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User Manual: 196912

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Vol. 18, No. 13






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(Please post this notice)

Computers and Automation has received an anonymous gift and announces the annual Martin Luther
King Memorial Prize, of $300, to be awarded each
year for the best article on an important subject in
the general field of:
The application of information sciences and
engineering to the problems of improvement in
human society.
The judges in 1970 will be:
Dr. Franz L. Alt of the American I nstitute of
Physics; Prof. John W. Carr III of the Univ. of
Pennsylvania; Dr. William H. Churchill of Howard Univ.; and Edmund C. Berkeley, Editor of

Computers and Automation.
The closing date for the receipt of manuscripts this
year is April 30, 1970, in the office of Computers and
Automation, 815 Washington St., Newtonville, Mass.
The winning article, if any, will be published in the
July issue of Computers and Automation. The deci··
sion of the judges will be conclusive. The prize will
not be awarded if, in the opinion of the judges, no
sufficiently good article is received.
Following are the details: The article should be
approximately 2500 to 3500 words in length. The
article should be factual, useful, and ~nderstandable.
The subject chosen should be treated practically and
realistically with examples and evidence - but also
with imagination, and broad vision of possible future
developments, not necessarily restricted to one nation
or culture. The writings of Martin Luther King should
be included among the references used by the author,
but it is not necessary that any quotations be included in the article.
Articles should be typed with double line spacing
and should meet reasonable standards for publication.
Four copies should be submitted. All entries will


become the property of Computers and Automation.
The article should bear a title and a date, but not the
name of the author. The author's name and address
and four or five sentences of biographical information
about him, should be included in an accompanying
letter - which also specifies the title of the article
and the date.

"Many people fear nothing more terribly than to
take a position which stands out sharply and clearly
from the prevailing opinion. The tendency of most is
to adopt a view that is so ambiguous that it will
include everything and so popular that it will include
everybody .... Not a few men who cherish noble
ideals hide them under a bushel for fear of being
called different."
"Wherever unjust laws exist, people on the basis of
conscience have a right to disobey those laws."
"There is nothing that expressed massive civil
disobedience any more than the Boston Tea Party,
and yet we give this to our young people and our
students as a part of the great tradition of our nation.
So I think we are in good company when we break
unjust laws, and I think that those who are willing to
do it and accept the penalty are those who are a part
of the saving of the nation."
- From U/ Have a Dream" - The Quotations of Martin Luther King, Jr., compiled
and edited by Lotte Haskins, Grosset and
Dunlap, New York, 1968.
Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., was
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964,
when he was age 35.
He was in jail in the United States more
than 60 ti meso
He was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee,
April 4,1968.

COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969

D. F. Stevens
Mathematics and Computing
Bldg. 50A, Rm. 1135
University of California
Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
Berkeley, Calif. 94720

(The following expresses my position on the question of
how computer users' groups should adjust to the new
separate pricing policies recently announced by the major
computer manufacturers. My qualifications to speak on
such a topic include some experience in SHARE (on the
FORTRAN Project) and some experience in VIM (as
chairman, first of the Software Evaluation Committee, and
currently, of the Operating Systems Committee). The views
expressed in the note are, of course, my own, and may not
reflect official opinions either of my computer installation
or of VIM.)

It is surprising that among the spate of articles prompted
by the possibility (and more recently, the actuality) of
unbundling there has been no speCUlation as to the new role
of the users' group (UG). Perhaps this is due to a feeling
that once the step has been taken, the UG has no choice
but to go along with it, and continue to conduct business as
usual. This would, of course, be a mistake; I would like to
offer a more interesting alternative.
Those manufacturers who have unbundled have effectively entered the open marketplace as sellers of that
software which is not in the public domain. The operative
words in that sentence are open and sellers: in other words,
the hardware manufacturer must now compete with other
interested suppliers. It is in the interests of the UG to see
that this competition is fair and as fierce as possible. This
requires that the hardware manufacturer lose his privileged
position with respect to the UG. The UG should, in fact,
invite and encourage participation by other suppliers in all
appropriate activities. To ensure an orderly presentation of

competitive material, the UG will have to adopt, and
enforce, a new set of procedural rules, possibly resulting in
many more closed sessions.
The question of certification is also interesting. The UG
would seem to be the natural agent, either for the certification of a new product, or for the establishment of suitable
criteria for its certification. (I should think that Certification Committees could count on active participation by a
number of suppliers ... ) this leads rather naturally into a
consideration of the UG as a collective bargaining agent.
Such a concept is particularly appealing when considering
the following thorny points:
• What is a reasonable installation cost for a new
product (in terms of manpower and computer
time)? Who bears this cost when the product is
installed by the user? By the supplier? What
recourse does the user have when the estimated
cost is exceeded? Is the time required for performance testing to be included in the installation cost?
• Who bears the cost of time (man and computer)
lost due to grievous software error? Who defines
• Is credit to be given to a user who fixes a bug?
How much?
• What level of maintenance is included in the cost
of the product? (This includes response time and
documentation as well as the completeness and
accuracy of the fix.) What should it cost (manpower and computer time) to install a fix?
• Manufacturers are well-known for "fixing" a bug
by changing the documentation. Will this continue
to be permissible?
Should the supplier prove recalcitrant, a purposeful users'
group could institute a boycott of considerable severity ...
this may, of course, be neither a desirable nor a practical
adjustment to the new situation: it is past time for debate
on the issue to begin.

(Based on a report by Kenneth Owen in October 14, 1969
edition of The Times, Printing House Square, London
E-C-4, England)
The subject of professional ethics for computer people
was debated recently by members of the British Computer
Society. Opin ions represented in the debate ranged from
those who felt there was no need for a professional code at
all, to those who suggested a recommended scale of charges
for professional work.
The main topic of interest was the degree of responsibility assumed by a professional for the consequences of
his work for third parties.
Another hotly discussed issue was the privacy of information held in computer systems. Although the problems
of handling "private" information were well aired; there
was a general consensus of opinion that no satisfactorY'
short-term solution could be offered.
The Society has set forth draft proposals for guidance of
its members. These proposals state that members should
exercise their skill impartially and to the best of their
ability, should not disclose confidential information conCOMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969

cerning employers or clients without permiSSion, and
should not accept any position in which their interests
conflict with their duty.
The guidelines also state that consultants should declare
interests such as directorships, financial interests and personal relationships to clients before accepting instructions,
and should not invite any employee of clients to consider
alternative employment, except with the client's agreement.
In addition, all advertising should be legal, clean, honest
and truthful, and consultants should provide a written
agreement stating their fee before undertaking an assignment.
Under its current rules, the British Computer Society
can exclude any member who has been, in the opinion of
the Council, "guilty of conduct which renders him unfit in
their opinion to retain his membership". The Council must
hear every case itself; it cannot delegate its powers. And
there is no right of appeal.
Because many members of the· Society feel th is is too
inflexible, the Council is trying to produce an improved
disciplinary procedure based on investigation, disciplinary
and appeals committees.

The program was written, debugged, and tested.
Our hero leaned back with a sigh and rested.
"Thank heaven I'm through with that hairy thingI'll goof off a few days to replenish my zing."
Then in walked the Chief of Operations.
"Say how do you work this conglomeration?"
Operating instructions had slipped his mind,
He went back to his desk to get out of that bind.
In a week and a half, this book he had finished,
His strength and morale completely diminished.
He asked his chief for a vacation,
To renew with his family normal relations.
"Take some time off, it's fine with me."
Said his boss, The Chief of Sand P.
"There's two or three things you first must complete,
That will take a few days, maybe a week."
"Our programming standards we can't ignore.
The guys who did went through that door."
"One program deck is of course not enou-gh We need at least seven for backup and stuff"
"Two flow charts required for every projectA one-on-one detailed and general logic."
"We also insert in our archives and files,
A system description in narrative style."
The end of this story we're happy to tellHow our hero avoided this programmer's hell.
No one in the country now tops his production,
Two thousand a day of symbolic instruction.
One noteworthy item must be added,
His office is now completely padded.

Sidney Golder
Chief, Programing Psychiatric Services
Berkeley Systems
333 Washington Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02108
With apologies to Lou Ellen Davis (See Computers
and Automation/or August, 1969, page 43.)

ADAPSO (Association of Data Processing Service Organizations, Inc.)
420 Lexington Ave.
New York, N.Y. 10017

The following is a position paper issued by ADAPSO,
the trade association of the computer services industry, on
the "Furnishing of Error-Free Electronic Data Processing
Services. "
The Association of Data Processing 'Service Organizations is deeply concerned that there may be some public
misunderstanding of the nature of the services provided by
the electronic data processing services industry, resulting in
an erroneous belief that perfection is feasible. The consequences of reliance on such a belief could be most unfortu~ate.


Perfection in the furnishing of EDP services is no more
possible than in any other industry dependent upon human
frailty and fallible equipment.
The causes of human error are legion. Machine error
results from an equally large number of causes, ranging
from dust in a sensing device to fluctuations in electrical
input. Error may also result from economic considerations,
such as the practical limitations on debugging a program;
thus to be certain of zero error in the trillions of computer
calculations incident to any continuing commercial application, requires such exhaustive testing as to be uncompetitive.
Undoubtedly, part of the public misunderstanding is a
result of the exciting ach ievements of the space program,
made possible by the computer. However, pin-point accuracy in space computer applications has resulted only from
almost interminable testing and the broadest use of back-up
equipment, not justified economically in most commercial
It may be, however, that to some extent the EDP
industry is itself also to blame, because computer personnel
unfortunately sometimes fail to recognize the ignorance of
the lay public in technical matters. When an EDP professional says that his program is perfect or that his service
never makes an error, he of course excludes that essential
minimum which cannot practically be avoided; he intends
no more misrepresentation of his services than the automotive salesman who promises a first rate vehicle knowing
that inevitably one must come off the assembly line with
ADAPSO recognizes the danger that some members of a
lay public may misunderstand such statements, and proposes to conduct a far ranging remedial public information
program. As a first step, it calls upon all responsible EDP
service industry members to distribute this position paper
to customers, in order promptly and effectively to inform
those key members of the public most likely to be reliant
on the results of the industry's output.

Hyman Speck
Loop College
64 E. Lake St.
Chicago, III. 60601
A contest designed to stimulate inventive interest among
young students in the computer programming field is being
sponsored for the seventh year by the Association for
Educational Data Systems (AEDS).
Prizes of $25 in U.S. Savings Bonds will be awarded to
winners in seven judging categories: Business, Biological
Science, Computer Science, Games, Human ities, Mathematics, and Physical Science. The grand prize win ner wi II be
selected from these seven winners. He will receive an
additional $100 in bonds, plus an all-expense paid trip to
the AEDS convention in Miami Beach, Florida.
'Project Genes, 'Electoral College Calculations, Comparative Computer Linguistics, Five Card Draw Poker, and
Model Rocketry Altitude and Flight Path Pred ictions are
some of the outstanding projects submitted last year. First
prize winner last year was John O'Donnell of Tates Creek
High School in Lexington, Kentucky, who developed a
computer language and compiler called SIGMA, which he
designed to run on teleprocessing terminals.
Projects may be submitted by an individual or a team of
two or more pupils. Deadline for entries is April 1, 1970.
Persons wishing more details and application blanks are
invited to write me.
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969

Lewis C. Clapp
429 Watertown St.
Newton, Mass. 02158
Those of us who have been fortunate enough to
work with small computers know how exciting it is
to have your own little machine available for problem-solving and numerical computation. As the
memory hums and console lights flicker, there .is a
certain fascination at having complete control over
the logical mechanism under your fingertips. For
quite some time the novelty of the exposure itself
is enough to motivate us to spend many long nights
experimenting to find the fastest way to multiply
two vectors or how best to pack a large array of
data into the tiny memory. But ultimately the euphoria wears off and we learn that there is often a
great deal of tedious effoLt required to solve sci-entific problems with the aid of a small computer.
One alternative to the small computer is having
access to a time-shared computer terminal. Although
the small computer is a very useful and important
resource in many applications such as communications,
process control and data preprocessing; it is not
as effective a tool for interactive problem-solving
.as the time-shared computer.
What the small computer has to offer is raw computing power -the ability to manipulate and process
bits of information through a machine. Now it is
true that when computer time-sharing first became
available it too was looked upon simply as a source
of raw computer power. But in the three or four
years which have passed, the time-sharing vendors
have become more sophisticated. They have begun to
realize that their job is not simply to provide computer power over phone lines or to make" computer
juice" coming out of the walls like electric current; but rather their job is to help people process
information and problems. They realized that to do
this job well they had to provide sophisticated
tools which would make it easier for people, who
were not computer experts, to use the computer ·to
solve their own problems. In providing these tools,
the time-sharing services have done admirably well.
So well in fact, that the small computer probably
will never be able to catch up.
The initial step in time-sharing was to provide
programming languages which could be learned rather
quickly by anyone with a minimum of intelligence and
a minor degree of patience. These languages such as
BASIC and CAL could truly be mastered in an hour or
two and then could be used to solve very sophisticated engineering and scientific problems. Indeed,
this use of time-sharing computers was so popular
that the small computer manufacturers were themselves compelled to copy the idea and produce versions of some of these languages on their own machines. However, the small computer by its very
nature is limited in size and flexibility. Because
of these limitations it is very difficult to reproduce all of the features of a truly sophisticated
interactive time-sharing language on a small computer. For example, the time-sharing machine has
power-in-reserve which can be called upon when it is
really required. The small computer on the other
hand always seems to have the habit of running out
of steam just at the critical moment.
Having developed simplified programming languages
which an engineer could conveniently learn, the next

Excerpts from a talk presented at the "IEEE-NEREM
Mass. November 4~ 1969
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969

big step that the time-sharers took was to develop
specialized packages in their own subject area of
concentration. One ·company, for instance, has developed·a whole se~ies of tools to be used by the
printing and typese;ting prQiession. Another company has concentrated on developing aids for small
manufacturing concerns who use numerically controlled
milling machines to produce parts. However, at
DIAL-DATA we concentrated a great deal of effort Qn
developing tools for automated electronic engineering and design.
Now let me repeat, that to use one of these packages, requires no knowledge of programming skill
whatsoever. For example, an engineer who has just
drawn a circuit diagram on the back of an envelope,
wants to test his circuit and verify that it will
perform as desired. In the old days he would have
built the circuit with a soldering iron and a box of
components. Several hours later, if he was lucky
enough to have all the parts on hand, he ~ould be
ready to test it; Today, this time-consuming process is eliminat~d or at least delayed until the
computer has checked the circuit and verified its
operational characteristics. Our engineer simply
dials the computer, calls the Circuit Analysis Program (CODED) and,describes hjs circuits to the computer in a simplified language.
He can then ask the computer to calculate the
voltages at each. of the nodes. If he really~ants
to get sophisticated, he may ask the computer to
perform a Worst Case Ana1ysis. That is, by varying
the values of all the components in the circuit
from their high to low tolerance values, the computer determines which values will have the most deleterious effetton the performance of the circuit
anp how bad that performance will actually be. The
computer performs the analysis in a matter of seconds and depending upon the results~ our engineer
is either out on the golf links or back at the drawing board. Contrast this with the old-fashioned
way of designing circuits, which essentially meant
standing over a breadboard and designing by intuition, which at best allowed the development of one
circuit every few hours. The modern circuit designer uses the computer to generate dozens of alternative circuits in a single afternoon. He may then
select the most desirable circuit from the rest before he leaves his office to try for his hole in
In developing circuit analysis programs we have
found that a form of Parkinson's Law also applies
to computers. Namely, the programs, memory, and
speed requirements always rise to fill the capacity
of the machine. There is always one more case or
one new feature that needs to be added before the
program is acceptable. Therefore, I conclude that
any serious work on Computer Aided Circuit Design
will not be done with the limited memory of a small
.Other program tools have been developed to aid
the electronics engineer. Since ~e don't have time
to describe all of them, I shall merely give some
indication of the range of applications which have
been investigated to date. Again, I will give the
DIAL-DATA name for these design tools, although
other time-sharing companies may have some of the
same programs with different names and perhaps even
different capabilities.
DIGILOG - Digital circuit design simulator.

SHOULD BE DISCONTINUED UNTIL ADEQUATE SAFEGUARDS AGAINST TAMPERING HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED, according to testimony presented to the California State Assembly Committee on Elections and Constitutional Amendments by William C. Clauer, president of
Intellectron, Inc., a computer software company. Mr.
Clauer presented to the Committee a research report,
"Vulnerabilities of the Present Computer Vote Counting
Systems to Computer Fraud", published by his company.
The report concluded that present computerized votecounting systems are highly vulnerable to program modification techniques which may not be detected under present security procedures.
To demonstrate the possibility of tampering, methods
were developed by Intellectron which would permit an
altered vote model counting system to pass currently
used tests for "logic and accuracy". One method automatically inserts a count bias after the completion of
normal testing procedures. Another permits a computer
operator to introduce a pre-selected count bias by simply pressing a series of regular switches on the computer console in a manner that would not be regarded as unusual or abnormal. Mr. Clauer stated that neither of
these methods would necessitate any wholesale or high
level conspiracy to defraud.
As a result of his company's research, Mr. Clauer
recommended that "full and adequate safeguards to protect the integrity of the ballot counting by computers be
researched, developed, and made a legal requirement. "



- Simulates Analog Processes.
- Designs ladder type filter networks.
- Synthesizes filters given external
design parameters.
- Microwave Design Package.

