1979_Mostek_Microcomputer_Products_Data_Book 1979 Mostek Microcomputer Products Data Book

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Microcomputer Products
Data Book

Copyright © 1979 Mostek Corporation (All rights reserved)
Trade Marks Registered ®
Mostek reserves the right to make changes in specifications at any time and without notice. The information
furnished by Mostek in this publication is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed
by Mostek for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use. No
license is granted under any patents or patent rights of Mostek.
The "PRELIMINARY" designation on a Mostek data sheet indicates that the product is not characterized. The
specifications are subject to change, are based on design goals or preliminary part evaluation, and are not
guaranteed. Mostek Corporation or an authorized sales representative should be consulted for current information
before using this product. No responsibility is assumed by Mostek for its use; nor for any infringements of patents
and trademarks or other rights of third parties resulting from its use. No license is granted under any patents, patent
rights, or trademarks of Mostek. Mostek reserves the right to make changes in specifications at any time and without
Publication Number MK79707

Functional Index
of Contents
Micro Design Series

Micro Design Series
Single Board
Z80 Micro
Device Fam
3870 Micro
Device Family
F8 Micro
Device Family
SOlE Series
OEM Modules
SO Series
OEM Modules
Micro Development
Systems (U.S.)
Micro Development
Systems (
Micro Development

Functional Index
of Contents

General Information ................................................................. i
Introduction .................................................. " ............... iii
Order Information ............................................................... v
Package Descriptions ........................................................... vii
U.S. and Canadian Sales Offices ................................................. ix
U.S. and Canadian Representatives ................................................ x
U.S. and Canadian Distributors .................................................. xi
International Sales and Marketing Offices ......................................... xii

Micro Design Series-Expandable ................................................


Product Specifications
Central Processor Module (MDX-CPU1) ........................................... 3
Dynamic RAM Module (MDX-DRAM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7
EPROM/UART Module (MDX-EPROM/UART) ..................................... 11
Programmable Input/Output Unit (MDX-PIO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15
Serial Input/Output Module (MDX-SIO) .......................................... 21
Z80 Debug Module (MDX-DEBUG) .............................................. 27
Z80 Single Step Module (MDX-SST) .......................................... 35
Prototyping Package (MDX-PROTO) ........................................... 37
Universal Memory Card (MDX-UMC) .......................................... 45
EPROM Module (MDX-EPROM) ............................................... 47
Static RAM Module (MDX-SRAM) ............................................ 51
MD Accessories (MD-ACC) ................................................... 55
Analog to Digital Conversion Module (MDX A/D) .............................. 59

Application Note
STD ZOO Bus Description and Electrical Specifications .............................. 63

Micro Design Series - Single Board ............................................


Product Specifications
ZOO Single Board Computer (MD-SBC1) .......................................... 69

Z80 Microcomputer Family ......................... ................. , ..........


Device Specifications
Central Processing Unit (MK3880) ............................................... 75
Parallel I/O Controller (MK3881) ............................................ 165
Counter Timer Circuit (MK3882) ............ , ....... , .................. , ..... 203
Direct Memory Access (MK3883) ............................................ 239
Serial I/O Controller (MK3884/3885/3887) ................................. 259
Z80 Combo Circuit (MK3886) ................................................ 307

Application Note
Z80 Dynamic RAM Interfacing Technique ....................................... 309

3870 Microcomputer Family ........ ........................................... 325
Device Specifications
2K ROM Single-Chip Microcomputer (MK3870)' .................................. 327
4K ROM Single-Chip Microcomputer (MK3872) ............................... 361
SIO Single-Chip Microcomputer (MK3873) ................................... 395
P-PROM Microcomputer (MK3874) .......................................... 397
Single-Chip Microcomputer (MK3876) ....................................... 401

Fa Microcomputer Family ...................................................... 439
Device Specifications
Central Processing Unit (MK3850) .............................................. 441
Program Storage Unit (MK3851) ............................................. 467
Dynamic Memory Interface (MK3852) ........................................ 485
Static Memory Interface (MK3853) .......................................... 503
Static Memory Interface (MK3854) .......................................... 521
Peripheral Input/Output (MK3861) .......................................... 529
Peripheral Input/Output (MK3871) .......................................... 545

Application Notes
F8 Keyboard Scanning ....................................................... 567
F8 Display Multiplexing ..................................................... 573
F8 External Interrupt Expansion ........................... , ................. 581
F8 Subroutine Interrupt Nesting ............................................. 587

European Software Development (SO/E) Series OEM Modules ....... 597
Product Specifications
Software Development Board (SDB-80E) ........................................ 599
Random Access Memory (RAM-80E) ......................................... 605
Flexible Disk Drive Controller (FLP-80-E) ..................................... 609
SYS·80F Flexible Disk Operating System (FLP-80-DOS) ....................... 613

Software Oevelopoment (SD) Series OEM Modules ...................... 617
Product Specifications
Software Development Board (SDB-80) ......................................... 61 9
Random Access Memory (RAM-80) .......................................... 623
Flexible Disk Drive Controller (FLP-80) ....................................... 627
Flexible Disk Operating System (FLP-80DOS) ................................. 631
Analog/Digital Converter (A/D-80) .......................................... 637
Video Adapter Board (VAB-2) ................................................ 643

Military/Hi-Reliability ............................................................ 647
Product Specifications
Reference Guide ............................................................ 649
Z80 Central Processing Unit (MKB3880-P) ................................... 653
Z80 Parallel I/O Controller (MKB3881-P) ..................................... 657
Z80 Counter Timing Circuit (MKB3882-P) .................................... 661
Quality Specification ........................................................ 665
MIL-M38510 Sampling Plan ................................................ 679

U.S. Disk-Based Development Systems ..................................... 681
Product Specifications
Floppy Disk-Based Computer (AID-80F) .......................................... 683
Z80 Application Interface Module (AIM-80) ................................... 691
3870 Application Interface Module (AIM-72) ................................. 695
PROM Programmer (PPG-08) ................................................ 701
PROM Programmer (PPG-8/16) ............................................. 703
Keyboard Display Unit (CRT) ................................................. 707
Line Printer ................................................................ 711
AID-80F Cross Assembler 3870/F8 (FZCASM) ................................ 715
BASIC Software Interpreter ................................................. 719
FORTRAN IV Compiler ...................................................... 723
FLP-80-DOS Software Library (UB-80-Vl) .................................... 725

European Disk-Based Development Systems . .............................. 727
Product Specification
Microcomputer Development System (SYS-OOFT) ................................. 729

l80 Application Interface Module (AIM-80E) .................................. 737
3870 Application Interface Module (AIM-72E) ................................ 741
PROM Programmer (PPG-08) ................................................ 747
PROM Programmer (PPG-8/16) ............................................. 749
Line Printer ................................................................ 753
AID-80F Cross Assembler 3870/F8 (FlCASM) ................................ 757
BASIC Software Interpreter ................................................. 761
FORTRAN IV Compiler ...................................................... 765
FLP-80-DOS Software Library (LlB-80-V1) .................................... 767

Microcomputer Development Aids ............................................ 769
FORTRAN Cross Software
FORTRAN IV Cross Assembler (XFOR-50170) .................................... 771
FORTRAN IV Cross Assembler (XFOR-80) .................................... 773

Single-Chip Microcomputer Emulators
3870 Emulator (EMU-70) ..................................................... 775
3870 Series Emulator (EMU-72) ............................................. 777
P-PROM Microcomputer (MK3874) .......................................... 779

Miscellaneous Development Equipment
Evaluation Kit (MCK50/70) .................................................... 783

3870/F8 Software Development Board (SDB-50170) .......................... 785
Application Interface Module (AIM-70) ....................................... 791
F8 PSU Emulator (EMU-51) ................................................. 795
Video Adapter Board (VAB-2) ................................................ 799
l80 Software Development Board (SDB-80) .................................. 803
l80 Software Development Board-E (SDB-80E) ............................... 807
l80 Operating System (DDT -80) ............................................. 813
AssemblerIEditorILoader (ASMB-80) ....................•................... 81 7
Video Display Interface (VOl) ................................................. 823




MOSTEK 1969-1979
Ten Years of Technology Leadership

Mostek Technology. Technology links the past,
present. and fUlure of Mostek. Innovations In both
circuit and system design, and wafer processing have
accounted for our rapid growth and for the strong
acceptance of Mostek as a technology leader.

Mostek's Z80 IS the most powerful 8-blt microcomputer available. It IS software compatible with the
8080A yet has some significant system advantagesan Increased Instruction set. reduced dynamic
memory interfacing costs, reduced 1/0 costs and
reduced support circuitry costs.
Mostek's 3870 Family of single-chip microcomputers allow system fleXibility and expansion while
retaining the deSign and economic advantages of
single-chip construction. Software compatible with
the F8, Mostek's 3870 family IS the answer to a wide
range of low-cost microcomputer applications.
Microcomputer Systems. Mostek's microcomputer
line IS supported by a wide array of development aids.
These Include software development boards that may
be used as software development aids or as standalone microcomputers. Add-on memory boards,
application Interface modules, and emulators assist In
system deSign, debugging, and field testing.

The proven process technology In the semiconductor Industry IS N-Channel silicon-gate MOS.
Mostek IS recognized as an Important Innovator in this
process because of the continuing development of
new techniques and enhancements which allow
significant performance breakthroughs In our
products. Competing technologies have not yet been
able to approach either the performance or
producibility of N-Channel MOS. Therefore, It appears
that NMOS silicon-gate will continue to lead Industry
developments for several years to come.

Microcomputer Components. Mostek's microcomputer products cover the full spectrum of
microprocessor applications worldWide.

Mostek's microcomputer line Includes Mostek's MD
Serles™ of OEM microcomputer boards. The MD
Series features both stand-alone boards (deSignated
MD) and expandable boards (deSignated MDX) that
are STD-Z80 BUS compatible. These powerful Z80based boards are Simple and economical to use.
Also available IS Mostek's AID-80FTM, a dual floppydisk development system that develops and debugs
software for Mostek's entire microcomputer line.
Mostek provides a complete base of powerful
software and software aids, complete documentatIOn,
and factory and field-application engineers.

Mostek smgle-chlp microcomputer famllv



Factory orders for parts described in this book should include a four-part number as explained below:
Dash Number
" - - - - - - - - - 3 . Device Number
" - - - - - - - - - - - 4 . Mostek Prefix

Dash Number
One or two numerical characters defining spacific device performance characteristic.


P - Gold side-brazed ceramic DIP



Epoxy DIP (plastic)
Tin side-brazed ceramic DIP
Ceramic DIP with transparent lid
Ceramic leadless chip carrier

Device Number


or 1XXXX - Shift Register, ROM
- Microcomputer Components
or 4XXXX
or 5XXXX
Counters, Telecommunication and Industrial
or 7XXXX Microcomputer Systems

Mostek Prefix
MK-Standard Prefix
MKB-100% 883B screening, with final electrical test at low, room and high-rated temperatures.




Package Descriptions
28 PIN

40 PIN


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1. The true·poaition pin spacing ia 0.100 between centerline•. Each pin centerline
ia 10000ted within t 0.010 of its true longitudinal po$ition relative to pins 1 and 40.


28 PIN

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40 PIN



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u.s. AND


Mostek Corporation
1215 W. Crosby Rd.
P. O. Box 169
Carrollton, Texas 75006

Mostek (Eastern U.S.lCanada)
34 W. Putnam. 2nd Floor
Greenwich, Conn. 06830

Mostek (North Central U.S.)
6125 Blue Circle Drive, Suite A
Minnetonka, Mn. 55343



TWX 710-579-2928

TWX 910-576·2802

Mostek (Northeast U.S.)
29 Cummings Park, Suite #426
Woburn, Mass. 01801

Mostek (South Central U.S.)
228 Byers Road
Suite 105
Miamisburg, Ohio 45342
TWX 810·473·2976

TWX (Temp.) 710-332-0435
Mostek (Mid-Atlantic U.S.)
East Gate Business Center
125 Gaither Drive, Suite D
Mt. Laurel, New Jersey 08054
TWX 710-897-0723
Mostek (Southeast U.S.)

Exchange Bank Bldg.
1111 N. Westshore Blvd.
Suite 414
Tampa, Florida 33607

TWX 810-876-4611

Mostek (Central U.S.)
701 E. Irving Park Road
Suite 206
Roselle, III. 60172

TWX 91(}-291·1207

Mostek (Michigan)
Livonia Pavillion East
29200 Vassar, Suite 815
livonia, Mich. 48152
TWX 810·242·2978
Mostek (Southwest U.S.)
4100 McEwen Road
Suite 237
Dallas. Texas 75234
TWX 910·860·5437
Mostek (Northern California)
202S-Gateway Place
Suite 268
San Jose, Calif. 95011
TWX 910-336-7336


Mostek (Southern California)
17870 Skypark Circle
Suite 107
Irvine, Calif. 92714
TWX 910·595·2513
Mostek (Rocky M.ountiJins)

8686 N. Central Ave.
Suite 126
Phoenix, Ariz. 85020
TWX 910-957·4581
Mostek (NorthY'est)
1107 North East 45th Street
Suite 411
Seattle, Wa. 98105

Beacon Elect. Assoc., Inc.
11309 S. Memorial Pkw,/.
Suite G
Huntsville, AL 35803
TWX 810-726-2136
Summit Sales

7336 E. Shoernan lane
Suite 116E

Scottsdale. AZ 85251
TWX 910-950-1283
Harvey King. Inc.
8124 Miramar Road
San Diego, CA 92126
TWX 910-335-1231
Waugaman Associates
4800 Van Gordon
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
TWX 910-938-0750
New England Technical Sales
33 Trotwood Drive
W. Hartford. CT 06117
Beacon Elect. Assoc .• Inc.
6842 N.W. 20th Ave.
Ft Lauderdale, FL 33309
TWX 510-955-9834

Beacon Elect. Assoc., Inc.

P. O. Box 125
Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548
9041244-1550 .
Beacon Elect. Assoc., Inc.
235 Maitland Ave.
P. O. Box 1278
Maitland, FL 32751
TWX 810.-853-5038
Beacon Elect. Assoc., Inc.
316 Laurie
Melbourne, FL 32901
TWX 810-853-5038
Beacon Elect. Assoc., Inc.'
6135 Barfield Rd.
Suite 112
Atlanta, GA 30328
TWX 810-751·3165
Carlson Electronic Sales'
600 East Higgins Road
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
TWX 910-222·1819

Rich Electronic Marketing'
599 Industrial Drive
Carmel, IN 46032
TWX 810-280-2631
Rich Electronic Marketing
3448 West Taylor St.
Fort Wayne, IN 46804
TWX 810·332-1404

Cahill Associates
226 Sussex Or. N.E.
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

CMS Marketing
121A Lorraine Avenue
P.O. Box 300
Oreland, PA 19075
TWX 510-665-0161

Carlson Electronic Sales
204 Collins Rd. N.E.
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

Beacon Elect. Assoc., Inc.
100 Tulsa Road
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
TWX 810-572.1077

Rush & West Associates'
107 N. Chester Street
Ol~the. KN 68061
TWX 910-749-6404

Rich Electronic Marketing
1128 Tusculum Blvd.
Suite D
Greenville, TN 37743

Rich Electronic Marketing
5910 Bardstown Road
P. O. Box 91147
Louisville, KY 40291
New England Technical Sales'
135 Cambridge Street
Burlington. MA 01803
TWX 710-332-0435
A.P.J. Associates, Inc.
496 Ann Arbor Trail
Plymouth, MI 48170
TWX 810·242-6970

West & Associates, Inc.
8403 Shoal Creek Road
Austin, TX 78758

West & Associates, Inc.'
4300 Alpha Road, Suite 106
Dallas, TX 75234
TWX 910-860-5433
West & Associates, Inc.
9730 Town Park #101
Houston, TX 77036
Waugaman Associates
445 East 2nd South
Suite 304
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
TWX 9101925·5607

Cahill Associates·
315 N. Pierce
St. PaUl, MN 55104
TWX 910-563-3737
Rush & West Associates
481 Melanie Meadows Lane
Ballwin, MO 63011
Waugaman Associates
9004 Menaul N.E.
Suile 7
P. O. Box 14894
Albuquerque, NM 87111

Carlson Electronic Sales
Northbrook Executive Ctr.
10701 West North Ave.
Suite 209
Milwaukee, WI 53226
TWX 910-222-1819
Cantec Representatives Inc.'
17 Bentley Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K2E 6T7·
TWX 610-562·8967

Beacon Elect. Assoc., Inc.
1207 West Bessemer Ave.
Suite 112
Greensboro, NC 27408
TWX 510-925-1119
ERA (Engrg. Rep. Assoc.)
One DuPont Street
Plainview. NY 11803
TWX 510-221-1849

Precision Sales Corp.
5 Arbuslus Ln., MR-97
Binghamton, NY 13901
Precision Sales Corp.·
1 Commerce Blvd.
Liverpool, NY 13088
TWX 710-541-0463

Cantec Representatives Inc.
15737 Rue Pierrefonds
5te. Genevieve, P.O.
Canada H9H 1G3
TELEX 05-822790
eantec Representat.wes Inc.
83 Galaxy Blvd., Unit 1A
Toronlo, Canada M9W 5X6
TWX 610-492·2655

'Home Office

Precision Sales Corp.
3594 Monroe Avenue
Rochester, NY 14534


u.s. AND

Sterling Electronics
9810 E. 42nd Street
SUite 229
Tulsa. OK 74145


Klerulff ElectroniCS
4134 E. Wood 5t.
Phoenix, AZ 85040

Arrow Electronics
3406 Oakchff Road
Doraville, GA 30340

TWX 910/951·1550

TWX 8101757·4213

Bell Industries
1161 N. Fair Oaks Avenue
Sunnyvale. CA 94086

TWX 910/339·9378
Arrow Electronics
720 Palomar Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086

TWX 9101339·9371
Intermark Electronics
1802 E. Carnegie Avenue
Santa Ana, CA 92705

TWX 910/595·1583
Intermark Electronics
4125 Sorrento Valley Blvd.
San Diego. CA 92121

71412 79·5200
TWX 910/335·1515
Intermark ElectrOnics

TWX 910/771-2114

Arrow Electronics
492 Lunt Avenue
P. O. Box 94248
Schaumburg, IL 60193

Arrow ElectroniCS
Pleasant Valley Avenue
Morrestown. NJ 08057

TWX 810/281·2233


TWX 710/897·0892

Bell Industnes
3422 W. Touhy Avenue
Chicago, IL 60645

Arrow Electronics
285 Midland Avenue
Saddlebrook. NJ 07662





TWX 910/580·3106
Klerulff Electronics

TWX 810/332·1562
Graham Electronics
133 S. Pennsylvania St.
Indianapolis. IN 46204



TWX 810/379·6430
Kierulff ElectrOnics
8797 Balboa Avenue
San Diego. CA 92123

TWX 810/341·3481

TWX 910/595·1720
Bell Industries
8155 W. 48th Avenue
Wheatndge. CO 80033

TWX 910/938·0393
Klerulff Electronics
10890 E. 47th Avenue
Denver. CO 80239

TWX 910/932·0169

Arrow Electronics
295 Treadwell
Hamden, CT 06514

TWX 710/465·0780
Schweber ElectrOnics
Finance Drive
Commerce Industrial Park
Danbury. CT 06810

TWX 710/456-9405
Arrow ElectroniCS
1001 N.W. 62nd St.
Suite 108
Ft. lauderdale. Fl 33309

TWX 510/955·9456
Arrow ElectrOnics
115 Palm Bay Road. N.W.
SUite 10 Bldg. 200
Palm Bay. Fl 32905

TWX 510/959·6337
Diplomat Southland
2120 Calumet
Clearwater. Fl 33515

TWX 810/866·0436
Klerulff Electronics
3247 Tech Drive
St. Petersburg. Fl 33702

TWX 810/863·5625

TWX 710/988·2206
Klerulff Electronics
3 Edison Place
Fairfield. NJ 07006


TWX 9101222·0351

Ft. Wayne ElectroniCS
3606 E. Maumee
Ft. Wayne. IN 46803

Schweber Electronics
17811 Gillette Avenue
Irvine, CA 92714


TWX 910/223/4519
Klerulff Electronics
1536 Lanmeler
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

Klerulff Electronics
2585 Commerce Way
Los Angeles, CA 90040

TWX 910/595·2599



TWX 810/341·3228


Schweber ElectroniCS
101 Rock Road
Horsham. PA 19044
Hammond Electrontcs
1035 lawn Des HIli Rd.
GreenVIlle. SC 29602

TWX 910/339·9312

TWX 910/335·1182
Klerulff Electronics
14101 Franklin Avenue
Tustm, CA 92680

Telex 49-9440


Advent ElectroniCS
8505 ZionSVille Road
Indianapolis. IN 46268

3969 E. Bayshore Road
Palo Alto, CA 94303


TWX 9101763·0710
Semiconductor Spec
3805 N. Oak Trafficway
Kansas City. MO 64116

Schweber Electronics
4126 Pleasantdale Road
Atlanta. GA 30340

Sunnyvale. CA 94086

1020 Stewart Dnve

Olive Electronics
9910 Page Blvd.
St. lOUIS. MO 63 I 32

TWX 7101734·4372
Schweber ElectrOnics
18 Madison Road
FaIrfIeld. NJ 07006

TWX 7101734·3405
Bell Industnes
11728 linn N.E.
Albuquerque. NM 87123

TWX 910/989·0625
Arrow Electronics
900 Broad Hollow Rd.
Farmingdale. l.I .. NY 11735

Advent ElectroniCS
682 58th Avenue
Court South West
Cedar Rapids. IA 52404

TWX 510/224·6494
Cramer Electronics
7705 Maltage Drive
P. O. Box 370
Liverpool. NY 13088


TWX 710/545·0230
Cramer Electronics
3000 S. Winton Road
Rochester. NY 14623

Sterlmg Electronics
4613 Fairfield Avenue
Metairie. LA 70005

Arrow ElectroniCS
13740 Midway Road
P.O. Box 401068
Dallas. TX 75240

TWX 910/861·5495
Quality Components
10201 McKalla
SUite D
Austin. TX 78758
Ouahty Components
4303 Alpha Road
Dallas. TX 75240


TWX 910/860·5459
Quality Components
6126 Westline
Houston. TX 77036

Schweber ElectronIcs
7420 Harwin Drive
Houston, TX 77036


TWX 910/881·1109
Sterling Electronics
2800 longhorn Blvd.
SUite 101
Austin. TX 78759

Telex - 776-407
Sterling ElectrOniCS
2875 Merrell Road
P.O. Box 29317
Dallas. TX 75229

Telex - 025
Sterling Electronics
4201 Southwest Freeway
Houston. TX 77027




TWX 910/881·5042

Telex 58-328

TWX 510/253·4766
llonex Corporation
415 Crossway Park Drive
Woodbury. NY 11797

Bell Industnes

Klerulff Electronics
13 Fortune Drive
Billenca. MA 01821

TWX 510/221·2196
Schweber Electronrcs
2 TWin line Circle
Rochester. NY 14623


TWX 710/390·1449
llonex Corporation
1 North Avenue
8urllngton, MA 01803

Schweber ElectrOnics
Jericho Turnpike
Westbury. NY 11590

TWX 710/332·1387


Schweber Electronics
25 Wiggins Avenue
Bedford. MA 01730
TWX 7101326·0268
Arrow ElectroniCs
960 Cammer Way
Woburn. MA 01801

TWX 510/222·3660

2258 S. 2700 W.
Salt lake City. UT 84119
TWX 910/925-5686
Klerulff Electronics
3695 W. 1987 South SI.
Salt lake City. UT 84104

Klerulff ElectrOniCS
1005 Andover Park East
Seattle. WA 98188

Arrow Electronics
1369G South Park Dflve
KernerSVille. NC 27282

Hammond Electronics
2923 Pactftc Avenue
Greensboro. NC 27406

Arrow ElectrOnics
4801 Benson Avenue
Baltimore. MD 21227
TWX 710/236·9005
Cramer Electronics
16021 Industnal Dnve
Gaithersburg. MD 20760

