .68 .92 .92 .80 .80 ~ .80 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 2.54 2.54' 2.54 2.54 .36 .36 .46 .46 .41 .41 .41 .41 .55 :55 .75 .75 .65 ;65 .65 .65 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 2.09 2.0B 2.08 2.08 ----:60 .60 .46 .46 .46 .46 .33 .33 .43 .43 .38 .38 .38 .38 .51 .51 .69 .69 .60 .60 .60 -.60 1.29 ' 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 SLIDE SWITCH Type 81569. Has screw-type terminals. Requires lYsX~6" cutout for mounting. Ratings: 3 amp @ 250 volts; 6 amp @ 125 volts. Size. 2It.1x%". Bakelite case. U.L. Listed. Shpg. wt. 2 oz. 348153.1-9 ......... EACH .96 10-99 ................ EACH .80 100-999 ................ EACH .65 1000-4999 ............ EACH .60 rv LOCK SWITCHES' Type 81715-L. Lock switch with key for use on power tools, l.!:J appliances. SPST contacts, rated 3 amp@ 250 volts; 6 amp @ 125 volts. Sleeve diameter. 1%.". Fits panels to 'l1a". l*xz'%zxZ%a". Switch must be open to remove key. 2 oz. 34 8 156. 1-9 ........ EACH 1.63 10-99 ............... EACH 1.35 100-999 ... ; ......... EACH 1.1 I 1000-4999 ........... EACH I .03 34 8 128. Extra' Key for Above. Shpg., wt .. 2 0 .................. 16 Type 81715-LE. Same as 81715-L above, but key is removable in l.!:J open or closed position. ' , 348 158.1·9 ........ EACH 1.63 IO-99 ............... EACH 1.35 100·999 ............. EACH 1.11 IOOO-4999 ........... EACH 1.03 rv ON-OFF SWITCH PLATES @'For, Toggle Switche•• Nickel-plated. Yz" hole. 4 oz. ' 35,8671. \-9 ................................... EACH .04 10-99, ......••. , •.. " EACH .03 100,999 ............... EACH .02 'ij1 For Toggle or Rotary SWitche.. 1 lis" dia. polished, aluminum l!!J plate. Yz" hole. Etched on black background. Wt., 2 oz. 348151. H9 .. EACH .39 20·99 .. EACH .34 100-999 .. EACH ,,28 Allied Is Headquarters for Electronics Components at Factory Prices Arrow-Hart &Hegeman Switches,APM Sealing Devices ARROW-HART AND HEGEMAN MOMENTARY, ROTARY AND PUSH-BUTTON SWITCHES i,l: W MOMENTARY PUSH TYPES Momentary push switches with slow make and break action. Opcrlte with light pressure-ideal for remote control use. :j:Midget size ,vith molded phenolic basesi §calloPY size with laminated phenolic ,pctions. For AC only. *Bakelite snap-on buttons. All rated 3 amp @ 125 v. AC. 1/10 Il.P. @ 125 v. AC. except tI amp @ 125 v. AC. :lave 17'32" dia. shanks. 32 threads per inch, 0/16" long. One hex nut lIld Olle knurled Ilnt assembled. U.L. Listed. 2 oz. --Stock Mfr's No. Type' 14 B 159 3391-GL§ 13 B 830 3391-GL§ 14 B 119 3392§ 14 B 124 3392-AE§ 14 B 129 3392-AM !3 B 842 8051 It 13 B 843 80511-E:!: 13 8844 80541, 13 B 845 80S41-R:!: 138846 80S41-Et 13 B 847 80S41-ERr Fig. Bt Bt At Bt Bt C C C C C C Action ". . . . ,..", .p;; .. ,', [] EA-CH Button Color 1·9 10·99 100·999'1000.499 9 SPST-NO Black* .74 .61 .50 .47 SPST-NO Red* .74 .61 .50 .47 SP2-NC Nickel .73 .60 .50 .46 SP2-NC Black* .91 .75 .62 '.57 SP2-NC Red* .91 .75 .62 .57 SPST-NC Nickel .39 .33 .27 .25 SPST-NO Nickel .39 .33 .27 .25 SPST-NC Black* .74 .61 .50 .47 SPST-NC Red* .74 .61 .47 .50 SPS1'-NO Black* .74 .61 .50 .47 SPST-NO Red* .74 .61 .50 .47 ------- PUSH-BUTTON DOUBLE ACTION TYPES Double action SPST switches. Have push-push action-designed' for use in applications where two separate movements are desirable, such as vacuum cleaners. foot switches. etc. All arc rated 3 amp @ 250 volts. 6 amp @ 125 volts, AC or DC. Have shanks '0/,," diameter 0/," '6 long 'Bakelite snap on buttons U L Listed 2 oz Stock No. Mfr's Type Fig. Button 34 B 160 34 B 161 34 B 162 86710 86710-CR 86710-C Color Nickel A B B EACH ~rO.991100.999rOOO.4999, .94 1.12 1.12 Red' Black* .78 .92 .92 .64 .76 .76 .59 .70 .70 'ROTARY POWER TYPES ?ositive action rotary switches; have same basic mechanisms and unctions as toggle type switches except convert to rotary motion. :deal for use in instrument, control panel, and appliance applicaions. Rated: tt amp @ 250 volts-3 amp @ 125 volts; §3 amp @ 250 rolts: #3 amp @ 250 volts-6 amp @ 125 volts. Have shanks' 'l1," n diameter, Va" long, except *%" diameter, !},l'.iong with 6" leads,ll others have solder lugs. All are U.L. Listed. Av. shpg. wt .. 2 oz. Stock No. 34 33 33 34 34 Mfr's B 165 B 850 B 852 B 141 B 144 Action Fig. Type - F -SPSTt --- 41047* 1561-B 1575 81715 81727 SPST§ DPDTt SPS1' 1 DPD1'.1 E E D D 1·9 .45 .65 1.23 1.27 1.86 EACH 10·99 100·999 1000·4999 .32 .41 .35 .41 .44 .54 .84 1.02 .77 1.06 .87 .80 1.17 1.55 1.26 APM EQUIPMENT SEALING DEVICES "SEELSKREWS" ,ingle-unit self-sealing screws. Pressure md vibration resistant. Form absolute ,eal against any surface. Utilize stainess steel slotted-head screws. Heads ~rooved; have silicone-rubber O-ring ,ea!. Maintain seal even after frequent 'emova!. Meet requirements of MIL-B>423B. MIL-B-005423A (ASG) , MIL3-19257 (Ships). SCL-6303A specs. remp. range: -160" to +SOO"F. With,tand 500 psi internal and external )ressure. "0" in diagram is head depth. S 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 ~Oo~k Size B 200 4/40,,\4" B 2054/40,,%" B 2 I 0 4/40,,'12" B 213 4/40"Ys' 8223 4/40,,%" B 224 4/40xVs" B 2254/40,,1" B 236 6/32,,\4" B 2486/32,,%" B 249 6/32x'l2" B 250 6/32xYs" 8255 6/32x%" B 260 6/32x'l'." ::14 : 299 ~~~ ~~~~~t4" 8/32x%" B H Dee:tdh .069" .069" .069" .069" .069" .069" .069" .083" .083" .083" .083" .083" .083" OO Goo" - H EACH 1.49 50-499500.9991000.4999 .220" - - - - - - --:06 --:o4il .220" .06 .049 .220" .06 .05 .220" .125 .09 .07 .052 .220" .07 .052 ;220" .07 .055 .220" - - - - - .271" .06 .046 .271" .06 .047 .271" .125 .09 .06 .048 .271" .07 .052 .271" .07 .052 .271" - - - - - - -:o7---:osa .3230 --:o7--:ass .125 .09 :g~ 14 B 3 I 9 8/32xY,' .323" 14 8325 8/32x0/8" .097 0 .323" - - - - - 14 B 326 8/32x%" .091" .323" 125 09 14 B 330 8/32xVs" .097" .323". • 1483348/32xl" .097" .323" 148263 10/32,,%" ~ .374" - - - - - 14 B 281 IO/32xY," .113" .374' 148282 10/32x0/8" .113" .374" 14 B 283 10/32x%" .113" .374" .15 .115 14 B 284 10/32xVs" .113" .374" 14 8285 1O/32xl" .113' .374" 14 B 286 10/24x%' .113" .374' - - - - - 14 828710/24,,'12" .113' .314" 14 B 288 10/24,,0/8' .113" .3740 14 8289 10/24x%" .113" .374" .15 .115 14 8291 1O/24xVs' .113" .374" 14 B 292 10/24xl" .113" .374" 14 8 367 \4-20~6° .148" .493" - - - - - 14 B 294 \4-20x%' .14S' .493' 14 B 348 \4-20,,'12' .148" .493" .15 .115 14 B 349 \4-20"Ys' .148" .493" 14 B 362 \4-20x%" .148" .493" 14 B 363 \4-20"Vs" .148' .493" - - - --,-148364 \4-20,,1" .148" .493".15 .115 14 B 369 \4-20xI .148" .493" v." - ~kii - ~dllllllll'I" ,:II'I,IIIL~ -. ,,' HIGH-PRESSURE SWITCH AND INDICATOR LIGHT SEALS \D~:~ :g~~: '.~~~: .097" .097" ~~-'lt~ ~ a Bfil[1J -j " :g~~ .06 .06 .05 .052 .07 .07 .07 .085 .085 .095 .095 .095 .095 .085 .085 .095 .095 .095 .095 .085 .085 .085 .095 .095 .095 .095 .095 .054 .055 .056 --:07 ---:054 Replace mounting hardware on all standard toggle and pushbutton switches. Consist of gray silicone-rubber boot bonded to a nickelplated brass nut. Seals are imperviou& to salt water. acids, weather. sunlight. ozone. Withstand temperature extremes from -160°F to +500"F. Meet MIL-B-005423A (ASG), MIL-B-192S7 (Ships) andMIL·B-S423 specifications. Withstand 15 psi internal and external pressure except *500 psi external pressure. TOGGLE SWITCH SEALS EACH I Stock Thread Mfr's 1. 100. 500· 1000. Deserl ptio n Type Fig. Size No. 99 499 999 4999 -'0/,,_32 Bat handle seal -:65 A9 -:46 -:39 G 34B370 N1030 '0/,,-32 Above, metal cap 1.25 1.05 .85 .72 34B371 NI030A G '0/,,-32 Protrud'g handle .65 .49 .46 .39, 34B372 NI030B H 34B373 NI080 '12-20 Bat handle seal 1.65 1.10 .83 .72 348374 2030 J 3-holemtg. Bat handle seal .46 .36 .34 .31 Protrud'g handle .46 .36 .34 .31 3-holemtg. 348375 2030B J --- I 34B3761N3030* 34B377 NC3030' 348378 NH3030' 34B395 N5040' PUSH·BUTTON SWITCH SEALS K L 32 \'o/,,'0/,,-32 K .. " 34B38 114080' 3483934080-2* .058 ,064 .064 .069 .069 I~I 34B3941N5030 IG I .058 .064 .064 .069 .069 -:o6iI .068 .068 .075 .075 ---:Os4 .084 .087 Ys ->li6" ~6-r.6' seal seal 1. 54 .541 .80 1.00 37 .43 .41 .37 •43 1.411. .65 .59 .45' .85 .79 .59' TRANSPARENT INDICATOR LIGHT SEALS --:ass ----:ass I y,-32 Ys-Yl6' seal \4-40 Mill. %," seal 0/8-24 '0/,,-32 IDiallight seal 11.6911.2511.1711.05 Dial light seal 1.69 1.25 1.17 1.05 BAT.HANDLE SEAL \4-40 IMin. bat handlell.OOI .851 .791 .59 HIGH-PRESSURE FEED-THROUGH SEALS' High pressure seals specially designed for use with shafts which pass throngh panels or housings. Resistant to salt water, acids, weather, sunlight, ozone. etc. All meet MIL-B-S423B specifications. May also be used in place of packing glands. AI.! are 'l:Iz" deep, except *'%,' deep EACH Stock Mfr's Type Thread Hex Size 1·99 100·499 500-999 1000·4999 Size No. Shaft Size .59 .39 34 B400 N-9030-Ys %-32 'h" 1.00 .75 .37 .34 34 B 401 N-9030-\4 %-32 .53 .40 '12" .69 .79 34 B 402 N-9033-\4 %-32' '12" 1.10 .85 .43 .36 34 ~ 403 N-904O-Ys \4-32 %" .59 .49 .8 I .63 34 B 404 N-9063-\4 '12-32 0/8" 1.15 .98 #rite for Prices on Quantities Larger than Those Shown 4LL1ED • 263 Grayhill Switches-G. E., Hamlin Dry Reed Switches GRA YHILL MINIATURE SWITCHES For military arid'com;';"rcial uses, Excelleut for ou-' . off applica~ioiist 'computer data pro'cessing: equ'ipment, printe,d· Circuit test panels, etc. Due to limited space all quantity prices are not listed. Write for OEM- 23 30 35·1 39·1 40·1 2000 4000 IOC10lS 5000 45 19 prices in quantities' above 24 100. PUSHBUTTON SWITCHES ===- 264- ALLIED- NEW G.E. DRY-REED SWITCHES Ideal for· use in telephone ~~~C:~">== switching. equipment, computers, position indicators. ex- plosive atmosphere switching, etc. Contain a pair of magnetic, overlapping, contact bearing cantilever reeds. Reeds are hermetically sealed in a glass tube filled with inert gas. Switches are actuated by an external magnetic field from either a coil or a permanent magnet. AU are normally open; feature minimum contact bounce and long life. Shock and vibration resistant; can be mounted in any position. Rated for a minimum of. 20 million operations. Have 500 volt breakdown @ 60 cycles rms. Min. insulation resistance, 500,000 megohms. Operating temperature range, ---65 0 to +150°C. Resonant frequency of single reed is 925 cps. Maximum length, less leads, 2:10"; with leads. 3.21"; maximum dia .. 0.215". Wt .. 2 oz. Stock ~ 34 B 978 34 i! 977 IType Mfr'"1 Volt I Ampere Turns, EACH. Amps Oper. 'I~ 1.991,00.,991200-999 2DRIS 2DRSO IS SO 90 ±IS 90 ±IS 3S ±IO 40 ±IO .70 1.25 .63 1.12 .48 .90 Depend on Allied for Complete Stocks, OEM Prices,Same Day Shipment Cen\taiab I 1 PA-2000 SERIES I J Pr!.~::isjon High-Reliability Rotary Switches Ccn~truch~d Rugged, compact single and multi section 'otary switches. Offer excdlent RF charlcteristics. Feature extremely high fta~h }Ver.points, high-Q.low-Io~s steatite bodies. :!itdmum intercircuit capacity. and itUstllted front-back clips. All have positive 30· ndexing. adjustable stop or continuous ro:atibn, except *, 60° indexing. "II are rated:2.75 amp @ 15 v. DC; 230 ma @ 115 v. AC. tType 2042 has 1 off. up to ) progressively shorting positions. \11 are 1 Yz" diameter; have Yo" spacing be:ween front plate and first sect~on; Yz" spacng between all other sections. Sections are 105" thick. Full round. '/.," diameter shafts Lre 2 V4," long from mounting surfaces. Mount in single hole with o/a"-32NEF-2A .hreaded bushing. %" long. With mountinl~ lut. lockwasher, and 1 V4,11 black pointer mob. Shpg. wt .• 3 oz. per section. MINIA lURE CERAMIC SWITei !ES Non .. Shol'ting ------- I Shorting Tota.l No. Stock Type Poles Pas. Stock Type No. PA34 B 921 2001 No. PA------34 B 900 2000 ~1 ~ ~~~ ~~g~ 34 B 901 2002 .::4 iJ 902 2004 -i4 '9---';=-:1 2011 34 B 905 2010 I 34 f.l 9241 2007 34 n r;.~_j: 20U:) ~: ~ ~~:I 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 B B B B B B B B B B B B B 2013 2015 929 2017 9::'0 2019 -931 2021 932 202.1 933 2025 934 2027 935 2029 936 2031 918 2033 938 2035 920 2037 940 2039 941 2041 .. ' 34 a ~4 13 904 2008 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2010 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040 2042t 35 B 445 2043* ......... ..... 35 B 446 2045' . . . . . . . .. ...... PA-Iooe SERIES Phenolic Insulated 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 065 1001 066 1003 067 1005 068 1007 069 1009 -070 1011 071 1013 072 1015 073 1017 074 1019 075 1021 077 1025 078 1027 079 !G29 099 1031 35 B 050 35 B 051 35 B 052 35 B 053 35 B 054 35 BOSS 35 B 056 35 B 057 34 B 974 35 B 059 358060 34 B 975 35 B 063 34 B 976 35 B 098 PHENOl.lC SECTIONS i'or cllstom switches. Separate sections and shaft and index assern- .lies (below and right), provide maximum flexibility for switch reluirements. Same ratings as PA-lOOO Series switches. above. For )A-300. PA-301 and PA-302 shaft and index assemblies at right. Ul 30· indexing. adjustable stop. *All unused contacts on one side If common are connected and shorted out. tAll unused contacts onnected and shorted ant Av wt .• 2 oz Shorting Type o. PAB 0803iJ B 08 I 32 B 082 34 B 083 36 B 447 38* B 236 40t '00 15 15 15 15 15 15 B 906 B 907 B 908 B 909 B 910 B 911 B 914 B 913 B 915 B 916 B 919 B 917 B 937 B 939 B 942 EI 095 6 6 6 6 8 9 10 10 12 12 15 18 1 1 2 Por Sect.ion Sections EACH 5_ 9 14 10-1 25 24 49 2-12 1 1 2.3i 1.98 1.76i 1.69 2-6 2 1 2.37 1.98 1.78 1.69 2-12 1 2 3.39 2.83 2.55 2.42 2-5 3 1 2.37 1.98 1.78 1.69 .1 2·12 1 4.32 3.60 3.24 3.08 2-6 2 2 3.39 2.83 2.55 2.42 2-12 1 4 5.19 4.33 3.90 3.71 2-3 5 1 2.37 1.98 1.78 1.69 2-12 1 5 6.21 5.18 4.66 4.43 2 6 1 2.37 1.98 1.78 1.69 --32-5 2 3.39 2.83 2.55 2.42 2-6 3 4.32 3.60 3.24 3.08 2 2-12 1 6 7.20 6.00 5.40 5.13 2-6 4 5.19 4.33 3.90 3.71 2 2-5 3 4.32 3.60 3.24 3.08 3 -22-3 5 3.39 2.83 2.55 2.42 5 6.21 5.18 4.66 4.43 2-6 2 2 6 2 3.39 2.83 2.55 2.42 2-6 2 6 7.20 6.00 5.40 5.13 2-3 5 3 4.68 3.90 3.51 3.33 --6-.- - 3 2 4.68 3.90 3.51 3.33 2-10 1 1 2.16 1.80 1.62 1.54 2-6 1 1 2.16 1.80 1.62 1.54 2-6 1 2 3.03 2.53 2.28 2.17 50· 100. 99 249 1.58 1.42 1.58 1.42 2.26 2.03 1.58 1.42 2.88 2.59 2.26 2.03 3.41> 3.11 1.58 1.42 4.14 3.73 1.58 1.l1·2 2.21> 2.l1:> 2.BB 2.59 4.80 14.32 3.46 3.1 I 2.88 2.59 2.26 2.03 4.14 3.73 2.26 2.03 4.80 4.32 3.12 2.81 3.12 2.81 1.44 1.30 1.44 1.30 2.02 1.82 MINIA lURE PHENOLIC SWITCHES ~IJ have 30· indexing. adjustable stop. 1 y. :1'i-i6" dia.; shaft, 1Va" long. 2.75 amps @ 5 v. DC; 230 rna @ 115 v. AC. Index as,emblies and hardware identical to PA-2000 ;eries above-allow interchanginl~. With :nob. nut. lockwasher. Wt.. 3 oz. 't 903 2006 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 -------_. Pol~s kN Non-Shorting St 35 35 35 35 35 35 1 EACH Total No. Type Poles Pos. 1- 5- 10- 25- 50- 100. o. PA_ I' -_. 4 9 24 49 99 249 B 08531-1-12-U-:B7T3T6T3Ts52 B 086 33 212-5 .97 .73 .66 .63 .58 .52 B 087 35 3 2-3 .87 .73 .66 .63 .58 .52 B OB8 37 4 2 .87 .73 .66 .63 .58 .52 B 448 39* 1 2-5 .87 .73 .66 .63 .58 .52 B 237 41t 2 2-11 .B7 .73 .66 .63 .58 .52 00 kN CERAMIC SECTIONS 'or assembling custom and standard switches. All have 30· indexag. except type indicated by *. 60· indexing. For use with shaft nd index assemblies PA-300. PA-301 and PA-302 listed in next colmn, except 'uses PA-304 and PA-305 assemblies also in next collmn. §Unused contacts on one side of common are connected and horted out. tUnused contacts are connected and shorted out. #Has 'ne off. and up to 9 progressively shorting positions. Av. wt.. 2 oz. Shorting Non-ShortlngTotal No. EACH ------I-------lpolesPoles 1· 5- 10-25-150-100. Stock Type Stock Type _ _ _ _ 4 _9_ ~~~ 249 ,5 B040 PA-O 35B045 PA-l 1 2-12 .5B041 PA-2 35B046 PA-3 2 2-6 ,58042 PA-4 358047 PA-5 3 2-5 1.20 .72 ,4B972 PA-6 34B973 PA-7 5 2-3 ,5B044PA-8 35B049PA-9 2 ----- - - - - - -6 -2-5 --------,4B943 PA-IO! 34B957 PA-19! 1 ,5B238 PA-!1 t 35B240 PA-18t 2 ~::~ 1.20 .72 ,5B239 PA-1U ......... 1 2-6 4B965 PA-20' 35B241 ,PA-17' 1 ATTENTION QUAi~TITY BUYERS-Allied can make immediate ,shipment on all switclws in indll~trial tlUalltities and at OEM prices. For Allied office nearest you, see page 1. )EM Prices-Same Day Shipment-largest Stocks 1000 1002 1004 1006 1008 1010 1012 1014 1016 1018 1020 1024 1026 1028 1030 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 8 8 12 10 2-11 2-5 2-11 2-3 2-11 2 2-5 2-11 2-11 2-3 2-5 2 2-5 2 2-5 1 2 1 3 1 4. 2 1 1 3 2 4 2 4 2 1.80 1.80 2.58 1.80 3.24 1 2 4 5 2 3 2 4 3 5 T:BO 2.58 3.81 4.47 2.58 3.24 2.58 3.81 3.24 4.47 1.50 1.50 2.15 1.50 2.70 1.50 2.15 3.18 3.73 2.15 2.70 2.15 3.18 2.70 3.73 1.35 1.35 1.94 1.35 2.43 1.35 1.94 2.86 3.36 1.94 2.43 1.94 2.86 2.43 3.36 1.28 1.28 1.84 1.28 2.31 1.28 1.84 2.72 3.19 1.84 2.31 1.84 2.72 2.31 3.19 1.20 1.20 1.72 1.20 2.16 1.20 1.72 2.54 2.98 1.72 2.16 1.72 2.54 2.16 2.98 1.08 1.08 1.55 1.08 1.94 1.08 1.55 2.29 2.68 1.55 T:94 1.55 2.29 1.94 2.68 PA-300 SERIES SHAFT AND INDEX ASSEMBLIES Hardware for assembling miniature switches (spacers, tie-rods,- . .. etc) All have 30· indexing except *60· Shpg wt 3 oz EACH Type Shaft Sec. Stock PA- Lgth 1-4 5-9 10.24 25-49 No. 100·249 1-3 1.38 I':T5 1.04 --:99 I~ 2" 35 B 092 300 .92 ~ 4-6 1.80 1.50 1.35 1.28 1.20 1.08 35 B 093 301 4" 7-9 2.37 1.98 1.78 1.69 1.58 1.42 35 B 094 302 6" 1-3 1.44 1.20 1.08 1.03 .96 2" 35 B 451 304' .86 4-6 1.89 1.58 1.42 1.35 1.26 1.13 4" 35 B 452 .lOS' PA-3000 AND PA-4000 SERIES SWITCHES Quality 18 and 24-position switches. Provide accurate indexing through use of new hill-and-dale index mechanism. Have laminated phenolic insulation. Voltage hreakdown. 1000 v. AC rms. Sections are 20/16" high. '116" thick. PA-3000 Series. 2 ' U4" wide; PA-4000 Series, 1%/1 wide. '!4" dia. shafts. 2'/.," long from mtg. surface. Rated 5.5 amp @ 6 v. DC; 2.75 amp @ 15 v. DC; 1.75 amp @ 24 v. DC; 230 rna @ 115 v. AC rms. 20· indexing. Adjustable stops or. cant. rotation. 4 oz. NON-SHORTING TYl'ES EACH Stock Type Sec .. Total No. 1510- 25- 60- 100No. PA- tions Poles Pas. ._- -- 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 B B B B B B B B 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 3001 3003 3005 3007 40014003 4005 4007 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 36 36 36 36 36 36 B B B B B B 288 289 290 291 292 293 3000 1 1 3002 2 2 3004 3 3 3006 4 4 4000 '-1- --14002 2 2 2-17 2-17 2-17 2-17 2-23 2-23 2-23 2-23 4 9 24 2.04 2.94 3.84 4.68 2.16 3.18 4.17 4.98 1.70 2.45 3.20 3.90 1.80 2.65 3.48 4.15 1.53 2.21 2.B8 3.51 1.62 2.39 3.13 3.74 49 ·99 249 1.45 T:3& 1.22 2.09 1.96 1.76 2.74 2.56 2.30 3.33 3.12 2.81 T:54 1.44 T:3o 2.27 2.12 1.91 2.97 2.78 2.50 3.553.32 2.99 SHORTING TYPES :~ : ~~; 199~ !. ! 2-17 2-17 2-17 2-17 2-23 2-23 2.04 1.70 1.53 1.45 1.361.22 2.942.452.21 2.09 1.961.76 3.843.202.882.742.562.30 4.683.903.51 3.333.122.8 I 2.i6 T:BO T:62 1.54 1.441.30 3.18 2.65 2.39 2.27 2.12 1.91 ~:~~ I::~~ !:i~ ~:~! ~:~~ ~:~~ ~:~~ ALLIED. 265 . . ~nqa1ab Rotary, Lever Switches and Assemblies . . . SERIES PS·100 SUBMINIATURE CERAMIC ROTARY SWITCHES VI tra-smal1; weigh less , Shorting Stock No. 35 B362 35 B 363 35 B 364 35 B 306 35 B 366 35 B308 35 B 368 35 B309 35 B31 0 35 B 313 35 B316 35 B 31 B than 1 ounce, yet have same electrical characteristics as hpavier and larger switches. For utmost dependability required in band switch- ing, compact electronic equipment, transistor circuits, aircraft inetruments, guided missiles, etc. 1" dia. Bushing, 14" dia. by YiI" long. Shaft. Yo" dia. by 1" long. Silverplated clips. contacts. Positive 30' indexing. Fixed stop. 3.5 amp at 6 v. DC or 160 rna at 110 v. AC. With knob. nut. lockwasher. Average shpg. wt •• 2 oz.. Non ..Shorting No. Poles No. Type Stock Type Total of per of PS-. No. PS- Poles Pos. Sec. Soc. 100 35 B350 lOt - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - -1102 35 B 300 103 2 11 1 2 104 35 B 352 105 2 5 2 1 .106 35 B 30 I 107 3 11 1 3 ·108. 35 B 354 109 3 3 3 1 ~ ~ ~ _4___ 5___ 2 _ _2_ . 112 35 B 356 113 4 . 2 4 1 114 35 B302 115 6 5 2 3 116 35 B35B 117 6 3 3 2 118 35 B 303 119 8 2 4 2 120 35 B304 121 9 3 3 3 122· 35 B 361 123 12 2 4 3 EACH 102624 49 1. 4 69 4.80 4.00 5.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 5.00 4.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 4.80 7.20 4.80 6.00 4.BO 7.20 6.00 6.00 7.20 7.20 3.60 3.42 4.28 3.42 5.13 3.42 4.28 3,42 5.13 4.2B 4.2B 5.13 5.13 4.50 3.60 5.40 3.60 4.50 3.60 5.40 4.50 4.50 5.40 5.40 6099 100, 249 3~20 4.00 3.20 4.80 3.20 4.00 3.20 4.BO 4.00 4.00 4.BO 4.BO 2.88 3.60 2.88 4.32 2.88 3.60 2.BB 4.32 3.60 3.60 4.32 4.32 \ SERIES PS·20 CERAMIC SECTIONS FOR ABOVE SERIES P.·500 INDEX AND SHAFT ASSEMBLIES FOR ABOVE For fixed-stop indexing and switching not supplied in PS-l00 series subminiature switches above.' Use with index and shaft assemblies P-501 through P-510 at right. Av. shpg. wt •• 2 oz. Hardware for subminiature switches with up to 3 sections. Includes: KC-6 pointer knobi 6-~2" spacers; 2-Y16" spacers; 2-Va" spacers; 2-Y1." spacers; 2-1 Yo" tie bolts. nuts. lockwashers; 16 plastic spacer washers',30· indexing; fixed stop. 2 oz. Shorting Stock No. 'Type 35 35 35 35 B B B B Non .. Shorting PS-20 PS-22 PS-24 PS-26 426 428 430 432 1-4 ....... EACH 2.10 25-49 ..... EACH 1.50 5-9 ....... EACH 1.75 50-99 ..... EACH 1.40 ~ Total Poles 1 2 3 4 Type. P8-21. PS-23 PS-2S PS-27 Stoek No. 35 B 427 35 B 429 35 B 431 35 B 433 No. Pos, 2-11 2-5 2-3 2 10-24 ..... EACH 1.59 100-249 .. EACH 1.26 Shorting Stock . No. 36 B I I I 36 B i 13 36 B I IS 36 B i 17 368 1·19 Only .1 ~2" dia. Positive 30· indexing. Adjustable stop. except 'fixed stop. .. Rated 450 rna at 115 v. AC; 8 amp at 6 v. DC; 5V. amp at 12v. DC. Knob. nut. lockwasher. Wt .• 3 oz. Stock No. 36 B I 12 36 B I 14 36 B I 16 36 B I 19 36B 120 34 B 054 34 BOSS 34 B OB5 348097 35B3366024*35B337602S' I lOW.COST LEVER·ACTION PHENOLIC SWITCHES New nylon rotor design results in low cost. 2.75 amps at 15 v. DC; 230 rna at 115 v. AC. Silverplated clips and contacts. 1 'l8x'l',." (ll1.1" behind panel). Action: *Pos.; fmom.; §pos./mom. SPDT. except #DPDT. Mtg. bracket has two 6-32 tapped holes. With knob and mtg. hatdware. Wt .• 4 oz. No. 34 B 021 34 B 022 348023 348025 34 B 024 Type 1452 1453 1466 1456 1459 34 34 34 34 34 No. B 026 B 027 B 02B B 030 B 029 Type 1454 1455 1467 1457 1458 POI. 3* 3t 3§ 21# 2 # EACH 1· 4 69 1024 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.44 1.44 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.20 1.20 25- 50- 10049 99 249 .95 ~ _95 .90 .95 .90 1.09 1.03 1.09 1.03 .94 .94 .94 .96 .96 .76 .76 .76 .96 .86 Mounting Plates. For single or multiple mounting of lever switches. Black wrinkle-finish steel. 'No. of switch openings. Av. shpg. wt •• 4 oz. , Stock No. Type * Size 34 B050 34 B 051 34. 8 052 34 B053 P-17SS P-17S6 P-1757· P-1758 1 2 3 4 %,,2%" 1!/zx2%" 2l1.1"2%" 3,,2%" Mfr's 266 • ALLIED 1· 4 EACH 6. 1024 2549 5099 100· 249 .25 .23 .25: .23 .25 .23 .22 .22 .22 .20 .20 .20 .20 .19 .18 .19 .19 9 -.30- --- -.25 .23 . •22 .3.0 .30 .30 35 35 35 3S 35 B 320 B 321 B 324 B 329 B 330 Type No. of Pos. P-S06 P-S07 P-S08 P-S09 P-SI0 7 8 9 10 11 5-9 ....... EACH 1.63 10-24 ..... EACH 1.47 50-99 ..... EACH I .30 . 100-249 .. EACH I. I 7 ~ 8 of per of POI. s.c. Sec. 2-i1 -1- -12-5 2 1 2-11 1 2 2-3 3 1 -2- -4- i~ 2 ~. 4 r 1- EACH 1025-1 50. 24 49 99 4 59 3.39 3.39 5.19 3.39 3.39 2.93 ·2.83 4.33 2.83 2.83 2.55 2.55 3.90 2.55 2.55 ~. ~::; g~ ~::g 2 2.42 2.42 3.71 2.42 2.42 u: 100-. 249 2.26 2.26 3.46 2.26 .2.26 2.03 2.03 3.1 I 2.03 2.03 U~ ~::: 5.19 4.33 3.90 3.713.46 3.11 INDEX ASSEMBLIES, SECTIONS FOR SERIES PA·6000 EACH No. Mfr's Total of 1. 6010051025. Type Poles Pos. 24 9 4 - - -49- 99 249 1488' - 6 - 3 3.60 3.00 2.7012.57 2.40 2.16 1489. 3 6t 3.60 3.00 2.70 2.57 2.40 2.16 1450 .99 2 1.65 1.3B 1.24 1.19 1.10 4* 1451 4 2 1.99 1.65 1.49 1.42 1.32 1.19 Non"Shortlng No. Shorting Stock Mfr'. Stock Mfr'. of 2 3 4 5 6 No. Poles No. Type Total PA- Pole. 6001 - 1 6003 2 6005 2 6007 3 6011' - 4 - ~~:~~~:!~ ~~::~~:g Phenolic-insulated switches. Breakdown.· 1000 v. AC. Ys" threaded shauks. Ys" long. lI.I" shafts. His" long. Contacts rated 2.75 amps at 15 v. DC; 230 rna at 110 v. AC. With knobs. Momentary action. except 'positive; fpositive one side.Shpg. wt •• 3 oz. No. No. of Pos. Stock No. 1-4 .....•. EACH 1.95 25-49 ..... EACH I .40 Non-Shorting Type PA· 6000 6002 0004 6006· 6O!O~ GENERAL·PURPOSE ROTARY SWITCHES . Steck Type P-SOI P-S02 P-S03 P-S04 P-SOS SERIES PA·6000 MINIATURE CERAMIC ROTARY SWITCHES MIL-S'37a6Ag STYLE SR03 . MILITARY-TYPE CERAMIC SWITCHES " Stock No. 35 B 434 35 B 435 35 B 436 35 B 437 35 B 439 Series PA-600 Index Assemblies. Use with sections below to assemble 1 to 4-section switch. 30· index. 2" rear shaft. 3 oz. 36 B 123. 1-4 ...... EA. 1.50 5-9 ...... EA. 1.25 10·24 .... EA.I.13 25-49 ..... EACH 1.07 50·99 ..... EACli I .00 100-249 . ; EACH .90 Series PA·60 Phenolic Seclions. For PA-600 assembly above. diameter; .062" thick. Breakdown. 1000 v. AC-RMS. 2 oz. Shorting Type Stock No. 36 36 36 36 B B B B 124 126 129 130 PA-6O PA-62 PA-64 PA-66 1-4 ....... EACH 1.35 25-49 ..... EACH .97 Non-Shorting Type Stock No. 36 36 36 36 B B 8 B 125 127 129 131 PA-61 PA-63 PA-65 PA-67 5-9 ....... EACH 1.13 50-99 ..... EACH .90 1~2" Total No. Poles --I Pos. 2 3 4 2-11 2-5 2-3 2 10-24 ..... EACH 1.02 100·249 .. EACH .BI Series PA-70 Mycalex. Seclions. For PA-600 assembly above. 1~2" diameter; .125" thick. Breakdown. 1500 v. ACcRMS. 3 oz. Shorting Type Stock No. 36 36 36 36 B B B B 132 134 136 138 PA-70 PA-72 PA-74 PA-76 Non .. Shorting Stock No. ·Type 36 36 36 36 B B B B 133 135 137 139 PA-71 PA-73 PA-75 PA-77 1-4.· ...••. EACH.I.9B 5-9 ........ EACH 1.65 25-49 ..... EACH 1.42 50-99 ..... EACH 1.32 Total Poles 1 2 3 4 No. Pos. -2-11 -- 2-5 2-3 2 10-24 ..... EACH 1.49 100-249 .. EACH 1.19 Series PA-SO Ceramic Sections. For PA-600 assembly above. 1~," diameter; .125" thick. Breakdown. 1500 v. AC-RMS. 3 oz. Shorting Stock No. 36 B 140 36B 142 36 B 144 36 B 146 Type PA-80 PA-82 PA-84 PA-86 1-4 .....•. EACH 1.98 25-49 ..••• EACH I .42 Non-Shorting Type Stock No. 36 36. 36 36 B B B B 141 143 145 147 PA-81 PA-83 PA-85 PA-87 5-9 ....... EACH 1.65 50-99 ..... EACH I .32 Total No. Poles -Pos. -2-11 1 2 3 4 2-5 2-3 2 10·24 ..... EACH 1.49 100-249 .. EACH 1.1 9 Depend on Allied for Complete Stocks, OEM Prices, Same·Day Shipment Cen~ab Rotary Switches and Assemblies SERIES 2500 CERAMIC ROTARY SWITCHES Silicone-treated steatite Bwitches for band change and tap-switch· uses. Provide breakdown voltage of 1500 volts RMS. All are rated 2.75 amps at 15 volts DC; 230 ma at 115 volts AC. make and break. resistive load. All metal parts. except clips and contacts. are cadmium-plated steel. Switch, l%xlVa" diameter. Yz lI spacing between sections for 1- and 2-section switches; 1H spacing for others. Bushing, ¥S" diameter x %" long. Shaft. 1Va" long. Positive 30' indexing; adjustable stop. Shpg. wt., 5 oz. per section. Shorting Non-Shorting Total No. p'oles Stock Mfr's Stock Mfr's Poles of . per ~ Type ~_ Type _ _ Pos. ~ 35B214 35B215 35 B216 35B217 35B218 35B219 35B220 35B348 35B343 35B223 35B349 2500 2502 2504 2506 2510 2512 2514 2516 2520 2522 2524 35B225 35B226 35 B227 35B228 35B229 35B340 35B231 35B232 35B344 35B20 I 35B202 No. of 5.e*.- 1- - ,5.. EACH 1025.. 50.. _4_.___9_ ~ ~ ~ 2501 1 2-6· 1 1 2.82 2.35: 2.12 2.0 I 2503 1 2-11 1 1 2 •.82 2.35 2.12 2.0 I 2505 2 2-5 2 1 2.82 2.35 2.12 2.0 I 2507 3 2-3 3 1 2.82 2.35 2.12 2.01 2511 2 2-6 1 2 4.02 3.35 3.02 2.87 2513 -2-2-11-1---2- 4.02 3.35 3.02 2.87 2515 4 2-5 2 2 4.02 3.35 3.02 2.87 2517 6 2-3 3 2 4.02 3.35 3.02 2.87 2521 3 2-6 1 3 5.16 4.30 3.87 3.68 2523 3 2-11 1 3 5.16 4.30 3.87 3.68 2525 6 2-5 2 3 5.16 4.30 3.87 3.68 100. 249 I.BB 1.88 1.88 1.8B 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 3.44 3.44 3.44 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 3.10 3.10 3.10 50- 100. SERIES 1400 PHENOLIC ROTARY SWITCHES Complete line of laminated. phenolicinsulated rotary switches. Used primarily for band change and general tap-switch applications where miniaturization is not essential. Switch. l%xlVa" diameter. Bushing. %" diameter x %" long. Shaft. IVa" long from end of bushing. Index assemblies and hardware are identical to Series 2500 (above) allowing interchangeability. All metal parts. except clips and contacts, are cadmium-plated steel. Positive 30 0 indexing. Come complete with mounting nut. washer and 1 Yo" black pointer knob. All are rated 2.75 amps at 15 volts DC; 230 ma at 115 volts AC. Switches provide breakdown voltage of 1000 volts. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. per section. Shorting Non-Shorting Total No. Poles No. Stock Mfr's Stock Mfr's Poles of per of No. Type No. Typo Pos. Sec. Sec. 4 35BI82 1400 35BI63 1401 -1-2-6'-1---1- 2.52 35 B 183 1402 35 B 164 1403 1 2-11 1 1 2.52 35 B 184 1404 35 B 165 1405 2 2-5 2 1 2.52 35 B 132 1406 35 B 166 1407 3 2-3 3 1 2.52 35BI 86 14~8 35BI67 1409 4 2 4 1 2.52 35BI87 1410 35BI68 1411 -2-2-6'-1--2- 3.06 35BI88 1412 35BI69 1413 2 2-11 1 2 3.06 35BI89 1414 35BI70 1415 4 2-5 2 2 3.06 359133 1416 359171 1417 6 2-3 3 2 3.06 35BI91 1418 35BI72 1419 8 2 4 2 3.06 35BI34 1420 35BI35 1421 -3-2-6'-1--3- 3.90 358136 1422 35BI74 1423 3 2-11 1 3 3.90 35B 137 1424 35B 175 1425 6 2-5 2 3 3.90 35B 138 1426 35B 139 1427 4 2-6 1 4 4.50 35BI40 1428 35BI41 1429 4 2-11 1 4 4.50 35BI97 1430 35BI78 1431 8 2-5 2 4 4.50 INDEX ASSEMBLIES FOR SERIES 1400 AND 2500 Dependable assemblies for use with above series sections. One-piece flat shaft. 0/,6" thick. 30· positive index. Includes one index. one P-120 pointer knob. and hardware to complete switch. Wt .• 3 oz. Stock No. EACH No. of Sec. Mfr's 102524 49 ----35B497 I'-270 1-3 ....-:&5 r:3B 1.24 LI8 35B498 I'-271 3-5 2.10 1.75 1.58 1.50 35B499 I'-272 5-10 2;85 2.38 2.14 2.03 Type 59 14 50- 100- 249 99 -1.10 - --.99 1.40 1.90 1.26 1.71 PHENOLIC SECTIONS FOR SERIES 1400 For replacing or changing individual sections of Series 1400 rotary switches listed above: Sections can also be used with index assemblies P-270. P-271 and P-272 (above) to design and assemble switches with special characteristics. All phenolic sections carry .same ratings as Series 1400 switches. Av. shpg. wt .. 2 oz. Non-Shorting Shorting Stock No. Type St.ock No. Type 35 35 35 35 35 AD BD CD DD ED 35 35 35 35 35 HD JD KD LD MD B B B B B 179 180 181 150 151 1-4 ....... EACH 1.05 25-49 ..... EACH .75 35 B 152 I EED 1·4 ....... EACH 1.35 25-49 ..... EACH .97 B B B B B 155 156 157 158 159 5-9 ........ EACH .88 50-99 ...... EACH .70 I 35 B 453 I BBD 5-9 ....... EACH 1.13 50-99 ..... EACH .90 No. Total Pas. - Poles -1- - --2-6 1 2 3 4 2-11 2-5 2-3 2 10-24 ...... EACH .79 .100-249 .... EACH .63 I 4 I 2-3 10-24 ..... EACH 1.02 100·249 .. EACH .81 SMALL GENERAL-PURPOSE SWITCHES Step type. Rated 1.75 amps at 24 v., DC; 230 rna at 115 v., AC. Shaft. Yo" diameter, 1 Va" long. except 1465. 2Y2". All have shorting contacts except *nonshorting (for intercoms). 1472 is for use with AMFM-phono. talso SPST. Av. wt .. 5 oz. Stock No. Mfr's Type - - --34B080 1460t 34B081 34B082 34B083 34B084 34B073 1461 1462 EACH Description 14 SPDT phono-radio switch ' 1.08 SP-3~pos. selector DI'DT bandswitch 59 1- 1024 2549 50- 10099 249 - - - - -- -- - .90 .81 .77 .72 .65 - - - - - - -- -1.08 .90 .81 .77 .72 .65 1463*1 SI'DT momentary 1464* DPDT momentary 1.08 .90 .81 .77 .72 .65 1465 SP-4-position. with AC line switch 1.80 1.50 1.35 1.28 1.20 1.08 35B235 1472* DP-3-position 1.08 .90 .81 .77 .72 .65 Everything in Electronics from One Reliable 5.. 9 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.75 3.75 3.75 EACH 10.. 25.. 24 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.89 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.93 2.93 2.93 3.38 3.38 3.38 49 I.SO 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.78 2.78 2.78 3.21 3.21 3.21 99 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.60 2.60 2.60 3.00 3.00 3.00 249 T.5T 1.51 1.51· 1.51. 1.51 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.70 2.70 2.70 CERAMIC SECTIONS FOR SERIES 2500 For changing sections of Series 2500 rotary switches above. Reliable construction. trouble-free performance.. 187" rotor slot for use with P-270. P-271 and P-272 assemblies at left. All unused contacts shorted except PISD. which is progressive. NSD and PSD combine for resistance decade. Av. wt., 2 oz. Shorting Type Stock No. 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 B B B B B B B B B 203 204 205 206 207 492 494 495 208 TD UD RD SD VD I'ISD NSD I'SD GGD 1-4 ....... EACH 1.35 25-49 ..... EACH .97 Non-Shorting Type . Stock No. 209 210 211 212 213 XD YD RRD SSD ZD 35 B 496 FFD 35 35 35 35 35 B B B B B Total -Poles -1 1 2 3 4 1 No. Pos. 2-6 2-11 2-5 2-3 2 .............. ......... 2=iO .............. ......... ....... ........ .............. ......... . ...... 5-9 ....... EACH 1.13 50-99 ..... EACH .90 1 2-11 10-24 ..... EACH 1.02 100-249 .. EACH .81 JV-9000 HEAVY-DUTY ROTARY POWER SWITCHES Silicone-treated ceramic switches for transmitters, industrial and commercial controls, and test gear. Rated 9 amps at 110 v. AC (resistive); 30 amps at 5 v. DC; .015 amp at 2500 v. DC. Breakdown, 3000 v. RMS. 20· positive index; adjustable stop. All metal parts except clips. contacts and index spring are cadmium plated. Coin silver contacts.. N on-shorting. except tshorting. Bushing, %"x32 thread, %" long. Flattened shaft. Yoxl Va". Va" thick ceramic sections; 1" spacing between sections. Wt., 6 oz. per section. Stock -No. -35 B 115 ~5 B 116 35 B 117 35 B 118 35 B 119 35 B 120 35 B 121 358123 35 B 124 35 B 125 35 B 126 35 B 128 35 B 129 35 B 100 35 B 102 35 B 103 35 B 104 ~ource-Allied Type Sec. Total No. Poles Pos. JV- 9001 9033 9005 9003 9009 9035 9013 9007 9037 9021 9039 9015 9019 9000 .9004 9002 9008 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 2 3 6 4 4 5 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 6 6 6 8 12 IS 1 2 3 3 -- -- It 2t It 3t 1-4 2-i7 10.50 2-8 10.50 2-17 17.40 2-5 10.50 2-17 24.30 T-8 17.40 2-17 31.20 2-5 17.40 2-8 24.30 2-i7 45.30 2-8 31.20 2-5 31.20 2-5 38.10 2-17 10.50 2-17 17.40 2-5 10.50 2en 24.30 EACH 5-9 8.75 8.75 14.50 8.75 20.25 14.50 26.00 14.50 2.8.25 37.75 26.00 26.00 31.75 8.75 14.50 8.75 20.25 10-24 25-49 7.88 7.49 7.88 7.49 13.05 12.40 7.88 7.49 18.23 17.32 13.05 12.40 23.40 22.23 13.05 12.40 18.23 17.32 33.98 32.21l 23.40 22.23 23.40 22.23 28.58 27.15 7.88 7.49 13.05 12.40 7.88 7.49 18.23117.32 50-99 7.00 7.00 11.60 7.00 16.20 11.60 20.80 11.60 16.20 30.20 20.80 20.80 25.40 7.00 11.60 7.00 16.20 ALLIED. 267 Oak Top-Quality Rotary Switches TYPE A MINIATURE SILICONE-INSULATED SWITCHES Economical, preCISlOncrafted" -switches. All have dual-ball. 30· in- .dexing. Meet MIL-S· " 37 86A. 200-bour ,salt ,,'" spray test. Nickel-plat~ed brass and stainless steel parts. Adjustable ,,'stops, except. t2-position fixed stop. Panel -;space. lx'116"; up to 1%," behind panel for 3 sections. Shaft. 2Yaxv." diameter; breakoffs at %. 1 Va and 1 Va". Rated 1 amp @ 28 ,volts DC; Yz amp @ 115 volts AC. 2500 volts breakdown test. Av. shpg. wt.. 4 oz. ~~\\i~~~~ Low-tost, ' high quality switches for a variety of applications. All have dual ball and 30· indexing. Meet MIL- S-3786A, 50-hr. salt spray test except §200hr. salt spray test. All units listed have Ii' ;> adjustable stops. Panel space, 1 o/16X 1 ~"j 'c,up to I' %2" behind panel for 2 sections. ::Shaft, 2Yaxv." diameter; breakoffs at %, I Va and I Va". All switches rated liz amp at 115 volts AC. All have 1000 volts break;down rating. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. Shorting Stock ·Type No. 399- 33B 000 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 216A BOO I 21SA B 002 220A B003 222A B 004 224A BOOS 226A B 00&j234A B007 236A B 124 240A Non-Shorting Sec- Total Pos.' Type tions Poles Pole 1. No. 399. 4 Stoc~ 33 B 008 217A - 1 - --1-' 2-12' 33 B 009 219A2 2 2-12 33, BOl'O 221A .3 3, 2-12 33 BOI I 223A -1---2-~ 33 BO I 2225A 2 4 2-6 33 B 013 227A 3 6 2-6 33 B 014 235A - 1 - --4- ~ 33 BOIS 237.A :2 8 2t 33 B 125 241A'I i' 2~12 EACH 10.' ?5~ 24 49 59 '5.40 A.50 4.0'5 &.90 ,5.75 S. I 8 '8.70 7.25 &.53 5.40 4.50 4;05 &.90 5.75 5. I 8 ,8.70' 7.25 6.53 5.40 4.504.05 '6.90,5.75 S;r8 5.70 '4.75 4.28 -SO. 1QO- ,99, ,2~9 3.85 3.60'3.24 4.92' ·4.&0 4. I 4 6.20, 5.8Q 5,22 3.853.60 3;24 4.92 '4.&04.14 &.20 :5.80 5.22 3.B5 3.60' 4:92 '4.6:0 '4;14 4;07'3.80 -3042 T24 TYPE F MINIATURE PHENOLIC SWITCHES I Shorting Stock Type No, 399- 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 B 016 B 017 B 0 I8 B 019 B,020 B 021 B 022 B 023 B 12& 322F 324F 326F 328F 330F 332F 334F 336F 338F Non-Shorting Stock Type No. 39933 B 024 323F 33 B 025 325F 33 B 026 327F 33 B 027 329F 33 B 028 331F 33 B 029 333F 33 B 030 335F 33 B 031 3,>7F 33 B 127 339F Sec- Total P o s . ! ' tions Poles Pole 14 - 1 - --1- 2-11 2 2 2-11 1 2 2-5 2 4 2-5 1 3 2-3 - 2 - --6- 2-3 I 4 2 2 8 2 1 1§ 2-11 EACH 1025~ 24 49 59 2.&4 3.18 2.&4 3.18 2.64 3.18 2.&4 3.18 3.24 2.20 2.65 2.20 2.65 2.20 2.65 2.20 2.65 2.70 14 59 4.17 2.94 4.17 2.94 4.17 2.94 4.17 3.54 3.48 2.45 3.48 2.45 3.48 2.45 3.48 2.95 1_ 4 5_ 9 T.9ii 2.39 1.98 2.39 1.98 2.39 1.98 2.39 2.43 1.88 2.27 1.88 2.27 1.88 2.27 1.88 2.27 2.31 5099 100249 T.76 I.S8 2.12 1.76 2.12 1.76 2.12 1.76 2.12 2.16 1.91 1.58 1.91 1.58 1.91 50- 100- 1.58 1.91 1.94 TYPE FC STEATITE CERAMIC SWITCHES All have dual ball and 30· indexing. Made in accordance with i.s~)ecific,'ti(ms of MIL-S-3786A. 50 chr. salt spray test except §200-hr. salt spray test. All units listed have adjustable stops. Panel space, I 116xl 14"; up to I ''l'J,'' behind pan,.el for 2 sections. Shaft, 2¥ax!4H diameter; breakoffs at %. 1118 and I Va". All switches rated Yz amp at 115 volts AC. All have 1000 volts breakdown rating. Av. wt .. 3 oz. Shorting Stock No. -33 B 044 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 B 045 B 04& B 047 B 048 B 049 B 050 B 051 B 128 ,Type 399- 366FC 368FC 370FC 372FC '374FC 376FC 378FC 380FC 382FC "Ion-Shorting Sec- Total Pos.' Type tions Poles Pole Stock No. 399- 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 B 052 B 053 B 054 BOSS B 05& B 057 B 058 B 059 B 129 -- -367FC 1 1 2 369FC 2 371FC 1 2 373FC 2 4 375FC 1 - - -36377FC 2 379FC 1 4 381FC 2 8 383FC 1 11 2-11 2-11 2-5 2-5 2-3 2-3 2 2 2-11 EACH 251024 49 99 -249 ---- - - - - -2.94 2.45 2.21 2.10 1.96 1.76 2.78 1.9& 2.78 1.9& 2.78 1.9& 2.78 2.36 2.50 1.76 2.50 i,76 2.50 L76 2.50 2.12 EACH 102524 49 50- 2.39 3.49 1.98 2.39 3.49 2.12 2.70 1.76 2.12 2.70 100249 1.58 1.91 2.43 1.58 1.91 2.43 3.13 2.21 3.13 2.21 3.13 2.21 3.13 2.6& 2.97 2.10 2.97 2 •.10 2.97 2.10 2.97 2.53 TYPE H PHENOLIC SWITCHES With dual ball and 30· indexing. Meet MILS-3786A, 50-hr. salt spray test. Adjustable stops. Panel space. 1 Va , up to 3M," behind panel for 3 sec'tions. Shaft. 2Yaxv." diameter. Rated I amp @ 28 volts DC; liz amp' @ 115 volts AC. Breakdown 2500 volts. Av. wt .. 4 oz. Shorting Stock Type No. 399- 33 33 33 33 33 33 B 032 B 033 B 034 B 035 B 03& B 037 512H 514H 516H 518H 520H 522H Non-Shorting Sec .. Total Pos.' Type tions Poles Pole Stock No. 399- ----- - - - - -- 2-11 513H 33 33 33 33 33 33 B 038 B 039 B 040 B 041 B 042 B 043 515H 517H 519H 521H 523H 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 4 6 2-11 2-11 2-5 2-5 2-5 2.64 3.18 4.05 2.&4 3.18 4.05 99 - - - - --2;20 1.98 1.88 1.7& 2.65 3.88 2.20 2.&5 3.88 2.27 3.32 1.88 2.27 3.32 TYPE HC CERAMIC SWITCHES 1I1V/O;;;;;;;J;;;) Have dual 'ball and 30· indexing. Meet MIL-S-3786A, 50hour salt spray test. Adjustable stops. Panel space, 1 Vax behind panel for 3 sect. breakoffs at %. I Va and v., DC. liz amp @ 115 v .. 2500 v. 4 oz. Shorting Type Stock No. 399- --- 33 33 33 33 33 33 B 09& B 097 B 098 B 099 El 100 BIOI 562HC 564HC 566HC 568HC 570HC 572HC Non-Shorting Stock No. 33 33 33 33 33 33 B 102 B 103 B 104 BIOS B 106 B 107 Sec .. Total Pos.' Type tions Poles Pole 399- 563HC 565HC 567HC 569HC 571HC 573HC 1 2 3 1 2 3 EACH 102524 49 5099 100- 3.13 4.03 2.21 3.13 4.03 2.97 3.83 2.10 2.97 3.83 2.78 3.58 1.96 2.78 3.58 2.50 3.22 1.76 2.50 3.22 1.85 2.66 3.38 4.05 1.85 2.&6 3~75 3.38 2.05 1.85 2.95 2.66 1.76 2.53 3.21 3.85 1.76 2.53 3.21 1.76 2.53 1.&4 2.3& 3.00 3.60 1.64 2.36 3.00 1.64 2.36 1.48 2.12 2.70 3.24 1.48 2.12 2.70 1.48 2.12 100249 14 59 -- -- ---2-11 2.94 2.45 2.21 1 249 2:10 1:96 1.7& 2 3 2 4 6 2-11 2-11 2-5 2-5 2-5 4.17 5.37 2.94 4.17 5.37 3.48 4.48 2.45 3.48 4.48 1 1 2 2 3 3 -41- 24 4 2 3 6 6 1 2 12 2-12 2-12 2-12 2-12 2-6 2-6 2-6 2 2 2.4& 3.54 4.50 5.40 2.46 3.54 4.50 2.46 3.54 2.05 2.95 3.75 4.50 2.05 2.95 14 5_ 9 EACH 102524 49 5099 1.86 2.67 3.3& 3.96 1.8& 2.67 3.3& 1.8& 2.67 1.55 2.28 2.80 3.30 1.55 2.28 2.80 1.55 2.28 1.40 1.33 2.05 1.95 2.52 2.39 2.97 2.82 1.40 1.33 2.05 1.95 2.52 2.39 1.40 1.33 2.05 1.95 1.24 I.i2 1.78 1.60 2.24 2.02 2.64 2.38 1.24 .T:T2 1.78 1.60 2.24 2.02 1.24 1.12 1.78 1.60 TYPE JC STEATITE CERAMIC SWITCHES With single ball and 30 0 indexing. Meet MIL-S3786A, 50-hr. salt spray test. All units listed have adjustable stops. Panel space. I ''l'J,xIYa"; 20/." behind. 1 amp at 28 v., ~ DC. Breakdown 1800 v. Wt., 5 oz. 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 " , -, , _ , , , B 078 B 079 B 080 B 081 B 082 B 083 B 084 B 085 B 08& 468JC 470JC 472JC 474JC 476JC 478]C 480JC 484JC 486JC 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 B 087 B 088 B 089 B 090 B 091 B 092 B 093 B 094 B 095 469]C 471JC 473]C 475JC 477JC 479JC 481JC 485JC 487JC -- -- TYPE K PHENOLIC SWITCHES All have single ball and 30· inc dexing. Meet M IL-S-3 7 86, 50-hour salt spray test. Adjustable stops. Metal parts are cadmium plated and chromate dipped. Contacts are of silver-plated brass. Panel space. 1''l'J,x l'¥3z."; up to 21~2H behind panel. Shaft, 2%xv." dia.; breakoffs at %, I Va and IVa". Rated I amp @ 28 volts DC; liz amp @ 115 v. AC. 2500 v. breakdown. 4 oz. c' 268 • ALLIED Shorting Type Stock 399No. 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 B 0&0 B 061 B 0&2 B 063 B 0'64 B 065 B 066 B 0&7 B 068 418K 420K 422K 424K 426K 428K 430K 432K 434K Non-Shorting Sec- Total Pos.' Type tions Poles Pole Stock No. 399- 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 B 0&9 B 070 B 071 B 072 B 073 B 074 B 075 B 07& B 077 419K 421K 42JK 425K 427K 429K 431K 433K 435K -1- -1- 2 2 3 3 4 -1- 24 4 2 3 6 6 1 2 12 2-12 2-12 2-12 2-12 2-6 2-6 2-6 2 2 Use the Services of the Allied Facility Nearest You Oak Rotary Switches and Assemblies TYPE L PHENOLIC SWITCHES Single ball. 20 0 indexing. MIL-S-3786A 50hr. salt test. Adiustable staps, 2-17 pos. Occupy 2'Ji ,ak:dolvn 1000 v. Wt .. 4 oz. Single ball. 150 index. MILS-3786A salt spray test. Adjusta ble stops; 2-23 pos. Panel space 2'V!oxl'';:\,"; up to 2'%," behind. 4 oz. Shorting Non-Shorting EACH -:::-:-'--:---7-:::---1--=-:--:--;--=---''-- Sec- Tota I Pos./I-:----;--=-----;---:c:-,---,=----:--=::---;-:-::-:;Stock Type Stock Type tions Poles Pole 1.. 510.. 2550.. 100No. 399No. 3994 9 24 49 99 249 33 B 108 60SL 33 B I 12 6091. - 1 - --1- 2-17 2.34 1.95 1:76 1.67 1.56 1.40 33 B 109 6101. 33 B I 13 6111. 33 B I 10 6121. 33 B I 14 6131. 33 Bill 6141. 33 B 115 6151. 2 3 4 2 3 4 2-17 3.36 2.80 2.52 2.39 2.24 2.02 2-17 4.38 3.65 3.29 3.13 2.92 2.0 2-17 4.95 4.03 3.63 3.45 3.30 2.97 2I 3 4 12-2312.5212.1011.8911.8011.6811.51 2-23 3.60 3.00 2.70 2.57 2.40 2.16 2-23 4.71 3.93 3.54 3.36 3.14 2.S3 2-23 5.34 4.45 4.0 I 3.81 3.56 3.20 TYPE MF PHENOLIC SWITCHES 33 33 33 33 B 6165SMFI33 B -II I 17 660MF 33 B I 18 662MF 33 B 119 664MF 33 B B B B 12°1659MFI' 121 661MF 2 122 663MF 3 123 665MF 4 I SHAFT AND INDEX ASSEMBLIES AND SECTIONS FOR SPECIAL SWITCHES SHAFT AND INDEX ASSEMBLIES Complete switch assembly hardware Stock consisting of mounting nut and lockwasher. stop wash- er. assembly tie rods and selected spacers. washers. nuts. Steel and brass parts are cadmium plated and chromate dipped. Shafts are 2 %x Yo" diameter. Breakoffs at %. 1 Va and 1Va". Av. shpg. wt .• 3 oz. 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 No. 130 195 131 196 132 197 133 198 134 199 135 200 Mfr's Type Lgth. No. of In. Sections 1-4 399-029A 399-022A 399-039F 399-021F 399-043K ,199-024K 399-7B5H 399-023H 399-7S9L 399-0251. 399-793MF 399-026MF 0%, 1-3 3-10 1-2 2-9 1-4 4-9 1-5 2.25 3.00 1.56 2.49 1.44 2.37 1.71 2.64 1.80 2.73 1.95 2.88 4'%z lYo 6Va 2'fu 6Ya 3%Z 6Ya 2'%, 6Va 2'%, 6Ya- 6-9 1-5 6-9 1-5 6-9 5-9 .EACH 10-24 25-49 50-99 100-249 1.88 1.60 1.50 1.69 2.50 2.25 2.14 2.00 1.30 1.17 1.11 1.04 2.08 1.88 1.79 1.66 1.20 1.08 1.03 .96 1.98 1.78 1.58 -- 1.69 1.43 1.29 1:23 1.14 2.20 1.98 1.88 1.76 1.50 1.35 1.28 1.20 2.28 2.06 1.96 1.82 1.63 1.47 1.40 1.30 2.40 2.16 2.06 1.92 1.35 I.SO .94 1.50 .86 1.42 1.03 1.59 1.08 1.64 1.17 1.73 SECTIONS FOR SPECIAL SWITCH ASSEMBLIES These sections have same specifications as switches above and on preceding page. Use <.yith shaft and index assemblies with same suffix letter in Type No. lIsted above. Av. shpg. wt .. 2 oz. TYPE A SILICONE SECTIONS TYPE K CERAMIC SECTIONS Non-Shorting Shorting Pos./ Pole Stock N0'1 Type Stock N0'1 Type 2-12 1 33 B 139 399-033A 33 B 136 .399-032A 2-6 2 33 B 140 399-03SA 33 B 137 399-034A 2 4 33 B 141 399-037A 33 B 138 399-036A 5-9 __ .............. EACH 2.58 1-4_ ............... EACH 3.09 25-49 ___ ........... EACH 2.20 10-24_ ............. EACH 2.32 100-249 ............ EACH 1.85 50-99 .............. EACH 2.06 Total Poles Shorting Non-Shorting Total Pos./ Poles Pole Stock NO., Type Stock N"o', Type 33 B 158 399-130K 33 B 161 399-131K 1 2-12 33 B 159 399-132K 33 B 162 399-133K 2-6 2 33 B 160 399-134K 33 B 163 399-135K 6 2 1-4_ ................ EACH .90 5-9 _............... _EACH .75 10-24 ............... EACH .68. 25-49 _. __ .. _......... EACH .65 50-99 ............... EACH .60 100-249 ............. EACH .59 TYPE F PHENOLIC SECTIONS 399-070F 133 B 33 B 1421 33 B 33 B 143 399-072F 33 B 33 B 144 399-074F 33 B 33 B 145 399-076F 1-4_._ ............. EACH 1./1 10-24 .............. EACH .84 50-99 .............. EACH .74 TYPE JC CERAMIC SECTIONS 2-11 1 1461 399-071F 2-5 2 147 399-073F 2-3 3 148 399-075F 4 149 399-077F I 2 I 5-9_._ .............. EACH .93 25-49 __ ............. EACH .80 100-249 _............ EACH .67 I 1 2-11 154j399-091FC 2-5 155 399-093FC 2 2-3 156 399-09SFC 3 157 399-097FC 1 4 I 2 5-9 __ .............. EACH 1.18 25-49_. _........... EACH 1.01 100-249. _.......... EACH .85 TYPE H PHENOLIC SECTIONS I I 2-11 1 33 B 172 399-751H 33 B 170 399-750H 2-5 33 B 173 399-7S3H 2 33 B 171 399-7S2H 5-9 .. _. _............. EACH .93 1-4._ .............. EACH 1./1 25-49. _............. EACH .80 10·24 _...... '. -. ..... EACH .84 50-99 .............. EACH .74 100-249 ............. EACH .67 I TYPE HC CERAMIC SECTIONS I 33 B J 74 399-760HC 33 B 175 399-762HC 1-4 ................ EACH 10·24 .............. EACH 50-99 .............. EACH I I I TYPE MF PHENOLIC SECTIONS TYPE FC CERAMIC SECTIONS 33 B I SO I 399-090FC 133 B 33 B 33 B 151 399-092FC 33 B 33 B 152 399-094FC 33 B 33 B 153 399-096FC 1-4_ ............... EACH 1.4/ 10-24 .............. EACH 1.06 50-99 ....... '...... _EACH .94 2-12 1 33 B 1641 399-150JC 133 B 1671 399-151JC 33 B 165 399-152JC 33 B 168 399-IS3JC 2-6 2 33 B 166 399-1S4JC 33 B 169 399-155JC 6 2 1-4. __ ............. EACH 1.26 5-9 __ .............. EACH 1.05 10-24 .............. EACH .95 25-49 ___ ........... EACH .90 50-99 .. _........... EACH. ·.84 100-249 ............ EACH .76 I I 33 B 180 I 399-IBOMF I 33 B 181 I 399-IBIMF I 1 I 1-23 5·9 ___ ............. EACH 1.00 1-4. _..... .-........ EACH I .20 10-24_. _........... EACH .90 25·49 .............. EACH .85 100-249. __ ......... EACH .72 50-99 .............. EACH .80 SPECIAL FUNCTION SECTIONS Stock No. Description Type 399-0S6A 33 B 182 399-061A 33 B 183 399-0S7A 33 B 184 399-0S9A 33 B 185 1-4 ___ ... _......... EACH 10-24 .............. EACH 50-99 __ ............ EACH Consecutive Shorting-Shorting Binary Coded Dec. Output-Non-Short. Resistor Decade. Non-Shorting Capacitor Decade. Non-Shorting 4.65 5-9. _.............. EACH 3.88 25-49 ___ ...... '. •... EACH 3.22 3.49 3.10 100·249 ........ : ... EACH 2.79 All contacts shorted except selected position. I Stock I 2-11 1 33 B 176 399-761HC 2-5 33 B 177 399-763HC 2 5-9 __ .............. EACH 1.18 1.41 1.06 25·49 _............. EACH 1.0 I 100-249 __ .......... EACH .85 .94 TYPE L PHENOLIC SECTIONS 33 B 178 I 399-172L I 33 B 179 I 399-173L I 1-17 I 1 1-4 __ ............. _EACH 1.14 5-9 __ ... _ ......... __ EACH .95 25·49 __ . _.. _. __ ..... _EACH .82 10-24 .............. EACH .86 50-99 _............ _EACH .76 100-249 __ ...... _ .. _ .EACH .69 No. 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 Everything in Electronics from One Dependable Source B B B B B B B B B 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 Mfr's Type 399-0SBA 399-060F 399-062FC 399-064K 399-06SH 399-07BHC 399-0S0L 399-0S2MF 399-066JC 14 5_ 9 4.65 1.56 2.10 1.35 1.65 2.10 1.71 1.80 1.86 3.88 1.30 1.75 1.13 1.38 1.75 1.43 1.50 1.55 EACH 251024 49 --3.49 3.22 1.17 1.58 1.02 1.24 1.58 1.29 1.35 1.40 1.11 1.50 .97 1.18 1.50 1.23 1.28 1.33 5099 3.10 1.04 1.40 .90 1.10 100249 2.79 .94 1.26 .81 .99 1.40"" 1.26 1.14 1.20 1.24 1.03 1.08 1.12 ALLIED. 269 . MAITORY Rotary, Lever-Action, Pushbutton Switches . GRIGSBY SERIES 12M SUBMINIATURE GLASS-EPOXY ROTARY SWITCHES • Glass·Epoxy Sections Per MIL.P~I,8177 • Up to 12 Positions With Fixed Stop f:' Non .. Shorting Shorting t: Stock No. -'-33 B 900 and dependadia.) commeronly per 30 0 indexwith fixed stop. Ratings : 150 rna @ 125 v..; max. voltage. v.; max. current. 2.5 amps @ ($"v. '(rms). Ys" -32 threaded bushing; Yoxl Yo" (FMS) steel shaft. With nut, lock.washer. .#336-1 black knob. *Indicates number of p01es. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 B 901 B 902 B 903 B 904 B905 B 906 B 907 B 908 B 909 B 910 B 911 'Type 12M-I1111G 11211 , 1215G 11311G 1313G 1225G 1412G 1235G 1323G 1422G 1333G 1432G Stock No. 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 J. 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 Type Sec. 12M21111G 1 21211G 1 2215G -- 2 21311G 1 3 2313G 2225G -242412G 2235G 2 2323G -- 3 2422G' 4 2333G 3 2432G 4 * Per Pole -- - -11 -- 3'1 -- 1 2 I 3 2 2 3 3 EACH Pos. 11 5 11 3 . 5 2 5' 3 2 3 2 14 4.52 5.58 4.52 6.64 4.52 5.58 4.52 6.64 5.58 5.58 6.64 6.64 59 3.77 4.65 3.77 5.53 3.77 4.65 3.77 5.53 4.65 4.65 5.53 5.53 1024 3.39 4.19 3.39 4.98 3.39 4.19 3.39 4.98 4.19 4.19 4.98 4.98 26- 60- 100- 499 49 99 -- -3.01 -- -3.23 2.71 3.98 3.23 4.47 3.23 3.98 3.23 4.74 3.98 3.98 4.74 4.74 3.79 3.01 4.26 3.01 3.79 3.01 4:26 3.79 3.79 4.26 4.26 3.35 2.71 3.98 2.71 3.35 2.71 3.98 3.35 3.33 3.98 3.98 GRIGSBY SERIES 12L SUBMINIATURE GLASS-EPOXY. LEVER-ACTION SWITCHES. Ultra-com pactously unavailable. Positive 30· bal! indexing. Ratings same as above switch. "S" suf- fix in Type No. in- dicates spring-return to center; "U"spring-return to center in one direction, tli>sitive indexing in opposite direction. With ,~andle, mtg. screws. 2Vzxl''j1,xYo". 2 oz. • Up to Slx'Poles-S~ctions Per MIL·P-18177 • Only One Inch Required Behind Panel allow circuit combinations previ- Shorting Stock Mfr's No. 33 33 33 33 33 33 B B B B B B 924 925 926 927 928 929 Non-Shorting Stock Mfr's Type No. 12L1612 33 B 930 12L16128 33 B 931 12L1213 33 B 932 12L12138 33 B 933 12L1213U 33 B 934 12L1413 33 B 935 :.~s~: Poles Type 12L2612 - 2 - --612L26128 2 6 12L2213 3 2 12L22138 - - --212L2213U 2 12L2413 4 1- 5- 4 4.24 4.47 3.12 3.38 3.39 3.63 9 3.53 3.72 2.60 2.80 2.80 3.03 EACH 10.. 26- 24 49 3.i'8 3.00 3.36 3.17 2.34 2.21 2.52 2.38 2.52 2.38 2.72 2.58 50.. 100- : 99 499 2.92 2.54 2.98 2.68 2.08 1.87 2.24 2.02 2.24 2.02 2.42 2.18 SERIES 1200L AND 1300L PHENOLIC ROTARY SWITCHES Shorting Stock Mfr's No. Type For low-current applications. High-grade 'phenolic resin sections. Heavily silverplated contacts with self·wiping action as$UTe positive, connections. Vz" spacing be- ' tween sections, except 3- and 4-section SWitches, 1" spacing. Require 1~" radius lJ!ounting space o?- panel. 30 0 indexing. %" dia. threaded bushing, Ys" long. Shaft, ~" dia.. 2" long-grooved for easy cutting. l' fixed, I adjustable stop. Breakdown, 1000 'V; AC or DC. Ratings (resistive): 0.6 amps at 300 v. DC; 8 amps at 6 v. DC; I amp at 300 v. AC; 10 amps at 6 v. AC. With bar -knob. tAdditionaI "off" positions with all Circuits open. *N o. of poles. 8 oz. 8 !: 34 B 201 34 B 202 34 8203 34 B 204 34 B 206 34 B 207 34 B 208 34 B 209 34 B 211 34 B 212 34 B 214 34 B 215 34 B 216 34 B 217 34 B 218 34 B 219 Non-Shorting Stock Mfr's Sec. No. Type 1211L 1215Lt 1213Lt 12121.t 12211. 1225r.t 1223Lt 1222Lt 1231L 1235Lt 1241L 1245Lt 1251L . 1256L 1261L 1266L 34 S 251 34 B 252 34 B 253 34 B 254 34 B 256 34 B 257 34 B 258 34 8259 34 B 261 34 8262 34 B 264 34 B 265 34 B 266 34 B 267 34 B 268 34 B 269 Pos . Per Pole 1 11 2 3 4 2 4 6 8 3' 6 4 8 5 10 6 12 5 3 2 EACH I4 S- 2.10 1.75 11 6 25- 60- 100- 1.5S 1.50 1.40 1.26 499 - - -9- - - -49- -99- -- - - -- - - - - -- 11 5 3 2 11 5 11 5 11 6 1024 2.58 2.15 1.94 I.S4 1.72 3.24 3.24 3.81 3.81 4.11 4.53 4.83 5.52 2.43 2.43 2.86 2.86 3.08 3.40 3.62 4.14 2.31 2.31 2.71 2.71 2.93 3.23 3.44 3.93 2.i6 2.70 2.70 3.18 3.18 3.43 3.78 4.03 4.60 2.16 2.54 2.54 2.74 3.02 3.22 3.68 1.55 1.94 1.94 2.29 2.29 2.47 2.72 2.90 3.31 SPECIAL-PURPOSE SWITCHES MINIATURE PUSHBUTTON SWITCHES contact. N.o., norm. open; n.c., norm. closed. I.' fA' Momentary ~ *DPST. n.o. and SPST. n.c. tShorting; others, non-shorting. Mount in ~6" dia. hole on panels to Y4" thick. Mtg. radius, l!A6"' ,:Mtg depth M6" (Type lOll) to Va" (1018) Max :DC v 500 3 oz EACH leo 1311L 1 1315Lt 1 13131. t 1 13121.t 1 1321L 2 1325Lt 2 1323Lt 2 1322Lt 2 1331L -31335Lt 3 1341L 4 1345Lt 4 1351L 5 1356L 5 1361L 6 1366L 6 . Stock Mfr's ·No. Type 34 B 432 34 B 433 34 B 434 34 B 435 ..348436 34 B 437 34 B 438 34 B 439 14 1011 8P8T. n.o. .69 1012 8P8T, n.C. .69 1013 8PDT .78 1014 DP8T, n.o. .87 1015 DP8T. n.c. .87 1016 DPDT 1.05 1017 1.05 1018 DPDTt 1.44 Action • 5- 10- 9 -.58 - -24 .52 .58 .52 .65 .59 .73 ---.65 .73 .65 .99 •79 .89 .79 1.20 1.08 .. 25- SO49 99 .49 .46 .49 .46 .56 .52 .58 - .62 -. .&2 .59 .75 .70 .75 .70 1.03 .96 .. lDO- 499 .41 .41 ,.47 .52 -.52 .63 .63 . 86 TYPE 1400L CIRCUIT-OPENING SWITCH TYPE 151L "HAMSWITCH" 'C1 Two-section, 5-position switch; 1 pole per section. Non-shorting. ~ 2 Yo" spacing between sections. Rated 1000 volts AC' (rms) or 1500 volts DC. 60· indexing; With brass bushing Ys" long, Ys" dia. Shaft, 2" long by Yo" dia. is grooved at popular. lengths for easy cutting. With knob, nut and lock washer. Shpg. wt., 6 oz. . 34 B 318.1·4 ........ EACH 2.70 5-9 ................ EACH 2.25 ,10·24 ................ EACH 2.03 25·49 .............. EACH 1.92 50·99 ................ EACH 1.80 100·499 ............ EACH 1.62 TYPE 13124L 24-POINT TAP SWITCH 'ol Single circuit. 24·position. non-shorting .tap switch. Excellent ~ for use in test equipment applications. Continuous rotation, ·with 15° indexing between positions. Bushing, 0/8" dia. by Ya N long . 2" shaft is notched for easy cutting to popular lengths. Supplied with dial plate, knob and mounting hardware. Shpg. wt., 6 oz . 34 B 295.1·4, .... EA. 2.76 5·9 ...... EA. 2.30 10·24 ... ,EA. 2.07 25·49 ..... EACH 1.97 50·99 ..... EACH 1.84 100·499 ... EACH 1.66 Cjjl Opens any 1 of 12 circuits, maintains other II. Breaking cur~ rents: 6A @ 300 v. DC; 8A @ 6 v. DC; IA @ 300 v. AC; lOA @6 v. AC. Non·breaking, lOA. Max. DC v., 500 v. 30· indexing. Y2x2" shaft. YsxYs" bushing. Hardware.' dial plate. 6 oz. .34 B 290.1·4 ..... EA. 4.69 5·9 ....... EA. 3.90 10·24 .... EA. 3.51 25·49 ..... EACH 3.33 50·99 ..•.. EACH 3.12 100·499 ... EACH 2.8 I ~70 • ALLIED TYPE RB254 UNIVERSAL MOUNTING BRACKET fE1 "L" shaped universal mounting bracket for baseboard or rear ~ support mounting of all Mallory circuit-selector switches. volume controls and jacks. Shpg. wt., 2 oz • 34 B 420 ................................................ 15 Depend on Allied for Immediate Shipment at OEM Prices Rotary, Lever-Action, and Slide Switches Allied Electronics stocks the most complete line of switches. For immediate "off-theshelf" deiiyery, call the Allied office nearest you-locations on page 1. DIAL PLATES Types 372 to 390 are for switches 1200L, 1300L and 1 \4N base 3100J and 3200J. Others are for 1'lIt6N base 3100J and 3200J. Etched aluminum. Black background. l' ¥lON dia. plate. Hole has Shpg. wt., 2 oz. Shorting Mfr's Type No. 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 Marking 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 to to to to to to to to to to 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ¥Is' dia. Type Marking 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 1 to 12 Off 1 to 3 Off 1 to 4 Off 1 to 5 Offlt06 Off 1 to 7 Off 1 to 8 Offlt09 Off 1 to 10 ....... ............. 34 BB 600. Specify Type•........ EACH .12 20° SPACING FOR l"A,' Non-Shorting Stock Stock 30° SPACING FOR 1'/.0" BASE SWITCHES Type SERIES 3100J AND 3200J SINGLE-SECTION SWITCHES BASE SWITCHES Type Marking Type Marking 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 467 473 1 to 3 1 to 4 1 to 5 1 to 6 1 to 7 1 to 8 1 to 9 1 to 10 1 to 11 1 to 12 1 to 17 Off 1 to 3 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 ,481 482 483 484 486 Off 1 to 4 Off 1 to 5 Off 1 to 6 Off 1 to 7 Off 1 to 8 Off 1 to 9 Off 1 to 10 Off 1 toll Off 1 to 12 Offlto13 Off 1 to 14 Off 1 to 16 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 B B B B B B B B B B B B 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 3115J 31112J 3122J 3123J 3126J 3134J 3142J 3143J 31117J 3129J 3136J 3163J 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 No. B 350 B 351 B 352 B 353 B 354 B 355 B 356 B 357 B 358 B 359 B 360 B 361 34 34 34 34 34 34 .34 34 34 34 Type 396. 0-10, for wire-wound controls. 34 B 624 ...................... EACH .21 B 331 B B B B 332 333 335 336 Mfr's Type 172C 173C* 174C* 176C 171C* 178C' 180C 181C* 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 4 -23- -633 6 B B B B B 337 338 339 340 341 16K 162C 163C 164C 165C 1 I ~~ SHORTING Mfr's Poles Positions EACH Per Pole ~\~ll0-241125-49150-991100-499 4 1.38 1.15 1.04 .98 .92 .83 2 1.20 1.00 .90 .86 .80 .72 3 1.20 1.00 .90 .86 .80 .72 NON-SHORTING 1 4 2 3 2 3 17 9 6 3 100,',/ 1\4" 1\4" 1.02 .85 .77 .73 .68 .61 Ill.." 1\4" 1\4" 1\4" 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.56 1.56 1.65 1.65 Ill.." 111 "," 111"{a" l11..{t' 111..{6" .88 .88 .88 1.30 1.30 1.38 1.38 .79 .79 .79 1.17 1.17 1.24 1.24 .75 .75 .75 I,ll. 1.11 1.18 1.18 :TO .70 .70 1.04 1.04 1.10 1.10 ....::4 .63.63 .63 .94 .94 .99 .99 161C tions. 1!,4" base diameter. With 2" grooved shaft, knob and hardware. *Additional "off" position. Shpg. wt., 8 oz. 5 EACH 10-24 25-49 1-4 5-9 50-99 100-499 - - - - - - --- - - - --- - !~- 2.37 1.98 1.78 1.69 1.58 1.42' 5 3 3.39 5 4.32 2.83 2.54 - -11- - - - - - - - --3.60 3.24 " 2.0:r --.It. - - - --'.' 2.42 2.26 3.08 2.88 2.59 3 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 2.16 3.06 3.96 4.86 5.76 I 1.80 2.55 3.30 4.05 4.80 1.62 2.30 2.97 3.65 4.32 1.54 2.18 2.82 3.46 4.10 I 1.44 2.04 2.64 3.24 3.84 ;i; 1.30 1.84 2.38 2.92 3.46 34 B 688. Type 488 Dial Plate. For 160C series, above. Shpg. wt., 2 oz ............ EACH .12 ~ 2 4 4 4 50- - - - - - - - - -99- -499- - -113- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 5 4 5 2t LEVER-ACTION SWITCHES 34 B 383152241 34 B 384 6242 34 B 368 6243 12 2 3 6 Sec- Total Poslt.ions tions Poles Per Pole --1-1-I 1 Positive-indexing, lever action switcheswith shorting or non-shorting contacts. For convenient control of centralized radio, sound distribution, public address equipment, and intercommunication equipment. For school installations of loud-speaker systems and office communication systems. Indexing in 2, 3 or 4 positions with 20· spacing between positions. Types 6142, 6143, 6242 and 6243 have mounting brackets with round holes spaced Mr lo/a" centers. 5124 and 5224 have elongated mounting holes in the brackets, spaced 20/16" to 2Yo" apart. Phenolic resin insulation. Maximum non-breaking current (resistive load), 5 amps. With knob and hardware. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. 2 4' 4 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 1 2 3 6 EACH 10~524 49 59 90° INDEX "HAMBAND" SWITCHES-RATED 1000 VOLTS DC AND 100 WATTS Type 393. 0-10, for rheostats and pots. 34 B 622 ...................... EACH .21 34 B 382 5124 34 B 365 6142 34 B 366 6143 32112J 3222J 3223J 3226J 3234J 3242J 3243J 32117J 3229J 3236J 3263J -5 Ill.." 14 30° INDEXING Stock No. 34 B 327 34 B 328 34 B 329 Type 391. Increase-type, for vol. control. 34 B 620 ...................... EACH .21 ~ Type _ _ -I3215J Dia. MULTIPLE CERAMIC-SECTION SWITCHES Type 369. 0-100, for volume controls. 34 B 670 ....................... EACH .21 Stock Posi .. Base Mfr's POIC5 tion5 Typo Multi-contact selector switches designed for minimum RF losses. 30°-index switches feature adjustable stop; "Hambands" are capable of continuous rotation. All are nonshorting. Silver-plated' contacts. Maximum non-breaking current (resistive load), 10 amps. Yz" spacing between 2-section types, except ~1 Va"; others have I" spacing between sec- 34 BB 650. Specify Type......... EACH .12 Type 394. 1-24 positions. 15 0 opening. 34 B 623 ...................... EACH .12 All I' lito" base types have adjustable stops. Breakdown rating is 500 volts, AC or DC. Current ratings (resistive load): .125 amps at 300 v. DC; 3 amps at 6 ~. DC; .2 amps at 300 v. AC; 5 amps at 6v. AC. Bar knob and nut. 4 oz. Compact, enclosed, low-voltage switches. For u~e in receivers in tone control, band selector and antenna switching circuits and in electronic devices where space is limited. Insulation is high-quality phenolic resin. All have a Yo" threaded bushing Yo" long. \4" diameter shaft 2" long. Shafts are grooved at popular lengths for easy Cl1 tting. 1.3811.1511.041.981.921 .83 .72 11.20 1.00 .90 .8& .80 1.20 1.00 .90 .86 .80 .72 Allied Is Headquarters for Switches at Factory Prices CONTINENT AL-WIRT ECONOMY SLIDE SWITCHES Low-cost AC-DC switches for transmitters, receivers, instruments, etc. Have cadmium-plated steel housings, except 'nickel-finished (an Arrow Hart and Hegeman midget slide switch with black phenolic lever; requires only Vsx'>:\z" cutout). All have hot-tinned solder lug terminals. Size, '%4X 1'~z", except Type 81574, lYox'>:\z"; and Type GI26, U L Listed Av shpg wt " 3 oz , Stock No. 34 36 34 35 35 33 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 492 148 424 015 017 853 023 025 920 921 922 026 027 033 084 Mfr's Type I Action G725 G726 GI26 G723 G724 81574* G323 G324 G325 G326 G369 G623 G624 G625 G626 DPST DPDT DPDT SPST SPDT SPST SPST SPDT DPST DPDT 3PDT SPST SPDT DPST DPDT Amps@ 125 V. 0.5 0.5 0.5 .75 .75 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 1-9 lxl~Z". " All are . EACH 10-99 100-499 ~ --:T7 --:IS =-:T2 .19 .33 .11 .11 .24 .12 .12 .22 .22 .38 .16 .16 .22 .23 .16 .29 .10 .10 --:20 .11 .11 .20 .20 .32 .14 .14 .20 •21 .085 .13 .09 .22 •. 16 .075 .055 .055' .075 --.1-8- -;16 .08 .06 .08 .06 .16' .11 .16 .11 .27 .23,: .08) .11 .08,:, .11 .17 .13" .14 ,. .18 ALLIED • 27.1 Lever and Push Switches "LEV-R" SWITCHES SERIES 25000 ILLUMINATED LEVU SWITCHES Up Position-1st Color Off Position-2nd Color Down Position-3rd Color Illuminated color-coded lever switches indicate function and/or switch position. Replaces switch and up to three indicator lamps. Saves space •.. wiring costs. Nickel-silver springs, 'silver contacts rated 3 amps, 300 watts max. AC non-inductive. g;"H high, 3%,' wide, 2!4H behind panel. With 6-v. lamp (for other voltages, see lamp listing on following page), and 6 color chips (blue, red, amber, yellow, green, white). #Contact Form: Each section for three-pas. , types. 'Mfr. adds sufflx L to Type No. to indicate locking type. Non( locking types have spring return. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. TWO POSIT/ON TYPES Mfr'. , Type Stock No. ConLocking Non-Lock.. ActIon tact Type 36 8280 25203 36 8281 25206 36 8282 25209 36 8283 --25201 ing Type 36 8272 368273 368274 368275 SPST ~ I-A SPDT I-C DPDT 2-C 3PDT 3-C EACH 124 2549 5099 100249 2.40 2.55 3.00 3.45 2.20 2.34 2.75 3.16 2.00 2.13 2.50 2.88 1.44 1.53 1.80 2.07 THREE POSIT/ON TYPES# (Center-Off) 25304136 2761SPDT 25306 36 8 8 284136 285 36 B B 277 DPDT/I-A I-C /2.70/2.48/2.25/1.62 3.00 2.75 2.50 1.80 25308 36 8286 36 8278 DPDT 2-A 3.30 3.03 2.75 1.98 25312 36 8 287 36 B 279 4PDT 2-C 3.60 3.30 3.00 2.16 SERIES 15000 ILLUMINATED PUSH-PUSH SWITCHES Buttons light when in HIn" position. Locking types are push-push; non-locking types momentary contact, spring return. Contacts rated 3 amps, 300 watts max., non-inductive AC load. Mount with two 3-48 screws on 'YaH centers. Black button has white jewel. Require 2Vs· behind ,panel. Stack, 2'l1,. min. 1Vl6H max. Less II lfiull lamp-use Type P-1593-1 for 28 v.; Type P-1593-2 for 6 v. (listed on following ,page). 'Mfr. adds suffix L to Type No. to indIcate locking type 5 oz. Mfr's Stock No. CanNon-Lock- Action tact , Locking 15003 15004 15006 15008 15009 15012 36 8250 36 8251 36 8252 368253 36 8254 36 8255 Type Type ing Type 36 36 36 36 36 36 B 256 82S7 8258 8259 8260 8261 SPDT DPST DPDT 4PST 3PDT 4PDT Require half the s!lace needed for a lever s:witch. Frame. bushinJi and shalt of nickel-plated brass. Silv~r cdritacts rated at 3 amps, 300 watts max. AC, non-induct;"e load. Non-locking types have spring return. Series 3000 has '~4· mtg. bushing; Series 13000 -has 3000 %" mtg. bushing. 'Both are 'Ya" wide; require 2!4" behind panel. :j:Types 3034 and 13034 are operated to close either of two circuits keeping the other open. tType 3035 opens one of two circuits keeping the other closed. #Contact·Form: each section for 3-position types. All require a single '716H mounting hole. *Mfr. adds suffix L to Type No. to indicate locking type. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. Type • 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3009 Locking Type 348471 348455 348472 348473 348457 348474 348484 124 2549 I-C 2-A 2-C 4-A 3-C 4-C 5.10 5.40 5.55 6.00 6.15 6.90 4.68 4.95 5,09 5.50 5.64 6.33 50- 13001 13002 13003 13004 13006 13009 13033 124 2549 SPST l-A 1.17 1.07 SPST 1-B 1.17 1.07 SPDT I-C 1.35 1_24 DPST 2-A 1.50 1.38 --- --DPST 2-B 1.50 1.38 DPDT 2-C 1.65 I_51 3PDT 3-C 2.04 1.87 88 475 459 134 34 8477 34 8 479 34 B 476 34 5099 100249 .975 .702 _975 .702 1.13 .81 ' 1_25 .90 -1.25 .90 1.38 .99 1.70 1.22 -- 1- C 11.5011.3811.25 .90 88 4691SPDT 458 DPDT1 I-M 1.56 1.43 1.30 .936 8464 DPDT I-Bt 1.56 1.43 1.30 .936 8 478 DPDT l-C 1.74 1.60 1.45 1.04 8 470 DPDT I-C 1.77 1.62 1.48 1.06 SERIES 13000 TWO-POSITION TYPES 1.26 1_16 358551 35 8550 SPST I-A 1.26 1.16 35 8553 35 B 552 SPST' I-B 1.44 1.32 35 8555 35 8554 SPDT I-C 1.59 1.46 35 B 557 35 B 556 DPST 2-A 1.65 1.51 35 8561 35 8560 DPDT 2-C 35 8563 35 8562 3PDT 3-C 2.25 2.06 1.59 1.46 35 8,565 358564 SPDT I-C 1.05 .756 1.05 .756 1.20 .864 1.33 .954 1.38 .99 1.88 1.35 1_33 .954 SERIES 13000 THREE-POSITION TYPES (Center-Off) , 13034135 8567135 8 5661SPDT f ~-A:j: 11.6511.511,1.381.99 13036 35 B 571 358570 DPDT I-C 1;86 1;71 1.55 1_12 1.86 1.71 1.55 1.12 13037 358573 358572 DPDT I-C "TELEVER" SWITCHES 100- Rugged telephone-type lever switches feature "T-Beam" steel frame construction. Nylon rollers actuate nickel-silver springs, provide smooth switching action.' Extra-long springs, punched from special alloy, assure long, dependable spring life. Welded, cross-har palladium contacts are rated 3 amps, 120 v. AC non-inductive. All have tinned solder-lug terminals. Series 6000 are tapped for 3-48 mtg. screws; have std. telephone mounting centers, ''l1,X'Y,6''. Series 16000 types have' %,"-32 threaded mtg. bushing. All have insulated black knob. #Contact ,Form: each section for 3-pos. types. *Manufacturer adds sufflx L to Type No. to indicate 99 - -2494.25 3.06 4.50 4.63 5.00 5.13 5.75 348465 348454 348466 348467 -34 B 456 348468 34 B 485 EACH Can- Non-Lock .. ActIon tact Form,l Ing Type SERIES 3000 THREE-POSITION TYPES# (Center-Off) 3033134 3034 34 3035 34 3036 34 3037 34 EACH Form - SERIES 3000 TWO POSITION TYPES St.ock No. Mfr's 3.24 3.33 3.60 3.69 4.14 SERIES 26000 "LEVER-LOCK" SWITCHES Rugged telephone-type lever switches. "Lever-Lock" feature. guards against acci- dental switching due to unintended operation, shock or vibration. Have index bracket locking type. Non~locking types have spring return. and release plunger to lock lever in any posiShpg. wt., 6 oz. tion. Index bracket locks in actuator at each switching position. Turning actuator knob SERIES 6000 TWO POSITION TYPES to extreme left permanently locks actnator. Stock No. EACH Touching release plunger frees actuator. Mfrts Con .. Palladium qmtacts rated 3 amps, 300 watts Type Locking Non-Lock.. Action tact 150- , 100- 250max.• non-inductive AC load. Mount with Type ing Type Form# 49 ',99 -249- 499 four N~. 3-48 machine screws. Require 3'A,· behind panel. Stack, 6006 348734 348726 DPDT 2-C 3.00 2.75 2.50 1.80 2%,. mm., 1'Ya" max. #ContaGt Form: each section for 3-positioll 6008 4PST 34 8735 348727 4-A 3.36 3.08 2.80 2.02 types. Av. shpg. wt., 5 oz. 60012 348737 348729 4PDT 4-C 4.08 3.74 3.40 2.45 TWO-POSITION TYPES SERIES 6000 THREE-POSITION TYPES# (Center-Off) EACH 1- C 13.0012.7512.5011.80 Con .. 6036 134 8742134 8738 DPDT Stock Mfr's 60312 34 8744 34 8740 4PDT 1 2-C 4.08 3.74 3.40 2.45 Actlo,n taCIt 12550- ' 100Type No. 60324 34 B 745 34 8 741 8PDT 4-C 6.00 5.505.00 3.60 Forml 24 49 99 249 530 34 8 486 Escutcheon Plate .33 .28 .24 .23 368262 26206L DPDT 2-C 5.TO 4.68 4.25 3.06 368263 26208L 4PST 4-A 5.46 5.01 4.55 3.28 SERIES 16000 TWO-POSITION TYPES , 36 8264 26212L 4PDT 4-C 6.18 5.67 5.15 3.71 36 B 265 26212DL 4PDT 4-D 6.60 6.05 5.50 3.96 I : :;: I : 1 I I 160012 35 8 462 35 8 460 4PDT 4-C 4.08 3.74 3.40 2.45 'THREE-POSITION TYPES# (Center-Off) 160024 34 8 860 34 B 859 8PDT 8-C 6.00 5.50 5.00 3.60 36 8266 26306L DPDT I-C 5.10 4.68 4.25 3.06 SERIES 16000 THREE·POSITION TYPES# (Center-Off) DPDT 2-A 36 8267 26308L 5.46 5.01 4.55 3.28 36 8268 26312L 4PDT 2-C 6.18 5.67 5.15 3.71 2-A 13.3613.0812.8012.02 16038135 8463135 36 8269 '26312DL 4PDT 2-D 6.60 6.05 5.50 3.96 160312 34 8866 34 8461 8 865 IDPDT 4PDT 1 2-C 4.08 3.74 3.40, 2.45 368270 26316L 4PDT 4o-A 7.38 6.77 6.15 4.43 160316 34 8868 34 8 867 4PDT 4-A 5.28 4.84 4.40 3.17 SPDT 36 8271 26324L 4-C 8,10 7.43 6.75 4.86 160324 34 8 881 34 8 869 8PDT 4-C 6.00 5.50 5.00 3.60 - * ~:g~ ~: 272- ALLIED -- ~: :;~ I~:~T t~ I~:~21 ~:~~ ~:~g t~g Specify Mfr's Type end Locking or Non-Locking When Ordering Switches Convenient Push Switches from ~® A' "LlTTEL" SWITCHES Di'signE'~(··for limited-space applications. Have orne-pikerIe button.and shaft. Int("gra1 spring contacts are 0 me ~e silver, illshlated from mounting bushing: with high-grade phenolic. Button color: "black, tred. Mouut in single hole with'Yo" threaded brass bushing. Recommended for low-level currents only Shpg wt 3 oz EACH Stock Mfr's Action Con .. Type 25-49 50-99 100-249 tacts 1-24 No. ,45 SPST I-A -:54 .495 •324 34 B 944 101 t SPST I-B .45 .324 34 B 945 to2t .54 .495 ,50 SPOT I-C 34 B 946 to3t .60 .55 .36 SPST I-A .495 .45 .324 34 B 947 201.54 SPST I-B .324 .495 .45 34 B 94B 202.54 I-C .50 .36 34 B 949 203- SPOT .60 .55 .. NEW ILLUMINATED "LlTTEL-LlTE" SWITCHES Same as above, but illuminated push-button. Clear plastic button and shaft illuminated by a single 6 or 28 v. lamp (less lamp, below right). 3 amp. at 300 w. max. non-inductive load. With four color chips (red, amber, green, yellow). Shpg. wt., 4 oz. 211S 34 34 B B 6071 60B 212S 34 B 609 213S I SPST SPST SPOT I 1. 02 I-A 1 11.1 ,'1 II 1 1.02 I-B I-C 1.26 1.16 I 666 .925 .925 1..666 1.05 .756 NON-LOCKING "FF" PUSH-BUTTON SWITCHES Rugged flat frame provides you with a simple. directacting push-button switch. Fine silver contacts rated 3 amps, 300 watts max. AC. non-inductive. Insulated springs are form-free at flex point to assure long life. One-piece black button and shaft. Yo" dia. threaded mounting shank is Yo" long. With locknut and washer Shpa wt , 3 oz EACH Mfr's Con .. Stock ActJon No-. Type tacts 1-24 25-49 50-99 100·249 34 B 994 1001 SPST n.o. I-A .63 .577 -:s2s .37B I-B .525 .37B 34 B 995 to02 SPST n.c. .63 .577 I-C .60 .432 34 B 996 1003 SPOT .66 .72 34 B 997 1004 OPST n.o. 2-A ' .7B .715 .65 .46B 34 B 99B 1005 OPST n.C. 2-B .715 .65 .46B .7B ;B52 34 B 999 1006 OPOT 2-C .775 .55B .93 34 B 969 1009 3POT 3-C 1.26 1.16 1.05 .756 ~ . . NEW ILLUMINATED "NF-LiTE" SWITCHES Push-button switches indicate switching and circuit functions. Lighting circuit is independent of switching circuit. Contacts rated 3 amps, 300 watts max., AC non-inductive. Series 4100 uses single 6 v. or 28 v. miniature lamp; comes with kit of four color chips (red, amber, green, yellow). Series 4200 uses two lamps for greater illumination or color coding of two circuit conditions; comes with two color chip kits. All need 1!-is" min., 10/1s" max. behind panel; mount in ¥S" hole in panels to ~" thick. Less lamps, below right. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. SERIES 4100 SINGLE LAMP Stock 34 34 34 34 34 No. B 610 B 611 B 612 B 613 B 614 34 34 34 34 34 B 615 B 616 B 617 B 61 B B 619 Mfr's Type 4101 4103 4to4 4106 4109 Action -SPST Contacts SPOT OPST OPOT 3POT I-A I-C 2-A 2-C 3-C EACH 26.49 50·99 100·249 .975 .702 1.07 .756 1.16 1.05 1.21 1.10 .792 1.23 .BB2 1.35 1.08 1.65 1.50 1-24 1.17 1.26 1.32 1.47 LBO SERIES 4200 DUAL LAMP OPOT 3POT 2-C 3-C 2.0 I 2.34 I.B4 2.15 1.6B 1.95 1.03 I.OB 1.12 1.21 1.40 ...----BASIC CONTACT FORMS---.. All switches are combinations of basic forms. For example. 2-A is a DPST switch in a 2-pos. type and a SPDT switch (center-off) in a 3-pos. type, each pole having Form A action. N.O.; normaUy open; N.C.: normally closed. • ~ lliI ~ Make : Break SPST N.O. • • : @] J Break- Make f SPST N.C. : Stock Mfr' s No. 35 B 990 35 B 991 35 B 992 Type 35 B 993 35 B 994 35 B 995 974L 975L 976L Con .. tacts Action 974 975 976 OPST OPST OPOT 2-A 2-B 2-C LOCKING I 'DPST OPST OPOT I 2-A 2-B 2-C EACH 1_241-25.49150.991100.249 .7B .715 .65 .478 .7B .715 .65 .478 .7B .715 .65 .47B TYPES 93 1 .B52 1..93 .B52 .93 .B52 .775 .775 .775 .55B .558 .558 "TINY SWITCHES" Subminiature push-bntton switches for limited space applications. For use in microphones. radio and automotive test instruments. Nickel-plated brass frame and bushing. With mounting hdwe. \4" threaded shank; 1%4" long. For low·level currents only. Require 0/10" behind panel. Sh .. g. wt., 3 oz. Red Button Stock Mfr's Black Button Ac.. Con.. Stock Mfr's tio" tact 1.. EAC H 25- 50 .. 100- No. Type No. Type _ _ Form ~ ~ ~ ~ 34 B B31 951 34 B B34 961 SPST I-A .54 .495 .45 .324 34 B B32 952 34 B B35 962 SPST I-B .54 .495 .45 .324 34 B B33 953 34 B B36 963 SPOT I-C .60 .55 .50 .36 "BUTTON SWITCHES" Small, momentary-aCtion push. button switches. Enclosed in metal housing; black or red plastic button. 903 and 913 are Ya" long; fit '%z" hole. 923 and 933 are 'l'it,long; fit \4"-hole. Mounting: 903,913, are for behind~pancl mounting; Types 923 and 933 mount from front of panel. Rated at 250 rna. AC (30 watts max) Shpg wt ., 2 oz • • t" non -inductive .. EACH Ac- Con .. Stock IMfr'. Stock IMfr'. tion tact 1'125-150'1100No. Type No. Type _ _ Form 24 49 99 249 35 B414 903 35 B 41 B 913 SPOT I-C -:90 .B25 :is .54 35 B 416 923 35 B 420 933 SPOT I-C 1.05 .962 .B75.63 Red Button Black Button CORD PUSH-BUTTON SWITCH Precision switch for remote control of recorders. lights, etc. Hole at one end for 2-conductor line; other end has non·locking, spring return pushbutton switch. Rated 250' rna., non-inductive load. Nickel-plated sleeve ,~o" dia. 2~0" long. Shpg. wt .. 4 oz. -::-=-5:::~O::OC:,..k=-1 ~;~:, 35 B 422 35 B 424 E903 E913 COlor' Red Black ~a°':;; '1~24125'4~AI~~_991100'249 I-C I-C 1.50 1.50 1.3B 1.3B 1.25 1.25 .90 .90 LAMPS FOR ILLUMINATED SWITCHES I!~~! I!~~~ I ~=~ I !:H I U~ I !:~~ I 4206 4209 MINIATURE "TF" BUTTON SWITCHES Simple; direCt acting ·push button s,,;itches. Highly reliable. occupy minimum space. Cadmillm~plated steel frame, single hole mtg" phenolic insulation, nickel silver springs. in~ tegral contacts. Recommended for low-level circuits where contact resistance is unimpOf-" tanto Mount in '%/' hole, lYo" behind panel. Stack height min. (Types 974 and 974L). ~l'; max. (Type 976 and 976L), '%z". All Yo" wide. Shpg. wt., 4 oz • NON·LOCKING TYPES SPOT J @. Make·Breakt SPOT For "NF-Lites", "Littel-Lites" Illuminated Lever Switches, and Illuminated Push-Push Switches. "NF-Lite", "Littel-Lite", and Series 25000 Lever Switches use Type P-1217 6-v. or P-1218 28-v. lamps. Series 15000 Switches use P-1593-2 6-v. or P-1593-1 28-v. lamps Shpg wt 2 oz EACH Stock Mfr's Volts Type 25~49 No. 50·99 100-249 1·24 P-1217 34 B 601 6 .72 .66 .60 .432 34 B 602 P-1218 28 1.20 1.10 1.00 .72 34 B 603 P-1593-1 28 .6B6 .60 .90 .BO P·1593-2 34 B 604 6 .475 .543 .72 .633 . SWITCH WRENCHES Special wrenches designed to fit knurled ~ --l.\ or milled-edge locknuts furnished with ~: .. '"91 toggle, lever and butt,on switches 'and, . jacks. Adjustable sleeve on shaft holds nute tightly. Knurled handle for sure, firm grip. Shpg. wt., 10 oz. Stock \ Mfr'. \ Nut Type Size No. 34B 605 A-1070 10/,0'-32 34 B 606 A-I071 \4'-32 Depend on Allied for Complete Stocks, OEM Prices, Same Day Shipment I .- EACH 1-24 1 25·49 1 50·99 1100-249 3.99"" ~ ~ 2.3& 3.99 3.66 3.33 2.36 ALLIED. 273 . ffla/lcross NEW I Precis.ion Rotary Switches NEW 1%" MINIATURE SWITCHES " Meet MIL-S-3786A Style SR14 Requirements -More Stringent than General Specs "Indexing Mechanism with Dual Balanced' Captive Balls Riding Hill and Dale Detent . Assures Long Life anti Positive Indexing t/ New Arm Design Provides Consistent Contact Pressure Qnd Self~Cleaning Arm Action 1 Deck 1%" SQUARE SHORTING SWITCHES oJ New Stop Pin Design Extends Stop Strength to 50 Inch-Pounds Stock . No. oJ Glass Fiber Impregnated Epoxy Laminate Decks Insure High Insulation Resistance "Solid Silver Alloys for All Current Carrying Paris Promote Very Low Thermal EMF oJ Flared Terminal Lugs Integral with Switch Contacts Eliminate Mechanical Joints oJ Most Compact Switch in Its Class oJ Adjustable Stops Assure Flexible Operation The Shallcross 1%" miniature switch series is an instrument-quality rotary switch group that can be specified for the most critical military (MIL-S3786A SR14) and commercial sWitching applications. Exceptional electrical and mechanical performance standards (see below) are assured by advanced design concepts, thorough field testing and 100% quality control inspection. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS: 10,000 Cycle Max. Resistive Loads (breaking), 125 v., 2 amps @ 60 cps; 200 VDC @ .25 amps; 27 VDC @ 2 amps ... Max. Inductive Load (75% power factor, breaking), 125 v., 1 amp @ 60 cyp ... Voltage Breakdown (25°C, 50% R.H. sea level, 60 cps), 1500 v •••• Insulation Resistance, more than 1010 ohms. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Mechanical Life (no load), 50,000 cycles .•. Indexing Torque, 25-120 inchounces (1-15 poles) ... Wiper Arms, dual leaf, spring suspension with canted blades ... Stops, adjustable ..• Shaft, completely isolated. DIMENSIONS: Deck, 1%" square .•• Max. Diameter Across Terminals, 2.27SH ••• Max. Back Panel Depth, One deCk, 1.038"; 2 decks, 1.611"; 3 decks, 2.184". MATERIALS: Wiper Arms, solid spring tempered silver alloy •.. Contacts, Collector Rings, Segments, Terminals, solid silver alloy ... Shoft, Mounting Plate, Stops, Bushing and Mtg. Hardware, passivated 18-8 stainless steel ... Rotor, diallyl phthalate (glass reinforced), per MIL-19833 Type GDI-30 . . . Rotor Bearing, nylon, MIL-P-17091B •.. Stator, glass fibre cloth epoxy laminate MIL-P-18177B, Grade GEE. ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS: Temp. Range, -65° to +125°C ...• Vibration, 10-2000 cps per MIL-S-3786A, Grade 3 ... Shock, MIL-S-3786A, Type H ... Salt Spray, 48 hours, MIL-S-3786A ••• Humidit~, MIL-S-3786A. MOUNTING: Single ,hole;' %"-32 bushing, Y.6" long, and tang. %"-32 hex nut and lockwasher supplied. 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 B B B B B B B B B B 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 '33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B Mfr'. Poles 324 325 326 327 32B 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 Type 2EOOA24-1 2E06A11-1 2E12A5-1 2E18A5-1 2COOA32-1 2C06A15-1 2C12A7-1 2C18A7-1 2EOOA24-2 2E06Al1-2 2E12A5-2 2E18A5-2 2COOA32-2 2C06A15-2 2C12A7-2 2C18A7-2 2EOOA24-3 2E06Al1-3 2E12A5-3 2E18A5-3 2COOA32-3 2C06A15-3 2C12A7-3 2C18A7-3 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 30B 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 31B 319 320 321 322 323 2J50A12-1 2J56A6-1 2J62A3-1 2J68A3-1 2H50A16-1 2H56A8-1 2H62A4-1 2H68A4-1 2J50A12-2 2J56A6-2 2J62A3-2 2J68A3-2 2H50A16-2 2H56A8-2 2H62A4-2 2H68A4-2 2J50A12-3 2J56A6-3 2J62A3-3 2J68A3-3 2H40AI6-3 2H56A8-3 2H62A4-3 2H68A4-3 EACH Max. Indexing Decks /Deck Pos • Degrees - 1-4 -15 1 1 24 9.75 2 15 1 11 10.50 5 3 15 1 11.25 4 5 15 1 12_00 9_75 32 1 1 1111.J --2 15 ~ 1 10.50 7 1 11.25 3 1111.J 7 1 4 1111.J 12.00 15 2 24 1 14.25 11 15 2 2 15.50 --3 5 15 2 16.75 15 2 IB_OO 4 5 2 32 1 1111.J 14.25 15 2 2 1111.J ·15.50 2 3 7 1111.J 16.75 -- IB.OO -'-74 ~ 2 1 24 15 3 18.75 2 11 15 3 .20.50 3 5 15 3 22.25 5 15 4 3 24.00 -1 32 ~ 3 18.75 15 2 3 1111.J 20.50 3 7 3 22.25 1~1I.J 4 7 3 1111.J 24.00 -- -5.24 - - -25-49 -6.82 5.B5 -- 7_35 7_87 B.40 6.B2 7.35 7.B7 B.40 9_97 10.B5 11.72 12.60 9.97 10.B5 11.72 12.60 13.12 14.35 15.57 16.80 13.12 14.35 15.57 16.BO 6.30 6.75 ·7.20 5.B5 6.30 6.75 7.20 8.55 9.30 10.05 . 10.BO B.55 9.30 10.05 -10.80 -11.25 12.30 13.25 14.40 11.25 12.30 13.25 14.40 6.82 7.35 7_B7 8.40 6.82 7.35 7.B7 B.40 9.97 10.85 11.72 12.60 9.97 10.B5 11.72' 12.60 13.12 14.35 15.57 16.BO 13.12 14.35 15.57 16.BO 5.85 6.30 6.75 7.20 5.85 6.30 6.75 7.20 B.55 9_30 10_05 10.BO 8.55 9.30 10.05 10.BO 11.25 12.30 13.25 14.40 11.25 12.30 13.25 14.40 1%" SQUARE NON-SHORTING SWITCHES B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 1 2 ·3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 -4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 12 6 3 3 16 8 4 4 12 6 3 3 16 8 - 4412 6 3 3 16 8 4 4 30 30 30 30 22\1z --zw.22\1z 22\1z 30 30 30 30 22\1z 22\1z 22\1z --zw.30 30 30 30 --zw.22\1z 22Y. 22\1z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 --2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9.75 10.50 11.25 12.00 9.75 10.50 11.25 12.00 14.25 15.50 16.75 IB.OO 14.25 15.50 16.75 I B.OO I B.75 20.50 22.25 24.00 IB.75 20.50 22.25 24.00 NEW 2\.11" PRECISION SWITCHES Enlarged versions of the 1 %" miniature and insulation resistance. Shorting types series shown above. 2 VaN square decks inhave 7 \Iz degree indexing; non-shorting crease the total positions available per pole types, 15 degree indexing. Dimensions: (1 pole per deck) to 48.positions (shorting) deck, 2\1z" square; maximum back of panel or 24 positions,(non-shorting). Also assure depth, single deck tYPe, 1.5"; 2 deck, 2.125"; adequate contact spacing, contact size and 3 deck, 2.750". All mount in a single hole switch arm width-afford increased reliawith %"-32 bushing, Y.6" long. Av. shpg. bility, accuracy, voltage breakdown ratings wt., 5 oz. NON-SHORTING TYPES SHORTING TYPES Stock , No. Mfr's Poles Type B B B B B B B B B B B B 4AOOA48-1 4A06A23-1 4A12A11-1 4AI8A11-1 4AOOA48-2 4A06A23-2 4A12Al1-2 4A18Al1-2 4AOOA48-3 4A06A23-3 4A12AU-3 4A18Al1-3 /Deck 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 35B 359 274 • ALLIED Max.· Decks Pos·, 48 23 11 11 48 23 11 11 48 23 11 11 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 -233 3 3 EACH 1-4 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 27.00 29.00 32.00 35.00 40.00 42.00 45.00 47.00 5-24 124-49 IT.2O 9:60 11.90 12.60 13.30 19.60 20.30 22.40 24.50 2B.00 29.40 31.50 32.90 10.20 10.BO 11.40 16.80 17.40 19.20 21.00 24.00 25.20 27.00 2B.20 Stack No. 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 B B B B B B B B B B B B 360 361 3&2 363 364 365 366 367 36B 369 370 371 Mfr's Poles Type /Oeck 4E50A24-1 1 4E56AI2-1 2 4E62A6-1 3 4E68A6-1 4 '4E50A24-2 1 4E56A12-2 2 4E62A6-2 3 4E68A6-2 4 4E50A24-3 1 4E56A12-3 2 4E62A6-3 ,3 4E68A6-2 4 Max. Decks Pos. 24 12 6 6 24 12 6 6 24 12 6 6 1.4 ~ 16.00 1 17.00 1 IB.OO 19.00 .~ 2 27.00 2 29.00 2 32.00 2 35.00 3 40.00 3 42.00 3 45.00 3 47.00 EACH 5.24 ""iJ:2O 11.90 12.60 13.30 19.60 20.30 22.40 24.50 2B.00 29.40 31_50 32.90 25-49 9.60 10.20 10.BO 11_40 16.BO 17.40 19.20 21.00 24.00 25.20 27.00 2B.20 Depend on Allied for The latest in Industrial Electronics Equipment Controls Co. of America and Ohmite Switches CONTROLS COMPANY OF AMERICA-CONTROL SWITCH DIVISION NEW! "'J:WINLITE" LIGHTED PUSH-BUTTON PANEL SWITCHES Versatile units that combine the functions of pilot , light. name plate and push-. bntton ,s,vitch all in one compact assembly. Rated 5 amps @ 125 VAC; have DPDT snap-actions. double turret terminals. Compact shape permits stacking many units in a tight row, sharing' common barriers. Barriers prevent dual actnation. Plastic buttons (solid or 2-piece with slip-in for legend) are evenly lighted by two 6 or 28 volt lamps (supplied) in each unit. Barriers and buttons must be ordered separately (below); order 2 barriers for each unit: where units are to be mounted in rows, order one more barrier than number of units. Size 2v!6x1x1". 3 oz. Stock No. 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 Mfio's Action Type B 700 B 701 B 702 B 703 B 704 B 705 B 706 B 707 B 708 B 709 B 710 B 711 C6-S0 C6-S2 C6-S3 -C6-S4 -C6-56 C6-57 C6-58 C6-60 C6-61 C6-62 C6-64 C6-65 Lamp Circuit Volts Pilot light only (no switch) 'Positive momentarY 6 6 Parallel Parallel Push-on. push-off 6 Parallel Par:allel Parallel Parallel 2-ckt common 2-ckt com~on 2-ckt common 2-ckt common 2-ckt common 2-ckt common Pilot light, only (no switch) Positive momentarY Push-on. push-off .Pilot light' only '(no', switch) Positive' momentarY Push-on, push-off Pilot light only (no switch) Positive momentary Push-on, push-off 28 28 28 6 .6 6 28 28 28 EACH 1-24 25-99 100-499 grnd grnel grnd grnd grud grud 4.75 9.10 11.20 5.55 9.90 12.00 4.75 9.10 11.20 5.55 9.90 4.28 8_19 10.08 5.00 8.91 10.80 4.28 8.19 10.08 5.00 8.91 3.90 7.46 9.18 4.55 8.12 9.C4 3.90 7.46 9.18 4.55 8.12 12.00 10.80 9.84 REPLACEMENT LAMPS .60 1 .54 .90 33 B 7121 8144-216-vOlt replacement lamp for above nnits. Pkg. of 2 33 B 713 8145-2 28-volt replacement lamp for above uuits. Pkg. of 2 .49 .82 11.00 BUTTONS AND MOUNTING BARRIERS FOR UNITS ABOVE-MUST BE ORDERED SEPARATELY MfrJ s Type Stock No. 33 33 33 33 33 33 B 714 B 715 B 716 B 717 B 718 B 719 1117-SAI9-11B 1117-SAI9-11G 1117-SAI9-11R 1117-SAI9-11 W 1117-SAI9-11Y 1117-SAI9-4 Button Color Type Blue 2-Piece Green 2-Piece 2-pjece Red White 2-Piece Yellow 2-Picce Mounting barrier EACH 1-24 25-99 100-499 --.50- -.45- -.41 .50 .50 .50 .50 .75 .45 .45 .45 .45 .68 .41 .41 .41 .41 .62 Stock No. 33 33 33 33 33 B 720 B 721 B 722 B 723 B 724 . .. . . .. . . . TOGGLE SWITCHES .Mfr's Type Description 19 --33 B 725 1019 I I 1.85 1.80 2.09 2.03 2.56 2.48 2.64 2.56 OHMITE POWER TAP SWITCHES Ceramic insulated, rotary types. Non-shorting,. single pole. 30 0 indexing; Either single units or *twoin-tandem. Model J 11 rated 10 amperes @ 150 VAC;, diameter. 1%". 212 rated 15 amp @ 150 VAC; dia .. 2l1.l". 312 rated 25 amp @300VAC. 150 v. between taps; dia., 3o/i6H • Single switches require 1 Va to 2l1.l H behind panel. Have lI.l" flanged shafts., V L Listed Av shpg wt 100z Stock Taps -No. - - - 2-- 3.70 -34 B 226 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 B 227 B 222 B 228 B 229 B 220, B 230 B 231 B 232 B 233 B234 B 235 B 293 MODEL 112 3.15 3 3.82 3.25 3' 10.94 9.47 4 3.94 3.35 5 4.06 - - - - - -3.45 -9.87 5' 11.42 6 4.18 3.55 7 4.30 3.65 8 4.42 3.75 9 3.85 4.54 -10- 4.66 3.95 11 4.05 4.78 11.07 11' 12.86 Stock No. 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 Ta'ps -- EACH 1-4 6-9 3 B 238 7.42 B 323 3' 18.14 4 B 239 7.60 B 322 4' 18.50 B 240 - 56- 7.78 B 241 7.96 B 321 6' 19.22 B 242 7 8.14 8 B 243 8.32 -6.30 -15.57 6.45 15.87 6.60 6.75 16.47 6_90 7.05 34B244.~~~ i.~.~ ~.~~ ..~.~ ....~:.~.~ J.,~:.~.~ . MODEL 312 34 34 B B 2791 278 34 B 277 34 B276 10 00 4 10.18 • .1 531 10.36 6 10.54 Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Red White Yellow - - - - --- .50 .45 .41 ............... ........ ....... 8.50 134 B 2731 8.65 34 B 272 10 8.80 34 B 271 1191 8.95 34 B 270 12 Stock No. 36 3'6 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 Mfr's Type Action 19 SPST (NO) 4.83 B237 WlOIUB6 B238 WI01PAB6 SPST (NO) 4.83 B 807 WI03PB6 SP-2 5.43 B 727 WI03UB6 SP-2 5.43 B 728 WI04PABS6 3-term (NO) 5.43 B 729 WI04PB6 '3-teT m·(NO) 5.43 B 730 WI04PB6R* 3-term (NO) 5.43 B 731 WlO5PB6 3-term (NC) 5.43 B 732 WI05PB6R* 3-term (NC) 5.43 SPST (NO) 2.09 B 812 B2001 t§ SPST (NC) 2.09 B 813 B2002t§ B 808 CI00P3 SPST (NO) 3.76 SP-2 B 733 C200P3 4.36 SPST (NO) 3.01 B 810 CI006t B 734 C2006t SP-2 3.61 1019 4.35 4.35 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 1.88 1.88 3.38 3.92 2.71 3.25 EACH 20- 50- 100- 200· 49 99 199 499 3.86 3.86 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 1.67 1.67 3.01 3.49 2.41 2.89 3.38 3.38 3.80 3.80 3.BO 3.80 3.80 3.80 3.80 1.46 1.46 2.63 3.05 2.11 2.53 3.14 3.04 3.14 3.04 3.53 3.42 3.53 3.42 3.53 3.42 3.53 3.42 3.53 3.42 3.53 3.42 3.53 3.42 1.36 1.32 1.36 1.32 2.44 2.37 2.83 2.75 1.96 1.90 2.35 2.27 NEW E4 SUBMINIATURE SNAP ACTION SWITCHES . EACH 1-4 5-9 Blue Green Compact, momentary action types. Series W meet military aircraft specs and can be subjected to over 50G shock and 20G vibration at 5-2000 cps. Rated 10 amp @ 28 VDC. except §8 amp @ 120 VAC. All have black buttons. except 'red. All have flanges. except t. Series W types meet MIL-S-6743. Drawing MS-2S089 specifications; all others types are V.L. Listed. Av. shpg. wt .• 2 oz. EACH 20-/60- 100- 20049 99 199 499 TlO02' On-Off. SPST 40 amp @ 28 VDC 2.85 2.57 2.28 2.00 1 33 B 726 TlO03' Hvy. duty. SPDT 20 amp@ 28 VDC 3.222.902.582.25 33 B 801 T2104t Miniature 2-ckt 10 amp @ 28 VDC 3.94 3.55 3.15 2.76 1' 33 B 802 T3103 Submin. SPDT 5 amp @ 28 VDC 4.06,3.653.252.84 MODEL,1I1 1117-229-BB 1117-229-GG 1117-229-RR 1117-229-WW 1117-229-YY EACH 1·24 25·99100·499 PUSH-BUTTON SWITCHES Compact. lightweight snap-action switches. Feature dependable, positive-acting beryllium-copper medlanisms that cannot be jarred from contacts. Permit higher ratings than normally found in switdies of this size. All have one-piece, firmly a,nchored contacts and terminals of copper or brass with a heavy laminated overlay of silver. Types TI002 and TI003 are %" dia. by 20/3," long with screw terminals; T2104 is 1~" dia. by I%H long with solder lug terminals; T3103 is 1111," dia. by 1%" long with solder lug terminals. 'Meet MIL-S-674S; tJAN-S-23. 2 oz. . Stock No. -Color - -Button - Type Mfr's Type 11 08 11.26 • 11.44 11.62 1 9.40 9.55 9.70 9.85 Ideal for compact equipment. Can be stacked and gang-mounted in minimum space. Have *SPDT or tDPDT silver contacts. Rated 2.5 amp @125/250 VAC for 150.000 operations. Black phenolic cases; solder terminals. Dielectric strength. 1000 v. rms. Require light operating force,-only 150 grams. max. Meet MIL spec MS. 25085. Size. 25/64x25/32xll.l". Av. shpg. wt .• 2 oz. Stock No. Mfr's Type 33 B 735 E4-103* 33 B 736 A3-42-103* 33 B 737 A4-86-103t 33 B 738 A4-87-103t Depend on Allied for Off-the-Shelf Delivery in Industrial Quantities Actuator Basic switch Maintained toggle Momentary push-button Push-push button 19 1019 EACH 20· 50- 100- 20049 99 499 ~ 1.50 1.35 1.20 1.05 .98 ---:95 3.49 3.14 2.79 2.44 2.27 2.20 6.10 5.49 4.88 4.27 3.97 3.84 7.40 6.66 5.92 5.18 4.81 4.66 ALLIED • 275' Snap~Action~ Switches by Acro Div. $NAP-ACTION SPDT SWITCHES WITH MICRO EQUIVALENTS Popular replacements for Microswitch types. Feaounces. Step base. 6-32, screw terminals" cup ture clip-on covers, constant-stress rolling spring washers, except *flat base, solder terminals, V.L. snap-action for long life. Operating forces in and C.S.A. Listed. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. STANDARD-DUTY TYPES Contacts are rated at 15 amps, 120, 240 and 480 volts AC; 0.5 amps, 120 volts DC. Stock 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 No. B 937 B 969 B 968 B 971 B 943 B 970 B 944 oS 972 B 945 B 973 B 946 B 887 B 947 B B8B B 948 B 949 Mfr's Micro Oper. Type Equiv. Force -9-13 Pre.. Travel EACH Fig. BRD2-lA* BZ-2R .020" BRD2-1A-lS BZ-2R-A2 9-13 .020" BRD2-SL* BZ-2RL .156" 5 BRD2-SL-lS BZ-2RL-A2 .156" 5 BRD2-2M* BZ-2RL2 5 .156" BRD2-2M-lS BZ-2RL2-A2 5 ~ BRD2-70* BZ-2RD 13 .025" BRD2-70-lS BZ-2RD-A2 13 .025" BRD2-lP* BZ-2RQl 13 .025" BRD2-lP-lS BZ-2RAI-A2 13 .025" BRD2-10* BZ-2RS 13 -13- .025" BRD2-10-lS BZ-2RD-A2 .025" BRD2-LW8* BZ-2RW .406" 2Y. BRD2-LW8-lS BZ-2RW-A2 .406" 2Yz BRD2-LW228* BZ-2RW22 6 .140" BRD2-LW228-lS BZ-2RW22-A2 6 .140" 1-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100-199 200-499 - --A -1.50 - - - - -.98 - -.95 1.35 1.20 1.05 A C C B B' D D E E F F 1.65 1.65 1.75 2.15 2.25 1.85 1.95 3.45 3.55 1.85 1.95 1.90 2.00 20'10 2.50 - G G H H 1.49 1.32 1.15 1.07 1.49 1.32 1.15 1.07 1.58 1.40 1.23 1.14 1.94 1.72 1.51 1.40 2.03 1.80 ~ 1.46 1.67 1.48 1.30 1.26 1.76 1.56 1.37. 1.27 3.11 2.76 2.42 2.24 3.20 2.85 2.49 2.31 1.67 1.48 1.30 1.20 1.76 1.56 1.37 1.27 1.70 1.52 1.37 1.24 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.30 2.16 1.92 1.68 1.56 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.63 1.04 1.04 1.10 1.36 1.42 1.17 1.23 2.1.7 2.14 1.17 1.23 1.20 1.26 1.51 1.58 HEAVY-DUTY TYPES Rated at 21 amps, 120-240-480 volts AC; 1 hp at 120 volts AC and 2 hp at 240 v. AC. 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 B 534 B 535 B 536 B 538 B 539 B 540 B 541 FAD2-1A-lS FAD2-SL-lS FAD2-2M-lS FAD2-1P-lS FAD2-LV-lS FAD2-LV2-lS FAD2-4O-lS BA-2R-A2 BA-2RL-A2 BA-2RL2-A2 BA-2RQI-A2 BA-2RV-A2 BA-2RV2-A2 BA-2RB-A2 10-18 9 9 \0-18 2Yz 2Yz 10-18 A C B E' 1/20' ,It),' l~z" 1/20" 1.65 1.49 1.32 1.16 1.75 1.58 1.40 1.23 2.25 2.03 1.80 1.58 3.55 3.20 2.84 2.49 2.00 1.80 1.60 1.40 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.95 1.76 1.56 1.37 ----w'%," G H D 1/20" 1.07 1.14 1.46 2.31 1.30 1.63 1.47 1.04 1.11 1.42 2.24 1.26 1.58 1.43 SUBMINIATURE-TYPES Contacts rated at 5 amps, 120, and 240 volts AC. tlndicates do~ble gang switch. .B8 1SM1 1JS2-12Ml 13-52 1.008-.020"1 JK 11.4011.2611.121 .98 1 1.0 .91I .094" 1.55 1.40 1.24 I.OB .98 JS5-1SMl 2 .094" L 1.90 1.71 1'.52 1.33 1.23 1 1.20 . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 .070" M 6.50 5.85 5.20 4.55 4.23 4.10 36 B 542/ZD-0024 36 B 543 ZLD-0036 36 B 544 ZLD-0037 36 B 545 ZPD-0088t • . MINIATURE LIGHT-PRESSURE SWITCHES For a wide variety of applications. All are shockresistant and constructed for long-life performance. "M" types rated 10 amps, 125-250 v. AC • , ' ..- ." . " [ill Stock Mfr's Actuator No. 35 B 009 35 B 019 35 B 038 35 B 000 35 B 020 35 ,B 021 35 B 001 35 B 024 35 B 030 35 B 003 35 B 004 Type' Type IMDI-IA 2MD3-1A IMDI-lA-A18M IMDI-1A-AI8 lCMDl-2AXX 2CMDl-2AXX 3CMDI-2AXX lCMDI-2AXX-A22 2CMDI-2AXX-A24 lCMDl-lAXX-A23M lCMDl-18AXX-A27 "CM" types rated 3 amps, 125-250 v. AC. All are SPDT. Operating forces, are in ounces except 'grams. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. Oper. Pre .. Fig. Force Travel Pin plunger 6 Pin plunger 10 Roller 2 Flat leal 2 Pin plunger 27' Pin plunger 44Pin plunger 60* Wire leaf 2.5' Flat leaf 2.5* Roller leal 8 Nylon.1eaf 6" It)," N l1,' IN %2" %4" %4' %4" %" %" R %2" 1.45 2.05 1.85 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 S N N N P R S R %4" %N EACH 1-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100-199 200-499 - - - - - - - -.94 - -.92 1.45 1.31 1.16 1.02 1.31 1.85 1.67 1.31 1.31 1.3.1 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.02 1.44 1.30 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1•.16 1.64 1.4B 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 .94 1.33 1.20 .94 .94 .94 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 .92 1.29 1.17 .92 .92 .92 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 MINIATURE OPEN-BLADE SWITCHES Precision open-blade switches. Easily stacked for multipole variations. All are SPDT exc~pt Type ME-S2POBD-R which is DPDT. All are momenStook Mfr's No. 35 B 005 35 B 006 35 B 007 35 B 031 35 B 886 35 BOil 35 B 012 Type taiy action. Rated at 125 v. AC. Operating forces are in ounces except -grams. All have solder terminals. Av. shpg. wt .. 1 Yz oz. Pre .. Amps Fig. Opera Force Travel M-2MOBD-RB IMOBD-R 2MOBD-R M-SIPOBD-R ME-S2POBD-R E-SIPOBD-R E-SIPOBD-RM34 -T W W X -- 1;10 5 6 10 SO' Va" 716" %Z' -w-- -3Z 6 2/10" AA 5 2/10' Y 3 12 12 10 10 15 15 EACH 1-9 10-19 1.15 .95 ;95 .70 1.04 20-49 .86 .86 .63 50-99 .92 .76 .76 .56 .81 .67 .67 .49 .99 .49 .63 1.40 \.26 I.i3 .70 .90 .63 .81 .56 .72 100-199 200-499 .75 .62 .62 .46 ~ .47 .59 .73 .60 .60 .44 .88 A4 .57 SNAP-ACTION PUSHBUTTON SWITCHES Panel-mounting, momentary contact switches. All are overtravel plunger type. Solder lug terminals. Type QPD-5031 is SPDT; min. overtravel, .125". Rated 10 amps, 125-250 v. AC. Types 3D05-5P, Stack Mfr's Fig. No. Type 35 B 328 QPD-s031 • CC BB 35 B 028 3DOS-SP BB 35 B 029 3DCs-sP 276 • ALLIED 3DC5-5P compact SPST switches rated 6 amps, 250 v. AC; 12 amps, 125 v. AC. Min. overtravel. .007H • Type 3D05-5P is NO, '3DC5-5P is NC. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. Opera Pre- Size 10-15 oz. .045-1" .03-.06" o/sxz')1z" o/sxz'l1," EACH Travel Hx 01 •. ~1'0-19120-49150-991100-'991200-4~9 - Force -8-oz.- ~ .98 .95 3l1,xZ%,' 1.50 1.35 1.20 1.05 10-15 oz. 1.75 1.75 1.58 1.58 1.40 1.40 1.23 1.23' 1.14 1.14 1.10 1.10 Depend on Allied for Some-Day Shipment at OEM Prices Industrial Timer Corp. and Aero Switches INDUSTRIAL TIMER TIME-DELAY CONTROLS SERIES H, CH, SF AND CSF TIME.DELA Y TIMERS Automatic reset units. For use where fixed or adjustable delay is needed between closing one circuit and opening or closing another. SPOT switch rated 10 amps at 115 v. AC, with lion-inductive load. Clutch is integral part of motor in units up to 1 minutej others Mfr1a Stock . Nci.· . Type 78 B 432 78B·485 78 B 426 7S B 486 78 B 487 78 B 488 78 8431 788481 788430 78 B 482 78 8483 78 B 484 H-6S H-ISS H-30S ClI-IM ClI-3M CH-SM SFc6S SF-ISS SF-30S CSF-IM CSF-3M CSF-SM have external clutch. Series II and CH for front-panrJ mounting; SF and CSF for back-panel mtg.; all havl' 4-screw mtg. holes. Overall Hize: Hand CH, . 3V,6X . 3'%6X3l1z"; SF and CSF, 2*x3y16x2%". For 110-120 v., 60 cycle AC. U.L. Listed. Wt .. 1 liz Ibs. EACH Max. Time Cycle 6 sec. 15 sec. 30 sec. 1 min. 3 min. 5 min. 6 sec. 15 sec. 30 sec. 1 min. J min. 5 min. 1·3 4·5 6·11 12·24 25·49 100-249 50·99 H,eH 250·499 26.50 25.18 23.85 22.53 21.20 19.87 18.55 17;23 - - - --- --- --- --- --- - - 14.95 23.00 21.85 20.70 19.55 18.40 17.25 16.10 SF,eSF SERIES TDAF TIME·DELA Y TIMERS actuating arm to its reset .position in a fraction of a second. Designed for panel mounting. Have 60 dial divisions. Rugged snap-action switches (SPOT) rated at 10 amps. 4 lIzx3%x3Ya". For 110-120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .. 4 Ibs. For circuit controls where an adjustable or fixed timedelay is required between the closing or opening of one drcuit and the pre-determined closing or opening of another circuit. Automatic reset-as soon as clutch is disengaged, an internal spring returns the Stock TDAF' Max. Type Time No. Type Time Cycle Cycle 78 B 437 IS 1 sec. 78 B 469' 3M 3 min. 78 B 456 3S 3 sec. 788473 SM 5 min. 788462 6S 6 sec. 78 B 428 15M 15 min. 788463 ISS 15 sec. 78 B 476 30M 30 min. 788464 30S 30 sec. 78 B 429 GOM I hr. 78 B 427 60S I hr. 78 B 492 3H 3 hrs. Stock No. EACH TDAF' Max. 1.3 --- ~"~. 4.5 50·9~ 25.49 100·249 250·499 TOAF 43.00 40.85 38.7036.55 34.40 32.25 30.10 27.95 SERIES TO AND CTD TIME·DELA Y TIMERS Synchronous-motor-driven. Clutch engages and drives gear train when motor is energized-when deenergized, it returns· to reset position. All have 60 dial divisions. For front-panel mounting in 3" diameter Mfr's Type Max. Time No. 78 B 433 78 B 493 788494 78 8435 78 B 436 78 8495 TO-6S TO-ISS TO-30S CTO-IM CTO-3M CTO-SM 6 sec. Stock ·Cycle 15 sec. 30 sec. 1 min. 3 min. hole. Bakelite case has terminals at rear. SPDTcontacts rated at 10 amps. Flange dia .. 3¥16". Depth behind panel: TO, 2'~"; CTD, 4%,". For 110-120 v., 60 cycle AC. D.L. Listed. Shpg. wt., I liz Ibs. EACH 1·3 4·5 ----- 12.24 6-11 25.49 100·249 250·499 -- --- 50·99 TO eTO 30.50 28.98 27.45 25.93 24.40 22.88 21.35 19.83 5 min. .SERIES 90 TIME·DELA Y TIMERS Rugged, compact timer for use in applications where the time-delay cycle is infrequently changed, or permanently fixed. Excellent for use in photocopy equipment, induction heating units, transmitters, etc. Changes in time delay cycle are made by loosening Stock No. 788416 78 B 417 78.8418 788419 788496 Mfr's set screw and offsetting one cam arm in relation to the other. Totally enclosed, snap-action· SPDT switch contacts are rated at 10 amps at 115-230 volts AC. Overall size (HWO): 2%x2l4x2l4". For 115 v .. 60 cycle AC. U.L. Listed. Shpg. wt .. 1 lb. Set.ti ngs Min. Type liz sec. 90-6S ~~:~g; ~lIz :~: 90-60S 6 sec. 9O-90S 9 sec. Max. 1·3 4·5 6·11 EAC H 12.24 25-49 50-99 SERIES 90 100-249 250-499 ~ --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ~g ::~: 17.00 16.15 15.30 14.45 13.60 12.75 11.90 11.05 1 min. Il1z min. ACRO COMPACT METAL-CASED SWITCHES Precision, Model B single-pole, double-throw snap-action switches enclosed in a metal housing. Neoprene rubber grommet protects contacts against oil, dust or moisture. A molded, flexible one-piece liner seals split housing, as well as inSUlates the bottom enclosure. For added seal, lead washers are used with all of the side mounted units listed in the table, below. 6-32 by 1 liz" machine screws are supplied for through-bolt mounting. Contacts are rated at 15 amps, 120-240-480 volts AC. Figure in "Height" column, below, represents the overall height including the actuator. Operating forces are ill ounces. Basic switch size is 1" wide by 3%4"·long, and 1*" high. Av. sitpg. wt., 12 oz. Stock Mfr's No. Type 33 33 33 33 33 SBH-7PN B 950 SBH-2PN4 895 I SllH-6PQ 8952 B 956 1 SBH-SPR SBH-SPQ2 B 958 Pre- Micro _ _E~~ Actuat.or Type Oper. Force Travel BZE6-2RN BZE6-2RN4 BZE6-2RQ BZE6-2RQS BZE6-2RQ2 Sealed plunger Sealed manual Plunger RolI.er plunger Adj. roller 9-24 10-20 9-13 9-13 10-18 .078' .18S' .020' .020' .ISS' r-----------------------------, Height Fig. - - - -A2'%'" 3'!&' IlIz' l'Yt6" 20/10' B A C 0 Use the Services of the Allied Facility Nearest You-See Page 1 EACH 1·9 6.50 10.00 5.05 8.60 8.60 10-19 5.85 9.00 4.55 7.74 7.74. 100.199 200·499 -- --- ---20·49 - - -50·99. 4.55 4.23 4.10 5.20 8.00 4.04 6.88 6.88 7.00 3.54 6.02 6.02 6.50 3.28 5.59 5.59 6.30 3.19 5.42 5.42 ALLIED. 277 Industrial TimerCorporafion Timing Controls NON-RESET RUNNING-TIME METERS Model C2. Provides an accurate acco.unt of machine running-time--easy to compute production costs from elapsed time shown. or determine time to replace components with" a ··predetermined life expectancy, thus preventing costly "down-time." Equipped with non-resettable counters that mark every 1;10 hour; total time-range of 10,000 hours. Units are completely enclosed and resistant to dust and ·moisture. In 3Yzn round bake'lite meter case; require 2%" panel mounting hole. With stud-type ter-· minals. For 115 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt:, 2 lbs. See table below. 'odel C4. Same as Model C2 above, but has direct mounting on machinery. 2 Yz" dia. pen-type construction; For any application mtg. flange; overall depth is 2~6n. Wt., 2 ,ot requiring a cased panel nnit, such as Ibs. See table below. Model C5. Same as units described above, but equipped with special reset counters, making· it possible to reset totalizer back to zero' at any time. Completely enclosed in baked, black finished steel housing 2%" in diameter, 3v.." long. Has heavy steel mounting flange measuring 3v.."x3v..n. Screw terminals on back of unit. For operation from 115 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .. 2 Ibs. See table below. of meter for cdnvenient. resetting of digit Model C7. Same as Model C5 described above, but employing open-type construccounters. Size, 2%x2Yzx3·. Shpg. wt .. 2 lbs. tion. Has large. edge-knurled dial in front See table below. Stock EACH Mfr's 7B B 444 78 B 446 78 B 448 C-4 C-5 C-7 16.50 42.50 34.50 15.6B 40.38 32.78 14.85 38.25 31.05 14.03 36.13 29.33 13.20 34.00 27.60 12.38 31.BB 25.88 11.55 29.75 24.15 250·499 13.00 10.73 27.63 22.43 78 78 78 78 78 NEW AC AND DC RUNNING-TIME METERS table counters that mark every 1/10 hour; total time range of 10,000 hours. In electrical apparatns, meter is wired in parallel with the main ON-OFF switch. On non-electrical equipment, wired between the ground and primary of ignition coil. On diesel-powered equipment, connected to starting battery. C-8, DC types powered by solenoid clock movement. C-9, AC type powered by synchronous motor. Mount with 4 screws in 2~6" cutout. Require 3~6" behind panel. 1 lb. 78 78 78 78 78 No. B 519 B 521 B 522 B.523 B 543 Mfr's Type C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-9 19.00 18.00 17.00 16.00 15.00 14.00 13.00 SERIES GTD TIME-DELAY TIMER De~igned for use in circuit controls where an adjustable time-delay is 'required between the openiI'g of one circuit and the closing or opening , of another circuit. Timer is started with a sustained switch closure; times to zero, operates the load switch and remains in the zero position until the start-circuit is opened. With heavy-duty synchronous motor SPDT load-switch rated 10 amps, non-inductive.' Requires 3" mtg; hole. 4x4%" flange, 42%," behind panel. For 115 v .. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .. 2·lbs. Stock Mfr's ~ ~ 78 B 524 GTD"15S 78 B 525 GTD-30S 7B B 584 GTD-60S ~ GTD-5M 78 B 594 GTD-15M 78 B 527 GTD-30M 78 B 595 GTD,-60M Max. Max. Time Cycle 15 seconds v.. 3 minutes 5 minutes 3 seconds 5 seconds Dial Division second 30 seconds Yz second 1 minute 1 second 33.00 29.70 26.40 23.33 4-5 ..... EA. 12-24 ... EA. 50-99 ... EA. 250-<199. EA. 31.35 28.05 24.75 21.45 SERIES PAB INSTANT-RESET TIMERS 19.25 18.29 17.33 16.36 15.40 14.44 13.48 12,51 20.00 Type P-4R P-2R P-IM P-3M P-5M Extremely accurate. instant-reset. automatic timers designed for heavy-duty use in industrial control applications. Features instant reset adjustment. Electrically operated clutch drives actuating arm to dial setting selected, and automatically releases. Spiral spring resets arm in split second. Output terminals can be wired for circuit trans· fer applications. Switch contacts rated 15 amps at 115 volts AC with non-inductive load. Metal enclosure has \12" knockouts for use with rigid or flexible conduit. 7 Vax5 Vax 4v..·. For 110-120 v .. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.,4Ibs. 100.249 250·499 -- - 1-3 - - -4.5 - - -6"11 - - - - - - - - -50.99 -- -- --6DC 12 DC 24DC 32 DC 115 AC Mfr's No. B 52B B 529 B 474 B 475 B 530 1-3 .....•... EA. 6-11 ........ EA. 25-49 ....... EA. 100-249 ..... EA. EACH 12.24 25.'49 Volts INTERVAL TIMERS Stock Model C-8, C-9. For AC or DC applications. Equ;'pped with non-reset- Stock SeriesPAB SERIES P AUTOMATIC RESET TIMERS Multi-purpose interval timer with automatic reset. Provided with. receptacle for remote starter, and standard AC receptacle for load. Load-switch contacts are rated at 15 amps. Built-in toggle switch is provided for manually operating the load circuit permanently when timed operation is not required. Completely portable, unit is supplied with AC cord and is housed in metal case with keyhole slots in back for wall mounting. Overall size, 5x5x3". For 110-120 v .. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .. 3 lbs. RESET TIME TOTALIZERS 4-5 6-11 12-24 25-49 50-99 100.249 -No. - - Type - 1-3 - - -19.00 - - -IB.OO - - -17.00 - - -16.00 - - -15.00 - - -14.00 -7B B 442 --c:2 20.00 Series P Max. Time Dial Cycle Division 15 seconds Y4 second B 532 PAB-30S 30 seconds Yz second B 534 PAB-60S 60 seconds 1 second B 535 PAB-5M 5 minutes 5 seconds B 536 PAB-15M 15 minutes 15 seconds B 537 PAB-30M 30 minutes 30 seconds B 538 PAB-60M 60 minutes 1 minute Stock Mfr's -No. - - Type 78 B 531 PAB-15S 78 7B 78 78 78 78 EACH 12.24 . 25.49 Cycle ~ ~ ~ 50·99 100·249250·499 15 sec. 30 sec. 39.50 37.53 35.55 33.58 31.60 29.63 27.65 25.68 60 sec. 5 min. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 15 min. 30 min. 39.50 37.53 35.55 33.5B 31.60 29.63 27.65 25.68 60 min. 1-3 ........ EA. 6-11 ........ EA. 25-49 ...... EA. 100·249 .... EA. 55.00 4-5 ....... EA. 49.50 12-24 ..... EA, 44.00 50-99 ..... EA. 38.50 250-499 .. EA. 52.25 46.75 41 .25 35.75 MODEL SC-lOO ELECTRIC STOP·CLOCK SERIES "S" SIGNALING TIMER Measures time intervals from 1/100 second to 60 seconds. For process and test measurement, production control, time and motion studies, medical research, and sporting events -wherever precise short-timing measurements are required. Incorporates synchronous motor, cone clutch for exceptional pull-in speen, 360 0 engagement, and automatic wear compensation. Compound dial has 2 pointers; inside dial measures 1-60 seconds in one second increments. outside dial measures .01-.99 second in .01 second increments. Remote start-stbp and reset receptacles on side of case. Can be started with pushbutton on LOrd or by a limit switch in a piece of equipment. Reset with front-panel reset button or remotely through a series switch. Reset time .0lO sec. 5x5x42%2". For 115 v .. 60 cycle AC only. Shpg. wt., 5 Ibs. Motor-driven, manual set, multi-purpose signal timer. Two .receptacles are provided on the slde of the case: a black receptacle for load or remote signal to operate at the end of the cycle, and a red receptacle to operate load circuit during the time cycle. Setting timer for any part of time cycle lights lamp and powers red outlet. On completion of cycle, lamp is turned off, a buzzer sounds, and a lO-amp SPDT switch transfers power from the red receptacle to the black receptacle. Buzzer sounds until manually turned off. or until timing cycle is started again. Durable metal case. With AC cord. For 110-120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs. 78 B441.1-3 .. : ..... EACH 68.50 4-5 ............. EACH 65.08 6-11 ... EACH 61.65 12-24 ... EACH 58.23 25-49 ..... EACH 54.BO 50-99 .. EACH 51.36 100-249 .. EACH 47.95 250·499 .. EACH 44;53 278 • ALLIED Stoc'k N0'1 Type 78 B 539 S-5M I Max. Cycle 5 min. I I Stock N°'1 Type Max. Cycle 78 B 477 S-lH I-hr..· . ~:: ;:~ ~:~g~ ~g :;~: ~~. ~ 4.7~ .. S:3~ .... ~:~~: .. : 1-3 ....... EACH 29.00 4-5 ...... EACH 27.55 6-11 .. EACH 26.10 12-24 ..... EACH 24.65 25-49 ..... EACH 23.20 50-99. EACH 21.75 100-249 ................ EACH 20.30 250-499 ....... EACH I B.85 Depend on Allied 'for The Latest in Industrial Electronic Equipment Industrial Timer Single and Multi-Cam Timers GEAR-AND-RACK ASSEMBLIES CHART HOW TO ORDER Foundation Units Gear Stock No. CM.4 2 CMMC·2 1 MC.4 RC.4 RC·2 As'bly Typo No.t 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 B B B B B B B B e B B B B B B B 472 500 468 50 I 466 504 467 457 507 458 459 460 517 461 518 465 E-12 E-15 C-12 C-14 B-12 CotS B-IS A-12 A-t4 A-t6 A-tS A-20 A-22 A-24 A-30 A-.16 I CM.S, MC.S RC-S I CM.6 MC·6 RC-6 I CM·8 MC.8 RC·8 *Overall Time Cycles Availablo lOS 121/:zS ISS 111/:zS 20S 221/:zS 2SS .30S 35S 40S 45S 50S 55S 60S 1SS 90S --- 40S 50S 60S 10S -SOS 90S 100S -2M -140S 160S 3M 200S 220S 4M 5M 6M 2M 2M30S 3M 3M30S 4M 4M30S 5M 6M -1M -SM 9M toM 11M 12M 15M ISM --- 3M20S 4MIOS 5M 5M50S 6M40S 1M30S SM20S 10M -ltM40S --UM20S 15M 16M40S 18M20S 20M 2SM .10M I CM·l0 MC·l0 RC-l0 20M 2H 25M 2H30M 3H 30M 35M 3H30M - 40M - - - 4H 4SM 4H30M SOM 5H 6H 60M - 10M - - - 1H 80M SH 9UM 9Il 100M 101-1 -110M - - - l~ 2H 12H 2H.10M ISH. 3H ISH ---- ·S = Seconds M = Minutes H = Hours tGEAR.AND.RACK ASSEMBLy ................................. EACH Locate duration of com,plete time-cycle desired in table at left. and order both the gear-andrack assem bly and foundation unit indicated. Shpg. wt.. for both units. 4 Ibs. Example: Time:cycle required. 30 seconds (recycling); 4 circuits to be controlled. Order Gear-and-Rack Assembly A-12. Stock Number 78 B 457; locate Foundation MC-2 in table. Find Stock No. under 4-CIRCUIT (below) and order Stock No. 78 B 612. When ordering, specify time cycle, SeriesCM Series RC m-wzber of circuits, ami Mfr's Ty/JC. Adjustable 2% to 98% of complete time cycle 1.75 SERIES CM RECYCLING-CAM FOUNDATION UNITS (Order Gear·and·Rack Assembly Separately) Series CM Recycling Timer. Repeats a definite electrical "Off-On" cycle continuously. Timer consists of two units: a gear-and-rack assembly. and a Series CM chassis-mounted foundation unit that includes a heavy-duty synchronous motor and a cam-activated SPDT switch. Different combinations of these two basic units pro- vide a variety of time cycles (see "How to Order" above). Corrosionresistant aluminum cams lw.ve single screw adjustment for setting "On" or "Off" period from 2% to 98% of the complete time cycle. Contacts ra,ted 10 amps at liS v .. or 220 v .. 60 cycle AC. U.L Listed and CSA Approved. 2V",,3.3¥1,". For 110-120 v .. 60 cycle AC' EACH Stock No. Mfr's Type Stock No. Type 1-3 '78 B 450 78 B 451 78 B 452 CM-2 CM-4 CMoS 78 B 453 78 B 454 78 B 455 CM-6 CMoS CM-IO 18.75 Mfr's I 4-S 17.81 I~I~I~I~I~I 16.88 15.94. 15.00 1:4.06 13.13 250·499 12.19 SERIES MC AND RC FOUNDATION UNITS (Order Gear-and·Rack Assembly Separately) Series RC Single-Cycle Multi-Cam. ·Timer. Designed·to provide a single timed electrical cycle upon momentary actnation from a remote position. May be used to control more than 1 drcuit. Cams are individually adjustable for any combination of timed sequences. This design enables the user to have all the advantag(';.:, of the Series Me timers. plus the single-cycle homing control. 2-CIRCUIT Series MC Multi-Cam Recycling Timer. Identical to CM t;mer above. but controls marc than one circuit. Cams are mounted on single driving shaft. coupled to the motor by a gear-and-raek assembly. Cams can be adjusted in any combination of timed sequences rapidly and easily. This individual cam adiustability enables the timer to be used as a programming device. Stock No. Mfr's Type 78 78 78 78 78 78 B 439 B 440 MC-2 MC-4 S 479 B 513 B 515 B 516 78 78 78 78 78 78 B 612 Stock No. Mfr's Type B B B B B RC-S 78 78 78 78 78 78 480 511 512 541 544 B 549 MC-6 MC-S MC-IO ~ RC-S RC-IO B 613 B 614 B 618 B 649 B 650 MC-2 MC-4 MC-S RC-2 RC-4 RC-S 78 78 78 78 78 78 B 61.5 B 616 B 617 B 651 B 656 B 657 MC-6 MC-S MC-lO RC-6 RC-S RC-IO 78 78 78 78 78 78 B 558 B 566 B 567 B 580 B 583 B 586 MC-,2 MC-4 MC-S RC-2 RC-4 RC-S 78 78 78 78 78 78 B 568 MC-6 MC-S MC-IO RC-6 ' RC-8 RC-IO 78 78 78 78 78 78 600 601 602 60& B 607 8608 MC-2 MC-4 MC-5 RC-2 RC-4 RC-S 78 78 78 78 78 78 B 603 B 604 78 78 78 78 78 78 B 400 B 401 MC-2 MC-4 MC-5 RC-2 RC-4 RC-S 78 78 78 78 78 78 B ",03 B 408 B 409 MC~5 RC-2 RC-4 EACH' 2S.49 12-24 SO·99 100·249 2S0·499 30.37 28.69 27.00 25.31 23.63 21.94 43.87 41.44 39.00 36.56 34.12 31.69 45.67 43.14 40.60 38.06 35.53 32.99 59.63 56.31 53.00 49.69 46.38 43.06 ~I 50.44 47.08 43.71 67.00 62.81 58.63 54.44 67.40 63.19 58.97 54.76 1·3 4·S 6·11 33.75 32.06 48_75 46.31 4-CIRCUIT 50.75 48.21 ---- - - - 66.25 62.94 6-CIRCUIT B 569 B 576 B 587 B 588 B 589 67.25 63.89 60.53 57.17 83.75 79.56 75.38 71.19 75.82 71.61 I 8-CIRCUIT B B B B B 605 B 609 B 610 B 611 MC-6 MC-S MC-IO RC-6 RC-S RC-lO 84.25 80.04 ---- ---- ---- ---100.25 95_24 90.23 85.21 80.20 75.19 70.18 65.16 89.04 83.80 78.56 73.33 68.09 90.19 84_18 78.16 10-CIRCUIT B 402 B 410 B 411 B 412 B 413 B 414 B 415 MC-6 MC-S MC-IO RC-o RC-S RC-IO 104.75 99.51 94.28 - - - - ---120.25 114.24 108.23 Call the Nearest Allied Office for All Your Electronic Needs 102.21 96.20 ALLIED • 279 Y Haydon Timers and Elapsed· Time Indicator~ /1\ RESET ACROTIMERS TYPE DA TIME-DELAY TIMERS TYPE SR1001. (Not iIIus.) For delay or interval timing. Controls two loads and motor. Basic rear mtg. unit: 3Vs" dial face. pointer. readout indicator. lock-in screw and 2'/.1x3'l1." mtg. plate. SPDT. IS-amp switch. 115 and 230 v. AC. non-inductive. Accuracy. :!: 0.5%. 3Vsx3Vt6"; 2%" behind dial. 210/,6" mtg. centers. Similar to BRI401 (iJlus.). but without terminal strip. Type BP1301. For frequent interval changes. As above. but panel mount; bezel and dome. 12-pos. terminal block. sleeve. 3%x3%"; 3%" behind dial. 2'Vts" mtg. centers. Type BR1401. Same as BRIOOI. but with pre-wired. forward-facing. 12-pos. terminal strip. 4'l16x3'l16"; 4l1,." behind . dial. All motors for 120 volts. 60 cycle AC. Av. shpg. wt .• 2 Ibs. Specify time range, 15 sec.; 60 sec.; 5 min.; 30 min.: or 1 hour. Mfr'. Stock No. EACH Type 1.41 5·9 110.24125.49/50.991100_249 79 BB 200 BRiOOI20:82" 19.78 18.74 17.70 16.66 15.62 79 BB 303 BP1301 28.05 26.65 25.24 23.84 22.44 21.04 79 BB 306 BR1401 22.52 21.40' 20.27 19.15 18.02 16.89 Eliminates need for auxiliary relays. For interval timinl.l' (while motor is running). or delay timing (after motor has stopped). When motor is de-energized. coil remains energized holding load until circuit is broken. DPDT. 10-amp. 125 and 250 v. AC switches. Rear .mounting. 60 cps. 5-watt motor. 6-watt coil. Accuracy. ::0.5%. Lock-nut adiustment. 3%x3'Vs" wide; 210/,6" deep. Motor· for 120 volts. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .. 1 liz Ibs. Time Range 79 79 79 78 B 325 B 326 B 327 B 328 Stock No. 7B 7B 7B 7B 78 B B B B B 7B B 78 B 5.9 --- --- 26.49 10·24 13.39 NEW BJll01 PUSHBUTTON INTERVAL TIMER 78 78 78 78 7B 78 78 78 B 8 329 I """'i4.4S 13.76 ""'i3.OO ""'i2.281"i':'56 """'iO:84 EACH 1 5·9 1 10 •24 DAll02 DAll02 DAll02 DA2102 DA2102 DA2102 DA2102 EACH TIme Range 14 5· -- -9 0-14 sec. 0-57 sec. 12.75 12.11 0-4.5 min. 0-14 sec. 0-57 sec. O~4.5 min. 12.75 12.11 0-9.5 min. 10· 24 25. 49 50. 99 11:47 10.84 10.20 -- -- ---- -- lQO. 249 9.56 11.47 10.84 10.20 9.56 B 237 DAll02 0-14 Bec. 8238 DAIl02 0-57 sec. 13.60 12.92 12.24 11.56 10.88 10.20 B 239 DAll02 0-4.5 min. B 240 DA2102 0-14 sec. - - -- -- -- -- -- B 241 DA2102 0-57 Bec. B 242 DA2102 0-4.5 min. 13.60 12.92 12.24 11.56 10.88 10.20 B 301 DA2102 0-9.5 min. Repeat a set cycle. or sequence of switching operations. while motor is energized. Wirable through contacts for I-cycle limit. Adjustable timing-cycle cam. SPDT. 20-amp switch. 125 or 250 v. AC. resistive. 50-60 cycle. 3 '/.IX20/,6x2!j46"' V.L. Listed. Shpg. wt .. 1 lb. . 120 VOLTS AC ~i i H!I~:m~IJ :1;: 7B B 249 RB2102 30 min. 79 B 250 RB2102 60 min. 25·49 1 50.99 1100-249 .110.62110.0919.5619.0318.5017.9.7 ' 240 VOLTS AC Ibs. Specify time range: 15 sec., 30 sec., 60 sec., 5 min., or 1 hour. 1.4 Mfr's Type TYP.E RB2102 REPEATING-CYCLE TIMERS 50.99 100·249 Dependable and rugged panel-mount timer. For control of electrical equipment such as copying machines. mixers. ovens. tumbling and plating equipment. Automatically resets to preset interval. SPDT 15-amp.115-ar 230-volt AC switch V.L. and C.S.A. Listed. Face-plate. 30/,6X30/,6". For 120 volts. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .• I liz Stock No. 230 231 232 233 234 236 300 EACH 1.4 ~ 0-.54 sec. 17.95 16.96 16.06 15.17 14.29 0-.108 sec. 0-4.5 min. I .120 VOLTS AC 240 VOLTS AC NEW BN2220 TIME-DELAY TIMRS .Stook ·No. TYPE OAll02 SPDT. 20-amp switch. 125 or 250 v. AC. resistive. Magnetic clutch-engages and disengages when motor is energized and de-energized. Knob adjustment. 3%x21l1,6x3Vs". V.L. Listed. TYPE. DA2102 •. As above. but has lock-nut adiustment. . 78 78 78 78 78 8 271 RB2102 51 mIn. B 260 IRB21021 min. B 272 RB2102 15 min. B 273 RB2102 30 min. 8 298 RB2102 60 min. 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 11.4710.9010.33 9.76 9.18 8.61 . . INDUSTRIAL AND NEW MILITARY ELAPSED-TIME INDICATORS TYPE E071. Miniature synchronous motor. Front/rear panel mtg. -25 0 to +65°C. Hours and tenths to 9999.9. Non-resettable. 5 '/.I" leads. 1%" square; 23%1" deep. Type ER35. As above. but 3 liz" dia. E071 ER35 bezel. 2%" deep. Resettable. ER352D-to 99.999.9 min.. tenths; ER3522-to 99.999.9 hours. tenths. Screw terminals. Shpg. wt .• I liz Ibs. 120 VOLTS AC Stock Mfr'. EACH No. Type 1.415.9110.24125.49160.99/100.249 79 B 21 I ED7112 16.79 'i5.9S Js:TI 14.27 13.43 12.59 788212 ER3520 19.1219.1617.21 16.2515.30 14;34. 78 B 215 ER3522 19.1219.1617.21 16.2515.30 14.34 240 VOLTS AC 13.23 79 B 2211 ED7112 17.64116.76115.87114.99114.1 78 B 225 ER3520 119.9718.9717.9716.9715.98 14.98 79 8 226 ER3522 19.97 18.97 17.97 16.97 15.98 14.98 II 280 -AlLIED NEWl Meet MIL·M-7793C , MIL·E-S272C 1-------------------.....;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:...---' HERMETICALLY-SEALED MILITARY-TYPE INDICATORS TYPE 7008. Weighs only 6 oz.-truly small and Iightweightl Driven by synchronous hysteresis. motor through precision. 'spur gear train. Meets high shock. environment and temperature requirements. Life test. over 78.000 hours and still running. Dild registers up to 10.000 hours. 10-hour grades on outer scale. 1000-haur grades on inner scale. 115 volts. 400 cps. Operating temperature. _55 0 ·ta +85°C. 1%" square. 23'%4" deep. Barrel dia .• only l' '!liz". 4 mtg.• holes on 1116" centers. Shock. 50 Gs. 11 milliseconds. Vibration up to 1000 cps at 10 Gs. Altitude. sea level to 80.000 ft. Dielectric strength. 500 volts. rms. 60 cps for one. minute. Solder terminals. Type 7010. Specs as above. but digital. Registers hours and tenths up to 9999.9. Shpg. wt .• 1 lb. . Stock , No. 78 B 312 78 B 310 IMfr.s,., Type 7008 7010 'EACH ' . 1.4'1 5-9 110.24125.49150.991100-249 42.50 40.37 38.25 .36.12 34.00 31.87 42.50 40.37 38.25 36.12 34.00 31.97 Depend on Allied for the Latest in Industrial ElectroniC Equipniel')t Interval and Clock Timers by "SKIPPER" TIME SWITCHES Sets to skip one or more days Permits skipping ~ontrol cycle at pre-set intervals TYPE Tl01 TIME SWITCH Two dials: a time dial and a day dial. To skip any days. small skipping screws are inserted into the day'dial. "On" and "off" trippers are set in the time dial. Special "cutout" tripper advances day dial every 24 hours. Up to 12 on and off operations per day obtained by adding extra "on and off" trippers. Range: minimum "on" or "off" time, 1 hour; maximum. 23 hours. Switch may be operated manually. Automatic reset resumes time cycle. A110y-T contacts. 40 amps (4375 watts. tungsten) at 125 volts. Steel case; gray tinish. 3 skipping screws. one on~cutout. one riff tripper. instructions. Air conditioner. etc. plugs into unit; unit into electric outlet. 7¥.4x5x3". U.L. Listed. For 110-120 v.. 60, cycle AC. Shpg. wt .• 3 lbs. 'Stock ,No. Mfr'. . Type Action SPST DPST SPDT 788315 'Ti7l 7B8,316 T173 788'317 T175 EACH 1-5 1 6- 11 11.02 10.17 12.3211.37 12.32 11.37 TRIPPERS AND SKIPPING SCREWS TYPE 107T19GR. On·Cutout Trippers, For ;~k~Pj~~': ~y~e,s.~~l~: .~l~~~•. ~~.: .3E~~H .20 TYPE 79T8A. Skipping Screws. For "Skipper" types only. Shpg. wt., 8 oz. 76 8364. Pkg. of 2........ EACH PKG •• 09 TYPE I 07TSA. "On and Olf" Trippers. For Intermatic switches (except T185). 2 oz. 26 7B 8324 ................... PER SET. SPST time switch turns equipment "on" and "off" once in 24 hours. \Vith inexpen~ sive extra trippers (see listing in left column) will operate up to 12 times a day. Trippers can be added without removing the dial. Minimum time between settings is 1 hour. Manual' operation does not interfere with settings. 40-amp rating (4375 watts, tungsten) at 125 v.. 60 c~·c1es. Gray steel case with knockouts. Size. 5x3x7?1s". U.L. Listed. For operatiou from 110-120 volts. 60 cycle AC. Shpg.wt .• 3 Ibs. 788322. l-S.EA. 7.77 6-11, ... EA. 7.f7 TYPE T1 03. As ahove. but OPST. 78 B 321. l-S.EA. 9.07 6-11 .... EA. e.37 ADAPTER KIT. Handy adapter kit makes the above units portable. 6 ft. cord. plug. etc. ~~ ~m:f;~e~ .. ~~~.g: .~~.: .1. ~~'••.•.••••• 1.1 3 TYPE T1BS TIME SWITCH Versatile switch provides up to 12 indepen. dently controlled "on-off" cycles. Can vary from 5-60 minutes. Minimum interval between cycles. 2 hours. Can be nsed as SPST, normally open;' SPST normally closed; or SPOT. alternate open and closed. 40 amps (4375 watts, tungsten) at 125 v. AC. With 3 trippers (1 for each "on-off'~ cycle). Up to 12 combination trippers can be used. 7¥.4x Sx3". U.L. Listed. For 110-120 v., 60 cycle AC. Av. shpg. wt .. 3 Ibs. 786313. l-S .. EA. 11.67 6-11 .. EA.10.77 EXTRA SET OF TRIPPERS. Adjustable cam on each tripper can be set for length of time , the "on-off" cycle will operate. 4 oz. 78 8336 ........ , .......... PER SET .84- TYPE P10l TIME SWITCH NEW TYPE T1975E PROGRAM TIMER Portable type. SPST plug-in time switch. Simple to install. Improved version carries a much heavier load than earlier models. Will handle any appliance that plugs into regular outlets. Has many uses in the shop. store. or factory. Easily set for from 1 to 12 on-off operations per day, Minimum "on" or "off" time, 1 hour; maximum. 23 hours", Controls lamps. signs. radios. TV sets. etc. Can be used with up to twelve extra trippers. May also be manually operated. Capacity: 10 amps at 125 volts. 5x3x7?1s". U.L. Listed. For 110-120 v.. 60 cycles AC. Shpg. wt., 3 Ibs. 7B 8314. l-S .. EA. 9.07 6-11 ... EA. B.37 "Supervisor" with 96 trippers for 48 "onu and 48 "off" operations every 24 hours. Minimum interval is 15 minutes. For full-time control of heating. air concitioning. industrial music systems, etc. "Skipper" feature for omitting operation on selected days. Trippers permanently attached to dialcannot drop off or be lost. Slide in a:J.d out for fast. accurate tripping. SPOT switch, rated 20 amps at 480 volts. 60 cycle AC. Synchronous. slow-speed motor is heavy-' duty industrial type; self-starting. Snap-out' mechanism-press to remove. U.L. Listed. 7¥.4x5x3". Shpg. wt., 3% Ibs. 7B 8 37B. I·LEA. 24.02 6-11 .. EA.22,17 CLOCK AND INTERVAL TIMERS AND TIMING MOTOR A211-4 Turns equipment on and off, day after day-without resetting TYPE RC5421.4 CLOCK·TIMER TYPE A501 "MUSIC MINDER" Unmounted combination clock and automatic time switch. Controls appliances drawing up to 15 amps. Handles 1875 watts. Automatically turns on appliances at any pre--set time within a 12-hour period, Has alarm, sleep switch; can be operated manuaUy. ' All ccontrols on front panel. Brass bezel. soft·white and,brown dial, tan knobs. 3Ya" square; 2" deep. With crystal. Fonr !j&" mounting holes on 3 1%1" centers. For 110120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 1 lb. 6 94 7B'8 499. lndudes F.E.T........... • Combination clock and time switch that automatically turns appliances lion" and "off" at preset times. Alarm can be set to \sound 10, minutes after units are turned Han"; 0-60 minute ileep switch turns units "off." Handles 1875 watts. Tan Plaskon case. 6-ft. cord. Size, 4Yax4¥.4x2y.,". U.L. Listed. For 110-120 v:, 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .. 2 lbs. 8 77 7B 8267. Includes F.E.T....... . ... • TYPE A401-4 "CLOCK·TIMER" A quiet, powerful, self-starting synchronous timing motor. Use as replac~ment in clocks, timers. etc. Lifetime lubrication. Geared to 4 clockwise revolutions per hour. Maximum torque load. 5 oz. per inch. Temperature rise at 120 v .. 36°. 1500 v. AC breakdown. Constant speed. even with ±25% voltage variation. Shaft. Ysxv,{' dia. 2 Yaxl ¥.4xl o/a". For operation from 110-120 v.. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. 'wt., 10 oz. ' 2 40 Combination clock and switch. Turns appliances "on" and "off" at preset times. Min. lion" time, ~ houri max .• 5 tYz hours. SPSTswitch rated 15 amps. 1875 watts. AC receptacle for plugging in appliances. Tan Plaskon case. 6-ft. cord and plug. 4 Yax4¥.4x 2y.,". U.L. Listed. For 110-120 v., 60 cycle 8 77' AC. Shpg. wt.. 2 Ibs. 78 B 343. Includes F.E.T..... . . . . .. . TYPE W160 TIMING MOTOR . 7801497 ................ ' ..... . Use the Services of the Allied Facility NeQrestYou~See Back Cover TYPE A211.4 "TIME·ALL" Time control switch' for office, store or home. Excellent for controlling lights or appliances. etc. Has manual control with automatic reset. Tl\rns lights "on"and "off" at preset times-gives house a "liyed in" look to discourage prowlers while owners are out or away on"a vacation. Minimum ~'on~' time. 15 minutes; maxi~ mum. 23 hours. 45 minutes. AC outlet fot equipment to be controlled. Switch contacts handle 15-amp, 1875-watt load. 6-ft. cord. plug and instructions. Size,' 5x4x2 Ya". U.L. Listed. For 110-120 volts. 60 cycle AC. ~~P:'3'T~': .2. ~~s: .................. 7.97 TYPE A22f.4. Same quality time switch as above. but designed'to handle 7-amp. 875watt load. Excellent for use in such Iightduty, applications as the automatic control of hi-ti music systems, home ligh'ts, etc. Shpg. wt., 2 Ibs. 7 78 B 397 ...... ; ...•. " .. ; . :; .. '.; .29 ALLIED·· 281 Tork Time. Switches and G. E. Clock Timer 8001 Series 2925-P W-IOO A-IOO MODEL 4100 "HOURMASTER" Versatile time switch provides up to 24 identical hourly "on" cycles. :The duration of the "on" cycle can he set from 2 to 55 minutes in 'I-minute intervals. The "oh" cycle can be made operative at any selected hour of the day. The series of "on" cycles repeats every 24 hours. Ideal for controlling such equipment as pumps, stokers, and .poultry feeders. Heavy-duty timing motor provides extra power and high accuracy from -50· to +200· F. With selector screws for ,up to 10 operations per 24-hour period. Screw terminals. Steel case. II '/.Ix5x4 '/.I". U.L. Listed. SPST contacts are rated at 2 HP or 40 amps. For 110-120 v.• 60 cycle AC. Shpg.·wt .• 4lbs. 78 B 295.1-5 .......... EACH 19.47 6·Up,.,., ..... EACH 17.97 NEW MODEL A·I00 "TORKMASTER" Economical time switch offers many features usually found only in higher-priced. specification-grade units. Turns electrical equipment "on" and "off" continuously every 24,hours. Extra screw-on trippers offer as many as 6 complete operations per day. "On" and "off" levers permit manual operation at any time. without disturbing automatic settings. Minimum setting is 20 minutes. Screw-type terminal block for easy installation. Drawn steel case, S %x5Yax 4 Ys". has %" and y.," knockouts in back. bottom and sides; hasp for padlock. SPST switch has silver contacts rated 40 amperes. For operation from 110-120 v .• 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .• 4lbs. 78 B 279~ EACH 7.77 6-Up ............. EACH 7.17 MODEL 9191 PORTABLE PLUG-IN TIME SWITCH Antomatic 24-hour plug-in switch. "On" time can be set from 20 minutes to 23 hours, 15 minutes in IS-minute intervals. "On" and "off" levers permit manual operation without disturbing settings. Operates air conditioners, lights, portable heaters, etc. Contacts rated 10 amperes. 1100 watts. 110-120 v. AC. Drawn steel silver hammertone case. 5%x4'/.1x4%"; has rubber feet or hangs on wall. 6-ft .• 2-wire cord and plug. AC outlet. U.L. Listed. For 110-120 v.. 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 4'lbs. 78 B304. 1-5 ........ EACH 9.72 6.Up ............... EACH 8.97 78 B 309. Trippers. Uses up to 6 pairs. 3 oz .. , ........ PER PA1R .45 MODEL 7100 TIME SWITCH Not illus. Similar to Model A-I00 "Torkmaster." above. but specification-grade switch with a special skip device that can be set to prevent operation on Saturday. Sunday. or any day of the week where operation is not desired. Lug terminals take wire sizes up to #6. Size. S%x5Yax4Ys". U.L. Listed. For operation from 110-120 v.• 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .• 4 lbs. 78 B 379.1·5 ......... EACH 11.02 6-Up ........... EACH 10.17 MODEL 8001 PROGRAM TIMER Versatile unit provides almost any desired timing combination of intervals which are multiples of 15 minutes in duration; Combination'of intervals repeat every 24 hours. Timer has a total of 96 tabs. When a tab is tilted into position. timer is "on" for 15 minutes each day. If an adjacent tab is tilted in. the timer will be "off" for 15 minutes. Thus, the timer is "on" during various intervals that are multiples of 15 minutes and which are separated by "off" periods that are also multiples of 15 mInutes. Ideal for controlling fans. pumps. ponltry feeders. irrigation equipment. SPST contacts are rated 10 amps. Screw terminals. Case. S%x5Yax4Ys". U.L. Listed. For 110-120 v .• 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .. 4 lbs. 78 B 299.1-5 ........ EACH 1B.176.Up .......... EACH 16.77 SERIES M·8001 REPEATING TIMERS Ideal timers for industrial and laboratory use. Excellent for product life testing; special applications requiring short on-off operations. Tabs permit up to 60 "on-off" operations per dial cycle. Dial Cycle in. table below-minutes. SPDT contacts rated 10 amps. Size. S%x5Yax4Ys". For 110-120 v .• 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.• 4lbs. EACH Mfrrs Dial Min.On·Off Adj ustable Stock No. 54 54 54 54 54 B 459 B 460 B 461 B 462 B 463 Type Cycle Sett.ing' IM8001 6M8001 12MSOoi 30MS001 6OMSOOl 1 6 12 30 60 -1 Second 6 Seconds 12 Seconds 30 Seconds 60 Seconds 1.5 6·Up Setting 1 Second 22.72 20.97 6 Seconds 22.72 20.97 12 Seconds 22.72 20.97 30 Seconds 22.72 20.97 60 Seconds 19.4717.97 NEW MODEL 57oo·SK "BELL RINGER" "Bell-Ringer" program signal timer operates bells, sirens, whistles or other signals at pre-selected times. Signal duration is adjustable from 5 seconds to 60 seconds. Maximum time between signals is 5 minutes-up to 2S8 operations per day are possible. Signals can be sounded manually without disturbing automatic settings. Ideal for programmed signalling in schools. fadories. airports and railroads. Omitting device may be used to prevent signals from sounding on weekends or holidays if desired. SPST switch contacts are rated at 5 amperes. 110-120 v. AC. Independent switching circuit' permits any voltage to be controlled limited only by contact rating. Lockable hinged steel enclosure is 12xSx4". For operation from 110-120 v .• 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 10 Ibs. 78 au 27B .......................................... 63.20 282 • ALLIED It ......... MODEL 7200-H HEAVY·DUTY TIME SWITCH Not iIlus. Similar to Model A-I00. above. but with heavy-duty 55ampere silver DPST switch contacts. Skip device permits setting switch to prevent operation on any day of the week where operation is not desired. S%x5Yax4Ys". U.L. Listed: For operation from 110120 v .. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 4 lbs. 78 B280.1·5 .......... EACH 18.B2 6-Up ........... EACH 17.37 MODEL W·l00"SEVEN·DAY" TIME SWITCH Offers high flexibility and programmed seven-day control. Largesize dial face permits minimum setting time of only 60 minutes. and unique Han" and "off" trippers provide easy, accurate setting of up to 28 operations per week. Levers permit manual operation without disturbing settings. Lug terminals take wire sizes up to #6. Quick-out case. Size. 12xSx4%". U.L. Listed. SPST switch contacts rated 40 amperes. For operation from 110-120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 8 Ibs. . 78 B 28 I. 1-5 .......... EACH 19.47 6-Up .......... EACH 17.97 SERIES 2925·P INTERVAL TIMERS For automatic timed operation of electrical 'appliances rated up to 1100 watts. Can be set for any time interval up to the maximum shown below. Ideal for timed control of roasters. waffle irons. sun lamps. etc. Setting pointer to desired time closes to-ampere SPST switch and starts interval-when time has elapsed switch opens automatically. White enamel case. 4%x3%x3"; has AC receptacle. cord and plug. U.L. Listed. For operation from 110-120 v.. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .. 2 lbs. Stock No. Type Max. Setting 78 B 362 78 B 348 7B B 349 2925-1P 2925-12P 2925-24P 1 Hour 12 Hours 24 Hours Mfr'. EACH 1·5 12.97 6·11 I 11.97 TELECHRON CLOCK·TIMER • Versatile and .Easy fo Use • For Loads to 1875 Walls Electric clock keeps precise time and also serves as an alarm. clock with buzzer. Offers hundreds of uses in the home. shop. Amateur station. and lab. Excellent means of warming up electronic equipment at a preset time. "Sleep-Switch" lulls you to sleep. wakes you in the morning with music from your radio or hi-fi system. Controls: Time Set. Alarm Set. "Sleep Switch." Auto-Manual Switch. Attractive gold finish; large sweep second 1 Combination Clock and hand. 3Y." square. 1 0/1." deep. SPST Automatic Time Switch switch rated 15 amps. 1875 watts. For ~~Oii!~;:·I~~I~~~~et.zf.:/. ~~~'.... 5.98 Everything in Eledronics from One Reliable Source Popular Foot Switches and Automatic Timers INDUSTRIAL FOOT SWITCHES Can B. Actuated by Foot or Toe 491 RECORA STEP SWITCHES 632 MI-2S MA-3 LlNEMASTER FOOT SWITCHES "NEPTUNE" STEP-ON MATS Model NF-2_ For indoor or outdoor use. Turns on lights. alarms, etc. Switch circuit is protected by a heavily-ribbed brown plastic mat. Resistant to cleaning compounds, oil, acids, etc. Lies flat on fioorwon't slip or slide, even on polished floors. SPST contacts are rated 10 amperes at 110 volts. Size. %x6x8". With 6-ft. leads. Shpg. wt .. 214lbs. 78 B 292. 1-49. ; .............. EACH 5.49 50-99 ..... EACH 5_25 100-Up ... EACH 4.90 Madel PSN-2_ As above. but with series plug that is ineerted into AC outlet; controlled apparatus is then inserted into plug. Shpg. wt .. 214 Ibs. . 79 B 293. 1-49 ................ EACH 6.27 50-99 ..... EACH 6_00 100-Up ... EACH 5_20 "SWITCHMA T" SWITCH Similar to Model NF-2 "Neptune." above. rated 100 watts at 110-120 v. AC. With 10-ft. leads. 78 BX 355_ 14x23". 11lbs.......... 14.25 78 BX 356_ 18x30". 19Ibs.......... 20.15 "ANNOUNCEMAT" CHIME ALARM Practical alarm system for stores. offices and industry, Signals presence of visitors or intruders. Even the step of a small child sounds alarm. Employs 18x30" "Switchmat," above. transformer and 6-ft. cord, chime. 25-ft_ cable. For 110-120 v. AC. Shpg. wt .• 18 Ibs. 26 ·00 78 BX 358..................... • Madel T51-5 "Treadlite_" Compact. rugged treadle switch for low-current loads. SPDT momentary contacts rated 7 amps. 110-250 v. AC. Rubber treading and skid-proof rubber base pad. 3Yzx2o/axl". 7 oz. 78 B 383_ 1-9 ................. EACH 2.75 10-19 ..... EACH 2.47 20-49 .... EACH 2.20 50-99 ........................ EACH 2.06 Madel T51-5C Wired_ Above. with 6-ft. cord and 2-prong series plug. 1 lb. 78 B 384.1-9 ................. EACH 4.00 10-19 ..... EACH 3.60 20-49 .... EACH 3.20 50-99 ....................•... EACH 3.00 Model 491-5 "Compact.'" ~omentary-contact SPDT 10-amp. 125-230 v. AC contacts. Steel housing, black crackle finish. Skidproof base. I Yzx2 Yzx3". 1 lb. 54 B 406. 1-9 ................. EACH 3.25 10-19 ..... EACH 2.92 20-49 .... EACH 2.60 50-99 ........................ EACH 2.44 Model 491-5C. Same as Model 491S, below left, but wired with 6-ft. cord and 2-prong series plug. Wt., Yz lb. 54 B407. 1-9 ................. EACH 4.75 10-19 ..... EACH 4.27 20-49 .... EACH 3_80 50-99 ........................ EACH 3.56 Madel 632-S. "Clipper." Momentary-contact industrial switch. SPDT contacts rated 20 amps at 125-250 AC. Cast iron housing has' ru bber anti-skid pad, black-wrinkle finish, 4 Yzx3 Yzxl Yz". Wt" 2 Ibs. 54 B 409. 1-9 ................. EACH B_25 10-19 ..... EACH 7.42 20-49 .... EACH 6.60 50-99 ........................ EACH 6.1 9 Model 632-D. Same as Model 632-S, above, but maintains contact until again actuated. Shpg. wI., 2 % Ibs. 54 B 408.1-9 ................ EACH 11.00 10-19 ..... EACH 9.90 20-49 .... EACH 8.80 50-99 ........................ EACH 8.25 GENERAL CONTROL "FOOTROL" FOOT SWITCHES Model MI-25. Heavy-duty SPDT switch -first press transfers contacts, second returns them. Rated 12 amps, 125 v., 6 amps, 250 v. AC. non-inductive. Operating force, 10 Ibs. BX connector, mtg. holes. 3x 4x6%". Shpg. wt., 4% Ibs. . . 78 B 370.1-9 .......... " .... EACH 12.10 10-24 .... EACH I 1.41 25-49 ... EACH 10.72 Model MI-23. Above, spring return. 78 B 371.1-9 ...... " .... " .. EACH 10.52 10-24 ..... EACH 9.92 25-49 .... EACH 9.33 Model MA-3. Small foot switch for use where high speed and minimum operator' fatigue are essential. SPDT momentary-contact switch has spring return. Rnbber non-skid base has holes for permanent mounting. Preset for Yz-Ib. operating force_ Supplied complete with BX connector. Contacts rated 20 amps at 125 v.; 15 amps at 250 v; AC, non-inductive load. Size, l%x4x4Yz". Shpg. wt., 1% Ibs. ' 78 B 374.1-9 ................. EACH 4.93 10-24 ..... EACH 4.65 25-49 ••.. EACH 4.37 "MARK-TIME" AUTOMATIC TIMERS NEW MODEL 29000 "CLOCK WATCHER" TIMER • Dozens of Uses in Shop, Office, Home • Dependdble, Accurate Spring-Wound Motor Mechanism • Attractive "Sculptured" Styling Reliable manual timer that will provide years of dependable service. Unusually low in costinvaluable for countless applications .around the shop. office. laboratory and home. Highly-dependable spring-wound motor mechanism accurately times intervals of up to 1 hour; .features a pleasant bell tone at end of .interval. Calibrated in I-minute divisions. Recommended for out-of-door use, or other applications where electric power is not available for an electric timer. Attractive "sculptured" styling features tip-proof oval base and easy-to-read inclined face. Finished in white enamel. Size, 40/0" dia. x 2 Yz". % Ibs. 78 B 380.1-11. ......... EACH 2.96 12-99 ............ EACH 2.63 STANDARD BUILT-IN TIME SWITCHES - 'choice of Three Accurate Time Intervals - Over 150 Different Electrical Applications - Dependable, Trouble-Free Operation Successfully used to automatically control intervals of electricity in over 150 different home and commercial applications. Universal model, SPDT switch, that can be used for either "Off-type" or "On-type" operation by attaching wires to correct terminals. Through-panel mounted for ease installation. Dependable, sturdy mechanism assures many years of trouble free service. Comes complete with satin chrome face dial, black knob and mounting hardware. Rated 28 amps at 125-240 v. AC. U.L. Listed. 2'l16xll%,". Choice of 3 intervals_ Sibs. 7B B 259. Model 74701. For up to 15 min. intervals. 7B B 261. Madel 74702. For up to 30 min. intervals. 7B B 26B. Model 74703. For up to 60 min. intervals. 1-11 ............ EACH 5.96 12-99 ................... EACH 5.30 or PROFESSIONAL TIME SWITCHES • For All Types of Electrical Equipment - Excellent for Photogra phic Use - Rugged and Reliable Design Model 78105_ Accurate portable time switch for electrical equipment. Times up to 60 minutes, then turns current off at preset time. Rated 10 amps. 110-120 v. AC. U.L. and C.S.A. Listed. Size. 30/0x3%x3Yz". For 110-120 v .. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.• 1 lb. 78 B 263.1-11 .......... EACH 5.96 12-99 ........... EACH 5.30 Model 78174. Similar to above, but especially designed for use in photography darkrooms, and x-ray laboratories. Controls enlargers, units, etc. Withstands years of constp,nt use and provides accurate timing of intervals up to 60 seconds. Same size as Model 78105, above. Shpg. wt., 1 lb. . 78 B 264. 1-11 ..... _.... EACH 6.71 12-99 ........... EACH 5.97 (~opy MODEL TEC-4 AUTOMA TIC TIME~ -AII-in-One Time Switch o 3-Way Convenience Outlet • Includes Extension Cord Excellent for controlling decoration lights, television sets, lamps. heating pads, radios, etc. Insert plug into any wall outlet, plug 1, 2, or 3 devices into 3-way outlet, and set knob for desired time cycle np to 4 hours. After allotted time, switch turns electricity off automatically. SPST switch contacts are rated at 10 amps, 125 v. AC. Cream-finished base has handsome brass-finished dial plate. With 5 Yi' 2-wire cQrd and plug. For 110-120 v., 60 cycle AC. 1 lb. 78 B 291. 