In addition to the above, there are programs for
minimizing logical equations and for fabricating
electronic components once the design has been established. Most of these programs are available today only through a time-shared computer terminal.
Although less extensive versions of these programs
may some day be_available on a small computer, it
is unlikely that they will have the versatility and
sophistication of the same packages provided through
the time-shared computer terminal.
It takes a great deal of time and talents of
many people to develop good reliable programs to
aid in electronics design. Very few organizations
will find it economic to recreate these programs
~hemselves for their small computers even if they
had the resources. Among their alternatives are to
secure the service from a computer time-sharing firm
or to prod the computer manufacturers into delivering these programs with their machines.
The manufacturer, of course, is interested in
selling his computer and he may make some effort to
fulfill such requests. But manufacturers' software
has often left something to be desired since they
cannot be expected to be expert in every scientific
discipline. And, even if the manufacturer is real16

find out where we are heading technologically, and to be
sufficiently informed to meaningfully ask the question:
"Is that where we want to go?"
Gallagher cited potential dangers in highway use surveys, data banks for migrant children and psychiatric
records, and the dependence on the computer to create
technical means of dictating human decisions as evidence
of the need for such a Committee. He pointed to air and
water pollution as examples of bad - and unanticipated
- effects of technology, and emphasized the need to evaluate a new technology before such results occur.
The Harvard Program on Technology and Society, The
Computer Science and Engineering Board of the National
Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences Committee on the Year 2000, and the Special
Program on Security and Privacy of the Business Equipment Manufacturers Association were commended for
their research into the effects of technology on society.
The Congressman recommended that one crucial task for
the proposed Select Committee would be to work with
these groups and to act as a clearing house for the public
for data developed by these groups and elsewhere.

Digitronics Users Association Conference held in New
York in mid-November. (Digitronics Corp., Albertson,
L. I., N. Y., is a pioneer company in the design and production of data accumulation and transmission equipment.) The Carterfone decision, handed down by the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 16 months
ago, ruled that equipment other than that manufactured
by the telephone companies could be bought by users and
(Please turn to page 62)

ly able to deliver the program he will probably
follow IBM's lead and charge you a use fee for the
program. Finally, if he should provide you with a
program today, what happens tomorrow or next week,
when the state of the art advances and better programs are developed?
The time-shared computer center manager, on the
other hand, does not have a built-in sale once he
signs a contract with a client. He must earn every
single dollar by providing his users with new capabilities and continuously improving software. He
must learn what tools his clients need to do their
jobs better, and then work his programmers feverishly to develop the programs.
In conclusion, I think the most interesting
argument in favor of the time-sharing terminal for
interactive problem-solving is provided by the
small computer itself. Many small computer users
now use time-sharing service centers who provide
programs which simulate the small computers on the
time-sharing terminal. These small computer users
develop the programs under time-sharing and then,
after the programs have been written and checked
out, run the production jobs on the small machine.
They have found that the job of program creation
can be done more conveniently using all the resources of a good time-sharing system. Having all
those lights, registers and keys of a small computer under one's immediate gaze may not have been
so exciting after alII
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969

Who's Who in Computers and Data Processing
Who's Who in Computers and Data Processing will
be published jointly (as an annual publication) by
The New York Times Book and Educational Division
and Computers and Automation. The fifth edition
is scheduled to be published in three volumes in
hard cover in early 1970, and will include upwards
of 8000 capsule biographies. The three volumes
Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3

Systems Analysts and Programmers
Data Processing Managers and Directors
Other Computer Professionals

Who's Who in Computers and Data Processing is
to be typeset by computer. As a result, it should
be possible to include new entries (and to mOdify
previous entries) CONTINUOUSLY -- especially since
Who's Who will be published periodically.
Consequently, if you have not yet sent us your
up-to-date filled-in Who's Who entry form, PLEASE
SEND IT TO US QUICKLY -- the chance is good that
your entry can be promptly included. Use the entry
form below, or a copy of it.

Following are sample capsule biographies which
will be published in the first annual edition of
Who's Who in Computers and Data Processing.
Special Abbreviations
b: born
A Applications
B Business
ed: education
C Construction
ent: entered computer
D Design
L Logic
m-i: main interests
Mg Management
t: title
Ma Mathematics
org: organization
P Programming
pb-h: publications, honors, memberships
Sa Sales
and other distinc- Sy Systems
h: home address
PAGEN, Dr. John / director - CAl project / b: 1926
/ ed: BS; MEd; EdD / ent: 1967 / m-i: A P Sy; computer assisted instruction / t: director - INDICOM
/ org: Waterford Township School District, 3101 W
Walton, Pontiac, MI 48055 / pb-h: AERA; Phi Delta
Kappa; MASA; AASA; reports on CAl / h: 463 Berrypatch, Pontiac, MI 48054
PALM, John N. / EDP management / b: 1938 / ed: BA,
math / ent: 1957, part time; 1960, full time /
m-i: P Sy; management of systems, programming,
operations, etc. as applied in solving retail problems / t: vice president, information systems /
org: Target Stores, Inc., 8700 W 36 St, Minneapolis, MN 55426 / pb-h: CDP, SPA / h: Route 1, Box
27, Wayzata, MN 55391
PALMER, Dennis W. / EDP mgr / b: 1937 / ed: 2 yrs
college / ent: 1959 / m-i: Mg P Sy / t: EDP mgr /
org: Protected Home Mutual Life Ins Co, 30 EState
St, Sharon, PA 16146 / pb-h: DPMA, SPA, CDP / h:
Rt 3, Box 700, Corland, OH 44410
PALMER, Fred E. / systems & programming / b: 1935 /
ed: 3 years college / ent: 1960 / m-i: A B P Sy /
t: manager of programming / org: Western Farmers
Association, 201 Elliott Ave W, Seattle, WA 98119
/ pb-h: CDP, DPMA / h: 19611 62nd NE, Seattle, WA
PAN, George S. / senior technical management / b:
1939 / ed: BSEE, Illinois, MSEE, Syracuse / ent:
1960 / m-i: A Mg Ma P Sy; simulation / t: director,
management sciences division / org: Interactive
Sciences Corp., 170 Forbes Rd, Braintree, MA 02184
/ pb-h: "Weighted File System Design Method", 1965
IBM National Systems Symposium, "Generalized File
Structure and Optimum Design Considerations", 5th
Nat'l Computer Conference of Canada / h: 5146 N
11th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85013

COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969

(may be copied on any piece of paper)



Name? (Please print).~~____________________
Home Address (with Zip)? ________________
Organization? ____~~~------------------It s Add re s s (w it h Zi P )'~ _______________
Your Ti tle?
Your Main I-n~t-e-re-s-t~?~-------------------)
( ) Mathematics
( ) Programming
( ) Sales
( ) Systems
( ) Other
(Please specify)
Year of Birth?~---~----------------

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---------------11. Publications, Honors, Memberships, and other
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12. Do you have access to a computer? ( )Yes ( )No
a. If yes, what kind of computer?
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d. Any remarks?
-----------13. In which volume or volumes of Who's Who do you
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Vol 1. Systems Analysts and Programmers
Vol 2. Data Processing Managers and Directors
Vol 3. Other Computer Professionals
14. Associates or friends who should be sent Who's
Who entry forms?
Name and Address

(attach paper if needed)
When completed, please send to:
Who's Who Editor, Computers and Automation,
815 Washington St., Newtonville, Mass. 02160


You're looking
at output
from the first
great product
A new non-impact communications and
computer printer that's so unique it makes
other high-speed printers old fashioned.

Our first product, the Path 1200.
Which works on a new but relatively simple electronic~optical
technique. And does away with
the things that cause trouble in
other printers. Like ion guns,
ink deflectors, cathode ray
tubes and special paper in nonimpact printers. And the hundreds of mechanical parts in
impact printers.

New Reliability
The Path 1200 is simple, lightweight and compact. Over 80% of
its parts are electronic. And
the few mechanical parts are
simple rotational drive mechanisms.

Speed and Quality
It's fast. Producing single copy
output at 1200 lines per minute.
The text you're reading now is

our output.

Enough said?

The Path 1200 is virtually noiseless.
In fact, we've built a
pleasant "hum" into it just so
you can tell when it's turned on.

New Economy
Because of its unique advanced
design, the Path 1200 costs much
less to buy than other printers.
And much less to run. On the average, about 75% less to buy.
And, while other printers cost
$30 to $75 a line, ours costs $6.
So why put up with old fashioned,
noisy, unreliable printers when
you can own the Path 1200 for
less? For more information write:
Path, 20 Beckley Ave., Stamford,
Conn. 06901. Or phone:(203) 3484245. Or you can see the Path
1200 at the FJCC - Booth 8601/2.

We find new ways to apply whats already known.
Designate No. 14 on Reader Service Card



Walter R. Anderson and Edward H. Sonn
IRA Systems
332 Second Ave.
Waltham, Mass.

"There are no comparable figures of merit for computer system architeoture, nor are there comparable figures of merit for software. How,
then, should a prospective customer evaluate minicomputers?"
There has been much discussion over minicomputers
revolutionizing the market for computers, from the viewpoint of both replacement of "hard-wired" logic systems
and opening up increased use of computers by new users
who could not economically afford to purchase or rent
computers in the past. The purpose of this article is to
present the thought processes which the authors believe to
be necessary in the selection of, minicomputers.

What is a "Mini"?
The definition of a "mini" has not been clearly established, but has generally been rather arbitrarily defined as
"a computer which sells for less than $20,000 in its basic
configuration". The value per dollar received should be the
key for selecting a "mini" for a given application.

As President of I RA Systems, Mr. Anderson directs the
management of the various design groups within the company. These groups are engaged in the design of computercentered systems for instrumentation, control, data processing, and display applications. He holds a B.S.E.E. and an A.B.
degree, and has completed an advanced course in logic
design at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Mr.
Anderson is presently the Editor of the Production Technology Newsletter. and is a member of IEEE and the EIA #TR-31
Committee on Numerical Control.


The "computer horsepower" of a "mini" varies from
manufacturer to manufacturer, so no agreed "figure of
merit" has been established to adequately define just what
a mini is. Generally speaking, however, a "mini" can at least
perform most simple arithmetic functions and has at least
some associated peripherals.
Most "mini" computers are priced low by virtue of the
fact that either large printed circuit boards are used for
low-cost production of the machine or little or no input/
output capability is provided. Typically, many mini's do
not have substantial software supplied with or even developed for the machine, hence, development costs are
lower, and these savings are passed on to the customer.
Minicomputers are characterized by providing many
customer-selected options; many times this may cause the
cost of the "mini" to be adjusted upwards subs.tantially.
Service, maintenance, training, and installation are
generally not included in the price of a typical minicomputer.

Edward H. Sonn is the Manager of Computer Applications
for I RA Systems. He holds the S.B. (E.E.l degree from the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the M.S. (E.E.)
degree from Columbia University. He directs the hardware
and software development of computer-based systems for

COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969

Computer Horsepower

Computer horsepower (CHP) may be defined as:
(amount of work per instruction)

(number of instructions per second)
where the amount of work done per instruction is determined by:

instruction set and fixed paging. A bench-mark subroutine
program would be useful in th is evaluation.
The computer memory must be large enough to hold the
program and the data. The data storage requirements are
usually independent of the computer. The program storage
requirements are determined by the algorithm and the
particular computer selected. If you are estimating requirements, be sure to use a generous safety factor.

1. The size and organization of the instruction set,

2. The flexibility of addressing and indexing modes,
3. The input/output structure of the machine.
and the number of instructions per second is determined
1. Memory cycle time of the machine,
2. Execution time for instructions, and
3. The extent to which the processor must share
memory with devices having direct memory


The most exciting feature of the minicomputer is that it
can be used to control a wide variety of devices; this may
be the reason you desire to purchase one. The prospective
purchaser should determine what interfaces are available
and what compatible packages are available for housing the
logic required in special-purpose interfaces. If you must
design your own interface, be sure to check on the
availability of a well-documented interface manual.

Evaluation of Computers

Input/Output Features

One of the "safest" ways to justify the selection of a
"mini" for use in your product line or for use in your
automated process is to point to the numerous surveys in
the field by "experts" and pick the processor as a result of
the surveys.
What the surveys often do not tell you is probably more
important than what they do tell you - strange as that may
seem. No figure-of-merit criterion has Qeen developed for
the computers or stored-program controllers mentioned in
most surveys. No mention is made of financial stability of
the company or the probability that the company offering
the "mini" will exist during the period vital to the product
Surveys usually list items which may be compared
quantitatively, such as memory cycle time. They also
comment on the availability of assemblers and compilers
and various hardware options. The figures which are given
are not comparable from machine to machine because of
differences in architecture. There are no figures of merit for
computer system architecture, nor are there figures of merit
for software.
How, then, should the prospective customer evaluate
competitive minicomputers?

Computers that do things with the outside world usually
require a great deal of software to deal with input/output.
In most systems the computational function is the most
straightforward part of the entire program. The input/output and interrupt service modes of a 'Computer should be
examined closely to determine the effect on software.
Some computers require that interrupts be sorted out by
software or that all input/output pass through the accumulator, creating additional overhead, unless expensive direct
memory access options are purchased. Computers of more
advanced design sort interrupts by transferring control to a
unique memory location for each interrupt. Such computers also feature input/output directly to memory, either
under program control or with direct memory control.

Read-Only Memory

The sophisticated user having a special-purpose application with large quantity sales potential may be interested in
exploring the use of a special-purpose instruction set. This
is practical in a computer equipped with a read-only
memory (ROM). ROM offers advantages in both effective
speed and core memory.

Measuring Speed

Speed is often used as a yardstick of computer performance. The best criterion is effective speed, which combines instruction power and time for execution. Instruction
power is influenced by: number and types of instructions;
addressing modes; indirect address capability; indexing;
interrupt servicing; and input/output facilities. The best
way to evaluate the effective speed of a computer is
through the use of a bench-mark subroutine which is
representative of the most stringent requirements of the
proposed application. The bench-mark subroutine should
be programmed by someone familiar with the computer
being evaluated.

The Importance of Peripherals

In many minicomputer systems the central processor is
only a small part of the entire system. The selection of a
computer should therefore be based also on the availability
of the required peripherals with driver software fully
integrated into the computer's operating system software.
The user will find that some of the independent
peripheral manufacturers have already developed interfaces
for their products to some of the more popular computers.
One should determine the extent of software support for
these independent-supplied periphemls.

Another Measure of Efficiency

Core memory economy is another useful yardstick with
which to evaluate the power of a computer. A computer
having a good selection of instructions combined with a
page-free addressing scheme requires fewer instructions to
accomplish a given task; thus it executes instructions faster
and with less core than a computer having a limited
COMPUTERS and AUTOMA nON for December, 1969

Construction and Maintainability

Today, all computer manufacturers use integrated circuits supplied by the semiconductor iridustry. The difference between computers is mainly packaging. Large circuit
boards can make the cost of spares very high; also they may

make the problem of locating a defective component more
difficult than need be.
If you intend to do your own maintenance, investigate
the documentation and training which is available to you.
Find out if any special test equipment is needed and if it is
available at a reasonable cost.
If you must rely on the manufacturer for maintenance,
be sure to find out what response time to expect from his
field office.

Software Evaluation
If the user intends to do a reasonable amount of
programming, it is very important that he evaluate the
available software very carefully. Some common software
packages are listed here with some points to check:

user of all syntax errors. An operation mode in which only
error lines are listed saves much time on basic machines.

What types of expressions are allowed? - Expressions
for expressing data values and addresses are very useful if
the values change from assembly to assembly. Basic assemblers usually limit expressions to the use of the addition
and subtraction operators; more advanced assemblers permit multiplication, division, logical and relational (greater
than, equal, etc.) operators.
Are conditional assembly pseudo-ops available? - The
capability of determining which lines will be assembled by
evaluating an expression saves much programming time. It
i~ possible to write a large prototype program which
handles a large class of problems and then customize it by
setting control variables. The result is a program which is
only as large as is necessary to do the immediate task.

Is it possible to produce relocatable code? - Relocatable
code can reduce assembly time because subroutines need
not be assembled every time they are used, nor is it
necessary to always locate routines at fixed origins.

What features are available and what are the configuration requirements for each? - A macro assembler requiring
8K of core is useless if you purchase a 4K machine.
Is the assembler device independent? - If you intend to
purchase high-performance peripherals, determine whether
they can be used with the standard software.

