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~ F ( - ' M' CD Guiding "Early Bird" at Com sat's Control Center • May, 1965 ~OIAT I' AlIFO ~ 3 r' *. , It Navajo Freight Lines takes the shortest route to faster billing Navajo Freight Lines, Inc., uses Bell System Data-Phone* service to speed some 4000 bills a day. At originating terminals, freight bills are cut on 35 ASR teletypewriter machines. Copies of the bills and an 8-channel by-product tape are produced simultaneously. The tape is then transmitted over telephone lines at 1050 words per minute (or a bill every 3 seconds) to destination terminals and to Navajo headquarters in Denver. At the destination terminals, tapes are inserted in 35 ASR teletypewriters which produce delivery copies of the freight bills. At the same time in Denver, tapes are processed through a magnetic tape converter direct to computers which check for accuracy and produce copies of bills for preaudit. Circle No. 1 on Readers Service Card This operation has made substantial savings for Navajo Freight. Billing steps have been reduced from 10 to 4. Accounting now takes just 2 days instead of 8. Current revenue figures are always available to Navajo management within 24 hours. Find out how Data-Phone service can work for your data systems by talking with one of our Communications Consultants. Just call your Bell Telephone Business Office and ask for his services. *Service mark of the Bell System ~.'~ Bell System American Telephone and Telegraph Co. and Associated Companies Circle No. 5 on Readers Service Card----t Activities at S's anned Space enter in ouston, Texas, represent both achallen eand apro ise. Project polio ill . be atched by responsible persons every here. Wolf Research and Development Corp. is playin a.key role in this assive undertakin . Would ,.-------,~ you like to join us? SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMERS Our biggest need right now is for Senior, Junior and Support Programmers for compilation, analysis and evaluation of information vital to NASA in Houston. A minimum of two years' programming experience with large-scale computers and a BS or SA in Math, Physics or Engineering are required. Write. '61111' ,.tlJ!:" ~,..."" ~... - I L] WOLF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Yc=J BOX 36 K • BAKER AVENUE • WEST CONCORD • MASS. 01781 an equa/·opportunity employer Circle No. 20 on Readers Service Card COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 3 AN OFF-BIT HISTORY OF MAGNETIC TAPE. Pompey the Great, who considered himself a great innovator in the art of warfare, often boasted that he had introduced the use of pigeons as airborne messengers. (Actually, he had borrowed the idea from a cashiered Chinese general named Ho Ming - which explains why they are known by that name and notas Pompey Pigeons.) "You can have your new-fangled computers," he would scoff at Caesar. "Pigeons are the last word in modern communications!" "Want to bet?" Caesar asked him one day. "Name the stakes I" said Pompey. Answered Caesar: "How about the Roman Empire?" "You're on!" Pompey shouted. And so the great struggle between the two took place, with Rome itself as the prize. If you remember your Gibbon, you know what hap"Reg. T.M. Computron Inc 0 • #6 of a series by Computape o pened. Caesar's legions and his data processing equipment triumphed, and Pompey's boast came home to roost. After the crushing victory of the pro-processing forces over the pro-pigeon wing, Caesar dramatically celebrated his triumph by installing his computers directly at the base of Pompey's statue - as if to demonstrate to all the world which of the two had been right, and which had been for the birds. This fascinating bit of tape history, incidentally, is presented for your edification by Computape, and the moral of the whole bit is crystal clear: Computape is heavy-duty tape so carefully made that it delivers 556, or 800, or (if you want) 1,000 bits per inch with no dropout. Now - if Computape can write that kind of computer tape history - shouldn't you be using it? (+J CDMPUTRDN INC. MEMBER OF THE lID£~W GROUP 122 CALVARY STREET, WALTHAM, MASSACHUSETTS COMPUTAPE - 4 product of the first company to manufacture magnetic tape tor computers and instrumentation, exclusively. Circle No. 2 on Readers Service Card COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 As the Early Bird satellite goes up, the control staff of Commercial Satellite Corporation analyzes calculations produced by computer describing the satellite's precise position in space. See more information on page 49. ©(Q)um~~~~[FJ§ cSHill@ CEJ (!J]~(Q) UlFLl..·ng the g'ap between the 4, .... :• w's Model 780 by adding or are Models 760 and and the ultimate. ':::::p,~l.;ween ~~~i~1~~~ Design" of the 700 Sysleills:/na conlputing systems, including '. are cOlnpatible with the current r.ftf"~kl!I~[lJur "~hiD7i'·:rl.'c>n areupgrading upgraded of to data Ilwet proce~s~sl~';n~g~~s~r~Y~S~'tm~t~~~~~l~~~; cha ~~i~~~::delns can be converted sinlultalleousLY~ Tl1te>,(':m~t of upgrading one model to another am()lJnts t() ~'~!'I~Jlist price. plus the cost of. a service~an. ~~ri~~f~~~ij;~1~~'~1 ,~ lished in the field by Calcomp seh.rice representa W PLOTTING SYSTEMS ·.ARE C'Qtl¢J'Jm:p plotting systems are ltsedt() pre~¢ntcligital cOlnPlfter 0 - '\annoulred charts, g r a o r draW'rzgs. The,)systems . . ... to Calcomp plotters. vides display aij(J search ';: :. \? rovides display and search, S COlllputer time required 700 series plotters and introduces and/or .01 inches) and ZIP MODE® caparill it finer plotting resolution at advanced speeds. Model provides all of the features of the 770 plus the ability to read higher density tape, and increases conlputer efficiency by packing more data per inch of tape. For additional features of the "700 Systenls," their advantages over other digital systems,. and their capabilities - one compared with another - write "Marketing." BOOTH 24 IFIPS • May 24-28 New York HILTON STANDARD OF CALIFORNIA COMPUTER PRODUCTS, INC. THE PLOTTING INDUSTRY 305 Muller Avenue, Anaheim, California (714) 774·9141 Circle No, 6 on Readers Service Card 10 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 c&a READERS' & EDITOR'S FORUM REGARDING A NATIONAL COMPUTER FACILITY I. From E. L. Harder, Chairman Board of Covernors American Federation of Information Processing Societies New York, N. Y. 10017 In regard to your suggestion in the January, 1965 Computers and Automation editorial, that AFIPS initiate the planning studies for a national computer facility, I have discussed this with the heads of the AFIPS societies, and offer the following commen t: A national computer facility certainly appears desirable and necessary. However, the dimensions of this project are such that actual "planning" for such a facility would require the active participation and support of the Federal Government. I believe the proper role of the professional societies at the moment is to attempt to define the nature of the problem and to serve as a catalyst to encourage the Government to take the necessary starting steps for establishment of this facility. II. From the Editor We are delighted that the "professional societies" may "serve as a catalyst to encourage the government to take the necessary starting steps for establishment of this facility." If we at Computers and Automation can help, please ask us. COMMENTS ON "DECOMPOSITION7 LEAGUE BOOTS FOR LINEAR PROGRAM M I NG" John S. Bonner Bonner and Moore Associates, Inc. Houston 2, Texas This letter is in reply to some points raised by Dr. Jack Moshman in his article "Decomposition-7 League Boots for Linear Programming" appearing in the February, 1965 issue of Computers and Automation. D.r. Moshman implies that, until the rec~nt availability of the CEIR Decomposition program, the problem-solving capabilities of the Decomposition principle could not be used. The Bonner & Moore Decomposition LP system for the IBM 7094 (incidentally, the first such system to apply the acronym DECOMP) was released in the first quarter of 1962, more than three years ago. Dr. Moshman repeatedly implies that the principal value COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 COMPUTER ART CONTEST In our August issue, we shall publish the results of a competition which we run each year in art produced by a computer. We invite entries from anyone interested. A letter should accompany the art, explain what problem led to it, and in a few sentences how the computer produced the result. There are no other formalities. The closing date for receipt of entries in our office is Monday, July 5, 1965. The art winning the contest will become the front cover for our August issue. Next to these words appear the winners of the computer art contests in our last two August issues. of Decomposition is in 'permitting the solution of bigger and better LP problems. This attitude completely overlooks what may well be a far more valuable ability, that of permitting the application of different computational techniques to different segments of the problem. The Bonner & Moore system, for example, permits both linear programming and distribution subproblems. This latter type permits individual subproblems with as many as five thousand equivalent equations,. and over a half million variables within a single subproblem, provided that certain stylized requirements of subproblem structure are met. These requirements are characteristic of a large and important group of industrial problems, those involving supply and distribution networks. The important characteristic of the Decomposition principle which Dr. Moshman appears to overlook is that it is possible to include these specialized structures in the same problem with conventional LP structures (and possibly other specialized techniques) and utilize for each a spccializcd calculation procedure. 11 Finally, there appears to be something of a contradiction between the first two paragraphs of the article. In the first paragraph, Dr. Moshman implies that the application of linear programming has been restricted in the past to large companies involved in complex industrial processes, with the further implication that a large, untapped source of application among smaller, less sophisticated users exist. The balance of the article is devoted to a description of a method of permitting the solution of still larger and more complex problems. MORE COMMENTS ON "COMPUTERS AND THE PUBLIC SECTOR OF THE ECONOMY" I. From Elton Ray Los Angeles, Calif. Your excellent February editorial "Computers and the Public Sector of the Economy" called much needed attention to the vivid contrast between the public and private sectors of the economy. Yugoslavia, which has found ways to effectively "privatize" -introduce competition and profit motivation into previously public industries-with substantial increases in efficiency and quality, may point the way to an easy, simple, and permanent solution to the deplorable state of the public sector of America: "Transfer" as many fields of endeavor as possible from the public to the private sector. Subways and roads inherently pose a difficult "problem" of management, no matter who owns and operates them, because they are "natural monopolies" for reasons of topology. But there is no intrinsic reason why schools, libraries, and many other presently public services cannot be largely if not entirely, transferred to the private sector. Indications are that education, for example, would vastly benefit-witness the fact that a very large percentage of innovations in education have come from the small fraction of schools that operate in the private sector. The Liberal Innovator (Box 34718, Los Angeles) has published some rather interesting and novel ideas along these lines. To privatize previously public sectors will, in many cases, require imaginative new approaches in organization. And data processing and automatic control will certainly find many new applications. II. From Morris C. Matson Fort Worth, Texas For the past several years your magazine has provided me with what I considered to be good, factual, up-to-date information about the computer field. Having some awareness of your professional stature in the computer industry I always felt safe in accepting information presented in your publication. Several times I have had reservations about your editorial page. My associates have suggested on occasion that your thinking was not too good in some non-computer areas and that we should cancel our subscription. I have always maintained that they misunderstood your position. Today, however, I find myself in complete agreement with them. What a tragedy it is for a professional man in a technical field to consider himself qualified to speak in the areas of physiology, politics, sociology, economics, the construction of subways, and national defense. For example, I don't think I have ever read a more ridiculous statement than "Certainly there is nothing magical or supernatural about the brain of a man; and certainly once the process of chemically growing brains is understood, much better materials than protoplasm can be found for making them." If there is nothing supern~tural about the brain then there is nothing super- 12 NOTICE RE THE COMPUTER DIRECTORY AND BUYERS' GUIDE, THE REGULAR JUNE ISSUE OF COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION The next issue of "Computers and Automation", the regular June issue, is our "1965 Annual Computer Directory and Buyers' Guide". We have two kinds of subscribers: directory subscribers, and non-directory subscribers. Non-directory subscribers do not receive the June issue as part of their subscription. To find out which you are, look at the address label on the cover: if it has *D, you receive the directory; if it has *N, you do not receive the directory. For information about receiving the directory or changing from a non-directory to a directory subscription, please see the information on page 2B. natural about the human being so why not grow a better man rather than limit yourself to the brain alone. The significance of your statement that "Many persons would eagerly engage in part-time work if they could do so conveniently," escapes me. What relationship does this have to the fact that the 5% unemployment rate is fiction? Do you mean that because I am willing to accept consulting work on a "moonlight" basis that I really ought to be counted among the unemployed? Your statement that society must make sure that every human being has a decent job and/or a decent income is meaningless. May I ask you what is a decent job or a decent income or for that matter, what or who is society? Who can make those decisions for another person? You can't determine what is decent for me and I can't determine what is decent for you. Please don't try. As one of your many loyal readers may I respectfully request that in your editorials you stick to a field in which you are proficient. If you want to preach, then use some other medium for your platform. Your magazine'S status as a professional journal will be destroyed by a few more editorials about New York subways and the fiction in unemploymen t figures. III. From the Editor Thank you for your letter of March 30 in which in a courteous and friendly way you express strong disagreement with some of the views recently expressed in my editorials. I am enclosing, from the April issue which you may not yet have received, some comments and some rebuttal which deal with the discussion. Also, when you next come to the Boston area, please consider yourself invited to have lunch with me; for, to respond to all the points in your letter would take pages and pages. However I want particularly to reply now to one of the remarks in your letter: "what a tragedy it is for a professional man in a technical field to consider himself qualified to speak in the areas of physiology, politics, sociology, economics, the construction of subways, and national defense." There are important answers to this remark of yours. First, it seems to me that the basic purpose of editorials in any magazine is to help the readers of a magazine get out of ruts, old ways of thinking and behaving. The world around us nowadays is full of change and demands fresh COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 thinking. The more stimulation, the more discussion, the more argument, the more thought, we who edit Computers and Automation can stir up with the editorials I write and check with the other editors-the more ferment there will be in the field of computers and automation, and the more good is likely to be produced from that ferment. I believe the editorials you take issue with stir up ferment. Second, this particular professional man (myself) has had a very broad education lasting many years, which has included: (1) an A.B. degree from Harvard College in 1930, summa cum laude, after a four-year liberal arts course that included economics, history, and many other subjects; (2) another degree (F.S.A.) from the Society of Actuaries, representing the passing of 12 professional actuarial examinations (1931-41) including such subjects as investments, economics, etc.; (3) much travel outside of the United States, including visiting over 20 countries of this small planet including the Soviet Union, India, Australia, etc.; (4) the rough and tumble of owning, operating, and managing a small business from 1948 on, which has stayed solvent and met every payroll for more than 16 years, which is far beyond the average lifetime for small businesses in the United States (about 5 years); etc. Therefore, I believe I am to a small degree qualified to speak up to some extent in many more fields than just one, computers. Third, even if a person is not at all professionally trained in a Subject X, it may well be that Subject X has impinged on his own personal experiences, and therefore he has firsthand, important information. A mother who has taken thalidomide on the advice of her doctor and found her baby born deformed, has had important experience about the worth of the advice from her doctor and the effectiveness of thalidomide; she can make a proper judgment about it from her own experience, and has a qualification for speaking up. A person who has traveled in the subways of New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, London, Paris, Moscow, and Sydney, and has looked around him and observed with his own eyes can make certain judgments about subways from his own experience, and has a qualification for speaking up. Of course, there is always a tendency for professionals to try to be too authoritative; ordinary people must speak up to counteract this. If the streets of Boston are less well paved than the streets of London, it is proper for me as an ordinary person to speak up. It simply is not true that a man who is a professional in one field is thereby to be barred from speaking up in another field-to a sensible extent and based on evidence that he can cite. In this connection, I would like to recommend highly to you the book "A Nation of Sheep" by former Navy Captain William J. Lederer, published 1961 by W. W. Norton & Co., in which he talks about how far Americans have become sheep in their tendency to shut out their own assessments and judgments when they should be assessing and judging for themselves. Finally, the computer field is really a very strange and unusual field, if one compares it with many other fields of science and engineering. The computer field is strange and unusual because it penetrates into all other fields, like applied mathematics. In fact, computer methods are like mathematical methods, able to apply in countless places and with extraordinary advantage all over the spectrum of human affairs. Consequently, the computer field requires that persons who desire to be real experts in computers should have broad knowledge, cultivated minds, hungry, avid intellects, and a tendency to speak up, so that they can see better into all kinds of problems and see ways in which computer techniques can benefit their solution. Computer people are basically information engineers, persons who are seeking to engineer information in our world so as to solve problems. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 bqu q[) BRANDON APPLIED SYSTEMS, INC. and cornl?n!rla~!!J:~ are pleased to offer the third series (Spring, 1965) of TECHNICAL SEMINARS IN DATA PROCESSING - conducted by Brandon Applied Systems, Inc. sponsored by Computers and Automation The remaining Seminars are: "Management Standards for Data Processing" a 2-day course for managers and senior personnel on management control and standards. This course is based in part on the book of the same name, by Dick H. Brandon. (D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., Princeton, N.J. 1963.) New York, N.Y. - May 19, 20 "Computer Selection and Characteristics Analysisll a 2-day course on techniques used in equipment selection and the various characteristics of hardware, software and the manufacturers of current equipment. The course is designed for management personnel with responsibility for equipment selection. New York, N.Y. - June 9, 10 "Computer Systems Analysis Techniques" a new 2-day technical course on the techniques of systems analysis and computer feasibility study. This course is designed for .experienced analysts and supervisory personnel. One seminar: New York, N.Y. - June 16, 17 These courses are also given in London, Stockholm, and Tel Aviv. For the Spring 1965 course catalog write or phone or mail coupon: BRANDON APPLIED SYSTEMS, INC. 30 East 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. 10017 212·YUkon 6·l518 TO: Brandon Applied Systems 30 East 42 St., New York, N.Y. 10017 Please send me the Spring 1965 course catalog. My name and address are attached. Circle No. 9 on Readers Service Card 13 Anyone of these outstanding works (VALUE TO $25.00) to mark your membership in THE LIBRARY OF COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES lUlofunc DAU-PlOC£SSltlG SlSUflS \ \WI.. \WI"- ~rt\Oll • lit".., ... ,. ~ll you accept-as a gift-a copy of anyone of the superb reference works described above? We are making this offer to demonstrate the advantages of membership in THE LIBRARY OF COMPUTER AND INFORMA TION SCIENCES, the unique program designed to serve the leaders in this rapidly expanding, vitally important field. Real-time responses, market simulation, stochastic systems control, programming languages-these are only a few of the exciting new developments in the computer sciences that have brought about a vast amount of published materials. How can you cut through this maze of materials to pinpbint the approaches that will be most directly useful to you? Here is where THE LIBRARY OF COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES will be most valuable. Under the direction of a distinguished Editorial Advisory Board (below), the LIBRARY carefully screens the large number of books in the field. It then selects the most important, most authoritative volumes and offers them to you-each month-at substantial discounts up to 40%. As a member, you need accept as few as four books during the next twelve months, and you will receive a free Bonus Book of your choice after every fourth Selection. Selections of THE LIBRARY OF COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES range widely over the field, covering such topics as: Operations Research • Systems Design • Mathematical Models • Data Processing Equipment • Information Retrieval • Simulation • Management Information Systems and many others. By participating in this program, you build an impressive library of timely, crucial books in a field of the greatest significance. And you keep abreast of developments in the computer sciences in the most economical and convenient way. To join, all you need to do is fill in the coupon on the next page, indicating your choice of a Membership Gift (with value to $25.00), plus your first Selection at the reduced Mem- ber's Price. If you join immediately, you will also receive a free copy of the new Reference Diary of THE LIBRARY OF COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES (a $3.95 value), an appointment diary containing much useful data and information on the field. Begin membership with one of these fine books at reduced member's prices Programming and Coding Digital Computers By Philip M. Sherman A systematic introduction to the most important aspect of computer operation. Covers the development of the program and the entire cycle of practical tasksfrom problem analysis to program debugging - which are involved in planning for and implementing computer application. Many worked examples, practice problems. List Price $11.00 Member's Price $7.95 An Introduction to Automatic Computers By Ned Chapin A detailed study of what computers can do, how they operate, what their demands are, and how results can be achieved. Of- The Library of Computer and Information Sciences Editorial Advisory Board Chairman ISAAC L. AUERBACH President and Technical Director, Auerbach Corporation Editorial Director EDMUND C. BERKELEY Secretary, Association for Computing Machinery (1947-53) 14 Members JACK BELZER Professor and Director of the Knowledge Availability Systems Center, University of Pittsburgh JOHN W. CARR, III Professor, Moore School of Electrical Engineering, ALSTON S_ HOUSEHOLDER Director, Mathematics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory ANDREW D. BOOTH Dean of Engineering, University of Saskatchewan NED CHAPIN Data Processing ConSUltant COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 Im[fX&l@frlilll~ (ill ~r~, Edited by Charles Susskind. The most authoritative survey of electronic science now available. Written by 405 leading specialists. 420 illustrations. 996 oversize pages. Published at $22.50. f;N©''@~@~ @Jr II'iY~'f~~OCql¥j[~lff, Edited by Carl Heyel. Remarkable reference with over 300 authoritative articles on all areas of management. Over 200 outstanding contributors. Many charts, tables, graphs. Two volumes, boxed. 1084 pages. Published at $25.00. mr.'@ IrlYil-romITmlD ~n rl.;t :{ \~@.illffiYi(:& Automatic Data-Processing Systems, by Gregory and Van Hom, on all aspects of business data flow and control - plus Computers and Thought, edited by Feigenbaum and Feldman, on machines that think and their value to science and industry. A $22.30 value. fers illtiminating.discussion of systems analysis and design, the operational aspects of designing and using efficient systems of data handling, much more. List Price $9.75 Member's Price $7.75 Information Storage and Retrieval By Joseph Becker and R. M. Hayes Well-documented and amply illustrated overview of the entire field of the information sciences. Analyzes the overall problems of optimal use of present systems and proposes mathematical methods of quantifying material from diverse sources. List Price $11.95 Member's Price $8.75 The Language of Computers By Bernard A. Galler A cogent and thoughtful overview of t4e basic character, design, and operation of a computer language, emphasizing its problem-solving utility and function. Discusses such techniques as: the generation and use of random digits; a program to produce programs; and many others. List Price $8.95 Member's Price $6.50 Recent Developments In Information and Decision Processes Edited by Robert Machol & Paul Gray Wiener, Bellman, Diamond and 13 other leaders in the field' report on optimal decision-making techniques such as dynamic programming. Bayesian formulations, ergodic theorem, self-organizing systems. List Price $8.00 Member's Price $5.95 Mathematical Methods for Digital Computers Edited by AnthollY Ralston & Herbert S. Wilf An illuminating exposition of the most useful techniques of numerical analysis for solving mathematical and physical problems on the digital computer. A book for all those who intend to do any serious work on a digital computer. List Price $9.00 Member's Price $6.95 International Dictionary of Applied Mathematics Massive new reference that covers all important concepts of applied mathematics . . . of 81 basic branches of physics and engineering. 1177 oversize pages; over 8,000 entries; addendum of foreign terms. List Price $25.00 Member's Price $14.95 Business Data Processing and Programming By Robert H. Gregory & Special FREE GIFT if you join now! The REFERENCE DIARY of the Library of Computer & Information Sciences A combination appointment diary and reference guide, this convenient book contains a checklist of key ideas in computers and data processing; a list of over 700 areas to which computers can be applied; a detailed summary of the characteristics of digital computers; a summary of binary arithmetic and related number systems-and much more. A $3.95 Richard L. V an Horn For the operating executive or systems specialist - a complete survey of equipment, processing, and programming in the flow of business information. With 60 easy-to-follow illustrations. List Price $9.25 Member's Price $6.95 Value FREE with membership MEMBERSHIP FORM CS. Library of Computer & Information Sciences 59 Fourth Avenue, ,i'lI Encyclopedia of Electronics New York, N. Y. 10003 Please enroll me as a member If 11 Two Computer Volumes and send me-as a Membership l(:: Encyclopedia of Management Gift-the work checked at right, plus my free copy of The RefFirst Selection erence Diary. Also send me the Selection listed at right at the reduced member's price. I need NAME accept only as few as four Selections in the next 12 months, ADDRESS and I will receive a free Bonus Book of my choice after every CITY STATE ZIP CODE# fourth Selection. Please be sure to Indicate zip code clearly. o Payment COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 enclosed. (W, pay postage and handlin, char,es.) Circle No. 34 on Readers Service Card 15 '" Up to 156 billion characters, or the equivalent of 15,000 reels of tape . . . with four megacycle readout rate . . . Available as an auxiliary memory or free-standing with the MCP-l Memory Centered Processor . . . Photostore Disc People with tapes only get in the way of Itek's new data processing system - the Memory Centered Processor. It offers 100 times more mass random storage capacity than ordinary memory systems. Unique photo-discs store so much data that your entire storehouse of magnetic tapes can be placed ON-LINE in one MCP Digital Library Unit. Each disc holds information equivalent to two reels of tape (25 mi Ilion characters), and once in reading position offers 15 millisecond average random access. The serial readout rate is four million bits .per second. The MCP System Itek Corp., delivers any record in a trillion-bit file in 2.5 seconds maximum, and any queued ("look-ahead") record in 250 milliseconds. You will soon be able to see units of the MCP System store, search, compare, translate, extract, and edit information at Itek's New York Infor- ~ mation Processing Center. To visit the Center or to obtain information about our lease/purchase plan for auxiliary mass memories or the MCP System, write Itek Digital Data Systems Division, 10 Maguire Road, Lexington, Massachusetts 02173, Tel. 617-862-6200 Circle No. 7 on Readers Service Card 16 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 THE INTERNATIONAL -IMPACT OF COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION Edmund C. Berkeley Editor~ Computers and Automation As the Third Congress of the International Federation for Information Processing opens in May 1965 in New York, it may be worthwhile to reflect on the force and direction of computers and automation all over the world, both now and in the probable future. Magnitude of the Force In the twenty years since 1945, the total number of largescale sequence-controlled calculators (1944 language) or automatic computers (1965 language) installed and operating has gone from two or three to more than 25,000. The computers made to date represent probably an investment on the order of fifty billion dollars. The number of computers will soon be more than 50,000, and is likely to rise continually for many years. In fact it is not unreasonable to draw an analogy with the rise and development of the automobile, which amplifies the traveling power of man's body, and contrast that with the computer which amplifies the thinking power of man's mind. In an advanced industrial country the number of cars is probably between 10 and 30 per hundred persons. It is reasonable to expect that eventually the number of computers will be in about the same range, between 10 and 30 per. 100 persons. Directions of the Force When we look at the directions of the force of the computer revolution, they seem to be in almost all directions at once, like an explosion. For the computer is a universal instrument, like language, writing, or books. An inventory of applications of computers is published in the Computer Directory issue of Computers and Automation in June of each year. The 1964 list enumerated more than 700 applications, and in 1965, the list will enumerate more than 800 applications of computers. But in years to come it may appear foolish to publish such a list, since it COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 will go without saying that computers like books will apply anywhere! Why? Thirty years ago who would have forecast that such a revolutionary development as the automatic computer (and its application to guide automatic machines, which may be called automation) would have taken place? Why has this happened, and why has it happened in this century? Looking backward, it seems clear that all the necessary ingredients were present: punch card calculating machines; electronics for radio and radar; the analytical engine concepts of Charles Babbage and others; the early calculating machines like the planimeter and differential analyzer; and the pressing need for large quantities of calculation. The electronic computer EN~AC built at Moore School of Electrical Engineering in Philadelphia grew out of these ingredients. The revolution was enabled to take off and rocket upwards because of the level of engineering in this century. This achieved great reliability, great speed, and great capacity. And so most of the time now, people do not need to put up with arm-chair solutions to difficult problems: instead the answers can be calculated. We are traveling swiftly towards the point where most of the language of thought will be calculable like mathematics. A Million Times Faster than Previously It may be argued that computers "can do nothing that we cannot do ourselves." This argument has been well answered in an article "Impact of Computers" in the American Mathematical Monthly for February 1965. In it, Richard W. Hamming of Bell Telephone Laboratories, a former president of the Association for Computing Machinery, says: 17 "Another argument . . . that (computing) machines can do nothing that we cannot do ourselves ... is true, but also false. It is like the statement that, regarded solely as a form of transportation, modern automobiles and aeroplanes are no different from walking.... The reason the statement is false is that it ignores the order of magnitude change between'the three modes of transportation: we can walk at speeds of around 4 miles per hour, automobiles travel typically around 40 miles per hour, while modern jet planes travel at around 400 miles per hour. Thus a jet plane is around two orders of magnitude faster than unaided human transportation, while modern computers are around six orders of magnitude faster than hand computation. It is common knowledge that a change by a single order of magnitude may produce fundamentally new effects in most fields of technology; thus the change by six orders of magnitude in computing has produced many fundamentally new effects . . . that are being simply ignored when the statement is made that computers can only do what we could do for ourselves if we wished to take the time." Future Trends The changes that have already happened because of the computer revolution are relatively few as compared with the changes that almost certainly will take place in the future. These changes will result from present visible and conspicuous trends in the field of computers and automation. Among these trends (besides those mentioned already) are: 1. The cost of computers will decrease greatly, yet their power will increase. 2. Direct communication among computers will increase greatly. 3. The difficulty of programming computers will decrease greatly. 4. Automatic machines equipped with guiding computers (automation) will increase very greatly. 5. The input/output channels of computers will become much more varied and flexible than they are today. These trends can be relied upon to keep operating because of big advantages to be gained and the intense forces of competition in the computer field. Eventually, limitations from natural laws will operate for some of these trends. For example, the speed of transmission of information inside a computer is limited by the speed of light. But we are still a long way from being stopped by these limitations. The Application of Computers to Projects Crossing National Boundaries An obvious world-wide area in which computers can be expected to make great contributions is in the solving of engineering and environmental problems which affect two or more nations. For example, at the present time, a joint development program involving the Mekong Delta in South East Asia is being pushed. Four countries are affected, Cambodia, Laos, Viet N am, and Thailand. Since this is an engineering problem, and there is basic scientific agreement on what needs to be done, here is an application for computer calculations. Another world-wide area in which automatic computers will make a contribution is the control of the weather. Of course, control of the weather has happened so far in only a limited way, for example, with silver iodide smoke generators. But as scientific understanding of the weather and computing capacity increase, this achievement ought to become possible; and the advantages of permanently curing droughts and floods, providing the right amount of rain at the right times, are so vast that it is likely that nations will agree to delegate part of their sovereignty in order to produce these good results. 