1-11 ..................... _............... EACH,5.21 12-99 .................... __ ....... _.................. EACH 4.63 Depend on Allied for Complete Stocks, OEM Prices, Same-Day Shipment ALLIED- 28~ ~ Relay Road Map YOUR HANDY G,UIDE FOR LOCA TINGRELA Y TYPES AND APPLICATIONS BUY AT FACTORY PRICESSAME;.DAY SHIPMENT RELAY TYPE AC Operated (60 CPS) DC Operated Current Operated or Sensitive Type OPEN 285, 287, 289, 290, 293, 294, 298,300 285, 287, 289, 290, ,294, 297, 300 285, 287, m: ENCLOSED OPEN ENCLOSED CATALOG PAGE 292, 301 301 288, 291, 297, 286, 287, 288, 294, 298, 300, 301, 303 288, 293, 298, 286, 287, 288, 293, 294, 298, 300, 301, 303 292,301 292,301 288, 286, 287, 288, 298, 300, 303 292, 301 292 ~g~, 297, 286, 287, 288, 303 286, 294, ,300 286, 288, 301 Built-In Pilot Light Hermetically Sealed Antenna Switching Latch-In Type Low-Level Switching 290 289, 290, 298, 300 289 Plug-In 285,287,288, 290,291,297, 298, 300 Power 294, 295, 302, 303, 304 293 294, 295, 302 302, 304 302, 303, 304 292, 301 294,295 292, 301 294, 295, 302 293 303 ' 286 286, 294, 301, 286, 303 292, 301 288, 293, 298, 300, 303 287, 288, 292, 301 293 302, 303,304 292,301 Twin ,Contact 285. 287, 288, 290 U. L. Listed PHOTO SENSITIVE 292, 301 Open Type Removable Cover TIME DELAY 287 WORLD'S LARGEST, MOST EXTENSIVE INVENTORY MINIATURE MILITARY MERCURY WETTED Current Operated or. Sensitive Type Antenna Switching Crystal Can Latch-In Encapsulated low-ley'el Switching Plug-In Print~d Power Circuit , . Twin Contact 2'84--. ALLIED, 303 (400 CPS) 288.289, 291. 298, 299, 303, 305 288, 289, 293, 298 MERCURY PLUNGfR 290 CATALOG PAGE 295 299,302 290 299 RELAY TYPE AC Operated (60 CPS) DC Operated DRY REED IMPULSE 289. 291. 298 289, 291 STEPPER 289.296 289, 296 299,302 291. 299. 303 289! 291 289. 291, 303 288, 239, 291, 293,299 289,"291, 299 305 303 289 290 290 302 299.302 299,302 299 289. 296 299,302 295 Complete Stocks of Relays at OEM Pri~es ~otter & Brumfield General-Purpose Relays ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF P & B RELAYS AND tHEIR RESPECTIVE PAGES IN THIS CATALOG Relay AB ABC AP BS BU Page 287 287 289 292 289 Relay ·Page 289 289 FL 285 GA 288 GB 289 GM -Relay Fe Page G~285 JM KA KB KCP 290 285 290 288 Relay KHP KHS KL KM KRP Page Relay ~age Page Relay 286 KRP-N 286 ~ 292 286 KT 290 292 MF 288 287 LB MG 292 288 290 LM MH . 292 292 286 LS 292 ML 6 12 24 110 18 72 ·288 6,050 333 167 83 18 ............ . . . . . . . . . .. . 6 12 24 115 230 Mfr's Type Coil Volts -- --75 P 192 GAl1A ~ 76 75 75 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 76 75 76 75 75 76 75 75 75 76 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 7B4 194 196 19B 105 107 527 013 014 015 016 193 526 195 197 7B6 199 106 108 785 Action DPDT 12 AC DPDT GAl1A GAllA 24AC DPDT GAllA 115AC DPDT 6DC DPDT GAI1D GAI1D 12 DC DPDT GAl1D 24DC DPDT GAI1D 110 DC DPDT 24AC 3PDT GA14A GA14A 115 AC 3PDT GA14D 12 DC 3PDT GA14D --24DC - - -3PDT GA17A 6AC 4PDT GA17A 12 AC 4PDT GA17A 24AC 4PDT GA17A 115 AC 4PDT GA17A 230 AC 4PDT GA17D ~ 4PDT GA17D 12DC 4PDT GA17D 24 DC 4PDT GA17D 110 DC 4PDT Resistance Av. Current In Ohms Milliamps 1.7 1000 6.8 500 24.0 260 725 50 2,950 25 Stock 2549 5099 100249 250499 3_35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.BO 4.05 4.05 4.05 4.05 4.B5 4.B5 4.B5 4.85 5.25 4.B5 4.B5 4.B5 5.30 3.19 3_19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.61 3.B5 3.B5 3.B5 3.B5 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.99 4.65 4.65 4.65 5.04 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.42 3.65 3.65 3.65 3.65 4.37 4.37 4.37 4.37 4.73 4.37 4.37 4.37 4.77 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.66 2.B4 2.B4 2.B4 2.B4 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.67 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.71 2.1 B 2.1 B 2.1 B 2.1 B 2.10 2.IB 2.IB 2.47 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.41 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.45 76 P 539 76 P 334 76 P 335 ~ 76 P 341 76POl7 76 P 342 76 P 337 76 P 33B 76 P 339 76 P 340 76 P 343 76 P 344 Mfr's Description Type 1-24 GPA 6AC 1.65 GPA 12 AC 1.65 GPA 24AC 1.65 GPA 115AC 1.65 GPA 230AC 2.10 GPD 2500 Ohms 1.50 GPD 5000 Ohms 1.75 GPD 10,000 Ohms 2.10 GPD 6DC 2.10 GPD 12 DC 2.10 GPD 24DC 2.10 GPD 110 DC .3.15 GPI1 DPDTSwitch 1.70 GP17 4PDT Switch 2.95 Relay SS TL Page 289 291 DC COILS AC COILS Av. Current Volts Resistance Av. Current Volts Resistance Milliamps In Ohms In Ohms Milliamps -6 12 24 110 . ..... 32 120 472 10,000 188 100 51 11.5 -6 . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 12 24 115 230 5.1 21 75 2,250 9,110 335 168 84 17.5 8.75 5 AMP 124 SERIES GP "PIC & BUILD" RELAYS Built-in flexibility-separate coils and switches combine to produce 20 different relays that quickly convert to alternative sensitivities' or switching arrangements. For prototypes, testing relay requirements, etc. Size of assembled relay and general specifications same as Series GA (above). Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. -No. -76 P 333 Page 288 289 291 291 289 COIL DATA FOR SERIES KA RELAYS AC COILS EACH Stock No. Relay PW RS SC SL SM Light-duty power relays for small motors, solenoids, general automation work, etc. Power at 25°C: DC-IOO mw minimum, 4 watts maximum; AC-2.0 volt-amps. Operate (approx.) 15 msec., release 10 msec. 10 million cycle life. 100 megohm minimum insulation resistance. Breakdown, 1500 v. rms, 60 cycles. Shock, 30 Gs. Temperature range: -4S'C; AC to +70'C; DC to +85'C. All coils are for 60 cycles. AC types are U.L. and CSA Listed. DC .)-amp types are U.L. Listed. 6-32 mounting stud. I' Yl6x 127A,x 11 'l1,". Shpg. wt .. 6 oz. COIL DATA FOR SERIES GA AND GI' RELAYS Volts I Page MR MS 1287 291 PC 291 PM 287 PR 288 SERIES KA OPEN-TYPE. RELAYS SERIES GA MULTIPLE-CONTACT RELAYS For remote power switching, general circllit- and power-control uses. Withstand mobile shock and vibration. Moisture resistant coil prevents damage from high humidity. 5-amp contacts. AC coils for 60 cycles. Power at 2S'C: DC-2 watts nominal, 6 watts maximum; AC-6 volt-amps. Temperature range: -4S'C; AC to +4S'C; DC to +7S'C. Pull-in voltage: AC-78% or less of nominal voltage; DC-7S% or less. Tapped core permits mounting with single 8-32 screw. Size, lYl6x1ZYl,xl''l1,''. Shpg. wt .. 6 oz. DC COILS Resistance Av. Current Volts Milliamps In Ohms Relay EACH 25-49 50-99 100-249 250.499 1.57 1.49 1.15 1.07 1.57 1.49 1.15 1.07 1.57 1.49 1.15 1.07 1.57 . 1.49 1.15 1.07 2.00 1.89 1.47 1.37 1.43 1.35 1.05 .9B 1.66 1.53 1.23 1.14 2.00 1.89 1.47 ~ 2.00 I.B9 1.47 1.37 2.00 I.B9 1.47 1.37 2.00 1.89 1.47 1.37 3.00 2.B4 2.20 2.05 1.62 I.S3 I":T9 1.11 2.BI 2.66 2.06 1.92 FAST DELIVERY-OEM PRICES Allied' supplies the entire Potter & Brumfleld line at OEM prices. Any item is available immediately in large or small quantities. Call the Allied offic:e nearest" you----=-see "page 1 for locations. Stock No. Mfr's Type Coil Volts 6 AC P 15B KA5AY P 760 KA5AY 12 AC P 161 KA5AY 24 AC P 164 KA5AY 115 AC PI 53 KA5AY 230 AC P 167 KA5DY 6DC P 170 KA5DY 12 DC P 173 KA5DY 24 DC P 7B2 KA5DY 110 DC P 159 KAI1AY 6 AC P 7B I KAllAY 12 AC P 1.62 KAl1AY ·24 AC P 165 KAl1AY 115 AC P 783 KAl1AY 230 AC P 16B KAl1DY 6DC P 171 KAllDY 12 DC P 174 KAllDY 24DC P 522 KAl1DY ~ P 160 KA14AY 6 AC P 779 KA14AY 12 AC P 163 KA14AY 24 AC P 166 KA14AY 115 AC PI 52 KA14AY 230 AC P 169 KA14DY 6DC P 172 KA14DY 12DC P 185 KA14DY 24DC P 523 KA14DY 110 DC SPDT SPDT SPDT SPDT SPDT SPDT SPDT SPDT SPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT 3PDT 3PDT 3PDT 3PDT 3PDT 3PDT 3PDT 3PDT 3PDT 6 AC 77 P 643 KA5AG 77 P 644 KA5AG 12 AC KA5AG 24 AC 77 P 645 77 P 646 KA5AG 115 AC .17P647 KA5AG 230 AC 76 P 029 KA5DG 6DC 76 P 530 KA5DG 12 DC 76 P 031 KA5DG 24DC 76 P 032 KA5DG 110 DC 77 P 64B KAllAG 6 AC 77 P 649 KAl1AG 12 AC 77 P 650 KAI1AG 24 AC 77 P 651 KAl1AG 115 AC 77 P 654 KAI1AG 230 AC 76 P 020 KAl1DG 6DC 76 P 021 KAl1DG 12 DC 76 P 022 KAllDG 24 DC 76 P 023 KAI1DG 110 DC ·77 P 655 KA14AG 6 AC 77 P 656 KA14AG 12 AC 77 P 657 KA14AG 24 AC 77 P 658 KAI4AG 115 AC 77 P 659 KA14AG 230 AC 76 P 024 ·KA14DG 6DC 76 P 025 KA14DG 12 DC 76 P 026 ;~14DG 24DC 76 P 027 KA14DG HODC SPDT SPDT SPDT SPDT SPDT SPDT SPDT SPDT SPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT 3PDT 3PDT 3PDT 3PDT 3PDT 3PDT 3PDT 3PDT JPDT 75 76 75 75 75 75 75 75 76 75 76 75 75 76 75 75 75 76 75 76 75 75 75 75 75 75 76 ~ake Allied Y()ur H.~(;Idquarters For 1\11 Your Relay Needs Action EACH 1-24 25-49 50-99 100·249 250·499 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.60 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.65 3.B5 3.B5 3.85 3.B5 4.25 3140 3.40 3.40 4.00 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.40 3.B5 3.B5 3.B5 4.45 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.42 2.90 2.90 2.90 3.47 3.66 3.66 3.66 3.66 4.04 3.23 3.23 3.23 3.BO 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.IB 3.66 3.66 3.66 4.23 2.8B 2.BB 2.BB 2.BB 3.24 2.75 2.75 2.75 3.29 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.83 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.60 3.B3 3.B3 3.83 3.B3 3.96 3.47 3.47 3.47 4.01 2.24 2.0B 2.24 2.0B 2.24 2.0B 2.24 2.0B 2.52 2.34 2.13 1.98 2.13 1.9B 2.13 1.9B 2.55 2.37 2.69 2.50 2.69 2.50 2.69 2.50 2.69 2.50 3.15 2.94 2.3B 2.21. 2.3B 2.21 2.3B 2.21 2.BO 2.60 --3.15 2.94 3.15 2.94 3.15 2.94 3.15 2.94 3.08 ~ 2.69 2.50 2.69 2.50 2.69 2.50 3.11 2.B9 10 AMP 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.65 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.70 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95 4.35 3.50 3.50 3.50 4.10 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.80 ·4.00 4.00 4.00 4.60 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.47 2.94 2.94 2.94 3.51 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 4.13 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.89 4.IB 4.1 B 4.1 B 4.18 4.56 3.BO 3.BO 3.BO 4.37 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 3.29 2.79 2.79 2.79 3.33 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.92 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.69 3.96 3.96 3.96 3.96 4.32 3.60 3.60 3.60 4.1.4 2.28 2.2B 2.2B 2.28 2.56 2.17 2.17 2.17 2.59 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 3.05 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.B7 3.0B 3.0B 3.0B 3.0B 3.36 2.BO 2'BO 2.BG.3.22 I 2.11 2.11 2.1 r· 2.11 2.37 2.02 2.02 2.02 ~ 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.83 2.28 2.2B 2.28 ~ 2.86 2.B6 2.B6 2.66 3.12·· 2.60 2.60 -2.-60 2.9'1.·: ALLIED • 28~ Potter & Brumfie,ld G-eneral·Purpos,e Relays SERIES KRP ENCLOSED RELAYS For data processing. computer control. etc. 100 million cycle life· KHP types: Coil power at 25'C: DC-o.5 watts minimum. 2.0 watts maximum; AC-1.20 volt-amps. Breakdown. 500 v. rms. 60 cycles. Temperature range. -45 to +70'C. %" silver contacts; 3 amps at 30 v. DC or 115 v. AC. resistive. Solder terminals. 3-48 mtg. stud. 2%4" long. tl?-t\4x1~4X%4". KHS type .. Similar specs as above. but hermetically sealed. Vaxl%,x11,4". Gold-flashed silver contacts. Both types adapt to sockets below. Av. wt.. 2 oz. For ~u~o1Uatipn .contrqls. communication·circuits. etc. ComplxYoxllV,,u. Av. shpg. wt., 5 oz. Mfr's Coli Coil Type Ohms Ma No . 76 P 062 MLllD 2.500 4,0 76 P 063 MLl1D 5,000 2.83 76 P 064 MLl1D 10.000 '2.0 76 P 070 MLI7D 2.500 5.65 7& P 08 I ML17D 5,000 4.0 76 P 082 ML17D 10,000 2.83 76 P 090 ML23D 2.500 6.93 76 P 091 ML23D 5.000 4.9 76 P 100 ML23D to.OOO 3.46 Stock EACH 1-24 25-49 50-99 100-249 6.05 5.74 5.44 4.23 4.34 6.20 5.89 5.58 6.50 ' 6.17 5.85 4.55 5.04 7.20 6.84 6.48 5.14 7.35 6.98 6.61 5.35 7.65 7.27 6.88 8.15 7.74 7.33 5.76 5.81 8.3D 7.88 7.47 6.02 8.60 8.17 7.74 250-499 3.93 4.03 4;23 4.68 4.78 4.97 5.30 5.40 5.59 Poffer & Brumfield relays.are.H~'ed.fo.r y~ur ~r~e~.i~g.cC?~v~ni~nce... by their application, beginning on page 285. Allied Electronics is the world's largest distributor of P & B relays. Any item· in this line is available for immediate shipment,.in any quantity_ Call the Allied office nearest you~see page 1. Depend 9n Allied for Everything in Electronics Highly Sensitive Sigma Relays TYPE 4 PLATE-CIRCUIT RELAYS DC rclays for 20-50 mw applications. For vacnum . tube plate circuit.:;, transistor circuits with high idle current and applications requiring high release or stable trip values., 2-amp SPDT contact". Type 4F unenclosed; for screw mtg.; solder tcrmiiml and coil lead conn. Type 4R, llot illus. has aluminum dust cover; S-pin"plug-in mtg. I ')1,xl o/sxl Yz". Shpg. wt., 3 oz. St.ock No. 76 P 76 P 76 P 76 P 76 P 75'P 76 P 76 P 76 P 76 P 76 P 126 260 377 378 379 285 127 264 360 429 467 Mfr's Type and Ma Coil Ohms DC 4F-200-S/SIL 10.0 41'-SOO-S/S[L 6.S 4,S 41'-IOOO-S/SIL 41' -2500-SI SIL 4F-SOOO-SfSIL 4F-8000-S/SIL 4F-IO,000-S/S[L 4R-IOOO-s/SIL ' 4R-250Q-s/SIL 4R-SOOo-s/SIL 4R-8000-S/S[L 3.0 2,0 1.6 1.4 TYPE 11 LOW-COST RELAYS Small DC or shaded pole AC relays. DC types for on-off circuits or circuits with gradually changing current; AC for OIl-off only. SPDT silver contacts rated at 1 amp at 28 v., DC or 120 v., AC. Designed to withstand np to 10 G vibration or 75 G shock, non-operating. Sensitivity, DC relays SO mw; AC rclays 0.3 VA. Op. temp. range, -20 0 to +50°C. 1'A6xl;i6xl\1,". 3 oz. TYPE 11 F·G ISIL DC RELAYS EACH 25-49 50-74 75-99 100-249 1-24 - - - - - - - - --5.75 6.05 5.45 4.84 4.24 - -- -- -- --6.05 5.75 5.45 4.84 4.24 4.5 3.0 2.0 1.6 6.03 6.27 6.27 7.64 7.84 8.12 8.36 6.35 6.60 6.60 8.25 8.25 8.55 8.80 5.72 5.94 5.94 7.43 7.43 7.70 7.92 5.08 5.28 5.28 6.60 6.60 6.84 7.04 4.45 4.62 4.62 5.78 5.78 5.99 6.16 No. 76 P 895 77 P 681 77 P 683 75 P 068 75 P 070 75 P 069 76 P 89& 75 P 074 75 P 075 Stock SPDT general purpose DC relays. Withstand shocks to 100G. Silver contacts rated 1 amp. Type SF has screw mtg.; solder term. Type 5R, not illus, has aluminum dust cover; 5-pin plug-in mtg. 1''A6xl'/.ixlo/t6". 5 oz. No. P P P P P P P P P P P P Ma Mfr's Type and Stock No. 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 DC Coil Ohms 380 381 382 372 383 468 46 48, 484 849 869 881 5F-IOOO-S/SIL S1'-2S00-s/sIL 5F-5000-S/SIL SF-8000-s/SIL 5F-IO,000-sfSIL SF-16.000-S/SIL SR-1000-SI SIL SR-2500-s/SIL 5R-SOOo-s/SIL 5R-8000-s/sIL SR-IO,OOo-s/sIL 5R-16.000-s/sIL J 1-24 2.3 8.25 1.4 8.25 1.0 8.80 O.B 9.65 0.7 9.65 0.S5 10.45 2.3 10.45 1.4 10.45 1.0 11.00 0.8 11.80 0.7 11.80 0,55 12.65 25-49 50-74 75-99 100-249 7.84 7.43 6.60 7.84 7.43 6.60 8.36 7.92 7.04 ~ 8.69 7.72 9.17 8.69 7.72 9.93 9.41 8.36 9.93 9.41 8.36 9.93 9.41 8.36 10.45 9.90 8.80 11.21 10.62 9.44 11.21 10.62 9.44 12.02 11.39 10.12 r 5.78 5.78 6.16 6.76 6.76 7.32 7.32 7.32 7.70 8.26 8.26 8.86 76 77 77 76 76 77 77 76 " ~:r,~ ~l~~~~~~~;!fi~~!!i~~; ~~d:~ , -, ~,_~-:_;:, .~,1 ; 1: amp, 120 volt resistive load at least 2 times a second, with re~ ceiver and light sonrce np to 12 feet apart. Can be connected so that no current flows until light P P P P P P P P 547 684 000 548 549 002 003 568 _ No. Type 76 76 76 77 p--;-OS P 251 P 252 p 697 " 8RCOIA 8RC02A BRSOIB* BROCC01At I I 1.58 1.49 -1.66 - - -1.58 - - -1.49, -1.66 1.81 1.85 2.04 1.58 1.71 1.76 1.94 1.49 1.62 1.66' 1.83 V. EACH AC 11FZ-25-ACS/sIL IIFZ-40-ACs/sIL 11 ['Z-100-ACS/S[L II1'Z-ISO-ACS/SIL II FZ-550-ACSI S[L 1I1'Z-2300-ACS/SIL 11FZ-6000-ACs/sIL I I FZ-9000-ACs/sIL 4.8 6 9.0 11 18 37.0 60.0 75 1-24 25.49 50-75 75·99 100·249 - -- -- -- --- 2.50 2.38 2.25 2.00 1.75 - - - - - - - ---2.50 2.38 2.25 2.00 1.75 2.50 2.38 2.25 2.00 2.75 2.61 2.48 2.20 2.95 2.80 2.66 2.36 1.75 1.93 2.07 EACH Ma DC 1-24 -20,0 25·49 50-74 75-99 100-249 77 76 76 77 76 76 76 76 77 P P P P P P P P P 685 22 RjC-50-G/SIL 14.0 358 22RJC-100-G/SIL 10.0 13.00 12.35 11.70 10.40 9.10 359 22RJC-200-G/S[L 6,3 686 22RJC-500-G/SIL 4.5 384 22RJC-IOOO-G/SIL 2,8 13.50 12.83 12.15 10.80 9.45 385 22RJC-2S00-G/SIL 2.0 14.00 13.30 12.60 11.20 9.80 386 22RJC-5000-G/SIL 1.614.50 13.78 13.05 11.60 10.15 387 22RJe'-8000-G/SIL 687 22Rje'-12000-G/SIL 1.316.00 15.20 14.40 12.80 11.20 77 76 76 77 76 76 76 76 77 P P P P P P P P P 28,0 688 22RJCC-SO-G/SIL 355 22RJCC-IOO-G/SIL 20,0 357 22RjCC-200-G/SIL 14,0 9.0 689 22RJCC-SOO-G/SIL 388 22RjCC-IOOO-G/SIL 6.3 389 22RjCC-2S00-G/SIL 4,0 390 22RJCC-SOOO-G/SIL 2,8 391 22RjCC-8000-G/SIL 2.3 690 22RJCC-12000-G/SIL 1.8 TYPE 8R PHOTORELA YS No. 1.75 1.75 1.90 1.95 2.15 1.66 DPDT ACTION-SOLDER TERMINALS EACH 1-24 25-49 15.00 15.50 16.00 18.50 14.25 14.73 15.20 17.57 14.50 13.78 13.05 11.60 10.15 : 15.00 15.50 16.00 17.50 14.25 14.73 15.20 16.62 13.50 13.95 14.40 15.75 12.00 12.40 12.80 14.00 10.50 10.85 11.20 12.25 DPDT ACTION-9-PIN PLUG-IN TYPES Compact photoelectric controls using CdS photocells. .' Tubelessi have 5-pin plug-in bases. except t octal. For "lightcnolight" conditions, except *, for slowly changing ligh,t'-35 ft.-candles to operate, 0.4 to ,release. Others 'require 5 ft.-candles to operate, 0.1-0.5 to release. 3-amp SPDTsilver contacts, except tDPDT. 1 'l'.txl Ylxl Yz". With alum. dust covers. For 120 v" 50-60 cycle AC. 4 oz. Mfr's 1.75 25-99 100-249 '250·499 SPOT ACTION-SOLDER TERMINALS beam is broken. or for current flow with light on photocell. Angle brackets on each unit permit easy alignment of nnits to each other. Device to be switched (counting mechanism, alarm, etc.) is simply plugged into receiver. Units are in gray enamel finish, dust-c'over housings. Sizes, 6Vsx2 Vzx3 Yz". l'aeh unit. For 1I0-120v" 50-60 cycle AC. 76 P 250. Model BPL2 Receiver and Light Source. 2Ibs...... 40.00 76 P 253. Model BL2 light Source Only. Yz lb .....•.......... 14.00 76 P 255. Model 8P2 Receiver Only. 1 Yz Ibs .. , . " ....••..... 26.00 Stock -1-24 -- Mfr's Type and Coil Ohms Mfr's Type and Coil Ohms Stock 'WM" l1F-9000-G/~IL DC 22.0 14.0 9.5 7.0 5.8 4,6 ,1.7 2.9 2.4 TYPE 22 HERMETICALLY SEALED RELAYS Miniature hermetically sealed DC rclays. Feature balanced armature construction, high immunity to vibration. Ideal for ground based or airborne military equipment. Silver contacts rated 2 amps @ 28 v. DC or 120 v. AC resistive load. Sensitivity: SPDT types, 12.5-40 mw; DPDT types. 25-80 w. All are stud mtg.1'/.ixlxl". 4'1z. MODEL 8PL2 PHOTORELA Y RECEIVER AND LIGHT SOURCE Compact, dependable control systern designed for easy installation 111'-IOO-G/SIL II1'-2S0-G/SIL II1'-550-G/S[L IIF-1000-G/SIL IIF-1500-G/sII. II F-2300-G/SIL IIF-,1500-G/SIL II1'-6000·G/S[L EACH Ma TYPE 11 FZ·ACS ISIL AC RELAYS TYPE 5 EXTRA-SENSITIVE RELAYS EACH Mfr's Type and Coil Ohms Stock P P P P P 349122KNCC-SOO-G/SIL 19.0115.00114.25113.50112.00110.50 35022KNCC-1000-G/SIL 6,3 15.0014.2513.5012.0010.50 351 22KNCC-2S00-G/SIL 4,0 15.5014.73 13.9512.40 10.85 35322KNCC-5000-G/SIL 2.8 16.0015.20 r 4.4012.80 I 1.20 35422KNe'C-8000-G/SIL 2.3 16.50 15.68 14.85 13.20 I 1.55 76 P 347. AT-IS5 9-Pin Socket Assembly............ , .... EACH .25 TYPE 26 MINIATURE RELAYS 75-99 100-249 50-74 -- - -10.50 -13.50 - - -12.00 13.95 14.40 1&.65 76 76 76 76 76 12.40 12.80 14.80 10.85 11.20 12.95 FAST DELIVERY-OEM PRICES Allied is Your Direct Factory Source for Industrial Components at OEJ\.1 Price~. Our Tremendous Stock~ Assure Fastest ~hipment. Specify Mfr's Type No. When Orderina Relays DC relays with SPDT action and balanced annature construction. Op. sensitivity. 4-20 mw. SIL in Type No. indicates silver cont~cts rated 1.0 amp@28VDCor120VAC; PAL. palladium, 0.5 amp. Withstand shock to 100 G (non-operating). Screw mtg. with solder term. Unenclosed. Ix1 Vax1 Yl6" . .; oz. Stock No. I Mfr'. Typn and Coil Ohms EACH Ma. DC 1.24 I 25-49 50-74 75-99100.249 76 P 904,26F-l000-S/SIL-2.T 7.9017.41 76 P 90S!26F-SOOO-CDS/SIL 0,7 9.55 9.07 9.75 9.26 ~~ ~ ~~:,~~~:~~gg(2g)~f,i;\LI g:~ I O.BO 10.26 7.02 8.60 8.78 9.72 6.24 7.64 7.80 8.&4 5.4f! &.&9 &.83 7.56 AWED • 293 Sigma Sensitive Relays TYPE 41 SPOT RELAYS TYPE 46 HEAVY-OUTY OPOT RELAYS Sensitive, general purpose relays in DC or shadedpole AC for high-speed keying applications. Quiet enough for use as electric blanket controls. SPDT silver contacts-rated, at 2 amps except *5 amps. All Sigma ratings at 28 V., DC or 120 v. AC. AC sensitivity, 0.06 to 0.40 VA; DC sensitivity, 40 mw. Size, 21;4xl1;4xl'%6". Wt., 3 oz. ' TYPE 41FZ UNENCLOSED AC RELAY-SOLDER TERMINALS Mfr's Type and VAC or Ma.DC Coli Ohms No. 4.0' 75 P 076 4IFZ-IO-ACG/BSL 5.0 76 P 392 4IFZ-3S-ACS/SIL IS.O· 75 P 077 4IFZ-200-ACG/BSL 19,0 7& P 393 4IFZ-SOO-ACS/SIL 75 P07B 4IFZ-5000-ACG/BSLI 90.0' 76 P 394 41 FZ-IOOOO-ACS/SIL S5.0 Stock 1-24 3.50 4.00 3.50 4.00 3.65 4.45 25·49 3.33 3.BO 3.33 3.BO 3.47 4.23 EACH 50-74 75·99 100.249 3.15 2.BO 2.45 3.60 3.20 2.BO 3.15 2.BO 2.45 3.60 3.20 2.BO 3.29 2.92 2.56 4.01 3.56 3.12 TYPE 41F UNENCLOSED DC RELAYS-SOLDER TERMINALS 90,0 30.0 20.0 IS.O 9.0 6.5 4.0 3,0 2.3 2.0 I.S 4IF-S-S/SIL 4IF-50-S/SIL 4IF-IOO·S/SIL 4IF-200-S/SIL 4IF-SOO-S/SIL 4IF-1000-S/SIL 4IF-2500-S/SIL 41 F -5000-S/SIL 41 F -SOOO-S/SIL 4IF-10000-S/S1L 4IF-12000-S/SIL 76 76 77 76 77 76 77 76 77 76 77 P 395 P396 POOB P 397 P 009 P 39B POlO P 399 POll P400 P 695 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 TYPE 41 R06 ENCLOSED DC RELAYS-OCTAL PLUG-IN 90,0 P265 41 R06-5-S/SIL 30.0 P 266 41 R06-50-S/SIL 15.0 P 267 41 R06-200-S/SIL 5.50 5.23 4.95 4.40 3.85 6.5 P 26B 41 R06-1000-S/SIL 4,0 P 269 4IR06-2S00-S/SIL -- -- -3.0 P 270 4IR06-5000-S/SIL 5.65 5.37 5.09 4.52 3.96 2.0 P271 4IR06-10000-S/SIL 5.90 5;61 5.31 4.72 4.13 3.B5 3.66 3.47 3.0B 2.70 - - - -- - - - 3.B5 3.66 3.47 3.08 2.70 3.85 3.85 4.00 4.25 4.25 4.55 3.66 3.66 3.80 4.04 4.04 4.32 3.47 3.47 3.60 3.83 3.B3 4.09 3.08 3.08 3.20 3.40 3.40 3.64 2.70 2.70 2.80 2.98 2.98 3.19 I -- -- Rugged relays for niachine-tool'control and other heavy duty applications. Self-wiping silver contacts rated 500,000 operations on 10,amp load; 10,000,000 operations on I-amp load. Dielectric strength, 1500 VDC / 1000 VRMS @ 25°C. Ins. res .. 1000 megohms min @ 500 VDC. Op. temp .. - 65° to 70°C. Octal-type plug-in sockets. tMilliohms.2V,6x1'%6x1'%6". 5 oz. TYPE 46ROZ AC RELAYS EACH Stock Mfr's Type and Coli No. Coil Ohmst Volts 1- 25- 50 .. 75- 10024 -49- 74 99 249 6 76 P 289 46ROZ-1700M-ACW SILt 76 P 290 46ROZ-6500M-ACW SILt 12 24 6.05 5.75 5.44 4.B4 4.24 76 P 291 46ROZ-2S-ACW SIL 36 76 P 292 46ROZ-6S-ACW SIL -48 6.05 5.75 5.44 4.84 4.24 76 P 293 46ROZ-110-ACW SIL 120 6.05 5.75 5.44 4.84 4.24 76 P 294 46ROZ-650-ACW SIL 240 6.45 6.13 5.80 5.16 4.52 76 P 295 46ROZ-2BOO-ACW SIL TYPE 46RO DC RELAYS 6 76 P 283146RO-17_LW SIL 76 P 284 46RO-65-LW SIL ~~ 6.00 5.70 5.404.804.20 .76 P 285 46RO-2S0-LW SIL 36 76 P 286 46RO-650-LW SIL 48 6.20 5.89 5.58 4.96 4.34 76 P 287146RO-1100-LW SIL 120 6.806.46 6.12 5.444 ..76 76 P 288 46RO-6500-LW SIL + -- -- -- I AMPERITE i " '.. : ~- ", . ,; ;. ,', , , fJiI .' ~ Stack ~ V. and 500 V. for delays of 10 sec. or less. Ambient temp., -55 ° to 70 0 C. Tolerance, ±30%. Octal base size, dia .. 1%"; height less prongs, 2*": 9-pin min., 2o/ax%" dia. Specify Type No. as well as Stock No. No. 76 76 76 76 76 76 P 401 P 914 P 239 P403 P 404 P 907 TYPE 42RO DC RELAYS-I%xl%x2!4" 200 76 P 406 42RO-S-G/;SIL ISO 76 P 240 42RO-IO-G/SIL 42 RO-50-G/SIL 65 6.20 5.89 5.58 4.96 76 P 407 45 76 P 241 42RO-lOO·G/SIL 3S 76 P 242 42RO-150-G/SIL -- -32 76 P 408 42 RO-200·G/SIL 20 77 P 696 42RO-SOO-G/SIL ' 6.20 5.89 5.58 4.96 14 76 P 409 42RO-IOOO-G/SIL 9 76 P 244 42 RO-2500-G/SIL - -6.5 6.40 6.08 5.76 5.12 76P 410 42RO-5000-G/SIL S.O 6.60 6.27 5.94 5.28 76 P 245 42RO-BOOO-G/SIL 4,S 6.60 6.27 5.94 5.28 76 P 411 42RO-IOOOO-G/SIL 4.0 6.90 6.55 6.21 5.52 76 P 128 42RO-12000-G/SIL -- -- - - -- -- 4.48 4.34 4.62 4.62 4.83 TYPE 72 POLAR RELAYS S~O.~k -:'l:-:6;-;:P-;:9:-;1-;:2~1 For high speed switching, pulse repeating, telegraphy to 500 pulses/sec. Extremely sensitive. Replaceable contacts and armature. SPDT contacts rated .06-amp, indo load. Removable plastic cover. tCurrent in one coil to trip either direction. 2%xl'li6".5 oz. EACH M~:ilT6~':"a.nd ~;t 1255075- 100- .,.,..,.,.."--,,-.,,,.,-I-'-~ ~~ ~ ~ 72AOZ-160-TS 76 P 913 ' 72AOZ-160-TG 76 P 248 72AOZ-I000-TS 76 P 249 72AOZ-4000-TS 294 • ALLIED 1.4 3.6 0.56 0.28 '2" 5' 10' IS 20 30 45 60 75 90 120 ISO ISO 6N02 6NOS 6NOIO 6N015 6N020 6N030 6N045 6N060 6N075 6N090 6NOl20 6NOl50 6NOISO 33.00 31.35 29.70 26.40 23.10 33.0031.35 29.7026.4023.10 33.0031.3529.7026.4023.10 34.1032.3930.6927.2823.87 26N02 26N05 26NOIO 26NOl5 26N020 26N030 26N04S 26N06O 26N075 26N090 26NOl20 26N0150 26NOISO I1SN02 I1SNOS 115NOIO 115N015 115N020 115N030 115N045 115N06O 115N075 1!5N090 115NOpO 115N0150 115NOISO 6.3 v. 26 v. 115 v. 6C2 6CS 6CIO 6Cl5 6C20 6C30 6C45 6C60 6C75 6C90 6C120 6C150 6ClBO 26C2 26C5 26CI0 26CI5 26C20 26C30 -26C4S 26C60 26C7S 26C90 26CI20 26C150 26CISO 115C2 115C5 115CIO 11SCI5 115C20 115C30 -115C45 115C60 115C75 115C90 115C120 115C150 115ClS0 -- 75 PP 295 ...... , .. "" ... , ............. , .......... EACH 2.40 , @ MINIATURE 9·PIN Delay Seconds 4.34 OCTAL BASE TUBE SHELL Type C. Normally Closed Type NO. Normally Open 26 v. S.3 V. 115 v. Delay Seconds --- --100249 4.34 5.06 4.34 4.34 4.34 5.15 THERMAL DELAY AC-OC RELAYS 8~J;~ lie~~~X~!t~.:'t~~~a8~io;:~~x~~~:'!Wo + rjil lli] TYPE 42ROZ AC RELAYS-I''h!xl''h!x2'A." EACH Mfr's Type and VACor Ma DC 1- 25- 50- 75Coil Ohms 24 49 74 99 42ROZ-S-ACG/SIL 4 6.20 5.89 5.58 4.96 42ROZ-25-ACS/SIL 6t 7.15 6.79 6.43 5.72 42ROZ-SO-ACG/SIL 10 6.20 5.89 5.58 4.96 42ROZ-200-ACG/SIL 19 6.20 5.89 5.5B 4.96 42ROZ-4000-ACG/SIL 90 6.20 5.89 5.58 4.96 42ROZ-7000-ACS/SIL 90t 7.35 6.98 6.61 6.25 -- -- Heaters operate from AC or DC-contacts close for NO 'types or open for C types after heaters have been energized for delay period shown in table .. Hermetically sealed in glass envelope with octal base. Heater draws 2 watts and may be operated continuously. Contacts: SPST, 3 amps at 115 V. AC, 1 amp TYPE 42 OPOT RELAYS Versatile, long-life, general purpose relays. Have octal plug-in bases and plastic dust covers. DC units have sensitivity of 100 or 200 mw; AC units, 0.30 VA for ACS types, 0.50 VA for ACG types. Withstand vibration, 10 g to 55 cps; shock 100 g (non-operating). Contacts rated 5 amps @ 28 VDC or 120 v. 60'cycle AC, except t2 amps. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. -- -- -- TUBE SHELL Type NO. Normally Open 6.3 v. 26 v. 115 v. Type C. Normally Closed 6.3 v. 26 v. 115 v. - -2*- -- ---6N02T 26N02T 115N02T - - --- - - 6C2T 26C2T 115C2.T 5* 10* 15, 20 30 --4-560 75 90 120 6CST 6CI0T 6C15T 6C20T 6C30T 6C45T 6C6OT 6C75T 6C90T 6CI20T 6NOST 6NOIOT 6N015T 6N020T 6N030T 26N05T 115NOST 26NOIOT 115NOIOT 26N015T 115NOI5T 26N020T 115N020T 26N030T 115N030T 6N04sT 26N045T 115N045T 6N060T 26N060T 115N060T 6N075T 26N07ST 115N075T 6N090T 26N090T 115N090T 6NOl20T 26N0120T 115NOl20T 26C5T 26CIO,X 26CI5T 26C20T 26C30T 26C45T 26C60T 26C75T 26C90T 26CI20T 115CST 115CIOT 115C15T 115C20T l1SC30T l1SC45T l1SC6OT 115C7ST 115C90T I1SCI20T 75 PP 296,. .... ,. ................................. EACH 2.40 FLASHERS All are standard, normally closed types. Operate approx. V. on, % off. FPM tolerance, ±20%, except *±5%; t±15%; §±25%. Be sure to specify Type No. as well as Stock No. (below). Flashes Octal Base Miniature 9-Pln Per Min. S.3-v. 26-v. 115-v. 6.3-v. 26-v. 115-v. 6FIO' 26FIO 115FIO' 6FIOT 26FI0T l1SFI0T 30t 6F30 26F30 ,115F30 ,6F30T 26F30T 115F30T 45t 6F45 26F45 115F45 ,6F45T 26F4,ST l1SF45T 60 6F60, 26F6O 11SF60 6F60T 26F6OT 115F60T 75 6F75, . 26F7S 6F75T 26F75T 90§ 6F90 26F90 6F90T 26F90T 75 PP 280. Standard Octal Base .. ,. ... , ... , ,., ........ EACH 2.40 75 PP 281. Miniature 9·Pin Base, ..................... EACH 2.40 --w.- Specify Mfr's Type No. as Well as. Stock No. When Ordering Relays G-V Time-Delay and Ebert Mercury Plunger Relays G-V CONTROLS TIME-DELAY RELAYS HERMETICALLY SEALED TIME-DELAY RELAYS Fully compensated thermal timing relays, suitable for delay intervals from O.S to 180 seconds. Hermetically scaled-may be adjusted over a wide time-range without affecting the hermetic seal. Operate interchangeably on DC, or AC of any frequency. Delay interval not :lffected more than ± 10% by variation of ambient temperatures from -65· C to +85· C. No lubrication required. Available in octal base, miniature 7 -pin base, and in flanged type with hooked terminals. Sizes: Octal base, 2Vzxl Y4" dia.; 7-pill ba::;e. 2¥SX%" dia.; langed type, 2Vax%" dia. 'Indicates Va" dia. SPST contacts rated 3 amps, 115 v. AC, non-inductive load. Meet MIL-R-19648 specs. L\v. shpg. wt., 4 oz. Specify Mfr', Type and Stock No. Clamp TYPE RF-FLANGE MOUNTING Type No .-Normally Open Delay (Seconds) IZ-ZZ ZZ·33 33·4S 45-6S 6S·90 90·125 12S·180 Z8 Valls RF·ZO·NO-Z8 RF·30-NO·Z8 RF·40·NO-Z8 RF·60·'NO·Z8 RF·80·NO·28 RF·120· NO-28 *RF·162·NO·28 I Type No.-Normally Closed Z8 Volts liS Volts RF·20·NC-28 RF·20·NC·1I5 RF-30-NC-Z8 RF·30·NC-115 RF·40·NC-Z8 RF·40·NC·115 RF·60·NC·28 RF·60·NC·115 RF·80·NC-28 RF·80·NC·IIS RF·120·NC·28 RF·120·NC·IIS *RF·162·NC·28 *RF·162·NC·IIS 115 Valls RF·ZO·ND·11S RF·30·NO·11S RF·40·NO·11S RF·60·NO·115 RF-80-NO·IIS RF·120·NO·IIS *RF·162·NO-IIS 75 PP 260. 1·9 .. EA. 13.55 10·24 .. EA. I 1.92 25·49 ... EA. 10.57 TYPE RM-7·PIN MINIATURE PLUG-IN 12·22 22·33 33·4S 4S-65 6S·90 90·12S 12S·180 RM·2t1-NO·28 RM·3t1-NO·28 RM·40·NO·28 RM-60-NO-28 RM·80·NO·28 RM·120·NO·28 *RM-162·NO·28 RM·20·NO·IIS RM-30·NO·IIS RM·40·NO·115 RM·60·NO·lIS RM·80·NO·\15 RM·120·NO·IIS *RM·162·NO·lIS RM·20-NC·28 RM·30·NC·28 RM·40-NC·28 RM·60·NC-28 RM·80·NC·28 RM·120·NC·28 *RM·162·NC·28 RM·20·NC·l1S RM·30·NC·\15 RM·40- NC·\15 RM·60· HC·IIS RM·80·NC·115 RM·120·NC·1I5 *RM.~2· NC·\15 7S PP 263. 1·9 ... EA. 12.90 10·24 ... EA. 11.35 25·49 ... EA. 10.06 TYPE RO-OCTAL PLUG·IN BASE 12·22 22-33 33·45 4S-6S 6S·90 90·12S IZS·180 RO·20·NO·28 RO·30·NO-28 RO·40·NO·28 RO·60·NO·28 RO·80· NO·28 RO·I2O·NO·28 *RO·I60·NO·28 RO-ZO·NO·lIS RO·30·NO·lIS RO-40·NO-lIS RO·60·NO·IIS RO-80·NO·lIS RO·120·NO·IIS *RO·160·NO·IIS '5 PP 266. 1·9 ... EA. 12.90 RO·20·NC-28 RO·30·NC·28 RO-40·NC,28 RO·60-NC·28 RO·80·NC·28 RO-120-NC·28 *RO·I60·NC·28 t 0·24 ... EA. 11.35 RO·20·NC·1I5 RO·30·NC·IIS RO·40·NC·\15 RO·60· NC·1I5 RO·80· NC·IIS RO·120·NC·1I5 *RO·160·NC--1I5 25·49 ... EA. 10.06 G-V --- EBERT ,hipped by Exp,'ess only. No. Type HD·I HD-2 HD·4 HD-4 HD-4 HD·7 HD·7 Descri ption Single pole, NO. Single pole, NC* 2·pole, both NOt 2-pole, both NCt 2-pole. 1 NOlI NCt 3·pole, all NO § 3·pole, all NC § Lb•• EACH 2-9, EA. 10-49, EA. 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 15.75 17.25 29.05 32.65 30.85 38.70 44.75 12.40 11.65 13.55 12.70 22.10 20.95 25.20 23.90 ---23.65 22.45 29.75 28.25 34.40 32.65 I TYPE HF-FLANGE MOUNTING .5·1.2S HF·OI·NO·28 1........ • ........ 1 HF·OI·HC·28 1.25·3.0 1 HF·04·NO·28 ................. HF·04·HC·28 75 PP262.1·9 ... EA. 19.90 10-24 ... EA.17.51 25·49 ... EA. 15.52 I::::::::::::::::: TYPE TM-7-PIN MINIATURE PLUG-IN TM-06· NC·IIS TM·06·NC·28 2·8 TM·06·NO·28 TM·06·NO·1I5 6·12 1 TM·IO·NO·28 1 TM·IO·NO·1I5 1 TM·IO·NC·28 1 TM.IO·NC·IIS 75 PP 264. 1·9 ... EA. 16.15 10·24...EA. 14.21 25·49 ... EA. 12.60 TYPE HM-7-PIN MINIATURE PLUG·IN ,5·1.2S HM·01·NO·28 1................ ·1 HM·OI·NC·28 1.25-3.0 1 HM·04·NO·28 ................. HM·04·NC·28 75 PP 265. 1-9 ... EA. 19.25 to·24 ... EA.16.94 25·49 ... EA. I 5.02 Type XA·l Retainer. Miniature relay retainer that mounts by mean of the same screws or rivets as the socket. Has stainless-steel sprin that securely' holds relay in position. For HM, TM, and RM relays. Pkg. of 10. Shpg. wt .. 1 lb. 3 00 75P271 ... , ............................... PKG.OF10. Type XA·2 Clamp. Requires extra mtg. hole, but holds relay eve more securely. For TM, HM, and RM relays. Pkg. of 10.1 lb. 4 00 75 P 272 ................................... PKG. OF 10 • I::::::::::::::::: Dependability at low cost. SPST, 5 amps at 125 v., AC. 2%xl%" dia. Octal base. Specify Stock No. from Price Locator Chart and Mfr', Type No. from NO or NC column, in table at left. Av. ,hpg. wt., 3 oz. PRICE LOCATOR EACH Range 110- 25- so- lDOStock No. 9 -24- -49- -99- 249 2 to 45 sec 6.55 5.95 5.40 4.90 4.65 75 PP 267 75 PP 268 60 to 90 sec 7.00 6.35 5.80 5.25 4.95 120 sec 75 PP 269 7.60 6.90 6.30 5.70 5.40 180 sec 75 PP 270 8.15 7.40 6.75 6.15 5.80 STANDARD Ideal for applications where extreme dependability is required. 60 cycle AC ratings: (each pole of "M-4): 35 amps at 115 volts.; 25 amps at 230 volts. For 115 volts, 60 cycle AC only. All are U .L. Listed. Sizes: 5Yax3Yax2~" except Type EM·l is 4%x2%x2y~n and Type EM·2 is 5 Vax2o/ax2 ~'. ShiPPed by Ex· press only. Stock 7S BZ 75 BZ 75 BZ 76 BZ 76 BZ No. Type 950 951 952 578 579 EM·I EM·2 EM·4 EM·4 EM-4 D'escri ption Single pole, NO Single pole, NC 2-pole, both NO 2·pele, both Ne2·pole, 1 NO/NC Lb•• EACH 2-9, EA. 10-49, EA. Ill.! 13,95 10;25 11.35 23.00 18.00 26.60 21.15 24.80 19.60 I~ 15.40 2 2 2 - -9.50 -10.50 16.90 .19.80 18.35 MINIRELAYS-MINIATURE POWER RELAYS :ompact units capable of handling loads nearly twice that of ordi· Lary armature-type units of equal size. 60-cycle current ratings; 20 ,lOpS at 115 v., 10 amps at 230 v., 5.2 amps at 440 v. ·Hermetically <,aled, mercury· to-mercury contacts for silent, trouble·free action. jl~its han:> no wearjng parts-no servicing, repair, or parts replace- ;,~~Ck ·N.".'I Type I Descrip-tion '5 BZ 2581 MR·IO Sing!". Pole, NO '.".BZ 259 MR-12 Singh, Pole. NC I Type No.-Normally Open Type No.-Normally Closed Delay Z8 Volts liS Volts Z8 Volts (Seconds) liS Valls TF·06-NO·Z8 TF·06-NO·1I5 TF·06·NC·Z8 TF·06·NC·IIS 2·8 TF·10·NO·28 TF·IO·NO·1I5 TF·to·NC·Z8 TF·IONC·115 6·12 I I 75 PP 261. 1·9 ••. EA. 16.80 10·24 .. EA. 14.78 25·49 .. EA. 13.1 o MERCURY PLUNGER RELAYS HEAVY-DUTY 'ype, HD·l and HD·2 rated 60 amps for 115 v., and 35 amps for 230 '., 60 cycle AC. Type HD·4 2.pole relay; each pole, 60 amps at 115 '.• and 35 amps at 230 v. Type HD·7 3·pole relay; each pole, 60 amps .t 115 v., and 35 amps at 230 v. For 115 v .. 60 cycle AC only. All .1.L. Listed. Sizes: *2Vax5l1.!x3%"; t2Yax5%x3%"; §3Yax6o/ax4". 232 233 234 235 236 237 2-38 Type RM RED LINE THERMAL TIMING RELAYS Delay Tol. 6.3 Volts 26.5 Volts 115 Volt. Seconds) ±Sec. NO NC NO NC NO NC - - 2 - --.-5- DT7001 DT7002 DT7021 DT7022 DT7041 DT7042 5 1.0 DT7003 DT7004 DT7023 DT7024 DT7043 DT7044 10 1.5 DT700S DT7006 DT7025 DT7026 DT7045 DT7046 20 3.0 DT7007 DT7008 DT7027 DT7028 DT7047 DT7048 30 -4.5 DT7009 DT7010 DT7029 DT7030 DT7049 DT7050 - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45 6.75 DT7011 DT7012 DT7031 DT7032 DT7051 DT7052 60 9.0 DT7013 DT7014 DT7033 DT7034 DT7053 DT7054 90 13.5 DT7015 DT7016 bT7035 DT7036 DT7055 DT7056 120 18.0 DT7017 DT7018 DT7037 DT7038 DT7057 DT7058 180 27.0 DT7019 DT7020 DT7039 DT7040 DT7059 DT7060 itock '5 BZ '5 BZ '5 BZ '5 BZ 'S BZ '5 BZ '5 BZ Type RF TYPE TF-FLANGE MOUNTING IOZ'I~~12-9' EA'll0-49, EA. 8 8 9.0r0 10.90 7.60 8.35 7.05 7.70 ment under normal usage. Available in single pole. normally open or normally c1os.dand in. double pole, both normally open. MR·!O, 3VaxlVaxlVa"; MR·12, 4Yz:<1VaxIVa"; MR·H, 4y-'x3xlVa". Mois· ture·resistant actuating coil.operates from 115 v., 50-60 cycle AC. only. Shipped by Express p"ly. Stock NO.! Typo· I Description IOZ'jEACHIZ o 9, EA'll0 49, EA';: 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ie Certain to Specify Mfr's Type When Ordering Relays ALLIED. 295 Guardian Stepping Relays and Solenoids INDUSTRIAL AC AND DC SOLENOIDS Intermittent duty types should not be eIJ.ergized, for more than 5 consecutive minutes. Continuous-duty types will not rise 'more than 85" C above 24" C ambient. Plunger' haS,' slotted' end with Ya g.iameter hole for coupling, Av~ shpg.' wt., ,8 O.Z.. ' AC TYPES (Specify Type No., Volts and Duty) Stock No~ lAl 2,4,11 75 75 75 75 75 75 77 77 77 77 75 75 75 75 75 75 77 76 75 75 77 76 77 77 76 76 76 76 P 890 P 891 P 154 P 155 P 892 P 893 P 547 P 548 P 549 P 550 P 828 P 829 P 894 P 895 P 156 P 885 P 551 P 320 P 157 P 886 P 552 P 321 P 553 P 554 P 088 P089 P 092 P 093 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 75 76 75 76 77 77 77 77 76 76 76 76 76 76 P 55~ P 556 P 557 P 558 P 559 P 560 P 561 P 562 P 595 P 31 8 P 596 P 319 P 563 P 564 P 565 p 566 P 094 P 095 P 096 P 097 P 098 P 099 Mfrl s Type Volts No. lAI IAI 2 2 4 4 11 11 11 11 -12 12 14 14 16 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 24 24 28 28 28 28 Duty Ohms Adj. Max. Stroke Inches Lift 115 115 115 115 -11524 24 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 230 230 115 115 --230 230 115 115 24 24 115 115 Cont. ·Inter. Cont. Inter. -Cont. -Inter. Cont. Inter. Cont. Inter. Cont. Inter. Cont. Inter. Cont. Inter. Cant. Inter. Cont. Inter. Cont. Inter. Cont. Inter. Cont. Inter. Cont. 675 Ya-'/s 60 Ya-Va 166 Ya-Va 37 Ya-I -133 - Ya-Yz 5.1 Ya-l 12 'Is-I Ya~1 125 300 Ya-l -100 -- ~ ISO 'Is-Va 11 Ya-lYz 18 Ya-lYz 41 'Is-% -85 'Is-% 224 Ya-% 350 'Is-% 8.8 'Is-I 19.7 -- Ya-I 45 ~ 78 'Is-I 310 J.1.-% 500 v'.-% 7.5 J.1.-Yz 17.4' J.1.-Yz 220 J.1.-Yz 400 J.1.-Yz 8 3 27 10.5 -24 -6 20 8 20 -32 -8 22 110 65 96 -55 -96 55 304 145 -304 -145 19 12 35 20 35 20 1- H W D IV,. IV,. ~ 1% 1% lo/t. lo/t. 2 2 lr.. lr.. lr.. lr.. 1% 1% Oz. -115- ---300 - - Ya-Yz Inter. EACH Size Inches 'r.. 1% 1'/s 1%' 1% 1% 1~. 1~. 1~. 1~. 1~. ly!. 1~. 1~. 2V,. 2V,. 2V,. 5%. 5%. i~. I~. 1~. 1~. 12fu 12r12 12r1. 12r1. 10/,. 2~. 2~. lYa I 'Is 1'1s lYa ,1~. 1~. 1~. 1~. 1~. 1~. 1~. 2J.1. 2J.1. 2J.1. 111. 1% 1% 1% 1% 2Yz 2Yz 2Yz 2Yz 1'~. I'~. 1'~. I'~. 1 1 'r.. 1\4 1\4 lYa 1 'Is 1Ya 1 'Is ,~. 'r.. 'r.. 24 2.80 2.80 3.20 3.20 3.80 3.80 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 4.15 4.15 5.50 5.50 3.20 3.20 3.40 3.40 4.50 4.50 4.70 4.70 2.95 2.95 2.70 2.70 2.90 2.90 2549 5099 2.52 2.38 2.52 2.38 2.88 2.72 2.88 2.72 3.42 3.23 3.42 3.23 2.43 2.30 2.43 2.30 2.43 2.30 2.43 2.30 3.74 3.53 3.74 3.53 4.95 4.68 4.95 4.68 2.88 2.72 2.88 .2.72 3.06 2.89 3.06 2.89 4.05 3.83 4.05 3.83 4.23 4.00 4.23 4.00 2.66 2.51 2.66 2.51 2.43 2.30 2.43 2.30 2.61 2.46 2.61 2.46 100249 250499 2.24 2.24 2.56 2.56 3.04 3.04 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 3.32 3.32 4.40 4.40 2.56 2.56 2.72 2.72 ,3.60 3.60 3.76 3.76 2.36 2.36 2.16 1.96 1.96 2.24 2.24 2.66 2.66 ' 1':89 1.89 1.89 1.89 2.90 2.90 3.85 3.85 2.24 2.24 2.38 2.38 3.15 3.15 3.29' 3.29 2.06 2.06 1.89 2.T6 1.89 2.32 2.32 2.03 2.03 2.25 2.'13 2.00 2.25 2.13 2.00 2.70 2.55 2.40 2.70 2.55 2.40 3.42 3.23 3.04 3.42 3.23 3.04 3.60 3.40 3.20 3.60 3.40 3.20 2.43 ' 2.30 2.16 2.43 2.30 2.16 2.43 2.30 2.16 2.43 2.30 ' 2.16 2.34 2.21 2.08 2.34 2.21 2.08 ,2.34 2.21 2.08 2.34 """"2.21 .2.08 2.08 2.34 2.21 2.34 2.21 2.08 2.34 2.21 2.08 2.34 """"2.21 2.08 2.08 2.34 2.21 2.08 2.34 2.21 1.75 1.75 2.10 2.10 2.66 2.66 2.80 2.80 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.82 1.82 1.82 DC TYPES (Specify Type No., Volts and Duty) 24 28 lAl lAl lAl tAl 4 4 4 4 11 11 24 24 115 115 -24 24 115 115 6 6 -11- -2411 24 22 6 22 6 22 24 22 24 28 6 28 6 28 12 28 12 28 24 28 24 Inter. Cont. lriter~ Cont. Inter. --Cont. Inter. Cont. Inter. Cont. Inter. Cont. Inter. Cont. Intel". Cont. Inter. Cont. Inter. C~ Inter. Cont. 42.6 74.4 803 2070 15 -50 346 1210 2 5 32 72 4.7 9 60 144 3.3 7.7 13 27 50 104 'Is-% Ya-\4 5 2 5 2 -57 20 57 20 39 21 39 21 24 13 24 -1-341 35 41 ~ 41 35 'Is-'/s 'Is-\4 Ya-l Ya-Va Ya-l 'Is-7;8 'Is-Va Ya-% 'Is-Va 'Is-o/a J.1.-'/s J.1.-\4 J.1.-'/s J.1.-\4 J.1.-Yz J.1.-% J.1.-Yz J.1.-'/s J.1.-Yz J.1.-'/s IJ.1. 1J.1. IJ.1. IJ.1. 1% 1% 1% 1% 1~. 1~. ''r.. 0/1. 1r.. 1~. 1~. 1~. 1~. I~. 1~. 12%2 12%, 12%2 12%2 % % % % % % % 1~. 1~. 1~. 1~. 1~. 1~. % ''r.. 0/1. '0/1. 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.80 3.80 4.00 4.00 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 1% 1% 1% 1% 2 2 2 2 'r.. -tr.. ' lr.. lr.. lr.. lYa lYa tVa 1Ys lYa 'r.. 'r.. 'r.. 1 'Is lYa lYa 1'1s 1 'Is -- -- I.Ii2 1.82 1.82 1.82 I.Ii2 1.82 1.82 STEPPING RELAYS Intermittent-duty, 115-v. AC stepping relays. All are direct drive units with switching com pleted on energization. Bridging contacts rated at 1 Yz amps, 115 V. 60 cycle non-inductiv( load. All rated at 10% duty cycle out of each hour; max. single period. 5 minutes. Wil operate at 15% below or 10% above ratedyoltage. IR-PC and IR-MC are continuous, rotation types. constructed with micro-finished shaft and oHite shaft bearing to assun permanent lubrication. IR-PER and MER are electrical-reset types, with steel box-tYlll frame. IR-RAS and IR-MAS are add-and-subtract steppers. *Shows active contacts, in, cluding zero position. tZero-pos. switch only. Av. shpg. wt.; 1\4 lbs. Stock Mfr's No. ---77 P 542 Type 77 77 75 77 77 P P P P P 543 544 282 546 545 Fig. IR-PC A IR-MC .... IR-PER B MER D IR-RAS C IR-MAS .... ~o. ~ts. *Contacts 40 24 40 24 40 30 40, 24 36 22 38 t Size 3o/t.x3x3%" 3\4x3x2~." 3o/t.x3%x3" 3\4x2~.x3\4" 3o/t.x4'1sx3J.1." 3x3Yax117i'6" EACH 1-24 18.15 13.00 24.20 14.00 25.30 15.95 25-49 16.34 11.70 21.78 12.60 22.77 14.36 50-99 100-249 250-49! -15.43 14.52 11.05 10.40 20.57 19.36 11.90 11.20 21.51 20.24 13.56 12.76 12.71 9.IC 16.9~ 9.8C 1·7.71 I 1.1 i ROTOMITE STEPPING RELA,YS Small size enables use in business machines, vending, counting, sorting, model trains, etc. CompletelY enclosed, with contacts rated at 3 amps resistive, 1 amp inductive; rotate contin~, uously up to 20 steps per second. Expected life well over 1 million operations. Size, 2# long x 1~.n dia. Av. shpg. wt., 5 oz. 296 • ALLIED Stock No. Mfrls Type No. Volts POI. DC EACH 124 -6- - 77 P 705 IR-705-12P-6D 12 12 5.40 77 P706 IR-705-12P-12D 12 24 I 77 P 708 IR-705-12P-24D 12 2549 50- 100- 250- 249 499 99 -- ---- 4.86 4.59 4.32 3.7S Call the Nearest Allied· Facility for All Your Electronic Needl Guardian Quality AC and DC Relays MEDIUM POWER RELAYS :?or communications, remote control, selectors, ;witc4ing devices. etc, Last digits of Mfr's Type ndicate coil voltage. Built to meet U.L. specifica UNIVERSAL "200" SERIES w .ions. Rated 8 amps. liS volts, 60-cycle AC nonI1ductivc load. Solder lug terminals molded in IheIiolic block. Size, lo/axlx14n • Shpg. wt .. 3 oz. AC RELAYS S~ock Mfr's Type No. 76 P 215 77 P 603 77 P 605 77·P 607 76 P 217 77 P 604 77 P 606 77 P 608 76 P 218 and Voltage 1200-CllS 1200-G6 1200-G24 1200-GllS 1200-G2JO 1200-GC6 1200-GC24 1200-GCllS 1200-GC230 Action SPOT DPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT 3PDT 3PDT JPDT 3PDT EACH 1-24125-49150-99 3.50 3.15 2.98 3.60 3.24' 3.06 3.60 3.24 3.06 3.60 3.24 3.06 3.85 3.47 3.27 4.00 3.60 3.40 4.00 3.60 3.40 4.00 3.60 3.40 4.25 3.83 3.61 100-249 250-499 2.BO 2.45 2.88 2.52 2.88 2.52 2.88 2.52 3.08 2.70 3.20 2.80 3.20 2.80 3.20 2.80 3.40 2.98 DC RELAYS 120S-C24 120S-G6 120S-G12 120S-G24 120S-GllO 120S-GC6 120S-GC12 120S-GC24 120S-GCllO 76·P 238 77 P 609 76 P 225 77P611 76 P 223 77P610 76 P 228 77P612 76 P 224 SPOT DPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT JPDT 3PDT 3PDT 3PDT 3.20 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.55 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.95 2.88 2.97 2.97 2.97 3.20 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.56 -- 2.72 2.81 2.81 2.81 3.02 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.36 2.56 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.84 2.96 2.96 2.96 3.16 2.24 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.49 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.77 ---- ations. Contacts rated at 25 amps, continuous :uty at 230 v. AC with 75% power factor load. 'ower requirement, 9.5 va. 3Yax2 'lzx2Y1. n. 11 oz. 75 75 75 75 and AC Volts 2200-DPDT-6 2200-DPDT-24 2200-DPDT-llS 2200-DPDT-230 1-24 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.50 25-49 5.49 5.49 5.49 5.85 50-99 100-249 250-499 5.19 4.Ba 4.27 4.88 5.19 4.27 4.27 5.19 4.88 5.53 5.20 4.55· 75 75 75 75 75 Type 200-6A 200-12A 200-24A 200-USA 200-230A 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 P P P P p P P 200-6D 200-12D 200-24D 200-32D 200-110D 200-S000D 200-100000 Stock No. ---75 P 563 \ 75 P 564 . \ 1-24 25-49 50-99 EACH Description 100-249250-499 ----- --- 1.48 -1.29 -Lett Assembly 1.85 1.67 1.57 Right Assembly 1.85 11.6711.5711.48 11.29 --- eries 2210 OPST Normally Open Relays. For heavy.uty industrial applications. Contacts are DPST, ECONOMY POWER RELAYS )PDT contacts rated 15 amps at 115 v., 60 cycle. 'C;.l h.p. at 115/230 volts AC. Coil voltage inlicated by last digits of Mfr's Type. 'Auxiliary SPDT ol1tacts, rated 10 amps, which may be added to :400 and 2405 relays. Screw terminals. Two Y1." ntg. holes on l'i8 n ctrs. 3~.x2'1zx2l46". 8 oz. AC RELAYS Stock Mfr's Type No. 77 P 698 77 P 699 77 P 700 77 P 701 74 P 150 and Voltage ---- EACH 2400-DPDT-6 2400-DPDT-24 2400-DPDT-U5 2400-DPDT-230 2400-SPDT-Aux' 1-24 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.70 "'/:3S 25-49 4.86 4.86 4.8.6 5.13 1.21 50-99 100-249 250-499 4.59 4.32 3.78 4.59 4.32 3.78 4.59 4.32 3.78 4.85 4.56 ··3.99 /:IS /.08 .94 DC RELAYS 76 76 76 76 P P P p 120 121 122 129 I 240S-DPDT-6 2405-DPDT-12 240S-DPDT-24 240S-DPDT-110 15.60 15.0414.7614.4813.92 5.60 5.04 4.76 4.48 3.92 5.60 5.04 4.76 4.48 3.92 5.90 5.31 5.02 4.72 4.13 6 12 24 liS 230 EACH 1-24 1.75 1.75 1.75 2.05 2.70 25-49 50-99 100-249 250-499 1.40 1.22 1.49 1.22 1.40 1.58 1.49 1.22 1.40 1.58 1.49 1.43 1.64 1.85 1.74 1.89 2.16 2.43 2.30 !.Sa 6 12 24 32 UO * •• 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 2.50 2.20 2.50 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 2.25 1.98 2.25 1.62 1.62 1.62 1.62 2.13 1.87 2.13 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 2.00 1.76 2.00 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 ~ 1.54 1.75 CONTACT SWITCH ASSEMBLIES Stock Mfr's No. P 707 P 708 P 724 P 889 P 718 P 719 P 826 Type 200-1 200-2 200-4 200-5 200-Ml 200-M2 200-M5 EACH Action Amps SPDT DPDT DPDT 4PDT SPOT DPDT 4PDT 1-24 25-49 S 1:50 1.35 S 2.00 1.80 12.S 2.25 2.03 - L 3.50 3.15 St 1.40 1.26 8t 1.75 1.58 St 2.85 2.57 50-99 100-249 250-499 1.281.20 1:05 1.40 1.70 1.60 1.57 1.91 1.80 2.98 2.80 2.45 1.19 1.12 --:98 1.22 1.49 1.40 1.99 2.42 2.28 PARTS TO ADD POLES TO CONTACT SWITCHES I I I' Stock Mfr'. Use With EACH No. Type Types 1_24125_49150_991100_2491250_499 75 P 725 200-M3 200-Ml,-M2 1.50 1.35 I:2s 1.20" 75 P 730 200-3 200-1.-2 1.50 1.35 1.28 1.20 1.05 ---.:os ALL-PURPOSE RELAYS Compact, lightweight, general purpose relays. All are rated at 10 amps at 60 cycles, 115 volts, noninductive load, except 4PDT types rated at 8 amps. Four-hole base mounting. Last digits of Mfr's Type indicate coil voltage. Unusually heavy power control for their size. All SPST relays listed in table below are normally open. Size: 1'l4." high, 1'1z" wide and 1" deep. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. lAC RELAYS .ormally open. Current rating, power requirements nd coil drain are ·identical to those of Series 2200 above). Size, 2'l4.x2'1zx2Y1.'. 10 oz. Volts DC COILS 713 714 715 716 717 779 109 :S-2200 Switch Parts. Assemblies for above relays. "Left" or "right" !leans as viewed at armature end, contacts up. Wt., 4 oz. Mfr's No. P 709 P 710 P 711 P 712 P 888 EACH Mfr"s Type No. P 083 P 084 P 085 P 086 AC COILS Stock 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 2200/2210 POWER RELAYS ,eries 2200 OPOT Relays. Heavy-duty for motor tarting, heater loads and other industrial appli- Stock Complete relay requires 1 coil assembly (coil and field piece), AC or DC, and 1 contact assembly (switch blades, armature, return spring and mtg. bracket) . Contact ratings at 115 v., 60 cycle AC, non-inductive load. Plate relays: '5000 ohms and 15 rna; **10,000 ohms and 10 rna. Mounting: two 6-32 screws. Size: standard assembly, 2'i8xl Vaxl%"; tmidget assembly, 2l4.xl Vaxl 'Iz". Av. coil wt., 4 oz.; avo contact wt., 2 oz. No. P 570 P 574 P 578 P 571 P 575 P 579 P 572 P 576 P 580 P 582 P 573 P 577 P 581 Mfr's Type and Voltage Action IR-SOO-A6 IR-SOO-A24 IR-SOO-A115 IR-SOO-C6 IR-SOO-C24 IR-SOO-C115 IR-SOO-G6 IR-SOO-G24 IR-500-G1l5 IR-SOO-G230' IR-SOO-GG6 IR-SOO-GG24 IR-SOO-GGl1S SPST SPST SPST SPDT SPDT SPOT DPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT 4PDT 4PDT 4PDT 77 P 583 77 P 587 77 P 591 77 P 595 77 P 584 77 P 588 77 P 592 77 P 596 77 P 585 77 P 589 77 P 593 77 P 597 --77 P 586 77 P 590 77 P 594 77 P 598 IR-SOS-A6 IR-SOS-A12 IR-SOS-A24 IR-S05-AllO IR-S05-C6 IR-SOS-CI2 IR-SOS-C24 IR-50S-CI10 IR-S05-G6 IR-SOS-G12 IR-SOS-G24 IR-SOS-GllO IR-SOS-GG6 IR-SOS-GGI2 IR-SOS-GG24 IR-SOS-GGUO Stock 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 EACH 1_24 25-49 50-99 100-249 250-499 --2.50 2.25 2.13 2.00 1.75 2.50 2.50 2.80 2.80 2.80 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.70 4.30 4.30 4.30 2.25 2.25 2.52 2.52 2.52 2.79 2.79 2.79 3.33 3.87 3.87 3.87 2.13 2.13 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.64 2.64 2.64 3.15 3.66 3.66 3.66 2.00 2.00 2.24 2.24 2.24 2.48 2.48 2.48 3.06 3.44 3.44 3.44 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.75 2.52 2.52 2.52 2.84 2.79 2.79 2.79 3.15 3.87 3.87 3.87 4.23 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.59 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.68 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.98 3.66 3.66 3.66 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00:' 2.45 2.24 2.24 2.24 2.51 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.80 3.44 3.44 3.44 3.76 1.75 1.75 1.96 1.96 1.96 2.17 2.17 2.17 2.59 3.01 3.01 3.01 DC RELAYS SPST 2.50 SPST 2.50 SPST 2.50 SPST 3.05 SPDT 2.80 SPDT 2.80 SPDT 2.80 SPDT 3.15 DPDT 3.10 DPDT 3.10 DPDT 3.10 -DPDT - - 3.50 4PDT 4.30 4PDT 4.30 4PDT 4.30 4PDT 4.7'0 :;uardian Relays Are Listed Here at Direct-from-Manufacturer OEM Prices 1.75 1.75 1.75 2.14 1.96 1.96 1.96 2.21 2.17 2.17 2.17 2.45 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.29 ALLIED. 297 Guardian Top-Performing, Economical Relays NEW SERIES 900 IO·AMP RELAYS PLA TE CIRCUIT RELAYS General purpose DPDT plate circuit relay with extra long coil for greater sensitivity. Adaptable to voltage operating as \veIl as sensitive plate circuit controL Coil impregnated-for reliability and long life. Av. power reql1iremef:Lt. 0.2 watt. -Fi.ne silver contacts rated 8 amps. 2 Vax2x1 Va". 6 oz.' • Underwriters' Laboratories List.ed • Designed With Reduced Number of Parts for Long, Trouble-Free Service • Have Keyed and Locked Liflers Dependable, low-cost, DPDT relays featuring new, trouble-free design that incorporates a minimum of parts. Contacts all rated 10 'amps @,115 VAC resistive. Have one-piece switcli mtg; clips and return springs; molded bobbins and coil covers. Av. shpg. wt., 6 oz. . '. No. 75 75 75 75 75 75 EACH Coil Volts Stock 24 AC 115 AC 230 AC 6DC 12 DC 24 DC P 315 P 319 P 326 p 332 P 337 P 338 1·9 10"24 '26.49 1.75 1.66 1.49 SERld 900 RELAYS IN PACKAGES OF 50 PKG. OF 50 Coil Volts Mfr's Type 77 P 599 IR-625-2_5 77 P 600 IR-62S-S 77 P 601 .IR-62S-1O EACH M. Ohms ' 2500 ~ ~\25'49/50'99/100, _249/250.499 9 3,853.473.27 3.07 5000 6,3 4.25 3.83 3.61 3.39 10,000 4.5 5.254.73 4.46 4.19, 2,70 2.98 3,68 HEAVY·DUTY SPST RELAYS <"!"Furthcr savings are available when Series 900 relays are'purchased c' in bulk packs of 50 units. Relays are supplied nested in' new,' convenient "Form Fitted" assembly line trays. Stock No. Stock No. l' \2-UP Stock No. PKG. OF 60 Coli Volts 1 ,\2_UP 75P345 24AC------75P348 6 D C - - - - - 75 P 346115 AC 70.0061.50 75 P39512 DC 70.00 61.50 75 P 347230 AC 75 P 396 24 DC General purpose relays for switching currents up to 20 amps @ 230 volts, 60 cycle AC, noninductive load. Provide reliable continuous duty service. Armature has bakelite contact mounting block carrying 0/16" dual contacts. Bakelite b tested, at 1500 v. breakdown to ground. Silver alloy contacts are SPST, normally open. With solder lugs, mtl(, brackets. 3x1 'l'axll1.a". Shpg, wt .. 6 oz. ' ~tock No. Type and Coil Volts 77 P 567 77 P 568 77 P 569 IR-220-A24AC IR-220-AllSAC IR-220-A230AC Coil EACH Ohms ~r5.49r_9TOO-2~1250'49~ 2.1 3.95 3.56 3.36 600 4.45 4,0 I 3.78 2500 4.954.46 4_21 3.16 3.56 3,96 2.77 3.12 3.47 670 AC IMPULSE RATCHET RELAYS Small, ,rugged ratchet type impulse relays for on/off control of lighting, motors, etc. Highly reliable; expected life over 1,000,000 steps. Each impulse reverses contacts. Up to 10 steps per second possible. Heavy duty silver contacts rated'12Y. amps @ 115 v., 60 cycle AC resistive. Intermittent duty coil for 110-120 v., 50-60 cycleAC. 2Y16x3x1%". 7Y. oz. ;.. , Stock ("., No. .'" 77 P 631 77 P 632 Mfr'. Type 670-C115 670-G115 'I con-I EACH tac, ts 1.24125'49150;991~1250'499 SPDT ,5.75 DPDT 5,85 5.18 5,27 4.89 4,97 4.60 4,68 4.03 4.10 ENCLOSED PLUG-IN RELA YSAC, DC AND PLATE CIRCUIT TYPES Small relays in transparent lucite enclosures. Provide· efficient environment-free, operation. DPDT types have, 8-pin' octal pIng; 3PDT types, 11-pin plug. All ,have contacts rated 8 amps @ 115 v., 60 cycle AC noninductive_ 6-volt AC types have 3-ohm coil resistance; ,6-volt DC, 15 ohms; 24-volt AC, 48 ohms; 24-volt DC, 227 ohms; 115-volt AC, 1000 ohms. 'With lamp indicator. tOhms coil resistance of plate circuit type. 2l¥J,x1 ¥ax1 ¥S". Shpg. wt., 4 oz~ DPDT TYPES Stock No. Mfr's Type Volts 77P613 77 P 619 76 P 211 77P615 77 P 621 76 P 213 77 P 617 77 P 623 '76 P 209 77 P 625 77 P 626 77 P 627 121O-G6 121S-G6 121S-G12 121O-G24 121S-G24 1215-G110 121O-Gl1S 1210N-Gl1S' 1210-G230 1215-G2.S 1215-GS 1215-GIO 6 AC 6DC 12 DC 24 AC 24DC 110 DC 115 AC 11.1 AC 230 AC 2500t 5000t, 10000t EACH 1-24 5,70 5.80 5,80 5.70 5,80 6.05 5.70 6.30 5.95 6.00 6.10 6,40 25.49 5.13 5.22 5.22 5.13 5,22 5.45 5,13 5.67 5.36 5.40 5.49 5.76 50-99 4.85 4.93 4.93 4.85 4.93 5.14 4.85 5.36 5.06 5.10 5,19 5,44 100-249 4,56 4.64 4.64 4.56 4.64 4.84 4.56 5.04 4,76 4,80 4.88 5,12 250-499 3,99 4,06 4,06 3.99 4.06 4.24 3.99 4.41 4.17 4.20 4.27 4,48 5,68 5.80 . 5,80 5.68 5.80 . 6,00 5;68 6.16 5.88 5,60 '5,76 6.00 4.97 5.08 5.08 4.97 5.08 5.25 4.97 5.39 3PDT TYPES ,77P614 ::"77 P 620 q~ :~:~ ""77 P 622 76 P 214 77P618 :;,77 P 624 "'76 P 210 "':·77 P 628 c'77P629 C 77 P 630 ~298 121O-GC6 1215'GC6 121S-GC12 121O-GC24 121S-GC24 121S-GCll0 121O-GC115 121ON-GCl1S* 1210-GC230 1215-GC2.5 121S-GC5 1215-GCIO • ALLIED 6 AC 6 DC 12 DC 24 AC ' 24 DC 110 DC 115 AC liS AC 230 AC 2500t SOOOt lOOOOt 7.,106.396.04 7.25 6.53 6.16 7.25 6.53 6.16 7,106.396.04 7,25 6.53 7.50 6.75 6.38 7.106.396.04 7.70 6,93 6,55 7.35 6.62 6.25 7.00 6.30 5.95 7.206.486.12 7 .50 6~ 75 6.38 6.T6 s:T5 4.90 5.04 5.25 MIDGET LATCHING RELAYS fji1 Type IR-61 OL-A 115. Midget latching reI ays with single coil con- l!:!.! struction. For positive all-Off control of positioning devices. remote controls, lighting circuits. and similar industrial applications. SPST contacts rated 5 amperes_ Snap action switch mechanism operates on impulses as short as 20 milliseconds. Contacts hold in last position of switch when coil is de-energized. For 115 v., 60 cycle AC. 1%x1 VaX2Y16"' Shpg. wt., 4 oz. 77 P 540,1·24, ......... , ....... ,', ............... _EACH 3.80 25-49 .... , ........ EACH 3.42 50-99, , _ . _..... __ .. EACH 3,23 100-249., ..... , .. _EACH 3.04 250-499 ........ __ .. EACH 2,66 Type ,IR-61 OL-CII 5. Same as above, but has SPDT contacts. 77 P 541.1-24 .......... _. _..................... _.. EACH 3.95 25-49 ............. EACH 3.56 50-99 ... _.......... EACH 3,36 100-249 ...........,EACH 3,16 250-499 ............ EACH 2.77 INTERLOCKING RELAYS Igl Type IR-200 1200-GG 115. Unit corisisting of interlocking relays ~ electrically pulse operated with mechanical hold and electrical release_ Has 4PDT contacts rated 8 amperes. For 115 v_, 60 cycle AC. Size, 11'j1!6X1%x2'l'a". Shpg. wt:, 5Y. oz_ 77 P 539.1-24 ..................... , .............. EACH 10,25 25'49 ... '.......... EACH 9.23 50-99, , _........... EACH 8.71 100-249_ ... " ..... EACH 8,20' 250-499 ......... , .. EACH 7.18 32-POLE DC RELAY 'c' Type I R-B05-32P. Group-selector 24-volt DC relay simultaneously ~ makes up to 32 circuits common on energization. Effectively insnlated from ground. Rugged, phenolic plunger housing. Coil resistance, 72 ohms. Size, 2~xl1 'lS.x2 Va"- Wt. .. 6 oz. 77 P 602.1·24 ......... : .. _...... '",. _........ , ... EACH 4.30 25·49 ............. EACH 3,87 50-99 ........ , ..... EACH 3,66 100-249 ...... '. _... EACH 3.44 250-499 .. _.. _ , ... '_ ,EACH 3';0 I ENGINEER'S CONTACT SWITCH KIT For engineers, technicians, hobbyistsanyone who plans to design, build, repair, or test electrical controls. Contains a large assortment of production switch parts_ Includes assembly fixtures, screws, washers. side lugs, nylon lifters, contact rivets and washers, angle brackets, separator (tension) plates, separators, fish paper insulators, midget and standard assorted contact blades and insulating bushings. In' sturdy, blue compartmented cabinet with s~ap lock. ~~~7~~~ ~_": .~l~~~: ~:' .1. ~ l_~s:l 0.95 Make Allied Your Headquarters for All Your Relay Needs Magnecraft Dry Reed and Crystal Can Relays MAGNEREED ENCAPSULATED DRY REED RELAYS MAGNEREED DRY REED RELAYS Quality relays with exceptional features that provide outstanding reliability. Switch capsule, coil, and leads to terminals arc completely encased in epoxy resin. This encapsulation forms a terminal board of great dielectric strength and provid~s complete mechanical protection. The glass capsule is hermetically sealed. with gold contacts prcadj usted, in an atmosphere of inert gas. Contacts are actuated electromagnetically by coils around the capsules. All units feature high sensitivity and fast switching. together with rigid tinned termina18 and compact siZe for easy printed circuit board mounting. Wl02X Wl01X Extremely fast switching relays with pre-adjusted gold contacts that are hermetically sealed in a glass capsule filled with an inert gas atmosphere. Contacts arc actuated electromagnetically. Replace solid state switches; permit lower cost and simpler circuitry. SPST actions. normally open. For epoxy encapsulated models of these types~ see Magnereed Encapsulated Reed Relays at left. TYPE W101X-SPST ACTION, MINIATURE MAGNEREED Gold contacts rated at 12 VA at \I4-amp or 100 v .• AC max. Operating time less than 1 ms., release time less than Yz ms., nominal power. 200 mw. Life.expectancy: 5 million cycles at max rating. 20 million cycles at Yz rating. Size: 1 Yzxv,.' dia. Shpg. wt .. 3 oz. TYPE W101PCX Normally open gold contacts rated 12 VA @ \14 amp max or 100 v •• AC rna.."'. Ope time less than 1 ms. j release time less than ~ ms. Nominal power. 200 mw. Life: 5.000.000 cycles at max. ratings. 2 oz. Stock No. Type SPST TYPES ~,xll2xllo'>' 74 P 002 74 P 004 74 P 007 74POI0 WI0IX-l WI0IX-2 WI0IX-3 WI01X-4 Stock No. Mf,'s Type Ma 0' Coil Ohms - - - -VDC- 65 74 P 061 WIOIPCX·5 6V 250 74P062 WIOIPCX·6 12 v 1000 74P063 WIOIPCX·7 24V 74 P 064 WIOIPCX·8 8 Ma 5000 --- EACH lID2550· 9 24 49 99 6.84 6.14 5.80 5.45 6.88 6.20 5.85 5.51 7.01 6.31 5.96 5.&1 7.57 6.81 6.44 &.06 I 100· 249 5.12 5.17 5.2& 5.68 250499 12 24 250 4.38 3.94 3.72 3.50 3.28 3.06 500 5.14 4.&2 4.37 4.11 3.8& 3.59 2500 5.67 5.10 4.82 4.54 4.26 3.97 9 TYPE W102X-SPST ACTION, STANDARD MAGNEREED Gold contacts rated 15 VA at 1 amp or 250 v .• AC. max. Operating time less than 1 ms., release time less than Vz ms., nom. power 100 mw. 20 million cycles at max rating. 3 \l4xYa" dia. Shpg. wt .• 5 oz. &.68 6.71 6.75 7.18 TYPE WI02PCX N.O. gold contacts rated 15 VA @ 1 amp; 250 VAC max. Op. time less than 1 ms; release less than Yz ms. 100 mw. 20.000.000 cy. 5 oz. %x'%,x 2v.." 048 049 WI02PCX-1 WI02PCX-2 16 12 V V 110016.3615.7215.4115.0914.7714.46 400 6.44 5.80 5.47 5.15 4.82 4.51 0511W102PCX-3 24 V 1500 6.50 5.85 5.53 5.20 4.88 4.55 052 WI02PCX·4 8 Ma 5000 7.10 6.39 &.04 5.&8 5.33 4.97 H~ gH ~m~:~ n'511'~ ~gg IHiIHilti~lt:! I I I IH! IHi 74 P 022 W102X-4 7.5 24 2000 3.383.022.872.702.532.37 74 P 025 W102X-5 4.6 ... 5000 4.0& 3.&5 3.45 3.25 3.04 2.84 . TYPE WI03X-SPDT ACTION, STANDARD MAGNEREED Gold contacts rated 10 w. resistive load. 1 amp or 250 v .. AC ma.". Op~rating and release time less than 1 ms. each. Nom. power 100 mw.-25 million cycles at max rating. Size: 3YzxYz" dia. 5 oz. 74 74 74 74 02& P 028 P 029 P030 P 031 %xl v..x2v.." I WI03X-9 WI03X_S132 23 WI03X-I0 14.5 WI03X-ll 7.5 WI03X-12 4.6 100 15.6815.1214.8314.5514.2713.98 I'·6:1 200 5.945.355.054.754.4& 4.16 12 500 6.425.785.455.134.824.49 24 2000 7.08&.376.025.675.314.96 ." 5000 7.246.52 &. I 5 5.79 5.43 5.07 NEW MICRO-MINIATURE ROTARY RELAYS 1 DPST TYPES 30 20 4.82 4.91 5.30 DPST TYPES ~'xI1A,xllo'>" SPST TYPES Coil EACH Ma. V. Res. 1- 10- 25- 50. 100- 250DC DC Ohms 9 24 49 99 249 499 46 6 100 4.38 3.94 3.72 3.50 3.28 3.0& -4:78 74P065IWIOIPCX.916V 4019.5418.5918.1117.&317.1&1 74 P 066 WIOIPCX-1O 12 V 150 9.58 8.62 8.14 7.66 7.18 74 P 067 WIOIPCX·lI 24 V 650 9.65 8.69 8.20 7.72 7.24 74P071 WIOIPCX·12 8Ma 5000 10.2& 9.23 8.72 8.21 7.70 74 74 P P 74 P 74 P Mfr's ~: ~ g~~I~i~~~g~:~ II~ ~ 12~~ 8.44 ::~~I 7.60 ~ :~~I 7.17 ~ :~~I 6.75 ~:~11 g~1 ;:~~ &.34 5.91 74P059W102PCX-7 24V 800 74P060W102PCX·8 8Ma 5000 9.04 8.14 7.68 7.23 &.78 6.33 TYPE WI03PCX Gold contacts rated 10 w. res .• 1 amp or 250 v. AC max. Op. and release times. less than 1 ms. 100 mw. 25.000.000 cy. 5 oz. :: II %x2lhzx2 v.. " DPDT TYPES %xlv..x2v.." SPDT TYPES ~: ~ ~I~i~~~g~:~ II~ ~ !~~ ~::~I ::~~I ::~:I ~ :~~I ~ :~~I g~ 74P 116WI03PCX-3 24V 1500 9.76 8.78 8.29 7.80 7.32 6.83 74P 117W103PCX-4 6.5Ma 5000 10.35 9.32 8.80 8.28 7.77 7.25 I 74 P 1181WI03PCX-516V 50114.36112.92112.2011 1.48110.76110.05 74 P I 19 WI03PCX-6 12 V 200 14.39 12.95 12.23 I 1.51 10.79 10.07 74 P 120 WI03PCX-7 24 V BOO 14.46 13.0 I 12.29 I 1.57 10.85 10.13 74 P 121 WI03PCX-8 9.0 Ma 5000 15.08 13.57 12.83 12.07 I 1.31 10.56 TYPE W103CPX ENCLOSED PLUG-IN MAGNEREED RELAYS Assemblies offer same features as Type WI03X units (next column) together with convenient plugin· mounting. Units include two or three Type 103. relays with a common operating coil in a transparent plastic dust cover l,:tousing. Gold contacts are rated 10 watts resistive. 1 amp or 250 volts. AC max. Operating and rel~ase times less than 1 ms each. Nominal power. 100 mw. 2J-iJxlYaxlYa". 5 oz•. DPDT TYPES-a-PIN OCTAL PLUGS 74P0331W103CPX.716V 75114.36112.92112.20111.48110.7&110.05 74 P 03& WI03CPX·8 12 V 1 300 14.39 12.95 12.23 I 1.51 10.79 10.07 74P039W103CPX-9 24V 1000 14.4613.0112.2911.5710.8510.13 74 P 040 WI03CPX-1O 8 Ma 5000 15.0813.5712.83 12.07 I 1.31 10.56 3PDT TYPES-ll·PIN PLUGS 74P0411W103CPX·1l16V 1 40118.63116.77115.84114;90113.98113.04 74P042W103CPX-1212V 150 18.7016.8315.8914.9714.0313.10 74P043W103CPX·1324V 650 18.8316.9516.0015.0714.1213.18 74 P 047 WI03CPX-14 10 Ma 5000 19.44 17.50 16.52 15.55 14.58 13.61 40-222 40·227 40·224 40-234 _ Provide increased reliability in crystal can size. Frame and header assemblies of rugged, bridge-type construction; balanced armatures; oversize instrument-type bearings. Sealed in inert gas. DPDT contacts rated 2 amps @. 28 VDC or 115 V AC non-inductive. Op. time. 5 ms max.; release time, 3 fiS max. Enclosure· types 40-227 have plug-in header. no bracket; 40-222. solder terminals. no bracket; 40-224. solder terminals. side bracket; 40-234. solder terminals. flange bracket. VaXs 'A4X3%4". Av. wt .• 2 oz. COIL DATA . Mfr's Types W44HPX-34. W44HSX-I03. W44HSX-I08. W44HSX-1l3 W44HPX-35. W44HSX-I04. W44HSX-109. W44HSX-114 W44HPX-36. W44HSX-I05. W44HSX-llO. W44HSX-115 W44HPX-37. W44HSX-106. W44HSX-1l1. W44HSX-116 W44HPX-38 W44HSX- 107 W44HSX-1l2 W44HSX-117 ENCL. 40·227 Type Stock W44No. 74P 130 HPX·34 HPX·35 74P 131 74P 132 HPX-36 74P 133 HPX·37 74P 134 HPX-38 ENCL. 40·222 Type Siock No. W4474P 135 HSX-I03 74P 13& HSX-104 74P 137 HSX-I05 74P 138 HSX-I06 74P 139 HSX·107 _ ENCL. 40-224 ENCL. 40·234 74 P 74 P 74P 74P 74 P 14OIHSX-108 74 P 141 HSX·IO' 74P 142HSX-1IC 74P 143 HSX-1\1 74 P 144 HSX-1I2 74 P 19 17.60 17.60 17.&0 18.00 19.90 10· 24 1i5:a4 15.84 15.84 16.20 17.91 EACH 2549 14.9& 14.96 14.96 15.30 16.92 50· 99 14.08 14.08 14.08 14.40 15.92 Volts 6.5 11.0 26.5 38.5 760 100· 249 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.50 14.93 Ohms ~ 92 552 1278 5000 250499 12.32 12.32 12.32 12.60 13.93 I 45IHSX-113 17.95116·'l5.2&114.36113.46112.57 146 HSX-1I4 17.9516.1615.2614.3613.4612.57 147HSX·1\5 17.9516.1615.2& 14.3613.4612.57 148 HSX-1I6 18.3516.5215.60 14.60 13.76 12.85 149 HSX·lI7 20.2518.2317.2116.2015.1914.18 Write for Prices on Magnecraft Relays in Quantities larger Than Shown ALLIED • -299 Magnecraft Class 88 Relays " @ TYPE 88 ALL·PURPOSE OPEN·TYPE RELAYS {ersatiJe, low-cost clapper-type relays for many uses. Highly reliable witli adjustment stability for long-life. Silver alloy 'contacts rated at 10 amps. Nominal power for AC units, 3 VA; DC, 1.5 w; and plate-circuit types: SPDT, 125 mw; DPDT, 250 mw; 3PDT, 375 mw. Tinned solder terminals; mount by one #6-32 tapped hole with locating boss. Size, l1!.,xl7(6X1y.,n. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. SPDT ACTION ., Mfr's Stock No. Typo WSS- EACH ' Coil Volts Res. or Ma Ohms 110- 25- SO- lDO24 9 49 99 499 3.35 3.02 2.85 2.68 2.34 ... 3.35 3.02 2.85 2.68 2.34 ... 3.40 3.06 2.89 2.72 2.38 ... 3.55 3.20 3.02 2.B4 2.48 - 25 - -- - -- -- -3.20 2.88 2.72 2.56 2.24 100 3.20 2.B8 2.72 2.56 2.24 400 3.25 2.92 2.76 2.60 2.27 SOOO 3.80 3.42 3.23 3.04 2.66 -- ... 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 P 315 P 316 P 317 P 318 P'319 p 320 p 321 P 322 AX-I AX-2 AX-3 AX-4 X-2 X-3 X-4 X-5 6AC 12 AC 24 AC 115 AC 6DC 12 DC 24 DC HODC 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 P P P P P P P P 323 324 325 32& 327 328 329 330 AX-5 AX-6 AX-7 AX-8 X-6 X-7 X-8 X-9 DPDT ACTION 6AC ... 3.95 12 AC ... 3.95 24AC ... 4.00 115 AC - 25 - 4.15 6DC 3.55 12 DC 100 3.55 24DC 400 3.60 110 DC SOOO 4.15 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 P P P P P P P P 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 AX-9 AX-IO AX-U AX-12 X-IO X-ll X-12 X-13 3PDT ACTION 4.35 '" 126AC AC 4.35 ... 24 AC ... 4.40 115 AC 4.55 3.95 126DCI25 DC 100 3.95 24 DC 400 4.00 110 DC SOOO 4.55 3.56 3.36 3.16 2.76 3.56 3.36 3.1 & 2.76 3.60 3.40 3.20 2.80 3.74 3.53 3.32 . -- - - - - 2.90 3.20 3.02 2.84 2.48 3.20 3.02 2.84 2.48 3.24 3.06 2.88 2.52 3.74 3.53 3.32 2.90 I 3.92 3.92 3.96 4.10 3.55 3.55 3.60 4.10 3.70 3.70 3.74 3.87 3.35 3.35 3.40 3.87 3.48 3.48 3.52 3.64 3.16 3.16 3.20 3.64 3.04 3.04 3.08 3.18 2.76 2.76 2.80 3.18 @ TYPE 88 PLUG·IN ENCLOSED RELAYS Same as Type 88 relays at left, but with polystyrene dust cover. SPDT and DPDT units use standard octal plug;' 3PDT, II-pin *ANCPX-types have neon lamp indicator .. 2Yaxl%xl%n. Wt., 4 oz. SPDT ACTION Stock No. 10. 1· 24 WSS9 6AC 5.50 4.95 74 P 362 ACPX-I '" 12 AC ... 5.50 4.95 74 P 363 ACPX-2 24 AC 74 P 364 ACPX-3 5.55 5.00 115 AC 74 P 365 ACPX-4 5.70 5.13 74 P 366 ANCPX-I* 115 AC 6.64 5.98 - 25 - 5.35 4.82 6 DC 74 P 367 CPX-I 12 DC 100 5.35 4.82 74 p 368 CPX-2 24 DC 400 5.40 .4.86 74 P 369 CPX-3 110 DC BOOO 5.95 5.35 74 P 370 CPX-4 DPDT ACTION 6AC ... 6.24 5.62 74 P 371 ACPX-5 .,. 6.24 5.62 12 AC 74 P 372 ACPX-6 ACPX-7 24 AC 74 P 373 ... 6.29 5.66 115 AC ... &.44 5.80 74 P 374 ACPX-8 ... 7.29 6.56 74 P 375 ANCPX-2* 115 AC -6DC 25 5.84 5.26 74 P 376 CPX-5 12 DC 100 '5.84 5.26 74 P 377 CPX-6 24DC 400 5.89 5.30 74 P 378 CPX-7 110 DC SOOO 6.44 5.BO 74 P 379 CPX-S 3PDT ACTION 6AC 74 P 380 ACPX-9 ... 7.66 6.89 12 AC 74 P 381 ACPX-I0 7.66 6.89 24 AC ACPX-ll 74 P 382 ... 7.81 7.03 115AC 74 P 383 ACPX-12 7.96 7.16 74 P 384 ANCPX-3* 115 AC 8.81 7.93 6DC 25 7.21 6.49 74 P 385 CPX-9 12 DC 100 7.21 6.49 74 P 3B6 CPX-IO 24DC 400 7.26 6.53 74 P 387 CPX-ll HODC SOOO l·BI 7.03 74 P 388 CPX-12 74 P 3421 X-17 74 P 343 X-IS 74 P 344 X-19 110.0 rna 12500 14.0113.6113.4113.2112.81 7.2 rna 5000 4.1 I 3.70 3.49 3.292.BB 5.0 rna 10K 4.51 4.06 3.B3 3.61 3.16 74 P 3451 X-20 74 P 346 X-21 74 P 347 X-22 112.3 rna 12500 14.441'4.0013.7713.5513., I 3PDT ACTION u: TYPE 88L CONTINUOUS-DUTY LATCHING RELAYS Two 88-relays with independent operating calls and interlocking atch-in levers mounted on single base. Energizing one armature releases (resets) other. IO-amp silver alloy contacts. Nominal power AC; "nits, 6 VA; DC, 3 w. 11716Xly.,x211A6n. 7V. oz. -- 4PDT ACTION Stock No. Mfr's Type WSS- . Coil 6AC 74 P 34B ALX-2 74 P 349 ALX-3 24AC 74 P 350\ALX_4 115 AC 74P351'1~ 6DC 74 P 352 LX-2 12 DC 24DC HODC ~: ~ ~~!lti:! 74 74 74 14 74 74 74 P P P P P P P EAC.H Volts Ohms 9 -...- 10.60 ... 10.60 10.60 9.65 50 9.65 200 9.65 400 10.85 ----u 6PDT 355ALX-5 6AC ... 356 ALX-6 24AC ... ... 357 ALX-7 115 AC 6 DC 12 358 LX-5 12 DC SO 359 LX-6 360 LX-7 24 DC 200 361 LX-8 110 DC 4000 300 • ALLIED 1- 1024 9.54 9.54 9.54 8.68 8.68 B.6B 9.76 2549 9.01 9.01 9.01 B.20 8.20 B.20 9.22 50- 100- 25099 249 499 8.4B 7.95 7.42 8.4B 7.95 7.42 8.4B 7.95 7.42 7.72 7.24 6.76 7.72 7.24 6.76 7.72 7.24 6.76 B.6B B.14 7_60 ACTION '2.801' 1.52 12.BO I 1.52 12.BO'1 1.52 I 1.7t 0.57 I 1.75 10.57 11.75 10.57 12.95 I 1.65 25- 50- 100 49 99 ~ -4.40 3.85 4~68 4.68 4.72 4.85 5.64 4.55 4.55 4.59 5.0& 4.40 4.44 4.56 5.31 4.28 4.28 4.32 4.76 5.30 5.30 5.35 5.47 6.20 4.96 4.96 5.01 5.47 4.99 4.37 4.99 4.37 5.03 4.40 5.15 4.51 5.B3 -_.- 5.10 4.67 4.09 4.67 4.09 4.71 4.12 5:15 4.51 6.51 6.51 6.64 6.77 7.49 6.13 6.13 6.17 6.64 6.,315.36 6.135.36 6.255.47 6.375.57 ... 3.85 3.89 3.99 4.6~ 3.75 3.75 3.78 4.17 ""I~ 5.77 5.77 5.81 6.25 5.05 5.05 5.08 5.47 DC-ACTUATED PLATE-CIRCUIT TYPE SPDT ACTION 7.2 rna 12500 13.7513.3813.1913.0012.62 5.0 rna 5000 3.85 3.47 3.27 3.0B 2.69 1 3.6 rna 10K 4.25 3.B3 3.61 3.402.97 DPDT ACTION ~:r:::~ ~g~ ::~: ::~: !:~~ ~:~~ -... ... DC-ACTUA"J;ED PLATE-CIRCUIT TYPE SPDT ACTION 7.4 P 3391 X-14 74 P 340 X-IS 74 P 341 X-16 @] EACH Coil Res. Volts or ma Ohms Mfr's Type 10.BB 10.24 9.60'8.96 10.BB 10.24 9.608.96 I O.BB 10.24 9.60B.96 '9.99 9.40 B.B I B.23 9.99 9.40 B.B I B.23 9.99 9.40 B.BI B.23 I 9.719.07 74 P 3891 CPX-13 74 P 390 CPX-14 74 P 391 CPX-15 I 74 P 3921 CPX-16 74 P 393 CPX-17 74 P 394 CPX-IS 110.0 rna 12500 16.3015.6715.3615.0414.41 7.2 rna 5000 6.40 5.76 5.44 5.12 4.4B 5.0 rna 10K 6.80 6.12 5.78 5.444.76 . 3PDT ACTION 74 P 3951 CPX-19 74 P 396 CPX-20 74 P 397 CPX-21 112.3 rna 12500 17.7016.9316.5516.1615.39 S.7 rna 5000 7.80 7.02 6.63 6.24 5.46 6.1 rna 10K B.20 7.3B 6.97 6.565.74 7.2 rna 12500 15.90115.3'15.0214.7214.,3 5.0 rna 5000 6.00 5.40 5.10 4.80 4.20 3.6 rna 10K 6.40 5.76 5.44 5.12 4.4B DPDT ACTION @] TYPE 880 HEAVY·DUTY POWER RELAYS Positive wiping, SO-amp double-break contacts. SPST, normally open, action. Nominal power: AC units, 3 VA; DC, 1.S w. Solder terminals; #6-32 mtg. hole, locating boss. 1'l'i6xl 1!.,xI17(6n• Wt., 5 oz. Stock No. 74 P 74 P 74 P 74 P 74 P 74P 74 P Mfr's Type was- Coil Volts Ohms -...24AC OB4 ADX-I OB5 ADX-2 115 AC .... OB6 ADX-3 230 AC ... 6DC 087 DX-l 25 12DC 100 OBB DX-2 24DC 400 OB9 DX-3 091 DX-4 HODC BOOO -- 19 5.15 5.25 5.70 4.65 4.65 4.70 5.94 1024 4.64 4.73 5.13 4.19 4.19 .4.23 5.35 EACH SO- 2549 4.38 4.46 4.B5 3,95 3.95 4.00 5.05 lDO- 25099 249 '499 4.12 3.86 3.61 4.20 3.94 3.6B 4.56 4.28 3.99 3.72 3.49 3.26 3.72 3.49 3.26 3.76 3.53 3.29 4.754.46 4.16 ill TYPE 88R INDUSTRIAL·CONTROL POWER RELAYS 15-ampere contacts. DPDT action. Nominal power: AC units, 3 VA; DC., 1.5 W_ 6-32 mtg. hole, boss. 1'j(J,xll'j(J,xlVa". 4-oz. 6AC 74 P 398 ARX-l ... 5.97 5.37 5.07 4.7B 4.4B 4.18 74 P 399 ARX-2 12 AC 5.97 5.37 5.07 4.78 4.48 4.IB ARX-3 24AC 74 P 400 ... 6.02 5.42 5.12 4.B2 4.52 4.21 74 P 40 I ARX-4 115 AC 6.17 5.55 5.24 4.94 4.63 4.32 74 P 402 RX-I ~ 25 5.90 5.31 5.03 4.72 4.43 i l l 12 DC 100 5.90 5.31 5.03 4.72 4.43 4.13 74 P 403 RX-2 24DC 400 5.95 5.36 5.06 4.76 4.46 4.17 74 P 404 RX-3' 74 P 406 RX-4 110DC 8000 6.40 5.76 5.44 5.12 4.BO 4.4B .... Inquire for Prices on Magnecraft Relays in Quantities Larger Than Shown Magnecraft Hermetically Sealed and Open Relays HERMETICALL Y SEALED RELAYS TELEPHONE-TYPE OPEN RELAYS @] ~ TYPE 88H AC AND DC PLUG-IN RELAYS Highly reliable general-purpose relays with standard B-pin octal mounting plug. All have OP OT action. Silver alloy contacts rated at 4 amps-hermetically sealed for long life and freedom from breakdown. Nominal power: AC units, 3 VA; DC, 1.5 w. Internal construction similar to that llsed on top~quality telephone-type relays. Size, 2' 1;J,xl l1;',". Shpg. wt., 5 oz. Mfr', Stock No. Type Coi 1- Volts Ohms W88AHPX·4 6 AC ..... W88AHPX·5 12 AC ..... W88AHPX·6 24 AC ..... W88AHPX·7 115 AC W88HPX·3 6 DC 25 W88HPX-4 12 DC 100 W88HPX-5 24 DC 400 W88HPX-6' 110 DC 8000 74P072 74P074 74P075 74P076 74P077 74 P 078 74 P 082 74 P 083 9 8.59 I 8.59 8.64 8.79 8.19 8.19 8.24 9.29 1024 7.73 7.73 7.78 7.91 7.37 7.37 7.42 8.36 EACH 255049 99 7.30 6.87 7.30 6.87 7.34 6.91 7.47 .~ 6.96 6.55 6.96 6.55 7.00 6.59 7.90 7.43 100· 249 6.44 6.44 6.48 6.59 6.14 6.14 6.1 B 6.97 250· 499 6.02 6.02 6.05 6.15 5.73 5.73 5.77 6.51 ~ TYPE 11 H MINIATURE DC RELAYS 5-amp silver alloy contacts. 4PDT types have 14-pin glass insulated solder terminal header; nominal power. 1.5 w.; 6 PDT have 20-pin header; nom. power, 2.5 w. Use three 6-32 mtg. studs. Shpg. wt., 6 oz. 4PDT ACTION-2)1.xl%xlo/a" 74 P 0931 74 P 094 74 P 095 74 P 096 WlIHSX32116 DCI 25115.92114.33113.53112.7411 1.9411 1.14 WlIHSX322 12 DC 10015.9714.3713.5712.78 I 1.98 I 1.18 WlIHSX323 24 DC 40015.97 14.37 13.57 12.78 I 1.98 I 1.18 WIIHSX324110 DC 9000 17.06 15.35 14.50 13.65 12.80 I 1.95 6POT ACTION-2y"xI 4U,xl'%," 74P097IWlIHSX32616DCI13119.91117.92116.92115.93114.93113.94 74 P 098 WlIHSX327 12 DC 5619'.91 17.9216.9215.93 14.93 13.94 74 P 099 WlIHSX328 24 DC 28019.9617.9616.9615.9714.9713.97 74P 100 WlIHSX329 110 DC 500020.1818.1617.1516.1415.1414.13 ~ TYPE 22H AC AND DC P'OWER RELAYS Small relays with silver alloy 5-amp contacts. 4PDT action. Terminals brought out to 14-pin glass insulated header. Nominal power: AC type, 5VA; 6 v. and 12 v., DC, 2 w.; 24 v. and 110 v .. DC, 1.5 w Three 6 32 mtg studs 2'V,.xlo/axlV,." 7 oz _74P 101 W22AHSX32 115 AC 500 17.30 15.57 14.71 13.84 12.98 12.11 ----74P 102 W22HSX144 6 DC 2017.00 15.30 14.45 13.60 12.75 11.90 74 P 103 W22HSX145 12 DC SO 17.00 15.30 14.45 13.60 12.75 11.90 74PI04 W22HSX146 24 DC 37517.05 15.35 14.49 13.64 12.79 11.94 74P 105 W22HSX147 110 DC 8000 18.03 16.23 15.33 14.42 13.52 12.62 ~ TYPE 33H SUBMINIATURE DC RELAYS Sealed relays with 5-amp silver alloy contacts. DPDT units have 8-pin glass insulated solder hook terminal header; 4PDT have 14pin header. Nominal power required, 3-watts. Have three #4-40 mounting studs. Size, 14 loi,xl'1;J,x3 'A>". Shpg. wt .• 3 oz. DPDT ACTION 9.25 74P 106IW33HSX17716DCI17113.21111.89111.23110.5719.911 74 P 107 W33HSX178 12 DC 7513.21 I 1.89 I 1.23 10.57 9.91 9.25 74 P 108 W33HSX179 24 DC 28013.26 I 1.93 I 1.27 10.61 9.95 9.28 74P 109 W33HSXlS01l0DC 650013.8712.4811.7911.1010.40 9.71 4POT ACTION 74P 74 P 74 P 74 P 110 III I 12 I 13 IW33HSXI8116'DCI17116.65114.99/14.15113.32112.49/11.66 W33HSX182 12 DC 75 16.65 14.99 14.15 13.32 12.49 I 1.66 W33HSX183 24 DC 2SO 16.70 15.03 14.20 13.36 12.53 I 1.69 W33HSX184110 DC 650017.3615.6214.7613.89 13.02 12.15 TYPE 22CP REMOVABLE-COVER DC PLUG-IN RELAYS Not illus. 5-amp silver alloy contacts; 20-pin octal plug. 6POT action. Nom. power, 3 w. Internal bracket supports dust cover; hold-down bracket has two 6-32 mtg. holes. 3'~,x2'Y,6Xlo/,.". B oz. 74'P 74 P 74P 74P 151 152 153 104 IW22CPX-6116DCI12/16.72115.05114.21113.38112.54111.70 W22CPX-62 12 DC 5016.72 15.05 14 21 13.38 12.54 I 1.70 W22CPX-63 24DC 22516.7715.0914.2513.4212.5811.74 W22CPX-641lODC Soor 17.3515.6214,7-113-8813.0112.15 TYPE 11 0 MINIATURE DC POWER RELAYS Small-size relay with big-relay reliability, accuracy and long-life. Have heavy brass contact arms and large 50-amp silver alloy contacts, All aTe SPDT, norm:tlly open, double break. Nominal power, 1.S w. Solder terminals spaced for easy wiring. Have four #'l-,lO tapped mounting holes on VaX'l16 centers 1'l16X11Y16Xl%" 4 oz Coil EACH Mfr's stock 1025501· Volts Res. 100250· No, Type 24 or rna Ohms 9 49 249 499 99 74P 155 WllDX·38 6 DC 25 5.39 4.85 4.58 4.31 4.04 3.77 74P 156 WllDX-39 12 DC 100 5.45 4.91 4.63 4.36 4.09 3.82 74P 157 WllDX-40 24 DC 400 5.45 4.91 4.63 4.3& 4.09 3.82 74 P 158 WllDX-41 110 DC 9000 6.08 5.47 5.17 4.86 4.56 4.26 .. - -- @] - -- - TYPE 22T SMALL AC-DC TWIN-CONTACT RELAYS Long-form type with twin Palladium contacts rated at 4-amps. Nominal power for AC DPDT unit,S VA; 4PDT, 16 and 12 V-2.0w; 24 and 110 VA-1.5w; 6PDT-3.0 w; and plate-circuit types: DPDT, 200 mw; SPDT, 100 mw. Tinned terminals mount at heel end with two #6-32 tapped mtg. holes on % centers. l%x 1:y"x2V,6". Wt .. 6 oz. ' 4PDT ACTION (except *AC unit-DPDT) 74 P 159 W22ATX-12' 115 AC 500 5.94 5.35 5.05 4.75 4.46 4.16 74P 160 W22TX-267 6 DC 20 8.44 7.60 7.17 6.75 6.33 5.91 74P 161 W22TX-268 12 DC 80 8.44 7.60 7.17 6.75 6.33 5.91' 74 P 162 W22TX-269 24 DC 375 8.49 7.64 7.2~ 6.79 6.37 5.94 74 P I b3 W22TX-270 110 DC '8000 9.97 B.97 8.47 7.98 7.48 6.98 6PDT ACTION 12 1 I •B7 110.6811 0.0919.5°1 8.901 8.3 r 74 P 164IW22TX-2711 6 DCI 74 P 165 W22TX-272 12 DC 501I 1.87 10.68 10.09 9.50 8.90 B.31 74 P I b6 W22TX-273 24 DC 225 I 1.92 10.73 10.13 9.54 8.94 8.34 74 P 167 W22TX-274 110 DC 500012.91 I 1.62 10.97 10.33 9.68 9.04 DC-ACTUATED PLATE-CIRCUIT TYPE-SPOT (el uperior tlectnc Industrial Automation Aids SLO-SYN TRANSLATORS ST-2S0 and ST-l 000_ Pulse-to-step converters for use with appropriate bifilar-type synchronous motors (see listings below). Used in programmed positioning, indexing, digital counters, programmed mixing, remote meter indication. and many other applications. Convert low-level signal impulses or square waves into the correct switching sequence needed to drive motor at 200 dis' crete steps per. revolution. Internal power supply permits operation alternate from an external shorting switch Shpg wt 12 lbs SLO-SYN PRESET INDEXERS . .SP250-4 and SPI000-4. (Notillus.) Ideally suited for.~ontrol of indexing op~tations in applications using synchronous ·motors for positioning. Any indexing movement desired can be set on control panel. Automatically provides correct ·switching sequence required to drive motor needed number of 1.8 0 steps. Can be made to cycle automatically. Capable of controlling indexing move-ments up to 9999 steps. Index cycle can be actuated manually from control panel or with an external switch Wt 15lbs EACH Power Input @120Y., AC 1-5 6·24 25·99 0.5 amps 292_50 325.00 276.25 318_75 1.0 amps 375.00 337.50 0.75 amps 616_25 725_00 652.50 1.25 amps 775.00 697.50 658.75 .. Stock No. 75 75 75 75 ST-250 AND ST-1000 • Program,:"ed Positioning • Indexing and Indicating Operations TORQUE VS SPEED 520o~ ~ u .. e ..g ~ ISO U Z 100 WITH S5250.1002 OR x250·t002 MOTOR ~~TS:~~;,;, ERROR 0 . . . 1' \ 0 "e WITH SLO:SYN TYPE XIOOO·IOOZ MOrOR 0 .... !'\ "~)UNNIN! \ " """- 50 TORQUE VS SPEED SP1000-4 AND ST-1000 1500 SP250-4 AND ST-250 ~ '"~'\~ ~,s~~~jERROR FIGURE 1 ,00 50 ,50 200 Type ST-250 ST-1000 SP250-4 SPIOOO-4 PU 403 PU 404 PU416 PU 417 . 75 P 442. BP262G19. 2-0hm Dropping Resistor_ 25W. For ST-250 and SP250-4 with SSSO. 6-24____ . __ EACH 1_80 25-99_ • •...• EACH 1.70 1009 motor. 1-5 .. _. ___ EACH 2_00 75 P 447. BMI020886S. I-Ohm Dropping Resistor. 50W. For ST-1000 and SP1000-4 with SS2S0-1027 and SS400-1002 motors. 1-5.EACH 2_50 6-24_ .. EACH 2_25 2S-99_.EACH 2_13 • Remote Positioning 25 0 Mfr's \ RUNNING ./' -.......... r--- FIG'URE 2 2 50 300 0 SPEED (STEPS PER SECONDI 20 40 60 SO 100 .20 Torque vs. speed characteristics for the ST -250 and SP250-4 when used with a Type SS250-1002 or Type X2S0-1002 motor are shown in Fig. 1. The ST-250 and SP250-4 can also be used with a SSI50-IOIO motor. For higher stepping rates. use a SSSO-1009 motor and a 2-ohm, 25-watt dropping resistor (see listings above). Fig. 2 illustrates torque vs. speed characteristics for the ST1000 or SP1000-4 when operated with a type XIOOO-IQ02 motor. For higher stepping rates, the ST-IOOO and SPIOOO-4 can be used with a Type SS400-1002, or Type SS250-1027 motor, and a I-ohm, 50-watt dropping resistor (see listings above). SPEED fST)£PS PER SECOND) SLO-SYN BIFILAR MOTORS Synchronous motors for DC stepping appli'" cations where the use of push-pull circuitry and a center-tapped power supply is not possible, or where increased torque at high stepping-speeds is required. Only a singleended power source and SPDT switching ing is necessary. *Indicates BMI0208865 dropping resistor (above) is required when motor is. to be used witb ST -1000 or SPIOOO-4. tlndicates BP262GI9 dropping resistor (above) is required when used in conjunction with ST-250 or SP2S0-4. USE WITH ST-250 AND SP250-4 EACH Stock Mfr's Wt. Fig. DC Amps Per Size Type No. Volts Winding (in.) Lb•. 1-5 25-99 -1-.3-- 2Yzx3Ya 3Yz ~ ·6-24 75 PU410 SSSO-1009t A 54.905t:85 75 PU 411 SS150-1010 A 10.0 1.25 4'l'ax414 8 70_00 63.00 59_SO 75PU412 SS250-1002 A 9.0 1.55 4'l'ax414 8 90.00 81_00 76.50 I s:s USE WITH ST-1000 AND SP1OOO-4 75 PU 413ISS250-1027*1 B 1 4.61 75 PU 414 S8400-1002* B . 83 75 PU 415 Xl000-1002 A 10.0 Maintenance-free constant speed motors with high torque. instant stop-start-reverse characteristics. For remote control, numerioal control systems, and automatic eqUi.pment_ 75 75 75 75 75 P 422 P 984 P 439 P 440 P 423 Mfr's Type R-SS25 R-SS50/SS150 R-SS250/SS400 R-XI000 R-SS1S00 310. AWfD Use With Motor I EACH , _ _ ~6-24~ 5 1.00 .90 .85 2511.25 1.13 1.06 50 2.50 2_25 2.12 160 3.50 3_15 2.98 300 6.50 5.85 5_52 Ohms Watts SS25 500 SS50/SS150 250 SS250/SS400 150 XI000 65 SS180 40 I I 14 'l'aX 4 14 8 6%x414 15 714x6Yz 25 90.00 125_00 220.00 I 81_00 112.50 198.00 I 76.50 106.25 187_00 SLO-SYN SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS Adaptable for a variety of heavy-duty conis 72 rpm @ 60 cycles AC. 'XIOOO is square tinuous control applications requiring an design, explosion-proof, for 60 cycles AC instant-reversing motor. Basic shaft-speed only. EACH Torque Max. Stock Mfr's Size Wt. Type Oz ... ln. Amps Lx Dla. No. Lbo. 1-5 6-24 25-99 SS25 25 o:t 2~x2Mz"' 40.00 75 P 242 lYz 36.00 """"34.00 50 SS50 0.3 2Yzx3o/a" 3Yz 36.00 32-40 75 P 458 30.60 SS150 150 8 0.4 45.00 47Isx4!4" 40.50 38.25 75 P 977. 4 7/ax4'!411 8 SS250 250 0.6 75 PU 405 65.00 58.50 55.25 SS400 400 0.6 75 PU 401 100.00 90.00 6%x4\4" 15 85.00 1000 X1000* 3.0 195.00 175.50 165_75 75 PU 402 714x6Yz" 25 1800 9 Yzx6 Yz. SS1800 4.0 45 75 PU 420 265.00 238.50 225.25 RESISTORS Fixed, wirewound resistors for use with capacitors (right), for application in phase shifting networks for motors in table above_ Tolerance: ±S%. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz_ Stock No. 3.1 2.2 3.6 I CAPACITORS Can-type electrolytics for use with resistors (left) for application in phase-shift networks for "Slo-Syn" motors (see listing above). All rated 330 VAC· Av shpg wt 3 oz " EACH Stock Mfr"s Use With Mfd No. Type Motor 1-5 6-24 25-99 - -.75- 3.00 2.70 2.55 SS25 75 P 424 C_SS25 SS50 2.6 4_50 4_05 3.82 75 P 494 C-SSSO SS150 3.75 3;50 3.15 2.97 75 P 987 C-SS1S0 4_50 4_05 3.82 75 P 443 C-SS250/SS400 SS250/SS400 6.5 X1000 30.0 18_00 16.20 15.30 75 P 441 C-XI000 SS1S00 50 24.00 22.00 21.00 75 P 425 C-SS1800 Allied-Everything in Electronics from One Dependable Source Test leads, and Voltage and Continuity Testers N.H.SMITH TEST LEADS ____________________ -torr- =F7 ,..-=t.DD::600 "" ~ ioll>- c:S>=> =€# -=- """""" ...,.".. A __: ·J~ ~ ijn:~": 613 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;XlO"<-I=' "",,_..-=:y,..,.iB'>- ~ ~ 603 ~.e:~ .. ;::@>- ~ ~ ~ ~~ .~ 622 ,""615 Type 600 Solderless-Tip Test Leads. Two molded butyrate prods, each 4/1 long, with Ye" outer diameter. One handle i~ red. the other black-meet MIL-L-P349A. Type 3. Class MS specs. Salderlcss. paiuted phone tips are nickel-plated brass. Supplied with extraflexible. rubber-covered kinkless wire, 50" ~~'~; ~~% ~~.~ ~~~~~'. ~~,~.g: .\~~·PE~ ~'AIR .87 Type 619 Phono Needle Test Leads. A pair of red and black test prods. 6" laug. with %" outer diameter. Handle is made of molded butyrate (per MIL-L-P.349A). with uickelplated brass plug. Needle is made of nickelplated steel. Phone tips are used on the meter end of the extra-flexible. rubbercovered wire leads. 50" long; red. black ~~'~I~s~2'~Ire .. ~I~~~ .. :~t: •. :. ~P'ER ~ PAIR 1.26 Type 603 All Solderless Test Leads. Red and black molded butyrate haudles (per MIL-LP349A). each 4" loug with %" outer diameter. One red, Olle black plug made of molded thermas(·ttiug plastic (per MIL-P-14 CFG). Has salderIess nickel-plated brass tip on each end of wires. Supplied with extraflexible. rubber-covered kinkless wire. 50" long. Shpg. wt .• 3 oz. 1 26 69 F' 951 ......... 1 • • • • • • • • PER PAIR • Type 622 High-Tension Test Leads. One red. aue black heavy-duty lead with fiber prod handle and plug. Handle is 5" long with liz" outer diameter; also has finger guard. Plug is 1" long, with liz" O.D. Both meet MIL-F1148A specs. Brass. nickel-plated tip; insulated alligator clips on meter end. 50" long. rubber-covered wire. Shpg. wt .• 4 oz. 2 40 69F'955 ................. PERPAIR • Type 625 Meter Test Leads with Solderless Prods. Red. black handle of molded butyrate (per MIL-L-P349A), 4" long. %" O.D. Red and black elbow made of molded thermosetting plastic (per MIL-P-14 CFG). Have nickel-plated brass body; 4-leaved spring. phosphor-bronze. nickel-plated. Supplied with 50" long rubber-covered wire. Has ~~a~~-~t..".'.e.t~~ .t~~ •. ~~,.p.~·.~~ER3 P"liR 1.35 69 F' 957. Type 626 Leads with Needle Prod. Same as Type 625 above. but with nickelplated steel needle and phone-tip meter tip. Shpg. wt .• 3 az .............. PER PAIR 1.35 SITTLER VOLTAGE TESTER Type T202. Handy low-valt- ( / age tester. Range: 5 to SO volts AC-DC. Useful" for testing low-voltage circuits in autos, batteries, radio and TV filament circuits. etc. Uses incandescent lamp. ' ~~a~ ~g~~~~r. ~l.i~~ .. ~llP~ .. ~v.t: •. ~ .a.z: ...• 99 ~ ~ 647 604 Type 616 Shielded Test Leads. Plugs iusert fiush to insulated. molded butyrate handle. Red aud black prods (3" long. VI." diameter) have retractable cover-no metal exposcdeliminates possibility of shock or grounding. Haudle meets MIL-L-P349A specs. With 50" long extra-flexible. rubber-covered wire. Prod tip brass, nickel-plated; meter ~~dF ~~~ne .ti p: .,:~.: .3. ~~: .. PER PAIR 1.80 Type 699 Test Lead Kit. Universal-50 leads iu one. Includes a pair of 54%" leads and 12 testing tips and connectors. Plastic handles at each end of leads have threaded receptacles to fit screw-in tips and cannectorsensure firm mechanical and electrical contact. Interchangeable attachments include: 4 phone tips. 2 alligator clips. 2 needle tips. 2 banana piUllS. and 2 spade lugs. With transparent plastic wallet-styled kit. Shpg. ~~·F59~~ ........................ 2.40 69 F' 960 Type 679 Kit. Similar to above. but with interchangeable miniature accessories. All parts adapt into prod handle or meter tip. Includes: 2 alligator clips. 2 phone tips. 2 banana plugs. 2 needle tips. 2 spade lugs. and plastic kit. 8 oz................. 2.40 Type 604 Alligator Clip Test Leads. 12" wire leads with cadmium-plated steel alligator ~~P~ g: .~~.: .1. ~~'........ PER PAIR .57 ;i'f. 69 F' 962. Type 629 with Boots. As above. but with vinyl plastic boots; one red. the other black. Wt .. 2 az .............. PER PAIR .81 69 F' 964. Type 716 Midget. (Not iIIus.) Same as above. but uses midget-type alligator clips. Shpg. wt .. 1 oz .... PER PAIR .81 Type 627 Alligator Clip Test Leads. Cadmiumplated steel clips mounted in molded butyrate handles (per MIL-L-P349A). Molded thermosetting plastic plug handles (per MIL-P-14 CFG) hold salderIess. nickel-plated brass tips. Clip and plug handles red. black. 50" wire. Wt .• 3 oz. 99 69 F' 965 ..................... PER PAIR. 69 F' 966. Type 628 with Elbows. (Not illus.) As above. with molded plastic elbows; meter-tip plugs. 3 oz........ PER PAIR 1.20 69 F' 967. Type 647. As above. with bananatype meter tips. Wt .• 3 oz .... PER PAIR 1.20 .610-611 670 Type 649 Alligator Clip Test Leads with Lugs. (Not illus.) Similar to Type 647 at left. but with spade lugs. Lugs are made of hattinned steel. Shpg. wt .. 2 oz. 69 F' 968 .............. : ... PER PAIR 1.20 Type 671 Crocodile Clip Test Leads. Cadmium-plated steel crocodile clips in vinyl-plastic. red and black boots. Spade lug of hattinned steel. in molded butyrate handle. 50" ~~b~e~6".f~.e.re~ .~~r:: .3. ~~'... PER PAIR 1.20 69 F' 970. Type 675 with Elbows. (Not illus.) Same as above. but with molded plastic elbows (per MIL-P-14 CFG). with metertip plugs. Shpg. wt .. 3 az .... PER PAIR 1.14 69 F' 971. Type 648 with Elbows. (Not ilIus.) Same as Type 675 above. but has bananatype meter tips. 3 oz......... PER PAIR I .14 Type 610 Test Lead Kit. Contains one pair of leads-one red. the other black. One end has salderless phone tip test prod; other end has insulated banana plugs. Handles are molded tenite. 4" long. %" outer diameter. Kit includes two each of the following fittings for snapping onto banana plugs: phone tips. alligator clips. and spade lugs. With SO" long. extra-flexible. rubber-covered ~~n~l~s;2~~~e: . ~~:~: .\~~.: .~ .o.z: ...... 1.20 69 F' 973. Type 611 Test Lead Kit. Same as above. but has needle-tip prods. 4 oz. I.BO Type 670 Slim Handle Test Leads. Machined butyrate handles-one red. the other black. Meet MIL-P-I0408A. Type 1. Class 2 specifications. Handy size handles. 5" long. Y16" outer diameter. Nickel-plated brass tips at both ends. Supplied complete with extra-flexible. rubber-covered kinkless wire ~;'!;"9~~ ~~~l~~~ ~~~~'. ~~.~~·.':"~E·R 3p~'R .66 Type 698 Slim Jim Test Leads. (Not iIIus.) 4" molded butyrate handles. %" outer diameter. Extra-long 3 Yz" tip allows you to reach hard-ta-get-at places. Tips are insulated with vinyl spaghetti tubing. Molded thermosetting plastic elbows with angle phone-tips at meter end. Nickel-plated brass tips. 50inches long rubber-covered leads-one red. the other black; made of extra-flexible kink- ~~sF'w~~e&.~l~~~ .. ~t: •. :.~~' .... PER PAIR 1.14 AMF PRO-GLO CONTINUITY TESTER Easy-ito-use glow-type tester. Checks continuity, shorts. grounds, and open circuits in switches, when resistance exceeds 2 ohms. For dead circuits only. 5 Yz"x%" dia. With bulb and penlight cell. relays. fuses. etc. Dim light indicates poor connection -no light 2~P:-6'Y~: ~.~~' ............. 99 G-C NEO-O-LITE TESTER Convenient neon-glow type tester. Indicates voltages from 60 v. AC Type T203. Similar to above. but tests 2 liz and 90 v. DC to 500 v. AC-DC. Excellent for finding "hot" AC ~~ o"~:ts ~~:~.~'.................. 99 , leads. checking fuses and spark 2: Everything in Electronics from One Reliable Source plugs, appliance repair, etc. Neon bulb is mounted in insulating holder. 5" insulated leads with ~~a~~~t. ~~.ds .. :::':.~ .a.z: .. .44 ALLIED. 311 Alpha Wire and Cable MIL-W-16.878D HOOK-UP WIRE TYPE B":"'UNCOVERED PLASTIC, 600 VOLTS, 105°C Stranded tinned-copper with .010" poly;;:;;;;;=;;=;a~2:;; -p-:=ea vinylchloride i~sulation. Resistant to 'acid, alkalies, oil. flame, moisture. sol- vents, and fnngus. Wall thickness, .010". In brown, red, orange, yellow, green, white, black, blue. Specify color wanted. Mfr's Mil Gauge Type Type (Strand) 28 (7x36) 26 (7x34) 24 (7x32) 24 (19x36) 22 (7x30) 1852"" ·B-28 1853 1854 1854/19 1855 B-26 B-24 B-24 B-22 Nom. 0.0. Mfr'. Mil Gauge Type Type .034" .038" .043" .043" .050" 1855/19 1856 1856/19 1857 1857/19 B-22 B-20 B-20 B-18 B-18 (Strand) 22 (19x34) 20 (7x28) 20 (19x32) 18 (7x26) 18 (19x30) 1000' Spool Stock No. EACH Stock No. 100' Spool Stock No. EACH Mfr's Type 1852 1853 1854 1854/19 1855 1855/19 1856 1856/19 1857 1857/19 49 TT 900 49 TT 901 49·TT 902 48 TT777 49 TT 903 48 TT778 49 TT904 4B TT779 4B TT780 48 TT787 1.15 49 TT 907 1.25 49 TT 908 1.21 49 TT 909 1.49 48 TT7B8 1.25 49 TT 910 1.52 48 TT 789 1.40 49 TT 911 1.55 48 TT 790 1.50 48 TT791 1.96 4B TT 792 B.73 B.BI 7.59 11,03 8.56 11.20 10.11 11.52 11.11 14.05 Nom. 0.0. .050" .058" .058" .068" .068" 4B 4B 4B 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 832 833 835 EACH 42.00 42.38 36.3B 54.00 41.25 54.75 48.75 57.00 54.75 69.75 As above, but with clear nylon (polyamide) jacket overall. Resists flame, fungus, most chemicals, and moisture. Wall thickness, .0IOn. Available in same colors as above. Specify color wanted. Mfr's ~ 1863 1864 1864/19 1865 Mfr'. Type 1862 1863 1864 1864/19 1865 1865/19 1866 1866/19 1867 1867/19 Mil Gauge Nom. 0.0. 28 (7x36) .041" 26 (7x34) .044" 24 (7x32) .049" 24 (19x36) .049" 22 (7x30) .056" Type (Strand) B-28 B-26 B-24 B-24 B-22 1.QO' Spool Stock No. EACH 49 TT914 49 TT 915 49TT 916 48 TT B39 49 TT 917 48 TT B40 49 TT 918 48 TT 841 4B TT B42 4B TT 843 1.3B 1.53 1.44 1.65 1.55 1.88 1.64 1.89 1.96 2.21 Type Mil Type 1865/19 1866 1866/19 1867 1867/19 B-22 B-20 B-20 B-18 B-18 Mfr'. 1000 1 Spool Stock No. EACH 48 49 ·49 4B 49 48 49 48 48 4B TT 844 TT 922 TT 923 TT 845 TT 924 TT 846 TT 925 TT847 TT 849 TT B51 10.7B 11.34 10.20 12.50 11.34 14.29 12.17 14.46 15.26 17.40 Gauge (Strand) 22 (19x34) 20 (7x28) 20 (19x32) 18 (7x26) 18 C19x30) .056" .064" .064" .074" .074" 5000 1 Spool Stock No. EACH 4B 48 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 48 48 48 TT"852 TT 853 TT 854 TT 855 TT 856 TT 857 TT 85B TT 860 TT B61 TT B62 52.50 55.50 49.50 &1.50 55.B8 70.50 60.00 71.25 76.13 B7.00 DULON® PLASTIC HOOK-UP WIRE-1000 VOLTS, 8GoC Mil Gauge Type 5110 C-24(7)u 5111 C-22(7)u 5113 C-20(10)u 5115 C-18(16)u Gauge Mil Nom. Mfr's 0.0. Type Nom. (Strand) 0.0. Type (Strand) 24 (7x32) .050" 5121 C-22(I)u 22s;;ud .051" 22 (7x30) .056" 5123 C-20(I)u 20 solid .058' 20 (IOx30) .064" 5125 C-18(1)u 18 solid .066" 18 (16x30) .075" STRANDED CONDUCTOR Mfr's Type 100 1 Spool Stock No. EACH 1000' Spool Stock No. EACH 5000' Spool Stock No. EACH 5110 5111 5113 5115 4B 48 48 48 48 TT 915 48 TT 916 48 TT 917 48 TT 918 SOLID 4B 48 4B 4B TT TT TT TT 904 90S 906 907 5121 ·5123 5125 .93 .93 1.05 1.23 5.25 5.85 7.15 9,10 TT TT TT TT 922 923 924 925 24.75 27.75 34.25 44.00 Neoprene, Jacket-Heavy-Duty. Stranded 'tinned-copper conductors, JoE color-coded rubber insulation •. cotton wrap, braided tinned-copper shield and tough neoprene jacket overall. Conductor strand: size 18, 41x34; size 16, 65x34. Jacket: l-cond .. 030"; all others, .035". Oil· and acid resistant. For outdoor use. C·:m:luctor Mfr's Type Wall 0.0. No. Size i449"" -I- -18- .040" 1450 1451 1452 1450/16 18 18 18 16 2 3 4 2 .250" .305" .020" .020" .020" .025" .325" .335" .345" EACH 100' Spool 1000' Spool No. 48 TT 941 11.03 104.08 4B TT 942 15.39 147.00 ·209.77 4B TT 943 21.61 48TT 944 24.49 238.73 48 TT 945 19.70 191;10 Stock SHIELDED MICROPHONE CABLE Plastic Jacket--Standard-Duty. Conductor stranded-tinned copper, colorcoded polyethylene insulation, braided or spiral wrapped tinnedcopper shield, gray polyvinylchloride jacket. *3x34 and 4:1<34; tlOx34; t26x34; §16xM strand. Types 1702-1706 for high-Z mics, hi-fi interconnecting cables; Types 1709, 1710 for low-Z mics. Mfr's Type 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1709 1710 Conductor No. Size -126' 1 24t 1 24t 1 24t 1 2iit 2 24t 2 221 DULON® TEFLON HOOK-UP WIRE-600 VOLTS, 200°C Wall Jkt. .Oi6" .020" .040" .016" .030" .016" .025" .020" .030" .030" .020" .030" .030" .030" .110" 48 .145" .200" .110" .175" .190' .235" EACH SPOOL 100' 1000: 3.09 26.76 3.09 26.17 4.20 35.28 3.32 28.52 5.67 52.63 6.70 62.4B 5.63 50.43 Stock 0.0. 48 48 48 4B 4B 48 No •• TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 SHIELDED MULTI-CONDUCTOR CABLE iil"\'%'''#'Yrf'\)\)I4\i z:e: ~ Neoprene Jacket-Heavy.Outy. Each conductor stranded tinned-copper, color-coded rubber insulation, ·con- ductors cabled with fillers, cotton wrap, braided tinned-copper shield, cotton-wrap, black neoprene jacket. Condo size, 18; 41x34 . Wall thickness, .020". Resistant to oil and acid. For outdoor rough usage; ground support equipment in guided missile systems •.etc. No. Mfr's Type Condo 1454 1456 1458 1459 --68 10 12 Jkt. 0.0. .035" .035" .035" .065" .430" .465" .545" .625" EACH Stock 4B 48 4B 4B No. TT 951 TT 952 TT 953 TT 954 100' Spool 1000' Spool 41.75 53.51 63.BO 83.06 411.60 529.20 632.10 823.20 SHIELDED MULTI-CONDUCTOR CABLE Plastic Jacket--Heavy-Outy. Each conductor stranded tinned-copper, colorcoded polyethylene insulation, cabled ·with fillers. wrap, braided tinned-copper shield, gray polyvillylchloride jacket overall. All are size 20, 26x34 strand. Wall thickness, .014". Mfrrs Type Conductor No. Size 17t6 --5- -201717 1719 1721 6 8 10 20 20 20 Jkt. Stock 0.0. .035" . .275" .035" .300" .035" .330' .035" .375' 48 4B 48 48 No. TT 973 TT 974 TT 975 TT 976 EACH SPOOL 100' 1000' 9.7B B9.67 IB.38 176.40 22.79 220.00 26.61 25B,72 U. L. LISTED APPLIANCE HOOK.UP WIRE Stranded tinned-copper with color-coded polyvinylchloride insulation. Meet U.L. specs. *Also C.S.A. Listed 90°C, Type TR-32. Wall, .032". Resistant to acids, moisture. etc. In brown, red, orange, yellow, ·green, white, black, blue, violet, and gray...!....--specify. Mf,..·. Conductor Size ~- Strand 3051 7x30 22 0.0. 20 18 16 .065" IOx30 .071" 16x30 .080" 26x30 .095" 300 VOLT 80°C Mfr's Type Conductor 0.0. I Size -Strand -7x30 - - --22 .095" 3071 3073 20 IOx30 .102' 3075 18 16x30· .112" 3077 1 16 26x30 .125" STYLE NO 1007 100' Spool 1000' Spool 5000' SpoolMfr's Type Stock No. EACH Stock No. EACH Stock No. EACH 3051 48 TT 983 .90 48 TT9BB 5.59 48 TT 993· 27.00 3053 4B TT 984 1.02 4B TT 989 6.B5 48 TT 994 33.3B 3055 48 TT 985 1.20 48 TT 990 8.82 48 TT 995 43;50 3057 4B TT·9B6 1.55 48 TT 991 11.62 4B TT 996 35.10 600 VOLT 105 ° C-STYLE NO. 1015 3053 3055 3057 .7414B TT 919 .96 48 TT 920 1.15 4BTT921 Type E, MiI-W-16878D. Silver-plated copper. Specify color-see above. 100' Spool 1000 .Spool Mfr's Mil Gauge Nom. ·Type Type (Strand) 0.0. Stock No. EACH Stock No. EACH .031" 4B TT 929 3.53 4B TT.935 31.50 5852 E-28 28 (7x36) 5853 E-26 26 (7x34) .035" 48 TT 930 3.75 48 TT 936 33.75 5854 ~:-24 24 (19x36) .040" 4B TT 931 3.92 48 TT 937 35.40 5855 E-22 22 (19x34) .046' 48 TT 932 4.39 4B TT 93B 40.13 5856 E-20 20 (19x32) .054" 48 TT 933 5.44 48 TT 939 50.63 5857 E-18 18 (19x30) .064" 4B TT 934 7.02 48 TT940 66.3B 312 • ALLIED *'# Nom. 0.0. Type M W, Uncovered, Mil- W-76B. Tinned-copper with conductor and polyvinylchloride insulation. Wall thickness, .016". Available in brown, red, orange, yellow, green, white, black, and blue. Specify color. Mfr's Type jiiijjiiS.\.:."', 5000' Spool TYPE B-NYLON JACKET, 600 VOLTS, 11SoC Type SHIELDED MICROPHONE CABLE * 3071 147 TT B061 3073 47TT807 3075 47 TT BOB 3077 47 TT 809 1•21 147 TT 815 18.97147 TT B20 145.00 1.32 47TT816 10~15 47·TTB21 51.00 1.62 47 TT 817 12.21 47 TT 822 61,50 2.06 47 TT 81 B 15.44 47 TT 823 46.80 Everything in '!'lire and Cable from One Dependable Sou,rce Durable, Versatile Coaxial Cable by ((i1PHE@!] POLYETHYLENE DIELECTRIC PER JAN-C-17A Noted ·for low cost, flexibility, high dielectric strength and low dielectric constant. Dielectric cross-section maintained within a pre-determ.incd range of .005" to .015" tolerance. Cable protected by black polyvinyl jacket having Stock No. 49 W 4.9 W 49 W 49 W 49 W 49 W 49 W 49 W 49 W 49'W 49 W 49 W 49 W 49 W 49 W 49 W 460 469 314 470 678 306 465 485 487 490 488 312 325 323 692 473 Mfr's Type 21004 005 231 007 009 013 038 024 199 025 026 027 723 440 467 598 , 0.0'1 Imp. Mnlf Ohms per In. Ft. ---- 29.5 8/U 52 .405 9/U 52 30 .420 9A/U 51 30 .420 11/U 20 ..1 .405 75 13/U 74 20 ..1 .420 52 17/U 29.5 .870 22/U 95 16 .405 58/U 53.5 28.5 .195 58A/U 28.5 .195 50 59/U 73 21 .242 62/U 9 3 13.5 -.242 63/U 125 10 .405 71A/U 93 14.5 .245 114/U 185 6.5 ADS 149/U 75 20.5 .405 174/U 50 30 .105 RG No. good weathering and abrasion properties and suitable for direct burial. Jacket Type IIa listed under MIL-C-17C types is non-contaminating -feature prevents increased cable attenuation due to aging Mil Jkt. Center Condo Type I 7/2IC 7/21S 7/21 S I 7/26TC I 7/26TC II Grey .18SC I . 2-7/.0152C 20C I 19/.0071C I 22CW I 22CW I 22CW I I 22CW I 33CW I 7/26TC I 7/.0063CW II Grey II Grey -- .. Max. O~lCl" Uses Connector Series Volt::! 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 11000 1000 1900 1900 2300 N. C, HN, UHF N. C. HN. UHF N. C. HN. UHF N, C, HN, UHF N, C. HN, UHF N, C, HN, LC Twin TNc.:. ENe, BN, C, UHF, N. Push-on TNC, BNC. EN, C, UHF, N. Push-on TNC, BNe, EN, C, lJHF, N, P"sh-oll ~ TNC, BNC, BN, l', UHF, N, 1'118h-o;, 1000N,C,HN,UHF 750 TNC, BNC, BN, C, UHF, N, PlIsh-oll 1000N,C.HN,UHF 5000 N, C, HN, UHF 1500 BNC, Subtninax .5116, 27 PER FOOT Lbs. pcr 100- 500- 100012999 499 999 100' 99 - .119 - -.12- -.119 12 .11 I 2 liz .32 .292 .263 .263 .358 .323 .323 12l1z .39 12 .11 .11 .102 .11 12 .20 .187 .168 .168 --- - - - 47 .583 .525 .525 .63 12 .17 .158 .143 .143 3 .05 .049 .049 .046 .1 .05 .049 .049 .046 .051 .051 .047 4l1z .0& .054 .054 .05 12 .14 .13 .13 .117 .099 .099 4l1z .12 .11 .141 .141 .12B 121.15 10 .19 .175 .158 .158 Iliz .05 I .048 .048 .043 4YzI--:O";' POLYETHYLENE DIELECTRIC PER MIL-C-17C 49 W632 49 W 631 49 W 315 49 W 322 49 W 655 ---49 W 317 49 W 677 49 W 633 49 W 318 49 W 634 49 W 681 49 W 683 49 W 684 49 W 637 49 W 319 49. W &38 49 W 687 49 W 639 49 W 635 49 W 690 49 W 691 49 W 324 49 W 695 49 W 696 49 W &99 49 W 714 49 W 719 294 330 290 332 338 -296340 336 298 .103 308 310 792 802 316 794 320 804 327 329 520 441 779 780 783 5B/U 50 28.5 GA/U 75 20 8A/U 52 29.5 9B/U 30 51 IOA/U 52 29.5 -75- 11A/U 20.5 12A/U 75 20.5 14A/U 52 29.5 17A!U 52 29.5 19A/U 52 29.5 21A/U --s.3 29 22B/U 95 16 34B/U 75 21.5 55B/U 53.5 28.5 58C/U 50 28.5 -59B/U ~ 21 63B/U 125 10 71B/U 93 13 ..5 108A/U 78 23.5 111A/U 95 16 114A/U 185 6.5 122/U 50 29.3 213/U 50 29.5 214/U 50 30 217/U 50 29.5 784 218/U 50 29.5 788 223/U 50 29.5 .328 IIa .332 IIa .405 IIa .420 IIa .475 IIa -.405 - -IIa -.475 IIa .545 IIa .870 IIa 1.120 IIa --Ua .420 IIa .630 IIa .206 IlIa .195 IIa .242 IIa .405 IIa .250 IlIa .235 IIa .490 IIa -.405 - -IIa -.160 IIa .405 I1a .425 IIa .545 I1a .870 I1a .216 IIa --:m 16S 21CW 7/21C 7/21S 7/21C 7/26TC 7/26TC 10C .188C .250C 16N 2-7/.0152C 7/.0249C 20S 19/.007!TC .023CW 22CW 22CW 2-7/28TC 2-7/.0152C 33CW 27/36TC 7/.0296C 7/.0296S .106C .195C .035S 3000 2700 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 7000 11000 14000 2700 1000 6500 1900 1900 2300 750 750 1000 1000 1000 1900 5000 5000 7000 11000 1900 N,C N,C N,C,HN,UHF N,C,HN,UHF N, C, HN, UHF N, C, HN, UHF N,C,HN,UHF N, C, UHF N, C, HN, LC LC N,C ~-- Twin UHF TNC, BNC, BN,C, TNC, BNC. BN, C, TNC, BNC, BN, C, N,C,HN,UHF TNC, BNC, BN, C. Twin Twin N, C, HN, UHF TNC,BNC N, C, HN UHF N, C, HN UHF N, C, UHF N, C, HN, LC TNC, BNC, BN, C, .281 .253 .253 8v.. .30 8 .195 .17& .176 .21 12 .132 .132 .122 .14 12l1z .41 .38 .342 .342 13 .2& .24 .21 & .216 -- -12 .13 .123 .123 .114 12 .232 .209 .209 .25 .308 .278 ,278 20llz .33 47 .66 .608 .548 .548 60 1.11 1.025 .923 .923 -.32- ---8 .289 .289 .35 12 .268 .242 ,242 .29 23 .348 .314 .314 .38 .101 .091 .091 3l1z .11 Push-on 3 .054 .050 .0& -.054 -Push-on 4 .059 .059 .054 .0& 8 .17 .158 .142 .142 Push-on 4l1z .11 .101 .101 .092 .082 .074 .074 3l1z .09 IS .50 .458 .413 .413 -8 - - -.158 -.143 .143 .17 .058 .052 .052 2l1z .06 10 , .14 .132 .132 .122 13 .41 .38 .342 .342 21 .308 .278 .278 .33 - -.66- -.608 -47 .548 .548 Push-on 4 .148 .134 .134 .16 UHF UHF, N, UHF, N, UHF, N, -- -- UHF, N, TEFLON DIELECTRIC-TEFLON JACKET Operate at temperatures from -50· to +200· C. Teflon is outstanding not only because of its efficiency at temperature extremes Stock No. ---49 W 63& 49. 49 49 49 47 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 W W W W W W W W W W W W W 328 329 643 326 0&9 327 193 194 195 333 332 335 334 Mfr's I"mp. Mmf RG Type No. Ohms per No. Ft. --421-699 1I5A/U 50 29.5 421-382 141/U 50 29 421-385 142/U 50 29 421-100 210/U 93 13.5 421-250' 87A/U 50 29.5 29 421-086' 1I7A/U 50 421-379' 140/U 73 21 29 421-094' 178B/U 50 421-096' .179B/U 75 19.5 15.5 421-098' 180B/U 93 19.3 421-106' 187/U 29 421-105' 188/U 50 15.2 421-111' 195/U 95 421-109' 196/U 50 29 --- --n- 0.0. but also because of its extremely low loss and high voltage break· down. 'Meet latest specifications of MIL-C-17C. PER FOOT per 1100- 250100' 99 249 - -4995000 N, C, HN 18 1.54 1.39 1.23 Ai5 V 7/21S 4 .195 1900 TNC, BNC, N, C, UHF, Push-on .'4& V .0359SCW .42 .37 1900 BN,TNC,BNC,C,N,UHF .206 V .0359SCW 5l1z .54 .485 .43 .242 V 22SCW 750 N, C, TNC, BNC, BN, UHF, Push-on 4 .69 .&2 .55 .425 V 7/20S 5000 N, C, HN, UHF 17 2.10 1.89 1.&8 -45 .730 V 5C 7000 N,C,HN 7.13 &.41 5.70 .242 V .025SCW 2300 BN, TNC, BNC, N, C. UHF, Push-on 6 .72 .65 .575 I 075 IX 7/38SCW 1000 BNC, Submillax 5116.27 .21 .19 .17 I .105 IX 7/38SCW 1200 llNC, Subminax 5116, 27 .25 .23 .21 1500 BNC. Subminax 5116, 27 .30 .141 IX 7!38SCW .34 I liz .37 -- -1200 BNC, Subminax 5116, 27 .110 VII 7/38SCW Iv.. .25 .23 .205 .110 VII 7/.0067SCW 1200 BNC, Subminax 5116, 27 I liz .24 .22 .19 .155 VII 7/38SCW 1500 BNC, TNC, Subminax 5116, 27 .43 2l1z .48 .385 1 .080 VII 7/38SCW 1000 Subminax 5116, 27 .21 .19 .17 In. Mil Jkt. Type Center Cand." MaX'1 Opel'. Volts Lb •. Uses Con nector Series 500999 1.03 .31 .36 .46 1.40 4.75 .48 .14 .17 .25 .17 .16 .32 .14 POLYFOAM COAXIAL CABLE Polyfoam is a cellular polyethylene which utilizes an inert gas as an expanding agent to form completely enclosed cells within the 49 W 3371621-100 111/U 49 W 644 621-111 8/U 49 W 339 621-715 59/U I 75 50 73 116.51.4051 IIIa 114C 26.5 .405 I 7/19C 17 .195 IlIa 22CW polyethylene. Dielectric constant is 1.50 as compared to 2.26 for solid polyethylene. Attenuation is reduced as much. as 35%. 13000lUHF 1500 UHF 500 BNC, TNC, UHF 18 IOVz 2 I I .14 .15 .05 .1321.1321 .119 .143 .143 .129 .045 .045 .041 SUIlMINAX MINIATURIZED COAXIAL CABLE Type 21-597. Identical in. construction features to full "ize coaxial cable. Impedance, 75 ohms. Capacity, 20 mmf/ft. O.D., .150'~. Center conductor, 7/.0056 copperweld. Vinyl jacket. Use with 5116 or 27 Series. subminax connectors. Wt., per 100', 1 Yz lbs. 49 W 472. 1-99 Feet .........•.•.... PER FOOT .0& 100·999 Feet ...........•..••.••.•.. PER FOOT .053 1000·2999 Feet. ........... , • , • , , • , ,PER FOOT .046 Be Sure To Specify Cable Length Desired When Ordering =~~;,kiJ.""'" Only .150' 0.0. ALLIED • 313 BELDEN Wire and Cable SPECIAL INTERCOM AND SOUND CABLES MULTIPLE-CONDUCTOR CABLE (Not Paired) Mfr'. Type 8443 8444 8445 8446 8447 8448 8449 84S6 8457 846S 8467 8469 Conductors are made of flexible, tinned copper stranded wire, with color-coded vinyl plastic insulation, all cabled together and enclosed in an overall chrome-vinyl plastic jacket. Specify Spool Length Desired. STD. SPOOLS AWG Stock 0.0. Condo (Stranding) 100' 500' 1000' No. 22 (7x30) .150" 3 2.43 9.2T 18.38 47 TT 362 22 (7x30) .168' 4 2.94 12.15 24.26 47 TT 372 22 (7x30) .180' 3.63 14.70 29.40 5 47 TT 382 18. 22 (16x30) .222' 5.29 22.79 45.57 47 TT 312 6 -- -- -- -7 18. 22 (16x30) .246' 6.03 25.73 51.45 47 TT 322 18,22 (16x30) .251' 8 6.27 28.67 57.33 47 TT 332 18,22 (l6x30) .261' 7.01 31.61 63.21 9 47 TT 342 22 (7x30) ..260' 6.91 32.34 64.68 48 TT 223 10 _ ----22 (7x30) .260" 7.35 34.55 69.09 48 TT 225 12 18 (16x30) .272' 48 TT 227 S 5.88 27.20 53.90 18 (16x30) .320' 8.14 36.02 72.03 48 TT 229 7 18 (I6x30) .37S' 11.15 47.78 95.55 48 TT 233 9 TWO AND THREE-CONDUCTOR SHIELDED CABLE For P.A. and, intercom use. All have tinned copper conductors. Types 8760 through 8772 have polyethylene insu- lated conductors, aluminum "Mylar" wrapped shield, stranded tinned copper ground wire. Types 8208 and 8209 have rubber insulated conductor with cotton or paper wrap, copper shielded; hinyl insulated conductors; Type 8735 is plastic insulated and copper shielded. All cables have chrome vinyl jacket, except Types 8779 and 8789 which' have braided tinned shield as jacket; Types 8208, 8735-plastic jacket; 8209-weatherproof cotton jacket. §Spiral-wrapped tinned shield. Specify Spool Length Desired. 18 (16x30) 8208 47 TT 854 2 .2S5' 5.83 24.99 49.98 8209 47 TT 849 2 18 (16x30) .2S8' ...... 24.99 49.98 8640 47 TT 804 2 26 Solid .089' ...... 11.02 ...... 8642 47 TT 805 6 26 Solid .140' 30.13 ...... 8731U 47 TT 000 3 22 Solid .178' ...... 13.97 27.93 -- -873S 48 TT 874 22 (7x30) 3 .199" 4.21 18.77 37.49 8760 48 TT 753 18 (16x30) 2 .222" ...... 18.38 36.75 22 (7x30) 8761 48 TT 754 2 .167' 11.76 23.52 8762 48 TT 809 20 (7x28) 2 .184" 3.38 14.70 29.40 8770 48 TT 755 3 18 (16x30) .236' 23.16 46.31 22 (7x30) 8771 48 TT 756 3 .17S' ...... 14.70 29.40 8772 48 TT 757 3 20 (7x28) .200' ... .. 18.38 36.75 16 (19x29) 8779~ 48 TT 814 .22S' 24.26 48.51 - - - - 22 16 (19x29) 8780U 48 TT 815 .266' ...... 26.46 52.92 8789~ 48 TT 865 18 (7x26) 2 .20S' ...... 18.96 37.92 18 (7x26) 8790U 48 TT 803 2 .231' 4.36 19.60 39.20 8791H 48 TT 804 3 18 (7x26) .236" 5.29 24.70 49.40 ~ TWO AND THREE-CONDUCTOR UNSHIELDED CABLE Vinyl insulated, tinned conductors, except Types 8481 thru 8487 and 8794 are untinned. Chrome vinyl jackets, except 'rose-gray. fTwisted-pair types without jacket. Type 8483 is cabled, without jacket. Specify Spool Length Desired. STD. SPOOLS Mfr's Stock AWG 0.0. Condo Type No. (Stranding) 100' 500' 1000' 8205 20 (lOx30) .190' 2.45 9.56 18.77 47 TT 020 2 18 (7x26) 8460t 48 TT 816 2 .17S' 2.45 9.70 18.82 8461 18 (7x26) 48 TT 817 2 .226' 3.38 13.52 26.46 16 (19x29) .19S' ..... 11.76 23.52 8470t 48 TT 818 2 16 (19x29) .2S6' ..... 16.76 33.52 8471 48 TT 819 2 -- - - - 8473 14 (19x29) .332' ..... 17.40 54.39 48 TT 234 2 8481t 22 solid 48 TT 758 2 .112' 1.25 4.85 8.82 8482t 19 solid 48 TT 878 2 .I1S' 1.76 6.32 11.02 8483 48 TT 879 3 19 solid .132' 2.25 9.11 16.17 8486 .162' ' ..... 8.82 17.64 48 TT 805 19 solid 2 -- -8487 48 TT 806 3 19 solid .180' ..... 11.32 22.64 8492 Brn.t 47TTOII 19 solid 2 .170' ..... ...... 13.62 8492 Wht.t 47TTOl2 19 solid 2 .170' ..... ...... 13.62 8493t 47TTOl3 3 19 solid .170' ..... ...... 20.58 8794" 22 solid 47 TT 010 3 .168' ..... 9.19 18.38 8734 8763 8732 8733 8722 879.2 Type 8722. 4 vinyl insulated conductors; 2 shielded with, aluminum"Mylar" wrapping; 2 unshielded. #22 stranded, tinned copper ground wire; chrome vinyl jacket. Type 8732. 4 polyethylene insulated cond.; 1 pair tinned copper shielded, 1 pair unshielded. Chrome vinyl plastic jacket. Type 8733. 3 conductors separately aluminum-UMylar" shielded. Ground wire for each conductor is tinned, cadmium bronze ribbon under "BeldfoU" Z fold. Type 8734. 3 vinyl insulated cond.; tinned copper shield on one, other 2 unshielded. Chrome vinyl jacket overall. Type 8763.3 polyethylene insulated conductors; aluminum-"Mylar" shield over 2 conductors; 1 unshielded. No 20 stranded ground wire. Chrome vinyl jacket overall. Type 8792. Telephone cable. 13 sets of vinyl insulated triplet conductors--each triplet color·coded red, green and yellow. #22 bare copper wire, solid. Rose gray vinyl jacket. ' Specify Spool Length Desired STD. SPOOLS Stock Mfr's AWG 0.0. Condo Type (Stranding) 1000' No. 100' 500' .260' 4 20 (7x30) 8722 47 TT 021 23.52 47.04 8732 48 TT 897 22 (7x30), .188x.296 4.65 20.94 ' 41.90 4 8733 48 TT 235 22 (7x30) 3 .22S' 4.41 19.84 39.68 --8734 48 TT 875 3 22 (7x30) .194" 3.68 16.90 33.80 8763 49 TT 840 3 20 (7x28) .210' ...... 19.84 39.68 8792 47 TT 022 13(3) .S40' solid 24.99 124.95 249.90 PAIRED VINYL UNSHIELDED CABLE All have vinyl plastic chrome jacket- and insulation. Color-coded foreasy identification . Be Certain to Specify Spool Length Desired STD. SPOOLS AWG Mfr's Stock 0.0. Condo (Stranding) 100' Type No. -500' - 1000' 22 (7x30) .16S" ...... 8.09 ~ 8442 48 TT 236 2 .IS0' . 22 solid 12.49 2 1.76 6.47 8740 48 TT 890 .201' 2.89 11.76 22.78 22 solid 8741 48 TT 891 4 22 solid .240' 3.82 31.60 6 16.17 8742 48 TT 892 solid .30S" 8743 48 TT 893 12 - - -54.39 --5.88 - -27.20 --- 22 22 solid .354" 8.33 37.88 75.70 8744 48 TT 894 18 22 solid .420" 13.67 66.15 130.83 8745 48 TT 895 30 22 (7x30) .340' B.09 36.75 73.50 8747 47 TT 030 12 22 (7x30) .389' 11.17 52.92 105.84 8748 47 TT 035 18 22 solid .384" 10.73 51.45 102.90 87S3 48 TT 898 22 - - - - - - --22 solid .409' 12.15 58.07 116.13 8754 49 TT 845 26 22 solid .480' 19.11 90.41 180.81 38 87SS 49 TT 846 22 solid .SlO" 22.79 105.84 211.68 8756 49 TT 847 46 22 solid .2SS" ...... 20.22 40.32 8 8757 48 TT 759 -- Mfr's Stock Type 8746 87S0 8751 No. 48 W 896 47 W 036 48 W 776 MfrJs Stock N.o. Type 8737' 48 8738 4'-' 87.39' .• 48 8758 '48 87.51)* 48 314 • T'T TT TT TT TT 877 882 883 801 £102 AHI~D Vinyl plastic insulation and jackets, except 8738. 8758-copper braid jkt. Tinned condo *Tinned copper spiralwrapped shield. Black/red. Specify Spool Length Desired STD. SPOOLS AWG 0.0. Condo (Stranding) 2 2 2 2 2 22 22 22 20 20 (7x30) solid solid (7x28) (7x28) .170' .130' .160' .16S" .19S" 100' 500' 1000' 3.33 T3.23 26.46 20.58 23.52 27.20 32.34 .. . . . . 2.89 11.76 3.09 13.62 3.68 16.17 Stranding 0.0. 54 S4 102 22 solid 22 (7x30) 22 solid .S50' .59S' .74S' PER FOOT ---:2a4 .392 .843 INSTRUMENTATION CABLE , (Multiple Pair Individually Shielded) -- TWO-CONDUCTOR SHIELDED CABLE AWG Condo Tinned, solid and stranded copper conductors in pairs. Each pair and its ground wire are alumi- Mfr', Type -s'i67 8768 8764 8765 8766 8769 8777 8778 8774 877S 8776 , num "Mylar" shielded. Vinyl and polypropylene insulated. Have chrome vinyl jacket; All conductors are 22 gauge. Color coded. Specify Spool Length Desired. STD. SPOOLS Stock 0.0. Pairs 100' 500' No. 1000' .298'" 48 TT 602 3 6.47 32.34 64.68 .394' 6 48 TT 603 12.64 63.21 126.42 .42S" 48 TT 604 9 88.80 177.60 17.64 ,48S" 48 TT 605 11 21.17 105.84 211.68 --I-S48 TT 606 ----:5i'iJN 27.9'3 139.65 279.30 .678' 48.51 242.55 485.10 '48 TT 607 19 48 TT 807 .270' 3 8.48 42.27 84.54 6 .394" 48 TT 866 16.17 BO.B5 161.70 -22.93 -- --9-- --48 TT B08 .42S" 114.66 229.32 .48S' 48 TT 811 11 26.90 134.50 269.00 '48 TT 812 is .S10' 34.69 173.4& 346.9? Be Sure to Specify Spool length Desired on Your Order BELDEN Wire and Cable ASSORTED WIRE KITS TEST·PROD WIRE A "Must" for Research/Development La bora tories, Schools, etc. Type 8822. Contains ten 25·ft. spools of Type 8529 hook-up wire and a convenient dispenser rack. Popular assortment of most commonly used colon;: black, blue. green, red, white, yellow, orange, brown, gray. and via.. ~:·i~~~·..~.L •. ~~.I~.s: ........ 4.31 Type 8824. Contains eight 25-ft. spools of Type 8523 hook:up wire and a dispenser rack. Colors: black, blue, green, red, white, yellow, orange. brown. Shpg. wt., 2 y., Ibs. 47T227 •............................................ 3.99 Type 8818. Eight 25-fL spools of Type 8941. No. 20 solid. cellulose acetate hook-up wire. With dispenser. Black. blue. grecn. red. white. ~~1l~\~2";.a~~~•. ~r.~\~~: .~I~~~: ~t:: ~.I.~s: .................. 4.94 Type 8820. Contains eight 25-ft. spools of Type 8943. No. 20 stranded (10x30) cellulose acetate hook-up wire and dispenser in same color assortment as above. Shpg. wt., 2 Ibs. 47 T 229 •..............................••............ 4.94 NYCLAD HEAVY MAGNET WIRE Type HNC. Copper magnet wire that combines the most desirable features of Formvar wire with the toughness and solvent resistance of nylon enamel. Withstands winding abuse and forming operations. Highly resistant to solvent action of thinl1,ers; and resists softening and brittleness at extreme temperatures. Has infinite moisture resistance. Yz.1 b. Spool Stock No. Size 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 Feet 40 63 100 157 250 -396 630 995 1570 2440 3930 6200 9700 16050 MIL SPEC TEST-PROD WIRE Meets MIL-W-13169. Extreme limpness and flexibility combined with high dielectric strength. Working voltage. 5000 volts; breakdown voltage. 20.000 volts . . 144" 0.0.; .045" rubber insulation. Specify Spool Lilnglh Desired. STD. SPOOLS Mfr.s, Stock 'Calor' (Stranding) AWG Type No. !~j~ 8897 48 TT 821 ~ 18 (65,,36) 11.02 22.05 8897 48 TT 822 Black 18 (6Sx36) 11.02 22.05 COILED TEST·PROD CABLE Tinned copper cables; red and black rubber insulation. Retract to 8-in.; stretch to 5-feet. No. 20 AWG (42x36). ~ 0.0 ... 170". Handles 5000 v. working ~ voltage; 20.000 v. breakdown v. test. ~ Wt. 4 oz. per pair. 47 T037. Type 8878. With prods ................. PER PAIR 2.21 47 T 050. Type 8879. Without prods ................ PER PAIR .96 1-lb. Spool Feet EACH Stock No. Size 14 48 T 086 .81 48 T 087 16 .81 48 T 088' 18 .81 20 48 T 089 .81 48 T 090 22 .81 24 .84 48 T 091 48 T 092 26 .90 28 .99 48 T 093 48 T 094 30 1.09 48 T 095 32 1.18 48 T 096 34 1.31 36 1.62 48 T 097 38 2.02 48 T 098 48 T 099 40 2.75 Rubber-covered lead designed to withstand extremely high voltages. Has No. 18 COIl- i~~ ductor. 65x36 stranded tinned copper. with ~ cotton wrapping. Type 8898: .230" 0.0 .. .088" rubber insulation; 10.000 v. working voltage; 29.000 v. puncture voltage. Type 8899: .144" 0.0 ... 045" rubber insulation; 5000 v. working voltage; 20.000 v. puncture voltage. Specify Spool Length Desired. STD. SPOOLS Mfr's Stock Color Type No. 25' 100' 500' 10' -- - -3.92 - - -16.02 ---s898 47 TT 813 Red .78 1.47 8898 47 TT 803 Black 16.02 .78 1.47 3.92 8899 48 TT 913 Red .58 .88 2.50 10.34 8899 48 TT 903 Black .88 2.50 10.34 .58 EACH - -80- 1.31 126 1.31 199 1.31 315 1.34 501 1.35 -- 1.43 793 1260 1.55 1990 1.71 3140 1.91 4880 2.14 --- HIGH·VOLTAGE CATHODE·RAY·TUBE LEAD Conductive polyethylene. polyethylene insulated. vinyl jacket (except 8870polyethylene jacket). Specify Spool Length. STD. SPOOLS AWG 0.0. Working Voltage No. (Stranding) 100' 1 500' 25' 22 (7,,30) 9":26 48 TT 823 .150' 25.000 --:731 2.35 48 TT 824 22 (7,,30) .120" 17.000 .440' 60.000 ...~~. 2~::ri .~'.~S 48 TT 830 22 soHd Mfr's Type Stock 8868 8869 8870 7860 2.5il 12400 19400 32100 3.16 4.05 5.66 L1TZ WIRE Type 8817. Celenamel insulated ~ 5x44 stranded copper. with one ~~ nylon wrap. For winding antenna primaries. hand-winding RF coils, IF coils. and similar applications. Outside diameter, .008". Shpg. wt., 2 oz. 2 48 T 981. 100·fl. Spool. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. ... 9 ;;;;;;:(Q~ iiii=-3~ "JUKE BOX" CABLE Vinyl ins.. outer jacket. Color-coded tinned copper cond·s. 8783: 1-20 (10x30). ~-7 2-16 (26x30); 8784: 2-16 (26x30). 120 (tOx30). 7-22 (7x30); 8786: 2-22 (7x30), 4-24 (7x32); 8787: 4-24 (7x32). 4-24 (7x32). 2-22 (7x30). Specify Spool Length. STD. SPOOLS Mfr's Stock Conductors 0.0. Type 100' 500' No. 8783 3 shielded .250' 4:41 20.58 48 TT 867 8784 10 unshielded .350' .... 42.63 48 TT 831 8786 48 TT 864 2 shield .• 4 unshielded .256" 5.64 27.20 8787 8 shield .• 2 unshielded .290" .... .. 91.88 48 TT 827 DUPLEX LIGHTING CABLE Weatherproof 2-conductor stranded for outdoor =:::::tlise only. Ideal for extending power lines to yard, ~ garden, garage. barn. etc. Consist of two stranded; tinned copper. vinyl insulated conductors: brown and red vinyl; with chrome vinyl outer jacket of .022" thickness. Type 8677 0.0 .• .164x.276". 8675 0.0., .189x.326". 8673 0.0 .•. 213x.384". Specify Spool Desired. Av. shpg. wt. per 100 ft .. 5 Ibs. Stock No. 47 TT405 47 TT415 47. TT425 Std. Spools AWG Mfr's Type Stranding 8677 8675 8373 16 (19x29) 14 (19x27) 12 (19x25) 100' 5.59 7.30 9.11 I 500' 26.46 33.81 44.10 ~ Mfr's, Stock ,cond.! j 8475 8-176 48 TT B 13 48 TT 820 3 4 No. AWG (Stranding) 16 (19x29) 16 (19x29) , O. D. .102x.295" .102x.400" 100' Stock No. I O. D. 47 TT 834 ~ I ,.Ii-:ii!·@!iil··iiiiiiiii,,1O' I I AWG ISTANDARD SPOOLS 20 (10,,30) 1.00 "3:09 ""i4.33 (Stranding) 25' 100' 500' STRAIN GAUGE CABLE Small-diameter, 4-conductor cable. Type 8434. 3 .:!~ strands. tinned copper conductors. 4 Copperweld. ..... 8723. 7 strands tinned copper condo Have polyethylene insulated conductors with aluminized "Mylar" shields. Chrome vinyl jacket. Specify Spool Length Desired. !STD. SPOOLS 5.54 7.64 Mfr'., 8885 Three and four-conductor parallel bonded primary wire. Both types have tinned copper conductors that are vinyl insulated. Type 8475 is color-coded: white. brown. and red. Type 84.76 is coded: white. brown. red. and green. Be Certain to Specify Spool Lenglh Desired. iiiiiiiiiiiii_--- SHIELDED GRID·WIRE Single-conductor with copper braid shield. Specify Spool Length Desired. Type MULTI·CONDUCTOR BONDED CABLE Type "JUKE BPX" SPEAI(ER CABLE Has 2 parallel conductors-l tinned. 1 bare. 24 AWG (7x32); vinyl insulation; chrome vinyl jacket ..058x.115" 0.0. 100 ft .. 10 oz. 48 T 848. 25-fl. Spool. . . .. .59 48 T 828. 50·fl. Spool. . . .. .88 48 T 829. 100-ft. Spool. . '.' I .32 47 T 051. 500-ft. Spool .... 4.41 47 T 052, 1000-fl. Spool. ................................. 8.82 500' 24.25 33.07 Typej Stock NO'jSiZejStrandsl O.D.\100'S P I 500'Spl jl000'SPI .. 8434 49 TT 890 25 7,,33 .179" 4.56 22.05 44.10 8723 48 TT 237 22 7,,30 .165" 4.56 19.84 39.68 Depend on Allied for All Your Wire and Cable Needs ..~WED • 315 BELDEN Wire. and' Cable RUBBER-COVERED MICROPHONE AND SHIELDED POWER-SUPPLY CABLE Recommended for greater abrasion resistance and and limp; 8428 has heavy-duty neoprene jacket; extra flexibility. Especially suited for installations 8406 and 8413 are miniature-sized cables. Average where cable must make tight bends around cor- . shpg. wt .• per 100 feet. 6 lbs. Be sure to specify ners or lie perfectly flat. Available in single or multhe spool size desired from ta ble below when placing tiple (up to 8) conductors. 8414 is extra flexible your order. RUBBER COVERED MICROPHONE CABLE' T!JId::E ii:""!i~ Cap. Mfr's No. AWG Type Condo Stranding Mmf SINGLE ~ 8410 8412 8414 8423 8424 8425 8426 8427 8418 8428 8413 8406 8407 MULTIPLE BROADCAST AUDIO CABLES ~ STANDARD CABLE 25 (7x33) 20(26x34) 20(26x34) 20(26x34) 20(26x34) 2P(26x34) 20(26x34) 20(26,,34) 20(26x34) 18(41x34) 24(4Sx4O) 24(4Sx4O) 16(6Sx34) 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 2 3 4 33 42 45 50 55 44 40 40 42 47 38 43 37 0.0. .245' 3000 600 .256' 600 .277' 6QO .295' 600 .323' '600 .349' 600 .360' 600 .386' 600 - 600 .295' .185' 300 300 .223' .422' 600 -- . -- -- figures than standard rubber-covered cables. Re- lapel or lavalier microphones. 8420 is a miniature type cable. Average shpg.'wt .• per 100 ft .. 3\4 lbs. Be sure to specify standard spool length desired from table below. sist ozone deterioration; have high resistance to oil. gasoline. and other chemicals' solvent action. All are relatively light weight with small diame- MINIATURE CABLE ,Cap. 0.0 . Mfr's No. AWG . Typo Condo Stranding Mmf 8401 25 (7x33) .200' 1 25 2S(7x33) 8411 1 34 .144' 8422 22 (16x34) .231' 2 18 20(26x34) 25 8403 3 .245' 20(26x34) 8404 25 .255' 4 8405 20 (26x34) 5 25 .275' 24(4Sx40) 20 8420 .178' 2. RUBBER JACKET SERVICE CORDS ~ RETRACTILE COILED CABLES ~rmmtttMmmm~ I ~tm~ittrtt~ TELEPHONE 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 48 47 47 47 47 •268" STANDARD SPOOLS No. 15' 25' 50' 100' 250' 500' 1000' TT 444 1.32 2.06 3.82 7.20 16.90 33.81 ....... TT 464 1.50 2.30 4.21 8.08 18.62 37.14 TT 500 ..... 3.92 . ..... ...... 31.60 . ...... TT 463 1.76 ..... 4.70 9.11 22.05 44.10 88.20 TT 473 2.06 5.54 10.39 25.14 50.28 100.55 TT 483 ..... ..... ..... 12.94 31.60 . ...... TT 493 ..... ..... ..... 15.43 38.66 ...... TT 509 ..... ..... ..... 16.90 41.16 . ..... ....... TT 837 ..... 17.64 44.10 - - --TT 468 ..... ..... ..... 10.29 ...... 49.24 . ...... TT 646 1.47 2;20 3.92 7.35 17:64 35.28 ....... TT 288 ..... ..... ..... 9.11 22.05 44.10 TT 469 ..... ..... ..... 19.11 45.56 . ..... ....... Stock Volts VINYL PLASTIC-COVERED MICROPHONE AND SHIELDED POWER-SUPPLY CABLE Feature lower capacitance values and lower loss lers. Type 8411 is especially suited for usewith ~ MICROPHONE Wkg. Wkg. Stock Volts 5000 3500 1000 600 600 600 500 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 No. 15' 25' TT 564 .85 I.Iii TT 604 .70 .99 TT 456 1.18 1.86 TT 558 1.47 TT 567 1.86 TT 501 ..... ..... TT 635 1.47 2.20 -- STANDARD SPOOLS 50' 100' 250' 500' 2.30 4.21 8.82 17.64 1.71 3.09 6.57 13.08 3.18 5.73 12.89 ·25.72 3.67 7.35 18.37 35.28 8.82 20.58 39.69 ..... ...... 23.51 44.83 3.33 6.27 16.17 29.40 1000' ....... ....... 70.56 79.38 89.66 ....... STANDARD AND MINIATURE BROADCAST AUDIO CABLES Two-conductor. color-coded broadcast cables. 8451. spiral-wrapped· a1uminum-"Mylar" shields. With spiral-wrapped tinned copper shields. exAll have tinned drain wires. Av. shpg. wt .. per cept 8437 and 8441. braided shields; 8450 and 100 ft .. 2\4 lbs. Specify spool desired. Mfr's Type 8436 8437 8441 8440 8450 8450 8451 8451 Type AWG Stranding ABC CBS CBS Standard Miniature Miniature Miniature Miniature 22 (solid) 22(solid) 22(16x34) 22 (solid) 22 (solid) 22 (solid) 22(7x30) 22 (7x30) 0.0. Wkg. .180' .200' .210' .185' --.118" .118' .135' .135' 100 200 200 100. 200 200 200 200 Stock Jacket Volts No. Black-Vinyl 48 TT 48 TT 49 T, 48TT 49 TT 48 TT 49 TT 48 TT Black Vinyl Black Vinyl Chrome Vinyl Black Vinyl Chrome Black Vinyl Chrome Vinyl 859 886 841 889 373 034 374 035 STANDARD SPOOLS' 100' 500' 1000' ....... 20.58 """4T:T6 ....... 17.64 35.28 4.41 20.87 41.16 ........ 20.58 41.16 2.94 11.54 22.05 2.50 10.29 20.58 3.33 13.52 26.46 2.94 13.52 26.46 RUBBER-JACKETED SERVICE CORDS AND MULTIPLE CONDUCTOR CABLES Cords and cable for use on appliances. power tools; P.A. systems. rubber insulation with black rubber jackets. Color-coded for fast. speakers. remote control circuits. extension cords. etc. Maximum easy identification. ·Av. shpg. wt .. per 100'. 6 lbs. Be sure to specify voltage rating. 300 v .. at -60·C. Stranded copper conductors have standard spool desired from table below. Mfr'. U.L. No. AWG Condo 0.0. Stock Type Type .cC::o==n.::d::.:I-:=:-:--;;7Sc.:t::.r=a.::n.::d",in::.g~_ _ _ I-:::--_ -;:=;+-;-;;~N=o;-:'=:;-I_'::5o,';25' 8452 SV 2 18(41x34) Bare .245' 47 TT 413 .96 "'T.47 8478 SJ 2 18(41x34) Bare .299' 47 TT 404 ....... 1.62 8472 SJ 2 16(6Sx34) Bare .325' 47 TT 408 1.86 _8_47_4______2=:--_1_1:.;4:.:(4.:c1::.x'-:3.:,0)'--_ _ _ _ _ _ I-=B"'a-'re~ _.-::3.,.60:-:·cl_4.:,7=-=T:::T=-,,5.::.0~2 ....... 8453 ~!~~ SV 3 ~ 18(41x34) Tinned .265' 47 TT 423 ~~~~(~~~34); 2_18(41x34) i;:::~ :~~~: :~ ~~ :~~ 1.321~1 ..I...&.~. ::::::: STANDARD SPOOLS 50' 100' 250' 500' 1000' 2.45 4.36 To:I4 20.24 38.95 ....... 5.29 13.23 ..... I.. 52.92 ....... 7.0 I 16.54 ..... : ........ .. ....... 8.82 20.95 ............... . 3.0; 1 ".i7 \::::::: 18.37 .~.9.~. ~:~~ :1 ~~::f \. 6'7.62' ............... . RETRACTILE (COILED) MICROPHONE AND TELEPHONE CABLE Rugged. coiled cables extend up to six times their normal lengtll. and 8497 have one shielded conductor. Types 8494 an'd 8495 are Conveniently retract out-of-the-way 'when not in use. 1\.11 microunshielded telephone cords with spade terminals and strain relief. phone cables have braided shields except Mfr's Type 8415 8496 In either vinyl or neoprene jackets Av shpg wt 40z .. Mfr'. - No. Type 8409 8415 8491 8491 8499 84Q4 8495 Condo 8496. 3 8498 1 4 4 2 3 1 4 3 316 • ALLIED Descr) ptio n Jacket Microphone Cable Microphone Cable hUaophone Cable Microphone Cable Microphone Cable Telephone Cord Telephone Cord Microphone Cable Microphone Cable Neoprene Neoprene' Neoprene Neoprene Neoprene Vinyl Vinyl Vinyl Vinyl AWG Stranding 28(7x30) 23(21,,36) 23(21X36) 23(21,,36) 24(4Sx40) 23(21x36) 23(21,,36) 23(21x36) 24(45,,40) 0.0. .165'· .250"" .030' .250' .160' .245' .220' .250' .180' Extends From To 12' 11\4' 12' 11\4' 7Y.'· 10' 10' 11\4' 7Y.' 6' 6' 6' 6' 4' 4\4' 4\4' 6' 4' Stock No. 47 T 181 47 T 275 47 T 180 47 T 279 47T 286 47 T 276 47 T 277 47 T 278 47 T 285 EACH .96 1.27 1.55 1.40 .B8 1.41 1.20 1.32 .81 . Be Certain to Specify Spool Size Desired on Your; Order BELDEN Belden Wire and Cable RG HIGH-FREQUENCY COAXIAL CABLE For RF lines. test equipment. etc. All have low-loss. flexible. polyethyh'llc inner jacket, covered with copper-braid shield, black phistic outer jacket. except RG·9/U-gray plastic outer jacket. silvereu copper. shielding. Impervious to acids. alkalis. oils. etc. Mrr's Type 8264 8237 8242 8238 8261' 8259 8240 8262' 8241 -8263' -8254 8216t 8267' RG No. 5A/U 8/U 9/U l1/U 11A/U 58A/U 58/U 58C/U 59/U 59B/U 62/U 174/TJ 213/U Meet JAN-C-17A specs. except *MIL-C-17B. tno ap- plicable specs. Inner COll- ductor is bare copperweld. Specify spool length desired. 100' Spool 0.0. Imp. Cap. Stock Conductors (In.) Ohms mmf. No. Lb•. EACH --.328 50 28.5 49 TT B91 Silvered Copper .... ........ .405 52 29.5 47 TT 511 Bare Copper 12 11.60 30.0 47 TT 512 Silvered Copper .420 51 14 29.40 .405 75 20.5 47 TT 513 Tinned Copper 9Yz 10.5B .405 75 49 TT B93 Tinned Copper 10 14.26 - - 20.5 .195 50 28.5 47TT517 Tinned Copper 4 4.95 .195 53.5 28.5 47TT516 Bare Copper 4 4.41 .195 50 28.5 49 TT B95 Tinned Copper .242 73 21.0 47 TT 552 Bare Coppcrwcld 4Yz 5.54 - - 20.5 49 TT B96 Bare Copperweld .... ........ .242 75 13.5 47 TT 51B Bare Copperweld 4 .242 95 6.03 .100 50 30.4 47 TT 634 Bare Coppenvc1d 1 3.23 .... ........ 28.5 49 TT B92 Bare Copper. .405 50 AWG Stranding -- 16(Solid) 13(7x21) 13(7x21) 18(7x26) 18(7x26) 20(19x.007) 20(Solid) 20(19.007) 22(Solid) 23(Solid) 22(Solid) 26(7x.14) 13(7x21) 250' Spool 500' Spool Lb •. EACH Lb•• - - 44 -.... . ....... 1000' Spool 60 EACH 120.54 54.39 49 51 .... ........ 14 7 9.55 14 14 10 11.39 21 .... ........ 19 .... ........ 20 .... ........ 4 .... ........ 54 4B.50 61.74 20.5B 17.64 24.99 21.51 26.46 24.50 14.70 66.BB 28 27.20 25.36 24 Lbo. -EACH ---99 241.0B 133 IOB.7B 156 2BB.12 98 97.00 116 123.4B 27 41.16 27 35.2B 27 49.9B -41 - 42.63 37 52.92 39 49.00 7 29.40 129 133.77 FOAM-CORE RG AND DOUBLE SHIELD COAXIAL CABLES Foam-core cables feature lower losses than regular RG types. All are foam-core except 8215. polyethylene core. All are for community TV systems. except 8214 is for transmission line. Mfr's Type 8215 8214 8213 8211 8212 8232 823,1 RG AWG No. Stranding 6A/U 21 (Solid) 11(7x19) 8/U I1/U 14(Solid) 59/U 22 (Solid) 59/U 20(Solid) ....... 20(Solid) ....... 14(Solid) Mate~ial 0.0. Copperwc1cJ. Copper Copper Copperweld Coppcrwc1d Copperweld Copper .332" .405" .405" .242" .242" .315" .475" Imp., Ohms 75 50 75 80 75 75 75 Cap. mmf 20.5 26 17.3 16.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 Type 8232 and Type 8233 both have 2 copper-braid shields separated by polyethylene. Type 8215 has 2 copper-braid unseparated shields. All have black polyethylene jackets. Specify spool desired. 100' Spool Stock 4B 4B 4B 4B 48 4B 4B No. Lbs. EACH 7 TT 615 11.25 TT 616 11 12.00 TT 617 .... . . . . . . . TT 61B .... ........ TT 619 .... ........ TT 620 .... ........ TT 621 .... ........ . 500' Spool Lbs. 36 55 44 16 16 28 63 EACH 46.30 56.59 52.IB 22.05 22.05 42.63 82.52 1000' Spool 2000' Spool EACH 92.61 113.19 102.90 42.63 42.63 85.26 164.64 Lb •. 78 112 90 30 ,10 60 124 Lbs. EACH ----..... ......... ..... . . . . . . . . . 174 64 64 118 252 205.BO BS.26 B5.26 170.52 329.2B FLEXIBLE COPPER BRAID SHIELDING AND BONDING CABLE Flexible tinned copper .braiding for shielding conductors and cables. Braided in tubular form for easy shielding of any wiring. Stranding column below indicates number of AWG Mfr's Type Stranding 8660 8668 8661 8669 8662 8663 8670 8671 8672 8674 8676 96x34 120x34 192,,34 .136,,34 576x34 160",14 480x30 832,,36 528,,36 24x36 16x36 10 Ft. Spool 1.0. Stock No. Va" 49 49 49 49 49 49 47 47 47 47 47 'li4" ¥a" Yo" 2%," 14" ¥.I" I" o/a" %4" 112" T T T T T T T T T T T 351 356 361 366 3BI B42 752 755 7B3 7B6 747 TINNED BUS-BAR WIRE Solid tinned copper bus-bar wire in from 34 to 12 gauge. Meets specs of QQ-W·343. Specify spool length desired. ~izes Mfr's Type 8027 8025 8025 8024 8023 8022 8021 8020 8019 8013 8012 8011 AWG 0.0. 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 .006" .008" .010" .012" .016" .020" .025" .032" .040" .050" .064" .080" I AWG tinned solid copper wires braided together to form complete shield. Av. shpg. wt .. per SO ft., 1 Yz Ibs. Specify spool length desired. 10D-Ft. Spoot ~ 50 Ft. Spool EACH .50 .76 .73 1.25 1.70 .79 2.35 2.20 1.57 .55 .50 Stock No. 49 49 49 49 49 49 47 47 47 47 47 350 355 360 365 3BO B43 753 756 7B4 7B7 748 ~ 250 Ft. Spool EACH 060 6.61 B.B2 061 062 10.BB 063 24.40 064 33.BI 065 9.06 50.27 754 757 47.77 30.13 7B5 5.BB 7B8 4.12 749 Stock No. 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 T T T T T T T T T T T TELEVISION CAMERA CABLES • 10DD-Ft. Spool EACH 2.20 2.20 4B T 542 14 2.20 4B T 550 14 4B T 551 Yz 2.35 4B·T 560 1 2.5B 4B T 561 114 2.94 4B T 570 2 333 3.92 4B T 571 3Yz 4B T 577 5Yz 5.14 4B T 57B 8Yz B.OB 4B T 57913 11.76 T T T T T T T T T T T EACH 1.47 2.02 2.45 5.39 6.91 2.32 10.44 9.95 6.57 1.32 .BB ~jM'I Stock No. Oz. EACH Stock No. Lbs. - - - -- --4B T 510 2 .49 4B T 541 -v.; 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 48 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B T T T T T T T T T T T 2 511 512 2 SIB 2 519 3 520 4 521 5 522 6 530 8 531 14 532 24 540 40 .49 .49 .49 .50 .50 .52 .59 .73 1.08 1.47 2.06 ......... .... ........ 75-0HM VIDEO CABLE Type 8281. Finds many applications in the transmission of video signals ill TV studios. Provides superior picture definition (color or blackand-white). ends periodicity problems. Inner conductor is #20 solid tinned copper, polyethylene' insulated. Tinl)ed-col!per double 'braid shield. Jacket is black polyt'thylene. Provides nominal capacitance of 20.7 mmf/ft. Attenuation: 8.4 db at 700 mc. Nominal outside diameter; .304". Nominal velocity of propagation; 62.5% .. 100% sweep tested. 4B T X 613. SOO.Ft.Spool. 31Ibs............... PER SPOOL BO.BS 4B TX 614. 1000·Ft. Spool. 77Ibs........ ; ..... PER SPOOL 161.70 Type 8283. 82-conductor color camera cable. Tinned-copper. colorcoded vinyl-insul. conductors. Tinned copper braid shield. Chrome vinyl plastic jacket. 1.22" nom. O.D. 94 Ibs. per 100-ft. 48 W 609.100' or More, PER FT.......... 2.21. PER FT....... 2.SB Type 8280. 28-conductor camera cable. Tinned-copper. color-coded vinyl-insul. conductors. Tinned copper braid shield. Chrome vinyl jacket•. 750" nom. O.D. 34 Ibs. per 100-ft. 4B W 610. 100' or More, PER FT...........5B8. PER FT.......... 69 Type 8284. 24-conductor camera cable. Tinned-copper, color-coded . vinyl-insul. conductors. Tinned copper braid shield. Chrome vinyl plastic jacket, .800" nom. O.D. 411bs. per lOO-ft. 4B W 61 I. 100' or More, PER FT•.........• 662. PER FT.......... 76 Type 8282. l3-conductor TV-eye cable. Tinned-copper. color-coded. vinyl insulated conductors. Chrome vinyl jacket, .470" nom. O.D. 14 Ibs. per 100-ft. 4B W 612. 100' or More, PER FT........... 265. PER FT•.....•..• 31 Call the Nearest Allied Office for All Your Electronic Needs ALLIED • 317 BELDEN MIL-W-76BMilitary. Specification Wire TYPE MW-VINYL INSULATION, 1000 VOLTS, 80° C L .4% ...-..~'¥2a Tinned copper. Resists flame, ozone~ - most chemicals. In -brown, red, orange, yellow, green, white, black, blue-specify. Shpg. wts.: 100', lIb.; 500', 3 lbs.; 1000',.6Ibs. 25' SPOOLS Stock No. 47 47 47 47 47 TT TT TT TT TT 214 215 216 217 109 Type 8538 8525 8530 8524 8529 8523 Type 8530 8524 8529 8523 8522 Gauge Strands 22 22 20 20 18 Solid 7x30 Solid 10x30 16x30 Gauge 24 24 22 22 20 20 solid (7xJ2) Solid (7x30) Solid (lOx3(l) 100' Spools Stock No. EACH Mfrs. Type 8538 8525 8530 8524 8529 8523 8522 8528 8531 8521 8520 8527 47 TT 16B 47 TT 244 47 TT 21B 47TT219 47 TT 220 47TT221 47 TT 110 47 TT 112 47 TT 246 47 TT 114 47 TT 116 47 TT liB .76 .91 .BI .96 .94 1.15 1.21 1.13 1.32 1.69 1.99 2.94 0.0. Type .054' .058' .059' .064' .066" .070' 8522 8528 8531 8521 8520 8527 O. O. .059' .064' .066' .070' .080' .3B .43 .47 .47 6 oz. 0.0. Gauge 18 18 16 16 14 12 -EACH -.35 Wt. (16xJO) (Solid) (Solid) (26xJO) (4Ix30) (65xJO) .080' .074' .085" .098' .111" .130" 500' Spools Stock No. EACH 1000' Spools Stock No. EACH 47 TT 169 47 TT 054 47 TT 055 47TT071 47 TT 072 47 TT 073 47 TT 074 47 TT 075 47 TT 07B 47 TT 079 47 TT OBO 47 TT OBI 47 TT 170 3.92 47 TT 245 5.14 47 TT 222 4.41 47 TT 223 5.73 47 TT 224 5.29 47 TT 225 7.01 B.92 47TT III 47 TT 113 7.35 47 TT 247 9.95 47TT·115 12.64 47 TT 117 16.90 47 TT 119 23.52 2.30 2.B9 2.50 3.1 B 2.94 3.B2 4.70 3.97 5.14 6.57 9.36 12.49 TYPE MW-SHIELDED. CABLE, 1000 VOLTS, 80° C Tinned copper conductoi, vinyl insulation and shield. Brown, red, orange, yellow, green, white, black, blue-specify. Shpg. wts.: 100', lV. lbs.; 500', 4Y2 lbs.; 1000',8 Ibs. ~I 8887 8883 8886 Mfrs. Type 8887 8883 8886 8882 8884 Gauge 24(7x32) 22(7x30) 20(IOx30) I~I~I .082' .. 08&' .094' 8882 8884 Gauge 18(16xoO) 16(26x30) . I~ .104" .122" iDa' Spools Stock No. EACH 500' Spools Stock No. EACH 1000' Spools Stock No. EACH 47 TT 082 47TT671 47 TT 672 47 TT 673 47 TT 100 47 TT OB3 47 TT 090 47TT091 47 TT 094 47 TT 101 47 TT OB4 47 TT 676 47 TT677 47 TT 67B 47.TT 102 2.22 2.22 2.60 2.94 3.B2 10.29 10.29 11.76 13.96 I B.37 19.11 20.04 22.05 27.05 36.01 TYPE MW-SHIELDED, NYLON JACKET, 1000 VOLTS, 80° C _ : : . :::::::~::i$ ~~:~d~~nd~~;o;~~d t~hl:~.c~~~l -~ . insulation between inner conductor and shield with nylon jacket over all. Available in white only. Average shpg. wts.: 100'. 1 V. lbs.; 500', 4Y2 lbs.; 1000'.8 lbs. I~I 8893 8896 . Mfrs. Type 8893 8896 8892 8894 Gauge 22(7x30) 20(lOx30) O'O'I~I .095' 8892 8894 I .101' Gauge 18(16x30) 16(26x30) I 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 103 104 105 106 16.17 19.11 19.11 24.99 T T T T 146 147 14B 149 M',.. Type 8566 8565 8564 8563 30.B7 35.2B 36.25 4B.51 . Tinned, copper stranded wire with vinyl insulation covering. C~f'ar nylon jacket over all. In brown, red, orange, yenow, green, white, black, blue-specify. Shpg. wts.: 100', lV. lbs.; 500'. 4Y2 lbs.; 1000', 8lbs. 8537 8536 Mfn. Type Gauge 22 (7x30) 20 (lOx30) 100' Spools Stock No. EACH 8537 47TTI53 8536 47TTIS4 8535 47TTI55 8534 ,47 TT 163 318 • ALLIED 1.18 1.32 2.20 2.65 .. 069' 8535 I~I~I .075' 8534 Gauge 18(16x30) 16(26x30) 50Q' Spools Stock No. EACH I~I .076" .084' Type 8564 8563 J 100' Spools Stock No. EACH 500' Spools Stock No. EACH 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 TT TT TT TT 662 663 664 107 1.76 2.20 2.5B 3.33 TT TT TT TT O'O'~I .Gauge I 18(16x30) 16(26x30) I .094"· .112" 1000' Spools Stock No. EACH lOB 7.94 47 TT667 120 9.55 47TT 66B 121 11.76 47 TT 669 122 14.36 47 TT 123 14.70 17.64 22.05 27.19 TYPE MW-GLASS BRAID, SHIELDED, 1000 VOLTS, 80° C Shielded cable with tinned copper, stranded inner conductor. Iusulation of medium wall, lacquered. glass braid provides maximum protection from chemicals, acids, splvents, etc. Tinned copper shield is covered· with vinyl insulation over all. Available in white only. Average shpg. wts.: 100'. IV. Ibs.;500', 4Y2lbs.; 1000'. 8lbs. Type ~ 8862 8861 Mfrs. Type 8863 8862 8861 8860 8859 8858 I 22Ga(7x30) uge I ~~~; 20 (I OxJO)" . .108" 18 (! 6x30) I:;:; 1-:;1-:6G:;;(;;::6u::"X~~~"")-1 ~~~; .U8' 8859 8858 14(41x.l0) ·12(65x30) .149" .168' 100' Spools Stock No. EACH 500' Spools Stock No. EACH 1000' Spools Stock No. EACH 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 T 150 47T 151 47 T 152 47 T·160 47 T 161 47 T 162 T T T T T T 124 130 131 132 133 159 3.33 3.67 4.41 5.14 5.BB 7.35 T T T T T T 140 141 142 143 144 145 16.17 16.90 19.11 23.52 27.93 35.2B 30.B7 33.07 36.75 45.B6 55.12 69.B2 TYPE HW-VINYL INSULATION, 2500 VOLTS, 80° C Tinned, stranded copper wire with heavy-wall vinyl insulation. Withstands up to 2500 volts. Insulation thickness is .034". Available in brown, red, orange, yellow,. green, white, black, blue. Specify color wanted. Average shpg. wts.: 100' spool, lV. lbs.; 500' spool. 4Y2lbs.; 1000' spool, 8 lbs. I~l 8588 . 8587 Gauge 22(7x30) 20(10x30) 100' Spocls Mfrs. Type 8588 8587 8586 .098" 8586 I~I~I .104' Gauge 18(16x30) 500' Spools I~I .114" 1000' 5 pools Stock No. lEACH Stock N0'1 EACH Stock No. lEACH 47 TT 201 47 TT 202 47 TT 203 47 TT 204 47 TT 205 47 TT 206 47 TT 207 9.41 47 TT 20B I 1.02 47 TT 209 14.70 ~I 8585 8584 8583 TYPE MW-NYLON JACKET, 1000 VOLTS, 90° C ~··- . -·l·"··---'f?§§! I~I Gauge 22 (7x30) 20(lOx30) 1.03 1.1 Ii 2.20 4.70 5.54 ·7.35 V., TYPE HW-VINYL INSULATION, 600 AND 2S00 47 47 47 47 T T T T 8566 8565 Tinned stranded copper· wire with heavy-wall vinyl insulation. Type 8585, 16 gauge, rated 2500 v. breakdown @ 80°C; all other heavier gauges·rated at 600 v. Wall thickness is .048" except Type 8585. .034". Available in red, white and black. Specify color wanted. Average shpg. wts.: 100', 1 V. lbs.; 500', 4Y2lbs.; 1000'. 8lbs. 1000' Spools Stock No. EACH 3.53 4.41 5.14 5.BB I~I .i31" 500' Spools Stock No. EACH 136 137 13B 139 Tinned copper wire with both vinyl and glass insulation for maximum . prot~ction from .che.rp.icals, acids, oils, etc. ·Medium wall. lacquered glass braid with vinyl insulation outside 9ver "all. .Available in brown, red, orange, yellow, green, white, black, blue. Specify color wanted. Average shpg. wts.: 100', lV. lbs.; 500', 4Y2 Ibs.; 1000', 8lbs.. . 0.0'_1 .112" 100' Spools Stock No. EACH T T T T TYPE MW-GLASS BRAID, 1000 VOLTS, 80° C Z%!'a II2illlI ;.;,..: =;;;;;-';:."E'2 I~I .086' .106" 1000' Spool, Stock No. EACH 47 TT 164 ·5.39 47TTIS6 9.36 47 TT 165 6.03 47 TT 157 10.58 47TTI66 9.55 47 TT 158 17.64 47 TT 1.67 11.76 47 TT 200 22.05 Mfrs. Type 8585 8584 8583 8582 8581 8580 Gauge 16(26,,30) 14(4Ix30) 12(65x30) .128" 8582· IO'O'I~1 .171" 8581· .191" 8580 Gauge 10(105x30) 8(133x29) 6(1 33x27) 80° C I~ .214" .261' .296' 500' Spools 100' Spools Stock No. EACH Stock No. EACH 1000' Spools Stock No. EACH 47 TT 210 2.65 47 TT 47 TT 211 3.97 47 TT 47 TT 212 5.14 47·TT 47 TT 213 B.OB 47 TT 47 TT 230 19.11 47 TT 47TT231 23.52 47 TT 47 TT 23B 19.10 47 TT 239 32.34 47 TT 240 44.10 47TT241 73.50 47 TT 250 176.40 47 TT 251 220.50 232 9.55 233 16.17 234 22.05 235 36.75 236 BB.20 237 110.25 FOR FASTEST SERViCe Use the serv·ice of the Allied facility nearest you-see pqge one for location of branch ·o~ices, addresses; -ph.one numbers. Everything in Wire and Cable from One Dependable Source MIL-W-76B and MIL-W-16878D Wire BELDEN MIL-W-76B SPECIFICATION WIRE TYPE LW-NYLON JACKET, 300 YOLTS, 90 0 C TYPE LW-YINYL INSULATION, 300 YOLTS, 800 C Specify Color Wanted Specify Color Wanted Tinned, stranded copper wire with double insulation. Has vinyl insulation with light-wall. clear nylon jacket on the outside. Available in brown, red, orange, yellow, green, white, black, blue. Specify color wanted. Average shpg. wt: 100' spool. 114 Ibs.; 500' spool. 4l1z Ibs.; 1000' spool. 8 I bs. I Type Gauge ~ 30(7x38) 8578 . 28(7x36) 8577 26(7x34) Mfr's Type 8579 8578 8577 8576 8575 8574 o. D.' Type 8576 8575 8574 I .039" .042" .046" I Gauge 24(7x32) 22(7x30) 20(10x30) I Tinned. stranded copper wire with light-wall vinyl insulation •. 011 to .012 H thick. For use where resistance to moisture and solvents is required. Available in brown, red, orange, yellow, green, white, black, blue. Specify color wanted. Shpg. wts.: 100' spool. 114lbs.; 500' spool. 4 liz Ibs.; 1000' spool. 8 Ibs. ~ Type 8572 8571 8570 .051" .059" .065" I 1 Gauge 30(7x38) 28(7x36) 26(7x34) I 0.0'1 Type 8569 8568 8567 .034" .037" .041" I Gauge O.D. 24(7x32) 22(7x30) 20(!Ox30) .046" .054" .060" 100' Spools Stock No. EACH 500' Spools Stock No. EACH 1000' Spools Stock No. EACH 100' Spools Mfr's Type Stock No. EACH 500' Spools Stock No. EACH Stock No. 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 8572 8571 8570 8569 8568 8567 47 TT 289 47 TT 290 47TT291 47 TT 292 47 TT 293 47 TT294 47 47 47 47 47 47 TT TT TT TT TT TT 252 253 254 255 256 257 1.18 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.32 1.47 TT TT TT TT TT TT 258 259 268 269 270 271 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.41 4.65 5.29 TT 272 7.94 TT 273 7.94 TT 274 8.11 TT 280 8.29 TT 28.1 8.82 TT 282 10.14 47 TT 47 TT 47 TT 47 TT 47 TT 47TT 606 607 608 609 283 284 .85 .87 .88 .88 .88 1.03 2.74 2.65 2.94 3.09 3.33 4.07 1000' Spools EACH TT TT TT TT TT TT 794 795 796 797 295 296 5.14 4.85 5.29 5.73 6.12 6.61 MIL-W-16878D PLASTIC WIRE Tinned. stranded copper wire designed and manufactured to military specifications. Type B vinyl-insulated wire is rated at 600 volts and 105°C-nylon jacketed rated at 115 ° C Type C is rated at 1000 volts and 105°C with vinyl insulation. 