1980_Datel Intersil_Data_Acquisition_Handbook 1980 Datel Intersil Data Acquisition Handbook
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,.. " d ,,; D~DI6 " ." "t a D ~~;:~~,<, . .. ~,:"......" .. . . ..... .. :-, " .. ' . ~ I.: , ,. ' i ~" .. ' 1 ,.;' ~ ,.. • 'I ;.-,:',": ~ J #~ ; ; .. .' , ~ t ': ·'.t : : " .. ' t. ., •~ 1: ", :' Copyright© 1980 by Intersil, Inc. Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved. This book, or parts 0/ it, may nol be reproduced in any form without written permissionjrom the publisher. Information furnished herein is believed to be accurate and reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed for any errors. Circuit diagram!J illustrate typical applications and do not necessarily contain complete instructional information. Intersil does not assume any responsibility for circuits shown or represent that they do n01 in/ringe on existing or future patent rights. Descriptions herein do not imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment constructed in accordance herewith. Additional copies may be ordered for $5.00 from: Intersil, Inc. Attn: Marketing Services, MS 38 10710 N. Tantau Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Use the order form in back of this book. fJutside U.S. and Canada add $2.75 for air shipment and handling. About Our Cover We, at Intersil, believe in using the wisdom of the past to help turn today's ideals into tomorrow's realities. This policy is reflected in our advertising posters, each of which shows one of history's great thinkers. For a complimentary copy of our Henrik Ibsen poster, drop a line on your company letterhead to: Intersil Inc. Attn.: Marketing Services Dept. 10710 N. Tantau Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Data Acquisition and Conversion Handbook A Technical Guide to AID and 01 A Converters and Their Applications U~UlL U.S.A. - 10710 N. Tantau Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014, Tel: (4081 996-5000 France - 217 Bureaux de la Colline, de St. Cloud, Batiment D, 92213 Saint-Cloud Cedex, Tel: 111 602.57.11 West Germany - 8000 Munchen 2, Bavariaring 8, Tel: 89/539271 United Kingdom - 9th Floor, Snamprogetti House, Basing View, Basingstoke RG21 2YS Hampshire, England, Tel: 0256-57361 Intersil cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry described other than circuitry entirely embodied in an Intersil product. No other circuit patent licenses are implied. Intersit reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. Printed," USA. C Copyright 1980. Intersil, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Contents 1. Principles of Data Acquisition and Conversion ....................................... 1 2. AID and DIA Converters ........................................................... 27 \": Selecting AID Converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 Where and When to Use Which Data Converter ...................................... 35 The Integrating AID Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40 Applying the 7109 A/D.Converter ................................................... 44 Understanding the Auto-Zero and Common Mode Performance of the 71061710717109 Family .......................................... 48 Know Your Converter Codes ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 56 The ICL7104: A Binary Output AID Converter for ",Processors ....................... 62 Power DIA Converters Using the ICH8510 .......................................... 76 Quad Current Switches for AID Conversion ......................................... 80 Digital Panel Meter Experiments for the Hobbyist .................................... 86 Low Cost Digital Panel Meter Designs . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 92 Building an Auto Ranging DMM with the ICL8052A17103A AID Converter Pair ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 98 4-1/2 Digit Panel Meter Demonstrationllnstrumentation Boards ....................• 104 Hybrid and Monolithic Data Conversion Circuits .................................... 112 Hybrid 12-bit AID Converter ....................................................... 121 Video Analog-to-Digital Conversion ................................................ 127 Compensate for Temperature Drift in Data Conversion Circuits ..................... 133 Interpretation of Data Converter Accuracy Specs ................................... 139 Graphs Give Aperture Time Required for AID Conversion ........................... 148 Do's and Dont's of Applying AID Converters ....................................... 152 3. Data Conversion Systems ......................................................... 155 Single Hybrid Package Houses 12-bit Data Acquisition System ...................... 157 Put Video AID Converters to Work ................................................. 163 Microcomputers in an Analog World ............................................... 169 Interfacing Data Converters and Microprocessors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 173 Straight Talk on AID Converter Boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 182 Application of Analog Conversion Prodllcts in Microcomputers ..................... 186 Remote Data Acquisition System Needs Just One Twisted Pair to Link Analog Sensors to Host Computer •......................................•. 194 Dual Word Length Serial Protocol Improves Data Acquisition Network ............... 200 4. Sample-Holds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 209 Designing with a Sample-Hold Won't be a Problem if You Use the Right Circuit ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 211 Keep Track of a Sample-Hold from Mode to Mode to Locate Error Sources .......... 217 Pick Sample-Holds by Accuracy and Speed and Keep HOLD Capacitors in Mind ..... 225 Analyzing the Dynamic Accuracy of Simultaneous Sample and Hold Circuits . . . . . . .. 232 Test Your Sample-Hold IQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 236 ii 5. High Speed Operational Amplifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 243 High Speed Op Amps - They're in a Class by Themselves .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 245 Using the ICH8500 Ultra Low Bias Current Op Amp ................................ 251 The ICL8007 - A High Performance FET Input Op Amp ............................ 254 Using the ICL8043 Dual FET Input Op Amp ........................................ 258 Using the 8048/8049 Log/Antilog Amp ............................................. 262 The ICL8013 Four Quadrant Analog Multiplier ...................................... 268 A Precision Waveform Generator and Voltage Controlled Oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 273 Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the 8038 ........•................... 280 Power Supply Design Using the ICL8211/8212 ..................................... 284 Unity Gain Buffer Amplifier is Ultra Fast ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 292 Commutating Design for IC Amplifier Virtually Eliminates Offset Errors .............. 293 ......... , . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. Switching Signals with Semiconductors ............................................ Understanding and Applying the Analog Switch .................................... The IH5009 Analog Switch Series .................................................. A New CMOS Analog Gate Technology ............................................ 297 299 302 318 326 Reduce CMOS Multiplexer Troubles Through Proper Device Selection .............. ................................................................... Voltage to Frequency Converters ..................................... . . • . . . . . . . . .. Voltage to Frequency Converters: Versatility Now at Low Cost ........... . . . . . . . . . .. Consider VlF Converters for Data Acquisition Systems , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sending Transducer Signals Over 100 Feet? ........................................ 328 333 335 339 344 351 Frequency Converter is a Dual Operator ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Test Your VlF Converter IQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8. Glossary of Data Acquisition Terms ................................................ 9. Component Selector Guides ....................................................... VMOS ............................................................................ 356 359 365 375 376 6. Analog Gates, Switches and Multiplexers 7. V/F Converters Discrete ...............................................................•.......... 378 Analog Gates, Switches, Multiplexers .............................................. 382 Data Acquisition .................................................................. 386 Linear ............................................................................ 388 Timers, Counters, Display Drivers . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 392 RAMs, ROMs, PROMs, EPROMs ................................................... 393 iii PREFACE In recent years Intersil and Datel have published many technical articles on the subject of data acquisition and conversion in the industry trade journals. Since many engineers have requested reprints of these articles, it was decided to compile them into a useful, coherent reference handbook on data conversion and make it available at moderate cost. This handbook is the result of that effort. The book also contains a 23 page basic introduction to data conversion entitled "Principles of Data Acquisition and Conversion" and a useful "Glossary of Data Conversion Terms" which defines the 200 most common terms used in data conversion technology today. The following authors have contributed to this work: DB PB GB LC MD LE DF LG RH RJ JK PM WM JM GM BO SO JP ES DW RW GZ Dave Bingham Peter Bradshaw George F. Bryant Larry Copeland Mike Dufort Lee Evans Dave Fullagar Larry Goff Ray Hendry Ralph Johnston Jim Knitter Paresh Maniar Wayne E. Marshall John M. Mills Gene Murphy Bill O'Neill Skip Osgood Jan Prak Ed Sliger Dave Watson Dick Willenken Eugene L. Zuch iv 1. Principles of Data Acquisition and Conversion 2 Principles of Data Acquisition and Conversion Data Acquisition Systems Introduction by means of a transducer; once in electrical form, all further processing is done by electronic circuits. Data acquisition and conversion systems interface between the real world of physical parameters, which are analog, and the artificial world of digital computation and control. With current emphasis on digital systems, the interfacing function has become an important one; digital systems are used widely because complex circuits are low cost, accurate, and relatively simple to implement. In addition, there is rapid-growth in use of minicomputers and microcomputers to perform difficult digital control and measurement functions. Computerized feedback control systems are used in many different industries today in order to achieve greater productivity in our modern industrial society. Industries which presently employ such automatic systems include steel making, food processing, paper production, oil refining, chemical manufacturing, textile production, and cement manufacturing. The devices which perform the interfacing function between analog and digital worlds are analog-todigital (A/D) and digital-to-analog (D/A) converters, which together are known as data converters. Some of the specific applications in which data converters are used include data telemetry systems, pulse code modulated communications, automatic test systems, computer display systems, video signal processing systems, data logging systems, and sampled-data control systems. In addition, every laboratory digital multimeter or digital panel meter contains an A/D converter. Besides A/D and D/A converters, data acquisition and distribution systems may employ one or more of the following circuit functions: PHYSICAL PARAMETfR OTHER ANALOG CHANNElS Figure 1. Data Acquisition System Next, an amplifier boosts the amplitude of the transducer output signal to a useful level for further processing. Transducer outputs may be microvolt or millivolt level signals which are then amplified to 1 to 10 volt levels. Furthermore, the transducer output may be a high impedance signal, a differential signal with common-mode noise, a current output, a signal superimposed on a high voltage, or a combination of these. The amplifier, in order to convert such signals into a high level voltage, may be one of several specialized types. The amplifier is frequently followed by a low pass active filter which reduces high frequency signal components, unwanted electrical interference noise, or electronic noise from the signal. The amplifier is sometimes also followed by a special nonlinear analog function circuit which performs a nonlinear operation on the high level signal. Such operations include squaring, multiplication, division, RMS conversion, log conversion, or linearization. The processed analog signal next goes to an analog multiplexer which sequentially switches between a number of different analog input channels. Each input is in turn connected to the output of the multiplexer for a specified period of time by the multiplexer switch. During this connection time a samplehold circuit acquires the signal voltage and then holds its value while an analog-to-digital converter converts the value into digital form. The resultant digital word goes to a computer data bus or to the input of a digital circuit. Thus the analog multiplexer, together with the sample-hold, time shares the ND converter with a number of analog input channels. The timing and control of the complete data acquisition system is done by a digital circuit called a programmersequencer, which in turn is under control of the Basic Data Distribution Systems Transducers Amplifiers Filters Nonlinear Analog .Functions Analog Multiplexers Sample-Holds The interconnection of these components is shown in the diagram of the data acquisition portion of a computerized feedback control system in Figure 1. The input to the system is a physical parameter such as temperature, pressure, flow, acceleration, and position, which are analog quantities. The parameter is first converted into an electrical signal 3 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK Quantizing Theory computer. In some cases the computeritself may control the entire data acquisition system. While this is perhaps the most commonly used data acquisition system configuration, there are alternative ones. Instead of multiplexing high-level signals, low-level multiplexing is sometimes used with the amplifier following the multiplexer. In such cases just one amplifier is required, but its gain may have to be changed from one channel to the next during multiplexing. Another method is to amplify and convert the signal into digital form at the transducer location and send the digital information in serial form to the computer. Here the digital data must be converted to parallel form and then multiplexed onto the computer data bus. Introduction Analog-to-digital conversion in its basic conceptual form is a two-step process: quantizing and coding. Quantizing is the proce/ls of transforming a continuous analog signal into a set of discrete output states. Coding is the process of assigning a digital code word to eaCh of the output states. Some of the early AID converters were appropriately called quantizing encoders. Quantizer Transfer Function The nonlinear transfer function shown in Figure 3 is that of an ideal quantizer with 8 output states; with output code words assigned, it is also that of ,, ,, PROCESS PARAMETER 111 i i ~ 110 PROCESS PARAMETER 101 ill § ~.... ~ w Q Q • 8.... ~::> 100 011 0 010 001 Figure 2_ Data Distribution System 000 +1.26 +2.50 +3.75 +5.00+6.26 +7.50+8.75 +10.00 INPUT VOLTAGE Basic Data Acquisition System Tqe data distribution portion of a feedback control system, illustrated in Figure 2, is the reverse of the data IIoCquisition system. The computer, based on the inputs of the data acquisition system, must close the 109P on a process and control it by means of output control functions. These control outputs are in digital form and must therefore be converted into analog form in order to drive the process. The conversion is accomplished by a series of digitalto-analog converters as shown. Each DIA converter is coupled to the computer data bus by means of a register which stores the digital word until the next update. The registers are activated sequentially by a decoder and control circuit which is under computer control. . The DIA converter outputs then drive actuators which directly control the '{arious process parameters such as temperature, pressure, and flow. Thus the loop is closed on the process and the result is a complete automatic process control system under computer control. Q~21f' I\. I\. I\. I\. I\. I\. I\. QUANTIZER + ERROR '\.1 -Q/2...... 'OJ --L Q \J'J \J'J. \J , "T Figure 3. Transfer Function 01 Ideal 3-BII Quantizer a 3-bit AID converter. The 8 output states are assigned the sequence of binary numbers from 000 through 111. The analog input range for this quantizer is 0 to + lOY. There are several important points concerning the transfer function of Figure 3. First, the resolution of the quantizer is defined as the number of output states expressed in bits; in this case it is a 3-bit quantizer. The number of output states for a binary coded quantizer is 2n, where n is the number of bits. Thus, an 8-bit quantizer has 256 output states and a l2-bit quantizer has 4096 output states. As shown in the diagram, there are 2n-l analog decision points (or threshold levels) in the transfer function. These points are at voltages of +0.625, 4 noise has a peak-to-peak value of Q but. as with other types of noise. the average value is zero. Its RMS value. however. is useful in analysis and can be computed from the triangular waveshape to be Q/2J3. + 1.875. + 3.125. + 4.375. + 5.625. + 6.875. and +8.125. The decision points must be precisely set in a quantizer in order to divide the analog voltage range into the correct quantized values. The voltages + 1.25. + 2.50. + 3.75. + 5.00. + 6.25. +7.50. and +8.75 are the center points of each output code word. The analog decision point voltages are precisely halfway between the code word center points. The quantizer staircase function is the best approximation which can be made to a straight line drawn through the origin and full scale point; notice that the line passes through all of the code word center points. Sampling Theory Introduction An analog-to-digital converter requires a small. but significant. amount of time to perform the quantizing and coding operations. The time required to make the conversion depends on several factors: the converter resolution. the conversion technique. and the speed of the components employed in the converter. The conversion speed required for a particular application depends on the time variation of the signal to be converted and on the accuracy desired. Quantizer Resolution and Error At any part of the input range of the quantizer. there is a small range of analog values within which the same output code word is producer:!. This small range is the voltage differenctl between any two adjacent decision points and is known as the analog quantization size. or quantum. Q. In Figure 3. the quantum is 1.25V and is found in general by dividing the full scale analog range by the number of output states. Thus Aperture Time Conversion time is frequently referred to as aperture time. In general. aperture time refers to the time uncertainty (or time window) in making a measurement and results in an amplitude uncertainty (or error) in the measurement if the signal is changing during this time. where FSR is the full scale range. or 10V in this case. Q is the smallest analog difference which can be resolved. or distinguished. by the quantizer. In the case of a 12-bit quantizer. the quantum is much smaller and is found to be Q = FSR 2° = lOY = boV- .~\tl •ttl 2.44 mV 4096 Figure 4. Aperture Time and Amplitude Uncertainly If the quantizer input is moved through its entire range of analog values and the difference between output and input is taken. a sawtooth error function results. as shown in Figure 3. Thiti function is called the quantizing error and is the irreducible error which results from the quantizi'ng process. It can be reduced only by increasing the number of output states (or the resolution) of the quantizer. thereby making the quantization finer. For a given analog input value to the quantizer, the output error will vary anywhere from 0 to ±Q/2; the error is zero only at analog values corresponding to the code center points. This error is also frequently called quantization uncertainty or quantization noise. The quantizer output can be thought of as the analog input with quantization noise added to it. The As shown in Figure 4. the input signal to the AID converter changes by AV during the aperture time ta in which the conversion is performed. The error can be considered an amplitude error or a time error; the two are related as follows AV =t a dV(t) dt where dV(t)/dt is the rate of change with time of the input signal. It should be noted that AV represents the maximum error due to signal change. since the actual error depends on howihe conversion is done. At some point in time within tao the signal amplitude corresponds exactly with the output code word produced. 5 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK then stores it on a capacitor fQr the time required to perform the AID conversion. The aperture time of the AID converter is therefore greatly reduced by the much shorter aperture time of the samplehold circuit. In turn, the aperture time of the sample-hold is a function of its bandwidth and switching time. Figure 5 is a useful graph of Equation 5. It gives the aperture time required for converting sinusoidal signals to a maximum error less than one part in 2D where n is the resolution Qf the converter in bits. The peak to peak value of the sinusoid is assumed to be the full scale range of the AID converter. The graph is most useful in selecting a samplehold by aperture time or an AID converter by conversion time. For the specific case of a sinusoidal input signal, the maximum rate of change occurs at the zero crossing of the waveform, and the amplitude error is AV = ta ~ (A sin wt)t=o = taAw The resultant error as a fraction of the peak to peak full scale value is • = AV = "ft. 2A From this result the aperture time required to digitize a 1 kilohertz signal to 10 bits resolution can be found. The resolution required is one part in 2'0 or 0.001. ta • 0.001 = -;;t = 3.14 X 103 = 320 x 10 -9 Sampled-Data Systems and the Sampling Theorem In data acquisition and distribution systems, and other sampled-data systems, analog signals are sampled on a periodic basis as illustrated in Figure 6. The train of sampling pulses in 6(b) represents a fast-acting switch which connects to the analog signal for a very short time and then disconnects for the remainder of the sampling period. The result is a required aperture time of just 320 nanoseconds! One should appreciate the fact that 1 KHz is not a particularly fast signal, yet it is difficult to find a 10 bit AID converter to perform this conversion at any price! Fortunately, there is a relatively simple and inexpensive way around this dilemma by using a sample-hold circuit. I"' ~,~ ]\ 100,.. .4?{ ]\ 10,._ '!I ~ -Nt' '0 IV,_ I ''1\ '" ~;8, , ~~ 'OOMfc, then the two spectra are separated and the original signal can be recovered without distortion. This demonstrates the result of the Sampling Theorem that fs>2fc.Frequency folding can be eliminated in two ways: first by using a high enough sampling rate, and second by filtering the signal before sampling to limit its bandwidth to f./2. One must appreciate the fact that in practice there is always some frequency folding present due to high frequency signal components, noise, and nonideal pre-sample filtering. The effect must be reduced to negligible amounts for the particular application by using a sufficiently high sampling rate. The required rate, in fact, may be much higher than the. minimum indicated by the Sampling Theorem. The effect of aIf inadequate sampling rate on a sinusoid is illustrated in Figure 8; an alias frequency in the recovered signal results. In this case, sampling at a rate slightly less than twice per cycle gives the low frequency sinusoid shown by the dotted line in the recovered signal. This alias frequency can be significantly different from the original frequency. From the figure it is easy to see that if the sinusoid is sampled at least twice per cycle, as required by the Sampling Theorem, the original frequency is preserved. In) SIGNAL (b) SAMPLING PULSES (e) SAMPLED SIGNAL (d) SAMPLED AND , HELD SIGNAL r'-------'''f-----:la-- Figure 6. Signa' Sampling The answer to the question is contained in the wellknown Sampling Theorem which may be stated as follows: If a continuous, bandwidth-limited signal contains no frequency components higher than fe, then the original signal can be recovered without distortion if it is sampled at a rate of at least 2fe samples per second. Frequency Folding and Aliasing The Sampling Theorem can be demonstrated by the frequency spectra illustrated in Figure 7. Figure 7(a) shows the frequency spectrum of a continuous bandwidth-limited analog signal with frequency components out to fc. When this signal is sampled at a rate fs, the modulation process shifts the original spectrum out to fs, 2f., 3fs, etc. in addition to the one at the origin. A portion of this resultant spectrum is shown in Figure 7(b). (n) CONTINUOUS Rgure 8. Alias Frequency Caused by Inadequate Sampling Rate v~ Coding for Data Converters SIGNAL SPECTRUM· ko----~,tc--------·,- (b) SAMPLED SIGNAL SPECTRUM V~QUENCYFOLOING o fs-fc \ Ie f. fs+fc fs/2 Figure 7. Frequency Spectra Demonstrating the Sampling Theorem Natural Binary Code AID and D/A converters interface with digital systems by means of an appropriate digital code. While there are many possible codes to select, a few standard ones are almost exclusively used with data converters. The most popular code is natural binary, or straight binary, which is used in its fractional form to represent a number N = a12 -1 7 + a22 -2 + 1132-3 + .... + an2 ·n DATA ACQUISITION 81 CONVERSION HANDBOOK where each coefficient "an assumes a value of zero or one. N has a value between zero and one. A binary fraction is normally written as 0.110101, but with data converter codes the decimal point is omitted and the code word is written 110101. This code word represents a fraction of the full scale value of the converter and has no other numerical significance. The binary code word 110101·therefore represents the decimal fraction (1 x 0.5) + (1 x 0.25) + (1 x 0.125) + (1 x 0.0625) + (0 x 0.03125) + (1 x 0.015625) = 0.828125 or 82.8125% of full scale for the converter. If full scale is + 10V, then the code word represents +8.28125V. The natural binary code belongs to a class of codes known as positive weighted codes since each coefficient has a specific weight, none of which is negative. The leftmost bit has the most weight, 0.5 of full scale, and is called the nwst significant bit, or MSB; the rightmost bit has the least Weight, 2- D of full scale, and is therefore called the least significant bit, or LSB. The bits in a code word are numbered from left to right from 1 to n. The LSB has the same analog equivalent value as Q discussed previously, namely LSB (Analog Value) = F~~ Table 1 is a useful summary of the resolution, num· ber of states, LSB weights, and dynamic range for data converters from one to twenty bits resolution. RESOLUTION NUMBER OF STATES BITS 2" n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 131072 262144 52428B 1048576 LSBWEIGHT 2-" 1 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.0625 0.03125 0.015625 0.0078125 0.00390625 0.001953125 0.0009765625 0.00048828125 0.000244140625 0.0001220703125 0.00006103515625 0.000030517578125 0.0000152587890625 0.00000762939453125 0.000003814697265625 0.0000019073486328125 0.00000095367431640625 DYNAMIC RANGE dB 0 6 12 18.1 24.1 30.1 36.1 42.1 48.2 54.2 60.2 66.2 72,2 78.3 84.3 90.3 96.3 102.3 108.4 114.4 120.4 and 2" the number of states of the converter. Since 6.02 dB corresponds to a factor of two, it is simply necessary to multiply the resolution of a converter in bits by 6.02. A 12-bit converter, for example, has a dynamic range of 72.2 dB. An important point to notice is that the maximum value of the digital code, namely all 1's, does not correspond with analog full scale, but rather with one LSB less than full scale, or FS (1-2-"). Therefore a 12 bit converter with a 0 to + lOV analog range has a maximum code of 111111111111 and a maximum analog value of +20V (1-2 -12) = +9.99756V. In other words, the maximum analog value of the converter, corresponding'to all one's in the code, never quite reaches the point defined as analog full scale. Other Binary Codes Several other binary codes are used with ND and D/A converters in addition to straight binary. These codes are offset binary, two's complement, binary coded decimal (BCD), and their complemented versions. Each code has a specific advantage in certain applications. BCD coding for example is used where digital displays must be interfaced such as in digital panel meters and digital multimeters. Two's complement coding is used for computer arithmetic logic operations, and offset binary coding is used with bipolar analog measurements. Not only are the digital codes standardized with data converters, but so are the analog voltage ranges. Most converters use unipolar voltage ranges of 0 to + 5V and 0 to + 10V although some devices use the negative ranges 0 to -5V and 0 to -lOY. The standard bipolar voltage ranges are ±2.5V, ±5V and ± 10V. Many converters today are pin-programmable between these various ranges. FRACTION OFFS +FS·l LSB +'" FS +~FS +~ FS +iOFS +1 LSB 0 +10VFS +9.961 +7.500 +5.000 +2.500 +1.250 +0.039 0.000 STRAIGHT COMPLEMENTARY BINARY BINARY 1111 1111 11000000 10000000 0100 0000 00100000 00000001 00000000 00000000 00111111 01111111 10111111 11011111 11111110 1111 1111 Table 2. Binary Coding for 8 Bit Unipolar Converters Table 2 shows straight binary and complementary binary codes for a unipolar 8 bit converter with a o to + lOV analog FS range. The maximum analog value of the converter is +9.96lV, or one LSB less than + lOY. Note that the LSB size is 0.039V as shown near the bottom of the table. The complementary binary coding used in some converters is simply the logic complement of straight binary. When AID and DfA converters are used in bioolar operation, the analog range is offset by half scale, Table 1. Resolution, Number of States, LSB Weight, and Dynamic Range for Data Converters The dynamic rang-e of a data converter in dB is found as follows: DR (dB) = 20 log 2"= 20nlog2 = 20n (0.301) = 6.02n where DR is dynamic range, n is the number of bits, 8 complementing of the MSB. In bipolar coding, the MSB becomes the sign bit. The sign·magnitude binary code, infrequently used, has identical code words for equal magnitude analog values except that the sign bit is different. As shown in Table 3 this code has two possible code words for zero: 1000 0000 or 0000 0000. The two are usually distinguished as 0+ and 0-, respectively. Because of this characteristic, the code has maximum analog values of ± (FS-1 LSB) and reaches neither analog + FS or - FS. or by the MSB value. The result is an analog shift of the converter transfer function as shown in Figure 9. Notice for this 3·bit AID converter transfer function that the code 000 corresponds with -5V, 100 with OV, and 111 with +3.75V. Since the output coding is the same as before the analog shift, it is now appropriately called offset binary coding. / / / / w 111 o o u .... 110 BCD Codes Table 4 shows BCD and complementary BCD coding for a 3 decimal digit data converter. These are the codes used with integrating type ND converters employed in digital panel meters, digital multimeters, and other decimal display applications. Here four bits are used to represent each decimal digit. BCD is a positive weighted code but is relatively inefficient since in each group of four bits, only 10 out of a possible 16 states are utilized. :J ~ 5 -I Q I / 101 ~:/ 010 I I 001 I I /,000 o FRACTION OF FS + 1.25 +2.50 +3.75 +5.00 INPUT VOLTAGE +FS·l LSB FS +* Figure 9. Transfer Function lor Bipolar 3-BII AID Converter +}} FS +)4" FS +)1; FS Table 3 shows the offset binary code together with complementary offset binary, two's complement, and sign·magnitude binary codes. These are the most popular codes employed in bipolar data converters. +1 LSB FRACTION OFFS OFFSET ±5V FS BINARY +4.9976 11111111 +3.7500 11100000 +2.5000 11000000 +1.2500 10100000 +~ FS 0 0.0000 10000000 -)4 FS --1.2500 01 to 0000 -Y, FS --2.5000 0100 0000 -3.7500 00100000 -~ FS -FS +llSB -4.9976 0000 0001 -FS - 5,0000 00000000 +FS-' LSB +~ FS +11 FS o 11100000 0100 0000 00.10 0000 00000000 11100000 1100 0000 10100000 10000000· 00100000 1011 1111 1100 0000 0100 0000 11011111 11111110 11111111 10100000 1000 0001 10000000 0110 0000 00011111 0011 1111 0101 1111 01111111 10011111 100110011001 011101010000 010100000000 0010 0101 0000 000100100101 00000000 0001 0000 0000 0000 011001100110 100010101111 101011111111 110110101111 111011Qll0l0 111111111110 111111111111 ~~~ where FSR is the full scale range and d is the number of decimal digits. For example if there are 3 digits and the full scale range is lOV, the LSB value is LSB (Analog Value) = 10V = .01V = lOmV 103 01111111 BCD coding is frequently used with an additional overrange bit which has a weight egual to full scale and produces a 100% increase in range for the AID converter. Thus for a converter with a decimal full scale of 999, an overrange bit provides a new full scale of 1999, twice that of the previous one. In this case, the maximum output code is 11001 10011001. The additional range is commonly reo ferred to aslh digit, and the resolution of the ND converter in this case is 3lhdigits. Likewise, if this range is again expanded by 100%, a new full scale of 3999 results and is called 3% digits resolution. Here two overrange bits have been added and the full scale output code is 11 1001 SIGN-MAG BINARY 0+ +9.99 +7.50 +5.00 +2.50 +1.25 +0.01 0.00 LSB(AnalogValue)=Q= ·NOTE: Sign Magnitude Brnary has two code words for zero as shown here. o- COMPLEMENTARY BCD The LSB analog value (or quantum, Q) for BCD is t1111111 011111" 0110 0000 BINARY CODED DECIMAL Table 4. BCD and Complementary BCD Coding. COMP.OFF. TWO'S SIGN-MAG BINARY COMPLEMENT BINARY 00000000 +10VFS 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Table 3. Popular Bipolar Codes Used with Data Converters. The two's complement code has the characteristic that the sum of the positive and negative codes for the same analog magnitude always produces all zero's and a carry. This characteristic makes the two's complement code useful in arithmetic computations. Notice that the only difference between two's complement and offset binary is the 9 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK 10011001. When BCD coding is used for bipolar measurements another bit, a sign bit, is added to the code and the result is sign-magnitude BCD coding. mentation amplifier circuit is shown in Figure 11. Notice that no gain-setting resistors are connected to either of the input terminals. Instrumentation ampli- Amplifiers and Filters Operational and Instrumentioil Amplifiers The front end of a data acquisition system extracts the desired analog signal from a physical parameter by means of a transducer and then amplifies and filters it. An amplifier and filter are critical compo· nents in this initial signal processing. The amplifier must perform one or more of the following functions: boost the signal amplitude, buffer the signal, convert a signal current into a voltage, or extract a differential signal from com· mon mode noise. Eo ~EZ'-~E' R ~ " Rz E, _ -= 1__ + Figure 11. Simplified Instrumentation Amplifier Circuit + fiers 1. 2. 3. 4. have the following important characteristics. High impedance differential inputs. Low input offset voltage drift. Low input bias currents. Gain easily set by means of one or two external resistors. 5. High common-mode rejection ratio. 1 'N\IERT1NG IIOLTlIGE GAIN E =-IR CURp_ro~, __ , ~,.. " E, ~ - + Rz Ez= (, R) ~+~ Common Mode Rejection Common-mode rejection ratio is an important parameter of differential amplifiers. An ideal differential input amplifier responds only to the voltage difference between its input terminals and does not respond at all to any voltage that is common to both input terminals (common-mode voltage). In nonideal amplifiers, however, the common-mode input signal causes some output response even though small compared to the response to a differential input signal. The ratio of differential and common-mode responses is defined as the common-mode rejection ratio. Common-mode rejection ratio of an amplifier is the ratio (jf differential voltage gain to commonmode voltage gain and is generally expressed in dB. UNITY GAIN BUFFER E, R, NON-INIIERT1NG VOLTAGE GAIN Figure 10. Operational Amplifier Configurations To accomplish these functions requires a variety of different amplifier types. The most popular type of amplifier is an operational amplifier which is a general purpose gain block with differential inputs. The op amp may be connected in many different closed loop confignrations, of which a few are shown in Fignre 10. The gain and bandwidth of the circuits shown depend on the external resistors connected around the amplifier. An operational amplifier is a good choice in general where a single-ended signal is to be amplified, buffered, or converted from current to voltage. In the case of differential signal processing, the instrumentation amplifier is a better choice since it maintains high impedance at both of its differenti8I inputs and the gain is set by a resistor located elsewhere in the amplifier circuit. One type of instru- CMRR = 2010g l0 AAD CM where AD is differential voltage gain and ACM is common-mode voltage gain. CMRR is a function of frequency and therefore also a function of the impedance balance between the two amplifier input terminals. At even moderate frequencies CMRR can be significantly degraded by small unbalances in the source series resistance and shunt capacitance. 10 Other Amplifier Types There are several other special amplifiers which are useful in conditioning the input signal in a data acquisition system. An isolation amplifier is used to amplify a differential signal which is superimposed on a very high common-mode voltage. perhaps several hundred or even several thousand volts. The isolation amplifier has the characteristics of an instrumentation amplifier with a very high commonmode input voltage capability. Another special amplifier. the chopper stabilized amplifier, is used to accurately amplify microvolt level signals to the required amplitude. This ampli· fier employs a special switching stabilizer which gives extremely low input offset voltage drift. Another useful device. the electrometer amplifier, has ultra-low input bias currents. generally less than one picoampere and is used to convert extremely small signal currents into a high level voltage. other undesirable frequency components, and therefore the choice of a filter is always a compromise. Ideal filters. frequently used as analysis examples, have flat passband response with infinite attenuation at the cutoff frequency. but are mathematical filters only and not physically realizable. In practice. the systems engineer has a choice of cutoff frequency and attenuation rate. The attenuation rate and resultant phase response depend on the particular filter characteristic and the number of poles in the filter function. Some of the more popular filter characteristics include Butterworth. Chebychev, Bessel. and elliptic. In making this choice. the effect of overshoot and nonuniform phase delay must be carefully considered. Figure 12 illusrtates some practical low pass filter response characteristics. Passive RLC filters are seldom used in signal processing applications today due chiefly to the undesirable characteristics of inductors. Active filters are generally used now since they permit the filter characteristics to be accurately set by precision, stable resistors and capacitors. Inductors. with their undesirable saturation and temperature drift characteristics, are thereby eliminated. Also, because active filters use operational amplifiers, the problems of insertion loss and output loading are also eliminated. Filters A low pass filter frequently follows the signal processing amplifier to reduce signal noise. Low pass filters are used for the following reasons: to reduce man-made electrical interference noise. to reduce electronic noise, and to limit the bandwidth of the analog signal to less than half the sampling frequency in order to eliminate frequency folding. When used for the last reason. the filter is called a pre-sampling filter or anti-aliasing filter. Man-made electrical noise is generally periodic, as for example in power line interference, and is sometimes reduced by means of a special filter such as a notch filter. Electronic noise, on the other hand. is random noise with noise power proportional to bandwidth and is present in transducer resistances, circuit resistances, and in amplifiers themselves. It is reduced by limiting the bandwidth of the system to the minimum required to pass desired signal components. No filter does a perfect job of eliminating noise or Settling Time Definition A parameter that is specified frequently in data acquisition and distribution systems is settling time. The term settling time originates in control theory but is now commonly applied to amplifiers. multiplexers. and D/A converters. OVERSHOOT FINAL VALUE ERROR BAND __________ 1__ _ +F.S. FUlL SCALE -+--+1 INPUT STEP 0 ~ FINAL ENTRY INlO SPECIFIED ERROR BAND " . 30B 5 o·L---~L----------L-------- I \ ' ( ' '·POLE iESSiL 0 \~ ~ \\ 5 20 25 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 O.B 1 '·POLE J BUTTEiWOiTH Figure 13. Amplifier Settling Time f\,"POLE..I. CHjBVCiEV \J • Settling time is defined as the time elapsed from the application of a full scale step input to a circuit to the time when the output has entered and rerMined within a specified error band around its final value. The method of application of the input step may vary depending on the type of circuit, but the definition still holds. In the case of aD/A con- 5 NORMALIZED FREQUENCY Figure 12. Some Practical Low Pass Filter Characteristics 11 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK verter, for example, the step is applied by changing the digital input code whereas in the case of an amplifier the input signal itself is a step change. The importance of settling time in a data acquisition system is that certain analog operations must be performed in sequence, and one operation may have to be accurately settled before the next operation can be initiated. Thus a buffer amplifier preceding an AID converter must have accurately settled before the conversion can be initiated. Settling time for an amplifier is illustrated in Figure 13. After application of a full scale step input there is a small delay time following which the amplifier output slews, or changes at its maximum rate. Slew rate is determined by internal amplifier currents which must charge internal capacitances. As the amplifier output approaches final value, it may first overshoot and then reverse and under· shoot this value before finally entering and remaining within the specified error band. Note that settling time is measured to the point at which the amplifier output enters and remains within the error band. This error band in most devices is specified to either ±0.1% or ±0.01% of the full scale transition. It is important to note that an amplifier with a single-pole response can never settle faster than the time indicated by the number of closed loop time constants to the given accuracy. Figure 15 shows output error as a function of the number of time constants T where Amplifier Characteristics Settling time, unfortunately, is not readily predictable from other amplifier parameters such as bandwidth, slew rate, or overload recovery time, although it depends on all of these. It is also dependent on the shape of the amplifier open loop gain characteristic, its input and output capacitance, and the dielectric absorption of any internal capacitances. An amplifier must be specifically designed for optimized settling time, and settling time is a parameter that must be determined by testing. Figure 15. Output Set1l1ng Error as a Function 01 Number T= ~ =..l.... '" lM and f is the closed loop 3 dB bandwidth of the amplifier. 30 20 10 NUMBER OF TIME CONSTANTS!TI of Time Constants Actual settling time for a good quality amplifier rna,)' be significantly longer than that indicated by the number of closed loop time constants due to slew rate limitation and overload recovery time. For example, an amplifier with a closed loop bandwidth of 1 MHz has a time constant of 160 nsec. which indicates a settling time of 1.44 Ilsec. (9 time con· stants) to 0.01 % of final value. If the slew rate of this amplifier is 1VII,sec., it will take more than 10 Ilsec. to settle to 0.01 % for a 10V change. AMPLIFIER OPEN LOOP RESPONSE (SOB/OCTAVE ROLLOFF) AMPLIFIER CLOSED LOOP -RESPONSE Al r---------------~ Figure 14. Amplifier Single-Pole Open Loop Gain Characlerlsllc Figure 16. Ultra-Fast Setlling Hybrid Oparational Ampliller One of the important requirements of a fast settling amplifier is that it have a single-pole open loop gain characteristic. i.e .• one that has a smooth 6 dB per octave gain roll-off characteristic to beyond the unity gain crossover frequency. Such a desirable characteristic is shown in Figure 14. If the amplifier has a nonuniform gain roll-off char· acteristic. then its settling time may have one of two undesirable qualities. First. the output may reach the vicinity of the error band quickly but then 12 take a long time to actually enter it; second. it may overshoot the error band and then oscillate back and forth through it before finally entering and remaining inside it. Modern fast settling operational amplifiers come in many different types including modular. hybrid. and monolithic amplifiers. Such amplifiers have settling times to 0.1 % or 0.01 % of 2 "sec. down to 100 nsec. ana are useful in many data acquisition and conversion applications. An example of an ultra-fast settling operational amplifier of the hybrid type is shown in Figure 16. ones are widely used today. Virtually all D/A converters in use are of the parallel type where all bits change simultaneously upon application of an input code word; serial type D/A converters. on the other hand. produce an analog output only after receiving all digital input data in sequential form. Weighted Current Source DfA Converter The most popular D/A converter design in use today is the weighted current source circuit illustrated in Figure 18. An array of switched transistor current sources is used with binary weighted currents. The binary weighting is achieved by using emitter resistors with binary related values of R. 2R. 4R. 8R. ..... 