TWX 510/925·1094
Arrow ElectrOnics
3100 Plainfield Road
Kettering. OH 45432

301/948·011 0
TWX 710/828·0082

TWX 810/459·1611
Arrow ElectrOniCs
10 Knoll Crest Dnve
Readtng. OH 44139

Arrow ElectroniCS
3921 Varsity Drive
Ann Arbor. MI 48104

TWX 810/461-2670
Arrow ElectrOnics
6238 Cochran Road
Solon. OH 44139

TWX 810/223·6020
Schweber ElectrOniCS
33540 Schoolcraft Road
livonia. MI 48150

TWX 810/427·9409


Schweber ElectrOnics
23880 Commerce Park Road
Beachwood. OH 44122

Arrow ElectroniCS
5251 W. 73rd Street
Edina. MN 55435

TWX 810/427·9441

TWX 910/444-2034
Arrow ElectrOnics
434 Rawson Avenue
Oak Creek. WI 53154

TWX 910/262·1192
Prelco ElectroniCS
2767 Thames Gate Dflve

~~~~~st~at~~· ,oGJano
TWX 610/492·8974
Prelco Electrontcs
480 Port Royal St. W.
Montreal 357 P.Q. H3l 2B9

TWX 610/421·3616
Prelco ElectrOnics
1 770 Woodward Drave
Ottowa. Ontano K2C OP8

TWX 610/562·8724
RAE. Industrial
3455 Gardner Court
Burnaby. B.C. V5G 4J7

15 15 King Edward St.
Winnipeg. Manitoba R3H OR8



Telex - 07-57347

TWX 910/576·3125


Mostek International
150 Chausee de Ja Hulpe
B·l1 70 Brussels


Mostek GmbH
Talstrasse 172
0-7024 Fllderstadt 1

The Netherlands

United Kingdom

Nljkerk Elektronlka BV
Drentestraat 7
1083 HK Amsterdam



Telex - 7255792

Telex - 11625

Mostek U.K. -ltd.
Masons House
1-3 Valley Dnve
Kingsbury Road.
London, N.W. 9

Mostek GmbH
Fnedlandstrasse 1
d-2085 QUickborn
Telex - 213685


Telex - 25940

Telex - 62011

TranSlstor-Vertnebs GmbH
Auhofstrasse 41 A
A-1130 Vienna

43 222-829.45.12

47 2-38.02 86

Celdls Limited
37-39 Love rock Road
Berks RG 31 ED

Telex - 16205



Neye Enatechnlk GmbH
Schllierslrasse 14
0-2085 QUickborn


49 4106-61.22.95

14. Rue Pere de Oeken
8-1040 Brussels

Telex - 213.590

Mostek Scandmavla AS
Magnusvagen 1, 8 tr.
5-17531 Jarfalla


Dr Oohrenberg
Bayreuther 5trasse 3
0-1 Berlin 30

Telex - 12997

Telex - 25141

44 1-204.93.22

Hefro Teknlska A/S
Postboks 6596
Oslo 5


Olstronic Limited
50-51 Burnt Mill
Elizabeth Way,
Essex CM 202 HU

46 758-343.38



49 30-213.80.43

Semi cap APS
Gammel KongeveJ 184.5
DK-1850 Copenhagen

Telex - 184860

Interelko AB
5trandbergsg. 47
S-11251 Stockholm
Telex - 10689

Telex - 15987

Raffel-Electronic GmbH
Lochnerstrasse 1
0-4030 Ratlngen


Telex - 8585180



S.W. Instruments
KarstuJantle 48
SF-00550 HelslOkl 55

Siegfried Ecker
Konlgsberger Strasse 2
0-6120 Mlchelstadt

Telex - 122411


SIUC 505
F-94623 Rungls Cedex

49 7071-24.43.31


Telex - 669971

Telex - 24507

Inozemma Zastupstva
Proletersklh brlgada 37-a
41001 Zagreb

Memotec AG
CH-4932 Lotzwll


Telex - 726.28.79

Telex - 68636

Dema-ElectronlC GmbH
Blutenstrasse 21
0-8 Munchen 40
49 89-288018
Telex - 28345

113. Rue Artlstlde Bfland
F-91400 Orsay


Pronto Electronic Systems ltd.
645 High Road,
Seven Kings.
Essex IG 38 RA


Telex - 204049


A.M. Lock co., Ltd.
Neville Street.
Oldham, LancashIre


Telex - 51934
Matronlc GmbH
Lichtenberger Weg 3
0-7400 Tublngen

Telex - 81387

Comelta S.A
Cia EJectrlnlca Tecnlcas
Consejo de Clento. 204
Entlo 3A.
Barcelona 11

34 3-254.66.07/08

Telex - 4191630

Mostek France s.8.r.1
30 Rue de Morvan

- 84B370


Telex - 21236

Telex - 691451

4. Rue Barthelemy
F-92120 Montrouge

Mostek Italla S.p.A
Via G. da Procida. 10
1-20149 Milano


39 2-349.26.96

Telex - 204534

Telex - 333601


80. Rue d'Arcuil
SIUC 137

Comprel S.r.L.
Vlale Romagna, 1
1-20092 Cmlsello Balsamo

F-94150 Rungls Cedex

39 2-928.08.09/928.03.45


Telex - 332484

Telex - 204674



Rayo Electronics. S.R.L
Belgrano 990, PIS os 6y2
1092 Buenos Aires

Telsys limited
54 Jabotlnsky Road
Ramal-Gan 52462


972 73.98.65
Telex - 32392

Amtron Tyree Pty. Ltd
176 Botany Street
Waterloo, N.5.W. 2017

61 69-89.666
Telex - 25643

Cosele. Ltda.
Rua da Consolacao. 867
01301 Sao Paulo

Vine Overseas Trading Corp.
Room 303-1ae Sung Bldg.
199-1 Jangsa-Oong




Telex - 24154

Telex - 11064


Systems Marketing. Inc.
4th Floor, 5hmdo Bldg.
3-12-5 Uchlkanda,
Tokyo. 100

E.C.S. Oiv. of Alrspares
P.O. Box 1048
Airport Palmerston North

81 3-254.27.51

Telex - 3766

New Zealand


Telex - 25761

South Africa
P.O. Box 56310

Telex - 1130869

TelJln Advanced Products Corp.
'-1 Uchlsalwal-Cho
2-Chome Chlyoda-Ku
Tokyo, 100

81 3-506.46.73


Hong Kong

Telex - 23548



Cet Limited
1402 Tung Wah ManSion
199-203 Hennessy Road
Wanchal. Hong Kong


Telex· 8-0838 SA

Telex - 85148


Dynamar Taiwan Limited
P.O. Box 67-445
2nd Floor, No. 14, Lane 164
Sung-Chiang Road





zao Central Processor Module (MDX-CPU1)

o Z80 CPU
o 4K x 8 EPROM (two 2i'lt;is, customer provided)
o 256 x 8 Static RAM (compatible with DDT-80



Flexible Memory decoding for EPROM and RAM
Four counter/timer channels
Restart to OOOOH or EOOOH (strapping option)
Debug compatible for single step in DDT-80
4MHz version available
Fully buffered signals for system expandability
STD-Z80 BUS compatible

The MD Series and the STD-Z80 BUS were designed
to satisfy the need for low cost OEM microcomputer
modules. The STD-Z80 BUS uses a motherboard
interconnect system concept and is designed to handle any MD Series Card type in any slot. The modules
for the STD-Z80 BUS are a compact 4.5 x 6.5 inches
which provide for system partitioning by function
(RAM, EPROM, I/O). This smaller module size makes
system packaging easier while increasing MOS~LSI
densities provide high functionality per module.

addition, an MK3882 Counter Timer Circuit is
included on the MDX-CPU1 to provide counting and
timing functions for the Z80. Either 2716 EPROM
can be located at any 2K boundary within any given
16K block in the Z80 memory map via a jumper
The MDX-CPU1 can be used in conjunction with the
MDX-DEBUG and MDX-DRAM modules to utilize
DDT-80 and ASMB-80 in system development. This is
accomplished by strapping the scratch pad RAM to reside at location F FOO so that it will act as the Operating System RAM for DDT-80.
The MDX-CPU1 is also available in 4MHz version
(MD~-CPU1-4). In this version, one wait cycle is
automatically inserted each time on-board memory is
accessed by a read or write cycle. This is necessary to
make the access times of the 2716 PROMs and the
3539 scratch pad RAM compatible with the MK38804 MHz Z80-CPU.

8, 16,24, or 32 bits
8 bits

The MD Series of OEM microcomputer boards and
the STD-Z80 BUS offer the most cost effective
system configuration available to the OEM system

Clock period or T state = 0.4 microsecond @ 2.5MHz
or = 0.25 microsecond @
Instructions require from 4 to 23 T states



The MOSTEK MDX-CPU1 is the heart of an MD
Series Z80 system. Based on the powerful Z80 mi.croprocessor, the MDX-CPU1 can be used with great versatility in an OEM microcomputer system application. This is done simply by inserting custom ROM or
EPROM memories into the sockets provided on the
board and configuring them virtually anywhere
within the Z80 memory map.

On-Board EPROM: jumper selectable for any 2K
boundary within a 16K block of Z80 memory map.
On-Board RAM: F FOO-F F F F

On board memory is provided in the form of sockets
for 4K of EPROM (2-2716's) and 256 bytes of
scratch pad RAM as pictured in the block diagram. In

On-Board EPROM - 4K bytes (sockets only)
On-Board RAM - 256 bytes
Off-board Expansion - Up to 65,536 byte, with userspecified combinations of RAM, ROM, PROM.



















































MEM.", .,,"'"





























* Single 5 volt type required

Multi-level with three vectoring mode (Mode 0, 1,2).
Interrupt requests may originate from user-specified
I/O or from the on-board MK3882 CTC.

One 74LS load max
Bus Outputs IOH = -15 rnA min at 2.4 volts
IOL = 24 rnA min at 0.5 volts

On-Board Programmable Timer








MDX-CPU1 500 KHz
MDX-CPU1-4500 KHz

2.500 MHz
4.000 MHz



Up to 252 port addresses can be decoded off board.
Four port addresses are on board. 252 + 4 = 256 total
I/O ports.

5V ± 5% at 1.1 A maximum







56 pin dual read out

Printed Circuit
Viking 3VH28/

0.125 in. centers

Wire Wrap
Viking 3VH28/

4.5 in (11.43cm) high by 6.50 in. (16.51cm) long
0.48 in. (1.22cm) maximum profile thickness
0.062 in. (0.16cm) printed circuit board thickness

I Solder Lug


Viking 3VH28/





Module with Operation Manual
less EPROMs and mating connectors.
2.5MHz version.



Module with Operations Manual less
EPROMs and mating connectors.
4.0 MHz version.


MDX-CPU1 and -4 Operations Manual


data sheet

MD Series Protyping


data sheet

Disk based development system for
MD Series


data sheet

Z80 In-circuit Emulation module
(2.5 MHz only)






Dynamic Ram Module (MDX-DRAM)

o Three memory sizes



16K x S (MDX-DRAM16)
32K x S (MDX-DRAM32)
Selectable addressing on 4K boundaries.
4MHz version available (MDX-DRAM-4)
STD BUS compatible

The MD Series and the STD-ZSO BUS were designed
to satisfy the need for low cost OEM microcomputer
modules. The STD-ZSO BUS uses a motherboard
interconnect system concept and is designed to handle any MD Series card type in any slot. The modules
for the STD-ZSO BUS are a compact 4.5 x 6.5 inches
which provides for system partitioning by function
(RAM, EPROM, I/O). This smaller module size makes
system packaging easier while increasing MOS-LSI
densities provide high functionality per module.
The MD Series of OEM microcomputer boards and
the STD-ZSO BUS offer the most cost effective
system configuration available to the OEM system
The MDX-D RAM is designed to be a RAM memory
expansion board for the MOSTEK MD SERIES of
ZSO based microcomputers. It is available in three
memory capacities: SK bytes (MDX-DRAMSl, 16K
bytes (MDX-DRAM161, and 32K bytes (MDXDRAM32). Additionally, the MDX-DRAM16 and the
MDX-DRAM32 are available in a 4MHz version. Thus,
the designer can choose from the various options to
tailor his add-on dynamic RAM directly to his system
The MDX-DRAMS is designed using MOSTEK's
MK410S, S,192-bit dynamic RAM. The MDXDRAM16 and MDX-DRAM32 utilize high-performance MK4116, 16,3S4-bit dynamic RAMs which
allow 4MHz versions of these boards to be offered.
No wait-state insertion circuitry is required on any of
the RAM cards.

to start on any 4K boundary.
S bits
MDX-DRAMS - S,192 bytes
MDX-DRAM16 - 16,3S4 bytes
MDX-DRAM32 - 32,76S bytes


2.5 MHz 350ns max.
MDX-DRAM-4 4.0 MHz 200ns max.

465ns min.
325ns min.

Selection of SK, 16K, or 32K contiguous memory
blocks to reside at any 4K boundary
Bus Outputs

One 74LS load max
IOH = -15mA min. at 2.4 volts
IOL = 24mA min. at 0.5 volts

MDX-DRAM-4 1.25MHz


+5V ± 5% at 0.6A max.
+12V ± 5% at 0.25A max.
-12V ± 5% at 0.03A max.

Address selection is provided on all MDX-DRAM
cards for positioning the SK, 16K, or 32K of memory


















16KX8 8-MK4116



32KXB I6-MK4116

















I. 4





I. 8








I i i I




GND +5 +12 -12

4.5 in. (11.43cm) high by 6.50 in. (16.51 em) long
0.48 in. (1.22cm) maximum profile thickness
0.062 in. (0.16cm) printed circuit board thickness




56 pin dual read out

Printed Circuit
Viking 3VH281

0.125 in centers

Wire wrap
Viking 3VH281
Solder Lug
Viking 3VH281





Module with Operation Manual
less mating connectors in the
following memory capacities,
2.5MHz versions.

8K Bytes (4108's)



16K Bytes (4108's)




32K Bytes (4116's)



Module with Operations Manual less
mating connectors in the following
memory capacities, 4.0 MHz version:

16K Bytes (4116's)



32K Bytes (4116'5)


Data Sheet

MD Series prototyping


Data Sheet

Disk based development
system for M D Series


Data Sheet

Z80 In-circuit emulation module
(2.5MHz only)





10K x 8 EPROM/ROM (2716's not included)
Serial I/O channel
RS - 232 and 20 mA interface
Reader step control for Teletypes
Baud rate generator 110-19200 Baud
D 4MHz version available (MDX-EPROM/UART-4)
D STD BUS compatible.
The MD Series and the STD-Z80 BUS were designed
to satisfy the need for low cost OEM microcomputer
modules. The STD-Z80 BUS uses a motherboard
interconnect system concept and is designed to handle any MD Series card type in any slot. The modules
for the STD-Z80 BUS are a compact 4.5 x 6.5 inches
which provides for system partitioning by function
(RAM, EPROM, I/O). This smaller module size makes
system packaging easier while increasing MOS-LSI
densities provide high functionality per module.
The MD Series of OEM microcomputer boards and
the STD-Z80 BUS offer the rnost cost effective
system configuration available to the OEM system

the unit has been programmed, no further changes are
necessary unless there is a modification of the serial
data format. Features of the UART include:
Full duplex operation
Start bit verification
Data word size variable from 5 to 8 bits
One or two stop bit selection
Odd,even, or no parity option
One word buffering on both transmit and receive
The MDX-EPROM/UART is also available in a 4MHz
version. Circuitry is provided to force one wait state
each time on board EPROMs or the UART are

8 bits for PROM
5 to 8 bits for Serial I/O.
2K blocks jumper selectable for any 2K boundary
within a given 16K boundary of Z80 memory map.

The MDX-EPROM/UART is one of MOSTEK's complete line of STD-Z80 BUS compatible Z80 microcomputer modules.

10K bytes of 2716 memory.
(2716's not included)

Designed as a universal EPROM add-on module for
the STD-Zf;JO BUS, the MDX-EPROM/UART provides the system designer with sockets to contain up
to 10K x 8 of EPROM memory (5·2716's) as shown
in the Block Diagram.


The EPROM memories can be positioned to start on
any 2K boundary within a 16K block of memory via
a strapping option provided on the MDX-EPROM/

* Single 5 Volt type required

Included on-board the MDX-EPROM/UART is a fully
buffered asynchronous I/O port with a Teletype
reader step control. A full duplex UART is used to receive and tran~mit data at the serial port. Operation
and UART options are under software control. Once

On-board Serial I/O Port
Control Port DDH
Data Port
Modem and Reader Step Control DEH










































20 MA





L 99625






Transmitted data
Received data
Reader Step Relay (RS R)

Full duplex operation
Start bit verification
Data word size variable from 5 to 8 bits.
One or two stop bits
Odd, even, or no parity
One word buffering on both transmit and receive.


Data Terminal Ready (DTR)
Request to Send (RTS)
Carrier Detect (CDET)
Clear to Send (CTS)
Data Set Ready (DSR)



Bus Outputs

One 74LS Load Max
IOH = -15mA min at 2.4 Volts
IOL = 24mA min at 0.5 Volts




20mA Cu rrent




250 KHz
250 KHz

2.5 MHz
4.0 MHz

4.5 in. (11.43cm) high by 6.50 in. (16.51 cm) long
0.48 in. (1.22cm) maximum profile thickness
0.062 in. (0.16cm) printed circuit board thickness







56 pin dual

Printed Circuit
Viking 3VH28/

0.125 in. centers

Wire Wrap
Viking 3VH28/
Solder Lug
Viking 3VH28/

Serial I/O

26 pin dual
0.100 in. grid

Flat Ribbon
Ansley 6092600M
Discrete Wires

+12 Volts ± 5% at 50 mA max.
-12 Volts ± 5% at 35 mA max.
+5 Volts ± 5% at 1.2 A max.





Module with Operation
Manual Less EPROMs and
mating connectors.
2.5MHz version.



Module with Operation
Manual less EPROMs and Mating
connectors. 4.0 MHz version.


Operations Manual only


Data Sheet

MD Series Prototyping


Data Sheet

Data Sheet of disk based
development system for MD


Data Sheet

Z80 In-Circuit Emulation
Module (2.5 MHz only)





Programmable Input/Output Unit (MDX-PIO)

Four 8-bit I/O ports with 2 handshake lines per
A" I/O lines fully buffered
I/O lines TTL compatible with provision for
termination resistor networks
Jumper options for inverted or non-inverted
Two 8-bit ports capable of true bidirectional I/O
Programmable In only, Out only, or Bidirectional
Output data buffers selectable to provide inverted
or non-inverted drive capability
Interrupt driven programmability
Address strap selectable
STD-Z80 BUS Compatible
4 MHz Option
Fu"y buffered for MD Series expandability

The MD Series and the STD-Z80 BUS were designed
to satisfy the need for low cost OEM microcomputer
modules. The STD-Z80 BUS uses a motherboard
interconnect system concept and is designed to handle any MD Series card type in any slot. The modules
for the STD-Z80 BUS are a compact 4.5 x 6.5 inches
which provides for system partitioning by function
(RAM, EPROM, I/O). This smaller module size makes
system packaging easier while increasing MOS-LSI
densities providingihighfunctionality per module.
The MD Series of OEM microcomputer boards and
the STD-Z80 BUS offer the most cost effective
system configuration available to the OEM system
The para"el I/O controller (MDX-PIO) is a highly versatile unit designed to provide a variety of methods
for inputting and outputting data from the MD Series
microcomputer system. The system is designed
around two Mostek MK3881 Z80-P10 para"el I/O
controllers which give four independent 8-bit I/O
ports with two handshake (data transfer) control lines
per port. The Z80-PI0's are designated PIOl and P102.
Each has an I/O port pair designated A and B. Each
port pair of each PIO have similar output circuitry.

A" I/O lines are buffered and have provisions for
termination resistors on board. A" port lines are
brought to two 26 pin connectors; two ports per
Figure 1 illustrates in block diagram from the major
functional elements of port pair A and B of PIO 1.
These elements can be defined as the resistor termination networks, data buffers, port configuration control, MK3881 PIO, and address decode and data bus
buffers. Input and output from the ports are provided
through J1, a 26 pin connector. This connector provides data paths for the two ports and their respective
handshake signals.
One 14-pin socket is provided per port for resistor
dual inline packages so that terminations may be
placed on the data lines. A para"el termination is provided for each 8-bit port data line plus the input
strobe (STB) handshake line. The MDX-PIO is normarry shipped with 1K pu"up terminators. In addition to the para"el termination resistors, the ready
(RDY) handshake output line is series terminated
with a 47 .n resistor. This is used to damp and reduce
reflections on this output line.
Port A and B data bus lines are buffered using quadruple non-inverting transceivors. The buffers can be
configured using port configuration jumpers to provide fixed Input, fixed Output or Bidirectional
(Port A only) signals. Further the transceivers are
configured such that port direction can be selected in
4-bit sections. The transceivers are mounted in
sockets so that they can be easily replaced with their
complements in order to achieve a polarity change if
The handshake lines are also fully buffered. The port
configuration control provides jumper options to
independently control the polarity or "sense" of each
handshake line so as to further ease the interfacing
between the MDX-PIO and peripheral devices.
The MK3881, PIO para"el I/O controller is the heart
of the module. This circuit is a fully programmable
two port device which provides a wide range of configuration options. Anyone of four distinct modes of
operation can be selected for a port. They are byte
output, byte input, byte bidirectional (Port A only)
and bit control mode. The PIO also automatically generates a" handshaking signals in a" the above modes.





























The Pia permits total interrupt control so that full
usage of the MDX-CPU 1 interrupt capabilities can be
utilized durinq I/O transfers. Also the Pia can be programmed to interrupt the CPU on the occurrence of a
specified status condition in a specific periph-eral
device. The Pia circuit will provide vectored interrupts and maintain the daisy chain priority interrupt
logic compatible with the STD BUS.
The address decoding, interface and bus management
for the board are performed by the address decode
and data bus circuit. Each MDX-PIO port has two addresses, one for Control and one for Data. A total of
eight addresses are utilized per board. These addresses
are defined in the table below.

The circuitry for the other two ports provided by Pia
#2 is identical to Pia #1. The port configuration
logic, buffers, termination and pin out on connector
J-2 is duplicated for Pia #2. These two ports share the
address decode and data bus buffer circuitry with Pia
#1. The only differences are in the address decoding
as given in the port address table, and Pia #2 is lower
priority in the daisy chain interrupt structure.

Data: 8-bits
I/O Addressing: 8-bits


Pia 1



Pia 2


The XX symbols stand for the upper 5 bits of the I/O
channel address. These bits are jumper selectable on
the MDX-PIO board in order to provide address
selectable,fully decoded ports.

On-board programmable - See Table 1
Four parallel 8-bit ports. On board jumper, selectable
in 4 bit bytes as either In only, Out only, or Bidirectional. (Port 1A or 2A only) Automatic handshake
provided with each port.



Vectored interrupts generated. Interrupt vector programmable upon initialization. Daisy chained interrupt priority. Selected bit channels can be masked
out under program control.





2.5 MHz
4.0 MHz

The following line drivers and terminations are all compatible with the I/O driver sockets on the MDX-PIO.




Address, Data
Bus & Control




I/O Ports 1A
and 2A














I/NI (strap


I/O Ports 1B
and 2B

Note: I = inverting

N I = non-inverting

* These chips are supplied with the board. They may be exchanged with the other unit listed to provide the
alternate signal polarity.
1K ohm resistors on all I/O port lines.








O°C to 50°C



Bus Outputs

+5 volts ± 5% at 1.1 A max.

One 74LS Load Max.
IOH = -15mA min. at 2.4 volts
IOL = 24mA min. at 0.5 volts

4.5 in. (11.43cm) high by 6.50 in. (16.51cm) long
0.48 in. (1.22cm) maximum profile thickness
0.062 in. (0.16cm) printed circuit board thickness





56 pin dual

Printed Circuit
Viking 3VH28/1 CE5

0.125 in. centers

Wire Wrap
Viking 3VH28/1CND5
Solder Lug
Viking 3VH28/1CN5

Parallel I/O

26 pin dual
0.100 in. center

Flat Ribbon
Ansley 609-2600M
Discrete Wires
Winchester PGB26A (housing)
Winchester 100-70020S (contacts)





Module with Operation
Manual less mating
connectors. 2.5MHz version



Module with Operation
Manual less mating connectors.
4.0 MHz version


MDX-PIO Operations
Manual only


Data Sheet

MD Series prototyping
package data sheet


Data Sheet

Data Sheet of disk based
development system for MD Series


Data Sheet

Z80 In-circuit Emulation
module (2.5 MHz only)






Seriallnput/Output Module (MDX-SIO)

o Two independent full-duplex channels
o Independent programmable Baud rate clocks
o Asynchronous data rates - 110 to 19.2K bits per




Receiver data registers quadruply buffered
Transmitter data registers double buffered
Asynchronous operation
Binary synchronous operation
HDLC or IBM SDLC operation
Both CRC-16 and CRC-CCITT (-0 and -1) hardware implemented
Modem control
Operates as DTE or DCE
Serial input and output as either RS-232 or 20mA
current loop
Current loop optically isolated
Current loop selectable for either active or passive
Address programmable
4 MHz option
Compatible with STD-Z80 BUS

The MD Series and the STD-Z80 BUS were designed
to satisfy the need for low cost OEM microcomputer
modules. The STD-Z80 BUS uses a motherboard
interconnect system concept and is designed to handie any MD Series card type in any slot. The modules
for the STD-Z80 BUS are a compact 4.5 x 6.5 inches
which provides for system partitioning by function
(RAM, EPROM, I/O). This smaller module size makes
system packaging easier while increasing MOS- LSI
densities providing high functional ity per modu Ie.
The MD Series of OEM microcomputer boards and
the STD-Z80 BUS offer the most cost effective
system configuration available to the OEM system
The Serial Input/Output Module, MDX-SIO, is
designed to be a multiprotocol asynchronous or synchronous I/O module for the STD-Z80 Bus. The

module is designed around the Mostek MK3884 Z80SIO which provides two full duplex, serial data channels. Each channel has an independent programmable
baud rate clock generator to increase module flexibility. The MOX-SIO is capable of handling asynchronous, synchronous, and synchronous bit oriented protocols such as IBM BiSync, IBM SDLC, HDLC and
virtually any other serial protocol. It can generate CRC
codes in any synchronous mode and can be programmed by the CPU for any traditional asynchronous
format. The serial input and output data are fully
buffered and are provided at the connector as either a
20m A current loop or RS-232-C levels. A modem
control section is also provided for handshaking and
status. The MDX-SIO module can be jumper configured as a data terminal (DTE) orasa modem (DCE) in
order to facilitate a variety of interface configurations.
Figure 1 is a block diagram of the MDX-SIO module.
It consists of five main elements. They are the
channel configuration headers, line drivers and receivers, MK3884 Z80-SI0, programmable Baud rate
generators, and address decode and data bus buffers.
Input and output to the board is provided via two 26
pin connectors. One connector is dedicated for each
Several features are available as options that are
selected via the channel configuration header. The
headers are used to select the orientation of the data
communication interface and the mode of the 20m A
current loop. The MDX-SIO can be selected to act as
either a terminal or processor (Data Terminal Equipment DTE) or as the modem (Data Communications
Equipment - DCE). The header allows reconfiguration
of both data interchange and modem control signals.
This allows increased flexibility necessary to link different hardware elements in OEM data link systems
and networks. The module is shipped from the
factory wired as a DTE interface.
The MDX-SIO has different selectable options for the
20mA current loop. The receiver and transmitter
functions can be reconfigured on the module to
allow for reorientation of these signals. Also the
receive and transmit circuits can be selected to
function in either an active or passive mode. In the
active mode, the MDX-SIO module provides the
20mA current source. In the passive mode, the
module requires that the loop current be provided.
The latter is the same mode as that of a Teletype.














An E IA and 20mA current loop interface circuit is
used to provide the necessary level shifting and signal
conditioning between the MK3884 Z80-S10 and the
connector. These line drivers and receivers provide
the correct electrical signal levels, slew rate and impedance for interfacing RS-232C and 20mA current
loop peripherals. Additionally, optical isolation is
provided for both transmit and receive circuits in the
20mA current loop mode.
The Mostek MK3884 Z80-S10 is the central element
of this module. This device is a multifunction component designed to satisfy a wide variety of serial data
communications requirements in microcomputer systems. Its basic role is that of a serial to parallel,
parallel to serial converter/controller but within that
role it is configured by software programming so that
its function can be optimized for a given serial data
communications application. The MK3884 provides
two independent full duplex channels; A and B.


Asynchronous operation (Channel A and B)
- 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits/character
- 1, 1 Y, or 2 stop bits
- Even, odd or no parity
- x1, x16, x32 and x64 clock modes
- Break generation and detection
- Parity, Overrun and Framing error detection
Binary Synchronous operation (Channel A only)
- One or two Sync characters in separate registers
- Automatic Sync character insertion
- CRC generation and checking


HDLC or IBM SDLC operation (Channel A only)
- Automatic Zero insertion and deletion
- Automatic Flag Insertion
- Address field recognition
- I-Field residue handling
- Valid receive messages protected from overrun
- CRC generation and checking

The MK3884 also provides modem control inputs and
outputs as well as daisy chain priority interrupt logic.
Eight different interrupt vectors are generated by the
SID in response to various conditions affecting the
data communications channel transmission and reception.
Address decoding, STD-Z80 BUS interface and bus
management for the module are performed by the
Address Decode and Data Bus circuit. The MDX-SIO
contains command registers that are programmed to
select the desired operational mode. The addressing
scheme is as follows:

Channel A Data'
Channel A Control Status


Channel B Data
Channel B Control Status

The X indicates the binary code necessary to represent which of the 64 port addresses is selected by on
board strapping.
Each channel has an individual programmable' Baud
rate generator. The X 1 multiplier on the Z80-S10


must be used in the synchronous mode. The X16,
X32, or X64 Z80-S10 clock rate can be specified for
the asynchronous mode. Table 1 indicates the possible Baud rates available for both operation modes
with the Z80-S10 Data Rate multipliers.






2.5 MHz
4.0 MHz

Figure 1








20m A


Transmitted data Output
Received data
Data Terminal
Ready (DTR)
Request to Send
Clear to Send (CTS)
Carrier Detect


Bus Outputs

One 74LS load max.
10H = -15mA min at 2.4 Volts
10L = 24mA min at 0.5Volts



Data: 8-bits
I/O addressing: 8-bits

+12 volts ± 5% at 72 mA max.
-12 volts ± 5% at 46 mA max.
+5 volts ± 5% at 650 mA max.

On board upper six bits programmable

O°C to 50°C

Serial - Two full duplex serial ports. Channel A is
capable of synchronous and asynchronous operation.
Channel B is asynchronous only. Special control registers and 'circuitry to permit implementation of
SO LC, BiSync, MonoSync, H 0 LC. Other formats can
be programmed on Channel A only.

4.5 in. (11.43cm) high by 6.50 in. (16.51cm) long
0.48 in. (1.22cm) maximum profile thickness
0.062 in. (0.16cm) printed circuit board thickness



See Table 1



Generates vectored interrupts to 8 different locations
corresponding to conditions within both channels.
Interrupt vector location programmable. Daisy
chained priority hardware interrupt circuitry.



56 pin

0.125 in. centers

Printed Circuit
Viking 3VH28/
Wire Wrap
Viking 3VH28/
Solder Lug
Viking 3VH28/


26 pin
0.100 in. center

Flat Ribbon
Ansley 6092600M
Discrete Wires;





Dual channel, Full-Duplex Serial
I/O Module less mating connectors with
Operations Manual. 2.5MHz version.



Module with Operations
Manual less mating connectors.
4.0MHz version


MDX-SIO Operations Manual


Data Sheet

MD Series Prototyping


Data Sheet

Disk based development
system for M D series


Data Sheet

Z80 In-circuit Emulation
module (2.5 MHz only)






Z80 Microcomputer Debug Module (MDX-DEBUG)



The MD Series and the STD-Z80 BUS were designed
to satisfy the need for low cost OEM microcomputer
modules. The STD-Z80 BUS uses a motherboard
interconnect system concept and is designed to handle any MD Series card type in any slot. The modules
for the STD-Z80 BUS are a compact 4.5 x 6.5 inches
which provides for system partitioning by function
(RAM, EPROM, I/O). This smaller module size makes
system packaging easier while increasing MOS-LSI
densities provide high functionality per module.

STD-Z80 BUS compatible
4 MHz version available
Serial I/O Channel
10K bytes of ROiVI contain the following firmware: DDT-80, ASMB-80



Z80 Operating System with debug capability
Channelized I/O for versatility
I/O peripheral drivers supplied
ROM based


o Input and modification of ASCI I Text


Line and character editing
Alternate command buffers for pseudo-macro
command capability
ROM based


o Assembles all Z80 mnemonics



Object output in industry standard hexadecimal
format extended for Relocatable and Linkable
Over fifteen pseudo-ops
Two-pass assembly
ROM based


o Loads into memory both relocatable and nonrelocatable object output of the assembler

o Loads Relocatable modules anywhere in memory
o Automatically provides linkage of global symbols
between object modules as they are loaded

o Prints system load map
o ROM based

The MD Series of OEM microcomputer boards and
the STD-Z80 BUS offer the most cost effective
system configuration available to the OEM system
The MDX-DEBUG module has sockets for 10K bytes
of masked ROM that are filled with a Z80 firmware
package (DDT-80/ASMB-80). This module has a STDZ80 BUS interface and is available in both 2.5MHz
and 4.0MHz versions. Included on-board is a fully
buffered asynchronous I/O port capable of 110-19200
Baud rates. Serial data interfaces are available for
20mA current loop (with reader step control) and
RS-232. The on-board Baud Rate Generator is selectable to all common Baud rates from 110 to 19,200
DDT-80 is the Operating System for the MDXDEBUG Module. It resides in a 2K ROM (MK34000
series) resident on the MDX-DEBUG Module. It provides the necessary tools and techniques to operate
the system, i.e., to efficiently and conveniently perform the tasks necessary to develop microcomputer
software. DDT-80 is designed to support the user
from initial design through production testing. It
allows the user to display and update memory, registers, and ports, load and dump object files, set breakpoints, copy blocks of memory, and execute programs.




















20 MA








Display and/or update the contents of
memory location s.
Tabulate the contents to memory locaM s, f
tions s through f.
Display and/or update the content of
I/O port s.
D s, f
Dump the contents of memory locations s through f in a format suitable to
be read by the L command.
Load, into memory, data which is in
the appropriate format.
Transfer control from DDT-80 to a
user's program starting at location s.
Perform 16 bit hexadecimal addition
and/or subtraction.
C s, f, d
Copy the contents of memory locations
s through f to another location in memo
ory starting at location d.
Insert a breakpoint in the user's proBs
gram (must be in RAM) at location s
which transfers control back to DDT80. This allows the user to intercept his
program at a specific point (location s)
and examine memory and CPU registers
to determine if this program is working
Display the contents of the user registers.
The s, f, and d represent start, finish, and destination
operands required for each command.

(M, P, R)



The M, P, and R commands provide the means for
displaying the contents of specified memory locations, port addresses, or CPU registers. The M and P
commands sequentially access memory locations or
ports and display their contents. The user has the
option of updating the content of the memory location or port. (Note some ports are output only and
their contents cannot be displayed). The M command
also gives the user access to the CPU registers through
an area in RAM called the Register Map (discussed in
the Execute, Breakpoint section below).
The M and R commands are used to tabulate blocks
of memory locations (M) or the CPU registers (R).
The M command will accept two operands, the starting and ending address of the memory block to be
tabulated. The R command will accept either no
operand or one. If no operand is specified, the CPU
registers will be displayed without a heading. If an
operand is specified then a heading which labels the
registers contents will be displayed as well.
The E command is used to execute all programs,
including aids such as the Assembler. The B command
is used to set a breakpoint to exit from a program at
some predetermined location for debugging purposes.
At the instant of a breakpoint exit, the contents of all

CPU register are saved in a designated area of MDXDEBUG RAM called the Register Map. In the Register Map, the register contents may be examined or
modified using the M command and a predefined
mnemonic (or absolute address) of the storage location for that register (example :PC, :A, ... , :SP). The
Register Map is also used to initialize the CPU registers whenever execution is initiated or resumed. Thus
the E and B commands can be used together to initialize, execute, and examine the results of individual
program segments.
The B command gives the user the option of having
all CPU registers displayed when the breakpoint is encountered. This is done by entering a second operand
to the B command. Otherwise DDT-80 defaults to
displaying the PC and AF registers. When all CPU registers are displayed, the format is the same as for the
R command previously discussed.

The Land D commands load and dump object files
through the object I/O channel in standard Intel Hex
format. Checksums are used for error detection, and
the addresses of questionable blocks are typed automatically while loading.
The C command will copy the contents of the memory block specified to another block of memory.
There are no restrictions on the direction of the copy
or on whether the blocks overlap.
The H command is a dummy command used to allow
hexadecimal addition and subtraction for expression
evaluation without performing any other operation.
DDT-80 specifies I/O channels, designated 'Console',
'Object', and 'Source', to which any suitable devices
may be assigned. The Channel Assignment Table is
located in MDX-DRAM where it maybe examined or
modified using the M command. The table addresses
correspond to the I/O channels and the table contents
correspond to the addresses of the peripheral driver
routines. A channel which has a device assignment
may have that device assignment changed using the M
command. This is accomplished by merely modifying
the table contents of that channel's table address to
correspond to the new peripheral driver routine. A set
of peripheral driver routines is supplied and listed below. This scheme also allows the user to write a driver
routine for his own peripheral, load it into memory,
and easily configure that peripheral into the system.

1. A serial input driver (usually a keyboard).
2. A serial output driver (usually a CRT or teletype
3. A serial input driver wh ich sends out a reader step
signal (usually a teletype reader).
4. A serial output driver which forces a delay after a
carriage return (usually a Silent 700 typehead).
5. A parallel input driver (usually for high speed
paper tape input).
6. A parallel output driver (usually for high speed
paper tape output).
7. A parallel output driver (usually for a line

The Text Editor permits random access editing of
ASCII character strings. It can be used as a line or
character oriented editor. Individual characters may
be located by position or context. The Editor works
on blocks of characters which are typically read into
memory from magnetic tape or paper tape. Each
edited block can be output to magnetic tape or paper
tape after editing is completed. While the primary
application for the Text Editor is in editing assembly
language source statements, it may be applied to any
ASCII text delimited by "carriage returns".
The Editor has a macro command processing option.
Up to two sets of commands may be stored and processed at any time during the editing process.
All I/O is done via the DDT-80 channels. The Editor
can be used with the MOSTEK ASMB-80 Assembler
and Loader to edit, assemble, and load programs in
memory without the need for external media for
intermediate storage.
The following
AnBn Cn dS1dS2dDnE-

1Ln Mn N-

Pn -

RSn dS1d-

commands are recognized by the Text
Advance record pointer n records
Backup record pointer n records
Change string S1 to string S2 for n
Delete next n records
Exchange current record with records
to be inserted
I nsert records
Go to line number n
Enter command buffers (pseudomacro)
Print top, bottom, and current line
Punch n records from buffer
Read source records into buffer
Search for nth occurrence of string S1


The Assembler reads Z80 source mnemonics and
pseudo-ops and outputs an assembly listirig and
object code. The assembly listing shows address,
machine code, statement number, and source statement. The object code is in industry standard hexadecimal format modified for relocatable, linkable
The Assembler supports conditional assemblies,
global symbols, relocatable programs, and a printed
symbol table. It can assemble any length program,
limited only by a symbol table size which is user
selectable. Expressions involving addition and subtraction are allowed. A global symbol is categorized
as "internal" if it appears as a label in the program;
otherwise it is an "external" symbol. The printed
symbol table shows which symbols are internal and
which are external. The Assembler allows the user to
select relocatable or non-relocatable assembly via the
"PSECT" pseudo-op. Relocation records are placed in
the object output for relocatable assemblies (the
MOSTEK object format is defined below). The
Assembler can be run as a single pass assembler or as a
learning tool. (In this mode, global symbols and forward references are not allowed).
The following pseudo-ops are recognized by the
ORG program origin
EQU equate label
DEFL define label
DEFM define message
DEFB define byte
DEFW define word
DEFS defi ne storage
END end statement
NAME program name definition
PSECT program section definition
global symbol definition Supports the
following assembler pseudo-ops
EJECT eject a page of listing
TITLE place heading at top of each page
LIST turn listing on
NLiST turn listing off
The MOSTEK Relocating Linking Loader provides
state-of-the-art capability for loading programs into
memory by allowing loading and linking of any number of relocatable and non-relocatable object
modules. Non-relocatable modules are always loaded
at their starting address as defined by the ORG
pseudo-op during assembly. Relocatable object
modules can be positioned anywhere in memory at an
offset add ress.


The Loader automatically links and relocates global
symbols which are used to provide communication or
linkage between program modules. As object programs are loaded, a table containing global symbol
references and definitions is built up. At the end of
each module, the loader resolves all references to global Symbols which are defined by the current or a
previously loaded module. It also prints on the console device the number of defined global symbols that
have been referenced. The symbol table can be
printed to list all global symbols and their load address. The number of object modules which can be
loaded by the Loader is limited only by the amount
of MDX-RAM available for the modules and the symbol table .. Space for the symbol table is allocated
dynamically downward in memory from either the
top of memory or from a specified address entered as
an operand of the load command.
All I/O is done via the DDT-80 channels. Assemblies
can be done from source statements stored in memory (by the Editor). The object output can be
directed to a memory buffer rather than to an external device. Thus, assembly and loading can be done
without external storage media.
The Loader prints the beginning and ending address
of each module as it is loaded. The transfer address as
defined by the END pseudo-ops is printed for the
first module loaded. The Loader execute command
(E) can be used to automatically start execution at
the transfer address.
The Loader Commands are the following:
L offset load object module at address "offset" plus program origin address
execute loaded program at transfer
address of first module
print global symbol table
Each record of an object module begins with a delimiter (colon or dollar sign) and ends with carriage
return and line feed. A colon (:) is used for data records and the end-of-file record. A dollar sign ($) is
used for records containing relocation information
and linkirig information. All information is in ASCII.
Each record is identified by "type". The type is determined by the 8th and 9th bytes of the record
which can take the following values:

- data
- end-of-file
- internal symbol
- external symbol
- relocation information
- module definition

rOW"'' "



















..• DATA•.•























































.. 1.






1. Check Sum is negative of the binary sum of all bytes except delimiter and carriage return/line feed.
2. Link Address points to last address in the data which uses the external symbol. This starts a backward link list through the data records for that
external symbol. The list terminates at OFFFFH.
3. The flags are one binary byte. Bit 0 is defined as:
o -absolute module
1 - relocatable module
4. Maximum of 64 ASCII bytes.





20mA Current Loop

Transmitted data
Received data
Data Terminal Ready (DTR)
Request to Send (RTS)
Carrier Detect (CDET)
Clear to Send (CTS)
Data Set Ready (DSR)
Reader Step relay (RS)


X16 Baud Rate Clock

Baud Rate (Hz)




Full duplex operation
Start bit verification
Data word size variable from 5 to 8
One or two stop bits
Odd, even, or no parity
One word buffering on both transmit
and on receive.

Bus Outputs

One 74LS load Max
IOH = -15mA min at
2.4 Volts
IOL = 24mA min at
0.5 Volts



On-board Serial I/O Port
Control Port DDH·
Data Port
Module and Reader Step Control Port DEH




56 pin dual read out

0.125 in. centers



+12 Volts ± 5% at 50 rnA max.
-12 Volts ± 5% at 35 rnA max.
+5 Volts ± 5% at 1.2 A max.

Serial I/O

26 pin dual readout
0.100 in. grid


4.5 in. (11.43cm) high by 6.50 in. (16.51cm) long
0.48 in. (1.22cm) maximum profile thickness
0.062 in. (0.16cm) printed circuit board thickness




Module with 10K bytes of firmware
and Operations Manual. No mating
connectors. 2.5MHz version.



Module with 10K bytes of firmware
and Operations Manual. No mating
connectors. 4.0MHz version


MDX-DEBUG Operations
Manual only


Program Source Listing
of 10K byte firmware package
(DDT/ASMB-80) including comments
and flow charts. (Available free with
purchase of either MDX-DEBUG


Data Sheet

MD Series Prototyping package


Data Sheet

Disk based development system
for MD Series


Data Sheet

Z80 In-circuit emulation module
12.5MHz onlvl



Printed Circuit
Viking 3VH28/
Wire Wrap
Viking 3VH28/
Solder Lug
Viking 3VH28/
Flat Ribbon
Ansley 6092600M
Discrete Wires

* The DDT-80 and ASMB-80 listings are available directly from MOSTEK by filling out a copy of the
Software Licensing Agreement printed on the opposite page of this data sheet and returning it with
the appropriate payment of Customer Purchase Order
Microcomputer Systems Div.
1215 West Crosby Road
Carrollton, Texas 75006







All Mostek Corporation products are sold
on condition that the Purchaser agrees to
the following terms:
The Purchaser agrees not to sell, provide, give alivay, or otherwise make available to any unauthorized
persons, all or any part of, the Mostek software products listed below; including, but not restricted
to: object code, source code and program listings.
The Purchaser may at any time demonstrate the normal operation of the Mostek software product
to any person.
All software designed, developed and generated independently of, and not based on, Mostek's software by purchaser shall become the sole property of purchaser and shall be excluded from the
provisions of this Agreement. Mostek's software which is modified with the written permission of
Mostek and which is modified to such an extent that Mostek agrees that it is not recognizable as
Mostek's software shall become the sole property of purchaser.
Purchaser shall be notified by Mostek of all updates and modifications made by Mostek for a oneyear period after purchase of said Mostek software product. Updated and/or modified software and
manuals will be supplied at the current cataloged prices.
In no event will Mostek be held liable for any loss, expense or damage, of any kind whatsoever,
direct or indirect, regardless of whether such arises out of the law of torts or contracts, or Mostek's
negligence, including incidental damages, consequential damages and lost profits, arising out of or
connected in any manner with any of Mostek's software products described below.

The Following Software Products Subject to this Agreement:
Order Number

Ship To:


Bill To:

Method of Shipment:
Customer P.O. Number
Agreed To:
Titl-e-:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Titl-e-:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date:
• Prices Subject to Change Without Notice





zao Single Step Module (MDX-SST)

o Hardware single-step capability
o Compatible with DDT-80 Operating System
STD-Z80 BUS compatible


The MD Series andtheSTD BUS were designed for lowcost OEM microcomputer modules. The STD BUS uses a
motherboard interconnect system concept and is
designed to handle any MD Series Card type in any slot.
The modules for the STD BUS are a compact 4.5 x 6.5
inches which provide for system partitioning byfunction
(RAM, EPROM, 1/0). This smaller module size makes
system packaging easier, while increasing MOS-LSI
densities provide high functionality per module.
The MD Series of OEM microcomputer boards and the
STD BUS offer the most cost-effective system
configuration available to the OEM system designer.
The MOSTEK MDX-SST was designed to enhance the
hardware and software debug capability for MD Series
systems. The use of the MDX-SSTwith the MDX-CPU1
and MDX-DEBUG boards allows the user to single-step
instructions through RAM andlor EPROM/ROM with
the capability of displaying all of the MDX-CPU 1
registers on each instruction execution.
The MDX-SST board is implemented using the MDXCPU1 's nonmaskable interrupt and is controlled by
firmware from the keyboard. When the command to
single step an instruction is given, the sequence of
events is the same as executing a program except that a
"1" is output to the single step control port (DFH)
instead of a "0". The circuit decodes the double M 1
instructions (CBH, DDH, EDH, or FDH) and M 1 is used to
clock a shift register circuit which (if a "1" is output to
port DFH) generates a nonmaskable interrupt at the
start of the instruction to be single stepped. The
nonmaskable interrupt saves the address of execution
on the stack and causes the next instruction to be
fetched from address E066H. The shift register is
clocked twice after the nonmaskable interrupt, causing
the signal DEBUG to go low, forcing "E" on the most
significant address lines, and causing the instruction to
be fetched from the E066H in the operating system
DDT -80. The operating system then jumps to E069H,
clears the debug flip-flop by reading PORT DFH, saves
the MDX-CPU1 registers in the MDX-CPU1 scratch
RAM, and waits for the next command.

The single-step command is implemented in DDT-80
which resides on the MDX-DEBUG board and has the
following format:
S COMMAND, Single-step
This command allows the user to start single-stepping
from a given location for a given number of instructions
and to display the CPU registers after each step.
.S aaaa,nn,b(cr)

.S aaaa,nn (cr)
.S aaaa (cr)

.S (cr)

start single-stepping at location aaaa
for nn steps or instructions. If b=O,
display only the PC and AF registers,
if b#O, display all the CPU registers.
the same as above with b = 0
the same as above with nn= 1 and
b=O assumed .
the same as above with nn= 1 and
b=O assumed; aaaa is set equal tothe
contents of the user's PC.

The use of the MDX-SST board requires the MDX-CPU1
and the MDX-DEBUG.




























Wire Wrap
Solder Lug

+5Vdc @ 85mA






Single Step


4.5 in (11.43cm) high by 6.50 in. (16.51 cm) long
0.48 in (1.22cm) maximum profile thickness
0.062 in. (0.16cm) printed circuit board thickness




data sheet

MD Series Protyping package


data sheet

Z80 In-circuit
Emulation module
(2.5 MHz only)





56 pin
0.125 in. centers


Printed Circuit Viking



Prototyping Package (MDX-PROTO)
o 8-slot card cage with mother board (MK77954)
o MDX-CPU1 module (MK77850)
o MDX-DRAM8 module (MK77750)
o MDX-DEBUG module (MK77950)
o MD-WW2 Wire wrap board (MK77952)
o MD-EXT Extender board (MK77593)
o Cables for RS232 device (MK77955)
or TIY (MK77956)
o 4MHz option available (MDX-PROTO-4)
o STD BUS compatible

The MD Series and the STD BUS were designed to
satisfy the need for low-cost OEM microcomputer
modules. The STD BUS uses a mother board
interconnect system concept and is designed to handle
any MD Series Card type in any slot. The modules forthe
STD BUS are a compact 4.5 x 6.5 inches which provide
for system partitioning by function (RAM, EPROM, 1/0).
This smaller module size makes system packaging
easier while increasing MOS-LSI densities provide high
functionality per module.
The MD Series of OEM microcomputer boards and the
STD BUS offer the most cost-effective system
configuration available to the OEM system designer.

On-board memory is provided in the form of 4K of
EPROM (2-2716's) and 256 bytes of scratchpad RAM as
pictured in the block diagram. In addition, a MK3882
Counter Time Circuit is included on the MDX-CPU1 to
provide counting and timing functions for the Z80.
Either 2716 EPROM can be located at any 2K boundary
within any given 16K block intheZ80 memory map via a
jumper arrangement.
The MDX-CPU1 can be used in conjunction with the
MDX-DEBUG and MDX-DRAM modules to utilize DDT80 and ASMB-80 in system development. This is
accomplished by strapping the scratchpad RAM to
reside at location FFOO so that it will act as the
Operating System RAM for DDT -80.

The MOSTEK MDX-CPU1 is the heart of an MD Series
Z80 system. Based on the powerful Z80
microprocessor, the MDX-CPU1 can be used with great
versatility in an OEM microcomputer system
application. This is done simply by inserting custom
ROM or EPROM memories into the sockets provided on
the board and configuring them virtually anywhere
within the Z80 memory map.

The MDX-CPU1 is also available in 4MHzversion (MDXCPU 1 -4). In this version, one wait cycle is automatically
inserted each time on-board memory is accessed by a
read or write cycle. This is necessary to make the access
times of the 2716 PROMs and the 3539 scratchpad
RAM compatible with MK3880-4 4MHz ZSO-CPU.

The MDX-DRAM is designed to be a RAM memory
expansion board for the MOSTEK MD SERIES of ZSO
based microcomputers. It is available in three memory
capacities: SK bytes (MDX-DRAMS), 16K bytes (MDX-








L:=::::::>f iW


DRAM 16), and 32K bytes (MDX-DRAM32).
Additionally, the MDX-DRAM16 and the .MDXDRAM32 are available in a 4MHz version. Thus, the
designer can choose from the various options to tailor
his add-on dynamic RAM directly to his system
The MDX-DRAMS is designed using MOSTEK's
MK410S S,192-bit dynamic RAM. The MDX-DRAM32
utilizes high-performance MK4116, 16K-bit dynamic
RAMs wh ich allow 4M Hz versions of these boards to be
offered. No wait-state insertion circuitry is required on
any of the RAM cards.
Address selection is provided on all MDX-DRAM cards
for positioning the SK, 16K, or 32K of memory to starton
any 4K boundary.





DDT-SO is the Operating System for the MDX-DEBUG
Module. It resides in a 2K ROM (MK34000 series)
resident on the MDX-DEBUG Module. It provides the
necessary tools and techniques to operate the system,
i.e" to efficiency and conveniently develop microcomputer software. DDT-SO is designed to support the
user from initial design through production testing. It
allows the user to display and update memory,
registers, and ports, load and dump object files, set
breakpoints, copy blocks of memory, and execute


M s

The MDX-DEBUG Module has sockets for 10K bytes of
masked ROM that are populated with a ZSO firmware
package (DDT-SO/ASMB-SO). This module has a STD
BUS interface and is available in both 2.5MHz and
4.0MHz versions. Included on board is a fully buffered
asynchronous 1/0 port capable of 110-19200 Baud
Rates. Serial Data interfaces are available for 20mA
current loop (with reader step control) and RS-232. The
on-board Baud Rate Generator is selectable to all
common Baud Rates from 110 to 19,200 Baud.

M s, f



D s,f


- Display andlor update the contents of
memory location s.
- Tabu late the contents of memory locations s
through f.
- Display andlor update the contents of 1/0
port s.
- Dump the contents of memory locations s
through f in a format suitable to read by the
L command.
- Load, into memory, data which is in the
appropriate format.
- Transfer control from DDT-SO to a user's
program starting at location s.

C s,f,d




- Perform 16-bit hexadecimal addition and/or
- Copy the contents of memory locations s
through f to another location in memory
starting at location d.
- Insert a breakpoint in the user's program
(must be in RAM) at location s which
transfers control back to DDT-80. This
allows the user to intercept his program at a
specific point (location s) and examine
memory and CPU registers to determine if
this program is working correctly.
- Display the contents of user registers.

The s,f, and d represent start, finish, and destination
operands required for each command.

registers are displayed, the format is the same as for the
R command previously discussed.
The Land D commands load and dump object files
through the object I/O channel in standard Intel Hex
format. Checksums are used for error detection, and the
addresses of questionable blocks are typed
automatically while loading.
The C command will copy the contents of the memory
block specified to another block of memory. There are no
restrictions on the direction of the copy or on whether
the blocks overlap.

The M, p, and R commands provide the means for
displaying the contents of specified memory location,
port addresses, or CPU registers. The M and P
commands sequentially access memory locations or
ports and display their contents. The user has the option
of updating the content of the memory location or port.
(Note some ports are output only and their contents
cannot be read or displayed). The M command also gives
the user access to the CPU registers through an area in
RAM called the Register Map (discussed in the Execute,
Breakpoint section below).
The M and R commands are used to tabulate blocks of
memory locations (M) or the CPU registers (R). The M
command will accept two operands, the starting and
ending addresses of the memory block to tabulated. The
R command will accept either no operand or one. If no
operand is specified, the CPU registers will be displayed
without a heading. If an operand is specified then a
heading which labels the register contents will be
displayed as well.

The H command is a dummy command used to allow
hexadecimal addition and subtraction for expression
evaluation without performing any other operation.
DDT-80 specifies I/O channels, designated 'Console',
'Object', and 'Source', to which any suitable devices
may be assigned. The Channel Assignment Table .is
located in MDX-RAM where it may be examinec1 or
modified using the M command. The table addresses
correspond to the I/O channels and the table contents
correspond to the addresses of the peripheral driver
routines. A channel which has a device assignment may
have that device assignment changed using the M
command. This is accomplished by merely modifying
the table contents of that channel's table address to
correspond to the new peripheral driver routine. A set of
peripheral driver routines is supplied and listed below.
This scheme also allows the user to write a. driver
routine for his own peripheral, load it into memory, and
easily configure that peripheral into the system.

The E command is used to execute all programs,
including aids such as the Assembler. The B command
is used to set a breakpoint to exit from a program at
some predetermined location for debugging purposes.
At the instant of a breakpoint exit, the contents of all
CPU registers are saved in a designated area of MDXDEBUG RAM called the Register Map. In the Register
Map, the register contents may be examined or modified
using the M command and a predefined mnemonic (or
absolute address) of the storage location for that
register (Example: PC, :A. ... ,:SP). The Register Map is
also used to initialized the CPU registers whenever
execution is initiated or resumed. Thus the E and B
commands can be used together to initialize, execute,
and examine the results of individual program
The B command gives the user the option of having all
CPU registers displayed when the breakpoint is
encountered. This is done by entering a second operand
to the B command. Otherwise DDT-80 defaults to
displaying the PC and AF registers. When all CPU

1. A serial input driver (usually a keyboard).
2. A serial output driver (usually a CRT or teletype
3. A serial input driver which sends out a reader step
signal (usually a teletype reader).
4. A serial output driver which forces a delay after a
carriage return (usually a Silent 700 typehead).
5. A parallel input driver (usually for high-speed paper
tape input).
6. A parallel output driver (usually for high-speed paper
tape output).
7. A parallel output driver (usually for a line printer).
The Text Editor permits random access editing of ASCII
character strings. It can be used as a line or characteroriented editor. Individual characters may be located by
position or context. The Editor works on blocks of
characters which are typically read into memory from
magnetic tape or paper tape. Each edited block can be
output to magnetic tape or paper tape after editing is
completed. While the primary application for the Text


Editor is in editing assembly language source
statements, it may be applied to any ASCII text delimited
by "carriage returns".
The Editor has a macro command processing option. Up
to two sets of commands may be stored and processed
at any time during the editing process. All I/O is done
via the DDT-80 channels. The Editor can be used with
the MOSTEK ASMB-80 Assembler and Loader to edit,
assemble, and load programs in memory without the
need for external media for intermediate storage.
The following
Cn dS1dS2D


5n dS1d

commands are recognized by the Text
- Advance record pointer n seconds
- Backup record pointer n seconds
- Change string S1 to string 52 for n
- Delete n records
- Exchange current record with records
to be inserted
- Insert records
- Go to line number n
- Enter command buffers (pseudomacro)
- Print top, bottom and current line
- Punch n records from buffer
- Read source records into buffer
- Search for nth occurrence of signal S1

The Assembler reads Z80 source mnemonics and
pseudo-ops and outputs an assembly listing and object
code. The assembly listing shows address, machine code,
statement number, and source statement. The object
code is in industry-standard hexadecimal format modified for relocatable, linkable assemblies.
The Assembler supports conditional assemblies, global
symbols, relocatable programs and a printed symbol
table. It can assemble any length program, limited only
by a symbol table size which is user selectable.
Expressions involving addition and subtraction are
allowed. A global symbol is catagorized as "internal" if it
appears as a label in the program; otherwise it is an
"external" symbol. The printed symbol table shows
which symbols are internal and which are external. The
assembler allows the user to select relocatable or nonrelocatable assembly via the "PSECT" pseudo-op.
Relocation records are placed in the object ciutput for
relocatable assemblies. (The MOSTEK object format is
defined below.) The Assembler can be run as a singlepass assembler or as a learning tool. (In this mode,
global symbols and forward references are not allowed.)
The following pseudo-ops are recognized by the
- equate label
- define label
- define message
- define byte
- define word
- define storage
- end statement



- program name definition
- global symbol definition Supports the
following assembler psuedo-ops
- eject a page of listing
- place heading at top of each page
- turn listing on
- turn listing off

The MOSTEK Relocating Linking Loader provides stateof-the-art capability for loading programs into memory
by allowing loading and linking of any number of
relocatable and non-relocatable object modules. Nonrelocatable modules are always loaded at their starting
address as defined by the ORG pseudo-op during
assembly. Relocatable object modules can be
positioned anywhere in memory at an offset address.
The Loader automatically links and relocates global
symbols which are used to provide communication or
linkage betweeen program modules. As object
programs are loaded a table containir,tg global symbol
references and definitions is built up. At the end of each
module, the loader resolves all references to global
symbols which are defined by the current or a previously
loaded module. It also prints on the console device the
number of defined global symbols that have been
referenced. The symbol table can be printed in order to
list all global symbols and their load address. The
number of object modules which can be loaded by the
Loader is limited only by the amount of MDX-RAM
available for the modules and the symbol table. Space
for the symbol table is allocated dynamically downward
in memory from either the top of memory or from a
specified address entered as an operand of the load
All I/O is done via the DDT -80 chanhels. Assemblies
can be done from source statements stored in memory
(by the Editor). The object output can be directed to a
memory buffer rather than to an external device. Thus,
assembly and loading can be done without external
storage media.
The Loader prints the beginning and ending address of
each module as it is loaded. The transfer address as
defined by the END pseudo-op is printed for the first
module loaded. The Loader execute command (E) can be
used to automatically start execution at the transfer
The spader Commands are the following:
L offset - load object module at address "offset" plus
program origin address
- execute loaded program at transfer address
of first module
- print global symbol table

Each record of an object module begins with a delimiter
(colon or dollar sign) and ends with carriage return and
line feed. A colon (:) is used for data records and end-offile record. A dollar sign ($) is used for records
containing relocation information and linking

information. All information is in ASCII. Each record is
identified by "type". The type is determined by the 8th
and 9th bytes of the record which can take the following
00 - data
01 - end-of-file
02 - internal symbol
03 - external symbol
04 - relocation information
05 - module definition

















•.• DATA••.
























































1. Check Sum is negative of the binary sum of all bytes except delimiter and carriage return/line feed.

2. Link Address points to last address in the data which uses the external symbol. This starts a backward link list through the data records for the external symbol. The list terminates at OFFFFH.
3. The flags are one binary byte. Bit 0 is defined as:
0- absolute module
1 - relocatable module
4. Maximum of 64 ASCII bytes.




Instruction: 8, 16, 24, or 32 bits
Data: 8 bits

On-Board EPROM - 4K bytes (sockets only)
On-Board RAM-256 bytes
Off-board Expansion - Up to 65,536 bytes with userspecified combinations of RAM,




Clock period or T state = 0.4 microsecond @ 2.5MHz
0.25 microsecond @ 4.00 MHz
Instructions require from 4 to 23 T states

jumper selectable for any 2K
boundary within a 16K block of
Z80 memory map.






*Single 5 volt type required

On-Board EPROM:

On-Board Programmable Timer







One 74LS load max


Bus Outputs

10H =-15mA min. at 2.4 volts
10L = 24mA min at 0.5 volts



Up to 252 port address can be decoded off board. Four
port addresses are on board. 252 + 4V = 256 total I/O

+5V ± 5% at 0.6A max.
+ 12V ± 5% at 0.25A max.
-12V ± 5% at 0.03A max.

Multi-level with three vectoring modes (Mode 0,1,2).
Interrupt requests may originate from user-specified
I/O or from the on-board MK3882 CTC.




Bus Outputs

One 74LS load max
10H = -3mA min at 2.4 volts
10L = 24mA min at 0.5 volts





500 KHz
500 KHz


5V :!: 5% at 1.lA maximum

O°C to 50°C

X 16 Baud Rate Clock

Baud Rate (Hz)

Full duplex operation
Start bit verification
Data word size variable from 5 to 8 bits
One or two stops bits
Odd, even, or no parity
One word buffering on both transmit
and on receive.

ODC to 50 C



8 bits



- 8,192 bytes
- 16,384 bytes
- 32,768 bytes






350ns max. 465ns min.
200ns max. 325ns mih.

Selection of 8K, 16K, or 32K contiguous memory blocks
to reside at any 4K boundary.




20mA Current Loop

Transmitted data
Received data
Data Terminal
Ready (DTR)
Request to Send (RTS)
Carrier Detect
Clear to Send (CTS)
Data Set Ready (DSR)
Reader Step relay (RS) Output



One 74LS load max

Bus Outputs

10H = -3mA min. at 2.4 volts
10L = 24mAmin. at 0.5 volts



On-Board Serial 1/0 Port
Control Port DDH
Data Port DCH
Module and Reader Step Control Port DEH


Printed Circuit
Viking 3VH281
Wire Wrap
0.125 in.
Viking 3VH281
Solder Lug
Viking 3VH281
MD-CC8 STD BUSSED 1I~ rack (MK77954) bussed
motherboard with eight connectors on 0.5 in. centers.






+12 Volts ± 5% at 50 mA max.
-12 Volts ± 5% at 35 mA max.
+5 Volts ± 5% at 1.2 mA max.

56 pin dual

STD BUS Organization


RS232 Cable MD-RS232 26 pin socket connector
ANSLEY #609-2061 M 5
feet of 26 wire flatcable
ANSLEY #171-26
25-pin standard EIA
ANSLEY #609-25S




26 pin socket connector
ANSLEY #609-2061 M
5 feet of 26 wire flatcable
ANSLEY #171-26
TIY connector Molex 15 Pin
Molex #03-09-2151

4.5 in. (11.43cm) high by 6.50 in (16.51 cm) long
0.48 in. (1.22cm) maximum profile thickness
0.062 in. (.016 cm) printed circuit board thickness












+5 Volts DC (Bussed)
Digital Ground (Bussed)
-5 Volts DC


In/au t










Bu s
Bu s
Bu s
Bu s
Bu s
Bu s
Bu s



- 5V



In/au t
In/au t







a rde r

Addres s
Addres s






Write to Memory or I/O
I/O Address Select
I/O Expansion
Refresh Timi ng
Bus Acknowl edge
Interrupt Acknowledge
Wait Request
System Reset
Clock from Processor
Priority Chain Out






AUX Ground (Bussed)
+12 Volts DC}





Digital Ground (Bussed)
-5 Volts DC
Bu s
Bu s

Read to Memory or I/O
Memory Address Sel ect
Memory Expansion
CPU Statu s
Bus Request
Interrupt Request
Non-Maskable interrupt
Push Button Reset
AUX Timing
Priority Chain In
AUX Ground (Bussed)
-12 Volts DC

**Refer to a STD-ZaO BUS Description






Prototyping package with Operations
Manuals. 2.5 MHz version.

Note: 2.5 MHz version includes SK
dynamic RAM board MDX-DRAMS


PrototYPlng package with
Operations Manuals. 4.0 MHz version.

NOTE: 4.0 MHz version includes 16K
dynamic RAM board MDX-DRAM 16-4.

AID-SOF data sheet

Disk-based development system for
system for MD series.


AIM-SO data sheet

Z80 In-Circuit Emulation
module (2.5 MHz only),





Universal Memory Card (MDX-UMC)


o Can be strapped to accept the following industrystandard memory devices:


2758 (lK x 8) MK4118 (1 K x 8)
2716 (2K x 8) MK4802 (2K x 8)
2732 (4K x 8)


4.5 in. (11.43cm) high by 6.50 in. (16.51 cm) long
0.48 in. (1.22cm) maximum profile thickness
0.062 in. (0.16cm) printed circuit board thickness

MK34000 (2K x 8)


o Memories can be mixed to form a combination
memory board



o Wait state generator for 4MHz operation


56 pin dual read

o STO-Z80 BUS compatible
0.125 in. centers

o +5 Volt only
The MO Series and the STO-Z80 BUS were designed to
satisfy the need for low cost OEM microcomputer
modules. The STO-Z80 BUS uses a motherboard
interconnect system concept and is designed to handle
any MO Series card type inanyslot. The modulesforthe
STO-Z80 BUS are a compact 4.5 x 6.5 inches which
provides for system partitioning by function (RAM,
EPROM, 110). This smaller module size makes system
packaging easier while increasing MOS-LSI densities
provide high functionality per module.
The MO Series of OEM microcomputer boards and the
STO-Z80 BUS offer the most cost effective system
configuration available to the OEM system designer.
The MOX-UMC is one of MOSTEK's complete line of
STO-Z80 BUS compatible microcomputer modules.
Designed as a universal memory card for the STO-Z80
BUS, the MOX-UMC provides the user with the
capability of configuring the board to meet the system
requirement of ROM/EPROM and/or RAM. By the use
of strapping options, the user is able to configure pairs
of sockets for ROM/EPROM/RAM to form a
combination memory board.
Other MOX-UMC features include 4K boundary
addressing and an optional wait-state generator to
accomodate slower memories for 4MHz operations.

Printed Circuit
Viking 3VH28/
Wire Wrap
Viking 3VH28/
Solder Lug
Viking 3VH28/

8 bits
4K boundaries
8 sockets
Sockets are strapped in pairs to accomodate the
following memories:



One 74LS load max.
BUS Outputs:
10H = -15mA min at 2.4 Volts
10L = 24mA min at 0.5 Volts
+5V ± 5% at 0.450 A max
*Ooes not include power for memories
O°C to 50°C













































Module with operation manual less mating connectors



MD Series prototyping package



MD Series development system



Z80 In-Circuit Emulation module (2.5MHz only)








o Accepts the following industry standard EPROMS:
2758 (1K x 8)
2716 (2K x 8)
2732 (4K x 8)

8 bits
8K x 8 using eight 2758's
16K x 8 using eight 2716's*
32K x 8 using eight 2732's
*EPROMS included


Eight EPROM sockets for maximum storage of:
8K x 8 using 2758's
16K x 8 using 2716's
using 2732's


Wait state generator for 4MHz operation


STD-Z80 BUS compatible


+5 Volt only


*One walt state must be added for 4MHz operation.

The MD series and the STD-Z80 BUS were designed to
satisfy the need for low cost OEM microcomputer
modules. The STD-Z80 BUS uses a motherboard
interconnect system concept and is designed to handle
any MD Series card type inanyslot. The modulesforthe
STD-Z80 BUS are a compact 4.5 x 6.5 inches which
provides for system partitioning by function (RAM,
EPROM, 1/0). This smaller module size makes system
packaging easier while increasing MOS-LSI densities
provide high functionality per module.

4K boundaries

STD-Z80 BUS compatible
One 74LS load max.
10H = -15mA min at 2.4 Volts
Bus Outputs:
10H = 24mA min at 0.5 Volts

The MD Series of OEM microcomputer boards and the
STD-Z80 BUS offer t!1e most cost effective system
configuration available to the OEM system designer.





The MDX-EPROM is designed to be an EPROM memory
expansion board for the MOSTEK MD SERIESTM of Z80based microcomputers. The MDX-EPROM accepts the
following EPROMS; 2758 (1 K x 8), 2716 (2K x 8) and
2732 (4K x 8) which giv~s a maximum storage capacity
of 8K,i 6K, or 32K bytes respectively.


56 Pin dual
0.125 in centers

Starting address selection is provided for positioning
the MDX-EPROM on any 4K boundary. A wait-state
generator is also provided for optional4MHz operation.

Printed Circuit
Viking 3VH281
Wire Wrap
Viking 3VH281
Solder Lug
Viking 3VH281

4.5 in. (11.43cm) high by 6.50 in. (16.51 cm)long
0.48 in. (1 .22cm) maximum profile thickness
0.062 in. (0.16cm) printed circuit board thickness

+5 Volts ± 5% at 0.45A
*Does not include EPROMs. Add 100 mA for each
O°C to 50°C







Module with Operation Manual less mating
connectors (does not include EPROMS).


MDX-EPROM Operations Manual only



MD Series prototyping package



Disk-based development system for MD series



Z80 In-Circuit-Emulation module (2.5 MHz only)










8- 2758
8- 2716
8- 2732



























Static RAM Module (MDX-SRAM)


o Three memory sizes
4K x S (MDX-SRAM4)
16K x S (MDX-SRAM16)

Selection of 4K, SK, or 16K contiguous memory blocks
to begin on any 4K boundary.


Selectable starting adddress on 4K boundaries


2.5 MHz and 4.0 MHz compatible


STD-ZSO BUS compatible
Inputs: One 74LS load max
Bus Outputs: 10H:= -15mA min at 2.4 Volts
10L := 24mA min at 0.5 Volts

STD-ZSO BUS compatible


+5 Volt only

The MD Series™ and the STD-ZSO BUS were designed
to satisfy the need for low-cost OEM microcomputer
modules. The STD-ZSO uses a motherboard interconnect system concept and is designed to handle any
MD Series card type in any slot. The modules for the
STD-ZSO BUS are a compact 4.5 x 6.5 inches which
provides for system partitioning by function (RAM,
EPROM, 1/0). This smaller module size makes system
packaging easier while increasing MOS-LSI densities
provide high functionality per module.
The MD Series of OEM microcomputer boards and the
STD-ZSO BUS offer the most cost-effective system
configuration available to the OEM system designer.
The MDX-SRAM is designed to be a static RAM Memory
expansion board for the MOSTEK MD SERIES of ZSO
based microcomputers. It is available in three memory
capacities; 4K bytes (MDX-SRAM4), SK bytes (MDXSRAMS), and 16K bytes (MDX-SRAM 16). Additionally,
all MDX-SRAM boards are 2.5MHz and 4.0MHz
compatible. Thus, the designer can choose from three
options available and tailor the add-on static RAM
directly to the system requirements.
The MDX-SRAM is designed using the state of the art
MK411S (1 KxS) static RAM and MK4S02(2KxS) static



+5V ± 5%


O.S A max
1.2 A max
1.2 A max

RAM memory devices. Because of the high speed ofthe
MK411S and MK4S02, no wait states are necessary for
operating the MDX-SRAM at 2.5MHz or 4.0MHz.
Address selection is provided on all MDX-SRAM cards
for positioning the 4K, SK, or 16K of memory to start on
any 4K boundary.
S bits
MDX-SRAM4 - 4,096 bytes
MDX-SRAMS -S,192 bytes
MDX-SRAM16 - 16,3S4 bytes




250ns max.

250ns min.




4.5 in. (11.43 em) high by 6.50 in. (16.51 em) long
0.48 in. (1.22 em) maximum profile thickness
0.062 in. (0.16 em) printed circuit board thickness






























S:rD-Z80 BUS












Printed Circuit


56 pin dual
read out

Viking 3VH281
Wire Wrap

0.125 in centers

Viking 3VH281
Solder Lug
Viking 3VH281






4K Bytes (4118's) module
with operation manual
less mating connectors



8K Bytes (4118's) module
with operation manual
less mating connectors



16K Bytes (4802's) module
with operation man!Jal
less mating connectors


Data Sheet

MD Series prototyping


Data Sheet

Disk based development
system for MD Series


Data Sheet

Z80 In-circuit emulation
module (2.5 MHz only)






The following items are available as accessories to
support design, development, and production of
products designed around the MOSTEK MD Series Z80
microcomputer modules:
• WW1 wire wrap card with bussed power and ground
• WW2 wire wrap card without bussed power and
• MD-CC8 8-slot card cage
• MD-CC14 14-slot card cage
• MD-CC28 28-slot card cage
• MD-EXT Extender card.
The STD BUS concept is a joint design between Mostek
and Pro-Log to satisfy the need for cost-effective OEM
Microcomputer Systems. The definition of the STD BUS
and the MD Series of OEM microcomputer modules are
a result of years of microcomputer component and
module manufacturing experience. The STD BUS uses a

motherboard interconnect system concept and is
designed to handle any MD Series card in any card slot.
Modules for the STD BUS range from CPU, RAM and
EPROM Modules to Input, Output, AID, and TRIAC
control modules. A ROM-based DEBUG module
provides users of the STD BUS with Edit, Assembly, and
Debug capability using only an ASCII terminal.
Printed circuit modules for the STD BUS are a compact
4.5 x 6.5 inches providing for system partitioning by
function (RAM, PROM, 1/0). This smaller module size
makes system packaging easier while increasing MOSLSI densities provide high functionality per module.
4.5 in (11.43cm) high by 6.50 in. (16.51 cm) long
0.48 in. (1.22cm) maximum profile thickness
0.062 in. (0.16cm) printed circuit board thickness





56 pin dual read out

Printed Circuit
Viking 3VH28/1CE5

0.125 in. centers

Wire Wrap
Viking 3VH28/1 CND5
Solder Lug
Viking 3VH28/1 CN5





MD Series wire wrap card with
bussed power and ground



MD Series wire wrap card without bussed power and ground



MD Series extender card



MD Series 8-slot card cage
with STD BUS motherboard



MD Series 14-slot card cage
with STD BUS motherboard.



MD Series 28-slot card cage
with STD BUS motherboard



WW1 PHOTO MK77969




MD-CC 8 Drawing with Dimensions

MD-CC 14 Drawing with Dimensions

MD-CC 28 Drawing with Dimensions


MD-CC8 8-Slot Card Cage

MD-CC14 14-Slot Card Cage




Analog to Digital Conversion Module (MDX-A/D)
o 8-Bit AID converter with 16 single-ended analog
o 3

full-scale input ranges
0 to +1 Volts
0 to +2 Volts
0 to +5 Volts

o Total unadjusted error
o Linearity error

< ± 112 LSB

< ± 112 LSB

o No missing codes
o Guaranteed monotonicity

for the STD-Z80 BUS. The module is designed around
the MOSTEK MK5160 8-bit AID converter/16 channel
analog multiplexer. Additional provisions have been
included to allow further analog expansion if desired.
Also, an optional Sample and Hold module (AD582) may
be added to increase system performance. Figure 1 is a
block diagram of the MDX-A/D showing the major
elements of the module.
The first element of this board is the multiplexer. This
16-channel mUltiplexer can directly access anyone of
16 single-ended analog channels and provides logic for
additional channel expansion. All analog input lines
contain a diodelresistor protection circuit to reduce
damage potential from overvoltage and transient

o No zero adjust required
o No full scale adjust required
o Provisions for additional channel expansion
o Optional sample and hold
o Address programmable
o 4MHz option
o Compatible with STD-Z80 BUS

The MD Series and the STD-Z80 BUS were designed to
satisfy the need for low-cost OEM microcomputer
modules. The STD-Z80 BUS uses a motherboard
interconnect system concept and is designed to handle
any MD Series card type in any slot. The modules for the
STD-Z80 BUS are a compact 4.5 x 6.5 inches which
provides for system partitioning by function (RAM,
EPROM, 1/0). This smaller module size makes system
packaging easier while increasing MOS-LSI densities
providing high functionality per module.
The MD Series of OEM microcomputer boards and the
STD-Z80 BUS offer the most cost effective system
configuration available to the OEM system designer.

The Analog to Digital Converter Module, MDX-A/D, is
designed to be a 16 channel single-ended AID module

The output of the multiplexer can either drive the AID
converter directly or a Sample and Hold (S/H) module
version is available. The board is shipped normally
without a Sample and Hold.
If an SIH function is required, an Analog Devices
AD582 needs to be inserted and one jumper removed.
This circuitry allow sampling of signals up to 5KHz with
a nominal 150nsec aperture time.
The other half of the MK5160 is the AID converter. The
8-bit AID consists of 256 series resistors with an
analog switch tree, a chopper stabilized comparator and
a sucessive approximation register. The series resistor
approach guarantees monotonicity and no missing
codes. The need for external zero and full-scale
adjustments has been eliminated and an absolute
accuracy of :;;;; 1 LSB including quantizing error is
provided. A start convert signal initiates the conversion
process and can be jumper selected from either an
external source or under program control. Upon
completion, a DONE signal is generated to indicate end
of conversion. This signal is used to flag the program as
well as any external device.
The Data Bus Buffer and Interface Logic allows the
MDX-A/D module to interface with the STD-Z80 BUS. It
provides buffering for all signals as well as address
decoding and AID port control. A total of 4 port address
locations a're required and can start on any four-word




Data: 8 bits
I/O Addressing: 8 bits


250 KHz
250 KHz

2.5 MHz
4.0 MHz

On board programmable on 4-word boundaries
X X X X X X 0 0 A/D Port Configuration Data
X X X X X X 0 1 A/D Port Configuration Control
X X X X X X 1 0 A/D Data Input/Output Port
X X X X X X 1 1 Data Control Port

+12 Volts ±5% at 30 rnA max
-12 Volts ±5% at 15 rnA max
+5 Volts ± 5% at 0.6 A max

Eight bit analog to digital converter with up to sixteen
single ended analog input channels. Channel expansion
available. Start conversion and done handshake signals
available at the edge connector.
Three full scale input ranges: 0 to +1 Volt, 0 to +2 Volts
and 0 to +5 Volts.

DROOP RATE: 100mV at 25°C
138 microseconds max
0° to +50°C

Vectored interrupts generated. Interrupt vector
programmable upon initialization. Daisy-chained
interrupt priority. Interrupts are controlled by a
MOSTEK MK3881 Parallel I/O controller chip.

4.5 in. (11.43cm) high by 6.50 in. (16.51 cm) long
0.48 in. (1.22cm) maximum profile thickness
0.062 in. (0.16cm) printed circuit board thickness

Figure 1


MK 5160


















STD-Z80 BUS 56 pin dual
0.125 centers

Printed Circuit
Wire Wrap
Solder Lug

Analog 1/0

40 pin dual
0.100 centers

Ansley 609-4000





Module with Operation Manual less mating connector:
2.5 MHz version



Module with Operation Manual less mating connector:
4.0 MHz version


MDX-A/D Operations Manual only



All Mostek Corporation software products are sold
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Application Note
The purpose of this application note is to provide the
O.E.M. system designer with more information about
the STO-Z80 BUS. The information presented is a
bus description of the STO-Z80 BUS, the pin out,
and the recommended BUS loading specifications.
In April of 1978, several meetings were held between
MOSTEK CORP. and PROLOG CORP. to discuss the
possibility of defining a new O.E.M. microcomputer
board BUS. The goals for the new BUS were that it be
simple to interface to, be well defined, and be able to use
a standard 56 pin edge card connector. The results of
these meetings were successful, and the STD BUS was
The STD BUS was defined as a general purpose microprocessor bus which is capable of supporting the
following processors: Z80, 8080, 8085, 6800, and
6809. It is possible to design simple function cards
which will work with each of the processors, however it
may be difficult or impossible to design an add on card
which used one of the many peripheral chips and then
have the card work with all of the STD BUS processors.
It was for this reason that MOSTEK defined the
STD-Z80 BUS. The STD-Z80 is a subset of the general
purpose STD BUS and is defined exclusively forthe Z80.
By specifying the STD-Z80 bus, exact functional pin
descriptions and bus timing can be given. Therefore, a
STD-Z80 system will be guaranteed to work with all
STD-Z80 designed boards.
The STD-Z80 backplane pin assignments are listed and
described in Table 1. A table showing the BUS pins
versus BUS signals is shown in Table 2.



Data Bus (Tri -state,
input/output, active high).
DO-D7 constitute an 8-bit
bi-directional data bus. The
data bus is used for data
exchange with memory and
I/O devices.



Address Bus (Tri-state,
output, active high). AO-A 15
make up a 16-bit address
bus. The address bus provides the address for memory
(up to 65K bytes) data exchanges and for I/O device
data exchanges. I/O addressing uses the lower 8
address bits to allow the user
to directly select up to 256
input or 256 output ports. AD
is the least significant address bit. During refresh
time, the lower 7 bits
contain a valid refresh
refresh address for dynamic



Write (Tri-state,output,
active low) /WR indicates
that the CPU data bus holds
valid data to be stored in the
addressed memory or I/O



Read (Tri-state, output,
active low). RD indicates that
the CPU wants to read data
from memory or an I/O
device. The addressed I/O
device or memory should use
this signal to gate data onto
the CPU data bus.



Input/Output Request (Tristate, output, active low). The
/IORO signal indicates that
the lower half of the address
bus holds a valid I/O address
for an I/O read or write
operation. An /IORO signal is
also generated with a /M 1
signal when an interrupt is
being acknowledged to
indicate that an interrupt

Table 1





+5Vdc system power
+5Vdc system power





Ground-System signal
ground and DC return
Ground-System signal
ground and DC return



-5Vdc system power
-5Vdc system power


response vector can be
placed on the data bus.
Interrupt Acknowledge
operations occur during 1M 1
time, while 1/0 operations
never occur during 1M 1


Memory Request (Tri-state,
output, active low). The
IMEMRO signal indicates
that the address bus holds a
valid address for a memory
read or memory write



1/0 Expansion, not used on
MDX cards. (Normally strapped to ground on the
MOSTEK motherboard)



Memory Expansion, not used
on Mostek MDX cards.(Normally strapped to ground on
the MOSTEK motherboard)



REFRESH (Tri-state, output,
active low). IREFRESH indicates that the lower 7 bits
of the address bus contain a
refresh address for dynamic
memories and the IMEMRO
signal should be used to
perform a refresh cycle for all
dynamic RAMs in the
system. During the refresh
cycle A7 is a logic 0 and the
upper 8 bits of the address
bus contains the I register.




Not generated on the
be generated by gating the
following signals:/RD+ IWR
+ IINTAK. By connecting a
jumper on the MDX-CPU1,
this line becomes IDEBUG
(Input). IDEBUG is used in
conjunction with the DDT -80
operating system on the
MDX-DEBUG card, and the
MDX-SST card for implementing a hardware single
step function. When pulled
low, the IDEBUG line will set
an address modification
latch which will force the
upper three address lines
A15, A14, and A13 to a logic
1. These address lines will
remain at a logic 1 until reset
by performing any 1/0 operation.



Machine Cycle One (Tristate, output, active low).
IM1 indicates that the
current machine cycle is in
the op code fetch cycle of an
instruction. Note that during
the execution of two-byte opcodes IM1 will be generated
as each op-code is fetched.
These two-byte op-codes
always begin with a CBh,
DDh, EDh, or FDh. IM1 also
occurs with 10RO to indicate
an interrupt acknowledge



Not used on Mostek MDX



Bus Acknowledge (Output,
active low). Bus acknowledge
is used to indicate to the
requesting device that the
CPU address bus, data bus,
and control bus signals have
been set to their high impedance state and the external device can now
control the bus.



Bus Request (Input. active
low). The IBUSRO signal is
used to request the CPU
address bus, data bus, and
control signal bus to go to a
high impedance state so that
other devices ca n control
those buses. When IBUSRO
is activated, the CPU will
set these buses to a high
impedance state as soon as
the current CPU machine
cycle is terminated and the
IBUSAK signal is activated.



Interrupt Acknowledge (Tristate, output, active low). The
IINTAK signal indicates that
an interrupt acknowledge
cycle is in progress, and the
interrupting device should
place its response vector on
the data bus. The liNT AK
signal is equivalent to an
10RO during an IM1.



Interrupt Request (Input,
active low). The Interrupt
Request signal is generated
by 1/0 devices. A request will
be honored at the end of the
current instruction if the
internal software controlled
interrupt enable flip flop (IFF)

is enabled and if the BUSRQ
signal is not active. When the
CPU accepts the interrupt.
an interrupt acknowledge
signal IINTAK (IORQ during
an M 1) is sent out at the
beginning of the next







Wait Request (Input, active
low). Wait Request indicates
to the CPU that the
addressed memory or 1/0
device is not ready for a data
transfer. The CPU continues
to enter wait states for as
long as this signal is active.
This signal allows memory or
1/0 devices of any speed to
be synchronized to the CPU.
Use of this signal postpones
refresh as long as it
held active.
Non-Maskable Interrupt
Request (Input, negative
edge triggered). The NonMaskable Interrupt Request
line has a higher priority than
the IINTRQ line and is always
recognized at the end of the
current instruction, independent of the status
of the interrupt enable
flip-flop. INMIRQ automatically forces the CPU to
restart to location 0066h.
The program counter is automatically saved in the
external stack so that the
user can return to the program that was interrupted.
Note that continuous WAIT
cycles can prevent the current instruction from ending
and that a IBUSRQ will override a INMIRQ.
System Reset (Output,
active low). The System
Reset line indicates that
a reset has been generated
either from an external reset
or the power on reset
circuit. The system reset will
occur only once per reset and
will be approximately 2
microseconds in duration.
A system reset will also force
the CPU program counter to
zero, disable interrupts, set
the I register to OOh, set the
R register to OOh, and set
Interrupt Mode O.



Push Button Reset (Input.
active low). The Push Button
Reset will generate a debounced system reset.



Processor Clock (Output,
active low).
Single phase system clock.



Not used on MOSTEK MDX

* 51


Priority Chain Output (Output, active high). The signal is
used to form a priorityinterrupt daisy chain when
more than one interruptdriven device is being used.
A high level on this pin indicates that no other devices
of higher priority are being
serviced by a CPU interrupt
service routine.

* 52


Priority Chain In (Input.
active high). This signal is
used to form a priorityinterrupt daisy chain when
more than one interruptdriven device is being used. A
high level on this pin indicates that no other devices
of higher priority are being
serviced by a CPU interrupt
service routine.



Auxiliary Ground (Bussed)
Auxiliary Ground (Bussed)



+12Vdc system power



-12Vdc system power




The following signals have pull-up resistors; /WR, IRO, fIORQ, IMEMRQ,


of each signal

are made with

respect to

MDX-CPU 1 module.
INMIRQ, ISYSRESET, IPBRESET, and ICLOCK. The value of the pull-up
resistors are 1K except for /WAITRQ which IS 500 ohms and /PBRESET
which is 10K ohms. These resistors are located on the MDX-CPUl module.

*The Mostek card cage is prioritized from left to right as viewed from

the top with component side of boards to the left.

Logical Low: 0.8V maximum at -0.36mA
Logical High: 2.0V minimum at 20j.1A

Logical Low: 0.5V maximum at 24mA
Logical High: 2.4V minimum at -15mA
Off State Output Current (tri-state): ±100(.1A


Bus Drivers: 74LS240, 74LS241, 74LS373,
74LS374, and 74LS244.
Bus Receivers: 74LS240, 74LS241, and
Bus Transceivers: 74LS245, 74LS242,
and 74LS243.


Table 2

Mnemonic Pin















































































zao Single Board Computer (MD-SBC1)


Sockets for 8K bytes 2716 EPROM


Two TTL buffered 8-bit INPUT ports


Two Interrupt Inputs

Z80 Microprocessor
2K byte RAM capacity with 1 K included

the board. Power on reset circuitry is included on the
CPU's RESET input. Provision is made to expand the
I/O capability through the use of on-board connectors.
Figure 1

Crystal Clock - 2.5 MHz
Three TTL buffered 8-bit OUTPUT ports

Single +5 volt power supply

The MD-SBC1 is a complete Z80 based microcomputer on 4 % in. by 6 % in. circuit module. All I/O is
fully TTL buffered and is brought to a 56 pin edge
The smaller card size and the single power supply
makes the MD-SBC1 easier to package and easier to
use than most other modules. While the module size
is small no compromises have been made in computing power due to increasing MOS- LSI densities and
the use of the Z80 microcomputer. The 40 buffered
TTL I/O lines and the 8K bytes of EPROM provide
the capability to solve many control problems encountered by the OEM microcomputer user. The expandable MD Series (MDX) has the same form factor
allowing easy expansion to a multi-board system with
increased capability.
Figure 1 is a block diagram of the MD-SBC1. The
basic module comes with 1 K bytes of RAM expandable to 2K bytes by the addition of two 2114 type
RAMs. Four 2716 sockets are provided for up to 8K
bytes of EPROM, and are decoded in 2K blocks starting at address zero. The output ports are 74LS244
latches which are brought to the card cage connector.
The input ports are 74LS240 Octal Buffers with 4.7K
OHM pull-up resistors on the inputs. These input lines
are also brought to the edge connector. The Z80-CPU
is driven by a crystal clock at 2.5MHz (400nsec
T-State) .
Both the NMI and INT interrupt inputs to the Z80CPU are terminated with 4.7K Ohm pull ups and
brought to the card edge connector. An external
clock can be used by changing strapping options on

INSTRUCTION 8,16, 24 or 32 bits
DATA 8 bits
T-STATE = 400nSec, fastest instruction is 1.6 microsecond.


1800-1 FFF









8 K bytes of 2716 memory (none included)
2 K bytes of 2114 memory (1 K bytes included)





Access Time
Re uired

Cycle Time
Re uired



+5 volts ± 5% at 1.2A max (fully loaded)
(100mA per RAM, 100mA per EPROM)

* Single 5 volt type required



00 and 01

16 lines
24 lines

4.5 in. (11.43cm) high by 6.50 in. (16.51cm) long
048 in. (1.22cm) maximum profile thickness
0.062 in. (0.16cm) printed circuit board thickness

Two active low; NMI and INT. See Z80-CPU
(MK3880) Technical Manual for a full description of
Z80 interrupts.



Paralled I/O

Inputs - One 74LS load plus a 4.7K Ohm pull up resistor
Outputs - 10H = -15mA at VOH = 2.4 volts
10L = 24mA at VOL = 0.5 volts

Printed Circuit
56 pin (28 position) VIKING 3VH28/1CE5
0.125 in centers
Wire Wrap
Solder Lug






Complete Z80 Single Board
Computer with Operations
Manual less EPROMs and mating


MD-SBC1 Operations
Manual only.


Data Sheet

MD Series prototyping


Data Sheet

Disk based development
system for MD Series


Data Sheet

Z80 In-Circuit Emulation
Module for AID-80F









Technical Manual








Introduction .......................................................5


Z80-CPU Architecture ................................................7


Z80-CPU Pin Description ............................................ 11


CPU Timing ....... _.............. _................................ 15


Z8D-CPU Instruction Set ............ _............................... 23


Flags ........................................................... 43


Summary of OP Codes and Execution Times ............................ 47


Interrupt Response ................................................ 59


Hardware Implementation Examples ................................... 65


Software Implementation Examples ................................... 71


Electrical Specifications ............................................ 77


Z80 Instruction Breakdown by Machine Cycle ........................... 83


Package Description and Ordering Information ........................... 90




The term "microcomputer" has been used to describe virtually every type of small
computing device designed within the last few years. This term has been applied to
everything from simple "microprogrammed" controllers constructed out of TTL MSI up
to low end minicomputers with a portion of the CPU constructed out of TTL LSI "bit
slices." However, the major impact of the LSI technology within the last few years has been
with MOS LSI. With this technology, it is possible to fabricate complete and very powerful
computer systems with only a few MOS LSI components.

The Mostek Z80 family of components is a significant advancement in the state-of-art of
microcomputers. These components can be configured with any type of standard semiconductor memory to generate computer systems with an extremely wide range of
capabilities. For example, as few as two LSI circuits and three standard TTL M$I packages
can be combined to form a simple controller. With additional memory and I/O devices a
computer can be constructed with capabilities that only a minicomputer could previously
deliver. This wide range of computational power allows standard modules to be constructed
by a user that can satisfy the requirements of an extremely wide range of applications.

The major reason for MOS LSI domination of the microcomputer market is the low cost of
these few LSI components. For example, MOS LSI microcomputers have already replaced
TTL logic in such applications as terminal controllers, peripheral device controllers, traffic
signal controllers, point of sale terminals, intelligent terminals and test systems. In fact the
MOS LSI microcomputer is finding its way into almost every product that now uses
electronics and it is even replacing many mechanical systems such as weight scales and
automobile controls.

The MOS LSI microcomputer market is already well established and new products using
them are being developed at an extraordinary rate. The Mostek Z80 component set has been
designed to fit into this market through the following factors:
1. The Z80 is fully software compatible with the popular 8080A CPU offered from
several sources. Existing designs can be easily converted to include the Z80 as a
superior alternative.
2. The Z80 component set is superior in both software and hardware capabilities to
any other 8-bit microcomputer system on the market. These capabilities provide the
user with significantly lower hardware and software development costs while also
allowing him to offer additional features in his system.
3. A complete development and OEM system product line including full software
support is available to enable the user to easily develop new products.

Microcomputer systems are extremely simple to construct using Z80 components. Any such
system consists of three parts:
1. CPU (Central Processing Unit)



Interface circuits to peripheral devices


The CPU is the heart of the system. Its function is to obtain instructions from the memory
and perform the desired operations. The memory is used to contain instructions and in most
cases data that is to be processed. For example, a typical instruction sequence may be to
read data from a specific peripheral device, store it in a location in memory, check the
parity and write it out to another peripheral device. Note that the Mostek component set
includes the CPU and various general purpose I/O device controllers, as well as a wide range
of memory devices. Thus, all required components can be connected together in a very
simple manner with virtually no other external logic. The user's effort then becomes
primarily one of software development. That is, the user can concentrate on describing his
problem and translating it into a series of instructions that can be loaded into the microcomputer memory. Mostek is dedicated to making this step of software generation as simple
as possible. A good example of this is our assembly language in which a simple mnemonic
is used to represent every instruction that the CPU can perform. This language is self documenting in such a way that from the mnemonic the user can understand exactly what the
instruction is doing without constantly checking back to a complex cross listing.


A block diagram of the internal architecture of the Z80-CPU is shown in Figure 2.0-1
The diagram shows all of the major elements in the CPU and it should be referred to
throughout the following description.








FIGURE 2.0-1

The Z80-CPU contains 208 bits of R/W memory that are accessible to the programmer.
Figure 2.0-2 illustrates how this memory is configured into eighteen 8-bit registers and
four 16-bit registers. All Z80 registers are implemented using static RAM. The registers
include two sets of six general purpose registers that may be used individually as 8-bit
registers or in pairs as 16-bit registers. There are also two sets of accumulator and flag
Special Purpose Registers
1. Program Counter (PC). The program counter holds the 16-bit address of the current
instruction being fetched from memory. The PC is automatically incremented after
its contents have been transferred to the address lines. When a program jump occurs
the new value is automatically placed in the PC, overriding the incrementer.
2. Stack Pointer (SP). The stack pointer holds the 16-bit address of the current top of
a stack located anywhere in external system RAM memory. The external stack
memory is organized as a last-in first-out (LI Fa) file. Data can be pushed onto the
stack from specific CPU registers or popped off of the stack into specific CPU registers through the execution of PUSH and POP instructions. The data popped from the
stack is always the last data pushed onto it. The stack allows simple implementation
of multiple level interrupts, unlimited subroutine nesting and simplification of many
types of data manipulation.






























FIGURE 2,0-2

3. Two Index Registers (IX & IV). The two independent index registers hold a 16-bit
base address that is used in indexed addressing modes, In this mode, an index register
is used as a base to point to a region in memory from which data is to be stored or
retrieved. An additional byte is included in indexed instructions to specify a displacement from this base. This displacement is specified as a two's complement
signed integer, This mode of addressing greatly simplifies many types of programs,
especially where tables of data are used.
4. Interrupt Page Address Register (I). The Z80-CPU can be operated in a mode where
an indirect call to any memory location can be achieved in response to an interrupt.
The I Register is used for this purpose to store the high order 8-bits of the indirect
address while the interrupting device provides the lower 8-bits of the address, This
feature allows interrupt routines to be dynamically located anywhere in memory with
absolute minimal access time to the routine,
5. Memory Refresh Register (R). The Z80-CPU contains a memory refresh counter to
enable dynamic memories to be used with the same ease as static memories. This 7-bit
register is automatically incremented after each instruction fetch. The data in the
refresh counter is sent out on the lower portion of the address bus along with a
refresh control signal while the CPU is decoding and executing the fetched instruction, This mode of refresh is totally transparent to the programmer and does not
slow down the CPU operation. The programmer can load the R register for testing
purposes, but this register is normally not used by the programmer.
Accumulator and Flag Registers
The CPU includes two independent 8-bit accumulators and associated 8-bit flag registers.
The accumulator holds the results of 8-bit arithmetic or logical operations while the flag
register indicates specific conditions for 8 or 16-bit operations, such as indicating whether
or not the result of an operation is equal to zero. The programmer selects the accumulator
and flag pair that he wishes to work with with a single exchange instruction so that he may
easily work with either pair.


General Purpose Registers
There are two matched sets of general purpose registers, each set containing six 8-bit registers that may be used individually as 8-bit registers or as 16-bit register pairs by the programmer. One set is called BC, DE, and HL while the complementary set is called BD', DE'
and HL'. At ar1Y one time the programmer can select either set of registers to work with
through a single exchange command for the entire set. In systems where fast interrupt
response is required, one set of general purpose registers and an accumulator/flag register
may be reserved for handl ing this very fast routine. Only a simple exchange command need
be executed to go between the routines. This greatly reduces interrupt service time by
eliminating the requirement for saving and retrieving register contents in the external
stack during interrupt or subroutine processing. These general purpose registers are used for
a wide range of applications by the programmer. They also simplify programming, especially
in ROM based systems where little external read/write memory is available.

The 8-bit arithmetic and logical instructions of the CPU are executed in the ALU. Internally
the ALU communicates with the registers and the external data bus on the internal data bus.
The type of functions performed by the ALU include:

Left or right shifts or rotates (arithmetic and logical)



Logical AND


Logical OR

Set bit

Logical Exclusive OR

Reset bit


Test bit

As each instruction is fetched from memory, it is placed in the instruction register and
decoded. The control section performs this function and then generates and supplies all of
the control signals necessary to read or write data from or to the registers, controls the
ALU and provides all required external control signals.



The Z80-CPU is packaged in an industry standard 40 pin Dual In-Line Package. The I/O
pins are shown in Figure 3.0-1 and the function of each is described below.





MK 3880
MK 38804






FIGURE 3.0-1

(Address Bus)

Tri-state output, active high. AO-A15 constitute a 16-bit address
bus. The address bus provides the address for memory (up to 64K
bytes) data exchanges and for I/O device data exchanges. I/O
addressing uses the 8 lower address bits to allow the user to
directly select up to 256 input or 256 output ports. AO is the
least significant address bit. During refresh time, the lower 7 bits
contain a valid refresh address.

00- 0 7
(Data Bus)

Tri-state input/output, active high. 00-07 constitute an 8-bit
bidirectional data bus. The data bus is used for data exchanges
with memory and I/O devices.

(Machine Cycle one)

Output, active low. M 1 indicates that the current machine cycle
is the OP code fetch cycle of an instruction execution. Note that
during execution of 2-byte op-codes, M 1 is generated as each op
code byte is fetched. These two byte op-codes always begin with
CBH, DOH, EDH, or FDH. M 1 also occurs with IORO to indicate
an interrupt acknowledge cycle.

(Memory Request)

Tri-state output, active low. The memory request signal indicates
that the address bus holds a valid address for a memory read or
memory write operation.


Tri-state output, active low. The 10RO signal indicates that the

(I nput/Output Request) lower half of the address bus holds a valid I/O address for a I/O

read or write operation. An 10RO signal is also generated with
an M 1 signal when an interrupt is being acknowledged to indicate
that an interrupt response vector can be placed on the data bus.
Interrupt Acknowledge operations occur during M 1 time while
I/O operations never occur during M 1 time.
(Memory Read)

Tri-state output, active low. RD indicates that the CPU wants to
read data from memory or an I/O device. The addressed I/O device
or memory should use this signal to gate data onto the CPU data

(Memory Write)

Tri-state output, active low. WR indicates that the CPU data bus
holds valid data to be stored in the addressed memory or I/O


Output, active low. RFSH indicates that the lower 7 bits of the
address bus contain a refresh address for dynamic memories and
current MREO signal should be used to do a refresh read to all
dynamic memories. A7 is a logic zero and the upper 8 bits of the
Address Bus contains the I Register.

(Halt state)

Output, active low. HALT indicates that the CPU has executed a
HALT software instruction and is awaiting either a non maskable
or a maskable interrupt (with the mask enabled) before operation
can resume. While halted, the CPU executes NOP's to maintain
memory refresh activity.


Input, active low. WAIT indicates to the Z80-CPU that the addressed memory or I/O devices are not ready for a data transfer.
The CPU continues to enter wait states for as long as this signal is
active. This signal allows memory or I/O devices of any speed to
be synchronized to the CPU.

(I nterrupt Request)

Input, active low. The Interrupt Request signal is generated by
I/O devices. A request will be honored at the end of the current
instruction if the internal software controlled interrupt enable
flip-flop (IFF) is enabled and if the BUSRO signal is not active.
When the CPU accepts the interrupt, an acknowledge signal
(lORd during M1 time) is sent out at the beginning of the next
instruction cycle. The CPU can respond to an interrupt in three
different modes that are described in detail in section 8.
Input, negative edge triggered. The non maskable interrupt request
line has a higher priority than INT and is always recognized at the
end of the current instruction, independent of the status of the
interrupt enable flip-flop. NM I automatically forces the Z80-CPU
to restart to location 0066H. The program counter is automatically saved in the external stack so that the user can return to the
program that was interrupted. Note that continuous WAIT cycles
can prevent the current instruction from ending, and that a
BUSRQ will override a NMI.


Input, active low. RESET forces the program counter to zero and
initializes the CPU. The CPU initialization includes:

Disable the interrupt enable flip-flop
Set Register I = DOH
Set Register R = DOH
Set Interrupt Mode 0

During reset time, the address bus and data bus go to a high
impedance state and all control output signals go to the inactive
state. No refresh occurs.
(Bus Request)

Input, active low. The bus request signal is used to request the
CPU address bus, data bus and tri-state output control signals to
go to a high impedance state so that other devices can control
these buses. When BUSRQ is activated, the CPU will set these
buses to a high impedance state as soon as the current CPU
machine cycle is terminated.

(Bus Acknowledge)

Output, active low. Bus acknowledge is used to indicate to the
requesting device that the CPU address bus, data bus and tristate control bus signals have been set to their high impedance
state and the external device can now control these signals.
Single phase system clock.

*While the Z80-CPU is in either a WAIT state or a Bus Acknowledge condition, Dynamic Memory Refresh
will not occur.



The Z80-CPU executes instructions by stepping through a very precise set of a few basic
operations. These include:
Memory read or write
I/O device read or write
I nterrupt acknowledge
All instructions are merely a series of these basic operations. Each of these basic operations
can take from three to six clock periods to complete or they can be lengthened to synchronize the CPU to the speed of external devices. The basic clock periods are referred to as
T states and the basic operations are referred to as M (for machine) cycles. Figure 4.0-0
illustrates how a typical instruction will be merely a series of specific M and T cycles. Notice
that this instruction consists of three machine cycles (M1, M2 and M3). The first machine
cycle of any instruction is a fetch cycle which is four, five or six T states long (unless
lengthened by the wait signal which will be fully described in the next section). The fetch
cycle (M 1) is used to fetch the OP code of the next instruction to be executed. Subsequent
machine cycles move data between the CPU and memory or I/O devices and they may have
anywhere from three to five T cycles (again they may be lengthened by wait states to
synchronize the external devices to the CPU). The following paragraphs describe the timing
which occurs within any of the basic machine cycles. In section 7, the exact timing for
each instruction is specified.

T State

Machine Cycle

(OP Code Fetch)



(Memory Read}

(Memory Write)

Instruction Cycle

FIGURE 4.0-0

All CPU timing can be broken down into a few very simple timing diagrams as shown in
Figure 4.0-1 through 4.0-7. These diagrams show the following basic operations with and
without wait states (wait states are added to synchronize the CPU to slow memory or
I/O devices).

Instruction OP code fetch (M 1 cycle)


Memory data read or write cycles


I/O read or write cycles


Bus Request/Acknowledge Cycle


I nterrupt Request/Acknowledge Cycle


Non maskable Interrupt Request/Acknowledge Cycle


Exit from a HALT instruction


Figure 4.0·1 shows the timing during an M1 cycle (OP code fetch). Notice that the PC is
placed on the address bus at the beginning of the M 1 cycle. One half clock time later the
MREO signal goes active. At this time the address to the memory has had time to stabilize
so that the falli~ edge of MR EO can be used directly as a chip enable clock to dynamic
memories. The RD line also goes active to indicate that the memory read data should be
enabled onto the CPU data bus. The CPU samples the data from the memory on the data
bus with the rising edge of the clock of state T3 and this same edge is used by the CPU
to turn off the RD and MREQ signals. Thus the data has already been sampled by the CPU
before the RD signal becomes inactive. Clock state T3 and T4 of a fetch cycle are used to
refresh dynamic memories. (The CPU uses this time to decode and execute the fetched
instruction so that no other operation could be performed at this time). Durin~nd T4
the lower 7 bits of the address bus contain a memory refresh address and the R FSH signal
becomes active to indicate that a refresh read of all dynamic memories should be accomplished. Notice that a RD signal is not generated during refresh time to prevent data from
different memory segments from being gated onto the data bus. The MREO signal during
refresh time should be used to perform a refresh read of all memory elements. The refresh
signal can not be used by itself since the refresh address is only guaranteed to be stable
during MREO time.


Ml Cycle






--'~ ~ ~ ~ ~fAO








'-- f-









- ----- ---.r-L"_ ----- ------t------ --------- ------ - - - - - --


DO -









FIGURE 4.0-1

Figure 4.0-1A illustrates how the fetch cycle is delayed if the memory activates the WAIT
line. During T2 and every subsequent Tw, the CPU samples the WAIT line with the falling
edge of <1>. If the WAIT line is active at this time, another wait state will be entered during
the following cycle. Using this technique the read cycle can be lengthened to match the
access time of any type of memory device.



MI Cycle







-'~ ~ ~I l -~
AD - A15





,.- t--


00 -












- ----- -l.J_~

- -----





----- ----- -



Figure 4.0-2 illustrates the timing of memory read or write cycles other than an OP code
fetch (M 1 cycle). These cycles are generally three clock periods long unless wait states are
requested by the memory via the WAIT signal. The MREQ signal and the RD signal are used
the same as in the fetch cycle. In the case of a memory write cycle, the MREQ also becomes
active when the address bus is stable so that it can be used directly as a chip enable for
dynamic memories. The WR line is active when data on the data bus is stable so that it can
be used directly as a R/W pulse to virtually any type of semiconductor memory. Furthermore the WR signal goes inactive one half T state before the address and data bus contents
are changed so that the overlap requirements for virtually any type of semiconductor
memory type will be met.






Read Cycle



Memory Write Cycle - -_ _ _






- ~ ~ ~I l -~ ~
AO - A15














- ---- ----





r--l-_-= r---f-----r-L-~------t---- -f----

- - - - f-.

FIGURE 4.0-2


Figure 4.0-2A illustrates how a WAIT request signal will lengthen any memory read or
write operation. This operation is identical to that previously described for a fetch cycle.
Notice in this figure that a separate read and a separate write cycle are shown in the same
figure although read and write cycles can never occur simultaneously.








- h -h - h -h - h -h I

AO -.. A15

















-------- t-lJ_-_- lI~ ~.JL=_ -----


---- --


Figure 4.0-3 illustrates an I/O read or I/O write operation. Notice that during I/O operations
a single wait state is automatically inserted. The reason for this is that during I/O operations,
the time from when the 10RQ signal goes active until the CPU must sample the WAIT line
is very short and without this extra state sufficient time does not exist for an I/O port to
decode its address and activate the WAIT line if a wait is required. Also, without this wait
state it is difficult to design MOS I/O devices that can operate at full CPU speed. During
this wait state time the WAIT request signal is sampled. During a read I/O operation, the
RD line is used to enable the addressed port onto the data bus just as in the case of a
memory read. For I/O write operations, the WR line is used as a clock to the I/O port, again
with sufficient overlap timing automatically provided so that the rising edge may be used as
a data clock.
Figure 4.0-3A illustrates how additional wait states may be added with the WAIT line.
The operation is identical to that previously described.

Figure 4.0-4 illustrates the timing for a Bus Request/Acknowledge cycle. The BUSRQ
signal is sampled by the CPU with the rising edge of the last clock period of any machine
cycle. If the BUSRQ signal is active, the CPU will set its address, data and tri-state control
signals to the high impedance state with the rising edge of the next clock pulse. At that
time any exterhal device can control the buses to transfer data between memory and I/O
devices. (This is generally known as Direct Memory Access [DMA] Llsing cycle stealing).
The maximum time for the CPU to respond to a bus request is the length of a machine
cycle and the external controller can maintain control of the bus for as many clock cycles
as is desired. Note, however, that if very long DMA cycles are used, and dynamic memories
are being used, the external controller must also perform the refresh function. This situation
only occurs if very large blocks of data are transferred under DMA control. Also note that
during a bus request cycle, the CPU cannot be interrupted by either a NMI or an INT signal.








ne or 2 bytes Ollerand d7 dO Examples of this type of instruction would be to load the accumulator with a constant, where the constant is the byte immediately following the OP code. Immediate Extended. This mode is merely an extension of immediate addressing in that the two bytes following the op codes are the operand. OP Code one or 2 bytes Operand low order Operand high order Examples of this type of instruction would be to load the HL register pair (16-bit register) with 16 bits (2 bytes) of data. 98 Modified Page Zero Addressing. The Z80 has a special single byte call instruction to any of 8 locations in page zero of memory. This instruction (which is referred to as a restart) sets the PC to an effective address in page zero. The value of this instruction is that it allQws a single byte to specify a complete 16-bit address where commonly called subroutines are located, thus saving memory space. lop Code I bO one byte Effective address is (00b5b4b3000) Relative Addressing. Relative addressing uses one byte of data following the OP code to specify a displacement from the existing program to which a program jump can occur. This displacement is a signed two's complement number that is added to the address of the OP code of the following instruction. OP Code } Jump relative (one byte OP code) Operand 8-bit two's complement Address (A+2) displacement added to The value of relative addressing is that it allows jumps to nearby locations while only requiring two bytes of memory space. For most programs, relative jumps are by far the most prevalent type of jump due to the proximity of related program segments. Thus, these instructions can significantly reduce memory space requirements. The signed displacement can range between +127 and -128 from A + 2. This allows for a total displacement of +129 to -126 from the jump relative OP code address. Another major advantage is that it allows for relocatable code. Extended Addressing. Extended Addressing provides for two bytes (16 bits) of address to be included in the instruction. This data can be an address to which a program can jump or it can be an address where an operand is located. } OP Code one or two bytes ~---------------------------------~ Low Order Address or Low order operand High Order Address or High order operand Extended addressing is required for a program to jump from any location in memory to any other location, or load and store data in any memory location. When extended addressing is used to specify the source or destination address of an operand, the notation (nn) will be used to indicate the content of memory at nn, where nn is the 16-bit address specified in the instruction. This means that the two bytes of address nn are used as a pointer to a memory location. The use of the parentheses always means that the value enclosed within them is used as a pointer to a memory location. For example, (1200) refers to the contents of memory at location 1200. Indexed Addressing. In this type of addressing, the byte of data following the OP code contains a displacement which is added to one of the two index registers (the OP code specifies which index register is used) to form a pointer to memory. The contents of the index register are not altered by this operation. OP Code f-------! } two byte OP code OP Code Displacement Operand added to index register to form a pointer to memory. 99 An example of an indexed instruction would be to load the contents of the memory location (Index Register + Displacement) into the accumulator. The displacement is a signed two's complement number. Indexed addressing greatly simplifies programs using tables of data since the index register can point to the start of any table. Two index registers are provided since very often operations require two or more tables. Indexed addressing also allows for relocatable code. The two index registers in the Z80 are referred to as IX and IY. To indicate indexed addressing the notation: (IX+d) or (lY+d) is used. here d is the displacement specified after the OP code. The parentheses indicate that this value is used as a pointer to external memory. Register Addressing. Many of the Z80 OP codes contain bits of information that specify which CPU register is to be used for an operation. An example of register addressing would be to load the data in register B into register C. Implied Addressing. Implied addressing refers to operations where the OP code automatically implies one or more CPU registers as containing the operands. An example is the set of arithmetic operations where the accumulator is always implied to be the destination of the results. Register Indirect Addressing. This type of addressing specifies a 16-bit CPU register pair (such as H L) to be used as a pointer to any location in memory. This type of instruction is very powerful and it is used in a wide range of applications. I OP Code I} one or two bytes An example of this type of instruction would be to load the accumulator with the data in the memory location pointed to by the H L register contents. Indexed addressing is actually a form of register indirect addressing except that a displacement is added with indexed addressing. Register indirect addressing allows for very powerful but simple to implement memory accesses. The block move and search commands in the Z80 are extensions of this type of addressing where automatic register incrementing, decrementing and comparing has been added. The notation for indicating register indirect addressing is to put parentheses around the name of the register that is to be used as the pointer. For example, the symbol (HL) specifies that the contents of the H L register are to be used as a pointer to a memory location. Often register indirect addressing is used to specify 16-bit operands. In this case, the register contents point to the lower order portion of the operand while the register contents are automatically incremented to obtain the upper portion of the operand. Bit Addressing. The Z80 contains a large number of bit set, reset and test instructions. These instructions allow any memory location or CPU register to be specified for a bit operation through one of three previous addressing modes (register, register indirect and indexed) while three bits in the OP code specify which of the eight bits is to be manipulated. ADDRESSING MODE COMBINATIONS Many instructions include more than one operand (such as arithmetic instructions or loads). In these cases, two types of addressing may be employed. For example, load can use immediate addressing to specify the source and register indirect or indexed addressing to specify the source and register indirect or indexed addressing to specify the destination. 100 5.3 INSTRUCTION OP CODES This section describes each of the l80 instructions and provides tables listing the OP codes for every instruction. In each of these tables the shaded OP codes are identical to those offered in the 8080A CPU. Also shown is the assembly language mnemonic that is used for each instruction. All instruction OP codes are listed in hexadecimal notation. Single byte OP codes require two hex characters while double byte OP codes require four hex characters. The conversion from hex to binary is repeated here for convenience. Hex Binary Decimal Hex Binary Decimal 0 0000 0 8 1000 1 0001 1 9 1001 8 9 2 0010 2 A 1010 10 3 0011 3 B 1011 11 4 0100 4 C 1100 12 5 0101 5 D 1101 13 6 0110 6 E 1110 14 7 0111 7 F 1111 15 l80 instruction mnemonics consist of an OP code and zero, one or two operands. Instructions in which the operand is implied have no operand. Instructions which have only one logical operand or those in which one operand is invariant (such as the Logical OR instruction) are represented by a one operand mnemonic. Instructions which may have two varying operands are represented by two operand mnemonics. LOAD AND EXCHANGE Table 5.3-1 defines the OP code for all of the 8-bit load instructions implemented in the l80-CPU. Also shown in this table is the type of addressing used for each instruction. The source of the data is found on the top horizontal row while the destination is specified by the left hand column. For example, load register C from register B uses the OP code 48H. In all of the tables the OP code is specified in hexadecimal notation and the 48H (=0100 1000 binary) code is fetched by the CPU from the external memory during Ml time, decoded and then the register transfer is automatically performed by the CPU. The assembly language mnemonic for this entire group is LD, followed by the destination followed by the source (LD DEST., SOURCE). Note that several combinations of addressing modes are possible. For example, the source may use register addressing and the destination may be register indirect; such as load the memory location pointed to by register H L with the contents of register D. The OP code for this operation would be 72. The mnemonic for this load instruction would be as follows: LD (HL), D The parentheses around the H L means that the contents of H L are used as a pointer to a memory location. In all l80 load instruction mnemonics the destination is always listed first, with the source following. The l80 assembly language has been defined for ease of programming. Every instruction is self documenting and programs written in l80 language are easy to maintain. Note in Table 5.3-1 that some load OP codes that are available in the l80 use two bytes. This is an efficient method of memory utilization since 8, 16, 24 or 32 bit instructions are implemented in the l80. Thus often utilized instructions such as arithmetic or logical operations are only 8-bits which results in better memory utilization than is achieved with fixed instruction sizes such as 16-bits. All load actually example written: instructions using indexed addressing for either the source or destination location use three bytes of memory with the third byte being the displacement d. For a load register E with the operand pointed to by IX with an offset of +8 would be LD E, (IX + 8) 101 The instruction sequence for this in memory would be: Address A ~D1 OP Code A+1 5F A+2 08 Displacement operand The two extended addressing instructions are also three byte instructions. For example the instruction to load the accumulator with the operand in memory location 6F32H would be written: LD A, (6F 32H) and its instruction sequence would be: Address A A+1 A+2 A ~ OPCode 32 low order address 6F high order address Notice that the low order portion of the address is always the first operand. The load immediate instructions for the general purpose 8-bit registers are two-byte instructions. The instruction load register H with the value 36H would be written: LD H, 36H and its sequence would be: Address A A+1 ~ OPCode ~ Operand Loading a memory location using indexed addressing for the destination and immediate addressing for the source requires four bytes. For example: LD{IX-151.21H would appear as: Address A DD OP Code A+1 36 A+2 F1 A+3 21 displacement (-15 in signed two's complement) operand to load Notice that with any indexed addressing the displacement always follows directly after the OP code. Table 5.3-2 specifies the 16-bit load operations. This table is very similar to the previous one. Notice that the extended addressing capability covers all register pairs. Also notice that register indirect operations specifying the stack pointer are the PUSH and POP instructions. The mnemonic for these instructions is "PUSH" and "POP". These differ from other 16-bit loads in that the stack pointer is automatically decremented and incremented as each byte is pushed onto or popped from the stack respectively. For example the instruction: 102 PUSH AF is a single byte instruction with the OP code of F5H. When this instruction is executed the following sequence is generated: Decrement SP LD (SP), A Decrement SP LD (SP), F Thus the external stack now appears as follows: (SP) F (SP+1) A Top of stack II 8 BIT LOAD GROUP SOURCE EXT. IMPLIED A B c REGISTER R ED 57 ED SF B A I}~' ;;'1~ .: .•. ~:4r t 4ci [41 [4F 1:'4~: 4~ ·5~ f:.~~· ~t 17 FD (lY+d) 17 d (nn) (BC) (DE) INDEXED UX+d)OV+dl Fa AODA. IMME. (nn) li~. " !?E DO 46 d 46 d ··4A: I~B I·.··.·. ..•.~.~ .. [4: DO 4E d FO 4E d Isa '~i V~~ l!l~ DO 56 d FD 56 d )6 DO 5E d FD 5E d bE DO 66 d FD 66 d '26 DO 6E d FD 6E d ~~i L~:! 14~. I;~t~: 1 46: t~.6 ["c. [ 16·bit value in range <0, 65535> TABLE 6.0-1 119 120 7.0 SUMMARY OF OP CODES AND EXECUTION TIMES The following section gives a summary of the zao instruction set. The instructions are logically arranged into groups as shown on Tables 7.0-1 through 7.0-11. Each table shows the assembly language mnemonic OP code, the actual OP code, the symbolic operation, the content of the flag register following the execution of each instruction, the number of bytes required for each instruction as well as the number of memory cycles and the total number of T states (external clock periods) required for the fetching and execution of each instruction. Care has been taken to make each table self-explanatory without requiring any cross reference with the text or other tables. 121 a-BIT LOAD GROUP Mnemonic ~ LD r, n Symbolic Operation r- s r-n LDr,IHLI LD r, IIX+d) r -IHLI r -IIX+d) LD r, IIY+d) r -IIY+d) LDIHLI,r LD IIX+d), r IHLI-r IIX+d)-r LD IIY+d), r IiY+d)-r LDIHLI,n IHLI-n LD IiX+d), n IiX+d)-n LD IiY+d), n IiY+d)-n Flags S P!V H N Op·Code C 76 543 210 Hex s 01 r 00 r 110 n 01 r 110 11 011 101 DO 01 r 110 d FD 11 111 101 01 r 110 - d 01 110 r 11 011 101 DO 01 110 r _ d ·• •• •• ·• - • • • ·• ·• ·• · · • ·· • ··•• • • • · · • • · ••• • • · ••• ·• · · • • · · · • ·· • · • ·•• • • • • • • • • X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X • • • X X X X X X • • • X X X I X 0 I I X · • • • LD A, IBC) LD A, IDE) LD A, Innl A-IBC) A-IDE) A -Inn) LD IBC), A LD IDE), A LD Inn), A IBC)-A IDE)-A Inn)-A LD A, I A-I I LD A, R A-R LD I, A I-A LD R, A R-A Notes: Z ·· ·• ·•• · • • • • • • ··· • • · • • • • 0 0 X IFF 0 0 0 X IFF 0 0 X 0 X • • • X 0 X • • • 11 111 101 01 110 r - d 00 110110 - n 11 011 101 00 110110 - d - n 11 111 101 00 110110 - d - n 00 001010 00 011 010 00 111 010 - n - n 00 000010 00 010010 00110010 n n 11 101101 01 010111 11 101101 01 011111 11 101101 01 000111 11 101 101 01 001111 - - -- -- 0= flag not affected, 0 = flag reset, 1 = flag set, X = flag is unknown, I = flag is affected according to the result of the operation. Table 7.0-1 122 No. of M Cycles 1 2 No. of T States Comments r, s Reg. 4 7 000 B 001 C 010 0 7 E 19 011 H 100 101 L 19 111 A 1 3 2 5 3 5 1 3 2 5 7 19 FD 3 5 19 36 2 3 10 DO 36 4 5 19 FD 36 4 5 19 OA lA 3A 1 1 3 2 2 4 7 7 13 02 12 32 1 1 3 2 2 4 7 7 13 ED 57 ED 5F ED 47 ED 4F 2 2 9 2 2 9 2 2 9 2 2 9 r, s means any of the registers A, B, C, 0, E, H, L IFF the cOAtent of the interrupt enable flip·flop (IFF) is copied into the PIV flag Flag Notation: No. of Bytes 1 2 16-BIT LOAD GROUP Mnemonic LD dd, nn Symbolic Operation dd ~ nn S • X • LD IX, nn IX • • X · LD IV, nn IV - nn LD HL, (nn) H ~ (nn+1) L - (nn) LD dd, (nn) ddH ~(nn+1) dd L ~(nn) LD IX, (nn) IXH- (nn+l) IXL ~(nn) LD IV, (nn) IVH~(nn+1) ~ nn IVL -(nn) LD (nn), HL (nn+1) - H (nn)-L LD (nn), dd (nn+1) - ddH (nn)-ddL LD (nn), IX (nn+l) - IXH (nn)-IXL LD (nn), IV (nn+l) ~ IVH (nn)-IVL LD SP, HL LD SP, IX SP - HL SP - IX LD SP, IV SP - IV PUSH qq (Sp·2) - qqL (Sp·l) - qqH (SP·2) - IXL (SP-1) -IXH (SP·2) - IVL (SP·1) -IVH qqH- (SP+1) qqL -(SP) IXH-(SP+l) IXL -(SP) IVH-(SP+l) IVL -(SP) PUSH IX PUSH IV PDP qq POP IX POP IV Notes: · Z FI ns H PIV X N • • X • .. ·· · ·· • • • ·· ·• · • • • • • ·· • • • • · • · • • • • • · •• • • • ·· • • · •• • · • • • • • • • · • • • • · • · • • • • • ·• •• •• ·• ·• • • · • · • ·• ·• • • · C • Op·Cilde 76 543 210 00 ddO 001 n n 11 011 101 00 100 001 n n 11 111 101 00 100 001 n n 00 101 010 n n 11 101 101 01 ddl 011 n n 11 011 101 00 101 010 n n 11111 101 00 101 010 n n 00 100 010 n n 11 101 101 01 ddO 011 n n 11 011 101 00 100 010 n n 11 111 101 00 100 010 n n 11 111 001 11 011 101 11 111 001 11 111 101 11 111 001 11 qqO 101 - -- -- • X X X X X ·· --- X X • X X • X X • X X • X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X No. of Bytes 3 No. of M No. ofT Cycles States 10 3 ~ X X Hex • - 4 4 14 FD 21 4 4 14 2A 3 5 16 ED 4 6 20 DO 2A 4 6 20 FD 2A 4 6 20 22 3 5 16 ED 4 6 20 DO 22 4 6 20 FD 22 4 6 20 F9 DO F9 FD F9 1 2 1 2 6 10 2 2 10 1 3 11 2 4 15 2 4 15 1 3 10 2 4 14 2 4 14 ~ -- -- --- --- -~ - -- - · · -~ -- ~ • • • • • • • • • DO 21 Comments dd Pair 00 BC DE 01 HL 10 11 SP -- - 11 11 11 11 11 011 100 111 100 qqO 101 101 101 101 001 DO E5 FD E5 11 11 11 11 011 101 100 001 111 101 100001 DO El FD El qq 00 01 10 11 Pair BC DE HL AF dd is any of the register pairs BC, DE, HL, SP qq is any of the register pairs AF, BC, DE, HL (PAIR)H, (PAl R) L refer to high order and low order eight bits of the register pair respectively. e.g. BCL = C, AFH =A Flag Notation: =flag not affected, 0 =flag reset, 1 =flag set, X =flag is unknown, I flag is affected according to the result of the operation. • Table 7.0-2 123 EXCHANGE GROUP AND BLOCK TRANSFER AND SEARCH GROUP Mnemonic EXDE,HL EX AF, AF' EXX Symbolic Operation DE-HL AF-AF' S Z • • • • X X X FI s H P/V • X N • • Hex EB 08 D9 No. 01 Bytes 1 1 1 No.oIM Cycles 1 1 1 11 100 011 E3 1 5 No.ol T States Comments 4 4 4 Register bank and auxiliary register bank exchange 19 11 11 11 11 101 011 101 011 DD E3 FD E3 2 6 23 2 6 23 C 76 • 11 00 • 11 Op·Code 543 210 101 011 001 000 011 001 (BC --BC') DE-DE' HL-HL' EX (SP), HL H -(SP+1) L -(SP) EX (SP), IX IXH--(SP+l) IXL --(SP) EX (SP), IY IYH -(SP+1) IYL -(SP) · · ·• • · · • • ·• • · X X X X X X • • • • • • • • LDI (DEHHU DE - DE+l HL - HL+l BC - BC·l • • X 0 X CD I 0 • 11 101 101 10 100 000 ED AO 2 4 16 LDI R (DEHHU DE - DE+l HL - HL+l BC -BC·l Repeat until BC = 0 • • X 0 X 0 0 • 11 101 101 10110000 ED BO 2 2 5 4 21 16 11 101 101 10 101 000 ED A8 2 4 16 ED 2 2 5 4 21 16 LDD (DEHHU DE - DE·l HL - HL·l BC - BC·l LDDR (DEHHU DE - DE·l HL - HL·l BC -BC·l Repeat until BC = 0 X X X 0 X CD \ 0 · • • X 0 X 0 0 • 11 101 101 10 111 000 B8 1 • 11 101 101 10 100 001 ED Al 2 4 16 1 • 11 101 101 10 110 001 ED Bl 2 2 5 4 21 16 1 • 11 101 101 10 101 001 ED A9 2 4 16 1 • 11 101 101 10 111 001 ED B9 2 2 5 4 21 16 · CIl A- (HL! HL-HL+l BC - BC·l I CPIR A- (HU HL-HL+l BC - Be·l Repeat until A=(HLlor BC= 0 \ CPD A - (H Ll HL - HL·l BC - BC·l I CIl I X \ X CPDR A - (H Ll HL - HL·l BC - BC·l Repeat until A= (HLl or BC = 0 I CIl I X I X CD CIl · 011 100 111 100 • CPI Notes: ·· • • • I X I X X \ X CIl \ CD \ CD \ CD I CD I P/V Ilag is 0 if the result of BC·l = 0, otherwise PIV = 1 Z flag is 1 if A = (H Ll, otherwise Z = D. Flag Notation: • = Ilag not affected, 0 = Ilag reset, 1 = flag set, X = flag is unknown, I =flag is affected according to the result 01 the operation. Table 7.0·3 124 Load (H Uinta (DE), increment the pointers and decrement the byte counter (BC) If BC "I' 0 If BC = 0 If BC "I' 0 If BC = 0 If BC"I' OandA"I'(HU If BC = 0 or A = (H U IfBC10andA1(HLl IIBC=OorA=(HLl 8-BIT ARITHMETIC AND LOGICAL GROUP Mnemonic ADD A, r ADD A, n Symbo lie Operati on S Z A - A+ r A - A+ n I I I I Fl. s H X X I I ADD A, (HLi ADD A, (lX+dl A - A+ (HLI A-A+(I X+d.1 I I I I X X I ADD A, (lY+dl A-A+(I Y+di I I X ADC A, s SUB s SBC A, s AND s ORs XOR s CP s INC r INC(HLi INC (lx+dl A-A+s+ CY A-A·s A-A·s ·CY A-A A A-A v s A-A (j) s A· s r - r+ 1 (HlHH Li+l (lx+dl (lX+d 1+1 I I I I I I I I I 0 0 I I I X X X X X X X X X X INC (lY+dl (lY+dl (lY+d 1+1 I I I I Notes: , I I I I I I I I X X P/V N Op·Code C 76 543 210 Hex V V 0 0 I 10 lQQQ] r I 11lQQQ]110 - \ X X V V 0 0 I I I X V 0 I V V V P P P V V V V 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 I I I X X X X X X X X X X • • • X I X V 0 • X I X V 1 • .• t I 1 I I I I 0 0 0 I n No.of No.ofM No.ofT Bytes Cycles States Comments 1 2 1 2 4 7 DD 1 3 2 5 7 19 FD 3 5 19 - 10 lQQQ]110 11 011 101 10lQQQ]110 d 11 111 101 10 1QQQ]110 d - - [QIDJ lQTI] Jl][J [IT[] TIIDJ [ill] - - [j]]- Reg. B C D E H l A s is any of r, n, (HLi, (lX+dl, (I Y+dl as shown lor AD D instruction. The indicated bits replace the [llJ!]!] in the AD D set above. IIDQJ 00 r [j]QJ 00 11 0 [j]QJ 11 011 101 00 110 [j]QJ d 11 111 101 00 11 0 [j]QJ d r 000 001 010 011 100 101 111 , DD 1 1 3 1 3 6 4 11 23 FD 3 6 23 sisanyolr,(HLI, (lX+dl, (lY+dl as shown lor INC. DEC same lormat and states as INC. Replace IT®] with [Q] in OP Code. The V symbol in the P/V flag column indicates that the PIV Ilag contains the overflow 01 the result of the operation. Similarly the P symbol indicates parity. V = 1 means overflow, V = 0 means not overflow, P = 1 means parity of the result is even, P = 0 means parity of the result is odd. Flag Notation: • =flag not affected, 0 = Ilag reset, 1 =flag set, X =flag is unknown. I =flag is affected according to the result of the operation. Table 7,0-4 125 GENERAL PURPOSE ARITHMETIC AND CPU CONTROL GROUPS Svmbolic Mnemonic Operation S DAA Converts acc, I content into packed BCD following add or subtract with packed BCD operands CPL A- A Z j FI gs H X I X Op-Code PIV N C 76 543 210 P • j • · X 1 X · 1 • I X I X V 1 I X X X • 0 0 • • • • • • • • • 2F 1 1 4 11 101 101 01 000 100 I 00 111 111 ED 44 3F 2 2 8 1 1 4 1 00 00 01 11 11 11 01 11 01 11 01 37 00 76 F3 FB ED 46 ED 56 ED 5E 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 4 4 4 8 2 2 8 2 2 8 I CCF CY-CY • SCF NOP HALT 01" EI" 1M 0 CY-l No operation CPU halted IFF - 0 IFF - 1 Set interrupt mode 0 Set interrupt mode 1 Set interrupt mode 2 I • • • • • • • • • • · X X X X X X • • • • • X X X X X X • • • • • • • • X • X • • • • • X • X • • • Notes: ·• 0 · 110 000 110 110 111 101 000 101 010 101 011 111 000 110 011 011 101 110 101 110 101 110 IFF indicates the interrupt enable flip-flop CY indicates the carry flip-flop. Flag Notation: • =flag not affected, 0 = flag reset, 1 = flag set, X = flag is unknown, I = flag is affected according to the result of the operation. "Interrupts are not sampled at the end of EI or DI Table 7.0-5 126 No.ofM No.of T Cvcles States 1 4 00 101 111 A - A+l 1M 2 No. of Bvtes 1 Comments Decimal adjust accumulator NEG 1M 1 00 100 111 Hex 27 Complement accumulator lOne's complement} Negate acc, (two's complement) Campi ement carry flag Set carry flag 16-BIT ARITHMETIC GROUP Symbolic Operation -HL+ss Mnemonic ADD HL,ss H~ ADC HL, 55 HL -HL+ss+CY S ·· I PlY X FI gs H X X • N 0 Op·Code C 76 543 210 Hex I 00 ssl 001 X X X V 0 I 11 101 101 Z I EO No.of No.ofM NII.ofT Bytes Cycles States Comments Reg. 1 3 11 ss BC 00 15 01 DE 4 2 10 HL 11 SP 14 2 15 DO 2 4 15 FD 2 4 15 1 2 1 2 6 10 2 2 10 1 2 1 2 6 10 2 2 10 ED 01 ssl 010 SBC HL,ss HL - HL·ss·CY ADD IX, pp ADD IY, rr I I X X X V 1 ! IX-IX+pp • • X X X • 0 I IY-IY+rr ·· X X X • 0 I 11 111 101 INC ss INC IX ss-ss+l IX - IX+ 1 • • • • X X • • X X • • • • • • INC IY IY - IY+l • • X • X • • • DECss DEC IX ss_ss·l IX - IX· 1 • • • • X X • • X X • • • DECIY IY -IY·' • • X • X • • • Notes: • • • 11 01 11 00 101 ssO 011 ppl 101 010 101 001 00 rrl 001 00 ssO 11 011 00 100 11 111 00 100 00 ssl 11 011 00 101 11111 00 101 011 101 011 101 011 DO 23 FD 23 all 101 011 101 011 DO 2B FO 2B pp 00 01 10 11 rr 00 01 10 11 Reg. BC DE IX SP Reg. BC DE IY SP I ss is any of the register pairs BC, DE, HL, SP pp is any of the register pairs BC, DE, IX, SP rr is any of the register pairs BC, DE, IY, SP. Flag Notation: • ! flag not affected, 0 = flag reset, 1 = flag set, X = flag is unknown. = flag is affected according to the result of the operation. = Table 7.0-6 127 ROTATE AND SHIFT GROUP Symbolic FI gs Op·Code PI Operation V N C 76543210 • • X 0 X • 0 \ 00 000 111 07 1 1 4 Rotate left circular accumulator • • X 0 X • 0 \ 00 010 111 17 1 1 4 Rotate left accu mu lator ~ ·· X 0 X 0 I 00 001 111 OF 11 1 4 Rotate right circular accumulator ~J • • X 0 X 0 j 00 011 111 1 F jl 1 4 Rotate right accumulator j 11 00 I 11 00 CB 12 2 8 CB ,2 ,4 15 [4 6 23 6 123 Mnemonic 5 [ITlLEQ}J RLCA No.of No.of No.of M T Hex Bytes Cycles States Comments H Z A LIITJ~1.. RLA A RRCA A RRA A · · RLC r j j X 0 X p 0 RLC (HU I j X 0 X p 0 I I X 0 X P 0 rm-LtE[jJ RLC (IX+d) r.(H U.(iX+d),(iY+d) RLC (iY+d) II j 11 011 101 11 001 011 d 00 [QQQjll0 DO CB I 11 111 101 FD CB - Ij I / 001 011 [QQQj r 001 011 [QQQjll 0 X 0 X P 0 - 11 001 011 d 00 IQ@ 110 - - RLs 4fu-[EQJJ \ \ X 0 X P 0 \ IDill I j X 0 X p 0 \ [QIDJ \ I X 0 X P 0 j IQIjJ I I X 0 X P 0 \ [QID I RRGs LjGJltrn Instruction format and states are as shown for RLC's. To form new Dp· Code replace lQQQl of RLC's with shown code ! s =r,(HU,(iX+d),(iY+d) s =r,(HU,(iX+d),(iY+d) RRs W-ol-lillJ s =r,(HU,(iX+d),(iY+d) SLAs 0-17-01-0 s =r,(HL),(iX+d),(iY+d) cj - 0 l---Jill s =r,(HU,(iX+d),(iY+d) j \ X 0 X P 0 I [QIJ SRLs 0-17 0 I-Jill s =r,(HU,(iX+d),(lY+d) I j X 0 X p 0 I [ill RLO A 17.413iOI 1~-lliOI(HL I I X 0 X P 0 • 11 101 101 01 101 111 6F • 11 101 101 01 100 111 ED 67 SRAs RRD A tJ-413iOI 1}-§OI(HL) \ \ X 0 X p 0 Flag Notation; • = flag not affected, 0 = flag reset, 1 = flag set, X = flag is unknown, I = flag is affected according to the result of the operation. Table 7.0-7 128 Rotate left circular register r Reg. r B 000 C 1001 0 010 011 E 1 H 100 101 L 111 A ED 12 2 15 11 15 1 Rotate digit left and right between the accumulator and location (H U. The content of the upper half of the accumulator is unaffected BIT SET, RESET AND TEST GROUP X Flags H PlY 1 X X N 0 I X 1 X X 0 I X 1 X X 0 Mnemonic BIT b, r Symbolic Operation Z - rb S Z X I BITb, (HU Z -ffiDb X BIT b, (lX+d1b Z - (lX+d1b X No. 01 No.oIM No.ofT Bytes Cycles States 2 8 2 CB 2 3 12 DO CB 4 5 20 11 111 101 11 001 011 d 01 b 110 FD CB 4 5 20 11 001 011 r IDJb 11 001 011 [IDJ b 110 11 011 101 11 001 011 d [jJb 110 11 111 101 11 001 011 d IDJ b 110 CB 2 2 8 CB 2 4 15 • • • - 01 BIT b, (IY+d1b Z - (IY+d1b SET b, r rb - 1 SET b, (HU (HUb - 1 SET b, (lX+dl (lX+dlb - 1 SET b, (lY+dl RES b, s (lY+d1b - 1 sb - 0 s=r,(HU, (lX+d), (lY+dl X I • • X 1 • X ·• • • · · X X • • • • • X X 0 X X 0 X • • X • • X · ·• • • • - - X X • 0 ··0 Op·Code 543 210 001 011 b r 001 011 b 110 011 101 001 011 Hex CB C 76 11 01 11 01 11 11 d - b 110 - - - oil]] I Notes: The notation sb indicates bit b (0 to Flag Notation: • 7) Comments Reg. r B 000 001 C 0 010 E 011 H 100 101 L 111 A Bit Tested b 000 0 001 1 010 2 3 011 4 100 101 5 110 6 111 7 , DO CB 4 6 23 FD CB 4 6 23 To form new Ow Code replace []] of SET b, s with [Q]. Flags and time states for SET instruction or location s. =flag not affected, 0 =flag reset, 1 =flag set, X =flag is unknown, 1= flag is affected according to the result of the operation. Table 7.0-8 129 JUMP GROUP Mnemonic JP nn Symbolic Operation PC· nn S Z • • X Flags H X • PlY N Op-Code C 76 543 210 Hex 11 000 011 C3 n n 11 cc 010 n n • • • JP CC, nn If condition cc is true PC • nn, otherwise continue • • X • X JR e PC - PC + e • • X • X • • • JR C, e • • X • X • • • JP (HU If C = 0, continue If C = I, PC -. PC+e If C = I, continue If C = 0, PC· PC+e If Z = 0 continue If Z = I, PC· PC+e If Z = I, continue If Z = 0, PC· PC+e PC - Hl • • X • X JP(lX) PC - IX • • X • X JR NC, e JR Z, e JR NZ, e • • • • • • X X X • • • X X X . · · • • • · - • • • • • • • • • JP(IV) PC· IV • • X • X • • • • • • • • • DJNZ, e B - 8-1 If B = 0, continue • • X • X • • • 011 000 e-2 111 000 e-2 - 00 110 000 - e-2 2 3 12 38 2 2 7 If condition not met 2 3 12 If condition is met 2 2 7 If condition not met 2 3 12 If condition is met 2 2 7 If condition not met 2 3 12 If condition is met 2 2 7 If condition not met 2 3 12 If condition is met - 28 00 100 000 • e-2 - 20 11 101 001 E9 1 1 4 11 11 11 11 101 001 101 001 00 2 2 8 E9 FO E9 2 2 8 00 010 000 - e-2 10 2 2 8 If B = 0 2 3 13 If 8 .; 0 011 101 111 101 - e-2 in the op-code provides an effective address of pc+e as PC is incremented by 2 prior to the addition of e. =flag not affected, 0 =flag reset, 1 = flag set, X = flag is unknown, I = flag is affected according to the result of the operation. 130 18 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 00 101 000 - e-2 e is a signed two's complement number in the range <:;126,129> Table 7.0-9 10 30 e represents the extension in the relative addressing mode. Flag Notation: • Condition NZ non zero Z zero NC non carry C carry PO parity odd PE parity even P sign positive M sign negative 3 - If B'; 0, PC - PC+e Notes: cc 3 - -- 00 00 - No.of No.ofM No.ofT Bytes Cycles States Comments 3 3 10 CALLAND RETURN GROUP Symbolic Ope,ation S (Sp·ll - PCH (SP·2) - PCl PC - nn Mnemonic CAll nn CAllcc, nn If condition cc is false continue, Flags H Z P/V • • X • X • • • X • X • N Op·Code C 76 543 210 Hex 11 001 101 CO n n ·•·•- -- 11 cc 100 n n -.