115°C with nylon jacket. Type D vinyl is rated at 3000 volts at lOS °C. Type E teflon rated at 600 volts and 200°C-Type EE at 1000 volts. Types E and EE teflon-insulated wire are silver-coated. Available in Various colorsspecify choice when .ordering. TYPE B-YINYL INSULATION, 600 YOLTS, 105 0 C TYPE C-YINYL, NYLON JACKET, 1000 YOLTS, 1150 C Tinned. stranded copper wire. Insulation is I~ flame resistant and inert to most chemicals. oils • • £0-" ~ and solvents. In brown, red, orange, yellow, green, white, blaclc, blue. Specify colar wanted. Shpg. wts.: 100'. Y.lb.; 500'. 3 Ibs.; 1000'. Sibs. Tinned. stranded copper wire with ......... ts:£S:Ss::§ vinyl insulation covered with nylon jacket. Double insulation offering maximum protection. Available in brown, red, orange, yellow, green, white. black, blue. Specify color wanted. Average shpg. wts.: 100', liz lb.; 500'. 3 Ibs.; 1000'.5 Ibs. 1000' Spools 500' Spools 100' Spools Mfr's Gauge 0.0. MH's Gauge Typo (Strand) 8598 8597 8505 8504 8503 8502 8501 8500 30 (7.38) 28 (7.36) 26 (7.34) 24(7.32) 22 (7.30) 20 (7.28) 18 (7x26) 16 (19x29) 100' Spools Stock No. EACH 500' Spools Stock No. EACH .032' 47TT 299 1.11 .035' 47TT 300 1.03 .039' 47TT301 1.13 ~ 47 TT 302 I .09 -----.050' .058' .068' 47 TT 30511.35 .077' 47TT 323 1.62 47TT 333 4.54 47TT 334 4.26 47TT 350 4.26 47TT3513.78 47TT 505 4.12 47TT 514(85 47 TT 521 5.29 47TT 5226.76 0.0. :~:::::: ~g!: ::~: 1000' Spools Stock No. EACH 47TT 532 47TT541 47TT 542 47TT548 47TT 550 47TT551 47TT 570 47TT571 8.23 7.74 7.94 6.86 7.69 9.11 10.20 12.74 TYPE B-VINYL, NYLON JACKET, 600 YOLTS, 1150 C Tinned, stranded copper wire with ,"iny} insulation covered with nylon .....·hSSsss jacket. In· brown, red, orange, yellow, green, white, black, blue. Specify color wanted. Average shpg. wts.: HID'. Y. lb.; 500'. 3 Ibs.; 1000'. 5lbs. Mfr's Ty~!. Gauge 0.0. (Strand) _ _ 8595 30 (7JC38) 8594 28 (7x36) 8515 26 (7x34) 85~ 24 (7x32) 8513 !22 (7x30) 8512 120 (7.28) 8511 118 (7.26) 8510 16 (19.29) 100' Spools Stock N0'1 EACH 500' Spool. Stock No. EACH 1000' Spools Stock No. EACH .038' 48 TT 276 1.32 47TT 582 5.59 47TT595 .041' 48 TT 277 1.25 47TT 583 5.83 47TT 598 .045" 5.37 48TT 285 ~ 4.85 48TT286 .056' 48TT 268jlAO 47TT 587 5.44 48TT 287 .064" 48TT 269 1.47 47TT 588 5.73 48TT 288 .074" 47TT5741.7647TT590 7.20 47TT621 .083' 47TT 5802.06 47TT 591 8.79 47TT 622 :::::::: ~~~I: :~~ :~:::::: ~:~ 10.29 9.70 10.24 9.21 10.24 10.98 13.77 16.85 TYPE C-VINYL INSULATION, 1000 YOLTS, 1050 C Tilmed. stranded copper wire with vinyl insulation and high breakdown voltage. In brown, red, orange, yellow, green, white, black, blue. Specify color wanted. Shpg. wts.: 100', Y.lb.; 500'. 3 Ibs.; 1000'.5 Ibs. Fsssss.. 100' Spools 500' Spool. 1000' Spools Mfr's Gauge Typ!. (Strand) 0.0. 8954 22 (7.30) 8953 20 (7x28) 8952 18 (7.26) .066" 48TT 206 .96 47 TT 623 4.41 48TT216 8.67 .074' 48TT 207 1.18 47TT 6245.73 48TT21711.17 .084' 48 TT 208 1.62 47TT6257.76 48TT21814.70 Stock NO.! EACH Stock NO.! EACH Stock N0'1 EACH A TTENTION INDUSTRIAL BUYERS Allied supplies industrial quantities at faCtory OEM prices. Write, wire, Ol".phone..your. man at Allied for prompt price quotations._. Allied-The Leader in Industrial. Electronic Supply Type (Strand) 8960 22 (7.30) 8959 20 (7x28) 8958 18 (7.26) Stock N0'1 EACH Stock NO.! EACH Stock No. '1 EACH .072' 48TT 295 1.32 47TT 6266.26 47TT 629 11.76 .080' 48 TT 296 1.62 47TT6277.10 47TT630 14.70 .091" 48 TT 297 1.99 47TT 628 9.55 47TT 650 18.47 TYPE O-YINYL INSULATION, 3000 YOLTS, 1050 C Tinned. stranded copper wire. Vinyl insulation. high breakdown voltage. ~'<$§§ In brown, red, orange, yellow, green, white, black, blue. Specify calor wanted. Shpg. wts.: 100', liz lb.; 500', 3 Ibs.; 1000'. nbs. 1000' Spools 500' Spools 100' Spools Mtr', Gauge 0.0. Type (Strand) Stock NO.! EACH Stock N0'1 EACH Stock NO.! EACH 8971 22(7x30) .090" 47TT651 2.0647TT658 8.1347TT661 15.43 8970 20 (7.28) .098' 47TT 6522.36 47TT 659 9.45 47TT 665 17.24 8969 18 (7.26) JOB" 47TT 6532.94 47TT 660 11.76 47TT 674 IS.IO TEFLON-INSULA TED HOOK·UP WIRE Stranded. silver-coated copper wire; extruded teflon insulation. Resists heat. solvents. moisture and acids. Ideal for nse in military apparatus, computers and other critical equipment. In brown, red, orange, yellow, green. while, black, blue. 'Specify color wanted. Shpg. wts.: 25.6 oz. 100'. liz lb. TYPE E-TEFLON-INSULATED, 600 YOLTS, 2000 C Mfr'. Gauge Type 8301 8302 8303 8306 --8307 8309 8310 (Strand) 28 (7x36) 26 (7x34) 24 (19x36) 22 (!9x34) 20 (19x32) 18 (!9x30) 16 (19x29) 0.0. .035" .039" .044" .050" .058" .069" .080" 25' Spools Stock No. EACH 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 968 969 970 971 972 171 172 1.86 1.86 2.06 2.35 2.60 3.09 4.07 100' Spools Stock No. EACH 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 702 703 704 705 706 679 686 5.39 5.39 6.27 7.35 8.82 10.58 13.23 TYPE EE-TEFLON-INSULATED, 1000 VOLTS, 2000 C 8321 28 (7x36) 8322. 26 (7x34) 8323 24 (19x36) :8326 22 (l9x.~4) 8327 20 (!9x32) 8329 _18 (19x30) 8330 16 (19x29) .045" .049" .05.4" .060" .068" .079" .089" 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 2.35 2.21 2.49 2.74 3.09 3.68 4.41 47TT718 7.35 47 TT 719 7.01 47 TT 720 8.48 47 TT 721 9.36 47 TT 722 '-10.29 47 TT 723 _.l3~23 _ 47 TT 724 16.17 ALLIED. 319 oax and Special·Purpose Cable, Lamp Wire per; C--copper; T-tinned copper; CW-'-copperweld; N-nichrome. V.P.-velocity of propagation Inquire for larger-quantity prices. RG Coax. Meet MIL specs. Black jackets, except 9 jU, gray. 219 jU,' armored. *N on-contaminating low-temp.; tvinyl and poly vinyl. S-silvered copStock No. No. RG- 49 W 102 49 W 103 49 W 104 49 W 105 49 W 106 49 W 107 49 W lOB 49 W 109 49 W 112 49 W 113 49 W 114 49 W 115 49 W 116 49 W 122 49 W 117 49 W liB 49 W 123 49 W 119 49 W 124 4B W 050 4B W 051 4BW 052 4B W 053 4B W 054 4B W 055 4B W 056 4B W 057 4B W 05B .- Jacket 0.0. , (in.) Shields Outer Inner Dielectric 0.0. 8 *5B/U --:3J2 8 8 C .332 *6A/U C .405 t8/U C .405 -8A/U C 8 .420 tWU 8 8 .420 *9A/U -88 *9B/U ~ .405 C tll/U C .405 *IIA/U l' .195 t58/U .195 l' *58A/U l' .195 *58C/U C .242 t59/U. C .242 *59B/U C .242 t62/U C .242' *62A/U C .405 *63B/U l' or C .245 l' '71A/U l' t174/U ~ .332 8 8 *212/U C .405 *213/U 8 8 .425 *214/U C .425 C *216/U .545 C C *217/U .870 C *218/U .870 C *219/U .332 8 8 *222/U 8 8 .216 *223/U - ---- -- (In.) .185 .185 .285 .285 .280 .280 .285 .285 .285 .116 .116 .116 .146 .146 .146 .146 .285 .146 .060 .185 .285 .285 .285 .370 .680 .680 .185 .116 Center Conductor V.P. .0538 21CW 7/21 7/.0296 7/218 7/218 7/.02968 7/261' 7/261" 20 19/.00711' 19/.0071 l' 22CW .023CW 22CW 22CW 22CW 22CW 7/.006.3CW .05568 7x.0296C 7x.0296C 7x26TC .106C .195C .195C .0556N .0358 65.9 65.9 65.9 65.9 65.9 65.9 65.9 65.9 65.9 65.9 65.9 65.9 65.9 65.9 84 84 84 84 65.9 65.9 65.9· 65.9 65.9 65.9 65.9 65.9 65.9 65.9 % Cap. Mmf /Ft. 29.5 20 29.5 30.5 30 30 30.5 20.5 20.5 28.5 29.5 29.5 21 20.5 13.5 13.5 10 13.5 30 29.5 29.5 29.5 20.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29 29.5 pas) and' POT Lamp Cord. Two parallel #18 stranded copper wires. All types are polarity-ribbed. U.L. ij- Wt. Max. Imp. V. RMS Ohms Lbs., 100' . - - - 8\14 ~ 50 2700 75 8Y. 4000 52 lOY. 4000 50 11 4000 51 14 4000 51 14 4000 50 14 4000 75 10 4000 75 10 1900 53.5 3 1900 50 3 1900 3 50 -2300 7-3- 4 2300 75 4 750 93 4 750 93 4 1000 125 lOY. 750 93 5 1500 5 i l 3 3000 50 9\14 5000 lOy., 50 5000' 50 13Y. 5000 75 12\14 7000 50 23 11.000 50 45 50 11.000 50 2700 50 9\14 1900 50 3Y. 1- PER FOOT 10003000- 5000- 999 4999 2999 9999 -.25 - - -.215 - - -.17B - - -.171 -- .14 .10 .11 .2B .34 .34 .10 .11 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .05 .14 .09 .02 .27 .12 .35 .19 .29 .61 .B3 .29 .13 .125 .093 .10 .255 .293 .293 .OB7 .097 .036 .037 .03B .03B .041 .042 .044 .122 .• 079 .023 .235 .105 .299 .165 .253 .53 .72 .255 .114 .101 .077 .OBI .21 .242 .242 .071 .OB .02B .03 .032 .031 .033 .034 .037 .10 .066 .01B .194 .OB7 .24B .135 .20B .43B .599 .209 .093 .097 .074 .07B .202 .232 .232 .069 .077 .027 .029 .031 .03 .032 .033 .035 .097 .063 .017 .IB7 .OB4 .239 .13 .20 .422 .576 .202 .09 Listed. Specify standard spool length deSIred from table below. Shpg. wt., 100', 3 lbs. STANDARD SPOOLS Stock Mfr's Jacket Color U.L. _-:-:~N::o:.:.=:--+_T~y",pe~_I __=-;-;-____ I_-=_ _ _ I_---::T~y-"p.=.e__ I__..:2:..:5,-'_,,+_..:1..=0;:.0'_ _-=2.::.5°:..'__ 1_ _5_0_°'__ 1__1,--°-,-°-,-°'_,_ 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 763 773 774 775 766 762 7B6 767 P08J P08J P08J P08J POT POT POT POT Rubber Rubber Rubber Rubber Vinyl Plastic Vinyl Plastic Vinyl Piastic Vinyl Plastic Brown Black Gray White Brown Black Gray White 8P-I 8P-l 81'-1 8P-l 8PT-I 8PT-I 81'1'-1 8PT-l .68 2.60 4.85 9.40 17.50 .59 2.10 3.65 6.80 13.30 Rubber-Sheathed Service Cord. V.L. Listed. Black mb. ber jacket and rubber insulation. For appliances, Stock No. 4B TT 48 TT 4B,TT 4B.TT 4B TT 4B TT 48 TT 48 TT 48 TT 4B TT 48 TT 4B TT 48 TT 48 TT 48 TT U.L. Type 439 451 452 453 454 465 466 467 SOB 509 513 514 515 516 517 8V 8J 8J 8 8 8 8 S 8J 8J 8 8 8 8 8 No. Size of AWG Conductors --I-S2' IS 2 16 2 IS 2 2, 16 2 14 12 '2 10 2 18 3 16 3 18 3 16 3 14 3 12 3 10 3 Cu"rrent Capacity In Amps 5 5 7 5 7 15 20 25 5 7 5 7. 15 20 25 Voltage , 0.0. 300 300 300 600 600 600 600 600 300 300 600 600 600 600 600 .250" .3\0" .340" .390" .410" .540" .605" .640" .345", .375" .405" .430" .560" .635" .690" STEREO PHONO PICKUP-ARM, CABLE No; 32 (7x40) copper conductor with .009" vinyl plastic insulation. O.D...055". Av. wt.: 10' spool. 4 oz.; 25', 6 oz .. ;250'. 1 lb .. UNSHIELDED' WIRE Mfr"s Condo Type 1478 2 1401 3 1402 ,4 10- Ft. Spool Stock NO.! 48 T 523 48 T 526 48 T 529 25- Ft. Spool 250-Ft. Spool EA. Stock NO.! EA. Stock NO'!~ .32 48 T 524 .44 48 T 525 3.00 .3B 4B T 527 .90 48 T 52B 8.25 .53 48 T 533 1.20 48 T 534 I 1.25 SHIELDED WIRE Have braided tinned-copper shield. *Individually shielded wires. 1479 T 53B 5351·4514B 1406 [ 23 14B 48 T .60 4B 1407 ,4 4B T 544 .6B 4B 1410 2* 48 T 547 .60 4B 320 • ALLIED T T T T STANDARD SPOOLS Rating , 5361 •B3 1 4B T 53716.00 539 1.28 4B T 543 12.00 545 1.50 4B T 546 13.50 548 1.35 4B T 549 12.75 tools, extension cords. Specify standard spool length desired. Shpg. wt .. 100'. 3 lbs. 25' 50' 100' 250' I.OB 1.35 1.62 2.23 2.70 3.51 5.61 6.75 1.97 2.53 2.91 3.58 5.26 6.75 B.44 2.03 2.29 2.97 3.99 4.86 6.69 10.BO 12.B2 3.5B 4.53 5.40 6.75 10.20 12.82 15.B7 4.02 4.41 5.67 7.53 9.28 12.55 20.74 24.51 6.96 8.71 10.37 12.64 19.4B 24.51 29.31 9.00 9.96 13.10 17.77 22.05 30.37 51.75 60.75 16.31 20.70 30.60 47.70 62.32 60.75 72.00 Rome Flexall Cable. Non-metallic sheathed. waterproof and rot-resistant cable. Designed for burial in the earth. Has 2 No. 14 solid conductors insulated with Type TW thermoplastic. An all-glass yarn wrap covers both conductors and a synthenol plastic sheath covers the entire cable. Eliminates overhead wiring. Capacity. 15 amps. Rated at 600 volts. U.L. Listed. Size, .200x.350'. Shpg. wt .• 100 feet. 7\14 lbs. Specify footage. 47 W 594 .... _.. PER FOOT .09 100 Ft. or More ... PER FOOT .OB5 F·Qf·,iilf#l:: Rome Roflex Cable. Two-conductor cable for outdoor or indoor use. Ideal for long speaker lines and for electrical feeders or branch cir- cuits in power ,,;iring. Excellent.as extension cord for motors, power tools. etc. Color-coded No. 14 solid conductors have durable, heatresistant thermoplastic .insulation with plastic sheath covering entire cable. Capacity, 15 amps. 600 volts. U.L. Listed..230x.410". Shpg. wt" 100'. 7 lbs. Specify footage. '47 W 549, ...... PER FOOT .07 100 Ft. or More ... PER FOOT .062 Be. Sure to\ Specify Desired Footage in Your Order Hook·Up and Special·Purpose Cable by THERMOPLASTIC HOOK.UP WIRE "JUI(E BOX" SPEAKER CABLE U.L. Listed. For high-v. cicruits where low loss and proper insulation are essential. Oil and acid resistant. Breakdown, 10,000 v.; operating, 300 v. Up to BO·C. 25' spool, 4 oz. f 20 SOLID 48 T 455. Black. 48 T 456. Red. :: ~ :;~: ~~~~;... 20 STRANDED 25 FOOT SPOOL .29 49 T 459. Yellow. EACH 48 48 48 48 48 T T T T T 460. 461 • 462. 463. 464. Black. Red. Blue. Green. Yellow. f 25 FOOT SPOOL .34 EACH STRANDED HOOK-UP WIRE No. 18 tinned soft-drawn copper wire. Cotton wrap and colored rubber insulation overall. Excellent for general wiring in radio-TV chassis, switchboards. etc. Shpg. wt.. 25 ft .. 5 oz. I I I I I I 25""it::- 4ilT2iiO 48T2oT 4iiT202 4B:T203 48T205 AS Spool Red Black Blue Green White EACH PUSH·BACK HOOK·UP WIRE Tinned hook-up wire. No. 20. Only evenly- drawn pure copper wire is used. Insulation easily pushed back for convenient wiring. Available in both solid and stranded type. Unusually flexible and durable. Double-cotton covered with paraffin-treated dampproof braid. 5 different colors. Shpg. wts.: 25 ft., 4 oz.; 100 ft .. 1 lb. I I I I I I I I Spool Red Black Yellow Bluo Green EACH ~ 48 T 442 48 T 440 48 T 444 48 T 441 48 T 443 ---:36 100 ft. 48 T 447 48 T 445 48 T 449 48 T 446 48 T 448 1.29 SOLID TYPE I I Spool Red'l Black Yellow Blue Gr.en EACH ~ 48 T 472 48 T 470 48 T 474 48 T 47148 T 473--:34 100 ft. 48 T 477 48 T 475 48 T 479 48 T 476 48 T 478 1.26 HIGH-GRADE MAGNET WIRE Insulated. soft-drawn copper wire of highest quality. Manufactured for all types of coil-winding applications-transformers. RF coils, chokes. etc. All sizes indicated below are standard B&S gauge. Shpg. wts.: Yl-Ib. spool, 14 oz.; I-lb. spool, 1 Yl lb•. 48 48 48 48 48 48 T T T T T T 100 102 104 106 108 109 14 16 18 20 22 24 -Feet - EACH 38 .60 63 101 159 253 402 .60 .62 .62 .65 .65 Stock No. Size Feet 48 48 48 48 48 48 640 1013 1602 2543 4042 6410 Till T 112 T 113 T 114 T 115 T 116 26 28 30 32 34 36 -EACH -.71 .75 .83 .84 .92 .92 SINGLE-COTTON ENAMELED I-lB. SPOOLS Stock No. Size 48 48 48 48 48 48 T T T T T T 020 022 023 024 025 026 Feet EACH ---14 78 .1.44 16 17 18 19 20 , 124 156 198 248 312 1.50 1.56 1.62 1.70 1.79 Stock No. Size 48 48 48 48 48 48 T T T T T T 028 029 030 031 032 033 Stock No. Size EACH Stock No. Sizo EACH Stock No. Size EACH 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 T T T T T T T T T 22 24 25 26 28 30 Feet EACH 490 772 936 1209 1876 2780 1.91 1.95 2.07 2.19 2.63 3.08 48 T 48 T 48 T 48 T 48 T 48 T 48 T 48 T 48 T 48 T 48 T 48 T 49 T 48T 180 137 181 138 182 139 183 140 184 141 185 142 186 143 14 15 16 17 Feet --n 99 124 156 198 '!8 . -19 246 20 313 21 397 22 501 23 628 -24 798 25 941 26 1200 27 1583 EACH 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.14 1.14 1.19 1.20 1.26 1.26 1.34 1.34 1.43 1.46 1.56 Stock No. Size 48 48 48 48 48 48 49 48 48 48 48 48 48 T T T T T T T T T T T T T 1.52 1.56 1.58 1.63 1.67 1.71 1.76 1.85 1.93 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 T T T T T T T T T 085 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2.08 2.22 2.37 2.53 2.57 2.84 2.98 3.11 3.28 --48 T 158 48 48 49 48 48 48 48 48 T T T T T T T T 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 32 33 .14 35 36 37 38 39 40 3.43 3.79 4.16 4.55 4.94 6.50 8.05 8.39 8.95 Fully color-coded cable for direct burial. Copper armoring minimizes ~~.".. damage to cable from rodents and lj§iih3T?=~< insects, and reduces abrasion from sharp stones. Polyethylene insulated conductors are covered with non-hygroscopic binder tape, then with a 40-mil polyethylene jacket. This jacket is enclosed ill copper armoring, which is covered with a 40-mil polyethylene outer jacket. Conductors are solid No. 22 annealed copper. Twisted to form pairs with symmetrically varying lays to minimize cross-talk, and cabled by stranding pairs in concentric layers. Cables with 1Z, 18. 75, 100. 150. ZOO, 300 and 400 pairs are available on SPecial Order-contact ItS for price and delivery. (Types with 75 or more pairs have condu.ctors thilt are cabled by stranding pail'S into concentrically formed units, which in turn are cabled to /07111. complete assembly.) PER Lbs. No. of No. of Stock Mfr's 0.0. FT. Per Ft. Condo Type Pairs No. .20 6 12 'A3O" 6006 48 W 177 .630' 50 6025 25 48 W 178 14 .5g .8 .820' 6050 50 100 48 W 179 Yl INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR TELEPHONE WIRE 2·Conductor Interior. Rugged twisted-pair ., wire. Uses No. 22 solid, tinned copper ~~ wire. ·Has 1;iz" insulation and glazed cot- - - - - - - - - - ton braid. Shpg. wt .. 100', 2Yllbs. 48 W B I 0 ........ PER FOOT .04 100 Feet or More PER FOOT .037 2-Conductor Exterior. No. 22 solid, tinned copper wires. each with rubber insulation; overall black, weather-proof braid. 100'. 3 Ibs. 48 W 626 ........ PER FOOT .04 100 Fl. or More .. PER FOOT .033 3·Conductor Exterior. As above. but 3-conductors. 100', 4 lbs. 48 W 825 ........ PER FOOT .06 100 Ft. or More .... PER FOOT .05 TWISTED·PAIR ANTENNA LEAD-IN WIRE . HEAVY FORMVAR MAGNET WIRE ON l·LB. SPOOLS Copper magnet wire covered with Formvar; a tough. sturdy. abrasion-resisting film. Stable dielectric is maintained under the cumulative'drying and aging effects of heat; does not fail after two hours at .lG5· C. Impervious to effects of petroleum solvents; resists acid and alkali. Takes .uP less winding space. Infinite resistance to moisture. For servicemen, experimenters. Amateurs, etc. Replaces enamel, paper, cotton, silk, and double-cotton and double-silk wire. Av. shpg. wt., 1 Yllbs. ·Stock No. Size 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 -v.;- PLAIN-ENAMELED Y:z-lB. SPOOLS Stock No. Size TYPE 2000 BARE NICKEL·CHROMIUM WiRE Recommended for heating appliances and other devices whose operating temperatures do not exceed 1850·F. Particularly suited for heavywduty rheostats and controls which require a compact resistance element. 14-lb. spools. Shpg. wt .. 14 lb. TELEPHONE AND COMMUNICATION CABLE-DIRECT BURIAL TYPE STRANDED TYPE, IOx30 I Has two parallel 24-gauge conductors. 7x32 stranded-1 tinned. 1 bare. Vinyl insulation, vinyl jacket. O.D., .058x.llS". In gray, brown, white, clear-specify. Shpg. wt .. 100', 10 oz. 48 TT 245. 25' Spool ...... .42 48 TT 246. 50' Spool .....• 66 48 TT 247. 100' Spool. ..... 83 48 TT 248. 500' Spool. •.. 3.92 4B TT 249.100'0' Spool ................................. 7.75 -- Feet EACH --- 1999 187 28 1.59 144 29 2780 1.77 3200 188 30 1.79 4410 145 31 2.03 189 32 4900 2.04 146 33 6441 2.16 7950 190 34 2.19 147 35 9002 2.51 36 12,800 191 2.54 148 37 ~ 3.45 192 38 20.000 3.51 149 "39 25.188 5.37 31,700 193 40 5.45 High-quality, weather-proof, twisted pair an- ~-="57 tenna lead-in wire. Designed especially for ~ ....._ use with noise-reducing doublet-type receiving antennas. Close impedance match assures efficient signal transfer. Consists of two flexible No. 18, stranded-wire conductors with tough. long-life rubber insulation. IA,' thick. Shpg. wt .• 100 ft .. 3 Ibs. 48 W 850 ........ PER FOOT .03 100 Ft. or More .. PER FOOT .025 TINNED SOLlD·COPPER WIRE Fine quality, soft-drawn copper wire, tinned for easy soldering. 100-FT COilS Stock No. Gauge 47 47 47 47 47 47 T T T T T T 135 134 129 128 127 126 30 28 26 24 22 20 Wt. EACH EACH Stock No. Gauge - - - - 18 - - ------.06 oz. 8 oz. .33 47 T 125 .75 Wt. .06 oz. .08 oz. .08 oz. .09 oz. .09 oz. .34 .36 .38 .48 .54 47 47 47 47 T T T T 523 520 530 540 16 14 12 10 8 oz. 1.05 lYllbs. 1.43 2lbs. 1.98 311.! lbs. 4.28 20 18 13Yllbs·14.13 5 lb.. 6.75 IOOO-FT. SPOOLS 47 T 5251 47 T 527 24 22 11Yl IbS'1 2.55 147 T 5331 2 lb.. 3.38 47 T 535 Allied Electronics Has the World's largest Stocks of Wire and Cable ALLIED. 321 Alphlex "FIT" Shrinkable Tubing by ALPHA ~ APPLICA liONS Many electronic, electrical, auto- CABLE MARKERS JACKETS ~ = :;;]Inlll -. SPLICES INSULATES iil!!:iJiii ENCAPSULATES ;:·,,~,··,:::::::::::::::::tit~!ii!::::::::::::::::::::::'::":" @] WEATHERPROOFS Alphlex all-purpose shrinkable tubing shrinks in seconds when heated. forming a permanent bond that protects, insulates even irregularly shaped materials. see A. B. C. D. above. Shrinkage is predetermined; ratio is approximately 2:1 (50% shrinkage). FIT-29S POLYOLEFIN SEMI· RIGID TUBING PVC FIT-lOS FLEXIBLE TUBING Irradiated polyvinylchloride (PVC). Provides snug, flexible insulation that's ideal for cable jacketing. cable markers. etc. Excellent for insulation over splices. Supplied at "Min. I.D." size; shrinks to "Recov." I.D. in only 7 seconds when heated to 325 0 F. Black only. Av. shpg. wt. per 100 ft.. 1 Y. Ibs. Inquire for prices on larger quantities of 100' coils. 48 48 48 48 T 639 T640 T 641 T 642 Stock 48 48 4B . 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B No. T 647 T 64B T 649 T 650 T 651 T 652 T 653 T 654 T 655 T 656 T 657 Size %4' ).is' fu' Va' ~s' y.' Ya' y.' %' I' lY.' Min. Recov. 1.0. .046" .062" .093' .125' .187' .250' ~ .500' .775" 1.000' 1.500' 1.0. .023" .031'· .046' .062" .093' .125' .187' .250' .375' .500' .750" Wall Thick. .020" .020' .020' .020' .025' .025' .030' .030' .035' .040' .045" PER 1-4 8.90 9.25 10.65 11'.25 13.65 17.00 IB.75 20.75 27.75 40.00 65.75 100' COIL 5.9 10·49 6.85 5.85 7.15 6.10 B.20 7.00 B.65 7.40 10.50 B.90 13.05 11.05 14.35 12.20 15.75 13.30 21.10 17.75 30.40 25.60 49.95 42.10 PVC FIT· I 05·MS Assortments. Each box contains an assorted selection of 6" lengths in various sizes (diameters). Available in black only. Av. shpg. wt., per box. 8 oz. Stock No. 4BT 658 4B T 659 4B T 6'60 Mfr'. Type MS-l MS·2 MS-3 Tubing Size Range %4' thru y.. ¥S" thru 1" 1'V2" and 2" 6' Lgths. Per Box Per Sizel Total 10 60 10 40 7 14 MRK "FIT-MARKER" FLEXIBLE WIRE ~$ , Stock No. 48 TT 6BB 4B TT 6B9 48 TT 690 48 TT 691 4B TT 692 4B TT 693 4B TT 694 4B TT 695 4B TT 696 48 TT 697 48 TT 698 4B TT 699 PER BOX 3:75 MRK Type A B C A B C A-NS B·NS C.NS --A-LS B·LS C·LS --- 322 • ALLIED Wire O. D. (') .049-.065 ;066-.095 .096-.150 .049-.065 .066-.095 .096-.150 -.049-.065 --.066-.095 .096-.150 .049·.065 .066-.095 .096-.150 M~RKERS ----' Min. Printing on I. D. Markers .098' individual .122' }apecilY .178" number 1-50 .098" ypecifY individual .122' letter A-Z (except .178" I and 0) .098' of each .122" }two .178" number I-SO .098" 1four of each letter .122' j.A-Z (except .178" ·I and 0) Time and Temperature Ranges RANGE (F) -67 0 to +275' -67'to +302 0 -67 0 to +347 0 -67 0 to +392' -67 0 to +482 0 -67' to +572' PER PKG. OF 100 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 MIN. SERVICE continuous 1000 hra. 168 hrs. 24 hrs. 4 hrs. 1 hr. Irradiated polyolefin shrinkable tubing. For max. strength at all stress points. Shrinks at 275°F. Packaged in 2' or 6" lengths, one size per box. Av. shpg. wt" per box, 2 Ibs. PER BOX Stock Color 2~ Lgths. Size Min. 5-9 10-49 Per Box 1·4 1.0. No. 50 15.25 12.70 10.20 4B TX 666 %4" .046' yellow 16.00 13.35 10.70 50 .063" white 4B TX 667 V,6" 50 I B.55 15.45 12.40 4B TX 668 %2" .093" blue 19.80 16.55 13.25 50 4B TX 669 Va' .125' red 50 24.15 20.15 16.15 4B TX 670 ~s" .187' ~ --5-0- 30.25 25.20 20.20 48 TX 671 y." .250" slate 50 33.S5 27.95 22.40 .375" brown 4B TX 672 W 5.09 10 7.62 6.36 4B TX 673 liz' .500" black 6.79 10 10.16 B.4B 4B TX 674 %' .750" white 9.51 14.22 II.B7 10 4B TX 675 I ' 1.000" red Stock 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B No . T 676 T 677 T 67B T 679 T 6BO T ,6BI T 6B2 T 683 T 6B4 T 6B5 Size %4' ~6" %2' Va' ~s" y.' Ya" Y.' %" I" Min. Recoy. I. D~ .023' .032" .045" .063" .093" .125" .187" .250" .375" .500' 1.0. .046" .063" .093" .125' .187' .250' .375" .500" .750" 1.000" Color 6" Lgths. Per Box 40 ' 36 32 28 24 20 16 14 12 8 yellow white blUe red green slate brown black white red PER -BOX -- 3.75 --3.75 , FIT 295-MS Assortments. 6" lengths. Wt .• per box. 8 oz. Stock N0'1 4B T 6B6 4B T 6B7 7.50 ' 6.00 Shrinkable irradiated semi-rigid polyolefin tubing. Shrinks at 275 0 F. Nominal wall thickness 016". Blac~ only Shpg wt. per pkg" 3' o~. 100 per pkg. ~ '. motive, aircraft, as well as medical uses. FIT tubing displays high resistance to heat, oils, moisture, chemic~ls, acid, corrosion, fungi, and abrasion. Typo MS-l MS·2 1Tubing Sizes 'I 6" Lgths./Box IPER BO-X y.. 30 (5 per size) 3.75 '. 24 (6 per size) 7.50 ~" thru Ya' thru 1" "FIT-CAP" WIRE TERMINATION CAPS ,oo~ I_-u. ~ Stock 48 4B 4B 4B No. T 662 T 663 T 664 T 665 Mfr's Type CAP-l CAP-2 CAP-3 CAP-4 Shrinkable irradiated semi-rigid polyolefin tubing for terminati(m caps over wire, cable and splices. Figs. show amount of shrinkage and relative size of caps. Shrinkage tern· perature is 275 of. Shpg. wt .• ller pkg. 5 oz. 100 per pkg. Min. Recoy. CDlor 1.0 . I.D. .063' .025" white .125' .050" red .250" .100' slate ,500" .200' black PE R PKG. OF 100 1"·"1 ~.oo '"'4.i4 M 5.09 6.19 7.61 3.75 3.47 4.60, 4.05 5.60 4.93 6.B8 6.05 ALPHLEX HG·l HEAT GUN Powerful cenHiMgal-type blower with heating ele· ment. Provides heat to quickly shrink Alphlex tubing. With base. Also may be hand-held. For 110·120 ~'B ~ ~j~l.e.~.~ .. ~.I~~: ................... 41.25 Use the Services of the Allied Facility Nearest You-See Page 1 Alphlex Tubing, Cords, and Tapes' by ALPHA FIT-275 SIiRINKABLE TUBING ALPHLEX PVC-105 PLASTIC TUBING Irradiated polyolefin tubing supplied :Q\~ expanded at "Min. I.D." size. Shrinks =!!!~~ to *recovered inside diameter within 7 seconds-withstands 135" C continuously without further shrinking. Available in black, red, white, yellow-specify. 6 INCH LENGTHS Stock Min'. Recav. Nom. Wall 6"Lgths.1 PER Siz~ Per Box BOX 1.0.Thick. No. 1.0. --40 48 TT 000 24 .050' .027" .012' 36 48 TT 001 22 .055" .032' .012' 34 .039" .016" 3.75 48 TT 002 20 .060' 32 48 TT 003 18 .076" .049' .016" 30 .093' .061' .016' 48 TT 004 16 28 4B TT 005 14 .12011 .072' .016" 12 .089" .016' 24 48 TT 006 .153' 20 4B TT 007 10 .191' .112" .016' 3.75 18 4B TT OOB 8 .240" .141" .020" 18 4B TT 009 6 .302" .178' .020' 16 .020" 48 TT 010 4 .378' .224" MeetR MIL-I-63ID. ASTM-D876 and ASTMID"'C~":~---~ D922. Rated 800 v. Tensile strength. 2700 _ ........ ....'m .....' . '; PSI. Sizes 24 to 12. 0.016" wall. except sizes 24 and 22. 0.012". CI.or. black, red, yellow, green, blue, brown, white or orange-specify. A v. S I1 pg wt per 100 ft 5 oz 25-FT. Coils 100-FT. Coils Nom. EACH 100' COIL Size \;0. Stock Stock EAC~I No. No. 1-9 '10-49 50-99 -_65 71 TT 307 J.6II.3O I.OB 24 .022" 71 TT 300 22 .027" 71 TT 301 .66 71 TT 306 1.62 1.31 1.09 20 .034' 71 TT 302 .67 71 TT 309 1.66 1.35 1.11 18 .042" 71 TT 303 .68 71 TT 310 1.73 1.38 1.14 --16 .063" 71 TT 304 1.21 .71 71 TT 311 1.85 1.46 14 .066" 71 TT 305 .75 71TT312 1.99 1.54 1.28 12 .085' 71 TT 306 .79 71 TT 313 2.14 1.66 1.38 Sizes 10 to 2. Size 10, .016" wall thickness; all other sizes •. 020". Available in choice of six colors: clear, black, red, yellow, green, and white-specify color. Av. shpg. wt. per 100 ft .. 10 oz. - --- 4 FT LENGTHS Stock Size No. 4B 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 117-C 118-C 119-C 120-C 121-C I 22-C 123-C 124-C 125-C 126-C 127-C Min. Recav. Nom. 1.0. I. ---24 .050' 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 D.- .027" .032' .039' .055" .060" .076" .093" .120' .153" .191' .240" .302' .378" .049" .061" .072" .089" .112" .141" .178' .224" 25--4' Lengths Per Box PER BOX Wall IO-Up Thick. 5-9 1-4 .012" 16.00 13.35 10.70 .012" 13.90 11.10 16.70 14.60 .016" 17.50 11.70 .016' 12.75 19.15 15.95 .016' 20.75 17.30 13.85 .016" 22.70 18.90 15.10 .016' 24.90 20.75 16.&0 ,016" 18.20 27.25 22.70 .020" 31.80 26.50 21.20 .020" 34.30 28.60 22.40 .020' 37.30 31.10 24.85 BLACK ONLY - Stock 48 48 48 48 4B 4B 48 48 48 No. TOil T 012 T 013 T 014 T 015 T 016 T 017 T 018 T 019 Size --2 0/10' '10' ¥lo" Yz" 0/8'" y.," Va' I' 6 INCH LENGTHS Min. Recav. Nom. Wall 6" Lgths. 1.0.Per Box 1.0. Thick. .430" .275' .500" .334' .600" .399' .693' .462' .787' -.982' - - .524' .655" 1.180' .786' 1.365' .911' 1.555' 1.036' .020' .025' .025' .025" .025' .030' .035' .035' .035' 12 PER BOX --- 10 10 8 6 6 5 4 3 3.75 --3.75 4-FT LENGTHS Stock No. 48 TX 48 TX 48 TX 4B TX 48 TX 48 TX 48TX '4'8 TX 48 TX 12B 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 Size 2 0/10' '10" ¥lo' Yz' -Wy.,' Va' I' Min. Recav. 1.0. 1.0.' .430' .500" .600' .963' .787' .982' 1.180' 1.365' 1.555' .275' .334' .399' .462' .524' .655" .786" .911' 1.036' Nom./5-4' Lgth •. Per Box Wall PER BOX Thick. 1-4 5-9 10-Up .020' 8.20 6.83 5.46 .025' 8.92 7.43 6.46 .025' 11.11 9.26 8.03 .025' 14.09 11.76 10.20 .025' 16.30 13.58 11.80 - - - --- - - .030' 19.40 16.19 14.08 .035" 23.09 19.24 16.70 .035' 27.31 22.76 19.80 .035' 32.21 26.84 23.28 ZIP-31 PLASTIC ZIPPER-TUBING Designed to harness. cover. and protect cables. Just zip to close-zip to open. ~~". _ Fabricated from .020" polyvinyl sheet ;:" ..=.... -""",,,,, ... _=-;; c of MIL-I-631D. grade C materials.~.. .- ~ ·High dielectric strength of 759 v/mil; -... ~ -tensile strength of 3810 PSI. Maintains .:.flexibility regardless of temperature extremes-from -86" C to +105" C. Fungus-proof and non-flammable. One slider supplied with each 25 feet of tubing. Order tubing lI.!" larger than total O.D. of wires to be covered. May be permanently sealed (see below). Available in e'ther black or clear specify 1 10O-FT. COILS, EACH Stock Inside Wt., No. Dia. Lbs. 1-4 5-9 10-49 ----4b TT 376 34_00 31":00 29_00 4 y." 48 TT 377 34.50 31.50 4Yz 29.50 %' 48 TT 378 y.,' 5 35.00 32.00 30.00 48 TT 379 SYz 36.00 32.50 30.50 Va" 48 , ..[' 385 I' 36.00 33.00 6l1.! 31.00 -----49 T 972. AB-295. Extra metal sliders. For above. 2 oz ..... EA.• 05 PB-200 Special-Compound Liquid Sealer. For permanent sealing of ZIP-31 tubing. Easily applied by brush. seals 1000 feet. - Stock N°'I~I~I EACH 49 T 973 I oz. 6 oz. .35 49 T 974 2 oz. , 9 oz. .60 I Stock NO'j Size I Wt. 'j EACH 49 T 975 4 oz. 10 OZ. 1.00 49 T 976 I Qt. 3lbs. 5.00 . l~6 I.166' ::~~: I71~: TT ~~ 316 ~: ~ II1.23 :~~ I7~:I TT ~~ 321 ~~61 3.91 i:~~ I3.02 t~~ I2.51 ~:~~ 4 .208" 71 TT 317 1.40 71 TT 322 4.5B 3.47 2.84 2 .263" 71 TT 3 I 8 1.59 71 TT 323 5.34 4.00 3.32 Sizes 0 to y.,". Wall thicknesses. size O.• 020"; *.025"; t .030"; § .035'" Ch 01'c e of clear or black- specify Av wt 100' 5 lbs 25-FT. COILS 100-FT. COILS Nom. EACH Size 1.0. Stock Stock EACH No. No. 1-9 10-49 50-99 ---0 .330' 71 TT 324 1.81 71 TT 335 &.23 4.64 3.89 .312" 71 TT 325 2.11 71 TT 336 7.44 5.54 4.64 7'16"* 0/8"* .375' 71 TT 326 2.40 71 TT 337 8.59 6.41 5.49 liz"'" .500' 71 TT 327 2.91 71 TT 338 10.64 8.07 6.87 'Ys't .625" 71 TT 32B 4.08 71 TT 339 15.30 11.73 9.83 5.53 .......... ....... %"~ .750' 71 TT 329 .. RETRACTILE NEOPRENE-JACKET POWER CORDS Retracted lengths. 2 and 4 ft.; ~ Ii& ~ i& /iii& ~ ~ Ii&. M& iN.1fA iii. extended lengths. 12 and 25 ft. ~ \.."'J'<:!i/\:f!I~~ \!!/\!I~'\!/~,~' U.L. Listed. All are U.L. Type ' SO, except *SVO. t SJO. Average shpg. wt .• 4 oz. TWO FOOT RETRACTED LENGTHS EACH Stock Mfr's No. of Condo A. V. Coil Type Conds. Size No . O. D. 1-9 10-24 25-49 50-99 18"""7 JOO l ' 48T335 660/2* 2 3.08 2.77 2.57 2.31 5.6300 lY." 4.BO 4.32 4.00 3.60 4BT338 663/2t 4 18 16 !O .100 IYz' 4.05 3.&5 3.28 2.95 48T339 664/2t 2 3 16 to .;00 IYz" 5.10 4.59 4.25 3.82 4BT340 665/2t 48T342 670/2 3 16 ,0 60U 1%11 &.B3 &.15 5.69 5.12 4 16 8 tOt IVa" 7.56 6.82 6.32 5.69 4BT343 571/2 48T344 572/2 2 14 .5 GOl 2" 7.43 6.69 &.19 5.57 3 14 i5 600 2Ya' 8.40 7.56 7.00 6.30 48T345 673/2 FOUR FOOT RETRACTED LENGTliS 18 2 7 300 I' 5.55 5.00 4.63 4.17 48T355 660/4' 7 300 Ill.!' 6.15 5.54 5.13 4.62 2 18 48T356 661/4t 3 18 7 300 IY.' 8.03 7.23 6.69 6.02 48T357 662/4t 16 10 .100 IYz" 7.58 6.82 6.32 5.69 4BT359 664/4t 2 - 9.60 8.64 8.00 -7.20 ---- - -- -16 - -10 -300 -IYz" 3 48T3&6 66S/4t 8 )OOl%N 11.55 10.40 9.63 B.67 16 4BT3&i 666/4"t . 4 48T36£ 670/4 3 16 ,0 JOO IVa' 12.98 11.&8 10.82 9.74 - - SYNTHETiC FLAT LACING TAPES Meet military requirements.. 014" thick. except type LC-134 is .010". *MIL-T-713A. Type p. Class II. In black or white: Shpg. wt .• SOO-yd. spool. lIb. BRAIDED NYLON-SOO-YD SPOOLS Mfr's Stock 49 49 49 49 49 T 984 49 T 985 Color Width 1-9 --White LC136¥Jail 7.B9 Black LC136* 8.53 7'3z" White LCI34 5.05 Y16" LCI34 Black 5.68 v,o" BRAIDED DACRON-SOO-YD. SPOOLS Type No. T 980 T 981 T 982 T 983 I LCI62 LCI62 I White I Black %z' %z' EACH 10-24 7.50 8.20 4.80 5.50 -25-49 -7.00 7.&0 4.50 5.15 I 8.53 7.89 I 7.50 I 7.00 8.20 7.60 ALPlilEX SHIELD-TAPE 100% RF shielding for any wire or cable. Aluminnm foil laminated to a "Mylar" film with a pressure sensitive back. Less than .002" t!1i Ck • EACH 100' ROLL. Stock Foil Cable Mfr's Oz. Type O. D. No. Width 1_9110-241'25-49 Under ~11 8 48 T 294 ASF-IlI.! 7.50 6.75' 5.75 Ill.!" 48 T 299 ASF-I'Ys 10 1%' 9.00 8.007.0Q Y4"-¥a" 13 13.50 12.00 10.50 48 T 325 ASF-2l1.! 2l1.!" '10"-%' Allied-Everything in Electronics from One Dependable Source ALLIED 0323 Technical Products, Inc. TEFLON EXTRUDED FLEXIBLE TUBING ....._ _ _.::..._-,:-______-. • Natural Calor A high temperature "Class C" thin, flexible insulation that will not melt or • Resists High flow as conventional thermoplastic maTemperatures terials. Spaghetti tubing extruded from pure teflon TFE flurocarbon resins-is • Nonflammable free of contaminants, stresses, and is of and Resist",nt uniform density and color. Nonflamto Moisture mabIe; unharmed by soldering irons. Does not absorb moisture. Dielectric strength, 500-1000 V /MiI; constant, 2.0; dissipation, 0.0002. No variation of electrical properties from 25· C to 250· C, or frequency from 60 cps to 100 mc. Meets all standards: M IL-122129C, AMS 3653B, MIL-I-3158, MIL 104-C. Dimensions in inches. THIN-WALL SPAGHETTI TEFLON TUBING S~ock ~~~ +'~: r:'4':"~:-"-:::::-°-;-;=9=5-':"1-3-0W 196 28 "f 4B 4B W 197 26 --,,-'_" __ 1 24 4-:,B~W~I-=-9-=-9 4B 4B ",4B ,4B 4B 4B 4B ';4B 4B 4B 48 4B 4B 49 4B 48 4B 4B 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 Inside Diame~er (In.) Wall (In.) ~:1:' Thick- Tol. ± :::. .013 .016 .020 ~ --:245 2 1 .258 .289 .307 .325 ~6 0 ~~~ :::. .015.019 .009 .018 .022 .009 .022 .027, .009 ~ li32 ~ .034 .039 .012 .038 .043 .012 .042 .049 .012 .047 .054 .012 --:002 .067 .072 .080 .089 .012 .012 .012 .012 .003 .003 ,003 .003 .112 .124 .130 .141 .012 .015 .015 .015 .003' .004 .004 .004 .22 .25 .26 .27 .178 .198 .224 .249 .015 .015 .015 .015 .004 .004 .004 .004 .31 .34 .38 .41 .278 .311 .329 .347 .015 .015 .015 .015 .004 .004 .004 .004 .49 .52 .57 .59 -2-2- -----:025 20 .032 19 .036 18 .040 17 .045 --1-6- --:ii51 ~ 15 .057 .059 14 .064 .066 13 .072 .076, 12 .081 .085 --1-1- --:091 ---:095 10 .102 .106 9 .114 .118 Va .120 .125 8 .129 .133 - - 7 , - --:144 -:t48 6 .162 .166 5 .182 .188 4 .204 .208 3 .229 .234 W 300 W 30 I W 302 W 303 W 304 W 305 W 306 W 307 W 308 W 309 W 310 W 311 W 312 W 313 W 314 W 315 W 316 W 317 W 318 W 319 W 320 W 321 W 322 W 323 W 324 ~o~; 100'- .002 .. 002 .002 --:002 .003 .003 .003 .003 ---:061 -:012 -:003 200'- 500'- .~9:~ .~9:~ PER FOOT 1000'5000'- .OB .057 .053 .07 .056 .05 .07 ,056 .05 ~~~ .12 .093 .07B, .12, .097 .OB3' .13 .107 .09 .14 .11 5 .09B --.1-4- ~ -:T05 .14 .12B .1 DB .16 .13B .1 16 .17 .156 .127 .18 .166 .136 --:tOl1ii2 -:iiii3 --:20 --:t58 --:oi5 --:oii4 -:29 10,000' 25,000' .042 .03B .041 .04 .037 .03B .06 .064 .07 .076 .057 .061 .067 .073 .039 .035 .03B ~ .054 .05B .063 .069 .OB4 .09 .101 .IOB ~ .13 .183 .192 .202 .OB .OB6 .097 .104 ~~:~ ~~:~ 2~~~' a~;4~p .044 .04 .043 .062 .067 .072 .079 --:o4iI-:047 -:ci44 ---:086 --:oBI---mB --:o7S .OBB .094 .106 .114, ,077 .OB3 .094 .101 ----:186 --:lSI ----:T26 ---:Ti6 ~ .194 .155 .135 . 1 2 5 ' .121 .233 .209 .190 .177 .171 .246 .22 .20 .186 .18 .258 .232 .21 .196 .189 ~ ~ ~ --:221---:214 ~ .303 .275 .251 .243 .235 .23 .339 .309 .2B2 .273 .265 .259 .369 .337 .309 .299 .29 .284 ,;405 .374 .343 .332 .322 .315 --:25il --:26s --:oi5 --:oii4 --:46"""A38 ~ -:365" 354"" ~---:335 .263 .294 .312 .330 .456 .499 .556 .563 .419 .462 .51 .516 .392 .41 B .463 .471 .371 .40 I .45 .459 .351 .394 .435 .444 .349 .386 .426 .434 .055 .06 .093 .09B .114 .126 .152 .193 .287 .052 .057 .079 .093 .109 .12 .145 .175 .275 .321 .353 .383 .452 .473 .585 .049 .054 .075 .098 .104 .11,5 .138 .169 .264 .307 .339 .369 .437 .45B .572 .046 .051 .071 .083 .106 .109 .13 .159 .249 .291 .32 .34B .419 .439 .549 PER FOOT 500'1000'999' 4999' 5000'- STANDARD-WALL SPAGHETTI TEFLON TUBING 24 4B W715 49 W 716 49 W 717 48 W 719 4B W 719 ,48 W 720 4BW 721 48 Vi 722' 48 W 723 49 W 724 4B W 725 4B W 726 4B W 727 4B W 729 49 W 729 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 --54 --- .020 .025 .032 .040 .051 .064 .081 .102 .129 .162 .022 .027 .034 .042 -.053 -.066 .085 .106 .133 .166 ---:i82 ""'Ts6 .204 .245 .258 .325 y., 2 0 .208 .250 .263 .330 .027 .032 .039 .049 .061 --:072 .089 .112 .141 .178 .198 .224 .265 .278 ,347 .012 .012 .016 .016 .016 -.016 -.016 .016 .020 .020 .002 .002 .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 ---:020 .020 ,020 .020 ,020 .09 .10 .13 .19 .21 .24 .27 .33 .47 .53 ~ .64 .72 .73 .91 .OB .089 .121 .146 .176 .06B .076 .103 .125 .149 .158 .1 B2 .21 .316 .369 ---:TB9 .22 .255 .359 .418 A 6 --::405 .50 .591 .609 .761 ~ .44 .513 .536 .67 .368 .40 .466 .4B7 .695 LIGHTWEIGHT-SPAGHETTI TEFLON TUBING AWG Stock No. , 48 49 49 48 49 48 Wall (In.) Inside Diameter (In.) Size Min. Nom. Max. 26 24 22 20 18 .016 .020 .025 .032 .040 .018 .022 .027 .034 .042 .021 .025 .031 .038 .046 Thick- Tol.± 1'99' 100'199' 200' .. 499' .07 .OB .OB .11 .12 .059 .067 .07 .09 .10 .04B .051 .059 .074 .09 ness - - -.017 - - -.006 - - -.002 - - -.07 - - -.015 - - -.056 - - -.039 - - -9999' --- -.012 - - -.047 - - -.042 28 .034 W 730 W 731 W 732 W 733 W 734 W 735 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 .042 .045 .052 .064 .077 .034 .036 .042 .049 .059 .032 .035 .039 .046 .056 10,000' and Up .032 .030 .032 .038 .044 .053 THIN-WALL INDUSTRIAL TEFLON TUBING Stock No. 4B W 736 48 W 737 48 W 739 4B W 739 49 W 740 4B W 741 4B W 742 49 W 743 4B W 7,44 4B W 745 4B W 746 4i1.w 141 4icw 74B 48.w 749 48 W 750 AWG Nom. Nom. Wall Size 1.0. Inches .125 .188 .250 .312 .375 .438 .500 .562 .625 .687 .750 0.0. Inohes .185 .248 .310 .372 .435 .498 .560 .622 I. .685 .747 .830 .965 1.100 '1.215 1.340 Thickness Inohes Va ~6 y., ~6 % Y16 liz %6 % 'V,6 ~ Va 1 IVa ly., 324 • ALlIED .875 1.000 1.125 1.250 Inches .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 '.030 .040 ,045 .045 .045 .045 1'24' 25'. 49' .75 .97 1.30 1.60 1.81 2.05 2.30 '2.54 2.71 3.13 4.00 5.20 5.59 7.04 9.24 .69 .99 1.19 1.42 1.62 1.71 2.10 2.35 2.54' 2.99 3.66 4.76 5.89 6.59 7.55 60'· 99' .62 .80 1.09 1.30 1.48 1;55 I.B7 1.95 2.33 2.69 3.32 4.33 5.40 6.26 6.97 PER FOOT 100'249' 250''499' 500'- ' 2499' 2500'4999' .55 .71 " .98 1.16 1.35 1.42 1.67 1.85 2.06 2.3B,,. 3.01 3.94 5.05 5.6& 6.58 .48 .64 .B2 1.03 1.26 1.34 1.53 1.70 1.91 2.25 2.90 3.BO 4.85 5.2B 6.18 .44 .60 .78 .96 1.16 1.29 1.47 1.63 1.83 2.13 2.81 3.67 4.69 5.06 5.96 .42 .54 .74 .91 1.09 1.24 1.44 1.56 1.77 2.07 2.71 3.55 4.53 4.98 5.BI Everything in Electronics from One Dependable Source Wire, Cable, Tubing, and Accessories BIRFLEX VINYl-COATED FIBERGLASS TUBING BIRNBACH ASSORTED HOOK-UP WIRE Quality electronic and electrical tubing. Ideal for laboratory prototype designing and electronic servicing applications. Inorganic fiberglass base sleeving is combined with heat resistant, flexible plastic insulation. Provides excellent heat stability of 130'C. and is nonflammable. Has dielectric strength of 4000 volts. Low-temperature flexibility, -30 0 C. Is unusually tough, with good corrosion and oil resistance. Meets requirement specifications of: MIL-I-3190A. NEMA VSI Class B. Grade Bl. and ASTM D372. Black only. 30 INCH LENGTHS - Stock 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 No. T 352 T 353 T 354 T 355 T 35& T 357 T 35B T 359 T 3&3 T 3&4 T T T T Mfr's Gauge Approx. Type Size 291 293 294 295 300 307 301 302 297 298 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 I.D. .034 .042 .053 .066 .085 .106 .135 .166 .208 .263 %f' !4" 36·INCH LENGTHS 303 %;" 304 Ya" 299 Yz' 296 Ya" 365 366 3&7 3&8 T 3&9 T 373 T 374 T 375 T 376 T377 T 37B T 379 T 3B3 T 3B4 .1 B .IB .1 B .IS .IB .24 .30 .33 .3& .42 .3125 .375 .500 .625 I 100-FOOT 291VC 293VC 294VC 295VC 300VC 307VC 301VC 302VC 305VC 306VC EACH LENGTHS 20 18 16 14 12 .54 .66 1.2& 1.50 .034 .042 .053 .066 .085 .106 .135 .166 .208 .263 10 8 6 4 2 • 4.BO 5.10 5.40 5.55 6.00 6.&0 7.95 9.60 10.50 13.20 STRANCO WIRE MARKERS I-Ieat resistant. self-adhering "Mylar" markers for efficient wire and cable identification. Consist of 33 numeral markers per card, in consecutively numbered sequence from 1 through 33. Lamicode Markers have legend protected by clear "Mylar" surface. Metalcodes are soft aluminum-foil with clear "Mylar" covered legend. Temperature rauge. Shpg. wt., 1 oz., per card. Contact us for prices more cards. 49 T 89B. Lamicodes. 1-24 Cards .... EA. .23 49 T B99. Metalcodes. 1-24 Cards .... EA.• 29 .............. ::::"":::,,::::: ..........., .......................... ........... ................ -.......... . ., ......... ~ " -SO' F to +400' F. 25-99 Cards .. EA•• 20 25-99 Cards __ EA.• 23 ASSORTED 8" LENGTHS Selection of cambric and vinyl spaghetti in various colors to permit easy coding of wiring'. Highly popular with experimenters and builders. In assorted diameters. Shpg. wt .• Yz lb. 49 T 22,0. 26-Piece Assortment. __ ........................... 39 SELECTION OF 36" LENGTHS Stand·ard-grade varnished tubing for TV shops. experimental labs. etc. Average dielectric strength. 4000 volts. Available in most commonly used wire sizes and colors. Conform fully to V. T.S. and A S T M specifications Shpg wt 2 oz 5 Lengths per Pkg .. For Stock No. Wire Size 20 18 16 14 12 10 Black 49 T 164 49 T 169 49 T 174 49 T 179 49 T 184 49 T IB9 Yellow 49 49 49 49 49 49 T T T T T T 165 170 175 IBO 185 190 49 49 49 49 49 49 Red TIl'.l'. T 171 T 176 T IBI T IB6 T 191 ASSORTED TEFLON HOOK-UP WIRE A variety of quality hook-up wire that is practically impervious ~o heat. Excellent for RF circuits. Sizes from 24 to 18 gauge; sohd and stripped colors of Type E and EE. . 4B T 1&7. Six 25-ft. Coils .. _...................... PER PKG. 2.99 4B T 168. Five 100-ft. Coils. __ .................... PER PKG. 7.45 IRC "POLYSTRIP" FLAT CABLE For interconnecting electrical and electronic equipment. Consists of uniformly spaced ribbon copper conductors. laminated with self-extinguishing plastic into thin. flexible cable. For lowvoltage applications such as intercommunication systems. Insulation serviceable to 85' C. Conductors are .002x.062" copper equivalent to AWG 28. Nominal thickness •. 010". 28 v. max. @ 2 amps. Res 066 ohms/conductor ft. Av. wt .• 100 ft .• 2 Ibs. ... Stock Type No. 47 47 47 47 47 47 W W W W W W 248 249 193 194 195 19& P1Oo3 PI005 PI007 PI015 PI022 PI028 No. Strip Condo Width --35 7 IS 22 28 .330" .630" .800" 1.600' 2.300" 2.900" PER FT . 1001'101'· 1000' 10,000' ~ ~ .20 .15 .2B _.2_1_ ----:s3 .42 .62 .77 .9B .73 1'100' .IB .25 .35 .75 1.10 1.40 47 T 197. Type AT-I Adhesive Tape. Double backed. For fast. neat installation of Polystrip cable. Wt. 12 ~z. 50 ft. Spool .. _........ 9& "POL YSTRIP" INSTALLER'S KIT Model 205. Simplifies wiring in interconnecting equipment. A real time-saver-has many applications in industry. Includes: 1-75' roll of 5conductor cable; 1-75' roll of 3-conductor cable; 6-5PWR splicing connectors; 25PWA wire-lead connectors; 6-3PWR connectors; 2-3PWA connectors; 50' roll of tape; 1 stripping tool. Shpg. wt .• 1 % Ibs. 2 47 T &05 .......................... 27.7 on quantities of 100 or VARNISHED SPAGHETTI TUBING .. Flexible. durable stranded copper wiresome tinned, others untinned. In assorted gauges. colors and types of insulation. For hook-ups and a wide variety of applications: chassis wiring of radio and television receivers. transmitters. and other types of electronic equipment. Highly resistant to heat and moisture. . .. 49 T 344. Six 25-ft. Coils ..... PER PKG.• 79 ..... 49 T 345. Five 100·ft. Coils ..................... _ .PER PKG. 2.,\5 PER PKG. 1-4 167 .75 172 .79 177 .B3 IB2 .90 IB7 .95 192 1.03 Green 49 49 49 49 49 49 T T T T T T LUDLOW CABLE LACING CORD Waxed linen ·twine for cable harness lacing. Hard-twist gray 8-cord tests at SO pounds. For, binding cables in l"iwitchboards. control consoles, transmitters, receivers, dC. 1 lb. spool contains approximately 450 yards; Yz lb. "pool. approximately_ 225 yards. 49 T·24S. I-lb. Spool. Wt .• 114lbs............... 3.IB 49 T 24&. Yz-Ib. Spool. Wt .• % Ibs ...............• 1.6B 5-Up .&B .72 .75 .B2 •B& .93 . HEll-TUBE SPIRAL-CUT CABLE WRAP '"'~'",.,,_O,""" •. ''''''"'''''' ~~ ~ __. . _ lead-offs can be brought out at any point. Suffix IIC" indicates clear plastic; UN" indicates nylon; "FR", fire resistant. Av. wt .• per 100-ft.• 2 lbs. Stock 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 47 48 47 No. W B70 W B71 W BBO W 402 W403 W 404 W IB9 W 881 W 190 Mfr's Type Dla. HTYaC HTYaC HTYaC HTYaN HTYaN HTYaN HT'lsFR HTYaFR HTYzFR 1-99 'Is' .04 14" Yz" .06 .13 14" Yz" --:14 14" .10 .19 'Is" .OB .36 'Is" .06 Vz" .... ,- -", .... "'. . . ", . ' .. PER FOOT 100-999 1000-4999 5000-9999 10,OOO.. Up .033 ~ ~ ~ .054 .045 .040 .032 .112 .12 .OB6 .064 .06B .062 .052 .042 .124 -.-10-- --:s94 .B2 .344 .32B .312 .25B .043 .036 .032 .024 .072 .064 .044 .055 .136 .152 .08B .110 G-C PLASTIC CABLE TIES Bind separate cables into single neat harness. Wrap tie around and· thru locking loop. Plastic except "nylon. 100 per pkg. 4 oz . Stock No. 47 T 182 47 T IB3 47 T IB4 47 T I BS 47 T IB& 47 T 187 47 T IBB Mfrr • Type 34-432 34-440 34-436 34-460' 34-444 34-452 34-448 Allied Maintains the World's Largest Stocks of Electronics Components Size 414" 414" 414" --.-ow 10' 10' 10' Color 1-49 Blue 1.11 --Red PER PKG. 100-Up 60-99 ---.BB .&9 Yellow Clear Red Blue Yellow 3.3B 2.16 2.1 & 2.1 & 2.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 ---z:-i9 1.35, 1.35. 1.35· ALLIED • 325 Cable, Wire Ma'rkers and Wiring Accessories CABLE TIES AND CLAMPS "~.]])M COMPONENTS FOR WIRING I I PLASTIC SNAP-SLOTWIRIN~ DUCT Vinyl plastic duct with rounded edges. In 6-ft. sections. Simplifies complex wiring installation. Provides protection and a neat appearance. May be cut with a hacksaw. Snap-slot design for easy insertion of wires. Assembly includes duct and cover. Specify dark gray or white. PER Nominal Stock No. Wt. Per SIX FOOT SECTION Stze H 100 Ft. 1-16 17-166 167-Up 15 lb., ,48 TX 701-C -W3.16 2.51 2.25 20 lb•. ,3.56 l;2' 4B TX 702-C I' 2.84 2.64 20 lb•. l;2' ,1\4' 48 TX 703-C 3.96 3.10 2.84 201bs. 48 TX 704-C l;2' 1%' 4.09 3.04 ' 3.30 221bs. 48 TX 705-C I' 3.63 %' 2.91 2.70 25tbs, 4B TX 706-C I' I' 3.76 3.03 2.77 201bs. 48 TX 707-C 3.56 2.84 %' %' 2.64 30 lb•. 4B TX 708-C I' 2' 5.01 4.02 3.70 4B T X 290. CS-l Corner Strip. Provides smoother corners at duct junctions. Wt. per 100 ft., 15 lbs., . , . , . ' . , PER 5-FT. LENGTHS 1.60 W ----w- STA-STRAP INSTALLATION TOOl. Easy-to-use installation tool for use with Sta-Strap Series cable ties and cl;>mps, listed above right. Saves time and is extremely easy to ltse:-'-just squeeze handles; when preset strap tension is reached, _ excess strap is automatically cut , off. Compact for use in confined quarters. Provides uniform strap tightness, neat installation, Shpg. wt .. lib. 48 T 263. Type TS-2.o ' .................. "' ..... ,', .. ,19.00 STA-STRAP PNEUMATIC INSTALLATION TOOL Sta-Strap Series 55. Permanent, hand or tool applied white ny">~ lon ties for fast harnessing of wire hundIes. Self-locking. For wire bundles up to 1%"-dia., except *4' and, **y.,"-dia. Available as tie (T); clamp (C); identification (M); or push clamp (P). Type SSC-2 nylon tie has anchoring damp. 'Lok-Strap Series LS. Releasable, hand-applied white nylon ties. For wire bundles up to 1%"-diameter, except *4' dia. Type LSC-2 is supplied with an anchoring clamp. All in Packages of 100. Stock No. 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B T T T T T T T T T T Mfr's 710 251 711 252 712 713 714 253 254 260 SST-I" SST-2 SST-4' SSC-2 SSM-2 SSM-4* SSP-2 LST-2 LST-4* LSC-2 -C C C D FIG FIG E B B A Wt. 100 250499 2.55 3.05 6.60 3.30 6.10 9.65 3.30 4.90 B.50 5.30 -- Tie Anchors. (Not illustrated.) 'For LST and SST cable ties in Table above. Type TA-l is for inline mount. Requires minimum space; mounts before wire installation. Type T A:2 is for perpendicular mount; attach before or after wire installation. 4!IT261ITA-ll""":"'130Z'1 3.001 2 •40 1 2.2512.15 48 T 262 TA-2 "",.,,. 4 oz, 3.60 2.B5 2.70 2.55 ~ I!.!" , ~ PER PACKAGE OF 1. Per 10100100 9 99 249 ---4 oz. 3.60 2.B5 4' 2.70 6%' 5 oz. 4.30 3.40 3.25 9 oz. 9.BO IS' 7.BO 7.20 7%' 6 oz. 4.90 3.90 3.60 6%' 6 oz. B.60 6.BO 6.50 10oz, 14.10 11.20 10.45 IS' 7Yo' 6 oz. 4.90 3.90 3.60 6%' 6 oz. 6.90 5.45 5.20 14' 10 oz. 12.00 9.45 9.00 5.90 5.60 7¥..' 7 oz. 7.45 Fig. Lgth. Type - Automatic tool for use with ~~ti:t~~~~=~, anchors Sta-Strap cableright). ties, Reduces clamps, (above production cabling time-merely insert desired strap, touch the air-valve and the Sta-Strap is tensioned, trimmed flush and cut-off portion is ejected. No twisting of strap required-strap tension is precisely controlled by internal spring mechanism-no air regulator needed. Moving parts guarded for safe operation. 6-ft. hose; Yo" fitting. Shpg. wt., 1 l;2 Ibs. ' 4B T 709. Type ATS-2.o .............................. 183.00 m~@~~ lID III lID ill Stock No; 4B T 291 4B T 292 4B T 293 SPIRAL CABLE WRAPPING PER 100' COIL Mfr'. Type T-2SF T-2SR T-2SN SHEAT~ 'Wrap around wire-bundles to provide protection with extreme flexibility. Sh,eat,h,s can be used with bundles from ¥I.' to 2" diameter. Suffix "F" indicates clear polyethylene; "R" fire-resistant white polyethylene; "N" clear nylon. Cabling tdpl supplied free with standard \4" 0.0., 100-ft. coils. Wt., per 100 ft .. 2 lbs. '~, / ~:~O 9.20 14.00 I :~:5 11~:~~ 7.35 8.25 12.60 11.20 1 6::::: 6.50 i 9.95 eRADY WIRE MARKERS TYPE B-400 ELECTRONIC WIRE M A R K E R S , " Identify Circuits, etc at a Glance Stock 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B No. TT 401 1:T 386 T 396 T 39'1 T 3911 T 399 T400 Mfr'. Type B-400MM B-400MM B-400MM B-400MM B-400MM B-400MM B-400MM Self-sticking, pre-printed liz' long markers for wires under 0.150'. Identify wires and cables for pgsitive coding of circuits, panels and assemblies, etc. IIGardkote" adhesive sticks to any type of insulation, even teflon. Completely resistant to heat (up Marker. Per Card Description 1-24 150 150 150 150 Individual letters-Specify A-Z Individual numbers-Specify 0-99 Consecutive numbers 0-49 Consecutive numbers 50-99 Consecutive numbers 100-132 Consecutive numbers 133-165 Consecutive numbers 166-198 .30 99 .30 99 99 p;~- to 250· F.). oil, major solvents. Fade-proof inks vide permanent markings. Super-thin for confined areas. Made to MIL-E-S272A. Supplied as identi~a1 numbers per card, groups of consecutive numbers, or letters. Wt. per card, 1 oz. . .<' ,I PER CARD ') 100·499 600·999 1000.2499 2500.4999 5000-9999 -25·99 --.27 .216 .189 .177 .168 ---- - - - - ---- - - - - -'--- .27 .216 .189 .177 .168 ---,-~- .162~ ----rJ.162,; '.'f TYPE B-500 PERM A-CODE WIRE MARKERS Self-sticking, heavY-duty plastic-coated cloth markers. 1 l;2" long for wires 0.150" through 0.500" dia. Adhere to any type of insulation including teflon, nylon, plastic, silicone and rubber. Meet MIL-EStock No. 4B TT3B7 4B TT 3BB 4B T 3B9 4B T 390 48 T 391 48 T 392 48 T 393 48T 394 48 T 395 Mfr's Type B-SOO B-SOO B-SOO B-SOO B-SOO B-SOO B-SOO B-SOO B-SOO 326 • ALLIED Deler' ptlon Markers Per Card Individual numbers-Specify 0-50 Individualletters-Specify A-Z - Consecutive numbers 1-33 Consecutive numbers 34-66 Consecutive numbers 67-99 Consecutive numbers 100-124 PJ.us"Sign MaI'kets Mi~us-Sign Markets Consecutive letters A"'Z 36 36 33 33 33 25 33 33 26 S272A specs. Use to identify electronic wire, cables, assemblies, harnesses in communications equipment, cotnpUting systems, e~c. Pressure-sensitive adhesive; resists heat to 23S·F. Wt. per card, 1 oz. PER Cjl.RD 1.24 100·499 600·9'99 1000·2499 2600·4999 5000·9999 26·99 ---- .23 .20 .16 .14 ' , .13 uiJ, ---- ---- ---- ---- ~ ~''''!' " .23 .20 .16 .14 .13 ---- - - - .125 .12 --'-- ---.125 .12 Depend on Allied for Everything in Electronics AdiustableFluorescent arid Incandescent Lamps r--.. ---.. .-----.. LUXO GLARE-FREE ADJUSTABLE LAMPS ~"..,...,.'",' U.L. listed@)ModeILFM-IA I 1K'fi ~l-~~ As low as • $29 95 ; Glare-Free Light in Any Direction I ~ • So Magnifying Lens • 45" Extension Arm • 360' Sweep Incandescenl • Spring-Loaded Combined • 360 0 Sweeping Range ... fii1 MODEL L-IA ALL-ANGLE LAMP. 2 extenI!!J sion arms with 360' sweep. Spring-loaded 'swivel joints; knurled-nut tension control; vented porcelainized shade. With clamp. ·Dove gray. U.L. Listed. Less bulb; uses std. incandescent. For 115 VAC. Sibs. 91 NX296 .................. EACHI7.62 '3 or More .................... EACH 15.88 f81 • 2 Fluorescent Tubes • Arms Extend 45" • Easy to Position MODEL LC-IA COMBlt-IATION LAMP. Ideal ~ for people working with color. 3-way lamp combines incandescent and fluorescent light in one fixture. Lights can be used individually or together. Two extension arms reach 45"; sweep 360'. Clamp for table or @) MODEL LFM-IA MAGNIFIER LAMP. Fluorescent lamp with distortion-free SIt magnifier. Spring-balanced. Extension arms. 45"; sweep 360'. With mtg. clamp. Gray finish. V.L. Listed. Less tube; uses T9. For 110-120 v., 60 cycle AC. SIbs. 33 30 91 NX 201. .............. EACH • 3 or More ........•••••.••... EACH 29.95 desk. Gray fil1ish. V.L. Listed. Vses 60-watt bulb and Circline T9 tluorescent tube (not supplied). For 110-120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .• 9lbs. 2 95 91 NU 229 ................. EACH I. 3 or More .................... EACH 19.98 As low as $19 98 MODEL FL-IA ALL-ANGLE LAMP. Ex- pertly designed all-purpose tluorescent lamp with "feather-touch" positioning-can be raised. lowered or turned with slight finger pressure. Unique, spring-loaded extension arms always Ustay-put" in proper position. Lamp housing is also adj ustahle. Shade size, 19x4Va'. Handy pushbutton starter. Mounting clamp for desk or table. Two extension arms reach 45". Gray finish. Less tubes; uses 2 TS's. V.L. Listed. For 110-120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Wt., 9 lbs. 21 95 I' • ......... ·.·.~~~~H 19.98 • 1IIiII ~~rN:o~e~~·.·.:·.· ______ __ ___ _ .. • • • • • FLEXO LA~M~P~S~~~!II • SH Lens; 13" focus • 45" Arm, 360' Sweep Ijj1 MODEL 4303 ALL-PURPOSE FLUORESCENT LAMP. Head tilts ~ vertically ISO' and turns .100° on axis. Vpper elbow swings 160° verticallYl lower swings 110° vertically. Extends to 36". Spring:ontrolled swivel ioints. 2-bolt clamp base for surfaces to 3" thick. Can be screw-mounted. Bronze finish. Less tubes; uses 2 TS' •. V.L. Usted. For 110-120 V.. 60 cycle AC. 10 lb•• 91 NX225 ...................................... EACH 15.40 ICor More ......................................... EACH 14.38 IEJ MODEL 5600 "COOL-SHADE" LAMP. Vented shade for cool ~ handling. Swivels at base. shade and each joint to any position. Spring-controlled. Extends 42". On-off switch on shade. Shade dia.. IVa"; 7" deep. Universal base for clamping or screw-mounting, vertically or horizontally. Gray. Less bulb; uses std. incandescent. U.L. Listed. For 110-120 v•• 60 cycle AC. 3Va lb•• ~I NX 142 .................................. _... EACH 8.77 fijl MODEL B845C ALL-PURPOSE LAMP. Low-cost lamp, perfect for the I!!J service bench. desk, workshop, etc. Raises, lowers, and turns at the slightest pressure of your hand. Spring-controlled for proper flexibility and steady positioning. Arms extend to 45" for full work coverage. Shade is vented to per'l'it rapid 'heat dissipation. Sturdy. all-metal construction throughout. Has "C" mounting clamp for quick, easy installation. Lamp is finished in gray. Less bulb; uses std. incandescent. V.L. Listed components. For 110-120 volts. ACt DC. Shpg. wt .• Sibs. 10 95 51 NX 192 ................................... EACH • 3 or More .•.••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••. • EACH 9.95 steel shade, 20J.1lx4Vax18". Pushbutton on-off switch. Bronze linish. Rubber feet. Less tubes; uses 2 TS's. V.L. Listed. For 110-120 volts. 60 cycle AC. Wt •• 10 Ibs. 91 NX 146 .••.•..... ·.: ......................... EACH 10.95 IJ1 MODEL BBM-9 FLUORESCENT MAGNIFIER LAMp. Provides a large. ~ distortion-free magnification and cool tluorescent light, with exceptional flexibility for any work requirement. Large 5" lens with 13" focus ensures outstandirig view. Arms extend to 45". Spring-controlled and counterbalanced for superior flexibility and easy positioning. Durable, .aU-metal construction.' Has "C" mounting clamp. Finished in gray. Less tube; uses circline T9. U.L. Listed components. For 110-120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 10 Ibs. 22 95 51 NU 193 ................................... EACH • 3 or More ..•• ' ••••• _.... •.•• •• ••••••.••....... " EACH, 20.95 fj(1 SWING-O-LITE GOOSEt-IECK CLAMP LAMP. Extreme flexibility lets ~ you put light where it does the most. good. Lamp shade rotates on joint to direct light. Gooseneck extends over 30" circle. Vtilizes 60 to 100-watt bulb. All-metal construction. On-Off switch on top of shade. Shade is vented; Finished in dove-gray baked enamel. With "C"-c1amp mounting bracket for easy installation. Less bulb; uses standard incandescent type. U.L. Listed components. For 110-120 volts. AC/DC. Shpg. wt .. Sibs. . 5 95 50 NX 976 .................................... EACH • 3 or More ........................................ EACH 10.25 3 or More...... ............................. •• ., EACH 5.59 lor More ......................................... EACH 7.99 rj:1 MODEL 4324 PORTABLE DESK LAMP. Similar to Model 4303 above. l!:J but has weighted base instead of clamp. For use where screw :Iamp is not feasible. Double arm extends 32". Has pencil grooves !n base. Bronze finish. Less tubes; uses 2 TS's. V.L. Listed. For 110-120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Wt •• 231bs. ~I NU226 ................. ; .............. ·...... EACH 21.28 lor More .... : ................................... EACH 19.86 iG' MODEL 4444 "FLEXARM" TWIN-LIGHT. Two-light adjustable ~ fluorescent lamp. Adjusts in height from S" to 14". Has heavy~auge See. Following Page··for Fluorescent Tubes and Accessories ALLIED • 327 Fixtures, Lamps and Lighting Accessories r-:\...-------.~..--,I I I FLEXIBLE ARM CLAMP LAMP $215 I I .1 I I I • I Handy utility lamp. Cl3JllP opens 2" for jiffy mounting -or screw· mounts permanently (wing-screw supplied). Bronze finish. For 115 VAC. Less bulb. 6-ft. cord. 2 liz lbs. 51 N 220 •......... 2.15 I I I FLEXIBLE ARM DESK LAMP I ; Low-Cost ; • • Weighted Felt-Lined I ltugged bakelite lamp with 12" flexible arm. Weighted. felt-lined base 16" high. With 6-ft. cord. Less bulb. U.L. Listed. For 110-120 volts. I I Base with Slots I . Luslrous Metal I. I I I I I I ~~~c~~~~R~.l'~~;td;;I~.~~~·.2.69 I IL 51 N 249. Black and Silver.... 2.69 .J I ____________ FLUORESCENT STARTERS au, SOCKETS 'fi1 STARTERS. Fit all standard fixtures. I!:!J ·Circline. tCirclarc. 2 per pkg. Wt., 3 oz. Stock No. N 254 51 51 51 51 II 255 N 256 N 251 Mfrls Type FS2 FS4 FS12 FS22 Wat.ts 14, IS, 20 30 or 40 32' 14, 15. IS" 20-22t PER PKG. .36 .36 .43 .45 I8lLAMPHOLDER SOCKET. For use with lEJ standard 14. IS, 20. 30, and 4Q..watt fluorescent lamps. 2 per pkg~ 3 oz. 51 N 258.1·9 pkgs......... PER PKG• •75 lO or More pkgs•.. ; ..•...... PER P KG. .68 fC1 STARTER SOCKET. Standard Dual-Loc ~ remote starter socket. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. 2 per pkg. . 51 N 259.1·9................ PER PKG•• 27 1.0 or More.................. PER PKG•.• 24 fii1 MODEL 4022ME. Expertly designed ~ fluorescent fixture combining attractive modern design with louvred, glare-free light. 4-lamp fixture has removable. cubed polystyrene diffuser that provides 45· crosswise and lengthwise visual cutoff. Reduces visual fatigue from any viewing angle, and at any desired illumination level. Light transmission remains unhamp~ed. Destaticized louvers remain free. of dust and dirt that fall through cell openings; Fixture frame is constructed of heavygauge steel. Cover plate easily removable. Can be surface mounted as individual unit, or in continuous rows. Also can be stemmounted. Finished in white-glaze baked enamel. With diffuser. 24x24" square. Less fluorescent lamps; uses 4 TI2, 24" (coolwhite) below. U.L. Listed For 110-120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .• 36 lbs. 51 NU 250 .................... 36.95 IE' MODEL 2052ME. Modern-styled 2-lamp ~ fixture with removable polyst yrene cubed diffuser. Similar to Model 4022ME. above. Translucent texture of diffuser soothes the eyes, preventing strain, no matter what the viewing angle or level of light. Transmission is not obstructed. Offers unlimited lighting applications, since it can be f1ushmounted to surface. or suspended. Finished in high-reflection white baked enamel. Size. 12x48". Complete with diffuser. Lessfluorescent lamps; uses 2 T12. 24" below. U.L. Listed. For 110-120 v .• 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 24 lbs. . 27 •95 51 NU 251..................... MODEL 764G. Versatile 2-lamp fixture, l!.J completely enclosing fluorescent lamp with ribbed, pigmented ·diffuser. Provides exceptionally even illumination that's easy on the eyes. Excellent for bathroom, kitChen, shop, garage, etc. Fully chrome-plated. Has on-off switch and grounded. AC convenience outlet. Mounts on wall-installation is easy. Size, 314x5x48". Complete with diffuser. Less lamps; uses 2 T12. 48" below. U.L. Listed. For 110-120 volts. 60 cycle .AC. If1 ~~P~·Xw~sf.~ .l.~s: ................ I 6.95 's'l NX 253. Model 762G. As above; 24" long. Uses 2 T12. 24" lamps. 7 lbs ........ 12.95 StANDARD AND CIRCLINE FLUORESCENT LAMPS *Circline lamps. All lamps below have medium-size bi-pin bases, except T5 (miniature bi-pin) and Circline (4-pin). tRapid-start. TI2 (40 watt) are for regular or rapid start use In Std. Stock Std. Wt .• EACH Pkg •• Type W~tts Siz.e Tube Color No •. Dla. PkU· Lb •. EA. - 4- 6" %11 Cool-white 24 52 N 920 T5 liz 1.39 1.14 52 N 933 T5 6 9" %" White 24 liz 1.39 1.14 52 N 930 TI2 14 IS" Ill." Cool-white 24 I .95 .84 DayHght 52 N 922 T8 15 IS" I" 24 I 1.05 .92 52 N 931 Tl2 15 IS" I liz" Cool-white 24 I -:9S .84 51 NX 109 Tl2 20 24" I liz" Cool-white 24 1liz .95 .84 91 NX 502 Tl2' 20 24' I liz" Daylight 24 I liz 1.05 .92 52 N 934 T9* 22 8\1.0" lYs'" Cool-white 12 I liz 2.99 2.65 52 N 932 TW* 32 12" IY.' Cool-wlute 12 IY2 2.99 2.65 ----48" I liz" Cool-wlute 24 2 91 NX 534 TI2t 40 1.10 .95 48" IY2" Daylight 24 2 91 NX 506 Tl2t 40 1.17 1.02 96" I liz" Cool-white 12 3 91 NX 162 Tl2 75 2.40 2.05 75 96" 1liz" Daylight 12 3 2.58 2.20 ~I NX 163 Tl2 - -- 328· AUlE~ fGJ MODEL 2099RS. High-intensity rapid ~ start lighting for industrial applications Uses two 48" T-12, 40-watt fluorescen lamps. High-gloss white enamel for maxi mum reflection. Power factor corrected t, reduce inductive effects. Fixture can bl hung on chains, flush-mounted separately or mounted end-til-end in rows. 48l1zxll Y2l 50/,6". With reflector and ballasts. Les lamps and chains. U.L. Listed. For 110-121 v.. 60 cycle AC. Wt .. 17 lbs. 51 NX 374. 1·2 ............. EACH 10.91 3 or More .................... EACH I 0.4~ fGJ MODEL 2099. Same as above, but stand. ~ ard-starter type. With starters. Les lamps and chains. Wt., 17 lbs. ._ 51 NX 373.1·2 .............. EACH 9.4; 3 or More .................... :EACH 8.7( MODEL 9498. As above, but uses two 75-w 96" fluorescent lamps. 35 lbs. 91 NU 187. 1·2 ............. EACH 18.9~ 3 or More .................... ~ACH 17~9c 'ii' STRIP-LIGHT FIXTURES. Can be mounte' l!!I flush or suspenaed from walls or ceilings Single-lamp type. Nonnal Power factor With starters. Less lamps; use TI2 Baked enamel finish. U.L. Listed. For 110-121 volts. 60 cycle AC. th Wt Stock \Mfr"lwatts/Lu ./ Lb •. .,\ 1.213.U1 EACH No. Type 91 NX 177 940-2 2il "'24-" -4- 2.76 2.5' 91 NX 178940-4 40 48" 6 4.594.2' Ij1 MODEL 665C. Single-lamp. chrome l!!..I plated Circline fixture with "instant start." Provides glare-free illuminatiOl equivalent to light from 100-watt incandes cent bulb. For average-size kitchens, base ment work areas, etc. With 12"-diamete 32-watt Circline lamp. U.L. Listed. For 110 .' 120 v., 60 cycle AC. Wt .. 9·lbs. 91 NX279.1-2 .......... ; ........ 8.9! . 3 or More .......................... 8.!?1 Ij1 MODEL 841 C. 2-lamp, chrome-plate, l!!..I Circline fixture. With 12"_diameter. 32 watt, and 8"-diameter 22-watt, rapid-star lamps, and glass pendant. For 110-120 V. 60 cycle AC. U.L. Listed. 1 1 l b s : " 91 NX 262. 1-2 ............. EACH !3.8! 3 o~ More ................. , .. EACI:I 12.,,: ADVANCE FLUORESCENT BALLASTS , ~ Wide selection of high-quality ballasts for all popular fixtures. :j:55 . 65% corrected. ··90-100% corrected. U.L. Approved. For 105-1'2: volts, 60 cycle AC. *Lamp watts. tFor use with rapid-start lamps Stock No. - -N-400 - 49 49 49 49 U-LAMP BALLAST-NORMAL POWER FACTOR Type ·Watts* SIz.e Ctrs. Lb •. EACI L-120F 15/20 40 N 4.01 L-140 402 LO-14-20-C 14. 15.20 N408 RLC-14O 32.40 N 4\4x2xl~6' 3%' I ~ 3 6l1zxt lo/,6xlYs' 6" 1.81 J!hx1'%,xl14' 2%" % .8: 3 6Y2x2o/,6XII116~ 6' 2.6! t2.LAMP BALLAST-NORMAL POWER FACTOR 49 N 4031 L-220S 49 N 404 R-22-32 1 20/20 22/32 1. 614x2xtYt6' 1 5%"1 1liz 6Y2x2716X\1116' 6" 3 I 111%X2716X11116·111~6·14l1z 1 2.0! 3.6! **2-LAMP BALLAST-HIGH POWER FACTOR 49 N 40'S1 S-240 40/40 49 N 406 RSHM-240 40/40 49 N 407 tRQM-2S40' 40/40 5 • 1! 9\1zx2%xII116' 8 716' 4\4 1 6.01 9Y2x2YsxII116" 8,%,' 4 5.01 . Allied-Everything in Electronics from One Dependable Sourc~ Electrical Cords and Accessories I TROUBLE-LAMP BARGAIN ----------------------------~I CBC MULTIPLE-OUTLET CONVENIENCE BOXES I I I I • l~~ I , A Necessity for Shop, La b, Home, etc. Trouble-lamp for any service work. Hardrubber handle houses easily accessible switch and 2 accessory outlets for powering tools. Bulb is protected by metal reHector guard. Has ht·avily insulated cabIC", Switched outlets supply up to 600 watts at 110-125 volts. AC-DC. less power consumption of bulb. Less bulb. Av. wt.. 3lbs. 50 N 947_ With 50-ft. Cable.. . ..2_29 50 N 946~ With 25·ft. Co ble.......... 1.69 Outlet boxes for extending electrical power to bench. lab. etc. Have built-in circuit breakers. except 'fused. 10-ft. line cords. and on-off switches. Types MO-GD-CB (Fig. A). and MO-GO (Fig. B) have pilot light and 3-wire. "U" grounded outlets with 3-wire plug. Types MO-CB and MO are same as above. except 2-wire outlets and plug. Types SS-Cll and SS (Fig. C) have outlets that are individually switched. Type MO-3 (Fig. D) has one switch for outlets. All are 13x2\1.oxl Yz". except MO-3 -5x2xl Y4,". Have brown hammertone metal cases with mounting ears. All outlet boxes are rated at 15 amps. 110 volts . BELDEN EXTENSION AND REPLACEMENT CORDS .g~~ 6 6 4 6 6 4 3 2% 2\1.0 2\1.0 2% 2\1.0 2\1.0 IYz 10.29 8_57 8_57 7_95 6.25 6.25 3.75 Vinyl extension cords that resist abrasion. grease, oil, and acid. Won:t break or crack. Molded vinyl plug one end; connector on other. 2-conductor 18· gauge wire. V.L. Listed. REPLACEMENT CORD PACKAGE Stock No. Mfr's Type Length Gauge EA. 17126St 17129St 17330S 17308S" 17206S1 17408S- 6 It. SPI18 9 It. SPI18 10 ft. S] 16 8 It. S] 18 61t. sv 18 8 ft. S.J 18 .37 .44 .88 .69 .52 .88 " @HEAVY-DUTY EXTENSION CORDS Flexible 2-wire. Cover: *gray TU bber; black rubber; ired vinyl. U.L. Listed. Lgth. GC!luge Lbs. 17270C' 20' SV 18 17361 St 10' S] 16 17395S1 50' S]T 16 17397S§ 100' 5]T 16 t 42c A tough plastic-insulated cord with molded plug on one end. Other end of cord is stripped. Shpg. wt.. 5 oz. Pkg. of 2. 51 N 234. 6 ft. Brown .. PER PKG .• 42 ·51 N 235. 6 ft. Ivory ...... PER PKG.. 42 BELDEN EXTENSION CORDS EA. Heavy-duty. 3-conductor exten~ion cords for use with power tool~. hedge trimmers, etc. Have molded 3prong plug at one end and molded 3 ·prong rt'ceptacll" at other end. U.L. Listed. Yellow cover. *Gauge. I 1.10 I .94 3\1.0 3.50 6Yz 6.84 TV AC POWER CORD fYPE 8895. 6'long. 2-cond. IS-gauge. Brown vinyl cover. Wt.. I lb. 50 N 944 ........................... 37 HEA TER-TYPE APPLIANCE CORDS l'or' 125-v. Black neoprene. self-coiling (6' long) except *asbestos cotton \vrapping {7' long). Types less plugs have screw terms. In table. tA is amps. Av .. Yz lb. N0'1 178865 Type IF"i9'1~!' Spacing I~IEA. Yz'slotted .97 Stock 5 a N 935 50 N 938 ?O_ N 945 Wt., EACH Lb •. • Safe-U.L. Listed • Molded Vinyl Connector and Plug Flexible. rubber-covered cords. Have unbreakable vinyl plastic plugs one end. other end stripped. All are Fig. E. 2-conductor except *Fig. F. 3-conduclor with 3-prong plug. Cover black except tbrown. §gray. U.L. Listed. Av. wt.. % lb. [ill Lets • Unique Built·ln Circuit Breakers Offer Full Overload Protection • All Boxes Have On·Off Switches • Supplied with 10-ft. Line Cords • Brown Hammertone Metal Cases K gID))))))IJJJ)JJ)~ • Strong-Will Not Break or Crack' LIGHT-DUTY CORDS Type Out- ALL-VINYL TRIPLE EXTENSION CORD m~I~~ SON 931 SON 932 50NX933 5'ONX934 No. N 197 N 198 N 199 N 948 N 949 N 950 N 951 L ____________________________ ~ QJ :1"1 9'**'Bl= . ....mBB6Smrr--a=es [R] Stock No. Mfr's Type MO-GO-CB MO-CB' S5·CB MO-GO' MO' 5SMO-3' Stock 51 51 51 50 50 50 50 lID 50·N 925 50'N 926 50 N 927 50 N 928 50 N 929 50N930 I J~ As low as I lID 0 I I I .~ I I IN TWO TYPES: FUSED OR CIRCUIT-BREAKER JO 17836S L None (no plug) 10 .76 *177275 J None (no plug), 15 .73 Stock No. - -N-181 - 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 N N N N N 182 183 184 185 186 N 187 N 188 N 189 Type 17491-S 17492·S 17493-5 17494-S 17495-S 17497-S 17694-5 17695-5 J 7697-S . Lbs. 18 18 16 16 -16 14 14 14 IYz 3 6 2 4 -84 8 15 -Ft. - -25 18 50 100 25 50 -100 25 50 100 Call the Nearest Allied Office for All Your Electronic Needs EACH '1.83 3.68 5.88 2.54 4.55 8.08 4.36 7.90 14.43 " 51 51 51 51 N N N N 232. 233. 231. 230_ lo~Sas 33c 9 9 6 6 ft. ft. ft. ft. i Brawn. 8 oz ...•.... AI Ivory. 8 oz .....•...• 43 Ivory. 4 oz ...•..•..• 36 Brown .. 4 oz ........• 33 I.. I... III PHENOLIC WIRE-CONNECTORS '<' Solderless phenolic Simply strip two wire-connectors. wire ends; push into connector. and screw cap down-wires are 'firmly interconnected. U.L. Listed. Av. shpg. wts.: Pkg. of 25. 5 oz.; Pkg. of 100. 1\1.0 lbs. Wire Size 16-18 14-18 12-18 Stock PKG. Stock PKG. No. OF 25 No. OF100 51 N 236 .27 51 N 239 --:B9 51 N 237 .30 51 N 240 1.05 51 N 238 .45 51 N 241 1.65 ELECTROSTRIP FLEXIBLE OUTLETS Unique 4-ft. electrical strip for easy installation on baseboard, wall, work bench, etc. Has j outlets that move to any point along the ~trip. Complete with 12" power cord and plug. Rated 15 amps at ;~5 ~~t~9;.C, Shpg. wt..I!I'z lb~ .... 2_62 EXTRA OUTLETS. Wt .• 3 oz. 52 N 697... . .... , ........... 37 ALLIED • 329 Light Controls, Flashlights, Electrical Accessories r-- - - ----ELECTRONIC, "~'-'.-" BURGESS - - J . IM'rl~~/FASCO I . t=,r ~ LIGHT CONTROLS I I I 0 I I As low as $235 II I ':I I "Hi .. Lo" "Selective" Increases Lamp life Up To 10 Times • Fits Std. Outlet Box I • ~ $3 32 I • Push. Pull-A Snap to Reload Powerful portable light for 'outdoor en· thusiast and homeowner alike. Heavygauge, corrosion resistant steel with lifetime switch. Multi-facet vaporized reflector provides long beam with peak light distribution. Head moves 1-35· up and down. Chrome-plated case. Less batteries-requires 3 No. 2 batteries (below). I Y4 Ibs. 55 J 760 .................... 3.32 No.2 Batiery. Shpg. wt .• 6 01.. Pkg. of 4. 55 J B67 ............... PER PKG•• 52 Ijjl Model TW3. A super-power. all pur~ pose lantern with 40.000 candlepower sealed-beam .lamp.. Automatic red flashing signal swings 90· on mov· able arm. Battery is lantern body-can be changed in seconds. Chrome handle. 11 Y4x9Y4x3Yz". Lamp has H1J" dia. With TWI 6-volt battery. 6lbs• 55 J 342 ..................... 8.28 • " "SELECTIVE" DIMMER CONTROL lC·8724. Dial the precise degree of light you want. from full bright to dim or off. 600-watt capacity. For incan- I I ~~s".:n:OI;~:~ .~~l:: .V:.t: .. ~ .1~:1O.98 • lC-8721. For incandescent ani:! fluores- I • •• • cent lamps. 300-watt capacity. I lb. 51 N 203 .................. 16.59 lC-8722. Same as LC·872 I above. but 600-watt capacity. 51 N 204 ................... 26.65 "HI-LO" DIMMER SWITCH lC·8702. Soft TV or bright reading I light at the flick of a switch. 600-watt capacity. For incandescent lamps I only. Wt .. 3 oz. 2 8 I 51 N 207 .................... 9 lC·8701. As above. but 300-watt cap. 51 N 206 ..................... 2.35 • •• I . .-----------_..1 • MODEL JR·1 "RADAR MATE" I . •• Head Moves 13S· Up and Corrosion·Resistant Steel DUTCH BRAND VINYL PLASTIC ELECTRICAL TAPE Clings tightly. formin~ compact insulated wrappings that do not unravel. Stretches to follow contours of irregular surfaces. Available in %"x 44' and Y2" x 108' rolls. %" type is .007"; rated 7000 v. Yz" type is .0IOn; rated 10.000 v. Av. wt .. 6 oz. . . 52 N 614. %"x44' .............. PER ROll .B6 15-49 .......................... ~ER ROLL .BI SO-Up ......................•.. PER ROLL .76 52.N 623. Yz"xI08' ............ PER ROll 1.75 fits Contours of 6-47 .......................... PER ROll 1.67 Irregular Surfaces 48-Up ............... , ....•... PER ROll 1.56 Down SCOTCH PLASTIC BACKED TAPE f'C1 Model IS9. Chrome-plated "Mag. ~ net Light" with Alnico magnet that holds to steel. Prefocused beam illumic nates the red "brite-glo" head. Less batteries. uses 2 No.2 cells (left. below) • With lamp. Shpg. wt .. 1 lb. 55 J 117 . .. .. . .. .. . .. 1.20 Ijil Model 350. Industrial light with alu~ minized reflector. Fiber barrel with rubber cushioned head. end cap. Prefocused and weatherproof. Less batteries. uses two No.2 cells (left. below). With lamp. Wt .. I lb. 55 J 33B.. ...... • .......... 1.28 00 TW6E EMERGENCY FLOODLIGHT Plug this unit into any 1I0-volt outlet. When AC power' fails. it 'automatically switches on the 40.000 candlepower sealed beam floodlight that diffuses over a wide area. Provides over IS hours of continuous light. Head adiusts 2 ways: 360· around. 135· up and down. With mounting bracket. 6' cord and TWI 6· volt battery. Wt .. 6 Yz lbs. 55 J 336 ................... 13.48 Type 33. Forms compact. highly resistant in· sulated wrappings. In 2 sizes; both are .007". rated 10.000 v. Av. wt .. 6 oz. . 52 N 613. %"x20'. .... ... .. PER ROLL.4., 12-Up .......................... PERROll.44 52 N 616. %"x66'. . .......... PER ROLL 1.2B I 2.Up.. .. .. .... . ............ PER ROll 1.21 Highly Resistant To Chemicals, Abrasion, Oil, Etc. Type 88. Highly' resistant. all-weather. 8.5 mil tape for easy splice wrapping in any tempera· ture. %"x66'. Shpg. wt .. 6 oz. " 52 N 700.. .. ............... PER ROLL I .49 12·Up ........................ PER ROLL 1.4.1 VALUES IN HANDY ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES If' Rubber-Handle Plug. Approved for power I!.I tools. Can be used with 52 N 603. right below. for line cord extensions. U.L. Listed. . :51 N061, ....... __ ......... PERPKG• .I7 4. oz. 2 'per pkg. IG' Parallel Ground Plug. Sturdy. rubber ~ handle plug with "U" ground. Compact -2 will fit standard duplex receptacle. With cable clamp. U.L. Listed. 2 oz. 52 ,N 717 ....... _................... 38 Iij1 Bakelite Plug. With·convenient finger-grip. \!!J Overall cap' size. I 'laxlV..xl~." deep. Brown finish. U.L. Listed. Shpg. wt .• 4 oz. 2 per pkg. 51 N 062 .................. PER PKG • .I8 IJ1 Rubber Cube Tap. Spring-action. 3-way ~ outlet of one-piece. soft rubber. U.L. Listed. Shpg. wt.. 8 oz. 2 per pkg. 39 51 N 063 .................. PER PKG•• fj(l Jiffy Automatic Plug. No wire strip~ ping. Just insert through cap. Sure-grip IIneedles" on prongs make positive connee· tion with conductor ~hrough insulation. For POSJ cable only. U.L. Listed. Shpg. wt .• 6 . 17 oz. 2 per pkg. 5 I N 064 .................. PER PKG.. . 330 • ALLIED JL1 -: *m I~ Flal Rubber Plug. Has non-breakable l:J molded rubber cap. Easily disassembled. Screw terminal wiring. Rated IS amps at 125 v.; 10 amps at 250 v. U.L. Listed. Shpg. wt .• 6 oz. 2 per pkg. 23 51 N 065 .................. PER PKG •• 'Ml Morse Midget Cord Connector. 2-contact. I!!!J pull-apart type for connecting AC-DC line cords. relays. control circuits. etc. One plug and matching receptacle. Size. I Vax '11.". Shpg. wt .. 2 oz. 52 N 626.1·9 ... EA•• 59 10-Up .... EA•• 54 I'N1 R\Jbber Line Cord' Receptacle. Rubber I!!J pull-handle receptacle. Has knurled body for easier gripping. Cable clamp helps protect connections. Dia .. I Y4". Rated IS amps at 125 volts. U.L. Listed. 3 oz. 52 N 603 ........................... 26 Iji1 Parallel Ground Rubber Receptacle. I!.I Solidly-built 3-contact connector. Has indestructible. easy-to-wire. phosphor bronze contacts rated IS amps at 125 volts. Cord hole is Vs". Cord clamp is furnished to protect cord under heavy-duty use. U.L. ~1st~d71~~:~: .':'~':.~ ~~: ..............78 fRJ l®tooJ Parallel Ground Adopter. Adapts 3-prong ~ appliance plugs for use in standard 2prong AC outlets. Rated. IS amps at liS v. Has heavy-duty· double wipe contacts and 3%" green grounding lead with "c" lug easily attached to screw of wall plate 'or cover. U.L. Listed. Shpg. wt .. 3 oz. 2' 2 52 N 669 .......................... ; fS1 fused Plug. Protects unfu"ed electrical l!.I equipment from damaging overload. Two standard 10 amp auto glass fuses for each side of line fit snugly in cylindrical receptacles-blown fuse is easily removed for quick replacement. Interchangeable with any standard AC plug. Supplied less 3AG cartridge fuses. (See Index for fuse listings.) U.L. Listed. 3 oz. 52 N 64B •••...•.•.......•••..•....• 37 IJ1 Type HSOOF, G-C Cable Clamps. Fit 'Ia" I!.J to Yz" cables. All are nickle-plated and have No.6 mtg. hole. 25 per pkg. except *20, tiS. Av. wt .• per pkg.• 4 oz. Type St.ock No. Fit Cable PER PKG. 5i'N2i5 H502F Ya'" to ¥t&1I' H503Fo 51 N 216 to Y4" 51 N 217 Z7243t ~." Y4" to'i1."· 51 N 21B H506Ft 'i1." to Yz" .36 Write, Wire or Phone for OEM Prices on Large Quantities Dialco Datalites and Accessories t·.- 1:'' '11 I·' . . , I I]] fA! ill I I ,.. I ! I @) Type 253-6939-1437. Assembly for 2 ~ cartridges. Mount in %" clearance hole. Clear plastic lens, less cartridges. 8 E 378. 1-99_. EA. 3.30 100-299 .. EA. 2.55 Type 253-6939-1435. As above, white lens. 8 E 379. 1-99 .. EA. 3.30 100-299 .. EA. 2.55 Series 45 and 45H Neon Glow Cartridges. "45 has built-in 56,OOO-ohm resistor. t45H highbrightness type has 18k-ohm res. 45 for 105-125 v .. AC-DC; 45H, AC only. 'sl Stock No. Type Stock No. Type Type 7538. Compact holder for 1 car~ tridge. Mounts in Va" clearance hole. Solder cup. Polarized terminals. Less cartridge. 8 E 380. 1-99.. EA. 1.22 100-299 ... EA .. 93 8 E 38 I. Type 7545. As above, but for 45 and 45H cartridges. 1-99 ........... EACH 1.22 'C1 Type 8;738. Same as 7538 but with turret ~ terminals. 2 oz. . 8 E 382. 1-99 .. EA. 1.22 100-299 ... EA .• 93 . Type 8745. Same as 7545 but with turret terminals. 2 oz. . 8 E383. 1-99 .. EA. 1.22 .' 100-299 ... EA .• 93 PERMANENT DATALITES fjj1 Series 249-7840 Stovepipe. Have NE-2E ,~ lamps, less resistor. %" clearance hole. 65-v AC or 90-v DC starting voltage Stock Type Lens Stock No. Type Lens E 387 936 Yellow Amber 8 E 388 937 Clear No. -- -- --- 8 8 E 384 931 Red 8 E 385 933 8 E 386 935 100-299 ..... EACH .79 Series 249-7841 Stovepipe. Above, but ~ with resistor for 105-125-v.. AC-DC. 8 E 3891931.1 Red 18 E 39219361 Yellow 8 E 390 933 Amber 8 E 393 937 Clear 8 E 391 935 White 1:99 .... EACH 1.34 100-299 .... EACH 1.02 ffJ Series 249·7840. Same as 249-7840 above I!J but has cylindrical lens. 8 E 39411431 8 E 395 1433 S'E 3961435 IAmber Red 18 E 397114361 Yellow 8 E 398 1437 Clear White 1-99 .... EACH 1.07 'G1 Stovepipe 931* 933936* 9.37' 931t 933t 936t 937t Q] Short 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1-99 .... EACH 1.14 100-299 ..... EACH .79 Series 249-7841. Same as 249-7841 above ~ but has cylindrical lens. IS 8 E 39911431 1 Red E 402114361 Yellow 8.,E 400 1433 Amber 8 E 403 1437 Clear .B,E 40 I 1435 White ·j:99 .... EACH 1.34 100-299.... EACH 1.02 SERIES 7538 CARTRIDGE CONNECTORS Lens Color --1531- Red E 415 E 416 E 417 E 418 E 419 E 420 E421 E 422 1533* Amber 1536* Yellow 1537* Clear --1531t Red 153.3t Amber 1536t Yellow 1537t Clear 100-299 ..... EACH .91 Series 39 6 Incandescent Lamp Cartridges. T -I % incandescent lamps in same type mount as above. For 6 v.~ .2 amps. Other ratil1gs available on Special Order. a 8 E 423 8 E 424 E 425 -88 -E426 8 E427 8 E 428 971 972 973 974 975 976 8 B 8 8 8 8 1-99.... EACH 1.17 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 E 429 E430 E 431 E 432 E 433 E 507 Red Green -Amber -Blue White Yellow 100-299 ..... EACH .89 Series 39-28 Incandescent lamp Cartridges. Above but for 28-v., .04-amp operation. 8 E434 8 E 435 E436 -88 -E437 8 E 438 8 E439 971 972 973 974 975 976 8 8 8 8 8 8 1-99 .... EACH 1.17 XP50 XP51 XPI2. Aluminum sleeve, molded phenolic insulation. Solder cup terminals. 8 E 405. 1-99.EACH .62 100-299.EACH .50 XP50. Molded phenolic with cadmium-plated copper solder lug terminals. 8 E404. 1-99 ................. EACH .15 XP51 Speed Clip. Fastening device for all I >ialco plug-in cartridges. 8 E 406. 1-99 ................. EACH .05 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 E440 E 441 E 442 E443 E444 E445 100-299 ... 0 • Red Green -Amber -Blue White Yellow EACH .89 39L-6.3 Incande;cen! Lamp Cartridges. As above but for 6.3 v., .2 amp. 8 8 8 8 8 8 E 446 E 447 E 448 E 449 E450 E451 971 972 973 --974 975 976 8 E 452 8 E453 8 E454 8 E 455 BE 456 8 E457 1-99 .... EACH I .27 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 Red Green Amber Blue - - --White Yellow 100-299 ..... EACH .98 Series 39L-14 Incandescent Lamp Cartridges. Similar to 39L-6.3, for 14-volts.. 08 amp. 8 8 8 8 8 8 E 458 E459 E 460 E 461 E 462 E 463 971 972 973 974 975 976 8 8 8 8 8 8 1-99 .... EACH 1.27 XP12 Cyl. White 1-99 .... EACH 1.07 ffi [ill ---8 E407 8 E408 8 E409 8 E 410 8 E411 8 E 412 8 E 413 8 E414 E464 E 465 E 466 E467 E 468 E 469 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 ., i l l . Red Green -Amber -Blue White Yellow 100-299 ..... EACH .98 lID Q] Series 38H Neon Lamp Cartridges. Same as series 38, except have built-in NE-2H high brightness lamp. Require resistor for 110125 v. use. 22.000 ohms for bright light, 33 000 ohms for long life [ill Stovepipe Q] Short Cyl. Lens Color Stock No. Type Stack No. Type -8 -E480 8 8 8 8 E 481 E482 E 483 E484 9J1 933 935 936 937 8 8 8 8 8 1531 1533 1535 15.36 1537 E 485 E486 E 487 E 488 E 489 1-99 ..... EACH .86 Red Amber White Yellow Clear 100-299 ..... EACH .62 DIALCO SERIES MS25010 Meet requirements of MiI-L-7806. For use with MiI-P-7788 plastic plate panels. Emit light nidially through colored filter into plastic. plate. Resilient light seal washer insures against light loss at front of panel. Also available with light emitting top. Have cadmium plated brass mounting bushing, internaltooth lockwasher and hex mounting nut. Terminals are hot-tinned brass with elongated slots. Mount in '0/1," clearance hole. Less T-I% lamp. Size, J.o2xI Y16". EDGE LIGHTING ASSEMBLIES Stock No. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 E 490 E 491 E492 E 493 E494 E495 E 496 E 497 Type TT61 TT62 TT61-B2 TT62-B2 TT61-B3 TT62-B3 TT61-B7 TT62-B7 1-99 ..... EACH .62 Filter Terminals Red Red Solder Green Green Amber Amber Clear Clear Solder Screw Screw Solder Screw Solder Screw 100-249 ..... EACH .48 LIGHT EMITTING TOP ASSEMBLIES 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 E498 E499 E 500 E 501 E 502 E 503 E 504 E 505 TT61-Rl TT62-Rl TT61-G2 TT62-G2 TT61-A3 TT62-A3 TT61-C7 TT62-C7 1-99 ..... EACH .62 Red Red Solder Screw Green Green Solder Amber Solder Amber Clear Clear Solder Screw Screw Screw 100-249 ..... EACH .48 loA:!:?I TYPE L-73 PILOT BULB REMOVER" Convenient device ~i~,:~i;~;11;~;:P~; e removal of T -3114 and S6lamps. Constructed of durable highgrade rubber. 7E912 ............................ 26 REPLACEABLE LAMP CARTRIDGES Series 38 Neon Glow Lamp Cartridges. Have built-in NE-2E lamps. 65-v. AC or 90-v. DC starting voltage. :8 E~!~? 474 I ~~~ 935 I: 8 ~!~~ E 479 I m~ 1535 I!:ber White 8 E 472 8 E 473 936 937 8 E 477 8 E 478 1-99 ..... EACH .86 1536 1537 Yellow Clear 100-299 ..... EACH .62 Write or Call Allied for large Quantity Prices & Delivery Similar to Model L-73 listed above but is two tools in one. One end accommodates T-3V4 size bulbs; the other, T-4J.02 bulbs. Made of high-grade rubber. 8 £506 .......... ·................... 26 ALLIED • 331 UlalCQ Inalcator Ligntsana Assemblies PRESS-TO-TEST INDiCAtOR LIGHTS and VM-911-9 have 1" C. to C. spacingj mount in o/s" clearance hole j use T -3 v.. lamp; MIL No. MS25331-*. VM9 10M and VM-911M have y.," C. to C. spacing; mount in 1%Z" hole; use T-l* la mp; MIL No. MS25041-t. Less bulbs. v M-911 ~ SERIES VM-91\ WITI~ DIMMER ~ MIL No, *-1 *-2 *-3 *-4 ,No. Type _. W" 8 - M-911-IA E134 8 E I 35 M-911-2A 8 E I 36 VM-911-3A 8 E 137 VM-911-4A 8 E, 138 VM-911-IOA ~ 8 8 8 8 8 E E E E E Lens Color Clear Red Green Amber ..... Blue 1-24,2.19 25-99, 1.91 100-999, 1.72 SERIES VM-911 NON-DIMMER 13TM-911-SA 140 VM-911-SA 1*-51 *-S Clear Red I 1-24, 2. I 9 141 VM-911-7A *-7 Green 25-99, 1.91 142 VM-911-SA *-S Amber 100-999, 1.72 143 VM-911-11A _.. ,. Blue l"l lID SERIES VM-911-9 NON-DIMMER ' With large, faceted lens. 8 8 8 8 8 EACH 43 14TM_911_9_ 145 VM-911-9 146 VM-911-9-432 147 VM-911-9-433 148 VM-911-9-434 E E E E @] 8 8 8 8 '8 E E E E E 8 8 8 8 8 E E E E E *-9 ..... .... , .... , I Clear Red 1-24, 2.19 Green 25-99, 1.9 I Amber \100-999, 1.72 Blue SERIES VM-9I\M WITH DIMMER. 14TM-911M_IA I 50 VM-911M-2A I t-I t-2 I Clear Red I 1-24, '2. I 9 151 VM-9I1M-3A t-3 Green 25-99, 1.91 152 VM-911M-4A t-4 Amber 100-999, 1.72 153 VM-9I1M-IOA ..... Blue @] SERIES VM-91IM NON-DIMMER OIL-TIGHT SERIES F eature totally enclosed construction; onep iece solid brass mtg. bushing; oil-proof g askets.,With mtg. hdwre; less lamp. I" MOUNTING-HOLE TYPES Series 103-3101*. Vse S6 lamp (not !illG [ill supplied). I Va" C. to C. spacing. S crew terminals. §Frosted-on-back lens. S tock No. ... Mfr'. Stock No. ... Mfr's Color ( Torpedo) Type (Dome) Type -1211 § Red 8 E 178 -1331 8 E 179 -1332 8 E 186 -1212; Green 8 E 180 -1333 8 E 187 -1213§ Amber 8EIii5 -1335 8 E 188 -1235 ~Nhite 8 E 181 ---8 E 182 -1334 8 E 189 -12141 Blue 8 E 183 -1336 8 E 190 -1216; Yellow 8 E 184 -1337 8 E 191 -1217§ Clear 1-9, EA.. 2.20 10-24, EA.. I.98 25-up, EA.. I.87 !ill [ill 6S6 Series 103-3502*. As above. but for bayonet lamp. §Frosted-on-back ens. 8 E 192 '-1331 8 E 199 8 E 193 *-1332 '8 E 200 8 E 194 '-1333 8 E 201 8 E 195 *-1335 8 E 202 8 E 196 *-1334 8 E 203, 8 E 197 *-1336 8 E 204 8 E 198 '-1337 8 E 205 1-9, EA.. 2.20 10-24, EA.. 1.98 [ill Series 103-3114*. For use with NE-45 screw base lamp. Required resistor built into base of lamp. Have C. ~to C_ spacing of I Va". Supplied with lockwasher and hex nut. Furnished with only dome style unfrosted lens. except Type 1217. with frostedon-back lens_ Lamps not included. Stock II 5TM_91JM-SA 55 VM-9I1M-SA It-51 t-S Cle" Red 1-24,2.19 156 VM-91JM-7A t-7 Green 25-99, 1.91 157 VM-91JM-SA t-8 Amber 100-999, 1.72 158 VM-911M-IIA ..... Blue SERIES VM-9I\M WITtI TRANSPARENT CYLINDRICAL LENS Stock Mfr's Lens EACH Type No. Color 8 E 159 VM-911M-5P5 Clear 1-24,2.07 Red S E.l60 VM-911M-6P5 25-99,1.81 8 E 161 VM-911M-7P5 ~reen 100-999,1.63 8 E 162 VM-911M-8P5 mber SERIES VM-91IM WITH TRANSLUCENT , CYLINDRICAL LENS 8 E I 63IVM-911M-5P5TLIWhite 1 1-24,2.07 8 8 ;~ ::~ ~::~m~:~~~it ~~~en 25-99,1.81 8 'E 166 VM-911M-8P5TLAmber 100-999,1.63 @] @] m SERIES VM-910M WITH TRANSLUCENT STOVEPIPE LENS , S ,E I 67IVM-9iOM-65 8 E 158 VM-9iOM-66 8 EI59 VM-910M-67 8;,E 170VM-91OM-68 ~hite 1 1 - 24 ,2.07 Red 26-99,1.81 Green 100-999 1.63 mber I [f] " SERIES'VM-106 NON-DIMMER l Vz" C. to C. spacing. Mount iIi 1" clearance bole. Vse S6 bulbs with candelabra screw base. Binding screw terms. Less bulbs. Stock "No. 8 'E '8 E :8,E ,8 ~ 8 E 8 E "liE 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 Mfr'. Type VM-106-111 VM-i06-112 VM-i06-113 VM-I06-114 VM-I06-135 VM-!06-116 VM,106-117 ,3,32 • ALLIED . "'.-. Lens Color EACH Red 1-24,4.96 Green Amber 25-99,4.34 100-999,3.91 Blue White 1-24,4.96 Yellow C.Iear 26-99,4.34 100-999,3.91 '-1211; Red '-1212; Green *-1213§ Amber '-1235 White *-1214; Blue *-1216§ Yellow *-12171 Clear 25-up, EA .. I .87 8 8 8 8 No. E 206 E 207 E 208 E 209 *Mfr's Type -1217 -1231 -1233 -1237 Color Clear Red Amber Clear EACH 1-9,2.20 10-24, 1.98 25 Up, 1.87 'lAo" MOUNTING-HOLE TYPES ill ~ for Series 125-40S*. Pilot light assemblies use with NE-51 neon lamps. Built-in 56K-ohm resistor for bright light on 105-125 v. AC or DC. C. to C_ spacing approximately 5%4". Solder terminals. Stook No. "'Mfr'. Stock No. "'Mfr's Color (Fluted) Ty.pe (Plain) Type 8 E 210 -1191 8 E 213 -1131 Red 8 E 211 -1193 8 E 214 -1133 Amber 8 E 212 -1197 8 E 215 -1137 Clear 1-9, EA.. I.94 10-24, EA.. I.74 25-up, EA.. I.68 OIL-TIGHT SERIES (Conl'd) fj1 Ij(1 Series 125-410' Without Built-in Stock No. "'Mfr's Stock No. "'Mfr's Color Type (Fluted) Type ,Plain) 8 E 228 -1191 8 E 235 -1111! Red 8 E 229 -1192 8 E 236 -IH2! Green 8 E 230 -1193 8 E 237 -11131 Amber -1194 8 E 238 -1114~ Blue 8 E 231 8 E 232 -1195 8 E 239 -1135 White 8 E 233 -1196 8 E 240 -11161 Yellow 8 E 234 -1197 8 E 241 , -11171 Clear 1-9, EA .. I.94 10-24, EA.. I.74 25-up, EA.. I.68 III Series 159-5437*. Pilot light assembly for ~ NE-79 neon lamps. 3000-ohm re"istor built in for bright light on 105-125 volt AC sources, 1'll'6" C. to C. spacing. Also available on special order with built-in 6000-ohm resistor for long life operation on 105-125 volt AC power sources. Stock "'Mfr's No. -8 -E 242 Type -931 -933 -935 -937 BE 243 8 E 244 8 E 245 Stock No. *Mfr's Stock No. "Mfr's Color (Fluted) Type Type ,Plain 8 E 216 -1191 8 f; 219 -1131 Red 8 E 217 -1193 '8 E 220 -1133 Amber 8 E 218 -1197 8 E 221 -1137 Clear 1-9, EA.. I.94 10-24, EA .. I.74 25-up, EA.. I.68 ill I!I Series 125-40SH-33K*. For use with NE-SIH neon lamp. 33K-ohm resistor for long life on 110-125 v. AC. Stock No. *Mfr's Stock No. *Mfr'. Color (Fluted) Type (Plain) Type 8 E 222 -1191 8 E 223 -1193 8 E 224 -1197 1-9, EA.. 1.94 10-24, 8 E 225 -1131 Red 8 E 226 -1133 Amber 8 E 227 -1137 Clear EA.. 1.74 25-up, EA .. I.68 Color Red Amber White Clear EACH 1-9,3.22 10-24,2.95 26-up, 2.68 TYPE 1316-L ADAPTER SET For mounting any 1" Dialeo assem bly in a 10/16" clearance hole. Reducer CAl is equipped with a gasket (B) that fits clearance hole. and a washer (Cl for under-the-panel mounting. Retained oil-resistant gasket on reducer assures same effective sealing against oil, water and dust obtained on standard Dialeo assemblies. ' 8 E 246. 1-9, EA .. 73 10-24, EA .. 66 25-up •• 50 l-TERMINAL UNITS FOR GROUNDED CIRCUITS Have the identical features of 2-terminal assemblies. except designed for use on grounded circuits ,with solder or binding screw terminals. Mount in 1 ~2" clearance hole. Constructed of molded phenolic of MIL spec grade. Movable contact is solid brass per MIL-L-7806-A; spring does not carry current_ Black nickel finish. Overall size, 1 v..xYz"_ Vses T -I % bulb (not supplied); cap unscrews for bulb replacement. With lockwasher and nut. ' I-TERMINAL LIGHT SHIELD Subminiature types f~r dials, instruments, control panels. Opening is v..X~6n_ ill ~'Series 125-4CisH-22K*. For use with NE-SIH neon lamp. 22K-ohm resistor for bright light on 110-125 v.' AC. Reo ~ ~ sistor. For use with T-3v.. incandescent bulb with miniature bayonet base. §Indicates frosted-on-back lens. Stock Mfr's Description EACH No. Type 8 E 247 4-1930 Blk Nkl Sold, Term. 1-9 I 59 8 E 248 '4-IS30 Blk Nkl Screw Term 10-24' 1'43 : ~ ~~6 t:~~~ g~~:: ~~~~\~~::. 26- u p; I :28 Series 113-1930 I-Terminal Light Shields. Same as above. but equipped with molded colored filter (shield is not knurled). In black nickel finish only. Stock 8 8 8 8 8 8 Mfr's Color Type No. E 251 113-1930-1 Red E 252 113-1930-2 Green E 253 113-1930-3 Amber E 254 113-1930-4 Blue E 255 113-1930-6 Yellow E 256 113-1930-7 Clear EACH 1-9, 1.78 10-24, 1.62 25-up, 1.47 Write For Prices on Larger Quantities Dialco Pilot Light Assemblies " [II I-TERMINAL NON-DIMMING TYPES fj\1 Subminiature types. Frosted back ex- ~ cept 'unfrosted; solder terminals. Mount in ''}1,'' dia. hole. Use with T-1v.. lamp. With lockwasher and nut. Less lamp. Stock 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 No. E 257 E 258 E 259 E 260 E 261 E 262 E 263 Mfr's Lens Type 8-1930-111 8-1930-112 8-1930-113 8-1930-114 8-1930-135 8-1930-116 8-1930-117 Color EACH Red Green Amber Blue Whitc* Yellow Clear 1-9,1.24 10-24, 1.12 25.up, .982 fjj1 Mechanical types vary opening size for ~ complete blackout or have permanent small openings for "semi-blackout" use. Polaroid types provide reduced intensity at all settings but have full diameter openings. Use T-1v..lamps; mount in ''}1,'' hole; have solder terminals. All are frosted on back, except §translucent unfrosted. Less lamp. SEMI-BLACKOUT TYPES 8 8 8 8 8 8 No. E 264 E 265 E 266 E 267 E 268 E 269 Mfr'a Type 109-3830-111 109-3830-112 109-3830-113 109-3830-114 109-3830-11 b 109-3830-117 Lens Color Red Green Amber Blue Yellow Clear EACH E 270 E 271 E272 E273 E 274 E 275 E 276 108-3830-111 108-3830-112 108-3830-113 108-3830-114 108-3830-135 108-3830-116 108-3830-117 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 E 277 E 278 E 279 E 280 E 281 E 282 E 283 112-3830-111 112-3830-112 112-3830-113 112-3830-114 112-3830-135 1\2-3830-116 112-3830-117 White! Yellow Clear 10-24, 1.62 26.up, 1.47 1·9, 1.78 10-24, 1.62 25-up, 1.47 Blue White§ Yellow Clear (Front Mtl 8 E 296 8 E 297 8 E 298 BE 299 BE 300 8 E 301 8 E 302 'c1 Series 162-8430.* Front mount in ''}1,'' 327, 328 incandescent bulbs. 180· visibility. Less bulbs. TRANSPARENT DOMES ~ hole. For Stock Mfr's No. Type* 8 8 8 8 8 8 E 310 E 311 E312 E 313 E 344 E 345 -931 -932 -933 -937 -975 -934 MIL Dome EACH No. ~ MS25256-6 Red 1-9,1.19 MS25256-4 Green MS2525b-2 Yellow 10-24,1.07 MS25256-8 Clear MS25256-10 White 26-up. •94 MS25256-12 Blue ~ ~:;I:=ml:::::::::: :I~~~en : 1 1 _9,1.19 8 E 316 :-973 ..... : ..... Amber 10-24,1.07 :~~:~*=m:::::::::::~~::'w25-UP' .94 ~ with NE-2D lamp with midget flange base. I 8 E 319j*-931IMS25257-4IRed 1-9.2.17 8 E 320 *-933 MS25257-2 YeIJow 10.24,1.95 8 E 321 ....937 MS25257-6 Clear 25.up,I.71 fi)1 Series 137-8836H-22K.* Above, but pro~ vides extra bright light with NE-2J neon bulb on 110-125 v. AC. Less lamp. Stock Red Green Stock No. Mfr's lens EACH (Back Mt) Type'! Color 8 E 303 -1431 Red 8 E304 -i432 Green 1·9, 1.24 8 E 305 -1433 Amber 8 E 306 -1434 Blue 10-24,1.12 8 E 307 -1435 White 8 E 308 -1436 Yellow 25-up, .982 8 E 309 -1437 Clear Stock No. fi)1 Series 137-8836.* Similar to above, but POLAROID TYPES Amber TRANSPARENT LENS CAP Series 140-S030*Frontand 140-3830 tBack Mig. 1.78 Red Green Amber Blue SERIES 140 ASSEMBLIES (Cont'd) TRANSLUCENT DOMES 1~9, BLACKOUT TYPES 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Design Requirement 2·TERMINAL PLASTIC DOME TYPES 2.TERMINAL DIMMER TYPESMECHANICAL OR POLAROID Stock" Pilot Lights for Every @] 1·9, 1.78 10·24,1.62 26-up, 1.47 SERIES 140 ASSEMBLIES *Mfr's Dome EACH ~ Type --=C:..;o~l..;.o::..r+_-:--=--=--=:8 E 322 -931 Red 1-9,2.17 : ~~~! 8 E 325 =m -937 ~';:~~ Cl,ear 10·24,1.95 25-up, 1.71 fi)1 Series 137-8836H-33K.* As above, but ~ with 33K-ohm resistor for 25,000 hr. lamp life on 110-125 v. AC. Use with NE-ZJ lamp. Less lamp. 1-9,2.17 :8 E 328 1 ....935 1 White 1 10.24, 1.95 8 E 329 *-937 Clear 25-up, 1.71 ~~~~ ==m !~ber FRONT MOUNT BACK MOUNT FRONT MOUNT BACK MOUNT Series 140-5030* Front Mounting and 1403830t Back Mounting Types. Front types mount in '%," hole; back types, '%," hole. TRANSLUCENT LENS CAP Stock No. (Front Mt) 8 E 284 8 E 285 8 E 286 8 E 287 8 E 288 8 E289 Stock No. Mfr', Lens EACH (Back Mt) Type'! Color 8 E 290 -1471 Red 1-9,1.24 8 E 291 -1472 Green 8 E 292 -1473 Amber 10·24,1.12 8 E 293 -1474 Blue 8 E 294 -1475 Wl1ite 25-up, .982 8 E 295 -1476 Yellow WATERTIGHT SERIES £El ~ Series 177-8430. Front panel mtg. in 10/32" hole; retaIned "0" ring seal. For T-1v.. midget flanged base bulb. With mtg. hdwre .. less lamp. Stock 8 8 8 8 8 8 No. E 330 E 331 E332 E 333 E334 E 335 Write For Prices on Larger Quantities Mfr's ~ 8430-971 8430-972 8430-973 8430-974 8430-975 8430-976 Lens Color Red Green Amber Blue White Yellow o/ax1~.". EACH 1·9, 1.62 10.24, 1.44 25-up, 1.29 £El WATERTIGHT SERIES (Canl'd) Series 181-8836.* Same as Series 137- L;J 8836 types (center column) except have retained "0" ring seal for watertight construction. Stock 8 8 8 8 No. E 336 E 337 E 338 E 339 *Mfr's Type -931 -933 -935 -937 Lens Color EACH Red 1-9,2.32 10-24, 2.13 25-up, 1.94 Amber White Clear £El Series 181-8836H.* Same as Series 137L;J 8836H types (at left, in center column), except have retained "0" ring seal for watertight construction. E 341 340 1*-931 88 E '-933 8 E 342 '-935 8 E 343 *-937 I Red Amber White Clear I 1-9, 2.32 10-24, 2.13 25-up, 1.94 2·TERMINAL PLASTIC DOME TYPES ff1 fG1 Series 101-5030' Front Moun'ing and l!J EI Series 101-3830t Back Mounting Types. Front mount units require '%," panel clear- ance; back mount units require '%z" clear.. ance hole. All use 327, 328 bulbs. With mtg. hardware. Less bulbs . TRANSLUCENT DOMES Stock No. (Front Mtl 8 E346 8 E347 8 E348 8 E 349 8 E 350 8E351 Stock No. Mfr's . Dome EACH (Back MIl Typo*! Color 8 E 352 -971 Red 1-9,1.24 Green 8 E 353 -972 Amber 10-24,1.12 8 E354 -973 White 8 E 355 -975 Blue 8 E 356 -974 Yellow 25-up, .982 8 E 357 -976 Stock No. (FrontMt) 8 E358 8 E 359 8 E 360 8 E 361 8 E 362 8 E 363 8 E 364 Stock No. Mfr's Dome EACH (Back Mtl Type*! Color Red 8 E 365 -931 8 E 366 -932 Green 1-9,1.24 Amber 8E367 -933 Blue 8 E 368 -934 10·24, 1.1'2 White 8 E 369 -935 8 E 370 -936 Yellow 25.up, .982 Clear 8 E371 -937 -- TRANSPARENT DOMES INDICATOR LIGHT , IIj1 Sub-miniature indicator light assem.l!!J blies. Have high-reliability T-1 filament type lamp enclosed in high-impaqt plastic cap molded to mounting bush,iIlg. Entire nnit (measuring less than %" lohg, less leads) is moistureproof and dustproof. Require only .193" panel mounting hole· for clearance. Diameter of stovepipe type lens caps are %,"; length is %". Anti-rotation construction; 6" flexible, Type E wire le,,'d.\!. Spanner wrench mounting units are also available-specify XPlO on Special Order. Lamp ratings: 5.0 volts @ .06 ,amps 'ct'or 60,000 hours of operation; 6.3 volts @1;,07 amps for 6000 hours of operation. All form to MIL spec 25446.' ;.,~. , roro. "- Stock Mfr's No. Type 8 E 372 252-9951-974 8 E 373 252-9951-972 8 E 374 252-9951-971 8 E 375 252-9951-975 BE 376 252-9951-973 8E377 252-9951-937 MIL ""j ..e.e No.'" Colo -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 _r .. Blue 1-99:3 I Green I • Red IOO-999.!*1 ~hite 1000-·~~: ~:~:r 2499']2=-4 8 Dialco Pilot Light Assemblies HALF-INCH ENCLOSED ASSEMBLli:S fjil Series 8141 OX. Meets MIL-L-3661A. En- BUILT-IN-RESISTOR ASSEMBLIES Iji1 Series 95408X(H) and 951308X(H). For T- ~ closed. aviation-type socket shell. Convex. smooth-faced lens; frosted back. y." black, nickel-brass holder. Takes T-.3\1.t min. bayonet lamp. 2\1.t" long. 'Yf6" clearance hole. Fits panel up to %". ·Unfrosted. U L Listed Less lamp Stk. No. Type Color Stk. No. Typo Color 7 E772 111 Red ~ 116 Yel. 7 E773 112 Green 7 E 561 117 Clear 7 E 775 113 Ambe 7 E 774 135* White 7 E 559 114 Blue 1-9 EA. 1.19 10-24 EA. 1.07 25 up EA.. 982 ~ 3\1.t neon glow lamps. 'Meet MIL-L3661. Short stovepipe lens. 95408X and 951308X' have 56 K, lI'3-watt resistor for NE-51 lamp in 110-125 v. AC-DC circuit. 95408XH (*) and 95i308XH (*) have 22 K resistor for NE-51H, 110-125 v. AC or DC circuit. Black nickel finish. 2V,6" long; 1 'As" hole. U.L. and C.S.A. Listed. Less lamp. REPLACEMENT JeWEL CAPS FOR ABOVE Black nickel finish to meet MIL-L-3661A. Stock No. Type Stock No. Type' 11 IRed E 636181-116Iyel. 77 E E 776181_1 777 81-112 Green~77 E 63781-117 Clear 7 E77981-113Ambe 7 E77B81-135*White 7 E 63581-114 Blue 1-9. ',EA•• 19 10·24·.. EA•• 1725 up .. EA •• 15 LOW V. ENCLOSED SIGNAL ASSEMBLIES fjil Series 812210 and 815910. Convex lens; ~ smooth face, frosted back. liz" white, nickel-plated brass holders. Use bayonet lamp, replaceable from front. 2\1.t" long. 'Yf6" mtg. hole. Panels up to %" thick. *Translucent, unfrosted. tSolder terminals. §Binding screws Less lamp Type 8l22l0t 8159101 Color lEACH . 111 7 E 780 7 E 7B7 Red 7 E 7B8 Green 1-9 112 7 E 7BI 113 7 E 7B2 7 E 789 Amber .68 114 7 E 786 7 E 791 Blue 116 7 E 638 7 E 640 Yellow 10-24 •61 117 7 E 639 7 E 692 Clear 135' 7 E 785 7 E 790 White 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 FACETED UNFROSTED lENS 7 E 792 7 E 799 Red 7 E 793 7 E BOO Green 1-9 7 E 794 7 E 801 Amber .68 7 E 796 7 E 803 Blue 7 E 795 7 E 802 White 10-24 7 E 797 7 E 804 Yellow •61 7 E 798 7 E 805 Clear BUILT-IN-RESISTOR ASSEMBLIES fjil Series 52408X(HJ, and 521308X(H). For ~ T-3\1.t neon glow lamps. Meet MIL-L- 3661.. Fluted stovepipe lens. Series 52408X and 521308X have 56 K, lI'3-watt resistor fcir NE-51 lamp in 110-12Sv. AC-DC circuit. Series 52408XH (*) and 521308XH (*J have 22 K resistor for NE-51H, 110-125 v. AC or DC circuits. Black nickel finish. 2Yf6~, long; 1 Yf6" hole. U.L. and C.S.A. Listed. Less lamp. Available with 180 K resistor for N E-51; and 68 K resistor for N E- 51H for 210-250 v. use. SERIES 52408X, 'S240aXH (Solder Term.) Stock No. Type Stock No. Type 7 E 806 -991 7 E 810 -993 7 E 811 7 E807 -995 7 E 812 7 E 808 -997 7 E 813 7.E B09 1-9 EA. 1.19 10-24 EA. 1.07 SERIES 95408X, 95408XH (Solder Term.) 7 7 7 7 E 822 E 823 E 824 E 825 -931 -933 -935 -937 7 7 7 7 E 826 E827 E 828 E 829 1-9 ....... EA. 1.19 H-931* H-933* H-935* H-937* Color Red Amber White Clear 10-24 ........ EA.I.07 SERIES 951308X, 95130aXH (Screw 'term.) 77 7 7 E 834IH-931'1 E 830 831 I -931 -933 17 7 E E 835 H-933* E 832 -935 7 E 836 H-935* E 833 -937 7 E 837 H-937* '1-9 ....... EA. 1.19 Red Amber White Clear 10-24 ........ EA.I.07 . SERIES 521308X, 521308XH (Screw Term.) ONE-INCH-MOUNT ASSEMBLIES Series 312901. Enclosed lamp. Convex ~ lens; frosted back. Solid brass. Frictionfit chromed cap. 6" leads. 'Translucent, unfrosted. U.L. Listed. Less S6 incandescent candelabra screw base lamp. Stk_ No. Type -;C~o=:l:::o,,-r_I ___=E::.:A:.:C:.:H=----_ _ 7 E 934 111 Red 7 E 935 112 Green 1-9, 1.77 7 E 936 113 Amher ·10-24, 1.60 7 E 865 114 Blue 26-up, 1.47 7 E 937 117 Clear White' 7 E .·866 135 fjilSeries 313101. 115-volt. Faceted. Black ~phenolic; brass. Chromed holder. Cando base. Requires S6 bulb. U.L. Listed. Stk. NO'jTypej cOlorlStk. NO'jTypej Color 7 E 928 431 Red 7 E 933 434 Blue 7 E 929 432 Green 7 E 932 435 White 7 E 930 433 Amber 7 E 931 437 Clear 1-9 EA. I .50 10·20\ EA. I .34 25 up EA. I .23 Similar to the above, but with convex lens; frosted back. °Translucent, unfrosted. m 77 E 8671111 E '868 112 IRed Green \7 7 E'87211161 E 873 117 Yel. Clear ~ ~ :~6 ~:::~er 7 E 871 135 White* 1-9 EA......... 1.22 ENCLOSED NEON LIGHT ASSEMBLIES fjil Series 952208(H) and 955908(H). With ~ built-in'56K resistor for NE-51, 110-125 v. circuit; or built-in 22K resistor for NE51H high brightness neon glow lamp, 110125 v. AC or DC. Plastic head, phenolic body, 2Yt6" long. 'Yf6" mtg. hole. 'Solder terminals. tScrew terminals. U .L. Listed. Less lamp . FOR NE-51 Type 931 933 935 937 95220a' 7 E 838 7 E 839 7 E 840 7 E 841 Color EACH 955908t 7 E 693 7 E 694 7 E 695 7 E '696 Red 1-9 .68 White 10-24 Clear .61 Amber FOR NE·SIH Type 952208H* 931 7 E 697 933 7 E 698 935 7 E 699 937 7 E 732 95590aHt Color EACH 1-9 7 E 842 Red 7 E 843 Amber .68 7 E 844 White 10·24 7 E 845 Clear .61 Series 952'210 and 955910. As above, less resistor. For min. bayonet lamps. *Solder term. tScrew term. Type 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 952210' 7 E 846 7 E 847 7 E 848 7 E 849 7 E 850 7 E 851 7 E 852 955910t 7 E 853 7 E 854 7 E 855 7 E 856 7 E 857 7 E 858 7 E 859 Color EACH -Red -- - - 1-9 .68 Blue White 10-24 Yellow .61 Clear Green Amber Color H-991* Red H-993* Amber H-995' White H-997' Clear 25up EA. ;982 l' E 8141 -993 -991 17 E 818IH-991'1 Red "7' E 815 7 E 819 H-993* Amber -995 7 E 820 H-995* White 7 E 81 & 7 E 8 I7 -997 7 E 821 H-997* Clear 1·9 EA. 1.19 10-24 EA. 1.07 25 up EA.. 982 334 -ALLIED Available with 180 K resistor for NE-51; and 68 K resistor for NE-51H circuit for 210-250 use. 'lJ. 'C1 ONE-INCH-MOUNT ASSEMBLIES Ig1 Series 75C. 115-volt open type. Faceted ~ iewel. Chromed, solid brass holder. Candelabra screw socket. Friction-fit chrome-plated cap. Less S6 lamp. Stk. No. Type 7 E 860 431 ., E 861 432 7 E 862 433 7 E 863 434 7 E 864 435 t=J*Translucent, unfrosted. tNot iIlus.frosted back Less lamp Stk. No. Convext Stk. No. Faceted Color 7 E 874 111 7 E 889 431 Red Green "; 7 E 875 112 7 E 890 432 Amber 7 E 880 113 433 7 E 891 Blue 7 E 892 434 7 E 885 114 Yel. 7 E 894 436 7 E 887 116 Clear 7 E 888 117 7 E 895 437 White 7 E 886 135' 7 E 893 435 1-9......... EA••44 10-24......... EA•• 40 OPEN TYPES-FACETED JEWEL LENSES If! Series 51 OM, 610C, 71 OB. liz" lens. Min. I!] screw for T-3\1.t bulb; candelabra, G6 bulb; bayonet (not iIlus.) , T-3\1.t bulb . clearance hole 610M Min. Color 6l0C Cando 710B Bay. Screw ~6" Red 7 E 938 7 E 939 7 E 940 Green 7 E 941 7 E 942 7 E 943 Amber 7 E 944 7 E 945 7 E 946 Blue 7 E 898' 7 E 896 7 E 897 White 7 E 899 7 E 987 7 E 988 1-9 ......... EA•• 21 10-24......... EA. .19 fGJ Series 810. liz" lens. For T -3\1.t bulb. ~ 'Yf6" clearance hole *Nat illus . EACH Color Min. Screw Bayonet* al0M al0B 1-9 10-24 Red 7 E 966 7 E 967 Green 7 E 968 7 E 969 Amber 7 E 970 7 E 971 .32 .29 Blue 7 E 989 7 E 990 White 7 E 991 7 E 992 - - --- I'ijl Series 910. l"iewel. 910M, 910B require l!!J T-3\1.t bulb; 910C, S6 bulb. 1" clearance hole *N at ilIus Color '910M Min. '9l0C Cando 910B Bay. Screw Color 1·9, EA. 10-24, EA. Red Red Green Amber Blue White Green Amber Blue White .71 .64 10-24 ....... EA.I.10 HALF-INCH OPEN MIN. BA YO NET TYPES fE1 Series 857B. liz" lens. 'Yf6" mtg. hole. 7 E 972 7 E 973 7 E 974 7 E 993 7 E 996 1-9 ......... EA•• 71 7 E 975 7 E 947 7 E 948 7 E 9.76 7 E 977 7 E 949 7 E 994 7 E 995 7 E 997 7 E 998 19·24•. " ...... EA•• 64 Write .or phone for prices on larger quantities Dialc.:o Lens Caps and Leecraft Lamp Sockets IT'S ALLIED FOR • Same· Day Shipment • Strategically Located Facilities • Factory OEM Prices LEECRAFT SOCKETS DIALCO LENS CAPS It t ~ ~ 25006 95 11'52 @J 5006 10006 ~ Series 25006, 10006, 5006 Lens Cap Assem. blies. ¥a" long. 1Y1'6" behind panel. l1!Jl', ¥is", and %," mtg. holes. Stk.No. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 EOl3 EOl4 EOl5 EOl6 EOl7 EOl8 EOl9 E020 E 021 E 022 E 023 E 024 E 025 E026 E 027 Type EACH 1.9 10·24 Ola. Calor 25006-431 %" 25006-432 %" 25006-433 %" 25006-434 %." 25006-435 %" 10006-431 W10006-432 Y2" 10006-433 YzII 10006-434 Vz" 10006-435 ~ 5006-431 I~" 5006-432 1"," 5006-433 lJ1z" 5006-434 1",' 5006-435 1~211 Red Green Amber .24 Blue White Red .22 ---- Green Amber .13 Blue .12 White IRed -- Green Amber .13 Blue White .12 Series 95 Plastic Replacement Lens Caps. For pilot light series 95408, 951308, 952208, 952210, 955910. Stk.No. BE 028 BE 029 8 E030 8 E 031 BE 033 8 E032 Type Color 1·9,EA. 10.24,EA. 95-931 ~ 95~932 95-933 95-934 95-935 95-937 Green Amber Blue White Clear .19 .17 Series 52 Plastic Lens Caps. For series 52408· X (H) and 521308X(H). B E 034 52-991 Red 8 E 035 52-992 Green B E 036 52-993 Amber .19 .17 8 E 037 52-994 Blue B E 039 52-995 White 8 E 038 52-997 Clear Series 31 Lens Cap Assem' blies. For use with pilot light series 75C, 312901, and 313101. Polished chrome. Convex lens is -frosted on back. *Translucent unfrosted Color Stk. No. Convex Stk. No. Facet.ed Red 7 E 999 BE 000 8 EOOI 8 E002 8 E004 Clear 8 E005 White 8 E003 Green Amber Blue Yellow -111 -112 -113 -114 -116 -117 -135' 1·9 ...... EACH .54 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 E 006 ~ -432 E007 -433 E 008 -434 E009 EOII -436 -437 EOl2 -435 E 010 10·24 ....... EACH .52 RePlacemente.~ . Series 81 Lens Caps. For series. 812210, 815910, and 857B. White nickel lens holders. Convex lens is *Translncent unfrosted Red BE 040 -111 Green 8 E041 -112 Amber 8 E042 -113 Blue 8 E 043 -114 Yellow 8 E 045 -116 Clear 8 E 046 -117 White B E044 -135" 1·9 ...... EACH .16 frosted on back. B E047 8 E048 8 E049 8 E 050 8 E 052 8 E053 8 E 051 -431 -432 -433 -434 -436 -437 -435 10-24 ....... EACH .14 !'>eries 200. Miniature bayonet sockets with insulating sleeves..025 to .032" steel bracketsj cadmium-plated for corrosion resistance. Built-in #22 wire leads. EACH Stock Type Fig. 1·49 No. 50·99 100·Up 8 E054 2-01 A 8 E 055 2-04 B .12 8 E 056 2-06 D .089 .15 8 E057 2-13 G 8 E 058 2-15 H -- Series 300. Miniatnre bayonet sockets in molded bakelite U L C S A Listed 8 E 059 3-01 A .165 8 E060 3-02 B .25 .20 8 E061 3-05 C -8 E062 3-06 D 8 E063 3-13 G .165 .25 .20 8 E064 3-15 H , 8 E065 3-20 F .. --- --- Series 400. Candelabra screw sockets in molded bakelite. #18 black and white wire, 6" long with ends stripped )-2". For both incandescent and neon glow lamps 8 E 066 4-01 A 8 E067 4-04 B 8 E068 4-05 C .159 .25 .20 8 E069 4-06 D 8 E.070 4-08 F 8 E071 4-15 H Series 500. Miniature screw sockets with solder t,erminals tinned for easy connection. Useful for low-voltage incandescent lamp applications. Heavily cadmium-plated steel brackets resist corrosion. 8 E 072 5-01 A 8 E 073 5-04 B .054 .12 .10 8 E074 5-05 C 8 E075 5-06 D 8 E076 5-07 E 8 E 077 5-0S F .12 .10 .054 8 E078 5-13 G 8 E 079 5-15 H Series 600. Candelabra sockets. Tinned solder terminals ..025 to .032" steel brack· ets; cadmium-plated for corrosion resistance For G6 S6 incandescent lamps EACH Stock Type Fig. 1· 50· 100. 1000. No. Up 49 99 999 8 E 080 6-01 A 8 E081 (>-04 B .062 .054 8 E 082 6-05 C .12 .10 8 E083 6-06 D 8 EOB4 6-07 E 8 E085 6-0S F 8 E 086 6-11 J .12 .10 .062 .054 8 E 087 6-13 G 8 E OB8 6-15 H -- -- -- -- -- Series 700. Miniature bayonet sockets with solder terminals for low-voltage incandes· cent lamps as T-3\1.i, G-3)-2, and G-4\1.i. 'Not illustrated (for printed circuits). EACH Stock Type Fig. 1.49 50·99 100·Up No. 8 E 089 7-01 A 8 E090 7-04 B 8 E 091 7-05 C .054 .12 • 10 8 E092 7-06 D 8 E 093 7-07 E 8 E 094 7-0S F 8 E095 7-11 J 8 E096 7-13 G .12 .054 .10 8 E097 7-15 H 8 E 098 7-20 D 8 E 099 7-35 Write or Phone for Prices on Larger Quantities. " Series 11·200. Single-contact candelabra bayonet socket with one wire lead. Comes with #18 wire and .035 to. 042" thick steel brackets; cadmium-plated for corrosion resistance. S~OO~k !Type!Flg'!~1 :0~~9Hll00'UP : ~ :g? g ~~:m .25 .20 .147 Series 12·200. Double-contact candelabra bayonet sockets. Contacts arc mounted in a bakelite disk and separated by small coils. Disk is spring-loaded to assure positive contact. Can be used with incandescent and neon glow lamps as NE-48, S6, and lOC7. "Not illustrated-plug in bracket. U.L. and C.S.A. Approved. 8 E 102 12-201 A 8 E 103 12-202 B 8 E 104 12-212 G .30 .25 .169 8 E 105 12-240 * 8 E 106 12-271 C 8 E 107 12-272 0 Series 1400. Intermediate screw sockets with wire leads. For incandescent and ozone lamps. U.L. and C.S.A. Approved. II I I :8 E~ :I g~10 I~!:~~ ~ 14-212 .30 G . .25 .171 Series 1600. Midget' screw sockets with sol· dering terminals; tinned for easy connections. Stock !Typel Fig.! 8Ei-:jl16::Qs 1· 49 150~AIC1~O'll 000. 99 999 Up ---:20 --:IS ---:tOii ---:oes F Series 1800. Candelabra screw base socket. For incandescent and neon glow lamp applications. Insulating sleeve for use over screw sleeve is supplied to meet ·V.L. and C.S.A. requirements. EACH Stock Type Fig. 1.49 50·99 No. --p - - 100·U 8 E 112 lS-01 A 8 E 113 IS-04 B .15 .12 .079 8 E 114 IS-76 D 8 E 115 IS-79 C - - -- Series 23·00 and 23·200. (Not illustrated.) Molded wedge-base sockets. Double-contacts insure security of lamp-firmly held on both sides. 23-00 series has terminals, 23-200 series has wire leads. *Left-hand bracket. fRight-hand bracket. U.L. Listed for A C-DC receivers. EACH Stock Type 1.49 50.99 100·Up No. -'!iETi'6 23-23* - .10 .10 .059 8 E 117 23-24t IiEITB 23-223' .15 .15 .091 8 E 119 23-224t --- --- --- Series 57·00 and 57·200. Double-contact candelabra bayonet sockets with tab terminals. Rated 15 watts; 125 volts. Steel brackets, .035 to .042" thick; cadmiumplated. Type 57-241 has wire leads, not tab terminals. *Has right-hand bracket. U.L • and C S A Approved EACH Stock Type Fig. 1.49 50·99 100.U p No. 8 E 120 57-24 ,.25, ,20 .129 8 E 121 57-41 D 8 E 122 57-45 A "iiEi23 57-241 D --:30 .25 .169 , ALLIED. 335 Neon and Argon Lamps, lights, and Accessories LEECRAFT REGENCY NEON INDICATOR LIGHTS SERIES 3100-110-125 VOLTS Stock No. 8 E 508 8 E 509 8 E 510 8E511 8 E 512 8 E 513 8 E514 8 E SIS Mfr's I Color Type 31-2131-6 31-2133-6 31-2137-6 31-2135-6 ~ Red EACH 25-99 100-999 DRAKE Clear White Type 121 "Tinylite." Midget-size indicator with replaceable lamp (uses 6-v.•. 06-amp. midget screw. T-l%). Mts. in ~." hole. Length. l1Ji6". *Replacement lamp. SERIES 3100H-210-250 VOLTS 3IH-21'1-6 Red 3IH-2133-6 Amber '3IH-2137-6 Clear 3IH-2135-6 White ~~k ,I' '.~i J :j~ NEON GLOW LAMPS For 105-600 v. except t210-600 v .• §DC only.- Screw types have series re&istor in base for 105-125 v.; others require external resistor. In Base column: Sk. means skirted; D.C. means double contact; S.C. means single-contact; Mid. Flange means midget flanged; Bay. means bayonet; Cando means candelabra; others self-explanatory. *AC starting voltage; DC starting voltage. 40% higher. tHigh brightness EACH Stock Mfr's Wat.t.s *AC Bulb Base V. Style 1-49 50-Up No. ~ 8 E 516 AlB .14 .11 17i'7 "'65 T-2 Wire Term. 8 E 517 tAlC 1/17 95 T-2 Wire Term. .14 .11 1/17 65 T-2 Wire Term. 8 E 518 NE-2 .10 ' .08 S.C. Mid. Flange 8 E 519 NE-2D 1/15 65 T-2 .82 .66 Wire Term. 8 E 520 NE-2E i/IO' 65 T-2 .10 .08 T-2 8 E 521 tNE-2H 1/5 WireT,erm. .12 -:TO '" 8 E 522 tNE-2J S.C. Mid. Flange 1/5 lOS T-2 .82 .. 66 55 T-4\12 Wire Term. 8 E 523 NE-7 .73 .58 lI.! 8 E 524 NE-16 .63 .50 lI.! 167 T-4\12 D.C. Bay. Cando S E 525 NE-17 55 T-4\12 D.C. Bay. Cando .90 .72 lI.! - - - - - - - ---y,;8 E 526 NE-21 55 T-4\12 S.C. Bay. Cando .95 .76 60 G-IO Edison 8 E 527 NE-30 I 1.20 .96, 8 E 528 NE-32 I 60 G-IO D.C, Bay. Cando 1.20 .96 8 E 529 NE-34 2 60 Sl4 Edison 1.85 I.4B 8 E 530 NE-40 3 60 S-14 Edison 2.70 2,16 ----60 8-14 Sk.DC.Bay.Cand. 2.65 2.12 3 8 E 531 NE-42 8 E 532 NE-45 65 T-4\12 Cando Screw lI.! .85 .68 65 T-4\12 8 E 533 NE-48 .56 lI.! ~:d> .70 8 E 534 NE-51 1/25 65 T-3l1.! ~.~. .21 .i7 8 E 535 tNE-51H -~ T-3l1.! S.C. BaY. Min. .23 .18 -8 E 536 tNE-56 1 60 S-l1 Edison 1.25 1.00 8 E 537 NE-57 55 T-4\12 Cando Screw .99 .79 lI.! 8 E 538 tNE·58 ,65 T-4Vz Cando Screw ,.95 .76 \12 8 E 539 NE-77 140 T-2 3~Wire Term .. .55 .44 % 8 E 540 NE-96 .20 016 lI.! 140 T-2 2-Wire Term. --- -- :::.. ARGON GLOW LAMPS Pale blue-violet Iight-near-ultraviolet radiation. Clear glass. *Av. life. 1000 hours; tav. life. 3000 hrs. I Stock Base EACH No. \ Type \wattsl'VOltS\ Bulb 1-49 50-Up 8 E 541 *AR-3 ---y,;T-4\12. Cando Screw 8 E 542 tAR-I 2 65 S-14 Edison 1.90 1.52 -so- AC-DC LAMPS ~1--:68 ~CH No. Ca p 1-9 10-49 50-99 -----1--=-:---1---- - - - - - - 7 E 674 Red .66 .61 7 E 675 Yellow .76 __7__E_6_7_6__ 1___G~re=e=n~_1 7 E 677 --.2-1- --.1-9- --.1-7- \.751.60 \.40 I INblCA TOR. LIGHT Type 116-323 "Econoglow" Front-Mounted Neo~ Indicator. Starting voltage; 65 v .• AC and 90 v .• DC. With 0/1." mtg. hole for a max. panel thickness of Vi.". Specify color, Clear, Red, or Yellow. 2 oz. 22 SEE 687 ...................... ·.······················ • 1.75 .60 .40 Amber HIGH-SPEED READOUT Displays one digit from 1 to 9 at a time. ill a flat plane. Control circuit and indicator can be separated-require only one input for each number. Overallsize.I\I2xl Ysx3 \12"; . character size, %x Vi". 7 E 673.1-9 ................. EACH 14.70 10-49 ... EACH 12.50 50-Up ... EACH 10.50 High-quality rectangular neoll indicator Jights--excellent for new equipment design or for" modenlizing and "dressingup" existing equipment. White nylon housing with chrome-plated bezel. Have 6" 18-gauge insulated leads. Require 1.281 x.395 mtg. hole. Series resistor supplied. Rated 'h watt at both 125 v. and 250 v. lYax,l'j1,xZ';l,". j • Ij(I Type 105 "Post-Lite". Panel light for 65-130· ~ v .. AC. or 90-130 v .• DC. Length. 2l1.!". Requires V." mtg. hole. . 7 E 678.1-9 ....................... EACH .70 10-49 ...... EACH .61 50-99. " ...... EACH .582 rv Type 110 Neon "Flushlight." Clear plastic. For: t=J 115 v .• AC. \l2xl %xo/t.". 7 E 679.1-9 ..................... EACH .498 10.49 ..... EACH .448 50-99 ........ EACH .415 COLE-HERSEE ~ LAMP ASSEMBLY Type DL-3 Dash Lamp Assembly. Takes Nos. 51. 53. ' 55. or 57 bulbs. With Yo" mtg. hole. (Stem-mounted),. Has single 12" wire. Shpg. wt .. 2 oz. 61 7 E 105 ............... ·.·.······························ .• G.E. BULBS, SOCKETS AND REDUCERS G.E. TUNGAR BULBS Argon and argon-mercury filled tungar bulbs for use in rectification of AC to DC " current in battery chargers. DC power.,: supplies, motion picture projectors, an~t. for operation .of magnetic chucks, motors, etc. -Indicates type most frequently used in movie projectors. Av. shpg. wt .. Ill.! lbs. Stk. No. 7 E 592 7 E 593 7 E 594 7 E 595 ~ 12X825 206501 20X672 189048 Fig. Type 597 1s9il49 B B 598 -217283 599 16X897 600 4SX674 Fig. A. EACH Stk. No. .'" A .... B 2 2 S 6 4.80 4.65 5.78 4.88 7 7 7 7 E E E E ~~ .6 4.8 15 9.38 2 13.05 615.30 SOCKETS & REDUCERS FOR NEON, ARGON, PILOT LAMPS ~@] . '"'.' ' ",I .. @] ve lID III @ [ffi Q] ;~ Figs. C. D. E. and F are sockets; other units are reducers. Reducer fits into socket to convert to more commonly used types of bulb bases. *Socket with hard rubber insert in metal shell. Av; shpg. wt .• for sockets. 3 oz. Av. shpg. wt. of reducers. 2 oz. Stock No. Fig. Description 1-49. EA. 50-Up. EA. Rated 1500 hours. average use. Clear glass except §white glass. Ideal behind small panel openings. as indicator lamps. etc. For 7 E 661 C Edison socket .13 '.12 120 volts. except *230 V. tHerzog tubular lamp-others. G.E. 7 E '662 C Miniat.lre screw socket .15 .13 /'l..v. shpg. wt., 4 oz. ' 7 E 663 D Candelabra screw socket .45 .41 !';tock NO'I __T~y::.pe.::....._ Watts Base 1-49 EA. 50-Up EA. 7 E 664 C Candelabra screw socket .15 .13 9 E 543 6S6 6 Cando Screw .22 .IS 7 E 665 E* D. C. bay. candelabra socket .36 .33, 8 E 544 6S6DC 6 D.C. Bay. Cando .33 .26 7 E 666 F D.C. bay. candelabra socket .S7 .79 8 E 545 3S6/5 3 Cando SCIew .39 .31 7 E 667 F S.C. bay. candelabra socket .81 .72 8 E 546 *IOS6/1O 10 Cando Screw ~ .42 7 E 668 G Edison-to-Cand. reducer .21 .1 B 8 E 547 7C7 --7- Cando Screw .22 .18 7 E 669 ~ Candelabra-to-Min. reducer 1-.-1,8-.15 8 E 548 §7C7W ' 7 Cando Screw .22 .18, 7 E 670 H Intermediate-to-Cand. reducer .09 .07 8 E 549 lOC7DC 10 D.C. Bay. Cando .29 .23 7 E 671· J Edison-to-Inter. reducer , .16 ' .14 B E550,~__t~_~~4~~C~a=n=d=,~S=c~re~w~_~_.~5~4~~_~.4~9_ _~~7~E~6=7~"2~~,~,~,,~.~F~or~ID=id=e~b~a=s~e~l=am~p=s.~___ ,~~.~1=0~2~_~.=0=8=5_ 336 • ALLIED Allied-Headquarters for the Latest in Industrial Electronics ; ,.w,"". 00 _~~d::' :,;1~~1?:~~~~~!~L~t~:~!;"W:'~~ =~~,~:::,~a ~ failure::; in highly important equipment. using pilot lights. Designed to give trouble-free performance for a minimum of 3000 hours static life at rated voltage. These Sylvania Extended-Service pilot lights exceed many of the opera- Laboratories, Inc. for use ill mil:i:5ilc-borne. aircraft, marine and ground" applications. Associated Testing Laboratories, Inc. is a qualified independent testing facility, recognized by the U.S. Government. LAMPS Stock No. 7 E 248 7 E 249 7 E 250 7 E 251 7 E 252 7 E 253 7 E 254 Mfr'; Typo Bulb Volts ----T2 6 B0672 BI272 B2472 B2972 B4872 B6072 B2072 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 12 24 28 48 60 120 Av. Av. Watts .8 2.0 1.7 1.1 2.5 3.0 3.0 Amps End Foot .. Candles Base .140 .170 .073 .040 .053 .050 .025 700 2100 2200 1200 1500 2200 1500 Slide EACH 1-9 10-99 .45 .43 --- --- Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide 100-Up .41 JEWELED LENSES For lamp assemblies on this page. Made of a new hightemperature plastic that avoids lens-melting and signal JEWELLED Stock Mfr's Stock Color Mfr'. Type No. No. -~~ - - - ._-----7 E 255 BOOOI Red 7 E 259 7 E 256 7 E 257 7 E 258 distortion. Designed to provide sharper signals and truer color fidelity. Available in 4 popular styles. CLEAR ROO02 Blue BOO03 Green BOO06 Amber 7 7 7 7 7 E E E E E BOOIO BOOll BOOl2 BOOl3 BOOl4 BOOl6 260 261 262 263 264 FLUTED Stock Color No. - - -7 -Red E 265 Amber Green Blue Yellow 7 7 7 7 E 266 E 267 E 268 E 269 OPAQUE Mfr's Type Stock Color Mfr's No. -. - - ~~ BOO20 Red BOD22 Green B0024 Blue B0025 Clear B0026 Amber 7 7 7 7 B0030 B0031 Boo.n B0033 E 270 E 271 E 272 E 273 Color -Red Yellow Green White EACH -----1-9 10-Up .14 CLEAR .13 Clear UNIVERSAL HOUSING Rugged phenolic. All metal parts of housing are nickelplated. Rated at 75 watts, 125 volts. U.L. Listed. Electrical contact can be made with AMP connector 41884, or leads can be soldered through holes in contacts. Length, IZ'iY'. Max. panel thickness, '%,". 7 E 274. B0099. 1-9 ...... EACH .51 10-Up ..... EACH .49 UNIVERSAL HOUSING AND LAMP COMBINATIONS (Assembled less lens) Stock 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 No. E 275 E 276 E 277 E 278 E 279 E 280 E 281 Mf.-'s Type 6PSB 12PSB 24PSB 28PSB 48PSB 60PSB 120PSB Lamp Av. Volts Watts ~ -- -.8 B0672 6 B1272 12 2.0 B2472 1.7 24 B2972 28 1.1 B4872 48 2.5 B6072 3.0 60 3.0 B2072 120 Av. End Foot- Amps Candles .140 .170 .073 .040 .053 .050 .025 700 2100 2200 1200 1500 2200 1500 EACH 1.00 .95 .93 .90 .85 OPAQUE . INDICATOR LAMPS AND SOCKETS Sockets are made of rugged, general-purpose phenolic. All metal parts of the sockets and lamps are nickel plated. Sockets are mounted from front of panel with tinnerman clips (induded). Strip sockets (12 sockets to a strip) cal). pe cut to any size-offer maximum design flexibility and economy. Indicator lamps can be changed from front of panel. (Lamps are described below.) END COLOR CAPS A~ailable in large profax and pyrex hard glass types. In 5 colors. PROFAX Stock Mfr's No. .7 E 425 7 E 426 .7 E 427 '.7 E 428 .7 E 429 ~ B8001 B8002 B8003 B8004 B8005 Stock Color -Red --- Yellow White Green Blue 1-?9 ................. EACH .06 7 7 7 7 7 No. E430 E 431 E 432 E 433 E434 0. '. ,. INDICATOR SOCKETS (Single-Socket Type) 7 E 282. B0150. Round. Body size: 'U4xY2" dia. Flange: 3U4" dia. 1-9 ........ EACH :26 10-99 ...... EACH .24 100-Up •••. EACH .22 7 E 283. B0151. Rectangular. Same body size as above. Flange: Y2x%". 1-9 ...•..•. EACH .26 10-99 ...... EACH .24 100-Up ••.• EACH .22 STRIP SOCKETS (12 sockets to a strip) PYREX Mfr'. Type B8071 B8072 B8073 B8074 B8075 Color Red Yellow White Green Blue 100·Up .............. EACH .05 Overall depth, 5'}U' (less pins). Sockets are 'U4xY2" dia. 7 E 284. B1250. YaH center, alternate contacts. 1-9 ..•.•• EACH 10-99 ...........••.. EACH 2.55 100-Up ............. EACH 7 E·285. B1275. %" center, alternate contacts. 1-9 .••••• EACH 10-99 ............... EACH 2.55 100-Up ............. EACH 7 E 286. B3250. Y2" ctr., individual contacts. 1-9 ••••••• EACH 10-99 ..........•.... EACH 2.65 'IOO-Up ............. EACH 7 E 287. B3275. %" ctr., individnal contacts. 1-9 .•••••• EACH 10-99 ................ EACH 2.65 100-Up ............. EACH 0~~ INDICATOR LAMPS Long life-3000 to 5000 honrs; Electrical contact made with AMP connector 41884 or by soldering leads through holes in' contacts. T2 bulb. ·Cherry-red glow. 4.0 5.0 6.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 12.0 16.0 16.0 18.0 24.0 24.0 28.0 48.0 Current (ma) 35-45 35-45 35-45 35-45 15-20 9-11 35-45 35-45 15-20 34-45 35-45 15-20 35-45 35-45 End Foot ... Candles 200 225 250 450 100 * 800 900 150 1000 1100 200 1285 2000 Stock 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 No. E 288 E 289 E 290 E 291 E 292 E 293 E 294 E 295 E 296 E 297 E 298 E 299 E 409 E410 EACH Mlrrs Type B0450 BOSSO B0650 BI050 BI030 BI040 BI255 BI650 BI630 BI860 B2455 B2490 B2900 B4861 . 10-99 --- 100-Up .43 .41 .37 .65 -.61 -- .55 .43 .41 .37 .49 --.44 .38 1-9 ~ ~ Un based UNBASED SLIDE BASE Volts Based 2.65 2.35 2.65 2.35 2.75 2.45 2.75 2.45 Depend on Allied for Same-Day Shipment at OEM Prices Stock No. 7 E 411 7 E 412 7 E 413 7 E 414 7 E 415 7 E 416 7 E 417 7 E418 7 E 419 7 E 420 7 E 421 7 E,422 7 j~ t'r23 7 E 424 Mfr's Typo B0452 BOSSI B0652 BlOSS BI031 B1041 B1257 B1652 BI632 BI861 B2454 B2491 B2905 --_._B4862 EACH -1-9 - - -10-99 -- 100-Up .33 .31 .27 .58 .54 ~ .33 .31 .27 -:39 --:3& ---:31 ALLlED.337 Electric Miniature, Subminiature. Lamps ·e' W "~:. I '.' .. . '.-' . ~BI$E"IATIONS USED TO DESCRIBE BASE AND BULB STYLES BASE CONFIGURATIONS: Bay.-bayonet. Cand.-candelabra. D.C.single contact. BULB STYLES: B-lemon. G,-globe. FE-flat end. double contact. f.-flanged. Mid.-midget. Pref.-'-prefocused. S.C.R-reflector. S-straight end. T-tubular. TL-lens end, tubular. GENERAL·PURPOSE MINIATURE LAMPS GENERAL·PURPOSE MINIATURE LAMPS (Conl'd) ·Switchboard slide-type base. 1 lamp, 2 oz.; box of 10., 4 oz. S:;:;:k ~~~! I.~: . :t~:.oI ~=- ~ ~:-: Fig. Volts _A"::m_PS+-=-B_a.."se__ IOO.Up. Pii:2 If 2.4 .50 S.C., F. B·31i .20 .12 .10 7 E 301 PR·3 A 3.6 .50 S.C., F. B·3\1 .20 .12 .10 7 E 302 P"·4 A 2.3 .27 S.C., F. B·3\1 .20 .1 2 .10 7 It 303 PR-6 A 2.47 ~O S.C., F. il'3\1 .20 .1 2 ,10 7 II: 304 PR·' A 3.7 .30. S.~.; F. il'31i .20 .1 2 .10 7''i'305 PR·12 A ""5.95' ~ S.C., F. B·3\1 ·.20. -:T2""JO 7 Ii: 30.6 PR-13 A 4:75. .50 S.C., F. B-3\1 .20 .12 .1 0 71t 367 6 J 6.4 3.0 D.C. Bay. S·8 ,40 .25 .20 71t 3&S 9 J 8.0 n !l.e. Bay. S·8 .40 .25 .20 7 E 30.7 12 6.3 .15 Min.2·pin g.3\1..d!.. ~ ~-U--73.7 Screw G·3\1.17 .10 .085 7 Ii: 30.9 14 "2.5 .30 Screw G·3\1 .17 .10 .085 7 Ii: 310 t4E' G 24 .035 Tel. Slide· T·2 .65 .40 .33 7 Ii: 369 24X Cl 24 .035 Tel. Slide· T·2 .• 65 .40 .33 7 E 311 27 F 4.9 .30 Screw G·41i .17 .• 10 .085 7i3i'2 39 B 6.3 .36 Bayonet T·3\4 --:Ii'" ~ 7 E 313 40 B 6.8 .15 ·Screw T·3\4.1 5 .09 .077 7 It 314 41 B 2.5 .50 Screw T·3\4· .1 5 .09 .077 7 It 315 ~ B 2.5 .50 Bayonet T·3li· . ; I 5 .09 .077 7 E 366 44 B 6·8 .25 Bayonet T·3\4 ~ ~ .077 7i3i'6 45 B 3.2 .35 Bayonet T·3\4· .• 15 ~09 .0.77 1 E 317 46 B 6·8 .25 Screw T·3\4 .15 .09' ,071 7E31B 47 B 6-8 .15 Bayonet T:3\4 .15 .09 .077 7 E :3 1<1 4S B 2.0 .06 Sclew T·3\4.1 5 .09 .077 7 E 320 ,48C G 48 .035 Tel. Slid." T-2 ~ .43 ~ ~ 49 B 2.0 .06 Bayonet T·3\4.1 5 .09 .077 7 E 322 50 F 6-8 1c.p. Screw G·3\1.1 5 .09 .077 7 E 323 51 F 6-8 1 c.p. Bayonet G·3\1.1 5 .09 .077 7 &: 370 52 F 14.4 .10 Screw G-31i .25 .15 .13 'I E 324 53 F 14.4 .12 Bayonet 0·3*.1 5, ,.09 .077 1 £ 325 55 F 6·8 2 C.p. Bayonet G·41i -:IS -:09.077 7 £ 326 57 F 12 2 C.p. Bayonet G-41i.1 5 '.Q9 ,.077 7 E 327 63 F 6·8 3 C.p. S.C. Bay. G·6 .20..1 2 .10 7 E 328 67 F 12" 4 C.p. S.C. Bay. , G·6 .20 .1 2 .• 10 7 £ 329 67K F 13.5 4 c.p. Cand; " G·6 .40 .25' .20. 7 E 372 7iK F 22 -:l8 Ca.nd. G-6 ~30, --:18 :Is4 ., E 330 81 F 6·8 Gc.p. S.C. Bay. G·6 .25 .15 .13 ., E 331 82 F 6·8 6 c.p. D.C. Bay,' G·6 .25 ,IS .. 3 7 It 33l! il2 C 1.2 .22 Screw Tl·3 .17 ,10 .085 ., E 331 136 G 1.3 .60 Screw' G·4\1 .11.l(i .085 7i3i4 158 B .24 Wedge H\4 -:20 -:T2 -:10 7 E l35 159 K 6.3 .15 Wedge T·3\4 .20 .12 .10 ., It 336 222 C 2.2 .25 Screw fl·3 .17 .10 .085 1E:331 223 E 2.2 .25 Screw FE"3\4 .11 .J(j ;085 7 £ 338 224 C 2.15 .22 Special TL·2* .17 .10 .085 233' , F 2.3 .27 ScrewG-3\1 -:T7 -:10 .085 7 E 340. 248 F 2.5 .sa Screw G-5ii .25 • is .13 7£373 259 B 6.3 .2!i Wedge T·3\4 .20 .12 .10 7 E 341 313 B 28 .17 Bayonet T·3\4 .35 .21 .18 ~ 327 ~ ,28 .04 S.C. Mid. T·1* ~ ~ ~ 7 E 343 323 il & .20 S.C. Mid. T·m .70 .43 .36 7 E 374 330 il 14 .09 S.C. Mid. T·1* 1.00 .6 f .49 7 E 375 344 J) 10 .014 S.C. Mid,' T·1* 1.50 .92 .76 7 E 376 345 il 6 .04 S.C. Mid. r·m 1.40 .86 .72 7 E 3'17 363 f 14 .20 Bayonet G·31S, ~ ~ ~ 7E'3'78 405 6.5 .50 Screw G·41S .25 .15 .13 7. E 379 406 F 2~6 .30 Screw G·4\1 .20 .12 .10 7 E 380. 401 F 4.9 .30 Scrow' G-41i .20 .i 2 .10 7 E 344 425 F 5 .50 Screw G-41i .11 .1.0 .085 7 E 345 428 t 12.5 .25 Screw G·4\1 .11 .10 .085 7 Ii: 381' 431R T U- .25 Bayonet G-41S --:-iT 7 E 346 432 F 18.0 .25 Screw. G·4\1 .20:,. I 2 10 7 E 347 433 F 18 .25 Bayonet G·4\1 .25 .15 .13 7 E 382 502 D 5.1 .15 Screw G·41S., 7 ...10 .095 7E 383 509K F 24 .18 Cando G·6 .25 .15 .13 7 E 348 605 F 6.1 .50 Screw' G·41S .17, .10 .095 7i3Oil ..dA.. To 30 7 Stock Mfr's Type No. 7E384 1383 1E349 1445 7E350 1445 7E351- 1447 ~ ~ 7E353 1458 7E 385 1474 7E354 1477 7£355 1487 7 E356 1488 7E357 1493 7 E386 1630 7E358 1651 7 E 387 1763 7 E 359 1768, 7 E 388 1769 7 E 360 1813 7E 361 1815 7 E 389 1816 7 E 362 1819 -7 E 363 1820 7E390 1822 7E391 1828 7E364 1829 7. E 392 1835 ., E 365 1847 7 E 596 1869 Fig. Volts Amps -H 12 F F F F F B B B B B J J J D D B B B B B B B B B B D 18 12 18.0 14 20 14 24 12·16 14 6.5 6.5 5 6.1 6 2.5 14.4 12·16 13 28 28 36 37.5 . 28 55 6.3 10 20w S.C. Bay. .15 .20 .15 Bayonet Screw Screw .20 Screw .25 .17 .17 .20 .15 2.75 2.75 .60 4.1 .20 .20 .10 .20 .33 .04 .10 -:g- 338 • ALLIED 7r'3 -- Bayonet Screw Screw Screw Bayonet D.C. Bay. D.C. Pref. S.C. Bay. S.C. Pref. Mid. Screw S.C. Mid. Bayonet Bayonet Bayonet Bayonet Bayonet .10 .05 Bayonet .07 .05 Bayonet .15 Bayonet· Bayonet Bayonet .014 S.C. Mid. NEW lOO,OOO.HOUR SUBMINIATURE LAMPS., Last about 12 yearsl Wire-terminal types have sold~r' dipped leads, size, 14xYa" dia. Others have brass bases; Yaxl,1s" dia. Bulb style, T-t. .For uses where space is critical, serVice difficult. t±lD%. *±2D%:., Stock No. 7 E 393 7E394 7 E 395 7E396 7£397 7 E 398 7E399 Mfrs Type 680 682 683 685 ~ 718 2128 Fig, M Volts -5 L 5 M 5 L 5 M 5' L M 5 3 Amps t .060 .060 .060 .060 .115 .115 *.0125 Base Wire Term. S.C. Bay. Wire Term. S.C. Bay. Wire Term. S.C. Bay. WiraTerm. 1·9 3.20 4.00 3.20 3.50 3.20. 4.00 4.50 EACH 10-99 1.96 2.44 1.96 2.10 1.96 2.44 2.75 -- -,r IOO-Up 1.56 1.95 1.56 1.78 1.56 1.95 2.2!i '; 7"i3'i9 T EACH Bulb Style 10-99 100·Up 1·9 R·12 2.70 1.65 1.22 G·3\1 .12 .10 .20 G·3\1 .15 .13 .25 G·3\1 .12 .10 .20 G·31S .09 .085 .15 G·5 .12 .10 .20 T·3 .21 .18 .35 T·3 .31 .26 .50 T..S% .12 .10 .20 .13, T·3\4 .15 .25 S·8 1.0.5 .64 .54 S·8 .85 .72, 1..40 5·8 .60 .37 .31.: S·lI 1.15 .70 .59 T·I\4 .55 .46 .90 T·I\4 .80 A9 .41 T·3li .25 .15 .113 T-3\4 .12 .10 .20 T·3\4 .18 .,154 .30 .27 .22 T·3\4 .45 --:24 .20 T·3\4 .40 .37 .31 ' 1-3* .60 T·3\4 .60 .37 .31 T-3li ~ .21 ~ T-3\4 .65 .40. .34' .12 .10 T·3\4 1.20 .67 .56 T·1\4 1.10 Base NEW SO,Ooo.HOUR LAMPS Design-life is over 5 years-average lifetime is 50..0.0.0. hours. Reliable performers come in three industry-standard sizes and physical configurations. Actual life is determined by environmental conditions-vibration, shock, temperature, voltage fluctuations. Stock No. --7£400 7E401 7E402 7£403 7,E404 7E405 7 EA06 7E407 7E408 Mfr'. Fig. VOlts Amps Base Type 380 P 6.3 .04 S.C. Mid .• F. 381 P 6.3 .20 S.C. Mid., F. 382 P 14 .08 S.C. Mid .• F. 755 N 6.3 .15 Min. Bay. 756 N 14 .08 Min. Bay. 7s7 N 28 .08 Min. Bay. 2180 R 6.3 .04 Wire Term. 2181 R 6.3 .20 Wire Term. 2182 R 14 .08 Wire Term. -- -- Bulb Style T·m T·m T-m T-3\4 T·3\4 T·3li T·1l4 T·I* T·I\4 EACH 1-9 10·99 1.70 1.04 1.05 .64 1.20 .73 .25 .IS .18 .30 .40 -:24 .90 .55 .50 .31. .60 .37 - - 100-Up .87 .54 .62 .13 .15 .20 .46 .26 .31 Depend on Allied for the Lamps You Need, Wilen You Need Them Chicago Miniature Lamps ABBREVIATIONS USED TO DESCRIBE BASE AND BULB STYLE S. C., F.-single contact. flauged base S. C., Bay.-single contact, bayonet base D. C., Bay.-double contact, bayonet base Cand.-Candelabra type base; G-globe bulb T-tubular bulb style; B-lemon shape bulb TL-'--lells end, tubular (pre-focus type) bulb S-as in Fig. F; Types 1847 and 1891 are for use in Ford and Chevrolet automobiles t--high brightness. GENERAL-PURPOSE MINIA lURE LAMPS Stock No. 7 E 500 7 E 501 7 E 502 7E 503 7 E 504 7E 505 7E 506 7 E 507 7 E 508 7 E 509 7 E SID 7E511 7E512 7E513 7E 514 7 E SIS 7 E 516 7E 517 7E51B 7E 519 7 E 520 7 E 521 7 E 522 7 E 523 7E524 7E 525 7E 526 7E527 7E 52B 7E 529 7E530 7E531 7 E 532 Mlr's Type Fig. Volts PR·2 A 2.4 PR-3 A 3.6 PR-4 A 2.3 A 2.47 PR·6 PR-12 A 5.95 PR·13 A 4.75 12 ..... 6.3 14 F 2.5 B 6·8 40 43 C 2.5 C 6·8 44 45 C 3.2 B 46 6·8 47 C 6·8 48 B 2.0 49 C 2.0 F 6·8 50 51 G 6·8 53 G 14.4 55 G 6·8 57 G 12 ,63 6·8 G 6·8 81 G 1.2 112 0 2.2 0 222 239 C 6.3 313 C 28 5 425 F 12.5 F 428 5.1 502 f 6.1 605 F 1445 G 18 1458 G 20 Amps 0.50 0.50 0.27 0.30 0_50 0.50 0.15 0.30 0.15 0.50 0.25 0.35 0.25 0.15 0.06 0.06 Ic.p. Ic.p. 0.12 2c.p. Bulb Base EA. GENERAL-PURPOSE MINIA lURE LAMPS (Conl'd) 10 For 100 For .20 1.20 .20 1.20 .20 1.20 .20 1.20 .20 1.20 .25 1.53 .17 1.00 .15 .90 .15 .90 .15 .90 .15 .90 .15 .90 .15 .90 .15 .90 .15 •90 .15 .90 .15 .90 .15 .90 .15 .90 .15 -:90 .20 1.20 .25 1.50 .17 1.00 .17 1.00 .30 I.B3 .35 2.10 .17 1.00 .17 1.00 .17 1.00 .17 1.00 .20 1.20 .20 1.20 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 11.30 B.50 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.70 10.00 11.30 8.50 8.50 16.48 IB.OO B.50 8.50 8.50 B.50 10.00 10.00 -- ~ --- --S.C., F. B-3~ .20 1.20 S.C., F. S.C., F. S.C., f. B-3~ B·3~ B-3~ ~ B-3~ S.C., F. B·3~ G·3~ Min.2-pin Screw G·3~ Screw T·3Y. T·3Y. T-3!4 T·3Y. Bayonet Bayonet Bayonet Screw Bayonet T-3Y4 r·3y. r·3y. T·3Y. Screw Bayonet Screw G·3~ G·3~ G·3~ G·4~ Bayonet Bayonet Bayonet 2c.p. Bayonet G·4~ 3c.p. 6c.p. 0.22 0.25 0.36 0.17 0.50 0.25 0.15 0.50 0.15 0.25 S.C. Bay. S.C. Bay. G·6 G·6 Tl·3 Tl·3 T·3Y. Screw Screw Bayonet Bayonet T·3~ G·4~ G·4~ G·4~ Screw Screw Screw Screw Bay. G·4~ G·3~ Bayonet G·5 Stock No. 7 E 533 7E534 7E 535 7E 536 • 7E 537 7 E 53B 7 E 539 7 E 540 7E 541 7 E 542 7E543 Mfr's Type 1490 1618 1648 1813 1815 1819 1820 1829 1847 1891 1892 Fig. Volts Amps C E E C C C C C C C C 3.2 6.4 8 14.4 12·16 28 28 28.0 6.3 12.0 14.0 Base 0.16 21 c.p. 21 c.p. 0.10 0.20 0.035 0.10 0.07 0.15 0.24 0.12 Bayonet -7 E 123 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 124 125 127 12B 129, 130 126 131 132 135 f36 137 138 139 7ET4I 7 7 7 7 7 E 133 E 134 E 140 E 142 E,143 Mfr's 323 327 327 AS·15 328 328 AS·I0 328, AS-IS 328 L 335 335 AS-IS 1768 1768 AS-I0 1768 AS-15 1768 L CM 8 627 CM 8 627 AS-15 CM 8680 CM S 682 CM 8 683 CM 8 685 CM 8 715 CM 8 718 Mil. No. 25236-323 25237-327 25237·327 25237-328 25237-328 25237-328 25237·328 15612·2 15612-2 15612·1 15612·1 15612-1 15612-1 28135·1 28135-1 24367 24515 24367 24515 24367 24515 Fig. V. -5 - Bayonet Bayonet Bayonet Bayonet A. 1-9 -.19 --1.00 .04 .04 .20 .20 .20 .20 .04 .04 .20 .20 .20 .20 .04 -.04 .90 2.03 .70 2.30 1.76 2.10 1.20 2.35 .90 2.33 2.03 2.25 1.20 2.25 N - 5.0 -.060 -- - - - - M N M 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 10 For .70 .70 .25 .20 .45 .40 .35 .20 .17 .25 1.04 9.36 4.30 3B.70 4.30 3B.70 1.50 11.30 1.20 10.00 2.75 22~00 2.44 20.00 2.10 IBOO 1.20 10.00 1.04 9.36 1.53 II ;30 100 For ._- - - - NEON GLOW LAMPS - Bulb Style T·2 T-2 T·2 Base EA . 10 For .10 .12 .B5 . 21 .23 .BO 1.00 6.BO 1.70 I.BO --.80 .10 Wire Term. T·4~ Wire Term. Wire Term. Cando ~c.rew T·3Y. T-3'A S.C. Bay. Min. S.C. Bay. Min . AC-DC LAMPS Stock 7 7 7 7 7 Mfr's Fig. No. Type E 550 ~ J E 551 6S6DC J E 552 1056/10 J E 553 7C7 K E 554 10C7DC K -- Watts Base 6 6 10 7 10 Cando Screw D.C. Bay. Cando Cando Screw Cando Screw D.C Bay. Cando EA. 10 For .33 .52 .22 .29 2.60 4.20 I.BO 2.30 --.22- -1.80 ULTRA-MINIATURE LAMPS EACH 10100199 99 .61 .45 .55 .41 1.24 .913 .32 .43 1.40 1.035 1.07 .7B9 1.2B .95 .73 .54 1.43 1.05 .55 -.461.42 1.05 1.29 .913 1.37 1.01 .73 .54 1.37 1.012 3.0 28.0 28.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 28.0 28.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 28.0 28.0 N T-3!4 T-3!4 T-3!4 T·3Y. T·3Y. T·3Y. T-3!4 EA. -.17 II~ W W W W W W X X X X X X P P M T-3~ Bayonet Stock Mfr's AC Fig. Walls No. Volts ~ 7 E 544 NE·2 H I;i7 65 7 E 545 NE·2E H 65 1/10 7 E 546 tNE.2H H .... 1/5 NE·45 7E 547 ..... Y. 65 7E 54B NE·51 ..... 1/25 65 7E549 tNE.5IH ..... 1/7 ...... MIL SPEC ULTRA-MINIATURE LAMPS Type S-8 S·8 Bayonet ULlRA-MINIA lURE LAMPS No. T-3~ D.C. Bay. D.C. Bay. Bayonet Bayonet Letters "AS" foIlowing Mfr's Type Nos. indicate "aged and selected" lamps; "L" indicates lamps of indefinite long life. Complete. listing of military specification lamps and other special bulbs are also available on special order. Write for the com· plete Chicago Miniature Lamp Works cata· fog, or for catalogs 1105 and 1106R on bipin and cartridge lamps. Silhouette illustrations indicate actual size of lamps. .' Stock Bulb ~ .060 .060 .060 .115 .l15 3.20 4.00 3.20 4.00 3.20 4.00 1.96 2.44 1.96 2.44 1.96 2.44 1.44 1.80 1.44 1.80 1.44 I.BO Mfr's Stock No. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 E 144 E 145 E 146 E 147 E 148 E 149 E'150 E 151 E 152 E 153 E 154 E ISS E 156 E 157 E 158 E 159 E 160 E 161 E 162 E 163 E 164 E 165 Type 330 331 334 338 345 1705 1730 1764 1775 1784 1784 L 1859 CM 8 623 . CM 862S I CM CM 88 632 631 CM 8634 CM 8635 ICM 8640 CM 8657 CM 8661 CM 8666 Write or Call Allied for Price and Delivery of larger Quantities Fig. W W y W W Z Z Z X Z Z Z S R P R P T P S P L V. A. 1-9 - -.OS- 14.0, 1.00 1.35 .06 .BO 28.0 .04 .90 2.7 .06 .BO 6.0 .04 1.40 14.0 .OS .50 6.0 .04 .70 2S.0 .04 .45 6.3 .075 .BO 6.0 .20 - - .70 6.0 .20 2.10 10.0 .015 1.35 28.0 .04 1.80 6.0 .20 1.65 1.35 .06 1.20 28.0 .04 I.BO - -.20 6.0 .95 28.0 .04 LBO 14.0 .08 1.20 6.0 .04 I.BO .04 6.0 1.20 5 .08 4.20 -- , EACH 10100199 -99 .61 .45 .49 .41 .55 .41 .49 .41 .86 .63 .31 .23 .43 .32 .28 .20 .49 .41 .43 .32 -1.28 .95 .83 .61 1.10 .81 1.01 .742 .73 .54 1.10 .81 .5B .428 1.10 .81 .73 .54 1.10 .81 .73 .54 2;57 1.89 ALLIED • 339 Industrial and Military Fuses LITTELFUSE TYPE 3AG STANDARD FUSES Series 312000. Quick-acting-for short time-lag uses. Unaffected by high temperatures. 250 V., except *125 v. and t32 v. U.L. Listed. 1 lI.!xll.!". Wt., 2 oz. Stock No. Amps 1/100 53 1/32 53 1/16 52 52 Va .15 53 .175 53 3/16 52 2/10 53 52 lI.! 3/to 52 52 % 52 Vz 52 % 1 52 600 601 242 230 654 655 161 656 231 673 243 232 233 234 PERPKG.OF5 1· 20· 100· 19 99 199 1.65 1.38 1.10 1.44 1.20 .96 .66 .55 .44 .66 .55 .44 .66 .55 .44 .66 .55 .44 .66 .55 .44 .66 .55 .44 .41 .35 .28 .41 .35 .28 .41 .35 .28 .41 .35 .28 .41 .35 .28 .26 .22 .18 Stock No. Amps IVz 2 2Vz 3 4 4t 5 st 6 8" lOt 1St 25t 30t 52 52 53 52 52 53 52 53 52 52 53 53 53 53 B 235 B 236 B 657 B 237 B 238 B 703 B 239 B 704 B 240 B 248 B 705 B 706 B 707 B 708 PERPKG.OF5 1· 20. 100. 19 99 199 ·.26 .22 ~ .26 .22 .18 .26 .22 .18 .23 .20 .16 .34 .28 .23 .23 ~ .16 .34 .28 .23 .17 .14 .11 .34 .28 .23 .51 .43 .34 .17 .14 .11 .17 .14 .11 .20 .17 .14 .20 .17 .14' TYPE 3AG SLO·BLO FUSES Series '313000. High time-lag. Withstand heavy surges and starting currents. Blow quickly on shorts. Units up to 15 amps are U.L. Listed. Max. volts 125, except *32. 1 lI.!xll.!". 5 per pkg. Wt., 2 oz. 1/100 1/32 1/16 1/10 1/8 .15 .175 3/16 2/10 1/4 3/10 3/8 4/10 1/2 6/10 7/10 3/4 8/10 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 53 52 52 53 52 52 B 185 1.23 B 186 1.23 187 .90 252 .90 188 .90 189 .• 90 675 .90 190 .90 191 .90 921 .90 192 .90 193 .90 641 .90 923 .90 195 .90 If 642 .90 B 196 .90 B 197 .90 1.03 1.03 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .82 .82 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 '1 152 1-2/10 53 Ill.! 52 1Vz 52 1.6 52 2 52 2Vz 52 3 52 3-2/10 52 4 52 5 52 6l1.!* 52 753 852 10' 52 IS' 52 2052 30* 52 B 220 B643 B 253 B 198 B 254 B 179 B 257 B 181 B 182 B 227 B 223 B 183 B 644 B.184 B 226 B 224 B 225 B 677 .90 .90 .84 .84 .84 .84 .66 .66 .66 .66 .66 .66 .66 .66 .66 .66 .66 .66 .75 .75 .70 .70 .70 .70 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .60.60 .56 .56 .56 .56 .44 .44 .44 .44 .44 .44 .44 .44 .44 .44 .44 .44 MILITARY-TYPE FUSES Qualify under MIL-F-15160D. Have silver-plated caps and are stamped with MIL number. Prices include plating-stamping charge. Electrical specs and sizes are same. as those of industrial types on this page. All are rated 250 v., except *125 v. AJlied's gigantic . purchasing power reduces your costs, and you get same-day shipment from· our war.ehouse. 5 per pkg. 2 oz. F02A2S0V "5" TYPE 3AG STANDARD FUSES 1/100 53 11.32 53 1/16 53 Va 53 v.I 53 53 % 53 Vz 53 % Stook No. Amps 52 52 52 52 52 1 2 3 5 8 B 678 B 679 B 680 B 681 B 241 PERPKG.OF6 Stock 1· 20· 100· Amps No. 19 99 199 .57 As Ts 10 52 B 244 12 52 B 245 .57 .48 .38 15 52 B 246 .57 .48 .38 .54 .45 .36 .20 52 B 247 30* 52 B 682 .54 .45 .36 PERPKG.OF5 1· 20· 100. 19 99 199 .54 .45 T6 .57 .48 .38 .57 .48 .38 .57 .48 .38 .66 .55 .44 TYPE 3AG INDICATING FUSE POSTS Light when fuses blow. Mount in Ylt"D" hole. Require 10/16" behind panel. With lamps. 'Fused circuit voltage-20 amps max. Wt., 2 oz. INDUSTRIAL Stock No. 52B 744 52 B 745 52 B 746 52 B 747 52 B 748 Type or MS No. 344006 344012 344024 344125 344250 *Volt Range 2Y.-7 7-16 16-32 100-125 200-250 Knob Color Amber Amber Amber Clear Clear B 647 B 648 B 649 B 650 B 651 B 652 B 653 340 & FHL-17G FHL-18G-l FHL-18G-2 FHL-18G-3 FHL-18G-4 FHL-18G-5 FHL-18G-6 ALLIED 90-300 12-22 23-33 34-45 46-60 61-80 81-90 Clear Amber Amber Amber Amber Amber Amb€'r B 602 B 603 B 604 B 605 B 606 I:oT -:47 T4 B 607 1.01 .47 .34 B 608 1.01 .47 .34 B 609 1.01 .47 .34 1 IVz 2 3 4 5 6 Stock No. 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 B 610 B 611 B 612 B 613 B 614 B 615 B 616 PER PKG.OF5 1· 20- 100. 19 99 199 .86 .34 .24 .86 .34 .24 .86 .34 .24 .83 .32 .22 -:94 AD .29 .94 .40 .29 .94 .40 .29 1/100153 1/32 53 116 53 Va 53 lI.! 53 % Vz 153 53 B 62011.501.871.66 621 1.50 .87 .66 B 617 1.50 .87 .66 % 53 B 622 1.50 .87 .66 B 618 1.50 .87 .66 1 53 B 623 1.50 .87 .66 B 619 1.50 .87 .66 B 64511.8311.121.881 B 646 1.83 1.12 .88 F03A250V "5" TYPE 3AB FUSES Stock No. Amps 53 53 53 53 S3 1 3 5 8 10 B 624 B 625 B 626 B 627 B 628 PER PKG. 1· 20· 19 99 1.17 .60 1.17 .60 1.14 .57 1.14 .57 1.14 .57 OF5 PERPKG.OF5 Stock 100- Amps 1· 20- 100· No. 199 19 99 199 .44 53 B 629 1.17 .60 .44 .44 15 53 B 630 1.17 .60 .44 .42 20' 53 B 631 1.17 .60 .44 .42 30' 53 B 632 1.26 .67 .50 .42 '12 F01A250V "S" TYPE BAG FAST.ACTION FUSES 1/20053 1/100 53 1/32 53 1/16 53 Va 53 lI.! 53 B B B B B B 664 2.43 665 2.25 666 2.04 667 1.50 668 1.26 6691.01 1.65 1.50 1.32 .87 .• 67 .47 1.28 % 1.16 Vz 1.02 %* .66 1* .50 IVz' .342* 53 53 53 53 53 53 B 670 1.0 I B 6711.01 B 672 B 673 B 674 B 675 1.01 .90 .90 .90 .47 .47 .47 .37 .37 .37 .34 .34 .34 .26 .26 .26 TYPE BAG FAST·ACTION INSTRUMENT FUSES t j!~:~~~ Series 361000. High-speed protection' of delicate equipment-microammeters, galvanometers, milliammeters. wattmeters. radio" BOO circuits, small rectifier and power tubes, etc. Rated 25(J volts maximum, except *32 volts. Size, lxll.!". 5 per pkg. Wt., 2 oz. Amps 1/500 1/200 1/100 1/32 1/16 1/10 1/8 3/16 2/10 1/4 3/8 Stock No. 52 52 52 52 52 53 52 53 53 52 52 B 199 B 200 B 201 B 202 B 203 B 658 B 205 B 659 B 660 B 206 B 207 PERPKG.OF5 1· 20· 100· 19 99 199 4.38 3.65 2.92 1.83 1.53 1.22 1.65 1.38 1.10 1.44 1·.20 .96 .90 .75 .60 .66 .55 .44 .66 .55 .44 .66 .55 .44 .66 .55 .44 .42 .35 .28 .42 .35 .28 Amps 4/10 1/2 3/4 1 IVz 2 3 4* 5' 20' Stock No. 53 52 52 52 52 52 52 53 52 53 B 661 B 208 B 209 B 210 B 212 B 211 B 213 B 662 B 214 B 663 PER 1. 19 .42 .42 .42 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 PKG. OF5 20. 10099 ~ .35 .28 .35 .28 .35 .28 .25 .20 .25 .20 .25 "Ytl .25 .20 .25 .20 .25 .20 .25 .20 TYPE 3AG PIGTAIL FUSES ' EACH 1·99 100·499 500·999 - - ---2.21 - - -1.85 1.48 2.21 2.21 1.36 1.36 1.85 1.85 1.13 1.13 1.48 1.48 .90 .90 MILITARY-MIL·F·19207A 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 Amps F02B250V "5" TYPE 3AG SlO·BLO FUSES TYPE 3AB FUSES Series 314000. Steatite enclosed, arc-quenching, powder-filled fuses. Smallest U.L. Listed units in these high ratings. Medium time-lag. Shatter-proofed against quick shorts. For amplifiers, rectifiers, battery chargers,' radios, etc. Maximum volts 250, except *125. 