2nR. The resulting collector currents are then added together at the current summing line. Digital-To-Analog Converters Introduction Digital-to-analog converters are the devices by which computers communicate with the outside world. They are employed in a variety of applications from CRT display systems and voice synthesizers to automatic test systems. digitally controlled attenuators. and process control actuators. In addition. they are key components inside most AID converters. D/A converters are also referred to as DAC's and are termed decoders by communications engineers. TTL INPUT DATA +vs R, +1.2V The transfer function of an ideal3-bit D/A converter is shown in Figure 17. Each input code word produces a single. discrete analog output value. generally a voltage. Over the output range of the converter 2 n different values are produced including zero; and the output has a one-to-one correspondence with input. which is not true for A/D converters. There are many different circuit techniques used to implement D/A converters. but a few popular FS / , /" '4FS I::J Q. ! I::J a t!l %FS 9 « , ,/ Q z ,, ;- ;- , ,, / / / Figure 18. Weighted Current Source D/A Converter / " The current sources are switched on or off from standard TTL inputs by means of the control diodes connected to each emitter. When the TTL input is high the current source is on; when the input is low it is off. with the current flowing through the control diode. Fast switching speed is achieved because there is direct control of the transistor current. and the current sources never go into saturation. To interface with standard TTL levels. the current sources are biased to a base voltage of + 1.2V. The emitter currents are regulated to constant values by means of the control amplifier and a precision voltage reference circuit together with a bipolar transistor. The summed output currents from all current sources that are on go to an operational amplifier summing junction; the amplifier converts this output current into an output voltage. In some D/A / / 17 <: %FS /f 000 001 ,, 010 011 100 101 110 ", INPUT CODE Figure 17. Transfer Function ofldeal3-Bit D/A Converter 13 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK converters the output current is used to directly drive a resistor load for maximum speed. but the positive output voltage in this case is limited to about + 1 volt. The weighted current source design has the advan· tages of simplicity and high speed. Both PNP and NPN transistor current sources can be used with this technique !ilthough the TTL interfacing is more difficult with NPN sources. This technique is used in most monolithic. hybrid. and modular D/A converters in use today. A difficulty in implementing higher resolution D/A converter designs is that a wide range of emitter resistors is required. and very high value resistors cause problems with both temperature stability and switching speed. To overcome these problems. weighted current sources are used in identical groups. with the output of each group divided down by a resistor divider as shown in Figure 19. The operation of the R-2R ladder network is based on the binary division of current as it flows down the ladder. Examination of the ladder configuration reveals that at point A looking to the right. one measures a resistance of 2R; therefore the reference input to the ladder has a resistance of R. At the reference input the current splits into two equal parts since it sees equal resistances in either direction. Likewise. the current flowing down the ladder to the right continues to divide into two equal parts at each resistor junction. The result is binary weighted currents flowing down each shunt resistor in the ladder. The digitally controlled switches direct the currents to either the summing line or ground. Assuming all bits are on as shown in the diagram. the output current is 1· ·2 ·3 V OUT Figure 20. R-2R Ladder D/A Converter Figure 19. Current Dividing the Outputs of Weighted Current Source Groups lOUT The resistor network. RI through R40 divides the output of Group 3 down by a factor of 256 and the output of Group 2 down by a factor of 16 with respect to the output of Group 1. Each group is identical. with four current sources of the type shown in Figure 18. having binary current weights of 1. 2. 4. 8. Figure 19 also illustrates the method of achieving a bipolar output by deriving an offset current from the reference circuit which is then subtracted from the output current line through resistor Ro. This current is set to exactly one half the full scale output current. = V~F [V2 + 14 + VB + ..... + in] which is a binary series. The sum of all currents is then where the 2- n term physically represents the portion of the input current flowing through the 2R terminating resistor to ground at the far right. As in the previous circuit. the output current summing line goes to an operational amplifier which converts current to voltage. The advantage of the R-2R ladder technique is that only two values of resistors are required. with the resultant ease of matching or trimming and excellent1emperature tracking. In addition. for high speed applications relatively low resistor values can be used. Excellent results can be obtained for high resolution D/A converters by using lasertrimmed thin film resistor networks. R-2R D/A Converter A second popular technique for D/A conversion is the R-2R ladder method. As shown in Figure 20. the network consists of series resistors of value Rand shunt resistors of value 2R. The bottom of each shunt resistor has a single-pole double-throw electronic switch which connects the resistor to either ground or the output current summing line. 14 Multiplying and Deglitched D/A Converters The R-2R ladder method is specifically used for multiplying type D/A converters. With these converters. the reference voltage can be varied over the full range of ± Vmax with the output the product of the reference voltage and the digital input word. Multiplication can be performed in 1. 2. or 4 algebraic quadrants. nique. This circuit, shown in Figure 22, uses equal value switched current sources to drive the junctions of the R-2R ladder network. The advantage of the equal value current sources is obvious since all emitter resistors are identical and switching speeds are also identical. This technique is used in many ultra-high speed D/A converters. One other specialized type D/A converter used primarily in CRT display systems is the deglitched D/A converter_ AIl D/A converters pt"oduce output spikes. or glitches, which are most serious at the major output transitions of \-it FS, 1/2 FS, and 3A FS as illustrated in Figure 23(a). Glitches"are caused by small time differences between some current sources turning off and others turning on. Take. for example, the major code transition at half scale from 0111 .... 1111 to 1000 .... 0000. Here the MSB current source turns on while all other current sources turn off. The small difference in switching times results in a narrow half scale glitch. Such a glitch produces distorted characters on CRT displays. Figure 21. CMOS 14-Blt Multiplying D/A Converters If the reference voltage is unipolar. the circuit is a one-quadrant multiplying DAC; if it is bipolar. the circuit is a two-quadrant multiplying DAC. For fourquadrant operation the two current summing lines shown in Figure 20 must be subtracted from each other by operational amplifiers. In multiplying D/A converters. the electronic switches are usually implemented with CMOS d"evices. Multiplying DAC's are commonly used in automatic gain controls. CRT character generation, complex function generators, digital attenuators. and divider circuits. Figure 21 shows two 14-bit multiplying CMOS D/A converters. 01 Glitches can be virtually eliminated by the circuit shown in Figure 23(b). The digital input to a D/A converter is controlled by an input register while the converter output goes to a specially designed sample·hold circuit. When the digital input is up· dated by the register, the sample· hold is switched into the hold mode. After the D/A has changed to its new output value and all glitches have settled out, the sample·hold is then switched back into the tracking mode. When this happens, the output changes smoothly from its previous value to the new value with no glitches present. Figure 24 shows a modular deglitched D/A converterwhich contains the circuitry just described. +Vs 2" VOUT 2" 2" 2" (bl Figure 23. Output Glitches (a) and Deglltched D/A Converter (b) 2" Voltage Reference Circuits Figure 22. D/A Converter Employing R-2R Ladder with Equal An important circuit required in both AID and D/A converters is the voltage reference. The accuracy and stability of a data converter ultimately depends upon the reference; it must therefore produce a constant output voltage over both time and temperature. Value Switched Current Sources Another important D/A converter design takes advantage of the best features of both the weighted current source technique and the R-2R ladder tech- 15 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK higher than the 'reference voltage. It also generates a constant, regulated current through the reference which is detemined by the three resistors. Some monolithic AID and D/A converters use another type of reference device known as the bandgap reference. This circuit is based on the principle of using the known, predictable base-toemitter voltage of a transistor to generate a constant voltage equal to the extrapolated bandgap voltage of silicon. This reference gives excellent results for the lower reference voltages of 1.2 or 2.5 volts. Analog-To-Digital Converters Counter Type AID Converter Analog-to-digital converters, also called ADC's or encoders, employ a variety of different circuit techniques to implement the conversion function. As with DIA converters, however, relatively few of these circuits are widely used today. Of the various techniques available, the choice depends on the resolution and speed required. One of the simplest AID converters is the coumer, or servo, type. This circuit employs a digital counter to control the input of a DIA converter. Clock pulses are applied to the counter and the output of the D/A is stepped up one LSB at a time. A comparator compares the DIA output with the analog input and stops the clock pulses when they are equal. The counter output is then the converted digital word. Figure'24. Modular Deglitchad D/A Converter The compensated zener reference diode with a buffer-stabilizer circuit is commonly used in most data converters today. Although the compensated zener may be one of several types, the compensated subsurface, or buried, zener is probably the best choice. These new devices produce an avalanche breakdown which occurs beneath the surface of the silicon, I;esulting in better long-term stability and noise characteristics than with earlier surface breakdown zeners. These reference devices have reverse breakdown voltages of about 6.4 volts and consist of a forward biased diode in series with the reversed biased zener. Becausethe diodes have approximately equal and opposite voltage changes with temperature, the result is a temperature stable voltage. Available devices have temperature coefficients from 100 ppm/°C to less than 1 ppm/°C. Some of the new IC voltage references incorporate active circuitry to buffer the device and reduce its dynamic impedance; in addition, some contain temperature regulation circuitry on the chip to achieve ultra~low tempcos. DIGITAl OUTPUT ~-I--I-l-l-~-oDATA TRACKI<>---~'=='==~=r) HOLO Figure 26. Tracking Type AID Converter While this converter is simple, it is also relatively slow. An improvement on this technique is shown in Figure 26 and is known asa tracking AID converter, a device commonly used in control systems. Here an up-down counter controls the DAC, and the clock pulses are directed to the pertinent counter input depending on whether the D/A output must increase or decrease'to reach the analog input voltage. The obvious advantage of the tracking AID converter is that it can continuously follow the input Figure 25. A Precision, Bullerad Voltage Reference Circuit A popular buffered reference circuit is shown in Figure 25; this circuit produces an output voltage 16 signal and give updated digital output data if the signal does not change too rapidly. Also, for small input changes, the conversion can be quite fast. The converter can be operated in either the track or hold modes by a digital input control. comparisons tlie digital outtmt of the SAR indicates all those bits which remain on and produces the desired digital code. The clock circuit controls the timing of the SAR. Figure 28 shows the D/A converter output during a typical conversion. The conversion efficiency of this technique means that high resolution conversions can be made in very short times. For example, it is possible to perform Sucessive-Approximation AID Converte~ By far, the most popular AID conversion technique in general use for moderate to high speed applications is the successive-approximation'type A/D. This met)Jod falls into a class of techniques known as/eedback type AID converters, to which the counter type also belongs. In both cases a D/A converter is in the feedback loop of a digital control circuit which changes its ouput until it equals the analog input. In the case of the successive-approximation converter, the DAC is controlled in an optimum manner to complete a conversion in just n-steps, where n is the resolution of the converter in bits. The operation of this converter is analogous to weighing an unknown on a laboratory balance scale using standard weights in-a binary sequence such as 1, Ih, v.t, Ih, ..... Yn kilograms. The correct procedure is to begin with the largest standard weight and proceed in order down to the smallest one. The largest weight is'placed on the balance pan first;.if it does not tip, the weight is left on and the next largest weight is added. If the balance does tip, the weight is removed and the next one added. The same procedure is used for the next largest weight and so on down to the smallest. After the nth standard weight has been tried and a decision made, the weighing is finished. The total of the standard weights remaining on the balance is the closest possible approximation to the unknown. OUTPUT CODE: 10110111 %FS CLOCK PERIOD: 1 Figure 2B. DIA Output for B-Bit Successlva Approximation Conversion a 10 bit conversion in 1 jlSec. or less and a 12 bit conversion in 2 jlSec. or less. Of course the speed of the internal circuitry, in particular the D/A and comparator, are critical for high speed performance. The Parallel (Flash) AID Converter For ultra-fast conversions required in video signal processing and radar applications where up to 8 bits resolution is required, a different technique is employed; it is known as the parallel (a1so/lash, or simultaneous) method and is illustrated in Figure 29. ANAlOG INPUT .......--,----oOIGITA.L OUTPUT ~~~~_ _~~DMA 311/2 R Rgure 27. Successive Approximation AID Converter R In the successive-approximation A/D converter illustrated in Fignre 27, a successive-approximation register (SAR) controls the D/A converter by implementing the weighing logic just described. The SAR first turns on the MSB of the DAC and the comparator- tests this output against the analog input. A decision is made by the comparator to leave the bit on or turn it off after which bit 2 is turned on and a second comparison made. After n- R BINARY OUTPUT RI2 Figure 29. 4-Bit Parallel AID Converter 17 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK This circuit employs 2"-1 analog comparators to directly implement the quantizer transfer function of an AID converter. The comparator trip-points are spaced 1 LSB apart by the series resistor chain and voltage reference. For a given analog input voltage all comparators biased below the voltage turn on and all those biased above it remain off. Since all comparators change state simultaneously. the quantization process is a one-step operation. A second step is required. however. since the logic output of the comparators is not in binary form. Therefore an ultra-fast decoder circuit is employed to make the logic conversion to binary. The parallel technique reaches the ultimate in high speed because only two sequential operations are required to make the conversion. The limitation of the method. however. is in. the large number of comparators required for even moderate resolutions. A 4-bit converter. for example. requires only 15 comparators. but an 8-bit converter needs 255. For this reason it is common practice to implement an 8-bit AID with two 4-bit stages as shown in Figure 30. clock and counter. A number of variations exist on the basic principle such as single-slope. dual-slope. and triple-slope methods. In addition there is another technique -completely differentwhich is known as the charge-balancing or quantized feedback method. The most popular of these methods are dual-slope and charge-balancing; although both are slow. they have excellent linearity characteristics with the capability of rejecting input noise. B.ecause of these characteristics. integrating type ND converters are almost exclusively used in digital panel meters. digital multimeters. and other slow measurement applications. C INPUT SWITCH R DIGITAL OUTPUT Figure 31. Dual Slope AID Converter Dual-Slope AID Conversion BIT The dual-slope technique. shown in Figure 31. is perhaps best known. Conversion begins when the unknown input voltage is switched to the integrator input; at the same time the counter begins to count clock pulses and counts up to overflow. At this point the control circuit switches the integrator to the negative reference voltage which is integrated until the output is back to zero. Clock pulses are counted during this time until the comparator detects the zero crossing and turns them off. 1 OUTPUT DATA Figure 30. Two-Stage Parallel S-Bil AID Converter The result of the first 4-bit conversion is converted back to analog by means of an ultra-fast 4-bit DIA and then subtracted from the analog input. The resulting residue is then converted by the second 4-bit AID. and the two sets of data are accumulated in the 8-bit output register. Converters of this type achieve 8-bit conversions at rates of 20 MHz and higher. while single stage 4-bit conversions can reach 50 to 100 MHz rates. FULL-SCALE CONVERSION Integrating :TYpe AID Converters Indirect AID Conversion Another class of AID converters known as integrating type operates by an indirect conversion method. The unknown input voltage is converted into a time period which is then measured by a Figure 32. Integrator Output Waveform for Dual Slope AID Converter 18 The counter output is then the converted digital word. Figure 32 shows the integrator output waveform where TI is a fixed time and T2 is a time proportional to the input voltage. The times are related as follows: T2 = TI EIN V,N Q--'\/VV-+---j VREF The digital output word therefore represents the ratio of the input voltage to the reference. Dual-slope conversion has several important features. First, conversion accuracy is independent of the stability of the clock and integrating capacitor so long as they are constant during the conversion period. Accuracy depends only on the reference accuracy and the integrator circuit linearity. Second, the noise- rejection of the converter can be infinite if T} is set to equal the period of the noise. To reject 00 Hz power noise therefore requires that TI be 1ll.007 msec. Figure 33 shows digital panel meters which employ dual slope AID converters. DIGITAL OUTPUT Figure 34. Charge-Balancing AID Converter The pulse output controls switch 81 which connects R2 to the negative reference for the duration of the pulse. During this time a pulse of current flows out of the integrator summing junction, producing a fast, positive ramp at the integrator output. This process is repeated, generating a train of current pulses which exactly balances the input current-hence the name charge balancing. This balance has the following relationship: ~ f = 1 - T V IN -_. VREF R2 R} where T is the pulse width and f the frequency. A higher input voltage therefore causes the integrator to ramp up and down faster, producing higher frequency output pulses. The timer circuit sets a fixed time period for counting. Like the dualslope converter, the circuit also integrates input noise, and if the timer is synchronized with the noise frequency, infinite rejection results. Figure 35 shows the noise rejection characteristic of all integrating type AID converters with rejection plotted against the ratio of integration period to noise period. Figure 33. Digital Panel Meters Which Employ Dual Slope AID Converters Charge-Balancing AID Conversion The charge-balancing, or quantized feedback, method of conversion is based on the principle of generating a pulse train with frequency proportional to the input voltage and then counting the pulses for a fixed period of time. This circuit is shown in Figure 34. Except for the counter and timer, the circuit is a voltage-to-frequency (V/F) converter which generates an output pulse rate proportional to input voltage. The circuit operates as follows. A positive input voltage causes a current to flow into the operational integrator through RI. This current is integrated, producing a negative going ramp at the output. Each time the ramp crosses zero the comparator output triggers a precision pulse generator which puts out a constant width pulse. 19 ., 0 z· 20 ... Q 1rl ;;J a: w If) 0 z 10 TIT n Figure 35. Noise Rejection for Integrating Type AID Converters DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK Analog Multiplexers with standard TTL inputs and drives the multiplexer switches with the proper control voltages. For the 8-channel analog multiplexer shown, a oneof-eight decoder circuit is used. Most analog multiplexers today employ the CMOS switch circuit shown in Figure 37. A CMOS driver controls the gates of parallel-connected P-channel and N-channel MOSFET's. Both switches turn on together with the parallel connection giving relatively uniform on-resistance over the required analog input voltage range. The resulting on-resistance may vary from about 50 ohms to 2K ohms depending on the multiplexer; this resistance increases with temperature. A representative group of monolithic CMOS analog multiplexers is shown in Figure 38. Analog Multiplexer Operation Analog multiplexers are the circuits that time-share an AID converter among a number of different analog channels. Since the AID converter in many cases is the most expensive component in a data acquisition system, multiplexing analog inputs to the AID is an economical approach. Usually the analog multiplexer operates into a sample-hold circuit which holds the required analog voltage long enough for AID conversion. A, A2 A3 iii) n.,. EN. ON-CHAN .. "-"" ,r I XXXONONE o o 0 0 # 0 '$ $ f f! if $",,.: A1 A2'A3 CHANNEL ADDRESS Figure 36. Analog Multiplexer Circuit Figure 38. A Group of Monolithic CMOS Analog Multiplexers As shown in Figure 36, an analog multiplexer consists of an array of parallel electronic switches connected to a common output line. Only one switch is turned on at a time. Popular switch configurations include 4, 8, and 16 channels which are connected in single (single-ended) or dual (differential) configurations. . The multiplexer also contains a decoder-driver circuit which decodes a binary input word and turns on the appropriate switch. This circuit interfaces Analog Multiplexer Characteristics Because of the series resistance, it is common practice to operate an analog multiplexer into a very high load resistance such as the input of a unity gain buffer amplifier shown in the diagram. The load impedance must be large compared with the switch on-resistance and any series source resistance in order to maintain high transfer accuracy. Transfer error is the input to output error of the multiplexer with the source and load connected; error is expressed as a percent of input voltage. Transfer errors of 0.1 % to 0.01% or less are required in most data acquisition systems. This is readily achieved by using operational amplifier buffers with typical input impedances from 10 8 to 10 12 ohms. Many sample-hold circuits also have very high input impedances. Another important characteristic of analog mul tiplexers is break-before-make switching. There is a small time delay between disconnection from the previous channel and connection to the next channel which assures that two adjacent input channels are r--------<>IN '--__+ __--<: OUT Figure 37. CMOS Analog Switch Circuit 20 the effects of noise on the signal during the remaining analog processing. In low-level multiplexing the signal is amplified after multiplexing; therefore great care must be exercised in handling the lowlevel signal up to the multiplexer. Low-level multiplexers generally use two-wire differential switches in order to minimize noise pick-up. Reed relays, because of essentially zero series resistance and absence of switching spikes. are frequently employed in low-level multiplexing systems. They are also useful for high common-mode voltages. A useful specialized analog multiplexer is the/lyingcapacitor type, This circuit. shown as a single channel in Figure 40 has differential inputs and is particularly useful with high common-mode voltages. The capacitor connects first to the differential analog input, charging up to the input voltage. and is then switched to the differential output which goes to a high input impedance instrumentation amplifier. The differential signal is therefore transferred to the amplifier input without the common mode voltage and is then further processed up to AID conversion. In order to realize large numbers of multiplexed channels. you can connect analog multiplexers in parallel using the enable input to control each device. This is called single-level multiplexing. You can also connect the output of several multiplexers to the inputs of another to expand the number of channels; this method is double-level multiplexing. never instantaneously connected together. Settling time is another important specification for analog multiplexers; it is the same definition previously given for amplifiers except that it is measured from the time the channel is switched on. Throughput rate is the highest rate at which a multiplexer can switch from channel to channel with the output settling to its specified accuracy. Crpsstalk is the ratio of output voltage to input voltage with all channels connected in parallel and off; it is generally expressed as an input to O)ltput attenuation ratio in dB. As shown in the representative equivalent circuit of Figure 39. analog multiplexer switches have a Figure 39. Equivalent Circuit 01 Analog Multiplexer Switch number of leakage currents and capacitances as· sociated with their operation. These parameters are specified on data sheets and must be considered in the operation of the devices. Leakage currents. generally in picoamperes at room temperature. become trou~lesome only at high temperatures. Capacitances affect crosstalk and settling time of the multiplexer. Sample-Hold Circuits Operation of Sample-Holds Sample-hold circuits. discussed earlier, are the devices which store analog information and reduce the aperture time of an AID converter. A samplehold is simply a voltage-memory device in which an input voltage is acquired and then stored on a high quality capacitor. A popular circuit is shown in Figure 41. Analog Multiplexer Applications Analog multiplexers are employed in two basic types of operation: high-level and low-level. In high-lel'el multiplexing, the most popular type, the analog signal is amplified to the 1 to 10V range ahead of the multiplexer. This has the advantage of reducing ~F-: Ti INPUT aUT ± C SWITCH DRIVER a OUTPUT 0 SAMPLE CONTROL Figure 41. Popular Sample-Hold Circuit Al is an input buffer amplifier with a high input impedance so that the source, which may be an Figure 40. Flying Capacitor Multiplexer Switch 21 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK analog multiplexer, is not loaded. The output of AJ must be capable of driving the hold capacitor with stability and enough drive current to charge it rapidly. S) Is an electronic switch, generally an FET, which is rapidly switched on or off by a driver circuit which interfaces with TTL inputs. C is a capacitor with low leakage and low dielectric absorption characteristics; it is a polystyrene, polycarbonate, polypropylene, or teflon type. In the case of hybrid sample· holds, the MOS type capacitor is frequently used. At is the output amplifier which buffers the voltage on the hold capacitor. It must therefore have ex· tremely low input bias current, al\d for this reason an FET input amplifier is required. There are two modes of operation for a samplehold: sample (or tracking) mode, when the switch is closed; and hold mode, when the switch is open. Sample-holds are usually operated in one of two basic ways. The device can continuously track the input signal and be switched into the hold mode only at certain specified times, spending most of the time in tracking mode. This is the case for a sample-hold employed as a deglitcher at the output of a DIA converter, for example. Alternatively, the device can stay in the hold mode most of the time and go to the sample mode just to acquire a new input signal level. This is the case for a sample-hold used in a data acquisition system following the multiplexer. between samples, providing data smoothing. As with other filter circuits, the gain and phase components of the transfer function are of interest. By an analysis based on the impulse response of a sample-hold and use of the Laplace transform, the transfer fu nction is found to be G.IO ~t rinrrlL~ l;- (::rJ"'''. where fs is the sampling frequency. This function contains the familiar (sin x) Ix term plus a phase term, both of which are plotted in Figure 42. The sample-hold is therefore a low pass filter with a cut-off frequency slightly less than fs/2 and a linear phase response which results in a constant delay time of T/2, where T is the time between samples. Notice that the gain function also has significant response lobes beyond fs. For this reason a sample-hold reconstruction filter is frequently followed by another conventional low pass filter. Other Sample-Hold Circuits In addition to the basic circuit of Fignre 41, there are several other sample-hold circuit configurations which are frequently used. Figure 43 shows two such circuits which are closed loop circuits as contrasted with the open loop circuit of Figure 41. Figure 43(a) uses an operational integrator and another amplifier to make a fast, accurate inverting sample-hold. A buffer amplifier is sometimes added in front of this circuit to give high input impedance. Figure 43(b) shows a high input impedance noninverting sample-hold circuit. The Sample-Hold as a Data Recovery Filter .a common application for sample-hold circuits is data recovery, or signal reconstruction./ilters. The problem is to reconstruct a train of analog samples into the original signal; when used as a recovery filter, the sample-hold is known as a zero-order hold. It is a useful filter because it fills in the space . 1 INPUT OUTPUT ,., OUTPUT i ~ I _________ 1 I _______ _ -1. -3. I I Figure 43. Two Closed Loop Sample-Hold Circuits _________ lI __________1I _______ _ The circuit in Figure 41, although generally not as accurate as those in Figure 43, can be used with a Figure 42. Gain and Phase Components 01 Zero-Order Hold Transfer Function 22 diode-bridge switch to realize ultra-fast acquisition sample-holds, such as those shown in Figure 44. mode to the hold mode, with a constant input voltage. It is caused by the switch transferring charge onto the hold capacitor as it turns off. Aperture delay is the time elapsed from the hold command to when the switch actually opens; it is generally much less than a microsecond. Aperture uncertainty (or aperture jitter) is the time variation, from sample to sample, of the aperture delay. It is the limit on how precise is the point in time of opening the switch. Aperture uncertainty is the time used to determine the aperture error due to rate of change of the input signal. Several of the above specifications are illustrated in the diagram of Figure 45. Sample-hold circuits are simple in concept, but generally difficult to fully understand and apply. Their operation is full of subtleties, and they must therefore be carefully selected and then tested in a gi ven application. Figure 44. Ultra-Fast Sample-Hold Modules Which Employ Diode-Bridge Switches Specification of Data Converters Sample-Hold Characteristics A number of parameters are important in characterizing sample-hold performance. Probably most important of these is acquisition time. The definition is similar to that of settling time for an amplifier. It is the time required, after the sample-command is given, for the hold capacitor to charge to a fullscale voltage change and remain within a specified error band around final value. Several hold-mode specifications are also important. Hold-mode droop is the output voltage change per unit time when the sample switch is open. This droop is caused by the leakage currents of the capacitor and switch, and the output amplifier bias current. Hold-mode feed through is the percentage of input signal transferred to the output when the sample switch is open. It is measured with a sinusoidal input signal and caused by capacitive coupling. The most critical phase of sample-hold operation is the transition from the sample mode to the hold mode. Several important parameters characterize this transition. Sample-to-hold offset (or step) error is the change in output voltage from the sample / / , 1\ / Ideal vs. Real Data Converters Real AID and 0/A converters do not have the ideal transfer functions discussed earlier. There are three basic departures from the ideal: offset, gain, and linearity errors. These errors are all present at the same time in a converter; in addition they change with both time and temperature. 1111 1111 1000 1000 0000 I!....<<--_-'-_ _- ' o 'hFS lal 0000L-____ ~ ______ IIFS Ibl / SAMPlE-lO-HOLD HOLD·MODE DROOP t'FFSET ----------- t -- II I I ----l :-APERTURE \ I DELAY I I SAMPlE~+---_ _-i' CONTROL TRACK---!-----HOLD----- Figure 46. OHset (al, Gain (bl, and Linearity (cl Errors for an AID Converter Figure 45. Some Sample-Hold Characteristics 23 ~ FS DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK Figure 46 shows AID converter transfer functions which illustrate the three error types. Figure 46(a) shows offset error. the analog error by which the transfer function fails to pass through zero. Next. in Figure 46(b) is gain error. also called scale factor error; it is the difference in slope between the actual transfer function and the ideal. expressed as a percent of analog magnitude. In Figure 46(c) linearity error. or nonlinearity. is shown; this is defined as the maximum deviation of the actual transfer function from the ideal straight line at any point along the function. It is expressed as a percent of full scale or in LSB size. such as ±lhLSB. and assumes that offset and gain errors have been adjusted to zero. Most AID and DIA converters available today have provision for external trimming of offset and gain errors. By careful adjustment these two errors can be reduced to zero. at least at ambient temperature. Linearity error. on the other hand. is the remaining error that cannot be adjusted out and is an inherent characteristic of the converter. entiallinearities can be thought of as macro and micro-linearities. respectively. FS 110 ':; I!: 1001 ~ 1000 :l I- 101 ~'00 .FS ::0 5 0011 010 001 000 000 100 lHS 111 INPUT I., FS INPUT 'b, Figure 48. Nonmonolonic DIA .Converter (a) and AID Converter wllh Missing Code (b) Two other important data converter characteristics are closely related to the differential linearity specification. The first is mono tonicity. which applies to DIA converters. Monotonicity is the characteristic whereby the output of a circuit is a continuously increasing function of the input. Figure 48(a) shows a nonmonotonic DIA converter output where. ·at one point. the output decreases as the input" increases. A DIA converter may go non monotonic if its differential linearity error exceeds 1 LSB; if it is always less than 1 LSB. it assures that the device will be monotonic. The term missing code. or skipped code. applies to AID converters. If the differential linearity error of an AID converter exceeds 1 LSB. its output can miss a code as shown in Figure 48(b). On the other hand. if the differential linearity error is always less than 1 LSB. this assures that the converter will not miss any codes. Missing codes are the result of the AID converter's internal DIA converter becoming nonmonotonic. For AID converters the character of the linearity error depends on the technique of conversion. Figure 49(a). for example. shows the linearity 10'1 ... ,/ 111 Data Converter Error Characteristics Basically there are only two ways to reduce linearity error in a IPven application. First. a better quality higher cost converter with smaller linearity error can be procured. Second. a computer or microprocessor can be programmed to perform error correction on the converter. Both alternatives may be expensive in terms of hardware or software cost. ~ 0 u / 0 0111 Figure 47. Defining DiHerenllal Linearity Error 1111 1111 The linearity error discussed above is actually more precisely termed integraiiinean·ty error. Another important type of linearity error is known as differentiallinearity error. This is defined as the maximum amount of deviation·of any quantum (or LSB change) in the entire transfer function from its ideal size of FSR/2". Figure 47 shows that the actual quantum size may be larger or smaller than the ideal; for example. a converter with a maximum differential linearity error of ± '2 LSB can have a quantum size between '·2LSB and 1'2LSB anywhere in its tranfer function. In other words. any given analog step size is (l±' 2) LSB. Integraland differ- ':; ~ 1000 5 0000 L-____ ~L- Y2F5 INPUT (0, ____ ~ FS 0000 "'-______L-____ YrF5 INPUT ,b, Figure 49. Linearily Characlerlsllcs of Inlegrallng (a) and Successive Approximalion (b) AID Converters 24 ~ FS characteristic of an integrating type AID converter. The transfer function exhibits a smooth curvature between zero and full scale. The predominant type of error is integral linearity error, while differential linearity error is virtually nonexistent. Figure 49(b), on the other hand, shows the linearity characteristic of a successive approximation AID converter; in this case differential linearity error is the predominant type, and the largest errors occur at the specific transitions at 1/2, Y4, and ¥t scale. This result is caused by the internal DIA converter nonlinearity; the weight of the MSB and bit 2 current sources is critical in relation to all the other weighted current sources in' order to achieve ±Ih LSB maximum differential linearity error. Temperature Effects Ambient temperature change influences the offset, gain, and linearity errors of a data converter. These changes over temperature are normally specified in ppm of full scale range per degree Celsius. When operating a converter over significant temperature change, the effect on accuracy must be carefully determined. Of key importance is whether the device remains monotonic, or has no missing codes, over the temperatures of concern. In many cases the total error change must be computed, i.e., the sum of offset, gain, and linearity errors due to temperature. The characteristic of monotonicity, or no missing codes, over a .given temperature change can be readily computed from the differential linearity tempco specified for a data converter. Assuming the converter initially has 1. 2 LSB of differential linearity error, the change in temperature for an increase to 1 LSB is therefore 2- n x 10" ~T= 2DLT where n is the converter resolution in bits and DLT is the specified differential linearity tempco in ppm of FSR/oC. aT is the maximum change in amhient temperature which assures that the converter will remain monotonic, or have no missing codes. Selection of Data Converters One must keep in mind a number of important considerations in selecting AID or DIA converters. An organized approach to selection suggests drawing up a checklist of required characteristics. An initial checklist should include the following key items: 1. Converter type 2. Resolution 3. Speed 4. Temperature coefficient After the choice has been narrowed by these considerations, a number of other parameters must be considered. Among these are analog signal range, type of coding, input impedance, power supply requirements, digital interface required, linearity error, output current drive, type of start and status signals for an AID, power supply rejection, size, and weight. One should list these parameters in order of importance to efficiently organize the selection process. , I I I I I :I I I -25Cto +85CI-13Fto + 18SFI \r--~------------TLl, MILITARY I V _!5C I I ;, L to +- 125C r - 67F 10 + 2S:7Fl : ~3~UMATION f\,r---r----.,.:--------------;--r------, WATER * POINT lORY ICEI I ! -75 :, -so -25 WATER I FRE;ZES :. 