• - otherwise same as No. of NonfM No.of T Bytes Cycles States Comments 3 17 5 3 3 10 If cc is false 3 5 17 If cc is t,ue 1 3 10 1 1 5 If cc is false 1 3 11 2 4 14 2 4 14 If cc cc 000 001 010 all 100 101 110 111 1 3 11 CALL nn RET PCl - (SP) PCH - (SP+1) • • X • X • • • 11 001 001 RET cc If condition cc is false • • X • X ·• 11 cc 000 • C9 continue, otherwise same as RET RET! Return from interrupt Return from RETNI non maskable • • X • X • • ·• X • X • • • X • 11 101 111 101 101 001 101 000 101 101 101 101 • 111 t 111 ·• ED 40 ED 45 interrupt RST p (Sp·l) (SP·2) PCH PCl - PCH PCl 0 P • X • • I I t 000 001 010 all 100 101 110 111 is true Condition NZ non zero Z zero NC non carry carry C PO parity odd PE parity even P sign positive M sign negative P DOH 08H 10H 18H 20H 28H 30H 38H 1 RETN loads IFF2 - IFFI Flag Notation: • = flag not affected, 0 = flag reset, 1 = flag set, X = flag is unknown, I =flag is affected according to the result of the operation. Table 7.0-10 131 INPUT AND OUTPUT GROUP Mnemonic IN A, (n) Symbolic Operation A - (n) S Z FI gs H X 'X · p 0 • X X X 1 X 11 101 1011 10 100 010 X X I X r - (C) if r = 110 only the flags will be affected I INI (HL) - (C) 8 - 6·1 HL-HL+l (HL) • (C) 6 - 8·1 HL-HL+l Repeat until 8=0 X j Op-Code C 76 543 210 Hex 11 011 011 08 • • • IN r, (C) P!V N • • - - INIR X 1 No.ofM No.of T Cycles States 3 11 ED 2 3 12 ED 2 4 16 C to AO - A7 6to AS - A15 2 21 5 (If 810) 4 16 018=0) C to AO - A7 8 to AS - A15 n 11 101 101 01 r 000 Comments n to AO - A7 Ace to AS - A15 C to AO - A7 B to AS - A15 I CD I No.of Bytes 2 X X X X 1 X 11 101 101 10 110 010 A2 ED 82 2 CD INO OUT (nl. A (HL) - (C) 8 - 8·1 HL-HL·' (HL) • (C) 6 - 8·1 HL- HL·l Repeat until 8=0 (n)-A • • X • X • • • 11 010 011 03 OUT (C), r (C) - r • • X • X • • • 11 101 101 01 r 001 OUTI (C) - (HL) 8 - 6·1 HL-HL+l (C) - (HLl 6 - 8·1 HL-HL+l Repeat until 8=0 X CD t X X X X (e) - (HLl X INOR OTIR OUTO OTOR Notes: CD 8 - 8·1 HL-HL·l (C) • (HLl 8 - 6·1 HL-HL·l Repeat until 6=0 X j X X X X 1 X 11 101 101 10 101 010 ED AA X 1 X X X 1 X 11 101 101 10 111 010 8A X X 1 X X X X 1 16 C to AO - A7 8 to AS - A15 2 5 21 (If 610) 4 16 (If 8 = 0) C to AD - A7 8 to AS - A15 2 3 11 ED 2 3 12 n to AD - A7 Ace to AS - A15 C to AO - A7 8 to AS - A15 ED 2 4 116 Cto AO - A7 8 to AS - A15 2 5 21 (If 810) 4 16 (If 8 = 0) Cto AO - A7 6 to AS - A15 16 Cto AO - A7 8to AS - A15 5 21 (If 810) 4 16 (If 8 = 0) Cto AO - A7 Bto AS - A15 ED 1 X 11 101 101 10 100 011 A3 X 11 101 101 10 110 011 83 I ED 2 X CD t 1 X X X X X X X X 1 1 X 11 101 101 10 101 011 A8 X 11 101 101 10111011 88 flag Notation: • = flag not affected, 0 = flag reset, 1 = flag set, X = flag is unknown, I = flag is affected according to the result of the operation. 132 4 2 If the result of 8· 1 is zero the Z flag is set, otherwise it is reset. Table 7.0-11 2 ED ED 12 2 2 4 8.0 INTERRUPT RESPONSE The prupose of an interrupt is to allow peripheral devices to suspend CPU operation in an orderly manner and force the CPU to start a peripheral service routine. Usually this service routine is involved with the exchange of data, or status and control information, between the CPU and the peripheral. Once the service routine is completed, the CPU returns to the operation from wnich it was interrupted. INTERRUPT ENABLE - DISABLE The Z80-CPU has two interrupt inputs, a software maskable interrupt and a non-maskable interrupt. The non...maskable interrupt (~) can not be disabled by the programmer and it will be accepted whenever a peripheral device requests it. This interrupt is generally reserved for very important functions that must be serviced whenever they occur, such as an impending power failure. The maskable interrupt (iNT) Can be selectively enabled or disabled by the programmer. This allows the programmer to disable the interrupt during periods where his program has timing constraints that do not allow.it to be interrupted. In the Z8(}-CPU there is an enable flip flop (called IFF) that is set or reset by the programmer using the Enable Interrupt (EI) and Disable Interrupt (01) instructions. When the IFF is reset, an interrupt can not be accepted by the CPU. Actually, for purposes that will be subsequently explained, there are two enable flip flops, called IFF, and IFF2' IIFF11 Actually disables interrupts from being accepted. Temporary storage location for IFF 1. The state of IFF1 is used to actually inhibit interrupts while IFF2 is used as a temporary storage location for IFF1' The purpose of storing the IFF1 will be subsequently explained. A reset to the CPU will force both IFF1 and IFF2 to the reset state so that interrupts are disabled. They can then be enabled by an EI instruction at any time by the programmer. When an EI instruction is executed, any pending interrupt request will not be accepted until after the instruction following EI has been executed. This single instruction delay is necessary for cases when the following instruction is a return instruction and interrupts must not be allowed until the return has been completed. The EI instructions sets both IFF 1 and IFF2 to the enable state. When an interrupt is accepted by the CPU, both IFF1 and IFF2 are automatically reset, inhibiting further interrupts until the programmer wishes to issue a new EI instruction. Note that for all ofthe previous cases, IFF 1 and IF F2 are always equal. The purpose of IFF2 is to save the status of IFF1 when a non-maskable interrupt occurs. When a non-maskable interrupt is accepted, IFF 1 is reset to prevent further interrupts until reenabled by the programmer. Thus, after a non-maskable interrupt has been accepted maskable interrupts are disabled but the previous state of IFF 1 has been saved so that the complete state of the CPU just prior to the non-maskable interrupt can be restored at any time. When a Load Register A with Register I (LD A, I) instruction or a Load Register A with Register R (LD A, R) instruction is executed, the state of I FF2 is copied into the parity flag where it can be tested or stored. A second method of restoring the status of IFF 1 is thru the execution of a Return From Non-Maskable Interrupt (RETN) instruction. Since this instruction indicates that the non maskable interrupt service routine is complete, the contents of I FF2 are now copied back into IFF 1, so that the status of IFF 1 just prior to the acceptance of thenon-maskable interrupt will be restored automatically. 133 Figure B.0-1 is a summary of the effect of different instructions on the two enable flip flops. INTERRUPT ENABLE/DISABLE FLIP FLOPS Action IFF I IFF2 o o o o LDA,R • • • • Accept NMI o • IFF2 • o 0 • • CPU Reset DI EI LD A,I RETN Accept INT RETI FIGURE 8.0-1 IFF 2 -+ Parity flag IFF 2 -+ Parity flag "." indicates no change CPU RESPONSE Non-Maskable A non-maskable interrupt will be accepted at all times by the CPU. When this occurs, the CPU ignores the next instruction that it fetches and instead does a restart to location 0066H. Thus, it behaves exactly as if it had received a restart instruction but, it is to a location that is not one of the B software restart locations. A restart is merely a call to a specific address in page 0 memory. Maskable The CPU can be programmed to respond to the maskable interrupt in anyone of three possible modes. Mode 0 This mode is identical to the BOBOA interrupt response mode. With this mode, the interrupting device can place any instruction on the data bus and the CPU will execute it. Thus, the interrupting device provides the next instruction to be executed instead of the memory. Often this will be a restart instruction since the interrupting device only need supply a single byte instruction. Alternatively, any .other instruction such as a 3 byte call t.o any 1.0cation in mem.ory could be executed. The number .of clock cycles necessary to execute this instructi.on is 2 more than the n.ormal number for the instruction. This occurs since the CPU automatically adds 2 wait states t.o an interrupt response cycle t.o allow sufficient time t.o implement an external daisy chain f.or pri.ority c.ontrol. Section 4.0 illustrates the detailed timing f.or an interrupt resp.onse. After the application .of RESET the CPU will aut.omatically enter interrupt M.ode O. M.ode 1 When this m.ode has been selected by the pr.ogrammer, the CPU will resp.ond t.o an interrupt by executing a restart t.o locati.on 003BH. Thus the response is identical to that for a n.on maskable interrupt except that the call l.ocation is 003BH instead .of 0066H. Another difference is that the number of cycles required to c.omplete the restart instructi.on is 2 m.ore than normal due t.o the tw.o added wait states. 134 Mode 2 This mode is the most powerful interrupt response mode. With a single 8-bit byte from the user an indirect call can be made to any memory location. With this mode the programmer maintains a table of 16 bit starting addresses for every interrupt service routine. This table may be located anywhere in memory. When an interrupt is accepted, a 16 bit pointer must be formed to obtain the desired interrupt service routine starting address from the table. The upper 8 bits of this pointer is formed from the contents of the I register. The I register must have been previously loaded with the desired value by the programmer, i.e. LD I, A. Note that a CPU reset clears the I register so that it is initialized to zero. The lower eight bits of the pointer must be supplied by the interrupting device. Actually, only 7. bits are required from the interrupting device as the least bit must be a zero. This is required since the pointer is used to get two adjacent bytes to from a complete 16 bit service routine starting address and the addresses must always start in even locations. Interrupt Service Routine Starting Address Table desired starting address pointed to by: low order } high order I REG CONTENTS The first byte in the table is the least significant (low order) portion of the address. The programmer must obviously fill this table in with the desired addresses before any interrupts are to be accepted. Note that this table can be changed at any time by the programmer (if it is stored in Read/ Write Memory) to allow different peripherals to be serviced by different service routines. Once the interrupting device supplies the lower portion of the pointer, the CPU automatcally pushes the program counter onto the stack, obtains the starting address from the table and does a jump to this address. This mode of response requires 19 clock periods to complete (7 to fetch the lower 8 bits from the interrupting device, 6 to save the program counter, and 6 to obtain the jump address.) Note that the Z80 peripheral devices all include a daisy chain priority interrupt structure that automatically supplies the programmed vector to the CPU during interrupt acknowledge. Refer to the Z80-PIO, Z80-SIO and Z80-CTC manuals for details. 135 INTERRUPT REQUEST/ACKNOWLEDGE CYCLE LastM Cvcle MI of Instruction ~n-~ ~~ ------- INT AD-A15 X MI I I I : laRa I I I DATA BUS I \ I ~I.I --'"'-----._- ------- ------1------- f-----I-----,..-7\.-------1"------ --------- ------I ,-----I ~------ RD '](REFRESH PC \ MREO WAIT r--Lr-L ~ ------- ~------ ___ ~L v:.------ ------- ------- ------------------- ------ ------- ------- I I I I I I Daisey Chain Priority Frozen : i I Vector Placed onto Data Bus zao INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE SUMMARY 1) PERIPHERAL DEVICE REQUESTS INTERRUPT. Any device requesting and interrupt can pull the wired-or line INT low. 2) CPU ACKNOWLEDGES INTERRUPT. Priority status is frozen when M1 goes low during the Interrupt Acknowledge sequence. Propagation delays down the lEI/lEO daisy chain must be settled out when IORQ goes low. If lEI is HIGH, an active Peri· pheral Device will place its Interrupt Vector on the Data Bus when iOFiQ goes low. That Peripheral then releases its hold on INT allowing interrupts from a higher priority device. Lower priority devices are inhibited from placing their Vector on the Data Bus or Interrupting because lEO is low on the active device. 3) INTERRUPT IS CLEARED. An active Peripheral device (lEI=1, I EO=O) monitors OP Code fetches for an RETI (ED 40) instruction which tells the peripheral that its Interrupt Service Routine is over. The peripheral device then re-activates its internal Inlerrupt structure as well as raising its I EO line to enable lower priority devices. 136 INTERRELATIONSHIP OF 00, NMi, AND BUSRQ The following flow chart details the relationship of three control inputs to the Z80-CPU. Note the following from the flow chart. 1. I NT and NM I are always acted on at the end of an instruction. 2. BUSRQ is acted on at the end of a machine cycle. 3. While the CPU is in the DMA MODE, it will not respond to active inputs on INT or NMI. 4. These three inputs are acted on in the following order of priority: a)BUSRQ b)NMI c)INT Z80-CPU INTERRUPT SEQUENCE NO YES YES NO SET NMI F/F SET INT. F/F RESET BUSRQ F/F NO J YES NON MASKABLE INTERRUPT YES MASKABLE] INTERRUPT MODE >---+f 137 138 9.0 HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION EXAMPLES This chapter is intended to serve as a basic introduction to implementing systems with the zao-cpu. MINIMUM SYSTEM Figure 9.0-1 is a diagram of a very simple following five elements: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) zao system. Any zao system must include the Five volt power supply Oscillator Memory devices I/O circuits CPU MINIMUM Z80 COMPUTER SYSTEM AO-A,O +5V GND MREO AD +5V RESET J MK 3880 Z80 CPU DATA BUS 10RO AO M1 A, OUTPUT DATA INPUT DATA FIGURE 9.0-1 zao-cpu Since the only requires a single 5 volt supply, most small systems can be implemented using only this single supply. The oscillator can be very simple since the only requirement is that it be a 5 volt square wave. For systems not running at full speed, a simple RC oscillator can be used. When the CPU is operated near the highest possible frequency, a crystal oscillator is generally required because the system timing will not tolerate the drift or jitter that an RC network will generate. A crystal oscillator can be made from inverters and a few discrete components or monolithic circuits are widely available. The external memory can be any mixture of standard RAM, ROM, or PROM. In this simple example we have shown a single 16K bit ROM (2K bytes) being utilized as the entire memory system. For this example we have assumed that the Z80 internal register configuration contains sufficient ReadlWrite storage so that external RAM memory is not required. 139 Every computer system requires I/O circuits to allow it to interface to the "real world." In this simple example it is assumed that the output is an 8 bit control vector and the input is an 8 bit status word. The input data could be gated onto the data bus using any standard tri-state driver while the output data could be latched with any type of standard TTL latch. For this example we have used a Z80-P10 for the I/O circuit. This single circuit attaches to the data bus as shown and provides the required 16 bits of TTL compatible I/O. (Refer to the zao-Plo manual for details on the operation of this circuit.) Notice in this example that with only three LSI circuits, a simple oscillator and a single 5 volt power supply, a powerful computer has been implemented. ADDING RAM Most computer systems require some amount of external Read/Write memory for data storage and to implement a "stack". Figure 9.0-2 illustrates how 256 bytes of static memory can be added to the previous example. In this example the memory space is assumed to be organized as follows: ROM & RAM IMPLEMENTATION EXAMPLE ADDRESS r - - - - , OOOOH 2 K bytes t-_R_O_M_-i 07FFH 256 bytes 0800H RAM ~ 08 FFH Ao-A7 AO-AtO !>- - ~ All ~ ( ADDRESS BUS CEI ~2 CE3 MK 34000 2Kx8 -.BQ 00 ~ R/W ROM 256 x 8 RAM GEl ~ All CE2 r - ' - - '> 00 -0 7 \ '" Do -0 7 ;- ". DATA BUS ( FIGURE 9.0-2 In this diagram the address space is described in hexidecimal notation. For this example, address bit A 11 separates the ROM space from the RAM space so that it can be used for the chip select function. For larger amounts of external ROM or RAM, a simple TT L decoder will be required to form the chip selects. MEMORY SPEED CONTROL For many applications, it may be desirable to use slow memories to reduce costs. The WAIT line on the CPU allows the zao to operate with any speed memory. By referring back to section 4 you will notice that the memory access time requirements are most severe during the M1 cycle instruction fetch. All other memory accesses have an additional one half of a clock cycle to be completed. For this reason it may be desirable in some applications to add one wait state to the Ml cycle so that slower memories can be used. Figure 9.0-3 is an example of a simple circuit that will accomplish this task. This circuit can be changed to add a single wait state to any memory access as shown in F,gure 9.0-4. 140 ADDING ONE WAIT STATE TO AN Ml CYCLE +5V 141"---Ml---~"1 I Tl I Ml <1>, 0 0 7474 c 0 T2 I Tw I T3 I T4 I J\.JLJLJ\.JLJ 0 7474 a a c R R +5V +5V FIGURE 9.0-3 ADDING ONE WAIT STATE TO ANY MEMORY CYCLE +5V o o o 0 C 7474 C 7474 MREO --"1...._____ 0 R R +5V +5V FIGURE 9.0-4 INTERFACING DYNAMIC MEMORIES This section is intended only to serve as a brief introduction to interfacing dynamic memories. Each individual dynamic RAM has varying specifications that will require minor modifications to the description given here and no attempt will be made in this document to give details for any particular RAM. Figure 9.0-5 illustrates the logic necessary to interface 8K bytes of dynamic RAM using l6-pin 4K dynamic memories. This Figure assumes that the RAM's are the only memory in the system so that A12 is used to select between the two pages of memory. During refresh time, all memories in the system must be read. The CPU provides the proper refresh address on lines AO through A6. To add additional memory to the system it is necessary to only replace the two gates that operate on A12 with a decoder that operates on all required address bits. For larger systems, buffering for the address and data bus is also generally required. An application note entitled "Z80 Interfacing Techniques for Dynamic RAM" is available from your MOSTEK representative which describes dynamic RAM design techniques. 141 INTERFACING DYNAMIC RAMS DELAY I--~ DELAY CAS R!W .~ i ]'-..-J RAS f ACTA" 00-07 AO-AS 1 1'~ ADDRESS MULTIPLEXER DATA BUS CAS MUX CONTROL ADDRESS BUS 4Kx8 DYNAMIC PAGE RAM MEMORY (10001o IFFFl ARRAY R!W - '--- RAS 4Kx8 DYNAMIC PAGE o RAM MEMORY (00001o OFFF) ARRAY • NO REFRESH ADDRESS MULTIPLEXER REQUIRED • MREQ INITIATES MEMORY CYCLE • ~ SELECTS REFRESH CYCLE FIGURE 9.0-5 Z80-CPU DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: CLOCK CIRCUITRY When using the Z80-CPU at less than its rated speed, the Clock Input (cI» can be driven by a 7400 TTL gate with a resistor pull up (typically 330 ohms) to +5 Volts. Because of dynamic currents flowing into the Clock Input Pin, the rise time of the Clock Input waveform will be typically 60-80 nanoseconds. The resistor will eventually pull the clock input up to Vcc but with a slow rise time which will limit the maximum frequency of operation. Figure 9.0-6 shows a Clock Input driver which has an active pull-up and which will allow maximum frequency operation. The circuit is recommended for all but the most cost sensitive Z80 applications. Z80 CPU CLOCK BUFFER CIRCUI7RY 33pf 22 2N3906 FROM OSCILLATOR FIGURE 9.0~6 142 or Equivalent CLOCK INPUT RESET CIRCUITRY The ZBO-CPU has the characteristic that if the RESET input goes low during T2 or T4 of a cycle that the MREQ signal will go to an indeterminate state for one T-State approximately 3 T-States later. If there are dynamic memories in the system this action could cause an aborted or short access of the dynamic RAM which could cause destruction of data within the RAM. If the contents of RAM are of no concern after RESET, then this characteristic is no problem as the CPU always resets properly. If RAM contents must be preserved, then the falling edge of the RESET input must be synchronized by the falling edge of I'iifi'. The circuitry of Figure 9.0-7 does this synchronization as well as providing a one-shot to limit the duration of the CPU RESET pulse. The CPU RESET signal must be a pulse even though the EXTERNAL RESET button is held closed to avoid suspending the CPU refresh of dynamic RAM for a time long enough to destroy data in the RAM. MANUAL AND POWER-ON RESET CIRCUIT +5 +5 10K +5 o EXTERNAL RESET S a~---4 220n 7414 FIGURE 9.0-7 ADDRESS LATCHING In order to guarantee proper operation of the ZBO-CPU with dynamic RAMs the upper 4 bits of the address should ,be latched as shown in Figure 9.O-B. This action is required because the ZBO-CPU does not guarantee that the Address Bus will hold valid before the rising edge of MREQ on an OP Code Fetch. This action does not directly affect dynamic memories because they latch addresses internally. The problem comes from the address decoder which generates RAS. If the address lines which drive the decoder are .allowed to change while MREQ is low, then a "glitch" can occur on the RAS line or lines, which may have the effect of destroying one row of data within the dynamic RAM. 143 ADDRESS LATCH 74LS75 A12 10 10 A12 A13 2D 20 A13 A14 3D 30 A14 A15 4D 40 A15 zao-cpu G DYNAMIC RAM DECODING CIRCUITRY G LJ T o RAS DECODE FIGURE 9.0-8 RAs TIMING WITH AND WITHOUT ADDRESS LATCH. \~ ________O_P_C_O_D_E_F_E_T_C_H______ ~/ VALID MEMORY ADDRESS FIGURE 9.0-9 144 \ REFRESH ADDRESS VALID REFRESH ADDRESS LATC~ AJ \ WITHOUT ADDRESS \~ ____ W_IT_H__ A_D_D_R_ES_S_L_A_T_C_H____ --J/ / 10.0 SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION EXAMPLES 10.1 Methods of Software Implementation Several different approaches are possible in developing software for the l80 (Figure 10.1) First of all, Assembly Language or a high level language may be used as the source language. These languages may then be translated into machine language on a commercial time sharing facility using a cross-assembler or cross-compiler or, in the case of assembly language, the translation can be accomplished on a l80 Development System using a resident assembler. Finally, the resulting machine code can be debugged either on a time-sharing facility using a l80 simulator or on a l80 Development System which uses a l80-CPU directly. SOFTWARE GENERATION TECHNIQUES SOURCE LANGUAGE TRANSLATION DEBUGGING RESIDENT ASSEMBLER CROSS ASSEMBLER CROSS COMPI LE R FIGURE 10.1 In selecting a source language, the primary factors to be considered are clarity and ease of programming vs. code efficiency. A high level language with its machine independent constraints is typically better for formulating and maintaining algorithms, but the resulting machine code is usually somewhat less efficient than what can be written directly in assembly language. These tradeoffs can often be balanced by combining high level language and assembly language routines, identifying those portions of a task which must be optimized and writing them as assembly language subroutines. Deciding whether to use a resident or cross assembler is a matter of availability and shortterm vs. long-term expense. While the initial expenditure for a development system is higher than that for a time-sharing terminal, the cost of an individual assembly using a resident assembler is negligible while the same operation on a time-sharing system is relatively expensive and in a short time this cost can equal the total cost of a development system. Debugging on a development system vs. a simulator is also a matter of availability and expense combined with operational fidelity and flexibility. As with the assembly process, debugging is less expensive on a development system than on a simulator available through time-sharing. In addition, the fidelity of the operating environment is preserved through real-time execution on a l80-CPU and by connecting the I/O and memory components which will actually be used in the production system. The only advantage to the use of a simulator is the range of criteria which may be selected for such debugging procedures as tracing and setting breakpoints. This flexibility exists because a software simulation can achieve any degree of complexity in its interpretation of machine instructions while development system procedures have hardware limitations such as the capacity of the real-time storage module, the number of breakpoint registers and the pin configuration of the CPU. Despite such hardware limitations, debugging on a development system is typically more productive than on a simulator because of the direct interaction that is possible between the programmer and the authentic execution of his program. 145 10.2 Software Features Offered by the zao-cpu The zao instruction set provides the user with a large and flexible repetoire of operations with which to formulate control of the zao-cpu. The primary, auxiliary and index registers can be used to hold the arguments of arithmetic and logical operations, or to form memory addresses, or as fast-access storage for frequently used data. Information can be moved directly from register to register; from memory to memory; from memory to registers; or from registers to memory. In addition, register contents and register/memory contents can be exchanged without using temporary storage. In particular, the contents of primary and auxiliary registers can be completely exchanged by executing only two instructions. EX and EXX. This register exchange procedure can be used to separate the set of working registers between different logical procedures or to expand the set of available registers in a single procedure. Storage and retrieval of data between pairs of registers and memory can be controlled on a last-in first-out basis through PUSH and POP instructions which utilize a special stack pointer register, SP. This stack register is available both to manipulate data and to automatically store and retrieve addresses for subroutine linkage. When a subroutine is called, for example, the address following the CALL instruction is placed on the top of the pushdown stack pointed to by SP. When a subroutine returns to the calling routine, the address on the top of the stack is used to set the program counter for the address of the next instruction. The stack pointer is adjusted automatically to reflect the current "top" stack position during PUSH, POP, CALL and RET instructions. This stack mechanism allows pushdown data stacks and subroutine calls to be nested to any practical depth becaust) the stack area can potentially be as large as memory space. The sequence of instruction execution can be controlled by six different flags (carry, zero, sign, parity/overflow, add-subtract, half-carry) which reflect the results of arithmetic, logical, shift and compare instructions. After the execution of an instruction which sets a flag, that flag can be used to control a conditional jump or return instruction. These instructions provide logical control following the manipulation of single bit, eight-bit byte (or) sixteenbit data quantities. A full set of logical operations, including AND, OR, XOR (exclusive -OR), CPL (NOR) and NEG (two's complement) are available for Boolean operations between the accumulator and 1) all other eight-bit registers, 2) memory locations or 3) immediate operands. In addition, a full set of arithmetic and logical shifts in both directions are available which operate on the contents of all eight-bit primary registers or di rectly on any memory location. The carry flag can be included or simply set by these shift instructions to provide both the testing of shift results and to link register/register or register/memory shift operations. 10.3 Examples of Use of Special A. Let us assume that a string of data in memory starting at location "DATA" is to be moved into another area of memory starting at location "BUFFER" and that the string length is 737 bytes. This operation can be accomplished as follows: LD LD LD LDIR 146 zao Instructions HL,DATA DE,BUFFER BC,737 ;START ADDRESS OF DATA STRING ;START ADDRESS OF TARGET BUFFER ;LENGTH OF DATA STRING TRANSFER MEMORY ;MOVE STRING ;POINTED TO BY HL INTO MEMORY ;LOCATION POINTED TO BY DE INCREMENT ;HL AND DE, DECREMENT BC PROCESS ;UNTI L BC=O. 11 bytes are required for this operation and each byte of data is moved in 21 clock cycles. B. Let's assume that a string in memory starting at location "DATA" is to be moved into another area of memory starting at location "BUFFER" until an ASCII $ char· acter (used as string delimiter) is found. Let's also assume that the maximum string length is 132 characters. The operation can be performed as follows: LD LD LD LD LOOP:CP HL,DATA DE,BUFFER BC,132 A,'$' (HL) JR LDI Z, END-$ JP PE,LOOP END: ;STARTING ADDRESS OF DATA STRING ;STARTING ADDRESS OF TARGET BUFFER ;MAXIMUM STRING LENGTH ;STRING DELIMITER CODE ;COMPARE MEMORY CONTENTS WITH DE· ;LlMITER ;GO TO END IF CHARACTERS EQUAL ;MOVE CHARACTER (HL) TO (DE) ;INCREMENT HL AND DE, DECREMENT BC ;GO TO "LOOP" IF MORE CHARACTERS ;OTHERWISE, FALL THROUGH ;NOTE: P/V FLAG IS USED ;TO INDICATE THAT REGISTER BC WAS ;DECREMENTED TO ZERO. 19 bytes are required for this operation. C. Let us assume that a 16-digit decimal number represented in packed BCD format (two BCD digits/byte) has to be shifted as shown in the Figure 10.2 in order to mechanize BCD multiplication or division. The operation can be accomplished as follows: LD LD XOR ROTAT:RLD INC DJNZ HL,DATA B, COUNT A HL ROTAT-$ ;ADDRESS OF FIRST BYTE ;SHIFT COUNT ;CLEAR ACCUMULATOR ;ROTATE LEFT LOW ORDER DIGIT IN ACC ;WITH DIGITS IN (HL) ;ADVANCE MEMORY POINTER ;DECREMENT B AND GO TO ROTAT IF ;B IS NOT ZERO, OTHERWISE FALL THROUGH BCD DATA SHIFTING 11 bytes are required for this operation. .,,;r L /r """"'-1-...- ~ /r ./" /r ./" ~ ...- ........., ~ ~. --- o I FIGURE 10.2 147 11 bytes are requ ired for th is operation. D. Let us assume that one number is to be subtracted from another and a) that they are both in packed BCD format, b) that they are of equal but varying length, and c) that the result is to be stored in the location of the minuend. The operation can be accomplished as follows: LD LD LD AND SUBDEC:LD SBC HL, ARG1 DE, ARG2 B, LENGTH A A, (DE) A, (HL) bAA LD INC INC DJNZ (HL),A HL DE SUBDEC-$ ;ADDRESS OF MINUEND ;ADDRESS OF SUBTRAHEND ;LENGTH OF TWO ARGUMENTS ;CLEAR CARRY FLAG ;SUBTRAHEND TO ACC ;SUBTRACT (HL) FROM ACC ;ADJUST RESULTTO DECIMAL CODED VALUE ;STORE RESULT ;ADVANCE MEMORY POINTERS ;DECREMENT B AND GO TO "SUBDEC" IF B ;NOT ZERO, OTHERWISE FALL THROUGH 17 bytes are required for this operation. 10.4 Examples of Programming Tasks A. The following program sorts an array of numbers each in the range <0,255> into ascending order using a standard exchange sorting algorithm. 01/22/76 11:14:37 BUBBLE LISTING LOC OBJ CODE STMT SOURCE STATEMENT 1 *** STANDARD EXCHANGE (BUBBLE) SORT ROUTINE*** 2 3 4 5 AT ENTRY: HL CONTAINS ADDRESS OF DATA C CONTAINS NUMBER OF ELEMENTS TO BE SORTED (1 SECOND, NO JUMP ;EXCHANGE ARRAY ELEMENTS ~ECORDEXCHANGEOCCURRED ;POINT TO NEXT DATA ELEMENT ;COUNT NUMBER OF COMPARISONS ;REPEAT IF MORE DATA PAIRS ;DETERMINE IF EXCHANGE OCCURRED ;CONTINUE IF DATA UNSORTED ;OTHERWISE, EXIT ;DESIGNATION OF FLAG BIT ;STORAGE FOR DATA ADDRESS The following program multiplies two unsigned 16-bit integers and leaves the result in the H L register pair. 01/22/76 11 :32:36 LOC OBJ CODE STMT 0000 MULTIPLY LISTING SOURCE STATEMENT MULT:; 0000 0002 0003 0004 0005 0008 OOOA 0610 4A 7B EB 210000 CB39 lF 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 OOOB 3001 26 UNSIGNED SIXTEEN BIT INTEGER MUL TIPL Y. ON ENTRANCE: MULTIPLIER IN HL. MULTIPLICAND IN DE. ON EXIT: RESULT IN HL. REGISTERS USES: MLOOP: H L D E B C A HIGH ORDER PARTIAL RESULT LOW ORDER PARTIAL RESULT HIGH ORDER MULTIPLICAND LOW ORDER MULTIPLICAND COUNTER FOR NUMBER OF SHIFTS HIGH ORDER BITS OF MULTIPLIER LOW ORDER BITS OF MULTIPLIER LD LD LD EX LD SRL RR B,16; C,D; A,E; DE,HL; HL,O; C; A; JR NC, NOADD·$ NUMBER OF BITS-INITIALIZE MOVE MULTIPLIER MOVE MULTIPLICAND CLEAR PARTIAL RESULT SHIFT MULTIPLIER RIGHT LEAST SIGNI FICANT BIT IS IN CARRY. IF NO CARRY' SKIP THE ADD. 149 ------ ---- ._,,"---- --" 01/22/76 150 11 :32:36 MULTIPLY LISTING (Cant'd.) LOC OBJ CODE STMT SOURCE STATMENT OOOD 19 27 OOOE OOOF 0010 0011 0013 EB 29 EB 10F5 C9 29 30 31 32 33 34 ADD HL, DE; NOADD: EX DE,HL; ADD HL,HL; EX DE,HL; DJNZ MLOOP·$; RET; END; ELSE ADD MULTIPLICAND TO PARTIAL RESULT. SHIFT MULTIPLICANT LEFT BY MULTIPLYING IT BY TWO. REPEAT UNTIL NO MORE BITS. 11.0 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Temperature Under Bias ....................................... Specified Operating Range Storage Temperature ......... '" .....................................-65°C to +150°C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground ............................... -0.3V to +7V Power Dissipation ............................................................. 1.5W D.C. CHARACTERISTICS T A = O°C to 70°C, VCC = 5V ± 5% unless otherwise specified MIN. PARAMETER SYMBOL TYP. MAX. UNIT TEST CONDITION V VILC Clock Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.8 VIHC Clock Input High Voltage Vcc·.6 Vcc+.~ V VIL Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.8 V VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 VCC V VOL Output low Voltage 0.4 V tOl = 1.8mA VOH Output High Voltage V IOH = -250 JlA ICC Power Supply Current 150* mA III Input leakage Current 10 JlA VIN IlOH Tri·State Output leakage Current in Float 10 JlA VOUT = 2.4 to VCC IlOl Tri-State Output leakage Current in Float -10 JlA VOUT ILD Data Bus leakage Current in Input Mode ±10 JlA ~VIN~VCC 2.4 = 0 to VCC = O.4V *200mA for -4, -10 or -20 devices CAPACITANCE T A = 25° C, f = 1MHz unmeasured pins returned to ground SYMBOL PARAMETER MAX. UNIT C Clock Capacitance 35 pF CIN Input Capacitance 5 pF COUT Output Capacitance 10 pF *Comment Stresses above those listed under" Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect devic'e reliability. 151 MK 3880, MK 3880-10, MK 3880-20 Z80-CPU A C CHARACTERISTICS TA = oOe to 7oo e, Vee = +5V ± 5%, Unless Otherwise Noted SIGNAL SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. MAX. UNIT tc tw(H) tw(L) tr,f Clock Clock Clock Clock .4 [ 12] (D) 2000 30 JlSec tD(AD) tF(AD) tacm Address Output Delay Delay to Float [1] Address Stable Prior to 1iiiFlE5 (Memory Cycle) [2] Address Stable Prior to 10RO, Ro or WR (I/O Cycle) _ _ __ Address Stable From RD, WR, 10RO or MREO [3] [4] Address Stable From Ri5 or WR During Float 145 110 nsee nsee nsee Data Output Del ay Delay to Float During Write Cycle Data Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock During Ml Cycle Data Setup Time to Falling Edge at Clock During M2 to M5 Data Stable Prior to WR (Memory Cycle) Data Stable Prior to WR (I/O Cycle) Data Stable From WR Input Hold Time 230 90 AO·15 taci tca tcaf tD(D) tF(D) tS(D) DO·7 tS(RD) tDL~(RD) tDH(RD) tDH;j;(BD) tDL(WR) tDL;j;(WR) tDH(WR) tw(WRi:.) [8] [9] nsec 110 nsee 100 nsee 110 nsee 115 Delay 100 nsec Falling Edge of Clock, 130 nsee Rising Edge of Clock, 100 nsee Falling Edge of Clock, 110 nsee 80 nsec 90 nsec 100 nsec WFU2.elay From Rising Edge of Clock, WR Low WR Delay From Falling Edge of Clock WR Low WR Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, WR High_ Pulse Width, WR Low [10] = 50pF CL = 50 pF CL = 50 pF CL = 50pF CL = 50pF nsec 90 Rising Edge of Clock, CL nsee 10RO Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, 10RO Low 10RO Delay From Falling Edge of ~ck, 10RO Low 10RO Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, 10RO High i5R'5 Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, 10RO High From RD Low RD..Q.elay From RD Low Ro Delay From _Ro High RD..Q.elay From RD High Except T3·Ml nsee tDH(MR) tDL(i;(lR) = 50pF nsee nsee tDHi(MR) CL nsee 100 tDH(lR) WR nsee MREO De2L.E!:.om Falling Edge of Clock, MREO Low tDL(lR) RD 180 180 tDL Ao-15 SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. MAX. UNIT tc tw(H) tw(L) t r, f Clock Clock Clock Clock .25 [12] (D) 2000 30 /lSec nsec nsec nsec tD(AD) tF(AD) tacm Address Output Delay Delay to Float Address Stable Prior to ~ (Memory Cycle) Address Stable Prior to "j'('j"RQ, RD or WR (I/O Cycle) _ _ __ Address Stable From RD, WR, 10RO or iiAi'fEQ Address Stable From Ri5 or WR During Float 110 90 [ 1] nsec nsec nsec [2] nsee [3] [4] nsee nsec taci tea tcaf .J tdci tcdf tH Data Output Delay Delay to Float During Write Cycle Data Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock During Ml Cycle Data Setup Time to Falling Edge at Clock During M2 to M5 Data Stable Prior to WR (Memory Cycle) Data Stable Prior to WR (I/O Cycle) Data Stable From WR Input Hold Time tDL(MR) IIifR"Ea Delay From Falling Edge of tD(D) tF(D) tS(MR) tDH(RD) tDL~(RD) tDH(RD) tDH-;j;(RD) tDL(WR) WR Clock, MREO Low MREO Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, fimEQ High MREO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, MREO High Pulse Width, MREO Low Pulse Width, fimEQ High tDL(lR) RD Period Pulse Width, Clock High Pulse Width, Clock Low Rise and Fall Time tDL~(WR) tDH(WR) tw(WRL) 110 110 150 90 50 nsec nsec nsec 60 nsec [5] nsec [6] [7] 0 nsec nsec nsec 20 85 nsec 85 nsec 85 nsec [8] [9] nsec 10RO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, 10RO Low I01'fQ Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, 10RO High I01'fQ Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, 10RO High 85 nsec 85 nsec 85 nsee RD Delay From RD Low RD.Q.elay From RD Low RD..Q.elay From RD High RD.Q.elay From RD High Rising Edge of Clock, 85 nsec Falling Edge of Clock, 95 nsec Rising Edge of Clock, 85 nsec Falling Edge of Clock, 85 nsee Rising Edge of Clock, 65 nsec Falling Edge of Clock, 80 nsec Falling Edge of Clock, 80 nsec WR..J2.!llay From WR Low WR Delay From WR Low WR Delay From WR High _ Pulse Width, WR Low [10] CL" 50pF Except T3.M 1 CL" 50pF CL" 50pF nsec nsec 75 Edge of TEST CONDITIONS CL "50pF CL "50pF CL" 50pF nsec NOTES: A Data should be enabled onto the CPU data bus when RD is active. During interrupt acknowledge data should be enabled when M1 and lORa are both active. S The RESEi' signal must be active for a minimum of 3 clock cycles. (Cont'd. on page 83) 154 ~IIK 3880-4 Z80A-CPU SIGNAL Ml UNIT Ml..Q!llay From Rising Edge of Clock Ml Low M'i.Qelay From Rising Edge of Clock, Ml High 100 nsec 100 nsec RFSH Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, RFSH Low RFSH Delay From Rising Edge of Clock RFSH High 130 nsec 120 nsec PARAMETER tDL(Ml) tDH(Ml) RFSH MAX. SYMBOL tDL(RF) tDH(RF) MIN. WAIT tS(WT) WAIT Setup Time to Falling Edge of Clock HALT tD(HT) HALT Delay Time From Falling Edge of Clock INT ts(IT) INT Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock 80 nsec NMI tw(NML) Pulse Width, NMI Low 80 nsec BUSRO ts(BO) BUSRO Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock 50 nsec BUSAK tDL(BA) 300 BUSAK Delay From Rising Edge of BUSAK Low BUSAK Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, BUSAK High ts(RS) RESET Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock tF(C) De!ll to/Fr:Q!!I Float (MREO, lORa, RD and WR) tmr iiii1 Stable Prior to nsec 100 nsec 100 nsec 60 [11 J = 50pF CL = 50pF CL = 50pF CL = 50pF II nsec 80 lORa (Interrupt Ack.) CL nsec ~k, tDH(BA) RESET 70 TEST CONDITION nsec nsec LOAD CIRCUIT FOR OUTPUT TEST POINT = tw [1 J tacm (

DATA OR CONTROL I---i>} DATA CPU INTERFACE { B~S HANDSHAKE CPU BUS I/O 6 PERIPHERAL INTERFACE II PIO CONTROL LINES 8 '--i>OATA OR CONTROL t:r-'7 1-_-i>}HANDSHAKE INTERRUPT CONTROL LINES The Port I/O logic is composed of 6 registers with "handshake" control logic as shown in figure 2.0-2. The registers include: an 8 bit data input register, an 8 bit data output register, a 2 bit mode control register, an 8 bit mask register, an 8 bit input/output select register, and a 2 bit mask control register. PORT I/O BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2.0-2 8BIT PERIPHERAL DATA OR CONTROL BUS MASK CONTROL REG 12 BITS) t-::==Si t- MASK REG (8 BITS) 1.......- - - - - 1 DATA INPUT I/'-,-;;==c:-I ~E~TS) INTERRUPT REQUESTS 173 The 2-bit mode control register is loaded by the CPU to select the desired operating mode (byte output, byte input, byte bidirectional bus, or bit control mode). All data transfer between the peripheral device and the CPU is achieved through the data input and data output registers. Data may be written into the output register by the CPU or read back to the CPU from the input register at any time. The handshake lines associated with each port are used to control the data transfer between the Pia and the peripheral device. The 8-bit mask register and the 8-bit input/output select register are used only in the bit control mode. In this mode any of the 8 peripheral data or control bus pins can be programmed to be an input or an output as specified by the select register. The mask register is used in this mode in conjunction with a special interrupt feature. This feature allows an interrupt to be generated when any or all of the unmasked pins reach a specified state (either high or low). The 2-bit mask control register specifies the active state desired (high or low) and if the interrupt should be generated when all unmasked pins are active (AND condition) or when any unmasked pin is active (OR condition). This feature reduces the requirement for CPU status checking of the peripheral by allowing an interrupt to be automatically generated on specific peripheral status conditions. For example, in a system with 3 alarm conditions, an interrupt may be generated if anyone occurs or if all three occur. The interrupt control logic section handles all CPU interrupt protocol for nested priority interrupt structures. The priority of any device is determined by its physical location in a daisy chain configuration. Two lines are provided in each Pia to form this daisy chain. The device closest to the CPU has the highest priority. Within a Pia, Port A interrupts have higher priority than those of Port B. In the byte input, byte output or bidirectional modes, an interrupt can be generated whenever a new byte transfer is requested by the peripheral. In the bit control mode an interrupt can be generated when the peripheral status matches a programmed value. The Pia provides for complete control of nested interrupts. That is, lower priority devices may not interrupt higher priority devices that have not had their interrupt service routine completed by the CPU. Higher priority devices may interrupt the servicing of lower priority devices. When an interrupt is accepted by the CPU in mode 2, the interrupting device must provide an 8-bit interrupt vector for the CPU. This vector is used to form a pointer to a location in the computer memory where the address of the interrupt service routine is located. The 8-bit vector from the interrupting device forms the least significant 8 bits of the indirect pointer while the I Register in the CPU provides the most significant 8 bits of the pointer. Each port (A and B) has an independent interrupt vector. The least significant bit of the vector is automatically set to a 0 within the Pia since the pointer must point to two adjacent memory locations for a complete 16-bit address. The Pia decodes the RETI (Return from interrupt) instruction directly from the CPU data bus so that each Pia in the system knows at all times whether it is being serviced by the CPU interrupt service routine without any other communication with the CPU. 174 3.0 PIN DESCRIPTION A diagram of the Z80-P10 pin configuration is shown in figure 3.0-1. This section describes the function of each pin. Z80-CPU Data Bus (bidirectional, tristate) This bus is used to transfer all data and commands between the Z80CPU and the Z80-PI0. DO is the least significant bit of the bus. B/A Sel Port B or A Select (input, active high) This pin defines which port will be accessed during a data transfer between the Z80-CPU and the Z80-P10. A low level on this pin selects Port A while a high level selects Port B. Often Address bit AO from the CPU will be used for this selection function. C/D Sel Control or Data Select (input, active high) This pin defines the type of data transfer to be performed bwtween the CPU and the PIO. A high level on this pin during a CPU write to the PIO causes the Z80 data bus to be interpreted as a command for the port selected by the B/ A Select line. A low level on this pin means that the Z80 data bus is being used to transfer data between the CPU and the PIO. Often Address bit A1 from the CPU will be used for this function. CE Chip Enable (input, active low) A low level on this pin enables the PIO to accept command or data inputs from the CPU during a write cycle or to transmit data to the CPU during a read cycle. This signal is generally a decode of four I/O port numbers that encompass port A and B, data and control. System Clock(input) The Z80-PI0 uses the standard Z80 system clock to synchronize certain signals internally. This is a single phase clock. Machine Cycle One Signal from CPU (input, active low) This signal from the CPU is used as a sync pulse to control several internal PIO operations. When M1 is active and the R D signal is active, the Z80-CPU is fetching an instruction from memory. Conversely, when M1 is active and IORO is active, the CPU is acknowledging an interrupt. In addition, the M1 signal has two other functions within the Z80-PIO. 1. M1 synchronizes the PIO interrupt logic. 2. When M1 occurs without an active RD or IORO signal the PIO logic enters a reset state. Input/Output Request from Z80-CPU (input, active low) The IORO signal is used in conjunction with the B/A Select, C/D Select, CE, and RD signals to transfer commands and data between the Z80-CPU and the Z80-PIO. When CE, RD and IORO are active, the port addressed by B/A will transfer data to the CPU ( a read operation). Conversely, when CE and IORO are active but RD is not active, then the port addressed by B/ A will be written into from the CPU with either data or control information as specified by the C/D Select signal. Also, if IORO and M1 are active simultaneously, the CPU is acknowledging an interrupt and the interrupting port will automatically place its interrupt vector on the CPU data bus if it is the highest device requesting an interrupt. 175 Read Cycle Status from the ZSO-CPU (input, active low) If RD is active a MEMORY READ or I/O READ operation is in progress. The RD signal is used with B/A Select, C/D Select, CE and 10RQ signals to transfer data from the ZSO-PIO to the ZSO-CPU. lEI Interrupt Enable In (input, active high) This signal is used to form a priority interrupt daisy chain when more than one interrupt driven device is being used. A high level on this pin indicates that no other devices Cif higher priority are being serviced by a CPU interrupt service routine. lEO Interrupt Enable Out (output, active high) The I EO signal is the other signal required to form a daisy chain priority scheme. It is high only if I EI is high and the CPU is not servicing an interrupt from this PIO. Thus this signal blocks lower priority devices from interrupting while a higher priority device is being serviced by its CPU interrupt service routine. Interrupt Request (output, open drain, active low) When I NT is active the ZSO-PIO is requesting an interrupt from the ZSO-CPU. AO-A7 Port A Bus (bidi rectional, tri-state) This S bit bus is used to transfer data and/or status or control information between Port A of the ZSO-PIO and a peripheral device. AO is the least significant bit of the Port A data bus. ASTB Port A Strobe Pulse from Peripheral Device (input, active low) The meaning of this signal depends on the mode of operation selected for Port A as follows: A RDY 176 1} Output mode: The positive edge of this strobe is issued by the peripheral to acknowledge the receipt of data made available by the PIO. 2} Input mode: The strobe is issued by the peripheral to load data from the peripheral into the Port A input register. Data is loaded into the PIO when this signal is active. 3} Bidirectional mode: When this signal is active, data from the Port A output register is gated onto Port A bidirectional data bus. The positive edge of the strobe acknowledges the receipt of the data. 4} Control mode: The strobe is inhibited internally. Register A Ready (output, active high) The meaning of this signal depends on the mode of operation selected for Port A as follows: 1) Output mode: This signal goes active to indicate that the Port A output register has been loaded and the peripheral data bus is stable and ready for transfer to the peripheral device. 2} Input mode: This signal is active when the Port A input register is empty and is ready to accept data from the peripheral device. 3} Bidirectional mode: This signal is active when data is available in Port A output register for transfer to the peripheral device. In this mode data is not placed on the Port A data bus unless A STB is active. 4) Control mode: This signal is disabled and forced to a low state. Port B Bus (bidirectional, tristate) This 8 bit bus is used to transfer data and/or status or control information between Port B of the PIO and a peripheral device. The Port B data bus is capable of supplying 1.5ma@ 1.5V to drive Darlington transistors. BO is the least significant bit of the bus. B STB Port B Strobe Pulse from Peripheral Device (input, active low) The meaning of this signal is similar to that of A STB with the following exception: In the Port A bidirectional mode this signal strobes data from the peripheral device into the Port A input register. B RDY Register B Ready (output, active high) The meaning of this signal is similar to that of A Ready with the following exception: In the Port A bidirectional mode this signal is high when the Port A input register is empty and ready to accept data from the peripheral device. PIO PIN CONFIGURATION Figure 3.0-1 15 19 14 --~ 1 CPU DATA BUS SEL PIO CONTROL 40 12 39 10 38 9 3 8 2 7 18 6 PORT B/A SEL CONTROL/DATA 13 ---~ 4 CHIP ENABLE M1 10RO RD +5V GND Z80-PIO 16 27 28 35 29 30 26 31 11 32 33 25 INT INTERRUPT { CONTROL INT ENABLE IN INT ENABLE OUT A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 PORT A I/O A6 A7 ARDY 'A'S'i'B MK3881 37 36 AO 34 BO B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 PORT B I/O B6 B7 23 24 21 22 17 BRDY BSi"B 177 178 4.0 PROGRAMMING THE PIO 4.1 RESET The Z80-PIO automatically enters a reset state when power is applied. The reset state performs the following functions: 1) Both port mask registers are reset to inhibit all port data bits. 2) Port data bus lines are set to a high impedance state and the Ready "handshake" signals are inactive (low). Mode 1 is automatically selected. 3) The vector address registers are not reset. 4) Both port interrupt enable flip flops are reset. 5) Both port output registers are reset. In addition to the automatic power on reset, the PIO can be reset by applying an M1 signal without the presence of a RD or TORTI signal. If no RD or TORCl is detected during M1 the PIO will enter the reset state immediately after the M1 signal goes inactive. The purpose of this reset is to allow a single external gate to generate a reset without a power down sequence. This approach was required due to the 40 pin packaging limitation. It is recommended that in breadboard systems and final systems with a "Reset" push button that a M1 reset be implemented for the PIO. D 7408 CPU RESET _ ___ - - - PIO M1 CPU M1 A software RESET is possible as described in Section 4.4, however, use of this method during early system debug may not be desirable because of non-functional system hardware (bus buffers or memory for example). Once the PIO has entered the internal reset state it is held there until the PIO receives a control word from the CPU. 4.2 LOADING THE INTERRUPT VECTOR The PIO has been designed to operate with the Z80-CPU using the mode 2 interrupt response. This mode requires that an interrupt vector be supplied by the interrupting device. This vector is used by the CPU to form the address for the interrupt service routine of that port. This vector is placed on the Z80 data bus during an interrupt acknowledge cycle by the highest priority device requesting service at that time. (Refer to the Z80-CPU Technical Manual for details on how an interrupt is serviced by the CPU). The desired interrupt vector is loaded into the PIO by writing a control word to the desired port of the PIO with the following format: 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 DO Z:m.~ ~rn to indicate that data is available for the peripheral device. In most systems, the rising edge of the READY signal can be used as a latchin~ si~nal in the peripheral device. The READY signal will remain active until a positive edge is received from the STROBE line indicating that the peripheral has taken the data shown in Figure 5.0-1a. If already active, READY will be forced low 1% cycles after the falling edge of 10RQ if the port's output register is written into. READY will return high on the first falling edge of after the rising edge of 10RQ as shown in figure 5.0-1b. This action guarantees that READY is low while port data is changing and that a positive edge is generated on READY whenever an Output instruction is executed. MODE 0 (OUTPUT)TIMING MODE 0 (OUTPUT) TIMING Figure 5.0-1a Figure 5.0-1b T2 TW T3 T1 WR* WR* PORT OUTPUT ---_,,....:JL--+----4-----''-<---- 18 BITS) READY ----\--1r-----+------- READY STRciiIE "1" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STROBE iiiiT"1" INT - PORT OUTPUT (8 BITS) -c/o-. - WR* "" RD • CE • lORa By connecting READY to STROBE a positive pulse with a duration of one clock period can be created as shown in Figure 5.0-1c. The positive edge of READY/STROBE will not generate an interrupt because the positive portion of STROBE is less than the width of M1 and as such will not generate an interrupt due to the internal logic configuration of the PIO. If the PIO is not in a reset status (i.e. a control mode has been selected), the output register may be loaded before Mode 0 is selected. This allows port output lines to become active in a user defined state. For example, assume the outputs are desired to become active in a logic one state, the following would be the initialization sequence: a) PIO RESET b) Load Interrupt Vector c) Select Mode 1 (input) (automatic due ro RESET) d) Write FF to Data Port e) Select Mode 0 (Outputs go to "1's") f) Enable Interrupt if desired 183 MODE 0 (OUTPUT) TIMING - READY TIED TO STROBE Figure 5.0-1c T2 TW T3 T1 T2 ,p PORT OUTPUT (8 BITSi -----".-l---f--t------- ''-_--'I Ml INT WR*= RD· ''1'' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CEo CiD· iORQ 5.2 INPUT MODE (MODE 1) Figure 5.0-2 illustrates the timing of an input cycle. The peripheral initiates this cycle using The STROBE line after the CPU has performed a data read. A low level on this line loads data into the port input register and the rising edge of the STROBE line activates the interrupt request line (INT) if the interrupt enable is set and this is the highest priority requesting device. The next falling edge of the clock line (q,) will then reset the READY line to an inactive state signifying that the input register is full and further loading must be inhibited until the CPU reads the data. The CPU will in the course of its interrupt service routine, read the data from the interrupting port, When this occurs, the positive edge from the CPU RD signal will raise the READY line with the next low going transition of q" indicating that new data can be loaded into the Pia, Since RESET causes READY to go Iowa dummy Input instruction may be needed in some systems to cause READY to go high the first time in order to start "handshaking". MODE 1 (INPUT) TIMING MODE 1 (INPUT) TIMING (NO STROBE INPUT) Figure 5.0-2a Figure 5,0-2b RO' PORT INPUT ----\--.3-----'r----.------- (8 BITS) = " 0 " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ !NT ''1'' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ MODE 1 (INPUT) TIMING (NO Si'ROiE INPUT) If already active, READY will be forced low one and one-half q, periods following the falling edge of IORO during a read of a Pia port as shown in Figure 5,0-2b. If the user strobes data into the Pia only when READY is high, the forced state of READY will prevent input register data from changing while the CPU is reading the Pia. Ready will go high again after the rising edge of the IORO as previously described. 184 5.3 BIDIRECTIONAL MODE (MODE 2) This mode is merely a combination of Mode 0 and Mode 1 using all four handshake lines. Since it requires all four lines, it is available only on Port A. When this mode is used on Port A, Port B must be set to the Bit Control Mode. The same interrupt vector will be returned for a Mode 3 interrupt on Port B and an input transfer interrupt during Mode 2 operation of Port A. Ambiguity is avoided if Port B is operated in a polled mode and the Port B mask register is set to inhibit all bits. Figure 5.0-3 illustrates the timing for this mode. It is almost identical to that previously described for Mode 0 and Mode 1 with the Port A handshake lines used for output control and the Port B lines used for input control. The difference between the two modes is that, in Mode 2, data is allowed out onto the bus only when the A STROBE is low. The rising edge of this strobe can be used to latch the data into the peripheral since the data will remain stable until after this edge. The input portion of Mode 2 operates identically to Mode 1. Note that both Port A and Port B must have their interrupts enabled to achieve an interrupt driven bidirectional transfer. PORT A, MODE 2 (BIDIRECTIONAL) TIMING Figure 5.()'3 WR* ARDY ASTB ~RTA -----------------------~~~~i_--------1 DATA BUS INT B STB B RDY RD The peripheral must not gate data onto a port data bus while A STB is active. Bus contention is avoided if the peripheral uses B STB to gate input data onto the bus. The PIO uses the B STB low level to sample this data. The PIO has been designed witlia zero hold time requirement for the data when latching in this mode so that this simple gating structure can be used by the peripheral. That is, the data can be disabled from the bus immediately after the strobe rising edge. Note that if A STB is low during a read operation of Port A (in response to a B STB interrupt) the data in the output register will be read by the CPU instead of the correct data in the data input register. The correct data is latched in the input register it just cannot be read by the CPU while A STB is low. If the A STB signal could go low during a CPU Read, it should be blocked from reaching the A STB input of the PIO while BRDY is low (the CPU read will occur while BRDY is low as the RD signal returns BRDY high). 185 5.4 CONTROL MODE (MODE 3) The control mode does not utilize the handshake signals and a normal port write or port read can be executed at any time. When writing, the data wiJl be latched into output registers with the same timing as Mode O. A RDY will be forced low whenever Port A is operated in Mode 3. B RDY will be held low whenever Port B is operated in Mode 3 unless Port A is in Mode 2. In the latter case, the state of B RDY will not be affected. When reading the PIO, the data returned to the CPU will be composed of output register data from those port data lines assigned as outputs and input register data from those port data lines assigned as inputs. The input register will contain data which was present immediately prior to the falling edge of RD. See Figure 5.0-4. MODE 3 TIMING Figure 5.0-4a X ~T X DATABUS _____________J~---D-AT-A--W-O-R-D-1--r_I\---D-A-T-A-W-O-R-D-2 __~~____________________________ f INT DATA MATCH OCCURS JERE \'--------+-4~5 ~'-- _ __JJ DATA IN 'Timing Diagram Refers to Bit Mode Read L }~------------------------------­ DATA WORD 1 PLACED ON BUS An interrupt will be generated if interrupts from the port are enabled and the data on the port data lines satisfies the. logical equation defined by the 8-bit mask control registers. Another interrupt will not be generated until a change occurs in the status of the logical equation. A Mode 3 interrupt will be generated only if the result of a Mode 3 logical oper, ation changes from false to true. For example, assume that the Mode 3 logical equation is an "OR" function. An unmasked port data line becomes active and an interrupt is requested. If a second unmasked port data line becomes active concurrently with the first, a new interrupt will not be requested since a change in the result of the Mode 3 logical operation has not occurred. Note that port pins defined as outputs can contribute to the logical equation if their bit positions are unmasked. If the result of a logical operation becomes true immediately prior to or during M1, an interrupt will be requested after the trailing edge of MT, provided the logical equation remains true after M1 returns high. 186 Figure 5.0-4b is an example of Mode 3 interrupts. The port has been placed in Mode 3 and 0 R logic selected and signals are defined to be high. All but bits AO and A 1 are masked out and are not monitored thereby creating a two input positive logic OR gate. In the timing diagram AD is shown going high and creating an interrupt (INT goes low) and the CPU responds with an Interrupt Acknowledge cycle (lNTA). The PIO port with its interrupt pending sends in its Vector and the CPU goes off into the Interrupt Service Routine. AD is shown going inactive either by itself or perhaps as a result of action taken in the Interrupt Service Routine (making the logical equation false). An arrow is shown at the point in time where the Service Routine issues the RETI instruction which clears the PIO interrupt structure. A 1 is next shown going high making the logical equation·true and generating another interrupt. Two important points need to be made from this example: 1) A 1 must not go high before AO goes low or else the logical equation will not go false - a requirement fo' A 1 to be able to generate an interrupt. 2) In order for A1 to generate an interrupt it must be high after the RETI issued by AD's Service Routine clears the PIO's Interrupt structure. In other words, if A 1 were a positive pulse that occurred after AD went low (to make the equation false) and went low before the RETI had cleared the Interrupt Structure it would have been missed. The logic equation must become false after the I NT A for AD's service and then must be true or go true after RETI clears the previous interrupt for another interrupt to occur. MODE 3 EXAMPLE Figure 5.()'4b EQUATION TRUE AO A1 INT ~~==D-INTERRUPT INTA 187 188 6.0 INTERRUPT SERVICING Some time after an interrupt is requested by the Pia, the CPU will send out an interrupt acknowledge (M1 and IORQ). During this time the interrupt logic of the Pia will determine the highest priority port which is requesting an interrupt. (This is simply the device with its Interrupt Enable Input high and its Interrupt Enable Output low). To insure that the daisy chain enable lines stabilize, devices are inhibited from changing their interrupt request status when M1 is active. The highest priority device places the contents of its interrupt vector register onto the Z80 data bus during interrupt acknowledge. Figure 6.0-1 illustrates the timing associated with interrupt requests. During M 1 time, no new interrupt requests can be generated. This gives time for the Int Enable signals to ripple through up to four Pia circuits. The Pia with lEI high and lEO low during INTA will place the 8-bit interrupt vector of the appropriate port on the data bus at this time. If an interrupt requested by the Pia is acknowledged, the requesting port is 'under service'. lEO of this port will remain low until a return from interrupt instruction (RETI) is executed while lEI of the port is high. If an interrupt request is not acknowledged, lEO will be forced high for one M1 cycle after the Pia decodes the opcode 'ED'~ This action guarantees that the two byte RETI instruction is decoded by the proper Pia port. See Figure 6.()'2. INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE TIMING Figure 6.0-1 LASTT STATE INT lORa } r------- 'ORQANDiiiii INDICATE INTERRUPT ~NOWLEDGE IINTA) Ml lEO lEI " 1 · · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RETURN FROM INTERRUPT CYCLE Figure 6.0-2 Tl T2 4> \ I \ I \ \ I I DO-D7-----;~~----------;G Ml RD r-----------~ lEI lEO lEO of higher priority PIO going high to allow lower priority device to decode RETI. Higher priority device is not under service. ---- ----189 DAISY CHAIN INTERRUPT SERVICING Figure 6.0-3 HIGHEST PRIORITY PORT 1. PRIORITY INTERRUPT DAISY CHAIN BEFORE ANY INTERRUPT OCCURS. 2. PORT 2A REQUESTS AN INTERRUPT AND IS ACKNOWLEDGED. UNDER SERVICE SERVICE SUSPENDED 3. PORT 1B INTERRUPTS, SUSPENDS SERVICING OF PORT 2A. SERVICE COMPLETE ~-"';"""I SERVICE RESUMED HI 4. PORT 1B SERVICE ROUTINE COMPLETE, "RETI" ISSUED, PORT 2A SERVICE RESUMED. 5. SECOND "RETI" INSTRUCTION ISSUED ON COMPLETION OF PORT 2A SERVICE ROUTINE. Figure 6.0-3 illustrates a typical nested interrupt sequence that could occur with four ports connected in the daisy chain. In this sequence Port 2A requests and is granted an interrupt. While this port is being serviced, a higher priority port (1 B) requests and is granted an interrupt. The service routine for the higher priority port is completed and a RETI instruction is executed to indicate to the port that its routine is complete. At this time the service routine of the lower priority port is completed. 190 7.0 APPLICATIONS 7.1 EXTENDING THE INTERRUPT DAISY CHAIN Without any external logic, a maximum of four ZBO-PIO devices may be daisy chained into a priority interrupt structure. This limitation is required so that the interrupt enable status (I EO) ripples through the entire chain between the beginning of M 1, and the beginning of fORtI during an interrupt acknowledge cycle. Since the interrupt enable status cannot change during iiiIT, the vector address returned to the CPU is assured to be from the highest priority device which requested an interrupt. If more than four Pia devices must be accommodated, a "look-ahead" structure may be used as shown in figure 7.0-1. With this technique more than thirty Pia's may be chained together using standard TTL logic. A METHOD OF EXTENDING THE INTERRUPT PRIORITY DAISY CHAIN Figure 7.0-1 zao- CPU ~~--~--~--~~--~------------~----~--~~--~----~ DATA BUS 7.2 I/O DEVICE INTERFACE In this example, the ZBO-PIO is connected to an I/O terminal device which communicates over an B bit parallel bidirectional data bus as illustrated in figure 7.0-2. Mode 2 operation (bidirectional) is selected by sending the following control word to Port A: EXAMPLE I/O INTERFACE Figure 7.0-2 D7 D6 D5 D4 o x x D3 D2 D1 DO ~------~v~-------MODE CONTROL 191 EXAMPLE I/O INTERFACE Fig ure 7.0·2 ARDY ASTB B ROY -BSTB -"- I ,f" 0 S T B DATA BUS lORa Z80·CPU M1 MK3880 -INT .... ~ ADDRESS ,. Z80·P10 ", MK3881 r0 R a B/A C/O CE I' )!' I' I/O TERMINAL - DECODER Next, the proper interrupt vector is loaded (refer to CPU Manual for details on the operation of the interrupt). V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 o Interrupts are then enabled by the rising edge of the first M1 after the interrupt mode word is set unless that M1 defines an interrupt acknowledge cycle. If a masUoliows the interrupt mode word, interrupts are enabled by the rising edge of the first M1 following the setting of the mask. Data can now be transferred between the peripheral and the CPU. The timing for this transfer is as described in Section 5.0. 7.3 CONTROL INTERFACE A typical control mode application is illustrated in figure 7.0-3. Suppose an industrial process is to be monitored. The occurrence of any abnormal operating condition is to be reported to a Z80-CPU based control system. The process control and status word has the following format: 192 v 0 BUS V6 0 R c PORT DATA BUS ADDRESS BUS V7 ,W" 0 A v 07 06 05 04 03 02 00 01 CONTROL MODE APPLICATION Figure 7.0-3 PORTA BUS - ~SPEC. A7 - As TEST "" TURN ON PWR • . ..,As 07·00 Z80·CPU MK3880 Z8()'PIO MK3881 PWR. FAILALM. A.J HALT A3 TEMP. ALM. - A2 HTRS. ON ~ Al PRESS. SYS. ~- AO B/A C/O '" INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING SYSTEM ...,. ~ ,. PRESS. ALM. -CE t A()'A15 ADDRESS DECODER The PIO may be used as follows. First Port A is set for Mode 3 operation by writing the following control word to Port A. 07 06 05 04 x X 03 02 01 00 Whenever Mode 3 is selected, the next control word sent to the port must be an I/O select word. In this example we wish to select port data lines A5, A3, and AD as inputs and so the following control word is written: 07 06 o o 05 04 o 03 02 01 o o 00 193 Next the desired interrupt vector must be loaded (refer to the CPU manual for details); 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 V7 V6· V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 VO An interrupt control word is next sent to the port: D7 D6 D5 0 Enable OR Interrupts Logic Active High D4 D3 I I D2 D1 DO 0 ., , Mask Follows Interrupt Control The mask word following the interrupt mode word is: D7 D6 D5 D4 o D3 D2 D1 DO o Selects A5, A3 and AO to be monitored Now, if a sensor puts a high level on line A5, A3, or AO, an interrupt request will be generated. The mask word may select any combination of inputs or outputs to cause an interrupt. For example, if the mask word above had been: D7 o D6 D5 o D4 D3 D2 o D1 DO o then an interrupt request would also occur if bit A7 (special Test) of the output register was set. Assume that the following port assignments are to be used: EOH= E1W E2H= E3H= Port A Data Port B Data Port A Control Port B Control All port numbers are in hexadecimal notation. This particular assignment of port numbers is convenient since AO of the address bus can be used as the Port B/A Select and A1 of the address bus can be used as the Control/Data Select. The Chip Enable would be the decode of CPU address bits A7 thru A2 (111000). Note that if only a few peripheral devices are being used, a Chip Enable decode may not be required since a higher order address bit could be used directly. 194 8.0 PROGRAMMING SUMMARY 8.1 LOAD INTERRUPT VECTOR V6 V7 V5 V4 x x V3 V2 V1 o 8.2 SET MODE M1 MO MODE NUMBER 0 M1 MO 0 0 0 1 0 2 3 MODE Output Input Bidirectional Bit Control When selecting Mode 3, the next word to the PIO must set the 1/0 Register: 11/0711/0611/0511/0411/0311/0211/01 1 1/00 110 = 1 Sets bit to 1/0 = I Input 0 Sets bit to Output 8.3 SET INTERRUPT CONTROL USED IN MODE 3 ONLY 195 If the "mask follows" bit is high, the next control word written to the PIO must be the mask: MB = 0, Monitor bit MB = 1, Mask bit from being monitored Also, the interrupt enable flip flop of a port may be set or reset without modifying the rest of the interrupt control word by using the following command: x 196 x o o 9.0 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 9.1 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RAfINGS* Temperature Under Bias Storage Temperature Voltage On Any Pin With Respect To Ground Power Dissipation Specified operating range. -65°C to +150°C -O.3V to +7V .6W 9.2 D. C. CHARACTERISTICS Table 9.2-1 T A = O°C to 70°C, VCC = 5 V ± 5% unless otherwise specified Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit VILC Clock Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.45 V VIHC Clock Input High Voltage VIL Input Low Voltage VCC-·6 -0.3 VCC+·3 0.8 V VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 VOL Output Low Voltage VCC 0.4 VOH Output High Voltage ICC III Power Supply Current 70' rnA Input Leakage Current 10 ILOH ILO L II n Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float 10 -10 Data Bus Leakage Current in Input Mode ±10 JLA JLA JLA JLA IOHD Darlington Drive Current 2.4 Test Condition V V V IOL = 2.0mA V IOH = -250J,!A VIN=OtoVCC VOUT=2.4 to VCC VOUT= 0.4 V Q<;;;VIN Unmeasured Pins *Comment Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Rating" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 197 9.4A A.C. CHARACTERISTICS MK3880, MK3880·10, MK3880·20, Z80-PIO T A= ooe to 70oe, Vee = +5V ± 5%, unless otherwise noted Table 9.4-1A MAX UNIT 400 [1] 170 170 2000 2000 nsec nsec MIN SIGNAL SYMBOL tc Clock Period tw (H) tw (L) t r , tf Clock Pulse Width, Clock High Clock Pulse Width, Clock Low Clock Rise and Fall Times th Any Hold Time for Specified Set-Up Time 0 ts~CS) Control Signal Set-up Time to Rising Edge of 'PDuring Read 280 C/D SEL tDR(D) tS~D) nsec nsec nsec nsec Data Output Delay from Falling Edge of RD Data Set-Up Time to Rising Edge of During Write or MT 430 nsec nsec 50 Cycle DO-D7 lEO 30 COMMENTS or Write Cycle CE ETC. lEI PARAMETER tDI(D) Data Output Delay from Falling Edge of 10RO During INTA Cycle 340 nsec tF(D) Delay to Floating 8us (Output Buffer Disable Time) 160 nsec ts (lEI) lEI Set-Up Time to Falling Edge of 10RO During INTA Cycle tDH (10) lEO Delay Time from Rising Edge of lEI lEO Delay Time from Falling Edge of lEI tDL (10) tDM (10) 10RO tS~IR) -Ml ts (Ml) C L = 50pF [3] nsec 140 lEO Delay from Falling Edge of Ml (Interrupt Occurring Just Prior to M 1) See Note A. [2] 210 nsec 190 300 nsec nsec 10RO Set-Up Time to Rising Edge of During Read or Write Cycle 250 nsec iiii1 Set-Up Time to Rising Edge of During ii\iTA or M1 210 nsec 240 nsec [5] [5] CL = 50pF [5] Cycle. See Note B_ RD ts (RD) RD Set-Up Time to Rising Edge of During Read or M1 Cycle ts (PD) tDS (PD) AO-A7 BO-B7 tF (PD) Port Data Set-Up Time to Rising Edge of STR01!"E" (Mode 1) Port Data Output Delay from Falling Edge of STROBE (Mode 2) 230 nsec nsec [5] 200 nsec C L = 50pF 200 nsec [5] 260 Delay to Floating Port Data Bus from Rising Edge of STROBE (Mode 2) tDI (PD) Port Data Stable from Rising Edge of 10RO During WR Cycle (Mode 0) ASTB tw (ST) Pulse Width, STROBE INT tD (IT) INT Delay Time from Rising Edge of INT Delay Time from Data Match During Mode 3 Operation 490 nsec tD (lT3) 650 nsec ARDY BRDY tDH (RY) Ready Response Time from Rising Edge of 10RO t c+ 460 nsec [5] t c+ 400 nsec C L = 50pF [5] tDL (RY) STROBE Ready Response Time from Rising Edge of STROBE A. 2.5tc »(N-2ltDL(l0)+ tDM (10) +tS(lEI) + TTL Buffer Delay, if any B. M1 must be active for a minimum of 2 clock periods to reset the PIO. [1] tc=tw (H) +tW(L) +tr+tf [2] Increase tDR(D) by 10 nsec for each 50pF increase in loading up to 200pF max. [3] Increase tDi (D) by 10 nsec for each 50pF increase in loading up to 200pF max. [4] For Mode 2: tw [ST):>tS(PD) [5] Increase these values by·2 nsec for each 10pF increase ·in loading up to 100pF max. 198 nsec nsec 150 [4] BSTB 9.4B A.C. CHARACTERISTICS MK3881-4, Z80A-PIO Table 9.4-1B T A=O°C to 70°C, Vee = +5V :l; 5%, unless otherwise noted SIGNAL

(N-2ltDL(10)+ tOM (10) + tS(1 Ell + TTL Buffer Delay, if any B. M1 must be active for a minimum of 2 clock periods to reset the PIO. [1] tc ~ tw (

I System Clock (input) This single-phase clock is used by the CTC to synchronize certain signals internally. M1 Machine Cycle One Signal from CPU (input, active low) When Ml is active and the RD signal is active, the CPU is fetching an instruction from memory. When M 1 is active and the lORa signal is active, the CPU is acknowledging an interrupt, alerting the CTC to place an Interrupt Vector on the Z80 Data Bus if it has daisy chain priority and one of its channels has requested an interrupt. lORa Input/Output Request from CPU (input, active low) The lORa signal is used in conjunction with the CE and RD signals to transfer data and Channel Control Words between the Z80-CPU and the CTC. During a CTC Write Cycle, lORa and CE must be true and RD false. The CTC does not receive a specific write signal, instead generating its own internally from the inverse of a valid RD signal. In a CTC Read Cycle, lORa, CE and RD must be active to place the contents of the Down Counter on the Z80 Data Bus. If lORa and M 1 are both true, the CPU is acknowledging an interrupt request, and the highest-priority interrupting channel will place its Interrupt Vector on the Z80 Data Bus. 213 3.0 CTC PIN DESCRIPTION (CONT'D) RD Read Cycle Status from the CPU (input, active low) The RD signal is used in conjunction with the IORO and CE signals to transfer data and Channel Control Words between the Z80-CPU and the CTC. During a CTC Write Cycle, IORO and CE must be true and RD false. The CTC does not receive a specific write signal, instead generating its own internally from the inverse of a valid RD signal. In a CTC Read Cycle, IORO, CE and RD must be active to place the contents of the Down Counter on the Z80 Data Bus. lEI Interrupt Enable In (input, active high) This signal is used to help form a system-wide interrupt daisy chain which establishes priorities when more than one peripheral device in the system has interrupting capability. A high level on this pin indicates that no other interrupting devices of higher priority in the daisy chain are being serviced by the Z80-CPU. lEO Interrupt Enable Out (output, active high) The I EO signal, in conjunction with I E I, is used to form a system-wide interrupt priority daisy chain. I EO is high only if I E I is high and the CPU is not servicing an interrupt from any CTC channel. Thus this signal blocks lower priority devices from interrupting while a higher priority interrupting device is being serviced by the CPU. Interrupt Request (output, open drain, active low) This signal goes true when any CTC channel which has been programmed to enable interrupts has a zerocount condition in its Down Counter. Reset (input, active low) This signal stops all channels from counting and resets channel interrupt enable bits in all control registers, thereby disabling CTC-generated interrupts. The ZC/TO and INT outputs go to their inactive states, lEO reflects I EI, and the CTC's data bus output drivers go to the high impedance state. CLK/TRG3-CLK/TRGO External Clock/Timer Trigger (input, user-selectable active high or low) There are four CLK/TRG pins, corresponding to the four independent CTC channels. In the Counter Mode, every active edge on this pin decrements the Down Counter. In the Timer Mode, an active edge on this pin initiates the timing function. The user may select the active edge to be either rising or falling. ZC/T02-ZC/TOO Zero Count!Timeout (output, active high) There are three ZC/TO pins, corresponding to CTC channels 2 through O. (Due to package pin limita: tions channel 3 has no ZC/TO pin.) In either Counter Mode or Timer Mode, when the Down Counter decrements to zero an active high going pulse appears at this pin. 214 Z80-CTC PIN CONFIGURATION Figure 3.0-1 DO 23 25 Cl T/TRGO ZC/TO O D1 D2 CPU DATA BUS D3 ClK/TRG 1 D4 ZC!T01 D5 D6 CHANNEL SIGNALS ClK!TRG2 ZC/T02 CSO MK3882 Z80-CTC CS1 CTC CONTROL CHIP ENABLE M1 IORQ RD MK3882-4 Z80A-CTC +5V GND ENA~~: INTERRUPT {INT CONTROL IN 11 INT ENABLE OUT 215 216 4.0 CTC OPERATING MODES At power-on, the Z80-CTC state is undefined. Asserting RESET puts the CTC in a known state. Before any channel can begin counting or timing, a Channel Control Word and a time constant data word must be written to the appropriate registers of that channel. Further, if any channel has been programmed to enable interrupts, an Interrupt Vector word must be written to the CTC's Interrupt Control logic. (For further details, refer to section 5.0: "CTC Programming. ") When the CPU has written all of these words to the CTC, all active channels will be programmed for immediate operation in either the Counter Mode or the Timer Mode. 4.1 CTC COUNTER MODE In this mode the CTC counts edges of the ClK/TRG input. The Counter Mode is programmed for a channel when its Channel Control Word is written with bit 6 set. The Channel's External Clock (ClK/ TRG) input is monitored for a series of triggering edges; after each, in synchronization with the next rising edge of (the System Clock), the Down Counter (which was initialized with the time constant data word at the start of any sequence of down-counting) is decremented. Although there is no set-up time requirement between the triggering edge of the External Clock and the rising edge of , (Clock), the Down Counter will not be decremented until the following pulse. (See the parameter ts(CK) in section 8.3: "A.C. Characteristics.") A channels's External Clock input is pre-programmed by bit 4 of the Channel Control Word to trigger the decrementing sequence with either a high or a low going edge. In any of Channels 0, 1, or 2, when the Down Counter is successively decremented from the original time constant until finally it reaches zero, the Zero Count (ZCITO) output pin for that channel will be pulsed active (high). (However, due to package pin limitations, channel 3 does not have this pin and so may only be used in applications where this output pulse is not required.) Further, if the channel has been so pre-programmed by bit 7 of the Channel Control Word, an interrupt request sequence will be generated. (For more details, see section 7.0: "CTC Interrupt Servicing.") As the above sequence is proceeding, the zero count condition also results in the automatic reload of the Down Counter with the original time constant data word in the Time Constant Register. There is no interruption in the sequence of continued down-counting. If the Time Constant Register is written to with a new time constant data word while the Down Counter is decrementing, the present count will be completed before the new time constant will be loaded into the Down Counter. CHANNEL - COUNTER MODE Figure 4.1-0 CHANNEL CONTROL REGISTER AND LOGIC (8 BITS) . TIME CONSTANT REGISTER (8 BITS) INTERNAL BUS DOWN COUNTER (8 BITS) ZERO COUNT/ TIMEOUT EXTERNAL CLOCK/TIMER TRIGGER 217 4.2 CTC TIMER MODE In this mode the CTC generates timing intervals that are an integer value of the system clock period. The Timer Mode is programmed for a channel when its Channel Control Word is written with bit 6 reset. The channel then may be used to measure intervals of time based on the System Clock period. The System Clock is fed through two successive counters, the Prescaler and the Down Counter. Depending on the pre-programmed bit 5 in the Channel Control Word, the Prescaler divides the System Clock by a factor of either 16 or 256. The output of the Prescaler is then used as a clock to decrement the Down Counter, which may be pre-programmed with any time constant integer between 1 and 256. As in the Counter Mode, the time constant is automatically reloaded into the Down Counter at each zero-count condition, and counting continues. Also at zero-count, the channel's Time Out (ZC/TO) output (which is the output of the Down Counter) is pulsed, resulting in a uniform pulse train of precise period given by the product. tc * P * TC where tc is the System Clock period, P is the Prescaler factor of 16 or 256 and TC is the pre-programmed time constant. Bit 3 of the Channel Control Word is pre-programmed to select whether timing will be automatically initiated, or whether it will be initiated with a triggering edge at the channel's Timer Trigger (CLK/TRG) input. If bit 3 is reset the timer automatically begins operation at the start of the CPU cycle following the I/O Write machine cycle that loads the time constant data word to the channel. If bit 3 is set the timer begins operation on the second succeeding rising edge of after the Timer Trigger edge following the loading of the time constant data word. If no time constant data word is to follow then the timer begins operation on the second succeeding rising edge of after the Timer Trigger edge following the control word write cycle. Bit 4 of the Channel Control Word is pre-programmed to select whether the Timer Trigger will be sensitive to a rising or falling edge. Although there is no set-up requirement between the active edge of the Timer Trigger and the next rising edge of <1>. If the Timer Trigger edge occurs closer than a specified minimum set-up time to the rising edge of <1>, the Down Counter will not begin decrementing until the following rising edge of <1>. (See parameter ts(TR) in section 8.3: "A.C. Characteristics". ) If bit 7 in the Channel Control Word is set, the zero-count condition in the Down Counter, besides causing a pulse at the channel's Time Out pin, will be used to initiate an interrupt request sequence, (For more details, see section 7.0: "CTC Interrupt Servicing.") CHANNEL - TIMER MODE Figure 4.2-0 CHANNEL CONTROL REGISTER AND LOGIC (8 BITS) TIME CONSTANT REGISTER (8 BITS) INTERNAL BUS , and the output of the Prescaler in turn clocks the Down Counter. The output of the Down Counter (the channel's ZC/TO output) is a uniform pulse train of period given by the product. tc * P * TC where tc is the period of System Clock <1>, P is the Prescaler factor of 16 or 256, and TC is the time constant data word. Sit 5 = 1 (Defined for Timer Mode only.) Prescaler factor is 256. Bit 5 = 0 (Defined for Timer Mode only.) Prescaler factor is 16. DO RESET USED IN TIMER MODE ONLY Bit 4 = 1 TI ME R MODE - positive edge trigger starts timer operation. COUNTE R MODE - positive edge decrements the down counter. Bit 4 = 0 TIMER MODE - negative edge trigger starts timer operation. COUNTER MODE - negative edge decrements the down counter. 220 5.1 LOADING THE CHANNEL CONTROL REGISTER (CONT'D) Bit 3 = 1 Timer Mode Only - External trigger is valid for starting timer operation after rising edge of T2 of the machine cycle following the one that loads the time constant. The Prescaler is decremented 2 clock cycles later if the setup time is met, otherwise 3 clock cycles. Once timer has been started it will free run at the rate determined by the Time Constant register. Bit 3 = 0 Timer Mode Only - Timer begins operation on the rising edge of T2 of the machine cycle following the one that loads the time constant. Bit 2 = 1 The time constant data word for the Time Constant Register will be the next word written to this channel. If an updated Channel Control Word and time constant data word are written to a channel while it is already in operation, the Down Counter will continue decrementing to zero before the new time constant is loaded into it. Bit 2 = 0 No time constant data word for the Time Constant Register should be expected to follow. To program bit 2 to this state implies that this Channel Control Word is intended to update the status of a channel already in operation, since a channel will not operate without a correctly programmed data word in the Time Constant Register, and a set bit 2 in this Channel Control Word provides the only way of writing to the Time Constant Register. Bit 1 = 1 Reset channel. Channel stops counting or timing. This is not a stored condition. Upon writing into this bit a reset pulse discontinues current channel operation, however, none of the bits in the channel control register are changed. If both bit 2 = 1 and bit 1 = 1 the channel will resume operation upon loading a time constant. Bit 1 = 0 Channel continues current operation. 5.2 DISABLING THE CTC'S INTERRUPT STRUCTURE If an external Asynchronous interrupt could occur while the processor is writing the disable word to the CTC (01 H); a system problem may occur. If interrupts are enabled in the processor it is possible that the Asynchronous interrupt will occur while the processor is writing the disable word to the CTC. The CTC will generate an I NT and the CPU will acknowledge it, however, by this time, the CTC will have received the disable word and de-activated its interrupt structure. The result is that the CTC will not send in its interrupt vector during the interrupt acknowledge cycle because it is disabled and the CPU will fetch an erroneous vector resulting in a program fault. The cure for this problem is to disable interrupts within the CPU with the D I instruction just before the CTC is disabled and then re-enable interrupts with the E I instruction. This action causes the CPU to ignore any interrupts produced by the CTC while it is being disabled. The code sequence would be: LD A, 01 H DI OUT (CTC), A EI ; DISABLE CPU ; DISABLE CTC ; ENABLE CPU 221 II S.3 LOADING THE TIME CONSTANT REGISTER A channel may not begin operation in either Timer Mode or Counter Mode unless a time constant data word is written into the Time Constant Register by the CPU. This data word will be expected on the next I/O Write to this channel following the I/O Write of the Channel Control Word, provided that bit 2 of the Channel Control Word is set. The time constant data word may be an integer value in the range 1256. If all eight bits in this word are zero, it is interpreted as 256. If a time constant data word is loaded to a channel already in operation, the Down Counter will continue decrementing to zero before the new time constant is loaded from the Time Constant Register to the Down Counter. TIME CONSTANT REGISTER TCs DS DO TCS TCO MSB CHANNEL BLOCK DIAGRAM LSB Figure 5.3-0 CHANNEL CONTROL REGISTER AND LOGIC (8 BITS) TIME CONSTANT REGISTER (8 BITS) INTERNAL BUS ZERO COUNT/ DOWN COUNTER (8 BITS) PRESCALER (8 BITS) <\> I EXTERNAL CLOCK/TIMER TRIGGER S.4 TIMEOUT LOADING THE INTERRUPT VECTOR REGISTER The Z80-CTC has been designed to operate with the Z80-CPU programmed for mode 2 interrupt response. Under the requirements of this mode, when a CTC channel requests an interrupt and is acknowledged, a 16-bit pointer must be formed to obtain a corresponding interrupt service routine starting address from a table in memory. The upper 8 bits of this pointer are provided by the CPU's I register, and the lower 8 bits of the pointer are provided by the CTC in the form of an Interrupt Vector unique to the particular channel that requested the interrupt. (For further details, see section 7.0: "CTC Interrupt Serv ic i ng".) MODE 2 INTERRUPT OPERATION Desired starting address pointed to by: INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE STARTING ADDRESS TABLE 222 < LbwORDER } HIGH ORDER 5.4 LOADING THE INTERRUPT VECTOR REGISTER (Cont'd) The high order 5 bits of this Interrupt Vector must be written to the CTC in advance as part of the initial programming sequence. To do so, the CPU must write to the I/O port address corresponding to the CTC channel 0, just as it would if a Channel Control Word were being written to that channel, except that bit o of the word being written must contain a O. (As explained above in section 5.1, if bit 0 of a word written to a channel were set to 1, the word would be interpreted as a Channel Control Word, so a 0 in bit 0 signals the CTC to load the incoming word into the Interrupt Vector Register.) Bits 1 and 2, however are not used when loading this vector. At the time when the interrupting channel must place the Interrupt Vector on the Z80 Data Bus, the Interrupt Control Logic of the CTC automatically supplies a binary code in bits 1 and 2 indentifying which of the four CTC channels is to be serviced. INTERRUPT VECTOR REGISTER I , D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V SUPPLIED BY USER , I D2 D1 DO X X 0 I 0 0 1 1 , I o CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL o CHANNEL 0 1 2 1 CHANNEL 3 V (Highest Priority) (Lowest Priority) I AUTOMATICALLY INSERTED BY ZaO-CTC 223 224 6.0 CTC TIMING This section illustrates the timing relationships of the relevant CTC pins for the following types of operation: writing a word to the CTC, reading a word from the CTC, counting, and timing. Elsewhere in this manual may be found timing diagrams relating to interrupt servicing (section 7.0) and an A.C. Timing Diagram which quantitatively specifies the timing relationships (section a.4). 6.1 CTC WRITE CYCLE Figure 6.1-0 illustrates the timing associated with the CTC Write Cycle. This sequence is applicable to loading either a Channel Control Word, an Interrupt Vector, or a time constant data word. zao-cpu I n the sequence shown, during clock cycle T 1, the prepares for the Write Cycle with a false (high) signal at CTC input pin RD (Read). Since the CTC has no separate Write signal input, it generates initiates the Write its own internally form the false RD input. Later, during clock cycle T2, the Cycle with true (low) signals at CTC input pins 10RO (I/O Request) and CE (Chip Enable). (Note: MT must be false to distinguish the cycle form an interrupt acknowledge.) Also at this time a 2-bit binary code appears at CTC inputs CS1 and CSO (Channel Select 1 and 0), specifying which of the four CTC Data Bus_ Now everything is channels is being written to, and the word being written appears on the ready for the word to be latched into the appropriate CTC internal register in synchronization with the rising edge beginning clock cycle T3. No additional wait states are allowed_ zao-cpu zao CTC WRITE CYCLE Figure 6.1-0 CSO-1, CE ________ ~)(~____C_H_A_N_N__E_L_A_D_D_R_E_S_S____~)(~_________ \----_----'1 M1 DATA "1" __________~X~_____ IN ____ ~)(~___ _ 'AUTOMATICALLY INSERTED BY ZBO-CPU 6.2 CTC READ CYCLE Figure 6.2-0 illustrates the timing associated with the CTC Read Cycle. This sequence is used any time the CPU reads the current contents of the Down Counter. During clock cycle T2, the initiates the Read Cycle with true signals at input pins RD (Read), 10RO (I/O Request), and CE (Chip Enable). also at this time a 2-bit binary code appears at CTC inputs CS1 and CSO (Channel Select 1 and 0), specifying which of the four CTC channels is being read from. (Note: M1 must be false to distinguish the cycle form an interrupt acknowledge.) On the rising edge of the cycle T3 the valid contents of the Down Counter as of the rising edge of cycle T2 will be available on the Data Bus. No additional wait states are allowed. zao-cpu zao 225 CTC READ CYCLE Figure 6.2·0 CSO-1. CE ________ ~)(~_____C_H_A_N_N_E_l_A_D_D__R_ES_S______J)(~_________ lORa \I--_ _-,---J/ RD \'--_ _----JI "1" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M1 DATA -----------« OUT )~--- *AUTOMATICALL Y INSERTED BY Z80·CPU 6.3 CTC COUNTING AND TIMING Figure 6.3-0 illustrates the timing diagram for the CTC Counting and Timing Modes. CTC COUNTING AND TIMING Figure 6.3·0 226 ClK __....JI INTERNAL COUNTER ________..JI ZC/TO _ _-.II TRG _--....J/ INTERNAL TIMER ___---II \~-- \~---JI ZERO COUNT \~___________ \ ________ \"-------START TIMING 6.3 CTC COUNTING AND TIMING (Cont'd) In the Counter Mode, the edge (rising edge is active in this example) form the external hardware connected to pin C LK/TRG decrements the Down Counter in synchronization with the System Clock ----229 7.2 RETURN FROM INTERRUPT CYCLE Figure 7.2-0 illustrates the timing associated with the RETI Instruction. This instruction is used at the end of an interrupt service routine to initialize the daisy chain enable lines for proper control of nested priority interrupt handling. The CTC decodes the two-byte RETI code internally and determines whether it is intended for a channel being serviced. When several Z80 peripheral chips are in the daisy chain lEI will become active on the chip currently under service when an EDH opcode is decoded. If the following opcode is 4DH, the peripheral being serviced will be re-initialized and its I EO will become active. Additional wait states are allowed. RETURN FROM INTERRUPT CYCLE Figure 7.2-0 Ml \ / RD ~ ! 00- 0 7 lEI \ 0 I --------1 lEO 7.3 / \ @) -------- / / DAISY CHAIN INTERRUPT SERVICING Figure 7.3-0 illustrates a typical nested interrupt sequence which may occur in the CTC. In this example, channel 2 interrupts and is granted service. While this channel is being serviced, higher priority channell interrupts and is granted service. The service routine for the higher priority channel is completed, and a RETI instruction (see section 7.2 for further details) is executed to signal the channel that its routine is complete. At this time, the service routine of the lower priority channel 2 is resumed and completed. DAISY CHAIN INTERRUPT SERVICING Figure 7.3-0 230 7.4 USING THE CTC AS AN INTERRUPT CONTROLLER All of the Z80 family parts contain circuitry for prioritizing interrupts and supplying the vector to the CPU. However, in many Z80 based systems interrupts must be processed from devices which do not contain this interrupt circuitry. To handle this requirement the MK3882 CTC can be used, providing prioritized, independently vectored, maskable, edge selectable, count programmable external interrupt inputs. The MK3882 parts may be cascaded, expanding the system to as many as 256 interrupt inputs. Each MK3882 contains 4 channels with counter inputs able to interrupt upon one or more (up to 256) edge transitions. The active transition may be programmed to be positive or negative. Each of the 4 channels has a programmable vector which is used in powerful Z80 mode 2 interrupt processing. When an interrupt is processed the vector is combined with the CPU I register to determine where the interrupt service routine start address is located. Additionally, priority resolution is handled within the MK3882 when more than one interrupt request is made simultaneously. When more than one MK3882 is used, the prioritizing is done, with the lEI/lEO chain resolving inter-chip priorities. Each channel can be independently "masked" by disabling that channel's local interrupt. When programming the MK3882 to handle an input as a general purpose interrupt line, the channel is put in the counter mode, with the count set to 1, the active edge specified and the vector is loaded. When the programmed edge occurs a mode 2 interrupt will be generated by the CTC and the Z80-CPU can vector directly to the service routine for the non-Z80 peripheral device. Note that after the interrupt, the CTC down counter is automatically reloaded with a count of one and the eTC begins looking for another active edge. The second interrupt will not be passed on to the CPU until after the RETI of the first interrupts service routine. CTC AS AN INTERRUPT CONTROLLER Figure 7.4-0 HV TO CPU DATA HIGHEST ,u, PRIORITY 18 A, 19 CSI i'OiiQ iii iiD iNT 10 INTERRUPT 0 INTERRUPT !I INTERftUPT , eso Ao TRG I iORo 14iiii " TRG2 21 'liD TRGS 2.0 To .Z80-CPU LOWEST PRIORITY TO AOOITIONAL MIC 3882'S 231 232 8.0 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Temperature Under Bias .......................................... Specified Operating Range Storage Temperature .................................................... _65° C to +150° C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground .................................... -0.3V to +7V Power Dissipation ................................................................ 0.8V 8.1 D. C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = 0° C to 70° C, Vcc = 5V ± 5% unless otherwise specified SYMBOL VILC VIHC VIL VIH VOL VOH ICC III ILOH 'LOL IOHD PARAMETER Clock Input Low Voltage Clock Input High Voltage (1) Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage Power Supply Current Input Leakage Current Tri-State Output Leakage Current In Float Tri-State Output Leakage Current In Float Darlington Drive Current MIN -0.3 MAX .45 VCc-·6 VCC +.3 -0.3 0.8 2.0 VCC 0.4 2.4 120 10 10 -10 -1.5 UNIT TEST CONDITION V V V V V V mA IOL=2mA IOH = -250J.lA TC = 400 nsec** J.lA J.lA JlA mA VIN = 0 to VCC VOUT = 2.4 to VCC VOUT = O.4V VOH=1.5V * *T C = 250 nsec for M K 3882-4 8.2 CAPACITANCE TA=25°C,f=1 MHz SYMBOL PARAMETER MAX Cq, CIN Clock Capacitance Input Capacitance COUT Output Capacitance 20 5 10 UNIT TEST CONDITION pF Unmeasured Pins pF Returned to Ground pF 'COMMENT Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Rating" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 233 8.3 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS MK 3882, MK 3882-10, Z80-CTC TA = 0° C to 70° C, Vcc Signal Symbol 'I> tc tW('I>H) tW('I>L) tr, tf tH ts'I>(CS) CS, cr, etc. tDR(D) tS"'(D) tD 1(0) DO-D7 tF(D) lEI tS(lEI) lEO tDH(IO) tDL(IO) tDM(IO) 10RO = +5 V ± 5%, unless otherwise noted Parameter Clock Period Clock Pulse Width, Clock High Clock Pulse Width, Clock Low Clock Rise and Fall Times Any Hold Time for Specified Setup Time Control Signal Setup Time to Rising Ed(le of 'I> Durin9_ Read or Write Cycle Data Output Delay from Rising Edge of RD During Read Cycle Data Setup Time to Rising Edge of 'I> During Write or M 1 Cycle Data Output Delay from Falling Edge of 10 RO During I NT A Cycle Delay to Floating Bus (Output Buffer Disable Timel lEI Setup Time to Falling Edge of 10RO During I NT A Cycle lEO Delay Time from Rising Edge of lEI I EO Delay Time from Falling Edge of I E I lEO Delay from Falling Edge of M1 ( Interrupt Occurring just Prior to M 1) 10RO Setup Time to Rising Edge of ,', During Read or Write Cycle tS'I'(M1) 1'i7r1 Setup Time to R ising Edge of '\' During I NT A or M 1 Cycle tS'I'(RD) RD Setup Time to Rising Edge of 'I> During Read or M 1 Cycle tDCK( IT) I NT Delay Time from Rising Edge of CLK!TRG I NT Delay Time from Rising Edge of for Immediate Count tS(TR) Trigger Setup Time to R ising Edge of 'I) for Enabling of Prescaler on Following Rising Edge of 'I) tS"'(IR) 1'i7r1 RD fi\JT Min Max Unit 400 170 170 (1 ) 2000 2000 30 ns ns ns ns ns ns 480 ns 0 160 Comments (2) ns 50 340 ns 230 ns (2) ns 200 220 190 300 ns ns ns 250 ns 210 ns 240 ns (3) (3) (3) 2tc( CS, cr, etc DO-D7 lEI lEO IURTI Ml RD INT Parameter Min Clock Period 250 Clock Pulse Width, Clock High 105 Clock Pulse Width, Clock Low 105 Clock Rise and Fall Times Any Hold Time for Specified Setup Time 0 Control Signal Setup Time to Rising Edge 145 of During Read or Write Cycle Data Output Delay from Falling Edge of tDR(D) RD During Read Cycle tS(D) Data Setup Time to Rising Edge of 50 During Write or Ml Cycle Data Output Delay form Falling Edge tD I(D) of IOAG During INTA Cycle Delay to Floating Bus (Output Buffer tF(D) Disable Time) tS(IEI) lEI Setup Time to Falling Edge of IORQ 140 During INTA Cycle I EO Delay Time from Rising Edge of I E I tDH(IO) lEO Delay Time from Falling Edge of lEI tDL(10) I EO Delay from Falling Edge ofMl tDM(10) (Interrupt Occurring just Prior to M 1) tS(IR) IORU Setup Time to Rising Edge of 115 During Read or Write Cycle tS(Ml) Ml Setup Time to Rising Edge of 90 During I NTA or M 1 Cycle tS( RD) liD Setup Time to Rising Edge of 115 During Read or M 1 Cycle tDCK(IT) INT Delay Time from Rising Edge of CLK/TRG tD( IT) INT Delay Time from Rising Edge of tC(CK) Clock Period 2tC( 130 for Immediate Count tS(TR) Trigger Setup Time to Rising Edge of 130 for enabling of Prescaler on Following Rising Edge of tc tW(H) tW(L) tr, tf tH tS(CS) Max Unit Comments (1 ) 2000 2000 30 ns ns ns ns ns ns 380 ns (2) ns 160 ns 110 ns (2) ns 160 130 190 ns ns ns (3) (3) (3) ns ns ns 2tC(, ZC/TO High ZC/TO Delay Time from Rising Edge of <1>, ZC/TO Low NOTES: (1.) (2.1 (3.1 (4.1 tc = tw(WI + tw( during T3 and is then held into the Write cycle. During an I/O Write, data is held from the previous Read cycle until the end of the Write cycle. NOTE: If WAIT is low during the negative transition of TW*, then TW* will be extended another T-cycle and WATT will again be sampled. The duration of a peripheral transaction cycle may thus be indefinitely extended. Figure 3 CE ~---'I------IORO I'-----...JI·- - - - - - RD DATA \ ~---' -----{L~_~OU~T~_+r----- STD MEMORY TIMING This timing is exactly the same as used by the Z80CPU to access system main memory, either in a Read or Write operation. The DMA will default to this timing after a power-on reset, or when a Reset or Reset Timing command is written to it; and unless otherwise programmed, will used this timing during all Transfer or Search operations involving system main memory. During the memory Read portion of a transfer cycle, data is latched in the DMA on the negative edge of during T3 and held into the following Write cycle. During the memory Write portion of a transfer cycle, data is held form the previous Read cycle and released at the end of the present cycle. The DMA is normally programmed for a NOTE: 3 T-cycle duration in memory transactions. But WATT is sampled during the negative transistion of T2, and if it is low, T2 will be extended another T-cycle, after which WAIT will again be sampled. The duration of a memory transaction cycle may thus be indefinitely extended. STD MEMORY TIMING I Figure 4 T, I STD PERIPHERAL TIMING Figure 5 'I· ADD-~ '---~------~----~4J \ ,/ \ !I HELD UNTIL READ DATA- $TARTOF READ ----------~-_fll- NeXT ~-+-- f~:~~~E~ t'I}--- WRITE DATA- _ _ _"_E_LD_'_RO_M_p_RE_v_'O_us_R_EA_D+_ _ _ _ WAIT T, \~_-+-_-+,!I IORQ -----------rr,------ --_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -1 '-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ·LATCHED BY DMA ON BUS DURING A TRANSFER VARIABLE CYCLE I}--- ADD 1\ I 1\ If ~II WR ---- - - - j r.---- ---, ' - - - -- ------_ _ -1 READ DATA- HELD UNTIL START OF NEXT READ DURING A TRANSFER WRITe DATA" HElD FROM PREVIOUS READ I I "LATCHED BY DMA ON BUS DURING A TRANSFER }--- The Variable feature of the DMA allows the user to program the DMA's memory or peripheral transaction timing to values different than given above in the standard default diagrams. This permits the designer to tailor his timing to the particular requirements of his system components, and maximizes the data transfer rate while eliminating external signal conditioning logic. Cycle length can be one to four T-cycles (more if WAIT is used). Signal timing can be varied as shown. During a transfer, data will be latched by the DMA on the clock edge causing the rising edge of RD and will be held on the data lines until the end of the following Write cycle. (See Timing Control Byte, page 9.) 243 DMA BUS RELEASE WITH 'READY' FOR BURST AND CONTINUOUS MODE DMA TIMING WAVEFORMS (CONT'D) VARIABLE CYCLE Figure 6 ~PROGRAMMED FOR' CVCLES VARIABLE LENGTH T, I T2 I I T3 T, ,', X AO - A15 X r iORo I MREQ \ Ri5 \ FA \ / ,r I ,r / The DMA will relinquish the bus after RDY has gone inactive (Burst mode) or after an End of Block or a Match is found (Continuous mode). With RDY inactive, the DMA in Continuous mode is inactive but maintains control of the bus (BUSRQ low) until the cycle is resumed when RDY goes active. See Figure 9. BUS RELEASE WITH 'READY' FOR BURST AND CONTINOUS MODE Figure 9 ,', )--,---!--I_ _ WAiT (MEM) r I / 8USRQ --rr--;---t--------L.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..J ~ _______ _ DMA BUS REQUEST AND ACCEPTANCE FOR BYTE-AT-A-TIME, BURST, AND CONTINUOUS MODE Ready is sampled on every rising edge of <1>. When it is found to be active, the following rising edge of generates BUSRQ. After receiving BUSRQ the CPU will grant a BUSAK which will be connected to BAI either directly or through the Bus Acknowledge Daisy Chain. When a low is detected on BAI (sampled on every rising edge of <1», the next rising edge of will start an active DMA cycle. See Figure 7. BUS REQUEST AND ACCEPTANCE FOR BYTEAT-A-TIME, BURST, AND CONTINOUS MODE I } CONTINUOUS ;:--MODE ----~I;--DM-A---;1--' oMA ACTlVE ........ ..--'NACTIVE -----...j_OMA ACTIVE - _ ....J _____ WAiTUo,-----------r h , - - - - - - - - - ~/ I P'"_L::~~~~_M_O.:'~___ DMA BUS MODE RELEASE FOR BYTE-AT-A-TIME In the Byte mode the DMA will release BUSRQ on the rising edge of prior to the end of each Read cycle in Search Only or each Write cycle in a Transfer, regardless of the state of RDY. The next bus request will come after both BUSRQ and BAI have returned high. See Figure 10. BUS RELEASE FOR BYTE-AT-A-TIME MODE Figure 10 RDV~A~CT~_ _ _ _~).~)--------- DMA ACTIVE ....... I__ OMA INACTIVE DMA BUS RELEASE WITH MATCH FOR BURST OR CONTINUOUS MODES 1 DMA INACTlVE ...... r+-- DMA ACTIVE DMA BUS RELEASE AT END OF BLOCK FOR BURST OR CONTINUOUS MODE Timing for End of Block and DMA not programmed for Auto-restart. See Figure 8. BUS RELEASE AT END OF BLOCK Figure 8", nnf BUSRQ ROY INACT __ ..,-_-\~) ~ LAST BYTE ! "'--IN BlOCK-------! 1 DMA'ACTlVE-+-I-+-DMA INACTIVE 244 Figure 11 ,', JLr4nnJu-u---u-u-uL ACT RDV When a Match is found and the DMA is programmed to stop on Compare, the DMA performs an operation on the next byte and then releases bus. See Figure 11. BUS RELEASE WITH MATCH FOR BURST OR CONTINOUS MODES BUSRQ -----I» " Ir--- ,--~\) I \~ INACT , ___________ _ . / ~ ~ BYTE N+l __1 MATCH FOUND IN 1- - - BYTE N THIS BYTe DMA ACTIVE - . ..... OMA INACTIVE READING FROM THE DMA INTERNAL REGISTERS Seven registers are available in the DMA for reading. They are: 8 bits of the status register, the upper and lower 8 bits of the block length register, and two port address registers. These are available to be read sequentially: status, B LK Lower, B LK Upper, Port A Address lower, Port A Address Upper, Port B Address lower, Port B Address upper. An internal pointer points to each register in turn as each READ is accomplished. If a register is not to be read, it may be excluded by programming a 0 in the Read Byte. The internal pointer will skip any register not programmed with a 1 in the Read Byte. After a Reset or a Load, Reset RD must be given to set the internal pointer pointing to the first register programmed to be read by the Read Byte. After RD Status, the pointer will be pointing to the status register regardless of the mask and the next read will be from the status register. The following read will be from the register pointed to before R D Status. The following diagrams and charts give the function of each bit in the six different command bytes. Two of these are defined as being from Group 1, and are termed command bytes lA and lB. These Group 1 commands contain the most basic DMA set-up information. The other four are categorized as Group 2, and are termed commands 2A, 2B, 2C, and 2D. Group 2 words specify more detailed set-up information. COMMAND BYTE 1A Figure 12 -.Specifies Group 1 o Co Function o Not allowed. (Command Byte 1 B) o o Search Only. Search and Transfer. Previous sections of this specification have indicated the various functions and modes of the DMA. The diagrams and charts below will show how the DMA is programmed to select among these functions and modes and to adapt itself to the requirements of the user system. More detailed programming information is available in the Z80-DMA Technical Manual. The command bytes contain information to be loaded into the DMA's control and other registers and/or information to alter the state of the chip, such as an Enable Interrupt command. The command structure is designed so that certain bits in some commands can be set to alert the DMA to expect the next byte written to it to be for a particular internal register. II Transfer Only. PROGRAMMING THE DMA The Z80-DMA chip may be in an "enable"state, in which it can gain control of the system buses and direct the transfer of data between its ports, or in a "disable" state, when it cannot gain control of the bus. Program commands can be written to it in either state, but writing a command to it automatically puts it in the disable state, which is maintained until an enable command is issued to the DMA. The CPU must program it in advance of any data search or transfer by addressing it as an I/O port and sending it a sequence of 8 bit command bytes via the system data bus using Output instructions. When the DMA is powered up or reset by any means, the DMA will automatically be placed into a disable state, in which it can initiate neither bus requests nor data transfers nor interrupts. Byte lA cannot be 00 Port A is read from, Port B is written to (unless the Search Only Mode has been selected, in which case Port B is never addressed). Port B is read from, Port A is written to (unless the Search Only Mode has been selected, in which case Port A is never addressed). COMMAND BYTE 1B Figure 13 -..-- Specifies Group 1 Specifies B'/te 1 B Address for this port increments after each byte. Address for this port decrements after each byte. D3 = 1 This port addresses an I/O peripheral. D3= 0 This port addresses main memory. =1 This word programs Port A. D2= 0 This word programs Port B. D2 245 COMMAND BYTE 2D (CONT'D) COMMAND BYTE 2A Figure 14 Hex --.-Specifies Byte 2A Specifies Group 2 COMMAND BYTE 2B Figure 15 --.-Specifies Group 2 M1 Specifies Byte 2B MO o o Mode Byte Continuous Burst Transparent o 1 o 1 1 1 C3 C7 CB CF D3 AB AF A3 87 83 BB A7 BF B3 J3L 8B f4 f3 f2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1__ 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2f-- CIN COUT Clock Capacitance I nput Capacitance Output Capacitance 35 5 10 pF pF pF Unmeasured Pins Returned to Ground TEST 250llA 249 A.C. TIMING DIAGRAMS PRELIMINARY Z80 and Z80A as a Peripheral Device (Inactive State) Timing measurements are made at the following voltages, unless otherwise specified: CLOCK OUTPUT INPUT FLOAT -I --------------------~ .....-tD1(D) ..... ------------+------ tS(lR)i-- lEI lEO - INT CONDITION 250 tDL(lO) - "1" "0" 4.2V 2.0V 2.0V !1V O.8V O.8V O.8V +O.5V PRELIMINARY A.C. CHARACTERISTICS MK3883 Z80-0MA Z80-DMA as a Peripheral Device (Inactive State). T A =0° C to 70° C, Vcc = +5V± 5%," Unless Otherwise Noted SIGNAL SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT (I) tc tw(I)H) tw(I)L) tr, f Clock Clock Clock Clock 400 170 170 (1) 2000 2000 30 nsec nsec nsec nsec tH Any Hold Time for Specified Setup Time 0 nsec tS(I)(CS) Control Signal Setup Time to Rising Edge of (I) During Write Cycle 280 nsec tDR(D) Data Output Delay from Falling Edge of RD Data Setup Time to Rising Edge of 'I) During Write orM1 Cycle Data Output Delay from Falling Edge of IORO During INTA Cycle Delay to Floating Bus (Output Buffer Disable Time) CE tS'I)(D) DO-7 tDI(D) tF(D) Period Pulse Width, Clock High Pulse Width, Clock Low Rise and Fall Times lEI tS(IEI) lEI Setup Time to Falling Edge of IORO During I NT A Cycle lEO tDH(IO) tDL(IO) tDM(IO) I EO Delay Time from R ising Edge of I E I lEO Delay Time from Falling Edge of lEI lEO Delay from Falling Edge of M1 (I nterrupt Occurring Just Prior to Ml) See Note A. IORO tS'I)(IR) IORO Setup Time to Rising Edge of 'I) During Write Cycle M1 tS(I)(M1) M 1 Setup Time to R ising Edge of IN·21 tDLiIOI + tDMllOI + tS(lEl1 + TTL Buffer Delay. If any 11 I te t w l'l+1 I +twl'l'Ll +tr +tf (2) Increase tOR{Ol by 10 nsec for each 50pF Increase In loadmg up to 200pF max. (3) Increase to(O) by 10 nsec for each 50pF increase In loading up to 200pF max. 251 PRELIMINARY A.C. CHARACTERISTICS MK3883·4 Z80A·DMA Z80A DMA as a Peripheral Device (Inactive State) T A = O°C to 70°C, Vcc = +5V±5%, Unless Otherwise Noted SIGNAL 'I> CE SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN MAX tc tw('I'H) tw('I>L) t r, f Clock Clock Clock Clock 250 10,5 105 ( 1) nsec 2000. fl·sec 2000 /nsec nsec 30 tH Any Hold Time for Specified Setup Time 0 nsec tS'I'(CS) Control Signal Setup Time to Rising Edge of 'I> During Write Cycle 145 nsec tDR(D) Data Output Delay from Falling Edge of RD Data Setup Time to Rising Edge of 'I' During Write or MT Cycle Data Output Delay from Falling Edge of IORO During INTA Cycle Delay to Floating Bus (Output Buffer Disable Time) tS'I>(D) DO-7 tDI(D) tF(D) Period Pulse Width, Clock High Pulse Width, Clock Low Rise and Fall Times 380 UNIT nsec 250 nsec 110 nsec tS(IEI) lEI Setup Time to Falling Edge of IORO During I NT A Cycle lEO tDH(IO) tDL(IO) tDM(IO) lEO Delay Time from Rising Edge of lEI lEO Delay Time from Falling Edge of lEI lEO Delay from Falling Edge of M.L (I nterrupt Occurri ng Just Prior to M 1) See Note A. IORO tS'I'(IR) IORO Setup Time to Rising Edge of 'I' During Write Cycle 115 nsec M1 tS'I'(M1) M1 Setup Time to Rising Edge of 'I' During I NT A or MT Cycle. See Note B. 90 nsec RD tS'I'(RD) RD Setup Time to Rising Edge of 'I' During M 1 Cycle 115 nsec INT tD(IT) INT Delay Time from Condition Causing INT. INT generated only when DMA is inactive. BAO tDH(BO) tDL(BO) BAO Delay from Rising Edge of BAI BAO Delay from Falling Edge of BAI NOTES: 111 Ie 2.5I c > IN-21 IDLIIOI +lS(iEII + TTL Buffer Delay, If any Iwl(IR) tDH¢(IR) tDL(RD) 10RO 10RO IORO 10RO 10RO 10RO 10RO 10RO RO RO RO RO -RD RO RO RD Delay Low Delay Low Delay High Delay High Delay Low Delay Low Delay High Delay High lS0 90 nsec nsec nsec Data Output Delay Delay to Float Ourinq Write Cycle Data Setup Time to Risinq Edqe of Clock 35 Durinq Read When Risinq Edge Ends RO Data Setup Time to Falling Edge of Clock 50 During Read When Falling Edge Ends RD Data Stable Prior to WR (Memory Cycle) (5) tOlD) tF(O) tS'I)(O) 007 Period Pulse Width, Clock High Pulse Width, Clock Low Rise and Fall Time nSf~C nsec nsec CL 200pF nsec nsec nsec nsec (6) (7) from Rising Edge of Clock, 75 nsec from Falling Edge of Clock, SO nsec from Rising Edge of Clock, 80 nsec from Falling Edge of Clock, 80 nsec from Rising Edge of Clock, 75 nsec from Falling Edge of Clock, 95 nsec from Rising Edge of Clock, 75 nsec from Falling Edge of Clock, 80 nsec D 0 0 CL =50pF CL =50pF 255 II A.C. CHARACTERISTICS MK3880-4 Z80A-DMA (CONT'D) SIGNAL SYMBOL PARAMETER tDL(WR) WR Delay from Rising Edge of Clock, WR Low Wli Delay from Falling Edge of Clock, WR Low Wli Delay from Falling Edge of Clock, WR High WR Delay from Rising Edge of Clock, iiiTR High Pulse Width, iiiTR Low tDL(WR) WR tDH(l>(WR) tDH(WR) tw(WRL) PRELIMINARY MIN MAX UNIT 60 nsec 80 nsec 80 nsec 80 nsec (10) nsec WAIT ts(WT) WAIT Setup Time to Falling Edge of Clock 70 nsec BUSRO tD(BO) BUSRQ Delay Time from Rising Edge of Clock 100 nsec tF(C) Delay to Float (MREO, IORO, RD and WR) 80 NOTES: A. Data should be enable onto the DMA data bus when RD is active. B. All control signals are internally synchronized, so they may be totally asynchronous with respect to the clock. C. Output ~elay vs. Loaded Capacitance TA = 70 C Vee +5V ± 5% (1) "'CL +100pF (A1>-A15 and D. During Standard CPU Timing. ;= 0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Control Signals), add 30 nsec to timing shown. tacm tw(H) +tf -30 Variable 1 Cycle. 10.tw(WR) tc -40Std. CPU Timing tw(WR) tw( HI +tw(

--- --- lacm ',~ R5 ___r - WR iC5"R6 Rri "~--~ WR WAil' BuSi'iQ ---~', -------------------------------------------------------------~ 257 'PACKAGE DESCRIPTION 40 Pin Dual-In-Line Ceramic Package PACKAGE DESCRIPTION 40-Pin Dual-In-Line Plastic Package ORDERING INFORMATION PART NO. PACKAGE TYPE MAX CLOCK FREQ. TEMPERATURE RANGE MK3883N Z80-DMA MK3883P Z80-DMA MK3883N-4 Z80A-DMA MK3883P-4 Z80A-DMA PLASTIC CERAMIC PLASTIC CERAMIC 2.5 2.5 4.0 4.0 O°C to O°C to O°C to O°C to 258 MHz MHz MHz MHz 70°C 70°C 70°C 70°C MOSTEI(. zaD MICROCOMPUTER DEVICES Technical Manual II MI(3884/5/7 SERIAL I/O CONTROLLER 259 260 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 Introduction .................................................... 1 1.1 Structure .......................................................1 1.2 Features ....................................................... 1 2.0 Architecture ....................................................3 2.2 Note on Bonding Option ...........................................5 3.0 Operation ......................................................7 3.1 Asynchronous Modes .............................................7 3.2 Synchronous Modes ..............................................S 4.0 SIO Programming ............................................... 15 4.1 General .......................................................15 4.2 Write Registers ................................................. 15 4.3 Read Registers .................................................. 17 4.4 Register Description ............................................. 17 4.5 ZSO SIO Command Structure ......................................26 4.6 Programming Example ...........................................27 5.0 Timing Waveforms .............................................. .29 6.0 Daisy Chain Interrupt Servicing .....................................31 7.0 Absolute Maximum Ratings .......................................33 7.1 D.C. Characteristics ..............................................33 7.2 Capacitance ....................................................33 7.3 Load Circuit for Output ..........................................34 7.4 A.C. Timing Diagram· Preliminary ..................................35 7.5 A.C. Characteristics - Preliminary ...................................37 S.O Package Configuration ............................................39 9.0 Ordering Information ........................................... .41 261 262 LIST OF TABLES & FIGURES Figure Page TITLE 1.0 SIO Block Diagram ...............................................2 2.0 Channel Block Diagram ............................................3 2.1 2.2 SIO PIN OUT ...................................................3 Bonding Option ..................................................5 3.0 Asynchronous Format.............................................7 3.1 Synchronous Formats .............................................9 3.2 Transmission SDLC/HDLC Message Format ........................... 12 3.3 Reception SDLC/HDLC Message Format ............................. 13 I Write Registers ................................................. 15 Read Registers .................................................. 17 4.5 Z80-S10 Command Structure ......................................26 Write Cycle ....................................................29 Read Cycle ....................................................29 Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle ......................................30 Return from Interrupt Cycle .......................................30 Daisy Chain Interrupt Servicing .....................................31 7.1 D.C. Characteristics ..............................................33 7.2 Capacitance ....................................................33 7.3 Load Circuit for Output ..........................................34 7.4 A.C. Timing Diagram - Preliminary ..................................35 7.5 A.C. Characteristics - Preliminary ...................................37 8.0 Package Configuration ............................................39 263 264 1.0 INTRODUCTION The MOSTEK Z80 product line is a complete set of microcomputer components, development systems and support software. The Z80 microcomputer component set includes all of the circuits necessary to build high-performance microcomputer systems with virtually no other logic and a minimum number of low cost standard memory elements. The Z80-S10 (Serial Input/Output) circuit is a programmable, dual-channel device which provides formatting of data for serial data communication. It is capable of handling asynch ronous, synchronous and synchronous bit oriented protocols such as I BM BiSync, H DLC, SO LC and virtually any other serial protocol. It can generate CRC codes in any synchronous mode and can be programmed by the CPU for any traditional asynchronous format. 1.1 STRUCTURE ON-channel Silicon Gate Depletion Load Technology o Forty Pin DIP o Single 5 volt power supply o Single phase 5 volt clock o Two Full Duplex channels 1.2 FEATURES o o o o o o o o o o Two independent full duplex channels Data rates - 0 to 550K bits/second Receiver data registers quadruply buffered; transmitter double buffered. Asynchronous operation - 5, 6, 7 or 8 bits/character - 1, 1% or 2 stop bits - Even, odd or no parity - x 1, x 16, x32 and x64 clock modes - Break generation and detection - Parity, Overrun and Framing error detection Binary Synchronous operation - Internal or external character synchronization - One or two Sync characters in separate registers - Automatic Sync character insertion - CRC generation and checking HDLC or IBM SDLC operation - Automatic Zero insertion and deletion - Automatic Flag insertion - Address field recognition - I-Field residue hand I ing - Valid receive messages protected from overrun - CRC generation and checking Eight modem control inputs and outputs Both CRC-16 and CRC-CCITT are implemented Daisy chain priority interrupt logic included to provide for automatic interrupt vectoring without external logic. All inputs and outputs fully TTL compatible. 265 SIO BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 1.0 ~ INTERNAL CONTROL LOGIC +5V GND CHANNEL A SERIAL DATA CHANNEL CLOCK SYNC ~' ""'"" WAIT/ROY

. As a Ready function, it is actively driven high and occurs from the positive edge of <1>. WAIT/READY ENABL (07) The Wait/Ready pin will remain high (Ready mode) or floating (Wait mode) until this bit is programmed to one. WRITE REGISTER 2 (Channel B only) Write Register 2 is the interrupt vector register and it exists only in Channel B. V4-V7 and Vo are always returned exactly as written. V ,-V3 are returned as written if the "Status Affects Vector", Control bit is "0". WRITE REGISTER 3 Write register 3 contains control bits for some of the receiver logic. D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO RCVR Bits! CharO RCVR Bits! Char 1 Enter Hunt Mode RECVR CRC Enable Address Auto Enables Sync Char Load Inhibit Receiver Enable Search Mode RECEIVER ENABLE (DO) A "1" programmed here allows receiver operations to begin. 284 SYNC CHAR LOAD INHIBIT (01) Sync characters preceding a message will not be loaded into the receiver buffers if this option is selected. The CRC calculation is not stopped by the sync character being stripped. ADDRESS SEARCH MODE (02) If the SOLC mode is selected, this mode will cause messages with addresses not matching the programmed address or the global (11111111) address to be rejected, i.e., no interrupts occur unless an address match occurs if this mode is selected. RECVR CRC ENABLE (03) Receiver CRC Enable. If this bit is set, a calculation of CRC begins (or restarts) at the start of the last character transferred from the receive register to the buffer stack regardless of the number of characters in the stack. ENTER HUNT MODE (04) If character synchronization is lost for any reason, or if in SDLC mode, it is determined that the contents of an incoming message are not needed, Hunt mode may be reentered by writing a "1" to this bit. AUTO ENABLES (05) If this mode is selected, the DCD and CTS inputs are receiver and transmitter enables, respectively. If the mode is not selected, DCD and CTS are only inputs to their corresponding bits in Read Register O. RCVR BITS/CHAR 1 (06), RCVR BITS/CHAR 0 (07) These bits together determine the number of serial receive bits that will be assembled to form a character. These bits may be changed during the time that a character is being assembled, if it is done before the number of bits currently programmed is reached. D7 D6 Receiver BitslCharacter 1 0 0 1 1 Receiver BitslCharacter 0 0 1 0 1 BitslCharacter S 7 6 8 WRITE REGISTER 4 Write Register 4 contains control bits affecting both the receiver and transmitter. D7 D6 DS D4 D3 D2 Dl DO Clock Rate 1 Clock Rate 0 Sync Modes 1 Sync Modes 0 Stop Stop Bits 0 Parity Evenl Parity Bits 1 Odd PARITY (DO) If this bit is set, an additional bit position (in addition to those specified in the bits/character control) is added to transmitted data and is expected in receive data. 285 PARITY EVEN/ODD (0,) If parity is specified, this bit determines whether it is sent or checked as even or odd parity. STOP BITS 0 (02), STOP BITS' (03) These bits determine the number of stop bits added to each asynchronous character sent. The receiver always checks for one stop bit. The special (00) mode is used to signify that a synchronous mode is to be selected. 03 Stop Bits 1 O2 Stop Bits a a a 1 1 a a Sync Modes 1 Stop Bit Per Character 111, Stop Bits Per Character 2 Stop Bits Per Character 1 1 SYNC MODES 0 (04), SYNC MODES (05) These select the various options for character synchronization: Sync Mode 1 Sync Mode a a a a 8~bit 1 16·bit programmed sync 1 1 a SDLC Mode (01111110 sync pattern) External Sync Mode 1 programmed sync CLOCK RATE 0 (06), CLOCK RATE 1 (07) Specifies the multiplier between clock and data rates. For synchronous modes X1 must be specified. Any rate may be specified for the asynchronous modes. The same multiplier is used for both the receiver and transmitter. In all modes, the system clock (q,) must be at least 5 X the data rate. If the X1 clock rate is selected, bit synchronization must be accomplished externally. Clock Rate 1 Clock Rate a a a 1 1 a a 1 1 Data Data Data Data Rate Rate Rate Rate X1 X16 X32 X64 ~ ~ ~ ~ Clock Clock Clock Clock Rate Rate Rate Rate WRITE REGISTER 5 Write Register 5 contains mostly control bits affecting the transmitter. 07 06 05 DTR Transmit Bits/ CharO Transmit Bits/ Char 1 04 Send Break 03 Transmit Enable O2 SDLC/ CRC16 01 DO RTS Transmit CRC Enable TRANSMIT CRC ENABLE (DO) This bit determines whether CRC is to be calculated on any particular send character. If set at the time of loading the character from the transmit buffer to the transmit shift register, CRC will be calculated on the character. CRC will not be automatically sent unless this bit is set when the transmitter is completely empty. 286 Request to Send is the control bit for the RTS pin. When the RTS bit is set, the RTS goes active (low). When the bit is reset (to 0), the RTS pin will go inactive (high) only after the transmitter is empty. SOlC/CRC16 (02) This bit selects the CRC code used by both the transmitter and the receiver. When reset, the SDLC polynomial X 16 + X12 + X5 1 is used. (In SDLC mode, the registers are preset to "all 1's" and a special check sequence is used.) When set, the CRC-16 polynomial X16 + X15 + X2 + 1 is used, and the CRC registers are reset to "all O's". + TRANSMIT ENABLE (03) Data will not be transmitted and the TxD pin will be held marking (high) until this bit is set. Data or Sync characters in the process of being transmitted will be completely sent if the transmit enable bit is reset after transmission has started. CRC characters will not be completely sent if the transmitter is disabled during the sending of a CRC character. SEND BREAK (04) When set, this bit directly forces the TxD pin spacing, regardless of any data being transmitted. When reset, the TxD pin is released. TRANSMIT BITS/CHAR 0 (05), TRANSMIT BITS/CHAR 1 (06) These bits together control the number of bits that will be sent from each byte transferred to the transmit buffer. 05 06 Transmit Bits! Characte 1 0 0 1 1 ~~:~!~~r ~tsl Bits/Character 5 or less 7 6 8 0 1 0 1 Bits to be sent are assumed to be right justified. Low order bits (DO) are sent first. The "5 or less" mode allows transmission of 1 to 5 bits in a character. 06 05 04 03 O2 01 DO 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 Sends one bit 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sends three bits Sends four bits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sends five bits 07 Sends two bits O=OATA BIT OTR (07) Data Terminal Ready is the control bit for the DTR pin. When set, DTR is active (low). When reset (0) DTR is inactive (high). 287 ----~---------- WRITE REGISTER 6 This register contains the first 8 bits of a BiSync sequence. It must be programmed with the check address (if used) in SDLC mode, and must contain the sync character in the 8-bit sync mode. It is not used in the external sync mode. 07 06 Os 04 02 01 DO SYN7 SYN6 SYNS SYN4 SYN3 SYN2 SYN1 SYNO A07 A06 ADS A04 A03 A02 A01 ADO 03 MONO OR BI SYNC MODE SDLC MODE WRITE REGISTER 7 This register contains the second byte of a 16-bit synchronization sequence, or the 8-bit sync character. For SDLC mode, it must be programmed to 01111110 . It is not used in the external sync mode. 07 06 Os SYN1S SYN14 SYN13 0 1 1 03 O2 01 DO SYN11 SYN10 SYN9 SYN8 1 1 1 0 04 SYN12 1 BI SYNC MODE SOLC MODE READ REGISTER 0 This is the register read if the register pointers are (000). 07 06 Break/ Abort Tx UNOERRUN/ EOM Os 04 CTS Sync/ Hunt 03 O2 01 Do DCO Transmit Buffer Empty Interrupt Pending Receive Character Available RECEIVE CHARACTER AVAILABLE (DO) This bit is set when at least one character is available in the receive buffers. INTERRUPT PENDING (D,) (Channel A only) Any interrupt condition present in the entire SIO will cause this bit to be set, but it is present only in Channel A and is always in Channel B. a TRANSMIT BUFFER EMPTY (D2) The Transmit Buffer Empty bit is set whenever the transmit buffer is empty, except when a CRC character is ~eing sent in a synchronous mode. Shows the state of the DCD pin at the time of the last change of any of the five External/ Status bits. (DCD, CTS, SYNC/HUNT, BREAK/ABORT or Tx UNDERRUN/EOM.) To get the current state of the DCD pin, this bit must be read immediately following a RESET EXTERNAL/STATUS INTERRUPT command. (Command 2.) SYNC/HUNT (D4) In asynchronous modes, this bit is similar to the DCD and the CTS bits, except that it shows the state of the SYNC pin. I n synchronous modes, this bit is reset when character synchronization is achieved and is set by writing the ENTER HUNT MODE bit. Unlike the external pin, the bit remains reset until set by the ENTER HUNT MODE bit. CTS (D5) This bit is similar to the DCD bit, except that it shows the state of the CTS pin. 288 BREAK/ABORT (07) In asynchronous modes, this bit is set when a "break" is detected. After the inputs have been re-enabled (by the RESET EXTERNAL/STATUS INTERRUPTS command, Command 2), the bit will be reset when the break stops. If EXTERNAL STATUS interrupts are enabled, these changes of state cause interrupts. I n SO LC mode, this bit is set by the detection of an abort sequence (7 or more 1's). It is not used in other synchronous modes. TRANSMIT UNDER RUN/END OF MESSAGE (EOM) In synchronous modes, CRC is automatically sent when the transmitter is empty for the first time in a message. Interrupts are generated (if enabled) when this bit is set, but not when reset. If this bit is set and the TRANSMIT BUFFER EMPTY bit is not set, then the CRC character is being sent. TRANSMIT BUFFER EMPTY and Tx UNOERRUN/EOM both set imply that SYNC characters are being sent. READ REGISTER' This register is read when the register pointers are (001). The pointers automatically reset to (000) after a read from this register. D7 D6 D5 End Of Frame (SDLC) CRC! Framing Receiver Overrun Error Error D4 D3 D2 Dl DO Parity Error Residue Code 2 Residue Code 1 Residue Code 0 All Sent ALL SENT (DO) In asynchronous modes, this bit is set when all characters have completely cleared the transmitter. Transitions of this bit do not cause interrupts. It is always set in synchronous modes. RESIDUE CODE a (0,) - RESIDUE CODE 2 (03) These three bits indicate the. length of the l-fie·1d in the.SOLC mode in those cases where the I-field is not an integral multiple of the character length used. Only on the transfer on which the END OF FRAME (SOLC) bit ·is set do these codes have meaning. For a receiver setting of eight bits per character, the codes signify the following: Residue Code 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Residue Code 1 Residue Code 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 I-Field In Previous Byte 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 I-Field In Second Previous Byte 3 4 5 6 7 B 8 8 I-field bits are right-justified in all cases. If a receive character length different from eight bits is used for the I-field, a table similar to the above may be constructed for each different character length. For no residue, i.e., the last character boundary coincides with the boundary of the I-Field and CRC Field, the Residue Code will always be: Residue Code 2 o Residue Code 1 Residue Code 0 289 PARITY ERROR (04) When'parity is enabled, this bit is set for those characters whose parity does not match the sense programmed. The bit is latched so that once an error occurs, the bit remains set until the ERROR RESET COMMAND, Command 6, is given. RECEIVER OVERRUN ERROR (05) This indicates that more than four characters have been received without a read from the CPU. Only the character that has been written over is flagged with this error, but when this character is read, the error condition is latched until reset by the ERROR RESET COMMAND, Command 6. If STATUS AFFECTS VECTOR bit is enabled, the character that has been overrun will interrupt with the SPECIAL RECEIVE CONDITION vector. CRC/FRAMING ERROR (06) If a framing error occurs (in asynchronous modes), this bit is set (and not latched) only for the character on which it occurred. Detection of a framing error adds an additional Y:. bit time to the character time so that the framing error will not also be interpreted as a new start bit. In synchronous modes, this bit indicates the result of comparing the CRC checker to the appropriate check value. END OF FRAME (SOLC) (07) In SDLC mode, this bit indicates that a valid ending flag has been received and that the CRC error and residue codes are valid. READ REGISTER 2 (Channel B Only) This register contains the interrupt vector as written into Write Register 2 if the STATUS AFFECTS VECTOR control bit is not set. If that control bit is set, it contains the interrupt vector as it would be returned were an interrupt from the SIO to be processed exactly at the time of the read. If no interrupts are pending, V3 = 0, V2 = 1, V 1 = 1 and other bits are as programmed. The register may be read only through Channel B. Os °7 v7 Vs °5 °4 v5 v4 v3 0, °2 °3 * * V2 v, °0 " Vo *V,. V2. and V3 are varible if STATUS AFFECTS VECTOR mode is enabled 4.5 Z80-810 COMMAND STRUCTURE OATABITS 101 rl 1 1 0 CRC 1 1 1 0 CRC 1 CM02 CM01 CMOO CRCO CM02 CM01 CMOO 1 0 1 Break/Abort Tx UNOERRUNI EOM 1 1 0 CRC1 CRCO 1 1 290 CRCO 1 0 0 Wait/ROY EN 1 End of Frame SOLC 0 0 0 0 TxBuffer EMPTY INT Pending (CH A Onlyl RxChar Avail CTS SYNC/HUNT OCO CM02 CM01 CMOO 0 0 1 RxINTmod~O Status Effects V (CH BOnlyl TxlNT EN EXT INT EN Res. Code 2 Res. Code 1 Res. Code 0 All Sent WaitFN/ROYFN Wait/ROYonRIT RxlNTMode 1 eRe FrameError 0 0 RxOVRN Error Parity Error 4.5 Z80-S10 COMMAND STRUCTURE (Cont'd.) CHB-ONLY n ~ 8 1 1 0 CRC 1 CRCO CMD 2 CMD 1 CMDO 0 1 0 1 1 0 V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 VO 1 0 1 V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 VO 1 1 0 CRC 1 CRC 0 CMD 2 CMD1 CMDO 0 1 1 1 1 0 RxBits/Char 1 RxBits/Char 0 Auto Enables EntetHuntMode RxCRC EN 1 1 0 CRC 1 CRC 0 CMD 2 CMD 1 CMDO AddrssSearchMd 1 SyncChar RxEN LD INH 0 0 - Sync Mode 1 Sync Mode 0 Stop Bits 1 Stop Bits 0 Parity Even/Odd Parity CRC 0 CMD 2 CMO 1 CMO 0 1 0 1 OTR TxBits/Char 1 TxBits/Char 0 Send BREAK TxEN SOLC/CRC 16 RTS TxCRC EN 0 CRC 1 CRC 0 CMO 2 CM01 CMOO 1 1 0 1 0 SYNC/SOLC 7 SYNC/SOLC 6 SYNC/SOLC 5 SYNC/SOLC 4 SYNC/SOLC 3 SYNC/SOLe 2 SYNC/SOLC 1 SYNC/SDLC 0 rl1 1 0 CRC 1 CRCO CM02 CMO 1 CMOO 1 1 1 1 1 0 SYNC/SOLC 10 SYNC/SOLC 9 SYNC/SOLC8 1 1 0 Clock Rate 1 ~1 1 0 CRC 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 8 Clock Rate 0 SYNC/SOLC 15 SYNC/SOLC 14 SYNC/SOLC 13 SYNC/SOLC 12 SYNC/SOLC 11 4.6 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE A typical start-up routine following an internal or external reset, would be as follows: B/A C/O RO 07 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 0 0 0 0 0 0 D1 1 V2 1 V1 Vo 0 0 V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 0 0 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 COMMENTS Pointer set to Register 2B Interrupt Vector loaded ~ointer set to Write Register 4B Even parity, 1 stop bit, X16 clock asynchronous mode selected Pointer set to Write Register 5B 7 bits/tr?nsmit character, transmitter Pointer set to Write Register 3B 7 bits/receive character, OCD and CTS enable Receiver and Transmitter, Receiver enabled Pointer set to Register 1 B Interrupt on every character, status affects Vector external/status interrupts enabled Channel B is now setup to send and receive asynchronous data. Setup for Channel A follows: a a 0 0 a a a 1 a a a a 1 0 a a a 0 Pointer set to Write Register 4A SDLC mode and XI clock selected, no parity 291 ------------- II Programming Example B/A C/D RD 0 D7 0 D6 1 D5 0 D4 0 D3 0 D2 1 D1 1 0 0 AD7 1 AD6 0 AD5 0 AD4 0 AD3 0 AD2 1 AD1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 D D 0 D D 0 COMMENTS Pointer set to Write Register 6A, Reset Receive CRC Checker ADO SD LC message address entered 1 Pointer set to Write Register 7A, Reset mit CRC generator 0 SDLC Flag entered Pointer set to Register 1 A Interrupt every character, status affects vector, external/status interrupts enabled Pointer set, to Write Register 5A, Reset External/Status Interrupts 0 SDLC CRC Code selected, 8 bits/transmit character, CRC and transmitter enabled Pointer set to Write Register 3A 8 bits/receive character, DCD and CTS enable receiver and transmitter, receiver is enabled, SIO searches for programmed address. DO 0 Channel A is now programmed for SDLC transfers. 0 0 0 292 0 0 D D D D D D D D 0 D D 0 D D 0 Address byte to be sent by Ch. A Address or control byte to be sent by Ch. A Reset Tx UNDERRUN/EOM pointer to register 0, so CRC can be auto· matically sent at end of message. 5.0 TIMING WAVEFORMS WRITE CYCLE Illustrated here is the timing associated with a data or control byte being written into the SIO. Z80 output instructions satisfy this timing. T1 T2 TW T3 T1