1 lI.!xll.!". 5 per pkg. Wt., 2 oz. PERPKG.OF5 1· 20· 100· 19 . 99 199 2.25 1.50 T:T6 2.04 1.32 1:02 1.26 .67 .50 1.26 .67 .50 Stock No. Amp, 2.50 3.21 3.64 3.64 3.66' 3.66 3.66 2.09 2.68 3.04 3.04 3.05 3.05 3.05 1.67 2.14 2.43 2.43 2.44 2.44 2.44 . s e r i e s 318000. Quick-action fuses. 1 Vz" No. 20 tinned copper leads. Used in TV sets \ ._ _ _ _~~ and applications where space economy ,il ~""."±""~l!I~ essential. Max. volts, 250. Il1.!xll.!". U.L . ~. . ,,;;.,:.,..~ Listed. 5 per pkg. Wt., 2 oz. Amps 1/4 1/2 3/4 PERPKG.OF5 Stock 1· 20- 100· Amps No. 19· 99 199 52 B 928 52 B 215 .66 55 .44 1 53 B 638 52 B 279 .66 .55 .44 2 53 B 639 53 B 640 .66 .55 .44 3 Stock No. CARTRIDGE-TYPE FUSE PULLERS PER 1. 19 .51 .51 .51 PKG. 20· 99 .42 .42 .42 OFI lOa· 199 .34 .34 .34 I Stock NO'j Typel For Fuses Wt'IEAC~ 45 N 836 5525 lI.!' to Vz' 6 oz. .59 45 N 837 5526 Yo'to 1Y.' 7 oz. 1.27 Everything in Fuses From One Dependable SourCE Fuses and Accessories I MOUNTINGS-EXTRACTOR POSTS ,"umm MICROFUSE HOLDERS TI' ~ ==~., O·@t Pigtail Plug· in INDUSTRIAL-fOR 3AG AND 3AB Fuse holders for every application Av shpg wt.. 3 oz. Stock Mfr's No. Type Fig. ---- --- -41 41 41 52 52 52 40 52 52 52 52 B B B B B B B B B B B 720 727 795 262 263 264 450 291 294 292 297 341001 342001 342012 342014 342004 -342022 -350218 353001 356001 357001 357002 199 Dcscriptl.,n A B H J -.43- 3& Screw slot .43 .32 .32 .38 .38 .14 .41 .29 .14 .28 Thumb knob L Extractor post Miniature fnse post Miniature fuse post Miniature fuse po~t D Single fuse mounting G Panel-type mounting Screw terminals Lug terminals Double fuse monnting K C C E EACH 100- 500499 999 .36 .27 .27 .32 .32 .12 .35 .25 .12 .23 .29 .29 .22 . 22 .25 .25 .09 .28 .20 .09 .18 FOR 4AG 41 B 7291 442001 B 1 .96 1 .80 1 .64 Thumb knob FOR BAG 41 B B 721 1371001 1 A 41 729 372001 B 52 B 295 383002 F 52 B 285 387001 52 B 296 387002 C E 1 Thumb Screw slot knob .431.361.29 .43 .36 .29 "M~ter-back" mounting 1 .26 .22 .18 Lug terminals .14 .12 .09 Double fuse mounting .28 .23 .18 MILITARY-MIL-F-19207 A Stock No. --53 B 677 53 53 53 53 B B B B 676 678 679 680 EACH 1- 100- 50099 499 999 Mfr's Type No. ~ig. 342025 342024 342021 442008 372003 FHN20G FHN26G FHN26W FHNI9W FHN31G K JAG mi1llature H M M B 3AG miniature JAG waterproof 4AG waterproof SAG t'xtractor Mil. Post Descri ption 1.17 1.24 3.42 3.42 1.23 -:98 .78 1.04 2.85 2.85 1.03 .83 2.28 2.28 .82 'Nl Phosphor·Bronze Clips. For SFE, ~ 3AG, BAG, 3AB fuses. Wt. per pkg., 5 oz. 10 clips per package. 'Nl 52 B 685 ................ PER PKG .. IB l.':'J 10 Pkgs. and Up•......... PER PKG •. 15 Ipl 350130 Snap·On Holder. For "pigtail" fuses. One side clips onto L!J blown fuse; new fuse fits into other side. 2 oz. 41 B 733. 1·9 ........... EACH . I 8 10 or More ...... EACH, I 5 SYLVANIA MITE-T-BREAKERS ACTUAL SIZES Latest development' in sub" miniature fusing; based on ~ ~ bead-type construction;--with glass cap for visible blown281001 281002 284000 fuse indication. Low resistance and high reliability in ultra·fast blowing characteristics. For space-critical uses; ideal for prinfedo circuits. Short-circuit interrupting capacity, 125 volts-IO,OOO amps DC. Blowing specifications: 110% life; 200% 0·10 seconds. Pigtail fuses have 1" leads. Plug·ins mount in holders below. y.," dia. hy IY,Z". S per pkg. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. Type 279000 Type 273000 Pigtail Plug .. ln Stock No . 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 019 022 023 024 025 B 026 B 027 028 029 032 033 034 035 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 B B B B B Stock No. 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 B 075 B 076 B 078 B 079 B 066 B 067 B 068 B 069 Mfr's Amps Type MB-315 MB-316 MB-317 MB·318 MB-2J5 MB-216 MB-217 MB-218 1-99 EACH 100-249 250-499 .25 .225 1 B B B B B B B B B B B Type Stock No. 53 B 634 53 B 635 53 B 636 53 B 637 284004 284005 284006. 284003 047 048 049 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 20-99 100-199 5.13 4.28 3.42 - 1/500. --- --- --- --1/200 1/100 1/64 ~ --- --- ---- 1/20 1/16 1/10 ~ 2/10 1/4 3/10 --- - - - - - - - - ~_O_ - - - ---- ---- 5/10 6/10 7/10 8/10 1 ~- 2 3 4 5 4.29 3.57 2.86 4.29 3.57 2.86 4.29 3.57 2.86 --- ---- --4.29 3.57 2.86 Volts 1-99, EA. 100-499, EA. 5.00-999, EA. 6 12 24 125 2.21 2.21 2.21 1.35 1.47 1.47 1.47 .90 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.13 FUSEMASTER RACK ASSORTMENT Clear-plastic rack displays 300 fuses. Comes with 100 assorted popular fuses, inventory control backboard, pressure-sensitive blank inventory labels, and mounting screws. 100 assorted fuses include: TYPE 3AG--ten y.,.amp, ten It.·amp, five I-amp. five 2-amp, five 5-amp. TYPE 3AG SLO-BLO-ten y.,·amp, five It.amp, five I-amp, five 2-amp, five 3·amp, ten 5amp. TYPE C-ten 3/1O-amp. TYPE N-five 3/10-amp. five 4/1O-amp, five It.-amp. With , ~;ir.i:iiti:iii:R;i;iiiiillli!jJ!~i . ~~c~ ::f.~ :':~.:.~ .l~.s: .....•••......•. 10.72 500-999 TYPE 094037 FUSE CADDY I 2 3 4 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 . 52 52 52 52 52 PER PACKAGE OF 5 1-19 No. 281 001 Holder. Mounts in .090" hole; solder terminals; Ya" behind panel. With spring nut. Wt., 3 oz. 5 holders per pkg. 52 B 096. 1·19 Pkgs.............................. PER PKG. 1.29 20·99 Pkgs...... PER PKG. 1.08 100·199 Pkgs........ PER PKG •• 86 No. 281002 Front Panel- Mount Holder. Hex nut at rear of panel. Molded from high strength dielectric material. Knurled cap; skirt for positive 0 ring seal. Eye-type plated brass terminals separated by molded insulation. Shpg. wt., 1 oz. 53 B 633. 1·99, EA•• 58 100·499, EA• .49 500·599, EA•• 39 Series 284000 Indicating Fuse Holders. Similar to above, but bulb glows when fuse blows Shpg. wt. 1 oz. Non~rndicating. Miniaturized, slass enclosed. hermetically sealed breaker with an automatic-reset type circuit protector. Wires directly into equipment-never needs to be replaced. "Mite-T·Breakers" will handle the rated hold current at 125 volts with minimum trip currents of 200% rated current. As an example. I-amp breaker will hold at one ampere; trip at 2 amps. Compact size; glass envelope measures only 1.26" in length and .30" in diameter. Copper lead wires 1" long. U .L. Listed. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. Indicating. As above, but has indicator (15-20 v.). Remains· lit until fault is removed. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. NON-INDICATING Stock No. Amps @12SV. INDICATING TYPE I 1.5 2 36 / .32 2.5 1. .20 .175 .28 .25 Have the correct fuse at your fingertips-caddy conveniently fits in a tube caddy. Plastic case contains 70 fuses in 14 boxes. All are rated at 250 volts. Limited-current Types C and N fit only Series 346000 bayonet-lock holders. Each box contains 5 of each of the following fuses: TYPE 3AG--y.,-amp, It.-amp, I-amp, 2amp, 3-amp, 5-amp. TYPE 3AG SLO-BLO-y.,-amp, It.-amp. TYPE C-2lt.-amp. TYPE N-y.,·amp, I-amp, ly.,-amp. TYPE SAG U/L-y.,-amp, Y.·amp. l'l'ax3x4y.,". 2lbs. 52 B 272 •..........•....•.•••....•• : •... ,. ............. 6.97 Allied Has the World's Largest Stocks of Electronic Components ALLIED. 341 tsuss tuses, tusenOlaers-Mel-Kaln . ~' TYPEMDL FUSETRON FUSES Long time-lag prevents needless blows resultK~ ing from starting currents or sudden surges. , , Operates instantaneously on high overloads' . IlIii MOL or when circuit is shorted. Thermal cutout '511 MDX operates slowly on low overloads. ;Size, 1114" 114". V.L. Listed. Shpg. wt. per pkg., 2 oz. 5 fuses per package. 250 VOLTS MAX PERPKG.OF5 PER PKG. OF6 Stock Stock Amps 1- 20- 100- Amps 120- 100No. No. 19 99 199 19 99 199 1/100 53 B 441 1.23 1.02 .82 3/10 53 B 452 1/32 53 B 442 1.23 1.02 .82 4/10 53 B 453 1/16 53 B 443 1/2 53 B 454 1/10 53 B 444 6/10 53 B 455 .90 .75 .60 15/100 53 B 450 •90 .75 .60 8/10 53 B 456 2/10 53 B 451 1 53 B 461 ...... ......... 1/4 53 B 407 -- - - - -- -- -- 125,VOLTS MAX ~ " ,. AGe : I~~: :~~1·661·551·441Ig I~~: :~~1·661·551.44 15 53 B 473 TYPE MDX I2S-VOLT FUSETRON FUSES Have same thermal delay action as Type MDL above, but open in approximately half the time-Yz second. 1114x1l4". V.L. Listed. Shpg. wt. per pkg., 2 oz.; per 100, 15 oz. 5 fuses per package. TYPE AGC AND MTH FUSES Low-resistance fuses providing high-speed action to protect delicate instruments. Carry 110% of rated current; open in 1 hour or less at 135%, 250 volts max. V.L. Listed. 1114x1l4". Shpg. wt. per pkg., 2 oz. 5 fuses per pkg. Stock No. -- v.-- -- TYPE ABC CERAMIC FUSES High-interrupting-capacity fuses for use " o n circuits capable of delivering currents as high as 25,000 amps at 125 volts, or 10,000 amps at 250 volts. Maximum voltage rating, 250, except *125. V.L. Listed to 15 amps. 1114x1l4". Shpg. wt. per package, 2 oz. 5 fuse, per pkg. 32 VOLTS MAX 6-1/4 53 B 470 lSreakers PERPKG.OF6 PER PKG. OF'S Stock 1_ 20- 100. 1- 20- 100- Amps No. 19 99 199 19 99 199 ~ 53B 420 .66 .55 .44 lYz 53 B 427 .26 .22 .18 'Ia 53 B 421 .66 .55 .44 2 53 B 428 .26 .22 .18 3 114 S3 B 422 .42 .35 .23 53 B 429 .23 '.20 .16 4 53 B 430 .34 .28 .23 Vs 53 B 423 .42 .35 .23 --- --53 B 424 .42 .35 .23 5 53 B 431 .34 .28 .23 53 B 425 .42 6 .35 .23 53 B 432 .34 .28 .23 % 1 53 B 426 .26 .22 .18 ...... ......... ..... . .... ..... Amps , "lllliT" '., ,.. ~=~~iOI!! : :i!I·841·701·561~~~~~~\~~. ~ ~.~~1·661·551.44 ~trCuiT Amps 5 8 10 12 ·Stock No. 53 53 53 S3 B B B B 447 433 569 570 PER PKG. OF 5 PER Stock 1- 20- 100- Amp5 1No. 19, 99 199 19 .54 .45 --:36 15 53 B 571 .57 20 53 B 572 .57 .54 .45 .36 .54 .45 .36 25* 53 B 499 .66 .57 .47 .38 30' 53 B 448 .66 -- PKG. 2099 .47 .47 .55 .55 OF S 100199 .38 ' .38 ' .44,:' .44 FUSETRON TYPE FNM LONG TIME-LAG FUSES PER PKG. OF S PER PKG. OF 5 Stock Amps 120- 100- Amps 1No. 19 99 999 19 99 199 ----I~ 3-2/10 53 B 408 6114 53 B 505 4 53 B 503 .66 .55 .44 7 53 B 506 .75 .62 .50 5 53 B 504 Avoid needless failures from starting cur' rents or surges. Fuse link operates only on high overloads or short circuits. Thermalon low overloads but cannot operate quickly at long time-lag is obtained. Dual element type. Fiber, tube. Listed. '%xl V,". 250 volt max. except *125 v.; f32 v. Shpg. wt. per package, 5 oz. 10 fuses per pkg. GBA VISUAL INDICATING FUSE AND HLD HOLDER AMPERAGES AVAILABLE Stock No. w.~ :::tJ.:o (::I Visual Indicating Fuse. Red pin extends from fiber tube when circuit opens. Carries 110% of rated current; opens in 1 hour or less at 135%. 125-volt max; 1114x1l4". Shpg. wt. per pkg .. 2 oz. 5 fuses per pkg. ,~I Amps % I IYz ~ "".0.0"\1= PER PKG. OF 5 St.ock 1- 20- 100- Amps 120- 100No. 19 99199 19 99 - -19953 B 400 1.98 1.65 1.32 2 53 B 403 53 B 401 1.501.251.00 3 53 B 404 1.50 1.25 1.00 53 B 402 1.50 1.25 1.00 4 S3 B 40S Stock No. ~ HLD Fuseholder. Phenolic body has transparent knob so that indicating pin of , GBA fuses can be seen. Vibration cannot " cause failure. Locking keys for panels up 0/,." thick. Takes all G BA fuses. 2 oz. 53 B 419. 1;99 .. ,EA•• 37 100-499 ... EA ••31 500-999 .. ' . EA •• 25 No. 5487 Transparent Knob Without Holder. Converts existing HKP holders to visual indicating types. Wt., 2 oz. 53 B 446.1-99 ... EA•• 15 100-499 ... EA•• 13 500-999 .... EA. .10 FUSE MOUNTINGS ~PC 1 6 10 2-8/10;'!Yz 2St 6114 10 2V 15/100 yz 111'1a 1 1-8/10 1/10 14/10 14 1 7, 1 12* 1 30t , - / 1 , 2/10 6/10 1114 2 3-2/10 5 8 15*"", ' 3/10 8/10 1-4/10 2114 3Yz 5-6/10 9 20t, . , ' , 53 B B 449. Specify amperage from table' above. Per Pkg. of 10. 1-9 pkgs.. , .......... EACH 2.44 10-Up pkgs.. "." ... ,.EACH 2.07 TYPE HKL ANDHKR INDICATOR FUSEHOLDERS when fuse has blown, and is for use in ~1 lights 100 to 250-volt circuits. HKR is for 32-volt ForI114x1l4"fuses.HKLhasneonindicatorwhich circuits, has incandescent indicator. V.L. Listed. Wt., 2 oz. 53 B 50 I. HKL. 1-99 EA. I .42 100-499 EA. 1.1'3 500-999 EA. .90 53 B 502. HKR. 1-99 EA. 2.21 100·499 EA. 1.84 500-999 EA. 1.48 HKW PILOT LIGHT FUSEHOLDER Combines pilot light and fuse mounting in one unit. When fuse 'is unblown, neon bulb in knob remains lighted; when blown, lamp goes out. Rated 20 amps at 90-300 volts. For panels up to 'Ia" thick. With bulb. Overall length, 210/,."; dia .. 'o/,.d. 2 oz. 53 B573.1-99 .. EA.2.54 100-499 .. EA.2.12 500-999 ... EA.I.70 MEL-RAIN CIRCUIT BREAKERS "anti~cheat" reset action; non~cycling, constant pressure. Have Provide convenient mounting of fuses in radio and TV sets, in automobiles, etc. All are Buss, except Type 1749 is made by G-C. Fuses project beyond holder body for simple removal. Have solder terminals except Type 45i3 has screw terminals. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. Stock Mfr's No. 53 B 500 53 B 477 53 B 475 53 B 478 53 B 480 53 B 481 41 B 735 41 B 737 For Type Fuses HPC HCM HKP HJM l%,1 ;Wil! attention ·to stability, low tempera ture coefficients, and ruggedness.'Pl;w tic encapsulated in molded cases.· In dividual units can be stacked 0.111 mounted with a screw to obtain va .. iouscombinations of inductance val ues. Av. shpg. wt .• 1 Yz oz. EACH 1-9 6.16 4.91 4.91 4.914.91 5.56 6.22 10·24 24-49 5.65 5.06 4.50 4.03 4.5(t·-- - .'-4;1l3 4.50 4.03 4.50 4.03 5.12. 4.57 5.70 5.10 50-99 4.52 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 4.04 4.56 100.249 4.24 3.38 3.38 3.38 3.38 3.82 4.28 Depend on Allied for Everything in Electronic Stancor MIL-T-27B Transformers and Chokes o FILTER REACTORS-TF4RX04YY These high-quality units meet Grade 4, Class R specifireactors per !"ttions for metal encased hermetically 'sealed filter ture 105·C " Stock Mfr's Size Wt., Hys. Ma Ohms Test Type HxWx 0 No. V. Lb •. -63,G 634 RH-1540 -1-5- 40 2500 2'V,.x2'!sx2!4' IYz 2500 2'%.x2'!sx2!4' 2 IS 63 G 640 RH-1555 55 420 10 85 175 2500 3V,6X2 %x2Yz' 63 G 641 RH-I085 2Yz IS 85 63 G 642 RH-1585 285 2500 3V,6X2%x2Yz' 2% ---- --- - --- --- - 8 lOS 100 2500 3%x2'V,.x2Vs' 3% 63 G 643 RH-8105 105 170 2500 3%x2'V,.x2Vs' 4 63 G 644 RH-12105 12 8 ISO 100 63 G 650 RH-8150 2500 3Vsx3x3!4· 5!4 ISO 150 2500 4!4x3x3!4' 63 G 651 RH-12150 12 5Yz 8 200 ----gs- 2500 4%.x3%.x3'Ji6' 7 63 G 652 RH-8200 200 140 2500 4Y,.xJ%.,,3'Y..' 7 63 G 653 RH-12200 12 8 7 200 85 2500 5%.x4'!sx4o/,6' 63G 654 RH-8250 8 300 60 3500 5%.x4'!sx4o/,6' 63 G 655 RH-8300 12Yz ----m- " lID MIL-T-27B. Maximum operating temperaMinimum operating life 10000 hours EACH ' 25-49 1-9 50-99, 100-249 -8.78 - - 10-24 7:21 ""6.44 6:04 8.08 8.82 7.24 6.47 6.06 8.80 7.88 7.04 6.60 9.60 8.95 8.01 7.16 9.76 6.71 10.90 9.76 ""8.72, a:TB 11.89 8.63 8.09 10.78 9.66 11.76 9.53 8.94 11.92 13.00 10.67 12.37 9.89 9.28 13.49 11.07 12.69 10.63 15.45 I4.i7 "'IT:33 15.60 14.30 12.8 I 11.44 10.73 16.30 14.60 13.04 12.23 17.78 22.48 20.58 18.43 16.47 15.44 s:os A wide selection of hermetically sealed filament, plate and power transformers, and chokes to meet all requirements. POWER TRANSFORMERS-TF4RX03YY IIermetically sealed units that fully meet the rigid All are for capacitor input, except 'choke (reactor) requirements for guided missiles, military airborne and input, and #regulated power supplies. Max. operating gr,ound communications equipment, and other applicaaltitude: 10,000 ft. tExtra winding for 6.3 v. @ 1.2 tions where a maximum of quality sealed construction amps; fextra winding for 6.3 v. CT @ I amp.,§4-6.3 v. iH important All have 117 v 50-60 cycle primaries windings @ 75/06/3/3 amps "Indicates no CT Plate EACH 6 V. Size Stock Mfr'. 6.3 V. Wt., Type VCT Ma @A. CT@A. HxWx 0 No. Lb •. 1-9 10·24 26-49 60·99 100·249 500 20 ....... 63 G 656 tPHC-20 **.6 3%.x2%x2Yz' 2 14.72 "'i3.I8 ~ ~ 16.05 2 2 63 G 684 PHC-40 450' 40 3%x2'Y..x2Vs' 3!4 18.38 16.85 15.09 13.48 12.64 55 2 2 63 G 685 PHC-55 540 3%x2'V,.x2Vs' 3Yz 14.27 13.38 19.45 17.83 15.97 3 60 2 4!4x3x3!4' 63 G 686 PHC-60 600 4Yz 19.95 18.28 16.37 14.63 13.71 - - 3 - 4!4x3x3!4' 2 19.00 63 G 687 PHC-70 670 70 4Yz 20.73 17.01 15.20 14.25 2 3 63 'G 688 PHC-85 660 85 4%.x3%.x3'V,." 6 22.16 20.32 18.19 16.25 15.24 3 4 4'y'ox3%.x3'Y..' 9Yz 25.27 23.17 20.75 18.53 17.38 63 G 689 PHC-120 750 120 3 4 5%x4'!sx4"A.' llYz 30.12 28.07 25.13 22.45 21.05 639 695 tPHC-150 740 ISO § 3 5%.x4'!sx4o/,.' 12 63 G 696 #PHC-165 880 165 37.33 34.22 30.64 27.37 ~ 2 2 63 G 697 'PHR-55 700 55 3%x2'Y..x2Vs' 3!4 19.64 18.00 16.12 14.40 13.50 70 2 3 4!4x3x3!4' 4Yz 20.29 18.60 16.66 63 G 698 *PHR-70 850 1,4.88' 13.95 2 3.5 63, G 707 *PHR-IOS 900 lOS 4'Y.6X3%.x3'Y.." 6Yz 24.44 21.33, 19.01 16.99 15.93 3 4 63 G 718 *PHR-120 1000 120 17.41 4'Y.6X3%.x3'Y.." 9Yz 23.75 21.77 19.49 16.33 .. WIDE & COMMUNICATIONS·RANGE OUTPUT/INPUT TRANSFORMERS Not mus., but similar to Fig. B. WR indicates wide-range response; CR indicates communications-range response. EACH AppllPri. Size stOck Sec. MIL·T·27B Wt., Mfr's 'r-{o. Designation HxWxD Lb •. Ohms Type cation Ohms 25.49 10·24 1·9 -3TF4RX13YY 3%4X2%x23~U 6OO/150CT 20.000CT 63 G 805 BOH-2 WR output 19.38 17.77 ""i5.9i"" 50,OOOCT TF4RXIOYY WRinput 600/150CT BIH-l 2'%.x2M4x2!4' 6 3G 806 IYz 28.55 26.17 23.43 6oo/150CT 600/ISOCT TF4RX16YY 2'~..2M4x2!4" IYz 28.80 26.40 23.64 6 3'(i 807 BIH-4 WRinput BIH-IO WRinput 20,OOOCT/5000 20,OOOCT /5000 TF4RXI9FA 3Yax2y'.x2%." 2 20.00 18.00 16.50 6 125/50 125,OOOCT TF4RXllYY 2'y'.x2M4x2!4 • % 11.45 10.50 9.40 6 l·~ :g~ CIH-2 CR input 5000 600/150/16/8/4 TF4RXI3YY 3%4X2%x23%4' 2!4 14.93 6 3,'9810 COH-I CR output 13.68 12.25 60.99 ""14:21 20.93 21.12 15.25 8.40 10.95 100.249 '13.33 19.63 19.80 14.75 7.88 10.26 MS (MILITARY STANDARD) TRANSFORMERS M~et dimension specs established by Army, Navy and Air Force procurement agencies. ", @] POWER TRANSFORMERS F <3%x414'\I014113.00 0. 52 1 9.7419.23 I B.5' ......................................................... . . - Write for Prices on Knight Transformers in Lots of 500 or More knight Filament and Isolation Transfo:rmers FILAMENT TRANSFORMERS All are center-tapped except those marked t. Types marked with have primary tap for !07-volt operation., Type marked with t has an electrostatic shield. :" * MULTI-TAP SELENIUM RECTIFIER TRANSFORMERS 'or full wave center-tapped or bridge type circuits. mow a variety of combination. using taps on both vindings, plus "aiding" or "bucking" action of extra St.ock No. ,2 G 331 Fig. F ,2'G 332 F ,2 G 333 F ,2' G 334 F ,2 G 335 F winding. 117 v., 50-60 cycle AC primaries. With wind- i! ing arrangement and terminal numbering diagrams. : tResistive or inductive load. *Capacitive load f Max DC Max DC Range of Rect. Outputt Output* Circuit AC Volt. Volts Amps Volts Amps -C.T. -Bridge C.T. Bridge C.T. Bridge C.T. Bridge C.T. Bridge _ 11.5 to 29.5 11.0 to 28.5 12.0 to 29.6 12.0 to 29.6 11.5 to 20.0 11.5 to 29.0 12.0 to 29.5 12.0 to 29.5 12.0 to 29.0 12.0 to 29.0 11 23 11 24 12 24 11.5 24 11 23 2 1.25 4 2 8 4 12 6 15 8 13.6 2 30.0 1.25 14.5 4 33.0 2 14.5 8 32.2 4 14.2 12 32,0 6 14.5 15 32.0 8 Size HxWxD Mtg. Centers Wt., WxD Lb •• NET EACH 1-9 1049 Bulk 50- 100- 25099 499 ~ 3x2Yzx2%' 2x2Ys' 3Ysx2'lf,x3' 2!1.ox2Ys" 4Yz 5.90 4.78 4.42 4.27 3.90 2% 4.66 3.78 3.49 3.37 3.08 3%x3Ysx3Yz" 2o/ax2'lf," 6!1.o 7.95 6.48 6.00 5.78 5.2 4Ysx3Yzx3'lf," 2%x3!1.o" 9 10.52 8.54 7.90 7.62 6.8 9 4o/ax3%xS' 12.85 10.40 9.64 9.28 8.4 3 3x3%' 13 VARIABLE-VOLTAGE AND ISOLATION TRANSFORMERS solate equipment from power line. Primaries operate rom various 50-60 cycle AC input voltages (see table StNooC.k ,2G 080 Fig. OVut·A •t pu D ,I,G 490 D ,2;:G 563 C IV"OPltu.t Output Volt. below); secondaries deliver 115 VAC output, except *105-115-125 VAC. With 6-ft. cord and plug. Size HxWxD ~ 90-100-120-200230-250 115 4o/ax3'lf,x5Yz' 105-115-125 100 115 4o/ax3'lf,x4%' 350 117 *to5-U5-125 5Yzx4o/axS%' Mtg. Ct..... Wt., Lb •. EACH Bulk Packed ....!.:!.. 10-49 50~99 100-249250-499 3x3Ys' 9!1.o 13.1 I 10.65 9.83 3x2;116' 7Yz II.B5 9.60 B.B8 3Yzx3'lf,' 16 19.60 15.68 14.50 9.36 8.65 B.46 7.77 13.B3 12.6B ~ ISOLATION TRANSFORMERS C1iminate shock hazard and protect valuable equip1ent. Have separate windings for complete isolation ,etween primary and secondary Ideal for servicing Stock . No. Input Output V.A. Fig. Output. Volts Volts ,IG 426 C ,2 G OB6 C ,2 G OB7 C ---so """'liS 100 250 115 115 115 115 115 PR.- AC-DC radios, TV sets, appliances, etc. Operate on 115 v., 50-60 cycle AC input; provide 115 v., AC output. With 6-ft power cord plug and receptacle Size H x W x D Mtg. Ctr•• Wx D 3o/ax3x3Ys' 4Ysx3o/ax4' 4o/ax3'lf,x4o/a' 2!1.oxl'lf,' 2%x2%' 3x3Ys' Wt., Lb •. 3% 6Yz to EACH St.ock No. '2 G 2 G 2 G 2, G Fig. Parallel Sec. Series Sec; Volts Amps Volts Amps 351 "E - 6 - - - 2 - 12 352 E 6 4 12 353 E 12 24 4' 24 ' 8 354 F 12 1 2 2 4 Size H x W x D 2Ysx2'lf,xl%" 2%x3Ysx2' 3Ysx3o/ax2!1.o' 3Ysx2'lf,x3' -11% 3Ys' 2Yz 2!1.ox2Ys' 4Yz 2Ys' 2'M6' SEC .'~ Bulk Packed 110-49150-99 100-249r50-499 5:67"""'4:60 ~ 4.05 3.72 10.00 B.IO 7.50 7.15 6.57 17.50 14.20 13.12 12.50 11.50 Secondaries have two identical windings for series or parallel operation. Primaries operate from either 115 or 230 v., 50-60 cycle AC. Mtg. Ctr•• Wt., Wx D Lb •. E' 1-9 CONTROL TRANSFORMERS ,utomation types for high-speed automatic equipment. ,dapted to relays, pilot lamps, solenoids, small motors, tc. Also use in high current,low voltage power supplies. 4'~3 EACH Bulk Packed -!~r~r 2.60 3.03 3.98 6.62 2.11 2.46 3.22 5.37 ,lIied I.s the World's Foremost Supplier of Electronic Components 1.95 2.28 2.98 4.96 100_2491250_499 I.BB 1.71 2.19 1.99 2.B7 2.62 4.79 4.36 SCHEMATIC CONTROl. TRANSFORMERS ONE ORDER TO ALLIED FILLS THE WHOLE BILL ALLIED • 359 knight Transistor and Line Transformers TRANSISTOR TRANSFORMERS COMPARE These quality transformers, precision-made in the U.S.A. to Kn i g ht's own rigid specifications, represent your best value. Allied's own line of economically priced, ruggedly conand driver transformers in a variety of impedance anrl structed~ transistor transformers. All are made from the ratio values for most transistor circuit requirementH. highest quality materials and provide excellent powerIn tables below, impedance and resistance values an' handling capabilities and frequency response along given in ohms. Av. shpg. wt .• 6 oz. Quantities over 100 with a minimum amount of distortion. Included are a shipped bulk-packed. Write, wire or phone Allied for inwide selection of miniature input. output. interstage formation on quantities larger than those shown below. INPUT TRANSFORMERS Stock No. 64GI46 62G355 62G356 Allied c~n supply ·prod uctlon qua ntitl •• of Knight tra nsistor tra n.former •• Write or phone for prices on quantities larger than shown. Sec. Prl. Sec. Pri. Imp. Res. Res. Imp. 42 .8 600 CT 10 14.7 4060 30 CT 50K lK CT 200K CT 123 1815 Fig. C B C I .050 ir,6 XI ~6X';v,6" .150 2Y32X1~6X~16H .300 '}i6xl%XYsH '73" EACH 1-9 Bulle' Packed ~1250_499 \ 10_49/50_99 --.:59 I.28I:T9 2.74 2.74 lYs' 2,22 2.22 1.15 1.9B 1.98 2.05 2.05 1.05 1.81 I.B I OUTPUT TRANSFORMERS ~ 62G357 62G35B 62G359 62G360 62G361 62G362 62G363 62G364 64GI50 62G365 62G366 62G367 62G36B 62G369 62G370 62G371 62G336 62G337 64GI47 64GI49 Mtg. Ctrs. 1;v,6' W ttsl Size a HxWxD B B B B B B B B -C C C C C C C C C C A A 350 CT 500 CT 600 CT 825 CT 1250 --2500 10K CT 400 CT 2000CT 100 CT 160 400 CT 500 CT 700 CT 2500 3000 48 CT 20 CT 48 CT 100 CT 1.45 3.55 3.2 2.7 1.4 370 2.3 4,8,16 1174 2.6 71.5 1.5 11 4,8,16 250 4 4,8,16 10.9 1.45 18.7 1.4 4,8,16 34 1.5 .85 4,8.16 47 4,8,16 1.15 77 1.15 4.8,16 172 - -1.24,8,16 192 8,16 5 1.5 8 .55 .35 3.2.8, 16 3.6 1.4 3.2, 8, 16 6.6 1.5 4,12 4,8,16 4,8,16 4,8.16 4,12 38 75.3 73.2 74 132.5 .150 '),1,x'}i6x'l16' .]SO .150 .150 .150 .150 .150 .150 .200 .300 .300 .300 .300 .300 .300 .300 4.16 4.8.16 5 10 10 10 2%.zH 2%Z" 2%2" 2%2.''' 273 ,H 2732'. " '),1,x' 2),1,x' 2),1,x'¥16x'l16H 2),1,,,'¥16x 'l16" 2~zx1~16X~6" 2.BO 2.60 4.3B 2.B5 2.74 2.70 2.74 2.B5 2.70 2.70 2.96 1.60 2.54 2.51 lYsH IYs" IYs' lYs" IYs' IYs" IYs" IYs" 2'¥16" 2" 2Ys" 2Ys" 1~6x1o/sx%" '¥16JC!%XYs" '¥16xl%xYs" '¥16XI%XYs' 2x3~6x1Ys" 1~6X2%xIYs" 2~ox2Vox2" 2~0x2Vox2' 2.14 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.11 2.11 2.27 2.11 3.55 2.32 2.22 2.19 2.22 2.32 2.19 2.19 2.41 1.30 2.06 2.03 2.60 2l1,H YsXl'116XYs' '¥16XI %XYs" '%x1%xYs" '¥16Xl %XYs" 1.97 1.90 1.71 2.05 1.98 1.81 2.05 1.9B 1.81 2.05 1.98 1.81 1.95 I.B8 1.71 1.95 1.88 1.71 2.10 2.02 1.84 1.95 1.88 1.71 3.29 3.17 2.BB 2.14 2.06 I.B7 2.05 1.9B I.B I 2.02 1.95 1.7B 2.05 1.9B J .81 2.14 2.06 I.B7 2.02 1.95 1.7B 2.02 1.95 1.7B 2.22 2.15 1.94 1.20 1.16 1.06 1.90 I.B4 1.64 I.BB I.BI 1.64 TRANSF~RMERS INTERSTAGE 62G340 C 62G372 B 62G373 B 62G374 B 62G375 B 62G376 B 62G377 B 62G37B B 62G3B I B 62G3B6 B 62G3B7 B 62G3B9 B 62G390 B 64GI80 B 62G33B C 62G339 C 62G391 C 64G 174 C 2.63 2.74 2.74 2.74 2.60 2%2'" %Xj~~;~~~ Z~zx1 500CT 5KCT 37 250 .030IYsx211,oxIYs' 100CT IOCT 19 1.27 .150 2),1,,,13 ox9 ' 500 CT 50 59.7 7.9 .150 2),1,x' 500CT 50K 76.85135 .150 2),1,x' 1200 20K CT 142 1860 .150 2),S,x' ~ 500 CT 104 """"46.S --:ISo 2),1, 5K CT 7500 CT 650 790 .150 z),1,x 5K CT 10K CT 635 !l00 .150 2),1,x' 5K CT 80K CT 573 5740 .150 2),1,x' 10K 200CT 1200 33.4 .150 2),1,,,' ~ 2K CT 1200 2s7 --:ISo z),1,,,' 10K 3K CT 1200 385 .150 2),1,,,' 500 CT 150 CT 62 21.2 .150 z),1,x' 20K 800CTI350 95 .150 2),1,,,, 100 CT 10 CT --.8.250114x2Mo"I%' 100 I K CT 5.8 45 .250 IYs"211,oxl %" lOOK 1500 CT 3250 143 .300 '}i6xl%xYs" 500 CT 500 CT 40 55 .300 '}ioxl%xYs" --u 2.10 2.60 2.5B 2.70 2.63 2" '73'" "'A,' 2l1," zl1,' Zl1," 2l1,' zl1," z%.z' 'zl1," 2l1," Zl1,' z>,\,' 2l1,' lYs' 2" IYs' IYs' 1.70 2.11 2.09 2.19 2.14 2.03 2.22 2.14 .2.32 2.14 """"2.51 2.74 2.63 2.85 2.63 1.57 1.95 1.93 2.02. 1.97 2:60 2.iT"'" 2.60 2.63 2.41 2.1 I 2.14 1.95 1.60 1.60 2.76 2.51 1.52 1.37 L88 1.7i 1.86 1.69 1.95 1.78 1.90 1.71 1.87 ~ 1.64" 2.05 1.9B I.B I 1.97 1.90 1.71 2.14 2.06 I.B7. 1.97 1.90 1.71, ~ I':8B ~ 1.95 1.8B 1.71 1.97 1.90 1.71 1.80 1.74 1.5B J:3i)/1.20 1.30 2.24 2.03 1.I61':O~ 1.20 2.06 I.B8 1.16 1.99 I.B I 1.06 I.B4 1.64 DRIVER TRANSFORMERS 64GI511 64GI53 64GI65 64GI66 64GI52 C CTI400 C 1000 100 200 CT 6.5 I 115 I 200 15.5 I .05°I%XI14XY,' .500 114x2xl14" liMO' 1Ys" C 200 CT 36.5 .15.5 .500 114x2"114" lYs' C 1 ;~CT 12 .. 500 l%x2"'Ys' 2Ys' l~g .. 12 .. C .... .. 1.0 l}iox2MoxlYs' lYs' ~:;~ ~:!~ ~:;~ ~:~~ 1.97 1.59 1.47 1.42 I I 1.59 1.42 I 1.28 1.15 I 1.19 1.06 I 1.15 1.02 2.57. I.IB 1.29 1.05' .92 CONSTANT VOLTAGE LINE TRANSFORMERS 70.7-VOLT LlNE-TO-VOICE-COIL TRANSFORMERS Stock No. 62GOB I 6!a422 62G077 62G07B -62G079 61G440 61G450 Fig. D E D E D D .E Watt Sec. Imp. Max. Size Taps Ohms Watts H x W x D -4-,-8-5, 2.5, 1.25, .62, .31 5 1Ys,,2Ysxl Y," 8,4,2, 1,0.5 4,8,16 8 2x2Ysxl%" 10, 5, 2.5, 1.25, .62 4,8,16 10 l%x2'¥16XI%" 18, 9. 4.5, 2.25, 1.12, .56 4,8,16 18 2Ysx2Vsx1 Vo' 24, 12,6,3, 1.5, .75 24 214x3'Mox214" 2,1, .5 4,8 2 1¥1GX2M6xi 14' 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 0.5 4,8,16 16 2%,,3Y.x214 " 4.8.l6 Mtg. Ctrs. 2" 2" 2Ys' 2Ys' 3Ys' 1%" 2'l-!6' Wt., Lbs. 1-9 EACH Bulk Paoked 10-49 50-99 100-249 250-499 ~ 1.92 Ys Ys 1% 1% 14 2 2.54 2.41 2.95 3.54 1.93 3.89 1.56 2.06 1.95 2.40 2.B7 1.57 3.15 --1.44 1:37 1.90 I.BO '2.21 2.65 1.45 2.92 HIGH-FIDELITY 70.7-VOLT LlNE-TO-VOICE-COIL TRANSFORMER Stock \ \ No. Fig. 6iG44I D I.B I 1.72 2, II 2.53 1.38 2.7B 1.25 1.61 1,58 1.93 2.32 1.27 2.54 I I Watt \sec.lmp·1 Max. Size IMt9 .\ Wt.~\ EACH Bulk Pack~d Taps Ohms Watts H x W x 0 Cbs. Lbs. 1-9 110-49150-99 100-2491250-499 5, 2.5, 1.25, .625, .31 --5- l%x2t:y,.xlW 2.53 2.Cl5i.90 J.Bj- "1.66 2W' --y.; 4.8.l6 2S-VOLT LlNE-TO-VOICE-COIL TRANSFORMERS 360". AlLIED Stock No. Fig. 61G436 61G437 61 G438 61 G439 D D D D Watt Sec. Imp. MaX'. Ohms Watt.s -4-,-8-2,1,0.5 2 5, 2.5, 1.25, 0.625, 0.31 4,8 5 10. 5, 2.5. 1.25, 0.625 4,8,16 10 18, 9, 4.5, 2.25, 1.12 4,8.16 18 Taps Mtg. Wt" Ctrs. Lb •. ll-!ox2Moxl14" 1%' 1%x2'}io"I%' 2Ys" % 21,;4x3 1M'6,,2H 3Ys' 1% 2%x4x2\4' 30/10' 2Y, Size HxWxD 1-9 y,;- ..--:B9 2.20 3.13 3.73 EACH Bulk Packed 10-49 50-99 100-249 250-499 1.53 1.79 2.5~ 3.03 1.42 1.65 2.35 2.BO 1.35 1.57 2.24 2.67 1.23 1.45 2.06 2.46 Write to Allied for Quantity Prices on Knight Transformers knigbt Transformers and Chokes FILTER CHOKES have -15%, +50% tolerance. All 1500 v. rms insulation except t200D v *3000 v tIndicates ampere!:> nality chokes for power supply applications. All are ted at J() v 60 cps with max DC in winding Ratings . Stock No. Fig. Hen.iesl~ 2 G 341 E .01 12.5. 2 G 342 E .025 4t 2 G 343 E .035 2t I G 405 B 0.8 375 --" - - ---I G 479 B 1.0t 300 1.5'11 I G 480 B 10 I G 406 B 1.5 200 I G 481 B 2.0 200 - 2.3 - - -150 -I G 482 B 130 2 G 344 B 2.5t 2 G 345 B 2.8 300 I G 483 B ISO 3t I G 407 B .1.5 50 --- - 4.0' - - -175 2 G 346 C 2 G 347 C 4.5* 200 2 G 34B G 5.0 100 2 G 135 B 5.5 50 B I G 4B4 7.0 150 -I G 408 B 7.0 50 I G 485 B 8.0 85 2 G 139 B 10.5 110 I G 409 E 8.5* 200 2 G 136 B 8.5 50 -12.0' - - -100 -I G 486 C 13.0 I G 487 B 65 I G 4BB C 16.0 80 2 G 138 B 15.0 75 16.0 2 G 137 B 50 I G 4B9 B 20.0 15 - - - -- - - - - - 35.0 15 2 G 349 B 350.0 2 G 350 B 5" .. Mtg. Ctrs. Sizo HxWxD Ohms Lbs. 21 716" 2'716" 30/,6" .1Ys" 2Ys" 2xl'4" 21/.$x2V,6" I Yzx2Ys" 2" 3716" 2" 2'Yt6" 30/,6" 21/.$x2Ys" 2%" 2xl'4" 2'Yt6" 2xl%" JYs" 210/16" 2%" 2" y. 2'Yt." 1·9 -7.40 -- Bulk Packed 50.99 10·49 100·249 250·499 --6.00 5.56 5.36 4.88 5.02 4.08 3.76 3.63 3.30 2.36 3.15 2.55 2.28 2.07 2.09 1.94 ~ 1.70 2.49 -2.44 - - -1.98 - - ---. 1.74 """T.6O 1'83 1.20 .98 .90 .86 .78 1.30 1.06 .97 .85 .93 1.89 1.75 1.67 2.34 1.53 ---1.49 - - -1'38 - - 1.31 1.84 1.19 1.42 1.75 1.31 1.26 1.16 3.14 2.54 2.35 2.27 2.06 2.08 1.69 1.56 1.49 1.36 1.18 .96 .89 .84 .77 3.9iJ 3:T6 2.92 2.82 2.56 4.BO 3.B9 3.60 3.47 3.17 3.12 2.52 2.33 2.25 2.05 .93 .75 .70 .67 .61 2.94 2.3B 2.20 2.10 1.91 ---. -1.03 - - .B4 .74 .77 --:69 2.06 1.66 1.54 1.47 1.29 2.09 2.49 1.94 I.B5 1.41 5.40 . 4.39 4.05 3.B6 3.54 .98 .79 .70 .73 .65 3.5B 2.91 2.69 2.56 2.36 1.92 1.55 1.44 1.37 1.25 3.11 3.84 2.B8 2.74 2.50 1.69 2.09 1.56 1.49 1.36 1.57 1.27 1.1 B 1.12 1.04 1.33 . 1.17 1.64 1.23 1.07 1.32 .99 ~ 1.07 .B7 3.03 2.46 2.2B 2.19 1.99 61/.$ 3Yz 2'4 '4 '4 1/.$ 1 1'4 1 11/.$ 2Yz 1'4 '4 2'4 3'4 2Yz Yz 21/.$ Yz IV, 2Yz 4 1 2'4 I 2'4 2 IYz '4 3Ysx2Ys" 2'4x2Ys" 2Ysx2" 3Ys" 3Ys" 1',{," 2Ys" 3Ys" .11 3Yzx4Ysx3" .425 2%x3Ysx2'4" .75 2Ysx2'/sx2Yz·· 25 21/.$x3'V,6X2" 40 21/4x3 1Y16 X2" 95 1o/16x2Yaxl1/4" 6U- 1'/sX2'Yt6Xl '/s" 65 2Y4x3 1Y16x2" 60 2x3Y4 X1 %1I 100 2x31/.$xl'4" 60 2'/sx4x2Ys" 97 2!4x3 1M6X2" 200 I '/sX2'Yt6XI Yz" 100 3Ysx2'/sx2'4" 80 30/,6x31/.$x3" 300 2'/sx21/.$x2'4" 330 IYsx2Ysxl1/.$" 200 2'/sx4x21/.$" --550 IYsx2YsxIYs" 260 2x:3Y4,x2" 220 2%x4x2Ys" 140 3Ysx2'Yt6X2Ys" 400 l'/sx2'Yt.xIYs" --145 .lYt6x2'/sx2'V,6" 385 2x31/.$xl'4" 365 .1Yt6x2o/ax2'V,." 400 21/.$x3'V,6X~" 550 2x31/.$xI'/s" 900 lo/ax2'Yt.xIY." 1600 l%x2Ysxl1/.$" 5500 2x31/.$xl'4" EACH Wt., 1 HIGH-FIDELITY OUTPUT TRANSFORMERS ave multi-tapped windings for wide rang~ of impedH'CS with excellent coupling. Provide superior fretelley response 'at any power level from 20 cps to well 'yond range of audibility All have screen taps for p.p Stock Size rig. Watts IMa Imp, No. HxWxD - - -F- -12- - ~ 2 G OB2 2 Ii 024 C 12 2 G 393 C 15t' 2 G 01 B F 18' 2 G 058 B IS' 2 G 083 G 24 ----C- -24- 2 G 054 2 G 019 G 30' 2 G 059 30* C 2 G 395 C 50* C 50* 2 G 397 8000 2000t 8000t 8000t -6600 --6600 6600 6600 5000t MOOt 60 60 140 65 65 75 75 100 100 150 125 3'4x3x31/.$" JYsx2'/sx2% " 3Ysx2'/sx3Ys" 3'4x3x31/.$" 2'/sx4x2 Yz" 41/.$x3'/sx4Yz" 3%x31/.$x3%" 41/.$x3'/sx4Y." 3'l'ax31/.$x4" 41/.$x3Yzx4" 41/.$x3I11x4' ultra-linear operation, except t. All are fiat from 1535,000 cps, except *20-20.000 cps •• Rated watts are @ 20-30.000 cps. Have 4. 8, 16 ohm o.utputs. except ~8, 16 and 32 ohms §Maximum DC in each half of primary EACH Wt .• Lbs. ----w.2Yz 3Yz 3111 21/.$ 6Yz 6 7 6 7 71/.$ 1-9 --7.90 6.76 6.9B 8.50 5.35 13.01 11.35 14.01 11.85 12.08 12.0B Bulk Packed 100-249 250-499 --10-49 - - -50-99 6.42 5.94 --s:&6 5.21 5.49 5.66 6.90 4.32 10.65 9.20 11.40 9.63 9.7B 9.7B 5.07 5.25 6.37 4.00 9.B5 8.50 10.55 B.90 9.05 9.05 4.B2 5.05 6.07 3.B2 9.37 .B.IO 10.05 B.47 B.72 B.72 4.43 4.5B 5.60 2.92 8.66 7.41 9.26 7.7B 7.95 7.95 STANDARD LlNE-TO-VOICE-COIL TRANSFQRMERS rovide maximum power with minimum distortion 61 G 423 has leads on secondary Stock No. I G 423 I G424 I G 425 -I G 442 I G.443 IG 451 2 G396 Fig. A D A -A A D D Pri. Imp. 500 500 2000/1500/1000/500 2000/1500/1000/500 2000/1500/1000/500 3000/2000/1500/1000/500 1500/1000/500 Sec. Imp. 4,8 4.6,8.15 4.8 4, 8 4,8 4,8,16 4,8,15 Audio Watts -'-525 8 -412 10 25 EACH Wt., Size Lb •. 1Ysx2Ysxl Yz" 2Ysx2%xl'4" lYsx2'YtSX1'/s" I Ysx2Ysxl Yz" 2x31/.$xl%" 2Ysx2%"I%" 3%2x3'Y16X2Yz" --v. 1% '4 --v. 1% 1% 2Yz 1-9 -.-1.29 2.49 2.10 1.70 2.30 2.77 4.04 Bulk Packed -10-49 - - -50-99 - 100·249 250·499 1.04 .96 ----:9T ---:s:4 2.02 1.70 1.3B 1.87 2.24 3.26 1.87 1.57 1.28 1.73 2.0B 3.02 STANDARD OUTPUT TRANSFORMERS Top-quality transformers for coupling 1single output tube to speaker. Ideal for ;c in radios Stock No. phonos amplifiers Primary Sec. Audio Imp. Ma Imp. Watts 2 G 064 500040 50 2 G 063 2500 8000 20 2 G 093 2 G 065 2000 50 ---10 I G 400 4000 I G401 2000 50 I G 402 2000 60 I G 403 5000 40 I G 445 20001 60 I G 446 5000* 40 I G 447 7000 30 I G 448 10000 30 I-_G 449 25000 5 .. 3.2 --3- 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.5 3.2 4 4 3.5 6-8 4 4 4 3 3 5 3 3 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 §Has + 1-9 11/.$x2YsxlYs" .,.-:-Q7 11/.$x2YsxIYs" 1.07 11/.$x2Ysxl%" 1.00 lYsx2YsxlYs" 1.00 11/.$x2Ysxl1/.$' 1.00 I 1/.$x2Yaxl 1/.$" 1.02 I Ysx2Ysxl Ys" 1.07 I Ysx2Vaxl Ys" 1.07 --lYsx2Ysxl Yz" 1.4B 2Ysx2%xl%" I.B9 l%x2YsxIYs" 1.25 I Ysx2Ysxl Va" 1.20 IYsx2YsxIYs" 1.42 10-49 ----:B6 .86 .BI .81 ----:BI .B2 .86 .B6 -1.20 1.53 1.02 .98 1.15 1.40 1.37 1.12 1.53 I.B3 2.65 FIXED IMPEDANCE OUTPUTS· 4.5% hum-bucking primary tap for use in B filter network for hum reduction. 'Fig. E above Av shpg wt ., '4 lb Bulk Packed EACH Size 1.78 1.50 1.22 1.64 1.9B 2.91 50·99 100.2491250.499 .BO .BO .75 .75 .75 .76 .BO .BO -1.11 1.41 .94 .90 1.06 .76 .76 .71 .71 .70 .70 .65 ,.65 --:71 ---:65 .72 ,76 .76 1.06 1.35 .90 .86 1.01 .66 .70 .70 .96 1.23 .82 .76 .92 fC1 35 WATTS. Primary .impedance, 6600 ~ ohms CT. Secondary: 4, 8, 16, 250, SOO ohms. Size, 3'*6x31/.$x3111". 2I11x21/.$" mtg. ctrs. Shpg. wt., 51/.$ lb•• 61 G 455. 1·9 ..................... EA. 7.20 10·49 ...... EA. 5.85 50·99 •.•... EA. 5.40 Bulk I 00·249EA. 5.15 Bulk 250·499EA. 4.72 Igl 7111 WATTS. Primary imp .. 4000 ohms ~ CT. Sec.: 8,16, and 32 ohms. 2t,4x3'M6x 21/.$". 3Ys" mtg. etrs. 1'4lbs. 61 G 457.1·9 ................... EA. 3.04 10·49 ...... EA.2.46 50·99 ...... EA. 2.28 Bulk 100·249 EA.2.16 Bulk 250·499 EA. 1.99 Igl 5 WATTS. Primary impedance. 25,000 ~ ohms CT. Secondary: 4 ohms. Size, 1 Ysx2Ysxl Ya". 2" mtg. ctrs. 111 lb. 61 G456.1·9 ................... EA.1.65 10·49 ...... EA. 1.34 50·99 ...... EA. 1.24 Bulk 100·249 EA. 1.18 Bulk 250·499 EA. I 1)8 V'rite for Quantity Prices on Knight Transformers in Lots of SOO or More ALLIED • 361 _ UTe DO-T andDI-T Transformers, Inductors DESIGNED FOR TRANSISTORIZED EQUIPMENT DO-T TRANSISTOR TRANSFORMERS AND INDUCTORS HIGH POWER RATING ••• Up 10 100 Times Grealer Subminiature Ded-Ouncer transistor transformers and inductors %." dia. x 1%2" high; Stock No. LOW DISTORTION ••• Mfr'. Type Reduced 80% HIGH EFFICIENCY ••• Up to 30% Better ••• Compare OCR (direct-current resistance) MOISTURE PROOF .•• Hermetically Sealed to MIL-T-27A RUGGED ••• Grade 4. Completely Melal Cased I liz" Lead Lengths PRINTED CIRCUIT USE ••• (Solder Melting) Plastic Insulated Leads SUITED TO CLIP MOUNTING ••• 200- 400 .. 600 .. IKe 20Ke TYPICAL OO-T .. May Be EXCELLENT RESPONSE ••• Twice as Good at Low End ANCHORED LEADS ••• weigh 1/10 oz. Hermetically sealed. Exec," MIL-T-27B Grade 4 Av shpg wt 1 m PERFORMANCE SOURCE, AATED PRI. IMP AND D.C. LOAD ,RA.TED SEC IMP DO·T. Outstanding DO-T performance is shown by response curves above. Power rating up to 100 times greater than conventional units. Response at low end is twice as good. Distortion reduced 80%. Effidency up to 30% better. DO-T's are hermetically sealed. metal-cased to MILT-27B. Grade 4. Uniform wire lay on a rigid bobbin is circular, rather than square, eliminating corner stress and wire movement. Solder melting. plastic insulated leads come out through a strain relief. withstand 10-lb. pull. 62 G 686 DO-Tl 62 G 687 DO-T2 62 G 688 DO-T3 62 G 689 DO-T4 62 G 690 DO-T5 62 G 691 DO-T6 62 G 692 DO-T7 62 G 693 DO-TS 62 G 694 DO-T9 62 G 695 DO-TlO 62 G 696 DO-Tll 62 G 697 DO-Tl2 62 G 698 DO-Tl3 62 G 699 DL-Tl4 62 G 876 DO-TIS 62 G 877 DO-Tl6 62 G 878 DO-T17 63 G 087 DO-.T1S 63 G 088 DO:T19 63 G 089 DO-T20 63 G 090 DO-T21 63 G 091 DO-T22 63 G 092 DO-T23 63 G 093 DO-T24 63 G 094 DO-T2S 63 G 095 DO-T26 63 G 096 DO-T27 61 G 752 DO-T2S 61 G·753 DO:T29 61 G 754 DO-T30 61 G 755 DO-T.H 61 G 756 DO-T32 61 G 757 DO-T33 61 G 758 DO-T34 61 G 759 DO-T35 61 G 760 DO-T36 63 G 284 DO-T37 63 G 293 DO-T3S 63 G 294 DO-T39 63 G 295 DO-T40 --63 G 296 DO-T41 63 G 297 DO-T42 63 G 298 DO-T43 63 G 299 DO-T44 61 G 648 DO-T45 --61 G 649 DO-T46 64 G 044 DO-T47 64 G 045 DO-T4S 64 G046 DO-T49 64 G 047 DO-T50 61 G 650 DO-T400 63 G 097 DO-TSH Assorted Primary Secondary Application 1- 25· 100Ohms Ohms 24 Up 99 EA. EA. EA. Interstage 20K-30K SOO-1200 6.00 5.10 4.80 Output 50-60 500·600 5.40 4.59 4.32 Output 50-60 1K-1.2K 5.40 4.59 4.32 Output 600 3.2 5.40 4.59 4.32 Output 3.2 1.2K 5.40 4.59 4.32 Output 10K 3.2 6.00 4.80 Input 1K 200K 6.60 5.61 5.28 Inductor 3.5 bys @2maDC 4.80 4.08 3.84 10K-12K 500-600 Out. or Driver 6.60 5.61 5.28 1.2K-1.5K Driver lOK-12.5K 6.60 5.61 5.28 Driver 10K-12.5K 2K-2.SK 6.60 5.61 5.28 12-16 S/PP Output 150-200 5.70 4.85 4.56 S/PP Output 300-400 12-16 5.70 4.85 4.56 600-S00 12-16 S/PP Output 6.00 5.10 4.80 12-16 S/PP Output SOO-1070 6.00 5.10 4.80 12-16 S/pP Output 1K-1.33K 6.00 5.10 4.80 12-16 S/PP Output l.SK-2K 6.00 5.10 4.80 12-16 S/PP Output 7.SK-10K 6.30 5.36 5.04 Output to line 300 600 6.00 5.10 4,80 600 Out. or Match to line 500 6.00 5.10 4.80 Output to line 900 600 6.00 4.80 1.5K 600 Output to line 6.00 5.10 4.80 Interstage 20K-30K SOO-1.2K 6.90 5.87 5.52 Input 200K 1K 7.50 6.38 6.00 l.SK-1.8K Interstage 10K-12K 7.20 6.12 5.76 Inductor 6 hys @ 2 ma DC 5.70 4.85 4.56 Inductor 1.25 hys @ 2 rna DC 4.80 4.08 3.84 IndUctor 3 hys @ 4 ma DC 4.80 4.08 3.84 120-150 3.2-4 Single/PP Output 5.70 4.85 4.56 3.2-4 Single/PP Output 320-400 5.70 4.85 4.56 3.2-4 Single/PP Output 640-S00 6.00 5.10 4.80 SOO-lK 3.2-4 Single/PP Output 6.00 5.10 4.80 1.06K-1.33K 3.2-4 Single/PP Output 6.00 5.10 4;80 3.2-4 1.6K-2K Single/PP Output 6.00 5.10 4.80 3.2-4 SK-10K Single/PP Output 6.30 5.36 5.04 10K-12K 10K-12K Iso1. or Interstage 7.50 6.38 6.00 2K-2.5K CT SK-lOK split 7.80 6.63 6.24 Interstage 10K-12K CT 2K-2.4K split 7.80 6.63 6.24 Interstage 20K-30K CT 1K-1.5K split 7.80 6.63 6.24 lnterstage 40K-50K CT 400-500 split 8.40 7.14 6.72 Interstage 400-500 CT 400-500 split 7.50 6.38 6.00 Output 400-500 CT 120-150 split 7.50 6.38 6.00 Interstage 400-500 CT 40-50 split Interstage 7.50 6.38 6.00 32-40 split SO-100 CT Interstage 7.50 6.38 6.00 1K-1.25KCT 16K-20K split 7.80 6.63 6.24 Interstage lOOK CT Input 500CT 8.40 7.14 6.72 Isol. or Inter. 9K-10K CT 9K-10K CT 8.10 6.89 6.48 SK-10K CT 1.2K-1.5K CT 7.80 6.63 6.24 IsoL or Inter. Ser .• 20 hys @ 1 rna; Par.• 5 hys @ 2 ma 7.80 6.63 6.24 Ser .•.075 hys@ 10 ma; Par .•.01S hys @ 20 ma 5.70 4.85 4.56 Pri.-28 v. 380-1000 cps; Sec.-6.3 v @ 60 ma 6.60 5.61 5.28 Hipermalloy shield and cover for any DO-T units .90 .77 .72 Not Asstd 100499 EA. 4.00 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 4.00 4.40 3.20 4.40 4.40 4.40 3.80 3.BO 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.20 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.60 5.00 4.80 3.80 3',20 3.20 3.80 3.80 4;()0 4';00 4,;00 4,00 4.20 5.00 5.20 5,20 5;·20 5.60 5.00 5;QO 5.00 5.00 5.20 5.60 5;40 5..20 5.20 3;80 4;4'0 ;60 5.10 5.10 DI-T TRANSISTOR TRANSFORMERS AND INDUCTORS .. Subminiature 'general-purpose transistor transformers and inductors '!4xo/16" dia' TYPICAL Ol-T PERFORMANCE SOURCE RATED PRI LOAD, IMP AND 0 C RA:TEO SEC IMP DI.T. . Smaller versions of DO-T's. Same rugged. construQtion. hermetically sealed. metal cased to MIL-T-27B. Grade 4. Typical response. cur·ves of DI-T units are shown in ·the chart above. ATTENTION INDUSTRIAL BUYERS Write, wire or phone us for prompt price quotations. Allied maintains the most complete stock of electronic components in the world and can supply you with any component in industrial quantities. Same-day shipment. 362 -ALLIED 61 G 743 DI-Tl 63 G 106 DI-T2 63 G 107 DI-T3 61 G 744 DI-T5 63 G 108 DI-T8 63 G 109 m:T9 63 G 110 DI-TIO 63 Gill DI-'1'l1 63 G 112 DI-Tl9 63 G 113 DI-T20' ---61 G 745 DI-T21 63 G 114 DI-T22 63 G 137 DI-T23 61 G 746 DI-T25 61 G 747 DI-T26 61 G 748 DI-T27 61 G 749 DI-T2S 61 G 750 DI-T36 61 G651 61 G 652 ---61 G 653 DI-T41 64 G 048 DI-T43 64 G 049 DI-T44 61 G 751 DI-TSH g~m~ - Interstage 12OK-3OK 1800-1200 Output 500-600 50-60 I 50-60 Output 1K-1.2K Output 1.2K 3.2 Inductor 2.5 bys @2 ma DC Output "or Driver 10K-12K 500-600 L2K-1.5K Driver 10K-12.5K ·lOK-12.5K 2K-2.SK Driver Output to line 300 600 Output or line to line 500 600 900 600 Output to line 600 1.5K Output to Jine SOO-1.2K 20-30K Interstage 1.SK-1.SK' Interstage 10K-12K Inductor 4 hys @2maDC Inductor .9 hY8 @ 2 ma DC Inductor .1 hys @ 4 ma DC 10K-12K Iso1. or Interstage 10K-12K 2K-2.5K CT SK-10K split Isol. or Interstage 10K-12K CT 2K-2.4K split lnterstage Interstage 1400-500 CT 400-500 split 400-500 CT 40-50 split Interstage SO-100 CT 32-40 split Interstage Hipermalloy shield and cover for any DI-T units I ~.) weigh only 1/15 oz. Hermetically sealed, t MIL-T-?7B Grade 4 Av shpg wt '.1' '" . 6.00 5.10 4.80 4~0 o 5.40 4.59 4.32 ·3:6 o 5.40 4.59 4.32 3.6 o 5.40 4.59 4.32 3,6o 4.80 4.08 3.84 3~:2 o 6.60 5.61 5.28 - - 0 o 6.60 5.61 5.28 6.60 561 5.28 4[4 o c 6.00 5.10 4.80 6.00 5.10 4.80 -,,---.c 6.00 5.10 4.80 ·14,0 c 6.00 5.10 4.80 :4,0 c 6.90 5.87 5.52 4.6 c 7.20 6.12 5.76 4.8 c 5.70 4.85 4.56 3.8 c 4.80 4.08 3.84 3.2 c 4.80 4.08 3.84 3.2 c 7.50 6.38 6.00 5.0 ( 7.80 6.63 6.24 5.2 ( 7.80 6.63 6.24 5.2 ( 7.50 6.38 6.00 5.0 ( 7.50 6.38 6.00 5.0 ( 7.50 6.38 6.00 5.0 ( .90 .77 .72 .6 ( ::?: :::~g Deoend on Allied for Complete Stocks, OEM Prices, Same-Day Shipmer UTe Miniature Transformers NEW DI-T200 TRANSFORMERS SUB-OUNCER TRANSFORMERS 'mbody the same rugged, reliable construction as in the )0- T and DI-T series. Differ only in the lead material tsed, and the way the leads emerge from the unit. Leads Lre 1" long, gold-plated .017D Dumet wire, which is a ,olderable or weldable termination. Uninsulated leads arc ,paced on a 1/10" radius circle. Hermetically-sealed, netal-cased to the Grade 4 Class R (105°C max. rating) ,pecifications of MIL-T-27B. *All primaries are centerupped. o/t6XYa" dia. Actual wt., 1/15 oz. Mfr's Type Stock I No. Use *Pri. Imp. 01-T225 ~~ lOa &4G 003 01-T230 Output 300 &4 G 007 01-T235 Inter. 400 500 64 G 008 01·T240 Inter. 400 500 &4 G 009 01·T245 Output 500 _________ ~ &4GOOO 64 G 0 I I &4 G 012 01·T25o 01·T25S 64GOl4 &4 G 016 01·T2S0 01·T265 64 G 017 01· T270 Sec. Imp. 32split 40 split 600CT 40 split 50 ,pi it 400 split 500split 50 split SO split May Be Not I-:--:-:--,:.;;A'",,::.:or.:.:t'.;cd=.,-:-' Assorted 1·24, 25-99, 100· Up, 100·499, EACH EACH EACH EACH -------8.40 7.14 6.72 5.&0 7.20 &.12 5.7& 4.80 Output Output SOD SOD CT IK 50 CT 1.2K SO CT Output 1.5K SOOCT Isol. 2K 8K split 2.5K 10K split Output 10K 500 CT 12K SOD CT Oulput 10K 1.2K CT 12.SK I.SK CT Inter. 10K 2K CT 12K 2.4K CT Inter. 10K 2K split 12.5K 2.5K splil lsol. 10K 10K CT 12K 12K CT Inter. 20K sao CT 30K 1.2K CT Series, .OS hy @ 10 rna Series •. 5 hy @ S rna Series, .9 hy @ 4 rna Series. 1.2 hy @4 rna 8.40 7.14 6.72 5.&0 8.40 7.14 6.72 5.&0 &.90 5.87 5.52 4.60 7.20 6.12 5.76 4.80 6.90 7.20 5.87 6.12 5.52 5.76 4.60 '4.80 01·T27S 64G 022 01·T278 64G 032 01·T283 64G 034 ,01·T28S --- 64G 64G &4G 64G 036 037 040 041 --01·T2D4 01·T20S 01·T212 01·T21S 8.70 7.40 6.96 ,2G 2G ,2G 2G 2G 2G 2G 2G 2G 2G 2,G 2,G 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 793 0·1' 0·2' 0·3' 0·40·5 O-S" 0·7 O-S0·9 0·10" 0·120·13 2:G 791 ,~IG 268 2,G 794 2,G 493 ,2,G 494 ,i:G495 0·14 O·IS O-IS" O-IS 0·19 0·20 0·21 0·22 0·23 0·24 0·25 0·2S 0·27 0·2S 0·29 0·30 0·31 0·32 0·33 0·34 0-36 0·17 .- f~~n~ 'LG 762 I'G 763 I'G764 f'G 765 I G 766 I G 767 I G 7&8 I G 769 I G770 I G771 I G772 4G042 4G043 2G492 Primary 6.24 5.20 7.80 6.63 6.24 5.20 7.80 6.63 6.24 5.20 8.70 7.40 6.96 5.80 8.40 7.14 6.72 5.60 8.10 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.90 Secondary Impedance Impedance 1·24, Ohms Ohms EACH 50,000 50,200'250,500·600 7.80 50,200-250,500·600 50,000 CT 7.80 7.5·30 50,000 7.50 15.000 SO,OOO 6.60 15,000; 4 ma SO,OOO 6.60 15,000 95,000 CT 7.50 15,000; 4 rna 95,000 CT 7.50 15,000 7.80 o 15,000; 4 fia 200-250, , 7.80 30,000 CT 500·S00 8.40 50,200·250 7.80 I Audio choke; 300 hys at a OC; 50 hys al 3 ma ~C. GOOO ohms. 6.30 Yz meg 200 7.50 15,000 1 meg 7.50 250CT SO,OOO 10.20 IOK-2.SK 5; 4 ma 2K·500 7.80 IOK·2.5K 5; 4 ma 4K·IK 5 7.80 1509 CT; S rna ~00·125 6.30 2K CT. 4K CT; 4 rna S, IS 5.40 400 CT, 5eO CT; 20 ma 3.2 and 4 5.40 7 Hys@3 rna OC; 230 n 5.10 I.S Hys@3 ma OC; 25 n 5.10 SOO·500 5 200O-SOO 5 8.10 10,000 CT; 4 rna iIIOD.20.000 8.10 10,000 CT; 4 ma SOO·125 5 8.40 50,000 CT; 2 ma 500·125 5 8.40 100,000 CT; I rna 500·125 5 8.70 500·1255; 20 ma 500·125 5 8.10 500·1255; 20 rna 150·37.55 8.10 500·1255; 20 rna 50·12.55 8.10 100·255; 40 rna 50·10 5 8.10 5er.,SOmhys@80ma;Par.,15@ISO 5.10 5er .. 1 hy@20 rna; Par., .25@40 5.10 Mumetal Shield; fits any OUncer unit 1.50 r Mfr's Type 62G 210 50·1 62G 62G 62G 62G 211 212 213 214 50·2 50·3 50·4 50·5 62G215 SO·S 62G 21& 50·7 62G 217 SO·S 6.89 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.87 6.48 4.80 4.80 4.80 5.52 5.40 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.60 I :'.:," " MayBe Assorted 25·99, 100·Up. EACH EACH 6.63 6.24 6.63 6.24 6.38 6.00 5.61 5.28 5.61 5.28 6.38 6.00 6.38 6.00 6.63 6.24 6.63 6.24 7.14 6.72 6.63 6.;:4 Not Asstd lOa· 499,EA. 5.20 5.20 5.00 4.40 4.40 5.00 5.00 5.20 5.20 5.60 5.20 5.36 6.38 6.38 8.67 6.63 6.63 536 4.59 4.59 4.34 4.34 6.89 6.89 7.14 7.14 7.40 6.89 6.89 6.89 6.89 4.34 4.34 1.28 4.20 5.00 5.00 6.80 5.20 5.20 4.20 3.60 3.60 3.40 3.40 5.40 5.40 5.60 5.60 5.80 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 .3.40 3.40 1.00 5.04 6.00 6.00 8.16 6.24 6.24 5.04 4.32 4.32 4.08 4.08 6.48 6.48 6.72 6.72 6.96 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.48 4.08 4.08 1.20 Jse the Services of the Allied Facility Nearest You Imped. Ohms 200,50 May Be Not . Assorted Asstd 1·24, 25·99, 100·Up, 100·499, EACH EACH EACH EACH -- -- -- --- 3.06 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.40 2.20 2.20 2.20 3.60 3.30 3.30 3.30 2.88 2.64 2.64 2.64 3.00 2.55 2.40 2.00 3.90 3.32 3.12 2.60 3.00 2.55 2.40 2.00 Transistor to 10K 2000 CT PP Transistor to VC 497 SO·IO Transistor to VC 773 50·11 T. Interstage 774 50·12 T. Interstage 775 50·13 T.lnterstage 776 50·14 T.lnlerslage 301 SO·CH Mtg. channel --- 61 G 61 G 61 G 61 G 62G Primary Sec. Imped. Ohms Input 250K, 62.5K Audio 10,000 90K PI. to line 10K,25K 200,500 Output 30,000 50 Reactor: 50 hys @ I rna DC; 2S75 ohms Outpul 100,000 SO T. Interstage 20K,30K Sao, 1200 Use PP sec. &2G 6.63 OUNCER AUDIO UNITS Mfr's Type Stock No. 5.80 7.80 ;oinpact-onlY 1 oz. Response: =1 db 100·20.000 cps xcept *=1 db. 30-20,000 cps; 0-5, 0-7 and 0-9. ,=1 db. 00·10,000 cps; 0-14, =1 db. 50-5000 cps; 0-15. =1 db. 100000 cps; 0-25, = 1 db. 50-20.000 cps. S indicates split rirtding. Current ratings after pri. imp. are ma DC. \luminum housings. 1¥.6XV." dia.; tV.6" mtg ctrs. 1 oz. Stock No. .. 62G 218 50·9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - &4G 018 01·T273 &4G 019 Tiny. lightweight transformers for miniature equipment. Weigh less than y. ounce. Mount by 4" color·coded leads or with Type SO-CH channels helow. Vacuum processed and dOIlble-sealed (waterproofed). *Indicates both windings center· tapped ; tboth windings split; T. transistor. Maximum unbalanced DC rna in primary: O. SO-I. SO-9; 0.25, SO-2; 0.5, SO-6, SO-7; 1, SO-4, SO-8; 8, SO-l1. SO-12, SO-13; 16, SO-14. SO-3 is 3 rna on the 10K winding. 1.5 on the 25K winding. SO-10 is 4 rna on the 2K winding. 2 ma on the 4K winding Size of all units It%zx'%,xV." Shpg wt 20z 500 CT 3.2 2K CT B 4K CT IS 400,500' 400, soot 400,500' 120,150t 400,500' 40, sot BO, 100- 32,40t for SO units 3.&0 3.06 2.88 2.40 3.60 3.06 2.88 2.40 3.60 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 .30 2.88 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 .24 2.40 2.80 3.06 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 .26 2.80 2.80 2.80 .20 SUB-SUBOUNCER TRANSFORMERS Even smaller and lighter than sub-ouncers above-weigh less than 'h oz. Mount by 4" color-coded leads or by mounting channels, Type SSO-CH. below. All are vacuum processed and donble (waterproof) sealed. Similar, except for size to sllb·ouncers above. *Indicates both windings center-tapped; tbotlI windings split; T .• transistor. Max. unbalanced rna. DC in primary: O. SSO-I. SSO-13. SSO-21; 0-.25. SSO-2; .5, SSO-6. SSO-7. SSO-26; 1, SSO-4, SSO·8, SSO-15. and SSO-25; 2. SSO-9, SSO-10. SSO-17; 3. SSO-12, SSO-16; 4. SSO-18. SSO-22; 7, SSO-20; 10, SSO-19. SSO-3 is 3 rna on the 10K winding. 1.5 rna on the 25K winding. SSO-14 is 2 ma on the 10K winding and 1 rna on the 25K winding. Size of all units 316X%X'%," Shpg wt 2 oz .. Stock No. Mfr's Type 62G 236 S80·1 62G 237 62G 238 62G 239 62G 240 62 G 241 62G'235 62G 229 550·2 550·3 550~4 550·5 S50·S 550·7 S50·S Use Input Primary Impedance Ohms 00,50 Sec. Irnped. Ohms 50K 62.5K 90K 200,200 50 4400 Not May Be Asstd Assorted 1·24, 25·99, lOO·Up. 100-499, EACH EACH EACH 'EACH -- - - -- -- 4.50 4.80 4.20 3.90 3.90 4.20 ~O BOO, 1200 3.30 Interstage 10.000 PI. to line IOK,25K Output 30,000 Reactor: 50 hy. @ I rna Outpul 100,000 Transistor 20K.30K Transistor to PP sec. 10K 2000 CT IS 62G 302 550·9 Transistor V.C .IOK - - - 550·10 Trans. to VC 10K 3.2 62G 246 62G 303 550·11 Transistor Oolpul 500. GOO 50. SO 62G 248 550·12 Trans. Output 1000,1200 50, SO 62G 249 SSO·13 Crystal to Transistor 200K 1000 200CT 62G 498 550·14 Transistor IOKCT Intersbige 25K CT ~OO CT 62G 499 550·15 Transistor ~ 800 CT Interstage 30K CT 1200 CT 12K,1.5K 3,2.4 61 G 777 550-IS Output 61 G 778 550·17 Output, Driver 10K. 12.5K 500, SOO" 61 G 779 550·IS Single or PP Outpul 7.5K,9.4K" 3.2.4 61 G 780 S50·19 Out. Matching 500 CT ~ Output 1.5K CT sao CT 61 G 781 550·20 1000 CT 61 G 782 550·21 Crystal/Chop. 200K CT Interstaga 12K,IOK' 1500 61 G 783 550·22 lBOO' 61 G 784 550·23 Reactor: 8 hys @2 mD; 4 hys @ 5 rna; 650 ohms 61 G 785 SSO·24 Reactor: 3.5 hys@2 rna; 1.5 hy. @ 5 rna: 160 ohms 61 G 786 S50·25 T. InterstagellOK, 12K" 10K, 12K61 G 787 850·26 T.lnterstage 40K,50K' 400, soot 62G 304 5S0·CH Mig. Channel for SSO unils 3.83 3.60 4.08 3.84 3.57 3.36 3.32 3.12 3.32 ~ 3.57 3.36 2.81 2.64 3.00 3.20 2.80 2.60 2.60 2.80 2.20 3.90 3.32 3.12 2.60 2.55 2.40 2.00 --- 3.00 3.00 2.55 2.40 2.00 I 3.00 2.55 2.40 2.00 3.00 2.55 2.40 2.00 4.50 3.83 3.60 3.00 4.20 3.57 3.36 2.80 4.20 3.57 3.36 2.80 3.00 2,55 2.40 2.00 3.30 2.81 2.64 2.;!O 3.30 2.81 3.30 ~ 3.30 2.8f 4.80 4.08 2.64 2.64 2.64 3.84 2.20 2.20 2.20 3.20 3.90 3.32 3.12 2.60 3.00 2.55 2.40 2.00 3.00 2.55 2.40 2,'00 5.10 4.34 4.08 3.40 5.10 4.34 4.08 3.40 .30 .26 .24 .20 ALLlED.363 UTe Filters and Inductors INTERSTAGE ANDUNE FILTERS MINIDUCTORS High-quality filters for the more common mid-range frequency filter requirements. BMI filters are bandpass interstage units for use between a tube plate (or 10.000 ohms) and a grid. Provide gain of 2 "t center freq. BTl units have source and load impedance of 10.000 ohms. BML units have source and load of 500/600 ohms and a gain of 9. HMI filters are high-pass interstage units with source and load of 10.000 ohms. HML filters are for use with source and load impedance of 500/600 ohms. LMI filters are low-pass interstage units with a source and load impedances of 10,000 ohms. LML filters are 500/600 ohms. BMI, BTl, and BML units are sharply peaked, and 'll"e 2 db down ±3% from center frequency, and down 40 db per octave. HMI and HML units have a loss of less than 6 db at cutoff, and -35 db at 0.67 cntoff frequency. LMI and LML units have a loss of less than 6 db at cutoff, and -35 db at 1.5 cutoff. All cases sealed to MIL-F-18327B specs. Cutoff frenuencies indicated by no. in Mfr's Type. BMI, BTl, LMI, BML cases lo/axl'Y,.xl71."; wt .. 6' oz. HMI, lIML, LML cases: 2\12x -·-l'\I16X1716"; wt., 9 oz. Mfr's Type BMI-SO BMI-60 BMI-IOO BMI-120 BMI-200 BMI-UO BMI-4oo BMI-Soo BMI-7S0 BMI-SOO BMI-looO BMI-lSOO BMI-2oo0 BMI-3OO0 BMI-4000 BMI-SOOO BMI-loooo LMI-IOO LMI-200 LMI-400 . Stock 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 No. G 047 G 048 G 049 G 050 G 052 G 058 G 059 G 060 G 061 G 062 G 064 G 065 G 066 G 075 G 076 G 077 G 078 G 079 G 080 G 081 Mfr'. Stock Type LMI-SOO LMI-SOO LMI-looO LMI-ISOO LMI-2000 LMI-2Soo LMI-30oo LMI-40oo LMI-SOOO LMI-IOOoo HMI-loo HMI-2oo HMI-3oo HMI-400 HMI-SOq HMI-800 HMI-IOoo HMI-2000 HMI-30oo BTl-60 No. 63 G 082 63 G 083 63 G 084 63 G 085 63 G 086 63 G 100 63 G 101 63 G 102 63 G 103 63 G 104 63 G 118 63 G 119 63 G 120 63 G 121 63 G 122 ---63 G 123 63 G 124 63 G 125 63 G 126 63 G 115 Stock Mfr' • Type BTI-IOO BTI-120 BML-400 BML-IOOO HML,200 HML-300 HML-sOO HML-IOOO LML-IOOO LML-lSOO LML-2000 LML-2Soo LML-3000 LML-40oo LML-SooO LML-looOO LML-12000 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 64 63 63 63 63 No. G 116 G 117 G 127 G 128 G 129 G 130 G 131 G 132 G 133 G 134 G 135 G 136 G 066 GI44 G 145 G 146 G 147 ............ .......... ............ .......... ............ . . . . . . . . . . PRICES Mfr'. Typo BMI .,LMI BTl -",HMI BML HML LML May Be Assort.ed 1-24 EACH 30.00 31.50 36.00 31.50 30.00 39.00 31.50 25-99. EACH 25.50 26.78 30.60 26.78 25.50 33.15 26.78 Not Assorted 100-Up EACH 24.00 25.20 28.80 25.20 24.00 31.20 25.20 100-499 EACH 20.00 21.00 24.00 21.00 20.00 26.00 21.00 MINIFILTERS ·-Ultra-compact hermetically-sealed interstage filters-meet MIL-F-18327B specs. Cutoff frequency indicated by Mfr's Type no. All input and output impedances are ~0.000 ohms. BPM band-pass filters have 2:1 gain. Attenuation -2 db ±3% from center frequency. down 35 db per octave. Size. 1 Vax ~x~". Wt.. 1 oz. HPM high-pass filters. " .' down less than 6 db at cutoff frequency. :., BPM . HPM, LPM more than 40 db at 0.6 cutoff frequency. __Size lYaxlxl". Wt .. 3 oz. LPM low-pass filters. down less than 6 db at cutoff. frequency. more than 40 db at 1.65 cutoff frequency. Size, l%xlxl". Wt .. 3 oz. ' 'Mfr'. Type BPM-400 BPM'SOO BPM-600 -BPM-7S0 -!ClIPM-lOoo J.' .llPM-1200 BPM-lSoo '·BPM-2000 ':BPM-3000 '," , Stock No. 63 G 221 63 G 222 63 G 223 63 G224 63 G225 63 G 226 63.G 227 63 G 233 63 G 243 t~~ " i1Jy1fr's ""'jiPM ;UPM PPM c·.. I Stock No. 63 G 245 63 G 247 63 G 250 63 G 251 63 G 252 64 G 070 64 G 071 '3 G 253 63 G 254 Mfr', Stock '-Type - -No. -LPM-I000 63 G 255 LPM-ISOO 63 G 256 LPM-2000 63 G 263 LPM-3000 63 G 264 LPM-SOOO 63 G 266 LPM-6000 64 G 072 LPM-I00oo 64 G 074 LPM-lS000 64 G.080 ............ . . . . . . . .. . May Be Assorted 1-24 EACH 27.00 30.00 30.00 25-99 EACH. 22.95 25.50 25.50 fjj1 MM,- MH, M W Series. l£.l Not Assorted 100-Up EACH 21.60 24.00 24.00 100-499 EACH IB.OO 20.00 20.00 Symmetrical Torroids fG1 MO Series. Has Low l!!J Hum-Pickup For transistor and pr'inte~ circuit, as well as vacuum tube designs, Provide high Q in miniature form. MH series for high frequencieH. MM and MW series for medium frequencies. ML-l through ML-'I and MO-.IS through MO-! for medium-low frequencies. ML-5 through ML-I0 and MO-2 through MO-I00 for lower frequencieH, Miniductors meet specs of MIL-T-27B. MH. MM cases are VI. dia. x ~"high; actual wt .•. 07 oZ. MW cases are 2~2" dia. x ,~,. high; actual wt .•. 25 oZ. ML cases are VI.x3~4x'M6" high; actual "t., .2 oZ. MO cases are ~xl!t(sX'716" high; actual wt .. 1 oz. Av. shpg, wt 20z .. I DC May Be Assorted Not Asstd. Induct .. ance Ma 1-24 25-99 100-Up 100-49~ (0 DC) Max. EACH EACH EACH EACH ----- - - - - .6mhy 90.0 8.10' 6.B9 6.48 61 G385 MH-l 5.40 1.5 mhy 57.0 8.10 6.89 6.48 5.40 61 G386 MH-2 2.S mhy 44.0 9.40 7.14 6.72 61 G387 MH-3 5.60 6.0mhy 28.0 B.40 7.14 6.72 61G38B MH-4 5.60 10.0 mhy 22.0 8.70 7.40 6.96 5.80 61 G3B9 MH-S 15.0 mhy IS.0 8.70' 7.40 6.96 61 G390 MH-6 25.0 mhy 14.0 9.00 7.65' 7.20 6.00 61G391 MH-7 40.0 mhy 11.0 9.00 7.65 7.20 61 G392 MH-8 6.00 3.0 mhy 50,0 7.50 6.38 6.00 5.00' 61G377 MM-l 5.0 mhy 40,0 7.50 6.3B 6.00 61G378 MM-2 5.00 8.0 mhy 30.0 7.BO 6.63 6.24 5.20 61 G379 MM-3 12.5 mhy 25.0 7.80 6.63 6.24 5.20 61G380 MM-4 20.0 mhy 20.0 8.10 6.89 6.48 5.40 61G381 MM-S 30.0 mhy 16.0 8.10 6.89 6.48 61 G3B2 MM-6 5.40' 60.0 mhy 11.0 8.40 7.14 6.72 61G383 MM-7 5.60 61 G384 MM-8 120.0 mhy 8.0 8.40 7.14 6.72 5.60 64GI07 MW-.S .S hy 8 7.80 6.63 6.24 5.20 .75 hy MW-.7S 7 8.40 5.60' 64GI08 7.14 6.72 1.0 hy 6 64GI09 MW-l 8.70 7.40 6.96 5.BO' hy 64GII0 MW-1.2 1.2 5 9.30 7.91 7.44 6.20 hy 2 4 10.BO' 9.18 8.64 7.20' 64GIII MW-2 hy 3.5 11.70 9.95 9.36 3 64GI12 MW-3 7.80 hy 3 5 64GI13 MW-s 13.50 11.48 10.80 9.00' .25 hy 9.0 8.40 7.14 6.72 61 G347 ML-l. 5.60 61G348 ML-2 5.60 ~ -7.0 8.40 ~ 6.72 hy 61 G349 ML-3 .7 5.0 8.40 7.14 6.72 5.60 61 G370 ML-4 1.4 hy 3.0 8.40 7.14 6.72 5.60 2.5 hy 1.0 8.40 7.14 6.72 61G371 ML-S 5.60 61 G372 ML-6 4.0 hy .7 8.40 7.14 6.72 5.60 6.0 hy .6 8.40 7.14 6.72 5.60 61 G373 ML-7 61 G374 ML-8 10.0 hy --.5- 8.40 7.14 6.72 5.60 61 G375 ML-9. 2S.0 hy. .3 8.70, 7.40 6.96 ~:~g, 61 G376 ML-I0 60.0 hy .2 9.90 8.42 7.92 64G083 Mo..lS .15 hy 45 4.20' 6.30 5.36 5.04 .3 hy 28 4.20 64G084 MO-.3 6.30 5.36 5.04 4.20 64G095 MO-.S 6.30 5.36 5.04 ~ 23 hy 16 64GI00 MO-l 1 6.30 5.36 5.0'4 4.20' hy 8 5.28 4.40' 64GI01. MO-2 2 6.60 5.61 hy S 64GI02 MO-S 5 6.60 5.61 5.28 4.40. 64GI03 MO-7.S 7.5 hy 4.5 6.60 5.61 5.28 4.40 hy "'"'2.7 6.60 5.6) 64GI04 MO-20 20 5.28 4.40 64GI05 MO-50 4.80 50 hy 1.4 7.20 6.12 6.00 64GI06MO-IOO 100 hy 1.1 7.20 6.12 6.00 4.80 Stock No. Mfr's Type ----s:so- LOW-FREQUENCY HIGH-Q COILS Provide exceptionally high "Q" at low frequencie'shave "Q" of 45 at 100 cycles. Inductance variatiOn i: less than 1 % from 0.1 volt to 1 volt. 60 cycles. T'ita inductance change is less than 3.5% from -55 0 ,C t< +85 0 C. Inductance values are lab adiusted to 2% 101 erance at 1 volt. 60 cycles. Two identical windihg: brought out to 4 terminals permit series. parallel center-tapped. or transformer type connections. 'AI have 1 V2x1 \12" mtg.· centers; require 1 \12" diameter cutout. Size I' 71." dia. x 2 \12" high. Shpg. wt .• 1 \12 lbs. Stock No. PRICES :'..:.1.;:, . (l.:~ype Mfr's -Type BPM-4000 BPM-SooO BPM-looOO HPM-SOO HPM-IOOO HPM-lS00 HPM-4000 LPM-2oo LPM-Soo fji1 ML Series, Sealed in ~ _ Hipermallay Case Mfr'. Series Type Hy. Paral .. lei Hy. --- -- -63G398 MQL-O. 1 --:25 62G896 62G897 62G898 62G899 63G399 MQL-l 10 MQL,2 20 MQL-3 200 MQL-4 400 MQL-5 2500 2.5 5 50 100 625 May Be Assorted 1-24 EACH 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00' 31.50 33.00 25-99 EACH 25.50 25.50 25.50 25.50 26.78 28.05 100-Up EACH 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 25.20' 26.40 Not AIstd 100-499 EACH 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 21.00' 22.0'0 Allied Is Headquarters·for Industrial Components at Factory Price: UTe High-Q Coils and Inductors. TYPE HVC VARIABLE INDUCTORS O~CILLATOR TYPE M PRECISION TOROIDS Hermetically-sealed toroids conforming to MIL-T27B. MIL type TF4RX20YY. lab-adiusted to 1% tolerance. Offer high stability and maximum Q with minimnm size. Typical Q values: MQA-I0. max Q. 150 @ 5 kc; MQB-5. 250 @ 3 kc; MQE-7. 130 @ 8 kc. Inductance virtually independent of frequency. temperature or vibration. DC currents shown will drop coil inductance only slightly. Extremely low hum pickUp due to toroidal winding structure. with windings spread uniformly over core. Highly permeable case. affording extra shielding and allowing close spacing of units. Coup. ling attenuation. about 80 db. Unit shpg. wts; MQA. 4 oz.; MQB. 14 oz.; MQE. 2 oz. TYPE MQA-l0/3,xl zyux'Y1s" TUNED AMPLIFIER DELAY LINE EQUALIZER FILTER HVC and TVC inductors are hermetically sealed to MIL-T-27B. and provide a wide inductance range with a high Q in an extremely compact unit. Perfect for any tuned circuit-oscillators, equalizers. filters. etc. Adiustable -70% to +200% of mean inductance by 900' rotation. Usable over a wide frequency range. and have high stability with temperature and voltage change. TVC s,eries has taps at 30% and 50% of total turns. Units have two 4-40 mtg. studs. 1 YsxZ%,xl~,". Actual wt .• 2 oz. Shpg. wt .. 3 oz. TYPE HVC Stock No. 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 G G G G G G G G G G Go G G G G G G G G G G G G G 114 115 116 117 118 119 121 122 123 124 126 127 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 Mfr's Mean Max. May Be Assortod 1-24 EACH HVC-1 .006 100 9.00 HVC-2 .015 60 9.00 HVC-3 .040 40 9.00 HVC-4 .1 30 9.00 .25 20 HVC-5 9.00 HVC-6 .6 15 9.00 HVC-7 1.5 10 9.60 HVC-8 4.0 7 9.60 HVC-9 ~ 5 9.60 HVC-10 25 3.5 9.90 HVC-ll 60 2 10.80 HVC-12 150 1.5 12.00 TYPE TVC TVC-1 .006 100 11.10 TVC-2 .015 60 11.10 TVC-3 .040 40 11.10 TVC-4 30 .1 11.10 TVC-5 -:25 20 11.10 TVC-6 .6 15 11.10 TVC-7 1.5 10 11.70 TVC-8 4 7 11.70 TVC-9 10 5 "'IT:7O TVC-I0 25 3.5 12.90 TVC-ll 60 2 14.10 TVC-12 150 1.5 15.30 Type Hys. Ma -- 25-99 100-U p EACH EACH 7.65 7.20 7.20 7.65 7.65 7.20 7.65 7.20 7.65 7.20 7.20 7.65 8.16 7.68 7.68 8.16 8.16 7.68 7.92 8.42 9.18 8.64 9.60 10.20 9.44 9.44 9.44 9.44 9.44 9.44 9.95 9.95 9.95 10.97 11.99 13.01 8.88 8.88 8.88 8.88 8.88 8.88 9.36 9.36 9.36 10.32 11.28 12.24 Not Asstd. 100-499 EACH 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.40 6.40 6.40 6.60 7.20 8.00 7.40 7.40 7.40 7.40 7.40 7.40 7.80 7.80 7.80 8.60 9.40 10.20 Stock No. Mfr's Type Induct- Max. ance Ma 7 mhy 250 62G985 MQA-l 62G98& MQA-2 12 mhy 200 &2G987 MQA-3 20 mhy ISO 62G988 MQA-4 30 mhy 125 &2G989 MQA-5 50 mhy 100 62G990 MQA-6 70 mhy 80 62G991 MQA-7 120 mhy 60 .2 hy 50 &2G992 MQA-8 .3 hy 40 &2G993 MQA-9 62G994 MQA-1O ~ 30 .7 hy 25 62G995 MQA-ll &2G996 MQA-12 1 hy 20 &2G997 MQA-13 1.5 hy 17 63G370 MQA-14 2.5 hy 13 &2G999 MQA-15 ~ 10 &3G382 MQA-16 6 hy 9 62G9&8 MQA-17 10 hy 7 63G381 MQA-18 IS hy 5 &2G970 MQA-19 22 by 4 63G371 MQA-20 35 hy 3 Stock Mfr" ,No. Type 63 62 62 62 62 62 62 ,62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 &2 &2 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Mean HYI. --- 369 VIC-1 .0085 901 VIC-2 .013 902 VIC-3 .021 903 VIC-4 .034 904 VIC-5 ----:Os3 905 VIC-6 .084 906 VIC-7 .13 907 VIC-8 .21 908 VIC-9 .34 909 VIC-I0 .54 910 VIC-U .85 911 VIC-12 1.3 912 VIC-13 2.2 913 VIC-14 3.4 914 VIC-IS 5.4 915 VIC-16 8.5 916 VIC-17 13 917 VIC-18 21 918 VIC-19 33 919 VIC-20 52 920 VIC-21 83 921 VIC-22 130 Max. May Be Assorted 1-24 EACH 75 6.60 60 6.60 50 6.60 40 6.60 35 6.60 30 6.60 25 6.60 21 6.90 18 6.90 15 6.90 12 6.90 10 7.20 -8- 7.20 7 7.20 6 7.50 5 7.50 4 7.50 J:5 7.80 3 7.80 2 8.40 1.5 9.00 1 12.00 Ma 25-99 100-Up EACH EACH s:6I 5.28 5.61 5.28 5.28 5.61 5.61 5.28 s:6I 5.28 5.28 5.61 5.61 5.28 5.87 5.52 5.87 5.52 5.87 5.52 5.87 5.52 6.12 5.76 6.12 5.76 6.12 5.76 6.38 6.00 6.38 6.00 6.38 6.00 6.63 6.24 6.63 6.24 7.14 6.72 7.65 7.20 10.20 9.&0 ~3G387 63G393 62G945 &2G946 &2G947 62G948 62G949 63G394 &2G976 63G395 62G978 62G979 &2G980 62G981 &2G982 &3G396 &2G984 63G397 MQE-O MQE-l MQE-2 MQE-3 MQE-4 MQE-5 MQE-6 MQE-7 MQE-8 MQE-9 MQE-10 MQE-ll MQE-12 MQE-13 MQE-14 MQE-IS MQE-16 TYPE Not Asstd. 100-499 EACH 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 '4.40 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.80 4.80 4.80 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.20 5.20 5.60 6.00 8.00 1DO-U p EACH 6.00 6.24 &.48 6.72 6.96 7.20 7.44 7.68 7.92 8.16 8.40 8.64 8.88 9.12 9.60 10.32 11.04 12.00 14.40 16.56 Not Asstd. 100-499 EACH 5.00 5.20 5.4Q 5.60 5.80 6.00 6.20 6.40 6.&0 &.80 7.00 7~20 7.40 7.60 8.00 8.60 9.20 10.00 12.00 13.80 TYPE MQ8-2o/16x2'o/,oXlo/,6n MQB-l 10mhy 400 MQB-2 30 mhy 250 MQB-3 70 mhy 170 MQB-4 120 mhy 120 MQB-S ~ 60 MQB-6 1 hy 40 MQB-7 2 by 30 MQB-S 3.5 hy 22 7.5 by 16 MQB-9 MQB-IO ~ 11 MQB-ll 18 by 9 MQB-12 ,25 by 8 MQB-13 40 by 6 MQB-14 60 by 4 63G383 62G954 62G955 62G956 &2G957 62G958 62G959 62G962 62G963 62G9&4 63G384 63G385 &3G386 TYPE VIC VARIABLE INDYCTORS VIC inductors offer a convenient approach to the problem of tuned audio circuits. By adiusting a set screw in the side of the case. an inductance value of -45% to +85% from mean value is obtainable. Range is covered in 600' rotation with positive seting. Mounting centers on terminal board side '~." by Z%,"; tapped for 4-40 screws. Size. I'YUx1y.,xl~.". Actual wt .• 5!1i oz. Shpg. wt .. 6 oz. May Be Assorted 1-24 25-99 EACH EACH 7.50 &.38 7.80 6.&3 8.10 6.89 8.40 7.14 8.70 7.40 9.00 7.65 9.30 7.91 9.60 8.16 9.90 8.42 10.20 8.67 10.50 B:93 10.80 9.18 11.10 9.44 11.40 9.69 12.00 10.20 12.90 10.97 13.80 11.73 15.00 12.75 18.00 15.30 20.70 17.60 4mhy 7 mhy 12 mhy 20 mhy 30 mhy 50 mhy 70 mhy 100 mhy 150 mhy .25 by ~ .6 hy .9 hy hy hy hy hy 1.5 2 2.S 4 12.90 13.20 13.50 13.80 14.10 14.40 14.70 15.00 15.90 16.80 18.00 19.20 21.00 24.00 10.97 11.22 11.48 11.73 11.99 12.24 12.50 12.75 13.52 14.28 15.30 16.32 17.85 20.40 10.32 10.5& 10.80 11.04 11.28 11.52 11.7& 12.00 12.72 13.44 14.40 15.36' 16.80 19.20 8.60 8.80 9.00 9.20 9.40 9.60 9.80 10.00 10.&0 11.20 12.00 12.80 14.00 1&.00 MQE--IJ,1.xl~,x!lin 160 135 100 80 65 &.90 7.20 7.50 • 7.80 7.80 5.87 6.12 &.38 6.63 6.63 50 8.Iii 6.89 40 8.40 35 8.40 30 8.70 22 8.70 17 9.00 14 9.00 12 9.30 9 9.90 8 10.80 7.2 12.00 5 13.50 7.14 7.14 7.40 7.40 7.65 7.65 7.91 8.42 9.18 10.20 11.48 5.52 5.7& 61,00 6.24 6.24 6.48 6.72 6.72 6.9& &.96 7.20 7.20 7.44 7.92 8.64 9.&0 10.80 4.60 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.20 5.40 5.60 5.60 5.80 5.80 6.00 6.00' 6.20' &.;f>0 7.20 8.00 9.00 '"- TYPE MQM MINIATURE LOW-FREQUENCY HIGH-Q CQ'LS For high Q at low frequencies. Series inductance values are 'adiusted to 2% at 1 volt. 60 cycles. Inductance variation is less t)lan 3% from .1 volt to 1 volt. Total indnctance variation is less than 2% from -55' C to +130' C. Two identical windings broUght out to four terminals permit series, parallel, center-tapped, or trMsformer-type connections. 1'}1." dia. x lo/sn high. Shpg. wt .. 6 or.." Stock No. Mfr'. Type Hys (DOC) Ser. Par. ------- - -2 .5 &4 G 402 MQM-2 64 64 &4 64 G G G G Let AIliE!d Fill All Your Transformer Needs at OEM Prices 403 404 405 406 MQM-16 16 MQM-40 40 MOM-300 300 MQM-600 600 4 10 75 ISO May Be Assorted Not Asstd. 1-24 25-99 100-Up EACH EACH EACH 12.60 10.71 10.08 12.60 10.71 10.08 12.60 10.71 10.08 13.50 11.48 10.80 13.50 11.48 10.80 100-499 EA!:;H 8.40 8·1108. 4 9.0 9.00-- g ALLIED ·j~5 • UTe Transformers and Inductors PRECISION, SUBMINIATURE TRANSISTOR-TYPE PULSE TRANSFORMERS DROOP PIP Series. Subminiature pulse transformers for transistorized circuitry. Metal cased and hermetically sealed to MIL-T-21038B. Types I through 9 are MIL type TP6RXStock Mfr's Width Rise No. 61 G 654 Type (1'8ec) ~~:~ ::61 ~ 657 ~~~ G I 61 G 658 Pulse Width: ps between 50% amplitude points. Rise Time: p.s needed to increase from 10% to 90% amplitude. Overshoot: Percentage by which first excursion of pulse exceeds 100% amplitude. Droop: Percentage reduction from 100% amplitude a specific time after 100% amplitude. Backswing: Negative swing after trailing edge as a percentage of 100% amplitude. ::61 ~ 661 ~~6 PIP-I ----:os ~:~:~ :~ PIP-4 PIP-S ~:~:~ PIP-8 PIP-9 :: ~ :~6 64 12 PIP-12 G I Volts ~ I~g 7 -c;:s ~ :~g ~:~ /5 :g~ :.6 ,05 8 NotA.sorted E~~~ i!~~ .::kOOc-A:..:~:..:H"~I__1.c:~:.:.~,;.,-C:..4~:..:9_ (g;:,'s) --9-- --5-0- 5 .30 7.9 -1-0-- ~ ~ ~:~:!~ May Be ~ssorted Imp. In, Out :g~g .5 .05 - - 1 - - ---:08 61 G 662 G ~ 4410CZ, and have a 4:4:1 ratio. Types 10, 11 and 12 are MIL type TP6RX5310CZ, and have a 5:3:1 ratio. ¥I." high, 'i1." dia. Actual wt .. 1/20 oz. Av. shpg. wt .. 2 oz. 6.00 5.104.80 100 100 4.00 - - - - ---1----- !gg 6.00 5.104.80 4.00 ~:g~~::o 6.00 5.10 4.80 4.00 200 ---wo-- - - - - - 1 - - - - 560/200 PRECISION, MINIATURE VACUUM-TUBE-TYPE PULSE TRANSFORMERS Precision, highly-reliable wound-core pulse transformers. Designed for a wide variety of vacuum tube applications. Hermetica1ly sealed-usable from -70' C to +130' C. Stock Mfr'. Width No. Type (I'oec)* ____ ____ ____ 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 STANDARD TEST CIRCUIT G 719 G 720 G 721 G 722 G 723 724 725 726 6 I G 727 61 G 346 61 G 728 G G G H-45 H-46 H-47 H-48 ·H-49 H-50 H-S1 H-52 H:s4 H-55 H-57 'Both blocking oscillator and coupling charaCteristics. Types 45 and 46, Yex Ye"; types 47 through 52, 'l1.x'l1."; types 54 through 57, %x%". Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. Rise Volts Imp. In, May Be Assorted Not Assorted Time Out Out, 1-24 25-99 100-Up 100-499 (I's.c) _ _ _ (Ohms) EACH EACH EACH EACH .05 .10 .20 .50 --1.-02 3 5 -10-16 25 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .05 .07 .15 .25 .40 1.50 17 250 19 250 18 500 20 1_-:5~00:-_1 -2-4500 27 500 26 500 23 1000 24 1000 23 1000 24 1000 6.75 6.75 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.30 6.30 6.30 5.75 5.75 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.36 5.36 5.36 5.40 5.40 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 5.04 5.04 5.04 4.50 4.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.20 4.20 4.20 HERMETICALLY SEALED FILTER INDUCTORS aOTTOM VIEW SIZE CHART Length Width (Inches) (Inches) ---H-73 H-74 H-75 IY1. 2Y1. 2% 3V,. 3'l1. 31Y16 Depth (Inches) 1% 2Yz 21¥1. ~ 3% 4Y1. lY1. 2V,. 2Ye 2% 3V,. 3Ye rated at 2500 volts rms except H-70 is 1000 volts rms. Stainless steel studs for easy mounting. See table at left for sizes, table below for shpg. wts. Hermetica1lY sealed filter inductors built to meet specifications of MIL-T -27B. Inductance values shown are given at maximum military current ratings. A1l inductors are Stock, Mfr's No' •. MIL Type Type H-70 H-71 H-72 H-73 H-74 H-75 TF4RX04AH TF4RX04FB TF4RX04GB TF4RX04HB TF4RX04JB TF4RX04KB 61 61 61 61 61 61 G G G G G G 729 730 731 732 733 734 Ind. Hys DC Ma 10.0 7.0 --5.5 8.5 8.5 70 125 175 195 250 ---3510.0 May Be Assorted Not Assorted DC Wt., 100-499 Ohms Lb•. 1-24 25-99 100-Up EACH EACH EACH EACH 925 350 215 150 135 90 Va 7.20 1Yz 8.40 9.00 3Yz 11.40 5 12.90 8 17.40 2'h 6.12 5.76 7.14 6.72 7.65 7.20 9.69 9.12 /'0.97 10.32 14.79 13.92 4.80 5.60 6.00 7.60 8.60 11.60 ULTRASHIELDED POWER-LINE ISOLATION TRANSFORMERS For critical circuits requiring extreme isolation from power lin.e. Effective capacity coupling between primary and secondary windings is less than 0.10 mmf. Input and output terminals on opposite sides maintain Stock No. Shields IndiVidually Terminated For Maximum Flexibility Simulate Battery Operation For Critical Circuitry 63 63 63 63 365 366 367 G 368 G G G Mfr's Type HIT-l HIT-IS HIT-2 HIT-3 Watts* Wat.tst Size 50 -W- 4l4,x4J1zx3J1z' 120 160 400 150 200 480 the excellent isolation between line and load. MIL type TF4RXOl YY-meets specs of MIL-T -27B.Primary for liS-volt, 50-60 cycle; secondary is 115 volts. *MIL rating. t Industrial rating. ~b~: May Bo Assorted Not As.ort~d 1-24 25-99 100-Up 100'-499 EACH EACH EACH EACH, -5- 33.00 28.05 8Yz 39.00 33.20, 5'~2X5'~x4'~" 12Yz 48.00 40;80 8x61~x51~," 35 69.00 58.70 51l4,x5x3Yz" 26.40 31.20 38.40 55.20, 22.00 ,) 26.00 32.00 46.00 TRANSISTOR AND TUBE-TYPE MINIATURE AUDIO TRANSFORMERS ratings given are for low distortion at lowest fr'eAudio Transform- For vacuum tube or transistor circuits. Built to quency specified-for higher frequencies, higher ers in Drawn MILcT-27B specs. Bead terminals-may be used levels are permissible. *Indicates split primary. Steel Cases- in printed circuits. Impedance ratio is constant. tSplit secondary Av shpg wt ., 1 y,2 oz 'Occupy Less Than . May be used in reverse input to secondary Level May Be Assorted Not Assorted 2 Cubic Inches Sec. Frequency Level Stock Mfr's Prl. Impodance Impedance Response (dbm) 1-24 25-99 100-U p 100-499 Type No. Ohms RC-25 Ohms EACH EACH EACH EACH Case 50-10.000 +5 61 G 700 H-l 50/200CT/500CT 50.000 9.00 7.65 7.20 6.00 Length, ................. I'%," 95.000t 200-10.000 +11 10.20 8.67 61 G 705 H-6 15.000 8.16 6.80 Width .....••..•.•.......• '.4." 600/150t 200-10.000 +21 9.60 8.16 6.40 61 G 706 H-7 20.000CT 7.68 Height. ................ :.1V,." 600CT 50-10.000 +8 61 G 707 H-8 600/150' 9.00 7.65 7.20 6.00 -9.00 - - -7.65 - - 7.20 Mig. (slot center) ... I 'Is to 1'lS," H-13 10,000/2500* 2000/500t 100-10.000 +20 61 G 709 6.00 Screws .........•..•... 4-40 Fif. 4000/1000,\100-10.000 +20 64 G 122 ,H-14 10.000/25009.00 7.65 7.20 6.00 Cutout ......... '.' ..... 'is'' Dia. 500/125t 100-10.000 H-15 1500CT +20 64 G 123 9.00 7.65 7.20 6.00 Unit Weight .......•.•.. . 1.S 0%. 366 • ALLIED Allied Is the World's Foremost Supplier ,Qf Electronic Components to Industry UTe Bandpass Filters and Transformers TYPE LS.33 HIGH·LEVEL MA TCHI NG TRANSFORMER TYPE LS LINEAR STANDARD TRANSFORMERS fJil Has Hiperm-Alloy core, multiple-sec~ tion, inter-leaved windings-extremely low hum pickup. Primary; SO, 125,200,250, 333, alld 500-600 ohms. Secondary; 1.2, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, IS, 20, 30, 50, 125, 200, 250, 333, 500-600 ohms. Max. level, 20 watts. Response ±I db, 10-40,000 cps. 4716x3Yzx 4'lf6". Wt .. 8 Ibs. 62 G 800, 1-24 .............. EACH 24,00 25-99, May Be Assorted ........ EACH 20,40 100-Up. Moy Be Assorted ....... EACIi 19,20 100-499, Not Assorted, . , , . , , ... EACH 16.00 MIXING TRANSFORMERS fJil For mixing low-impedance mike, pickup ~ or multiple line to multiple line. Fulfill the most critical specifications established for broadcast equipment. Have HipermAlloy cores with multiple-section, interleaved windings enclosed in die-cast cases. 3J4x2%x3Y.". Shpg. wt., 3Y. Ibs. Type LS·30. Max. unbalanced DC in pri'mary,.5 rna. Six taps: 50,125-150,200,250, '333, 500-600 ohms. Max. level, +23 dbm. 'Hum reduction, -74 db. ±I db, 7-50,000 cps. '62 G 840. 1-24, ............ ' EACH 24.00 25-99. May Be Assorted .. , . , , , .. EACH 20.40 100-Up. May Be Assorted, .. " .. EACH 19.20 100.499,.Not Assorted, , , , , , , ... EACH 16.00 Meet broadcast industry standards. Hipperm·Alloy cores, plus multiple-section, inter-leaved semi toroidal coil windings assure minimum leakage reactance. Hum kept to minimum by hum-balancing coils and shielded outer'case. OUTPUT TRANSFORMERS fJil Max. level 20 watts except LS-35, 35 w.; ~ LS-667, 50 w.; Response"I db, 7-50,000 Stock Mfr's Type No. 62 62 62 62 62 63 G 847 G,8S0 G 848 G 855 G 871 G 073 Pri. Imp. cps. 40/,6X3Yzx4'lf6" except LS-35 amI l..S· 667, 41 'AGx5x5 10/,6". 8 Ibs. except *16 IhR. --------- Secondary Impedances (Ohms) LS-SS SK/3K LS-61 10K/6K LS-S7 SK/3K LS-63 IOK/6K LS-3S" SK LS-667* 8 (split) May Be Assorted 1-24 EACH I1.2, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 15.20. 24.00 130, SO, 125, 200, 333, 500 24.00 I1.2, 2.5. 5. 7.5, 21.00 110, 15, 20, 30 21.00 -24.00 I 14 , 8, 16 21.00 (Ohml) 25·99 100-Up EACH EACH 20,40 19.20 20.40 19.20 17,85 16.80 17.85 16.80 20.40 19.20 17.85 16.80 Not ASH.';. 100-49~ EACH 16.00 16.00 14.00 14.00 16.00 14.00 LOW-1MPEDANCE.TO·GR1D AND MIXING TRANSFORMERS Primary impedance: 50, 125.150, 200, ±I db from 20-50,000 cps. Maximum level ~ 250, 333, 500-600 ohms. HA-I00X: ±I (dbm): Type HA-108X, +18; Type HAdb from 30 to 20,000 cps. Type HA·I08X is lOOX, +16. 3Ysxl1Y16X2%". 2Yz Ibs. IB1 Stock Mfr's No. 62 G '806 62 G 8 I 0 Secondary Application May Be Assorted Not Asstd. 1-24 'j2S.99jl00.UP 100·499 EACH EACH EACH EACH HA·I00X "'L"'in-e-to-gr"'id-:-+--'-6=OO:':,0:::0~O"--1 17.40 14.79 ~ 1-"'1";'1'"'.6;";0:-' 15.84 13.20 HA-108X Mixer-Line Same as primary 19.80 16.83 Type Impedance (Ohms) FILAMENT and TRANSISTOR TRANSFORMERS MILITARY STANDARD AUDIO UNITS Industrial-type transformers (primary 117 volts, 60 cycle) with demonstrated reliability. All units are low-temperature-rise. vacuum-sealed. *Trallsistor FT-13 and FT-14 have taps on primary secondary nominal voltage -6%, +6 Hermetically sealed-meet MIL-T-27B. 300 cycles to __ 10 KC, ±2 db for all types, Types W-784, 785, and "'i~'1 "'I~"';" 786 ha, ve electrostatic shielding. Primary DC current "'Ill, '*: J rating: 10 rna unbalanced for W-783, 789; 40 rna un- "j'l " ~c" balanced for W-787, 788; 20 rna balanced for W-790, ',,~. 791. Level: IS dbm for W-783, 785, and 786; Yz watt ~~_' for W-791; I watt for 790; 2 watts for all others. 'Split winding-use either center-tap or at J4 impedance, All units in MIL AJ case. 2%xl%xl%". Shpg. wt., lib. r''" May Be Stock No. TMN and TM W Types. lOOK inputs and outputs. Insertion loss, under 6 db. Attenuation:,Type TMN; more than 40 db beyond 1.75 x ctr. freq. and .58 x ctr. freq.; Type TMW; more than 40 db beyond 2.5 x ctr. freq. and.4 x ctr. freq. Figs. in Type col. indicate ctr. freq. in kc. Bandwidth: down less than 3 db at ±7.5% of etr. freq. except *15%. Types TMN-.4 thru TMN-1.7 are 2xl'A6x1%2"; remainder are 1%x'~2x'~,". 4 oz. MNF and MWF. Similar to above but smaller. MNF-.4 thru 5.4 are , Yzxl 0/,6xl 0/,6" 1 oz Remainder are Yzx2~,x'*," y. oz Shpg wt 2 oz Stock No. Type TMN· Stock No. Type May Be Assorted MNF'- 1·24 25·99100·Up - - - - - - - - - - - EA. EA. EA. 63 G 267 .4 63 G 309 .4 39.00 33.15 31.20 "63 ,63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 ,63 ,63 63 63 63 63 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G 269 .56 63 G 310 .56 39.00 270 .73 63 G 311 .73 39.00 275 .96 63 G 312 .96 39.00 285 1.3 63 G 313 1.3 39.00 286 ""1:7 63 G 314 1.7 39.00 287 2.3 63 G 315 2.3 39.00 2BB 3.0 63 G 316 3.0 39.00 2B9 3.9 63 G 317 3.9 39.00 300 5.4 63 G 318 5.4 39.00 301 ""7.35 63 G 332 7.35 39.00 302 10.5 63 G 333 10.5 42.00 303 14.5 63 G 334 14.5 42.00 304 22 63 G 335 22 42.00 ---- -305 30 63 G 336 30 42.00 306 40 63 G 337 40 42.00 307 52.5 63 G 338 52.5 42.00 308 70 63 G 339 70 42.00 Stock No. 63 63 63 63 63 G G G G G Type TMW. 340 '22'* 341 30" 342 40" 343 52.5' 344 70' Stock No. 63 63 63 63 63 G G G G G 345 346 347 348 349 Type 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 35.70 35.70 35.70 35.70 35.70 35.70 35.70 31.20 31.20 31.20 31.20 31.20 31.20 31.20 31.20 31.20 31.20 33.60 33.60 33.60 33.60 33.60 33.60 33.60 May Be Assorted MWF'. 1·24 25·99 l00-Up EA. EA. EA. 22' 42.00 35.70 33.60 30" 42.00 35.70 33.60 40' 42.00 35.70 33.60 52.5" 42.00 35.70 33.60 70' 42.0035.70 33.60 .. Not Assorted 100·499 EA. 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 2B,OO 2B.00 28.00 28.00 ' 28.00 28.00 28.00 Not Assorted 100-499 EA. 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 G G G G G G G G G Mf~s Type MS No, Primary~ 1·24 EACH 15.90 269 W-783 90000 10K CT·90K* 270 W-784 90001 600*-4/8/16 14.70 272 W·78S 90002 600"·13SK CT 14.10 273 W-786 90003 600'·600" 14.10 274 W-787 90004 7600/4800-600' 12.75 277 W-788 90005 7600/4800·4/8/16 12.90 12.45 278 W-789 90006 15K CT·600279 W-790 90007 24K CT-600" 12.90 12.45 280 W-791 90008 60K CT-600* Secondary Ohms Assorted 25·99 IOO-Up EACH ~ 13.52 12.72 12.50 "11.76 11.99 11,28 11.99 11.28 10.84 10.20 10.97 ;0.32 10.58 9.96 10.97 10.32 10.58 9.96 Not Asstd. 100·499 EACH 10.60 9.80 9.40 9.40 8.50 8.60 8.30 8.60 8.30 MIL. STANDARD FILAMENT, POWER, PLATE UNITS Meet MIL-T-27B. 'With fiI. windings: Type N·593A, 6.3/5V-2A, 6.3V-3A; N-594A, 6.3V/5V-2A, 6.3V·4A; N-595A, 5V-3A, 6.3V-5A; N-596A, 5V·3A, 6.3V-8A; N·597A, 5V-3A, 6.3V-8A. All are electrostatically shielded. All have lOS /115 /125 V .. 54-66 cycle primaries. Largest fil. unit, 4x3¥ax4o/t6H j largest power, 4%x4x5"; largest plate, 5x4 J4x5 Yz". Current ratings for hi-voltage sec. are DC, choke input; derate 70% for capacitor input . May Be Not Assorted Asstd. StQck Secondary WI., Mfr's MS No. Lbs. 1-24 25·99 100·Up 100·499 No. Type Ratings EACH EACH EACH EACH 62G 282 N·583A 90016·2 2.5V-3A 1000 WV IV. 10.20 8.67 8.16 6.80 90017·2 N·584A 2.5V-IOA 1000 WV 62G 283 2¥. 14.10 11.99 11.28 9.40 2Y. 11.10 9.44 8.88 7.40 62G 284 N·585A 90018·2 5V-3A 1000 WV 4 62G 285 N·586A 90019·2 5V·IOA 1000 WV 15.30 13.30 12.24 10.20 62G 287 N-587A 90020·2 6,3V·2A 1000 WV ' 2 11.10 9.44 8.88 7.40 3Y. 12.90 10.96 10.32 8.60 62G 288 N·588A 90021-2 6,3V·5A 1000 WV 62G 289 N·S89A 90022·2 6.3V·IOA 1000 WV sv. 17.70 15.04 14.16 11.80 62G 290 N·S90A 90023·2 6,3V·20A 1000 WV 8 22.50 19.12 18.00 15.00 62G 291 N·591A 90024·2 2.5V-IOA 6300 WV 5 18.00 15.30 14.40 12.00 6'h 21.00 17.85 16.BO 14.00 62G 292 N-S92A 9002S·2 5V·IOA 6300 WV N·593A 90026-2 200-100-0-100-200 62G"293 4Y. 20.70 17.59 16.56 13.80 70 rna* 62G 294 N·594A 90027·2 32S·0-32S, 70 mo' 5'h 22.35 19.00 17.88 14.90 62 G 295 N·595A 90028-2 325·0·325, ISO mao 8 25.35 21.55 20.28 16.90 62 G 296 N·596A 90029·2 400·0·400, 175 mo' 10 27.30 23.20 21.84 18.20 - -- -- -62G 297 N·S97A 90030-2 450·0·450,250 ma- 13V. 33.90 28.81 27.12 22.60 62G 298 N·598A 90031·2 350·0·350, 250 ma 7V. 19.80 16.83 15.84 13.20 62G 299 N·S99A 90032·2 550·0-550, 250 ma 10V., 26.85 22.82 21.48 17.90 62G 300 N·600A 90036-2 800·0:800,250 ma 17 37.50 31.87 30.00 25.00 let AlliedElectrollics Fill Your Transformer Needs at OEM Prices ALLIED • 367 _ UTe Transformers and Chokes !KI ULTRA-COMPACT HIGH-FIDELITY AUDIO UNITS Meet broadcast standards. Response (cps): :I: is 2020000' tis 4020000' , A -27 30-20000' A -20', 10-50000' , Stock Mfr's Type No. -62 G 820 A-lOt Application Primary. Impedance A·21, 30-30,000; A·26, 20-40,000; A-43. 20-30.000. All ±2 db "Multiple alloy shield 2x1 '/zxl\-2" Wt ., % Ib Not May Be Assorted - Secondary Impedance Level 50, 125-ISO. 20015dbm 250. 333. 500-6ooS0K 50K. P.P. 5dbm 62 G 821 A-ll·'. Low imp. to 1. 2" grids 50,200.500 SOK 2 sect 15dbm 62 G 822 A-12t Low imp. to PP grids Same as A-tO 5OO-2K 15dbm lOK-2.5K 62 G 864 A-1St T. interstage 60K 2:1 15 dbm 15K 62 G 824 A-1M Plate to grid 60K 15dbm 15K 62 G 305 A-17t Plate to grid 80K P.P. 2.3:1 15dbm 62 G 825 A-1St 1 or PP pI. to PP gr: 15K (Split) SOK P.P. 2.3:1 15K-S maDC 15dbm 62 G 826 A-19t Plate to PP grids Same as Pri. 15dbm Same as A-tO 62 G 827 A-20 Mixing, matching 50. 200-250. 500-600 Same as Pri. 15dbm 62 G.8~ A-21' Mixing, matching 125-250. split Iw 62 G 868 A-22t T. interstage or out. 500 4-16. split lw 62 G 873 A-23t T. interstage or out. 500 As A-tO pri. 15dbm 30K P. to P. 62 G 779 A-26 1 or PP pI. to line As A-IO pri. 15dbm 62 G 306 A-27 X tal/hi. imp. to line lOOK (Split) 16 (split)/8/4 48 CT 62 G 307 A-28t Transistor to V.C. 5 w· 450 hy. @ 0 rna.. 250 hys @ 5 ma.. 6000 62 G 308 A-30 Audio inductor ohms DC; 65 hys@ 10 ma .. 1500 ohms DC 60 hys/15 ma/2000 Q; 15 hys/30 ma/Soo Q 62 G 309 A-32 Filter inductor A-36t T. in terstage 62 G 310 50/125 (Split) 1150/37.5 (Split) II w 600-150 (Split) 2000-500 (Split) 10 dbm 61 G 799 A-39*t Line to tram'listor 115 v., 60 cycles Two 6.3V CT-.2A ....... 62 G 311 A-40 Power transformer 240 mhy/.2A/6Q; 60mhy/.4A/1.5 !l A-41 62 G 312 Filter inductor Series: 4 hys @ SO rna DC. 100 ohms; 62 G 561 A-42 Split filter inductor paraJlel: I hy @ 100 ma DC. 25 ohms (two windings) 62 G 562 A-43 Mixing/matching line or T. to 2 lines/To 600-1S0 (Split) Two 600-125 (Split) 115 dbm Mu-rnetal shield; for any of above 62 G 874 A-33 I ffiJ@JC Low imp. to grid FILTER. SWINGING AND AUDIO CHOKES S-23 to S-30, S-80, are F ig. C;-S-31 to S-38 •. S-81 are Fig. -B. Insulation volts: S-80. 500; S-23 to S-30, S-81, 1500; S-3 1. S-32. 2700; S-33, S-34. 4000; S-35, S-36. 5000; S-37, S-38. 6000. !ype S-81 has 2 windingSj values are given for split winding in series and parallel. Stock No. Mfr's Henrys _ Ma Type *Mhy 62 G 776 S-23 62 G 725 S-24 62 (l 726 S-25 62 G 727 S-26 62 G 728 S-27 62 G 729 S-2S 62 G 730 S-29 62 G 731 S-30 &2 G 732 S-31 62 _G 733 S-32 62 G 751 S-33 62 G 734 S-34 62 G 735 S-35 62 G 736 S-36 62 G 737 S-37 62 G 738 S-38 62 G 315 S-SO 62 G 316 S-81 tA Ohms Wt., Size (HWD) - 5- ~ 5000 20/,.x3%x1'o/,.' 3 6000 20/,.,,3%xl'o/,." 30 800 20/,.x3%xl'o/,.' 60 250 20/,.x3%xl'o/,.' 75 350 2'Y1.x4Ysx20/,.' 20- 100 350 2'o/,.x4Ysx20/,.' 6 175 90 2'y!.x4Ysx2y!." 4/20 175 90 2'o/,.x4Ysx2y!.' 6 225 100 3%x3Ysx4\-2" 4/20 225 100 3%x3Ysx4'/z" 8 300 100 4o/sx4o/sxS'/z' 4/20 300 100 4o/sx4o/sx5'/z" 8 400 60 4o/sx5%x5%" 4/20 400 60 4o/si5%x5%" 8 550 60 4o/sx5%x5%" 4/20 -550 60 4-'/ax5%xS%" 45/10' 1.75t .5 lVax2'~.xl%" 100/8' 2.5t 2 windings .6 25/2' .15 2'/zx3%x2%z' 5t 500 CT 30 12 25 May Be Assorted 1-24 25-99 100-Up EACH EACH EACH 1'/z 4.50 3.B3 3.60 1'/z 5.10 4.34 4.0B 3.90 3.32 3.12 1~ l'/z 3.90 3.32 3.12 3 ~ 4.34 4.08 3 6.30 5.36 5.04 3 5.10 4.34 4.08 3 5.10 4.34 4.0B 4'/z 6.90 5.87 5.52 6.90 5.87 5.52 4~ -9.30 - 7.91 7.44 8 S 9.60 8.16 7.68 12 12.00 10.20 9.60 12 12.00 10.20 9.60 15.00 12.75 12.00 -12 12 15.00 12.75 12.00 I 3.90 3.32 3.12 Lb•. 2 6.00 5.10 4.80 ----oo-@j:-cSI NGLE-SECONDARY FILAMENT TRANSFORMERS Not Asst'd 100-499 EACH 3.00 3.40 2.&0 2.60 3.40 4.20 3.40 3.40 4.60 4.60 6.20 6.40 8.00 '8.00 10.00 10.00 2.60 4.00 All primaries tapped at 105. 115 volts, 50-60 cycles. *indicates single, tapped winding. Not May Be Assorted Asst'd Stock Mfr's Sec~ndary Size Wt., Ins. ' -No. TypeFlg. (CT) (HWD) Volts Lb •. 1~24 25-99 100-Up 100-499 EACH EACH EACH EACH 62 G 703 S-53 C 2.5V @IOA 1500 2'/zx3%x2%z' 2 4.20 6.30 5.36 5.04 62 G 704 S-54 C 5V @ 4A 2S00 2'/zx3%x2%z" 2 3.80 5.70 4.85 4.56 62 G 705 8-55 C 6.3V @3A 1500 2'/zx3%x2%z" 2 3.60 5.40 4.59 4.32 62 G 707 8-57 B 2.5V @IOA looo03%x3Ysx4'/z" 4'/z 9.00 7.65 7.20 6.00 62 G 708 S-58 B 2.5V @20A looOOI3%X3YsX4'/z" 4\1z 9.90 8.42~ 6.60 I 62 G 709 S-59 B 5V @ 13A 6.20 5000,3% x3Ysx4 '/z" 4\1z 9.30 7.91 7.44 62 G 7 I 0 S-60 B 5V @ 22A lOoo0'4o/sx4o/sxS'/z" 8 8.80 13.20 I 1.22 10.56 62 G 711 S-61 B 7.5, 6.3V @ lOA' 6.80 30oo!3%X3YsX4 V." 4'/z 10.20 8.67 8.16 62 G 712 S-62 B roy @IOA 6.20 3000 3%x3Ysx4\1z" 4'/z 9.30 7.91 7.44 62 G 713 S-63 B 14. I 2. 11"1 @ lOA' 500014o/sx4o/sx5'/z" 8 13.20 I 1.22 10.56 8.80 00 @J TRANSISTOR/FILAMENT SUPPLY TRANSFORMERS Hav'-.115 -,,",50-60 cycle primaries tapped on S-77 and S-78 for dual secondary voltages. Stock No. 62 62 62 62 G G G G 128 129 134 317 Secondary Mfr's Type FI9·1--,.V S-75 8-76 S-77 S-7S_ C C B B 368 • ALLIED alts Amps each each each each Two-6.3 .6 Two-12.6 2.0 Two-17/21.5 1.S Two-34/43 4.5 Size (HWD) I %x2'~.xl%" 2'o/,.x4Ysx2o/!,' 3%x3Ysx4'/z" 5%,,5%x6%" Wt., May Be 'Assorted Lb •. 1-24 25-99 100-Up EACH EACH EACH I 6.00 5.10 4.80 3 9.00 7.65 7.20 4Y, 10.20 8.67 8.16 21 30.00 25.50 24.00 Not Asst'd 100-499 EACH 4.00 6.00 6.BO 20.00 [[J Asst'd - Max. 1-24 EACH .. 25-99 100-Up 100-499 EACH EACH EACH --- --- --- --13.20 12.00 12.00 9.90 9.90 12.00 12.00 12.00 14.40 12.00 9.90 9.90 13.20 12.00 10.20 11.22 10.20 10.20 8.42 8.42 10.20 10.20 10.20 12.24 10.20 8.42 8.42 11.22 10.20 8.67 10.56 9.60 9.60 7.92 7.92 9.60 9.60 9.60 11.52 9.&0 7.92 7.92 10.56 9.60 8.16 10.20 6.60 9.60 I 1.10 9.90 6.30 8.67 5.61 8.16 9.44 8.42 5.36 8.16 5.2B 7.6B 8.BB 7.92 5.04 6.80 4.40 6.40 7.40 6.60 -4.20 -- 6.60 5.61 5.28 4.40 8.80 8.00 8.00 6.60 6.60 ra.oo 8.00 8.00 9.60 8.00 6.60 6.60 8.80 8.00 6.80 --- ~ ~ ~ -9.40 -I.BO '2.70 2.30 2.16 PLATE TfI,ANSFORMERS FOR 11 S V•• 50-60 CYCLES Type 5·44. Secondary voltage: 575-525-0525-575. DC current. 500 rna. Size (HWD).-5%x5%x6%". Wt.. 211bs. 62 GU 744. 1·24 ............. EACH 25.80 25-99, May Be Assorted ......... EACH 21.93 100· Up, May Be Assorted .... , .. EACH 20.64 100-499, Not Assorted .......... EACH 17.20 Type 5·45. Secondary voltage: 900-750-0750-900. DC current. 200 rna. Size (HWD), 4o/sx5%,,5%". Wt.. 121bs. 62 G 745'1·24 .............. EACH 21.00 25-99, May Be Assorted ........ EACH 17.85 100·Up, May Be Assorted ....... EACH 16.80 100.499,_ Not Assorted .......... EACH 14.00 Type 5-46. Secondary voltage: 1000-750'0-750-1000. DC current. 300 rna. Size (HWD). 5%,,5%,,6%". Wt .. 211bs. 62 GU 746. 1-24 ............. EACH 24.00 '25·99, May Be Aisorted ........ EACH 20.40 100.Up, May Be Assorted ....... EACH 19.20 100·499, Not Assorted .......... EACH 16.00 Type 5-47. Secondary voltage: 15001250-1000-0-1000-1250-1500. DC current. 300 milliamps. Case (HWD) , 5%x6Ysx 6o/s". Wt .• 24 Ibs. ' &2 GU 74B. 1·24 ............. EACH 33.QO 25·99, May Be Assorted ........ EACH 28.05 100·Up, May Be Assorted ....... EACH 26.40 100·499, Not Assorted .......... EACH 22.00 Type 5·48. Secondary voltage: 15001250-1000-0-1000-12S0-1S00. DC current, 500 rna. Case size (HWD), SVax6'%x 7%". Wt •• 31 Ibs. 62 GU 749. 1·24 ............. EACH 39.00 25-99, May Be Assorted ........ EACH 33.15 100·Up, May Be Assorted ....... EACH 31.20 100·499, Not Assorted .......... EACH 26.00 Type 5·49. Secondary voltage: 2100, 1800-1500-0-1500-1800-2100. DC current. 300 rna. Case size (HWD). S%x6'%z" 7%". Wt .. 31 lbs. 62 GU 750. 1·24 ............. EACH 36.00 25·99, May Be Assorted ........ EACH 30.60 lOa-Up, May Be Assorted ....... EACH 28.BO 100·499, Not Assorted .......... EACH 24.00 Type 5·50. Secondary voltage: 30002500-0-2500-3000. DC current, 300 rna. Case size (HWD). 10y.,x7%x9y.,". Shpg. wt .. 52 lbs. 62 GU 700. 1.24 ..... : ....... EACH 60.00 25-99; May Be Assorted ........ EACH 51.00 100·Up, May Be Assorted ....... EACH 48.00 100·499, Not Assorted .......... EACH 40.00 00 00 00 00 00 00 let Allied Fill All Your Transformer Needs Fast-and at OEM Prices Triad Transistor Power and Audio Transformers "RED SPEC" MINIATURE TRANSISTOR TRANSFORMERS Engineered to MIL- T -27 A. Specially designed for use in all transistorized and printed circuit applications. Each unit weighs only 1/lOth of an ouncel All have solid epoxy-molded cases. Provide top performance from 100 cps to 100 ko. lOS-volt DC operating voltage. Highstrength. bare nickel alloy leads (,020" dia.) eliminate need for stripping or tinning. Spaced Stock No. 63 G 535 63 G 536 63 G 537 63 G 538 63 G 539 63 G 540 63 G 541 63 G 542 63 G 543 63 G 544 63 G 545 63 G 546 63 G 547 63 G 548 63 G 549 63 G 555 63 G 556 63 G 557 63 G 558 63 G 559 63 G 560 63 G 561 63 G 562 63' G 563 63 G 564 63 G 565 63 G 566 63 G 567 63 G 568 6.J G 569 63 G 585 63 G 586 62. G 000 63 G 587 63 G 588 63 G 589 62 G 001 63 G 590 ,62 G 002 63 G 591 [KJ Mfr's Type SP-4 SP-5 SI'-7 SI'-11 SI'-13 SP-15 SP-20 SI'-21 SP-29 SP-32 SP-33 SP-34 SP-35 SP-36 SP-42 SP-43 SP-44 SP-46 SP-47 SP-48 SP-49 SP-50 SP-51 SI'-52 SP-59 SP-60 SI'-61 SP-62 SP-63 SP-64 SP-65 SP-66 SP-67 SP-l06 SP-107 SP-I08 SP-117 SP-118 SP-128 SP-31O on standard 1/10" grid centers to fit printed circuit boards. Decals permanently aflixed giving type, usage, lead numbers and conne("tion data. When mounted on printed circuit board, separator plate leaves viewing arC"u UI1der transformer for lead inspection. *Dry hydrogen annealed Trialloy deep-drawn .020" case for 20-45 db magnetic shielding. Shpg. wt .. 2 oz. MIL-T-27A Primary Secondary Designation Impedance Impadance Mw TF5RXI6ZZ 200.000 CT 1000 CT TF5RX16ZZ .10.000 CT 1000 CT TF5RX16ZZ 200.000 1000 TF5RX1JZZ 20.000/30.000 800/1200 TF5RX13ZZ 20.000/30.000 CT 800/1200 CT TF5RXIJZZ 10.000/12.000 CT 1500/1800 CT TF5RX13ZZ 10.000/12.000 CT 1200/1500 CT TF5RX13ZZ 10.000/12.000 CT 2000/2500 CT TF5RX13ZZ 10.000/12.000 CT 500/600 CT TF5RX17ZZ 500/600 50/60 TF5RX17ZZ 1000/1200 50/60 TF5RX17ZZ 600 3.2 TF5RX13ZZ 1200 3.2 TFSRX13ZZ 10.000 3.2 TF5RXI7ZZ 150/200 CT 12/16 TF5RX17ZZ 300/400 CT 12/16 TF5RXI7ZZ 600/800 CT 12/16 TF5RXI7ZZ 1000/1300 CT 12/16 TF5RX13ZZ 1500/2000 CT 12/16 TF5RXI3ZZ 7500/10.000 CT 12/16 TF5RXIJZZ 300 CT 600 TF5RXI7ZZ 500 CT 600 TF5RXI7ZZ 900 CT 600 TF5RX17ZZ 1500 CT 600 TF5RX17ZZ 120/150 CT 3.2/4 TF5RX17ZZ 320/400 CT 3.2/4 TF5RXI7ZZ 600/750 CT 3.2/4 TF5RXI7ZZ SOO/1000 CT 3.2/4 TF5RXI3ZZ 1200/1500 CT 3.2/4 TF5RXI3ZZ 1600/2000 CT 3.2/4 TF5RXI3ZZ 8000/10.000 CT 3.2/4 TF5RX13ZZ 10.000 CT 10.000 CT TF5RXI7ZZ 600 CT 600 CT TF5RX20ZZ 6 hy. @2 rna. TF5RX20ZZ 1.25 hy. @ 2 rna. TF5RX20ZZ 3.5 hy. @ 2 rna. TF5RX20ZZ .9 hy. @ 2 rna. TF5RX20ZZ .3 hy. @4rna. .1 hy. @5 rna. T:'~R.X2.0Z~.1 *Magnetic shielding case 10 25 10 40 40 -50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 H t SP SPECS H =.4!S W=.410 a =.310 L J.- L :: .75 EACH ,1-9 10-24 25-49 50-99 100-249 250-U p - - 5.79 5.50 - -6.16 Input 6.62 B.17 7.35 Input 6.5B 6.12 5.46 7.31 5.75 8.12 Input 6.0B 5.65 5.31 5.04 7.50 6.75 Intcrstage 5.67 5.27 4.70 7.00 6.30 4.95 5.B5 Interstagc 6.50 !:i.44 5.11 4.B5 7.22 6.06 5.64 5.3i) 5.04 Intcrstllge 6.73 7.4B Driver 5.48 5.15 4.89 7.27 6.54 .5.89 5.04 Driver 6.06 5.64 7.48 6.73 5.30 6.08 Driver 5.65 5.31 5.04 7.50 6.75 5.14 4.78 4.49 Output 5.71 4.27 6.34 5.53 s:T4 4.83 4.59 Output 6.14 6.82 5.31 4.,94 Output 5.90 4.64 4.41 6.55 5.39 Output 5.99 5.01 4.71 4.47 6.65 5.12 4.76 4.25 Output 5.69 4.47 6.32 5.67 5.27 4.70 Output 4.95 7.00 6.30 5.27 4.90 4.&1" 4.38 Output 5.85 6.50 5.69 5.29 Output 4'.97 4.72 6.32 7.02 5.77 5.37 5.05 4.80 Output 6.41 7.12 5.98 Output 5.23 4.97 5.56 6.64 7.38 5.53 5.14 4.59 Output 6.14 4.83 6.82 4.36 4.05 3.81 Output 4.B4 3.6'2 ·5.3B 5.40 5.02 Output 6.00 4.72 4.48 6.67 5.09 4.73 4.45 4.23 Output 5.65 6.2B Output 6.56 6.10 5.73 5.44 7.29 8.10 5.57 5.IB 4.B7 4.62 Output 6.19 6.8B -Output 4.95 4.70 6.30 --s:67 5.27 7.00 5.40 5.02 4.4B 4.72 6.00 OutP'!t 6.67 5.54 5.15 4.B4 4.60 6.16 Output 6.84 5.09 4.45 4.23 Output 4.73 5.65 6.2B 5.21 ' 4.B5 4.33 4.56 Output 5.79 6.43 6.0B 5.65 5.31 5.04 Output 6.75 7.50 6.22 5.7B 5.43 5.16 Output Isolation 7.6B 6.91 5.59 5.20 4.89 4.65 Output Isolation 6.90 6.21 3.84 4.73 4.30 4.04 Audio Choke 5.25 5.B3 4.03 3.79 3.60 4.33 Audio Choke -5.34 - - 4.81 4.78 4.45 4.18 3.97 Audio Choke 5.31 5.90 3.95 3.45 ' 3.28 3.67 Audio Choke 4.39 4.88 3.82 4.60 4.28 4.02 5.11 Audio Choke 5.68 3.02 3.63 3.38 3.18 Audio Choke 4.03 4.48 .70, .63 .76 .67 .80 ................ .84 Application EPOXY-MOLDED TOROIDAL TRANSISTOR POWER-SUPPLY TRANSFORMERS (DC to DC) DC to DC transformers (Fig. A) for military uses, marine work, or where the power supply is assembled in chassis form. Hermetically sealed. small in size. mount with a single bolt, 'and have strong turret terminals. Usable in either common emitter or common collector circuits. Single-hole mounting and peripheral terminaJs permit ready stacking for easy seriesStock No. ,\. ':,63 ,:63 '.'63 ,,63 63 .. 62 63 '/63 .: 63 ';<63 ) 63 ,63 62 63 63 63 63 63 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G 617 618 619 624 625 203 626 627 628 629 635 636 202 637 638 639 645 646 Mfr's Type 63 62 63 63 G G G G 647 204 648 649 DC Output Volts DC Ma 250/125, 300/150 325/162.5 375/187.5 450/225 500/250 600/300 250/125 300/150 325/162.5 375/187.5 450/225 500/250 600/300 300/150 325/162.S 375/187.5 450/225 100 200 150 200 150 250 200 80 100 200 200 200 750 200 100 150 200 150 TY-78 12.6 TY-79 ,12.6 TY-80 12.6 TY-81 12.6 TY-82 12.6 TY-83 12.6 -TY-84 --- --12.6 TY-S8 28.0 TY-89 28.0 TY-90 28.0 TY-91 28.0 TY-92 28.0 -TY-93 28.0 TY-94 28.0 TY-99 6.0 TY-IUO 6.0 TY-IOt 6.0 TY-I02 6.0 I!l Stock No. DC Input Volts Mfr's Typa parallel connections where increased oiltput is needed. Designed to meet requirements of MILT -27 A. Grade 5. Class R. All transformers, ineluding DC to AC (Fig. B), permit current,conversion in very small volume at high efficiencies. Elimination of moving parts sharply increases life. Circuitry and circuit constants for use with various transistors supplied with transformers Size (01 •. x Ht.) I%X1);,6" 1%,,1" 1%,,1" 2xl" 2xl" 2%xlYs" 2%xlYs" 1716x:K." l%x1);,6" l%xl" 2xl" 2xl" 2%xlYs" 2%xlYs" t%xl" 2xl" 2%"IYs' 2%xlYs' Wt., Lb •. Yz Va Va % % 1 Iv.. lI, Va Va % ~ 1 Iv.. Va % Iv.. Iv.. 1-9 14.72 15.34 15.94 15.19 15.27 18.34 -15:84 11.10 13.72 16.00 15.60 15.50 18.07 15.96 13.45 20.62 19.67 18.90 10-24 13.25 13.8 I 14.35 13.67 13.74 16.51 14.26 10.55 12.35 14.40 14.04 13.95 16.26 15.16 12.11 18.56 17.70 17.01 EACH 250-Up 25-49 50-99 -11.09 - - 100-249 9.90 10.42 11.93 10.87 10.:U 11.56 12.43 11.30 10.74 12.92 12.02 11.44 10.75 10.21 12.30 10.81 10.27 12.37 11.50 '13.82 12.99 12.34 14.86 '10.65' 11.93 11.21 12.83 8;3,3 9.99 9.25 ' 8.,79 10.34 9.72 9.23 11.12 10.76' 12.05 11.33 12.96 11.05 ,10.50 12.64 11'.76 12.56 ~ 10.,98 '10.43 -14:63 13.61 12.79 -12.15 11.97 13.30 12.64 14.36 10.14 9.53 9.05 10.90 13.87 15.53 14.60 16.70 15.93 14.81 13.92 13.22 12.76 14.18 13.47 15.31 TRANSISTOR POWER-SUPPLY TRANSFORMERS (DC 10 AC-See Description Above) Fig. DC Input TY-468 B TY-462 B TY-75A ..... TY-76A ..... Volts 28 12 12 12 AC .Output Volts CPS Watts 400 110/115/125 400 60 60 60 60 lI5 60 Size Wt., (HWO) Lbs. l'l8x2v..x2" 1 I 'l8xlv..xZ" 1 3Vax3%zx3Y4:6' 4 2 3%."Z')1.x2Ys· 1-9 12.35 16.32 12.82 9.60 10-24 I 1.12 14.69 11.54 8.64 Allied Is th~ World's Foremost Supplier of Electronic Components for Industry EACH 25-49 50-99 10.01 9.31 13.22 12.29 10.39 9.59 7.78 7.24 -'''4T~·U' 8.75 11.55 9.01 6.81 8.31 10.97 8.56 6.47 ALLIED. 369 Triad Power Transformers Exceptionally compact, these Triad transformers feature: UL approved lead materials, vacuum varnish impregnated laminations, copper foil shielding, minimum . . temper roids TRIAD SMOOTHING FILTER REACTORS Inductance tolerance is -20% +50% Transformer types C-47U and C-48U have split windings EACH Stock Mfr's, Fig. Wt., DC Ind. Res. Test Size Type (Hy.) (Ohms) Volts No. Ma HxWxD Lb •• 1-9 10-24 25-49 50-99 ---,;20 1 5 1000 1000 1~6x2).16x1 114" 1Yz 62 G 057 C-1X 1.78 ""T.6ii 1.44 1.34 A 50 500 1500 lYsx21~6X1Yz" Yz 62 G 155 C-3X 10 2.10 1.89 1.70 1.58 A 75 12 390 1000 l''if6X3Y!SXl*" 1 62 G 156 C-5X 2.34 2.1 I 1.90 1.76 A 90 10 270 1000 11516X3o/t6X 2" 62 G 159 C-7X 1114 2.67 2.40 2.16 2.00 A 90 100 1500 1'r,SX3Y!6X1*" 1 4 2;34 2.1 I 1.90 1.76 62 G 160 C-9X 110 6 ""160 1500 2%2X3').16X2" 62 G 163 C-11X ~ 1Yz 3.T8 2.86 2.58 2.39 125 9 250 1000 2'Y32X3').16X2" 62 G 164 C-lOX A 1Yz 3.21 2.89 2.60 2.41 160 6 165 1500 22o/,2X2'~x2Yz" 2 5.00 4.50 4.05 3.77 62 G 165 C-12A B 160 3 75 1500 2%x3').16X2Ys" 1* 3.24 2.92 2.62 2.43 62 G 166 C-13X A 200 6 150 1500 2'l12x22¥12x2Ys" 2Yz . 5.43 4.89 4.40 4.09 62 G 167 C-14A B 62 G 168 C-16A B 200 10 150 2500 3Yzx23~x3Yz" 4Yz 7.68 6:91 6.22 5.78 225 1.5 65 1500 l'r,6X3r,6X1*" 2114 2.38 2.14 1.93 1.79 62 G 169 C-21X A 260 45 1.2 1500 1'r,6X3r,6X2" 62 G 170 C-23X A 1* 2.48 2.23 2.01 1.87 A 290 .7 30 2.10 1.89 1.70 1.58 1500 1Ysx2'~6X1 Yz" * 62 G 171 C-27X 300 8 90 2500 3%x3%2X3 Ys" 6114 8.49 7.64 6.88 6.40 62·G 172 C-18A B 300 10 105 3000 4!4x3'%2X4Ys" 7* 11.57 10.41 9.37 8.71 62 G 174 C-19A B 60 400 6 3000 4Ysx3'~6X4Yz' lOYz 12.12 10.91 .9.82 9.13 62 G 175 C-20A B 500 10 65 3000 5Y!6x4Yzx5Ys" 16Yz 19.74 17.77 15.99 14.87 62 G 176 C-22A B .32 10 1500 1'r,SX3~6X2" 600 lYz 2.67 2.40 2.16 2.00 62 G 178 C-40X A 1A/2A .3/.075 31.75 1500 3Yzx2%x3~6" 4* 7.4B 6.73 6.06 5.64 62 G IB2 C-47U C 62 G IB3 C-48U C 2.5A/5A .08/.02 .61/.155 1500 3'~6,,3~6X3'X6" 6* 9.55 8.60 7.74 7.20 TRIAD 62 G 184 C-31A \ B 120-200 \25-5 1 150 65 62 G 185 C-35A B 40-400 20-4 65 62 G 186 C-39A B 50-500 25-5 @] TRIAD [[] ONE ORDER FILLS the BILL Save time-send us your purchase or- der and minimize your paperwork. Make Allied your single, centrally 10coted source for all your industrial electronic components at OEM prices. Our tremendous stock ensures you fastest shipment. 100-249 250-Up 1.26 1.20 1.50 1.42 1.67 1.58 1.90 1.80 1.67 1.58 2.27 2.15 2.29 2.17 3.54 3.36 2.31 2.19 3.84 3.65 5.44 5.17 1.68 1.60 1.76 1.67 1.50 1.42 6.02 5.72 8.19 7.78 8.58 8.15 13.98 13.28 1.90 1.80 5.30 5.04 6.77 6.43 SWINGING FILTER REACTORS 12500 13Yzx23¥12X3Yz" 1 4* 17.12 6.4115.7715.371 5.05 80 3000 4Ysx3'r,6X4Yz" 10Yz 12.00 10.BO 9.72 9.04 B.50 1 4B.OB . 3000 5r,6X4YzxSYs" 16114 21.24 19.12 17.20 15.93 15.13 14.34 EC SERIES EPOXY-MOLDED TOROIDS sulation. Have Epoxy-molded toroids with minimum inductance tolerance of ±2%. Meet MIL-T-27A standards for eneap1\16" diameter. Approx. DC Ma for Stock Mfr'. L Type (Mh) No. Ohms 5% L Drop 1-9 EC-OOIA .40 520 62 G 070 1 5.10 .56 368 EC-002A 2 62 G 071 5.33 EC-003A 300 . 70 3 62 G 072 5.35 .82 260 EC-004A 62 G 073 4 5.45 233 EC-005A 5 .92 5.50 62 G 074 EC-007A 1.05 195 7 62 G 075 5.62 EC-010A 10 1.30 165 62 G 076 5.73 EC-015A 15 1.60 134 62 G 088 5.B3 1.85 116 EC-020A 20 62 G OB9 6.10 EC-030A 30 2.85 95 5.45 62 G 090 4.20 82 EC-040A 40 6.02 62 G 091 50 4.60 EC-050A 74 62 G 092 6.38 EC-070A 70 7.00 62 G 094 62 6.40 8.00 EC-100A 100 52 62 G 095 6.55 EC-200A 200 25.00 37 6.22 62 G 096 EC-250A 250 28.00 33 62 G 097 5.98 300 38.20 30 EC-300A 62 G 098 5.35 EC-400A 400 44.00 26 62 G 099 7.17 63.50 EC-500A 500 23 62 G 100 6.40 EC-600A 71.00 21 6.BS 62 G 101 '600 EC-700A 700 SO.OO 19.5 62 G 107 6.73 EC-I000A 1000 113.00 16.5 62 G 110 6.77 EC-1500A 1500 175.00 13.5 7,10 62 G 120 EC-2000A 2000 243.00 11.6 62 G 125 7.15 3000 370.00 9.5 EC-3000A 7.60 62GBO 4000 435.00 8.2 EC-4000A 62 G 142 7.10 EC-5000A 5000 645.00 7.4 62 G 143 6.7B 7000 780.00 6.2 EC-7000A 6.77 62 G 144 EC-I0000A 10000 1190.00 5.2 62 G 145 10.49 gold-plated. fixed terminals. Size, 2V32X Av. shpg. wt .. 1 Yz lbs. EACH 10-24 25-49 50-99 100-249 250-U p 4.59 3.84 3:61 3.43 4.13 4.80 4.02 3.59 . 4.32 3.7B 4.B2 4.34 4.04 3.BO 3.6 I 4.91 4.11 4.42 3.B6 3.67 4.95 4.46 4.15 3.90 3.71 5.06 4.55 """'4.23 3.98 3.7B 5.16 4.32 4.06 4.64 3.86 4.40 5.25 4.73 4.14 3.93 5.49 4.52 4.94 4.31 4.09 '4.91 4.42 4.11 3.86 3.67 5.42 4.B8 4.54 4.27 4.06 4.BI 5.74 5.17 4.52 4.29 5.76 5.18 4.82 4.53 4.30 5.90 4.94 5.31 4.64 4.41 5.60 5.04 4.69 4.41 4.19 5.3B 4.84 4.50 4.23 4.02 4.B2 4.04 3.BO 4.34 3.61 6.45 5.BI 5.40 5.08 4.S3 4.B2 4.53 4.30 5.76 5.IS 6.19 5.18 4.B7 5.57 4.63 6.06 5.07 4.77 5.45 4.53 6.09 5.4B 5.10 4.79 4.55 6.39 5.35 5.03, \4.7S 5.75 6.44 5.BO 5.39 5.07 4.S2 6.S4 ·6.16 5.29 5.03 5.43 6.39 4.78 5.75 5.35 5.03 6.10 5.49 5.1 I 4.80 4.56 4.55 6.09 5.48 5.10 4.79 9.44 B.50 7.91 7.44 7.07 --- MILWAUKEE CONTROL TRANSFORMERS 3200 Series-Type CWI. Industrial control transformers for use where accurate voltage control is required, Interleaved' windings designed for minimum regulation even under high inrush conditions. 60 cycle AC input. Dual primaries, 240/ 480 230 120 and PRIMARY 240/480 V.-SEC., 120/240 V. PRIMAR,(, 240/480 V.-SEC., 120 V. S~:,k 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 G 220 G 221 G 222 G 223 G 224 G 225 G 231 GZ 233 GZ 244 GZ 245 GZ 250 GZ 25 I GZ 252 GZ 253 GZ 254 372 ~:~: KVA ~t~~: Cl-13361 ----:OsO 2Yzx2Y4" CI-13362 .075 2Yzx2%" Cl-13363 .100 2'~6x2*N CI-23166 .150 3\1ax3%" Cl-23167 .200 3*x2%" Cl-23091 ---:2sii 4Y2X3Ys" CI-33188 .300 3*x3'~6" CI-33189 .350 4%x4" CI-331i2 .500 4Yzx5" CI-43192 .7504YzxS*" Cl-431371.O 5Y4x5Y4" Cl-53091 1.5 5%x6Yz" Cl-53129 2.0 5%,,8" CI-63023 3.0 7Yzx8Y4" Cl-73023 5.0 7Yzx10Yz" ~ALLlED (~~';,) Wt" Lbs. 2~sx3x3Yz" 2'Xsx3x4Ys" 2%x3%x4%' 3~6X3*xS!4" 3'~6X4Yzx4%" -34114 5Yz 8Yz 9Yz 4Yzx5Y4xS%" U 3'~sx4YzxS'r,6" 4Ysx5Y4x5%' 4YzxSY4x7Yz' 4Yzx5Y4x8!4' 5*x6Ysx7Yz" 6¥12x7).16X8*' 6¥12x7).16x10Y4' 7x9x13" 7x9x15Y4" 13Yz 21 26 32 EACH 9.40 10.10 10.50 11.50 13.75 15.00 16.35 17.35 IS.SO 22.90 4026.50 59 72 110 107 v., parallel or series connected. Can operate at 220 or v. combinations. Power factor, 95 % min. Secondaries, or 120/240 v. Screw-type terminals. Open frame core coil construction; 4 oblong mtg, holes, 36.50 44.75 78.00 103.00 Stock 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 No. G 251 G 252 G 253 G 254 G 259 G 260 G 270 GZ 271 GZ 2BO GZ 300 GZ 2B2 GZ 302 GZ 303 GZ 304 GZ 305 Mfr'. Type Cl-13381 Cl-13382 Cl-13383 Cl-23174 Cl-23175 Cl-23089 Cl-33196 CI-33197 Cl-33110 CI-43044 -Cl-43135 Cl-53089 CI-53132 CI-63033 CI-73024 KVA .050 .075 ,100 .150 .200 .250 .300 .350 .500 .750 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 5.0 Mtg. Ctrs. 2Yzx2Y4" 2Yzx2%" Size (HWD) Wt•• EACH Lb •• -3- ----g:&s 2~6X3x3Yz' 2'X6X3x4Ys" 4114 10.35 2'~6x2*" 2%x3%,,4%" 5Yz 10.75 3Ysx3%" 8Yz 11.80 3~SX3*x5Y4" 3'~6X4Yzx4%" 9Yz 14.10 3*x2%' 15.35 4YzlCSY4lCS%" 12 4YzX3~ 3*x3' 6' 3'~6X4YzxS'Y!6" 13Yz 16.70 4%x4" 17.70 4YsxSY4xS%' 20 19.15 4YzxS" 4YzlCSY4x7Yz" 28 23.30 4YzxSY4x8Y4' 35 4YzxS*' 5!4xSY4' 5*x6Yzx7Yz" 40 27.00 37.00 5%x6Yz" 6~x7).16X8*" 56 45.40 5%x8" 6¥12x7).16x l0Y4" 78 7x9x13'" 110 79.75 7Yzx8W 7YzxlOYz' 7x9,,15Y4" 133 106.00 'Allied Has Complete Stocks of Transformers a~ OEM ~rices Standard Electric and Acme ·Variable Transformers STACO ~-.Il-tCtt. VARIABLE AUTOTRANSFORMERS @ STANDARD ELECTRIC BENCH AND PANEL-MOUNTED AUTOTRANSFORMERS An extremely wide selection of adjustable autotransformers designed to provide variable output voltages with high conversion efficiency. All STACO autotransformers feature rugged mechanical construction. Each consists of a single-layer winding on a high-grade toroidal core. A sliding brush taps the transformer to permit selection of any desired output voltage between 0 and 132 volts on units with overload feature; 0 to line voltage, or as indicated in table for others. Units with overload feature may be wired for 0 to line output if desired. Regulation is substantially independent of the load; zero wave-form distortion. Temperature rise is moderate. Stock No. 64 62 62 62 61 61 62 64 62 61 62 62 61 61 62 63 63 61 61 61 63 63 63 ~I Mfr's Fig. Max. Input KVA Volts ~ B 120 G 307 175BU B 120 G 583 100BU 120 G 584 PA-l A .165 B .33 120 G 579 250BU A .33 120 G 628 PA-2 H .33 120 G 966 T21U 120 G 580 300BU D .42 120 G C .42 306 .375BU PA-3 120 G 585 E .42 H .84 120 G 967' T51U G 582 500BU F 1.05 120 -G 581 500B G 1.05 120 1.05 120 G 629 3PN500B G H G 630 TlOIU 1.4 120 120 GU 589 1500B J 2.1 GU 580 2500BU K 3.5 120 GU 579 2500B L 3.5 120 M 7.0 120 GZ 631 TSOIU 230 G 632 520BU E 0.84 G 969 520B G 0.84 --230 GU 576 ~ J 230 2.5 GU 578 2520BU K 2.S 230 GU 577 2520B L 2.S 230 M 7.0 230 GZ 968ITS02U -- -- - - Low-resistance alloy brush-track plating eliminates oxidation and deterioration of commutator surface. Brush is always in contact with at least one turn of wire. This provides a smooth, uninterrupted flow of cnrrent when the knob is rotated for voltage adjustment. Brush replacement is easy becanse of special brush holders with pre-adjnsted coil springs. Bench models are housed in die-cast aluminum cases equipped with pilot ligllt. switch. fuse, line cord with plug, and an output receptacle. All autotransformers are for 50-60 cycle AC operation; 25 cyde operation is permissible if output power ratings are reduced by 50%. Gray wrinkle. Output Volts Description Size Wt •• Lb •. Panel type; for panels to t-4'" thick Panel type; for panels to Y4'" thick Portablej fused w/switchj pilot light Panel type; for panels to ~ 11 thick Portable; fused w/switchj pilot light Panel typej for panels to ~" thick Panel typej for panels to Y4,'' thick Panel type; for panels to t4'" thick Portable; fused w/switch; pilot light Panel type i for panels to ~" thick Panel "type; for panels to !!.t.., thick Enclosed i fused w Iswitch and pilot light Enclosed i 3-prong and plug and outlet Panel type; for panels to 'Y4," thick For panels to Yz" thick or bench use Panel typei for panels to Vz" thick Enclosed; w/junction box For panels to o/s'" thIck or bench use Panel type; for panels to Y4" thick Enclosed; fused w/switch; pilot light For panels to Yz'" thick or bench use Panel type; panels to Yz'" thick Enclosed;' w/junction box For panels to 0/8" thick or bench use 2%,x2'?V 2%,x2'%," 3Vsx3Vsx3l/z' 2l1t;x2'¥16' 3Vsx3Vsx3Y,' 3y.,x3y.,x3''Vt," 3'l1,x3'l16' 3%xS' 6l/zx6VsxSl/z' 4l/zx4l/zx3''Vt,' 2 2 6 2 6 5 6 5 Amps 1.75 0-132 0-132/0-120 1.25 0-120 1.25 0-1,2/0-120 2.5 2.5 0-120 0-132/0-120 2.4 0-132/0-120 3.0 0-140 3.75 0-120 3.0 0-132/0-120 6.0 0-132/0-120 7.5 0-120 7T 0-120 7.5 0-120 10.0 0-132/0-120 15.0 0-132/0-120 25.0 0-132/0-120 25.0 50.0 0-140 0-270/0-230 3.0 3.0 0-270 0-270/0-230 9.0 0-270/0-230 10.0 0-270/0-230 10.0 0-270/0-230 25.0 ACME VARIABLE ISOLATION TRANSFORMERS "Adj'ust-a-Volt" IV Transformers. Encased variable- ratio units. Have metered voltage ontput, thermal circuit breaker with reset button on front panel, inpu t 'on-off switch, and 3-prong grounded AC output receptacle. Consist of two superimposed magnet-wire windings on a toroidal core of laminated silicon steel with carbon brush rotating over plated commutator track. Normal isolation connection provides 0-140 v. AC output at rated current from 120 v., 50-60 cycle line. Non-Isolation Connection; If input supply parallels output winding, non-isolated output voltage may be varied from 0 to line voltage at 280% of rated current. Voltage Doubler Connection: With output windings in series with 120 v. input winding, nonisolated, stepped-up output voltage varies from 120 to 240 v. at rated current. Series Connection: Output windings in series with input winding. 240-v. input voltage gives non-isolated output from 110 to 240 v. at 220% of rated current. S~OO~k 61 GU 627 61 GU 633 I ~;~: IC~~!:~t I IV-I-4M IV-I-9M 4 amps 9 amps Size I t':~: I 9l/zx7l/zxSy.,· -1-71ll/zx9y.,x9y.,· 29 EACH 79.50 97.50 10 8 10 5x4o/a'" 10 6l/zx4'Vs' 10 6l/zx4'Vs* 11 5%x5%x4y.,' 25 8l16xS'l16' 27 7y.,x7Ys· -287y.,x7Vs' 13YsxI2l/zxSl/z' 57 10 5x4o/s" 10 6l/zx4'Vs* 24 8Y16x8l16' 27 7y.,x1%' 28 7y.,x7Vs' 13YsxI2l/zx5l/z' 57 EACH 1-5 8.50 8.25 16.00 9.50 18.50 15.00 12.50 12.50 26.00 18.00 18.00 23.00 27.50 31.00 46.00 49.00 55.00 120.00 20.00 .26.00 46.00 49.00 55.00 120.00 6.99 6.BO 6.60 12.80 7,60 14_80 12.00 10.00 10.00 20.80 14.40 14.40 18.40 22.00 24.80 36.80 39.20 44.00 ,96.00 16.00 20.80 ~ 39.20 44.00 96.00 VARIABLE VOLTAGE ADJUSTERS Type T1 0306. 150-watt constant-duty var- iable transformer. Adjusted by rotary tapswitch. Step-up or step-down transformer to correct low or high-voltage line condition. Calibrated voltmeter indicates secondary .voltage. Primary tapped for 65, 75, 90, 100, 115, 130 and 145 at 50-60 cycles. Secondary output, 115 v. Silicon-steellaminations and impregnated coils for low loss. 8-ft. cord with plug; output receptacle. , :~~4~g~~_. ~~~'. ~~.s:,. ~~~~~'~'. :. ~~~'................. .15.75 Type T8394M_ Designed for television sets. Rated 300 watts; can be used as step-up or step-down transformer to correct low or high line-voltage. Easily adjusted by 7-position rotary switch until built-in voltmeter reads 115 volts output. Input switch positions for 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125 volts at 50-60 cycles. 8-ft. cord with plug; output receptacle. COllstant-duty type. Size, 4%x4x5'Vs". Shpg. wt., 6 lbs. ' 62 G 514 ........ ____ •.. __ ... __ ....................... 11.55 Everything in Electronics from One Dependable Source ALLIED • 373 Superior Electric Variable Transformers "POWERSTAT" VARIABLE TRANSFORMERS Deliver continuously adjustable output voltage from Types lOB, lOB-40, 21, and other types with suffix AC line. Zero waveform distortion, high regulation, "U" open for panel mtg. Series 21, 126, 136, 226, 236, conservative ratings, high efficiency. Rugged precious 1156D and 1256D for panel or surface mtg. Prefix "Q" metal-plated commutators. F:or 50-60 cycles except same as Fig. B, but with 4-hole square mtg. plate. §60 cycles. Enclosed for plane-surface mtg. except Suffix "T" indicates terminals enclosed in metal box. SINGLE-PHASE TYPES Portable types 2PFI0, 116 and 216 have 2-wire tac1es. *With 3-wire plug and receptable. LW136 is a parallel blade input cord-plug sets and output recepdouble-wound assembly with isolated secondary Stock No. 62 62 61 64 61 62 64 61 61 62 62 64 61 61 64 61 61 61 GU 576 G 592 G 667 G 310 G 163 G 524 G311 G 970 G 669 GU 543 G 573 G 316 G 671 G 673 G 315 G 675 G 677 GU 678 Stock No. 61 61 62 62 62 62 61 61 62 61 &1 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 G 663 G 666 G 575 G 536 G 525 G 578 G 668 GU 670 G 527 G 674 G672 G 676 GU 679 Fig. Input Volta Volts Amps KVA (OWH) LW136 117TI 117U! QlI7U§ 21 116U Q116U 126 12bU 136 216U Q216U 217T§ 217U§ Q217U§ 226 226U 236 A 120-240 I20 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 0-30 0-120 0-120 0-120 0-140 0-140 0-140 0-140 0-140 0-1.40 0-280 0-280 0-240 0-240 0-240 0-280 0-280 0-280 25.0 to.O 10.0 to.O 3.75 7.5 0.75 1.6 1.6 1.6 0.53 1.0 1.0 1.8 1.8 2_8 0.84 0.84 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.7 2.5 9x7%x6o/s' 7Vax5Vax6Yz' 5x5Vax5%" Mfr'. Type toB-4~ 3PN117* 2PFlO§ 10B§ 116 3PN116 3PN126* 3PN136* 216 3PN216 3PN217§ 3PN226* 3PN236* ~tock Mfr'. No. Type GZ GZ GZ GZ GZ GZ 680 683 684 681 805 806 Output Mfr'. Type 1156D 1156D-2P 1156D-3P 1256D 1256D-2P 1256D-3P B. B B C B B D D A B B B B B D D A ~20 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 Fig. Input E F H E F F G G F F F G G L ..... J L .... 12.5 12.5 20.0 3.0 3.0. 4.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 9.0 Output Volts Volts Amps KVA 40 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 240 240 240 240 240 0-4() 0-120 0-132 O-U2 0-140 0-140 0-140 0-140 0-280 0-280 0-240 0-280 0-280 6.0 10.0 1.0 1.75 7.5 7.5 12.5 20.0 3.0 ~ 4.0 6·0 9.0 0,24 1.6 0.132 0.23 1.0 1.0 1.8 2.8 0.84 0.84 1.5 1.7 2.5 Volts Output Amps KVA 0-140 0-140 0-140 0-280 0-280 0-280 ~ 90.0 135.0 28.0 56.0 84.0 Fig. Input Volts J 7.S Max. Size 120 120 120 240 240 240 6.3 12.6 18.0 7.8 15.7 28.5 Wt., Lbo. 4%x4'i4xS'V,6" 3Ysx3%x4Yz' SxSVaxS%' 4%x4'i4xS'V,." 6%x6'i4xSYs' 4'i4x6x6%H 8%x7%x6Va~ 5x5VaxS%' 4%x4'i4xS'V,.' 7Vax5Vax6Yz' 5x5VaxS%" 4%x4'i4xS'V,." @Ax6'i4xSYs' 4'i4x6x6%' . 8%x7%x6Va' 25 12 11 11 6 11 11 17 16 2S 11 11 12 11 11 17 16 25 EACH 1·5 -6.24 ---80.00 72.00 ·22.50 18.50 16.50 12.50 -18.00 -16.00 35.00 31.00 50.00 20.00 18.00 25.00 21.00 18.50 35.00 31.00 50.00 Max. Size Wt., (OWH) Lbo. 2'i4x2%x3Va' 7'i4xSVax6Yz' 3Yzx3Yzx3Yz' 2Vax2%x3Va' 7VaxSVax6Yz' 7VaxSVax6Yz' 8Ysx6'i4xSYs" 10'i4x7%x6Va' 7Vax5Vax6Yz' 7Vax5Vax6Yz' 7VaxSVax6Yz' 8Ysx6'i4xSYs' 1O'i4x7%x6Va" 3.3 12 3.3 2.4 12 12 18.5 25 12 12 12 18.5 25 -- EACH 1·11 12·99 IO:iiO --a:so 31.50 26.78 14.03 16.50 8.50 7.23 20.40 24.00 -27.50 - - 23.38 44.00 37.40 65.00 55.25 22.10 26.00 --_. 30.00 25.50 31.50 2&.78 44.00 37.40 65.00 55.25 -- --- Max. Size' Wt .• (OWH)· Lb•• 15o/sxI3%x93/s' 15o/sx15o/sx16" 15o/sx15o/sx22o/s' 15Vax13%x9Ys' 15o/sx15o/sx16" 15o/sx15o/sx22o/s' 25.99 68.00 19.13 15.73 14.06 10.63 -15.30 -13.65 29.75 26.35 42.50 17.00 15.30 21.25 17.85 15.73 3T:5O 29.75 '27.90 26.35 45.00 42.50 20.25 16.65 14.73 11.25 -16.20 -14.30 31.50 27.90 45.00 18.00 16.20 22.50 18.90 16.65 79 158 274 79 158 274 EACH 1 -106.20 2.49 100.30 242.10 228_65 376.20 355.30 106.20 100.30 242.10 228.65 376.20 353.70 THREE·PHASE TYPES Consists of single units ganged together for threeoperation, if desired); Type 1156D-2D are delta conphase operation. Types with &ullix "·2" are open nected; Type Nos. which have suffixes "-3" and "-3Y" delta connected (or· can be connected for single-phase are wye connected. Stock No. 61 62 61 61 61 61 61 .61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 374 • ALLIED· GZ 685 G 588 GU 686 GU 687 G 164 GU 688 GU 689 GU 690 GZ 800 Glf 803 GU 804 GU 996 GZ 801 GZ 802 GZ 999 GZ 807 Mfr'. Type 1156D-2D 10B-3§ 117T-2§ 117U-2§ 21-31 116T-2 U6U-2 116T-3§ 126-31 126-2 126U-2 136-2 136-3§ 1156D-3Y§ 236-3§ 1256D-3YI Fig. Input Volts L .... .... M 120 240 240 240 240 .... .... 240 .... K .... .... --- M .... K .... K .... 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 480 480 Volt. Output Amps KVA 0-140 ~ 10.56 0.73 0-240 1.75 2.4 0-240 10.0 2.4 0-240 10.0 0-280 3.7S 1.8 0-280 --7.-52.1 0-280 7.5 2.1 0-280 7.5 3.6 0-280 12.5 6.1 0-280 12.5 3.5 -0-280 -- -- - 3.5 12.5 0-280 20.0 5.6 0-280 20.0 9.7 0-280 45.0 21.8 0-560 9.0 8.7 0-560 28.0 27.2 Max. Size Wt., (OWH) Lbo. 15l/zx13%x16" 8Vax3%x3%" 7Vax5Vax12%' 11 VaxSVaxS%" to%x4S/oxSN 7VaxSVax12%" 11Vax5VaxS%" 7VaxSYaxI8Ys' 7Vax7'i4x15Va' 7Vax7'i4xlOo/s" 9Yzx7'i4x7Va' 9Vax8%x12Yz' 9Vax8%x17%' 15Yzx13%x22o/s" 9Vax8%x17%' 15VaxI3%x22o/s" Depend on Allied for Immediate Delivery at OEM Prices EACH 1 234.90 2.49 152 221.85 83 36.00 34.00 24 49.50 46.75 22 40.95 38.68 17 53.55 50.58 24 45.90 48.50 22 37.83 40.05 36 69.30 65.45 49 99.45 105.30 32 72.00. 68.00 30 64.80 61.20 52 105.30 99.45 76 '1'53.00 144.50 225 354.90 334.90 76 153.00 144.50 225 354.00 334.90 Superior ENCLOSED "POWERSTATS" Single-phase variable transformers. Housed in lightweight. functional aluminum enclosures that permit easy installation, wiring and servicing. Can be mounted Oil wall or front of panel. on bench or floor. and back of panel. *50-60 cycles. t60 cycles. §Maximllm for constant current load. 1:Maximum for constant impedance load. 6 1¥16X5%X6". Shpg. wt.. 15 lbs. Stock No. M-Ir'-sc-In-p-ut..--'------,-Ou-,-tP-u,-t--,----=-EA"'C,,-H- Type ENII6 61 G 809 ENIl7 61 G 810 EN216 61 G 811 EN217 6iG808 Volts 120* 120t 240* 240t Volts 0-140 0-120 0-280 0-240 Amp, KVA 1·5 6·2425-99 6.5 ---:9125.0022.5021.25 8.5§ 1.5t 23.0020.3019.15 2.6 .73 27.0024.3021.95 3.5! 1.2 28.0025.2013.80 TYPE UC1M "VOLTBOX" VARIABLE TRANSFORMER An extremely handy instrument for supplying variable AC output for experimental. testing and production purposes. Provides.continuously variable output from 0 to 140 '\:01t8 when connected to a source of 120 volts. 50-60 cycle AC (single phase). Combines in one compact unit. a variablf' transformer, direct-reading voltmeter. fuse, line switch, two five-way binding posts, six-foot 2-wire cord and plug. and three output receptacles. Rated 7.5 amps. Fuse protects unit from overload. Has line/load meter switch, Cast aluminum case is 7o/r6X7VsX 8112". has carrying handle and rubber feet. 400/aOO-CYCLE POWERSTAT® VARIABLE TRANSFORMERS • • • • Withstand 95% Humidity for 24 Hours Operate at Altitudes to 50,000 Feet Withstand 100-Hour Salt Spray Test Vibration, Shock, Inclination Resistant ...Q High-frequency variable transformers for industrial and military applications. Perform the same tusk as ~. a comparably rated 60-cyde unit but weigh one-third ... as much and occupy one-half the space. Meet MIL o specs for environmental conditions. Operate at full rated load from -55'C to +40'C. but above +40'C ~ must be derated per table at right. All are knob-opV erated, open construction except *enclosed, tsquareframe construction. Mount behind panel except §surface mounting. All except 28-volt types have tap to Do permit over-voltage output of 17%. Three-phase types are wye-connected. . SINGLE PHASE UNITS 7 50 ... .... - Stock 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 Mfr's Type No. G 317 3HS02UK G 319 3HS02CK* G 334 3HS04UK G 335 3HS04CK* G 338 lRHS03UKt G 336 IHSOIUK G 337 IHSOICK* G 339 IHMS03UKt G 340 IHMS07UKt G 341 IHMD07UK G 342 IHMD07CK*§ G 343 IHLI5UK G 344 2HMS03UKt G 345 2HMD03UK G 346 2HMD03CK*§ G 347 2HL09UK Fig.lnputl Volts I Output Volts Amp 25 ':OOC 50.e Max. Size Wt .• (HWD) Lb •. 28 'I~ 20 2Y16x2x2o/a" 1 28 0-2B 20 2x2x3y." 1 28 0-28 4.0 !21V,6X2'/sx3Y16" 114 .... 28 0-28 4.0 2*x2*x4" 114 B 2.6 lY16x11%;x3¥!6" 1 120 0-28 A 120 0-120/140 1.0 2 ' V,6X2'/sx3Y32" 1112 120 0-120/140 1.0 2*x2*x3112" 1112 ... 120 0-120/140 3.0 4*x4'1sx4'l12" 2* ... 120 o 120/140 7.5 4*x4'1sx42Y32" 3* C 120 0-120/140 7.5 .I~6x5%",41¥!6" 414 D 120 0-120/140 Ts 50/,6X5%,.4*" 4* 120 0-120/140 15.0 SV,6xBV,6X7%," 14 .... 240 0-240/280 3.0 4*x4'1sx42lt\," 3* D 240 0-240/2BO 3.0 5'¥,6X5%,x4' ¥!6" 414 .... 240 0-240/2S0 3.0 .l0/,6x5%2X4*" 4* 240 0-240/280 9.0 8V,6XBV,6X71~," IS!!:. A . A 60.e 70·e 10·C AMBIENT TEMPERATURE EACH 1-5 20.00 22.00 22.00 24.00 34.00 14.50 '20.00 15.50 20.00 20.00 22.00 50.00 22.50 22.50 24.50 50.00 6-24 25-99 IB.OO 19.BO 19.BO 21.60 30.60 13.05 IB.OO 13.95 IB.OO IB.OO 19.BO 45.00 20.25 20.25 22.05 45.00 17.00 IB.70 IB.70 20.40 28.90 12.32 17.00 13.17 17.00 17.00 18.70 42.50 19.12 19.12 20.82 42.50 THREE.PHASE UNITS 64 64 64 64 64 34BI2HMS03UK_3YI 3492HMS07UK-3Y 350 2HLI5UK-3Y 351 4HMSOJUK-3Y G 352 4HL09UK-3Y G G G G E E 1240 240 10-24012BOI3.014*X4'1sX82%'"IS1I2149.50144.50142.07 0-240/280 7.5 4*x4v.x92~,"11112 67.00 60.30 56.95 F 240 0-240/2BO 15.0 8V,,,,,SV,6XI6*' 41 140.00 126.00 I 19.10 E 4S0 0-4BO/560 3.0 4*x4'1sx92~" 11112 74.50 67.05 63.32 F 4S0 0-480/560 9.0 SV,6xBV,6xI7112" 45112 140.00 126.00 I 19.10 NEW 400/1600-CYCLE "POWERSTAT" VARIABLE TRANSFORMERS 2~P~·Xw~3j.7l~s: ............... 65.00 FLEXIFORMER® TYPE TP-150 "DO-IT-YOURSELF" TRANSFORMER Alcurrent transformer and a multi pie source of A C voltages in one versatile unit. Ideal for labs. classrooms. home workshops, etc. Consists of a packaged transfv:-mer primary with high-impact plastic case molder1 over toroidal coil. User winds secondary to suit. Output. 150 VA max. Input is for 110120 v" 50-60 cycle AC. When used as a current transformer, the "Flexiformer" serves as a secondary winding. Current carrying conductor passed through center serves as primary. Max. continuous primary current. 400 amps with a 400:1 pri/sec ratio. Permits a mmeter readings of 1 % accuracy at 60 cycles of currents as high as 400 amps. Intermittent ratin~ of BOO amps at slight decrease, in accuracy. Color-coded binding posts take wire. banana plugs. clips. or spade lugs. \VitlJ reference chart and in- ~t~ug~~~. ~~.Ibs. . ...... 25.00 5-1281 5-1011 For high frequency applications. Provide high efficiency. Rugged mechanical construction and conservative ratings assure 400/1600-cycle' service as limited-range variable transformers, low-voltage-output var- ' long life. All are knob-operated for smooth control and are of OptU construction for iablc transformers, and line-voltage corback-of-panel mounting. All have max. outrectors. Offer zero waveform distortion, excellent regulation, linear output- voltage. put current. 2.6 A. SINGLE TYPE 5-1011 2-GANG TYPE 5-1279 Single unit for 115 v. AC sillgif.-phase inFor 115 v" single or 2-phase. or 230 v .• sinput. May be connected 7 ways. As variable gle-phase inputs. With each gang connected to separate circuits, outputs are same as transformer. output is 83-113 v" 98-130 v" Type 5-1011. Connected in series with 230 or 116-149 v. As low-voltage variable transformer. output is 0-26 v. As line corrector. v. input. outputs are double those of Type 5-1011. Open delta connection provides output is 115 v. with 90-113 v" 104-133 v" same outputs as Type 5-1011. or 117-149 v. inputs. 3-GANG TYPE 5.1281 For 115 v" I-phase or 200 v" 3-phase inv" 170-225 v" 201-25B v .• or 0-45 v. As line puts. Each gang like 5-1011. V-connected corrector. output: 200 v. with 156-195 v .• to 200 v" 3-phase input. outputs: 144-195 180-230 v .• 203-258 v" 3-phase inputs. EACH Size Mfr's Wt •• Stock No. Type 64 G 353 64 G 354 64 G 355 5-1011 5-1279 .I-12S1 (HWD) Lb •. 1-5 6-24 1 33.00 73.00 110.00 29.70 65.70 99.00 2* 3* Allied Is the World's Foremost Supplier of Electronic Components to Industry I -~ 28.05 62.05 93.50 ALLIED • 375 Automatic Voltage Regulators Several series of "Stabi, Hnes" are available. for requirements from 0.25 to 480 KV A. Write, wire, or phone Allied for OEM prices on units not listed, "Stabiline" automatic voltage regulators maintain a constant output voltage regardless of line or load changes. Ideal for applications in photoengraving, laboratory and factory testing, electrochemical analysis, aircraft landing systems, co;ot-photography lighting, filament voltage control, radio, TV, telephone and radar equipment. Types marked t can also be operated at an inputlrange of 95 to 135 EMT SERIES-ELECTRO-MECHANICAL TRANSISTORIZED Extremely efficient. Ideal for controlling loads up to 100 KV A where zero waveform distortion is required. Consists of motordriven "Powerstat" variable transformer, detector circllit and auxiliary transformer., The compact, plug-in control circuit is como: pietely transistorized. It will operate in any position and requires no critical adjustments; operating sensitivity is adjustable within :f::l%. Efficiency is 980/0 or better; very low internal impedance; virtually zero phase shift.. Insensitive to the magnitude and power factor of the load. Designed for 50-60 cycles AC, volts with a rating of 52 amps, 6 KVA and a correction rate of .075 sec/volt. Frequency of operation is as given in paragraphs below, except tt indicates for 60-cycleoperation only. Types marked can be converted for 20B-v. operation by simple tap changes with proportional changes in input and output voltage ranges. Units weighing over 200 lbs. shipped F.D.B. from Bristol, CQ"nectiCltt. ** I IE SERIES-INSTANTANEOUS ELECTRONIC Completely electronic--no moving parts. Provides complete correction in 3 to 10 cycles in 14, liz and 1 KVA units, and in 10 to 20 cycles in 2.5, 5 and 10 KVA types. Holds output voltage to within "'0.1 % of nominal for any load current changes or load power factor changes from .5 lagging to unity. Waveform distortion is generally under 2%, and never exceeds 3%. Incorporates overvoltage protection arrangement to allow protection when open circuit occurs in the error-detection diode or amplifier tubes. Designed for single-phase, 60 cycles duty at = 10% tolerance. TM SERIES':""TUBELESS MAGNETIC Have no tubes, transistors ~r moving parts. Developed to meet the I sec. for TM7101 and 2 sec. for TM7105B. Designed for 60 cycle need for automatic voltage regulators in unattended or critical =5% single-phase duty. Accuracy is within a 1.0'volt band at a single frequency for line voltage variations and/or load magnitude process applications where parts replacement is costly or impossible. or where conditions cannot tolerate moving parts. Voltage sensing arid power factor changes. Waveform distor.tion is 4% or less under is accomplished by means of a static reference circuit. Response, all input line and most load conditions. Load power factor range is less than liz sec. for ordinary line and/or load changes, always under 0.5 lagging to unity. SINGLE-PHASE TYPES Nominal Fig. Output -Volts -F 115 61 GZ 223 EMT4102 F 115 61 GZ 224 EMT4106B F 115 63 GZ 002 EMT4112Bt A 115 61 GZ 225 EMT4115 E 240 63 GZ 008 EMT4104Utt -------A 230 63 GZ 010 EMT4207" A 230 61 GZ 226 EMT4228B" A 63 GZ 012 EMT4407 460 A 460 63 GZ 013 EMT4418 D 115 63 GZ 014 IE51002 --D 115 61 GZ 227 IE51005 B 1E5101 115 61 GZ 228 t 115 61 GZ 229 IE5102 .... 115 63 GZ 026 IE5105 .... 115 63 GZ 027 IE5110 - 230 -D £'3 GZ 028 IE52002 D 230 63 GU 029 1E52005 B 230 63 GZ 030 IE5201 C 230 &3 GZ 031 IE5202 .... 230 63 GZ 032 IE5205 .... 230 &3 GZ 033 _IE521O .... 115 &3 GZ 034 TMilOI .... 115 63 GZ 035 TM7105B Stock No. Mfr's Type -- ._---- --- Input. Output. Max. Rat.ed Correction Voltage Voltage Output Output Rate Range Range Amps KVA Sec/Volt 110-120 95-135 17.5 2.0 .075 95-135 i10-120 .075 52.0 6.0 105-125 110-120 104.0 12.0 .15 95-135 110-120 130.0 .125 15.0 228-256 220-240 35.0 8.4 .10 --195'255 - - - -220-240 - - - - 32.5 .083 7.5 205-250 220-240 120.0 27.5 .111 400-520 440-480 .041 15.0 6.6 400-520 440-480 40.0 17.6 .041 95-135 110-120 2.2 0.25 ........... - 95-135 - - - -110-120 - - - - -4.5- 0.5 ........... 95-135 110-120 8.5 1.0 . . . . .. . . . . . 95~135 2.5 ........... 22.0 110-\.20 110-120 43.5 95-135 5.0 ........... 110_-120 87.0 95-135 10.0 ........... ---195-255 - - - 220-240 0.25 1.1 -195-255 220-240 0.5 ........... 2.2 195-255 220-240 4.5 1.0 ........... 195-255 220-240 2.5 ........... 11.0 -195-255 - - - -220-240 - - - 22.0 5.0 ........... 195-255 220-240 43.5 10.0 . . . . . .. . . . 95-135 110-120 8.5 1.0 ........... 95-135 110-120 43.5 5.0 ........... --- ........... --- . Max. Size (DWH) Shpg. Wt., EACH Lb •. 1 15xl9l1zxl1 Y." 15x19o/sxl1l1z" 15x19o/sxl1 y," 1714x26YsxI9%" 914x8l1zxIOo/s" 1714x26YsxI9%" 1714x26Ysx19%" 1714x26YsxI9%" I 714x26YsxI9%" 14x5y.jx2014" 14x5%x2014" 13x19Y,xll %" 16Ysx26Y2x12y.j" 16o/sx2614x1914" _1814x22y.jx4514" 14x5y.jx2014" 14x5y.jx2014" 13xl9l1zxl1%" 16Ysx20llzxI2y.j" 16o/sx2614x1914" 1814x22y.jx4514" 13x19l1zxllllz" 16%x2614x23Ys" 90 133 133 300 54 200 350 175 270 49 60 92 188 284 610 48 60 87 172 284 605 117 295 427,50 495,00 495,00 630.00 400,50 540,00 675,00 643,00 720.00 310,50 333,00 387.00 594.00 652.50 1476,00 310.50 333,00 387,00 562.50 654,50 1476.00 720.00 1066,50 2-49 403.75 467,50 467,50 595.00 378.25 510.00 637.50 605.75 680.00 -293,25 314.50 365.00 561,00 616.25 1394.00 293.25 304.50 365,00 531.25 &16.25 1394.00 680,00 1007.25 17%x24x4114" 17%x24x4114" 17%x24x4114" 27Ysx31y.jx4414" 27Ysx31y.jx4414" 17%x24x4114" 17%x24x4114" 17%x24x4114" 27Ysx31y.jx4414" 27Y8x3 1y.jx4414" 27Ysx31y.jx4414" 460 460 460 975 928 438 466 490 966 955 968 949.50 990.00 1080,00 1476.00 1800.00 1026.00 1102,50 1120.50 1588,50 1710,00 1800.00 896.75 935.00 1020.00 1377.00 1700.00 969,00 1041,25 1058.25 1425,00 1615.00 1700.00 THREE-PHASE TYPES 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 GZ GZ GZ GZ GZ GZ GZ GZ GZ GZ GZ 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 EMT62IOY" EMT6215Y" EMT6220Y" EMT6245Y" EMT6270D" EMT6412Y EMT6417Y EMT6425Y EMT6450Y EMT6475Y EMT64100Y 376 • ALLIED .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 230 230 230 230 230 460 460 460 460 460 460 195-255 195-255 195-255 195-255 195-255 -400-520 --400-520 400-520 400-520 400-520 420-500 220-240 220-240 220-240 220-240 220-240 440-480 440-480 440-480 440-480 440-480 440-480 25.0 38.0 50.0 113.0 -175.0 -16.0 22.0 33.0 66.0 100.0 131.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 45.0 70.0 12.5 17:5 25.0 50.0 75.0 100.0 .083 .083 .083 .25 .25 .041 .041 .041 .125 .125 .188 Voltage Regulators with Z in Stock Number Shipped by Express Only G. E. and Raytheon Voltage Regulating Devices NEW G. E. "VOLT-PAC" VARIABLE TRANSFORMERS Series of manually operated variable transthroughout. Solid-carboll brush construction formers in a wide variety of popular voltage reduces circulating currents, lowers brush and current ratings. Feature even-flow heat temperature and improves performance. Ratsink, high current capacity for physical size, iugs. arc for 60 cyclesj when used on 50 cyelt·s, exclll~ive new current coHector. "grainoutput voltages arc limited to rated input oriented" solid carbon brush design, absolutevoltages except, t call be used for 117% of zero voltage output position, specially coated rated input on 50 or 60 cycles. t60 cycles ollly. brush track, and corrosion-resistant parts *Cascd units; others are uncascd. SINGLE-PHASE, SINGLE-CORE TYPE (2 AMPS) I Stock No. Mfr'. Type -6'"'3,.--'G=0--'9"'9:- 9H30AAIOX IFig'llnput I Volts -p:- ~ ~. I I2~2x3'J12x2'¥.6' W~ I~112-99 Output Volts Amps 0-132' 2:0- EACH Max. Size Lb;: (DWH) 3 8.50 7.23 SINGLE.PHASE, SINGLE-CORE TYPES (4-30 AMPS) Stock No. 63 G 139 63 G 140 63 G 142 63 G 143 63 G 154 63 G 155 63' G 156 63 G 158 63 G 161 63 G 164 63G 167 63GXI68 63 GX 169 63GXI79 63GXI80 63GZ 181 63 GZ 182 63 GZ 183 63 GZ 184 Mfr's Type 9H40AAIOX 9H60BAI0Xt 9H60NAIOXt 9H60DAIOXt 9H60PAIOXt 9H60CAI0X 9H60CA13X* 9H60AAIOX 9H60AA13X* 9H60LAIOX 9H60LA13X* 9H75BAIOX 9H75MAIOX 9H75AAI0X 9H75AA13X* 9H8SBAIOX 9H85MAIOX 9H85AAI0X 9H85AA13X* Output Volts Volts Amps - 4.0 0-\40 120 0-120 10.0 120 0-120 13.0 120 0-240 4.0 240 0-240 240 5.5 --0-280 3.0 240 0-280 3.0 240 0-140 120 7.5 0-140 120 7.5 0-140 10.0 120 -120- 0-140 10:0 240 0-280 7.0 0-280 240 9.5 120 0-140 15.0 0-140 15.0 120 -240 - --0-280 14.0 0-280 19.0 240 120 0-140 30.0 0-140 30.0 120 Max. Size Fig. Input C C C C -CCB C B C B D D D B D D D B (OWH) 3Ysx4'%,x3'M6' 1;~:~~fr6XS' EACH W~., 6-24 25-99 Lb •• 1-5 5 ~ 11.25 10.63 44%4X5'~2X5' 10 10 10 10 10 11 10 11 4~6X51 YJ6x5" 10 'V16 xSIl 1Y16X5" 40/,6XS' ]l,6xS' 40/,6XS']I,6xS' 4'%4XS2~2xS' 40/,6x5'V,6xS' 11 17 17 17 18 4'~2x6Vsx614' 32 4YzxlO14x7'%.· 4YzxI014x9'%4' '32 32 4YzxI014x9'%4" 4'~,xlO14x9'%4' 35 4'%,x5'%2xS' 4'%4x6Vsx614" 4'%4 X 6Vsx614' 4'%4X6Vsx614' 18.50 16.65 15.73 28.00 25.20 23.80 21.00 18.90 17.85 27.00 25.50 ~ 20.00 18.00 17.00 26.00 23.40 22.10 18.00 16.20 15.30 24.00 21.60 20.40 25.00 22.50 21.25 31.00 27.90 26.35 36.00 32.40 30.60 45.00 40.50 38.25 36.00 32.40 30.60 41.00 36.90 34.85 75.00 67.50 63.75 102.00 91.80 86.70 75.00 67.50 63.75 80.00 72.00 68.00 SINGLE-PHASE, SINGLE-CORE TYPES (30-50 AMPS) I StoCk! Mfr's ! !Inputl Output Max. Size No. Type Fig. Volts VOltslAmps (OWH) 63 GZ 229 9H95AAIOXt E 120 0-140 50.0 52%"xI4YsxI314' 63 GZ 230 9H9SBAI0Xt E 240 0-280 30.0 S'%4xI4YsxI314' IW~Lb~:I __ l_l~ 65 65 EACH 120.00 102.00 120.00 102.00 THREE-PHASE, MULTIPLE-CORE TYPES (2-30 AMPS) 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 G 231 GZ 232 GZ 234 GZ 235 GZ 236 GZ 238 GZ 241 GZ 248 GZ 249 GZ 258 GZ 260 9H30AC30Xt 9H60AC30X 9H60AC33X* 9H60LC30X (R60LC33X* 9H60CC30X 9H60CC33X* 9H7SLC30X 9H75BC30X 9H85BC30X 9H95 BC30X F F F F F F F F F F F 0-240 2.0 72~,x3%,,3Vs' 11 36.00 34.00 0-280 7.5 15%,,6'%4X6' 33 55.35 52.28 0-280 7 ..5 153*4X6'%4X6' 36 71.10 67.15 0-280 10.0 15%x6'%"x6' 33 82.80 78.20 0-280 10.0 153*4X6'%4X6' 36 99.00 93.50 ~ 0-560 ~ 15%x6'%4X6' ~ 62.55 56.08 480 0-560 3.0 153*4X6'%4X6' 36 78.30 73.95 240 0-280 20.0 15%x6'%4X6' 56 139.50 131.75 480 0-560 7.0 15%x6'%"x6', 56 I 13.40 107.10 480 0-560 14.0 15'*,x\O'')1,x94%4' 110 222.30 209.95 480 0-560 30.0 19x14Yzx16Yz' 230 346.50327.25 240 240 240 240 240 RAYTHEON AUTOMATIC VOLT AGE REGULATORS LINE AND FILAMENT VOLTAGE STABILIZERS Magnetic voltage regulators for use wherNo adjustment or calibration is required. ever line-voltage variations can affect the Two or more regulators may be connected performance or operating life of eJectrical in parallel for greater power-handling caand electronic equipment. Maintain output pacity. Output is isolated from line; units voltage within ± 1 % of rated value despite can be used for servicing AC-DC radios and AC input voltage fluctuations of ± 15% or series-wired TV ~ets. All primaries are for more. Correction is rapid and fully auto- I 95-130 volts, 60 cycle AC. Deliver 117 volts matic; moving parts, vacuum tubes and regulated. normal waveform (20·25% harother limited-life elements are not employed. monic content) AC. Stock 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 No. G 188 G 189 G 190 G 369 GU 192 GZ 193 GZ 194 Mfr'. Type RVA-15S RVA-30S RVA-60S RVA-120S RVA-2S0S RVA-500S RVA-I000S Fig. G G G G G G H Watts Output 15 30 60 120 250 500 1000 Size (HWO) 4o/,6x2Yzx5%' 5¥'6x2 Yzx5%' 514x314x5Vs' 60/,6X4Yzx9Yz' 7'Y16X4Yzx9Yz' 10¥.6X4Y2X9Yz' 9xI0,,16%' W~., I_..,---,-...,.-=E",A",C",H.:-,---,"i"":-:-Lb •. ~~~ 3 15.00 13.50 12.75 5 20.00 18.00 17.00 9 25.00 22.50 21.25 14 33.00 29.70 28.05 24 49.00 44.10 41.65 39 77.00 69.30 65.45 59 128.00 115.70 108.80 GD STANDARD PLATE-FILAMENT VOLTAGE REGULATORS Plate-filament type transformers for use in and 130 volts. All have AC capacitors for DC power supplies requiring good regulabridging high voltage secondary, and doubletion under varying line voltage conditions. shell, semi-shielded upright cases. *Has exVoltages remain within ±3% of rated outtra 6.3 VCT @ 8 amp (unregulated) windput despite input variations between 100 ing For 110-130 v 60 cycle AC " Plate Stock Mfr's Shpg. 5V 6.3VCT Size EACH Type @ No. @ (HWO) Wt. VCT _1_ M'a (, f G IB4 RVC-40·570S 570 --so- -~ ~ 4Vsx3Y32x314" ~ 12.00 6 I G 185 RVC-70-800S 800 110 2A 3A 8lbs. 4Vsx3~x4' 15.00 250 3A 4A* 191bs. 7Ysx4o/axSYs' 27.00 ?-I G 186 RVC-18S-780S 780 Allied Is Your Headquarters for Industrial Components at OEM Prices Allied also handles semiconductors, special purpose lubes, "Raysistors" and other qu~lity products by Raytheon. See the index of this catalog for complete listings. ALLlED.377 ISOLAIr;] Constant Voltage Transformers AUTOMATIC, INSTANTANEOUS REGULATORS • Ultra-Fast Regulating Action • Response Time 1 Y2 Cycles or Les. TYPE CVS • Self-Protecting Against Short Circuit • • Negligible External Field • Fully Automatic-Continuous Regulation • No Manual Adiustments Required STANDA~D SINUSOIDAL VOLTAGE REGULATORS-60 to 7500 VA. voltage variations of 15%. Displaying fast regulating action, response time· is usually 1 Yz cycles or less. Structure Code (see illustrations, above): W-exposed core; end housings, screw-type terminals in outlet box; Y-same as W, but duplex assembly; Z-same as W, but triplex assembly. Outline dimensions are nominal, subject to manufacturing tolerance of ±J,1," to ± Ys". For single-phase 60-cycle AC only. 50-cycle units are a.ailable on special order. Write us for a quotation-gi.e details concerning your application. Constant-voltage transformers for equipment requiring stable, undistorted voltage. Especially suited for applications where line voltage is to be transformed and rectified, and where close DC output-voltage regulation is necessary. Absence of moving or renewable parts, or manual adjustment, eliminates need for routine maintenance and spare parts stock. Excellent for equipment which is sensitive to, or is affected by. harmonics in supply voltage. Total rms harmonic distortion is a maximum of 3% at full rated load. Output voltage is constant within 1 % regardless of input 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 Stock Mfrrs No. G 517 G 447 GU SIB GU 44B GU 646 GU 449 GU 647 GU 450 GZ 451 Type Output. Volts 23-13-060 23-23-060 23-22-112 23-23-112 23-22-125 23-23-125 23-22-150 23-23-150 23-25-210 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118/236 62 GZ 452 61 GZ 991 23-26-210 23-25-220 118/236 118/236 62 GZ 453 61 GZ 992 23-26-220 23-25-230 118/236 118/236 62 GZ 454 62 GZ 458 23-26-230 23-25-250 118/236 118/236 61 GZ 993 61 GZ 994 23-26-250 23-28-275 118/236 118/236 Input. Volts 95-130 190-260/380-520 95-130/190-260 190-260/.,80-520 95-130/190-260 190-260/380-520 95-130/190-260 190-260/380-520 95-130/175-235 190-260 190-260/380-520 95-130/175-235 190-260 190-260/380-520 95-130/175-235. 190-260 190-260/380-520 95-130/175-235 190-260 190-260/280-520 190-260/280-520 Cap. VA 60 60 120 120 250 250 500 500 Nominal Dimensions (In.) Outline Mounting 6'~6x4xSY16 6'~6x4x5Y16 3x3!1 3x3!1 3x3!1 3x3!1 4Ysx4% 4Ysx4% 5o/sx8Ys 5o/sx8Ys 8x4l<5Y16 8x4xSY16 9%xS%x7rt6 1OXS% x77116 12rt6x9x6rt6 12rt6x9~6rt6 Struc.. Wt., tura Lb •. ·w 10 W 10 W 14 W 14 W 28 28 w W 47 47 W 1000 1000 17'916X9x6rt6 5%x8Ys 5%x8Ys w w 2000 2000 19'~6x12%K10'Ji6 19'~6X12%xlO'Ji6 4Yzx11% 4Vzxll% W W 3000 3000 21'l'sx12%x10'Ji6 21'l'sx12%x10'Ji6 6rt6X11% 6rt6 X 11% W W 5000 5000 7500 2~6x25'Y16x1O'Ji6 5rt6x241 Y16 5rt0x241Y16 5rt6x3714 11' 20'l'sx25'Y16X1O'Ji6 20o/,6X3814x11Ji6 17'~6x9x6rt6 y Z EACH 5-9 1-4 3D.iiO 27.'00 32.00 3B.00 41.00 52.00 5&.00 81.00 B6.00 28.80 34.20 36.90 46.80 50.40 72.90 77.40 80 135.00 135.00 121.50 121.50 -80183 18., 245.00 245.00 270 330.00 330.00 270 -475 475 710 515.00 515.00 900.00 10-24 25-49 25.50 27_20 32.30 34.B5 44.20 47.60 68.85 73.10 24.00 25.60 30.40 32.80 41.60 44.80 64.BO 6B.BO 114.75 114.75 10B.00 10B.00 -........ ........ ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ........ ........ .. ...... ........ . ....... -- -----........ ........ . ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ TYPE CVN NORMAL.HARMONIC VOLTAGE REGULATORS-15 to 10,000 VA Static-magnetic line-voltage regulators. Have all voltage-stabilizing characteristics of the CVS types above, except output wave shape is not sinusoidal. Provide constant output-voltage within 1%, with extremely wide input variations-easily handle fluctuations of up to 30%. Adjust rapidly to changes-recovery is generally within 1 Yz cps or less. Reliable voltage sources for all electrical loads not affected by harmonics in the supply voltage, such as filaments, relays, solenoids, etc. Have no moving or renewable parts. Require Stock Mfr'. No_ 6i'G 978 62 G434 62 G 435 62 G 436 62 G 657 62 G 65B 62 eli 43B 62 G440 62 G 659 62 G442 62 GU 61B 62 GU 660 62 GU 433 62 GU 661 62 GU 437 62 GU439 62 GZ 662 62 GZ 4B7 63 GZ 198 Type 61 GZ 988 61 GZ9B9 61 GZ 990 20-10-015 20-11-015 20-14-015 20-14-030 20-13-030 20-13-060 20-14-060 20-14-112 20-13-112 20-21-112 20-13-115 20-13-125 20-23-125 20-13-150 20-23-150 20-24-150 20-13-210 20-20-210 20-25-220 .20-25-230 20-27-250 20-26-310 378 • AlliED Voltage Rating Out.put Input. 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 236 118 118 118 118 118 236 118 118 118/236 118/236 118/236 118/236 Cap. VA 95-130 15 95-130 15 95-130 15 95-130 30 95-130 30 95-130 60 95-130 60 95-130 120 95-130 120 190-260 120 95-130 150 250 95'130 190-260/380-520 250 95-130 500 190-260/380-520 500 190-260/380-520 500 95-130 1000 190-260 1000 95-130/175-235 190-260 2000 95-130/175-235 190-260 3000 190-260/380-520 5000 190-260/380-520 10,000 virtually no maintenance. Current"limiting characteristic constantly protects load from excessive currents. St1"\lcture Code (illustrl'-tions, above): D-drawn case, integral capacitor, flex leads; E-exposed core, end bells, separate capacitor, flex leads; ~hermetical1y .ealed case, separate capacitor, solder lugs. W, Y, Z Code given . under Type CVS. Inputs are for single-phase 60-cycle only. 50-cycle units are a.ailable on special order. Write us for a price quotation. Give details concerning your application. Nominal Size (I nches) Mounting 5Ji6X1 Ys 3x1Yz 1%x1'l's 1'l'sx2% 3x3Yz 3x3Yz 2Yzx3'l's 2Yzx3'l's 3x3Yz 3x3Yz 4Ysx4% 4%x6Ys 4"/ax6Ys 4%x6Ys 4%x6Ys 4%x6Ys 4%x6Ys 4%x6Ys Outline 5~6X2o/sx3Yz 514x3Yzx214 4Y,0x2%x2rt6 ~6x2o/sx3~6 6"4x5~6 "u 4' ~ 4' ~6 7%x 6 7'l'sx 8'l'sxSYsx7rt6 11 YsX6'~6x6rt6 11Ysx6'916x6rt6 Struc .. Wt., t.ure Lb •. D 4 s E E w w E E. .4 3 5 7 10 8 11 13 13 22 25 25 36 36 EACH 1-4 20.00 14.00 16.00 20.00 25.00 21.00 29.00 33.00 33.00 40.00 49.00 49.00 77.00 77.00 77.00 12B.00 12.8.00 12Yzx6'~6x6rt6 15Ysx6'~6x6rt6 15Ysx6'~6x6rt6 4o/,6x9Yz 20xlOYzxlO'J16 W:~- 166 232.00 6rt6x9Yz 7x13 22x·iljYzx101J16 21X14Vzx14Ys 21x29rt6X14Ys w 230 315.00 279 490.00 590 925.00 7x27'~6 W y 36 54 54 10-24 26-49 """i5.OO 13:50 I2.7S 12.00 w w w W w w w w w w 12916X6'~6x6rt6 12~6X6'~6x6rt6 6-9 IB.OO 12.60 14.40 18.00 22.50 IB.90 26;10 29.70 29.70 3&.00 44.10 44.10 69.30 69.30 69.30 115.20 115.20 17.00 11.90 13.60 17.00 2T:25 17.85 24.65 28.05 2B.05 34.00 41.65 41.65 65.45 65.45 65.45 IOB.80 IOB.80 16.00 11.20 12.BO 16.00 20.00 16.80 23.20 26.40 26.40 32.00 39.20 39.20 61.60 61.60 6T:6O 102.40 102.40 ....... ---- --- ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .' Everything in_Electronics From One. Dependable Sourc:;e Provide +1 cro Voltage Regulation I SOLAI~ ELECTRONIC POWER TYPES Type CVF. Constant-voltage transformers provide a closely regulated output for 6 or 6.3-volt filaments. Output is constant within 1 % regardless of input voltage fluctuations of up to 15%. Stabilized voltage supply contributes to reliable operation, long life and reduced service expense for load equipment. Incorporate all the features of CVN types on facing page. except they are designed to operate at low voltages. See explanation of Structure Codes on the faci~lg page. Type eVE. Constant-voltage plate-filament transformers provide regulated B+ and filament voltages for your most critical requirements. Output voltages are regulated to within 3% of their values evell with input voltage variations as high as 15%. Input range is 100-130 volts. 'Has additional 6.3 volt. 8-amp unregulated filament winding. For use \vith 60-cyc1e single-phase only. Oil-filled capacitor with mounting brackets is furnished. See explanation of Structure Code on facing page. TYPE CVF-FOR FILAMENT SERVICE-2.5 TO 25 AMPS Stock No. 61 62 61 62 62 63 63 &3 63 Output Volts Mfr's Type 20-01-015 20-06-015 20-02-015 20-0.1-015 20-04-015 20-04-0.10 20-04-065 20-04-095 20-04-116 976 443 977 444 445 G 193 G 194 G 195 GU 197 G G G G G --6.0 6.0 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 Input Volts Cap. Amps Nominal Dimensions (In.) Outline Mou nting 95-130 95-130 95-1.10 95-130 95-130 95-1.10/190-260 95-130/190-260 9S-130/190-260 9S-130/190-260 2.50 2.50 2.38 2.38 2.38 5.0 10.0 IS.O 2S.0 5o/,6X2o/ax3Yz" 4116X2%x2Vt6" 5o/,6X2o/ax3Yz" 4'116X2%x2Vt6" I, Struc- -ture D SV,6xl Ya" Lbs. 6 l%xIVs' E 4 D SV,6x l Ya" 6 S l0/4xl'i8" 4 l%xIVs" E 4 --- --2!/zXZV,6" E 6 E 7 2Yzx2'Y16' 2Yzx3o/a" E 11 E 23 3o/ax4Vs" 4'1'16 X 2%x2Y16" 4'Y16xJYax3Ys" 4'o/,6X3Vsx3%" 4'o/,6X3Vsx4'Y16" 7x4YzxS'Y16' EACH Wt .