18 Many more problems involving two or more nations and the allocation of resources in equitable ways will be resolved by solutions produced by computers. The application of comp!icated formulas with great quantities of data is one of the particular types of problems made to order for a computer. The International Flow of Skills Already technical treatises written in one country enable persons in other countries to learn and profit from the technical information contained. Similarly, but with an important added gain, computer programs written in one country and incorporating novel skills can spread to other countries, enabling the same new skills to be used there also without human learning. We can predict amazingly quick progress in the use of new skills, as the magnetic tapes expressing them pass from one country to another. Libraries and Information We can expect a great development of communicating facilities between persons who want certain information and resources which contain the information. Libraries everywhere will become electrically accessible via computer and communication links. Such transfer of information will be both national and international. The international pooling of information and literature can eventually become very large and very useful. International Economic Planning Computers can also apply usefully in economic planning between nations, for example, in a trading group such as the Common Market or the European Free Trading Association. Through computer calculations using techniques" such as input/output analysis, the countries can decide which resources and goods they should import and export and which they should strive to produce or manufacture for themselves as efficiently as possible. When this kind of economic planning later becomes extended on a world-wide basis, one can envision a world-wide trade association helping to guide and increase world-wide trade with the aid of computers. This would lead towards a degree of economic planning and allocation of resources and manufacturing power among national and private interests, so that economic prosperity would be increased for all, and presently less developed nations would much more rapidly achieve higher standards of living for their people. The Reconciling of Conflicts It seems to me, however, that one of the largest contributions that can occur from the use of computers in the international field is in the reconciling of conflicts. Conflicts mean waste, destruction, and often death. They have two basic sources: reason and emotion. Emotion stars in the old prove~b: "there are none so blind as those that will not see"; and reason stars in the old proverb: "where there is a will, there is a way." There comes a time in many conflicts when emotion like a, flame dies down and starts to go out; a desire to settle the conflict and get on with other business develops; and the stage is then set for reason. Each contender then often finds that the information that he has been using is woefully different from the information that the other contender has been using; they should be able to call on computers to put together an acceptable joint basis of factual information, and a variety of proposals for settlement of the conflict. It would be highly desirable that the negotiations and treaties that end conflicts should be as good as possible, so that they do not, if possible, lead to more conflicts in the future. Such a requirement means a thorough (Please turn to page 21) COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 SMALL COMPUTERS: A BILLION DOLLAR MARKET BY 1970? Rudy C. Stiefel President lnfotmn~ Inc. New York~ N. Y. 10021 During the last two decades, computers have become larger and faster. Some of the top manufacturers fight for the honor of having the "fastest" or the "largest" computer in the world. The trend is now reversing quietly. More and more, customers ask, "How small a computer can do my job?" This partly reflects the much-heralded miniaturization of electronic components but also, and more fundamentally, the transition of the computer industry from a pioneering status to one with a sound economic basis where profitability and low cost are paramount. It also represents the transition from "centralized," high-priced units to "decentralized" computers and systems-thus opening a potential mass market. What accounts for the advance in small computers? Primarily it is the trend toward automated circuitry lowering production costs of logical components and their connections, and the resulting ability to mass-produce entire arithmetic functions and units. While previously an arithmetic- unit was a major investment and everything had to be designed around it-due to its complexity and expense-it is now usually overshadowed in business applications by the input and output considerations. Now it is possible to economically produce multiple arithmetic units allowing individual computations to be done in parallel and in different locations. How Small Will Computers Become? There is no definite limit in sight at this moment to how COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 small computers will become. In computer technology, small currents are usually sufficient to produce correct and useful information; and smallness often implies economy. Computers are already small enough to become a part of such mundane devices as cash registers, time clocks, typewriters, and other mass-produced machines. Computer circuitry will eventually be a part of so many devices that people will often be unaware of its presence. However, the dimensions of computer circuits will not diminish continuously. While there are good reasons to decrease the dimensions between components or their "deposited" equivalents as computing speeds increase, optimum dimensions will eventually evolve which will allow reasonable speeds while still providing efficiency in production, checking and maintenance. Also, for thermal reasons, a decrease in ·dimensions is usually accompanied with a decrease in computing power, thus decreasing signal-to-noise ratios. While some of the "noise" is "home-made" within the computer, a limit eventually will be reached below which it is not economical any more to shield the minute signals from outside interference. Considering all the pros and cons regarding miniaturization, the circuitry will probably settle on flat configurations of sufficient size to be easily handled with simple, common tools and to be readily recognizable by the unaided eye. The fiat, "two-dimensional" shape maintains minimum volume, yet allows ample and efknive space for wnnections. 19 How Slow Will Computers Become? How Much Programming? Until recently most manufacturers of computers were concerned with how fast a computer could work. The bulk of future users, however, could hardly care less about the internal computing speed. All they are concerned with is the question: Can the device or the system do my job more efficiently and economically than it is being done now? The answer must naturally include the consideration whether the data processor can keep up with the problem or not. I:I0~ever, most systems are expected to be input/output lImIted, and the presently current computing speeds appear more than ample to cover future mass-use requirements. The computer industry will probably gravitate toward a most economical speed range somewhere around 10 megacycles. This avoids most of the problems created by the "finite" speed of transmission (speed of light) and the fact that at higher frequencies, the signal energy radiates increasingly from the prescribed path, rather than traveling along it. While the former may be good for broadcast com~unication purposes, it is diametrically opposed to the very Idea of a "logic machine." High computing speeds will also be achieved increasingly by paralleling "slow" units as the cost of mass-produced hardware decreases. Some experts believe that within ten years the sales volume of special-purpose small computers will exceed that of the large general-purpose machines, since the market for the small data processing devices is much larger than for the multi-million dollar machines. The key to the mass market includes the ability of the computer to be operated directly by personnel with not more than a few hours' instructions and, by implication: A great reduction in programming effort. Not all manufacturers agree with this expectation. Some feel that the versatility achieved by the stored programs of the larger machines will lead to systems so capable and so fast that they can handle all requirements, particularly with the aid of "super-programming" and data communications. But the cost of programming is likely to remain high and data communications will always remain a high-priced item in data processing. Another vital ingredient of the small computer for the "small business" must be the ability to "see what you are doing" while it is being done-not only after it has been done. Increased visibility of the results immediately after, and perhaps during, each operation, with the opportunity to introduce choices and changes, will be vital to the important non-professional future user of these computers. The trend will therefore be toward easier programming-not requiring a professional or highly-trained person. Such computers will therefore be more specialized, and will have fewer programming (software) choices. However, manufacturers may continue to avail themselves of many of the hardware and software means of furnishing differen t computers based on the same production lines. The Automobile and the Computer It may be interesting to draw an analogy between the development of the automobile at the beginning of this century and the computer industry today. Early in the century, it was still thought that the faster a car could go, the better it was. The later years showed however that high speed capability, while desirable, was neither significant nor did it determine who was to survive in the automobile industry and whose name would be only of antique value. But, more importantly, while top speed became relatively unimportant in the subsequent development of the auto industry, the introduction of a mass-produced car that everyone could own and operate signaled the start of one of the biggest industries to date. The Role of Data Communications "What good is a wealth of information if you don't tell it to someone who can use it?" This well-known rule taught in many human relations classes also '.lpplies to computers. It is a rare case that the information which a computer provides is useful right at the computer. Maybe it has to go only to another room or department but, increasingly, computer output is used in several places, some of them at a great distance. The same is true for the input information on which the computer bases its operation. It, too, is likely to come from many and distant sources. Therefore data communications and data processing will have to develop closely together. For small computers, the increasing availability of data communications will be a vital lifeline that will make decentralized computing possible and advantageous. In connection with this, it may be useful to point out the significance that satellite communications will have for data processing and computers. In the past, the limited frequency spectrum available for long-range communication was always a spectre hanging heavily over the prospects of future expansion of data communication. With satellite communication almost a certainty in the next few years, this basic limitation has been all but removed. With its narrow heams and very high carrier frequency and straight-line transmission not being a disadvantage anymore but an advantage, there seems to be no limitation in sight to the amount and speed with which computers, small and large, may be able to talk to each other in the future. 20 Expansion in Both Directions While the efforts towards making computers more capable, faster, and often larger, will continue, the trend in the opposite direction, namely, to make computers smaller, will become of increasing importance. Many manufacturers are working on small computers to be ready for the mass market. IBM, for example, is attacking the problem from both ends by making larger computers smaller and-by making their electric typewriters more intelligent, such as in the IBM 632. The IBM 6400 for small business use and the IBM 1130 for engineering and scientific applications represent efforts in the direction of smaller computers penetrating a new market. Also, Friden, a maker of desk calculators of long standing, has announced all-electronic desk mod~l computers. Litton's i\fonroe Division, strengthened by the newlymerged Royal ;\fcBee Company, is also making desk-size computer systems. Smith Corona offers a low-priced, versatile data processor. Digital Equipment Corporation, as well as several smaller companies-including some foreign ones-offer computers in the "below S5000" range or have designs for such computers in the making. "Common Carrier Computers," or "Local" Computers? Much attention is being given now to the possibilities of using powerful, central computers in "utility type" arrangements, similar to the organization of electric power and communications companies, or common transportation systems. The well-known advantages of common carriers in these fields are: Improved usage and availability of equipment based on statistical considerations and higher-grade service which specialized companies can give over that of the occasional user. While the widespread "Service Bureaus" make use of these advantages, it is not likely that "electronic access" to these central facilities will prove equally economicalor practical. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 , , There are basic differences between "computer utilities" and "power utilities" providing communications, transportation, etc. The latter are based on much larger investments in equipment and real estate than even a large computer represents. Computer hardware rarely requires more than a few million dollars in purchase cost, can usually be conveniently rented, and is relatively easy to move and to establish at any location. Furthermore, the price of the actual computer hardware is going down and will decline much further as automated circuitry will be used more extensively. In addition, the present power utilities do not simply sell the use of their equipment, but furnish the necessary "transportation" of a commodity-be it power, people, materials, or information. Computation, as such is not necessarily connected with long-distance transportation, though when it is, it usually uses a common communications carrier for this purpose. Since the price of communications will remain relatively high, the mere saving of the computer purchase price and the training of the operators can generally not make up for the difference. In addition, the facilities for time sharing, multiplexing and switching which are required to give multiple access to a computer, are additional costs not necessary in "local" computers. Furthermore, local computers often allow "on line" operation, thus reducing intermediate storage and generally simplifying the planning and logistics of computer usage. As a result, it can be expected that local computers will prevail when no communication problem is connected with a computer. An exception will be the occasional user of technical or business computation, who cannot justify acquiring his own facilities. For him the new IBM 1130 with the "quick exchange" disc cartridge file is a distinct advance. Other applications for central facilities are: automated libraries; credit and financial data centers; and other "pools" of information-which, due to the nature of the stored information, will work better in centralized fashion with public or semi-public access. What Will the Future Look Like? The main growth in the computer field to date has been in general purpose computers, which allowed manufacturers to concentrate on a few types of computers. Also, traditionally, the first computers were used for scientific purposes, with the emphasis on complex and lengthy mathematical operations, which were difficult to solve "by hand." However, the greatest future potential market for computer-type machines, it seems, will be in special. purpose "information devices." In these machines the ability to calculate is secondary and is overshadowed by the ability of information machines to memorize, read, write and transfer data from one position to another. Such systems as production and inventory control, hospital supervision, library systems, census taking, national voting systems, and executive control systems, still await effective instrumentation. These computer systems frequently obtain their inputs or furnish their outputs through data communication channels. General purpose computers are often poorly equipped for this, sometimes requiring an extra "computer" as a buffer and "switchboard." In the past, it was not generally economical or practical to build such specialized devices because components were not perfected and packaged to be readily usable for this purpose. This situation is gradually changing; in the near future, highly adaptable and self-contained solid-state units will become readily and economically available, opening up a new market for automated information devices. These machines will exhibit less customer-programmed "softwar.e" in contrast to factory-built "wares" which can be massproduced. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 New Applications Among challenging computer applications that we can look forward to in the near future are: • Tie-ins between computerized time clocks and payroll machines that enable automatic calculation and recording of hours worked, and the preparation of payroll 'checks or credit vouchers. The cost of these machines should compare favorably with a bookkeeper's annual salary. • Cash registers used in conjunction with computers tbat maintain a perpetual inventory and prepare requisitions for replacing merchandise. Such units will be economical enough even for small business~s. • Computer devices for "home" use. These may be somewhat further away, but are, nevertheless, as sure to come as did the dial telephone. As a matter of fact, most computing devices at home will start as clusters around the telephone and other communications systems, such as radio, TV, teletype and Facsimile. Some of these devices require wide transmission spectra; their use will be facilitated by the increased communication capabilities that will become available through satellite communication. "Subscription TV" is only one of the more sophisticated services of the future, such as electronically-transmitted newspapers, automatic billing and crediting, banking and buying with instant, written confirma tion. Voting and poIling will be done conveniently, frequently and yet securely from the home, thus allowing a citizen to exercise his right and duty to make his opinions knownand be counted. This should take the guesswork out of the present "fan mail" counting and put polling on a more reliable and useful basis. In the area of communications, computerized teleprinters can store messages until the lines are clear ana therefore expedite as well as reduce the cost of current methods. Telephone companies now use computer devices of all "sizes" to make their switchboards more "inteIligent." Small computers will find increasing use in brokerage houses, as well as in such advanced areas as Communication Satellite Systems. The era is therefore ne.ar when computing devices will be as common as electric motors, thus making the pioneer scientist's Norbert Wiener's prediction come true: What the motor is to the human muscle, the computer will be to the human brain. THE INTERNATIONAL IMPACT OF COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION (Cominued from page 18) survey of a great number of alternatives, and displaying before the negotiators a variety of impartial and equitable compromises, with their evaluation. When the heat has died down, this situation is something like the presentation and evaluation of plans before a board of directors. In this area it seems to me that computers can make a steadily more useful contribution in world affairs. Secretary General U Thant of the United Nations said not long ago "It is no longer resources that limit decisions -it is decisions that limit resources." The computer is becoming our preeminent tool for considering, evaluating, and choosing between decisions. It would be highly. desirable that a committee of distinguished representatives of the computer profession, perhaps selected by IFIP, and a committee of the United Nations should meet together and set up channels by means of which the computer revolution can be made particularly help~ul to the countries of the world and the functioning of the United Nations. 21 THE FUTURE OF COMPUTERS IN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT lames P. Titus Washington, D. C. In less than a dozen years, the computer population in the Federal Government has jumped from 10 systems to 5,4,00. Directly, or through its contractors, the Government now finances 30 per cent of all computers in this country at an annual cost of $3 billion, and this figure does not include military and classified systems. Such an increase has brought about many problems in the management of computers. Some have been resolved, others are being looked at in Congress and the Executive branch, and still others are yet to be taken up. Hearings held in the House of Representatives in 1963 and again this year focused attention on the problems of acquisition and use of computers. They precipitated an extensive study by the Bureau of the Budget of the computer structure in Government. This study will have a lasting effect. In addition to pinpointing problems, the study revealed that there has been considerable improvement in Government computer matters during the last few years. Agencies are choosing computers better; policies have been established for equal and fair consideration of all manufacturers; standards are being developed; sharing of government computers has begun in many cities; and more consideration is given to the relative merits of purchasing and renting computers. How is a Computer to be Defined? But much is still to be done, according to the Bureau of the Budget. One problem is how to define computers. The dearth of new equipment in hundreds of configurations, the disappearing line between "scientific" and "business" computers, increased applications-these have all ruled out computer classification by type or cost. Instead, the Bureau of the Budget (BOB) will now use a system that looks at the environment in which the computer operates and the response in time it is required to make (the figure shows these classifications by environment and response with 22 specific computers shown in the matrix). These classifications will be used for developing policy, guidelines, and criteria. How Should Computers be Used? Unused machine capacity is a wide-open invitation to find additional uses for a computer. This happens in the Government. and it has brought about an excess of marginal applications. which arc uneconomical, difficult to eliminate, and sometimes the cause of procurement of additional equipment. The Budget Bureau believes that the decision on uses to be made of computers should be made by agency management-those responsible for mission accomplishmentrather than by equipment or systems specialists. It recommends that management review computer uses to determine if the benefits anticipated in the cost/benefit analysis made before acquisition are being realized and to determine the priority of each application so that marginal applications, if present, are removed. Meeting Requii'ements for Computer Capacity Some of the computer capacity that is excess could be used for sharing purposes. According to BOB, there were 170,000 hours of machine time in 1964 that could have been considered for sharing, although it admitted that not all of it could have been used practically. Despite this excess, agencies spent $18.3 million in 1964 on machine time and related services from outside contractors. Organizations that provide these services include nonprofit firms, research institutions, educational institutions, consulting firms, firms specializing in equipment operation or systems design and programming, and equipment manufacturers themselves. These firms are usually called on when peak workloads arise and it is to the agencies' advantage to secure outside help instead of enlarging its own work force for a short time; or when the needed talents are COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 . Environment category: III II Professional Support Central Computing Services Integrated Operations IV Real-Time Operations V Research and Development VI Special Operations Response ~ A - Priority: Remote -console time -shared systems B -Time Critical: C- Scheduled: oHigh-Response Inventory Control oHigh-Response Information Retrieval o Command and Control Communications o Network Control -Airline Reservations oOff-line Inventory Control and Information Retrieval oWeather Predictions o Dynamic Simulation oMissile Checkout - Experimental and Development Projects oEngineering and Scientific Data Processing -Digital Simulation o Engineering and Design Computations oData oManagement Reduction oScientific and Computations Business oBusiness and Systems Management Data Processing oRange Safety Process Control • Time -Shar ing Computations o Engineering Design Modification and Interfacing for: • Communications • Display Control o Data ReductIOn • Increased processing capacity and capability • Military Systems involving: • Guidance computers • Range Finding Computations - Other "Single Purpose" Uses, with equipment designed and built to meet special conditions COMPUTER CLASSIFICA TION CHART not available in the Government. The latter case usually arises in systems development and programming. Several problems are presen t in the use of con tractor organizations, the Budget Bureau said. The services .and products produced by a contractor for one agency might often meet the needs of another agency that is contracting for the same thing; some effective means for exchange of information is needed. Potential conflicts are present when manufacturers of equipment develop systems under contract and then bid on another contract to furnish the equipment; some means for objectivity is needed here. Three recommendations are made to solve these problems: 1. Establishment of an interagency group to study and develop cost principles to be applied by agencies in establishing prices for shared computer time and services. 2. Evaluation of the service center concept by the Bureau of the Budget to determine a proper course of action to be taken. 3. A study of the problems associated with use of contractor organizations with the aim of developing guidelines. Selecting Proper Equipment The study on which BOB's report is based included discussions with both manufacturers and agencies about the complex task of selecting computers. There are two methods used in the Government: in-house evaluations based on examination of EDP literature; and submission of proposals by manufacturers in response to systems specifications laid down by agencies. The latter method is more widely used. The report lists several disadvantages to manufacturers in the proposal method. Preparing detailed proposals is costly. Agencies allow too little time for response to proposals. Selection is often made without telling the "losing" manufacturers why their equipment was not selected. However, selections on the basis of manufacturers' responses is called sound. Here are the reasons: It provides the best means for each manufacturer to COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 present his case on an equal basis with all other manufacturers; the inclusion of system specifications in the request for proposal properly places the emphasis upon the system, rather than upon a simple comparison of hardware; and it helps to prevent biased selections that may be unfair to the manufacturers. While the practice may cause some delay in improving operations, any costs that might be incurred on this account are considered to be outweighed by the checks and balances that this practice provides against what otherwise might be hasty, ill-conceived actions .... Nevertheless, the need to simplify the proposals required of manufacturers is recognized. The preparation of systems specifications on a more unif.orm basis by Government agencies, and the more eflective use of bench-mark problems that arc representative of the data processing requirements would benefit the supplier in preparing a proposal, as well as the Government in evaluating the proposals. Further, the development and eventual use of standard; machine-independent, program languages will greatly facilitate the comparative evaluation of proposals from the standpoint of the manufacturer's total product, including both equipment performance and related programming support. This emphasizes the importance of adequate Federal support of the program of the American Standards .-\ssociation. To improve the selection of computers, the report lists three recommendations: 1. The Budget Bureau will publish regulations covering five phases of EDP equipment selection: preparation of system specifications-including bench-mark problems-to be furnished to equipment suppliers in requests for proposals; evaluation of suppliers' proposals; compatibility considerations; consideration of excess and surplus equipment; distinctions between additions, replacements, and modifications whell selection policies arc applied, and interagency sharing of experiences in the selection and performance of equipment. 2. The General Services Administration (GSA) should maintain current data on the characteristics and performance capabilities of all items of commercially available, general-purpose equipment that is in place in the Government, available from suppliers, or scheduled to become available. Based on this data, GSA would provide comparative information to agencies. 3. GSA should make available to agencies information on the performance of firms that supply EDP equipment and programming aids-that is: Do they deliver what they are supposed to? Is it delivered on time? Purchase or Rental of Computers It has been recommended repeatedly by the General Accounting Office that the Government purchase more computers than it presently does. According to this report, the soundness of this recommendation depends on the ability of the Government to find second and third uses for purchased computers. The Budget Bureau, as well as other agencies, have two objections. First, it said that there is little chance that equipment could be used "as is" at a second or third installation, because a computer varies substantially within a given model through use of optional features and modifications. Second, it said that most of the computers· that could be used again could probably not be released by the current user at the time they are needed by the second user. In fact, it said, most of the computers that the Government has already purchased (an estimated 46 per cent of the total at June 1965) will not be usable again and will have to be junked. Consequently, it recommends against purchasing others solely in anticipation of eventual re-use. The Budget Bureau is not against computer purchasing, but it said that costs associated with purchase must be proven less than rental costs before a computer should be purchased. It believes that present policy on purchase and lease should continue, except that interest on loans should be included as a factor in cost comparisons. Provision should also be made for a general suspension of purchase activity on certain computer models when it becomes evident that superior equipment is about to become available, or when potential excesses of Government-owned equipment warrant only temporary rental of equipment, pending the availability of such excesses. To avoid use of equipment beyond the point of economic advantage, the report said that GSA should develop guidelines on the replacement of equipment. It also said that GSA should study the problem of excess equipment and the problem of maintenance-should the Government maintain its purchased computers or have someone else do it? Contracting for Procurement of Equipment General Services Administration annually negotiates with manufacturers for purchase, rental, and maintenance of computing equipment. The Budget Bureau said that this system is not satisfactory to either party. Sometimes the computer manufacturer must "finance" the Government's continued use of rented equipment because the agency is waiting for the manufacturer to submit his offer on the next fiscal year's contract, or GSA is bogged down with EDP contract work. The Government gets no advantages as a volume purchaser even though multiple procurements are made under one contract. Extra use charges for computer rentals cause many contract delays. Both sides become involved in "tactics" over contract negotiations, which causes further delays. The entire contract system needs tightening, and the Budget Bureau recommends these specific steps: 24 • All contracts for the fiscal year should be executed and in effect by the beginning of the fiscal year-July 1. • The time between July 1 and Sept. 15 should serve as a period in which agencies develop and submit to GSA recommendations on changes in the existing contract. • By Oct. 15, GSA should make available to the manufacturers the proposed changes for the following fiscal year. • Manufacturers should be required to submit their offers for the coming fiscal year on or before Dec. 15. • Negotiation of contracts with all manufacturers should be completed by April 30, at which time authorization would be given to all manufacturers for printing and distributing copies of their contracts. Between April 30 and May 31, GSA should develop and distribute to all agencies formulas to be used ... in computing rental or maintenance payments. • If a manufacturer fails to submit a contract offer by Dec. 15, agencies would not solicit proposals from him for any equipment to be procured after the following July 1. This would become effective on July 1 and remain so for 60 days plus the number of days after April 30 until a contract is executed (some persons in Washington feel this would have little effect on manufacturers). • GSA should convene an advisory committee of the major users of EDP equipment in the Government to review any conflicts existing between the negotiators. • GSA should continue to seek contract improvements, especially with regard to discounts on quantity procurements and optional use periods, including unlimited use. Standardization of Equipment and Techniques Differences in computer designs and programming techniques cause numerous problems in the Government. To name but a few: difficulty in making sharing arrangements; restricted placement of excess equipment; limited sharing of computer programs among Government installations. A related problem, although existing much longer than computers, is the lack of standardization of data elements in common use and the codes used to represent them. Data elements are such things as an item of supply or a person's birth date; codes are alphabetical or numerical representations. If they were standard throughout the Governmen.t, the high cost of data conversion would be greatly reduced. In Government, an immediate goal will be compatibility among computer systems by concentrating first on programming languages and other utilization techniques. Government support of the American Standards Assn. will be increased and the National Bureau of Standards will get more people to test proposed standards and provide guidance in standards development. The closest Bureau of Budget comes to recommending equipment standards is that it would like to see magnetic tapes standardized with respect to width, speed, recording density, number of channels, and size of the reel. Research and Development in Computer Sciences Further research and development efforts are needed from the National Bureau of Standards in computer systems, programs, and computation, the report said. The Budget Bureau would like to see computer-evaluation programs developed and criteria established for evaluation of programming languages. It said there is about $135 million spent annually on computer R&D, but the program needs to be coordinated by the Office of Science and Technology. Covernment-Contractor Relationships Contractors, in this sense, are those who usc computers in cost-reimbursement contracts, mostly with the Department COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 of Defense, National Aeronaptics & Space Administration, and Atomic Energy Commission. The report said they use as many computers as the Government does and the Government pays for them either directly or indirectly. There has been little attempt to develop policies for equipment used by these contractors, except by individual agencies. One of the latter is the Department of Defense, which recently proposed an amendment to the Armed Services Procurement Regulations to limit the amount of rental costs chargeable to a con tract. Under this proposal, the con tractor would be free to either purchase or rent, but if the purchase method were shown to be to the Government's economic advant~ge, EDP charges would be limited to the amount that the contractor would receive if the equipment was purchased. The report recommends that both DOD and NASA adopt this proposed regulation and that agencies should include equipment operated by contractors in intraagency sharing plans. EDP Management I nformation System One of the Government's largest problems in managing computers is that it has not had enough information to know exactly what it is dealing with. There is currently a Government-wide reporting system that requires agencies to submit annual reports on their use of EDP equipment, but this is basically an annual "status report." The Budget Bureau said that the information system is a matter of high priority and should contain the following information: • Manufacturers' performance with respect to equipment engineering, maintenance, and program support. • Productive and unproductive equipment time. • Operating costs for common Government applications. • Use of EDP personnel. • Extent to which the Government uses commercial sources for ADP. • Contract negotiation and administration. • EDP equipment used by cost-reimbursement contractors. • Benefits derived from use of computers. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •• • ••• •• •• ••• • • ••• • Couple Your Skills ~ .In Real Time Systems •• •• •• •• •• • • Programming Operations Research •• • •• •• •• Computer Languages • with a desire to accomplish, through design automation, important technical and business objectives. Significant new positions are being created at Texas Instruments for those with Ph.D. level skills in elec· trical engineering, mathematics, communication science, etc. and with three or more years' experience accumulating the required skills. Successful candidates for these positions must be able to direct efforts of highly competent groups with similar skills. Specific duties include: Organization and Legislation When something grows as fast in the Government as computers have, it is bound to shake the organization; the Budget Bureau believes that legislation should be drafted that will remove doubts about who is authorized to do what. Specifically, it has asked for the following: 1. Legislation for joint use of EDP equipment. This would set up a revolving fund for service centers, equipmen t pools and ti~e-sharing. 2. Legislation to improve compatibility in EDP by implementing Federal standards for equipment and techniques and Federal standard data elements and codes. 3. Legislation to establish a research center on computer sciences in the National Bureau of Standards and to provide advisory and consulting services to agencies on computer systems development and related problems. This legislation is either in Congress in one form or another, or it is shortly coming. Congress is increasingly interested in what the Government is doing with its computers and it is investigating more facets in each session. This investigation is expected to continue as long as the computer industry displays its remarkable growth and new computing equipment keeps overshadowing the old. Eventually, the Government will learn how to effectively manage its computers, no matter what their make-up or application to the Federal environment. Until then, change will be a way of life for those responsible for computers in the Government. They won't be required to run to keep in place; they'll have to sprint to stay ahead. System & Compiler 1. Definition of areas for exploiting the information sciences in process control, process and product optimization, real time process scheduling in the semiconductor manufacturing area. 2. Definition of design problems in the broad area extending from components to systems which can be economically performed on remote-station time-shared computing facilities. 3. Operations research methods in real time for the semiconductor and equipment manufacturing areas. Please send confidential resume to R. W. Olson, vice president, Special Projects office, dept. C-148 • • •• •• ••• • TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED P. O. Box 5474 • Dallas, Texas 75222 An Equal Opportunity Employer •• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Circle No. 8 on Readers Service Card COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 25 new programming flexibility! BRYANT Model-2 Series 4000 DISC FILES new Dual/Rapid random access! new enviror~mental independence! new on-line maintainability! new long-term reliability! new lower cost per bit! * See for yourself . .. at the International Federation of Information Processing Congress May 24 through 29-New York Hilton Hotel. *By "lower" we mean the lowest yet - as low as 0.0075 cent per bit ! Model 2 Series 4000C Disc File has 50 data surfaces capable of storing more than 1.6 billion bits! f· New self-contained environmental control that maintains both disc file modules at proper operating temperature, cleans circulating air, assures positive internal pressurization, permits unrestricted on·line maintainability. That's what Bryant engineers have built into new Model-2 Series 4000 disc files. And that's what you'll get when you use them with your computer and data processing systems. New electronic interface with all optional read, write and head select circu\t modules packaged together in a hinged card rack as close to the magnetic heads as possible. For they incorporate all the proven operating principles of their predecessors-the original Bryant Series 4000 randomaccess mass· memories now serving in more than 150 key installations throughout the world-plus a host of advanced new features and options designed to minimize maintenance, extend MTBF, and increase programming flexibility. Specifically, major improvements include: New fact·filled brochure contains details-want your copy? o New Dual/Rapid random access head positioning system that permits independent operation of the two file modules, . greatly increases programming flexibility, and can also be used to reduce total access time by as much as 50%. 26 o M ore of everything you need and want in a random- access mass memory . . . o BRYANT COMPUTER PRODUCTS A Division of £X-CELL-O Corporation 850 Ladd Road • Walled Lake, Michigan 48088 Circle No. lOon Readers Service Card COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 •.. REAL TIME SYSTEMS: A COMPLEXITY CHECK LIST Robert V. Head V ice President Security First National Bank Los Angeles, Calif. Early Real-Time Data Processing Systems Most of the early real-time data processing systems, which appeared in the mid 1950's, were developed to satisfy military needs and as a dass were much larger than the off-line or batch processing systems in operation at the time. One can at present find numerous examples of these large-scale systems applied to military and paramilitary applications. One of the best known is SAGE with its specially engineered equipment devoted to air defense. The BMEWS system for ballistic missile early warning and the Project Mercury / system to monitQr the astronaut's flights, both of these employing duplexed IBM 7090 computers, provide other ex~mples. These data processing systems had equipment costs In the tens of millions and required program steps in the hundreds of thousands. Beca~se of the advanced nature of these military systems and theIr tremendous capacity for generating data immediately useful to the system operators, great interest was a!oused within the commercial data processing field in realt~me systems. Among '~he pioneer businesses to adapt realtIme technology to theIr data processing needs were the airlin.es. There are today several airline reservation systems in beIng. Altho~!?h these are not as large as their predecessors devoted to mIlItary work, they are generally larger in terms of hard~a~e co~t ~han an~ data processing systems previously eXIstmg withIn the aIr transportation industry. Commercial Real-Time Systems With the successful adaptation of real-time capability to commercial data processing, it appears that the era of realCOMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 time systems has truly arrived. Encouraged by announcements of new equipment well-suited to real-time needs, such as the IBM 7740 and the GE Datanet 30 communications multiplexors, many companies are now taking a serious ~ook a~ the possible role to be played by a real-time system In theIr organizations. Savings institutions, insurance companies, ~ailroads, and brokerage houses are representative of the kmds of companies now either installing or seriously contemplating real-time systems. Many of the systems being developed today are much smaller than either the military or the airline reservation systems which led the way. For example, the very smallest ~tored ..pro~ram processor in IBM's product line, the 1440, ~s, alo?g with 1060 teller terminals and 1311 disk packs, be~ng WIdely prop~sed to handle on-line savings accounting In banks and savmgs and loan associations. It would seem that t~e field of ~eal-time system development is rapidly maturmg to the POInt where the applications can utilize the gamut of the manufacturers' product lines-all the way from an ~B~ 1440 for.a savings bank to an IBM 7090 system for aIrlIne reservations for a major carrier. System Size and System Complexity In light of this expansion, can we say that there is a direct relationship between system size and system complexity, such that the smaller real-time systems will be less difficult to design and install than the larger systems which preceded them? Unfortunately this is not the case. For there are many factors other than size, whether measured by capacity of the 27 central processing unit or number of instructions required, which must be considered in determining the complexity of a real-time system. It is important that these factors be fully understood by the prospective user of such a system. Only then can he predict with some confidence the amount of developmental time and effort required to convert his application to a real-time data processing environment. To illustrate, anyone conversant with programming for real-time systems would agree that a multiprogrammed medium-size system is likely to be more costly to program and take longer to install than a large-scale system that processes its transactions one-by-one. Even though the equipment cost and the total number of instructions required may be greater in the large-scale system, the more complex nature of multiprogramming the medium-size system requires significantly more programming effort over a longer period. A greater investment in programming may be demanded because each individual programmer produces fewer instructions when working in the multiprogrammed milieu. And more time may be needed to develop the system because of the greater complexity of testing in a multiprogrammed environment in which there may be several transactions in varying stages of completion within the central computer, rather than queued up outside the computer as in the case of the sequential processing system. The Spectrum of System Complexity Your solution may be in better EQUIPMENT . . . and the superior performance of Milgo equipment may be your most effective solution. Dependable accuracy is an integral part of all Milgo equipment, and offers you specific advantages in the following areas: COMPUTER SYSTEMS analog, hybrid DATA DISPLAY ••• digital plotters, X-Y Recorders precision CRT displays DATA CONVERSION ••• analog to digital digital to analog The superiority of Milgo eqUipment is assured in use by the support of qualified specialists in applications and analysis through the facilities of Control Technology, Inc., a subsidiary firm. This combination of unexcelled hardware and superior software is available to fit your specific need. Write for the full story. MILGO ELECTRONIC CORPORATION 7620 N. W. 36th Avenue • Miami, Florida Phone (305) 691-1220 It is evident that system complexity, and consequently system development cost, cannot be determined by size alone, regardless of whether measured by hardware size, program length, transaction volume or similar criteria. A number of specific questions must be answered before a particular system may be placed in its proper position on any spectrum of system complexity . Following is a set of questions about real-time systems, presented in checklist form. The more "yes" answers which the prospective user of such system can supply, the more complex his system is going to turn out to be, and the more demanding of time and manpower to make it a reality. 1. System Availability This set of complexity questions has to do with the extent to which the system must make itself available to its users. Questions about system availability relate to reliability of the equipment, its error-checking ability, and its over-all capacity for performing the application processing in a prompt and satisfactory way throughout the period in which processing is required. • Is a lengthy period of sustained operation required, such as 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year? • Must elaborate error detection and correction features be engineered or programmed in to the system? • Must a method of protecting vital file records be developed so that such records will continue to be available in the event of system malfunction? • Can a degraded level of service be tolerated in case of partial system unavailability? • What are the consequences of the system going down: 1. Is it easy to revert to a manual or semi-automatic system? 2. Can operations be resumed immediately when the system becomes available, or must there be a special recovery mode to update records, reactivate files, etc.? 2. System Variability Under this heading are questions about the nature of the application being placed on the real-time data processing Circle No. 14 on Readers service Card 28 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 t. system. Some systems will exhibit little volatility once they are converted; but most will require modification and expansion that should, insofar as possible, be anticipated when the system is first designed. • Is the application unique; i.e., is this the first system of its kind or the first one utilizing new equipment or programming solutions? • Can the application be expected to grow significantly in volume over the projected life of the system? • Is the application highly susceptible to changes in government regulations, industry standards, company policy, or competitive practices? • Are there other applications that management may wish to add to the system? • Can additional equipment, programs, or capacity be added to the system in a non-disruptive fashion? 3. Input/Output Characteristics There is great variety in the kinds of input/output* devices available today. General-purpose terminals with numeric and alphanumeric ability, special-purpose terminals, punched-card and paper and magnetic tape transmitters, and devices for transmitting analog signals are some general types of real-time input/output equipment. And there is even greater variety in the way in which this equipment can be employed in various systems. There are, for example, "conversational" modes, in which an operator makes an entry from a terminal, then awaits the computer response before taking further action. At the opposite extreme is the closed-loop approach in which data is obtained and processed automatically by the system, largely bypassing the operator in the decision-making process. Many questions need to be answered in determining system complexity in terms of its input/output. • Are the messages or signals variable in length? • Are the incoming messages or signals generated asynchronously rather than upon some dependable cycle or schedule; i.e., based upon the arrival of customers at a counter or some similarly uncontrollable terminal en vironmen t? • Must the system accept all input as it is generated or can the receipt of input be controlled by such means as polling? • If human operators are the source of the input, does the system permit great latitude in the format and syntax of the input submitted? . • Must the input be thoroughly edited and validated by the computer prior to processing? • Are there stringent response-time requirements, if this is the kind of system where each input elicits a response? • Does the system generate unsolicited output to the terminals; i.e., does it produce messages that are not responses to inquiries and that may be of a priority which necessitates interruption of work in progress at a particular terminal? Your solution may be in better ANALYSIS ••• and systems analysis by CTI specialists may offer the most direct solution. Their evaluation can provide you with a sound, logical base for technical decision. The CTI technical staff combines the skills of highly qualified specialists in mathematics, physics and engineering, with extensive experience in the follOWing areas: COMPUTER APPLICATIONS analog, digital, hybrid CONTROL THEORY • research and applications PROGRAMMING SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION TECHNICAL EDUCATION This experience can help assure the on-time completion of your 4. Communication Characteristics This group of complexity questions is closely related to the preceding one of input/output, but focuses more upon the difficulties of delivering the data from source to processor and back to source again if need be. • Is the system geographically dispersed with remote ter• Most real-time systems people refer, as a matter of convention, to "input" as data generated at a terminal and "output" as data generated by the computer. project. CTl's computation centers are equipped to provide modern facilities for your occasional or peak demand. For further information write or call: Dr. Albert Jackson, CONTROL TECHNOLOGY, INC. Long Beach. California. Phone (213) 433-3360 (a subsidiary of Milgo E/octronlc Corporation) Circlo No. 18 on Roadors Sorvico Card COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 29 • • • • minals or possibly even interconnected processors remote from each other? Are there peaks and cycles in the communication volume that must be smoothed out by queueing data at the central processor or multiplexor? Are there differing transmission speeds for various parts of the system? Does the system include a large number of terminals? Are there several different kinds of terminals in the system? 