/ / \ Ml \ IORO RD -:.; lEI \: ( DATA· VECTOR ) RETURN FROM INTERRUPT CYCLE If a Z80 peripheral device has no interrupt pending and is not under service, then its I EO= I E I. If it has an interrupt under service (i.e. it has already interrupted and received an interrupt acknowledge) then its I EO is always low, inhibiting lower priority chips from interrupting. If it has an interrupt pending which has not yet been acknowledged, I EO will be low unless an "ED" is decoded as the first byte of a two byte opcode. In this case, lEO will go high until the next opcode byte is decoded, whereupon it will again go low. If the second byte of the opcode was a "40" then the opcode was an RETI instruction. After an "ED" opcode is decoded, only the peripheral device which has interrupted and is currently under service will have its I E I high and its I EO low. This device is the highest priority device in the daisy chain which has received an interrupt acknowledge. All other peripherals h,3ve IEI=IEO. If the next opcode byte decoded is "40", this peripheral device will reset its" interrupt under service" condition. Wait cycles are allowed in the M 1 cycles. \ RD / \'------/ '---I \'-----.oJ/ DO-D7'----------~~~----------------~~~--------~----------lEI lEO 294 - - - - - - - -,r-----------------------______ ...JI / 6.0 DAISY CHAIN INTERRUPT SERVICING The following illustration is a typical nested interrupt sequence which may occur in the SIO. In a system with several peripheral chips, the other chips may be included in the daisy chain with either higher or lower priority than the SIO channels. In this sequence, the transmitter of Channel B interrupts and is granted service. While it is being serviced, an external/status interrupt from Channel A occurs and is granted service. The service routine for the Channel A interrupt is completed and either the RETI instruction is executed or the RETI command is written into the SIO to indicated to Channel A that the external/status interrupt routine is complete. At this time, the service routine for the Channel B transmitter is resumed. When this routine is completed, another RETI instruction is executed to complete the service. CHANNELA RECEIVER CHANNELA CHANNELA TRANSMITTER EXTERNAL! STATUS CHANNELS RECEIVER CHANNELS CHANNELS TRANSMITTER EXTERNAL! STATUS 1. Priority Interrupt Daisy Chain before any interrupt occurs. UNDER SERVICE 2. Channel S's transmitter interrupts and is acknowledged. UNDER SERVICE SERVICE SUSPENDED 3. External/Status of Channel A interrupts suspending service of Channel S transmitter SERVICE COMPLETE SERVICE RESUMED 4. Channel A External/Status routine complete. RET! issued, Channel S transmitter service resumed. SERVICE COMPLETE 5. Channel B transmitter's service routine complete, second RETI issued. 295 296 7.0 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* PRELIMINARY Voltage on any pin relative to GND ................................ -a.3V to +7V Operating Temperature (Ambient) T A ................................ aoc to 7aoC Storage Temperature - Ceramic (Ambient) .........................-65°C to +15aoC Storage Temperature - Plastic (Ambient) .........................._55° C to +125°C Power Dissipation .................................................... 1.5W ""Comment Stresses above those Iisted under "Absolute Maximum Rating" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and fUnctional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicateq in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for e~ltended periods may affect device reliabil lty. 7.1 D.C. CHARACTER ISTICS TA = aoc to 7aoC, VCC = 5V ± 5% unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Min. VILC Clock Input Low Voltage VIHC VIL Clock Input High Voltage Typ. Max. Unit -0.3 .40 V Input Low Voltage VCC-·2 -0.3 VCC 0.8 V VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 VOL Output Low Voltage VCC 0.4 V IOL - 1.8 mA VOH Output High Voltage V VCC III Power Supply Current 140 mA IOH - 250JlA tc - 400 nsec Input Leakage Current 10 ILOH Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float 10 ILOL Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float -10 ILD Data Bus Leakage Current in Input Mode ±10 JlA JlA JlA JlA 2.4 Test Condition V V = 0 to VCC = 2.4 to VCC VOUT = O.4V VIN VOUT O during Read Cycle Data Setup Time to Rising Edge of . By using these timing diagrams, a set of equations can be derived to show the worst case access times needed for dynamic memories with the l80 operating at 2.5MHz. The access time needed for the op code fetch cycle and the memory read cycle can be computed by equations 1 and 2. tDL(D) = Data setup time to rising edge of clock during op code fetch cycle. let: tc = 400ns; tDL= 50ns (2) tACCESS MEMORY READ = 4(tc/2) .tDL(MR) ·tS(D) where: tc = Clock period tDL(D) OP CODE FETCH TIMING Figure la. T4 VALID REFRESH ADDRESS AO-A6 AO-A 15 iiiiEQ - f - - - -...... RFSH -r---~------~---; '---_____--"r RD -+-----,1 00-07 310 151 (Ol MEMORY READ TIMING Figure lb. 1------ 400ns Ie / AO-AI5 VALID MEMO RY ADDRESS AO-AI5 100 ns_ MREQ RO \ tOLT(MR) 1\ Isf 00-07 (0)_ 60ns - MEMORY WRITE TIMING Figure le. T2 AO-AI5 ADDRESS 90ns - - tDl T AO-AI5 (WR) tW(WRL) 200ns 'D(D) -360n5--_'" 00-07 DATA OUT 311 zao REFRESH CONTROL AND TIMING One of the most important features provided by the Z80 for interfacing to dynamic memories is the execution of a refresh cycle every time an op code fetch cycle is performed. By placing the refresh cycle in the op code fetch, the Z80 does not have to allocate time in the form of "wait states" or by "stretching" the clock to perform the refresh cycle. In other words, the refresh cycle is "totally transparent" to the CPU and does not decrease the system throughput (see Figure la). The refresh cycle is transparent to the CPU because, once the op code has been fetched from memory during states T 1 and T 2, the memory would normally be idle during states T 3 and T 4. Therefore, by placing the refresh in the T 3 and T 4 states of the op code fetch, no time is lost for refreshing dynamic memory. The critical timing parameters involving the Z80 and dynamic memories during the refresh cycle are: tw(MRH) and tw(MRL). The parameter known as tW(MRH) refers to the time that MREQ is high during the op code fetch between the fetch of the op code and the refresh cycle. This time is known as "precharge" for dynamic memories and is necessary to allow certain internal nodes of the RAM to be charged-up for another memory cycle. The equation for the minimum tW(MRH) time period is: (1) (2) (3) (4) Prolonged reset> 1ms Prolonged wait state operation> 1ms Prolonged bus acknowledge (OMA) > 1ms 8T28 A tW(MRH) of 160ns is more than adequate to meet the worst case precharge times for most dynamic RAMs. For example, the MK4027-4 and the MK4116-4 require a 120ns precharge.The other refresh cycle parameter of importance to dynamic RAMs is tw(MRL), (the time that MREQ is low during the refresh cycle). This time is important because MREQ is used to directly generate RAS. The equation for the minimum time period is: (4) where: let: then: tW(MRL)=t c -40 tc is the clock period tc = 400ns tw(MRL) = 360ns A 360ns tW( M R L) exceeds the 250ns min RAS time required for the MK4027-4 and the MK4116-4. By controlling the -refresh internally with the Z80, the designer must be aware of one limitation. The limitation is that to refresh memory properly, the Z80 CPU must be able to execute op codes since the refresh cycle occurs during the op code fetch. The following conditions cause the execution of op codes to be inhibited, and will destroy the contents of dynamic memory. 312 17ns 'ii'" '"~ ~ 8T28 SUPPORT CIRCUITS FOR DYNAMIC MEMORY INTERFACE Two support circuits are necessary to ensure reliable operation of dynamic memory with the Z80. The first of these circuits is an address latch shown in Figure 3. The latch is used to hold addresses Al Z" A15 while MREQ is active. This action is necessary because the Z80 does not ensure the validity of the address bus at the end of the op code fetch (see Figure 4). This action does not directly affect dynamic memories because they latch addresses internally. The problem comes from the address decoder which generates RAS. If the address lines which drive the decoder are allowed to change while MREQ is low, then a "glitch" can occur on the RAS line or lines (if more than one row of RAMs are used) which may have the effect of destroying one row of data. The second support circuit is used to generate a power on and short manual reset pulse. Recall from the discussion under Z80 Timing and Memory Con- ADDRESS LATCH Figure 3. 7475 AI2 10 IQ LI2 AI3 20 2Q AI3 AI4 3D 3Q AI4 AI5 40 4Q AI5 G G I I T RAS TIMING WITH AND WITHOUT ADDRESS LATCH Figure 4. \ OP CODE FETCH / \ VALID MEMORY ADDRESS RAS RAS REFRESH ADDRE.SS/ '-----_---I \ \ WITHOUT ADDRESS LATCH WITH ADDRESS LATCH VALID REFRESH ADDRESS ·u / \ \ / / 313 trol Signals that one of the conditions that will cause dynamic memory to be destroyed is a reset pulse of duration greater than 1ms. The circuit shown in Figure 5a can be used to generate a short reset pulse from either a push button or an external source. Additionally the manual reset is synchronized to the start of an M1 cycle so that the reset will not fall during the middle of a memory cycle. Along with the manual reset, the circuit will also generate a power on reset. If it is not necessary that the contents of the dynamic memory be preserved, then the reset circuit shown in Figure 5b may be used to generate a manual or power on reset. MANUAL AND POWER·ON RESET CIRCUIT +5 Figure 5a. +5 10K 10K IOOOpf 68 + ~f I. CPU RESET 10K 74132 7404 EXTERNAL 220 n >RESET:__~~~~"__' -__-Qrr>-____~ ~14 + 168~f +5 MANUAL AND POWER·ON RESET CIRCUIT Figure 5b. 10K ~ + 68~fl 10K EXTERNAL RESET 314 >____~------~2V2VO~--~~--_.--------J 74132 7404 CPU RESET ~c cEo m C(I) ~C5 !"z m X WR A1 AI A8 A2 AS A: AI j. 748157 IA I. 8 2A C 0 28 3A 38 4A 48 G S AO , ,6,J4 - AI A2 A3 M AS CSorA6 - .' " = - f-- f--- £M .AS J51J6 1 DIN ., ~ IA A. AI f8 2A 28 3A 38 +5V 4A A AI A ~--~ 4B ::- A I-I-- f-f-- = I-- f-f-f---- C:: C:: ~ ~ r-f-- - r- f--- = -f== - MK 4116-4 (8) -= :s:""C li I-- f-l- - - r m Z I-- - 0 - (I) - r (") r~ 8 f - i----BILS97 C S°,- m ~ L -= ~ AI AI3 AI AI I--- MK4027-4 .". AI I llf-)J -L 1 ):> I .117 AI I~ 2~ 3.12 ~~dEI JI5 9JI6 4~ ~~; J7 0 J9 0 .III o .......18 JIO ;:::'J12 AO .2 5 E2 6~ +5V~ E3 7 J24 L-J25 7404 '-1 7400 ....r----.. ~ -.::J 7432 ~~ -= MREQ +5V See Tables 1 and 2 for jumper options. o S 7404 CK 74374 CAl ..... U1 R'F'SH Rif T Q MUX :::t m OA TA 8l s 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 :s:):> -I n C j;; Gl JJ ):> :s: DESIGN EXAMPLES FOR INTERFACING THE Z80 TO DYNAMIC MEMORY To illustrate the interface between the Z80 and dynamic memory, two design examples are presented. Example number 1 is for a 4K/16Kx8 memory and the example number 2 is a 16K/64Kx8 memory. Design Example Number 1: 4K/16Kx8 Memory This design example describes a 4K/16Kx8 memory that is best suited for a small single board Z80 based microcomputer system. The memory devices used in the example are the MK4027 (4,096x1 MOS Dynamic RAM) and the MK4116 (16,384x1 MaS Dynamic RAM). A very important feature of this design is the ease in which the memory can be expanded from a 4Kx8 to a 16Kx8 memory. This is made possible by the use of jumper options which configure the memory for either the MK4027 or the MK4116. See Table 1 and 2 for jumper options. Figure 6 shows the schematic diagram for the 4K/16Kx8 memory. A timing diagram for the Z80 control signals and memory control signals is shown in Figure 7. The operation of the circuit may be described as follows: RAS is generated by NANDing MREQ with RFSH + ADDRESS DECODE. RFSH is generated directly from the Z80 while address decode comes from the 74LSI38 decoder. Address decode indicates that the address on the bus falls within the memory boundaries of the memory. If an op code fetch or memory read is being executed the 81 LS97 output buffer will be enabled at approximately the same time as RAS is generated for the memory array. The output buffer is enabled only DESIGN EXAMPLE NO.1 MEMORY TIMING Figure 7. MREQ_--~, MUX-------t--~ 52n5 CAS------+--, DATA BUS 316 during an op code fetch or memory read when ADDRESS DECODE, MREQ, and RD are all low. The switch multiplexer signal (MUX) is generated on the rising edge of after MR EQ has gone low during an op code fetch, memory read or memory write. After MUX is generated and the address multiplexers switch from the row address to column address, CAS will be generated. CAS comes from one of the outputs of the multiplexer and is delayed by two gate delays to ensure that the proper column address set-up time will be achieved. Once RAS and CAS have been generated for the memory array, the memory will then access the desired location for a read or write operation. 7404 7400 22ns} Generate RAS from MREQ 15ns 63ns RAS to rising edge of 10ns to MUX 7404 15ns) 22ns Generate CAS from MUX 7404 15ns tCAC 165ns CAS access time 81 LS97 22ns Output buffer delay 349ns Worst case access 74S74 74S157 The worst case access time required by the CPU for the op code fetch is 450ns (from equation 1); therefore, the circuit exceeds the required access time by 101 ns (worst case). The circuit shown in Figure 6 provides excellent performance when used as a small on board memory. The memory size should be held at eight devices because there is not sufficient timing margin to allow the interface circuit to drive a larger memory array. Design Example Number 2: 16Kx8 Memory This design example describes a 16K/64Kx8 memory which is best suited for a Z80 based microcomputer system where a large amount of RAM is desired. The memory devices used in this example are the same as for the first example, the MK4027 and the MK4116. Again as with the first example, the memory may be expanded from a 16Kx8 to a 64Kx8 by reconfiguring jumpers. See Table 3 and 4 for jumper options. Figure 8. shows the schematic diagram for the 16K/ 64K memory. A timing diagram is shown in Figure 9. The operation of the circuit can be described as follows: RAS is generated by NANDing MREQ with ADDRESS DECODE (from the two 74LS138s) + RFSH. Only one row of RAMs will receive a RAS during an op code fetch, memory read or memory write. However, a RAS will be generated for all rows within the array during a refresh cycle. MREQ is inverted and fed into a TTL compatible delay line to generate MUX and CAS. (This particular approach differs from the method used in example number 1 in that all memory timing is referenced to MREQ, whereas the circuit in example number 1 bases its memory timing from both MREQ and the clock. Both methods offer good results, however, the TTL delay line approach offers the best control over the memory timing.) MUX is generated 65ns later and is used to switch the 74157 multiplexers from the row to the column address. The 65ns delay was chosen to allow adequate margin for the row address hold time tRAH. At 110ns, CAS is generated from the delay line and NANDed with RFSH, which inhibits a CAS during refresh cycle. After CAS is applied to the memory, the desired location is then accessed. A worst case access timing analysis for the circuit shown in Figure 8 can be computed as follows: 74LS14 74LSOO delay line delay line 7400 tCAC 8833 "" 15ns 50ns } ""} 20ns 165ns 30ns Generate RAS from MREQ MUX from RAS CAS delay from MUX Access time from CAS Output buffer delay 347ns The required access time from the CPU is 450ns (from equation 1). This leaves 103ns of margin for additional CPU buffers on the control and address lines.This particular circuit offers excellent results for an application which requires a large amount of RAM memory. As mentioned earlier, the memory timing used in this example offers the best control over the memory timing and would be ideally suited for an application which required direct memory access (DMA). 4K x 8 CONFIGURATION(MK4027) JUMPER Table 1 Connect: J2 to J3 CONNECT: J13toJ14 J4 to J6 ADDRESS CONNECT J7 to J8 OOOO-OFFF J17toJ25 J9toJ10 1000-1FFF J18toJ25 Jl1toJ12 2000-2FFF J19 to J25 3000-3FFF J20 to J25 4000-4FFF J21 toJ25 500D-5FFF J22 to J25 6000-6FFF J23 to J25 7000-7FFF J24 to J25 16K x 8 CONFIGURATION (MK4116) JUMPER CONNECTIONS CONNECT: J14 toJ15 ADDRESS CONNECT J17toJ25 8000-8FFF J18 to J25 9000-9FFF AOOO-AFFF J19toJ25 BOOO-BFFF J20 to J25 J21 to J25 COOO-CFFF J22 to J25 DOOO-DFFF J23 to J25 EOOO-EFFF J24 to J25 FOOO-FFFF Table 2 CONNECT: J1 to J2 J4 to J5 J8 to J 11 J 10 to J13 J12 to J 16 J14 to J 16 ADDRESS CONNECT 0-3FFF 4000-7FFF 8000-BFFF COOO-FFFF J17 toJ25 J18toJ25 J19toJ25 J20 to J25 317 16K x 8 CONFIGURATION (MK4027) Table 3 CONNECT: J 1 to J3 J5 to J6 J7 to J8 J9toJl0 JlltoJ12 J13toJ14 ADDRESS: CONNECT: 0-3FFF J24 to J25 J26 to J27 J28 to J29 J30 to J31 ADDRESS: CONNECT: 4000-7FFF J16 to J17 J18 to J19 J20 to J21 J22 to J23 ADDRESS: CONNECT: 8000-BFFF J40 to J41 J42 to J43 J44 to J43 J46 to J47 ADDRESS: CONNECT: 64K x 8 CONFIGURATION(MK4116) Table 4 CONNECT: J1 to J2 J4 to J5 J8 to J 11 J1QtoJ13 J 12 to J 15 J14 to J15 ADDRESS: Q·FFFF CONNECT: J32 to J33 J34 to J35 J36 to J37 J38 to J39 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Table 5 The system characteristics for the preceeding design examples are shown in Table 5. EXAMPLE 2 # MEMORY CAPACITY MEMORY ACCESS POWER REQUIREMENTS 4K/16Kx8 349ns max. 16K/64Kx8 347ns max. +12V @ 0.0250 A max. +5V @ 0.422 A max.' -5V @ 0.030 A max. +12V @ 0.600 A max. +5V @ 0.550 A max. ' -5V @ 0.030 A max. 'All power requirements are max.; operating temperature O°C to 70°C ambient, max +12V current computed with Z80 executing continuous op code fetch cycles from RAM at 1.6 Jl s intervals. 318 COOO-FFFF J32 to J33 J34 to J35 J36 to J37 J38 to J39 DESIGN EXAMPLE NO.2 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM Figure 8. 74LSI4 R5 RFSH 74LSI4 MREQ RAS DID DOD D11 DOl D12 D02 013 D03 WRiTE WR MEMORY ARRAY 32 DEVICES 16k.8 (MK 4027-4) 64k ,8(MK4116-4) CAs AD AI A4 A2 A3 A5 OOVR RCV B 1 0 B 1 8833 0 B 1 0 1 014 D04 D15 005 DIG DOS DI7 D07 B DO DI D2 D3 B 04 B D5 8833 D6 D7 CS(A6) IY 2Y 3Y 4Y .------Ai2 ~~~~~L.-U,"'-r~L~ L~.~~L~~~L~.L,~~~M'''~ 74LSI4 AD A7 AI A8 A2 A9 A3 AID A4 All A5 AI2 AG AI3 AI4 AI5 FOR JUMPER OPTIONS SEE TABLES 3 AND 4 319 II DESIGN EXAMPLE NO.2 MEMORY TIMING Figure 9. ~----400ns----~ MREQ - - - - - _..... OP CODE FETCH 37ns RAS------------~~ 160 ns MUX------------4----~ 65 ns CAS---------+------~ ~ 195ns .. DATA BUS 3470s----1 PRINTED CIRCUIT LAYOUT One of the most important parts of a dynamic memory design is the printed circuit layout. Figure 10 illustrates a recommended layout for 32 devices. A very important factor in the P.C. layout is the power distribution. Proper power distribution on the VOO and VBB supply lines is necessary because of the transient current characteristics which dynamic memories exhibit. To achieve proper power distribution, VOO, VBB, VCC and ground should be laid out in a grid to help minimize the power distribution impedance. Along with good power distribution, adequate capacitive bypassing for each device in the memory array is necessary. I n addition to the individual by-passing capacitors, it is recommended that each supply (VBB, Vee and VOO) be bypassed with an electrolytic capacitor 20.uF. By using good power distribution techniques and using the recommended number of bypassing capacitors, the designer can minimize the amount of noise in the memory array. Other layout considerations 320 are the placement of signal lines. Lines such as address, chip select, column address strobe, and write should be bussed together as rows; then, bus all rows together at one end of the array. Interconnection between rows should be avoided. Row address strobe lines should be bussed together as al row, then connected to the appropriate RAS driver. TTL drivers for the memory array signals should be located as close as possible to the array to help minimize signal noise. For a large memory array such as the one shown in design example number 2, series terminating resistors should be used to minimize the amount of negative undershoot. These resistors should be used on the address lines, CAS and WRITE, and have values between 20 n to a 33 n . The layout for a 32 device array can be put in a 5" x 5" area on a two sided printed circuit board. SUGGESTED P. C. LAYOUT FOR MK4027 or MK4116 Figure 10. 321 4MHz Z80 DYNAMIC CONSIDERATIONS MEMORY INTERFACE A 4MHz Z80 is available for the microcomputer designer who needs higher system throughput. Considerations which must be faced by the designer when interfacing the 4MHz Z80 to dynamic memory are the need for memories with faster access times and for providing minimum RAM precharge time. The access times required for dynamic memory interfaced to a 4MHz Z80 can be computed from equations 1 and 2 under Z80 Timing and Memory Control Signals. Access time for op code fetch for 4MHz zao, let: tc = 250ns; tDLi (MR) = 75ns; tS (D) = 35ns then: tACCE55 OP CODE = 265ns Access time for memory read for 4MHz zao, let: tc = 250ns; tDL;f;(MR) = 75ns; t5¢ (D) = 50ns A tW(MRH) of 95ns will not meet the minimum precharge time of the MK4027-2 or MK4116-2 which is 100ns. The MK4027-3 and MK4116-3 require a 120ns precharge. Figure 11 shows a circuit that will lengthen the tW(MRH) pulse from 95ns to a minimum of 126ns while only inserting one gate deldY into the access timing chain. Figure 12 shows the timing for the circuit of Figure 11. The operation of the circuit in Figure 11 can be explained as follows: The D flip flops are held in a reset condition until MREO goes to its active state. After MREO goes active, on the next positive clock edge, the D input of U1 and U2 will be transferred to the outputs of the flip flops. Output OA will go high if M1 was high when clocked U 1. Output 08 will go low on the next positive going clock edge, which will cause the output of U3 to go low and force the output of U4, which is RAS, high. He flip flops will be reset when MREO goes inactive. then: tACCE55 MEMORY READ = 375ns The problem of faster access times can be solved by using 200ns memories such as the MK4027-3 or MK4116-3. Depending on the number of buffer delays in the system, the designer may have to use 150ns memories such as the MK4027-2 or MK4116-2. The most critical problem that exists when interfacing dynamic memory to the 4MHz Z80 is the RAM precharge time (trp). This parameter is called tW(MRH) on the Z80 and can be computed by the following equation. The circuit shown in Figure 11 will give a minimum of 126ns precharge for dynamic memories, with the Z80 operating at 4MHz. The 126ns tW(MRH) is computed as follows. 110ns 5ns 20ns -9ns 126ns (4) tW( R H) = tW(H) + tf-20ns let: tW(H) = 110ns; tf = 5ns then: tW(MRH) = 95ns tW( H) - clock pulse width high (min) tF - clock full time (min)/ tDLitMR) - MREQdeiay (min) 74574 delay (min) tW(MRH) modified (min) 4MHz Z80 PRECHARGE EXTENDER FOR DYNAMIC MEMORIES Figure 11. +5 MI +5 >---;D 5a~_a_A________~D 5 74574 aB MREa h----- ADDRESS DECODE 322 + RFSH RA5 TIMING DIAGRAM FOR 4MHz Z80 PRECHARGE EXTENDER Figure 12 MREQ ------+---.. QA --------~ 9ns QB -----------------------------1 APPENDIX passes, which will execute in less than 4 minutes for a 16Kx8 memory. If an error occurs, the program will store the pattern in location '2C'H and the address of the error at locations '2D'H and '2E'H. MEMORY TEST ROUTINE This section is intended to give the microcomputer designer a memory diagnostic suitable for testing memory systems such as the ones shown in Section VI. The routine is a modified address storage test with an incrementing pattern. A complete test requires 25610 LOC OBJ CJDE The program is set up to test memory starting at location '2F'H up to the end of the block of memory defined by the bytes located at 'OC'H and 'OD'H. The test may be set up to start at any location by modifying locations '03'H - '04'H and '11 'H - '12'H with the starting address that is desired. IIXRTS LISTING STMT SOURCE STATEMENT PAGE 0001 0001 ;TRANSLATED FROM DEC 1976 INTERFACE MAGAZINE 0002 ; 0003 ;THIS IS A MO~IFIED ADDRESS STORAGE TEST WITH AN 0004 ;INCREKENTI!G ?ATTERN 0005 , 0006 ;256 PASSZS MUST BE EXECUTED BEFORE THE MEMCRY IS 0007 ;COMPLETELY TESTED. 0008 ; 0009 ;IF AN ERROR OCCURS, THE PATTERN WILL BE STORED 0010 ;AT LOCATION '002C'H AND THE ADDRESS OF THE 0011 ;ERROR LOCATION WILL BE STORED AT '002D'H AND 0012 ; '002E'H. 0013 323 MEMORY TEST ROUTINE (Cont'd.) 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 ;THE CONTENTS OF LOCATIONS 'OOOC'H AND '001D'H ;SHOULD BE SELECTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING ;MEMORY SIZE TO BE TESTED , ;TOP OF MEMORY TO ;BE TESTED 0022 0000 0000 0600 0002 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 OOOA OOOB 0000 212FOO 70 AC A8 77 23 7C FE10 C20500 0010 0013 212FOO 7D AC A8 BE C22500 23 7C FE10 C21300 04 0014 0015 0016 0017 001A 001B 001C 001E 0021 LOC 0022 0025 0028 002B 002C 002D 002F 324 OBJ CODE C30200 222DOO 322COO 76 2FOO 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 , ;TEST TIME FOR A 16K X 8 MEMORY IS APPROX. 4 MIN ;LOAD LOOP: FILL: ;READ 0049 TEST: 0050 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 , 10' H '20'H '40 'H '80'H 'CO'H 'FF'H 4K 8K 16 K 32K 48K 64K ;THE PROGRAM IS SET UP TO START TESTING AT ;LOCATION '002F'H. THE STARTING ADDRESS FOR THE ;TEST CAN BE MODIFIED BY CHANGI~G LOCATIONS ;'0003-0004'H F.ND '0011-0012'H. 0048 0051 0052 0053 ORG OOOOH LD B,O ;CLEAR B PATRN MODIFIER UP MEMORY LD HL,START ;GET STF.RTING ADDt! A,l. ;LOII BYTE TO ACeI'! LD XOR ;XOR filTH HIGH 3ITE H ;XOR WITH PATTERN XOS B (HL) ,A LD ;STORE IN ADDR INC ;INCRBMENT ADDR HL A,H ;10AD HIGH BYTE OF ADDR 1D ;:;OMPARE "ITH STOP ADDR CP EPAGE NZ,FI1L ;NOT DONE,GO BACK JP AND CHECK TEST DATE HL,START ;GET STARTING ADDR LD '\,L LD ; LO.~D LOW BYTE XOR H ;XOR WITH HIGH BYTE ;XOR WITH MODIFIER XOR B ( HL) ;::OMPARE CP WITH MDIORY LOC ;ERROR EXIT NZ,FXIT JP ;UPDATE MEMORY ADDRESS INC HL ;LOAD HIGH BYTE A,H LD ;COMPARE WITH STOP ADDR EPAGE CP ;LOOP BACK NZ,TEST JP ; UPDATE MODIFIER INC B !'JXRTS LISTING STMT SOURCE STATEMENT 0059 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0068 0069 VALUE OF EPAGE JP ;ERROR EXIT HIT: LD LD HALT PATRN: DEFS BYTE: DEFS START: DEFli EPAGE: EQU END LOOP PAGE ; RST WITH NEW MODIFIER (BYTE), HL ;SAVE ERROP ADDRESS (PATEN),A ;SAVE BAD PATTERN ;FLAG OHRATOR 1 2 $ 10H 0002 ;SE! UP FOR 4K TEST 1979 MICROCOMPUTER DATA BOOK 325 326 MOSTEI(@ F8 MICROCOMPUTER DEVICES Single-Chip Microcomputer MK 3870 FEATURES SINGLE CHIP 3870 MICROCOMPUTER FAMI L Y o Software compatible with 3870/F8 family o 2048 X 8 mask programmable ROM o o I/O<=>E<=> <=> <=> MK3870 1/0 64 byte scratch pad RAM 32 bits (4 ports) TTL compatible I/O I nterval timer mode <=> I/O<=> 1/0 Pulse width measurement mode Event counter mode External interrupt a(:::::) MK3873 SERIAL 1/0 (:::::) 1/0 0110 1/00BOI/o MK3876 I/O 0 <=> 1/0 Crystal, LC, RC, or external time base Low power (275 mW typ.) 1/0 1/0°8°1/0 MK3872 1/00 <=:> 1/0 o Programmable binary timer o o o o 1/0 F8 FAMILY Single +5 volt ± 10% power supply o Pinout compatible with 3870 family P E GENERAL DESCRIPTION R I P H The MK3870 is a complete 8-bit microcomputer on a single MOS integrated circuit. The 3870 can execute the F8 instruction set of more than 70 commands, allowing expansion into multi-chip configurations with software compatibility. The device features 2048 bytes of ROM, 64 bytes of scratchpad RAM, a programmable binary timer, 32 bits of I/O, and a single +5 volt power supply requirement. Utilizing ion-implanted, N-channel silicon-gate technology and· advanced circuit design techniques, the single-chip 3870 offers maximum cost effectiveness in a wide range of control and logic replacement applications. FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION PO-0-PO-7, P1-0-P1-7, P4-0-P4-7, and P5-0-P5-7 are 32 lines which can be individually used as either TTL compatible inputs or as latch outputs. STROBE is a ready strobe associated with I/O Port 4. This pin which is normally high provides a single low pulse after valid data is present on the P4-0-P4-7 pins during an output instruction. E R A L S I/OW I/OW I/OW I/OW < I/OW PIN CONNECTIONS XTL1 • 1 40 '4------- Vee XTL2 .. 2 39 <1---- RESET PO-o . . . 3 PO-1 . . . 4 1'0-2" .. 5 PO-3" • 6 STROBE... 3 8 _ EXTINT 37 . . . . I'i:o 36 . . " Pf-l 35 .___ . . . PI-2 34 pj:3 7 P4-0 - - 8 P4-1"" 9 P4-2" .. 10 P4-3" • P4-4" • 11 12 l'4-5 .... 13 33 ...... ps-o 32 ..... P5-1 31 ..... P5-2 30 ..... i'!r.3 29 .. -- P5-4 28 _ .. i'5-5 PO-7" • 16 27 .... P5-6 26 . . . . P5-7 25 _ .. PI-7 PO-5" • 1B 23 . . . . P4-6" .. 14 P4-7" .. 15 24 . . . . GNO PHI Pr:!i 22 . . . . I'f-4 21.. TEST RESET may be used to externally reset the 3870. When pulled low the 3870 will reset. When then 327 PIN NAME DESCR IPTION TYPE PO-O - PO~7 I/O Port 0 Bidirectional I/O Port 1 I/O Port 4 I/O Port 5 Ready Strobe Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional Output Input Input Input Input Input P1-0 - P1-7 P4-0 - P4-7 P5-0 - P5-7 ---STROBE EXTINT RESET TEST XTL 1, XTL 2 VCC, GND External Interrupt External Reset Test Line Time Base Power Supply Lines allowed to go high the 3870 will begin program execution at program location H '000'. Counter is used to address instructions or immediate operands. P is used to save the contents of PO during an interrupt or subroutine call. Thus P contains the return address at which processing is to resume upon completion of the subroutine or the interrupt routine. The Data Counter (DC) is used to address data tables. This register is auto-incrementing. Of the two data counters only DC can access the ROM. However, the XDC instruction allows DC and DC1 to be exchanged. Associated with the address registers is an 11 bit Adder/lncrementer. This logic element is used to increment PO or DC when required and is also used to add displacements to PO on relative branches or to add the data bus contents to DC in the ADC (Add Data Counter) instruction. 2048 X 8 ROM EXT INT is the external interrupt input. Its active state is software programmable. This input is also used in conjunction with the timer for pulse width measurement and event counting. XTL 1 and XTL 2 are the time base inputs to which a crystal (1 to 4 MHz), LC network, RC network, or an external single-phase clock may be connected. The microcomputer program and data constants are stored in the program ROM. When a ROM access is required, the appropriate address register (PO or DC) is gated onto the ROM address bus and the ROM output is gated onto the main data bus. The first byte in the ROM is location zero. Scratch pad and IS TEST is an input, used only in testing the 3870. For normal circuit functionality this pin is left unconnected or may be grounded. VCC is the power supply input (+5V ± 10%). 3870 ARCHITECTURE This section describes the basic functional elements of the 3870 as shown in the block diagram of Figure 1. A programming model is shown in Figure 2. Main Control Logic The Instruction Register (IR) receives the operation code (OP code) of the instruction to be executed from the program ROM via the data bus. During all OP code fetches eight bits are latched into the I R. Some instructions are completely specified by the upper 4 bits of the OP code. In those instructions the lower 4 bits are an immediate register address or an immediate 4 bit operand. Once latched into the I R the main control logic decodes the instruction and provides the necessary control gating signals to all circuit elements. ROM Address Registers There are four 11 bit registers associated with the 2K x 8 ROM. These are the Program Counter (PO), the Stack Register (P), the Data Counter (DC) and the Auxiliary Data Counter (DC1). The Program 328 The scratch pad provides 64 8-bit registers which may be used as general purpose RAM memory. The Indirect Scratchpad Address Register (IS) is a 6 bit register used to address the 64 registers. All 64 registers may be accessed using IS. In addition the lower order 12 registers may also be directly addressed. IS can be visualized as holding two octal digits. This division of IS is important since a number of instructions increment or decrement only the least significant 3 bits of IS when referencing scratch pad bytes via IS. This makes it easy to reference a buffer consisting of contiguous scratchpad bytes. For example, when the low order octal digit is incremented or decremented IS is incremented from octal 27 (0 '27') to '20) or is decremented from 0 '20' to 0 '27'. This feature of the IS is very useful in many program sequences. All six bits of IS may be loaded at one time or either half may be loaded independently. o Scratch pad registers 9 through 15 (decimal) are given mnemonic names (J, H, K, and Q) because of special linkages between these registers and other registers such as the Stack Register. These special linkages facilitate the implementation of multi-level interrupts and subroutine nesting. For example, the instruction LR K,P stores the lower eight bits of the Stack Register into register 13 (K lower or KL) and stores the upper three bits of P into register 12 (K upper or KU). Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) After receiving commands from the main control logic, the ALU performs the required arithmetic or logic operations (using the data presented on the two input busses) and provides the result on the result bus. The arithmetic operations that can be performed in the ALU are binary add, decimal adjust, add with carry, decrement, and increment. The logic operations that can be performed are AND, OR, EXCLUSIVE OR, 1's complement, shift right, and shift left. Besides providing the result on the result bus, the ALU also provides four signals representing the status of the result. These signals, stored in the Status Register (W), represent CARRY, OVERFLOW, SIGN, and ZERO condition of the result of the operation. 3 o 2 _BIT NO. STATUS REGISTER (W) SIGN CARRY ZERO OVERFLOW INTERRUPT CONTROL BIT Summary of Status Bits Accumulator(A) OVERFLOW = CARRY 7\i)CARRY 6 The Accumulator (A) is the principal register for data manipulation within the 3870. The A serves as one input to the ALU for arithmetic or logical operations. The result of ALU operations are stored in the A. ZERO ALU7 AALU6 A ALU5 A ALU4 /\ ALU3 A ALU2 A ALUl /\ ALUO CARRY CARRY7 SIGN ALU7 MK3870 BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 1 XTL1 EXTINT XTL2 ~ MEMORY ADDRESS BUS : 2048 X 8 ~':. ROM MEMORY ADDRESS M A I N PO;P DC, DCl M E M MAIN R CONTROL o Y LOGIC ~<;.: ~L;,::.::;,: .\'.' TEST RESULT BUS 1/0 I/o I/O I/O 329 II 3870 PROGRAMMABLE REGISTERS, PORTS AND MEMORY MAP Figure 2 INDIRECT SCRATCHPAD ADDRESS REGISTER ACCUMULATOR J A I I ISL 32 0 PROGRAM COUNTER (W) 1~IOlzlclSI z I 0 N T R V E A I ERR G R 0 R N C S C F .. Y 0 O{ ~ STACK REGISTER .. I .. 0 11 bits 0 0 1 0 J 9 9 11 HU 10 A 12 HL 11 B 13 KU 12 C 14 KL 13 o 15 OU 14 E 16 OL 15 F 17 ill 3D 75 62 3E 76 63 3F 77 § PL 87 7_8bits_0 PORT 7 DATA COUNTER 7_8bits_0 I INTERRUPT CONTROL PORT MAIN MEMORY MEMORY DC DCU .. 10 I 0 ~ PORT 6 7_8bits_0 R 0 M AUX DATA COUNTER DCl I/O PORTS PORT 5 PORT4 PORT 1 PORTO 330 DCI U . 10 I ~ DCL 87 11 bits DCI L 87 11 bits OCl I P PU 10 BINARY TIMER K{ POL 87 11 bits 10 N L T 0 R W L 4 _ 5bits_0 H{ PO POU HEX I -6bits- STATUS REGISTER DEC ~ IS ISU 5 7-8bits-0 SCRATCHPAD 0 ~ ~ DEC HEX 0 0 2046 7FE 2047 7FF The Status Register(W) Interrupt Control Port (Port 6) The Status Register (also called the W register) holds five status flags as follows: Bit 0 - External Interrupt Enable Bit 1 - Timer Interrupt Enable Bit 2 - EXT INT Active Level Bit 3 - Start/Stop Timer Bit 4 - Pulse Width/Interval Timer Bit 5 - 7 2 Prescale Bit 6 - 7 5 Prescale Bit 7 - 7 20 Prescale Interrupt Control Bit (ICB) The ICB may be used to allow or disallow interrupts in the 3870. This bit is not the same as the two interrupt enable bits in the Interrupt Control Port (ICP). If the ICB is set and the 3870 interrupt logic communicates an interrupt request to the CPU section, the interrupt will be acknowledged and processed upon completion of the first non-privileged instruction. If the ICB is cleared an interrupt request will not be acknowledged or processed until the ICB is set. I/O Ports The 3870 provides four complete bidirectional Input/Output ports. These are ports 0, 1, 4, and 5. In addition, the Interrupt Control Port is addressed as port 6 and the binary timer is addressed as port 7. An output instruction (OUT or OUTS) causes the contents of A to be latched into the addressed port. An input instruction (I N or I NS) transfers the contents of the port to A (port 6 is an exception which is described later). The schematic of an I/O pin and available output drive options are shown in Figure 3. An output ready strobe is associated with port 4. This flag may be used to signal a peripheral device that the 3870 has just completed an output of new data to port 4. The strobe provides a single low pulse shortly after the output operation is completely finished, so either edge may be used to signal the peripheral. STROBE may also be used as an input strobe simply by doing a dummy output of H '00' strobe to port 4 after completing the input operation. Timer and Interrupt Control Port The Timer is an 8-bit binary down counter wh ich is software programmable to operate in one of three modes: the Interval Timer Mode, the Pulse Width Measurement Mode, or the Event Counter Mode. As shown in Figure 4, associated with the Timer are an 8-bit register called the Interrupt Control Port, a programmable prescaler, and an 8-bit modulo-N register. A functional logic diagram is shown in Figure 5. The desired timer mode, prescale value, starting and stopping the timer, active level of the EXT INT pin, and local enabling or disabling of interrupts are selected by outputting the proper bit configuration from the Accumulator to the Interrupt Control Port (port 6) with an OUT or OUTS instruction. Bits within the Interrupt Control Port are defined as follows: A special situation exists when reading the Interrupt Control Port (with an I N or I NS instruction). The Accumulator is llill loaded with the content of the ICP; instead, Accumulator bits 0 through 6 are loaded with O's while bit 7 is loaded with the logic level being applied to the EXT I NT pin, thus allowing the status of EXT I NT to be determined without the necessity of servicing an external interrupt request. When reading the Interrupt Control Port (Port 6) bit 7 of the Accumulator is loaded with the actual logic level being applied to the EXT INT pin, regardless of the status of I CP bit 2 (the EXT I NT Active Level bit); that is, if EXT I NT is at +5V bit 7 of the Accumulator is set to a logic 1, but if EXT INT is at GND then Accumulator bit 7 is reset to logic O. This capability is useful in establishing a high speed polled handshake procedure or for using EXT I NT as an extra input pin if external interrupts are not required and the Timer is used only in the Interval Timer Mode. However, if it is desirable to read the contents of the ICP then one of the 64 scratch pad registers or one byte of RAM may be used to save a copy of whatever is written to the ICP. The rate at which the timer is clocked in the Interval Timer Mode is determined by the frequency of an internal

G) MODULO-N REGISTER :Il » s 8-bits INT CO PO (po I WPT OL Event Counter Mode 2 Prescale +20 ~5 7 6 0 ,2 -5 0 ~ 0 0 0 1 5 Prescale ~ 0 1 0 10 Prescale ~ 0 1 ~ 20 Prescale ~ 0 0 40 Prescale 100 Prescale ~ 0 1 200 Prescale ~ ~ 0 4 _---- __J .3 2 L: 0 Bit No. Ext"'" 'ot"'Ppt E"b'e Timer Interrupt Enable ~ EXT INT Active Level • Start/Stop Timer Pulse Width/Interval Timer Note: See Fiqure 5for a more detailed functional diagram. w w w EXTERNAL INTERRUPT REQUEST LATCH FROM w INTERRUPT CONTROL .s w PORT ::!!3: ~ .,..w co CO u. ...... 83 82 I B4 85 86 C SO lSI 87 .... 'INS 7' 3: m ~ :xl ::: ....zm :xl :xl - ~ C TIMER INTERRUPT* *LOADS INTERRUPT VECTOR ~~Oi~~ U~~~~O~6~TION PRIVILEGED ~ ." INSTRUCTION. C Z (") ::! o Z ~ • III C ~f~~RWLEDGE INTERRUPT » I' o ~ :xl » 3: 'I', PULSE WIDTH MODE 'I'SELECTS JL EXTERNAL INTERRUPT INPUT JL EXTERNAL INTERRUPT t t LOADS INTERRUPT VECTOR H 'OAO' UPON COMPLETION OF THE FIRST NONPRIVILEGED INSTRUCTION IDII ~ ___________________________________________CC ACKNOWLEDGE ~~i~~~~~T clear any previously stored timer interrupt request. As previously noted, the Timer is an 8-bit down counter which is clocked by the prescaler in the Interval Timer Mode and in the Pulse Width Measurement Mode. The prescaler is not used in the Event Counter Mode. The Modulo-N register is a buffer whose function is to save the value which was most recently outputted to Port 7. The modulo-N register is used in all three timer modes. Interval Timer Mode When ICP bit 4 is cleared (logic 0) and at least one prescale bit is set the Timer operates in the Interval Timer Mode. When bit 3 of the ICP is set the Timer will start counting down from the modulo-N value. After counting down to H'01', the Timer returns to the modulo-N value at the next count. On the transition from H'01' to H 'N' the Timer sets a timer interrupt request latch. Note that the interrupt request latch is set by the transition to H 'N' and not be the presence of H 'N' in the Timer, thus allowing a full 256 counts if the modulo-N register is preset to H '00'., If bit 1 of the ICP is set, the interrupt request is passed on to the CPU section of the 3870. However, if bit 1 of the ICP is a logic 0 the interrupt request is not passed on to the CPU section but the interrupt request latch remains set. If ICP bit 1 is subsequently set, the interrupt request will then be passed on to the CPU section. (Recall from the discussion of the Status Register's Interrupt Control Bit that the interrupt request will be ackoowledged by the CPU section only if ICB is set). Only two events can reset the timer interrupt request latch; when the timer interrupt request latch is acknowledged by the CPU section, or when a new load of the modulo-N register is performed. Consider an example in which the modulo-N register is loaded with H '64' (decimal 100). The timer interrupt request latch will be set at the 100th count following the timer start and the timer interrupt request latch will repeatedly be set on precise 100 count intervals. If the prescaler is set at -;-40 the timer interrupt request latch will be set every 4000 clock (4MHz time base frequency) this will produce 2 millisecond intervals. The range of possible intervals is from 2 to 51,200 cJ> clock periods (1~s to 25.6ms for a 2MHzcJ> clock). However, approximately 50 cJ> periods is a practical minimum because the time between setting the interrupt request latch and the execution of the first instruction of the interrupt service routine is at least 29 cJ> periods (the response time is dependent upon how many privileged instructions are encountered when the request occurs); 29 is based on the timer interrupt occuring at the beginning of a non-priviledged short instruction. To establish time intervals greater than 51,200 'I> clock periods is a simple matter of using the timer interrupt service routine to count the number of interrupts, saving the result in one or more of the scratch pad registers until the desired interval is achieved. With this technique virtually any time interval, or several time intervals, may be generated. The Timer may be read at any time and in any mode using an input instruction (IN 7 or INS 7) and may take place "on the fly" without interfering with normal timer operation. Also, the Timer may be stopped at any time by clearing bit 3 of the ICP. The Timer will hold its current contents indefinitely and will resume counting when bit 3 is again set. Recall however that the prescaler is reset whenever the Timer is stopped; thus a series of starting and stopping will result in a cumulative truncation error. A summary of other timer errors is given in the timing section of this specification. For a free running timer in the Interval Timer Mode the time interval between any two interrupt requests may be in error by ± 6 cJ> clock periods although the cumulative error over many intervals is zero. The prescaler and Timer generate precise intervals for setting the timer interrupt request latch but the time out may occur at any time withi n a machine cycle. (There are two types of machine cycles; short cycles which consist of 4 cJ> clock periods and long cycles wh ich consist of 6 cJ> clock periods. In the mUlti-chip F8 family there is a signal called the WRITE clock which corresponds to a machine cycle). Interrupt requests are synchronized with the internal WRITE clock thus giving rise to the possible ± 6 cJ> error. Additional errors may arise due to the interrupt request occuring while a privileged instruction or multicycle instruction is being executed. Nevertheless, for most applications all of the above errors are negligible, especially if the desired time interval is greater than 1 ms. Pulse Width Measurement Mode When ICP bit 4 is set (logic 1) and at least one prescale bit is set the Timer operates in the Pulse Width Measurement Mode. This mode is used for accurately measuring the duration of a pulse applied to the EXT INT pin. The Timer is stopped and the prescaler is reset whenever EXT I NT is at its inactive level. The active level of EXT I NT is defined by ICP bit 2; if cleared, EXT INT is active low; if set, EXT INT is active high. If ICP bit 3 is set, the prescaler and Timer will start counting when EXT INT transitions to the active level. When EXT INT returns to the inactive level the Timer then stops, the prescaler resets, and if lCf l2l1 Q is set an external interrupt request latch is set. (Unlike timer interrupts, external interrupts are not latched if the ICP Interrupt Enable bit is not set). 335 As in the Interval Timer Mode, the Timer may be read at any time, may be stopped at any time by clearing ICP bit 3, the prescaler and ICP bit 1 function as previously described, and the :imer still functions as an 8-bit binary down counter with the timer interrupt request latch being set on the Timer's transition from H '01' to H 'N'. Note that the EXT INT pin has nothing to do with loading the Timer; its action is that of automatically starting and stopping the Timer and of generating external interrupts. Pulse widths longer than the prescale value times the modulo-N value are easily measured by using the timer interrupt service routine to store the number of timer interrupts in one or more scratch pad registers. As for accuracy, the actual pulse duration is typically slightly longer than the measured value because the status of the prescaler is not readable and is reset when the Timer is stopped. Thus for maximum accuracy it is advisable to use a small division setting for the prescaler. Event Counter Mode II .. When ICP bit 4 is cleared and all prescale bits (I CP bits 5, 6, and 7) are cleared the Timer operates in the Event Counter Mode. This mode is used for counting pulses applied to the EXT INT pin. If ICP bit 3 is set the Timer will decrement on each transition from the inactive level to the active level of the EXT I NT pin. The prescaler is not used in this mode; but as in the other two timer modes, the Timer may be read at any time, may be stopped at any time by clearing ICP bit 3, ICP bit 1 functions previously described, and the timer interrupt request latch is set on the Timer's transition from H '01' to H 'N'. Normally ICP bit 0 should be kept cleared in the Event Counter Mode; otherwise, external interrupts will be generated on the transition from the inactive level to the active level of the EXT INT pin. For the Event Counter Mode the width required on EXT INT is 2 and the minimum inactive time is 2 therefore, the maximum repetition minimum pulse

clock periods) in all cases except where B is the Decrement Scratchpad instruction, in which case the freeze cycle is a long cycle (6 clock periods). I NT R EO goes low on the next negative edge of WRITE if both PRI IN is low and the appropriate interrupt enable bit of the I nterrupt Control Part is set. Both INT REO and WRITE are internal signals. Event C A NO-OP long cycle to allow time for the internal priority chain to settle. Event D The program counter (PO) is pushed to the stack register (P) in order to save the return address. The interrupt circuitry places the lower 8 bits of the interrupt vector address onto the data bus. This is always a long cycle. Event E A long cycle in which the interrupt circuitry places the upper 8 bits of the interrupt vector address onto the data bus. A short cycle in which the interrupting interrupt request latch is cleared. Also, the CPU's Interrupt Control Bit is cleared, thus disabling interrupts until an EI instruction is performed. The fetch of the next instruction from the interrupt address. Event G Begin execution of the first instruction of the interrupt service routine. Summary Of Interrupt Sequence For the MK3870 the interrupt response time is defined as the time elapsed between the occurence of EXT I NT going active (or the Timer transitioning to H'N') and the beginning of execution of the first instruction of the interrupt service routine. The interrupt response time is a variable depedent upon what the microprocessor is doing when the interrupt request occurs. As shown in Figure 5, the minimum interrupt response time is 3 long cycles plus 2 short cycles plus one WR ITE clock pulse width plus a setup time of EXT I NT prior to the leading edge of the WR ITE pulse - a total of 27 clock periods plus the setup time. At a 2 MHz this is 14.25 /-lS. Although the maximum could theoretically be infinite, a practical maximum is 35 /-lS (based on the interrupt request occurring near the beginning of a PI and LR K, P sequence). Power-On Clear The intent of the Power-an-Reset circuitry on the 3870 is to automatically reset the device following a typical power-up situation, thus saving external reset circuitry in many applications. This circuitry is not guaranteed to sense a "Brown Out" (low voltage) condition nor is it guaranteed to operate under all possible power-on situations. Three conditions are required before the 3870 will leave the reset state and begin operation. Refer to Figure 7 as an aid to the following descriptions. The On-Chip Vcc detector senses a minimum value of Vcc before it will allow the 3870 to operate. The threshold of this detector is set by analog circuitry because a stable voltage reference is not available with n-channel MaS processing. Processing variations will cause this threshold to vary from a low of 3.0 volts to a high of 4.3 volts with 3.5 volts .being typical. 337 The 3870 uses a substrate bias as a technique to provide improved performance verses power consumption relative to conventional grounded substrate approaches. This bias generator may start operating as low as Vcc = 3 volts on some devices while others may require Vcc = 4 volts in order to get adequate substrate bias. Until the substrate reaches the proper bias, the 3870 will not be released from the reset state. The final condition required is that the clocks of the 3870 must be functioning. Typically the clocks will start to function at Vcc equal to 3 to 3.5 volts but since the part is tested at 4.5 volts MOSTEK cannot guarantee any operation below 4.5 volts. The output of the delay circuit in Figure 7 will stay low until the clocks start to function. If the input to the delay circuit is high, typically after 100 cycles of the WR ITE clock (800 cycles of the external clock) the output of the delay circuit will go high allowing the 3870 to begin execution. If Vcc falls to ground for at least a few hundred nanoseconds the output of the delay circuit will go low immediately and the 3870 will reset. The internal logic may detect a valid Vcc, bias and clocks at Vcc = 3.5 volts and allow the 3870 to start executing after the time delay. With a slowly rising power supply the part may start running before Vcc is above 4.5 volts which is below the guaranteed voltage range. When power-on-clear is required with a slowly rising power supply, an external capacitor must be used on the RESET pin to hold it below 0.8 volts until Vcc is stable above 4.5 volts. (Note: The option to disconnect the internal pull-up resistor on RESET is available which allows the use of a larger external pull-up resistor and a small capacitor on RESET.) In many applications, it is desirable if the unit does an automatic power-on-clear, but not mandatory. The unit will have a RESET push button and if the unit does not power-up correctly or malfuctions because of some disturbance on the Vcc line, the operator will simply press RESET and restore normal operation. It is for these applications that the internal power-onclear circuitry was designed. In some applications it is required that the microcomputer continue to run properly without operator intervention after brown-outs, power line disturbances, electrical noise, computer malfunction due to a programming bug or any other disturbance except a catastrophic failure of some component. Once concept used to keep computers running is that of the "WATCHDOG TIMER". The computer is programmed to periodically reset the watchdog timer during the normal execution of its program (this is easily done in the 3870 as its normal application is in 338 some control function which is typically periodic). As long as the computer continues to execute its program the watchdog timer is continually reset and never times out. Should the computer stop executing its program for whatever reason, the watchdog timer will time out producing a RESET pulse to the CPU re-starting execution. This is a very positive way to assure that the computer is doing its job, i.e., executing the program. It is important that the software driving the watchdog timer test as many functional blocks (timer, ALU, scratchpad RAM, and Ports) of the 3870 as possible before reseting the watchdog timer. This is because operation of the 3870 with an out of spec power supply may allow some of the functions to operate correctly while other functions are not operable. MOSTEK can guarantee co~rect operation of the 3870 only while the Vcc voltage remains within its specified limits. If proper ?~eration of the 3870 must be guaranteed after a disturbance on the Vcc line, then an external circuit must be used to monitor the Vcc line and produce a "F'fESEf" to the 3870 whenever Vcc is out of the specified limits. A related characteristic to power-on-clear is the Startup time of the basic timing element. The LC, and RC, oscillators begin to function almost immediately once Vcc is high enough to allow the onboard oscillator to operate (Vcc = 3.5). Operation with a crystal is partly mechanical and some start time is required to get the mass of the crystal into vibrational motion. This time is basically dependent on the frequency (mass) of the crystal. 4 MHz crystals typically require about 2-3 mSec to start while 1 MHz crystals require 60-70 mSec to start oscillating. Of course, this time may vary greatly from crystal to crystal and is also a function of the power supply rise time characteristic, however, the high frequency crystals start faster and are definately recommended (i.e., 3-4 MHz). The condition of the port pins during the power-onclear sequence is often asked. The port pins or the STROBE line cannot be specified until Vcc reaches 4.5V and the 3870 enters the RESET state. Before this, the port pins may stay at Vss, may track Vcc as it rises, or they may track Vcc part way up then return to Vss (Ports 4 & 5 will go to Vcc once the clocks are running and the 3870 has sufficient Vcc to properly operate the internal control logic and I/O ports). External Reset When RESET is taken low the content of the Program Counter is pushed to the Stack Register and then the Program Counter and the ICB bit of the W Status Register are cleared. The original Stack Register content is lost. Ports 4, 5, 6 and 7 are loaded INTERRUPT SEQUENCE Figure 6 FREEZE CYCLE ,---J"-., I--I~- - B - - - + t - - I - o - - C + O + E - j - F - r G WRITE EXT INT OR ~1-lA 1-1 I I TIMER INTERRUPT INT REQ (INTERNAL) iff---I I .- - - - -iJ- .J I I [,; ---l POWER ON CLEAR BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 7 SCHMITT TRIGGER WRITE WRITE FORCE RESET WRITE TO INTERNAL 3870 LOGIC RESET STATE=1 339 with H '00'. The contents of all other registers and ports are unchanged or undefined. When RESET is taken high the first program instruction is fetched from ROM location WOOO'. When an external reset of the 3870 occurs, PO is pushed into P and the old contents of P are lost. It must be noted that an external reset is recognized at the start of a machine cycle and not necessarily at the end of an instruction. Thus if the 3870 is executing a multicycle instruction, that instruction is not completed and the contents of P upon reset may not necessarily be the address of the instruction that would have been executed next. It may, for example, point to an immediate operand if the reset occurred during the second cycle of a LI or CI instruction. Additionally, several instructions (JMP, PI, PK, LR PO, 0) as well as the interrupt acknowledge sequence modify PO in parts. That is, they alter PO by first loading one part then the other and the entire operation takes more than one cycle. Should reset occur during this modification process the value pushed into P will be part of the old PO (the as yet unmodified part) and part of the new PO (already modified part). Thus care should be taken (perhaps by external gating) to insure that reset does not occur at an undesirable time if any significance is to be given to the contents of P after a reset occu rs. program ROM is prevented from driving the data bus. In this mode operands and instructions may be forced externally through port 5 instead of being accessed from the program ROM. When TEST is in either the TTL state or the high state, STROBE ceases its normal function and becomes a machine cycle clock (identical to the F8 multi-chip system WR ITE clock except inverted). Timing complexities render the capabilities associated with the TEST pin impractical for use in a user's application, but these capabilities are thoroughly sufficient to provide a rapid method for thoroughly testing the 3870. 3870 Clocks The time base for the 3870 may originate from one of four sources. The four configurations are shown in Figure 8. There is an internal 26pF capacitor between XTL 1 and GND and an internal 26pF capacitor between XTL 2 and G N D. Thus external capacitors are not neccesarily required. In all external clock modes the external time base frequently is divided by two to form the internal q, clock. Crystal Selection Vcc Decoupling The 3870 family devices have dynamic circuitry internally which requires a good high frequency decoupling capacitor to surpress noise on the Vcc line. A .01 J.lF or .1 J.lF ceramic capacitor should be placed between Vcc and ground, located physically close to the 3870 device. This will reduce noise generated by the 3870 to about 70-100mVolts on the Vcc line. The use of a crystal as the time base is highly recommended as the frequency stability and reproducability from system to system is unsurpassed. The 3870 has an internal divide by two to allow the user of inexpensive and widely available TV Color Burst Crystals (3.58MHz). The following crystal parameters and vendors are suggested for 3870 applications: Parameters Test Logic Special test logic is implemented to allow access to the internal main data bus for test purposes. In normal operation the TEST pin is unconnected or is connected to GND. When TEST is placed at a TTL level (2.0V to 2.6V) port 4 becomes an output of the internal data bus and port 5 becomes a wired-OR input to the internal data bus. The data appearing on the port 4 pins is logically true whereas input data forced on port 5 must be logically false. When TEST is placed at a high level (6.0V to 7.0Vl. the ports act as above and additionally the 2K x 8 a) Parallel Resonance, Fundamental Mode AT-CUT b) Frequency Tolerance measured with 18pF load (0.1% accuracy). Drive level10mW. c) Shunt Capacitance (Co) = 7pF max. d) Series Resistance (Rs) f f f f f = 1MHz = 2MHz = 3M Hz = 3.58MHz = 4MHz Rs = 550 ohms max. Rs = 300 ohms max. Rs = 150 ohms max. * Rs = 150 ohms max. Rs = 150 ohms max. Holder HC-6 HC-33 HC-6 HC-18 HC-25 HC-33 *HC-18 or HC-25 may not be available at 3MHz. 340 CLOCK CONFIGURATION Figure 8 VCC RC Mode ~ E2JR ~ - Cextemal --:-- (optional I ± 2.6pF C = 26.5 pF External Mode Crystal Mode Open External Clock ATCutl-4MHz + Cextemal FREOUENCY VRS RC LC Mode XTL 1 I\. XTL 2 L 3~rt~-+~~.r~~-~~~r+4-~4-~~~~ '" ~--1~-- ~ Cexternal (optional) MHz Minimum L = 0.1 mH Minimum Q = 40 1 MAXIMUM (4.5. 5.5V, O°C .70'C))Y''-t--¥H-++- I/ - + + - H I- TYPICAL ITYP'IClL ~N'IT In ~C~ ~ 5J. T~ =' 25'C)i';:'--I--7H HH-++-I-+ I I I Maximum Cexternal = 30pF -+-+-+-I--I--++- MINIMjUM 14.5V ·5.5V, O°C· 70°C),/ I'll I I I I I ' I I ' I C = 13pF ± 1.3pF + Cexternal IR) ICINTERNAL + CEXTERNALl UNIT TO UNIT VARIATION VARIATION FROM = ± 12% 4.5 to 5.5V REFERENCED TO 5V = +7% A% VARIATION FROM O"C TO 70°C REFERENCED TO 25°C = +6% ·9% TOTAL VARIATION NOT CONSIDERING VARIATION IN EXTERNAL COMPONENTS = ± 25% Suggested Crystal Vendors a) Electro·Dynamics 5625 Foxridge Drive Mission, Kansas 66201 913·262·2500 b) CRYSTEK 1000 Crystal Drive Ft. Myers, Florida 33901 813·936·2109 c) W.T. Liggett Corp. 1500 Worcester Rd. Section 30 Framingham, MA 01701 617·620·1150 e) Electronic Crystals Corp. 1153 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, Kansas 66103 913·262-1274 d) Erie Frequency Control 453 Lincoln Street Carlisle, Penn 17013 717·249-2232 f) M-TRON Industries P.O. Box 630 100 Pouglas Avenue Yankton, South Dakota 605-665-9321 341 w .j::Io N ::!'!s co " ~ W co 00 CC'-.j o OUTS r-----------------------~·~IADC "'C 7 ::0 oG') INS"? ::0 ) I i " "ILNK ~ OUTS 6 w S " INS 6 z G') S o PO) OU TS INS*0,1,4,5 LISU ~ SCRATCHPAD REGISTERS a AS NS XS --, 0 C II Ie. 1', ,011... 1+- -LR PORTS (4 ) INVERTING ASD LR o I/O -{>o- ROM MEM 2048 x 8 0,1,4,5 ACCUMULATOR I~ :;("~ .. I T." ",,~(PO * COM I C r, I~-±---+-- 05* 5L I SL4 5 RI SR4 ROM MEM FROM 76 I~ TIMERI The value of the exterrliJl Interrupt mput IS loaded to Bit 7 of the ilCClJmulLltor (with Bits 0 through 6 loaded with leros) when the instruction 'INS 6' IS executed. This InStfuctlon <.llso sets Sfi.ltuS. H'OAO' RESET Reset T r ilnsfers PO to P and II PO, P, DC, and DCl are 12 bit regISters then clears PO, ICB Bit of W, f EXTERNAL eM* These IIlstr uctlOns set status H'020' H '000' 2048 7 OCTAL INTERRUPT and Ports 4,5,6 and 7. Note The instructions PI ~md PK Jre shown (Pll, PI2 I Add Carry LNK A-IA) + CRy 19 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 Add Immediate AI A-(A) + H 2411 1/0 1/0 110 1/0 And ImmedIate NI A __ (AlI\H'II' 2111 Clear CLR A--H'OO' 70 'II' 1/0 1/0 Compare Immediate CI H'p't (A) + 1 2511 Complement COM A.tA). H'FF' 18 1/0 ExclUSive or ImmedIate XI A .. (A) , H'II' 2311 1/0 Increment INC A_(A) + 1 1F Load Immediate LI A_H'!I' 2011 110 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 7, load Immerhate Shori LIS A_H' 01' OR Immediate 01 A_(A) V H Shift Left One SL Shift lldt 1 Shift left Four SI ShIfT Right One SR Shift Right Four SR Shift Rlqh! 4 2211 1/0 1/0 13 1/0 1/0 Shift Left 4 15 1/0 1/0 ShIft RighI 1 12 1/0 14 1/0 'II' BRANCH INSTRUCTIONS In all conditional branches PO-( PO) + 2 if the test condition is not met. Execution is complete in 3 short cycles. MACHINE COOE MNEMONIC OPERATION OP COOE Branch on Carrv BC Branch on POSITIve BP OPERAND FUNCTION PO~POI 111 H'aa' "CRY Zero t TEST CONDITION Iz~~ol (RY \ S~~N I Te~t SIGN B2aa If BNC Staa 91aa PO. (POI + l' H'aa' 92aa a 98aa BNO BNZ 84aa 0 a PO+(POI+1+ H'aa' If ZERO Branch If False H'aa' 8M .IOVR Branch If Not Zero I 1 + H'aa ' -+ II CARRY Branch If No Overflow STATI.,IS 81TS CRY ZERO d any test ,s true If SIGN Branch If No Carr V OVR 1 PO-(POI BT Branch If Negative JJS (2MHl 1111 1 PO-{POl + 1 BZ Branch on True CYCLES SHOflT LONG 8laa SIGN Branch on Zero 1 BYTES 94<1a 0 9taa BF If all false teSt hIlS PO_(POI+l+ H'aa' II Branch If ISAR (LoW€d 11 8Faa ISARLn , PO_(POH2JI ISARL..: Branch Relative BR PO. (PO)+l+ H'aa' 90aa Jump JMP PO_H'aaaa' 29a t I nternal Clock Period 2tO WRITE tw Internal WR ITE Clock Period 4t 6t I/O tdl/O Output delay from internal WR ITE Clock tsl/O Input Setup time to WR ITE Clock 1000 tl/O-s Output valid to STROBE Delay 3t -1000 3t<» +250 tsl STROBE Low Time 8t -250 12t'» +250 to(lNT) XTL 1 XTL 2 to(EX) tEX(H) 0 UNJT NOTES Short Cycle Long Cycle 1000 ns 50pF plus one TTL load ns I/O load = 50pF + 1 TTL STROBE Load= 50pF + 3 TTL STROBE RESET EXTINT tRH tEH RESET Hold Time, Low EXT I NT Hold Time, Active and I nactive State 346 6t<» +750 6t<» + 750 2t<» ns ns ns To trigger interrupt To trigger timer CAPACITANCE T A = 25°C, f=2MHz SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN MAX 7 Input Capacitance: I/O Ports, RESET, CIN UNIT pF EXTINT, RAMPRT, TEST Unmeasured Pins Grounded 20.5 Input Capacitance: XTL 1, XTL2 CXTL NOTES 32.5 pF DC CHARACTERISTICS - See Figures 12-17 for typical curves. TA = O°C to 70°C, VCC = +5V' 10%, I/O POWER DISSIPATION.;; 100mW SYMBOL PARAMETER ICC Power Supply Current MIN TEST CONDITIONS MAX UNIT 85 rnA Outputs Open 400 rnW Outputs Open 2.4 5.8 V -0.3 0.6 V PD Power Dissipation VI HEX External Clock Input High Level VILHEX External Clock Input Low Current IIHEX External Clock Input High Current 100 !1A VIHEX = VCC IILEX External Clock I nput Low Cu rrent ·100 !1A VILEX = VSS 2.0 5.8 V 2.0 13.2 V -·0.3 0.8 V VIH VIHOD Input High Level PortS,RESET', EXT INT' Open Drain Input High Level VIL I nput Low Level Ports, RESET', EXT INT 1 IlL Input Low Current Ports, RESET2, EXT INT2 Leakage Current IL Open dram ports, RAMPRT RESET3. EXT INT3 10H Standard po,ts, REID2 EXT INT2 Output High Current rnA VI L =O.4V +10 -5 !1A VIW13.2V VIN=O.OV -8.5 !1A !1A rnA rnA rnA -1.6 -100 -30 -0.1 10HDD OUTPUT High Current Direct Drive Ports 10L Output Low Current 10 ports -1.5 VOW2.4V VOW3.9V VOH = 2.4V VOW1.5V VO H .7V 1.8 rnA VOL =O.4V 10HS STROBE Output High Current -300 !1A VOW2.4V 10LS STROBE Output Low Current 5.0 rnA VOL = O.4V * Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 1. 2. 3. 4. RESET and EXT INT have internal Schmit triggers giving minimum .2V hysteresis. RESET or EXT INT programmed with standard pull·up RESET or EXT INT programmed without standard pull·up Power dissipation for 1/0 pins is calculated by~(Vcc . Vill !I IlL! I +~(VcC . VOHI II 10H II +~(VOlI (lOll 347 TIMER AC CHARACTERISTICS Definitions: Error = I ndicated time value - actual time value tpsc = tx Prescale Value Interval Timer Mode: Single interval error, free running (Note 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ±6t Cumulative interval error, free running (Note 3) ..................................... 0 Error between two Timer reads (Note 2) ................................... ±(tpsc + t to -(tpsc +t to -(tpsc + 7t to -8t Load Timer to stop Timer error (Note 1) ........................... +t to -(tpsc + 2t to -(tpsc + 8t to -9t Pulse Width Measurement Mode: Measurement accuracy (Note 4) ..................................+t to -(tpsc +2t Event Counter Mode: Minimum active time of EXT INT pin ............................................2t Minimum inactive time of EXT INT pin .......................................... 2t Notes: 1. All times which entail loading, starting, or stopping the Timer are referenced from the end of the last machine cycle of the OUT or OUTS instruction. 2. All times which entail reading the Timer are referenced from the end of the last machine cycle of the IN or INS instruction. 3. All times which entail the generation of an interrupt request are referenced from the start of the machine cycle in which the appropriate interrupt request latch is set. Additional time may elapse if the interrupt request occurs during a privileged or multicycle instruction. 4. 348 Error may be cumulative if operation is repetitively performed. External Clock Internal 'I' Clock I/O Port Output ,['"'' t= STROBE tSL ---:1 RESET EXTINT =__ ' " rcp BITJ'O rcp BIT 2' I r\Jote: All measurements are referenr.ed to VIL max., VIH min., VOL max., or VOH min. 349 INPUT/OUTPUT AC TIMING Figure 11 INTERNAL WRITE CLOCK * CYCLE TIM ING SHOWN FOR 4MHz EXTER NAL CLOCK CYCLE TIMING DEPENDS ON INSTRUCTION n 2/J.S* 1 IN OR INS OP CODE FETCHED 3fJS* I PORT ADDR. PLACED ON DATA BUS PORT PINS J 3fJS* PORT DATA DRIVEN ON TO DATA BUS X ~ 1 11"- NEXT OPCODE FETCHED D< 1fJS SET UP MAX. tSIO A. INPUT ON PORT 4 OR 5 INTERNAL WRITE CLOCK CYCLE TIMING 14------;*I------+OO~------~---~--.. DEPENDS ON INSTRUCTION 3fJS* OUTOR OUTS OP CODE FETCHED PORT ADDR. ON DATA BUS ACCUMULATOR CONTENTS ON DATA BUS NEXT OP CODE FETCHED PORT PINS STAYS LOW STROBE (ACTIVE FOR PORT 4 ON L Y) FOR TWO WRITE CYCLES 500n,* MIN. tl/O-S B. OUTPUT ON PORT 4 OR 5 INTERNAL WRITE CLOCK OUTS 0,1 FETCHED ACC DATA ON BUS PORT PINS 1fJS MAX C. INPUT ON PORT 0 OR 1 350 D. OUTPUT ON PORT 0, 1 STROBE SOURCE CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT VCC = 5V, TA = 25°C) Figure 12 -15 S 0 U R C E C U R R E N T -10 I' "- ......... ~ ....... -5 M A ~ ....... I "- ....... .......... !Io.. .......... ~ r-..... ""2 3 r"o ~ 4 5 4 5 OUTPUT VOLTAGE STROBE SINK CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT VCC = 5V, TA = 25°C) Figure 13 S I N K C U R R E N T +100 I +50 M A ./ -'- l/ / ~ 1 ~ ~~ ~ 2 3 OUTPUT VOLTAGE 351 STANDARD I/O PORT SOURCE CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT VCC = 5V, T A = 25° C) Figure 14 -1.5 S 0 U R C E - I' ...... -1.0 C U R R E N T M A ~ c---- ~ '- "- ...... , ~ "- -.5 I' """""'" ~ ~ ~ ..... "", 4 3 2 ~ "5 OUTPUT VOLTAGE DIRECT DRIVE I/O PORT SOURCE CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT VCC = 5V, TA = 25°C) Figure 15 S 0 U R C E C U R R E N T -10 - .. -...r-.. ~ -5 r-- ........ ......... ~ ..... , ..... M A , i '!III... "~ 1 2 3 OUTPUT VOLTAGE 352 4 5 I/O PORT SINK CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT VCC = 5V, TA = 25°C) Figure 16 +60 S I N K C U R R E N +50 +40 +30 l,,,,o000o ~ T M +20 ...... A +10 ~ ~ ~ ". i..o-"" ~~ ~~ ~ ~ 2 4 3 5 OUTPUT VOL TAGE MAXIMUM OPERATING TEMPERATURE VS. I/O POWER OISIPATION Figure 17 100 --~"'" 50 """" ~ ~F Ie J""""oo to--. .... 100 200 300 400 500 CERAfVt"ic r--. 600 ~ r-- ....... 1000 POI/O MW 353 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: 40-Pin Dual In-Line Ceramic Package I I 2000 , 020 =fr=~~ ~/L D---~Im [1 Symbolization Area For L- Identification of Pin 1 ~ raiD ! 001 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION 40-Pin Dual-in-Line Plastic Package r ---------Z.D40 ------------10' ~ ymbolization Area for Identification of Pin 1. 1~ ~w-w-w-~~~~-W-W-L~~~~~~W-W-WL~,~11~ -~-T 180 21 40 B J~l L I ..jf.-018 --l I_PIN ~ ~:06():000Z SAIICING (SEE NOTE I) -tZ5MIN 10-- 6Z5±=002S---\1 ~_010 ORDERING INFORMATION PART NO. MK3870N/14XXX M K3870P /14XXX 354 PACKAGE TYPE Plastic Ceramic TEMPERATURE RANGE O°C to +70°C O°C to +70°C APPENDIX A ORDERING INFORMATION 355 Custom M K3870 Option Specifications Paper Tape The custom MK3870 program may be transmitted to Mostek in any of the following media, listed in order of preference: 1) PROMs from the EMU-70 2) Punched paper tape 3) AID-80F Flexible Disk Card Deck (IBM 80 column cards) 4) Punched paper tapes (1" wide, 8 level ASCII) will be accepted. The tape must contain the absolute object output from the above mentioned F8 assemblers. Paper object tapes in absolute format generated by the "D" (dump) command of DDT-2 or the dump command of the AI D-80F (F8 debug option) are also acceptable if the entire memory space is dumped continuously. Tapes may also be punched using the DATA DECK FORMAT. They must contain 80 characters per record with a CR (carriage return) and LF (line feed) separating each record. The tape must be clearly labeled with customer name, and format used. Fan fold tape is preferred. Tape transparency should be limited to 60% transmissivity (40% opaque). Specifically, thin yellow or white tape is error prone on photo-electric readers and must not be used. The program may be specified in the following forms: PROMS with correct object code in each location OBJECT CODE produced by one of Mostek's assemblers. XFOR-50/70 Fortran IV Cross Assembler, SDB50/70 resident assembler (ASMB-50/70), AI D80F F8 Cross-Assembler (FZCASM) OBJECT CODE produced by the dump command from any of Mostek's F8 development hardware (SDB-50/70, AID-80F). DATA DECK FORMAT as described in the Data Deck section A completed cover letter (See Fig. A-l) must be attached. The information should be properly packed and mailed prepaid and insured to: MOSTEK Corporation Microcomputer Product Marketing 1215 West Crosby Road Carrollton, Texas 75006 A second copy of the cover letter should be mailed separately to the above address. FLEXIBLE DISKS FLEXIBLE DISKS (Floppy Disks) produced on the Mostek AI D-80F development station may be submitted. The format must be the absolute object output from the assemblers, or an object dump using the memory dump command (F8 Debug Option). The disk must be clearly labeled with the format of the data (object, or object dump) and the customer's name. Punched Card Deck Standard 80 column punched cards must be used. They must be punched in IBM 029 code. The deck must contain two type of cards: COMMENT CARDS DATA CARDS PROMS Comment Cards 2708 type PROMs, programmed with the customer program (positive logic sense for addresses and data) may be submitted. The PROMs must be clearly marked to indicate which PROM corresponds to address space 000 7FF and which PROM corresponds to address space 800 FFF. See Fig. A-2 for marking. Include a three-letter customer ID on each PROM. After the PROMs are removed from the EMU-70, they must be placed in a conductive IC carriers and securely packed. Comment Cards must have an asterisk (*) in column 1. The remaining 79 columns may be any character. Comment Cards may be placed anywhere throughout the data deck. Figure A-2 ~ ~ 000 800 xxx 356 xxx XXX ~ Customer ID Data Cards These cards specify the actural ROM data. All fields are right justified. COLUMN 1: C (the letter C) COLUMN 2-9: ADDR BYTE COLUMN 10-12: COLUMN 14-16: DATA 1 COLUMN 17-19: DATA 2 COLUMN 20-22: DATA 3 3870 ORDERING INFORMATION DATE~ _______________________ CUSTOM E R PO NUMB ER _____________________ CUSTOMERNAME _________________________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________ CITY __________________ STATE ________________ ZIP ________________ COUNTRY ______________________________________ PHONE ____________________________ EXTENSION _________________________ CONTACT ____________________________________________________________ CUSTOMERPARTNUMBE~R ________________________________________________ OPTIONS: EXTERNAL INTERRUPT: Pull-Up 0 No Pull-Up 0 RESET: Pull-Up 0 No Pull-Up 0 OPEN DRAIN DRIVER PULL-UP PORT OPTIONS: STANDARD TTL P4-0 P4-1 0 D P4-2 CJ P4-3 CJ 0 0 D 0 CJ CJ 0 CJ P4-4 0 0 0 P4-5 CJ P4-6 CJ CJ D D D P4-7 CJ D P5-0 CJ CJ D P5-1 0 D P5-2 0 P5-5 D D CJ CJ P5-6 D 0 0 0 P5-7 0 CJ P5-3 P5-4 D CJ CJ 0 0 D D D D PATTERN MEDIA DPROMS (Customer can send in two extra PROM's, MOSTEK will program the customer's code on these PROM's for code verification in the Emulator-70.) CJPAPER TAPE (DATA DECK) 0 PAPER TAPE (OBJECT) 0 CARD DECK (DATA DECK) D DISKETTE (OBJECT) 357 THESE ITEMS MAY AFFECT COST BRANDING REQUIREMENT (If any, 10 Alpha-numeric digits allowed) PROTOTYPE QUANTITY (10 pieces at no charge - higher quantity extra charge) WAIVE PROTOTYPES (Customer accepts liability for all work in process) Yes SIGNATURE TITLE 358 No COLUMN 76-78: COLUMN 77-79: DATA 21 DATA 22 or SEQUENCE NUMBER ADDR is the address of the first byte of data (DATA 1) contained on that card. Successive data bytes read from that card will be placed in successively greater address locations. BYTE is the number of data bytes to be read from that card (1 to 22). I f sequence numbers are used, the maximum number of bytes per card is 21. The base for ADDR and BYTE may be either decimal or hex but both must be the same. Data may be either in decimal or hex regardless of the base used for ADDR and BYTE. The base for sequence numbers (if they are used) is always decimal. The bases must be consistent throughout the deck. Data cards need not occur in order of increasing or decreasing addresses. Any unspecified address will be filled with zero. Any unpunched field will be read as a zero. If two data cards specify data for the same address, the one encountered second in the deck will override the first. Verification Media All original pattern media (PROMs, paper tape, etc.) are filed for contractural purposes and are not returned. Two copies of computer listings printed during the creation of the custom mask pattern are returned. One copy may be kept by the customer. The other copy should be checked thoroughly, signed, and returned to Mostek. The signed I isting constitutes the contractual agreement for creation of the customer mask. Though the computer I isting serves as the actual verification media, Mostek will program 2708 PROMs programmed from the data file used to create the custom mask to aid in the verification process. If programmed PROMs are desired, two blank 2708 type PROMs must be provided by the customer. A portion of an example deck is shown. * 3870 DATA DECK * MOSTEK CORP, EXAMPLE APPLICATION * ADDR/BYTE ARE IN DECIMAL * DATA IS IN HEX C 0 8 20 C 8 8 OB 1B 28 03 C 16 8 04 * FF 29 01 54 34 56 71 B6 F3 4C 25 2E 94 00 START OF SUBROUTINE ALPHA C 1096 4 20 32 7C 53 C 1100 4 52 47 C 1104 07 29 06 359 360 Fa MICROCOMPUTER DEVICES Single-Chip Microcomputer MK3872 FEATURES o o Software compatible with F8 family 4032 x 8 mask programmable ROM o o 64 byte scratchpad RAM o Standby option for executable RAM including: -Low standby power, less than 8.2mW -Minimum 2.2V standby supply voltage -No external components required to trickle charge battery o o o o o o o SINGLE CHIP 3870 MICROCOMPUTER FAMILY 64 additional bytes of executable RAM addressable by program counter or data counter 1/0<=:>8<=:>1/0 MK 3870 1/9<=:> WI/O F8 FAMILY \ 110<=:> 110<=:> '--_ _-' 32 bits (4 ports) TTL Compatible I/O Programmable binary timer -Internal timer mode -Pulse width measurement mode -Event counter mode I/OW P E R External interrupt I Crystal, LC, RC, external, or internal time base P H Low power (285mW typ.) Single +5 volt ± 10% power supply Same pinout as MK3870 SERIAL I/O E IIOW M E 11O<=:) <=)~ 11O<=) 1 -_ _-J R L S R Y A > < r - - - -_ _ GENERAL DESCRIPTION I/OW The MK3872 is a complete 8-bit microcomputer on a single MOS integrated circuit. The 3872 can execute the F8 instruction set of more than 70 commands, allowing expansion into multi-chip configurations with software compatibility. The device features 4032 bytes of ROM, 64 bytes of scratchpad RAM, 64 bytes of executable RAM, a programmable binary timer, 32 bits of I/O, and a single +5 volt power supply requirement. Utilizing ion-implanted, N-channel silicon gate technology and advanced circuit design techniques the singlechip 3872 offers maximum cost-effectiveness in a wide range of control and logic replacement applications. The 3872 is an expanded memory version of the 3870 single chip microcomputer. The 3872 is identical to the 3870 in the following areas: instruction set, architecture, AC and DC characteristics, and pinout. The only change is in the memory expansion along with the appropriate memory address registers. 110<=) PIN CONNECTIONS 'veB i>O=Q"______ 3 'vsoIPO=l'_4 PO=2_5 m ___ 6 ffiQB1: _ _ 7 P4,o_e 23 __ m 22_~ 'PROGRAMMABLE PIN FUNCTION DEPENDS ON DEVICE OPTION (STANDBY MODE DEVICE OR STANDARD DEVICE). 361 PIN NAME po-o - J5O-7 P1-0 - 'P'f:f P4-0 - P4-7 P5-0 - P5-7 STROBE EXTINT RESET RAMPRT TEST XTL 1, XTL 2 Vee, GND VSB VBB DESCRIPTION I/O Port 0 I/O Port 1 I/O Port 4 I/O Port 5 Ready Strobe External Interrupt External Reset, RAM Protect Test Line Time Base Power Supply Lines Standby Power Substrate Decoupling TYPE Bid irectional Bid irectional Bid irectional Bidirectional Output Input Input Input Input Input Input Input FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION PO-O-P0-7, Pl-0-Pl-7, P4-0-P4-7, and P5-0-P5-7 are 32 lines which can be individually used as either TTL compatible inputs or as latched outputs. STROBE is a ready strobe associated with I/O Port 4. This pin which is normally high provides a single low pulse after valid data is present on the P4-0-P4-7 pins during an output instruction. RESET - RAMPRT may be used to externally reset the 3872. When pulled low the 3872 will reset. When allowed to go high the 3872 will begin program execution at program location H '000'. Additionally when RESET - RAMPRT is brought low all accesses of the executable RAM are prevented and the RAM is placed in a protected state for powering down VCC without loss of data when the STANDBY option is selected. EXT I NT is the external interrupt input. Its active state is software programmable. This input is also used in conjunction with the timer for pulse width measurement and event counting. XTL 1 and XTL 2 are the time base inputs to which a crystal (1 to 4MHz), LC network, RC network, or an external single-phase clock may be connected. TEST is an input, used only in testing the 3872. For normal circuit functionality this pin is left unconnected or may be grounded. VCC is the power supply input (+5V± 10%). VSB is the RAM standby power supply input if the standby option is selected (+5.5V to +2.2V). 3870 ARCHITECTURE This section describes the basic functional elements of the 3872 as shown in the block diagram of Figure 1. A programming model is shown in Figure 2. Main Control Logic The I nstruction Register (I R) receives the operation code (OP code) of the instruction to be executed from the program ROM via the data bus. During all OP code fetches eight bits are latched into the I R. Some instructions are completely specified by the upper 4 bits of the OP code. In those instructions the lower 4 bits are an immediate register address or an immediate 4 bit operand. Once latched into the I R the main control logic decodes the instruction and provides the necessary control gating signals to all circuit elements. ROM Address Registers There are four 12 bit registers associated with the 4K x 8 ROM and 64 x 8 RAM. These are the Program Counter (PO), the Stack Register (Pl, the Data Counter (DC) and the Auxiliary Data Counter (DC1). The Program Counter is used to address instructions or immediate operands. P is used to save the contents of PO during an interrupt or subroutine call. Thus, P contains the return address at which processing is to resume upon completion of the subroutine or the interrupt routine. The Data Counter (DC) is used to address data tables. This register is auto-incrementing, Of the two data counters only DC can access the memory. However, the XDC instruction allows DC and DCl to be exchanged. Associated with the address registers is a 12 bit Adder/lncrementer. This logic element is used to increment PO or DC when required and is also used to add displacements to PO on relative branches or to add the data bus contents to DC in the ADC (add data counter) instruction. 4032 x 8 ROM The microcomputer program and data constants are stored in the program ROM. When a ROM access is required, the appropriate address register (PO or DC) is gated onto the ROM address bus and the ROM output is gated onto the main data bus. The first byte in ROM is location zero. 64 x 8 Executable RAM VBB is the substrate decoupling pin. A .01 microFarad capacitor is required to provide substrate decoupling. It is only used when standby option is selected. 362 The upper 64 bytes of the total 4096 byte memory of the 3872 is RAM memory, The first byte is at address 4032 decimal (FCO hex). As with the ROM memory the RAM memory may be accessed by the PO and DC address registers. It may be written via the STORE (Sn instruction. It may be read via the LOAD (LM) instruction. Additionally instructions may be executed from the RAM. A mask programmable standby power option is available whereby the 64x8 RAM remains powered and protected so that its contents are saved during a loss of the normal circuit power supply. via IS. This makes it easy to reference a buffer consisting of contiguous scratchpad bytes. For example, When the low order octal digit is incremented or decremented IS is incremented from octal 27 (0 '27') to 0 '20' or is decremented from 0 '20' to 0 '27'. This feature of the IS is very useful in many program sequences. All six bits of IS may be loaded at one time or either half may be loaded independently. Scratchpad and IS Scratchpad registers 9 through 15 (decimal) are given mnemonic names (J, H, K, and Q) because of special linkages between these registers and other registers such as the Stack Register. These special linkages facilitate the implementation of multi-level interrupts and subroutine nesting. For example, the instruction LR K, P stores the lower eight bits of the Stack Register into register 13 (K lower or K L) and stores the upper three bits of P into register 12 (K upper or KU) The scratchpad is not protected with the standby power option. The scratchpad provides 64 8-bit registers which may be used as general purpose RAM memory. The Indirect Scratchpad Address Register (IS) is a 6 bit register used to address the 64 registers. All 64 registers may be accessed using IS. In addition the lower order 12 registers may also be directly addressed. IS can be visualized as holding two octal digits. This division of IS is important since a number of instructions increment or decrement only the least significant 3 bits of IS when referencing scratchpad bytes Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) After receiving commands from the main control MK 3872 BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 1 XTL 1 VSR XTL2 ~ EXTINT RAMPRT INTERRUPT 64X 8 RAM 4032 X 8 ROM MEMORY ADDRESS M A I N PO; P M E M. 0 R y DC,DCI \! :'[1' 1~ :.\': ?{:: f,", " MAIN CONTROL LOGIC ~~~ ,. -:;';, :'}~ ::; .' " ,. B U S ~.~I: ':"', ,,~~~. RESULT BUS ~i:;~~~. ·~\: :~.< . ~,~. :~~: :;~" >:.~:': :;: ~~~~,:::.'::;~:<.; '~'. TEST LOGIC TEST PORT 0 PORT 1 I/O I/O PORT4 PORT5 RESET & POWER ON CLEAR 363 3872 PROGRAMMABLE REGISTERS, PORTS AND MEMORY MAP Figure 2 INDIRECT SCRATCHPAD ADDRESS REGISTER ACCUMULATOR I A I ISL 32 0 ~6bits- STATUS REGISTER PROGRAM COUNTER (WI :{ PO POU z I 0 N T R V E A I ERR G R 0 R N C F C S 11 .. Y BINARY TIMER .. 87 12 bits 0 a{ 11 PL 1 87 .. 0 12 bits 0 1 J 9 9 11 HU 10 A HL 11 B 12 13 KU 12 C 14 KL 13 o 15 au aL 14 E 16 15 F 17 ... 61 3D 3E 75 76 63 3F 77 DEC 0 HEX 0 4030 FBE 7_8bits_0 DATA COUNTER MAIN MEMORY MEMORY DC DCU INTERRUPT CONTROL PORT .. 11 I ~ DCL 87 12 bits .. 0 PORT 6 R 0 M AUXDATA COUNTER I/O PORiS PORT 5 PORT4 I DCI U . 11 DCl I DCI L 87 12 bits 0 ... 7 _ 8 bits"" 0 364 4031 FBF 4032 4033 FCO FCI 4094 FFE 4095 FFF R A M PORT 1 PORTO 0 62 PORT 7 7_8bits-...0 OC1 0 § P PU HEX I STACK REGISTER N L T 0 R W L ~5bits_0 POL I DEC H IS ISU 5 7-8bits-0 SCRATCHPAD logic, the ALU performs the required arithmetic or logic operations (using the data presented on the two input busses) and provides the result on the result bus. The arithmetic operations that can be performed in the ALU are binary add, decimal adjust, add with carry, decrement, and increment. The logic operations that can be performed are AND, OR, EXCLUSIVE OR, "s complement, shift right, and shift left. Besides providing the result on the result bus, the ALU also provides four signals representing the status of the result. These signals, stored in the Status Register (W), represent CARRY, OVERFLOW, SIGN, and ZERO condition of the result of the operation. Accumulator (A) The Accumulator (A) is the prinicpal register for data manipulation within the 3872. A serves as one input to the ALU for arithmetic or logical operations. The result of ALU operations are stored in A. The Status Register (W) The Status Register (also called the W register) holds five status flags as follows: "--BITNO. STATUS REGISTER (WI cessed upon completion of the first non-privileged instruction. If the ICB is cleared an interrupt request will not be acknowledged or processed until the ICB is set. I/O Ports The 3872 provides four complete bidirectional Input/Output ports. (When standby option is used, Port 0, bit a and 1 are not available). These are Ports 0, 1, 4, and 5. In addition, the Interrupt Control Port is addressed as Port 6 and the binary timer is addressed as Port 7. An output instruction (OUT or OUTS) causes the contents of A to be latched into the addressed port. An input instruction (I N or INS) transfers the contents of the port to A (port 6 is an exception which is described later). The I/O pins on the 3872 are logically inverted. The schematic of an I/O pin and available output drive options are shown in Figure 3. An output ready strobe is associated with Port 4. This flag may be used to signal a peripheral device that the 3872 has just completed an output of new data to Port 4. The strobe provides a single low pulse shortly after the output operation is completely finished, so either edge may be used to signal the peripheral. STROBE may also be used as an input strobe simply by doing a dummy output of H '00' to Port 4 after completing the input operation. Timer and Interrupt Control Port SIGN L-._ _ L-._ _ _ _ CARRY ZERO ~----- OVERFLOW INTERRUPT CONTROL BIT Summary of Status Bits The Timer is an 8-bit binary down counter which is software programmable to operate in one of three modes: the Interval Timer Mode, the Pulse Width Measurement Mode, or the Event Counter Mode. As shown in Figure 4, associated with the Timer are an 8-bit register called the Interrupt Control Port, a programmable prescaler, and an 8-bit modulo-N register. A functional logic diagram is shown in Figure 5. The desired timer mode, prescale value, starting and stopping the timer, active level of the EXT INT pin, ~ ALU7/\ALU6 /\ ALU5 /\ ALU4 /\ and local enabling or disabling of interrupts are ALU3/\ ALU2 /\ ALU, /\ ALUO selected by outputting the proper bit configuration from the Accumulator to the Interrupt Control = CA RRY7 Port (Port 6) with an OUT or OUTS instruction. Bits within the Interrupt Control Port are defined = ALU7 as follows: OVERFLOW = CARRY 7(E)CARRY 6 ZERO CARRY SIGN Interrupt Control Bit (rCB) Interrupt Control Port (Port 6) The ICB may be used to allow or disallow interrupts in the 3872. This bit is not the same as the two interrupt enable bits in the Interrupt Control Port (rCP). If the ICB is set and the 3872 interrupt logic communicates an interrupt request to the CPU section, the interrupt will be acknowledged and pro- Bit a - External Interrupt Enable Bit 5 - -;- 2 Prescale Bit 1 - Timer Interrupt Enable Bit 6 - -;- 5 Prescale Bit 2 - EXT INT Active Level Bit 7 - -;- 20 Prescale Bit 3 - Start/Stop Timer Bit 4 - Pulse Width/Interval Timer 365 I/O PIN CONCEPTUAL DIAGRAM WITH OUTPUT BUFFER OPTIONS Figure 3 Vee Output Buffer PORT I/O PIN Q C 0 '';:; ~ l- I- a: 0 a. a: 0 a. 0 0 0 a: 0 LU :::l Cl ~ c () -a <{ a: 0 <{ 0 ...J ... Q) '~ (j) :::J co « «0 I- OUTPUT BUFFER OPTIONS Vee Vee 6 K n typ, Standard Output 1K Open Drain Output n Direct Drive Output Ports 0 and 1 are Standard Output type only, Ports 4 and 5 may both be any of the three output options (programmable bit by bit). The STROBE output is always configured similar to a Direct Drive Output except that it is capable of driving 3 TTL loads. RESET and EXT I NT may have standard 6Kn (typical) pull-up or may have no pull·up. 366 typ, "TI-l TIMER & CONTROL PORT BLOCK DIAGRAM .g' ~ Figure 4 (;m .... :::0 rc.o (") o2 -l :::0 o External Time Base .;.2 PRESCALER cp Clock 7' -.. TIMER 8-bit down counter (port 7) .;-2,5,10,20,40,100, or 200 r~ o :::0 -l OJ r- o (") II I~ J .. TIMER INTERRUPT REQUEST LATCH o'" » MODULO-N REGISTER C) :::0 » S 8-bits INT CO PO (po IUPT OL Event Counter Mode 2 Prescale 5 Prescale 10 Prescale 20 Prescale 40 Prescale 100 Prescale 200 Prescale ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ +20 .;-5 .;-2 7 6 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 4 3 2 L: 0.- Bit No. Ex"",' I""",pt Eoobl, Timer Interrupt Enable ~ EXT INT Active Level . . Start/Stop Timer Pulse Width/Interval Timer Note: See Fi!jure 5for a more detailed functional diagram. CAl 0) '-I EXTERNAL INTERRUPT REQUEST LATCH w m FROM INTERRUPT CONTROL :::!!s PORT ~A co ~W "'co 83 82184 85 86 UI ...... B7 N BO IBI -t 'INS 7' ~ ~ m ::JJ :::: Z -t m - SET iP TIMER ::JJ ::JJ INTERRU~T* ~ "T1 *LOADS INTERRUPT VECTOR ~~O~~~ U~?~~O~6~TION J'L- + ~ (') PRIVILEGED INSTRUCTION.::! C ~?~~~WLEDGE r- o z ~ I I I INTERRUPT S! ~ ::JJ ~ S 'I'=PULSE WIDTH MODE JL EXTERNAL INTERRUPT INPUT JL "XTERNAL INTERRUPT T MK3872 TIMER/INTERRUPT FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM t LOADS INTERRUPT VECTOR H 'OAO' UPON COMPLETION OF THE FIRST NONPRIVILEGED INSTRUCTION Figure 5. 1011 L-----------------------------------------CC ACKNOWLEDGE EXTERNAL INTERRUPT A special situation exists when reading the Interrupt Control Port (with an IN or INS instruction). The Accumulator is DQ!; loaded with the content of the ICP; instead, Accumulator bits 0 through 6 are loaded with O's while bit 7 is loaded with the logic level being applied to the EXT I NT pin, thus allowing the status of EXT INT to be determined without the necessity of servicing an external interrupt request. When reading the Interrupt Control Port (Port 6) bit 7 of the Accumulator is loaded with the actual logic level being applied to the EXT INT pin, regardless of the status of ICP bit 2 (the EXT INT Active Level bit); that is, if EXT I NT is at +5V bit 7 of the Accumulator is set to a logic 1, but if EXT INT is at GND then Accumulator bit 7 is reset to logic O. This capability is useful in establishing a high speed polled handshake procedure or for using EXT I NT as an extra input pin if external interrupts are not required and the Timer is used only in the Interval Timer Mode. However, if it is desirable to read the contents of the I CP then one of the 64 scratch pad registers or one byte of RAM may be used to save a copy of whatever is written to the ICP. The rate at which the timer is clocked in the Interval Timer Mode is determined by the frequency of an internal clock and by the division value selected for the prescaler. (The internal clock operates at onehalf the external time base frequency). If ICP bit 5 is set and bits 6 and 7 are cleared, the prescaler divides by 2. Likewise, if bit 6 or 7 is individually set the prescaler divides by 5 or 20 respectively. Combinations of bits 5, 6 and 7 may also be selected. For example, if bits 5 and 7 are set while 6 is cleared the prescaler will divide by 40. Thus possible prescaler values are 72, 75. 710, 720, 74J, 7100, and 7200. Any of three conditions will cause the prescaler to be reset: whenever the timer is stopped by clearing lCP bit 3, execution of an output instruction to Port 7, (the timer is assigned port address 7), or on the trailing edge transition of the EXT I NT pin when in the Pulse Width Measurement Mode. These last two conditions are explained in more detail below. An OUT or OUTS instruction to Port 7 will load the content of the Accumulator to both the Timer and the 8-bit modulo-N register, reset the prescaler, and clear any previously stored timer interrupt request. As previously noted, the Timer is an 8-bit down counter which is clocked by the prescaler in the Interval Timer Mode and in the Pulse Width Measurement Mode. The prescaler is not used in the Event Counter Mode. The Modulo-N register is a buffer whose function is to save the value which was most recently outputted to Port 7. The modulo-N register is used in all three timer modes. Interval Timer Mode When I CP bit 4 is cleared (logic 0) and at least one prescale bit is set the Timer operates in the Interval Timer Mode. When bit 3 of the ICP is set the Timer will start counting down from the modulo-N value. After counting down to H'01', the Timer returns to the modulo-N value at the next count. On the transition from H'01' to H 'N' the Timer sets a timer interrupt request latch. Note that the interrupt request latch is set by the transition to H 'N' and not be the presence of H 'N' in the Timer, thus allowing a full 256 counts if the modulo-N register is preset to H '00'. If bit 1 of the I CP is set, the interrupt request is passed on to the CPU section of the 3872. However, if bit 1 of the ICP is a logic 0 the interrupt request is not passed on to the CPU section but the interrupt request latch remains set. If ICP bit 1 is subsequently set, the interrupt request will then be passed on to the CPU section. (Recall from the discussion of the Status Register's I nterrupt Control Bit that the interrupt request will be acknowledged by the CPU section only if I CB is set). Only two events can reset the timer interrupt request latch; when the timer interrupt request latch is acknowledged by the CPU section, or when a new load of the modulo-N register is performed. Consider an example in which the modulo-N registe is loaded with H '64' (decimal 100). The time interrupt request latch will be set at the 100th count following the timer start and the timer interrupt request latch will repeatedly be set on precise 100 count intervals. If the prescaler is set at 740 the timer interrupt request latch will be set every 4000 clock periods. For a 2MHz clock (4MHz time base frequency) this will produce 2 millisecond intervals. The range of possible intervals is from 2 to 51,200 clock periods (1~s to 25.6ms for a 2MHz clock). However, approximately 50 periods is a practical minimum because the time between setting the interrupt request latch and the execution of the first instruction of the interrupt service routine is at least 29 periods (the response time is dependent upon how many privileged instructions are encountered when the request occurs). To establish time int&rvals greater than 51,200 clock periods is a simple matter of using the timer interrupt service routine to count the number of interrupts, saving the result in one or more of the scratchpad registers until the desired interval is achieved. With this technique virtually any time interval, or several time intervals, may be generated. The Timer may be read at any time and in any mode using an input instruction (I N 7 or INS 7) and may 369 take place "on the fly" without interferring with normal timer operation. Also, the Timer may be stopped at any time by clearing bit 3 of the ICP. The timer will hold its current contents indefinitely and will resume counting when bit 3 is again set. Recall however that the prescaler is reset whenever the Timer is stopped; thus a series of starting and stopping will result in a cumulative truncation error. A summary of other timer errors is given in the timing section of this specification. For a free running timer in the Interval Timer Mode the time interval between any two interrupt requests may be in error by ± 6 clock period:; although the cumulative error over many intervals is zero. The prescaler and Timer generate precise intervals for setting the timer interrupt request latch but the time out may occur at any time within a machine cycle. (There are two types of machine cycles: short cycles which consist of 4 clock periods and long cycles which consist of 6 clock periods. In the multi-chip F8 family there is a signal called the WRITE clock which corresponds to a machine cycle). Interrupt requests are synchronized with the internal WR ITE clock thus giving rise to the possible ± 6 error. Additional errors may arise due to the interrupt request occurring while a privileged instruction or multicycle instruction is being executed. Nevertheless, for most applications all of the above errors are negligible, especially if the desired time intervall is greater than lms. Pulse Width Measurement Mode When ICP bit 4 is set (logic 1) and at least one prescale bit is set the Timer operates in the Pulse Width Measurement Mode. This mode is used for accurately measuring the duration of a pulse applied to the EXT I NT pin. The Timer is 5topped and the prescaler is reset whenever EXT INT is at its inactive level. The active level of EXT INT is defined by ICP bit 2; if cleared, EXT INT is active low; if set, EXT INT is active high. If ICP bit 3 is set, the prescaler and Timer will start counting when EXT INT transitions to the active level. When EXT INT returns to the inactive level the Timer then stops, the prescaler resets and if ICP bit 0 is set an external interrupt reque~t latchisSet.Turiiike timer interrupts, external interrupts are not latched if the ICP Interrupt Enable bit is not set). As in the Interval Timer Mode, the Timer may be read at any time, may be stopped at any time by clearing ICP bit 3, the prescaler and ICP bit 1 function as previously described, and the Timer still functions as an 8-bit binary down counter with the timer interrupt request latch being set on the Timer's transition from H '01' to H 'N'. Note that the EXT INT pin has nothing to do with loading the Timer; 370 its action is that of automatically starting and stopping the Timer and of generating external interrupts. Pulse widths longer than the prescale value times the modulo-N value are easily measured by using the timer interrupt service routine to store the number of timer interrupts in one or more scratchpad registers. As for accuracy, the actual pulse duration is typically slightly longer than the measured value because the status of the prescaler is not readable and is reset when the Timer is stopped. Thus for maximum accuracy it is advisable to use a small division setting for the presca1er. Event Counter Mode When ICP bit 4 is cleared and all prescale bits (I CP bits 5, 6, and 7) are cleared the Timer operates in the Event Counter Mode. This mode is used for counting pulses applied to the EXT INT pin. If ICP bit 3 is set the Timer will decrement on each transition from the inactive level to the active level or the EXT I NT pin. The prescaler is not used in this mode, but as in the other two timer modes, the timer may be read at any time, may be stopped at any time by clearing ICP bit 3, ICP bit 1 functions as previously described, and the timer interrupt request latch is set on the Timer's transition from H '01' to H 'N '. Normally ICP bit 0 should be kept cleared in the Event Counter Mode; otherwise, external interrupts will be generated on the transition from the inactive level to the active level of the EXT INT pin. For the Event Counter Mode the minimum pulse width required on EXT INT is 2 clock periods and the minimum inactive time is 2 clock periods; therefore, the maximum repetition rate is 500KHz. Timer Emulation For total software compatibility when expanding into a multi-chip configuration the MK3871 Peripheral Input/Output circuit should be used rather than the older MK3861 PIO. The MK3871 has the same improved Timer (binary count, readable, and three modes of operation rather than one) and ready strobe output as are on the MK3872. External Interrupts When the timer is in the Interval Timer Mode the EXT INT pin is available for non-timer related interrupts. If ICP bit 0 is set an external interrupt request latch is set when there is a transition from the inactive level to the active level of EXT INT. (EXT INT is an edge-triggered input). The interrupt request is latched until either acknowledged by the CPU section or until ICP bit 0 is cleared (unlike timer interrupt requests which remain latched even when ICP bit 1 is cleared). External interrupts are handled in the same fashion when the Timer is in the Pulse Width Measurement Mode or in the Event Counter Mode, except that only in the Pulse Width Measurement Mode the external interrupt request latch is set on the trailing edge of EXT INT, that is, on the transition from the active level to the inactive level. Interrupt Handling When either a timer or an external interrupt request is communicated to the CPU section of the 3872, it will be acknowledged and processed at the completion of the first non-privileged instruction if the Interrupt Control Bit of the Status Register is set. If the Interrupt Control Bit is not set, the interrupt request will continue until either the Interrupt Control Bit is set and the CPU section acknowledges the interrupt or until the interrupt request is cleared as previously described. If there is both a timer interrupt request and an external interrupt request when the CPU section starts to process the requests, the timer interrupt is handled first. When an interrupt is allowed the CPU section will request that the interrupting element pass its interrupt vector address to the Program Counter via the data bus. The vector address for a timer interrupt is H '020'. The vector address for external interrupts is H 'OAO'. After the vector address is passed to the Program Counter, the CPU section sends an acknowledge signal to the appropriate interrupt request latch which clears that latch. The execution of the interrupt service routine will then commence.' The return address of the original program is automatically saved in the Stack Register, P. The Interrupt Control Bit of W (Status Register) is automatically reset when an interrupt request is acknowledged. It is then the programmer's responsibility to determine when ICB will again be set (by executing an EI instruction). This action prevents an interrupt service routine from being interrupted unless the programmer so desires. External Reset When RESET is taken low the content of the Program Counter is pushed to the Stack Register and then the Program Counter and the ICB bit of the W Status Register are cleared. The original Stack Register content is lost. Ports 4, 5, 6 and 7 are loaded with H'OO'. The contents of all other registers and ports are unchanged. When power is first applied all ports and registers are undefined until a reset is performed. When RESET is taken high the first program instruction is fetched from ROM location H '000'. When an external reset of the 3872 occurs, PO is pushed into P and the old contents of P are lost. It must be noted that an external reset is recognized at the start of a machine cycle and not necessarily at the end of an instruction. Thus if the 3872 is executing a multi-cycle instruction, that instruction is not completed and the contents of P upon reset may not necessarily be the address of the instruction that would have been executed next. It may, for example, point to an immediate operand if the reset occurred during the second cycle ofa LI or CI instruction. Additionally, several instructions (JMP, PI, PK, LR PO, Q) as well as the interrupt acknowledge sequence modify PO in parts. That is, they alter PO by first loading one part then the other and the entire operation takes more than one cycle. Should reset occur during this modification process the value pushed into P will be part of the old PO (the as yet unmodified part) and part of the new PO (already modified part). Thus care should be taken (perhaps by external gating) to insure that reset does not occur at an undesirable time if any significance is to be given to the contents of P after a reset occurs. Test Logic Special test logic is implemented to allow access to the internal main data bus for test purposes. In normal operation the rEST pin is unconnected or is connected to GND. When TEST is placed at a TTL level (2.0V to 2.6V) Port 4 becomes an output of the internal data bus and Port 5 becomes a wiredOR input to the internal data bus. The data appearing on the Port 4 pins is logically true whereas input data forced on Port 5 must be logically false. When TEST is placed at high level (6.0V to iovl. the ports act as above and additionally the 2K x 8 program ROM is prevented from driving the data bus. In this mode operands and instructions may be forced externally through Port 5 instead of being accessed from the program ROM. When TEST is in either the TTL state or the high state, STROBE ceases its normal function and becomes a machine cycle clock (identical to the F8 multi-chip system WR ITE clock except inverted). 371 ~--- ' -------- SAVE ROUTINE REQUIRED, VSB;;;' 2.2 VOLTS Figure 6a. VCC SUSTAINED BY CAPACITOR OR BATTERY UNTIL RAMPRT BROUGHT LOW ~ VCC Mru, ~'''"W" -{ FAILURE DETECTED ~ EXT INT I I ~ I --RESET/RAMPRT I -1 I I ~-fr---/I I L DATA SAVE MUST BE DONE HERE ;1 fy I ~ I ACCESS TO RAM INHIBITED .. ~ EXECUTION BEGINS AGAIN I NO SAVE ROUTINE REQUIRED, VSB;;;' 2.2 VOL TS Figure 6b. VCC----_~ MAIN POWER FAILURE DETECTED 1 / ( ) ~--~) r-------- \'-------I( --------~/ } 372 )r( Timing complexities render the capabilities associated with the TEST pin impractical for use in a user's application, but these capabilities are thoroughly sufficient to enable a rapid method for thoroughly testing the 3872. STANDBY POWER OPTION If the standby power option has not been selected Port O-bit 0 and 1 are readable and writeable. If the standby power option is selected PortO-Bit 1 is readable only. Port O-Bit 0 remains readable and writable although it is not connected to a package pin. The standby power source (VSB) is connected to Pin 4. A .01 ~F capacitor must be connected to Pin 3. The purpose of the capacitor is to decouple noise coupled to the substrate of the circuit when VCC is switched off and on. It is recommended that Nickel-Cadmium batteries (typical voltage of 3 series cells = 3.6V) be used for standby power, since the M K3872 can automatically trickle charge the three Ni-Cad's. If more than three cells in series are used, the charging circuit must be provided outside the MK3872. Whenever RESET-RAMPRT is brought low, the standby RAM (64x8 bit words in PO/DC address space, 4032 to 409510 or FCO to FFF16) is placed in a protected state. Also the RAM itself is switched from VCC power to the VSB power. Two modes of powering down are recommended. In the first mode, the processor must be interrupted early enough to save all necessary data before the VCC falls below the minimum level. After the save is done, RESET can fall. This prevents any further access of the RAM; Vf,..C may now fall. As the power comes up, th«: RESE / RAMPRT signal should be held low until VCC IS above the minimum level. Now execution may terminate at any time, even during the update of a variable or flag word, causing that byte in RAM to be bad data. There is always a good data byte which contains either the most recent or next most recent value of the variable. Any copy of the variable where the flag word is "set" is a good data byte. While this method significantly encumbers the data storage process, it eliminates the need for a power fail interrupt which both reduces external circuitry and leaves the external interrupt pin completely free for other use. 3872 Clocks The time base for the 3872 may originate from one of five sources. There are four external modes and one internal mode. If both XTL 1 and XTL 2 are grounded, the 3872 will activate its internal oscillator. The four external configurations are shown in Figure 7. There is an internal 20pF capacitor between XTL 1 and GND and an internal 20pF capacitor between XTL 2 and GND. Thus external capacitors are not neccessarily required. In all external clock modes the external time base frequently is divided by two to form the internal II> clock. Crystal Selection The use of a crystal as the time base is highly recommended as the frequency stability and reproducability from system to system is unsurpassed. The 3872 has an internal divide by two to allow the user of inexpensive and widely available TV Color Burst Cyrstals (3.58MHz). The following crystal parameters and vendors are suggested for 3872 applications: The second mode may be used if a special save data routine is not needed. The EXT INTERRUPT need not be used and the only reguirement to save the RAM data is that RESET-RAMPRT be low before VCC drops below 4.5V. For examl'lle if a few key variables are to be stored in RAM and it is desired that these be saved during a loss of power, two copies of each variable are kept with an associated flag, thus no interrupt and save routine is necessary. The method of updating a variable is as follows: a) Parallel Resonance, Fundamental Mode AT-Cut b) Frequency Tolerance measured with 18pF load (0.1 % accuracy). Drive level 10mW. c) Shunt Capacitance (Co) = 7pF max. d) Series Resistance (Rs) - Clear Flag Word 1 - Update Variable (Copy 1) - Set Flag Word 1 - Clear Flag Word 2 - Update Variable (Copy 2) - Set Flag Word 2 f= 1MHz f 2MHz f - 3MHz f= 3.58MHz f = 4MHz Parameters Holder Rs = 550 ohms Rs - 300 ohms Rs - 150 ohms Rs - 150 ohms Rs = 150 ohms max. max. max. * max. max. HC-6 HC-33 HC-6 HC-18 HC-25 HC-33 *HC-18 or HC-25 holder may not be available at 3MHz. 373 CLOCK CONFIGURATIONS Figure 7 VCC RC Mode ~ EDR ~Cexternal --:- (optional) ---L- Minimum R = 4K Crystal Mode External Mode ~D§ 99 Open ATCutl-4MHz n External Clock C = 26.5 pF ±2.6pF + Cexternal FREQUENCY VRS RC LC Mode 4 XTL 1 XTL 2 L 3 r... I L MH, 2 1 Cexternal (optional) l' I Minimum L = 0.1 mH Minimum Q = 40 I MAXIMUM (4.5 - 5.5V, DOC -7o el , , TYPICAL (TYPICAL UNIT AT Vee = 5V, T A = 25°C) , D Maximum Cexternal =30pF MINIMUM (4.5V ·5.5V. O'C· 70°CI: 0 1 X 10-7 3 X 10-7 2 X 10-7 I --1~---' 4 X 10-7 5 X 10-7 (Rl (CINTERNAL + CEXTERNALl UNIT TO UNIT VARIATION = ± 12% VARIATION FROM 4.5 to 5.5V REFERENCED TO 5V.=o +7% -4% VARIATION FROM o"e TO 70°C REFERENCED TO 25 C = +6% -9% 6 X 10-7 C = 10pF ± 1.3pF + Cexternal 1 f~21TVTC Q TOTAL VARIATION NOT CONSIDERING VARIATION IN EXTERNAL COMPONENTS'" ±. 25% NOTE: The stray capacitance across the inductor must be included as Cexternal in all calculations. Suggested Crystal Vendors a) Electro-Dynamics 5625 Foxridge Drive Mission, Kansas 66201 913-262-2500 b) CRYSTEK 1000 Crystal Drive Ft. Myers, Florida 33901 813-936-2109 374 c) W.T. Liggett Corp. 1500 Worcester Rd. Section 30 Framingham, MA 01701 617-620-1150 e) Electronic Crystals Corp. 1153 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, Kansas 66103 913-262-1274 d) Erie Frequency Control 453 Lincoln Street Carlisle, Penn 17013 717-249-2232 f) M-TRON Industries P.O. Box 630 100 Douglas Avenue Yankton, South Dakota 605-665-9321 :!)s: MK3872 PROGRAMMING MODEL ~~ CD CO Figure 8 OO-.,j N OUTS r-----------------------~IADC 7 "g :II o INS*7 G') ), :II ,I, ·ILNK » OUTS 6 w INS*6 4 LlSL PO) t OUTS 0,1,4.5 I III S*,O,I,4,5 .)< LlSU AS' ASD o ° (4 ) 1>- NS XS SC RATC H PA D REGISTERS 1/ PORTS INVERTING T ROM MEM LR 4032X8 I"'''' .1 D C ~i ~ tt J .. '~I !J fIr I...... pott FROM I ~ ... ' 'PO) 1_ • LR . . ACCUMULATOR 0;" OS* PK 2 LR ~"'I COM* INC SL I SL4 SRI SR4 f t " "et lPO * AM AMD PROGRAM COUNTER HEX OCTAL NM OM XM ROM MEM 40 4KX8 eM* * These instructions set status H'020' t The value of the external interrupt input is loaded to Bit 7 of the accumulator (with Bits 0 through 6 loaded with zeros) when the instruction 'INS 6' is executed. This H'OAO' H'OOO' RESET t EXTERNAL INTERRUPT Co) -..I UI instruction also sets status. Reset Transfers PO to P and then clears PO, ICB Bit of W, and Ports 4,5,6 and 7. tt PO, P, DC, and DCl are 12 bit registers Note: The instructions PI and PK are shown in two sequential parts. (PI1, PI2 and PK1, PK2), LM RAM ST IDC) 64X8 s: s: z G') s: o C m r- INSTRUCTION EXECUTION This section details the timing and execution of the 3872 instruction set. The 3872 executes the entire F8 instruction set with exact F8 timing. F8 INSTRUCTION SET ACCUMULATOR GROUP INSTRUCTIONS MNEMONIC OPCODE OPERATION MACHINE OPERAND FUNCTION CODE BYTES CYCLES LONG SHORT OVR STATUS BITS ZERO CRY J.S (2MH,I 11 OVR ZERO CRY SIGN MEMORY REFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS In all Memory Reference Instructions, the Data Counter is incremented MNEMONIC OPERATION QPCODE MACHINE OPERAND FUNCTION CODE Add Binary AM _IAI + IIDCII 88 Add Decimal AMD A.. (A) + [IDCI]- 89 AND NM A4IAI A [{DCII 8A Compare CM {(DC)! + ('AI + 1 80 Exclusive OR XM A4IAI01IDCII 8C Load LM A"[(DCII 16 Logical OR OM A... (A) V"f(DC1J 8B Store ST A_HDCI] 17 BYTES CYCLES SHORT LONG J.S 12MHzI STATUS BITS OVR ZERO CRY SIGN· 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 BCD Adjust 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 ADDRESS REGISTER GROUP INSTRUCTIONS MACHINE CODE Add to Data Counter MNEMONIC OPCODE ADC DC-IDC) + (A) 8E Call to Subroutine+ PK POU ...(r121; POL-.(r131, P4(POI DC Call to Subroutine Immediate· PI p..(PO), PO.H'aaaa Exchange DC XDC tDCJ~(DC1) Load Data Counter LR DC,O DCU-4(r14); DCL4(rlS1 Load Data Counter LR DC'H DCU~rl0); Load DC Immediate DCI Load Program Counter LR pO,a POU--lr14); POL.,(r15) 00 P,K PU~r12J; 09 OPERATION Load Stack Register LR Return from Subroutine* POP Store Data Counter LR OPERAND FUNCTION DC CYCLES BYTES SHORT LONG iJS I2MHzI OVR STATUS BITS CRY SIGN ZERO 13 28aaaa 2C DCl..(r11) H'aaas' Pl.(r13) OF 10 PO"'(P) lC a,DC rl44-(DCU); r15 ...(DCL) DE Store Data Counter LR H,DC rlQ4(DCU); r1,..(DCL) 11 Store Stack Registf:!r LR K,P r12~PU); 08 r13 ...(PL) 12 2Aaaaa SCRATCHPAD REGISTER INSTRUCTIONS (Refer to Scratchpad Addressing Modes) MNEMONIC OPERATION OPCDDE Add Binary Add Decimal Decrement OS load LR Load Load MACHINE OPERAND FUNCTION CODE AS A-+{A)+(r) C, ASD A-.....(A)+(r) 0, r... (r) + H'FF' 3, A,' A-(f) 4, LR A, KU A ... (r12) 00 LR A, KL A"-(r13) 01 Load LR A,QU A·(r14) 02 Load LR A,QL A.(r15) 03 Load LR ',A r..-{A) 5, 04 Load LR KU,A r12+iAJ Load LR KL, A r13-(A) as load LR QU,A r14..-(A) 06 OL,A r15..-(A) 07 CYCLES BYTES SHORT LONG STATUS BITS ;IS I2MHz"'I OVR ZERO CRY SIGN 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 Load LR And NS A_(A)/\(r) F, 1/0 1/0 Exclusive Or XS A+(A) + (r) E, 1/0 1/0 *Privileged instruction, Accumulator contents altered during execution of PI instruction. 377 - --.- -"- - ------- -- --- MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTIONS MNEMONIC OPCODE OPERATION Disable Interrupt OPERAND MACHINE CODE FUNCTION 01 RESET ICB CYCLES SHORT LONG lA Enable Interrupt * EI SETICB lB Input IN 04,05,06,07 A_(lnput Port aa) 26aa Input Short INS 0,1 A<-(lnput Port 0 or 1) AO,A 1 Input Short INS 4,5,6,7 A.-(Input Port a) Aa Load ISAR LR IS,A IS....(A) OB Load ISAR Lower LlSL bbb ISI:"-bbb 6(1bbb)** Load ISAR Upper LlSU bbb ISU·bbb 6(Obbb)** Load Status Register* LR W,J W_(r9) No Operation NOP Output * OUT 04,05,06,07 Output Short OUTS 0,1 PO ... (PO) BYTES OVR STATUS BITS ZERO CRY SIGN 8 0 1/0 0 1/0 4 0 1/0 0 1/0 8 0 1/0 0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 +1 j.IS (2MHz ~ I nternal Clock Period WRITE tw Internal WR ITE Clock Period to (I NT) XTL 1 XTL2 to(EX) tEX(H) UNIT MIN MAX 250 1000 ns 4MHz - 1.0MHz 250 1000 ns 4MHz-1MHz 90 100 700 700 ns ns 2tO 4t Short Cycle Long Cycle 6t I/O NOTES tdl/O Output delay from internal WR ITE Clock 0 1000 tsl/O Input Setup time to WR ITE Clock 1000 tl/O-s Output valid to STROBE Delay 3t -1000 3t +250 tsl STROBE Low Time 8t -250 12t +250 ns 50pF plus one TTL load ns I/O load = 50pF + 1 TTL STROBE Load= 50pF + 3 TTL STROBE FfESET EXTINT tRH tEH RESET Hold Time, Low EXT I NT Hold Time, Active and I nactive State 6t +750 6t + 750 2t ns ns ns To trigger interrupt To trigger timer 379 CAPACITANCE T A = 25°C, f=2MHz MIN SYMBOL PARAMETER CIN Input Capacitance: I/O Ports, RESET RAMPRT, EXTINT, TEST CXTL Input Capacitance: XTL 1, XTL2 23.5 MAX UNIT 7 pF 29.5 pF NOTES Unmeasured Pins Grounded DC CHARACTERISTICS T A = O°C to 70°C, VCC = +5V ± 10%, I/O POWER DISSIPATION.;; 100mW SYMBOL PARAMETER ICC Power Supply Current TEST CONDITIONS MAX UNIT 100 rnA Outputs Open 500 rnW Outputs Open 2.4 5.8 V -0.3 0.6 V Po Power Dissipation VIHE:' External Clock I nput High Level VILHEX External Clock Input Low Current IIHEX External Clock Input High Current 100 JlA VIHEX = VCC IILEX External Clock Input Low Current ·100 JlA VILEX 2.0 5.8 V 2.0 13.2 V -0.3 0.8 VIH VIHOD VIL IlL IL 10H IOHDD 10L Input High Level Ports,RESET1, EXT INTl Open Drain Input High Level I nput Low Level Ports, RESET1, EXT INT 1 Input Low Current Ports, RESET2, EXT INT2 Leakage Current +10 -5 Open drain ports, ~- RESET3, EXT INT3 Output High Current Standard ports, RESET2 EXT INT2 OUTPUT High Current Direct Drive Ports Output Low Current 10 ports rnA ·1.6 JlA = VSS VIL=Oo4V VIN=13.2V VIWO.OV JlA JlA VOW204V VOW3.9V -0.1 rnA VOH = 204V -1.5 rnA rnA Vnl-l=1.5V VOW· 7V -100 -30 -8.5 1.8 rnA VOL=O.4V IOHS STROBE Output High Current -300 JlA VOW204V 10LS STROBE Output Low Current 5.0 rnA VOL=Oo4V VIHRPR VILRPR 380 MIN Input High Level For RAM Protect Function To be effective. Input High Level For RAM Protect Function To be effective 1.9 5.8 V Guaranteed .1 V less thanVIHforRESET -0.3 004 V Guaranteed .1 V less than V I L for RESET .. DC CHARACTERISTICS (Cont'd) PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT VS B Standby Vee for RAM 3.2 5.5 V IS8 Standby current leHARGE Trickle charge available on VSB with Vee=4.5 to 5.5 SYMBOL POlO rnA rnA Vsa= 5.5 VSB= 3.2 rnA VSB=3.8V ·15 rnA VSB=3.2V 600 60 rnW rnW All Pins anyone pin 6 3.7 ·.8 Power dissipated by I/O Pins4 NOTES * Stresses above those listed under" Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 1. RESET and EXT INT have internal Schmit triggers giving minimum .2V hysteresis. 2. RESE'f or EXT INT programmed with standard pull·up 3. RESEi' or EXT INT programmed without standard pull-up 4. Power dissipation for 1/0 pins is calculated by~(Vcc - VIL) q IILI) +~(VCc - VOH) q 10H II +~(VOL) (lOL) TIMER AC CHARACTERISTICS Definitions: Error = Indicated time value - actual time value tpsc = t X Prescale Value Interval Timer Mode: Single interval error, free running (Note 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ±6t Cumulative interval error, free running (Note 3) ..................................... 0 Error between two Timer reads (Note 2) ................................... ±(tpsc + t to -(tpsc +t to -(tpsc + 7tell) Start Timer to interrupt request error (Notes 1,3) .......................... -2tell to -8tell Load Timer to stop Timer error (Note 1) ........................... +tell to -(tpsc + 2tell) Load Timer to read Timer error (Notes 1,2) ........................ -5tell to -(tpsc + 8tell) Load Timer to interrupt request error (Notes 1,3) ........................ -2t ell to -9tell Pulse Width Measurement Mode: Measurement accuracy (Note 4) ................................. .+t eIlto -(tpsc +2t ell) Minimum pulse width of EXT INT pin ..........................................2tell Event Counter Mode: Minimum active time of EXT INT pin ............................................2t<1> Minimum inactive time of EXT INT pin ..........................................2tell Notes: 1. All times which entail loading, starting, or stopping the Timer are referenced from the end of the last machine cycle of the OUT or OUTS instruction. 2. All times which entail reading the Timer are referenced from the end of the last machine cycle of the IN or INS instruction. 3. All times which entail the generation of an interrupt request are referenced from the start of the machine cycle in which the appropriate interrupt request latch is set. Additional time may elapse if the interrupt request occurs during a privileged or multicycle instruction. 4. Error may be cumulative if operation is repetitively performed. 381 AC TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 9 External Clock Internal Clock I/O Port Output r'~-' STROBE RESET ICPBIT]=" EXTINT _ tEH BIT 2=1 Note: All measurements are referenced to VI L max., VIH min., VOL max., or VOH min. 382 INPUT/OUTPUT AC TIMING Figure 10 INTERNAL WRITE CLOCK n * CYCLE TIM ING SHOWN FOR 4MHz EXTER NAL CLOCK 2jJS* , INOR INS OPCODE FETCHED 3jJS* , PORTADDR. PLACED ON DATA BUS , 3jJS* PORT DATA DRIVEN ON TO DATA BUS 2J.!S*1 I~ 11'-- NEXT OPCODE FETCHED X X PORT PINS , CYCLE TIMING DEPENDS ON INSTRUCTION 1jJS SETUP MAX. tSIO I A. INPUT ON PORT 4 OR 5 INTERNAL WRITE CLOCK , 2J.!S*' OUTOR OUTS OPCODE FETCHED 3jJS* , PORTADDR. ON DATA BUS CYCLE TIMING DEPENDS ON INSTRUCTION 3jJS* r ACCUMULATOR CONTENTS ON DATA BUS PORT PINS STROBE (ACTIVE FOR PORT 4 ON L YI 2J.!S*j NEXT OPCODE FETCHED X tdl/O STAYS LOW I+1jJS FOR TWO WRITE CYCLES MAX. B. OUTPUT ON PORT 4 OR 5 - I-r- 500n.* MIN. INTERNAL WRITE CLOCK OUTS 0,1 FETCHED ACC DATA ON BUS PORT PINS 1jJS MAX C. INPUT ON PORT 0 OR 1 D. OUTPUT ON PORT 0, 1 383 STROBE SOURCE CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT VCC = 5V, TA = 25°C) Figure 11 -15 S 0 U R C E C U R R E N T -10 """""'- ~ """""'-5 " .......... ~ ..... M A ~ ..... -...... ..... "- " i'- ~ r" 2 3 ""'" / 4 OUTPUT VOLTAGE STROBE SINK CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT VCC = 5V, TA = 25°C) Figure 12 S I N K C U R R E N T +100 +50 ~ 10-"'" , M A ~ / / ./ ." 1 ~ """" 2 3 OUTPUT VOLTAGE 384 4 5 STANDARD I/O PORT SOURCE CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT VCC = 5V, T A = 25°C) Figure 13 -1.5 S 0 U R C E f' ~ -1.0 ~ C U R R E N T M A "'"" "" ~~ '-. "'"""-.5 ""- "...... ~ "'"" ~ ,,~ ...... 2 " '5 4 3 """'III OUTPUT VOLTAGE DIRECT DRIVE I/O PORT SOURCE CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT VCC = 5V, T A = 25°C) Figure 14 S 0 U R C E C U R R E N T -10 -r--5 ~ ...... r--. ...... ....... , , .... ~ M A ~ ""'~ ~ 2 3 "" 4 5 OUTPUT VOLTAGE 385 I/O PORT SINK CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT VCC = 5V, TA = 25°C) Figure 15 +60 S I N K +50 C U +40 R R E N T +30 M A +20 ~", ~ +10 ~ ~ ~ ~ -- ...-~ ",.,.,. ", ", ~ 2 4 3 5 OUTPUT VOL TAGE MAXIMUM OPERATING TEMPERATURE VS. I/O POWER DISIPATION Figure 16 100 -- °C ~ """ 50 I000o.. ....... ~4s7-C:Ie ........ ....... .... CER~Mi'C ........ 100 200 300 400 500 600 PDI/O MW 386 ...... ...... ~ 1000 TRICKLE CHARGE CURRENT Figure 17 9.0mA ITC VS. VSB , ITC VCC= 5.5V " 8.0mA '" ..... ~ '-..... "" .......... 7.0mA ~ r........ ~ 3.5V 3.2V 4.0mA 3.8V I~ '" ITC 3.0mA VCC= 4.5V ~ """" "" '" ~ 2.0mA 3.2V 3.5V " ..... "'- "- ""'t 3.8V 387 ---------- PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: 40-Pin Dual In-Line Ceramic Package I- --j I-II I .04TYP .05TYP-l 025 TYP I 010 I~ ~=rtr II I --II.018 002 • TYP ._ _ '9 EQ~~~~:_'00~1.9_00- - - - - I PACKAGE DESCRIPTION 40-Pin Dual-in-Line Plastic Package r~ 2~---I,L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UCUC~~'~I~ -

2048X 8 mask programmable ROM Programmable binary timer -Internal timer mode -Pulse width measurement mode -Event counter mode Crystal, LC, RC, or external time base Low power (285mW typ.) I/O I/O 0 1/ 0 l I o o B o S E R I A L I/O MK3873 O l i O c-=> I/O ° I/O I/OW . W I/O MK3876 I/OW <=>1/0 F8 FAMILY p E R I External interrupt MK3870 I/OO Bol/o MK3872 1/00 64 additional bytes of executable RAM addressable by program counter or data counter 32 bits (4 ports) TTL Compatible I/O 8<:::::>c-.:) P H E R A L S I/O<=> I/O<=> I/OW I/O<=> < Single +5 volt ± 10% power supply Same pinout as MK3870 PIN CONNECTIONS XTL I -------. I GENERAL DESCRIPTION XTL2 _ 2 ~VBB po-o'~ The MK3876 is a complete 8-bit microcomputer on a single MOS integrated circu it. The 3876 can execute the F8 instruction set of more than 70 commands, allowing expansion into multi-chip configurations with software compatibility. The device features 2048 bytes of ROM, 64 bytes of scratchpad RAM, 64 bytes of executable RAM, a programmable binary timer, 32 bits of I/O, and a single +5 volt power supply requirement. Utilizing ion-implanted, N-channel silicon gate technology and advanced circuit design techniques the singlechip 3876 offers maximum cost-effectiveness in a wide range of control and logic replacement applications. The 3876 is an expanded memory version of the 3870 single chip microcomputer. The 3876 is identical to the 3870 in the following areas: instruction set, architecture, AC and DC characteristics, and pinout. The only change is in the memory expansion along with the appropriate memory address registers. 3 ·Vsa' PO-i*_ 4 PO~ ~5 PO-3 ___ 6 STROBE - - - 7 P"4-=o ~8 j54:I ___ 9 P4-2 ___ 10 P4-3 -II P4-4 -12 29 ___ PS _ 4 P4-5 - - 1 3 28_P5-5 p"4=-s _14 27_i:i"5-6 P4=7 --15 26_P5-""7 25_Pl="7' 24_~ 23 ___ ~5 Pcf4 --_19 21_TEST 'PROGRAMMABLE (PORT PINS BECOME VSB AND PIN FUNCTION DEPENDS ON DEVICE OPTION (STANDBY DEVICE OR STANDARD DEVICE) 401 PIN NAME PO-O - J5O-7 P1-Q - PH P4-0 - P4-7 P5-0 - P5-7 STROBE EXTINT RESET RAMPRT TEST XTL 1, XTL 2 Vee, GND VSB VBB I DESCRIPTION I/O Port 0 I/O Port 1 I/O Port 4 I/O Port 5 Ready Strobe External Interrupt External Reset, RAM Protect Test Line Time Base Power Supply Lines Standby Power Substrate Decoupling TYPE Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional Output Input Input - Input Input Input Input Input FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION PO-O-PO-7, P1-0-P1-7, P4-0-P4-7, and P5-0-P5-7 are 32 lines which can be individually used as either TTL compatible inputs or as latched outputs. STROBE is a ready strobe associated with I/O Port 4. This pin which is normally high provides a single low pulse after valid data is present on the P4-0-P4-7 pins during an output instruction. RESET - RAMPRT may be used to externally reset the 3876. When pulled low the 38713 will reset. When allowed to go high the 38713 will begin program execution ~ogram. location H '000'. Additionally when RESET - RAMPRT is brought low all accesses of the executable RAM are prevented and the RAM is placed in a protected state for powering down VCC without loss of data when the STANDBY option is selected. EXT INT is the external interrupt input. Its active state is software programmable. This input is also used in conjunction with the timer for pulse width measurement and event counting. XTL 1 and XTL 2 are the time base inputs to which a crystal (1 to 4MHz), LC network, RC network, or an external single-phase clock may be connected. 3870 ARCHITECTURE This section describes the basic funccional elements of the 3876 as shown in the block diagram of Figure 1. A programming model is shown in Figure 2. Main Control Logic The Instruction Register (IR) receives the operation code (OP code) of the instruction to be executed from the program ROM via the data bus. During ali OP code ,fetches eight bits are latched into the I R. Some instructions are completely specified by the upper 4 bits of the OP code. In those instructions the lower 4 bits are an immediate register address or an immediate 4 bit operand. Once latched into the I R the main control logic decodes the instruction and provides the necessary control gating signals to all circuit elements. ROM Address Registers There are four 12 bit registers associated with the 4K x 8 ROM and 64 x 8 RAM. These are the Program Counter (PO), the Stack Register (P), the Data Counter (DC) and the Auxiliary Data Counter (DC1). The Program Counter is used to address instructions or immediate operands. P is used to save the contents of PO during an interrupt or subroutine call. Thus, P contains the return address at which processing is to resume upon completion of the subroutine or the interrupt routine. The Data Counter (DC) is used to address data tables. This register is auto-incrementing. Of the two data counters only DC can access the memory. However, the XDC instruction allows DC and DC1 to be exchanged. Associated with the address registers is a 12 bit Adder/lncrementer. This logic element is used to increment PO or DC when required and is also used to add displacements to PO on relative branches or to add the data bus contents to DC in the ADC (add data counter) instruction. 4032 x 8 ROM TEST is an input, used only in testing the 3876. For normal circuit fu_nctionality this pin is left unconnected or may be grounded. VCC is the power supply input (+5V± 10%). VSB is the RAM standby power supply input if the standby option is selected (+5.5V to +2.2V). VBB is the substrate decoupling pin. A .01 microFarad capacitor is required to provide substrate decoupling. It is only used when standby option is selected. 402 The microcomputer program and data constants are stored in the program ROM. When a ROM access is required, the appropriate address register (PO or DC) is gated onto the ROM address bus and the ROM output is gated onto the main data bus. The first byte in ROM is location zero. 64 x 8 Executable RAM The upper 64 bytes of the total 4096 byte memory of the 3876 is RAM memory. The first byte is at address 4032 decimal (FCO hex). As with the ROM memory the RAM memory may be accessed by the PO and DC address registers. It may be written via the STO R E (ST) instruction. It may be read via the LOAD (LM) instruction. Additionally instructions may be executed from the RAM. A mask programmable standby power option is available whereby the 64x8 RAM remains powered and protected so that its contents are saved during a loss of the normal circuit power supply. via IS. This makes it easy to reference a buffer consisting of contiguous scratchpad bytes. For example, When the low order octal digit is incremented or decremented IS is incremented from octal 27 (0 '27') to 0 '20' or is decremented from 0 '20' to 0 '27'. This feature of the IS is very useful in many program sequences. All six bits of IS may be loaded at one time or either half may be loaded independently. Scratch pad and IS Scratchpad registers 9 through 15 (decimal) are given mnemonic names (J, H, K, and 0) because of special linkages between these registers and other registers such as the Stack Register. These special linkages facilitate the implementation of multi-level interrupts and subroutine nesting. For example, the instruction LR K, P stores the lower eight bits of the Stack Register into register 13 (K lower or KL) and stores the upper three bits of P into register 12 (K upper or K LJ) The scratch pad is not protected with the standby power option. The scratch pad provides 64 8-bit registers which may be used as general purpose RAM memory. The Indirect Scratchpad Address Register (IS) is a 6 bit register used to address the 64 registers. All 64 registers may be accessed using IS. In addition the lower order 12 registers may also be directly addressed. IS can be visualized as holding two octal digits. This division of IS is important since a number of instructions increment or decrement only the least significant 3 bits of IS when referencing scratchpad bytes Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) After receiving commands from the main control MK 3876 BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 1 XTLl XTL2 ~ VSR EXTINT RAMPRT INTERRUPT LOGIC 64X 8 RAM MEMORY ADDRESS BUS 2048 X 8 ROM MEMORY ADDRESS M A I N POoP " .".,( D' A T A M DC, DCI E M MAIN R CONTROL o Y LOGIC RESULT BUS TEST LOGIC TEST PORT 0 PORT 1 I/O I/O PORT4 PORT5 RESET & POWER ON CLEAR 403 3876 PROGRAMMABLE REGISTERS, PORTS AND MEMORY MAP Figure 2 INDIRECT SCRATCHPAD ADDRESS REGISTER ACCUMULATOR I A I ISL 32 0 4--6 bits- STATUS REGISTER PROGRAM COUNTER (W) :{ PO POU .. 11 S I G N .. 0 a{ STACK REGISTER PU 11 12 bits HEX OCl o o o I J 9 9 11 HU 10 A HL 11 B 12 13 KU 12 13 C D 14 KL au 14 E 16 QL 15 F 17 a PL I 87 DEC .. 0 61 3D 62 3E 75 76 63 3F 77 DEC 0 0 4030 FBE 7_8bits_0 PORT ") DATA COUNTER 7_8bits _ _ 0 G: .. 11 INTERRUPT CONTROL PORT MAIN MEMORY MEMORY DC I DCL 87 12 bits ~ .. 0 PORT 6 HEX R 0 7_8bits_0 M AUX DATA COUNTER DCl I/O PORTS DCIU .. 11 PORT5 PORT4 ] I DCI L 87 12 bits . 0 7 _ 8 bits-' 0 404 4031 FBF 4032 4033 FCO FCI 4094 FFE 4095 FFF R A M PORT 1 PORTO 15 I P . BINARY TIMER POL 87 12 bits N L T 0 R W L 4 _ 5bits_0 R IS ISU 5 7..-8bits-0 I 0 Z C N V E A T ERR R R 0 R C F Y SCRATCHPAD logic, the ALU performs the required arithmetic or logic operations (using the data presented on the two input busses) and provides the result on the result bus. The arithmetic operations that can be performed in the ALU are binary add, decimal adjust, add with carry, decrement, and increment. The logic operations that can be perfor)11ed are AND, OR, EXCLUSIVE OR, 1's complement, shift right, and shift left. Besides providing the result on the result bus, the ALU also provides four signals representing the status of the result. These signals, stored in the Status Register (W), represent CARRY, OVERFLOW, SIG N, and ZE RO condition of the result of the operation. Accumulator (A) The Accumulator (A) is the prinicpal register for data manipulation within the 387.6. A serves as one input to the A LU for arithmetic or logical operations. The result of A LU operations are stored in A. The Status Register (W) The Status Register (also called the IN register) holds five status flags as follows: 4 3 2 "'-BITNO. STATUS REGISTER (W) cessed upon completio.n of the first non-privileged instruction. If the ICB is cleared an interrupt request will not be acknowledged or processed until the ICB is set. I/O Ports The 3876 provides four complete bidirectional Input/Output ports. (When standby option is used, Port 0, bit 0 and 1 are not available). These are Ports 0, 1, 4, and 5. I n addition, the Interrupt Control Port is addressed as Port 6 and the binary timer is addressed as Port 7. An output instruction (OUT or OUTS) causes the contents of A to be latched into the addressed port. An input instruction (I N or I NS) transfers the contents of the port to A (port 6 is an exception which is described later). The I/O pins on the 3876 are logically inverted. The schematic of an I/O pin and available output drive options are shown in Figure 3. An output ready strobe is associated with Port 4. This flag may be used to signal a peripheral device that the 3876 has just completed an output of new data to Port 4. The strobe provides a single low pulse shortly after the output operation is completely finished, so either edge may be used to signal the peripheral. STROBE may also be used as an input strobe simply by doing a dummy output of H '00' to Port 4 after completing the input operation. Timer and Interrupt Control Port SIGN CARRY ZERO ~----------- OVERFLOW INTERRUPT CONTROL BIT The Timer is an 8-bit binary down counter which is software programmable to operate in one of three modes: the Interval Timer Mode, the Pulse Width Measurement Mode, or the Event Counter Mode. As shown in Figure 4, associated with the Timer are an 8-bit register called the I nterrupt Control Port, a programmable prescaler, and an 8-bit modulo-N register. A functional logic diagram is shown in Figure 5. Summary of Status Bits The desired timer mode, prescale value, starting and stopping the timer, active level of the EXT I NT pin, ~ ALU7 !\ALU6 !\ ALU5 !\ ALU4 t\ and local enabling or disabling of interrupts are ALU3!\ ALU2!\ ALU1 !\ ALUO selected by outputting the proper bit configuration from the Accumulator to the Interrupt Control CARR Y 7 Port (Port 6) with an OUT or OUTS instruction. Bits within the Interrupt Control Port are defined ALU7 as follows: OVERFLOW = CARRY 7(BCARRY 6 ZERO CARRY SIGN Interrupt Control Bit (lCB) Interrupt Control Port (Port 6) The ICB may be used to allow or disallow interrupts in the 3876. This bit is not the same as the two interrupt enable bits in the Interrupt Control Port (ICP). If the ICB is set and the 3876 interrupt logic communicates an interrupt request to the CPU section, the interrupt will be acknowledged and pro- Bit 0 - External I nterrupt Enable Bit 5 - -0- 2 Prescale Bit 1 - Timer Interrupt Enable Bit 6 - -0- 5 Prescale Bit 2 - EXT INT Active Level Bit 7 - -0- 20 Prescale Bit 3 - Start/Stop Timer Bit 4 - Pulse Width/Interval Timer 405 I/O PIN CONCEPTUAL DIAGRAM WITH OUTPUT BUFFER OPTIONS Figure 3 Vee Output Buffer PORT 1(0 PIN c 0 ';:J f- ~ ::l 01 -.= c 0 (,) c:c: q 6 f- c:c: c:c: 0 a... 0 a... 0 0 :O 12" (") o Z -i :0 Externa Time Base PRESCALER • .:. 2 Clock clock periods although the cumulative error over many intervals is zero. The prescaler and Timer generate precise intervals for setting the timer interrupt request latch but the time out may occur at any time within a machine cycle. (There are two types of machine cycles: short cycles which consist of 4 clock periods and long cycles which consist of 6 clock periods. In the multi-chip F8 family there is a signal called the WRITE clock which corresponds to a machine cycle). Interrupt requests are synchronized with the internal WR ITE clock thus giving rise to the possible ± 6 error. Additional errors may arise due to the interrupt request occurring while a privileged instruction or multicycle instruction is being executed. Nevertheless, for most applications all of the above errors are negligible, especially if the desired time intervall is greater than 1ms. II ~. . Pulse Width Measurement Mode When I CP bit 4 is set (logic 1) and at least one prescale bit is set the Timer operates in the Pulse Width Measurement Mode. This mode is used for accurately measuring the duration of a pulse applied to the EXT I NT pin. The Timer is stopped and the prescaler is reset whenever EXT I NT is at its inactive level. The active level of EXT INT is defined by ICP bit 2; if cleared, EXT INT is active low; if set, EXT INT is active high. If ICP bit 3 is set, the prescaler and Timer will start counting when EXT I NT transitions to the active level. When EXT I I NT returns to the inactive level the Timer then stops, the prescaler resets and if I CP bit 0 is set an external interrupt reque~t latchis7et.Tunlike timer interrupts, external interrupts are not latched if the ICP Interrupt Enable bit is not set). As in the Interval Timer Mode, the Timer may be read at any time, may be stopped at any time by clearing ICP bit 3, the prescaler and ICP bit 1 function as previously described, and the Timer stili functions as an 8-bit binary down counter with the timer interrupt request latch being set on the Timer's transition from H '01' to H 'N '. Note that the EXT INT pin has nothing to do with loading the Timer; 410 its action is that of automatically starting and stopping the Timer and of generating external interrupts. Pulse widths longer than the prescale value times the modulo-N value are easily measured by using the timer interrupt service routine to store the number of timer interrupts in one or more scratchpad registers. As for accuracy, the actual pulse duration is typically slightly longer than the measured value because the status of the prescaler is not readable and is reset when the Timer is stopped. Thus for maximum accuracy it is advisable to use a small division setting for the presca1er. Event Counter Mode When I CP bit 4 is cleared and all prescale bits (I CP bits 5, 6, and 7) are cleared the Timer operates in the Event Counter Mode. This mode is used for counting pulses applied to the EXT INT pin. If ICP bit 3 is set the Timer will decrement on each transition from the inactive level to the active level or the EXT I NT pin. The prescaler is not used in this mode, but as in the other two timer modes, the timer may be read at any time, may be stopped at any time by clearing ICP bit 3, ICP bit 1 functions as previously described, and the timer interrupt request latch is set on the Timer's transition from H '01' to H 'N'. Normally I CP bit 0 should be kept cleared in the Event Counter Mode; otherwise, external interrupts.• will be generated on the transition from the inactive level to the active level of the EXT I NT pin. For the Event Counter Mode the minimum pulse width required on EXT INT is 2 clock periods and the minimum inactive time is 2 clock periods; therefore, the maximum repetition rate is 500KHz. Timer Emulation For total software compatibility when expanding into a multi-chip configuration the MK3871 Peripheral Input/Output circuit should be used rather than the older MK3861 PIO. The MK3871 has the same improved Timer (binary count, readable, and three modes of operation rather than one) and ready strobe output as are on the MK3876. External Interrupts When the timer is in the Interval Timer Mode the EXT I NT pin is available for non-timer related interrupts. If ICP bit 0 is set an external interrupt request latch is set when there is a transition from the inactive level to 'the active level of EXT I NT. (EXT I NT is an edge-triggered input). The interrupt request is latched until either acknowledged by the CPU section or until lep bit 0 is cleared (unlike timer interrupt requests which remain latched even when ICP bit 1 is cleared). External interrupts are handled in the same fashion when the Timer is in the Pulse Width Measurement Mode or in the Event Counter Mode, except that only in the Pulse Width Measurement Mode the external interrupt request latch is set on the trailing edge of EXT INT, that is, 6n the transition from the active level to the inactive level. Interrupt Handling When either a timer or an external interrupt request is communicated to the CPU section of the 3876, it will be acknowledged and processed at the com· pletion of the first non-privileged instruction if the Interrupt Control .Bit of the Status Register is set. If the Interrupt Control Bit is not set, the interrupt request will continue until either the Interrupt Control Bit is set and the CPU section acknowledges the interrupt or until the interrupt request is cleared as previously described. If there is both a timer interrupt request and an external interrupt request when the CPU section starts to process the requests, the timer interrupt is handled first. When an interrupt is allowed the CPU section will request that the interrupting element pass its interrupt vector address to the Program Counter via the data bus. The vector address for a timer interrupt is H '020'. The vector address for external interrupts is H 'DAD'. After the vector address is passed to the Program Counter, the CPU section sends an acknowledge signal to the appropriate interrupt request latch which clears that latch. The execution of the interrupt service routine will then commence. The return address of the original program is automatically saved in the Stack Register, P. The Interrupt Control Bit of W (Status Register) is automatically reset when an interrupt request is acknowledged. It is then the programmer's responsibility to determine when ICB will again be set (by executing an EI instruction). This action prevents an interrupt service routine from being inter. rupted unless the programmer so desires. Event B Event B represents the instruction being executed when the interrupt occurs. The last cycle of B is normally the instruction fetch for the next cycle. However, if B is not a privileged instruction and the CPU's Interrupt Contr.ol Bit is set, then the last cycle be-. comes a "freeze" cycle rather than a fetch. At the end of the freeze cycle the interrupt request latches are inhibited from altering the interrupt daisy-chain so that sufficient time will be allowed for the daisychain to settle. (If B is a privileged instruciton, the instruction fetch is not replaced by a freeze cycle; instead, the fetch is performed and the next instruction is executed. Although unlikely to be encountered, a series of privileged instructions will be sequentially executed without interrupt. One more instruction, called a 'protected' instruction, will always be executed after the last privileged instruction. The last cycle of the protected instruction then performs the freeze.) The dashed lines on EXT INT illustrate the last opportunity for EXT INT to cause the last cycle .of a non-protected instruction to become a freeze cycle. The freeze cycle is a short cycle (4 --------I~ TO INTERNAL 3870 LOGIC RESET STATE~1 413 Power-On Clear (Cont'd) oscillator to operate (Vcc = 3.5V). Operation with a crystal is partly mechanical and some start time is required to get the mass of the crystal into vibrational motion. This time is basically dependent on the frequency (mass) of the crystal. 4 MHz crystals typically require about 2-3 mSec to start while 1 MHz crystals require 60-70 mSect to start oscillating. Of course, this time may vary greatly from crystal to crystal and is also a function of the power supply rise time characteristic, however, the higher freq\lency crystals start faster and are definitely recommended (i.e., 3-4 MHz). The condition of the port pins during the power-onclear sequence is often asked, The port pins or the STROBE line cannot be specified until Vcc reaches 4.5V and the 3876 enters the RESET state. Before this, the port pins may stay at Vss, may track Vcc as it rises, or they may track Vcc part way up then return to Vss (Ports 4 and 5 will go to Vce once the clocks are running and the 3870 has sufficient Vcc to properly operate the internal control logic and I/O ports, Ports 0 and 1 must be controlled by the program). External Reset When RESET is taken low the content of the Program Counter is pushed to \ the Stack Register and then the Program Counter and the ICB bit of the W Status Register are cleared. The original Stack Register content is lost. Ports 4, 5, 6, and 7 are loaded with H '00'. The contents of all other registers and ports are unchanged. When power is first applied all ports and registers are undefined until a reset is performed. When RESET is taken high the first program instruction is fetched from ROM location H '000'. When an external reset of the 3876 occurs, PO is pushed into P and the old contents of P are lost. It must be noted that an external reset is recognized at the start of a machine cycle and not necessarily at the end of an instruction. Thus if the 3876 is executing a multi-cycle instruction, that instruction is not completed and the contents of P upon reset may not necessarily be the address of the instruction that would have been executed next. It may, for example, point to an immediate operand if the reset occurred during the second cycle of a LI or CI instruction. Additionally, several instructions (JMP, PI, PK, LR PO, Q) as well as the interrupt acknowledge sequence modify PO in parts. That is, they alter PO by first loading one part then the other and the entire operation takes more than one cyc.le. Should reset occur during this modification process the value pushed into P will be part of the old PO (the as yet unmodified part) and part of the new PO (already modified part). Thus care should be taken (perhaps by external gating) to insure that reset does not occur at an undesirable time if any signifi414 cance is to be given to the contents of P after a reset occurs. VCC Decoupling The 3870 family devices have dynamic circuitry internally which requires a good high frequency decoupling capacitor to surpress noise on the Vcc line. A .01 J1F or .1 J1F ceramic capacitor should be placed between Vcc and ground, located physically close to the 3870 device. This will reduce noise generated by the 3870 to about 70-100 mVolts on the Vcc line. Test Logic Special test logic is implemented to allow access to the internal main data bus for test purposes. In normal operation the TEST pin is unconnected or is connected to G N D. When TEST is placed at a TTL level (2.0V to 2.6V) Port 4 becomes an output of the internal data bus and Port 5 becomes a wiredOR input to the internal data bus. The data appearing on the Port 4 pins is logically true whereas input data forced on Port 5 must be logically false. When TEST is placed at high level (6.0V to 7.0Vl. the ports act as above and additionally the 2K x 8 program ROM is prevented from driving the data bus. I n this mode operands and instructions may be forced externally through Port 5 instead of being accessed from the program ROM. When TEST is in either the TTL state or the high state, STROBE ceases its normal function and becomes a machine cycle clock (identical to the F8 multi-chip system WR ITE clock except inverted). Timing complexities render the capabilities associated with the TEST pin impractical for use in a user's application, but these capabilities are thoroughly sufficient to provide a rapid method for thoroughly testing the 3876. STANDBY POWER OPTION If the standby power option has no.t been selected Port O-bit 0 and 1 are readable and writeable. If the standby power option is selected Port O-Bit 1 is readable only. Port O-Bit 0 remains readable and writable although it is not connected to a package pin. The standby power source (VSB) is connected to Pin 4. A .00l-lF capacitor must be connected to Pin 3. The purpose of the capacitor is to decouple noise coupled to the substrate of the circuit when VCC is switched off and on. It IS recommended that Nickei-Cadmium batteries (typical voltage of 3 series cells = 3.6V) be used for standby power, since the MK3876 can automatically trickle charge the three Ni-Cad's. If more than three cells in series are used, the charging circuit must be provided outside the MK3876. Whenever RESET-RAMPRT is brought low, the standby RAM STAN BY POWER OPTION (Cont'd) (64x8 bit words in PO/DC address space, 4032 to 409510 or FCO to FFF16) is placed in a protected state. Also the RAM itself is switched from VCC power to the VSB power. Two modes of powering down are recommended. In the first mode, the processor must be interrupted early enough to save all necessary data before the VCC falls below the minimum level. After the save is done, RESET can fall. This prevents any further access of the RAM; VCC may now fall. As the power comes up, the RESET/ RAMPRT signal should be held low until VCC is above the minimum level. The second mode may be used if a special save data routine is not needed. The EXT INTERRUPT need not be used and the only requirement to save the RAM data is that RESET-RAMPRT be low before VCC drops below 4.5V. For example if a few key variables are to be stored in RAM and it is desired that these be saved during a loss of power, two copies of each variable are kept with an associated flag, thus no interrupt and save routine is necessary. The method of updating a variable is as follows: - Clear Flag Word 1 - Update Variable (Copy 1) - Set Flag Word 1 - Clear Flag Word 2 . Update Variable (Copy 2) - Set Flag Word 2 Now execution may terminate at any time, even during the update of a variable or flag word, causing that byte in RAM to be bad data. There is always a good data byte which contains either the most recent or next most recent value of the variable. Any copy of the variable where the flag word is "set" is a good data byte. While this method significantly encumbers the data storage process, it eliminates the need for a power fail interrupt which both reduces external circuitry and leaves the external interrupt pin completely free for other use. Figure 9 represents the internal circuitry which can be connected to pins 3, 4, and 39 to provide this Standby Mode. If the Standby Mode is selected, switches A 1 and A2 are masked in the position shown, thereby disconnecting the normal port circuitry from pins 3 and 4. Switches B1 and B2 are masked in the position shown to allow pin 39 to become the control (RAMPRT) and pin 4 the power (VSB) for the Standby Mode. If the Standby Mode is not selected all switches are masked opposite of the positions shown and pins 3 and 4 become normal 3870 type ports. RAMPRT is an input signal used to control access to the Standby RAM. If RAMPRT is high, access to the 64 Byte Standby RAM is permitted by the CPU via the Program Counter (PO) of the Data Counter (DC). The Standby RAM current is supplied by the series pass transistor and a 4 to 12 mA current can be supplied out of pin 4 (Vsb) to trickle charge two Ni-Cad cells (nominal 2.5 Volts). The resistors shown simulate device impedances that limit the current available at pin 4 so that the battery is not overcharged. If RAMPRT is low, the Control Logic turns off the pass transistor and the Standby RAM is maintained by a current supplied by the battery connected to pin 4. When RAMPRT is low, the CPU cannot access the Standby RAM thereby protecting its contents as Vcc fails. The Standby RAM can be maintained by a capacitor, however, a resistor and a diode will be required in order to charge the capacitor to Vcc. Internal voltage drops will not allow Vsb to go above 3 volts (typically) without this external resistor. 3876 Clocks The time base for the 3876 may originate from one of four sources. The four configurations are shown in Figure 10. There is an internal 26pF capacitor between XTL 1 and GND and an internal 26pF capacitor between XTL 2 and GND, thus external capacitors are not neccessarily required. In all external clock modes the external time base frequently is divided by two to form the internal (I) clock. Crystal Selection The use of a crystal as the time base is highly recommended as the frequency stability and reproducability from system to system is unsurpassed. The 3876 has an internal divide by two to allow the user of inexpensive and widely available TV Color Burst Cyrstals (3.58MYz). The following crystal parameters and vendors are suggested for 3876 applications: Parameters a) Parallel Resonance, Fundamental Mode AT-Cut b) Frequency Tolerance measured with 18pF load (0.1% accuracy). Drive level10mW. c) Shunt Capacitance (Co) = 7pF max. d) Series Resistance (Rs) Holder f = 1MHz f - 2MHz f = 3MHz f - 3.58MHz f - 4MHz Rs = 550 ohms max. Rs - 300 ohms max. Rs = 150 ohms max. * Rs - 150 ohms max. Rs = 150 ohms max. HC-6 HC-33 HC-6 HC-18 HC-25 HC-33 *HC-18 or HC-25 holder may not be available at 3MHz. 415 SAVE ROUTINE REQUIRED, VSB;;;' 2.2 VOLTS Figure 8a VCC SUSTAINED BY CAPACITOR OR BATTERY UNTIL RAMPRT BROUGHT LOW r----'---I-~ ---J ~ I I I ~'----~f ~f_--t---J;1 I I----I- I ACCESS TO RAM INHIBITED I ~ EXECUTION - - - + - -....~~ BEGINS AGAIN I NO SAVE ROUTINE REQUIRED, VSB;;;' 2.2 VOLTS Figure 8b VCC----_~ MAIN POWER FAILURE DETECTED 1 / ' ( ) ~---;) .... 1----- \-------11) )\-1_ _ _ _ _ _ 416 ~/ CLOCK CONFIGURATIONS Figure 10 RC Mode VCC EiJ E2JR -;- ~§3S39 o --L Cexternal i External Mode Crystal Mode Open (optional) External Clock ATCutl-4MHz ~ Minimum R = 4KU C = 26.5pF ± 2.6pF + CEXTERNAL FREOUENCY VRS RC LC Mode 4 I' 3 XTL 1 "" I' I' 2 ...... ,... ...... I' ...... :--. " I L __ ~t_- , r;- t--..L Cexternal (optional) I"'- Minimum L =0.1 mH Minimum Q = 40 MINIMUM (4.5V ·5.5V, O°C _70°C)/ , X 10-7 I I I I I I I ' J. I I ...J P"- M~XIMUM (4.~ - S.5Y, ~oC ;70:oCI:L TYPICAL (TYPICAL UNIT AT VCC =5V. TA =25°C) / I II XTL 2 Maximum Cexternal = 30pF I L 2 X 10-1 3 X 10-7 4 X 10·7 (R) (CINTERNAL + CEXTERNALl 5 X 10-7 UNIT TO UNIT VARIATION = ± 12% VARIATION FROM 4.5 to 5.5V REFERENCED TO 5V = +7%-4% VARIATION FROM O°C TO 70°C REFERENCED TO 25°C = +6% ·9% TOTAL VARIATION NOT CONSIDERING VARIATION IN EXTERNAL COMPONENTS = ± 25% 6 X 10-7 C = 13pF ± 1.3pF + Cexternal f~ 21TVIC NOTE: The stray capacitance across the inductor must be included as Cexternal in all calculations. Suggested Crystal Vendors 418 a) Electro-Dynamics 5625 Foxridge Drive Mission, Kansas 66201 913-262-2500 d) Erie Frequency Control 453 Lincoln Street Carlisle, Penn 17013 717-249-2232 b) CRYSTEK 1000 Crystal Drive Ft, Myers, Florida 33901 813-936-2109 e) Electronic Crystals Corp, 1153 Southwest Blvd, Kansas City, Kansas 66103 913-262-1274 c) W.T. Liggett Corp. 1500 Worcester Rd. Section 30 Framingham, MA 01701 617-620-1150 f) M-TRON Industries P.O, Box 630 100 Douglas Avenue Yankton, South Dakota 605-665-9321 "TIs MK3876 PROGRAMMING MODEL cE' " ~W "CO Figure 11 "'''-1 "'0) OUT S ,-----------------------~4~IADC '"C :lJ 7 o G') INS*7 :lJ EI l DI J, I, ·ILNK ~ s OUTS 6 w " 2 INS 6 4 3 2 I LIS L G') s o PO) OUTS 0,1,4,5 11\15*0,1,4,5 lISU AS NS XS ASD SCRATCHPAD REGISTERS o I/O PORTS (4 ) -C»INVERTING 3 4 ROM MEM "5 2048X8 ~ --IDC II T+I~ 1... • LR ACCUMULATOR I.~ LR:;'" ~~ IT, " "C'~(PO * DS* COM It, C SL I PO tf I.. FROM TIMER 1 RAM SL4 SRI 5R4 PK 2 LR PROGRAM COLJNTER 2KX8 HEX OCTAL H'020' These Instructions set status H'OAO' The value of the external Interrupt input IS loaded to Bit 7 of the ilcr.umulator (wIth Bits 0 through 6 IOdded with zeros) when the instruction 'INS 6' is executed. This Instruction also sets status. H'OOO' RESET f EXTERNAL INTERRUPT Reset Tr<'Jnsfers PO to P and then clears PO, leB Bit of W, and Ports 4,5,6 and 7. tt PO, P, DC, and DC 1 are 12 bit registers Note The instructions PI and PK are shown In two sequential parts. (P11, PI2 and PK 1, PK21. ... ~ CD ROM MEM LM ST (DCl RAM 64X8 o m r INSTRUCTION EXECUTION This section details the timing and execution. of the 3876 instruciton set. The 3876 executes the entire F8 instruction set with exact F8 timing. Refer to Figure 11 for a 3876 Programming Model. F8 INSTRUCTION SET ACCUMULATOR GROUP INSTRUCTIONS MACHINE MNEMONIC OPCQDE OPERATION OPERAND FUNCTION CODE BYTES CYCLES LONG SHORT /.S 12MHzl OVR STATUS BITS ZERO CRY SIGN Add Carry LNK A_(A) +CRY 19 1/0 I/O I/O I/O Add 1rnmed iate AI A-(Al + H 'ii' 24ii I/O 1/0 I/O I/O And Immediate NI A-(AIAH'II' 21ii Clear CLA A .. H'OO' 70 +1 1/0 1/0 Compare Immediate CI H'!I'-f (A) Complement COM A+(A) + H'FF' 18 I/O Exclusive or Immediate XI A_(Aj + H'ii' 23ii I/O Increment INC A-fA) + 1 IF Load Immediate LI A_H'II' 2011 Load Immediate Short LIS A_H'Oi' 7, 25ii I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O OR Immediate 01 A ... (A) VH 'ij' 22ii I/O I/O Shift Left One SL Shift Left 1 13 I/O I/O Shift left Four SL Shift Left 4 15 I/O I/O Shift Right One SR Shift Right 1 12 I/O Shift Right Four SA Shift Right 4 14 I/O BRANCH INSTRUCTIONS In all conditional branches PO-( PO) + 2 if the test condition is not met. Execution is complete in 3 short cycles. OPERAND OPCODE CODE FUNCTION Branch on Carry Be P04iPOl-l-1+ H'aa' If CRY Branch on Positi'le BP PO-(POl S'IGN Branch on Zero ~ Zero ~ 1- TEST CONDITION Iz~~ol IS~~N I SHORT LONG 82aa -I- 1 -I- H'aa' If 81aa -I- 1 -I- H'as' if 84aa -I- 1 + H'aa' 8taa If any test IS true JRY Branch If Negative 91aa PO... (POI +1 + H'aa' 8M If SIGN =0 Branch if No Carry PO ... (PO) +1+ H'aa' BNC 92aa If CARRY" 0 Branch jf No Overflow 98aa PO"'{PO) +l+H'aa' BNO If OVA = 0 Branch if Not Zero PO.(POI+l+ H'aa' BNZ 94" If ZERO" 0 Branch If False Tesl BF PO"(PQ) -1-1+ H'aa' ! TEST CONDITION jf all false test bits I ""~ I Branch If tSAR (Lower) n ..,; I ""I BA7 9taa I ,.., I 10~F IZE~O IC~y ISI~N: PO_(POl+1+ H'aa' If 87aa tSARLO PO,,(PO)+2If ISARL =. Branch Relative BA PO" (POl+1+ H'aa' 90aa Jump· JMP PO ... H'aaaa' 29aaaa *Privileged instruction, Accumulator contents altered during execution JMP instruction. 420 STATUS BITS !.IS (2MHz t", PARAMETER Time base period, all external modes External Clock Pulse Width High External Clock Pulse Width Low MIN MAX 250 1000 ns 90 100 700 700 ns ns Internal Clock Period 2tO 4t 6t NOTES 4MHz-1MHz Short Cycle Long Cycle WRITE tw Internal WR ITE Clock Period I/O tdl/O Output delay from internal WR ITE Clock tsl/O Input Setup time to WR ITE Clock 1000 tl/O-s Output valid to STROBE Delay 3t -1000 3t +250 tsl STROBE Low Time 8t -250 12t +250 0 UNIT 1000 ns 50pF plus one TTL load ns I/O load = 50pF + 1 TTL STROBE Load= 50pF + 3 TTL STROBE RESET EXTINT tRH tEH RESET Hold Time, Low .• EXT I NT Hold Time, Active and I nactive State 6t +750 6t + 750 2t,\> ns ns ns To trigger interrupt To trigger timer 423 TIMER AC CHARACTERISTICS Definitions: Error = Indicated time value - actual time value tpsc = tx Prescale Value Interval Timer Mode: Single interval error, free running (Note 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ±6t Cumulative interval error, free running (Note 3) ............... , ..................... 0 Error between two Timer reads (Note 2) ................................... ±(tpsc + t to -(tpsc +t to -(tpsc + 7t to -8t Load Timer to stop Timer error (Note 1) ........................... +t to -(tpsc + 2t to -(tpsc + 8t to -9t Pulse Width Measurement Mode: Measurement accuracy (Note 4) ..................................+t to -(tpsc +2t <1» Minimum pulse width of EXT INT pin ..........................................2t Event Counter Mode: Minimum active time of EXT INT pin ............................................2t<1> Mir:limum inactive time of EXT INT pin ......................................... ·2t<1> 1. All times wh ich entail loading, starting, or stopping the Timer are referenced from the end of the last machine cycle of the OUT or OUTS instruction. 2. All times which entail reading the Timer are referenced from the end of the last machine cycle of the I N or I NS instruction. 3. All times which entail the generation of an interrupt request are referenced from the start of the machine cycle in which the appropriate interrupt request latch is set. Additional time may elapse if the interrupt request occurs during a privileged or multicycle instruction. 4. Error may be cumulative if operation is repetitively performed. CAPACITANCE TA = 25°C, f=2MHz MIN SYMBOL PARAMETER CIN Input Capacitance: I/O Ports, RESET/ RAMPRT, EXTINT, TEST CXTL Input Capacitance: XTL1, XTL2 20.5 MAX UNIT 7 pF 32.5 pF NOTES Unmeasured Pins Grounded DC CHARACTERISTICS TA = O°C to 70°C, VCC =+5V ± 10%, I/O POWER DISSIPATION..; 100mW SYMBOL PARAMETER ICC Power Supply Current Po 424 Power Dissipation MIN TEST CONDITIONS MAX UNIT 93 .mA Outputs Open 440 mW Outputs Open DC CHARACTERISTICS (Cont'd) PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT VIHEX External Clock Input High Level 2.4 5.8 V VILHEX External Clock I nput Low Current -0.3 0.6 V IIHEX External Clock Input High Current 100 !lA VIHEX = VCC IILEX External Clock I nput Low Cu rrent -100 !lA VILEX = VSS 2.0 5.8 V 2.0 13.2 V -0.3 0.8 SYMBOL VIH VIHOD VIL IlL IL 10H 10HDD 10L Input High Level Ports,RESET1, EXT INTI Open Drain Input High Level Input Low Level Ports, RESET1, EXT I NT 1 Input Low Current Ports, RESET2, EXT INT2 Leakage Current Open drain ports, 'R"E'SE'T 3, EXT INT3 Output High Current Standard ports, R ESET2 EXT INT2 OUTPUT High Current Direct Drive Ports Output Low Current 10 ports IOHS STROBE Output High Current IOLS STROBE Output Low Current _ VIHRPR VILRPR Input High Level For RAM Protect Function To be effective. lnput High Level For RAM Protect Function To be effective. VSB Standby VCC for RAM ISB Standby current ICHARGE Trickle charge available on VSB with V CC=4.5 to 5.5 -1.6 +10 -5 NOTES mA VIL=O.4V !lA VIW 13. 2V VIN=O.OV !lA !lA VOW2.4V VOH=3.9V -0.1 mA VOH = 2.4V -1.5 mA mA VOW1.5V VO W ·7V -100 -30 -8.5 1.8 mA VOL=O.4V -300 !lA VOW2.4V 5.0 mA VOL = O.4V 1.9 5.8 V Guaranteed .1 V less thanVIHforRESET -0.3 0.4 V Guaranteed .1 V less than V I L for RESET 3.2 5.5 V 6 3.7 mA mA VSB =5.5V VSB = 2.2\1 -.8 -12 mA -4.5 -15 mA VS B= 3.8VR'ESE'f1 RAMPRT high VSB= 3.2V * Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 1. RESET and EXT INT have internal Schmit triggers giving minimum .2V hysteresis. 2. RESEi' or EXT INT programmed with standard pull-up 3. RESET or EXT I NT programmed without standard pull-up 4. Power dissipation for 1/0 pins is calculated by~(Vcc - VIL) q IILI) +k(VCC - VOH ) II 10H I) +~(VOL) (lOL) 425 AC TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 12 External Clock Internal