• 1-4 --15.00 14.00 15.00 20.00 14.00 --16.00 20.00 24.00 35.00 10-24 5-9 --13.50 - - -12.75 12.60 11.90 13.50 12.75 18.00 17.00 12.60 11.90 --- --14.40 12.80 18.00 16.00 21.60 19.20 31.50 28.00 25-49 12.00 11.20 12.00 16.00 11.20 --12.00 15.00 18.00 26.25 TYPE CVE-FOR PLATE-FILAMENT SERVICE-50 TO 250 MA Mfr's Typical RecType tificr Tube Stock No. 7104 7106 7107 62 G 669 62 G 670 62 G 671 SY3 5Y3 5U4 Av. DCV Fil. Windings to Filter 275 @ $0 rna 385 @ 100 rna 380 @ 250 rna 6.3 V 15.0 V 2.SA; CT 2A 3A; CT 2 A 4A* 3 A Nominal Dimensions (In.) Outline Mounting 4'Y16 X3 Yax3Y16" 4'o/16X3 Yax3'o/J6" 7x4!/zx4'i8" 1 Struc .. Wt., ture Lbs. 2!/zx21/s" E 2Yzx2Vs" 3o/ax3%' E E 6 8 19 EACH -1-9 - -\10-49150-99 -----12.00 10.80 9.60 15.00 13.50 12.00 27.00 24.30 21.60 SOLATRON LINE-VOLTAGE REGULATORS FAST, CLOSE TOLERANCE, OPERATING IN THE 1 TO 100 KVA RANGE These line-voltage regulators offer 3 to 10-cycle response time to changes of line voltage and load conditions. Initiate corrective action the instant output departs from nominal-before voltage approache~ the boundaries of the ±I % regulation envelope. Output voltage is held constant within ± 1 % for variations of zero to 100% load and ±IO% line voltage (20% line if ±20% Solatron). Efficiency is 98% at full load and rated output voltage. No harmfUl wave form distortion. Built for easy servicing and replacement. the major portion of the control circuit is in a handy plug-in package. Complete control circuit with all control components is mounted on end panel that is removable by means Stock No. 62 62 62 64 64 64 64 64 GZ GZ GZ GZ GZ GZ GZ GZ 428 429 432 360 361 362 363 364 Voltage Mfr's Type Output Input 31-13-250 31-21-250 31-21-275 31-13-230 32-21-230 31-13-275 32-1.1-250 32-21-275 110-133 220-260 220-260 110-133 220-260 110-13.1 110-133 220-260 =10% =10% ::1::10% =10% :1:20% ::1::10% =20% ::!:::20% of four readily accessible connectors on terminals and five mounting screws. Absence of core saturation results in no stray magnetic field or high-temperature core. Excellent short-time overload characteristics. Class F insulation permits operation in high ambient temperatures. For either horizontal or vertical mounting. Compact design-these units are smaller and lighter than most voltage regulators. All power-handling windings are combined on one magnetic structure, no electronic components in power-handling circuitsno RF interference from SCR's. All are single-phase, 47-70 cycle and are suitable for connection in threephase configurations. Nominal Dimensions (In.) KVA 5. 5 7.5 3 3 7.5 5 7.5 Wt .• Overall Mounting Lbs. 16%xllxIOVs' 16%xllx!07/a" IS%xllxI07/a" 14%xllxIOVs" 17Yzx11xIOVs' 18%xllxIOVs" 160/4x21 !.:(XlO'Yt6H 9Yzx6\4" 9Yzx6\4" 9YzxS\4" 9Yzx6\4' 9Yzx6!/4" 9YzxS\4" 9Yzx6\4" 18%x21 YtX1O'V,6" 9Yzx8\4" 98 98 135 68 68 134 20.1 20.1 EACH 465.00 465.00 535.00 405.00 540.00 535.00 635.00 685.00 400-CYCLE CVS CONSTANT-VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS The new 400-cycle CVS constant voltage transformer (Figure D. above) provides stabilized output voltage even when extremely wide variations in input voltage are encountered. Compact and light \veight, the 400-cycIc CVS is designed for such exacting component applications as ground-support equipment, invertors. data processing and many types of critical communication equipment. Transformer features lIS-volt regulated output ± 1 % nominal 64 64 64 64 64 Stock Mfr's No. No. 43-1.1-060 43-13-112 43-13-125 43-13-150 43-13-210 G G GU GU GU 365 366 367 380 381 Mtg. Ctrs. VA Transformer Di mensions (ABC) 60 120 250 500 1000 5%x3%x3Yt6' 5%x3%x3Vs' (DE) 2%x2Yt6" 3%x2Vs' 71Yt6X4o/ax3%" 8%x6x3%" 3%x2!/Z" 3%x2%" 5x2%' 7'Yt6X4%x3Y2~ SCHEMATIC WIRING DIAGRAM tolerance. ± 1 % line regulation. and ± I % load regulation from fulIload to no-load. Input is 115 volts nominal (95-130). Available in ratings ranging from 60 to 1000 volt-amperes. Furnished complete with varnished core and coils. Provides less than 3% total rms harmonic content. Engineered to safely operate at 50 0 C ambient temperature. Oil-filled capacitor (Figure C. above) is included and is rated for 400-cycle operation. Capacitor Dimensions (HW D) 2Vaxl'Y16X1Y16" 4%x2Yzx1Yt6n 4%x3%x2Yz" 4%x3% x37t6" 5Vsx4o/,6X3% " Let Allied Fill All Your Transformer Needs at OEM Prices Wt., Lb •. 5 7 14 16 23 EACH 1-4 5-9 10-24 25-49 --- --- --- --36.00 32.40 30.60 28.80 50.00 45.00 42.50 40.00 68.00 61.20 57.80 54.40 85.00 76.50 73.25 68.00 115.00 103.50 97.50 92.00 ALLIED· 379 Selected Voltage Regulation Equipment .- ,S-O-LA---'II~I:I _ • IpRECISION-REGULATED, DRIFT-FREE POWER SUPPLIES "QSA" ADJUSTABLE DC POWER SUPPLIES qp ~---------------~~~~~------, . ~;~ CHECK T~ESE FEATURES Fully Transistorized for Solid~State Reliability Adiustable from o to Rated DC Output Voltage Close-Tolerance Line and load Voltage Regulation "Automatic-Reset" Electronic Circuit.. Breaker·for Com .. plete Protection Without Output Fuses • Response Time of less Than 50 Microseconds • • • • New "QSA" line of DC power supplies designed for bench. lab and OEM applications. Units are fully transistorized for cool. reliable. and highly efficient operation. Just dial desired voltage to save valuable engineering honrs or reduce lead-time in delivering finished systems. Supply voltages are adjustable from 0 to rated DC output. Each QSA unit automatically provides line and load voltage regulation. Response time is less than 50 I'sec for 10% line changes at any load. and for y, maximum load current change. Electronic circuit-breaker automatically resets after interruption-no fuses to replace. Static line and load regulation, ±0.05% or 5 mv. whichever is greater. Ripple and noise. less than 1 mv rms. Thermal drift. less than .025%/oC. Ambient operating temperature. QOC to 40°C. Has provision for remote sensing. Features convection cooling-no moving parts for longer life and quieter operation. Designed for standard 19" relay rack panel mounting. Size. 3 Y,x 19xI3". For 105-125 v. 57-440 cycle AC single phase only. Choose from 7 models in table below. Shpg. Adjustable Max. Stock Mfr's Output EACH Output Wt. No. Type (Lb •• ) VDC Range Current 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 GU GU GU GU GU GU GU BII 815 816 817 818 819 821 SOLA CVDC FIXED OUTPUT POWER SUPPLIES Provide "brute force" DC regulation 1 % for ±15% line input voltage variation. Withstand heavy short-time overload. Rms ripple. 1 %. except * y, %. Negative or positive DC polarity. Typical efficiency. 75%. Standard 19" relay rack mounting. For operation from 100130 v .• 60 cycle AC. Stock 62 62 62 62 62 62 64 64 64 64 64 64 No. GZ 636 GZ 637 GZ 638 GZ 639 GZ 640 GZ 641 GZ 382 GZ 383 GZ 384 GZ 385 GZ 386 GZ 387 Mfr's Output Ratings Type Watts V. 281024-1 144 """24 281048 192 48 281125 250 125 281150 300 150 *281200 200 200 *281250 250 250 281513-1 60 6 281514-1 60 12 281515-1 90 18 281203 360 24 28626 224 28 281561 480 48 Wt. A. 6 4 2 2 I 1 10 5 5 15 8 10 34 145.00 37 135.00 44 145.00 48 145.00 39 140.00 4S 150.00 31 150.00 26 115.00 28 120.00 55 250.00 48 180.00 50 185.00 Mfr's Output Load-Amps Type 979 285110 614285120 615 285130 632 285140 No. 6I 62 62 62 GZ GZ GZ GZ Range Mln.Y. Max.y. 5-35v. 25-60v. 30-90v. 60-180v. 7.0 7.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 2.8 1.4 5·9 10·24 130.50 121.50 130.50 130.50 126.00 135.00 135.00 103.00 107.00 187.00 162.00 166.00 116.00 108.00 116.00 116.00 112.00 120.00 120.00 92.00 96.00 200.00 144.00 148.00 2A SA IA 3A SA IA 3A 23 24 23 24 25 23 25 275.00 310.00 275.00 310.00 335.00 310.00 335.00 STANDARD ELECTRIC ~-.Il-)'Ott~ INSTANTANEOUS AUTOMATIC AC VOLTAGE REGULATOR,S IVR-I-IOC IVR-I-25R Offer regulation accuracy of ±.1 % while line varies from 95-130 v. Adjustable output from 110-120 v. 90% efficiency at full load with only 3% max. distortion. Front panel has output meter. voltage control, on-off switch and circuit fuses. Unit is protected by circuit breakers. Ambient temp. range O·C to 40·C. Line cord furnished with Type IVR-I-10C only. Others have solderless terminal boards .. Suffix R indicates model for rack mtg.; suffix C have two-tone gray and mauve hammertone cabinets. For 60 cycle AC only. Stock 61 61 64 64 No. GZ 634 GZ 635 GZ 388 GZ 389 Mfr'a KVA Output Wt. Size EACH: Type Rating Amps Lbo. IVR-I-IOC I ----:s:7 11 Yax21%x15y..- 115 435.00 IVR-I-25C 2.5 22.0 12Vax21%xI5y..- 220 665.00' IVR-I-IOR 8.7 8%x19xll" I ,,95405.00 IVR-I-25R 2.5 22.0 IOYzxI9xI4Y," 195 610.00 VR SERIES ELECTRO-MECHANICAL AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE REGULATORS EACH 1-4 6-9 10-24 325.00 325.00 295.00 295.00 292.50 292.50 265.50 265.50 276.25 276.25 250.75 250.75 SOLA TRANSFORMER REGULATED AC VOLTAGE SUPPLY Type 23-90-150 constant-voltage transformer for equipment requiring stable. undistorted voltage, Output ±1% with 15% line variation. Rms harmonic distortion. 3% max. Regulating time. 1 Yz cycles or less. Output. 115 v. fixed and 20-130 v. variable. For 100-130 v. single phase 60cycle AC. Capacity. 500 VA. 9x9xI2Y,". Rack mtg. or· bench-top use. 731bs. 62 GZ481 ........................................... 275.00 380 • ALLIED 0-9V 0-9V O-18V 0-18V 0-18V 0-36V 0-36V EACH 1.4 SOLA CVDC VARIABLE-OUTPUT POWER SUPPLIES Electrically similar to above but have adjustable output. Rms ripple less than Y,%. Ammeter and voltmeter on front panel. Voltage control between meters for output adjustment. Have on-off switch. fuse. pilot light. front and rear outputs. For 19" racks. 7xI9xI2y..". Wt .• 801bs. Stock 80-9-1200 80-9-1500 80-18-11CO 80-18-1300 80-18-1500 80-36-1100 80-36-1300 VR-I-SOC VR-I-75R VR Series motor-operated units feature AC regulation of ±.5% while line varies from 95-135 v. Output adjustable from 110-120 v. Speed of regulating action •.05 sec/v. with no distortion. Panel has output voltage and regulator controls. voltmeter. input power breaker. pilot lights. control circuit switch and fuse. Suffix R indicates rack mtg.• C include'S case. For 60 cycle AC only. Stock No. 64.GZ390 64 GZ 391 64 GZ 392 64 GZ 393 Mfr's KVA . Ou1:p~~ Type .. Rating Amps. VR-I-50R - 5 - 44 ' '5 VR-I-50C 44 . VR-I-75R 7.5 66 VR-I-75C 7.5 66 Size Wt. EACH Lb•• 8%xI9xll' 90 495.00 11 Yax21%d5y..· 110 525.00 lOY,xI9xI4Y,- , 100 545.00 12Vax2l%xI5y.." 122 575.00 Let Allied Fill Your Voltage Regulator Needs-At OEM Prices DC Power Supplies, AC line Regulator LAB-QUALITY REGULATORS by PERKINS ELECTRONICS FOR RACK OR BENCH-AC AND DC UNIITS TRANSISTORIZED DC POWER SUPPLIES "'IAA,~~.I , ~~ Model TVCR040·05. Provides true voltage. and current regulation. Features remote voltage/current programming, adjustable voltage/current limiting, series or parallel operation. remote sensing, short-circuit and "overshoot" protection. Positive or negative grounding. Output imp.: 10 milliohms max. at DC. Temp. range: to SO°C. Convection cooling. Dual scale meter: 0·50 v.: 0·600 rna DC. 514x8'1ax\O%". Less racks. Model MTVR040·1. Offers remote voltage'programming, adjustable current limiting', series or parallel operation. remote sensing, short-circuit and "overshoot" protection. Positive or negative grounding. Output imp.: 10 milliohms max. at DC. Temp. range: to 52°C in moving air; 45°C natural convection. Control~ include AC on/off switch, "on" indicator lamp, screwdriver-adjust for voltage/cnrrent limit, monitoring jacks. Terminal strip on rear. 4%x7Vax9'1a". Less racks. SPECIFICA TIONS TVC R040·05 Parameter DC Output AC Input MTV R040·1 0-40 v. @ 0-1 amps ()·40 v. @ O·SOO rna IOS·12S·v., 47·420 ~ Line Regulation: Vo1tage Current Static Load Regulation: Voltage Current Dynamic Line Regulation Dynamic Load Regulation Ripple and Noise: Voltage Current Recovery Time Temperature Coefficient: IOS·12S v., 47·420 cycle. Hing1e phase cycle. single phase =1:::.0.01% or =.1::2 mv =1:::.0.02% or =1:::50 ILa ±0.01% or :1:2 mv =1:::0.01% or :1:2 mv :±:0.02% to :±:50 ILa :1:10mvfor ::::I::I0VAC step change ::!::: 100 mv no load to full load ::!:::0.01% or ::!:::2 mv 100 p.v RMS O.S rna RMS less than 200 25 microseconds 50 microseconds Voltage Reg. Mode '" .01 %;oC or '" 2 mv Current Reg. Mode ::!:::.02%fOC or ::::1::50 J.l.U :±: 10 mv for =1:::.10 VAC step change ::!::: 100 mv no load to fuHload p.v RM S +.01 %;oC or +2 mv 1--------- Stability: Voltage Reg. Mode Current Reg. Mode 64 64 64 64 64 64 :±: .05%/oC or ::!::: 10 mv +.05%/oC or +10 mv ::i:: 0.1 % /oC or ::I:: 250 ILa 239,00 GU 409. Model TVCR040·05. Wt., 12 lbs ................... GU 412. Type 5177 Single. Rack Mount. Wt., 11/z lbs .............. 12.00 GU 414. Type 5176 Dual·Rack Mount. Wt., IV. lbs .............. ;12.00 185.00 GU 410. Model MTVR040·1. Wt., 13 lbs ..................... GU 41B. Type 6151 Single·Rack Mount. Wt., 11/z lb•.............. 12.00 GU 420. Type 6150 Dual·Rack Mount. Wt .. 1 V. lbs ............... 12.00 MODEL MTLRIOOO AC LINE REGULATOR-I KVA No moving parts-combines magnetic amplifier circuit with a transistorized preamp. Features remote sensing, automatic-resetting thermal devices for overload protection, natural convection cooling. AC input; 95-135 v., (,() cycles, ±10%. AC output: 110·120 volts. Regulation: ±0.2% for line changes from 105·125 volts and no·load·to full·load; ±0.5% from 95·135 volt,S. Response time: 0.05·0.1 seconds for line or load changes. Load range: n·8·5 amps. Ambient temp.: +55°C. Power factor range: 0:7 lagging to n.9 leading. Total harmonic distortion: 3% max. 514xI7xI61/z". 60 lbs. 64 GU 411 ................. : ................................ 378.00 Model MTLR1000 PLUG-IN INSTRUMENTS INC. MILWAUKEE ELECTRONICS REGULA TED DC POWER SUPPLIES REGULATED DC POWER SUPPLY MODULES Solid·state power supplies-ideally suited for small transistorized electronic and instrumentation equipment. Output is completely isolated from the input, for either positive or negative ground. Positive grounding gives least noise. May be protected from short·circuits and overloads by connecting an external fuse between proper pins. Output impedance, 0.1 ohm. Operating tempera· ture range: 32°F to 120°F. Units are designed to operate with an input of 105·125 v .. 50·70 cycles AC. Input current, approximately 75 mao 1 milli· volt. Convenient slip·on case makes all parts readily aceesoible. C,"se size, less plug, 3x2x2". High·quality octal receptacle is furnished. Gray baked enamel finish. Sllpg. wt., 2 lbs. Inquire for prices on quantities larger than those shown. Stock No. Mfr'i Type, Output Regulat.lon EACH VDCI MA Line%ILoad% 1.4/5.,4116_49 64 (; 209 SPS·201O·P 12 0·175 ±0.05 ±O.1 59.5054.9350.57 64 G 218 SPS·2018·F 15 1°.125 ±0.04 ±0.08 57.50 53.IB 48,87 64 ·G 219 SPS·2011·P 24 10·90 ±0.02 ±O.OS 57.50 53.IB 4B.B7 Compact, transistorized DC modules designed for use in laboratory and product test equipment, transistorized circuitry, as a precision DC reference voltage, a regulated bias supply, etc. Elec· trical isolation of input from the output allows either positive or negative grounding. No damage will result from momentary overloads or continuous short circuits. Output may be easily adjusted ±5% with a screwdriver. Line and load regulation, ±0.05 %. RMS ripple, 1 microvolt. Operating temperature, to maximum of +60°C with suitable heat-sink on base. For operation from 105·125 v .. 49·420 cycles AC. Power supply modules have 4 convenient turret· type solder terminals. Black baked·enamel finish. Av. shpg. wt.. 8lbs. Stock No. 64 64 64 64 G G G G 272 273 274 275 Mfr'. Output VDC Amps HWD Type ME·PS·6·1.5 6:3 O·1.S S')1sx-rnsx3')1s" ME·PS·6·3 6.3 0·3 6Vax4'V,sx4" ME·PS·12-2.5 12 0·2.5 6 ;Y;sxSv,sx-rns" ME·PS-28·1.5 28 0·1.5 6';Y;sx5)1sx4;Y;s" Depend on Allied for Off-the-Shelf Delivery in Industrial Quantities EACH 1.9 10-24 142.50 192.50 190.00 165.00 135.35 IB2.B5 I BO.50 156.75' ALLIED. 381 Selected AC and DC .Power Supply Equipment PS·39590 "Scope·O·Trol." Can· eels ou t DC increment for true scopic observation of DC and AC steady state and transient voltage changes. Provides reg· ulation of :1:.005% for :I: 15% line change @ 115 v. Output: 0·52 v. DC :I:.015%/hr • •002% ripple. Adjustments in ., Compacf. Lightweight Design 6 overlapping 10V steps. 12 Yz x8x6". For 110·12$ v.. 60 ., No Need for Ballery Stacks cycle AC. 10 Ibs. ., Solid Sial.. Circuitry 64 GZ 425,..•••••• 215.00 UNFILTERED, NON·REGULATED DC VOLTAGE POWER SUFPLlES Sturdily built. economically priced power supplies designed for manual regulation of saturable core reac· tors. Has DC ammeter, fuse, indio eating light,· combination off.on switch and circuit breaker, plus in· put voltage regulator. Rugged sili· con rectifiers provide full·wave di· rect circuit output. Variable output: 0·100 volts DC. Input: 100·120 V., . Type watts., Am p. 60 cycles. Size, without enclosing , - - - - - - case, 10YzxI9x4'lf1". Suitable for PS-39887 300 3 standard rack mounting. Shpg. wt., 500 5 25 Ibs. PS-39888 64 au 426. PS·39887.1·4 .. EACH 170.00 5,9...... EACH 141.00 G4 au 427. PS·39888. 1·4 •. EACH 207.00 5·9 ...... EACH 173.00 I REGULATED DC POWER SUPPLIES Type No. PS· -64 au 431 41423 '64 aU432 41424 64 au 433 41425 -----WIVIA 150 24 6.0 200 250 48 125 4.0 2.0 1·4 143.00 133.00 143.00 I 129.00 5.9 \ I 18.00 129.00 Lights, Circuits, Etc. • Conveniently Lightweight and Compact Input: 95·130 V.; 60 Cycles Input: 120 v. :I: 15%; 60 Cycles Output: 0·45 v. DC; 0·2.5 Amps Output. 0·50 v. DC; 0·5 Amps Maximum Regulation: 5% Ripple: Less Than 1% Portable and standard rack power supplies designed specifi· cally for laboratory use. Lightweight and compact -enough to be carried to testing areas. Completely eliminate need for battery stacks as wetl as battery instability factor. Suitable for transistor testing, circuit testing; provide regulated voltage for light testing. Continuously variable filtered DC output range of Models PS·6757 and.PS·l·6757: 0·45 v,,'O·2.5 amps, stabilized :1:1% at any setting regardless of AC fluctuation; Model PS·39600: 0·50 v., 0·5 amps. Input of Models PS·6757 and PS·l·6757: 95·130 v., @60 cycles for 45.volt DC output; Model PS·39600: 120 v. :1:15% @ 60 cycles for SO volt DC output. Approximately 5% voltage regulation between futl load and no load at full voltage setting. Sizes, Model PS·6757: 7%xll Yzx4"; PS·\·6757 and PS·39600: 5!/.oxI9x7Y~". 64 GU 428. P5·6757. Portable Model. 23 lbs ...••••••• 123.00 64 GU 429. PS·I·6757.'Std. Rack Model. 21Ibs........ 145.00 64 GU 430. PS·39600. Std. Rack Model. 21 lb•...••••• 168.00 • Features Solid State Rectifiers. for Long Life. Dependability • 0·25 VDC at 5 Milliamperes EACH Output. Ratings • No Need for Ballery Stacks • Vers~tile-Tests Transistors, UNFILTERED, NON·REGULA TED DC SIGNAL DEVELOPER POWER SUPPLY ;"tandard rack models that recover from '10 load to full load change in 0.1 second; response time from max. excursion avero.ges 7Yz% during a 20% load change. Resonant circuitry limits current to 150· 250% of max. rating. 100·130 v .• 60 cycle input. Less than 1 % ripple. 5!/.oxI9x7%". Av. wt., 25 Ibs. Stock PORTABLE, STANDARD RACK DC POWER SUPPLIES 10.24 114.00 105.00 114.00 MODEL PS-39787. I>esigned to provide the necessary dire~t current for the signal control circuit of a magnetic amplifier. Features solid state rectifiers, assuring dependable performance and long life. Sup· plied with DC milliammeter and manual regulator. 120 volts, 60 cycle input. Output ratings: 0.125 watts @ 25 VDC; 0·25 Volts DC and 5 mao 5~6XI0Yax5%·. Shpg. wt., 15 I b s . ' 64 GU 460; 1·4 .... EACH 78.00 5·9....... .EACH 65.00 PLASTIC CAPACITORS liMn-SERIES POWER PACKS "'-" • Pass 50-Hour MIL·Q·151 Salt Spray Test • Film.Type Long·Life Filter Cl'pacitor. • May Be ,Mounted In Any Position • Grain.Oriented Iron·Core Transformer.:-'(:.; ) Compact, hermetically sealed units. Use latest techniques and advanced materials to achieve long operating life and smatl package size. Selenium rectifiers avoid fail· ure-design life is 40,000 hours at +35 ·C, 25,000 hours at +65·C. Require no warm· up time, be mounted in any position. Can be voltage input control from zero to futl U8 V. AC 50·500 0·5 mao DC to rated . -_____---...,'C'""---~--..,I.vc.lta.ge. RNS or 2.7% peak to telnpera.~'!.,~_ rating, -55·C +85 (output at +85·C limited to 4 mal except, ·0 to +SO·C. Max. altitude, 382 • ALLIED , 10,000 feet operating, 50,000 feet n;'~~ operating except, *20,000 icet non·oper. ating. Vibration, 10·55 cps with· 0.06" excursion for 2 hours in each plane except tdesigned Cor applications not subject to excessive shock. Hermetically sealed. oil· filled containers are primed and lacquered per MIL·L-7178. Terminals are steatite,' solder·seal type with solder lugs, except t have corona spheres with , U4" dia. holes, to accept banana plug. ·Has single high. voltage terminal and is furnished to deliver positive output potential relative to ground. All have Cooted mounting brackets except Type HV750·S02M. ' Mf,'. Fig. kDVC' Imp.. Size, Inches K.Ohm • ....,=~(:;H~W.:.:;D.;) I HV20·502M ~ --2108 3%xJ%x2!/.o HV50·502M D 5 240 4%x3%1<2% HVI0Q·502M C 10 400 6'~6X3%x~6 HV150·502M B 15 620 7'~.xJ%X~6 -7:-:;:-7==-I-;HV;;;:;2:;0:;;0-;.5~0:;;2M:7-""'I" 2O'1--:800~-I-;:"10~y!::;'~xJ==::!I474X;:;4'!"'!1'i'6--1 HV300-502Mt G 30 1050 11%x6x4')1. HVSOO·502Mt H SO 1400 16Yzil:7'I1,x5% HV750-502M*t F 75 2200 23%x14)1GX111!s ...,,-.,..:::=:,=+==T;.:y::p~e~__ 1 .., __ Wt., Lb•• 21h 3t4 814 914 1214 19. 27 85 EACH 49.60 62.00 94.20 I 18.30 137.00 184.00 302.00 '656.00 Order by Mail, Phone or Wire for Immediate Shipment at OEM Prices Electro Precision-Built DC Power Supplies . MODELS EFB, EB, EFBR, EF, D-612T, H, PS-3, P5-2 .~&Jh .•__ ~ '.'''.0 NEW '• RB-SOO REGULATED DC POWER SUPPLY '" 500 VDC Constant Within 0.15 V. " 0·150 VDC Bias Output " Ii. Way Output Terminals MODEL EFB DC POWER SUPPLY Specially designed for low-ripple requirements of transistor work. Continuously variable voltage control. 0-16 volts up to 8 amps; 0-32 volts for loads up to 4 amps. Current and voltage meters. Less than n.l % AC ripple at maximum ratings. Selenium rectifiers. Employs pi-type filter with 2 chokes and 2 capacitors. Also has built-in "hash" filter. Fuse-holder and 5-way binding posts on' front panel. Rugged, blue hammerloid steel cabinet. 1x12x8Yz"_ For 111 v., ~~6~~y~!~ ~~: .~~.: :~. ~~s: ............ " ............. 140.00 New regulated DC power supply delivers 250 rna, well·filtered, at any voltage up to 500 V. DC. Ex· cellent for countless servicing and lab applications. Output voltage reo mains constant within 0.15 v. (.03% at 500 v.) for simultane· ous no load to full load change and 105 to 125 v. line change. Has 0·150 v. DC bias output, and 2 separate 6.3 v. @ 5 amp AC outputs for 6.3 v. and/or 12.6 v, filaments. D'Arsonval meters monitor both voltage and current outputs. Has hath AC and DC on·off switches; fuses and pilot lights; HV and bias controls; 5·way output terminals and chassis ground. Enameled ateel cabinet, 12x18x14", 39·lbs. 64 GU470 ................................... 395.00 Model EB DC Power Supply. Same as EFB above, but with less filter· iIig. Ripple at maximum load 5%. Shpg. wt., 30 lbs. 64 GU 453 ........................................... 115.00 HEAVY-DUTY DC POWER SUPPLIES Model EFBR. Same as EFB above, but with standard EIA rack panel. Size, 8%x19". Shpg. wt .. 47 Ibs. 6'4 GU 454 ........................................... 160.00 MODEL EF DUAL-RANGE DC SUPPLY Versatile power supply, providing variable voltage 0-2S v. or 0-14 v. at 5 amps continuous, 10 amps intermittent load. Ripple less than L%. Panel-mounted voltmeter and ammeter. Uses selenium recti~ fiers. 7x12xSYz". For 111 v., 50-60 cycle AC. 25 Ibs. 64 GU 461 ...••.................................... 98.00 MODEL D-612T AUTO RADIO DC POWER SUPPLY Deluxe unit. provides two continuously variable ranges: o-s v., and 0;16 v., 10 amps continuous up to 12 volts, 20 amps intermittent. Operates signal seeker sets. Ripple less than 0.5% up to 5 amps; 2 % to 10 amps. Selenium rectifiers. choke-input filter. Voltage and current meters. Binding post output. Rugged steel cabinet, 1x12x 8 Yz". For 111 v., 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 22 Ibs. 6:4iGU 462 .......................................... 59.95 > MODEL H DUAL RANGE DC POWER SUPPLY H~~vy duty unit especially designed for servicing mobile communi· cations equipment. Provides up to 20 amps at 6 v. or 10 amps at 12 v. continuous duty; up to 50% overload for intermittent duty. Ample fi~t.~ring assures less than 5% ripple at maximum rated current. Has !hPosition voltage adiustment tap. Front panel voltmeter and am· m¢ter continuously monitor output. Fused. Blue hammerloidHllished steel cabinet. Size, 1x12xSY.". For 111 v .. 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 30 Ibs. 6 6.4(~U 467 .•••.•••••••••.•.•••••.••.•..••••........ 8 .00 MODELS PSL2 AND PS-3 DC POWER SUPPL\ES Transistorized Power Supply Dual.Purpose Pawer Supply "(1,':.: :f!S-3 REGULATED, TRANSISTORIZED DC POWER SUPPLY l!slf~ solid state circuitry for extremely low ripple. Output continmOly variable from 0 to 25 volts. Zener diode rderence. Rated for 20tbnilliamps ~t 0.15 volts, 100 miliamps at 15-25 volts. Voltage olltuut flUctuatIOn less than 0.1 volt. Ripple content,less than 0.001 vqlt: :rms. Accurate 2 % D' Arsonval-type meter on panel face has "lhRes of 0-25 volts, 1·100 milliamps, and 0-200 milliamps. All controls, consisting of pilot light, fuse; meter range switches, and volt· age 'adiustment knob, located on front panel. Steel cabinet, gray wrinkle finish. Shpg. wt., 5 Ibe. 64 G 468 ........................................... 79.50 MODEL PS-2 DC POWER SUPPLY For servicing transistor or tube portable and auto radios. Two out· put ranges have separate current meters and output terminals. Delivers 0-20 v. at 15 rna .. 0-16 y. at 5 amps. Variable transformer for smooth adiustment. Maximtj.m·ripple:·O:20 v. range, 0.15% at 15 rna.; 0-16 v. range, 0.5% at 5. amps. Special pi-type filter, selenium rectifiers, fused primary. Metill case SYzxSx5%". For 111 v., !;O-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .. 14 Ibs. 64 G X 469 ......................................... 56.00 GFA MODEL GFA. DC POWER SUPPLY Heavy-duty power supply. Output continuously variable 0-125 volts for loads to 10 amperes continuous. High voltage range regulation is 12 %, no load to full load. Ripple less than 1 %. Silicon rectifiers provide high efficiency. Dual 4Yz"meters, circuit breaker. Steel cabinet has gray wrinkle finish, carrying handles. 1414x22x15%~. !~r ci~54V45. ~:: ~?.-?~.~~c~~ .~~: .~t:,. ~~~.I~~: ...••. , ••. 575.00 MODEL NFB POWER .SUPPLY For continuous heavy-duty operation. Output continuously variable, 0-32 volts for loads to 15 amps. D' Arsonval meters. Ripple: Less. than 0.15% @ 15 amps. Filter circuit has 3 chokes plus filter capacitor. Regulation: 13% no load to full:load. Has fused input circuit, plus output circuit breaker. Variable autoformer for smooth control. 5-way output terminals. 'Drain: 130 w., with 32-volt, 15 ampere output. Bridge-type silicon rectifiers. Blue hammerloid steel cabinet. Size, 1414x1414x9%". For operation from 117 v.. 50·60 ~cl~:;76S~~g: .~~.: .~~~~~' ......................... 250.00 Mode.1 NFBR. Same as NFB unit above, but for rack mounting. Has Ya" steel panel, 19x1OYz". Shpg. wt .. 911bs. 64 GZ 477...........................•••.•.•.......•. 275.00 Model NB. Same as NFB unit, above. but with less filtering. Ripple is 5% at 15 amperes. Shpg. wt .. 12 Ibs. 64 GZ 479 ....................... : ..........•.•.••••.. 225.00 MODEL PS-S AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT DC POWER SUPPLY Delivers 550 watts of well filtered DC. Output continuously variable 0-55 v. at,10 amps .. Ripple.is.O.S% ,rfllS at .1.0 >;lmps •. Uses silicon rectifiers. Has special chokes, plus pi-type filters. Two meters monitor voltage and current. Primary fused, output has circuit breaker. 9%x1414x1414". For 111 v .. 50-60 cycle AC. 70 Ibs. 64 GZ 480, ...................................... 250.00 Model P·S·5R. Same as PS-5unit, above, but with standardEIA rack, 10YsH high, 19" wide. Shpg. wt .. 89 Ibs. 64 GZ481 ............ : .................... ; ........... 275.00 NEW MODEL GFL HEAVY-DUTY POWER SUPPLY Continuously variable output, 0-125 v. DC at 5 amps. Ripple: 0.5% max. at 5 amps. Load regulation: 6%, no load to full load 16 v./A. Uses silicon rectifiers, special filters. 2 % D'Arsonval voltage and current meters. Primary and output protected against overloads. 5-way binding posts •. Blue hammerloid steel cabinet, 1414x1414x 9%". For 117 v., 50-60 cycle AC. 8S Ibs. . 64 GZ 482 ...... ; ................................. 275.00 Model GFLR. Same as above, but for rack mounting. Has Ya" steel panel, 10Y.x19". Shpg. wt., 100 Ibs•. 64 GZ 483 .. , ................•.•.....•.•.•.•••.••••.. 297;00 Model GL. Same as GFL unit aoove, but with less filtering. Ripple is 5% at 5 amperes. Shpg. wt .. 80 Ibs. 64 GZ 484,·.·.·: .... , ......... , ........................ 255.00 Itollls with ttU" or ttl" in Stock Number Shipped Truck or Express. ALLIED • 383 I-'ower !>upplles, Vibrators Elta PRECISE POWER SUPPLIES (Kit and Factory-Wired Models) MODEL I020-K POWER SUPPLY KIT Highly stable, transistorized DC power arid bias supply. Provides continuously variable output voltage up to 30 v. Has dual·range voltmeter (0-6, 0-30 VDC) for monitoring output. Ideal for servicing "hybrid" apparatus or all-transistor equipment. Also useful as a DC filament supply, bias source, and source of ripple· free DC for lab use. Maximum continuous output: 150 rna from 0-12 v.; 200 rna from 12-24 v.; 300 rna from 24-30 v. Uses full-wave silicon diode rectifier circuit with electrolytic input filter, followed by two power transistors in a cascaded filter circuit. Extraordinary ripple reiectionmax. ripple at full load is only .005 %. Fused for overload. Gray wrinkle steel case with carrYing handle. Size, 5x4x5Ya". For 105-125 ~4 ~O 5c6~~~ .~~: ~~:'.~~ .l~~........................... 23.95 64G 503. M9d,el,I0.20, Above, but Iactory wired ........... 29.95 MODEL I073-K METERED VARIABLE AC BENCH SUPPLY KIT Easy-to-build, lab-type variable AC bench supply. Provides adiustable output of 0-140 v. AC from 120 v. AC input. Handles up to 3 amps current. Precision voltmeter and ammeter permit simUltaneous monitoring of voltage and current. Ammeter has dual range (0-1, 0-3 amps); ranges can be switched while unit is under load. Incorporates a highly efficient variable autotransformer of toroidal core design. Autotransformer and ammeter are protected by separate extractor-post fuses. In steel case, 8 Yax5v..x7". With case, instructions. For 105-125 v., 60 cycle AC. Wt., 16 Ibs. 64GX506 ......................................... 35.95 64 GX 507. Model 1073, Above, but factory wired .......... 47_95 64 GX 50B. Model 1078-K. Same as ModJI 1073-K above, but reads 0-2.5 and 0-7.S amps. Shpg. wt., 16Ibs, ........ ,.,. ,42.95 64 GX 509. Model 1078_ Above, but factory wired .. , .. , .. 54.95 INTERNATIONAL RECTifiER "KLIPSELECTOR" TRANSIENT VOLTAGE PROTECTION SELECTOR New instrument to aid the engineer. technician and circuit designer in quickly selecting the optimum clamping voltage required to protect semiconductors from damage caused by excessive voltage surges. Compact and easy to operate, unit is well suited for protection of silicon rectifier diodes, silicon controIled rectifiers, -silicon or germanium transistors, and similar semiconductor devices. Only two simple dial settings are used to select a given voltage. Switches permit selection of 20 possible voltage combinations: applied rms voltages from, 0 through 520 v. or DC voltages from 0 through 450'v. Has 1-ohm shunt and front-panel terminals for, connection to osciIloscope. Size, 5 v..xS!I.ox6 u• With instruction manual. Takes ~~wc:'r5i'3~ .~~i.t. ~.e:~~.~e.s~~~: .~~~~'. ~t:,.~. ~~~' ...... : .. 89.50 See Page 82 For Klipsel Voltage Surge Protectors PRECISION REGULATED POWER SUPPLY Mod~1 B-12. Provides variable DC output 0-400,'y." 0-150, rna; DC ,bias 0-150 v., 2 rna; dual 6.3 v. AC outputs, oue CT; 12.6 v. AC with CT at 3 amps. Output variation under Ya%. Dual meters. 8 Yaxl3x7 u. For operation from 110-120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Wt., 201bs. 99 •95 64GU 511................ Model B-10 Battery Elimina,tor' and Charger. (Not iIIus.) Similar to B-12 in size and appearance. DC output in 2 ranges: 0'8 v., 10 amps continuous; 0-16 v., 6 amps cant. Two DC meters. Special low-ripple output of 6 and 12 v., 5 amps cont. Overload protected. Size, 7 Yaxll Yax7". r~rdJ05g~.~·:.~0:~~ ~:~~~ ~~: ::'~:'.:~ !~~'............. 64.95 384 • ALLIED "POWER LAB"-KIT OR WIRED Model 713-K. Low and high-voltage AC and DC supply, wattmeter, voltmeter, ammeter and isolation transformer. DC output: 0-30 v. at 10 amps and 120-2CO v. at 0.75 amps (1 amp intermittent), AC: 0-24 v. at 20 amps; 90-140 v. at 10 amps (1 KW continuous) and 20 amps (2 KW iutermit. no isolation) and 90-140 v. at 3 amps (300 watts, isolated). Reads AC, DC current to 20 amps; AC, DC volts to 180 v. and power to 2 KW. 12x8Yzx5!1.ou. For 110-120 v., 60 cycle ~~: ~~~~'.'."~:'.:: !~~'...... 64 GZ 266 ................ 69.95 Model 713-W. Above, factory wired. 64 GZ 267 .............................•...... " .. , ... 89.95 Model 711-K Kit. Above, but l00-watt isolation. 15 lbs. 64 GZ 377............................. '............... 59.95 \ 64 GZ 379. Model 711-W. Above, factory wired ..... ',' .... ,74_95 VARIABLE REGUL~TED POWER SUPPLY Model 607D. An economical, portable power supply furnishing heater, bias and regulated B+ voltages in one compact case. Regulated DC output: low position, 150 to 225 volts from 0 to 100 rna; high position, 225 to 300 volts from 0 to 100 rna. Negative DC output: 30 to 275 volts at no load; 15 to 150 volts with 20 rna maxinium outpnt. Heater supply: 6.3 volts at maximum of 3 amps. Ripple content at an output of 100 rna is less than 0.005 %; less than 0.003 % at 20 rna. Has separate controls for adi ustment of negative and regulated outputs. Built-in meter reads both negative and regulated outputs. Housed in metal carry-case with chrome handle. Fused. Size, 8 !I.ox5%xl0!l.ou. JACKSON r~rG1S55~;~. ~.: .~~ c:~I.e, ~,~'. ~~,~,g: .'."~.: .1.2. ~~~' ........... 78.35 MALLORY HIGH-VOLTAGE DC "VIBRAPACKS" Famous Mallory Vibrapacks are vibratoroperated power supplies designed to provide high-voltage DC from a low-voltage storage battery. Ideal as a source of liB" power for portable radios, transmitters and receivers, mobile P .A. systems, or other types of electronic equipment not exceeding their load capabilities. Equipped with filters for eliminating vibrator hash, they are compactly built, light in weight, and quiet in operation. Both Vibrapacks shown in the table below are tube-rectifying types for use in circuits where selfbias is obtained through a resistor or choke between B-negative and ground. Both require an external filter circuit. In very intermittent service where "on" time is less than 5 minutes, maximum current ratings of 100 milliamperes may be exceeded by 25%. Overall size, 5%x3%x4Yz". S~::k I ~::: 11~~~tIO~;r~tl ~:'I S~~'~'I EACH -6~4-"'G"::'5~17=- -V~P'-'6C!_::3'-25- --6-, ~ 100 6 lbs. ~ 64 G 518 VP12-325 12 325 100 61b.. 17_6,1 MALLORY REPLACEMENT VIBRATORS Selection of carefully designed, precision-made vibrators in popular ratings. Built to close tolerances from matched materials for long life and extremely low cost per hour of use. Springs are fabricated of high-grade clock-spring steel; held in perfect alignment by a rugged frame. Flexible lOS-strand lead wire won't break--cqnnections stay intact. Crude rubber insulation and heavy cans effectively deaden sound and vibration. Each vibrator is individually tested for output, starting voltage and wave form. 1601, G1601 and G1602 are ,famons Gold Label types. G1801S is synchronons type. Av. shpg. wt., 8 oz. , . , .., Stock 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 No. C 280 C 281 C 282 C 2B3 C 295 C C C C C 320 297 29B 299 304 Mfr's Type 4-4 12-3 12-4 509P 1601 G1601 WI601 GI602 1610 G1801S Volt.s Size EACH 6 1Yax2'Ys' lYax2'Ys' 1 Jnx2'Ys" 1 Jnx2'l's" 1Yax2'Ys' lYax2'Ys' 1Yax2'Ys' 1Yax2'Ys' 1Yax2'Ys' 1.32 1.38 1.3B 2.44 2.76 2.76 2.8B 2.76 3.30 5.85 12 12 6 6 .... 12 4 12 6 12 lYax2'~6' Depend on Allied for Your Power-Supply and Test-Equipment Needs Tachometers, Power Supplies, Battery Chargers PIONEER ELECTRIC PHOTO TACHOMETERS ·Model 36. Versatile new photo tachometer reads 0 to 12,000 rpm in 2 switchablc scales. Portable unit accurately measures· speeds of all rotating and reciprocating machinery. Requires no direct connection. Built-in lamp projects beam on rotating object. cadmium-sulphide cell counts pulses, and computer shows rpm on direct-reading meter. 7%x2%x3 Yz". Requires ZM-9 mercury batteries. 2 Ibs. 64 G 552 .......................................... 150.00 Model 24. Above. but reads 0-2400 rpm on one scale. 64 G 553 •............................................ 99.50 Model 12. Above, but reads 0-12,000 rpm on one scale. 64 G 521 ................. ·········· .. ···.··· ......... 99.50 Model 12R "Snorkel" Tachometer. Permits measurements in dangerolls or inaccessible locations up to 12 ft. from opera- tor. Reaches around corners or into close quarters where models at left cannot be used. Ideal for use with lathes. drills. drives, presses, etc. II Snorkel" extension has photocell and light source mounted on flexible 15" gooseneck with magnet base. 12.ft. cord connects "Snorkle" to tachometer. Reads from 0 to 12.000 rpm. Transistorized. Requires easily ob- I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_I tainable mercury cells; penlight cells to power light source. Size, ~~x~"~';4~~,~.g: .~~.:.6 ~~~' ............................ 150.00 ATR POWER SUPPLIES AND INVERTERS DC TO AC UNIVERSAL INVERTERS 6/12 VOLT DC POWER SUPPLIES • Ruggedly Constructed • Exceptionolly Stable Rugged IIA" Battery Eliminators for Demonstrating and Testing Transistor or Vibrator-Type Auto Radios Type 610C-ELIF. DC power supply for operating auto Tadios and other DC. apparatus from regnlar 11 5-volt AC pow'er lines. Provides 6 volts @ 10 amps continuous, or 12 volts @ 6 amps continuous with minimum ripple. Fully automatic-has separate voltmeter and ammeter, and 8-position output voltage selector control. Fnll-wave dry-disc selenium rectifier assures quiet, interferencefree operation. Toggle switch selects 6 or 12-volt output. Fuse protected. Steel case, 9\1sx6'hxS'h". For 105-125 v., 50-60 cycle !.fG;Y~2;~. ~b~................ .4 8.95 Type 620C-ELIT. Similar to above. but heavyduty model. Rated output is either 6 volts @ 20 amps continuous or 12 volts @ 10 amps continuous. Equipped with dual, full-wave dry-disc selenium rectifiers. Steel case, 12Vax6'hxSYz". For 105-125 v., 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 33 Ibs. . 65 61 64 GU 526...................... . • Completely Suppressed Against RF Interference Universal inverters for operating 115-volt 60 cycle AC equipment from DC voltages in autos, buses, trucks, boats, trains, planes; and areas with DC power distribution. For std. US-volt AC tape recorders, TV sets, radios, PA systems, electric razors, test equipment, etc. Carefully engineered for dependable oIlcration. Operating efficiency is in excess of 75%. Four-point voltage regulator corrects output voltage for minimum and maximum loads, also compcnsates for input voltages lower or higher than normal. Recommended for use with loads having power factors in excess of 70%. Not recomStock No. 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 ..64 GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 mended for large motor driven appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, etc. All have On-Off switches. In gray hammerloid metal cases with carrying strap. Sizes: RSF, SYzx9Vax514"j,RHG, 6VaxU14xS'h"; HSJ, 6'hx12Vax8'h . With battery clips; model with "P" suffix has adapter cord for auto cigarette lighter sockets. 'Recommended for 24-volt battery operation. Before order- ing, check wallage rating of equipment inverter will be used with. Mfr's Type Input DC Volts AC Output 60 Cycles 6U-RHG 12U-RSF 12U-RSF-P 12U-RHG 12U-HSJ 28U-RSF* 28U-RHG* 50U-RSF 110U-RSF 110AU-RHG 110U-HSJ 6 12 12 12 12 28 28 50 110 110 110 110 v., 110 v. 110 v. 110 v. 110 v. 110 v. 110 v. 110 v. 110 v. 110 v. 110 v. Output Watts Cont. Inter. 125 100 100 150 200 100 150 100 150 250 400 -150 -125 125 175 250 125 175 150 250 325 600 Shpg. Wt. 271bs. 221bs. 221bs. 271bs. 371bs. 221bs. -271bs. -221bs. 221bs. 271bs. 371bs. EACH -65.01 -49.00 49.00 65.01 81.67 58.77 78.08 58.77 49.00 58.77 94.74 SCHAUER MFG. BATTERY CHARGERS AND ACCESSORIES 84612 C4612 A-8478 MODEL A-8478 "KAR-START;' Handy device to help start cars in cold and wet weather-at instant of starting. "KarStart" sends 5 times the normal spark intensity through engine's spark plugs. Has no effect on engine performance-unit disconnects automatically as soon as engine is ·running. Does not harm plugs or distributor in any way. Especially helpful on cars normally parked outside in winter-saves battery, gasoline and time. Installs quickly and easily-has only three wires to COIll1ect. For both 6 and 12-volt auto ignition sys- ~e:'~. ~~1.~.x.2.": .~t:,.~. ~~'...... .4.92 TYPE A-8412 CHARGER. PLUG Connects charger to battery by plugging into car's cigarette lighter. May also be nsed as a replacement plug for power cOllverters. For use with ~~-~1~4cr.r.": .~~p~: .~~':.~ .o.z: ....... 1.30 4, 6, AND 10-AMPERE BATTERY. CHARGERS Efficient, full-wave battery chargers. Car owners who use their electrical accessories, such as heater, radio, fan, etc., to a great extent find these units excellent for restoring their car batteries to full charge overnight. Models A5612, B4612' and C4612 have selector switches for changing from 6volt to 12-volt operation. All have automatic safeguard provision against short circuits and overloads. Models A5612, B4612, C4612, B412 and C412 have accurate numeral' dial ammeter to show exact rate of charge entering battery. Model A3 is an economy unit that includes full-wave Stock No. 64 64 64 64 64 64 542 544 545 548 549 G 550 G G G G G Mfr's Type Charging Rate (Amps) Volts A5612 A3 B4612 B412 C4612 C412 4 4 6 6 10 10 6 and 12 6 6 and 12 12 6 and 12 12 We Ship Immediately from the World's Largest Stoc;ks ellarging output whiell makes possible higher efficiencY of operation. Has selenium rectifiers for dependable service. Model C4612 will recharge average 6 or 12-volt battery in 6 hours or less; ideal for quick charging during intervals when equipment is not in use, but inust be ready in a hurry. Model C412 is heavy-duty unit for keeping truck or tractor batteries charged; will charge one 12-volt or two series-connected 6-volt batteries. All chargers have handy clip terminals for attaching to battery; no need to disconnect or remove battery from car. All operate from 110-120 v" 60cyc1eAC~ Shpg. Fully Charges Size Average Battery in Wt. 10 hours 614x4%x414" 4%lbs. 10 hours b14x4%x41/.i" 4lbs. 7-9 hours 714x614x6\1s' 8'h lbs. 7-9 hours 61/.ix6\1sx714 " 8lbs. 6 hours or less 614x6\1sx714" 10'h lbs. 6 hours or less 614x6\1sx714" 10 lbs. EACH 14.25 9.70 17.70 17.20 24.70 22.45 ALLIED. 385 laboratory Test Instrumentation PORTABLE SINGLE, DOUBLE AND TRIPLE·RANGE METERS Precision meters for lab and industrial uses. All are accurate within at least 1% of full scale. In a wide selection of ranges' to meet practically every demand of general-purpose testing. Mirrored scale and knife-edge ,pointer eliminate parallax-indicate readings accurately. Magnetically shielded movement. 41/z" meter. hand-drawn scale. Binding post terminals. Zero adjustment. Heavy molded bakelite case . . ~ Adjust-a-View" carrying strap. Less leads. Size. 7x5 !/.tx3 Va". Shpg. wt .. 6lbs. MODEL 9 DC UNITS D'Arsonval movement. :l:0.5%accuracf full scale. Triple.Range Voltmeter. 0-15-150-300 volts DC. 69 F' 216, ......................................... 63.75 Triple·Range Voltmeter. 0.150·300·600 volts DC. 69 F' 217 .......................................... 66.00 Slngle·Range Milliammeter. 0·1 rna. DC 69F 219 .................................... '..... 57.15 Double·Range Milliammeter. 0·10·100 rna DC. 69 F·219 .......................................... 55.00 Triple·Range Ammeter. 0·2.5-10·25 amps DC. ' 69 F 220 .., .................................. ~ .... 60.45 MODEL '0 AC UNITS Iron.vane movement. :I: 1% accuracy full scale. Tripl,.Range Voltmeter. 0.150.300-600 volts AC. 69 F 221, ............................................ 60.45 Slngle·Range Ammeter. 0·30 amps. 69 F 222 .......................................... 43.95 MODEL 880 AC·DC DYNAMOMETER UNITS Dynamometer meter movement. ':1: 1% accuracy at DC. and ·25 to 125 cps. Triple.Range Voltmeter. 0·75·150·300 volts. 69 F 223 ..............................•.•• , ••••.•. 76.95 Triple.Range Voltmeter. 0-150.300·600 volts. 69 F·224 ............ , ........... ; ... ,.............. 76.95 MULTI·RANGE LABORATORY·STANDARD DC METERS • Sensillve Deep·Core Magnet Movements; ::0.5%, Accurcrcy, • Hand·Stepped, Hand·Drown, Mirrored While Enamel Dials. Multl.range laborat~ry standard meters. accurate t~ :1:0.5% of (ull scale (at 25 ° C.). Ideal for use in laboratories, plant-incoming in· spection. production·line·applications. schools. etc. Sensitive meter movements feature self-shielding. 'deep·core COllstruction with spring·mounted sapphire jewels and hardened steel pivots. Combination of self·shielded core·magnet meter movement and steel case make these instruments impervious to effects of external fields. Meters are temperature·compensated from 15 0 C to 35°C (maximum external temperature influence is :1:0.25%). Hand· stepped. ,hand.drawn. white enameled dial has 51/z" mirrored segment for greater accuracy. Knife·edge pointer eliminates parallax. Magnetic damping. 7Yax11Yax3!/.t". Shpg. wt .. 6lbs. MODEL '700 DC VOLTMETER Ranges: 0·1.5·3.7.5·15-30-75.150·300·750·1500 DC volts. Maxi. mum loss. 1 rna. Dielectric test. 3000 volts rms. E~ternal zero adiust. Gray steel case: aluminum panel. 69 F 349 ........................................... 160.00 MODEL '702 DC MILLIAMMETER Ranges: 0.1.5·3·7.5.15-30.75.150·300·750·1500 DC rna. Maximum loss. 50·150 mv. Dielectric test. 3000 volts rms. External zero ' .. . adjust. Gray steel case: aluminum panel. 69 F 350 ........................................... 135.00 "'MODEL 2610 WIDE BAND 5" SCOPE Offers high gain and stability. Sensitivity: 2.5 mv. rms/cm.; ±3% vert. calib. Linear response: DC to 8 me. :I: 1.5 db: transient, DC to 3.5 me. -3 db. Precalibrated sweep 5. 50, 500. 5000 l'Sec triggered sweep. Differential input; Step and variable attenuators: internal or external sync. Hor. response: ±2 _db, 2 cps-l me; sens., 12 mv fern. Input: vert., 1 meg and 30 mmf. AC·DC coupled: dif· ferential. 1 meg and 15 mmf. AC only: hor .•,l meg and 45 mmf. AC only. With 10:1. 10-meg probe: green filter: cali· brated graticule. plug·in power cord. man· ual. 15xll1/zx20". For 110·120 v.. 50-60 ~~cl::z'W3~t:.,~~ .I~~........... 575.00 SB6 • AUlID MODEL 2620 PULSE GENERATOR Use in radar. telemetering. computer de· sign. etc.-41/zH pulse rate and duration meters. Pulse repetition rate variable. 10·100.000 pps in 4 ranges: :1:4%. Dura. tion variable. 0.1·1000 psec in 4 ranges: :1:5%. Pushbutton for one short operation. Rise time. 0.02 psec; decay time. 0.03 psec. Jitter. under .005 l'Sec. Pulse polarity. neg. or pos.: amplitude. 0·80 v., open circuit. 0·40 v. across 93 ohms. Max. duty cycle. 25%. Output attenuator: 6·section fixed. 1·41 db: variable 10 db. Can be/triggered by 12·600 v. p.P. or externally gated by neg. 10·100 v. BNC con. nectors. 151/zx13!/.tx21H. For 110·120 v.. 50·60 cycle AC. 75. Ibs. 69 FZ 664................... 625.00 MO~EL 26~O LAB CALIBRATOR Self-powered lab·standard calibrator.YOM. For mstrument calibration and precision testing. Produces and meters a wide range of AC and DC voltages. Two.temperature·compensateCl 7H meters (one AC. one DC) with mirrored scales: hand·stepped at 160 points. Two terminals cover all ranges. AC/DC v.. DC "amps, DC rna: 0·1.6·4·8·16·40-80-160·400·800·1600. DC amps: 0-16. Resistance: 1. 10. 100. lK; 10K. lOOK ohms; 1. 10. and 100 megs. Accuracies: DC. 0.5% full scale: AC. 0.75 % full scaler'50·2000 cps: fixed resistance. ±1% to 10 meg. ::1:2% for 100 meg. 15x31x 15". For 110·120 y •• 50·60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .• 150 I b s . , . 69 FZ 725 ................ ",' .1620.00 Depend on Allied for the Latest in Industrial ElectronicTest Equipment Test Instruments for Lab and Industry • @ iJ • SALT SPRAY TEST CHAMBER • Performs Mililary Spec Sail Spray Test. • AII·Lucite Conslruclion Allows Complete. Visibility of Specimens During Tests • Large 18x 18x 18" Internal Dimensions Bench·mounted test chamber to check seal. plating. and other government salt spray requirem,l!nts. Performs salt spray tests in accordance with MIL·E·5272. MIL-STD· 202B. and MIL-S-19500B (Para. 40.9). Ideal for small parts and components manu· facturers. self-contained unit'requires only a source of low pressure air. 110 v. AC power. and connection of vent line outside testing area. AII-Iucite construction eliminates corrosion and affords total visibility of specimens during testing. Internal working space. 18x18x18". Tower and salt solution capacity. 60 hours. Has thermometers and temperature controls for chamber /tower. tower pressure gauge with safety valve. circulation control switches. immersion heater for tower heat. etc. Overall size. 34x41x24". For operation from 110 v.• 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .. ISO Ibs. 65 FZ 259 .................... 985.00 65 FZ 260. Above with MIL-S-19500B Para. 40.8) capability ..•.••••..• 1060.00 SLHU.I.LC ••• I·Cu.·ft. Capacity. Covering temperature range of -100°F to +425 of (±2°F). unit is stainless steel lined. Has working volume of 13x12x11". forced air circulation. electric resistance heaters, liquid C02 refrigeration. 1" access port for leads. C02 consumption approx. 2 Ibs./hr. @ -100°F. United Elec· tric indicating controller gives accurate temperature control and indication. May be stacked 4 high. 20x30x17". With C02 scrubber and filter. For 110 v .• 60 cycle AC. Choice of blank. tray or window door. Stock N0'IType Doorl Wt. (Lba.) I~ 65 FZ' 262 Blank 82 • 495.00 65 FZ 263 Tray 84 525.00 65 FZ 264 Wi'bdow 88 580.00 SLHU-4·LC ••• 4-Cu.-Ft. Cap. As above. but volume is 18x18x22". C02 consumpt .. 6lbs/ hr. 2" acceSs port. Size. 24!/zx36x26". 65 FZ 2741 Blank 135 895.00 65 FZ 275 Tray 136 930.00 65 FZ 276 Window 143 985.00 Flexible Adapter Kit. For connecting cham. ber to any C02 supply. 2 Ibs. 65 FX 265 ......... ; .............. 20.00 Stacking Racks. Wt., 5 lbs. 65 F.X 266 ............... PER PAIR 20.00 I I LOW·COST "EC:ON·O·llAC:K HIGH TEMPERATURE TEST CHAMBER Has numerous important features previously unavailable in test chambers selling in this surprisingly low price range. RLHU-O.S·LC ••• O,S,Cu.-ft. Capacity. New chamber temperature·tests components and small assemblies from -100°F to +42s o F (±20°Fj. Working dimensions. 7!/zxllx 12!/z". Has stainless-steel liner and high. density fiberglas insulation for constant temperatures. Liquid C02 refrigeration-consumption is approx.3 Ibs per hour at -lOO°F -less than any comparably sized chamber. Forced-air circulation. %" access port for leads. United Electric control and temperature indicator. Special size permits mounting in standard 19" rack-permits easy transport for posi. tioning chamber at its station in the production line. "3 chambers may be mounted into a 6-foot rack effecting savings in floor space. Chamber is also suitable for bench-top mounting -requires minimum of space. With C~ scrubber and replaceable cartridge filtet. External size. 22x16x15". For 110 volts. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .. 50 Ibs. 39 0 69 FZ 003.;............. ...... 5. 0 ,..-::::;=~ MODEL 450 SOUND METER PORTABLE PYROMETERS • 99% Accurate Readings • 5" Scale; Mirrored Arc • Calibrated 10 Give Simul· taneous Co /Fo Readings • Compensated for Ambient Temperqture Variations • Wilh S·Fo·ot, I/C or CIA Thermocouple Probe Rugged thermocouple-actuated portable meters for measuring temperature of ovens. ranges. other appliances. furnaces. etc. Medium resistance; automatic bimetal cold junction correction a'nd copper error compensation. Adjustable external resistor campen· sates up to 10 ohms. Dual-calibrated scale shows degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Centigrade simultaneously. Very precise readings -accurate within 2%. Mirror scale and knife-edge pointer eliminate parallax due to viewing scale from side angle. Comes in strong. lightweight. oak case with hinged cover and leather carrying handle. White dial face. Case size. 8!/zx6!/z". Includes thermocouple. In table. llC indicates meter is calibrated for Iron-Constantan; CIA, calibrated for Chromel-Alumel. Shpg. wt .. 3 Yz Ibs. No. Temperature Range FO Co F 669 F 670 F 671 F 672 F673 F674 0-300 0-500 0-750. 0-1000 0'1500 0-2500 Stock 69 69 69 69 69 69 O-ISO 0_260'--"' 0-400 0-500 O-SOO 0-1370 Thermo· couple IIC Ilc IIC IIC CIA CIA EACH 49.5ci'" 47.50 47.50 47.50 45.40 • Measures Sound Response, level and Dispersion • Can be Used in Any LocationIndoors or Oul of Doors • Fully Transistorized for Low Bat. tery Drain, Long Life • Readings from 40-142 db at frequencies from 35·8000 cps Palm-sized. ful1y transistorized sound-level meter with dozens of valuable uses. Can be used to sUrvey noicy dreas for possible ear damage. to estimate ,frequency response characteristics of speakers and rooms. to measure level and dispersion patterns of P.A. and theater sound systems. and for classroom acoustic experiments. Completely portablecan be taken anywhere without being limited by need of an AC outlet; and it's lightweight. Compact. transistorized design allows thousands of readings from one 22!/z-volt battery. Exceptional1y wide opel'ating range: from 40 to 142 db in sound level; from 35 to 8000 cps in response. Heavy aluminum 6x3x2" case for rugged field use. Has direct-reading scale with step-type attenuator; built-in crystal diaphragm-type mike. Has input jack for extension mike or vib~ation pickup. monitoring output jack. and 2!/z" meter calibrated on random noise. Completely nonmicrophonic-no spurious readiligs. Calibrates itself ·on 110-volt AC'line. Battery check button assures that proper power is available at all times for accurate meter readings. Requires Burgess U15. Eveready 412 or equivalent 22Yz-volt battery. 2lbs. 00 66,F598 ................................... 182. 44.40 Exprl:ss Shipment Recommended for Test Instruments ALLIED. 387 Accurate, Dependable Instruments DENVER HATHAWAY MODEL E-2 COMPARISON BRIDGE The Ideal Bridge for Facfory and Laboratory The Model E-2 is an excellent comparison bridge, engineered by Hathaway for speedy and accurate value-mea.ur!ng, matching. and reie.ction ~f resistors, capacitors and mductors. ThIS companson bndge has been designed for extremely effective operation in laboratories and on"factory. production assembly lines. Especially convenient for in- , dus.trial use, be<;ause ease of operation permits even inex.. peflenced. unskIlled operators to obtain a 0.1 % accuracy (on the I % range) -and to actually detect component differences as small as one part in ten thousand. The E-2's exceptionally wide range of values makes it practical and effective for usc with almost every electronic circuit. application required in the laboratory or factory. Test lymlts are: for resistance-I ohm to 5 megohms: for capacltance-500 mmf to 2000 mfd; and for inductance3 millihenrys to 10.000 henrys. Ranges: 1%. 2.5%. 5%. 10%. and 25% full scale. Accuracy: on the 1% range0.1 %: on the 2.5% range-25%: on the 5% range-o.5%: on the 10% range-1.0%; and on the 25% range-2.5%. This efficient test instrument is particularly valuable for ".go. ,:,o-go" on-the-spo~ .component checking on production hnes. and for precIsIon-matching of resistors and capacitors. Instrument can also be employed with a decade box for a wide variety of laboratory applications. A lot of work gets done in short order-fast-checks more than 1000 components per hour. Can also be used with foot switch (not supplied) when freedom for two-hand operations is desirable. Ruggedly constructed for long-time use under all kinds of conditions. The E-2 is not only easy to operate • bu t also extremely easy to calibrate. Has smart-looking: durable gray crackle enamel case. Convenient size, 8xl0x14" Supplied with batteries. Shpg. wt., 211bs. • 65FU .190 .................................. 205.00 • Can Be Operated and Calibrated Easily by Anyone • Fast-Checks More than 1000 Components per Hour • Ranges: 1%,2.5%,5%, 10% and 25% Full Scale C·68 RESISTANCE METER Unique Circuitry With 3 Separate Test Voltages o to 10,000,000 Megs in 11 Ranges Highly Stable ... Guard Rings 'Stop Undesired Leakage Optional Rack Panel and Handle for Use as Portable or Rack· Mounted Unit Choice of Portable or Rack-Mounted ' Instruments Highly versatile, easy-to-use instrument combining the functions of a resistance meter. continuity checker and insulation leakage tester. Unique circuitry with 3 separate test voltages allows resistance measurements from 0 to 10,000,000 megohms in,lt ranges. Ranges: 0-500.000 ohms in 4 steps at 1 Yz volts. DC applied potential; 100.000 ohms to 1.000.000 megs in 6 steps at 50 volts: 1 to 10,000.000 megs in 6 steps at 500 volts. A 1 ~-volt dry cell is used for readings up to, 500.000 ohms-unit operates as a portable shunt-type ohmmeter in these ranges. For megohm readings, a high-impedance VTVM using cascaded cathode followers measures the drop across range resistors up to 10 million megohms. Guard ring eliminates undesired leakage paths, making unit highly stable. Accuracy (of full-scale deflection)-ohms. 3%; megs. 3% up to 103 range. and 5% on 1()4 range. Easy to operate-has meter face with iust two scales. linfinity Izero adiustment common to al\ functions. and "quick charge" for capacitor checking. Also: regulated supply: deposited carbon resistors; 2% movement. Compact size 10x6 ~x6 ~". For operation from 105-125 volts. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .. 15 lbs. Choice of model C-6B portable. or C-6RE rack-mounted instruments. 65 FU 189. Model C-6B............ ; ........ : ....... 240.00 65 FU 197. Model C-6RE............................... 290.00 388 • ALLIED MODEL N·2A SIGNAL GENERATOR Precision AF /RF signal generator covering a wide frequency range with superb stability. low distortion and constant output amplitude. Output is continuously variable from 1 cps to 1 mc in 6 overlapping bands, each having 10:1 ratio. Particularly useful in the design. repair and testing of transistorized devices. digital and logic circuitry. control equipment. etc. Produces an output of 0 to 10 volts rms maximum-has 5 attenuator positions in 20-db steps. Distortion is 0.25% from 10 cps to 1 mc: 1 % from 1 cps to 10 cps. Calibration accuracy: frequency. ±2 cps; level. 5%. Internal power supply is highly stable-line voltage changes of 105-125 volts do not affect output accuracy. Use of 1 stage of amplification limits excessivE" circuit capacity. preventing roll-off at high-frequency end of spectrum. Source impedance: less than 1000 ohms at 10 volts; 600 ohms at other attenuator positions. Size. 7'A6x9o/,6xI2l/z". Less portable carrying handle/stand. For 105·125 volts. 50-400' cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 27Yz Ibs. 65 FZ 187 ....................................... 320.00 65 F 19.5. Carrying Handle/Stand. 2Ibs .................... 5.00 65 FU 196. Rack Panel. SId. 19" Mounlino. 2 Ibs •.•••••••••••• 5.00 -Allied Maintains a Complete Stock of Test Equipment for Measur·ing, Testing and Control MODEL ARP-3 AUTOMATIC i RESPONSE PLOTTER • Draws Electrical, Acoustical and Vibration Curve. • Accepts Signals Directly or Through Condenser Mike . • Variable Chart Speed • 20-20,000 cps Range Here is a self-conta,ined unit, providing a complete audio-range plotting system. Records can be made in as little time as it takes to make two connections to the system undergoing test, load, a new chart, and turn the recording drum. Eliminates costly hand drawing; plots curves too complex to be drawn by hand. Plots response curves of audio preamplifier, amplifiers, broadcasting equipment. equalizers. transformers, microphones. vi . . bration analysis equipment, etc. Input to the system under test is supplied by an internal 20-20,OOO-cps sweep audio oscillator. Output signals are either fed directly to the plotter or are picked' up by an accessory condenser miCrophone. Records' are plotted with pen automatically on a 40-db-range logarithmic chart by a hish-torque dry-writing, servocontrolled pen recorder. Manually operated oscillator is connected to recording drum and permits retracing or multiple recording of any portion of the response curve. Special input attenuator network enables the response plotter to accept inputs up to 10 volts. High input sensitivity provides quality results 'from inputs as low as 100 microvolts. Regulated power supply for condenser microphone (supplied less mike). Size, 8%xlsV.xI3%". Supplied complete with chart and pen (extras below). For operation from lOS-volts, AC. Shpg. wt., SO Ibs, 65 FZ'271 .............................. 1195.00 65 F 272. Extra Charts. Pkg. of 100. Shpg. wt., 1% Ibs •...•.• , ••.••.•.•.•••.•....•..... PER PKG_ 6.50 65 FF 273. exira Pens_ Write in red. blue. green or black-specify. Wt .. 2 oz....................... 1.50 'SPECIFICATIONS Frequency Rdnge: from 20 to 20,000 cps. Frequency Accuracy: 4%, ±4 cps of indicated frequency. Chart Scales: linear db, 0 to 50-db range. Maximum Sensitivity: 10 mv, full scale. Oscillator Dislortion: less than 3%. Oscillator Amplilude Stability: ± 1 db. Oscillator Output: 1 volt rms across 600-ohm load. Recorder Inpullmpedance: 100,000 ohms. Recording Speed: continuously variable to 1 rpm, also manual operation. Pen ,Response: 1.2 seconds (full span). Log Lin Conversion Accuracy: ±0.5 db. Chart Size: 50/,..' wide and 15 Yz" long. Applications: plots ~Iec,trical response curves of audio preamplifiers, broadcast equipment, filter networks, transformers; plots acoustical response curves of'rooms, mikes, speakers, earphones, phono cartridges; plots vibration response curves of components and systems in ,vibration studies. For Use a. Portable or Rock-Mounted Unit (with optional hand,le or rack panel) MODEL N-1 SIGNAL GENERATOR MODEL R·2 VOLTMETER Conti nuously variable over a frequency range of 2 cps to 200 kc, this battery-powered signal generator provides 1.5 v. rms output at under 1 % distortion. 5-band frequency range is useful in design, test and repair of audio, geophysical, medical and control equipment. Battery power supply avoids· power line fluctuations and offers instantaneous frequency and output-level stability. Lowcurrent transistors reduce size and weight of unit. Wien bridge oscillator circuit has both positive and negative feedback. Calibration accuracy-frequency, 2% :1:1 cps; level, 5%. Distortion-less than 1 % for loads of lK or more on "La Z" positiop; 10K or more on other voltage ranges. Maximum output-1.5 v. rms. Source Impedance-1500 ohms in attenuator positions; less than 50 ohms in low impedance position. Output level is varied by potentiometerattenuator circuit and read directly on meter. Size, 8xI2V.xl0Ya". Supplied complete with 6-4Yz-volt batteries. Less handle/stand, 'Incorporates unique "DC Distend" feature' which expands any upper 10% or 1 % of a DC-volts range to cover full meter scale. Permits more exact examination of voltages-especially useful in measuring power supply regulation, potentiometer resolution and amplifier linearity. DC upscale readings with polarity indicators offer twice the scale length of center-zero meters. Residual noise, less than 2 "von l-mv AC scale. DC mv drift, less than SO "v. Accuracy: 2% of full scale, :1:0.1 mv, DC-l00 kc; 5%, 100 kc-l me. AC and DC voltage ranges: lmv to 1000 v. full scale, 14 ranges in 10 db steps. Resistance range: 10 ohms to 10 megs midscale, in decade ranges. Db scale: -20 to +2 db. Frequency response: 10 cps to 1 mc. Input impedance: mv scales, 10 megs shunted by 25 mmf (9 megs on AC); voltage scales, 10 megs shunted by 20 mmf. Internal DC calibration. 7V,6Xl0o/i6xI2Yi'. Less handle I stand. For operation from 105-125/210-250 volts, 50-60 cycle AC. 65 F 195. Carrying Handle/Stand. 2 lbs.. " ..••••••.•••..... 5_00 65 FU 196. Rack Panel. Std. 19" mtg. 2 Ibs... _• _••• _••••••• 5.00 65 F 195. Carrying Handle/Sland. 2 Ibs ............. ' ••.... 5.00 65 FU 196. Rack Panel. Std. 19" mtg. 2 Ibs................. 5_00 ~~","[j ~~g~:.'7~·:.~~~~~·.,........................... 305_00 ~~Pf:i: ';'~·2.2.~~ ~~~'........................ _....... 545.00 Allied-Everything in Electronics from One Dependable Source ALLIED. 389 ~..:...:......:~,..;,..;;,,;;,,,,:;; ments for Industry-Latest Designs ZENER AND DIODE ANALYZER AND ELECTRONIC THERMOMETER MODEL 210T. Combines 2 units in one portable case for versatile servicing. Zenerand-diode analyzer tests zener diodes. power diodes. silicon and germanium signal diodes. and selenium rectifiers. Tests forward voltage-drop at rat~d currenl; reverse current leakage; zener saturation knee test att rated voltage; and current. 2 calibrated mirror-scale meters. 5 power sources supply 20 ma to 30 amps and 0-1500 v. Electronic thermometer utilizes a thermistor probe in unique ·bridge circuit to give continuous temperature readings with ,,±2% accuracy. Two ranges: _20° to +55 0 ,-. and +40° to +l60oC. Probe can be fastened to test surface. or hand-held-insulation prevents heat transfer from hand. Probe has 3-ft. cord. 314" mirrored-scale meter; Battery-powered. Uses two inexpensive I'e" cells.1014x9x5". Shpg. wt .• 171bs' 274 95 69 FU 695 .................. · . • MODEL 210. Zener and Diode Analyzer Alone. 1014x9xS". Wt .• 141bs. 69 I' 694 .......... ~ ............. 199.50 MODEL 212. Eleclronic Thermomeler Alone. S 'I.x6 'hx2". Shpg. wt., 3 Ibs. 691'767 .......................... 79.50· Tesls Tunnel and Zener Diodes Plus Transistors TRANSISTOR/DIODE ANALYZER MODEL 2508. Tests transistors IN or OUT of circuit plus zener diodes and tunnel diodes. Includes SOOO ohm~/volt YOM plus aupio and RF generator for circuit tracing. Does all this; reads both collector-base (I'bo) and collector-base emitter (1"0) leakage currents; cancels lceo leakage for true gain readings; tests tunnel diode "peak and valley" currents and zener diodes; identifies NPN and PNP transistors. Matches transistors of similar types by AC dynamic test or DC analysis. Battery powered. Less batteries. with leads. 9~x7 'hx4 14". 4 Ibs. 65 F" 237....................... 86.50 SILlCON·CONTROLLED.RECTIFIER (SCR) ANALYZER MODEL '600. Provides complete analysis of SCR's for incoming stock inspection, engineering and lab work, trouble shooting. comparison of SCR's of different manufacture and type. Tests SCR's from 14 to 225 amps and 2S to 600 volts without a scope. Simple to operate-meter reads anode cur' rent and phase angle-holding-current read directly. Conduction angle can be varied from 0 to 160°. Gate-pulse amplitude is sufficient to drive all SCR's without damag~ ing low gate-current types. Cathode cur- rent at varying rates of gate pulse are shown. Compares firing requirements and SCR voltage drop. Checks gate and anodecathode for opens and shorts. Protective circuitry prevents damage to analyzer or SCR if excessive gate current is applied or SCR is shorted. Tip jacks provide scope output "for viewing gate pulse and phase angle across load. A dependable. precision instrument at a moderate price. Size. S14x 6~x214". Wt .. SIbs. 651'231" ..................... 46.95 NEW TESTERS FROM SOLITRON DEVICES, INC. DELUXE SCR TESTER MODEL R·200. Tests all silicon-controlledrectifiers under dynamic conditions plus zener and standard diodes within its ratings. Permits rapid measurements of the impor. tant operating parameters of any SCR. Measures following gate characteristicsvoltage (VOF) to 10 volts and current (IOF) to 100 mao Measures following anode·cathode characteristics-forward break over voltage (VBO) to 1000 volts; repetitive peak blocking voltage to 1000 volts, forward (PFy) and reverse (PRV); DC holding current (IH) to 100 rna. Vertical and horizontal scope outputs permit calibrated dynamic volt-ampere characteristic display. Tests standard diodes for forward blocking voltage. full-cycle leakage and forward voltage drop. Displays volt-ampere characteristics of zener diodes. Controls include: anode voltage selector and adjust; function selector; gate input adjust; gate voltage/ current meter selector; SCR anode voltage switch. Two meters shpw gate voltage and gate current. With test leads. For liS v., 60 cycle AC. Size. 8x8xI0", Wt .. 10'1. Ibs. 69F"U 697.................. 269.50 SCR TESTER TRANSIENT VOLTAGE INDICATOR MODEL R-t04. Quickly determines vital fir· MODEL V-310. Self-calibrating, transistor- ing and leakage points of any silicon-controlled-rectifier. Measures gate voltage and current to fire, up to 5 v. and SO rna respectively; anode-cathode leakage up to 8 megs.· Detects SCR's in which peak reverse or forward voltage has fallen off, which can cause self-triggering. Compact, portahle and battery powered. Can be used by unskilled perscinnel .. With leads and battery. 514x7x3". Wt., 214 Ibs.· 69 FU,696............. _ ••••••• 79.95 390 • ALLIED ized. battery operated instrument indicates voltage transients above a preset. selected level. Meter shows selected voltage-pilot light glows and 6 V. is supplied' to rear remote terminals when voltage is exceeded. Indicators stay on until reset. Meter ranges. 0-100-300-1000-3000-30.000 v., ±2%. Switch' selects polarity. Input impedance. SOOO·ohms/volt. With 30-KV probe, leads. instruction. 8x8xI0". 11 Ibs. 69 FU 69.8.................... 299.50 VAP-AIR • Indicates Presence of up 10 2000 Volls • Ballery Operated TRANSIENT VOLTAGE INDICATOR Designed for use in engineering and design laboratories and industrial maintenance to measure and eliminate transients. Senses voltage transients of extr~mely short duration with a high degree of accuracy. Tracks d'own voltage transient sources and measures their severity-prevents costly loss of semiconductors. Senses voltage in excess of a pre·set level. Detects pulses down to I microsecond duration. Unit can be used to compile accurate data on transients produced by various circuits. Portable and battery-operated, it is unaffected by line disturbances and completely semiconductor·operated for increased reliahility. Has 2 ranges: 0-200 volts; 0-2000 volts. Loading is negligible-input imped· ance 1 megohm. Long battery life-SOO hours continuous service. Durable walnut laminated caSe -!Y!eas.ures. only 3 ~x614x S~". Complete with batteries and instructions. Shpg. wt., 9lbs. 19800 69 F354............... .... • Express Shipment Recommended for Test Instruments Phototac Transducers, Frequency Counter, Test Gear SERIES P-IOO, P-200 Unidirectional and AddS~btrcct Transducers Elfldenl Transistor Amplifler ':. :: 3500 TRANSISTORIZED NEW MICRO MEASUREMENTS' ROTARY TRANSI?UCERS FREQUENCY COUNTER Accurately convert rotary motion into digital pulses for precise measurement or position. Typical applications include: measurement of shaft speed, measurement -of length; monitoring flows; synchronizing conveyors; positioning machine tools; plus many other laboratory. engineering and industrial applications. Two types, each available with standard discs for 1 to 1200 counts per revolution. SERIES P-100 TRANSDUCERS SERIES P-200 TRANSDUCERS Produce output pulses when shaft is turned clockwise or counter-clockwise. Silicon photovoltaic sensor monitors light-output of a long-life filament bulb. Light is inter-' rupted by stable plastic disc. Signal on silicon cell is amplified by transistor amplifier. Up to 1200 counts per revolution of this output is taken directly. Max. Speed, 10.000 rpm. Counts per Revolution, 1 to 1200. Output, squarewave from -5.6 v. to -0.5 v. across 3300 ohms; optional output +5.6 v. to +0.5 v. Input to Transducer, -5.6 v .. regulated, low ripple, at 100 rna. Operating Temp., 0° C to 55° C. Bulb Life, 60,000 hrs. For 110-120 v 60 cycles 2 lbs Bi-directional-produce output on one line when shaft is turned clockwise, on other line when turned counter-clockwise. 2 silicon photovoltaic sensors and 2 light sources are spaced 90° apart. One is placed on edge of dark area. other is placed directly in center of dark area. Phase relationship is determined in Boolean Algebra circuit. Max. Speed, 10,000 rpm. Counts per Revolution, 1 to 1200. Output, constant rise-time pulse 10 p.sec wide. from -5.6 v. to ground across 1800 ohms. Input to Transducer: -5.6 v .. regulated. low ripple, at 200 rna. Op. Temp., 0° C to 55° C. Bulb Life, 60,000 hrs., each For 110-120 v 60 cycles 2 Ibs .. Stock' 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 No. F 677 F 678 F 679 F 680 F 681 F 682 F 693 F 684 F 685 F 686 F 6tl7 F 689 Counts per Revolution Mfr'$ Type P-100-60 P-100-360 P-IOO-SOO P-100-600 P-IOO-IOOO P-IOO-1200 P-200-60 P-200-360 P-200-S00 P-200-600 P-200-1000 P-200-1200 I to 60 1 to 360 I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 to 500 to 600 to 1000 to 1200 to 60 to 360 to 500 to 600 to 1000 to 1200 . EACH 1-9 10-24 25-99 100-Up 295.00 395.00 395.00 395.00 545.00 545.00 745.00 745.00 845.00 945.00 995_00 995.00 294.25 379.25 379.25 379.25 517.75 517.75 707.75 707.75 802.75 802.75 949.25 949.25 265.50 355.50 355.50 355.50 490.50 490.50 670.50 670.50 760.50 760.50 895.50 895.50 251.00 336.00 336.00 336.00 462.25 462.25 632.25 632.25 717.25 717.25 846.00 846.00 • • • • 0.3% Accuracy • In-line Decimal Readoul Digital Division in Time Base for Stability Operates at 0° F to 140· F Temperatures lightweight for Easy Portability Solid-State Frequency Counter-tlie first of its kind to be shown in any distributor catalog. Combines superior performance with a low price-similar-quality vacuum-tube units cost hundreds of dollars morel Typical applications include: measIirement of speed, using either a photoelectric or magnetic pulse generator; measurement of flow rate, using a turbine flow meter; telemetry; cali· bration of tape recorders, phonographs, resonant reeds and tuned filters; etc. Counting Speed, 2 cps to 100 kc. Counting Period, 1 second. Sensitivity, 400 mv .. RMS. across 20,000 ohms. Counting System, binary. In·line Readout, 4-digit Nixie numerical display. Display Period, adjustable from 1 to 3 seconds. Display Resetting, automatic after display period. Operating Temperature, O· F to 140° F. Accuracy, 0.3% (based on normal line-frequency tolerances). Digital division in time-base provides increased stability. Convenient carrying handle and lightweight construction (only 16 Ibs. actual weight) allow easy portabilityunit. goes from job to job with minimum operator effort. Compact size: 6Yz" high. 11 Yz" wide, 13Yz" deep. With 8-ft. line cord and connector. For 110-120 v .. 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 22 lbs. 595 •00 69 FU 676 ........... _..... _.. NEW MOTOROLA TRANSISTORIZED VOM's and VOLTMETERS MODEL 51052B BATTERY-OPERATED PORTABLE DC VOM Lightweight, portable ~Iectronic DC YOM with laboratory precision. Full scale sensitivity of 100 mv assures extremely accurate reading in the 10-30 mv range-especially advantageous in low-voltage transistor circuit measurements. Large, taut-band meter with 3:1 scales. Silicon transistors ensure accuracy and high input-resistance. Critical portions are moistureproof to virtually eliminate effects of humidity. Power consumption is so low that battery life is over 600 hours. Voltage Ranges (full scale), 100 and 300 mv.. 0-1-2-10-30-100300-1000 v.; Accuracy- ±3% of full scale; Input Impedance-ll megs (10 megs on 100 mv. range). DC Current (full scale), 0-1-3-10-30-100-300 p.a .. 0-1-3-10-30-100-300 rna.; Accuracy-±5% of full scale. Resistance Ranges (center scale), 10-100-1000-10K-I00K-l meg; Measurement Range-O.2 obms to SO megs; Accuracy-±5% at center scale. With batteries. Less RF probe and probe termination. 6Yzxl01j.,x5%". 91j., lbs. 69 FU 108 ............................................................... 250.00 69 FU 709_ Model S1063A. As above, with battery plus 117 v. or 230 v.; 50-3000 cycle AC operation. Power-source switch, cord, 3-prong plug ......•....•• _ •••.•••.•.•.••. 285.00 69 F 710. Model SLN6055A Plug-in RF Probe. Shpg. wt .. lib ..... _................. 25.00 69 F 71 1_ Model SLN60B3A Probe Termination_ Shpg. wt., lib......... _ •• _ •• _.. _... 10.00 MODEL S1051B BATTERY~OPERATED PORTABLE AC VOLTMETER Fully transistorized circuitry-dependable. accurate, rugged. Low current-drain -operates over 400 hours. Voltage Range (full scale), 0-1-3-10-30-300 mv.; 0-1-3-10-30-100-300 v.; plus db scale of -72 db to +52 db, referred to 1 mw in 600 ohms. Accuracy, within ±3% of full scale between 20 cps and 1 mc. Input Impedance, 10 megs shunted by IS mmf on the 1 to 300 v. ranges; 1 meg shunted by 30 mmf on the' 1 to 300 mv. ranges. With battery. Less cable kit. below. 6Yzxl01j.,x5%". ·Wt .. 8 1bs. .. 65 F240 .......................·.·-.-................................... ·.... 210.00 65 F 241. Model S1053B. As above, with battery plus 117 v. or 230 v .. 50-400 cycle AC operation. Shpg. wt .. 8 Ibs............ _.................................... 245.00 65 F 242. Model SKN6001A' Cable Kit. 28" long cable with dual GR banana plug and miniature alligator clips. Shpg. wt .. lib................................. _.. _ ......... 3_00 Depend on Allied for the Latest in Industrial Electronic Equipment ALLIED. 391 , ~pra9ue, \..lar05rar ana 1y\llIen I e5r In5rrumenrs SPRAGUE CAPACITOR & INDUCTOR TESTERS TO·5 "TEL·OHMIKE n CAPACI1:0R ANALYZER Multipurpose bridge-type analyzer measures electrolytics' power factor up to' 55%. Meter gives leakage current reading for electrolyticl' capacity. insulation resistance. power factor and leakage current. Capacitance bridge reads with. exact rated voltage up to 600 v., applied. to 2000 mfd-includes low-capacity range: Has turns-ratio scale for transformers. Range0-100 mmf with ,102% or 1 mmf accuracy. selection push buttons discharge capacitors on Magic Eye indicates balance. Shows insularelease. 8%xI4o/ax61/s". For 110-120 v., 50-611 tion resistanc.e of papers, ceramics and micas cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 12 Y. Ibs. directly on meter, to 20,000 megs. Measures 66FX591 ....................... 92.50 NEW TCA·1 TRANSFARAD CAPACITOR ANALYZER Designed exclusively for testing transistor cir150 v. Only .5 v. is applied to AC bridge, percuit capacitors. Tests low-leakage, low-voltmitting safe testing of even I-v. electrolytic" age aluminum and tantalum electrolytic caor 3-v. ceramics-no overheating. Dual regupacitors, tantalum foil capacitors, low-voltlation of power supply plus complete encapage film, paper and ceramic capacitors. Casulation of meter amplifier-assure shortpacitance bridge reads 1 mmf. to 2000 mfd in time reliability and long-time stability. Sensi5 overlapping ranges, with from ,102% or 1 tivity control for magic eye null detector mmf, to . ,105%. Insulation resistance, 50permits accurate measurements of even the 20,000 megs. Only 25 vdc is applied, permitsmallest capacitances. Latest design jet-black ting measurements on low..voltage capacitors. 'dial has brilliant white calibrations for clear, For ceramics rated below 25v., insulation sharp contrast; Binding posts have 5-way conohms may be calculated from leakage current nection for all types of test leads. Capacitor measurements at exact rated voltage. Leakunder test is automatically discharged after age current measured directly on meter, from testing. Gray Hammerloid case. 8%xl4o/ax 0.6 to 600 microamps in 7 ranges. Wien 9Y.". With leads. For 105-125 v., 60 cycle AC. Bridge measures power factor from 0-50%. Polarizing voltage continuously adjustable, 0................ 197.50 ~~~t ~~3.~~. ~~~' 850W PRECISION DECADE INDUCTORS For design and experimental work on audio Stock filters, equalizers and tuned circuits in the Type Henries No. PerSt.ep range of 150-20,000 cps. When all 4 inductors 850WAI 0.001 69 F 720 listed are connected in series, they permit in69 F 721 850WA2 0.01 sertion of any inductance from .001-11.11 850WA3 69 F 722 0.1 henries. "Q" is 'held constant over a11 ranges. 69 F 723 850WA4 1.0 Sloping-front case, 3x2 Y2x5 Y.". Max.Ma DC AC 250 700 79 220 25 . 70 8 22 EACH --31.90 CLAROSTAT MODEL 240-C BENCH TYPE_ AlIows selection of any value from 1 to 999,999 ohms in 1ohm increments, Six dials read Rxl, Rxl0, ·Rxl00, RxlK, Rxl0K and Rxl00K for quick setting and direct readout. Positive POWER RESISTOR DECADE BOXES detent action clicks in and holds each knob at selected setting. Dissipates up to 225 w. maximum, 1000 v. DC, or 660 v. AC per decade. All have 2 % tolerance except Rxl decade, 5%. Maximum current ratings range from 5 amps for Rxl to 5 rna for Rxl00K. Grilled bottom and louvers for ventilation. Rugged, long-lasting Clarostat "Greenohm" wirewound power resistors used throughou't;' all are mounted in rigid metal supports. Glass-insulated wire withMODEL 250 RACK-PANEL TYPE. Electrically stands extremely high temperatures. Baffle plate protects switch assembly from heat. identical to 240-C, but mechanically rearTwo sets of terminals accept banana plugs, ranged to fit std. 19" relay rack panel. Size, 13 '/4xI9x7". Foruse in systems or other nonspade lugs or plain wire connections. 8 Yzx 13x5'/a". 12 Ibs. " bench applications. Wt., 19 Ibs. 65 FX 250 ...................... 110.00 65 FX 251 ................... .'.150.00 JAMES MILLEN ®_ "M Coils DESIGNED FOR TOP PERFORMANCE! - 90902 90651 GRID. DIP METER 2" meter has 7 direct-reading frequency scales and 0-100 scale. Plugin coils (supplied) cover 1.7-300 me. Two "on-off" switches for filament and plate; terminals for battery. Transformer power supply. 7x3~6x3'/a". For 110-120 v., 50-60 cycle AC. With storage case. 90901 1" MODULE SCOPE Miniature instrumentation scope. Fixed focus. Has intensity and centering controls, but less power supply (below), sweep and amplifiers. Requires 600-950 VDC @ 3.2 rna, 6.3 VAC @ 600 rna. Supplied less CRT; uses ICPI. Fits 2" sq. panel cutouts. 2%x2%x3%". ~~~go~~·:. ~~.~~s: ................. ~ ................ 68.85 ~~~gi ;;i::.~ ~~~'........ ,... ,......................... 21.00 EXTRA COILS For above 3 oz 69 F 083. 90202 Plug-in Power Supply. For above. Wt., 2 Ibs .. 21.00 90902 2" BASIC SCOPE. Self-contained. Line-frequency sweep. 19' relay rack mounting. With power supply. Less CRT; uses 2PBl or 2 BPl1. 3 Y." H, 9'/4" D. For operation froni 105-125 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 12 Ibs. 65 F X 238 ............................................. 55.00 Stock No. Type Range (KC) EACH 46702 925-2000 69 F.171 46703 500-1050 69 F 172 325-600 6.72 46704 69 F 173 46705 220-350 69 F 174 69 F 175. 46721 Probe. (Not iIIns.) For 90651. 6 oz............ 1.95 90751 TONE MODULATOR, All-transistor SOO-cps oscilIator. Plugs into phone jack of 90651, 90661 and·90662. Less battery; Mallory TR-132. 2%x' o/.6xl~6". 5 0"' 69F246 .............................................. 15.0Q 392. ALLIED 65 F X 239. 90903 3" Basic Scope. Similar to above. Less CRT; usef 3KPl, N, P7 or Pll. 5%" H, 13Y." D. 14Ibs.............. 60.00 65 FZ 243, 90905 5" Basic Scope. Similar to above. Less CRT; usef 5UP1. 7" H, 16\12" D. 241bs ............................. 125 •.00 Use the Allied Facility Nearest YOIJ Capacitor and Resistance Testers, for Lab Use CORNELL-DUBILIER CAPACITOR AND RESISTANCE TESTERS :APACITOR DECADES. Provide accurate capacities )ver a wide range. Rated at 600 v. DC and 220 v. 1\ C. May be used singly or in groups of 2 or more iecades. Grouping of all 3 types in parallel pro.ides capacitances of 0 to 1.111 in .0001 mfd steps. :DA-2 and CDA-5 have mica dielectric; others, )iI-impregnated. Last figure in Mfr's Type No. ndicates ± % tolerance. With chart giving exact mlues for all scale markings. 'Electrolytic capaci;or substitution box. Size, 3%x5x3 liz". Wt., 2 lbs. Stock No. 55 59 59 59 59 &9 Mfr's Type F 244 CDA-2 F 588 CDA-S FlO I CDB-S F 103 CDB-3 F 102 CDC-S F 104 CDC-3 &9F769 CDE" Range Mfd Mfd/ ~ EACH _ __ .0001-.011 .0001 17.50 .0001-.011 .0001 14.20 .01-1.1 .01 14.20 .01-1.1 .01 16.35 1.0-10 -1-.-0-1.0-10 1.0 27.25 10-150 ~ 24.65 14.20 CDRM-3 RACK-PANEL 'MOUNTED CAPACITOR DEC· I\DES. Consists of CDA-2, CDB-3 and CDC-3 decades mounted on durable 3l1zx19x4" rack panel. Shpg. wt., 5 lbs. 65 FU 246 .......................... 58.85 RESISTOR DECADES. Each permits selection of 110 values. Units of resistance may be selected from the direct-reading panel switch scale. Series connected, they cover from 1 to 1,111,110 ohms in 1ohm steps. Have 2 rotary switches with 11 positions. RDA and RDB use wire-wound resistors; RDC uses carbon resistors. Size, 3%x5x3". Shpg. wt., 1% lbs. . Stock No. 69 F 123 69 F 124 69 F 125 Mfr'. Typo Range Ohms Ohms/ Step EACH IiiiiI 1·110 - - 1 - 15.35 RDB 100·11,000 100 15.65 RDC 10,000·1,100,000 10,000 15.65 NEW RDRM RAC K·PANEL MOUNTED RESISTOR DECADES. RDA, RDB and RDC on 3l1zx19x4" panel. Shpg. wt., 5 lbs. 65 FU 247 ........................... 55.00 SIMPSON NEW MODEL COT TANTALUM DECADE SOX. Decade box using Tantalum capacitors throughout. !' reliable, flexible unit for substitution purposes I!, a wide variety of service and experimental apphcations. Provides 100 mfd in 10-mfd steps. 10-100 mfd range uses plain Tantalum foil electrolytics, with ±5% tolerance @ 25" C. 100-1000 mfd range uses etched Tantalum foil electrolytics, ±IO% @ 25 0 C. Voltage: 50 vdc maximum. Can be used in circuits up to 50 vdc at temperatures from _55 0 to +85 0 C. Capacitors and binding posts polarized. Low DC leakage current. The CDT provides high capacitance in a small decade box. Size: 311A6x5x31¥16". Molded phenolic case. ~~Ptu ~~·5~.~~~: ..................... 99.50 BF.60 CAPACITOR·RESISTOR BRIDGE. Checks for opens, shorts, intermittents. capacity and power factor of electrolytics; also insulation resistance of micas. papers and ceramics. Measures capacity between wires/shielding, windings, etc. Reads from 10 mmf-l000 mfd (4 ranges); 100 ohms-5 megs (2 ranges). 5Yzx7xI0". 110-125 v., 50·60 cycle AC. 101bs. 5 85 69 FU 627 ............................ I. BF.90 CAPACITOR CHECKER. Tests capacitors in circuit. Magic Eye shows condition. Checks 30mmf to 2000-mfd types for open/short/intermittent; .1-2000 mfd for shorts. 60 cycle/20 mc tests. 7xl0x5Yz". With leads. For 110-120 v .. 60 cycle, ~iF~h~N9~t:,. ~.l.~s: ................. .41.75 NEW BF-71 CAPACITOR ANALYZER. Tests all lowand high-voltage capacitors. 13 ranges: 10 mmf2000 mfd; 2.5 ohms-25 megs; 0-500 VDC; 2 "a100 mao Checks electrolytics' power factor, 050%. Measures leakage of papers, micas, tantalums, aluminum foils, etc. Accnracy, 2 % of full scale. Sensitivity, 10K ohms/v. 3 Yz" meter. Bridge measurement' v., 0.5 v.' RMS. Panel, lix10"; depth, 6" tapering to 4Yz". For 110-125 v., AC. ~~Ptx~~8 ~ .1. ~~~'.................... 129.7 5 MODEL 383A CAPACOHMETER • Measures Leakage Resistance • Gives Capacitance Directly • Detects Borderline Capacitors • No Unsolderi~g Necessary Time-saving, versatile "in-or-out-of-circuit capacitor leakage tester. Measures leakage resistance of defective paper, mica or ceramic capacitors. 1ndicates directly the capacitance of good paper, mica or ceramic capacitors over the range of 10.0 mmf to 10.0 mfd. No unsolder-, ing necessary. Pulse technique immediately detects many marginal capacitors normally hard to locate. All measurements made nnder load U ~ OHMITE conditions. Requires no adjusting of bridge circuit or balancing controls. Indicates leakage in ohms. Checks for short, open or intermittent in bypass, coupling and blocking capacitors. Detects leaks in wiring, transformers, etc. Large, easy-to-read 4 Yz" meter. Portable case, 8'1axll 'lax8 Yz". With leads. For 105-125 volts, 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 12 lbs. 69 FX 630 ......................... 89.95 DETERMOHM RESISTANCE BOXES Compact, sturdy resistance boxes for servicing, engineering, experimental work and schools. Excellent for tronble-shooting using the substitntion method. Individual resistance elements consist of wirewound types selected by 4 tap switches. Tolerance, ±5%. May be connected directly in circnits not cansing nnit to dissipate more than 1 watt per switch tap. 3rd and 4th decades of type 3404 contain I-watt "Little Devil" composition resistors. Gray wrinkle-finish metal case, 8Yax6¥16x314". Wt., 3Yz lbs. Allied Is Headquarters for Test Equipment • For Servicing and Experimental Work • Quickly Sleds Desired Resistance e Mfrra Range Stock EACH 65 65 65 65 No. Type Ohms F F F F 3404 3401 3402 3403 1000·9,999.000 100-999.900 10-99.990 1-9,999 252 256 257 258 48.75 ALLIED. 393 'Rustrak·· Miniature Automatic Chart ··Recorders LABORATORY·GRADE CHART RECORDERS Professional chart-recorders for laboratory or industrial applicatio~s. Provide a continuous; distortion-free: rectilinear recording. Utilize pressure-sensitive paper .that . provides a smooth. high-resolution line with no need for ink ·or heated stylus-may . be used from sub-zero temperatures to 160· F; from sea level to altitudes of 100.000 feet, and under high-humidity conditions.' . Basic Recorder As low as $7950 • Rugged Aluminum Case • Eliminates Need for Monitoring 'J Chopper-bar clamps pointer briefly (except {or .event recorders). Information with a duration of as little as 20 milliseconds is Clearly available on the chart. Standard units are provided with a synchronous motor that operates from 115 volts. 60 cycle AC for a chart speed of 1# per hour. 31 days continuous recording per chart roll. Accuracy is 2% of full scale (1% on Special Order) for DC units. 3% of full scale for AC units between 40 and 10.000 cps. Response time. 1 second. max. All units have portable and panelmtg. hardware. Other sPeeds are available by use of interchangeable gear trains-see listings under RECORDER ACCESSORIES at the bottom of this page. Size. unless otherwise specified is 5o/ax3o/ax4Yaw• Shpg. wt .. 5 Ibs. SINGLE-CHANNEL RECORDERS AVAILABLE IN TYPES BELOW -----------------.-~G~L7A~SS~F=RO~N;T~I~A~C=CE=S=S~W~I~N~D~O~W:- ...----...- -.........-I~~G~LA~SS~FR~b~N~T.-71~A~CC~E..S;S~W~I~N~D~O~W~ RANG! . Stock No. I EACH. I Stock EACH No., DC MILLIAMMETER RECORDERS 69 F 314 79.50 69 F 319 69 F 321 84.50 69 F 732 69 F 307 84.00 6~ F 733 69 F 308 84.00 69 F 310 69 F 312 84.00 69 F 734 69 F 313 84.00 69 F 292 84.50 89.50 89.00 89.00 89.00 89.00 0-15 v • 0-30 v. DC MILUVOLTMETER RECORDERS 69 F 296 81.00 169 F 736 69 F 740 94.50 69 F 737 0-100 mv 0-10 mv 1 1 0-500 v. 297184.00 183 84.00 184 84.00 298 85.00 300 88.00 69 FF 323 69 269 70-135 v. 70-135/140-270/aud 280-540 v. I' 99.50 86.00 Stock No_ 169 69 69 69 69 F F F F I EACH 89.00 743 744 1 89.00 745 89.00 299 90.00 746 93.00 1 69 F 274 1 95 69 F 2721 94.95 89. 94.95 169 F 27) 99.95 104.95 69 F 275 AC AMMETER RECORI?ERS 0-5 amps 109.95 j . 169 F 7S0 1105.00169 F 747 110.00 0-200 amps w/c1amp-on . transducer 69 F 751 132.50 69 F 748 _ 137.50. 0-500 amps w/c1amp-on . . transducer 69 F 752 132.50 69 F 749 137.50 165 F 1821 98.50 169 F 738 1103.50 69 F 270 91.50 69 F 271 96.50 69 F 30 I 89.50 69 F 739 94.50. 0-200 I'a EACH AC VOLTMETER RECORDERS 0-150 v. DC MICROAMMETER RECORDERS 0-50 pa 0-100 pa 69 65 F 165, F 69 F 69 F O-SOv. 0-IS0v. DC AMMETER RECORDERS F 293 1 84.00 169 F 294 1 89.00 169 69 F 295 86.00 69 F 735· 91.00 0-1 amp 0-5 amps I Stock No. DC VOLTMETER RECORDERS 0-1 ma .5-0-.5 ma O-Sma 0-10ma O-SOma 0-100 ma 0, RANCE DC AMPLIFIERS AND MULTI-RANGERS For recorders on this page. DC amplifiers isolate recorder from signal-source with .a minimum of loading-extend sensitivity. Multi-Rangers consist of multipliers and shunts with a selector switch -produce ~xtra ranges when used with standard l-ma recorder. Amplifiers require 110-125 volts. 50 60 cycle AC - Slock No Description EACH 65F 180 Mod.llIO; 0-1-10-100-1000 v., DC: Input res,. 10 meg Model 98; 0-10-100-500-my•• 1·10 v,. DC Dr 0-1-10 pO Model 114; Input r.... 100 K: sens., 9 mv variable Ill·A Multi·Ranger.lncr..s.. range of 1 rna recorder, 0-]-5.. 10-50-100·500·1000 v,fma I11-B; as above. but 0·3-15·3075-150-300·750 v,fma 65F 181 corders above. but have two galvanometers for simultaneous readings. Stock No. 65 F 65F 65F 65 F 166 167 168 169 65F 158 Event Recorder Recorder DUAl·CHANNEL RECORDERS. Same as reo . Description EACH 0-1 ma DC; 0-1 ma DC 0-100 pO DC; 0-100 pO DC O-SA, AC; 100-140 v.• AC O-SA. AC; 100-140, 200·2SO. 400-560 v.. AC 124.50 144.50 149.50 159.50 4-CHAhiNEL EVENT RECORDER. Monitors and records up to 4 ON-OFF operations. ReQuire 24 v.. DC to actuate each input. Less amplifier below. ' 65FI70 .... :._ . . . . . 88.00 POWER SUPPLY. Supplies 24 v., DC for actuating 4 circuits. 65 F 171 ..................... 10.50 AMPLIFIER. For actuating by magnetic. load change. voice. etc. 69 F 753 ............ 394 • ALLIED - _. . . . 79.50 Self-contained temperature recording instruments-produce 'an accurate, high-resoh.Jtion trace. Four different probe styles available-may be interchanged without recalibration of the instrument. Model 144. intended for high-temperature applications. has waferprobe included. All have standard chartspeed of 1" per hour. For 105-130 v .• 60 cycle AC. Otller chart speeds. temperature spans. units with controller features. battery operation are available-inquire for details. TEMPERATURE RECORDERS. . 65F 178 65F.179 65 F 65F 65F 65 F 65 F 65 F 65F 65 F 172 173 165 163 174 175· 176 177 Description Model 133. SO' 10 SO' F Model 133. 90' 10 115' F Model 144. O'to 300' F Model 144. 0' 10 SO~' F . Oral-rectal probe Utility probe Extended disc probe ,Flexible disc probe Slock No. Desuiption f!9 FF325 Extra gear trains. In. per hr.: EACH 69F 326 170.00 170.00 180.00 180.00 69 F 327 69 F'279 65F 185 65F 186 651" 149 69 F 276 69 F 277 69 F 278 ""13.50" 21.00 25.50 21.00 110.00 44~50 4~.50 RECORDER ACCESSORIES ' Stock No 89.50 109.50 !I.a. liz. I. 2, 3. 6, 10. 12, 15, SO. 50, Specify speed • 63' chart paper rolls. Style A 50 divisions Style·B. 75 divisions Style C, 65 divisions Style D. 20 dlv. (dual chan,) Styl. E. 1 div. (...nt rec.) Style F. 15 diy. (event rec.) 2-unit rack mig. panel 3·unit rack mte. panel 4-.unit rack mtg. panel EACH 5.00 2.25 15~OO Everything, in Electronics from One Dependable Source Testers, Chart Recorders from A·50·' CECA·TRAN I~~ SNAP·AROUND VOLTAGE/CURRENT TESTERS MODEL RS·3. Multi·range. snap·around volt·amp·ohmmeter.lnsulatedjawsclamp around conductor (up to 1\116" dia.) for current. Test leads plug·in for voltage and resistance checks. Magnified, un break· able meter window. Rotary scales. Reads 0·150·300·600 v., AC; 0·5·15·40·100·300 amps. AC; 25 ohms mid·scale. Accurate ±3%, full scale. With leather case, leads, 7~x2Yax1tYlz". Wt., ,2 Ibs. 69 F 268 ..................... 52.50 MODEL RS·'. Reads 0·5·15·40·100 amps; AC; 0·150·600 v.. AC. No resistance range. Size as above. With leads and case. 2 Ibs. 69 F 243 ...•................... 39.95 MODEL CT·' 0 CABLE TRACER. Traces con· ductor in cable and conduit-up to 10 circuits at once. Receptacles take up to #10 wire-clips for larger sizes. With 10 station·markers, 2 holders, case, clips. Uses 1.5·v. mercury battery (not incl.). 7x5x2~". 2 Ibs. . 65F208 ..................... 39.50 . AMP ROBE JUNIOR Snap·around volt·amp testers, 3% accuracy of full scale. ~" conductor capacity. Voltage range; 0-125-250, except '0150-600. With leads, less case 1 Ib '. Stock No. MOdel Amps EACH 0-10 69'FOii8 Y10 69 F 089 Y25 0-2S YSO 69 F 091 0·50 19.85 Y100 69 F 092 0·100 69 F 167 Y52S' 0·25 69 F 168 YSSO· 0-50 19.85 0~100 69 F 169 YSOO' 69 F 105 Case for above ........... 2.85 --- MODEL A·50.1. DECA·TRAN. For all Amprobes. Extends amperage range 10 times. With 2-ft. line cord and carrying case. Wt .. 1 lb. 65F207 .... : ................ 27.50 MODEL A·45 ENERGIZER. For all Amprobes. Increases sensitivity 5X or lOX for clirrent measurements. Use as direct read· ing device at. receptacles. 1 lb. ~.q67 .......... ·............ 5.00 MODEL TM·33. Consists of Amprobe RS.3. Deca-Tran, and Energizer in cil-rry·all case. 1\x8~x3n. Wt .. 3 Ibs. 65F200 ..................... 84,50 AMPROBE JR. TEST MASTER KITS Consist of a YO Amprobe Jr.. A-45 Energizer, and a specially designed leather carrying case. Measure voltage; current, and resistance instantly and accurately on calibrated scale (not ilist an indication). The Energizer increases the versatility of the instrument by increasing the sensitivity 5 or 10 times for precise read· ings on fractional horsepower motors and appliances. 4%x2~x1l1s". 1 ~ Ibs. Volt· age range; 0·150/600, except *0-125/250. Stock No. Model 6'5'F'2oT 65 65 65 65 65 F F F F F 202 203 204 205 206 Amps TM-YO·S2S 0-2.S-2S T~·YO·S50 0-5-50 TM·YO·SOO 0-10-100 TM·YO·2S* 0-2.5-25 TM·YO·50· 0·5-50 TM-YO-100' 0-10-100 VOLTAGE/CURRENT RECORDER SET • Two Top.Quality Recorders in One Package • Compute Power Demand at Any Given Moment Record' both amperage and voltage simultaneously with this convenient. portable recorder. Two of the most frequently-used recorders packaged together in one compact case. Consists of a Model AV1X 12" per hour recording volt· meter: a Model AA·2 12" per hour recording ammeter; and one Model M top grain cowhide carrying case. You'll find this combination a real helpmate-use the two recorders inde_ pendently. simultaneously. or at 2 location$. For 115 v., 60 cycle AC. 3lbs. 65 F 255 ................•••.•..••• 181.20 VOLTAGE AND CURRENT RECOR~ERS·INDICATORS Easily Poria'ble Include Top.Graln Leather Carrying 'Case and Transduce;: EACH --32.85 o Simple Paper (oading-Positive Paper Feed CHART RECORDERS AND ACCESSORIES o Provides permanent records of any variable that can be converted into an electrical signal-voltage, current. temperature, flow, pressure, etc. Inkless stylus uses pressure· sensitive paper•. Speed; 12" per hour for 30 hours on one roll of paper. Accuracy: DC. ±2% full scale; AC, ±3% full scale; AC ex· panaed scale instruments, "L" in Type No. mdicates unit is complete with leather case. ·With resistance-bUlb thermometer. Less thermocouples. For 115 volts, 60 cycle AC. All units are 52J.izx3\1zx1 tH6" Shpg. wt., 3lbs. o Stock Mfr" Description Type No. 65 F 421 LDC·8100 Microammeter 65 F 422 LDC-8S00 Microammeter Millimeter 65 F 423 LDB-81 Ammeter (with A·70) 65 F 212 M·1 Ammeter (with A-6O) 65 F 213 AA·2 Expanded scale VM 65 F 214 AV-1X Temperature Recorder 65 F 217 T-IOO Pyrometer 65 F 218 P·600· Case for 1 recorder 65 F 219 L Case for 2 recorders 6S F 220 M 65 F 221. A·60 'Current Transducer. Snaparound with 6-ft cord. For use with AA·2 Recorder. 1 lb.................... 14.50 65 F 222. As above, but AA-1 recorder. Wt .. lib....... : ................ 24.75 65 F 223. Model SOl DC. Box of six strip charts. Perforated and printed 2-color. 50 divisions for DC variable .• 2" spacing between lines. Wt., lib............. 9.00 Chart Recorder o Provides' permanent re~rds Range 0-100 p.a 0-500 p.a 0-1 rna DC 0-10-50-250-500 amps DC 0-5·25·100-250 amps AC 95·130/190-260 V., AC -SO/laO·; 50/250· F 0··600· ........ ........... ..................... EACH 79.85 74.85 74.85 94.85 89.85 84.85 99.85 79.85 4.50 6.50 65 F 224. ModeISOI2AA2. Box of 6 charts for use with the AA-2. lib ........... 9.00 65 F 225. Model RCVI2HX. Charts for expanded scale AV·1X. lib........... 9.00 65·F 228. Model NP·'. Blank charts, perforated, no printing. lib ......... 9.00 65 F 230. Model BL·' 2. Charts with time line only. 0.2" spacing. lib ........... 9.00 Everything in Test' Instruments from One Dependable Source Record and Indicate Voltage and Amperage Contemporary Styling 0 Rugged Construction Use Inkle .. StyluS io . Easily Poi.table· ·Dual-scaled .for maximum versatility-you get four instruments in one. Can be used as standard indicating voltmeters, standard indicating ammeters, recording voltmeters, or recording ammeters. Features Simple paper-Ioading~no rollers or drums to thread; has inkless stylus for smudgeless operation-uses pressure· sensitive paper. Now you can monitor linevoltage. check iriotor-Imiding, machine-cycling or operating time, and balance circuits on a 24. hour· basis. ·Has· chart .speed of 12" per hour for 30 hours on one roll of paper. Accuracy: 1 division .. with 60-cycle sine wave input. Sup. plied with snap-around current transducer. and top grain cowhide carrying l:ase. Only SZYl,x3Y1,x111A6'. Shpg. wt., 3 Ibs. Range (AC) Stock Mfr's EACH __...,N:.:.":o'~_I_..,.T,=,Y:..:p:..:.c.. 'Volts Amp. 65 F 253 AVA-1 95-130, 134.85 =-=-=..,...I-:-::::-:--=- 190·260 250-500 65 F 254 AVA·2 95-130. 0-5-25- -;;;:;; 190-260 100-250 o::w:so:- ATTENTION INDUSTRIAL BUYERS Write. wire or phone u.s for prompt price quotations. Allied maintains the most complete stock of electronic components in the world and can supply you with any component in industrial quantities. AlLIED • 395. FAMOUS. 260 AND 270 AC-DC VOLT-OHM-MILLIAMMETERS 260 Now Available With Mirror Scale "ADD-A-TESTERS" Just Plug In Adapter for Complete Unit WITH MIRROR SCALE Self-Powered and Self-Contained WITH STANDARD 260 SCALE Model 260-Series 4. Features: 2-color scale; 5000 ohms/v. AC, 20,000 ohms/v. DC sensitivity; polarity switch; full-wave bridge rectifier; response to 50 kc. Ranges: DC mv, 0-250; AC, DC v., 0-2.5-10,50-250-1000-5000; AF output v., 0-2.5-10-50-250; DC "a, 0-50; DC rna, 0-10-100-500; DC amps, 0-10; Res., 0-20 megs, 3 ranges; db, -20 to +50. 4 ranges. Accuracy: 2%, DC: 3%, AC. 7xS14x3Ys". With batteries, leads. SIbs. 48.95 69 F 199 ........................................... 69 F 200. 260RT. As above, but in roll-top case. 9x6Yax4%". Shpg. wt .. 9 Ibs.................................... , ......... 54.95 69 F 285. 260-Serles 4M. With mirror scale. 6),2 Ibs._ ...... 50.95 69 F 286. 260RT-4M. With mirror scale and roll-top case. Size. 9x6Yax4%". Shpg. wt .. 9 Ibs............................. 56.95 Model 270. Has 260-Series 4M features, plus knife-edge pointer, ~~~e~~~~~i.l~t.y: .~~~ .~~~~r.a.c~: .~~ .l~~: ••••••.••••••!64.95 69 F 228. 270RT. As above, .but in roll-top case. Size, 9x6Yax4%". Shpg. wt •• 9 l.bs........................................ 70.95 HIGHLY VERSATILE PLUG-IN "ADD-A-TESTERS" For any 260, 270 made since 1947. 4Yax5'l-16x31116". Av. wt., 2lbs. 69 F 334. 650 Transistor Te.ster. leo range, 0-100 "a .......•. 26.95 69 F 336. 651 DC VTVM. 0-.5. 1.0, 2.5, 10. 25, 50, 100, 250, 500 v. ranges. Impedance, 10 megohms .....•.....•.....•.....•. 32.95 69 F 337.652 Temp. Tester. -50 to +250°F in 2 ranges ..... 38.95 69 F 338. 653 Ammeter. 0.25, 1, 2.5, 12.5, 25a: 50-3 kc •...•. 18.95 69 F 339.654 Audio Wattmeter. 17 microwatts to 100 watts. Load ranges, 4, 8, 16 and 600 ohms ............................. 18.95 69 F 340. 655 Altenuator. 2.5-250,000 decade steps.... 18.95 "V 396 • ALLIED "V 69 F 342. 656 Battery Tester ............................. 19.95 ACCESSORIES FOR SIMPSON METERS 69 F 210. Type 0508 High-Voltage DC Probe. 25-kv range. For models 260-3, and 270. Shpg. wt., liz Ib.......................... I 1.50 69 F 202. Type 0509 High-Voltage DC Probe. 50-kv range. For models 260-3, and 270. Shpg. wt., liz Ib.......................... 12.50 69 F 196. Type 8375 Leads. Alligator clips, "L" terminals. For models 230, 240, 260-2, and 372. Shpg. wt., ),2 lb ............ 1.75 69 F 203. Type 7500 Leads. Banana plugs, alligator clip. For model 260-3. Shpg. wt., lIb..................................... 2.10 69 F 151. Type 4236 Ever-Redy Leather Carrying Case, For models 260,270 and 303: Shpg. wt., 2 Ibs......................... 9.75 69 F 162. Type 1818 Carrying Case. As above, but standard leather. For models 260 and 270. Shpg. wt .. 2 Ibs•.....•..•••....••. 8.5.0 69 F 344. Type 402 Adapter Case. Includes latching case, plus parts for 50-microamp range. For model 260-2. 1 liz Ibs ...... ; ..... 3.95 MODEL 269 MICRO.AMMETER VOM Battery-operated 100,000 ohms-per-volt multitester. Shielded meter movement incorporates spring-back iewels, has large 7" scale. Offers 33 ranges: DC, 0-16-160 jLa: 0-1.6-16-160 rna: 0-1:6-16 amps. DC v., 0-1.6-8-40-160-400-1600-4000: AC v., 0-3-840-160. Ohms, 0-2K-20K-200K; Megs, 0-220-200. AF v., 0-3-8-40-160: db (1 mw-600 ohms), -12 to +45.5 db in four ranges. Accuracies: DC v., ±3% of full scale; AC v .. ±5% of full scale: DC resistance, ±3% of arc length. Frequency response: essentially flat through 50 kc. Size, 6x8x3". Exclusive "Adiust-A-Vue" handle. With test leads, 4000-v. DC probe, batteries and 'operator's manual. Wt., 6 Ibs. Spring-back iewels eliminate shock an~ vibration damage to meter pivots. 100,000 ohms/ volt sensitivity-higher input impedance than many VTVM's on higher DC volt ranges. Convert Your YOM Into 8 New Testers! 89.95 69 F 153 ....................... Model 262. As above, but 20,000 ohms/volt DC, 5000 ohms/volt AC. 6 Ibs. 69 F 154, ............ : ........... 69.95 HIGH-VOLTAGE PROBES Probes exten:d the range of YOM Models 269 and 262 (at left) to 16,000 and 40,000 volts. Average shpg. wt .. 2 Ibs. 69 F 289. Model 0173. Extends the range of model 269 to 16,000 volts .....•.. I 1.95 69 F 158. Model 01 ill. Extends the range of model 269 to 40,000 volts .... ' ....••• 13.50 65 F 290. Model 0172. Extends the range of model 262 to 16,000 volts ............ 11.95 69 F 351. Model 0180. Extends the range of .model 262 to 40,000 volts ......... '.' 12.50 MODEL 5262 CARRYING CASE "Ever-Redy" vinyl case for models 269 and 262 (at left): also for models 388, 388-3L and 389-3L on facing page. Protect your instruments while in storage or transport. ~~8~4;5;~~.g: .~~':.~ ~~~'•..•••.•... 9.95 Allied Maintains the World's Largest Stocks of Electronic Components ~1_n_d_u_s_tr_i_a_I-_T_e_st__l_ns_t_r_u_m_e_n_t_s_b_y_~ ______~ 303 Accuracy: DC Stales AC Scales. :I: 3% :I: 5% VACUUM·TUBE VOLT-OHMMETERS MODEL 303 AC-DC VTVM li'eatures low current-consumption, wide voltage and resistance ,'anges, and high accuracy. Ranges: AC/DC v .. 0-1.2-12-60-3001200; AC v .. 0-1.2-12-160, flat to 100 kc; resistance, 0-1000-100,000 ,hms and 0-1-1O-1000'megs; db, -20 to +63 in 5 ranges; AF output v., 0-1.2-12-60. Accuracies: DC volts, ±3% of full scale; AC volts, ±5% of full scale. DC resistance, 3" of linear arc. 4Yz" dial. Bakelite case, 7x514x3 lIa". DC, AC ohms probes, ground lead. For 110- ~~O "v·i:~. ~~~l.e. -:'~'. ~~'.~~'.\~~':.~~ .l~~........... ,., .•• .73,95 &9 " 152. 303RT. Above, in roll-top case. Wt., 8 Ibs ......... 82,95 &9 " 149. ooi" High-V. Probe. Extends DC to 30 kv. lib .... 11.95 &9 " 150. 0073 RF Probe. Measures RF volts. Wt .. 1 lb•...... 8.75 MODEL 311 AC-DC VTVM lIigh DC input impedance. 22 megs. Direct readout of rms and pop values. Ranges: AC/DC v., 0-1.5-5-15-50-150-500-1500. Resistance: }·IK-IOK-IOOK ohms; 0-1-10-100-1000 meg•. AF v., 0-1.5-5-15-50150-500-1500, :1:5%, 30 cps-100 kc. poP, 0-4-14-40-140-400-14001000 v. Accuracies: DC v., :1:3% of full scale; AC v .. ±5% of full icale. DC resistance, :±:3° of linear arc. 4V2 H meter. DC·AC ohms ~robe, ground lead. Size, 7Yzx5%x4Yz". For 105-125 v., 50-60 cycle ,\C. Shpg. wt .. 8 Ibs. 6 5 &9"X587 .................. : ....................... 9.9 &9 F 208. 0732 High-V, Probe. Extends DC to 30 kv. lib .... I 1,75 [,9 F 21 I. 0731 High·Frequency Probe. Shpg. wt., 1 lb ........ I 1.51) MODEL 715 AC VTVM Sensitive, general-purpose unit. High input impedance (min. 1 meg .1t 1 kc), 10 voltage ranges and freqnency response of 10 cps to 400 -l-2.5-5-10-25 amperes. Current trans:"onner. 3" meter. Less leads. For 60 :ycJe AC only. Accuracy, ±5% of full ,c~le. Wt., 3 Ibs................ 22.95 355 VOM Midgetester. Miniature YOM with 10K ohms/volt AC-DC sensitivity. 100'l'a meter. Ranges: AC-DC v., 0-312-60-300-1200; 0-10K-I00K ohms, 0-110 megs. Essentially flat to 10 kc. Accuracy: DC v., ±3% full scale; AC v., ±5%. Only 4Yzx2%xl". With batteries, leads. Shpg. wt .. 2 Ibs. 4 69FC254·.................. 3.95 69 F 157. leather Case. 8 oz....... 3.95 69 F 198. Extra leads. Wt., 6 oz ... 1.85 240 "Hammeter" VOM. 1000 ohms/volt AC-DC. DC v .. 0-15-75-300-750-3000; AC v .. 0-15-150-750-3000. Ohms: 03000-300,000. DC ma, 0-15-150-750. Accuracy: DC v., ±3%; AC v .. ±5%. ::t~e~~j~~~~'. ~~':~: ~~:.: ~ .I~~... 31. 9 5 390 Volt-Amp-Wallmeter. For 60-cyde AC units. Ranges: AC v., 0-150-300; amps, 0-3-15; watts, 0-300-600-15003000. Accuracy, ±5% full scale, or better. 3" meter. Break-in plug, leads. Shpg. wt .. 4 Ibs. 48 5' 69 F 164...... ............. .9 Use the Services of the Allied Facility Nearest You-S~e Page 1 Take Them -Anywhere AWED • 397 Instruments for Plant or Lab Standards WESTON --.'" < • () _r . 931 SERIES 433 SERIES 911 SERIES • Accuracy ± Y2% • 4.04" Mirror Seale MATCHED DC VOLTMETERS, AMMETERS, MIL. . LlAMMETERS, MICRO AMMETERS. Matched portable instruments of very high accuracy for industria!" DC testing •.• within Yz of I %. Moderately priced and designed for the requirements of most industrial test situations. For highest readability all instruments have knife-edge pointers and· long. 4.04" mirror scale to eliminate parallax reading error. M~ement is the self shielded permanent magnet moving coil type-unaffected by stray fields. Available in DC voltmeters. ammeters. mi11iammeters and microammeters. Less leads (takes any type). Size. 5 YzxSx3 Yz". Average shipping weight. 4lbs. • Aeeuraey ±%% .4.04" Mirror Seale MATCHED AC VOLTMETERS, AMMETERS, MIL· LlAMMETERS. Exceptionally accurate instruments for industrial testing. Movable vane type mechanism offers precision readings at moderate cost. Knife edge pointer for accurate readings and mirror scale to eliminate parallax. Binding post terminals accept any type of leads (not supplied). Size. 5 l4x . 5x3l4". Average shipping wt .. 4 lbs. • Mirrored Seale • Self Shielded DC VOLTMETER. Converts to panel or switchboard mounting without adapters. Has: 7,,2" mirrored scale; self-shielded mechanism; metal-film resistors. O-I-3-IO-~0-IOO v.. ± I %; 0-300-1000 v .. ±2%. Sensitivity. 20.000 ohms/volt. Supplied less leads. With panel-conversion hardware. 7'hx6'hx2Vs". AC VOLTMETERS Ranges DC Volts 0-150-300-750 0-3-15-150 0-7.5-30-75 0-3-7.5-30 0-150-300-750 0-3-15-150 0-7.5-30-75 0-3-7.5-30 Ohms/ Volt 5000 5000 5000 5000 1000 1000 1000 1000 EACH ---112.75 Ranges ---- 65 F 368 651' 367 I 65 F 154 0-150300-600 0-75-150 0-30-60 0-10-20 0-5-10 0-150300-600 0-75-150 0-30-60 0-10-20 I' 370 F 371 I' 372 F 373 I' 374 EACH Cps 25-125 25-125 25-125 25"125 25-125 112.25 95.75 95.75 95.75 95.75 25-1000 25-1000 25-1000 25-1000 125.50 109.00 109.00 1·09.00 AC AMMETERS Stock No. Ranges Frequency AC Response 65 F ISS 0-5-20- 65 I' 378 65 I' 380 65 I' 381 65 I' 382 0-3·7.530 0-1.57.5-15 0-1-5-10 0-5-10 0-5-20· 65 F 383 0-1-2.5-5 . Cps Amps 65 I' 379 101.50 140.25 25,500 140.25 ·25-500 25-500 25.500 '140.25 140.25 102.25· 25-1000 25-1000 SO ':.:~~:~p'l DC EACH 0-30-300-3000 --::9-::8:-:_7"'5=0-0.03-0.3-3 110.50 EACH 25-500 SO DC MILLIAMMETERS S~o:,k Response 101.25 EACH DC Amps 0-5-20-50 0-2.5-10-25 0-1.5-3-15 0-0.1-1-10 0-0.05-0.5-5 AC Volts 65 I' 375 65 F 376 65 F 377 DC AMMETERS Stock No. 65 F" 152 65 F 366 65 F" 365 65 F" 364 65 F 363 Frequency 65 65 65 65 65 DC VOLTMETERS Stock No. 65 F" 151 65 F" 150 65 F" 357 65 F" 362 65ii" 360 65 F" 359 65 F" 361 65 F" 358 Stock No. Ranges AC Response Cps Ma. 65 F 424 0-50-100 25-1000 65 F 425 0-250-500 25-1000 No. "High ranl!e/low range. 398. ALLIED Watts ---u-:"""l.5I .5 0.75 5/ 2.S -5/-2.5 10/ 5 t Kilowatts. High Range 0-7S-150 7.5/ 3.75 O-Soo-looo 7:5/ 0-750-i5oo 3.75 15/ 7.5 I 0-I.S-3.0t Low Range Scale Div. 65 I' 388. AC Ammeter. Similar to above. Ranges: 0'0.05-0.1-0.2-0.5-1-2-5 AC amps. Accuracy ± 2 % all ranges. 60-400 cycles Transformer-rectifier type .. " .....•. 78.50 901 SERIES • Accuracy ± 14% • SYz" Mirror Seale DC AMMETER. For use where easy reading and high shielding are desired. Has 5 'h" calibrated scale. Ranp:es: 0-2-5-20 amps and SO mv movement. l4 % accuracy. PM moving-coil design. Less lead$. 7 Yzx714x3%". EACH 105.25 432 SERIES-DC OR SINGLE-PHASE AC WATTMETERS Amperes* Normal Max. ~~~g5~';t::.~ ~~~'........... :..... 78.50 ~~~gu f~9.~~.I.~s: .............. 162.25 • Accuracy ± Y2% • 4.04" Mirror Seale • Eleetrodynomomeier Type Power consumption: potential circuit @ Highly accurat"e instruments for measuring DC or AC wattage. AC coverage from 25 to 115 v .. 60 cycles-1.2 w.atts. 1.2 volt-amperes. Current circuit @ 5 amps. 60 cycles 125 cycles with power factors above 50%. Each unit has two ranges selected by bind-0.65 watts. 0.68 volt-amperes. Size: 3l4x ing posts and each range may be doubled. 5x5l4". Av. shpg. wt., 4Yz lbs. Volts" Stock No. Normal Max. 65 F 384 150/ 200/ 100 .75 260/ 651'385 200/ 100 130 651'386 300/ 400/ ISO 200 651'387 300/ 400/ 150 200 912 SERIES • Mirrored Scale • ± 2% Accuracy AC VOLTMETER. ·Matches 911 series DC meters above. Converts to panel or switchboard mounting without adapters. 7.2" mir· rorscale; shielded movement; metal film resistors. Ranges: 0-3-10-30-100-300-1000 v., ±2%; 1 KV and 3 v .. @ ±3%. Sensi· tivity. 5000 ohms/volt. Size. 7'hx6Yzx2Vs". 65 FU 160. DC Mmiammeter. As above but with ranges '0-10-20-50-100-200-500-1000 rna. Max. res:2.S ohms ........... 172.25 65 FU 389. DC Mmiommeter. As above but 0-1-2-5-10-20-50-100 rna ............ 172.25 65 FU 161. DC Voltmeter. 0-3-15-30-75-150300-750 v. 5000 ohms/v. Same .case and features as above .................. 182.25 Ranges Frequency Stock 69 F 509. DC Ammeter. Amps. 0-1-3-10; rna. 0-10-30-100-300. ±I%. Physically same as above ..................... 68.50 69 I' SID. DC Milliammeter. 0-0.1-0.3-1-3-10· 30-100 rna. ±I% ................... 68.50 145.25 145.25 AC MILLAMMETER DC MICROAMMETER 65 F 369. Range: 0-200 microamps. Resistance. 600 ohms ......... ~ ••.•.... 94.00 :;...~gg: .~~':.~ .l~~.............. 68.50 EACH ---- 0-37.5-75 75 192.55 0-250-500 100 ---- 0-375-750 75 192.55 0-0.75-1.5t 75 904 S~RIES • Accuracy ± Yz% • S'h" Mirror Seale' AC VOLTMETER. Offers high shielding and sufficient accuracy for checking other meters. Movable iron-vane type. 0-3-7.5-15.-3075-150-300-750 v. Response: 50-125 cps with. Yz% accuracy; 125-450 cps with 1% accuracy. 5Yz" scale. 7Yzx7l4x3%". Less leads. Wt .. 5% lbs. 4 65F"U 162 ..................... 2 7.50 65 FU 198. AC Ammeter. 0-2-5-10-20-50100-200 amos. Yz% accuracy. Response: 50-450 cps. Same case as above .... 222.50 65 FU 390. AC Ammeter. As above but ranges 0-1-2-5-10-20-50 amps ....... 215.50 65 FU 391. AC Mmiammeter. A~ above but ranges 0-75-150 rna ................ 176.50 65 FU 392. AC Mmiammeter. As above but 0-150-300 rna. ~5-IOOO cps ......... '.191.50 Expr.ess Shipment Retommended for Test Instruments Meters for Schools and Industry NEW WESTON "BENCH TESTERS" • DC Voltmeters • DC Ammeters • DC Millivoltmeters • AC Voltmeters • DC Galvanometers MODEL 2931, 2932 AND 2936 "BENCH TESTERS." Designed primarily for use in the laboratories of schools. colleges and industrial firms to measure electrical values. Accuracyon all meters is ±2% of full scale. Multi·range model is illustrated at left ... single range at right. Ranges on multi-range models are selected by connecting to the appropriate binding posts, which accept pin tip~. spade lugs or banana plugs. Spring· backed jewels provide ruggedness with long term stability, Damping is dc~ signed for minimum response time. 2932 1000 OHMS/VOLT AC VOLTMETERS (RECTIFIER TYPE) 2931 DC VOLTMETERS SENSITIVITY 1000 OHMS/VOLT Stock No. 65 65 65 65 F 393 F 394 F 395 F 396 Ranges-Volts DC Sca'e Divisions 0·15 0·1.5·3·30 0·3·15·30 0·1.5·15·150 75 60 60 75 I DC AMMETERS Stock No. 65 F 398 65 F 399 65 F 400 Ranges-Amps DC 0·3 0·15 0··1.5·3·30 Scale Divisions 60 75 60 2936 DC GALVANOMETERS· ZERO-CENTER NULL INDICATORS I I 65 F 403 65 F' 404 I Stock No. Ranges-Volts AC 65 F 402 65 F 401 0·30·150·300 0·3·15·150 I Scale~~.~ions 60 75 I EACH 37.50 2931 DoC MILLIVOLTMETER Range: 0·50 millivolts. Two scales of 50 and 75 are provided with divisions of 100 and 150. respectively. Use with external shunts and leads below to measure DC current. 65 F 397 ............. 22.75 65 F 406. No. 9858 leads. 5·foot leads with resistance of 0.065 ohms to match DC Millivoltmeter .. 1.50 0 EACH 22.75 22.75 49.85 Seale EACH 30·0·30 Standard-2"a/div. 22.75 30·0·30. Unear-1"a/divo 31.25 ~6~5~F_4~0~5~~__3~0_.O_._3~0__~[~.o~g~a~r~it~h~n~\i~"-~1~1.5~,,~n~/d~i~v~.~~3~5.75 Stoek No. \ Range-V DCI EACH 22.75 33.60 33.60 33.60 • 0 0 ••• 0 0 0 0 •••• •• 0 ••• 0 0 •••••••••••••••• 0 0.0................. MODEL 9992-50 MV SHUNT Converts DC Millivoltmeter into DC ammeter with ranges as shown. Range-Amps DC EACH Stock No. Mfr's No. 42261 0·1 65 F 407 42263 0·2 65 F 408 10.25 42210 0·5 65 F 409 41212 0·10 65 F 410 41214 0·25 65 F411 .41218 0·50 65 F 412 10.25 41223 0·100 65 F 413 41226 0·150 65 F414 POPULAR SERVICING AND MEASURING INSTRUMENTS MODEL 980 MARK II VOM 633 CLAMP VOLT-AMMETER MODEL 614 LIGHT METER • large 4.63' Meter Scale • DC Accuracy ± 2 % • DC Sensitivity 20,000 ·Ohms/Volt TYPE VA·!. For AC testing without breaking circuits. Clamps· around conductors to measure AC amps-test leads measure AC volts. Safety trigger permits bare· hand use -fits conductors to 2" in dia. Bakelite case; shatterproof glass, 750·v. insulation. AC amps: 0·10·25·100·250·1000. AC volts: O· 175·350·700. Accuracy: ±3%, 50·70 cps; adjustable to ±3% at 400 cps. 2.36' scale. Size: 13%1I4¥ax2Yl·. Shpg. wt .. 4\1z Ibs. A professional.quality foot·candle meter. Measures directly in foot·candles in three ranges on a 2.36" scale. Ranges: 0·100·250· 500 foot·candles. Supplied with "Viscor" and cosine filters for color and direction correction. respectively. With bakelite case and leather carrying strap. Size: 7'1sx3¥ax • Fused Resistance Rar\ges A sensitive and rugged volt·ohm·milliam· meter with a DC sensitivity of 20.000 ohms per volt· and an AC sensitivity of 1000 ohms/v. Designed for a wide range of ac· curate test measurements in industrial elee· tronics. Features: spring back jewels; fused resistance rangeSj insulated crack-proof case. Ranges: DC volts. 0·1.6·8·40·160·400· 800·4000; AC volts. 0.1.1\.8.40.160·400· 1600; Decibels, -15 to +54 in 6 ranges; DC "a, 0·80; DC rna, 0.1.6·8·80·800;.DC amps. 0·8; Resistance, IK to 10K full·scale and 25 to 250,000 center·scale (5 ranges). Accuracy: DC. 2%; AC, 3%. 4.63' scale. With leads, less batteries. 7'l1.x6\1.ox3". ~~~g2~t.... 31.~s: .......... 0 ••• 53.50 69 F 281. 177·977 Cover and 4·Way Stand. Shpg. wt., 1 lb •.....•... 5,50 0 0 •••••• 0 • 69F512 ...................... 141.50 !~;'I~::'~: ~~~.: ~.I~.s: ..•..... o. 136.25 65 F 415, light Moter. Same as above except range 0·60·120·600 foot·candles imd with "Viscor" color filter only ...... 133.25 0 749 AC CLAMP VOLT-AMMETER Pocket·size version of meter above. Takes conductors to l ' in· dia. AC amps, 0·6·15· 30·60·150·300. AC v .. 0·150·300·600. 2.36* scale. With case. voltage test leads. insu· lated clips, 3 accessory probes. 7\1zx3xl \1.0 •• ~~~gs ~i·:. ~ .l~: .................. 51.50 69 F 514, Model 9886 Plug.ln Adapter. Aids in current readings of double-conductor leads. Has 10·1 current·divider, also. Shpg. wt., 7 oz............................. 5.25 Everything in Test Instruments from One Dependable Source •• SERIES 703 SIGHTMETERS TYPE 3A. Pocket·size meter for checking illumination levels at work stations. 0·75 foot·candles. Unfiltered. Scale 1.57". 4%x !~;~~-;: ow..t:,o .2.~..I~~......••.. 48.50 TYPE 6A. As above. but with "Viscor" and cosine filters for color and direction correc... tion. Less case, below. 2Y. Ibs. 65 F 233 ... 60.50 65 F 235, Leather Ca ••• Ub ........ , •... 3,00 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 0 •••• 0 •••••• ~~_______V_O __M_'_s_an_'d__A_c_ce_s_s_or_ie_s______~ A COMPLETE LINE FOR EVERY APPLICATION • ACCURATE • MODERATELY PRICED 630 PL 630A ~:NEW MODEL 630.-NS DELUXE YOM t'\ewest YOM from Triplett features 200,000 ohms/volt sensitivity on DC-input impedance is higher than most VTVM's at 55 volts DC and above. 5 microamp suspension meter movement has 5 Yz,H, two color, mirror-scale face and tY2% DC accuracy, 3% AC. Temp. compensated with freq. range to 100 KC. 62 ranges-DC volts: 0-0.6-3-1260-300-1200 @ lOOK ohms/volt; 0-0.3-1.56-30-150-600 @ 200K ohms/volt; 0-0.150 @ 60 /IA. AC volts: 0-3-12-60-300-1200 @ 10K ohms/volt; 0-1.5-6-30-150-600 @ 20K ohms/volt. Db: -20 to +77 in 10 ranges. DC current: 0-5-60-120-600 "a plus 0-1.2-612-60-120-600-1200 rna. plus 0-6-12 amps. Ohms: 0-IK-l0K-l00K-l meg-l0 meg-l00 meg. Heavy molded black case, 31~,x5Y2x 7 Y2". With leather handle, leads, alligator dips and batteries. 4 Y2 lbs. 69F691 ....................... 99.50 MODEL 630-NA DELUXE YOM Extra quality YOM with high accuracy and temperature and frequency compensation. Response fiat to 100 KC, down 114 db @ 500 KC. 5 Y2" mirror-scale meter has diode and fuse protection. 70 ranges: accuracy, lY2% on DC to 1200 v.; ±3% on AC to 1200 v. DC volts: 8 ranges to 6000 (10,000 ohms/v.): 8 ranges to 3000 (20,000 ohms/v.). AC volts: 6 ranges to 6000 (5000 ohms/v.); 6 ranges to 3000 (10,000 ohms/v.). Db,' -20 to +77 in 12 ranges. DC microamps: 1 range to 120 (240 mv); 2 ranges to 600 (120 my). DC rna: 4 ranges to 1200 (240 mv); 3 ranges to 600 (120 mv). DC amps:l range to 12 (240 mv); 1 range to 6 (120 vm). Ohms: 3 ranges to lOOK, 3 ranges to 100 megs. Case size, 7 Y2x5 Y2x3 1~H. Complete with test leads, alligator clips, batteries. Shpg. wt .. 4lbs. 79 •50 69 F 110....................... MODEL 63O-PL YOM Popularly priced YOM with large 5Y2" meter and wide frequency response-5 cycles to 500 KC. Easy-read scales protected by unbreakable plastic window ... spring-backed jewels for ruggedness. Has polarity reversing switch on DC and outstanding resistance ranges ••• low readings to 0.1 ohm ... high to 100 megs. With fuse protected ohmmeter circuits. AC and DC v., 6 ranges each, to 5000 v. (DC at 20,000 ohms/v.; AC at 5000 ohms/v.); DC current, 0-100 "a, 0-10-100-1000 ma, and 0-10 amps; res., 0-1000-10,000 ohms and 0-1-100 megs; db, -20 to +75 in 6 ranges; output v., 0-3-10-50-250-1000 at 5000 ohms/v. Ace.: ±3% on DC to 1000 v.; ±4% on AC to 1000 v.; ±5% oh AC-DC at 5000 v. 7Y2x5Y2x31~". With leads and batteries. Shpg. wt., 4lbs. 4950 69 F 229....................... • NEW MODEL 630-L YOM New YOM has low milliwatt ohmmeter circuit--only 140 mv on xl and xl0 ranges. Eliminates possibility of damage to semiconductor circuits. Supplied with mercury battery-reduces.re-zeroing. With 5 Y2" twocolor meter, spring backed jewels for ruggedness, and polarity reversing switch. Frequency response through 500 KC. Accuracy, ±3% on DC,±4% onAC. Sensitivity: 20,000 ohms/volt DC, 5,OOOohms/voltAC. Ranges: DC volts, 0-2.5-10-50-250-1000-5000. AC volts, 0-3-10-50-250-1000-5000. Db, -20 to +75 in six ranges; DC ·current, 0-100 "a plus 0-10-100-1000 rna plus 0-10 amps. Ohms, 0-1000-10,000 plus 0-1-100·· megohms. Case is black molded plastic, 31~,x 5 Y2x7 Y2H; With test leads, alligator clips, batteries. Shpg. wt., SIbs. 54 50 69 F 692....................... • MODEL 63O-A YOM Similar in appearance to Model 630 at right but with mirror scale to eliminate parallax reading errors. Has Y2 % precision multiplier resistors for higher accuracy-±1 Y2% on DC. Outstanding resistance ranges •.• low reading to 0.1 ohm ... high reading to 100 megs. Fuse protected ohmmeter circuit and spring-backed instrument jewels for ruggedness. Frequency response, 5 cps to 500 KC on AC. Ranges: DC and AC volts, 0-3-12-60-300-1200-6000 (DC at 20,000 ohms/v.. AC at 5,000 ohms/v.); DC current, 0-60 rna, 0-1.2-12-120 rna and 0-12 amps; resistance, 0-1000-10,000 ohms and 0-1-100 megs; db, -20 to +77 in 6 ranges:· output v .. 0-3-12-60-300-1200. 20-position switch. 7Y2x5Y2x3?1,H. With batteries, alligator clips, leads. Shpg. wt., 6lbs. 59 S· 0 69 F 121. ..................... _ • MODEL 630 YOM Popularly priced tester includes many features found on more expensive YOM's. Has 20,000 ohms/volt sensitivity on DC, 5,000 ohms /volt on AC ••. spring-backed jewels for ruggedness .•• outstanding resistance ranges. Low reading 0.1 ohms; high, 100 megohms. Fuse protected ohmmeter circuitry. DC accuracy is ±3% to 1200 volts. AC frequency response, 5 cps to 500 KC. Ranges: DC and AC volts, 0-3-12~60-3001200-6000 (DC at 20,000 ohms/v., AC at 5,000 ohms/v.); DC current, 0-60 rna, 0-1.212-120 ma and 0-12 amps; resistance, 01000-10,000 ohms and 0-1-100 megs; db, -20 to +77 in 6 ranges: output v., 0-3-1260-300-1200. 20-position switch .selects circuit and range. 7 Y2x5 Y2x3~,H. With batteries, alligator clips, leads. 6 lbs. 69 F 118 ....................... 49.50 MODEL 666-R POCKET YOM Handy tester for pocket or tool kit. Has single seleCtor switch ••• three resistance ranges to 3 megohms .• , five voltage ranges to 5000 volts, AC or DC. Sensitivity, 1000 ohms/volt, AC and DC. Ranges: DC volts, 0-10-50-250-1000-5000. AC volts, 0-10-50250-1000-5000. Ohms, 0-3K-300K plus 0-3 megs. DC current, 0-10-100 rna plus 0-1 amps. Case is black molded plastic, 3Yt.x 5Vsx2%f. With leads, batteries, alligator clips. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs. 34 50 69 F 114....................... , YOM ACCESSORIES High Voltage Probes. FnUy insulated. 11 %H probe with 48H leads. 'For YOM Models 630, 630-A and 631. tFor YOM's 630-PL 'and 630-APL. §For YOM 850. 630-PLK 666-R NEW MODEL 63O-PLK YOM Has transistorized electronic switching cir. cuits to protect meter and all components from damage by overloading. Ranges: DC volts, 0-2.5-10-S0-250-1OO0-5OO0@ 20,000 ohms per volt; AC volts, 0-3-10-50-2501000-5000 @ 5,000 ohms per volt; db, -20 to +75 in 7 ranges; DC microamps, 0-100 @ 250 my; DC milliamps, 0-10-100-1000 @ 1000 mv; DC amps, 0-10 @ 250 mv; ohms, 0-1000-10,000 (4.4-44 at center scale); megohms, 0-1-100 (4,400-440,000 at center scale); output volts, 0-3-10-50250-1000 at 5,000 ohms per volt. With 50" test leads with removable alligator clips, and batteries. Wt., 4 lbs. ·65 F 299 ....................... 79.50 400 • ALLIED MODEL 631 VTVM-VOM Versatile instrument combines two testers in one. Switch selects high impedance, battery powered VTVM or YOM ... no AC power needed for VTVM. Large SY2 H meter has spring-backed instrument jewels for ruggedness. Accuracy, ±3%,DC to 1200 v. Ranges: VTVM, 0'1.2-6-30-120 v:, DC; 11 megs input imp. YOM: DC v., 0-3-12-60300-12K (20K ohms/v.); AC and audio volts, 0-3-12-60-300-12K (5K ohms/v.) ;DC "a, 0-60;. DC ma, 0-1.2-12-120-1200 (250 mv); DC amps, 0-12(250 mv); db, .,..20 to +63; ohms, 0-1500-15K; megs, 0-1.5-150. With batteries and leads. 3 1~,x5 Y2x7 Y2". Shpg. wt .. 4lbs. 69 •50 69 F 113 .................. ·..... --. \ Stock No. 69 69 69 69 65 65 65 65 69 Volts Type F 212 T-79-6S* F 214 T-79-69* F 112 T-79-70* F 215 T-79-71* F 098 T-79-83t F 099 T-79-165t F 100 T-79-130t F 101 T-79-166t F 193 T79B196! EACH 0-12,000 DC 0-12.000 AC 0-30.000 DC 14,50 0-30.000 AC 0-10.000 DC 0-10,OOOAC 0-25,000 DC· 14.50 0-25,000 AC 0-50,000 DC 20.50 Carrying Cases and Stand. *Black cowhide. TN225A33 is stand. Stock No. 69 69 65 69 F F F F Type For Testers Wt. NET 119 639-N* Series630&631 116 639-P* Series 630& 631 280 669-05 666-R 120 T255A33 Series630&631 1Y2 ~ 1Y2 14.90 1Y2 7.40 1 1.00 611 and 311 Leads. 611 allows use of 10 adapter with 630, 630-A, 630-NA, 630-PL, 631. 311 separates 10 from 310. 1 lb.· 69 F256.611 69 F235.311. ....... 2.10 Express Shipment Recommended for Test Instruments Laboratory and Service Instruments ~~ ~ @~ c fJ./lii'. MINiATURE' MODEL 800 YOM -. YOM's Model 10 Adapter .11 the features that make a superb in- :rllment have been packed into this VOM. [as mirror scale 7" wide . . . self-shielded Iagnet movement ... overload protected, ~Jl1perature and frequency compensated ... ~~orO~~i::r r~~:di~; s~v~i~~~~ti'c' ~~l:;;~d: requency response: flat from 20 cps to 100 :C, varies from % to Ill.! db at 500 KC. .anges: DC volts, 0-0.240-0.6-3-12-60-300lOO-6000 @ 10,000 ohms/volt. 0-0.120.3-1.5-6-30-150-600-3000 @ 20.000 ohms / )It. AC volts, 0-3-12-60-300-1200-6000 @ )00 ohms/volt. 0-1.5-6-30-150-600-3000 @ ),000 ohms/ volt. Db, -30 to +70 in 12 lIlges. DC current, 0-60-120-600 a plus ·1.2-612-60-120-600-1200 rna plus 0-6-12 nperes. Ohms, 0-IK-I0K-100K plus 0-1)-100 megohms. With leads and batteries. Model 310 Miniature YOM. Shirt-pocket size. 20,000 ohms/ volt DC sensitivity ... selfshielded . . . 3% DC accuracy. Common probe fits into meter top freeing one hand. Ranges: DC volts, 0-3-12-60-300-1200 @ 20,000 ohms/volt. AC volts, 0-3-12-60-3001200 @5000 ohm·s/volt. Ohms, 0-20K-200K plus 0-2-20 megohms. DC current, 0-600 "a plus 0-6-60-600 mao With leads and batteries. 2%x4 lI.!xl 0/,.". Wt., 21bs' 50 69 F C 667.. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 37 . 69 F 146. 369 Leather Case. For Model 310 . only. Wt .. 6 oz .. .................... 3.20 ~~6~~~~':'.~.~~~'.~v~:,.: ~~~: ... 89.50 Model 310-C YOM. Same as 310 above but with polarity reversing switch, 15,000 ohms/ volt AC sensitivity, fully enclosed range switch. Wt., 1 lb. 44 • 50 65 FC 096 ................... ,.,. Model 310 YOM Model 10 AC Ammeter Adapter. Plugs into Model 310 or 310-C to make a damp-on AC ammeter or can be used with any YOM with 3 v. AC scale at. 5000 ohms/volt. Reads AC current, 0-6-12-30-60-120-300 amps. 4 J!,jxlll.!x3l1.!. Wt., 2% Ibs. 69 F 231 ... " .................... 15.50 66 F 590. 379 Leather Case for Models 10, 101. and 310. lIb .................. 6.00 Model 100 YOM and Clamp-On Ammeter Set. Consists of Models 310, 10, 101 (see below) with 379 leather case and #311 leads. 7lbs. 65 F 095 .......................... 64.50 Modell 01 Line Separator. Plugs into AC outlet to divide instantly 2-wire cords. Increases ammeter sensitivity lOx and 20x. Use up to 30 amps AC. Shpg. wt., 1'h lbs. 69 F 232 ......•.........•......... 6.00 DELUXE VTVM AND TUBE AND TRANSISTOR TESTERS 2590 TRANSISTOR TESTER Ilecks all transistors lder simulated op~ ating conditions. ests Beta, leBO and 'EO for both power ld signal types. hecks transistors ·r shorts and leak~e, diodes for leak~e and forward Irrent. Easy to op'ate'-no roll chart ,eded. Transistor socket plus external ads permit use with any basing arrangecnt. Only transistor-type information is ,eded; unit is always up-to-date. Meter 1S 5 scales in black-red-green. Gray atherette case, 8%xll %x5 'Is". For 10515 v •• 50-60 cycle AC. 9lbs. 59 50 j FU 618...................... • MODEL 850 VTVM {f='"""""'.............., 7" Meter Scale Overload Protected wide-range VTVM ,r lab and shop use. [cter has large 7" ial scale. Sensitive JO I'll meter movelent is protected ~ainst overload. FeaIres 0.5 volt full scale lnge on DC for checking low voltage rcnits; zero center on all DC scales for FM iscriminator alignment; single-unit probe 1S switch for DC or AC ohms. Frequency :sp~nse is from 15 cps to 3 mc. anges: DC volts (11 megohms input resiance). 0-0.5-1.5-5-15-50-150-500-1500; AC .MS volts (0.83 megohms minimnm input Ilpedance), 0-1.5-5-15-50-150-500-1500; AC -P volts, 0-4-14-40-140-400-1400-4000; restance, 0-1000-10,000-100,000 ohms and ·1-10-100-1000 megohms. Molded case has .1Iminum panel. 6Vt6X7%x3%". With 48" aus and battery. For 110-120 v., 50-60 ide AC. SIbs. 9 F 257 ........................ 79.50 .lIied Guarantees Your Satisfaction 3414 TUBE TESTER Modified plate conductance tester for fast, accurate checking of aU receiving tubes. All switch settings made before tube warms up -rejects burned-out tubes instantly. Filament voltages from 0.65 to 117 v. in 23 steps. Includes neon indicator shorts test, variable leakage test; roll chart, 3-color 4" meter. With cover. 11 'hxI5Vsx6'h". For 110-120 v.. ~~-~~c~~~.~~ .. ~I~~~: ~~t::1.~ ~~~ ... 109.50 69 F I I I. T-2247-BV CRT Adapter. For 3414 or 3444 testers. Tests TV CR Ts while in set. lib ........................... 7.20 3444 TUBE ANAL YZE~ Lab-type dyna mic mutual-conductance' tester in portable case. Measures Gm without compensating factors, using proper DC potentials,S kc signal source and vacuum tube "ammeter. Self-checking circuit tests accura~y of Gm readings. Checks plate current ,cutoff, plots characteristic curves, tests for gas, etc. 15l1,6XI81l1,.x7%". For 110- ~~OFvU' g?7~~~I~ ~~.. ~~ ~~~....... 349.50 69 F 236. CG Adapter. Extends 3444 range to low power industrial and transmitting tubes. 2Y. Ibs ..................... 39.50 3490 TRANSISTOR ANALYZER For the ultimate in transistor analysis, Model 3490 offers: 3 separate power supplies; collector currents to.10 amps; input currents to 1 amp; separate 4 Yz" input and collector meters for monitoring emitter or base; many other highlights. Collector voltage/current, emitter or base voltage/ current, and tetrode voltage are all continuously variable. Measures at any potential of Ico or ICEO DC alpha or beta on signal and power types, and AC beta on signal types at 1000 cps. Handles punch throngh, saturation, and floating potential measurements. Collector voltages to 120 v.; emitter or base voltage to 12 v. Tetrode, 010 V. calibrated contro!. Wood case, 18'0/,.x ISV!6X8". 25 lbs. 65 FU 117 .................... 399.50 AWfID • 401 Latest Mfr's Releases of Test Equipment ------~----, TEST DEVICES, INC. Typical Scope Traces Power Diode Forward NEW MODEL 1050 DIODE TESTER Provides low cost. rapid testing of power. zener. computer and tunnel diodes. Horizontal and vertical outputs display characteristic voltage-current (E-!) diode traces on all standard DC oscilloscopes. Range switch selects the voltage and current for the forward and reverse tests. Reverse0-1 KV peak in 5 ranges. Forward-0-1.5 amps peak in 5 ranges. Reverse push button switches from forward to reverse testmultiplier switch provides continuous control of curve display_ High voltage automatically removed when changing diode and limiting circuit 'gives overload protection. Accuracy ±5%. Use with· any DC scope with I megohm vertical input impedance. lOOK or I megohm horizontal input impedance. BNC output terminals and banana jack ,test terminals. Supplied complete with output leads. diode holder and manual. For 115 v .• 50-60 cycles. Size: 5%x S,,7V:,". Shpg. wt .. 7lbs. 13500 65 F'U 234....................... • Power Diode Reverse SELF.ORGANIZING SYSTEMS, INC. NEW MODEL 51·100 INTEGRATOR Zener Diode Zener Diode Forward Reverse Computer Diode Computer Diode Forward Reverse I I I I II __________ .... .J A new kind of instrument-measures voltage integral over a period of time-up to 3000 volt-seconds IWith appropriate shunts. measures current integral with time up eo 3000 amp-second. Results are displayed on a meter calibrated in volts-seconds. This low cost, battery powered instrument measures integrals wi th the ease associated wi th voltage measurements. Simplifies measurement of charge. impulse, energy, heat; servo testing; temperature programming; low frequency noise measurements. Has six position range switch: 10-30-100-300-1000-3000 volt-seconds. Sensitivity. 3200 obms/voltseconds. Accuracy. ±3%; drift. less than .02 volt-seconds/second .• reset time. less than 5 secs. Size. 61;.i6X5%,x2%H. Shpg. wt .• 3lbs. ' 65 F' 281 ....................... 99.50 ACCUTRONICS, INC. DeVRY TECHNICAL INS1JTUTE SCOPE MARKERS AND CALIBRATORS NEW TRANSISTORIZED MULTIMETER Harmonic-rich. pocket-size. plug-in time markers for calibrating scope sweeps. generators. etc. Provides extremely high accuracy and stability with outputs greater than I volt Pop and extended temperature range. from 0° to 60° C. Powered by long-life mercury batteries with reliable silicon transistors and printed circuitry. All are supplied with both UHF and BNC connectors and are housed in extruded aluminum cases. Less battery. MICRO/MARKER. Provides crystal controlled I-mc time marks with accuracy of ±0.01 %. Output impedance. 50 ohms. A basic ~~st:u2~~~~.~~.~r:~:~.'.c~:.e~.~~e. ~~:~: ~ ~~~ ~~:~~: ~:~•.47.80 55 J 896. Mallory TR1l5 Batteries .......... PKG. OF 2 FOR 3.40 MILLI/MARKER. Provides time marks from 1 to 7 KC controlled by tuning fork. Accuracy. ±0.015% @ 25° C. Rise time better than 3 I'sec. Output impedance. 10K-ohms. Square or spike waveforms available. Micro/marker can be plugged into Milli/marker t'? give Micro/Milli/marker. Switch feeds signal straillht through III off ~~s~i~f5~.i~~~..I.~~I.'~~~~~H: .~t: •• '~ "~: •••••••••.••.••. 7 4.50 55 J 891. Mallory TRl2Ci Batteries .......... PKG. OF 2 FOR 2.10 MULTI / MARK ER.Provides crystal controlled.switch selected time marks at 100 cps. I KC. 10 KC. 100 KC. I MC and 10 MC with accuracy of ±0.007% and spike waveform. Also I KC square wave @, I volt Pop ±O.S% for vertical scope calibration. Depending on marker selected. rise time varies from 100 I' sec to 10 nanosec-output im- ...... 175.00 rsd:~c::~~~. ~~~ :~. ~~ .o.~~~: ~~~~~~~.~~: ~.I.~ 55 J 891. Mallory TRI26 Batteries .......... PKG. OF 2o'FOR 2.10 402 • ALLIED • High Input Resistance • Balfery Powered • Silicon Transistors • Burnout Protected, Meter Now-a meter that combines the high input impedance of a V'I'VM with the freedom from power lines and current measuring capabilities of ft\ VOM. Uses four extremely reliable silicon transistors to provide all the standard- VTVM ranges plus DC current ranges. Transistors are operated far below rated voltage and should never require replacement. Overall accuracy is ±3% with I % multiplier resistors. Frequency resP9nse. 10 to 500.000 cps ± 1.5 db. No warmup time is required and the amplifier circuit is designed so as to make, meter burnout impossible. Has 3-color. easy-to-read meter and switching similar to VTVM. Function switch selects Battery Check. +DC Volts. -DC Volts. AC Volts. Ohms and DC "". Range selects xl. xiO. ,,100. and xlOOO (x200 for AC Volts). Zero and ohms-adjust pots are concentric with switches. .Ranges (with input resistance): DC Volts. 0-1 (.92 meg)-IO (10.1 meg)-100 (9.19 meg)-IOOO (9.1 meg). AC Volts. 0-5 (650K)-50 (1.75 meg)-500 (1.85 meg)-IOOO (1.85 meg). Ohms. O-IOK-IOOK-I meg10 meg. DC Current. 0-50 I'a-SOO l'a-5 ma-50 rna. With accessory shunts (below) 0-500 ma and 0-5 amps,can be measured. Uses readily available batteries-three D cells and one C cell with expected life of 1000 hours under conditions of intermittent use. Current ~~a~nd~ ~~.I:. ~. ~~'. ~~~e: .~~~5. ~~~ ~": .~t.... ~.I.~s: ....... 89 _50 69 F' 766. Accessory Shunt for 0-500 Ma. Range.. 4.00 69 F 765. Accessory Shunt for 0-5 Amp Range .........•.... 4.00 Express Shipment Recommended for Test Instruments Portable Test Instruments PRECISION I PACO NEW MODEL V70W VTVM A very sensitive instrument featuring: 61 ranges, 1% precision resistors. ::e2% fullscale meter accuracy, mirrored scale and polarity reversing switch. Extra-low ranges -0.3 volts DC and Rxl /10 (2 ohms centerscale). Other Ranges: AC, +DC, -DC, output v .. 0-1.2-3-12-60-300-600-1200-6000 with 5000 ohms per volt on AC and 20,000 ohms per volt on DC; DC, .0·60-300 I"a, 0-1.2-12-120·600 rna, 0-12 amps; 0-200-2000 -200,000 ohms. 0-2-20 megs; 8 db ranges, -20 to +77. Frequency response, 15 to 100,000 cps ± db. Has full-view 514" meter. With batteries and leads. Size, 7x5%x3Ya". ~~P"I~~·:.~ .l~s: .......•..•• '" .47.9.5 MODEL 120M VOM. As above but with Yz% resistors, 1% meter, accuracy ± I Yz% DC, ±3% AC. Shpg. wt., Sibs. 69 F 186 ......................... 56.95 LC·3 "EVEREADY" CASE. For models 120 and 120M. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs. 69 F 109 .......................... 10.50 ST-I RETRACTABLE STAND. For Models 88, 120 and 120M. Wt .. 1 lb. 69 F 176 ........ : ................. 1.00 Push-pull outputs in both amplifiers. Sensitivity: Vertical: DC- 70 mv/in.; AC-25 mv rms/in.; Hor._0.6 v. rms/in. Response: Vert.-DC, ±3 db to 4.5 mc; AC, ±3 db, 1 cps to 4.5 mc; Hor.-3 db, 1 cps to 400 kc. Input imp.: Vert.-1.5 megs; hor.-5 megs. Has pop voltage calibrator and vertical polarity reversal switch. 18 YzxI4Yzx814". For operation from 110-120 v. 50·60 cycles AC- ~9CF~hj;6::'~:'.~~ ~~~ ...•.....•. 155.95 , E5-550B DELUXE 5" SCOPE Offers 5-mc bandwidth and 3-KV intensifier anode potential. Push-pulI vertical sensitivity, 10 mv linch; response ± 1 db, 10 cps to 3.5 mc (3 db at 5 mc). Push-pull horizontal sensitivity, 100 mv /inch; response ± 1 db, 10 cps to 1 mc (3 db at 2 mc). Sweeps 10 cps to 100 kc; also 30 and 7875 cycles sync sweep. Negative, positive internal" sync. Vertical pattern reversal switching. 14Yzx 8x8YzH. For 110-120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Wt., 47 lbs. 279 •95 69 FU 636................ ... Low-cost, high quality instrument with 4%" meter of ±2% accuracy. Has 1% resistors, 3-way AC-DC probe and shielded metal case. DC input resistance is 11 megohms; AC frequency response, 40 cps to 3 mc ± 1 db. Ranges: DC and AC volts, 0-1.5-5-15-50 -150-500-1500. AC volts POp, 0-4-14-40140-400-1400-4000. Ohms, 0-IK-I0K-I00K, 0-.1-10-1000 megohms. (10 ohms centerscale on lowest range.) 7 db ranges. Size, 7 Yzx5 Yzx4Yzu. With batteries and probe. For 110-120 v., 50·60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., ~~b:·707 ........................ 55.95 G32W SWEEP GENERATOR Excellent for FM and TV alignment. Has built-in marker-adder to avoid overloading of receiver circuits when inserting markers. Fundamental sweep frequency from 3 mc to 213 mc in 5 ranges with width continually variable from 0-30 mc. Output impedance, 50 ohms. Dual attenuators control RF output. Has AGC to regulate voltage amplitude on any band. Use with marker generator. 8YzxI3x7". With 4.5 mc crystal. For 110120 v., 50-60 cycles AC. 10 lbs. 65 FU 245 ............... " ... 159.95 10·60 "ELECTRONAMIC" TUBE, TRANSISTOR AND DIODE TESTER Industrial type instrument providing complete and thorough tests for tubes, transistors and crystal diodes in a single, welI designed portable package. Five-window, geared rolI· chart lists data for' all tube and transistor tests. Tube Tests: Ultra·sensitive gas test; all-inclusive performance test includes complete tube operation, not limited to mutual conductance test alone; lever for each tube element-protects against obsolescence; low voltage short check-eliminates possibility of tube damage; built-in pin straighteners. Transistor Tests: Provides lebo ranges covering low, medium and high power, NPN and PNP types; collector potentials from 0.5 to 160 volts DC; direct reading Beta ranges; leakage current tests. Crystal Diode Tests: 22 selected DC voltages for forward and reverse current tests. Housed in sturdy carrying case, 20x 15x7". Complete with transistor adapter cable and manual. For 117 v., 50-60 cycle AC. Wt., 25 lbs. 23995 69 FU 762.................... • Allied Offers Highest Quality Equipment and Best Service Deluxe signal-marker generator for AM, FM and TV alignment. 1% accuracy on 10 easy~to-read ranges. Frequency coverage: 88 kc to 440 mc; to 110 mc on fundamentals. Direct-reading 6 Yz" dial has 0-1000 vernier scale. Outputs: unmodulated RF; 400-cycle modulated RF; externally modulated RF; and 400-cycle sine wave output. Supplies 0-50 volts AVC-AGC voltage. Dual RF attenuators. With cable, connectors, and manual. 11 YzxI3x6%u. For 110-120 v., 50- ~~ V~I~3~~:. ~~,:.g: .~~.: .1.