25 50 I ~ I I BOILS t 1 100 125 TEMPERATURE, OEGReES CelSIUS Figure 50. Standard Operating Temperature Ranges for Qals Converler. In addition, the required operating temperature range msut be determined; data converters are normally specified for one of three basic ranges known in the industry as commercial, industrial, or military. These temperature ranges are illustrated in Figure 50. Further, the level of reliability must be determined in terms of a standard device, a specially screened device, or a military standard 883 device. And finally, not to be forgotten are those important specifications, price and delivery, to which the reputation of the manufacturer must be added. GZ 25 26 2. AID and D/A Converters 27 28 DATA ACQUISITION lit CONVERSION HANDBOOK SELECTING AID CONVERTERS One of the popular pastimes of the nineteen sixties was to predict the explosive growth of digital data processing, fed by the newly-developed semiconductor MSI circuits, and the subsequent demise of analog circuitry. The first part of this prediction has certainly come true- the advent of the microprocessor has caused, and will continue to cause, a revolution in digital processing which was unthinkable 10 years ago. Butlar from causing the demise of analog systems, the reverse has occurred. Nearly all the data being processed (with the notable exception of financial data) consists of physical parameters of an analog nature - pressure, temperature, velocity, light intensity and acceleration to name but a few. In every instance this analog information must be converted into its digital equivalent, using some form of AID converter. Converter products are thus assuming a key role in the realization of data acquisition systems. I ncreased use of microprocessors has also causea dramatic cost reductions in the digital components of a typical system. The $8000 mini-computer of a few years ago is being replaced by a $475 dedicated microprocessor board. This trend is also being reflected in the analog components. No longer is it possible to justify buying a $400 data acquisition module when a dedicated sy.stem, adequate for the task under consideration, can be put together for $50. Thus many engineers, who in the past have had limited exposure to analog circuitry, are having to come to grips with the characteristics of AID converters, sample & holds, multiplexers and operational amplifiers. Contrary to the propaganda put out by many of the specialty module houses, there is nothing mysterious about these components or the way they interface with one another. Now that many of them are available as one or two chip MSI circuits, a block diagram may be turned into a working piece of hardware with relative ease. The purpose of this note is to compare and contrast the more popular AID designs, and provide the reader with sufficient information to select the most appropriate converter for his or her needs. THE IMPORTANT PARAMETERS be a high speed successive approximation design. Ca•• 2: A semiconductor engineer is measuring the 'thermal profile' of a furnace. It is necessary to make measurements accurate to a few tenths of a degree Centigrade, which is equivalent to a few microvolts of thermocouple output. Sampling rates of a few readings per second are adequate and costs should be kept low. The integrating ('dual slope', 'triphasic', 'quad slope', depending on which manufacturer you go to) AID is the only type capable of the required precisionlcost combination. It has the added advantage of maintaining accuracy in a noisy environment. Cas. 3: A businessman is talking to his sales office in Rome. Assuming the phone company is not on strike, his voice will be sampled ata 10KHz rate, or thereabouts, in order not to lose information in the audio frequency range up to 5KHz. This requires a medium accuracy (8 bit) AID with a cycle time of 100 microseconds or less. In this application the integrating type is not fast enough, so it is necessary to use a slow (forthis approach) successive approximation design. These examples serve to introduce both the two most popular conversion techniques (successive approximation and integrating) and the three key parameters of a converter, i.e. speed, accuracy and cost. In fact the first choice in selecting an AID is between successive approximation and integrating, since greater than 95% of all converters fall into one of these two categories. If we look at the whole gamut of available converters, with conversion speeds ranging from 100 ms to less than IllS, we see that these two design approaches diliide the speed spectrum into two groups with almost no overlap. (Table 1) However, before making a selection solely on the basis of speed, it is important to have an understanding of how the converters work, and how the data sheet specifications relate to the circuit operation. TABLE 1 Let's begin by taking a look at some actual systems, since this will illustrate the diversity of performance required of A-to-D converters. Ca•• 1: A seismic recording truck is situated over a potential natural gas site. Some 32 recording devices are laid out over the surrounding area. An explosive charge is detonated and in a matter of seconds it is all over. During that time it is necessary to scan each recorder every 100 microseconds. Speed is clearly the most important requirement. In this instance, 12 bit accuracy is not required; and, since the truck contains many thousands of dollars of electronics, cost is not a critical parameter. The AID will Type of converter Relative speed Conversion time 10 bltl 12 bHl 18 bill 40 ms 250 ms 20 ms 30 ms , ms 0.3 ms 5 ms , ms 20 ms 5 ms - general purpose successive high per- 3O.s 40",5 50.s - formance 10lls 15,u5 20.s 400,"5 5.s 2.s 0.8.s 10",s 12,u5 4.s '.s 6.s 2.s slow integrating medium fast approximation fast high speed ultra-fast 29 8 bR, -- THE INTEGRATING CONVERTER Summary 01 Characteristics As the name implies, the output of an integrating converter represents the integral or average value of an input voltage over a fixed period of time. A sample-andhold circui\, therefore, is not required to freeze the input during the measurement period, and noise rejection is excellent. Equally important, the linearity error of integrating converters is small since they use time to quantize the answer - it is relatively easy to hold short-term clock jilter to better than 1 in 10'. The most popular integrating converter uses the dualslope principle, a detailed description of which is given in Ref.1. lis advanlages and disadvanlages may be summarized as follows: Advantages: Inherent accuracy Non-critical components Excellent noise rejection No sample & hold required low cost No missing codes PHASE ,--t-- PHASE II~_- PHASE 111--- AUTO ZERO II SIGNAL INTEGRATE I I I I II TG. REFERENCE IN E RAT I I I I I I hnnn --~-----iLnUrL .. ___ f~":: I y 10,000 CLOCK 10,000 CLOCK UP TO 20,000 PULSES PULSES CLOCK PULSES Figure 1: 4'1\ Digit AID Converter Timing Diagram (8052A/7103A) THE SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION CONVERTER How il works, The heart of the successive approximation AID is a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) in a feedback loop with a comparator and some clever logic referred to as a'successive approximation register' (SAR). Fig 2 shows a typical system. The DAC output is compared with the analog input, progressing from the most significant bit (MSB) to the least significant bit (lSB) one bit at a time. The bit in question is set to one. II the DAC output is less than the input, the bit in question is left at one. II the DAC output is greater than the input, the bit is set to zero. The register then moves on to the next bit. At the completion of the conversion, those bits left in the one state cause a current to flow at the output of the DAC which should match liN within ± 'h lSB. Performing an 'n' bit conversion requires only 'n' trials, making the technique capable of high ·speed conversion. Disadvantages: low speed (typically 3 to 100 readings/sec) In a practical circuit, the primary errors (other than reference drift) are caused by the non-ideal characteristics of analog switches and capacitors. I n the former, leakage and charge injection are the main culprits; in the lalter, dielectric absorption is a source of error. All these factors are discussed at length in Ref. 1. A well-designed dual slope circuit such as Intersil's 8052A/7103A is capable of 4'h digit performance (± 1 in :!: 20,000) with no critical tweaks or close tolerance components other Ihan a stable reference. Timing Considerations In a typical circuit, such as the 8052A17103A referred to above, the conversilin takes place in three phases as shown in Fig 1. Note that the input is actually integrated or averaged over a period of 10,000 clock pulses (or83.3 ms with a 120 KHz clock) within a conversion cycle of 40,000 clock pulses in toto. Also note that the actual business of looking althe input signal does not begin for 10,000 clock pulses, since the circuit first goes into an auto-zero mode. For a 3V, digit product, such as the 7101 or 7103, the measurement period is 1000 clock pulses (or 8.33 ms with a 120 KHz clock). These timing characteristics give the dual slope circuit both its strengths and its weaknesses. By making the signal integrate period an integral number of line frequency periods, excellent 60Hz noise rejection can be obtained. And of course .integrating the input Signal for several milliseconds smoothes out the ellect of high frequency noise. But in many applications such as transient analysis or sampling high frequency waveforms, averaging the input over several milliseconds is totally unacceptable. It is of course feaSible to use a sample & hold at the input, but the majority of systems that demand a short measurement window also require nigh speed conversions. =j.w Figure 2: Successive Approximation NO Converter The advantages and disadvantages of successive approximation converters may be summarized as follows: Advantages: Hi Speed (Typically 100,000 conversions/sec) 30 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK never deviates by more than ± 'h LSB from where it should be. That's a good spec., but note that gain and offset errors have been adjusted prior to making the measurement. Over a finite temperature range, the temperature coefficients of gain and offset must be taken into account. The differential non-linearity of ± 'h LSB maximum is also guaranteed over temperature: this ensures that there are no missing codes. The gain temperature coefficient is 10 ppm of FSR per 'C, or 0.001 % per' C. Now 1 LSB in a 10 bit system is 1 part in 1024, or approximately 0.1%. So a 50'C temperature change from the temperature at which the gain was adjusted (i.e. from +25'C to +75'C) could give rise to ±'h LSB error. This error is separate from, and in the limit could add to, the relative accuracy spec. The offset temperature coefficient of 20 ppm per 'C give rise to ± 1 LSB error (over a +25'Cto+75'C range) by the same reasoning applied to the gain tempco. The reference contributes an error in direct proportion to its percentage change over the operating temperature range. We can summarize the effect of the major error sources: Relative Accuracy ± 'h LSB or ± .05% Gain Temp. Coefficient ± 'h LSB or ± .05% OffsetTemp.Coefficient ± 1 LSB or ± 0.1% A straight forward RMS summation shows that the AID is 10 bits ± 1 v. LSB over aO'C to +75'C temperature range. However it is over-optimistic to RMS errors with such a small number of variables, and yet we do know that the error cannot exceed ± 2 LSB. A realistic estimate might place the accuracy at 10 bits ± 1'h LSB. Timing Considerations The 2502/2503/2504 successive approximation register is now used in the majority of high speed AID converters and the timing diagram shown in Fig. 3 is taken from the Disadvantages: Several critical components Can have missing codes Requires sample and hold Difficult to auto-zero High cost Error Sources The error source in the successive approximation converter are more numerous than in the integrating type, with contributions from both the DAC and the comparator. The DAC generally relies on a resistor ladder and current or voltage switches to achieve quantization. Maintaining the correct impedance ratios over the operating temperature range is much more difficult than maintaining clock pulse uniformity in an integrating converter. The data sheet for a hypothetical AID might contain the following accuracy related specifications: Resolution Quantization Uncertainty: Relative Accuracy Differential Non Linearity: Gain Error Gain Temp. Coeff. Offset Error Offset Temp. Coeff. 10 Bits ± 'h LSB ± 'h LSB ± 'h LSB Adjustable to zero at 25' C ± 10 ppm of Full Scale Reading I'C Adjustable to zero at 25'C ± 20 ppm of Full Scale Reading I'C Now, referring to the definition of terms on page 6, what does this tell us about the product? First of all, being told that the quantization uncertainty is ± 'h LSB is like being told that binary numbers are comprised of ones and zeros - it's part of the system. The relative accuracy of ± 'h LSB, guaranteed over the temperature range, tells us that after removing gain and offset errors, the transfer fun~tion . " . " " " . " " It CLOCK DATA - ' - _ - - - " ' - _ - ' OUTPUTS Q.=::J Q,=::J Q.=::J Q,=::J Q,=::J Q,=::J Q.=::J CO~ci~:~~~~ =::J SERIAL DATA OUT· I TRY B6 E BIT 6 DECISION I TRY 85 I.. BIT 5 DECISION I TRY 84 I... BIT 4 DECISION I TRY 83 I... BIT 3 DECISION I TRY 82 I... BIT 2 DECI!ION I TRY 81 I... liT 1 DECISION I TAY Lsa!"'LSB DECISION .l-._ _'-_--I__...J 'FOR PURPOSES OF ILLUSTRATION. SERIAL DATA OUT WAVEFORM SHOWN FOR 01010101. Figure 3: Typical Timing Diagram for Successive Approximation Converter 31 2502 data sheet. However all successive approximation converters have essentially similar timing characteristics. Holding the start input Low for at least a clock period initiates the conversion. The MSB is set low and all the other bits high for the first trial. Each trial takes one clock period, proceeding from the MSB to theLSB. Note that, i'n contrast to the integrating converter, a serial output arises naturally from this conversion technique. Although the successive approximation AID is capable of very high conversion speeds, there is an important limitation on the slew rate of the input signal. Unlike integrating designs, no averaging of the input signal takes place. To maintain accuracy to 10 bits, for example, the input should not change by morethan ± 'h LSB during the conversion period. Fig 4(a) shows maximum allowable dV/dt as a function of sampling (or aperture) time for various conversion resolutions. Now for a sinusoidal waveform represented by Esin wt, the maximum rate of change of voltage':'el.:.t is 2"fE.The amplitude of one 'h LSB is E/2 n , since the pk-pk amplitude is 2E. So the change in input amplitude.:.e is given by: ':'e = E/2 n = 2" fE':'T ,where':' T = conversion time PERCENT ERROR 38.8 13.5 5.0 100 .. ~ . .. .. .03 .012 .0045 I I. JL 50 IZ 40 U a; 30 '" - '~~~~T: VILsa IN_ 10 BITS I I t-- '12 LSB IN BBITS ! 20 l 10 I 3 NUMBER OF TIME CONSTANTS ~ Figure 5: Voltage across a capacitor (as % of final value) as a function of time (# of time constants) CONVERTER CHECKLIST I n selecting a converter for a specific application, it will be helpful to go through the following checklist, matching required performance against data sheet guarantees: a) How many bits? b) What is total error budget over the temperature range? c) What is full scale reading and magnitude of LSB? Make sure that the 95% noise is substantially less than the magnitude of the LSB. If no noise specifications are given, assume that the omission is intentional! d) What input characteristics are required? With most successive approximation converters, the input resistance is low (= 5K II) since one is looking into the comparator summing junction. In a well designed dual slope circuit, there should be a high input resistance buffer (R in = 10"!!) included within the auto-zero loop. However in some designs (Teledyne 8700, Analog Devices AD7550) the input looks directly into the integrating resistor (1 Mil). e) What. aperture time (or measurement window) is required? If an 'averaged value of the input signal (over some milliseconds) is acceptable, use an integrating converter. Refer to Fig. 4 for systems where an averaged value of the input is not acceptable. Remember most successive approximation systems rely on a sample & hold to 'freeze' the input while the conversion is taking place. Thus the sample & hold characteristics should be matched to the input signal slew rate, and the AID converter characteristics matched to the required conversion rate. f) What measurement frequency is required? This will determine the maximum allowable conversion time (including auto-zero time for integrating types). g) Is microprocessor compatibility important? Some AID's interface easily with microprocessors; others do not. Ref. 2 explores the microprocessor interface in considerable depth. t ~ 100 AS 10ns n. -" I.) II 70 0 ~ 0.1 O~V!::'~:::-"""";;;.V"';=~:--""Vf,."'. 1V/ms D.lV/.. _ 10Y/... RATE OF CHANGE (aYfdll .09 I 80 ~ 60 ~ ; 1 .25 ~ :> I ~ .67 90 fmax = 2,,':'T2n ~ 1.. , , , , " SINUSOIDAL FREQUENCY (Hzl_ Ib) Figure 4: Maximum input signal rate change (a) and sinewave frequency (b) as a function of sampling or aperture time for ::!:: V:! LSB accuracy in 'n' bits. This is the highest frequency that can be applied to the converter input without using a sample and hold. For n = 10 bits, ':'T=IO I'S, jmax=15.5Hz.Frequenciesthislow often come as a surprise to first time users of so-called high speed AID converters, and explain why the majority of non-integrating converters are preceded by a sample & hold. Fig. 4(b) plots equation (1) for a range of .:. T values. Note that when a sample & hold is used, .:. T is the aperture time of the S & H. With the help of a $5 sample & hold such as Intersil's IH5110 (worst case aperture time = 200 ns), fmax in the ab~ve example becomes 780 Hz. Consideration must also be given to the input stage time constant of both the sample & hold, if there is one, and the converter. The number of time constants taken to charge a capacitor within a given percentage of full scale is shown in Fig 5. For example, consider a product with a 10 pF input capacitance driven by a signal source impedance of lOOK!!. For12 bit accuracy, at least9 time constants, or 9 I' s, should be allowed for charging. 32 DATA ACQUISITION &. CONVERSION HANDBOOK h) i) Does the converter form part of a multiplexed data acquisition system? Note that some integrating converters (Motorola MC14433) assess polarity based on the input voltage during the previous conversion cycle. Such designs are clearly unsuitable for multiplexed inputs where the signal polarity bears no relationship to the previously measured value. They can also give trouble with inputs hovering around zero. Is 60Hz rejection important? If the line frequency rejection capabilities of the integrating converter are important, make sure that the duration of the measurement (input integrate) period is a fixed number of clock pulses. In some designs, the input integration time is programmed by the autozero information, making rejection of specific frequencies impossible. CONTROL SIGNALS Figure 6(b): Data Acquisition using several local AIDs Another approach, which becomes attractive with the availability of low cost IC converters, is to use localized AID conversion with digital transmission back to a central console. In the limit one could use a converter per transducer, but it is often more economical to have a local conversion station servicing several transducers (Fig 6b). S~veral advantages result from this approach. Firstly, digital transmission is more satisfactory in a noisy environment, and lends itself to optical isolation techniques better than analog transmission. Secondly, using local conversion stations significantly reduces the number of interconnects back to the central processor. When one considers that the instrumentation for a typical power plant uses 4.5 million feet of cable, this can result in real cost savings. Finally, by sharing the conversion workload among several AIDs, it is frequently possible to switch from a successive approximation to a dual Slope design. An example of a local conversion station featuring an 8052/7103 dual slope AID, a CMOS multiplexer, and an UART for serial data transmission is discussed in Ref 2. The local conversion station concept can be taker a stage further by the addition of a microprocessor. This may be used to reduce the data prior to transmission to the central computer, andlor to look for dangerous conditions, for example. MULTIPLEXED DATA SYSTEMS The foregoing discussion has summarized the characteristics of A/D converters as stand-alone components. However, one of the most important applications for A/Os is as part of a multiplexed data acquisition system. Traditionally, systems of this type have used analog signal transmission between the transducer and a central multiplexer/converter console. (Fig 6a) To sample 100 data poin!s 25 times per second requires a 100 input analog multiplexer and an AID capable of 2500 conversions per second. A successive approximation converter would be the obvious choice. OF Figure 6(8): Data Acquisition usjng one central AID. 33 DEFINITION OF TERMS Quantization Error. This is the fundamental error associated with dividing a continuous (analog) signal into a finite number of digital bits. A 10 bit converter. for example, can only identify the input voltage to 1 part in 2", and there is an unavoidable output uncertainty of ± ~ LSB (Least Significant Bit). See Fig. 7. Linearity. The maximum deviation from a straight line drawn between the end paints of the converter transfer function. Linearity is usually expressed as a fractio,.] of LSB ~ize. The linearity of a good converter is ± ~ LSB. See Fig. B. Oillerenlial Non-Linearity. This describes the variation in the analog value between adjacent pairs of digital numbers, over the full range of the digital output. If each transition is equal to 1 LSB, the differential non-linearity is clearly zero. If the transition is 1 LSB ± 'h LSB, then there is a differential linearity error of ± ~ LSB, but no possibility of missing codes. If the transition is 1 LSB ± 1 LSB, then there is the possibility of misSing codes. This means that the output may jump from, say 011 .... 111 to 100 .... 001, misSing out 100 . . . . 000. See Fig. 9. Relallve Accuracy. The input to output error as a fraction of full scale, with gain and offset errors adjusted to zero. Relative accuracy is a function of linearity, and is usually specified at less than ± ~ LSB. Gain Error. The difference in slope between the actual transfer function and the ideal transfer function, expressed as a percentage. This error is generally adjustable to zero by adjusting the input resistor in a current-comparing successive approximation AID. See Fig. 10. Gain Temperature Coellicient. The deviation from zero gain error on a 'zeroed' part which occurs as the temperature moves away from 25°C. See Fig. 10. Offset Error. The mean value of input voltage required to set zero code out. This error can generally be trimmed to zero at any given temperature, or is automatically zeroed in the case of a good integrating design. Ollset Temperature Coellicient. The change in offset error as a function of temperature . / / ". ". t ,.,1--+-+--+-+.....,1"-'-+-+--1 ~ lOt ~ ~ 100 ~ 100 5 o ~ 011 ~ 011 ~ o 6 o is 01 0 F.5. ,/, LSB NORMALIZED ANALOG INPUT Figure 7: Ideal AID conversion / / ". ,., ~ ~ 100 ~ 011 § o 010 1--~-r-::01'-"::,-- ..' h.....u---,..-F.S. NORMALIZED ANALOG INPUT Figure 9: Differential Non-linearity 34 010 1---1f-r.~-+--+ Where and when to use which data converter A broad shopping list of monolithic, hybrid, and discrete-component devices is available odically at a rate that is relatively fast when compared with any change in the process. After receiving data from the process, the computer With the commercial availability of data-converter products-the result of both hybrid (multichip) and monolithic (single-chip) technologies-users of analogto-digital (AID) and digital-to-analog (D/Al converters now have an impressive array of designs from which to choose. In addition, the older discrete-component designs still remain a viable choice for many high-performance applications, particularly those where broad operating characteristics and specialized features are important. Unfortunately, rather than helping the users to match the proper products to their needs, data-converter manufacturers confuse the issue by arguments over the relative merits of the different technologies. A closer look at the calculates the existing "state" of the process and compares it with the "desired state" stored in its memory. From this comparison, corrections are determined for the process variables. This information is fed to D/A converters that convert. the digital data into analog form, and are then used to supply inputs to the process to bring it to the liesired state. Types of data converters Of the many different techniques that have been employed to perform data conversion, only a few are in wide use. Most D/A converter designs utilize a parallel-input circuit. In this scheme, the converter accepts a parallel binary input code and delivers an analog output voltage by means of binary weighted switches that act simultaneously upon application of the digital input. In the opening illustration, a representative parallel-input O/A-converter circuit is presented (A) in which binary weighted pnp-transistor current sources are controlled by emitter-connected diodes. For simplicity, a 4-bit converter is shown. The inputs operate from transistor-transistor logic (TTL) levels. The output current changes rapidly with a change in the digital input code. Since a voltage output is desired in most cases, the current from the pnp transistors is fed to an operational amplifier current-to-voltage converter. An internal voltage reference, which may be a Zener-diode or band-gap reference various types of data converters may help to clear up some of this confusion. How data converters are used Data converters are the basic interfaces between the physical world of analog parameters and the computational world of digital data processing. They are used in many industries in a wide variety of applications, in- cluding data telemetry, automatic process control, test and measurement, computer display, digital panel meters and multimeters, and voice communications, as well as in remote data recording and video signal processing. As a typical example of the use of AID and D/A converters, Fig. I illustrates how an entire industrial process can be controlled by a single digital computer, which may be located at a considerable distance from the process site. To communicate with the process, data inputs to the computer must be converted into digital form and the outputs reconverted into analog form. Physical parameters of temperature, pressure, and flow are sensed by appropriate transducers and amplified to higher voltage levels by operational or instrumentation amplifiers. The various amplifier outputs are then red into an analog multiplexer for sequential switching to the next stage-a sample-hold circuit that "freezes!' the input voltage of a sequentially switched input for a fixed period of time, long enough for the following AID converter to make a complete. conversion cycle. In this manner, a single AID converter is time-shared over a large number of analog input channels. Each channel is sampled peri- circuit, completes the circuit. The most common AID-conversion technique is the successive-approximation method, used in 70-80 percent of all present-day applications. As shown in the opening illustration, this circuit (B) incorporates the parallelinput 0/A converter circuit previously described along with a successive-approximation register a comparator, and a clock. The D/A converter's output, controlled by the successive-approximation register, is compared, one bit at a time, against the input signal, starting with the largest or most significant bit. A complete conversion is always accomplished in n steps for an n-bit converter, regardless of the input signal value. Successive-approximation AID converters have the desirable characteristics of high conversion speed as well as excellent accuracy and stability, provided the circuit is well designed. The next most popular AID-conversion method is the dual-slope technique found in most digital panel meters and digital multimeters and commonly used in measurement and numeric display systems, also shown in the opening illustration (C). This converter circuit operates on an indirect principle, whereby the input voltage is I 35 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK +Vs Bitl D/Aconverter Comparator Successive approximation register Reference circuit 2" Iline Binary- tonM coded output decoder R/2 Output data 36 Transducers 12-bit current-output 0/A converters are available with settling times as low as 50 ns, with voltage-output units achieving settling times down to 600 ns. Resolution can be as high as 16 bits. Excellent stabilities are also possible; ultralow drifts of 1 ppm/·C are achievable. Equally impressive performance is also obtainable from discrete-component AID converters. The fastest are the parallel types with resolutions of 8 bits at a 17-MHz Amplifiers conversion rate. Successive-approximation AID converters offer rapid conversion times at various resolutions. As can be seen in Table II, conversion times of 0.80, 1.0, 2.0, and 10 ,"S at re.".ctive resolutions of8, 10, 12, and 14 bits are possible. Slower but higher-resolution 14-bit dual-slope and 16-bit successive-approximation AID converters with excellent stabilities are also available. Hybrid converters 111 AID Although hybrid-converter design is almost as flexible as that of discrete-component converters, it does have two limitations: Not all of the semiconductor components used in a hybrid converter are readily available in chip form. Moreover, the number of chips used in a hybrid converted to a time period measured by means of a ref- converter must be kept to a minimum for the converter erence and a counter. Firsi, the input voltage is integrated for a fixed period of time, determined by the circuit's clock and counter. The integrator is then switched to the reference, causing integration in the opposite direction, until the output is back to zero, as determined by the comparator. The resultant digital-word output of the counter is proportional to the input voltage. The dualslope method is very accurate, as its accuracy and stability depend only on the accuracy and stability of the circuit's to be economically producible. Minimizing the chip count minimizes the number of honds required, which in turn minimizes labor content and maximizes both end-product yield and reliability. Three factors have played a role in the emergence of new low-cost high-performance hybrid converters. The first is'the availability of low-cost quad-current switches in chip form, which has simplified the circuitry required for the binary weighted current sources used. Second, new reference. Its disadvantage is a much slower conversion time than with successive-approximation converters. monolithic successive-approximation registers have and DI A conversion products are a process-control system's basic Interface elements between Hs physical .arlables and dlglta' controlling computers. minimized the logic circuitry required. And third, stable thin-film resistors with tight temperature tracking characteristics, and trimmable with fast laser trimming A third AID-conversion method is the less frequently used ultrahigh-speed parallel, or flash, technique. As shown in the opening illustration, this circuit (D) employs 2 n - 1 comparators to make an n-bit conversion. The comparators are biased by a tapped resistor connected to the reference voltage. The input signal is fed to the other comparator inputs all tied together. The result is a circuit that acts as a quantizer witb 2 n levels, where n is the number of bits. For a given input-voltage level, all comparators biased below that level trip ON, and those biased above it remain OFF. The 2" - 1 digital outputs from the comparator must then be decoded into binary outputs. Since the complete conversion cycle occurs in only two steps, very-high-speed conversions are possible. The limitation of this technique is that it is difficult to realize high resolution, because of the large number of techniques, have made it possible to achieve economical 12-bit, and higher, resolutions. In fact, the excellent tracking characteristics of thin-film resistors (tracking within 1-2 ppm/·C is considered routine) provides hybrid converters with an advantage over modular discretecomponent units. As can be seen in Table I, hybrid devices include 8-, 10-, 12-, and 16-bit D/A converters with excellent performance characteristics. The 12-bit D/A converters have temperature coefficients as low as 10 ppm/·C, and some certain input registers. Most bybrid 0/A converters do not require external output amplifiers. Hybrid AID converters with resolutions of 8, 10, and 12 bits are available, with respective conversion times of 0.9, 6.0, and 8.0 comparators required. ,"S. An attractive feature of such A/D converters is their low price; for example, 12-bit models A comparison of technologies are now selling for under $100. Such units are complete Traditionally, data converters have been of the discrete-component type, first becoming available in instrument cases and later in compact, encapsulated modules. The advantage of this approach is that optimum components of all types can be combined. For example, for very high levels of speed and precision, a high-speed comparator may be combined with precision, high-speed current switches utilizing very-Iow-temperature-coefficient resistors and a very-Iow-temperature-coefficient reference. The result of such flexible component selection has been the development of some very impressive high-performance discrete-component converters over the past several years. For example, Table I shows that converters and, except for calibration adjustments, require no external circuitry. Monolithic converters Monolithic data converters are generally a step below discrete and hybrid units in performance. In addition, various external components are usually required for proper operation, although this may not be viewed as a serious limitation since the attractive low prices of mo- nolithic converters may more than compensate for the cost of the added components. One of the obvious fabrication difficulties is making stable monolithic resistors for 10- and 12-bit monolithic 37 DATA ACQUISITION i CONVERSION HANDBOOK II. Representative AID converter. I. Representative 0/ A converters Gain Gain Resolu- Settling tion Time (bits) b..) Output Type TC (ppml 'C) Discrete-component converters Current· 10 0.025 Voltage 10 0.26 Current 12 0.05 12 Voltage 2 12 12 14 16 5 0.60 2 25 Voltage Voltage Voltage Voltage Aesolu- Conversion Comments 2 3 3 3 50 15 60 20 20 7 35 10 1 Voltage Voltage Voltage Voltage Current Time Conversion (bits) (~.) Type TC (ppm I 'C) Comments Discreta-component converters 5 Ultrafast Ultrafast 10 20 7 0,01 Parallel Ultrafast; , OO-MHz rate 8 Ultrafast Fast; contains input register Low drift Ultrafast; deglitched Fast; low drift 8 0.80 Successive 0.06 approximation Parallel 10 Ultralow drift Hybrid converters 8 10 12 12 16 tion Contains input register Fast Fast Contains input register High resolution; requires external output amplifier Suc:c8ssive approximation 12 2 14 10 16 400 14 230 000 Successive approximation Succe$Sive approximation Successive approximation Dual slope 20 Very fast; 1.2MHz rate 100 Ultrafast; 17·MHz rate 20 Very fast; 1·MHz rate 30 Very fast; 500·kHz rate 6 8 Fast High resolution; very low drift High resolution; low drift; Ratiometric with front-end isolation Hybrid converters Monolithic converters Current 8 0.085 8 10 0.50 1.5 Current Voltage 10 0.50 Current 10 0.25 Current 12 0.50 Current 12 0.30 8 Current 60 60 Fast; requires external reference Companding type for communication applications Complete unit; includes reference and output amplifier Multiplying type made from CMOS technology; requires external reference and output amplifier Uses thin·film resistors; has internal reference. but requires e)(ternal output amplifier Multiplying type made from CMOS tech· nology; does nQt have 12-bit linearit't'; reo quires external reference and output amplifier Bipolar type with true 12·bit linearity; reqllires e)(ternai reference and output amplifier 0.9 10 6 12 8 Successive approximation SucceSSive approximation Successive approximation Fast 30 Fast 20 Fast Monolithic converters 8 40 8 1800 10 40 Successive approximation 10 6000 Charge balanCing 12 24 000 Charge balancing 13 40000 Dual slope 3%-digit 40 000 Dual slope BCD Successive approximation Charge balancing Requires external reference and clock CMOS; requires external reference and other components CMOS; requires external comparator, reference, and other components CMOS; requires external reference and other components CMOS; requires external reference and other components CMOS; has auto·zero circuit; requires external reference and other components CMOS; has auto·zero circuit; requires external reference and other components or charge-balancing technique. Charge balancing involves switching, in discrete time intervals, the output of a current source fed into the summing junction of an operational integrator. The switching is controlled by a comparator, which is controlled, in turn, by the output of the operational integrator. The input signal, which is also fed into the operational integrator's summing junction, determines the switching current's pulse rate. As the input signal increases in magnitude, the switched current's pulse rate (controlled by the comparator) increases in proportion to the input signal, until a current balance is achieved at the operational integrator's summing junction. Whereas earlier monolithic devices used a two-chip approach to separate the analog and digital portions of the circuit, newer converters are one-chip units. Never~ converters. It is possible to use diffused resistors for 8-bit, and sometimes lO-bit, converters, but tracking requirements at the 12·bit level are severe, necessitating the use of thin-film resistors and the additional step of depositing the thin·film resistors onto the monolithic chip. Monolithic-converter designers have been quite successful in employing ingenious circuit techniques to achieve what would have been difficult to do in a straightforward manner. This is one of the challenging aspects of monolithic circuitry. For example, although monolithic 12-bit successive-approximation AID converters are quite difficult to make, equivalent accuracy can be readily achieved by use of the slower dual·slope conversion technique. A number of low-cost 12-bit monolithic unita are on the market that offer good performance characteristics. They utilize either the dual-slope 38 A brief look backwards High~performance data converters first became available in 1955. when the Epsco Corp. unveiled its Datrac 8-611 AID converter (one of the historical exhibits of last year's ELECTRO in Boston). This vacuum-tube-based instrument, together with its companion power supply, weighed 150 pounds (68 kg) and cost $8500. Yet it offered impressive performance, even by today's standards: 11-bit resolution at a 44-kHz.conversion rate. The development of early converters was spurred in part by the then infant U.S. space program, which used them Monolithic data converters were also being developed in the late '60s. in 1968, Fairchild Semiconductor was able to build a monolithic 10-bit D/A converter based on its model JJ.A722, although this unit was a basic building block requiring an external reference, resistor network, and ou\put amplifier. By 1970, Analog Devices had manufac¥ tured the industry's first monolithic quad¥current switches, to be used as building bloCks for hybrid AID and 01 A converters up to 16 bits in resolution. It was also in 1970 that PreCision Monolithics produced the first complete 01 A converter in monolithic forrn-a 6-bit unit that included a reference and an output amplifier, and required no additional components for operation (model DAC-Ol). Meanwhile, discrete-component converters continued to be improved in performance characteristics. By 1971, conversion times for 12-bit AID units had dropped to just 4 I-LS, though prices still hovered around the $600-$700 mark. Hybrid-converter prices continued to drop, with an 11-bit D/A converter (Beckman Instruments' model 848) selling for $155 in 1971 and a 12-bit unit (Micro Networks' model MN312) dropping to $100 by the next year. MonOlithic units also continued to be improved. In 1972, Motorola announced an B-bit monolithic 01 A converter (model MC140B), and PreCision Monolithics produced a 10-bit unit (model OAC-02) the next year. By 1975, the price of hybrid data converters such as Oatel Systems' 12-bit model AOC-HY128 AID converter had dropped below $100. At the same time, 10·bit monolithic 01 A converters were selling tor as low as $20. And performance of discrete-component AID converters such as Datel's AOC-EH1283-a 12-bit 2-lJ.s unit-has reached a new high at a record low price of $300, half the former price. Monolithic-converter prices have continued to drop (now down to about $10 for a 10·bit 01 A unit requiring external components) while performance is up (300-ns for a 12-bit 01 A converter from Precision Monolithics requiring only an external reference and an op amp). for high-speed pulse-code-modulation (PCM) data-telemetry and computer data-reduction applications, and also for digitizing radar signals. By 1958-1959. packaged transistors replaced vacuum tubes to produce 12-bit AID converters that were substantially smaller in size than their predecessors. At least three such converters were introduced at that time-by Adage, Epsco, and Packard-Bell; they ranged in conversion times from 13 to 48 I-Ls. Selling price was still quite high (about $5000) and by 1960, only about 2000 of these converters were in use. A breakthrough occurred in 1966 when Epsco introduced its Datrac 3, a small hand-held 12-bit discrete-component AID converter constructed on just two circuit boards in a metal-case module. The unit had 24-Ms conversion and sold for $1200. Similar devices soon followed and, by 1968, the Redcor Corp. had introduced the first encapsulated discrete-component 12-bit A/O converter with 50-.us conversion at a price of $600. The next year saw rapid improvement in discretecomponent-converter performance, with 12-bit AID-converter conversion times dropping down to 12 .us. During that same period, the Beckman Instrument Co. unveiled a new-generation data converter-the first hybrid converter, an 8-bit 01 A unit made from multiple monolithic IC chips and a thick-film resistor network. An 8-bit D/A with a thin-film resistor network was produced in 1970 by Micro Networks. converters are also available, one of which can be obtained with a reference and an output amplifier. And one multiplying-type lO-bit unit can have a variable reference applied to it, The CMOS 12-bit monlithic D/A converter model available at this time is a multiplying type, and does not provide full 12-bit linearity. Another bipolar 12-bit D/A converter has been introduced that has true 12-bit linearity, and requires an external reference and output amplifier. theless, external components, such as an integrating capacitor, a reference, and some compensation parts, are needed for proper operation. CMOS drcuitry has been used to fabricate monolithic converters with BCD coding, for digital panel meters and small instruments. Among the other popular monolitbic AID converter types is an 8· bit design that employs a variation of the successive-approximation technique. This device is made with an ion-implanted ,p-channel MOS technology. Instead of the conventional eight switches, it uses 255 switches connected to a 256·seriesresistor chain. In hybrid or discrete form, this would be a gross waste of components, but not so in monoHthic form. This approach results in a monotonic 8-bit AID converter. Another successful monolithic approach has been to use bipolar technology to make an 8-bit D/A converter with a companding characteristic for use in voice'PCM systems, A typical device has eight inputs, which select eight chords (straight-line approximations to a curve), each with 16 equal steps. As part of an AID converter, this device compresses a signal (provides high gain at low signal levels and vice versa), When used as a D/A converter, it expands the signal according to a standardized logarithmic curve. Tables I and II list some representative monolithic D/A and AID converters, A large number of 8-bit devices are on the market, chiefly because of their low prices and satisfactory performance levels, Several lO-bit D/A GZ 39 THE INTEGRATING AID CONVERTER Integrating AID converters have two characteristics in common. First, as the name implies, their output represents the integral or average of an input voltage over a fixed period of time. Compared with techniques which require that the input is "frozen" with a sample-and-hold, the integrating converter will give repeatable results in the presence of high frequency· noise. A second and equally important characteristic is that they use time to quantise the answer, resulting in extremely small nonlinearity errors and no possibility of missing output codes. Furthermore, the integrating converter has very good rejection of frequencies whose periods are an integral multiple of the measurement period. This feature can be used to advantage in reducing line frequency nOise, for example, in laboratory instruments. (Fig. 1). useage of integrating converters exceeds the combined total of all other conversion methods. Furthermore, the availability of Jow cost one and two chip converters will encourage digitizing at the sensor in applications such as process control. This represents a radical departure from traditional data logging techniques which in the past have relied heavily on the transmission of analog signals. The availability of one chip microprocessor system (with ROM and RAM on chip) will give a further boost to the 'conversion at the sensor' concept by faCilitating local data processing. The advantage of local processing is that only essential data, such as significant changes or danger Signals, will be transmitted to the central processor. THE DUAL SLOPE TECHNIQUE - THEORY & PRACTICE The most popular integrating converter is the "dualslope" type, the basic operating principles of which will be described briefly. However, most of the comments relating to linearity, noise rejection, auto-zero capability, etc., apply to the whole family of integrating designs including charge balancing, triple ramps, and the 101 other techniques that have appeared in the literature. A simplified dual slope converter is shown in Figure 2. NMO (dB) INTEGRATION CAP. Figure 1: Normal Mode Rejection of dual-slope converter as a function of freqyency In addition, a competitive instrument-quality product should have the following features: 1. Single Reference Voltage. This is strictly a convenience to the user, but since many designs are available with single references that contribute negligible error, products requiring dual references are rapidly becoming obsolete. 2. Auto Zero. This eliminates one trim-pot and a troublesome calibration step. Furthermore, it allows the manufacturer to use op-amps with up to 10mV offset while still achieving system offsets of only a few microvolts. 3. High Input Impedance. Recently developed monolithic FET technology allows input impedances of 1000 Mohm and leakages of a few pico amps to be achieved fairly readily. The unique characteristics of the integrating converter have made it the natural choice for panel meters and digital voltmeter applications. For this reason, overall Figure 2: Simplified dual-slope converter, • relative to the measurement period. Figure 3: The three phases of a dual-slope conversion. The conversion takes place in three distinct phases (Fig. 3). -PHASE I _ _ I_PHASI;' AUTO ZERO II II-I--~PHASE SIGNAl. INTEGRATE I I I I I I I I til-- REFERENCE INTEGRATE I I I I I --IU1.I1I1. ___ .I1.I1..fUlIl. ______ _ I~I------------ 40 liud number Number 01 clock puis., 01 clock pulse. proporllona' 10 VIN DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK 300f'F sw, "03 DIGITAL PROCESSOR ANALOG GNO '5V Figure 4: the 7103/8052 AID Converter pair. Phase 1, Auto Zero: During auto zero, the errors in the analog components (buffer offset voltages, etc.) will be automatically nulled out by grounding the input and closing a feedback loop such that error information is stored on an "auto-zero" capacitor. Phase 2, Signal Integrate: The input signal is integrated for a fixed number of clock pulses. For a 3'h-digit converter, 1,000 pulses is the usual count; for a4 'h-digit converter, 10,000 is typical. On completion of the integration period, the voltage V in Fig. 3 is directly proportional to the input signal. Phase 3, Reference Integrate: At the beginning of this phase, the integrator input is switched from VIN to VREF. The polarity of the reference is determined during Phase 2 such that the integrator discharges back towards zero. The number of clock pulses counted between the beginning of this cycle and the time when the integrator output passes through zero is a digital measure of the magnitude of VIN. The beauty of the dual slope technique is that the theoretical accuracy depends only on the absolute value of the reference and the equality of the individual clock pulses within a given conversion cycle. The latter can easily be held to 1 part in 10·, so in practical terms the only critical component is the reference. Changes in the value of other components such as the integration capacitor or the comparator input offset voltage have no effect, provided they don't change during an individual conversion cycle. This is in contrast to Successive Approximation converters which rely on matching a whole string of resistor values for quantisation. I n a very real sense the designer is presented with a near perfect system; his job is to avoid introducing additional error sources in turning this text-book circuit into a real piece of hardware. From the foregoing discussion, it might be assumed that designing a high performance dual-slope converter is as easy as falling off the proverbial log. This is not true, however, because in a practical circuit a host of pitfalls must be avoided. These include the non-ideal character- istics of FET switches and capacitors, and the switching delay in the zero crossing detector. ANALYZING THE ERRORS At this pOint it is instructive to perform a detailed error analysis of a representative dual slope circuit, Intersil's 8052An103A pair. This is a 4'h-digit design, where the analog circuitry is on a JFET/bipolar chip (the 8052) and the digital logic and switches on a MOS chip (7103A); the partitioning is shown in Fig. 4. The error analysis which follows relates to this specific pair - however, the principles behind the analysis apply to most integrating converters. The analog section of the converter is shown in Fig. 5. Typical values are shown for 120KHz clock and 3 measurements/second. Each measurement is divided into three parts. In part 1, the auto-zero FET switches 1,2 and 3 are closed for 10,000 clock pulses. The reference capacitor is charged toVREF and the auto-zero capacitor is charged to the voltage that makes dVIdt of the integrator equal to zero. In each instance the capacitors are charged for 20 or more time-constants such that the voltage across them is only limited by noise. "N Figure 5: Analog section of a dual slope converter. I n the second phase, signal integrate, switches 1, 2 and 3 are opened and switch 4 is closed for 10,000 clock pulses. The integrator capacitor will ramp up at a rate that is proportional to VIN. I n the final phase, de-integrate, switch 4 is opened and, depending on the polarity of the input signal, switch 5 or 6 is closed. In either case the integrator will ramp down at a rate that is proportional to VREF. The 41 amount of time, or number of clock pulses, required to bring the integrator back to its auto-zero value is 10,000 (V~~F)' Of course, this is a description of the "ideal" cycle. Errors from this ideal cycle are caused by: 3. Non-linearity 01 buffer and Integrator. In this converter, since the signal and reference are injected at the same point, the gain of the buffer and integrator are not of first-order importance in determining accuracy. This means that the buffer can have a very poor CMRR over the input range and still contribute zero error as long as it is constant, i.e., offset changes linearly with common mode voltage. The first error term is the non-linear component of CMRR. Careful measurement of CMRR on 30 buffers indicated roll-over errors from 5 to 30 !,V. The contribution of integrator non-linearity is less than I!'V in each case. 1. Capacitor droop due to leakage. 