5. Processing Equipment Features In this category are collected questions pertaining to the complexity of the equipment in the system, and more especially the equipment at the central processing site. The fact that multiplexors are employed in a system or that a duplex or other interconnected configuration is proposed certainly should not be felt to constitute an indictment of the system as a poorly designed one. It is necessary, however, to recognize that such a proliferation of equipment is contributing to system complexity. • Is much of the equipment newly designed for this application? • Are there extensive modifications required in existing equipment? • Are there interconnected computers? • Is there a stored program communication multiplexor? • Is this a duplex system; i.e., one possessing both an online and a standby computer? • Are there random access storage devices attached to the system? • Is there more than one type of storage device? • Is a large volume of storage needed by the system? • Is this a system in which two computers share a single file? 6. Programming Features The real-time programs must actually be weighed for complexity of two kinds: (I) developmental -complexity and (2) operational complexity. Developmental complexity is the result of performance requirements and equipment features which add to the difficulty of planning, writing, and testing the programs. Operational complexity describes those programming features of a system that, once operational status has been achieved, contribute to the cost and difficulty of running the system. However, since most programming features must be classified in both of these categories, the questions below do not make a distinction. • Is the system multiprogrammed; i.e., will there be several transactions in varying stages of processing inside the system at anyone time? • Can all programs be kept in the computer memory or must some be called in from file storage upon demand? • Are there processing priorities to be controlled by the programs? • Is fallback to a degraded level of service programmed in whole or in part? • Is recovery from fallback programmed in whole or in part? • Must a special programming language be developed for the system or an existing one modified? • Must the programming staff learn how to program more than one computer? • Are there many restrictions on program preparation, such as length of program, efficiency of program, etc.? An Example of Comparison of Two Real-Time Systems Keeping these complexity questions in mind, it may prove instructive to contrast two types of real-time systems 30 currently receiving considerable attention. We shall see how the answers to certain key questions serve to differentiate these systems in terms of their complexity. Let us consider a typical airline reservation system and a typical savings bank system: 1. The airline system must operate 24 hours a day or on some schedule almost this demanding. The savings bank system need operate only one shift five days a week. 2. I t is more difficult to revert to manual opera tion in the reservation system when the central computer is down. In the savings bank system the teller terminals can be used as off-line window machines and operations can continue-at least for a while-without great disruption while the computer is unavailable. 3. Input is less controllable in the airline "reservation system, which typically possesses typewriter input/output capability as part of each terminal device. This gives the reservation agent the opportunity to send alphanumeric messages to the computer which must then be assembled and edited. In contrast, the entry format on messages from a teller terminal is more restricted and controlled because the data is numeric only. 4. The airline reservation system is widely dispersed, with terminals in some systems distributed on a nation-wide or even a world-wide basis. The typical savings bank system may not even require a communications network, with all its equipment (both terminals and central computer) housed under one roof and cable-connected. 5. The airline reservation system usually has to communicate with and control hundreds of terminals-one for each agent position in each city served. The savings bank system normally has to poll and otherwise control only two or three dozen teller terminals. 6. Because the airline reservation system must achieve a sustained level of performance, a duplex equipment configuration is often provided (two of everything at the processing center, with one set of equipment standing by in the event of malfunction of the on-line equipment). The savings bank system, which does not have to be available for as long and which can more easily revert to manual procedures when the computer is down, does not require duplex equipment, and consequently avoids the complexities of planning and programming for switchover as well as the substantial equipment costs. 7. The throughput level (number of entries within a given period of time) in an airline reservation system is such that multiprogramming must be undertaken to permit the processing of one entry while another is waiting for a record to be accessed from file storage. The savings bank system, serving fewer terminals, can permit one entry to be processed through to completion, even though this may mean that the computer sits idle while a needed record is being brought in from file to complete processing of the curren t en try. There are, of course, exceptions to the points of comparison just cited. Several savings bank systems, for example, possess a duplex equipment configuration and at least one airline reservation system is not multi programmed. But in the main these differences are valid. They are presen ted here, along with the complexity factors upon which they are based, to suggest the importance of making distinctions among real-time applications, instead of assuming that all such installations must be highly complex or that there is a necessary conjunction between size and complexity. Reference "Real-Time Business Systems" by Robert V. Head, published by Holt Reinhart and Winston, New York, N. Y., 1965, 384 pp. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 and this is too big for the job When the job is too big for this ... The WYLE Scientific More than a calculator - Almost a computer ... with unlimited, externally-stored automatic input, $4350 WORLD'S MOST ADVANCED DESK-TOP COMPUTATIONAL CENTER, the WYLE Scientific offers almost unlimited application in the solution of complex scientific, engineering, and statistical problems. Yet it is easier to operate than a calculator; takes up about the same desk space as an electric typewriter; solves problems with speed approaching that of a computer; operates with the quiet, and reliability of all-solid-state electronics. And its cost amortizes over a three-year period at less than $1 per working hour. THE ONLY DESK-TOP MACHINE WITH UNLIMITED STORED-PROGRAM AUTOMATIC INPUT, it eliminates all the wasted time of multi-step repetitive problem solving. It can be programmed with a ballpoint pen to perform all your recurrent computations automatically, regardless of length, through its card reader. Typical calculations you can program include the development of any trigonometric functions; any exponential functions; statistical analysis; logex and logIQx; antilog x; radix conversion; cube root; polynomial evaluation. For any program, you simply punch in your instructions by hand on a Wyle stored program card, which has the Scientific keyboard reproduced on it, and enter the variables through the manual keyboard. No computer training, "language," or special equipment is needed to develop a complete library covering your repetitive formulas. Any number of cards can be taped together to feed continuously into the reader the lengthiest computations. And preprogrammed Wyle cards are available covering a wide area of problem solutions. The Scientific can be very effectively used for computer program formulation and checkout. It is particularly valuable when determining the requirement for double precision programming. NEVER BEFORE CAPABILITIES LIKE THESE The contents of all registers are displayed, on an eight-inch cathode ray tube, as indicated in the following diagram. ~~::~~:~'i~~e~tient Register Accumulator Register Storage Register 1 Storage Register 2 Storage Register 3 All parts of a problem are visible. The contents not only of the three active arith- metic registers, but also of the three storage registers are displayed at all times. Numbers entered from the keyboard are seen as they are entered and can be verified before use. Transcription errors are eliminated through complete versatility of transfer from any register to any other without loss of desired data. All registers handle 24-digit numbers to provide extreme numerical precision. Decimal points are entered as they occur in the numbers, using an eleventh key, and all input and answers are correctly aligned with decimal point on the output display. Automatic square root is provided, as is single entry squaring. These capabilities, combined with stored program automatic entry, for the first time fill the technical and economic gap between calculators and computers. $4350 complete with automatic input (PAC) $3950 for basic calculator (You can add automatic input later) For further information, write Dept. T, Wyle Scientific Sales, 339 So. Isis Ave., Inglewood, Calif. Or phone OR 8-5671. THE WYLE Scientific .J product of WYLE LABORATORIES Circle No. 16 on Readers Service Card COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 31 OBJECT PICTURE PLANE STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS STATION POINT Fig. 1. Perspective projection of an object. BY y DIGITAL o COMPUTER z ------ ----- A. Michael Noll Bell Telephone Laboratories Murray Hill, N. J. Fig. 2. Pictorial representation of stereographic projection including rotation and inclination of the station points. The human eye is the receptory organ of an extremely complex vision system. This system has the ability to perceive a brightness range from 10,000 millilamberts to 0.00001 millilambert-a ratio of one billion to one.! The images focused upon the retina of each eye are each slightly different, and the brain, by some presently unknown method, translates these differences into an effect which we call depth. Our depth-perceptive abilities yield much information about our three-dimensional environment. When added to photographs, the illusion of depth becomes a source of considerable realism and excitement; so exciting are these prospects that LOOK magazine sponsored 13 years of research to produce one such picture in mass quantities. 2 However, the illusion of depth also has important applications in the visualization of scientific data. A physics textbook, for example, has used two perspective drawings side-by-side so that a three-dimensional effect is obtained when viewed properly, and anaglyphs have been used in a Hungarian descriptive-geometry text. B • 4 A few years ago, psychological research into depth perception was initiated using random patterns that depicted surfaces when viewed stereoptically.5. 6 These patterns were produced by a digital computer programmed to calculate and automatically plot the stereoscopic projections. The technique depicted only surfaces however, and so was not applicable to the presentation of scientific curves and figures. The obvious next step was to use the digital computer to calculate and plot stereographic projections of generalpurpose scientific data. A computer has been so programmed, and the results are reported in this article. The 32 aVIatIon industry has also been interested in computer stereographic techniques, and the results of its efforts have been described. 7 • 8 Stereographic Projection The basic technique for producing a three-dimensional drawing is the technique of stereographic projection. This technique consists of producing two perspective drawings corresponding to the images seen by the left and right eyes. Usually the drawing of such perspectives is quite tedious, and in practice various approximations such as isometric, one vanishing point, and two vanishing point projectionsare used. 9 However, the digital computer is so adept at performing "tedious/' calculations that straight-forward methods for producing a perspective can be utilized. To produce a perspective drawing of an object, it is first necessary to choose some point (representing the eye) from which the object is viewed (see Fig. 1). In descriptivegeometry terminology, this point is called a station point. l l A plane, more specifically called a picture plane, is inserted between the object and the station point. Projection lines (actually visual rays) are then drawn from the ooject to the station point, and their points of intersection with the picture plane are connected to complete the perspective drawing. Since two perspectives are required to produce a stereographic drawing, two station points (one for each eye) and two picture planes must be chosen. The object can be viewed from any angle if an angle of inclination and an angle of rotation of the station points are introduced. Assuming that the object is specified in a rectangular coCOMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965' . or~inat.e system, the stereographic scheme can be depicted m FIg.. 2. Th~ left and right picture planes, the left and fIght station pomts, and the angles of inclination and rotation. are sh~wn. If an object were to be projected stereographIcally, hnes would be drawn from it to the station pdints. The intersections of these lines with the picture planes. produce two slightly different. perspectives, correspondmg to the left and right-eye images. When viewed stereoscopically, these two perspectives create the illusion of dept~. Of course, t.he computer does not have the ability to physIcally draw hnes from the object to the station points, and so an analytic treatment of stereographic techniques is required. The derivation of the projection formulas is straightforward, and the formulas will be supplied upon request to the author. a~ Stereographic Projection by Computer If the rectangular coordinates of some point are known, the~ the corresponding left and right perspectives can be easIly computed. The introduction of angles of inclination and ro~ation of the viewing point makes the computatIons only slIghtly more complex. The projection technique is t~u~ reduced to eq~ations that can be evaluated by a dIgItal computer. It IS only necessary to represent the object to .be projec~ed by straight lines connecting points. These pomts are gIven to the computer, along with parameters, and. the computer. the.n computes the corresponding coordmates of the pomts m the left and right picture planes. The remaining problem is to plot the projected points and to then c?nnect lines between them thereby producing the left and fIght perspectives. This is a job far too tedious to do by hand; fortunately, an elaborate device manufac~urc:d by ~he Stromberg Carlson division of General DynamICS IS avaIlable for plotting digital data. The Stromberg-Carlson SC-4020 microfilm plotter consists primarily of a cathode ray tube and a 35-mm camera for taking pictures of the information displayed on the face of the tube. Instructions for the SC-4020 are written on magnetic tape; the tape is then decoded by the SC-4020 and used to generate commands for opening and closing the shutter of the camera, for advancing the film and for deflecting the beam of the cathode ray tube. De~elopment of t~e film J?roduces a 35-mm microfilm transparency which consIsts of lmes connecting points, drawn, in effect, directly under the control of a digital computer. In this manner, the perspective points computed by an IBM 7094 digital computer are used as the input to an off-line SC-4020 microfilm plotter through an intermediate magnetic-tape storage. After photographic development, the microfilm can then be ~iew.ed directly in a stereoscope, and the final result is an IllusI~n of depth created by a completely computerized techmque as diagrammed in Fig. 3. Stereographic Projection Program The preceding paragraphs have indicated that the com~uter requires only the coordinates of the end points of ~mes to c?mpute the stereographic projections. The proJected pomts are then used as the input to an off-line microfilm plotter which actually draws lines between them. Th~ command structure of the microfilm plotter has been deSIgned to draw either a single line between two points or a sequence of connected line segments between a set of points. Thus, if all the points are stored in one master array for programming convenience, when they are to be plotted, the proper sets must be unpacked from the proJected·maste.r array. This can be done conveniently with two subroutmes, one to store and pack the coordinates of the points of each set, and a second to actually compute the stereographic projections, unpack them, and instruct the plotter to draw on microfilm the left and right images. Thus, the first subroutine is called repeatedly until all the sets of points to be projected have been packed together. The functions of the stereographic computing subroutines are indicated in Fig. 4. ARRAY is called to store the coordinates of the points of each set. After all the sets of points have been called, a call to PLOT computes the stereographic projections, using the previously-derived equations. The .argument of PLOT specifies the distance to the origin, the mterfocus distance, and the angles of inclination and rotation. Since the size of the microfilm frame is restricted it is important that the perspectives be centered and scaied in size to adequately fill each frame. Accordingly, PLOT sear~hes for the ~a:,imum and minimum of the arrays. The maxI~um and mmlmum are used to determine the shifting reqUlrc:d to center each perspective in its frame. A scaling f~ctor IS also computed and used to scale the perspectives in SIze to assure that they are neither too big nor too little. PLOT then instructs the microfilm plotter to draw lines between the points specified in the shifted and scaled arrays. + REPEA UNTIL ALL LINES HAVE BEEN STOtED COMPUTE STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS OF ALL PREVIOUSLYSTORED POINTS I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I PLOT ~ LEFT AND RIGHT PROJECTIONS I I I I I I I I GENERAL PLOT ~ I' I I SPECIFY I. DISTANCE TO ORIGIN 2. INTER FOCUS DISTANCE 3. ANGLE OF INCLINATION 4. ANGLE OF ROTATION COMPUTE SCALING AND SHIFTING OF POINTS FOR OPTIMUM UTILIZATION OF MICROFILM FRAME 1--------------, I • STORE COORDINATES OF POINTS DETERMINING LINE I I DYNAMICS SC- 4020 I I MICROFILM PLOTTER I L - -___________ J Fig. 3. Block diagram of computer technique for producing stereographic projections. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 o 0 0 0 0 0 ~~~ 000 0 000 000 0 :~~ 000 000 0 000 000 0 0 0 Fig. 4. Basic flow chart of stereographic-projection subroutines. 