~ ~~~'.. .109.95 MODEL E·310 WIDE·RANGE . SINE/SQUARE.WAVE GENERATOR For the well-equipped electronics laboratory. Provides both sine and square wave coverage from 5 cps to 600 kc in five bands. Has 6° fine tuning dial. Accuracy within 1% from 100 cps to 600 kc; within 1 cycle below 100 cps. Output is level within 1 db over each band. Distortion less than 1 % at maximum output of 10 volts rms. Square wave rise time, 0.20 I"sec. Size, 9xll Yzx 11 Yz". With detailed technical manual. For ~~Oia06;7.~~-.6~. ~~~:. ~.~'.:~ :~~·199. 9 5 MODEL 960 TRANSISTOR AND CRYSTAL DIODE TESTER Tests alI types of transistors (low, medium and high power) NPN and PNP types and crystal diodes. Uses special circuitry and operating parameters developed in ~oopera tion with leading semiconductor manufacturers. Features and specifications include: direct Icbo readings in terms of true collector current •.• wide range of collector potentials-o.5 to 100 volts DC in 17 steps • • • direct reading Beta ranges with 5 separate injection currents for low. medium and high power transistors .•. leakage current tests ... high speed, geared roll chart with all transistor t~st data-provides for quick and accurate settings. Has 17 selected DC voltages for forward and reverse current tests of crystal diodes. Includes universal semiconductor adapteraccommodates future semiconductor releases. Housed in sturdy portable carrying case, 18xl0Yzx614". For 117 volts, 50-60 cycles AC. Shpg. wt., 15 lbs. 10995 69 FU 763..................... • ALLIED. 403 knight .® FACTORY ASSEMBLED EQUIPMENT-READY TO USE NEW KG·660 BATTI;RY.ELlMINATOR· Now with latest electronic componentsfeaturing automotive alternator-type silicon diode rectifiers for reduced size. increased efficiency. low heat. and rugged operation. Heavy-duty eliminator jcharger has kingsize-capacity 17.000-mfd filter capacitor of industrial grade for minimal ripple. Tops for transistorized. vacuum-tube. and hybrid equipment. An excellent battery charger. 0-15 VDC and 0-20 amp. rugged automotive·type meters. Variable output. 0-8 and 0-15 VDC. Ratings: continuous-IS amps at 6 v .• 7l1z amps at 12 v.; intermittent-20 amps at 6 v .• 10 amps "t 12 v. Automatic thermal 20amp cutout. 10 second delay. Ya n aluminum front panel is heat sink for rectifiers. Fused transformer primary. Pilot light. Black metal case. charcoal-gray jsilver panel. 9x12x5". For 105-125 v •• 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .• 14 Ibs. 44 •95 e3 YX573-D......... •••••••••. e3 YX 912-D In Kit Form............ 35.95 KG-620 PERFORMANCE-PROVEN VTVM KG-630 5" 5·MC WIDEBAND SCOPE Loaded with "plus" features: II-meg input resistance. 1 % multipliers. 2oo-"a movement. printed circuitry. polarity reversing switch. push-putl bridge circuit. DC v. (±3%) and AC rms v. (±5%): 0-1.5·5-1550-150·500-1500. AC poP v. (±5%): 0-4.214-42-140-420·1400-4200. 7 db ranges. -10 to +65. Response: 30 cps to 3 mc. ± 1 db; to 5 mc. ±3 db. Ohms: 0-IOO0·10K-I00K; '0-1-10-100-1000 megs. Center scales: 10. 100. 1000. 10K. lOOK; 1 and 10 megs. 4 liz" meter. With battery. leads. 7%x5%x4'/.o". For 110-125 v. 60 cycle AC. 7 lbs. e3 Y 576-D .................... 39.95 e3 Y 911·D. In Kit Form.............. 24.95 83 Y I 26- D. HV Probe Kit. 50 KVDC .. 4.50 e3 Y I 27·D. RF Probe·Kit. 250 mc ..... 3.50 Has the atl-important extras for industrial. TV. and high-frequency work. Push-pull vertical. sensitivity 20 mv (;,ms) jinch. ±3 db. 5 cps to 5 mc; 1 dh down at 3.58 mc. Push-pull· horiwntal. sensitivity 600 mv (rms) jinch. down 3 db at 600 kc; locks in up to 9 mc. Sweep generator range. 15 cps to 600 kc. Internal pos. and neg. sync. cathodefollower inputs. I-volt Pop calibrator. internal astigmatism set, Z-axis input. deflection-plate coupling, blanking circuit. 14'/.oxIOYax15l1z". For 110-125 vo' 60 cycle AC. 32 lbs. 0 5 e3YU577-D .................. 1 9.9 e3 YU 913-1jI.lnKit Form............ 74.95 e3 Y 147·D. Low-Cap. Probe Kit. 8 oz... 3.75 e3 Y 14e-D·. Demodulator Probe Kit. 8 oz. 3.75 SAVE TIME AND LABOR WITH THESE TROUBLE-SHOOTERS o Compact and LightweightWeighs Just 17 Pounds ••• Perfect for Home Servicing • "Tests CapaCitors at Rated Voltage • Measures Resistance to 5 Megs • Direct Readings-No Calculations • Indicates Power-Factor Directly 'Measures resistance and capacity by the accurate bridge. method. Checks for opens and shorts in all capacitors. indicates power factor of electrolytics. Easy-to-read dial and magic-eye null indicator show resistance and capacity values at a glance. Resistance ranges: 100 to 50K ohms, and 10K to 5 megs. Capacity ranges (in mfd): .00001 to .005; .001 to 0;5; 0.1 to 50; 20 to 1000. Leakage test volts DC: 50. 150.250,350.450. Accuracy. ±1O%. 7'/.ox10Yax514". For 110-125 v. KG·600B--OUR BEST EMISSION·TYPE TUBE TESTER Checks over 1800 receiving, TV and Hi-Fi tubes. including latest types. Sockets accept nuvistors. compactrons, novars. 4-. 5-, 6-. and 7-pin large, 7-, 9-, and lO-pin miniatures. octals, loktals, and pilot lamps. "GOOD-?-REPLACE" scale on 3-color meter shows tube condition. Neon indicator shows filament·continuity, leakage or shorts. Line-adiust compensates for variations in line voltage. 16 filament ranges from 0.63 to 117 v. IIIumin&ted roll chart; provision for setting up future tube types. Gray fabrikoid-covered wood case. 6Y.x14~xl0~". For 110-125 v .. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 17 Ibs. 53 •95 e3 YX 57e-D................................. e3 YX 920·D. In Kit Form......................... 39.95 ~~~~~:'~:.~~:.. ~~.I~~: ............................ 29.95 e3 Y 901-D.ln Kit Form.................................. 21 ,95 ~ lOW-COST KG·650 RF SIGNAL GI;NERA TOR • 160 kc to 112 me on Fundamentals• To 224 me on Harmonics , • Colpitts Oscillator Circuit--Requires No .Calibration KG-600B BENCH OR COUNTER TUBE TESTER Electrically identical to above model. but is designed for stationary use. Housed in durable black sleel case. Size. 5l/4xI4YaxIOYa". Shpg. wt •• 191bs. . 83YX 579-D ................................. 49.95 e3 YX 951-D. In Kit Form •.. .-..................... 35.95 404. ALLIED With Leads VERSATILE KG-670 RESISTOR·CAPACITOR CHECKER I Built with finest components consistent with top performance, moderate cost. and dependability. Colpitts oscillator for accurate alignment of RF and IF stages. Three outputs: modulated. unmodulated, and 400ccps audio at 10 volts. Fundamental frequencies: Band A. 160-550 kc; Band B; 550-1850kc; Band C. 1850 kc-7 mc; Band D. 7-27 mc; Band E. 27-112 mc. Usable to 224 me on harmonics. RF output, 0.4 volts or more. Size. 7'/.ox10YaxS'/.on. Far 110-125 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .• 9 Ibs. e3Y574.D ........................................ 32;95 e3 Y 953·D. In Kit Farm.................................. 22.95 Depend on Allied Electronics for the Latest in Indl.!strial Electronic Equipment knight® DC TO IS-MC DUAL TRACE With Dual-Trace Preamp and Low-Capacity Probe-Hi-Gain Preamp Available .,0 , ·5 Odb -5 -10 laKe IOOKe IMe lOMe looMe Dual· Trace Pattern Frequency Response Curve New. improved version of our DC to lO·mc scope. KG-636 meets or surpasses demands of research labs or exacting industrial service. Features DC to 15-mc response (with dual-trace preamp). 30 nsec rise-time. DC-coupled triggered sweep and push-pull amplifiers. '. % sweep accuracy. and complete cooling system. Preamp has dual steptype attenuators with vernier for poP measurements. Low-capacity probe is included. For I-mv sensitivity. order interchangeable plug-in preamp. 16Yzx 12Yzx21 VilH • For 105-130 1(. 60 cycle AC. 1091bs. Shipped express. 795 00 83 YZ 572·D........ ...... • 83 YZ 998- D. Scope Only in Kit Form. 93 Ibs. Shipped Express •......... ,,445.00 83 YZ 948- D. Dual Trace Preamp in Kit Form. 11lbs. Shipped express. .•. 90.00 Differential Hi·Gain Preamp. 5000-1 ratio. Responds to 1-mv signal; DC to 100 kc. Calibrated 1 mv /cm to 50 v /cm in 15 ~t~p~z 1~81:.sD~~i!'.~~ ~~~~~~~·IOO.OO 83 YZ 946· D. In Kit Form •...••.. 70.00 LOW-CAPACITY PROBE. Minimizes circuit loading. Shpg. wt.. 1 lb. 83 Y 949·D ................ 20.00 MOBILE TRANSPORT CART. Locks in 2 pas. Steel. 36\4-28YzH. 32 lb •• 83 YU 677·D............... 39.95 r-------------:SPECIFICATIONS---------...----, VERTICAL BANDWIDTH (with dual-trace preamp): DC to 15 me, down 3 db. Ref. to 100 kc, vertical display ht. of 6 em or less. R ISET I ME: 30 nsee. vertical display ht. of 6 em or less. SENSITIVITY: 50 mv/em to 20 v/em. .1 NPUT IMPEDANCE: 1 meg shunted by 40 mmf. HORIZONTAL BANDWI DTH: DC to 2.5 me within 3 db down. CALIBRATED SWEEP RANGE: 0.5 sec/em to 50 nsee/em in 30 ranges by 'use of basic sweep ranges (100. 10. 1 mseCi 100. 10, 1 microsec) and amx:lifier gain (Xl. X5. X20); also horizontal sweep 10:1 multiplier vernier control. Provision for adding external capacitor for "ery slow sweeps. - TRIGGERI NG: Sensitivity. 100-mv external. 2-mm deflection interval. Inputs, line. external AC or DC, and preset. Level. adjust.. able for triggering at selected wavefor~ points. VOLTAGE CALIBRATOR: l-ke square wave. 10 mv to 50 v .• ::I:: 1 % • .in 12 steps. Output available at front panel. LOW.VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY. Regulated negative 150 peak-to-peak voltSj positive. 100. 250. and 420 volts. HIGt!.VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY. Regulated negative 1750 voltsi positive, 3500 volts. . SENSITIVITY: Approximately 0.1 v/em and 1 v/em. 10 to 1 ·POWER CONSUMPTION: 400 watts with dual-trace preamp. NUMBER OF TUBES: 38 (excluding preamp) plus Cathode Ray Tube and 15 diodes. TIME MARKS: Intensity modulated at.l0. 100. 1000-mierosee front panel. Adjustable sweep-timingj 1 % accuracy. ~&~:E:e~~~~~~r;;~~~[.;::l20~-J;Sg~~i~~. gpv.:t~le AC. attenuator. Gain control. . interv~s-at CRT: 5" with P-2 phosphor 6xl0 em display area. DC TO S-MC TRIGGERED SWEEP Precision, Reliability, and the Finest Engineering at an Economy Price • DC to 5 me; DC-Coupled Amplifiers • Triggered Sweep: 85 nsee Rise Time • Sensitivity: up to .005 v. poP /em • Internal and Externaf Triggering Low price-yes. But. a glance at the specs below will tell you the KG-2000 is of high caliber-for high performance. DC to S-mc response permits display of .pulses of fast rise-time. Trigger and amplifier circuits are DC· coupled for applications where very low frequencies or DC levels must be displayed. Triggered sweep-200 nsec/cm down to .05 seconds. Has stable voltage. regulated power supply; frequency-com. pensated attenuators. Preset signal lock-in may be disabled; a separate control permits locking-in on any portion of a signal. Other features include: choice of internal or external triggering; horizontal amplifier input; adjustments for intensity. focus. astig- mounting studs; BNC-type connectors; illuminated graticule; vertical position indicators. XS expand with switch control. Also has binding post to connect external capacitor for' . slower sweep speeds. Uses triggered sweep: a signal as small as Yz cm on the CRT face permits triggering. Speed is adjustable from 1 psec/ em to 50 msec/cm. Sweep accuracy within 3%. Controls grouped by function for fast, at-hand use. Size. 14 !!.Ix 10YsxlSYzH • For 105-125 volts. 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .. 351bs. '295 00' 83 YU 575-D.............. • 83 YU 910·D. In Kit Form .•....• 195.00 . 83 V 949· D. Low-Cap Probe. lIb. 20.00 matism and positioning; camera r--------------SFIECIIFIC:ATIONS---·~ VERTICAL BANDWIDTH ON DC: DC to 5 me. 3 db down. Ref. to 1 ke. vertical display ht .. 6 em. (.05 to 20 v /em.) VERTICAL BANDWIDTH ON AC: With AC Preamp'in .005. .01 and .02 v /em ranges. 5 cps to 1.5 me. 3 db down. Ref. to 1 ke. HO RIZONTAL BANDWI DTH: DC to 500 kcwithin 3 db down. SENSITIVITY: Approx .. 15 v/em. Has variable attenuator. INPUT IMPEDANCE: 1 megohm . SWEEP RANGE: .05 sec/em to 200 nsee/em in 16 ranges by use of RISE TI M E: 85 nsee. vertical display ht., 6 em or less. SENSITIVITY: DC-coupled •.05 v PoP/em. AC •.005 v PoP/em. INPUT IMPEDANCE: 1 megohm shunted by 40 mmf. CALIBRATION VOLTAGE: .1 v poP. =5% at front panel. LOW·VOLT. POWER SUPPLY: Reg .• -150. + 160. + 365 v. HIGH.VOLTAGE SUPPLY: -1900 volts. regulated. POWER REQUI REMENTS: 105-125 volts. 50 to 60 cycle AC. POWER CONSUMPTION: 175 watts. NUMBER OF TUBES: 21. excluding CRT. plus 7 diodes. Cathode Ray Tube with flat face and P2 phosphor. . vernier control; Multiplier switch. Provision for adding external capacitor for very slow sweeps. Sweep timing accuracy capability within 3%. with vertical display ht .• 6 cm. On ranges from .05 to 20 v /cm, AC. response 5 cps to 5 me. 3 db down. r~ii~:~:~~ ~~dg~~~~~~~r~~~ ~1~~s~1 !~g~:f~~~ef6?iO~~u~~Tg; TRIGGERING: Sensitivity. 200 mv external. Vz em deflection internal. Inputs, line. external and internal AC and DC. Level adjusts for triggering at selected points on waveform, or preset. CRT: 5" with P-2 phosphor 6xl0 em display area. SCALE CALIBRATION: -6 to -9 db; x and y linear grid. SIZE: Height. H!4N; Width. 10Va; Deptb, 15VzN. COLO R: Gray with red and white markings. Use the Services of the Allied Facility Nearest You-See Page 1 ALLIED • 405 Versatile Test Gear POPULAR VTVM KITS Modei 222-K VTVM Kil_ Excellent generalpurpose VTVM for the service shop. Features ll-meg DC input; 1 meg AC; 41-2" electronically-protected meter that's easy to read; 1 % ceramic multiplier resistors; and zero center-scale. Ranges: AC-DC volts, 03-15-75-300-1500; resistance, 0.2 ohms to, 1000 meg in 5 ranges. 81-2x5%x7". With leads, parts, instructions. Less solder. For operation from 105-125 v., 50-60 cycle AC. ~~Pfu ~~3.7. ~~~' ................ 27_95 261-K 255-K Model 222_ As above, but factory-wired. 65 FU 042 ........................ 42_95 Model 221-K VTVM Kil_ Rugged test instrument for field, shop, lab or production line_ 20-range unit has 25-meg DC input; 3-meg ACj protected 4 YzH meter; zero-center scale; balanced bridge circuit; and 1 % ceramic multiplier resistors. Ranges: AC-DC volts, 0-5-10-100-500-1000 megs; 5 db ranges, -20 to +55 db. Has etched aluminum panel; tough gray steel case. Size, 9V16X16x 5". Supplied' complete with leads, parts and instructions. Less solder. For 105-125 volts, 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 7 lbs. 69 F039 ....................... 25.95 Model 221_ As above, but factory-wired. 69 FX 625 ....................... 39.95 Model 214-K VTVM Kit. (Not illustrated.) Same as 221-K above, but offers convenience of an extra-large 7 y." meter for exceptionallegibility. 9x13 !l.!x6". 11 lbs. 69 FX 611 ..................... 34.95 Model 214_ As above, but factory-wired. 69 FX623 ..... _ ................. 54.95 Model 249-K Peak-Io-Peak VTVM Kil." Perfect for color and monochrome TV, as well as FM and AM servicing. Has extra-large, electronically protected 71-2" meter, balancedbridge circuit, 1 % precision ceramic multiplier resistors, "Uni-Probe" (selects DC or AC ohms), and zero-center scale.. Ranges: Pop volts, 0-4-14-42-140-420-1400-4200 volts; DC/rms volts, 0-1.5-5-15-50-150-5001500 volts; resistance, 0-1000 megs in 7 ranges. Etched aluminum panel; graywrinkle steel case. Size, 81-2x13x5". With "Uni-Probe," parts and instructions. Less solder. For 105-125, volts, 50-60 cycle AC. ~tF ~i~~·...................... 39.95 249-K Model 249. As above, but factory-wired. 69 F 136 .................... ' .... 59.95 Model 232-K Peak-Io-Peak VTVM Kil_ Same as 249-K above, but has easy-to-read 41-2" meter. Size, 81-2x5x5". Wt., Sibs. 69 F 060 ....................... 29.95 Model 232_ As above, but factory-wireci. 69 F 135 ......................... 49_95 Model 255-K AC VTVM Kil. Lab-sensitive, 12range unit. Has frame-grid triode cathodefollower input circuit; 2-stage R-C coupled amplifier. Ranges: 1-3-10-30-100-300 rms mv; 1-3-10-30-100-300 rms v. Response is flat from 10 cps to 600 kc. Accuracy, ±3% of full scale. 81-2x5%x7". Less solder. For operation from 105-125 v., 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 7lbs. 44 _95 65 F'U 039..................... Model 255_ As above, but factory-wired. 65 FU 038 ..... , .................. 72.95 Model 250-K AC VTVM and Ampliller 'Kil. Same as 255-K above, but panel switch converts unit to amplifier with 60 db gain on 1-mvrange. Max. output: 5 V., rms' 95 65 FU 037........... ... ....... 49 _ Model 250. As above, but factory-wired. 65 FU 036 ........................ 79.95 Model 261-KAC Volt/Wall Meier Kil. Loadcompensated. AC rms volts, .01-.03-0.1-0.31-3-10-30-100-300-1000. 2-meg input. Reads power from .015 mv to 150 watts in 7 ranges. Response, ±O db, 10 cps to 100 kc. Silicon diode .power supply. 81-2x5%x7". For 105125 v.. 50-60 cycle AC. 6lbs. 65 FU 041 ............ _....... .49.95 Model 261. As above, but factory-wired. 65 FU 040 ........................ 79.95 VTVM PROBES For use with Eico VTVM's. Av. wt., 1 lb. Stock No. Descri ptlon EACH Type 65 F 049 PTP-ll-K Pop kidor 11 megs 4.95 As above but factory-wired 6.95 65 'F 048 PTP-ll 69 F 062 PTP-25-K Pop kit for 25 megs 69 F 137 PTP-25 4.95 As above but factory-wired 6.95 69 F 063 PRF-25-K RF kit for 25 mega 3.95 As above but 69 F .138 PRF-25 factory-wired 4.95 69 F 068 PRF-ll-K RF kit for 11 megs 69 F 069 ,PRF-ll 3.95 As above but factory-wired 4.95 High-Voltage Probe. Extends range of Eico VTVM's to 30,000 v. Wired. 1-2 lb. 65 F 050. HVP-l .................... 6.95 69 F 139. For Models 214 and 221 ..... 4.95 69 F 144. For Models 232 and 249..... 4.95 "Uni-Probe." ACjDC probe. 1-2 lb. 65 F 052. U~-K Kil................... 4.95 65 F 051 • UP Wired ................. 6.95 EASY·TO·BUILD VOM KITS Model 566-K YOM Kil. Has easy-to-read 41-2" meter with 2-color scales. 38 ranges. Rectifier in dual-half-wave hook-up. Uses precision divider resistors. Ranges: AC-DC volts, 0-1-5-10-50-100-500-5000 v. at 1000 ohms per volt; current, 0-1-10 rna, and 0.1-1 amp; resistance, 0-5000-100,000 ohms, and ,0-1 meg; 6 db ranges, -20 to +69. Has highimpact, black molded bakelite case. 6%x 5 !l.!x3". Supplied with batteries. Less solder and leads. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs. 6 65 F 045 ............... _........ 1 .95 Model 566. As above, but factory-wired. 65 F 044 ......................... 22.95 Model 556-K YOM Kil. Same as Model 566-K above. but employs 1 % divider resistors. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs. 69 F049 ........................ 18.95 Model 556. As above, but factory-wired. 69F 086 ......................... 25.95 Model 536-K YOM Kil. Same as Model 566-K above, but has 'easy-to-read 3" meter that covers 31 ranges. Wt., 3lbs. ' 69 F047 ................ , ....... 14.95 Model 536. As above, but factory-wired. 69 F 08~ ................ _........ 18.95 406 • ALLIED Model 565-K YOM Kil. 31-range batteryoperated test instrument featuring 20,000 ohms per volt DC sensitivity, and easy-toread 41-2" meter with 50 ,..a movement and 2-color scale. Ranges: DC-AC output volts, 0-2-5-10-50-250-1000-5000 v. (AC at 1000 ohms per volt); current, 0-100 ,..a, 0-10-100500 rna, 0-10 amps; resistance, 0-2000200,000 ohms, 0-20 megs; -12 to +55 db in 5 ranges. Bakelite case. 6%x5 !l.!x3". With batteries. Less test leads and solder. Shpg.· wt .. 4lbs. 24 •95 69 F 048,....................... Model 565. As above, but factory-wired. 69 F 085 ......................... 29.95 Model 555-K YOM KII. Same as. Model 565-K above, but employs 1 % precision divider ~e.:i~t~~6 .~~P~: .~~.: .3. ~~~' ........ 29.95 Model 555. As above, but factory-wired. 69 F 098 ......................... 34.95 Model 526-K YOM Kil. Same as Model 536-K at left, but employs 1% precision divider ~e.:i~t~~5 .Sh P.g: .'7~:: ~ I~~.......... 15.95 . Model 526. As above, but factory-wired. 69 F 097 ......................... 19.95 Depend on Allied for the latest in Test Equipment hi Kit Form or Factory Wired MODEL 427-K 5" WIDEBAND SCOPE KIT Low-cost general-purpose wideband scope with all the controls necessary for exacting service or industrial use. Features push-pull output in direct-coupled vertical amplifier; direct or capacitive input-coupling; 4-position frequency-compensated vertical input attenuatar; saw-tooth output panel-jack; intensity, focus and astigmatism controls on front panel i instantaneolls vertical and horizontal positioning. Vertical amplifier: lIat from DC to 500 kc (-6 db at 1 me); sensitivity, 10 mv, Pop, or 3.5 mv rms/cm. Horizontal amplifier: lIat from 2 cps to 450 kc; sensitivity. 0.5 v .. Pop, or 0.18 v. rms/em. Sweep circuit: recurrent sweeps from 10 cps to 100 kc "in 4 overlapping ranges; minimum ratio of forward sweep time to retrace time, 15:1. External sync provision. Calibrator: 60 cps square-wave, 100 mv, Pop. 12'hx8'hxI6V,6'. With all parts and in- ~t~u~~i~n:4.~~~ .1~.5.-~~~: ~:'. ~~ .~~c.l: .~:: ."':.t:,. ~~.I~~: ..... 69.95 Model 427. Same as above, but factory-wired. 65 FU 065 .......................................... 109.95 OSCILLOSCOPE PROBES Fully shielded. Av. shpg. wt .. 5 oz. Stock No. 69 69 69 69 69 69 F F F F F 180 129 055 130 056 F 131 Type Description EACH PSD-K PSD PD-K PD PLC-K PLC Demodulator Probe Kit. As above. but wired. Direct Probe Kit. As above, but wired. Low-Capacity Probe Kit. As above, but wired. '3:95 5.95 2.95 3.95 3.95 5.95 MODEL 147-K DELUXE SIGNAL TRACER KIT Versatile transformer-operated instrument for servicing TV, FM, AM audio and other electronic equipment. High and low-gain RF channels with internal wide-frequencyrange demodulator, permits direct observation of signal. Has output for VTVM or oscilloscope. Can be connected as substitute speaker, output transformer, or amplifier. Heavy filtering and hum-balance control. Both visual and aural monitoring .of all RF and AF channels-magic-eye and 5" PM speaker. Calibrated wattmeter circuit indicates power consumption jn unit under test. Detects B short, intermittent filament circuit, defective filter or bypass capaci tors, etc. N oiselocator applies DC test-voltage to suspected component, and amplifies the effect. Aluminum panel; gray wrinkled steel case. 9xl0x5". With probes, all parts and easy-to-follow instructions. Less solder. For 105-125 volts, 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 10 Ibs. 69 F064 ............................................ 29.95 Model 147. As above, but factory-wired. 69 F 140 .............................................. 44.95 + MODEL 315-K DELUXE RF SIGNAL GENERATOR Professional-quality RF signal generator for servicing AM, FM and TV. Frequency dial reading accuracy of better than 1% on all ranges. Frequency range: 75 kc to 150 me in 7 calibrated bands. Has fully shielded copper-plated chassis, attenuation controls and line filter for low-leakage output. Internal 400-cps sine-wave audio generator. with attenuator for RF modulation and external audio testing. Bandspread vernier tuning tor precise frequency adjustment. Extra-large, illuminated 9" dial with gear-driven, anti-backlash, hairline pointer protected by glass. Provision for external modulation. Also has VRI50 voltage regulator for accuracy and stabili ty. Deep-etched aluminum panel and rugged gray all-steel case. Overall size, 13xI2x7". Supplied with all parts and easy instructions. Less solder. For 105-125 volts, 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .• 18 Ibs. 4 5 69 FX 609 .......................................... 9.9 Model 315. As above, but factory-wired. 69 FU 626 ....................•..........••••••..•••.. 69.95 460-K 5" WIDEBAND SCOPE KIT Excellent for lab and color TV use. Response, lIat from DC to 4.5 me-usable to 10 mc. Accurately reproduces 3.5S-mc color-TV sync burst. 4-step attenuator in both DC and AC positions. High vertical sensitivity-25 mv linch. Built in voltage calibrator injects accurately adjusted reference volt- CZEICD~ age into vertical amplifier to permit direct peak-to-peak voltage measurement. Full-screen DC vertical and 2X full-screen horizontal positioning. Sync is completely automatic. Sweep: 10 cps to 100 kc, plus low-frequency sweep with external capacitor. Push-pull vertical amplifier, direct-coupled. Cathode-follower inputs. 13x8 'hx 16". With parts and instructions. Less solder. For 105-125 v.. 50-60 cycle AC. 26 lbs. 69 FZ 612 .......... , .. 89.95 Model 460. Same as above, but factory-wired. 69 FU 631 ...........••.•.•........•............•.••• 129.50 MODEL 488-K ELECTRONIC SWITCH KIT (Not ilIus.) Permits simultaneous viewing of two patterns on one oscilloscope. Continuously variable switching rates: 10-2000 cps. Response, 0-30,000 cps, ±2 db. Can be used as square-wave generator. 6x8x6". With all parts and instructions. Less solder and leads. For 105-125 v., 50-60 cycle AC. Wt .. 7 Ibs. 69 F059 ............................................ 23.95 Model 4BB. Same as above, but factory-wired. 69 F 134 ................................................ 39.95 MODEL 495 VOLTAGE CALIBRATOR KIT (Not. ilIus.) Injects calibrated, semi-square wave on oscilloscope screen for comparison with any waveform. Ranges: 0.1-1-10-100 volts, peak-to-peak. Accuracy: ±5% of full scale. Size, 5x7%x4". With all parts and instructions. Less solder and leads. For 105-125 ~9 ~OoVo~I~. ~:: .~~~~: ~~.: .~ ~~~'....................... 19.95 Model 495. As above, but factory-wired. 69 F093 .............................................. 24.95 MODEL 145-K LOW-COST MULTI-SIGNAL TRACER A useful aid to the serviceman. Provides a quick method of locating the source of trouble in any radio, TV set or audio amplifier. Shielded RF crystal demodulator and direct probes. Noise localizer circuit applies DC test-voltage through probe for stage-by-stage check of IF, RF. video and audio circuits-effect is amplified. Front-panel jacks for external scope or VTVM. Built-in 5" PM speaker and audio amplifier with volume control-can be used as a low-power utility sound system for phonograph, intercom, public address, etc. Also excellent for use as null detector, scope preamp, etc. Satin-finished, deep-etched aluminum panel and rugged graywrinkle all-steel case. Size, 71¥1s:x5o/,6x5Y16". Kit is supplied complete with probes, speaker, aU parts, and easy-ta-follow instructions and· diagrams. Supplied less solder. For operation from ·105-125 volts, ~~'r~~f~·. ~~.p.~'.~:': :.I~~: ....................... ,.. 23.95 Model 145. As above. but factory-wired. 69 F 094 .............. ; ............................... 32.95 MODEL 324-K RF SIGNAL GENERA TOR Accurate. wide-range signal-~enerator for FM, AM and TV servicing: Provides modulated or unmodulated RF signal and continuous o·utput from 150 kc to 435 mc. Has expanded frequency range of. 6 fundamental bands: 150-400 kc, 400-1200 kc, 1.2-3.5 mc, 3.5-11 mc, 11-37 mc and 37-145 mc. One harmonic band covers 111-435 mc. Calibration accuracy, ±1.5%. Output impedance, 50 ohms. Internal modulation of 400 cps, variable from o to 50%; can be used for audio testing. Input has gain control for use with external modulator. Colpitts RF oscillator is directly modulated by cathode follower. Fine and coarse RF attenuators. 6:1 vernier tuning knob. Satin-finished aluminum front panel and graywrinkle all-steel case. Overall size, 8xIOx4%". With all parts and ~n;t~uoc~~~~: ~e.s~ .s~~~~~ ..~~~ ~?~:~:~ ~:'. ~~ .c:~~~ ~~: ~ .I~~ .. 2 8~ 9 5 Model 324. As above, but factory-wired. 69 F 142 .............................................. 39.95 Allied-Everything in Electronics from One Dependable Source ALLIED. 407 Test Equipment, Kit and Wired 680K TRANSISTOR AND CIRCUIT TESTER KIT Tests All Types of Transistors S DC Current Ranges, 2 DC Volt Ranges, 3 Resistance Ranges: • Powered By 5 Standard Batteries • Bakelite Case, Aluminum Panel Accurately measures basic transistor and diode characteristics. Measures ICBO, ICEO for all types of transIstors, with separate test positions for signal and power transistors; DC Beta and simulated AC Beta. 20,000 ohm/v. meter reads 0-5-50 DC volts; 0-2000-200,000 ohms aud 0-20 ohms resistance; also 0-50-500 I'a and 0-5-50-500 rna DC. Self-powered by five standard batteries: 4 size AA, 1 size C. Plastic case, 6%x5!/.ix3", :t~ d5~~~'. ~~~t~~~e.s: .~~~s. ~~I~.e~: ~. ~~~.... , .••......... 25.95 MODEL 680W. Same as Model 6S0K above. but factory-wired. 65 F 053 ...... , ....................................... 39.95 NEW 628K TESTER KIT For checking emission, shorted elements, open elements and continuity. Full-vision, 4 Yz" meter with 3-color ... .,.,"'" "Replace-Weak-Good" scale and o • 0 ," , 0-100 scale for matching. Tests 7, 9 :.~·'bl ® ."; :,ii!?: and 10 pin miniatures; octal; loctal; 5 W!l1...... and 7 pin nuvistors; novars and com;;< {-\-11-1:~rI1-r' '-x"'2"Ys"x"'I ~~"-~. Hinged Top Permits Ready Access to Components Inside EACH . 2S-49 SO-99 100-149 2.97 I 2.64 3.3B 3.00 3.91 3.47 5.31 4.76 7.07 6.2B 4.06 3.61 4.51 4.01 4.27 4.BI 6.14 6.91 2.4B 2.BI 3.26 4.46 5.B9 3.3B 3.76 4.01 5.76 ALLIED. 435 Rotron Fans and Blowers FOR INSTRUMENT AND AIRBORNE APPLICATIONS I MINIA lURE AXIMAX SERIES COOLING FANS AXIMAX-3 AXIMAX-2 AXIMAX-l Vane-axial fans specifically designed for cooling tightly packed electronic equipment in instrument, airborne and missile applications. Aximax 2 and 3 are high-altitude units with "Altivar" motor" -automatically change shaft-speed as altitude changes; meet MlL-E-5400. Aximax 1 is for ground level use. Estimated bearing life: high-speed units, 1000 hours; low-speed, 2500. Aximax 1 and 3 have servo rims at opposite ends of case for mounting; Aximax 2 has either servo rims or 3 mounting holes. Aximax 1: 1 Yz' diameter by 1'%2" deep. Aximax 2: 2xl'o/,z". Aximax 3: 3x2\4". Types 599YS and 606XS (Aximax 3) are for 60-cycles; all others are 400-cycle. *Altivar® type speed changes with altitude. AXIMAX 1 ~:;1-. Stock NO'\~\ Volts \ Phase \~I CFM 1 1- 4 . EAr-9 EA'110-24, EAf5_49' EAfO-99, EA. 367]S 200 3 22,500 22 8 E 551 8 E 552 623YS 115 1 . 22,500 22 52.00 46.50 43.50" 38.70 36.60 8 E 553 464YS 115 1 11.400 11 i 1 B NAMEPLATE AXIMAX 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 E554 E 555 E 556 E 557 E558 E559 367JS 368YS 395JS 415YS 464YS 606NS 200 115 200 115 115 115 8 8 8 8 8 8 E 560 E 561 E 562 E 563 E 564 E 565 341JS 599YS 400YS 387JS 4220S 528YS 200 115 115 200 115 115 3 1 3 I 1 1 1 ~ A B lY,' Aximaxl 1'%2" Aximax2 l'o/,z" 2" 2%" Aximax 3 2\4" 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 48.00 8 39.90 39.90 39.90 39.90 39.90 42.90 37.20 37.20 37.20 37.20 37.20 40.20 33.10 33.10 33.10 33.10 33.10 36.10 31.20 31.20 31.20 31.20 31.20 34.20 53.00 56.00 53.00 53.00 53.00 53.00 49.50 52.50 49.50 49.50 49.50 49.50 44.00 47.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 41.70 44.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 41.70 AXIMAX 3 VANE-AXIAL Fan 60 ·57 32 32 32 20.500 20,000 11,000 '11,000 11,000 3.300 3 1 1 3 1 1 22.000 3,500 11.000 B,Ooo 11,300 22,000 162 24 80 95 82 162 59.50 62.50 59.50 59.50 59.50 59.50 MINIA TURE PROPIMAX 2 SERIES FANS RF COOLING PANEL 395JS and 415ZS for high altitude; meet MIL-E-5400. Others, ground level. Reversible airflow. 395JS and 415 ZS have variablespeed motors. 3'A6" dia. x 1\4" d. Have single-phase motors, except *3-phase. For 400 cycle, except t60 cycle. Stock Flushes standard 19" relay racks (any height). Dissipates 1 kw of heat within 20°F, or 2 kw within 40°F. Ambient temperature limit, 125°F. Noise level: 54 db. Replaceable fiberglas dust filter. 7x19x8'l16". For 115 v.,· 50-60 cycle AC. 8 EX 576.1 to 4 ............. EACH 60.00 5-9 ..... EACH 54.00 10-24 ... EACH 5 1.00 25-49 ... EACH 4B.00 50-99 ... EACH 45.00 Replacement Filters. Pkg. of 6. 8 E 577 ................... PER PKG. 8.75 FAN CL~MPS AND CLIPS B E 578. Syn Clamps. For Saucer, Propi~ max, and Aximax 1 and 3 ....... EACH .30 7 E 070. Panel Mounting Clips. For Saucer Fan only ...................... EACH .30 PF PROPELLER FAN Compact low-cost units for efficient delivery of 220 cubic ft. per minute. Continuous duty at 125°. PF-L indicates push airflow; PF-R, pull airflow. 8Vo" dia. x 4 Yz" deep. For 110-115 v., 60 cycle AC. I Stoc k Mfr' Sl-,--,--.--::-,E:-A;..:,=C",H=--=-.,...,._--,No. Type 1-4 5-9 \10-24126-49 iiE566 PF-L 8 E 567 PF-R 15.30 13.80 13.00 12.30 436 • ALLIED Vane-Axial for use where Components are Tightly Packed Mfr's Type No. 8 E 579 !367Js; 8 E 580 366ZS 8 E 581 395JS' 8 E 582 415ZS 8,. 583 464ZS 8 E 584 606NSt V. 200 115 200 115 115 115 EACH CFM RPM (Max.) 1-4 5-9 10-24 25-49 118 60.00 54.00 50.70 45.00 21,500 120 60.00 54.00 50.70 45.00 12,000 67 60.00 54.00 50.70 45.00 12,500 68 60.00 54.00 50.70 45.00 11.000 62 60.00 54.00 50.70 45.00 3250 18 63.00 57.00 53.70 48.00 w:wo 60-99 42.70 42.70 42.70 42.70 42.70 45.70 Require filter box, below. 6%" dia. x 2 Yz" d. Single-phase, except *3-phase. 115 V AC, 60 cycle, except t400 cycle. Stock Mfr', No. 1654Dst BE 585 8 E 586 8 E 587 II E588 8 E 589 V. Type 650lS*1 340ZS 544lS' 559DS CFM RPM (Max.) 7siiO 310 310 270 200 3300 270 115 1680 140 115 200 3580 115 3300 EACH 1-4 10-24 25-49 50-99 5-9 109.00 101.50 97.75 82.50 75.10 109.00 101.50 97.75 82.50 75.10 64.00 57.00 53.00 47.20 44.70 64.00 57.00 53.00 47.20 44.70 64.00 57.00 53.00 47.20 44.70 8 E 590. Filter Box. 1·4 ........ EACH 15.20 10-24 ... EACH 13.80 25·49 ... EACH 12.60 8 E 591. Saucer Guard, Front. 1·4.EACH 4.50 10-24..... EACH 3.95 25-49..... EACH 3.75 8 E 592. Saucer Guard, Rear. 1-4.EACH 4.50 10-24•.... EACH 3.95 25-49..... EACH 3.75 5-9 ...... EACH 14.39 50·99 .... EACH 12.10 5-9 ....... EACH 4.10 50·99 ..... EACH 3.60 5-9 ....... EACH 4.10 50-99 ..... EACH 3.60 TYPE CFG FAN AND PROPELLERS CFG Fan. Forflushing instrument racks, transmitter cubicles and relay racks. Allows removal of up to 5 kw of heat dissipation with allowable temperature rise of 40 OF. Less propeller, right. 10" dia. x 6Yz" d. For 115 v., 5060 cyCle AC: 8 E 568.1 to 4 ................ EACH 24.10 5 to 9 .................. ; .... EACH 22.50 10-24 ... EACH 21.50 25-49 ... EACH 18.80 CFG Propellers. Choose propeller to fit cooling needs. L in type no. for push airflow; R for pull airflow. Stock 8 8 8 8 8 8 No. E 569 E 570 E 571 E 572 E 573 E 574 Mfr's Type l-L l-R 2-L 2-R 3-L 3-R CFM (Max.) 280 260 340 340 540 520 EACH 2.50 CFG Screen, Type '12407. 8 E 575. 1-4.EACH 4.20 5-9 .... EACH 3.90 10-24 ....... EACH 3.75 25-49 .. EACH 3.30 Call the Nearest Allied Office for All your Electronic Needs Rotron Fans and Blowers FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS GOLD SEAL MUFFIN FAN \'-----. • Lightweight-Only 1.5 Pounds • Only 2316" Deep-7" Diameter • 270 CFM Free Delivery rype 103. Moves a large volume of air in limited-space areas requirng a shallow fan. Excellent for cooling computer consoles. relay "acks. power supplies, etc. Has pre-lubricated miniature, precision ,tainless-steel ball bearings. Ambient temperature range, -55·C to +65 ·C. Reversible airflow. Tinned brass terminals. Constructed of ligh-impact, fungus-proof Lexan plastic. Filters air with box, )elow. Two-tone gray finish. 3380 rpm. 22 watts. For 115 volts, iO-60 cycle AC. 3 E 593. 1-4•...... EACH 34.00 5-9•................. EACH 32.00 10-24 ...... EA. 30.20 25-49..... EA. 2B.50 50·99....... EA. 26.90 :inger Guards. Stock No_ I I B E 592 14559 14651 8E59I Mfr'. Type I EACH 25-49 50-99 Description 1-4 6-9 10-24 Rim Mount - - - - - - - - - Panel Mount 4.5014.1013.9513.7513.60 7 E 247. Type 16410 Mtg. Clamps. Uses 3 ............. : •.. EACH .12 rype 124110 Filter Box. 7 E 246. 1-4 ....... EACH B.30 5-9 .................. EACH 7.70 10·24 ....••. EA. 7.40 25·49...... EA. 6.50 50-99•....•.. EA. 5.90 Developed from an original aerodynamic design. the muffin fan delivers 100 CFM-cfficiently cools. directs heat, or ventilates. Only 4' !.16" square and 1 Yz" deep. For use with radar units, transmitters, receivers, microwa velinks. office machines, TV cameras, etc. Noiselevel only 42 db. Designed to operate within 40-110·F. range. Supplied with polystyrene frame and wire screen. For 105-120 volts 60 cycle AC. BE 596. 1-9....... EACH 14.50 10.;24 ............... EACH 13.05 25-49 ......... EA. 11.60 50-99.... EA.IO.15 100-499 ... EA. 9.45 As above, but Less Wire Grill. BE 597.1-9...................................... EACH 13.70 10-24............. EACH 12.30 25-49............... EACH 10.95 50-99............. EACH 9.60 100-499............. EACH B.90 As above, but with Grille and Filter. BE 598.1-9...................................... EACH 15.B5 10-24............. EACH 14.40 25-49............... EACH 12.95 50-99............. EACH I 1.50 100-499............. EACH 10.BO Skeleton Fan. Spider rotor and motor only. BE 599_ 1-9...................................... EACH 12.BO 10-24............. EACH 11.50 25-49............... EACH 10.20 50.99............. EACH B.95 100-499•.•••••••••.. EACH B.30 - TYPE A AIRFLOW INTERLOCK SWITCH SPDT switch designed to actuate .vhen the air stream in an air duct laries from required velocity ·ange. Can be used as interlock 'or on-off control, or as safety delice to operate contacts at prelctermined flow of air. Mounts ,gainst outside of air duct (round lr flat surface). Small, lightweight ,tainless steel vane (not supplied -see below) protrudes through a hole in duct. Interlock switch lctuates and de-actuates as the air flow increases or decreases. Switch is not influenced by static air-pressure in the duct. Easily nounted with a single screw. Metal-to-metal bearings are shielded )y dust labyrinth. Rated 5 amps at 250 volts, AC. 3 E 600. 1·4....................................... EACH B.45 ;·9................. EACH 7.45 10-24................ EACH 6.B5 !5-49............... EACH 6.20 50.Up ............... EACH 6.10 VANES FOR AIRFLOW INTERLOCK SWITCH rype No indicates max it /min air flow increase Stock No. Type Length 1-24 EA. 25-49 EA. 50-99 EA. BE 601 1000 22~2' . BE 602 1350 2:%2" 1600 BE 603 1'0/,6' 1.25 1.00 .80 BE 604 1800 12J;1,' BE 605 2000 lY!6' BE 606 2450 1Ys" 3000 1.25 BE 607 1.00 .80 '0/,6' 8 E 60B 4000 %' )ETERMINATOR KIT FOR INTERLOCK SWITCH I'llis convenient kit offers an excelent way to determine, by experinent, exactly which vane you need or a specific application of the inerlock switch. Consists of a Model :A airflow interlock switch and a :omplete set of 8 actuating vanes isted in the table above. By interhanging vanes on the swi tch you an quickly determine which vane ize offers the best sensitivity rating or the specific application. Interhanging is accomplished by a simple snap-on The swi~ch ,uti the vane with best sensitivity rating can be used in the final ""lallation. IE 609. 1-4•...... EACH 20.00 5-9•................ EACH 19.00 0-24 .......... EA. I B.OO 25-49•... EA. 17.00 50-99 •... EA. 16.00 The Whisper Fan is engineered to operate at an inandible sound-level while delivering a large amount of cooling air. Exceptionally reliable in operation-improves performance 'of equipment by reducing heat level. Perfectly suited for cooling electronic instruments. high-fidelity equipment. TV cameras and receivers. office machinery, public address sound systems, etc. The Whisper fan is dimensionally interchangeable with the Muffin Fan described above. Provides 65 cu. ft. per minute free delivery. Speech interference level is a low -18 db. Because of symmetrical physical and aerodynamic design, air flow is reversible by releasing mounting clips and turning venturi block in end-to-end position. Pre-lubricated bearings and relatively low speed ensure trouble-free, maintenance-free operation. Has high-impact polystyrene frame. Can be used in round or square opening in equipment panel. or with two mounting clips (not supplied-see below). Operates at 2000 rpm; draws only 7 watts. Compact size, only 4'!.16" x lYzH deep. Single-phase. For 115 volts. 50-60 cycle AC. BE 610. 1-9 ....... EACH 14.90 10·24............... EACH 14.15 25-49......... EA. 12.65 50·99•... EA. 11.20 100-499•.. EA. 10.45 BE 611. As above, Less Grille. 1-9 .................... EACH 14.10 10-24 ............... EACH 13.35 25-49 ............. EACH 11.85 50-99........... EACH 10.40 100-499.'.......... EACH 9.65 B E 612. Same as 8 E,61 0, With Filter. 1-9............... EACH 16.30 10-24............... EACH 15.65 25-49............. EACH 14.15 50-99............... EACH 12.70 100-499........... EACH 11.95 ACCESSORIES FOR MUFFIN AND WHISPER FAN Filter Fan Conversion Kit. Includes filter, frame and clips. BE 613. #15449. 1-499 .............................. EACH 8 E 614. #16238 Standard Grill. 1-499 ................. EACH BE 615. #13996 Mounting Clips. 1-499 .........••... PER PAIR BE 616. #16415 Plug and Cord Assembly. 1-499 ......... EACH B E 617. #16415 Fan Lubricant, 4-oz. can. 1-499 ......... EACH B E 61 B. #16415 Oil Syringe for MufAn Fan. 1-499 ....... EACH BE 619. #15448 Filter Cartridge for MufAn Fan. 1-499 .... EACH 7 E 071. Filtercoat for Cart. #15448. 1-499 ........••.... EACH B E 620. #14798 Grille. 1-499 ........................ EACH 7 E 072.#13967 Filter Frame. 1-499 ................... EACH \lIied-Everything in Electronics from One Dependable Source 2.30 .BO .20 .60 1.50 1.50 1.50 .75 .60 .60 ALLIED. 437 WELLER Soldering Equipment for Industry SELECTION OF TOOLS AND SOLDERING EQUIPMENT Widest Selection Offe'red Quality, Top.Name Brands " Your Order Shipped Same Day It's Received " Special Handling on Phone, . Wire and TWX Orders D-550PK HEAVY-DUTY SOLDERING KIT 8200PK DUAL·HEAT sOLDERING I . 51 N 303. No. 70. As above. but 600 watts. Temp. max .• 750' F. Higher heat. heat·drain capacity than above. (Less thermostat.) 6% Ibs. _. ____________ I 7.40 ALLIED. 443 Selected Torches and Soldering Accessories ERSIN "MULTICORE" SOLDERS " ,., .... <:' '" Clips to Your Belt-Leaves Hands Free! TURNER GAS TORCH KIT FLEXI-HAND HOSE TORCH KIT MODEL LP'99. Complete propane gas torch kit for soldering. heating. burning. All·brass torch has heavy·duty valve. drag spring on flame·control knob. Kit also includes: pencil· point" burner; heavy·duty burner; brass flame-spreader; copper chisel·point solder tip; tank of fuel; spark lighter; steel carry· MODEL LP.1955. The handiest. most portable torch we offer. Simply clip the entire unit to your belt, and you have both hands free for carrying tools and equipment or for other work. Kit consists of; standard fuel tank; special clip assembly; ,4.ft. hose with pistol· grip handle; and pencil·point burner assem· bly. Special pistol.grip handle offers a cool, •. comfortable grip. Long, 4·ft. flexible hose allows you to work in tight areas without REPLACEMENT FUEL TANK. For LP·99, LP· trou ble. Fuel tank is replaceable (see listing 1955. SIbs. :2 tanks ·per pkg. . 8.65 SO N 082 ............... PER PKG. 2.89 ~~ J~~·IS~t.~: ~~':.:~ .l~~: ~!.'i:~8 ~~.1~~~~~ ~~'.~~'.~~': ~.~.1~~~.65 ........ ECONOMY PRICED GASOLINE BLOWTORCH MODEL T·1SA. An all·purpose torch at an economy price. Completely portable-can be use!i anywhere. Excellent for burning or melt· ing, and as an aid in scraping. Seamless steel tank is turnace brazed, sprayed bronze. Durable cast bronze burner. Oversized drip·cup for quick generation. Comfortable pistol·grip handle pro· vides well·balanced grip. Valve wheel 'stays cool. Detachable "backStop'" cleaning needle for safe and simplified automatic adjustment and orifice cleaning. Torch holds 1 quart of Gasoline Operated PURE TIN/LEAD SOLDER. Non·corrosive Ersil; flux. 60% tin and 40% lead. ' Spool Shpg. EACH Stock Gauge Wt. Wt. No •• 16 ~ 1% Ibs. 2.07 49 N368 71bs, 8Y. lb •. 14.21 16 49 N 369 lIb. 18 49 N 370 1% lb•. 2.12 18 7 lb •. 8\1z lb•. 14.5& 49 N l7.1 1 lb. 20 1% lb•. 2.2B 49 N 372 . 2 Ibs. S\Iz lb•. 15.&B 20 49 N 376 "SAVEBIT." High·strength copper·tin·lead alloy solder. Has greater strength than tin· lead solders. Shpg. St.ock Spool Gauge EACH No. Wt. Wtl• -1-650 N 123 lIb. 1% lb •. 1.7& 50 N 124 16 7 lb•. S~ lb•. 12.32 IS lIb. 47 N 056 1% Ibo. I.BI lIb, 20 1% lb•. 2.03 47 N 057 ---- -- SPECIAL ALLOY INDUSTRIAL SOLDERS. Low· melting'point type is 62% tin, 36% lead. 2% silver. Melts at 354°F. Com.ol high. melting·point type .is 5% tin. 93.5% lead. 1.5% silver. Melts at 565 o F. Eutectic 63/37 alloy has no plastic range. Melts at 361 °F. Shpg. wt .. 1·lb. spool. 1% Ibs.; 28·lb. car· ton. 32 lbs. I SOLDERING AIDS AND TOOLS SPEED-UP PRODUCTION Stock No. N 000 N 001' N 002 N 003 Type I Gauge PER SPOOL 1-27 2a.U p 3.40 3.94 22 4.86 Comool 16 2.39 Si"NOo4 Com.ol -1-S- 2.43 51 N 005 Eutectic 16 2.71 51 N 006 Eutectic 18 2.76 51 N 007 Eutectic, 20 2.84 3.06 3.55 4.38 2.15 51 51 SI 51 ~~s~i~ei ;:.~~: ~~.: :.I.~S: .•......•.' ...•.. 8.95 "MULTICORE." 5·corc solder. Non~c·orrosivc Ersin flux; 40% tin, 60% lead. In 16·gauge (.064"). and 18·gauge (.048,,) 1 lb. spools. From Great Britain. Shpg. wt .• 1 ~ Ibs. . L.M.P. L.M.P. L.M.P. 16 18 ""2.i9 2.44 2.48 2.56 KESTER SOLDERS AMERICAN BEAUTY STAND Iji1 MODEL 475. Thermostatically·controlled. ~ Maintains iron temperature. eliminates tip burning. Plastic body, copper cradle. heater cord. AC outlet. For 100·660 watt irons up to 240 v. AC. 2~ Ibs. 46 N,658 ........................ 8.40 G-C MODEL 9077 HEAT SINK '81' Protects small parts from heat of solder· ~ ing iron. Made of aluminum-solder will not stick. Self·closing-frees hands for easier soldering. Wt., 3 oz. 49 N 377.......................... 35 KORMAT SOLDER-DISPENSER fC1 Helps increase production efficiency. ~ Prevents finger burns and other solder· ing hazards. Slide· button feeds solder thro.ugh probe. Accepts all solder sizes from .028" to .074". Dispenser reloads in just 30 seconds..Has 7" alloy handle. Shpg. wt .. ·4 oz. 50 N459 ...... : ................. 4.49 G-C SOLDERING AIDS fjj1 MODEL ·9088. Wire brush and chrome- ~ tipped holding end. 4 oz. 42 N 001 ..........................98 444 • ALLIED "RESIN FIVE" CORE SOLDER. Features non~corrosive and non-conductive "Resin S"fiux. Coil. v,." dia; spool. 'liz" din. 40% tin. 60% lead; *60% till, 40% lead. G-C SOLDERING AIDS (Cont'd) lEI MODEL 9075 STRAIGHTEND·TOOL. Dou· l!:J ble ends ream. hold or pry. Chromed ~~e~ ~~g~:.~:: . ~.~~................68 If! MODEL '9076 ANGLE END TOOL. Above. I!J with angled end. 4 oz. 49 N 359.......................... 68 UNGAR SOLDERING AIDS IQl NO. 400 "KLEEN·TIP" KIT. Removes oxides ~ and excess solder. Includ~s 'sponge, trav and bracket. Wt., 2 oz. , SO N 421.1·9 ................. EACH .98 10·99 ......................... EACH .81 100·Up ......................... EACH .75 NO. 455 REFILL SPONGES. For "Kleen·Tip" kit, above. Wt., 2 oz. 50 N 422.1.9 ................ '.EACH .39 10·99 ......................... EACH .33' 100·Up ...................... , . EACH .30'. , 'W ANTI·SEIZE COMPOUND. Lubricates tip, I!!I threads, reduces seizure and corrosion. 2 oz. can. wt .. 3 oz. 47 N 025. 1·9 ................. EACH .54 10·99..•...........•..•.•...... EACH .45 100·Up ........................ EACH .42 Stock No. 50 N 310 46 N 916 50 N 311 Size. Spool Wt. ~z"·· SIbs. lib. W Vi6"'· ' Sibs. Shpg. Wt. S14lbs. 114 Ibo. S14lbs. EACH 7.47 1.19 7.99 PRINTED·CIRCUIT SOLDER. 60% tin, 40% lead. v,." dia. 1% lbs. 46 N 926. l·lb. Spool. .............. 1.63 ROSIN·CORE SOLDER. Plastic rosin. ~" for general·purpose work; Yt."for delicate. 40'1., tin. 60% lead; '*50·50. Stock No. 46 N 901 46 N 930 46 N 931 46 N 919 46 N 939 Size W y,•• y,.' y,••• y,... Shpg. EACH Wt. 114 lb •. I.i9 lib. 114 lb., 1.21 Sibs.' 5)1. lb•. 5.88 lIb. Iv.. Ibs, 1.41 Sibs . 514 lb•. 6 •.86 Spool Wt. --lib. ACID·CORE SOLDER. For non·electric" soldering. %" !Iia. 40% tin. 60% lead I 1(" 46 N 906. I·Lb. Spool................ 7 ",.' 'SOLDERING PASTE. Distributesflux for easi", soldering. 2 oz. cans. 5 oz. 46 N 915. 1·9 ................. EACH .I! 10·.up.......................... EACH.I' Allied-Everything in Electronics frqm One Dependable Source Power Cutting-Tools for light or Heavy Work @ SKIL MODEL 566 PROFESSIONAL-QUALITY NIBBLER Cuts fast-40" of 18-gauge in I minute. Cuts smooth-no curling. or bending of either cut edge. Makes straight, curved. template or pattern cuts in corrugated and other metals. Inside cuts from any 1h" dia. starting hole. Has built-in clip ejector; long-lasting carbide punch; 3-amp motor; I needle; and self-lubricating bearings. 750 strokes per minute, no-load speed. V,L. Listed_ For 115 volts, 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 61h lbs. SO N 980 ................................... : ...... 49.50 51 N 008. Exira Culler_ Wt .. 8 oz.. _....................... 7.50 r-------------------...-, llil SKIL MODEL 537 DELUXE 7'A" CIRCULAR SAW Moderately priced 7Y." saw with 10-amp motor that develops 11h hp. Handles even toughest rip-cuts. Has all the top Skil features: anti-kickback clutch; sawdust blower; blade lock; easy-setting depth control; etc. Cuts vertically from y,.' to 2%"; max. depth of cut at 45'; IVa"_ No-load speed, 5150 rpm. 12" long. With combination blade; wrench, 3-wire cord and plug, 2-prong' adapter_ V.L. ~bst~~ ~~~.I.~~:~~~.~.: .~~~~~: .1.7. ~~s: ......... _....... 49.95 @) SKIL MODEL 536 6Y2" CIRCULAR SAW Economy model-tops for the shop, or construction site. 9-amp, l-hp motor. Makes vertical cuts from Y,6" to 2¥..' at 90'; 1%" at 45'. Has safety Clutch, depth/angle controls, blower, bind-free lower blade guard. No-load speed, 6300 rpm. 9Yz" long. With comb. blade, wrench; 3-wire cord, 2-prong adapter. V.L. Listed. For 110120 v .. AC-DC. 12 Ibs. SO NX 534 ............................ .............. 38.95 @] SKIL 577 "RECIPRO-SAW" WITH 3 BLADES A new power-saw concept. Cuts anything-6" logs to thin plastic sheeting.' Makes rip. miter, bevel, straight, flush cuts. Has doublereduction gears, adjustable foot, 3-position side handle. 3-amp motor gives 2000-%~ strokes oer minute. II %" long. With 3 blades (I-Type 25922, I-Type 20538, I-Type 20541, described below); 3-wire cord, plug; 2-prong adapter. V.L. Listed. For 110-120 v., ~i ~~ ~~9.':':~·:.~:~.1~~: ............................. 36.95 ACCESSORY BLADES FOR SKIL 577 SAW 50 N 790. Type 23608 6" Melal Culling Blade. 2 02 •••••••••• : ••• 67 SO N 793. Type 23606 6" Plasler Culling Blade. 2 02 ......... : . . . . 27 SO N 795. Type 20538 -4" Wood Scroll Blade. 1 02. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 SO N 796. Type 20541 4" Multi-Purp'ose Blade. For fast roughing-in cuts in wood with nails, soft metals, etc. 1 02. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 SO N 797. Type 20543 12" Multi-Purpose Blade. 2 oz............. 47 50 N 875. Type 25922 9" Wood Culling Blade. Special design for heavy wood cutting. 3 oz............. : ....................... 73 NEW! Burke-Docken THOR-SPEEDWAY MODEL 805 JIG SAW $1495 • Burnoul-Proof • Cuts Up· 10 2" ·Wood, Ys" Steel Powerful 3-amp motor with noload speed of 3000-%" strokes per minute. Burn-out proof. too. Vses helical-cut steel gears. Cuts up to 2" in soft wood; 'Is" in steel. Adjustable plate for cutting 45 0 angles on either side; also eu rves, scrolls, circles, straight cuts and rips. Self-oiling, bronze alloy bearings. With 2, wood-;cutting.blades; 1 metal-cutting blade; wrench; rip fence; CIrcle cutter; and saw guiding handle. V.L. Listed. For operation from 110-120 volts, AC or DC. Shpg. wt., 5 lbs. SO N 830 ............................................. .14.95 MODEL 909 "ALL SAW"· BURKE-DOCKEN 002E.B POWER SHEARS. • No Edge Dislorlion • Makes Siraight or Contour Cuts Fast, safe. easy to maneuver. New power shear easily cuts steel, aluminum, brass, copper9 fiberglas, formica. laminated plastics-virtually anything. Makes straight or contour cuts and inside cuts from a %"starting hole. Excellent for use iIi metal-working" shops. aircraft and marine maintenance. air conditioning and auto shops. Long life. easily removable blades may be resharpened. No.load speed, 2200 strokes per' minute. Powerful 3-ump, burn-out proof'motor. Shears feature balll bearing.;j in motor and spindle. ~leedle bearing on blade driving ecce~l.tnc i externally accessible brushes for quick inspection and change; and 22-bar commutator. Designed for unusually cool operation. Double-reduction' gears are heaf-treated alloy steel. With blades; IO-ft. 3-wire cord and plug. V.L. Listed. For 110-120 V., AC or DC. 5lbs. . 51 NX 130 ........................; .............. Power Tools from Allied Cost You Less ,69.50 • For Straight and Fancy Work • Culs Almost Anylhing Capable of producing a multitude of precision cuts. For straight t;U ts. arcs, circles. fine~ pattern work in bakelite, wood, m'etal, tile, etc. eu t5 Yz" metals, 6" wood; 90° cuts in 6x6's; 45° -cuts in 4x4's. Makes inside cuts. Yz-hp. 6-arhp motor has oHite bearings. hardened gears: 3400 ~1" strokes per minute. Saw~ dust blower; ripguide. 3-wire cord. 2-prong adapter. 7 j;,x7x8". U.L.. Listed. For 110-120 v., AC-DC. 8!4 Ibs. SO N 23&. 1-2.~ ..... EACH 32.88 3-Up ............ ,... EACH 29~37 50, N 237. Model 900 Replacemenl Blade Sel. For Model 909, above. 7·"ssorted blades. Wt., 1h lb ............................... 2.50 ~LUED,; 445 THOR Industrial Drills and Grinder THOR Reversible SpeedDrill Reversible Speed Drill $5695 • Extra·Heavy.Duty • Burn·Out' Proof 6 \12. Ampere Motor • Heavy-Duty Reverse Switch in" Handle ". 28·Bar Commutator "NEW MODEL 1440R REVERSIBLE ¥aw SPEEDDRILL For Extra. "heavy·duty industrial applications. Has rugged ball and needle bearings plus all-steel precision hobbed gears for smoothest, most powerful and dependable operation. Capac· ity: ¥a" dia. in steel; 1 liz" in hardwood. No·load speed. 400 rpm; full·load speed, 260 rpm. Balanced die·cast aluminum housing. End·grip handle rotates-end and top handles reo move. Has reversing switch, safety lock, quick release. 11\4" long. less handle. 6-ft. 3-}Vire cord; geared chuck, key. V.L. and C.S.A. Listed. Industrially rated. For 110-120 v., AC or ~rNS:~~O~~:·. ~~. ~~s: .......................... 56.95 51 NX 161, Model 1440. As above, less reverse ....... 54,95 $5395 • Features Heavy·Duty 6l1z-Ampere Motor that Won't Burn Out • 28-Bar Commutator • Reversing Switch Built·into Handle • End-Grip Handle Rotates • End and Top Handles Remove MODEL 1435R REVERSIBLE \12" SPEEDDRllL. V.L. and C.S.A. Listed for heavy·duty industrial applications. A real hard·worker at a moderate price. All ball and needle bearings plus precision a1l·steel hobbed gears for smooth, dependable operation. Drilling capacity: liz" dia. in steel; 1\4" in hardwood. No·load speed, 550 rpm; full· load speed, 400 rpm. End·grip handle rotates to any positionremoves easily for c1ose·quarter work. Threaded top·handle un· screws quickly. Oversize switch with safety locking pin, quick reo lease. Reverse switch built into handle for easy access. Polished aluminum housing. Length, less end handle. 11\4". With 6-ft. 3wire cord, geared chuck and key. For 110-120 v., AC or DC. Shpg. ~J"J~ I~~o ......................................... 53.95 50 NX 871. Model 1435. As above, less reverse feature ...... 49.95 , "I• ,•I I i ',," I $32"50 •. CO"1pact I Burn-Oul-Proof ' • • Permanent Magnet Stator. Diode-Circuit ~otor • I MODEL E.IOO. Palm'size, high·torque I features 18-bar commutator; ," I drill double·reduction gears; ball bearing , motor; ball bearing on spindle. Drills , 14" dia. in steel, liz" in hardwood. No- , I load speed, 1250 rpm; full load, 900 , rpm. With 6-ft. 3-wire cord and plug. • Only 6~6" long. For 115 v., 25-60 I cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs. • 50 N 978 ..." ............. 32.50 • I I I ... ------.-'-- ----- MODEL 522 14" DRILL. Perfectly balanced, rugged·duty \4" drill for all around use. Features 2\12-amp, bum·out proof motor; 22-bar commutator for plenty of Power; heavy·duty bronze alloy ball bearing on spindle; sturdy die·cast, polished aluminum housing. Drills \4" dia. in steel; liz" dia. in hardwood. No·load speed, 2400 rpm; full· load speed, 1500 rpm. Easy·action trigger switch with locking pin, quick release. 6-ft. 3-wire cord; geared chuck and key. 7Ya" long. Industrially rated by V;L. For 110-120 v .. 60cyc1eAC.Shpg.\";~.. 4\12lbs. 1"5" 45 51 N 159....................... , RUGGED, HIGH.QUALITY MODEL 20 lOW-COST \48 DRilL. Outstand· ing value in a highly·efficient 14" power drill. Ideal for shop, garage, farm. Husky 2\12-amp burn·out proof motor; l1-bar commutator; self·aligning ball·thrust bear· ing; die·cast aluminum housing. Drills \4" dia. in steel; liz" dia. in hardwood. No·load speed, 2400 rpm; "full load, 1500 rpm. Momentary·contact trigger switch with locking pin, quick release. Oyeralilength, 9". 6-ft. 3-wire cord and 3-prong plug; geared chuck and key. V.L. Listed. For 110-120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 3l1z Ibs. 50 N 538 ....................... 10.95 "SPEEDGRINDERS'~ by THOR Ijil MODEL 130B DELUXE BENCH GRINDER. For heaviest jobs. Full I!!J Y3.hp, ball·bearing motor won't bum out-produces 3450 rpm nO'load speed. Offers removable plastic quench tray; die·cast tool· rests with angle guides; parts tray; reinforced eye shields; adjust· able spark arresters. Die·cast aluminum alloy housing. With 2 grinding wheels (46- and 75-grit), 6x*", liz" holes. 16" long. \3conductor cord. Industrially rated by V.L. For 110-120 v., 60 cycle ~~'NS~lQg6;:': .2.7. ~~~' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 37.95 f81 MODEL 118B LOW-COST BENCH GRINDER. For light· to medium· ~ duty use. Bum·out proof motor-no·load speed. 3450 rpm. Has 'sturdy, lightweight aluminum housing; water'cooling tray; tool rests; dust shields; eye shields. With 2 grinding wheels (40. and 70grit), 4l1zxllz", Ya" holes; 6-ft., 3-conductor cord. 914" long. In· dustrially rated by V.L. For operation from 110-120 volls, 60 cycle ~~·NS:~~O~~:'_:~~~=: .... _.............. _..... ,... _.16;95 Use the Services of the Allied--_._-Facility.----.--., Nearest.... You-See Page One------_.- --_ ... ",--~---- Selected Heavy-Duty Power Tools for Industry r---~--·r. • I $13 HEAVY-DUTY, BIG-JOB %" $2295 . DRILLS AT UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES Motor Won't Burn Out· 95 •• Adjustable "Speed Sight'" Motor is Burn·Out Proof • With 22·Bar Commutator • Heavy.Duty Ball Bearing • 11 .. Bar Commutator THOR·SPEEDWAY 813SS Ya" DRILL Industry rated by U.L. and suitable for many jobs. Features the "Speed Sight" for positive, errorless all-angle drilling. Just set the angle, level the bubble and drill through walls for TV, electrical or telephone wiring -splendid for boat construction, carpentry and masonry work as well. Powerful 3-amp m~tor with l1·bar commutator is burn·out proof. Has special alloy self-oiling bronze bearings. Drills Ya" diameter in steel; 1" in hardwood. No-load speed, 1750 rpm; full-load speed, 1150 rpm. Gear-type chuck holds tight-no bit·slippage. Trigger switch has locking pin for continuous operation, quick release. Lightweight, rugged aluminum housing. 814" long. With 6-ft.. 3-wire grounding-type cord; chuck key. U.L. Listed. For 110-120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .. 5lbs. • 51 N 163 .................... , .. 13.9.5 $'1(11. • 3·Amp Matar with Oversize Cooling Fan for Prolonged Operation • Double·Reduction High-Torque Gears • Side Handle Removes for Close Work SKIL MODEL 560 Ya" DRILL Deluxe THOR MODEL 533 YaH DRILL. Looks, acts and quality-extra rugged and reliable. performs like far higher priced models. Versatile. too-excellent for working Ideal for commercial work-great for \vith wood augers or operating holeheavy-duty farm and shop use. An excellent saws as well as for normal drilling bu}' at this low price. jobs. Big·job·size 3.t·amp motor with balanced Heavy·duty 3-amp Illotor gives plenty armature and 22-bar commutator is extra of power for big jobs. Oversize fan powerful, and burn-out-proof. Has heavykeeps drill cool·running even for produty thrust and spindle ball bearings. Drills longed periods. Smooth-action, pre0/8" diameter in steel, %," diameter in hardcision ball bearing on spindle. Drills wootl. No-load speed, 950 rpm; full-load %" diameter in steel. %.11 in hardspeed, 610 rpm. wood. No·load speed, 1000 rpm; fullAll-steel precision hob bed gears. 3·jaw preload speed 600 rpm. cision geared chuck holds bit tight. MomenTrigger switch, lock pin-quick retary·contact trigger switch with locking pin lease. Aluminum housing, 9%" long. for continuous operation-quick release. 6-ft. 3·wire cord, plug, 2-prong adaptGlistening Hhi-polish" aluminum die-cast er. U.L. Listed. For 110-120 v., 60 housing. 8l1z" long. With 6-ft. 3-conductor cord, 3-prong plug; chuck key. U .L. Listed. .• cycle·AC. Shpg. wt., 4Y4lbs'24'47 50 N 542................. ~fr J1107~~~ ~:'. ~.~-.~:: .\':'.t:,. ~ ~~~'. 2 2.95 L.. _______... ___'.J _ UTICA and MILLERS FALLS SPECIAL POWER TOOLS MILLERS FALLS ELECTRIC SCREWDRIVER and SUSPENSION BALANCE OWERED UA-200 CUTTER Optional Heads Available· for Varied Uses ~.~ ~ B'6 B·7 B·8 MODEL UA·200 POWER CUTTER. Air-activated (90 P.S.I.) with B·5 standard·edge diagonal head for cutting up to No. 10 gauge or cut and crimp up to No. 16 gauge soft copper wire. Cuts plastics. copper, and non-ferrous metals when used with 3 heads, below. With 8·ft. air hose; plastic air cylinder. 6xllz". Wt., liz lb. 51 NOI2 ................................ .74.50 B·5 Cutter Head Alane. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. 51 N 030 .................................... 8.50 8·6 Cutter Head. Hairline, flush-edge diagonal cutter head. For most non-ferrous metals. Wt .. 2 oz. 51 N 013 ...........•...................•.... 8.50 B.7 Cutter Head. Cutter-crimper head. Suitable for use with printed circuits. Shpg. wt:, 2 oz. 51 N 014 .................................... 11.50 B·8 Culter Head. Diagonal cutting head for use with plastics only. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. . 51 N 015 .•. ) .............................. 8,50 Model 567 • Hundreds of Industrial Uses • "Adjust9matic" Clutch for Precise Torque Control MODEL 50C REVERSIBLE ELECTRIC Power-ta-spare, sensitive tOl'qu.e-"or'tr,,1 dependability-respected on production lines world over. Handles tiny, delicate assemblies as well as high-torque requirements of #12 wood and ~" machine screws. Features: unique rocker ring construction for extra-long brush life; special armature for long-lasting, dependable service; built-in reverse switch; interchangeable paddle and trigger switch levers; quick-change chuck; IIAdiustomalic" clutch with heavy·duty spring; and spindle ball bearings; heat-treated alloy gears. Enameled cast aluminum housing. 100/&" long. No·load speed, 800 rpm. With %" bit. and sleeve for nos. 6~ 8,' 10 screws, clutch adjusting spanner. U.L. Listed. Rated 1.7 amps at 115 v. For ~~5 ~·2~~.~~~1~.~::.~~~~. :,:t:,. ~.'~.s: ..... 96.50 MODEL 567 SUSPENSION BALANCE. Perfect for Model 50 above-reduces operator fatigue. Springaction brings screwdriver quickly into operating position-returns it securely overhea unch l!.J in drilled hole, turn with wrencll. ReQuire liz" hole except *\4" hole. 1 Yz Ibs. Stock NO.!.Size !~!St~ck NO.! Size !~ 46 N 214 "o/,z"· 4.4346 N 186 I'li." 4.98 46 N 184 '0/,6" 4.50 46 N 189 l'U." 5.40 IRJ BALL-BEARING DRIVE SCREWS. . ~ 47 N 019. AVl12·BB. For 1" and lllz" punches. Wt .. Ilb...... _..............99 50 N 168. AV249·BB. For 1~". 1%" and. 1:y.."punches.llb.......... ; ••• ' .... 2.29. Depend on Allied for Quality Tools at Low Pric;es ISJ TYPE 730 ROUND PUNCHES. For sockets, ~ cOlltrols, panel lights, etc. Cut through sheet metal, bakelite, hard rubber, etc. Cut through metals of up to 16-gauge thickness. Operate with ordinary wrench-no reaming or filing necessary. 'Meter cutout. Av. shpg. wt., 1 liz Ibs. Stock No. 46 N 169 46 N 177 47 N 014 46 N 000 46 N 170 46 N 001 '46 N 171 47 N 015 46 N 172 46 N 178 46 N 173 46 N 179 46 N 174 46 N 175 46 N 176 46 N 180 46.N all 46.N 110 46 N I t6 46 N 181 47 N 016 46 N 209 Hole Size Yz" 'Ys" 0/16" 'Y16" Lead Size \4" \4" 3fs" '\4" :;.a" '0/16/1 3fs" 3fs" 3fs" 3fs" 3fs" 3fs" 3fs" Va" '0/1'6" I" 1M." IYs" 10/,," 1¥.6" 1\4" 13fs" IYz" 1'Ys" 1'\4" 2" 2\4" 2Yz' 2Z%a"* EACH -.;.;;- ---2.29 ¥a" %" 3fs" 3fs" '\4" '\4" '\4" %/1 '\4' %" 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.51 2.51 2.65 2.65 2.65 ·2.65 2.65 3.1 B 3.62 4.28 4.84 6.52 7.02 11.47 11.02 ------- fT1 NEW TYPE 731R RELAY-SOCKET PUNCH. l!J Punches clean holes for miniature relay sockets. Cuts up to 16-gauge metal. Insert punch in 0/1." drilled hole. turn with wrench, .•. and job is dOlle. Finished hole, .861"xl.018".. (Designed for Potter & Brumfield KHP series relays.) Wt., 10 o~. 51 N276 ............ _..... _ ... .I2.59 ALLIED" 451 "Tapewn°ers, t" & Staplers,Vis~s . .' . Real Chrome· Plated Heavy Duty NEW DYMO TAPEWRITERS Model M·.4 Office labelmaker NEW MODEL M·55 TAPEWRITER +- 51 N 148 ..... · ............................................................ 19.95 MODEL M·22 TAPEWRITER tool uses Yz" plastic tape. Straight cut-off; plastic embossing wheel; o/ll" Characters: (,\-2 0-9.) Chrome-plated. 10%" long. Less tape. below. 3 Ib5. Hea\'~'-duty SO N 849 ............................................................... 39.95 NEW MODEL M·4 OFFICE LABELMAKER Low-cost unit •. designed for home and office use. Makes permanent. raised-letter labels on !4" vinyl tape. Has same 44 characters as Model M-55. 6Yz" long. 7 oz. Sl N 142 ................................................................. 6.88 TAPE FOR M·SS TAPE FOR M.22 TAPE FOR M·4 Each "throw-away" magazine has 120" of Ys" vinyl. adhesive tape. Wt .. 4 oz. Yz" vinyl pressure tape. Long-lasting.144-in. per roll. Wt .. 5 oz .. Specify Type and !4" vinyl tape, n" rolls. "Throw-away" magazines. 3 oz. Specify Type and Color. I Color. 158-6 m;;;158-2 Red 158-8 Brown 158-4 Orange 158-9 Black 158-5 Green 5204-1 Clear 5204-7 Yellow 05204-2 Red 5204-8 Brown 5204-4 Orange 5204-9 Black 5204-5 Green 5204-12 Gray 5204-6 Blue 5204-13 Gold SO N N 884 .. PER ROLL 1.2S SO N N 903 .. PER ROLL I .65 5 INN 143 ... PER ROLL. 75 Color 5201-4 Orange 5201-8 Brown 5201-5 Green 5201-9 Black 5201-6 Blue 5201-13 Gold Color Type~ 158-1 ~ Type Type Type~ Type Color S'iin-2 Red 520tT ~ Type Color Screen Shade Wire Lifter Attachments VERSATilE T.50MP STAPLER KIT Makes professional raised-letter labels for 1001 applications. Has full 44 characters: (A-Z 0-9" e % &. / and '.) New transparent embossing wheel lets YOU see letters as you make them. Tab cut-off. 10" long. Uses Ys" tape. below_ Wt .. 1!4 Ib5. Specify Type and Color. Time Savers! Handles. any stapling job. Consists of: heavy-duty T-SO staple gun; 5000 staples (assorted. !4" to o/t6"); and 4 attachmentsfor screen. wire. window shade. plus staple lifter. T -50 has double leverage action for powerful drive with minimum squeeze pressure. Patented non-jamming mechanism. All-steel-chrome finish. 5% Ibs. SO N 466 ........................ 14.57 l-50 STAPLER. Described in kit above. Loads 85-.050" staples, takes other sizes. 5Yzx 7Ysx%". 2 Ibs. 46 N 292 ....................... .10.41 T.25 CABLE STAPLER. Staples round objects of up to !4".dia. Jamproof. Loads 85 staples. SYzx7%".2!4lbs. 46 N491 ...... :........ , ........ 12.49 STAPLES FOR ARROW GUNS , *For ceiling tiles 5000 per box 1 lb' Stock No. -For WxL EACH T-50 45 N 793 Ysx!4" 2.OB T-50 45 N 789 2.20 Ysx~." T-50 45 N 792 2.29 YsxYs" 46 N 294 *T-50CT 3.20 '/axo/t." 45 N 790 T-25 !4xYs" 3.33 46 N 492 T-25 !4x:?i6" 3.33 BRINK & COTTON No. 149 Vise STURDY SHOP AND BENCH VISESIDEAL FOR ELECTRIC WORK MILLERS FALLS MILLERS FALLS NO. 217 VISE o MODEL 665 VISE 'Three vises in one-woodworking, metalworking and I>ipe. Removable fiber1,Joard iaw faces clamp wood without marring. 5" wide steel jaws provide powerful grip for metal jobs. Pipe jaws hold pipes of Ys" to 2Yz" dia. Jaws are 3!4" deep; open to S!4". Swivel base. 35 Ibs. 46 NU 953 ...................... 16.20 . @I MODEL 364 VISE AND POSITIONER Ruggedly-built utility vise is mounted on famous PowRarm positioner. Excellent combination for work on small electronic assemblies or parts. Single-handed release of positioner level-bar permits rotating or tilting work to any desired angle. Tighten· 452 • AWED @ MODEL C53~ VISE Economy 3Yz" jaw vise. Handles most types of light. general work. Features removable steel insert jaws. built-in pipe iaws. precision-machined screw. Swivel base allows unit to be swung instantly to any desired position. Base locks in place. Large anvil with forming horn. Wt .. 12 Iba. SO N487 .............. _...... _.5.30. ing of lever-bar freezes work solidly in place. Positioner is cadmium-plated steel. Capacity. IS Ibs. Vise iawsare smooth steel. Jaw width. 2!4"; open to maximum of. 2!4". Wt .. Sibs. . SO N 149:: ..................... .13.93 For holding work on drill-press bed or work bench. Sturdy steel jaws are 2Ys" wide. Have parallel faces extending to 3 Ys". Removable swivel jaw is provided for holding odd-shaped parts. ~lide-bar type handle and fine thread on. screw give excellent leverage for solid. reliable grip on work. ~~t>~. ~~'.~. ~~~'•••••••••••••.•••• 8.99 BRINK & COTTON NO. 149 VISE Sturdy. clamp vise. ideally suited for radio work. Securely holds small parts for soldering. filing •. cutting. etc. Smooth, easy action. Compact vise can be clamped to any bench or table up to 2" thick. Jaws are 1%" wide; open to 1%". Free-action tightening bar. W~ .• 2% Ibs. J SO 46 N 015 ................ •• ...... · • lowest Prices-Highest Quality-Fastest Service Alloy Steel Socket Sets, Slide Rules, Tube Caddie's STEVENS-WALDEN STEEL SOCKET SETS -tot-forged, aHoy-steel socket sets-heat-treated and tempered in aC:ordance with the highest standards of professional quality. So strong. ~hcy meet U.S. Government spcciflcafion. Used and recommended by. ,llcchanics from coast-fa-coast. Openings arc precision-broached to close tolerances. All parts chrome~plated for a lasting flnish. American made by one of the oldest tool manufacturers in the country. 24-PIECE !4 /I AND % /I DRIVE SOCKET SET Combines the best features of the %" and \4" drive sets. Ideal for the radioman. mechanic or home repairman. Consists of: 17 sockets -7 regular 12-pt. sockets, sizes Ya" to %" in !.12" steps; 7 hex ~o<:kets. 1;4" drive. sizes ¥1l to ¥a" in 1;]2" steps; 3 regular 8-pt. t'ockets. Y4," drive. sizes t4". 0/16" and ¥a"; l-¥a" to ~" adapter: I-round head 318" ratchet; 1-1;4" spinner handle; 1-6" extension. JIa" drivC'; 1_3" extension. 31a" drive; 1-1¥J6" spark plug socket with protective neoprene insert. In metal box, 11 Yzx4%xl %". ~\lP~·~\ti54.~~ ~~~' ....••••.•••.••••••••••..•••••••••.. 13.50 16-PIECE !4 /I r------.... 24 P 1!9iI !4" and %" DRIV • (. SOCKET SET $13 50 met~:'~ase DlWllI~llrnl.1l\~£& ~j a"" Em ~"'~I L __ .. ____ ..... DZII_n _ _ ICIDII'i/II.,.., _ _ ..Ii'. 16 -Pc" DRIVE SOCKET SET $795 An e~cellent set of sockets for radio and electrical repair. industrial. IIIPchanical and instrument work. Consists of: 11 sockets-4 regular 1~-pt. sockets. sizes ¥l6". 1'l3Z", ¥a", 'll6"; 4-6-pt. hex sockets. sizes ~'1l'. 'llt. Y4". %z"j 3-8-pt. sockets. sizes !;4". ¥l6". %"; 1-re\'ersible ratchet; t-hinge handle; I-cross bar; 1-3" extemiion; metal box. 6\1zx2%xl\4". Wt.. I V, lbs. 51 N 209 ..•.•••••..•......•...•.••••••••••••••••.•... . !4" DRIVE SOCKET SET With metal cas!) 7.95 21-PIECE %" 21-P(. DRIVE SOCKET SET Complete. compact set of wrenches for the home owner or autoIllative mechanic. Consists of: 15 sockcts-7 regular 12-pt. sockets. ~izes 0/8" to %" in 1!J2" steps; 8. deep 12-pt. sockets, sizes ¥S" to %" 11 !-1z" steps; 1-hinge handle; I-cross bar; 1-universal joint; 1-3" extension; 1-round head reversible ratchet. Metal storage hox. 11 \lzx4%xl %". Shpg. wt.• 4 lbs. 51 NX 243 •.••••••••.•.•.....••••••.•.•.•.•.....•.. .13.95 17-PIECE Y2" DRIVE SOCKET SET 1\1l economy-priced set for use at home, on the farm. or in the tactory. Consjtit~ of: II regular 12-pt. socket:;. sizes 'l16", Y2".0/1'6". ~fo", lV,l'. %". l¥1l'. 71s". lo/tl', 1", 11;4"; 1-5" extension; 1-10" ('xtension; I-flex handle; l-speederi i-reversible ratchet; metal storage box. 16\4"x3V,x2". Shpg. wt .• 7% lbs. 51 NX 244 ..•.••••...••.•...•••••••..•••••••••••... .19.50 11-Pc. lh" DRIVE SOCKET SET $1950 met:lit~ase DIETZGEN SLIDE RULES @ DECIMAL TRIG-TYPE LOG LOG MODEL 1734l. Tellon grooves for smooth. easy settings. Scales un front side: LL02. LL03. DF. CF. CIF. L. CI. C. D. LL3. LL2. Scales on backside: LLOt. K. B. T>4S. T<4S. A. ST. S. D. DI.LLI. Scales S. ST. T divided to read degrees. decimals of degrees. 10" o Model 1734L ~~,gN ~"o~~~~ .c~~~: ~.~~~'. ~v~: .. ~ ~ .l~~: ...••••.•••. EACH 23.95 As low as $2245 6,Up ..•.....••••...•••••..••..•.....••• " •• " .... EACH 22.45 [[l VECTOR-TYPE LOG LOG MODEL N1725l. Same as 1734. above. plus Shl. Sh2. and Th scales. Leather case. Shpg. wt .• 1\4 lbs. 49 NC053, ................................... EACH 6-Up ...•..•••• : ..••••••••.•...•.....•••.•.....•.. EACH 24.35 25.95 @] 5" POCKET SLIDE RULE MODel 1776. Sca:1es: DF. CF. CIF. CI. C. D. L. K. A. B. T. ST. S. DI. Leather case, pocket clip. Wt .• 5 oz. 49 NC 054 .....•..........•.....•......•••...... EACH 6-Up .••.••••••••••••••.••••.••••••••••••••••••••.. EACH 4.95 Depend 5.35 ARGOS TUBE CADDIES-A SERVICE "MUST" JUNIOR TUBE CADDY. SUPER TUBE CADDY TC,201. Low-cost. easy-tocarry caddy. Only % the size and weight of ordinary caddies. Perfect for quick servicing trips. Holds up to 143 tubes with room for meters, tools. etc. Features a IIbreak-open" section with cover and snap-lock for keeping small parts in order. Longwearing brown vinyl covering. Single-clasp lock. full-grip handle. 12\1zxIS%x8". Wt.. 101bs. 87 NX 591- •••••••••••.•• TYPE Te·5. Extra-large caddy-over TYPE Junior Tube Caddy 9.55 9n Allied for the Tool$ you Need. 33(]Ocu. ill. volume. Rugged. doubledoor model provides quick access to tubes. tools. meters and parts. Holds up to 325 tubes with lots of extra space for small parts. ·Has removable tray 2%" deep. featuring "egg crate" design for safely carrying fuses. bulbs. etc; cutouts for easy removal. Brown vinyl. 16\1zx 24x8\1z". Shpg. wt .• 19 lbs. 20 98 S2 NX 738.:.............. '. Super Tube Caddy. Kraeuter Industrial Pliers, and' Snips ELECTRONIC PLIERS AND CUTTERS Sturdily built Kraeuter cutters and pliers. All are hammer forged from selected fine grain tool steel. and have full polished heads and handles. Among types listed in table below. "CG" prefix indicates vinyl cushion·grip; "CCG"-spring-Ioaded, Vinyl cushion grir. Av. shpg. wt .. 12 oz. Stock TYPE CG90 JEWELERS' PLIER SET A matched set of five professional small precision pliers (listed individually in table below) contained in a black zipper fastened. leatherette carrying case. Size. 5y..x9~n. Shpg. wt.; 1 ~ Ibs. 46 N 423 ..... EA. 14.70 6·Up .. EA. 13.32 4%" JEWELERS' PLIERS Fine precision pliers with resilient vinyl cushion grips-will not crack or pee'!. Smooth polished head and handles; drop forged from selected. fine grain tool steel. Type CG81 is for close cutting of small. soft wires. CG82 is for end cutting as in printed circuit assemblies. CG83. 84 and 85 have smooth jaws. Av. wt .. 5 oz. Stock No. Fig. Mfr's Type 46N4Tii K CG81 SO N 333 L CG82 46 N 415 M CG83 46 N 416 N CG84 46 N 417 P CG8S Delcrlp. EACH 1·5 Diag. Cut 2.64 End Cut 3.12 Chn. Nose 2.49 FIt. Nose 2.49 Rnd. Nose 2.49 M'r'a 50 46 46 46 50 49 50 46 46 50 49 49 50 46 50 46 46 49 N 433 B N 402 B N 403 B N 414 B N 113 C N 064 D N 330 D N 401 D N 404 D N 331 D NOli ,D N 052 E N 112 F N'413 G N 332 H N 408 H N 400 H N 025 J CG4S01 CG4S01 CG4S01 CG2612 CGS627 CCGI02 CGI641 CG1661 CG1671 CG1781 CGI'i71 CCGI41 CG16S0 CG1741 CG1801 CG1801 CG1830 156 EACH Ducrlptlon 1·5 3.65 2.38 2.5B 2.94 3.65 3.63 2.49 2.65 2.94 2.20 3.53 2.65 4.41 3.67 2.49 5" Needle·Point Diagonal Cutters with Spring 4!1z" Narrow Head Diagonal "Oblique" Cutters 5" Narrow Head Di.agonal "Oblique" Cutters 6 11 Narrow Head Diagonal "Oblique'" Cutters 6Yz" Wire.. Stripping Diag. Cutters (with spring) 5!/z" Resistor Terminal End Cutting Pliers 4Yz" Needle Nose Pliers-Radiused Edges 5" Short·Chain Needle-N Ose Pliers (with cutter) 6" 6" 7" 7" 6" Long·Chain Needle·Nose Pliers Long-Chain Needle·Nosc Pliers Long·Chain Needle·Nose Pliers Long-Chain Needle-Nose Pliers Pinned Electronic Nose Cutting (with cutter) (no cutter) (with cutter) (no cutter) Pliers 6" Long-Jaw End-Cutting Pliers (with'spring) 6" Long Flat·Nose Pliers (no cutter) 6" Linemen's Side Cutting Pliers 8Y:'" Linemen's Side Cutting Pliers 6'Vz" Electrician's Side Cutting Pliers 10" "Duo-Brite" Combination Pliers ""3:3B 4.05 2.58 1.58 6.Up 3.32 2.16 2.33 2.66 3.32 3.30 2.26 2.40 2.66 2.00 3.20 2.40 4.00 3.33 2.27 3.06 3.66 2.33 1.43 ~UP 2.40 2.82 2.26 2.26 2.26 ELECTRONIC AND AVIATION SNIPS Iji1 E·4 Short·Bladed Electronic Snips. For cut- ~ ting fine wires and filaments. removing insulating coverings. Straight y.." cut. Length. 6Yz". Shpg. wt" 10 oz. 49 N 069.1.5 ... EA. 3.49 6.Up ... EA; 3.16 £Sl K·13 Combination Paltern Snips. Cuts Up ~ to 26·gauge metal. Curved or straight 2" cut. Length. 7". Shpg. wt .. 7 oz. 46 N 422. 1·5 .. EA. I.B4 6.Up .. EA. 1.66 fT1 CGS3 Compound Leverage Aviation Snips. W Cuts IS-gauge metal. Serrated. drop forged blades. Cushion grips. Straight I Yz" cut. Length. 10". Shpg. wt .. I lb. SO N 334. 1·5 .. EA. 3.23 6·Up ... EA. 2.93 CGL 1 Aviation Snips. Same ,as above. but for left cut. 49 N 027. 1·5 .. EA. 3.23 6.Up ... EA. 2.93 CGR2 Aviation Snips. Same as above. but for right cut. 49 N 028. 1·5 .. EA. 3.23 6·Up ..• EA. 2.93 454. AWED Fig. ~ ~-SO N 110 A CCG4625 INDUSTRIAL AND ELECTRONIC PLIERS Professional-quality pliers for industrial and electronic applications. All are hammer forged from selected fine grain tool steel. and have full polished heads and handles. Among types listed in table below. "CG" prefix indicates'vinyl ct!shion-grip;·"CCG"-'spring.)oaded, Vinyl cushion grip. Av. shpg. wt .. 10 oz. . . " . . ... .. . . S~ock 50 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 No. N III N 012 N 009 NOlO N 013 N 014 N OIB N 019 N 062 49 N 063 FIg. Mfr'. ~ CG71 CG61 X CG1631 Y CG1621 Z CCG140 AA CCGl60 BB CG4206 CC CG4502 Y CCGI44 W W ,Y CCGI45 49 N 022 DD CG643 49 N 036 EE CG3601 49 N 061 FF CCG121 EACH. Descri ptlo 'n 1.5 8/1' Long.Reach Short·Jaw N,ose Cutting Pliers 3.65 8" Long-Reach Short·Jaw Nose Pliers (no cutter) 3.07 S'Vz'" Curved·Needle or Snipe-Nose Pliers (no cutter) 3.07 6" Long·Needle or Snipe·Nose Pliers (no cutter) 2.68. 6" Long·Nose Electronic Pliers-!.12/J' Tip (with spring) 3.31 7"ExtraFineLong-NoseElectronicPliers(withspring) 2.79 6'" Hard Wire Diagonal Cutting Pliers 3.67 3.3B ~: ~~~~~n~li;u~~~n;e~lr~:;-~~l:eF:;~~~~~~~~Pdles ~" Serrated Tips Pliers as Above. but Smooth Jaws 3.42 and·Radi~sed Edge. 5" Blue Temper Finisp Ignition Pliers 6'" Short-Nose Diagonal ,C~tting Pliers. 5" Precision Slim Nose Pliers-Std. Serrated Tips 6.Up 3.32 2.79 2.78 2.42 3.00 2.52 3;33 3.06 2.:.!.!!. 3.57 3.23 1.47 1.33 3.31 3.00 2.58 2.33 Use the Servi-ces of the Allied Facility Nearest You-See Back Cover Knight Precision Pliers, Cutters and Screwdrivers ~ RIGID FACTORY TESTING ASSURES TOP PERfORMANCE 1j\1. Philips. Screwdrivers. No. \: 3A6X3" ~ shaft; 6y,," length; 2 oz. No.2: v.x 4" shaft; 7%" length; 6 oz. 45N 382. C 1. 1.5, EA•• 60 6.Up, EA •• 53 45 N 383. #2. 1·5, EA•• 71 6·Up, EA•• 63 'iI Regular Screwdrivers. Chrome vana~ dium steel Amber handles Stock Shaft Lgth. Wt., EACH Oz. 1.5 6-Up No. .29 45 N374 . Vax4" 6W ~ 45 N375 Vax6" 8*" 2 .36 .31 ~x41F 4 .63 .55 45 N 377 7%" .68 .60 45 N 378 ~x6'" 9%" ~ 45 N 379 v.xS" 11%" 7 -:71 ~ 49 N 039 0/,6x4" 7W 2 .51 .45 2 .58 .52 49 N 040 0/,6x6" 9" -:n ret. Regular Stubby. 'lsxl'ls" shaft; 3" ~ length;. 2 oz. . .. 49 N 048. 1·5, EA•• 51 ..... 6·Up, EA••45 Iji1 Phillips Stubby. No. l: o/,.x\ 'Is" shaft; ~·3"length. No.2: 'lsx\*" shaft; 3Vs" length .. Wt ... 2 oz. 49 N 049. # 1. 1-5, EA•• 58 6·Up, EA•• 52 49 NaSI. # 2. 1.5, EA•• 60 6·Up, EA•• 53 a·PIECE NUTDRIVER KIT • One Year Guarantee • DurableHigh.GradeToolSteei • Hollow Steel Shafts A high·quality line of hex nutdrivers made especially for Allied by nationally known tool manufacturer. Factory tested according to Allied's rigid specifications. Kit includes:· 7 nutdrivers: 0/,6", 'Is", 0/,6", 11;\,", ¥a", V,6". and y,," in self.supporting rack. Feature .molded, color-coded "Amberyl" plastic handles. Nickel-chrome plated drivers. Shafts are 6*", except 6 7/a" on V,6" and y,," drivers. Drop.forged from selected tool steel and heat treated for maximum hardness and durability. Accurately machined for smooth action. Shpg. wt.. \ * lbs. 50 N 787. 1·5, EA... 5.756·Up, EA .. ,5,29 IS·PC. NUT.SCREWDRIVER KIT $795 • One Year Guarantee • 7 Nutdrivers and 5 Screwdrivers • Heavy.Duty Vinyl RolI·Up Pouch A complete nut and screwdriver set in a heavy-duty vinyl plastic roll-up pOllch. In· dividual holders marked for shaft size. Handy 8x\ I" pouch that conveniently rolls up to 3x8". contains: molded "Am beryl" plastic handle; 6" extension; 7 nutdrivers- ¥t6". !4". 0/16", , Yll'. ¥S". ~16". and ·Yl'; No.1 and No.2 Phillips, and Va", 0/,6", y.," slotted screwdrivers. Screwdrivers have precision ground blades for accurate.fit; all nutdrivers are equipped with hollow chrome-vanadium steel shafts. Made for Allied by a leading domestic tool manufacturer. Wt .. I V. lbs. 50 N 7B8. \·5, EA... 7.95 6·Up, EA... 6.95 NEW JEWELERS' PLIERS KIT Complete S·Pc. Set KNIGHT FACTORY-TESTED PLIERS, CUTTERS, NIPPERS AND SNIPS • Forged From Durable High-Grade Tool Steel • U~conditionally Guaranteed for One Year ., Made By Nationally Known'Manufacturer • Feature Comfortable Plastic Cushion Grips ({night precision pliers, cutters, nippers and snips-made for Allied by a leading domestic :001 manufacturer. Quality-controlled at the factory to meet Allied's exacting standards. Drop forged from selected, high-grade tool steel and carefully heat treated for optimum :emper. Accurately machined, fitted and adjusted to assur~ smooth action and maximum ,aseof handling. All, except 8" Straight Cut Tin Snips, ·have easy-on-the-hand plastic :mihion ·grii>s. Av. shpg. wt., 10 oz. 1.5, EA. 6·Up, EA. Description. Sto"k No. Fig. 50N 131 K 6!/z" Side Cutting Pliers 2.03 ---.-:iiI 6" Chain-Nose With Cutters 50 N 132 F 2.26 2.02 6" Chain·Nose Pliers 50 N 210 F 1.85 1.65 5" Diagonal Cutting Pliers 50 N 133 G 1.98 1.77 6" Diagonal Cutting Pliers 50 N 134 G 2.04 2.29 49 N 029 K 7" Diagonal Cutting Pliers. 2.29 """"2.iiS SON 1.35 H ,7" Chain·Nose With Cutters 2.72 2.42 49 N 03B J 8" Straight Cut Tin Sn~ps 1.64 1.46 6" End Cutting Nippers 2.32 49 N 067 L 2.59 8" End Cutting Nippers 49 N 066 L 3.33 2.97 8" AssemblY PlierS- ___ -4.9 N031 M 2.84 """""2.53 49 N 032 N 10" Tongue and Groove Joint Pliers (S Adjustments) 2.18 1.94 49 N 065 N 6!/z" Tongue and Groove Joint Pliers (5 Adjustments) 1.62 1.82 49 N 033 N 14" Tongue and Groove Joint Pliers (5 Adjus"tments) 2.58 2.30 49 N 034 P 6" Cutting/Stripping Pliers 2.9B 2.66 Se.eAllied'$ Wide Sele,tion of Power Toolli,irI.!b.i5 .SedioJl., A handy set of five precision pliers in a heavy-duty vinyl plastic roll-up pouch. Made by a leading manufacturer for work on miniaturized assemblies and delicate mechanisms. Drop forged from selected, fine grain tool steel, .and carefully heat treated for durability. Accurately tooled for smooth action. Feature comfortahle plastic cushion grips. Vinyl roll pack contains 4 y,," pliers listed separately below. *Smooth jaws with no cutters. \ 'Is lbs. 49 N 068 ..... " ........... , .12,39 INDIVIDUAL PLIERS (WI. 5 oz.) Stock No. 45N 370 45 N 371 45N 373 45N 372 49 N 037 Description ~Yz" Diagonal Cutting 4Yz' Chain·Nose* 4Y.· End·Culling 4Vz· Flat-Nose· 4Yz' Round-Nose EACH 1·5 6·Up 2.19 2.08 2.56 2.08 1.98 1.98 1.8& 2.29 I.B& 1.79 Quality Screwdrivers and Nutdrivers 147 137 $2289 • _ 23·Piece Set • Handy RolI·Up Kit HANDY HEX NUTDRIVER SETS 99SM SERVICE MASTER KIT Versatile 23-piece set of Xcelite tools meets almost every servicing need for radio. TV. other types of equipment. Provides a variety· of quick-change tools and tool combinations to speed up work. Set contains: 6" long-nose pliers; 5" diagonal pliers; 6" adjustable wrench; nine regular nutdrivers in sizes from ¥Is" through liz' in 1-1s" steps; y,," stubby nutdriver; o/1s" stubby nutdriver; Ve" stubby nutdriver; ¥Is" slotted screwdriver; %," slotted screwdriver; No.1 Phillips screwdriver; Va"-Ya" reamer; !4"liz" reamer; 8" extension blade; regular handle; and stubby handle. Amber plastic handles are breakproof and shockproof. In handy roll-up kit with individual pockets for each piece. 2% Ibs. 43 N 884 ...................... 22.89 NEW.PSI20NUTDRIVER SET 147 HoiLOW.SHAFT NUTDRIVERS Ten pocket-size nutdrivers. plus a "torque amplifier" handle that slips over regular nutdriver handles for extra, driving-power. Sizes: ~z" to Ve" in 1.1z" steps. Color coded. Nutdrivers ate only JlIz" long. Slip-on handle. lx3 liz". Pocket-size plastic case. Shpg. wt .. 2 Ibs. 4 95 51 N 194: ....................... . Seven nutdrivers in commonly used sizes for radio-TV work. All have hollow shaftsslip over bolts to get at otherwise hard-to'reach nuts. Sizes and colors: red. y,,";' or· ange, %z"; yellow. ~6"; green, 1~2"i blue. %": brown. VI."; and red. liz". With selfsupporting metal bench stand. Shpg. wt .• 2Ibs.· 47 N 092 ........................ 7.98 99PR NUT & SCREWDRIVER SET Chrome-plated IJ-piece set in plastic roll· up kit. 9 nutdrivers. ¥I." to liz' in 1.1z" steps; 2 combination screwdrivers (¥I." and %2" std .. Nos. 1 and 2 Phillips); plastic handle. Shpg. wt" 2 Ibs. 8 65 45 N 738 ........................ . 45 N 787. Model 99XI0 8" Extension. For 99 series. Wt .. 5 oz.........' .......... 87c 137 NUTDRIVER SET Seven color-COded nutdrivers in self-sup. porting bench stand. Sizes and colors: black. ¥l6": red. y,,": yellow. 0/16"; green. 11.1{; blue; %": red. liz": orange., 0/,.". Polished steel shanks. Only th'e liz" ani! 1-1s" drive .. ~;v~ I~O~~.~ .S.~~f~~ .. ~~~~: ~~": ~.I.~s: . 6.98 HIGH.QUALITY SCREWDRIVERS • Chrome Vanaillum Steel Shofts • Plastic Handles 'ii1 ROUND-SHAFT , SCREWDRIVERS. Winged design prevents turning ~ of blade'n hand! e. In leng ths from 4\<4" 4 to 12" ' I"ij1 PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVERS. ·StubbY type. fWith pocket clip., ~ 00 SET-SCREW TYPE SCREWDRIVERS. Narrow-blade screwdrivers fit standard set-screws. Have pocket clips. Shaft Overall Shpg. EACH Stock Mfr'. Tip Length Length Wt. Type No. -4-'-2-"~ --:39 P-12St No. 0 45 N 345 5 oz. X-101 No.1 3' 6%" .69 43 N 876 5 oz. No.1 6" X-lOS 10" .75 43 N 877: 6 oz. X-I02 No.2 4' 7%' 43 N B78 .87 X-I020 No.~ ~ 13%' --s;;;:- 1.17 43 N 8'1'9 10 oz. No.3 6" 10" 1.17 43NBBII X-I03 3 oz. No.1 SX-I01* 2%' .63 43 N BB2 5 oz. SX-I02* No.2 .69 43 N 8B3 10/16' . 3y,,' JEl CLUTCH.HEAD SCREWDRIVERS. Fit clutch-head screws used in t=.J sheet metal assemblies electronic gear et(' Stock Mfr'. Shaft Size loveralll Sh P9. \ EACH No. Type Oi.. Length Length Wt. 43 N 830 R-3323SS ~z" -3-"- -5-'- ~-:27" 43 N 831 R-IS4SS Vo" 4" 6" 2 oz. .39 SQUARE-SHAFT SCREWDRIVERS. Lengths from 7%"·to 18". Shaft'Slze Overall Shpg. Stock Mfr's EACH Type Ola. Length Length Wt. No. S-3164 4 oz. 43 N 829 ~ 7%" -:69 ~ S-144 4" S" 6 oz. 43 N 832 .B7 '!4" S-146 y,," 10" 6 oz. 43 N 833 6" .93 S-14S y,," 7 oz. 43 N 834 8' 12" .99 S-388 lib. 43 N 837 S" 12Ys" 1.38 Ve" Shaft Size Overall Shpg, Stock Mfr'. EACH Tip Length Wt. Type No. rength G;183 4" 50 N 144 6l1z' ~ .72 Ys" 4 oz. 4" 7l1z" G-5324 .BI 50 N 145 %2' 4 oZ'. G-3164 4" 7l1z' 50 N 146 "A6' .BI IT) COMBINATION-BLADE SCREWDRIVERS., With handle. Mfr', Stock Bhide Length Shpg. Type No. Combination Wt. EACH ~ 1.38 45 N 746 CRI ¥l6' Regular; #1 Phillips 7' y,," Regular; #2 Phillips 5 oz. 1.3B' 45 N 747 CR2 7' 45 N 748 CR3 ~6' Regular; '#3 Phillips 10 oz. '1.38 7' Stock No. 43 N 845 43 N 846 43 N 847 43 N 84B 45 N 795 !45 N 796 45 N 797 Mfr's Type R-182 R-184 R-186 R-188 'R-144 R-146 R-148 Shaft Size Dia. Ys" Ys' Ys" Ys" y,," y,,' y,,' Overall Shpg. Length Length Wt. -2-"- 4Yz" --ao;:- ---:33 3 oz. 6l1z' .39' .42 8Yz' 4 oz. 4' 6" 8" 4" 10llz" 8" 6" 10"1 8" EACH 12' 4 oz. 6 oz. 6 oz. 7 oz. ~ .78 .84 .90 I lID 11".' HEX NUTDRIVERS FOR FASTER SERVICING Figure J has hollow shaft' for tightening nuts on long screws. Figure H is stubby type for limited , spare. Figure G is pocketStock No. Type * Size Handle L EA. 45 N 324 P-3 G %2' Biiie 3Ve" As 45 N 325 P-4 G Ys' Red 3Ve" .48 45 N 326 P-5 G %~" Amber 3Ve' .48 50 N 141 P-8 G y,,' Red 3Vo" .48 45 N B57 H y,," Ikcl 3y,,' T3 49 N 007 HS-6 J ¥I.' Black 6" .93 49 N 008 HS-7 J JiSz" Brown 6" .93 .•,93 45 N 779 HS-8 J W Red 6" s:s 456 • AWED style nutdriver. :rype HS-18 fits ~.' volume control nuts. ·Figure. "L"-Length. Shpg. wt .. 6 oz .. except Type HS-8. 5 oz. Stock No. Type * Size Handle L EA. 47 N 093 HS-9 J %z" Orange 6%' --:i9 45 N780 HS-IO J 0/1." Amber 6' .93 45 N'781 HS-U J ')1z' Green 6" .93 45 N 7B2 HS-t2 J Ve', Blue 6' .93 45 N 783 HS-14 J ri." ~ -;;;;- T:Os 45 N 784 HS-16 J liz" Red 1.08 7" 45 N 78'5 HS-18 J ')1." Orange 7' 1.14 45 N 786 HS-20 J %' 'Amber 7' 1.26 Depend on Allied for Quality TOQls at low Prices ~ Alignment Tools and Repair Aids Ciid-------. '-J ________ a EQUIPTO STEEL TRUCKS AND TOP-QUAlITY RADIO-TV ALIGNMENT TOOL KITS CHASSIS STANDS • AII~Steel Construction Rubber-Tired Wheels STEEL TRUCKS. Rugged trucks with rouhd beaded eciges for strength and rigidit~'. Rubber-tired S" wheels: rear wbeds swivel; 4" deep trays hold up to 600 Ibs. Top tray illverts to become table top. Oli"e-green finish. 0)1 Stock No_ I Typelsi.e (HW W •. , LbS'I~CH 52 NZ 716 150 36<24<36" 70 39.90 52 N X i 19 Jol5 .16<16<30" 60. 29.90 52 N 913. Type 146 Shelf. j\ttaclles to above trucks. Size. 8 !l2x 11". Sllpg. wt., 5 Ibs ....... ".·..... : ............ 2'.50 CHASSIS STANDS. For moving or working ou radio-TV chassis, heavy test equipment. etc. Rugged steel COIl:-3trllclioll; 2 Yz" solid rubber-tired wheels. Lower shrlf may be used for tools, parts. etc. Size, 3-lx18x24". TYPE 9200 PANEL KIT Convenient, wall-mounting kit of 27 most needed radio-TV alignment tooIs- Each tool has an individually marked slot in the paneL All tools are made of the finest materialslow-loss plastics, tips of hardened spring steel, extra-hard bone fiber. Kit includes: various length alignment screwdrivers; special short tools; alignment wrenches; channel tuners; core aligners; oscillator adjustment tools; trimmer and IF aligners; solder probe; nylon replacement tip for long-reach aligner; hex tools; etc_ Three-color steel panel keeps immediately-needed tools at your fingertips. 2-hole mounting. Shpg. wt .. 3 lbs. 42 NX341 ......................... _......... 16.95 TYPE 8283 MASTER DELUXE TV TOOL KIT Complete 2S-piece television alignment tool kit. High~ quality tools, none over 9" long. Includes: K-Tran tool; core aligner; long-reach aligner; flexible wand; short tool, :~c·NRgg5~~.~~~~·.~~:~: ~~~.: .1.1.~ ••. _.••..•.•.. __ . .13.88 c· t 11 !"l Li ~ U L ____________________ ~IIU Stock No. 52 NZ 714 52 NZ 715 I Type I Description j W •. , Lb"j 710 Met"1 top 55 711 Wood top 57 EACH 1&.30 17.80 @j46 N 06 •• 6" Rule and Wire Gouge. Graduated to 64ths. Has B&S wire gauge, decimal equivalents. Shpg. wt .. 2 oz ........ 44 46 N 088. 12" Stainless-Stee' Bench Rule. (Not iIIus.) Both sides graduated to 64ths. Va" wide. 2 oz...........................75 fijl 50 N 308. 12" 'Combination Rule.' Etched steel. Graduated to ~ 32nds. Head locks on 1" blade. Scriber in head. 1% lbs ....... 84 .LUFKIN "MEZURMATIC" TAPE RULES. Ball-bearing rewind, non-slip cases. Both edges graduated to 16ths; first 12" to 32nds on one edge: Black on white, except 'chrome-plated. QJ Stock No. 50 50 50 50 50 N N N N N .79 .80 .8. .82 .83 Type W728 W7210 W7212 C728' C7210* Feet 8 10 12 8 10 Oz. EACH 7 '.13 1.33 1.53 1.60 7\1i 1.80 45 N 896. C'auss Industrial Scissors. Type 925 electrician's scissors_ 5" long. 1%" cut-length. 3 oz ...... _.................. _. '.84 00 ill 45 DesC!riptlon .~ N 377 8606 A Zenith-Admiral nylon hex wrench N 380 8282 B Zenith wrench and aligner N 346 9296 C 11" nylon hex (.07 S") wrench N 347 9050-L 0 Zenith nylon hex. wrench N 396 5000 E Alignment screwdriver Stock.No. 42 42 42 42 42 Fig. JFD "REI'AIRACK" • Cast~lro(1 Rack • Rotates 360· 'Unusually sturdy; Chassis clamps hold any radio or television chassis up to 200 Ibs. in weight and 32" in length_ "Repairack" rotates 360· for easy accessibility to all sides of chassis_ Overall size, 14%x32xI5". Shpg. 181bs. _.. ______ .. .. 2940 52 N Xwt71.. ......... • Oz. EA• 3 .47 3 .36 4 _62 3 .52 3 .4' [@ 45 7!12 8 7 N 842. Above, with wire-stripping notches ........... 2.'4 N 666. Xcelite 42H "Seizer". Straight-nose. 3 oZ........ 4.27 45 N 667. Type 43H. As above, but curved-nose ..••.••••••.. 4.42 46 N 089. 6" Steel Dividers. Bow-spring, .tapered fulcrum for accuracy. Adjusting nut. Shpg. wt., 6 oZ................. 2.74 [ill ®SO N 309. 9" S~riber• .Knurled finger-hold. 3 oz•.•••••••••••44 HANSON .1 U MICROMETER • Factory-adjusted Economy-priced • Has .0005" Accuracy • Chrome-plated Precision. economy micrometer has .0005" accuracy. Screw-type anvil simplifies zero adjustment. Sprinl!'friction stop. Frame. thimble and ratchet are chromed to inhibit rust. ::c~014;~~~~~~~: ~. ~~'....... 3.75 Allied Has Complete Stocks ofAlignment and Service Too!~ CENTRAL 12 RL I" MICROMETER $1095 • Meets Government Spec GGG-C-l0S • Positive Lock ~'I'I".' ,. 0 • Forged Steel Frame ..... ~ Deluxe, moderately priced micro-' meter. Easy to read, has positive lock. 11 •.. Extremely accurate. meets Govern- K<-' ment Spec GGG-C-I0S. Polished lic::'.' spindle and anvil. forged steel frame. ~;:! Shpg. wt_, 8 oz. f .50 N 060 __.... _.- ___ ....... 10.95 J! High-Quality Speci~I-Purpose Hand Tools P.RECISION SMALL TOOL SETS The Moody Master Kit Consists of 6 Individual Tiny Tool Sets-Each in Its Own Container, Each with Its Own Handle. The Sets Are:, • SC-S Tiny Screwdriver and Awl Set, Screwdriver Sizes: .055", .070", .080", .100"; and Awl • PA-S Tiny Phillips Driver and Allen. Type Wrench Set, Phillips Sizes: #0, #1; Allen Size" #4, #6, #8 "HOLD-E-ZEE" SCREWDRIVER KITS . . Popular IIHold_E_Zeelr screwdrivers with spe'cial • SW-S Tiny Socket Wrench Set, Hex Socket Sizes: ~" %4", ~z", ~", clamp that holds the screw in the bit. Ideal for Yi", use.in hard-fo-reach spots and with hard-tohold small screws. MO·DEL TK-S ROLL KIT. Five screwdrivers for regular )lse. Includes: TR-4, o/J,x4"; PR-4, o/J,x4" crosspoint; TS-4, M>x4"; PS-4, ~,x4" crosspoint; and TH-6, '%6x6". In handy rollup plastic kit. Shpg. wt;, I liz Ibs. 51 N285 ...... ; ................. 3.86 MODEL RT-52. ROLL. KIT. Five special elec., tronies screwdrivers. Kit includes: TR-4, 7'l2x4"; PR-4, ~zx~" crosspoint; TR-6, o/J,x6"; TR"S, o/J,xS"; and TS-7, M>x7", In handy roll-up plastic carrying kit, Shpg, wt .. 1 y.,lbs. 51 N 286 .... , .,......• , •. ,., ..•. , 3.31 • OE-S Tiny Off,et Open End Wrench An absolute necessity for anyone who works with small objects-radio-TV serviceman, hobbyist. sportsman. Con.. tains 6 individual tiny tool sets, described at right. Each set has its own chuck-type handle and plastic case, and all are contained.in a leatherette carrying case. Tools are precision manu- ~~ct~r~~2 \V~:'. ~.I.~...•.•..... 12.95 Set,S Wrenches, Sizes: %4", ¥lan, "%4", Va", o/3z", ~6", ~", 716" • TS-S Tiny Tap Set, Sizes: O-BO, 1·72, 2·56, 3·48, 4·40 • FR-S Hex Wrench, .Screwdriver Kit, Sizes: 14" and 716" Hex Wrenches, 1/10" and ~z" Screwdrivers; and a Handy Awl' HP MODEL 500 NUT CRACKING TOOL Can't Damage Bolts rnsted, stripped or·. otherwise damaged nuts-cannot damage Cracks An exceptionallY handy bolts. tool. Removes nuts from 0/16" to 10/16". Tool is easy to use: simply set chisel at right angle to the flat of the nut-grip firmly-then swing ratchet· on" forcing screw. Provides up to 25,000 Ibs.· of 'pressure. Shpg. wt .. 1 y., Ibs. SO N 583., .................. 5.95 ADEL METAL "NIBBLING" TOOL A real time-saver. Handy device easily munches metal up to 'A6" thick. "Nibbles" holes,' slots· or openings· in· 18gauge steel, aluminum or other soft metals. Leaves safe, smooth, flat edges on all openings. Minimum" hole size is 'l16" diameter. Durable construction; punch can be replaced (see listing be- ~;'~ ~~~t~~t:. 8.oz: ..... EACH 3.85 12-Up ................... ,EACH 3.60 REPLACEMENT .PUNCH FOR ABOVE, Easy to install. Wt .. 2 oz. 1 87 50.N 130 ..... ...... • 458 • ALLIED I-~_~'~~~~~_~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~ Ijil X-ACTO NO. 1 KNIFE, For light to ~ medium work. 5" aluminum handle; '%6" dia. With No. 11 blade. 3 oz. 50 N 608 ........................... 53 fj!1 NO.1 0 BLADES. 5 per pkg. 2 oz. 5.3 ~ 50 N 609 ........ '." .PER PKG•• NO. 11 BLADES. 5 per pkg. 2 oz. 50 N 610 ................ PER PKG.. 53 fC1 ULSTER K-29 W ELECTRICIANS' KNIFE, Two ~ 2Y2" blades: screwdriver-wirescraper; and spear shape. Overall length; 3%". Shpg, wt .. 5 oz. . 4 45 N843 ..... , ......... ,·., .. , .... I. 9 fiJI MILLERS FALLS UTILITY KNIFE. Cuts ~ veneer, etc. 5" long. With 5 blades, Wt" Yz l b . · . 46 N 308 .......... , ..... ; ......... ~7 5 50 N 171. Pkg. of 5 Blades•.2 oz...... , .,37 'E1 FORSBERG V·35 4'WAY KEYHOLE HACK· ~ SA W. 7 liz" blade. 6 oz. 46 N341 ....... , .• , .•••.. , ........ 34 EXTRA BLADE. Wt., 2 .0;'•. 46 N342, .......................... 14 'F1 FLEET HEX-KEY WRENCH SET. Nickell!J chrome steel wrenches iIi steel frame. Sizes, .050" to '%6". 4 oz. . 50 N 128 . . . . . . . 88 IGJHACKSAW. Takes 10-12" blades. Tough ~ plastic handle, chrome-plated frame. With 10" blade. 1 liz Ibs. . 51 N 096 . . . . . . . . . . .... : ... 1.49 HE.NRY HANSON 120 HAND REAMER. Vo" ~ tip, 5 liz" long. 9.0z. . rw 46 N ·243 .•. , ..•. '.' ••.••.•.•. , ... , .... ..1.19 . IJl TRU-CUT Hi-DC LOCK WRENCH.· Up to ~ 1000 Ibs .. pressure. Fingertip release, Opens to 1 liz". 10" long. 1 y., Ibs. 46 N434.: ........................ J.72 fj(l UTICA 91 ADJUSTABLE W'RENCHES. Dr6p ~ forged alloy steel, with chromed heads *lndicates tip thickness. . . ' • Stock No. * Size N 481 Vo" 4" N 482 'M6" 6" N 483 1%," 8" 46 46 46 46 N 484 %," 10" 46 N 485 1J1z" 12" IV 08-76 Jaw Open Shpg;· Wt. EACH liz" ~ 1.93 41h oz •. % ·17'.6" ·8·oz. lIb. 17'.." 1Yzlbs. lVo" .1.93 2.22 2.78 .4.10 AI;lJUSTABLE DIAMOND WRENCH. t=J 6" double-end-lIz" (111" at tip) and (~," %" at tip) jaw capacities. Drop forged tool-steel. 6 Oz. . .. ... 45 N 770 ........................ 2.74 JM1 FLEET OPEN-END WRENCH SET.S wr~n~hes, ~ On ~ach· end: %"-'li6"; Y2"-~6/;' .1%z".... 1'A6"; '%."-%"; and. IYl6"~V.". Chrome plated. In handy .plastic carrying pouch. Shpg. wt;, 1 y., l b s . · 46 N266.... ..., .............. 1.79 FLEET OPEN AND BOX- END WRENCH SET. 5 wrenches. On each end: ¥SNi ~&"; Yz"; o/Ji'; and 'Va". Chrome plated. In handy pouch, .'Nt., % lb. 50 N 1'-20. .. .. :2.10 .fN1 WALSeO HEX SPLINE KEYS. 7 Allenand :~ 4 Bristol key-type, L-shaped wrenChes. .Fit screw sizes No•. 2 tp Ya": In leathere.tte case.. Wt., liz Ib_ 46 N.166.·.' .•.•• " ••.•• :..•.••.••• : • .1.32 :Oepend on Allied for the Tools You Need Chemicals for Shop 'and Service QUALITY PAINTS AND CHEMICALS JET-PAK SPRAYON OUTFIT Sprays Paint, Waxe:;, etC'. fj\l RAPID "ELECTRO PLATER." Includes: Type INSL-X E-26 INSULATING SPRAY. Clear pIastic electrical insulation. Insulates electronic components. terminals. circuit wiririg, tools. Tough and durable. Dielectric strength. 800-l200 volts/mil. 12-oz. spray- ~ 200 nickel compound; 1 oz. cleaner; 1 oz. polish; 0/8" 'bru~h with wires and dips; and polishing stick. Requires 2 No. ~3~~8vci.dr~ .c~~I~: .1.I.b ............. 1.67 ~~'N~6·2.ln1~~: ............. EACH 1.19 f81 "NO NOISE" SOLUTION. Cleans and 1.£.1 lubricates controls. switches. etc. Available in 6-oz. spray can or 2-oz. bottle with dropper. Shpg. wts.: C,In. 10 oz.; bottle. Shpg. wt.. 6 oz. . 2 20 43 N 142.6-0'. Can............... • 43 N 143.2-02. Bottle .................98 ;i··NI6~~~~·. ................ .1.98 47 N OB7. 15'02. Reflil.1 Ib ........ 1.20 47 N OB8. Extra 4·0 •• Jar .......... 13 . 24·Up ....................... EACH 1.07 'cl QUIETROLE SPRAY PACK. Eliminates noise f[1 NEW CHEMTRONICS CONTACT-KLEEN. t.=.J Electrical contact and control cleaner. For relaYH, thermostats. switches. etc. S-OZ. spray can. Wt .• 12 oz. I 29 51 N 290 ........................ . CHEMTRONICS "NO-ARC". High - voltage insulator. 20.000 v. breakdown. In 8-oz. ~~n~Y7~~~.y ~~~: .I.(~ ~~'........... 2.73 ~raJ ~~~: 'v~t: •. ~~ .~z: ............. 2.79 ~ from controls. etc. Non·flammable. III IiJIINSL-X TOOL DIP. Red liquid-plastic ~ hardens into insulati.ng coating when applied to handles of pliers. wrenches. etc. Corrosive resistant. Dries in 24 hours. Easy to use-just dip handles into can. In 32-oz. can. Wt .• 214 lbs. 4 42 N401.1-23 .......... EACH 3. 0 H-Up ....................... EACH 3.06 Sprays any liquid. Uses no cords. no hoses. Powerful gas cartridge acts as power unit. Works at the touch of a. button. Sprays up to 32 oz. of paints. etc. Includes head assembly. 4-oz. glass jar. IS-oz. power unit. Shpg. CHEMTRONICS TUN·O·LUBE. High-quality lubricant. Cleans and lubes all types of ~~n~s278ci°z. ~:~~~ .c.a.n.. ~v~.: .1.2. ~~'... 1.69 1 CHEMTRONICS TROL-AID. Cleans and lubes controls and switches. In 8~oz. spray can. ~ti/i7~z.. GC "EPOX" CEMENT KIT 2-Tube Kit • For Strong.As-New Repairs • Fast, Easy to Use Super-strong adhesive provides high adhesion and bond strength. Excellent for cementing ceramics. glass, metals and other nonporous materials. Resists the iII-effects of moisture. solvents. fungus. ~~a~ ~~".i.~~~~ ~~~~~'.~. o~' •..•••.•••• 1.91 .......... 1.69 SELECTED SERVICING CHEMICALS r , ~;; 'T~--' . ~~~;,. ""'"0 "" ~,. ,1 ",.1Oi. t:: IUl L!!J . ff1 NO_ 21 SILVER PRINTED-CIRCUIT PAINT_ l!:J Use to repair or design printed-circuits. !3T~0~;~: :V.t: •. :.~~............ .4.56 JGl "SPRA-KLEEN" CONTACT CLEANER. Effi- ~ cient cleaner-simply spray and work :;;c~~~;m:.60~ .. ~~.: .I? ~~'.......... 97 Ijjl "SPRA-KOAT" WRINKLE VARNISH. For I!!.I professional-looking wrinkle finish. Can be air-dried or baked. 16-oz. spray can. ~t'N ~~8~O-12 Black. 1-5. EACH 2.20 6-Up ......................... EACH 1.98 HAMMER FINISH. For professional hammer finish on panels and instrument cases. Moisture-proof. Dries quickly. 16-oz. Wt .. !~~b~37. 85-12 Silver. 1-5•... EACH 2.25 6-Up ......... , ............... EACH 2.02 ,S~!f 0 IJI TELEPHONE BLACK AND GRAY. Satin ~ finish enamel. For wood or metal. 16 ~~ ~ci33~~2!f~·8Idck. 1-5 ..... EACH 2.25 6-Up ........ , ............... EACH 2.02 43 N 034. 62-13 Gray. 1-5 ....• . EACH 2.25 6-Up ......................... EACH 2.02 "ZERO-MIST" SPRAY. Locates intermittents ~~e ~"o~~~: .. ~I~~~:~ .. ~~ ~..: .1.~. ~~s.'. 2_39 @.SILICONE RESIN SPRAY. Insulates. waterproofs. 6-oz. Wt .• 10 oz. 2 ~37 43 N 027 ............ '........... . ZINC-CHROMATE PRIMERS:- Form strong '-=.J bond with metal. Resist cracking. rusting. 16-oz. spray can. I Vz Ibs. 45 N 210. Yellow. I-II ........ EACH 1.27 12-Up ....................... EACH 1.17 45 N 21 I. Green. 1-11 .....•... EACH 1.27 12-Up ........................ EACH 1.17 rti G'C LUBRICANTS, CEMENTS CLEANERS, AND MISCELLANEOUS CHEMICALS St.ock No. Type 43 47 43 43 43 43 47 43 50 47 43 65-16 N 046 N 041 N 456 N 166 N 210 N 128 N 044 N 472 N 732 N 048 NOO9 9402 30-2 30-8 43-2 19-2 211-4 37-2 37-16 1215 8101 Size 16 oz. %. oz. 2 oz. 8 oz. 2 oz. 2 oz. 4 oz. 2 oz. 16 oz. 2 oz. 1 oz. Wt. 114 lb •. 2 oz. 16 oz. ~~z~b". 6 oz. Vzlb. 60z. 214 lb •. 6 oz. 2 oz. DescriptIon Control cleaner and lubricant Radio-TV OUi vial dispenser Radio and speaker service cement Radio and speaker service cement •• PIi-O-Bond" plastic cement "De-Ox-Id" contact cleaner Carbon tetra-chloride "Q-Dope" (coil dope) "Q-Dope" (coil dope) Liquid non-slip (cables. belts, etc.) Transistor ZS silicone compound Allied Stocks Chemicals for All Your Electronic Needs EACH 1.91 .37 .47 1.23 .52 .94 .52 .47 2.14 .47 2.06 Can sprays a crystal-clear acrylic that dries in minutes. Forms hard, waterproof coating of high dielectric strength. Eliminates corona, arcing. Dielectric strength: 400 v./mil. 16-oz. can. 1 Yz lbs. 43 N 133.1-11 .............. EACH 1.27 12-Up ....................... EACH 1.17 ENAMEL SPRAYS Attractive, non-fading enamels. Dry· in 3 minutes. Non-clogging spray valve. 16-oz. can. 114 lbs. Stock No. 43 43 43 43 45 43 43 43 43 45 43 43 45 43 43 43 43 43 N I 34 N 064 N 059 N 137. N 206 N 106 N 13B N 053 N I OB N 207 N 109 N I 07 N 208 N 054 N 384 N 055 N 056 N 044 Color Bright Silver Bright Copper Flat White Glossy White Antique Ivory Flat Black Glossy Black Light Gray Machine Gray Dove Gray Bright Gold Hunter Green Surf Green Chrome Yellow Champion Blue' Regal Blue Cherry Red Olive Drab Khaki 43 N 043 International Orange 43 N 383 Brass 1.11 .......................... EACH 1.17 12-Up ........................ EACH 1.07 ALLIED. 452 at Useful Workshop Furnishings ALL-STEEL STORAGE RACKS <€!ii3$14 Low Prices SIZE 4o.DRAWER NEWl JUMBO SMALL PARTS CABINET 32 DELUXE HEAVY~DUTY. STEEL STORAGE RACKS Provide compact storage facilities. Units are complete and inde· pendent. Easy to asse,?ble-;-bolt the tops and bottoms; shelves are held by uniq,l" ··Kwlk.Khp" fasteners. WIth 5 shelves; extra shelves listed -below. Posts punched at intervals for easy shelf ad· ,justme;'t. 75" high. 36" wide. Gray enamel finish. Deluxe shelves 8 95 hold up to 500 Ibs, 88 NZ 087. With 12" Deep Shelves. 47 Ibs.............••..•. 88 NZ 088. With 18" Deep Shelves. 60 Ibs .................. 1 1.45 811 N X 085. 12" Extra Shelf. 6 Ibs ........•••...•.•.•...•.•. I .39 88 N X 086. 18" Extra Shelf. !llbs .. , ........ '.' •.•.••. '," •.•. 1.89 ECONOMICAL STEEL STORAGE RACKS shelf and rack units. Each has 5 shelves; 4·bolt construc· tion. Shelves hold up to 275 Ibs. 5 50 NZ 80 I. Type 7230. 73x30x12". 23 lb •. , ..... " ......... 5.9 50 NZ 802. Type 7218. 73x36x18,". 291bs. ' .. ,., ........ 8.45 50 N U 803. Extra 12x30" Shelf for 7230 Unit. 3 Ibs., , .......... 1.10 50 NU 804. Extra 18x36" Shelf for 7218 Unit. SIbs........... 1.60 Low~cost 95 4xll" Drawers • Total of 40 Drawers • Heavy·Duty,AII·Steel Frame One of the handiest parts storage cabinets on the market today. Features a total of 40 drawers-32 big 4xll" and 8 jumbo·size 8xl!" drawers in a single, portable frame. All drawers are 4 Yz" high. Excellent for keeping all kinds of small parts, tools and hardware in one central location. Holds everything from nuts and bolts to electronic com· ponents. Several of the compact cabinets, used side by side, will provide you with unlimited storage space. One· piece drawers are sturdy corrugated board construction. A special stop· tab built into the rear of the cabinet keeps drawers from being pushed in too far or pulled out too far-prevents spilling. Heavy·duty all· steel frame is 37x ~~x~;·Is.:~~· ~t:,. ~~.I.b.s: ..................... 14.95 MEAVY-DUTY CABINET-TABLE COMBINATION As low as • Locking Doors Assure Safe Storage • Sturdy, Adiustable DEPEND ON ALLIED FOR QUALITY TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Center Shelf • Widest Selection Offered MODEL 59243. Versatile, combination .torage cabinet and worktable. Smooth, sturdy top is perfect for mounting vises. grinders, office machines and other small power tools. Large heav·y· gauge steel cabinet provides 18 cu. ft. of storage space. Two full~sjze swinging doors. Cylinder.lock built into handle assures safe storage of tools and equip., ment. Single center·shelf is adjustable within I Yz". Gray baked enamel finish resists chipping. With two keys. Size, 34x36x24". Shpg. wt .. 110 Ibs. 51 NZ 168 .................. 34.95 • Top-Name, Top-Qualit'y Brands • Same-Day Order Shipment Yes, at Allied one order fills the whole bill. Choose what you need from our extensive selec~ tion -of famous-name tools and accessories, and rest assured that your order will be filled promptly, handled carefully and shipped to you the same day we receive your order. Phone, wire and TWX orders receive "pecial handling. 51 NZ 169. Madel 59242. As above, but J4x24x24". Wt., 73 Ibs.......... 23.95 EQUIPTO HEAVY-DUTY. NO. 1I-18·DRAWER' CABINET. Ideal for storing small parts in easily accessible order. Especially. suited for radio· TV service shops, machine shops, labs, offices, etc. Each drawer is equipped with two removable cross·dividers-adjustable to any IN interval of drawer length. J amproof drawers have large, convenient handles. Instant·, visibility label holders on drawers and dividers for quick identification. Heavy· duty all·steel frame. Olive·green finish. Drawers are 3 lis" deep, 5Ys" wide, II" long. Cabinet size, 13%x34xI2". Cabinets may be STORAGE CABINETS ~:c~~d7~~~~·. ~v.t: •. ~~ .I~~: ....... 29.95 52 NZ 720.• No. 22-18·Drawer Cabinet. As above, but 18" long. Cabinet, 3l1sx5YsxI7": Shpg. wt .. 95 Ibs................. 39.95. 52 NU 706. No. 8-8·Drawer Cabinet. As above, but with eight 3l1sx5Ysxll" drawers. Wt., 95 Ibs •.. ,., ................. 15.95 52 N 91 6. 8505 Drawer. As in cabinets No. 8 and 11. Less dividers. 3 lIsxSYsxll". Wt., 2Yz Ibs.............................90 DIXIE INDIVIDUAL INTERLOCKING DRAWERS Economical aluminum storage trays pro~ , locked together to fit irregularly shaped spaces. Drawer dividers may be added. With vide excellent accommodations for a wide label holders. 2Vsx2 l,4x5". Wt., 10 oz. 46 variety of radio and TV small parts and 52 N 911. 1·9 ................ EACH • hardware. Lock together on tops, bottoms 10 or More, .................... EACH .38 and sides. Any number of drawers may be 460 • ALLIED Make Allied Your Headquarters for Workshop Accessories Top-Value Parts Cabinets and Tool Storage Chests. o 00 HB-SERIES CABINETS Compact "Handy-Hin" plastic cabinets. See-thrll, spillproof styrene plastic drawers, 1 v.,x2%x5%". Each drawer has one divider and index labels. Styled in beige colored frames, All are 9*" wide, 6 v.," deep. "Total no. of drawers. 5~tO:k ~~~I ~y:; 1~1 ~"t'l L~$'l EI~~: 52 NX 740 ISHB 52 NX 741 21HB @] IS 21 7Yz" 10Ys" 4 6 2.99 3.99 J-SERIES CABINETS Space-saving deluxe steel cabinets. Stand, stuck or hang on wall. Clear¥piastic drawers. IY..x2%x5%" long, are separated into 3 sections by removable dividers. With index labels. Gray hammertone finish. All are 6" deep. "Total no. of drawers. :;o:~ ~;~I;.~;el ~21IS~;I~wl\~'I~~~~ 50 NX 902 J-48 4822Yzx12Yz" 20 18.98 88 NZ 080 J-128 128 30Yzx2SYs" 51 52.98 M4B-SERIES METAL SMALL-PARTS CABINETS Sturdy welded steel frame cabinets can be stacked in any combination or hung conveniently on the waU. Feature large 2xllx4" molded plastic drawers with full-width pull handles; adj ustable snap-in dividers; and press·on labels. Stop-tab at the rear· of the cabinet anchors drawers, prevents spillage. Full-length runners make sliding easy and effortless. Baked-on gray hammertone finish. Cabinets arc 17%" ,vide, 11" deep. *Total no. of drawers. N0'1 *I Stock Type I Ht'ILbS'IEACH 52 NX 749 M4B16 16 IlYz" Is 17.98 52 NZ 750 M4B24 24 16%" 25 31.98 52 NZ 752 M4B40 40 27%" 47 52.98 • "See-Thrul l Drawers • ~diustabJe Dividers HBA "HANDY-BIN" CABINETS Rugged welded stcel frame cabinets. Ckul plastic drawers are 2%x5%xl 1/.1"; have adjustable snap-in divider. Safety-tab stops drawers. prevcnt$ spilling. Baked-on silvergray hammcrtonc finish won't chip or rub off. With labels and one divider pcr drawer.. All are 6" deep Stock No. of HxW No. Drawers 88 NX 081 12 6Y2 X IO" 88 NX 082 18 9x10" 88 NX 083 24 9x13" Wt .. Lbs. 4 SYz 7 EACH: 2.79 3.84 4.95 With Adjustable Dividers Rugged .all-steel storage chest. Four easy-slide drawers. 2x9x II y." long, have label holders, large pull-handles. and removable dividers that can be arranged to make up to 12 compartments per drawer. Silver finish. Overall. lOx 10x11 %". Wt., 10Y.lbs. 52 NX 709 ............. 5.49 @ 6119 "SUPE~ STEEL" CHEST Sturdy steel chest with 3-compartment removable tray. Has 2 heavy-duty drawbolts plus center padlock eye. Continuous hinge welded to cover and case. Carefully balanced with steel handle for easy carrying. Blue enamel interior; silver-gray hammertone exterior. 7xI9x7". 7 Ibs. 52 NX 707 ...................... 5.69 52 NX 708. Type 6116 Above, with 2 compartments. 7xI6x7". 7 Ibs ............ S.2S [I [] 5414 "WATERTlTE" CHEST A rnggedly constructed tool chest featuring 2 cantilever-mounted trays and Union's famous watertite design. Extra-large tray capacity. Push-button self-latching drawbolt. Upper tray has 7 individual compartments; lower tray contains one full length. one % length and 2 smaller compartments. Full grip steel handle for balanced carrying. Green enamel finish. Size. 7x14Vzx7~". Shpg wt Sibs 52 N'X ii2 ... : ................ _.3.59 4313 ALL-PURPOSE STEEL CHEST Low-cost steel chest with a single-cantilever 3-compartment tray. Ha.. full-drawn leakproof seamless body and snap catch with provision for padlock. Hardware fittings are machine riveted. Has 12" rule embossed in cover. Full-grip handle. Dlue enam<'l finish. Ideal for tools. parts or fishing gear. Size, 4Yzx13Yzx6Yz". Wt., 2Yz lbs. 91 N X 234 ................•..... .1.4 9 91 N X 233. Type 4013. As ahove. but withont tray. Wt., 2 Ibs ................ _... 1.19 Depend on Allied for Everything in Electronics . • Heavy-Gauge Steel Construction • Weather-Resistant Enamel. Finish • Extra-Safe, locking Drawers HANDYMAN 2-DRAWER TOOL CHEST Unique chc.st-drawer combination. Features a 2%xI9%x8%" chest all top, with two large 2Y4xISv.,xS%" long drawers below. Perfect for keeping tools in easy-to-find order. Hinged steel bar· automatically locks drawers when cover is closed. Chest .has two heavy-duty drawbolts and a center padlock eye, integral full-length hinges, and a fullgrip steel handle for easy carrying. Silicone-treated baked enamel finish' is lorig-lasting, won't chip or rub off. ~~e~a~. rlt~?~~~:': ~::'. ~~ ~~~·9.7 5 ALLIED .. 461 Silicone and Epoxy Materials cu. ADHESIVE SEALANT G.E. SILICON DIELECTRIC COMPOUND RTy.1(j2. New all·purpose sili· cone Tubber adhesive-sealant in a squeeze tube that requires no added catalyst, and adheres to most materials without priming. Can be applied from the tube and adheres at room temperature to form a durable, resilient silicone rubber. Applications include electrical terminal COIUlections. bonding of strain gauges, patching and repairing silicone rubber parts, bonding silicone rubber gaskets to metal surfaces, and sealing and encapsulating electronic equipment. Withslands temperatures from -75° F to 300° F for extended periods, and up to 500 0 for shorter time periods. Resistant to moisture. weathering and aging effects. Cures to a solid rubber with a Shore A hardness of 28, a tensile strength of 350 psi, a tear resistance of 40 lbs./in .• and elongation of 500%. 7 E 227. 2·oz. Tube. 1·5 ............................. EACH 1.75 6·47... .. .......... EACH 1.50 48·Up ............. EACH 1.27 7 E 228. 12·oz. Tube. EACH 7.50 2·11 ......... EACH 6.90 12·47 ............... EACH 6.37 48·Up, , , .. , , ' , , , , ,EACH 6.12 55·4005. Particularly useful in electrical. electronic, aircraft. au tomotive and military applications as an insulator, water repellent corrosion inhibitor, protective coating, lubricant, potting compound. and heat transfer com·. pound. Has high dielectric strength greater than 500 volts/mil with 0.010" gap. Arc resistance over 100 seconds. Evaporation is less than 2 % in 30 hours at 400' F. Low bleed is less than 10% in 30 hours at 400' F. Adheres tenaciously to almost any type of material. Meets specifications of MIL-l·8660. Excellent for use as a release agent in casting epoxy molds. Choice of 2· or 8·oz. tubes. ' 7 E 193.2'0%. Tube. 1·11, ..... , ..... ,',., ..... , ..... EACH 1.25 12·Up ........ , .................. ", ........ , ..... ,EACH .95 7 E 194. 8·oz. Tub'e. 1·11 ........... ,.,." ..... , ... ,. ,EACH 3.50 12·47. , ............ EACH 2.85 48·Up ........... , ... EACH 2.60 CHEMISTRY FOR ELECTRONICS by EMERSON AND CUMING FINEST QUALITY 'POTTING AND ENCAPSULATING MATERIAL Pour into Mold Around Circuits, etc. STYCAST EPOXY CASTING RESINS ECCOBOND EPOXY ADHESIVES Must cure at room temperature to rugged black opaque plastic; acid resistant and machinable. Kits include 2 lbs. of resin, catalyst and instructions. #51 General Purpose. A very easy to use epoxy adhesive. stable over a range of -100°F to +3OO'F. Can be cured at room temperature in 24 hours, or shorter time at elevated temperatures. Incl. 2 Ibs. resin plus catalyst, instructions. , 7 E239 .. , ...... , .............. , .6.00 2651 General Purpose. Stable -100°F. to +400'F, Quite viscous prior to cure; used for larger imbedments; cures rigid. 7 E231 ..... " ...... " ........... 5.98 Transf~rmers, Solidifies Around Component to Opaque Plastic 2651 MM low Yiscosity. Similar to above, but possesses extremely low viscosity prior to cure. Used for smaller imbedments for eas· ~rEi~:f;~~n~~~~,~f, ~~i,~s: ....... ,. ,5.98 2741 Adjustable Flexibility. By controlling amount of catalyst, flexibility and hardness can be controlled. For delicate parts as tern· perature change will not cause craeking. Usable -94°1<' to +302'F. 7 E 233 .... , ..................... 5.98 2662 High Temperature. Withstands temper· atures up to 500'F; must be baked 3 hours at 212°F, or 24 hours at 130°F. If cured 3 hours at 300°F, usable to 600°F. 7 E 234"", , . , . , . , . , , , , , , . , •... ,6.00 122S MOLD RELEASE IN AEROSOL SPRAY CAN A nece::;sary release agent in a handy aerosol spray can. Simply spray entire inside surface of the mold before using ... prevents epoxies from adhering to the mold for easy removal of encapsulated component. Snp· ~1~~~~,6 ,o~',~~r,o,s~: ~~~: ...... : .. .4.50 ECCOSTRIP 57 EPOXY SOLVENT This is one of the few available chemicals that will effectively dissolve epoxy resins. Items to be dissolved must be completely snbmerged in the epoxy solvent for several hours, during which time, the epoxy resin will slowly dissolve into the solvent solution. This also serves as an excellent solvent for use in the clean-up of any uncured epoxy ~n~ ~~~~Iyst: ,~'~~', ~~~: ......... ", 3.00 Allied Electronics is your best source for compon.ents at O'EM prices. Our tremendous stocks assure you of fastest shipment. Special handling on TWX and phone orders. 462 • ALLIED 1264 Transparent. :Water·c1ear and slightly flexible when cured. For display imbedments or bonding sheets of glass for visibil· ~YE i~~~~,i~:~ ,~~~r.s.~t. ~~~~. ~~~:: . 6.00 ECCOGEL 1265 TRANSPARENT EPOXY Cures into a firm, water'c1ear solid. Used to imbed components in circuits where it is desired to see into the completed unit. Ex· tremely tough and flexible .•• can be cut with a knife to expose imbedded parts for repair or removal. Fresh 1265 can be poured into cavity and cured again. 7 E236 ..... , .. , ................. 6.00 ECCOCOAT EPOXY RESIN COATINGS EP3 Clear. Provides protection for printed circuit boards, components and assemblies. Easily applied by spray, brush or dip. Leaves a flexible, clear tough film with excellent electrical characteristics. Usable from _70' . F to +2S0°F. 7 E 237", . , . , , ,. , ..... , .. , .. , . , .6.00 0-30 Dip Coat. Dip component in resin; cure at 350°F; will not drip during cure. Thick· ~e~s2~er.~~~ .~~ ~~~~~~~~. ~~~'.... 6.00 Paste E Patching Material. Has a consistency similar to putty at room temperature. Ap. ply with spatula, knife or trowel-will not flow. Useful where ill-fitting joints are to be bonded. Easily machined. 2 lbs. resin plus catalyst. , 7 E240 ..... , ........ ,., ......... 6.00 #45 Yariable Flexibility. Especially useful for bonding materials which have widely dif· ferent thermocoeflicients of expansion or where bond must be maintained over very wide ranges of temperatures. Includes 2 lbs. of resin plus catalyst. 7 E 241 ..... , . , .. , . , . , .... , . , . , . , 6.00 Model 26 Patch Kit. In handy kit for labora· tory, bench or production line use. In two toothpaste-type tubes. Equal amounts of resin are squeezed, mixed and applied. Cures at room temperature in 4 hours or in minutes at 100°F. 7£242 .... ,., .................... 1.98 ECCOSIL RTV SILICON RUBBER 4850 General Purpose. Curable at room temperatures, white in color. Excellent for pot· ting and encapsulating and for making flexible molds. Usable to 600°F for prolonged periods. Includes 2 lbs. of resin, catalyst and instructions .. 7 E 243 .. , . , , ; . , ................ 10.00 4712 Epoxy·Silicone. Must· be cured for two hours at 2500F. Usable to 450°F. For cable connector potting and applications where high temperature resilience is needed. 2 Ibs. of resin, catalyst. 7 E244,."" .. ,', ... , .... ,',., ,10.00 Type 5000 RTY Foam. Mix two compounds, pour ~nd c~re at room temp. Uniform unicellular sponge of 30 lbs, per cu. ft. Usable to 500°F. 2 Ibs. resin, catalyst. 7 E 245 .. , .. , , , .. , .............. 10.00 elECTRICAL ENCAPSULATION. By Vosk, Lefforge and Stetson. Includes case histories and complete procedures on electrical en· capsulation. 238 pages. 37 K 675. Postpaid in U.S.A.. , ..... ,8.00 Allied-Your Sourc:e for the Latest in Industrial Elec:tronic:s Plastic Associates and Devcon Epoxy Cements PLASTIC ASSOCIATES NO-MIX READY-TO-USE EPOXY CEMENTS ICJ PA·'s112 Therma-Blend Epoxy Cement Sheet. Easily cuttable. (Usc IIThermu-Blend" epoxy cements arc thoroughly factory-mixed and ready-to-use. Save labor time in cementing, sealing, insulating, and protecting nearly all porous and non-porous materials. Cure by application of heat and bond perfectly and permanently. !AJ PA·II 01 Therma·Blend Epoxy Cement Paste. Easy to apply and ~ spread. Great shear strength at high temperatures. 1 V. oz. tube. 7 E 680. 1·24 .......... EACH 2.00 25·49 ............ EACH 1.70 50·99 .................. EACH 1.60 100-Up ........... EACH 1.50 f81 ~ same as tape, below.) 12xI2". 7 E 685. 1-24 .......... EACH 2.00 ,S0-99 ................ '.' EACH 1.60 ~ Therma·Blend Epoxy Cement Tapes: Consist of thin "Dacron" l!:J webbing, pre-impregnated with stable, single-component epoxy resin. Contains 80% uncured epoxy and 20% dacron. For alliaminating uses, Can be die-cut into wafers. washers, and gaskets. Therma·Blend Epoxy Cement Liquid. 30% solid-resin compound. Stock No. ~ Applies tough. tlexible coating that resists moisture, vibration, No. Mfr's Type 7 E 681 7 E 682 7 EX 683 PA-3116 PA-3126 PA-3136 IIJl Wt., EACH Lb •. 1-24 rS-49150-991100-U 5.00 4.25 4.00 3.75 p IV. 3 9.50 8.08 7.60 7.13 10 30.00 25.50 24.00 22.50 PA·3106 Therma-Blend Epoxy Cement Liquid in Aerosol Can. Same ~ as above, but 20% resin. 6 oz. aerosol spray can. 7 E 684,1-24 .......... EACH 2.70 's0-99 ....... , .......... EACH 2.16 Mfr'. Type PA-SlOl PA-SI41 I v.' I 1-24 12S_49 ISO_99 1100-UP EACH Size x 36 yd •. I" x 36 yd •. 5.40 10.80 4.59 4.32 9.18 8.64 4.05 S.IO If1 Can Size Pint Quart Gallon I 7 E 686 7 E 687 thermal shock, chemical action. Ideal for laminating uses. May be applied by brushing, dipping, or spraying. Supplied in cans. Stock 2,S-49 ........... EACH 1.70 100-Up ........... EACH 1.50 25-49 ............ EACH 2.30 I OO-Up ........... EACH 2.02 PA·ll03 Therma-Blend Epoxy Cement Rods. Stable, single-comI!J ponent heat-cure formulations-requires no mixing. Resin and hardener are lab-blended. 3 oz. 10 rods per package. 7 E 688. 1·24 ....... PER PKG. I.SO 2's·49 ......... PER PKG. 1.53 50-99 ............... PER PKG. 1.44 100-Up ....... PER PKG. 1.35 JGI PA-1113 Therma-Blend Epoxy Cement Rod and Holder Kit. Consists ~ of 3 single-component epoxy rods (same as above), and convenient aluminum holder. 7 E 689. 1-24 ......... PER KIT 2.00 2,S·49 .......... PER KIT 1.70 's0-99 ................ PER KIT 1.60 1OO.Up ......... PER KIT 1.50 "REDI-BLEND" PACKAGE-CURES AT ROOM TEMPERATURE No waste or mess with the convel1i~nt "PA-Kit", Catalyst and resin are sealed in a vacuum-formed polyethylene container. One component is in a central dish, the other in a concentric ring around the dish. Contents are mixed easily on the job. Poly-film cover is peeled back with the stirring stick used to push down center of container. This collapses outer ring, causing it to merge with the central dish. The two components are then mixed directly in package. Resin and catalyst are of contrasting colors for visual indication of an even mixture. After use, package is discarded. Has tensile Htrength of 1900 psi when cured. Operating temperature range of -50'F to 250'F. Shelf life of 12 months, Mixer pack and slick included with each pkg. • Strong, Waterproof, and Lasting Bonds • For Most Porous. and Non-Porous Materials • Cures at Room Tem p. Stock No. I --::7""E=-:-679 707 E 691 Mfr'. Type PA-lOOO PA-IOOI I Size'j PE R PKG. OF 10 1_2412S_49IS0_991100-U p 1;10;;;:- '""'2.50 2.T3 2.00 "I.BB 1/5 oz. 4.00 3.40 3.20 3.00 DEVCON EPOXY PLASTICS PLASTIC STEEL DEVCON F SPECIAL REPAIR KIT 80% steel. 20% epoxy plastics.. For repairing leaking pipes and ·tanksl altering parts and gears; rebuilding pumps and valves; salvaging ferrous and non-ferrous castings; making jigs, fixtures. and other tools. Approved under MIL spec 15202 for repairi ng corroded metal ship hull surfaces. As easy to usc as modeling clay. 1- For filling blow holes and for"general repairs. Hardens to aluminum finish which can be "plated out" with steel 'wool to match original ·part. Bonds to aluminum, steel, iron. wood. many other materials. Includes 2 self-metering tubes, and mixing ~\C~~'9 .......... 3.00 ~a:~~~ ~~~ .~~.: .~.~. ~~' . ............ 1.75 DEVCON "z" ZINC Zinc-rich coating-95% pure zinc with 5% epoxy binders. Not only seals out moisture, but stops rust and rust-creepage by galvanic action-even when coating is scratched. Two coats provide more protection than afforded by standard hot-dip galvanizing. Exceeds MIL1 Gallon P-26915A, MIL-P-2103S (Ships). Adheres to iron or steel. Applied by brush, dip, or spray. I-gal. can. 7E041 ........................... 1.95 FLUOROCARBON BONDING KITS Bonding Kit No. I. Contains all the materials re- . quired to bond "non-bondable" "tetlon" to itself and other substances. Each kit contains a bottle of· tetlon treating agent, and two tubes of ThermaBlend Epoxy Cement. Treating agent is applied to teflon surface until surface turns permanently brown. Then surface· is cleaned. Bonding agent is then applied, parts are fitted together. Cures in about four hours at 300'F, plus 1 hour at 340'F. With instructions. 7 E 037 ............ , ............. PER KIT 10.00 Bonding Kit No.2. For ambient temperature cure. Kit contains all materials in Kit No.1 (left), but bonding agent supplied with the kit cures at room temperature to form a tough, tlexible bond that holds its strength at temperatures up to 175'F. For higher temperature applications, Kit No.1 should be ordered. This material is similar in strength, but requires a higher temperature cure. (See description of Kit No. 1 at left for procedure). With complete ~n~,;;,;~:o~s: ......•••••• : •• _..... PER im 10.00 Use the Services of the Allied Facility, Nearest You-See Page One ALLIED • 463, Plastics for Electronics FAMOUS SYLGARD@ AND SILASTIC@ PRODUCTS· FOR POTTING, IMBEDDING, AND ENCAPSULATING APPLICATIONS Flows Easily, Even Around Ir.fricofe Parts. Has Excellent Pot Life. SYLGARO 182. A clear. solventless silicone resin with many applications, including potting. filling. embedding and encapsulating. Transparency of the cured resin makes possible easy visual inspection of embedded parts. If a malfunction arises in embedded circuit, resin can be cut Qut, repairs completed and new resin poured in place. When blended with its curing agent •. easy flowing resin cures in any thickness in 4 hours at 149°F. Shelf life of resin before mixing with curing agent, approximately 6 months. Pot life. after curing agent added. 8 hours. Specifications after curing: hardness, shore A scale 40; coefficient of expansion •. 00096; passes 10 cycles MiI-I-16923C thermal shock resistance from -55 to 155 ° C; water absorption after 7 days immersion at 25°C •. 1 %; mechanical strength. 800 to 1000 psi; brittle point. lower than -70°C; 500 volts per mil minimum dielectric strength (ASTM D 149). Curing agent sup- SILASTIC RTV 881. A pourable silicone potting and encapsulating compound specially designed for use in a wide variety of electrical and electronic applications. It·s really easy to use-just stir in the catalyst, pour in place and allow to stand at room temperature for 24 hours. Both catalyst and silicone are free-flowing and easily mixed -absolutely no preheating is necessary. After application. RTV 881 solidifies to form a tough. rubbery dielectric material. Remains rubbery from -55°C to over 250°C. Produces no pressure or exothermic heat as it solidifies-will not crush or disarrange components such as toroidal coils. Can be used with heat-sensitive components as selenium rectifiers and germanium transistors. Rubbery jacket efficiently protects components and assemblies against dust. moisture. oxidation, mechanical shock, weathering, and corrosive chemicals. Compound remains workable for approximately·3 hours at room temperature after mixing. Can be bonded to metals. glass. silicone or organic resin laminates, or vulcanized silicone rubber. Packed in choice of 1 and lO-lb. packages. 7 E 005. I-Lb. Package_ 1-5 Pkgs................... PER PKG_ 6_00 6 or More Pkgs.................................. PER PKG_ 4_75 7 E 006_ 10-Lb. Package. 1-9 Pkgs .................. PER PKG. 43_00 10 or More Pkgs................................. PER PKG. 40_00 SILASTIC RTV 882. Similar to Type RTV 881 listed above but cures .in 30 minutes. 7 E 007. I-Lb. Package_ 1-5 Pkgs •.................. PER PKG_ 6_00 6 or More Pkgs•................................. PER PKG. 4.75 7 E OOS_ 10-Lb. Package. 1-9 Pkgs................. PER PKG. 43_00 10 or More Pkgs................................ PER PKG. 40_00 plied with resin is blended in ;atio of IOn parts resin to 10 parts curing agent, by weight. Sold by gallon or Ib.-~me gallon i" equivalent to 8.8 lbs. Sylgard 182 can b,· cured in contact with metals. plastics. glas". asbestos. natural and synthetic fibers and ceramics. Can be cured completely sealed or exposed to air. . 7 E 001_ 1-11 Lbs.............. PER LB_ S.OO 12-47 .. PER LB. 7.50 48-Up .... P~R LB_7.00 7 E 002_ 1-5 Gallons .... PER GAllON 1\52.S0 6 Or More Gallons.... . PER GALLON 51.00 S YlGARO 183. Identical to above but opaque black. Heat stability. up to 482 of. 7 E 003. 1-11 Lb....... . ..... PER LB_ 7_00 12-47 .. PER LB. 6.00 48-Up .. PER LB_ 5_50 7 E 004.1-5 Gallons .... PER GALLON 41_S0 6 or More Gallons ....... PER GALLON 39.15 SYLGARO PRIMER. A surface treatment designed to promote adhesion of Sylgard 182 and 183 resin to other surfaces. Primer can be used with virtually all materials commonly found in today's electronic circuitry including most metals and organic resins, glass, and silicone-glass laminates. Produces a strong chemical bond between primed surfaces and resin. Supplied as a dilute solution in heptane. 7 E 009_ %-Lb. Pkg_ ............................. PER PKG. 6_00 7 EO I O. 5Yz-Lb. Pkg •........................... PER PKG_ 11.00 SILASTIC RTV 1201 PRIMER_ Useful material designed to improve the adhesion of Silastic RTV to various substrates. Silastic RTV 1201 may be applied by dipping. spraying. or brushing and provides good adhesion almost immediately. Supplied as a dilute solution in acetone. , 7 EO I 1_ %-Lb. Package .......................... PER PKG. 3.75 7 EO 12. 6-Lb. Package ........................... PER PKG. 6.60 SILASTIC RTV THINNER. Designed to lower consistency of the many Silastic RTV compounds. Consists of 100% silicone oil-maintains Silastic R TV systein virtually free of all volatile solvents. Desired consistency can be easily controlled by amount of thinner added. Addition of 10% thinner by weight reduces consistency by 75% without significantly altering the physical properties oi finished rubber. . . 7 EO 13. I-Lb. Package_ 1-5 Pkgs_ .................. PER PKG. 6.00 ·6 or More Pkgs.................................. PER PKG. 4.00 7 EOI4. 8-Lb. Package.l-S Pkgs•................. PE~ PKG_ 24.00 6 or More Pkgs_ ................................ PER PKG. 23.2.0 SILICONE BALL-BEARING LUBRICANT TYPE 33 GREASE. Designed primarily for use in ball bearings operating at temperatures ranging from -100°F to +3S0°F under light to moderate loads. Available in choice of either light or medium consistencies. Light consistency is for use with sealed type ball bearings. medium is for use with ball bearing installations which are not tightly sealed. Advantages include these (characteristics: highly resistant to oxidation. heat decomposition. and breakdown due to shear. Dispersible in carbon tetrachloride. toluene, and other solvents. Insoluble in water. 7 EO 15. 2-0z. Container (Light). 1-11 .................. EACH 12-47 .............. EACH 1.1 2 48-Up ............... EACH 7 E 016. 8-0z. Container (Light). 1-11 .................. EACH 12-47 .............. EACH 3.10 48-Up ............... EACH ·7 E 017. 2-0z. Container (Medium) _ 1-11 ............... EACH 12-47 ............... EACH 1.12 48-Up ............... EACH 7 E 0 I S. 8-0z. Container (Medium). 1-11 .............. : . EACH 12-47 .............. EACH 3.10 .4~-Up ............... EACH 1.25 .95 4.00 2.S5 I .25 .95 4.00 2.S5 SILASTIC RTV 860 MOLD-MAKING MATERIAL Mix With Catalyst and Allow to Stand at Room Temperature. Becomes Rubbery Solid. Room temperature vulcanizing rubber compound designed for making flexible molds. Easy to use. Primary applications include making molds for casting transformers. filter networks, micromodules and similar electrical and electronic equipment in epoxies. polyesters and other plastics. Rubber parts for models or prototypes. can be made in your own plant without expensive tooling. R TV 860 flows readily and fills all openings and indentations to make a mold with exact detail. After catalyst is added. it remains workable for 3 hours at room temperature and vulcanizes within 24 hours. Moderate heating. below HO°F. can be used to accelerate the vulcanization process. Cured R TV 860 can be used for approximately 6 months at 300°F and 2 weeks at 500°F. Although usable after 24 hours of vulcanizing, optimum properties are developed in 4 to 7 days. 464 • ALLIED Color of the catalyst is different from that of the base-indicates when mixing is complete. SpeCifications: ASTM D746 brittle point. -100°F; water absorption after 7 days immersion at 77°F.· .4%; tensile strength. 650 psi; ASTM D676 durometer hardness. short A scale. 65; color. red after vulcanizing. Consistency of R TV 860 can be lowered by the addition of Silastic RTV Thinner. listed above. Both Silastic and catalyst have a shelf life of 6 months when stored below 70°F. Packed in 1 and 10-lb. containers-each also includes a more-than-adequate supply of pre-tested catalyst. 7 EO 19_ I-Lb. Package. 1-5 .. PER PKG. 6.00 6 or More Pkgs•............. PER PKG. 4.75 7 E 020. 10-Lb_ Package_ 1-9 PER PKG.·43.00 10 or More ·Pkgs•..........•.. PER PKG. 40 •.00 Depend on Allied for The Latest in Industrial Electronic Equipment Industrial Silicones by ... Allied presents a new series of silicone products by Dow Corning which have numerous electronic applications. Listed on these pages are silicones for pot· ting, encapsulating, fhinning, lubricating, mold releasing, waterproofing, making molds, adhesives and heat sinks. Characteristics include ability to withstand extreme temperatures and outstanding properlies under humid conditions. TYPE 340 SILICONE HEAT SINK COMPOUND Specially Suited for Transistors and Diodes Grease-like silicone material, heavily filled with heat conductive metal oxides. Combination of base and fillers produces a mao terial with higher thermal conductivity than previously available silicone heat sink compounds. Specially designed for applying to the base of mounting studs of electronic . components such as transistors and diodeswiII not dry out, harden or melt. Engineered to withstand long term exposure to tem· peratures up to 200 DC. Another advantage i::; compound maintains a positive heat sink seal that improves heat transfer from the device to heat sink or chassis. thus increases life and overall efficiency of component. Evaporation, 1 % after period of 24 hours at temperature of 200°C. Supplied ill conven· ient S·oz. tubes. 7 E 021. 1-11 ................. EACH 5.00 12-47 .... EACH 4.00 48-Up .... EACH 3.00 SILICONE SURFACE COATING COMPOUNDS TYPE 3 COMPOUND Greaselike, nonmelting silicone material with excellent electrical insulating properties, water repellency. and oxidation resistance. Retains consistency and electrical properties from temperatures of -400 to over 400°F. Easily applied with a grease gun, by wiping or rubbing. Can be brushed or sprayed on if thinned first with xylene, mineral spirits, perchloroethylene, or lacquer thinner. Compound acts as a fine lubricant and preservative for various rubber and plas· tic products. Prevents sticking of switches exposed to icing conditions, lampbulb bases exposed to corrosive conditions. rubber door seals, and splashed solder, glue, casting resins, etc. Insulates and repels water from industrial control switches and circuit breakers. 7 E 022. 2-0%. Conlainer. 1-11 ........................ EACH I .25 12-47 .............. EACH 1.• 12 48.Up ............... EACH .95 7 E 023. 8·0%. Conlainer. 1-11. ....................... EACH 4.00 12-47 .............. EACH 2.70 48-Up ............... EACH 2.45 TYPE 4XTM SPRAY Handy mold release, rubber preservative, and water repellent. Acts as a lubricant and insulator. Sprayed directly from its aerosol con· tainer, it is quickly and easily applied to a wide variety of main· tenance and production problems in electronics plants. Applications include: lubricating threads of studs, bolts, and adjusting screws; casing dismantling of equipment; releasing epoxies, plastics. and rubber; preventing solder from sticking where it is not wanted. Can be used around the home to keep motor ignitions dry, ease cleaning of stove burner reflectors. and prevent locks and freezer trays from sticking. The sportsman can waterproof his fishing lineS, facilitate removal of nuts, bolts and screws on boat motors or out· door equipment, prevent rubber seals from sticking or freezing, and reduce battery terminal corrosion on storage batteries. Supplied in compact, easy-to-use 16-oz. aerosol containers. 7 E024. 1-11 Cans .. EACH 1.95 12 or More ........... EACH 1.65 TYPE 20 COMPOUND An economical, semi-permanent silicone release agent for use in applications involving phenolics. melamines. polyesters, and epoxies. Heat·stable, non-carbonizing, and' non·oily-permits multiple release and wiII not discolor molded parts. Compound is supplied at SO% solids and is used at S to 10% solids by diluting in Stoddard solvent or VM & P naphtha. Can be applied by spraying, brushing, or wiping. 7 E025. I-Lb. Conlainer ............................. EACH 5.00 7 E 02&. 7.5·Lb. Conlainer ........................... EACH 1&.45 TYPE 4 COMPOUND A versatile silicone seal and lubricant for switches, cable and cable connectors, battery terminals and lamp bulb bases. Will not impair electrical properties of parts. Apply with a grease or putty gun, or by brushing or wiping. Translucent and colorless with petroleumtype consistency. Meets MlL-I-8660A. . . 7 E 027. 2-0%. Conlainer. 1-11 ........................ EACH 1.25 12-47 ........ EACH 1.12 48 or More ................. EACH .95 7 E 02B. 8-0%. Conlainer. 1-11. ....................... EACH 4.25 12·47 ........ EACH 2.B5 48 or More ................. EACH 2.&0 COATING ·AND IMPREGNATING VARNISHES TYPE 991 VARNISH Supplied as a SO% solution of a silicone resin in xylene. Improves surface resistivity of printed circuits or electronic equipment exposed to high humidity. Air·dries to a water repellent, heat·stable film. Prevents formation of a continuous conducting film under moist operating conditions, and reduces moisture absorption and surface contamination of equipment during storage. 7 E 029. Pinl Can. 1-11 .... EACH &.00 12-Up .......... EACH 5.00 7 E030. Gallon Can.I·S .... EACH IB.BO. 6-Up ....... EACH 17.90 TYPE 997 VARNISH For dipping and impregnating motors, transformers. generators, solenoids and other electrical equipment. Designed to hold bubbling to a minimum. varnish is water-repellent and chemically re,sistive. Unaffected by corrosive atmospheres or the high heat of overloads, severe duty cycling, and high ambients. Dielectric life 50' times better than best class B varnishes. Cures at 200°C. 7 E 031. Pinl Can. 1-11 .... EACH &.00 12-Up ......... EACH 5.00 7 E032. Gallon Can. I-S .. EACH 1&.30 6.Up ....... EACH 15.95 EXTRA-STRONG RELIABLE SILICONE ADHESIVES Easily and Quickly Applied 10 a Variety of Materials SILASTIC RTV 732. A general purpose silicone rubber adhesive and sealant, ready-to-use as supplied. Requires no catalyst or heat to initiate vulcanization-reacts with moisture in the air and immediately begins curing to rubber. Vulcanizes in 24 hours at 77°F and SO% relative humidity. Typical silicone properties of moisture resistance and heat stability make it suitable for use in a wide variety of adhesive, sealing, and caulking applications: Ideal for use in sealing gen· erators for completely submerged or high moisture operating conditions, waterproofing strain gauges in place. and securing metal shield plates to printed circuits. Specifications after vulcanizing: color, white; brittle point, -lOO°F; durometer hardness Shore A Scale, 25; tensile strength, 150 psij tack free time, less than 1 hour at 77°F and 50% humidity. Supplied in convenient, easy-to·use and dispose-of collapsible tubes. 7 E 033.2-0%. Tube. 1-5 ........ EACH 1.75 6-1 ~3 ... EACH 1.50 144-Up .... EACH .1.35 7 E 034.5-0%. Tube. 1-5 ........ EACH 3.50 6-71 ... EACH 2.95 72.Up ...... EACH 2.&5 TYPE 40C ADHESIVE. High·solids, low-viscos· ity solution. After drying and curing, forms a dry, hard bond. Heat-stable, mois· ture-resistant seal and saturant for asbestos felted, glass served thermocouple and appliance wire. Light straw color. Solvent. acetone; maximum drying time at 100°C, 1 hour. Applied by brushing or dipping. 7 E 035. I·Lb. Conlainer. 1-5 ..... EACH &.00 6 or More ..................... EACH 5.00 7 E 036. 8-Lb. Conlainer. 1-5 .... EACH 2&.BO 6 or More .................... EACH 24.BO Allied Maintains the World's Largest Stocks of Electronic Components ALLIED • 46'5 Fiberscopes, Light Guides, Illuminators Very thin opticol gloss fibers utilizing the principle of Totollnternal Reflection transmit light and images over irregular paths. Flexible light-guides consisting of bundles of glass fibers sheathed in plastic tubing are available in standard AMERICAN OPTICAL FIBER OPTICS configurations as shown below. Image conduit, shown below, consists of thou· sands of 12-micron fibers fused together to form a rigid rod ,that can be bent into any shape by the applicaton of heat. ' TYPE FS-I INSPECTION FIBERSCOPE Composed of flexible fibers, coherently oriented, so that an image may be transmitted from one end of the element to the other. Ideal for visual inspection of coils and tubing by transmitting images to camera lenses. Fibers are 10 microns in diameter providing a resolution of at least 35 optical line-pairs per millimeter. Sheathed in flexible metal hydraulic hose having an inner core of teflon alid an outer sheath of stainless-steel braid. FS-161 supplied with "C" mount adapters. "D" mount adapters for the FS-81 and accessory lenses for both models available from manufacturer. Other Fiberscope lengths available: 2, 3. 