ERATING TEMPERATURE VS. I/O POWER DISIPATION Figure 19 100 - ~ 50 ... i'ooo.. ~~ 'U 100 200 300 ...... ...... , ~ IC ....... .......... 400 CE ~A ........ II I 500 600 PDI/O MW 430 ~ 100..... r- I"-- l. I 1000 TRICKLE CHARGE CURRENT Figure 20 ITC VS. VSI3 VCC= 5.5V 9.0mA f'.... ITC 8.0mA " " 7.0mA ........ '" " ........... ....... "" 3.5V 3.2V 4.0mA ...... ............... 3.8V 4", "'- ~ ITC VCC= 4.5V "'" ......."'- 3.0mA "'- ......... "- 2.0mA 3.2V 3.5V "- ~ 3.8V 431 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: 40-Pin Dual In-Line Ceramic Package 1-------1- - 2000' =m= I 020 ~~ ,::::~r==f\~D~J~'=11m [] I I/O<=> B<==> MK 3870 I/O to ..... 01/0 ----------------------------------------..... F8 FAMILY 0 64 byte RAM on the CPU chip 0 Two bi-directional, 8-bit I/O ports I/O<=:> 0 8-bit arithmetic and logic unit, supporting both binary and decimal arithmetic I/O<=:> 0 Interrupt control logic 0 Both external and crystal clock generating modes I/O<=:> 0 Over 70 instructions 0 Low power dissipation-typically less than 330mW p E R I P H E R A L <=:> I/O<=:> M E I/O<=:> <=:) I/O<=:) s < > M 0 R Y <=:> I/O<=:) GENERAL DESCRIPTION I/O The MK3850 is the Central Processing Unit (CPU) for the F8 Microprocessor family. It is used in conjunction with other F8 family devices to configure the optimal microprocessor system for the amount of RAM, ROM/PROM, and I/O required in the users application. A minimum system may be configured with as few as two devices (CPU & PSU), while larger systems may have up to 64K bytes of memory, 128 I/O ports, direct memory acccess, and even multiple processors. Single chip microcomputer systems are also possible using the MK3870 PIN NAME DESCRIPTION TYPE DBO-OB7 '--__---' PIN CONNECTIONS ~ I 40 WRITE 2 39 XTLX VOO 3 38 XTLY EXT RES RC VGG 4 37 f7003 5 36 110 04 DB3 6 35 DB4 I/O 13 7 34 lIO 14 lIO 12 8 33 I/O 15 DB2 D002 9 10 MK3850 32 DB5 31 Di505 lI001 II 30 I/O 06 DB I 12 29 DB 6 II 13 28 110 16 lIO 10 14 27 110 17 DB0 15 26 DB7 I/O 00 16 25 I/O 07 ROMC0 17 24 VSS ROMC I 18 23 iN'FliEQ ROMC 2 19 22 ICB ROMC 3 20 21 ROMC 4 I/O 441 FUNCTIONAL PIN DEFINITION and WRITE are clock outputs which drive all other devices in the F8 family. XTLX and XTL Yare used when generating the system clock in the Crystal mode. The XTL Y pin is also used for operating in the External clock mode. ROMCO through ROMC4 are control outputs which control logic operations for other devices in the F8 ROMCO through ROMC4 assume a state family. early in each machine cycle and hold that state for the duration of the cycle. DBa through DB7 are bi-directional data bus lines which link the 3850 CPU with all other F8 chips in the system. These are multiplexed lines, used to transfer data and addresses. 170 00 through I/O 07 and I/O 10 through I/O 17 are Input/Output port bits through which the CPU communicates with logic external to the microprocessor system. EXT RES may be used to externally reset the system. When this line is pulled low, the program ,counter is set to address H '0000'. INT REO is used to signal the CPU that an interrupt is being requested. The 3851 PSU and 3853 SMI devices contain logic to initiate interrupt requests ~y pulling INT REO low. The CPU acknowledges I~terrupt requests by outputting appropriate ROMC signal sequences. !CB !ndicates whether or not thLCPU is currently Ignonng the INT REO line. If ICB is low the CPU will respond to interrupt requests, if itJ3 is high ' the CPU will ignore interrupt requests. RC is not use~ and should be connected to VSS for normal operation. VSS = OV VDD = +5V ± 5% @ 80m A max. VGG = +12V ± 5% @ 25mA max. CPU ORGANIZATION This section describes the basic functional elements of the MK3850 CPU. These elements are shown on the Functional Block Diagram of the CPU in Figure 3. Instruction Register (I R) The. Instruction ~egister s~ores t~e instruction operation code dUring the instructIOn execution sequence. The OP Code is loaded into the Instruction Register from the data bus at the end of the execution sequence for the previous instruction. The last operation associated with each instruction is therefore the fetch of the OP code for the next instruction to be executed (unless an interrupt initiates the interrupt service sequence). The newly fetched OP code is latched into the Instruction Register at the start of the next machine cycle (as defined by the 1-0 transistion of the WRITE clock). Most OP codes are either 4 or 8 bits long. For those instructions where the OP code may be completely 442 specified using the upper 4 bits of the machine instruction, the lower 4 bits are used to specify an operand. This operand may specify a Scratch Pad Register, Port, or a 4-bit Immediate Constant. For this reason, the lower 4 bits of the instruction register are bussed to both the Scratch Pad Register Select logic and the Right Multiplexer Bus. , Control Unit The Control Unit for the CPU consists of the Control ROM (CROM) and the State Counter. The CROM is responsible for generating all system timing and control signals required for controlling data flow within the F8 CPU and other F8 circuits. The inputs to the CROM logic are the 8 bits from the instruction register, 4 bits from the State Counter, three internal status signals (" ALU RESULT = 0", "ISARL = 7", and the status of the Interrupt Control Bit (lCB) and two external conditions (INT REO and Reset). The I R inputs to the control logic identify which instruction is being executed, while the State Counter inputs define the machine cycle within the instruction execution sequence. The status of the ICB together with INT REO are used to determine whether the interrupt sequence is to be initiated in !i~u. of fetching a new instruction. The reset input initiates the restart sequence. The remaining two internal signals are used to make branching decisions. The outputs generated by the control logic fall into th ree groups. External Commands • Next State Outputs I nternal Commands External ~ommands are coded into the 5 system control lines (ROMCO - ROMC4). Descriptions of these commands are shown in Table 2. The next state outputs are 4 signals representing the next state of the State Counter. These signals are decoded during the present machine cycle and are strobed into the State Counter at the start of the next cycle. At that time these signals become the present state inputs to the CROM from the State Counter and new next State Outputs are generated. The internal commands control data flow within the F8 CPU circuit. These commands include selecting the .ALU operation to be performed, gating the proper Input onto the Left and Right Multiplexer Busses, gating the Result Bus into the proper register or onto the Data Bus, selecting the proper Scratch pad Address input (either the ISAR or the lower 4 bits of the I R), and providing a signal to the timing circuits to force either a long or a short cycle. Arithmetic And Logic Unit (ALU) The 8-bit parallel ALU is the heart of the CPU. After receiving commands from the control circuits on the CPU circuit, the ALU performs the required arithmetic or logic operations (using the data presented on the two input busses) and provides the result on the Result Bus. The arithmetic operations that can be performed in the ALU are binary add, decimal adjust, add with carry, decrement, and increment. The logic operations that can be performed are "AND", "OR", "EXCLUSIVE OR", and "1's COMPLEMENT". Associated with the left input port to the ALU is a shifter, a complementer, and a low order carry (CO). The shifter can shift the left Multiplexer Bus to the left or to the right by 1 or 4 bits. The complementer can perform the 1 's complement of the left Multiplexer Bus before providing it as an input to the ALU. Co participates whenever the ALU performs the add with carry operation. Normally it is a zero, but may be forced to a 1 or may take the state of thf! carry bit in the W register. Besides providing the result on the Result Bus, the ALU also provides four signals representing the status of the result. These signals, stored in the Status (W) register, represent carry, overflow, sign and zero condition of the result of the operation. The Zero condition is also used by the control circuits during execution of the branch instructions. In addition to performing arithmetic or logic operations, the ALU sometimes acts simply as a passage way to allow the contents of the various internal registers to be placed on the Result Bus so that they may be transferred to another register. For example, when the W register is stored in the Scratchpad, it first passes unaltered through the ALU on to the Result Bus, then into the Scratchpad register. The Accumulator The Accumulator is the principle register for data manipulations within the CPU. Using the ALU, the 8-bit contents of the Accumulator may be complemented, incremented, or shifted left or right. Its contents may also be logically or arithmetically combined with the contents of the Scratch pad or memory locations, with the result replacing the original contents of the Accumulator. FIGURE 1 - THE ISAR REGISTER 5 r---I 4 3 ~I~I NOT INCREMENTEDJ OR DECREMENTED o 2 .-BITNO. I""'--'I""-'IISAR """""""1 llNCREMENTED AND DECREMENTED Additional saving may be further achieved by utilizing another key feature of the Scratchpad which permits the direct access of registers H'O' through H'B'. These registers shou Id be reserved by the programmer for those variables most frequently accessed. Scratch pad registers H'9' through H'F' (0 11' through 0'17') have special significance since they have linkages directly with the status word (W), the Data Counter (DC), Stack Register (P) and Program Counter (PO) as shown in the F8 Programming Model (Figure 7). These linkages are implemented using single byte F8 instructions such as: LR K,P wh ich transfers the 16-bit contents of the Stack Register (P) into the 'K' register pair (Scratchpad registers H'C' and H'D'). The contents of the accumulator are undisturbed by the execution by these instructions. The Status Register The status register (also called the W register) hoi five status flags as shown in figure 2. FIGURE 2 - THE STATUS REGISTER The Scratch pad And ISAR 3 The Scratch pad consists of 64 8-bit RAM data registers (H'OO' thru H'3F') which are available to the programmer for the high speed access and manipulation of data. For most control/logic replacement this will provide all the data storage required. '-BITNO. STATUS REGISTER (WI SIGN All of the 64 Scratch pad registers are indirectly accessable through the use of the 6-bit Scratchpad address register, ISAR. In this way, any scratchpad register may be loaded to/from or added to the accumulator (binary or BCD); logically 'ANDED' or 'exclusive OR'ED' with the Accumulator; or decremented directly without disturbing the Accumulator. The contents of the least significant 3-bits of ISAR may be selectively auto-incremented, autodecremented, or left unchanged (at the programmer's option) whenever the Scratch pad is accessed .using ISAR(see Figure 1). ISAR itself may be loaded either to/from the lower 6-bits of the accumulator, or loaded in 3-bit halves using the single byte immediate instructions LlSU n and LISL n. The ability to independently modify the upper and lower halves of ISAR plus the autoincrement/auto-decrement options, can be used very effectively by the programmer to minimize the size of his programs. CARRY ZERO 1--_ _ _ _ _ OVERFLOW INTERRUPT MASTER ENABLE Note that status flags are selectively modified following execution of different instructions. Table 4 defines the way in which individual F8 instructions modify status flags. Sign (S BIT) When the results of an ALU operation are being interpreted as a signed binary number, the high order bit (bit 7) represents the sign of the number. 443 At the conclusion of instructions that may modify the accumulator bit 7, the S bit is set to the complement of the accumulator bit 7. Carry (C BIT) The C bit may be visualized as an extension of an 8-bit data unit, i.e., the ninth of a 9-bit data unit. When two bytes are added, and the sum is greater than 255, then the carry out of the high order bit appears in the C bit. Here are some examples: C 76 543 2 1 0 _Bit Number Accumulator contents: 0 1100 10 1 Value added: 0 1 1 1 01 1 0 Sum: 0 1 1 01101 1 There is no carry, so C is reset to O. C 765432 1 0 _ B i t Number Accumulator contents: 1001110 1 Value added: 1 1 0 1 00 0 1 Sum: 1 01 101 1 1 0 TABLE 1 - SUMMARY OF STATUS BITS OVERFLOW CARRY7 @ CARRY 6 ZERO ALU7 A ALU6 A ALU5 A ALU4 A ALU3 A CARRY CARRY7 SIGN ALU7 ALU2 A ALUl A ALUO External Reset When the EXT RES (External Reset) signal is pulled low and then returned high, the Program Counter (PO) is set to 0, causing the program origined at memory location 0 to be executed. The Interrupt Control status bit is also set low, inhibiting interrupt acknowledgement. The system is locked in an idle state while EXT RES is held low. There is a carry. so C is set to 1. Zero (Z BIT) Timing Circuit The Z bit is set whenever an arithmetic or logical operation generates a zero result. The Z bit is reset to 0 when an arithmetic or logical operation could have generated a zero result, but did not. Overflow (0 BIT) When the results of an ALU operation are being interpreted as a signed binary number, since the high order bit (bit 7) represents the sign of the number, some method must be provided for indicatinQ carries ouf of the highest numeric bit (bit 6). This IS done using the 0 bit. After arithmetic operations, the 0 bit is set to the Exclusive-OR of carries out of bits 6 and bits 7. This simplifies signed binary arithmetic and is described in the Guide to Programming the F8. Here are some examples: Accumulator contents: Value Added: 765432 1 O_Bit Number 1 01 1 001 1 01110001 Sum :.......----~ 1 00 1 00 1 There is a carry out of bit 6 and out of bit 7, so the 0 bit is reset to 0 (1@1 = 0). The C bit is set to 1. 76 543 2 1 0 Accumulator contents: Value Added: Sum: ~Bit Number 01100111 00100100 10001011 A machine cycle is either 4 or 6 periods long, with all instructions requiring between 1 and 5 machine cycles to complete their execution sequence. The Data Bus The Data Bus is used for transfering all address and data information between F8 System components. Th is includes Port Addresses, Memory Addresses, Read/ Write Memory Data, and Input/Output Port Data. Memory Address transfers are accomplished using two successive 8 bit transfers to complete the 16-bit Memory Address. The three conditions requiring Memory Address transfers are: 1. When a three-byte instruction specifies a memory address in the second and third bytes. 2. When data is being moved between DC or PO registers and associated scratchpad registerS. 3. During the interrupt acknowledge sequence, when the interrupt vector is loaded into PO. "... There is a carry out of bit 6, but no carry out of bit 7; the 0 bit is set to 1 (1@0 = 1). The C bit is reset to O. Interrupts (lCB BIT) External logic can alter program execution sequence within the CPU by interrupting ongoing operations, however interrupts are allowed only when the ICB bit is set to 1. 444 The timing circuit generates all the timing signals for the entire microcomputer. The two primary timing signals are and WRITE. The Instruction Execution Sequence for each instruction is timed with these signals. The falling edge of WR ITE marks the beginning of a new machine cycle, while is used to time the length of the individual machine cycles. I/O Ports The 16 address pins which most reauire are used bv the 3850 for Data may be transferred, via these between the 3850 CPU and logic microprocessor system. microprocessors two I/O ports. two I/O ports, external to the While other F8 devices provide additional I/O ports, the two I/O ports on the 3850 CPU execute data transfers twice as fast, since they do not use the external Data Bus. Observe that the data path between the accumulator and the two CPU I/O ports is entirely within the 3850 CPU chip. FIGURE 3 - MK 3850 CPU FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM 8 BIT ALU LEFT MULTIPLEXER BUS ALU RESET=O ISARL=7 CONTROL AND GND +5 ROM LOGIC +12 ttl POWER LINES INSTRUCTION EXECUTION SEQUENCE All instructions are composed of long machine cycles (six periods) and/or short machine cycles (four periods). The long cycle is sometimes referred to as 1.5 cycles. Figure 8 illustrates the short cycle (PWS) and the long cycle (PWU. Observe that WRITE high appears at the end of each machine cycle. The simplest instructions of the F8 instruction set execute in one short cycle while the most complex instruction (PI) requires two short cycles plus three long cycles. Every instruction's execution sequence ends with the next instruction OP code being fetched from memory. The OP code is loaded into the CPU's instruction register where it is decoded by the CPU's Control Unit. The only instructions which may be executed in a single cycle are those which do not require the use of the Data Bus. This permits the Data Bus to be used ROMeo THRU ROMC4 DBD-DB7 I/O DO-I/O 07 I/O 10-1/0 17 to fetch the next instruction OP code simultaneously with the performance of the operation indicated by the current OP code. ROMC state 0 is used to specify the machine cycle during which a fetch is occurring, and therefore is used for all one cycle instructions. Other instructions require more than one cycle to execute and use different ROMC states to specify the operation to be performed during each of the required cycles. The last cycle of each instruction, however, will always be the ROMC state 0 in order that the next OP code may be fetched. The ROMC control signals are brought externally to the CPU itself in order to coordinate those operations which affect the memory referencing registers located on F8 devices other than CPU. Among these registers are the Program Counter, Stack Register and Data Counter. Most of the ROMC control states indicate those operations involving the contents of these registers, as shown in Table 2. 445 During this time, the high and low bytes of the Vector address from the interrupting device are transferred (via the Data Bus) into the Program Counter(s) and the Interrupt Control Bit (Bit 4 of the Status Register) is cleared to zero. There are four different devices in the F8 Microprocessor family which contain the set of previously mentioned system registers (Program Counter, Stack Register, and Data Counter). These are the MK3853 SMI, MK3852 DMI, MK3851 PSU, and MK3871 PIO. Every F8 microprocessor system must contain at least one of these devices in addition to the MK3850 CPU. For those systems incorporating more than one of these devices, the resultant duplication of the Program Counter, Stack Register, and Data Counter is completely transparent to the user. This is accomplished since each device in the system receives the ROMC signals from the CPU and thus remains synchronized with all other devices. The response time for acknowledging an interrupt request can vary from 26 to 29

output drive the slave XTL Y input. 447 FIGURE 6 - EXTERNAL CLOCK a long (6 clock period) cycle. Thus the entry: S VSS _~R=C_-r--I XTLY represents an instruction that executes in one short cycle. The entry: S 3850 CPU L S XTLX EXTERNAL CLOCK represents an instruction that executes in three cycles; the first is a short cycle, the second is a long cycle, the third is a short cycle. ROMC STATE This is the state, as identified in Table 2 which is output by the 3850 CPU in the early stages of the instruction cycle. Figure 8 illustrates the AC characteristics of the clock signal needed for external mode clock g~nera­ tion, plus the AC characteristics of the

«DC)); DC ~(DC) + 1 Set status flags on basis of «DC)) + (A) + 1; DC~(DC) + 1 DC~(DC) +A 3S 4 3S 4 3S 4 3S 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1/0 - 0 1/0 0 - - - - 0 1/0 0 1/0 - - - - - - - - - - FUNCTION S PO+-(PO) + 2 because (ISAR L) = 7 PO <- (PO) + H'ii' + 1 because (ISARL) =1= 7 Test t /\ W. reg ister Res =1= 0 so PO = (PO) + H'ii' + 1 Test t 1\ W. register Res f. 0 so PO = (PO) +2 A <- (I/O Port 0 or 1) DB +- Port address (2 through 15) A ~ (Port 2 through 15) I/O Port 0 or 1 ~ (A) - - - x 1/0 ? 1/0 1/0 1/0 ? - - - - 0 0 1/0 1/0 0 0 1/0 1/0 - - - - - 2 - - - - y 3S 0 1 3S - - - - - x - y - - - - x DB ~ Port address (2 through 15) Port (2 through 15) <(A) A <- (A) + (r) Binary A <- (A) + (r) Decimal A+- \A) 0 (r) A +- (A) /\ (r) IDLE POL ~ Int. address (lower byte); PCl +-PO POU <-Int. address (upper byte) IDLE P~PO, PO<-O PROGRAMMING MODEL Figure 7 shows a Programming Model of the F8 Microcomputer system. This diagram is intended to depict the various data transfers and manipulations which are facilitated by the instruction set of the F8. Every F8 "system configuration will contain the basic functional elements shown in this diagram, with the exception of the Auxiliary Data Counter (DC1). The Auxiliary Data Counter is available only in those systems incorporating the MK3852 Dynamic Memory I nterface, the M K3853 Static Memory Interface, or the MK3870 single chip F8 Microcomputer. FIGURE 7 - F8 PROGRAMMING MODEL CPU - - - - - - - \ / , - - - - - - - - - - . . - 1 ADC ).,......-,..r:;:::::;--~ LN K OUTS P, OUT P P OUTS P, OUT P P LlSL (PO) ISAR LlSU SCRATCHPAD REGISTERS AUX DATA COUNTER OUTS P, OUT PP • AS NS XS ASD INS' P. IN' PP 10 PORTS (128) MEM (64K) MEM (64K) PO PROGRAM COUNTER INT. VECTOR INTERRUPT LM DC 'THESE INSTRUCTIONS SET STATUS H'OOOO' RESET NOTE: The instructions PI and PK are shown in two sequential parts (PI" PI2 and PK1, PK2). ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Above which useful life may be impaired) VGG ... , . , , , , , , , , , ... , ; .... , ..... , ....... , . , , . , ... , .. , , ... , . , ... , . , , , .. +15V to -0,3V VDD ............ , . , .... , , , , , .. , . , . , . , . , , , . , ............ , . , ... , ..... , .... +7V to -0.3V RC, XTLX, and XTL Y , . , . , , . , , , , ........ , , ..... , ... +15V to -0.3V (RC with 5Kr2 series resistor) All other inputs, , , .. , , , , , , , .. , .. , ...... , ............... , .. , . , .... , .. , , . , . , , +7V to -0,3V Storage temperature .... , ........ , . , . , .. , .. , , , .. , .... , ... , ... " , ......... ,-55°C to +150°C Operating temperature ... , , , . , , , ..... , . , ....... , , , .. , , . , . , ........... , .... , .. 0° C to +70° C NOTE: All voltages with respect to VSS, 455 SUPPLY CURRENTS TYP. MAX. UNITS TEST CONDITIONS VDD Current 30 80 mA f" 2 M Hz, Outputs unloaded f· 2 MHz VGG Current 15 25 mA Outputs unloaded MAX. UNITS TEST CONDITIONS 250 225 MS ns ns MS MS ns ns ns P

< ::j --~ I ~"'4~ l::td5 I / i I ICB (1) ~I { tsx I I I ~I (1) I CB wi II go from a 1 to a 0 foil owi ng the execution of the Eli nstruction and wi II go from a 0 to 1 following either the execution of the 01 instruction or the CPU's acknowledgement of an interrupt. (2) This is an input ot the CPU chip and is generated by a PSU or 3853 MI chip. The open drain outputs of these chips are all wire "AN Oed" together on this line with the pull-up being located on the CPU chip. For a 0 to 1 transition the delay is measured to 2.0V. Symbols are defined in Table 5 459 FIGURE 12 - A SHORT CYCLE INSTRUCTION FETCH pW x __ XTLY IC-1 I_I ~PW1 J--p\ OP CODE FOR NEXT INSTRUCTION I -, NEXT INSTRUCTION Symbols are defined in Table 5 FIGURE 13 - A LONG CYCLE INSTRUCTION FETCH (DURING DS ONLY) ROMC---------------I----~)(~___________T~R~U~E_R~O~M~C~S~TA~T~E~O~______~~---I-td 3 -1 \ ______________ 460 -l : I ~---------------------------------J~OPCODEFORNEXT ONE CYCLE OF THE SINGLE, LONG CYCLE DS INSTRUCTION (DECREMENT SCRATCHPAD) Symbols are defined in Table 5 I-tdb 3 I INSTRUCTION I NEXT !NSTRLJCTlON FIGURE 14 - MEMORY REFERENCE TIMING (WRITE) __L_-~_-~~~_-~~_~I------------------~·I I:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-P-W-S-_-_-_-_-_~_PW ________________ " J ~I I I ~----------tdb1----------~ I STABLE ~I'-_....JL""'_-_-_-_""""_~ I I 1 I 1 I I DATA BUS (1) tdbO-.j (HIGH IMPEDANCE) __ ____________________________ -J>< DATA BUS ---.l _I --------------------------------------~)( DATA BUS 1. tdb4 tdb5 114--I- DATA STABLE ________________________________________--J)( - - - - I I.. ~I DATA BUS STABLE DATA STABLE tdb6 1""'.1----- Timing for CPU outputting data onto the data bus. Delay tdb1 is the delay when data is coming from the accumulator. Delay tdb2 is the delay when data is coming from the scratch pad (or from a memory device). Delay tdbO is the delay for the CPU to stop driving the data bus. 2. There are four possible cases when imputting data to the CPU, via the data bus lines: they oepend on the data path and the destination in the CPU, as follows: tdb3; tdb4; tdb5; tdb6; Destination Destination Destination Destination - IR (instruction Fetch) - See Figure 2-10 for details. Accumulator (with ALU operation - AM) Scratch pad (LR K,P etc.) Accumulator (no ALU operation - LM) In each case a stable data hold time of 50 nS from the WRITE reference point is required. Symbols are defined in Table 5 461 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Above which useful life may be impaired) VGG ................................................................... +15V to -0.3V VDD .................................................................... +7V to -0.3V RC, XTLX, and XTL Y .............................. +15V to -0.3V (RC with 5Kn series resistor) All other inputs ............................................................ +7V to -0.3V Storage temperatu re ......................................................-55° C to + 150° C Operating temperature ....................................................... O°C to +70°C NOTE: All voltages with respect to VSS. SUPPLY CURRENTS (MK3850N-3, MK3850P-3) SYMBOL PARAMETER TYP. MAX. UNITS TEST CONDITIONS 100 VOO Current 30 80 mA f = 2 MHz, Outputs unloaded IGG VGG Current 15 25 mA Outputs unloaded TEST CONDITIONS MIN. SUPPLY CURRENTS (MK3850N-13 , MK3850P-13) SYMBOL PARAMETER TYP. MAX. UNITS 100 VOO Current MIN. 35 90 mA IGG VGG Current 20 33 mA Outputs unloaded TYP. MAX. = 2 MHz, Outputs unloaded f SUPPLY CURRENTS (MK3850P-23) SYMBOL PARAMETER 100 VOO Current IGG VGG Current MIN. UNITS TEST CONDITIONS 40 100 mA f = 2 MHz, Outputs unloaded 25 40 mA Outputs un loaded ORDER INFORMATION PART NO. 462 PACKAGE TYPE TEMPERATURE RANGE (TA) MK3850N-3 Plastic O°C to +70°C MK3850P-3 Ceramic O°C to +70°C MK3850N-13 Plastic _40°C to +85°C MK3850P-13 Ceramic _40° C to +85° C MK3850P-23 Ceramic -55°C to +125°C COMMENTS I PACKAGE DESCRIPTION - 40-Pin Dual-In-Line Ceramic Package Symbolization Area for Identification of Pin 1 .05TYP ~~ I I -I j-- .04 TYP 008 008 I II I .=~ I I I .010 -.025I 0,0 ,t1 f 25 t'{-! -1~0:: :::ALT::ACES 100~1900-------I.1.1 2000RE' I. ~-----I-' }o-------- PACKAGE DESCRIPTION - 40-Pin Dual-in-Line Plastic Package +a~ I~. I ,-"" '"-L [:::::::::::::::::-J~: 21 40 i7-~raa5 50TYP1t:=-- -l f.~~~ . 075 REF -L' a2:I 1--l~OI8!.OO2 --1 ~. 100:t: .010 ~ ~.055±.007 ~ ~25!.005 540 NOM ~ fa ~.62S,!:= .025---.\1 I NOM + ~OIO_.OO2 463 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF MASK PROGRAMMED PART FORM: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 464 List customer name. List customer address. List customer city, state, and zip code. List customer phone number and extension. List a contact within the customer's company that can be called for reply to engineering questions. List the responsible Disbributor should the order be placed through a Distributor. List the ROM/PSU/3870 part number for example 3851/12XXX, 34XXX, or MK 3870/ 141XXX. List the package type (plastic or ceramic) required by the customer for the production order (NOTE - prototypes will be Dallas assembled in ceramic). List the customer part number. List any special branding requirements desired by the customer (NOTE - usually the MOSTEK exclusive part will suffice for customer branding requirements). List the customer specification number and indicate whether the customer intends to send a specification to MOSTEK for file. Should you circle NO this denotes that parts will be tested to the standard MOSTEK data sheet. Should the customer request his specification to be on file with MOSTEK, please indicate the date that the customer spec was sent to MOSTEK. Circle the pattern media that the customer wishes to use to transmit code to MOSTEK. Indicate the verification media requested by the customer from MOSTEK. (NOTE the listing is usually sufficient). Check the port option requested by the customer (make reference to note # 1). Indicate the date that the customer's pattern was sent to MOSTEK. Indicate whether the customer requires prototypes (NOTE - standard quantity of prototype Dallas assembled in ceramic is 10). Indicate whether the customer requires pattern verification. Check YES or WAIVER. Indicate whether the customer requires prototype verification. Indicate by checking YES or WAIVER. Make any comments concerning waivers if stated above. The customer purchase order to MOSTEK direct or to his Distributor. List the date of the customer order. List the Distributor purchase order number to MOSTEK should the order be placed through a Distributor. Indicate the production quantity and price. Indicate the delivery dates requested or committed to the customer; both prototypes and production. (NOTE - standard commitment is six weeks to prototype after verification of listing and twelve weeks from prototype verification to production). Date this form was completed and forwarded to MOSTEK. Name of Representative compieting this form. Customer Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address __________________________________________________ City __________________________ State _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Phone (_ _ ) ___________________ Extension _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Contact __________________________________________________________ Distributor _____________________________________________________ ROM Generic Type _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Package Type _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Customer Part Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Brandi ng Requ irement _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Customer Specification: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ DYes o No Parts to be tested to standard Data Sheet Date customer spec sent to MOSTE K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PATTERN MEDIA VERIFICATION MEDIA PORT OPTION (Note 1) o o o o o o o o o o o EMU-70 PROM Paper Object Tape Silent 700 Cassette Card Deck Tape of Card Deck Listing Other Standard TTL Open Drain Driver Pullup (Note 2) _________________________________________ Date Pattern Data Sent to MOSTEK _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Does Customer Require Prototypes 0 Yes o No Pattern Verification Required by Customer DYes Prototype Verification Required by Customer 0 Yes o o Waived Waived CO MME NTS: (Waiver Explanation) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Customer Order Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date of Customer Order _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Distributor Order Number to MOSTEK _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Order Quantity and Price _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Delivery Requested/Committed Prototypes Production _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date Form Completed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name of Representative Completing Form _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 465 466 MOSTEl(. Fa MICROPROCESSOR DEVICES Program Storage Unit MK3851 FEATURES Fa FAMILY D 1024 x 8 ROM storage I/O<=:> D Two 8-bit I/O Ports I/O<=) '--_ _-' D Programmable timer D External/timer interrupt circuitry D Low power dissipation < 275mW typical GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MK 3851 program storage unit (PSU) provides 1024 bytes of read only memory (ROM) for the F8 system. Additionally each PSU provides two 8-bit I/O ports, a programmable timer and vectored timer and external interrupts. The PSU contains three 16-bit address registers and a 16-bit incrementer/adder. On command from the F8 CPU the MK 3851 accesses its internal memory using one of these three registers and increments or adds displacement to the register if required. P E R M I P H E M I/OW E R A I/O L <==> '--__-' o R y <,-----> S The MK 3851 PSU is manufactured using N-channel Power dissipation is Isoplanar MOS technology. very low, typically less than 275mW. PIN NAME DESCRIPTION I/O AO·I/O A7 I/O Port A B i-di recti onal I/O BO·I/O B7 I/O Port B Bi-directional TYPE DBO·DB7 Data Bus Bi-directional, tri-state ROMCO·ROMC4 Control Lines Input <1\ WRITE Clock Lines Input EXTINT External Interrupt Input PRTii\i Priority In Input Pi'ITOOT Priority Out Output PIN CONNECTIONS I/OB7 _ I 40 _ I/O A7 _ 2 39 _ DBS VGG- 3 38 _ 1/086 Vee _ 4 37 _ i7OA6 EXTINT _ 5 36 I5RiOD'i' ___ 6 DB7 _11OA5 35 _ I/OB5 7 34 _ DB5 (>_8 33 _ ___ 32 _ DB4 j'j'Qgli WRITE _ ~ PRilliI _ 9 10 ~_II MK 3B51 30 _ i7Ol\4 i7Ci"li3 31 _ iNTRE'Ci Interrupt Request Output 110 B3 Data Bus Drive Output USED - - 12 ROMC4 _ 13 29 _ DBDR 28 _ DB3 vSS. VDD. VGG Power Supply Lines Input ROMC3 _ 14 27 _ 082 ROMC2 _ 15 26_~ NOT ROMCI _ 16 25 _IIOA2 ROMCO _ 17 24 _ I I O A I VSS _ 18 23 _ 110 81 110 AO _ 19 22 _ DBI i701iO _ 20 21 DBO _ 467 FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM 6BITPQRT INTERRUPT ADDRESS ADDRESS SELECT (MASKED OPTION) PORT SELECT LOGIC ROMe DeCODe AND CONTROL ROMeo - ROMC4 LOGIC TIMING L __JI---16 .....-- WRITE VSS ..--- VOO +----- VGG Figure 1 FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION and WR ITE are clock inputs generated by the MK 3850 CPU. MK 3851 PSU low, and the MK 3851 PSU is not requesting an interrupt. ROMCO through ROMC4 are control inputs generated by the MK 3850 CPU. I/O AO through I/O A7 and I/O BO through i7OB7 are two Input/Output bi-directional ports through which the MK 3851 PSU communicates with logic external to the microprocessor system. OBO through OB7 are bi-directional data bus lines which link the MK 3851 PSU with all other devices in the F8 system. OBDR is low when the MK 3851 PSU is outputting data on the data bus (OBO-OB7). DBDR is an open drain signal. INT REQ. This signal is connected to the INT REQ input on the 3850 CPU. INT REO is output low to interrupt the MK 3850 CPU. This occurs only if PRI IN is low, and MK 3851 PSU interrupt control logic is requesting an interrupt. DEVICE ORGANIZATION EXT INT. A high to low transition on this signal is recogniled by the iviK 385i as an interrupt request from an external device. PRI IN. This input must be low to allow theMK 3851 PSU to set INT REQ low in response to an interrupt. PR lOUT. This signal is connected to ~ on the next device in the interrupt p~ori~ daisy chain. PR lOUT is output high unless P I I is entering the 468 This section describes the operation of the basic functional elements of the MK 3851 PSU. These elements are shown on the PSU functional block diagram. (Fig.1) ROM STORAGE The MK 3851 PSU has 1024 bytes of read-only memory. This ROM array may contain object program code and/or tables of non-varying data. Every MK 3851 PSU is implemented using a custom mask which specifies the state of every ROM bit, as well as certain address mask options which are external to the ROM array. THE PROGRAM COUNTER (DC) COUNTER (PO) AND DATA The MK 3851 PSU addressing logic consists primarily of two 16-bit registers: the program counter (PO) and the data counter (DC). The program counter will at all times address the memory word from which the next object program code must be fetched. The data counter addresses memory words containing individual data bytes or bytes within data tables to be used as operands. The mechanism whereby an address is decoded by the MK 3851 PSU logic is identical, whether the address originated in PO or in DC. enable signal will be generated which causes PSU logic to respond to a memory access request. If the high order 6-bits of the address do not match the page select, no enabling signal is generated and the PSU will not respond to memory access requests. The 6-bit page select register may be looked upon as identifying the memory addressing space of the individual MK 3851 PSU device. Each of the 64 page select options allowed by the 6-bit page select register identifies a single address space consisting of 1024 contiguous memory addresses. Following are two examples: Page Select Mask: o0 0 0 0 0 Recall that PO always addresses the memory location out of which the next object program instruction byte will be read. If the instruction requires data (an operand) other than an immediate operand to be accessed, DC must address memory. PO cannot be used to address a non-immediate operand since PO is saving the address of the next instruction code. PSU Address Space: o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DOH '0000' 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11th rough. H'03FF' Page Select Mask: 001011 THE STACK REGISTER PSU Address Space: 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H'2COO' .10 0 1 0 1 11!1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 through H'2FFF' The MK 3851 PSU addressing logic contains a third 16-bit register, called the stack register. The stack register is labeled P on Figure 1. The stack register is a buffer for the program counter PO. The contents of the stack register are never used directly to address memory. The following instructions access P: LR K,P MOVE THE CONTENTS OF P TO THE CPU SCRATCHPAD K REGISTERS LR P,K MOVE THE CONTENTS OF THE CPU K SCRATCHPAD REGISTERS TO P PK SAVE THE CONTENTS OF PO IN P THEN MOVE THE CONTENTS OF CPU SCRATCHPAD REGISTERS 12 AND 13 TO PO PI H'aaaa' MOVE THE CONTENTS OF PO TO P THEN LOAD THE HEXADECIMAL VALUE INTO PO POP MOVE THE CONTENTS OF P TO PO o o I I Six high order address bits Ten low order address bits INCREMENTER ADDER LOGIC There are only two arithmetic operations that memory devices need to perform on the contents of memory address registers: 1. I ncrement by 1 the 16-bit value stored in an address register. 2. Add an 8-bit value, treated as a signed binary number (subject to twos complement arithmetic) to the 16-bit value stored in an address register. The incrementer adder logic performs these two functions in the MK 3851 PSU. INTERRUPT LOGIC In addition, when an interrupt is acknowledged, the contents of PO are saved in P. This logic responds to an interrupt request signal which may originate internally from timer logic, or be input by an external device. Based on priority considerations, the interrupt request is passed on to the MK 3851 CPU. PAGE SELECT LOGIC TIMER LOGIC All memory addresses are 16-bits wide, whether the memory address originates in the program counter or the data counter. Addressing logic within the MK3851 PSU separates the 16-bit address into two portions. The low-order 10 bits address one of the PSU's 1024 bytes of ROM storage. The high order 6-bits constitute a page select. Every MK 3851 PSU has a polynomial shift register which may be used in conjunction with interrupt logic to generate real-time intervals. Every MK 3851 PSU has a 6-bit page select register, which is a mask option that must be specified when the PSU ROM chip is ordered. If the high order six bits of the address match the page select mask, an Upon counting down to zero, the timer uses interrupt logic to signal that it has timed out. The timer is programmable and is handled as though it were an I/O port. Using an OUT or OUTS instruction, a value may be loaded into the timer in order to determine the real-time period at the end of which a time-out interrupt will be generated. 469 THE DATA BUS The 8-bit data bus is the main path for transfer of information between the MK 3850 CPU and other devices in the F8 microprocessor system. It is identified in Figure 1 by data lines DBO-DB7. I/O PORTS Every MK 3851 PSU has four, 8-bit I/O ports. Associated with the I/O ports is an I/O port address select register. This is a 6-bit register, the contents of which is a PSU mask option. that must be specified at the time the MK 3851 PSU is ordered. Two of the four I/O ports, identified as I/O ports A and B in Figure 1, are used to transfer data to or from external devices. A third I/O port is assigned to the programmable timer while the fourth port is the Interrupt Control Port. The four I/O ports of any MK 3851 PSU are addressed by an 8-bit I/O port address. The high order 6 bits are specified by the I/O port address select code with the remaining 2 bits identifying the particular I/O port as following: XXXXXXOO XXXXXXOl XXXXXX10 XXXXXXll I/O Port A I/O Port B Interrupt control Programmable Timer XXX XXX represents a six bit PSU mask option. For example, if the six are 000010, the four I/O port addresses are H'08', H'09', H'OA' and H'OB'. When a logic "1" is output to I/O port A or B, it places a 0 volt level on the output pin. This same negative true logic also applies to input. The I/O ports, timer, and interrupt control ports are not initialized during the power on reset. MASK OPTIONS The following mask options must be specified for every M K 3851 PSU: 1. The 1024 bytes of ROM storage. This will reflect programs and permanent data tables stored in the PSU memory. 2. The 6-bit page select. This defines the PSU address space 3. The 6-bit I/O port address select. This defines the four PSU I/O port addresses. 4. The 16-bit interrupt address vector, excluding bit 7. . 5. The I/O port output option. The choices are the standard Pull-up (Option A), the Open-Drain (Option B) and the Driver Pull-up (Option C) The clock drives sequencing logic .to precharge the ROM matrix. The clock also drives the programmable timer. INSTRUCTION EXECUTION The MK 3851 PSU responds to signals which are output by the MK 3850 CPU in the course of executing Instruction cycles. Table 1 summarizes the response of the MK 3851 PSU to the ROMC states. MEMORY ADDRESSING Those ROMC states which specify a memory access call for only one memory device to respond to the memory access operation. However, every memory device responds to ROMC states that call for modification of proQram counter or data counter register contents. Consider two examples: 1. ROMC state 5 specifies that the data counter (DC) register contents must be incremented. Every memory device will simultaneously receive this ROMC state, and will simultaneously increment the contents of its DC register. 2. ROMC state 0 is the standard instruction fetch. Only the memory device whose address space includes the current contents of the program counter (PO) registers will respond to this ROMC state by accessing memory and placing the contents of the addressed memory word on the 8-bit data bus. However, every memory device will increment the contents of its PO register, whether or not the PO register contents are within the memory space of the device. When all memory devices connected to the 8-bit data bus of a MK 3850 CPU are also connected to the ROMC control lines ofthe same CPU, the memory devices simultaneously receive the same ROMC state signals from the CPU and respond to ROMC states by identically modifying the contents of memory address registers. Therefore the PO repister on all memory devices contain identical Information. The same holds true for DC and P registers. Only the memory device whose address space includes the specified memory address, will respond to any memory access request. To avoid addressing conflicts, it is necessary to insure that the following three conditions exist: OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION 1. Memory devices must receive the ROMC state sig!lals from one CPU. 2. Page select masks must not be duplicated. (More than one memory device cannot have the same memory space). 3. The memory address contained in the specified register (PO or DC) must be within the memory space of a memory device. CLOCK TIMING DATA OUTPUT BY THE PSU All timing within the MK 3851 PSU is controlled by and WRITE, which are input from the MK 3850 CPU. Figure 10 shows the timing when the MK 3851 PSU outputs data on the data bus. This timing applies whenever a MK 3B51 PSU is the data source. The MK 3851 PSU always places data on the data bus in time for the set-up required by an MK 3850 CPU destination. The WRITE clock refreshes and updates MK 3851 PSU address registers, which are dynamic. 470 ROMC STATES ROMC (Hexadecimal) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 10 1E 1F Definitions DB PO DC P pp p OPERATION PERFORMED COMMENT DB.- ((PO)) ; PO+PO +1 OP CODE, FETCH DB'- ((PO)) ; PO.-PO +DB BRANCH OFFSET FETCH DB "-((DC)); DC+DC+1 DB..-((PO)) ;P()+PO+1 IMMEDIATE OPERAND FETCH PO ..-p ((DC))..-DB; DC.-DC+1 MK3851:DC-DC+10NLY DB+DCU DB"-PU P..-PO; DB..-H'OO'; POL, POH"- DB EXTERNAL RESET DB '-DCL DC'-DC+DB DB'-PL DB.-((PO)) ; DCL+DB P+PO+1 DB.-((PO)) ; DCL+DB P+PO; DB.-IAL; POL--DB LOWER BYTE OF ADDRESS VECTOR FREEZE INTERRUPT STATUS PREVENT ADDRESS VECTOR CONFLICTS DB.-((PO)) ; DCU-DB POL--DB ; P--PO DB..-IAU; POU-DB UPPER BYTE OF ADDRESS VECTOR POlJ..-DB PU..-DB DCU..-DB POL..-DB PL"-DB DCL"-DB ((pp))..-DB or ((p))"-DB DB..-( pp)) or DB..-((p)) NO OPERATION DC ~DC1 MK 3851: NO OPERATION DB..-POL DB+POU Data Bus Program Counter Data Counter Stack Register Two hex digits (long I/O port address) One hex digit (short I/O port address) IA L U () ..- ~ Interrupt address vector Lower byte suffix Upper byte suffix Contents of transfer to exchange Table 1 Observe that DBDR is low while data output by the MK 3851 PSU is stable on the data bus. Thus DBDR low indicates that the data bus currently contains data flowing from a MK 3851 PSU. For systems with more than one MK 3851 PSU the DBDR outputs may be wire-ORed and the result.JTI£Y... be used as a bus data flow direction indicator. DBDR may remain low until td8 into the instruction cycle following the one in which DBDR was set low. added to a 16 bit number within the PSU's Incrementer Adder. This worst case corresponds to data coming from the accumulator in the CPU for an ADC instruction or from a memory device for a B R instruction. For this worst case, arriving data must allow sufficient time for 16-bit Adder logic. td4 in Figure 10 identifies this worst case timing. DATA INPUT TO THE PSU The two PSU I/O ports with addresses xxxxxxOO and xxxxxx01 (xxxxxx is the 6-bit I/O port address select) may be used to transmit data between the PSU and external devices. I N and I NS instructions The worst case timing forthe MK 3851 PSU receiving data from the data bus is when the data must be INPUT/OUTPUT INTERFACING 471 STANDARD PULL-UP CONFIGURATION r ----- ---- - - --- ----- - -- - - - - - - - -, I I Voo J J voo 1/0 PORT J TTL INPUT J J I I I L I --<) J I J :L _____H~~~~~I~~R~~I:'~ TTL OUTPUT _____________ _ Figure 2 OPEN DRAIN CONFIGURATION ---------------~ Voo TTL INPUT 110 PORT y I I I x--/ J I I _____H!~T5~E~~ _~~U~TJ I I :L TTL OUTPUT ______________ _ Figure 3 DRIVER PULL-UP CONFIGURATION ------- ------------, ~,.(a-)--+---~~R~------~ x • I~) ---------------~---j Figure 4 472 Voo voo 1/0 PORT LED ~- cause data at the I/O ports to be transmitted to the CPU. OUT and OUTS instructions cause data in the CPU's accumulator to be loaded into an I/O port latch. Data bus timing associated with the execution of I/O instructions does not differ from data bus timing associated with any other data transfer to or from the PSU. However, timin!j at the I/O port depends on which port option is bemg used. Figures 2,3 and 4 illustrate the three port options. Figure 11 illustrates timing for the three cases. Figure 2 illustrates the standard pull-up configuration. When the I/O port is configured as shown in Figure 3 the drain connection of FET (a) is "open", (not connected to VOO through a pull-up transistor). This option is most useful in aJ)plications where several signals (possibly several I/O port lines) are to be wire-ORed together. A common external pull-up, R L is used to establish the 2 high output levels. Another advantage of this option is that the output (point Y) may be tied through a pull-up resistor to a voltage higher than VOO (up to VGG) for, interfacing to external circuits requiring a higher level than VOO would provide. The process of inputting and outputting with this configuration can be described as follows: If a high level is present at point X( (this would be coming from the port latch), FET a) will conduct and pull point Y to a low level by current flow through R L- This low level at Y will cause transistor (b) to turn on and present a low level to the input TTL circuit. If a low level is present at X, FET (a) will turn off and point Y will be pulled toward VOO by RL. This causes transistor (b) to turn off and present a high level to the internal TTL circuits. When data is input, a high level at the base of transistor (c) causes it to conduct and pull point Y low. This transfers a high level to the internal I/O port logic through the inverting hysteresis circuit. If a low level is present at the base of (c), conduction stops and point Y is pulled toward VOO by R L. This is then transferred as a low level to the internal I/O port logic through the hysteresis circuit. Figure 4 shows the I/O port driver pull-up option shown driving a LED indicator. This application is typical of a front-panel address or data display, where a row of LED indicators shows the logic state of an I/O port. In this case, a high level at X turns FET (b) on and (a) off, providing a path for current through resistor R from the base of transistor (c). This stops (c) from conducting and the LED does not light. However, if a low level is present at X, (b) turns off and (a) turns on! providing a path for current from VDO through (a/ to R. This current through R turns on (c), causing the LED to conduct and be lit. The three options for I/O port output configurations described above are provided to aid the designer in optimizing (minimizing) the system hardware for hiS particular application. The option is specified as a mask option by the designer. ----~ THE PROGRAMMABLE TIMER The MK 3851 PSU has an 8-bit shift register, addressable as I/O port xxxxxx 11, which may be used as a programmable timer. (xxxxxx is the 6-bit I/O port address select, a PSU mask option.) Figure 5 illustrates the shift register logic and the exclusive-OR feedback path. CONVERSION OF TIMER COUNTS INTO TIMER CONTENTS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 0 7F BF 5F 2F 97 OE 87 43 A1 DO OF 07 03 01 00 EC F6 7B BO 5E 00 06 83 41 AO 2A 15 8A C5 E2 CF E7 73 B9 5C 65 32 99 CC 66 05 02 81 40 20 30 98 4C 26 13 C4 62 B1 58 AC 5A AD 06 EB 75 20 96 4B A5 02 67 33 19 8C C6 C3 E1 70 38 9C F2 79 BC DE EF 8B 45 A2 51 28 90 48 24 12 09 78 3C 9E 4F A7 A6 53 29 94 4A A9 04 EA F5 FA 1B 80 46 23 91 B6 DB 60 36 9B 7E 3F 1F 8F 47 ED 76 3B 8E EE F7 FB FO FE Each timer count = 15.5 to 5 7 6 CB E5 72 E8 F4 7A 80 CO 60 AF 07 6B 50 A8 54 F1 F8 7C AE 57 2B B3 59 2C 10 08 84 89 44 22 56 AB 05 BA DO 6E E9 74 3A 63 31 18 4E 27 93 77 BB 50 14 OA 85 04 82 C1 03 69 34 25 92 49 70 BE OF C8 64 B2 CD E6 F3 A3 01 68 C7 E3 71 F F halts timer JJS at 2MHz 8 39 3D BO 35 AA 3E 95 16 C2 11 6A B7 90 OC C9 2E 42 EO 9A A4 6F 09 F9 B4 B8 9 1C 1E 08 1A 55 9F CA OB 61 88 B5 5B CE 86 E4 17 21 FO 40 52 37 6C FC OA DC Table 2 Based on the logic illustrated in Figure 5 binary values in the range 0 through 254 when loaded into the timer, are converted into "timer counts", as shown in table 2. Table 2 contains the actual (HEX) value loaded into the timer, and the column/row is the corresponding decimal number of time intervals the timer will take to time out. Data cannot be read out of the programmable timer I/O port. Either the OUT or OUTS instruction is used to "timer counts" into the programmable timer. contents of the programmable timer can not be using an IN or INS instruction. The timer will out after a time interval given by the product: (period of clock <1» X (timer counts) X 31 load The read time For example, a value of H 'C8' loaded into the programmable timer becomes 215 timer counts. The timer will therefore time out in 3.33 milliseconds, if the period of clock signal is 500 nanoseconds. A value of H'FF' loaded into the programmable timer will stop the timer. This is because the timer shift 473 TIMER LOGIC DIAGRAM lOAD TIMER CLEARED WHENEVER TIMER IS lOADED r-----_--+ JAM 8 BITS PARAllEL WHEN lOAOEO u .;- 31 PRESCAlER TIMER ClK r--+---jD Q TO D Q TI D T3 D DECODE TIMER STATE 'FE' AS TIMEOUT \ --I Q'I---<~T4'----jD Q T5 o C C lSB MSB O T5 ~T~6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ Figure 5 register feedback gates will always present a logic 1 to the D input of the LSB flip-flop (fig. 5). Therefore the timer will retain a value to H'FF' and a H'FE' will never be decoded to cause a time out. Figure 6 illustrates a possible sequence for a timer which is initially loaded with H'C8' then allowed to run continuously. INTERRUPT LOGIC ORGANIZATION The timer runs continuously unless it has been stopped by loading H'FF' into it. Upon timing out, the timer transmits an - interrupt request to the interrupt logic. If proper interrupt logic conditions exist, the timer interrupt request is passed on to the CPU via INT REO. After the programmable timer has timed out it will again time out after 255 time counts. Therefore if the programmable timer is simply left running, it will time out every 7905 clock periods, or every 3.9525 milliseconds for a 500 nanosecond clock. Whenever the timer and timer interrupt are being set to time a new interval, the timer should be loaded before enabling the timer interrupt. The act of loading the timer clears any pending timer interrupts. When the timer interrupt is enabled, any pending timer interrupt will be acknowledged and forwarded to the CPU. Since the timer runs continuously (unless stopped under program control) enabling the timer before loading a time count can cause a spurious interrupt. Time outs of the timer are latched in the interrupt logic of the PSU, even while timer interrupts are disabled. When the timer is enabied, an immediate interrupt acknowledge will occur if the continuous running timer timed out while timer interrupts were disabled. If the timer is loaded just prior to enabling timer interrupts a spurious interrupt request will not exist when the timer interrupt is enabled. 474 The I nterrupt Control Port has the I/O port address xxxxxx10, where xxxxxx is the 6-bit I/O port address select. Data is loaded into this register (I/O port) using an OUT or OUTS instruction. Data cannot be read from this port. The contents of the Interrupt Control Port are interpreted as follows: CONTENTS OF INTERRUPT CONTROL PORT FUNCTION B'xxxxxxOO' B'xxxxxx01 ' B'xxxxxx 10' B'xxxxxx 11' Disable all interrupts Enable external interrupt, disable timer interrupt Disable all interrupts Disable external interrupt, enable timer interrupt In the above I/O port contents definitions x represents "don't care" bits. Depending on the contents of the Interrupt Control Port, a MK 3851 PSU's interrupt control logic can be accepting timer ~nterrupts, or external interrupts, or neither, but never both. Figure 7 is a conceptual logic diagram of the PSU's interrupt logic. Between the EXT I NT input or the time-out input and the output INT REO, there are 4 flip-flops. EXT INT and the time-out interrupt input each have 2 synchronizing flip-flops to detect the active edge. TIME OUT AND INTERRUPT REQUEST ~3.3 m s - -...I......---3.953 m s - - - - - I......_--3.953 - A II I-- --- D 13 I-- c c B ms---_~~I D D Figure 6 Each edge detect circuit is followed by its own INTERRUPT flip-flop which latches the true condition. The outputs of the TIMER INTERRUPT flip-flop and the EXTERNAL INTERRUPT flip-flop are ORed to set the SERVICE REQUEST flip-flop, providing that an interrupt from some other PSU is not being acknowledged by the CPU. INT REQ is the NAND of PRI IN and SERVICE REQUEST. INT REQ is an open drain signal. The INT REO signal of several PSU's may be tied together so that anyone can force the line to OV if it is requesting interrupt service. A ~II-u~ to VDD is provided by the MK 3850 CPU to I T R Q input pin. PRI IN is part of the interrupt priority chain. The chain begins ~ap to VSS. Each device in the chain has a PRI IN input and PRI OUT outPu~ PRI OOT:of the PSU will be true (OV) only if PRI I is true (OV) and SERVICE REQUEST is false. This means that when PRI IN is true (OVl, PRI OUT and INT REQ are always at opposite levels. PRI OUr is connected to PRI IN on the next device in the interrupt priority daisy chain, if there is one. The function of the priority daisy chain is to insure that just one device at a time be requesting interrupt service. The SERVICE REQUEST flip-flop cannot be set if another interrupt request is in the process of being acknowledged anywhere in the system. If an interrupt request has been latched into the TIMER INTERRUPT flip-flop, or the EXTERNAL INTERRUPT flip-flop, the PSU logic waits until after the process .of ack- nowledging the other interrupt has been completed before setting SERVICE REQUEST. This precaution is necessary to insure that the priority chain is not altered during acknowledgement. Chaos would result if half of the interrupt vector came from one device and the second half from some other device. The SERVICE REQUEST flip-flop is cleared after an interrupt from the PSU has been acknowledged. It is also cleared whenever the PSU's interrupt control register is accessed by an output instruction. The conditions for setting the TIMER INTERRUPT flip-flop and the EXTERNAL INTERRUPT flip-flop differ slightly. External interrupts must be enabled before the EXTERNAL INTERRUPT flip-flop can be set by a negative going transition of EXT INT. However, TIMER INTERRUPT will be set by a timer TIME OUT independent of Interrupt Control Port bit 1. This means that the PSU can detect a time out interrupt that occurred while the external interrupt was enabled in the PSU. The TIMER INTERRUPT flip-flop is cleared whenever the PSU's timer is loaded or when its timer interrupt has been acknowledged. The EXTERNAL INTERRUPT flip-flop is cleared whenever the PSU's interrupt control register is accessed by an output instruction, or when its external interrupt has been acknowledged. INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE SEQUENCE Upon receiving an interrupt request, whether from an external sou rce via EXT I NT or from the internal timer, the PSU and CPU go through an interrupt 475 INTERRUPT LOGIC INTR A C K * * : : : . - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 , *(lCP BtT OJ-{tCP BIT Il TIME OUT .--------c~ SYNC fF CUt, " EXT tNT INTR FF CLKY WRITE ........~---+---_t_-__t-------------------l (ICP'SIT 0)· {lCP BIT Ii • ICP~lnterrupt Control Port '" "'1 During Event G in Fig 8 Figure 7 sequence which results in the execution of an interrupt service routine located at the memory address pointed to by the Interrupt Address Vector. Figures 8 and 9 illustrate the interrupt sequence for the two cases. Events occuring in these sequences are .Iabeled with the letters A through H. Events are described as follows. EVENT A The initial interrupt request arrives. The falling edge of EXT I NT pin identifies an external interrupt. The rising edge of interval timer output indicates a timeout. The system is not already into Event F due to servicing some other interrupt. EVENT E The CPU now begins its response to the INT REO, line by outputting the unique ROMC state H'10' inhibiting modification of interrupt priority logic. This will only occur when the following conditions are satisfied: The CPU is executing the last cycle of an instruction (beginning an instruction fetch). The ICB is enabled (ICB = 0). EVENT B The synchronizing flip-flop in the PSU control logic changes state. EVENTC The timer interrupt, or external interrupt flip-flop goes true, indicating the local interrupt logic's acknowledgement of the interrupt. The timer interrupt flip-flop will always respond and save the time-out occurrence, whereas the external interrupt flip-flop will only be set at this time if the external interrupt mode is enabled within the local control logic. The current instruction fetch is not protected (not a privileged instruction). EVENT F The CPU generates the interrupt acknowledge sequence of ROMC states as follows: ROMC STATE 10 IC EVENT D OF The INT REO line is pulled low by the PSU, passing the request for servicing on to the CPU. The conditions that must be present for this to occur are: 13 The PRI IN pin must be low. 00 The proper enable state must exist in the local control logic for the type of interrupt (timer or external). 476 Inhibit modification of interrupt priority logic. No function Put lower byte of interrupt addi6ss vactoi on data bus Put upper byte of interrupt address vector on data bus Fetch instruction from memory (first instruction of interrupt service routine) EVENT G At this point the CPU begins fetching the first instruction of the interrupt service routine. In the ~SU interrupt logic, the SERVICE REQUEST flipflop and the appropriate INTERRUPT REQUEST flip-flop are cleared. EVENT H The CPU begins executing the first instruction of the interrupt service routine. INTERRUPT ADDRESS VECTOR program execution can branch to the routine that handles this particular interrupt. Fifteen bits of the interrupt vector are specified as a mask option. Bit 7 cannot be masked. It is set by the interrupt control logic to 0 if the timer interrupt is enabled or to a 1 if external interrupt is enabled. The interrupt vector is ofthe form: WWWW, XXXX, OYYY, ZZZZ for timer interrupt and WWWW, XXXX, 1YYY, ZZZZ for external interrupt where W,X Y and Z are the mask specified bits. INTERRUPT SIGNALS TIMING During the interrupt acknowledge, the interrupting PSU provides a 16-bit interrupt address vector. The CPU causes this vector to be loaded into PO, so that Timing for signals associated with the MK 3B51 interrupt logic is shown in Figure 12. TIMER INTERRUPT SEQUENCE t WRITE B c D i I I I F A ~~ ~ ~ I I I I I TIME OUT TIMER REQ TIMER INTR F. F. !NT REO (TO CPU) ROMC STATE (FROM CPU) @ IL- I - - - -- __ -- -- I I ss I ~~ I 10 IC OF 13 00 Figure 8 477 EXTERNAL INTERRUPT SEQUENCE A B I I C o I I i (I F A~---:G:-I-----:-H:':"'I\ ~JJ~ WRITE I I I I I ,- -,I - -- iN'f REO (TO CPU) L.'F-'--:-_---:--._--'-_-:'1 ROMC STATE IC 10 OF 00 13 (FROM CPU) Figure 9 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Above which useful life may be impaired) VGG ...................................................... , +15V to -O.3V VDD ............................•................. , ......•.. +7V to -O.3V I/O Port Open Drain Option ..................................... +15V to -O.3V External Interrupt Input ...........................•.......... -lmA to +225 pA All other inputs & outputs ............•.. " ..•. ~ .................. + 7V to -O.3V Storage Temperature .......................................... -50C to +150°C Operating Temperature ......•.....................................ot to +70'C Note: All voltages with respect to vss. DC CHARACTERISTICS VSS = OV, VDD = +5V ±5%; VGG = +12V±5%, TA = O°C to + 70°C SUPPLY CURRENTS SYMBOL PARAMETER iDD IGG 478 MIN TYP MAX UNITS VDD Current 30 70 rnA VGG Current 10 18 rnA TEST CONDITIONS = 2MHz, Outputs Unloaded f = 2MHz, Outputs Unbaded f DC SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICS VDD = +5V ± 5%, VGG = + 12V±5%, VSS = OV TA = 0-70°C SIGNAL SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN MAX OATA BUS (OBO-OB7) VIH VIL VOH VOL IIH Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Input High Current Input Low Current 3.5 VOO 0.8 CLOCK LINES (tP,WRITE) VIH VIL IL Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Leakage Current 3.5 PRIORITY IN AND VIH CONTROL LINES (PRI IN, ROMCO-ROMC4) VIL IL Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Leakage Current 3.5 PRIORITY OUT (PRIOUT) VOH VOL Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage 3.9 INTERRUPT REQUEST (lNT REQ) VOH VOL IL Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Leakage Current VSS VOH VOL IL Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Leakage Current VSS Input High Voltage IlL Input Low Voltage Input Clamp Voltage Input High Current Input Low Current VOH Output High Voltage VOH VOL VIH VIL IL Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Input Low Current VOH VOL VIH VIL IlL Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage VOH VOL Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage 10L DATA BUS DRIVE (DBDR) EXTERNAL INTERRUPT VIH (EXT INT) VIL VIC IIH I/O PORT OPTION A (STANDARD PULL-UP) I/O PORT OPTION B (OPEN DRAIN) I/O PORT OPTION (ORIVER PULL-UP) UNITS TEST CONOITIONS Volts Volts Volts Volts 10H = -100 p.A 10L = 1.6mA p.A p.A VIN = VDD, tri-state mode VIN = VSS, tri-state mode VDD 0.8 1 Volts Volts p.A VIN =VOD VDD 0.8 1 Volts Volts p.A VIN = VDD VDD 0.4 Volts Volts 10H = -100p.A 10L = 100p.A Volts Volts p.A Open Orain Output [ 1 ] 0.4 1 0.4 1 Volts p.A 3.5 15 Volts -VSS Volts Volts p.A -250 1.2 15 10 -750 3.9 VSS 3.9 VSS VSS VSS VSS VDD 0.4 1 -1 10L = 1mA VIN =VDD Open Orain Output 2.9 VSS 2.9 VSS VSS 2.9 VSS Leakage Current 3.9 VSS 10L = 1.6mA VIN = VDD IIH = 185 p.A p.A VIN = VOD VIN =VSS VDD Volts 10H = -30 p.A VOD 0.4 Volts Volts Volts 10H = -100 p.A 10L = 1.6mA Internal Pull-up to VDD [ 3 ] Volts mA VIN=0.4V[4] VDD 0.8 -1.6 0.4 VOO 0.8 2 VDD 0.4 Volts Volts Volts Open Orain Output 10L = 1.6m.A [3] p.A VIN =VDD Volts Volts 10H = -850 pA 10L = 1.6mA Notes: 1. Pull-up resistor to V DD on CPU. 2. Positive current is defined as conventional current flowing into the pin referenced. 3. Hysteresis input circuit typically provides additional O.3V noise immunity while internal/external pull-up provides TTL compatibility. 4. Measured while I/O port is outputting a high level. 479 AC CHARACTERISTICS VSS = QV, VOO = +5V ± 5%, VGG = +12V± 5%, TA = QOC to + 7CfC Symbols in this table are used by all timing diagrams. Typ Max. Units Test Conditions/ Comments Symbol Parameters Min pcI> Pulse Width 180 P to WR ITE + Delay 0 250 td2 cI>to WRITE - Delay 0 225 ns td4 WRITE to DB Input Delay 2PcI>+1.0 /.IS PW2 WR ITE Pulse Width PcI> ns PWs WRITE Period; Short 4P cI> 6P cI> 500 ns P cI>-100 tr.tf = 50 ns typo PWL WRITE Period; Long td3 WRITE to ROMC Delay td6 WRITE to DB Output Delay 2PcI>+100-td 2 2PcI>+200 2PcI>+800-td2 ns CL = 100pF td7 WRITE to DBDR -Delay 2PcI>+100-td2 2PcI>+200 2PcI>+800-td2 ns CL = 100pF td8 WRITE to DBDR + Delay ns Open Drain tr, WRITE to INT REO - Delay 430 ns CL=100pF [1] tr2 WRITE to INT REO + Delay 430 ns CL = 100pF [3] tpr, PRI IN to i'f\i'i'l':iEQ - Delay 240 ns CL = 100pF [2] tp r2 PRI IN to ~ + Delay 430 ns CL = 100pF tpd l PRI IN to PRI OUT -Delay 300 ns CL = 50pF tpd2 PRI IN to PRI OUT + Delay 365 ns CL = 50pF tpd3 WRITE to PRiOOT + Delay 700 ns CL = 50pF tpd4 WRITE to PRI OUT - Delay 640 ns CL = 50pF tsp WRITE to Output Stable 1.7 /-Is CL = 50pF. Standard Pull·up tod WRITE to Output Stable 1.7 /-Is CL = 50pF RL = 12.5K Open Drain tdp WRITE to Output Stable 400 ns CL = 50pF. Driver Pull-up tsu I/O Setup Time 1.3 /-Is th I/O Hold Time 0 /-Is tex EXT INT Setup Time 400 ns 200 200 Table 4 Notes: Assume Priority In was enabled (PAl IN~ 0) in previous F8 cycle before interrupt is detected in the PSU. PSU has interrupt pending before priority in is enabled. Assume pin tied to ~ input of the 3850 CPU. The parameters which are shaded in the table above represent those which are most frequently of importance when interfacing to an F8 system. Unshaded parameters are typically those that are relevant only between F8 chips and not normally of concern to the user. 5. Input and output capacitance is 3 to 5pF typical on all pins except VDD. VGG. and VSS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 480 n. PSU DATA BUS TIMING WRITE ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ____ SHORT CYCLE ,------, ,I _ _ _ _ _ _ \ \ _ _ _ __ ~ ~ LONG CYCLE Id3==,~_________________________________________ J ROMC STABLE I~ IdS MTABUS------------------~I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OUTPUT X STABLE i ~".=7---14 DBDR (START OF DATA OUT) DBDR (END OF DATA OUT IN SUBSEQUENT CYCLE) Id 7 1~.~----------ld4--------------~1~~------------------------- X DATA BUS INPUT STABLE Figure 10 TIMING AT PSU I/O PORTS WRITE INPUT (I) OUTPUT(2) (STANDARD PULLUP) OUTPUT(2) (OPEN DRAIN) OUTPUT(2) (DRIVER PULLUP) / ~J DATA DATA MAY CHANGE : tS P=X29V i 'Od =X29V ~ldP--y tlh Isu=f 2.9V STABLE DATA MAY CHANGE STABLE STABLE STABLE 1. The set-up and hold times specified are with respect to the end of the second long cycle during execution of the three cycle IN or INS instruction. 2. All delay times are specified with respect to the end of the second long-cycle during execution of the three cycle OUT or OUTS instruction. Figure 11 481 INTERRUPT LOGIC SIGNALS TIMING WRITE _______I }~, 1~---S1:-A8-L-E--__I_____ ~~~~~~...t.LONI_r_G_-~C- _Y-:_L~ - _-" \_-'\:_-_-_-_~_ r:--1 __ ROMe INTREO =----1 ~ ~lr =1"'------_ _ _ _~_t_r2 rL =! I ~lPd 4 = 1 t Pd 3 ----PRI IN INT REO PRIOUT EXT INT NOTE: Timing measurements are made at valid logic level of the signals referenced unless otherwise noted. Figure 12 Column ORDER INFORMATION 1·20 26-30 36-36 User SL ROM 40-42 10 PACKAGE SPECI FICATION MK 3851N/12XXX Plastic User SL MK 3851P/12XXX Ceramic ROM The 12XXX number is assigned by MOSTEK when an MK 3851 is ordered. All mask options must also be specified as described in the next section. OPTION SPECIFICATION CARD FORMAT USED TO DEFINE MK 3851 PSU MASK OPTIONS Mask options are specified using a card file which may inClude the following types of card: Option card, Comment cards, 'X, cards itext format commands). and 'C' cards (ROM truth table data). 10 Port Timer 45 50-53 58-60 Port Timer HEX 63-65 HEX DEC DEC is the customer name is a 5-digit SL number for the device assigned by MOSTEK (Leave Blank) is the ROM number (0-63 decimal) Specifies ROM page is the decimal number (n) of the lowest of the four I/O port addresses selected where: n:; 4a, 1..;; a ..;; 63 is 1 for Standard I/O 2 for Open Drain 3 for Driver Pull-up (Output Only) is the Timer/External I nterrupt Address Vector (4 Hexadecimal digits) Columns 58-60 specify the desired number base for the address field on the output listing. Columns 63-65 specify the desired number base for the data fields on the output listing. Each defaults to DECIMAL when not specified. All other fields on the option caid must be sPecified. COMMENT CARD FORMAT OPTION CARD FORMAT The option card must always be the first card in the input data file. The format of the option card follows: 482 Each comment card must have an asterisk (*) in column 1. All other columns are ignored. Acomment card may occur any time after the option card in the input file. Comment cards are optional. TEXT FORMAT CARD FORMAT The text format commands are used to describe the format of the ROM· data cards which follow. Text format commands should have the character 'X' in column 1 and should precede all ROM data cards. The valid text format commands are: X SEQUENCE indicates that the ROM has sequence numbers in columns 77-79. This command causes F8 ROM to do sequence checking. X BASE HEX HEX DEC DEC specifies the number base of the ROM address input and the ROM data input respectively: If no X BASE card occurs, all fields are assumed to be decimal. DATA CARD FORMAT The data cards for F8 PSUs must have the character 'C' in column 1. The ROM truth table data card format is as follows: Column 2-9 Add C 10-12 Bytes 14-16 Data 1 17-19 Data 2 20-22..... Data 3.. 77-79 Data 22 Add is the ROM address of the first data field on the card is the number of bytes of data on the card Bytes ( < 23) Same number base as address. Data n specifies the data to be coded at ROM address (Add + n - 1) for 0< n < = Bytes Data 22 is a sequence number if an X SEQUENCE card has occurred NOTE: All numeric fields must be right justified. OTHER INPUT METHODS For information concerning other methods of input contact a MOSTEK representative. PACKAGE DESCRIPTION 40-Pin Dual In-line Ceramic 1---1- - 2.000 ~ 020-------11 ~Fr~: o:::~[r===~D~=====i"IHJ[J " 1100 1/0 D Interfaces with MK3854 for DMA channel 1/0<=:>[:3(:::::)1/0 D Provides automatic refresh for dynamic RAMs. 1/0 D Low Power Dissipation Typically Less Than 335mW <=:> . MK 3870 (:::::) 1/0 F8 FAMILY I/O<=> GENERAL DESCRIPTION I/O<=> The 3852 DMI provides all interface logic needed to include up to 64K bytes of dynamic or static RAM memory in an F8 microcomputer system. In response to control signals output by the 3850 CPU, the 3852 DMI generates address and control signals needed by standard static and dynamic RAM devices. The MK3852 DMI is manufactured using N-channel Isoplanar MOS technology. FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION 1/0 (::::) P E I/O<=:> R M I P E M I/O<=> H E R A L S o I/O<=> R y > <

during all ROMC states except ROMC state 05 (store in memory); it can be used to generate the clock signals required by many dynamic RAMs. CPU SLOT high identifies portions of an instruction execution cycle during which the 3850 CPU is reading data out of RAM, or writing data into RAM. CPU SLOT is a bi-directional signal. If held low by external logic, it causes the address line drivers and RAM WRITE driver to be held in a high impedance state. BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 1 DATA BUS CONTROL SIGNALS TO ALL ELEMENTS DBO-DB7 ROMC DECODE AND CONTROL LOGIC ROMCO-ROMC 4 16 TIMING ADDRESS BUS < 16* ADDRO-ADDR 15 486 MEMORY CONTROL WRITE REGDR CPU READ R"AMWiiiTE AND REFRESH MIM IDLE CYCLE CYCLE REO CONTROL CPU SLOT DMA DEVICE ORGANIZATION This section describes the basic functional elements of the MK3852 DMI. These elements are shown in the DMI functional block diagram (figure 1). PROGRAM COUNTER (PO) AND DATA COUNTER (DC AND DC1) The MK3852 DMI addressing logic consists of 3 16-bit registers, the Program Counter (PO) and the Data Counters (DC and DC1). The Program Counter will at all times address the memory word from which the next object program code must be fetched. The Data Counter (DC) addresses memory words containing individual data bytes or bytes within data tables to be used as operands. It is important to note that the 3852 DMI has an auxiliary Data Counter (DC1). The contents of DC can be saved in DC1 by using the instruction XDC (exchange data counters). This instruction puts the contents of DC into DC1 and the contents of DC1 into DC. DC~DC1. PO will always address the memory location out of which the next object program instruction byte will be read. If the instruction requires data (an operand) other than an immediate to be accessed DC must address memory. PO cannot be used to address a NON-immediate operand since PO is saving the address of the next instruction code. THE STACK REGISTER P The MK3852 OM I addressing logic contains a fourth 16-bit register called the stack register (PI. The stack register is a buffer for the program counter PO. The contents of the stack register are never used directly to address memory. The following instructions access P LR K, P Move the contents of P to the CPU scratch pad K registers LR P,K Move the contents of the CPU K scratch pad registers to P PK Save the contents of PO in P then move the contents of CPU scratchpad registers 12 and 13 to PO PI H'aaaa' Move the contents of PO to P then load the hexadecimal value into PO In addition, when an interrupt is acknowledged, the contents of PO are saved in P. MEMORY CONTROLS Memory Control logic generates appropriate timing and control signals needed by RAM to input or output data. Timing and control signals are generated in response to ROMC states, as decoded by the Control Unit. INCREMENTER ADDER LOGIC There are only two arithmetic operations that memory devices need to perform on the contents of memory address registers: 1. Increment by 1 the 16-bit value stored in an address register. 2. Add an 8-bit value, treated as a signed binary number (subject to twos complemented arithmetic) to the 16-bit value stored in address register. The incrementer adder logic performs these two functions in the MK3852 DMI. THE DATA BUS The 8-bit data bus is the main path for transfer of information between the MK3850 CPU and other devices in the F8 microprocessor system. ADDRESSABLE I/O PORTS The 3852 DMI has four I/O port addresses reserved for its use. There are two versions of the 3852 DMI; one has I/O port addresses OC, 00, OE and OF for its four I/O ports; since these addresses are also used by the 3853 SMI, another version of the 3852 DMI uses I/O port address EC, ED, EE and EF. This allows an F8 microcomputer system to include . both a 3852 OM I and a 3853 SM I. I/O port addresses OE and OF (or EE andEFl, though reserved for the 3852 OM I, are not used. Port OC (or EC) is a general purpose, 8-bit data storage buffer which can be loaded with the OUT or OUTS instruction and read using the I N or I NS instruction. Port 00 (or ED) is a control register which controls memory refresh and DMA operations. DMA AND REFRESH CONTROL POP Move the contents of P to PO Because of the organization of the F8 microcomputer system, there is a period within every instruction execution cycle when the CPU is not accessing memory. 487 DMA and Refresh Control logic generates timing and control signals that identify time periods when the CPU is not accessing memory; during these time periods memory is refreshed, or DMA data accesses occur. The WRITE clock refreshes and updates the MK3852 DMI. A machine cycle begins with the fall of the WR ITE clock and the system control lines become stable shortly after the start of the cycle. OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION CLOCK TIMING All timing within the MK3852 DMI is controlled by and WRITE, which are input from the MK3850 CPU. Each machine cycle will contain either 4 clock periods (short cycle) or 6 clock periods (long cycle). INSTRUCTION EXECUTION The MK3852 DMI responds to signals which are output by the MK3850 CPU in the course of executing instruction cycles. Table 1 summarizes the response of the MK3852 DMI to the ROMC states. Table 1 ROMCSTATES ROMC (Hexadecimal) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 488 OPERATION PERFORMED COMMENT DB-( (PO)); PO-PO + 1 DB-«PO)); PO-PO + DB DB-«DC)); DC-DC + 1 DB-«PO)); PO-PO + 1 PO-P «DC))-DB; DC-DC + 1 DB-DCU DB-PU P-PO; DB+-H'OO'; POL, POH-DB DB-DCL DC-DC + DB DB-PL DB-«PO)); DCL-DB P-PO+ 1 DB-«PO)); DCL-DB NO OPERATION NO OPERATION DB-«PO)); DCU-DB POL-DB; P-PO NO OPERATION POU-DB PU-DB DCU-DB POL-DB PL-DB DCL-DB «pp))-DB or ((p))-DB DB-( pp ) or DB-((p)) NO OPERATION DC!:;DC1 DB-POL DB-POU OP CODE, FETCH BRANCH OFFSET FETCH IMMEDIATE OPERAND FETCH EXTERNAL RESET Definitions: DB PO DC DCl P pp p lA L u () .... . • • . · · · • · · · Data Bus Program Counter Data Cou nter Aux Data Counter Stack Register Two hex digits (long 1/0 port address) One hex digit (short 1/0 port address) Interrupt address vector Lower byte suffix Upper byte suffix Contents of - transfer to ~ - exchange MEMORY ADDRESSING Any dynamic RAM which is controlled by the 3852 DMI will have a PAGE SELECT input, which must be true if the memory is to respond to read or write control signal sequences. PAG E SE LECT true is created by logic external to the 3852 DMI, and defines the dynamic RAM address space. PAGE SELECT true can be generated in any way; there are no special rules. For example, consider an F8 system with 1 K bytes of ROM on a 3851 PSU and 4K bytes of dynamic RAM controlled by a 3852 DM I; address ranges will be as follows: 1K bytes of ROM 4K bytes of RAM 000016 to 03FF16 040016 to 13FF16 In binary format, the dynamic RAM address space is defined by: ~ NMO o a: a: Cl Cl « Minimum: 0 0 0 Maximum:O 0 0 Cl Cl « o0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PAGE SELECT may be the OR of ADDR 12, ADDR11 and ADDR10, which are shown above. Depending on the way in which dynamic RAM is being used, PAGE SELECT may be a simple memory enable signal, or it may be ANDed with CPU READ and RAM WRITE, to generate local versions of these two signals which are locally true only. 3852 DMI SPACE ADDRESS REGISTERS' ADDRESS As described in Table 1, certain ROMC states require the contents of the high order, or low order half of PO, P, or DC to be placed on the data bus. If there is more than one memory device in an F8 system, only one device must respond to these ROMC states. The 3851 PSU uses its address mine if it is to place address the data bus; for the 3851 memory and address registers' be identical. select mask to deterregister contents on PSU, therefore, the address spaces must The 3852 DMI address registers' address space is identified by the REGDR signal; if this signal is not clamped low, the 3852 will place data on the data bus in response to ROMC states that require data from PO, P or DC to be placed on the data bus. If REGDR is derived from the PAGE SELECT signal, then the RAM memory and the 3852 DMI address registers' address spaces will coincide. On the other hand, it is a good idea to make the 3852 DM I address registers' address space cover all addresses that are not part of another memory device's address registers' address space. For example, the following address spaces would be desirable: ADDRESS SPACES 3851 PSU 3852 DMI MEMORY ADDRESS REGISTERS 000016-03FF 16 040016-13F F 16 000016-03F F 16* 040016-FFFF16 *For the 3851 PSU, the two address spaces must be identical. If the address space for the address registers covers all possible memory addresses, then instructions that read data out of address registers will always generate a valid response. In the above illustration, if memory and address registers' address spaces coincided for the 3852, then in response to instructions that require data to be output from PO, P, or DC, no device would respond when the selected address register contains a value in excess of 13F F 16; as a result, invalid values would be received by the 3850 CPU. ADDRESS CONTENTIONS When a 3852 DM I is present in an F8 system, memory addressing contentions are resolved as described in Memory Addressing, with one exception: the 3852 DMI has a DC1 register and the 3851 PSU does not. The XDC instruction (ROMC state 1D) causes the contents of the DCO and DC1 registers to be exchanged; having no DC1 register, the 3851 PSU does not respond to this ROMC state, therefore 3851 PSU and 3852 DM I devices can have different values in their DC registers, and each value can be within the different address spaces of the two memory devices. An instruction that requires data to be output from DC may now cause two devices to simultaneously place different data on the data bus. This may be illustrated as follows: PSU Before XDC: DC =XXXX DC1= After XDC: DC =XXXX DC1 DMI XXXX YYYY YYYY XXXX If XXXX happens to be in a PSU's address space while YYYY is in the DMI address space, then address contentions will arise. 489 Even if XXXX is not in the PSU's address space, address contentions may arise due to the fact that memory reference instructions will increment different DC contents. Suppose two memory reference instructions are executed following one XDC, then another XDC is executed; this is what happens: PSUAfter first XDC: DC = XXXX DC1= After two memory DC = XXXX+2 reference instructions: DC1 = After second XDC: DC = XXXX+2 DC1 = DMI YYYY XXX X YYYY+2 XXXX XXXX YYYY+2 An address contention may arise if DC contents approaches the boundary of the PSU address space. For example, if the address space boundary occurs at XXXX+1, the PSU and the DMI will both consider themselves selected. The following coding instruction sequence shows how to use the DC instruction without encountering address contentions. The example allows use of a second address value YYYY, which is held in DC1, while using the H register' to temporarily hold the first address value, XXXX. Address YYYY, which at the beginning of the example is held in DC1, must be in the DM I address space. The address XXXX may be in any address space. INSTRUCTION PSU DCO LR H,DC DCIZZZZ XDC DMI DCO DC1 XXXX XXX X YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ YYYY YYYY ZZZZ tion is used to load DC1. Consider the following instruction sequence: INSTRUCTION DCI XDC DCI YYYY ZZZZ PSU DC DMI DC XXXX YYYY YYYY ZZZZ XXXX YYYY WWWW ZZZZ P WWWW YYYY YYYY YYYY lies in the address space of the DMI, ZZZZ lies anywhere, XXXX and WWWW are arbirtary initial values. The DCI instructions could just as well be LR DC, H or LR DC, O. The exchange of DC and DC1 becomes most powerful when a series of swaps are used to add two blocks of memory, or to move data from one block to a second. The XDC instruction can be used to do this so long as neither block is in a PSU's address space. Notice that the DC of the PSU is out of step throughout the example. INSTRUCTION psu PO DCI ZZZZ LM XDC ST XDC DMI DC DC1 xxxx xxxx ZZZZ ZZZZ+1 ZZZZ+1 ZZZZ+2 ZZZZ+2 ZZZZ ZZZZ+1 YYYY YYYY+1 ZZZZ+ 1 YYYY YYYY YYYY ZZZZ+1 ZZZZ+l YYYY+1 ZZZZ+L'>Z+LW·1 ZZZZ+L'>Z+t:.Y-l ZZZZ+L'>Z+t:.Y YYYY+t:.Y ZZZZ+L'>Z YYYY+t:.Y-1 ZZZZ+L'>Z yyyy+t:.y ZZZZ+L'>Z wwww ZZZZ+L'>Z Other Instructions LM XDC ST DCI WWWW WWWW In the above example ZZZZ and YYYYboth lie in the address of a DMI. The space spanned by ZZZZ to ZZZZ + t:.Z + t:. Y must be outside of any PSU's address space. Other Instructions TIMING SIGNALS OUTPUT BY A XDC LR DC,H ZZZZ+N YYYY+N ZZZZ YYYY+N ZZZZ+N ZZZZ XXXX XXXX YYYY+N For the above scheme to work, it is only necessary for ZZZZ through ZZZZ+N to be outside any PSU's address space. If the value XXXX through XXXX+N is outside of any PSU's address space, then the DCI ZZZZ instruction may be omitted. In many cases, it will not be necessary to restore the XXXX value; then the LR H,DC and LR DC, H instructions can also be omitted-letting a subsequent ,?C loading instruction synchronize the DC's. Before a value held in DC1 can be used, it must first have been loaded into DC1. The XDC instruc- 490 3852 DMI Within an instruction cycle, there may be either two or three memory acces:. periods, depending on whether the instruction cycle is long or short. A memory access period is equivalent to two clock periods, and is identified by CYCLE REO, which is a divide-by-two of <1>. Whether the instruction cycle is short, or long, depends on the source and destination of the data being transmitted during instruction execution. During the first memory access period, the 3852 DMI outputs the contents of PO on the address lines of ADDRO-ADDR15. In effect, 3852 DMI logic beings by assuming that a memory read is to occur, with the memory address provided by PO. While the contents of PO are being output on the address lines, the 3852 DMI control unit, in parallel, decodes the ROMC state which has been received from the 3850 CPU. If the assumed logic proves to be correct, or if no memory access is to occur, then the second access period can be used for memory refresh or DMA. If the instruction, once decoded by the CPU, specifies a memory read with another memory address, then the 3852 DMI wastes the first access period. The instruction cycle will always be long in this case. During the second access period, the required memory access is performed, while memory refresh occurs, or DMA is implemented in the third access period. If a memory write instruction is decoded, then no access periods are available for memory refresh or DMA. Four variations of the in~truction cycle result. The timing diagrams illustrating the four variations represent worst cases, and assume td 2 = 150ns. These are the four variations: 3852 DMI TIMING SIGNALS OUTPUT DURING A SHORT CYCLE MEMORY READ WITH ADDRESS FROM PO Figure 2 ~------------------~Op5------------------~ WRITE 500n5=1 ADDRESS LINES _ _ _ _ _ _ _X ' " - - - - - - - - S T - A - B - L - E - - - - - - - - - DATA BUS __ I ~ =i ____________________ i=noM±1 00ns X"---D-A-T-A-,S-TA--SL-E-F-R-O-M--R-A-M--- -JI~----~------------_ ~14~-------_'_.2_5_PS_-~~~~~~~~~~!II~------------______ CPU READ - - - - - - - - _ ~ ~ ~,. on_S_~__'_.2_7_IlS____________ ~ ~~~ CPU SLOT ~ ::1= .....- - - - 1 . 0 ------/ PS--------..f 1. The instruction fetch. The memory address originates in PO and the instruction cycle is short. Timing is shown in Figure 2. 491 3852 DMI TIMING SIGNALS OUTPUT DURING A LONG CYCLE MEMORY READ, WITH ADDRESS OUT OF PROGRAM COUNTER Figure 3 ~"'I.·~~~~~~=========_3._0_I'S~~~~~-=/-,...:.-=--=----_-~~'.. WRITE..../j· r--450nS~ _ __ .1 r--500ns~ I ADDRESS LINES X,...-------ST-A-B-LE-------- I !==770nS±100nS--j ~ I DATA BUS I. ·11 1.251'S ....J/r.",--------- CPU READ, "'-..... _ _ _ _ _ t:'" ~-1 ,~"' CPU SLOT / [ DATA STABLE FROM RAM j 'J... . . ______-J~ ~~ - i 170 I nS MEMIDLE " CYCLE REO ~750nS~/r----__'" I '" -1 ~~O I_ / r - - -....."'-- ·I'-----J 1001'S 2. An immediate operand fetch. The memory address originates in PO, and the instruction cycle is long. Timing is shown in Figure 3. 3852 DMI TIMING SIGNALS OUTPUT DURING A LONG CYCLE MEMORY READ, WITH ADDRESS OUT OF DATA COUNTER Figure 4 WRITE _-_-_--:--_-_3_.0_I1_S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-I---"'iL -'i ,1"""4:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- I r-450nS-l....>--_ _ 1.25I1S-----..~1 ADDRESS LINES I X,...------:S=T:-::A-=S:-:-L-==E-------:-- ~900nS~ I I I ><,...-DA-T-A-S-TA-B-L-E~F-RO-M~R-A-M-- I DATA BUS 1·>-----1-.2-5-I1S--2.15I1S-·-I------+l·, ... CPU READ \~_ _ _ _-JI,...------~------~I--- I ~cii~~_ns_-j_ CPU SLOT MEMIDLE -.J ~~0l-- ,~-----------------------------~'-_ _ _ _-_-_I~r _ T.·--------2.27I1S--------~·11 InS ~~--------------------------------:~g0l--, ~750nS-.J I \ -l ~~O I· 1r---~\,- 1.0 I1 _ _oJ/ \,-_ _oJ/ S----] 3. A data fetch. A data byte is output from an address register, or the memory address originates in DC, therefore the instruction cycle is long. Timing is shown in Figure 4. 492 3852 DMI TIMING SIGNALS OUTPUT DURING A WRITE TO MEMORY Figure 5 WRITE ~:!.===============~_3_.0_~S_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_--J--/~--------~~ ~450 nS /""".---1.25 ~S ----+I-I j.--1.3 ~S -I --Ii ADDRESS liNES __________7-________________--J)(r------------~S~T7A~Bl~E~------------ DATA BUS )(r-------=D7A=TA~ST=A~B~l~E~F~R~07M~C~P~U~------ I I. 1.85~S-_____+l-1350ns MIN I. ...1 RAM WRITE ---------------------------------------~ II CPU READ CPU SLOT MEMIDlE . 2.3 ~~O 1- MINr---- L-J_'I'-----" ~S MAX -. -----~I--~\~---------------------------------- r450nS~ ~~AI \~_________________________________________ -!?~I·750ns---1 CYCLE REO --------~I--~\ ---J ~~ I. Ir----~\~____~I 1.0~S--1 4. A memory write. Data is written into the RAM memory location addressed by DC. Timing is shown in Figure 5. CPU SLOT and MEM IDLE identify the way in which a memory access period is being used. Figures 6 and 7 illustrate the relationship. When the 3852 DMI is refreshing dynamic memory CPU SLOT and MEM IDLE are both low. When the 3850 CPU is accessing memory, CPU SLOT is high; RAM WR ITE and the address lines are driven at this time. 3852 DMI logic is able to achieve two memory accesses with in one instruction cycle by pursuing the logic sequence summarized in Table 2. Buffer/ latches are placed on the F8 data bus lines between the RAM and the F8 system to hold the data fetcher.! during the first access. When memory is available for DMA access, CPU SLOT is low, and MEM IDLE is high. 493 TIMING FOR MEMORY REFRESH AND DMA DURING A SHORT CYCLE MEMORY READ, WITH ADDRESS OUT OF PROGRAM COUNTER Figure 6 I\ WRITE--.I: ~ 450nS ~ / I.. r- ±X 500 nS ADDRESS LINES FOR REFRESH ~I 2.0~S 770 nS ± 100 nS I CPU AD DR + !~O X ::1:==500 ns--1 I REFRESH ADDR I J 100 I. :I. D::::~ 400nS f--500 "'--+-770 ADDRESS LINES FOR DMA X I ,S< oS OR ";: I CPU ADDR HIGH IMPEDANCE 1----770 nS ± 100 ns:::-I DATA BUS CPU READ I X'--D-A-T-A-S-T-A-B-LE-FR-O-M-R-A-M- ~--------------------I~----------------- I" 1.25~S I -1 . /if-1.27~S ---1 \ 450nS CPU SLOT MEMIDLE FOR REFRESH ~II -':yr---------~I , ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,- ,'-_______..Jr- I --.I I 170 nS ~O I...... t--- ._ I 1.25~S;------I~~ ~2n~~ MEMIDLE FOR DMA CYCLE REQ I ,'-_________f I .....t-----------2.2~S;-----------..~ \~ _ _ _--I/ ~~'-___,.JI ~ 250 nS 494 ~ I" 1.0J.lS TIMING FOR MEMORY REFRESH AND DMA DURING A LONG CYCLE MEMORY READ WITH ADDRESS OUT OF PROGRAM COUNTER ' Figure 7 r-----'\1~-:===========~~_-_-_-_3.0_~_S==============_-r===\L----I~I :=l I-I I ± WRITE 450 nS ~500 nS 770 nS + 100 nS X ADDRESS LINES FOR REFRESH _ _ _ _...J ADDRESS LINES FOR DMA _ _ _ _...J DATA BUS 400nS .. .. X'-__---'-'R"'EF..:;A:::;D:::,:DR.!..-_ __ CPU ADDR 400nS ~500nS 1~ ~SO ~ tif~:d ±=770nS± CPU ADDR X ~ 770 nS ± 100 nS ~450ns~' 1.25~S HIGH IMPEDANCE I :1,..-___________ _____________X I_ CPU READ .... STABLE DATA FROM RAM ·1 ,r------------ 1.27~S---I CPU SLOT .~'''' FOR REFRESH ----I.~----------~~----------- -j ~SO I-- r:;fnS ~: f-- MEMIDLE ----:--\1 FOR DMA ._ 1.25~SI / r - - - - -_____ . /\,\.. _ _ _ __ I 22~S----------l-. \\..__--JrTable 2 OPERATION PERFORMED DURING INSTRUCTION CYCLE FIRST ACCESS SECOND ACCESS THIRD ACCESS No memory access, or read from memory addressed by PO. (See Figure 2.) [PO]--+AO - A 15 Latch data on F8 data bus. Second memory access for DMA or refresh. None No memory access, or read from memory addressed by PO. (See Figure 3.) [PO]-AO- A15 Latch data on F8 data Th i rd memo ry access not used. bus. Second memory access for DMA or refresh. Read data from memory addressed by register other than PO, or read data from address register. (See Figure 4.) [PO]-AD- A15 [Other register]- AD Latch data on Fa data bus. Third -15 memory access for DMA or refresh Write data to memory. (See Figure 5.) [PO]-AO-A15 [DC]-AD - A 15 [ Access memory to write data. No DMA or refresh. ] means "contents of register identified within square brackets. 495 MEMORY ACCESS REFRESH AND DIRECT MEMORY These two topics are covered together, since in terms of 3852 DMI logic, they are similar operations. CYCLE REQ identified 2 or 3 memory access periods witnin an instruction cycle. Either the first or the second access period, as summarized in Table 2, is reserved for the instruction cycle being decoded. Let us refer to this as the "reserved" access period. If the ROMC state for the instruction cycle requires data to be read out of RAM, then the read occurs during the reserved access period. If the ROMC state for the instruction cycle requires data to be input to an address register, or if no data movement occurs on the data bus, then the reserved access period is not used for any memory access-it is, in effect, wasted. One more memory access may occur within the instruction cycle; this occurs during either the second or third access period, as summarized in Table 2, while the data bus latches hold data accessed during the first period. We will refer to this 1S the "free" access period. Some available free access periods must be used to refresh dynamic RAM. A refresh uses logic within the 3852 DMI. Therefore a refresh occurs in parallel to anything else that is going on. If the free access period is not used to refresh dynamic RAM, it may be used by a 3854 OMA device to perform direct memory accesses. The OMA uses a separate data channel to access memory, so OMA can occur in parallel with anything else that is going on within the F8 system. If a ROMC state received by the 3852 OMI requires data to be output from an address register, then the 3852 OMI will become the selected data source if REGOR is allowed to go high. DATA INPUT TO RAM Figure 5 provides worst case timing when data is written into RAM. Data is transferred through tristate buffers on the data bus and into RAM. RAM WRITE is pulsed low by the 3852 OMI to enable the transfer of data off the data bus, into RAM. The tri-state buffers or multiplexers between data bus and RAM WRITE data lines are necessary if OMA sources are also allowed to write into RAM. DATA INPUT TO THE 3852 DMI Problems of addressing contention are posed by having duplicated address registers; one step in resolving this possible problem is to force every memory device to read onto its address registers whenever a ROMC state specifies any such operation. Address space concepts therefore do not apply when data is read into 3852 OMI address registers. INPUT/OUTPUT There are two versions of the 3852 OM I; each has four reserved I/O port addresses, implemented as follows: PORT ADDRESSES STANDARD OPTION OC 00 DATA OUTPUT BY RAM Figures 2, 3, and 4 provide worst case timing when RAM, controlled by the 3852 OMI, outputs data onto the data bus. In these figures it is assumed that CPU SLOT is used to strobe the RAM data into the data bus latches. CPU READ is output high by the 3852 OMI to enable transfer of data from the data bus buffers to the data bus. Recall that dynamic RAM have its own connection to the data bus via buffer/latches; data is not transferred via the 3852 OM I. Observe that CPU READ high is similar to D8DR low-each is active when its respective data bus drivers are turned on. OE OF EC ED EE EF FUNCTION General purpose latch Memory IDMA control Not implemented Not implemented Option port addresses are used in F8 systems that include both a 3852 OMI and a 3853 SMI. The implemented I/O ports are accessed via IN, INS, OUT and OUTS instructions, just like any other I/O port. However, the 3852 OMI I/O ports are internal latches, having no connection to I/O pins or external interface. REG DR, if not clamped low by an external device, will go high during IN or I NS instructions that select either of the OM I ports. However, clamping REGOR low does not inhibit data bus driving during I/O as it did during the output of address registers. DATA OUTPUT BY THE 3852 DMI I/O port OC (or EC) is used as a general purpose, 8-bit data storage location. REGOR defines the address space of the address registers within the 3852 OMI. I/O port 00 (or ED) controls memory refresh and OMA as follows: 49.6 11s/sH 1+lo 7 3 I NOT 'uSED ' ut SYSTEM INITIALIZATION I _ B I T NUMBER An FB system is initialized by power on, or EXT RESET being pulsed low at the CPU. OMA """'"", When an FB system is initialized, DMA is turned off and memory refresh is on, with refresh every fourth cycle selected. 0= DMA enabled. 1= Refresh memory. 0= No memory refresh. 1= Refresh every fourth instruction cycle. Contents of all other registers are indeterminate; reading the control port OD (or ED) also gives indeterminate results, although the DMA/refresh state of the DMI has been initialized. 0= Refresh every eighth instruction cycle. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING (All voltages with respect to VSS)* VGG······················································ . +15V to -0.3V VDD ........................................................ +7V to -0.3V All other inputs and outputs ..................................... +7V to -0.3V Operating temperature, T A (Ambient) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O°C to +70°C Storage temperature - Ambient (Ceramic) ... , ......................-65°C to +150°C Storage temperature - Ambient (Plastic) ...........................-55°C to +125°C *Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. II RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (O°C"';;TA"';;70°C) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN VDD VGG VSS Supply Voltage 4.75 11.4 0 TYP 5.0 12.0 0 MAX UNITS 5.25 12.6 0 Volts Volts Volts TEST CONDITIONS DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (O°C ",;;TA"';; 70°C) VDD = +5V ± 5%; VGG = +12V ± 5%; VSS = OV SYMBOL PARAMETER IDD IGG VDD Current IGG Current MIN DATA BUS (DBO-DB7) PARAMETER SYMBOL VIH VIL VOH VOL IIH IlL CI I nput High Voltage I nput Low Voltage Output High ~oltage Output Low Voltage Input High Current Input Low Current Capacitance TYP MAX UNITS 35 13 70 30 rnA rnA MIN MAX UNITS 3.5 VSS 3.9 VSS VDD .B VDD .4 1 -1 10 Volts Volts Volts Volts ~A ~A pF TEST CONDITIONS f=2MHz, Outputs unloaded f=2MHz, Outputs unloaded TEST CONDITIONS IOH = -100~A IOL = 1.6mA VIN = VDD, three-state mode VIN = VSS, three-state mode Three-state mode 497 CONTROL LINES (ROMCO-ROMC4), AND CLOCK LINES (, WRITE) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN MAX UNITS 3.5 VOO VSS .8 Volts Volts JJ.A pF TEST CONDITIONS ,-- VIH VIL IL CI Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Leakage Current Capacitance 1 10 VIN = VOO ADDRESS LINES (ADDRO-ADDR15) AND RAM WRITE SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN MAX UNITS VOH VOL IL Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Leakage Current 4.0 VOO .4 1 Volts Volts JJ.A TEST CONDITIONS IOH = -1mA IOL = 3.2mA VIN = VOO REGDR AND CPU SLOT SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN MAX UNITS VOH VOL VIH VIL IlL Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Input Low Current 3.9 VOO .4 Volts Volts Volts Volts mA IL Leakage Current VSS 3.5 VSS -3.5 VOO .8 -14.0 1 JJ.A TEST CONDITIONS IOH = -300JJ.A IOL = 2mA Internal Pull-up to VOO VIN =.4V and device outputting a logic "1" VIN = VOO CPU READ, MEMIDLE, AND CYCLE REO SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN MAX UNITS VOH VOL IL Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Leakage Current 3.9 VOO .4 1 Volts Volts JJ.A 498 VSS TEST CONDITIONS loW-1mA IOL = 2mA VIN = VOO AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (DoC';;; TA';;; 70°C) (VDD = +5V ± 5%; VGG SYMBOL = +12V ± 5%; VSS = OV) PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX TEST COND UNIT P

-lBO ns tdl

+5Q-td 2 2P+SQ-td 2 2P+400-td 2 ns 1 tcsl CPU SLOT + Delay BO-td 2 320-td 2 ns 1 tcs2 CPU SLOT - Delay (PCO access) 2P+400-td 2 ns 1 tm4 MEMIDLE - Delay (DC access) 6P+400-td2 ns 1,4 tCY3 CYCLE R EQ + to + Edge Delay 2P

twr2 twr3 RAM WRITE - Delay 300 2S0 1,4 1,4 4P+SO-td 2 SP S < E I/O<=:> L...._---' W~ R Y > PIN CONNECTIONS ADDRO-ADDR 15 - The address bus provides the location of a memory read or write cycle. DBO-DB7 - The Data Bus provides bi-directional communication between the 3850 F8 CPU and the 3853 SMI and all other F8 peripheral devices. VGG ---- I ~ - 2 WRITE - 3 INT REQ - 4 PRfTN _ 404-- Voo 39 _ ROMC 4 38 37 _ ROMC 2 ROMC 3 ROMC I 5 36 - RAM WRITE - 6 35 _ ROMC III EXT INT - 7 34 - CPU READ AD DR 7 ADDR 6 _ 8 33 - - REGDR 32 _ ADDR 15 TYPE ADDR 5 - 10 Bi-directional, tri-state Output Input Output Input Output Input Input/Output Output Input Input ADDR 4 - I I 30 _ ADDR 13 ADDR 3 - 12 29 _ ADDR 12 ADDR 2 - 13 28 - ADDR II ADDR I - 14 27 - ADDR 10 ADDR Ii'J - 15 26 - ADDR 9 DB 0 - 16 25 _ ADDR 8 ROMCO-ROMC4 - These lines provide the 3853 SMI with control information from the 3850 F8 CPU. Address Lines Clock Lines Interrupt Request Priority In Line Write Line External Interrupt Line Register Drive Line CPU Read Line Control Lines Power Supply Lines I/O<=> I/O<=:> FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION ADDRO-ADDR15 The MK 3853 Static Memory Interface (SMI) provides all necessary address lines and control signals to interface up to 65,536 bytes of Static RAM, ROM or PROM to an F8 microcomputer system. When quantities do not justify the mask charges for the MK 3851 PSU, or a fast turn around is of high importance, the MK 3853 SMI can be used to interface the F8 to EPROM or fusible-link bipolar PROMs. The 3853 SMI along with standard PROM can emulate the memory function of the 3851 PSU, while the 3861 provides the I/O ports, interrupt and timer features of the 3851 PSU. The 3853 is a high performance MOS/LSI circuit using N-channel Isoplanar technology. DESCRIPTION Data Bus Li nes MK 3870 F8 FAMILY Less Than GENERAL DESCRIPTION PIN NAME DBO-DB7 B (: : :) I/O <=> 9 MK 3853 DB I ....... 17 DB 2 __ 18 _20 _ ADDR 14 24 ..... DB 7 23 __ DB 6 DB 3 - - 19 vss 31 22 - - DB 5 L _ _ _ _ _- - ' I 21 - - DB 4 503 BLOCK DIAGRAM INTERRUPT C~~~rcOl 14-----, PORT SELECT LOGIC 16 ADORO - ADOR15 Figure 1 <1>- This is the system clock generated by the 3850 F8 CPU. data from the data bus is to be written into a RAM location specified by the address bus. WRITE - CPU READ - This signal when high, specifies that data is to be read from the memory array interfaced to the SMI. This clock defines the machine cycle. EXT INT - When an external circuit pulls this input "low", an external interrupt will be latched into the SMI if its interrupt control register has been set up to allow external interrupts. The SMI will then communicate this interrupt request to the CPU via INT REO line. PRI IN - This input signals the SMI that a higher priority peripheral has an interrupt request pending on the CPU. If the SMI has already requested an interrupt, the interrupt request will be maintained, but will not be serviced by the CPU until PRI IN is in the "low" state. INT REO - This is an open drain output that is wire ORed with the corresponding INT REO outputs of all other peripherals to form the interrunt . request input to the CPU. RAM WRITE - This signal, when low, specifies that 504 REGDR (OUTPUT/INPUT) - This signal functions both as an input and an output, to gate PO, DC, and I/O ports '~C' and 'OD' onto the data bus at the proper time. DEVICE ORGANIZATION This section describes the basic functional elements ofthe MK 3853 SMI. These elements are shown in the SMI functional block diagram (figure 1). PROGRAM COUNTER (PO) AND DATA COUNTERS (DC AND DC1) The MK 3853 SMI addressing logic consists of 3 16-bit registers, the Program Counter (PO) and the Data Counters (DC and DC1) The Program Counter will at all times address the memory word from which the next object program code must be fetched. The Data Counter (DC) . addresses memory words containing individual data bytes or bytes within data tables to be used as operands. It is important to note that the 3853 SMI has an auxiliary Data Counter (DCl). The contents of DC can be saved in DCl by using the instruction XDC (exchange data counters). This instruction puts the contents of,..~ into DCl and the contents of DCl into DC. D~DC 1. PO will always address the memory location out of which the next object propram instruction byte will be read. If the instruction requires data (an operand) other than an immediate operand to be accessed, DC must address memory. PO cannot be used to address a NON·immediate operand since PO . is saving the address of the next instruction code. THE STACK REGISTER P The MK 3853 SMI addressing logic contains a fourth 16-bit register called the stack register (P). The stack register is a buffer for the program counter PO. The contents of the stack register are never used directly to address memory. The following instructions access P LR K, P Move the contents of P to the CPU scratch pad K registers and I/O ports ('OC'H and 'OD'H) onto the data bus at the proper time. If the 3851 PSU or 3852 DMI are not used in the system, then REGDR may be left open. If one or more 3851 PSU's are used in a system without the 3852 DMI, then the signal DBDR from all PSU's in the system should be tied together and gated through an open collector AND gate and tied to REGDR of the SMI. If the 3852 DMI and the 3853 SMI are used in a system without the 3851 PSU, then .REGDR of the SMI should be left open and REGDR of the 3852 DMI should be tied low to prevent a data bus conflict when the PO and DC registers are output onto the data bus. INCREMENTER ADDER LOGIC There are only two arithmetic operations that memory devices need to perform on the contents of memory address registers: 1. I ncrement by 1 the 16-bit value stored in an address register. 2. Add an 8-bit value, treated as a signed binary number (subject to twos complemented arithmetic) to the 16-bit value stored in address register. The incrementer adder logic performs these two functions in the MK 3853 SMI. INTERRUPT LOGIC This logic responds to an interrupt request signal which may originate internally from timer logic, or be input by an external device. Based on priority considerations, the interrupt request is passed on to the MK 3850 CPU. LR P,K Move the contents of the CPU K scratch pad registers to P PK Save the contents of PO in P then move the contents of CPU scratchpad registers 12 and 13 to PO TIMER LOGIC PI H'aaaa' Move the contents of PO to P then load the hexadecimal value into PO Every MK 3853 SMI has a polynomial shift register which may be used in conjunction with interrupt logic to generate real-time intervals. POP Move the contents of P to PO Upon counting down to zero, the timer uses interrupt logic to signal that it has timed out. In addition, when an interrupt is acknowledged, the contents of PO are saved in P. MEMORY CONTROLS The timer is programmable and is handled as though it were an I/O port. Using an OUT or OUTS instruction, a value may be loaded into the timer in order to determine the real-time period at the end of which a time-out interrupt will be generated. The 3853 SMI provides three memory control outputs: RAM WRITE, CPU READ and REGDR. THE DATA BUS RAM WRITE is used to control the read/write cycle ,of a static memory. RAM WRITE should be tied directly to the R/W line of the static memory. The 8-bit data bus is the main path for transfer of information between the MK 3850 CPU and other devices in the F8 microprocessor system. CPU READ is a control signal that signifies that data is to be read out 6f a memory location. CPU READ and an externally generated address page select signal can be gated together to form a signal to enable the output of the memory array onto the F8 data bus. REGDR is both an input and an output that is used to gate the program counter PO, data counter (DC). ADDRESSABLE I/O PORTS Every MK 3853 SMI has four, 8-bit I/O ports. Two of the I/O ports are used to store a proQrammable interrupt vector address. A third I/O port IS assigned to a programmable timer while a fourth port is the Interrupt Control Port. 505 ROMC STATES ROMC (Hexadecimal) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F Definitions DB PO DC - OPERATION PERFORMED . DB + ((PO)) ; PO.PO +1 DB + ((PO)) ; PO.PO +DB DB +-((DC)); DC+DC+1 DB+-((PO)) ;PO+-P0+1 PO .... p ((DC))"" DB ; DC .. DC+1 DB+DCU DB+-PU p ....PO ; DB+-H'OO'; POL, POH+ DB DB+DCL DC+DC+DB DB+PL DB+((PO)) ; DCL.-.DB P+P0+1 DB.-.((PO)) ; DCL.-.DB P+PO; DB+IAL; POL_DB FREEZE INTERRUPT STATUS DB+((PO)) ; DCU-DB POL-DB; P-PO DB+-IAU; POU-DB POU+-DB PU .... DB DCU+-DB POL .... DB PL+-DB DCL+-DB ((pp))+-DB or ((p))+-DB DB+-( pp)) or DB+((p)) NO OPERATION DC ~DC1 DB+-POL DB+POU Data Bus Program Counter Data Counter DC1 - Aux Data Counter p. Stack Register pp Two hex digits (long I/O port address) p One hex digit (short I/O port address) IA L U () +- ? COMMENT OP CODE, FETCH BRANCH OFFSET FETCH IMMEDIATE OPERAND FETCH EXTERNAL RESET LOWER BYTE OF ADDRESS VECTOR PREVENT ADDRESS VECTOR CONFLICTS UPPER BYTE OF ADDRESS VECTOR Interrupt address vector Lower byte suffix Upper byte suffix Contents of transfer to exchange Table 1 T-he four I/O ports of the MK 3853 SMI have the following port addresses: Programmable Interrupt Vector (upper byte) . H'OD' Programmable Interrupt Vector (lower byte) H'OE' Interrupt Control Port H'OF' Programmable Timer H'OC' 506 OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION CLOCK TIMING All timing within the MK 3853 SMI is controlled by and WRITE, which are input from the MK 3850 CPU. Each machine .cycle will contain either 4 cl.ock periods (short cycle) or 6 clock periods (long cycle). The WRITE clock refreshes and updates the MK3853 SMI. A machine cycle begins with the fall of the WRITE clock and the system control lines become stable shortly after the start of the cycle. state by accessing memory and placing the contents of the addressed memory word on the 8-bit data bus. However, every memory device will increment the contents of its PO register, whether or not the PO register contents are within the memory space of the device. INSTRUCTION EXECUTION The MK 385;3 SMI responds to signals which are output by the MK 3850 CPU in the course of executing instruction cycles. Table 1 summarizes the response of the MK 3853 SM I to the ROMC states. MEMORY ADDRESSING Those ROMC states which specify a memory access call for only one memory device to respond to the memory access operation. However, every memory device responds to ROMC states that call for modi· fication of program counter or data counter register contents. Consider two examples: 1. ROMC state 5 specifies that the data counter DC re!lister contents must be incremented. Every memory device will simultaneously receive this ROMC state, and will simultaneously increment the contents of its DC register. 2. ROMC state 0 is the standard instruction fetch. Only the memory device whose address space includes the current contents of the program counter PO re!li~ters will resp.ond to this ROMC When all memory devices are connected to the 8-bit data bus of a MK 3850 CPU and are also connected to the ROMC control lines of the same CPU, the memory devices simultaneously receive the same ROMC state signals from the CPU and respond to ROMC states by identically modifying the contents of memory address registers. Therefore the PO register on all memory devices contains identical information. The same holds true for DC and P reg.isters. Only the memory device whose address space includes the specified memory address, will respond to any memory access request. To avoid addressing conflicts, it is necessary to insure that the following three conditions exist: 1. Memory devices must receive the ROMC state signals from one CPU. 2. Memory array decoding must not overlap. (More than one memory device cannot have the same memory space). 3. The memory address contained in the specified register (PO or DC) must be within the memory space of memory device. TIMER LOGIC DIAGRAM CLEARED WHENEVER TIMER IS,L_OA_O_E_D_ _ _ _ _- LOAD TIMER ..... JAM 8 BITS PARALLEL WHEN LOADED + 31 PRESCALER DECODE TIMER STATE 'FE' AS TIMEOUT r---j---ID Q TO \ -~( TIMER CLK D QI--..T..,3L.._-lD QI--~lt::!4'---ID QI--~T.S!5_-IID C C C Q T6 D Q T7 o C LSB C C C ~ C MSB • T3 {T4 • Figure 2 L-------~<==].~~U5L..----------------~ 507 DATA INPUT TO THE SMI The worst case timing for the MK 3853 SMI receiving data from the data bus is when the data must be added to a 16-bitnumber within the SMI's Incrementer Adder. This worst case corresponds to data coming from the accumulator in the CPU for an ADC instruction or from a memory device for a BR instruction. For this worst case, arriving data must allow sufficient time for 16-bit Adder logic. THE PROGRAMMABLE TIMER The MK 3853 SMI has an 8-bit shift register, addressable as an I/O port, of which may be used as a programmable timer. Figure 2 illustrates the shift register logic and the exclusive OR feedback path. Based on the logic illustrated in Figure 2, binary values in the range 0 through 254, when loaded into the timer, are converted into "timer counts", as shown in Table 2. Table 2 contains the actual (HEX) value loaded into the timer, and the column/row is the corresponding decimal number of time intervals the timer will take to time out. Data cannot be read out of the programmable timer I/O port. Either the OUT or OUTS instruction is used to "timer counts" into the programmable timer. contents of the programmable timer cannot be using an IN or INS instruction. The timer will out after a time interval given by the product: interrupts are disabled. When the timer is enabled, an immediate interrupt acknowledge will occur if the continuous running timer timed out while timer interrupts were disabled. If the timer is loaded just prior to enabling timer interrupts a spurious interrupt request will not exist when the timer interrupt is enabled. Figure 3 illu~trates a possible sequence for a timer which is initially loaded with H'C8' then allowed to run continuously. CONVERSION OF TIMER COUNTS INTO TIMER CONTENTS o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 load The read time 9 10 For example, a value of H'C8' loaded into the programmable timer becomes 215 timer counts. The timer will therefore time out in 3.33 milliseconds, if the period of clock signal is 500 nanoseconds. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 (period of clock clock periods or every 3.9525 milliseconds for a 500 nanosecond clock. Whenever the timer and timer interrupt are being set to time a new arrival, the timer should be loaded before enabling the timer interrupt. The act of loading the timer clears any pending timer interrupts. When the timer interrupt is enabled, any pending timer interrupt will be acknowledged and forwarded to the CPU. Since the timer runs continuously (unless stopped under program control) enabling the timer before loading a time count can cause a spurious interrupt. Time outs of the timer are latched in the interrupt logic of the SMI, even while timer 508 8 11 20 21 22 23 24 25 o 2 3 7F BF 5F 2F OE 87 43 A1 OF 07 03 01 EC F6 7B BD OD 06 83 41 2A 15 8A C5 CF E7 73 B9 65 32 99 CC 05 02 81 40 30 98 4C 26 C4 62 B1 58 5A AD D6 EB 2D 96 4B A5 67 33 19 8C C3 E1 70 38 F2 79 BC DE 8B 45 A2 51 90 48 24 12 78 3C 9E 4F A6 53 29 94 A9 D4 EA F5 1B 8D 46 23 B6 DB 6D 36 7E 3F 1F 8F ED 76 3B 10 EE F7 FB FD Each timer count - 4 5 6 7 97 CB E5 72 DO E8 F4 7A 00 80 CO 60 5E AF D7 6B AO 50 A8 54 E2 F1 F8 7C 5C AE 57 2B 66 B3 59 2C 20 10 08 84 13 89 44 22 AC .56 AB ·D5 75 BA DD 6E D2 E9 74 3A C6 63 31 18 9C 4E 27 93 EF 77 BB 5D 28 14 OA 85 09 04 82 C1 A7 D3 69 34 4A 25 92 49 FA 7D BE DF 91 C8 64 B2 9B CD E6 F3 47 A3 D1 68 8E C7 E3 71 FE I FF halts timer 15.5 JJS at 2MHz 8 39 3D BO 35 AA 3E 95 16 C2 11 6A B7 9D OC C9 2E 42 EO 9A A4 6F D9 F9 B4 B8 9 1C 1E D8 1A 55 9F CA OB 61 88 B5 5B CE 86 E4 17 21 FO 4D 52 37 6C FC DA DC Table 2 INTERRUPT LOGIC ORGANIZATION The interrupt Control Port has the I/O port address 'OE'H. Data is loaded into this register (I/O port) using an OUT or OUTS instruction. Data cannot be read from this port. The contents of the Interrupt Control Port are interpreted as follows: CONTENTS OF INTERRUPT CONTROL PORT FUNCTION B'xxxxxxOO' Disable all interrupts B'xxxxxx01 ' Enable external interrupt, disable timer interrupt B'xxxxxx10' Disable all interrupts B'xxxxxx 11 ' Disable external interrupt Enable timer interrupt TIME OUT AND INTERRUPT REQUEST - 3 . 3 ms--...f.oIf----3.953 m s - - - -..../.----3.953 - 11 A ms-------I.~I I-- c B c A H'C8' loaded into timer. B First time out. C Second, and subsequent time outs. 0 0 0 D Interrupt Service Routines being entered by CPU. 11,12,13 - Intervals between time out interrupt request reaching interrupt logic and service routines being entered by CPU. These time intervals depend on the number of privileged instructions encountered from the time INT REO goes Figure 3 low. If none are encountered, 34P 4>is the minimum interval (17 /IS for P 4> = 500ns) In the preceding I/O port contents definitions x represents "don't care" bits. Depending on the contents of the Interrupt Control Port, a. M K ;3853 $MI's interrupt control Iqgic can be accepting timer Interrupts, or external Interrupts, or neither, but never both. Figure 4 is a conceptual logic diagram of the SMI's interrupt logic. Between the EXT INT input or the time-out input and the output INT REQ, there are 4 flip-flops. EXT INT and the time-out interrupt input each have 2 synchronizing flip-flops to detect the active edge. Each edge detect circuit is followed by its own INTERRUPT flip-flop which latches the true condition. The outputs of the TIMER INTERRUPT flip-flop and the EXTERNAL INTERRUPT flip-flop are ORed to set the SERVICE REQUEST flip-flop, provided that an interrupt from some other device is not being acknowledged by the CPU. INT REQ is an open drain signal that is the NAND of PRI IN and SERVICE REQUEST. The INT REQ signal of several devices may be tied together so that anyone can force the line to OV if it is requesting INTERRUPT LOGIC INTR ACI(**:.::....---------~,.... OUTPUT TO ICP *(lCP BIT OHICP BIT I) TIME OUT . - - - - - - - -.... fiiiiIN SYNC FF eLK' 0" el.K' INTR FF CLKY WRITE -...O------+-----+--+------~-- _____________' (rep'BIT 0)· (ICP BIT I) 'ICP-INTERRUPT CONTROL PORT " , OURING EVENT G IN FIG 6 Figure 4 509 INTERRUPT flip-flop is cleared whenever the SMI's interrupt control register is accessed by an output instruction, or when its external interrupt has been acknowledged. interrupt service. An internal pull-up to VI)~ is provided by the MK 3850 CPU to the INT EQ input pin. PRI IN is part of the interrupt priority chain. Each SM I has a P"RTTf\f input but, it is imBortant to note that the SMI does not have a PRI 0 T. This means that the SMI will be the last device in the daisy chain interrupt rietwork. In a small system where only a CPU and a SMI are used, thenPRI IN should be tied low. See Figure 5. INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE SEQUENCE Upon receiving an interrupt reguest, whether from an external source via EXT I NT or from the internal timer, the SMI and CPU go through an interrupt sequence which results in the execution of an interrupt service routine located at the memory address pointed to by the Interrupt Address Vector. Figures 6 and 7 illustrate the interrupt sequence for the two cases. Events occurring in these sequences are labeled with the letters A through H. Events are described as follows. The SERVICE REQUEST flip-flop cannot be set if another interrupt request is in the process of being acknowledged anywhere in the system. If an interrupt request has been latched into the TIMER INTERRUPT flip-flop, or the EXTERNAL INTERRUPT flip-flop, the SMI logic waits until after the process of acknowledging the other interrupt before setting SERVICE REQUEST. This precaution is necessary to insure that the priority chain is not altered during acknowledgment. Chaos would result if half of the interrupt vector came from one device and the second half from some other device. EVENT A The initial interrupt request arrives. The falling edge of EXT I NT pin identified an external interrupt. The rising edge of interval timer output indicates a timeout. THE SERVICE REQUEST flip-flop is cleared after an interrupt from the SMI has been acknowledged. It is also cleared whenever the SMI interrupt control register is accessed by an output instruction. EVENT B The synchronizing flip-flop in the SMI control logic changes state. The conditions for setting the TIMER INTERRUPT flip-flop and the EXTERNAL INTERRUPT flip-flop differ slightly. External interrupts must be enabled before the EXTERNAL INTERRUPT flip-flop can be set by a negative going transition of EXT INT. However, TIMER INTERRUPT will be set by a timer TIME OUT independent of Interrupt Control Port bit 1. This means that the SM I can detect a time out interrupt that occurred while the external interrupt was enabled in the SMI. EVENT C The timer interrupt, or external interrupt flip-flop goes true, indicating the local interrupt logic's acknowledgment of the interrupt. The timer interrupt flip-flop will always respond and save the timeout occurrence, whereas the external interrupt flip-flop will only be set at this time if the external interrupt mode is enabled within the local control logic. EVENT D The TIMER INTERRUPT flip-flop is cleared whenever the SM I's timer is loaded or when its timer interrupt has been acknowledged. The EXTERNAL The INT REQ line is pulled low by the SMI, passing INTERRUPT INTERCONNECTION CONTROL J psu PRIORITY ~ U PIO OUT IN PIO PRIORITY PRIORITY MK 3851 MK 3861 J ROMC" - ROMC4 D CPU MK 3850 LINES (5) OUT IN SMI PRIORITY MK 3861 OUT IN MK 3853 , 1 INTERRUPT REQUEST BUS ,'-----Figure 5 510 EXTERNAL INTERRUPT ---'1 LINES - - - -_ _ _ _ the request for servicing on to the CPU. The conditions that must be present for this to occur are: OF Put lower byte of interrupt address vector on data bus The PRI IN pin must be low. 13 Put upper byte of interrupt address vector on data bus 00 Fetch instruction from memory (first instruction of interrupt service routine) The proper enable state must exist in the local control logic for the type of interrupt (time or external). The system is not already into Event F due to servicing some other interrupt. EVENT G EVENT E At this point the CPU begins fetching the first instruction of the interrupt service routine. In the SMI interrupt logic, the SERVICE REQUEST flip-flop and the appropriate INTERRUPT REQUEST flipflop are cleared. The CPU now begins its response to the INT REQ, line by outputting the unique ROMC state H'10' inhibiting modification of interrupt priority logic. This will only occur when the follOWing conditions are satisfied: EVENT H The CPU is executing the last cycle of an instruction (beginning an instruction fetch). The CPU begins executing the first instruction of the interrupt service routine. The ICB is enabled (lCB = 0). INTERRUPT ADDRESS VECTOR The current instruction fetch is not protected (not a privileged instruction). During the interrupt acknowledge, the interrupting SMI provides a 16-bit interrupt address vector. The CPU causes this vector to be loaded into PO,. so that program execution can branch to the routine that handles this particular interrupt. Fifteen bits of the interrupt vector are programmable from I/O ports 'OC'H and 'DD'H. Bit 7 cannot be programmed. It is set by the interrupt control logic to 0 if the timer interrupt is enabled or to a 1 if external interrupt is enabled. The interrupt vector is of the form: WWWW, XXXX, OYYY, ZZZZ for timer interrupt and WWWW, XXXX, 1YYY, ZZZZ for external interrupt EVENT F The CPU generates the interrupt acknowledge sequence of ROMC states as follows: ROMC STATE 10 Inhibit modification of interrupt priority logic. IC No function TIMER INTERRUPT SEQUENCE ~ i I WRITE I I I I I I I TIME OUT TIMER REQ TIMER INTR F. F. fNT REO (TO CPUI ROMC STATE (FROM CPU) Figure 6 LIS f%i I , IL... I F o C B r r~I------------~A~----G~I------~H~I) I I LIS n ~I LIS,. " L L LI I S - - - - -__ -- -- I I I ss I I l-s~ 10 I Ie I OF I 13 I I I 00 511 INTERRUPT SIGNALS TIMING where W, X, Y and Z are the bits programmed by I/O ports 'QC'H and 'OD'H. Timing for sipnals associated with the MK 3853 interrupt logic IS shown in Figure 9. EXTERNAL INTERRUPT SEQUENCE A I I I WRITE D C B EI I I ____________ F -JA~ ______________ I ~ HI ' GI I I~L/~. LIS r I I I I ~ I L S L S L I I I I I I ~ EXTINT 1- - - I I - -- I EXT REO I .,#{ I ~, I I EXT INTF.F. INT REQ (TOC PU) ROMCSTATE (FROM CPU) I 10 I IC OF I 13 I 00 Figure 7 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING (All voltages with respect to VSS) .. VGG ..................................................... +15V to -0.3V VDD ...................................................... +7V to -0.3V All other inputs and outputs .................................... + 7V to -0.3V Operating temperature, T A (Ambient) ............................. O°C to +70°C Storage temperature" Ambient (Ceramic) ........................-65°C to +150°C Storage temperature" Ambient (Plastic) .........................-55°C to +125°C *Stresses "above those listed under" Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating· conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (O°C"; TA"; 70°C) I SYMBOL I I I I I PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS VDD Supply 4.75 5.0 5.25 Volts VGG Voltage 11.4 12.0 12.6 Volts 0 0 0 Volts VSS 512 TEST CONDITIONS DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (O°C';;; TA';;; 70°C) (VDO = +5V ± 5%; VGG = +12V ± 5%; VSS TYP MAX SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN .-. 35 70 VOO Current 100 13 30 IGG Current IGG = OV) UNITS rnA rnA TEST CONDITIONS f = 2 MHz, Outputs unloaded f = 2 MHz, Outputs unloaded DATA BUS (DBO -DB7) SYMBOL VIH VIL VOH VOL IIH IlL CI PARAMETER Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Input High Current Input Low Current Capacitance MAX MIN 3.5 VOD .8 VSS 3.9 VOO .4 VSS 1 -1 10 UNITS Volts Volts Volts Volts J,lA J,lA pF TEST CONDITIONS IOH = -100J,lA IOL = 1.6mA VIN = VOO, three-state mode VIN = VSS, three-state mode Th ree-state mode PRIORITY IN (PRIIN), CONTROL LINES (ROMCO-ROMC4) AND CLOCK LINES ( PW1 td 1 td2 PW2 PWS PWL td3 td4 td6 tad1 tad2 tcq tcr2 tW1 tw2 twp =+ 12V ± 5%; VSS = OV) MAX 0.5 180 10 P-180 to write + delay to write - delay Write Pulse Width Write Period; Short Write Period; Long Write to ROMC Delay 0 0 P-100 300 250 P Write to DB Input Delay Write to DB Output Delay Address delay if PO (Instruction by immediate data) Address delay if DC (Operand fetch) or WRITE cycle CPU READ - Delay CPU READ + Delay RAI'iil WRITE - Delay RAM WRITE + Delay RAM WR ITE Pulse Width UNITS TEST COND 4 P MS nS nS nS nS nS 6 P nS 750 nS 2P+1.0 MS CL = 100pF CL = 100pF 2P+100-td2 2P+200 2P+80D-td2 nS CL = 100pF 50 300 500 nS CL = 500pF 2P+620-td2 nS CL = 500pF 450 2P+400-td2 4P+450-td2 5P+300-td2 P nS nS nS nS nS 50pF 50pF 500pF 500pF 500pP 500 nS 50pF 2P+500-td2 nS 50pF 2+50-td2 50 250 2P+50-td2 4P+50-td2 5P+50-td2 350 trg1 WRITE to REGDR -Delay 70 trg2 WRITE to REGDR + Delay 2P+80-td2 514 TYP CLOCK Period Pulse Width 300 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) PARAMETER TYP MIN SYMBOL WRITE to INT REO - Delay WRITE to INT REO + Delay PRI IN to INT REO - Delay PRI IN to INT REO + Delay EXT I NT Setup Time tq tr2 tpq tpr2 tex NOTES: MAX UNITS 430 nS CL - 100 pF [1] 1.65 p.s CL = 100 pF [3] 240 nS CL = 100 pF [2] 1.5 p.s CL=100pF nS 400 (PATiN = 0) TEST CONDITIONS 1. Assume PRIORITY IN was enabled 2. SM I has interrupt pending before PR lOR ITY I N is enabled. in previous F8 cycle before interrupt is detected in the SMI. 3. Assume pin tied to i'NTR'Eci input of 3850 cpu. TIMING DIAGRAM WRITE ROMC ADDRESS STABLE STABLE STABLE 1+-------- IA02-------+I CPU READ RAM WRITE REGDR Figure 8 515 TIMING DIAGRAM WRITE STABLE ROMC INT REQ ::=i INT REQ ~--------------+------------ -----c'''~ Figure 9 TIMING DIAGRAM ~----------------------PWs------------------------~ WRITE ADDRESS STABLE DATA BUS INPUT DATA STABLE FROM RAM ~-----t_CR_2~~~~~~;>~____________________________________ CPU READ MK 3853 SMI TIMING SIGNALS OUTPUT DURING A SHORT CYCLE MEMORY READ USING PO Figure 10 *NOTE: This is the time at which the CPU will strobe data in from the memory. CPU data sheet for further information. 516 (<1>= 2 MHz) Refer to MK3850 TIMING DIAGRAM ~-------------------------PWL __________________________ ~ WRITE ADDRESS STABLE DATA BUS INPUT DATA STABLE FROM RAM ~------t_cR_2~~~~~~~~~~------------------------------------- CPU READ MK 3853 SMI TIMING SIGNALS OUTPUT DURING A LONG CYCLE MEMORY READ, WITH ADDRESS OUT OF PROGRAM COUNTER Figure 11 TIMING DIAGRAM ~-------------------------PWL--------------------------~ WRITE t-------- tAD2 ------~ STABLE ADDRESS DATA BUS INPUT DATA STABLE FROM RAM t-------- t CR2------~ CPU READ j MK 3853 SMI TIMING SIGNALS OUTPUT DURING A LONG CYCLE MEMORY READ, WITH ADDRESS OUT OF DATA COUNTER Figure 12 *NOTE: This is the time at which the CPU will strobe data in from the memory. CPU data sheet for further information. (<1>= 2 MHz) Refer to MK3850 517 TIMING DIAGRAM WRITE ADDRESS STABLE DATA BUS OUTPUT DATA STABLE FROM CPU RAM WRITE i------------ t W2 CPU READ MK 3853 SMI TIMING SIGNALS OUTPUT DURING A WRITE TO MEMORY Figure 13 *NOTE: This is the time at which the CPU will output data to memory. sheet for further information. (<1>= 2 MHz) Refer to MK3850 CPU data M K 3853 APPLICATION Figure 9 shows a typical application for interfacir19 the MK 3853 SMI to static memories. This particular example shows a memory system using the MK 2708 1K x 8 EPROM and the MK 4102 1K x 1 Static RAM. Decoding is provided in 1K boundaries for up to 8K of memory. This should be more than adequate for most systems. However, if memory 518 expansion is desired, decoders can be added to provide additional decoding. The input to the memory array is isolated from the F8 data bus to avoid capacitive loading of the data bus and the output of the memory array is buffered with C/MOS drivers to meet the 3.5 VIH requirement for the MK 3850 CPU. MK 3853 APPLICATiON Boe97 rOSG-DB1 < X8 F8 DATA BUS I FROM F8 CPU I eoce7 X8 OBO-OB7 < DATA OUT 00.07 J4o)Y I > OAT~ --' "-MK3853 SMt ROMCO~ .---- MK4102 MK270B ADDRESS AO·A15 AO·A9 ADDRESS WRITE~ RAM WRITE '--",--- 740X;- - Note' DATA c l b T A IN 81To BlTo 81TO·81T1 CPUREAD ~---'--,! ~r--.REGDR t OATAIN DO-07 ~ REGDR may be left open when the 3851 PSU artha 3B52 DMI are not used m < I~" tliesystem. All B AU C A13 D , , , , , , . ~ 7430 AO·Ag =-=J ADDRESS IT ---{ / }._""," ---"."- M 20aOH MEMORY MAP lK lCOOH lK 1800H RECOMMENDED MOSTEK MEMORIES: Device Organization Type Access MK 2708 lK x 8 STATIC EPROM 450nS MK 4102·1 lK x 1 STATIC RAM 450nS MK4102-11 lK xl STATIC RAM 450nS (Low Powerl 1400H lK CODED FOR ADDITIONAL >- PRDEOM OR RAM loaOH lK OCOOH lK 0800H I------j MOOH I------j lK RAM lK PROM OOOOH L-_ _ _ _--' Figure 14 519 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION 40-lead plastic package ~, I +010 .. --L '.0 -'" I [:::::::::::::::::]$:' 21 40 40-lead side-braze ceramic package I'---- =trt=~: 2.000! 0 2 0 - - - - - - - - . , ' 1 11 lr=======;II~~I~I~m OM3::/'~1 '\ =~~~nl 'SYMBOLIZATION AREA FOR IDENTIFICATION OF PIN 1 05TYP4 . f-- I I -j r- 025 TYP I 04TYP 520 O°C To 70 D C O°C To 70°C -40°C To +85°C -40°C To +85°C _55° C To +125° C -55°C To +125°C Ceramic Plastic Ceramic Plastic Ceramic Plastic I 040 1 ~I ~,I .010 .0015 ORDERING INFORMATION MK3853P MK3853N MK3853P-10 MK3853N-10 MK3853P-20 MK3853N-20 r- 1010 !'(XlI MOSTEI{. Fa MICROCOMPUTER DEVICES F8 Direct Memory Access MK3854 FEATURES F8 FAMILY I/O<=> 0 2 )lsec cycle time 0 Provides strobe for timing peripherals 0 16-bit address 0 12-bit byte count 0 Control registers I/O<=> p E R 0 Port address selection I P H E 0 +5V and +12V power supplies R 0 Low power dissipation-280mW M E I/O<=> M o I/OW R y A L S < > GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MK 3854 Direct Memory Access (DMA) chip facilitates high speed data transfer between the main memory of an F8 system and peripherals. This transfer occurs without suspending normal operation of the processor, allowing DMA with no reduction of program execution speed. The MK 3854 DMA is manufactured using N-channel, Isoplanar MOS technology. Power dissipation is low, typically less than 280mW. I/OW I/O W '---__-' PIN CONNECTIONS 40 ___ DWS DIRECTION _ _ I ENABLE _ _ 2 PIN NAME DESCRIPTION TYPE DBO-DB7 Data bus lines ADDRO-ADDR15 Address lines <1>, WRITE Clock lines Registers load/ read line Port address select Memory idle line Transfer request line Control status lines DMA Write slot, transfer Output strobe line Power lines Bidirectional three state Output three state Input Input LOAD REG/ READ REG Pl, P2 MEM IDLE XFER REQ ENABLE, DIRECTION DWS, XFER STROBE VSS, VDD, VGG XFER _ _ 3 Input Input Output 38 _ XFER REQ _ _ 4 LOAD REG 37 ___ MEM IDLE t VGG- 5 36_ VOO_6 3 5 _ Vss ADDR8 ___ 7 34 ___ ADDRO ADDR9 ___ 8 33 ___ ADDRI 32 ___ ADDR2 ADDRIO ___ 9 ADDRII _ _ 10 Input 39 ___ STROBE MK 3854 31 ___ ADOR3 ADDRI2 ___ II 30 ___ ADDR4 ADDRI3 ___ 12 29 ___ ADDR5 ADDRI4 ___ 13 28 ___ ADDR6 ADDRI5 ___ 14 27 ___ ADDR7 PI_IS P2_16 2 6 _ READ REG 25 ___ WRITE Output DB7"-- 17 2 4 _ DBO 066..-- 18 2 3 _ DBl Output DB5..-- 19 2 2 _ DB2 DB4 ___ 20 2 1 _ 063 Input 521 MK 3854 DMA FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM LOAD REG ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---, P1 ~--------------; P2 ....- - - - - - - - - 1 WRITE ....- - - - - - - - - - 1 I/O PORT SELECT APORT 8 8 PORT 0 16-BIT INCREMENTER 16 ADDRESS ADDRa ADDR15 8 PORT 1 1------' VGG~ VDD~ VSS • 12-BIT DECREMENTER APORT PORT2 READ REG ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _--. r-~-------.XFERREQ r - - - - - - - C MEM IDLE .---------c: cp PORT3 ~ r-------J~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J\ DATA BUS DBO-DB7 DATA BUS (8) BUFFERS 8 \r------,/ PORT 3 BIT 4 5 6 DWS .-----+- XFER STROBE DIRECTION .L-------17J--====!==i=======~__~ENABLE Figure 1 FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION c):>and WRITE are clocks provided by the MK 3850 CP"U_ c):> is only used in the generation of STROBE_ WRITE is only used for loading I/O ports and data bus monitoring for I/O match. READ REG and LOAD REG are control signals that must be input to the MK 3854 DMA device in lieu of the five ROMe state signais. Since the MK 3854 DMA device only responds to ROMC states 1A and 1B, external logic must generate READ REG true for ROMC state 18 and LOAD REG true for ROMC state lA, as follows: READ LOAD 522 REG REG ; ROMCO-ROMC1-ROMC2-ROMC3-ROMC4 ROMCO-ROMC1-ROMC2-ROMC3-ROMC4 ADDRO through ADDR 15 are the 16 address lines which address the memory I()cation to be accessed during the current DMA operation. This memory address originates in I/O ports 0 and 1 as illustrated in Figure 1. These lines are in a high impedance state when no DMA operation is taking place (XFER = 0). MEM IDLE is a timing signal input to the MK 3854 DiviA device from the MK 3852 DMI device. This signal is output high to' identify time slots when memory is available for DMA access. XFER REQ is a control signal which must be input to the MK 3854 DMA device by an external device which is controlling the DMA transfer rate (I/O port 3, bit 4 must be set to zero in this case)_ When low, this signal causes a byte of data to be transferred to or from memory during the next available DMA time slot. This signal is latched while MEM IDLE = 1. Changes during a DMA time slot are therefore ignored. DMA controller and become bits 2 and 3 of the I/O port address. This may be illustrated as follows: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1, 1, 1, 1, I I /xl I tt DBO through DB7 are the bidirectional data bus lines which link the MK 3850 CPU with all other devices in the F8 system. Note that only data being transferred to or from one of the four MK 3854 I/O ports uses the data bus pins. Data being transferred to or from memory under DMA control completely bypasses the MK 3854 DMA device. P1 and P2 must be strapped externally to determine the addresses of the four MK 3854 DMA device I/O ports as illustrated in the section titled 'I/O ports'. XFER is a control output which identifies the time slots when a DMA data transfer is occurring. XFER is high whenever, MEM IDLE is high and other conditions specify that a DMA data transfer is to occur during the next available time slot. These conditions are that a DMA transfer is specified either b bit 4 of I/O port 3 being set to 1, or by XFER RE being low while DMA has been enabled and the currently executed instruction is not attempting to access the DMA device's I/O ports. ENABLE is provided by I/O port 3 bit 7. DMA data transfers are inhibited while an instruction is accessing the I/O ports of the MK 3854 DMA device since these instructions may be in the process of modifying the parameters that control the DMA operation. This inhibit is generated by ANDing the LOAD REG input with an internal I/O port selected signal. O DIRECTION is a control output which reflects the contents of I/O port 3, bit 6. When high, data is being written into memory. When low, data is being read from memory. ENABLE is a eontrol output which reflects the contents of I/O port 3, bit 7. When high, DMA data transfers may occur. When low, DMA is disabled. DWS is a DMA write slot signal. It is the logical AND of XFER and DIRECTION, thus it is true during any DMA write to memory. STROBE is a DMA transfer signal output that is used for strobing data and for generating RAM WRITE. STROBE is high only during the second occurrence of clock high after MEM IDLE goes true, provided that XFER is also true. P2 P1 x BIT NUMBER ~~~g::;~~::S~LLER ~ THESE TWO ADDRESS BITS ARE VARIABLE AND DEFINE ONE OF FOUR 110 PORTS: 00 SPECIFIES 01 SPECIFIES 10 SPECIFIES 11 SPECIFIES 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 PORT a PORT 1 PORT 2 PORT 3 MK 3854 DMA I/O PORT ADDRESSES FUNCTION OF 1/0 PORT FIRST 3854 SECOND 3854 THIRD 3854 FOURTH 3854 Address, L.O. Byte (PORTal Fa F4 Fa FC Address, H.O. Byte (PORT!) Fl F5 F9 FD Count, L.O. Byte (PORT21 F2 F6 FA FE Count, H.O. Four bits. and Control (PORT31 F3 F7 FB FF Table 1 The four I/O ports are not initialized during the power on reset. DMA CONTROL LOGIC This logic provides the control signals required to implement DMA data transfers. Figure 2 shows the detailed logic that generates these control signals. LOAD REG/READ REG The LOAD REG and READ REG signal inputs to the DMA require special mention. Most F8 support devices have a control unit which decodes the five ROMC signals output by the MK 3850 CPU. However, the MK 3854 DMA controller will only respond to ROMC states 1A and 1B, which are "write to I/O port" and "read from I/O port" controls, respectively. All other states constitute "No Operations". Therefore, instead of having a control unit, external logic is used to decode these ROMC state signals, creating READ REG in response to state 1B, and LOAD REG in response to state 1A. DEVICE ORGANIZATION This section describes the operation of the basic functional elements of the MK 3854 DMA. These elements are shown on the DMA block diagram ·(fig. 1). I/O PORTS The MK 3854 DMA controller has four 8-bit registers which are addressed as I/O ports. Since there may be up to four DMA controllers in anF8 system, 16 I/O port addresses are reserved for the exclusive use of DMA controllers, as shown in Table 1. The four I/O port address used by a DMA are defined by the two signals (P1 and P2) which are input to the INCREMENT AND DECREMENT LOGIC This logic is used to increment the address in ports o and 1 and to decrement the byte count in ports 2 and 3. THE DATA AND ADDRESS BUSSES Note carefully that whereas the address bus is used to output the address of the memory location wh ich will be accessed during the next DMA operation, MK 3854 DMA controller's connection to the data bus is used only to transfer data between MK 3854 DMA device I/O ports and the CPU. The data bus is not used to transfer data bytes during a DMA operation. 