Is an assembler available which may be run on a
large-scale machine? - The availability of an assembler for a
large-scale machine can make life a lot more pleasant, if a
large amount of programmi ng must be done without h ighperformance peripherals.
Is there a macro capability? - Macro's are very useful if
you intend to develop an assembler tailored to a specific
appl,ication j such as electronic testing.
How many passes are required for assembly? - The
important point to consider here is the number of times
that the source tape must be passed in order to produce a
listing and an object tape. Some systems require three
passes with basic equipment. One-pass assemblers, while
gaining speed in assembly, leave much to be resolved by the
loader and, therefore, use many indirect addresses.
What pseudo-ops are available? - Pseudo-ops are directives to the assembler. They increase the usefulness and
flexibility of the assembler.
Are literals permitted? - Literals provide a convenient
method for defining constants and make a program easier
to follow.
What forms of number conversion are available? - Most
assemblers allow for the conversion of decimal integers. The
conversion of mixed decimal and floating point numbers is
usually restricted to machines having more than 4096
, words of core. If the basic assembler does not have these
conversions, check on the availability of a stand-alone
conversion program for this purpose.
Is the object code compatible with Fortran? - Compatible object code permits intermi xing Fortran and assembly
language programs, which communicate through the use of
the COMMON pseudo-op.
How large a program can be assembled? - The limit on
how large a program the assembler can handle is determined
by the room available for the symbol table.
Is a concordance provided? - A concordance is a list of
the symbols used in a program with the address assigned
and the identification of the program I ines that refer to the
symbol. This feature is usually not available in 4K assemblers.
What syntax error detection is available? - It is important that the assembler be able to detect and inform the

Fortran Compiler
What type of Fortran is it? - There are two accepted
versions which are identified as BASI C Fortran (USA
Standard 3.10-1966) and STANDARD Fortran (USA
Standard 3.9-1966) which is also called Fortran IV. There is
also Fortran II, but it is not completely interchangeable
with Fortran I V.

How efficient is the output code? - On a small computer one is usually interested in the running time and core
required for the program rather than the compiling time.
Efficient code generation can decrease running time by
almost 50%.
Is it possible to get an assembly listing of the code
generated? - The usefulness of the compiler for real-time
use is enhanced if the user can obtain a listing of the code.

I s the object code compatible with assembly
language? - Intermixing of Fortran and Assembly language
routines is very useful.

Subroutine Library

What functions are supplied?
What is the execution ti me?
What are the core requirements?
Have the routines been verified?
Are the algorithms described?

Utility Routines
Are the following available?
Media Copy?
File Maintenance?

Maintenance Programs

What programs are available and how well
documented are they?
• What devices must be operational for the execution
of each?

There is no single "right" decision in selecting a computer for a system or systems. Any number of machines can
be used to fulfill a given need. In one-of-a-kind systems the
optimum choice is usually that which can be integrated into
a working system with the least expenditure of time and
effort. The time and effort required depend greatly on the
software and hardware support from the computer vendor.

COMPUTERS and AUTOMA nON for December, 1969

CalComp puts the sun out
in 3:1 minutes flat.
It's not doomsday, exactly, but
What's more, CalComp microit's almost as weird.
film drawings can be viewed sepaWhat you're looking at is a rately, like ink and paper drawings.
drawing of what a radio telescope
Or in sequence for time-lapse
sees when it looks at the sun.
motion picture studies.
A computer-controlled CalCalComp is the leader in comComp 835 plotter drew it on micro- puter graphics.
film for The Aerospace Corporation
With sales, service and softin Los Angeles.
ware in 34 cities. And
The people at Aerospace need the greatest variety of
a large quantity of sun complexion plotters in the world.
maps like this one for their study of
Including compact
the sun's radio burst mechanism.
drum plotters. Giant
And by using our 835 plotter,' flatbed plotters. And in
they get them fast.
our 800 series, plotters
In fact, the 835 can draw at a that draw not only on
rate of 100,000 plot increments a microfilm, but on microsecond. Because it draws with film and paper.
modulated light. On microfilm.
So if you have a computer that
(With a choice of five fully auto- can't draw, call your nearest Calmatic microfilm camera options.)
Comp man today.
Designate No. 35 on Reader Service Card

He can help you with just about
any graphic problem under the sun.
Including the sun.

&.88(;) • •
California Computer Products, Inc.
Oept.A-12. 305 N. Muller Avenue
Anaheim, California 92803

Allen Z. Kluchman
Data General Corp.
Route 9
Southboro, Mass. 01772
They have been nicknamed minicomputers and it's no
secret that they are creating the fastest growi ng market for
computer mainframes. Dozens of new machines have been
announced in the past year and in the next 12 months each
of the five largest producers will deliver more than 1,000
units. One of these large producers, Data General Corporation, is less than two years old.
The machines that are the object of all the interest are
nothing more than small-scale general-purpose computers.
They perform the same kinds of arithmetic and logic, work
with the same kinds of computer peripherals, and use the
same kinds of computer languages as traditional computers.
The minicomputers unique position comes from the fact
that they are the least expensive form of general purpose
computer, and that they are growing to be the most

In the Beginning
The first extensive use of very small-scale general-purpose computers grew out of the demand from instrumentation engineers who were building military aerospace
systems or working in research laboratories. They encouraged the development of the small computers which would
be used as a more economical alternative to special purpose
automatic control systems. These small computer systems
depended on the use of emerging data from complex
instrumentation, but were programmed primarily for control functions. These instrumentation markets for small
computers grew quite naturally to include on-line manufacturing control, such as process control in the chemical field
and the numerical control of machine tools.
These control fields are still a major part of the minicomputer market, and this market is growing rapidly.
Whereas the first small computers were custom tailored to
each application, there is a growing number of standard
scientific instrumentation and industrial control products in
which minicomputers are built in as automatic control
dev.ices. These minicomputer-based systems include such
diverse products as automated drafting machines, computer-based laboratory instruments and milling machines.

Data Processing Capabilities
Allen Z. Kluchman is the Director of Marketing for Data
General Corporation. His responsibilities include market planning and market services for the company. He was previously
the Director of Advertising and Sales Promotion at Digital
Equipment Corporation. He has been involved in the minicomputer field since its beginnings. He holds a B.A. degree
from the University of California at Los Angeles.


But something else is happening, too. The data processing capabilities of small-scale general purpose computers are
being discovered. These computers are being used in open
shop time sharing applications, in educational applications,
in dedicated calculation applications, and for computeraided design. In part, these new applications for minicomputers are developing simply because the minicomputers are
becoming a more visible alternative to other sorts of
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969

"Computer power now conIes in a new standard size. In the next 12
lnonths each of the five largest producers of minicomputers will deliver
more than 1000 units.))
Data Communications
It was natural development to expand use of minicomputers beyond traditional control applications into the data
communications field. In these systems, minicomputers are
used as specialized control devices for message switching
and message concentration to improving the efficiency of
real time sharing networks. The next step was to extend the
use of minicomputers to become a free standing element
within large multi-computer networks. In these networks,
minicomputers are used as sophisticated terminals. Not
only do they collect and send data, but they also perform
small-scale data processing. The next step is evident. The
distance from small data processing terminal to small-scale
free-standing data processing is short. A variety of data
processing packages are being developed. The mi nicomputer
is becoming truly general purpose.
A New Style Computer Network
An example of the natural extension of minicomputers
from control to data handling applications can be seen in a
new style computer network such as the transcontinental
time-sharing system being established by Computel Systems
Ltd. of Canada. Computel has two large scale UNIVAC

1108 computers and an IBM 360/65. To these they have
added a group of minicomputers manufactured by Data
General Corporation.
Computel sells data processing capabilities as an extension of the existing in-house data processing facil ities of
their customers. Computel uses three minicomputers in
front of each of their large computers. The minicomputers
will be used to collect data sent in to Computel by
customers allover Canada via telephone lines. The small
computers will not only save money on valuable central
processor and memory time on the large computers, but
they will save money on the phone bill as well. Whereas
large computers used alone would require one phone line
per device per customer, each small computer handles up to
six high-capacity customer devices on a single line. Computel will also make minicomputers available to its customers to be used at the terminal end of the network for
peripheral processing, and to save on data communications
Major minicomputer manufacturers can afford to support new markets with application products. For example,
each of the major minicomputer manufacturers has developed time sharing systems built around their computers.
These time sharing packages extend the basic price/performance features of minicomputers into broadening
Minicomputer Middlemen
But perhaps the most important reason for the growth
of minicomputers into new applications areas has been the
development of a group of minicomputer middlemen whose
business is to take the minicomputers that others manufacture and apply them to new areas. Aggressive new compan ies have started whose entire business plan is based on
the minicomputers' improvement in price/performance over
the way a job has been done before.
A few examples will illustrate the contribution that
these middlemen are making in the application of minicomputers to new areas.
A System for Schools

A complete sixteen bit word x 4096 memory on a single 15-inch
square circuit board.
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969

Educational Data Systems (E OS), Newport Beach, California, has designed computing systems specifically for the
secondary school curriculum. They not only provide the
necessary hardware and software, but they also provide an
extensive library of instructions materials. Furthermore, the
company assists schools to plan and implement a complete
educational computing program including instructional
a?plications for teacher training and administrative applications. The EDS series of systems is designed around Data
General Corporation's Nova computer, and provides time
sharing to schools at a fraction of commercial time sharing


A minicomputer in a typical rack-mounted configuration in a control application.

service. Whereas the cost from commercial sources would
range from $5 to $10 per terminal hour, the cost of the
minicomputer time shared system is about $1 per termi nal
hour, including all terminal and communications costs. The
EDS systems use the BASIC language developed at Dartmouth as its primary software package. But the company
also has a time sharing calculator package designed to
provide students on this machine easier access to a computer.

Another example of the use of minicomputers in noncontrol applications is the system developed by Industrial
Computer Laboratories, Inc., a Division of Information
Technology and Systems Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah. This
system, used for warehousing applications, consists of a
series of free-standing minicomputer systems which are
used as terminals to large-scale computers. Each free-standing remote minicomputer system is tailored to a particular
warehouse situation, and each is designed to be used by
unsophisticated warehouse personnel. The small computer
is programmed to operate in a question and answer mode.
The computer presents the series of questions and warehouse personnel check off the correct answers. The on-site
minicomputers avoid using expensive data communications
facilities for routine man/machine interaction. They also
perform certain data processing, such as inventory control,
payroll, etc., on-site at the warehouse.
When the on-site computation is done at the warehouse,
the minicomputer terminals condense the data and send

relevant information over telephone lines to the corporation's central facility and large-scale computer for further
data processing and for management information.
Small control terminals are a network such as the one
I nternational Computer Laboratories has designed for a
major retail operation to allow the retailer to take advantage of a party line telephone cost and reduce the number
of telephone lines required. In this instance, it was possible
to cut the telephone bill from a potential $10,000 per
month to $1200 per month. Just as important, the retail
warehouse network was designed around existing manufacturer production. Thus every computer in the network acts
as a translator between the individual warehouse department and the machine's central processor.
In each ·of these examples, the potential of the smal~­
scale general-purpose computer has been applied to an area
in which the middleman has extensive experience. In each
case a complete packaged solution was developed to extend
the use of minicomputers to areas in which they were
For the Future

What does the expanding use of minicomputer mean to
the computer user and to the world at large? Basically, it
means that computer power now comes in a new standard
size. Because there are many, many uses for a computer
that can justify no size of computer other than a mini,
minis will extend the use of computers. This extensive use
will make computers more accessible-and better understood-tools. Computers will become more common.
COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969


We may have helped, because we've been recording computer outputs on film since 1964. State of the art today is our FR-80 Computer
Output Microfilm Recorder - a data processing oriented system
that produces higher quality images than any C.O.M. system
in the world.
What does "data processing oriented" mean? What does "quality"
Data processing oriented in the FR-80 means you plug it in, load
your mag tape, and record. No special programming. No elaborate
procedures. FR-80s are usually recording customer data less than 4
hours after uncrating. FR-80 is already programmed, and it accepts
tape formatted for any output device, from any host computer.
Quality in the FR-80 means reduction up to 60x on 16mm film with
resolution that yields book-quality characters on printing plates.
Business graphs and drawings are equally sharp. And forms are
perfectly registered with their contents. It also means around the
clock performance without adjustments.
But the best thing about the FR-80 is its flexibility and responsiveness to varying requirements without mechanical or software
changes. Just about everything is controlled at the keyboard.
Turn-around time is measured in moments.
FR-80 sounds too good to be true. But remember, we're delivering
the results of 5 years of hardware and software development. Let
us send you the complete story. Or call us: 213-478-2571.
Information International, 12435 West Olympic Boulevard, Los
Angeles, California 90064, (213) 478-2571; 89 Brighton Avenue,
Boston, Massachusetts 02134, (617) 787-4700; 7880 Coolridge
Drive, Camp Springs, Maryland 20031, (301) 449-4248.


Designate No. 16 on Reader Service Card

C.O.M. has come a long way

Dr. Karl Hinrichs
Lockheed Electronics Co.
6201 E. Randolph St.
Los Angeles, Calif. 90022

The potential for improved products at lower unit cost
by automation and computerization is very well known,
but the implementation is still in its infancy. The recent
and continuing development of minicomputers (high speed
and competent machines selling for less than $20K) will
provide a very rapid acceleration in industrial automation.

Cost Breakthrough
The inertia that has kept us from full automation in the
past is rapidly vanishing because of the dramatic economies
provided by minicomputer systems. You can rent a competent minicomputer on a 40-hour week basis for approximately $1.80 an hour. This is truly a breakthrough which
was difficult to predict a few years ago.
In terms of purchase price, a 16-bit competent computer
with Teletype, high speed paper tape punch and reader, and
four hardware interrupts was priced at well over $100K five
or six years ago. This same power-except several times
faster-is available today at one-tenth the price.

The rapidly expanding market for minicomputers is
producing a snowball effect in industry: the more production, the lower the cost and price; the more applications, the larger the program libraries available for new uses;
the wider the variety of customers, the broader the variety
of peripherals available.
The large, centralized computer (" max icomputer") will
not vanish from the typical industrial plant, but wi II be
augmented by many dedicated minicomputer installations.
Some of these minicomputers will be connected to the
maxicomputer, forming a hierarchial memory and computer system.
Tolerances in industry continue to decrease. Step-andrepeat operations are becoming much more common. Digital control of mach inery is an accelerated trend. I n all these
applications, computer automation offers distinct advantages over manual techniques. Computers are wonderful for
routine functions, since they do not get bored with the
most tedious of tasks or strained by high precision work.

A Three-Way Choice for Automation
A three-way choice is available for automation. A dedicated minicomputer system may be purchased or leased to
solve specific functional requirements. A computer terminal
may be obtained for interaction with a maxicomputer at



....._ _ _ _. . .










Dr. Hinrichs is the Director of Engineering for the Data
Products Division of Lockheed Electronics Company. He is
responsible for all of the engineering activities of the
Division, including research and development, new product
planning, all product design and engineering, customer liaison, and technical contacts. He received his B.S. in Electrical
Engineering from Swarthmore College in 1945; his Master if
Science from Harvard in 1947; and his Ph.D. in Electrical
Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley in
1955. Dr. Hinrichs has published five technical papers and
holds 14 patents. He is a member of IEEE, ISA, and several
other technical organizations.





OPERATIONS . , 0 0 c»











Figure 1.

COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969

"How do you decide when to use a minicomputer? If a process is relatively isolated frorn the data sources used by the remainder of the
plant, if it is a job that is prone to change, if the solution is needed
rapidly, if it involves high input/output rates, if it involves manmachine interaction-then you should use a minicomputer."
some remote site. A centralized maxicomputer can often be
employed for automation, with inputs provided by specialpurpose remote devices or batch tapes and cards.
Today's typical industrial plant has a maxicomputer
which serves all segments of the plant as illustrated in
Figure 1. The Table 1 lists associated applications. The' first
item, batch processing, is one where minicomputers usually
cannot compete with centralized maxicomputers. Despite
the high initial cost of the centralized maxicomputer, its
greater flexibility, memory storage, span of peripherals, and
program library offer a more economic solution to batch
processing' than that which can be obtained with today's
minicomputers. Accounting ledgers,. payroll, timekeePing,
charge allocation, P/L analyses and reports, order entry,
marketing records, and personnel· records are all typical
industrial fUl'lctions economically performed by the centralized computer. A very large and valuable library of software
programs has· been developed for these functions, usually
with: specific adaptations for individual. plants .. Most of
these essential records and reports need large amounts of
memory. verY' extensive program I ibrar.ies, and a wide span
of peripherals. Except for new and small industries, minicompu.ters will not compete in the near future.
I nventory Counting

Inventory counting is a little different from batch
processing. Historically, it has been a batch record-keeping
function; but we are more and more concerned with
virtually real-time control of inventory and purchasing. We
would like to see a system in which Purchasing, Stock

Batch Processing and Records


Inventory Accounting


Production Plan and Control


Process Control


Product Testing


Release and Engineering Control


Cost Estimating


Drafting and Printed Circuit Layout


Engineering Design

Room, and Receiving I nspection are inexpensively interconnected with inputs from Engineering (Bill of Materials) and
Manufacturing (kit scheduling). The minicomputer (particularly one of the larger and more powerful types) competes well in many cases with the centralized facility, since
it does not require a large peripheral investment, can be
easily relocated, and permits ready entry of data and
Production planning and control is also an area where
minicomputers often provide economies compared with
maxicomputers. Production planning and control, work-inprocess reports, exception reporting, station reporting,. and
other nearly-real-time manufacturing information services
can often be efficiently provided by ded icated mi n icomputer systems.