2. Capacitor voltage change due to charge "suck-out" (the reverse of charge injection) when the switches turn off. 3. Non-linearity of buffer and integrator. 4. High-frequency limitations of buffer, integrator and comparator. 5. Integrating capacitor absorption). 4. High frequency limitations of amplifiers. non-linearity (dielectric For a zero input signal, the buffer output will switch from zero to VREF (1.0 volt) in 0.5 !,seconds with an approximately linear response. The net result is to lose .25 !' seconds of de-integrate period. For a 120KHz clock, this is 3% of a clock pulse or 3 !,V. This is not an offset error since the delay is equal for both positive and negative references. The net result is the converter would switch from a to 1 at 97 !'V instead of 100 !'V in the ideal case. 6. Charge lost by C REF in charging Cstray. Each of these errors will be analyzed for its error contribution to the converter. 1. Capacitor droop due to leakage. Typical leakage (IDoff) of the switches at normal operating voltage is 1 pA each and 2pA at each input afthe buffer and integrator op amps. I n terms of offset voltage caused by capacitor droop, the effect of the auto-zero and reference capacitors is differential, Le., there is no offset if they droop an equal amount. A conservative typical effect of droop on offset would be 2pA discharging I!,F for 83 milliseconds (10,000 clock periods), which amounts to an averaged equivalent of .083!, V referred to the input. The effect of the droop on roll-over error (difference between equal positive and negative voltages near full scale) is slightly different. For a negative input voltage, switch 5 is closed for the de-integrate cycle. Thus the reference capacitor and auto-zero capacitor operate differentially for the entire measurement cycle. For a positive voltage, switch 6 is closed and the differential compensation of the reference capacitor is lost during de-integrate. A typical contribution to roll-over error is 3 pA discharging I!'F capacitor for 166 milliseconds, equivalent to .249!,V when averaged. These numbers are certainly insignificant for room temperature leakages but even at 100°C the contributions should be only 15!'V and 45!'V respectively. A roll-over error of 45 !'V is less than 0.5 counts on this 20,000 count instrument. A much larger source of delay is the comparator which contributes 3 I'seconds. At first glance, this sounds absolutely ridiculous compared to the few tens of nanoseconds delay of modern IC comparators. However, they are specified with 2 to 10 mV of overdrive. By the time the 8052A comparator gets 10 mV of overdrive, the integrator will have been through zero-crOSSing for 20 clock pulses l Actually, the comparator has a 300M Hz gain-bandwidth product which is comparable to the best IC's. The problem is that it must operate on 30/-tV of overdrive instead of 10 mV. Again, this delay causes no offset error but means the converter switches from 0 to 1 at 60 !'V, from 1 to 2 at 160 !'V, etc. Most users consider this switching at approximately V, LSB more desirable than the "so-called ideal" case of switching at 100 !,V. If it is important that switching occur at 100 !'V, the comparator delay may be compensated by including a small value resistor (oe2011) in series with the integration capacitor. (Further details of this technique are given on page 4 under the heading "Maximum Clock Frequency".) The integrator time delay is less than 200 nsecond and contributes no measureable error. 2, Charge "suck-out" when the switches turn-off, There is no problem in charging the capacitors to the correct value when the switches are on. The problem is getting the switches off without changing this value. As the gate is driven off, the gate-to-drain capacitance of the switch injects a charge on the reference or auto-zero capacitor, changing its value. The net charge injection of switch 3 turning-off can be measured indirectly by noting the offset resulting by using a .01!,F auto-zero cap~citor instead of 1.0!, F. For this condition the offset is typically 250!'V, and since the signal ramp is a straight line instead of a parabola the main error is due to charge injection rather than leakage. This gives a net injected charge of 2.5 picocouloumbs or an equivalent Cgd ofO.16pF. The effect of switches 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 are more complicated since they depend on timing and some switches are going on while others are going off. A substitution of an .01 !' F capacitor for reference capacitor gives less than 100!'V offset error. Thus, a conservative typical offset error for a 1.0!'F capacitor is 2.5I'V. There is no contribution to rollover error (independent of offset). Also this value does not change significantly with temperature. 5. I ntegrating capacitor dielectric absorption. Any integrating AID assumes that the voltage change across the capaCitor is exactly proportional to the integral of the current into it. Actually, a very small percentage of this charge is "used up" in rearranging charges within the capaCitor and does not appear as a voltage across the capacitor. This is dielectric absorption. Probably the most accurate means of measuring dielectric absorption is to use it in a dual-slope AID converter with V,N =VREF' In this mode, the instrument should read 1.0000 independent of other component values. In very careful measurements where zero-crossings were observed in order to extrapolate a fifth digit and all delay errors were calculated out, polypropylene capacitors gave the best results. Their equivalent readings were 0.99998. In the same test polycarbonate capacitors typically read 0.9992, polystrene 0.9997. Thus, polypropylene is an excellent choice since they are not expensive and their increased temperature coefficient is of no consequence in this circuit. The dielectric absorption of the reference and auto-zero capaCitors are only important at power-on or 42 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK when the circuit is recovering from an overload. Thus, smaller or cheaper capacitors can be used if very accurate readings are not required for the first few seconds of recovery. 6, Charge lost by CREF In charging Cstray' In addition to leakage and switching charge injection, the reference capacitor has a third method of losing charge and, therefore, voltage. It must charge Cst ray as it swings from 0 to VIN to VREF, (Figure 5). However, Cstray only causes an error for positive inputs. To see why, let's look firstly at the sequence of events which occurs for negative inputs. During auto-zero CREF and Cstray are both charged through the switches. When the negative signal is applied, CREF and Cstray are in series and act as a capacitance divider. For Cstray =15 pf, the divider ratio is 0.999985. When the positive reference is applied through switch #5, the same divider operates. As mentioned previously, a constant gain network contributes no error and, thus, negative inputs are measured exactly. For positive inputs, the divider operates as before when switching from auto-zero to VIN, but the negative reference is applied by closing switch #6. The reference capacitor is not used, and therefore the equivalent divider network is 1.0000 instead of .999985. At full scale, this 15 I'V/v error gives a 301' V rollover error with the negative reading being.30l'V too low. Of course forsmalierCstray' the error is proportionally less. Summary, Error analysis of the circuit using typical values shows four types of errors. They are (1) an offset error of 2.5p.V due to charge injection, (2) a full scale rollover error of 30 p.V due to Cstray' (3) a full scale rollover error of5 t030p.V due to buffer non-linearity and (4) a delay error of 40l'V for the first count. These numbers are in good agreement with actual results observed for the 80S2A/71 03A. Due to peak-to-peak noise of 20 p.V around zero, it is possible only to say that any offsets are less than 10p.V. Also, the observed rollover error is typically v, count (SO p. V) with the negative reading larger than the positive. Finally, the transition from a reading of 0000 to 0001 occurs at SOp.V. These figures illustrate the very high performance which can be expected from a well designed dual-slope circuitperformance figures which can be achieved with no tricky 'tweaking' of component values. Furthermore, the circuit includes desirable convenience features such as autozero, auto-polarity and a single reference. SO"V IN (a, UNCOMPENSATED SO"V IN (bl COMPENSATED Flgure6: Integrator and comparator outputs for uncompensated (8) and compensated (b) system. resistor and th'e integrating resistor (a few tens of ohms in the re.cgmmended circuit), the comparator delay can be compensated and the maximum clock frequency extended by approximately a factor of 3. At higher frequencies, ringing and second order breaks will cause significant non-linearities in the first few counts of the instrument. NOISE The peak-to-peak noise around zero is approximately 20 I'V (pk-to-pk value not exceeded 9S% of the time). Near full scale, this value increases to approximately 40I'V, Since much of the noise originates in the auto-zero loop, some improvement in noise can be achieved by putting gain in the buffer. Pin 10 of the 80S2 brings out the inverting input, so this is easily done. A gain of about5X is optimum. Too much gain will cause the auto-zero switch to misbehave, because the amplified Vos of the buffer will exceed the switch operating range. A low-noise version of the analog chip (80S2-LN), using Bifet technology, should reduce the noise to about 31'V pk-to-pk and even less with some gain in the buffer. MAXIMUM CLOCK FREQUENCY Because of the 3p. S delay in the 8052 comparator, the maximum recommended clock frequency is 160KHz. In the error analysis it was shown that under these conditions half of the first reference integrate period is lost in delay. This means that the meter reading will change from 0 to 1 at SO p.V, from 1 to 2 at IS0p.V, etc. As was noted earlier, most users consider this transition at midpoint to be desirable. However, if the clock frequency is increased appreciably above 160KHz, the instrument will flash 1 on noise peaks even when the input is shorted. The clock frequency may be extended above 160KHz, however, by using a low value resistor in series with the integration capacitor. The effect of the resistor is to introduce a small pedestal voltage on to the integrator output at the beginning of the reference integrate·phase (Fig. 6). By careful selection of the ratio between this LE 43 Applying the 7109 AID converter can be reduced to less than the recommended 4V full scale with some loss of accuracy. The integrator output can swing within 0·3V of either supply without loss of linearity. The ICL 7109 has, however, been optimised for operation with analogue common near digital ground. With power supplies of +5V and -5V, this allows a 4V full scale integrator swing positive or negative, maximising the performance of the analogue section. This article examines the operation and applications of the leL 7709 monolithic, c.m.o.s., 12 bit, integrating analogue to digital converter which was introduced to the market early Differential reference The reference voltage can be generated in 1979. anywhere within the power supply voltage Figure I shows the equivalent circuit of the ICt 71011. When the RUNI1R51]) input is left open or connected to V+. the circuit will perform conversions at a rate determined by the clock frequency (S192 clock periods per cycle). Each measurement cycle is divided into three phases as shown ill Fig. 2. They are Auto-Zero (AZ), Signal Integrate (INT) and Deintegrate (DE). Auto-zero phase. During auto-zero three things happen. First, input high and low are disconnected from their pins and internally shorted to analogue common. Second, the reference capacitor is charged to the reference voltage. Third, a feedbark loop is closed around the system to charge the auto-zero capacitor C AZ to compensate for offset voltages in the buffer amplifier, integrator, and comparator. Since the l'Omparator is included in the loop, the AZ accuraC\l is limited onlv by the noise of the system. 'In any case, the offset referred to the input is less than 111", V. Signal integrate pha.ff. During signal integrate the auto-zero loop is opened, the internal short is removed: and the internal input hij!h and low are connected to the external pins. The converter then inte~rates the differential voltage between IIIpUt high and input low for a fixed time of ~1I4R clock periods. At the end of this phase. the polarity of the integrated signal i, determined. Deintegrate phase. The final phase is deinte$rate, or reference integrate. Input low is mternally connected to analog common and input high is connected across the' previously charged (during auto-zero) reference capacitor. Circuitry within the chip ensures that the capacitor will be connected with the correct polarity to cause the integrator output to. return to the zero crossing (established in Auto Zero) with a fixed slope. Thus the time for the output to return to zero (represented by the number of clock periods counted) is proportional to the input signal. Differential input The input can accept differential voltages anywhere within the common mode range of the input amplifier, or specifically from 0·5V below the positive supply to IV above the negative supply. In thl~ range the system has a C.m.r.r. of 86dB tYPIcal. However, since the integrator also swings with the common mode voltage, care must be exercised to ensure that integrator output does not saturate. A worst case condition would be a large positive common mode voltage with a near fullscale negative differential input voltage. The negative input signal drives the integrator positive when most of its swing has been used up by the positive common mode voltage. For these critical applications the integrator swing of the converter. The ICL 7109 provides a reference output (pin 29) which may be used with a resistive divider to generate a reference voltage. This output will sink up to about 20mA without significant variation in output voltage, and is provided with a pullup bias device which sources about 1O",A. The output voltage is nominally 2.SV below V+, and has a temperature coefficient of ± SOppml"C typo The stability of the reference voltage is a major factor in the overall absolute accuracy of the converter. The resolution of the ICL 7109 at 12 bits is one part in 4096, or 244ppm. Thus if the reference has a temperature coefficient of SOppml"C (onboard reference) a temperature difference of 3°C will introduce a one-bit abSl)lute error. For this reason, an external high-quality reference should be used where the ambient tem~r ature is not controlled or where hl$haccuracy absolute measurements are bemg made. The internal reference may then be used as a pre-regulator for an external reference, such as the ICLS069 bandgap refer~n~e diode. Digital section The digital section includes the clock oscillator and scaling circuit, a 12-bit binary counter with output latches and t.t.I.-compatible three-state output drivers, polarity, over-range and control logic, and u.a.r.t. handshake logic. Fig. I. f ----U~·.!.- --t Ref cop + Ref In' ) In"u' AZtX h'9ht01- . --- -- 135 0 I )'0 I emt emt +) U¥R'", c.. fAZ Ref cap - ~-'--4I . ......... -, r"1+ I InpII' tNT AZ v/ "----_ ' common~-l~- j2' - Test POL OR 121110: I: ~ 6 5 4 3 .2 1 _ _ _ _ • -17j-3 ~7TsT9Iopi'fl2113f~sr6! ,~n.e9r••or I ~omp.r•• or II\Z~ _ 1 flntegr ••or > ..J -r-'~''+ - ~ffer t~:::~B~:-:+::-~;:::ts~-;1 --Jo c,., 38" - s..ii'r 30 3'- _ .. Q tJ t5QAZ liNT Ref IN- t£ -- - -'ilf 137 , '>_ " 14 Three·..... outputs 18 CE Load ..-- I 14 Latches ___ . ' I 10.A -Oe,ntl·) _~~Int ttl LO~-~==_-= III ___ ---.J ~ef 6.2V! : : I Int o;in;(+) 29_ _ _ out I_ l .....-.-+:20~HBEN LB~N 2~Jo~'~I_ _2 v- V+ 44 Statu. --1 ~ Run/ Osc Osc Osc Buf Mode hold in out ., Ole out Send GNO The MODE input is used to contro! the output mode of the converter. Direct mode. When the MODE pin is left at a low level, the data outputs (bits I to Slow order byte, bits 9 to 12, polarity and overrange high order byte) are accessible under control of the byte and chip enable terminals as inputs. These three inputs are all active low, and are provided with pull up resistors to ensure an inactive high level when left open. When the chip enable input is low, taking a byte enable input low will allow the outputs of that byte to become active (three-stated on). This allows a variety of parallel data accessing techniques to be used, and enables the converter to be interfaced directly, either as 110 or bv memory mapping, to any microprocessor system with an 8-bit, 12-bit or 16-bit word length. Handshake mode. The handshake output mode is provided as an alternative means of interfacing the ICL 7109 to digital systems. where the NO converter becomes active in controlling the flow of data instead of passively responding to chip and byte enable inputs. This mode is designed to allow a direct interface between the ICL 710<) and industry-standard u.a.r.t.s (such as the Intersil C.m.o.S. u.a.r.t.s. 1M 64(2/3) with no external logic required. When triggered into the handshake mode. the ICL 710<) provides all the control and flag signals necessary to sequence the two bytes of data into the u.a.r.t. and initiate their transmission in serial form. This greatly eases the task and reduces the cost of designing remote data acquisition stations using serial data transmission to minimise the number of lines to the central controlling processor. Entrl" into the handshake mode is controlled'bl" the MODE input. When the MODE terminal' is held high. the ICL 7109 will enter the handshake mode after new data has been stored in the output latches at the end of every conversion performed. The MODE terminal may also be used to trigger entrl" into the handshake mode on demand. In this mode. the SEND input is connected to the CART TBRE output so that the ICL 7 J()I} can detect when the u.a.r.t. is ready for more data. The CE/LOAD pin hecomes an output strobe and' is connected to the u.a.r.t. TBRL input to clock data into the u.a.r.t. HBEN and LBEN also become outputs which identify the high and low bytes respectively. Figure 3 shows the output sequence. A"uming th~ u.a.r.t. transmitter buffer r~gi"~r is ~mpt\". the SEl"D input will be high when the handshake mode is entered aft~r new data is stored. The ('E'LOAD amI HBES terminals w ill go low after SEND is sensed. and the high order bl"te outputs become active. When CE/wAo goes high at the ~nd of one dllCk period. the high order bvt~ data is clocked into the u.a.r.t. transniitter buffer register. The u.a.r.t. TBRE output will now go low. which halts the output Cl"cle with the HBP;; output low. and the high order byte outputs acti¥l .~ : L- __....1.......... . . - - - Integrator output I AZ phase 1 Zero crossing detected ;"'" _ ...I"'Ji,.--,'c-_ _ _....J._ _ I I nt phase II I I AZ [1I" "UU1..fL J1.nIlfL Jl.flIlI1-f "l..n..n..f111J Internal latch : I I n I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I 4 ~ Internal clock I Status output I I I 2048 I Fixed foo--counts~ 2048 I min. I counts "I_ t-...----I Number of counts to zero crossing/" proportional to Vln . I I 4096 counts~ max After zero crossing, analog section will be in autoz~ro configuration Fig. 2. Zero crossing Integrator output Internal clock Internal latch Status output Mode input I riternal mode Send input UAAT norm :~~::::~~~~~ (UAAT TBAEI----J CE/LDAD output-----+--{ (UAAT TBALl ~,~~~~::-------------------+.i._-1-{ Data valid t __________ _-i LBEN I Low ~~::---------+- _~ = = Dont care -1------- - ---:--1--- Data valid ~-~--- Three state high Impedance Fig 3 mitter buffer register. the TBRE returns high. On the next ICL 71 (II} internal clock high to low edge. the high order byte outputs are disabled. and one-half internal clock later. the HBEN output returns high. At the same time. the CE/l.OAD and LBEN outputs go low. and the low order hyte outputs become active. Similarly, when the CE/l.OAD returns high at the end of one clock period. the low order data is clocked into the u.a.r.t. transmitter buffer register. and TBRE again goes low. When TBRE returns to a high it will be sensed on the next ICL 710lJ internal clock high to low edge. disabling the data outputs. One-half internal clock later. the handshake mode will be cleared, the the CE/LOAD. HBE·N. and LBEN terminals return high and stay active (as long as MODE stays high). Status output During a conversion cycle. the STATUS output goes high at the beginning of Signal 45 Integrate (Phas" II). and !!"" I"" one-half clock period after nev" data from the ,.'on- version has been stored in the output latches (Sec Fig. ~ for detail, of this timing). This signal n"" be used a' a "data valid" flag (data nevcr changes while STATUS is low) to drive interrupts. '" for monitoring the ~tilfU~ of the l'Ollverter, When RUl"IHOl.ll i, held hi~h or left open (it has an internal pull-up resistor) the 71 (II} converts continuousl\". taking III I}~ clock cvcles for each l" ~ ~ .. .. -'" .. 'g g. ~ '- .;?=> I I I I IM6402/3 CMOS UART TSRL DRR Therefore:- R RBR 1-8 D, I .- 0 '0- D2 cx>i! T8R 1-8 ( .. 0 go. '~l DR I AQ. SBb1.2 eS RBR 1-3 u.. = 't, where AI = 4ps. By this means. the zero offset is cancelled (the system works for both input polarities). One error is being offset with another. and the two may not track with temperature. so this method is not to be relied on for· wide temperature range applications. The ICL 7109 has shown itself to be one of the most versatile and cost effective AID converters on the market, replacing existing 12-bit converters, as well as creating new applications which previously had been the domain of V to F converters and other devices. ow 47 Understanding the Auto-Zero and Common Mode Performance of the ICL7106/7107 /7109 Family 1. INTRODUCTION 2. Signal Integrate Phase During signal INTegrate, the auto-zero loop is opened, the internal short is removed, and the internal input high and low are" connected to the external pins. The converter then integrates the differential voltage between INHI and INLO for a fixed time. This differential voltage can be within a wide common mode range - within one volt of either supply. If, on the other hand, the input signal has no return with respect to the converter power supply, INLO can be tied to analog COMMON to establish the correct common-mode voltage. At the end of this phase the polarity of the integrated signal is determined. Most of Intersil's one chip AID converters offer differential input, differential reference and separable analog and digital ground references. The price of all this freedom, of course, is technical vigilance, and this note is intended as a defense manual against the potholes and landmines it makes accessible. The discussion is based on the ICL710617, but applies in largu part to the ICL711617, the ICL7126, the ICL7109, and to a lesser extent to the ICL7135. 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Figure 1 shows the Block Diagram of the Analog Section for the ICL7106 and 7107. Each measurement cycle is divided into three phases. They are (1) auto-zero (A-Z), (2) signal integrate. (I~T\ and (3) deintegrate (DE). 3. De-Integrate Phase The final phase is DE-integrate, or reference integrate. Input low is internally connected to analog COMMON and input high is connected across the previously charged reference capacitor. Circuitry within the chip ensures that the capacitor will be connected with the correct polarity to cause the integrator output to return to zero. The time required for the output to return to zero is proportional to the input Signal. Specifically the digital reading displayed is 1. Auto-Zero Phase During Auto-Zero three things happen. First, input high and low are disconnected from the pins and internally shorted to analog COMMON. Second, the reference capacitor is charged to the reference voltage. Third, a feedback loop is closed around the system to charge the auto-zero capacitor CAZ to compensate for offset voltages in the buffer amplifier, integrator, and comparator. Since the comparator is included in the loop, the A-Z accuracy is limited only by the noise of the system. In any case, the offset referred to the input is less than 10 ,.V. 1000 ( Vin ) Vrel. CAEF RINT CAEF r------ REF HI REFLO CREF y+ BUFFER 1 : y+ 1 I 1 I 10J.l_ 1 _ll~~'t~~-r--- TO DIGITAL SECTION I '31 INHI~~-{~~--~--~~--~----~ I tNT 1 1 1 1 '32 COMMON~~----~--~---4----~ 1 INLO~'~30~~~____~______________~________________~ I _________________________ .NT L '!! ____________________________________ _ y- Figure 1. Analog Section of 710617107 48 3. CMRR AND COMMON MODE VOLTAGE EFFECTS 2000 (VREFLO CS1 + VREFHI CS2) '" VREF CREF There are three basic voltages applied to the ICL710617, etc. which can give "common mode voltage" consequences. These are indicated in Figures 2, 3, and 4 which show the analog section in the phases described above. The choices are 1 \ of reference voltage source to COMMON, 2) of input voltage source to COMMON, and 3) of COMMON to (digital) supply voltage. 2000 VCM ICS1 + CS21 (counts) VREF CREF For CREF = 0.1 pF, Cs = 15pF, VCMIVREF = 10, this can give two counts of error, but ifVREFLO =0, and CS2 is 5 pF, the error is 0.1 counts, lost in the nOise level. In the latter case (a very common application condition) CS1 does not contribute any errors, so putting the "outside foil" of the reference capacitor to this side will minimize roll-over. Also increasing CREF (without corresponding increases in Cs) will reduce rollover. Note that stray capacitance to the buffer output is also unimportant if either REFHI or REFLO is at COMMON. During Auto-Zero, the outputs of the buffer, integrator, and comparator are all within various offset voltages of analog COMMON. These are marked on Figure 2, which shows the Auto-Zero phase. For the remainder of the discussion, these offset voltages will be ignored, since they are merely added to other voltage changes described. The non-inverting inputs of the buffer and integrator are also tied to analog COMMON, so it is convenient to describe all these voltages with respect to COMMON. 2. Input Voltage to COMMON First, the direct CMRR of the buffer and integrator op amps will themselves lead to a scale factor error and an offset if INLO is not at analog COMMON. Higher order CMRR terms are generally negligible, and this first order term is very small for most devices. It can be adjusted out in most applications with a reference voltage adjustment. More serious is the effect of stray capacitance to ground of the integrating and auto-zero capacitors, and the AZ pin, CS4 and CS3 in Figure 2. The AZ pin will swing from COMMON to INLO (Figure3) and CS3 will have to be charged through CAZ, giving an error voltage on CAZ, during the integrate phase, of: 1. Reference Common Mode Voltage to COMMON The reference capacitor is recharged during the Auto-Zero time; the stray capacitance shown in Figure 2 as CS1 and CS2 will also be charged. During DE-integrate (Figure 4) the reference capacitor is switched so that one or the other of its terminals is at analog COMMON. This will cause chargesharing with the stray capacitances on the other terminal. In particular, a common mode voltage on the reference input (with respect to COMMON) will give a roll-over error, since the effective DE-integrate reference will be higher in one polarity than the other. The ideal here is for (VREFHI + VREFLO) = 2 VANCOM, at least for equal stray capacitances, but this is inconvenient in most applications. The roll-over error contribution at full scale (ignoring a second order term) is CS3 6. VAZ = VINLO CAZ This acts as an offset voltage referred to the input, and is most serious for small ratios of full-scale input voltage to common mode voltage: For CAZ = 0.47 pF, CS3 = 10pF, VINLO =2V, the offset will be 40 pV, or 0.4 counts for 200 mV full scale input. This charge is recovered in the transition back to COMMON r--l :!.!!,EFH;.;;.I_ _ _ _III-_ _ _vR~~~1 ~-.., -J-_- CS1 CREF REF HI CREF+ r-----I i 3. CS2 REFLO CREF - -J:.BUFFER 36 y+ I I I I 10~a .>t::-- TO DIGITAL SECTION I I 131 IN HI ~+__(~_-__t-_ pol is 0.6 counts. A small increase in stray capacitance or reduction of integrator swing will give a significant "gap" in the readings, as shown in Figure 5. This effect, the only one causing significant nonlinearity, can be reduced by guarding the integrating and auto-zero capacitors and resistor with either BUFFer out or INTegrator out pins in so far dS possible. This can readily be done on a PC board by simple extension of the traces leading from those pins to the three components, as suggested in Figure 6. Note that excessive capacitance across RINT will increase the width of the zero reading (see 3. Analog COMMON to digital supply voltages The COMMON line on the ICL710617 family of devices provides a convenient ground-return point in many applications; particularly with floating (battery) supplies. However, in a fixed supply environment, improved integrator swing (improving many system parameters) can be achieved .if COMMON is pulled more negative, and the circuit has been set up to allow this. The effects described above are all independent of the actual level of COMMON, but the next one is not! The DE-integrate phase should ideally terminate when the output of the comparator returns to the value it had during Auto-Zero (analog COMMON), but will act.ually terminate when the output passes through the logiC threshold of the zero-crossing gate and flip-flop combination. The "free" analog COMMON voltage is very close to the logic threshold, giving a negligible error, but if analog COMMON is pulled negative, zero crossing will be detected late for positive inputs, (reading high) and early for negative inputs (reading low), this leads to a (pOSitive) offset. The polarity detection sees the same influence, so no nonlinearity results. The magnitude of this offset depends on comparator gain (typically 7-8K, but as low as 3K in some devices) and F.S. integrator swing; +, +, +1 ACTUAL 10 I-I r--.J +1 +2 +3 +4 OFFSET (COMMON) = 2000 (VCOMMON - VTH) VINTFS AVCOMP ~1 I I .... __ J I "IDEAL" I _J -2 With a 2V swing and 3K gain, this will contribute 1/3count per COMMON negative volt. This can be used to measure comparator gain, at least with moderate accuracy, which is otherwise hard to do. Obviously, the offset can be minimized by maximizing the integrator swing. The comparator gain varies from device to device, and is limited also by the need to keep the comparator fast. Various improvements in this gain have been made, and will probably continue to be made in the future, but this offset should be considered carefully if COMMON is to be moved away from its "free" location, or if the logic supplies are altered. -3 ·4 DIGITAL READING Figure 5. "GAP" in readings due to VINLO # COMMON (a bad case shown) 51 4. The Auto-Zero Loop Residual During the Auto-Zero phase, the converter self-corrects for all the offset voltages in the buffer, integrator, and comparator. Note; however, that we have assumed a zero-crossing actually occurred. lithe input is overloaded (past full scale), DE-integrate will terminate with a substantial residual voltage remaining on the integrator capacitor. The maximum value of this residual depends on the total possible swings of buffer and integrator, as compared to the "full scale" values used. In general, we may treat this case as corresponding to a large negative value of cx. This section covers a normally undetectable, but under some circumstances significant, error generated in the auto-zero system. A similar effi'lci which occurs in the 2-chip systems has been discussed previously (see A030, Appendix A), but the details and remedies are sufficiently different to warrant a separate discussion. The immediate effect of closing the auto-zero loop may be seen by examining Figure 7. We may consider the comparator as acting as an op-amp. Under these conditions: the voltage across the auto-zero impedance is high, and the (nonlinear) impedance is low; on the other hand, the initial voltage across the integrating resistor is zero. The relevant circuit to be discussed is shown in Figure 7 and the major cycle waveforms in Figure 8. Let us first assume that the prior auto-zero cycle has been indefinitely long, or is otherwise ideal, so that the conversion starts with no residual error on the auto-z.ero capacitor. The integrate and DEintegrate cycles will be classically perfect to the point at which a zero-crossing actually occurs (at the output of the integrator). However, from this point two delays occur; first the comparator output is delayed (due to comparator delay) and secondly the zero-crossing is not registered until the next appropriate clock edge. (For further discussion of this, see Application Note A017). Atthis point, the circuit is returned to the auto-zero connection (logic and switch delays may be absorbed in comparator delay as far as our discussion is concerned). The net result is that the integrator output voltage will have passed the zero-crossing point by an amount given by Thus, the auto-zero capacitor will be charged rapidly to exactly cancel the residual voltage, as shown in Figure 9. The output of the integrator is now at the correct position, butthe auto-zero and integrator capacitors have shared the original error. The junction point of the two capacitors and resistor has been moved by a portion of the original residual voltage, given by: VAZI = Vires CINT ) ( CAZ CINT + (4.1) CAZy ~l~ 'NTICD.JI-' + Vires = ±VIFS (CD cx) . CFS INTEGRATOR OUTPUT where 0'5 cx '5 1 is the variable delay, CD is the fixed delay, is the full scale count in units of ~Iock pulse periods, and VIFS is the full scale integrator swing in volts. CFS AUTO· ZERO F.8./2 COUNTS Note: In all subsequent discussions, "C" indicates a capacitor, while "c" denotes a number (not necessarily an integer) of counts. I SIGNAL INT. F.8.12 COUNTS REFEREN~E INTEGRATE FULL SCALE COUNTS MAX. :---1 FULL MEASUREMENT CYCLE 2 F.S. COUNTS The range of this residual voltage corresponds to the integrator swing per count, and is independent of inputvalue, except for polarity. Figure 8. Major Cycle Waveforms HINT CAl BUFFER INTEGRATOR ZERO CROSS Q DET. ZERO CROSSING FF CL L..----CL AZ POL. Figure 7. The Analog System (simplified to show only Auto-Zero connectionsl 52 This voltage will decay with a tim'e constant controlled by the integrating resistor and the two capacitors, while the autozero capacitor is easily kept in step owing to the high comparator gain, Thus, at the end of the auto-zero time, tAl = CAl tcp, the residual will be reduced to: V This residual voltage on the auto-zero capacitor effectively increases the magnitude of the input voltage as seen on the output of the buffer. Thus, converting this voltage to countequivalents, c ( - ICAll Itcpl ) - V Alras - AZI exp RINT I CINT + CAl I = V (4.4) CINT + COE) CINres = CAZres ( CINT so that (cx + CD) CINT - V Alres - IFS ~ (CAl + CINTI (4.2) c -CAl tcp ) exp ( RINT (CINT + CAli VAl res = Vires 0 (4.3) -----.:'?-i----i-=_-.....,._------_ I I I I 1 I , 1 I ~ COMPOIP -----i'-""*'!~= 1 _ _;;::",_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .... n , -K:''-ciI vit H- CL DETECTED ZERO-CROSSING IT ZCFF I 1 AlZ _ _ _ (1 + 0) (4.5) C CAl • VIFS • _1_) \ CINT VBFS 1+ CAli 1 I -!'-I~J = CAlres + VIFS ICX+CDi VBFS ~ (4.6) By combining equations !4.41 and (4.61 we find, for the equilibrium· condition, IIC---" ------ioI!4~-+':/ VBFS For the normal in-range condition, two things should be noted here. First, this residual acts to increase the input voltage magnitude, and secondly, a small increase in input voltage tends to decrease the magnitude of the residual (until the result count changes). These effects lead to "stickyness" in the readings; suppose, in a noise-free system, that the input voltage is at a level where the residual is a minimum; the detected zero-crossing follows the true one as closely as possible. A minute increase in input voltage will cause the zero-crossing to be detected one pulse later, and the residual to jump to its maximum value. The effect of this is a small increase in the apparent input voltage; thus if we now remove the minute increase, the residual voltage effect will maintain the new higher reading; in fact we will have to reduce the input voltage by an amount commensurate with the effective residual voltage to force the reading to drop back to the lower value. In more detail, we should consider the equilibrium conditions on the auto-zero capacitor. Clearly, the voltage added at the end of reference integrate must just balance that which decays away during the auto-zero interval. So far the relationships we have developed have assumed a zero residual before the conversion, but in the equilibrium condition the residual given byequation (4.41 remains, and at the end of conversion, the new amount, given by equation (4.1), is added to this, so we start the "auto-zero decay" interval with "TRUE" ZERQ-CROSSING I I CINT Note that CDE is equal to the displayed result, except for overrange conditions, when it is equal to CFS and the first bracket becomes 3. Also, CAl = CINT; and this expression, so substituted, determines the overrange residual performance. CINT, for convenience, and will ( -+1 1) exp (-CAl V VIFS 1+ ) o CINT BFS I 01 = (1 + COE) (VIFS ) (cx + CD) 1J/ Now RINT CINT is controlled by the buffer swing, VBFS, the integrator swing, VIFS, and the integration time tiNT = CINT tcp, so that VBFS VBFS/RINT • tiNT = CINT VIFS, or RINT CINT = CINT VIFS tcp Also we may write CAl = then obtain INres exp For the overrange case, we may again assume a large negative cx value. C., VAl res CFS _ VIFS ,CX + CD' VBFS· - VBFS ~ Since this voltage also subtracts from the reference, its effect at the input is magnified in the ratio For the residual left after a zero-crossing, we may further refine this to: "ZERO" = (CAl VIFS 1) exp ,- CINT • VBFS • 1 + Q ( CINT) ((-CAli (tcpl ) Ires CAl + CINT exp RINT (CINT + CAli V Alres ---- CAlres = ± VIFS I cx + CD' VBFS~ ALL ANALOG VOLTAGES ARE WITH RESPECT TO THEIR "AUTO-ZEROED" VALUE VIFS [ exp { + CINT CAl VBFS 11 + Figure g. Waveforms at Beginning of Auto-Zero Interval 53 } Q' -1 J.1 Once again, the effect of this at the input is multiplied by the ratio of total input integrate times, so that, under equilibrium conditions, CINr.s = ± VIFS (1 VBFS +COE) CINT (cx + Col (1 + <>1 I.• I--+---Io--.....,~........,Jc--.+-----+---I (4.7) [ ex P { CAZ VIFS } 1l-' CINT VBFS (1 + <>1 - ~ •. II--t--I--''''''''cf'''<:--l',<:--~~+---I Those expert at skipping to the end of the difficult bit will recognize that as the final equation, in terms of complexity. So let us now see what it means. Clearly, the error term is greater, the larger cOE/clNT, and the smaller cAz/clNT. Forthe devices considered here (except some applications of the ICL71091 these are both worst case near full scale input, where cOE/clNT ~ 2 and cAz/clNT ~ 1. 1."J-+--t--+--4\-\---f--lI----t--\---l 1O"J-+--J--+--4----lt-!\I--\---t---\--l Substituting these, we find the worst case (cx + col VBFS (31 (1 + <>1 _ + VIFS CINre. - - ..m(,) VBFs 1+0 (4.8) } 1J"' [ exp { VBFSVIFS (1 + <>1 - Figure 11. Auto-Zero Loop Residual vs. Integrator/ Buffer Swing for Overload and Capacitor Ratio Recall that CD is fixed; and cx must be between 0 and 1. The expression is now a function purely of the ratio of integrator and buffer full scale swings, and the ratio of auto-zero and integrator capacitors, <>. The effect of the latter ratio is mixed; a larger value reduces the initial error, but increases the time - constant for its decay. The relationship is plotted in Figure 10 and shows the desirability of keeping the integrator swing higher than the buffer swing. Note also that a lower capacitance ratio a always improves the residual. However, both noise and the .common-mode effects discussed in Section 3 above require a large auto-zero capacitor, and a compromise must be reached. In general, if the full scale input is small, a large CAZ is needed, but for larger full scale inputs, a smaller value is best. Note also that the comparator delay (CD in equation (4.8)) is also effectively enhanced. This has the effect of shrinking the zero somewhat more than 3. D~ 2. 5 The effects of noise should be mentioned here. The worst case value of residual shown in Figure 10 assumes a very gradual approach to equilibrium, and any noise spike causing the reading to flash to the next value will destroy this carefully established residual value! Thus, for any system with noise of 1/3 count or more, the effect is greatly reduced, and even 1/10 count of noise will restrict the actual hysteresis value found in practice. The detailed analysis of the autozero residual problem in the presence of appreciable noise is left as an exercise for the masochist. For overrange conditions, the controlling equation is (4.5) with the appropriate substitutions for the count ratios. Specifically, putting COR forthe count-equivalent value olthe overrange above full scale, and ignoring CD, we obtain: ~ ~ r---. " , , ,,'" ,\ r-.,," • 2. (VIFS) (COR) [VIFS 1 ] C INres -- 3 \VBFS 1 + a exp - VBFS • 1 + a ~~3 \ (a~.I' c~:. normally occurs. Since this term changes sign with polarity, the converter will have a tendency to keep the current sign at zero input. ,, 1.5 'c' This is plotted in Figure 11, and shows the very strong dependence on the integrator to buffer swing ratio. The direction is the opposite of that for the post-zero-crossing residual, as well as being normally much larger. A positive overrange on one reading will tend to make the next reading(s) too negative, and vice versa. The influence on second and even subsequent readings after an overrange can also be appreciable in some cases. The miss-charge trapped on the auto-zero capaCitor during the first conversion after an overrange will still be there at the end. If this conversion is in-range, we may ignore cx and CD and just consider the continuation of the exponential decay during the following Auto-Zero phase. Thus, at the beginning of the second conversion, the residual will have been reduced to: \ \ \ \ I.D ~, , D.5 D o 0.1 O.S 1.0 ,, 1\ 1\\ - I- .....\ ~ .. 2.0 4 •• . (4.9) 11.0 CAZ VIFS 1 ] CAZres 2 = CAZre. exp [ - - c • - V • -1-INT BFS +a Figure 10. Auto-Zero Loop Residual vS. Integrator/Buffer Swing and Capacitor Ratios (worst easel 54 +5V OR OR +5V OR lOOK!! 30 5TTS ICM7555 ICL7109 30 ICL7109 BUF RINT 31 100KJl r- -5V CO:p~g~~LR :;: 5 1V- •• +5V 3. 31 3. AZ 10Kll INT O.22/-1 F OV 5rr5 1000 pF Figure 12. Circuits to Reduce Gverrange Residual on ICL7109 where CAZres is given by equation (4.4). This will be similar for subsequent in-range conversions. The effect at the input is again increased by the time ratio of DE-integrate and INTegrate, and so we may write, for the effective error at the input on the nth conversion after the overrange: ICL7106/7 which do not provide the necessary signals. Generally, however, these devices are not used in multiplexing applications. CINresn = (1 + ~I~~) SUMMARY (~;~) (1c~Aa) [ex p (- ~I~~ . ~;~ . 1 1a)J n This note has described the most common behavior patterns that cause concern and/or confusion among users of the ICL710617 and similar products, and their origins. Hopefully, it will help alleviate or eliminate any consequent applications problems with this family of devices. Naturally, some parts will not show all of the effects; for instance, the ICL711617 and ICL7135 cannot suffer from large common-mode voltages between reference and COMMON, because no such voltage can be applied, and the ICL7135hasa modified autozero sequence that alters the residual effects of Section 4. (4.10) This also is plotted in Figure 11, for various values of n against VIFS 1 ,for worst case conditions (an overload VBFS 1 + a followed by several full scale conversions). The residual can be reduced for devices, such as the ICL7109, which provide indications of overrange conversions and auto-zero phase (OR and STATUS in the ICL7109) by reducing the integrator time constant during all or part of the Auto-Zero phase after an overrange conversion. This can be done by shorting out all or part of the integrating resistor RINT by a suitable analog switch. A circuit to do this is shown in Figure 12 for the ICL7109. Care should be taken to ensure that the switch does not cause errors due to charge injection into the capacitors when going OFF. Alternatively the clock can be slowed down or stopped, or Run/Hold used to extend the Auto-Zero phase under the same conditions. These techniques are much harder to apply to devices such as the PB 55 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK Know your converter codes. When you work with aid and d/a converters, there are many input and output codes to choose from. Here are some characteristics of each. The right digital code can help simplify system design when analog-ta-digital and digital-to-analog converters are used in the system. While some custom aid and d/a converters use special codes, off-the-shelf units employ one of a few common codes adopted by the industry as "standard" (Table 1). Understanding which code to use, and where, is the key to a simpler system design. And the added benefits with a standard code include lower cost of the converter and a wider choice of vendors. Many designers are perplexed about application. There are unipolar codes-straight binary, complementary binary and binary coded decimal (BCD). There are bipolar codes-sign-magnitude binary,. sign-magnitude BCD, offset binary, one's complement and two's complement. Other decimal codes include excess-three, 2421, 5421, 5311 and 74-2-1. And there are also reflective codes-such as the Grey code; and error-detecting codes-like the Hamming. All codes used in converters are based on the binary numbering system. Any number can be represented in binary by the following N == an2n + an_12n-, + .... +a:!22 + a 121 + au2°, where each coefficient a assumes a value of one or zero. A fractional binary number can be represented as N = a,2-' + a,2-' + a,2-' + .... + a,,2- n • A specific binary fraction is then written, for example, as 0.101101. In most converters it is this fractional binary number that is used for the basic converter code. Conventionally the fractional notation is assumed and the decimal point dropped. The left-most digit has the most weight, 0.5, and is commonly known as the most-significantbit (MSB). Thus the right-most digit would have the least weight, 1/2 n , and is. called the leastsignificant-bit (LSB). This coding scheme is convenient for converters, since the full-scale range used is simply interpreted in terms of a fraction of full scale. For instance, the fractional code word 101101 has a value of (1 x 0.5) + (0 x 0.25) + (1 x Table 1. Summary of coding for aid and dla converters co -0 a. -c :::> ~ co -0 D I a converters Straight binary BCD Complementary binary Complementary BCD Offset binary Complementary off. binary Two's complement iii A I d converters Straight binary BCD Straight bin, invert. analog BCD, inverted analog Offset binary Two's complement Offset bin, invert. analog Two's compl, invert. analog Sign + mag. binary Sign + mag. BCD 0.125) + (1 x 0.0625) + (0 x 0.03125) + (1 x 0.015625), or 0.703125 of full-scale value. If all the bits are ONEs, the result is not full scale but rather (1 - 2-") x full scale. Thus a 10-bit d/a converter with all bits ON has an input code of 1111111111. If the unit has a +10-V full-scale output range, the actual analog output value is (1 - 2-") x 10 V = +9.990235 V. The quantization size, or LSB size, is full scale divided by 2 n-which in this case is 9.77 mY. Analyzing digital codes The four most common unipolar codes are straight binary, complementary binary, binarycoded decimal (BCD) and complementary BCD. Of these four, the most popular is straightbinary,. positive-true. Positive-true coding means that a logic ONE is defined as the more positive of the two voltage levels for the logic family. Negative-true logic defines things the other way-the more negative logic level is called ONE and the other level ZERO. Thus, for standard TTL, positive true logic makes the +5-V output logic ONE and 0 V a ZERO. In negative true logic the +5 V is ZERO and 0 V is ONE. All four of the codes are defined (Table 2) in terms of the fraction of their full-scale values. Full-scale ranges of +5 and +10 V are shown_ with 12-bit codes. 