5, 9, and 12V. ft. Forward-viewing and right-angle vi.,villg I Stock Mfr'" No. Type 7 EZ 195 FS-81 7 £Z 196 FS-161 assembli~s I can be supplied I I mage Format· Sx5 mm. 8xl0 mm. No. of Fibers 210,000 675,000 I all SpeciallY designed fiberscope (see description at left) for the internal inspection of small and highly inaccessible areas such as the interior of tubing. Light is no problem, as fiberscope is provi4ed with six miniature lamps mounted in till' distal end. Comes complete with 2.5/110 v. power supply. Ideal for checking scale, pits, cracks, holes, etc. Negotiates a minimum bend of 2V.· in .790" LD. tubing. Provid~s an image format of 5x5mm. Consists of 210,000 fibers sheathed in monel bellows and outer jacket of stainless steel braid. 7 EZ 209 ..................................... , ... FLEXIBLE COHERENT FIBER-OPTICS BUNDLE SPecial Order. I I Distal L eng tli EACH Thread .445-32 ~ 1250.00 1-32 6 It. 2350.00 Bundles of ultra-fine (.0004" dia.) optical glass fibers capable of .transmitting images. Ideally suited for remote-viewing of instruments. Ready for installation in your own hardware, they are in flexible tubing with metal end fittings bonded to each bundle. Ends are optically ground and polished. *Image Format given in millimeters; tNo. of Fibers given in thousands. FLEXIBLE FIBER-OPTICS LIGHT GUIDES Stock No. -7 £ 218 , Bundles of glass fibers in plastic tubing, witlI epOxy potted, ground, and polished ends. LG-2 'through LG-5 have plastk'tips 1 \Ia" in length; LG-1 has stainless steel tips. About 70% of the light striking an end will enter the fibers-about 10% of this light will be lost for every ft. of length. Transntit wavelengths of 400 to 2000 millimicrons Efficiency not affected by bending . Nifr'. Min. R_d. Bundle A Dla • No. . Type of Bend' LG-l £ 197 ~ .0.32" LG-2 £ 198 %," 0/8" v,." LG-2 £ 199 %' v,." %z'" LG-2 £ 200 %,"' V,6" %' YlZ" £ 201 LG-3 %" LG-3 £ 202 \Ia" %" ~" LG-S £ 203 2!i4' 1V." 14" LG-S £ 204 2!i4' 1V.' 14" Stock 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 -----w-- -W- B Lgth. EACH .065" 12' 12" 36" 12.30' 14.25 17;25 21.75 16.25 23.25 26.00 5:3.00 '%4" '%4' '%4" . %," %," '%," ',%," -72" 12" 36" 12" 36' IMAGE CONDUIT Consist of thousands of fibets fused together to form a rigid fiber bundle or rod which is capable of transmitting' Images from one end· to the otber. These rods can be heated and bent into complex shapes. Carbon rods or blocks' may be used as forms to bend to desired configuration. Conduit supplied with polisbed ends. *Resolution in total lines per millimeter. . Stock No. 7 £ 205 7 £ 206 7 ,E 207 '7 £ 208 Mfr's Type CrQ.Ss Section IC-I-6 IC-I-12 IC-IO-6 IC-IO-12 Ya" hex Va" hex \4"'XYa" t4"x.Ya'" Lgth. - -6'12' 6' 12' No.·of Fibers 73,000 73,000 125,000 125,000 Fiber Dia. .0005" .0005" .0005" .0005" 466 -ALLIED 7 7 7 7 7 E Type F'SB- 55. 210 55 55 211 212 5.1 5.; 213 220 810 214 810 215 810 216 810 217 810 219 1010 221 1010 ,SO 80 80 7.00· ·12.50 19.20 36.90' ' - -.. Lgth. 24' 36' 48" 60' 72' 24" 36" 48" (,0" 72' 48" 72" "'Image tNo.ol Inches (Nom.) £ACH Format Fibers A D B C --5x5 .209 .209 .688 1.25 825.00 210 ,209 .209 .688 1.25 B75.00 5x5 210 5xS .209 .209 ,()8~ 1.25 950.00 210 5x5 21Q .209 .209 .6~R 1.25 1025.00 5,,5 210 .209 .209 .fi8S 1.25 1100.00 ,438 .341 ,688 1.75 1700.00 8xl0 67.1 ,438 .341 ,688 1.75 1750.00 8xl0 675 .438 ,341 ,688 1.75 1825.00 8xl0 675 .438 .341 .688 1.75 1900.00 8xl0 675 ,438 .341 ,688 1.75 1975.00 8x1O 675 ,438 .341 .688 1.7.1 2250.00 IOxl0 840 .438 .341 .688 1.75 2400.00 10x1O 840 ...-------ILLUMINATORS-------. Model K-1500. For LG-2. LG-3 light guides. 6.S-volt, 2.75-amp, single-filament, clear-glass ,lamp, parabolic mirror, and efficient condensing system provide an intense cone of illumination of 80 0 included angle. A 2-ft. LG-2light guide coupled to tbe illuminator provides 100 foot-candles 4" from the end of the guide. Variable transformer gives control over intensity. 5%x5'Yax8Yz". For 110. , 120 v. 60 cycle AC. 7 £222 .. , ......................................... 198.00 . Model 653. Compact, intense illuminator having a 3-step variable voltage control and focusable triple-lens condensing .system. Coupled with adapter listed below, provides abundant iilumination for LG-2, LG-3 light-guides. 7£ 223 ............................................ .70.00 Model 653 Adapter. For Use with Model 653, above. 7 £ 224 ................. , ............................. IB.95 Res.* "EACH 80 Call the I, I £ £ £ £ £ E £ £ £ 7 £ , " 7 7 7 7 ,7 c=o~ ~ ....... 2950.00 LIGHT-TRANSMITTING CLAD ROD Consists of core of n 1.62 glass, cladding of n 1.52 glass. Transmits light only. 7 £ 225. Type CR-1-6. \lax6" ... , .., ........................ ,2.30 7 .. 226.~ype C,R-I-12. \lax12· ............................ ,3.25 Nea~est Allied Office for All Your Electronic Needs Let an INTERCOM System Save You Time. .. , Save You Steps ... Cut Your Operating Costs', Is your organization suffering from inadequate'means of communica· tion? Here are but a few ways you'll profit by installing an Intercom System in your office or plant now, An Intercom System saves you time-important executive decisions and up·to.the·minute reports are yours in an instant. An Intercom System saves you steps-key personnel stay where they're needed most, and inter·departmental traffic is reduced to a minimum, An Intercom Sys· tern saves you money-expedites work in every productive ar~a. An Intercom System reduces switchboard congestion-keeps telephone lines open for iinportant incoming calls. An Intercom System provides a link between departments-key people are in constant contact. An In· tercom System is so inexpensive to own and operate-costs only pennies a day. Whatever your organizational structure, there's an Intercom System for you_nd yOU can depend on Allied to fill your needs. ALL-TRANSISTOR uINTERCOMPACT" SYSTEMS WI-8101 MASTER·REMOTE 2-STATioN SYSTEM, A rugged, 'compact, four·station·capacity system. Consists of: one Master and one Re· mote (Master accepts up to 3 Remotes); SO·ft, of 3-conductor cable; terminal box and necessary hardware. Fully, transistorized system has self·contained AC power supply built in the Master unit. De· signed for reliable and super·econoinical use, Remote needs no AC outlet and' may originate calls to Master, even with Master off. May answer calls at a distance without operating switch. Pleasing Desert Sand finish blends in well with most color schemes. Master and Remote are both only 4x6%xSo/&". For 110-1Z0 volts, 60 cycle ~C.:~POgi2~~·:,~~,I.b.s:, .. , ........................... 33.35 WI-8121 EXTRA REMOTE. Shpg. wt .. Sibs. 58 R 013, . , . , .. , " , " " . , , .. : ......................... 7.35 58 R 016. 3.Cand: Cable. IS0·ft. roll. Wt., 4~ Ibs ........... 2.00 58 R 017. 3-Cond. Cable.'SOO·ft. roll. Wt .. Sibs............ 6.34 WI-8102 MASTER STATION, Accommodates up to 6 other Masters. Unlimited flexibility. Stations can call one', two, or all othersproviding completely private or conference· type communications. All·transistor design assures super·reliability. No tubes to replace -extremely cool·running, too. All· Master systems require one WI·SlSI Power Supply (below). Stations require no AC outlets, affording full freedom of location. Supplied with terminal box and all necessary ~dware for easy installati9n., Less cable, below. Desert Sand fihish. 4x6%xSo/&". Shpg. Wt .. 6lbs. 58 R 014 .. , .............. , .......................... 17.00 WI-8151 POWER SUPPLY. Transistorized. Use one for each system. regardless of no. of stations. For 110-120 v., 60 cycle AC. 3xSxI3". Shpg. wt., Sibs. ' 58 R 015, ............................................ 30.35 58 R 018 9·Con4. Cable. 2S0·ft. roll. 171bs................ 20.68 SMART, NEW INTERCOM SYSTEMS by BETACOM BI-605J INTERMIX SYSTEM. Versatile system provides instant communications between intermixed Masters and Remotes. Up to 6 Masters. can selectively' call each other. Hold·down tab allows "hands-off" opera· tion for either talking or listening. Remotes cannot originate calls, but can reply at a distance. AII·transistor design reduces cur· rent consumption, heat and maintenance costs. Master operates from 9-volt battery. or can be converted for operation from 110120 v" 60 cycle AC with AC Power Pak. listed below. BI-605J INTERMIX MASTER. Uses up to 6 per V:t~~·168~b,s:.,,,,, •. , ....•..•.•• 31.95 BI·601 J REMOTE. Non·private. does not orig· inate calls. Sibs. 58 RX 187 .. " .. , .... , ........... 10.50 BI-6M JUNCTION BOX. Facilitates wiring of units. 60z'. 58 RX 190 ........ , .............. ,4.95 BI-I05 POWER PAK. For conversion to 110120 v .• 60 cycle AC. 8 oz. 58 R 197., ..... ,',.,.,., ..... , ... 7.95 47 w 332. 8-Conductor Cable. For con· necting Masters to Masters. Shpg, wt., 4% Ibs. per 100·ft.. , . ' , , .. , .. , . , , .. PER FT. 9c 48 W 890. 2-Conductor Cable. For connect· jng Remotes to Masters, Shpg. wt .. 1 % Ibs. per 100·ft...................... PER FT. 2c BI.605 MASTER·REMOTE SYSTEM. Fully tran· sistorized communication between one Mas· ter and up to five Remotes. Economical all· transistor design keeps operating and main· tenance costs at, a minimum. Master sup.. plies power for system-operates from.either two 9-volt batteries. or from BI·I0S AC Power Pak. listed below. Remotes require no plug·in. Non·private remotes may ini. tiate calls to Master, even with Master off, but cannot call each other. Exclusive· 2position" Rockomatic" switch controls callI listen functions. May be locked in listen position for monitoring. or in talk position for dictating. AII·metal cases are 2x6%x6". May be placed on desk or wall-mounted. 81·605 MASTER. Accepts up 'to S Remotes per system. SIbs. ' 58 RX 200 ..................... 23.95 81·601 REMOTE. Non·private. Can originate calls. Sibs. 58 RX 205, ...... , .............. ,11.50 81·6 JUNCTION BOX. Facilitates wiring of units. 6 oz. 58 RX 210 ... " ... ' ... " ... , ....... ,3.95 BI-I05 AC PO WER PAK. For conversion to 110·120 v .. 60 cycle AC. 8 oz, 58 R 197... , .. ",., .. , .. , .. , ..... ,7.95 47 W 372. 4·Conduclor Cable. Shpg. wi .. 2'\4 lbs. per 100·ft.. , , ....•.. , ••. : '.' PE~ FT., Sc Write Us for Help in Planning YQ\Jr Intercom System ALIIED.467 Advance-Design Intercoms' and Phones COMPACT ALL·TRANSISTOR INTERCOMS ALl.MA~TER SYSTEM. An instant-operating intercom system. using up to six TIA-6. or up to twelve TIA-12 Masters. Any Master can call any other. and in a TIA-6 system. all simultaneously. Each Master has volume control. press-to-talk bar. and s!~lector switch with "mute" position. AUtransistorized. 7%x4x7". Less cable. listed below-use. cable with at least one more conductor than the number of stations in the system. For 110-120 v.. 60 cycle AC. RIM-6 Remotes. RIM-6 Remote can initiate calls to anyone of six TIM-12 Masters; RIA-l iRemote can initiate calls to only one Master. TIA·6 6·STATION MASTER. 7 Ibs. i 58 ROI9 •........••.•••.••••••• 34.45 TIA.t2 '2-STATION MASTER. 7lbs. 58 R 020 ............ : .•.••.••.•••. 38.25 RIA·' REMOTE. Calls only 1 Master. Called by any Master. 6Yz Ibs. 5B R021 ......................... 10.45 TIM-l2 INTERMIX MASTER. Permits mixing any combination of Masters and Remotes up to 12. Wt .. 7 Ibs. 5B R 022 ......................... 47.00 RIM·6 REMOTE. Originates calls to any of 6 Masters. Wt .• 6 lb •• 5B R 023 •..........•.••••••••••.. 23.40 MASTER-REMOTE SYSTEM. Consists of one TIA-6 Master and up to five ·RIA-I Remotes; or one TIA-12 Master and up to eleven RIA-I Remotes. Master can call any Remote. and in a TIA-6 system. can caU aU simultaneously. Remotes have press. to-talk bar. but can be used for non. private operation (controUed by jumper). Remotes can originate caUs to one Master. Size of Remotes. 7%x4x7". Less cable. listed below-use 3-conductor cable be. tween each station. CABLE FOR INTERCOMS Shpg. wts. and prices for cables listed below are per 100-ft. roll. 47 W 362. 3-Cond. 2 lb............... 2.43 4B'W 759. 8-Cond. 7Yz Ibs ............ 4.26 4B W B94. IS·Cond. 11lbs............ 7.94 INTERMIX SYSTEM. TIM-12 Intermix Master Stations are used in systems with a total of 12 stations in any combination of Masters and Remotes. Use either RIA;I or FLEXIBLE SERIES TSD BOGEN·PHONES LEGEND 0 DIJ 0 150·\0 T5D.20 TSD·\ POPULAR BOGEN An extremelytlexible phone system adaptable to any need. and offering private (no eavesdropping). multi-conversation. Typical system. diagramed at left. shows how Masters and Remotes may be intermixed. Masters can converse with each other privately (up to 5 simultaneous private conversations in 10-phone system-IO in 20-phone system). or with others together (TSD-IO can call up to 9 stations individuaUy or together-TSD-20 up to 19). TSD-I Remote can receive caUs from any Master but initiates them only to Master to which it is directly connected. Stylish phones can be used on desk or wall-mounted. Sizes: Masters. 3%x9Yzx3y.,"; Remote. 3y.,x9Yzx3y.,". Use unshielded cable with at least .. conductors more than the number of phones in the system. Connect Remote with S-conductor cable. Only one PRS-10 Power Supply required for each phone system. TSD·IO TEN STATION MASTER, 6Yz Ibs. 5B R024 ....................... :-.................... 34.25 TSD·20 20-STATION MASTER. 7 Ibs. 5B R 025 ... : ....•..••....•......•..••••••••••••••••.•. 39.95 TSD·' REMOTE. Non·selective. single-pushbutton. 6lbs. 5B R 026 ............................................... 24.95 PRS·IO POWER SUPPLY. One required for each system. 4x7". For 110·120 v.. 50·60 cycle AC. 8 Ibs. 58 R027 .............................................. 33.25 TRB PUSHBUTTON PHONE·PAGE ADAPTER. Same as Model TRA (used \vith Series TQ phones). but used to adapt TSD Series Bogen phones for paging through your P.A. system. Needs no separate power supply. Use 3·conductor cable. 4x4x2". 6 Ibs. 0 58 R 128 ........................................... 45.S "TQ'~ PHONE SYSTEMS TQ-6 SELECTIVE RINGING PHONE. Up to 7 stations per system. Has 6 pushbuttons. Wt .• 6Yz Ibs. . 5B R liB ........................................... 20.95 TQ·12 SELECTIVE RINGING PHONE. Up to 13 stations per system. Has 12 pushbuttons. Wt .. 6Yz Ibs. 5B R 119 ................................................. 25.70 PRS·' POWER SUPPLY. Only one required per system. Use 3-conductor cable. 4x5xl%". For 110·120 v., 50·60 cycle AC. Wt .. 6 Ibs. !iB R 133 .............................................. 22.50 TRA PUSHBUTTON PHONE-PAGE ADAPTER. Adapts Bogen TQ phones for paging through your P.A. system. Handles music equipmentneeds no separate power supply. Volume control permits separate Bogen TQ phones have selective ringing with common talk· line. One or all stations may be called simultaneouslypermits single conversation or conference-type calls. Phones have 4-ft. coiled cord-can't' tangle. Supplied less connecting cable and power supply. listed below. Select phone cable with at least 3 conductors more than the number of phones in each system. Handsomely styled in gray plastic-may be placed on desk or counter. or waIlmounted. Size. 9Yzx3y.,x3y.,". . 468 • AU/ED ~;e~ ~~r6~~~:~~ .~~~ ~~~i.c::.x."~.2~: ~.I.b.s: .••.•••..••...•. 31.65 POWER AND PHONE CABLE Stock No. 4B 48 '4B 4B 4B 4B W B79 W B91 W 892 W B93 W B94 W B45 Condo 3 7 6 12 18 26 Lbs. per 100' 7 2Yz 6~ 9 9% 14 PER FT. Per 100' 2Yz¢ 3Yze 1.91 2.89 3.B2 5.8B 7.94 12.15 5¢ 7t 9Yz¢ 15e Call th.~ N.~clre~t Allied Qffi~e.for All Your Electronic Needs Versatile Intercoms Raise Efficiency-Cut NEW BOGEN SERIES "X" INTERCOMS OFFER MAXIMUM FLEXIBIUTY Series "X" intercoms by Bogen keep key men and departments at your fingertips. You enjoy unlimited flexibility of installation and unmatched privacy. Masters feature fast station-selector pushbutton::;. Both Masters are equipped to accommodate the new HSX Telephone Handset. When handset is plugged-in to Master. loudspeaker is disconnected. permitting completely private conversations-without operating the talk-listen lever. However. lever must be operated when Master with HSX talks to Remote. Talk-listen lever offers optimum convenience-simply press to talk, it returns to listen position automatically. Can be placed in "hold·· position-allowing you to dictate at length with hands free. Two types of Remotes are available. The REMIA can initiate calls only to the Master with which it is directly connected -REM3A can initiate calls to 3 separate Masters. Remotes can be either private or non-private. depending on installation. For WIRING OF SYSTEM INSTALLATION 110-120 v.. 60 cycle AC. X120B MASTER. For use in up 'to 11-station ~;t~~. ~:~b.s: ....•............. 84.90 X220B MASTER. Same as above. but for up to 22-station system. 19 Ibs. 58 RX 275 ................•..... 104.35 JB2 JUNCTION BO X. Facilitates wiring. I required for each X120B. 2 required for each ;'a22~:·I~~P~ .. ~~t.- •. ~.I.b.s: .......... 5.80 HSX TELEPHONE HANDSET. For convertir.g Masters to totally private operation. Wt .• ~~b~x 100 ..................... 39.95 REM 1A REMOTE. Can originate call to 1 Master. Wt .• 6lbs. 59 RX 104 ........•...•..•.•..... 18.60 REM3A REMOTE. Can originate calls to 3 Masters. Wt .• 6 lbs. 58 RX 113 ....•..•••••..••••..•.. 22.65 R~QUIREMENTS I-Single Master-Multiple Remote. Private1 length 48 W 890 and I length 49· W 373 to each station. Non-Drivate--·2 lengths' 49 W 373 to each station. "-AII·Master System. Same number of twisted pairs as Masters.III-Multiple-Master-Multiple Remote. Between Masters--same number of twisted pairs as stations. including nrivate Remotes. Between Remotes and Masters--· for REM1A. see I. For REM3A. use 1 length 48 W 890 to nearest Master and 1 length49 W 373 to each Master to be called. 49 48 49 48 49 W 890. 1 Pair Twisted ..........• 02/FT. W 891. 2 Pair Twisted .....•...• 035/FT. W 893. 6 Pair Twisted .........•• 07 /FT. W 898. 11 Pair Twisted .........• 13/FT. W 373. 1 Pair Twisted. Shielded ..• 03/FT. SELECTIVE WIRELESS INTERCOM SYSTEMS ALL-MASTER SYSTEMS T-LCM MASTER STATION. Any Master station call call any other selectively. or all others together. Attractively stvled in charcoal gray and chrome finish. Plug each Master into AC outlet on same power company transformer-line. and you·re ready to communicate. Size. 3VsxI4x8%". For 110. 120 v.. 50-60 cycle AC-DC. U.L. Listed. T-LCM 8909. To 6 stations. 13 Ibs. 58 RX 043 ..................... 79.50 T-LCM 9912. To 12 stations. IS Ibs. 58 RX 050 ...................•. 89.80 MASTER-AUXILIARY SYSTEM T·les. Consists of one or more T -LCM Masters and any number of auxiliary sta-tions. listed at right. Auxiliary is on fixed channel-can reply but cannot originate calls. System offers selective area paging without high installation costs. Place one or more channel-l auxiliaries in one room, one or more channel-2 in another. et'c. Master can then page any area. Last digit in Type No. of T-LCS auxiliary indicates the pre- fixed channel. Size. 3Vsxl0Vax8%". For 110-120 v .• 50-60 cycle AC-DC. Wt .• 101bs. 59 58 58 58 58 58 RX RX AX RX RX RX 044. 045. 046. 047. 048. 049. T-LCS-901. .......• .45.00 T-LCS-902 ......•..... 45.00 T-LCS-903 .•••••.•... 45.00 T-LCS-904 ......••••.. 45.00 T-LCS-90S ......•.••.. 45.00 T-LCS-906 .•........•. 45.00 . . . . . .EIE. . E~ "SOUND-POWERED"TElEPHONE SYSTEMS by The ultimate in communications reliability-comparable in size and ruggedness to the finest commercial telephone equipment. Use these sound-powered telephone handsets for maintenance-free communications in the plant. on construction projects. on the farm. or wherever electrical power is not available. Completely self-contained. these telephones don't even require batteries-your own voice generates the current needed for transmission, and with remarkable speech fidelity. Electrical spark and fire hazards are eliminated. Sound-powered phones can remain on an indefinite "standby" basis for emergency service when other facilities are not in working order. As many as 12 telephones may be connected in parallel. providing Quick communication with low installation costs. The SPT-I02 handset comes with a 3-foot non-coiled. neoprene cord and insulated clips. SPT-123 and SPT150 have a 4-foot coiled-cord. All handsets are supplied less connecting cable. listed below. The SPS-120S wall-mounting handset holder will accommodate up to 3 telephones in a common-ringing system. All units are made of corrosion-resistant materials. for troublefree use in any outdoor climate. Stock No. Type Fig. 58 R 087 58 R 093 58 R 094 58 A 091 SPT-I02 SPT-123 SPT-ISO SPS-30S A A A B Delcri ptio n Handset. Up to 12 can be paralleled. Hi-level handset for noisy areas '(less clips) Same as SPT-123 but with insulated clips. Wall mount handset holder. For installations with separate ringing systems. 2%x5%x3". Same as SPS-305 but with bell. Handset hook. For wall or desk-side mtg. Lbo. EACH 1Vz 12.88 14.41 14.96 IVa IVa No Batt;ries-No AC ••• Powered by Your Own Voice ~ 13.17 IVa 58 R 092 SPS-120S C 18.21 IVa 58 R 097 B-5446 1.49 Yo 48 W 826. Cable for Sound-Powered Phones. 2-conductor. 100-ft. roll. Measure from Phone 1 to Phone 2. 2 to J. etc. Wt .. 3 Ibs................ '............................ 3.~8 Depend on Allied for the Latest in Industrial Electronic Equipment ALLIED· 469 TALK·A..PHONE All-Transistor Intercoms You can order any Tolk·A·Phone Master station with a builHn cradle phone. Just .elect ·the Moster, and in place of"its regular stock number, insert the word, T.C.4912 Master "Special" and add "H" to the Mfr'$ " Easy·to.Use Inlercoms with "Built·ln Brain" Registers Busy Signals, Priority Break·lns Type No. Example, Special. Talk·A· Phone Model T·C·4906H Moster with Cradle Phone. Add $35.00 to price of Moster for Model with Cradle Phone. " Dozens of Practical, Cost·Saving Applications " Private or Non.Private, Noise·Free Operation "CHIEF" ALL.TRANSISTOR MASTER STATIONS "CHIEF" ALL.TRANSISTOR STAfF STATIONS Deluxe. all-transistor universal Master stations that can be used in all-Master or Master(s)-Staff(s) systems with capacities of 6, 12, 20 or 30 stations. Effects savings of thousands of man-hours in 'Ifiiees, plants, factories, etc. Masters can operate privately or nonprivately and engage in conference calls with any number of stations. In private operation, talk-listen switch is necessary to reply; in non-private, a control is not necessary. Built-in signal indicates whether line is busy-priority caUs can over-ride a busy line. Incoming caU is indicated by a light and chime. Master. unit includes pushbutton selector, push-to-talk bar, dictation control and volume control. Stations may be placed several thousand feet apart. . Relays to operate horns, sirens or lights can be put into a system-' any Master can operate relays. In high-noise areas if horn or siren is operated instead of chime, Master is still fully operationalrelay does not take place of Master. Each Master has a junction box with a power supply, and 6-ft. of cable. Steel cases are styled in leather-textured, gray vinyl and brushed chrome. Size, 3 Ysx14x 8%". For operation from 110-120 volts, 50-60 cycle AC. Staff stations are for use in mixed systems with Masters. A Staff can originate caUs to the Master station with which it is directly connected. and answer caUs from any Master station in the svstem. A Staff cannot speak to another Staff. In private operation. Staff Talk·Listen switch must be pressed for Master to hear call. In non-private operation. Staff can answer calls without using can· troIs. Each Staff has monitoring and busy signals. Visual monitorlight signals that another station is calling. Staffs do not have to be connected to power outlet and consume no power. High-Power stations that give greater volume for use in noisy areas are listed at left, below. Units with "M" in type number have grained, baked enamel-gray finish; others are styled in charcoal gray finish with brushed chrome trim. Metal cases, 3Yax7!/zxS%H. Stock 58 58 58 58 No. RX 068 RX 069 RX 070 RX 071 Mfr't: Typo T-C-4906 T-C-4912 T-C-4920 T-C-4930 C~pacfty 6 12 20 30 stations stations stations stations Wt. Lb •. 17 18 IS 21 EACH 79.50 89.80 107.40 125.00 Stock No. 58 58 58 58 RX RX RX RX 074 075 076 077 MIr'a Type T-C-41 T-C-4IM T-C-42 T-C-42M , Mfr'. Type T-CRP-5912 T-CRP-5920 Capacity 12 stations 20 stations I Wt.~!L~1 EACH 138.00 155.00 HIGH·POWER STAFF STATIONS AND ORIGINATION SWITCHES HIGH-POWER STAFF STATIONS. Provide higher volume out· put than standard units-specifically designed for use in noisy surroundings and outdoor areas. Staff can answer Master and, with· origination switches listed below, can originate calls. Use with any "Chief" system. fA! T·C·20 TRUMPET·TYPE. 9", weatherproof talk-back horn. ~ Power capacity, 15 watts. Trumpet is finished in char· ~~a~~r~~7~.~~~: .~~':.~ ~~~' ...•... : .......•..... 26.50 fjj1 T-HP·3 INDOOR·TYPE. 8" speaker in a charcoal-gray metal ~ baffie. Power capacity, 5 watts. Baffie size, 12x12xS". Shpg. wt., 13 Ibs. 6· 0 58 RX 066 ............................... , ... .I .5 fC1 ORIGINATION SWITCHES. Make T-C-20 or T-HP-3 ~ operationally equivalent to T-C-41 or T.C-42. With incoming call and busy lights. Shpg. wt., 2 Ibs. 58 R 121. Type T·S·IOI. Calls 1 Master ............ 6.95 58 R 124. Type T·S·I02. Calls 2 Masters ....•..•••.. I 1.70 470 • ALLIED Wt. Lb•. -S8 8 8 / EACH ---21.5.0 17.50 26.50 22.50 58 RX 144. Type T·C·4IR Flush Wall·Mount Staff. Same as T-C-41 in operation. 41o/,6X7o/,6H. Shpg. wt., 7Ibs •................•.•. 17.50 58 R 136. Type T·SM·L Surface Mounting Accessory. 2 Ibs ........ 4.60 58 R 125. Type TW·I Wall.Mounting Brackets. For Staffs (except TC41R). 2 needed for each station. 8 oz................ PER PAIR .75 "CHIEF" ALL·TRANSISTOR EXTRA·POWER MASTER STATIONS . Use "Redi-Power" Masters in any "Chief" watt amplifier. Network automatically ad· system where extra power is needed for justs output to pre-selected level-when many stations, or for overcoming high several stations are called, individual volambient noise. Speech from called stations urnes are not affected. Same size, finish and is received at normal volume. Built-in 20AC power rating as Masters sold above. Stock No. 58 RU 072 58 RU 073 No. of Masters Staff Can Call one one two two CABLE FOR "CHIEF" SYSTEMS CONNECTING MASTER TO MASTER: To Connect Master to Master, in an all-Master or a Master(s}-Staff(s) "Chief" system, measure from first to second Master only; from second to third Master only, etc. Then add all the measurements together. For 6-station Masters, use Type 6214 cable; for 12-station Masters, 6226 cable. For 20station Masters, double the total measured length (two ·equal lengths of cable run parallel to each other between Masters) and order 6226 cable. For 30-stations, triple the total and order Type 6226 cable. CONNECTING STAFF TO MASTER. Use a single length of Type 6206 cable to connect T-C-41, T-C-41R, T-C-41M, T-C-42 and T ·C-42M Staffs to their Masters. CONNECTING HIGH:POWER STAFFS. Connect in same way as Staffs above, using 6206 . cable, if origination switch is used; if not used, connect each station to near.. st Master with single length of 6902 cable. TALK·A-PHONE INTERCOM CABLE. For both indoor and oU tdo"or. connections. Type Stock Lb•• PER PaIr. No. 100' No. FT. 6214 5 .14 7 49 W ~16 49 W 15 622& 9 13 .28 3 49 W 622 6206 .085 2!/z 49 W 613 6902 1 2 .02 Write to Us for Assistance in Planning Your Intercom System Deluxe Systems by TALK-A·PHONE , MiXture of Moslers and Subs up to an .-, overall total of 10 .tallon•• Mo.ters . Can .call; Subs can only answer. COMBINATION SYSTEMS MASTERS AND STANDARD SUBS. Master calls can be private or non-private. Masters can call each other or any Sub. selectively. Subs ·can't originate calls. Masters and TLR-2 Slib have steel cases in leather-textured giay vinyl and chrome. T-LR-2M Sub in 'grained enamel. ·Stainless steel front ·panel. Masters, 3Yaxl0l/zx8*"; Desk Subs, i.%xtl/zx8*". Wall-mtg. opening, .4Yax4·~x2"; front-panel, 41~6" sq. Less cable, below. For 110-120 v., 50·60 cycle AC~DC. U.L. Listed. MASTER STATIONS T.Cl·S MASTER. To be used with 5-station systems.' 10 Ibs. 58 RX063 .... , ................ 42.00 T-CL~I 0 MASTER., For use with up to 10·sta· tioi1 systems. 10 lb.. , 58 RX 064~ ..... ; ......... , •••••• 51.00 T;AC;605HldH.POWER MASTER. For paging; noisy locations. For S-stations. Wt .. 10 lbs. 58 RX 148 .................. , .... 51.00 58 RX.149. T-AC-610 High-Power Master. For 10,station systems. Wt. 10Ibs... 59.95 SUBSTAnONS T.LR.2 SUB: Shpg. wt.. 8 Ibs. .' 15 95 58 RX051:.;...... •••.•.. .... .... • ·T~R.2M SUI!. Shpg. wt .. 5 Ibs. 58RX065 ... : .... ·................ 11.95 T·LR·2R BUILT.IN WALL SUB. 4, Ibs. 58 R i37 ......................... 11.95 58:ilx 147. TSM Mtg. Accessory. For above. 41~&X2Ya"; S.hpg. wt., lib............ 4.00 HIGH,POWER SUBS. See accessories. below. INTERCONNECTING CABLE " Use Ty~62iO, 5.pair cable with 5-station Masters; : 6226,' 13·pair cable with 10station Masters.;, 6902, 2-cond. cable to , connect Sub to nearest Master only. 49 W ,6.1 7. Type 6210 .Coble. Shpg. wt., per 100.ft.. (\ Ibs...·....... ~ ..... PER FOOT .14 49 W 615. Type 6226 Coble. Shpg. wt .. per 100 ft., 12 Ibs............... PER FOOT ,28 49 IN 6i3. Type 6902Coble.·Shpg. wt., per 100 ft., 2 Ibs .. ; ............. PER FOOT .02 One Master can communicate with up to a total of Ion Sub •• Sub. can call Mosler .Ialion, but not each other. Mo.1 versalile Moster·Slalion System. Each unit can originate calls and communicate with any other station• MASTER-SELECTIVE SYSTEMS STANDARD·POWER MASTERS AND SUBS. For systems using one Master and up to ten Subs. Master can call and listen to one, several or all Subs simultaneously. Subs can call and converse with Master. but not other Subs. Subs can be private or nonprivate. and originate calls. When private. Sub cannot be monitored. Only Master needs power outlet. 'f-LR-3M Sub is finished in baked enamel; all others styled in leather-textured gray vinyl and chrome. Masters, 3Yaxl0l/zx8*"; Subs, 3Yax7l/zx 8*". T-LR-3R: panel. 7~6X7~6"; opening, 6l/zx4Yax2". Less cable. below. For 110120 v .. 50-60 cycle AC-DC. U.L. Listed. MASTER STATIONS T·LM-5 MASTER. Accommodates up to 5 Sub stations. Shpg. wt., 10 Ibs. 34 95 58 RX058............ ........... • T-lM·IO MASTER, Accommodates up to 10 Sub stations. Shpg. wt •• 10 Ibs. 58 RX 059 ........................ 44.00 T-AC·5406 HIGH·POWER MASTER. 10 times ,greater volume. For up to 5 Subs, 10 Ibs. 58 RX 060 •....•••••....•.•.•••... 44.00 T-AC·5411 HIGH·POWER MASTER. For use with 10, Sub stations. Shpg. wt., 10 Ibs. 58 RX 061 ........................ 52.50 SUB STATIONS T·lR·3 SUB. Shpg. wt., 7 Ibs. 15 95 58 RX052 ..... :................. • T-lR·3M SUB. Shpg. wt .. 101bs, 58 RX 062 •.......•...•.....•.••.. I 1.95 T-lR·3R BUILT-IN WA[L SUB. Shpg. wt .. 4lbs. 58 R 138 ......................... 11.95 58 R 136. ·T·SM·L MIg. Accessory. For above. 7~6x4~6x2l1a"•. Wt., 2 Ibs ............ 4.60 HIGH·POWER SUBS. See accessorj~s, below. INTERCONNEcnNG CABLE Use 3-conductor cable, listed below. Each Sub must be wired to Master. 49 W 604. Type 5303 Unshielded Cable. Wt., per 100 ft., lIb............. PER FOOT .03 47 W 070. Type 6303 Shielded Cable. Wt .. per 100 ft .. 2 Ibs............ PER FOOT .04 , SUPER-SELECTIVE SYSTEMS SELECTIVE MASTER STATIONS. Most versatile type of intercom systems consisting entirely of Master units. Any station can originate a call to any other station or stations and converse with them-several separate conversations can be held simultaneously without interfering with each other. Conference calls are easily arranged. Each unit has a translucent indicator that lights up when the unit is in operation. Additional features: slide-switch for each station in the system; spring·return, pressto·talk lever and volume control. AIl stations may be more than 1000 feet apart and still maintain excellent communications. Impressively finished in bonded leathertextured gray vinyl, trimmed in brushed chrome. Supplied less interconnecting cables. listed below. The power consumed by this type of system costs only a few pennies per day. Case size, 3Yaxl0x8*". For 110-120 v .. 50·60 cycle AC or DC. U.L. Listed: MASTER STATIONS T·LS-5 MASTER. For use in systems with up to 5 Master stations. Wt .. 10 Ibs. 58 RX054 •..................... 34.95 T·LS·IO MASTER. For use in systems with up to 10 Master stations. Shpg. wt .. 10 Ibs. 5B RX 055 .. " .................... 44.00 T·AC·505 HIGH·POWER MASTER. For highnoise areas. Accommodates up to 5 Master stations. Shpg. wt .. 10 lbs. , 5B RX 145 ......................... 44.00 T·AC-510 HIGH-POWER MASTER. For lO-station systems. Shpg. wt .. 10 Ibs. 5B RX 146 ...........,............. 52.50 INTERCONNE~ING CABLE For T -LS-5 or T -AC-505 Masters. use 5506 cable. For T-LS·I0 or T-AC-510. use 911 cable. To determine quantity of cable required, measure from 1st station to 2nd only, 2nd to 3rd only, etc. Add for total. Do not connect last station to 1st. 49 W 605. Type 5506 6',Conduclor Cable. Shpg. wt. per 100 ft., 4Ibs •. PER FOOT .075 49 W 603. Type 9911 II-Conduclor Co ble. Shpg. wt. per 100 ft .. 12 Ibs.,PER FOOT .14 c!~LK-:;::~:~o~N~!I~~~A~;:SsT!~c~C;:I~OR..I~: -:~=T~IO" N" A" L-=a:-:'UI" LT: -:.I: ':N"'C=R-:'A='DL:":EC:P::':H-=07:N-=E.-::T;:"o-o-rd-:-er HIGH.POWER. SUB STATIONS. Subs answer MaSter, as well as originate calls' when:used with T-S-100 switch, at right. TC20 T IT 9" 58 'RXO"'7 ". ., rumpe· ype. reentrant hom. -Shpg. wt., 8 Ibs ........ 26.50. 58 RX'066. T-HP-3 Indo~r-Type. 8" speaker. Shpg,wt •• I3,lbs., ....... , .......... 16.50 switch, allows High-Power Subs to originate calls. 1*xS*x2l/z". Wt., 2lbs. 5BRI20 .......... : ................ 3.50 WALL-MOUNTING BRACKETS. For use with all Subs in above systems. Wt .. l/z lb. . 58 R 125 .................... PER PAIR .75 Allied Guarantees Your ·Satisfaction any Master station with built-in cradle phone, insert the word. "Special" in place of regular Master's stock number. and add "H" to Mfr's Type No. Example: Special. Talk-A-Phone T-LM-5H Master with Cradle Phone. Add $35.00 to price of the Master for Model with Cradle Phone. AUIED. 471 Highly Versatile Intercoms for-Office or Plant J PORTABLE WIRELESS INTERCOM SYSTEMS ® ALL-TRANSISTOR ~ DELUXE SYSTEM TALK·A·PHONE T·LC·33. Just plug each sta· tion into any outlc:-t on the same power company line-transformer, and you establish instant communications. "Vni· Trans" switch permits dictating or listening. Beautifully finished in charcoal gray and brushed chrome-resist effects of liquids and air. Each' unit, 3 'lsxIOYzxS*". For 110-120 volts. 50-60 cycle AC' or DC. Shpg. wI., ~~ I~sx 056•................. _• .79.90 T-LC·17 EXTRA STATION. Add any numbersame as above units. II Ibs. 58 RX 057 ....................... 39.95 @] ECONOMY-PRICED SYSTEM @] 13.88 472 • ALLIED SELECTIVE MASTER com design. Sends an FM signal over your regular AC wiring for full-fidelity 2·way communications. Has 3 separate operating frequenries for up to 3 private. simultaneous conversations in a 6~station system! (Any number of units can be used in a system.) SQ1H~Jch completely silences units wlu.>fl no calls are being made. Push-to-talk switch. on-off /volume control. S tubes. rectifier. Beige enamel finish. I VsxSVsxS14". For 1 ui120 v.. 50·60 cycle AC. 4·lbs. 58 RX 220 ................ EACH 36.95 TWO-STATION WIRED INTERCOM SYSTEMS [!J ECONOMY-PRICED SYSTEM RMS OT·200. Economy 2-station system that. takes only minutes to {nstalI. Simply connect cable. plug Master into any AC outlet, and you're ready to talk. Remote can originate calls to Master. Vnits have talk/ Jistten switches; volume controlled by Master. Walnut cabinets, H1!x8xS 14"- With SO-ft. of cable. For 110-120 v.. 50-60 cycle AC. From Japan. SY2 Ibs. 18.88 58 RX 224 ...................... 58 RX 275. Extra Remote. 1* Ibs ..... 7.20 NEW ALL-TRANSISTOR BATTERY-POWERED SYSTEM BETACOM BI·202. Place it anywhere I No AC power necessary. (System may be converted to AC-see below. right.) Stations are transistorized for low-current consumption. heat-free operation and long battery· life. Pro,·ide instantaneous 2-way cOl1)munication. Remote is powered from Master. and can initiate calJs even when Master is off. Hold-down tab on Master provides "hands-off" operation for both talking and listening. Both units art> in ("ompact. handsomely styled metal cases. Completely @) NEW 8ETACOM 303. An innovation in inter- SELECTED~FOR-VALUE 58 RX 163...................... 52.50 electrical outlet. and you're ready to talk: Provide C'xC"eJJent inter-room communication. No wiring I Beautiful hand-rubbed walnut cases enhance nearly any decor. A single 3-position switch controls talk. Jisten and dictate functions. Adj ustable squelch and volume controls. 4 tubes. rectifier. Each. 4*x8xS14". For 1l0-120 v.. SO-60 cycle AC·DC. From Japan. 8Yz Ibs. 42.50 [] NEW LOW-COST SYSTEM 58 RX·031 ..................... 58 RX 102. Extra Station. Add any number. Shpg. wt .. SY2 Ibs ................... 26.25 NEW RMS WOT·2. Plug stations into any 58 RX 216 ..................... 58 RX 217. Extra Station. Add any number. Shpg. WI., 714 Ibs.................. 21.25 RMS FT·2. An inexpensive 2·station system that you can use in a dozen different ways. Slave units can answer but not originate calls. Vse as a monitoring device, or for calling outer-office or stock room. Master has talk/listen switch and volume control. Only Master must be plugged into outlet. 3 tubes. Supplied with 50-ft. of cable. Each unit. 514xS*x4". For 1l0-120 volts. 50-60 cycle AC. Wt., 5 Ibs. SYSTEM FASCO CI·8202. Two-.tation outfit for economical two-way conversation. Draws less current than an electric dockl Accepts any number of extra stations (below) on same Ii!)e transformer. Has press-to-talk switch with lock control. allowing for extended dictation. l\1ay also be used for monitoring. All-transistor circuitry eliminates warm-up time-provides immediate communication. Each station. 4x6*xS%". For 110-120 v .• 50·60 cvcle AC. l! lbs. portable-may be placed on desk or wallmounted. With 50-ft. cable. Each unit, 6%xSVsxl'i1(. Shpg. wt .. 9lbs. 58 RX 171 •.................... , r 29.95 55 J 650. 9·Volt Battery. One required per system. 2 oz....................... , .48~ BI·I05 POWER PAK. Converts above system to AC operation. V.L. Listed. For 110-120 v. 50-60 cycle. AC. Wt .. Yz lb. 58 R 221 ......................... 7.95 [ffi DELUXE SYSTEM TALK·A-PHONE T·LC·2. Ruggedly constructed 2~station intercom for your office ".or plant. Includes one Master. one Remote. and SO feet of interconnecting cable (up to 2000 feet more can be added). Both Master and Remote ("an originate calIs. Remote can be set for. private or non-private operation. When prjvate~ Master cannot listen in; when non· private. persons at Remote can answer cans at a distance without opera.ting controls. Only Master needs to be connected to AC outlet, . Master has volume control and pilot light. Stl.'ei·cast' attractively finished in charcoal gray vinyl and brushed chrome. Case resists harmful effects of weather and liquids. Remote's steel rase finished in matching haked enamel. Master. 3'1sxIOYzx8*"; Remote. 3'7.x7Yzx8*". For 110-120 v.; SO-60 cycle AC or DC. V.L. Listed. Shpg. wt .. 14Yz Ibs. 58 RX 053 ..................... 36.00 T·LR·3M EXTRA REMOTE. Wt.. 7Yz Ibs. 58 RX 062 •...•..........•..••••. 1 1.95 Allied-Everything in Electronics from One Dependable Source Custom Built-In Intercom Systems by· M70ne MODEL 2031 AM RADIO·INTERCOM SYSTEM NEW MODEL 2055 FM·AM 8·STATION MASTER The 2031 is a complete 5-station music distribution and intercom Moderate in cost. but great in performance. Enjoy I'M and AM radio broadcasts. plus the many advantagcti of a top-Quality Master. Ideal for usc in professional offices. The 2055 Master has selectorswitches for 8 Remotes; taik/Jistcil switch "for door answering. Remote stations are described below. Built-in FM-AM radio feattIres slide-rule tuning; function switch; volume and tone controls; and Automatic Frequency Control for "drift-free" I'M reception. Also has 7xS" speaker; phano input jack; pilot light. 6 tubes. "rectifier. Silver anodized panel finish. Box is 9Yzx15 3,4x2*"-extends 1%." from wall. Fits any wan 2 or more inches thick. For system that "broadcasts" AM radio programs to any room. In addition. all Remotes can cOllverse with one another. and can originate calls. Door Remote even Jets you answer the door from inside. Inside Remote stations have volume controls and privacy switches. Master has phonD input-allows you to play recorded music through the system. Eight slide-switches on Master allow for easy addition of up to four more Remote stations (usc only Model 2027. listed below). System includes: Master; 3 Model 2027 Inside Remotes; Model 2006 Door Remote; 200-ft. 3-conductor cable; antenna wire. Master has 16x8 3,4" Colonial copper-finished front panel-extends IS/e." alit from wall: box is 7Vsx14 3AxPA". Fits any wall 2 or more inches thick. Remotes described below. For 110-120 ;8 5~u6~~~~I~ .~~'. ~:".b.": ....... _... _......... :..... .73.28 ~~O-~~O IV:'3~0. Cy~~~ .~~: .1.~Y2 ~I~~ ...................... . 92.33 58 RX 174. 2056. AS'abovp. hut copper fini"h ............. 92.33 58 RX 175_ 2053. As above. but AM only. silver finish ...... 55.65 58 RX 176.2054. As above. but AM only. copper finish .... 55.65 NUTONE REMOTE STATIONS AND INTERCONNECTING CABLE fJ\l MODEL 2220B HI-FI IN·DOOR REMOTE. 8" ~ speaker. Rotary controls for volume. talk/listen intercom and door answering. Can originate calls. Desert Sand and gold frame; walnut grille. Panel. 12%xI2%"; ~:mReX I ~ltl ~:': .~I~~~ .. ~\'~~' .~ ~ ~~s: ..13.17 58 RX 042. Model 2411A Rough-In Box. For 2020B. 4 Ibs ........................ 1.51 fjj1 MODEL 2027 INDOOR REMOTE. 5" speak- ~ er. Originates calls; ·can be set up for private operation. 6Ysx8o/s". 5 Ibs. 5 6· 7 58 RX 172 ..... _................. • fCJ MODEL 2006 DOOR REMOTE. Answer the ~ door without leaving your desk. Can be answered from any room with a remote. Has 3" speaker; talk/listen switch. Weatherproof. Gold anodized. non-tarnish finish. Panel. 5 7/sx4Ys"; box. 5%x4Ysxl%". Shpg. ~~"i~DI~~: .................... _.5.00 3-COND. CABLE. For I'M-AM. AM inr·te corns. Measure from Station I to 2. 2 to 3. etc. 58 RX 039. 200' Roll. 6 Ibs ........... 4.48 58 RX 040. 1000' Roll. 17 Ibs ....... I &.33 NEW! ALL-TRANSISTOR FM-AM RADIO-INTERCOM MUSIC SYSTEM IEJ MODEL 2572 HI-FI INDOOR REMOTE. 8" speaker. fj)l MODEL 2561 MASTER STATION. Deluxe. all-transistor I'M-AM ~ radio-intercom station. Transistors reduce operation and maintenance costs. Virtually frec of heat and hum. Master offers indcpendcnt room-to-room intercom and" dooran,wering from any station. PLUS I'M-AM radio. I'M has AFC-"Iocks-in" signal for "drift-free" reception. Radio is automatically silenced whcn intercom is used. Turn off music at any Remote and still send and receive calls. Remotes can be answered without walking to speaker. Use of 8-conductor cable allows you to install up to 16 Remote stations (listed at right). Low-voltage design makes simple "frame" installation possible-no protective "A" box required. Master has II transistors. 6 diodes and a full-wave rectifier. Bi!! 6x9" wide-range speaker. Comes complete with I'M and AM antennas and all necessary hardware. Sealed-in metallic finishcan't corrode. Silver panel. 16Yzx8Yz"; wall frame. 14%x7%". For 110-120 v .• 60 cycle AC. 19 Ibs. 58·RX 1!'0 ....................... _ .............. 129.67 58 RX 181. Model 2562. As above. but copper finish ... 129.&7 Features ~ "Break-Away" control panel that may be removed from main unit for more convenient placement. Has volume and function controls. and talk/listen levers for inside and door Remotes. Desert sand panel. 12x12" Shpg. wt.. 8Yz Ibs. 58 RX 184 ... __ ................................... 18.01 MODEL 2570 INDOOR REMOTE_ 5" speaker. Volume and func~ lion controls. and talk/listen levers for inside and door Remotes. Desert sand panel. 6 Yzx9 'Is". \Vl.. 5 Y4 Ibs. 58 R X I 82 ........................................ I I. I 8 fG1 MODEL 2571 WEATHERPROOFED DOOR .REMOTE. Needs no ~ switch. inside Remotes control calls. Mount in waH or ceiling. Black and gold panel. 6Y4x4%". Wt.. 1% Ibs. 58 RX 183 ......................................... 8.51 fF1 a-CONDo CABLE. For transistorized system. Measure from Mas~ ter to Remote. then from Remote to Remote. 58 R X 083. 50' Roll. Wt .. SIbs...... : .......... __ •..... 3.97 58 RX 185. 250' Roll. Wt" 12 Ibs ...... __ .............. 11.67 Use the Services of the Allied Facility Nearest You-See Back Cover ,AlLIED • 473 DEPEND ON ALLIED FOR THE FINEST IN SOUND EQUIPMENT Ii :.ELECT YOUR SYSTEM , Mail a list of components needed to your nearest '~m . ., - -. V Alliedoffice.We'Uapprai,e it and quote a ~pecial dis .. count system price. £ ;~ /. FREE CONSULTATION Want us to plan your sys.. tern? Just tell us approximate crowd size, and include area sketch with di ... mensions. " " " " ." KNIGHT® FIRST CHOICE FOR PERFORMANCE, VALUE • • • • Your Best Buy-More Watts per Dollar Advanced Features-Newest Styling LargerTransformers Give Cleaner Sound Allied Guarantees Your Satisfaction 50 Watts (100 Peak) Power-Maximum ·Fid.elity 4 Locking, Broadcast-Type Micraphone Inputs Calibrated Meter for Sound~Level In'dicaiion Master Gain, Separate Bass, Treble Controls Output Jack for Direct Tape Recording Us~.'. KNIGHT® Sound Components KN-3210 Specifications POWER D,~OIl "ower: 10 walls (20 walts peak). Response: ±2 db, 40.20,000' cps. Inputs: 1 Microphone; !2 Auxiliary (for high-level Phono, Tuner or Tape Recorder). Conirols: Microphone; Auxiliary fader; Moster' tone control; COMPACt PORTABLE SYSTEM COMPLETE INDOOR SYSTEM ·1· ·~· · low On-Off power switch. Outputs: 4, 8, and 16·ohms; 25 and 70.7 volls. Tube Complement: 12AX7 A; 6l6GC; 6CA4 Rectifier. . :. KN-3220 Specifications l'ower: 20 walts (40 walt, peak). Response: ±2 db, 30·20,000 ·cps. Inputs: 1 Microphone; 2 Auxiliary {for high-level Phono,.· Tuner or Tape Recorder}. Controls: Microphone; Auxiliary Fader; Master Tone control; On·Off power switch. Outpul" 4, 8, and 16·ohms; 2S and 70,7 volts. Tube .Complement: 12AX7A; 6AV6;Two 7189's; and 6CA4 Rectifier. . ~74_~.AUlEQ. as low as ·· 1 . !. Everything in Public Address from One Dependable.Source KN-30S0 "PROFESSIONAL" 50-WATT HIGH-FIDELITY P.A •. AMPLIFIER Pr15fessioiiat-:'QlJality'ampIificr of outstanding vcrsadlity. suitf'c1 to the most demanding applkatinn:o:.-for 1I~l' where maximum audio respon~e is r.cquir<."d. En~dne('ITd ior ('xn'ptional cOllVl'nil'IlCt, and highest -qua1ity~· thi:-:. truly ddllx(' ullit ddj\'('r~ a full SO watt~ of audio po\\'cr- wilh gl'lluitll'ly iTl1pn·~.:.;j\,(, high-fiddity H'prnduction. Special trurilpet-protcctor pl'rmit~ att('llllating rl':-lpOIIs(' :-:.liarply below 150 cps. Allows operating at high power lcvels without dang~r of driver burnout-l'\,C'1l ov('r prolonged DPrio ~~elector plug; master tone COIl· trol that operates on both mike and auxiliary inputs. Handsomely finished in black and aluminum. Size: 5" high. t2Y4" wide. 101;4" deep. Guaranteed for one full year. For operation from t 10-120 volts. 50·60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .. 2S Ibs. 95 ou 112·0 ......••..........•.....•..•.• ., .......•. 41.50 KNIGHT KN·3201 PHONO TOP. For lise with KN-3220 amplifier. Completely asscmbledjust attach to ;;tmplifier ,vith a screwdriver. Plays 4 speeds: 16%. 33Y" 45 and 78 rpm. ~:;r1'"~~el ~~~~'.~~~: ~I~~: .• ~\'.t:.. : !~~'.. 17.95 _= =---~ 5!-" = - = . 11\11\10 ! Adopter; Atlas Floor Stand; two 50' Speaker Cables. Mike has On· Off switch. 10' cord. Shpg. wt.. 07 I b s . · . 21 PA222 ........................................... 83.55 21 PA 223_ As above. plus Phono Top (left). Wt.. 71 Ibs ... 100.45 DELUXE PORTABLE SYSTEM-SAVE $18.09. Hi·Fi reproduction. Includes: KN-3220 Amplifier; Amplifier Carrying Case; two 8" Coaxial Speakers installed in a 2·section Carrying Casei Electro-Voice 664 Variable "0" Mike; Alias MS·' OC Floor Stand; Atlas DS·7 Desk Stand; two 50' Speaker Cables. Cardioid-pattern 66-1 dynamic mike has On- . ~~ ~~i~~~.l.~/. ~{:I~~ ~~ .I~~: .... _..................... 119.50 21 PA 225_ As above. pIllS Phana Top (Ieff). Wt .. 74 Ibs... 136.95 TOP-BUY INDOOR SYSTEM-SAVE $7.38 Includes: KN·3220 Amplifier; two Deluxe Argos Wall Baffle:. with Utah 8" Speakers; Electro-Voice 727SR Desk Mike with. Floor Stand Adopter, On· Off Switch; Atlas MS·l0C Floor Stand; two of 100-9000 cp$.. Chrome and green. Ha!:> 7', two-conductor shielded cable. Electro·Voice 844 speakers have capacity of· ·30 watts; responsC'. 250-13,000 cps; ~)Qund dispersion. 90°_ Impedance. 8 ohms. Size. 1)7/sx8~.". KN·323SB delivers 35 watts power. Fea· tures 2 microphone controls; 1 auxiliary fader; separate treble and hass controls; master gain controL Shpg_ wt .•. 61 lbs. 21 PA2IS •...................•.........•.....•....•. 119.95 SYSTEM ABOVE PLUS PHONO· TOP. Installs with iust a screwdriver. See description under (Al on facing page. 67 Ib£. . 21 PA216_ ..........••.••..••.••.••••.•..•·•.•••••• . .13770 SYSTEM ABOVE PLUS PHONO TOP. Complete description of phollo top is gi\·cn (A) on facing page. Shpg. wt.. 63 Ibs. 21 PA 211. SI>crijy fillish ............................ 109.25 ALTERNATE SYSTEM. Save $16.17 on system price. Same as 21 I'A 210. but w,th 4 Argos 20SSLT's instead of two 208S1.·8. 8" Jensen speakers. have level controls. 70.7 v.. transformers. 67 Ibs_ 21 PA 213. Spmjy finis]/. ....................... . ~, .. \19.95 ALTERNATE SYSTEM ABOVE PLUS PHONO TOP. Top is fully described under (A) on fa~ing page. Wt .. 731bs. 21 PA 214. Spec~ry finish. _..•.••.......•••••••••••••. 137.70 Allied Gives You Highest Quality, Best Service, lowest Prices ALLIED • 477 KNIGtIC-D 7S-Watt Industrial SolindSystems DESIGNED TO MEET EVERY HIGH POWER APPLICATION PUBLIC ADDRESS 7S-WATT INDOOR 'SOUND SYSTEM Complete $15495 fULL 75 WATTS OF AUDIO POWER COVERS UP TO 200,000 SQUARE FEET 8295 • $, MODEL KN-3275B P.A. AMPLIFIER Now Hos Master Gain Control • ~pecial Anti-Feedback Circuitry • 25-Volt Output-No Conduit, Needed Newly designed,to give you the most for your P_A. dollar. the new KN-3275B is the perfect amplifier for sound systems in stadiums. factories, auditoriums-any application where maximu~ coverage is essential. Provides a full 75-watt output with up to 150 watts output on peaks. Has separate bass and treble controls. new master gain control. plus separate mixer controls and inputs for two mikes. mixer control for two auxiliary inputs that take a pho~o. tuner or recorder. "Anti-feedback" circuit minimizes acoustical feedback and guards against trumpet burnout. "Quick-change" octal selector plug lets you instantly choose proper output impedance. Inverse feedback gives superior audio quality. With noise-free Amphenol 75MCIF mike connector. Choice,of 8 or 16-ohm and 70.7-volt outputs. plus 25-voIt output that permits installation of a constantvoltage sound system without conduit for speaker wires. Case is handsomely styled in bhick and aluminum. Size. 5xI5~xI0~". For 110-120 v.• 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 39 Ibs. 95 DU 114·0 ..................... , .... ~ ............. 82.95 c-----KN·3275B SPECIFICATlONS------. Power Oulput: 75 wafts (150 wafts peak). frequency Response: ±2 db, 30-20,000 cps. Inputs: 2-Mic; 2-Aux (Phono, Tuner or Tape). Controls: 2-Mic; Aux Fader; Master Gain; Bass; Treble; Anti· , Feedback; On· Off. Gain: Microphone, 139 db; Aux., 97 db. Hum and Noise: 70 db below rated oulpul. Input Voltage for Raled Output: Mic, .0028 volts; Aux., .20 voIts. Oulpul.: 8, 16 ohms; 25 and 70.7 volls. Tubes: 2-12AX7A: 6AY6; 2-6CA7; 5AS4A; 5Y3Gi. rawer Consumption: t 80 walls a/ 120 v. AC. Jensen 4," Deep Speaker/ Baffles ~ 3 Electro·Yoice 848 COP Projectors INDOOR SYSTEM-SAVE $15.59 Specially selected system gives highest quality voice and music reproduction i~ large noisy auditoriums. restaurants. offices. etc. System includes: Knight KN·3275B 75-Watl Ampli. fieri 5. Argos "Thin-line" Wall Baffles with Jensen 8" Speakers, 70.7-Y. Line Transformers and t·Pad Controls installed; Astalic 200·5 Microphone with Desk Stand and 8-ft. Cord. Less speaker cable. Amplifier is described at left. Baffles extend only 4~' from waIl. Microphone has on·off switch. sensitive crystal element. gold and chrome finish. Baffles come in blonde or walnut finish-specify. Shpg. wt .• 67 lb•• 21 PA22B.SpecifyFinish ................... .l54.95 '21 PA 229. As above. but with KN.J201 4-Speed Phono· Top. 73 Ibs. SPecify Fi"isl.~ .. . ................. 172.60 dUTDOOR SYSTEM-SAVE $41.62 OPTlONAl"PHONO TOP FOR KN·3275B MODEL KN·3201. Manual phono top'plays up to 12" records at 16%. 33Yl. 4S and 78 rpm.. Arm luis flip-ove" cartridge with sapphire needles. Powered by amplifier; includes cables and plugs. Completely assembled., Attaches with a screwdriver. Shpg. wt •• 5 Vz Ibs. 95 OX II~-.D .................. '7.95 478 ... AUIEP 5 Argos/. Provides maximum intelligibility over an extremely wide a'rea. Covers up to 50.000 persons. System includes: Knight KN-3275B 75-Walt Amplifier; AsIatic 200·5 Mike with Desk Stand; Tlire,e eleCtro·Yoice Mo~el 848 COP. Projectors. Less speaker cable. Weatherproof projectors may be mounted hor· Izontally or vertically. for augmented sound dispersion. Feature' virtually 'indestructible spun fiberglas ·coristruct'ion. mesa tan finish: Shpg. wt .. 81 Ibs. 2.1 PA, 230...... , ...... , .,: .......... , •.....•. 199..~O 2 I PA 23 I. As above. but with KN·3,2,01 4·Speed Phono· Top. 90 ibs.... :.~ .......... ,'_ ...... I. ........ _ •• ~t6.95 .A1lied Guor'ontees Your Satisfacliorr ,. All-Transistor Mobile Sound Syst~rri ~ FULL 30 WATTS OF AUDIO POWER WHEREVER YOU GO MOBILE/PORT ABLE SOUND SYSTEM ANTI FEEDBACK POWER 0" e'·. MICROPHONE Of.f~ON 3 I!iUi!IV" , , O··. PHONa 3 , , Two 8~ Speakers, Case E·V Mike Arias Floor Sland Great for Boot Hailing, Ideal for Sound Truck$, Ship-Board Entertainmenl CD, Fire, Police Cars MODEL KN-3230M MOBILE AMPLIFIER • For Aulos, Sound Trucks, Boats • Works from 12-Volt Battery • Just 'A·Amp Idling Current i\ triumph of skillful engineering. this ultra-modcrn all· transistor powerhouse provides a full 30 watts of audio power anywhere you go. Operates from any source of 12 volts DC, negative or positive ground-power cord plugs into your auto's cig,arcttc lighter receptacle. It's ideal for sound trucks. civil defense units. fire and police vchicles, as well as marine patrol activities and ship-board entertainmcnt. EfHcient 6-transistor circuit has extremely low battery drain-idling currcnt is only V. amp. At full output powcr. it uses only 4.5 amps. Lightweight. sets up in moments-perfect for .use in parks, picnic areas, advertising campaigns, etc. \Vhat's more, it's always ready for iinmediate usc-no warm-up time required. I-las inputs and mixer controls for microphone and phonograph, master tone COlltrol. "Anti-feedback" circuitry stops annoying feedback ,vltHe protecting your speakers-prevents trumpet burnout. "Quick7"changc" selector plug lets you choose the correct impedance output instantly. Uses low-noise Amphcnol 7511CIF microphone COIlnector. Has speaker jacks on rear panel. Handsomely styled. functional black cabinet has aluminum finish panel. 31/zxlOV.x6". II Ibs. 95 ox 117-0 ....................................... 69.95 A.mp C.ase MOBILE/PORTABLE SYSTEM-SAVE $14.93 The ideal systcm for outdoor usc' at picnics. sports evcnts, ctc. Needs no AC outlet-just plug amplifier into your auto· mobile's cigarette lighter-speakers can be set up as far or as near as dcsired. Systcm includcs: Knight KN-3230M All· Transistor 30-Wott Mobile Amplifl~r and Carrying Casc; 2-81/ Coa>< Speakers (each with 50·ft. ~able) and Carrying Case thot separates into two Speaker Baffles; Electro ..Voice Model 951 Crystal Microphone with l8·ft. cable, Atlas Floor Stand. Microphone uses variable "D" prit,lciple to achieve cardioid directivity and uniform response; has oIl,:off switch. Atlas floor stand adjusts from 35 to 64". Car-rying cases have attrac .. tively styled plastic bi'own tweed covering with grccn grilles. Speakcr case, 20x!6xI3V.". 60 Ibs. 21 PA232 .................................... 129.95 21 PA 233. Same as abovc systcm. but with Knight 4·Specd Phona Top. Shpg. wt .• 66 lbs ................ , .... 1&1.95 HIGH-QUALITY MOBILE SOUND SYSTEMS Alternate as low as EN 844 E·V 848 Proiectors Microphone .-----KN-3230M SPECIFICATIONS ----.-----, MOBILE SYSTEMS-SAVE UP TO $31.42 Raled Oulpul Power: 30 wotts frequency Response: ±3 db, 100 to 10,000 cycles per second. Hum and Noi5e: 67 db below rated output. Inpuls: 1-low-lmpedance Microphone, 1-Phona. Gct top·notch performance and reliablc sound coverage with this grcat system. It's pcrfect for political campaigning. out· door rallies. advertising: and any outdoor activity. Operates from 12 v. DC in cars. trucks or boats. System includes: Knight KN·3230M AII·Transistor 30·Watt Mobile Amplifier; Shure 4046 Controlled Magnetic Microphono dnd Cable; Electro·Voice 844 Paging Speaker; Less speaker cable. ShUTe's microphonc is ideally suited for outdoor P.A. work-combincs rugged construction with excellent speech intelligibility. Has push. to·talk switch. E·V·s 8H speaker will handle 30 watts of ma· terial ,,,,ith good rcsponsei aluminum horn. 211bs. . 21 PA234.Save$11.31. ....................... 99.50 Controls: Microphone, Phone Volume, Meslcr Tone, Off·On and "Anti-Feedback" Trumpet Protector Switch. Oulpul Impedances: 4, 8 an'd 16 ohms. Curren. Drain: 4.5 amps at full oulput power; Y4 amp idling. OPTIONAL 12-VOlT PHONO TOP FOR KN-3230M I\Ianual phullograph top takes records up to 12"; plays at 33 Y3. 45 and 78-rpm speeds. Lightweight pickup arm has a ceramic fiipover cartridge with dual sapphire needles. Powered by amplifier; includes cables and plugs. Easy to install. 6lbs. 95 ox 1'18-0: ....:.......•...•.. 32.40 Kni(;lht Components .A'lways Give Oplional System. Save 516.32. I\bovc, but with 2 E-V 844 Paging Spcakers. 29 Ibs. 21 PA235 ............................. ~ ...... 115.95 Alternate System. Save· $31.42. Abovc. but with 2 E·V"848 Fiberglas Projectors. 43 lbs. 21 PA23& .................................... 154.95 VOl) the Most For Your Money ALLIED .. 479 B'OGEN P. A. Amplifiers and Mixer-Preamps FOR ALL P.A. APPLICATIONS MXM Mlxet·P,eompJiIl., MTX.30 Deluxe 30·Watt AII·Tra~sislor Amplifler . ~.A. AMPLIFIERS MODEL CHB35 35.WATT AMPLIFIER. An excellent value for medium·power Pub· lic Address work. Has 2 mike inputs With individual controls; 2 phono inputs With fader; separate bass and treble controls; master volume control. Mag. netic·type phono cartridge can be used. Response, =2 db, 20-20,000 cps. Gain: Mic, 125 db; Phono; 100 db, Magnetic, 115 db. Hum and Noise: -80 db. Outputs: 4.,S, 16 ohms; 25 and 70-volt lines. Has 5 tubes, plus rectifier. Complete with gray' case. Size, 6*x15*xl0". V.L. Listed. For 105·125 v.. 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt;, 21 Ibs. 71 95 57 SX 346.................. • MODEL .CHB20. As above, but 20-watts; has 1 mike input, Wt .• 19 Ibs. 57 .SX 358 .................... 53.95 MODEL CHB50. Similar to CHB35, but SO·watt output. Wtoo 24 Ibs. 57 SX 347 .................... 82.45 MODEL CHBI00. Similar to Model CHB35, but has higher output of 100 watts for large-area coverage. 29 lbs. 57 SX 348 ................... 112.45 MODEL MU50M 50·WATT· UNIVERSAL AC/DC MOBILE AMPLIFIER. Versatility With a minimum of auxiliary equipment -built·In inverter lets you run amplifier from 12-voltbattery or regular AC line; Features! all-transistor circuit (12 plus silicon' rectifier); mixing/fading of' 2 mikes and 2 auxiliary signals; chassismounted switches permit use of tape head, magnetic phono cartridge, high or low-impedance mikes. Response: =2 db, 30.15,000 cps. Gain: Mic, 125 db. Auxoo 95 db. Hum and Noise: -80 db. Oulputs: 4; 8, 16 ohms; 25 and 70-v. line. With -x:ase, 4·ft. power leads with battery clips, AC line cord. Less batteryj' 6*x lS*xl0". For 117 v .. 60 cycle AC 12-voo DC. WtooI8.Jbs. 14250 57 SX 359........ ......... • 57 SX 360. LPD·3 3·Speed Manual Phono. Attaches to. top ·of ·MU50M. Supplied complete with ·turnover cartridge. rubber turntable mat, .45-rpm adapter. 4*xI3x9~"•. Wtoo 11 Ibs ........ 29.40 Portable unils in· corporaling all of Ihe lalest reo flnements for top. versatility MXM MIXER-PREAMPLIFIER MTX-30 3D-WATT P.A. AMPLIFIER For use in critical P.A. or recording applications. Has five independently controlled microphone inputs-one converts for use as a magnetic phono or tuner in . . put. Accurate, easy-to-read meter permits continuous monitoring of combined output. Built-in sockets accept plug-in low. impedance transformers. ' Has high-impedance output (convertible to . low-impedance with T -165B, listed below) for connection to supplementary booster amplifiers. Features: individual speech filters for each channel; variable level markers; distortion-free tone controls. Outpuli + 18 dbm at less than 1% distortion. Controls: 5-Gain; 4-Speech Filter; Mike-Tuner-Phono; Bass; Treble; Master Gain. 8-tubes. plus rectifier. Res'ponse: = 2 db. 20-20,000 cps. Hum: -60 db. 5%x16l4x13". For 110-120 v.. 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wtoo 28 Ibs. 147 75 57 SU 310................... • . 57 S 336. T·155 Transformer. 200-ohm plug-in mike transformer. 1 lb •..... 9;40 57 S 333. T.165B.Oulpul Transformer. Converts output of MXM to 600-ohm broad· cast standard. Shpg. wt., lib...... 12.00 MODEL MT-30 BOOSTER AMPLIFIER. Gives 30 watts at less than 1 % distortion. = 1 db. 10-25.000 cps. All-transistor circuit. Hi-Z input (requires 1 v.. min.). 5x8x13". For 105-125 v., 50-60 cycle AC. '22 Ibs. 57 SX 361 .................... 103.90 MODEL MO·I00 BOOSTER. Similar to above, but 100-watts. Requires 2 v. input. 7-tube circuit. Shpg. wtoo 38 Ibs. 57 SU 316 ..................... 129.45 A remarkably versatile unit that offers a full 30-watts output at less than 1% distortion-plus a total of 13 input connections. six of which may be mixed and faded simultaneously. Its full array of controls gives you complete mastery of almost every input source. Advanced, all-transistor design permits continuous operation at full.output, even at a temperatllre as high as 65°C (149°F). Modern circuit uses 32 transistors, and 2 silicon diodes. Provides low power-consumption anc! reduced heat. . Inpuls: 6-Microphone (4 convertible to low.impedance with transformers); 2Magnetic Phono or Tape Playback Head; 2-Auxiliary (high-impedance for highlevel signals....,tuner, etc.); 1-600-ohm Balanced Line; 2 bridging. Each of the 6 input channels has an individual speech filter switch; and can be used with optional. accessory controls. Other controls include: Master Volume, Bass, Treble, and a calibrated, Low-Frequency Filter. Response: = 1 db, 10-25.000 cps. Gain: Microphone 125 db; Magnetic, 120 db; Auxiliary. 95 db. Hum and Noise -70 db. Oulpuls: 4. 8, 16 ohms; 25-v. balanced; 70-v. balanced; tape recorder and boosteramplifier jacks. Includes thumbscrew' fastened, slide-back case for easy access to chassis. Case has leather carrying han· dies for portable use. Size, 4*x16~x12·. For operation from 105-125 v;, 50-60 cycleAC. Shpg. wtoo 27lbs. 22460 57 SX 363......... ......... • 57 S 371. T·200 Transformer. 200-ohm mike transformer for above. lib ... 14.10 MOBILE P.A. AMPLlFIE~S MODEL BT35 35·WATT AMPLIFIER. Compact, fully-transistorized unit ·ideal for use in cars and boats. etc. for a wide variety of mobile P.A. applications. Delivers 35-watt continuous output at less than 10% distortion within temperature range of -20 to +65° C. Has low-impedance microphone input. two high-level auxiliary inputs for tuner, tape, phono, or accessory siren or foghorn signals. Features: splash-proof design; polarity protection to prevent improper connec-' tion to battery; 5 transistor., plus silicon diode-no vibrator hash. Response: =3 db. 150-15.000 cps. Gain: Mic, 110 db; Aux .. 90 db. Hum and Noise: -90 db. Oul. puts: 4. 8, 16 ohms. With case. 3x8x6l4". For 12 v.. DC. Shpg. wt., 111bs'79 4S 57 SX 364................... • MODEL BT20. Similar to above, but 20 watt unit for moderate-power applications. Has 2. inputs-low-impedance microphone and auxiliary. Response: =3 db, from 250 to 12.000 cps. Complete with case. Size, 6 ~x4·Y2x4". Shpg. wt .• 8 lbs. :;9 SX 365 ...................... 59.95 LOW-COST MIXER-PREAMPLIFIER MODEL MX6-A. Both mixes and preampli. fies any combination of 4 of its 6 inputs. which include 4 high-impedance mike inputs, and 2 high-level inputs. Invaluable for multi-mix applkations in Public Ad· dress and tape recording work. Lets you combine signal from radio, phono. or re . . corder with voice. Features a numerically marked gain control for each input channel to permit precise adjustment of sig. nals being mixed. Has power on-off indio cator light; cathode-follower output for I,,-ng-Iine connection to amplifier. Gain: 59 db for mike; 30 db for phono. Complete with case. S~x8x4*H. For 110-120 v.. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wtoo 6 lbs. 57 SX 337 ................... 40.. 50 ,J.etter U or Z in StOck Number Indicates Truck or Expr.ess Ship.ment Multi-Purpose Portable Power Megaphones Ideal for Lifeguards, outdoor construction work, high-noise areas, etc. Perfect for use at sports events-both indoor and outdoors-track and field, gyms, etc. Widely used by Police and Fire Departments UNIVERSITY HI·POWER "POWRPAGE" Iji1 MODEL PP-I. Powerful portable P.A. .l!1J system delivering 25 watts for intelligible voice throw. For distance of up to 1000 yards. Offers high reliability under all conditions. Gives you 3-in-1 versatility-use it as a portable megaphone. long-range listener. or connect output from record player, tuner or tape recorder to input jack on "PowrPage" for a portable music center. Talk/Listen switch is used for directional listening- receive" sounds from far beyond normal hearing range. Talk at normal voice level. and you can be heard up to I mile away. When press-to-talk button is depressed. music is automatically reduced by 6 db for speech "talk-over." In straight speech communication. "Powrsaver" mikeswitcb gives instantaneous operation. lengthens battery life. CD-approved for fund matching. With mike. carrying strap. Less batteries .. Horn dia .. 9". 161bs. 61 4( 5 57SX302 ...... , ...............• Iji1 MODEL PP-IT. Fully-transistorized verl!1J sion of above. Shpg. wt.; 11 Ibs. 57 SX 301 ...................... 166.55 55 J 853. Battery. Uses 4. 2 Ibs_ ... ,EA•• 79 40 UNIVERSITY PORTABLE MEGAPHONE FANON DELUXE MEGAPHONE rij1 MODEL PP-2. Medium-power "Powr- i(i1 MODEL My-e. Professional. all-transistor "on-the-move" applications. Has coverage range of 440 yards. Easy to handle-weigrs only 5 Ibs_ Conveniently located jack permits use with external 6 or 12-volt DC source. Controlled-reluctance magnetic microphone section has press-to-talk switch for instantaneous use. Horn diameter, 8". Less coverage up to 600 yards. Offers excellent speech intelligibility. Constructed of weather-resistant. lightweight aluminum with baked-enamel finish. Features rugged. waterproof dynamic microphone section with quick-acting; pistol-grip trigger switch; variable volume control; 5-transistor circuit. Average continuous battery life. 10 hOllrs. With strap; less batteries (uses 8). ~ Page." excellent for general purpose. ~~t~e~e~~~~~~ 6~., ~~I.~~ .. :':':': ~ .. ~~: .48.51 55 J 870. Batteries. 4 oz, .. Pkg. of 2 for .20 HOLMIN VOICE GUN A-12. Heavy-duty. hand-held @] MODEL P_A. unit. Has husky 3-transistor amplifier to punch out voices to cover a range of 500 yards or more. Withstands all weather conditions. Transistors. plus press-to-talk switch give instant operation and long battery life-up to I year under normal usage. Supplied with convenient leather carrying strap. Less batteries (uses 8). below. Horn diameter. 714"_ Shpg. wt .. 9 Ibs. 57 SX 319 ..................... 89..96 55 J 870. Batteries• .4 oz ... Pkg. of 2 for .20 ~ unit. Power output of 8 watts provides ~~o~';( ~~fn.di~.: .~": .V:.t: •. ~"~~: ... 66:15 55 J 865. Balleries. 6 oz ... Pkg. of 2 for .26 FANON ECONOMY MEGAPHONE MODEL MY-1. Low-priced unit for proI.!:J jecting voice up to 300 yards. Two switches instantly select high or low volume level for most efficient battery use. Made of durable aluminum with enamel finish. Average continuolls battery life. 10 hours. Has strap. Less batteries (uses 4). below. Horn diameter, 6Y2". Wt. 7lbs. 57 5X 320 ............... , .... , .26.41 55 J 86B. Batteries. lIb .... Pkg. of 4 for .64 r'fl Portable Transcription Players by ISHOGEN VP20 ALL·PURPOSE PLAYER Meets the requirements for excellent music reproduction. ease of operation and durable service. Widely used in educational and commercial applications. Includes a B50 hi-fi player and 20-watt P.A. system in a single. compact carrying case. "Break-apart" design-one side of case houses amplifier /player: other has 12" speaker and 25-ft. of cable. Turntable speed variable from 29 to 86-rpm with click-stops at 16. 33Jt3. 45. and 78-rpm. With rubber turntable mat. 45-rpm adapter. 16Y2xI5¥.,xI214". For 117 v .. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .. 461bs. 140 90 57 SU 344......... ....... ..... • VP40A DELUXE PLAYER Similar to Model VP20. above. but has a . more powerful 40-watt amplifier that includes a built-in Speech Filter. 'Filter attenuates low-end frequencies of signal from Mic I input to ensure best-possible intelligibility even under difficult acoustic conditions. B5 I player .and am plifier are housed in case. 1814xI6Y2x8Y2". Less speakers. see 00 below. Shpg. wt .• 40 lb.. 57 SX 370 .................... 15 . 5 57 SX 366. Model SCC-12 Speakers and Case_ For use with above players. Includes two 12" heavy-duty speakers; with 25-ft. cables in "Break-a-part" portable case. Forms two seDarate speaker units. Matching gray and black vinyl fabric covered case. 16x15¥.,xll W'. Shpg. wt .. 25 Ibs .... 54.90 VP10 RECORD PLAYER Budget-priced 10-watt portable phonograph ideal for classroom use. (Not iIIus.) Plays all 4-speeds; with speeds adjustable :1:5%. Amplifier has high-iptpedance mike input; bass. treble and level controls_ With 12" speaker and 25-ft. cable in cover-case. Black and gray water-and-stain-resistant vinyl finish. 15Y2x14xl1 Y2". For 117 v .• 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .. 29 Ibs. 6 57 SU 345................. • 9 .90 Case-Top Speaker Unit PORTABLE VP SERIES VP20 $140 90 complete with speaker Designed for Professional, Automatic and Precise Cuing I'EA TURES OF THE VP20 AND VP40A SERieS PLAYERS HI-FI PLAYER. Less than 0.5% flutter and INPUTS. Phono (internol connection), Tuner WOW; has 4 .. pole shielded motor; plug-in (or Tape Recorder), 2-High-lmpedance head· with G.E. magnetic cartridge; tone arm pressure adiust; tokes up to 16" discs. CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE SPEED. 29 to 86 rpm .. AUTOMATIC CUING. Lever for raising or lowering arm. at any point on record. RESPONSE. :I: 1 Y2 db. 50 to 15,000 cps. You Can Depend on Allied for All Yovr Public Addren Needs. Microphones. OUTPUTS. Monitor, Tape, and Speakers. CONTROLS_ Master Power, Bass. Treble. Scratch Filter, Volume Input 2, Volume Mic Input. Input 2 Selector {high-level [phonol or Mic 21, Speech Filter (YP40A only)_ CASE FINISH. Gray and black vinyl. SPECIAL OFFER! Order Ihe KN· 4510 with desk stand, and get both units for $9.50. A regu· lor $10.50 value-you save $1.00. High· Fronl.lo.Back Ralio Sharply lowe .. Scre",.Type. Conneclor and Phone Plug Adapler Come Already Allached Audience-Noise Pickup Versatile KNIGHT Microphones HIGH·IMPEDANCEDYNAMIC MIKE KNIGHT ECONOMY-PRICED CERAMIC MICROPHONE MODEL KN·451 O. Carefully designed to give you a budget·priced mike. well-suited for a variety of uses. A tremendous value at such a low price I Compact and light· weight. it can be held in hand or placed on a stand (optional. below). Its omni·directional coverage pattern makes it ideal for home tape-recording. group functions. panel discussions, lee· tures. public address. paging. etc. Provides -56 db. high-impedance output. with a 50·11.000 cps response for natural voice reproduction. Extremes in tempera. ture and humidity do not affect the cera· mic pick-up element. Microphone is at· tractively styled in brushed chrome with a gold-finished wire grille. Size. 5~x1!J16". With 7' shielded cable and phone plug. Shpg. wt .• 2 lbs. 95 95S135·D .................... . 95 5 136· D..Swivel.Maunl Sland. For above. Chrome·finished. Padded felt removable base. %n.27 thread. 2 lbs ....•••••.. 2.55 SPECIAL OFFER. KN·4510 with Stand. Shpg. wt.. 4 lbs. Save $1.00. 95 5 137· D............. BOTH FOR 9.50 7 i",.' of All $2 395 . PlugsTapeInlO.90% ltecorders . . with stand • 60.12,000 Cps Response • Resisls Heal, Humidily MODEL KN·4500. An unexcelled micro· phone value. Includes matching desk i stand with base. 10' cord plus a screw· type connector and phone plug already attached. Connects instantly to 90% of all tape· recorders. Has %n_27 threading to match any floor stand. KN·4500·s all:directional pick-up pattern and broad frequency response make it splendid for home recording; P.A. and paging USC; recording of conferences, lec.. tures, etc. Its moving-coil dynamic ele· ment is virtually immune to humidity and temperature changes. Has output impCdance of -56 db. Styled in attractive gold and black.· Mike is 7~x1 'M6n ; die·cast base has 5!o11' diameter. Shpg. wt .• 41bs. 23 •95 955140·0.................... CARDIOID DYNAMIC MIKE $3450 • Super·Cardioid Anli· Feedback Pallern .50·13,OOOCpsRespon.e $S monthly • Fils All Mike Sland, MODEL KN:4550. A professional·quality dynamic microphone with a cardioid pick. up pattern. High-directivity plus "peak. free" response make this a superb P.A. mike-sharply reduces feedback and unwanted audience·noise pick-up. Two separately tuned chambers assure a smooth frequency response· and excellent directivity, while providing marvelous clarity of tone. Tough acoustalloy dia· phragm withstands extreme variations in temperatllre al,ld humidity. %"-27 threading fits all floor and desk stands. -56 db output. Has satin-chrome cast case with on-off switch. 714x1Vs". Wired for high impedance: easily changed to low impedance. With 18·ft. cord-less connector. Shpg. wt .. 2 Ibs; 34 50 95S132·D................. " • LOWEST.COST KNIGHT CRYSTAL MIKE High-quality, shock.mounted crystal element. Provides ~0.8500 cps response. High output level: -45 db. ·Tough plasbc case, ~~l-itm6~~": ~:~~~: .c~~!~ •• ~~~~o.~~c.t?~: ~ .l~: •••••.• 2.59 Wireless Mikes, R-eceiver and GIVES YOU UNLIMITED FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT Dynami~ microphone, transistorized wide·band FM transmitter @ and mercury-cell battery-all in one tiny unit. Gives you "the con· venience of complete mobility, with no trailing cable. No changes .. in sound level-even when you turn your back to the audience. Transmits on 33.13 mc to tunable receiver that easily connects to any public address system. Other transmitting frequencies are also available on special order-write for data, Ijil VEGA FM RECEIVER. Tunes 25.45" mc. Tuning eye; squelch; ~ AFC; 10W·high outputs; "Vegatrol" output. 90/8x6*x12%", For 110·120 v., 50·60 cycle AC. 23 lbs. 267 75 57SX296....................................... , £B1 57 SC 299. Vega Hand·Held MikefTransmiller. 5%x1". Whip ~ antenna. 2 mercury batteries (usell 1). lIb•.......... 249.75 fC"l57 SC 299. Press·lo-Talk Accessory. For above. Controls tl"3ns· ~ mitter. Extends 4*n below mike. lib •. " .••••••••••. 19.00 r;;'1 57 SC 297. Vega lavalier Mike. Pull-switch controls trans· LI!J mitter; voice switc!! controls audio. 5!o11x1". Neck-cord ant., 2 batteries. 1 Ib...................................... 298.00 57 SC 297. "V.galro'" Conlrol Relay. Connects to receiver for con.trolling accessories from mike. 5~x414x7%n ....•.•••.... 69.90 55 J 896. Ballery for Mike. 6 oz•..... ; ••••••••. Pkg. of Two 3.40 57 SC 299. Slip Caver for Receiver. 12 oz•.••••••••••••••.• 4.95 482. AlliED V ~ LAVAlIER MIKE . li9h.tweight .and compact, blends in with your clolhirig. Yau'II . almasl forgel Ihal iI" Ihere. . Allied Can Supply Vega Microphones on any Frequency ~') Include:; Lavalier Cord Model.77 2.0.0 Series DELUXE CARDIOID MIKE MODEL 77. A fine uni·directional dynamic cardioid microphone. Features extremely high front-to· back cancellation of 18 db for highest resistance to rear pick-up-virtually eliminates feedback. Has suspended dynamic cartridge; 3.0-15 •.0.0.0 cps response; "pop" and "blast·proof" diaphragm. Output: -52 db. Switch selects 30·5.0 ohms. 15.0-25.0 ohms and high·Z. %"-27 thread. Satin-chrome. 8x2Yax2%". With 2D-ft. 2lOond. shielded cable. Wt .• 3lbs. 48 51 575177. .......... . • .. ..... • BUDGET CRYSTAL MIKES MODEL 2.0.0. An all·purpose crystal mike for CB. Hams. home recording. paging. etl'. ,Response: 3.0·1.0..0.0.0 cps; output: -5.0 db. ·High-impedance. Includes detachable base. 'with %"-27 thread. Gold and chrome. 8x 2 liz" diameter. 8-ft. single conductor shielded cable. Shpg. wt .• I ~ Ibs. 47 575126. .. .................. 11. MODEL 2.o.o·S. Same as microphone above. but with convenient on-off switch in handle. Shpg. wt .• I ~ Ibs. 5754.02 ....................... 12.64 LOW COST MICROPHONES 0-104 JT·30 "PREMIER" CRYSTAL MIKE MODEL 0·1.04. A high-impedance mike for Citizens Band and Ham use. producing maximum amount of speech intclligibil~ ity. Response: cps; output level: -46 db. %"-27 thread. Includes 5-ft. ~~e~d;~;~.~I~: ~~1.~~••~~.: .I~.I~~: .18.23 5754.0 I. Repl. Cartridge. 2 oz....... 5:59 ECONOMY CRYSTAL MIKES MODEL JT·3.o. Lo\v-priced. general purpose microphone for C B, Hams. P .A., Te~ cording. etc. High impedanGe. With removable hand grip and desk-type stand. Detaches easily from hand grip for mounting on standard floor 'stands. Response: 3.0·1.0•.0.0.0 cps; output: -49 db •. Gray Hammerlin finish; chrome grille. 8" high. With 8' shielded cable. 2 liz Ibs. 575223 .... ,' ................. 10.82 . MODEL JT·3.of. Same crystal mik.. as above. but less handle and base-mike head only. %"-27 thread; fits any standard desk or floor stand. I liz lbs. 575123 ......................... 9.35 MODEL 150 CRYSTAL. High-output mike offering semi-directional pick-up pattern. 3.0-1.0•.0.0.0 cps frequency response with 5 megohm load resistance. -44 db output level. SiZE'. 2o/,6X2o/,.x~~". High impact' gray plastic case with: gold metal grille. With 5' single conductor shielded cable. Shpg. wt .• Yo lb. 3 82 575144....................... . Slim. all-purpose microphones for communications. recording and P.A. Have on-off 8witch. except 331 has l11omcn. tary "On" spring-return switch. \Vith lavaHer and adapter for %"-27 thread stand. Less stand. 4l1zxl ~". 1 lb. MODEL 331 CERAMIC. For CB. Hams. paging, etc. Press-ta-talk switch with provision for relay control. Frequency response: JOO-5000 cps; output level: -56 db. High·impedance. Black and ~I;r~":~ ;:i.t.l: .h.a.~~.~:.I~~~~I~~t: .10.52 MODEL 332 CRYSTAL. For CR. Hams. high·quality tape" and P.A. 30·1S.000 cps response; -54 db output level. High-impedance. Attractively styled in black and chrome. 575122 ..................... 10.52 MODEL 33SH DYNAMIC. 5.0-12.000 cps; 5i~ ~~~~t.~~\~::I~:i~~: ?r~:.'15.5 8 MODEL 335L DYNAMIC. As abo,e. but lew imp. -57 db output. 575403 ........ , ............ 13.82 MODEL A·7 DESK STAND. For 33.0 mikes above. Black plastic. 5 oz. 575147...................... 1.44 MC-ISI REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGE. For Astatic crystal mikes. Models CX. eX-I. 2.00.241. JT-30. JT-30F. JT·4D and T-3. ~~Pf·I~~·:.~.~.~· ......... ;....... .4.12 i MODEL G STAND. Built-in grip·to-talk onoff switch. For use with Models T-3, D. :: 1.04. 77 and other Astatic microphones. ; %"-27 thread. Chrome and gray Hammerlin finish. Supplied Witl.1 6' cable. Shpg. MODEL 151 CERAMIC. As above. but -4S db output. 30·S.o00 cps. 3 82 575 13.0 ............ ~ ............ . ~~··52~~~~: .....••...•..••.•..• 14.67 ~~T~!:;~~!.~T:~O:I!~NOC~~~~TI:::.!ami~~~'~' ~~_SONOTONE, jI:, eM·T10A. Pair of deluxe ceramic mikes for tape recording. acoustically matched to capture the full brilliance of live stereo sound. 5.0-11 ..00.0 cps response. Unaffected by temperatu!e a!,d hum!ditl" -56 db output. All-directIOnal; hlgh·lmpedance. One-piece metal case in brushed chrome. with gold finished 'Wire grille. Size; 5 Yax 1~6". 7' shielded cable with phone plug. Less CMS-lO stand. below. Sibs. 20 87 575 151.,,· .......... BOTH FOR • MODEL CM-IOA MIKE Single mike. similar to CM-TlOA above. for monophonic recording. P.A.. etc. With 7' cable and phone plug. Less eMS-tD stand. below; Shpg. wt .• 2 Ibs. 575178 ..................... JQ.2,9 CMS·IO MIKE STAND. Chrome-finished. swivel mount. Padded felt removable base with %"_27 thread. 2 Ibs. 575179: ............... : ..... 2.94 CM.30M. For CB and other communications applications. Features high-impedance ceramic element. immuue' .to humidity and temperature changes. 6.0-7.000 cps frequency re~ponse a.ssures superior. transmission in nOIsy locatIOns. -49 db output level. Pushto-talk button. High-impact plastic case; magnet on back for easy "pick up-put down" use. Size. 3x2xllz". With 6' 4-conductor shielded coil cable. I'lb. 9 70 575277................ ......... • _ CM·TIOA "Twins" \~ I :. ~\ ~ ~~ I ;' >- I" . ~~ 0 "'Ii"\(' . '0 ,II.",. I'; 1 Ij Ii 13" SOLID BOOM MIKE CM.17B. Multi-purpose. high·impedance mike. perfectly suited to audio-visual. paging. public' address. and lectern applications. Frequency response: 5.0-11 •.0.0.0 cps; -56 db output level. Controlled presence peak in mid-range adds vocal realism. Has 13" solid boom with 35.0· swivel mount and liz" stud pipe base. Brush chrome with gold finished wire."grille. With 6' shielded cable. Shpg. wt .• 4 Ibs. 16 76 :;7 54411.................... ~.... • Ii f ... r --,.".,....- ______ ..;...- __ -.Jlfi General-Purpose Cardioid Microphones • MODEL 664-SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR P.A. USE DESIGNED TO ACCEPT SOUND FROM IN FRONT REJECT UNWANTED SOUND FROM THE REAR .. 40 to 15,000 cps .. Greater Working Distances MODEL 664 VARIABLE "D." This ruggedly constructed· dynamic mike is a superb Public Address performer. Cardioid pattern offers high front-to-back discrimination against unwanted sounds without close-talking boominess. Variable distance construction produces cardioid pattern at all frequencies. The 664 ensures natural reproduction of voice and music; permits greater working· distances from the mike; offers exceptional protection against annoying feedback. A "pop-proof" wire-mesh grille minimizes wind and breath blasts. Acoustalloy diaphragm is shielded from dust and magnetic particles. Response is very wide-40 to 15.000. cps. Output. -:-55 db. Impedance, 150 ohms and high impedance. Impedance is changeable by single wire. On-off switch and detachable 18-ft. 2-conductor cable. Cast zinc case finished in chrome. 0/8"-27 tlKead. 7¥1.xl%" dia. Shpg. wt., 2 lbs. 4998 57.5241.................... • NEW MODEL 676. A dynamic mike with an outstanding cardioid pattern-features "Variable D" design and 3-position 10wfrequency attenuation switch. Permits recording from farther away from mike. Frequency response, 40 to 15,000 cps. Output level, -58 db,· high impedance. Impedance, 150 ohms and high Z. 18-ft. 3-conductor cable. 0/8"-27 thread. 7%x 1\4". Wt. 3 Ibs. 575432 ..................... 58.80 MODEL 644. Highly directional dynamic mike that lets you stand four times as far away as you would with ordinary mikes. Combines cardioid and distributed-front opening to give greatly extended frontal pickup. Above 700 cps, sound rejection at sides and rear is 20 to 25 do. Reduces reverberation and feedback almost to the vanishing point; lessens 'wind noise and shock. Response, 40 to 12.000 cps. Output, -53 db, high Z. Impedance, 150 ohms and high impedance. Change cable connector for high Z. On-off switch. lS·ft. 2-conductor cable. Satin·chromed case with ~" aluminum tube. 0/8"-27 thread. 16x2~6' dia. Shpg. wt .. 3 Ibs. 64 6 575121..................... ; 8 MODEL 729. Low-cost ceramic cardioid mike. Has a front pickup range nearly double that of pressure mikes. Ideal for Hams. Also excellent for P.A., call and paging systems and home tape recorders. Frequency response, 60 to SOOO cps. Output. -60 db. High impedance. Gray diecast front; plastic back. 10-ft. cable. With desk stand. and Boor-stand adapter. 1'VI.x 7%". Shpg. wt., lIb. 14 41 575173 .................... ·.... • MODEL 729SR. As above, but with mike, relay control switch. Wt., 1 lb. 575 IBI ....................... 15.5B MODEL 951. An exceIlent crystal P.A. mike that handles a variety of acoustical situations. Uses variable "D".principle for cardioid directivity. "Pop-proof" wiremesh grille mini.mizes wind and breath noises. Polar response makes the 951 suitable for noisy locations or where much echo is present.. Boasts wide-range response of 50 to 11,000 cps. Output. -63 db. High impedance. TV-gray. die-ca"t case. 18-ft. cable. 5%"xl % dia. Shpg. wt .. 1'h Ibs. . 57 52IB ..................... 32.05 VERSATILE ELECTRO-VOICE LAVALIER MICROPHONES LIGHTWEIGHT FOR HAND USE-ALSO CAN BE MOUNTED ON DESK OR FLOOR STAND 924 MODEL 6498. This tiny E-Vlavalier mike represents a significant achievement in miniaturization. Weighing only 31 grams (less cable), the dynamic. omnidirectional 649B'presents dozens of new possibilities in uwalk-about" applications. Almost invisible. it's the perfect mike for any programming that requires concealed or unobtrusive mike placement. Offers top-quality performance. Frequency response. 60 to 12.000 cps. OiItput level, -61 db. L,ow impedance. With 30-ft. cable. Alumif).um case finished in non-reBecting gray. Sup· plied complete with neck cord and belt clip. Miniature size, only 2\4x%" dijlmeter, Shpg. wt.. 1 lb. 61 74 575 liB .... '.................. . MODEL 647A. Extremely small and rugged dynamic. omnidirectional mike. Just right for concealment, freedom of movement and of hands. Weighs only 2 oz. 60-12,000 cps. Output, -58 db. Impedance, 150 Dhms or high impedance (supplied wired for high Z). TV-gray. Hi-ft. 2-cond. cable. 2\4x%" diameter. 1 lb. 575264 ...................... 48.51 MODEL 924. Miniature crystal. omnidirec- tional mike. Wire-mesh head acoustically treated against wind and moisture. 60 to 8000 cps. Output, -60 db. High impedance. Cable has integral strain relief. lVsx 1\4". Shpg. wt., 8 oZ. II 76. 575447......................... CHOICE SELECTION OF COMMUNICATIONS MICROPHONES DESIGNED SPEciFICALLY FOR CITIZENS BAND AND HAM COMMUNICATIONS MODEL 602E. Differential dynamic mike. For 2-way radio, mobile P.A. and other uses. where noise cancellation and hhth articulation for maximum intelligibility are vital. Press-to-talk DPDT switch controls mike and relay. Response, lQO7000 cps. Output, -55 db. High impedance. 6-ft. coiled cable. Black phenQlic case. With mounting bracket. Size, 2\4x 2x4". Shpg. wt., 10 oz. . 33 81 575034..... ............... • MODEL 205STCKK. Differential carbon ",ike for aircraft. Articulation 97% under quiet conditions; 8S% under US-db. ambient noise. Blastproof, shock resistant .. Output. ·-55 db. 100-4000 cps. DPDT press-to-talk switch. 6-ft. coiled cable. With mounting bracket. 2\4x 2\4x4". 110. 57 50~5: .................. : ..•. 26A6 MODEL 714SR. High-output ceramic mobile communications mike. Designed especially for Ham radio, Citizens Band and paging use. Features exceptional speech intelligibility. Frequency response. 60 to 7000 cps. Output, -55 db. High impedance. Press-to-talk DPDT switch controls mike and relay circuit. Tough beige Cycolac case ensures maximum durability. 10" (retracted) 3conductor coiled cable. With hang-up bracket. Microphone size, 2 'hxl 'VI.x30/8". ~~P;'I :';':': ~ .I~: ............... 9.70 MODEL 717. As above, but specially designed as a noise-cancelling microphone to provide very intelligible speech in situations where background noise is a ~;0~1~~3.~~.~~~. 7.t:,. ~ .I~: ........ 11.47 Everything in· Elec;tronia From One Dependable Source Broadcast-Quality Dynamic Iv\icrophones , RUGGEDLY CONSTRUCTED MICROPHONES OFFERING EXTREMELY WIDE RANGE AND SMOOTH RESPONSE . MODEL 642. "Cardiline" dynamic mike that's perfect for TV use. 90 G pattern Jets you "aim" mike for maximum audio pickup. Cardioid action plus distributed-front opening'ensure high directivity over entire 30-10.000 cps range. and greatly reduce wind noise. Effective working distance is 2 to 3 times that of conventional-type directional mikes. Choice of 5 or 10 db of bass atten1),ation. Impedance, 50. 150 and 250 ohms. Output, -48 db. Hum pickup. -120 dbm. 20-ft. 3-cond. cable. Aluminum case. 17Vax3~6". Less mount. Shpg. wt .. 4 Ibs. 229'•32 575 44B................................... MODEL 666. 'Cardioid mike employing variable "D" design for high discrimination against sound from back. Permits close talking without.bass emphasis. 30-16.000 cps. Output. -58 db. Impedance. 50. 150 and 250 ohms (wired for 150 ohms). 20-ft. 3-conductor cable. Gray. aluminum-cast case. With adapter for Vz" and %"-27 thread stands. Size. 7Vzx 1%" diameter. Shpg. wt .. lib. . 575249 ............ , .......• ~ ••...••••...•• .149.94 MODEL 665. Similar to above. but 50-14.000 cps; output of -55 db; impedance of 50 and 250 ohms selected by recessed switch. 18-ft. 3-cond. cable. stand adapter. 1 VaX7~6" dia. ~~P5g2:J:·. ~. ~~~' ...•.•••.•.••.•..•••.•...•..•. 88,20 MODEL 655C. Deluxe "Slim-Trim" omnidirectional mike that can be used on a stand, in your hand. or on a boom. Weighs only 7 oz. Has "pop-proof" grille. Response. 40 to 20.000 cps. Output.· -55 db. Impedance. 50, 150 and 250' ohms (wired for 150.ohms). Detachable 20-ft. 3-conductor cable. Gray case. With clamp-on adapter for Vz" and %°_27 thread stands. Size, 10Va"xl Va" dia. Wt •• 1 ~ Ibs: 575243 ...................................... 117.60 MODEL 6S4A • Excellen! lor Remotes ane! Studio Use • Swivel Mount-Tilts 90° • Respon.,e, 55.15,000 cps MODEL 654A. This omnidirectional dynamic microphone perform~ beau~ tifully ill an extremely wide variety of applicatiolls. It's ruggedly constructed and can be used standmounted. hand-held or as a lavalier. Acoustalloy diaphragm is shielded from dust and magnetic particles. . The 65,tA mike has an essentially flat response from .15 to 15,000 cps. Output level. -55 db. Matches all low impedances. IS-ft. 3-conductor cable. Supplied with adapter for Vz" and %"~27 thread stands; and lava~ lier neck cord. Has non-reflecting gray epoxy case. Size, 61 %6x1 Ya" diameter. Wt .. 1 lb. 58 80 654A 57 5 I 17 ....... ,. .. . • .. . • :; -1:. .~: .:~: :~~ ':: ",: :', ::,' ';~.' SELECTED ELECTRO-VOICE OMNIDIRECTIONAL MICROPHONES UNIFORM RESPONSE FROM ANY DIRECTION SOLVES PLACEMENT PROBLEMS MODEL 630. Popular dynamic mike for <;Iispatching, tape recording and general use. Becomes directional at high frequencies. Can be stand-mounted (.tilting 90°) or hand-held. Response. 60 to 11.000 cps. Output, -55 db. High impedance. 18-ft. cable. On-off switch. Chrome-plated. %N" 27thread.6~x2"dia. Wt.,2Ibs. 3087 575226..................... • MODEL 715. The "Century"-an omnidirectional ceramic mike for home recordng, paging, etc. Resists extremes of tern· peratures and humidity. Response, 60 to 7000 cps. Outpnt. -55 db. High impedance. 5-ft. cable. o/,t-27 thread adapter. Size. 3x2~6xl". Shpg. wt.. 1 lb. 7 6' 5 575245 ....................... . ·MODEL 715-5. As above, but with "Iockon" press-to-talk switch. lib. . 575176 ...... , .................. 8.B2 MODEL 415 DESK STAND. For above. 15° tilt. Chrome. Wt .. 6 oz. 57 5 194· ........................ 1.03 MODEL 911. Low-cost crystal mike for P.A., recording, Ham use. etc. Directional at higher frequencies. 50 to 9000 cps. Output. -SO db. High impedance. 18-ft. cable. Upright swivel mounting. On-off switch. Chrome-plated. %N_27 thread. 2Vsx3 Vax6%". 2 Vz Ibs. 575242 .... · ....................... 19.11 MODEL 636 "SLIMAIR." Slender dynamic microphone for P.A. use and tape recording. Wire-mesh blast filter. 90° swivel. Response. 60 to 13.000 cps. Output, -58 db. Impedan~e. 150 ohms or high impedance (wired for .high Z). Detachable. 18-ft. 2conductor cable. On-off switch. Chromeplated steel case. %"-27 thread. Size. lO~xl Va" diameter. Wt., 2 Ibs. 575244 ..................... 42.63 MODEL 641. Low-cost dynamic mike designed for use in communications. P.A., home recording. paging systems. etc. Response. 70 to 10,000 cps. Outpnt, -57 db. 6-ft. cable. On-off switch. Two-tone case of chrome-plated die-cast zinc and gray plastic. %N_27 thread. Size, 4%xll1," diameter. Shpg. wt .. lib. 20 •58 57 5265. Low Impedance ..••• , . 57 545 I ~ High Impedance .....•.•. ;20.58 MODEL 727. Low-cost omnidirectional ceramic mike for P.A .. home recording and general use. Withstands extremes. of temperature and humidity. 60 to 8000 cps. -55 db. High impedance. 5-ft. cable. With desk stand, and floor-stand adapter. Gray front; medinm-gray back. %"-27 thread. 7VaXl Vzxl ~". 1 lb. 575175 ...................... 10.58 MODEL 727SR. Above with on-off switch. 57,5257 ....................... 11-.76 ELECTRO-VOICE MICROPHONE ACCESSOJtIES MODEL 419 DESK STAND. For use with Electro-Voice Models 665. 664' and 644 mikes. Die-cast base. Gray finish. 3 Ibs. 575209 ......................... 5.88 MODEL 420 DESK STAND. For use with E-V Models 666. 655C, 654A, 652, 652A. microphones. Clamp attachment for mounting 1" cylin. mike without tools. 3 lbs. 57 5 I. 96.·.. ·...,.> .............. , ..... 11.76 MODEL 428 TOUCH·TO-TALK STAND. Touchbar on stem actuates DPDT switch. Has locking button. %°_27 thread. Satin-chrome finish.· 7x5Y.,u base dia. 2 Ibs•. 575195.: •. ·........... , ...... , • .10.29 IDtl-\>i'UDIIITV Mic;rophone~ MODEL 300 MICROPHONE CLAMP. (Illustrated with tlie Modd 420 desk stand.) Lightweight-fits any 1" cylindrical microphone. Vz" thread with adapter for %"-27 thread stands. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. 57.525a ........................... 5.88 MODEL 502A TRANSFORMER. (Not illustrated.) Designed for connecting long-line, low-impedance (50, 150, 250 and SOO-ohm) microphones to high-impedance. Frequency response, ±1 db, 40 to 20,000 cps. With MC-4 input connector and 2-ft. cable. Size. 2Vaxl1o/!6". Shpg. wt., 1 lb. 57 S 210" ....................... .10.29 AUIED " 485 General-Purpose Dynamic .Microphones MODEL SSS. Ruggeri. dynamic mike that can take mechanical shock as well as heat and moisture. Response. 50-15.000 cps. Switch-selected impedances. Output levels: 35-50 ohms. -54 db; 150-250 ohms. -55 db; hi-Z. -57 db. Swivel mounting. Chrome. %"-27 thread. 18-ft. 2-cond. cable. ;~;2r~~:~~~·.~~~~: .~~.: .~~ ~~~·.48.80 MODEL 55SW. As above, but with on-off switch for added convenience. 575135 .......................... 49.98 MODEL 556S. Deluxe version of 55S. Built to close tolerances for wider response (4015;000 cps). Shock mounted to endure rough treatment. Shpg. wt.. 3~ Ibs. 57 s 235 ......................... 79.38 MODEL 545 "UNIDYNE III". Slender cardioidpatterned mike. Head tilts 180· for "aiming." Smooth response. 50-15.000 cps. Dualimpedance. Output levels: high-Z, -55 db; 50-250 ohms, -57 db. Satin chrome and black. Width A-25B swivel adapter; %"-27 thread. 18-ft. 3-cond. cable. 51 o/16xl y.," diameter. Shpg. wt .• 2y., lbs. 575161 ...................... .49.98 MODEL 5455. As above. with on-off switch; permanently attached swivel. 57 5 133 ......................... 52.89 NEW MODEL 570. Lightweight, professional-quality dynamic lavalier mike specifically designed for TV use. lectures, etc. Permits maximum mobility. "Flex-Grip" lavalier assembly ensures firm hold at all times. 50 to 12,000 cps with generally rising response to 6000 cps. Output. -59 db. Impedance 50250 ohms. 30-ft. flexible 2-cond. cable. \Vith adjustable lavalier cord and belt clip for cable. Non-reflecting gray metal case. Stainless steel grill. 2~x*" di- ~~~e:4j~.~z............... 55.86 NEW MODEL 578. "OMNIDYNE". Dynamic microphone. Ideal for public adrlress. theater-stage sound systems and all recording applications demanding a top-quality omni-directional mike. The 578 is ruggedll' built-withstands hard use and temperature and humidity vari· ations. Frequency response, 50 to 17,000 cps. Dual impedance.· Outpnt levels: 200 ohms, -60 db; hi-Z, -59 db. Has on-off switch and a swivel adapter. 18ft. 3-conductor cable. Satin chrome case. %"-27 thread. Size, 7Yax*" dl- ~~~e:4~~~~' .~~:'. ~~ .~z: ...... 48.51 MODEL 51 "SYNODYNE". Semi-directional microphone. Fine for P.A .. tape . recording, etc. Offers excellent voice and music reproduction. Frequency response. 60 to 10;000 cps. 3-way impedance switch. Output levels: 35-50 ohms. -53 db; 150-250 ohms, -52.5 db; hiZ. ->52 db. Swivel mount allows headtilt through 90'. Detachable IS-ft. 2condo cable. 0/0"-27 thread. 5o/1.x3!!"x ;~~ ~~lK~' wt:: .3.~.1~~: ..•.• 29.11 MODEL 515. Same as above, but with on-off switch. 575 136 ............. : .... .. 30.28 MODEL 5405 "5YNODYNE U". This versaJtile omni-directional dynamic micro· phone features provisions for varying frequency response to suit the application. Switch to 60-10,000 cps for music. and 150-6500 cps for speech reproduction. Swivel mount permits head tiltin/! through 15.0·. Dual-impedance. Output levels: 5.0-250 ohms, -57 db; high impedance, -55 db. Modern-styled; in satin-chrome and black. IS-ft. 2-cond .. cable. %"-27 thread. Size. 30/0xl'146"· ~~~e:~~.~h.~~. ~.: .2. ~ ~~~'•. 29.37 " CONTROLLED-MAGNETIC, CERAMIC, and CRYSTAL MIKES MODEL 2755. Omni-directional ceramic mike featnring rugged, lightweil!ht construction and broad response. Just the mike for tape recording. public address. com' munications applications, etc. Built-in filter reduces voice "pop." Slide-to-talk locking switch. 40 to 12,000 cps. Output level: -59.5 db. High impedance, 1.5 megs. Black plastic case with satin anodized cap and filter. 7-ft. cable. Adapter and lavalier. %"-27 thread. 41'A6xl'l1." dia. lIb. 57 5 2B4.......................... 8.81 MODEL 420. Controlled magnetic. omnidirectional microphone for general-purpose voice and music: applications. Response. 60 to 10.000 cps. Output levels: 150-250 ohms and hi-Z, both -52 db. Gray plastic case. 20-ft. 2-conductor cable. With detachable lavalier cord and clip assembly. 31 'A.xl*" ~i;~e~Y2.~t.:. ~~ ~~~'............ 17.64 MODEL 4305L. Controlled magnetic. Omnidirectional. 60-10.000 cps. Output: -52 db at 15.0-250 ohms and also at high-Z. With mike and relay switch, 15-ft. 3-cond. cable. black dcsk stand. 0/0"-27 thread. 6o/t.xl *" dia. 2% lbs. 575283 ....................... 29.37 MODEL 245 "UNIPLEX". Cardioid ceramic mike. Uni-directional pattern makes it fine for public address, stereo tape recording, communications. paging applications. etc. Frequency response, 50 to 7000 cps. Output, -59 db. High impedance, 1-5 megs. With 15-ft. cable and A-25B swivel adapater. 0/0"27 thread. Microphone's size, 4*xl Ya" diameter. Shpg. wt.. 1 y., lbs. 57 S 285 ...................... 20.5a MODEL 430. As above, with m'ike switch; A-25B adapter only; less desk stand. 2 Yz lbs. 575213 ......................... 22.64 MODEL 2455. Same as above. but with onoff switch. Shpg. wt .. 1 y., Ibs. 57 S 2B6 .................... ; .. 21.76 486 • ALLIED. MODEL 71 OA "REX:' Crystal hand mike offering high speech intelligibility. Response, 60 to 9000 cps. Omni-ditectional. High-impedance. Output, -50 db. 7-ft. cable. With adapter; %"-27 thread. 3!!"x21'A6xl !!,,". ~~Pf'2'i~·:.~ ~.l.~~................. 7.05 MODEL 715 "STARLlTE:' Low-cost, semi-directional mike. Use in hand or atop desk. Built-in stand. 50-10,.000 cps. Output, -5·0 db. High impedance. 5-ft. cable. 3 !!"x2!!"x 1 y.,". Shpg. wt., 8 oz. . 57 S 215..... ...... . ........... 4.70 MODEL 777 "SLIM· X." Similar style to ModcI 245. 6-oz.. all-directional mike for '~walk around" use. Response. 6.0-10.000 cps. Output, -62 db. High impedance. Chrome. Detacllable;7-ft. cable; neck cord. %"-27 thread. 4~x1H diameter. Wt .. lIb. 57 S 252 ......................... 14.70 MODEL 77!S. Above, witi, on-off switch. 57 S 253.. . . 15.B8 Allied Has a Complete Stock of Sound Systel)1 Components Communications Microphones' MODEL 201. Hand-held ceramic mike for clear voice quality. 200-4000 cps. -55.5 db. High Impedance. 5-ft. retractable cable. With mounting bracket. Also press-to-talk switch. 4x2 'lzxl %". Shpg. wt .. lIb. 10 58 575_280... .................... • MODEL 401 A. As above. but controlled magnetic mike. Output, -49 db. 575281 .. , ............. , ..... ,' .. 12.94 NEW MODEL 48BA. Controlled reluctance, noise-cancelling mike. 200-4000 cps. Output. -58 db. High impedance. 5'1z-ft. 3condo coiled cable. Press-to-talk switch. Relay wired. 3 I1A..,,2%x2 'Iz". 1 lb. 575439 ... ; ................... 33.81 MODEl 48BB. As above, low-impedance. 575440 ...................... 33.81 MODEL 404C. Conttol!ed magnetic mike with top speech quality. 200-8000 cps. Output. -50_5 db. High Z. 5 'Iz-ft. 3-cond. coiled cable. Mtg. bracket. Grip switch. Relay wired. 3 1V1.x2%xl%". lIb. 575141 ........................ 19.40 MODEl404B. Above. low-impedance; 4-coud. 575140 .... , .. , ......... ' ...... ,19.40 NEW MODEL 444. Controlled magnetic mike specific:ally de~igned for Hams. Features press-t.o-talk switch, ~ep;jrate VOX ::;wi tell and adjustable stand to eusnre ideal talking position. Resp~nse. 300-3000 cps. Output, -52.5 db. High impedance. 7-ft. 2-couductor cable. Smart two-tone gray case. 100/16;( 51 VI.x4". Shpg. wt., 3'1z lb •. 575441. ...................... 24.99 NEW MODEL 450 "DISPATCHER." Rugged, controlled-magnetic mike for paging .usej Press-to-talk mike/relay button. 100-900q cps. Output, -52.5 db. high Z. Impedance; 50-250 ohms and high Z. 7-ft. 4-conductor ~~b~4~?r~~~~ ~.~~~:': ~:.t: ~.V:.I.b.s: .. 29." MODEL 520Sl "DISPATCHER," Controlled magnetic mike. Grip-to-talk.lockable mike! relay.witch. 100-9000 cps. High Z. Output. -52.5 db. 7-ft. 2-conductor cable. Chrome and green finish. 9%" highi SIt base. Shpg. ~i"s 32'q31~~ .. , .................. 26.46 520SlB. As above. but low-Z. -51 db. 4; condo (2 ·shielded) cable. 3'1z Ibs. 575163 .......... , ........ ; ..... 28.96 ~ SHURE MICROPHONE ACCESSORIES llij. S·38B BASE. For 245, 275S and 430 series fjjl A86A TRANSFORMER. For running lines ~----------------~ ~ from low-impedance microphones to 57 ~f4.r~~~~~~~~~~· . .1.V:. ~~~'....... 2.65 high-impedance amplifier inputs. The A86A matches 35-50 ohms or 150-250 ohms. Fre-. f81 A·25B SWIVEL ADAPTER. For the 777 quency response, ± 1 db. 20-20,000 cps. ~ microphone and any stand in our catalog. 0/0"-27 thread. 90° swing. liz lb. 575446 ......................... 3.23 .tCl 5-33 BASE. For any mike with the A-25 ~ swivel adapter or 5U5. 556S; and 578 mikes without adapter. 1'1z Ibs. 575295 ......................... 8.82 Size. 2'l'axl%H. Shpg. wt .. lIb. 0' 575107 ........................ 1 .29 'e1 5-36A DESK MOUNT. Streamlined. Fits. ~ the models 55S(W), 51(S), 545S, and 540S microphones. Wt.. 1 y.. Ibs. 575191. ........................ 3.82 CABLES, CONNECTORS and MIXERS SWITCHCRAFT STEREO MIXERS BELDEN SHIELDED CABLES - Single conductor For high -imp mikes Mfr's 0.0. Lb •. Type 8401 8410 8411 Stock No. In. 100' 200 2'1z 47 TT 564 245 4 47 TT444 144 1% 47 TT 604 50. Ft. 100.Ft. Spool 2.30 3.82 1.71 4.21 7.20 3.09 SWITCHCRAFT CONNECTORS SINGLE-CONTACT TYPES. Standard %H_27 threads. 2501 fits all Knight P.A. amplifiers. When .splicing 2 cords. use two 250lF (as plugs or jacks). Wt .. 3 oz. '1 Type I Description lEA. F 250lF Plug or Jack .35 G' 2501M Plug .26 H . 44 Phone Plug Adap .• 30 COMPLETE-GROUNDING CONNECTORS Switchcraft 3-contact audio connectors with "ground terminal" on shell. Loss-proof in- sert-screw and "wedge action'''' socket and pin assemblies. Av. wt., 2 oz. DescriPtionl Plug IFern. Male Plug AJF AJM EA. I .35 I .1 4 MIKE EXTENSION CABLES Plug extension cable into mike; COllnect old cable to fre£' f'nd of extension. Two-conductor 25-ft shielded cable I y., Ibs Stock No. Fig. 8428129515y..147 TT 4681'" .. '110.29 8422 234 4 47 TT 456 3.18 5.73 575405 57 5406 41 H 657 41 H351 J 41H352 K ~ Two-conductor. For low-imp. mikes. 5tockNO'IFi 9 . 5tock N0'1 Fi9'1 Type 575 156 L Type Description 87AU87 One 75-MC1F EA. 2.94 at each end ,575 158 M 91 BU92 Cannon XL3-11 i XL-12 plugs 7.35 MINI-MIX AUDIO MIXERS rw'Accept 2 high-impedance suurces. Scpl!.!..I arate gain controls. Size. 21;16X11716X IVI.", Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. . 57 5 I 12. Phone jack input and plug output for standard jacks ...... 4.67 57 5 I 14; As above. but with longer output for recessed jacks ................ , . ,5.i6 57 5 I 13. Male inputs. female output for %"_27 screw-type connect ........... 4.67 575404. For late-model Wollensak and Revere recorders .................... 5.26 Allied's Catalog IS'a Guice to Everything in Electronic;;s MODEL 306. Flip a switch and this mike mixer's 4 monophonic channels convert to two stereo·s. Four input jacks on rear pal1cl; high-impedance circuitry. Two phono jacks for output to amplifier or tape recorder. Size. 2x3x6". Shpg. wt., 1 y. Ibs. 575171 ........................ 13.23 MODEL 306TR. As above, but with two b<>ttery-operated transistor amplifiers. COlllplete with battery. Wt.. 1'1z Ibs. 575172 ........................ 22.05 SWITCH CRAFT MONOPHONIC MIXERS MODEL 301. (Not illus.) Similar to the 306. above. Permits mixing four signals into a single output. Accepts stand. 2-cond. phone plugs; stand. phono jack output to recorder or amplifier. 2x2x6". 1 'Iz lbs. 575169 ......................... 11.47 MODEL 30lTR. As above, but battery-powered . and· transistorized. Complete with battery:. Shpg. wt., 1 Yz Ibs. 575170 ....................... 17.64 41 H 341. 36" Connector Cable. Pin plug one end, phono plug, other. 4 oz......... 88c ATLAS Microphone Stands and B'ooms lID Floor Stands with "Full·Grip" clutch for socure hand grip- 8S·36 00 III M5-25 If) (S·52 ml MS·4 won't slip or lam Iji1 MS·I0C FLOOR AND. Excellent for avo I!!J erage weight mike. Clutch is designed ,for secure hand grip-won't slip or jam. Ad· justs from 35" to 64". Gray base has self· leveling. shock absorbing pads. 2·section chrome tube. 10" base diameter. 'Vs".27 thread. Shpg. wt •• 13 Ibs. 5 88 57 5X 325·2, ......... " .... '" • MS·llC. As above. but base and tube in all chrome. Shpg. wt •• 13 Ibs. 57 5X 326·2 ..... ' ............... 8.09 Ijj1 MS·4 TELESCOPING FLOOR STAND. Three ~ 3ections permit frequent adjustments with ease-from 26" to 61" high. 10" diam· eter gray shrh'el base. chrome·plated tube. 'Vs".27 thread. Shpg. wt•• 14 Ibs. 57 5X 270-2, ..... ...... ... .9.26 IfI fC1 MS·l1 S AUTOMATIC FLOOR STAND. Press ~ "Sleeve Action" Control-telescoping section lowers to desired position. Adjusts from 35" to 65". All chrome. Base dia .. 10". 'Vs".27 thread. 16 Ibs. • 57 5X 271.2 .................... .14.70 NEW (S·52. Three·legged base has one ~ leg that detaches to make stand easily portable. Chrome tube adjusts from 36" to 52". Shrivel gray base diameter. 16". With base pads. 'Vs"·27 thread. 16 Ibs. 57 5X 450 .......................... 6.91 Ih1 8S·36 PROFESSIONAL BOOM STAND. ~ Similar to MS·25 (below) but with reo movable 62" arm. Adjusts from 48" to 72". All chrome. Base dia .. 17".37 Ibs. 3910 57 5U 329·2, .......... : .. ...... • • 8S·36W. As above. but mobile. 43 Ibs. 57 SU 318·2 ...................... 44.98 JGl BB·l "BABY BOOM" STAND ATTACHMENT. ~ Converts any floor stand with 'Vs"·27 thread to boom·type stand. Large 5·ft. cir· cle positioning; adjustable counter·balance. Chrome plated. 32" long. 7 Ibs. 57 5X 328 ...................... • 4.70 r.I MS·25 PROFESSIONAL FLOOR STAND. t!J "Air Lock" controls drop-prevents mike damage. Adjusts from 37" to 66". Base dia.. 17"-extra stable. Chrome and gray base; chrome tube. 25 1bs. 57 5U 330·2 ...... "' ............ .I6.4~ Ij:j1 CS·33 "TAK,E.APART" FLOOR STAND. Dis· l!!) assembles mto 5 parts-stores easily in speaker case. Spring lock leg·holding mech· anism-no tools needed. Chrome·plated tube with "Velvet Action" adjnsts from 26" to 64". 'Vs"·27 thread. 8 Ibs. 57 5X 327 ....................... 8.53 DESK, BANQUET and SWITCHBOARD MICROPHONE STANDS 'fJ1 U5-2 STAND. Floating vertical (180°) and Ijij1 DS·5 DESK STAND. Chrome plated tube. l!!.I rotation (360°) movement. Arm, 12%" long. Base dia.. 2'Vs". Chrome. 'Vs".27 thread. Shpg. wt .. 2 Ibs. 5 59 575273 .......... · ............ . ~ Ijil DS·7 ADJUSTABLE DESK STAND •• -Clutch ~ adjusts 8" to 13". Two.section, chrome· plated tube. Gray base dia .. 6". Rubber pads. 'Vs"·27 thread. 3 Ibs. 575 IB6 ........................ 3.23 fl1 'R1 DS·I0 DESK STAND. Cable fits in slot un· _~ dpr chrome· plated trim. Gun·metal en· amel. SIs"·27 thread. 1 Yz Ibs. 575205 ........................ 3.23 1M! NS·l NECK and CHEST HOLDER. With t!!!J neck cord, chest support and removable goose·neck holder. 10 oz. 575183 ..•••.•••••••• : ......... 3.23 TS·6 BANQUET STAND. (Not !lIus.) For speaker's table. Extends from 14Yz"·to 26" with "Velvet· Action" adjustment. Base 5 73 diameter, 8". Shpg. wt .. 6 Ibs. 575 IBB·2 ....................... . Ij{l DS·4 DESK STAND. Attractivelv styled- light beige finished base and detachable chrome tube. Base dia .. 4"; tube 4" high. 'Vs"-27 thread. Yz lb. 57·5272 ........................ 1.47 58·1 SWITCHBOARD STAND. Sits atoD I.!:J switchboard. Flexible 12" arm ('Vs"·27 thread). Base, 9x6Yz". 131bs. 575145 ........................ 9.26 MICROPHONE ADAPTERS and FITTINGS. Make your P.A. mike equip· ment more versatile. For use with most all microphones .. DescrIption Wt. EACH Stock No. FiR. "y" Mike Connector 2 oz. S 41 H 996 -:99 T Flexible 13" Gooseneck llb. 1.62 57 5 189 T Flexible 19" Gooseneck lYz lbs. 2.35 -575206 Snap·on Mike Attachment llb. 575 187 U 1.62 Cable Hanger; fits all stems 575207 V %" to 1\4" in diameter !h lb. 1.62 W . Mike Volume Control; Hi·lmp. 6 oz. 41 H 946 4.17 311 Extension Rod; %"..27 ends 3 oz. 575 106 X .38 611 Exten~ion Rod; SIa"-27 ends 4 oz. .44 57 S 105 X y Push·to· Talk Switch with lock 6 oz. 41 H 950 T.ii9 575 115 Z "Save-Ur-Mike" Plastis: Cover 2 oz. .69 57 S 190 AA Bracket Clamp i 6" stem lib. 2.06 1!h Ibs. 2.79 575204 .... Gyromatic Mike Lock Swivel .488 • 4U1ED l!!J 4" high. Cast·iron base. 6" dia. Rubber pads. 'Vs"·27 thread. 2 Ibs. 575 20B ......................... .1.91 ATLAS MICROPHONE STAND ADAPTERS. Suitable for both desk and floor·type microphone stands. Chrome·plated for long wear, easy installation, glistening appearance. Thread sizes specified as Va" pipe are International Pipe Standard. SIs" diameter, 27 threads· per·inch is standard-fittings can be used with all Atlas micro· phone stands on this page. Shpg. wt.: Models ADt, AD2, AD3, AD4 •. and ADS, 2 oz.; Models ADll and AD12, 6 oz. Stock No. 575 JOB 575198 575199 575201 575202 575104 575103 Type Fig. ADI CC AD2 AD3 AD4 DD ....- ADS AD 11' AD12 BB DD FF EE -- DescriptIon EACH For adapting RCA mikes. Yz' male to 0/."·27 .female. 53t Va" pipe female to %".27 male. 38t Va" pipe female,to 'Vs"·27 female. 3Bt %" long. 'Vs".27 male coupling. 20C 'Vs"·27 to 'Vs".27 female coupling. 3et Mike base flange. Female. 'Vs":27. 44¢ 44¢ Mi'ke base flan"e. Male. 'Vs".27. Stands on this Page fit Microphones with Standard %"-27 Threads level "Sound Columns" for Conventional The Sound Column (Line Radiator) offers uniform loudness over a wide horizontal area. Consists of several speakers arranged one above another in a special enclosure. People in front are not blasted by sound. People in back hear as well as those in frontl Feedback is greatly reduced. Simple to install-no complicated planning or installation fees. Choose from three famous brands for the newest in P.A. Speaker System, 6~~ (j) ~ ~~A"D~ Il:J'lIfi1D" ARGOS MODEL SD·I060. Splendid for can· ference rooms. smaller restaurants. etc. Ea.y to move from place to place. Has ex· clusive "focusing" adjustment for optimum coverage. lust determine room·length. and turn set·screw until built·in pointer coin· cides with room length scribed on built·in gauge. Covered in rich walnut·grain pyrox· ylin-plastic cane grille cloth. Six wide~ range speakers. 30·watt capacity. 200·10.000 cps. 8 ohms. Dispersion: horizontal, 120°; vertical, 15·22°. 30\4x7x3Ya" deep. With mtg. clips. 17 Ibs. 57 OX 877 ..•••••••••••••••••••• 39.10 E·V MODEL LR4A CURVED LINE RADIATOR Wide·range projector designed specifically to control feedback in difficult P.A. installations for natural sound reinforcement. Has twelve speakers. Capacity. 25 watts. 150-10,000 cps. Impedance, 8 ohms. Dis· pC'tsion: horizontal, 160 0 ; vertical, 60 0 • ~~~a~~a~:. ::~~~~~~'. :~. ~~s .... 73.50 E·V MODEL LR4SA STRAIGHT LINE RADIATOR. Horizontal, 160°; vertical, 30°. Impedance. 16 ohms. 52x7Yzx4%". 19 Ibs. 570X698 ..................... 82.32 BUY IN BULK, CEILING AND WALL-MOUNTING BAFFLES Package of 5 $7 95 Ifi1 MODEL 61·8 TRIM·RING BAFFLE. Highly l!!I polished 20·gauge steel. Attractive flush appearance. Will neit "give" or buckle when installed. For 8" speakers only. O.D., 12%". Hole·size required, 8~". Use with 95·8 protective enclosure, at right. Less speaker. Shpg. wt., 1 lb. 2 95 57 OX 548.1·4 ............. EACH • 5·Up ......................... EACH 2.59 f81 MODEL 67-8 LOUVERED BAFFLE. Similar ~ to air diffusers in appearance-produces fine sound. Welded construction makes unit vibration ,and rattle·free. For 8" speakers only. O.D., 12". HQle-size required, 10\4'. Use with 95-8 protective enclosure, at right. Less speaker. 1 ~ Ibs. 4.53 57 ox 546.1·4 ............. EACH 5.Ue ..... ,.................... EACH 3.98 rei MODEL 68·8 LOW·CEILING BAFFLE. At~ tractive styling. Has satin-brushed aluminum sound diffractor to avoid "beaming" in low-ceiling use. For 8" speakers only. O.D., 12%". Hole-size required, 8~". Use with 95·8 protective enclosure, below. Less speaker. Shpg."wt., 2lbs. 693 57 OX 547.1·4 ............. EACH • 5·Up ......................... EACH 6.07 MODEL 95·8 PROTECTIVE ENCLOSURE. Installs in new or existing ceilings. Enclosures mount through 4 holes in flange in existing ceilings. For new construction. 4 straps install in plaster. Undercoated, jute lined. For use with: 51-8, 61·8, 67·8, 68·8. O.D., 9*". Depth, 414". 10 Ibs. 4.86 57 OX 550. 1-4 ............ :EACH 5.Up.. • • • • • • .. • • • • ... • ....... EACH 4.26 MODEL 51·8 TRIM·RING BAfflES. Take advantage of lot·price saving; -have a complete .'i·ballle system for less than $1.60 per unit. Suitable for music-intercom systems, restaurants. office paging. etc .• when combined with protective enclosures 95· 8 (at left) and 8" speakers. Steel baffles are ruggedly made and ideal for fast installation. Offer at· tractive flush appearance when installed-may be painted to match any motif desired. Outer diameter. 12%". Hole·size required, 8~". 5 ballles per package. Shpg. wt. per package, 1 lb. 57 OX 502. Pkg. of 5 •..••• .7.95 SQUARE BAFFLES and ENCLOSURES Packages consist of bailie. 8" speaker and transformer. Utah speaker has' 3.16·oz. magnet. Response, 40-15,000 cps. Trans· former has 2/1/.5 ohms, and 70.7 ·v. taps. Stock No. ,57 OX 837 57 OX 838 '57 OX 829 57 OX 830 57 OX 831 Mfr's Type PK-51-8 PK-61-8 PK-67·8 PK·68·8 PK-169·8 EACH Includes Baffle No. ~:~:I--~1~_4~~~5~-~u~p- 6 9:IS 51-8 6 9.94 8.56 61·8 8 11.33 9.95 67·8 68·8. 6 13.72 12.04 169·8 6 9.1 B 8.05 s:os Let Allied Help Plan Your Intercom or P.A. System MODEL 169-8 TRIM SQUARE BAFFLE. Constructed of 24-gauge steel. Gleaming white finish. Com· plete with all mounting hardware. Fits protective enclosure 193·8, below. 10~" square. Less ~~e~~r 5~~:f:t~:'. ~ .l~.s: ........ EACH 2.37 5·Up .••••••••••••••••••••••..••• EACH 2.08 MODEL 193·8 PROTECTIVE ENCLOSURE. Made to fit 169·8 trim square bailie above. Extra-sturdy, all-welded metal. Undercoated to resist moisture. rust. and cQrrosion.' Has 4 conduit knockouts. Less speaker. 9%x9%x3%". Shpg. wt., 8 Ibs. 3.96 57 OX 555. \·4 .................................. EACH 5.Up ...... ~ ........................................ eACH 3.47 ALLIED .. 489 '----- Speakers, Trumpets and Drivers for Industrial Sound E'!eeztD.)6,c.c World·Famous Public Address Equipment ELECTRO·VOICE'S FINEST QUALITY COMPOUND DIFFRACTION PROJECTOR PA·7· ELECTRO-VOICE SOUND EQUIPMENT Compound Driver for Wide-Angle Coverage with Low Distortion GENERAL·PURPOSE High Power Capacity with Improved Lower Frequency Response PAGING SPEAKERS AND COAXIAL PROJECTORS High-efficiency re-entra~t type paging speakers and coaxial projectors fOr out." door or indoor applications. Models PA-IS, PA-7 and 844 speakers have rugged die-cast horns.' Ideal for police and emergency vehicles. Compound projectors have a single driver-feature virtually indestructible spun fiberglas construction, and \lffer wide hOl"izontal dispersion and a smooth frequency response from two horns coupled. to opposite sides of the driver diaphragm. All units lire weatherproof: Suffix CDP in manufacturer's type no. indicates Compound ·Diffraction Projectors. Supplied with drivers and mounting brackets, Install easily-sturdy brackets assure secure mounting. ·Wattage. Mfr'. Stock No. 57 OX 570 57 OU 57 OX 57 OX Frequency Respons. 819 PA-7 400-13,000 350-13,000 676 PA-IS 540 848 CDP 150-10,000 542 847 CDP 250-10,000 544 844 250-13,000 Type . W. 7\.1 IS 30 2S ,30 Diaper. lIon 120·' 120· 120· 120· 90· 16 8 '16 U;· 8 Wto, Size Ohm I\%x6' EACH Lb •• . 8%xS%x8~' T6.67 6 5\.1 19.99 48.51 29.99 22.93 20\.1xl0\.1dO" 18 U%.x7%xl01Sz· 13 13 ' 9~x8}i&, UNIVERSITY SPEAKERS, TRUMPETS, and HEAVY-DUTY DRIVERS PAGING ANDTALK.BACK SPEAKERS Highly efficient reflex-type 'air-column reproducers. All speakers listed below are complete driver-trumpet units, designed for maximum speech intelligibility. Speakers are weatherproofed, rugged and reliable. Driver units are'hermeticallysealed PM dynamic types. LIL-8 is a smart, decorator-styled pager; IB'A8 is for general purpose; CIB-A8 features wide-angle design for uniform coverage. MIL-AS and CMIL-AS for low-power systems. IBR-A8 for widest dispersion. Complete with mounting accessories. All have 8-ohm impedance. ·(Height, Width, Depth for CIB-A8 and CMIL-A8.) fWattage. . Stock No. 57 ox 57 ox 57.0X 570 570 57 ox 818 504 515 569 572 516 Frequency Mfr'. Type f LIL-S IB-AS CIB-AS MIL-AS CMIL-AS IBR-AS 300-10.000 250-13,000 250-13,000 350-13,000 350-13,000 300-10,000 ..j ~'"' DIaperWt •• alan Lb•• IS 8 110' 6~' 15%" 90· 1014 25 8 9' 25 120x60· ...... ·7%xI4xI2" 9 6%"· 7" 7\.1 . 120' 314 7\.1 12Ox60' .... " ·6'Azx9\.1,,8~6· 4 25 . 360· 13" 1014"' 9 Response W. EACH 24.45 20.2.9 27,<)5 16.67 19.25 28.71 DIRECTIONAL REFLEX TRUMPETS Directional P.A. trumpets produce deep sound-penetration with·a narrow·distribution angle. Excellent for applications where an exceptionally "long throw',' is necessary, or for areas where high noise levels have to be overcome. The large horn diameters of the units listed below provide a sharper distribution pattern than would be obtained with smaller units-provide more sound intensity along the speaker axis. (Model SMH is for. voice reproduction only.) With mounting brackets. Less drivers, below. COBREFLEX' IBR-AS Stock No. Mfr'. Low Type ~ 57' OZ 563 PH 57 OZ 564 SMH 57 ou 559 CLH 57 ox 543 2WP' 57 ox 566 Cobre- 150 cps 200 cps i20 cps 350 cps 200 cps Dlsperslon 8S0 95· 120x60· 120· 120x60· Length Ola. 15%" 2014" 12" 1614' 2I\12xll\.1" ·2D' 20\12" 8\12' 18\.1x914" 1014" Wt., Lb•• .11% 8 IS 8 1014 EAC.H 20.07 .16.98 27,34 17.29 23.67 flex 11 HEAVY·DUTY DRIVERS FOR TRUMPETS Top-quality drivers for any trumpet listed above. AlI'an; PM type,hermetically sealed, with 16-ohm impedances. ID-40T has built-in multi-impedance. transformer with power taps-for use with 70: 7-volt system. 490. AU(ED Stock No. Mfr'. Type 570573 570574 57 0575 570576 ID-20 'ID-30 ID-4O ID-40T Frequency Wattage of Taps Range 120-6500 ............. 85-7500 ............. .80-12,000 .. . . . . . . . . ... 80-12,000 40; 20, 10, S. 2.5 Max .. ,Wt., Watts 'Lb•. ' -3-20 30· 3~ 40 .4\12 40 514 EACH 1,..70 ,18.52 23;23 31.02 Everything in Electronics From One Dependable So~rce High-Efficiency Baffles by .. . Argos Models OWB/WB "PRESTIGE" WALL·MOUNTED BAFFLES New rectangular shape-ideal where extra air volume and larger appearance are needed. Give almost twice the internal cubic footage for far better sound quality. Include "Speedy Mounting" clips for easy hanging. Wood-grained pyroxylin covered. with plastic grilles. Available in walnut or blonde finish-specify choice. Stock No. I Modol 57 DX 527C PB-SA 57 DX 528C PB-12A I Size 1~ILb··ll.S'EA·16.UP'EA. 10%xI4x7" S' 7 5.73 5.42 13%xISV.x9- 12' 9 8.09 7.65 DELUXE WOOD WALL BAFFLES Beautifully finished baffles for the finest surroundings. Of genuine birch with durable plastic grille. All hardware and mounting clips included. In walnut or blonde finish-specify choice. I Stock No. I Model Size I F"OrjLb··ll.S,EA.\6.UP,EA. 57 DX 523C DWB-SA IOVzx9%x6\12' S" 6 5.88 5.60 57 DX 524C DWB-12A 14x13'Ysx9Ys" 12- S 8.23 7.80 LOW-COST WALL-MOUNTED BAFFLES Wood baffles, pyroxylin covered. Can be washed or repainted. All hardware included_ Blonde or walnut finish-specify. Stock No. 57 D590C 57 D 592C 57 D591C 57 DX 526C Model WB-4/SC WB-6C WB-SC WB-t2C Size 6Ysx6V.,,4" S\I2x7%"S" lO\I2x9%,,6\1214,,13'Ys,,9' For Lb•. l-S,EA. 6.Up,EA. 2.89 ~ 62 3.53 3.34 S3 4.22 3.98 12" S 5,73 5.42 4-5" 1\12 SLANTING-FRONT CORNER BAFFLES "Clip-In" front goes on or off in seconds without front screwsentire cabinet mounts easily on wall with "Speedy Mounting" clips. Bass-reflex type. Screw terminals; acoustic padding. Wood-grained pyroxylin covered. Walnut or blonde finish-specify. Stock No. I Model 57 DX 51 OC SCB-SD 57 DX 51 Ie SCB-12D I Size FOr\Lbl·I'·5,EAr-Up,EA. 15,,17%,,9' S 8.18 7.73 I S" 20x20%x10\l2' 12' 11 11.02 10.42 STRAIGHT-FRONT CORNER BAFFLES As above, but straight-front. Walnut or blonde finish-specify. Stock No. I Model 57 DX 512C CB-SD 57 DX 513C CB-12D I Size I ForILb·r-S,EAr-UP,EA. 14xI2V.x6\12' S' 7 7.35 6.95 20x1Sx9' 12' 11 10.58 9.97 MODERN THINLINE BAFFLE WITH JENSEN HEAVY-DUTY SPEAKER Modern-looking, space-saving baffles complete with heavy-duty ceramic-magnet Jensen speaker. installed and wired. Available with optional L-pad and/or 10.1-volt transformer. Handy screw terminals-no soldering is necessary. Pyroxylin covering is easy to clean-provides lasting beauty. Complete with "Speedy Mounting" clips for easy set-up. Series 20S are 8". IS-watt rating. Series 212 are 12". 18-watt rating. Type 108 is 8". 6-watt-excellent for background music. Letter OIL" in model number indicates L~pad; letter "T" in model number indicates 70.7-volt transformer. All speakers have 8-ohm impedance. Available in choire of walnut or blonde finish-specify choico. 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 Stock No. DX 505C DX 50&C DX 507C DX 825C DX 508C DX 509C DX 827C Model No. WB-lOSAS WB-20BS WB-20SSL WB-20SSLT WB-212S WB-212SL WB-212SLT Baffle Wt., Lb •. Size 9\12xI2x4Y.' 9!/zxI2x4Y.' 9Vzx12x4Y.' 9\12x12x4Y.' 13%xI6x6Y.' 13%xI6x6Y.' 13%xI6x6Y.' 6 7 7 S 10 10 11 NEW WALL/CEILING BAFFLES Contemporary deSign in top performing. extremely versatile baffles. Woodgrained pyroxylin covering; plastic cane grille. Supplied complete with volume control; all hardware including "Speedy Mounting" clips. MBX models are surface-mount; MBR are recess-mount-require 6" speaker cutout. L in model no. indicates L-pad; T indicates 70.7 -volt transformer. All take 8" speakers. Available in choice of walnut or blonde finish-specify With yo.r choice. Volume Control 57 57 57 57 57 57 Stock No. DX 846C DX 847C DX 848C DX 849C DX 879C DX 876C Model No. MBX-BS MBX-SSL MBX-SSLT MBR-SS MBR-SSL MBR-SSLT EACH Baffle Wt .• Size Lb •. 1-5 6-Up 9 IT.66IT:ii2 14xl0\l2x3\12' 9 14xlO\l2x3Vz' 14.11 13.33 9 14xlO\I2x3\12' 16.51 15.66 14xlOVzxl \12- -S- """"'iI:37 10.74 8 14x10!/zxl \12' 13.82 13.06 14xlO\I2xl \12' 9 16.22 15.41 SELECTED P. A. SPEAKERS and LINE TRANSFORMERS IQuam I L1NE-TO·VOICE-COIL TRANSFORMERS QUALITY P.A. SPEAKERS Economy-priced, high-quality transformers constructed of quality materials. Carefully made for high performance and dependability of operation. Excellent for replacement applications as welt as installation in new .equipment. Recommended for Public Address sound equipment on these 2 pages. Nos. 57 D 820 and 57 D 821 are 70.1 volts. Nos. 57 D 822 and 57 D 823 are 25 volts. Secondary impedances of 4.,8, and 16 ohms. Average shpg. wt., 1 lb. Alnico V magnets; baked enamel finish; Adiust-A-Cone suspension. 8 ohms. 8A6PAOT is weather-proofed. 'Ring-type magnet. - Stock Watt Number Taps 57 57 57 57 D820 D 821 D 822 D 823 5, 2.5. 1.25 .. 62; .31 10, 5, 2.5, 1.25 •• 62 5, 2.5. 1.25 •. 62, .31 10,5,2.5. 1.25, .62 Size \l2x'Ys" 'Ysx'Ys" o/axo/a" %x%" EACH 1·11 ~ 1.45 1.59 1.69 1.57 1.59 1.47 2.05 2.24 EACH 6-Up 1-5 7.01 ~ 10.19 9.&8 12.59 11.97 14.99 ~ ~ 14.10 17.25 16.39 19.65 18.&7 Stock No. 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 D 650 D 651 D 654 D 655 D 599 DX 536 DX 537 DX 538 DX 539 Allied Has .the World's large§t Stocks of P.A. Equipment Mfr'. Type Size Watts Magnet Wt. SA21PA SA31PA SA4PA 8A6PA SA6PAOT 12A31PA 12A4PA 12A6PA 12AIOPAo S" S' S' S" S' -12' 12' 12' 12' S 10 12 12 -12 12 IS 15 25 2.15 3.1C> 4.64 6.S 6.S 3.16 4.64 6.S 10.0 oz. oz. oz. oz. oz. oz. oz. oz. oz. Lb •. EACH - -4.82 -1\12 2 5.59 3 6.47 4 7.64 4 8.06 --6- - 7.03 6 8.38 7 9.38 S 11.73 AUtED.491 Deluxe Speaker-Ba'ffleC,ombinations ® TP-88 WIDE~ANGLE SPEAKER/BAFFLE COMBINATION L"test addition to Utah's line of deluxe speaker-baffle co·mbinations. Unique design uses two 8" shallow-cone speakers mounted at oblique angles to each other-effectively distributes music to all corners of the room. Enclosure measures only 4" deep at center and tapers to 2". at outside edges. Full 180· sound dispersion and attractive modern styling make it suitable for use in restaurants, clubs, schools and offices. Speakers feature efficiency and power boosting dualdiameter design. One specially'machined, permanent magnet combines two magnetic field alignments into a single unit and delivers twice th~ sound per watt. Results in increased economy in any installation due to lower sound power requirements. Enclosure made of durable Ys" plywood. Thin, compact design permits easy installation anywhere. Overall size, 10x2Ox4". Power handling capacity, 15 watts. Impedance. 8 ohms. Includes all necessary mounting hardware; screw terminal board for connection to amplifier. Available in rone walnut or blonde.furnit.ur~ finishes. Shpg. wt., 9lbs. 19 90 57 DX 841 C. SPecify Fm ..h........................... • a-oHM WALL SPEAKE~-BAFFLE COMBINATION Ruggedly constructed, tastefully styled and completely wired, it's a wonderful choice as an extension speaker for the recreation room or den. Delivers twice the sound per watt I Features dual-diameter 8" speaker with 10-watt capacity; L-pad volume control; 8-ohms impedance. 9J1zxI2x6". Available in choice of mahogany, walnut or blonde finish. Shpg. wt .. 8 Ibs. 57 DX 552C. Specify Finish .......................... .13.95 70.7-VOLT SPEAKER-BAFFLE. As above, plus 1()-watt, 70.7-volt transformer for multiple speaker installations. 7 Ibs. 57 DX 553C. Specify Finish ............................. 15.95 B-OHM SPEAKER ONLY. With wired L-pad., 18" cable. 3 lbs. 57 D 570 .......•.•.•.•...•........•.•..••. '.••••••••.•• 6,65 70.7-V. SPEAKER. As above, for 70.7-v. systems. 4lbs. 57 D571 .............................................. 8.&5 ill @] EXTRA-THIN SPEAKER-BAFFLE COMBINATION This streamlined, thin silhouette sloping baffle can be hung on the wall just as easily as you hang a picture. Use it as a remote speaker to carry hi-fi music to other rooms in the home-also excellent for use in offices, dens, 'Qn patios, and many other applications. Features the remarkable 8" shallow speaker designed by Utah to give twice the sOllnd per watt. Built-in L-pad volume control allows you to adjust the remote speaker volume without changing setting at the main source. Size, 9" high, 12" wide and 4" deep. Power handling capacity, 6 watts. Impedance, 8 ohms. Available in choice of two handsome wood gr.ain finishes, blonde, or walnut. Finish may be repainted to match surrounding decorative motif. Beige grille cloth matches finish ordered. Comes complete with all mounting hardware and instructions plus convenient screw terminal connections. Shpg. wt .. SIbs. ' 1 0 95 '57 DX 842C. SPecify Finish........................... • @) NEW LOW-COST EXTENSION SPEAKER-BAFFLE Compact and lightweight, this all-wood wall baffle and speaker combination gives realistic reproduction of voice an~ music. Use as low-cost extension speaker system with hi-fi or stereo sets, television sets, radios. etc. Excellent for use in dens, patios. offices, kitchens. bedrooms, or wh~rever background music is desired. Features the . highly efficient Utah 8" speaker-permits the lise of lower-powered, less expensive amplifiers. Baffle is ruggedly constructed to eliminate' disturbing rattles and vibrations. Comes complete with all necessary mounting hardware for quick. easy installation. Has convenient screw terminals for connection to amplifier. Size. 9Yzx12x5". Power handling capacity, 6 watts. Impedance, 8 ohms. Available in choice of two attractive finishes, blonde and walnut. Tasteful light beige grille cloth perfectly matches either finish ordered. With mounting hardware. Shpg. wt., Sibs. 9 95 57 DX B43C. SPecify Fillish ... ._........................ • ill UNIQUE CEILING BAFFLE-SPEAKER Really convenient-eliminates the need of making ceiling cut-outs. This fine-performing speaker-baffle combination measures only 2 Yz" deep-quickly mounts on ceilings Ys" to %" thick with mounting hardware supplied. The exceptionally shallow cone and basket of . this newly designed Utah speaker make possible the total depth of only 2Ya"-wbiJe maintaining very high sensitivity and extremely wide frequency response. Excellent for voice and music. Size, 2 Yax 12 Jlzx12JIz". Capacity, 6 watts. Impedance, 8 ohms. Handsomely styled in light beige. Finish may be repainted to match any e'listing color scheme. Shpg. wt., 10 Ibs. 57 DX 844 ........................................... 9.95 57 DX 845. Shallow Speaker Only. 6Ibs.................... 5.65 49·2 • ALLIED Ideal for Tiled or Regular Ceilings-Needs Np Cul·Out Make Allied Your Headquarters for All Your Sound System Needs Selected Industrial Electronics Books ALLIED'S OWN POPULAR ELECTRONICS PUBLICATIONS ELECTRONICS DATA HANDBOOK DICTIONARY OF ELECTRONIC TERMS Newly revised handbook. edited by Nelson M. Cooke. Lt. Commander. U.S.N. (Ret.). Contains a comprehensive listing of formllla~, symhol~. data. standards, tables and charts lIs('d in solution of everyday problems ('IlCollutpTed in all fh.·lds of dectronics. Packed with essential information for students, servicemen. engineers, etc. Contents include Log and Trig tablps; new tram::istor formulas and symbols; transistor amplifier circuit configurations; EIA and military color codes for resistors. capacitors, and chassis wiringj math constants; db ratios; speaker matching and coil winding formulas; tube and pilot lamp data; intNt"hangeable tube data. 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Chapters include: Introduction to Indnstrial Electronics; Photoelectric Controls; Electronic Timers; Electronic Heating; Measurement Transducers; Proximity Detector; DC Motor Controls; and Servo Systems. 96 pages. Size. 5 Y2x8 Y2". 37 K303 .............................................. 1.95 BASIC INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS COURSE By Allan Lytel (Sams). A complete explanation of principles involved in one of the most phenomenal devices ever developed -the LASER. Written in an understandable manner. for anyone with a fair grasp of high-school physics. After a basic discussion of tjuantum theory. the author progresses to simple explanations of the development of the MASER. and how these theories evolved into development of the Light MASER. or LASER. Chapters: LASERS and MASERS; Qnantnm Electronics; LASER Modulators and Detectors; LASER Power Supplies; LASER Communications; LASER Applications. With Glossary and Subject Index. 96 pages. 5 Y2x8 Y2". . 37 K771 .............................................. 1.95 By Alfred Haas (The Gernsback Library). A simplified, practical picture of this dynamic. profit-making electronics branch. The author has masterfully boiled down the apparently complex apparatus used in this field into a sense-making assembly of standard elementary circuits, power supplies and relays. This easy-to-understand approach includes an overall presentation of nearly every type of industrial-electronics ullit~: regulators, servomechanisms, electronic heating and welding, automation, ignitrons. thyratrons, ultra-sonics. detectors. safety and alarm systems. etc. Fully iIInstrated. 224 pages. Paperback. 5Y2xSY2". 37 K 777 .......................... : ........•.......... 4.10 ABC'S OF LASERS AND MASERS Allied Prepays Postage on All Books Mailed Within the U.S.A. AUIED. 493 Burgess Portable Batteries BATTERIES FOR ALL APPLICAlIONS • Allied's Seleclion Includes Most Up·to·Date Types • Rapid Turnover Assures a Continuous Fresh Supply Incorporate chrome for guaranteed freshness, silver wax for improved cell· to-cell conductivity and steel for protection of conductivity in handling. Zinc carbon types are for general use; alkaline, for high and constant drain; nick. el-cadmium, for c,!mpact, hermetically sealed rechargeable applications. PORTABLE BATTERIES FOR TRANSISTOR RADIOS Stock 130 930 Mfr's Volt. Price No. Type .&5 ea. 55 J 769 2MN6 55 J 661 2N6 1,30 ea. 55JC650 2U6 .48 ea. 55 J 106 2Z3 1.II.ea. Pkg. of 2 for 55 J 860 7 Pkg. of 2 for 55 J 861 130 55 J 862 "'2:lQ- Pkg. of 2 for 55 J 863 930 Pkg. of 4 for 55 J 666 A4 .69 ea. 55 J 670 C6X 1.10 ea. 55 J 098 D5 1.05 ea. 1.26 ea. 55 J 652 D6 55 J 667 D6PI 1.76 ea. 55 J 103 D6S 1.36 ea. 55 J 174 L6 .53 ea. 55 J 102 M6 1.05 ea. Pkg. of 6 for 55 J 864 NE P6 .62 ea. 55 J 093 .80 ea. 55 J 770 PM6 1.05 ea. 55 J 657 XX9 .83 ea. 55 J 364 Y6 9 9 9 .20 .32 .32 .64 4Y, l'h l'h l'h l'h 6 9 7'h .48 Lb•• Eveready Mallory I ,,3%. x3·~4q lx'%z" 1x3y..n lxl 1¥16"" lx22%4" '%,x23!tS," 4%x't\SX2\18· HG675 H113R .......... ............ . ......... .. ............ .......... .. H132R H126 H133R· H134R H13SR H136R Hl45 H152R H153R H162R H163 Hl65 . . ... .. .. .. . . . VS-148 VS-327 .......... · ... .. . .. . .......... ........... .......... .......... .......... .......... VS-163 VS-165 .......... .............. . ......... , .............. .......... .............. .......... .............. · . . . . . . . . . 302125 .......... . ......... ....... ....... .............. BURGESS ;>HOTO-FLASH BATTERIES Types 120 220 and 920 are designed specifically for hiuh initial current discharge ~ Handy guide to selecting the correct ------dry battery for all BURGESS types of equipment. ~~~~fneerin9 MOhuol Contains basic information on dry and reserve-type :-CQMPlETESATIERTDATA power batteries; explanation of various cell types; performmance on standard tests; hundreds of gra'phs. charts and illustrations for estimating dry. mercuryand nickel-cadmium battery performance; specification check sheets for new battery design and reserve battery. 136 pp. 6x9Y,". 38 K,874. Postpaid in U.S.A ........ 1.00 No. S5 J 878 55 J 879 55 J 880 S5 J 052 55 J 596 S5 J 576 55 J 659 55 J 597 55 J 062 55 J 656 55 J 066 55 J 594 55 J 660 55 J 655 55 J 574 55 J 069 55 J 075 496 • ALLIED Depend on Allied for Complete Stocks, Low Prices, Friendly Service Stock Mfr's Type 120 220 920 D3 K45 M30 N150 V60 U10 U160 U20 U200 U320 XXl50 XX45 Y10 VIS Volts 1Y2' lY, 1Y, 4Yz 67Y, 45 225 90 15 240 30 300 ':510 225 67Yz 15 22Yz Size l1Y16x l H l' YI,x2 2%4· 3%4xtlYl," 3Vsx1YJ6X2'YJ6" 2'V,6X1YJsx2y..· 3o/,6X l%x5Yz· 3316X2%x4% • 3 Z%zxl %zx3 1J.1s" lX3%4X1Y16" - 2316X 1YJ6X4'%,n lX3%4X2'rl'" 2% x2%,x3\!a" ,2'YJ.xl'rl,xSY1.· 4y..x20/0x4y.." 2%x1'\1,x,"%4n 1~zxl%zx12%411' '%.x'%,x13\1," Shpg. Wt. 8 oz. 12 oz. 8 oz. %Ib. Yz lb. 2lbs. 2Yz lb •. lib. 1 oz. % lb. 2 oz. lib. 1Yz lbs. 2Yz lb •. %Ib. 1 oz. loz. Price Pkg. of2l0r .32 Pkg. of2fo •• 32 Pkg.of2for .26 .95 ea. 2.42 ea. 2.70 ea. 6.13 ea. 3.15 ea. .81 ea. 5.56 ea. 1.23 ea. 8.37 ea. 11.16 ea. 6.96 ea. 2.45 ea. .81 ea. 1.05 ea. Replaces Eveready 835 850 815 726 457 482 492 490 411 491 413 493 497 489, 467 504 505 Batteries, Plugs, Holders and Battery Eliminator BURGESS NICKEL-CADMIUM BATTERIES BURGESS ALKALINE ENERGIZER BATTERIES ~ I Iigh energy. compact, hermetically scaled nickd-cadmiu 111 iJatteries and cells. Long·lasting, ecollomical pO\ver-may h(~ recharged many time's. Batteries respond cquaHy well to a trickle charge or a quick charge. Unaffected by idle periods. All batteries below have pressure contacts, except -i'supplied with solder lug terminals. tID hour disdwrgc rate (rna.). Sealed in steel for leakproof protection. Hcvolutionary alkaline cllcrgjl.pr batteric;.; tlpccially de.:-;iglled for hjgh chain, cOlltinuOIlS service applications; Deliver higher ampprage over a muL'illonger period than Q:;:) ~ BUTTON CELLS I Stock Mfr's Volts Size Oz. ~ ~ ___-~~---I- 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 J J J J J J J 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 CDI CD2 CD3 CD3L* CD4 CD4L* CDS 1.25 1.2.1 1.2.1 1.25 1.25 '%4x;;3," 3%4X'')'''' 63,i,x0/3," 6%,x'%," 6%4X'V3z" t:25 6%4X%" 1.25 1"%,,'%4" 2 t _ Replaces PRICE Eveready _ _ __ 2 25 2 IS 2 1.1 2 22 22 2 4.1 N22 N24 N28 N28T N32 N32T N 36 1.16 .81 .92 1.0 I .95 ea. ea. ca. ea. ca. 1~21~ CDSL""" 1.25 171ox2U4" 2 15 N36L 1.60 ca. 55 J 497 55 J 498 CDS CD.8L* 1.25 6%4X'%4" 1.25 6%,XV4" 2 10 2 10 N26 N26L .90 ea. .99 ca. CYLINDRICAL CELLS 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 J J J J J J J J J 385 386 387 388 499 836 837 838 840 CD6 CD6L* CD7 CD7L* CD9 -CDIO CDIOL* CDIl CDI2 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 o/!6 x 1 6;,t4" o/15 x 20/32" 11 %4x223i4" I' '%4x2"V,," 3%4X3 ' Y15" l' %4x2 2:%4" 1' %4 X2 4%4" l'%4 X22:%4" 'l8x14%4" 2 2 7 7 3 2 2 2 2 4.1 N46 45 N16L 200 N56 230 90 N52 ---400 400 N57 3001 .... 120 ... 1.93 2.20 3.50 3.75 3.0 I 6.12 6.40 4.53 2.70 ca. ea. ca. ea. ea.. ca. ea. ca. en. J J J J J J 392 394 395 396 397 399 CD24 9.7 CD26 9.7 CD27 12.2 CD28 12.2 CD29 12.2 6.0 CD31 12 15 lY16x2 2. Y3z" 16 45 15!-i4 x 2 3'Ji4" 12 IS lY1Gx25 %4" x31 12 22 lY16 0/3z" 20 45 15 'Y64 x .3'%4" 3%xl ' Y3zx3 ' o/16" 36 ISO 5.74 ea. 5.90 ea. 9.39 ea. 15.85 ea. --11.56 ea. ...... 11.95.a. ........ 19.50 ea. ........ 23.79 ea. ...... CINCH-JONES PLUGS FOR BATTERIES ~0 ~@ ~@J~@] IT) ~=~ III \~?~@] Cinch-Jones plugs for "A." HB" and various other batteries. Av. shpg. wt., 1 oz. 2 per package. Stock No. Type Fig. For Burgess Battery For RCA Battery PKG. 55 J 178 ~A 2F, 4F, 6F, 8F. 2D. 8R VS069.VS070.VSI41---:08 55 J 1765EIA B XXI5. XX22. XX30PI .10 55 J 30 15M) C P6, D5. P6M, M6. VS300A. VS315. f XX45, XX30, XX50. VS322. VSOI6. .12 55 J 3025F J D K45, P45. P45M. VS055. VS217. P60. D6, 4D4. N60X. VS082. VS218. C6X VS215. VS219. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I----:--:-:--=---c--I-V=S.~30::-6::.~V~S:::3~1.:6--1 .12 55 J 1755A4 E 2F4. F4PI. XXI5. XX22. XX30PI ............ . .10 F TJ30. 2TJ6, 2N 6. UX45 VS086. VS323. 55 J 1845D VS312. VS305 .69 55 J 3075DI G XX 50. P45. P45M. VS218. VS215. VS219 P60. N60X, C6X .67 55 J 308 5D2 G N60 .67 55 J 309SMFA G XX4S. XX 30, ](45 VSOI6, VS055.VS082 .67 NEW SENCORE BE-124 BATTERY ELIMINATOR! NICKEL-CADMIUM BATTERY CHARGER Power supply charges rechargeable batteries and replaces batteries during radio repair. Tapped voltages at 1.5-volt DC intervals from 0 to 12 volts on front panel for easy connection and to assure center tap and bias voltages \vhen required. Function switch converts meter to trouble shooting, 0 to 50 rna, current reading device to monitor current drain of transistor radio. Improved regulation and voltage calibrate potentiometer for accurate, well-filtered output. 4 Ylx5x 55 55 55 55 55 J J J J J 873 874 875 876 877 AL-I AL-9 ,\.L-7 AL-N AI,-103 6%"I');,G" 'J1,xl'V3,''' 'V3,xl%" 2%4XI VB" 'V3,x2" MN1400 MNI.lOO MN2400. MN9100 MNI306 E93 E91 Pkg. Pkg. Pkg. Pkg. 904 333 .51 ea. of 2 for of 2 for .66 .62 of 2 for of 2 for .48 1.30 WILLARD RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES Typo 25-2_ For Porte blc Redios. Spill-proof, rechargeable battery in lightweight polystyrene container. Supplies 2 volts for 21 ampere-hours. Plug-in terminals. Original equipment in G.E. Model 250 and 260 portables. Shipped dry. 6x2V2X2'Yt6'. 3Y..lbs. 941 55 J 851. . ...................... EACH • Type ER6-2B. For Photo Flesh. Above, but for photo flash units. 2 v. for 6 amp-hours. Up to 250 flashes per charge. Shipped dry. 1''.I,6x2%x4y..''. lYz Ibs. 639 55J 849 ............................ EACH . Type ER-34-2. For Porteble Redias. 2 volts for 34 ampere-hours. Has plain posts. Shipped dry. 4'hx3''.I,Gx4V,''. Sy.. Ibs. 12 53 55 J 852 .................... _ .................. EACH NICKEL CADMIUM BATTERIES 55 J 389 CD21 6.1 lY16 X11 Y3z" 12 IS .. 55 J 390 CD22 6.1 lY16 x I 3Y3z/f 12 22 ..•... 55 55 55 55 55 55' fi'd Stock Mfr's Size RtlpI3C~S Price ~ ~~ Mallory::Ec:v.::e"re::a::d:.;YCI _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 55 J 872 AL-2 1Z%4,:21'l3Z" MN1300 E95 .65 ea. 1.47 ca. 55 J 384 ~ _tl' do standard Hashlight batterictl. Ideal for usc in portahl~ TV sc'ts, flasilligllts, etc. Applications: AL-Z-\-D; AL-l-C; AL-9-'\,\; .\L-7--AAA; AL-N-N; AL-I3.,3 -Transistor Radio. I\ll have flat contacts. All arc 1 Y2 volts, except AL-133-4 V2 volls. -=====-" ~~;·u\~~:/2. :~~...................•... _.•........... 24.45 • KEYSTONE BATTERY HOLDERS Battery holders for transistor assemblies, radios. meters, model airplanes, etc. Feature snap-clips, moisture-proof fiber washers. *End to end. Av. shpg. wt .. 3 oz. 2 per pkg. Stock No. Mfr's Type Holds ---- -104- -I- 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 J J J J J J J J J J 900 90 I 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 91 I L19 Burgess -I 2 3 4 2 140 }Z. 1;1 182 189 -173 }1 174 185 -132 9~. Mallory Evercady Per Pkg. 1- 2019 299 E3 .60 -:s2 E-9. E-12. .46 .42 E133. E502. .76 .68 915. lO15E. .98 .88 1.28 1.14 505 lOI5E .90 .72 .60 .48 TR2J.1R E23.1. 635 .76 .68 .90 .72 . 935 TRI32R. TRI15R EI32 .60 .48 Rlvl3R RMI2R, TR133R, YI5 RM502R. ZM-9 55 J 912 I;S - - } 55J913176 2,Z4 55J914186 * ---------55J915166 UIO 55 J 916 177 UI5 55 J 918 183 \120 55J919225 YIO D-99, A-IOO ----.-&0 --:48 ;24 .76 .68 ~~ . ....... 950 .60 .4& .... 411 .60 .48 RM412R 412 .60 .48 .. 413 .42 .40 .. 504 RM42R SONOTONE RECHARGEABLE BATTERY Model FC-3. Can be used in place of 2 "D" cells. Unit pIngs iuto any 110 v. AC wall outlet. Built-in charger flllly charges nickel-cadmium cells overnigll t. Battery will power a PR-2 bnlb continuollsly for 2 hours without recharge. Leakproof; cannot overcharge. 1 %x4 1o/i6/1. 10 oz. 55 JC 332. 1·3 ..... EACH 8.50 4-36 ............... EACH 7.80 36-Up. . . EACH 7.20 Recharge:; in any AC outlet ... charges overnight FC-2 As above, but powers PR-2 bulb for 45-55·minutes. 8 oz. 55 JC 331 ........................................ ; EACH 5.57 9-VOLT TRANSISTOR BATTERY Priced so low you can replace your weak or dead batteries at real savings. Replaces Burgess 2U6, RCA VS323. Eveready 216. Zenith Z216, Mallory M1604. NEDA and Ray-O-Vac 1604. Marathon 1604. Western Auto 3B6469. General 179. Montgomery Ward 123. Sears 6417, and many others. Size, lVax3%4x1". From Japan. Wt.. 2 oz. 55 J 147. Pkg. of 3 ............... PER PKG •• 59 Allied Gives You the Fastest Service in Electronic Supply ALLIED. 497 Television Cameras and Monitors NEW L8M PORTABLE 8" TV MONITOR Compact professional monitor. S" aluminized. industrial-type kinescope. 10-megacycle bandwidth for extremely sharp pictures. Video input. -0.2 volts peak-to· peak. Selector switch for internal or external sync. 1·8 volts. negative.SO·239 fittings for video. sync input. Major controls in front. Removable frontpanel. Self·contained ventilating fan. Diestamped. gray hammertone. steel case with handle. Size. only 9v..xS~x17". For 110-120 v.60cycle.Shpg.wt.32Ibs. 285' 00 86 su 176·D............ ..... • For micro-wave in-out. A-B signal checks. etc. Excellent isolation I Run one monitor on color signal. other on black and white-no cross·talk. 10.megacycle bandwidth produces ultra·sharp images. Aluminized S" industrial-type kinescope. Video. 0.3 v. Pop negative. Switch selects internal or external -3 to -8 v. sync pulse. High-Z inputs for video. sync. BasiC controls for each chassis on removable front panel; top also removes. Ventilating fan. Each chassis 8~f( ·wide. 15~" long. Chassis tray mounts independently; each monitor removable. Tray. 17 v..xI6~H deep. For operation from 110·120 v.. 60 cycle. Wt .• 60 Ibs. Shipped express. 865Z 177·D................ 555.00 10·megacycle bandwidth-excellent clarity for engineer's test circuits. remote pickup consoles. etc. Aluminized 27" industrialtype kinescope. Input. 0.2 v.. pop. neg. High-impedance looping inputs for composite video (SO·239 fittings). All major controls on front panel. Steel. die-stamped case; heavy·du ty handles. Size. 24%x26%x 24%". For 110-120 v.. 60 cycle. Shpg. wt .. 115 Ibs. Shipped express. . 86 5Z 180.D................. 425.00 86 5Z 181·D. With 21" Kinescope... 345.00 865Z 182· D. With 17" Kinescope... 305.00 86 5Z 183- D. With 14" Kinescope•...295.00 MODEL TC-2 CLOSED·CIRCUIT PORTABLE TELEVISION CAMERA Low-cost. completely self-contained portable TV camera. Fine for continuous visual observation of hazardous operations. Finds many uses in the factory or warehouse. as in monitoring loading platforms. entrance gates. storage areas or production lines. Excellent for instruction and training in schools. and enlargement of small objects. Offers good resolution and high light-sensitivity. Transmits picture . to any TV set or monitor such as the TM-8 at left. or master TV cable system. Produces clear images of any object or scene-similar in quality to those on standard TV channels. MODEL TM·I CLOSED·CIRCUIT TELEVISION MONITOR High'Quality unit for use with TC-2 TV camera, at right. Utilizes 8" rectangular aluminized 90· kinescope. Cpntains horizontal and vertical sweep circuits. high and low-voltage power supply. Requires video sync input of -0.3 to -2.5 v. peak-to-peak through rearpanel SO-239 connectors (2 bridged). Video response: 600 lines-(8 me :!:: 1 db). High voltage: 14 kv. Front panel controls: On/Off-Brightness. Contrast. Horizontal H'Old. Vertical Hold. Height.' Vertical Linearity. Rear panel controls: Horizontal Drive. Horizontal Stability. Centering control on yoke. Fused. Metal case. Size. 8Ytxl0v..xl0YtH with knobs. For 110-120 v .. 50-60 cycle. Shpg. wt •• 221bs: .' 18900 89 5U 057. D•.. "......... .......................... • Produces tunable RF output on Channels 2 to 6. as well as video signal output. Features automatic light level compensation circuit. Has resolution of 400 lines on video output and 300 lines on RF output. Hand·wired chassis utilizes six tubes. Output: RF channels. 0.1 volt; video, 1.5 volts peak-to-peak. Lens is 48·mm coated f 1'.9. auxiliary lenses listed below. Only 6!-1.x4%xIO". For 110·120 v .. _ ~~-~C~~I;: ~~~.~'. ~.t: . ~~ .I~~: ....................... 449.00 Madei P·I Tripod. Three sections; opens to 70". closes to 27". Has elevator. pan head. quick-release nylon locks. Ijnd no-slip rubber tips. Gray finish. Shpg. wt .• 11 Ibs. 89 5X 060·D.......................................... 17.95 89 5X 061. D. W-I' Wall Mounl. With pan head. Wt" 5 lbs•. 14.95 89 5C 062- D. lSmm Coated F 1.9 Lens. Shpg. wt .. 2 lbs.. " .. 41.25 89 5C 063. D. 25mm Coaled F 1.9 Lens. Shpg. wt .. 2 lbs•..• , .29.25 I . 89 5C 064· D. 3" 75mll) Coaled F 1.9 Lens. Shpg. wt .. 2 lbs... 37.50 89 5C 065~ D. 6" ISOmm Coaled F 3.5 Lens. Shpg. wt•• 2 lbs•.. 67.50. NEW SERIES 910 TRANSISTORIZED SELF-CONTAINED TV CAMERA True ruggedness and excellent picture quality are .achieved by solid-state components and 640 lines of resolution (8 me bandwidth). Built-in regulated power supply. Needs no sync generator. Light control automatically adjusts for changing light levels. Produces 10 shades of gray. Video output. 2 volts maximum-more than enough to handle 2000 feet of cable without additional .amplification. Vidicon pick-up tube assembly is shielded against· magnetic fields. Optical focus of vidicon permits adaptation to various lenses without disassembling camera. Fail-safe circuit protects vidicon in event of sweep loh. Has 25mm. f 1.9 lens. :Provision for. remote 498. AUlfD control. Deflection and video circuit .boards are epoxy.impregnated fiberglas. Has standard type "C" lens mount. Extremely sensitive-O.I v. output at 2foot candles provides usable picture. SO db gain. 525-line scanning circuits. Less than 5% differential gain distortion. Low-impedance output. Positive locking. ring-type connectors. -40·C to +70·C. Complete with 25mm f /1.9 lens. vidicon (pickup) tube. 25' camera cable with connector. and with automatic light control and focus regulator factory installed. Epoxy-coated aluminum case. 16x5 Ytx7". For 105-120 v •• 60 cycle. 23 lbs. 86 SUI84.D................. 895.00 Depend. on Allied for the Latest in Indusfrio.l Electronic Equipment Selected Photoelectric Equipment NEWl WORNER SMOKE DHcCTOR SETS WORNER PHOTOELECTRIC SYSTEMS Compact. unbreak· ableunits-sosmall that they Ilt the palm of your hand. For vertical mounting only. Light Source "2 UNIT EQUIPMENT" Ij\l MODEL 101 FIXED LIGHT SOURCE. Excel- MINIATURE UNITS MODELM-36 EXCITER LAMP_ Miniature exciter lamp for use in areas with severe space limi~ l!!J lent fixed light source for use with Model 103 Receiver, below. Projects straight, 1", fixed beam up to 10 feet. Objects 2" wide and larger wi\l interrupt the beam and activate any solenoid, counter, etc. Heavy- gauge, hammerloid-finished steel case measures 2 \lzx4 \lzx4". Complete with 6-ft. line cord and plug. For operation from 110-120 v .. 50-60 cycles AC. Wt .• 2 lbs. I 77 P 343 ........................ 3.80 tations. Excellent for high-speed counting. Up to 500 counts per minute when used with Model 67 Amplifier-Relay. below. Unit projects diverging beam for detection of objects as small as 1" square at distances up to 8 ft. Has rugged one-piece case. made of solid aluminum. For vertical installation only. For use with Model M-26 Photocell Receiver and Model 67 Amplifier-Relay. listed below_ Supplied with six feet of cable. Size. 1 v..x%x2 112"_ Takes operating voltage from Model 67 Amplifier Relay unit. listed MODEL 102 ADJUSTABLE LIGHT SOURCE. (Not ilIus.) Ideal for detecting small objects less than 2" wide. For use with Model 103 Reciever. listed below. Adjustable beam. from VaX~" at 9 inches. to 1 Vz" at maximum distance of 15 feet. Hammerloid-finished heavy-gauge steel case. Complete with 6 ft. line cord and plug. For operation from 11 0·· MODEL M-37 EXCITER LAMP. (Not i\lus.) As above but for horizontal installation. Shpg. Ijj1 MODEL 103 PHOTOCELL RECEIVER. Com~ bines photocell. amplifier and relay in a ~l~vj~:.~~'. ~~':.~ ~~'.......... 24.96 7;·'p'1i~: ............. ,_....... 24.96 MODEL M-26 PHOTOCELL RECEIVER. Miniature mate for Exciter Lamp above. Compact. unbreakable case. One piece aluminum construction. With six feet of cable. positive prong-type connectors and screw band collar. For vertical installation. Size. 1v..x%x . ~~~ ;~4'.~ ~.t:: ~~. ~~'............ 28.31 MODEL M-27 PHOTOCELL RECEIVER. (Not i\lus.) As above but for horizontal installa- ~~np ~~g~: ~~':. ~~ .~~ ......... _.. 28.31 MODEL 67 DPDT AMPLlFIER-RELA Y. Designed for general industrial applications such as counting. level control and sorting. Up to 500 counts per minute. Contacts rated 10amp non-inductive and 5·amp inductive at 110 v. 60 cycle AC. Size. 7 !,1,x5 v..x 1014". For 110-120 volts. 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. ~''p1~i~~ ..................... 69.90 ~~O:3l~:~~.~~~I:~.~~: .":.t: . ~ .I~~ .. 27.23 single compact unit. Designed for use with either 101 or 102 light sources. listed above. Effective up to 10 feet from Model 101; 15 feet from 102. Applications include counting objects on a conveyor belt. operating timers at races. opening doors, counting store traffic. etc. Up to 450 counts per minute with 2" objects. Extremely sensitive to small changes in light intensity. RCA power photocell operates SPDT relay. Has special light rejection shield-minimizes extraneous light failing on the photocell. Relay contacts rated 12 Yz amperes. liS-v. AC non-inductive load. Fused circuit protects relay and controlled mechanisms. Provides reliable continuous-duty service. Mounts easily across area to be supervised. directly opposite light source. Combination of amplifier and relay in a single unit eliminates interconnecting cables and simplifies installation. Hammerloid-finished steel case. 5x5x5112". For 110-120 v .• 50-60 cycles AC. Shpg. wt .• Sibs. 77 P 349 ............... , ....... 34.49 Amplifier Unit MODEL 201. New 2-unit electronic smoke detector device. Ideal for store. factory. or home fire detection. Activates alarm when smoke interrupts Iigh t beam-detection is substantially before automatic sprinklers. etc. go into operation. System consists of a photocell amplifier and a 3 stage light source adjustable for distances up to 7S ft. Units are installed high above floor traffic, su:mcndcd from ceiling or walls. DimensiOlis: Photocell amplifier. SYsx7x5v.."; light source. 4112 x7x4v..". For 110-120 v .• 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 20lbs. 77 PU 379 ................... 112.50 MODEL 202. (Not iIIus.) Electronic smoke detection system for use in large industrial plants or warehouses. Range: 75 to 500 ft. Installation and operation is identical to Model 201 listed above. Dimensions: each unit. S%x7xlS%". For operation from 110-120 v .• 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .• 20 Ibs. 77 PU 436 .................. 142.50 BURGLAR ALARM • Variable Sensitivity • Infra-Red filter • 50-Foot Range MODEL 4000. Photo-electric burgl'\lr alarm designed for indoor use. Light source has removable infra-red filter for invisible beam. Amplifier relay unit has 6-v. AC poWer supply for alarm. Switch for continuous or intermittent alarm. Hammerloid cases, 5x 5x5\1z". For 110-120 v. 50-60 cycle AC. Wt .. 141bs. 77 PU 232 ..................... 63.00 MODEL 5100. (Not iIIus.) As above. but has meter jack for plate circuit test and alarm setting protected by lock. For distances to 100 ft. 5x5xS1I2". For 110-120 v .• 50-60 cycles AC. Shpg. wt .• 14 lbs. 105 77 PU 441.·............... ..... .15 PHOTOELECTRIC LIGHT CONTROL DEVICES New Intermatic light control devices are ideal for controlling window signs. yard lights. stairway lights. street lights. Each model has dependable printed circuit. relay type construction with fail-safe operation unaffected by humidity or temperature cbanges. Turns lights on when natural daylight fades-keeps lights on to dawn. Has self cleaning lens and moisture-proof cell eye. Aluminum housing is lightweight and weather-resistant. All offer full wattage rating for tungsten. mercury vapor and fluorescent loads. 'C1 MODEL K1611. Complete photo cell and ~ Par lamp holder in one unit. External switch leg provides instantaneous control of other light clusters. 1000 watts. 125 v. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt•• 1 lb. 74 P 299.1-5 .............. EACH 11.02 6-11 ....................... EACH 10.17 fij1 MODEL K1221. Has 3-prong plug. light· ~ ning arrester. Meets NEMA and EEl specs. 1500 watts. 125-v.. 60 cycle AC. Wt .. lIb. 74 P293. 1-5.EA. 13.62 6-1 LEA. 12.57 74 P 294. KI20 Adaptor_ Adapts std. wire to twist-lock plug. 6 oz... _.... EACH 3_00 SERIES K1121. Hasadjustable stem for ~ angle mtg. Suffix "L". late activation (2-5 ft. candles on. 5-12 off). Suffix "E". early (6-12 on. 8-16 off). 1500 watts. 125v .. 60 cycle AC. Wt.. !h lb. 74 P 295. K1I21-L I-S".EACH 13.62 6-11 ....................... EACH 12_57 74 P j!96. K1I21-E 1-5•. EACH 13.62 ·6-11. ...................... EACH 12.57 Series KIIII. As above but 650 'watts: 74 P 297. KI1I1-t _ 1-5•. EACH 12.32 6-11 ....................... EACH 11.37 74 P298. KII1I-E 1-5.. EACH 12.32 6-H ........... _._ ......... EACH 11.37 IE' Allied is Headquarters for Electronic Components at Factory Prices o Turns lights On at Dusk. Off al Sun-up • OK'd by Utilities • Reliable PrintedCircuit Construction ~. Special~Purpose VHF ~ I .~I ~ -----:; ~ Receivers UliliIY"/ndU~'. I . for Receplion of Police, fire, frial" Paging, Mobile Telephone, Civil Defense ~ommunicatjons and Other Services. • ~ •. . 17 fD,- LINCOLN ' r-IJ HY-GAIN GROUND-PLANE ANTENNAS NEW FM .RECEIVERS $44~? for 30·50 or 152·174 mC MODEL GP·150 -144 to 174 me. Low cost yet ruggedly constructed 'A-wave ground plane antenna for usc. with Lincoln 2552. Monitoradio MR-l0 and PR·155B. and other 152-174 mc FM receivers. Radiator and radials are of iridite-treated aluminum. Provides 360· ori'midirectional pattern and unity gain. Built to commercial·duty stand· ards Ht 14" Wt 2 Ibs 86 5X 2·io .. : ... :: .... : .......... 5.40 MODEL 2551-30 10 50 me. Dependable FM, fier. Antenna impedance is 50-72 ohms. reception at an extremely economical price. Unit is housed in plastic cabinet. 6x911zx Compact new unit features temperature- 511z". For operation from 110·120 volts. 50· compensated superheterodyne circuit for 60 cycle AC or DC, Wt 81bs highly stable, virt4ally drift-free recep- 90 5466 ... '........... ': .... : ... 44.95 tion. Ratio detector minimizes interference from static and amplitude·modulated sig- MODel 2552-152 to 174 me. Identical to .nals. Provides 100-kc selectivity and sensi- above receiver, but for coverage of the high. MODEL ·GP.50-30 to 50 me. Above, for US!' tivity of 10 microvolts. A 4" PM speaker is cr, 152 to 174·mc FM band. with Lincoln 2551, Monitoradio MR-33 tubes plus ·905499 ....................... 44.95 and5X PR-35B, etc. Wt., 61bs. .....self-contained. _ _ _ _ _Employs _ _ _5 _ _~ _ recti___ ____ _________ _ _ _186 211 ..................... · 1295 • MODElS MR·! 0 and MR·33. Deluxe receivers for lnonitorin.g police, fire, industrial, road maintenance, utility, paging, mobile telephone, civilian defense and other servic("s in the 30-to·50 or 152·to-174' mc FM bands. Excellent for l'mergency. commercial or industrial installations. Feature senRltivity of 4 I'V, adjustable squelch control for muting speaker under no-signal conditions, and self-contained 5" speaker. Circuit employs 7 tubes plus 6X4 rectifier. Compact cabinet is 7Vsxl1 'Ax6Y>". Transformer·type power supply is for 110·120 volts, 50·60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .. 22 Ibs. 2 50 90 SX 667. MR-l0. 152-174 mc .... 7 . 90 5X 668. MR·33. 30·50 mc ........ 72.50 Crystal.confrolled Models MRC· 10 and MRC·33 priced 01 $79.95 available on special oreIer. Specify crystal frequency desired. halllcraliers MOBILE FM 4" for muting speaker. Size, a compact 411zx 6Y>x8%". For operation from 12-volts DC only. Shpg. wt .• 14 Ibs. 90 5 669. M·40. 30·50 me ....... 103.55 90 S 670. M·!40. 152·174 mc ...... 103.55 . Crysfal·conlrolled Marlels MC·40 and MC·160 priced at $122.95 avoilab/. on .pe.ial ordcr. Specify crystal frequency desired. MODELS PR.35B and PR·ISSB. Moderate· cost units have adjustable squelch,. highly stable temperature· compensated superhet circuit and built·in 4" speaker. Provide 100ke selectivity with 10 pv sensitivity. Efficient ratio· type detector is inherently in· sensitive to amplitude-modulated signals and atmospherics for minimal interference to FM reception. Receivers employ 5 tubes plus rectifier, and are housed in compact plastic cabinets. Size, 6x9x5Y.". For operation from 110-120 volts. 50·60 cycle AC, or ~OCs ~~~~·PR'::i5~.lf~:50 mc ....•.. 54.40 905665. PR·155B. 152-174 mc ...... 54.40 ~~i~e~Y666 .................... .169.50 MODEL DRS·! METAL·ENCLOSED 6" SPEAKER. For use with DR-200 receiver. above. Size. 8x7 1Izx7 y.". Shpg. wt., 7 Ibs. 90 5U 672 ...................... 14.95 INDUSTRIAL, PUBLIC SAFETY AND AIRCRAFT RECEIVERS CRX-l, 30·50 mC FM CRX-2, 151-174meFM CRX·3, 10S-135mc AM 500. AWED MODEL DR·200 2·BAND FM RECEIVER. Popu· ular receiver covering both high and low emergency-frequency FM ranges--excellent for central installations which must communicate with very weak outlying stations. Employs adjustable squelch control and double-conversion s'uperheterodyne circuit with proVision for one crystal·controlled frequency in each of its 2 ranges (supplied less crystals). SenSitivity for 20 qb quieting is 1 I'V from 30 to 50 mc, and 2 I'V from 152 to 114 mc. Circuit utilizes 14' tubes plus 5V3GT recti· fier. Cabinet size: 8xI4'Ax911z". Built'in power supply is for operation from 105-125 volts, 50·60 cycle AC .. Less external speaker. below. Shpg. wt ... 23 Ibs. Crystals jor fi.~ed frequ.ency reception are available on special order jor $11.95 each. SpecifY frequency or frequencies desired and allow 3 weeks for MODEL CRX·2 FM RECEIVER. Receives split·channelnarrow·band FM commercial and public service communications from 151-174 mc. Has triple-conversion. lO-tube circuit. Switch selects dual vernier tnning or 2 crystal-controlled channels (less crystals). Just 111z I'V signal opens adjustable squelch. 5Vsx1311zx8%". Has built-in speaker. For 110-120 v .. 50·60 cycle AC. Wt .. 17 Ibs. . 90 5X 674 ..... , .................................... 109.95 90 5X 675. Madel CRX-l. Above. for 30~50 mc. 9 tubes ...... 99.95 MODEL CRX·3 AM AIRCRAFT MONITOR RECEIVER. Tunes 108-B5 mc aircraft band. Has dual·conversion, squelch. 7 tubes plus 3 diodes. 5%xI311zx8". For 115 v .. 50·60 cycle AC. Wt:, 17 Ibs. 90 5X 676, ......................................... 94.95 Call on Allied for All Your Industrial FM and AM Receiver Needs Tov(ers, Rohdors, Alternator System IE-I WAY Ili.TOVER ANTENNA TOWERS Continuous SPAULDING Strata·Tower Package~ Antenna Towers as low as diagonal bracing - - -- --=--.::...--=----- --Withstand high-velocity \vinds-use heavy-wall steel tubing, solid rod and welded construction. Priced as low as S99.50, these famous E-Z Way antenna towers crank way llP to snag DX, yet can be easily tilted OYer for acees::; to array if adjustments are necessary. Sturdily constructed of heavy-wall hightensile steel tubing wiLlI solid sleel rod, continuous diagonal bracing. and built-in ladder feature. Electrically arc welded thr.oughout, towers resist twist and torque caused by wind gusts and constant stopping and starting of rotor and beam. All will °Bupport full-sized Amateur beam arrays except 6046P, designed for 6-meter arrays. When used with Type GPK-S40 groundpost mounting kit. mount in 5-ft. hole; rcquire no concrete base or external gUyinl~. When used with BAK building-attached kits, anchor to side of an adjoining structure. When used with TOP tiltover post kits, require concrete base but no guys. All towers are 2-section. standard-duty types except *RBX-60-3G, which is 3-scction, heavy-duty type; and have hot-dipped galvanized surfaces except fdip-painted surfaces. Accept standard rotor heads, below. Shown with TOP kit & concrete base Specify rotator to be used when orderi;,g. Towers shij}ped prejJaid by rail from Tampa, Fla.-slight extra charge for trllck shipment. Send }'emittance O}l cash orderS-Ito C. O. D. Stoclt No. Ht. Type DB6 CZ 212 HD-40Pt DB9 CZ 927 RBS-40Pt D99 CZ 826 RBS-40G 411 41 41 D89 CZ 836 RBS-50G 51 DS6 CZ 233 6046Pt 55 D89 cz 854 RBX-60-3G* 60 Lb •• EACH 140 180 190 235 270 355 99.50 169.50 209.50 279.50 199.00 410.00 E-Z WAY TOWER MOUNTING KITS Kits contain all ncessary mtg. equipment. Stock No. Type DB6CZ 248 BAK-D DB6CZ 366 DAK-S40 D89CZ 994 CPK·S40 For Tower Lbs. -HD·40P -----EACli -8 6.75 Any RBS 10 RBS·40P /G 150 10.50 75.00 DB6CZ 239 lOP·S40 RBS·40P /G or 6046P 75 75.00 DB6CZ241 TOP·SSO RBS·SOG 90 90.00 D86CZ 247 TOP-X60·3 RBX·60·3G 120 120,00 CDR ANTENNA ROtATOR AND CONTROL SYSTEMS tIAM-M MODEL TR-44. New economically priced rotator system for support, control and rotation of beam antennas-will support any TV antenna or full-sized Amateur 20-meter beam ill high winds. Rotator features streamlined \vcather design, 50 heavy-duty bearings in two 6Y2" ball races, 450 inch~ lbs. average rotating torque. and heavily reinforced die-cast aluminum housing. Accurately calibrated remote-control indicator unit has large meter calibrated in compass points and 3 0 increments; double-stage switch permits instant direction reading without moving rotator. Rotator can be casily mounted on any standard tower. Accommodates mast or pipe up to 2V16" D.D. Requires 7-wire control cable. For 110·120 Sy~t"'r/l indicator unit supplied with eilher system ~~I~x ~07~0 .~~c.l~ !'.':: .'::t:,. :~ ~~~'. 5 8.75 MODEL HAM-M. Heavy-duty rotator system featuring rugged stainless steel motor gears and pinions. 98 ball bearings. and solenoid hrake release. Vertical load rating is over 1000 Ibs.; heavy plates distribute stress. Pro\rides 365 inch-lbs. rotating torque, 3500 inch~lbs. braking. Same indicator as in TR-44, above. Le" S-wire control cable. For 115 V., toO cycle AC. 27 lbs. 69 5X 025 ....................... 117.!I • .. .. .. All-Riveted Construction 100% Galvanized Sleel Assembled 8-Ft. Sections Choice of Screw-Anchor or Std. Concrete MIg. SERIES HAX STANDARD TOWERS. Will support smaller-sized Amateur beam. rotator and clutch brake assembly-also ideal for TV antenna systems, store signs, floodlights and other commercial and business applica~ tions. factory-assembled 8-ft. sections; allriveted construction. Withstand high windloading. Top of HAX·48 is IOVt6" across one side of triangle; bottom. 25" across. Choice of tri~('hannel screw-anchor hinge-over base or stub base. HAX-B types are free-standing wlth screw~anchor base-no concrete needed. Ot1lers have stubs for concrete mtg. All types are packaged wt:h rotor plate ami top plate assembly. Less mast. ShiPPed F. O. B. Frankforl, Ind. Shipping cizarges will be collected 011 delivery. No C. O. D. Stock No. D90CZ 438 D90CZ439 D90CZ440 D90CZ441 D90CZ 442 D90CZ443 ~ Ht. Sec. Lb,. HAX·32B HAX-40B HAX·48B IIAX·32 HAX-40 HAX·48 32' 40' 48' 32' 40' 48' 4 5 6 4 S 6 EACH 184 78.05 229 9S.17 367 134'55 115 5S.85 160 SO.70 220 111.35 SERIES HDX HEAVY-DUTY TOWERS. Similar to above, but of extra-heavy galvanizedsteel-support full-sized beams. HDX-48 top is 12%" (bottom 28") across one side of triangle. HDX-B types have screw-anchor base; others, base stubs for concrete mtg. Stock No. ---~ D90CZ444 HDX·32B D90CZ445 D90CZ446 D90CZ 447 D90CZ448 D90CZ449 Ht. Sec. Lb,. HD~·40 32' 40' 48' 32' 40' 5 liOX·48 48' 6 HDX·40B HDX·48B HDX·32 4 5 6 4 EACH --- 212 100.35 361 143.95 430 ISI.50 143 79.45 205 110.10 280 145.25 COMPLETE 53-AMP Ai.TERNAofOR OUTFIT An excellent alternator to replace conventional generators in public. private, Citizens Band and Amateur mobile installations as well as marine mobile communications setups. Also useful for any car equipped with air conditioner or power accessories. and for replacing older, lower-output alternators. Powerful 53amp type 6200 alternator prolongs battery life by keeping it fully charged .at all times-charges at IS amps even at curb idle. Amazingly easy to install, too-no special skill or experience is required; needs 110 lubrication, maintenance or other special care. Alternator features: replaceable silicon rectifiers mounted in efficient heat sinks; anti-friction/roller bearings; shielded slip-ring assembly; self-limiting current; compact design. Supplied. complete with alternator. voltage regu1:ltor, pulley. universal Inonnting bracket for any car. all cable. and easy-to-follow installation instructions. For any 12-volt DC ~~~~I'I ~~~~:i~~. ~~ ~~~~l~:: .. ~~,~.g: .\~:.: .1? :~s: ... _... 59.95 For any mobile or rnarine use Complel" $59 95 .....,~ ~~ ----~ Items With U or Z in Stock No. Shipped Truck or Express Only _ALLIED • .5~1 Citizens Band 2- Way Radios for Industry Each- in Pairs • MARK VIII CB TRANSCEIVER • Crystal-Controlled Transmit/Receive on Any 6 Channels • 22-Channel Receiver Tuning • Includes NOise-Cancelling Microphone New from Knight, this value-packed transceiver offers ex~eptionally economical 2-way communications. Features full-electromc antenna switching-uses no relays. Accepts 6 transmitting a~d rccei\:ing crystals; switch also permits manual 22-channel recelv~r tumng. ··Positune" frequency-spotting circuit locatc's your transmit channel -just press switch and manually tune receiver to channeL Superhet receiver circuit boasts RCA "nuvistor" in RF stage f95 ~: ~~ gg~g::i42:i62: A'bo;e'''b~t f6~ '1'1'0' VAC"i6' VDC: .. 1&9.95 MODEL 250-811 -TONE·ALERT. For Model 242-163. For selective ralling. Mutes receiver speaker until called by ~nother unit in your system using. a Tone·Alert. When called. audIO note sounds and light goes "on" until answered. Switch has Standby. Operate. ant! Call positions. Easy to attach. 4xl lI,x7%". Sibs. 89 5 ~e9 •........................... EACH 59.95 89 S 393.250·810. As above, bllt fur MudeJ :.l4Z·lCi2 ..... ~A. 59.95 > • 502· ~ ALLIED > •••••••••• Highly efficient fixed-station or mobile transceiver with provision for 8 crystal-controlled transmit and receive channels. Dual-conversion receiver section has 6-kc selectivity-drastically reduces adjacent channel interference. Sensitivity: exceeds 1.0 I'v for 10 db signal-to-noise ratio. Dual limiters reduce impulse noises. 5·wa~t loop neutralized transmitter has link-coupled output-matches 25 to 75-ohm transmission lines. Series-trap reduces TV!. Self-contained dual po\ver" supply uses efficient silicon diodes. Two tone gray enamel finished cabinet. 5l1,x12 Yax8". With press-to talk mike and transmit/receive crystals for channell!. For 110·120 v .. 50-60 cycle ~i's~ J~I~·.'.~~:.~:.I~~: ............................ 159.95 90 SU 454. As above. but for 110 VACj6 VDC ........... 159.95 HA-12 ENCODER/DECODER. For units above. For selective calling. Keeps receiver quiet until called by another unit in your syst~m using an HA-12. Also actuates stations using the HA-12. 2Vax3y..x 4 lI,". Shpg. wt .. 2 Ibs. 86 SX 3000..................................... EACH 79.95 86 SX 3030. HA-12A. Encoder Only. Actuates units with HA-12 above, but clll!!19t\be actuated by others.·••••..••.••. EACH 44.95 for g Complete List of C8 Crystals, See P'g9~ ~Q9. ", Your Low-Cost Way to Boost Efficiency, Save Time '~. POLYTAONICS e: C:=.,A....C) ~ MODEL 510A ALL·TRANSISTOR 5·CHANNEL TRANSCEIVER Compact. completely tra~sistorized s. channel transceiver. Uses 18 transistors and 8 diodes for low (·xtremely current drain. Excellen~ for mobile or portable applications. Has provision for 5 cr~'stal· controlled transmit and recC'i\'e channels. In addition, provides manual tuning that covers all Citizens Band channrls. FeatuH'S dual-conversion SUpttrilel receiver section; Vz-.uv sensitivity for dependable long-distance reception. Also has adjustable squelch. automatic noise limiter circuit, pi-network OLitput filter. and speech clipping. Output jack .for, headphones or an external speaker. Includes provision for selective calling.· Brushed aluminum and charcoal metal case. 3 Yzxll lIax5l1a". With press-ta-talk mike. crystals for channel 11. mounting bracket, power cords. Less portable case/power pack. below. For 110-120 v., 50·60 ~~cl~:~67V:~ .~.: .~~ .. ~~'~~: .\~~.: .1.1. ~~~ ............... 199.95 500-1· PORTABLE CASE/POWER PACK. High-impact plastic case with built-in· battery charger and 42" 6-section whip antenna. 4x12x6" Less batteries, below. Wt., 3 Ibs. 86 S005 ......................................•..... 34.95 86 S 006. Rechargeable 6-v. Batiery. Uses 2. Wt., 14 oz .. .lEA. 10.95 12 CB TRANSCEIVER Deluxe. precision engineered transceiver. Dual-conversion superhet rl'(x"~v~r. (('atures an RF stage that provides better than 0.1 pov sensltlvlty-emmres excellent reception over a long distance. Has adjustable squelch; automatic noise limiter; 4" Prvl speaker. 5-watt transmitter has adjustable output that matches 52-ohm or 72-ohm antennas. Extremely high adjacent-channel signal rejection. Modulation indicator. Provision for -l crystal-controlled transmit and receive channels. II-tube circuit. \Vith crystals for olle channel. AC-DC power cords, press-to-talk microphone. mounting brackets. Rugged steel cabinet. 7y,Xllx5". For 110·120 v .. 50·60 cycle AC, or 12 v .. DC. Shpg. wt., 19 Ibs. 90 SU 423D .. : .................................... 189.50 90 SU 424 D. Model PC·"N" 6. For lIS VAC, or 6 VDC ... 189.50 POLY-TUNER. Plugs into Poly-Comm '·N·' or "II G:· Provides manual receiver tuning of all 22 channels. Includes S-meter. Sup- ~ge~ ~kt~' m.~~~:~I~~ ~.r~~~~: . ~h.~g .. \~: .... ~ Ib: .. , .. _, . .34.95 IJ;~ MULTI·PRODUCTS EL. 4-C CITI·FONE CD.? • 'S Transmit and Receive Channels • Squelch • AutomatiC Noise' Limiter '. Vz IJV Receiver Sensitivity Deluxe 5-channel Citizens Band transceiver for mobile or fixed station use. Convenient function switch instantly selects crystalcontrolled receive. tunable receive. or selects crystal "spot" to permit locating of transmitting crystal frequencies. Has illuminated dial and 4-1' vernier receiver tuning. Dualfunctil;m "meter shows signal' strength and power output. Very sensitive superhet receiver section has 8 tuned circuits; squelch for quieting between calls; automatic noise limiter to help prevent ignitio~ noise and other types of interference .. Sensitivity: Y. I'V for 6 db signal-tonoise ratio. Efficient S-watt transmitter operates on any of 5. switch'sele.cted crystal frequencies. Has high.levelAM modulation, adjustable antenna coupler,· high-Q tank coil. Quality speaker. Heavy-duty po\ver supply. 4%x9x 10". Wi.th press-to-talk mike. two power cords. and transmit/receive crystals for one channel.. For 110-120 v., 50-60 cycle AC, or 12 v .. ·DC.Wt., 161bs. 18950 90 SU 418D;.................. _ 90 SU419D. For 115 VAC/6 VDC 189_50' MODEL 770. An easy-to-build transceiver that provides more effective Citizens Band communications. Front-panel selection uf four transmit ·crystals. Sensitive tunable superheterodyne receiver section has RF stage for 1 ",v sensitivity. automatic noise limiter. and adjustable squelch contrul. 5watt transmitter. section features press-totalk microphone. pi-network output, plate modulation with automatic limiting. Eight tubes and a germanium diode ensure reliable performance. Metering jack in cathode circuit for input-power checking. Has COIlvenient function-indicator lights. Supplied complete with mounting bracket. microphone. one crystal.' easy to follow instructions. and all parts. For 110-120 volts. 50·60 ~~cl~:~3~I~g.\\'t. . l3Ibs: ..... .79.95 90 S X 138 D. Same as Above, but factory wired and tested ................. 109.95 90 SX 139 D. Model 772 Kit. As above .. but for 120 VAC or 12 VDC ............ 89.95 90 SX 140 D. Same as Above, but factory wired and tested.. . .. . ........... I 19.95 Dep:nd l:!pon ~1I!ed for the Latest in Citizens Band Equipment Precision built to offer premium-Quality Citizens Band communications at all times, as a fixed or mubile station. Features 8 crystal-controlled transmit and receive channels, plus manual receiver tuning of all CB channels. Dual-conversion receiver provides 1.0 ,."v sen!:'itivity for 10 db quieting, and 3·kc selectivity at 6 db down. Has adjustable squelch control and automatic noise limiter. Full 5-watt transmitter circuit has Class B push-pull modulation with 100% capability. Front-panel meter serves as RF power indicator and also as S-meter. Also: pushbutton crystal-frequency spotterj TVI trap; indirect illuminated panel; heavy-duty aluminum construction; built-in 2-way power supply; press-to-talk mike provision. 4%x 9Yzxll~". \Vith mike, universal mounting bracket. and a pair of crystals for one channel. For 110-120 v .. 50-60 cycle AC, or 12 v. DC. Shpg. wt.. 10 Ibs. 229· 50 90 SU 428 D.................. • 90 SU 429 D. As above, but for 115 VAC or 6 VDC. 10 Ibs •. _...• __ •••.• _ •• _••. 229.50 .AUlD • ~03 I knighl-kit®Citizens Band Equipment C-22 Transceiver KG-4000A WolkieTalkie KG-4000A I-WATT WALKIE TALKIE C-22 5-WATT CB TRANSCEIVER KIT Has many industrial applications. FuU I-watt RF inpu t permits 2-way communications up to 5 miles. Offers: less than 1 p.v receiver sensitivity; ANL; AVe; squelch, Distance-Local switch; press-ta-talk; RF indicator; weatherproof.. mike and speaker; 52" whip; external antenna and earphone jacks. Uses 9 transistors and 3 diodes. Less batteries (uses 8, below) and crystals (uses 1 transmit, 1 receive, below). With FCC-permit application, tan case with strap. 10%x3o/sx 89 . 95 141M,". Wt .. 6lbs. 83 YX 500· D. Factory Assembled.. . 83 YX 808·0. In Kit Form ............ 59.95 83 Y 012- 0, "c" Cell. Wt .. 2 oz.. .. . EACH .14 83 Y 551- D. Rechorgeable Battery/Charger Combination. Replaces "C" cells. Factory assembled. I lb. .. .............. .29.95 83 Y Oil-D. Above, in Kit Form ...... 19.95 83 Y 047- D. 12-V. Adapter. Plugs into auto cigarette lighter. 6 oz.. . 1.00 Magnificent-performing transceiver kit. Opcr~tes of!. any 5 switch-s('lected channels-or flip the SWJtch and manually tune receiver through all 22 channels. Ideal for fixed· station or mobile use, has built-in 115 VAC/12 VDC power supply. 5·watt transmitter has RF output indicator, 54·mc harmonic trap, adjustable pi-net loading circuit. Superhet receiver has 1 JAV sensitivity, selectivity of 6.5 db at 6 kc, two J650-kc IFs, vernier tuning, squelch, AVC. ANL, 3" speaker. 12 tube functions. 4o/16XlOl Y16X 10Ya". With wire, solder, press· to-talk mike, coil cord, instructions. Less crystals belolv. For operation from 110-125 v., 60 cycle AC or 12 VDC. Shpg. wt., 19 lbs. 83 YX 802·0 •.. 83 .YX 80 I.' D. Stondard Model. For fixed·station use. For 115 VAC only .... 64.95 83 YX 009-0. Mobile Mtg. Brocket. 6lbs. . 4.95 83 YY 046· D. Tronsmit Crystal. Specify Chonnel 1·22 (C·22 takes 5). 3 oz.. . EACH 2.50 83 YY 045. Receive Crystols. Sp~cify Channel 1-22 (C-22 takes 5). 3 oz. . .... EACH 2.50 C.A.P. CRYSTALS. 26.620 me. 3 oz. 83 Y 043- D. Tronsmit . , . EACH 2.50 83 Y 042- D. Receive .•.. , .. EACH 2.50 CRYSTALS. SpeCify Chonnel 1.22. 3 oz. 83 YY 041- D. Receive . . . . . EACH 1.95 83 YY 034-0. Transmit .EACH 1.95 C.A.P. CRYSTALS. 26.620 me. 3 oz. 83 Y 038- D. Receive 83 Y 039· D., Transmit. . EACH 1.95 EACH 1.95 MODEL TEN-2 CiTIZENS BAND TESTER Actually ten precision 0< •••••••••• _ ••••• 69.95 MODEL C-IOO WALKIEw TALKIE KIT • Transistorized • Easy to Assem ble • No License Needed • 100 Milliwatt Input • Crystal·Controlled Transmitter • Super-Regenerative Receiver • Press·To·Tolk Switch • 2" Speaker-Mike • High·lmpact Case • With Transmitting Crystal • Up To 75 Hours on A Low·Cost Battery New, highly useful and completely portable an-transistor ten-function test instrument. Permits you to easily and quickly evaluate and improve the performance of Citizens Band transceivers in either fixed or mobile ·instaUations. Servicemen, technicians and CB operators will find it invaluable for fast, accurate troubleshooting. Large, easy-ta-read 2" meter has four scales and sensitive movement. Frontpanel sockets accept any standard or miniature CB transmitting crystals. Frontpanel jacks for key, headphone. output, scope output, rf generator output, as well as Motorola connectors for CB antenna and transceiver inputs. A 40" antenna collapses into cabinet when not in use. Actually ten precision instruments in one, tile "10-2 Checker" measures, with 10% accuracy, relative standing-wave-ratio of antenna arrays and transmission lines; percentage of either positive or negative modulation, relative field strength, power output, and relative crystal activity. May also be used as a signal monitor, crystal .. controlled rf generator, audio generator, and code-practice oscillator. Charcoal gray cabinet has brushed alnminum panel with black and satin knobs. Cabinet size. 5%x7o/sx4l1..". Complete with 9-volt battery and instructions. Shpg. wt., 4lbs. 3995 83 Y 561-0. Foctory Assembled. • 83 Y 823· D. In Kit Form.. • ..••• 25.95 .s04 • ALLIED 41 H 199. PL-259 Socket Plug To Motorolo Adopter. Shpg. wt., 8 oz.... _...........44 Great value in a walkie-talkie that comes in easy·to.build kit form. Lends itself to many uses in industry-warehousing, construction, inventories, security-wherever on-the-move 2way communications up to Y4 mile is desired. No license requirements-meets FCC regula. tions for. unlicensed 100-milliwatt units. Press· to-talk and you're on the air. The three·transis· tor circuit has a crystal-controlled transmitter section and sensitive super-regenerative receiver section. A 2" speaker doubles as a microphone when you transmit. Has a 40" telescoping whip. . 5Vax2Vsxl ¥.,". With transmitting crystal, parts, wire and solder. Less battery and optional carrying ca-se, below. Shpg .. wt .• 9 oz. 9 95 83 Y 804· 0 .................... EACH • '83 Y 821.0 ................. TWO FOR 18.88 83 Y 013- D. Carrying Cose. 6 oz.. • . .. . ...• 98 83 Y 002· D. 9.V. Battery. 4 OZ, ••.•••• !;ACH .21. There Is A Knight-Kit To Meet Your Every CB RequireIT)ent Compact Citizens Band Walkie Talkies $1 BONUS-Get Thi. Re· chargeable Battery Pack, Worth $19.95, for Just $1.00 More When You Buy the John· son I·Watt Walkie Talkie. • t 1 Transistors, .4 Diodes • ReJiable Printed Circuit Construction • Powerful I·Wall Crystal·Controlied Transmitter • Crystal·Controlied Superhet Receiver • ANL and Squelch • "Push·Pull" Oulput • 11 Transistors, 1 Thermistor, 1 Diode • '·Mile Range • AM Redio • Batteries, Case, Earphone • Moisture· Proof Speaker/Mike • Telescoping Antenna • Bonus NickelCadmium Rechargeable Ballery JOHNSON I-WATT WALKIE-TALKIE SPECIAL Save $18.95 On Rechargeable Battery Pack IIPersonal Messenger" gives ten times the power" of most Citizens Band walkie-talkies ... doubles your effective operating range. Ideal for industrial. business and personal applica· tions requiring dependable on-the-move communications. Meets FCC requirements for licensed Citizens Band station use. Offers a sensitive crystal-controlled superhet receiver section with RF amplifier. powerful 2-stage transmitter section that punches signal home-even at extreme ranges. "Push-pull" audio circuit gives crisp. clear voice reproduction. Uses rugged printed circuit chassis board. Has press-to-talk switch. moisture-proof s)Jeaker Imike. squelch for silent standby. on-off Ivolume control. telescoping antenna. earphone jack. With transmitting and receiving crystals for all channels. Uses battery pack (included) or 8 penlight cells. below. Battery pack recharges from 115 v. AC outlet. Size, 8x3'hx2". Shpg. wt .. 2Ya lbs.130 95 20 SC 487. Walkie-Talkie and Battery Pack. ..• 24 SC 196. Walkie-Talkie Alone. Wt., 2lbs.. . .•.. 129.95 24 SC 185. Battery Pack Alone. Wt .. 4 oz. . " .. 19.95 24 SC 198. Leather Case. For above. Wt .. 8 oz......... 8.50 39 A 617. Penlight Cells. 2 per pkg. 4 oz. . PER PKG •• 17 It's a Standard AM Broadcast Receiver and a Hand·Held Citizens Band Transceiver II-TRANSISTOR CB WALKIE-TALKIE WITH AM RADIO Low-cost transistorized marvel features high-efficiency ampli. tude modulation for clearer. more powerful transmissions ..Provides 2-way communications at distances up to a mile. No licens,e needed-meets FCC requirements for unlicensed Citizens Band units. Built-in AM radio keeps you posted on news. sports and ·weather. Tunes 540 to 1600 kc. has Automatic Volume Control to prevent blasting; high-gain ferrite bar antenna. Also: push. pull audio output. 2'h" speaker. chrome-plated telescoping 4 Ya-ft. whip antenna. 100-mw transmitter input. II transistors. 1 diode. I thermistor. UseS 8 penlight batteries (supplied). With transmit and receive crystals for Channel' 9. earphone and leather case. Size. 7%x3\4xlYa". From Japan. Shpg. wt., 2Ya Ibs. 24 SC IBO .. , .......................... EACH 37.95 Save $2.00 Per Unit ......••••........ 2 or More, EACH 35.95 39 A 677. Ballerie •• 2 per pkg. 4 oz.............. PER PKG •• 17 /lEWLkni'ght-ki__ c-sss SUPERHET WALKIE-TALKIE KIT Uses 5 transistors. 1 diode. Printed circuit board for assembly ease. Crystal-controlled transmitter and receiver. Press-totalk transmitter has 100-mw input. up to %-mile operating range. Superhet receiver gives top gain and reliability. 2" speaker doubles as mike. 4,0" telescoping wQip. on-off Ivol. control. earphone jack. Coral red case. 7x3 Ysx2". No license or permit needed. With instructions. Less battery. crystals. optional carrying case below. Shpg. wt·. 1 lb. 83 Y B22-0... • . . EACH 19..95 CRYSTALS. Specify Chen. 2-22. 2 oz. 83 YY 034- O. Transmit............ 1.95 83 YY 041-0. Receive.... ..l.95 C.A.P. CRYSTALS. 26.620 me. 2 oz. 83 Y 038- O. Receive ...• _••••• _.•. , .95 83 Y 039· O. Transmit ............ _I .95 83 Y 01'4· O. 9, V. Battery. A, oz. ..: ...• 35 83 Y 092- O. Carrying Case. 60z.... , .9B 83 Y 094· D. Earphone. 3 oz.. .• • •..• 79 IO-TRANSISTOR WALKIE-TALKIE Terrific value in a moderately. priced. easy·to-handle Citizens Band transceiver. Provides reliable 2-way communications at distances of a mile or more. No license is required-meets FCC requirements for unlicensed Citizens Band units. H,!s a sensitive crystal-controI1ed receiver section with 2" speaker that doubles as a microphone when you transmit. Crystal-controlled transmitter section has convenient Dress-to-talk button. 100% modulation capability. 57" telescoping whip antenna. Rugged gray metal case. With earphone for private listening, carrying case and strap. crystals for channel 7. Less batteries. below (requires 7). Size. 6%x2Yax 1 'h"- From Japan. Shpg. wt., l'h Ibs. 24 SC 193 ...... EACH 32.50 2 or More .••.••.. EACH 29.95 39 A 677. 8alferie •• 2 per p~g. Shpg~ wt .. 4 oz ..... PER PKG •• 17 Allied Guarantees Your Satisfaction ALLIED Ii SOS CB Base Station Antennas and Useful Accessories , /¢ Bonus Offer VP-l Save $4.1 O! When you purchase any of these three CB an- tennas, you get 50-ft. of RG-58/U coax and two PL-259 plugs for only a penny more. $4.11 value! MOUNTING KIT BONUS OFFER Hy·Gain UMKW Lisled at. rig.hl'j ~erA,Q ·J.It·t/a,,, ?l/~ qo sav~5:: qv~ ~ I with Eithe,. CB Anlenna.~ CI~TIZENS BAND BEAM AN~"NN~ 113·B 1I ~ . 4f a 5 MR-77 ,:; ® NEW HY-GAIN \15·B. 5-element beam provides 12.7 db gain. 25 db FIB ratio. 52-ahm f('ed with Beta match. Aluminum construction \vith high.impact· plastic insulators. 2" dia. boom is )4/1 long. Longest element. 9'. Tufning radius. 14'6". With mtg. bracket. Wt .. 27 Ibs. 6 5 86 CZ 389-D....... ............ 9.9 HY·GAIN 113·B. As above. but 3 elements. pro\'ides Q db gain. Has 8' boom. Langest element. 16'6". Turning radius. 6'. Shpg. wt.. 15 Ib,. 89 CZ 826.. .. ............... ~,. 50 NEW ANTENNA SPECIALISTS MR-77. 3-element beam has separate 52-ohm coax inputs to vertical and horizontal radiating elements. Provides 6 db horizontal gain and 7 db vertical gain; 15 db FIB ratio. SWR. be· law 1.5:1. Pia" dia. boom is 10' long. Turning radius. 8'6". All aluminum. Fits masts ~':, 1J1\~~'.PJ:.~vt.:.~: ~~~'........ 58.75 BONUS OFFER. Get 50 ft of RG-58/U coax· ial cable and two PL-259 coaxial connectors for only Ie morc. when you buy any of these popular Citizens Band antennas. You save $4.10 off catalag prices. NEW HY-GAIN GP·500. Omnidirectianal ground-p1 one ear by one milli-second to glve surpnsmgly greatcl clarity and intelligibility. Weighs only y. oz. -wearer Will hardly know it's on. Response. 60' to 6000 cps. Ear loOp include~ for on~ ear listening. Worn under thechm~can ~ muss hair. With 5' cord and standard 14 phone plug Shpg wt 6 oz Stock ·No; , . Type 59 D 214 590257 59 D 028 59 D 258 59 0217 . Impedance EACH ---HFR-91 15 ohms HFV-91 125 ohms \ 6.35 HFW-91 500 ohms HFX-91 1000 ohms HFY-91 2000 ohms DICTATION DYNASET Model HUP·Ol. Extremely high sensitivL§ ity along with excep~ional tonal. qualjty makes this headset especlally useful m ofhcc applications. television and ra?io .monitoring. and ot4er commercial ap\?hcatlOns. Designed for user comfort-welghs only 114 ounces. Fully adjustable tone arms. Mag. netic driver element in plug directs sound to ear through tubing. Frequency response is 50' to 6500 cps. or better. Impedance. 15 ohms. Maximum power input. 25 milli:watts. Attractive light gray finish with whlte removable eartips-easy to keep clean. Complete with 5' cord and standard size 14" f@ ~~oge2~1~~:..~l~~~ .. ~.t: •. ~ .~~' •...•... 8.33 CORDS, EXTRA TIPS AND ACCESSORIES Stock Type No. and Connects EACH to Fig. Descrl ptlon No. ---CMM-2. Gray 5' 590270 cord with std. phone plug. - - - - !14." CMT-2.GrayS' 590253 cord with std. TRANSISTORIZED "PHONE-TALK" TELEPHONE AMPLIFIER Listen:to your telephone from any part of the room. Ideal for conferences or in the home-any number of people can listen-in. Volume control; battery-saver switch. Smart plastic. case. 414x4l1sx2y.,". With 9 v. battery. From Japan. Wt •• 2lbs. 585290 ............................ 8.95 512 • ALLIED !14." phone plug. LOW-COST PHONE PICKUPS Pickups need no electrical connection to telephone. Plug into. recorder or amplifier. Ifi1 Kord·Q·Koil Pickup. For cradle phone. 6' 59 D 252 cord wi th 90° ~a~~~ .I~~~ .~l~~:.~ ~~'.••••••.•. 2.98 . 59 D 293 125 ohm voiume 58 %4'" min. plug. VVT-2.Cord with 2.34 -D,E 1.82 -- CMT-92.GrayS' 59 D 037 cord with 90° MagnetiC Pickup. Includes 5' A.F %4'" min. plug. ~o~~k Y:'~. ~~.o~.e. ~~~~: .1.~ .I~~... 5.88 2.34 -- CMM-92.GrayS' ;;: QJ VM·938 D.E A.F 1.82 ---- - A.F 5.93 control. Depend on Allied for Same-Day Shipment at OEM Prices Replacement and New- Equipment Speakers QUAM GENERAL REPLACEMENT SPEAKERS TOP BUYS IN REPLACEMENT SPEAKERS Excellent-quality permanent magnet, dust proofed speakers at low prices. Actually co.st less than original speaker. Designed for univer~al replacement use-al,:;o recommended for original equipment. Big moncy savers for radio and TV servicemen. as well as "do-it-yourselfers. Built to EIA PO standard dimensions-rugged construction throughout. Rigid frame assure:; permanent alignment of integral parts. Magnet and voice coil are precision centered. 4" and 5" speakers As have four holes in pot for easy mounting; furnished Low with universal mounting bracket. Impedance, 3.2 As ohms except t8 ohms. *Extcllded range. Square Round Oval Pincushion Heavy-gauge metal.baskets; Alnico-V magnets. Baked enamel finish. "*Indicates very shallow frame. Impedance. 3.2 ohms except tspeakers for transistor application; (impedance indicated by digits following Z in Type No.). Av. shpg. wt., lIb .. except type 10A6A is 3Y,2 Ibs' ., 12A6A is 4Yl Ibs Mfr's Max. Magnet EACH Stock Shape Size Typo Watts Oz. No. --.25 .45 2v.." 2.79 590424 22A06ZS Roundt 22A06ZlO0 Roundt .25 .45 2v..° 59 0425 3.09 2YzII Square .65 2.0 590422 25A07 2.35 .25 .55 590426 27A06Z12 ROllndt 2%" 2.76 3Ylo Squarc* 2.5 .65 2.35 590453 3A07 Square 4° 2.5 .55 590417 4A05 1.73 Oval 3xS" 35A05 2.0 .55 59 0421 2.47 Square* 4" 3.0 .65 590434 4A07 2.53 Square 4" 3.0 1.0 590435 4Al 2.70 Square 4" 1.47 59 0436 4A15 - 3.0 -- -- 2.97 Oval* 4x6" 3.5 .65 590454 46A07 2.79 Oval 4x6" 3.5 1.0 590460 46Al 3.00 Oval 4x6" 3.5 1.47 590461 46A15 3.23 4x8" Oval* 4.5 1.4 59 0427 4SA2 4.67 Oval 4xlO" 590484 41OA2 5.26 - 6.0 - - 1.4 --Pincushion * 5° 3.5 --.-6-5- 2.65 59 0437 5A07 Pincushion 5° 3.5 1.0 590438 SAl 2.85 Pincushion 5" 3.5 1.47 59 0439 5A15 3.09 4.0 1.0 Pincushion 59 0478 52Al 5v.." 2.91 4.0 Pincllshion 2.15 590433 52A21 5v.." 3.56 -10.0 - - -10.0 - 5.85 Pincushion 59 0405 52Cl0 5v.." Oval 5x7" 5.0 1.0 59 0455 57AI 3.24 . 5x7" Oval 5.0 2.15 59 0447 57A21 3.97 6Ylo Pincushion 5.0 1.0 590440 6AI 3.12 6Ylo Pincushion 5.0 1.47 59 0441 6A15 -·5.0 ---- 3.38 Pincushion 2.15 590442 6A2l 6Yz" 3.79 Pincushion 6.0 3.16 590445 6A31 6Yl" 4.47 Oval* 6x9" S.O 1.4 59 0462 69A2 4.41 Oval 6x9" 10.0 3.2 590463 69A3 5.41 Oval* 6x9" 6.0 1.2 590428 69AI - - - - - - 3.53 Oval ~ 6.0 1.2 590407 69AlS 5.00 Pincushion 7" 9.0 3.16 590464 7A31 5.14 g" Pincushion 7.0 2.15 59 0443 gA21 4.56 So Pincushion .3.16 590444 SA31 9.0 5.29 Round 6.S 10" 12.0 590480 IOA6A 8.53 Round 12" 14.0 6.S 59 ox 533 12A6A 9.38 QUAM WEATHERPROOFED OUTDOOR SPEAI{ERS Feature exclusive "Humi-Gard" cone of plastic impregnated fiber fabric for longer life. 3.2 ohms. Save by buying in quantity. Inquire for price quotations. Av .• 1 lb. Stock No. Type Size 590432 590467 590431 59 0496 3A070T 4AI0T 5A150T 6A150T 3Yl" 4° 5" 6" Shape Square Square Pincushion Pincushion Watts Magnet EACH 2.5 3 3.5 5 .65 oz. 2.35 2.73 3.15 3.53 1.0 oz. 1.47 oz. 1.47 oz. 4S-0HM INTERCOM SPEAKERS Permanent magnet replacement speakers. Stock No. Type 59 0481 59 0482 59 0483 3A07Z45 4AIZ45 5AIZ45 I Size 3Ylo 4" 5" ISquare I~ Shape Magnetl Square Pincushion 1.0 oz. 1.0 oz. WI. I EACH Yl lb. 2.50 % lb. ·2.85 1 lb. 3.00 Stock No. 59 0476 59 0477 59 0472 59 0471 59 0493 59.0416 59 0470 59 ox 529 Size Shape 5° 5x7" 6x9" Round Oval Oval Oval Oval Round Round Mag. Max. *6x9" t6x9" 8" 12° .68 1.0. 1.47 1.47 oz. oz. oz. oz. 1.47 oz. 2.15 oz. 3.16 oz. 3.5 5.0 8.0 S.O S.O 9.0 10.0 EACH 10-Up Wt., Wt. Lbs. --- - -.68 -oz. - Watts Square 4" 3.0 ---y,- % 1 Iv.. Iv.. Iv.. IYl 3% 1 to 9 1.13 1.30 1.60 2.15 2.30 2.15 2.30 3.90 .99 1.17 1.44 1.94 2.07 1.94 2.07 3.51 UTAH "THIN-DRIVE" SPEAKERS A major breakthrough in design ends speaker ~ replacement guessworkJ These super Thin-Drive speakers are sure to fit because they're thinner ~ than original speakers. The slim profile is made possible by a wafer-thin Lodex magnet deIU veloped by G.E. And you get far more drive per !. ounce with the new featherweight one-piece pot. Highly resistant to changes in temperature, humidity. 3 watt max. Impedance, 3.2 ohms. Stock No. Type 59 0408 59 0409 590410 590413 590411 590414 590412 59 0415 SP3RY SP35RY SP4RY SP46RY SP5RY SP57RY SP6RY SP69RY Size 3" 3Ylo 4" 4,,6"" 5° 5,,7" 6" 6x9" Shape Square Square Square Oval Pincushion Oval Pincushion O,,'al Lbs. 1-9 EA. Y. v.. Yl Yz Yz % % % 2.18 2.00 2.06 2.53 2.23 2.76 2.59 3.16 10-Up EA. 2.09 1.89 1.96 2.39 2.13 2.62 2.46 2.99 5 TOP BUYS IN COAXIAL SPEAKERS Outstanding coaxial speaker values for budget-minded music lovers. Ideal for use in economy hi-fi systems, as extension speakers in recreation room or den, and for improving the tone of radios and phonographs. Clear --highs and faithful lows. Impedance, 8 ohms. Large "Alnico V" magnets. Built-in crossovers. As L ow As $ 95 6x9" Coaxial Speaker. 6x9" cone; has big 2.15oz. magnet. 2" tweeter with 0.53 oz. magnet. Rated at 8 watts. Range: 50-10,000 cps. Crossover frequency: 3500 cycles. Shpg. wt., 1 Yl lbs. 59 0535 ............................................. 5.95 8" Coaxial Speaker. 8" cone. Has large 2.1S-ounce magnet. Handles up to 8 watts. Frequency response: 55-12,000 cycles. Crossover frequency: 3000 cycles. Shpg. wt., 3 Ibs . 59 0475 .......................................... ···· 5.95 12" Coaxial Speaker. 12" cone; has 6.S-oz. magnet. 3 Yz" tweeter with I-oz. magnet. Rated at'15 watts. Range: 55-12,000 cycles. Crossover: 2000 cycles. Shpg. wt., 8 Ibs. 59 OX531 •............................ · .. · .. ·.········7.85 15" Coaxial Speaker. 15" cone; has 6.S-oz. manget. 5" tweeter with 1.47-oz. magnet. Rated at 20 watts. Range: 45-12,000 cycles. Crossover frequency: IS00 cytles. Shpg. wt., 11 Ibs. 59 ox 530 •........................................... 13. 95 MISCO MODEL MS-3-B ALL-WEATHER SPEAKER Speaker in 20-Gauge Steel Enclosure Complete self-contained "Mini-Speaker" in 20-gauge steel enclosure. Compact, completely weatherproof and dustproof. So well constructed, it's used in U.S. Navy atomic 'submarines. Withstands extreme humidity. temperature and shock. Many applications-for outdoor theater speakers. extension, test. P.A., intercom, paging, etc. All-weather enclosure is electro-static finished with two coats of bakedon enamel. Acoustically designed with horizontal louvers and perforated plate backing. Alnico V, 1-oz. magnet; removable audio input phono jack. Impedance, 8 ohms. Size: 3%" high. 3%" wide. only.2Y2" deep. Shpg. wt.. 1 Yllbs. 590404 ......................................................... 4.79 Allied-Everything in Electronics from One Reliable Source ALLIED • 513 I / Stereo Tape Recorders and Outfits Here's a complete outfit , featuring the Viking 86RMQ Compact. Make profes. sional.quality stereo reo cordings-and save $35.351 • 2·VU Meters for Accurate Recording • Plays Back Both 2' and 4·Track Stereo Tapes • Plays at 3% and 7Y.t ips; Digital Counter MODEL 86RMQ "STEREO SUPER-PRO" • •• ease of portability,fla\ldess professional quality r-e-cordings and special effects facilities. • Separate Erose, Record; and Playback Heads • 30·16,000 cps Response • Separate VU Meter For Each Channel • Operate. at 3%.and 7Y.t Ips 20 Reels of Tape Lube Kit and Booklet Handy Tape Splicer With 'this outfit, you easily make superb stereo or monophonic recordings-and you save $35.35 on the cost of components pur· chased separateIy. Outflt consists of. Viking 86RMQ recorder; 2-Knight KN·4500 microphones with desk stands and 10ft. of cable; 20 reel. of Knight KN·15 1 Yz.mil acetate tape; tape splicer; Robins cieaner·lube kit and booklet. Series 86RMQ tape transport combined with record/ . play preamp offers 25·18,000 cps (:±3 db) response at 7Yz ips. Recorder has: front panel selection for sound·on·sound and special effects, equalization setting for 7Y.t or 3% ips and head·shift control for playback of 2 or 4·track tapes. Recorder, 13xI3x7%". Requires 12 Yz" square cutout. operation from 110·120 v .. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 58 lbs. 3 ' 20 HF 858·0..................................... 79.95 MODEL 86RMQ RECORDER ONLY. Shpg. wt., 281bs. , 79 RU 421·0, ....................................... 324.50 MODEL 86RMQ TAPE TRANSPORT. Less preamps. 171bs. t9 RU427·D ........................................ 163.50 MODEL RP83·3 PREAMP. For RMQ Transport, above. 8lbs. 79 RU 472·0........................................ •94.~O' Fot The "Stereo' Super·Pro" is II professional qua~ity. portable stereo tape recorder using t.he Viking 86 transport and two RP83·3 pre· amplifiers, Records 4·track stereo or mono-plays back 2 and 04· track stereo or mono tapes. Playback section permits you to monitor with stereo high impedance earphones as you record. Recorder is easily set up in seconds. Dual microphone jacks are provided on front parlel as are output jacks for earphone monitoring or for high level inputs to your music system. Fold·down panel at bottom of unit provides convenient storage space for tapes and accessories. Preamp and transport have matching satin finished panels and machined, polished alumirlum control knobs. Each preamplifier teatures a large, easy· to-read VU meter tor accurate level settings and superb sounding tapes free from over·recording distortion. Meter calibration adjustment is provided on back of preamp as well as a calibrated bias·current adjustment. Independent controls for high and low level inputs enable user to mix program material in a professional manner. Recording equalization fixed at NAB standard. Slide·switch provided for specific equalization of both recording and playback at either 3% or 7 Yz ips.' A red neon indicator light is energized When amplifier is in record position. Transport drive is furnished by 2 heavy. duty motors. Speciflcalions: Speed, 7Yz and 3% ips. Reel Sizel 7" maximum. Frequency Response, 30 to 16,000 cps 'flat within :±3 db at tape speed of 7Yz ips. Flulter and Wow, less than .2%. Signal.lo.Noise Ratio, 55 db. Bias Oscillator Frequency, 80 kc. Inputs, microphone 1.5 mv. high level 100 mv. Outputs, playback/monitoring and head· phone. Matches headphones of 4000 ohms impedance and higher. Additional features include sound·on.sound recordirlg facilities. "Erase Protek" switch to prevent accidental' erasure of recorded tapes. and carrying case covered in brown, scuff·resistant plastic with heavily reinforced corners .. Size. 20%x13%xl0Y-l"; For opera· tion from 110·120 v .. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .. 43 lbs. 79 RU 429-D ..................................... 392.00 NEW MODEL 96 RMQ HEAVY.DUTY TAPE TRANSPORT Studio PerformanceAutomaiic Shut·off ~14 • AlliED • A«epts Up To 10Yz" Reels For Longer Recording Time • Dynamic Braking WitI>- Fail·Safe Intergrated Control. • Improved Takeup Torque For Smoother Starts Heavy.d~ty tape transport designed for commercial. broadcast, arid' other critical recording applications. Features simplified controls and exceptional flutter and wow characteristics. Equipped with new hyper· bolic heads for quarter track erMe, record and playback functions. Less maintenance is a,ssured because no pressure pads are used. Automatic tape shutoff is controlled by a photoelectric excitor lamp--improved cir. cuitry uses fewer components for greater reliability. Cueing feature retracts tape lifters allowing tape to contact heads in . addition to reducing braking on supply and takeup motors. Ideally suited for use with Viking RP62VU recording. playback am· plifier,listed below. Operation is normally controlled by four telephone type switches located on front of unit. Time delay circuits provide virtually fool· proof operation of control switches. Has input connector for remote cOrltrol of play.stop and fast forward·stop·rewind functions. Second connector provides cir· cuits for integrated control of associated electronic equipment. Transport is designed for use in a converltional 19" relay rack mounting, requires 19xI2Y-1"; 2" clearance frOnt, 7" rear. Equipped with stereo/mono quarter·track erase, record and play heads. Speciflcolions: Speeds/7Yz and 3% ips. Reel Size. 101h" maximum. Signal·to.Noise Ratio, better than 55 db measured with signal recorded 12 db below saturation at 7Yz ips. Long Term SPeed Regulatioll, .5%. Total H armollic Distortion, less than 1% with tape recorded USing RP62VU' amplifier. Capstan drive with triple belt; 3Yz·lb • dynamically balanced capstan flywheel; hystersis synchronous capstan drive motor. Fast forward and rewind time, 2400·ft. reel in 70 seconds. Dynamic brakes. For 105·130 v .. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 591bs. 585 00 79 RU 958·0 .. , ......... '.... • MODEL'RP62VU RECORD/PLAYBACK AMPLI· fIER. Designed for use with Model 96 trans· port, above. Requires only 5 Y-I" vertical ·space in relay rack. Shpg. wt.. 11 lbs. 79 RU 959-D, ... , ... , ... , ....... 143.75 Depend on Allied for The Latest in Industrial. Electronic Equipment Professional Tape Recorders by Ampex MODEL PR·10-2 STEREO RECORDER Compact 2-channel, 2-track recorder for PClrtable or rack mounted use. PR-l0-2 is ideal as a field or studio recorder/player for broadcasters, recording studios, churches, or classrooms. Correct speeds are assured by the large, continuous duty hysteresis synchronous motor. Tape lifters permit touch cu~ing on fast wind and rewind. Electro-dynamic clutches an'd lower operating and braking tension permit use of thin-base tapes. Specincation" Speeds, 7Yz and IS ips. F,equency Response, ±2 db 30-15,000 cps at IS ips; ±2 db 40-12,000 cps at 7Yz ips. Output, +4 dbm into 600 ohm balanced or unbalanced load; one line input for each channel. Dimensions: transport. 8%xI9x6"; electronics. S!4xI9xS'l's". Less case. For 110-120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 601bs. 79 RU 950D, .................................... 1195.00 PR-IO-I. As above but single channel, full track, 2 inputs. 79 RU 951 D........................................ 995.00 PR-IO-I. As above, single channel, but half track, 2 inputs.· 79 RU 952 D........................................ 995.00 Model PR-IO Professional Tape Recorder • Monitor from Tape • Separate Erase, Record and Playback Heads • Solenoid Operation with PushButton Controls PR·l0 RECORDER ACCESSORIES MODEL MX-IO MIXER. Permits up to 4 microphones or 2 mikes and 2 lines to be controlled to either or both recorder input channels. Styled to match PR-IO. 5'lSzxI9x5Y16". 16 Ibs. 79 RU 953D..................................... 395_00 MODEL SA-IO SPEAKER AMPLIFIER. Speaker/amplifier system with 40-watt voltage-regulated amplifier. 19xI4". 50 lbs. 79 RU 954D, ....................................... 295.00 79 RU 955 D, 965 I 0-01 Remote Control, 30' Cord. 6 lbs ...... 50.00 79 RU 956D, 96010-01 Case for PR-IO. 10 lbs ............. 60.00 79 RU 957 D. 960940-01 Case for PR-I 0 and MX-IO. 16 lbs .. 125,00 Model SA-IO Professional Speaker/Amplifier For Rack Mounting Or Port· able Use. • 40-Watts Power Output • 22-20,000 cps +O,-2db Response to 40 Watts • Extremely Low Distortion Has 3 Precision Heads ••• Exact Tape Tracking • • _ Selective Erase Head •• , Two Automatic Shut·Off •••• New Design Hysteresis Records Four· Track Stereo and Mono ~ynchronou5 MotIus the renowned 880P stereo cartridge. 488G turntable plays records at 33 \13. 45 and 78 rpm. Construction virtually eliminates rumble. and ensures exact turntable speeds. Has 5-lb.. fullybalanced aluminum turntable platter. pushbutton power control, safety suspension mat and 45-prm adapter. Seamless belt couples constant-speed hysterisis-synchronous motor to turntable. Rumble. better than-65 db. Wow and Flutter: less than .07%. Empire's 980G pickup arm features perfect dynamic balance-even tracks upside down. Tracks from 1/.1 to 8 grams. The 880P stereo cartridge has response of 6 to 30.000 cps. Separation: 30 db. Compact turntable. mounts in 7l/ax16x13*". Requires 2*" above. 3Y2" below. mounting board. Less base. For 115 VAC. 25 lbs. 1 15,0.0 23 RU 574-2 •.•••••.•• _.•..• '•••.•.•••••••••••••••••• 73 RU 086. 4BSG Turntable-Arm Only. Same as above. but less 880P stereo ~artridge. Shpg. wt .• 25Ibs................ _.. : 150.00 488 C COMBINATION OFFER. Same as 488G turntable-arm-cartridge combination but satin-chrome finished. 2S Ibs. , 23 RU 575-2 .......... ,............................... '150.01 73 RU 088. 4BBC Turntable-Arm Only. Same as above. but less 8S0P stereo cartridge. Shpg.. wt .. 25Ibs.................... 150.00 73 RX 091. BW /408 Walnut Base. For above turntables. 61bs. 15.00 73 RX 090. 48BDC Dust Cover. For above turntables. 3 Ibs ... 7.50 ----~~~~~-~---~ 8-61 TURNTABLE AND CARTRIDGE Custom-craited Swiss turntable with armplus Pickering 371C stereo cartridge. Continually variable speed. 29 to 86 rpm (clickstops at 4 standard speeds) for perfect "pitch-tuning." Features: rubber-covered. 7*-lb. 12" platter; 4-pole motor; stylus pressure gauge; accepts up to 16" records. Arm is raised by linkage to power switch. 'Cartridge's re')P.onse: ±2 db from 18-22.000 cps. Has .0007 diamond stylus. 151/.1x131/.1H Takes 2Vz" above; 21/.1" below mounting board. Less base. below. For 110-120 volts. 60 cycle AC. Wt .. 21 lb.. 64 •96 23 RU 563-2. B-61'Plus Cartridge. 73 RU 037. 8-61 Alone. 21 Ibs.... . 64.95 MODEL TD·124 TURNTABLE Proiessional 4-speed turntable with variable speed adjustment (±3%). Has 12" 11 Y2-lb. aluminum-covered platter and belt-plus-idler arrangement for isolation from motor. Also: idler disengagement; built-in lighted strobe; leveler. Less base (below) and arm. 15 l/ax12Va". Requires 2%" below mtg. plate (supplied). For 110120 or 200-250 VAC. 35 Ibs. 73 RX 027 ............... Stock No. 73 73 73 73 73 RX031C RX033C RX034 RX035 RX 232 For TO-124 TO-13S TO-124 TO-13S TO-124 125.00 TD135 TURNTABLE AND ARM Deluxe 4-speed manual player that automatically shuts off ~end,of record. Uses same drive as TD-1 (at left)'; has 8-lb. non-magnetic ,turntab e. With adjustable speed control and llrofessional pickup arm. Base plate. 15i<12 • Requires 2Y2" below mounting board. Less base (below) and cartridge. For 110-120 volts. or 200-250 volts. 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt .. 38 Ibs. 110 00 73 RX 029. • •••• •••••• •••• •••• Descrl ptlon Wood base; Mahogany or Walnut Wood base: Mahogany or Walnut Unfinished mounting board Unfinished mounting board Black 16" p~ckup :lrm board" Lb•• 7 7 5 5 1\11 • EACH 10.00 7.00·' 4.50 4.50 3.75 73 RX 038. Wolnut Base. 8 lbs...... 5.25 73 RX 221. Dust Cover. 3 Ibs ......... 5.50 73 R 039. Plug-in,Head. 6 oz........ ; .4.00 524. ALLIED For' a full listing of turntables and other 'stereo equipment, see our Catalog 230-'-0 complete guide'to Everything in High-Fidelity. Use the Services of the Allied Facility Nearest YOU ••• See Page 1 Phono Cartridges, Pickup Arms, Audio Switches Pickering DELUXE STANTON STEREO CARTRIDGES MODEL 400AA. Professional Fluxvalve-type cartridge. Frequency Response: 20-20.000 cps. Channel Separation: 35 db. Output: 2.6 mv. Tracking Force: 14-2~ grams.•0007" diamond stylus. Wt .. .2 oz. 40 •50 .73 RC939...... ......... ..... MODEL 4SIAA. Laboratory-standard cartridge. Frequency Response: 20-10,000 cps, :1: I db; 20-17,000 cps, :1:2 db. Separation, 3S db. Output: 0.5 mv. Tracking Force: 14-2 ~ grams •.0007" diamond stylus. 2 oz. 49 50 73 RC 935. ,................. • PROFESSIONAL DYNETIC CARTRIDGES MODEL M33.·S. Stereo. User·replaceable .0005" diamond stylus. Response: 20-17,000 cps. Compliance: 3xI0-' em/dyne. Tracking ~~rc~:cI9~e~~·.: .~z:.. ....... 35.77 MODEL M33-7. As above, but .0007" diamond stylus. 20-20,000 cps. 2 oz. 35 77 73 RC 9IB.... ..... .......... • MODEL M5D. Mono cartridge. .001" diamond stylus. 20-20,000 cps. Compliance: 3xl0-' em/dyne. 2-6 grams. 3 oi:. 73 RC 916 ..................... 26.95 MODEL SME-3009. 12" professional-quality, lab-balanced arm. Designed to fulfill the most exacting applications with ultra-lighttracking cartridges. Adjustable for tracking force range of 14 to 6 grams. Has precision ball races and knife-edge bearings and leveroperated cuing device. Also has overhang adjustment. Less cartridge. Shpg. wt .. I~ lbs. 73 RX lOS ................... 89.50 MODEL SME-3012. Same as above, but 16" arm. Less cartridge. 1% lbs. 73 RX 109 ..................... 99.50 PICKUP ARM AND CARTRIDGE LAB SERIES ARM AND CARTRIDGE DELUXE ARM AND CARTRIDGE MODEL 40 PRITCHARD ARM. Dynamically balanced. Tracks at % gram. Single ballbearing mount and built-in arm rest. Walnut wood. Less cartridge. 1% Ibs. 73 RX 133 ..................... 44.50 73 RC 954. ADC-S40 Extra Plug-In Head. For ab'ove. Shpg. wt .. 2 oz'(- .......•. 6.95 ADC·130 PROFESSIONAL STEREO CARTRIDGE SYSTEM. For arms that track at less than I gram. Consists of ADC·I Mark II stereo cartridge with .0006" ADC·RIO stylus installed, plus separate ADC·R30 .00035" stylus for ultra-critical applications-com. pliance of 40xl0··. Response: 10 to 20,000 cps. Separation: 30 db. Output: 7 mv .. Track· Ing Force: .75·1.5 grams. 8 oz. 73 RC955 ................... .79.50 LAB SERIES 12" PICKUP ARM_ One-piece, balanced arm. Made of non-resonant, handrubbed gun-stock walnut with precision anodized-aluminum fittings. Has overhang micrometer adjustment. Tracking Error: ±.5 degree. Tracking Force: to ~ gram. Less cartridge. 4 leads. 1% lbs. 73 RX liB ..................... 39.50 LAB SERIES STEREO CARTRIDGE. Moving-coil cartridge, assembled and calibrated one unit at a time. For broadcast and recording applications, when quality is of utmost importance. Frequency Response: :1:1 db, 1030,000 cps. Separation: 30 db. Output: 6 mv at 10 cmv. Factory replaceable .0007" diamond stylus. Wt .. 3 oz. 49 50 73 RC 94B..................... • MODEL 9S0G PICKUP ARM. Balanced arm even tracks .upside down. Dyna-Lift magnetically lifts arm at end of record. Tracking Error: ::i: .650. Resonance: B cps. Tracking force: 0··8 grams. Overhang ··adjustment. Satingold. Less cartridge. Sibs. 73 FIX 09B ..................... 50.00 73 RX 099. Model 9S0C. As above, but finished in satin-chrome. 5 lbs .. " ... , 50.00 73 R 100. Extra Cartridge Mount, 3 oz. 1.95 MODEL SSOP STEREO CARTRIDGE. Response, 6 to 30,000 cps. Separation: 30 db. Com. pliance: 30xI0-' em/dyne. "Dyna-Life" stylus (.0006" diamond). 4 lbs. 73 RC903 .................... 19.95 Use these top-quality audio switches and controls to lend versatility end convenience to your stereo or monQphonic music facilities. Every item listed is expertly designed and built by leading alec· tronics manufacturers". In the table below,. all Vidaire switches and controls have solder connections. ·indicates screw terminals. tindicates phono jacks. Stook No. B2 R 156 B2 R 157 B2 R 15B 82 R 159 B2 R 160 B2 R 161 B2 R 169 B2 R 170 B2 II IB6 B2 R 192 92 R 194 B2 R 196 B2 R 197 B2 R 20 I 82 R 202 Manufac ... turer AUdiotexl Audiotex Audiotex Audiotex" Fig. A B C C Audiotex· Audiotex· Audiotex· Audibtex* ... Switchcraft* Switchcraft* C C C D "C E F F G H .. Switchcraftt I Vidaire Vidaire Vidaire Vidai're Modal No. 30-294 30-296 30-364 30-366 30-372 30-374 30-388 30-360 670 665 668 MS-6 MS-12 RS-IO RF-l0 .... Wt, oz. 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 Stereo 10 .. Mono 8 8 8 8 Mode· Mon9 Mono Mono Mono Stereo Stereo Stereo Mono Stereo Mono All components are supplied with hardware. Fig. C is rated lQ watts. Fig. H rated 5 watts. Fig. A and B have 18H output cable. Function and Type of Mounting EACH Two sources into one input. Surface mounting. Two source.s into one input. Through-panel mounting. g:..ohm L-pad speaker volume control. Wall-plate mountina. 16-0hm L-pad control. Wall-plate mounting. 8~ohm dual speaker volume control. Wal1~Dlate mounting. 16-0hm dua11evel speaker control. Wal1~plate mounting. Selects any combination .of 3 stereo speaker systems. wan plate. Selects l~J speakers (any combination). Surface mounting. Sel~cts either or both of 2 stereo speaker systems. Speaker phase switch. Surface mounting~ Selects any 1 of 3 stereo sources into 1 stereo input. Surface mtg. Selects any of 6 speakers. Panel mounting. Selects 6 sets of stereo speakers. Panel mounting. Selects either or both of 2 speakers. Panel mounting. Distributes 'volume between 2 speakers. Panel mounting. Depend on Allied for the latest in High-Fidelity Equipment 1.76 2.20 2.91 2.91 5.00 5.00 2.91 3.23 3.70 1.47 3.30 2.10 2.64 . .98 1.15 ALLlED.525 Speaker Systems, Recording Blanks, Accessories AR-2A AND AR-3 DELUXE QUALITY SPEAKER SYSTEMS AR-2A. 3-way· sYstem with acoustic suspension design features: 10· woofer for rich. natural bass; two 5'" speakers for a full-bodied mid-range; dome-type super tweeter for clear high-frequency response. Sealed fiberglas-filled cabinet of braced %'" unfinished hardwood veneer. Needs amplifier rated 20 watts or more (each channel for stereo). 30-20.000 cPS. 5% harmonic distortion at 30 cps. Crossovers at 2000 and 7500 cps. 13~x24xll~". 8 ohms. 41 Ibs. ' 70 DU 028 ........................................................ 109.00 70 DU 027. As above, but oiled walnut finish ........................... 128.00 AR·3. Designed for use where the nnest quality sound is desired. Deluxe 3-way acoustic suspension system has a 12· woofer with a 314-lb. magnet, 2" mid-range dome radiator with 314-1b. magnet. and dome tweeter••Crossovers at 1000 and 7500 cps. Has level controls. 30-20.000 cps. 4~% harmonic distortion at 30 cps. ±2~ db, 50-1000 cps. Needs amplifier rated 25 W'ltts or more (per channel). Unfinished. ~~x~S:~~~:'. ~.~~~s: .~~~~: ~". ~~. ~~~' ............................ 203.00 70 DZ 624. As above, but oiled walnut finish ........................... 225.00 RECORD CARE ACCESSORIES COLUMBIA STR 100 FREQUENCY TEST RECORD. Accurately assesses performance of stereophonic equipment. 3minute sweep frequency tests system for phasing or speakers. pickup tracking. balance. etc. Record also has: spot fre-' Quency test with voice announcements for overall frequency response and channel separation; low frequency sweep for tone arm and speaker system resonances; 1000 cps frequency reference tones for routine checks and level adjustment; wave-length loss and stylus wear test. Shpg. wt .. 12 oz. 8 50 82 R232 ..................... . AUDIO FIDELITY STEREO DISC FCS 50.000. Accurately tests stereo components. Record contains the following test bands: metrtmome. checks balance and phasing; 1000 cps sine-wave test·tone for routine checks and level adjustment; high and low.frequency sine-wave testtones for overall system response; sweep test-tone from 70·15 cps. used to disclose any resonances in the pickup assembly and the speaker system; bursts of modified "white noise" for speaker phasing. Record also has the following musical selections: Rakoczy March; March from Aida; Polevetzian Dances; March from Ie Coq d'Or; Russian Sailors' Dance. Wt .• 12 oz. 2 '49 82 R231 .................... '. COMMAND CSC 100 STEREO CHECK OUT. Contains everythinl:oJor complete analysis of stereo systeJh. Left and right channel balance ch~ck. volume reference check. frequency run for overall response test. output balance test. flutter or wow check. phasing check. and rumble test. Musical selections: Hernando's Hideaway. Cumana. Tenderly. Enjoy Yourself Cha Chao 12 oz. 82 R230...................... 5.98 0'· ~ . Stocle 110. 80 80 80 80 . Wt., Lb•• , Std. Ea. Red .040' 6 Red .050" 9 Yellow .040" 6 Yellow .050" 9 ~26 • AWED 'Cl TURNTABLE LEVEL. Prevent damaging ~ records because of a tilting turntableeasy-to-use leveler employs an air bubble indicator to ensure accurate leveling in any circumstance. With it you'lI be sure of correct tracking of lead-in and changer trip grooves; even wear of records and needle. Gold anodized aluminum case. 4 oz. 82 R003 ........................... 59 f01 TURNTABLE LEVELING KIT. Comes com~ plete with four adjustable rubber feet and mo.unts for placing under base. and a. four-way spirit level for permanently mounting on turntable base. Shpg. wt .. lIb. 82 ROI6 ......................... 2.34 IEJ ACOUSTIC FOAM INSULATION. Easy-to~ apply. non-shedding foam plastic. Ideal for use as acoustic insulation in speaker enclosures to end annoying bass boom. Size, 12x72x~"thick. Shpg. wt •• l~lbs. . 82 FtX 262 ••••••••.••..••••••.•.. 1.98 AUDIODISC RECORDING BLANKS Precision made recording blanks are smoothcoated on both sides of an aluminum base. ,Red Label discs exceed the most exacting ·needs for highest quality professional recordings. Yellow Label fQr general use. Size Label Ba.. R 004 TrY R 005 12" ROIO 10" ROil 12" Ij\l EI5-S PLASTIC RECORD COVERS. Protec~ tive sleeves for storing your 12" records. Made of durable heavy-gauge polyethylene plastic with thermoset seams to resist tearing. Keep records free from dust and moisture. Packed 15 sleeves to a package-in plastic envelopes. Shpg. wt.. 7 oz. 82 R 001.1·2 Pkgs........... PER PKG •• 58 3 or More ............•...... PER PKG .• 56 fDI WEATHERS STYLUS PRESSURE' GAUGE. ~ Protect your precious phonograph records and needle by always having the correct stylus pressure. Gauge accurately indicates pressure with calibrations from 0 to 10 grams. Shpg. wt .• 5 oz. 2"'00 82 R041 ......................... . oz. oz. oz. oz. EACH Pkg. Pkg. Single LoU Std. Pkg. 25 8~ 1.12 1.01 13~ 25 1.83 1.66 25 8~ .89 .80 13~ 2S 1.44 1.29 If1 STROBE LIGHT KIT. Indicates speed of ~ turntable. Consists of stroboscope card and neon lamp. Just place strobe disc on turntable; set to desired speed. For 110-120 v .• 60 cycle AC. Shllg. wt.. 6 oz. 9 82 ROI4 ........................... 8 I(i1 LEKTROSTAT RECORD CLEANING KIT. ~ Contains plastic bottle (114 fluid oz.) of anti-static detergent fluid. and tufted wiping pad. Apply fluid to record; then wipe with pad. Shpg. wt., 5 pz; I 96 82 R 023................... . ..• Iij1 RECORD PREENER. Removes all dust. grit ~ and static. Just lightly rub brush (with removable. wetted wick) over rotating record. Leaves no film. Wt .• 8 oz. 3 00 82 R261 ........................ . IJl WALCO ANTI-STATIC RECORD SPRAY.' l!!.I Deposits thin anti-static film on record surface. Aids in preventing records from accumulating dust and lint. Supplied in 6oz. aerosol spray can. Shpg. wt." 7 oz. 88 82 R 030. 1-2 .................. EACH. 3 or More ........................ EACH .84 Ij(1 DUST BUG. Lightweight plastic arm with ~ fine nylon brush. pad-type dust collector and pad cleaning fluid. Arm suction-cup mounts to base. Brush loosens dust in grooves•.pad picks it up. 8 oz. 82 R022 ........................ 5.75 flI MANUAL PREENER. Removes accumulated l.!:J dust. grit and residue from deep within the record groove. Consists of a bottle of parastatic. a nylon bristle brush. and a 5 cover /applicator. Shpg. wt., 100z,. 82 R263 ................... ,., .. 13.9 AUDIOPOINT DISC CUTTING NEEDLES High-quality needles for use with disc recorders. Have 87° inCluded angle. All are equipped with .003" tip radius except Type 20, .0005". Shpg wt 20z .. Stock No. 81 R 102 81 R 109 81 R 103 81 R 108 Type 14 20' 14 20 Description Sapphire. short dural shank As above. for microgroove Sapphire. long dural shank As above. for microgroove EACH 4.85 GUMMED RECORD LABELS. Spaces for title. artist, date and other information. Shpg. wt. per pkg.• 2 oz. 50 per pkg. 80 R 100. '·3..... PER PKG••45 4 or More Pkgs..... PER PKG••41 Call the Nearest Office for All Your Electronic: Needs IT'S EASY TO ORDER FROM ALLIED OPEN ACCOUNT ORDERS Every Time You Order From Allied, It's the Best Buying Decision You Can Make Our Terms We extend credit to Government Agencies and rated industrial and institutional accounts. Firms without a published rating may apply for Open Account by submitting trade or bank references. Terms of payment are net, 10 days, E.O.M. use the convenient services of the Allied facility nearest you ••• To give you faster and more personalized service, Allied has placed regional facilities in many areas of the country. The order you place with them will be shipped on the day it's received. And if you have any questions, ask your Allied facility representative-he'll give you the information you need. About Our Prices Catalog prices are net, f.o.b. Chicago, and all applicable discounts have been deducted. Prices replace those in previous catalogs and are subject to change without notice. Orders are filled at prices in effect at time of shipment. If prices are reduced, we always pass the reductions on to you. We reserve the right to add any Federal, state or local taxes. Prices and terms in this catalog apply only to the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada. order by mail ••• When you send your order to us by mail, you know it wiJ/ be shipped on the day we receive it. order by telephone ••• If a "rush" order must be shipped without any delay, just give us a call. Your order will be shipped that very day. or order by TWX ••• We can handle any order via TWX. Our Chicago number is 312-431-1721. For los Angeles, ring 213-449- 1455. Same-day shipment, of course. Export Orders The minimum export order we can accept is for $50.00, in U. S. currency. Prices are net, f.o.b. Chicago. Please add 20% more than the value of the merchandise, to cover handling and shipping charges which cannot be exactly estimated in advance. Any amount of your remittance in excess of actual shipping costs, will be refunded. Bids and Quotations ,--_C_A_SH ORD_E_RS_---!I If the purchasing policies, of your company include cash orders, or if you wish to make a cash purchase for personal use, you'll flnd convenient order b,lanks bound in this catalog. II . I IF YOU WRITE TO US If you write to' us, please include your purchase order number and our invoice number; or the original order papers, if a cash order is concerned. I MERCHANDISE RETURN CREDIT FUND PLAN If you need bids or quotations to place an order, or if you want larger Companies or individual purchasers quantities than are listed in our cata- may use the services of Allied's Credlog, be sure to contact us. Prices and it Fund Plan. The Plan requires no delivery information will be pro- money down, and allows up to 24 vided promptly. When you decide months to pay. For complete details to order on the basis of our quote, of the Credit Fund's services, see,: please refer to our bid or quotation, insert facing the bound-in' order number. blanks in this catalog., Allied-Everything in Electronics from One, Depenrlc;lb}e Source I I If you must return merchandise to us, please ship it prepaid. Merchandise ordered specially for you from the manufacturer cannot be cancelled (if work has begun), or returned, without our authorization. If merchandise is damaged in the mail, please return it to us. If shipment was by other means, please file claim with the carrier. ALLIED. 527 COMPLETE PRODUCT INDEX A Acoustic Insulation ................ 526 Adapters AC Socket ..... 330 Clip ........... 229 Jack & Plug.222, 330 Lamp Socket · ........ 332, 336 Microphone Stand ........ .487, 488 Navar ......... 238 Nuvistor ....... 238 Test Prod .. , ... 229 Tube Socket ... 238 Adhesives ... 462-465 Air Compressor .. 448 Aircraft Monitor .. 500 Alarm Relays .... 303 Alignment Tools . .457 Alkaline BatteriesA97 Alligator Clips ... 219 Alternator ....... SOl Amateur Equipment Grid Dip Meters ......... 392, 409 Kit .......... 409 TVI Filters ..... 188 Ammeter Adapter.401 Ammeters ... 386, 396, 416-422, 425, 426 Amplifier Foundations •.. 431 Amplifiers Citizens Band .. 506 ' Encapsulated ... 80 High Fidelity ......... 522, 523 Laboratory .... 522 Printed Circuit .. 80 Public Address · .. " .... .474-480 Recorder .. 517, 519 Semiconductor ........... 28, 63 Antenna Equipment Coaxial Cable .... . 313,317,320 Connectors .... 225 Insulators ..... 256 Mounts ......... 507 Relays ..... 290, 306 Rotators ....... 50 I Towers .....•.. 501 Wire ........... 321 Appliance Cords • .312, 316,320, 329 Argon Lamps .... 336 Attenuators Audio .127, 138, 140-142 TV ............ 127 Audio Generators · ..... 389, 408, 412 Kits .......•.. .408 Auto Radio Fuses ...•..... 340 Suppressors ... 188 Vibrators ••... 384 B Baffies, Ceiling & Wall · .... .489, 491, 492 Ballasts ......... 328 Banana Jacks.224-226 Banana Plugs ... 224, 226-228. 231, 242 Bandpass Filters .367 Barrier Terminals ........... 215,216 Bases, Chassis .... ~ ...... 432, 433 Balleries ..... .494-497 Alkaline .......497 Flashlight ..... 495 Hearing Aid .• .495 Lantern .....• .495 ' Mercury ...... .496 Nickel-Cadmium ............. 497 Photoflash .... .496 Radio ..... 494-497 Strobe Light ... 496 Sun ............ 79 Tape Recorder .495 Battery Chargers .. 385, 497 Clips .......... 219 Eliminator ..... 404 Holders ...... .497 Manual ....... 496 Plugs ...... 385, 497 . Testers.396, 408, 497 Binding Posts .•.. 218, 225-228, 248, 255 Blow Torches .... .444 Blowers · .309, 431, 436, 437 Books Antennas Citizens Band · ........ 506, 507 FM ............ 500 Battery ...•••.• 496 Computer .••.. 493 Engineering ... 493 Laser ......... 493 Lowest Prices Highest Quality· Fastest Service .528 • ALLIED Books (cont'd) Maser ......... 493 Recording ..... 521 Re_ctifier .. 48, 73, 76 Semiconductor .33, 40, 48, 73, 76, 493 TV Tape Recording ... 521 Transistor • .•.•... 33, 40, 48 Brackets, Panel .• 248 Bridges, CapacitanceResistance.388, 393 Kits ........... 409 Bulbs . ........ 336-339 Bulkhead Jacks .. 257 Bull Horns •..... .481 Burglar Alarms .• 499 Bushings .....•.. 254 Buzzers ......... 289 c 'Cabinets Amplifier ...... 431 Hardware · .. .450, 460, 461 Metal 430, 434, 435, 461 Plastic •.... 435, 461 Rack ..... .427, 434 Small Parts ......... 460, 461 Speaker · .• .489, 491, 492 Cable (see Wire & Cable) Clamps ....... 195, 209, 211, 326, 330 Connectors .... 192, 196-204, 206-214, 218, 222, 225, 239, 240, 242, 257, 329 Lacing Cord .•. 325 Lacing Tape ••• 323 Lacing Ties .... 325 Markers · ... 322, 325, 326 Calculators •..... 118 Calibrators, Lab .386 Cameras, Television ..... 498 Tubes ....... 95, 96 Capacitors Assortments 156, 158, 175, 178 Bathtub ..• 153, 169 Buffer ......... 156 Butterfly ....... 184 Ceramic .•.•.• 158, 159, 175, 178-180 Decade Boxes .. 393 Differential 183, 184 Disc ..• 158,159,178 Electrolytic 146-151, 154, 155, 157, 159-167, 310 Feed-Thru ..... 179 Hardware .164, 167 Micai.169, 175, 176 Motor Starting · ..•. 161, 306, 310 Mylar 155, 156, 165, 168, 171-173, 177 Neutralizing ... 185 Oil Filled ..... 153,169,177 Padder & Trimmer •.....••.••• 180-186 Capacitors (cont'd) Paper .... 152, 153, ISS, 156, 169, 170 Piston ..... 181-183 Plastic ........ 177 Polystyrene ... 180 Porcelain •. 174-176 Selection Chart .•....•.. 144, 145 Substitution Boxes ...... .409 Suppressor .... 188 Tantalum ... 146-151 Temperature Compensating ......... 159, 179 Testers 392, 393, 404, 409 Kit ..... .404, 409 Transmitting .... 153, 169, 174, 175, 177, 179-185 Vacuum ....... 184 Variable ... 180-185 Varicap ......•. 60 Cartridges Magnetic .•.... 525 Microphone .... 483 ,Tape ...... 518, 520 Cart, Servicing .. 457 Casters ......•.. 431 Cathode Ray Tubes ................ 100 . Accessories 238, 255, 315, 370 Shields ........ 255 Sockets ... 235, 236 Cement .. 459, 462, 463, 465 Center Punch .... 450 Chambers ....... 387 Chargers ... 385, 497 Chart Recorder ........... 394, 395 Chassis Bases ...... 432, 433 Clamps .. , •.•. 457 Experimental .......... 246,433 Slides .•.....•. 427 Chassis Cradle .•. 457 . Chassis Punches, .451 Chemicals .. 187, 459, 462-465, 521, 526 Chokes Audio 364, 365, 368, 369 Filter 346, 351, 352, 354, 361, 366, 368, 372 Printed Circuit .. 350 RF ........ 344-347 Circuit Breakers ........... 342, 343 Circui! Cards .... 247 Circuits, Logic ..• 41,67 Citizens Band Equipment Accessories 502, 506, 507, 509 Antennas .• 506, 507 Crystals _•....• 509 Microphones ..... 483, 484, 487 Test Equipment .•. 504 Transceivers .......... 502-506 C.B. Equip. (cont'd) Kits .. ; .. 503-505 Walkie-Talkies ......... 504, 505 Kits ..... 504, 505 Clamps Cable ......... 195, 209, 211, 326, 330 Chassis ....... 457 Microphone ... .485 Tube ...••. 234, 240 Clips Adapter ....... 229 Alligator ...... 219 Crocodile ...... 219 Fahnestock .... 218 Insulated .....• 219 Test. .. 219, 228,311 Transistor Mounting ..... 31 Clocks, Timer & Program .. 278, 281-283 Closed~Circuit TV . . 498 Coaxial Cable •..... 313, 317, 320 Connectors .1~3-195, 200-202 Coaxial Relays ........... 306, 307 Coaxial Switches.307 Coils Oscillator ...... 347 Radio & TV.347, 34'8 Coil Forms ....... 253, 255, 348 Coil Sockets .. 234-237 Coil Winder ..... 344 Communications Cable ......... 321 Communications Receivers . ...... 500 Comparison Bridge ........ 388 Component TesterA15 Compressor, Air . .448 Condensers (see Capacitors) Connector Asseniblies. 207, 227 Dust Caps .195, 213 Insert Arrangements ... 190, 191 Selection Chart. 189 Tools .. 199, 203, 205 Connectors AC ........ 207, 239 Antenna ....... 225 Audio ..... 208, 209 Cable ........ 192, 196-204, 206-214, 218, 222, 225, 239, 240, 242, 257, 329 Coaxial .. 193-195, 200-202 Microphone .... 208, 487, 488, Printed Circuit .... 205, 210, 211 Rack & Panel 204, 205, 209, 212214, 257, Cov. 3 Relay ......... 306 Solderless ..•.. 222,245,254 Strip ...... 205, 209 Wire .......... 329 Contact Cleaner ••••••• 459 Depend on Allied for Same Day Shipment at OEM Prices Contact (cont'dr Fingers .... 98, 240 Protectors ..... 292 Digital Counters ....... , ... 308, 336 Dimmer Switches. 330 Containers, Parts .. " ...... .460, 461 Continuity Testers.311 Controls (see Potentiometers) Cooling Equipment ....... 431,436,437 Cords, Appliance · .312, 316, 320, 329 Cords, Extension · .......... 329, 487 Cords, Patch.231, 232 Cords, Power .... 323 Counters, Digital · .......... 308, 336 Counters, Impulse ....... 308 Diodes CREDIT FUND PLAN ............... 527 Crimping Tools · .......... 244, 245 Crocodile Clips •. 219 Crystal Sockets .. 233 Crystals Citizen Band .. 509 Laser .......... 81 Current Testers .. 395 Cutlers, Metal & Wire · .447, 451, 454, 455 D Dash Lamps .336-339 Decade Boxes · .......... 392, 393 Kit ............ 409 Inductors ...... 392 Resistor ... 393, 409 Decibel Meters ... 422 Degausser Tape .. 521 Bridge ......... 67 Checkers ..... 390, 402, 403 Gallium Arsenide ..... 33 Germanium 57, 63, 64, 67, 69 Handbooks ....... .48, 73, 76 Matrices ....... 67 Optical ......... 81 Photo .......... 78 Power Regulator .... 30 Rectifier· ClipP'lr ...... 102 Selenium ....... 76 Silicon ..... 30, 3236, 44, 57, 59, 6265, 67, 69-72, 75 Tunnel 31, 44, 52, 57, 67 Voltage Regulator .... 30 Zener ....... 34-36, 45, 60, 65, 70-72 Disc Recording Needles ....... 526 Distortion Meter .. 408 Dividers ........ 457 Drawer Slides ... 427 Drawers ... .427, 460 Drill Bits ....... .450 Drills . ...... .446, 447 Drivers .......... 490 Drives, Right Angle .... 254, 255 Drop Lights ...... 329 Dry Cells ........ 495 Dry Reed Relays ..•. 299, 302 Demagnetizer, Tape .......... 521 Head .......... 521 Desk Lamps .. 327, 328 Desk Stands, Microphone 485, 487, 488 Desoldering Equipment ...• .442 Dials Calibrated ..... 254 Control ........ 124 Cord .......... 253 Compounds ....459 Drives .... 254, 255 Locks ..... 254, 255 Plates 137, 252, 271 Poin ters ....... 254 Potentiometer ......... 136, 137 Dielectric Compounds ........ 462 E Earphones . .... 510-512 Educational Demon· stration Kits ... .411 Elapsed Time Meters 280, 419, 425 Electrical Accessories ......... 330 Electric Eye Equipment. .. 78, 293, 499 Electrolytic Capacitors .. 146-151, 154, 155, 157, 159-167, 310 Sockets ....... 236 Electron Beam Guns .......... 81 Electronic Switch. 407 Kit .........•. .407 Enamel Sprays . .459 Encapsulating Materials 462, 464, 465 Enclosures, Speaker ....... 489,491,492 Engraving Tools .... .448, 449 Epoxy ....... 462, 463 Etched Circuit Kit ........ 187, 246 Material ...... 187 Extension Cable .231 Extension Cords • ... '" .... 329, 487 Extension racks •••••.. 221,223,225 F Fahnestock Clips 218 Fans, Equipment · .. 77, 431, 436, 437 Tube Cooling 77, 309, 436, 437 Fanning Strips ... 217 Feed-Thru Insu· lators ..... 241, 256 Fiberglas Tubing. 325 Opener ....... 508 Gauges, Stylus Pressure ...... 526 Generators, Pulse 386 GeneDators, Signal (see Signal Generators) Fiberscope ... .466 Illuminators 80, 466 Image Conduit 466 Light Guides . .466 Field Strength Meters ........ 415 Film, Polaroid ... 520 Filter Chokes 346, 351, 352, 354, 361, 366, 368, 372 Filter Reactors · ...... 352, 354, 372 H Hammers •••.•.• 450 Handle. Cabinet ....... 430 Soldering Iron ......... 442, 443 Hardware Capacitors 164, 167 Containers .... .450, 460, 461 Instrument .... 242 Potentiometer Filters Bandpass ..... 367 Interference ... 188 Line .......... 188 Finger Stock .. 98, 240 Fittings, Shaft .... 252 Flashlights ...... 330 Batteries ..... .495 Lamps ........ 338 Flexible Shafts .•. 253 Fluorescent Fixtures ..........•••.. 328 Accessories ... 328 Ballasts ....... 328 Lamps ..•. 327, 328 FM Communications Receivers ... 500 Signal Stimulators •... .412, 414 Tuners ........ 523 Formvar Wire ... 321 Frequency Counter ............... 391 Meters 387, 389, 425 Fuel Cells ....... 77 Fused Plug ...... 330 Assortments ... 341 Clips .......... 341 Mountings. 341, 342 Pullers ........ 340 Fuse Resistors .. " ... 113, 116, 118 G Galvanometers ........... 399,419 High Fidelity (cont'd) Tubes ......... 108 Tuners ........ 523 Turn tables .... 524 High Voltage Cable ......... 315 Hook-Up Wire ... 312, 318, 319, 321, 325 Humidity Sensers .79 German ium Diodes · .. 57,63,64,67,69 Germanium Rectifiers ....... .46, 52 Germanium Transistors ........... 26, 27,38, 39, 43, 44, 49'51, 54, 55, 62, 68, 69 Glow Tester ..... 311 Grid Caps ....... 239 Grid Dip Meters .... 392, 409 Kits ........... 409 Grid Wire ....... 315 Grinders ........ 446 Grommets ....... 450 Guns, Electron Beam .......... 81 Fibor Optics Fuses . ........ 340-342 Depend on Allied For Everything in Electronics Garage -Door · .......... 127, 132 134, 136, 137, 142 Printed Circuit. 249 Relay 295, 302, 303 Switch .. '" .... 258 262, 266, 270, 275 Transistor Mounting .......... 31, 38, 57, 236, 238 Headphone Cords ..... 510, 512 Cushions .. 510, 511 HOW TO ORDER .. 527 Ignitrons ..... 96, 101 Illuminators .. 80, 466 Image Conduit .. .466 Image Orthicons ............ 95, 96 Impact Tool .... .449 Impulse Relays ....... 289, 291, 298 Incandescent Lamps ........ 331 Indexers, Motor .. 310 Indicator Lamps ... 80, 333, 336, 337 Sockets ....... 337 Inductors Fixed 181, 350, 362, 366 Variable . .... 345, 346, 365 Inspection Lamps .... 327, 330 Insulating Washers .......•........ 24B Insulation, Acoustic ............... 526 High Voltage . .459 Insulators Antenna ...... 256 Chemical ..... 459, 462-465 Clip Sleeve .... 219 Feed-Thru 241, 256 Stand-Off .. 241, 256 Transistor ..... 109 Integrator ....... 402 Intercom Cable ..... 314, 325 Speakers . .470,513 Switches .. 470, 471 Headphones Intercoms . .... 467-473 Dictation ...... 512 Stereo .... 510, 511 Switchboard ., .512 TV ............ 512 Hearing Aid Batteries ...... 495 Headphones ... 510 Heat Gun ........ 322 Heat Sinks · .109, 236, 240, 244 Insulators ..... 109 Intercom-Radios ............ .473 Wireless .. 469, 472 Interference Filters ............... 188 Interval Timers ........... 278,282 Inverters, Power .. 385 Heating Appliance Wire ..... 321, 329 High Fidelity Amplifiers. 522, 523 Cartridges .... 525 Connecting Cables ...... 229 Pickup Arms .. 525 Preamps .. 522, 523 Speakers & Speaker Systems ..... 526 Tape Recording Equipment (see Item Wanted) Use the Services of the Allied Facility Nearest You-SeePage 1 J Jack Panels ••••. 232 Jacks Adapters ...... 222 Antenna ...... 225 Banana ... 225, 226 Bars .......... 254 Bulkhead ...... 257 Covers ........ 220 Extension .... 221, 223, 225 Microphone ... 487 Phone ..... 220-223 Phono .... 222, 225 Pin ....... 222, 225 Printed Circuit .228 ALLIED. 529 .f\.llS INDEX " continued from previous poge Jacks (cont'd) Test ...••. 228, 250 . Tip ... 207, 225, 226 Jewels, Pilot.. 334-337 Jig Saws ..•.••• :445 K Kinescopes •••. 95, 96 Kits, Builders Audio Generators • 0408 Ballery Eliminator •••.• 404 Ballery Tester • .408 Capacitor Checkers ..•. 409 Capacitor-Substitution Box .409 Citizens Band Transceivers .......... 503-505 Decade Boxes .. 409 Electronic Switch •.... .407 Experimenter 77, 186, 187, 246 Grid Dip Meters •••••• 409 Molecular Research ..... 77 Oscilloscope 404, 405, 407, 411 Photo Reversing ... 186 Power Supplies. 384 Printed Circuit .... 186, 246, 247 R-C Bridges ... 409 R-C Substitution Boxes ....... 409 Resistor-Capacitor Checkers ..•. 404 Resistor-Substitu tion Box .• .409 Signal Generators ..•. .404, 407, 408 Signal Tracers .407 Temperature Indicator ...• 186 Test Equipment (See Item' Wanted) Thermistor .... 143 Transceiver, CB ...•.• 503-505 Transistor Tester •.•.••• 408 Ev~rything \con\ OJ Tube Testers •• _•••••• 404;408 Voltage Calibrators • .407 VOM's ..•••••. 406 VTVM's .•. 404, 406 Walkie-Talkies ......... 504, 505 Kh,:strons • ~ ....•. 102 Knight.Kits •• 404, 405, 504, 505 Knives ......... .458 Knobs' ... 136, 137, 250-253 Locks ......... 251 L L-Pads .. 127. 138, 141, 142 Labeling Equipment ...... 452, 521 Labeling Tape ..• 452 Labels, Recording 521 Laboratory Calibrator ..... 386 Lacing Cord 5. Tape ..... 323, 325 Lamp Cord ...•.. 320 Lamp Sockets 335-337 Lamps Argon ......... 336 Dash ...... 336-339 Desk ...... 327, 328 Flashlight ..... 338 Fluorescent .•.. 328 Incandescent •... 331, 338, 339 Inspection 327, 330 Neon 331, 334, 336, 339 Panel . . .80, 331, 336-339 Photoelectric . .499 Pilot •. 331-334, 336-339 Switch ........ 273 Tungar ........ 336 Lavalier ....•... .488 Lasers ........... 81 Lavalier ......... 487 Lead Sulfide Cells. 78 Lens Caps ....... 335 Lenses ...... 335, 337 Levels ........... 526 Turntable ..... 526 Light (}uides ... .466 Lighting Controls ........... 330,499 Light Meters ..... 399 Light Sensors •• , •• 24 Light Shields .... 332 Light Sources ... .499 Lights, Emergency .... 330 You Need in Electronics From One Source 530.• ALLIED IoIR8 '"'oras •••••••• tlJO~ Appliance 312, 316, 320, 329 TV ............ 320 Line Filters •...•• 188 Logic Circuits. ,,41, 67 LubriccllilS ...... .459, 462, 464,· 465, 521· Lugs ••• 218, 225, 450 M Magnetrons ..•.. 102 Magnet Wire 315, 321 Manuals, Rectifier . .48, 73,76 Transistor .•.•.. 33 40, 48, 73, 76. 493 Video Tape •••. 521 Marker Generators ... .402 Marker Strips ..•. 217 Markers, Wire ...... 322, 325, 326 Matrices, Diode ... 67 Megaphones ; ... 481 Memory Planes ... 81 Mercury Balleries' 496 Meter Cases ..••.. 435 Meters Decibel ..••.•• 422 Elapsed Time ..... 280,419,425 Field Strength .• 415 Frequency •.•... 387, 389, 425 Galvanometer ......... 399, 419 Grid Dip .• 392, 409 Kits ........ .409 Light .......... 399 Panel ..... .416·426 RF ........ 417, 418 Sound ........ 387 Temperature •. 390, 396, 397, 423, 425 VU .......... .418, 419, 422, 425, 521 Microammeters ........... 397, 39B 410,417-420,422,425 Micrometers ...• .457 Micromho . Meter .411 Microphones .. : ... .482-487, 511 Accessories 483, 485, 487, 488 Cable 312, 316, 487 Cartridges .••. 483 Connectors .... 208, 487, 488 Mixers •..••.. .487 Stands & Brooms 483, 485, 487, 488 Switches . .485, 488 Transformers .• , .480, 485, 487 Wireless ...•.. 482 Microwave Hardwarej.• 57,80 Milliammeters 397, 398, 416-419, 421, 422, 425, 426 Millivoltmeters •..... 399, 419, 420 Mixers . .480,487,515 Modules .... 80, 81, ~81, 392 Module Scope ... 392 Monitor, Aircraft .500 •••• 6!~O ronel Deanngs .•. ,t;>J,J Monoscopes •••••• 92 Motor Indexers •• 310 Motor Translators 310 Panels, Jack ..•... 232 Panels, Rack .427-430 Hardware .•.• .429 Panel Lights '" .331·334, 336.339 Panel Meters.416·426 Paper Capacitors ............ 152,153, 155, 156, 169, 170 Patch Cords •• 231,232 lV10DUOl·S, 1 V Molars ••••••••••• 281, 305, 306, 309, 310 Indicating .•. : .306 Servo .. : ...... 306 Timer ...... ~ .. 281 Multimeter .•••.. 402 Multiple Outlets .329 Multiplex ' Generator .412, 414 N Nameplate Kits .• 187 Needles ......... 526 Neon Lamps .... 331, 334, 336, 337, 339 Sockets ........ 336 Testers ........ 311 Networks, Semiconductor.. 28 Nibbler •........ .445 Nibbling Tool •.• .458 Nickel-Cadmium Balleries ...... 497 Nippers .........,455 Noise Limiter. .... 506 Noise Suppressors ........... 188 Novars ..•..• 103-108 Socket Adapters .... 238 Sockets .•.•.•.. 237 Nut Cracker ..... .458 Nut Drivers .• 455, 456 Nuts '" ........ .450 Nuvistors \ •... 93, 103-105, 107 Socket Adapters •... 238 Sockets ..• 237, 238 o Ohmmeters •• 388,397 Ohm's Law Calculators .: •• 118 Oil·Filled Capacitors ...... 153, 169, 177 Optics, Fiber Fiberscope •.. .466 illuminators 80, 466 Image Conduit.466 Light Guides ... 466 Oscilloscope Electronic Switch ...... 407 Kit ......... .407 Oscilloscopes • • . .• 386, 392, 403405, 407, 411, 415 Kits . 404, 405, 407, 411 Outlets, AC •.•••• 329 p Pad Controls .. 127, 138, 141, 142 P .. A. (See Public Address) Paint ............ 459 Sp'rayers ••...• 448 Phono Equipment Cartridges ..••. 525 Levels ...•..... 526 Pickup Arms ... 525 Pin Plugs & Jacks ..... 218, 222, 225 Stylus Pressure Gauge ....... 526 Switches ....... 267 Transcription Player. , . , ... 481 Turntables ..... 524 Phonographs .... .481 Photocells ... 33, 78, 79, 94, 99 Photo Diodes ...... 78 Photoelectric Equipment ....... 33, 293; 499 Burglar Alarms. 499 Light Sources .. 499 Relays ........ 499 Smoke Detector 499 Photoflash Batteries ............... 496 Phototubes 78, 94, 101 Pickup Arms ..... 525 Picture Tube High Voltage Cable ....... 315 Sockets ..... 235, 236, 238 Pillow Speakers .. 512 Pilot Bulbs. .. 336-339 Assemblies ..... 331-339, 342 Holders ........ 331 Removers ...... 331 Sockets & Jewels 335-337 Plastic Sprays ......•. .459 Tubing .... 323, 325, 326 Plate Caps ....... 239 Pliers .•..•.. .454, 455 Plugs. AC ....... 239,330 Adapters ...... 330 Antenna ....... 225 Audio ...... 221-223 Banana ....... 224, 226-228, 231, 242 Battery .... 385, 497 Battery Charger ..........•.. 385 Cable 211-214, 237, 257 Coil ........... 255 Fused ......... 330 Grounded .•... 330 Une Cord ...... 330 Meter .....• 224,225 Microphone ... .487 Phone •..•. 220-223 Phone Tip. 224, 226 Pin 218, 222, 225, 227 Pointers .......•. 254 Polaroid Film .... 520 PolYstyrene Insulation ......... 250 AIliEld Is the, World's, Fo,rfllm,?st Su,p.RIi~r o,f EI~c,tronic Components to Industry POSJ Wire ....... 320 POT Wire ....... 320 R Potentiometers · .. 122-136, 138-142 Dials ..... 124, 136 Hardware 127, 132, 134, 136, 137, 142 SWitches ...... 142 Power Cords. 323, 329 Power Inverters .. 385 Power Supplies · ........... 380-385 Kit ............ 384 Modules ... 80, 381 Power Tools . .445-449 Preamplifiers ... .480 Hi-Fi ..... 522, 523 Laboratory .... 522 Racks, Steel ...... .427-430, 460 Accessories ... 427 Cabinets ...... 427 Desk Top ..•.. .427 Handles .....•• 430 Hardware ....• 429 Panels .... 427-430 Shelves ....... 429 Radio Control Equipment. 508, 509 Radio-Intercom .. 473 Readout Cells ..•. 79 Readouts ........ 336 Reamers ...•••. .458 Receivers Printed Circuit Amplifiers ...... 80 Chokes ....... 350 Connectors .... 205, 210, 211 Development Kits ......... 186, 187 Materials ..... 187 Modules .... 80, 81 Paint ......... 459 Posts ......... 249 Racks ......... 248 Spacers ....... 249 Transformers .. 350 Transistor Sockets ......... 233, 237 Tube Sockets .. , ...... 233, 237 Turrets ....•... 238 Probes ...... 396, 400 Prods, Test ...... 229 Adapters ...... 229 Program Timers · .......... 281, 282 Projectors, Speaker .•...........•. .490 Public Address Equipment Amplifiers .474-480· Baffles .... 489, 491, 492 Drivers ........ 490 Megaphones .. 481 Microphones ......... :482-487 Stands .... .483, 485, 487, 488 Mixer ... .480, 487 Mixer-Preamp .480 Phonograph ... 481 Speakers . .489-492 Outdoor .490, 513 Systems .... .489 Systems ... 474-479 Pulse Generator .. 386 Punches ... .450, 451 Pyrometers .. 387, 423 Aircraft ......• 500 Citizens Band .......... 502-505 Kits ..... 503-505 Communications .............. 500 FM ........... 500 Industrial ..... 500 Receiving Tubes ............• 92, 93 95, 97, 101, 103-108 Record Blanks ......•• 526 Care Accessories ..•..•••.. , ... 526 Cleaner .•..... 526 Covers ..•..... 526 Records, Test ... 526 Record Players . .481 Recorders Chart .... 394, 395 Tape ...... 514-518 Recording Discs .. 526 Recording Tape ........... 518. 519 Rectifiers Germanium .• 46, 52 Instrument ..... 76 Manual. .48, 73, 76 Selenium .....•. 76 Silicon .. 29,31, 32, 37, 40, 41, 45-48, 51-53, 58, 59, 61, 64, 65, 72-74, 77 Tester ......... 390 Thyristors ...... 52 Relay (cont'd) Contact Protectors ... 291 Covers .... 286, 287 Hardware .... 287, 295, 302, 303, 305 Maintenance Kits ......... 291, 304 Racks ......... 428 Casters ••... 431 Sockets 233-235, 286, 287 Relays . AC-DC •••. 296, 297, 301 Airborne ...... 303 Alarm ......... 303 Antenna .• 290, 306 Appliance ...•. 287 Coaxial ... 306, 307 Dry Reed .. 299, 302 Impulse .... 289, 291, 298 Indicator ...... 286 Latching 290, 291, 300, 303 Mercury Plunger .............. 295 Mercury Wetted .............. 290 Meter ........ .418 Motor Starting .. 291 Non-Latching .. 291 Photoelectric ......... 293, 499 Plate Circuit .... 288, 289, 293 Plug-in.299-301, 303 Polar ......... 294 Power 285·288, 290, 293295,297, 300,301, 303, 305, 307, 308 Test Lamp ... 286 Pulse Repeating .............. 294 Rotary Action .. 299 Sequencing ......... 289, 303 Stepping .. 296, 298 Switching. 290, 307 Telephone.292, 30 I Thermal .. 291, 295 Thermal Delay. 294 Time Delay .... 294, 302, 303 Resistance Meters ............ 388, 397 Transformers ......... 354, 359 Tungar Bulbs .. 336 Reel Holders .... 521 Relay Selection Chart •........ 284 Relay Cleaning Tool. _304 Connectors .... 306 Call Your Man at Allied For Fast Service Resistors Adjustable 114, lIS, 117, 126 Assortments · ........ 113, 116 Cabinets .. 113, 116 Calculators .•.. 118 Fuse .. 113, 116, .118 Motor .....•... 310 Power ........ 113115, 117, 119, 121 Precision · ..... ll5, 118-120 Sensistors ..... 120 Surge ......... 118 Temperature Sensing ..... 120 Thermistors · ...... , .Il8, 143 Resistor-Capacitor Checkers .. 388, 393, 404, 409 Kits ..... .404, 409 Resistor Decade Boxes •.•.. 392, 409 Kits .......••• .409 Everything in Electronics From One Dependable Source Resistor Substitution Boxes .... 409 Kits .... , .•.... 409 RF Ammeters ........... 417, 418 RF Chokes .. 344-347 RF Coils .... 347, 348 Rheostats ...... 136, 137, 140 Coupling Kit .. 137 Dials, Plates, Knobs .....•• 137 Rotators, Antenna ••..•• 501 Rules .......... .457 Running Time Indicator .. ... •306, 419, 425 5 Sanders ......... 449 Saw Blades •••. .458 Saws Electric •..•... 449 Hand ......... 458 Jig ............ 445 Scissors & Shears ........... 446, 457 Screwdrivers . .447, 455, 456, 458 Electric ...... .447 Screw Extractor .• 451 Screws ......•... 450 Scribers ......... 457 Sealing Devices .. 263 Selenium Rectifiers ....... 76 Semiconductor Directory ..... 6-23 Semiconductors ............... 6-76 Hardware ..... 31, 38, 57, 236, 238 Heat Sinks .... 109 Manuals ....... 33, 48, 73, 76, 493 Networks ....... 28 Sensing Devices .....•...... 24, 33, 78, 79, 94, 99, 186 Servo Motors .•.. 306 Shafts Bushings ...... 254 Couplings .•... 252, 254, 255 Fittings ........ 252 Flexible ....... 253 Locks ..... 251, 255 Shielding Cable ......... 317 Strips ...... 98, 240 Shields, Tube .......... 233, 235, 236, 239, 240, 255 Shock Indicators .. 304 Shrinkable Tubing ........ 322 Markers ..•.... 322 Signal Generators ...........•.•. 388. 389, 403, 404, 407 Audio 388, 389, 408, 412 Kits .. .404, 407, 408 Marker ........ 402 Multiplex .. 412, 414 Pulse ......... 386 RF 388, 389, 404, 407 Kits ....... 404,407 Signal Gen. (cont'd) Square Wave .. 403 Sweep ........ 403 Signal Tracer ........... 407,415 Kits ........... 407 Silicon Cells ........... 79 Diodes ..... 30, 32· 36, 44, 57, 59, 6265, 67, 69-72, 75 Rectifiers.29, 31, 32, 37, 40, 41, 45-48, 51-53, 58, 59, 61, 64, 65, 72-74, 77 Transistors .......... 24, 25 • 27, 36, 39, 42, 43, 50, 55, 56, 58, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 81 Silicones.462, 464, 465 Sinks, Heat ...... 236 Slide Rules ...... 453 Smoke Detectors .. 499 Snaps & Studs .... 218 Snips ...... .454, 455 Socket Adapters ........... 330, 336 Sockets AC 207, 236, 239, 330 Argon Lamp ... 336 Bulb ...... 335, 336 Cable ......... 213 Coil ....... 234-237 Connector ..... 242 Crystal ........ 233 Drive ........ .453 Electrolytic Capacitor ...... 164, 236 Fluorescent .... 328 Lamp ...... 335-337 Neon Lamp .... 336 Novar ......... 237 Nuvistor ... 237, 238 Photo Tube .... 237 Picture Tube ......... 235, 236 Adapters .... 238 Pilot Light. 335, 336 Printed Circuit ......... 233, 237 Relay ..... 233-235, 237, 286, 287, 303 Transistor ..... 233, 236-238 Test Adapter. 232 Tube ... 233-238, 240 Adapter. 232, 238 Socket Shells .... 235 Socket Turrets ... 238 Socket Wrenches. 453 Solar Cells ..... 78, 79 Solder .......... 444 Aids ... 438-442, 444 Elements .. 442, 443 Pots .......... .443 Tips ...... .438-443 Soldering Irons & Guns ..... .438-443 Holders ... 442, 444 Solderless Connectors ........... 245. 254 Solenoids ... 296, 304 Solvents .......•. 462 Sound Columns •. 489 Sound Meter •..•. 387 Sound Systems ............ 474-479 Spacers ...•... 249 Spade Lugs .... 225 Spaghetti ... 324, 325 Spatulas, Relay Cleaning ...... 304 AlLIED. 531 INDEX continued from previous page Speakers Ceiling & Wall ..... 489, 491, 492 Drivers ........ 490 Extension ...... 513 Hi-Fi •......... 526 Intercom . .470, 513 Outdoor ... 490, 513 P.A. • •.... .490-492 Pillow ......... 512 Replacement .. 513 Systems ... 489, 526 Trumpets ...... 490 Wall . .489, 491, 492 Speaker Accessories Acoustic Padding .•••• 526 Baffles ..... 489, 491, 492 Cable.315, 320, 321 Controls ...... 127, 138, 140-142, 525 Enclosures .••.. 489,491,492 L-Pads 127, 138, 141, 142 Switches .... 138, 141, 142 T-Pads 127, 141, 142 Transformers . .491 Spin Wrenches .......... .455, 456 Spray, Insulating .•.. .459 Spray, Plastic ... 459 'Sprayers ........ 448 Springs ......... 234 Square-Wave Generators .... 403 Stabistors ........ 31 Stand-Off Insulators •••.... " .• 241, 256 Stands, Microphone : .483, 485, 487, 488 Staplers & Staples.452 Starters, Fluorescent ..•. 328 Steel Trucks .... .457 Stencils .......•.. 77 Stereo FM Test Equipment. 412, 414 Stereo Headphones •..••...... 510, 511 Step-Down Transformers ....... 358, 370, 441 Stepping Relays .298 Step-Up Transformers ••.•..• 358 , Storage Boxes · ....... 45~460,461 Strain Gauge Cable .......... 315 Strippers, Wire .. 451 Strips, Mounting .. 243 Stroboscopic Light .•..•..••. 526 Batteries .•••• .496 Styli Pressure Gauges ...... 526 Recording ..... 526 Surgistors ..•.... 118 Swaging Tools ... 242 Sweep Generators •••• 403 Switches Airflow ....... 437 Appliance .261,27) 'Assemblies •.... 265-267, 269 Coaxial ....... 307 Control 125, 128,. 141, 142 Cord .....•.... 273 Dimmer ....... 330 Dry Reed ...... 264 Foot .......... 283 Hi-Fi System ... 525 Intercom . .470, 471 Knife .......... 261 Lever .• 266, 270-272 Light-Operated .499 Lock .......... 262 Locking ....... 272 Magnetic ...... 264 Meter ......... 270 Micro ....•.... 276 Microphone ..•...... 485, 488 Open Blade .... 276 Phono ..•...... 267 Pushbutton ... 141, 261,263, 264, 270, 272, 273, 275, 276 Reed .......... 264 Relay ......... 307 Rotary ... 258, 260, 263-271, 274, 275 Slide ...... 262, 271 Snap-Action .......... 275-277 .Speaker ....... 525 Step-on ........ 283 . Thermal .. 291, 294 Time .......... 277 Time Delay •... 277 Toggle 258-262, 275 Switch Buttons ... 275 Switch Hardware .. 258, 262, 266, 270 Switch Lamps ... 273 Switch Mounting Barriers ....•.. 275 Switch Plates .• 252, 258, 262, 266 Depend on Allied' For Everything In Electronics 532 • ALLIED Switch Sealing Devices ; ..•... 263 Switch Sections ••..... 265'267, 269 Switch Wrenches 273 T T-Pads .. 127, 141, 142 Tachometers ..... 385 Tape . Alignment ..•.. 519 Cartridges 518, 520 Electrical ...... 330 Embossing .... 452 Heads ••...... 519 Labeling ..... .452 Labels .......·.. 521 Lacing ........ 323 Mailers •...... 520 Recording.518, 519 Reels .......•. 520 Sensing •...... 520 Splicing ... 518, .520 Strobe Kit ...•. 521 Threaders ..... 521 Tape Recording Equipment Accessories •.. 521 Amplifiers .•••. 519 Batteries ...... 495 Decks & Transports ..•. 514-517 Degausser : . ; . 521 Demagnetizer •• 521 Eraser ........ ·521 Heads . '....... 519 Microphones 482, 483, 485, 486 Mixers .......• 515 Preamplifiers .I •.. .480, 517, 519 Recorders . 514-518 Splicers ... 518, 521 Tape ..... 518, 519 VU Meters ... .418, 419, 422, 425, 521 Taps & Dies ..... 451 Telephone Cable ..... 314,316 Intercoms • .468, 469 Pickups ....... 512 Relays ..••• 292, 301 Television Alignment Tools ...•.. ,.457 Attenuators ' ... 127 Cable .... 315, 317 Cameras ...... 498 Closed Circuit.. 498 Coils .....•.... 348 Controls •...••• 141 Field Strength Meter ..•.... 415 Headphone Sets ......... 5l!, 512 Interference Filters ... : ... 188 Line Cords 320, 329 Line Voltage Requlators .. 373 Monitors ..... .498 Picture Tube Cable ....... 315 Sockets •• 235, 236, 238 Adapter ... 238 Power Trans'formers ~ .358, 359 Signal Attenuators .•...•••• 127 Television (cont'd) Tape Recordfng Book •...•... 521 Towers •....... 501 Tube Caddies .• 453 Tubes ....... 95, 96 Video Tape' Manual ..... 521 Temperature Indicators 186, 387, 390 Kits ..•..••.... 186 Temperature Meters ••...... 390, 396, 397, 423, 425 Temperature Recorders. 394, 395 Terminals Assortments .....•••. 244, 245 Barrier .... 215, 216 Blocks '" .229, 232, 243 Boards .••• 218, 243 Cards •.......• 247 Hea.ders ....... 243 High-Voltage .. 255 Mountings ..... 243 Solder 216, 242, 245, 246 Standoff .. 241, 243 Strips .214-218, 243 Tools .. 242, 244-246 Turrets ........ 238 Test Chambers Salt-Spray' ••.•• 387 Temperature •. 387 Test Clips .• 218, 219, 228, 311 Insulators •.... 219 Test Equipment (see·Item Wanted) Test Jacks ... 228, 250 Test Leads .. 230, 311 Test Lights ...... 311 Test Probes .. 396, 400 Test Prods ....... 229 Test Prod Wire .. 315 Thermal Delay Relays .. 294 Relays '" .291, 294, 295 Switch •... 291; 294 Thermistors .. 118, 143 Kits •......•... 143 Thermometers ••••••. 387, 390,425 Thyratrons ••• 99, 101 Thyristors •••••••. 52 Tie Points ••. 241, 242 Time Delay Relays ·.... 295, 302 Time Meters .... 278, 280, 306, 419, 4;25 Time Switches , •. 277, 281-283,304 TIME PAYMENT PLAN .........•..... 527 Time Totalizers .. 306 . Timers . Clock .....• 281-283 Programmer ••......... 281, 282 Tip Jacks ....... 207, 225,226 Tip Plugs .... 724, 226 Tips, Soldering ........... .438-443 'Toggle Switches ....... 258-262, 275 Tone Controls ,." (see Potentiometers) Tone Modulator •• 392 Tools (see Item Wanted) Too! Chests ••• , .46! Tool Dip ........ 459 Tool Kits, Hobby .......... .448, 458 Torches ......... 444 Toroids ..... 365, 372 Towers .......... 501 T-Pads. ,127, 141, 142 'Transceivers, Citizens Band •••••.. 502-506 Kits ....... 503-505 ~ranscription Player ........ 481 Transducer ...... 391 Transformer Selection Chart ..... 349 'Transformers Air Conditioner 357 Audio ......... 351, 353, 356, 357, 360363, 366-369, 371 Autoformers 357, 358, 370, 373 Constant Voltage ........... " 379 Control .... 357, 359, 372 Driver ........ 353, 357, 360, 362, 369 Filament 351, 352, 356, 359, 367, 368, 370, 371 Input ......... 353, 360, 362, 363, 369 Interstage .... _353, 360, 362-364, 369 Isolation .. 352, 355, 357, 359, 362, 363, 366, 369, 370, 373 Line ...... 357, 360364, 366, 367, 491 Matching (see Line) Microphone ... .480, 485, 487 Mixing ......... 367 Oscilloscope •.. 356 Output. ... 353, 356, 360-363, 367, 369 Plate .. 367, 368, 370 Power ..... 350-356, 358, 359, 367-371 Power Supply .. 370 Printed Circuit .350 Pulse .......... 366 Rectifier •.... 354,359,371 Step-Down 358, 370 Soldering .•.. 441 Transistor .... 350, 353, 360, 362,-364, 366-369 Power Supply •.......... 369 Transverters .353 Tube Checker .. 356 TV ............. 359, Variable 359, 373-375, 377 Transient Voltage Indicator •.••••. 390 Transistors Books ••. 33, 40, 48, 493 Germanium ....... 26, 27, 38, 39, 43, 44, 49-51, 54, 55, 62, 68, 69 Hardware •••.• 31, 38, 57, 236, 238 Heat Sinks 109, 236 Silicon ... 24, 25,27, 36, 39, 42, 43, 50, 51, 55, 56, 58, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 81 . Use the Services of the Allied Facility Nearest You-See Page 1 Transistor (conl'd) Soclrets 233,236-238 Testers .... 390, 396, 401, 403, 408, 412 Kit .......... 408 Transistor Radio Batteries ... 494-496 Circuit Analyst 414 Trimmers ...... 122, 123, 186 Capacitor .. 180-186 Potentiometer ......... 122, 123 Trouble Light. .... 329 Trucks, Steel .... 457 Trumpets ....... .490 Tube Caddies ...... .453 Caps .......... 239 Clamps .•.. 234, 240 Cooling Fans ..••.. 309, 436, 437 Shields .... 233, 235, 236, 239, 240, 255 Sockets ..... 233-238, 240 Adapters 232, 238 Chimneys .... 240 Testers .... 401, 403, 404, 408, 413-415 Kits ..... 404, 408 Tubes Audio ......... 108 Cathode Ray ... 100 High Fidelity ... 108 Ignitron .... 96, !OI Industrial ... 92-101 Ionization Gauge.81 Klystrons ...... 102 Magnetrons ... 102 Military ........ 91 Novars .... 103-108 Nuvistors .. 93, 103-105, 107 Photo ... 78, 94, 101 Tubes (cont'd) . Receiving 92, 93, 95, 97, 101, 103-108 Special-Purpose ... 81, 92-101,' 108 Directory .. 84-91 Thyratron .. 99, 101 Transmitting ... 92, 95, 97, 102 TV Camera .. 95, 96 Voltage Regulator ...... 92, 93, 101 Tubing Plastic 322, 323, 325, 326 Polystyrene ...• 250 Shrinkable 322, 323 Spaghetti. .324, 325 Teflon ......... 324 Tool Insulation ... 322 Tuner Cleaners and Lubricants .... .459 Tuners, FM .....• 523 Tungar Bulbs .... 336 Tunnel Diodes .... 31, 4~ 5~ 5~ 67 Turntables ...... 524 Turntable Accessories ..... 525, 526 Turrets Printed Circuit 238 Steel .......... 427 TVI Filters ...•... 188 Tweezers, Soldering .•... 441 Twa-Way Radios ........... 504,505 Kits .•••... 504, 505 v VTVM's .......... 397, ' VTVM's (cont'd) 400, 401, 403, 404, 406, 410, 413, 414 Kits ...... .404, 406 Varoctors .. 52, 57, 67 Variable Capacitors ........ 60, 180-185 Variable Inductors ...•... 345, 346, 365 Varicaps ......... 60 Varnish ........ ,465 Vibrapacks ...... 384 Vibrators ........ 384 Vises .......... .452 Visual Demonstrators Transistor Radio ............ .411 VOM ......... .411 Voltage Calibrators ............... 407 Kits ........... 407 Voltage-Current Recorder ...... 395 Voltage Dividers ....... 114, lIS, II7 Voltage Regulators •.. 373, 376-381, 384 Voltage Testers ........... 311, 395 Volt-Ammeters .•• 399 Volt-Amp-Wattmeter '" ........... , .397 Voltmeters ...•.. 386, 389, 391, 398, 399, 416-422, 425, 426 Volt-OhmMilliammeter. Cov.2,386,391,396, 397, 399-401, 403 406, 410, 413, 414 Kits ...... 406, 410 Volume Controls •...... 140, 488, 525 Cleaner ...... .459 Tools ......... 457 Volume Unit Meters ........ 418 419, ,422, 425, 521 w Walkie-Talkies ........... 504, 505 Kits ...... 504, 505 Wall Receptacles. 208 Washers ....... .450 Wattmeters 396, 398, 419, 422 Watt Voltmeter .. 406 Kit ..... , .... , .406 Wave Guides ..... 80 Hybrid Couplers 80 Hybrid Tees .... 80 Windows ......... 81 Wire & Cable Antenna .....• 321 Appliance Cords 312, 316, 320, 329 Broadcast ..... 316 Audio ......... 316 Bus Bar ........ 317 Coaxial .... 313, 317, 320 Coiled Cord .... 315, 316, 323 Extension Cords ......... 329, 487 Formvar ...... 321 Grid .......... 315 High-Voltage .. 315 Hook-Up ...... 312, 318, 319, 321, 325 Instrumentation 314 Intercom .. 314, 325 juke Box .. 315, 321 • Lamp Cord .... 320 Lighting ...... 315 Line Cord ..... 329 Litz ........... 315 Wire (conl'd) ... _. Magnet ... 315, 321 Microphone · ... 312, 316, 487 Military 312, 313, 317-319 Nickel-Chromium ............ ,321 Outdoor ...... 320 Phono .... 229, 320 POSj & POT ... 320 Speaker 315, 316, 320, 321 Telephone · ... 314, 316, 321 Test Prods .... 315 TV Camera .... 317 Underground ......... 320,321 Video ..... 315, 317 Wire Cutters ...... .451, 454, 455 Wire Duct ...... 326 Wire 'Gauge .... .457 Wireless Intercoms ........... 469,472 Wireless Microphones . .482 Wire Markers ...... 322, 325, 326 Wire Strippers .. .451 Work Bench ..... 460 Wrenches Electric •.••••. 449 Manual ...... .458 Socket ••..•••• 453 z Zener Diodes ...... 3436, 45, 60, 65, 70-72 Checkers • •.. 390, 402, 403 INDEX TO MANUFACTURERS A Ace Tools (see Henry Hansbn) Acme Electric. 373, 382 Acoustech ....... 523 Acoustic Research ........... 524, 526 Acro ........ 276, 277 Accutronics, Inc. .402 ADC (see Audio Development or Audio Dynamics) Adel ...........• 458 Advance Transformer .•...... 328 Akro-Mils ....... 461 Allied Radio Books .••.•.... 493 Cal.;:ulators ...• 113 Speakers (see also Knight, Knight.' Kits, Lincoln) Alpha Wire •..••.. 312, 322, 323 Alpha-Tempi! .. , .186 Alphlex (see Alpha) American Beauty ........... 441, 444 American' Optical. 466 American Television 0< Radio (see ATR) AMF ............ 311 You Buy from the 'World's Largest Stocks at Factory Prices A-MP _.......... 245 Amperex Capacitors .••.• 184 Tubes .... 84-91, 101 Amperite .•..•... 294 Ampex ...... 515,516 Amphenol Connectors .190-208, 247, 257 Motors ........ 306 Shields ........ 235 Sockets 203, 207, 234, 235 Wire & Cable ••. 313 Amprobe •....•.. 395 Amtron, Inc....... 80 Antenna Specialists Citizens Band .. _........ 506,507 Antex .......... .441 API (see Assembly Products) APM ............ 263 Arco-E1Menco ........... 175, 176 Argos Baffles ..... 489, 491 Tube Caddies . .453 Arrow Fastener .• 452 Arrow-Hart & Hegeman Connectors .•.. 239 Switches ••• 262, 263 Assembly Products .•.•.•..... 387, 423 Associated Testing Labs .......... 387 Astatic Microphones ... 483 Atlas Sound ..... 488 ATR ............ 385 Audio Development ........... 229,232 Audio Devices Disc Recording Accessories .526 Audio Dynamics .. 525 Audio Fidelity ... 526 Audiotex (see G-C) B B & K/Mark ...... 414, 506, 507 Babco ........... 450 Barber-Colman Motors ........ 309 Relays ........ 308 Belden Cords ......... 329 Wire & Cable •.. " .314-319, 487 Bell, F, W.. ,' ...... 77 Betacom •.. .467, 472 13irnbach ..•...•. 325 Allied Maintains the World's largest Stocks of Electronics Components Bliley ........... 509 Blonder-Tongue •. 291 Bogen Hi-Fi Equip. . .. 524 Intercoms .. 468, 469 P.A. Equip. 480, 481 Telephones.468, 469 Borg Motors ••...... 306 Potentiometers .128 (Also see Amphenol) Bosco, Don ....•• 415 Bourns Potentiometers •......... 130-136 Relays ........ 305 Brady Co" W. H .. 326 Brink & Cation ... .452 "Brush" (see Clevite) Bud Radio Capacitors ..... 184 Metal Products ... '..... , .427-435 Tube Caps ..... 239 Burgess Batlery Batteries ... 494-497 Lanterns & Flashlights ....... 330 Manual ....... 496 Burgess Vibrocrafters ............ 448, 449 Burke-Docken ... .445 Bussman ••...... 342 ALLIED. 533 MANUFACTURERS' INDEX continued from previous page BVI (see Burgess Vibrocrafters) c Cadre ........... . 503 Cambridge Thermionic .. , .218 Cannon. C. F ..... 5)) Cannon Electric .. 208 Cardwell ........ 184 CBC Electronics Co .• Inc........ 329 CDR (see CornellDubilier) Central Tool .... .457 Centralab Capacitors .178-180 Controls ....... 139 Packaged Circuits ............. 179 Switches ... 265-267 Century Drill .•.. 450 Cetron ... 78. 84-91. 99 Chemtronics .... .459 Chicago Miniature ..... 339 Chicago Transformer (see Stancor) Cinch· Jones Barrier Strips ......... 215. 216 Battery Plugs .. 497 Cable Clamps .. 211 Connectors.211. 213 Fanning Strips. 217 Heat Sinks ..... 236 Jacks ......... 225 Plugs .2))·214.225.237 Shields ........ 236 Sockets .212-214. 236. 237 Terminal Strips .......... 214-218 Citation (see Harman-Kardon) Clairex ........... 79 Clark Electronics .188 Claro stat Controls ... '... 129 Decade Boxes .392 Clauss .......... 457 Clevite .......... 511 Cole-Hersee ..... 336 Columbia ....... 526 Command ....... 526 Conant ......... :>.76 Conley "" Electronics .... 518 Consolidated Wire Wire & Cable ......... 320, 321 Continental (see Cetron) Continental-Wirt Resistors ...... 118 Switches ...... 271 Controls Co. of America Solenoids ..... 304 Time Controls .. 275 Cool·Fin ......... 240 Cornell-Dubilier Antenna Rotators •............ 501 CfIpacitors .166-170 Interference Filters ....... lS8 Test Eqpt ...... 393 Cousino ......... 51S Croname (See Waldom) CTC (See Cambridge Thermionic) Cutler-Hammer _........... 258-261 D Dale (Dalohm) ........... 1l8. 119 Danbury-Knudson 307 Davies, Harry Cases ......... 435 Knobs .... 252, 253 Delta (See Wakefield Eng.) Devcon _ ...... . 0463 DeVry .. 247, 254. 402 Diacrom ........ 304 Dialeo .... 83. 331-335 Diamond Tool. ... 458 Dietzgen ....... .453 Dixie ............ 460 Dow-Corning ........... 464. 465 Dow-Key ........ 306 Drake Mfg ....... 336 Dremel .......... 448 Dumont ... 85. 89. 90 Dunco (See StruthersDunn) Dutch Brand (See Johns-Manville) Dymo ........... 452 E Eagle ............ . 261 Ebert ............ 295 Eby ............. 238 Rely on Allied for Complete Stocks and Fast, Friendly Service 534 • ALLIED E. C.!. .......... 506 Edsal ........... 460 Eico Citizens Band . Eqpt. ........ 503 Power Supplies 384 Test Eqpt. . .406-409 Eitel~McCullough (Eimac) Connectors •... 240 'Finger Stock.98. 240 Sockets .... 98, 240 Tubes .84-87. 90, 91, 98 Eleo Accessories •.. 233 Connectors Cov. 3, 207. 209,211. 257 Sockets ... 233. 234 Vari-Pak •...... 248 ELcoa ............ 77 Electrocraft (See G-C) Electron Molecule Research ......• 77 Electrons. Inc. .......... 84,85.99 Electro-Glass Labs. ...•........... 243 Electro-Nuclear ••• 78 Electro-Products .. 383 Electrostrip ...... 329 Electro-Voice Microphones' ......... 484. 485 P. A. Eqpt. 489. 490 Emerson and Cummings .... .462 Emico ...... .415. 426 Empire ...... 524. 525 Equipto ..... 457, 460 Ersin ........... .444 Esico ............ 443 ESL ............. 526 E-2 Way ........ 501 Fanon .......... .. 481 Fasco Intercoms 467. 472 Light Controls .. 330 Fedtro .......... 188 Fenwal Eledronics, Inc. Thermistors .... 143 Fisher ........... 523 Fleet ............ 458 Flexo ........... 327 Forsberg ....... .458 Fusemaster (See Littelfuse) G G-C Electronics Binding Posts .. 227 Cable Ties ..... 325 Clips ...... 228. 234 Dial Accessories ......... 252. 253 Hardware .... .450 Hi-Fi Accessories ............. 525 Paints & Chemicals . .459 Plugs & Jacks 222, 224. 225, 228 Resistors ...... ll8 Servicing Tools 291. 444, 451, 457. 458 Terminal Strips 216 Test Eqpt. & Accessories ... 229,311 Thermistors .... llS G-Dot ........... 304 Genale" ......... 108 General Controls Counters ...... 308 Switches ...... 283 General Electric Books ......... .48 Bulbs & Lamps ......... 336. 338 Chemioals .... .462 Clock Timer ••.. 282 Computer Circuitry .... .43 Lasers ......... 82 Light-Activated Units ......... 83 PhotoceUs ...... 78 Rectifiers & Diodes .... 44-48 Chart & Manual ... .48 Semiconductors ....... 6-23. 42-48 Manuals ..... 48 Military ...... 47 Switches ...... 264 Tubes.84-91, 96. 97 Variable Transformers ..... 377 General Radio .. 22S Gernsback ...... 493 G-H ............ .450 Goat ............ 239 Good-AI! ..... 171-173 Grado .......... 525 Grayhill Binding Posts .. 228 Clips. ~219. 228. 229 Hardware •••.. 248 Sockets ..••••• 238 Stand-off Terminals ••. 243 Switches, ..•... 264 Greatneck ....... 450 Greenlee ........ 451 Guardian .... 296-298 G-V Controls ..... 295 H I Hallicrafters Citizens Band' Eqpt ......... 502 Special-Purpose Receivers .•. 500 Hamlin .......... 264 Hammarlund Capacitors .. , .185 Couplings ..... 253 Hanson, Henry ...... .451.457.458 Hart & Hegeman (See Arrow-H & H) Hathaway .. 388. 389 Harvey-Hubbell .239 Haydon ......... 280 Heli-Tube ....... 325 Hickok ...... 412-414 Hold-E-2ee ..... .458 Holmin .......... 481 Hughes Capacitors ..... 64 Rectifiers & Diodes .... 64. 65 Semiconductors ....... 6-23, 64-66 Military ...... 64 Hurst ........... 305 Hy-Gain.500. 506.507 Hygropak ........ 79 Industrial Timer Corp. ............ 277-279 Insl-x ••••••••••• 459 Intermatic Photoelectric Devices ..... 499 Timers ........ 281 International Rectifier Diodes ...... 70-72 Photocells ...... 79 Protectors .. 82. 384 Rectifiers & Stacks .... 72, 73 Handbook ...... 73 Semiconductors · ...... 6-23, 70-73 Solar Cells ..... 79 Power Supplies ... 83 IRC-CTS Cable ......... 325 Controls ... 122-128 Resistors · .Cov. 4. IIl-ll5 IT & T-Federal Contact Protectors ... 291 Rectifiers & Stacks ...•••• 76 J Jackson Power Supplies 384 JBT ............. 425 Jensen Mfg. Speakers ...... 491 Controls ..... 138 Jerrold .......... 415 Jet Pak ......... .459 JFD Capacitors .180-183 Inductors ...... lSI Repair Aids ... 457 JK ............ : .509 Johns-Manville .. 330 Johnson. E. F. Binding Posts .. 226 Capacitors .... 184 Citizens Band Eqpt. . .. 502. 505 Insulators ..... 256 Plugs & Jacks .. 226 Shafts ......... 253 Sockets ....... 240 Johnson Service Co............. 448 K Kemet ....... 150. 151 Kepro ....... IS6. 187 Kester .......... 444 Keystone ........ 497 Knight Chokes ....... 361 Citizens Band Eqpt. ... 502. 506 Hand Tools .... 455 Headphones ... 510 Microphones .. 482 P.A. Equipment · ........ .474-479 Recording Equipment .. 517 Test Equipment ........ .404. 405 Transformers .......... 358-361 Knight-Kits Citizens Band ......... 504, 505 Test Equipment ........ .404, 405 Allied-Headquarters for the Latest in Industrial EJectronics Knight, James (See JK) Kormat ......... .444 Koss .••••••..•.. 510 Kraeuter ••..••.. 454 Krylon ...••..... 459 Kwik-Heat •••..• .441 L Lab.Tronics ... 222, 229 Lectrohm ....... .443 Leece-Neville Co. 501 Leecraf! ..... 82, 336 Lektrosta! ..•.... 526 Leland ••••...•.. 306 Letrase! .....••... 77 Lincoln Citizens Band Equipment .. 505 Headphones ... 510 Special-Purpose Receivers ... 500 Linemaster ...... 283 Littclfuse •. , .340, 341 Ludlow ......... 325 Lufkin .••...•.•. 457 Luxo ............ 327 M Machlelt Labs .. ' ....... 84, 86-90 Magnecraft Electric ...•.... 299-302 Mallory Batteries ..•.• .496 Capacitors ..... 151, 162-165 Computer Circuitry ........ 76 Conirols •.. 140-142 Plugs & Jacks .. 223 Power Supplies. 384 Rheostats ..... 140 Switches .. 270, 271 Vibrapacks .... 384 Vibrators ...... 384 Marantz .......•. 522 Mark Mobile (see B&K/Mark) Mark-Time ...••. 283 Marsan .....••. .498 Masco (See Fanon) McIntosh ...•.... 522 Mel-Rain Corp.•. 342 Micro Measure· ments .....•..• 391 Microwave Associates Diodes ...•••••• 75 Semiconductors ............• 6-23 Wave Guides ... 80 Millen, James Accessories ... 255 Chokes ....•.•. 344 Coil Forms '" .255 Dials ...••..... 255 Knobs ......... 250 Sockets ....... 231 Test Equipmont.392 Tube Caps ..... 239 Clamps ..... 240 Miller, J. W. Chokes '" .345-347 Coils ..... 347, 348 Inductors ...... 346 Transformers .. 345 Miller, K......•.. 451 Millers Falls •..•... 447, 452, 458 Milwaukee Electronics .... 372, 381 Minnesota Mining (see "Scotch") Miratel, Inc ...... 498 Misco ...••••.... 513 Mitchell ...••.••. 328 Modular Elec· tronics ..••.••. 243 Monitoradio .•••• 500 Moody •..•.••••• 458 Morris •••••••••. 344 Motorola Computer Cir. cuitry ..... : •• 41 Semiconductors ....... 6-23, 34-40 Handbooks ... 40 Test Equipment.391 Mueller ......... 219 Mullard Products Photocells ..•.•. 79 Tubes 85-87,90, 100, 108 Multi-Elmac (see Multi-Products) Multi-Products ••• 503 N Nalional Co. Accessories 254, 255 Chokes ....•..• 344 Dials ...•••.••. 254 Insulators .•.•. 256 Knobs ......... 253 Tube Caps ..... 239 National Electronics · ........ 84-90, 101 National Union · .84, 86, 89, 90, 100 Nortronics .: .•... 519 Nu-Tone ......... 473 Nu-Way ......... 218 o Oak •••.••••• 26B, 269 Ohmite Chokes •••..••• 344 Controls ... 136-138 Resistance Boxes ...•... 393 Resistors .. 116-118 Rheostats .. 136, 137 Switches ..•... 275 Oryx ..•...•.•... 441 p Pacific Semiconductors · ........ 6-23, 58-60 Military-Type. 59, 60 Rectifiers & Diodes ..... 58-60 Packard Bell .... 498 Paco (see Precision Apparatus) Park ..•.•.•.•.. .461 Parker .....••••• 426 Panduit ......... 326 Penta Lab · .. 84-86, 89, 91, 100 Perkins Electronics .....•.. 381 Perma-Power Door Opener ... 508 Radio Control Systems .... 508, 509 Philco Diodes .....•... 57 Semiconductors ....... 6-23, 54-57 Phototac (see Micro Measurements) Pickering ........ 525 Pioneer Electric Photocells ...... 79 Tachometers ... 385 Plastic Associates.463 Plastic Capacitors, Inc. Capacitors .... 177 Power Supplies. 382 Plug-In Instruments PC Blanks ..... 247 Power Supplies.381 Polaris Mfg. . .•... 79 Polaroid ......... 520 Poly-Com ........ 503 Pomona ..•.. 231,232 Potter & Brumfield .••••....... 285-292 Precise Development Power Supplies. 384 Precision Apparatus .•...•. 384, 403, 414 Presto (see Bogen) Pyramid Instrument (see Amprobe) Q Quam.•.••••• 491, 513 Quietrole •••••••• 459 R Radiar! (see Cornell· Dubilier) Radio Condenser Co. . ....•...•. 184 Raypar ••••...•• 234 Raytheon Circuit Devices .77 Hardware •.... 225, 248,251 Knobs .••...•.. 251 Rectifiers & Diodes.61-63, 102 Semiconductors ••..••. 6-23, 61-63 Test Jacks •.... 250 Tubes ..• B4-90, 102 Voltage Regulators •• 377 RCA Books .......... 52 Citizens Band Equip.•....•• 502 Computer Circuitry ...•• 52, 81 Educational Devices •.•• .411 Lasers ....•••.. 81 Nuvistors •. 93, 103-105, 107 Photoconductive Cells .•. 79, 81, 94 Rectifiers & Diodes ..•• 51-53 Semiconductors •.. 6-23, 49-53, 81 Military ..... .49 Test .Equip. 410-412 Tubes 81, 84-95, 103-108 Recora .......... 283 Regency ..•.••.. 336 Allied Supplies WHAT You Want-WHEN You Want It Rider, J. F., Publisher ••..• 493 RMS ••...•.•••• .472 Robert Shaw (see Aero) Robins Record Care Accessories .. 526 Tape Recording Accessories .. 521 Rotron .••. 77, 436, 437 Rustrak .••••••.• 394 5 Sadelco .......... .415 Sams, .H. W., Publications ••• 493 Sarkes-Tarzian ...•. " .6-23, 74, 75 Schauer Mfg ...•. 385 "Scotch" Electrical Tape. 330 Recording Tape & Accessories •. 520 Scott, H. H. Hi-Fi Equip. • •. 523 Sound Meter ... 387 Seco .•....... 82, 390 Self.Organizing Systems, Inc. • .402 Sencore •..• .415, 497 Shallcross .••..•. 274 Sharpe ..•..••••• 510 Shop mate ••••••. 440 Shure Bros. Hi·Fi Components .••...••...••. 525 Microphones · .•.•. , •• 486, 487 Sigma: •..••• 293, 294 Simpson Panel Meters • .Cov. 2, 416-419 Test Equip .. Cov. 2, 386, 393, 396, 397 Sittler .••.... 311, 336 Ski!. •.• .445, 447, 449 Smith, H. H. Bearing Assemblies •. 253 Spacers & Posts. 249 Terminal Strips.218 Test Leads.230, 311 Sola •.......• 378-380 Solar Systems •••• 79 Solitron Devices, Inc.....•••.••• 390 Sonar ••••••••••. 503 Sonotone Batteries ••••• .497 Microphones ••• 483 Soundolier ••••• .489 Spaulding .•••.•• 501 Speedway (see Thor· Speedway~ Sprague Capacitors · .146-148, 152·161 Irtterference Filters ....... 18B Resistors .••••• 121 Test Equipment ........ 392 Stabillne (see Superior Electric) Stan cOr (Chicago Transformer) Chokes. 350-352, 354 Transformers · .•... , ... 350-357 Standard Electric ........... 373, 380 Stevens-Walden .453 Stranco Products .325 Struthers-Dunn ........... 302, 303 Superior Electric Autotransformers ......... 374, 375 Binding Posts •........ 227, 248 Connectors .... 227 Motors •....... 310 Plugs .......•. 227 Voltage Regulators .. 376 Swing-OoLite •••• 327 Switchcraft Connectors · .... 209, 222, 487 Controls .. 511, 525 Microphone Mixers ...•.. 487 Patch Cords ... 232 Plugs & Jacks · .... 220·222, 232 Switches · .... 272, 273, 525 Sylvania Circuit Breakers ............. 341 Computer Circuitry ••.•. 67 Diodes ...... 67, 69 Lamps ..... 83, 337 Semiconductors . ..... 6-23, 68, 69 Tubes .... 84-91, 99 T Talk.A.Phone .. 469-472 Tandberg ....... 516 Technical Products, Inc ............ 324 Techniques, Inc. ............... 186 Telco (See G-C) Telechron (See G.E.) Telex ....... 510, 512 Teradyne ....••.. 76 Test Devices, Inc .. 402 Texas Instruments CapaCitors .... 149 Computer Circuitry .••.• 28 Photo Devices .. 33 Resistors ...... 120 Semiconductors ............. 6-33 Thermosen .... 84, 87 Thomas & Betts Connectors •.•• 210 Terminals ..••. 245 Thor-Speedway ••••••• 445-447, 449 Thorens ......... 524 Timely •...•..•.. 324 Tork ............ 282 Triad ..•••.•. 369·372 Triplett Panel Meters •... _..... 420-422 TE:>$t Eqpt . • .• .400, 401, 422 Tru-Cut ...•..•• .458 Tungso!. .84,85,87-90 Turner Brass •••• 444 u Ulster .......•••• .458 Ungar Electric Tools •••... 442-444 ALLIED • .53S University (cont'd) P. A. Speakers ......... 489.490 Useco ... 241-243. 247. 250 Utah ........ 492, 513 UTC ......... 362-368 Utica ••• 447. 451. 458 MANUFACTURERS' INDEX c.~ntinued from p'revious page . Vector •.•••• 238; 246 Vectrol ........... 77 Vega ........... 482 Victoreen 84, 85. 88. 89. 101 Vidaire ....•.•.. 525 Viking ........... 514 Vitramon, Inc. ........... 174. 175 Vlchek .......... 450 v Union Steel Chest 461 United Transformer Corp. (See UTC) University Megaphones •• 481 w Vaeo ............. 244 Yap-Air ......... 3~0 Waleo· ............ 526 Waldom ........ 252 Wakef.ield Eng ... J09 Wall ............ 440 Walsco (See G·G) Ward ........... 507 Waterman Products ................ 84 Weathers ....... 526 Weller 438. 440. 449 Wells Electronics 345 Wen ........ 439. 445 Weston Panel Meters ......... 424. 425 Test Equipment ......... 398.399 Wheeler ••••••.• .469 Willard ......... 497 Wilton .......... 452 Wood Electric Corp .......... 343 Worner ........ A99 Wuerth ......... 118 x X-Acto ••••••••• ;.458 Xcelite ••• ,' •• 456, 457 MILITARY PRODUCT INDEX SPEC. MIL- PAGE CAPACITORS SPEC. PAGE MIL- C-5B ...•..•.....•..•..•••..••••.. 169 CMO (5 •. 6) ...................... 169 C-25A •..........•..••.....•...... 153 CP-S3 .................•........ 153 CP-70 .......................... 153 C-3965B ..............•........... 148 CL-25 ........•....•...•..•..... 148 C-11015C ......................... 175 CKO (5. 6) ...................... 175 C-11272B ......................... 174 CY (12C. 13C, 16C. 17C. 21C, 22C. 31C. 32C) .................... 174 C-26655A ................ 147. 149. 150 CS-13 ................. 147. 149, 150 CONNECTORS F-15160D .........• _.....••........ 340 FOlA250V ...................... 340 F02A250V ...................... 340 F02B250V ...................... 340 F03A250V .......................340 F-19207A ..................... 340. 341 FHL-17G ........................ 340 FHL-18G (I thru 6) ................ 340 FHNI9W ....................... 341 FHN20G ........................ 341 FHN26G ................... ' ., " .341 FHN26W ....................... 341 E-5272A .......................... 343 MS25244 ........................ 343 MS25337 ......... ~ .......... '" .343 MS25361 ....•............•...... 343 KNOBS MIL- M Series ......................... 200 MX Series ........ ; ........... 200, 202 PL Series .................... 200, 201 SO Series ........................ 201 UG Series ..................... 200-202 8384B ............................ 204 C-5015D .................. 192-195. 198 MS3JOO (I. 2, 6) A ........... 192-194 MS3100 (I. 2. 6) R ............... 198 MS3J06B ...•... , ....... '.' ... 192-194 MS3108 (A, B) .............. 194. 195 C-501SE •.................... 196, 197 C-19572 ........................... 199 C-26500 (USAF) ...............•... 199 MS24264 thru 24266 ............. 199 M-14F ...•....•..•..•••..••.••..•. 211 M-18794 .......................... 2ll SDG ........................... 211 M-19833 .......................... 206 STD-242 •..•........••.......•..•. 207 MSI6109 ........................ 207 CONTROLS MIL- R-19A : ........................... 126 RA-20 ................... : ~ .••.. 126 RA-30 ..... : .................... 126 R-94B ............... 126. 136. 13B. 139 RV-l ........................... 139 RV-2 ..•........................ 126 RV-4~ ................... 126. 138. 139 RV-5 .......................... ·.126 . RV-6 ................... 126. 136.139 R-94B2 ........................... 139 RV-6 ........................... 139 R-2720BA ............... " ........ 131 RTIO .................... : •..... 131 RTII •.•....•.••••••••.•.•••..•. 131 536 • ALLIED Allied-The SPEC. MIL- K-3926 ... \, .................. 251.253 MS91528B ....................... 251 MS91531 ...•..................•• 253 PILOT LIGHTS MIL- L-3661/5' .......................... 333 MS25256 ........................ 333 MS25257 •. : ...................... 333 L-3661/14 ......................... 334 LCI4 (BD. CD. GD. RD. YD) ...... 334 L-6723B .........•................. 333 MS25446 ........................ 333 L-7806 ................•...••...... 331 MS250JO ......•...•.........•.•. 331 L-7961B ........................... 332 MS25331 ......•...•.•.........•. 332 RESISTORS MIL- R-llD ........................ 111. 116 RC07 ....................... lll. ll6 RC20 ....................... lll. ll6 RC32 ....................... Ill, llS RC42 ....................... lll. 116 R-26C .................... ll5. 118.119 RW56G ........ , ................ HS RW67G .................... 115. H9 RW68G .................... 115. H9 RW69G .................... ll5. H9 R-10509D ................. ll2. 113. 120 RN20X .............••....••.•.•• 113 RN55B/D ....................... H2 RN55B/D/G ..................... 120 RN60B/D ....................... 112 RN60B/D/G .... : ................ 120 RN65B/D ................... ll2. 120 RN65B/D/G ..................... 120 RN70B/D ................... 112. ll3 RN60C .................... ·..... 112 RN65C •...•.....•.•.•.•...••... 112 Lead~r PAGE RESISTORS (Cont'd) FUSES AND CIRCUIT BREAKERS RN70C ........... ; ............. 112 RN60C/E ....................... 120 R-18546C ......................... 119 RE65 .........................•. 119 RE70 ........................... 119 RE75 ........................... 119 SEMICONDUCTORS Units that meet MIL-19500 or MIL-E-l are on pp. 22 and 23. Also see manufacturers listings on pp. 24-76 for oemplete pertinent specifications. SWITCHES MIL- S-3950A ....................... 260 MS25068 ..............•••....••. 260 MS25125 ........................ 260 MS25127 •........•......•.••.... 260 MS35058 ......................... 260 MS35059 .......•••..........•... 260 S-6807 ............................ 260 MS25002 ........•...•........... 260 S-8834 •.....................•..... 260 MS25306 ........................ 260 MS25307 ......................... 260 MS25308 ..........•............. 260 JAN-S-23 ..................•....•.. 260 ST42 (A thru H) .................. 260 ST52 (K, M. N. p. R. S. T) .......... 260 MIL- TRANSFORMERS F-18327B ..................... 364. 365 T-27B ................. 350-352. 362-367 'rFIRX ......................... 367 TF4RX ..... 351. 352. 362. 363, 365-367 TF4SX .......................... 352 TF5RX ..................... 350. 364 TF5SX ...........•...•.........•. 350 TP6RX .......................... 366 T·21038B .......................... 366 TUBES· See Military Listing on Page 91 WIRE AND CABLE MIL-. 104-C .................. ~ ..... ~ ..... 324 C-17C ..................... : ....... 313 1-3158 ............................ 324 I-3190A ...................... ; ..... 325 1-6310 ............................ ;323 1-22129C ...... ; ........... :. : ;. : ... 324 W-76B ................... 312. 31B. 319 W-16B78D ... : ................ 312. 319 in Industrial Electronic Supply-Best S~rvice-Lowest Prices Power wire wound resistorsno derating with new coating IRC FIXED COMPOSITION RESISTORS IRC RESISTEG® COATED RESISTORS • IRC's exclusive new coating is cured at a low temperature, maintain their full rating. • Need no derating at high resistance values. • Windings have uniform spacingno hot-spots . • Meet or exceed MIL- R-11 specifications . • Superior high-frequency characte r isti c s , cooler operation , greater moisture~protection . • No wax coating ± 5% and ± 10% tolerance . Use the Services of the ALLIED Facility Nearest You: CHICAGO HEADQUARTERS Phone : TAylor 9-9100 TWX : 312-431 -1721 CLEVELAND Phone : 883-5252 DALLAS Phone : EMerson 3-6221 Prem ium performance of evaporated metal film at the low prices of deposited-carbon resistors IRC METAL FILM PRECISION RESISTORS • T-O evaporated metal film resistors available molded or with exclusive moisture-resistant M-Coat- now at 100°C PPM temperature coefficient. • Meet or exceed MI L-R-10509 requirements except temperature coefficient for C and E characteristics . • Design tolerance 5 times tighter than deposited carbon (MILR-10509 Characteristic B) resistors , and 20 times tighter than carbon composition (MIL-R-11) resistors . DAYTON Phone : 278-5866 DENVER Phone : 399-2250 DETROIT Phone : 836-0007 LOS ANGELES AREA All ied Radio of California 2085 E. Foothill Blvd . Pasadena , Cal ifornia Phone : 795-5901 MILWAUKEE Phone : COncord 4-3970 MINNEAPOLIS. ST. PAUL Phone : TAylor 7-5401 ROCHESTER, N.Y. Phone : CHapel 4-8750 SAN FRANCISCO AREA Palo Alto , Californi a Phone : 312-0240 SEATTLE Phone: MUtual 2-8026 WASHINGTON, D.C. and BALTIMORE AREAS Phone: TUckerman 2-6560
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