523 DMA CONTROL SIGNALS >---i'- DIRECTION XFER REQ ......._ - DWS ~---..._" >---i'- XFER LOAD REG APORT*---,..._, >---i.- STROBE >----1.- MEM IDLE ENABLE t--------r-----+-----------~ 110 PORT 3 BI.:..:T:....7-=----_ _ _......._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ Figure 2 *AN 1/0 PORT WAS BEING SELECTED OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION The MK 3854 DMA device makes use of time slots during which the CPU is not accessing memory. During these time slots, the MK 3854 DMA device generates data transfer control signals which enable data to be read out of memory, or to be written into memory. The MK 3852 DMI device outputs the MEM IDLE signal to identify time slots available for DMA access. In addition to providing data transfer control signals, the MK 3854 DMA controller outputs the address of the memory location which is to be accessed. The four I/O ports of a DMA device must be loaded with appropriate data to control the DMA operation. I/O ports are loaded using OUT instructions. The contents of I/O ports may be read at any time using IN'instructions. Before a DMA operation starts the beginning address ,of the memory buffer from which data will be read, or to which data will be written, must be loaded into I/O ports 0 and 1. I/O ports 2 and 3 are used to define the length of the memory buffer which is to be accessed plus various DMA options and controls, as illustrated in Figure 3. With reference to Figure 3, observe that 12 bits are set aside to define the memory buffer length (byte count), therefore memory buffers up to 4096 bytes in length may be written into or read via DMA. A byte count of 01 transfers one byte; a count of 00 transfers 4096 bytes. Bit 7 of I/O port 3 may be used at any time to start or stop DMA operations. During normal initiation sequence this bit wi!! be zero while !/O ports D, 1 and 2 are loaded with appropriate data. Then in order to initiate the DMA operations, I/O port 3 will be loaded with a data byte that includes a 1 in the high order bit. However, in the case of repeated block transfers, it may only be necessary to reload port 3, and port 2 will hold zero and the contents of port 0 and 1 will be the address of the last byte previously transferred plus 1. 524 The direction of the DMA data transfer is determined by bit 6 of I/O port 3. If this bit is, zero, data will be read out of memory by the external device. If this bit is one, data will be written into memory by the external device. The rate of DMA data transfer is determined by bit 4 of I/O port 3. If this bit is zero, then the external device must provide a transfer request (XFER REO) signal whenever it is ready for a DMA data transfer. The actual data transfer will then occur during the next DMA slot, as identified by MEM IDLE high. The external device controls DMA transfer rate in this mode. If bit 4 of I/O port 3 is 1, the MK 3854 DMA controller assumes that external logic is ready for a DMA transfer whenever MEM I DLE high identifies a DMA slot. In this mode, the F8 system controls DMA transfer rate. Each time a DMA data transfer occurs, logic within the MK 3854 DMA controller that is clocked by XFER increments the memory address in I/O ports o and 1 and decrements the byte counter in I/O ports 2 and 3. If bit 5 of I/O port 3 is zero, then DMA transfer will automatically halt and clear bit 7-the enable bit-as soon as the byte counter is decremented to zero. If bit 5 of I/O port 3 is 1, however, the byte count is ignored and DMA data transfer will continue until halted by an OUT instruction setting bit 7 of I/O port 3 to zero. If continuous DMA data transfer is specified by bit 5 of I/O port 3 being set to 1, then the memory address in I/O port 0 and 1 will still be incremented and the byte counter decremented after each DMA access even though the byte counter is ignored. DMA registers are loaded and read when the MK 3850 CPU executes I/O instructions that access the D~,,~.A. registers; The I/O instructions use the DATA BUS to ,transmit the I/O address in one instruction cycle and to transfer data during the following instruction cycle. The appropriate control signal, LOAD REG or READ REG, will become active durin\{ this second cycle. The DMA will load one of its registers during a cycle with LOAD REG high if the I/O address, which had been on the data bus during the previous will drive the contents of a selected register onto the DATA BUS only while READ REG is high if there was a similar address match dUring the prior cycle. I/O address assignment is made using pins P1 and P2. cycle, matched a DMA port address. The register is loaded and the address comparator is up·dated by the WR ITE clock. These are the only functions of WRITE in the MK 3854 DMA. Likewise a DMA chip USE OF PORT 2 AND PORT 3 AS DMA CONTROLS I/O PORT3 7 I 654 I I I 3 I/O PORT 2 2 IMSBI 1 I 0 I o 65432 BIT NUMBER ILSB I I BUFFER LENGTH (BYTE COUNT) ' - - - 0 - EXTERNAL DEVICE CONTROLS DATA TRANSFER RATE 1 - A BYTE OF DATA WILL BE TRANSFERRED EVERY AVAILABLE DMA SLOT ' - - - - - 0 - DATA TRANSFER HALTS WHEN THE BYTE COUNT REGISTER DECREMENTS TOO 1 - DATA TRANSFER CONTINUES UNTIL BIT 7 IS RESET TO 0 UNDER PROGRAM CONTROL ' - - - - - - - 0 - DATA IS TRANSFERRED FROM MEMORY TO AN EXTERNAL DEVICE 1 - DATA IS TRANSFERRED FROM AN EXTERNAL DEVICE TO MEMORY ~------ Figure 3 0 - HALTDMAOPERATION 1 - ENABLE DMA OPERATION ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Above which useful life may be impaired) VGG ........................................................... +15V to -O.3V VDD ..............................................................+7 to -O.3V All other Inputs and Outputs ......................................... +7V to -O.3V Storage Temperature .............................................. -55°C to + 150°C Operating Temperature ............................................... O'C to + 7acC Note: All voltages with respect to VSS. DC CHARACTERISTICS: VSS SUPPLY CURRENTS SYMBOL PARAMETER 100 IGG VOO Current VGG Current = OV, VDD = +5V±5%, VGG = +12V± 5%, TA = 0 to + 70°C MIN TYP MAX 20 15 40 28 UNITS TEST CONDITIONS mA mA f = 2M Hz, Outputs Unloaded f = 2M Hz, Outputs Unloaded DC SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICS SIGNAL DATA BUS (OBO-OB7) ADDRESS LINES (AOORO-AOOR15) ENABLE, DIRECTION Table 2 SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN MAX UNITS Volts TEST CONDITIONS VIH Input High Voltage 3.5 VOO Vll Input low Voltage VSS 0.8 Volts VOH Output High Voltage 3.9 VOO Volts VOL Output low Voltage VSS 0.4 Volts IIH Input High Current 1 J.IA VIN = 6V, three-state mode III Input low Current -1 MA VIN = VSS three-state mode VOH Output High Voltage 3.9 VOO Volts IOH = -1 mA VOL Output low Voltage VSS 0.4 Volts IOl = 3.2 mA Il leakage Current VOH Output High Voltage 1 3.9 VOO J.IA Volts IOH = -100MA IOl = 1.6mA VIN = 6V, three-state mode IOH = -100MA (continued) 525 (Table 2 continued) SIGNAL SYMBOL DWS (DMA WRITE VOL PARAMETER MIN MAX UNITS TEST CONDITIONS Output Low Voltage VSS 0.4 Volts IOL ~ 1.6 mA 1 VIN ~ 6V VIN ~ 6V VIN ~ 6V VIN ~ 6V SLOT), XFER, STROBE MEM IDLE, XFER REO IL Leakage Current VIH Input High Voltage 3.5 VDD /1 A Volts VIL Input Low Voltage VSS 0.8 Volts 1 IL Leakage Current LOAD REG, READ VIH Input High Voltage 3.5 VDD /1 A Volts REG, Pl, P2 VIL Input Low Voltage VSS 0.8 Volts IL Leakage Current VIH Input High Voltage VIL Input Low Voltage IL Leakage Current WRITE, 1 /1A 3.5 VDD Volts VSS 0.8 Volts 1 /1A Table 2 NOTE: Positive current is defined.as conventional current flowing into the pin referenced. AC CHARACTERISTICS MAX UNITS NOTES .5 10 /1s Note 1 Pulse Width 180 P -180 ns tr, tf td1 to WRITE +Delay 0 250 ns Note 1 td2 to WRITEtDelay 0 200 ns Note 1 PW2 WRITE Pulse Width t1 WRITEho CYCLE REO t2 SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN P Clock Period PWl TYP ~ ~ P <1>-100 P ns t r , tf P +100-1d2 p +300-td2 ns Note 4 WRITdto ENABLE & DIRECTI0Nt 450 ns t3 MEMIDLEtWENABLE~ 400 ns 14 XFER REO ho MEM IDLE+Set-up + 200 50ns typical 50ns typical ns t5 MEM IDLE+to ADDR Valid 50 300 ns CL ~ 500 pF t6 MEM IDLEtto ADDR Hi-Z 30 250 ns CL ~ 500 pF t7 MEM IDLEt to XFER & DWSt 50 300 ns CL ~ 50 pF t8 MEM IDLE to XFER & DWSt 50 300 ns CL ~ 50 pF t9 MEM IDLEttoSTROBEt 600 3P + 100 ns CL ~ 50 pF tlO STROBE Pulse Width 200 P + 30 2 ns CL ~ 50 pF tll DB Input Set-up Time 300 t12 WRITEho READ/LOAD REGt 600 ns t13 READ REG +to DB Valid 40 300 ns CL ~ 100 pF t14 WRITElto MEM IDLq 2P +50-td2 2Pand WRITE as supplied by the MK 3850 CPU. 2. Input and Output capacitance is 3 to 5pF typical on all pins except VOO, VGG, and VSS. 1 3. If the next Cycle Req'" initiates a "new read, XFEA the peripheral. 4. Cycle Req is output by the MK 3852 OM! to initiate a memory AEAOIWRITE cycle. T 526 , can be used to clock DMA read data into MK 3854 DMA DEVICE TIMING SIGNAL SOURCE ~ CPU WRITE~_t....~t~_:-:3 1 2P 1 0 I / CYCLE REQ / DMI J tl5 tl4 -1. ____________ ~:.) MEM IDLE ENABLE & DIRECTION I XFER REQ \ ~ XFER & DWS STROBE _~ DATA BUSON \~DMI ~t3=:1 HI-Z. ADDRESS r----- ----, r" ~" Y-'----_Y.__ r"J ~'.~ Lt I I ~t5 ~ VALID i ~ t_9_~~~ "-~ _r-\._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ tl11 DATA BUSON REG LOAD 1 DMA D EVICE HI-Z VALID DMA DMA t:",j r \.-lj2 -----, tlr----tI3-~- - - Y. DMA l6 _ __ REGREAD __~---------------------------------------------- LOAD & READ REG DMA VALID DMA ROMC DECODE CPU Figure 4 527 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION - 40-Pin Dual-in-Line Ceramic Package I'40----- 020----------11 ~_H;=- oso 2.000 :!: -n r-~:~ ===;~~=====iTII 21 F==l ITT 0::(1, 1 .05TYP 1r " Symbolization Area For Identification of Pin 1 [1 ~I I 20 ~ 025TYP --I I-- 04 TYP II . I I I - ra,a :!:.oOI .010 40-Pin Dual-in-Line Plastic Package ::\-TYP 'l 2.OS0 .010 +0'0 p I I [~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ];II 21 "0 _ I------ 62~ !."OO2:;--~·\.1 .-i _ + OW roo' 075 REF CO2 - ~ o.:I~=t_ ""1 40 _ -r I ~PlNSPACINGO.100±10 _ _- ORDERING INFORMATION PART NUMBER PACKAGE MK3854(N) MK3854(P) Plastic Ceramic Plastic Ceramic MK3854(N)-10 MK3854(P)-10 528 I TEMPERATURE RANGE aoc to +yooC aoc to +70°C _40° C to +85° C _40° C to +85° C .-- MOSTEI(. Fa MICROCOMPUTER DEVICES PeripherallnputlOutput MK3861 FEATURES Fa Family D Two 8-bit I/O ports D Programmable timer D External/timer interrupt control circuitry D Low power dissipation-typically less than 200mW IIOW IIOW <=) P E R Each 3861 Peripheral Input/Output Circuit (PIO) provides two 8-bit I/O ports, a programmable timer and a vectored timer or external interrupt for the F8 system. The timer, I/O ports and interrupt circuitry are identical to those of the MK 3851 PSU. The 3861 may be used to provide extra I/O, timer, and interrupt functions compatible with those of the 3851 PSU, or the 3861 may be used as the only I/O peripheral in non PSU systems. This circuit in conjunction with the 3853 and standard PROM is particularly useful in prototyping a PSU system. The 3853 MI circuit along with standard PROM can emulate the memQry functions of the PSU while the 3861 provides the I/O, interrupt, and timer features of the PSU. The 3861 is manufactured using the same high performance N-channel Isoplanar technology as the F8 CPU. PIN NAME DESCRIPTION TYPE 00·07 Data Bus Lines Bi·directional, Tri·State I/O AO ·1/0 A7 I/O Port A Bi·di,actional P H E R I/O Port B Bi-directional L S ~ I 40- D7 ~ 2 39- DS vGG ~ 3 iToBe 3 7 - t7OA6 PRJ: OUT t Clock Lines Input PRr IN External Interrupt Input DB DR NC Input Output INT REO ROMe4 ROMe 3 INT REQ Interrupt Request Output 5Bi:iR Data Bus Drive Output VSS' VDD' VGG Power Lines Input - 3S_ voo -----. 4 iX'T1iif EXTINT Priority Out <=). > I1087 rp,WRITE Priority In < 0 R y iiO"A7 Input PRIOUT <=) lID<=) M I/O<=) I/OW ROMCO -ROMC4 System Control Lines PRIIN E lID<=) A WRITE I/O BO • I/O B7 M I GENERAL DESCRIPTION ROMC2 ROMe I ROMee vss t/OA8 iIOii -- 3 6 - I/O AS 5 -+---- 6 -- --- ---- 35- I/O SIS 3 4 _ D5 7 S 33_ 9 3 2 _ IIO 84 10 MK 3861 D4 3 1 _ i7OA'i II 30_ I/O A3 12 29_ i7Oi3 13 2 S _ 03 14 27_ D. 15 26_ I/O 82 I/O.A2 16 25_ 17 2 4 _ i70ii IS 2 3 _ I/O 81 - 19 22_ DI 20 21 De 529 FUNCTIONAL PIN DEFINITION PRI OUT (OUTPUT) DO-D7(BI-DIRECTIONAL, TRI-STATE) PRIORITY OUT: This output signals lower priority peripherals that the PIO either has an interrupt request impending on the CPU, or that a still higher priority peripheral has requested an interrupt. DATA BUS: The Data Bus provides bi-directional communication between the F8 CPU and the 3861 and all other peripheral circuits for transfer of data. DO is the least significant bit. I/O AO - f!f5A7 and mnm ~ 17{INPUT) VDD (INPUT) VSS (INPUT) VDD: Power line; +5V ± 5%. (PHI) CLOCK: This is the high frequency F8 system clock. It is generated by the Fa CPU. Each machine cycle contains either 4 periods (short cycle) or 6 periods (long cycle). VGG (INPUT) WRITE (INPUT) PIO ARCHITECTURE WR ITECLOCK: This clock defines the machine cycle. The cycle starts with the fall of the WR ITE clock. Th(! system control lines become stable shortly after the start of the cycle and the PIO decodes and e~ecutes the command communicated by the control lines. All ROMC commands are started and completed within one cycle of WR ITE. Figure 3.0.1 shows the various functional blocks and registers. The 3861 uses the clock signals' 'and 'WRITE', which are generated by the CPU to control timing functions within the circuit. It also uses the contents on five control lines (ROMC's) as various commands to be performed within each cycle. A control ROM within the PIO decodes the five control lines and provides control within the circuit. EXT INT (INPUT) ADDRESSABLE PORTS EXTERNAL INTERRUPT: When an external circuit pulls this input "low" an external interrupt request will be latched into the PIO if its interrupt control register has been set up to allow external interrupts. The PIO will subsequently communicate this interrupt request to the CPU via its INT REO line. The 3861 has four addressable ports. They are linked to the accumulator of the CPU by the I/O instructions. Each port is referenced by an 8-bit address. The upper six bits of the address refer to the circuit on which the ports are located while the lower two bits select one of the four ports; hence, the port addresses are referred to as XO,X 1,X2 and X3, where X is a six-bit binary number determined by the particular version of the 3861 that is selected. Each port on the device may be writtten into using output instructions. The contents of the I/O ports may be read using input instructions. These instructions initiate the transfer to cont~nts between ports and the accumulator on the CPU. In the PIO circuit. twa Darts are used as 8-bit lID Darts. The remaining tWo ports are the 8-bit time'r and the local interrupt control port. Table 3.1.1 lists the addressable ports and their respective functions. PRfTI\f (I NPUT) PRIORITY IN: This input signals the PIO that a higher priority peripheral has an interrupt request impending on the CPU. If the PIO has already requested an interruDt. itwill maintain that reauest. but it will not be serViced by the CPU until its ~ input is in the "low" state. If an interrup't is received, it will be latched into the PIO but it Will not be serviced untilP"RTTN is in the "low" state. 530 VGG: Power line; +12V ± 5%. PIO FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM I/OAe -- ~'IlOA7 -- --I:IOBe-L'OB7 r-~~--------~~--------~-L--------~~--------J-~~--------~~D~ "---------------------~~~~~~~--------------~------~~----~~~ A~ - DIDD7 S TIMING SIG NALS CONTROL SIGNALS TO ALL ELEMENTS r----------~---~ffifIm TIMING CIRCUITRY ROMC DECODE AND CONTROL LOGIC Figure 3.0.1 Table 3.1.1 3861 PIO PORT ASSIGNMENTS PORT ADDRESS XOO Pia I/O Port A (READ;:,.WRITE)! X01 Pia I/O Port B (READ-WRITE) X10 Pia Local Interrupt Control (WRITE ONLY) X11 Pia Timer (WRITE ONLY) INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS Each 3861 chip has two bidirectional 8-bit I/O ports. Each port's address, using binary notation is XXXXXXOO or XXXXXX01, where the X binarv digits are the chip's unique I/O port select code. Every 3861 used in a system must have a unique I/O port select code. TIMER ...The 3861 has a local timer to generate program Initiated delays. To the programmer, the timer is an 8-bit register, addressable via F8 output instructions to the specified timer port address. Delay codes, calculated by the assembler, are loaded into the accumulator and then transferred to the timer (a poly~omial shift register). An output instruction to the timer port number performs this function. After it is loaded, the timer counts down. A table of delay c?des matched to delay times appears in the AppendlxA. The timer runs continuously. It signals the interrupt control circuitry after each timer cycle (3.953 ms in a 2MHz system). However, when an output instruction is executed with the timer port number as the operand, the timer is jammed with a specific count and the local interrupt control logic clears any stored timer interrupt. The timer then counts down from that count in a polynomial sequence (Appendix A) and generates an internal interrupt request when a count of H'FE' is reached. From that point, the timer continues to cycle every 3.953 milliseconds (for a 2MHz system) unless it is re-Ioaded as described above. If the interrupt is not set for timer interrupts a timer initiated interrupt will be stored by the local' interrupt control circuitry. When the local interrupt control logic is finally set to allow timer interrupts, the Pia will request interrupt service. 531 INTERRUPT INTERCONNECTION CONTROL ,J CPU W REGISTER :tCB I II II I LINES (5) ~ {J PRIORITY ~-:PN PSU I INTERRUPT PRIORITY CONTROL IN IT] CIRCUIT OUT PIO I INTERRUPT CONTROL CIRCUIT rn 1 MI PIO 2 PRIORITY OUT IN INTERRUPT CONTROL CIRCUIT rn 24 z'1z22'2o I JJ ROMC0-ROMC4 1 1 INTERRUPT REQUEST BUS PRIORITY OUT IN 3853 INTERRUPT CONTROL CIRCUIT CD 1 :tCB ,'------ EXTERNAL INTERRUPT LINES -----------1 Figure 3.4.1 Time delays between 0 and 254 counts may be chosen. The timer is decremented once every· 31 cI> clock cycles. Therefore, the counter may count as high as 7905 cI> clock cycles. (For a system at 2MHz, a clock cycle occurs every 500ns). Lon~er durations are achieved.by counting multiple time Interrupts. If the timer is loaded with all one's, it will stop counting. INTERRUPT CONTROL PORT AND LOGIC Figure 3.4.1 is a block diagram of the interrupt interconnection for a typical F8 system. The 3861 PIO, has either of two types of interrupts, internal or external. The internal interrupt may be generated by the programmable timer while the external interrupt is generated by external logic in the system. A local interrupt control cicuit containing two latches is included on each device. These latches are the Select Bit and the Interrupt Enable Bit. Table 3.4.1 LOCAL INTERRUPT CONTROL BITS Select Bit Interrupt Enable Bit These two bits have four possible states: Select Bit o o Interrupt Enable Bit o 1 o 1 532 Function No Interrupt External Interrupt Enabied No Interrupt Timer (Internal) Interrupt Enabled These control latches are loaded under propram control using an output instruction. This loading clears the interrupt control logic, except for any pending timer interrupt. The operand for the OUT or OUTS instruction must be the predefined port number of the Interrupt Control Port (ICP). The two control bits allow each interrupt circuit to have independently controlled enable/disable capabilities. If enabled, the select bit may choose either internal (timer generated) interrupts or external interrupts. Each PIO has a PRIORITy IN and a PRIORITy OUT line so that they may be daisy chained together in any order, to form a priority level of interrupts. When a PIO receives an interrupt (either timer or external) it pulls its PRI OuT output high, signaling all lower priority peripherals that it has a higher priority interrupt Fr~IT~ impending on the CPU. Also when the PIO's input is pulled high by a higher priority peripheral, signaling the PIO that there is a still higher priority interrupt reuwest, it passes that signal along by pulling its PRI 0 T high. When the CPU processes an interrupt request it commands the interrupting peripheral to place its interrupt vector address on the Data Bus. Only that peripheral whose PRTfI\J is low and who has an interrupt request impending will respond. Should there be another lower priority peripheral with an impending pWlu1~' it will not respond at that time because its input will be high. To 'generate a timer interrupt, the timer must be set under program control. The PIO generates a timer interrupt request when the timer times out AND the interrupt control has been set (Select Bit =1, Enable Bit = 1). The CPU will not process the request until 1, it is enabled to handle interrupts by setting the ICB bit in the status register, and 2, it has completed processing all higher priority interrupt requests. The timer rnay time out befure leB is set or the local interrupt control is enabled for internal interrupts; however, an interrupt will still be initiated after the required conditions have been met. Any pending timer interrupt is cleared whenver output instructions load the timer. The ICB is always cleared after the CPU has acknowledged an interrupt request. The generation of an external interrupt request is also controlled by the local interrupt control circuit. If the Select Bit is set to zero and the Enable Bit is set to one, the control logic of the chip is responsive to the external interrupts. To guarantee an interrupt, the external interrupt line must drop from 1 (near VDD) to a (near Vssl. and stay at zero for a minimum of two WR ITE clock periods (4ps for a 500 ns system clock). The ICB mayor may not be set when this occurs. If it is not set, the request will be stored by the local interrupt control logic until the ICB is reenabled; however, the stored external interrupt request will be lost whenever the control bits are reloaded. However, loading the control bits does not clear a stored timer interrupt. The stored external interrupt request will be cleared after that interrupt is serviced. Within each local interrupt control circuit there is a 16-bit interrupt address vector. This vector is the address to which the program counter will be set after an interrupt is acknowledged; hence, it is the address of the first executable instruction of the interrupt routine. The 3861 has an interrupt address which is particular to the version of the 3861 selected by the user. Fifteen bits are fixed. Thesejlre bits a through 6 and 8 through 15. Bit seven (2l) is dependent upon the type of interrupt. This bit will be a a for internal timer generated interrupts and a 1 for external interrupts. When the interrupt logic sends an interrupt request signal and the CPU is enabled to service it, the normal state sequence of the CPU is interrupted at the end of an instruction. The CPU signals the interrupt circuits via the five control lines. The requesting local interrupt circuit sends a 16-bit interrupt address vector (from the interrupt address generator) onto the Data Bus'in two consecutive bytes. The address is made available to the program counter via the address demultiplexer circuits. Simultaneously, the address is also made available to all other devices connected to the data bus. It is the address of the next instruction to be executed. The program counter (PCO) of each memory device is set with this new address while the stack register (PC1) is loaded with the previous contents of the program counter. The information in PC1 is lost. Thus, the next instruction to be executed is determined by the value of the interrupt address vector. The I nterrupt Control Bit (ICB) of the CPU (loaded in the W register) allows interrupts to be recognized. Clearing the ICB prevents acknowledgement of interrupts. The ICB is cleared during power on, external reset, and after an interrupt is acknowledged. The interrupt status of the PSU, Pia or MI devices are not affected by the execution of the DISABLE INTERRUPT (DI) instruction. At the conclusion of most instructions, the fetch logic checks the state of the Interrupt Request Line. If there is an interrupt, the next instruction fetch cycle is suspended and the system is forced into an interrupt sequence. The CPU allows interrupts after all F8 instructions except the following: (PK) PUSH K (PI) PUSH IMMEDIATE (POP) POP (JMP) JUMP (OUTS) OUTPUT SHO RT (Excluding OUTS 00and01) (OUT) OUTPUT (EI) SETICB (LRW,J) LOAD THE STATUS REGISTER FROM SCRATCHPAD POWER ON As a result, it is possible to perform one more instruction after the above CPU instructions without being interrupted. DATA FLOW Table 3.5.1 shows the function performed by the Pia for each ROMC command. Each function is entirely performed within one machine cycle (one cycle of the WRITE clock) TABLE 3.5.1 The following ROMC states are decoded by the 3861 as indicated. All other ROMC states are decoded as "NO-OPERATION' (NO-OP). Binary Hex 3861 FUNCTION R R R R R a a a a a MMMMM C C C C C 4 3 2 1 a a 1 1 1 OF If .this circuit is interrupting and no higher priority circuit is interrupting, move the lower half of the inter'rupt vector on to the Data Bus and signal Bus use with 1JBlJR. o a a a 10 Place interrupt circuitry on an inhibit state that prevents altering the interrupt chain. 533 o 0 1 1 o 1 0 If this circuit is interrupting and no higher priority circuit is interrupting move the upper half of the interrupt vector on to the Data Bus and signal Bus use with DBlJR. In any case, remove priority interrupt circuitry from inhibit state. 13 1A If contents of Data Bus in the previous were an address of an I/O port, the timer, or the I nterrupt Control Port, move current contents of the Data Bus into that port. (Output Command). o 1 1 1B If contents of Data Bus in the previous cycle was an I/O port address, move the contents of that port on to the Data Bus and signal Bus use with C>B15"R (I nput Command). 3861 PIO VERSIONS Each version of the 3861 is denoted by a MK 90----- number. This ninety thousand series number should be I,Ised when ordering or specifying a 3861 to insure that the proper version is understood. Thus, the complete part designation of a particular version of the 3861 is: 3861 M K90-------The presently available versions of the 3861 are listed in table 4.0.1. AVAILABLE VERSIONS OF THE 3861 TABLE 4.0.1 VERSION PORT SELECT CODE PORT NUMBERS (DERIVED FROM THE PORT SELECT CODE; HEX) MK 90001 000001 04 thru 07 MK 90002 000010 08 thru OB MK 90003 001000 20 thru 23 MK 90004 001001 24 thru 27 MK 90005 000001 04 thru 07 PORT OUTPUT TYPE INTERRUPT ADDRESS Standard T2Compatibie Standard T2 Compatible Standard T2 Compatible Standard T2 Compatible Standard T2 Compatible TIMER EXTERNAL 0600 0680 0340 03CO 0320 03AO 0360 03EO 0020 OOAO ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* VGG, EXT INT .............................................................. -.3V to +15V VDD ....................................................................... -.3V to +7V I/O PORT OPEN DRAIN OPTION ............................................... -.3V to +15V ALL OTHER INPUTS AND OUTPUTS ............................................ -.3V to +7V STORAGE TEMPERATURE .................................................-55°C to +150°C OPERATING TEMPERATURE ................................................... O°C to 70°C *AII voltages are with respect to Vss. Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to maximum rated stress for extended periods may impair the useful life of the device. DC CHARACTERISTICS VSS = OV, VDD = 5V ± 5%, VGG = 12V ± 5% T A = 0 to 70°C, unless otherwise noted. Positive current is defined as conventional current flowing into the pin referenced. SUPPLY CURRENTS SYMBOL PARAMETER IDD VDD Current IGG 534 VGG Current MIN TYP MAX UNITS 25 60 rnA TEST CONDITIONS f= 2MHz, Outputs unloaded 8 15 rnA f= 2MHz, Outputs unloaded DATA BUS (DBO-DB7) MIN TYP MAX VIH PARAMETER Input High Voltage VI.L Input Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage VOL IIH' Output Low Voltage Input High Current IOL Input Low Current CI Input Capacitance SYMBOL UNITS TEST CONDITIONS 3.5 VDD Volts VSS 3.9 .8 Volts VDD .4 Volts 1 -1 /lA VIN /lA pF V I N = VSS, 3-State mode 3-State mode MAX UNITS TEST CONDITIONS VDD .8 Volts VSS 0 0 Volts 10 IOH = -100jJA IOL = 1.6mA [1] = 6V, 3-State mode CLOCK LINES ( cp WRITE) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN VIH Input High Voltage 4.0 VIL Input Low Voltage VSS IL Leakage Current CI Input Capacitance TYP Volts 1 /lA pF 10 VIN= 6V PRIORITY IN AND CONTROL (J5"RTTi\f, ROMCO - ROMC4) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN VIH Input High Voltage 3.5 VIL Input Low Voltage VSS IL Leakage Current CI Input Capacitance TYP MAX UNITS VDD .8 Volts 1 !lA 10 pF TEST CONDITIONS Volts VIN = 6V PRIORITY OUT (PRI OUT) SYMBOL VOH VOL PARAMETER MIN Output High Voltage 3.9 Output Low Voltage VSS TYP MAX UNITS TEST CONDITIONS VDD .4 Volts IOH = -100/lA Volts IOL = 100JlA INTERRUPT REOUEST (lNT REO) SYMBOL PARAMETER VOH VOL Output High Voltage IL CI Output Low Voltage MIN TYP UNITS MAX Volts TEST CONDITIONS Open Drain Output [1] .4 Volts Leakage Current 1 Input Capacitance 10 /lA pF Output device off MAX UNITS TEST CONDITIONS .4 1 10 Volts VSS IOL = 1mA V IN = 6V, Output device off DATA BUS DRIVE (DBDR) SYMBOL PARAMETER VOH Output High Voltage VOL Output Low Voltage IL Leakage Current CI Input Capacitance MIN TYP Open Drain Output VSS jJA pF IOL = 1mA VIN = 6V, Output device off Output device off 535 EXTERNAL INTERRUPT (EXT INT) PARAMETER MIN VIH Input High Voltage 3.5 VIL VIC Input Low Voltage Input Clamp Voltage IlL CI Input Low Current SYMBOL TYP MAX UNITS Volts 1.2 15 -750 -250 Input Capacitance 10 Volts Volts JlA pF TEST CONDITIONS Internal pullup exsists IIH = 185pA VIN = VSS I/O PORT OPTION A (STANDARD PULLUP) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS TEST CONDITIONS VOH Output High Voltage 3.9 VDO Volts IOH = - 3O IlA VOH Output High Voltage 2.9 VOO Volts IOH = -100JlA VOL Output Low Voltage VSS .4 Volts IOL= 2mA VIH Input High Voltage 2.9 VOO Volts Internal Pullup to VOO [2] VIL Input Low Voltage VSS .8 Volts IlL Input Low Current CI I nput Capacitance -1.2 "JJ,A 10 pF VIN = .4V[3] I/O PORT OPTION (OPEN DRAIN) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS TEST CONDITIONS External Pullup VOH Output High Voltage VOL Output Low Voltage VSS .4 Volts IOL= 2mA VIH Input High Voltage 2.9 VOO Volts [2] VIL Input Low Voltage VSS .8 Volts. IL Leakage Cu rrent 1 A CI I nput Capacitance 10 pF VIN = 6V, Output device off I/O PORT OPTION C (DRIVER PULLUP) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS TEST CONDITIONS VOH Output High Voltage 3.75 VOO Volts IOH =-1 mA VOL Output Low Voltage VSS .4 Volts IOL= 2 mA NOTES: 1. Pull up resistor to VDD on CPU. 2. Hysteresis input circuit provides additional .3V noise immunity while internal/external pullup provides TTL compatibility. 3. Measured while I/O port is outputting a high level. 536 TIMING All timing specified at VSS T A = 70°C to O'C. = OV, VOO = 5V ± 5%, VGG = 12V ± 5%, CLOCK TIMING ..---- pi - - - -....... WRITE ______- SYMBOL P P <1>0 P 1 PW PWo PWl tdwl tdwO PARAMETER Clock Period Low time High time WRITE Clock Period WRITE Clock Period WRITE Pulse Width -toWRITE+ delay 6P P-100 Short cycle Long cycle P 250 ns 225 ns 537 OUTPUT TIMING WRITE DBDR _______ DATA t ______ J t .., ~~_-_-_-~~~~= ~ ...~ ~ r-~"", I ~ VALID 1 ~ tdD3 ----..1 --..j tdIIOl2 2.9V I/O PORT (STD. PULL UP) -+I t aI/O I !4- ------V~-~ 1/0 PORT (OPEN DRAIN) tfI/OI~ L C ~ IIO PORT (DRIVER PULl. UP) --~-""~t-dI~/~J;= SYMBOL PARAMETER tfDR1 WRITE to DBDR floating tdDR1 to DBDR 1-0 tdDR2 WRITE to DBDR 1-0 tdD3 TYP 200 2P <1>tdWO 2P400 MAX UNITS 400 ns 625 ns CL = 100~F, RL = 12. K 2P <1>+ 625tdwO ns CL = 100pF, RL = 12.5K ns CL = 100pF ns CL = 100pF 2P <1>+ 700tdWO CONDITIONS ns tOHD2 Guaranteed Data Hold Time After Fall of WRITE tdl/02 WRITE to I/O Port Valid 1.5 IlS STD Pull up, CL = 50pF tdl/03 WRITE to I/O Port Valid 400 ns Driver Pullup, CL = 50pF td 1/01 WRITE to I/O Port-Activeiy Pulled Down 400 ns Open Drain WRITE to I/O Port-Floating 375 tfl/01 538 WRITE to DATA VALID MIN 30 ........ _ .. ", r - I / n L - 1.£.o", CL = 50pF ns Open Drain 2.9V WRITE ROMe .m > ~"~ ====X -oJ r- UM'-oJ r::_t_H_I_/_O~2 p~~ ~~ X______X_ t ... t.", t I/O PARAMETER MIN tSR1 ROMC Setup Time 225 tSR2 ROMC Valid Measured From Fall of WRITE tHR1 ROMC Required Hold After Fall Of WRITE tsD4 Data Bus Set-up Time tHD3 Data Input Hold Time 20 ns tsl/02 I/O Input Set-up Time 1.3 ns tHI/02 I/O Input Hold Time 20 ns SYMBOL TYP MAX CONDITIONS - ns 550 20 UNITS ns ns ns 539 5.2.4 INTERRUPT TIMING A. Request Made WRITE (tdm L"::ll---'------------------------=::.1 t dP02 r- _ __________________~Ar--I P'iii""Oij"T OF NEXT PI0 CPRE I N IN CHAIN TO PRI OUT DELAY) B. Request Allowed By CPU LO .. G CYCLE WRITE "'OOT CYCLE INTIilRUPT ADDRESS FREEZE INTERRUPT CIRCUITRY AS IS LOW ON DATA IUS ~ INTERRUPT "DORE" H18 .. ON PATA IUSi MEMORY UNIT nTCH NEXT THAW INTERRUPT INSTRUCTION ,1t01ll 'NTIUU" ADDRUI CIRCUITRY; CLEAR lei PRl OUT NEXT PSU rN CHAIN NOTES. 1. Assuming PRI IN is already low. If not, INT REO 1-0 transition will be delayed 240ns max from the time PRI IN is enabled, and PRI OUT 0-1 transition will be delayed tdP02 from the time PRI IN is enabled. SYMBOL 540 PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS 1.3 ns CONDITIONS tSEI1 EXT I NT Setup Time tHEI EXT INT Hold Time tdlR2 WRITE to INT REO Delay 430 ns CL = 100pF tdP01 WRITE to PRI OUT Delay 640 ns CL = 50pF tdP02 PRI IN to PRI OUT 0- i Deiay 300 ns CL =50pF tfl R1 WRITE to INT REO Float by PSU 640 ns Open Drain Output tdP03 PRI IN to PRI OUT 1-0 Delay 365 ns CL = 50pF ns 30 INTERFACING STANDARD CONFIGURATION r - - -- ------------, IIO PORT TTL INPUT I I L r I I I L _ OPEN DRAIN CONFIGURATION -L/O PoRT - - - - -- -1 I I HYSTERESIS CIRCUIT ~----t--"""'-----' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...J IL _ _ _ = DRIVER PULL-UP CONFIGURATION -I/OPOln- - - - - - - -, liDO I I I I I R 541 APPENDIX A-TIMER COUNTS CONTENTS OF COUNTER FE FD FB F7 EE DC B8 71 E3 C7 8E 1D 3B 76 ED DA B4 68 D1 A3 47 8F 1F 3F 7E FC F9 F3 E6 CD 9B 36 6D DB B6 6C D9 B2 64 C8 91 23 46 8D 1B 37 6F DF BE 7D FA F5 EA D4 A9 52 542 COUNTS TO INTERRUPT 254 253 252 251 250 249 248 247 246 245 244 243 242 241 240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220 219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200 199 CONTENTS OF COUNTER A4 49 92 25 4A 94 29 53 A6 4D 9A 34 69 D3 A7 4F 9E 3C 78 FO EO C1 82 04 09 12 24 48 90 21 42 85 OA 14 28 51 A2 45 8B 17 2E 5D BB 77 EF DE BC 79 F2 E4 C9 93 27 4E 9C 38 COUNTS TO INTERRUPT 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 178 177 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 CONTENTS OF COUNTER 70 E1 C3 86 OC 18 31 63 C6 8C 19 33 67 CE 9D 3A 74 E9 D2 A5 4B 96 2D 5B B7 6E DD BA 75 EB D6 AD 5A B5 6A D5 AB 56 PC 58 B1 62 C4 88 11 22 44 89 13 26 4C 98 30 61 C2 84 COUNTS TO INTERRUPT 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 CONTENTS OF COUNTER 08 10 20 40 81 02 05 OB 16 2C 59 B3 66 CC 99 32 65 CA 95 2B 57 AE 5C B9 73 E7 CF 9F 3E 7C F8 F1 E2 C5 8A 15 2A 55 AA 54 A8 50 AO 41 83 06 OD 1A 35 6B D7 AF 5E BD 7B F6 COUNTS TO INTERRUPT 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 CONTENTS OF COUNTER EC D8 BO 60 CO 80 00 01 03 07 OF 1E 3D 7A F4 E8 DO A1 43 87 OE 1C 39 72 E5 CB 97 2F 5F BF 7F COUNTS TO INTERRUPT 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 543 544 MOSTEI(. F8 MICROPROCESSOR DEVICES Peripheral Input/Output MK 3871 B SINGLE CHIP MK3870 FEATURES o o o o I/O~ ¢:;>I/O MK3870 Two 8-bit I/O ports I/O'¢:::::> ¢ : ; > I/O Programmable binary timer External/timer interrupt control circuitry F8 FAMILY Low power dissipation - typically less than 200mW ~ IIO~ R 'IO<==:> L..._ _--' ~ H ~ GENERAL DESCRIPTION A The MK3871 Peripheral Input/Output Circuit (PIO) provides two 8-bit I/O ports and a programmable timer for an F8 multi-chip system (MK3850 family). The MK3871 has the same improved timer and ready strobe output as are on the MK3870 single-chip microcomputer. Thus, for software compatibility with the MK3870, the MK3871 PIO should be used in F8 multi-chip configurations rather than the MK3861 PIO. The MK3871 is manufactured using the same N-channel sil icon-gate technology as the single chip MK3870 and the multi-chip F8 family. k UO<==:> ;-----, IfO~ liOB7 IIOAl VDD ------ EXTINT~ 40 2 39 3 38 4 37 5 36 35 PRI OUT 4 - - - - WRITE DESCRIPTION ,', TYPE DO-D7 Data Bus Lines Bi-Directional, Tri-State I/O AD-I/O A7 I/O Port A Bi-Directional PRIIN I/O BO-I/O B7 I/O Port B Bi-Directional DBDR ROMC O· ROMC 4 System Control Lines Input STROBE VGG PIN NAME M E <==:> ~ --- INT REO 4 - - - - -- 34 33 8 32 9 MK3871 10 31 11 30 12 29 13 28 14 27 ROMe 2 15 26 Output ROMe 1 16 25 ~ 17 24 ----- INT REQ Interrupt Request Output ROMeo DBDR Data Bus Drive Output VSS VSS. VDD. VGG Power Lines Input STROBE Ready Strobe Output I!OAQ I/OBO ~ - ~ 18 23 19 22 20 21 07 ---------------- --- ------- ----- 06 I/OB6 I/OA6 I/OA5 I/OB5 05 04 1/084 I/OA4 I/OA3 1/083 03 02 1/082 f(OA2 I(OAl I/OBl 01 DO 545 FUNCTIONAL PIN DEFINITION DO - D7 (BI-DIRECTIONAL, TRI-STATE) DATA BUS: The Data Bus provides bi-directional communication between the F8 CPU and the 3871 and all other peripheral circuits for transfer of data_ DO is the least significant bit. I/O AO - I/O A7 and I/O BO - I/O B7 (Bi-directional) I/O PORTS: Two 8-bit I/O ports are located on the 3871 PIO. These ports are referred to as Port A and Port B herein, but the actual port number is determined by the version of the 3871 that is selected. These ports have output latches to hold output data. ROMC 0 - ROMC 4 (INPUT) SYSTEM CONTROL LINES: These lines provide the 3871 with control information from the F8 CPU. The CPU sets up these lines early in each machine cycle, and the Pia executes that command during that cycle.

ROMC 0 - ROMC 4 Figure 1. INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS Each 3871 chip has two bi-directional 8-bit I/O ports. Using binary notation, Port A's address is XXXXXXOO and Port B's address is XXXXXX01, where the X binary digits are the chip's u{lique I/O port select code. If the port select code, for example, is chosen to be 000001, then Port A may be called Port 4 and Port B may be called Port 5. (The PIO port select code is not permitted to be all O's since Ports 0 and 1 are reserved for the MK3850 CPU). In addition, the Interrupt Control Port is addressed as port XXXXXX10 and the binary timer is addressed as port XXXXXX 11 (which become Ports 6 and 7 for the port select code example given above). An output instruction (OUT or OUTS) causes the contents of the Accumulator to be latched into the addressed port. An input instruction (IN or INS) transfers the contents of the port to the Accumulator (the Interrupt Control Port is an exception which is described later). The I/O pins on the 3871 are logically inverted. The two I/O ports may both be any of the three output options shown in Figure 2. An output ready strobe is associated with Port A. This strobe may be used to signal a peripheral device that the 3870 has just completed an output of new data to Port A. The strobe provides a single low pulse shortly after the output operation is completely finished. The STROBE output is always configured similar to a Standard Output (see Figure 2) except that it is capable of driving 3 TTL loads. 547 I/O PIN CONCEPTUAL DIAGRAM WITH OUTPUT BUFFER OPTIONS Vcc OUTPUT BUFFER D-----1D PORT Q 1/0 PIN I- l- oa.. 0 e: C e: a.. clock and by the division value selected for the prescaler. If ICP bit 5 is set and bits 6 and 7 !Ire cleared, the prescaler divides by 2. Likewise, if bit 6 or 7 is individually set the prescaler divides by 5 or 20 respectively. Combinations of bits 5, 6 and 7 may also be selected. For example, if bits 5 and 7 are set while 6 is cleared the prescaler will divide by 40. Thus possible prescaler values are: -i- 2, -i- 5, -i-10, -i-20, -i-40, -i-100, and-i-200. Any of three conditions will cause the prescaler to be reset: (1) Whenever the timer is stopped by 549 clearing ICP bit 3; (2) Execution of an output instruction to the timer (port address XXXXXX 11); or (3) On the trailing edge transition of the EXT INT pin when in the Pulse Width Measurement Mode. These last two conditions are explained in more detail below. An OUT or OUTS to Port XXXXXX 11 will load the content of the Accumulator to both the Timer and the 8-bit modulo-N register, reset the prescaler, and clear any previously stored timer interrupt request. As previously noted, the Timer is an 8-bit down counter which is clocked by the prescaler in the Interval Timer Mode and in the Pulse Width Measurement Mode. The prescaler is not used in the Event Counter Mode. The modulo-N register is a buffer whose function is to save the value which was most recently outputted to port XXXXXX 11. The modulo-N register is used in all three timer modes. Interval Timer Mode When ICP bit 4 is cleared (logic 0) and at least one prescale bit is set the Timer operates in the Interval Timer Mode. When bit 3 of the ICP is set the Timer will start counting down from the modulo-N value. After counting down to H'01', the Timer returns to the modulo-N value at the next count. On the transition from H'01' to H'N' the Timer sets a timer interrupt request latch. Note that the interrupt request latch is set by the transition to H'N' and not by the presence of H'N' in the Timer, thus allowing a full 256 counts if the modulo-N register is preset to H'OO'. If bit 1 of the I CP is set, the interrupt request is passed on to the CPU via INT REQ. However, if bit 1 of the ICP is a logic 0 the interrupt request is not passed on to the CPU, but the interrupt request latch remains set. If ICP bit 1 is subsequently set, the interrupt request will then be passed on to the CPU. Only two events can reset the timer interrupt request latch; when the timer interrupt request is acknowledged by the CPU, or when a new load of the modulo-N register is performed. Consider an example in which the modulo-N register is loaded with H '64' (decimal 100). The timer interrupt request latch will be set at the 1DOth count following the timer start and the timer interrupt request latch will repeatedly be set on precise 100 count intervals. If the prescaler is set at -0- 40, the timer interrupt request latch vvi!! be set every 4,000 cI>c!ock periods. For a 2 MHz

clock periods and the minimum inactive time is 2 periods; therefore, the maximum repetition rate is 500 KHz. EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS When the timer is in the Interval Timer Mode the EXT I NT pin is available for non-timer related interrupts. If ICP bit 0 is set, an external interrupt request latch is set when there is a transition from the inactive level to the active level of EXT I NT. (EXT I NT is an edge-triggered input). The interrupt request is latched until either acknowledged by the CPU section or until ICP bit 0 is cleared (unlike timer interrupt requests which remain latched even when ICP bit 1 is cleared). External interrupts are handled in the same fashion when the Timer is in the Pulse Width Measurement Mode or in the Event Counter Mode, except that only in the Pulse Width Measurement Mode the external interrupt request latch is set on the trailing edge of EXT INT; that is, on the transition from the active level to the inactive level. INTERRUPT HANDLING Figure 4 is a block diagram of the interrupt interconnection for a typical F8 system. Each Pia has a PRIORITY IN and a PRIORITY OUT line so that they may be daisy chained together in any order, to form a priority level of interrupts. When a Pia receives an interrupt (either timer or external) it pulls its PRI OUT output high, signaling all lower priority peripherals that it has a higher priority interrupt request pending on the CPU. Also, when the Pia's 15RTTi\i input is pulled high by a higher priority peripheral, signaling the Pia that there is • a still higher priority interrupt request, it passes that signal along by pulling its PRI OUT high. When the CPU processes an interrupt request it commands the interrupting peripheral to place its interrupt vector address on the Data Bus. Only that peripheral whose PRTlN is low and which has an interrupt request pending will respond. Should there be another lower priority peripheral with a pend ing request, it will not respond at that time because its PR I IN input will be high. If there is both a timer interrupt request and an external interrupt request when the CPU section starts to process the requests, the timer interrupt is handled first. Within each local interrupt control circuit there is a 16-bit interrupt address vector. This vector is the address to which the program counter will be set after an interrupt is acknowledged; hence, it is the address of the first executable instruction of the interrupt routine. The 3871 has an interrupt address which is particular to the version of the 3871 selected by the user. Fifteen bits are fixed. These are bits 0 551 is not affected by the execution of the DISABLE INTERRUPT (01) instruction. At the conclusion of most instructions, the fetch logic checks the state of the Interrupt Request Line. If there is an interrupt, the next instruction fetch cycle is suspended and the system is forced into an interrupt sequence. through 6 and 8 through 15. Bit seven (27) is dependent upon the type of interrupt. This bit will be a a for internal timer generated interrupts and a 1 for external interrupts. When the interrupt logic sends an interrupt request signal and the CPU is enabled to service it, the normal state sequence of the CPU is interrupted at the end of an instruction. The CPU signals the interrupt circuits via the five control lines. The requesting local interrupt circuit sends a 16-bit interrupt address vector (from the interrupt address generator) onto the Data Bus in two consecutive bytes. The address is made available to the program counter via the address demultiplexer circuits. Simultaneously, the address is also made available to all other devices connected to the data bus. It is the address of the next instruction to be executed. The program counter (PO) of each memory device is set with this new address while the stack register (P) is loaded with the previous contents of the program counter. The information in P is lost. Thus, the next instruction to be executed is determined by the value of the interrupt address vector. The CPU allows interrupts after all F8 instructions except the following: (PK) PUSH K (PI) PUSH IMMEDIATE (POP) POP (JMP) JUMP (OUTS) (OUT) OUTPUT SHORT (Excluding OUTS 00 and 01) OUTPUT (EI) SETICB (LR W, J) LOAD THE STATUS REGISTER FROM SCRATCHPAD POWER ON The Interrupt Control Bit (ICB) of the CPU (loaded in the W register) allows interrupts to be recognized. Clearing the ICB prevents acknowledgement of interrupts. The ICB is cleared during power on, external reset, and after an interrupt is acknowledged. The interrupt status of the PSU, PIO or M I devices As a result, it is possible to perform one more instruction after the above CPU instructions without being interrupted. INTERRUPT INTERCONNECTION CONTROL LINES (5) ROMC 0 - ROMC 4 ~J CPU W REGISTER ICB I II III /' PSU PRIORITY -JiN PIO PIO INTERRUPT CONTROL CIRCUIT OJ PRIORITY OUT IN INTERRUPT CONTROL CIRCUIT IT] :z4!2 3 22 2'20 PRIORITY OUT IN INTERRUPT CONTROL CIRCUIT rn MI 3853 PRIORITY OUT IN INTERRUPT CONTROL CIRCUIT OJ I 4 • REQUEST IN.ERRUPT BUS iCs EXTERNAL INTERRUPT LINES Figure 4. 552 INTERRUPT SEQUENCE Figure 5 details the interrupt sequence which occurs whether the interrupt request is from an external source via EXT INT or from the PIO's internal timer. Events are labeled with the letters A through G and are described below. next instruction is executed. Although unlikely to be encountered, a series of privileged instructions will be sequentially executed without Interrupt. One more instruction, called a 'protected' instruction, will always be executed after the last privileged instruction. . The last cycle of the protected instruction then performs the freeze.) Event A An interrupt request must satisfy a setup time requ irement as specified on page 19. If not satisfied, I NT REQ will delay going low until the next negative edge of the WRITE clock. Event B Event B represents the instruction being executed when the interrupt occurs. The last cycle of B is normally the instruction fetch for the next cycle. However, if B is not a privileged instruction and the CPU's Interrupt Control Bit is set, then the last cycle becomes a "freeze" cycle rather than a fetch. At the end of the freeze cycle the interrupt request latches are inhibited from altering the interrupt daisy-chain so that sufficient time will be allowed for the daisy-chain to settle. (If B is a privileged instruction, the instruction fetch is not replaced by a freeze cycle; instead, the fetch is performed and the The dashed lines on EXT INT illustrate the last opportunity for EXT I NT to cause the last cycle of a non-protected instruction to become a freeze cycle. The freeze cycle is a short cycle (4 clock periods plus the setup time. At 2 MHz this is 14.25 j.lS. Although the maximum could theoretically be infinite, a practical maximum is 35 j.lS (based on the interrupt request occurring near the beginning of a PI and LR K, P sequence). DATA FLOW Table 1 shows the function performed by the PIO for each ROMC command. Each function is entirely performed within one machine cycle (one cycle of the WRITE clock). 554 000 3871 PIO VERSIONS Each version of the 3871 is denoted by a 90XXX number. The presently available versions of the 3871 are listed in Table 2. AVAILABLE VERSIONS OF THE 3871 TABLE 2 INTERRUPT ADDRESS VERSION PORT SELECT CODE PORT NUMBERS (DERIVED FROM THE PORT SELECT CODE; HEX) PORT OUTPUT TYPE TIMER EXTERNAL 90070 000001 04 thru 07 Direct Drive 0020 OOAO 90071 000001 04 thru 07 Standard 0020 OOAO 90072 000001 04 thru 07 Open Drain 0020 OOAO 90077 000010 08 thru OB Standard 4420 44AO ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS VGG ...•... , ................................ -.3V to +15V VDD ......................................... -.3V to +7V Open Drain Option Ports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -.3V to +13.2V All Other Inputs and Outputs ...................... -.3V to +7V *All voltages are with respect to VSS. Stresses above those Iisted may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to maximum rated stress for extended periods may impair the useful life of the device. Storage Temperature ......................... _55° C to +150" C Operating Temperature ............................0° C to 70° C DC CHARACTERISTICS VSS = OV, VDD = 5V± 5%, VGG = 12V± 5% T A = 0 to 70°C, unless otherwise noted. Positive current is defined as conventional current flowing into the pin refrenced. SUPPLY CURRENTS SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS TEST CONDITIONS IDD VDD Current 25 60 mA f = 2 MHz, Outputs unloaded IGG VGG Current 3 8 mA f = 2 MHz, Outputs unloaded 555 DATA BUS (DBO-DB7) PARAMETER MIN Input High Voltage 2.0 VIL Input Low Voltage VSS .8 Volts VOH Output High Voltage 3.9 VDD Volts VOH Output High Voltage 2.4 VOL Output Low Voltage VSS .4 Volts IOL = 1.6 rnA [1] IIH Input High Current 0 1 JlA VIN = 6V. 3-State mode IOL Input Low Current 0 -1 JlA VIN = VSS. 3-State mode CI I nput Capacitance 10 pF 3-State mode SYMBOL VIH TYP MAX UNITS VDD Volts Volts TEST CONDITIONS IOH = -100 JlA IOH=-100JlA. VGG=5V±5% . CLOCK LINES (

Clock Period P Low time 180 180 TYP .5 MAX UNITS 10 !-IS CONDITIONS ns P1 High time PW WRITE Clock Period 4P Short cycle PWO WRITE Clock Period 6P Long cycle ns PW1 WRITE Pulse Width tdw1 - to WR ITE + delay 250 ns tdwO - to WRITE - delay 225 ns P-100 P 559 OUTPUT TIMING SYMBOL PARAMETER tfDR1 WRITE to DBDR floating tdDR1 cI> to DBDR 1-0 tdDR2 WRITE to DBDR 1-0 MIN TYP 200 tdD3 WRITE to DATA VALID 2P cI>tdWO toHD2 Guaranteed Data Hold Time After Fall of WRITE 30 2P cI>400 MAX UNITS 400 ns 625 ns CL = 100pF RL = 12.5K 2P cI>+ 625tdwO ns CL = 100pF RL = 12.5K ns CL = 100pF ns CL = 100pf 2P cI>+ 700tdWO 560 CONDITIONS ns OUTPUT TIMING (CONT'D) ~ I WRITE OUT OR OUTS INSTRUCTION LONG LONG !+t W - I/ O ~ I/O PORT OUTPUT ___ . ' I, i--_ i ~ ---------~~ STROBE (PORT A ONLY) tl O S / - ________~J ~tSL~ SIGNAL STROBE I/O PORT SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT COMMENTS Note 1 tl/O-S Port Output to STROBE Delay 3t <1>-1000 3t + 250 ns tSL STROBE Pulse Width, Low at <1>-250 12t+250 ns tW-I/D WRITE to I/O Port Output Valid 1000 ns Note 2 NOTES: 1. Load is 50 pF plus 3 standard TTL inputs. 2. Load is 50 pF plus 1 standard TTL input. 561 INPUT TIMING WRITJ tSR2 ROMe SYMBOL \ -!+- I X / ..j\~_ _~/ L I I X PARAMETER I-tHR1 MIN TYP MAX UNITS 550 ns tSR2 ROMC Valid Measured from Fall of WRITE tHR1 ROMC Required Hold After Fall of WRITE tSD4 Data Bus Set-Up Time tHD3 Data Input 20 ns tSI/02 I/O Input Set-Up Time 1.3 ns tHI/02 I/O Input Hold Time 20 ns 562 20 ns ns CONDITIONS INTERRUPT TIMING EXT INT ACTIVE HIGH INT -rr"::TEI REa \.td ........ ( P01--.--.;.---_-4{ f I A =:./ tdp021~ PRIOUT 1~---41 f . PRI OUT OF NEXT PIO IN CHAIN (PRI IN TO PRI OUT DELAY) NOTES: 1. Assuming I'FfIiN is already low. If not, INT REO 1-0 transition will be delayed 240 ns max from the time PATiN is enabled, and PRI OUT 0-1 transition will be delayed tdP02 from the time PRI IN is enabled. SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN tSEI1 EXT I NT Setup Time 750 tHEI EXT I NT Hold Time 30 TYP MAX UNITS CONDITIONS ns ns tdlR2 WRITE to INT REQ Delay 430 ns CL = 100pF tdP01 WRITE to PRI OUT Delay 640 ns CL = 50pF tdP02 PRI IN to PRI OUT Delay 350 ns CL = 50pF tfl R1 WRITE to INT REQ Float by PIO 640 ns Open Drain Output 563 TIMER CHARACTERISTICS Definitions: Error = Indicated time value - actual time value tpsc =t x Prescale Value Interval Timer Mode: Single interval error, free running (Note 3) ...................................... ± 6t Cumulative interval error, free running (Note 3) ......................................0 Error between two Timer reads (Note 2) ................................... ± (tpsc + t to -(tpsc + t to -(tpsc + 7t to -8t Load Timer to stop Timer error (Note 1) ........................... +t to -(tpsc + 2t to -(tpsc + 8t to -9t Pulse Width Measurement Mode: Measurement accuracy (Note 4) ................................. +t to -(tpsc + 2t Event Counter Mode: Minimum active time of EXT INT pin ............................................ 2t Minimum inactive time of EXT INT pin ..........................................2t NOTES: 1. All times which entail loading, starting, or stopping the Timer, are referenced from the end of the last machine cycle of the OUT or OUTS instruction. 2. All times which entail reading the Timer are referenced from the end of the last machine cycle of the I N or I NS instruction. 3. All times which entail the generation of an interrupt request are referenced from the start of the machine cycle in which the appropriate interrupt request latch is set. Additional time may elapse if the interrupt request occurs during a privileged or multicycle instruction. 4. 564 Error may be cumulative if operation is repetitively performed. (That is, if the counter if used to total the width of several pulses the error associated with each pulse width measurement \NiI! accumulate in the total.) PACKAGE DESCRIPTION - 40-Pin Dual-In-Line Ceramic Package Symbolization Area for Identification of Pin 1 -1 ~ ~ ~ _~Ji.l .05TYP ~~ II ~~ r-.o4TYP -I UUli UUUUUUUU~ i. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~! ---II-- T~2 .010 1 li.1 .018 002 TYP 10-.-- - - 1 9 EQUAL SPACES 1 o o · 1 . 9 0 0 ' - - - - - - - - - 1 . 1 - - - - - - - Z'OOOREf-----------i PACKAGE DESCRIPTION - 40-Pin Dual-In-Line Plastic Package ,-~. .,,, I'" ,'-L I I~::~::::::::::::::~~: 21 40 .075 REF , - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ + ~.005 .'TYP "~I~ -1 ~.IOO:!:.OIO I---.62.!= .025-+\\ I + ~010_.OO2 ORDERING INFORMATION Part No_ Package Type MK3871 N/90XXX* Plastic MK3871P/90XXX* Ceramic *Refer to Table 2 on Page 11 for available 90XXX versions. 565 566 F8 MICROCOMPUTER SUPPORT Application Note USING MOSTEI('S F8 IN A SCANNED I(EYBOARD APPLICATION 567 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF 4x4 KEYBOARD MATRIX Using Mostek's Fa In A Scanned Fa 4 ROW SELECT 110 v PORT 4 X4 KEYBOARD MATRIX Keyboard Application A 4 COLUMN SENSING , Figure 1 INTRODUCTION Many microprocessor based systems require input from a keyboard of some type. The hardware required to encode a keyboard outside of the processor can be eliminated by using a keyboard scanning technique. With one F8 port, a 16 switch keyboard can be scanned (see fig. 1) using no external hardware. This is because of the bi-directional quality of the F8 ports. THEORY OF OPERATION When scanning the keyboard, one of the four row select bits is turned on supplying a ground return for one row of switches. The column data is then read back into the processor via the four column bits. These four bits will indicate the condition of all four switches in the selected row. Each of the four rows is selected, one at a time, continously providing current status of all 16 switches. "BOUNCE" is a problem encountered when using mechanical switches (see fig. 2). In order to prevent multiple detection of the switch closure, the bounce must be filtered out. A conventional solution to the bounce problem was to use an R-C filter and attempt to eliminate it electrically. However, when using the F8 scanning technique the switch bounce can be filtered in software by taking multiple samples of the switch to verify switch depression and release. Since the software must usually scan all switches continuously, a register (or half) can be used to maintain the status of each switch. A common requirement for keyboards is "N-key rollover", meaning that if more than one switch is depressed at a time, all switch closures will be detected. This requirement can be met when using the scanning technique as described above. Since all switches are continuously scanned, the condition of each switch is always available to the processor. SWITCH BOUNCE w (!) « I- -l o > --:,T..:.:IM.::,E:...-r.-_\ LEADING EDGE BOUNCE 568 -----.J 8 MSEC ~I!f-~ \...-- ' , -----I 8 MSEC !.- TRAILING EDGE BOUNCE 4 x 3 KEY MATRIX EDGE CONN ECTOR h BIT a h ?>---~------~--~------~~ 9>---~------4---~------~~ BIT I h I BIT2 Fa SURVIVAL BIT3 I 3>---~------r-~~-----r~ ROW 3 BIT4 I5 >-------------' COLO BIT5 I 7>---------------------~ COL I BIT6 I 9>---------------------------------~ COL2 KIT IIO PORT I 21 BIT? »----- NOT USED COL 3 Figure 3 EXAMPLE HARDWARE DESIGN The example in figure 3 shows a 4x3 matrix interfaced to an F8 port. This arrangement will provide N-key rollover input to the processor unless three keys are depressed simultaneously to form an L configuration. Then erroneous input could occur. If this presents a problem for a given application, one germanium diode (1N 270) should be added on the column pole of each switch (see fig. 4). FOR SOME APPLICATIONS DIODES ARE NECESSARY IN270 ROW a IN270 ROW I The operation of this keyboard (fig. 3) is simple. To sense the condition of row 0, a Hex '01' is written to port 1. Port 1 is then read back. The state of bits 4, 5 and 6 (COL 0, COL 1, COL 2) will be 1 if the respective switches in row 0 are closed and 0 if >-------~----------+----S COLO Figure 4 569 KEYBOARD SCAN ROUTINE (4 x 3 MATRIX) Y SWITCH IS ON PRINT ROW It AND COLUMN .. ON TTY eCR LF) * C Figure 5 570 open. (Note: The F8 I/O ports contain internal pull-ups). The other three rows are read similarly. EXAMPLE SOFTWARE FOR THE 4x3 MATRIX KEYBOARD SCRATCHPAD REGISTER ASSIGNMENTS 3F~ ____________________- ; An example program was written to run on the F8 Survival Kit to demonstrate software switch sensing and debounce. One scratchpad register is used to maintain current status for each switch. When a switch is inactive it maintains a status of O. In order for the switch to be processed, three consecutive scans must occur in which the switch is sensed to be closed. When a switch is first sensed closed, its status is incremented to 1. In succeeding scans its status is either incremented (if sensed closed) or reset to 0 (if sensed open) until the status reaches 3, thus requiring three consecutive scans with the switch closed. The switch is then processed,which in the example means the column number and row number are printed on the TTY (terminal). A status of 3 is maintained by the switch until the first time it is sensed open. At that time its status is set to 13. Then three consecutive scans with the switch open are required to get the switch back to inactive status (0). This is accomplished by incrementing the status (if sensed open) or resetting the status to 13 (if sensed closed) until it reaches 15. The status is then reset to O. As long as bounce occurs, however, the status will be reset to 13. The flowchart (fig. 5) shows the logic described above. Note that at the end of each row scan there is a one millisecond delay which effects an interscan delay of 4 milliseconds for each switch. This means that the switch must be on 'solid' for 8 milliseconds before being processed and off 'solid' 8 milliseconds before becoming inactive again; so the switch will only be processed one time per depression. This debounce time sets the max keyboard entry rate for a given switch at 1 entry/24 milliseconds. Figure 6 shows the scratch pad register assignments used by the example program. For an instruction by instruction description of the example program see the listing (fig. 7). ALTERNATE DESIGN APPROACHES When more than 16 switches are needed, an additional chip must be used. By addinga4t016decoder (see figure 8) to select 1 of 16 rows, up to 64 switches can be scanned. Many off-the-shelf keyboards are available wh ich have a 4x3 or 4x4 physical arrangement, but all switches have one common pole (on the P.C. Board). This type of keyboard can be scanned by using a 4 bit code to select one of up to 16 switches. The code is 28 COL2/ROW3 2A 29 COL 21 ROW 2 28 COL 21 ROW 0 COL 21 ROW I 27 COL I I ROW 3 26 COL II ROW 2 25 24 COLIIROWI SWITCH STATUS REGISTERS COL I I ROW 0 23 COL 01 ROW 3 22 COLO/ROW2 21 COL 01 ROW I 20 COL 0 I ROW 0 08 07 COL INPUT DATA 06 COL MASK 05 COL FIND REGISTER 04 PORT WORD 03 COL I ROW REGISTER } ~KING REGISTERS 02 01 00 Figure 6 then decoded by a 4 to 16 decoder which supplies a ground return to the selected switch. The switch common line is then read to sense the condition of that switch (see figure 9). If more ports can be assigned to the keyboard interface, other options may become advantageous. For example, with two ports 16 switches can be read without scanning. The basic requirements such as switch debounce and N-Key rollover will remain regardless of which option is taken. The best approach to a given desi~n application will be determined by the system reqUirements and structure. 571 16 x 4 KEYBOARD 4 -\ 4/16 DECODE -\ ROW SELECT 16 -V 16 x4 KEYBOARD Y MATRIX F8 I/O PORT If 4 COLUMN SENSING f\r Figure 8 KEYBOARD WITH COMMON POLE sz .() h h h BITO ~ BIT2 ~ h S2 0--< 9 ~ BIT3 4/16 S2 DECODER h I'::' F8 r-' S2 ~ ~ h SELECT LINES BIT 7 572 ~ 0- h h Figure 9 S2 0- j ()-< ( S2 0- 110 PORT 1 0- S2 0--. I S2 ()-< S2 0- 3 S2 ()-< ~ 0- J SZ BIT I S2 SZ 0- SENSE LINE S2 0- 2 S2 0- f S2 0- 9 0- MOSTEI( Fa MICROPROCESSOR SUPPORT APPLICATION NOTE USING MOSTEI(S F8 IN A SCANNED SEVEN-SEGMENT DISPLAYAPPLICATION 573 Using Mostek's F81n A Scanned Seven-Segment Display Application INTRODUCTION Many microprocessor based devices require a numeric display as an integral part of the system. For reasons of cost and reliability, it is usually desirable to keep the chip count as low as possible with the microprocessor performing the control logic in software. Time multiplexed digit scanning is a common solution and works very well using a single F8 port for up to 8 digits. THEORY OF OPERATION An eight digit display can be scanned with one F8 port (fig. 1) by using half of the port for the BCD number and half for the digit select. When using the digit scanning technique an 'image' of the display must be maintained in memory, with a byte (or half byte) of memory containing the BCD number to be displayed in each of the eight digits. The following five steps show the basic control the software is required to execute: Step 1 Output digit select and BCD number for this digit (from 'image') Step 2 Turn on strobe Step 3 Delay Step 4 Turn off strobe Step 5 Increment digit select, return to step 1 by Dan Hammond The scan rate should be fast enough to prevent the display from 'flickering'. It has been found that a 80 to 100Hz rate is sufficient for a stationary display. An approximate 100Hz rate is achieved in an eight digit display by making the delay in step 3, 1.25 milliseconds. Maximum brilliance will be provided by leaving the strobe on for the whole delay time. This provides a 1/8 or 12.5% duty cycle. Reducing the strobe width will reduce the duty cycle and cause the display to be dimmer. Interdigit blanking to prevent a blurring effect is accomplished by strobmg the digit decoder after digit select/BCD number data is present on the port and removing the strobe before changing the data (see fig. 2) EXAMPLE HARDWARE DESIGN The example design in Figure 3 shows the hardware simplicity in an LED display scanning circuit interfaced to the F8. Bits 0-2 are used to select the digit, bit 3 as a strobe and bits 4-7 for the;BCD number. In this eight digit display the current required from the segment drivers and anode drivers is approximately 6-8 times what it would be for a static nonscanned display of equal brillance because only one digit is receiving current at a time (12.5% Duty Cycle). NUMERIC DISPLAY BLOCK DIAGRAM 4 ) BCD/ 7-SEGMENT DECODER DRIVER 7 SEGMENTS ) F8 8 DIGIT DISPLAY A I/O PORT 8 4 Figure 1 574 ~ V 3/8 DECODER W/STROBE 8 ~ -V DIGIT DRIVERS DIGIT SELECT INTERDIGIT BLANKING DIGIT SELECT BCD DATA DATA FOR DIGIT n DATA FOR DIGIT n+l STROBE DIGIT n+l DIGIT n Figure 2 The SN7447 seven segment decoder/driver sinks 40mA per segment which will supply a maximum average current of 5mA per segment to each digit. This is an acceptable current level for many 7 segment LED displays such as the .43 inch HP7650. 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY INTERFACE +5 yDC ED GE ETOR ~ GND KIT iiiTo g ...--&-. +SYDC 7442 I~ C I~ 0 I I I .lJI! lOp! c I I I I I I. I II II II II II II II I JDfUUUUUUUU I , D~~~S r---l r----..., r:---li~' 1320 """,1 1/4W "I'" ~I r±:l:! ~: P 3 I I 114_'1 I I, i __ i II !,,.... II II .... I I I'[ l r ! ;t- I' I I , I , I I , , , , I I I~-- - 11--_-' r --, ~ j t'"" 1 iF , ii ,I I !;I'" II" I r I ',I'" , I" I I ttr I I I! I I I I II" I I "l I I I I I I , "I'" ,L ___ J'I ___ ' I " L Figure 3 DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 0 I I IL ___ J 5.6K I I I 8 SEG a I Wi I~B I r---, I I I I ~ ~A (-S-TROBE) 15 14 LT 16 I 9 •! ~~ F8 0 7447 d GND ~>- I/O PORT c RBII S 80.I'L. 1/4 W 13 12 II 10 a b 0 (HP76S0) COMMON ANODE LED DISPLAYS GND 8 8 ~C .~ ~Ta 16 ;~A SURVIVAL Since the anode transistors must drive seven segments, they will be required to source 280mA peak at a 12:5% duty cycle. Many discrete transistors (such as the 2N2907) and transistor arrays will handle .this load. lL __ I ...J 2N2907 or EQUIV. SYDC 575 EXAMPLE CONTROL SOFTWARE MAIN PROGRAM The 'MAIN PROGRAM' flow chart (Fig 4) shows ,the initialization needed to start the scanning process. The main program must provide a means of entering numbers into the RAM image of the display in addition to the other processing required by the system. START As the BCD numbers are entered into the 'image' the interrupt service routine named 'SCAN' displays them. Note that the flow chart (Fig. 5) for 'SCAN' contains the five basic steps described in The Theory of Operations section (page 2). LOAD SMI INTERRUPT VECTOR ADDRESS WITH ADDRESS OF 'SCAN' ROUTINE The timer in the SMI (Static Memory Interface) chip provides periodic interrupts resulting in a continuous scan of the display. Therefore, only the SMI timer constant has to be changed in order to adjust the scan cycle delay. A key advantage to this interrupt scheme is that it effects a very minimal time burden on the processor. Specifically, every 1.5 milliseconds the interrupt routine takes less than .1 milliseconds to maintain the display scan, using less than 6% of F8 processor time. (It should be noted here that if a scanned keyboard is in the system, the timer interrupt se.rvice routine could also scan the keyboard and maintain its status). SET DISPLAY TIMER TO CAUSE FIRST INTERRUPT In the example program the last eight F8 scratch pad registers are assigned to be used for the display image, register a for the display port image, register 1 for saving the display ISAR (Indirect Scratchpad Address Register), register 2 for saving the 'MAIN PROGRAM' ISAR, register 8 for saving the accumulator, and register J (9) for saving the status word (w), (See Fig. 6). ENABLE SMI TIMER AND CPU INTERRUPTS All six bits of ISAR are used to address the 'image' with the least significant· three bits also defining the digit in which the addressed 'image' data is to be displayed. The instruction on line number 12 of figure 7 (LR A, I) loads the contents of the location in the scratchpad 'image' addressed by ISAR into the accumulator, then increments ISAR (preparing ISAR for the next interrupt). ., INITIALIZE 'SCAN' ISAR SAVE REG. ,r EXECUTE MAIN PROGRAM (DISPLAY WILL BE SCANNED AS SMI TIMER INTERRUPTS OCCUR) Figure 4 576 TIMER INTERRUPT ... OCCURS .. .- . 'SCAN' ROUTINE (FIGURE 5) RETURN INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE FOR NUMERIC DISPLAY F8 SCRATCHPAD REGISTER USAGE MAP 'SCAN' VECTOR ADDRESS , , , , DISABLE CPU INTERRUPT SAVE ACCUMULATOR SAVE STATUS REG.(W) SAVE ISAR LOAD ISAR WITH PREVIOUS VALUE USED BY 'SCAN' ROUTINE z 0 j::: (J w STEP 4 CI) 0 j::: « a: .. STEP 5 w 0 u. 0 > a: STEP I 0 w J: ,f- .. u. CI) w Iii 3E DIGIT 6 3D DIGIT 5 3C DIGIT 4 38 DIGIT 3 3A DIGIT 2 39 DIGIT I 38 10 FETCH NEXT DIGIT FROM IMAGE USING ISAR INCREMENT ISAR , WRITE OUT DATA DIGIT SELECT a + , STEP 2 TURN ON STROBE STEP 3 SET TIMER FOR DESIRED DELAY, ENABLE TIMER INTERRUPT :< 0 a: DIGIT 7 TURN OFF STROBE + 2 3F + SAVE PRESENT VALUE OF ISAR FOR NEXT INTERRUPT + RESTORE I SAR RESTORE STATUS REG. RESTORE ACCUMULATOR , (RETURN) - - ,-- F E D C 8 A 9 STATUS WORD SAVE 8 ACCUMULATOR SAVE 7 6 5 4 3 2 ENABLE CPU INTERRUPT ~ - DIGIT 0 MAIN PROGRAM ISAR SAVE DISPLAY ISAR SAVE o DISPLAY PORT IMAGE Figure 5 Figure 6 Output port H'F' is the timer constant register in the SMI chip (see line 1C in figure 7). Port H'E' is a register used to enable the timer interrupt in the SMI (line 1 F). Note also that all outputs to the display port are 'OUTS 0' selecting port 0 (line E, line 17 & line 19). The program listing (Fig. 7) contains comments that specify the purpose of each instruction. 577 SOB RESIDENT ASSEMBLER LISTING LINE # ADDRESS OBJECT CODE 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0700 lA 0006 0701 58 0007 0702 lE 0008 070~: OA 000'~1 0704 52 OOOA 0705 41 OOOB 0706 OB OOOC 0707 40 OOOD 0708 21 OOOE 070A BO OOOF 070B OA 0010 070C 21 0011 070E 50 0012 070F 4D 0013 0710 15 0014 0711 CO 0015 0712 18 0016 0713 21 0017 0715 BO 0018 0716 22 0019 0718 BO 001A 0719 50 001B 071A 20 001C 071C BF .;:) 001D 0710 7~' 001E 071E BE 001F 071F OA 0020 0720 51 0021 0721 42 0022 0722 OB 002:3 0723 lD 0024 0724 48 0025 0725 lB 0026 0726 1C 0027 00 SOURCE CODE * * * * SCAN F7 07 COMMENTS INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE FOR NUMERIC DISPLAY ORG DI LR LR LR LR LR LR LR NI OUTS LR NI LR LR SL AS COM NI OUTS W"700'" 8.A ....1. W A. IS 2.A A.l IS.A A.O WF7" 0 A. IS 7 O.A A. I 4 0 08 H"F7'" 0 01 8 OUTS 0 O.A LR C4 LI W'CA'" OUTS LIS OUTS LR LR LR LR LR LR EI POP END WF" :3 WE" A. IS 1.A A.2 IS.A W•.J A.8 F7 Figure 7 DISABLE CPU INTERRUPTS SAVE ACCUMULATOR SAVE STATUS REG LOAD ISAR INTO ACCUMLATOR SAVE ISAR FROM MAIN PROGRAM LOAD ACCUMULATOR WITH PREV ISAR LOAD ISAR FOR SCAN LOAD PREVIOU:3 DISPLAY PORT DATA MASK OUT STROBE BIT TURN OFF STROBE LOAD ISAR INTO ACCUMULATOR MASK OUT ISAR(lI) ISAR(L) TO RO FOR DIGIT # SELECT GET BCD DATA USING ISAR. INC ISAR MOVE IT TO MS HALF OF ACCUMULATO ADD DIGIT # TO BCD DATA INVERT DATA SINCE PORTS NEG TRUE MA::;;K OUT STROBE BIT WRITE NEW DATA OUT (NO STROBE) STROBE BIT ON TURN ON STROBE SAVE DISPLAY PORT DATA TIMER CONSTANT WRITE TO SMI TIMER LOCAL INTERRUPT ENABLE BITS ENABLE LOCAL INTERRUPTS LOAD ISAR INTO ACCUMULATOR SAVE DISPLAY SCAN ISAR LOAD MAIN PROGRAM ISAR VALUE RESTORE ISAR WITH IT RESTORE STATUS REG RESTORE ACCUMULATOR ENABLE CPU INTERRUPTS RETURN TO MAIN PROGRAM SCAN 0700 ALTERNATE DESIGN APPROACHES There are several other approaches to a numeric display interface with the F8. For example, the BCD to seven segment conversion and 3/8 digit decoding could be done in software. This approach (Fig. 8) uses two ports. 578 If four ports are available, the display could also be driven statically, with each port controlling two digits. This approach (Fig. 9) would require one BCD to 7-segment decoder/driver (and 7 resistors) for each digit. The best design approach depends on the application and the number of F8 ports available. ALTERNATE SCANNING APPROACH F8 PORTO ) 7 7 SEGMENT DRIVERS \ I SEGMENT CODE 8 DIGIT DISPLAY ~ 8 \ 8 F8 PORT 1 -I DIGIT DRIVERS DIGIT SELECT Figure 8 , STATIC DISPLAY APPROACH I_I II II I I-I 1-' 1-' II LI 0 LI LI LI LI LI I , . > . 1'" 7 7 BCD/ 7-SEGMENT __ DECODER - - DRIVERS - . 4 . F8 PORT 4 > . ?- 7 7 - - . . > .. . . . .. 7 7 7 --- ,- - I..- > 4 F8 PORT ?-7 l..- 4 . ?-- . 1'" 4 4 F8 PORT . 1"- . 4 14 F8 PORT Figure 9 579 580 MOSTEI{. Fa MICROCOMPUTER SUPPORT Application Note EXPANDING MOSTEI clock are required to complete this interrupt vector fetch sequence. The next event that occurs is an instruction fetch from the location specified from the vector address. The SMI doesn't have a PRI OOT signal therefore it must be the lowest priority device in the system. The time required to get to an interrupt service routine can be calculated as shown in Figure 2 (at a 2 MHz rate). INTERRUPT VECTOR FETCH The time from an interrupt striking to the start of execution of its service routine is highly dependent on the instruction being executed at the time of the interrupt. The maximum number was based on a long privileged instruction such as PI followed by a Ion!) non-privileged instruction such as DCI. The typical instruction time is based on a 2 cycle instruction although many F8 instructions are one byte/one cycle instructions. The 6.0ps max number represents the pro~,ation delay throu~ the peripheral device from E INT to INT R~ (interrupts from the timer do not incur this delay). Once the INT REO is recognized, 22 cycles are required to stack the program counter and fetch the interrupt vector. One technique that can be used to minimize the maximum delay that would be incurred upon an interrupt is to constrain the instructions that are executed when the interrupt is expected. A method that would reduce the maximum delay from the interrupt striking to Figure 2 res START INTERRUPT ( TIME EXTINT LINE GOES TYPICAL MAXIMUM LOW INT REQ LINE GOES LOW CURRENT INSTRUCTION 4 p.s ENDS 13 p.s pl(Privileged) 12p.s DCI FETCH INTERRUPT 11p.s np.s 20 p.s TYP. 42 p.s MAX VECTOR () BEGIN AT INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE WITH pco SAVED IN PC 1 the execution of the first instruction of the service roLitine would be to put the processor in a branch on self loop (BR*). Thi~ essentially provides a wait for interrupt situation with the CPU running in a loop waiting for the interrupt. EXPANDING INTERRUPT INPUTS IN A MINIMUM SYSTEM In a two-chipF8 microcomputer system (MK 3850 CPU and MK 3851 PSU) the system can be interrupted by either the timer in the PSU or the EX r IN I line of the PSU. Thirty-two lines 'of bidirectional I/O are available and it may be desirable to have more than one input capable of interrupting 583 F8 SYSTEM INTERRUPT CONNECTION MIDDLE PRIORITY HIGHEST PRIORITY 110 MK3850 EiTiNT 110 EiTiNT MK385 I MK3861 PSU PIO CPU PRIIN LOWEST PRIORITY EXT INT ADDRESS) REGDR CPU READ EXTERNAL INT REQ STATIC MEMORY Figure 3 rupting the system. Figure 4 depicts this minimum F8 system, with four signals (lNTO-INT3) capable of interrupting the system. The four external interrupting signals are defined active high and the presence of anyone in the high state causes the output of the NOR gate to go low causing the interrupt. The interrupt service routine flowchart to locate the interrupting input is shown in Figure 5, with the actual program in Figure 6. This service routine is entered with the interrupts automatically disabled at the CPU so that no further interrupts can occur until the interrupt is cleared by its service routine. The port containing the INTO-INT3 signals is loaded into the accumulator and tested to determine if bit 7 is low (a positive number). If bit 7 is low INT3 is active and the branch is taken to the service routine for INT3 (SERV3) (there is an in"version from the Port to the accumulator). If bit 7 is high a shift left one instruction is performed on the accumulator and it is again tested for bit 7 = 0 (bit 6 shifted). This process continues until all four of the interrupt lines have been tested. If an active interrupt bit haS been found the proper service routine is brandIed to in order to service the active device and EXPANSION OF INTERRUPT INPUTS IN A MINIMUM F8 SYSTEM +12V +5V +5V +12V PORT PORT PORT PORT PORT PORT PORT PORT PORT PORT PORT PORT PORT PORT po"r poin 1"!-_ _ _ _--=2,:,1 0 as' 0 81 0 82 083 0 84 0 B5 0 0 I I I 1 I I I I MK 3850 F8 "CPU DBg PORT 4 BII ~====~~7 g:~ ~====~33~ ~:! PORT4BI DB51! PORT 4 82 PORT 4 83 MK 3851 DB5 F8" PSU DB6~-------':~ DB6 8S 87 Btl 81 82 83 84 B5 86 87 ROMe I ::~ ~ ROMC4 7 17 ROMCg 21 14 13 ROMC' ~ I ROMe I PORT 5 B. :~:~: PORT 581 PORT 5 82 PORTSB3 t i t XTL-X WRITE 2 7 iNTREQ 6 AC Vss 39 PORT 485 PORT 486 PORT 487 DB7·~-------:;~ DB7 ROMCg PORT 4 84 WRITE ::~ 6iDR 40 24 1127425 1--_ _ --i~~'PF -.1 INT2 INT3~~§~~S INT I INTO 10ri C2 -= NOTE: MK 3870 Single Chip Fa will replace this two chip Figure 4 584 minimum system. clear the interrupt. The routine ends by enabling the interrupts at the CPU and returning to the main program flow should no interrupt be found. The additional time required to locate the active interrupt is a function of which interrupt is active due to the polling used. As shown in FLOWCHART OF INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE Figure 6, the additional delay to service interupts produced by polling varies from 15 J.l.S for the highest priority device to 42 J.l.S for the lowest priority device. To these times must be added the delays calculated earlier of 20 J.l.S typical and 42 J.l.S maximum which is required to get to the polling routine. INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE TO LOCATE INTERRUPTING DEVICE CUMM J.l.S J.l.S 81NTSVC INS PORT GET 7 2 BP SL SERV 3 1 INT 3 ACTIVE 7 NO, SHIFT LEFT BP SL SERV 2 2 INT 2 ACTIVE 7 NO,SHIFT LEFT INT 1 33 7 2 BP SL SERV 1 1 INT 1 ACTIVE 7 NO,SHIFT LEFT INT 0 42 7 4 BP EI SERV 0 4 POP INT 3 15 INT 2 24 SIGNALS ENABLE INTERRUPTS RETURN Figure 6 SINGLE CHIP MICROCOMPUTER The MK 3870 Single Chip Microcomputer is the natural evolution of the F8 chip set. It will combine the functions of the 3850/3851 onto a single chip with the additions of another 1K bytes of ROM storage and an improved timer/ interrupt structure. The techniques discussed in this application note apply also to the single chip F8 as it is software and hardware compatible with the multiple chip F8 family. 585 586 MOSTEI(. 3a70/Fa MICROCOMPUTER SUPPORT' Application Note SUBROUTINE NESTING AND MULTIPLE ': INTERRUPT HANDLING 587 588 INTRODUCTION The 3870 and F8 Microcomputer Familiesare quickly becoming recognized as a cost effective method of placing computing power into types of equipment which couldn't have justified computer control just a short time ago. The falling cost per computer function afforded by advances in Metal-Oxide SemiconductorLarge Scale Integration (MOS-LSI) has brought computer technology and techniques into areas where until now, mechanical controller's, random logic and relay logic predominated. The availability of a large number of Input/Output pins in the 3870 Microcomputer coupled with its minimum system configuration of just one device, makes it an ideal replacement for many previously used control devices. The purpose of this note is to discuss the use and implementation of subroutines and interrupts as they apply to programming an Fa based microcomputer system. The intent of this note is to discuss the use of subroutines and interrupts for the hardware designer who might not be totally familiar with the programming of a computer. PROGRAM FLOW WHEN USING SUBROUTINES MAIN PROGRAM FLOW SUBROUTINE CALL SUBROUTINES A subroutine is a sequence of computer instructions or mnemonics which can be called or used in several portions of the computer program. The purpose of a subroutine is to reduce the total length of a computer program by consolidating in one portion of the program a sequence of instructions that are used in several different areas of the program. When this subroutine is required the program counter contents are replaced with the starting address of the subroutine. At the end of the subroutine the program is transferred back to the main body of the program. Figure 1 depicts program flow when using subroutines. The main program calls a subroutine which causes the program counter to be loaded with the address of the subroutine. The last statement of the subroutine causes a return back to the main program flow by retrieving the saved program counter value, forcing a return to the main program flow. The subroutine is called again any place in the main program flow where the sequence of instructions contained in the subroutine is required. Every time the subroutine is called a savings in program length (and ROM size) equal to the length of the subroutine (minus three) is realized compared to a program which doesn't use subroutines. Many times a subroutine will call another subroutine resulting in what is referred to as nested or mu Iti-Ievel subroutines. Nested subroutines in an F8 system will be discussed in this note. INTERRUPTS Interrupts are used in a microcomputer system to make it responsive to the device it is controlling. RETURN Figure 1 By interrupting the microcomputer the I/O device can signal its requirement for attention or service by the microcomputer. As in the Case of the subroutine, the interrupt can divert the main program flow to a sequence of instructions called the Interrupt Service Routine (See Figure 2). This routine either inputs or outputs data to the device being controlled. At the end of this service routine the program counter value at the time of the system interrupt is retrieved from a temporary register and reloaded into the program counter to cause a return to the main 589 (b) Call to subroutine-PK-an instruction which causes the contents of the K register to be loaded into the Program Counter while the Program Counter is saved in the Stack Register. (c) Return from subroutine-POP-an instruction used at the end of a subroutine or interrupt service routine to load the Stack Register back into the Program Counter to return program flow back to the main program. The previous value of the Program Counter is overwritten and lost. PROGRAM FLOW WHEN INTERRUPTED MAIN FLOW INTERRUPT EI SERVICE ROUTINE (d) Load-LR P,K-a pair of instructions which LR K,P allows the transfer of the Stack Register (P) to the K register in the Scratchpad or vice versa. This switch is useful to save P in preparation for a subroutine or interrupt. (e) Load - LR PO,Q which allows the transfer of the Program Counter (PO) to the Q register in the Scratchpad. The following sections of this note will discuss the use of these instructions and registers as well as the general F8 architecture to handle Subroutines, Interrupts and the tradeoffs in doing so. SUBROUTINES AND/OR INTERRUPTS UP TO TWO LEVELS POP II Figure 2 program flow. Interrupts, like subroutines, can be nested because an Interrupt Service Routine could be interrupted by a higher priority device or an Interrupt Service Routine may call a subroutine, which in either case causes nesting. The F8 instructions which are used to transfer program flow to or from subroutines or interrupts are shown in Figure 3. The Program Counter (PO) holds the address of the next instruction to be executed by the microcomputer while the StackRegister . (P) * is a temporary stora!je location for the Program Counter. . In addition two pairs of registers in the Scratchpad have been designated.K and Q with instructions that link them to PO and P. The instructions . that fink and affect these registers are the following: (a) Call to subroutine immediate -PI~ah instruction which causes the next two bytes in the program to be load~d into the Program Counter (PO) in order to. transfer control to a subroutine and saves the old program counter value (return address) in the. Stack Register (P). 590' Earlier versions of F8 literature labled the Program Counter pca and the Stack Register PC1. Many applications can be handled by. two levels of subroutines and/or interrUPts. Two levels. means that only two return addresses need be saved, which can be handled easily by registers within the F8 for this purpose. The calling of subroutines is under control of the programmer and thus.only the return addresses need be saved as other registers (such as the Data Counter) can either be saved by the calling or the called routines if the registers are needed by the subroutine. Interrupts are under control of the programmer only to the extent that they can be masked or enabled. Assuming interrupts are enabled, upon entry to an Interrupt Service Routine, it may not be known which registers in the CPU contain data which cannot be overwritten. In this case these registers should be stored in the scratchpad during the Interrupt Service Routine and be restored before exiting this routine. Examples of using the ISAR to store CPU registers in a push down stack are given in this note but in many cases the programmer will tailor the status saving routine for the specific circumstances of his sytem design (by using specific Scratchpad Registers to save CPU Registers). Figure 4 shows the instructions usuallv used to call a subroutine (one level deep) in an F8 system. SUBAl is the symbolic name of the two byte address of the subroutine and PI causes the return address (XXXX) to be saved in P. POP reverses the procedure at the end of the subroutine causing PO to be reloaded with the address saved in P causing the pro!jram flow to return to the next instruction in the main flow (XXXX). Response to an interrupt from the. main flovv is similai to this example except that the int€irupt causes a path similar to 1 to the Interrupt Service Routine with the address (vector) being supplied by the interrupting device and loaded into PO. To call a second subroutine or to respond to an interrupt from SUBA 1 th.e instructions in Figure 5 could be used. In this case PI SUBAl transfers the F8 REGISTERS USED IN SUBROUTINES AND INTERRUPTS SCRATCH PAD REGISTERS STACK REGISTER p PK, PI INTR POP LR K,P A LR P,K B C PROGRAM COUNTER PO D PK K E LR PO, Q PI INTR I I FROM PROGRAM Figure 3 F Q VECTOR FROM INTERRUPTING DEVICE ONE LEVEL SUBROUTINES OR INTERRUPTS MAIN FLOW CD PI XXXX - . SUBAI CALL .. SUBROUTINE SUBAI ® RETURN - POP REGISTERS CD ® P P PO PO Fjgure4 591 by the use of the EI instruction, allowing a third level of subroutine nesting (as shown in Figure 6) or an interrupt. The return from SUB3 is accomplished by executing the POP instruction which loads the Program Counter with the value RTN2 from the Stack Register P. During the first portion of SUB2, P was moved to K so that a PK instruction will load the Program Counter with RTN 1 from the K register. The return address for SUB1 (RTN) was moved to the Q register during the first portion of SUB2 and can be transferred to the Program Counter by the execution of LR PO,Q instruction. program flow to SUBA 1 while saving the return address (XXXX) in the Stack Register (P). Subroutine 1 now transfers P to K in preparation. for another subroutine or an interrupt (note that if an interrupt occurs during the PI SUBA 1, LR K,P sequence it· will not be serviced until after the LR K,P instruction because PI is privileged). Subroutine 2 is called by PI SUBA2 which saves YYYYin P which was just vacated. Program flow transfers to Subroutine 2 and the POP instruction reloads PO with YYYY from P. At the end of Subroutine 1 the return address is now in K so a PK is used to load XXX X into PO, thereby returning to the main program. Note that LR K,P followed by POP could have been used in place of the PK instruction, but would be 1 byte longer. MULTILEVEL INTERRUPTS OR SUBROUTINES At a minimum when using the F8 in a system with greater than 3 levels of interrupts or subroutines a consistent method of placing return address into the scratchpad must be used to allow their recovery. In many cases it will be desirable to stack more registers than just the return addresses. Previous examples have shown 3 levels deep with the three return addresses in P, K, and Q registers. Any further nesting would destroy either P, K, or Q so the technique to be described is to move K into the scratchpad to make room for another level. Three levels of subroutines or interrupts can be handled by using the Q register to save a return address. Figure 6 shows programming with three levels of subroutines (three levels of interrupts would be handled in the same manner). The first subroutine is called from the main program and the return address is saved in the Stack Register P. At the beginning of SUB 1, P is transferred to the K register in preparation for the second subroutine call or interrupt. This second call uses the just vacated P register for storage of the retu rn address to SU B 1. Upon entering SUB 2 both P and K contain valid return addresses so that interrupts must be disabled while the contents of K register are moved to the Q register and the contents of P are moved to the K register. Once P is clear, interrupts can be enabled Figure 7 shows a generalized subroutine which automatically transfers P to K and then K into the scratchp.ad registers. The routines in Figure 7 assume that ISAR (I ndirect Scratchpad Address Register) has been initialized at an odd value, probably H'3F'which TWO LEVEL SUBROUTINES OR INTERRUPTS PI INTERRUPT OR SUBROUTINE 2 SUBROUTINE 1 MAIN FLOW CD SUBAI---"'.~SUBAI LR K. P xxxx PI SUBA2 ® :~ PI< CD REGISTERS ® P P PO PO PO 592 .: ~POP P Figure 5 • SUBA2 I__xx_x_x_..j K .... THREE LEVELS OF SUBROUTINES OR INTERRUPTS MAIN SUB 2 SUB 1 INTERRUPT OR SUB 3 RTN~SBI~« \~- \ = 1>«,.,>. SB I lR K, P ~'1- RTN PI SB2-~.!:.J_ 1--"SB2 01 lR A,KU lR QU,A lR A,Kl lR Ql, A lR K.P EI POP PI< Figure 6 STACKING OF ACCUMULATOR AND STATUS REGISTERS SUBX DI } LR K,P PI PSHK } PI POPK } PK TO STACK PSHK Figure 7 LR A, KL LR D,A LR A,KU LR S,A LR A,IS AI H'FF' LR IS, A LR W,J POP K to Stack Body of Subroutine K from Stack FROM STACK POPK KLtostack KU to stack Decrement ISAR Retu rn LR A, IS INC LR IS,A LR A,I LR KU,A LR A,S LR KL,A LR W,J POP Increment ISAR Recover KU Recover KL Return 593 is the top of the scratch pad registers. The odd starting value is required to insure that ISAR is not tl'olnti~{J to a~ 8 ~yte buffer boundary when ~he LR :!), AmstrtJctlGn IS executed. (The LR D,A Instruction loads the accumulator from the scratchpad l,ocation pointed to by ISAR and then does a modulo &,decrement of ISAR. This means that only the IGl,wer three bits of ISAR are decremented resulting 'in an 8 byte range for these auto decrementing and autoincrementing instructions which does not allow -crossing of page boundarys. By initializing ISAR at an odd value, every time the LR D,A instruction is executed ISAR will be odd and therefore will not have to cross page boundaries wh ich are even.) The .crement from even values is accomplished by loadrng ISAR into the accumulator and adding 'hexidecimal FF to it, which results in an 8 bit decrement of ISAR's contents. PSHK then moves the contents of K onto the stack and leaves ISAR pointing to "the next empty location thus implementing a push-down stack. When in the body of the subroutine both P and K are clear, allowing a call to another subroutine of this format or the enabling of interrupts to allow interrupting out of this subroutine (return address would be held in Pl. POPK is called to recover the subroutine retu rn add ress and place it in the K register. Note here that the 8 bit increment (I NC) is done first to cross the page boundary and point to the last byte stored on the stack. ISAR is used to pull the return address off the stack and place it in the K register. The PK instruction reloads PO and program flow is returned to the calling routine. If interrupts are enabled during the body of the program they must be disabled during execution of POPK because this routine is using both P and K registers. The LR W,J instruction allows the user the option to control whether interrupts will be enabled or disabled after execution of PSH K or SUBROUTINE OR INTERRUPTS NESTED 4 LEVELS DEEP MAIN PI SUBI SUB :3 SUB 2 SUB4 SUB I __ SUBI 01 LR K,P PI PSHK RET RETI PI SUB2"SUB2 01 LR K,P PI PSHK Scratch pad Register 3F RET RET RETI RET I RET2 RET2 RET3 RET3 L U L U L U L U PI PI< PI SUB 3 , SUB 3 01 LR K,P PI PSHK PI PK ISAR=37~ P I SUB 4 'x P I POP K PI< ~ L f \PI J=R9 t-I-.LII=IZ=IC'-'-!IPI 4 L ___ Figure 8 594 SUB 4 01 LR K,P PI PSHK PK 1 BIT OF J REGISTER CONTROLS ENABLING OF INTERRUPTS POP K POPK by setting or clearing bit 4 in the J register. Thus if interrupts are desired during a subroutine the following instructions would be used to call SUBX. MAIN PROGRAM LR A,IS LR O,A LI H'09' LR IS,A LR A,S 01 H'10' LR S,A LR A,O LR IS,A PI SUBX SAVE ISAR IN RO POINT ISAR TO J GET J INTO A SET 1 BIT, INTERRUPTS ENABLE D A INTO J RESTORE ISAR CALL SUBROUTINE If interrupts are not desired during the nesting of subroutines the software can be simplified as follows: Assuming interrupts are disabled instructions DI and LR W,J can be deleted from the PSHK and POPK routines. Also the above calling sequences will not be required because bit 4 in the W register will already be clear. Figure 8 shows the effects of PSHK used to save the address on the stack. Note that the Stack Pointer (lSAR) is pointing to the next empty location on the stack and that bit 4 of the J register is controlling whether interrupts are enabled or not through the use of the LR W,J instruction in PSHK and POPKo Bit 4 of the J register is used to control whether interrupts are enabled or not in order to allow two different callers to use this subroutine. If one of the callers was in an interrupt driven portion of the program, bit 4 of the J register could be set to allow interrupts upon returning from the subroutine. If one of the other callers of the subroutine did not want interrupts enabled bit 4 of the J register could be cleared so that no interrupts would be recognized upon returning from the subroutine. re~urn At the end of each subroutine, PI POPK followed by PK will be executed to unload the stack and return program flow back to the corr-ect- return address. Note also that interrupts will be allowed at any time except during the execution of the PSHK or POPK routines, their return address being stored in the P register. If the interrupting device service routine needs to call a subroutine,P will have to be pushed onto the stack using the methods previously described. In many cases it may be desirable to save the major registers within the CPU whenever an interrupt is serviced. Saving registers on the stack frees up all of the computing power of CPU for use by the Interrupt Service Routine. Saving the registers upon the stack rather than in direct scratchpad locations makes the subroutine or interrupt service routine re-entrant (i.e., the routine calls itself without destroying scratch locations). The same philosophy as before can be used to save accumulator and status register on the stack (see Figure 9). Other registers within the machine could be saved using the technique; however, they must be pushed in pairs in order to leave ISAR pointing to an odd register location (since K, DC and DC1 are all 16 bit registers this should not be a I imitation). STACKING OF ACCUMULATOR AND STATUS REGISTERS PSHAW POPAW LR LR LR LR LR AI LR D,A A,J S,A J,W A,IS H'FF' IS,A LR A, IS INC LR IS,A LR W,J LR A,I LR J,A LR A,S POP Accm to stack J Reg to stack W reg to J reg ISAR to A Decrement A A to ISAR ISAR to A Increment A A to ISAR J reg to W J from stack into J reg Accm from stack Return to caller Figure 9 CONCLUSION This application note, has discussed a general method of handling subroutines and interrupts in an F8 system. Many applications for which the F8 is suited will have minimal subroutines or a minimum number of interrupts so that the internal P and K registers can be used to hold return addresses. In the cases where deeply nested subroutines or multiple interrupts must be handled a push-down stack can be created in the scratch pad registers or external memory. Software routines were discussed to save return addresses in this stack as well as methods to save the general purpose registers. The user has the option in a F8 system to stack only what is necessary to accomplish his design goals in an optimum manner. 595 696 1979 MICROCOMPUTER DATA BOOK 597 598 MOSTEI(. MICROPROCESSOR SUPPORT ZSO Software Development Board (SDB-SOE) HARDWARE FEATURES D Available as board or complete system D 4K bytes of RAM, expandable on board to 16K Bytes D Four 8-bit I/O ports with handshake lines D Serial ASCII interface (110-9600 BAUD) D Fully buffered for system expand ability D Four counter/timer channels D On board capacity from 5K bytes of PROM to 20K bytes of ROM D Double euro-card format SOFTWARE FEATURES D 2K x 8 Operating System in ROM (DDT -80) D 8K x 8 assembler/editor in ROM (ASMB-80) D Channeled I/O for user convenience D Double euro-card format GENERAL DESCRIPTION SYSTEM RRMWARE A standard feature of the SDB-80 is a complete pacKage of development software aids which are resident in the five MK 34000, 2k x 8 ROM memories located on the board. This firmware includes a sophisticated operating system, debug package, assembler, and text editor. The presence of this software in ROM provides instant access to these development aids, eliminating the time-consuming requirement of loading the software from some perpheral device into RAM. Another key feature of having the development aid software in ROM is that entire RAM space is available for the user's programs. The SDB-80 is a stand-alone microcomputer designed by. MOSTEK around the advanced ZSO microprocessor familiy. It contains more on-board firmware and RAM memory than any previously offered single board microcomputer, plus all the features of the industries most sophisticated microprocessor. This board represents the very latest in state-of-the-art technology by utilizing MOSTEK's new 16K Dynamic RAM memories. The SDB-80 also is the first single board microcomputer to offer a complete package of software development aids in ROM. This 10K byte firmware package is included with the SDB-80 and provides the ability to generate, edit, .assemble, load, execute, and debug Z80 programs for all types of applications. D object program Load/Dump USING THE SDB-80 D Memory or Port Examine/Change In addition to functioning as a stand-alone development aid, the SOB-SO is fully expandable through the addition of optional add-on circuit boards. It may also be utilized directly in OEM applications by inserting custom programmed ROM or PROM memories into the sockets provided on the board. For these OEM applications, partially populated versions of the SOB-SO (designated OEM-80) are available without the standard system firmware, and with quantity discounts. D Breakpoint/Execute Debug (DDT-SO) includes: D Logical/Physical I/O mapping (with user expandable drivers) D Drivers for Standard Peripherals 599 Z80 SYSTEM SUPPORT SYS-80E MOSTEK TERMINAL SDB-80E with MK 78039 4kbyte MK 78040 16k byte MK78041 Complete Video Display Unit MK 78037 OEM-80E with 4k bytes RAM with 16k bytes RAM MK 78122 MK 78124 DDT-80 Debug2k Byte ROM MK 78118 ASMB-80 EDIT-80 Assembler four 2k Byte ROM's (including the Editor) MK 78119 SDB-80E withOEM-80 + DDT-8O + ASMB-8O + EDIT-80 + documentation 4k byte RAM 16k byte. RAM MK 78103 MK 78104 Z80 HARDWARE SUPPORT RAM-80AE 16k RAM MK 78109 RAM-80BE 16k RAM, 2· PIO MK 78110 XRAM-80 16k expander for RAM-80BE MK 78126 AIM-8OE I.C.E. (In-Circuit-Emulation) MK 78106 FLP-80E Floppy Interface MK 78112 RIO-8OE 16k PROM, 2 PIO, 1-CTC, UART MK 78128 Universal Display Interface UDI-S Serial UDI-P Parallel Screen read option MK 78033 MK 78035 MK 78036 EIA Interface Cable For SDB-80E MK 79058 TTY Cable for SYS-8OE MK 79059 PROM Programmer for MK 2708 1kx8 UV PROM's with enclosure (requires MK79060) MK 79033 PPG-G8 Cable for SYS-80E MK79060 Wire Wrap Card MK 79063 Extender Card MK 79062, Backplane Card, 6 slot MK 79054 BACK-80E MK 78039 Development Station l80 5 total slots, pC\A:er supply, no cards 600 SOFTWARE SUPPORT XFOR-80 Fortran IV Cross Assembler requires 20k, 16 bit words Card Deck Paper Tape XMDS-8O 8080 MDS Cross Assembler Paper Tape Z80 PROCESSOR ELEMENTS PPG-G8 Z80 MK78117C MK 78117P MK 78115 XMDS-80D 8080 MDS Cross Assembler MK 78116 Soft sectored diskette Listing for DDT-80 MK 78534 Listing for ASMB-80 MK 78536 DOCUMENTATION l80 CPU Manual MK 78070 l80 PIO Manual MK 78071 SDB-8OE Manual MK 78548 RAM-8OE Manual MK 78545 AIM-80E Manual MK 78546 SDB-8OE Literature Package includes CPU, PIO, SDB-80 manuals plus data sheets MK 78549 PPG-08 Manual MK 78532 l80 Pocket reference manual MK 78516 l80 Programming manual MK 78515 MOSTEK TERMINAL MK 78037 FEATURES D Self contained visual terminal D 24 line, 80 character per line display D Baud rate selection 110-9600 D Current loop or V24 D Comprehensive commands DISPLAY ELECTRONICS The display electronics uses the MOSTEK universal display interface board (MK 78033), power being provided within the terminal itself. The set of available functions is fully described in the MK 78033 data sheet· the key features are: ' D 24 lines with 80 characters per line D Cursor movements, absolute and relative D Serial communication, 110-9600 baud D Upper and lower case characters D Clear screen, clear line etc. GENERAL A keyboard and a monitor provide together a "teletype" replacement video terminal for MOSTEK development systems, that can also be used in other applications. The terminal is completely self contained with its own power supply and electronics, requiring only the serial communication lines to the computer. D Tabulate D A 9" diagonal display is used. MECHANICAL The display and keyboard are separate units connected by a cable. The display dimensions are: B43cm H 26cm T32 cm KEYBOARD The keyboard obtains its power from the display unit, the coded keyboard information and power connections are made over a 25 pin type D connector. The keyboard dimensions are: B43cm H 4,5 cm H 9,0 cm T24cm 601 The Assembler (ASMB-80) includes: AIM-80E In-circuit-emulation capability is added to the SDB-80 by using the AIM-80 board also provides other debugging capatibilities such as TRACE and SINGLE STEP. FLP-80E The FLP-80 interfaces the SDB-80 to two soft-sectored floppy disk drives. Full file handling software and firmware is provided with the card. R10-80E The R10-80E includes 2-buffered Pia's, I-UART, I-CTC, and sockets for 16k bytes of MK 2708 PROM. D 1, 2 or 3 pass operation D conditional Assembly D Relocatable object module generation D Relocatable linking loader D Drivers for Silent 700 Cassette The Text Editor (EDIT-80) includes: D Line or character operation D Macro commands NON RESIDENT SOFTWARE AVAILABLE XFOR-80 Fortran IV Cross Assembler. Assembles Z80 programs but is written in Fortran IV. It is useful for persons desiring to perform Z80 assembly in mini-computers such as the PDP-11. It is furnished in Fortran IV source as a card deck or paper tape. XMDS-80 8080A Cross Assembler. Performs the same function as the Fortran IV Cross Assembler, except that it is designed to be used with an Intel MDS system. It is furnished as an object tape in Intel compatible Hex format. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range ... O OCto 50°C Power Supply requirements (Typical) +12V ± 5% + 5V±5% -12V ± 5% 175 mA 1.5 A 100 mA Interface Levels ... TTL Compatible MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Extended double Eurocard Board Size: 250 mm x 233.4 mm x 18 mm Connector: Dual 64 pin Eurocard Connector DIN 41612 form D; A and C pinned. XMDS-80D This is identical to the XMDS-80 except that it is compa~ible with Intel MDS systems which use floppy disk. It is furnished as object code on an MDS compatible floppy diskette. OTHER ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE PPG-08 COMPATIBLE ADD-ON BOARDS RAM-80AE Add-on RAM card for the SDB-80E. This card supplies 16k bytes of MK 4027 dynamic RAM Memory. RAM-80BE Add-on RAMIIO card for the SDB-80E. This card supplies 16k (expandable to 64k) bytes of MK 4116 dynamic RAM Memory, plus 4 fully buffered I/O ports using 2 MK 3881 Pia's. On-card bank switching allows expansion of SDB-80E memory space beyond 64k bytes. XRAM-80 Expansion Kit for RAM-80BE. Consists of 8-MK 4116 RAMs. PROM Programmer module for programming MK 2708 UV erasable PROM memories. Interfaces directly with the SDB-80. Enclosure included. OEM USERS CARDS AVAILABLE OEM-80E SDB-80E without Software. Available with 4 or 16k RAM Memory. 5 PROM/ROM sockets are free for user programs. Parallel Universal Display Interface This double Eurocard CRT/Keyboard Interface is bus compatible with the SDB80E. A MK 3881 Pia on the card allows writing to the CRT Display at up to 3.300 characters per second.The CRT-80E provides 24 lines of 80 characters. The standard ASCII 96 character font is provided, other fonts may be programmed using MK 2708 PROM's. The command set includes TAB and cursor control. UDI-P Serial Universai Dislplay .Interface UDI-S This is identical to the parallel except it operate:; over a 4 wire seriai current iOop connection. Useful in remote terminal applications . BACK-80E 12slot prewired printed circuit backplane for the SDB-80E family. This card greatly simplifies system construction. 602 SOB-80 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM o o 13 - - - - - - - - , SEItW.. INTERFACE I I I I I I I I I I __ JI MK 79063 WIRE WRAP CARD EXTENDER CARD MK 79062 BACKPLANE CARD MK 79054 603 DEVELOPMENT STATION Z80 MK 78039 FEATURES POWER SUPPLIES o o o o Plug-in power supplies are used, the supplies being one card with + 5 volt 7 ampere and one card with ±12 volt 1 ampere. All supplies have overvoltage protection and current limiting. Accepts upto 6 total boards Protected power supplies 11 1/0 connectors for Peripheral equipment Double Europaformat boards MECHANICAL GENERAL The housing has the following dimensions: The MOSTEK development station has been designed to house and provide power for all MOSTEK boards with the double european format as in the detailed description of the SDB-80E. When used in conjunction with the MOSTEK terminal it forms a powerful development system. B 52cm INPUTIOUTPUT MOSTEK Z80 DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM 11 connectors, 25 pin type D, are available for peripheral equipment. For the SDB 80E some of these are already commited as listed here below: Includes: Connector SOB 80 E function 1 Terminal 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 CTC Floppy disc controller (1) Uncommitted. Uncommitted. Paper tape reader Paper tape punch Line printer (2) Uncommitted. PROM programmer-PPG08 Uncommitted. T36cm The front panel has quick release fastners to give free access to the boards. MK 78103 SDB-80 Package A (4k byte RAM) or MK 78104 SDB-80 Package B (16k byte RAM) with 256 byte static RAM DDT 80 Operating System ASMB 80 Resident Assembler and Text Editor and documentation MK 78037 MOSTEK Terminal MK 78039 Development Station Z80 (1) with FLP 80E (3) with RAM 80BE (orRI080E oruse PROM prog. Connector) 604 H 18 cm MOSTEI<. zao MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS Random Access Memory Board(RAM-80E) FEATURES o Memory Capacity • o RAM-80AE - 16,384 (16K) bytes using MK4027 RAM's • RAM-80BE -16,384 (16K) bytes expandable to 65,536 (65K) bytes using MK4116 RAM's • RAM-80BE under page mode operation up to 1 megabyte of memory I/O Capacity (RAM-80BE only) Four 8-bit ports with handshake lines o Memory Access Time - 345ns (maximum) o Memory Cycle Time - 450ns (minimum) GENERAL DESCRIPTION The RAM-80E is designed to provide RAM expansion capability for the Z80 based SDB-80E Microcomputer. For user flexibility, it is offered in two basic configurations designated RAM-80AE and RAM80BE. The RAM-80AE is the basic 16K byte RAM board for users requiring the most economical means for adding RAM to an SDB-80E Microcomputer. It is designed using the high performance MK4027-4, 4096 x 1 bit dynamic RAM, and includes address strapping options for positioning the decoded memory space to start on any 4K incremental address boundary. The RAM-80BE is a combination memory and I/O expansion board. The memory may be configured to have a memory capacity of 16K, 32K, 48K, or 65K bytes of RAM. This on-board memory expandability is made possible by population options of either eight, sixteen, twenty-four or thirty-two MK4116-4 (16,384 x 1 MOS dynamic RAM) memories. The RAM-80BE provides strapping optionsfor positioning the decoded memory space to start on any 16K address boundary. In addition to the add-on memory, the RAM-80BE provides four 8-bit I/O ports from the two on-board MK3881 Z80 PIO circuits. Each I/O port is fully TTL buffered and has two handshake lines per I/O port. The RAM-80BE also includes logic for a "Page Mode Operation" which permits up to 1 megabyte of memory (sixteen 65K x 8 RAM-80B's) to be used in a single SDB-80E system. A complete set of documentation for each RAM-80E board is available to ensure easy utilization. 605 RAM·SOAE FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM MEMORY ARRAY 16K itS RAM-SOBE FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM MEMORY ARRAY ISKItS 32K1I8 8~MK4Ll6$ 16-MK4116s 48K.8 24- MK4116s 65Kl8 32-MK4116s 606 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL SPECI FICATIONS Memory Access Time-345 ns (maximum) Memory Cycle Time-450 ns (minimum) Operating Temperature: O°C to 50°C Power Supply Requirements RAM-80AE Voltage U.S. Version Board Size: 8.5" x 12.0" x 0.65" Bottom Connector: 100 pin, 125 mil centers RAM-80BE Top Parallel Connectors (RAM-80B): 50 pin, 100 mil centers +12V±5% 200 mA typo 200mA typo -12V±5% 575 mA max 25 mA typ 575 mA max 25 mA typ +5V±5% 30 mA max. 370 mA typo 30mA max. 1.1Atyp. Board Size: 250 mm x 233.4 mm x 18 mm 550 mA max. 1.5A max. Connector: Dual 64 pin Eurocard Connector Double Eurocaro Version 607 ORDERING INFORMATION NAME DESCRIPTION PART NO.* RAM-80AE 16,384 byte RAM board with 32-MK4027's. MK78109 RAM-80BE Expandable 16,384 byte RAM board with 8-MK4116's, sockets for additional MK4116's, 2-MK3881 Z80 PIO's, plus page mode capability. RAM-80B Expansion Package. Includes 8-MK4116 RAMs for insertion in the RAM-80B board plus a blank strapping header and documentation. MK78110 Operations Manual Complete description of the electrical specifications, timing, and circuit operation of the RAM-80BE. Also includes a detailed schematic diagram, assembly drawing and parts list. MK78555 Operations Manual Complete description of the electrical specifications, timing, and circuit operation of the RAM-80AE. Also includes a detailed schematic diagram, assembly drawing, and parts list. MK78574 XRAM-80B ·Part numbers are for the Eurocard versions of RAM-80AE and RAM-SOBE. 608 MK78126 MOSTEI(. zao MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS Flexible Disk Drive Controller (FLP-80E) HARDWARE FEATURES D Soft sector format compatible with IBM 3740 data entry system format. D Capable of controlling up to four flexible disk drives per subsystem. D Full disk initialization (Formatting) D Full sector (128 bytes) FIFO buffering for data. D Double buffering for control and status. D Automatic track seek with verification. D Completely interruptable for real time systems. APPLICATIONS o D Flexible disk drive interface for use with MOSTEK's Software Development Board (SDB80) in a disk based Z80 Development System (AID-80F) Single or multiple flexible disk drive controller/ formatter for disk based OEM systems using the OEM-80 Single Board Computer. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The F LP-80E is an add-on flexible disk controller used to interface up to four flexible disk drives to the MOSTEK Software Development Board (SDB-80E). The F LP-80E provides the necessary electronics to accomplish track selection, head loading, data transfer, error detection, flexible drive interface, status reporting and format generation/recognition. The F LP-80E is designed to operate with either Shugart SA-800 Single Sided or SA-850 Double Sided Flexible Disk Drives. In addition to functioning as a addon card to the SDB-80E system, the F LP-80 may be utilized directly in OEM applications tocontroll format up to four flexible disk drives of either single or dual sided type in 8080A or Z80 systems. AVAILABLE SOFTWARE Software for the F LP-80E disk controller is the MOSTEK Disk Operating System (FLP-80DOS). A user can easily design his own OEM software package around 20 powerful disk operating system commands permitting complex record insertion, deletion, and position manipulation. Other software includes application packages such as an advanced monitor and debugger, disk-based Text Editor, Z80 Assembler, Relocating Linking Loader, Peripheral Interchange Program, and a channelized I/O system for each peripheral interface. These programs provide state-of-the-art software for developing Z80 programs as well as establishing a firm basis for OEM products. Further information is provided in the FLP-80DOS Data Sheet MK78556. 609 ELECTR ICAl SPECI FICATIONS MECHANICAL EUROCARD Operating Temperature Range· O°C to 50°C Power Supply Requirements (Typical) +12V ± 5% @ .006A +5V ± 5% @ 1.1 A ·12V ± 5% @ .03A Interface levels· TTL Compatible Board Size:250mm x 233.4mm x 18mm Bottom Connector: Dual 64 pin Eurocard Connector DIN 41612 form D; A and C pinned. FlP·80E BLOCK DIAGRAM 1J:~ ~ H TRAC'Kf~%· A1GAll; T SI R[ADY INREX ... , , } INTERFACE TO FLOPPY DISK DRIVE , CLOCK DRIVE & SIDE ~ SELECT CIRCUITS BuS SWITCH L ---, FIFO & CONTROL - H--+--I CONTROLLER CHIP l PORT E4-E7 1--- INTERRUPT OUTPUT ROY llNPUT PORT E3 ", PORT E3 I y CONTROL LINES 610 E21 I~ 1-_............._ _ _..;..0(';;, 1"-- BUS I t t PORT CIRCUITS BUFFER PORT DECODE LOGIC ... l' ~ ". ..... y INTERRUPT y ADDRESS BUS I r ~~~ ROY TO CPU CONTROL LOGIC .: .. ~-=,,~ STATUS ," t I1-----, .-----=.L, ~ 1.1 OSCILLATOR AI ~ 4\l,~~ DATA SEPARATOR HEAD LOAD DELAY & I I '2V"2V ·5V ~ y DATA BUS SWITCH FLP-80E BOARD ORDERING INFORMATION PART NO. DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION FLP-80E FLP-80E Disk Controller Board with Operations Manual, FLP-80DOS bootstrap, PROMs and diskette with F LP-80DOS Operations Manual. MK78112 F LP-80E Operations Manual Detailed description of use and operation of FLP-80E. MK78561 F LP-80DOS Data Sheet Disk Operating System data sheet. MK78556 F LP-80DOS Operations Manual Detailed description of the use and operation of FLP-80DOS. MK78557 611 612 MOSTEI(@ Z80 MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS .YS-80F Flexible Disk Operating System (FLP-80DOS) INTRODUCTION The MOSTE K F LP-80DOS software package is designed for the MOSTEK dual floppy disk. Z80 Development System (SYS-80F). Further Information on this system can be found in the SYS-80F Data Sheet, MK78575. FLP-80 DOS is a software package that consists of two collections of programs: DSS-80, the Development System Software, and DOPS-80, the Disk Operating Software. FLP-80DOS includes: o o o o o o o o Monitor Debugger Text Editor Z80 Assembler Relocating Linking Loader Peripheral I nterchange Program Linker A Generalized I/O System For Peripherals The Monitor commands are: These programs provide state-of-the-art ~of~ware .for developing Z80 programs as well as establishing a firm basis for OEM products. DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE-DSS-80 Monitor The Monitor provides user interface from the console to the rest of the software. The user can load and run system programs, such as the Assembler, using one simple command. Programs in object and binary format can be loaded into and dumped from RAM. All I/O is done via channels which are identified by Logical Unit Numbers. The Monitor allows any software device handler to be assigned to any Logical Unit Number. Thus, the software provides complete flexibility in configuring the system with different peripherals. The Monitor also allows two character mnemonics to represent 16-bit address values. Using mnemonics simplifies the command language. Certain mnemonics are reserved for I/O device handlers such as 'DK' for the flexible disk handler. The user can create and assign his own mnemonics at any time from the console, thus simplifying the command language for his own use. The Monitor also allows "batch mode operation" from any input device or disk file. $ASSIGN assign a Logical Unit Number to a device. $CLEAR remove the assignment of a Logical Unit Number to a device. $RTABLE- print a list of current Logical Unit Number to device assignments. $DTABLE - print default Logical Unit Number to device assignments. $LOAD load object modules into RAM. $GTABLE - print a listing of global symbol table. $GINIT initialize global symbol table. $DUMP dump RAM to a device in object format. $GET load a binary file into RAM from disk. $SAVE save a binary file on disk. $BEGIN start execution of a loaded program. $INIT initialize disk handler. $DDT enter DDT debug environment. IMPLIED RUN COMMAND - get and start execution of a binary file. Designer's Development Tool - DDT The DDT debugger program is supplied in a com' bination of PROM ahd on the F LP-80DOS diskette. It provides a complete facility for interactively de- 613 II bugging relative and absolute Z80 programs. Standard commands allow displaying and modifying memory and CPU registers, setting breakpoints, and executing programs. Additional commands allow use of the MOSTEK AIM-80 to interactively debug a target system. Mnemonics are used to represent Z80 registers, thus simplifying the command language. The allowed commands are: B C E F H L M P R S W V I nsert a breakpoint in user's program. Copy contents of a block of memory to another location in memory. Execute a program. F ill an area of RAM with a constant. 16-bit hexadecimal arithmetic. Locate and print every occurrence of an 8-bit pattern. Display, update, or tabulate the contents of memory. Display or update the contents of a port. Display the contents of the user's registers. Hardware single step - requires MOSTEK's AIM-80 board. Software single step. Verify memory (compare two blocks and print differences) . Text Editor - EDIT II The F LP-80DOS Editor permits random access editing of ASCII character strings. The Editor works on blocks of characters which are rolled in from disk. It can be used as a line or character oriented editor. I ndividual characters may be located by positon or context. Each edited block is automatically rolled out to disk after editing. Although the Editor is used primarily for creating and modifying Z80 assembly language source statements, it may be applied to any ASCII text delimited by "carriage returns". The Editor has a pseudo-macro command processing option. Up to two sets of commands may be stored and processed at any time during the editing process. The Editor allows the following commands: An - Advance record pointer n records. Bn - Backup record pointer n records. Cn dS1dS2d - Change string S1 to string S2 for n occurrences. Delete the. next n records. On Exchange current records with records to be En inserted. If n = 0, reduce printout to console device Fn (for TTY and slow consoles). Get a file and insert it after the current line. G I nsert records. I Go to line number n. Ln Enter commands into one of two alternate Mn command buffers (pseudo-macro). 614 Pn - Put n records out to another file. Quit - Return to Monitor. Q Sn dS 1d - Search for nth occurrence of string S1. T Insert records at top of file before first record. Vn Output n records to console device. Wn Output n records to Logical Unit Number five (LUN 5) with line numbers. Xn Execute alternate command buffer n. Z80 Assembler - ASM The F LP-80DOS Assembler reads standard Z80 source mnemonics and pseudo-ops and outputs an assembly listing and object code. The assembly listing shows address, machine code, statement number, and source statement. The code is in industry standard hexadecimal format modified for relocatable, linkable assemblies. The Assembler supports conditional assemblies, global symbols, relocatable programs, and a printed symbol table. It can assemble any length program, limited only by a symbol table size of over 400 symbols. Expressions involving arithmetic and logical operations are allowed. Although normally used as a two pass assembler, the Assembler can also be run as a single pass assembler or as a learning tool. The following pseudo-ops are supported: define byte. set label. define message (ASCII). OHM DEFS define storage. define word. DEFW end statement. END end of conditional assembly. ENDIF equate label. EQU GLOBAL - global symbol definition. cond itional assembly. IF INCLUDE- include another file within an assembly. program name definition. NAME program origin. ORG program section definition. PSECT eject a page of listing. EJECT place heading at top of each page of listTITLE ing. turn listing on. LIST turn listing off. NLiST DEFB DEFL Relocating Linking Loader - RLL The MOSTEK F LP-80DOS Relocating Linking Loader provides state-of-the art capubi!:t'y' for loading pro- grams into memory. Loading and linking ·of any number of relocatable or nonrelocatable object modules is done in one pass. A non-relocatable module is always loaded at its starting address as defined by the ORG pseudo-op during assembly. A relocatable object module can be positioned anywhere in memory at an offset address. The Loader automatically links and relocates global symbols which are used to provide communication or linkage between program modules. As object modules are loaded, a table containing global symbol references and definitions is built up. The symbol table can be printed to list all global symbols and their load addresses. The number of object modules which can be loaded by the Loader is limited only by the amount of RAM available for the modules and 'the symbol table. The Loader also loads industry standard non-relocatable, non-linkable object modules. Linker - LINK The Linker provides capability for linking object modules together and creating a binary (RAM image) file on disk. A binary file can be loaded using the Monitor GET or IMPLI ED RUN command. Modules are linked together using global symbols for communication between modules. The linker produces a global symbol table and a global cross reference table which may be listed on any output device. The Linker also provides a library search option for all global symbols undefined after the specified object modules are processed. If a symbol is undefined the Linker searches the disk for an object file having the file-name of the symbol. If the file is found, it is linked with the main module in an attempt to resolve the undefined symbol. Peripheral Interchange Program - PIP The Peripheral I nterchange Program provides complete file maintenance facilities for the system. In addition, it can be used to copy information from any device or file to any other device or file. The command language is easy to use and resembles that used on DEC minicomputers. The following commands are supported: COMMAND APPEND COPY DIRECT ERASE FORMAT INIT RENAME STATUS QUIT FUNCTION Append files. Copy files from any device to another device or file. List directory of specified disk unit. Delete a file. Format a disk. Initialize the disk handler. Rename a file. List number of used and available sectors on specified disk unit. Return to Monitor. The first letter only of each command may be used. DISK OPERATING SOFTWARE - OOPS-SO The disk software, as well as being the heart of the AID-80F development system, can be used directly in OEM applications. The software consists of two programs which provide a complete disk handling facility. Input/Output Control System - IOCS The first package is called the I/O Control System (lOCS). This js a generalized blocker/deblocker which can interface to any device handler. Input and output can be done via the 10CS in any of four modes: 1. single byte transfer. 2. line at a time, where the end of a line is defined by carriage return. 3. multibyte transfers, where the number of bytes to be transferred is defined as the logical record length. 4. continuous transfer to end-of-file, which is used for binary (RAM-image)files. The 10CS provides easy application of I/O oriented packages to any device. There is one entry point, and all parameters are passed via a vector defined by the caLling program. Any given handler defines the physical attributes of its device which are, in turn, used by the 10CS to perform blocking and deblocking. Floppy Disk Handler - FDH The Floppy Disk Handler (FDH) interfaces from the 10CS to a firmware controller for up to 4 floppy disk units. The FDH provides a sophisticated command structure to handle advanced OEM products. The firmware controller interfaces to MOSTEK's F LP-80E Controller Board. The disk format is IBM 3740 soft sectored. The software can be easily adapted to double-sided disks. The Floppy Disk Handler commands include: - erase file - create file - open file - close file - rename file - rewind file - read next n sectors - reread current sector - read previous sector - skip forward n sectors - skip backward n sectors - replace (rewrite) current sector - delete n sectors The FDH has advanced error recovery capability. It supports a bad sector map and an extensive directory which allows multiple users. The file structure is doubly linked to increase data integrity on the disk and a bad file can be recovered from either its start or end. 615 FLP-80DOS FLOW CHART OTHER DEVICE HANDLEj G') :xl ~ s: LD MXG --.- xc I--- RD DAT I ~RD DAT2 DE 1..-----1 PORT DECODE 8 REJI----I BUFFER CTL ADDR I (8) 01 Co) CD ICTL (6) AID-SO ANALOG INPUT SPECIFICATION A/D-80/1791 & 1792 A/D-80/1794 & 1795 A/D-80/1798 & 1799 Number of channels Up to 64 single ended or 32 differential * 4 differential or 12 differential Input Impedance 100 megOhm * 10 megOhm Input Overvoltage ±35V non-destructive ±15V non-destructive 15V DC max. Input Range 0-5V, ±5V, 0-10V, ±10V All jumper selectable 0-10mV, 0-10V, ±10mV, ±10V selectable via a single register 0-10V unipolar, ±10V bipolar Optional programmable gain amplifier gains: Not Available gains: 1, 10, 100,500 Conversion resolution 12 bits Linearity ±Y2LSB Inherent quantizing error ±Y2LSB Stability Tempco ± 25ppm/oC, F.S.R. ± 30ppm/oC Zero - ± 20 microVolt/OC Full Scale - ± 30ppm/oC Throughput 35KHz stand. 100KHz optional 31KHz 20 Hz random 40 Hz sequential Power Requirements +5V @ 2.0 A Max * * Mechanical printed circuit board 8.5" x 12.0" x .65" * * Temperature 0° - 70°C * * Implementation Programmed I/O and Interrupt Functions Selectable via jumper * * Device address 1,2,4,8 ±Y2LSB ±Y2LSB * * Analog Output Specifications Z Output (Intensity) - Resolution Linearity - Z Risetime - Range - Relative Accuracy Full Scale Settling - Temperature Coefficient Z Axis Control - 640 12 Bits ±1/2 LSB ±10V, 0 - 10 V; @ 25 mA minimum current output, all jumper selectable. ±0.025% 0.1 % - 1 microsecond, 0.01 % -3 microsecond into 50ft, coaxial cable terminated with 470 Ohm 25 ppm/oC The Interface contains all the control ci rcu itry of Z axis and scope control mode bits. * * Z Pulse Width - * * * - Same as 1791 ** - Same as 1795 LO (0.8V) to HI (2.4V) TIL compatible into 50 Ohm termination 100 nsec into 50 ft. of terminated COAX Jumper Selectable a. 0.5 microsecond b. 5 microsecond c. external RC 1 microsecond to 0.5 msec AID-SO INTERFACE The Z80-P10 chip and some external logic are utilized to provide the interface fortheA/D-80.ln this manner, the Z80-P10 chip is used to provide all the interrupt circuitry for Z80- Mode 2 operation, i.e., a vectored daisy chain priority interrupt structure. a PROGRAMMING The 1/0 addresses are jumper selectable in groups of addresses anywhere in the 1/0 address space of the Once bits 7 thru 3 are assigned the low order bits 2,1, and 0 have the following assignments. The following is a description of the 1/0 ports used in programming the A/D-aO. Analog 1/0 address assi~nments CONTROL & STATUS REGISTER (CSR) zao. 17161514131211 I 01 I Assigned by jumper selection £.Ul o0 0 o0 1 o1 0 o1 1 AID - PIO CHIP PORT A CSR IN - PIO CHIP PORT B CSR OUT - PIO CHIP PORT A CONTROL - PIO CHIP PORT B CONTROL 1 00 - DAT 1 1/0 (AID INPUT DATA DIA OUTPUT DATA) 1 0 1 - DAT 2 1/0 (AID INPUT DATA DIA OUTPUT DATA) 1 1 0 - MXG (MUX - GAIN REGISTER) 1 1 1 - Not used *CSR =Control and Status Register Lt 16 1514 I 3I 2i IlQ>I AID Start --.-l i 1 done Z done ERROR------' L EN INC MODE EN EXT TRIG Port A and Port B of the PIO chip are utilized to implement the CSR function. Port A of the PIO chip in Mode 3 operation is utilized for the input ofthe CSR and Port B of the PIO chip in Mode 0 is utilized for the output function to the CSR. The control and status register provides all the control of the interface as follows: BIT NAME DESCRIPTION 7 AID Done Set by AID data ready, reset by read AID Data Byte 2. This bit is READ only, and is reset by initialization. 6 Z Done Set by the trailing edge of the Z output pulse, reset by program control. 5 ERROR This bit is used when external triggers are utilized to start the AID conversion. It will be set with the following conditions, if EXT start is received. 1. 2. 3. During MUX settling time During AID conversion Before AID DATA has been READ. The bit can be reset by program control and is reset by initialize. 4-3 UNUSED 2 EN EXT TRIG When set, this bit will enable the user of the external trigger inputs to start AID conversions. Reset by initialize, controlled via program. EN INC MD When set via program control this bit allows the AID multiplex to run in increment mode as follows: 1. 2. o AID START When AID start is set (Bit 0 CSR) the AID will increment to the next sequential channel and start a conversion on that channel. If external trigger enable is set, when any external trigger is received the channe'l will be incremented and a conversion started on that channel. Reset by program control and initialize. When set by program control this bit will start the AID converter. It isWRITE only, and always reads as O. 641 AID PART NUMBERS, OPTIONS, &. PRICES ORDER INFORMATION PART NO. OPTIONS DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION 78155 ABCD A/D-80/1791 High level analog 1/0 board 78166 ABCD A/D-80/1 792 High level analog aboard 78167 AXXD AlD-80/1794 78168 AXXD A/D-80/1795 78169 XXXX DI A-80/1796 Low level, non isolated analog input board Low level, non-isolated analog 1/0 board Analog output board 78170 *A BCD A/D-80/1798 Wide range, isolated analog board 78171 *A BCD A/D-80/1799 Wide range, isolated analog 1/0 board 'Available with 4 or 12 dlfferentlalmput only EXPLANATION A 16 64 "4 8 "12 32 = 16 single ended inputs = 64 single ended inputs EXPLANATION C---i[ o = No current loop input D-----I[ o = Standard 35KHz throughput 1 = Current loop input = 4 differential inputs = 8 differential inputs = 12 differential inputs ~ 32 differential inputs 1 = Optional 100KHZ throughput "Available on 78170 and 78171 only X------ B-------i[ o = No programmable 1 = programmable gain = Not available option "'Supplied in differential configuration only SAMPLE ABC MK78166 - 32 1 ,.. 642 D T MOSTEI(. MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS Video Adaptor Board (VAB-2) FEATURES o Complete video interface system on one board o Single supply (+5VDC or 12.6VAC) operation o On board rectifier and regulator for 12.6VAC operation o 16 lines of 64 characters o Full ASCII character set - 128 symbols including upper/lower case letters D . Full cursor controls: t , ......... home, screen clear, carriage return, erase to end of line/screen; plus direct X-V addressing SPEcr FICATIONS Operating Temperature O°C - 50° C o 8 bit ASCII or 5 bit Baudot operation DESCRIPTION The VAB-2 is a single board video terminal based on the MOSTEK MK3870 single chip microcomputer. It functions as an interface between a 20m A full duplex serial data loop, an ASCII encoded keyboard, and an EIA standard video monitor. The only other external component required is a 12.6 volt transformer. . The P.C. board 'form factor' facilitates installation within most standard keyboard housings. Alternatively, the 2 inch power supply section may be cut off the P.C. board allowing the board to be inserted into a standard 12" card rack (such as Mostek's XAID-100 MK79034) for system use. Power Supply Requirements 5VDC±5% @0.75A max. or 8 - 14 VAC rms@ 0.75A rms max. Board size (with power supply) 14" x 6.5" xl" (without power supply) 12" x 6.5" xl" Video output 1.5Vp-p into 75!1(EIA RS-170) Current loop input/output 20mA nominal optoisolated 240V max loop to ground Keyboard inputs - standard TTL compatible CUSTOMER SUPPLIED EQUIPMENT Keyboard - Cherry B70-4753 or equivalent Monitor - SC Electronics, Inc. 10M915 or equivalent Transformer - Stancor P8384 or equivalent 643 MICROCOMPUTER BASED See also Figure 1 - ASCII character set, and Table 1 ASCII control characters. ' The heart of the VAB-2 is the MK3870 single chip microcomputer. The MK3870 provides the following functions: BAUDOT OPERATION In ASCII mode, the VAB-2 receives and transmits an 8 bit code (parity bit = 0 on transmit, ignored on receive). Two stop bits are transmitted by the V AB-2, but only one stop bit is required by the VAB-2 receiver. The VAB-2 works equally well with external systems transmitting one, two, or more stop bits. Available Baud rates for ASCII are 300 and 110, In Baudot mode, the VAB-2 receives and transmits a 5 bit code (compatible with Model 15, Model 28, orsimilarTeletypes™). Two stop bits are transmitted, but only one stop bit is required by the VAB-2 receiver. The V AB-2 works equally well with external systems transmitting one, 1.5, or more stop bits. Available Baud rates for Baudot are 74.2 and 45.45. In Baudot mode, the only control codes available are carriage return and line feed. The Baudot" Letters" and "Figures" shift characters are generated automatically as required. Keys on the ASCII keyboard which generate codes having no equivalent Baudot code are ignored. ASCII code "Rubout" (7F16 or 1778) generates a "Letters" shift to facilitate synchronization of the distant end receiver. ASCII CHARACTER SET BAUDOT CHARACTER SET Serial data link interface Control character decoding Cursor positioning Keyboard interface ASCII OPERATION a~'Yofe(AJ1V7r'2;rf>ljJwn012302-7""Vfl- H !"#$%&'()*+,-;I0123456789:;<=>? ABCDE FG H IJ K LM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ vw XYZ[\] A -7: * 3$().,9014!57;2/6" @ ABCDEFG H IJKLM NOPQR STU 'abcdefgh ijklm nopqrstuvwxyZ\: Figure 1 f Figure 2 FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM ::~~IC:AUDOT ~-------)o-J BAUD RATE SELECT n~~ENT LOOP {= ..... - :- LEVEL SHIFT VERTICAL CURSOR + MK3870 14001 HORIZONTAL r-'"_"_O'_--;_"'iCOMPARATORI ___+--I ""c { FLC Figure 3 644 LINE CLEAR '" VIDEO OUTPut OCTAL HEX CNTL 004 04 0 HOM Home - moves cursor to upper left corner of screen 005 05 E EOL Erase end of line - erases current line from right margin to current cursor position (1600mS max) 006 06 1 F EOS Erase end of screen - erases lines from bottom of screen to, but not including, current line (400mS max) 010 08 H BS Back space - move cursor left one column unless already in left most column 011 09 HT Horizontal tab - moves cursor right one column unless already in right most column 012 OA J LF Line feed - moves cursor down one line, scrolls screen up if already on bottom line 013 OB K VT Vertical tab - moves cursor up one line, scrolls screen down if already on top line 014 OC L FF Form feed - clears screen and homes cursor (400mS) FUNCTION 015 00 M CR Carriage return - moves cursor to left margin 020 10 P OS Down shift sequence - causes character following OS to be interpreted as printable rather than control. Required for lower 32 symbols (Greek and math), but may be used with any characters. 021 11 Q DC1 Device control - sets AUX bit 023 13 S 033 1B DC3 Device control - clears AUX bit ESC Start cursor sequence ESC + I', V I', H adds I', V modulo 16 to vertical cursor address I',H modulo 64 to horizontal cursor address ESC = I', V I',H sets vertical cursor address to I', V modulo 16 horizontal cursor address to I',H modulo 64 177 7F DEL Delete - moves cursor left one column, unless cursor was already on leftmost column; erases new position TABLE 1. - ASCII CONTROL CHARACTERS II CHARACTER GENERATOR AUXI LLARY BIT OUTPUT The VAB-2 is shipped with an M K34073 (2K x 8) character generator ROM, providing 128 displayable characters (see Figure 1 - ASCII character set). For custom applications, the MK34073 ROM may be removed and an MK2708 type PROM (1 K x 8) installed, programmed with the user's custom font (external +12V and -5V or -12V supplies required for some PROMs). Alternatively, for high volume applications, a new ROM mask may be ordered. The MK34000 series can provide two complete 128 character sets per ROM. Provision is made for wiring the AUX bit to the ROM for program-selectable character font. A special output (AUX) is provided for custom control applications. AUX is capable of driving one TTL load, and is brought out to the P.C. edge connector. AUX is cleared upon power up and each time a DC3 character is recieved. AUX is set upon receipt of a DC 1 character. KEYBOARD The VAB-2 interfaces directly with standard ASCII encoded keyboards. Although normally used with active high data and strobe keyboards, provision is made for active low keyboards. 645 CUSTOMER SELECTABLE OPTIONS D ORDER INFORMATION 50/60 Hz (Strap option) NAME DESCRIPTION PART NO. PRICE D 110/300 Baud ASCII (strap option) Detailed description of the use and operation of VAB-2 $ 74.2/45.45 Baud Baudot (strap option) VAB-2 Operations Manual MK79560 D D MK34000 series ROM or MK2708 type PROM character generator (strap and population option; MK34073 standard) VAB-2 Source Listing Source Listing of the 3870 Firmware used in VAB-2 MK79561 $ 15.00 D 5VDC or 12VAC operation (strap and population option; 12 VAC standard) $ 50.00 Serial loop connector - 16 pin DIP socket or 26 pin edge connector Pre-programmed 3870 used with VAB-2 plus the Operations Manual and Source Listing described above MK79056 D MK3870/ 14001 Firmware Package D Active high or active low keyboard input (population option; active high standard) VAB-2 MK79052 $195.00 D Custom features and/or character generator for high volume OEM applications (one-time mask charge applicable) Assembled and tested VAB-2 Circuit Board plus the Operations Manual and Program Source Listing 646 . 1.50 Prices are subject to change without notice and apply only to u.s. and Canada. 1979 MICROCOMPUTER DATA BOOK Military/ Hi-Rei 647 648 MOSTEI(@ REFERENCE GUIDE Military Products INTRODUCTION MKB 4027 The Defense and Aerospace industries are more concerned than ever today about the price and performance of the integrated circuits they purchase. The traditional military IC manufacturers have met the stringent reliability requirements of the military at the cost of being several years behind the state of the art in commercial products. Mostek, which has long been known for being at the leading edge in MaS technology, has a separate Military Products Department serving the special needs of the Defense and Aerospace industries. This organization has the primary objective of providing Mostek's state of the art products screened to MIL. STD.·883, Methods 5004.4 and 5005.5. As MILM -38510 slash sheets are issued, the Mil ita ry Products Department will qualify Mostek's products in the JAN 38510 program. Mostek's industry standard 4K x 1 Dynamic RAM is available for military applications as the MKB 4027. Two versions are available, the standard 16 pin Cer-DIP ("J") and Mostek's 16 pin flat pack ("F"). Both are screened to MIL STD. 883B. Because the pinout is Mostek's standard, easy upgrading to the MKB 4116 is possible, allowing the corresponding increase in system densities. Supplementary data sheets for the MK4027J 83/84 are available. Mostek is currently pursuing the qualification of the industry standard 16K dynamic RAM, MK4116. This effort will result in the QPL listing of the most advanced MaS device to date. This brochure describes each of the products Mostek currently offers to MIL. STD. 883B, Method 5004.4, Class B. They are prefixed "MKB" rather than ··MK" to designate Class B. Class C and extended temperature devices are available via special order. Temp. Range Device MKB MKB MKB MKB MKB MKB 4027J83 4027J84 4027J2 4027J3 4027J4 4027F84 -55° to 85°e -55° to 85°e 0° to 70 0 e 0° to 70 0 e 0° to 70 0 e -55° to 85°e Access Time 200ns 250ns 150ns 200ns 250ns 250ns Notes 16 Pin Flat MKB 4104 Mostek's popular 4K x 1 static RAM, the MK 41 04, has earned its stripes as a full temperature range military device. Featuring Mostek's Edge-Activated™ technology, the MKB 4104 offers a rare combination of low power and high speed among static MaS 4K RAMs. PRODUCT OFFERINGS MKB4116 The industry standard 16K x 1 Dynamic RAM, Mostek's MK 4116, is available for military requirements as the MKB 4116. Screened to full 883B, Method 5004.4, Class B requirements, Mostek offers the MKB 4116 in three packages; the 16 pin CERDIP ("J"), the 16 pin flat package ("F"), and the lead less chip carrier ("E"). Mostek has received DESC Line Certification for the 4116. A supplementary data sheet (MKB4116-(P 1 J)82/83/84) is available. Temp. Access Device Range Time Notes MKB 4116J93 _55° to 85°e 200ns 1ms refresh MKB 4116J83 -55° to 85°e 200ns MKB 4116J84 _55° to 85°e 250ns MKB 4116J2 0° to 70 0 e 150ns MKB 4116J3 0° to 70 0 e 200ns 0 MKB 4116J4 0° to 70 e 250ns MKB 4116F84 -55° to 85°e 250ns 16 Pin Flat MKB 4116E84 -55° to 85°e 250ns Leadless chip carrier Reliability is greatly enhanced by the low power dissipation which causes a maximum junction rise of only 6.6°C at 1.6 MHz operation. The device is packaged in a standard 18 pin CERDIP, and is screened 100% to the requirements of MIL. STD. 883B, Method 5004.4, Class B. A supplementary data sheet, the MK4104P85/86, is available on request. Temp. Range Device MKB MKB MKB MKB MKB 4104J85 4104J86 4104J4 4104J5 4104J6 -55° to 125°e -55° to 125°e 0° to 70 0 e 0° to 70 0 e 0° to 70 0 e Access Time Notes 300ns 350ns 250ns 300ns 350ns Military ROMs The state of the art in ROMs is available from Mostek, with military processing. The MKB 34000 2K x 8 ROM, and the MKB 36000 8K x 8 ROM are available with the full military temperature range and full 883B processing. Both are packaged in 649 standard 24 pin DIPs which are 270812716 compatible, and receive rapid prototype turnaround from Mostek's ROM services group. BecauSe the user can select from three temperature ranges, the cost of Mostek's military mask programmable ROMs can be substantially less than E PROMs. Supplementary data sheets are available for the extended temperature versions. Device MKB 36000P84 MKB 36000P80 MKB 36000P MKB 34000P84 MKB 34000P80 MKB 34000P Temp. Range -55° to 125°e -1.UJ0 to 85°e (jO to 70 0e -55° to 125°e -40° to 85°e 0° to 70 0e Access Time Notes 300ns 300ns 250ns 450ns 450ns 350ns NEW PRODUCT STATUS Temp. Range Device MKB MKB MKB MKB MKB MKB MKB MKB 3881P10 3881P14 3881P20 3882P10 3882P14 3882P20 2716T 4118P -40° _40° -55° -40° _40° -55° TBA TBA to to to to to to 85°e 85°e 125°e 85°e 85°e 125°e Speed 2.5MHz 4.0MHz 2.5MHz 2.5MHz 4.0MHz 2.5MHz TBA TBA Sample Availability 2079 TBA TBA 2079 TBA TBA 3079 3079 TBA = to be announced Mostek."MKB" FLOW CHART Mil. Std. 883B, Method 5004, Class B MKB 3880 Leading Mostek's microprocessor batallion is the MKB 3880, the Z80 CPU which is fully software compatible with the popular 8080A. Thus, without the significant investment in software often required, the user can now design in the most advanced 8 bit microcomputer system on the market, while meeting stringent military requirements. Mostek is firmly committed to supporting the Z80 family of peripheral chips with 883B screening, and will pursue JAN qualification of the Z80 should a slash sheet be issued. Device MKB MKB MKB MKB MKB 3880P20 3880P14 3880P10 3880P4 3880P Temp. Range -55° to 125°e -40° to 85°e _40° to 85°e 0° to 70 0 e 0° to 70 0 e Frequency Max Icc 2.5MHz 4.0MHz 2.5MHz 4.0MHz 2.5MHz 200mA 200mA 200mA 200mA 150mA SCRIBE LID BREAK LID SEAL SORT DIE INSPECT IMILITARY} MIL·STD. 833 M2010 CONDITION B MKB 3870 The 3870 is now the green beret of military microprocessors, performing on one chip what formerly required three. The 3870 is software compatible with Mostek·s popular F8 family, and is supported by a full line of development systems. Furthermore, Mostek's ISE concept (In Socket Expandability) ensures that 3870 users will not be outflanked by future advances: the 3872, 3874, and 3876 all will use the 3870 pinout. Mostek will pursue JAN qualification of the 3870 when a slash sheet is issued, and is actively pursuing design modifications to expand the temperature range of the 3870. Device MKB 3870P10 MKB 3870P 650 Temp. Range _40° to 85°e 0° to 70 0 e Speed 4MHz 4MHz Notes DIE MOUNT SHEAR WIRE BOND PRE·SEAL INSPECT MILITARY MIL·STD 883 M2010 CONDITION B ORIENT AND TUBE Mostek "MKB" FLOW CHART Mostek "MKB" FlOW CHART Mil. Std. 883B. Method 5004. Class B Mil. Std. 883B. Method 5004. Class B SYMBOLIZE B A 4027 4116 36000 34000 4104 ~------ITA=MAX RATED TEMP ELECTRICAL TEST METHOD 5005 MIN. 25°C. & MAX TEMP EXTERNAL VISUAL AUTO LEAD STRAIGHTEN / - - - - - - - i T A =MAX RATED TEMP PRODUCTION CONTROL (At Customer's Option) See Quality Conformance Table I - - - - - - - - - { T A = MIN RATED TEMP PRE·PACK *Note 1: Fine leak sample; LTPD=5, 55=77, Accept = 1, Reject'" 2. If lot fails, submit for 100% screen. **Note 2: Gross leak sample; lTPD = 5, 5S = 77. Accept = 1, Reject = 2. If lot fails submit for 100% screen. 651 MOSTEK MILITARY DEVICE ORDERING INFORMATION-GENERAL ELECTRICAL SORT SYSTEMS Microprocessors All Devices - Part Numbering The part number consists of: -Prefix-Basic Part NumberPrefix - 0 - 4 -Electrical Sort- - MKB designates processing to MIL-STD-S83B, Method 5004, Class B, with 100% screening at the minimum, room, and maximum rated temperatures. -10 -14 -20 - X -8X -9X Electrical Sort ROMs 652 0° - 70 e -40° to 85°e -40° to 85°e -55° to 125°e 0 3870 3880 4.0MHz N/A 4.0MHz N/A N/A 2.5MHz 4.0MHz 2.5MHz 4.0MHz 2.5MHz RAMs & EPROMs Basic Part Number - Is the same as for the generic device. - Specifies the temperature range, and in some cases other electrical characteristics. Temp. 0° - 70 0 e - 0 -SO -S4 0° to 70°C. Commercial Speed as Specified per "X" Min to Max rated temperature, speed per "X" Special attributes as defined 0° to 70°C -40° to +85°C -55° to +125°C MOSTEI(. zao CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT Extended Operating Range M KB3880(P)-20/34/14 FEATURES D Single 5-Volt supply and single-phase clock required D Screened per MIL-STD 883, Method 5004 Class B D Z80 CPU and Z80 A CPU D Extended operating ranges: D Software compatible with 8080A CPU • -55° to +125°C (-20) • -55° to +l00°C (-34) • -400 to +85°C (-14) D Complete development and OEM system product support DESCRIPTION The Mostek Z80 family of components is a significant advancement in the state-of-art of microcomputers. These components can be configured with any type of standard semiconductor memory to generate computer systems with an extremely )/Vide range of capabilities. For example, as few as two LSI circuits and three standard TTL MSI packages can be combinedto form a simple controller. With additional memory and 1/0 devices, a computer can be constructed with capabilities that only a minicomputer could deliver previously. This wide range of computational power allows standard modules to be constructed by a user that can satisfy the requirements of an extremely wide range of applications. The CPU is the heart of the system. Its function is to obtain instructions from the memory and perform the desired operations. The memory is used to contain instructions and, in most cases, data that is to be processed. For example, a typical instruction sequence may be to read data from a specific peripheral device, store it in a location in memory, check the parity, and write it out to another peripheral device. Note that the Mostek component set includes the CPU and various general purpose 1/0 device controllers, as well as a wide range of memory devices. Thus, all required components can be connected together in a very simple manner with virtually no other external logic. The user's effort then becomes primarily one of the software development. That is, the user can concentrate on describing his problem and translating it into a series of instructions that can be loaded into the microcomputer memory. Mostek is dedicated to making this step of software generation as simple as possible. A good ZBO-CPU BLOCK DIAGRAM ZBO PIN CONFIGURATION r MREQ ~RQ SYSTEM CONTROL 30 " 20 '3 . RD lWR " RFSH INST I/'~="'. ~-~'­ REG 13 CPU AND r INSTRUCTION CPU DECODE CONTROL • RESET CPU CONTROL CONTROL SIGNALS CPU 'us CONT AD L ri i +5V GNO 'I> {BDSRO ADDRESS 'us A10 Z80 CPU ~ NM' CPU CONTROL SYSTEM "A, wAiT AlU .," " '.'s MKB3880-20 MKB3880-34 MKB3880-14 A" A" A" AU A15 BDSAK '5V GN' DO D, D, D, D. 