56 Table 2. Unipolar codes-12 bit converter Straight binary and complementary binary Scale + 10 V FS +5 V FS Straight binary + FS -1 LSB + 718 FS +3/4 FS + 5/8 FS +1/2 FS +3/8 FS +1/4 FS +1/8 FS 0+1 LSB 0 +9.9976 +8.7500 + 7.5000 +6.2500 +5.0000 +3.7500 +2.5000 +1.2500 +0.0024 0.0000 +4.9988 +4.3750 +3.7500 +3.1250 +2.5000 + 1.8750 + 1.2500 +0.6250 +0.0012 0.0000 111111111111 III 0 0000 0000 11 00 0000 0000 1010 OJOO 0000 1000 0000 0000 0110 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 + lOV FS +5V FS Binary coded decimal +9.99 +8.75 +7.50 +6.25 +5.00 +3.75 +2.50 + 1.25 +0.01 0.00 +4.95 +4.37 +3.75 +3.12 +2.50 + 1.87 +1.25 +0.62 +0.00 0.00 I Complementary binary 0000 0001 0011 0101 0111 1001 1011 1101 1111 1111 I 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 1111 BCD and complementary BCD Scale +FS-1 LSB + 718 FS +3/4 FS +5/8FS +1/2 FS +3/8 FS +1/4 FS + 1/8 FS 0+1 LSB 0 II I i 1001 1000 0111 0110 0101 0011 0010 0001 0000 0000 Dla and aId converters: The operating basics Complementary BCD I 1001 0101 0000 0101 0000 0101 0000 0101 0001 0000 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1100 1101 1110 1111 1111 0110 1000 1010 1101 1111 1000 1010 1101 1111 1111 0110 1010 1111 1010 1111 1010 1111 1010 1110 1111 For the ideal dla ton\"ertel', there is a aneta-one tOl'respondente between i npu t and all tput. but for the aid there is not. beeauseany analog input within a range of Q will giw the same output ('ode word, Thus, fol' a goh'en code w01'd, the tOl'l'csponding input analog yt.thH-' could ha,'e errors of from U to ±Q/2. This quantization errol' can be I'eduted only by an intl'ease in l'on\"cl'tel' resolution. Although the analog input 01' output l'ang-l'S arc arbitrary, some of the standardized l'angl's indude 0 to +5. 0 to + 10. 0 to 5 and U to 10 V fo1' unipola.r converters, and 2.5 to 5 to 5 and HI to + 10 \. for bipo!;,,· + 2.5. units. Many units on the market are programmahIE:> types in which external pin conm'ctions dl,t('}"minc the range of operation. The basic transfer characteristic of an ideal d/a com'erter forms the plot shown in Fig. A. The d/a takes an input digital <.:ode and <.:onY(,l't:-; it to an analog output voltage or current. 1001 0111 0101 0010 0000 0111 0101 0010 0000 0000 Thi~ form of discrete input and di:-:<:I'l'te output (quantized) gives the tram-liel' fUllction a straight line through the tops of th,· \'('rtieal bars. In general the analog \"ailies an' l'ompl(.>tl'I~· arbitrary and a large number of binary dig-ital codes tan be used. Analog full-:;tale tan bl' dl'fined as 25.2 to 85.7 \' as easily as 0 to 10 \'. In practice. though. the industry has se!tied on sen~l'al codes and very simple ranges for most major appiitations. For instance. the transfer ehal'atiel'h;tits in Fig. A are for a dla tonn.'~l'tel' that uses a :l-bit unipolar binary ('ode and an output defined only in terms of its full-seal" \·aluE>. The ideal aid converter (Fig. B I has a staircase transfer characteristic. Here an analog input voltage or current is convertcd into a digital word. The analog input is quantized into n levels for a converter with n hits I'e:-;olution. For the ideal converter. the true analog "alu" corresponding to a given output code word i:-> centered between two decision leve!!;. Thcl"P are 2' 1 analog decision levels. The quantitization size. Q. is equal to the full-scale range of the converter divided by 2 n , Illl~EClS10N ': ~ 110 8 101 LEVEL I e:~ 100 011 :::) 010 o 001 000 a ' I : : : l, :, J : : , , I I I " I~Q:-:: ' : FS 0.2:5 I , FS 05 , I 0.75 INPUT VOLTA.GE 57 , l : I ' FS I F'S DATA ACQUISITION 81 CONVERSION HANDBOOK ___ LOGIC IN----.. ISV ......--LOGIC IN--............. 0---1--+----.--1--- ISVo--____~-~----._-~-~ 2. 1.2 VO - - - - - i l - - - - - - - f - - - - - -lOUT 1.2 Vo---t--------f-------- --+----- -4.4 Vo---il---I----.... IOUT- -ISVo---~- _ _ _ _ _~-----_ ate output current in different directions. The resistor 1. Weighted current·source configurations for straight binary (a) and complementary binary (b) coding gener· weighting determines the output code. Complementary-binary, positive-true coding is also used in d/ a converters. This scheme is used because of the weighted current source configuration employed in many converter designs. Fig. 1 shows two commonly used weightedcurrent-source designs. The pnp version (Fig. 1a) delivers a positive output current with straight binary positive-true coding. When the logic input is ONE, or +5 V, the current source is on, since the input diode is back-biased. Thus the current from each ON weighted current source is summed at the common-collector connection and flows to the output. A ZERO input holds the cathode of the input diode at ground and steals the emitter current from the transistor, keeping it off. The use of an npn current source (Fig. 1b) produces a negative output current with complementary binary positive-true coding. The pnp transistors operate in the same way as before, but each collector is connected to the emitter of an npn weighted current source, which is turned on or off by the pnp transistor. This basic method finds common use in IC quad currentsource circuits. Complementary binary, positive-true, coding is identical to straight binary negative true; these are just two definitions of the same code. Straight-binary, negative-true, coding is commonly used to interface equipment with many minicomputer input/output busses. Unipolar aid converters most frequently use the straight binary positive-true coding. They also use straight-binary inverted-analog where the fullscale code word corresponds to the negative full scale analog value. Another popular code used in many converters is BCD. Table 2 shows three-decade BCD and complementary BCD codes used with converters that have full-scale ranges of +5 or +10 V. BCD is an 8421 weighted code, with four bits used to code each decimal digit. This code is relatively inefficient, since only 10 of the 16 code states for each decade are used. It is, however, a very useful code for interfacing decimal displays and switches with digital systems. IMS8 1 160-"""",V\o-+-"",,-, 32 64 128 DATA OUT' 2. Binary (a) and BCD (b) ladder networks in d I a con· verters use the same weighting in the resistor quads but different divider ratios. 3. MOst aId converters for bipolar operation are offset by a current equal to the ,value of the MSB. The half· scale then becomes 100 ... o. 58 With dla converters, it is especially convenient to have input decimal codes for use with such equipment as digitally programmed power supplies. And, with aid converters, BCD is particularly popular for the dual-slope type for direct connection to numeric displays. BCD coding in converters can be achieved in two ways: binary-tD-BCD code conversion or direct weighting of internal resistor ladders and current sources. Today it is almost aiways done by resistor weighting schemes (Fig. 2). Each of the weighted resistors gets switched to a voltage source and thus generates the weighted current for the amplifier. Fig. 2a shows an 8-bit binary ladder network. Due to temperature-tracking constraints, groups of four resistors are used. Then the total resistance variation won't exceed 8-to-1. In between the groups of four resistors is a current divider composed of two resistors that give a division ratio of 16 to 1 between resistor quads. The BCD ladder configuration is similar, with the same values in each of the groups of four resistors. In this case, however, the current divider has a ratio of lO to 1 between resistor quads. Thus, because of the difference in internal weighting, BCD-coded converters cannot be pinstrapped for another code; they must be ordered only for BCD use. derived from the internal voltage reference, so it will track the other weighted current sources with temperature. For bipolar operation, this current source fs connected to the converter's comparator input. Since the current flows in a direction opposite from that of the other weighted sources, its value is subtracted from the input range. With the weighted currents flowing away from the comparator input, the normal input voltage range is positive. Thus the offsetting can $!hange a 0 to +lO-V input range into a -5 to +5-V bipolar range. If the analog range is offset for a converter with straight binary coding, the new coding becomes offset binary. This is the simplest code for a converter to implement, since no change in the coding .is required. Table 3 shows offset binary coding for a bipolar converter with a ± 5-V input range. All ZEROs in the code correspond to minus full scale. The code word that was originally half-scale becomes the analog zero, lOOO 0000 0000. And all ONEs correspond to +5 V less one LSB. Successive-approximation aid converters also have a serial, straight-binary output. This serial output is the result of the sequential conversion process, and it also becomes offset binary when the converter is connected for bipolar operation. Three other types of binary codes are shown in Table 3, along with the offset binary. Of all four, the two most commonly used are offset binary and two's complement. Some converters use the sign-magnitude binary, but the one's complement is rarely used. The two's complement code is the most popular because most digital arithmetic is performed in it; thus most interfacing problems are elim- Codes can be made bipolar Most conve'rters have provision for both unipolar and bipolar operation by external pin connection. The unipolar analog range is offset by one-half of full scale, or by the value of MSB current source, to get bipolar operation (Fig. 3). The current source, equal to the MSB current, is Table 3. Bipolar codes-12 bit converter Scale ±5 V FS +FS-1 LSB +3/4 FS + 1/2 FS + 1/4 FS 0 -1/4 FS -1/2 FS -3/4 FS -FS+1 LSB -FS +4.9976 +3.7500 +2.5000 +1.2500 0.0000 -1.2500 -2.5000 -3.7500 -4.9976 -5.0000 Offset binary Two's complement One's complement 111111111111 0111 1111 1110 0000 0000 0110 0000 1100 0000 0000 0100 0000 10 10 0000 0000 0010 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0110 0000 0000 III 0 0000 0100 0000 0000 11 00 0000 0010 0000 0000 10 10 0000 0000 0000 0001 1000 0000 000000000000110000000 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0111 0110 0100 0010 0000 1101 1011 1001 1000 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 0000 Sign· mag binary 1111 1111 0000 III 0 0000 11 00 0000 1010 0000' 1000 1111 0010 1111 0100 1111 '0110 0000 I 0111 - , 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000' 0000 0000 0000 1111 - -Note: One's complement and sign magnitude binary have two code words for zero as given below; these are deSignated zero plus and zero minus: One's complement 0+ 0- 59 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 I i Sign·mag binary 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 I DATA ACQUISITION,. CONVERSION HANDBOOK Table 4. Inverted analog offset binary coding comparison Scale Normal analog offset binary Inverted analog offset binary +FS Normal analog compo offset binary 0000.00000000 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000 0001 1100 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0011 1111 1111 1000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0111 1111 1111 -1/2 FS 0100 0000 0000 11 00 0000 0000 1011 1111 1111 -FS +1 LSB 0000 0000 0001 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 +FS - 1 LSB +1/2 FS 0 -FS 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 o 0 DIGITAL OUTPUT 4. For two's complement coding in a dla, the MSB current·source must go to the oPPosite terminal from the other weighted sources to avoid output glitches. 5. The inverted-analog dla converter (a) and the invert· ed·analog aid converter (b) have negative·going analog output and input values, respectively. inated. The easiest way to characterize the two'scomplement code 'is to look at the sum of a positive and negative number of the same magnitude; the result is all ZEROs plus a carry. 'Visually the only difference between two's complement and offset binary is the left-most bit. In two's complement code it is the complement of the left-most bit in offset binary. This left-most bit is normally called the MSB; in offset binary it is, in effect, the sign bit, and is so called in the other codes. Thus two's-complement coding is derived froIl! offset binary when the sign bit is complemented and brought out as an additional output. code words for zero, as shown in Table 3. Because of the extra code word used for zero, the range of these codes is one LSB less than for offset-binary and two's-complement 'Coding. For positive numbers, one's-complement is the same as two's-complement. The negative number in one's-complement is obtained when the positive number is complemented. Signcmagnitude coding is identical to offset binary for positive numbers; negative numbers are obtained by use.of the positive number with a complemented sign bit. D a converters don't usually use two's complement coding. This is because it's hard to invert the MSB weighted current source. If the logic input is inverted, there is an extra digital delay in switching the current source, and this causes large output· transients when the current is switched on arid off. The other alternative is to change the direction of the MSB current instead of inverting the digital input. This is also difficult to do and can introduce switching delays. One satisfactory way of inverting the MSB is shown in Fig. 4. Here a voltage output d /a converter that uses two's-complement coding has the MSB current switched into the negative ampli- Codinljl has its limitations Both two's-complement and offset-binary codes have magnitudes (if we temporarily forget about the sign bit) that increase from minus full scale to zero, and, with a sign change, from zero to plus full scale. Both codes have Ii single definition of zero. On the other hand, one's-complement and sign-magnitude codes have magnitudes that increase from zero to plus full scale and from zero to minus full scale. Both of these codes have two 60 output current. However, if a current-to-voltage converter is used at the output, an inversion takes place, and a normal analog output voltage results. In Fig. 6b, a d/a converter with positive output current is used in an aid converter. Since the dia output current is summed with the offset and input current at the comparator input, a negative input voltage is needed to balance these currents. The analog input thus goes from plus full scale to minus full scale for an increasing output code. Normal analog coding is achieved by use of an inverting amplifier ahead of the analog input terminal. Inverted analog coding is compared with the normal offset binary coding in Table 4. This comparison shows that if the inverted analog offset binary code is rotated around the zero of the analog voltage, a normal analog offset binary output results. If inverted analog offset binary is compared with normal analog complementary offset binary, the two codes will appear identical except for an offset of one LSB. The relationship between these two codes can be expressed as: Normal analog complementary binary + 1 LSB = Inverted analog offset binary. Therefore a converter that uses one of these codes can also be used for the other with an external offset adjustment of 1 LSB. fier input terminal, while the other weighted currents are switched into the load resistor and positive input terminal. Thus opposite-polarity output voltages are produced, and there are no additional switching delays in the MSB. One other code in Table 1 is the sign-magnitude BCD. This code, used mostly in dual-slope aid converters, usually requires 13 bits for a three-decade digital display. Of the 13 bits, 12 are for the BCD code and one for the sign bit. An additional output bit for an overrange indication is generally supplied. Another scheme in Table 1 is inverted analog code. This is also called negative reference coding. While most converters use zero to plus full scale as analog values; the inverted configuration uses zero to minus full scale values. The coding then increases in magnitude when the analog level .increases in magnitudll from zero to minus full scale. For bipolar coding, normal analog has an increasing code as the analog value goes from minus full scale to plus full scale; inverted analog coding does the opposite-the code increases as the analog value goes from plus full scale to minus. Why the need for this code? Fig. 5a shows a dla converter that delivers a negative output current. With bipolar operation and use of the offset current source, the converter provides a code ZERO that corresponds to plus full scale GZ 61 DATA ACQUISITION lit CONVERSION HANDBOOK The ICL71 04 A Binary Output AID Converter for J.LProcessors 1. INTRODUCTION The chip pair operates as a dual-slope integrating converter. The conversion takes place in three stages, each with their own configuration. In thelirst, or auto-zero phase (this is also the "idle" condition), the converter self-corrects for all the ollset voltages in the buller, integrator, and comparator. During the second, or input integrate phase, the converter integrates the input signal lor a lixed time (2'5 clock pulses lor the -16 part, 213 for -14, 2" lor -12), The converter then determines the (average) polarity 01 the input, and during the third, or deintegrate (alias reference integratel phase, integrates the relerence voltage in the opposite polarity, until the circuit returns to the initial condition. This pOint is known as the zero-crossing, and terminates the conversion process. The time (number 01 clock pulsesl required to reach zerocrossing is proportional to the ratio 01 the input signal to the reference. A more detailed discussion 01 the operation of the dual-slope converter, including the ICL8052-ICL-710X family, is given in Application Note A017 "The Integrating AID Converter." Figure 2 shows the basic waveforms of the Integrator. The ICL7104, combined with the ICL8052 or ICL8068, forms a memberollntersil's high performance AID converter family. The 16-bit version, the ICL7104-16, performs the analog switching and digital function lor a 16-bit binary AID converter, with lull three state output, UART handshake capability, and other outputs lor a wide range of output interfacing. The ICL7104-14 and ICL7104-12 are 14 and 12bit versions. The analog section, as with all Intersil's integrating converters, provides fully precise Auto-zero, Auto-polarity (including ± 0 null indication), Single reference operation, very high input impedance, true input integration over a constant period lor maximum EMI rejection, lully ratio metric operation, over-range indication, and a medium quality built-in relerence. The chip pair also offers optional input buffer gain lor high sensitivity applications, a built-in clock oscillator, and output signals lor providing an external auto-zero capability in preconditioning circuitry, synchronizing external multiplexers, etc., etc. The basic schematic connections are shown in Figure 1. O/RPOl161514 13 12 1110 9 a 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 --l 21 r-~~~~~~~~~~ I I VAEF ANALOG ,NPUT REF. CAP (2) OPTION 16 BIT PINS 23. 12, 13 NOT CONN. 14 BIT PINS NOT CONN. 12 BIT 1 AZ 1 INTEO, 1 DEINTEG. MIN. 321< 8K 2K 321< 8K 21< o· 64k o· 16K D' 41< Figure 1: 8052A (8068A117104 16114112 Bit AID Converter. INTEGRATION CAP. PHASE 1--++ PHASE I I - t - - PHASE AUTO ZERO I SIGNAL I I INTEGRATE I I I I '11- REFERENCE INTEGRATE ~,~ 0"- i~ ~ ___ h.nnnn.. _______ _ I~I-~-~-- Find number of clock pu'.' Number of ctoc:k pulses proporUoMiI 10 YIN Figure 2: Simplified Dual-Slope Converter and the Three Phases of a Dual-Slope Conversion. 62 CONVERT CONTROL This application note will first cover the digital interface of the ICL8052!1CL8068)-ICL71 04 chip pair to digital systems of various kinds, including microprocessors, using the three state output capabilities (covered in Section 2) and the handshake' system built into the 7104 (Section 3). Finally, some (mainly) analog techniques to enhance the system performance in certain applications are covered in Section 4. An Appendix covers a normally undetectable 'but under some circumstances significant error generated in the autozero system. ". 8052AI 7104 -16 ....A 2. DIGITAL INTERFACE (Without Internal Handshake) The output format of the ICL7104 is extremely versatile, and includes a full internal handshake capability, which is discussed in the next section. Here we will be concerned only with the "normal" three state output lines. To disable the handshake circuitry, the MODE pin (pin 27) should be tied low Ito digital gndl. In this mode, the most useful output-timing signal is the STaTuS (STTS) line (pin 3), which goes high at the beginning of the signal integrate phase. When zero crossing occurs (or overload detection), new data is latched on the next clock pulse, and 1/2 clock pulse later, the STTS line goes low. Thus, the new data is stable on this transition. The Run/Hold pin (R/H) (pin 28) is also useful for controlling conversions. A more detailed description olthe operation olthis pin is given in Section 4.8, but it will suffice to say here that if it is high, conversions will be performed continuously, while if it is low, the current conversion will be completed, but no others will start until it goes high again. There are 18 data output lines (16 and 14 on the 14-bit and 12-bit versions), including the polarity and over-range lines. These lines are grouped in sets of no more than 8 for three stated enable purposes, in the format shown in Figure 3, under the control of the byte and chip disable lines shown. To enable any byte, both the chip disable and the corresponding byte disable lines must be low. If all fourlthreefor7104-14 and -12) disable lines are tied low, all the data output lines will be asserted full time, thus giving a latched parallel output. For a three state parallel output, the three (two) byte disable lines should be tied low, and the chip disable line will act as a normal three state control line, as shown in Figure 4. This technique assumes the use of an 18 (16, 14) bit wide bus, fairly common among minicomputers and larger computers, but still rare among microprocessors (note that "extra" bits can sometimes be sensed as condition flags, etc.!. For small words, the bit groups can be enabled individually or in pairs, by tying the chip disable line low, and using the byte disable lines either individually or in any combination as three state control lines, as shown in Figure 5. Several devices can be three stated to one bus by the technique suggested in Figure 6, comparable to row and column selection in memory arrays. 71"", Figure 4: Full 18 Bit Three State Output CONVERT ....AI .... 7104 ....A ...... ""AI 7104 .... LB. LSB CONTROL CONTROL CONVERT OR POL ....AI 7104 USIA .... LSI CONTROL Figure 5: Various Combinations of Byte Disables .. .7 .. I. .. 83 12 .1 ~_~W~Hn~"UMnn~ POL 0ItI OR OR POL POL OIR .1• •11 .'4 ., • •12 111 11' . . ~u 71 ....12 r-=.t,: or CHIP SELECT 2 L-+--+---'-_ '12 111 .1' .. .. .7 .. II Figure 3: Three State Formats via Disable Pins 63 .. 1:1 12 .1 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK CONVERTER CONVERTER IELECT lOUCT ( -fl MODE ettD) - i - 71IM ... =:J MIl 8052A1 8068A ] LI. fl MODE CII[D POL 71IM L. . iiiIfri iiiiDi LBEN ~ 80S2Af 71IM 8068A - - .... P L. . 0r--- HiIN iiiDi LSEN HIIN MaEN La!N L J RIft 0111-- ] - --) +j - ORI-- POI. 8068A - Rlii MODE CE/Lfii OR- 8052A1 lOUCT - +j -fl fl/N CON¥lRTER j TO OTHER CONVERTERS 1 BYTE SELECT Figure 6: Three Stating Several 7104'. to a Small Bus. Some practical interface circuits utilizing the parallel and three state output capabilities of the ICL7104 are shown in Figures 7 through 13. Figure 7 shows a straightforward application to the Intel MCS-48, 80, and 85 systems via an 8255 PPI, using full-time parallel output. The 1/0 ports of an 8155 can be used in the same way. This interface can be used in a read-anytime mode, although there can be timing problems here, since a read performed as new data is being latched in the ICL7104 may lead to scrambled data. (Note that this will occur only very rarely, in proportion to the ratio of setup-skew to conversion times). One way to overcome this problem is to read back the STTS line as wall, and if it is high, read the data again after a delay exceeding 1/2 (converter) clock cycle. If STTS is now low, the second reading is correct, if it is still high, the first reading was corract (note that data never changes when STTS is low, and it goes low 1/2 clock cycle after data update occurs). Alternatively, the problem is completely avoided by using a read-alter-update mode, as shown in Figure 8. Here the high to low transition of STTS triggers a "read data" operation ADDRESS_US :0 CONTROL.US I DATA BUS I Figure 7: Full Time Parallel/Interface 8052(8068)-7104 to MCS-48, 80/85 ] RiER iii6i iliEii O/R,POL Families 80521 8.68 ..,- 71IM IIODE AI" 1- +.r ~ ...J\. "o-AI U G II co ,.... ......... PA1-PAo ~ U D7-Do AD WR --'\. ~ Li. ~ STTS ClfLD ,, D U j? 8015, I0I0, 104I, ....,IItc. (ModI! 0) P81-PaO PC>; ! .1 ADDRESS BUS 0 t CONTAOLBUS DATA 8US Figure 8: Full Time Parallel Interface 8052(8068)-7104 to MCS-48, 80/85 I I HBEN iiiiiii J U - LaEN 8002 8068 07-Do ~ PC 0,1 I ) (MODEl) Lia I ) (MODE 0) Families With Interrupt 71IM M!. STTS CElLO ....Ucs , U AD WR A O/A,POL ..... ....,no., PA7-PAo u n 1015.I0I0, 1041........Ie. PI7-PBo MODE -l- R/H I 1-1 Pc. .. '.{ SEE TEXT 64 1".',.. PCt """ IINTRA +·1 INTR I 11 through the MCS-8 Interrupt system. This application also shows the R/R" pin being used to initiate conversions under software control. If continuous conversions are desired, R/R" may be held high, and if the maximum possible conversion rate is desired, R/R" may be tied to clock out (see Section 4.B belowl. Figure 10 shows an interface to the Intersil IMS100 microprocessor family through the IMS101 PIE device. Here the data is read back in a 10-bit and an 8-bit word, directly from the 7104 onto the 12-bit data bus. Again, the high to low transition of the STTS line triggers an interrupt. This leads to a software routine which controls the two read operations. As before, the R/R" pin is shown as being under software control, though the options mentioned above are equally acceptable, depending on system needs. These Interrupt-fed systems essentially use an external handshake operation, under software control. An interesting variation, using the Simultaneous Direct Memory Access (SOMAl capability of the IMS100 family, is shown in Figure 11. The IMS102 MEDIC allows DMA during bus-idle processor cycles, so the transfer takes no extra time. The current address and extended current address registers of the IMS102 control the memory location to which the data will be sent, and the STTS output of the ICL7104 allows data transfer only when the converter is not updating information. The ECA register is used to drive the byte select lines (CA should be set to 7777, and WC to 21 and the User Pulse controls Chip disable CE/Li5. A more fully loaded system can use address latches for CA. A DMA system can also be set up on the MCS-8 system using the DMA controller, 8257, and the three state outputs of the ICL7104. A similar interface to the Motorola MC6800 system is shown in Figure g. Since the maximum input-port count here is only 1S, while the 1S-bit ICL7104 has 18 outputs, control register A is used to inputthe two extra bits. The high to low transition of the STTS pin enables the two high bits, clocking the two interrupt flags in Control Register A if they are negative. A pull up resistor is needed on CAl, though CA2 has one internally. The same transition causes an interrupt via Control Register B's CBl line. It is important to ensure that the software interrupt routine reads control register A before reading data port A, since the latter operation will clear the interrupt flags. Note that CB2 controls the R/R" pin through control register B, allowing software initiation of conversions· in this system also. Naturally, the 14 and 12 bit versions of the ICL7104 avoid this problem since lS or fewer bits need to be read back. Since the MOS Technology MCSS50X microprocessors are bus-compatible with the MCS800's the same circuit can be used with them also. Figure 9: Paraliel Interface from 7104 to MC 6800 Family (also MCS650X Familyl 12 BIT DATA aus Figure 10: 8052180681/7104 Paraliel Interface With 6100"P 65 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK 12 BIT DATA BUS ·5. UP OR 8052A1 80'" 71~ LSB 6102 6100 MEDIC "p EM" 13 BIT CONTROL BUS Figure 11: 8052180681/7104 Parallel Interface With 6100"P Using DMA It is possible using the three state output capability, to connect the ICL7104 directly onto many microprocessor busses. Examples of this are shown in Figures 12and 13. It is necessary to consider the system timing in this kind of application, and careful study should be made of the required set-up times from the microprocessor data sheets. Note also the drive limitations on long busses. Generally this type of circuit is only favored if the memory peripheral address density is low, so that simple redundant address decoding can be used. Interrupt handling can require multiple external components also, and use of an interface device is normally advisable if this is needed. BUS CONTROL ADDRESS BUS DATA BUS Figure 12: Direct 805218068117104 to MC6800 Microprocessor Interface ADDRESS BUS A13-A,5 (')0 t CONTROL 8U8 RD <- DATA 8US U HHIi MIEN O/A,POL Ui!N .... 80521 Mfl 7104 MODE AIM J: .t CilUi 1 LiB J ::J ::J - r- U H II ,.... lOIS, I0I0, Figure 13: Direct Connection of 8052180681/7104 to MCS-80/85 System 66 3. HANDSHAKE MODE INTERFACE low. When receipt of the last byte has been acknowledged by a high SEN, the handshake mode will be cleared, re-enabling data latching from conversions, and recognizing the condition of the MODE pin again. The byte and chip disables will be three stated off, if the MODE pin is low, but held high by their (weak) pullups. These timing relationships are illustrated in Figure 14. This configuration allows ready interface with a wide variety of external devices. For instance, external latches can be clocked on the rising edge of CE/i]), and the byte disables can be used to drive either load enables, or provide data identification flags, as shown in Figure 15. More usefully, the handshake mode can be used to interface with an 8-bit microprocessor of the MCS-8 group (eg. 8048, 8080, 8085, etc.) as shown in Figure 16. The handshake operation with the 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPII is controlled by inverting its Input Buffer Full IIBF) flag to drive the Send ENable pin, and driving its strobe with' the (;Eli]) line. The internal control register of the PPI should be set in mode 1 for the port used. If the 7104 is in handshake mode, and the 8255 IBF fla9 is low, the next word will be presented to the chosen port, and strobed. The strobe will cause IBFto rise, locking the three stated byte on. The PPI will cause a program interrupt in the MCS-8 system, which will result (after the appropriate program steps have been executed) in a "read" operation. The byte will be read, and the IBF reset low. This will cause the current byte disable to be dropped, and the next (if any) selected, strobed, etc., as before. The interface circuit as shown has the MODE pin tied to a control line on the PPI. If this bit is set always high (or mode is tied high separately), every conversion will be fed into the system (provided that the three interrupt sequences take less time than one conversion) as three 8-bit bytes; if this bit is normally left low, setting it high will cnse a data transmission on demand. The interrupt routine clln be used Entry into the handshake mode will occur if either of two conditions are fulfilled; first. if new data is latched Ii.e. a conversion is completed) while MODE pin (27) is high, in which case entry occurs at the end of the latch cycle; or secondly, if the MODE pin goes from low to high, when entry will occur immediately Iif new data is being latched, entry is delayed to the end of the latch cycle!. While in the handshake mode, data latching is inhibited, and the MODE pin is ignored. (Note that conversion cycles will continue in the normal manner). This allows versatile initiation of handshake operation without danger of false data generation; if the MODE pin is held high, every conversion (other than those completed during handshake operations) will start a new handshake operation, while if the MODE pin is pulsed high, handshake operations can be obtained "on demand." During handshake operations, the various "disable" pins become output pins, generating Signals used for the handshake operation. The Send ENable pin (SEN) (pin 29) is used as an indication of the ability 'of the external device to receive data. The condition of the line is sensed once every clock pulse, and if it is high, the next (or first) byte is enabled on the next riSing CL 1 (pin 25) clock edge, the corresponding byte disable line goes low, and the Chip DisablE/LoaD line (pin 301 «;Eli])) goes low for one full clock pulse only, returning high. On the next falling CL 1 clock pulse edge, if SEN remains high, or after it goes high again, the byte output lines will be put in the high impedance state (or three-stated off). One half pulse later, the byte disable pin will be cleared high, and (unless finished) the CEli]) and the next byte disable pin will go low. This will continue until all three (2 in the case of 12 and 14 bit devices) bytes have been sent. The bytes are individually put into the low impedance state i.e.: threestated on during most of thetimethattheir byte disable pin is .. - 7104-16 REPEAT SEQUENCE FOR MBEN -I Cll(PIN25} EITHER:MODE PIN OR:- INTERNAL LATCH PULSE IF MODE "HI". UAAT INTERNAL MODE \'---- NORM _ _-L_ _",--_....J SEN (EXTERNAL SIGNAL) DIA,POL.BI-1" 17104-12: 89-12) .~«==~D.~T~.~V~.L~ID~.~ST~.~.L~E:: ~>--------- BITS 1-8 I -_ _ _ HANDSHAKE MODE TRIGGERED By········· OR - - - THREE STATE H I Z _ -14, -12 BIT VERSION SHOWN Figurs 14: Timing Relationships in Handshake Mode 67 .....L... THREE STATE W PULLUP. -18 HAS EXTRA (1I8EN) PHASE DATA ACQUISITION 8. CONVERSION HANDBOOK to reset the bit, if desired. Note also that the R/R' pin is also shown tied to a control bit so that conversions can be performed· either continuously or on demand under software control. Note that one port is not used here, and can service another peripheral device. The same arrangement can again be used with an 8155 I/O port and control lines. 17, and the Intel MCS4/40 family, as shown in Figure 18. These both operate almost identically to the method described above, except that in the former both R/R and MODE are shown tied high, to avoid using a full port for only two lines. Any 8-bit or wider microprocessor lor minicomputer), or narrower devices with 8-bit wide ports (most 4bit devices have 8-bit wide ports available) can be interfaced in a handshake mode with a minimum 01 additional hardware, frequently none at all. Similar methods can be used with other microprocessors, such as the MC6800 or MCS650X family, as shown in Figure 1+' 2 I I I MODE S.N Aitt OA2 POL MS. 8052A1 7104 8068' ~ a ~ icl/[i5 HiIJii MiEN LS·l L81!N L- a I r:=:::> 74C'., I • [ • [ • [ • r ----l )I L-.. 74C181 )\ [ L-.. ----l I-- 14C161 ~ ..) '--- -------' r: 74C181 ) L-.. ,----J ~ LO~C1~LK I= ..) '--- f---J a PARALLEL TO I SERIAL CONVERTER "LOAD - SERIAL DATA W'TH BYTE FLAGS Figure 15: Use of Byte Disable Lines as Flags or for Loading ADDRESS IUS r c CONTROL BUS DATA BUS O/A,POL to.2' M~B 7104 8.68 MODE R/R SEN Cilili I 1 1 LSB ~ ~ ... A U {} U lAD iii! Ao-At 01-00 U G II co ,.... Intltl PC. 101S.IOIO. IIMI. I00I, etc. 82&& PA7'PAo (Mochl1) PC, PC, PC. PC, INTA ! !INTRA. liTO'I'·"1 Figure 16: 8052A18068AI-7104 to MCS-48. -80. or -85 Handshake Interface fE/a; S'N O'A CA1 POL CA2 CRA I n 100-01 I MS. Po4O·1 10521 8.68 MC .... OA MC6820 7104 P80·7 MCSI50J( C81 C.2 ADDRESS BUS BUS CONTROL Figure 17: 805218068117104 to MC6800 or MCS650X Microprocessor With Handshake 68 CONTfiOlBUS u {) ADDfiESS I DATA BUS u {) 80521 1068 7'04 OIR'::.:§ ~ p~~~'" ': L-...L::M~OD~E"';A;;;'[;"_"';S"'~1;"~;;;;\;';;~'--_-~-'·__ ~;}j k INTEL 4004 OR 4040 (MODE 1 OA 2) " ONLY: ELSE_ '5V) _ _ _ _ _(MODE _ _2_ __ _____ _ Figure 18: 8052A-7104 to MCS4/40 Microprocessor With Handshake The handshake mode can also be used to interface with industry-standard UARTs, such as the Intersil IM6402/3 and the Western Digital TR1602. One method is shown in Figure 19. The arrangement here is such that il the UART receives any word serially down the Receiver Register Input line (RRD the Data Received flag (DR) will be set. Since this is tied to the MODE pin, the current result will be loaded, lull handshake style as belore, into the transmitter buffer register, via the Transmitter Buller Register Empty flag (TBRE) and the TBR]"oad lines. The UART will thus transmit the lull 18 (16, 14) bit result in 3 (2, 2) 8-bit words, together with the requisite start, stop and parity bits, serially down the Transmitter Register Output (TRO) line. The DR Ilag is reset via DRReset, here driven by a byte disable line. II we use DR to drive R/R' instead, and use the received data word to drive a multiplexer, as shown in Figure 20, the multiplexer address sent to the UART will be selected, and a conversion initiated 01 the corresponding analog input. The result will be returned serially il the MODE pin is tied high. Thus a complete remote data logging station lor up to 256 separate input lines can be controlled and read back through a three line interface. By adding a duplex or modem, telephone or radio link control is possible. (For a luller discussion 01 this technique, see Application Note A025, Building A Remote Data Logging Station). o '5. SEN CElLO lBEN 8052A1 oo68A alA 7104 TBA 1 RA1 _ _ _ SERIAL liP LS. OA MODE Figure 19: 805218068117104 Serial Inferface Using UART unselected A/Os all have three stated disable lines as well as data lines, so provided only one device is selected at a time, no conllicts will occur. (Note that byte disable lines are internally pulled-up when not active, so CE/[5 has no effect on unselected converters). Naturally, care must be taken to avoid double selection errors in the data word, or an address decoder used. This technique could also be used to poll many stations on a single set 01 lines, provided that the TRO outputs are either three state or open collector/drain connections, since only that UART receiving an address that will trigger an attached converter will transmit anything. o -5V ANALOG INPUTS MULTIPLEXER 6403 UART POL MODE IH .... SERIAL DIP TBAl 1-----1 O.A MS. Alternatively, the data word could be used to select one 01 several A/D converters, as shown in Figure 21. The 8052AI oo68A TAO TBRE TAO O/A SEAIAL O/P 6403 UART 7'04 POL AB.A1 MS. ABR4 AN lIP AR1 • SEAIAL liP LS. OA Figure 20: 805218068117104 Serial Interface Using UART and Analog Multiplexer 69 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK SERIAL DIP SERIAL liP j 1 TOO 001 DO 8403 C UART TIRE HRl RBRl ••• RIM TaRl ••• TaAI DO. ~ II ~ I ( t-'''\ MODE CEli:D SEN SE. ORr POL MS. 8052A1 8068A 710. RIH ~ MS. 8052AI 8068A 7104 - LS. I SEN P 0 I I I RIH 00 POL MS. 8052AI SO..A 710. I-- HfiN iiiHN LaEN HIEN MBEN LBEN I MODE CIlLO ORr POL J LS. r-·' "\ 1-' "\ MODE i'!!ILD R'" I LS. i--' P 0 I-- HBiN MIEN LIEN I I I Figure 21: Multiplexing Converters Through the Mode Pin 4. MISCELLANEOUS TECHNIQUES FOR is shown in Figure 22. With careful layout, the circuit shown can achieve effective input noise voltages on the order of 12".V, allowing full 16-bit use with full scale inputs of as low as 150mV. Note thatatthis level, thermoelectric EMFs between PC boards, IC pins, etc., due to local temperature changes can be very troublesome. ConSiderable care has been taken with the internal design of the ICL7104 and the ICL8068 to minimize the internal thermoelectric effects, but device dissipation should be minimized, and the effects of heatfrom adjacent land not-so adjacent) components must be considered to achieve full performance at this sensitivity level. PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT This section covers a few techniques. primarily analog, that can be used to enhance the performance of the ICL8052 IICL8068)/ICL7104 chip pair for certain applications. Section 4.A. deals with buffer gain. for sensitivity increases of up to about 5 or 10 to 1, Section 4.B. with a special interconnection to allow the maximum rate of conversion with lower-valued inputs, and Section 4.C. external auto-zero for extending the benefits of auto-zero operation to preamplifiers, etc., to cover specialized signal processing or sensitivity enhancement by 10-100 to 1. 4. A. Buffer Gain 4. B. Minimal Auto-Zero Time Operation One of the significant contributions to the effective input noise voltage of a dual slope integrator is the so called autozero noise. At the end of the auto-zero interval, the instantaneous noise voltage on the auto-zero capacitor is stored, and subtracts from the input voltage while adding to the reference voltage during the next cycle. Although the open loop band width of the auto-zero loop is not wide, the gain from the input is very high, and the resulting closed loop band width to buffer noise is fairly wide. The result is thalthis noise voltage effectively is somewhat greater than the input noise voltage of the buffer . itself during integration. By introducing some voltage gain into the buffer, the effect of the auto-zero noise (referred to the input> can be reduced to the level of the inherent buffer noise. This generally occurs with a buffer gain of between 3 and 10. Further increase in buffer gain merely increases the total offset to be handled by the auto-zero loop, and reduces the available buffer and integrator swings, without improving the noise performance of the system (see also the appendix). The circuit recommended for doing this with the ICL806811CL7104 The R/H pin (pin 28) can be used in two basic modes. If it is held high, the ICL7104-16 will perform a complete conversion cycle in 131K clock counts (strictly 217), regardless of the result value Ifor the -14, 215 counts, -12, 2'3 counts!. If, however, the R/H pin lever) goes low between the time of the zero-crossing and the end of a full 216/14/12 count reference integrate phase, that phase is immediately terminated. If it is then held low, the 7104 will ensure a minimum auto-zero count (of 2 15/13/11 counts) and then wait in auto-zero until the R/R pin goes high. On the other hand, if it goes high immediately subsequent to this minimal autozero count, the 7104 will start the'next conversion after the least permissible time in auto-zero; i.e., at the maximum possible rate. The necessary "activity" oflthe R/R pin can be readily provided by tying it to the clock out pin (pin 26). Obviously under these conditions, the conversion cycle time depends on the result. Also note the scale factor and autozero effects covered in the Appendix. 70 ·15V 15V roJ 168 7 1 VRF.~ ANALOG INPUT Figure 22: 806817104 Converter With Buffer Gain 4. C. External Auto-Zero 5. SUMMARY In many systems, signal conditioning is required in front of the converter for preamplification, filtering, etc., etc. With the exception of buffer gain, discussed in Section 4.A. above, it is generally not possible to include these conditioning circuits in the auto-zero loop. However, a sample-and-difference circuit keyed to the auto-zero phase can be used to eliminate offset and similar errors in preamplifiers, multiplexers, etc. A suitable circuit for a simple system is shown in Figure 23. The ICL8053 is used as a switch here primarily because of its extremely low charge injection (typically well below 10pC), even though it does limittheanalog swing to±4V. The use of an IH191 or IH5043 avoids this restriction, but increases the charge injection. The circuit of Figure 24 includes some balancing, but still injects typically 60pC lor 150pC for a DG191). Note that all these circuits have some sensitivity to stray capacitance at the converter input node. The amplifying or conditioning stages indicated in both these circuits must be capable of passing the chopping frequency with small enough delay, rise time, and overshoot to lead to insignificant error. Filtering should be done before or after the switching devices. Note also that although the input signal is still integrated over the normal time period, the input reference level is not. The time constant of the hold capacitor charging circuit should take noise and interference effects into consideration. The list of applications presented here is not intended to be, nor can it be, exhaustive, but is intended to suggest the wide range of possible applications of the ICL805211CL806811 ICL7104 chip pair in AID conversion in a digital environment. Many of the ideas suggested here may be used in combination; in particular, all the digital concepts discussed in Sections 2 and 3 can be used with any of the analog techniques outlined in Section 4, and many of the uses of the R/R and MODE pins can be mixed. PB For a multiplexed input system, an arrangement similar to that of Figure 25 may be needed with individual preconditioning amplifiers, and Figure 26 with a common preconditioning amplifer. Note that in both of these cases, the capacitor may be charged to different voltages on each channel. By putting a capacitor in each line of Figure 25, the capacitor charging transients are eliminated, but the multiplexer capacitance becomes an important source of stray capacitance. 