Process' Control
Process control is the classical area for minicomputer
application; and the current industry obtained its impetus
from this field .. Special-purpose computers have been used
in processes for over 20 years. The early systems for data
acquisition and control used both digital and analog computers. The economics of scale are swinging the processcontrol automation towards purely digital computers. Our
large, complex and intertwined processes in many industrial
plants wou Id appear to recommend a maxicomputer installation to simultaneously assess and compute all parts of the
control process. This grandiose concept is analogous to the
universal plant Data Base. Realistically, however, there are
many unknowns in the interaction between processes in
total plant control; and a hierarchy of control is employed
with many minicomputers and special-purpose controllers.
A maxicomputer is sometimes used for centralized surveillance. For functions which are extremely well known,
the minicomputer does not compete with the specialized
controller. Most processes using direct digital control, however,. involve functions not presently well defined or optimized. A minicomputer can be used for optimization study
as well as fixed-program control. A minicomputer controller is also an excellent record keeper Clnd performance
analY/er. If the process is sllsceptible to irnprovement by
the incorporation of Clddi tional loops, additional sensors,
new outputs, or other modifications, a minicomputer may
be the most economical answer to process automation.
Product Testing

Table l.
COMPUTERS and' AUTOMATION for December., 1969

Product testing is also a classical area for the use of
minicomputers. In the past, economics have dictated the
use of special-purpose machines. Now the lower cost of
min icomputers permits a vast increase in flexibi lity at low

cost. This market is increasing tremendously in response to
the testing requirements for more sophisticated products
with tighter tolerances and more stringent requirements for
proof of reliability and performance. One of these
products, of course, is the minicomputer itself. The proof
of performance of a minicomputer requires a high degree of
automation for economical testing. In contrast with the
applications for which the centralized computer is optimal,
here the programming is minimal, few general-purpose
peripherals are used, and the I/O requirements are high.
Although the product testing routine does not require
much flexibility, a tester must be readily modified on a
day-to-day or month-to-month basis. Therefore, the general-purpose minicomputer usually out-performs the specialpurpose or harGl-wired test-device controller.
Engineering release and control has received a lot of
attention but little actual use of computers, except in the
very largest industrial installations. The availabil ity of inexpensive minicomputers and the rapidly growing libraries of
software will readily invade the engineering control area.
The requirement for a very large data bank (perhaps with
extensive parts specifications, vendor records, and simi lar
files) can often justify the use of Teletype stations, CRT
displays, and a centralized data bank.
Cost Estimating

Engineering and manufacturing jointly share costestimating functions in a typical industry. It is surprising to
find a small extent of computer invasion in this function
today. Perhaps company management is lax in forcing a
marriage between the estimating staff (who do not know
computer programming) and the centralized programming
staff (who are often unaware of the amount of estimating
under way). The situation should change radically when it
is realized how efficient minicomputers with CRT and TTY
can be, in assisting the cost estimating process. Time-sharing
systems are also logical contenders for estimating service,
although many companies will not permit their company's
price files to be located outside company premises, for
security reasons.
Engineering Design

Engineering design is the classical area for time-sharing
service use. For very large plants, their central ized maxicomputer can be used with remote terminals. We are all
familiar with the advantages of computer-aided circuit
design (ECAP and similar programs). There are many other
important engineering functions which can be improved
and cost-reduced by utilizing computer assistance. The
minicomputer has definite advantages for use with graphic
terminals in design functions requiring intensive manmachine interaction.
Choosing the "Right" Computer

How do you decide when to use a minicomputer, a
maxicomputer, a time-sharing service, or no computer at
all? The return-on-investment factors are usually straightforward. If the job is a complex one involving large banks
of data, if it involves interaction with the data from many
physically separated plant functions, if it can be done on a
batch (non-real-time) basis, if it does not require manmachine interaction, if it can be interrupted, if it utilizes
extensive programs and employs a lot of peripherals - then
the centralized maxicomputer batch-processing system is
the obvious solutions and can be justified by a standard
cost comparison.
However, if the process is relatively isolated from the
data sources used by the remainder of the plant, if it is a


job that is prone to change, if the solution is needed
rapidly, if it involves high I/O rates, if it involves manmachine interaction, then we would want to use a dedicated minicomputer. A graphic CRT design terminal is an
excellent example.
There are many industrial functions which defy computerization. Creative and intelligent human beings are also
required, since you cannot buy hardware and build software to solve an undefined problem. Some urgent requirements of industry change faster than our ability to program
machines. If you have a product which changes completely
in six months, computerization is ill-advised. There are
many classical examples of large investments in automation
for processes which human ingenuity has obsoleted.
Examples of industrial functions which minicomputers
should dominate by the end of the 1970's are: drafting,
electrical and mechanical design, printed circuit layout,
numerical control tape production, template production,
data acquisition, component and system testing, and process control.
The I mpact of Minicomputers

The impact of minicomputer automation wi II be truly
remarkable in the next decade. We are apt to ignore the
magnitude of change because we are watching it every day,
and progress often seems slow. Drawing back for a longerrange look, however, we can readily detect some very
sign ificant impacts on industry.
The first effect, common to all improvements and
efficiency, is less raw-labor content in our products.
Economics cannot be denied, and we will obtain a larger
production of lower-cost products with a more skilled labor
force. The proliferation of minicomputers and minicomputer systems will result in a very sharp increase in
trained personnel: a new class of technicians or "miniprogrammers". One of today's critical industrial shortages is
that of skilled programmers. The intimate working experience of the hourly working force with small dedicated
computer systems will enrich our technical labor base.
Although much of the training and resultant skills will be
very specific, it is a valuable background for more general
programming education and in any event wi II free our
professional programming staff from much of today's
necessary routine.
The product cost reductions predicted will be particularly noticeable for complex products such as electronic
instruments. Minicomputers, therefore, will continue to
decrease the ratio of price to performance, both from
increased volume and increased manufacturing automation.
The lower prices will produce an avalanche effect not only
in industrial applications, but in computer use in virtually
all spheres of human activity.
It will be a big boost to small business. It will be possible
for small businesses to compete with large companies in
complex electronics because a minicomputer system wi II
provide them with almost all of the functions, if not the
efficiency per second, as the large companies obtain from
their combination of minicomputer systems and centralized
maxicomputer. Software libraries are the hold-up today,
but tomorrow that will not be true. Minicomputers will be
equipped with business systems and batch processors
w~ich, although perhaps not as cost-effective per dollar,
will nevertheless provide small businesses with the ability to
have a full set of features that the large company now
The wide application of minicomputers and computer
systems will generate valuable additions to the United
States' technological base in new products, new programs,
technological training, and new computer system applications.
COMPUTERS and AUTOMA nON for December, 1969


Sangamo keyboard-to-tape Data Stations are the
easiest to learn and operate. Thanks to alpha-numeric display, there are no Octal or EBCDIC codes
to learn. Electronics are 400% faster than similar
equipment. Doubles as a verifier; magnetic core
memory allows fast, easy correction of operatorsensed errors. Human engineered for greater oper-

ator comfort and efficiency; tape threading takes
mere seconds. There's more desk-top work space,
more leg room. Memory display is in line with keyboard-no head turning. Operates more quietly,
and operators appreciate the personal belongings
drawer. Now being delivered in two series: 05-7000
and 05-9000. Demonstration? Call or write:

Information Systems Division, SANGAMO ELECTRIC CO., Springfield, Illinois 62708
Designate No. 25 on Reader Service Card

M. A. Shah and W. H. Stieger
Chase Brass and Copper Co.
University Circle Research Center
11000 Cedar Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio 44106

Dr. W. Kipiniak
Computer Inquiry Systems, Inc.
Fort Lee, Virginia


((Although programming and system implementation require a
skilled staff) once a control system using mini-computers is runnzng)
it is so reliable and simple to use that no regular computer staff is
I n recent years, scientists have used small computers as a
versatile research tool for automatic control of experiments
and data acquisition. At the Casting Laboratory of the
Chase Brass and Copper Company, a mini-computer-the
Hewlett Packard 2116B-is working in a system which, in a
fully automatic fashion, performs thermodynamic and
kinetic measurements in metallurgical systems over a wide
temperature range.
I n these experiments, control as well as data acquisition
are well-defined procedures to be repeated a large number
of times. The use of a computer results in increased
research productivity and reproducibility of measurements.
The very high computational speed of today's computers
makes possible the automatic and nearly immediate display
of results of such experiments. The time of the experimenter is released for experimental planning and analysis of
results. The operating costs are well below those associated
with continuous human monitoring of such experiments.




main memory space and computation time. While some
manufacturers of small computers offer basic FORTRAN
and ALGOL compilers, it is often necessary to use an
assembly language to fit all the programming into the
computer memory.

Automatic Data Acquisition and Experiment Control




Why a Mini-Computer?
"The works in a drawer", as a recent television advertisement tells us, indicates the reduced size and modularity of integrated circuits and the cleverness of modern
circuit designers. Their advances have measurably improved
the versatility and reduced the cost of computing equipment. Furthermore, current designs incorporate universal
input/output interface cards which allow the connection of
external instruments and other devices to the computer.
This makes implementation of real-time, on-line applications significantly easier.
Application software design and programming for data
acquisition with a small computer presents a challenging
problem in data manipulation. It is usually necessary to
reduce the output records to minimum size to conserve

Mr. Shah is a leading computer analyst with the Information and Communications Services Division of Chase Brass
and Copper Co.
Mr. Stieger is the Acting Manager of the Information and
Communications Services Division of that same company.
Dr. Kipiniak is currently the president of Computer
Inquiry Systems, Inc. He was formerly associated with Digital
Applications, Inc., the company in charge of dev~loping the
system described in this article.