's D, D, }-" 'us 653 example of this is our assembly language in which a simple mnemonic is used to represent every instruction that the CPU can perform. This language is selfdocumenting in such a way that from the mnemonic the user can understand exactly what the instruction is doing without constantly checking back to a complex cross listing. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Temperature Under Bias ....................................................... , Specified Operating Range Storage Temperature .................................................................... -65°C to +150°C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground .................................................. -0.3V to + 7V Power Dissipation .................................................................................. 1 .5W "'Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliabilit'l. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS MKB3880(P)-20 TA = -55°C to 125°C MKB3880(P)-34 TA = -55°C to 100°C MKB3880(P)-14 TA = -40°C to 85°C Vee = 5V ± 5% unless otherwise specified Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Test Condition VILe Clock Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.8 V VIHe Clock Input High Voltage Vee-.6 Vcc +.3 V V1L Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.8 V VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 Vee V VOL Output Low Voltage 0.4 V IOL = 1.8mA VOH Output High Voltage V IOH = -250 microA Ice Power Supply Current 200 mA ILl Input Leakage Current 10 microA VIN = 0 to Vee ILOH Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float 10 microA VOUT = 2.4 to Vee Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float -10 microA VOUT = O.4V Data Bus Leakage Current In Input Mode ±10 microA 0< VIN < Vee ILoL ILD 654 2.4 CAPACITANCE TA = 25°C. f = 1MHz Symbol Parameter Max Unit Test Conditions C4> Clock Capacitance 35 pF Unmeasured Pins CrN Input Capacitance 5 pF Returned to Ground COUT Output Capacitance 10 pF 40 PIN CERAMIC PACKAGE DESCRIPTION I· 2.000 ~ =lrt=- 020---------1·1 080 Ilr-~ 1 r=====~1~I============im O::xR~b:::2'~======~~~~~~~~~~;:::;::~~~;;dTT T '''"'OUZAT'ON " " '0' 05TYP1 . 1-I :.008 I I. --i r· I ~ IDENTIFICATION OF PIN 1 025 TYP ~ 04TYP f 1 :t0~1I 4 .010 ~ I I -.-025 4.080 I~ t t .I j ;m, .12 t f ! .25 --ll-- .018 002 TYP .11.1 1 0 · - - - - - - - 1 9 EQUAL SPACES 100= 1 . 9 0 0 1 - - - - - - - - - · 1o---------2000~F.-----------~ SUPPLEMENTAL DATA SHEET TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH MK3880 DATA SHEET 655 656 MOSTEI(. zao PARALLEL 1/0 CONTROLLER Extended Operating Range MKB3881 (P)-20/14 o Daisy chain priority interrupt logic included to provide for automatic interrupt vectoring without external logic FEATURES o Z80 PIO and Z80 A PIO o Two independent, 8-bit, bidirectional, peripheral interface ports with "handshake" data transfer control o Eight outputs are capable of driving Darlington transistors o All inputs and outputs fully TTL compatible o Interrupt driven "handshake" for fast response o Single 5 volt supply and single phase clock required o Anyone of four distinct modes of operation may be selected for a port including: • Byte output • Byte input • Byte bidirectional bus (Available on Port A only) • Bit control mode • All with interrupt controlled handshake o Screened per MIL.STD 883, method 5004, Class B. o Extended operating ranges: • -55° to +125°C (-20) • -40° to +85°C (-14) DESCRIPTION The Z80 Parallel I/O Circuit is a programmable, twoport device which provides a TTL compatible interface between peripheral devices and the Z80-CPU. The CPU can configure the Z80-P10 to interface with a wide range of peripheral devices with no other external logic PIO BLOCK DIAGRAM required. Typical peripheral devices that are fully compatible with the Z80-P10 include most keyboards, paper tape readers and punches, printers, PROM programmers, etc. The Z80-P10 utilizes N-channel, silicon gate depletion load technology and is packaged in a 40 pin DIP. PIO PIN CONFIGURATION DATA CPU { ~T1 ,us A, PORT A , 0 D, PEfllPMEflAL INTERFACE PIQ CO~JTROL { 'o"."m~ 6 CONTROVDATA __ . ~ SEL , -CHIPENA8lE 'As'TB Ml 37 '0 IORO _ 36 J!i " " '0 " '"'s PORTa , 0 " " 657 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Temperature Under Bias ........................................................ Specified operating range. Storage Temperature .................•.....................•............................. 65°C to +150°C Voltage On Any Pin With Respect to Ground .........•.•....•........................................................ 0.3V to + 7.0V Power Dissipation ..............................................•....•................................6W "Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Rating" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS MKB3881(P)-20 - TA = -55° to 125°C MKB3881(P)-14 - TA = -40° to 85°C Vee = 5V ± 5% unless otherwise specified Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Test Condition VILe Clock Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.45 V V lHe Clock Input High Voltage Vee -.6 Vee+.3 V VIL Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.8 V V IH Input High voltage 2.0 Vee V VOL Output Low Voltage 0.4 V 10L = 2.0mA VOH Output High Voltage V 10H = -250 microA Ice Power Supply Current 150 mA ILl Input Leakage Current 10 microA VIN = 0 to Vee IWH Tri-State Output Leakage Current In Float 10 microA VOUT = 2.4 to Vee Tri-State Output Leakage Current In Float -10 microA VOUT = 0.4V Data Bus Leakage Current In Input Mode ±10 microA 0< VIN mA VOH = 1.5V Port B Only ILoL Iw 10HD 658 Darlinton Drive Current 2.4 -1.5 < Vee CAPACITANCE TA = 25°C. f = 1MHz Symbol Parameter Max Unit Test Conditions C Clock Capacitance 10 pF Unmeasured Pins C,~ Input Capacitance 5 pF Returned to Ground COUT Output Capacitance 10 pF 40 PIN CERAMIC PACKAGE DESCRIPTION ""SYMBOLIZATION AREA FOR IDENTfFICATION Of PIN ONE f-I I 05TYP-! . 008 .008 I I. ---1 r 080 =m=~:~ ==m ] ==1=1=1=1 3 OM: : / : , r- ~ 2000 , 0 2 0 - - - - - - - - - - . o f " 1 ~--rI .,00.00 '0 I .0015 025 TYP I 04TYP II I --r 1 I ~ .080 It 025 t f t 010 f 25 • ! .12 .1.1 -1r-018 002 TYP 1-..- - - - - 1 9 EQUAL SPACES IOQ~1900-------~.. 1 - - - - - - - - - - ZOOQREF. - - - - - - - - - - - - SUPPLEMENTAL DATA SHEET TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH MK3881 DATA SHEET 659 660 MOSTEI(. zao COUNTER TIMING CIRCUIT Extended Operating Ra nge MKB3882(P)-20/14 FEATURES D ZSO CTC D Three channels have Zero Count/Timeout outputs capable of driving Darlington transistors & ZSOA CTC D Interrupts may be programmed to occur on the zero D All inputs and outputs fully TTL compatible D Each channel may be selected to operate in either Counter Mode or Timer Mode D Used in either mode, a CPU-readable Down Counter indicates number of counts-to-go until zero. D Selectable positive or negative trigger initiates time operation in Timer Mode. The same input is monitored for event counts in Counter Mode DESCRIPTION count condition in any channel D Daisy chain, priority interrupt logic included to provide for automatic interrupt vectoring without external logic D Screened per MIL.STD SS3, Method 5004, CLASS B D Extended Operating Range: • -55° to +125°C (-20) • -40° to + S5°C(-14) ZSO-CTC PIN CONFIGURATION The ZSO-Counter Timer Circuit (CTC) is a programmable component with four independent channels that provide counting and timing functions for microcomputer systems based on the ZSO-CPU. The CPU can configure the CTC channels to operate under various modes and conditions as required to interface with a wide range of devices. In most applications, little or no external logic is required. The ZaO-CTC utilizes Nchannel silicon gate depletion load technology and is packaged in a 2S-pin DIP. The ZSO-CTC requires only a single 5-Volt supply and a one-phase, 5-Volt supply and a one-phase, 5-volt clock. CPU DATA BUS ZefTD, D. 05 06 ClK/TRG2 07 CSo CHANNEL SIGNALS ZeIT02 MKB3882 ZBO·CTC CS, CTC BLOCK DIAGRAM CTC CONTROL MKB3BB2·4 Z80A·CTC ." j j j ZE RO COUNT fTlMEOVT 0 +5V GND TNT INTERRUPT CONTROL { INT ENABLE IN INT ~NABlE OUT CONTROL LINES 661 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Temperature Under Bias ........................................................ Specified Operating Range Storage Temperature .................................................................... -65°C to +150°C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground ...•.............................................. -0.3V to + 7V Power Dissipation .................................................................................. O.SW "Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Rating" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device rellabitity. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS MKB3882(P)-20 = -55°C to 125°C MKB3882(P)-14 = -40°C to 85°C Vee = 5V ± 5% unless otherwise specified Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Test Condition VILe Clock Input Low Voltage -0.3 .45 V Ville Clock Input High Voltage Vee-.6 Vec+.3 V VII. Input Low Voltage -0.3 O.S V VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 Vee V VOL Output Low Voltage 0.4 V 10L = 2.0mA VOH Output High Voltage V 10H = -250 microA Ice Power Supply Current 200 mA Te = 400nsec** ILl Input Leakage Current 10 microA VIN = 0 to Vee ILOH Tri-State Output Leakage Current In Float 10 microA VOUT = 2.4 to Vee Tri-State Output Leakage Current In Float -10 microA VOUT = O.4V mA VOH = 1.5V ILOL 10HD UT, 662 Darlington Drive Current = 250 nsee for MKB3882·14 2.4 -1.5 CAPACITANCE T A = 25°C, f = 1 MHz Symbol Parameter Max Unit Test Condition C Clock Capacitance 20 pF Unmeasured Pins CIN Input Capacitance 5 pF Returned to Ground COUI Output Capacitance 10 pF 28 PIN PACKAGE DESCRIPTION I ---f~OO ~ Ot!l 0 111 ~~~TT SYMBOLIZATION AREA 5~~II~ifNTI FICATION o' TVP 1I r - - ' 3 E O 5PC,S '00'1.500 040TYP --t r 1 ~~~ 010 SUPPLEMENTAL DATA SHEET TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH MK3882 TECHNICAL MANUAL 663 66.4 MOSTEI<~ MILITARYIHI-REL DEVICES Quality Specification 1.0 PURPOSE - To provide a general quality specification for Military/Hi-Rei to be used with the applicable detail specification to ensure a higher than commercial level of device screening, product assurance and quality control. 2.0 SCOPE2.1 Statement of Scope. This specification establishes the GENERAL requirements for Military/Hi-Rei monolithic MOS/LSI microcircuits supplied by MOSTEK. This document is applicable only to devices with MKB, MKM, or MKX product designator prefixes. 2.2 Product Assurance Levels. This specification provides for three (3) levels of product assurance and screening as outlined below and in 3.4 and 3.4.1. 2.2.1. MKB MOSTEK product designator for a device processed to MI L-STD-883, Method 5004, Class B. 2.2.2. MKM MOSTEK product designator for a device processed to MI L-STD-883, Method 5004, Class B, except as modified in 3.4 and 3.4.1 (basic difference from MKB is single pass correlated hi-temp testing with guard band to guarantee 25° C and low temp). 2.2.3. MKX MOSTEK product designator for a custom military device purpose built to a customer P.O. that has some degree of military processing. See 3.4 and 3.4.1. 2.3. Applicable Documents. The following documents of issue in effect on the date of release of the MOSTEK Sales Order form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. A. M I L-M-3851 0 Microcircu its General Specification For B. MI L-STD-883 Test Methods and Procedures for Microelectronics. C. MI L-STD-1313 Microelectronics Terms and Definitions D. MIL-C-45662 Calibration System Requirements E. MOSTEK Sales Order F. CUSTOMER Purchase Order G. Detail Specification of Applicable Device Type (Military Data Sheet) 2.3.1. Document Hierarchy. In the event of any conflict between this document and the referred documents, the following order of precedence shall apply: A. MOSTEK Sales Order B. Customer Purchase Order C. This document D. Detail Specification (Military Data Sheet) E. Referenced documents 3.0 GENERAL 3.1. General. MOSTEK, in compliance with this specification, shall have and use production and test facilities and a quality and reliability assurance program adequate to assure successful compliance with the provisions of this specification and the detail specification. The individual item requirements shall be as specified herein, and in the detail specification or drawing. 665 3.1.1. Reference to Detail Specification. For pu rposes of this specification, when the term "as specified" is used without additional reference to a specific location or document, the intended reference shall be to the detail specification or drawing number which constitutes the applicable individual device specification. 3.1.2. Terms, Definitions, and Symbols. For the purpose of this specification, the terms, definitions, and symbols of MIL-STD-883, MIL-STD-1313, and MIL-STD-1331 and those contained herein shall apply and shall be used in the appl icable detail specification wherever they are pertinent. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Production Lot. A production lot shall consist of devices manufactured on the same production line(s) by means of the same production technique, materials, controls and design. Where a production lot identification is terminated upon completion of wafer or substrate processing, or at any later point prior to device dealing, it shall be permissible to process more than a single device type in a single production lot provided traceability is maintained by assembling devices into inspection lots as defined herein, at the point where production lot identification is terminated. Inspection Lot. A quantity of microcircuits submitted at one time for inspection to determine compliance with the requirements and acceptance criteria of the applicable device specification. Each inspection lot shall consist of microcircuits of a single type, in a single package type, outline and lead finish, or may consist of inspection sublots of several different types, in a single package type, outline and lead finish defined by a single detail specification. Each inspection lot shall be manufactured on the same production line(s) through final seal by the same production techniques, and to the same device design rules and case with the same material requirements, and sealed within the same period not exceeding six weeks. Inspection Sublot - An inspection sublot shall consist of microcircuits off a single type in a single package type, outline and lead finish, contained on a single detail specification, manufactured on the same production line(s) through final seal by the same production techniques, and to the same device design rules and package with the same material requirements, and sealed within the same period not exceeding six weeks. Microcircuit Group - Microcircuits which are designed to perform the same type of basic circuit function, which are designed for the same supply, bias and signal voltages and for input/output compatibility and which are fabricated by use of the same basic die construction and metallization; the same die-attach method; and by use of bonding interconnects of the same size, material and attachment method. Percent Defective Allowable (PDA). Percent defective allowable is the maximum observed percent defective which will permit the lot to be accepted after the specified 100 percent test. Delta ( /',) Limit. The maximum change in a specified parameter reading which will permit a device to be accepted on a specified test, based on a comparison of the present measurement with a specified previous measurement. NOTE: When expressed as a percentage value, it shall be calculated as a proportion of the previous measured value. Rework. Any processing or reprocessing operation, other than testing, appl ied to an individual device, or part thereof, and performed subsequent to the prescribed nonrepairing manufacturing operations which are appl icable to all devices of that type at that stage. Final Seal. That manufacturing operation which completes the enclosure of a device so that further internal processing cannot be completed without disassembling the device. Device Type. The term device type refers to a single specific microcircuit configuration. Samples of the same device type will be electrically and functionally interchangeable with each other at the die level and environmental limits will be the same for a given device type even though the device class, the case outline, and the lead finish and the lot identification code may be different. A given type shall appear on only one device specification but that detail specification may also specify other similar devices. 3.2. Item Requirements. The individual item requirements for microcircuits delivered under this specification shall be documented in the detail specification or drawing. Unless otherwise specified, all microcircuits shall have an operating ambient temperature range from -55 0 C to +1250 C and any reference to minimum or maximum operating temperatures shall refer to the respective lower and upper limits of th is range. 3.3 Classification of Requirements. The requirements of the microcircuits are classified herein as follows: 666 REQUIREMENTS PARAGRAPH 3.4 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.4.5 3.5 3.6 3.7 Product Assurance Screening Quality conformance inspection Traceabil ity Design and construction Marking Workmanship 3.4. Product Assurance Requirements. Three levels of microcircuit quality and reliability assurance are provided for in this specification. MKB, MKM and MKX devices shall be those which have been sub· jected to, and passed all applicable requirements, tests, and inspections detailed herein, for the speci· fied class. Where shown, method references are per MI L·STD·883. For general guidance, the following table summarizes these requirements for the respective device classes: 34 Cont TEST SCREENING PER METHOD 5004 of MIL·STD·883 MIL·STD· 883A CONDITION MKB MKM Internal Visual 2010 Cond.13 100% 100% Stabilization Bake 1008 24 Hrs @+150°C 100% 100% Temperature Cycling 1010 10 cycles min. -65°C to +150°C 100% 100% Constant Acceleration 2001 30 KG Y 1 Plane Only 100% 100% Seal Fine 1014 5 x 10. 8 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% ATM·CM3/SEC Gross 1014 Pre·Burn·in Electrical Static & Dynamic 1/ Burn-In 1015 External Visual 2009 Quality Conformance 5005 NOTE: MOSTEK Dynamic +160 hours minimum TA=+125°C Static and Dynamic per Detail Spec Final Electrical Test 11 2/ 3/ Condition C2 100% Max, 100% Max 25°C and Rated min rated Temp Temp 100% 100% Group A See Quality Conformance ./ I Max 25°C 7%LTPD 3/Max and Min. Rated Rated Temp Temp Manufacturer's Option Delete Subgroups 9, 10 and 11 Subgroups 2, 5, and 8 combined at maximum rated temp. MKX is a custom flow, built per the customer drawing and may contain all, some or none of the above flow. 667 MIL-STD-883A QUALITY CONFORMANCE TEST 3.4.1. Group A (Each Lot) Static Test Dynamic Test Functional Test TEST METHOD LTPD IN OF MKB Series M I L-STD-883 % -5005 -- TEST CONDITIONS MKM Series Per Detail Spec at min., 25°C and max temperature 1/ Max Rated Temp 2/ NOTES GROUP B (Each Lot) Physical Dimensions 2016 2 Dev Per Detail Spec Pe r Detail Spec Resistance to Solvent.s 2015 3 Dev Marking Durability Internal Visual 2014 2 Dev Internal Construetion Verification Bond Strength 2011 15 Condition D Marking Durability I nternal Construction Verification Condition D 3,6 3,7 Solderabil ity 2003 15 260.± 10°C 260 ± 10°C 3,8 Operating Life End Point Electrical 1005 5 +125°C 1000 Hrs. Max Rated Temp +125°C 1000 Hrs Max Rated Temp Temp Cycle Constant Acceleration 1010 2001 15 _65°C to +150°C Condo E _65°C to +150°C Condo E Fine and Gross Leak 1014 5 x 10-8 ATM-CM3/S~C Max Rated Temp 5 x 10-8 ATM-CM3/SEC Max Rated Temp GROUP C (9/) 3, 5 9 End Point Electrical GROUP D (9/) 9 Physical Dimensions Lead Integrity 2016 2004 15 15 Per Detail Spec Condition B2 Per Detail Spec Condition B2 Fine and Gross Leak 1014 15 5 x 10- 8 A TM-CM3/SEC 5 x 10-8 ATM-CM3/SEC Thermal Shock Temperature Cycling 1011 1010 15 15 Moisture Resistance 1004 15 Condition B Condition C -100 Cycles 10 Cycles Condition B Condition C -100 Cycles 10 Cycles Fine and Gross Leak 1014 15 End Point Electrical Mechanical Shock Vibration Constant Acceleration Fine and Gross Leak 2002 2007 2001 1014 15 15 15 15 5 x 10-8 ATM-CM3/SEC Max Rated Temp Condition B Condition A Condition D 5 x 10-8 ATM-CM3/SEC Max Rated Temp 5 x 10-8 ATM-CM3/SEC Max Rated Temp Condition B Condition A Condition D 5xl0-8 A TM-CM3/SEC Max Rated Temp 1009 15 Condition A Condition A End Point Electrical Salt Atmosphere 3,4 3.4.1. Cont: (1/)Delete Subgroups 9, 10, 11 (2/)Subgroups 2, 5, and 8 at Maximum Rated Temp to a combined L TPD of 7% (3/) Electrical Rej. may be used (4/) 2 Devices from each lot will be tested. Accept on 0/, reject on 1. (5/) 3 Devices from each lot will be tested. Accept on 0/, reject on 1. (6/) 1 Device from lot will be tested. Accept on 0/, reject on 1. (7/) Test Sample may be pulled prior 668 to sealing. (8/) Solderability sample must have seen time/temp exposure or burn-in. (9/)Group C and D tests will be performed "only" when specified on the Customer Purchase Order. 3.4.2 Change of Qualified Product. MOSTEK shall notify the customer prior to the implementation of any major change of the product or product assurance program which may affect performance, quality-reliability and interchangeability. 3.4.3. Screening. All microcircuits to be delivered in accordance with this specification shall have been subjected to, and passed, all the screening tests detailed in Paragraph 3.4 for the type of microcircuit and product assurance level (device class) specified. Sampling inspections shall not be an acceptable substitute for any specified screening test. 3.4.4. Quality Conformance Inspection. Microcircuits shall not be accepted or approved for delivery until the inspection lot has passed quality conformance inspection. (See 4.3.) 3.4.5. Tracability. See 3.1.2. (A) 3.5. Design and Construction. Microcircuit design and construction shall be in accordance with all the requirements specified herein and in the detail specification or drawing. 3.5.1. Package. All devices· supplied under this specification shall be hermetically sealed in glass, metal or ceramic (or combinations of these) packages. No organic or polymetic materials (lacquers, varnishes, coatings, adhesives, greases, etc.) shall be used inside the microcircuit package, and no desiccants shall be contained in the microcircuit package unless otherwise specified. Polymer impregnations (backfill, docking, etc.) of the microcircuit packages shall not be permitted. 3.5.2. Metals. External metal. surfaces shall be corrosion-resistant or shall be plated or treated to resist corrosion. External leads shall meet the requirements specified in 3.5.5. 3.5.3. Other Materials. External parts, elements or coatings including markings shall be inherently non-nutrient to fungus and shall not blister, crack, outgas, soften, flow or exhibit defects that adversely affect storage, operation or environmental capabilities of microcircuits delivered to this specification under the specified test conditions. 3.5.4 Internal Conductors. Internal thick film conductors on silicon die or substrate (metallization stripes, contact areas, bonding interfaces, etc.) shall be designed so that no properly fabricated conductor shall experience in normal operation (at worst case specified operating conditions), a current density in excess of the maximum allowable value shown below for the applicable conductor material: CONDUCTOR MATERIAL MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CURRENT DENSITY .Aluminum (99.99% pure or doped) without glassivation 2 x 105 A/cm 2 Aluminum (99.99% pure or doped) glassivated 5 x 105 A/cm 2 Gold 6 X 105 A/cm 2 All other (unless otherwise specified) 2 x 105 A/cm 2 The current density shall be calculated at the point(s) of maximum current density (i.e. greatest current (see 3.5.5 (a) ) per unit cross section) for the specific device type and schematic or configuration. (a) Use a current value equal to the maximum continuous current (at a full fanout for digitals or at maximum load for linears) or equal to the simple time-averaged current 669 obtained at maximum rated frequency and duty cycle with maximum load, whichever results in the greater current value at the point(s) of maximum current density. This current value shall be determined at the maximum recommended supply voltage(s) and with the current assumed to be uniform over the entire conductor cross sectional areas. 3.5.5. lead Material and Finish. lead Material. lead material shall conform to one of the following chemical composi· tions: A. Type A Iron ............................ 53 percent, nominal Nickel .............................. 29 ± 1 percent Cobalt. . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ± 1 percent Manganese .................... 0.65 percent, maximum Carbon ...................... 0.06 percent, maximum Silicon ....................... 0.20 percent, maximum Aluminum .................... 0.10 percent, maximum Magnesium ................... 0.10 percent, maximum Zirconium .................... 0.10 percent, maximum Titanium ..................... 0.10 percent, maximum (Combined total of aluminum, magnesium, zirconium and titanium to be a maximum of 0.20 percent). B. Type B Nickel .............................. .40-43 percent Manganese .................... 0.08 percent, maximum Silicon ....................... 0.30 percent, maximum Carbon ...................... 0.10 percent, maximum Chronium .................... 0.25 percent, maximum Cobalt ....................... 0.50 percent, maximum Phosphorous ................. 0.025 percent, maximum Sulfur ...................... 0.025 percent, maximum Aluminum .................... 0.10 percent, maximum I ron ..................•................ Remainder lead Finish. lead finish shall conform to one of the following as applicable. A. B. C. Hot solder dip - The hot solder dip shall be homogeneous with a minimum thickness at the crest of the major flats of 200 microinches (50.8 nm) of solder (SN60 to SN63) over the preliminary finishes in accordance with (b) or (c) below or over nickel plate with a plating thickness of 100 microinches (25.4 nm) minimum and 200 microinches (50.8 nm) maximum. Bright acid tin plate - Thickness of 100 microinches (25.4 nm) minimum and 400 microinches (101.6 nm) maximum. Optional electroless or electrolytic nickel or copper underplating, if used, shall be a minimum of 10 microinches (25.4 nm) in thickness. NOTE: It is recognized that "bright acid tin plate", a term which refers to the process as well as the appearance, can yield a range of texture or reflectivity. It is intended that this finish be dense and continuous and that it will meet the solderability and environmental requirements of this specification. Gold plate - Gold plating shall be a minimum of 99.7 percent gold (0.3 percent maximum for all impurities and other metals combined). Gold plating shall be a minimum of 50 microinches (12.7 nm) and a maximum of 225 microinches (57.4 nm) thick. Optional electroless or electrolytic nickel or copper underplating, if used, shall be a minimum of 10 microinches (2.54 nm) and a maximum of 100 microinches (25.4 nm) in thickness. 3.5.6. Die Thickness. Unless otherwise specified, the minimum die thickness for all microcircuits shall be 0.006 inch (.15 mm). 670 3.6. Marking of Microcircuits. Marking shall be in accordance with the requirements of this specification, and the identification and marking provisions of the detail specification or drawing. The marking shall be legible, and complete and shall meet the resistance to solvents requirements of MI L-STD-883, Method 2015. If any special marking is used, it shall in no way interfere with the marking required herein, and shall be visibly separated therefrom. The following marking shall be placed on each microcircuit unless otherwise specified: A. B. C. D. E. F. Index point (3.6.1) Part number Inspection lot identification code (3.6.2) Manufacturer's identification Country of origin (3.6.3) Serialization, when applicable (3.6.4) 3.6.1. Index Point. The index point, tab or other marking indicating the starting point for numbering of leads or for mechanical orientation shall be as specified. 3.6.2. Inspection Lot Identification Code. Microcircuits shall be marked by a unique code to identify the inspection lot (see 3.1.3 (b) and 3.1.3 (c)) and identify the first or the last week of the period (six weeks maximum) during which devices in that inspection lot were sealed. The first two numbers in the code shall be the last two digits of the number of the year, and the third and fourth numbers shall be two digits indicating the calendar week of the year. When the number of the week is a single digit, it shall be preceded by a zero. Reading from left to right or from top to bottom, the code number shall designate the year and week, in that order. When more than one lot of a type is to be identified within the same week, an inspection lot identification suffix letter, representing each lot identified during that week and lettered uniquely s~1I appear on each microcircuit immediately following the inspection lot data code so that each inspection lot is identified by the inspection lot date code and by the lot identification suffix letter, if one is required. 3.6.3. Country of Origin. The phrase "Made in U.S.A." shall be marked in small characters below or adjacent to the other marking specified, except that for microcircuits made in a foreign country the phrase shall be changed accordingly. If there is limited space, the marking may be shortened to "U.S.A." or to the appropriate accepted abbreviation for the country of origin. 3.6.4. Serialization. Prior to the first recorded electrical measurement in screening, when specified, each microcircuit shall be marked with a unique serial number assigned consecutively within the inspection lot. This serial number allows traceability of test results down to the level of the individual microcircuit within that inspection lot. 3.6.5. Marking Location and Sequence. Unless otherwise specified, the part number, inspection lot identification code, and serialization (where applicable), shall be located on top surface of flat packages or dual-in-line configurations and on either the top or side of cylindrical packages (TO96 and similar configurations). The index point shall be marked as specified. The balance of the markings may be placed in any suitable location so as to perform their required functions and not interfere with the other markings. 3.6.6. Marking on Initial Container. All of the markings specified in 3.6, except the index point and serialization shall appear on the initial protection or wrapping for delivery (container, carton, box, plastic envelope, etc.) and this marking shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-129. 3.6.7. Marking Option for Controlled Storage. Where microcircuits are subjected to testing and screening in accordance with some portion of the product assurance requirements and stored in controlled storage areas pending receipt of orders requiring conformance to the same or a different level, the inspection lot identification code shall be placed on the microcircuit package along with the other markings specified in 3.6 sufficient to assure identification of the material. As an alternative, if the microcircuits are stored together with sufficient data to assure traceability to processing and inspection records, all markings may be applied after completion of all inspections to the specified level. 671 3.6.8. Marking Procedure Option. MOSTEK has the option of marking the entire lot or only the sample devices to be submitted to qualification or Groups B, C, and D quality conformance inspection as applicable. If the manufacturer exercises the option to mark only the sample devices, the procedures shall be as follows: A. The sample devices shall be marked prior to performance of Groups B, C and D quality conformance inspections, as applicable. B. At the completion of inspection, the marking of the sample devices shall be inspected for conformance with the requirements of 3.6. C. The inspection lot represented by a conforming inspection sample shall then be marked and any specified visual and mechanical inspection performed. D. The marking materials and processing appl ied to the inspection lot shall be to the same specifications as those used for the inspection sample. 3.7. Workmanship. Microcircuits shall be manufactured, processed, and tested in a careful and workmanlike manner in accordance with good engineering practice and with the requirements of this specification. 3.7.1. Rework Provisions. All rework permitted on microcircuits procurred under this specification shall be accompl ished in accordance with procedures and safeguards documented and available for review. No delidding or package opening for rework shall be permitted for microcircuits of any class. Allowable rework of sealed packages includes recleaning of any microcircuit or portion thereof, rebranding to correct defective marking and lead straightening (provided the reworked devices meet the requirements of 4.6.2 for conditions of leads). Rebonding of Monolithic Devices. Unless otherwise specified, rebonding of monolithic microcircuits shall be permitted with the following limitations: II A. No scratched, open or discontinuous metallization paths or conductor patterns shall be repaired by bridging with or addition of bonding wire or ribbon. B. All rebonds shall be placed on at least 50% undisturbed metal and no more than one rebond attempt at any design bond location shall be permitted at any pad or post and no rebonds shall be made directly over an area where metallization of intended bond areas has been lifted. C. The total number of rebond attempts shall be limited to a maximum of 10 percent of the total number of bonds in the microcircuit. The 10 percent limit on rebonds may be interpreted as the nearest whole number of bonds in the microcircuit. A bond shall be defined as a wire to post or wire to pad bond (i.e. for a 14 lead wire bonded package there are 28 bonds). Bond-ofts required to clear the bonder after an unsuccessful first bond attempt need not be considered as rebonds provided they can be identified as bond-ofts by being made physically off the plated post or if they contain a non-typical number of wedge marks. The initial bond attempt need not be visible. A rebond attempt at one end of the wire counts as one rebond; a replacement of a wire bonded at both ends, or an unsuccessful bond attempt of a wire already bonded at the other end, counts as two rebonds. A bond on top of another bond is not permissible. 4.0 PRODUCT ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1. Safety Requirements - Not Applicable 4.1.1. Responsibility for Tests and Inspections. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, MOSTEK is responsible for the performance of all tests and inspection requirements as specified herein and in the detail specification. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or order, the manufacturer may use his own or other suitable facilities. 4.1.2. Inspection During Manufacture. MOSTEK shall establish and maintain inspection at appropriately located points in the manufacturing process in accordance with the procedures described in 20.1.1 of Appendix A of MIL-M-38510 to assure continuous control of quality of materials, subunits and parts during fabrication and testing. This inspection shall be adequate to assure 672 compliance with the applicable procurement documentation and quality standards for microcircuits manufactured to this specification and the applicable detail specification. 4.1.3. Control and Inspection of Procurement Sources. MOSTE K shall be responsible for assuring that all suppl ies and services used in the manufacture and test of microcircuits conform to all the requirements of this specification, the detail specification, and other provisions of the appl icable procurement documentation. 4.1.4. Inspection Records. 4.1.4. Inspection Records. MOSTEK shall maintain adequate records of all examinations, inspections, and tests accomplished in accordance with 4.0. Records shall be retained as specified in 20.1.2 of Appendix A of M I L-M-3851 O. 4.2. General Inspection Conditions. The general requirements of M I L-STD-883 shall apply. 4.2.1. Classification of Examinations and Tests. The examinations and tests required to assure conformance to the specified product assurance levels of microcircuits or lots thereof are classified as follows: Requirement Qual ity Conformance Inspection Screening Data reporting Paragraph 4.3 4.4 4.6 4.2.2. Sampling. Statistical sampling for quality conformance inspections shall be in accordance with the sampling procedures of appendix B of M I L-M-3851 0, and as specified in the detail specification or drawing, as applicable. Reserve sample devices may be tested with the subgroups to provide replacements in the case of test equipment failure or operator error. These devices shall be used in predesignated order. Disposal Of Samples. Devices subjected to destructive tests or which fail any test shall not be shipped on the contract or purchase order as acceptable product. They may, however, be delivered at the request of the procuring activity if they are isolated from, and clearly identified so as to prevent their being mistaken for acceptable product. Sample microcircuits, form lots which have passed product assurance inspections or tests and which have been subjected to mechanical or environmental tests specified in Groups B, C and D inspection and not classified as destructive, may be shipped on the contract or purchase order provided the test has been proved to be nondestructive (see and each of the microcircuits subsequently passes final electrical tests per the appl icable device specification. Destructive Tests. Unless otherwise specified, the following M I L-STD-883 tests shall be classified as destructive: I nternal visual and mechanical (Method 2014) Bond strength. Solderability. Moisture resistance. Lead integrity. Salt atmosphere. SEM inspection for metallization. Steady state life test (accelerated). Die shear strength test. All other mechanical or environmental tests (other than those listed in, shall be considered destructive initially, but may subsequently be considered nondestructive. The accumulation of data from five repetitions of the specified test on the same sample of product, without evidence of cumulative degradation or failure to pass the specified test 673 requirements in any microcircuit in the sample, is considered sufficient evidence that the test is nondestructive. Any test specified as a 100 percent screen shall be considered nondestructive for the stress level and duration or number of cycles applied as a screen. Nondestructive Tests. nondestructive: Unless otherwise specified, the following tests are classified as Barometric pressure *Steady state life * I nterm ittent life Seal External visual Internal visual (pre-cap) *Burn-in screen Radiography *When the test temperature exceeds the maximum specified junction temperature for the device (including maximum specified for operation or test), these tests shall be considered destructive. 4.2.3. Formation of Lots. Microcircuits shall be segregated into identifiable production lots as defined in 3.1.3(a) as required to meet the production control and inspection requirements of Appendix A of M I L-M-3851 O. Microcircuits shall be assembled into inspection lots as defined in 3.1.3(b) and 3.1.3(c) as required to meet the product assurance inspection and test requirements of this specification. Resubmission of Failed Lots. Resubmitted lots shall be kept separate from new lots and shall be clearly identified as resubmitted lots. When any lot submitted for quality conformance inspection fails any subgroup requirement of group A, B, C or D tests, it may be resubmitted once for that particular subgroup using tightened inspection criteria (as defined in 30.2.6 of Appendix B of MIL-M-38510). A second resubmission using tightened inspection criteria is permitted only if failure analysis is performed to determine the mechanism of failure for each failed microcircuit from the prior submissions and it is determined that failure(s) is due to: A. B. C. A defect that can be effectively removed by rescreening the entire lot, or Random type defects which do not reflect poor basic device design or poor basic processing procedures. Testing errors resulting in electrical damage to the device. In all instances where analysis of the failed devices indicates that the failure mechanism is due to poor basic processing procedures, a basic design fault or non-screenable defects, the lot shall not be resubmitted. 4.2.4. Test Method Deviation. Deviations from test methods or tests circuits specified are allowed provided that such deviations in no way relax the requirements of this specification. 4.2.5. Procedure in Case of Test Equipment Failure or Operator Error. Whenever a microcircuit is bel ieved to have failed as a result of faulty test equipment or operator error, the failure shall be entered in the test record which shall be retained for review along with a complete explanation verifying why the failure is believed to be invalid. Procedure for Sample Tests. When it has been established that a failure is due to test equipment failure or operator error and it has been establ ished that the product has not been damaged or degraded, a replacement microcircuit from the same inspection lot may be added to the sample. The replacement microcircuit shall be subject to all those test to which the discarded microcircuit was subjected prior to its failure and to any remaining specified tests to which the discarded microcircuit was not subjected prior to its failure. The manufacturer, at his own risk, has the option of replacing the failed microcircuit and 674 continuing with the tests before the validity of the test equipment failure or operator error has been established. Procedure for Screening Tests. When it has been established that a lot failure(s) during the screening test(s) is due to operator or equipment error and it has been establ ished that the remaining product has not been damaged or degraded, the lot or surviving portion of the lot, as the case may be, may be resubmitted to the corrected screening test(s) in which the error occurred. Failures verified as having been caused by test equipment failure or operator error shall not be counted in the PDA calculation (when applicable). 4.3. Quality Conformance Inspection. 4.3.1. General. Quality conformance inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the applicable requirements of Groups A, B, C and D of Method 5005, MIL-STD-883, for the specified device class. (See 3.4.1.) 4.3.2. Group A Inspection. Group A inspection shall be performed on each inspection lot in accordance with Method 5005 of MI L-STD-883 and shall consist of electrical parameter tests specified for the specified device class. Group A inspection may be performed in any order. If an inspection lot is made up of a collection of sublots, each sublot shall pass Group A inspection as specified. 4.3.3. Group B Inspection. Group B inspection shall be performed on each inspection lot, for each different package type (i.e. case outline, materials and lead finish), on each different device specification. Group B shall consist of mechanical and environmental tests in accordance with Method 5005 of M I L-STD-883 for the specified device class. Testing of one device type sublot in any subgroup shall be considered as complying with the requirements for that subgroup for all types in the inspection lot. Different device types may be used for each subgroup. A different device type sublot shall be tested for subgroup 2 at each successive Group B inspection until all qualified device types on that detail specification, being submitted for acceptance, have been tested. Except as otherwise specified, this inspection shall be applied only to completed and fully marked devices from lots which have been subjected to and passed the Group A tests. Group B Sample Selection. Samples for Group B subgroups shall be chosen at random from any sublot which has completed the screening requirements of paragraph 4.4 and been submitted to quality conformance inspection (see 30.1.1 of Appendix B of M I L-M-3851 0). 4.3.4. Group C Inspection. Group C inspection (die related tests) shall be in accordance with Method 5005 of M I L-STD-883 and shall include those tests specified wh ich are performed periodically. Group C tests shall be performed only when specified on the Purchase Order. Group C Sample Selection. Samples for subgroups in Group C shall be chosen at random from any inspection lot of a particular microcircuit group which is submitted to and passes Group A tests for quality conformance inspection during the week in which the first lot of that microcircuit group is submitted in each specified Group C inspection period. Samples from the lot may be subjected to Group C inspection whether or not the specified inspection lot has passed Group B quality conformance inspection. Testing of one device type for each subgroup shall be considered as complying with the requirements for that subgroup for all types on the detail specification (s) within that same microcircuit group. A different device type shall be tested at each successive inspection interval until all device types qualified on the detail specification(s) with the microcircuit group have been tested. When none of the lots passing Group A during the week in which the first lot is submitted contains the devices type which is due to be tested, the samples for inspection shall be chosen from those types in the lot being tested which have not been used for the longest time for Group C die-related inspection. The next lot submitted which contains the skipped type shall be subjected to Group C inspection as part of its quality conformance inspection. Successful completion of Group C inspection shall initiate a new Group C die-related inspection period. For nonconformance see 4.3.7. 675 I 4.3.5. Group D Inspection. Group D inspection (package-related tests) shall be in accordance with Method 5005 of MI L-STD-883 and shall include those package or case-related tests which are performed periodically. The group D tests shall be performed periodically as specified on the Purchase Order for each different package, case or construction. Group D Sample Selection. Samples for subgroups in Group D shall be chosen at random from any inspection lot containing the intended package, case or construction which is submitted to and passes Group A tests for quality conformance inspection during the week in which the first lot containing the intended package is submitted in each Group D inspection period. Testing of a subgroup using a single device type enclosed in the intended package shall be considered as complying with the requirements for that subgroup for all detail specifications utilizing that package. Different types from the inspection lot may be used for each subgroup. Testing of different types on a rotation basis is not required. Successful completion of Group D inspection shall initiate a new group D package-related inspected period. For non conformance see 4.3.7. 4.3.6. End Point Tests for Groups C and D Inspection. Specified post-test parameters shall be measured for each microcircuit for the sample after completion of all other specified tests in the subgroup. Additional measurements may be made at the discretion of the manufacturer. At the end of each Group C and D subgroup, end point measurements shall include visual examination without magnification to assure marking on each microcircuit tested is legible and complete (see 3.6). Damage to marking caused by mechanical fixturing or handling during tests shall not be cause for lot rejection, but devices so damaged shall be individually remarked or shall be rejected for shipment. 4.3.7. Nonconformance. Samples which fail subgroup requirements of Groups A, B, C, or D may be resubmitted in accordance with the provisions of However, if the lot is not resubmitted or fails the resubmission of the lot shall not be shipped. Samples from subsequent lots of the same microcircuit group for Group C failures or the same package type for Group D failures shall then be subjected to all the tests in the subgroup in which the failure occurred, on a lot-by-Iot basis until three successive lots pass the failed subgroup. The testing may then return to periodic testing. A device type which fails a Group C inspection shall not be accepted until the device type which failed successfully completes the failed Group C subgroup(s). No other device types in the group represented by the failed device type may be accepted until the Group C inspection requirements have been satisfied with a device type in the group. A package type which fails a Group D inspection shall not be accepted until the package type which failed successfully completes the failed Group D inspection subgroup(s). 4.4 Screening. Each microcircuit shall have been subjected to and passed all the screening tests detailed in Paragraph 3.4. for the specified product assurance level and type of microcircuit in order to be acceptable for delivery. When a PDA (see 3.1.2(c) or delta limits (see 3.1.2(f)) have been specified or other conditions for lot acceptance have been imposed, the required data shall be recorded and maintained as a basis for lot acceptance. Devices which fail any test criteria in the screening sequence shall be removed from the lot at the time of observation or immediately at the conclusion of the test in which the failure was observed. Once rejected and verified as a device failure, no device may be retested for acceptance. 4.4.1. Burn-in. Burn-in shall be performed on all microcircuits where specified and the specified preand post-burn-in electrical parameters shall be measured. Lots Resubmitted for Burn-In. Unless otherwise specified, lots may be resubmitted for burn-in one time only and may be resubmitted only when the observed percentage of parts which were in the original lots. Resubmitted lots shall be kept separate from new lots and shall be inspected for all specified characteristics using a tightened inspection PDA equal to the next lower number in the LTPD series. 4.5. External Visual Screen. The final external visual screen shall be conducted in accordance with Method 2009 of MIL-STD-883 after all other 100 percent screens have been performed to determine that no damage to, or contamination of the package exterior has occurred. 676 4.6 Data Recording. The results of all quality conformance tests and inspections and the results of all required failure analyses shall be recorded and maintained in the manufacturer's facility. The disposition of all lots or samples submitted for screening (where PDA is specified), or quality conformance inspection shall be fully documented and lots which fail any specified requirement shall be recorded at failed lots whether resubmitted or withdrawn. Disposition of resubmitted lots shall likewise be recorded so that a complete history is available for every lot tested from initial submission to final disposition including all failures, resubmissions and withdrawals. 4.7. Inspection of Preparation for Delivery. Sample packages and packs shall be selected and inspected in accordance with MI L-M-55565, or as specified in the contract or order. 5.0 PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY. 5.1 Preservation-packaging and Packing. Microcircu its shall be prepared for delivery in accordance with preservation-packaging and packing conforming to Level A, B or C requirements of M I L-M-55565 unless otherwise specified in the procurement document (see 6.1 (e)). 5.1.1. Packaging and Packing. No packaging or packing material that is used shall crumble, flake, powder or shred. The cushioning material near or in contact with the microcircuits shall not be fibrous in form which might cause the microcircuit leads to be caught and damaged upon removal. Individual microcircuits shall be separated from all others, physically restrained from vibration and mechanically isolated from shock that might cause damage or degradation to the part. Leads must be supported to prevent vibration and retain their shape and position. 5.1.2. Unit Container. When specified on the detail drawing or purchase order (see 6.1 (e)) individual microcircuits shall be supplied mounted in the specified carrier or unit container. Leads must be secured to protect against vibration and retain their shape. Marking on the unit pack, carrier container, or initial contained shall be as specified in 3.6.10. 6.0 NOTES. 6.1 Ordering Data. Procurement documents should specify the following: A. Part number. B. Title, number and date of this specification. C. Title, number and date of appl icable detail specification or drawing and identification or the originating design activity. D. Test data to be furnished. E. Selection of applicable level of packaging and packing required (see 5.0). Specification of unit container, when applicable (see 5.1), and special marking when applicable. F. Product assurance level and product assurance options, when applicable (see 3.4) G. Design documentation to be furnished (see 3.5.4) H. Lead finish letter when required (see 3.5.5) I. Requirements for failure analysis, when applicable. J. Requirements for notification of change (see 3.4.2) to the procuring activity, when applicable. 6.2. Re-evaluation of Lot Quality. The specified LTPD method is designed for source inspection and provides a high degree of assu rance that a lot has a proportion defective no greater than the spec, fied LTPD value. Re-evaluation of any given lot to the same LTPD and acceptance number has the net effect of increasing the probabil ity of rejection or the manufacturer's risk. Th is is especially true when the initial sampling plan is based on a low acceptance number or when lot re-evaluation is done using a lower acceptance number than was used in the initial sampling plan. Table B-1 of Appendix A of MI LM-38510 provides examples of the approximate quality levels required to satisfy any selected sampling plan. To minimize the effect of re-evaluation on the manufacturer's risk, whenever the quality of a lot is re-evaluated by sampling inspection subsequent to the manufacturer's demonstration of compliance with the quality requirements, the sampling plan shall be based on the next higher acceptance number (for the same LTPD) above that used in the initial lot evaluation. If the initial acceptance number is not known, or if the original inspection was conducted as a screening or 100 percent inspection, then the lot being re-evaluated shall not be rejected using an acceptance number of less than 3. Lots may, however, be accepted on re-evaluation using an acceptance number as low as O. When deemed necessary, the purchase order may specify detailed criteria for lot re-evaluation and disposition other than the above. Government sources inspection procedures or resubmission of failed lots shall not be considered as re-evaluation of lot quality but rather as a part of the initial quality conformance procedure. 677 678 MIL STO 1050 TABLE I Sample size code leiters General inspection levels Lot or batch size I NORMAL LEVEL II III TABLE II-A Single sampling plans for normal inspection (Master table) Acceptable Quality Levels (normal inspection) Sample size Sample .010 .015 .025 .040 .065 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.40 0.55 1.0 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.5 code 15 size 10 25 leiter Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re AcRe Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re At Re Ac He Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re Ac Re A 2 2 to 8 A A B 9 to 15 A B C B 3 16 to 25 B C 0 C 5 D 8 26 to 50 C D E 51 to 90 C E F E 13 91 to 150 D F G F 20 G 32 151 to 280 E G H H 50 281 to 500 F H J J 80 K 125 L 200 M 315 N 500 P 800 Q 1250 o1 R 2000 f 501 to 1200 G J K 1201 to 3200 H K L 3201 to 10000 J L M 10001 to 35000 K M N 35001 to 150000 L N P 150001 to 500000 M P Q 500001 and over N Q R -.J CD II 1 ~ o , o1 1 1 o1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 o1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 1415 o1 01 12 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 14 15 21 22 12 23 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 1415 12 23 34 5 6 7 8 10 11 1415 12 23 34 56 7 8 10 11 1415 2112 23 34 56 78 10 11 1415 21 22 01 o1 12 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 14 15 21 22 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 1415 21 22 o1 t 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 1415 21 22 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 1415 2122 o1 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 1 o1 o1 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 4 o1 o l Tl s: . TABLE C-1. LTPD sampling plans 1/2/ Minimum size of sample to be tested to assure, with a 90 percent confidence, that a lot having percent-defective equal to the speCified LTPD will not be accepted (single sample). Gl co o Max. Percent Defective (LTPD) or A 20 15 10 Acceptance Number (C) (r c + 1) 7 5 3 2 1.5 1 0.7 0.5 0.3 Minimum Sample Sizes (For device-hours required for life test, multiply by 1000) = 0 11 (0.46) 15 (0.34) 22 (0.23) 32 (0.16) 45 (0.11) 76 (0.07) 116 (0.04) 153 (0.03) 231 (0.02) 328 (0.02) 461 (0.01) 767 (0.007) 1 18 (2.0) 25 (1.4) 38 (0.94) 55 (0.65) 77 (0.46) 129 (0.28) 195 (0.18) 258 (0.14) 390 (0.09) 555 (0.06) 778 (0.045) 1296 (0.027) 2 25 (3.4) 34 (2.24) 52 (1.6) 75 (1.1) 105, (0~78) 176 (0.47) 266 (0.31) 354 (0.23) 533 (0.15) 759 (0.11) 1065 (0.080) 1773 (0.045) 3 32 (4.4) 43 (3.2) 65 (2.1) 94 132 (LO) 221 (0.62) 333 (0.41) 444 (1.5) (0.31) 668 (0.20) 953 (0.14) 1337 (0.10) 2226 (0.062) 4 38 (5.3) 52 (3.9) 78 (2.6) 113 (1.8) 158 (1.3) 265 (0.75) 398 (0.50) 531 (0.37) 798 (0.25) 1140 (0.17) 1599 (0.12) 2663 (0.074) 5 45 (6.0) 60 (4.4) 91 (2.9) 131 (2.0) 184 (1.4) 308 (0.85) 462 (0.57) ·617 (0.42) 927 (0.28) 1323 (0.20) 1855 (0.14) 3090 (0.085) 6 51 (6.6) 68 (4.9) 104 (3.2) 149 (2.2) 209 (1.6) 349 (0.94) 528 (0.62) 700 (0.47) 1054 (0.31) 1503 (0.22) 2107 (0.155) 3509 (0.093) 7 57 (7.2) 77 (5.3) 116 (3.5) 166 (2.4) 234 (1.7) 390 (1.0) 589 (0.67) 783 (0.51) 1178 .(0.34) 1680 (0.24) 2355 (0.17) 3922 (0.101) 8 63 (7.7) 85 (5.6) 128 (3.7) 184 (2.6) 258 (1.8) 431 (1.1) 648 (0.72) 864 (0.54) 1300 (0.36) 1854 (0.25) 2599 (0.18) 4329 (0.108) 9 69 (8.1) 93 (6.0) 140 (3.9) 201 (2.7) 282 (1.9) 471 (1.2) 709 (0.77) 945 (0.58) 1421 (0.38) 2027 (O.27) 2842 (0.19) 4733 (O.114) 10 75 (8.4) 100 (6.3) 152 (4.1) 218 (2.9) 306 (2.0) 511 (1.2) 770 (0.80) 1025 (0.60) 1541 (0.40) 2199 (0.28) 3082 (0.20) 5133 (0.120) 1/ Sample sizes are based upon the Poists0n exponential binomial limit. 2/ The minimum quality (approximate AQL) required to accept (on the average) 19 of 20 lots is shown in parenthesis for information only. MIL-5-195OOE 1979 MICROCOMPUTER DATA BOOK Micro Development Systems (U.S.) 681 682 MOSTEI(. zao MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS AIO-80F INTRODUCTION The Mostek AID-80F* is a complete state-of-the-art, floppy disk-based computer. Not only does it provide all the necessary tools for software development, but it provides complete hardware/software debug through Mostek's AIM* series of in-circuit emulation cards for the Z80 as well as the 3870 family of single chip microcomputers. The AID-80F has at its heart the powerful OEM-80 (Single Board Computer), RAM-80 (RAM (I/O add on board), and the FLP-80 (floppy controller board). Because these boards and software are available separately to OEM users, the AID-80F serves as an excellent test bed for developing systems applications. The disk-based system eliminates the need for other mass storage media and provides ease of interface to any peripheral normally used with computers. The filebased structure for storage and retrieval consolidates the data base and provides a reliable portable media to speed and facilitate software development. The FLP-80DOS Disk Operating System is designed for maximum flexibility both in use and expansion to meet a multitude of end user or OEM needs. small modules can be combined to form a run-time module without major reassembly of the entire program. Development System Features Packaged System Features The AID-80F is an excellent integration of both hardware and software development tools for use throughout the complete system design and development phase. The software development is begun by using the combination of Mostek's Text Editor with "roll in-roll out" virtual memory operation and the Mostek relocating assembler. Debug can then proceed inside the AID-80F domain using its resources as ifthey were in the final system. Using combinations of the Monitor, Designer's Debugging Tool, execution time breakpoints, and single step/multistep operation along with a formatted memory dump provides control for attacking those tough problems. The use of the Mostek AIM-80 option provides extended debug with versatile hardware breakpoints on memory or port locations, a buffered in-circuit emulation cable for extending the software debug into its own natural hardware environment, and a 256x32 history memory to capture bus transactions in real time for later examination. From a system standpoint, the AID-80F has been designed to be the basis of an end-product, small business/industrial computer. The flexibility provided in the FLP-80DOS operating system permits application programs to be as diverse as a high-level language compiler to a supervisory control system in the industrial environment. Other hardware options are available, with even more to be added. Expansion ofthe disk drive units to a total of four single-sided or doublesided units provides up to two megabytes of storage. This computer uses the third generation Z80 processor supported with the power of a complete family of peripheral chips. Through the use of its 158 instructions, including 16-bit arithmetic, bit manipulation, advanced block moves and interrupt handling, almost any application from communication concentrators to general purposed accounting systems is made easy. The relocatable and linking feature of the assembler enables the use of contemporary modular design techniques whereby major system alterations can be made in small tractable modules. Using the Linker, the "Trademark of Mostek Corporation OEM Features The hardware and software basis fortheAID-80F is also available separately to the OEM purchaser. Through a software licensing agreement, all Mostek Software can be utilized on these OEM series of cards. A growing line 683 AID-BOF. of support cards and card cages permits the user to configure a multitude of different systems. AID 80F RESIDENT SOFTWARE (FLP-BODOS) A totally integrated package of resident software is offered in conjunction with the AID-80F consisting of: Monitor DDT-80 with extended debug through AIM- 80 Text Editor Z80 Relocating Assembler Peripheral Interchange Program Linker 1/0 Control System Floppy Disk Handler Device Driver Library Batch Mode Operation SOFTWARE BLOCK DIAGRAM OTHER DEVICE HANDLERS 684 OEM SYSTEM COMPONENTS Monitor The FLP-80DOS Monitor is the environment from which all activity in the system initiates. From the Monitor, any system routine such as PIP or a user-generated program is begun by simply enlering the program name. FLP80005 I/O is done in terms of logical unit numbers, as is commonly done in FORTRAN. A set of logical units is pre-assigned to default I/O drivers upon power up or reset. From the console the user can r~assign any logical unit to any new I/O device and can also display logical unit assignments. Executable file creation can be done by the Save command as well as printable absolute object files can be produced using the Dump command. Text Editor The Text Editor permits editing/creating of any source file independent of the language being written. The Editor is both line and string oriented to give maximum utility and user flexibility. The Editor, through its virtual memory "roll in-roll out" technique, can edit a file whose length is limited only by maximum diskette storage. Included in the repertoire of 15 commands are macro commands to save time when encountering a redundant editing task. The Editor is also capable of 685 performing in one operation all the commmands which will fit into an 80-column command buffer. Summary of Editor Commands ~dvance - Advance line pointer N line - backs up N lines ehange N occurrences of string I to string 2 - Delete current line plus next N-I Qelete N lines of text gxchange N - Exchanges current line plus next N-1 lines with lines to be inserted while in insert mode. Get file Reads another file and inserts it into the file being edited after the current line. - Place Editor in insert mode. Text Insert will be inserted after present line. - Place line pointer on Line N. Line N Macro I or Macro 2 - Defines Macro I or Macro 2 by the following string of Text Editor commands. Put n file - Outputs n lines of the file being edited to another disk file. - Stores off file under editing Quit process and returns to Monitor environment - Searches from existing pointer Search N/SI location until nth occurrence of string SI is located and prints it. - Inserts records at top of file Top before first line. - Print current record to console Verify N plus next N-I records while advancing pointer N records ahead. - Prints current records plus next Write N N-I records to source output device while advancing pointer N records. - Executes Macro I or Macro 2 as eXecute N defined by Macro command. N §.ackup N ~hange N/S1 /S2 Z80 Assembler The Z80 Resident Assembler generates relocatable or absolute object code from source files. The assembler recognizes all 158 Z80 instructions as well as 20 powerful pseudo operators. The object code generated is industry-standard, absolute or relocatable format. With the relocating feature, large programs can be easily developed in smaller sections and linked using the Linker. Because the assembler utilizes the I/O Control System, object modules or list modules can be directed to disk files, paper tape, console, or line printer. Portability of output media eliminates the requirement for a complete set of peripherals at every software/hardware development system. The assembler run-time options include sorted symbol table generation, no list, no object, pass 2 only, quit, cross reference table, and reset symbol table. The assembler is capable of handling 14 expression operators including logical, shift, multiplication,division, addition and 686 subtraction operations. These permit complex expressions to be resolved at assembly time by the assembler rather than manually by the programmer. Comments can be placed anywhere but must be preceded by a semi-colon. Error messages are integrated with the listing file but can be directed to the console device. In addition, assembler pseudo operators are: GLOBAL PSECT operator - for global symbol definition. - to generate relocatable or absolute modules IF expression - conditional assembly IF expression is true INCLUDE dataset - to include oth.er data sets (files) as in-line source code anywhere in source file. Peripheral Interchange Program PIP provides complete file maintenance activity for operations such as copy file from disk to disk, disk to peripheral. or any peripheral to any other peripheral supporting both file-structured and character-oriented devices. Key operations such as renaminQrappending, and erasing files also exist along with statUs commands for diskette ID and vital statistics. PIP can search the diskette directories for any file or a file of a specific name, extension, and user number. The PIP operations are: Append - appends file 1 to file 2 without changing file I. - copies input files or data from an Copy input device to an output file or device. The Copy command can be used for a variety of purposes such as listing files, concatenating individual files, or copying all the files or a single file from one disk unit(e.g. DKO) to a second disk unit(e.g. DK 1). - lists the directory of a specified disk Directory unit (DKO, DKI, etc.). The file name, extension, and user number are listed for each file in the directory. The user can also request listingonly files of a specified name, only files of a specified extension, or only files of a specified user number. The list device can be any device supported by the system as well as a file. - erases a single file or files from a Erase diskette in a specified disk unit. The user has the option to erase all files, only files of a specified file name, or only files of a specified user number. - takes completely unformatted softFormat sectored diskettes, formats to IBM 3740, and prepares to be a system diskette. Operation is performed on diskette unit 1 and a unique 11character name is assigned to that diskette. Init Rename Status Quit - initializes maps in the disk handler when a new diskette has been changed while in the PIP environment. - renames a file, its extension, and user number to a file of name X, extension Y and user Z. - lists all vital statistics of a disk unit to any device. These include the number of allocated records, the number of used records, and the number of bad records. - returns to Monitor Environment. DOS/Disk Handler The heart of the FLP-80DOS software package is the Disk Operating System. Capable of supporting 4 doublesided units, the system provides a file-structure orientation timed and optimized for rapid storage and retrieval. Program debug is enhanced by complete error reporting supplied with the DOS. Additionally, extensive error recovery and bad sector allocation insure data and file integrity. The DOS not only provides file reading and writing capability, but special pointer manipulation, record deletions, record insertions, skip records both forward and backward as well as directory manipulation such as file creation, renaming, and erasure. The DOS is initiated by a calling vector which is a subset of the I/O control system vector or through the standard 10CS calling sequence to elect buffer allocation, blocking, and deblocking of data to a userselectable, logical record type. A unique dynamic allocation algorithm makes optimal use of disk storage space. Run time (Binary) files are given first priority to large blocks of free space to eliminate overhead in operating system and overlay programs. The algorithm marks storage fragments as low priority and uses them only when the diskete is nearing maximum capacity. The DOS permits 7 files to be opened for operations at anyone time, thus permitting complex application programs as well as multi-user operation of the DOS. I/O Control System The I/O Control System provides a central facility from which all calls to I/O can be structured. This permits a system applications program to dissolve any device dependence by utilizing the logical unit approach of large, main-frame computers. For example, a programmer may want to structure the utility to use logical unit No.5 as the list device which normally in the system defaults to the line printer. He may, however, assign at run time a different device for logical No.5 . .The application program remains unchanged. Interface by a user to 10CS is done by entering a device mnemonic in a table and observing the calling sequence format. 10CS supplies a physical buffer of desired length, handles buffer allocation, blocking, deblocking, and provides a logical record structure as specified by the user. DDT The Designer's Debugging Tool consists of commands for facilitating an otherwise difficult debugging process. The AID-80F's rapid source changes through the editor and re-assemblies, followed by DDT operations close the loop on the debug cycle. The DDT commands include: Memory - display, update, or tabulate memory Port - display, update or tabulate I/O ports Execute - execute user's program Hexadecimal- performs 16 bit add/sub ~opy - copy one block to another Breakpoint - sets software trap in user code for interrupting execution in order to examine CPU registers - displays contents of user's registers Register - enters address adder for debug of Qffset relocatable modules - fills specified portion of memory with 8 Fill bit byte - compares two blocks of memory Verify Walk - software single step/multistep - returns to Monitor Quit LINKER The Linker program provides the capability of linking assembler-generated, absolute or relocatable object modules together to create a binary or run-time file. This process permits generation of programs which may require the total memory resources of the system. The linking process includes the library search option which, if elected, will link in standard library object files (device drivers, math pack functions) from disk to resolve undefined global symbols. Another option selects a complete global symbol cross-reference listing. Batch- Mode Operation In Batch-Mode Operation, a command file is built on disk or assigned to a peripheral input device such as a card reader. The console input normally taken from the keyboard is taken from this batch device or batch file. While operating under direction from a batch file, the console output prompts the user as normal or the prompting can be directed to any other output device. The Batch operation is especially useful for the execution of redundant procedures not requiring constant attention of the operator and for allowing several programmers to use one system. HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OEM-SO The OEM-80, also available as a complete, single-board development system (SDB-80), provides the essential power of the system. While using the Z80 as the central processing unit, the OEM-SO is provided with otherZ80 family peripheral chip support. Two Z80 PIO's give the system 4 completely programmable, 8-bit parallel I/O ports with handshake from which the standard system peripherals are interfaced. Also, in the system is the 6S7 ZSO-CTC counter timer circuit which has 3 free flexible channels to perform critical counting and event counter/timing functions. Along with 16K or RAM, the OEM-SO provides 5 ROM/PROM sockets which can be utilized for 10/20K of ROM or 5/10K PROM. Four sockets contain the firmware portion of FLP-SODOS. The remaining socket can be strapped for other ROM/PROM elements. The OEM-SO is particularly flexible for system expansion. Expansion of memory, (ROM,PROM, or RAM) is made easy by off-board select logic or by the on-board strapping flexibility. RAM so that the results of disk-based Editing and Assembly can be quickly loaded to the AIM-72 memory for debug with the user's I/O devices. Software supporting the AIM-72 in the AID-80F system is a 3870/F8 Cross Assembler. This assembler produces either relocatable or absolute object code. All AID-80F editing and utility software is available to the user to speed the process of programming 3870 series single-chip microcomputers. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS RAM-SOB The RAM-SOB adds additional memory with Mostek's MK411616K dynamic memory along with more I/O. These two fully programmable S-bit 110 ports with handshake provide additional I/O expansion as system RAM memory needs grow. FLP-SO Integral to the AID-SOF system is the floppy controller. The FLP-80 is a complete IBM 3740 singledensity/double-sided controller for up to 4 drives. The controller has 12S bytes of FIFO buffer resulting in a completely interruptable disk system. AIM-SO The AIM-80 module provides extended debug for the AID-80F. In Z80 development, real time in-circuit emulation permits debug of the hardware and the software at the most intimate level. Hardware singlestep/multi-step with register trace, execution intercept on memory access, port access, or external trigger provides the absolute control over any system, regardless of how complex it is. The "pushbutton intercept" enables the programmer to perform a controlled recovery for those extremely difficult-totrace processor 10ck-olJt loops. With the memory clock selectable history module, any past 256 events of data, address, or control bus operation are captured in real time and are displayed. The AIM-80 includes 8K bytes of ROM firmware introducing unique software including a mnemonic disasembler for inverse assembly of history module contents of single step/multistep operations. "In-line" code disassembled to language mnemonics provides insight into execution results as if examining an assembler-generated listing. Extra added capability is the ROM resident self test of OEM-80 or target RAM. AIM-72 The AIM-72 module provides debug and in-circuit emulation capabilities for the 3870 series microcomputers (3870, 3872 3S74, and 3876) on the AID-80F. MlJltiple breakpoint capability and single-step operation allows the designer complete control over the execution of the 3870 Series microcomputer. Register and Port display and modification capability provides information needed to find system "bugs". All I/O in the user's system is connected to AIM-72 by a 40-pin interface cable. Program storage on the AIM-72 is in 6S8 AID-80F Enclosure Overall Dimension - 20"w x 22"1 x 12"h - NORYLEN 185 Material Color Composition - White GE No. 83S5; Blue GE No.2283 - 60 Ibs. Weight Front Panel - 3.75" x 3.75" Dimensions Read-End Panel - 4.25" x 4.62" Dimensions 4.25" x 2.00" Fan Capacity - 52 CFM POWER SUPPLY Input - 115 VAC 60Hz Outputs-+5VDC at 10 Amps Max/ -5VDC at 0.15 Amps Max. +12VDC at 3 Amps Max. -12VDC at 0.5 Amps Max. +24VDC at 3 Amps Max. ORDERING INFORMATION NAME DESCRIPTION PART NO. AID-80F ZSO floppy disk MK7S125 development system with power supply, cooling fans, enclosure, six slot card cage, 32K dynamic RAM, FLPSODOS disk operating system, * and two single-sided disk drives AID-80F-4S AID-SOF with 48K dynamic RAM MK7S125-2 AID-80F-64 AID-SOF with 64K dynamic RAM MK78125-3 AID-80F-P PPG-8/16 MK78125-01 integrated into AID80F AID-SOF-DS Double-sided drive option MK78125-001 AID-80F-FQ 50Hz, 220v, option MK78125-0001 NAME DESCRIPTION AID-80F-16 Z80 floppy disk MK78125-1 development system described above with 16K dynamic RAM only. Note: 16K RAM system will not run Mostek BASIC FORTRAN; requires addition of RAM80B board AIM-80 AIM-72 FZCASM PART NO. RAM based Z80 MK78132 In-Circuit emulation module with buffer box and cable RAM based inMK79076 circuit emulation module for 3870 series of single chip microcomputers (3870, 3872, 3874 and 3876) Relocatable MK79079 3870/F8 cross assembler to run on AID-80F PPG-08 PROM programmer MK79033 for 2708 PROMs PPG-8/16 PROM programmer MK79081 for 2708,2758 and 2716 PROMs(order MK79125-01 for factory integration) XAID-805 Connecting cable MK79041 from PPG-08 or PPG-8/16 to AID80F (only required if not factory integrated) NAME DESCRIPTION PART NO. RAM-80B Dynamic RAM MK78108 board with 16K bytes of RAM expandable to 64K; includes four 8-bit I/O ports with handshake control MOSTEK BASIC BASIC interpreter MK78157 to run on AID-80F; requires 32K bytes of memory MOSTEK FORTRAN MK78158 Fortran IV highlevel language compiler to run on AID-80F-48; requires 48K bytes of memory MACRO-80 Z80 MACRO AsMK78165 sembler requires 32K bytes of memory L1B-80 Volume 1 of Z80 MK78164 Software Library includes both source and binary MOSTEK CRT 110-9600 Baud MK78149 CRT upper and lower case 7 x 10 dotmatrics, EIARS 232 and 20mA current loop. Includes cables MOSTEK 7x7 dot matix Line Printer with 120 character per second operation. Includes cables AID-80F- AID-80F MK78569 Operations Manual *The FLP-80DOS software package includes binary run time files of all system software described. Source to FLP-80DOS is available subject to the terms and conditions of the Mostek OEM Software License Agreement. 689 690 MOSTEI(. zao MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS Application Interface Module(AIM~) HARDWARE FEATURES o Direct Interface with SDB-80 o Single step/multistep with register trace o Execution intercept (breakpoint) intercepts on memory access, port access, or external trigger o Pushbutton execution intercept o 256x32 history memory which samples Data Bus, Address Bus, MT, MREO, RD, lORa, and four external probes o History memory clock selectable from M1, MREO, lORa, or INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE o Selectable history memory clock conditions: read only, write only, DMA only, or external probe only (high or low) o 8K x 8 ROM memory (firmware) SOFTWARE FEATURES o ROM resident mnemonic dis-assembler o ROM resident RAM test for SOB or target RAM Hardware debugging is aided greatly by use of the 256x32 history memory which monitors bus transactions for a specified period. This information may then be displayed on the console. The data bus, address bus, M1, MREO, RD, IORO, and inputs from four probes are sampled and stored in the history memory upon every occurrence of the user specified clock (M1, fiiIFfEd, iO"R'd, or interrupt acknowledge) qualified by the user specified conditions (read only, write only, DMA only, probe High only, or probe Low only). Upon the occurrence of the selected intercept, AIM-80 returns control to the system debug (DDT-80l. The history memory may then be displayed (See AIM-80 print-out example 1) with or without mnemonic dis-assembly. GENERAL DESCRIPTION A I M-80 provides Z80 system debug assistance for both software and hardware via in-circuit emulation. (See Block Diagram). Single step/multistep allows the programmer to trace through a program and display the CPU registers after each instruction. The execution intercept feature allows suspending program execution on the nth occurrence of an address or other specified condition. If the program has begun an unknown sequence, the intercept pushbutton will return the system to the single step mode. Single step and execution intercept (breakpoint) operate in RAM or ROM/PROM. "Trademark of Mostek Corporation USING THE AIM-SO AIM-80 may be added directly to any SDB-80 system. A" system bus signals are wired one to one between SDB-80 andAIM-80. Voltage requirements for the AIM-80 are the same as for the SDB-80. Programs may be debugged in SDB-80 memory space or with the target interface buffer box (AIM-80X) may be debugged right in the target environment. Dynamic memory mapping allows target memory to be simulated using SDB-80 system RAM. A" peripheral devices of the SDB-80 are still functional with the AIM-80. 691 SYSTEM FIRMWARE ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS To minimize the impact of the AIM-80 on the users memory space, all AIM-80 firmware is resident in one MK36000, 8K x 8 ROM. This firmware is completely compatible with 00T-80 firmware and includes five new commands for control of the AI M-80. The interactive nature of the commands makes operation simple and avoids operator errors. The ROM resident dis-assembler makes correlation with the user's source listing easier and reduces the necessity of memorizing op codes. Operating Temperature Range O°C to +50°C Power Supply Requirements (Typical) +12V ± 5% @ 12 mA +5V ± 5% @ 1.0A Interface - SOB-80 compatible Operating Frequency - 1-2.5 MHz (with SOB-80) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Board Size: 8.5" x 12.0" x 0.65" Bottom Connector: 100 Pin 125 mil centers Top Connectors: One 40 pin 3M ribbon One 50 pin 3M ribbon AIM-80 PRINT-OUT EXAMPLE (user entries underlined) Set intercept at address 0002H with trigger option TRIG ON (MREO/IORQ/+/-) tl EVENT CNT (I-FF) g DELAY CNT (O-FF) ~ CLOCK ON (Ml,MREQ,IORQ,INTA) ONLY IF (PD/WR/DMA/H/L) Trigger on MREQ After 2 occurences Delay 1 clock after trigger Clock history (sample) memory on MREQ or IORQ No qualifying conditions selected Begin execution at address OOOOH Intercept occurs at second occurrence of address 2 with a delay of one. MR 10 .~ 0005 2420 At this point the history memory contains the bus transactions which occurred before the intercept. , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Trace for 15 lines - starting at offset -11 before trigger , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Offset from trigger Memory Address Bus contents Data Bus contents , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dis-assembled instructions ~ + ,-----A---... ~ ,- y -OE: 0000 ::::E -OA 0001 20 -09 0002 D3 000:;: 00 -07 2000 20 -OE. 0004 :;:C -05 0005 3C -04 010E. 3C -0:::: 0007 C:::: -02 000::: 02 -01 0009 00 +00 0002 II:;:: +01 000:::: 00 +02 2300 23 +(1";:: 0004 ::::c -oa -FC '7" • 4 692 LD OUT H~C HK: INC JP OUT InC A,20H ( 0) ,A A A A 0(1)2H ( 0) A ,A .····N 1 /!'IF:/RD/ I 0 R I) I) (I 1 1 (I I) 1 1 1 (I (I I) 1 1 I) I) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (I (I I) 0 1 1 I) I) (I 1 (I (I I) (I I) 0 1 1 0 I) (I I) 1 1 1 1 0 (I 0 1 1 (I (I 1 1 (I I) (I 1 1 1 1 E: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;:! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Probes 1 (red, blue, green, yellow) 1 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I First occurrence of address 0002H 1 1 +-- Trigger (OS;O) 1 (2nd occurrence of address 0) 1 1 _Delay 1 count after trigger No more data in history module AIM·SO BLOCK DIAGRAM PROIIS I I I I UIGET I I __ JI SYSTII UleET IIIlJERFACE BUIFII PROlE SICIIALS sysnl CDITRot CPU c,.nOt .... ESS IUS DATI BUS BUFfER CONTROL SICUt CliO SELECT) 693 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. AIM-80 AIM-80 Circuit Board includes: AIM-80 Firmware AIM-80 Operations Manual 100 pin edge connector MK78132 Target Interface Buffer (AIM-80X) includes: cables connectors 4 probe clips AIM-80 Operations Manual 694 MK78546 MOSTEI(@ 3870 MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS Application Interface Module (AIM-72) FEATURES o Real time in-circuit emulation of Mostek's 3870 family of microcomputers, including MK3870 MK3872 and MK3876 o Direct interface to Mostek's AI D-80F Dual Floppy Disk Microcomputer with ZAIM-72 software supplied on floppy disk o Direct interface with Mostek's SDB-50/70 (Software Development Board) with FAIM-72 software supplied on paper tape o Standard features include: • Breakpoint insertion, memory display and modification, register display and modification, port display and modification, and single step • Execution intercept from user keyboard with the ESCAPE key • Debugging or emu lation mode is selectable from the user's console • Debugging of 3870 and F8 programs up to 8K long can be done without a target system GENERAL DESCRIPTION AIM-72 (Application Interface Module) is a unique development aid for debugging 3870 Series Microcomputer applications in the actual hardware and software configuration of the user's final system (referred to as the 'Target'.) To accomplish this, it is first necessary to emulate the Target ROM with RAM. This RAM must appear as ROM to the application while retaining the ability to be loaded, debugged, and modified using peripherals independent of the Target. It is the purpose of AIM-72, used in conjunction with the AID-80F Disk Based Microcomputer or the SDB-50/70, to provide these capabilities. With AIM-72, all of the peripheral and debugging capabilities of the user's development system may be applied directly to either the prototype or final production configuration of any 3870, 3872 or 3876 application; no modifications to the user's hardware, software, or mechanical package are required. USING AIM-72 The pictorial diagram above shows how AIM - 72 would typically be used during system development. Because the AI M-72 is an exact functional emu lation of the 3870 family, it may be directly inserted into the 3870, 3872, or 3876 socket in the target system. Also, since the Target can be a production version of the user's application, product revisions and enhancements may be easily implemented. As shown in the diagram, the AIM board is usually mounted in the card cage of the user's development system. It is the purpose of the SDB to provide the user with the means for accessing and controlling the target system (via the AIM board) during the program development phase. This provides access to all the debugging software and peripherals of the development system without having to introduce any perturbations to the target system environment. AI M does not affect the peripheral expansion capabilities of the development system. BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION As shown in the block diagram, the AIM-72 contains all the functional elements necessary to emulate 3870 Series Microcomputers. Target Ports are emulated with the CPU and PIO Ports. Target ROM 695 AIM-72 PHOTO 696 ZAIM-72 SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION ,M s Display and update target memory at location s. ZAIM-72 is the software designed to operate the AIM-72 board on Mostek's AID-80F Dual Floppy Disk Microcomputer. It is supplied on a standard F LP-80DOS diskette. The software has the same command structure as other Mostek debuggers. The commands available with ZAIM-72 are summarized below. Designations s,f, and d stand for operands. ,M s, f, d Tabulate target memory locations s through f. Option d specifies additional printout of ASCII characters or disassembly. ,0 s Set relative offset equal to s for all address operands. ,P s Display and update target port number s. ,0 Ouit and Monitor. ,R s, f Display target registers, Option s allows a heading to be printed and option f specifies the number of scratchpad registers to be displayed. ,S s, f Single step starting at target location s for f number of steps. ,v s, f, d Verify target memory block s through f against target memory block starting at location d. ,A s,f ,8 s Assign data byte f to target memory location s. Set a breakpoint at target memory location s. Up to 8 breakpoints can be set at once. ,C s, f, d Copy the target memory block s to f to target memory starting at d. ,E s Execute target program at location s. ,F s, f, d Fill target memory through f with data d. ,G s Get binary file s and load it into Target memory. locations s ,H Hexadecimal arithmetic. ,I Reinitialize target system. ,L s, f, d Locate data d in target memory range s through f. return to FLP-80DOS Target system programs are developed using the Mostek AI D-80F Cross Assembler for 3870/F8 Microcomputers (FZCASM-MK79079). Then ZAIM-72 is used to debug the completed program on the user's target system. The software features multiple breakpoints, single step, and in-line disassembly. Target system memory, ports, and registers may be displayed and updated. 697 SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range ...................................................... O°C to 50°C Power Supply Requirement ............................................... +5V ± 5% @ 1.5A max. +12 V ± 5% @ 100mA max. -12 V ± 5% @30mA max. Board Size ............................................................... B.5" x 12.0" x .75" Connectors/Cables............................................... .40-Pin Ribbon Cable (24" long) and RAM are emulated with the BK x B RAM which can also be accessed directly by the control system via the bottom edge connector. System memory accesses are transparent to the Target system execution. Thus, there is no impact on target execution timing. The Target memory map can be controlled from the system allowing 2K, 4K or BK Bytes of memory to be available in the Target System. Debug firmware in a PSU on the AIM-72 interfaces with the system to implement the breakpoint, single step and other functions. Trap control circuitry allows the use of a single byte breakpoint, providing complete flexibility when using break points in tight programming loops. Execution is at full speed, determined only by the user's crystal frequency - no speed reduction is introduced by the AIM's operating system. The AIM-72 clock may be implemented from the Target system, from an on-board crystal oscillator, or from the SDB-50/70 clock. MULTI 3870 SERIES APPLICATIONS Up to eight AIM-72 boards may be installed in one control system with each AIM-72 used to emulate a different 3870 Series Microcomputer. The debug functions on each AIM-72 may be enabled one at a time and each program developed until all Target programs are functional. Only one AIM-72 may be in the active debug mode at a time; other AIM-72's will be in the emulator mode. FAIM-72 SOFTWARE FA I M-72 is the software designed to operate the AIM-72 board with the SDB-50/70 Software Development Board. It is supplied on a paper tape or cassette for loading into the SDB-50/70 memory. The hardware and software associated with AIM have been designed to retain the same command structure as the SOB. The only difference is that all operands (Memory Addresses or Port Addresses) which correspond to the 'Target' system must be preceded by the letter 'T'. The commands available with FAIM-72 are summarized. Designations s, f, and d stand for operands. 698 ,B Ts Set breakpoint to exit target program at address s ,C Ts, Tf, Td ,C s, f, Td ,C Ts, Tf, d Copy memory block from address s thru address f in the SOB or target to the memory block starting at address d in the SOB or target ,0 Ts, Tf Dump formatted tape from target memory block from address s thru address f. ,E Ts Execute target program at address s ,I Re-initialize AIM-72 ,L T Load formatted tape into target memory ,M Ts Display and update target memory at address s ,MTs, Tf Tabulate target memory block from address s thru address f ,P Ts Display and update target port s ,P Ts, Tf Tabulate target ports s thru f ,Q Return to DDT-2 ,S Ts Begin single step execution at address s in target program Each of these SOB commands may be applied to any portion of the target system's port or memory map. This is accomplished by means of a 'handshaking' procedure between the CPU on the AIM and the SOB. Handshaking is initiated automatically when the system is initialized or whenever single-step execution of a target instruction has been completed or when a breakpoint is encountered. Also, whenever handshaking is initiated, the contents of all target system registers (Scratchpad, Status, Accumulator, etc.) are transferred to a designated portion of the SOB memory map where they may be examined or modified. This portion of the SOB memory is called the 'Register Map' and is also used to initialize the target system register whenever execution is initiated (or resumed) in the target system. CABlI 10 fARCE! SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM AIM-72 TRAP CONTROL CIRCUIT t IV +m t -llY om qllfM SUI BUS 699 OROERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR OESCRIPTION PART NO AIM-72 Operations Manual Contains a complete description of the use and operation of AIM'72. MK79577 AIM-72 Includes the AIM-72 circuit board, the AIM-72 MK79076 Operations Manual, the ZAIM-72 software on diskette, and the FAIM-72 software on paper tape for developing 3870 Series Applications. A10-80F A complete dual floppy disk development system (less terminal and line printer). Order FZCASM to provide 3870 series assembly capability. Order AIM-72 to provide 3870 Series debug capability. MK78125 FZCASM A10-80F Cross Assembler for 3870/F8 Microcomputers. Provides disk-based assembly for 3870 assembly language programs on the Mostek AIOc80F Microcomputer. MK79079 SOB-50/70 Includes the SOB-50/70 circuit board with complete documentation. The SOB-50/70 is used with the AIM-72 as a stand alo.ne microcomputer with resident software for 3870 series program assembly and debug. MK79019 FAIM-72 Optional cassette tape based AIM-72· software for use with Silent 700 terminal and SOB-50/70 development system. MK79083 700 MOSTEI(@ MICROCOMPUTER SUPPORT Prom Programmer (PPG-08) FEATURES D Programs, reads, and verifies MK 270S PROMS D Directly interfaces to SDB-50/70 and SDB-SO D Driver software included D Zero insertion force socket D Power and programming indicators GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MK 270S PROM Programmer (PPG-OS) is a peripheral which provides a low-cost means of programming MK 270S UV erasable PROMs. The PPG-OS has a generalized computer interface (two S-bit I/O ports) allowing it to be controlled by most types of host computers with user-generated driver software. It is directly compatible with MOSTEK's FS Software Development Board (SDB-50/70) and ZSO Software Development Board (SDB-SO). Driver software in paper-tape form and source listings for the SDB-50/70 and SDB-SO are included with the purchase of the PPG-OS. A complete set of documentation is also provided with the PPG-OS which describes the internal operation and details user's operating procedures. Interface cables for the SDB-50/70 and SDB-SO may be purchased separately. Another optional accessory is a TI Silent 700 compatible cassette tape containing control software for the SDB-50/70 and SDB-SO. SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature ............... 0° to 50°C Programming time (maximum) ........ 2.5 minutes Physical Dimensions ............... 5" x 7" x 2" OROER INFORMATION NAME OESCRIPTION PART NO. PPG-08 MK 2708 PROM Programmer MK 79033 XAID-805 Cable for interface to SOB-80 MK 79041 XAID-705 Cable for interface to SOB-50170 MK 79046 SWO-1 Oriver software MK 79051 on TI Silent 700 compatible cassette tape for SO B-50/70 and SOB-80 Interface 40 pin control connector (.1" centers card edge) 12 pin power connector (.156" centers card edge) All control signals are TTL compatible. Power requirements +12 VDC @ 250 mA typical + 5 VDC @ 100 mA typical -12 VDC @ 50 mA typical 701 CONTROL CONNECTOR (J1) PIN·OUT PIN# Signal Name Direction Description All Odd Pins (1-39) J1-2 GND ASTB Output "LOW"when Port A (PAO-PA7) is in output mode PAO-PA7 Bidirectional PORT A (PAO-PAl) is used to output the lower 8 bits of Logic Ground PROM address to latch, output PROM data during programming and input PROM data during read sequence. J1-24 Output "LOW" when Port A (PAO-PA 7) is in input mode. PROM address bit 8 PROM address bit 9 "HIGH" when Port A (PAO-PA7) is in input mode and J1-26 J1-28 J1-30 PBO/ADDR8 PB1/ADDR9 PB2/PAIN Input Input Input J1-32 J1-34 J1-36 PB3/PROG MODE PB4/PROG PULSE PB5/PA OUT Input Input Input PB6/CLK LATCH PB7/PROG LED Input Input PROM is in read mode. J1-38 J1-40 "H IGH" during program mode. Programming Pulse "HIGH" when Port A (PAO-PAl) is in output mode. Clock to strobe address bits 0-7 into latch Control line for programming indicator POWER CONNECTOR (J2) PIN·OUT J2-1,A J2-2, 3, B, C +5VDC GND J2-4, 5, D, E J2·6, F +12VDC -12VDC BLOCK DIAGRAM JI CONNECTOR TO SOB-50170 SDB-80 OR OTHER HOST COMPUTER MK2708 SOCKET J2 CONNECTOR TO +5,+12,-12 POWER SUPPLY 702 MOSTEI(8 MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEM PROM Programmer (PPG-8/16) FEATURES o Programs, reads, and verifies 270S, 275S, and 2716 type PROMs (275S and 2716 PROMS must be 5 Volt only type) o Directly interfaces to SOB-50170, SOB-SO, AIO-SOF and SYS-SOF o Driver software included o Zero insertion force socket o Power and programming indicators DESCRIPTION The PPG-S/16 PROM Programmer is a peripheral which provides a low-cost means of programming 270S, 275S, or 2716 PROMs. It is directly compatible with MOSTEK's FS Software Development Board (SOB50170), ZSO Software Development Board (SOB-SO), ZSO MOX system and ZSO Microcomputer Development System (AIO-SOF or SYS-SOF). The PPG-S/16 has a generalized computer interface (two S-bit 1/0 ports) allowing it to also be controlled by other types of host computers with user-generated driver software. A complete set of documentation is provided with the PPG-S/16 which describes the internal operation and details user's operating procedures. The PPG-S/16 is available in two packaging configurations: (1) In a metal enclosure for use with the SOB-50170, SOB-SO or SYS-SOF, or alternatively (2) fully integrated into the AIO-SOF. Interface cables for either the SOB-SO or SOB-50170 must be purchased separately. SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION The driver software available for the SOB-SO, SOB50170, AIO-SOF, and SYS-SOF accomplishes four basic operations. These are: (1) loading data (object tapes for SOB-SO and SOB-50170 or binary files for the AIO-SOF or SYS-SOF) into host computer memory, (2) reading the contents of a PROM into host computer rnemory, (3) programming a PROM from the contents the host computer memory, and (4) verifying the contents of a PROM with the contents of the host computer memory. The driver software is provided in the form of paper-tape for both the SOB-50170 and the SOB-SO. An optional accessory is a TI Silent 700 compatible cassette object tape containing control software for the SOB-50/70 and SOB-SO. Users of MOSTEK's AIO-SOF or SYS-SOF who wish to upgrade their systems with a PPG-S/16 will find the driver software on their system diskette (version 2.0 or later). The user documentation provided with PPG-S/16 tully explains programming procedures which enable a user to develop a software driver on a different host computer. 703 SPECIFICATIONS OPERATING TEMPERATURE O°C - 50°C INTERFACE PROGRAMMING TIME 25 Pin control connector (0 type) for MOX or SYS-SOF 40 Pin control connector (.1 in. centers card edge) for AIO-SOF, SOB-SO, or SOB-50170 12 pin power connector (.156 in. centers card edge) All control signals are TTL compatible. 270S .................. 2.5 minutes 275S ................... 0.9 minutes 2716 ................... 1 .S minutes POWER REQUIREMENTS +12VOC @ 250 mA typical +5VOC @ 100 mA typical SYS-SOF) -12VOC @ 50 mA typical (Supplied by AIO-SOF or PPG 8/16 BLOCK DIAGRAM JI CONNECTOR TO sOB-50170, sOB-80, A10-80F sYs-80F OR OTHER HOST COMPUTER ,.t-t......L-L-...,2/1 Ae-Ag (2708) Ae-Alo(2716 ) MK 27081 MK2716 SOCKET MOOE SELECT CIRCUIT PROGRAM PULSE J2 CONNECTOR TO +5,+12,-12 POWER SUPPLY +12VOC +5 VOC GNO -12VOC +27.5 VOC ~ 1~1~1 -5VOC +5VOC 704 PROGRAM LEO STEP UP VOLTAGE REGULATOR +12 voe CS/WE PROGRAM ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. PPG-S/16* PROM Programmer for 270S1275S12716 PROMs with Operations Manual and paper tape drivers for SOB-50170 and SOB-SO. Ooes not include cables. MK790S1 PROM Programmer for 270S1275S12716 PROMs with Operations Manual and paper tape drivers for SOB-50170 and SOB-SO. Includes cable for interface to SYS-SOF. (Europe only). MK790S2 XAID-S05 PPG-S/16 Interface Cable for SOB-SO MK79041 XA10-705 PPG-S/16 Interface Cable forSOB-50170 MK79046 MO-PPG PPG-S/16 Interface Cable for MOX-PIO MK77957 SWO-2 PPG-S/16 Object programs for SOB-50170 & SOB-SO on Silent 700 cassette tape. MK790S4 PPG-RETRO Installation package for installing PPG S/16 into the AIO-SOF (also can be used for PPG-OS integration into AIO-SOF). Includes cable. MK7S154 PPG-S/16 Operations Manual MK79603 *NOTE: The PPG-S/16 will only program the 270S, 275S. and2716 PROMs. The275S and2716 are5 Volt only type PROMs. THE PPG-S/16 WILL NOT PROGRAM THE TI 2716 MULTIPLE VOLTAGE 2K x S PROM. 705 706 MOSTEI(. MICROCOMPUTER SUPPORT CRT FEATURES o Interfaces directly to AID-80F or SYS-80F o All 128 ASCII codes o 94displayable characters including lower case o ANSI standard keyboard layout o Separate numeric pad o Dual intensity o Cursor addressing and sensing o EIA and 20 mA interface o Baud rates up to 19.2KB o Auxiliary EIA output o Standard or reverse video The MOSTEK CRT is a high-performance, keyboard display unit that is fully compatible with the AID-80F microcomputer system. Characters for the MOSTEK CRT are formed using a TV raster-scan technique. Spacing of 2 dots between characters and 3 lines between upper case rows provides a highly legible character with excellent definition. The character set consists of 94 displayable LIPper and lower-case characters with lower-case descenders. The display may be switch-selected to be standard video (white on black) or reverse video (black on white). The MOSTEK CRT can be interfaced to any computer system that provides a RS-232 or 20 mA serial asynchonous interface. 707 SPECIFICATION OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS DISPLAY CHARACTERISTICS TERMINAL CONTROL Keyboard Remote Command CLEAR SCREEN • • CLEAR FOREGROUND • • CLEAR TO END OF LINE • • CLEAR TO END OF SCREEN • • Characters per line: 80 Lines per display: 24 Screen Capacity: 1920 characters All 128 ASCII Codes 94 Displayable Characters Including Lower Case Character size: 182 in. High x .088 in. Wide (nominal) Refresh rate: 60 frames/sec Display: P4 phosphor white on black or black on white Cursor: Block Dual Intensity INTERFACE CLEAR TO END OF SCREEN (BACKGROUND SPACES) AUDIBLE ALARM Full or Half Duplex (W.E. modem 103A compatible or W.E. Modem 202C/D using character turnaround). • • EIA RS232C connector, or Current Loop connector, 20mA externally sourced. BACKSPACE • KEYBOARD LOCK • Eight Baud Rates: 110, 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2K KEYBOARD UNLOCK • Parity: Odd, Even, 1 or 0 INSERT LINE • No. of Stop Bits: one (two at 110 Baud) DELETE LINE • • TAB • *BACKGROUND FOLLOWS • **FOREGROUND FOLLOWS • *Background spaces are low intensity. **Foreground spaces are high intensity. EXTERNAL CONTROLS Contrast Power On/Off Half Duplex/Full Duplex Auto LF/CR Control Reverse Video or Standard Video Lower Case Disable Parity Baud rate EIA or Current Loop ELECTRICAL Power consumption: 115 watts nominal Power input: 115V,60 Hz CURSOR CONTROL CURSOR ADDRESS (XY) Keyboard Remote Command • • MECHANICAL Size (nominal): 13.5 in (34.3cm) high, 15.5 in (40 cm) wide, 20.5 in (52.1 cm) deep Weight: 35 Ibs. (15.9 kg) INCREMENTAL CURSOR CONTROL • • ENVIRONMENTAL READ CURSOR ADDRESS • • HOME CURSOR • • Temperature: 10°C to 40°C Storage Temperature: -20°C to 65°C Humidity: Up to 80% relative, non-condensing Shock: Up to 40 g's on three axes (in carton) 708 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR MOSTEK DESCRIPTION PART NO. Mostek CRT terminal featuring all 128 ASCII codes. 94 displayable characters including lower case. 80 characters by 24 lines. ANSI standard keyboard layout. cursor addressing and sensing. EIA and 20 Ma interface and Baud rates to 19.2K B. Includes RS-232 interface cable (MK79038). MK78149 AID-80F or SYS-80F Interface cable (available separately). MK78152 709 710 MOSTEI{. MICROCOMPUTER SUPPORT Line Printer FEATURES o Interfaces directly to AIO-80F o Prints 120 characters per second 0 Up to 132 characters per line 0 Prints original plus five copies 0 Character elongation 0 8 inches per second paper slew rate 0 Ribbon cartridge 0 7x7 dot matrix, 64 character ASCII 0 Tractor feed/Pin feed platen o Parallel interface DESCRIPTION The MOSTEK line printer is a state-of-the-art microprocessor controlled, dot-matrix line printer that prints at the rate of 120 characters per second. The printer has a maximum print width of 132 characters with a horizontal format of 10 characters per inch and 6 lines per inch vertical. Elogated (double width) characters are software selectable. The Mostek line printer interfaces directly to the AIO80F or SYS-80F Microcomputer Systems and can be interfaced easily to other computer systems supporting parallel I/O. SPECIFICATIONS . p. nnt Perf ormance - M·Inlmum Th rouglout h Printer Model Print Speed (cps) Max. Print Width 10Char/ SOChar/ 132Char/ Une Line Line (Ipm) (lpm) (Ipm) 702 120 13.2 in. (335mm) 260 74 Characters 7x7 dot matrix, 64 character U.S. ASCII 47 Format 10 Characters per inch horizontal 6 Lines per inch vertical Elongated (double width) characters software selectable Forms Handling Tractor feed, for rear or bottom feed forms 8 ips slew rate Usable paper 4 in. (102mm) to 17.3 in. (439mm) width Paper tension adjustment Ribbon System Ribbon cartridge Continuous ribbon 9/16 in. (14mm) wide, 20 yards (18.3 meters) long. Mobius loop allows printing on upper and lower portion on alternate passes. Panel Indicators Power On: Indicates AC power is applied to printer. Select: Indicates printer can receive data. Alert: Indicates operator-correctable error condition. Operator Controls Select/deselect Forms thickness 711 Top of form Horizontal forms positioning Vertical forms positioning Power ON/OFF Single line feed Paper empty override Self-test Electrical Requirements 50/60 Hz, 1151230 VAC;+10%/-15% of Nominal Tappable Transformer (100, 110, 115, 120, 200, 220, 230,240 VAC). Physical Dimensions Internal Controls Auto motor control: turns stepping motors off when no data is received. Electronic top of form: allows paper to space to top of form when command is received. Preset for 11 in. (279mm) or 12 in. (305mm) forms Opt. VFU must be used for other form lengths. Weight: Width: Height: Depth: Model 702 60 Ibs. (27 Kg) 24.5 in. (622mm) 8 in. (203mm) 18 in. (457mm) Temperature Operating: 40° to lOO°F (4.4° to 37.7°C) -40° to 160°F (-40° to 71.1 0c) Storage: Data Input 7 or 8 bit ASCII parallel; microprocessor electronics; TTL levels with strobe. Acknowledge pulse indicates that data was received. Humidity Operating: 20% to 90% (No condensation) Storage: 5% to 95% (No condensation) INTERFACING INTERFACE DRIVERS AND RECEIVERS ALL INPUT/OUTPUT SIGNALS ARE TTL COMPATIBLE LO: 0.4 VOLTS HI' 2.4 VOLTS RECEIVER: R = 1000 OHMS: OATA LINES R= 470 OHMS: DATA STROBE So INPUT PRIME LINES +5V DRIVER: oo-------------«~~--------~o CONNECTOR: AMPHENOL 57. 40360 SERIES. 36·PIN (CENTRONICS 31310019) INTERFACING TIMING PARALLEL DATA VIII///i/lIll(JI1 I I 1 I ~ 1.0.us (MIN) DATA STROBE 14- --l I I I I I I 1 1.0.us '-" (MIN) ----~~~-------------------------t I 1.0.us (MIN) i500.u" (MAX) : I ACKNOWLEDGE ~ I I,"",.~_- ACK DELAY : FOR NORMAL DATA -.( BUSY DELAY 712 I I I fool-- -+l I f1//I/1~ I I I -----11-1..'--- 1 BUSY ____~r-- I I BUSY ----.j ACK ---I : . - ACK DELAY I FOR BUSY CONDITION INTERFACE TIMING CONT'D NORMAL DATA INPUT TIMING BUSY CONDITION TIMING 702 ACK DELAY ACK 2 - 6 Ilsec. 4llsec. BUSY DELAY ACK DELAY ACK BUSY DURATION Line Feed Vertical Tab (1-in.) Form Feed (11-in.) Delete Bell Select* Deselect o - 1.5 IlSec. Printer 1 - 6 Ilsec. 4 Ilsec. 350 - 500 Ilsec. 135 - 145 msec. 1.48 - 1.50 sec. 160 - 400 Ilsec. 0 o - 1.5 Ilsec. Until Printer is selected 8.33 msec/char.; plus 148 msec. non-printing time/line. *No busy if inhibit prime on select option is used. ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. MOSTEK LP Mostek line printer featuring 120cps operation, 7x7 dot matrix, 10 cpi, and paper slew rate of 8 ips. Includes AID-80F cable. MK78150 AID-80F parallel interface cable for line printer (Centronics 702). MK78153 713 714 MOSTEI{. MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS AID-80F Cross Assembler for 3870/F8 (FZCASM) FEATURES D Assembles all standard 3870/F8 family source statements D Object output in industry standard hexadecimal format extended for relocatable and linkable programs D Allows the following pseudo-ops: program origin ORG equate label EQU define constant DC DEFL - . define label DEFM define message DEFB define byte define word DEFW define storage DEFS end statement END IF conditional assembly ENDIF end of conditional assembly include another dataset INCLUDE within current assembly program name definition NAME program section definition PSECT global symbol definition GLOBAL D Supports the following assembler directive pseudo-ops: EJECT TITLE LIST NLiST eject a page of listing place heading at top of each page of listing turn listing on turn listing off D Complete assembly in two passes with second pass repeatable D Size of program to be assembled limited only by memory available for symbol table D Supports conditional assembly, relocatable and linkable modules, symbol table and cross reference listings D Supplied on a standard F LP-80DOS diskette for use with the MOSTEK AI D-80F floppy disk based development system DESCRIPTION The purpose of the 3870/F8 Cross Assembler is to assemble source language programs for the MOSTEK 3870 Series and F8 microcomputers. The Cross Assembler is designed to run on the MOSTEK AID-80F Dual Disk Development System with the F LP-80DOS operating system. The Cross Assembler is supplied on flexible diskette. The Assembler reads F8 source mnemonics and pseudo-ops and outputs an assembly listing and object code. The assembly listing shows address, machine code, statement number, and source statement. The object code is in industry standard hexadecimal format modified for relocatable, linkable assemblies. A conversion utility (F8DUMP) is supplied to produce object code in F8 format for users of the MOSTEK SDB-50/70. The Assembler supports conditional assemblies, global symbols, relocatable programs, a printed symbol table and cross reference listing. It can assemble any length program limited only by a symbol table size of over 400 symbols. Expressions involving mathematical and logical operations are allowed. Conditional assembly allows the user to suspend assembly for a portion of the program depending upon the result of an expression. A 715 global symbol is catagorized as "internal" if it appears as a label in the program; otherwise it is an "external" symbol. The printed symbol table and cross reference listing show which symbols are internal and which are external. The Cross Assembler allows the user to select relocatable or non-relocatable assembly via the "PSECT" pseudo-op. Relocation records are placed in the object output for relocatable assemblies. The Assembler can be run as a single pass assembler or as a learning tool. (In this mode, global symbols and forward references are not allowed). In conjunction with the FLP-80DOS Text Editor and Linker, FZCASM provides the means for editing, assembling and linking F8 or 3870 family programs. ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER FZCASM Cross Assembler Includes the 3870/F8 Cross Assembler on a F LP-80 DOS system diskette, and the FZCASIVI Operations Manual. MK79079 FZCASM Operations Manual Describes in detail the operation of the 3870/F8 Cross Assembler MK78582 AID-80F Data Sheet Describes the MOSTEK AID-80F Dual Disk Development System MK78568 F LP-80DOS Data Sheet Describes the operating system used on the AID-80F System MK78556 F LP-80DOS Operations Manual Describes in detail the software and operating system used to run FZCASM on the AID-80F System MK78557 AIM-72 Data Sheet Describes the MOSTEK AIM-72 Application Interface Module used to provide in-circuit emulation capability for 3870 series Microcomputers on the AID-80F. MK79576 716 STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT All Mostek Corporation products are sold on condition that the Purchaser agrees to the following terms: 1. The Purchaser agrees not to sell, provide, give away, or otherwise make available to any unauthorized persons, all or any part of, the Mostek software products listed below; including, but not restricted to: object code, source code and program listings. 2. The Purchaser may at any time demonstrate the normal operation of the Mostek software product to any person. 3. All software designed, developed and generated independently of, and not based on, Mostek's software by purchaser shall become the sole property of purchaser and shall be excluded from the provisions of this Agreement. Mostek's software which is modified with the written permission of Mostek and which is modified to such an extent that Mostek agrees that it is not recognizable as Mostek's software shall become the sole property of purchaser. 4. Purchaser shall be notified by Mostek of all updates and modifications made by Mostek for a oneyear period after purchase of said Mostek software product. Updated and/or modified software and manuals will be supplied at the current cataloged prices. 5. In no event will Mostek be held liable for any loss, expense or damage, of any kind whatsoever, direct or indirect, regardless of whether such arises out of the law of torts or contracts, or Mostek's negligence, including incidental damages, consequential damages and lost profits, arising out of or connected in any manner with any of Mostek's software products described below. 6. MOSTEK MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY AND WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE) WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE DESCRIBED BELOW. The Following Software Products Subject To This Agreement: Order Number Description Price* Ship To: Bill To: Method of Shipment: Customer P.O. Number: Agreed To: PURCHASER MOSTEK CORPORATION By: By: Title: Title: Date: Date: --------------------------- * Prices Subject To Change Without Notice 717 718 MOSTEI(8 zao MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS BASIC Software Interpreter FEATURES o Direct access to CPU 110 Ports o Ability to read or write any memory location (PEEK, POKE) o Arrays with up to 255 dimensions o Dynamic allocation and de-allocation of arrays o IF ...THEN ... ELSE and nested IF ...THEN ... ELSE . o Direct (immediate) execution of statements o Error trapping, with error messages in English o Four variable types: Integer, string, real and double precision real. o Full PRINT USING capabilities for formatted output o Extensive program editing facilities o Trace facilities o Can call up to 10 assembly language subroutines o Boolean (logical) operations o Supports up to 6 sequential and random access files on floppy disk. o Complete set of file manipulation statements o Occupies only 19K bytes, not including operating system o Supports console and line printe~ Designed to operate on the Mostek Dual Disk Development System with FLP-aODOS and 32K bytes or more memory. Mostek BASIC provides a sophisticated software development tool. Mostek BASIC is implemented as an interpreter and is highly suitable for user interactive processing. In a 32K byte system, about 7K bytes of free storage area are available to the user, Programs and data are stored in a compressed internal format to maximize memory utilization. By adding more memory to the system, the user's program and data storage area may be increased to as much as 31 K bytes. 1/0 o Allows console output to be redirected to the line printer DESCRIPTION MOSTEK BASIC is an extensive implementation of Microsoft BASIC for the zao microprocessor. Its features are comparable to those BASICs found on minicomputers and large mainframes. Mostek BASIC is among the fastest microprocessor BASICs available. Unique features include long variable names, substring assignments and hexadecimal and octal constants. Many other features ease the task of programming complex functions. The Programmer is seldom limited by array size (up to 255 dimensions, with run time allocation and deallocation) or 110 restrictions. Full PRINT USING capabilities allow formatted output, while both input and output may be performed with mUltiple sequential and random files on floppy disk as well as with the CPU 1/0 ports. Editing, error trapping, and trace facilities greatly simplify program debugging. 719 Commands: CLEAR LIST NULL SYSTEM CONTST LLiST RENUM TRON DELETE LOAD RESET TROFF EDIT MERGE RUN WIDTH DEFDBL END GOTO ON ... GO SUB RESUME DEFINT ERASE IF .. .THEN(ELSE) ON ... GOTO RETURN DEFSNG ERROR LET OUT STOP DRFSTR FOR NEXT POKE SWAP DATA LlNEINPUT PUT FIELD LSET READ GET NAME RESTORE INPUT OPEN RESET OR "- XOR + MOD IMP NOT EQV > <= >= <> ATN ERL INT RND TAB CDBL ERR LOG SGN USRn CINT EXP LPOS SIN VARPTR COS FRE PEEK SPC CHR$ LEN STRING$ FRE MID$ STR$ HEX$ OCT$ VAL INSTR RIGHT$ CVS MKI$ EOF MKS$ LaC AUTO FILES NEW SAVE Program Statement: DEFNx DIM GOSUB ON ... ERROR REM WAIT Input/Output Statements: CLOSE KILL PRINT Operators t / AND < Arithmetic Functions ABS CSNG INP pas SQR String Functions ASC LEFT$ SPACES Input/Output Functions CVD LOF CVI MKD$ In order to receive Mostek BASIC, the attached Mostek BASIC Non-disclosure agreement should be signed and returned with each purchase order. 720 ORDERING INFORMATION Designator Description Part No. MOSTEK BASIC BASIC INTERPRETER high-level Language to run on FLP-80DOS. Requires 32K bytes of memory. MK78157 AID-80F Floppy disk development system for Z80 and and 3870/F8 systems. Includes FLP-80DOS and 32K bytes of RAM MK78125 MOSTEK BASIC NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT The party below agrees that it is receiving a copy of Mostek BASIC for use on a single computer only, as designated on its registration card. The party agrees to fill out and mail in the registration card before making use of Mostek BASIC. The party agrees that all copies will be strictly safeguarded against disclosure to or use by persons not authorized by Mostek to use Mostek BASIC, and that the location of all copies will be reported to Mostek at Mostek's request. The party agrees that is agreement shall insure to the benefit of any third party holding any right, title or interest in the Mostek BASIC cr any software from which it was derived. "Party" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Date) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Company: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ Return to: Mostek Corp. Microcomputer Dept. Software Librarian MS 501 1215 W. Crosby Road Carrollton, Texas 75006 721 722 MOSTEI(. zao MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS FORTRAN IV Compiler FEATURES o All of ANSI standard FORTRAN IV (X3.9-1966) except c()mplex data type. o Generates relocatable linkable object code. o Subroutines may be compiled separately and stored in a system library. o Compiles several hundred statements per minute in a single pass. o Enhancements include 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. LOGICAL variables which can be used as integer quantities LOGICAL DO loops for tighter, faster execution of small valued integer loops. Mixed mode arithmetic. Hexadecimal constants. Literals and Holleriths allowed in expressions. LOgical operations on integer data ..AND., . OR., .NOT. and .XOR. can be used for 16-bit or 8-bit Boolean operations. READIWRITE End-of-File or Error Condition transfer. END=n and ERR=n (where n is the statement number) can be included in READ or WRITE statements to transfer control to the specified statement on detection of an error or end-of-file condition. ENCODE/DECODE for FORMAT operations to memory. o Long descriptive error messages. only the s\Jbroutines and system routines required to run FORTRAN programs are loaded before execution. Subroutines can be placed in a system library so that users can develop a common set of subroutines that are used in their programs. Also, if only one module of a program is changed, it is necessary to re-compile only that module. The standard library of subroutines supplied with FORTRAN includes: o Extended optimizations o Z80 assembly language subprograms may be called from FORTRAN programs DESCRIPTION Mostek's FORTRAN IV Compiler package provides new capabilities for users of ZaO-based microcomputer systems. Mostek FORTRAN is comparable to FORTRAN compilers on large mainframes and minicomputers. All of ANSI Standard FORTRAN X3.9-1966 is included except the COMPLEX data type. Therefore, users may take advantage of the many applications programs already written in FORTRAN. Mostek FORTRAN IV is unique in that it provides a microprocessor FORTRAN development package that generates relocatable object modules. This means that ABS INT AMAXO DMAX1 MIN1 SIGN IDIM DEXP DLOG10 DCOS ATAN DMOD OUT lABS IDINT AMAX1 AMINO DMIN1 ISIGN SNGL ALOG SIN TANH DATAN PEEK DABS AMOD MAXO AMIN1 FLOAT DSIGN DBLE DLOG DSIN SQRT ATAN2 POKE AINT MOD MAX1 MINO IFIX DIM EXP ALOG10 COS DSQRT DATAN2 INP The library also contains routines for 32-bit and 64-bit floating point additon, subtraction, multiplication, diviSion, etc. These routines are among the fastest available for performing these functions on the Z80. 723 A minimum system size of 48K bytes (including FLP. 80DOS) is required to provide efficient optimization. The Mostek FORTRAN compiler optimizes the generated object code inseveral ways: 1. Common subexpression elimination. Common subexpressions are evaluated once, and the value is substituted in later occurrences of the subexpression. 2. Peephole Optimization. Small sections of code are replaced by more compact, faster code in special cases. 3. Constant folding. Integer constant expressions are evaluated at compile time. LINKER A relocating linking loader (LlNK-80) and a library manager (LlB-80) are included in the Mostek FORTRAN .package. LlNK-80 resolves internal and external references between the object modules loaded and also performs library searches for system subroutines and generates a load map of memory showing the locations of the main program, subroutines and common areas. LIBRARY MANAGER 4. Branch Optimizations. The number of conditional jumps in arithmetic and logical IFs is minimized. Long descriptive error messages are another feature of the compiler. For instance: ?Statement unrecognizable is printed if the compiler scans a statement that is not an assignment or other FORTRAN statement. The last twenty characters scanned before the detected error are also printed. As an option, the compiler generates a fully symbolic listing of the machine language to be generated. At the end of the listing, the compiler produces an error summary and tables showing the addresses assigned to labels, variables and constants. LlB-80 allows users to customize libraries of object modules. LlB-80 can be used to insert, replace or delete object modules within a library, or create a new library from scratch. Library modules and the symbol definitions they contain may also be listed. CP/M UTILITY A utility program (XCPM) is included which allows the user to copy FORTRAN source programs from CP/M diskettes to FLP-80DOS diskettes.' At this point the programs can be compiled using the Mostek FORTRAN compiler. FTRANS UTILITY FTRANS allows the user to convert object programs produced by the Mostek Z80 assembler to a form that is linkable to FORTRAN programs. DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. MOSTEK FORTRAN IV FORTRAN IV high level compiler to run on FLP-80DOS. Requires 48K bytes of RAM. Includes Operations Manual. MK78158 Operations Manual only MK79643 Mostek FORTRAN IV User's Manual 724 , MOSTEI(. zao MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEM FLP-SODOS Software Library Vol. 1 (LIB-SO-V1) FEATURES o Includes 23 useful subroutines and programs for the Z80, including: • Lawrence Livermore Lab's Basic • Generalized sort program for up to 8 fields per record • 8080 - Z80 source code converter • Fast disk-to-disk copy utility • Hexadecimal Dump Utility to dump memory on files • Assembly Language Formatter Utility to format Z80 source into columns • Word Processor Program Version 2.0, used to format documents • Disk Recovery Utility used to recover bad disk files o All programs are supplied in source, object, and binary format with complete documentation on a standard FLP-80DOS diskette. o Requires FLP-80DOS Version 2.0 or higher. This software library differs from other libraries in that all programs in the library have been developed or modified in-house. All programs in the library are in use at Mostek and all have some utility. The FLP-80DOS Software Library Volume 1 consists of a User's Guide and two diskettes containing the source and binary (or object for subroutines)forms for each one of the twenty-three included programs. In order to reduce the cost of the library, printed source listings are not supplied. The user can obtain a source listing easily by assembling the required source program. A brief User's Guide is a part of each program source. The FLP-80DOS Software Library is a "Level 2" product. "Level 2" software products are supplied by Mostek but are not supported in the areas of technical assistance or updates. ORDERING INFORMATION DESCRIPTION The Mostek FLP-80DOS Software Library is a collection of programs of general utility that run under FLP80005 Version 2.0 or higher. These programs are used quite extensively at Mostek. They are being offered in source format on diskette so that the user may not only use them as supplied, but may use them as a base for individually tailored software. PART NO. DESCRIPTION MK78164 LlB-80 Volume 1 - FLP-80DOS Software Library, including source, object, and binary formats on diskette, and a printed user's guide. 725 726 1979 MICROCOMPUTER DATA BOOK 727 728 MOSTEI(. Z80 MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS Microcomputer Development System (SYS-80FT) INTRODUCTION The Mostek SYS-80FT is a complete state of the art disk based computer. Not only does it provide all the necessary tools for software development but it provides complete hardware/software debug through Mostek's AIM series of in-circuit emulation cards for the Z80, the 3870 family and future Mostek microprocessors. The disk based system eliminates the need for other mass storage media but provides ease of interface to any peripheral normally used with computers. The file oriented floppy disk structure for data storage and retrieval provides a reliable, portable media to speed and facilitate software development. The FLP-80DOS Disk operating system is designed for maximum flexibility both in use and expansion to meet a multitude of end user or OEM needs. Because FLP-80DOS is supported by Mostek's SO and MD Series of OEM boards, software designed on the SYS-80FT can be directly used in OEM board applications. DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM FEATURES The SYS-80FT is an excellent integration of both hardware and software development tools for use throughout the complete system design and development phase. The software development is begun by using the combination of Mostek's Text Editor with « roll in - roll out .. virtual memory operation and the Mostek relocating assembler. Debug can then proceed with the SYS-80FT using its resources as if they were in the final system. Using combinations of the Monitor, Designer's Debugging Tool, execution time breakpoints, and single step/multistep operation along with a formatted memory dump provides control for attacking those tough problems. The use of the Mostek AIM option provides extended debug with versatile hardware breakpoints on memory or port locations, a buffered in-circuit emulation cable for extending the software debug into its own natural hardware environment, as well as a history memory to capture bus transactions in real time for later examination and external probes for analysis of signals not directly related to the CPU bus. The relocatable and linking feature of the assembler enables the use of contemporary modular design techniques whereby major system alterations can be made in 729 small tractable modules. Using the linker, the small modules can be combined to form a run time module without major reassembly of the entire program. cages, permits the user to configure a multitude of different systems. PACKAGED SYSTEM FEATURES SYS-BOFT RESIDENT SOFTWARE (FLP-80DOS) A totally integrated package of resident software is offered in conjunction with the SYS-80FT consisting of: From a system standpoint, the SYS-80FT has been designed to be the basis of an end product small business/industrial computer. The flexibility provided in the FLP-80DOS operating system permits application programs to be as diverse as a high level language compiler or a supervisory control system in the industrial environment. Other hardware options are available, with even more to be added. Expansion of the disk drive units to a total of four single sided or double sided units provide up to two megabytes of storage. This computer uses the third generation Z80 processor supported with the power of a complete family of peripheral chips. Through use of its 158 instructions (including: 16-bits arithmetic, bit manipulation, advanced block moves and interrupt handling), almost any application from communication concentrators to general purpose accounting systems is made easy. OEM FEATURES The hardware and software basis for the SYS-80FT is also available separately to the OEM purchaser. Through a software licensing agreement, all Mostek Software can be utilized on these OEM series of cards. A growing line of support cards and card SOFTWARE BLOCK DIAGRAM A microcomputer system is only as good as its software. Mostek has a wide range of software products which turn the powerful Z80 based hardware into a system of minicomputer capabilities. 730 Standard software Monitor DDT-80 with extended debug through AIM-80 Text Editor Z80 Relocating Assembler Peripheral Interchange Program Linker I/O control system Floppy disk handler Device driver library Batch mode operation Optional software includes: Macro Assemblers Z80 + 3870 Basic Fortran Utility package Block structured high level language 1- SDB - SOE 2- FLP - SOE . 3-VDI-S/P 4- RAM - SOBE 5-AIM -SOE Monitor The FLP-80DOS Monitor is the environment from which all activity in the system initiates. From the Monitor ,any system routine such as PIP or a user generated program is begun by simply entering the program name. FLP-80DOS I/O is done in terms of logical unit numbers, as is commonly done in FORTRAN. A set of logical units are preassigned to default 110 drivers upon power or reset. From the console the user can reassign any logical unit to any new I/O device and can also display logical unit assigments. Executable file creation can be done by the Save command, and Hex object files can be produced using the Dump command. User generated binaryfiles can be loaded with the GET command or can be directly executed by entering the program name. 731 Text Editors The Text Editors permit editing/creating of any source file independent of the language being written. Two are provided. The Editor for TTY type I/O. The Video Editor for CRT I/O. The Editor is both line and string oriented to give maximum utility and user flexibility. The Editor through its virtual memory "roll in rollout" technique can edit a file whose length is limited only by maximum diskette storage. Included in the repertoire of 16 commands are macro commands to save time when encountering redundant editing tasks. The Editor is also capable of performing in one operation all the commands which will fit into an 80 column command buffer. Summary of Editor commands Advance N - Advance line pointer N line Backup N - Backs up N lines Change N/S1/S2 - Change N occurrences of string 1 to string 2 - Delete current line plus next N-1 Delete N lines of text Exchanges current line plus Exchange N next N-1 lines with lines to be inserted while in insert mode. - Inserts a file from the disk into Get the text. - Place Editor in insert mode. Insert Text will be inserted after present line. - Place line pointer on Line N. Line N - Defines Macro 1 or Macro 2 by Macro 1 or the following string of text EdiMacro 2 tor commands. Put - Writes a section of code to the disk. - Stores off file under editing proQuit cess and returns to Monitor environment. - Search from existing pointer Search N/S 1 location until Nth occurrence of string S1 is located and print it. Top - Inserts records at top of file before first line. Verify N - Print current record to console plus next n-1 records while advancing pointer N records ahead. WindowN - Prints current records plus next N-1 records to source output device while advancing pointer N records. eXecute N - Executes Macro 1 or Macro 2 as defined by Macro command. The video Editor displays the text to be edited directly on the CRT screen as if it were a window into memory. The window and cursor need only be positioned over the character to be changed. Then the new text can be added or old deleted with the changed data dispayed immediatly on the screen. The video Editor allows programs (or any text) to be entered or corrected much quicker and easier than possible with 732 TTY oriented Editors. The video Editor provides all the commands of the Editor except E,I,M,V,W,X. ZSO Assembler The Z80 Resident Assembler generates relocatable or absolute object code from source files independent of source medium. The assembler recognizes all 158 Z80 instructions as well as 20 powerful pseudo operators. The object code generated is industry standard absolute or relocatable format. With the relocating feature, large programs can easily be developed in smaller sections and linked using the system Relocating Linking Loader or Linker. Because the assembler utilizes the I/O Control System, object modules or list modules can be directed to disk files, paper tape, console, or line printer. Portability of output media eliminates the requirement for a complete set of peripherals at every software/hardware development system. The assembler run time options include sorted symbol table generation, no list, no object, pass 2 only, quit, cross reference table and reset symbol table. The assembler is capable of handling 14 expression operators including logical, shift, multiplication, division, addition and subtraction operations. These permit complex expressions to be. resolved at assembly time by the assembler rather than manually by the programmer. Comments can be placed anywhere but must be preceded by a semicolon. Error messages are integrated with listing file but can be directed to console device. Additions to standard assembler pseudo operators are: GLOBAL PSECT operator IF expression - INCLUDE dataset - For global definition. To generate relocatable or absolute modules. Conditional assembly IF expression is true. To include other datasets (files) as in-line code anywhere in source file. Peripheral Interchange Program PIP provides complete file maintenance activity for operations such as copy file from disk to disk, disk to peripheral, or any peripheral to any other peripheral supporting both file structured and character oriented devices. Key operations such as renaming, appending, and erasing files also exist along with status commands for diskette ID and vital statistics. PIP can search the diskette directories for any file or a specific name, extension, and user number. The PIP operations are: Append - Copy - Appends file 1 to file 2 without changing file 1. Copies input files or data from an input device to an output file or device. The Copy command can be used for a variety of purposes such as listing files, concatenating individual files, or copying all the files or a single file from one disk unit (e.g. DKO) to a second disk unit (e.g. DK1). Directory - Lists the directory of a specified disk unit (DKO, DK1, etc ... ). The file name, extension, and user number is listed for each file in the directory. The user can also request listing only files of a specified name, only files of a specified extension or only files of a specified user number. The list device can be any device supported by the system as well as a file. Erase Erases a single file or files from a diskette in a specified disk unit. The user has the option to erase all files, only files of a specified file name, only files of a specified extension or only files of a specified user number. Format - Takes completely unformatted soft sectored diskettes. Formats to IBM 3740, and prepares to be system diskette. Operation is performed on diskette unit 1 and a unique 11 character name is assigned to that diskette. Init Initializes maps in disk handler when a new diskette has been changed while in the PIP environment. Rename Renames a file, its extension, and its user number to a file of name X, extension Y, and user Z. Status Lists all vital statistics of a disk unit to any list device. These include number of allocated records, number of used records, and number of bad records. Quit Returns to Monitor Environment. DOS/Disk Handler The heart of the FLP-80DOS software package is the Disk Operating System. Capable of supporting 4 double sided units, the system provides a file structured orientation timed and optimized for rapid storage and retrieval. Thorough error reporting exists from the DOS to enable an application programmer to quickly debug his program as wei as extensive error recovery and bad sector allocation which insures data and file integrity. The DOS not only provides file reading and writing capability but special pointer manipulation, record deletions, record insertions, skip records both forward and backward as well as directory manipulation such as file creation, renaming,and erasure. The DOS is initiated by a calling vector which is a subset of the I/O control system vector or through the standard 10CS calling sequence to elect buffer allocation, blocking and deblocking of data to a user selectable logical record type. A unique dynamic allocation algorithm makes optimal use of disk storage space. Run time (Binary Files) are given first priority to large blocks of free space to eliminate any such overhead in operation system and overlay programs. The algorithm marks storage fragments as low priority and uses them only when diskette is nearing maximum capacity. The DOS permits 7 files to be active at anyone time, thus permitting complex application programs as well as multiuser operation of the DOS. I/O Control system The I/O control system provides a central facility from which all calls to I/O can be structured. This permits a system applications program to dissolve any device dependence by utilizing the logical unit approach of large main frame computers. For example, a programmer may want to structure his utility to use logical unit no 5 as his list device which normally in his system defaults to the line printer. He may, however, assign at run time a different device for logical unit No 5. His application program remains unchanged. Interface by a user to 10CS is done simply be entering a device mnemonic in a table and observing the calling sequence format. 10CS supplies a physical buffer of desired length, handles buffer allocation, blocking, deblocking and provides a logical record structure as specified by the user. DDT The Designer's Debugging Tool consists of commands for facilitating an otherwise difficult debugging process. The SYS-80FT support of fast program modifications through editing and re-assemblies, followed by DDT operations close the loop on the debug cycle. The DDT commands include: Memory Port Execute Hexadecimal Copy Breakpoint Register Offset Fill Verify Walk Quit - Display, update, or tabulate memory. Display, update or tabulate I/O ports. Performs 16 bit add/sub. Execute user's program. Copy one block to another. Set software trap in user code for interrupting execution in order to examine CPU registers. Display contents of user's registers. Enter address adder for debug of relocatable modules. Fill specified portion of memory with 8 bit byte. Compare two blocks of memory. Software single step/multistep. Return to Monitor. Linker The Linker program provides the capability of linking assembler generated absolute or relocatable object modules together to create a binary or run time file. The linking process includes the library search option that if elected, will link in standard library object files (device drivers, math pack functions 10CS features) on disk to resolve undefined global symbols. By selecting an option a complete cross reference table will be generated and stored in a separate file, a list of undefined global symbols will be printed, and/or the global symbol table will be generated and stored in the same file as the cross reference symbol table. Batch Mode Operation In Batch Mode Operation, a command file is built on disk or assigned to a peripheral input device such 733 as a card reader. The console input normaily taken from the keyboard is taken from this batch device or batch file. While operating under direction from a batch file, either the console device prompts the user or the prompting can be directed to any other output device. The Batctl file definable operation is especially useful to execute rendundant procedures not requiring constant attention of the operator and to allow several programmers to use one system. SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS C Z80 CPU. o 4K byte PROM bootstrap and Z80 debugger. o 58K bytes RAM. o 4K bytes PROM bootstrap o 8 x 8 bit I/O ports (4 x PIO) with user definable drivers/receivers. o Serial port. RS 232 and current loop. o 4 channel counter/timer (CTC). o 2 disk drives 250K bytes per floppy disk. [J 80 x 24 display terminal with Cursor Addressing and Inverse Video. Full ASCII keyboard. o 3 free positions for AIM modules, AID cards, Modem interfaces, etc. o Cross Assembler and debug ability for 3870 and future Mostek microprocessors. o Device drivers for paper tape readers, punches, card readers, line printers, Silent 700's, teletypes and CRT's are included. Others can be added. o PROM programer I/O port. Programer itself is optional. o Bus compatible with Mostek SO series of OEM boards. HARDWARE DESCRIPTION CPU Module (OEM-80E) The OEM-80 provides the essential CPU power of the system. While using the Z80 as the central processing unit, the OEM-80 is provided with other Z80 family peripheral chip support. Two Z80 PIO's give 4 completely' programmable 8 bit parallel I/O ports with handshake from which the standard system peripherals are interfaced. Also on the card is the Z80-CTS counter time circuit which as 3 free flexible channels to perform critical counting and event counter timing functions. Along with 16K of RAM, the OEM-80 provides 5 ROM/PROM sockets which can be utilized for 10/20K of ROM or 5/10K PROM. Four sockets contain the firmware portion of FLP-80DOS. The remaining socket can be strapped for other ROMI PROM elements. RAM-80BE The RAM 80B adds additional memory with Mostek's MK 4116 16K dynamic memory along with more I/O. The four fully programmable 8 bit 1/0 ports with handshake provide the additional I/O ports in the system. FLP-80E Integral to the SYS-80FT system is the floppy controller. The FLP-80 is a complete IBM 3740 single den- 734 sity/double sided controller for up to 4 drives. The controller has 128 bytes of FIFO buffer resulting in a completely interruptable disk system. AIM80E + AIM-80/4 The AIM-80 module provides extended debug for the SYS-80FT in Z80 development, real time in-circuit emulation permits debug of the hardware and the software at the most intimate level. Hardware single step/multistep with register trace, execution intercept on memory access, port access, or external trigger provides the absolute control over any system no matter how complex. The "pushbutton intercept" enables the programmer to perform a controlled recovery for those extremely difficult to trace processor lock out loops. With the memory clock selectable history module, any past 256 events of data, address, or control bus operation are captured in real time and displayable. The AIM-80 includes 8K bytes of ROM firmware introducing unique software including a mnemonic disassembler for inverse assembly of history module contents Of single step/multistep operations. "In line" code disassembled to language mnemonics provides insight into execution results as if examining an assembler generated listing. Extra added capability is the ROM resident self test of OEM-80 or target RAM. AIM-80/4 provides upgraded operation to 4.0 MHz. AIM - 72E + AIM - 73 The AIM-72 module provides debug and in-circuit emulation capabilities for the 3870 series microcomputers (3870, 3872 and 3876) on the SYS-80FT. Multiple breakpoint capability and single step operation allows the designer complete control over the execution of the 3870 Series microcomputer. Register and Port display and modification capability provides information needed to find system "bugs" A11 I/O is in the user's system connected to AIM-72 by a 40-pin interface cable. The debugging operation is controlled by ZAIM-72 a mnemonic debugger which controls the interaction between the Z80 host computer and the 3870 slave. For 3873 debugging, the AIM-73 can be used. It includes a history module for the last 1024 CPU cycles and also supports all 3870 family circuits. Assembly and linking is done using the Macro-70 Assembler and the standard FLP-80DOS linker. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS SYS-80FT Enclosure Overall Dimensions: (in crn) 60 w x 42 d x 29 h. Weight: 40 kg. Fan capacity: 110 CFM. Card Cage Capacity: 7 Double Eurocards. Card Connectors: Din 41612. Operating Temperature Range: + 10° C to + 35° C. Power Supply. Input: 230 V ± 10 % - AC - 50/60 Hz. Outputs: + 5 VDC at 15 Amps Max. + 12 VDC at 1.2 Amps Max. - 12 VDC at 1.2 Amps Max. + 24 VDC at 3 Amps Max. STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSING AGREEMENT All Mostek Corporation products are protected by copyright and are sold on condition that the Purchaser agrees to the following terms: 1. The Purchaser agrees not to sell, provide, give away, or otherwise make available to. any unauthorized persons, all or any part of, the Mostek software products listed below; including, but not restricted to : object code, source code and program listings. 2. The Purchaser may at any time demonstrate the normal operation of the Mostek software product to any person. 3. The Purchaser may not incorporate Mostek software products or any portions thereof into his/her own products without written permission of Mostek. 4. Purchaser shall be notified by Mostek of all updates and modifications made by Mostek for a one-year period after purchase of said Mostek software product. Updated and/or modified software and manuals will be supplied at the current cataloged prices. 5. In no event will Mostek Corporation be held liable for consequential damage resulting from the use or misuse of any Mostek software product. Due to the expense of generating software, Mostek must have a copy of this agreement, signed by the customer, before shipping certain software products to the customer. Additionally, the above rules apply to all Mostek software, regardless whether or not a signed license has been received. Signing the license confirms the customer's understanding, and allows Mostek to comply with point 4. Order Number Description 1)_________________________________________________________ 2)------___________________________________________________ 3)_________________________________________________________ 4)___________________________________________________________ 5)~---------------------------------------------------------Agreed to: PURCHASER By: ____________________________ MOSTEK CORPORATION By: Title: - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ Title: Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: Address: ________________ 735 ORDERING INFORMATION SOFTWARE Name Description FLP-80DOS Floppy disk operating system for OEM use. MACRO-80 Most powerful Z80 Macro Assembler available for microcomputer development systems. MACRO-70 Syntax compatible to the Macro-80 this 3870(F8) Macro Assembler eases the development of 3870 programs. FZCASM Non-Macro 3870 assembler. BASIC 17K byte disk based extended scientific BASIC interpreter. Random disk access. FORTRAN 24K Fortran IV compiler with library manager, library package and utilities. LIBRARY Collection of FLP-80DOS utilities and other programs includes SORT, 8080 to Z80 source code translator, word processor printer, LLL basic (6K), 23 total programs including source, object and binary files. TO BE AVAILABLE SOON Part No. Contact Mostek MK78165 MK79085 MK79075 MK78157 MK78158 MK78164 PASCAL; PLM. SUPPORT Mostek has in each office one or more application engineers ready to discuss detailed microprocessor application questions with your engineers. Additionally, Mostek representatives in European countries have application engineers who are well trained in Mostek's product line. Each office has demonstration equipment for your introduction to the Mostek family. These offices also stock equipment for quick delivery. 736 HARDWARE Name Description SYS-80FT Complete dual disk system with 58K Ram, standard software and 30 x 24 display terminal. SYS-80F Complete dual disk system with 58K Ram, standard software no terminal. AIM-80E In application debug module for the MK3880 (Z80) microprocessor. AIM-72E In application debug module for the 3870, 3872 and 3876 single chip microprocessors. PPG-8/16 2708,2758,2716PROM programmer. Line Printer 120CPS matrix printer and cable for connection to the SYS-80F(T). A/D-80 Family of AID converter cards. VDI-P CRT interface for additional displays to the SYS-80F. Part No. MK78042 MK78134 MK78106 MK79077 MK79082 MK78150 MK78098 MK78172-7 MK78035 TO BE AVAILABLE SOON AIM/80-4 Enhanced 3880 (Z80) AIM. AIM-73 3870, 72, 73, 76 AIM with enhanced trace facilities. HDC-80 Hard disk interface and software for improved system troughout in high level language applications, and more on line data in business applications. LITERATURE Contact your local Mostek office for more detailed literature about MOSTEK'S development systems. MOSTEI<. Z80 MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS Application Interface Module(AIM.:.soE) HARDWARE FEATURES D Direct Interface with SDB-80E D Single step/multistep with register trace D Execution intercept (breakpoint) intercepts on memory access, port access, external trigger, event counter, or delay counter D Push button execution intercept D 256x32 histor'L!!lemory which samples Data Bus, Address Bus, l'i/Il, MREQ, RD, i'O"Rn, and four external probes D History memory clock selectable from M1, MREO, lORa, or INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE cution intercept (breakpoint) operate in RAM or ROM/PROM. Hardware debugging is aided greatly by use of the D Selectable history memory clock conditions: 256x32 history memory which monitors bus transread only, write only, DMA only, or external actions for a specified period. This information may probe only (high or low) then be displayed on the console. The data bus, address bus, M1, MREQ, RD, lORa, and inputs from D 8Kx8 ROM memory (firmware) four probes are sampled and stored in the history memory upon every occurrance of the user specified clock (Ml, MREO, IORO,or interrupt acknowledge) SOFTWARE FEATURES qualified by the user specified conditions (read only, write only, DMA only, probe High only, or probe D ROM resident mnemonic dis-assembler Low only). Upon the occurrence of the selected intercept, AIM-80E returns control to the system D ROM resident RAM test for SDB or target RAM. debug (DDT-80). The history memory may then be displayed (See Figure 1) with or without mnemonic dis-assembly. GENERAL DESCRIPTION AIM-80E provides Z80 system debug assistance for both software and hardware via in-circuit emulation. (See Block Diagram) Single step/multistep allows the programmer to trace through a program and display the CPU registers after each instruction. The execution intercept feature allows suspending program execution on the nth occurrence of an address or other specified condition. If the program has begun an- unknown sequence, the intercept pushbutton will return the system to the single step mode. Single step and exe- USING THE AIM-80E AIM-80E may be added directly to any SDB-80E system. All system bus signals are wired one to one between SDB-80E and AIM-80E. Voltage requirements for the A I M-80E are the same as for the SDB-80E. Programs may be debugged in SDB-80E memory space or with the target interface buffer box (AIM-80X) may be debugged in the target environment. Dynamic memory mapping allows target memory to be simulated using SDB-80E system RAM. All peripheral devices of the SDB-80E are still functional with the AIM-80E. • Trademark of Mostek Corporation 737 SYSTEM FIRMWARE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS To minimize the impact of the AIM-SOE firmware is resident in one MK36000, SKxS ROM. This firmware is completely compatible with DDT-SO firmware and includes five new commands for control of the AIMSOE. The interactive nature of the commands makes operation simple and avoids operator errors. The ROM resident dis-assembler makes correlation with the user's source listing easier and reduces the necessity of memorizing op codes. Board Size: 250mm x 233.4mm x 1Smm Bottom Connector: Dual 64 pin Eurocard Connector DIN 41612 form 0; A and C Pinned One 40 pin 3M ribbon Top Connectors: One 50 pin 3M ribbon ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range O"C to +50°C Power Supply Requirements (Typical) +12V + 5%@ 12mA + 5V ± 5% @ 1.0 Amp Interface - SDB-SOE compatiple Operating Frequency - 1-2.5 MHz (with SDB-SOE) AIM-BOE PRINT OUT EXAMPLE (User entries underlined) ·LS.!.l2 TRIG D~ Set intercept at address 0002H with trigger option (MREQ/IORQ/+/-, M Trigger on 1VfFim After 2 occurrences Delay 1 clock after trigger Clock history (sample) memory on MREQ or 10RQ No qualifying conditions selected Begin execution at address 0002H Intercept occurs at second occurrence of address 2 with a delay of one. EVENT CNr CI-FF) 2 DELAY CNT (O-FF) 3 CLOCK ON (Ml,MREQ,IO~Q,INr~1 MR TO ONLY IF CRD/WP'DMA·M/L) .1:0 0.2.. 00(.';', 24;:: 1 At this point the history memory contains the bus transactions which occurred before the intercept. A Trace for 15 lines - starting at -11 before trigger. ~-----Offset from trigger Memory Address Bus contents ~-----D.ta Bus contents Di ..assembled instructions ~-----offset ~j ; contt Bus Pr3bes (red, blue, green, yellow) I' I 0<::: A[I[o~' [IB -OB OOf)O 3E -OA 0001 20 L.D -09 000;:: [13 -08 01)0:: 00 -07 ::000 20 -06 0004 3C -os 000':1 3C -04 000':=, ac -(13 0007 (3 -02 00"103 02 -1)1 00P9 OG +00 000·,:' [I;:: +01 000"- 00 +02 ;':'300 2:3 our +1):3 0(104 3:: Hie: -Fe 738 IN': INC IN':: JP Fh20H ( 0) , A 'Ml '~1j;' ',,[0 I) (I (I (I 0 (I 0 (I 1 I~I (I 1 1 1 0 (I A A 0 0 0 (I (I 0 0 O(IO'?'~ I) 0 \I 0 A I) OUT (0.1 ,8 ., A n 0 0 0 1 (I 1 0 1 0 0 I (I I) 10 R 1 1 I B G Y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~ First occurrence of address 0002H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~ Trigger (OS = 0) (2nd occurrence 1· of address 0) 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ~ Delay 1 count after trigger I{ --------------'---~------------No more data in history module "7" • ..... BLOCK DIAGRAM r---------------------, I I I I I I PROBES I I I I I I TARGET I I I,________ CPU I SYSTEM J J _ __ J AIM-SOX TARGET ----'f--- INTERFACE BUFFER PROBE SIGNALS SYSTEM CONTROL CPU CONTROL ADDRESS BUS DATA BUS BUFFER CONTROL SIGNAL AIM-80E / SI (INTERCEPT EXECUTION) / ROM 8K x8 Control Card S2 (CLOCK SELECT) HISTORY RAM 256 x 32 BUFFER CONTROL (BAUD) SINGLE STEP BAlJD RATE SYSTEM BUS 739 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. AIM-80E AIM-80E Control Card includes AIM-80E Firmware AIM-80E Operations Manual MK78106 Target Interface Buffer (AIM-80X) includes: cables connectors 4 probe clips AIM-80E Operations Manual 740 MK78559 MosrEI<~ 3870 MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS Application Interface Module (AIM-72E) FEATURES o Real time in-circuit emulation of Mostek's 3870 family of microcomputers, including MK3870, MK3872, and MK3876, o Direct interface to Mostek's SYS-80F Dual Floppy Disk Microcomputer with ZAIM-72 software supplied on floppy disk. ~i!T3&~ ~ o Standard Features Include: MO'>T£~ $YS80F • Breakpoint insertion, memory display and modification, port display and modification, and single step. • Execution intercept from user keyboard with the ESCAPE key. • Debugging or emulation mode is selectable from the user's console. • Debugging of 3870 and F8 programs up to 8K long. DESCRIPTION AIM-72E (Application Interface Module) is a unique development aid for debugging MK3870 Series Microcomputer applications in the actual hardware and software configuration of the user's final system (referred to as the 'Target'.) To accomplish this, it is first necessary to emulate the Target ROM with RAM. This RAM must appear as ROM to the application while retaining the ability to be loaded, debugged, and modified using peripherals independent of the Target. It is the purpose of AIM, used in conjunction with the SYS-80F Disk Based Microcomputer to provide these capabilities. With AIM-72E, all of the peripheral and debugging capabilities of the user's development system may be applied directly to either the prototype or final production configuration of any MK3870, MK3872, or MK3876 application; no modifications to the user's hardware, software, or mechanical package are required. USING AIM The pictorial diagram above shows how AIM-72E would typically be used during system development. Because the AIM-72E is an exact functional emulation of the MK3870 family, it may be directly inserted into the 3870, 3872, or 3876 socket in the target system. Also, since the Target can be a production version of the user's application, product revisions and enhancements may be easily implemented. As shown in the diagram, the AIM Board is mounted in the card cage of the user's development system. It is the purpose of the SYS-80F to provide the user with the means for accessing and controlling the target system (via the AIM Board) during the program development phase. This provides access to all the debugging software and peripherals of the development system without having to introduce any perturbations to the Target system environment. AIM-72E does not affect the peripheral expansion capabilities of the development system. SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range ......... O°C to 50°C Power Supply Requirements +5V ± 5% @ 1.5A max. +12V ± 5% @ 100mA max. -12V ± 5% @30mA max. Board Size ........... 233.4 mm x 257.62 x 25 mm Connectors/Cables: 40-Pin Ribbon Cable (24" long) 741 " ~ CABLE TO TARGET SYSTEM N BLOCK DIAGRAM AIM-72E 5V + 12V -12V DATA BUS SYSTEM BUS BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION As shown in the block diagram, the AIM-72E contains all the functional elements necessary to emulate MK3870 Series Microcomputers_ Target Ports are emulated with the CPU and PIO Ports. Target ROM and RAM are emulated with the 8K x 8 RAM which can also be accessed directly by the control system via the system bus connector. System memory accesses are transparent to the Target system execution. Thus, there is no impact on Target execution timing. The Target memory map can be controlled from the system allowing 2K, 4K or 81< Bytes of memory to be available in the Target System. Debug firmware in a PSU on the AI M-72E interfaces with the system to implement the breakpoint, single step and other functions. Trap control circuitry allows the use of a single byte breakpoint, providing complete flexibility when using break points in tight programming loops. Execution is at full speed, determined only by the user's crystal frequency - no speed reduction is introduced by the AIM's operating system. The AIM-72E clock may be emulated for the Target system from an onboard crystal oscillator or from theSYS-80F clock. MULTI 3870 SERIES APPLICATIONS Up to eight AIM-72E boards may be installed in one control system with each AIM-72E used to emulate a different MK3870 Series Microcomputer. The debug functions on each AIM-72E may be enabled one at a time and each program developed until all Target programs are functional. Only one AIM-72E may be in the active debug mode at a time; other AIM-72E's will be in the Emulator mode. ,C s, f, d Copy the target memory block s to f to target memory starting at d. ,E s Execute target program at location s. ,F s, f, d Fill target memory locations s through f with data d. ,G s Get binary file s and load it into Target memory. ,H Hexadecimal arithmetic. ,I Reinitialize target system. ,L s, f, d Locate data d in target memory at location f. ,M s Display and update target memory at location s. ,M s, f, d Tabulate target memory locations s through f. Option d specifies additional printout of ASC II characters or disassembly. ,0 s Set relative offset equal to s for ali address operands. ,P s Display and update target port number s. ,Q Quit and return to FLP-80DOS Monitor. ,R s, f Display target registers, Option s allows a heading to be printed and option f specifies the number of scratchpad registers to be displayed. Single step starting at target location s for f number of steps. ZAIM-72 SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION ,S s, f ZAI M-72 is the software designed to operate the AIM-72E board on Mostek's SYS-80F Dual Floppy Disk Microcomputer. It is supplied on a standard F LP-80DOS diskette. The software has the same command structure as other Mostek debuggers. The commands available with ZAI M-72 are summarized below. Designations s, f, and d stand for operands. ,A s,.f Assign data byte f to target memory location s. ,B s Set a breakpoint at target memory location s. Up to 8 breakpoints can be set at once. ,v s, f, d Verify target memory blocks through f against target memory block starting at location d. Target system programs are developed using the Mostek SYS-80F Cross Assembler for 3870/F8 Micocomputers (FZCASM-MK79075). Then ZAIM-72 is used to debug the completed program on the user's Target system. The software features multiple breakpoints, single step, and in-line disassembly. Target system memory, ports, and registers may be displayed and updated. 743 744 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO AIM-72E Operations Manual Contains a complete description of the use and operation of AIM-72E. MK79579 AIM-72E Includes the AIM-72E circuit board and the AIM-72E Operations Manual and the ZAI M-72 (on diskette) software for developing 3870 series appl icat ions. MK790n SYS-80F A complete dual floppy disk development system (less terminal and line printer) to provide 3870 family assembly capability. Order AIM-72E to provide 3870 family debug capability. MK78134 FZCASM SYS-80F Cross Assembler for 3870/F8 Microcomputers. Provides disk-based assembly for 3870 assemby language programs on the Mostek SYS-80F Microcomputer. MK79079 NOTE: A SD8-50/70 compatible version of the AIM-72E is also available. It is the AIM-72 and it includes FAIM-72 which is a control program equivalent to FAIM-72. 745 746 MOSTEI(. MICROCOMPUTER SUPPORT Prom Programmer (PPG-08) FEATURES o o o o o Programs, reads, and verifies MK 2708 PROMS Directly interfaces to SOB-50/70 and SOB-80 Driver software included Zero insertion force socket Power and programming indicators GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MK 270S PROM Programmer (PPG-OS) is a peripheral which provides a low-cost means of programming MK 270S UV erasable PROMs. The PPG-OS has a generalized computer interface (two S-bit I/O ports) allowing it to be controlled by most types of host computers with user-generated driver software. It is directly compatible with MOSTEK's FS Software Development Board (SOB-50/70) and ZSO Software Development Board (SOB-SO). Driver software in paper-tape form and source listings for the SOB-50/70 and SOB-SO are included with the purchase of the PPG-OS. A complete set of documentation is also provided with the PPG-OS which describes the internal operation and details user's operating procedures. Interface cables for the SOB-50/70 and SOB-SO may be purchased separately. Another optional accessory is a TI Silent 700 compatible cassette tape containing control software for the SOB-50/70 and SOB-SO. SPECI FICATIONS Operating Temperature ............... 0° to 50°C Programming time (maximum) ........ 2.5 minutes Physical ~imensions ORDER INFORMATION NAME DESCRIPTION PART NO. PPG-08 MK 2708 PROM Programmer MK 79033 XAID-805 Cable for interface to SDB-80 MK 79041 XAID-705 Cable for interface to SDB-50/70 MK 79046 SWD-1 Driver software MK 79051 on TI Silent 700 compatible cassette tape for SDB-50/70 and SDB-80 Interface 40 pin control connector (.1" centers card edge) 12 pin power connector (.156" centers card edge) All control signals are TTL compatible. Power requirements +12 VOC @ 250 rnA typical + 5 VOC @ 100 rnA typical -12 VOC @ 50 rnA typical ............... 5" x 7" x 2" 747 CONTROL CONNECTOR (Jl) PIN·OUT PIN# Signal Name Direction Description All Odd Pins 11-391 J1·2 GND ASTB Output "lOW"when Port A IPAO-PA71 is in output mode PAO·PA7 Bidirectional Logic Ground PORT A IPAO-PA7I is used to output the lower 8 bits of PROM address to latch, output PROM data during program· ming and input PROM data during read sequence. J1·24 BSTB Output "lOW" when Port A IPAO-PA 71 is in input mode. Jl-26 J1·28 Jl-30 PBO/ADDR8 PB1/ADDR9 PB2/PAIN Input Input Input PROM address bit 8 PROM address bit 9 "HIGH" when Port A IPAO·PA71 is in input mode and Jl-32 Jl-34 J1·36 PB3/PROG MODE PB4/PROG PU lSE PB5/PA OUT Input Input Input Jl-38 Jl-40 PB6/ClK lATCH PB7/PROG lED Input Input PROM is in read mode. "H IGH" during program mode. Programming Pulse "HIGH" when Port A IPAO-PA7I is in output mode. Clock to strobe address bits 0-7 into latch Control line for programming indicator POWER CONNECTOR (J2) PIN·OUT J2-1,A J2-2, 3, B, C +5VDC GND J24, 5, D, E +12VDC -12VDC J2-6, F BLOCK DIAGRAM JI CONNECTOR Ao-Ar TO 509-50/70 SOB-80 .'-.;i==='-V'I As-A, OR OTHER HOST COMPUTER MK270B SOCKET CS/WE BUFFER f------------' PROGRAM J2 CONNECTOR TO +5,+12,-12 ~ POWER SUPPLY -5 748 ~ voc +5 VDC MOSTEI(. MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEM PROM Programmer (PPG-8/16) FEATURES o Programs, reads, and verifies 2708, 2758, and 2716 type PROMs (2758 and 2716 PROMS must be 5 Volt only type) o Directly interfaces to SOB-50170, SOB-80, A10-80F and SYS-80F o Driver software included o Zero insertion force socket o Power and programming indicators DESCRIPTION The PPG-8/16 PROM Programmer is a peripheral which provides a low-cost means of programming 2708, 2758, or 2716 PROMs. It is directly compatible with MOSTEK's F8 Software Development Board (SOB50170), Z80 Software Development Board (SOB-80), Z80 MOX system and Z80 Microcomputer Development System (AI0-80F or SYS-80F). The PPG-8/16 has a generalized computer interface (two 8-bit I/O ports) allowing it to also be controlled by other types of host computers with user-generated driver software. A complete set of documentation is provided with the PPG-8/16 which describes the internal operation and details user's operating procedures. The PPG-8/16 is available in two packaging configurations: (1) In a metal enclosure for use with the SOB-50170, SOB-80 or SYS-80F, or alternatively (2) fully integrated into the AI0-80F. Interface cables for either the SOB-80 or SOB-50/70 must be purchased separately. SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION The driver software available for the SOB-80, SOB50170, AI0-80F, and SYS-80F accomplishes four basic operations. These are: (1) loading data (object tapes for SOB-80 and SOB-50/70 or binary files for the A10-80F or SYS-80F) into host computer memory, (2) reading the contents of a PROM into host computer memory, (3) programming a PROM from the contents the host computer memory, and (4) verifying the contents of a PROM with the contents of the host computer memory. The driver software is provided in the form of paper-tape for both the SOB-50170 and the SOB-80. An optional accessory is a TI Silent 700 compatible cassette object tape containing control software for the SOB-50/70 and SOB-80. Users of MOSTEK's A10-80F or SYS-80F who wish to upgrade their systems with a PPG-8/16 will find the driver software on their system diskette (version 2.0 or later). The user documentation provided with PPG-8/16 fully explains programming procedures which enable a user to develop a software driver on a different host computer. 749 SPECIFICATIONS OPERATING TEMPERATURE O°C - 50°C INTERFACE PROGRAMMING TIME 25 Pin control connector (0 type) for MOX or SYS-SOF 40 Pin control connector (.1 in. centers card edge) for AID-SOF, SOB-SO, or SOB-50170 12 pin power connector (.156 in. centers card edge) All control signals are TTL compatible. 270S .................. 2.5 minutes 275S ................... 0.9 minutes 2716 ................... 1.S minutes POWER REQUIREMENTS +12VOC @ 250 mA typical +5VOC @ 100 mA typical SYS-SOF) -12VOC @ 50 mA typical (Supplied by AIO-SOF or PPG 8/16 BLOCK DIAGRAM JI CONNECTOR TO SDB-50170, SDB-80, AID-80F SYS-80F OR OTHER HOST COMPUTER MK 2708/ MK2716 SOCKET MODE SELECT CIRCUIT PROGRAM PULSE J2 CONNECTOR TO +5,+12,-12 POWER SUPPLY +12VDC +5 VDC GND -12 VDC +27.5 VDC R~~~~DR IP~I~R I -5VDC +5VDC 750 PROGRAM LED STEP UP VOLTAGE REGULATOR +12 VDC CS/WE PROGRAM ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. PPG-S/16* PROM Programmer for 270S1275S12716 PROMs with Operations Manual and paper tape drivers for SOB-50/70 and SOB-80. Does not include cables. MK790S1 PROM Programmer for 270S1275812716 PROMs with Operations Manual and paper tape drivers for SOB-50170 and SOB-80. Includes cable for interface to SYS-80F. (Europe only). MK79082 XAIO-805 PPG-8/16 Interface Cable for SOB-SO MK79041 XAIO-705 PPG-8/16 Interface Cable forSOB-50170 MK79046 MO-PPG PPG-8/16 Interface Cable for MOX-PIO MK77957 SWO-2 PPG-8/16 Object programs for SOB-50170 & SOB-80 on Silent 700 cassette tape. MK79084 PPG-RETRO Installation package for installing PPG S/16 into the AIO-80F (also can be used for PPG-08 integration into AIO-SOF). Includes cable. MK78154 PPG-8/16 Operations Manual MK79603 *NOTE: The PPG-8/16 will only program the 270S, 2758, and2716 PROMs. The2758 and2716 are5 Voltonlytype PROMs. THE PPG-8/16 WILL NOT PROGRAM THE TI 2716 MULTIPLE VOLTAGE 2K x 8 PROM. 751 752 MOSTEI(. MICROCOMPUTER SUPPORT Line Printer FEATURES o Interfaces directly to SYS-80F o Prints 120 characters per second o Up to 132 characters per line o Prints original plus five copies o Character elongation o 8 inches per second paper slew rate o Ribbon cartridge o 7x7 dot matrix, 64 character ASCII o Tractor feed/Pin feed platen o Parallel interface DESCRIPTION The MOSTEK line printer is a state-of-the-art microprocessor controlled, dot-matrix line printer that prints at the rate of 120 characters per second. The printer has a maximum print width of 132 characters with a horizontal format of 10 characters per inch and 6 lines per inch vertical. Elogated (double width) characters are software selectable, The Mostek line printer interfaces directly to the AID80F or SYS-80F Microcomputer Systems and can be interfaced easily to other computer systems supporting parallel I/O. SPECIFICATIONS Prln . t Per f ormance - Forms Handling Tractor feed, for rea r or bottom feed forms 8 ips slew rate Usable paper 4 in. (1 02mm) to 17.3 in. (439mm) width Paper tension adjustment Ribbon System Ribbon cartridge Continuous ribbon 9/16 in. (14mm) wide, 20 yards (18.3 meters) long. Mobius loop allows printing on upper and lower portion on alternate passes. Inlmum Th rouYIh ou Model Print Speed Icps) Max. Print Width lOChar/ SOCharl 132Char/ Line Line Line Ilpm) Ilpm) Ilpm) 702 120 13.2 In. 1335mm) 260 Printer Format 10 Characters per inch horizontal 6 Lines per inch vertical Elongated (double width) characters software selectable 74 Characters 7x7 dot matrix, 64 character U.S. ASCII 47 Panel Indicators Power On: Indicates AC power is applied to printer. Select: Indicates printer can receive data. Alert: Indicates operator-correctable error condition. Operator Controls Select/deselect Forms thickness 753 Top of form Horizontal forms positioning Vertical forms positioning Power ON/OFF Single line feed Paper empty override Self-test Electrical Requirements 50/60 Hz, 1151230 VAC;+10%/-15% of Nominal Tappable Transformer (100, 110, 115, 120, 200, 220, 230, 240 VAC). Physical Dimensions Internal Controls Auto motor control: turns stepping motors off when no data is received. Electronic top of form: allows paper to space to top of form when command is received. Preset for 11 in. (279mm) or 12 in. (305mm) forms Opt. VFU must be used for other form lengths. Weight: Width: Height: Depth: Model 702 60 Ibs. (27 Kg) 24.5 in. (622mm) 8 in. (203mm) 18 in. (457mm) Temperature Operating: 40° to 100°F (4.4° to 37.7"C) Storage: -40° to 160°F (-40° to 71.1 0c) Data Input 7 or 8 bit ASCII parallel; microprocessor electronics; TTL levels with strobe. Acknowledge pulse indicates that data was received. Humidity Operating: 20% to 90% (No condensation) Storage: 5% to 95% (No condensation) INTERFACING INTERFACE DRIVERS AND RECEIVERS ALL INPUT 10UTPUT SIGNALS ARE TTL COMPATI BLE LO' 0.4 VOLTS HI' 2.4 VOLTS RECEIVER: R· 1000 OHMS: DATA LINES R' 470 OHMS: DATA STROBE 8 INPUT PRIME LINES +5V ~~ TTL~----------~o DRIVER: oo------------__ CONNECTOR: AM PHENOL 57. 40360 SERIES. 36-PIN (CENTRONICS 31310019) INTERFACING TIMING PARALLEL DATA W//j'ij>ZIA 1 1 I I --+l 1.0 ". 14- --I 1.0 ". 14(MIN) I 1 (MIN) DATA STROBE ------~I~rl----------------------------------------I -,I I I 1.0 ". (MIN) i500". (MAX) I ~_~I I ACKNOWLEDGE 1""..0 - - - - : ACK DELAY - - - - - - - ;.. ~I""..I - - - ACK ---+l FOR NORMAL DATA I BUSY I I I I --+l 754 I f/I/III//) I BUSY DELAY I--- -+I I I BUSY ~ : - - ACK DELAY I FOR BUSY CONDITION INTERFACE TIMING CONT'D NORMAL DATA INPUT TIMING BUSY CONDITION TIMING ACK DELAY ACK 2- 6 ,",sec. 4 ,",sec. BUSY DELAY ACK DELAY ACK BL.:3Y DURATION Line Feed Vertical Tab (l-in.) Form Feed (ll-in.) Delete Bell Select' Deselect 0- 1.5 ,",sec. 1 - 6 ,",sec. 4 ,",sec. Printer 350 - 500 ,",sec. 135 - 145 msec. 1 .48 - 1.50 sec. 160 - 400 ,",sec. 0 0- 1.5 ,",sec. Until Printer is selected 8.33 msec/char.; plus 148 msec. non-printing time/line. 'No busy if inhibit prime on select option is used. ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. MOSTEK LP Mostek line printer featuring 120cps operation, 7x7 dot matrix, 10 cpi, and paper slew rate of 8 ips. Includes SYS-80F cable. MK78150 SYS-80F parallel interface cable for line printer (Centronics 702). MK78098 755 756 MOSTEI(® MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS AID-80F Cross Assembler for 3870/F8 (FZCASM) FEATURES o Assembles all standard 3870/F8 family source statements o Object output in industry standard hexadecimal format extended for relocatable and linkable programs o Allows the following pseudo-ops: ORG program origin EQU equate label define constant DC DEFL - . define label DEFM define message DEFB define byte DEFW define word DEFS define storage END end statement IF cond itional assembly ENDIF end of conditional assembly INCLUDE include another dataset within current assembly NAME program name definition PSECT program section definition GLOBAL global symbol definition 0 Supports the following assembler directive pseudo-ops: EJECT TITLE LIST NLiST eject a page of listing place heading at top of each page of listing turn listing on tu rn listi ng off o Complete assembly in two passes with second pass repeatable o Size of program to be assembled limited only by memory available for symbol table o Supports conditional assembly, relocatable and linkable modules, symbol table and cross reference listings o Supplied on a standard F LP-80DOS diskette for use with the MOSTEK AID-80F floppy disk based development system DESCRIPTION The purpose of the 3870/F8 Cross Assembler is to assemble source language programs for the MOSTEK 3870 Series and F8 microcomputers. The Cross Assembler is designed to run on the MOSTEK AID·80F Dual Disk Development System with the F LP-80DOS operating system. The Cross Assembler is supplied on flexible diskette. The Assembler reads F8 source mnemonics and pseudo-ops and outputs an assembly listing and object code. The assembly listing shows address, machine code, statement number, and source statement. The object code is in industry sta.ldard hexadecimal format modified for relocatable, linkable assemblies. A conversion utility (F8DUMP) is supplied to produce object code in F8 format for users of the MOSTEK SDB-50/70. The Assembler supports conditional assemblies, global symbols, relocatable programs, a printed symbol table and cross reference listing. It can assemble any length program limited only by a symbol table size of over 400 symbols. Expressions involving mathematical and logical operations are allowed. Conditional assembly allows the user to suspend assembly for a portion of the program depending upon the result of an expression. A 757 global symbol is catagorized as "internal" if it appears as a label in the program; otherwise it is an "external" symbol. The printed symbol table and cross reference listing show which symbols are internal and which are external. The Cross Assembler allows the user to select relocatable or non-relocatable assembly via the "PSECT" pseudo-op. Relocation records are placed in the object output for relocatable assemblies. The Assembler can be run as a single pass assembler or as a learning tool. (In this mode, global symbols and forward references are not allowed). In conjunction with the F LP-80DOS Text Editor and Linker, FZCASM provides the means for editing, assembling and linking F8 or 3870 family programs. ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER FZCASM Cross Assembler I neludes the 3870/F8 Cross Assembler on a F LP-80 DOS system diskette, and the FZCASM Operations Manual. MK79079 FZCASM Operations Manual Describes in detail the operation of the 3870/F8 Cross Assembler MK78582 AID-80F Data Sheet Describes the MOSTEK AID-80F Dual Disk Development System MK78568 F LP-80DOS Data Sheet Describes the operating system used on the AID-80F Sy~tem MK78556 F LP-80DOS Operations Manual Describe.s in detail the software and operating system used to run FZCASM on the AI D-80F System MK78557 AIM-72 Data Sheet Describes the MOSTEK AIM-72 Application Interface Module used to provide in-circuit emulation capability for 3870 series Microcomputers on the AID-80F. MK79576 758 STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT All Mostek Corporation products are sold on condition that the Purchaser agrees to the following terms: 1. The Purchaser agrees not to sell, provide, give away, or otherwise make available to any unauthorized persons, all or any part of, the Mostek software products listed below; including, but not restricted to: object code, source code and program listings. 2. The Purchaser may at any time demonstrate the normal operation of the Mostek software product to any person. 3. All software designed, developed and generated independently of, and not based on, Mostek's software by purchaser shall become the sole property of purchaser and shall be excluded from the provisions of this Agreement. Mostek's software which is modified with the written permission of Mostek and which is modified to such an extent that Mostek agrees that it is not recognizable as Mostek's software shall become the sole property of purchaser. 4. Purchaser shall be notified by Mostek of all updates and modifications made by Mostek for a oneyear period after purchase of said Mostek software product. Updated and/or modified software and manuals will be supplied at the current cataloged prices. 5. In no event will Mostek be held liable for any loss, expense or damage, of any kind whatsoever, direct or indirect, regardless of whether such arises out of the law of torts or contracts, or Mostek's negligence, including incidental damages, consequential damages and lost profits, arising out of or connected in any manner with any of Mostek's software products described below. 6. MOSTEK MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY AND WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE) WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE DESCRIBED BELOW. The Following Software Products Subject To This Agreement; Order Number Description Price* Ship To: Bill To: Method of Shipment: Customer P.O. Number: Agreed To: PURCHASER MOSTEK CORPORATION By: By: Title: Title: Date: Date: --------------------------- * Prices Subject To Change Without Notice 759 760 MOSTEI(. laO MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS BASIC Software Interpreter FEATURES o Direct access to CPU I/O Ports o Ability to read or write any memory location (PEEK, POKE) o Arrays with up to 255 dimensions o Dynamic allocation and de-allocation of arrays o IF ... THEN ... ELSE and nested IF ... THEN ... ELSE o Direct (immediate) execution of statements o Error trapping, with error messages in English o Four variable types: Integer, string, real and double precision real. o Full PRINT USING capabilities for formatted output o Extensive program editing facilities o Trace facilities o Can call up to 10 assembly language subroutines o Boolean (logical) operations o Supports up to 6 sequential and random access files on floppy disk. o Complete set of file manipulation statements o Occupies only 19K bytes, not including operating system Designed to operate on the Mostek Dual Disk Development System with FLP-80DOS and 32K bytes or more memory. Mostek BASIC provides a sophisticated software development tool. Mostek BASIC is implemented as an interpreter and is highly suitable for user interactive processing. In a 32K byte system, about 7K bytes of free storage area are available to the user. Programs and data are stored in a compressed internal format to maximize memory utilization. By adding more memory to the system, the user's program and data storage area may be increased to as much as 31 K bytes. o Supports console and line printer I/O o Allows console output to be redirected to the line printer DESCRIPTION MOSTEK BASIC is an extensive implementation of Microsoft BASIC for the Z80 microprocessor. Its features are comparable to those BASICs found on minicomputers and large mainframes. Mostek BASIC is among the fastest microprocessor BASICs available. Unique features include long variable names, substring assignments and hexadecimal and octal constants. Many other features ease the task of programming complex functions. The Programmer is seldom limited by array size (up to 255 dimensions, with run time allocation and deallocation) or I/O restrictions. Full PRINT USING capabilities allow formatted output, while both input and output may be performed with multiple sequential and random files on floppy disk as well as with the CPU I/O ports. Editing, error trapping, and trace facilities greatly simplify program debugging. 761 Commands: AUTO FILES NEW SAVE CLEAR LIST NULL SYSTEM CONTST LLiST RENUM TRON DELETE LOAD RESET TROFF EDIT MERGE RUN WIDTH DEFDBL END GOTO ON ... GO SUB RESUME DEFINT ERASE IF ...THEN(ELSE) ON ... GOTO RETURN DEFSNG ERROR LET OUT STOP DRFSTR FOR NEXT POKE SWAP DATA LlNEINPUT PUT FIELD LSET READ GET NAME RESTORE INPUT OPEN RESET + * / "- MOD IMP NOT EQV AND Program Statement: DEFNx DIM GOSUB ON ... ERROR REM WAIT Input/Output Statements: CLOSE KILL PRINT Operators I OR > XOR < <= >= <> ATN ERL INT RND TAB CDBL ERR LOG SGN USRn CINT EXP LPOS SIN VARPTR COS FRE PEEK SPC CHR$ LEN STRING$ FRE MID$ STR$ HEX$ OCT$ VAL INSTR RIGHT$ CVS MKI$ EOF MKS$ LOC Arithmetic Functions ABS CSNG INfl POS SQR String Functions ASC LEFT$ SPACES Input/Output Functions CVD LOF CVI MKD$ In order to receive Mostek BASIC, the attached Mostek BASIC Non-disclosure agreement should be signed and returned with each purchase order. 762 ORDERING INFORMATION Designator Description Part No. MOSTEK BASIC BASIC INTERPRETER high-level Language to run on FLP-80DOS. Requires 32K bytes of memory. MK78157 AID-80F Floppy disk development system for Z80 and and 3870/F8 systems. Includes FLP-80DOS and 32K bytes of RAM MK78125 MOSTEK BASIC NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT The party below agrees that it is receiving a copy of Mostek BASIC for use on a single computer only, as designated on its registration card. The party agrees to fill out and mail in the registration card before making use of Mostek BASIC. The party agrees that all copies will be strictly safeguarded against disclosure to or use by persons not authorized by Mostek to use Mostek BASIC, and that the location of all copies will be reported to Mostek at Mostek's request. The party agrees that is agreement shall insure to the benefit of any third party holding any right, title or interest in the Mostek BASIC or any software from which it was derived. "Party'_'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Date) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Company: ___________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________ Return to: Mostek Corp. Microcomputer Dept. Software Librarian MS 501 1215 W. Crosby Road Carrollton, Texas 75006 763 764 MOSm(. zao MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS FORTRAN IV Compiler FEATURES o All of ANSI standard FORTRAN IV (X3.9-1966) except complex data type. o Generates relocatable linkable object code. o Subroutines may be compiled separately and stored in a system library. o Compiles several hundred statements per minute in a single pass. o Enhancements include 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. LOGICAL variables which can be used as integer quantities LOGICAL DO loops for tighter, faster execution of small valued integer loops. Mixed mode arithmetic. Hexadecimal constants. Literals and Holleriths allowed in expressions. Logical operations on integer data..AND., . OR., .NOT. and .xOR. can be used for 16-bit or 8-bit Boolean operations. READ/WRITE End-of-File or Error Condition transfer. END=n and ERR=n (where n is the statement number) can be included in READ or WRITE statements to transfer control to the specified statement on detection of an error or end-of-file condition. ENCODE/DECODE for FORMAT operations to memory. o Long descriptive error messages. only the subroutines and system routines required to run FORTRAN programs are loaded before execution. Subroutines can be placed in a system library so that users can develop a common set of subroutines that are used in their programs. Also, if only one module of a program is changed, it is necessary to re-compile only that module. The standard library of subroutines supplied with FORTRAN includes: o Extended optimizations o l80 assembly language subprograms may be called from FORTRAN programs DESCRIPTION Mostek's FORTRAN IV Compiler package provides new capabilities for users of l80-based microcomputer systems. Mostek FORTRAN is comparable to FORTRAN compilers on large mainframes and minicomputers. All of ANSI Standard FORTRAN X3.9-1966 is included except the COMPLEX data type. Therefore, users may take advantage of the many applications programs already written in FORTRAN. Mostek FORTRAN IV is unique in that it provides a microprocessor FORTRAN development package that generates relocatable object modules. This means that ABS INT AMAXO DMAX1 MIN1 SIGN IDIM DEXP DLOG10 DCOS ATAN DMOD OUT lABS IDINT AMAX1 AMINO DMIN1 ISIGN SNGL ALOG SIN TANH DATAN PEEK DABS AMOD MAXO AMIN1 FLOAT DSIGN DBLE DLOG DSIN SQRT ATAN2 POKE AINT MOD MAX1 MINO IFIX DIM EXP ALOG10 COS DSQRT DATAN2 INP The library also contains routines for 32-bit and 64-bit floating point additon, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. These routines are among the fastest available for performing these functions on the l80. 765 A minimum system size of 48K bytes (including FLP80DOS) is required to provide efficient optimization. The Mostek FORTRAN compiler optimizes the generated object code in several ways: 1. Common subexpression elimination. Common subexpressions are evaluated once, and the value is substituted in later occurrences of the subexpression. 2. Peephole Optimization. Small sections of code are replaced by more compact, faster code in special cases. 3. Constant folding. Integer constant expressions are evaluated at compile time. LINKER A relocating linking loader (LlNK-80) and a library manager (LlB-80) are included in the Mostek FORTRAN package. LlNK-80 resolves internal and external references between the object modules loaded and also performs library searches for system subroutines and generates a load map of memory showing the locations of the main program, subroutines and common areas. LIBRARY MANAGER 4. Branch Optimizations. The number of conditional jumps in arithmetic and logical IFs is minimized. LlB-80 allows users to customize libraries of object modules. LlB-80 can be used to insert, replace or delete object modules within a library, or create a new library from scratch. Library modules and the symbol definitions they contain may also be listed. Long descriptive error messages are another feature of the compiler. For instance: ?Statement unrecognizable is printed if the compiler scans a statement that is not an assignment or other FORTRAN statement. The last twenty characters scanned before the detected error are also printed. CPIM UTILITY As an option, the compiler generates a fully symbolic listing of the machine language to be generated. At the end of the listing, the compiler produces an error summary and tables showing the addresses assigned to labels, variables and constants. FTRANS UTILITY A utility program (XCPM) is included which allows the user to copy FORTRAN source programs from CP 1M diskettes to FLP-80DOS diskettes. At this point the programs can be compiled using the Mostek FORTRAN compiler. FTRANS allows the user to convert object programs produced by the Mostek Z80 assembler to a form that is linkable to FORTRAN programs. DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. MOSTEK FORTRAN IV FORTRAN IV high level compiler to run on FLP-80DOS. Requires 48K bytes of RAM. Includes Operations Manual. MK78158 Mostek FORTRAN IV User's Manual Operations Manual only MK79643 766 MOSTEI(~ zao MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEM FLP-SODOS Software Library Vol. 1 (LIB-SO-V1) FEATURES o Includes 23 useful subroutines and programs for the Z80, including: • Lawrence Livermore Lab's Basic • Generalized sort program for up to 8 fields per record • 8080 - Z80 source code converter • Fast disk-to-disk copy utility • Hexadecimal Dump Utility to dump memory on files • Assembly Language Formatter Utility to format Z80 source into columns • Word Processor Program Version 2.0, used to format documents • Disk Recovery Utility used to recover bad disk files o All programs are supplied in source, object, and binary format with complete documentation on a standard FLP-80DOS diskette. o Requires FLP-80DOS Version 2.0 or higher. This software library differs from other libraries in that all programs in the library have been developed or modified in-house. All programs in the library are in use at Mostek and all have some utility. The FLP-80DOS Software Library Volume 1 consists of a User's Guide and two diskettes containing the source and binary (or object for subroutines) forms for each one of the twenty-three included programs. In order to reduce the cost of the library, printed source listings are not supplied. The user can obtain a source listing easily by assembling the required source program. A brief User's Guide is a part of each program source. The FLP-80DOS Software Library is a "Level 2" product. "Level 2" software products are supplied by Mostek but are not supported in the areas of technical assistance or updates. ORDERING INFORMATION PART NO. DESCRIPTION MK78164 L1B-80 Volume 1 - FLP-80DOS Software Library, including source, object, and binary formats on diskette, and a printed user's guide. DESCRIPTION The Mostek FLP-80DOS S9ftware Library is a collection of programs of general utility that run under FLP80DOS Version 2.0 or higher. These programs are used quite extensively at Mostek. They are being offered in source format on diskette so that the user may not only use them as supplied, but may use them as a base for individually tailored software. 767 768 1979 MICROCOMPUTER DATA BOOK Micro Development Aids 769 770 MOSTEI(. 3870/F8 MICROCOMPUTER SOFlWARE SUPPORT Fortran IV Cross Assembler (XFOR-50/70) FEATURES o ANSI-Fortran IV Source o Executes on 16 bit word length machine o Cross Assembler is machine independent for: Character representation (ASCII or BCD) o Numerical representation (1 's or 2's complement) I/O logical device assignments are user definable o 2 pass assembly easily accomodated if no secondary storage available o Memory required: 13K words (typical) o Assembler directives • TITLE 'Set page title' • EJECT 'Page' • EQU 'Values' • ORG 'Beginning address' • PUNCH 'Create load tape F8 loader format' • PR I NT 'Off and On enable for output listing • DC 'Define constants' 'END DESCRIPTION The MOSTEK 3870/F8 Cross Assembler XFOR50/70 is written in ANSI FORTRAN IV. It may be compiled and executed on any computer system which has at least a 16 bit word length for integer storage and 13K of memory for program storage. The Cross Assembler is independent of machine character representation (ASCII, BCD, etc.) and numerical representation (2's complement, 1's complement, etc.) Logical device assignments are set up in the source of the main program module, and may be easily changed to suit the installation. Also, if no secondary storage is available the main program may be changed to accommodate re-reading of the user input for the second pass of the assembly. Output is in F8 loader format. ORDERING INFORMATION The XFOR-50/70 is available directly from Mostek by filling out a copy of the Software licensing Agreement printed on the back of this data sheet and returning it with the appropriate payment or Customer Purchase Order to: MOSTEK CORPORATION Microcomputer Systems Dept. 1215 West Crosby Road Carrollton, Texas 75006 DESIGNATOR XFOR-50/70 DESCRIPTION PART NO. 3870/F8 Cross MK79012 Assembler written in MIISI Fortran IV is supplied as a source card deck with Operations Manual. 771 STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT All Mostek Corporation products are sold on condition that the Purchaser agrees to the following terms: 1. The Purchaser agrees not to sell, provide, give away, or otherwise make available to any unauthorized persons, all or any part of, the Mostek software products listed below; including, but not restricted to: object code, source code and program listings. 2. The Purchaser may at any time demonstrate the normal operation of the Mostek software product to any person. 3. All software designed, developed and generated independently of, and not based on, Mostek's software by purchaser shall become the sole property of purchaser and shall be excluded from the provisions of this Agreement. Mostek's software which is modified with the written permission of Mostek and which is modified to such an extent that Mostek agrees that it is not recognizable as Mostek's software shall become the sole property of purchaser. 4. Purchaser shall be notified by Mostek of all updates and modifications made by Mostek for a oneyear period after purchase of said Mostek software product. Updated and/or modified software and manuals will be supplied at the current cataloged prices. 5. In no event will Mostek be held liable for any loss, expense or damage, of any kind whatsoever, direct or indirect, regardless of whether such arises out of the law of torts or contracts, or Mostek's negligence, including incidental damages, consequential damages and lost profits, arising out of or connected in any manner with any of Mostek's software products described below. 6. MOSTEK MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY AND WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE) WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE DESCRIBED BELOW. The Following Software Products Subject To This Agreement: Order Number Price* Description Ship To: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bill To: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Method of Shipment: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Customer P.O. Number: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Agreed To: PURCHASER MOSTEK CORPORATION By: _____________________________________ By: __________________________ Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: Date: ------------------------------------- *Prices SUbject to change Without Notice 772 -------------- MOSTEI(. Z80 MICROCOMPUTER SOFTWARE SUPPORT FORTRAN IV Cross Assembler (XFOR-80) FEATURES D ANSI-FORTRAN IV Source D Executes on 16-bit word length machine D Cross Assembler is machine independent for: Character representation (ASCII or BCD) Numerical representation (1 's or 2's complement) D I/O logical device assignments are user definable D 2 pass assembly easily accomodated if no secondary storage is available D Memory required: 20K words (typical) D Assembles all standard Z80 source statements and MACROs D Object output in I ntel compatible hex format D Size of program to be assembled is limited only by memory available for symbol table. D Includes the following pseudo-ops: Program Origin ·ORG Equate • EQU Define Label ('Set') • DEFL Define Message (ASCII Text) • DEFM Define Byte • DEFB Define Word • DEFW Define Storage • DEFS End Statement • END MACRO Definition • MACR End MACRO Definition • ENDM D Supplied as a Source Card Deck with fully documented installation procedures. accomodate reading of the user input for the second phase of the assembly. The assembled object output of the program is generated in Intel standard hexadecimal format and may be loaded into any compatible Z80 based microcomputer (such as the MOSTEK SDB-80) for execution and debug. DESCRIPTION ORDERING INFORMATION The XFOR-80 is a Cross Assembler for assembling Z80 source programs into the corresponding machine code for the Z80 microprocessor. The XFOR-80 Cross Assembler is written in ANSI FORTRAN IV. It may be compiled and executed on any computer system which has at least a 20K memory for program storage. The Cross Assembler is independent of machine character representation (ASCII, BCD, etc.) and numerical representation (2's complement, 1's complement, etc.) Logical device assignments are set up in the source of the main program module, and may be easily changed to suit the installation. Also, if no secondary storage is available the main program may be changed to The XFOR-80 is available directly from MOSTEK by filling out a copy of the Software Licensing Agreement printed on the back of this data sheet and returning it with the appropriate payment or Customer Purchase Order to: MOSTEK CORPORATION Microprocessor Systems Dept. 1215 West Crosby Road Carrollton, Texas 75006 Order Number Description MK78117 X FOR-80 773 STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT All Mostek Corporation products are sold on condition that the Purchaser agrees to the following terms: 1. The Purchaser agrees not to sell, provide, give away, or otherwise make available to any unauthorized persons, all or any part of, the Mostek software products listed below; including, but not restricted to: object code, source code and program listings. 2. The Purchaser may at any time demonstrate the normal operation of the Mostek software product to any person. 3. All software designed, developed and generated independently of, and not based on, Mostek's software by purchaser shall become the sole property of purchaser and shall be excluded from the provisions of this Agreement. Mostek's software which is modified with the written permission of Mostek and which is modified to such an extent that Mostek agrees that it is not recognizable as Mostek's software shall become the sole property of purchaser. 4. Purchaser shall be notified by Mostek of all updates and modifications made by Mostek for a oneyear period after purchase of said Mostek software product. Updated and/or modified software and manuals will be supplied at the current cataloged prices. 5. In no event will Mostek be held liable for any loss, expense or damage, of any kind whatsoever, direct or indirect, regardless of whether such arises out of the law of torts or contracts, or Mostek's negligence, including incidental damages, consequential damages and lost profits, arising out of or connected in any manner with any of Mostek's software products described below. 6. MOSTEK MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPR.ESSED OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY AND WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE) WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE DESCRIBED BELOW. The Following Software Products Subject To this Agreement: Order Number Price* Description Ship To: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Bill To: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Method of Shipment: Customer P.O. Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Agreed To: PURCHASER MOSTEK CORPORATION By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ By: ________________________ Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ __ Date: *Prices Subject To Change Without Notice 774 Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ MICROCOMPUTER HARDWARE SUPPORT MK3870 Emulator (EMU-70) FEATURES o Completely emulates the MK3870 single chip F8 o Utilizes MK2708 PROMs o Connects directly to user's MK3870 socket o Provides exact program verification The MK3870 Emulator (EMU-70) is a development aid for designing and field testing F8 microprocessor systems which utilize the MK3870 single-chip F8. The Emulator is electrically equivalent to the MK 3870 but is field programmable instead of mask programmable. This enables a user to obtain final softWare verification prior to ordering an MK3870. Also, since the Emulator "plugs in" like an MK3870 (via a male, 40-pin connector or a 40-conductor cable), prototype systems can be converted to final production status by simply unplugging the Emulator and plugging in the corresponding custom MK3870. The MK3870 is a 5 volt only, 4Q-pin integrated circuit that provides 2K bytes of ROM, 64 bytes of RAM, four 8-bit latched I/O ports, a software programmable timer, and interrupt control circuitry. EMU-70 DESCRIPTION The Emulator performs all the functions of the MK3870 1 CPU ROM/RAM INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS VECTORED INTERRUPT TIMER The CPU functions, plus two I/O ports and scratch· pad RAM, are implemented using an MK3850 on the Emulator board. The ROM, Data Counter and Program Counter functions are implemented with an MK3853 SMI and two 1K x 8-bit UV Erasable PROMs to provide non-volatile storage of the user's program. The PROMs are programmed using a PROM programmer and then installed on the Emulator board. Two I/O ports, interrupt and timer logic are imple· mented using an MK3871/90071 on the Emulator Board. The Emulator may be converted from .standard TTL I/O ports to either open. drain or direct drive I/O ports by ordering the appropriate PIO listed in the order information. . DOCUM ENTATION A complete set of dopumentation is provided with the Emulator to describe both the internal operation of the circuit board and the techniques for using it in system development. Also included are detailed instructions for ordering the MK3870 directly from the verified data contained in the Emulator (i.e. the contents of the UV PROMs). 775 EMU-70.showing 40-pin connec;tor implementation_ SPECI FICATIONS Operating Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O°C to 50't Power Supply Requirements (max.) FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM +5V DC± 5%@1.5A Board Size ... 6.0" x 7.0" ORDER INFORMATION NAME DESCRIPTION PART NO. EMU-70 Operations Manual Contains a detailed technical description with schematic diagrams. MK79550 Circuit Board with MK79030 EMU-70 (Less PROMs) documentation. Less PROMs. +5 EMU-70 (With PROMs) Circuit Board with MK79032 documentation. Includes 2-MK2708 PROMs . . GND XAID-706 Auxiliary 2ft interface cable for 'non- MK79050 rigid' connection to the target system, 'All prices subject to change without notice, and apply only within the U.S; and Canada. "t Contact the factory for current pricing. 776 Peripheral Input/Output Direct Drive PIO MK3871/ 90070 Peripheral. Input/Output Open drain PW MK3871/ 90072 MOSTEl(. MICROCOMPUTER HARDWARE SUPPORT 3870 Series Microcomputer Emulator (EMU-72) FEATURES o Completely emulates 3870 Series single chip Microcomputers (MK3870, MK3872, and MK3876) o Utilizes MK2716 PROMs o Connects directly to user's 3870 Series socket o Provides exact program verification o The 3870 Series Microcomputer .Emulator(EMU72) is a development aid for designing and field testing microcomputer systems which utilize 3870 Series Microcomputers. The Emulator is electrically equivalent to a 3870 Series Microcomputer (3870, 3872,or 3876) but is field programmable instead of mask programmable. This enables a user to obtain final software verification prior to ordering the mask programmable 3870 Series Microcomputer. Also, since the Emulator "plugs into" a 3870 socket (via a male, 40-pin connector or a 40conductor cable), prototype systems can be converted to final production status by simply unplugging the Emulator and plugging in the corresponding 3870 Series Chip. DESCRIPTION The Emulator performs all the functions of the 3870 Series Microcomputers: CPU ROM/RAM INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS VECTORED INTERRUPT TIMER The CPU functions, plus two I/O ports and scratchpad RAM,are implemented using an MK3850 on the Emulator board. The ROM, Data Counter and Program Counter functions are implemented with an MK3853 SMI and two 2K x 8-bit UV Erasable PROMS to provide non-volatile storage of the user's program. The. PROMs are programmed using a PROM programmer and then installed on the Emulator board. The executable RAM of the MK3872 and MK3876 is emulated with two 5101 Static CMOS RAMs. Standby current and battery trickle charge current at the VSB terminal have been adjusted to emulate those functions on the MK3872 and MK3876. Two I/O ports, interrupt logic, and timer logic are implemented using an MK3871 on the Emulator Board. The Emulator may be converted from standard TTL I/O ports to either open drain or direct drive I/O ports by ordering the appropriate PIO listed in the ordering information. DOCUMENTATION A complete set of documentation is provided with the Emulator to describe both the internal operation of the circuit board and the techniques for using it in system development. 777 EMU-72 showing 40-pin connector implementation FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM SPECI FICATIONS Operating Temperature Range ......... 0° C to 50° C Power Supply Requirements ... +5V ±5%@ 1.2A max. (700mAtyp.) Board Size ....................... 6.25 x 7.0 in. ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER EMU-72 MK79078 3870 Series Microcomputer with Operations Manual. Includes a 40 pin adapter plug to interface to the user's 40 pin 3870 socket. Does not include 2716 PROMs. EMU-72 Operations Manual Contains a complete technical description of the operation MK79581 and use of the EMU-72 Schematic diagram included. XAID-706 Auxilary 2 foot interface cable for 'non-rigid' con- MK79050 nection to the target system Peripheral Input/Output Direct Drive PIO MK3871N/ 90070 MK3871P/ 90070 Peripheral Input/Output Open Drain PIO MK3871N/ 90072 MK3871P/ 90072 • All prices subject to change without notice, and apply only within the U.S. and Canada. 778 MOSTEI{. PRODUCT BRIEF P-PROMTM Microcomputer MK3874 FEATURES o EPROM version of the MK3870, MK3872 and MK3876 o Accepts 24-pin, industry-standard EPROMs or bipolar PROMs o PROM capacity: o Completely pin compatible with 3870 family of single-chip microcomputers 1K, 2K, 4K bytes o Software compatibility with 3870 o Use as prototyping tool or for low volume production o 64 x 8 scratch pad RAM o 64 x 8 of executable RAM addressable by program or data counter o Standby power mode optjon for executable RAM which includes Low standby power, less than 8.2 mW Minimum 2.2V standby supply voltage No external components required to trickle charge battery 0 32 bits (4 eight-bit ports) TTL compatible I/O (30 with Standby Option) 0 Programmable binary timer which includes: Interval timer mode Pulse width measurement mode Event counter mode 0 External interrupt 0 Crystal, LC, RC, or external time base 0 Single +5 volt supply INTRODUCTION The new MK3874 microprocessor is the PROM based version of the industry-standard 3870 family of single-chip microprocessors. The MK3874 is called the Piggyback PROM (P-PROM)TM because of a new Double-Dip™ packaging concept. This concept allows a standard 24-pin PROM to be mounted directly on top of the microprocessor. This allows a standard EPROM to be easily removed for reprogramming and then reinserted as many times as desired. The MK3874 retains exactly the same pinout and architectural features as other members of the 3870 family. There are 32 lines (or 30 with the standby power RAM option)of bi-directional input/output, a sophisticated timer, vectored interrupts, executable and scratchpad RAM and an 8-bit CPU. Thus the 3874 P-PROMTM has the same functional capability and pinout as its 3870 masked-ROM counterpart while being able to support a standard PROM plugged into the top of the package. Industry standard 24-pin, 5 volt PROMs are used with the MK3874. Presently six PROMs are compatible with the MK3874. They are the 2716 (2K x 8) 5volt only, 2516 (2K x 8) 5 volt only, 2758 (1 K x 8). 2532 (4K x 8). 2732 (4K x 8) and 82S2708 (1 K x 8). The 2716 EPROM with its 2K of storage will allow the 3874 to emulate the 3870 and 3876 while a 2732 or 2532 EPROM containing 4K bytes of memory will allow emulation of the 3872. The 1 K x 8 PROMs can be used for developing shorter programs. The standby power option is also available with the MK3874. 779 MK3874 BLOCK DIAGRAM EXTERNAL PROM VSB MEMORY ADDRESS BUS MAIN CONTROL LOGIC RESULT BUS TEST 780 Supporting the 3874 is a complete line of development equipment including the low-cost Software Development Board (SDB-50/70) and an Application Interface Module (AIM-72). A fully integrated 3870/ F8 development capability is provided by the AID80F Disk Based Development System. Coupled with the AIM-72 and F8 Cross Assembler, it provides software generation and in-circuit emulation capabilities for the 3870 family of microcomputers. PROM programming capability is provided through the use of the PPG 8/16 programming module available for either of the above systems. Six different versions of the MK3874 are available and are designated MK974XX. The available versions of the MK3874 and their relevant features are listed in the table below. The different versions are provided so as to offer an option for low-power standby mode for the executable RAM and for different PROM pinouts. The MK97401 and MK97404 are supplied with MK2716 EPROMs. Otherwise the MK97401 is identical to the MK97400 and the MK97404 is identical to the MK97403. All MK3874 versions have no internal pull-up resistor for the external interrupt and reset inputs. All are configured with the standard TTL port option for Ports 4 and 5. An open-drain and direct-drive version will be available in the second quarter of 1979. ORDERING INFORMATION MK3874 VERSION PROM INCLUDED ST ANDBY POWER OPTION COMPATIBLE 3870 FAMILY 5 - VOLT PROM's DEVICE EMULATED MK97400 NO NO MK97401 Yes (MK 2716) NO Same as MK97400 MK97402 NO NO 82S2708 (1 K x 8) 2732 (4K x 8) Partial 3870 3872 Partial 3870 Partial 3870 3876 38J6 3872 2758 (lK x 82S2708 (1 K 2516 (2K x 2716 (2K x 2532 (4K x 8) x 8) 8) 8) 8) Partial 3870 Partial 3870 3870,3876 3870,3876 3872 Same as MK 97400 MK97403 NO YES 2758 (1 K x 8) 82S2708 (1 K x 8) 2716 (2K x 8) 2516 (2K x 8) 2532 (4K x 8! MK97404 YES (MK 2716) YES Same as MK97403 Same as MK97403 MK97405 NO YES 82S2708 (1 K x 8) 2732 (4K x 8) Partial 3870 3872 781 782 MOSTEI(. 3870/F8 MICROCOMPUTER HARDWARE SUPPORT Evaluation Kit (MCK 50/70) FEATURES The MOSTEK F8 Evaluation Kit is a basic F8 evaluation/development microcomputer with these features_ o 24 bits of I/O arranged in three 8 bit ports o 1024 bits of Static Random Access Memory (MK4102) o Full duplex TTY Interface (20mA loop) o Crystal control clock o Non-volatile operating system in MK3851 Program Storage Unit_ Firmware called designer development tool L 1 (DDT -1) DESCRIPTION The F8 Evaluation Kit comes with complete documentation including a detailed application note, programming guide, and a listing of the DDT -1 program_ Purchasers of the Mostek F8 Evaluation Kit will receive free the F8/ANSI Fortran IV Cross Assembler. The Evaluation Kit may be ordered as an assembled and tested unit (MK79002), or as an unassembled kit (MK79001) containing all necessary components for assembly including a 72-pin edge connector. A power supply box (MK79003) that provides an edge card connector, all necessary power, switch selectable BAUD rate and a TTY cable is also available. OPERATION To operate, you simply attach a 110 or 300 BAUD ASCII terminal (such as a teletype or CRT monitor system) and +5 and +12V power supply. Using DDT 1, you can load, debug and modify your software in the 1 K byte of RAM provided in the kit. DDT -1 provides these features that can be accessed from the ASCII terminal to write and execute your own software. o o Load command-loads memory from paper tape Dump command-formats data and output to paper tape punch Assembled Fa Evaluation Kit (79002) and Power Supply (79003) o Type command-examines blocks of memory o Memory Display and Modify command-examines and modifies memory one byte at a time o Copy command-moves blocks of memory from one location to another o Port commands-displays and modifies the 24 I/O lines o Hexadecimal Arithmetic commands-performs hexadecimal arithmetic o Execute command-executes programs at a specific location o Breakpoint command-debugs users software ORDERING INFORMATION Unassembled Evaluation Kit. Order number MK79001. Assembled and Tested Evaluation Kit. Order number MK79002. Power Supply for Evaluation Kit. Order number MK79003. 783 784 MOSTEI(. FB MICROCOMPUTER SUPPORT Software Development Board (508-50/70,) SOFTWARE FEATURES o o o 2K x 8 Operating System In ROM (DDT-2) 4K x 8 Resident Assembler In ROM Resident Text Editor Loadable In RAM HARDWARE FEATURES o o o o o 8K x 8 RAM Memory Four 8 bit I/O Ports Serial ASC II Interface (110-9600 Baud) Parallel Interface For High-Speed Reader/Punch Optional "Application Interface Module" (AIM) GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Software Development Board is a compiete F8 Microprocessor System designed to aid in developing software for the F8. When combined with power supply, card cage and an ASCII terminal (such as a teletype), it will enable the user to develop the software for all types of F8 applications. This not only includes the ability to execute and debug user software, but also the ability to create and edit "source" listings (using the resident text editor) and assemble them into corresponding "object" code (using the resident assembler). Its other features include8K x 8 of RAM (expandable with additional memory boards), a variable speed ASCII interface, and resident console and debugging routines. The SDB also includes an interface to an optional high speed paper tape reader/ punch. Other peripherals such as a card reader and line printer may be added using an Auxiliary Interface Board. USING THE SDS The SDB may be used in two ways. First, as a standalone microcomputer, the SDB may be used to both generate (edit and assemble) and debug F8 Software using the 8K bytes of RAM and 32 bits of I/O available on the board. In many F8 applications, the SDB will thus provide all of the development capability the user will require. Other users, however, may prefer to emulate their application software in the SPECiFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range . . . 1Q°C to 40°C Power Supply Requirements +12V±5%@ 150mA +5V± 5% @ 1.2A -12 5%@50mA Board Size. . 8.0"x 12.0" x 1.5" Connector . . . 100 pin edge connector (included) circuit configuration required for their final system. This procedure can significantly reduce the development time for many types of applications. To support these users, an option is available for the SDB called AIM (Application Interface Module). With AIM, the user may apply all of the debug capabilities of the SDB operating system (DDT-2) directly to his final application configuration. As explained in the AIM descriptive literature, this is accomplished without any modifications to the hardware, software, or mechanical packaging of the users final system. The reader is referred to the AIM literature for further information on the use and operation of the SDB with the AIM option. 785 DDT-2 COMMAND SUMMARY The DDT·2 Operating system uses 10 basic commands: .M s Display and update memory at s .M s,f Tabulate memory block s,f .P s Display and update port s .P s,f Tabulate port block s,f .E s Execute program at s .B s Set breakpoint to exit program at s .S s Step single instruction at s in program .L Load tape into memory .D s,f Dump tape from memory block s,f .C s,f,d Copy memory block s,t to d The s,f and d represent operands which may be hexadecimal constants, Literals (ASCII Equivalents) ~redefi.ned rl)nemonics, or .simple arithmetic expres~ slons involving any combination of these. Allowable eXfressions are of the form ± nl (=hhhh) ± n2 (=hhhh. . ., where the optional "=" may be used to display the four digit hexadecimal result. Expressions may be utilized in any of the DDT-2 commands including a 'Dummy' command, 'H', which is pro~ vided to permit hexadecimal expression evaluation without performing any other operation. MEMORY AND PORT COMMANDS (M,P) The M and P commands provide the user with the means for sequentially accessing F8 I/O ports and memory. Both commands will accept either one or two operands (or operand expressions). With one operand, the contents of the memory or port locations indicated will be displayed and may be optionally modified. Typing carriage returns will automatically display the next successive locations which may also be modified. Typing a '!\' will either display the previous location or, if contents of the current location are being changed, display the new contents of the current location. This process will continue until a 'period' is typed to return to the command mode. A 'period' may also be used to abort improperly entered commands. In the example on the adjacent page note the ease with which relative branch offsets may be calculated (at 4106). With two operands, the M and P commands provide a compact listing of memory or I/O ports. The contents of the addresses specified (inclusively) by the two operands are typed sixteen bytes per line as shown on the adjacent page. EXECUTE,BREAKPOINT, SINGLE STEP (E,B,s) The E command is used to execute all programs including design aids such as the Assembler and Text Editor. The B command may be used to set a Breakpoint to exit from a program at some predetermined location for debugging purposes. At the instant of Breakpoint exit, the contents of all system registers (Scratchpad, Status, Accumulator, etc.) are transferred to a designated 115 byte area of the SDB RAM where they may be examined or modified. 786 This portion of the SDB memory is called the 'Reg· ister Map'. It is also used to initialize system registers whenever execution is initiated (or resumed). Each register image in the Register Map may be accessed using the 'M' command followed by the predefined register mnemonic (or absolute address) of the storage location for that register (example :AC, :IS, :00, ... , :3F, etc). The E and B commands can thus be used together to initialize, execute and examine the results of individual program segments . When a breakpoint is encountered, the address and accumulator are typed in the stepping format and the user may continue stepping as above. The breakpoint is cleared automatically to prevent old breakpoints from cluttering up the program . For a 'Trace' of the execution details of a routine, the programmer may use the S command to step one instruction at a time. With each step, the regis· ters are loaded from the .Register Map; the instruction executed; and the registers dumped back to the Register Map. After each step the Register Map may be examined or modified prior to executing the next instruction. The accumu lator contents and the address of the next instruction to be executed are always typed after each Step. The programmer continues Stepping by typing carriage returns. In the example a short program has been loaded into memory locations 4100~4106 which will multiply Scratch pad Register RO times Rl (MOD 256) and place the result in R2. LOAD, DUMP, COPY (L,D,C) The Land D commands load and dump object tapes thru the Object channel in standard F8 loader format. Checksums are used for error detection and the addresses of questionable blocks are ty'ped automatically while loading. The C command will transfer the contents of the memory block specified by the first two operands to the memory block starting at the location specified by the third operand. DDT-2 I/O CAPABILITIES The SDB has 3 I/O channels, designated 'Console', 'Object', and 'Source', to which any suitable devices may be assigned. The Channel Assignment table is located in RAM where it may be updated using the M command. Where mnemonic designations have been predefined, they are automatically substituted for the Table Addresses and the dual byte contents of the table. The Table Addresses correspond to the !f0 channels, with the Table Contents correspondIng to the addresses of the peripheral driver routines. All the mnemonics used in the example are predefined in DDT-2 Firmware. When a device is first assigned to a channel, the driver is automatically initialized as required. The user may write his own drivers, define mnemonics for them, and then use those mnemonics to assign them to channels as above. The user may also define mnemo· nics for any other addresses, such as starting points of programs or subroutines. SAMPLE PROGRAM EXECUTION .1"1 : 00 : 00 00 3 [Sot RO - 3, R1 - 17 '" R",,,,, M.p :0101 17 : 02 00 . M 4100 4100 4101 4102 410:;;: 4104 OE 52 2A ::::0 410~:; ~;:iF 90 70 37 42 O~.:: Loop C1 94 LIS LR LR AS LR DS H'O' 2,A A,2 ] Ititialize Register Map R2 =0 R2 = R2+R1 Load Program (Solves RO x R 1 MOD 256) 1 2,A 0 RO = RO-1 BNZ Loop (RO = 07) (Calculate Branch Offset) 4106 BE 4101-*=FFFB-'" 4106 FB c' .::.,.. 4100 *4101 00 *4102 00 *4103 17 '1!-4104 17 *410':5 1"1 *4101 17 *4102 17 *4103 2E *4104 2E '1!-4105 2E: *.11-101 2E *4102 2E *4103 4'"'-' *4104 4~i *4105 4~5 *4107 4'"~'. M : 00 00 00 01 17 : 02 4""'-' ACC= [ 00; Next Instruction at 4101 4102 00 4103 17 4104 17 4105 17 4101 17 4102 17 4103 2E 4104 2E 4105 2E 4101 2E 4102 2E 4103 45 4104 45 4105 45 4107 45 RO-O R1 = 17 R2 = 45 ( =3 x 17) MOD 256 Execute (Single Step) ] Example Register Map BLOCK MEMORY OPERATIONS 1"1 4100, 4146 4100 00 00 00 00 11 4110 44 44 44 44 5~5 ..-, :::8 :::::: 9S"J 4120 ::::::: ,-c·c· 4130 CC CC CC CC (1(1 414() AE 4~'I :33 28 07 C 41,UO, 4117, 4118 1"1 4100, 4146 4·100 00 00 00 00 1 1, 41 10 44 44 44 44 ,_'--I 4120 22 22 22 22 :3:3 4130 CC CC CC CC [1(1 11140 AE 45 33 28 07 . D 4100.4146 ****************** ::;;41,00 X000000001111,11118 X22222122833333338 X44444444555555558 X00000000111111118 X22222222333333338 X44444444555555558 XCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDD8 XEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFF8 'M. t:'C" 11 11 11 !:i!:i c:·£:: ._1,_' "'''" ...'...' 99 99 99 (ID DD D[I 22 66 AA EE 22 66 AA EE 22 66 AA EE 22 66 AA EE 33 33 :33 33 7"1 77 77 '77 BB BB BB BB ] List Memory Block 4100 thru 4146 FF FF FF FF 66 CC 1 1 1, 1 11 5~j ~i~i 5~i 3:3 33 3:;: DD [lD 66 CC (1[1 22 22 22 22 00 00 00 00 44 44 44 44 EE EE EE EE 33 33 33 :33 11 11 11 11 55 55 55 55 FF FF FF FF ] Copy Memory Block 4100 thru 4117 to location 411B thru 412F and list. Dump Memory Block 4100 thru 4146 in FB Loader Format XAE1~533280766CCB29 ****************** 787 RESIDENT ASSEMBLER The Resident Assembler in the SOB is a program which translates F8 Assembly Languare Source Statements into Machine Language. The Machine Language produced by the Assembler (called an Object Module) is output in standard F8 Loader Format which may be loaded directly into RAM and Executed. Two Passes are required oiler the Source input for a complete assembly. The user also has the option of having an 'Assembled Source Listing' produced in addition to the Object Module. The Assembled Source Listing is printed (if desired) during Pass 2, while the Object Module is being biJffered in memory. The Object Module is punched after an END statement is encountered or the object buffer has been filled. Buffering the Object Module eliminates the need for the third Pass required with many other Assemblers. This also permits the use of a single peripheral (such as a TTY) for outputting both the Assembled Source Listing and the Object Module without conflict. The only restriction on using the Assembler is that programs having more than 420 Labels must be assembled in sections: All I/O for the Assembler is handled through the 'Console', 'Object', and 'Source' Channels provided by DDT -2. The Assembler receives Control characters (and responds) via the Console Channel, while the Source Channel is used for the Assembly Language input and the optional Assembled Source Listing output. The Object Channel is used to output the Object Module. All Channels are assigned to the serial ASCII Port when a teletype is the only available peripheral. SOB MEMORY MAP 0000 0800 1000 T ROM 2000 ~...L..tC...,j'-L..£....L.L.I.~£..LL-'I-L USED BY DDT- 2 FOR REGISTER MAP USER 788 RAM PROGRAMS (8 K) 5800 6000 I I r"'0 /)..., USER TEXT EDITOR The Text Editor supplied with the SOB is in the form of a Paper Tape which may be loaded into RAM Memory (5800 thru 5FFF) and Executed. The various commands recognized by the Text Editor permit random access editing of ASCII characters strings (as would be stored on ma~­ netic or paper tape). The data to be edited IS read into memory where individual characters may be located by position or context. Approximately 5000 characters may be stored in the buffer area from 4100 thru 57FF. Character strings longer than this are edited in blocks with all loading and dumping of the buffer being performed automatically by the Text Editor. The Text Editor and Resident Assembler share the same buffer space and may be used alternately without reloading the Text Editor. While the primary application for the Text Editor is in the editing of Assembly Language Source Statements, it may be applied to any arbitrary ASCII character strings which are parti.tioned by 'Carriage Returns' into records of not more than 80 characters. T I 4000-4072 FUTURE I FFFF L _______ --' __ I I I I I ...J BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION Each of the major circuits shown on the block diagram is described below: CPU - The Central Processing Unit for the SDB is the MK 3850. There are two eight bit I/O ports on the CPU. They are designated PO and P1and are available on the 100 pin edge connector. An eight bit bidirectional data bus is used for data transfer between the CPU and .all other blocks in the system. The CPU generated control and timing signals for interface to the other blocks. PSU - There are two 3851 Program Storage Units on the SDB. The ROM portion of these devices contain the DDT-2 operating system. They also provide four eight bit I/O ports (designated P10, P11. P14. and P15). Two of these ports (P11 and P14) are reserved for use by DDT -2, but the other two ports, as well as the timer and interrupt features or both PSUs, are available to the user. UART - The SDB uses a UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) device to gEmerate the variable speed serial ASCII interface. The BAU D rate is switch selectable from 110 to 9600 BAUD to be compatible with the various types of teletype and CRT terminals available. PIA - The MK 3820 Peripheral Interface Adapter provides the two eight bit I/O ports required for the optional high-speed reader/punch interface. This interface is available on the 40 pin 3M connector on the front edge of the SDB. BUS DRIVERS - All F8 data bus, timing, and control signals are buffered and available on the 100 pin edge connector for expansion, DMI - The MK 3852 Dynamic Memory Interface generates the timing and address signals for the sixteen MK 4096 (8K bytes) RAM and the two MK 31000 (4K bytes) ROMS. FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM RESIDENT ASSEMBLER 4K x 8 ROM 2 x MK 31000 8K x 8 RAM 16 x MK 4096 Il II SERIAL I/O CO~CTOR DMI MK 3852 - UART INTERFACE CPU MK 3850 - - '---- DDT-2 OPERATING SYSTEM PSU MK 3851 I .. PO P1 I I PS U MK 3851 D 1 11 P10 (P11) (P14) -y PIA MK 3820 A.. - PARALLEL I/O CONNECTOR BUS DRIVERS +5 +12 -12 I I I --.L - P15 789 ORDERING INFORMATION PART NUMBER 790 MK 79019 FB MICROCOMPUTER HARDWARE SUPPORT Application Interface Module (AIM-70) FEATURES D Real time in-circuit emulation D Breakpoint insertion D Single step operation D Oirect interface with Mostek's Software Oevelopment Board (SOB-50/70) D 3K bytes of RAM available during program development GENERAL DESCRIPTION AIM-70 (Application Interface Module) is a unique development aid for debugging MK3870 applications in the actual hardware and software configuration of the user's final system (referred to as the 'Target'.) To accomplish this, it is first necessary to emulate the Target ROM with RAM. This RAM must appear as ROM to the application, while retaining the ability to be loaded, debugged, and modified using It is the peripherals independent of the Target. purpose of AIM, used in conjunction with the Software Oevelopment Board (SOB-50/70) to provide these capabilities. With AIM-70, all of the peripheral and debugging capabilities of the SOB-50/70 may be applied directly to either the prototype or final production configuration of any M K3870 application; no modifications to the user's hardware, software, or mechanical packaging are required. As shown in the diagram, the AIM Board is usually mounted in a card cage with the Software Oevelopment Board (SOB). It is the purpose of the SOB to provide the user with the means for accessing and controlling the target system (via the AI M Board) during the program development phase. This provides access to all the development software and peripherals of the SOB without having to introduce any perturbations to the target system environment. AIM does not affect the peripheral expansion capabilities of the SOB. SPECI FICATIONS USING AIM The pictorial diagram on the right shows how AIM-70 would typically be used during system development. Because the AIM-70 is an exact functional emulation of the MK3870, it may be directly inserted in the '3870 socket in the target system. Also, since the Target can be a production version of the user's application, product revisions and en hancements may be easily implemented. Operating Temperature Range ........ 0 °C to 50°C Power Supply Requirements +5V ±5% @ 1.5A max. +12V ± 5% @ 100mA max. Board Size .................. 8.5" x 12.0" x 1.5" Connectors/Cables: 40-Pin Ribbon Cable (24" long) 791 OPERATION DESCRIPTION .D TS,Tf The hardware and software associated with AIM have been designed to retain the same command structure as the SDB. The only difference is that all operands (Memory Addresses or Port Addresses) which correspond to the 'Target' system must be preceded by the letter 'T'. The commands available with AIM are summarized below. Designations s, f and d stand for operands. .C TS,Tf,Td .C s,f, Td .C TS,Tf,d .M Ts .M Ts, Tf .p Ts .P TS,Tf .E Ts .B Ts .S Ts .L T AIM-70 PHOTO 792 Display and update target memory at s Tabulate target memory block s,f Display and update target port s Tabulate target port block s,f Execute target program at s Set breakpoint to exit target program at s Begin single step execution at s in target program Load formated tape into target memory Dump formated tape from target memory block s,f Opy memory block s,f in the SDB or target to the memory block location starting at address d in the SDB or target ~ Each of these SDB commands may be applied to any portion of the target system's port or memory map. This is accomplished by means of a 'handshaking' procedure between the CPU on the AIM and the CPU in the SDB. Handshaking is initiated whenever a target system breakpoint has been encountered, or the single step execution of a target instruction has been completed. Also, whenever handshaking is initiated, the contents of all target system registers (Scratchpad, Status, Accumulator, etc.) are transferred to a designated portion of the SDB memory map where they may be examined or modified. This portion of the SDB memory is called the 'Register Map' and is also used to initialize the target system register whenever execution is initiated (or resumed) in the target system. BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION As shown in the block diagram, the AIM-70 contains all the functional elements necessary to emulate the MK3870. The portion of the handshaking software (called 'Snapshot') wh ich resides in the target memory map is located in the PSU on the AIM Board. An MK3871 (PIO), is used to emulate the I/O timer, and interrupt features of the M K3870. Note that the AIM-70 contains 3K bytes of RAM memory-1 K bytes more than required to emulate the MK3870's 2K bytes of ROM. The extra 1Kx8 of RAM is provided for use during program development for 'Patches' and to allow execution of the user's program prior to final optimization and code reduction. The AIM/EMULATE switch is provided to disable the extra 1K of memory and the upper 5 bits of the program and data counters. When the AIM/EMULATE switch is in the Emulate position, the AIM-70 is an exact RAM based equivalent of the MK3870. When the switch is in the AIM position, the expanded memory and handshaking are available for use during program development. The AIM-70 clock may be from either the Target system, from an on-board crystal oscillator, or from the SOB-50/70 clock. MUL TI-3870 APPLICATIONS For debugging applications incorporating more than one MK3870, multiple AIM-70s may be used in a single SOB/AIM development system. For these systems one AIM-70 plus an adaptor board is required for each MK3870 being emulated in the system. The adaptor board (designated AIM-70X) permits the use of a single SOB-50/70 for controlling up to seven AIM-70 boards. This adaptor board is physically inserted in the card cage between each AIM-70 and the SOB-50/70 bus. AIM 70 BLOCK DIAGRAM TARGET CONNECTOR I o~ ~ I~I;: f- a: a: 0.. W a: (/) 0.. X f- 0 DATA CONTROL CON· TROL LOGIC PORT 0 PORT 1 PORT 15 PORT 14 PORT 11 PORT 10 q, 8512001 793 AIM-70X PHOTO ORDER INFORMATION Name AIM-70 Operations Manual Description Contains a complete description of the use and operation of AIM-70 and AIM-70X for developing software for 3870 applications. P~rt AIM-70 Includes the complete AIM-70 circuit board with the above described documentation. MK79031 AIM-70X 'Includes the AIM-70X circuit board with the AIM-70 operations manual. MK79053 SOB-50/70 Includes the SOB-50/70 circuit board with complete documentation. The SOB-50/70 is used both with the AIM-70 and as a standalone microcomputer with resident firmware for F8~rQ9l'am assembly and text editing. MK79019 No. MK79549 * All prices are subject to change without notice and apply only within the U.S. and Canada 794 MOSTEI(. MICROPROCESSOR HARDWARE SUPPORT Fa PSU Emulator (EMU-51) FEATURES D Completely emulates the MK 3851 Program Storage Unit (PSU) D Utilizes either MK 3702/1702A or 2708 PROMS D 2MHz operation D 40-pin adapter cable for simple fast interconnect The F8 PSU Emulator is a development aid for designing and field testing F8 microprocessor systems which utilize one or more MK 3851 Program Storage Units (PSU). The Emulator is electrically equivalent to the PSU but is field programmable instead of mask programmable. This enables a user to obtain final hardware verification of all PSU programming prior to ordering custom PSUs. Also, since the Emulator "plugs in" like a PSU (via a male, 40 pin connector on the end of an "umbilical cord"), prototype systems can be converted to final production status by simply unplugging the Emulator(s) and plugging in the corresponding custom PSU(s). The MK 3851 is a 40-pin integrated circuit that provides 1K bytes of ROM, two 8-bit latched I/O ports, a software programmable timer, and interrupt circuitry for vectored addressing and priority control. MUltiple MK 3851 PSU chips can be used in a single system. USING THE EMULATOR The Emulator performs all the functions of the PSU: ROM INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS INTERRUPT VECTOR TIMER The ROM section of the Emulator uses either four 256 x 8 bit ultraviolet erasable PROMs or a single 1K x 8 bit ultraviolet erasable PROM to provide non-volatile storage of the users' program. The PROM(s) should be programmed using a PROM programmer and then installed on the Emulator. The six ROM address select switches can then be used to establish the location of the PROM in the system memory map. The input/output ports, interrupt vector, and timer functions of the Emulator, are irnplemented using an MK 3851/12001, which is provided on the Emulator Board. SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range ... 1Q°C to 40°C Power Supply Requirements (max.) with 4, M K 3702s with 1, 2708 +12V ± 5% @ 75mA +12V ±5%@ 75mA +5V ± 5% @ 500mA +5V ±5% @350mA -12V ± 5% @ 200mA -12V ±5% - 100mA Board Size ... 8.2 in. x 9.19 in. x 1.0 in. Connectors/Cables: (supplied with board) . 5-Pin Power Connector • 40-Pin Ribbon Cable (18 in. long) 795 MK 3851 PSU BLOCK DIAGRAM EXTERAL INTERRUPT REQUEST TIMER INT REG. TIMER PRI IN INT ENABLE INT CONTROL LOGIC INTERRUPT STATUS REG. II CPU I NT. EMULATOR BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION The Emulator block diagram shows how the PSU Emulator functions. Six ROM page select switches allow the user to place the 1K x 8 PROM memory at the desired location in the system memory map. Selection logic compares the most significant six bits of memory address from the Static Memory Interface (SMI) circuit with the six ROM page select switches, and causes the control logic to enable the PROM data output driver when the address is within range. Communication between the SMI and the CPU takes place on the Data Bus and the ROM Control Bus in the conventional manner. Note that either four 256 x 8 bit PROMS or a single 1024 x 8 bit PROM may be used to implement the PROM memory. An MK 3851 PSU is used to provide timing and I/O port interface. The Data Bus is not connected directly to this PSU. Instead, port address translator logic modifies the contents of the Data Bus to allow the user to select the I/O port address desired. 796 The I/O port addresses are determined by the position of the six I/O port select switches on the Emulator. The external interrupt line and the interrupt request line of the PSU on the Emulatpr provide interrupt control that allows the Emula.tor to perform in the system exactly as a production PSU. The Interrupt Vector address on the Emulator is determined by the fifteen interrupt vector select switches, allowing the user to simulate the mask programmable vector address on the PSU. Since a PSU is used in the Emulator to provide the interrupt control logic, the interrupt control port status can sti II be modified normally. The timer contained in the on board PSU circuit provides the timer function for the Emulator. After the PROMs have been programmed and the switches have been correctly positioned the Emulator EMULATOR BLOCK DIAGRAM " II r-----,~--_,~'-EXTERNAL INTERRUPT : TIMER: '- _____ 1 MK 38511 12001 P SU I 1--__-;-;'... INTERRUPT REQUEST 1+-----;-;- PRIORITY IN PRIORITY OUT ~==;:;::: II 0 I===~= I 110 I I IIL _ _ _ _ _ _ I ~------------~ r~~------~:~ 1-.------- CLOCK i--------------j r--4>---------h:~ WRITE I~ (CIIBLE TO 40 PIN) MALE CONNECTOR I II I ~:::::;::= ROM C BUS II II !! ~==========~==~==============~====~~ ......1----+12 VDC ... DOCUMENTATION A complete set of documentation is provided with the Emulator to describe both the internal operation of the circuit board and the techniques for using it in system development. Also included are detailed instructions for ordering MK 3851 PSU's directly from the already verified data contained in the corresponding Emulator (i.e. the contents of the UV PROMs and the various switch positions). BUS .....1----- + 5 VDC INTERRUPT VECTOR SELECT SWITCHES may be connected to the user's system by simply plugging the 40-pin connector into the corresponding PSU socket in the production/prototype circuit board. DATA -12 VDC ORDER INFORMATION NAME DESCRIPTION EMU-51 PROM Emulator for MK 79018 the MK 3851. Includes power cable and 40-pin interface cable. PROMs not included. PART NO. *Prices are subject to change without notice and apply only in U.S. and Canada. 797 798 MOSTEI<. MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS Video Adaptor Board (VAB-2) FEATURES o Complete video interface system on one board o Single supply (+5VDC or 12.6VAC) operation o On board rectifier and regulator for 12.6VAC operation o 16 lines of 64 characters o Full ASCII character set - 128 symbols including upper/lower case letters D Full cursor controls: t t .......... home, screen clear, carriage return, erase to end of line/screen; plus direct X-V addressing SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature O°C - 50° C o 8 bit ASCII or 5 bit Baudot operation DESCRIPTION The VAB-2 is a single board video terminal based on the MOSTEK MK3870 single chip microcomputer. It functions as an interface between a 20mA full duplex serial data loop, an ASCII encoded keyboard, and an EIA standard video monitor. The only other external component requ ired is a 12.6 volt transformer. The P.C. board 'form factor' facilitates installation within most standard keyboard housings. Alternatively, the 2 inch power supply section may be cut off the P.C. board allowing the board to be inserted into a standard 12" card rack (such as Mostek's XAID-100 MK79034) for system use. Power Supply Requirements 5VDC±5%@ 0.75A max. or 8 - 14 VAC rms@ 0.75A rms max. Board size (with power supply) 14" x 6.5" x 1" (without power supply) 12" x 6.5" x 1" Video output 1.5Vp-p into 75n(EIA RS-170) Current loop input/output 20mA nominal optoisolated 240V max loop to ground Keyboard inputs - standard TTL compatible CUSTOMER SUPPLIED EQUIPMENT Keyboard - Cherry B70-4753 or equivalent Monitor - SC Electronics, Inc. 10M915 or equivalent Transformer - Stancor P8384 or equivalent , 799 MICROCOMPUTER BASED See also Figure 1- ASCII character set,and Table 1ASCII control characters. The heart of the VAB-2 is the MK3870 single chip microcomputer. The MK3870 provides the following functions: BAUDOT OPERATION In ASCII mode, the VAB-2 receives and transmits an 8 bit code (parity bit = 0 on transmit, ignored on receive). Two stop bits. are transmitted by the VAB-2, but only one stop bit is required by the VAB-2 receiver. The VAB-2 works equally well with external systems transmitting one, two, or more stop bits. Available Baud rates for ASCII are 300 and 110. In Baudot mode, the V AB-2 receives and transmits a 5 bit code (compatible with Model 15, Model 28, or similar Teletypes™). Two stop bits are transmitted, but only one stop bit is required by the VAB-2 receiver. The VAB-2 works equally well with external systems transmitting one, 1.5, or more stop bits. Available Baud rates for Baudot are 74.2 and 45.45. In Baudot mode, the only control codes available are carriage return and line feed. The Baudot "Letters" and "Figures" shift characters are generated automatically as required. Keys on the ASCII keyboard which generate codes having no equivalent Baudot code are ignored. ASCII code "Rubout" (7F16 or 1778) generates a "Letters" shift to facilitate synchronization of the distant end receiver. ASCII CHARACTER SET BAUDOT CHARACTER SET Serial data Iink interface Control character decoding Cursor positioning Keyboard interface ASCI.IOPERATION aP'YOEOlA}.!V1l'~rjJl/Jwn012302_7"'y'II- H 1"#$%&'()*+,-;I0123456789:;<=>? @ ABC 0 E F G HI J K L M NO P Q R STU V W X Y Z 'a bed e f 9 hi j kim no p q r stu v W x y z{ : Figure 1 [\J A ABC D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P Q RSTUVWXYZ -?:*3$().,9014!57;2/6" f Figure 2 FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM " .. {-- CURRENT lOOP VERTICAL CURSOR + t MK3870 1'1001 HORIZONTAL 1-"_"s,;,,O"_ _H~lcOMPARATORI"'_+---1 "VAO { WRITE FLC Figure 3 800 LINE CLEAR '" VIDEO OUTPUT HEX CNTL 004 04 D HOM Home - moves cursor to upper left corner of screen 005 05 E EOL Erase end of line - erases current line from right margin to current cursor position (1600mS max) 006 06 1 F EOS Erase end of screen - erases lines from bottom of screen to, but not including, current line (400mS max) 010 08 H BS Back space - move cursor left one column unless already in left most column 011 09 HT Horizontal tab - moves cursor right one column unless already in right most column 012 OA J LF Line feed - moves cursor down one line, scrolls screen up if already on bottom line 013 OB K VT Vertical tab - moves cursor up one line, scrolls screen down if already on top line OCTAL FUNCTION 014 OC L FF Form feed - clears screen and homes cursor (400mS) 015 OD M CR Carriage return - moves cursor to left margin 020 10 P DS Down shift sequence - causes character following DS to be interpreted as printable rather than control. Required for lower 32 symbols (Greek and math). but may be used with any characters. Device control - sets AUX bit 021 11 Q DCl 023 13 S DC3 Device control - clears AUX bit 033 lB ESC Start cursor sequence ESC + /', V /',H adds /', V modulo 16 to vertical cursor address /', H modulo 64 to horizontal cursor address ESC = /', V /',H sets vertical cursor address to /', V modulo 16 horizontal cursor address to /',H modulo 64 177 7F DEL Delete - moves cursor left one column, unless cursor was already on leftmost column; erases new position TABLE 1. - ASCII CONTROL CHARACTERS CHARACTER GENERATOR AUXI LLARY BIT OUTPUT The VAB-2 is shipped with an MK34073 (2K x 8) character generator ROM, providing 128 displayable characters (see Figure 1 - ASCII character set). For custom applications, the MK34073 ROM may be removed and an MK2708 type PROM (1 K x 8) installed, programmed with the user's custom font (external +12V and -5V or -12V supplies required for some PROMs). Alternatively, for high volume applications, a new ROM mask may be ordered. The MK34000 series can provide two complete 128 character sets per ROM. Provision is made for wiring the AU~ bit to the ROM for program-selectable character font. A special output (AUX) is provided for custom control applications. AUX is capable of driving one TTL load, and is brought out to the P.C. edge connector. AUX is cleared upon power up and each time a DC3 character is recieved. AUX is set upon receipt of a DCl character. KEYBOARD The V AB-2 interfaces directly with standard ASCII encoded keyboards. Although normally used with active high data and strobe keyboards, provision is made for active low keyboards. 801 CUSTOMER SELECTABLE OPTIONS D 50/60 Hz (Strap option) D 110/300 Baud ASC II (strap option) D D D 5VDC or 12VAC operation (strap and population option; 12 VAC standard) D Serial loop connector - 16 pin DIP socket or 26 pin edge connector D Active high or active low keyboard input (population option; active high standard) D Custom features and/or .character generator for high volume OEM applications (one-time mask charge applicable) 802 ORDER INFORMATION PART NO. PRICE Detailed description of the use and operation of VAB-2 MK79560 $ 74.2/45.45 Baud Baudot (strap option) VAB·2 Operations Manual NAME DESCRIPTION MK34000 series ROM or MK2708 type PROM character generator (strap and population option; M K34073 standard) VAB-2 Source Listing Source Listing of the 3870 Firmware used in VAB-2 MK79561 $ 15.00 MK3870/ 14001 Firmware Package Pre-programmed 3870 used with VAB-2 plus the Operations Manual and Source Listing described above MK79056 $ 50.00 VAB-2 Assembled and tested VAB-2 Circuit Board plus the Operations Manual and Program Source Listing MK79052 $195.00 1.50 Prices are subject to change without notice and apply only toU.S. a nd Canada. MOSTEI(~ zao MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS Software Development Board (SOB-80) HARDWARE FEATURES o Available with choice of either 4K or 16K bytes of RAM o Four 8-bit I/O ports with handshake lines o o Serial ASCII interface (110-9600 BAUO) o Four counter/timer channels o On board capacity for 5K bytes of PROM or 20K bytes of ROM Fully buffered for system expandability SOFTWARE FEATURES o o o 2K x 8 Operating System in ROM (DOT-80) 8K x 8 assembler/editor in ROM (ASMB-80) Channeled I/O for user convenience GENERAL DESCRIPTION The SOB-80 is a stand-alone microcomputer designed by MOSTEK around the advanced Z80 microprocessor family. It contains more on-board firmware and RAM memory than-any previously offered single board microcomputer, plus all the features of the industries' most sophisticated microprocessor. This board represents the very latest in state-of-the-art technology by utilizing MOSTEK's new 16K Oynamic RAM memories. The SOB-80 also is the first single board microcomputer to offer a complete package of software development aids in ROM. Th is 10K byte firmware package is included with the SOB-80 and provides the ability to generate, edit, assemble, load, execute, and debug Z80 programs for all types of applications. USING THE SDB-80 In addition to functioning as a stand-alone development aid, the SOB-80 is fully expandable through the addition of optional add-on circuit boards. It may. also. be utilized directly in OEM applications by Inserting custom programmed ROM or PROM memories into the sockets provided on the board. For these OEM applications, partially populated ver~ions of. the SOB-80 (designated OEM-80) are available without the standard system fi rmware ' and with quantity discounts. SYSTEM FIRMWARE A standard feature of the SOB-80 is a complete package of development software aids which are resident in the five' MK34000, 2K x 8 ROM memories located on the board. This firmware includes a sophisticated operating system, debug package, assembler, and text editor. Among the many features provided are execute and breakpoint commands, console routines for examining and/or modifying memory and port locations, object load capability for both absolute and relocatable object modules, I/O driver routines for a variety of standard peripheral devices, and channeled I/O for user defined peripheral drivers. The presence of this software in ROM provides instant access to these development aids, eliminating the time-consuming requirement of loading the software from some peripheral device into RAM. Another key feature of having the development aid software in ROM is that the entire RAM space is available for the user's programs. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range ... O°C to 50°C Power Supply Requirements (Typical) +12V ± 5% @ 175 mA + 5V ± 5% @ 1.5 A -12V ± 5% @ 100 mA Interface Levels ... TTL Compatible 803 SDB-80 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM o NON-RESIDENT SOFTWARE AVAILABLE XFOR-80 Fortran IV Cross Assembler. Assembles Z80 programs but is written in Fortran IV. It is useful for persons desiring to perform Z80 assembly on mini·computers such as the PDP-11. It is furnished as a Fortran IV source deck. (MK78117) XMDS-80 8080A Cross Assembler. Performs the same function as the Fortran IV Cross Assembler, except that it is designed to be used with an Intel MDS system. It is furnished as an object tape in Intel compatible Hex format. (MK78115) XMDS-80D This is identical to the XMDS·80 except that it is compatible with Intel MDS systems which use floppy disks. It is furnished as object code on an MDS compatible floppy diskette. (MK78116) COMPATIBLE ADD-ON BOARDS RAM-80A A 16K byte RAM board for users requiring the most economical means for expanding memory. (MK78107) 804 RAM-80B Combination memory and I/O expansion board. The memory may be configured to have a capacity of 16K, 32K, 48K, or 65K bytes of RAM. The board also provides four 8-bit I/O ports from two Z80 Pia circuits. (MK78108) AIM-80 In-circuit emulation capability is added to the SDB-80 by using the AIM-80 board (Application I nterface Module). This board also provides other debugging capabilities such as TRACE and SINGLE STEP, and a DISASSEMBLER. (MK78132) AIM-72 Provides in-circuit emulation capability for emulating the MK3870 family of single chip microcomputers. Compatible with SDB-80 only in AIO-80F floppy disk system environment. FLP-80 The F LP-80 interfaces the SDB-80 to two floppy disk drives. Software drivers are included with the board. (MK78111) OTHER ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE PPG-08 PROM Programmer module for programming MK 2708 UV Erasable PROM memories. Interfaces directly with the SDB-80. (MK79033) XAI 0-1 02 Three-slot card cage. (MK79028) XAID-l03 Wire wrap card (MK79023) XAID-l04 Extender card (MK79024) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Domestic Version XAID-l00 AID-80F System package which includes a 13-slot card cage, enclosure and power supply. (MK79034) Complete Z80 Microcomputer system which includes enclosure with 6 slot card cage, power supply, cooling fan, OEM-80, RAM-80B, F LP-80, two Floppy Disk drives, and FLP-80DOS software package. (MK78125) Board Size: 8.5" x 12.0" x 0.65" Bottom Connector: 100 pin, 125 mil centers Top Serial Connector: 26 pin, 100 mil centers Top Parallel Connectors: 40 pin, 100 mil centers Double Eurocard Version Available Board Size: 250mm x 233.4mm x 18mm Connector: Dual 64 pin Eurocard Conn. 805 ORDER INFORMATION FOR THE SOB-80 AND OEM-80 Z80 Microcomputer System Components SOB-80 Package 'A' MK78101 includes: SOB-80 Package 'B' MK78102 includes: DESCRIPTION PART NO. OEM-80* with 256 bytes of static: RAM, 4K bytes of dynamic RAM, and sockets for ROM and PROM. 78121 OEM-80* with 256 bytes of static RAM, 16K bytes of dynamic RAM and sockets for ROM and PROM. 78123 00T-80 operating system in 1MK34000 2Kx 8 ROM. 78118 X X ASMB-80 Resident Assembler and Text Editor in 4 MK34000 2K x 8 ROMs. 78119 X X TTY I nterface Cable (XA 10'800). 79036 X X 79038 X X EIA/RS-232 (XAI 0-802). * Interface Cable X X The Circuit Board for the SOB-80 and the OEM-80 are identical and include 2 MK3881 PIOs, 1 MK3882 CTC, and 1 UART, plus the associated circuitry for control and buffering of all bus and I/O signals. Sockets are provided for expansion of on-board system RAM and ROM/PROM. SYSTEM DATA SHEETS MK78519 MK78537 MK78538 MK79576 806 RAM-80AlB AIM-80 FLP-80 AIM-72 MK79081 MK78568 MK79081 MK79552 MK79552 PPG-8/16 A10-80F PPG-8/16 XA10-103 XA10-104 MOSTEI(. MICROPROCESSOR SUPPORT Z80 Software Development Board (SDB-80E) HARDWARE FEATURES D Available as board or complete system D 4K bytes of RAM, expandable on board to 16K Bytes D Four 8-bit I/O ports with handshake lines D Serial ASCII interface (110-9600 BAUD) D Fully buffered for system expand ability D Four counter/timer channels D On board capacity from 5K bytes of PROM to 20K bytes of ROM D Double euro-card format SOFTWARE FEATURES D 2K x 8 Operating System in ROM (DDT-80) D 8K x 8 assembler/editor in ROM (ASMB-80) D Channeled I/O for user convenience D Double euro-card format SYSTEM FIRMWARE GENERAL DESCRIPTION A standard feature of the SDB-80 is a complete packag~ of development software aids which are resident in the five MK 34000, 2k x 8 ROM memories located on the board. This firmware includes a sophisticated operating system, debug package, assembler, and text editor. The presence of this software in ROM provides instant access to these development aids, eliminating the time-consuming requirement of loading the software from some perpheral device into RAM. Another key feature of having the development aid software in ROM is that entire RAM space is available for the user's programs. The SDB-80 is a stand-alone microcomputer designed by MOSTEK around the advanced ZOO microprocessor familiy. It contains more on-board firmware and RAM memory than any previously offered single board microcomputer, plus all the features of the industries most sophisticated microprocessor. This board represents the very latest in state-of-the-art technology by utilizing MOSTEK's new 16K Dynamic RAM memories. The SDB-80 also is the first single board microcomputer to offer a complete package of software development aids in ROM. This 10K byte firmware package is included with the SDB-80 and provides the ability to generate, edit, assemble, load, execute, and debug Z80 programs· for all types of applications. D USING THE SDB-80 D Memory or Port Examine/Change In addition to functioning as a stand-alone development aid, the SDB-80 is fully expandable through the addition of optional add-on circuit boards. It may also be utilized directly in OEM applications by inserting custom programmed ROM or PROM memories into the sockets provided on the board. For these OEM applications, partially populated versions of the SDB-80 (deSignated OEM-80) are available without the standard system firmware, and with quantity discounts. Debug (DDT-80) includes: object program Load/Dump D Breakpoint/Execute D Logical/Physical 110 mapping (with user expandable drivers) D Drivers for Standard Peripherals 807 Z80 SYSTEM SUPPORT Z80 SOFTWARE SUPPORT SYS-80E XFOR-80 Fortran IV Cross Assembler requires 20k, 16 bit words Card Deck Paper Tape MOSTEK TERMINAL SDB-80E with MK 78039 4k byte MK 78040 16k byte MK 78041 Complete Video Display Unit MK 78037 XMDS-80 8080 MDS Cross Assembler Paper Tape zao PROCESSOR ELEMENTS OEM-80E with 4k bytes RAM with 16k bytes RAM MK 78122 MK 78124 DDT-80 Debug 2k Byte ROM MK 78118 ASMB-80 EDIT-80 Assembler four 2k Byte ROM's (including the Editor) MK 78119 SDB-80E with OEM-80 + DDT-80 + ASMB-80 + EDIT-80 + documentation 4k byte RAM 16k byte RAM MK 78103 MK 78104 Z80 HARDWARE SUPPORT RAM-80AE 16k RAM MK 78109 RAM-80BE 16k RAM, 2 PIO MK 78110 MK78117C MK 78117P MK 78115 XMDS-80D 8080 MDS Cross Assembler MK 78116 Soft sectored diskette Listing for DDT-80 MK 78534 Listing for ASMB-80 MK 78536 DOCUMENTATION Z80CPU Manual MK 78070 Z80 PIO Manual MK 78071 SDB-80E Manual MK 78548 RAM-80E Manual MK 78545 AIM-80E Manual MK 78546 SDB-80E Literature Package includes CPU, PIO, SDB-80 manuals plus data sheets MK 78549 XRAM~80 16k expander for RAM-80BE MK 78126 AIM-80E I.C.E. (In-Circuit-Emulation) MK 78106 FLP-80E Floppy Interface MK 78112 RIO-80E 16k PROM, 2 PIO, 1-CTC, UART MK 78128 Universal Display Interface Serial UDI-S Parallel UDI-P Screen read option MK 78033 MK 78035 MK 78036 PPG-08 Manual MK 78532 Z80 Pocket reference manual MK 78516 EIA Interface Cable ForSDB-80E MK 79058 Z80 Programming manual MK 78515 TTY Cable for SYS-80E MK 79059 PROM Programmer for MK 2708 1kx8 UV PROM's with enclosure (requires MK7906O) MK 79033 PPG-08 Cable for SYS-80E MK 79060 Wire Wrap Card MK 79063 Extender Card MK 79062 Backplane Card, 6 slot MK 79054 PPG-08 BACK-80E Development Station Z80 MK 78039 6 total slots, power supply, no cards 808 MOSTEK TERMINAL MK 78037 FEATURES o o o o o Self contained visual terminal 24 line, 80 character per line display Baud rate selection 110-9600 Current loop or V24 Comprehensive commands GENERAL A keyboard and a monitor provide together a "teletype" replacement video terminal for MOSTEK development systems, that can also be used in other applications. The terminal is completely self contained with its own power supply and electronics, requiring only the serial communication lines to the computer. KEYBOARD The keyboard obtains its power from the display unit, the coded keyboard information and power connections are made over a 25 pin type D connector. DISPLAY ELECTRONICS The display electronics uses the MOSTEK universal display interface board (MK 78033), power being provided within the terminal itself. The set of available functions is fully described in the MK 78033 data sheet; the key features are: o o o o 24 lines with 80 characters per line Cursor movements, absolute and relative Serial communication, 110-9600 baud Upper and lower case characters o Clear screen, clear line etc. o Tabulate D A 9" diagonal display is used. MECHANICAL The display and keyboard are separate units connected by a cable. The display dimensions are: B43cm H 26cm T32cm The keyboard dimensions are: B43cm H 4,5 cm H 9,0 cm T24 cm 809 The Assembler (ASMB-SO) includes: AIM-SOE In-circuit-emulation capability is added to the SDB-SO by using the AIM-SO board also provides other debugging capatibilities such as TRACE and SINGLE STEP. FLP-SOE The FLP-SO interfaces the SDB-SO to two soft-sectored floppy disk drives. Full file handling software and firmware is provided with the card. The RIO-SOE includes 2-buffered Pia's, I-UART, I-CTC, and sockets for 16k bytes of MK 270S PROM. D 1, 2 or 3 pass operation D conditional Assembly D Relocatable object module generation D Relocatable linking loader D Drivers for Silent 700 Cassette RIO-SOE The Text Editor (EDIT-SO) includes: D Line or character operation D Macro commands NON RESIDENT SOFTWARE AVAILABLE XFOR-SO Fortran IV Cross Assembler. Assembles ZSO programs but is written in Fortran IV. It is useful for persons desiring to perform ZSO assembly in mini-computers such as the PDP-11. It is furnished in Fortran IV source as a card deck or paper tape. XMDS-SO SOSOA Cross Assembler. Performs the same function as the Fortran IV Cross Assembler, except that it is designed to be used with an Intel MDS system. It is furnished as an object tape in Intel compatible Hex format. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range ... O °C to 50°C Power Supply requirements (Typical) +12V± 5% + 5V±5% -12V± 5% 175 mA 1.5 A 100 mA Interface Levels ... TIL Compatible MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Extended double Eurocard Board Size: 250 mm x 233.4 mm x 1S mm Connector: Dual 64 pin Eurocard Connector DIN 41612 form D; A and C pinned. XMDS-80D This is identical to the XMDS-SO except that it is compa\ible with Intel MDS systems which use floppy disk. It is furnished as object code on an MDS compatible floppy diskette. OTHER ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE PPG-DS COMPATIBLE ADD-ON BOARDS RAM-SOAE Add-on RAM card for the SDB-SOE. This card supplies 16k bytes of MK 4027 dynamic RAM Memory. RAM-SOBE Add-on RAMIIO card for the SDB-SOE. This card supplies 16k (expandable to 64k) bytes of MK 4116 dynamic RAM Memory, plus 4 fully buffered I/O ports using 2 MK 3SS1 Pia's. On-card bank switching allows expansion of SDB-SOE memory space beyond 64k bytes. XRAM-SO Expansion Kit for RAM-SOBE. Consists of S-MK 4116 RAMs. PROM Programmer module for programming MK 270S UV erasable PROM memories. Interfaces directly with the SDB-SO. Enclosure included. OEM USERS CARDS AVAILABLE OEM-SOE SDB-SOE without Software. Available with 4 or 16k RAM Memory. 5 PROM/ROM sockets are free for user programs. Parallel Universal Display Interface This double Eurocard CRT/Keyboard Interface is bus compatible with the SDBSOE. A MK 3SS1 Pia on the card allows writing to the CRT Display at up to 3.300 characters per second.The CRT-SOE provides 24 lines of SO characters. The standard ASCII 96 character font is provided, other fonts may be programmed using MK 270S PROM's. The command set includes TAB and cursor control. UDI-P Serial Universal Dislplay Interface UDI-S This is identical to the parallel except it operates over a 4 wire serial current loop connection. Useful in remote terminal applications. BACK-80E ·12 slot prewired printed circuit backplane for the SDB-80E family. This card greatly simplifies system construction. 810 SDB-80 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM o o 1:5 - - - - - - - - , 0"....0,===---,,,",:,"," ..T...... I I I I I I I I I __ JI -ltv +IIY MK 79063 WIRE WRAP CARD 'r·5,. I ' -iiiil I' 'iiiiiill '~::::i:ii EXTENDER CARD MK 79062 _!:::':::::i! j"":.1 .~~ BACKPLANE CARD MK 79054 811 DEVELOPMENT STATION Z80 MK 78039 FEATURES POWER SUPPLIES o Accepts upto 6 total boards o Protected power supplies Plug-in power supplies are used, the supplies being one card with +5 volt 7 ampere and one card with ± 12 volt 1 ampere. All supplies have overvoltage protection and current limiting. o o 11 I/O connectors for Peripheral equipment Double Europaformat boards MECHANICAL GENERAL The housing has the following dimensions: The MOSTEK development station has been designed to house and provide power for all MOSTEK boards with the double european format as in the detailed description of the SOB-80E. When used in conjunction with the MOSTEK terminal it forms a powerful development system. B 52cm INPUTIOUTPUT MOSTEK Z80 DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM 11 connectors, 25 pin type 0, are available for peripheral equipment. For the SOB 80E some of these are already commited as listed here below: Includes: Connector SOB 80 E function 1 Terminal 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 CTC Floppy disc controller (1 ) Uncommitted. Uncommitted. Paper tape reader Paper tape punch Line printer (2) Uncommitted. PROM programmer-PPG08 Uncommitted. T36cm The front panel has q.uick release fastners to give free access to the boards. MK 78103 SOB-80 Package A (4k byte RAM) or MK 78104 SOB-80 Package B (16k byte RAM) with 256 byte static RAM DDT 80 Operating System ASMB 80 Resident Assembler and Text Editor and documentation MK 78037 MOSTEK Terminal MK 78039 Development Station Z80 (1) with FLP 80E (3) with RAM 80BE (orR1080E oruse PROM prog. Connector) 812 H 18cm MOSTEI(. l80 MICROCOMPUTER SOFTWARE SUPPORT Operating System (DDT-SO) FEATURES D Program debug capability D Channeled I/O for user convenience D A set of I/O peripheral drivers is supplied D Interactive hexadecimal addition and subtraction is in force when entering commands D User expandable operating system DESCRIPTION DDT-80 is the Operating System for the Z80 Software Development Board (SDB-80). It resides in a 2K ROM (MK34000 series) resident on the SDB-80. It provides the necessary tools and techniques to operate the system, i.e., to efficiently and conveniently perform the tasks necessary to develop microcomputer software. DDT- 80 is designed to support the user from initial design through production testing. It allows the user to display and update memory, registers, and ports, load and dump object files, set breakpoints, copy blocks of memory, and execute programs. DDT- 80 COMMAND SUMMARY Ms M s,f Display and/or update the content of memory location s. Tabulate the contents to memory locations s through f. Ps Display and/or update the content of I/O port s. o s,f Dump the contents of memory locations s through f in a format suitable to be read by the L command. L Load, into memory, data which is in the appropriate format. Es Transfer control from DDT- 80 to a user's program starting at location s. H Perform 16 bit hexadecimal addition and/or subtraction. C s,f,d Copy the contents of memory locations s through f to another location in memory starting at location d. Bs Insert a breakpoint in the user's program (must be in RAM) at location s which transfers control back to DDT- 80. This allows the user to intercept his program at a specific point (location s) and examine memory and CPU registers to determine if his program is working correctly. R Display the contents of the user registers. The s, f, and d represent start, finish, and destinations operands required for each command. MEMORY, PORT AND REGISTER COMMANDS (M, P, R) The M, P, and R commands provide the means for displaying the contents of specified memory locations, port addresses, or CPU registers. The M and P commands sequentially access memory locations or ports and display their contents. The user has the option of updating the content of the memory location or port. (Note some ports are output only and their contents cannot be displayed). The M command also gives the user access to the CPU registers through an area in RAM called the Register Map (discussed in the Execute, Breakpoint section below). The M and R commands are used to tabu late blocks of memory locations (M) or the CPU registers (R). The M command will accept two operands, the starting and ending address of the memory block to be tabulated. The R command will accept either no operand or one. If no operand is specified, the CPU registers will be displayed without a heading. If an operand is specified then a heading wh ich labels the register contents will be displayed as well. 813 EXECUTE AND BREAKPOINT (E, B) The E command is used to execute all programs, including aids such as the Assembler. The B command is used to set a breakpoint to exit from a program at some predetermined location for debugging purposes. At the instant of a breakpoint exit, the contents of all CPU registers are saved in a designated area of SDB- 80 RAM called the Register Map. In the Register Map, the register contents may be examined or modified using the M command and a predefined mnemonic (or absolute address) of the storage location for that register (example :PC, :A, ... , :SP). The Register Map is also used to initialize the CPU registers whenever execution is initiated or resumed. Thus the E and B commands can be used together to initialize, execute, and examine the results of individual program segments. The B command gives the user the option of having all CPU registers displayed when the breakpoint is encountered. This is done by entering a second operand to the B command. Otherwise DDT- 80 defaults to displaying the PC and AF registers. When all CPU registers are displayed, the format is the same as for the R command previously discussed. LOAD, DUMP, AND COpy (L, 0, C) The Land D commands load and dump object files through the object I/O channel in standard Intel Hex format. Checksums are used for error detection, and the addresses of questionable blocks are typed automatically while loading. The C command will copy the contents of the memory block specified to another block of memory. There are no restrictions on the direction of the copy or on whether the blocks overlap. HEXADECIMAL ARITHMETIC (H) The H command is a dummy command used to allow hexadecimal addition and subtraction for expression evaluation without performing any other operation. DDT-80 I/O CAPABILITIES DDT- 80 specifies three I/O channels, designated 'Console', 'Object', and 'Source', to which any suitable devices may be assigned. The Channel Assignment Table is located in RAM where it may be examined or modified using the M command. The table addresses correspond to the I/O channels and the table contents correspond to the addresses of the peripheral driver routines. A channel which has a device assignment may have that device assignment changed using the M command. This is accomplished by merely modifying the table contents of that channel's table address. to correspond to the address of the new peripheral driver routine. A set of peripheral driver routines is supplied and listed below. This scheme also allows the user to write a driver routine for his own peripheral, load it into memory, and easily configure that peripheral into the system. DDT-80 I/O PERIPHERAL DRIVERS 1. A serial input driver (usually a keyboard). 2. A serial output driver (usually a CRT or teletype typehead). 814 3. A serial input driver which sends out a reader step signal (usually a teletype reader). 4. A serial output driver which forces a delay after a carriage return (usually a Silent 700 typehead). 5. A parallel input driver (usually for high speed paper tape input). 6. A parallel output driver (usually for high speed paper tape output). 7. A parallel output driver (usually for a line printer). DDT -80 USER EXPANDABILITY In its operation, DDT-80 will perform a jump indirect to itself using the contents of 2 designated RAM locations as the address jumped to. Usually this jump will be to a location in DDT-80 and on power-up and reset the 2 RAM locations are loaded with the correct address in DDT- 80 for the jump. However, using the M command, the 2 RAM locations may be modified to correspond to a different address. DDT- 80 will collect the command (single letter) and save it and will also scan for operands (up to 3), evaluating expressions to 4 hex digits. It is at this point that DDT-80 will perform the indirect jump to the address specified in the 2 RAM locations. Therefore, the user can supply an additional set of commands to enhance the operating system if desired. ORDERING INFORMATION NAME DESCRIPTION DDT-80 Operations Manual Detailed description MK 78522 of the use and operation of DDT-80 PART NO. DDT-80 Source Listing Complete assembly language source listing with comments MK 78534 DDT-80 Firmware Package Includes the operation manual and source listing plus the MK34000 series ROM containing DDT-80 firmware MK 78118 The DDT-80 source listing and firmware packages are available directly from MOSTEK by filling out a copy of the Software Licensing Agreement printed on the opposite page of this data sheet and returning it with the appropriate payment or Customer Purchase Order to: MOSTEK CORPORATION Microcomputer Systems Div. 1215 West Crosby Road Carrollton, Texas 75006 STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT All Mostek Corporation products are sold on condition that the Purchaser agrees to the following terms: 1. The Purchaser agrees not to sell, provide, give away, or otherwise make available to any unauthorized persons, all or any part of, the Mostek software products listed below; including, but not restricted to: object code, source code and program listings. 2. The Purchaser may at any time demonstrate the normal operation of the Mostek software product to any person. 3. All software designed, developed and generated independently of, and not based on, Mostek's software by purchaser shall become the sole property of purchaser and shall be excluded from the provisions of this Agreement. Mostek's software which is modified with the written permission of Mostek and which is modified to such an extent that Mostek agrees that it is not recognizable as Mostek's software shall become the sole property of purchaser. 4. Purchaser shall be notified by Mostek of all updates and modifications made by Mostek for a oneyear period after purchase of said Mostek software product. Updated and/or modified software and manuals will be supplied at the current cataloged prices. 5. In no event will Mostek be held liable for any loss, expense or damage, of any kind whatsoever, direct or indirect, regardless of whether such arises out of the law of torts or contracts, or Mostek's negligence, including incidental damages, consequential damages and lost profits, arising out of or connected in any manner with any of Mostek's software products described below. 6. MOSTEK MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY AND WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE) WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE DESCRIBED BELOW. The Following Software Products Subject To this Agreement: Order Number Description Price* Ship To: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Bill To: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Method of Shipment: Customer.P.O. Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Agreed To: PURCHASER MOSTEK CORPORATION By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ By: ______________________ Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ Date: Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ 815 816 MOSTEI{. zao MICROCOMPUTER SOFTWARE SUPPORT Assembler/Editor/Loader (ASMB-80) The MOSTEK ASMB-80 is a software package which consists of a Text Editor, Z80 Assembler, and Relocating Linking Loader. The software is supplied in ROM for the MOSTEK SDB-80 (Z80 Software Development Board). The programs make extensive use of the Z80 Designer's Development Tool (DDT-80) which is also supplied in ROM for the SOB 80 to provide the user with state-of-the-art software for developing Z80 programs. All I/O is done via the SDB-80 channels which can be directed to any software driver. The DDT-80 contains drivers for paper tape, Silent 700, TTY, CRT, and line printer devices. The ASMB-80 contains drivers for Silent 700 digital cassette and for RAM-based operation. RAM-based operation allows editing, assembling and loading of programs using RAM instead of external media for intermediate storage. FEATURES-ASMB-80 TEXT EDITOR Vn - Output n channel o Allows input and modification of ASCII text on the MOSTEK SDB-80 Wn Xn - Output n records to source output channel Execute alternate command buffer n o Allows line and character editing o Has two alternate command buffers for pseudomacro command capability o Allows the following commands: An - Advance record pointer n records Bn - Backup record pointer n records Cn dSldS2d - change string S1 to string S2 for n occurrences On - delete next n records E exchange current record with to be inserted Ln - Go to line number n Mn - Enter commands into one of two alternate command buffers (pseudomacro) N Print top, number Pn Punch n records from buffer R Read source records into buffer records insert records bottom, and current line Sn dSld - Search for nth occurrence of string S1 records to console output DESCRIPTION The Text Editor permits random access editing of ASCII character strings. It can be used as a line or character oriented editor. Individual characters may be located by position or context. The Editor works on blocks of characters which are typically read into memory from magnetic tape or paper tape. Each edited block can be output to magnetic tape or paper tape after editing is completed. While the primary application for the Text Editor is in editing assembly language source statements, it may be applied to any ASCII text delimited by "carriage returns". The Editor has a macro command processing option. Up to two sets of commands may be stored and processed at any time during the editing process. All I/O is done via the SDB-80 channels. The Editor can be used with- the MOSTEK ASMB-80 Assembler and Loader to edit, assemble, and load programs in memory without the need for external media for intermediate storage. 817 FEATURES - ASMB-80 ASSEMBLER o Assembles all standard Z80 source statements o Object output in industry standard hexadecimal format extended fo';' relocatable and linkable programs o Allows the following pseudo-ops: ORG program origin EQU equate label OEFL define label OEFM define message OEFB define byte OEFW define word DEFS defi ne storage ENO ehd statement IF conditional assembly ENOIF end of conditional assembly NAME program name definition PSECT program section definition GLOBAL - global symbol definition Supports the following assembler pseudo-ops: o directive object code. The assembly listing shows address, machine code, statement number, and source statement. The object code is in industry standard hexadecimal format modified for relocatable, linkable assemblies. The Assembler supports conditional assemblies, global symbols, relocatable programs, and a printed symbol table. It can assemble any length program, limited only by a symbol table size which is user selectable. Expressions involving addition and subtraction are allowed. Conditional assembly allows the user to suspend assembly for a portion of the program depending upon the result of an expression. A global symbol is catagorized as "internal" if it appears as a label in the program; otherwise it is an "external" symbol. The printed symbol table shows which symbols are internal and which are external. The Assembler allows the user to select relocatable or non-relocatable assembly via the "PSECT" pseudoop. Relocation records are placed in the object output for relocatable assemblies (The MOSTEK object format is defined below). The Assembler can be run as a single pass assembler or as a learning tool. (In this mode, global symbols and forward references are not allowed). All I/O is done via the SOB-80 channels. Assemblies can be done from source statements stored in memory (by the Editor). The object output can be directed to a memory buffer rather than to an external device. Thus, assembly and loading can be done without external storage media. EJECT eject a page of listing TITLE place heading at top of each page of listing FEATURES LOADER LIST turn listing on o NLiST turn listing off Loads into memory both relocatable and nonrelocatable object output of the ASMB-80 Assembler o Allows loading of where in memory o Automatically provides linkage of global symbols' between object modules as they are loaded o Prints beginning and ending addresses of each module loaded and provides printing of global symbol addresses to aid in program debugging Complete assembly in two passes with second pass repeatable for outputting object tape and assembly listing on a single peripheral (such as TTY) o Size of program to be assembled limited only by memory available for a symbol table, symbol table size selectable by user o Channeled I/O adaptable to any device and to other systems L offset - load object module at address "offset" plus program origin address learning tool if no forward symbol references exist in the program E - execute loaded program at transfer address of first module DESCRIPTION 818 relocatable modules any- o Allows the following commands: o Applicable as a single pass assembler or as a The Assembler reads Z80 source mnemonics and pseudo-ops and outputs an assembly listing and - ASMB-80 RELOCATING LINKING T o - print global symbol table Also loads industry standard non-relocatable, non-linkable object output memory from either the top of memory or from a specified address entered as an operand of the load command. DESCRIPTION The MOSTEK ASMB-80 Relocating Linking Loader firmware provides state-of-the-art capability for loading programs into memory by allowing loading and linking of any number of relocatable and nonrelocatable object modules. Non-relocatable modules are always loaded at their starting address as defined by the ORG pseudo-op during assembly. Relocatable object modules can be positioned anywhere in memory at an offset address. The Loader prints the beginning and ending address of each module as it is loaded. The transfer address as defined by the END pseudo-op is printed for the first module loaded. The Loader execute command (E) can be used to automatically start execution at the transfer address. MOSTEK OBJECT OUTPUT DEFINITION The MOSTEK ASMB-80 Loader automatically links and relocates global symbols which are used to provide communication or linkage between program modules. As object programs are loaded, a table containing global symbol references and definitions is built up. At the end of each module, the loader resolves all references to global symbols which are defined by the current or a previously loaded module. It also prints on the console device the number of defined global symbols that have been referenced. The symbol table can be printed to list all global symbols and their load addresses. The number of object modules which can be loaded by the Loader is limited only by the amount of RAM available for the modules and the symbol table. Space for the symbol table is allocated dynamically downward in rOW"'' ' 1 ·· 2 3 # of I 81NARY 4 0 5 00 01 02 03 04 05 ~ 6 8 START ADDRESS OF DATA QATABYTES Each record of an object module begins with a delimiter (colon or dollar sign) and ends with carriage return and line feed. A colon (:) is used for data records and end-of-file record. A dollar sign ($) is used for records containing relocation information and linking information. All information is in ASCII. Each record' is identified by "type". The type is determined by the 8th and 9th bytes of the record which can take the following values: 9 10 0 0 CHECK SUM(!) ..• DATA•.• --'. ·· 0 TRANSFER ADDRESS OF MODULE 0 1 $ INTERNAL SYMBOL NAME 0 2 $ EXTERNAL SYMBOL NAME 0 3 $ data end-of-file internal symbol external symbol relocation information module definition 0 CHECK SUM(!) • # of BINARY BYTES 1$ @ 0 0 0 MODULE NAME I I 0 0 4 0 5 ADDRESS · ·· LINK AD~RESS0 • . . CHECK SUM(!) CHECK SUM(!) I ADDRESSES WHICH ••• REQUIRE RELOCATION ••• FLAGS 0 CHECK SUM(!) CHECK SUM(!) -'- NOTES: 1. Check Sum is negative of the binary sum of all bytes except delimiter and carriage return/line feed. 2. Link Address pOints to last address in the data which uses the external symbol. This starts a backward link list through the data records for that external symbol. The list terminates with OFFFFH. 3. The flags are one binary byte. Bit 0 is defined as: o - absolute module 1 • relocatable module 4. Maximum of 64 ASCII bytes. 819 ORDERING INFORMATION NAME DESCRIPTION PART NO. Operations Manual Describes in detail the operation and use of the ASMB·80 firmware package. The operation and use of DDT·80 firmware is also covered ( 130 pages). MK78522 Program Source Listing Complete assembly language source listing of the ASMB·80 firmware package, including all comments and other notations. (190 pages). MK78536* Firmware Package Four MK34000 (2Kx8) ROM's which include the ASMB·80 firmware pack· age. This includes the Operations Manual and Program Source Listing. MK78119* *The ASMB·80 source listing and firmware packages are available directly from MOSTEK by filling out a copy of the Software Licensing Agreement printed on the opposite page of this data sheet and returning it with the appropriate payment or Customer Purchase Order to: MOSTEK CORPORATION Microcomputer Systems Div. 1215 West Crosby Road Carrollton, Texas 75006 820 STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT All Mostek Corporation products are sold on condition that the Purchaser agrees to the following terms: 1. The Purchaser agrees not to sell, provide, give away, or otherwise make available to any unauthorized persons, all or any part of, the Mostek software products listed below; including, but not restricted to: object code, source code and program listings. 2. The Purchaser may at any time demonstrate the normal operation of the Mostek software product to any person. 3. All software designed, developed and generated independently of, and not based on, Mostek's software by purchaser shall become the sole property of purchaser and shall be excluded from the provisions of this Agreement. Mostek's software which is modified with the written permission of Mostek and which is modified to such an extent that Mostek agrees that it is not recognizable as Mostek's software shall become the sole property of purchaser. 4. Purchaser shall be notified by Mostek of all updates and modifications made by Mostek for a oneyear period after purchase of said Mostek software product. Updated and/or modified software and manuals will be supplied at the current cataloged prices. 5. In no event will Mostek be held liable for any loss, expense or damage, of any kind whatsoever, direct or indirect, regardless of whether such arises out of the law of torts or contracts, or Mostek's negligence, including incidental damages, consequential damages and lost profits, arising out of or connected in any manner with any of Mostek's software products described below. 6. MOSTEK MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY AND WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE) WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE DESCRIBED BELOW. The Following Software Products Subject To This Agreement: Order Number Description Price* Ship To: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Bill To: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Method of Shipment: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Customer P.O. Number_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Agreed To: PURCHASER MOSTEK CORPORATION By: ___________________________ By: _______________________________ Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ *Prices Subject To Change Without Notice 821 822 MOSTEI(. MICROPROCESSOR HARDWARE SUPPORT Video Display Interface FEATURES SPECIFICATIONS o Complete video/keyboard interface Operating temperature 0 to 50°C o 24 line x 80 character display Power supply requirements + 5V@ 2.0A +12V@ 0.1 A -5V (for use in optional RS232 or 2708 PROM) o Inverse video by character programmable o 5 x 8 dot matrix Board format 233.4 x 250 mm (9.19 x 9.84 inches) DIN 41612 connectors extended double Eurocard Video output RS170 1V into 75 Ohm 525 line 60Hz or 625 line 50Hz Keyboard inputs standard TIL, ASCII encoded active high or low strobe 300 microseconds minimum pulse. active high data Serial link 110,300,600,1200,2400, 4800,9600 baud generator on board external baud rate may be used (max 19200 baud) programmable 1/2 stops bits, even/odd/no parity completely opto isolated current loop (20 mA.) Parallel interface SO bus compatable with on board Z80 PIO 3200 char per second transfer rate 2 interrupts 64 possible port addresses Character generator MK34073 2K x 8 ROM customer defined 2708/58 PROM can also be used Processing time typical (character data) 320 microseconds. worst case (clear display) 9.33 ms. Bell output direct drive speaker o Serial UART port: 110-9600 baud o Parallel port: up to 3200 characters/second o Upper and lower case display: 96 character ASCII +32 special characters o Auto repeat on keyboard interface o Direct cursor addressing and bidirectional scrolling o 48 character FIFO o 50/60 Hz operation DESCRIPTION The VOl card is a self-contained interface for interconnection of a video monitor and an ASCII keyboard to a computer over a serial link. Both 20 mA. current loop and RS232 (V24) compatible voltage loop interconnection techniques are supported. The card can be used as a teletype replacement or as an intelligent terminal in many applications. The interface is constructed on a standard width double Eurocard. The power connections (and bus) are directly compatible to the MOSTEK standard SO series bus. The present cursor position is indicated by a blinking white rectangle which inverts any data that may be covered by the cursor. Besides the normal up/down/leftlright cursor motions, the cursor may be directly addressed and positioned anywhere on the screen. The terminal may also be used in local mode; screen data can be read back by a computer. The card supports up to 80 user-defined tab locations. The 48 character FIFO allows continuous high speed data transmission even when time-consuming commands are given; for example, clear screen. to 50 Ohm 823 POWER ON CONDITION COMMAND SET At power on, the following conditions are set: home, clear screen, line, all tabs clear and normal video. Shift means the shift key must also be depressed on most keyboards. Esc means that the command must be preceded by the escape character HEX CONTROL FUNCTION COMMENT 300 ms. 700Hz tone Cursor moves left once unless at left margin Cursor moves to next tab location Cursor moves down one line. If at bottom then display scrolls up one line Cursor moves up one line, if at top, then display scrolls down one line Cursor moves right once unless at right margin Cursor moves to left margin. Tab is cleared from this position Tab is set at this position Following character is displayed as special non ASCII character Enables escape sequence, following character is the command. Command to move cursor. Next two characters are binary y and x addresses of new cursor position. Lower left is 0 : 0 Command to move cursor. Next two characters are binary y and x two's complement offsets from current position. Read back cursor address. VDI sends STX then y,x address of cursor. 30 hex is added to avoid control character conflicts. Sets VDI to local mode. Keyboard data is sent directly to the display without being output to the serial/parallel port. Read back to the port the contents of the cursor postion. Cursor does FF. Line from cursor to last space is sent to the port. Data is preceded by a STX and followed by a RETURN and ETX. Cursor does not move. Entire page from cursor to end is sent to the port. Data is preceded by a STX, trailing spaces are deleted, and lines are separated by returns. At the end an ETX is sent. All following characters will be written in inverted video. (black on white) All following characters will be written in normal video. (white on black) Set VDI to line mode, send ACK to port. All following keyboard inputs go directly to the port. Clear display from cursor to end Move cursor to upper left corner Clear line from cursor to end Nap 07 08 09 OA G H I J BELL BACKSPACE TAB LINE FEED OB K VT OC OD OE OF 10 1B 3D L M N 0 P SHIFT-K ESC '" FF RETURN RESET TAB SET TAB DOWNSHIFT ESCAPE MOVE CURSOR 2B ESC + MOVE CURSOR 3F ESC? READ CURSOR 7D ESC 29 ESC) 3C ESC 3E ESC> READ PAGE 17 W INVERT 19 y NORMAL 1C ® LINE 1 CLEAR SCREEN HOME CLEAR LINE DEL 10 1E 1F 7F © - t LOCAL READ ONE < READ LINE OPTIONS SOFTWARE SUPPORT All options includi ng port address, baud rate, parity, stop bits, 50/60 Hz and keyboard strobe active edge are programmable on connector #2. A screen editor for the Z80 which uses the VDI card as a "window" into a Z80 system memory is also available from MOSTEK. ORDERING INFORMATION NAME DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER VDI-P Parallel port version board with complete manual MK78035 VDI-S VDI Serial port version board with complete manual only MK78033 MK78586 824

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