71 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK ANAL.OG INPUT I I ANA~~~ MII"-'---......I--+...........J rc~o-;- I I I I I I PREAIIP ITC. SIGNAL IN Flgu.. 23: External Auto-Zero System Using 8053 Switches 72 "15V ·15V rbJ IS L 8 7 O/RPOL 1615 l' 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 --l 1 f-~~~~~~~~~~~~'" : 32 Figure 24: External Auto-Zero System for Large Signals Using IH5043 or Equivalent PREAMPS AN AN IN IN 80521 BOSS .... 80521 7104 SlIP 7104 r---I AN I GND I I I ,, I I L____ ___C~~T~~ STTS STTS : _____ ,-'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' figure 25: Multiplexed Auto-Zero System With Individual Preamps Figure 28: Multiplexed Auto-Zero System With Common Preamp 73 96 ~ DATA ACQUISITION 8. CONVERSION HANDBOOK APPENDIX A! The Auto-zero Loop Residual; A Relatively Complete Discussion for those with Strong Heads The relevant circuit to be discussed is shown in Figure Aland the major cycle waveforms in Figure A2. Let us first assume that the prior auto-zero cycle has been indefinitely long, or is otherwise ideal, so that the conversion starts with no residual error on tha auto-zero capacitor. The integrate and deintegrate cycles will be classically perfect to the point at which a zero crossing actually occurs (at the output of the integrator). However, from this pOint two delays occur; first the comparator output is delayed (due to comparator delay) and secondly the zero crossing is not registered until the next appropriate clock edge. (For further discussion of this, see Application Note A017l. At this point, the circuit is returned to the auto-zero connection (logic and switch delays may be absorbed in comparator delay as far as our discussion is concernedl. The net result is that the integrator output voltage will have passed the zero-crossing point by an amount given by Vires ~ :±:VIFS (COc;Scx) where O,;S cx,;S 1 The range of this residual voltage corresponds to the integrator swing per count, and in independent of input value, except for polarity. The immediate effect of closing the auto-zero loop may be seen by examining Figure A3. We may consider the comparator as acting as an op-amp underthese conditions: the voltage across the auto-zero impedance is high, and the (nonlinear) impedance is low; on the other hand, the initial voltage across the integrating resistor is zero. Thus the auto-zero capacitor will be charged rapidly to exactly cancel the residual voltage, as shown in Figure A4. The output of the integrator is now at the correct position, but the two inputs are not. The residual voltage will decay away with a time constant controlled by the integrating resistor and capacitor, while the auto-zero capacitor is easily kept in step owing to the high comparator gain. Thus at the end of the auto-zero time, tAl ~ CAl !cp, the residual will be reduced to: VAlres (All is the variable delay, where co is the fixed delay, CFS is the full scale count in units of clock pulse periods, and VIFS is the full scale integrator swing in volts. ~ Vires ~ VIFS exp( R~AZC!cP ) INT INT (CX + CD) c!s exp (~~C~~Tj (A21 Q ZERO CROIIING FF CL ow. CL POL. Figure Al: The Analog System "TRUE" ZERO CROSSING "Z.RO·· ---~'l--1--t=_-.,,_------_ , ::~ COMPO/P FIgure A2: Major Cycle Waveforms ..:---"'--------- ----Z.;.:-to""7~~~= 'Of"" I I I i-1....\ CL _ _ _ _ _ _~~I , t---+ 0- ZOFF I AlZ _ _ c" DETECTED ZERO CROSSING I ~i~t c--- :0---- ------\i"'--"1"'V ALL ANALOG VOLTAGES ARE WITH RESPECT TO THEIR "AUTO-ZEROED" VALUE FIgure A4: Waveforms at Beginning of Auto-Zero Interval Fl,ure A3: Analog System During Auto-Zero 74 Those expert at skipping to the end of the difficult bit will recognize that as the final equation. in terms of complexity. So let us now see what it means. Clearly. the error term is CDE CAl greater. the larger CINT • and the smaller CINT For the Now RINTCINT is controlled by the buffer swing. VBFS. the integrator swing. VIFS. and the integration time tiNT = CINT !cp. so that VBFS/RINT' tiNT = CINT VIFS. or RINT CINT = CINT VBFS tcp VIFS CAlVIFS) and VAl'e. = Vl,e, ( exp - --V-CINT BFS ICL7104 combinations. land also the ICL7103. and the data sheet systems for the ICL8053 pairs). these are both worst CDE CAZ . case near full scale Input. where CiNr ~2 and CINT ~1. INote (A3) This residual voltage on the auto-zero capacitor effectively increases the magnitude of the input voltage as seen on the output of the buffer. Thus. converting this voltage to countequivalents. VAl,., VIFS ( ) (CAl VIFS ) CAl,., = VBFS • CFS = VBFS cx + CD exp - CINT • VBFS that the minimum auto-zero time technique of section 4B will make CAZ =1 for all input values). Substituting these. wefind CINT the worst case CIN,., (A4) Since this voltage also subtracts from the reference. its effect at the input is magnified in the ratio CINres :::: CIN,e. = (1 + coe ) CINT CAZres (CINT so that + CDE )( VVIFS ) (cx + CD ) exp (_ CAZ • VVIFS) CINT BFS \ CINT BFS Note that CDE is equal to the displayed result. (A5) Two things should be noted here. First. this residual acts to increase the input voltage magnitude. and secondly. a small increase in input voltage tends to decrease the magnitude of the residual luntil the result count changesl. These effects lead to "sticky ness" in the readings; suppose. in a noise-free system. that the input voltage is at a level where the residual is a minimum; the detected zero crossing follows the true one as closely as possible. A minute increase in input voltage will cause the zero crossing to be detected one pulse later. and the residual to jump to it's maximum value. The effect of this is a small increase in the apparent input voltage; thus if we now remove the minute increase. the residual voltage effect will maintain the new higher reading; in fact we will have to reduce the input voltage by an amount commensurate with the effective residual voltage to force the reading to drop back again to the lower value. In more detail. we should consider the equilibrium conditions on the auto-zero capacitor. Clearly. the voltage added at the end of reference integrate must just balance that which decays away during the auto-zero interval. So far the relationships we have developed have assumed a zero residual before the conversion. but clearly in the equilibrium condition the residual given by equation IA4) remains. and at the end of conversion. the new amount. given by equation IA 1). is added to this. so we start the "auto-zero decay" interval with VIFS (cx + CD ) CI,e. = CAl,e. + VBFS (AB) [exp ( ::;~) -1J -1 (A8) C, ......... ~ 2.5 ~ "'" 2.0 I 1.5 ""\ \ .- \ f- 1\ 1.0 0.5 o 0.1 0.25 0.5 - \ "--.. 1.0 Figure A5: Auto-Zero Loop Residual v•. Integrator/Buffer Swing Aado The effects of noise should be mentioned here. The worst case value of residual shown in Figure A5 assumes a very gradual approach to equilibrium. and any noise spike causing the reading to flash to the next value will destroy all this carefully established residual value! Thus for any system with noise of - 1/3 count or more. the effect is greatly reduced. and even 1/10 count of noise will restrict the actual hysteresis value found in practice. The detailed analysis of the auto-zero residual problem in the presence of appreciable noise is left as an exercise for the masochist. + CD ) [ exp {CAlVIFS} + CINTVBFS -1]-1 Once again. the effect of this at the input is multiplied by the ratio of total input integrate times. so that. under equilibrium conditions. CINres :::: + CD) (3)(CX ! c...." 3.0 By combining equations IA4) and IA6) we find. for the equilibrium condition. VIFS ( CAl,., = ± VBFS Cx ~ ± ::;~ Recall the CD is fixed; and ex must be between 0 and 1. The expression is now a function purely of the ratio of integrator and buffer full scale swings; the relationship is plotted in Figure A5. and shows the desirability of keeping the integrator swing higher than the buffer swing. Note also that the comparator delay ICD in equation IA811 is also effectively enhanced. This has the effect of shrinking the zero somewhat more than normally occurs. Since this term changes sign with polarity. the converter will have a tendency to keep the current sign at zero input. VIFS ±- ( 1 + CDE ) (CX + cDlex p { CAl VIFS} _11-1 VBFS CINT ~ CINTVBFS J (A7) PB 75 DATA ACQUISITION III CONVERSION HANDBOOK POWER O/A CONVERTERS USING THE IH8510 THE POWER D/A CONVERTER DESIGN DETAILS Intersil has introduced a family of power amplifiers - the IH 8510 family. These power amplifiers have been speCifically designed to drive D.C. servo motors, D.C. linear and rotary actuators, electronic orifice valves and X·Y printer motors. There are three versions presently offered - the IH851 0 is specified at 1 amp continuous output with up to ±35V power supplies; the IH8520 is specified at 2 amps continuous out· put at up to ±35V; finally the IH8530 is a 3 amp version with the same power supply range. A typical power DAC designed for 8 bit accuracy and 10 bit resolution is shown in Figure 1. The IH8510 power amplifier described in the introduction is driven by the Intersil 7520 monolithic D/A converter. The 7520 contains the R/2R ladder network and the feed· back resistor for proper scaling of the reference input volt· age (±10V) and also the SPDT switches (CMOS) for each bit. Figure 2 shows a part of the system (first 4 bits). Note that a permanently biased "on" switch is in series with the 10Kn feedback resistor. The RDS(on) of this "on" FET is 0.5 x RDS(onl of the Most Significant Bit (MSB) switch to maintain MSB accuracy (gain accuracy) at 25°C and over the temperature range. Since the F ET switches are on the same I.C. chip, the temperature tracking is excellent. Actually, the 7520 specifies the temperature coefficient at 2ppm/"C maximum. The amplifiers are linear mode types and are basically a po'wer version of the popular 741 differential op amp. The parts are available in 8'pin TO·3 packages. Using ±30V power supplies, the amplifiers are capable of delivering up to ±26V swings into a 10n load. The parts are biased Class AB, and have typical no·load quiescent current of 20mA. Frequency response, input offset voltage, input offset, and bias currents are the same as the 741 op amp. All three models can with· stand indefinite shorts to ground on the output. When driv· ing a D.C. motor, the amplifiers can also withstand the surges caused by motor lock·up and motor reversal (i.e., while running in one direction, the voltage is suddenly reversed) . The circuit configuration is such that the SPDT switches in series with each 20Kn resistor never see more than ±25mV; this minimizes DAC errors caused by ID(off) and ID(on) leak· ages. It also allows the DAC switch to handle ±1OV references with only a single +15V power supply. The size of each DAC switch is scaled so that it does not distort the gain for each bit, i.e., the MSB switch RDS(on) is 25n; the next switch RDS(on) is 50n; the next is lOOn, etc. The linear nature of these power amplifiers allows them to fit in very well with another Intersil product family - the D/A converter. Intersil has two low cost DAC's available the 7520 series, and the 7105. When a DAC and a power amplifier are combined, one has a very useful building block for control functions, i.e., a digitally programmable power driver. This power DAC can interface directly with micro· processors, UARTS, computers, etc. A summing amplifier is shown between the 7520 and the IH8510 in Figure 1. This apparently redundant amplifier is used to separate the gain block containing the 7520 on·chip resistors from the power amplifier gain stage whose gain is set only by external resistors. This approach minimizes drift since the resistor pairs will track properly. 16 15 BIT- SWITCHES { VREF j'lOVI 3OK:: +15V 4 INTERSll 13 7520 5 ,." 11 L~} BIT O.68!l 'OK~; SWITCHES lOOp' 9 ., D.SS!! 1.51(:: 10K:; Figure 1: The Basic Power DAC 76 -------------------, 10K!! ) 1520 "II I 20K~~ 20K!! 20K!! I 20K!! I I I I:v ., I L------+------~------~----~------_T--h IL~ __________ _ LSB 10K!! +15VT I _-1 OUTPUT TOPQWER ., AMP Figure 2: D/A Converter Details 26mV, and the voltage drift (worst case) is 2.5mV. The latter number is an estimate since the 741 data sheet does not guarantee drift. It can be seen from these numbers that the 741 is margi~al fdr this application. However a more One of the decisions the user will have to make is the choice of summing amplifier. For 8 bit accuracy with 25 volt out· put swings, a " LSB is equivalent to approximately 50mV. The worst case errors introduced by the op·amp (i.e., the cummulative effects of IB, and lOS, and ~VOS/~T) should therefore be significantly less th.an 50mV. detailed analysis, taking into account a non-zero value for R 1 (say 10K!?), would show the 741 in a better light. In Figure 1 a lOlA isshown. This amplifier meets the require· ments outlined abo~e. Over the military temperature range. the input bias current (average of the two input currents) is specified at 100nA maximum. The input offset current is given as 20nA maximum. Thus, in the worst case, one input bias current could be 11 DnA, the other one 90nA. Again, making the pessimistic simplification that R 1 = zero, that all the DAC switches are off, and that the higher of the two bias currents flows through the feedback resistor, the error due to input current equals 110 x Rf x 1D- 6 mV. Figure 3 shows this situation. The maximum value of Rf is not given in the 7520 data sheet, but in practice is around 15K!?. The input current error (absolute worst case) therefore calculates out at 1.65mV. To this, one must add the effect of offset voltage drift. This amounts to a worst case of 1.5mV over the temperature range. The summation of these two errors is still an order of magnitude less than "LSB in 8 bits, a com· fortable safety margin. In fact, the lOlA would be adequate for a 10 bit power DAC. The initial offset voltage of the buffer amplifier adds to that of the IH8510, and is multiplied by three before appearing at the output. Depending on the application, it may be de· sirable to null out this offset. The nulling should be done at the buffer in the manner recommended for the amplifier be· ing used. In the majority of DAC applications, a full scale output ad· justment is necessary. For example, set point controllers in servo systems are typically required to have an error no great· er than 0.3% of full scale reading. This can be achieved by either adjusting the reference voltage up or down from a nominal 10.DDOV, or by using a potentiometer in the ampli· fier feedback network, as shown in Figure 4. The potentiometer should be a low temperature coefficient type. A final important note on the 7520/101 A interface concerns the connection between Pin 1 of the DAC and Pin 2 of the op amp. Remember this point is the summing junction of an amplifier with an AC gain of 50,ODD or better, so stray capacitance should be minimized otherwise instabilities and Performing the same calculations on a 741 over the military temperature range, the input current (worst case) error is -- Rf= ISKH MAX .L. IlOW T.C. POTENTIOMETERI ., ASSUMED ZEAO Figure 4: Full Scale. Gain Adjustment Figure 3: Worst Case Error Due to Input Current 77 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK The IH8510 family design is shown in Figure 7. It consists of a 741 op amp driving a custom chip (called the IH8063), The 8063 is a 60V circuit which boosts the ooltago and cur· rent outputs of the 741 to drive internal power transistors. It also contains plus and minus regulators \0 lower the ±30V input voltages to ±15V for safe 741 operation. Figure 5: Non·inverting Gain Connection poor noise performance will result. Notice also that an in· verting gain stage follows the lOlA output; this is to boost the power DAC output to ±30V; thus a gain of -3 is used. If a non·inverting gain of +3 is desired, then the configuration of Figure 5 should be used. 6 ~----_-o VOUT The 0.68\1 resistors from Pins 5 and 7 to Pin 6 are used to set current limits for the power amp. These are safe area limiting structures which follow a definite VOUT/IOUT profile This is shown in Figure 6. ::r~~-""""""''''5 R-SC lOUT lAMPS! t r" +" Vee Figure 7: IH8510 Schematic COST OF THE POWER OAC SYSTEM ..-..-- VOUT 1- REl VOUT !TREI The complete, operational system is shown in Figure 4. At the time of writing, the 7520 sells for $10 in small quantities, and the 301A is in the 50¢ area. The IH8510 sells for $15 each in small quantities, so the system cost is as follows: --+ Figur.6: Output Current Limiting $10.00 2.00 .50 .20 1.10 7520 DAC (Intersi!) 5Kn 50ppm pot (full scale trim) 301 A op amp (lntersi!) 100pF capacitors Miscellaneous resistors 0.68n 5 watt resistors IH8510 power amplifier (lntersil) Notice that maximum output current is obtained when VOUT = +25V.30V, for either polarity of VOUT; current falls off as VOUT decreases to limit the internal power dissipation. When driving 24V to 28V DC motors or actuators, the power amp delivers full power. Since lOUT is a max· imum for this range, the internal power limiting does not affect normal performance. For example, consider driving a 24V DC motor at 1.5 amps delivered current. The internal power dissipation is (30V - 24V) x 1.5 amps = 9 watts. .50 15.00 $29.30 To obtain a D.C. referenoe for the DAC, one can buy a 10V reference or use a circuit such as that shown in Figure 8. Now the load is also taking 1.5 amps x 24 V = 36 watts. The amplifier efficiency = ~ = 80%. Now, if the output is mistakenly shorted to wg'}05nd (through motor failure) then IOUT(max) goes to 0.5 amps and the power dissipation equals 30V x 0.5 amps = 15 watts. As long as the amplifier is heat-sin ked to dissipate t~is 15 watts, no damage will r,esult and proper performance will return when the fault is corrected. A significant advantage of the IH8510 family is that the case is electrically isolated and is not tied to any pin. This means that multiple IH8510's can be mounted on the same heat sink. (LOW T.C. POTENTIOMETERI lK!! 1.5mA >:-4.-T_OOVREF lN827 16.2VI 10K!! 300pF Figure 8: Buffered OAC Reference 78 STROBE 2 POLE LO PASS BUTTERWORTH FILTER GAIN AT DC - +13dB. Figure 9: Power DAC Design Using 7105 D/A ANOTHER WAY TO BUILD A POWERFUL D/A CONVERTER APPLICATIONS Motor Control An important application for power D/A converters is in pre· cision motor control systems (position controllers). Digitally controlled constant torque is best facilitated using the power DAC circuit shown in Figure 10. The desired torque is set by closing the appropriate DAC switches; this sets the DC output of the DAC. Torque is directly proportional to motor current, and the motor current is directly proportional to the voltage across RS, i.e., Intersil will shortly introduce a D/A converter which operates on a new concept (no R/2R ladders or weighted resistors, etc.l. Instead of dividing current or voltage into many small steps, the 7105 DAC divides time. The output configuration consists of a SPDT switch. A clock oscillator is prbvided, and data latches for the digital input. For a n·bit converter, in any 2 n consecutive clock pulses, the switch is thrown one way for a number of pulses corresponding to the input data and the other way for the remainder. Thus, if the switch is used to connect a reference voltage or current to an appropriate filter, the average output corresponds to the digital input as a ratio of the reference. The switching cycle is arranged so as to minimize the filtering required on the output; and hence optimize the settling time. By its very nature, this technique insures monotonicity and (except for two short sections near zero and full scale I excellent linearity. Other than the reference, no critical value components are needed, and the tolerance and temperature coefficients of the filter components affect only the settling time and ripple content. The main limitation of the converter is the relatively slow conversion rate. The technique does for D-to·A conversion what the dual·slope technique does for A/D conversion, that is it provides a slow but very accurate and stable conversion tech· nique that avoids the use of high tolerance components. Torque = Kim = - KVl RS By setting the DAC input switches 20, 2 1 ,22, etc., any de· sired torque can be obtained and a torque versus time profile can be established. Torque versus time profiles are important in controlling the acceleration and deceleration of motors and may be used to provide dynamic breaking for different load conditions. The digital control could be performed by a microprocessor or a programmahle logic array such as Intersil's,IM5200 (Ref. 11. Programmable Power Supply Another big application for power DACs is the digitally can· trolled power supply. It is probably that the coarse and fine control adjustment knobs on power supplies will be replaced in the future by digit switches. With this, the user does not need to use a 3)1, digit DVM just to set a power supply. An 8·bit power DAC allows the supply to be set instantly and provided remote control automatically_The practical problem one runs into here is the maximum load capacity the power DAC can drive without oscillating. Power supplies often use O.lI1F to 100llF decoupling capacitors to ground; this will cause most op amps to oscillate, including the 8510. The only answer for this application is to reduce the bandwith to gain CL drive capability. Of course, the lower the bandwith, the bigger the value of CL to keep the output impedance to a certain minimum value; thus there is a compromise involved here. This compromise is not unique to the 8510; the amplifiers in typical series pass regulators must also be designed to handle capacitance loads without misbe· having. Another possible solution is to isolate the amplifier output from the load by using a series inductor. Thus, when large decoupling capacitors to ground are used, the amplifier still sees at least the inductance as a load. A suitable interconnection between a 7105 D·toA converter and the 8510 power amplifier is shown in Figure 9. Note that two pole filtering is adequate for 8 through 12 bit can· verters, but three pole is required for optimum settling time on 14 and 16 bit devices. BUFFERED OUTPUT FROM 7520 GAIN - 1 5 >--"""",.....-~-!.I RS RW Figur. 10: Power DAC Driving DC Motor 79 Quad Current Switches For D/ A Conversion BASIC D/A THEORY 10.0 volts the maximum output would be The majority of digital to analog converters contain the elements shown in Figure 1. The heart of the 01A converter is the logic controlled switching network, whose output is an analog current or voltage proportional to the digital number on the logic inputs. The magnitude of the analog output is determined by the reference supply and the array of precision resistors, see fig. 2. If the switching network has a current output, often a transconductal1ce amplifier is used to provide a voltage output. LOGIC INPUTS REFERENCE SWITCHING NETWORK RESISTOR ARRAY Figure 1: Elements of a D/A Converter Nominal Output Current (mA) 1.875 1.750 1.625 1.500 1.375 1.250 1.125 1.000 0.825 0.750 0.625 0.500 0.375 0.2.50 0.125 0.000 Logic Input 0000 000 1 001 0 001 1 o1 0 0 o1 0 1 o1 1 0 o1 1 1 1 000 1 0 0 1 101 0 101 1 1 1 00 1 10 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 :g~~ X 10V. Since the numbers are extremely close for high resolution systems, the terms are often used interchangeably. The accuracy of a O/A converter is generally taken to mean the largest error of any output level from its nominal value. The accuracy or absolute error is often expressed as a percentage of the full scale output. Linearity relates the maximum error in terms of the deviation from the best straight line drawn through all the possible output levels. Linearity is related to accuracy by the scale factor and output offset. If the scale factor is exactly the nominal value and offset is adjusted to zero, then accuracy and linearity are identical. Linearity is usually specified as being within ±1/2 LSB of the best straight line. Another desirable property of O/A converter is that it be monotonic. This simply implies that each successive output level is greater than the preceding one. A possible worst case condition would be when the output changes from most significant bit (MSB) OFF, all other bits ON to the next level which has the MSB ON and all other bits OFF, e.g., 10000 ... to 01111. In applications where a quad current switch drives a transconductance amplifier (current to voltage converter), transient response is almost exclusively determined by the output amplifier itself. Where the quad output current drives a resistor to ground, switching time and settling time are useful parameters. Switching time is the familiar 10% to 90% rise time type of measurement. Low capacitance scope probes must be used to avoid masking the high speeds that current source switching affordS. The settling time is the elapsed time between the application of a fast input pulse and the time at which the output voltage has settled to or approached its final value within a specified limit of accuracy. This limit of accuracy should be commensurate with the resolution of the OAC to be used. Typically, the settling time specification describes how soon after an input pulse the output can be relied upon as accurate to within ±1/2 LSB of an N bit converter. Since the 8018A family has been desiged with all the collectors·of the current switching transistors tied together, the output capaCitance is constant. The transient response is, therefore, a simple exponential relationship, and from this the settling time can be calculated and related to the measured rise time as shown in Figure 3. Figure 2: Truth Table DEFINITION OF TERMS ±1/2 LSB Error Number of Number of Bits of Resolution % Full Scale Time Constants Rise Times 6.2 2.8 .2 % 8 3.4 .05% 7.6 10 9.2 4.2 12 .01% Rise Time (10%-90%) = 2.2 RL Ceff The resolution of a 01 A converter refers to the number of logic inputs used to control the analog output. For example, a 01 A converter using two quad current sources would be an 8 bit converter. If three quads were used, a 12 bit converter would be formed. Resolution is often stated in terms of one part in. e.g .. 256 since the number of controlling bits is related to total number of identifil!ble levels by the power of 2. The four bit quad has sixteen different levels (see Truth Table) each output corresponding to a particular logic input word. Note that maximum output of the quad switch is 1 + 1/2+ 1/4 + 1/8 = 1-7/8= 1.875 mAo Ifthis series of bits were continued as 1/16 + 1/32 + 1/64 ..... 112 n-1, the maximum output limit would approach 2.0 mAo This limiting value is called full scale output. The maximum output is always less than the full scale output by one least significant bit, LSB. For a twelve bit system (resolution 1 part in 4096) with a full scale output of Figure 3: Settling Time vs. Rise Time ReSistor Load CIRCUIT OPERATION An example of a practical circuit for the ICL8018A quad current switch is shown in Figure 4. The circuit can be analyzed in two sections; the first generates very accurate currents and the second causes these currents to be switched according to input logiC signals. A reference current of 125pA is generated by a stable reference supply and a precision resistor. An op-amp with low offset voltage 80 LOGIC INPUTS , ,_ _~A~_ _- - - . , i-I BIT 4 5 BIT 3 4 BIT 2 3 BIT 1 2 I v+ I I I Rs L IREF VOUT IN914 Rs BOk 10 11 12 13 80k 40k 20k 10k 14 Figure 4: Typical Circuit and low input bias current, such as the ICLBOOB, is used in conjunction with the internal reference transistor, 06, to force the voltage on the common base line, so that the collector current of 06 is equal to the reference current. The emitter current of 06 will be the sum of the reference current and a small base current causing a drop of slightly greater than 10 volts across the BOk resistor in the emitter of 06. Since this resistor is connected to -15V, this puts the emitter of 06 at nearly -5V and the common base line at one VSE more positive at -4.35V typically. Also connected to the common base line are the switched current source transistors 07 through 010. The emitters of these transistors are also connected through weighted precision resistors to -15V and their collector currents summed at pin B. Since all these transistors, 06 through 010, are designed to have equal emitter-base voltages, it follows that all the emitter resistors will have equal voltage drops across them. It is this constant voltage and the precision resistors at the emitter that determine the exact value of switched output current. The emitter resistor of 07 is equal to that of 06, therefore, Ois collector current will be IREF or 125,uA. Oa has 40k in the emitter so that its collector current will be twice IREF or 250,uA. In the same way, the 20k and 10k in the emitters ofOg and 010 contribute .5 mAand 1 mA to the total collector current. The reference transistor and four current switching transistors are designed for equal emitter current density by making the number of emitters proportional to the current switched. The remaining circuitry provides switching signals from the logic inputs. In the switch ON mode, zener diodes Ds through Da, connected to the emitter of each current switch transistor 07 thru 010, are reverse biased allowing the transistors to operate, producing precision currents summed in the collectors. The transistors are turned off by raising the voltage on the zeners high enough to turn on the zeners and raise the emitters olthe switching transistor. This reverse biases the emitter base diode thereby shutting off that transistor's collector current. The analog output current can be used to drive one load directly, (1 kfl to ground for FS = 1.B75V for example) or can be used to drive a transconductance amplifier to give larger output voltages. EXPANDING THE QUAD SWITCH While there are few requirements for only 4 bit D to A converters, the 801BA is readily expanded to Band 12 bits with the addition of other quads and resistor dividers as shown in Figure 5. To maintain the progression of binary weighted bit currents, the current output of the first quad drives the input of the transconductance amplifier directly, while a resistor divider network divides the output current of the second quad by 16 and the output current of the third by 256. e.g., ITotal= 1 x(1 +1/2+1/4+1/B)+1/16(1+1/2+1I4+1/B) + 11256 (1 + 1/2 + 1/4+ 1/B)= 1 + 1/2+ 1/4+ 1/8+ 1/16 + 1/32 + 1/64 + 1/128 + 1/256 + 1/512 + 1/1024 + 1/204B. Note that each current switch is operating at the same high speed current levels so that standard 10k, 20k, 40k and BOk resistor networks can be used. Another advantage of this technique is that since the current outputs of the second and third quad are attenuated, so are the errors they contribute. This allows the use of less accurate switches and resistor networks in these positions; hence, the three accuracy grades of .01%, 0.1%, and 1% for the B018A, B019A and B020A, respectively. It should be noted that only the reference transistor on the most significant quad is required to set up the voltage on the common base line joining the three sets of switching transistors (Pin 9). 81 ANALOG VOLTAGE OUT VREF LOGIC INPUTS ,---A------, LIRE, B018A (0.01%) B019A (0.1%) 8020A (1.0'1.) Figure 5: Expanding the Quad Switch the external zener will dominate the temperature dependence of this scheme, however using a temperature compensated zener minimizes this problem. Since 06 is operating at a higher current density than the other switching transistors, the temperature matching of VeE'S is not optimum, but should be adequate for a simple 8 or 10 bit converter. The 8018A series is tested for accuracy with 10V reference Yoltage across -the preciSion resistors, implying use of a 10 volt zener. Using a different external zener voltage will only slightly degrade accuracy if the zener Yoltage is above 5 or 6 volts. When using other than 10 volt reference, the effects on logic thresholds should also be noted (see logic levels below). Full scale adjustment can be made at the output amplifier. GENERATING REFERENCE CURRENTS ZENER REFERENCE As mentioned above, the 8018A switches currents determined by a constant voltage across the external precision resistors. in the emitter of each switch. There are several ways of generating this constant voltage. One of the simplest is shown in Figure 6. Here an external zener diode is driven by the same current source line used to bias internal Zener Dll. v+ BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 5 4 3 1 012 PNP REFERENCE Another simple reference scheme is shown in Figure 7. Here an external PNP transistor is used to buffer a resistor divider. In this case, the -15 volt supply is used as a reference. Holding the V- supply constant is not too difficult since the 8018A is essentially a constant current load. In this scheme, the internal compensation transistor is not necessary, since the VeE matching is provided by the emitter-base junction of the external transistor. A small pot in series with the divider facilitates full scale output adjustment. A capaCitor from base to collector of the external PNP will lower output impedance and minimize transient effects. 8 r--+_-+-_-+_>---+---+--t--<> lOUT L....c........f-,-=-=--F-=:.:......++-=-t+-=--+-lr--=.:=....r----'- - - - TO OTHER QUADS Q12 FULL COMPENSATION REFERENCE 10 11 12 + 10V 20k 13 14 For high accuracy, low drift applications, the reference scheme of Figure 4, offers excellent performance. In this circuit, a high gain op-amp compares two currents. The first is a reference current generated in Rs by the temperature compensated zener and the virtual ground at the non-inverting opamp input. The second is the collector current of the reference transistor 06, provided on the quad switch. The output of the op-amp drives the base of 06 keeping its collector current exactly equal to the reference current. Since the switching transistor's emitter current densities are equal and since the preCision resistors are proportional, all of the switched collector currents will have the proper value. 10k -15V Figure 6: Simple Zener Reference The zener current will be typically 1 mA per quad. The compensation transistor 06 is connected as a diode in series with the external zener. The VeE of this transistor will approximately match the VeE'S of the current switching transistors, thereby forcing the external zener voltage across each of the external resistors. The temperature coefficient of 82 BIT 4 5 BIT 3 4 BIT 2 3 V+ 1 BIT 1 2 012 --TO OTHER QUADS Q12 10k 10 11 12 &Ok 40k 20k 13 14 10k -15Y Figure 7: PNP Reference +15Y 2k 360 OUTPUT OFFSET ADJUST 10M -1 +15V 3.9k 5k Eour 10k -15V J 3.9k 30PF R,.~ ':' 14.0625k 14.0625k RlS R" lk 937.5 IN914 51k l000pF R. Rl3 A,2 All 10k &Ok 40k 20k -15Y NOTE: ALL RESISTORS RATIO TO R, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. R, R2 As R. Rs TOLERANCE TABLE 10k 0.1'10 ABS 20k 0.0122'10 40k 0.0244'10 &Ok 0.0488'10 10k 0.0H0J0 R. R7 R. R. R,a R" 20k 40k 10k &Ok 10k 20k Figure 8 83 0.195'10 0.391'10 0.781'10 0.1'10 0.5'10 ABS RATIO TO R,a '''' R'2 R'3 40k &Ok lk R,s R,. R17 137.50 l'1oABS l'1oABS 14.082Sk 14.082Sk RATIO TO R,s 1'10 RATIO TO R,. 0.1'10 R,. RATIO TO R,a '''' RATIO TO R,a 1'10 The op-amp feedback loop using the internal reference transistor will maintain proper currents in spite of VeE drift, beta drift, resistor drift and changes in V-. Using this circuit, temperature drifts of 2 ppm/· C are typical. A discrete diode connected as shown will keep Qs from saturating and prevent latch up if V- is disconnected. In any reference scheme, it is advisable to capacitively decouple the common base line to minimize transient effects. A capacitor, .001/LF to .1/LF from Pin 9 to analog ground is usually sufficient. MULTIPLYING DAC The circuit of Figure 9 is also convenient to use as a one quadrant multiplying D/A converter. In a multiplying OAC, the analog output is proportional to the product of a digital number and an analog signal. The digital number drives the logic inputs, while the analog signal replaces the constant reference voltage, and produces a current to set up the regulating SOOS op-amp. To vary the magnitude of currents being switched, the voltage across all the 10k, 20k, 40k and SOk resistors must be modulated according to the analog input. An analog input ofOto+l0 volts and an SOk resistor at the input to the SOOS will fulfill this requirement. IMPROVED ACCURACY CALIBRATING THE 12 BIT D/A CONVERTER As a final note on the subject of setting up reference levels, it should be pointed out that the largest contributor of error is the mismatch of VeE's of the current switching transistors. That is, if all the VeE's were identical, then all precision resistors would have exactly the same reference voltage across them. A one millivolt mismatch compared with ten volt reference across the precision resistors will cause a .01 % error. While decreasing the reference voltage will decrease the accuracy, the voltage can be increased to achieve. better than .01% accuracies. The voltage across the emitter resistors can be doubled or tripled with a proportional increase in resistor values resulting in improved absolute accuracy as well as improved temperature drift performance. This technique has been used successfully to implement up to 16 bit 01 A converters. 1. With all logic inputs high (ones) adjust the outputamplifier offset for zero volts out. 2. Put in the word 0000 11111111 (Quad 1 maximum output Quad 2 and 3 off) and adjust full scale pot for Vo of 15/16 (10V) where full scale output is to be 10 volts. 3. Put in the word 1111 00001111 and trim the Quad 2 divider for Vo of 15/256 (10V), This adjustment compensates for VeE mismatches between quads although matched sets are available (see data sheet). 4. Put in the word 11111111 0000 and trim the Quad 3 divider for Vo of 15/4096 (10V), 5. Finally, with all bits ON (all O's) readjust the full scale factor pot for Vo = 4095/4096 (10V) SYSTEM INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS PRACTICAL DIA CONVERTERS Using the S01SA series in practical circuits requires consideration of the following interface requirements. Logic Levels: The S01SA is designed to be compatible with TTL, DTL and RTL logic drive systems. The one constraint imposed on the external voltage levels is that the emitters of the conducting current switch transistors be in the vicinity of --5V; this will be the same as the voltage on Pin 6 if the reference transistor is used. When using other than --5V at Pin 6, the direct bearing on logic threshold should be considered. Power Supplies: One advantage of the ICLS01SA is its tolerance of a wide range of supply voltage. The positive supply voltage need only be large enough (greater than +4.5V) to keep Qll out ofsaturation, and the negative supply needs to be more negative than -10V to ensure constant current operation of Q12. The maximum supply voltage of ±20V is dictated by transistor breakdown voltages. It is often convenient to use ±15V supplies in systems with op-amps and other I.C,'s. These supplies tend to be better regulated and free from high current transients found on supplies used to power TTL Logic. As with any high speed circuit, attention to layout and adequate power supply decoupling will minimize switching effects. Ground: High resolution DIA, e.g., 12 bits require fairly large logic drive currents. The change from all bits ON to all bits OFF is a considerable change in supply current being returned to ground. Because of this, it is usually advisable to maintain separate ground points for the analog and digital sections. Resistors: Each quad current $witch requires a set of matched resistors scaled proportional to their binary currents as R, 2R, 4R and SA. For a 10V resistor voltage drop and "2 mA" full scale output current, resistor values of 10k, 20k, 40k and SOk are convenient. Other resistor values can be . used, for example, to increase total output current. The The complete circuit for a high performance 12 bit O/A converter is shown in Figure S. This circuit uses the "full compensation reference" described above to set the base line drive at the proper level, the temperature compensated zener is stabilized using an op-amp as a regulated supply, and the circuit provides a very stable, precise voltage reference for the D/A converter. The 16:1 and 256:1 resistor divider values are shown for a straight binary system; for a binary coded decimal system the dividers would be 10:1 and 100:1 (BCD is frequently encountered in building programmable voltage sources). The analog output current of the S01SA current switches is converted to an output voltage using the S017 as shown. The output amplifier must have low input bias current (small compared with the LSB current),low offset voltage and offset voltage drift, high slew rate and fast settling time. The input compensation shown helps improve pulse response by providing a finite impedance at high frequencies for a point that is virtual ground at DC. An alternative bias scheme is shown in Figure 9.ln this case, the bias at the common base line is fixed by inverting op-amp A4, the gain of which is adjusted to give --5.0 volts at the emitter of the reference transistor. With the bias at the common base line fixed, the regular circuit of A1 uses the internal reference transistor and drives the bus connecting all the precision resistors. This isolates the precision resistors from V- fluctuations. Zener D3 and constant current source Q1 keep the regulation SOOS op-amp in mid-range. There are several alternative bias schemes depending on power supplies available. If -20 volts is used for V-, the bottom of the precision resistor will be at -15 and operation will be the same as the standard circuit. If only -15V is available for Vthe gain of the output transconductance amplifier can be increased by 30% to allow use of a smaller switching currents with 7 volts across the precision resistors. 84 individual switched currents can be increased up to 100% of their nominal values. The overall accuracy of the complete DI A converter depends on the accuracy of the reference, the accuracy of the quad current switch and tolerance of resistor matching. Because of the binary progression of switched currents, the tolerance of 80k/10k match can be twice that of the 40k/10k which. in turn. can be twice the tolerance of the 20k/10k ratio and still have equal output current errors. The current dividers between quads allows use of less well matched sets of resistors further along in the D/A just as it allows use of .01%. 0.1%, and 1% accurate quad current switches. There are several manufacturers producing the complete precision resistor networks required to implement up to 12 bit D/A converters. Contact Intersil for additional information .