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0% 1~!0 < (5 TV I T14 P 44 14% S > 6 17 -+GETSY TI PEFl< 1YI 13 D 6 S > (5 1YI T13 51 'NI T4 11 10! 0 ? 6 S > 6 RNABLU:l %TIM 0% 1~ 0% 14 TEO) 4 CEl-{ 10 > 5 F\JJ 15 J (5 AKG 1 TECO 11 USP 12 EF C (5 (5 16 RJL TVI T12 20 CHESS 12)! 0 1 14 lSR MEM: 275 USR TIM: 21 % 44 it and the human being during an interactive session. 15. Forgetting. It can forget (or erase) when instructed to. 16. Asking Questions. It can ask questions appropriately. 17. Accepti ng Answers. I t can accept a wi de variety (but not an unlimited variety) of answers to the questions it asks. 18. Accepting Questions. It can accept questions (in a limited way). 19. Supplying Answers. It can supply answers to any of these questions (if the answers can be computed). 20. Accepting Commands. It can accept a wide variety of commands from the human being, and execute them. 21. Responding to Actions. It can respond to a wide variety of actions by the human being. 22. Help_. It can offer to help, and it can provide help. II. Its Emotional Behavior : PEEK srIME ZtZ tZ 1'2: S1 MESSAGE FROM rws HACTRN 22 :00: 55" ID" =2:02:27 tDUTIM: 6 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 4% 0% 1% 0% 1. Patience. It can be inexhaustibly patient. 2. Calmness. It never gets angry or disgusted. It never displays a bad temper (unless so programmed). 3. Strength. It never gets tired or weary, no matter how late the hour or how prolonged the session. 4. Politeness. It can be unfailingly polite and courteous. 5. Adaptability. It can adjust its mode of presentation to the choices and the record of behavior of the human being. 6. Friendliness. It can be friendly. 7. Sympathy. It can be sympathetic. Example: Dr. J. Weizenbaum's program Eliza. 8. Humor. It can crack jokes. III. Common Acceptable Responses from the Human Being 1.. "Yes." True. (OK, check mark, T, 1) 2. "No." False. (Not OK, X, F, 0) 3. "1 don't know." No knowledge how to answer that question. 4. "It depends." Sometimes yes and sometimes no. Both yes and no. 5. A Multiple Choice. Selection among multiple choices. 6. A Number. Typed. 7. A Word. Typed. 8. Quit. I'm tired; I want to stop; I quit. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969 Playing three moves of chess with the interactive computer, which is using the Greenblatt program. : (}iESS 4-PB ClOCK STARTED PK4 4-B P/}(2-K4 0.2 IN ".0 II) VIR WN I.vB WK WQ WE WN WR WP VIP WP -- WP WP WP VIP -- ** -- ** ** \II? ** -- ** .. - **-- **-- BP -- ** ** **JP BP -- ** -** -** BP ** B? BP BP BP 10. Help. Please help me; I don't understand; give me a hint. 11. More Help. Please give me some more help; another hint. 12. Answer. I give up-what is the right answer? 13. Reasons. Why? How come? How do you get that result? Please state your reasoning. 14. Score. What is my score so far? How many right, how many wrong, so far? 15. Shut Up. Oh, shut up. Stop talking. I know what you are going to say, and I am not interested. 16. New Topic. I'm tired of this topic. Let's go on to the next topic. 17. LOG OUT. I wish to stop. V. Common Facilities for Preparing and Editing Commands to the Computer -- ** -- ** ER BN BB BK BQ BB BN BR ? N 1<83 4-8 N/KNl-1 BP B? ER - .. BK A. Short Commands 1. One Character Correction. Delete the character at the current location, and space backwards one space. 2. Entire Line Deletion. Delete the entire line of characters at the current location. 3. Go. Command is complete, and seems accurate. Execute it. Two examples of interacting with a program for arithmetic drill. The computer poses a set of ten arithmetic drill problems, and reports the number of seconds for the teletype user to respond with the right answer. CLRFAD US roN) CDSK EF) tQ 10. 121 • T ? (+ - X II) tTNS 1'V(RltJ) 5X3:15 6 P Q3? 3 )(9:27 4 5-3:2 3 9Xl =9 4 9+5=14 3 P bR3 IV. Common Acceptable Commands from the Human Being 1. LOG IN. I wish to begin. 2. Definition. Please define .... What is .... ? Please explain .... 3. More Definition. Please say that in other words; please define further. 4. Example. Please illustrate; please give me an example; for instance? 5. Another Example. Please give me another illustration; another example. 6. Problem. Give me a problem; give me a test; give me an exercise to see if I have the right idea. 7. Another Problem. Give me another problem; a second test; a second exercise. 8. Fast. You are too fast for me; go more slowly, please. Don't rush me. I would like some more time. I want to think a bit. 9. Slow. You are too slow for me; go faster, please. COMPUTERS ann AUTOMATION for De,ember, 1969 0+3:3 4X8:32 15/5::.3 7-4:.3 4-1 =3 THANKS 2 2 2 2 1 (RUN? 6 871 '(X)) 5X4:2" 3 1"<4:4 2 2 )6=10 2 0X2=0 2 )(2 =4 2 2 2 X3=6 0X5:0 4)(2=8 2 2 2 THANKS 45 B. Long Commands 1. Read. a. Read page of commands from tape into the buffer. b. Read line N. c. Read lines N to N2 inclusive. 2. Write. a. Write the contents of the buffer (the page). b. Write line N. c. Write lines N to N2 inclusive. 3. Change. Change line N into the following line .... 4. Deletion. a. Delete N characters forward from the pointer. b. Delete N characters back from the pointer c. Delete line N. d. Delete lines N to N2 inclusive. e. Delete the entire buffer. 5. Insertion. a. I mmediately before line N, insert the following character string .... b. At the location of the pointer, insert the following character string .... 6. Append. Add at the end of the buffer the following character string .... 7. Pointer Location. Show where the pointer is located. 8. Moving the Pointer. Move the pointer back or forward N characters or N lines. 9. Record. The set of commands in the buffer is complete, and seems accurate; record it on tape for execution later. An example of carrying on a conversation with Dr. J. Weizenbaum's program ELIZA, which has been translated into LISP, and is called by the command (WORKER) given to LISP. The first statement by the program to the human being sitting at the teletype is SPEAK UP. At this session, I (the author) sat at the teletype, and I "spoke" to ELIZA, and my first remark was "I WISH YOU WOULD EXPLAIN YOUPSELF". The alternate lines were uttered by ELIZA and by me. (WORKER) ~fAK UPI I WISH YOU WOULD EXPLAIN YOURSELF WE \~ERE DISCLt5SIN3 YOU - NOT f'E WHY 7 WHY INDEED YOU ARE NOT VEJlY CLEAR. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I AM t-nT VERY CLEAR If1E 'l1JU ELIZA? WHY ARE YOU INTERESTED IN WHETHER I AM E1.IZA OR NOT 'l1JU REMIND ME OF" ..xJE WEIZENBAUM '5 PROGRAM ELIZA. IN WHAT WAY 'l1JU !:£HAVE LIKE HER. OH, I BEHAVE liKE HER 'l1JU &JlE ro. IS THIS RfALLY RELEVANT 10 YOUR PROBLEM The Genie's Vices I THINK IT IS A"lD YOU CA"l'T REALLY Sl-iOW PFR~PS We now come to the topic of the failings, the vices, of the genie: the things that the programmed computer so far is not able to do, or is able to do so wretchedly that it is often better not to ask the genie to do them at all. Here is a list of these features-the defects, the vices-of the genie: I m CA~' T M~ Tl-iAT IT IS ~m RELVEA~rr. REAli. Y SHOW YOU 'THAT IT IS NOT REL VE.ANT DEF"ll'J WORKFR. I AM NOT S:.Jl E I [J\!DERSTAND YOU FlJLLY GIVE THE DEFINITION OF" WORKER. I AM NOT S~E I tNDERSTAND YOU FlJLLY EXPLAIN mtRSEF'L SAYIt-n WHAT YOU ARE DEnNEn AS. 1. Stupidity. It is often stupid. It understands only what you say, it does not understand what you mean. 2. Deafness. It often appears "deaf". You may seek to explain to it how to do someth ing, but it fails to comprehend what you wish it to do, and it behaves as if it could not hear you. 3. Unperceptive. It cannot perceive the expressions on a human face, nor respond to the mood of a human being, nor take in the meanings of gestures. 4. Spelling. It is often sensitive to misspelled words. Like the door to the cave in Ali Saba and the Forty Thieves, it will respond to the command "open sesame", but only if you spell the words correctly. If you spell the command "open sesamy", the computer will probably respond by typing a question mark, "?". 5. Meanings of Words and Discourse. At the present stage of development of the genie, it cannot understand the meanings of words in general, nor the meanings of words freely put together into sentences, paragraphs, and discourse. This problem is probably not insuperable; but at present the genie regularly will react like a rude and uneducated man on an occasion when you say to him, "The Pythagorean theorem states that the sum of the squares on the two sides of a rightangled triangle are equal to the square on the hypotenuse": both the man and the genie will respond. "Huh?" 46 TELL ME ABOUT WHAT I ARE DEFINED AS 'l1JU ARE DfAF" A'IlD STUPID. roES IT PLEASE YOU 10 BELIEVE I AM LEAF" AND STUPID NO I WOULD RATHEJl YOU BE CLAER AND INTELLIGNET. If1E YOU SAYIN3 'NO' JUST 10 BE NEGATIVE 'l1JU ARE DESIRED TO BE CLEAR AND INTELLIGENT. PER~PS YOU 'MOULD liKE 10 BE DESIRED 10 BE CLEAR AND INTEll.IGENT 6. Meanings Derived from Observations of a Generalized Environment. The genie cannot "look" at a generalized environment and understand the significance of what it "sees". For example, it cannot "look" at a traffic intersection, "know" which lights are the traffic lights, make a judgment of the traffic, and proceed through the intersection safely and sensibly. With this appraisal of the powers of the genie-the interactive programmed computer-we should be better able to include in its behavior (its programming) the features that we desire, and thus obtain the efficient and comfortable assistance of the computer in computerassisted activities of many, many kinds. 0 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969 WORLDWIDE REP'ORT FROM GREAT BRITAIN Personnel Shortage Users of data processing equipment in the United Kingdom are no happier about staff shortages than their counterparts in the United States. As matters now stand, on the doorstep of the 70'Si, we have just over 24,000 programmers in commercial mark. By 1973, to meet projected' needs, there should be 56,000, which means training at least 12,000 a year for the next three years. No one here has given a guesstimate of the numbers trained each year, but I gather they are far below this desirable target figure and the inference is that our present shortage will look like plenty in three years time. T~is is why the UK off-shoot of Brandon Applied Systems is confident that contract programm ing is going to grow at an unprecedented rate, which is fine for software consultancies and suppliers. Dick H. Brandon, over here on one of his many quick "Iook-sees", told me that only the educational market was likely to expand at a faster clip, now that I BM was showing so little interest in training programmers. But he warned that his company would not be offering courses open to all. Industrial groups would be invited to send their selected staff for training as programmers on contract, and that would be all. "Too many so-called schools have mushroomed, collected and closed down when their inadequacy is revealed", he said. Leasing The end of the leasing bonanza in the U.S., and the failure of British leasing to take off at the steep pitch it did in America, seems' all to the good for the industry as a whole. It is doubtful that lessors would move back on to the buying market "if and when we see the fourth generation". But the bubble had burst, and some leasing companies were keeping the wolf from the door only by the most prodigious efforts of legerdemain - such as creating strings of bureaux based on obsolete mach ines, collecting business by quoting non-profitable rates, and thanking their lucky stars that the ensuing losses were gentler on their stockholders' nerves than total write-off. If a computer is defined as a "beast" costing about $70,000 or more, the UK computer population is currently estimated by a private source as being 4100 machines installed or on order. The Ministry of Technology census over the past several years, however, I ists a total camp uter population of around 7000. Their census, however, includes sophisticated accounting machines priced as low as about $10,000, because the Board of Trade defines these lowerpriced machines as computers, and allows companies who COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969 own them a tax rebate on them as an investment in modernisation. The Ministry of Technology is well aware of the basic definition of a computer, and realizes that these sophisticated accounting machines are not really computers. But because of the tax dollar advantage in calling them computers, the Ministry has so far not quibbled over terms. Computers and Politics I do not normally go in for rumours. But we may be, as I said before, a step away from a change of Government, so there are many options being taken out right now. The lat~st one rumoured about is that the Plessey Company (microcircuits to avionics and hydraulics) wants to take a much larger share of I nternational Computers, the British company in which the Government has a 10.5% stake and Plessey an 18% stake. These shares represent £1 O~m and £18m respectively. But under Labour, the heads of agreement require Government accord before there can be any change in company status. I am sure, however, that the Tories would not. need more than a moment's thought to get out of the business. The way might thus seem clear, given a change of Government, for Plessey to take more or all of I CL as a captive market for its electronic components and - it is expected - a vastly expanded range of terminal equipment (see this space in early 1970). There is one fly in the ointment. General Electric Company of Britain also has an 18% stake in ICL. It also manufactures circuits and while it is preparing a new range of process control computers which will provide a captive market for GEC/Marconi circuits, the much larger ICL market is no doubt attractive too. It looks as if the UK computer scene is going to become much more lively as the politicians take to the hustings. Ted Schoeters Stanmore, Middlesex England 47 ACROSS THE EDITOR'S DESK Computing and Data Processing Newsletter Table of Contents APPLICATIONS Search for New Drugs to Combat Mental Illness Aided by Computer Computer Replacing Test Tube in Some Areas of Chemistry Engineers Map Missouri River Bed With Aid of Computer Matchbox-Size Computer Can Lead to More Automotive Safety and Driver Convenience Santa Claus and His "Electronic Elf" Make Ready for Dec. 25th 49 49 55 Peripheral Equipment 49 50 50 50 50 NEW PRODUCTS Digital MICRO.812 System -- MicroSystems Inc. P-350 Office Computer Series -- North American Philips Corp. Model A, A System-Oriented Computer -Multidata RC 77 Synergetic Processor -- Redcor Corp. PDS-l System -- Imlac Corp. 55 55 49 EDUCATION NEWS Southern College of Business Computer Is Adapted for Braille Output Nation's War Wounded Take Programming Classes Through the 52 Association, Inc. Medical Students Serve as Practicing Physicians to "Patients" in Memory of Computer LINEAR "A" -- Academy Computing Corp. PICNIC (PERA Instructional Code for Numerical Control) -- PERA, the Production Engineering Research Association of Great Britain SCUP -- C&A Computer Associates, Inc. 51 51 Controller Interfaces CalComp Plotters and NCR Century Systems -- California Computer Products, Inc. Direct Access Magnetic Tape Transport System -- Sykes Datatronics, Inc. DA-G60 Tape System -- System Industries, Inc. Mini Printer -- Data Products ASCII-Coded I-O Typewriter -- Electronic Engineering Company of California Computer Expander Interfaces With IBM 1130 -- Paragon Systems, Inc. KeyLogic Data Entry System -- Penta Computer Assoc., Inc. Interactive Display System for PDP-15 Digital Equipment Mini Line Printer for Minicomputers -Nortec Computer Devices, Inc. Digital Cassette Recorder -- Computer Displays, Inc. Magnetic Tape Encoder -- Data Input Devices 55 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 56 56 51 Data Processing Accessories 51 51 Test Message Generator -- Atlantic Research Corp. Computer Cartridge -- Data Packaging Corp. 56 56 Memories Unicore-9, A Single-Card Core Memory -52 Cambridge Memories, Inc. Rapid Access Mass Memory System -- Electronic 52 Engineering Company of California Disc Memory for Small Computers -- Applied 52 Magnetics 10-Million Bit Disc Memory System -52 Magnafile, Inc. Unicon Laser Memory -- Precision Instru52 ment Co.' Head-Per-Track Memory System -- Systematics/52 Magne-Head Div. of General Instrument Corp. .Software Accounts Receivable System -- Executive Computer Systems, Inc. BANKSERV® Check-Credit and Overdraft Accounting System -- Arthur S. Kranzley and Co. Clinical Laboratory Data Acquisition System -- IBM Corp. 48 52 55 55 COMPUTING/TIME-SHARING CENTERS Full-Scale Computation Service To Be Available to Nuclear Industry National Time Sharing Network Established by VIP Systems APL Computing Services Offers Text Editing System 57 57 57 COMPUTER-RELATED SERVICES Business Evaluation Service for Small Concern Uses Cash Register Tapes 57 RESEARCH FRONTIER Electro-Optics Device May Provide Machine "Eyes" To Aid Computer "Brains" Alterable Mass Memory Being Developed 57 57 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969 APPLICATIONS SEARCH FOR NEW DRUGS TO COMBAT MENTAL ILLNESS AIDED BY COMPUTER By analyzing the influence of drugs on the brain, scientists hope to find new compounds for treating depression, psychoses and addiction. To aid them in their investigations, scientists in the Department of Psychiatry at New York Medical College are using an IBM 1800 data acquisi tion and control sys tern. Under the direction of Drs. Max Fink and Donald Shapiro, Professors of Psychiatry, the faint electrical signals generated by the brain are recorded on tape for computer analysis. The computer is used to classify and identify brain wave patterns known as electroencephalograms (EEG) which are used in connec tion wi th their studies. The brain waves provide a measure of such behavioral s ta tes as euphoria, alertnes s, fantasy, anxiety or irritabilit~ Different dosages of drugs often show up in different EEG patterns. Dr. Fink believes an EEG is a reliable and recordable "quantifiable test" of such mental states and is particularly helpful in defining compounds that are antagonists to opiates and hallucinogens. Applications of the EEG classification proj ects have been found in treating therapy-resistant psychotics and opiate addicts. In programs for treating opiate addicts, each patient is tested with different compounds while observing the changes in EEG and in clinical symptoms. The EEG reflec ts each person's individual responses to a drug, and to each antagonist. "We try to treat each subject with the best available antagonist," Dr. Fink explained. By measuring the types of change, the ra te of change and in terac tions following administration, it is possible to classify drugs affecting the central nervous system. This data is the basis for studies of new drugs and new applications for existing drugs. COMPUTER REPLACING TEST TUBE IN SOME AREAS OF CHEMISTRY Mathematical "models" of chemical compounds and chemical reactions now make it possible for the computer to replace the tes t tube in some areas of chemis try research. At the Atomic Energy Commission's ArgonneNational Laboratory (Illinois), Dr. Arnold C. Wahl, a chemical physicist, and his colleagues in Argonne's Chemistry Division use large computing systems and precise mathematical mOdels to look at chemical processes such as the formation and exci tation of molecules. These models are now giving reliable chemical information. "This work is mos t properly viewed as a 'new ins trumen t' for the chemis t," according to Dr. Wahl. The computer "experiment" - during which the computer can display pic tures on a televis ion-type screen provides a "zoom lens" ~and a "stop action" camera for making a close examination of the chemical process. The procedure can magnify a molecule a billion times, "slow down" or "stop" molecular formation, or "freeze" and concentrate on a particular step in the process. The use of the mathematical model is described by Dr. Wahl as follows: "We approximate the distribution of electrons inside an atom or molecule by some mathematical form. In order to create accurate pictures of a chemical process, we put a mathematical model of the molec~le into a computer, and then refine the model by making mul tiple passes inside the computer, molding and changing the model until we arriveata very good phys ical description of the chemical system." A new resul t of this work is a set of six computer-based motion pictures showing in great detail the proces ses of molecule forma tion in terms of accurately calculated electron diagrams. These diagrams display how the concentration of elec trons changes when two a toms form a stable molecule. Dr. Wahl believes the computer-mathematical model technique is bringing closer the day when every experimental chemist will have a teletypewriter and a TV screen in his laboratory to which he will turn for answers to many of his chemical questions. Such a machine for studying diatomic molecules. is being developed at Argonne. ENGINEERS MAP MISSOURI RIVER BED WITH AID OF COMPUTER Research engineers at the Univers i ty of Iowa (Iowa Ci ty) are mapping the Missouri River bed wi th the aid of an 1m! woo Data i\cquisi tion and Control System (shown in picture insert). The proj ect is sponsored