33 Four Examples Several examples of stereoscopic drawings produced by the computer are here given. In order to see them, as printed here, it is necessary to decouple one's eyes sufficiently to produce double images. The left and right perspectives are presented next to each other. The trick in looking at them is to decouple the eyes sufficiently to produce a third image centered between the left and right presentations using depth made possible by the computer technique described in this article. The most obvious use is in the presentation of curves and functions of three variables. When visualized in true depth, many important trends in data become quite evident, as, for example, the formant structure of the speech spectra shown previously. Here is a method for presenting stress diagrams, the construction of beams and bridges, the structure of molecules, Fig. 5. Random pattern of straight lines. Fig. 6. Three-dimensional speech spectrogram. Fig. 7. Block diagram. Fig. 8. Contour plot of electrical transfer function. perspective. This task is made easier by first gazing beyond the page and then dropping the eyes to the page without refocusing; a piece of paper placed between and perpendicular to the two perspectives may also held to produce the third image. The third image, when and if obtained, is in depth but is at first blurred. If one continues to look at it for a while, it will become clear, and look remarkably solid. One of the major disadvantages of stereographic projection of scientific data is that a stereoscope is usually necessary for viewing them. This reason plus the tedious drafting work required to prepare the projections are two reasons why stereo graphic presentations have not been used more frequently. However, considerable research is being devoted to solving the first problem; and the computer techniques described in this article almost eliminate the second. Figure 5 shows a three-dimensional bundle of lines whose end points have been determined at random. This type of pattern is excellent for demonstrating depth, since each perspective by itself contains no monocular perspective clues. Speech spectrograms have been plotted in Figure 6. The frequency in cycles per second is plotted to the right; the vertical distance measures the log amplitude of each spectral component, and each spectral slice is separated in time by 15 milliseconds. The educational possibilities of stereographic projections by computer are exemplified by the flow diagram shown in Fig. 7. An electrical engineering application is given by the transfer function plotted in Fig. 8.. Discussion The examples given in the preceding paragraphs are representative only of a few of the many provocative visual 34 functions of a complex variable, and much more-all viewed from any angle and any distance. It is apparent that further applications are limited by only the imagination of the prospective user. The three-dimensional examples were contributed by R. M. Golden, H. M. Kalish, and J. C. Noll, and are gratefully acknowledged. References 1. Lawrence J. Fogel, Biotechnology: Concepts and Applications} Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, 1963, p. 93. 2. LOOK} February 25, 1964, pp. 102-105. 3. Philip M. Morse and Herman Feshbach, Methods of Theoretical Physics} McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1953. 4. Imre Pal, Descriptive Geometry With Three-Dimensional Figures} Hungarian Technical Publishers, Budapest, 1962. 5. Bela Julesz, "Binocular Depth Perception of ComputerGenerated Patterns," Bell System Technical Journal} Vol. 39, September, 1960, pp. 1125-1162. 6. Bela Julesz and Joan E. Miller, "Automatic Stereoscopic Presentation of Functions of Two Variables," Bell System Technical Journal} Vol. 41, March 1962, pp. 663-676. 7. Gary A. McCue, "Visualization of Functions by Stereographic Techniques," North American Aviation, Inc., SID63-170, January 20, 1963. 8. H. R. Puckett, "Computer Method for Perspective Drawing," Journal of Spacecraft and Rock~ts} Vol. 1, No.1, January, 1964, pp. 44-48. 9. E. G. Pare, R. O. Loving and 1. L. Hill, Descriptive Geometry. The MacMillan Company, New York, 1959. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 CAREERS WITH CONTROL DATA HOnlyan individual person . .. not manpower in the mass sense of the word . . . makes a discovery, conceives a product or inspires other individuals.' I .':::: ~,:,1It" ,',',~,:" ~ This philosophy has taken Control Data Corporation a long way since its formation in July of 1957. The combination of perceptive management and extraordinary technical skills has molded one of the most successful enterprises in modern electronics. Today CONTROL DATA develops, manufactures and markets a complete line of advanced, high-speed computing systems for application in science, manufacturing, business and research. As a world-wide organization, CONTROL DATA ranks third in revenue from data processing equipment and has become the leader in the production of computer systems for scientific use_ If you believe in the development of the individual as a basis for corporate progress, CONTROL DATA invites you to investigate these positions. Nationwide assignments are available. Programmer Analysts • Systems Applications Analysts • Systems Installation • Systems and Procedures Analysts • Site Planning and Installation Engineers • Software Documentation • Systems Evaluation • Data Center Salesmen. TECHNICAL APPLICATIONS: Positions exist in research and development at the Ph.D. level. Requires a minimum of three years' linear programming or numerical analysis experience, including matrix algebra and theory of approximation. Minimum education requirement: MS degree. MI NNEAPOLIS location. ENGINEERING SOFTWARE: Diagnostic and Acceptance Test Progra'mming-Develop software capable of detecting logic faults and marginal operation in equipment. Mechanized or Automated Design-Develop software to aid the design process and to produce the necessary manufacturing documentation. Hardware/Software Analysis-Develop software to evaluate systems performance. Familiarity with benchmark problems, instruction mixes, compilers and monitors. MINNEAPOLIS location. ADVANCED DESIGN: BSEE required with a minimum of 5 year's related experience. These assignments are on state-of-the art development projects within the Advanced Design Department in: (1) High Speed Digital Circuits; (2) Extremely High Performance Core Memories. These projects will determine the operating characteristics of FUTU RE Control Data general purpose computers. Successful performance of assignment manage complex technical activities. MINNEAPOUS locations. PROGRAMMING ANALYSTS/PROMOTIONAL: Opportunity in the Software Promotion Group for a digital computer specialist with these qualifications: programming background, imagination, demonstrable writing ability, marketing orientation, effective coordinator and ambition. An individual with the proper combination of the above qualities will shape the position for himself. A knowledge of publications/procedures would be helpful. PALO ALTO location. Employment Centers in New York.Washington, D.C .• Minneapolis.Palo Alto • Los Angeles will promptly review your qualifications and interests. Send resume indicating positions of interest to: William D. Rowe IFIP Conference: If you will be in New York during the IFIP Conference, plan to discuss these and other career opportunities with Control Data employment representative. For other opportunities at CONTROL DATA, write R. O. Brostrom, 8100 34th Ave_ So., Minneapolis, Minnesota. Employment Dept. 1L, 4201 Lexington Ave. No. St. Paul, Minnesota CONTROL DATA CORPORATION An Equal Opportunity Employer Circle No. 17 on Readers Service Card COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 35 SEL MAKES SEL 600 SERIES DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS ......... ......... ......... ....... j .. " ..i .... ...... ........ ........ ........ ...... •• •• •• ••• • ;'L - . ......... "">' •• : " ,. c. ...• :±:: Zl: tiJ:t a::: :":i .. ....• SEL 600 BASIC SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS NUMBER OF CHANNELS .........................1 to thousands INPUT VOLTAGES FULL SCALE ...............± 4 MV to ± 100 volts ACCURACY ..............................................to ± 0.05% ± 1f2 bit RESOLUTION ...........................................to 14 bits binary or 17 bits BCD SYSTEM SAMPLING RATES .....................to 220,000 samples per second SEL 600 OPTIONS On-line reduction with SEL 800 computers Computer programmable channel sampling Computer addressable gain and offset Quick-look displays Auto self-test features NOW YOU CAN PURCHASE TOTAL SYSTEM CAPABILITY FROM ONE SOURCE - COMPATIBLE ACQUISITION AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS REPRESENT THE ULTIMATE IN AN ENGINEERED APPROACH TO YOUR REQUIREMENTS FOR •••••••••••••••••••• FOR MORE INFORMATION WRITE FOR THESE BULLETINS 9032 9042 9056 - 36 SEL 810 General Purpose Digital Computer SEL 600 Data Acquisition Systems SEL 840 Scientific Digital Computer IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR LOGIC DESIGN ENGINEERS SEL is an equal opportunity employer COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 BOTH ••••••••••••••• SEL 800 SERIES GENERAL PURPOSE DIGITAL COMPUTERS BASIC CHARACTERISTICS SEL 810 COMPUTER SEL 840 COMPUTER WORD SIZE ............. 16 bits STORAGE ..................4096 words Hardware multiply Included WORD SIZE .............. 24 bits STORAGE ................. .4096 words Hardware multiply and divide included Two Independent I/O channels Typewriter, tape reader and punch Hardware index register and program counter Complete software package for real-time applications FORTRAN package for off-line scientific computation • • • • • • • • • • • •• 810 AND 840 OPTIONS To 32,768 word core in main frame-all directly addressable External drum or disc storage Up to 8 I/O channels Up to 6' direct memory access channels Any standard peripherals REAL TIME DATA READOUT IN ENGINEERING UNITS CLOSED LOOP DIRECT DIGITAL CONTROL INDUSTRIAL PROCESS PRESET CONTROL OFF-LINE GENERAL PURPOSE COMPUTATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING LABORATORIES. INCORPORATED P. O. BOX 914B / FORT LAUoERo.,l.LE. FLA. 33310 / AREA CODE 305 / 5B7-2900 Circle No. 12 on Roadors Sorvice Card COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 37 CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS A comprehensive survey of the European computer market is available now. Prepared by Computer Consultants Limited of Great Britain, EUROPEAN COMPUTER SURVEY, 1965 has comprehensive information for each of the following countries: Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Great Britain Greece Holland Irish Republic Italy Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland Listed individually for each country is: 1. Economic information. 2. List of computer installations by name of user up to December 1964. 3. Table of installations up to December 1964 by user categories and price group. 4. Table of estimate of new installations for 1965 by user categories and price group. 5. Estimate of new installations for 1966 by user categories and price group. 6. Estimate of future installations by user categories and price group from 1967 to 1970 inclusive. Also included are: • Grand summary of installations, showing number. installed, home built and import value; number on order, home built and import value; total population, working population and number of people capable of being helped by a computer. • Tables of value of computers installed and on order showing home built and import value. • Table of individual countries export of computers. • Notes on the computers currently installed in European countries. • Names and addresses of the manufacturers of the computers installed in Europe. • European manufacturing locations, if any, of the computers installed in Europe. Is this the data you need to understand and benefit from the rapidly expanding European Computer Market? To order your copy of the European Computer Survey, 1965 send your check or purchase order to the International Data Corporation, P.O. Box 1, Newtonville, Mass. 02160. Price is $285. Additional copies for the same organization may be ordered for $95 each. The International Data Corporation is the exclusive North American distributor for the European Computer Survey, 1965. May 18-21, 1965: GUIDE International User Organization Meeting (Users of Large Scale IBM EDP Machines,) Statler-Hilton Hotel, Detroit, Mich.; contact Lois E. Mecham, Secretary, GUIDE International, c/o United Services Automobile Association, 4119 Broadway, San Antonio, Tex., 78215 May 18, 1965: SWAP Conference, Marriott Motor Hotel, Twin Bridges, Washington, D. C.; contact Gordon V. Wise, Control Data Corp., 8100 34th Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn. 55420. May 19-21, 1965: 15th CO-OP Conference, Marriott Motor Hotel, Twin Bridges, Washington, D. C.; contact Gordon V. Wise, Control Data Corp., 8100 34th Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn. 55420. May 19-21, 1965: Power Industry Computer App. Conterence (PICA), Jack Tar Hotel, Clearwater, Fla.; contact G. W. Stagg, American Elec. Power Servo Corp., 2 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 10008. May 20-21, 1965: Spring Technical Meeting of the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society' (DECUS), William James Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.; contact DECUS, Maynard, Mass. 01754 May 21, 1965: Computing Conference on Advances in Computing, State University of N. Y., Stony Brook, L. I., N. Y.. ; contact John Moran, State University of N. Y., Stony Brook, L. I., N. Y. May 21-22, 1965: Meeting of the Interim Users Committee of 6600 Users, N. Y. University's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 251 Mercer St., New York, N. Y.; contact Gordon V. Wise, Control Data Corp., 8100 34th Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn. 55420 May 24-29, 1965: IFIP Congress '65, New York Hilton Hotel, New York, N. Y.; contact Evan Herbert, Conover M'ast Pub!., 205 E. 4,2 St., New York 17, N. Y. May 28-29, 1965: SDS Users Group, Americana Hotel, New York, N. Y.; contact Ed Wattenbarger, Ext. 230, Scientific Data Systems, 1649 Seventeenth St., Santa Monica, Calif. June, 1965: Automatic Control in the Peaceful Uses of Space, Oslo, Norway; contact Dr. John A. Aseltine, Aerospace Corp., P. O. Box 95085, Los Angeles 45, Calif. June 1, 1965: 1965 Annual Meeting and Seminar of the Computing & Data Processing Society of Canada, Walper Hotel, Kitchener, Canada; contact Computing and Data Processing Society of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada June 1..3, 1965: ACM Reprogramming Conference, Nassau Inn, Princeton, N. J.; Mrs. L. R. Becker, ACM Reprogramming Conference, c/o Applied Data Research, Inc., Route 206 Center, Princeton, N. J. 08540 June 8-16, 1965: International Seminar on ADP for Top Management in Public Administration, Amsterdam, Holland; contact The Netherlands Automatic Information Processing Research Centre, 6 Stadhouderskade, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Circle No. 11 on Readers Service Card 38 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 June 10-12, 1965: Annual Southeastern Regional Conference of Association of Computing Machinery, Palm Beach Towers, Palm Beach, Fla.; contact Donald J. Beuttenmuller, Gen. Chairman, 243 Russlyn Dr., W. Palm Beach, Fla. June 17-18, 1965: 3rd Annual Conference of The Computer Personnel Research Group, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.; contact Prof. Malcolm H. Gptterer, Program Chairman, 120 Boucke Bldg., Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa. 16802 opinionated c;-; Two months before Spectra 70 announcement! September 28, 1964 RCA SETS TO ANNOUNCE NEW COMPUTER SERIES DESIGNED TO BE PROGRAM COMPATIBLE WITH SYSTEM!360 June 21-25, 1965: Information Sciences Institute, Seminar I: Image Processing, Univ; of Maryland, Computer Science Center and University College, College Park, Md.; contact Div. of Institutes, Center of Adult Education, Univ. of Md., College Park, Md. 20742 EIDIP INDUSTRY AND MARKO REPORT A 101'" _ .... , Hlwl.unn '0' . .1(UTlYU .. TOOl IUCUOHIC D... , ... '1IOC1~lfoI(I INDUS!.' June 21-25, 1965: San Diego Symp. for Biomedical Engineering, San Diego, Calif.; contact Dean L. Franklin, Scripps Clinic & Res Found., La Jolla, Calif. June 22-25, 1965: 2nd Annual SHARE Design Automation Committee Workshop, Chal£onte Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, N. J.; contact J. Behar, IBM Corp., Mathematics and Applications Dept., 590 :l\Jadison Ave., New York, N. Y. 10022 June 22-25, 1965: 1965 Joint Automatic Control Conference, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y.; contact Prof. C. N. Shen, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y. June 28-July 1, 1965: Information Sciences Institute, Seminar II: Pattern Recognition, Univ. of Maryland, Computer Science Center and University College, College Park, Md.; contact Div. of Institutes, Center of Adult Education, Univ. of Md., College Park, Md. 20742 June 29-July 2, 1965: Data Processing Management Association 1965 In ternational Data Processing Conference and Business Exposition, Benjamin Franklin Hotel and Convention Hall, Philadelphia, Pa.; contact Data Processing Management Association, 524 Busse Highway, Park Ridge, Ill. Aug. 14-Sept. 6, 1965: National Science Foundation Conference on Digital Computers for College Teachers of Science, Mathematics and Engineering, Univ. of South· western Louisiana, Lafayette, La.; contact Dr. James R. Oliver, Director, USL Computing Center, Box 133, USL Station, Lafayette, La. 70506 Aug. 23-27, 1965: 6th International Conference on Medical Elec. & Biological Engineering, Tokyo, Japan; contact Dr. L. E. Flory, RCA Labs., Princeton, N. J. I t Aug. 24-26, 1965: Association for Computing Machinery, 20th National Meeting, Sheraton~Cleveland Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio; contact Lewis Winner, 152 W. 42 St., New York, N. Y. 10036 Aug. 24-27, 1965: WESCON, Cow Palace, San Francisco, Calif.; contact IEEE L. A. Office, 3600 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Sept. 8~1O, 1965: Industrial Electronics & Control Instrumentation Conference, Sheraton Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa.; contact Lewis Winner, 152 W. 42 St., New York, N. Y. 10036 Sept. 20-23, 1965: Second Systems Engineering Conference & Exposition, McCormick Place, Chicago, Ill.; contact Clapp & Poliak, Inc., 341 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 10017. ~ First report on this important large-scale computer order! July 15, 1964 GENERAL ELECTRIC OBTAINS ADVANCED POSITION IN COMPUTER TIMESHARING FIELD BY WINNING MIT PROJECT MAC AWARD c:;--: EIDIP INDUSTRY AND MARKO REPORT '" UMI._T.... ' ... IW~It'1i fo. UKUTlYU "'lOInfCl~I(IIA""'lOCnSIfolO'_SIl'. .....I;I'... "HA""" ..l~o_n' Over six months betore Model 20 announcement! April 30, 1964 IBM PONDERS INTRODUCTION OF MODEL 20 PROCESSOR; 7000 SERIES PROGRAM CONVERSION EIDIP INDUSTRY AND MARKO REPORT EDP INDUSTRY AND MARKET REPORT is a semi-monthly newsletter that gives an unclouded view of the developments in the fast-moving computer industry. Unbiased reporting. Timely analysis. Straight-from-the-shoulder opinion. The REPORT is managem~nt information for the EDP industry executive and the advanced computer user. EDP INDUSTRY AND MARKET REPORT is industrial intelligence at its best. Well-researched. To the point. How is the EDP market changing? What new equipment will be significant? From which companies are these products coming? Who is merging with whom? And what do the answers to these questions mean for EDP companies and for the industry? The EDP INDUSTRY AND MARKET REPORT is edited by a staff of computer industry experts who bring more than a dozen years of computer industry editorial experience to the job. Editorial contributions are gathered from the top indus.t~y authorities. The REPORT is backed by the full research facilities of the International Data Corporation whose research studies include an installation by installation analysis of over 80% of all computers installed and on order in the U.S. EDP INDUSTRY AND MARKET REPORT subscriptions are $49. per year; $29. for six months. To enter a subscription or request a sample copy write to International Data Corporation, P.O. Box 1, Newtonville, Mass. 02160. Oct., 1965: International Symposium on Economics of Automatic Data Processing, Rome, Italy; contact Symposium on Economics of ADP, International Computation Centre, Casella Postale No. 10053, Rome, Italy Circle No. 21 on Readers Service Card COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 39 Two entirely new, long-wear, heavy-duty Ampex computer tapes are now available. The two (Ampex 838 for 800 bpi applications and 832 for 556 bpi applications) are the result of an intensive 2 year development program. Using an advanced oxide formulation, these new tapes feature a mirror-smooth surface that consistently gives the cleanest, most reliable performance ever possible. The proof of the new formulation is in the using: no other tape on the market does as much to reduce 'temporary errors' and static bUild-up. Even the reel is new: IBM compatible configurations are available on solid tiO COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 Announcing: the most important advance in computer tape in four years. flanged plastic reels with new aluminum hubs. Who benefits from this remarkable new tape? Anyone who uses IBM (including full width tested), IBM compatible, RCA 301, and most Univac computer systems. Try it. Test it. Use it. We think that you'll agree that the time spent in developing this remarkable new tape was time well spent. For a demonstration, call your Ampex representative, or write the only company providing recorders, tape and core memory devices for AMPEX every application: Ampex Corp., 401 Broadway, Redwood City, California. COt\lPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 41 c&a WASHINGTON REPORT I" .