• +15Y 2k 360 'Resistor Ladder Networks are manufactured by the following companies: Micro Networks Corporation 5 Barbara Lane Worcester, Massachusetts 01604 Tel. (617) 756-4635 Allen-Bradley Company 1201 S. Second Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53204 Tel. (414) 671-2000 Hycomp, Inc. 146 Main Street Maynard, Massachusetts 01754 Tel. (617) 897-4578 -15V 20k ~.....,J\iO",UI\TPr"U_T f ADJUST ..O_F_F_S_E.. T _ _"""--f 10M 5k EOUT 10k ·15V :r MULTIPLYING o TO 10V 3.9k 30PF 14.0625k 13k 14.0625k lk 4.35V MULTIPLY DAC 1000pF I Figure 9 85 -20Y 937.5 DIGITAL PANEL METER EXPERIMENTS FOR THE HOBBYIST Digital displays have many advantages over their analog counter parts. They are more accurate, and more rugged since there are no moving parts. Equally important, unskilled operators can record accurate data due to the unambiguous nature of the readout. But ready-built digital panel meters (DPMs) are costly and, until recently, designing one's own from scratch was an ambitious undertaking. the voltage being measured. Since the maximum value that can be displayed on the digital readout is 1999, voltmeters with full-scale readings of 199.9mV, 1.999V, 19.99V, etc., are easily made. The user must determine the full-scale reading that is most appropriate for his application. Then a reference voltage, and in some instances an input attenuator, must be selected. Intersil's 7106 and 7107 one chip panel meter ICs have changed all that. By adding only a display and less than 10 passive components, anyone can build a high performance DPM for less than the cost of a good moving-coil meter. All that is needed is Ohm's Law and a soldering iron! The hobbyist can have digital display of his aquarium temperature or the speed of his saiiboat, the serviceman can build his own test equipment, and the student of physics can measure his plasma potential. The relationship between the full-scale input voltage and the reference voltage is very simple: VIN (full-scale) = 1.999 x VREF There is, however, a restriction on the magnitude of VREF. It is not possible, for example, to measure a 199.9 volt signal by using a 100 volt reference - the integrated circuit chip would be damaged by voltages of this magnitude. The reference voltage should be between +1 OOmVand +1 volt, and to achieve the oneto-one relationship between VIN and the displayed value, it should be exactly +100.0mV or +1.000V. The evaluation kits are supplied with the components necessary to build a 200mV (or, to be precise, a 199.9mV) full-scale panel meter. The kit application note (A023) explains how to change the sensitivity from 200mV to 2V full scale. The starting point for designs such as these is one of Intersil's digital panel meter kits. Two kits are offered. One uses a liquid crystal display (LCD), and is intended to be powered by a 9V 'transistor radio' battery. The other uses light emitting diode (LED) displays, and will usually be driven by an external power supply. The kits include all the components necessary to build a 200mV full scale panel meter, including the IC, circuit board, display, passive components and miscellaneous hardware. They are available from Intersil's distributors; the LCD kit (part #ICL7106 EV/KIT) sells for $29.95, the LED kit (part #ICL7107 EV/KIT) sells for $24.95. Figure 1 shows what the kits look like after assembly. Included in the kit is a detailed application note (#A023) entitled Low Cost Digital Panel Meter Designs, which includes assembly instructions and schematics. For reference, the circuit diagram of each kit is repeated in Appendix I. To measure voltages greater than 2 volts, an input attenuator is needed as shown in Figure 2. Now the full-scale sensitivity is given by: VIN (full-scale) = 1.999 VREF x (~~ + R2) For a panel meter which is to be used on a single fixed range, it is not necessary to buy .05% (1 in 2000) or better resistors. Any small variations in the ratio R2/( R 1 + R2) can be compensated by tweaking the reference voltage. It is important, however, that the ratio remains fixed for the calibration period of the instrument. Metal film resistors with good long-term drift characteristics should be used. It is also important to use low temperature coefficient types, otherwise small temperat!,lre changes will effect the full .scale accuracy to an undesirable extent. The following discussion uses the assembled panel meter as a basic building block and explains how it can be used to make fundamental electrical measurements of voltage, current, and resistance. Very little circuit deSign knowledge is assumed; the discussion is primarily directed towards engineers, technicians, students and hobbyists from fields other than electronics. The input attenuator obviously reduces the input resistance ofthecircuitfrom > 1012 ohms to (R, + R2)' This places an upper limit of about 10Mn on the input resistance that can readily be achieved when using an attenuator before the A/D input current causes offset errors_ A. DC VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS The most frequently measured electrical parameter is voltage. I n the majority of applications, it is desirable to have the displayed reading correspond directly to 86 B. MULTI·RANGE DVM's (20Hz to 5kHz) and introduces no DC errors since the CA 3140 is capacitively coupled to the 7106/7107. It should be realized, however, that this circuit is responding to the average value of the applied waveform. The majority of AC voltmeters, on the other hand, are required to read RMS values. For a sinusoidal waveform, the relationship between the average value and the RMS value is fixed. Thus by altering the gain of the AC to DC converter (the 2kn potentiometer Figure 51, the output can be adjusted to read RMS. But the more the measured waveform deviates from a sinewave, the greater will be the error. Other waveforms with fixed form -factors can be measured in a similar manner, provided the relationship between the average and the RMS value is known. In applications where the AC waveforms being measured have widely varying form-factors, a true RMS converter should be used. National's LH0022 and Analog Devices' Model 536 are suitable. In any event, the subject of AC and DC converters is a complex one. The reader wishing to pursue the subject in greater depth is referred to Reference 1. D. RESISTANCE MEASUREMENTS The best way to measure resistance is to use the socalled ratiometric technique. The unknown resistance is put in series with a known standard and a current passed through the pair. The voltage developed across the unknown is applied to the input (between IN HI and IN LO), and the voltage across the known resistor applied to the reference input (between REF H I and REF LO). If the unknown equals the standard, the integrate and de -integrate ramps will be of equal slope and the display will read 1000. In general the displayed reading can be determined from the following expression: Multiple range voltmeters are frequently required and are easy to implement using the 7106 or 7107. The full-scale voltage is selected via a rotary or push -button switch, or possibly an analog gate. Two schemes are commonly used, as shown in Figure 3a and 3b. The circuit of Figure 3a has the advantage that any switch contact resistance appears in series with the 7106/7107 input. Since the input resistance is> 10 12n, errors due to the switch are negligible. Another advantage is that precision voltage attenuators (R 1 through R5) are available from a number of manufacturers. Allen Bradley, for example, makes a thin film network which contains 1 K, 9K, 90K, 900K and 9Mn resistors in one package (FN207) - ideal for a fiverange voltmeter. Most hobbyists, however, will find that it is less expensive to use medium precision resistors in series with potentiometers for the attenuator. Then the schematic of Figure 3b has some advantages because the resistors in the attenuator are non -interactive. Setting up the 10: 1 attenuator, for example, has no influence on the 100: 1, the 1000: 1, etc., The circuit of Figure 3b is also more amenable to solid state range switching. An analog switch or FETs may be used in place of the mechanical switch. Then, by adding a couple of zener diodes (or ordinary silicon diodes in the case of a 200mV F.S. panel meter) the solid state switch is totally protected against overvoltages. By contrast, the configuration of Figure 3a exposes the switch to the full-input voltage, which may be several hundred volts. However, in 3b the switch resistance forms part of the attenuator and could contribute an error. So far we have only discussed full-scale voltages of 200mV or greater. On the 200mV scale, the least significant digit represents 100llV steps. To resolve smaller signals, it is necessary to use an operational amplifier prior to the 7106/7107 inputs. It is quite feasible to do this, provided one realizes that the autozeroing circuitry within the panel meter cannot take care of the op-amp offset or voltage drift. In a 741 the drift may amount to as much as 151lVrC, while a 308A will have no more than 5IlVrC. The initial offset can of course be zeroed in the usual way. Figure 4 shows a circuit with ±20mV full-scale and an input resistance greater than 1OMn. Displayed reading = ~ :A~NDOA~~ x 1000 Figure 6 shown a typical resistance measurement circuit. Note that due to its ratiometric nature, the technique does not require an accurately defined reference voltage. The display will overrange for R UNKNOWN ;> 2 x R STANDARD. E. CURRENT MEASUREMENTS Current must be converted into voltage through the use of a shunt resistor. The relationship between the current and the displayed reading for the circuit of Figure 7 is given by the following expression: C. AC VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS The 7106 and 7107 will not measure AC voltages directly; an AC to DC converter is needed. The least expensive way to build such a converter is to use an opamp and some diodes in a half or full wave rectifying circuit. The type of circuit shown in Figure 5 has been used extensively in commercial 3% digit DVM's. It has high input impedence (10Mnl, good bandwidth lin x Rs Displayed reading = -V-- x 1000 REF In most current measurement applications, it is preferable to use a reference voltage of 1OOmV. This minimizes the shunt resistance and, therefore, the voltage dropped across the shunt. A multirange current meter 87 is shown in Figure 8. Note that although the input current passes through the selector switch, I R drops across the switch do not contribute to the measured voltage. F. ARBITRARY SCALE FACTORS We have already noted that one of the advantages of a digital display is the unambiguous nature of the readout. When measuring other physical parameters, such as temperature, it is equally desirable to display 78.0°C, for example, as 78.0. With the 7106 or 7107 this can readily be achieved, even though the temperature sensing element may be a diode which changes -2.1mVrC. For scale factors between 100mV and 1mV per least significant digit (LSD), simply determine the reference voltage required from the following equation: VREF = (Voltage change represented by 1 LSD) x 103 consider a 0 to 2000 lb. weighing machine with a transducer that puts out 3. 7m V per pound. An input attenuation network that reduces the input signal to 1mV/lb will give the desired scale factor. G. TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT Many of the points discussed in the foregoing sections can be illustrated by considering the design of a digital thermometer. We have already seen how a diode-connected transistor can be used as the sensing element, since VBE has a temperature coefficient of about - 2.1mVrC. Setting the reference at around 210mV will give the desired scale factor of 0.1°C per count. The other problem that must be considered is the zero adjustment. At O°C and 1OOIlA bias current, the diode will have a forward voltage of about 550mV. In order for the meter to read zero at O°C, we must set up a fixed 550mV (approx.) source that can be used to offset the diode drop. Since the voltage between V+ and common is internallv reaulated at about 2.8 volts in the 7106 and 7107, this is easily achieved. In the circuit of Figure 9, R5 should be adjusted to give 000.0 output reading with Q1 at O°C. Then R4 should be adjusted to give 100.0 reading with Q1 at 100°C. For example, in the temperature-sensing diode discussed aoove, we may want the ieast significant digit to represent 0.1°C, which would correspond to a voltage change across the diode of 210/lV. To achieve this sensitivity, the reference should be set at 210llV x 1000= 210mV. For scale factors greater than 1mV/LSD, the most straight forward approach is to use an input attenuator in conjunction with a 1 volt reference. For example, FIGURE 1: DIGITAL PANEL METER KITS FOR THE EXPERIMENTER. 88 r---------------, I EVALUATION KIT I ", I L _______________ JI FIGURE 2: INPUT ATTENUATOR FOR VIN;;;' 2.0V. 200mV F.S. 2VF.S. 900K 20V F.S. 200V F.S. OK 2000V F.S,' lK INLO L ______ _ FIGURE 3(a): MUL TIRANGE VOLTMETER 'CAUTION: High voltages can be lethal. Proper operating precaution. must be observed by the user. Intersi! assumes no liabilitY for unsafe operation. r--- I 10Mu '111M" { ~o,.u{ ~oo,.!{ 2V ~ F.S/ ~ ""f' I I I I **1 I I ~~~ [ - 2~~V ( - 2~~V ( - 1 • 200mV F.S. for all switch. open. EVALUAT ION KIT (VREF- 1oOrnV) I I I I := I I I I L _____ . FIGURE 3(b): MULTI RANGE VOLTMETER, ALTERNATIVE SCHEME. SkI! .... I I v- --------EVALUATION KIT (VREF ·100mV) ~ GNO*. IN THE ABSENCE OF SPLIT SUPPLY OPERATION, ''TEST'' (PIN 37) CAN BE USED AS GROUND. FIGURE 4: 20mV FULL SCALE. 89 ,----- t I I AC VOLTS IN 470k!! I EVALUATION KIT (V REF = 100mVl IN HI ~. I I I 2K t~wl 3K ":" L _____ _ GNO· = IN THE ABSENCE OF SPLIT SUPPLY OPERATION, "TEST" (PIN 371 CAN BE USED AS GROUND. FIGURE 5: AC TO DC CONVERTER SELECT FOR CORRECT VOLTAGE DROP +-----,,----1 REF HI R STANDARD +--_--'L-_-I REF LO DISPLAY Q - - 4 - - - - , - - - - I I N HI 7106/7107 6--.---...L--4 IN LO ' - - - - - - - - 1 COMMON FIGURE .6: RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT*. (* REQUIRES SOME MODIFICATION TO THE KIT) - I "N Rs I I I 11061 7107 =r= I I I T I IL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FIGURE 7: CURRENT MEASUREMENT r----------- 1 200j,jA F.S. EVALUATION KIT VREF = 100mV T 900!l 2mA F.S. ~ ~ 90u I 20mA 9u 200mA .gu 2A ,11l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - 7108/ 7107 I 1 TL __________ _ FIGURE 8: MULTIRANGE CURRENT METER. 90 22kll 1M!! 220kn V+ IN LO TEMP. SENSOR TO DISPLAY IN HI 100kn (20 turn) REF HI REF LO COMMON SCALE FACTOR ADJUST ZERO ADJUST FIGURE 9: DIGITAL THERMOMETER* (* REQUIRES SOME MODIFICATION TO THE KIT) APPENDIX 1 - EVALUATION KIT SCHEMATICS ON ON + - + - ICL7106 WITH LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY ICL7107 WITH LED DISPLAY 91 Low Cost Digital Panel Meter Designs Including Complete Instruction. for Intersil'. LCD and LED Kits Intersil's 7106 and 7107 are the first ICs to contain all the active circuitry for a 3 1/2 digit panel meter on a Single chip. The 7106 is designed to interface with a liquid crystal display (LCD) while the 7107 is intended for light-emitting diode (LED) displays. In addition to a precision dual slope converter, both circuits contain BCD to seven segment decoders, display drivers, a clock and a reference. To build a high performance panel meter (with auto zero and auto polarity features) it is only necessary to add a display, 4 resistors, 4 capacitors, and an input filter if required (Figures 1 and 2), chip panel meter functions (lntersil's 7106 and 7107) has reduced the design effort on the part of the user to zero. The make or buy decision becomes a simple question of dollars and cents. At the time of writing, a 3112 digit LED display panel meter can be built for $18 in production (5,000) quantities. This figure includes labor at $3 per hour with 300% overhead. The cost breakdown is as follows: ICL71 07 (@5000pcs) $ 5.95 LEOs (4) 3.00 Capacitors (5) .58 Resistors (4) .12 +'N- Potentiometer .50 Circuit Board 1.00 Misc. Hardware ---:Z§. TOTAL COMPONENTS $12.00 Labor ~ (1/2 hour at $3/hour, 300% overhead) TOTAL COST $18.00 including assembly and test A 3 112 digit LCD panel meter, using the 7106, is $3 to $4 more expensive. This is due to the greater cost of the display. These cost figures are considerably lower than the least expensive of the ready-built panel meters. However, the cost is not the only advantage; the do-it-yourself approach allows greater flexibility. Off-the-shelf panel meters have form factors which are frequently inconvenient, whereas a single IC design takes up a minimum of circuit board real estate. Consider the advantages for field servicing a military radar, for example, if each complex circuit card had its own built-in voltmeter and miniature switch. Fault finding would be greatly simplified by making critical voltages throughout the system instantly accessible. Figure 1: LCD Digital Panel Meter Using ICl7106 '0 DECIMAL POINT THE EVALUATION KITS After purchasing a sample of the 7106 or the 7107, the majority of users will want to build a simple voltmeter. The parts can then be evaluated against the data sheet specifications, and tried out in the intended application. However, locating and purchasing even the small number of· additional components required, then wiring a breadboard, can often cause delays of days or sometimes weeks. To avoid this problem and facilitate evaluation of these unique circuits, Intersil is offering a kit which contains all the necessary components to build a 3 1/2 digit panel meter. With the help of this kit, an engineer or technician can have the system "up and running" in about half an hour. Two kits are offered, the ICL7106EV/KIT and the ICL 71 07EVlKIT. Both contain the appropriate IC, a circuit board, a display (LCD for 7106EV/KIT, LEOs for 7107EV/KITl, passive components, and miscellaneous hardware. Figure 2: lED Digital Panel Meter Using ICl7107 COST ADVANTAGES OF 7106 AND 7107 Until recently, the make or buy decision for any A-to-D system was dominated by the engineering costs. Even a simple panel meter, built from off-the-shelf digital and linear ICs, required at least six months of engineering effort for completion. However, the advent of truly single 92 (a) Assembly Instructions The circuit board layouts and assembly drawings for both kits are given in the Appendices. The boards are singlesided to minimize cost and simplify assembly. Jumpers are used to allow maximum flexibility. For example, provision has been made for connecting an external clock (Test Point #5). Provision has also been made for separating REF Lo from COMMON when using an external reference zener. In a production instrument, the board area could be reduced dramatically. Asidefrom the display, all the components can easily be placed in less than 4 square inches of board space. Molex® pins are used to provide a low cost IC socket; one circuit board can thus be used to evaluate several ICs. (Strips of 20 pins should be soldered onto the P.C. boards; the top of the strip holding the pins together can then be broken off by bending it back and forth using needle-nose pliers). Solder terminals are provided for the five test pOints, and for the ±5V input on the 7107 kit. simple MOS inverter can be used (Fig. 3>' For instruments where the decimal point must be shifted, a quad exclusive OR gate is recommended (Fig. 4>. Note that in both instances, TEST (pin 37, TP1) is used as V- for the inverters. This pin is capable of sinking about 1 mA, and is approximately 5 volts below V+. The B.P. outputipin 21) oscillates between V+ & TEST. y+ < 1Mn Figure 3: Simple Inverter for Fixed Decimal Point (b) Full Scale Reading - 200mV or 2.000V? The component values supplied with the kit are those specified in the schematics of Fig. 1 or Fig. 2. They have been optimized for 200.OmV full scale reading. The complete absence of last digit jitter on this range illustrates the exceptional noise performance of the 7106 and 7107. In fact, the noise level (not exceeded 95% of time) is about 15"V, a factor of 10 less than some competitive one chip panel meters. To modify the sensitivity to 2.000 volts full scale, the integrator time constant and the reference should be changed by substituting the component values given in the Table below. The auto-zero capacitor (C2) should also be changed. These additional components are not supplied in the kits. In addition, the decimal pOint jumper should be changed so the display reads 2.000. y• 7106 200.0mV Full Scale 2.000V Full Scale C2 (mylar) 0.47"F 24Kn 47KO .047"F 1.5KO* 470KO Rl R2 DECIMAL - POINT SELECT _ H-I]'D+ H=J : D+I I I o TEST I I TO LCD DECIMAL POINTS 0 CD4030 I L--T'-~ ' - - - - - - - - - - ' \GND Figure 4: Exclusive 'OR' Gate for Decimal Point Drive Before soldering the display onto the circuit board, make sure that it is inserted correctly. Many LCD packages do not have pin #1 marked, but the segments of an unenergized display can be seen by viewing with reflected light. The package orientation should correspond with that shown in Appendix I. TABLE 1: Component Values for Full Scale Options COMPONENT (type) .P~-.-H-J~:. Dt} r---t---\D-+,. - __!.v~_, (d) Light Emitting Diode Display (7107) The 7107 pull-down FETs will sink about 8mA per segment. Using standard common anode .3" or .43" red LEOs, this drive level produces a bright display suitable for almost any indoor application. However, additional brightness can be achieved through the use of Hewlett Packard high-efficiency LEOs. Note that the display contrast can be increased substantially by using a red filter. Ref. 4 discusses filter techniques and lists manufacturers of suitable materials. A fixed decimal point can be turned on by tying the appropriate cathode to ground through a 1500 resistor. The circuit boards supplied with the kit will accomodate either H.P. 0.3" displays or the popular MAN 3700 types. The difference between the two is that the H.P. has the decimal pOint cathode on pin 6, whereas the MAN 3700 uses pin 9. Due to the limited space on the circuit board, not all decimal points are brought to jumper pads; it may be necessary to wire directly from the 1500 resistor to the display. For multiple range instruments, a 7400 series CMOS quad gate or buffer should be used. The majority of them are capable of sinking about 8mA. *Changing Rl to 1.SKO will reduce the battery life of the 7106 kit. As an alternative, the potentiometer can be changed to 2SKO. (c) Liquid Crystal Display (7106) Liquid crystal displays are generally driven by applying a symmetrical square wave to the back-plane (B.p.>. To turn on a segment, a waveform 1800 outof phase with B.P. (but of equal amplitude) is applied to that segment. Note that excessive D.C. voltages (>50mV) will permanently damage the display if applied for more than a few minutes. The 7106 generates the segment drive waveform internally, but the user should generate the decimal point front plane drive by inverting the B.P. (pin 21> output.** In applications where the decimal pOint remains fixed, a **In some displays, a satisfactory decimal point can be achieved by tying the decimal front pldne to COMMON (pin 32). This pin is internally regulated at about 2.8 volts below V+. Prolonged use of this technique, however, may permanently burn-in the decimal, because COMMON is not exactly midway between B.P. high and B.P. low. 93 (e) Capacitors The integration capacitor should be a low dielectric-loss type. Long term stability and temperature coefficient are unimportant since the dual slope technique cancels the effect of these variations. Polypropylene capacitors have been found to work well; they have low dielectric loss characteristics and are inexpensive. However, that is not to say that they are the only suitable types. Mylar capacitors are satisfactory for Cl (reference ) and C2 (auto-zerol. For a more detailed discussion of recommended capacitor types, the reader is referred to page 3 of Reference 2. (9) The Reference For 200.0mV full scale, the voltage applied between REF Hi and REF Lo should be set at 100.0mV. For 2.000V full scale, set the reference voltage at 1.000V. The reference inputs are floating, and the only restriction on the applied voltage is that it should lie in the range V- to V+. The voltage between V+ and COMMON is internally regulated at about 2.8 volts. This reference is adequate for many applications and is used in the evaluation kits. It has a typical temperature coefficient of 100ppm/oC. The limitations of the on-Chip reference should also be recognized, however. With the 7107, the internal heating which results from the LED drivers can cause some degradation in performance. Due to its higher thermal resistance, plastic parts are poorer in this respect than ceramic. The user is cautioned against extrapolating from the performance of the kit, which is supplied with a ceramic 7107, to a system using the plastic part. The combination of reference TC. internal chip dissipation, and package thermal resistance can increase noise near full scale from 25 I'V to 80 I'V pk-pk. The linearity in going from a high dissipation count such as 1000 (19 segments on) to a low dissipation count such as 1111 (8 segments on) can also suffer by a count or more. Devices with a positive TC reference may require several counts to pull out of an overload condition. This is because overload is a low dissipation mode, with the three least significant digits blanked. Similarly, units with a negative TC may cycle between overload and a nonoverload count .as the die alternately heats and cools. These problems are of course eliminated if an external reference is used. The 7106, with its negligible dissipation, suffers from none of these problems. In either case, an external reference can easily be added as shown in figures 7(a) or 7(b). . (f) The Clock A simple RC oscillator is used in the kit. It runs at about 48kHz and is divided by 4 prior to being used as the system clock (Fig. 5). The internal clock period is thus 83.3I'S, and the signal integration period (1000 clock pulses) is 83.3mS. This gives a measurement frequency of 3 readings per second since each conversion sequence requires 4000 clock pulses. Setting the clock oscillator at precisely 48kHz will result in optimum line frequency (60Hz) noise rejection, since the integration period is an integral number of line frequency period (see Ref. 2 for dlscussionl. Countries with 50Hz line frequencies should set the clock at 50kHz. 710617107 -------------, I 100pF +----+.;,--o --I Y+ Y+ Y+ Figure 5: 710617107 Internal Oscillator/Clock 7106/71071 7106/7107 REF HI An external clock can also be used. In the 7106, the internal logic is referenced to TEST. External clock waveforms should therefore swing between TEST and V+ (Fig. 6al. In the 7107, the internal logic is referenced to GND so any generator whose output swings from ground to +5V will work well (Fig. 6bl. 1.2 VOLT IREFERENCE IUNTEASIL 'CLI"', y. (a, osc 1 40 7106 OSC 1 40 7107 (h) Power Supplies The 7106 kit is intended to be operated from a 9 volt dry cell. INPUT Lo is shorted to COMMON, causing V+ to sit 2.8 volts positive with respect to INPUT Lo, and V- 6.2 volts negative with respect to INPUT Lo. The 7107 kit should be operated from ±5 volts. Noisy supplies should be bypassed with 6.81'F capacitors to ground at the pOint where the supplies enter the board. INPUT Lo has an effective common mode range with respect to GND of a couple of volts. The precise value is determined by the po;"nt at which the integrator output ramps within -.3V of one or other of the supply rails. This is governed by the integrator time 5, -o-J"L TEST 37 a) 7106 (b' Figure 7: Using an External Reference +5, b) 7107 Figure 6: External Clock Options 94 constant, the magnitude and polarity of the input, the common mode voltage, and the clock frequency: for further details, consult the data sheet. Where the voltage being measured is floating with respect to the supplies, INPUT Lo should be tied to some voltage within the common mode range such as GROUND or COMMON. If a -5 volt supply is unavailable, a suitable negative rail can be generated locally using the circuit shown in Fig. 8. Further evaluation should be performed with the help of a precision DC voltage calibrator such as Fluke Model 343A. Alternatively a high quality 4 1/2 digit DVM can be used, provided its performance has been measured against that of a reliable standard. DPM COMPONENTS: SOURCES OF SUPPLY It has already been shown that the 7106 and 7107 require an absolute minimum of additional components. The only critical ones are the display and the integration capacitor. The following list of possible suppliers is intended to be of assistance in putting a converter design into production. It should not be interpreted as a comprehensive list of suppliers, nor does it constitute an endorsement by Intersi!. Liquid Crystal Displays a) LXD Inc., Cleveland, Ohio, 216/831-8100 b) Hamlin Inc., Lake Mills, Wisconsin, 414/648-2361 c) lEE Inc., Van Nuys, California, 2131787-0311 d) Shelley Associates, Irvine, California, 714/549-3414 e) Crystaloid Electronics, Stow, Ohio, 216/688-1180 Figure 8: Generating Negative Supply from +5v (I) Input Filters One of the attractive features of the 7106 and 7107 is the extremely low input leakage current, typically 1pA at 25°C. This minimizes the errors caused by high impedance passive filters on the input. For example, the simple RC (1 MO/.01!,F) combination used in the evaluation kits introduces a negligible 1!'V error. LED Displays (Common Anode) a) Hewlett Packard Components, Palo Alto, California, 415/493-1212 b) Itac Inc., Santa Clara, California, 408/985-2290 c) Litronix Inc., Cupertino, California, 408/257-7910 d) Monsanto Inc., Palo Alto, California, 415/493-3300 PRELIMINARY TESTS Polypropylene Capacitors a) Plessey Capacitors, West Lake Village, California, 213/889-4120 b) 1MB Electronics Products, Santa Fe Springs, California, 213/921-3407 c) Elcap Components, Santa Ana, California, 7141 979-4440 d) TRW Capacitors, Ogallala, Nebraska, 308/284-3611 (a) Auto Zero With power on and the inputs shorted, the display should read zero. The negative sign should be displayed about 50% of the time, an indication of the effectiveness of the auto-zero system used in the 7106 and 7107. Note that some competitive circuits flash negative on every alternate conversion for inputs near zero. While this may look good to the uninitiated, it is not a true auto zero system! (b) Over-range Inputs greater than full scale will cause suppression olthe three least significant digits; i.e. only 1 or -1 will be displayed. (c) Polarity The absence of a polarity signal indicates a positive reading. A negative reading is indicated by a negative sign. CA~TION: Potential trouble areas when constructing the evaluation kits. 1. Certain LCD displays have a protective plastic sheet covering the plastic top. This sheet may be removed after installing the display to maximize display viewing. 2. Solder flux or other impurities on PC board may cause leakage paths between IC pins and board traces reducing performance and should be removed with rubbing alcohol or some other suitable cleaning agent. Displays should be removed when cleaning as damage could result to them. 3. Blue PC board material (PC75) has been treated with a chemical which may cause surface leakage between the input traces. It is suggested that the board be scribed between the input traces and adjacent traces to eliminate this surface leakage. 4. I n order to ensure that unused segments on the LCD displays do not turn on, tie them to the backplane pin (pin 21). 95 APPENDIX I: 7106 Printed Circuit Board Layout and Component I Placement ~ __________~____5_.5_0_0_±._OO_5______~___________ ~ r ..., ..J t Jumper to dlspta), decimal lor temporary decimal point. See texl. 96 APPENDIX II: 7107 Printed Circuit Board Layout and Component' P1acement _________ 5.5_oo~_.OO_5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ INTERSll 7107 LED DPM • Jumpers can be inserted here 10 short IN LO 10 GND or COMMON. t Jumper to decimal point II required DF 97 MD Building an Auto-ranging DMM with the ICL7103A/S052A A/D Converter Pair VIN = 200mV. Third, a300K potentiometer should replace the 300K!1 fixed resistor in the comparator translation network. With VIN = 0 volts, this pot should be adjusted until the display reads equal intervals of positive and negative signs. This network brings the comparator output up to the threshold of the 7103A logic during auto-zero. The two JFET's connected across the integrator cap maintain the integrity of the integrator and auto-zero cap during a gross over range condition. INTRODUCTION The development of LSI AID converters has carved the pathway for a new category of low cost, accurate digital panel meters (DPM) and digital multimeters (DMM)' The 7103A18052A AID pair represents an excellent example of this new breed of converter products available today. The outstanding attributes of this pair include: • Accuracy guaranteed to ± 1 count over the entire conversion range. • Guaranteed zero reading for 0 volts input. • Single reference voltage. • Over-range and under-range signals available for autoranging. • TTL compatible outputs. • Six auxilliary outputs for enhanced interfacing capability. In effect, the user has available a near perfect system. The key to a successful design depends, almost exclusively, on the individual's ability to prevent adding errors to the system. The purpose of this applications bulletin is to describe the operation and potential pitfalls of a 10/-,V resolution (VREF = 100mV) 4-1/2 digit auto-ranging scheme using the 7103A1 8052A pair. Two auto-ranging circuits are included within the text. Each is discussed in terms ·of its advantages and disadvantages. Section One is intended to familiarize the reader with the circuitry common to both deSigns. Input Divider All auto-ranging systems use a resistive divider network of some kind. The particular type of network used is important and requires some thought. Shown below are two conventionai divider networks. R ~ I DISPLAY I Type A Ii ANALOG R LADDER ~ -"- 7103A ---". 14- ANALOG'" 11 GROUND 13 ...... 7 18 8OS2A "V '(" 27 -- I'REFERENCE INPUT OVERRANGE\ UNDERRANGE \ "-----IlJ'.r.g.~LNrJ~?cl_ I ~ STROBE " .0101R .OO1001R (10.1.) (1.001.) REED RELA VS ONLY Type B Each of these dividers has advantages and disadvantages. For example, type B can be implemented with analog gating, whereas, type A cannot. However, type B requires some form of input protection to prevent destructive breakdown when high voltage is applied. The designer must also consider the potential hazards of four additional sources of leakage current (3 switches plus input protection). For 10/-,V resolution, these leakage currents must be less than 1OpA forthe resistor values shown above. A major advantage to type A is its versatility. It can easily be used to measure current and resistance as well as voltage. Type A was chosen for this application primarily for this reason. The absence of potential leakage current problems was also an important factor in favor of type A. Ohm's Converter (See main schematics) Measuring an unknown resistance relies on the basic fundamentals of ohm's law. The ohm's converter produces a constant voltage (adjustable) which is applied to the ladder network. A constant current is generated and the voltage developed across the resistor in question is measured. Four decades of resistance can be measured by connecting the ohm's converter to the four pOints on the resistor ladder. The op amp used should be a FET input device to eliminate constant current source errors. - INPUT ... 10 0-- TO AID .001VIN BLOCK DIAGRAM INHI (1Mtl) R (90Ok) DIGIT DRIVE 1 SECTION 1 7103A/8052A VARIATIONS FROM DATA BOOK SCHEMATIC The basic circuitforthe 7103A/8052AA/D converter remains unchanged. However, a few modifications are necessary to accommodate a 100mV reference. First, the reference voltage divider network (5.1 K, 1K) is modified for greater resolution. Second, the integrator resistor is reduced to 1OK!1 to facilitate an approximate 8 volt integrator swing with 98 on. Auto-ranging is accomplished by shifting the active bit either left or right until a non-over range (or under-range) condition exists. The digital section associated with the 74195 varies between the two designs and will be discussed later. AC Converter With the addition of a precision rectifier and a low pass filter, AC measurements can be made. The precision rectifier shown below is a conventional circuit used for this application. Tolerances can be reduced below± 1% by adjusting a single potentiometer. The user can expect dependable accuracy over a frequency range of 40Hz to 40kHz. SECTION 2 This section is intended to familiarize the reader with individual characteristics of each design. 10kJl Schematic #1 The basic idea behind circuit #1 is to extend the auto-zero time whenever an over range or under range condition exists. If the auto-zero time is not long enough, it is possible for the auto-ranging circuitry to continuously rock between two adjacent scales. Basically, this phenomenon is due to a residual deintegrate charge stored on the auto-zero cap after an over range condition has occurred. The scale will increment up one decade but an under-range may result on the next conversion (VIN NET = VIN ACTUAL - Vresiduall. The 74121 extends auto-zero to 250ms whenever an under range or over range occurs. This time extension should enable the auto-zero loop to behave properly. Precision Rectifier and Low Pass Filter. Clock Circuit The actual clock frequency is not of first order importance assuminc it does not varv durin.c a conversion cvcle and is within the limits dictated by the integrating resistor and capacitor. However, some problems can result if the clock wave form contains severe ringing or spikes. The 311 clock generator shown in each schematic proved to be excellent for this application. It did not generate current spikes on the 5 volt supply line and it remained stable during supply fluctuations due to variations in LED current. When an under range or over range occurs, several things happen. First, the true output of the 74121 goes high enabling a shift pulse. At the same time the Q output goes low causing the 7103A to hold in auto-zero. Nine hundred clock pulses after the beginning of auto-zero, the coincidence between 01 and strobe generates the clock pulse that shifts the active bit in the register. Approximately 250ms after the beginning of Auto-zero, the single shot will clear and another integrate/deintegrate cycle begins. The process will repeat on subsequent under range/over range conversions. One auto-range cycle requires approximately 450ms (200ms of integrate/deintegrate and 250ms of autozerol. Decimal Point Logic The anode of each decimal point used, (OP5, OP4, OP3) is connected to the common anode pin of its respective 7 segment display. The position of the zero bit in the shift register and the operating mode (KO or Volts) of the autoranging system determines which decimal point will be on. The table below defines when each decimal point should be on. Dr" I-I 0.P.4 kO D.P. = DECIMAL POINT 0.P.3 OPERATING MODE Dev, Aev Circuit #2 utilizes the 3'h-4'h digit mode of the 7103A to auto-range in approximately one tenth the normal conversion time. The system is designed to operate in a normal 41/2 digit mode until auto-ranging is necessary. The 7474 0 flip-flop controls the 3'h-4'h .digit mode of the 7103A, but it has a rather interesting twist to insure . sufficient auto-zero time. The integrator and comparator time constants are each reduced by a factor of 10 at the beginning of auto-zero if auto-ranging is required. However, the 7103A doesn't enter the 3 'h digit mode until the input data tothe 7474 is clocked intO the register. This occurs 900 counts after auto-zero begins (01 strobel. The system completes the remainder of auto-zero and the subsequent conversion in the 3 'h digit mode at 10 times the normal conversion rate (approximately 33msl. The 1474 is then cleared 100 counts after the next auto-zero begins (05. strobe) and a 4'12 digit mode is resumed. If subsequent auto-scaling is not necessary, the system continues to operate in the 4-1/2 digit mode, and if it is necessary, the integrator and comparator time constants remain in a 3-1/2 digit mode but the 7103A returns to a 4-1/2 digit mode when the 7474 is cleared. 800 counts later the data is strobed into the register and the 7103A once again enters the 3-1/2 digit mode and another3-1/2 digit conversion cycle begins. The integrator and comparator will remain in the 3-1/ digit mode and the 7103A will switch to the 4-1/2 digit mOde for only 800 counts of auto-zero (900 counts for the fi rst auto- DIGIT 1 I-I I , I I I.U.I 1.0 '_I 0.P.5 Schematic #2 D.P.S D.P.4 D.P.3 2V Scale 20V Scale 200mV Scale (8) Ie) IA) 200V Scale 101 2kO (D) 20k!l Ie) 200k!l (8) 2Mn IA) The letter in parenthesis indicates the location of the zero bit in the shift register. The two SPST switches (SW1, SW2) and the two transistors (01, 02) provide the necessary switching. The only addition to this circuitry is a single LED and a 1800 resistor. Connect the anode to 5 volts and the cathode (through 1800 resistor) to register A, and the LED will differentiate between the 200mV and 200 volt scales or the 2kO and 2MO scales. SN74195 shift register The 74195 shift left/shift right shift register is the heart of the auto-ranging logic. The location of a single zero bit determines which relay is closed and which decimal pOint is 99 Content. of Decade Counter. Operating Mode 1st AZ after invalid conversion Int. Deint. Subsequent Auto-zero's Most Significant Decade Decade 4 Decade 3 Decade 2 Least Significant Decade 0 0 9 0 0 31/2 0 9 1 0 X { 31/2 31/2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 8 0 0 0 8 2 0 0 0 0 0 X X X 4112 Digit 1 { 31/2 41/2 31/2 Gomments 900 counts after auto-zero begins, data is strobed into 7474. total clock periods needed to fill counters with 1,000 equals 1810 next integrate cycle max counts for deintegrate 7474 cleared total counts of 4 1/2 digit auto-zero remaining auto-zero counts 0 X Counts required for first auto-zero = 1810 (~15ms) Counts required for next conversion = 3000 max (~25ms) Counts required for second, third or fourth auto-zero = 1720 (~14.3ms) Total time required to auto-range through four decades" 300 ms (170 ms are required for the initial integrateldeintegrate cycle) logic 1, the shift clock is enabled; if D is a logic 0 and a shift right condition exists the ciock is disabied. AND gate #iA insures the active bit will not shift out otthe register when VIN :;; lS.00mV. zero after over-range or under-range) extends the effective auto-zero time to 1720 counts instead of 1000 (1810 for the first auto-zero after over-range or under-range>. The faster time constants of the integrator and comparator, in addition to the extended auto-zero, ensures proper operation of the auto-zero loop and eliminates the possibility of oscillating between adjacent ranges. The 3 'h digit mode is disabled when register A is a logic 0 and a shift left occurs, or if register D is a logic 0 and a shift right occurs. Basically, this means the 7103A/S052A will convert small inputs (VIN:;; lS.00mV) and signals greater than 200 volts in a 4'h digit mode. This is accomplished with AND gates #2B and #3B and OR gate #3. The status of the 7103A/S052A is determined by 5 decade counters in the 7103A. The least significant counter is cleared and bypassed in the 3 'h digit mode. A closer look at these counters, with respect to the auto-ranging Circuitry, will clearly show the time available for auto-zero and individual conversion periods. The integrator and Comparator time constants are controled by OR gate #4. Short time constants are enabled as soon as an over range or under range occurs and they remain enaf>led until a non-over-range/under range condition exists and the 7474 is cleared. The shift pulse to the 74195 is enabled by AND gate#2A.lfan over range or under range occurs and register D contains a 4 1/2 DIGIT INVALID CONVERSION INTEGRATOR OUTPUT FAST CONVERSION I I I I II OYERRANGE OR UNDERRANGE --I 7474 CLEAR PULSE (05 • STROBE) I U I 7103A OPERATING I I 41/2 MODe INTEGRATOR OR COMPARATOR TIME CONSTANT CONTROL (0+0) 1 r100COUNTS I I I I 1 I I I I 1-1 7474 CLOCK (01 • STROBE) ~~ 1%1 I I •• #1 1 1 I r-- U1 U I I I 800 COUNTS n n ! I I I 31/2 ~ I I I 31/2 r. I I . NORMAL TIME CONSTANT 1110 NORMAL TIME CONST'ANT Timing diagram for circuli #2 100 I ... 200mV 2M!l I 0.0.5 LED 150U .lET _~ I I 1 ~ IIII . t 0.0.4 DIGOT. DECIMAL POINT 0.0.3 DIGIT. DECIMAL POINT DIGIT 3 DECIMAL POINT 150Jl C }l' I ANODES CONNECTED to OIGIT DRIVE TRANSISTORS OF RESPECTIVE DIGITS Dev I MsoD5 S'fR5iE '''N~~ ; i i r= 114-7"02 STROBE (PIN 18) ~ ... """, Auto-Ranging Schematic #1 ... 0.0.5 -yt~ LED 2MU 15011 A ANODES CONNECTED TO COMMON ANODE OF 1 SEG. DISPLAY ;:; '" RESISTOR LADDER Aulo-Ranglng Schemallc #2 t 0.0.3 0.0.4 DIGIT 5 DECIMAL POINT DIGIT. DECIMAL POINT 1500 C SW2 ~ CAUTION • Unusually large rollover error. a) Rollover is a result of the voltage drop on the auto-zero capacitor during the reference integrate phase, and stray capacitance present while charging CREF to the reference voltage. For a1 volt reference, the 7103A1 8052A pai r is guaranteed to have less than one count of rollover. With a 100mV reference, the rollover should be less than 2 counts. If larger rollover errors are present, clean the PC board, as any leakage current path must be removed. Also be sure the auto-zero and reference capacitors are high quality, low leakage capacitors. • Unusually large amount of count instaDility. a) Check noise on the power supplies. If large current spikes or 60 cycle noise are present, the converter will appear noisy. Also, if the comparator translation network (36k, 300k) is way out of adjustment, the comparator will not respond conSistently to a zero crossing. Using the 7103A/8052A solves a great number of conventional AID design problems, however the user must pay special attention to the components and the board layout for the specific application. Listed below are some application notes. If the user spends some time reviewing these bulletins, fewer headaches will result. SYMPTOMS/SOLUTIONS It is very easy to build a system containing several error terms and if the user is unfamiliar with integrating AID converters, a specific trouble shooting sequence may not be apparent. This section is intended to, a, identify specific errors, and b, suggest solutions. • With VIN = OV, the display flashes zeros indicating an overrange. a) Check power supplies. If the ±15V supply is not working properly the 7103A/8052A may over-range. b) Check all component connections corresponding to the integrator, comparator, and analog switch network. • With VIN = OV, display reads something other than zero (offset error). a) This symptom is typically a result of grounding problems or digital signals coupled to analog lines. Connect pin 11 (analog. ground) to the 100kO reSistor at signal input. If the offset disappears, the problem is a result of IR drops in the ground line. Reconnect ground lines similar to Figure 3. I/P HI ANALOG SECTION GENERALLY SPEAKING • Minimize stray capacitance. • Keep analog lines short. • Build system around a stable analog ground. LG DIGITAL SECTION Figure 3 If the offset remains the same, check the proximity of digital lines (digit drive. busy, under-range) to analog lines. They should be separated as far as possible. If the offset reduces but is not completely eliminated. The problem is most likely due to both types of errors. 103 4 Y2 Digit Panel Meter Demonstrator/ Instrumentation Boards DEMONSTRATOR BOARD Intersil's 8052A/7103A precision AID converter pair with its multiplexed BCD outputs and digit drivers combines dualslope conversion reliability with ±1 count in 20,000 accuracy. The two chip system features performance characteristics such as 5pA input leakage, 0.002% linearity, auto-zero to 10/LV with drift less than 1/LV/o C, and scale factor temperature coefficients of 3ppm/o C (with external reference). With these outstanding features, the 8052AI 7103A two chip system is ideally suited for LED display Digital Panel Meter (DPM) and Digital Multimeter (DMM) applications. Two versions of the complete circuit for a 4'h digit DPM with ±2.0000 volt full scale and LED readout will be discussed. The first version, the Demonstrator Board, is shown in schematic form in Figure 1. This circuit uses the internal reference of the 8052A for conversion reference and a buffered 2-inverter CMOS RC oscillator for the clock source. The Demonstrator Board contains all the components and displays for a 4'h DPM on one, double-sided PC board. In addition, the BCD outputs, digit drivers, overrange, underrange, run/hold and busy lines from the 7103 are brought out to the edge connector making it possible to interface the DPM to a microprocessor or UART. The PC board layout diagram and component placement diagrams are shown in figures 2, 3 and 4. A2 l~ H~~_ _ :N~sJ u & - - - - - - - - -.......-t---!!]. ICL'f,'03A I AI I I INPUT ~[!~~~y~I!~~~~~iJ t A13 .,y I I I I I I I EDGE CONNECTOR NUMBER ............ D w T Figure 1: Demonstrator Board Schematic 104 ------------------------~ ICL80152A17103A 41ft DIGIT DPM DEMONSTRATOR BOARD • ~:• .0 ..\ BACK FRONT Figure 2: Demonstrator Board Component Side Figure 3: Demonstrator Board Back Figure 4: Demonstrator Board Component Placement 105 .I INSTRUMENTATION BOARDS out to the edge connector. Both boards use single-sided construction to simplify assembly and reduce fabrication costs. Figure 6 shows the main board PC layout with the component placement diagram in Figure 7. The display board artwork is shown in Figure 8 with component placement shown in Figures 9 and 10. Note that the displays are mounted on the trace side of the display board while the digit driver transistors, current-limiting resistors and the decoder/driver IC are mounted on the opposite side of the board. -rcL80siAi71oaA -~:PLA-YBOARD1 The schematic diagram in Figure 5 is for the 4'h Digit Instrumentation Boards which feature a lower component count, a separate front panel display board and a compact main board. The display board uses 5 similar LED Displays for the full digits and the polarity/'h digit, with the 7-segment decoder/driver on the reverse side of the board. The main board uses the 8052 reference, a CMOS clock circuit with variable frequency adjustment and has the BCD lines, digit driver lines, supply and ground lines, and input lines brought r--R; -.. . ----- -------------------- -------,. SN7447AN I 17 16 I I I I I I IL ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ....t 12 13 11 15 " 1110 9 8 7 8 5 412 r----------------------------------I - -- - - -- - - -- -- -- --- - -----------,iiios2AniiiiAl IC2 MAIN BOARD ~~~ I 15~----...... 24'IJDIQ/3 IhDIG ~----mPOLARITV 4 RUN/HOLD COMPo IN 3~=:::::::;V\r:;.=;:=~~:-t,::;;;~B6 -15V REF CAP2 ~_________t:::...-.;:==tt:t::;'0 ANA IN 17~ 8 18 E- 11 ANA GND r-~vv~~~--I~~~~~~CLKIN UNDRNG '" OYRNG 1:1 CD4001A I I 012 02 03 04 24 I ICI I ICL8052A , -15Y B8gl===~J REF REF CAP1 I I 14~'--------------~~JL----~TI,r.~5V~~~~B~U;.SY~" 84 22 82 r----~r--;;=:::;;:u:~COMPOUT REF CAP I I INTOUT +BUFIN +lNT IN I 2 REFIYPA" -INTINIil,~--~ DslP'B=====:J i· OND B1 -aUF IN REF OUT aUF OUTm..