by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Missouri River Division, which operates the dams on the Missouri. The Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research at the Universi ty is gathering and interpreting the information. One goal of the proj ec t is to unders tand more COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969 accurately the relationship between ri ver depth and water discharged from dams ups tream. This would help engineers better meet demands placed upon rivers. The computer system processes and analyzes data obtained on the river's profile by means of sonic sounding equipmen t and stored on magnetic tape. The data, consisting of bed elevations at one-foot intervals, provides a detailed numerical profile of the ever changing topography of the ripples, dunes and bars in the river bed. The information is used to determine how the river bed influences the river level. To tes t their theories of ri verbed configuration on flow depth, the engineers built a 120-foot-long model of a meandering river (shown above) . This model is used to study the effects on flow depth of the ripples, dunes and bars under varying flow condi tions. The study should make it easier to control the mighty Missouri for navigation and lead to the development of better flood control programs. MATCHBOX-SIZE COMPUTER CAN LEAD TO MORE AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY AND DRIVER CONVENIENCE A rna tchbox-size computer attached to the dashboard soon may be telling au to drivers when rear doors aren't locked,when they're backing in to a tree or adv is ing them tha t a headlight is not working. Hooking the car's computer into a diagnostic computer will permi t an inexperienced mechanic to locate a mechanical problem in seconds. These are only a few of the 1,000 tasks possible in the computerized system for cars recen tly announced by Essex International (New York). The sys tern, called CEDAC (Compu terized Energy Dis tribution and Automated Control System), contains a digi tal central computer the size of a match box. It is connected to a single energy distribution and control harness which is routed throughout the vehicle to sensors 49 and actuators about the size of nailheads. The sensors detect mechanical failures and flash this information on a display panel 10ca ted before the driver. The sys tern concept virtually does away wi th the pres en t-day au tomoti ve electrical system by eliminating most of the terminal connectors and electrical wires. No moving parts are involved in the computer or sensors, and they can be installed anywhere in the vehicle, facili tating automotive design, assembly procedures and reliability. CEDAC also can ini tiate a number of functions such as automatically locking doors a t a predetermined speed, climate control, braking, anti-skid and fuel injection. The display panel can provide the driver wi th ins tan taneous readouts of engine revolutions per minute, oil pres sure, fuel level, engine and car temperatures, among other items. Addi tionally the system can warn drivers when they are too close to other cars, objects or unseen persons. Al though a CEDAC prototype now is installed in an operating vehicle, it will take several years for the system to be totally integrated in to produc tion. Automobiles are changed only on a gradual basis and the industry is unlikely to accept revolutionary chang,es in a hurry. SANTA CLAUS AND HIS "ELECIRONIC ELF" MAKE READY FOR DEC. 25TH Who among us can forget the eager anticipation of Christmas morning? Will Santa remember? Are there enough teddy bears, dolls or dogs? Thanks to a computer and FisherPrice Toys, Inc. (East Aurora, N. Y.), Santa has more he·lp this year as he prepares for his Christmas Eve journey. Printout from Fisher-Price's compu ter sys tern (shown below ) gives ber 25th deliver~ Frank Yaverski, production manager at the East Aurora plant, checks with Santa. Using a GE-406 computer and GE's computer technique called In tegra ted Data Store (I-D-S), Fisher-Price, a leading manufac ture-r of pre-school toys, now is able to tell for the first time what is selling well in what part of the country (and 60 other countries) and what is needed to fill the orders. The Fisher-Price line includes 71 different toys, each containing 30 to 40 parts. Over 25 million toys will be produced by the company this year. EDUCATION NEWS SOUTHERN COLLEGE OF BUSINESS COMPUTER IS ADAPTED FOR BRAILLE OUTPUT Blind students who must use Brai lIe will begin studying computer programming this month with the aid of the Southern College of Business's NCR Century 100 system and a new printer. The College, loca ted in Orlando, Florida, has been using the NCR Century 100 for some time on other types of EDP instruction. This particular application will employ an eight - lines - per - inch printer with the computer, and use a special conversion program to change the system's normal printed output into the Braille pattern of dots. Impressions in the paper will be made by increasing the force of the print hammers and having them strike through a specially-designed sheet of thin fel t which tends to "explode" the dots. The Southern College of Business recently won the Florida Governor's Award for its work in training the handicapped. NATION'S WAR WOUNDED TAKE PROGRAMMING CLASSES THROUGH THE 52 ASSOCIATION, INC. A group of serious ly wounded Vietnam servicemen,currently under treatment at St. Albans Naval Hospital, Queens, New York, are studying to become compu ter programmers, via a class installed in the hospital by the 52 Association, Inc. The 52 Association is a non-profit philanthropy dedicated to serving the needs of our nation's disabled servicemen. Santa Claus (Billie D. Lucas) information he needs for his Decem50 This class, the third to be offered by .the 52 Association, is under the direct sponsorship of the Chase Manhattan 'Bank. Chase Manhattan has hired graduates of previous programs and, based on their performance to date, has agreed to hire all qualified graduates of the course in its Systems Design Division. In addition, according to William W. Shine, a Chase vice president, "this course is expected to be only the first of a series of such courses which wi 11 be given in local mili tary hospi tals by the 52 Associatio,n, under the ,bank's sponsorship • . . . " The computer programming class, while accelerated for completion within a three-month·period, maintains the usual number of class hours equi valen t to's tandard s ixmon th commercial courses. It is being given by Michael Moss, a ,professional computer programming instructor who also teaches (and practices) commercially. In this course, he is following all the acceptable standards and procedures prescribed by indus try in accordance wi th the basic outline which he has developed for past courses. ,He will, howeve~ extend the syllabus slightly, to include lectures on specific equipment andapplications relevan t to Chase Manha t tan's computer activities. MEDICAL STUDENTS SERVE AS PRACTICING PHYSICIANS TO "PATIENTS" IN 'MEMORY OF COMPUTER The University of Illinois Medical Center campus in Chicago has disclosed a new learning technique in which a medical student serves as prac ticing phys ician to a "pa_ tient" existing only in the memory of an IBM computer. The advanced learning technique enables students to engage in common English dialog wi th the computer-simulated patients through TV-like devices linked to an IBM 1130 computer. Students gain realistic experience as independent decision-makers in the critical areas of diagnosis and treatment. Traditional clinical instruction rarely provides a s tuden t wi th the opportuni ty to observe a case from the ini tial encounter wi th a physician to final care -- and since they are not fully qualified and licensed physicians, they can never make completely independent, imaginative decisions. The simulation program removes these restrictions and the student ·becomes the doctor. If his judgment proves to be fatal, the Lazarus-like 'patient' can be brought back to life at the press of a button. The program was developed under a $215, 000 gran t from the National Institutes of Health. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969 NEW PRODUCTS Digital MICRO 812 SYSTEM / MicroSystems Inc. Basic configuration of the new MICRO 812 System includes a microprogrammed processor wi th a systems con trol panel, power supply, 4096 x 9 bi t core memory, power-fail/ automatic restart, memory pari ty, a real-time clock, and six communications interface boards. All internal components, power supply and options are enclosed in a cabinet 8-3/4" high, 17-3/5" wide and 23" deep. Designed specifically for data communications applications, the MICRO 812 Sys tem can in terface up to 96 low speed 1 ines and up to (for invoicing, accounts receivable, payroll, inventory control, general ledger and all related reports) is comprised of three bas ic sys tems with pre-programmed software packages and a wide assortment of peripheral equipment. The new office computers - P-351, P-352, P-353 utilize core memory for data and program storage as in larger, cos tlier installations. Core storage capaci ty varies from 300 to 1200 words; cycle time is 3.2 microseconds; and average execution time per 3 address command is 1.5 milliseconds. The P-350 Series can add up to 16 peripherals on-si te, wi th four operating, simultaneously, at high speed. The Series can handle standard punch cards, paper tape or magnetic cards or any combination of these. A wide variety of hard copy forms can be used wi th the system, including continuous forms, standard ledgers, magnetic ledgers, etc. Operation of the Philips office computers is quite simple and easy to learn. Progranuning is via a few punch cards with only 14 basic instructions needed for any routine. 32 medium speed lines; special configurations will accommodate up to 6 different simultaneous baud rates. The system also is capable of handling mixed combinations of conununication devices at one time, including low speed asynchronous modems, medium speed synchronous modems, teleprinters, and binary devices. In addition to its data communications capabili ties, the 812 is a powerful general-purpose minicomputer in its own right. Third in a series of microprogranuned, low cost digital computers developed by the firm, it has a repertoire of 83 instructions including 17 control instruc tions, 16 condi tional jumps, 12 shifts, 6 input/output instructions, 16 register operate instructions, and 16 memory referencing instructions. (For more information, circle ~41 on the Reader Service Card.) P-350 OFFICE COMPUTER SERIES / North American Philips Corp. Philips' family of low cost computerized accounting machines Operator skill is not II cri tical consideration. The computer tells her what to do and checks for correctness. The new office computers will be delivered as total hardware software packages. Installations of the P-350 are simple and do not require special si te preparation, electrical wiring, or air-conditioning. Only 24 square feet of floor space is needed for any unit in the series. (For more information, circle ~42 on the Reader Service Card.) MODEL A, A SYSTEM-ORIENTED COMPUTER / Multidata The Model A, a system-oriented computer, includes in its basic configuration 4096 16-bit words of core memory, 32,768 words of disc memory, a memory access controller, a central processor, an input/output bus, and a te letypewri ter with paper tape reader and punch. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969 The core memory and the disc memory work together through the Memory Access Controller to provide large memory capaci ty. Operating at an 880 nanosecond cycle time, each 16-bi t 4096-word memory module is independent and asynchronous. The ~Iodel A accommodates up to 16 modules (65,536 words), and field installation is easy; each module requires the insertion of one printed circuit board assembly. The 32,768-word disc is field expandable to 65,536 or 131,072 words; average access time is 17 milliseconds. Model A progranuning systems include a FORTRAN IV compiler, a macro-assembler, a utility package, a diagnostic package, and a moni tor that optimizes core/disc page transfers while keeping them transparen t to the user's program. (For more information, circle ~43 on the Reader Service Card.) RC 77 SYNERGETIC PROCESSOR / Redcor Corp. The RC 77 Synergetic Processor incorporates two RC 70 Midi computers as process ing elemen ts. The two computers are under control of Redcor's new Synercizer and a software system combining a real time monitor (RThi) and a batch processing moni tor (BPM). The two processor concept provides a redundancy factor, assuring 100% uptime. The RC 7~ with a 20 to 65K memory, and a million word disc memory, has been designed to cope with the problem of processing two tasks concurrently. Real-time data acquis i tion can be accompl ished at the same time as background processing, wi th no loss in compu ter efficiency. No time is lost in swapping or exchanging data between core and disc, and both programs are resident and operating simultaneously. (For more information, circle ~44 on the Reader Service Card.) PDS-1 SYSTEM / Imlac Corp. The PDS-l Sys tem may be purchased (or leased) as ei ther a display or as a mini-processor. The system incorporates a 4K mini-processor wi th a cathode ray display for input/output ability. The 4K memory may be expanded to 32K in <1K increments, with the associated logic. As a conununications terminal, PDS-l can replace 2QY on-line, electro-mechanical device wi thout modifying the cen tral sys tem nor the present conununications facilities. The con troller is pre-progranuned to simulate the exact char- 51 acteristics of the terminal it replaces. The terminal can function from 1 to 9600 baud us ing any bi t structure or code level. (For more information, circle ~45 on the Reader Service Card.) fer rate of over 16 thousand bytes per second. Tape speed is 90 inches per second. Each tape operates independently and is completely interchangeable. (For more information, circle ~47 on the Reader Service Card.) Memories DISC MEMORY FOR SMALL COMPUTERS / Applied Magnetics UNICORE-9, A SINGLE-CARD CORE MEMORY / Cambridge Memories, Inc. A complete memory sys tem on a single plug-in card, called the Unicore-9, is designed for use in calculators, data terminals, digi tal and numerical controllers, and communications buffe"rs. The randomaccess memory has 300-nanosecond access time and one-microsecond full-cycle time. It stores up to Model M 200C Disc Memor~ a fast access, head-per-track type mass memory, has been designed specifically for today' s small computers. It is available in four capacities ranging from 426,000 to 3,408,000 bi ts; average access time is 8.7 milliseconds. The number of data tracks varies from 16 to 128 wi th 26,624 bits per track. Three timing tracks are included providing a bi t clock, sector and origin pulse. With electronics, the Model M 200C Disc Memory weighs 50 pounds and occupies 8-3/4 vertical inches in a standard RETMA rack. (For more information, circle ~48 on the Reader Service Card.) lO-MILLlON BIT DISC MEMORY SYSTEM / Magnafile, Inc. software, is about$l million. The memory shown at FJCC is only 4' by 7' by 5' high. The laser mass memory concept, nearly eight years in development, will first be put to work in conjunction with an IBM 360/75 system by Pan American Petroleum Corp. They purchased their Unicon system for storage of seismic data used in oil exploration. (For more information, circle ~50 on the Reader Service Card.) HEAD-PER-TRACK MEMORY SYSTEM / Systematics/Magne-Head Div. of General Instrument Corp. The head - per - track removable media rotating memory system, called DISKSTOR 505 Memory Sys tem, is a combination of the DISKSTOR 500 drive and the DISKPAC 005. Memory capacity for the DISKSTOR 505 System is 5 million bits; average access time is 8.7 ms. The system is designed for small to medium size central processing units. It meets the requirements of both batch processing and real-time applications. The Model 9330, a new member of Magnafile's low-cost, head-per-track disc memory systems, includes data storage of 10.24 million bits, 128 data tracks, and head-per-track data recovery. An average access time of either 8.3 or 16.6 milliseconds is available. 1,024 nine-bit words, and is available in eigh t-bi t word length. The entire memory is mounted on an 11 x 11-3/4 inch card that plugs in to a 72-pin connec tor. Componen t height is less than six-tenths of an inch. (For more information, circle ~46 on the Reader Service Card.) RAPID ACCESS MASS MEMORY SYSTEM / Electronic Engineering Company of California The 1640 Disc Tape is a newly patented magnetic tape system whose performance falls between that of tape and disc systems. The new tape drive system employs a direct contact, single drive capstan principle. Threading pos ts, tens ion arms, and other tape tension and take-up mechanisms have been eliminated. Both the take-up and supply reels come into direct contact with the capstan, the only motor driven device in the system. The 1640 is a multi-tape device (2, 4, 6 or 8 reels) capable of storir.g up to 30 million 8 bi t bytes wi th an access time of 30 seconds or less, and a data trans52 The 9330, for users who require mass storage but cannot resolve the larger and more expensive systems, offers a very low cost-perbi t - less than one-tenth of one cent. (For more information, circle ~49 on the Reader Service Card.) UNICON LASER MEMORY / Precision Instrument Co. Ada ta storage device tha t stores 26 million digital bits injust one square inch of recording medium was shown for the first time at the recent Fall Joint Computer Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. By using a laser beam to permanently etch digi tal bi ts in its "Unicon" mass memory device, the Precision Instrument Co. can put literally a trillion bits of data on-line. The extreme efficiency in s toring data (a single 4" x 31" data strip holds the equivalent of over 25 reels of ordinary computer magnetic tape) reduces the cost per bi t of Unicon data storage to under $1 per million bits. Price tag of a typical Unicon system, including The DISKSTOR 505 Memory Sys tem eliminates the need for a separate controller. This Series incorporates the controller electronics in the drive uni t. Ini tial deliveries are scheduled for September 1970. (For more information, circle ~51 on the Reader Service Card.) Software ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SYSTEM /Executive Computer Systems, Inc., Oak Brook, Ill. / A proprietary computer software designed for both private users and service bureaus, System can process both on an open item and a balance forward basis. The system is written in COBOL and cons is ts of 22 programs and sorts. Originally des igned for the IBM 360/30 ei ther in tape COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969 or disk configuration, the system is upward compatible on large 360 configurations and will run on Honeywell 200 series or Burroughs B-3500 systems. (For more information, circle 11:52 on the Reader Service Card.) BANKSERV® CHECK-CREDIT AND OVERDRAFT ACCOUNTING SYSTEM / Arthur S. KranzleyandCo., Cherry Hill, N.J. / System automatically creates and proces ses new loans triggered by checks or demand deposi t overdrafts. Statements produced are keyed to Regulation Z (Truth in Lending); they inc 1 ude full descriptions of each charge incurred and paymen ts appl ied. Wri t ten in COBOL, the new sys tem opera tes on an IBM 360/30 or an RCA Spectra 70/45. The system is available now to banks which are providing deposi tors wi th any form of check credit or overdraft service. (For more information, ci rcle 11:53 on the Reader Service Card.) CLINICAL LABORATORY DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM / IBM Corp., Whi te Plains, N.Y. / Aprogram enabl ing hospi tals to link dozens of laboratory instruments directly to a computer for automatic monitoring and reporting of tes t resul ts. The system operates under the IBM 1800 Time Sharing Executive (TSX). The Clinical Laboratory Data Acquisi tion Systemwill be available in January under a license agreemen t for a mon thly charge of $100. (For more information, circle 11:54 on the Reader Service Card.) LINEAR "A" / Academy'Computing Corp., Phoenix, Ariz. / A package of file compression routines designed to compac t alphabetic data stored on tape or disc; routines are designed to allow users of timesharing computers to "shrink" their files. However, they may be used by anyone who has large files of alphabetic data. The LINEAR "A" package can be adapted to any digital computer. (For more information, circle 11:55 on the Reader Service Card.) PICNIC (PERA Ins truc tional Code for Numerical Con tro1) / PERA, the Produc tion Engineering Research Association of Great Britain, Leicestershire, England / A simplified, computer-aided programming system reported to permit time savings of up to 80% over manual programming for typical point-to-point Numerical Control machining and 60% for data preparation. Logically related to Auto Program Tool (APT) systems, PICNIC employs a subset of only 40 maj or words from the APT vocabulary. The sys tem can be used wi th any small computer providing USASI FORTRAN IV facili ty. Semi- skilled