~ of· $250 MILLION ANNUAL SAVINCS IN THE FEDERAL COVERN M ENT'S USE OF COMPUTERS Covernment Activities Subcommittee Committee on Covernment Operations House of Representatives Congress of the United States Washington, D. C. A quarter of a billion dollars a year in savings to the government can be realized under a proposal by Southeast Texas Congressman Jack Brooks (D-Texas) to coordinate government acquisition and use of automatic data processing (AD.P) equipment, a House efficiency subcommittee has been informed. The bill, H. R. 4845, was endorsed by a number of witnesses who appeared before the House Government Activities Subcommittee. Joseph Campbell, the Comptroller General of the United States, told the subcommittee, " . . . the Government will continue to incur substantial amounts of unnecessary cost~ until more effective centralized managament and control" of computers, a "high cost area of government operations," are achieved. The General Accounting Office, which Campbell heads, has conducted studies of automatic data processing equipment used by the federal government and the estimated savings are based on these studies. Lawson B. Knott, Jr., Acting Administrator of General Services, told the subcommittee, ". . . there is a clear need for the enactment of legislation which would assist in im· proving the acquisition and utilization of ADP equipment in the Government." Knott continued: " . . . The use of automatic data processing equipment in government has grown phenomenally during the past 13 years. In 1954, there were only 10 computers in use by the federal government. By the end of 1964, the usage had increased to 1,767. The current estimate is that there will be 2,150 computers in federal use by the end of fiscal year 1966. In 1964, federal agencies spen t $1.1 billion for the purchase, rental and operation of data processing equipment for all types of use by 2,068 organizational units within 44 federal agencies. Current estimates indicate that on a nationwide basis by 1970, the number of computer systems and annual costs in connection therewith will triple." In outlining the bill's provisions, Brooks, who is chairman of the subcommittee, said that at present "each agency 42 operates independently in the acquisition and utilization of ADP equipment with only Bureau of the Budget guidelines to follow." But, he said, furnishing the agencies with guidelines "has not, in turn, provided the Bureau of the Budget with the data necessary ,to determine agency compliance with existing policies." He added, "Nor does the bureau have information sufficient to recognize new problems as they arise or to establish new policies as they are needed." The bill would set up a revolving fund for use in acquisition of ADP equipment as needed and in setting up equipment sharing pools and computer service centers. Each agency would determine its own ADP needs and the use made of the equipment. The Administrator of General Services would act as coordinator for government acquisition and use of ADP equipment. Along with the revolving fund, the General Services Administration would maintain a continuous inventory of ADP equipment in use by the government and government contractors. Equipment used only part of the time by one agency or contractor might well be operated the rest of the time by another user. And when an agency or contractor is finished with a computer, a check would be made to see if any other government function could use the equipment rather than purchasing a new computer. "With a minimum of $12 million wasted for each month that implementation of this legislation is delayed-and I believe this to be an extremely conservative figure-prompt action must be taken on H. R. 4845," Congressman Brooks said. The Congressman introduced similar legislation two years ago which was approved by the House of Representatives but the Senate did not act before the Congress ended. Others scheduled to appear at the hearings were Elmer B. Staats, Deputy Director of the Bureau of the Budget; Edmond C. Buckley, Director, Office of Tracking and Data Acquisition, National Aeronautics and Space Administration; John P. Abadessa, Controller, Atomic Energy Commission; and Dr. William Eaton, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Science and Technology, Department of Commerce. The members of the Subcommittee are Congressman 'Villiam S. Moorhead (D-Pa.), David S. King (D-Utah), Dante It Fascell (D-Fla.), Ogden R.Reid (R-N. Y.), and Edward J. Gurney (R-Fla.). The Subcommittee is part of the House Government Operations Committee, which is headed by Congressman William L. D.awson (D-Ill.). COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 19(i5 •,. The Adley Express Company of New Haven, Conn. has three ironbound rules of operation; service, efficiency and speed-a philosophy which dictated FORMSCARDS as the continuous tabulating cards for Adley's accounts payable and payroll. FORMSCARDS are unique; they don't have medial waste strips between the cards. So you don't waste money shipping useless medial strips around. You don't waste space storing medial strips. You don't waste time running them across your processing equipment. You don't waste time bursting them. And finally, you don't wind up with a truck-load of medial strips to throw out. (See why those little strips between cards are called "waste strips?") Isn't it time you followed the route Adley took to faster, waste-free tabulating card operations? There's a FORMSCARD system to fit your every need. let us tell you all about the time, trouble and money you could be savingwith FORMSCARDS; dropus a line andwe'll send you our brochure telling the whole amazing !4' ' """,',' " ",. ,•• FORMSCARD story. Or, inhere's a rush, : give us a call. Phone: Oldfield 9-4000· ,. Area code 215. WILLOW GROVE, PENNA. lorms,,'inc : Adley Express saves a truckload of· time with Formscards ~, Circle No. 19 on Readers Service Card COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 43 IS YOUR TAPE CONVERSION STILL WORKING AT HORSE AND BUGGY SPEEDS? THINK AHEAD ...THE NEW KLEINSCHMIDT 321 ADS CONVERTS TAPE TO HARD COpy AT 400 WORDS PER MINUTE! ... TODAY Think of tape conversion four times faster than you may be getting now. Think of less tape backup. Think of the KleinschmidpM 32r M ADS. Whether it's used lion line" or "off line," the 321 ADS gives you complete and reliable facilities for tape preparation, tape duplication and hard-copy print-out. For further information on the efficiency of the 321 ADS and other Kleinschmidt Electronic Data Communica· tions equipment, write: KLEINSCHMrDT, Division of SCM Corporation, Lake Cook Road, Deerfield, "linois. THINK AHEAD ... THINK SCM If~. lflj;lJII® ~~!!~!~l!/!!..~!'! Circle No. 22 on Readers Service Card 44 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 •• 4 c&a THROUGHPUT . Computers and Automation In Israel •• When examining the use of computers in various parts of the world, one finds some notable gaps-South America, Asia, the "Middle East, Africa. The extended use of computers in the United States, Europe, Russia, and Australia represents a strong contrast. One surprising exception is Israel, a nation only 17 years old. Surrounded by hostile Arab countries with limited technical competence, Israel has developed, partly in defence, a strong capability in computers. At a recent meeting of th~ Israel Data Processing Association (an IFIPS member), over 400 technical people attended a two-day symposium with extensive technical sessions titled comparably to our own activities. The entire symposium was in Hebrew, conducted by Israeli experts, with only two exceptions: a session on computer languages by the noted Dutch Professor Van Wyngaarden, and a session by myself on real-time systems. Interestingly enough, there is no substantial language problem: Israeli data processing technicians are almost completely bilingual and are often fluent in French or German as well. The country has developed rapidly, and is beginning to realize the tremendous potential of data processing in this expansion. With a population of less than three million, it is smaller than the Republic of Ireland, but its computer population is already large, by comparison. The total of computers installed today is 26 and an additional 30 are on order from various manufacturers. Vendor representation is handicapped to a limited extent by the Arab boycott. Univac, for example, has no representation. Principal vendors today are IBl\1 and NCR, each of whom ha~ a staff of over 200 in sales and service. 'The installation lineup is approximately as follows: IBM -14 computers-principally 1401 and 1460, including three service centers. NCR - four 315 computers, including one service center Philco - 5 computers (two 212's and three 1000's) in one military installation, without sales or service representation. CQntrol- 2 computers (a 1604 and a 160A), both at the Data Weizmann Institute. (A service center is planned during the second quarter of 1965 with a CDC 3100.) Elliott - 1 computer at Technion In addition, the country has two native computers, the GOLEM (robot) at the Weizmann Institute and the SABRAC (sabra is a native cactus) at the Scientific Departmen t of the Ministry of nefense. The data processing problems of Israel are not very different from those in the United States. The personnel problems are comparable, heightened by the fact that all workers belong to the union. Thus, programmer selection OHvtPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 is sometimes complicated. Scheduling problems are the same, and documentation is equally well ignored in Hebrew. There is a bit of a language problem in data presentation; Hebrew is required on many documents so that interchangeable-type printers are needed. In addition, the Hebrew alphabet is not the same as ours, causing punching problems; and serial printers, typewriters, and bookkeeping machines have to travel from right to left as well as from left to right. Israel also has its supply of consultants, most of whom are Israeli-born, although many are trained in the United States. Not many American firms can afford to compete in Israel; the salary structures are the same as ours, but the currency value is one-third. In addition, the air fare of $800 prevents most United States firms from establishing Israeli facilities. Local service bureaus appear and disappear like mushrooms, as in the United States, with similar problems of quality and performance. However, since the country is small and isolated, the data processing community is aware of the problems and recognizes possible solutions. Data transmission is still in its infancy in Israel. The military system provides reasonable transmission, but the public telephone system is of insufficient quality to permit extensive and reliable transmission. "Making a phone call in Israel can be risky and time-consuming; even getting a phone installed requires three to four years. (I t is rumored that the local CDC representative, in setting up the new facility, stopped looking for an office; he said he would find a phone around which he could then build an office.) Anyway, data communication networks will have to wait for improved telephone service. The data processing community in Israel has a tremendous respect for United States technology. American magazines, books and other literature are virtually the only training materials. As a result, experienced Americans are welcomed and placed in high regard. American technical support in any form is put to good use. It is hoped that we will live up to these expectations of Israel, so that we can continue to contribute to the growth and development of that country. c:: Dieh H. Brandon Cnntributing Editor 45 now available TELETYPEWRITER FUNDAMENTALS HANDBOOK By Wm. D. Rexroad ... IN HANDY POCKET·SIZE BOOKLET FORM PUBLISHED BY COMPUTER DESIGN PUBLISHING CORPORATION The Handbook is based on an article that appeared in the November issue of COMPUTER DESIGN. The demand for reprints of the article was so overwhelming that it has now been expanded, giving more details on some of the topics previously-covered, and adding up-to-date information on 8-level codes, the standard code adopted by the ASCII, frequency shift keying systems, radio teletypewriter techniques, and descriptions of the latest in teletypewriter machinery. IDEAL FOR: FOR REFERENCE BOOK • SWITCHING EDUCATION • MAJOR TOPICS: COMPUTER TRAINING PROGRAMS • MFGRS. SALES AIDS • EMPLOYEE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF TELETYPEWRITERS .. Signal Generation & Reception Code & Eight Level Codes • THEY LIBRARIES CUSTOMER INDOCTRINATION HOW THEY OPERATE HOW • ARE USED • Simplex, Neutral & Polar Circuits • • Baudot Teletypewriter Distortion Half-Duplex, Full Duplex • FSK & RTTY GLOSSARY OF TELETYPEWRITER TERMINOLOGY DESCRIPTIONS & PHOTOS OF TELETYPEWRITER MACHINES PRICE: only $1.50 per copy Quantity prices available on request To order your copy, simply fill out coupon below, enclose $1.50 per co ,and mail to: COMPUTER DESIGN PUBLlSHING CORPORATION, BAKER AVE., W. CONCORD, MASS. 01781 COMPUTER DESIGN PUBLISHING CORP. BAKER AVE., W. CONCORD, MASS. 01781 GENTLEMEN: Enclosed is $. . . . . . . . .. for . . . . . . . . .. copy(ies) of TELETYPEWRITER FUNDAMENTALS HANDBOOK. SEND HANDBOOK(S) TO: NAME COMPANY .......................................................................................................... ADDRESS .............................................................................................................. CITY .............................................................................. STATE ....................... . .................................................................. 46 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 at Honeywell, programmers are •• • promoted, paid, perfected, pushed, puzzled, pooled, paired, pampered, propelled, pacified, persuaded, publicized, perplexed, proved, patronized, pleased, progressed .... even pitied, .. .but never ignored The industry-wide impact of LI BERATOR and numerous other software products developed by Honeywell has created a wide range of opportunities at our Programming Systems Division in suburban Boston. Positions exist for programmers and analysts who have experience in software development, with emphasis on Operating Systems Conversion Techniques COBOL Compilers FORTRAN Compilers Software Support Sort Generators Peripheral Systems LIBERATOR Translators Random Access Math Routines Technical Writing Qualified candidates should forward their resumes to Mr. Frederick S. Bartlett /'ersonnel Manager Technical Divisions Honey",ell ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING 151 NEEDHAM ST., DEPT. la, NEWTON, MASS. .-in Equal Opportunitll ElI/plo]Jer COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 1965 47 SOME THINGS ARE ,BETTER DONE OFF LlNEPaper Tape to Magnetic Tape Conversion for example; MODEL 1720 ~ Virtually any paper tape reader will limit the speed of your computer, but now your computer can run at full speed. • The Model 1720 uses center tape unwind for simplest possible tape loading and handling. • Performs error and validity checks. • Broad programming capability handles virtually all code conversion or format conversion requirements. • Minimal space required; any table or desk will serve the purpose. • Low cost. • Easy on tape-mangled tapes are unheard of. • Minimizes computer scheduling problems. • Nationwide service. - Low-cost Data Transmission; In addition to our line of converters, Digi-Data Corporation manufactures card and paper tape Data-Phone® transmission units such as the Model 2120 Magnetic Tape Receiver and the 2020 Card Transmitter shown here. DIG 1- D-ATA . • CORPORATION .................... • DIGITAL STEPPING RECORDERS • • DIGITAL DATA HANDLING EQUIPMENT 4315 Baltimore Avenue • Bladensburg, Maryland 20710 • Telephone (301) 277-9378 WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE: 4341 West Commonwealth Avenue Fullerton, Cal ifornia 92633 Telephone (213) 941·3182 Circle No. 23 on Readers Service Card 48 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for May, 19()') "ACROSS THE EDITOR'S DESK" Computing and Data Processing NewsleHer .~. TABLE OF CONTENTS Applications New Contracts New Installations Computing Centers New Products .49 · 52 · 53 · 55 · 56 New Literature Jobs and Opportunities Meeting News .. Business News Computer Census .63 . 63 .64 .64 . 68 APPLICATIONS COMSAT'S CONTROL CENTER GUIDES EARLY BIRD INTO SYNCHRONOUS ORBIT Early Bird, the world's first commercial communications satellite, was launched on April 6 from launch pad 17A at Cape Kennedy by the National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration (NASA) for the Communications Satellite Corporation (Comsat). On April 9, it was parked in a "near letter perfect" orbit over the Equator. 1 in your experience and background will thcn be arranged in an area convenient 10 your city. PHONE TODAY PLAZA 9-1085 / OR WRITE CAREER CENTER, 770 LEXINGTON AVE., NEW YORK, N. Y. 10021 Circle No. 37 on Readers Service Card
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