operators can be trained to full competence in two weeks. (For more information, circle 11:56 on the Reader Service Card.) SCUP. / C&A Computer Associates, Inc., East Orange, N.J. / A third generation utility package for Spec tra 70 users; enhances normal tape/card/printer and card/tape/ printer options which are requi::ed for efficient program debuggIng and as an operations aid. Options include: selective record extraction; tape positioning capabilities; flexible re-blocking. SCUP is designed to that features can be used ei ther independently or in conjunction with any other option in the same pass. (For more information, circle 11:57 on the Reader Service Card.) DA·G60 TAPE SYSTEM / System Industries, Inc. DA-G60 is a low-cost, 4-millionplus word storage addressable magnetic tape unit for minicomputers. The word transfer rate is 16.6KC and its average access time is 7.7 seconds. The uni t's self-threading system consists of a controller and up to 8 tape units. One special feature is its capabili ty for fixed posi tion, block addressable formatting, which, in conj unc ti onwith bidirec tional search capabil i ty, allows selec tive updating of data via random access. (For more information, circle 11:60 on the Reader Service Card.) MINI·PRINTER / Peripheral Equipment CONTROLLER INTERFACES CALCOMP PLOTTERS AND NCR CENTURY SYSTEMS / California Computer Products, Inc. Data Products Data Products' mini-printer is called the 2310 LINE/PRINTER. It has a drum speed of 1760 rpm and produces listings as fast as 1110 Ipm for 20 columns and also prints at a speed of 356 Ipm for a full 80 columns. CalComp's new controller will interface various CalComp plotters with NCR Century systems. Three types of plotters are being offered: drum, microfilm and flat bed. The plot ters produce ink-on-paper or microfilm plots of computer output data. CalComp will market its equipment directly to NCR Century computer users. The controller which is requi red for the CalComp-NCR hookup is designated the Model 119 and can be purchased outright. (For more information, circle 11:58 on the Reader Service Card.) DIRECT ACCESS MAGNETIC TAPE TRANSPORT SYSTEM / Sykes Datatronics, Inc. The COMPU/CORDERCD 100 is a highspeed, direc t access tape transport system for mini-compu ters. The cassette-loaded system has high-speed, bi-directional direct access capabili ty. The user can access any file on a tape, containing 3.6million bi ts of information, wi thin an average of 15 seconds. Read/wri te speed is 5 inches/second; hi-directional search/fast rewind speed is 120 inches/second. The COMPU/CORDERCD is provided with comprehensive software and complete interfacing to DEC, Varian and Data General mini-computers. Other interfaces are available as an option. (For more information, circle 11:59 on the Reader Service Card.) COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969 The 2310 also is being engineered into a fully integrated communications terminal called the Data Terminal 8280 with Binary Synchronous Communications for 8-level USASCII code with 63 prin table alphanumeric graphics. (For more information, circle 11:61 on the Reader Service Card. ASCII·CODED 1·0 TYPEWRITER / Electronic Engineering Company of California EECO 1651 is an ASCII-coded, 1-0 typewri ter, modeled around a Selectric typewri ter. I t can opera te on-line at l:i.:3 char/sec with low power requ i remen ts. The 1651 can be used in three ways: (1) in on-line operation, the 1651 is a keyboardprin ter for transmi t ting and receiving data; (2) when interfaced wi th an 1-0 bus, the EECO 1651 func tions as an 1-0 typewri ter; and (3) when interfacedwitha data set and phone lines, it func tions as a remote computer terminal. (For more information, circle 11:62 on the Reader Service Card.) 55 COMPUTER EXPANDER INTERFACES WITH IBM 1130 / Paragon Systems, Inc. Comp Ex is a new hardware/software interface system that extends the IBM 1130's capabilities to an on-line, real-time basis. Its functions include: multiplexing from 2-32 devices (i.e. teletypes, data phones, CRT and digital displays etc.); outputting information to operate relays, close contacts, and start or stop experiments and processes. All Comp Ex functions are supported by system programming which is accessible from FORTRAN or Assembly language and interfaces with the 1130 Monitor System. (For more information, circle ~63 on the Reader Service Card.) tions of the data on an optional copying device or plotter. (For more information, circle ~65 on the Reader Service Card.) MINI LINE PRINTER FOR MINICOMPUTERS / Nortec Computer Devices, Inc. Nortec Computer Devices, Inc.'s first "miniperipheral", a low~cost, desk-top line-printer, called Nortec 200, is des igned primarily as a printout device for minicomputers. The ASCII-coded Nortec 200 also functions in remote terminal stations. KEYLOGIC DATA ENTRY SYSTEM / Penta Computer Assoc., Inc. KeyLogic is a complete multiple station data entry system designed to operate at nanosecond speed and with sufficient capacity to allow users to utilize the full potential of thei r computers. The sys tern has five hardware components: (D a terminal with an IBM 029 keyboard where the CPU identifies and permi ts correction of errors before data is recorded directly onto a single computer-compatible magnetic tape; (2) a tape uni t wi th full-size synchronous drive tape station; (3) a disc uni t which stores 2-million characters, has a fixed read/write head, and a 17 millisecond access time; (4) a CPU wi th an 860 nanosecond cycle and a l6-bit word unit; (5) an IBM Selectric console. The KeyLogic system can accommodate up to 64 complete terminals on one tape/ di sc sys tem, and can be oriented to specific application requirements of users. (For more information, circle ~64 on the Reader Service Card.) INTERACTIVE DISPLAY SYSTEM FOR PDP-15 / Digital Equipment The VTl5 is a low-cost, interac ti ve graphics di splay sys tem which includes a VT15 Graphics Display Processor and a VT04 Graphics Display Console for use wi th the PDP-15. It can be used as a basic graphics processo~ a terminaI, or to format and display information from a data file. Software available wi th the system at no extra cost will include a FORTRAN and MACRO primi tive package, and a text editor. The software permits users of the VTl5 to store material generated on the display and obtain printed reproduc56 This mini printer will print data at 200 lines per minute up to 132 columns, and has a 64 alphanumeric character set. Font styles can be easily changed since the charac ters are on an easily handled low-cos t bel t. (For more information, circle ~66 on the Reader Service Card.) DIGITAL CASSETTE RECORDER / Computer Displays, Inc. The· Digi tal Cassette Recorder connects between Data Sets and the ARDS Computer Terminal. It allows a user to record, at fast rates, the digi tal signals received from the Da ta Set and replay them anytime. The computer connection can be broken and the data played back one frame at a time, or the recorder can be used for testing terminal operation, independent of the comsystem. pu ter and communication (For more information, circle ~67 on the Reader Service Card.) above the keyboard, the operator can visually verify all material as it is being programmed. An operator can be fully tra ined in the use of the encoder in les s than a day. The encoder, available in both numeric and alpha-numeric models, may be leased or purchased. (For more information, circle u68 on the Reader Service Card.) Data Processing Accessories TEST MESSAGE GENERATOR / Atlantic Research Corp. A compact new device, the TMG-lO, can sent test messages at precise speeds and dis tortion levels to check capability of data transmission equipment, now widely used in computer and telegraph services. The portable ten-pound test message generator also can exercise I/O devices, check polling functions, verify parity-check circuits, adjust bias in carrier channels and identify the transmi tting station to the receiving test center. The TMG-lO contains two factory programmed tes t mes sages and a manually programmable two-character message. It measures 9-1/2" wide x 6-5/8" high x 12" deep. (For more information, circle ~69 on the Reader Service Card.) COMPUTER CARTRIDGE / Data Packaging Corp. The computer-compatible cartridge replaced key punches for data transcribing. A standard 8~ inch tape reel wi th up to 1200 feet of ~ inch computer tape is placed in the cartridge along wi th its own take-up reel. Vacuum operated, spring loaded pIa tes lock the two reels and pre-threaded tape during storage and shipping. When inserted MAGNETIC TAPE ENCODER / Data Input Devices Data Input Devices'new magnetic tape encoder can be used wi th any computer system. The 8~ pound encoder has an endless number of programming capabilities. By means of its video moni tor posi tioned into a specially designed tape transport, the cartridge's two doors open au toma tically, thus allow ing the tape to be loaded by an au tomatic threading machine. (For more information, circle u70 on the Reader Service Card.) COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969 COMPUTING/TIME-SHARING CENTERS FULL-SCALE COMPUTATION SERVICE TO BE AVAILABLE TO NUCLEAR INDUSTRY Control Data Corporation and Nuclear Computation, Inc. recently announced that they will offer a full- scale advanced compu ta tion service to the nuclear industry. Control Data will augment its Washington, D.C., CYBERNET® Service Center with 150 million characters of on-line storage required to handle Nuclear Computation's library of nuclear programs. The computer programs will be commercially available on a nation-wide basis in conjunction with a Control Data 6600 computer. Nuclear Computation, Inc., is establiShing a Nuclear Data Center at its Pittsburgh headquarters. I t has placed an order for a CDC 6000 Series computer which will be installed in the Pittsburgh computation center. Presently Nuclear Computation, Inc. has a multiple access remote computer high speed terminal, linked by broadband communication lines into the Control Data CYBERNET® Service system. (For more information, circle n71 on the Reader Service Card.) NATIONAL TIME SHARING NETWORK ESTABLISHED BY VIP SYSTEMS Completion of a nation-wide computer time sharing network that includes eight major cities has been announced ·by Miss Joan Van Horn, president of VIP Systems, Washington, D.C. Offices were opened earlier this year in New York and Bos ton and new offices have been opened recently in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Cleveland and Philadelphia. All seven branch offices are served from VIP's computer center in Washington. APL COMPUTING SERVICES OFFERS TEXT EDITING SYSTEM Through a series of mul tiplexers, Marquardt's APL Computing Services offers the ATS/360 text edi ting system to cus tomers in the San Francisco Bay area, San Diego, Orange County, Chicago, and the Los Angeles area, home base of their IBM 360/50 compu ter. CQIDpeti ti v~ly _ priced, it panllels Datatext service and is essentially compatible with it. ATS/360 also provides remote batch process ing, allowing cus tomers to utilize their own programs. (For 1Il0re information, circle n72 on the Reader Service Card.) COMPUTER-RELATED SERVICES BUSINESS EVALUATION SERVICE FOR SMALL CONCERNS USES CASH REGISTER TAPES Smyth Business Machines, Inc., Canton, Ohio, has developed a system for analyzing the profi tabili ty of small businesses through computer analysis of cash register tapes. Store owners mail tapes from their cash registers, either on a daily or weekly basis, to Smyth's comThe tapes are run pu ter cen ter. through a paper tape reader and the information is fed into one of six IBM computers in use there. The computers analyze all sales data and produce reports which identify such things as sales by class, by i tern and by price range wi thin a given product type. Within eight hours after cash register tapes are received, the various performance reports prepared are in the mail to the customer. The IBM computers are programmed to produce monthly and yearly sales totals to be used by owners for comparison and planning purposes. Smythe currently provides this and other such services as accounts receivable to some 3,000 stores across the country processing paper tapes from more than 10,000 registers on a continuing basis. (For more information, circle n73 on the Reader Service Card.) RESEARCH FRONTIER ELECTRO-OPTICS DEVICE MAY PROVIDE MACHINE IIEYES II TO AID COMPUTER IIBRAINS" An eye-movement-tracing device that may be a step in the direction of giving machines "eyes" to aid computer "brains" in making decisions has been invented by John Merchant at Honeywell's Radiation Center in Lexington, Mass. The device, called a remote oculometer, has been about five years in development by Merchant. This is the way it works: a fine beam of infrared radiation - invisible and harmless to the eye is focused on the eye. Separa te reflections bouncing off the retina and cornea inform an image dissector (electro-optic sensor) about all eye movements. The device does not need to be attached to the person using it, and thus avoids the problem of vision-research instruments ~hat require the person being tested to be motionless. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969 The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is interested in the device as a possible means of making working conditions more comfortable for astronauts. Other possible applications are in air traffic control or other places where man scans a machine or radar screen for information. A worker watching a production line could work immediately to correct a flaw by just looking at something: stopping the eye movement on a flaw would signal to a computer or machine that corrections were needed at a particular point. ALTERABLE MASS MEMORY BEING DEVELOPED A new beam-addressable computer mass memory system that would permi t stored data to be al tered is being developed by Energy Conversion Devices, Inc., Troy, Michigan. The new memory will also provide packing dens i ties in the order of 10-million bits/square inch. The new mass memory is based on a reversible electrical swi tching phenomenon discovered in various amorphOUS semiconduc ting rna terials. Information would be entered into the system by "wri ting" on a thin film of semiconducting material with a laser or an elec tron beam. Energy from such a beam changes the film's transmissivity by as much as 100 times and its reflec tivity by 50%. Thus it would be possible to read out stored data by detec ting ei ther transmi t ted or reflected light patterns from the altered film. ChanGes in the fi 1m's optical properties are reversible, using the same or another energy beam. This means that the mass memory would also provide means for selectively altering or updating stored information as desired. ECD expec ts to have its firs t such mass memory systems available for commercial evaluation sometime next year. 57 NEW CONTRACTS TO AHOUNT Redcor Corp., Canoga Park, Calif • Penta Computer Associates, New York, N.Y. Computing and Software, Inc., Panorama City, Calif. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Philco-Ford Corp., Willow Grove, Pa. U.S. Post Office Dept. Washington, D.C. Honeywell Inc., Framingham, Mass. Automated Medical Systems, Inc., Hinneapolis, Minn. IBM Corp., New York, N.Y. Applied Logic Corp., Princeton, N.J. Sperry Rand Corp., Univac Federal Systems Div., St. Paul, Minn. Data Products Corp., Woodland Hills, Calif. Naval Ordnance Systems Command, KMS Technology Center, Van Nuys, Calif. Electro-Mechanical Research, Inc., Computer Division, Minneapolis, Minn. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Varian Data Machines, Irvine, Calif. PRD Electronics, Inc., Syosset, N.Y. Comcet, Inc., Rockville, Md. Trans World Airlines, Kansas City Data Communications Ctr., Kansas City, Kans. Compagnie Internationale de Teleinformatique (CITEL) of Paris, France Ultronic Systems Corp., Hoorestown, N.J. Bryant Computer Products, Walled Lake, Mich. Scientific Control Corp., Dallas, Texas Information Systems Corp., Washington, D.C. U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Applied Dynamics, Inc., Ann Arbor, Hich. University of Cincinnati Computer Data Systems, Inc., Silver Spring, Md. RCA, New York, N.Y. National Institute of Neurology and Stroke North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) Logicon, San Pedro, Calif. NASA's Electronics Research Center, Cambridge, Mass. ITT Aerospace/Optical Div., Fort Wayne, Ind. Federal Aviation Administration Atlantic Technology Corp., Somers Point, N.J. HcDonnell Automation Co., St. Louis, Mo. Electronics Associates Inc., West Long Branch, N.J. U. S. Army Delta Data Systems, Management Systems Div., College Park, Md. Hobbs Associates, Inc., Corona Del Mar, Calif. U.S. Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Ctr., Fort Belvoir, Va. The Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Ampex Corp., Redwood City, Calif. Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va. 58 Hanufacture and delivery of an additional 100 PCA KeyLogic Systems; each KeyLogic System includes Redcor's RC 70 "midi" computer and custom KeyLogic terminals On-site data processing services (digital, analog, and hybrid systems) at Goddard Space Flight Ctr. , Greenbelt, Hd. Design, fabricate and field testing of new optical character reader, known as Model II, which will benefit from computer-aided ·logic Computerized patient monitoring equipment which includes eight Model 316 mini-computers and fifteen Model 516 small-scale systems Six IBM 2314 Disk Files which will provide an additional 233 million bytes of storage on each of the firm's Dual AL-lO systems Production of Mark 152 (UNIVAC l2l9B) computers to modernize the Tartar and Talos missile fire control systems A time-phased delivery of LINE/PRINTERS to be used by EMR in their standard line of computers Data processing and analysis services at National Space Science Data Center, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. A large quantity of Varian R-622/i computers to serve as process control computers in the Navy's Versatile Avionic Shop Test (VAST) system, which is being supplied to Naval Air Systems Command by PRD Electronics Two COMCET 60 Computer Communications Systems, software and maintenance -- leasing for five years Telecommunications equipment which will be an integral part of on-line computer network being installed by CITEL in Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East Purchase of 25 CPhD's, 50 CLC-l's and two 10512 magnetic storage drums which will be interfaced and sold as part of firm's SCC4700 computer system Time-sharing services; ISC will install some 30 terminals and will train instructors in their use Manufacture and installation of an analogi hybrid system for research simulations in various departments of science and engineering; also as instructional device at both the undergraduate and graduate levels Computer programming and analysis services $10+ million $4.5 million (approximate) $1,983,160 $1. 8 million $1.5 million $1. 35 million $1+ million $1 million (approximate) $1 million (approximate) $900,000+ $548,000 $400,000+ $255,000 $184,000 $150,000 Programming of missile defense computers $150,000 which instantly process and display data received from missile warning radars and other sensors located around the world $140,000 Development of a compiler for CLASP (Computer Language for Aeronautics and Space Programming); will operate on IBM 360/75 A modification program permitting computer- $117,200 generated "tags", identifying aircraft approaching, landing, and taking off at the nation's airports Delivery of 50 high speed analog data dis$110,000 plays over the next two years A programming assignment -- one part of a $108,127 much larger Army effort to upgrade its computer systems on third generation eguipment $100,000 Revising and updating the Engineers' Handbook for Configuration and Technical Data Management A study of the requirements for terminals in the Library's Central Bibliographic System Development of a monolithic ferrite memory array to be smaller, more reliable, and requiring less drive power than present arrays; successful mass production would eliminate costly hand-stringing of cores COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969 NEW INSTALLATIONS OF AT FOR Burroughs B300 system Millikin National Bank, Decatur, Demand deposit, savings, trust, proof and transit, installment loan, and payroll accounting (system valued at over $400,000) Honitoring work-in-process, controlling inventory, payroll accounting, general accounting Data processing technology training, computer assisted instruction and administrative applications (system valued at over $440,000) Serving member banks; the dual processor system will clear all money transfers among the more than 3-1/2 million accounts serviced Use as a testing tool for prototypes of new system configurations and devices; for real-time design, evaluation and checkout of spacecraft digital control and telemetry systems Commercial computing services to the New York-Boston area; time-sharing data processing for businesses, industries and educational institutions Weather forecasting services, meteorological research and statistical analyses of meteorological data for the Ministry of Transportation Personnel/payroll program for City's 7000 employees, tax rolls accounting, utility billing/payments, and assignments in budgets and purchasing Payroll, finished goods inventory control, sales analysis, invoicing, production reporting, cost accounting and general accounting General ledger, doctor billing and hospital patient billing Order entry, processing and billing; inventory planning, reporting and control; production scheduling, reporting and control; and financial and accounting reporting and control Business applications, research and development; system will enable expansion of nationwide communications with 75 Blue Cross and 73 affiliated Blue Shield Plans Patient billing, insurance claim processing, payroll and such areas as Workmen's Compensation and supplies inventory Providing high quality off-line printing of customer files; production card reading and punching also will be available to AL/COM users Consumer accounting service for the 450 consumers in the north of Scotland; also, payroll, stock control, financial records and management information More comprehensive services to customers; variety of accounting and statistical work Accounts receivable and payable, production control, and various financial applications Daily sales reports, accounts receivable/payable, fashion control, management information, etc. A remote computing system to prepare advanced computer programs as well as run batch routines (system valued at $1.5 million) Data processing needs of several schools of the University as well as the N.Y.U. and Bellevue Medical Centers in Manhattan (system valued at about $2.5 million) Educational applications, teaching, faculty and graduate research projects, and administrative tasks Preparation of about 70,000 water and sewer bills annually; payroll processing, property tax billing and for budgeting The center of a management information system designed to provide various reports on plant operation Student instruction and general business and administrative applications Replacing a smaller UNIVAC 9300 system being used for membership accounting and general accounting (system valued at about $500,000) Route accounting and control, route statistics, billing and accounts receivable/payable, etc. Monitoring, diagnosing, and caring for patients with acute cardiovascular and respiratory disorders, system will be connected to operating, coronary care, and surgical recovery rooms as well as surgical labs Remote interactive batch processIng and on-line resource sharing via telephone connections from terminal devices in user offices, pI .mt:; and laboratories Ill. Burroughs B2500 system Amelco Semiconductor, Mountain View , Calif. St. Petersburg Junior College, Clearwater, Fla. Burroughs B6500 system N. V. Bankgirocentrale, Amsterdam, Holland Control Data 1700 system Hughes Aircraft Co., Space Electronics and Telemetry Laboratory Control Data 3600 system Multicomp Inc., Waltham, Mass. Control Data 6400 system The French Weather Bureau, Paris France GE-4l5 system City of Buffalo, N.Y. Honeywell Model 120 system Swift Textiles Inc., Columbus, Ga. Honeywell Model 125 system Dynanamics Inc., Lansing, Ill. Honeywell Model 1250 system Hillenbrand Industries, Batesville, Ind. Honeywell Model 2200 system Blue Cross Assoc., Chicago, Ill. (2 systems) IBM System/3 Medical Center of Florissant, Mo. IBM System/360 Model 25 Applied Logic Corp., Princeton, N.J. ICL System 4-40 North of Scotland Hydro Electric Board, Aberdeen NCR Century 100 system Hichens, Harrison and Co. London, England Myodo Kinzoku Co., Ltd., Tsubame, Japan Thalhimer Brothers, Inc., Richmond, Va. Prudential Insurance Company of America, Newark, N.J. NCR Century 200 system RCA Spectra 70/46 system UNIVAC 1108 computer system UNIVAC 9200 system UNIVAC 9400 system XDS Sigma 5 XDS Sigma 7 New York University, UHMC Computer Center, Bronx, N.Y. State University of New York, Alb any, N. Y• City of Easton, Pa. National Seal Division of FederalMogul Corp., Frankfort, Ind. University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Wash. Communications Workers of America, Washington, D.C. James E. Crass Coca-Cola Bottling Plants, Inc., Richmond, Va. Roosevelt Hospital, New York, N.Y. Davis Computer Systems, Inc., New York, N.Y. COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969 59 WHO'S WHO IN COMPUTERS AND DATA PROCESSING and the "Most Distinguished" Computer People As many of our readers know, the fifth edition (which is the first annual edition) of "Who's Who in Computers and Data Processing" will be published early in 1970, as a joint publication of The New York Times and Computers and Automation. Over 8000 capsule biographies are already on hand for publication; and we are hoping that over the next month or two another 2000 may be obtained. There exists no list of the 500 or 1000 "most distinguished" people in the field of computers and data processing. Almost every effort to find out such people at the present time is based on unsatisfactory, accidental, incomplete, provincial knowledge. We need help! Here is a beginning of such a list: It is highly desirable for every user's benefit that the capsule biographies of the "most distinguished" computer people be included. What does "distinguished" mean, and how include them? John Bennett, head of Basser Computer Laboratory, Sydney, Australia Seymour Cray, designer of very advanced and fast computers, Wisconsin Robert M. Fano, head of the computer time-sharing laboratory Project MAC at M. 1. T. for many years, Massachusetts Edward Fredkin, designer of computer-programmable film readers, and builder of a computer company, Massachusetts Grace M. Hopper, designer of advanced programming concepts, Pennsylvania Alston W. Householder, investigator of numerical analysis with computers, former president of the Association for Computing Machinery, Tennessee Kenneth E. Iverson, designer of the programming language APL, New York John W. Mauchly, co-inventor of the first electronic computer (the ENIAC), Pennsylvania John McCarthy, one of the creators of the LISP programming language and head of Stanford's computer laboratory, California Five basic attributes define "distinguished": 1. Accomplishments: A man who has accomplished a great deal is distinguished. Accomplishments are measured in worthwhile things produced; research successfully completed; computing devices designed; computer programs produced; papers written; books published; etc. 2. Positions: A man who has held important positions is distinguished. An officer of a company is distinguished; a director of a computer installation is distinguished; a head of a government bureau is distinguished; a supervisor of a group of computer people is distinguished. 3. Degrees, Awards, and Honors: A man who has received an award or honor, or who has obtained a higher degree from a college or university, or who has received a certificate showing important professional examinations passed, is distinguished. 4. Memberships: A man who is a member of a society with significant requirements for admission is distinguished (but if all he has to do is pay dues to the society, he has not earned any distinction) . 5. Seniority: Finally, a person who entered the field of computers and data processing a long time ago is distinguished. His major accomplishments may be in mathematics or management, or in some field other than information processing, but it is desirable to include him, if possible. We need help in increasing this short list to at least 500 entries. So we appeal to the readers of Computers and Automation: Please send us the name, basis for distinction, and location (including address if possible) of those dozen or more persons whom you think of as the "most distinguished" in the computer field (see the blank below). We hope we will be able to present a report on those persons whom our readers consider to be the "most distinguished" in the computer field. A free copy of this report will be sent with our warm thanks to every person contributing 5 or more names and addresses of distinguished computer people (and reasons why they are distinguished). This problem cannot today be solved by a computer. Only computer people can solve it. I' - - - - - (may be copied on any piece of paper) - - - I The "most distinguished" people in computers and data processing are those who have made the largest or most significant contributions to the advancement of the field. They have been heads of important computer laboratories. They have designed the most important developments in the construction of computers. They have formed or guided the activities of the important associations, groups, schools, conferences, etc., in the computer field, leading to dissemination and fertilization of computer knowledge. They have been invited by the U. S. Congress and other bodies to testify as authorities on the state of the computer field. Or they have done similar outstanding work. 60 I TO: The Editor, "Who's Who in Computers and Data Processing", 815 Washington St., Newtonville, MA. 02160 ) Attached are my suggestions for the 5 or more "most distinguished" computer people (Name / Address (or location) / Reasons for distinction (in 6 to 20 words) ( ) Please send me the report on the "most distinguished" computer people, when it is ready ) Please send me a blank form for my own entry in the "Who's Who" I I Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Title _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _________________________ Address ___________________________________ Organization~ COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1969 MONTHLY COMPUTER CENSUS Neil Nacdonald Survey Edi tor CONPUTERS AND AUTOMATION The following is a summary made by COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION of reports and estimates of the number of general purpose electronic digital computers manufactured and installed, or to be manufactured and on order. These figures are mailed to individual computer manufacturers f rom time to time for their information and review, and for any updating or comments they may care to provide. Please note the variation in Jates and reliability of the information. Several important manuf ;]cturers refuse to give out, confirm, or comment on any figures. Our census seeks to include all digital computers manufactured anywhere. We invite all manufacturers located anywhere to submit information for this census. We invite all our readers to submit information that would help make these figures as accurate and complete as possible. Part I of the Honthly Computer Census contains reports for United States manufacturers. Part II contains reports for manufacturers outside of the Uni ted States. The two parts are published in al ternate months. SU!1}~ARY (A) -- authoritative figures, derived essentially from information sent by the manufacturer directly to cot·TUTERS AND AUTmL\T lOt! C figure is combined in a total (D) acknowledgment is given to DP Focus, Marlboro, Mass., for their help in estimating many of these figures E figure es tima ted by COl1PUTERS AND AUT oHAT ION (N) manufacturer refuses to give any figures on number of installations or of orders, and refuses to comment in any way on those numbers stated here (R) -- figures derived all or in part from information released indirectly by the manufacturer, or from reports by other sources likely to be informed (S) sale only, and sale (not rental) price is stated X no longer in production information not obtained at press time AS OF NOVEt1BER 15, 1969 DATE OF NAHE OF NAt1E OF FIRST MANUFACTURER COHPUTER INSTALLATION Part II. Hanufacturers Outside United States A/S Norsk Data Elektronikk NORD 1 8/68 Oslo, Nonvay NORD 2 8/69 (A) (Nov. 1969) A/S Regnecentralen GIER 12/60 Copenhagen, Denmark RC 4000 6/67 (A) (Sept. 1969) Elbit Computers Ltd. Elb! t-lOO 10/67 Haifa, Israel (A) (Nov. 1969) GEC-AEI Automation Ltd. Series 90-2/10/20 New Parks, Leices ter, England 25/30/40/300 1/66 (R) 3/68 S-Two (Jan. 1969) 130 12/64 330 3/64 959 -/65 1010 12/61 1040 7/63 CON/PAC 4020 CON/PAC 4040 5/66 CON/PAC 4060 12/66 International Computers, Ltd. (ICL) 1 & 2 Atlas 1/62 London, England Deuce 4/55 (A) KDF 6 - 10 9/61 (Nov. 1969) KDN 2 4/63 Leo 1, 2, -/53 Mercury -/57 Orion 1 & 1/63 Pegasus 4/55 Sirius -/61 503 -/64 803 A, B, C 12/60 1100/1 -/60 1200/1/2 -/55 1300/1/2 -/62 1500 7/62 2400 12/61 1900-1909 12/64 Elliott 4120/4130 10/65 System 4-30 to 4-75 10./67 Japanese Mfrs. (N) (Hay 1969) Marconi Co., Ltd. Chelmsford, Essex, England (A) (Sept. 1969) Saab Aktiebolag Linkoping, Sweden (A) (Sppt. 1969) Siemens Hunich, Germany (A) (Sept. 1969) The following abbreviations apply: AVERAGE OR RANGE OF HONTHLY RENTAL $(000) 2.0 4.0 (S) 2.3-7.5 3.0-20.0 4.9 NmlBER OF INSTALLATIONS In Outside In U.S.A. U.S.A. World 0 0 20 2 20 2 0 0 38 4 38 4 (S) .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65.0 10-36 10-24 20.0 5.0 0.9 4.0 6.0 23.0 3-54 2.4-11.4 5.2-54 6 7 58 1 59 13 17 30 22 16 83 22 68 196 llO 4 1233 151 105 Hyriad I Hyriad 1'1 3/66 10/67 D21 D22 D220 301 302 303 304 305 306 2002 3003 4004S 4004/15/16 4004/25/26 4004/35 12/62 5/68 4/69 11/6S 9/67 4/65 5/68 11/67 6/59 12/63 10/65 1/66 2/67 b36.0-t,66.0 f=.22. 0-b42. 5 7.6 13,!f 9.S 0.75 1.3 2.0 2.8 4.5 6.5 13.5 13.0 4.0 5.0 8.3 11.8 (S) (S) 0 0 37 17 0 0 37 () L2 1 10 3 100 50 13 1 2 9 1 8 1 0 9 5 6 7 58 1 59 13 17 30 22 16 83 22 68 196 llO 4 1233 151 105 X X X X X X X X 4900 Various models NUHBER OF UNFILLED ORDERS 37 17 37 12 1 5 18 68 31 33 41 37 83 32 108 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X E C C C Total: 534 800 E 9 12 13 7 C C C C C C C C C C C C 61 NAME OF MANUFACTURER Siemens (cont'd) DATE OF FIRST INSTALLATION 7/66 4/69 12/66 NAME OF COMPUTER 4004/45 4004/46 4004/55 AVERAGE OR RANGE OF NONTHLY RENTAL $(000) 19.8 34.0 25.8 NUNBER OF INSTALLATIONS In Outside In U.S.A. U.S.A. World 99 1 11 NUNBER OF UNFILLED ORDERS C C Totn1: 234 USSR (N) (}lay 1969) BESI1 4 BESH 6 HINSK 2 MINSK 22 MIR NAIR 1 ONEGA 1 ONEGA 2 URAL 11/14/16 and others C c c c C C C C C C C Total: 6000 E AS WE GO TO PRESS (Continued from page 16) plugged into the telephone network. The telephone industry had traditionally excluded equipment that was not its own. That decision gave a green light to companies to develop devices to transmit data via telephone lines. But the implementation of the decision, according to Conference speakers, has met with such problems as: a crisis in telephone service because of maintenance problems and lack of personnel; the lack of any qualified, objective group to evaluate the claims of the telephone companies about equipment attached to the telephone network by companies outside the system; the lack of a rate-making system that takes into account the capability for sending messages via satellite; etc. Those attending the Conference concluded that while the potential for the data communications market is almost unlimited, these probems will have to be resolved before that potential can be realized. THE U. S. GOVERNMENT COULD SAVE UP TO 25% OF ITS COMPUTER INSTALLATION COSTS BY UNBUNDLING ITS PROCUREMENTS. This was the opinion of Dan M. Bowers, a computer consultant and president of BCD Computing Corp., in a recommendation he made at the Conference on Selection and Procurement of Computer Systems by the Federal Government sponsored by the Bureau of the Budget in Charlottesville, Va. recently. Mr. Bowers urged the government to give independent consideration to each of what he defined as ten distinct components of a computer system when granting contracts. If his advice is heeded, it could have a profound effect on the big (as big as $300 million) contract soon to be awarded by the Department of Defense for the World Wide Military Command and Control System. 62 Total: 2000 E CLASSIFIED ADV,ERTISEMENTS Use economical C &A Classified Ads to buy or sell your computer and data processing equipment, to offer services to the industry, to offer new business opportunities, to seek new pOsitions, or to fill job vacancies. Send copy to: Computers and Automation, 815 Washington St., Newtonville, Mass. 02160 Rates for Classified Ads: 90¢ per word - minimum, 20 words. First line all capitals - no charge. Ads must be prepaid. 8K BANK DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM FOR SALE OR LEASE 360/20 RPG USERS PSI offers the answer to DEBUGGING - MAINTENANCE - and DOCUMENTATION with the RPG Program Documentation System. FULL PRICE $400.00 - money back guarantee. Write for details: POLYTECHNIC SOFTWARE INTERNATIONAL, P. O. Box 72, Leonard, Michigan 48038 1401 E4, 1402-1, 1403-2, 1406-1, 1412-1. Net lease, $2200 per month. System also available for sale. Summit Computer Corporation 785 Springfield Avenue Summit, New Jersey 07901 (201) 273-6900 ADVERTISING INDEX Following is the index of advertisements. Each item contains: Name and address of the advertiser / page number where the advertisement appears / name of agency, if any APL- Manhattan, Div. of Industrial Computer Systems, Inc., 254-6 W. 31 St., New York, NY 10001 / Page 64 / California Computer Products, Inc., 305 N. Muller st., Anaheim, CA 92803 / Page 23 / Carson/Roberts/ Inc. Compso - Regional Computer Software and Peripherals Show, 37 W. 39 St. , New York, NY 10018 / page 6 / Information International Inc., 89 Brighton Ave., Boston, MA 02134 Page 27 / Kalb & Schneider Interdata Inc., 2 Crescent Place, Oceanport, NJ 07757 / Page 2 / Thomas Leggett Assoc. National Systems Corp., North American Institute of Systems & Proce- dures, 4401 Birch St., Newport Beach, CA 92660 / Page 4 / France Free and Laub, Inc. Path Computer Equipment, 20 Beckley Ave., Stamford, CT 06901 / Pages 18, 19 / Nachman & Shaffran RCA, Information Systems Div. , Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 / Page 63 / J. Walter Thompson Co. Sangamo Electric Co., P. O. Box 359, Springfield, IL 62705 / Page 31 / Winius- Brandon Co. Spiras Systems, Inc., 332 Second Ave., Waltham, MA 02154 / Page 3 / Ingalls Associates, Inc. Systematics/Magne-Head Div., General Instrument Corp., 13040 S. Cerise Ave., Hawthorne, CA 90250 / Page 9 / MB Advertising Agency COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION· for December, 1969 : No computer stamps out program bugs like RCiXs Octoputer. It boosts programming efficiency up to 40%. Programming is already one-third of computer costs, and going up faster than any other cost in the industry. A lot of that money is eaten up by bugs-mistakes in programs. Wi th usual methods, programmers don't know of mistakes until long after a program is written. They may have to wait days for a test run. RCA's Spectra 70/46, the Octopu ter, takes a whole new approach based on time sharing.· It substitutes a computer terminal for pencil and paper and talks to the programmer as he writes the program, pointing out mistakes as they are made. The Octoputer is the only computer available today that has this capability. It's as much as 40% faster. And it works on IBM 360 and other compu ter programs as well as our own. Costs go down. Programs get done faster. And you need fewer programmers-who are scarce and getting scarcer. Of course, Octoputer does more than just slay bugs. It's a completely new kind of creature that does time sharing and regular computing together. Designate No. 17 on Reader Service Card The Octoputer concentrates on remote compu ting because that's where the industry is going. We got there first, because communications is what RCA is famous for. It puts Octoputer a generation ahead of its major competitor. It can put you ahead of yours. COMPUTERS nell TIME-SHARING SERVICE IBM'S NEW ALL-PURPOSE LANGUAGE TEI~ TIMES MORE POWERFUL THAN FORTRAf"! WHY? THREE WEEKS WORK can be done in one productive day. HOW? Continuous hands-on-time programming; over 400 turn-arounds possible per day. WHAT IS IT? It's a newly-discovered computational shorthand, a fully-general computer language for all types of programming. Every Programmer should learn it. (APL became an IBM PRODUCT in September, 1969; not to be confused with PL/1, an older IBM language) PROBLEM-SOLVING at your desk. INTERACTIVE; hands-on-time for fast turn-around. ALWAYS AVAILABLE, 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, including holidays. . COST: You pay only $12 per hour because others "time share" the same machine. SCHEDULES: Immediate diagnostics and faster programming; therefore, schedules can be met and beaten, with APL. MANY HIGH-POWERED PROGRAMS available for immediate use or easily incorporated into, your own programming. LOCATIONS: For information on terminals and service, call the location nearest you and ask for the sales department. APL-IVIAN HATTAN 254 WEST 31 STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10001· (212) 947·7813 APL- BOSTO N 815 WASHINGTON STREET, NEWTONVILLE, MASS. 02160· (GI7) 244·0210 A P L - PHI LA DEL PHI A 1819 JFK BOULEVARD, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 19103 • (215) 564·1788 AP L- \MAS HI N GTO N 1025 VERMONT AVE. N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005· (202) 638·5344 CHECK THAT WE'RE ON-LiNEl DIAL (212) 554-9011 NO SOFTWARE CRASHES SINCE INCEPTION OF SERVICE ON AUGUST 25, 1969~ APL-I Not for sale for unethical or destructive purposes I T.M Industrial Computer Systems, Inc. Designat~ No. 8 on Reader Service Card I ,I

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