~o.N"-' RlF SUPPLY +15 R15 STROBE 1 AZINfi"~=====:tj-r1 AZ OUT II. OIG GND 15 13 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ....1 ~----------------------------------13 1 Figure 5: Instrumentation Board Schematic (Numerals refer to edge connector pin numbers) 18 BACK Figure 7: Main Instrumentation Board Component Placement Figure 6: Main Instrumentation Board Back 106 I. FRONT Figure 8: Display Instrumentation Board Artwork T~A-=t Figure 9: Display Instrumentation Board (Non-Conductor Sidel Component Placement ,. fRONT Figure 10: Display Instrumentation Board (Conductor Side) Component Placement COMPONENT SELECTION EVALUATION The only critical components for the 4'h digit DPM circuits are the reference, auto-zero and integrating capacitors, (C" C2, and C3 respectively for the Instrumentation Boards and C4, C12, and C'4 respectively for the Demonstrator Board!. The reference and auto-zero capacitor should have low dielectric absorption ID.A.l for quick start-up and recovery from overload while the integrating capacitor requires low DA for minimum rollover error and optimum ratiometric measurement performance. A complete list of components and suggested sources for each board may be found in tables 1 and 2. The Demonstrator and Instrumentation Boards both reflect design considerations regarding the separation of digital and analog ground lines, and grounding priorities to minimize the effects of IR drops on the grounds of various IC's. For instance, the analog ground of the 8052A (pin 5) is not only kept separate from digital ground, but is in close proximity to the edge connector to minimize the IR drop along the conductor and, hence, minimize ground line variations. MD 107 Table I ICL8052A17103A 4'12 DIGIT DIGITAL PANEL METER Electrical Parts List for Demonstrator Board Reference Designation IC1 IC2 IC3 IC4 IC5 C1 C2,C3,C6,C7,C9C11,C13,C16,C17 C4,C12 C5 C8 C14 R1,R19,R22 R2,R14,R15,R21 R3,R4 R5 R6-R12,R23 R13 R16 R17 R18 CR1,CR2 DS1-DS4 DS5 Description Analog AID Converter Digital AID Converter 7-Seg ment. DecoderIDriver Quad CMOS Nand Gate, 2-lnput 7-Transistor Array, Common Emitter 0.1ILF Ceramic Capacitor 10ILF Tantalum Capacitor Recommended Manufacturer & Part Number Intersil ICL8052A Intersil ICL7103A RCA CD4511BE RCA CD4011AE RCA CA3081 Sprague 7CZ5U104X0050D1 Kemet T39-C106-025AS 1.0ILF Polypropylene Capacitor 20%, 200V dc 100pF Mica Capacitor 300pF Mica Capacitor 0.22ILF Polypropylene Capacitor 100K!! V.W Resistor 39K!! V.W Resistor 330!! V.W Resistor 2.2K!! V.W Resistor 120!! V.W Resistor 82K!! V.W Resistor 300K!! V.W Resistor 510!! V.W Resistor 1K!! Trimmer Small Signal Diode 7-Segment LED Display ±1 Polarity Display TRW X363UW Arco CM4FD101J03 Arco CM4FD301J03 1MB GA2A224 Beckman 76PR1K 1N914 HP 5082-7653 HP 5082-7656 Table II ICL8052A17103A 4'12 DIGIT DIGITAL PANEL METER Electrical Parts List for Instrumentation Board Reference Designation IC1 IC2 IC3 IC4 C1, C2 C3 C4 thru C7 C8 C9 C10 R1 R2 thru R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14, R15 R16 R17 R18 01,02 Q1 thru Q7 DS1 thru DS5 Description Analog AID Converter Digital AID Converter 7 Segment DecoderlDriver Quad CMOS Nor Gate, 2 input 1.0 ILF Polypropylene Capacitor 0.22ILF Polypropylene Capacitor 10 ILF Tantalum Capacitor 100pF Mica Capacitor 300pF Mica Capacitor 0.1 ILF Polyester Capacitor 1kn Cermet Trimpot 120n V.W Resistor 510nv.W Resistor 200kH V.W Resistor 100kn Trimmer 47kn V.W Resistor 100KU V.W Resistor 4.7KH V.W Resistor 300kO V.W Resistor 36kn v. W Resistor Small Signal Diodes NPN Transistor 7 Segment LED Display 108 Recommended Manufacturer & Part Number Intersi! ICL8052A Intersi! ICL7103A Texas Instruments SN7447AN RCA CD4001AD Plessey 171L105K160 1MB GA2A224 Kemet T39-C106-025AS Arco CM4FD101J03 Arco CM4FD301J03 Siemens B325600.1/10/100 Bourns 3299P Spectrol 62-3 IN914 Motorola MPS 3704 Fairchild FND507 One problem that exists on both PC boards regarding supply line variations is that of the CMOS clock source. Since the supply for the RC oscillator is shared with the LED display, any variation in supply voltage due to the display reading will also vary the supply voltage to the oscillator. The point at which this variation becomes critical is when the display changes from a fuil scale reading to overrange; i.e., 19999 to 0000. When in overrange, the display alternates between a blank display (all segments off) and the 0000 over range indication. The supply voltage to the CMOS oscillator varies enough to cause a shift in the clock frequency. This shift occurs during the signal integrate/reference integrate phase of conversion causing a low display reading just after overrange recovery. For instance, if the signal voltage is 1.99995 volts, the display reading should toggle between 1.9999 and overrange. However, the clock frequency shift causes the display to read 1.9992 just after the 0000 overrange display before returning to the 1.9999 reading. The severity of the reading variation after overrange recovery depends on the magnitude of the clock variation which gets back to the stability of the supply voltage line to the RC oscillator. The clock supply voltage modulation has been minimized on both boards by separating the display supply lines from the clock supply line. To eliminate any clock frequency shift completely, a clock source using Intersil's LM311 voltage comparator in positive feedback mode (Figure 11) could be substituted. Another problem encountered with the 8052A/71 03A DPM is that of gross over-voltage applied to the input. Any voltage in excess of ±2.0000 volts may cause the display to give an erroneous voltage indication. The reason this occurs is the integrator continues to ramp towards the supply (positive for negative input voltages, negative for positive inputs) until the +15V integrator output saturates. When this occurs, the integrator can no longer source (or sink) current required to hold the summing junction (Pin 11) at the voltage stored on the auto ze.ro capacitor. As a result, the voltage across the integrator capacitor decreases sufficiently to give a false voltage reading. +5V 56kll 16kll Figure 11: LM311 Clock Source A simple solution to this problem is to use junction FET transistors across the integrator capacitor to source (or sink) current into the summing junction and prevent the integrator amplifier from saturating. USing an N channel and a P channel JFET, connect drains to pin 11 of the 8052A, sources to pin 14, the gate of the P channel to +15V, and the gate of the N channel to -15V (Figure 12). With the JFET's in this configuration, input voltages ranging from 2 to 6 volts positive and 2 to 10 volts negative will cause the correct overrange indication to occur. -15Y lOOK -BUF.IN. 8 7 1 1kH 16k!! 10--- aUF. OUT .-- BUFFER O.22.u.F -INT. IN INT. OUT 1 ' - - - 1.---1 INTEGRATOR I I I 8052A 300pF I I I • '---!-- I !~FTN.----- ~+.rTTN--------' ~----------~~v~------------~ To 7103A Figure 12: Gross Overvoltage Protection Circuit 109 !Zo a:: u.. r:-: Demonstrator Board Component Side "-- ~ I ~. -. ~ "-/ t:."~ I . : .(0,,_0 ~Ol . _ 0 0 0 .0':::' • ~ ~ :f/IJ))V,.--.. -- ..... :.:: u .v, The first "quad current switches" were introduced two years after the MA722 and were an excellent conceptual and technical approach to a practical data converter building block circuit in monolithic form. These devices are now available I" in several circuit variations from different manufacturers and are used extensively in hybrid data converters. The basic circuit concept is illustrated in Figure 1. DIGITAL INPUT 0---1<1--1---1 ~ --------+--..---f--'=--o lour G, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-1-_ _ _ _- - 0 -v. FIGURE 2. Detail Circuit of Quad Current Switching Cell This particular circuit configuration gives standard TTL input voltage levels and results in a 40 nsec. switching time with a current output settling time of about 200 nsec. to 0.01%. '" HYBRID D/A CONVERTERS 8R High performance 12 bit D/A converters are made possible by combining quad current switches with a precision zener reference, reference control amplifier, a thin-film resistor network, and a fast output operational amplifier as shown in Figure 3. -v, FIGURE 1. Basic Quad Current Switch Circuit Three quad current switches are used with a current dividing resistor network at the outputs of two of the quads. With respect to QCS no. 1 output, QCS no. 2 output is divided down by a factor of 16 and QC:; output no. 3 is divided down by a factor of 256. Due to the excellent accuracy characteristics of the quad current switches, resolutions of 12 bits and higher may be realized in this manner. There are four NPN current source transistors and a reference transistor as shown in the diagram. The bases are all connected to a common line, and the reference transistor together with an operational amplifier form a reference con- trol circuit which biases all of the current sources. A precision, trimmed resistor network is used to set the currp.nts in the sources in the binary ratiOS ot I, 21, 41, and 81. To The output amplifier is a fast monolithic op amp which operates as a current to voltage converter from the current 112 DATA ACQUISITIOIII & CONVERSION HANDBOOK important factor in determining the converter absolute temperature stability, tracking stability, and long term stability. When properly fabricated, these resistors result in excellent stability, surpassing that achievable in all but the most expensive discrete component converters. CONNECTION FOR BIPOLAR OFFSET L<>--t-----'--f:'--. >----oVOUT The fabrication of good quality thin film resistors iSa'process involving many important operations. The following manufacturing steps are based Datel Systems' electron beam evaporation technique of making nickel-chromium thin-film resistor networks: 1. Oxidation of silicon substrate to form dielectric layer. 2. Deposition of nichrome thin film « 100.0\) by electron beam evaporation. 3. Evaporation of barrier layer of nickel onto nichrome film. 4. Photolithographic definition and gold plating of conductor pattern. 5. Photolithographic definition and etching of resistor pattern. 6. Stabilization bake. 7. Photolithographic definition and etching of scribing grid pattern. 8. Chemical vapor deposition of silicon dioxide paSSivation layer. 9. Photolithographic definition and etching of bond pad openings over conductors. 10. Scribing and dicing wafer. 11. Test, inspection, and sorting of networks. FIGURE 3. 12 Bit Hybrid 01 A Converter Circuit outputs of the Quad switches. The reference control amplifier is connected differently from the one shown in Figure 1. By having the control amplifier drive the negative rail of the current sources, better immunity against negative supply voltage variations is achieved while not affecting the TIL input logic levels. The circuit of Figure 3 is the basic design for Datel Systems' DAC-HZI2B series of high performance 12 bit D/A converters. Because of the quad current switch circuit configuration the input coding for this device is complementary binary, Le., all zero's on the inputs produce a full scale output voltage and all one's produce zero output voltage. This coding can be changed to straight binary by using external digital inverters. In the case of the DAC-HKI2B series D/A converters an internal level-controlled storage register is provided for storing a digital input word, and an inversion is done in the register to give straight binary coding. :-==== :. NICKEL NICHROME OXIDE L __________.J----S'LiCON .------NICKEL ~----GOLD By adding a fourth Quad current switch to the circuit shown in Figure 3, additional resolutions of 13 to 16 bits can be attained. True 16 bit linearity is generally not possible, however, but a more practical specification of 16 bit resolution with 14 bit linearity is achievable over a reasonable temperature range. This performance is realized by Datel Systems model DAC-HPI6B which has a companion model DAC-HPI6D for 4 digit BCD applications. I ____ SILICON '111 a:;;~E====OX'OE I -'~---OXIDE GOLD NICKEL L __________ -.l-----SILICON An important feature designed into 12 bit hybrid D/A converters is the useful pin-programmable voltage output ranging. This is done, as shown in Figure 3, by providinga tapped feedback resistor for use with the output amplifier. The feedback resistor can thus be connected as R, 2R, or R/2 to give three possible voltage ranges. Another resistor is provided in series with the reference to permit offsetting the analog output by one half scale for bipolar operation. The final result of this is five useful output voltage ranges: o to +5V, 0 to +IOV, ±2.5V, ±5V, and ± IOV, all by simple pin connection. FIGURE 4. SummarY 01 Steps in Making A Nichrome Thin-Film Resistor Figure 4 summarizes some of the steps described above in processing a thin film resistor network. A starting three inch silicon wafer is shown together with a completely processed wafer in Figure 5; approximately 70 resistor networks are contained on this wafer. Each finished, tested resistor network is then bonded to the converter substrate. Two of the primary advantages of the new hybrid D/A converters are their completeness (requiring no extra components for operation) and their operating flexibility, both at relatively low cost. THIN FILM RESISTOR NETWORKS Modern, low cost hybrid D/A converter designs are based on two premises: a standard circuit design with relatively few circuit components, and high volume production. The quad current switches significantly reduce the number of active circuit components required. In a similar manner thin-film resistor networks greatly reduce the number of passive circuit elements. The thin-film resistors are also an FIGURE 5. Blank Silicon Wafer and Finished Resistor N~ 113 The substrate is made Of alumina (AIO,) and is itself a thin film component which is photolithographically defined and then electro-chemically plated with gold. Datel Systems uses thin film substrates in its hybrid products while some other companies use thick film. The main advantage of the thin film substrates is in the fine line widths which can be attained, resulting in more complex circuits. Figure 6 shows a magnified substrate mask for a 12-bit D/A converter; this conductor pattern has line widths down to 4 mils. PULSED -XENON LASER BEAM Fllll1l!ll1lll!l1ll1ltt:.::Jlizm!l1l 1l",Sim'O",'"'I"..J.",·m7·ooo.l~imm!l1l1.!~'_"aoA 5;02 1=12, --f-~ OUTPUT Vo>Vz I [vo," (1 + ~~) Vz J The comparison process is continued one bit at a time from 1..- __ .J the MSB down to the LSB (least significant bit). After the last clock period, theoutputofthe successive approximation register contains the digital word representing the analog R, input. The converter also puts out an end of conversion, or status, pulse indicating that conversion is complete. In addition to the parallel data output on n digital lines, there is FIGURE 10. Temperature Compensated Reference Circuit also a useful serial output from most converters derived from the comparison process. Datel Systems' DAC-HZ12BMR-1 uses such a low tempco, compensated, buried zener reference to achieve a low 10 ppm/oC gain stability over a -25°C to +B5°C operating temperature range. The successive aproximation AID converter with up to 12 bits resolution is made possible in hybrid form by three recent developments: 1. availability of low cost monolithic Quad current switches in chip form Another reference circuit now used in many devices, par- ticularly monolithic data converters, IS the "bandgap reference." This circuit is based on the predictable base emitter voltage change of a transistor with temperature. By using two matched transistors operating at different current densities, a stable reference voltage numerically equal to the extrapolated bandgap voltage of silicon at 0° K is achieved. This voltage is 1.205V, but in some reference circuits it is multiplied up to about 2.5V. The bandgap reference in general has not achieved the stability of the new buried Zener references, however. 2. availability of low cost monolithic successive approximation registers in chip form 3. availability of fast laser trimming systems for trimming thin film resistors The first two developments drastically reduced the number of individual monolithic chips necessary to fabricate a com- plete hybrid AID converter. The third development made rapid and inexpensive trimming of the complete converter possible. 115 The development of the monolithic SAR (successive approx- Datel Systems' models ADC-HX12B, ADC-HZ12B, ADCHS12B, and ADC-HF12B are all high performance hybrid 12 bit AID converters which use the successive approximation conversion technique. Conver.sion times vary with these devices from 20 ~sec. down to only 2 ~sec. imation register) was particularly significant since it elimi- nated a large number of digital chips. The SAR is really a special purpose digital register that contains all the storage and control logic to perform the successive approximation operation. In hybrid data converters the low parts count is extremely important for several reasons. First it rilduces parts cost and labor, thus allowing the device to be produced economically in large quantities. Secondly it results in high reliability by reducing the number of total interconnections in the device. Compared to a modular converter, for example, the hybrid has less than half the total number of connections. A module, in addition to the bonds in each circuit component, has at least the same number of soldered connections. FAST AND ULTRA-FAST HYBRID DATA CONVERTERS A typical hybrid 12 bit AID converter, for example the low cost ADC-HX12B, has a conversion time in the area of 20 to 25 psec. There are some limitations in trying to achieve shorter conversion times with the circuitry just described. The limitations are in the comparator sWitching time and in the output settling time of the quad current switches. For accurate conversion to 12 bits, each bit output current must settle to within 0.01% of full scale before the next.comparison takes place. An important advantage in the new hybrid AID converters, in addition to low cost and small size, are the "universal operating features." Some of the operating features which result in application flexibility are: 1. Pin programmable input voltage ranges of 0 to + 5V, o to + lUV, ± 2.5V, ± 5V, and ± lOV. 2. Buffered (100 megohm) or unbuffered input. 3. Parallel and serial output data. 4. Short cycled operation (for less resolution at higher speed) by external pin connection. 5. Voltage reference and clock circuit outputs. One of the factors that inhibits the comparator switching time and the D/A converter output settling time is the stray capacitance from the th~n film resistors to the substrate conductor. Since'the resistors are fabricated on a silicon wafer, this capacitance is significant because of the rather high (12) dielectric constant of silicon. Thetotal straycapacitance seen at the QCS emitters and collectors, and also at the comparator input, Significantly increases the time required for settling and switching. One way to achieve higher conversion speed is to reduce this unwanted capacitance by fabricating the resistor network on glass instead of silicon. Glass has a dielectric constant of 4, much less than that of silicon. A nichrome thin film resistor on glass is shown in Figure 13. This nichromeoR-glass resistor network is used in Datel Systems' ADCHZ12B 12 bit hybrid AID converter to achieve a 12 bit conversion in 8 p,sec. maximum. BUFFER 8UFF~: :~_ _ _ _ _ _ _...J OUT ~NGE O---~V~~~~A-~~~ ~~NGE 0 - - - - - - ' COMPARATOR IN .BIPOLAR o---------"----{ 6.4K OFFSET ~~ 0--------' FIGURE 12. Hybrid AID Converter Input Circu~ Some of .these features are illustrated in the input circuit diagram of Figure 12. The comparator input has a tapped resistor which can be connected for input resistance values of 2.5K, 5K, or 10K, giving three different voltage ranges. If the bipolar offset pin is connected to the comparator summing junction, then the input is offset by one half scale to give bipolar operation with each of the previous voltage .ranges. If high input impedance is required, the auxiliary buffer amplifier can be connected ahead of the input resistors. It should be noted, however, that the settling time of the amplifier must then be added to the conversion time of the AID converter. The buffer output must have settled to within ±y, LSB (0.012% for 12 bits) of final value before the AID conversion cycle can be initiated. FIGURE 13. Nichrome Thin Film Resistor on Glass For faster 12 bit conversions another circuit technique must be used. There are basic limitations in the switching speed of quad current switches which cannot be further reduced. A faster technique is to use individual PNP switched current sources as shown in Figure 14. Here all the current sources are Of equal value and drive a low impedance R-2R ladder network; the impedance at every junction in the ladder is identical. The key to very fast settling time is to use higher currents driving low impedances. In addition, since each current source is switched by a single diode connected to the emitter, the switching delays are very small. Another way to use the buffer amplifier, if it is not used in the input circuit, is to buffer the reference output for use with external circuitry. In this way the reference can drive up to ±5 rnA externally without affecting the temperature coefficient of the zener reference. External circuitry can, therefore, be made to track with the AID converter over time and temperature. The result of the circuit of Figure 14, when used as a 116 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK form an input quantizer with trip paints set one LSB apart by the resistor biasing network and reference. For a given analog voltage applied to the input of the converter, all comparators biased below the input voltage will turn on and all biased above the input voltage will remain off. The logic output from the comparators is not very useful since it is a 2" -1 line "thermometer" type scale as shown in Table 1 for a 3 bit parallel converter with an overrange bit. Therefore, a fast decoder circuit is used to convert this logic output into binary code. D/A converter. is a current output settling time of less than 50 nsec. for 12 bit resolution. This circuit is used in Datel Systems' ultra-fast D/A converters, the DAC-HF series. As , 81TIN The advantage of the parallel type AID converter is that the complete conversion takes place in just two steps: the comparators switch state and the decoder switches state. With new high speed logic circuits this can be done in typically 15 nsec. The limitation is in the resolution that can be achieved with a reasonable number of comparators. The practical limit is a 4'bit converter which requires 2"-1, or 15 comparators. The number of comparators is limited by physical placement, power consumption, and the total bias current which cumulatively flows through the resistor biasing network. FIGURE 14. Ultra-Fast Current Output DIA Converter with the other circuits, here the R-2R ladder network is also laser trimmed for optimum linearity. For ultra-fast 12 bit AID conversion this DI A converter circuit can be used with a fast comparator and monolithic SAR to achieve a 2 ~sec. conversion time (Datel model ADC-HFI2B). Although in lower resolution AID converters such as 8 bit units it is possible to achieve sub-microsecond conversion times, for the ultimate in conversion speed it is necessary to employ a technique other than successive approximation. This other technique is known as the parallel, or flash, method and is illustrated in Figure 15. 12345678 OUTPUT DATA FIGURE 16. Eight-Bit, .Two Step Parallef AID Converter , . 2 ~~t,!0~ 3 DATA To achieve 8 bit resolution, two 4 bit converters are used in a two-step approach shown in Figure 16. The first 4 bits are converted and the digital output goes to an ultra-fast 4 bit DI A converter which converts the result back to analog. The resultant analog voltage is then subtracted from the input voltage and this difference is converted into digital form by a second 4 bit parallel converter. The complete 8 bit digital word is held in an output register. Since the two steps occur at different times, the next first step can be performed while the result of the previous first step is held in the register and the second step is being done. This overlap mode of operation gives a 1aster conversion rate than would otherwise be possible. DECODER FIGURE 15. Para".' (Fla.h) Type AID Converter The parallel technique basically eliminates the n clock steps required for a complete converSion by the successive approximation conyerter. A bank of 2" -1 analog comparators 8 LINE OUTPUT J......L-L...L-Ll...L.l.. o o o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 o 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 00000111 00000011 00000001 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The advantage of this two stage conversion is that just 30 comparators are required by the two 4 bit parallel converters as compared with 255 if a single stage 8 bit converter were used. The disadvantage is that some speed is sacrificed in the process; nevertheiess, speeds as high as 20 MHz are achieved for an 8 bit conversion. BINARY OUTPUT 1 0 0 0 o 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 011'1'- o o o o o o OVER RANGE Datel Systems' HU series devices are hybrid building blocks for ultra-fast parallel type AID converters. This is a new and very useful approach to ultra-high speed conversion since building block series may be connected in different ways to achieve a desired purpose. The ADC-HU3B is a 3-bit parallel AID converter which is expandable. Two of these connected together make a 4-bit AID and four connected to- TABLE I Digital Outputs for 3 Bit Para"el Converter 117 get her make a 5-bit AID. Used as a single stage, they have a 50 MHz conversion rate. Figure 17 illustrates two basic monolithic techniques used in data conversion circuits. The first device (Figure 16a) is a standard diffused planar NPN transistor which is the key component in monolithic bipolar circuit design. It is fabricated in the following basic steps, starting with a P type silicon wafer: 1. Photolithographic definition and diffusion of N+ buried layer. This is required to create a low collector resistance. 2. Growth of N type silicon epitaxial layer. 3. Isolation masking and diffusion (P+ type). 4. Photolithographic definition and diffusion of base region (P type). 5. Photolithographic definition and diffusion of emitter region (N+ typ~). 6. Photolithographic definition and evaporation of metallization layer (Aluminum). 7. Testing, dicing, and sorting of devices. For a two stage converter, the DAC-HU4B is an ultra-fast 4 bit D/A converter which operates directly from a 15 line input from a 4 bit AID. Another device in this series is the SHM-HU, which is an ultra-fast sample hold for use with the ADC-HU3B. MONOLITHIC CIRCUIT FABRICATION Monolithic techniques have made outstanding progress in the past few years. Monolithic technology, rather than relying on a variety of different components, must rely on devices that can be readily made monolithically. The circuit design rules, therefore, have been to minimize resistors. capacitors, etc. and rely on transistors, making use of the inherent advantages of close matching, excellent thermal coupling, and the economy of using large numbers of active devices with various device geometries. The engineering Ingenuity used in maximizing the use of "active components has rp.!=i.I.Jlted in monolithic circuits 'Nhich schematically look quite different from their discrete equivalents. For example, the monolithic design for an operational amplifier is quite different from a discrete-design op amp. The second device is a CMOS transistor pair. These devices are formed by successive diffusions in the same manner as the NPN transistor described above. The basic differences are that the initial wafer is N type silicon and the devices themselves are unipolar transistors. One device is a P-channel MOS transistor and the other is an N-channel MOS transistor. The insulation underneath each of the two metalized gates IS a stable field-oxide layer. Monolithic circuits which are available at the present time use one or more of the following technologies: bipolar, CMOS, ion implantation, TTL, I'L, and thin film deposition. Recent progress has permitted the combination of two or more of these technologies in a single circuit, for example, bipolar and CMOS, bipolar and ion Implanted FErs, and bipolar and I'L. The difficulty in making monolithic data conversion circuits has been in combining linear circuitry with digital circuitry and including precision, stable resistors. An important element in monolithic data converters is the resistor. Stable resistor networks are the basis for accurate and stable data conversion. For lower resolution converters, namely up to 8 bits, diffused resistors are commonly used. The diffused resistor is the most economical type to use since it requires no additional processing steps beyond those already required for a monolithic circuit. A typical diffused resistor is shown in Figure 18; it is formed by the bulk resistance of a P-type base diffusion. The value of this resistor is determined by the sheet reSistivity of the diffusion and the length and width of the resistor: R = Rs L/W where Rs is the sheet resistivity. Monolithic techniques achieved notable and rapid success with operational amplifiers, but with data conversion circuits the progress has been slower due to the above mentioned problems. Therefore, the first monolithic converters were simple 8 bit D/A converters without a reference or output amplifier. Recent progress, however, has permitted 10 and 12 bit D/A converters to be fabricated. AID converters made with monolithic technology have been largely restricted to dual slope and charge balancing types, but some successive approximation devices are now becoming available. At the present time most monolithic data converters require a number of external parts, for example references, op amps, comparators, clock circuits, capacitors, and resistors. In spite of these limitations, monolithic circuits generally offer the lowest cost solution to a data conversion problem, and many of the earlier limitations are now being overcome. ISOlAllOH DIFFUSION S,QzPASSIVATION ,. MET ALllZA TION ISOLAnON :j~~~~~_~~~~~~~S.02PASSIVATION p. ISOLATION OIFFUSION NTVPE EPITAXIAL LAVER N. BURIED LAYER PTYPe SUBSTRATE DIFFUSION FIGURE 18, DetaIl of Diffused Resi$tor The temperature coefficient of these resistors is large, apprOXimately 1500 ppm/oC from OOC to 125°C. Fortunately converter performance depends more critically upon the matching and temperature tracking of resistors than on the absolute temperature coefficient. The matching of diffused resistors to 0.5% or 'better and temperature tracking to 100 ppm/oC or better can be achieved in monolithic circuits. SOURCEl b CMOS MeTAlliZATION PCHANNEl-,-,--==--,--=:.J FIGURE 17. Bipolar and CMOS Monolithic Devices 118 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK The limit on using diffused resistors is generally B bits, although 10 bit resolution has been achieved by use of resistors with laser trimmed aluminum links. Diffused resistors, however, are no match for thin film resistors which can give less than 30 ppm/oC absolute tempco and 1 to 2 ppm/oC tracking tempco. Therefore, most 10 bit and higher resolution monolithic converters have the additional operations of depositing, photolithographic etching, and laser trimming of a thin film resistor network on part of the monOlithic chip. 2. '----t--'----:--"-+--+-----<> OUT 1 ." BIT 1 INPUTS MONOLITHIC CONVERTER DESIGNS A common design used in 8 bit monolithic D/A converters is shown in Figure 19. A series of collector switched NPN current sources is used with a diffused R-2R ladder network. The ladder network is connected to the emitters as FIGURE 20. A CMOS Multiplying D/A Converter depends on the tracking tempco rather than the absolute resistor tempeo. shown, in order to minimize the total number of resistors; A detailed circuit of the CMOS switch is shown in Figure 21. It is composed of two N channel MOSFET's which are driven out of phase with each other so that one switch is on while the other is off. The switches are driven by two CMOS inverters as shown. in this way only two resistors per bit are required and they have just two different values, Rand 2R. Matching and tracking of the resistors is thereby simplified. FIGURE 19. Bipolar D/A Converter with Diffused Resistor Network DUT2 Vs OUT 1 FIGURE 21. Single Pole, Double Throw CMOS Switch A reference amplifier and reference control resistor are used to bias the current sources from an external reference This technique is used to make both monolithic and hybrid multiplying D/A converters. The advantage of a 2 or 3 chip hybrid design is that higher accuracy can be attained, with resolutions up to 14 bits. Such devices are Datel Systems' DAC-HA series, composed of 10, 12 and 14 bit multiplying D/A converters. voltage. Some circuits steer the collector outputs to two separate output lines which are analog logic complements of one another and are useful in a number of ways, including driving an output amplifier in push-pull. The circuit of Figure 19 is used in Datel Systems' DAC-OBB B bit D/A converters; these have 85 nsec. output settling time and high voltage compliance outputs (-10to +1BV).ln another Datel Systems model, the DAC-ICBB, the complemented collector output is not brought out but is internally tied to the positive supply voltage. Resolution is B bits, and output current settling time is typically 300 nsec. An extension of this device to 10 bits resolution is model DAC-IC1QBC which uses identical circuitry but Uses laser link resistor trimming of the higher order bits. . Monolithic AID converters have been much more difficult to make than D/A converters, especially for resolutions higher than B bits. This has been particularly true for successive approximation type AID converters where two semiconductor technologies must be combined with thin film resistor technology. The combination that looks particularly promiSing in the near future is the combination of bipolar linear circuitry with I'L digital circuitry and the use of nichrome thin-film resistors on the same chip. Another.popular D/A conversion method uses CMOS circuitry with a precision R-2R thin-film ladder network. This circuit, illustrated in Figure 20, is particularly well suited to multiplying applications where a variable reference voltage is used. The key to multiplying operation with high precision is the low resistance CMOS switches which are in series with high resistance 2R resistors. A feedback resistor is also provided for use with an external operational amplifier. This resistor is also provided for use with an external operational amplifier. This resistor has an identical tempco with the ladder resistors since they are fabricated in the same network and, therefore, the output voltage tempco Given the greater difficulty of making a high resolution successive approximation AID converter in monolithic form, it is not surprising that another technique was used first. This technique is the dual slope method, which has been popular for many years in discrete component form. It is illustrated in Figure 22 and operates on an indirect conversion prinCiple whereby the unknown input voltage is converted into a time period which is then measured by a counter. The conversion cycle begins by switching the operational integrator to the input voltage, which is then integrated for a 119 v~ / ~IXEO LEASUR~D COUNT A state of equilibrium exists when the average current developed by the pulses just equals the input current. Since each current pulse is a fixed amount of charge, the name "charge-balancing" is appropriate. TIME COUNT If a counter is used to count the output pulses from this circuit for a fixed period of time, the circuit is then a complete AID converter. This technique, implemented by bipolar and CMOS circuitry, is used in Datel Systems' ADC-EK series AID converters which consist of 8, 10, and 12 bit binary devices and a 3)1, digit BCD unit. If a counter is not used with the circuit then the device· is the well known V/F (voltage to frequency) converter. Model VFQ-1 is a low cost monolithic V/F converter which also uses bipolar and CMOS circuitry on the same chip. OUTPUT DATA FIGURE 22. Monolithic Dual Slope AID Converter OTHER DATA ACQUISITION CIRCUITS The devices described so far have been ND and D/A con- fixed time period. After this time, the integrator is switched to a reference voltage of opposite polarity and the integratui output integrates bdGk to L.tHU lur a period of iime which is measured by the counter. The resultant count is then the digital value of the input voltage. The important thing about the dual slope technique is that the accuracy and stability are dependent only on the reference, and not on other components in the circuit. This assumes, of course, that the operational integrator is linear. The technique is both simple and effective and is readily implemented with CMOS circuitry. Some devices also incorporate automatic zeroing circuitry to reduce the effect of offset drift with time and temperature. verters. In addition to these, there are a number of other circuits which are commonly used in data acquisition applications. These circuits include sample-holds, analog multiplexers, operational and instrumentation amplifiers, and filters. All of these devices are also available in either monolithic or hybrid form; many of these products are described in the pages of this brochure. Frequently, these various devices are combined together to make a complete "data acquisition system." Such a system has an input analog multiplexer, an instrumentation amplifier (sometimes), a sample-hold, an ND converter, and the required control logic circuitry. These systems take care of the entire signal processing function from multiple analog inputs to the digital output which connects to a computer datil"bus line. The advantages of dual slope conversion are simplicity, accuracy, and noise immunity due to integration of the input signal. The chief drawback is relatively slow conversion time. Dual slope AID converters are most commonly used in digital panel meters, digital multimeters, and other digital measuring instruments. Such a system is also now available in a single hybrid package. This device is Datel Systems' model HDAS-16 and a companion device, model HDAS-8. The HDAS-16 provides 16 channels of analog multiplexing, an instrumentation amplifier with programmable gain from 1 to 1000, a samplehold, a 12 bit ND converter, three state output bus drivers, and all the required control logic. The HDAS-8 is identical except that it contains an 8 channel differential multiplexer. This complex hybrid circuit is fabricated on two interconnected substrates and is shown in the photograph of Figure 24. Another integrating conversion technique which has gained in popularity recently is thecharge-balancingNDconverter. As illustrated in Figure 23, an operational integrator is enclosed in a digital feedback loop consisting of a comparator, pulse timer circuit, and a switched reference. A positive input voltage causes the integrator output voltage to cross zero volts, which is detected by the comparator and triggers the pulse timer circuit. The output pulse from the timer switches a negative reference current to the integrator input, and this current pulse is then integrated, causing the integratoroutputto increase in the positive direction. Therefore, every time the integrator output crosses zero another pulse is generated and integrated. GZ '" RIIEF -VAEf 1------------- o--""'v--oC FIGURE 24. Photocraph 01 Hybrid 12 Bit, 16 Channel Data Acquisition System OUTPUT DATA FIGURE 23. Charge ealaneing AID Converter 120 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK an industry standard Hybrid 12-Bit AID Converters Analog to digital converters interface analog signals to digital computers and other digital control circuits_ In the world of data converters the moderate speed, low cost 12-bit AID converter is a real workhorse, serving in a broad range of applications from data acquisition systems and pulse code telemetry systems to computer-based process control systems, automatic test systems and other sampled-data systems_ System designers often require that an AID converter provide 12-bit conversion with conversion times between 8 and SO microseconds_ Along with these basic specifications go a few other accepted parameters such as ±l:>least significant bit linearity and temperature coefficient between about 20 and 40 parts per million per degree Celsius. Twelve-bit resolution yields what most designers consider precision measurement: relative accuracy of 0.012% with 0.012% linearity. The 0.012% accuracy figure, equal to ±l:> bit accuracy, results from quantization uncertainty. Other factors such as nonlinearity, gain and offset temperature coefficients and long term drift degrade the 0.012% ideal accuracy figure. Also, the overall error budget for the complete analog portion of the external circuit may include an amplifier, analog multiplexer or sample-hold. Hence the use of a 12-bit AID +15V -15V Ref Power Povo.er 31 Out 18 28 +5V Power 16 6.3K ~--------i 27 Gain Adj. ~~~~~t 29 f-----4~------.J 23 1--------------' ~;rar 22 f------.---.----------i :~:"t 24 f------o 15 DigCom. 12 Bit DAC 14 Short Cycle Successive ~~:"t Approximation Register 25 f--------' Analog 26 Com. Block Diagram elK Rate 19 21 12 11 10 elK Start LSB Out Conn. 8 7 Bit No. 4 Parallel Data Out 3 1 T MSB 32 Serial Data Out Fig 1 Block diagram shows the internal structure of a typical 12·bit hybrid analoltto-digital converte,. Pin connection••hown .,. in • standard configuration. 121 converter commonly results in an overall system accuracy of 0.1%. The development of monolithic and hybrid Ie technology produced dramatic changes in data conversion device technology. In the past, 12·bit AID converters of the suc· cessive approximation type came in a standard 2"x4"x0.4" encapsulated modular package. Manufactured by a number of companies and costing between $120 and $200 each, these units still enjoy wide use. The first moderate cost, hybrid 12·bit AID converters, introduced in 1974, were followed by a number of devices made by different manufacturers, all housed in a -standard 32'pin package with two basic pin configurations. Such standardization has been rare in the industry. Three factors weigh heavily in making these devices popular industry standards: low price (many cost less than $100), small size (about 1.1 "xI.7"xO.2") and universal operating features L'1at allow ta'iem to serve in a wide vailtty uf appliciiliuHs. These converters are quite a contrast with earlier units of eqUivalent performance; such units sold for $5000 in 1959 and $600 in 1968 and were considerably larger. Hy· brid data converters in themselves are not really new de· vices since they first appeared on the market in the late 1960s, but until recently they were not produced as stan· dard products in large volume. Early hybrid converters served in military and aerospace application where small size and high reliability were overriding considerations, and low price was not. The circuitry at that time, much more complex than today's circuitry, gave very high chip counts and relatively low production yields. ii> t::JATEL uN-ll i' 1 \ , \\1 \2Ht ' A!1 f\{H 'frrrrl",)1 i ' rf Fig 2 Thil AID converter, manufactured by Datel Systems, employs thin·film hybrid technology to provide 12-bit conversion. TABLE I HYBRID 12 BIT AID CONVERTER SPECIFICATION SUMMARY Resolution Nonlinearity 12 Bits ± 1/2 LSB (0.012%) Gain Tempco ±2OppmrC max. Analog Input Ranges Oto +5V, Oto +10V Coding, unipolar ±2.SV. ±5V•• 10V Compo Binary Coding, bipolar Comp. Offset Binary 20 "sec. max. ±15VDC & +5VDC Conversion Time Power Supply 'Out Current Dividers I Digital Control 9101112 aCS2 aCS3 -, I I I I _______________ 1I ~------------------- Fig 3 Quad current switches play an important rol. in the operation of the converter. In this circuit diagram, teh QCSs and the current divider resistors form a network providing proper current source binary weighting. 122 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK register until initiation of the next conversion cycle. The conversion is thus completed in 12 clock periods. Note: Clock is sped up bV connecting clock rate adjust pin to ±SV. Construction and Technology Short Cvcle SAR 14 Output Data Fig 4 External pin connections allow faster AID conversion with lower resolution. The connection shown gives lO-bit conversion. Connecting the short cvcle to ground gives full resolution (12·bit) conversion. Design and Operation Several recent developments have allowed a significant reo duction in number of chips required to implement a suc· cessive approximation register, and these technological ad· vances have brought on the low cost hybrid converter. These developments include: the availability oflow cost, quad current switches used to implement the converter portion of the circuit; the development of the monolithic successive approximation register; and the rapid laser trimming systems for actively trimming thin·film resistor networks. The resulting low component count makes high yield production of a standard converter design a reality; since parts count and labor are reduced, production costs drop. In addition, reducing the parts count also reduces the num· ber of wire bonds, thereby increasing reliability. Fig I shows the block diagram of a complete 12'bit hy· brid device and Fig 2 shows one such device. The circuit basically consists of a 12·bit D/A converter inside an ana· log/digital feedback loop. The successive approximation reg· ister (SAR) controls the converter and in turn takes inputs from the clock circuit and analog comparator. A precision low drift voltage reference circuit stabilizes the converter. Operation of the A/D converter is straightforward. The analog input voltage connects to one of the input resistors (either directly or through the buffer amplifier at, for ex· ample, pin 25). The analog comparator compares the current flowing through the input resistor with the D/ A converter's output current. A start pulse to the SAR initiates the conversion cycle, turning on the first bit (most significant bit) of the converter. This current is compared with the input current. If the MSB current is less than the input current, the MSB current is left on and in the next clock period the second bit is turned on. If the MSB current is greater than the input, it is turned off, and the second bit turned on in the next clock period. This comparison sequence continues through all twelve bits until the cumulative total of all bit currents left on has been compared with the input current. The digital output of the SAR (which is also the input to the D/A converter) is then the digital output word equivalent to the analog input voltage. This output word is held in the SAR's output The quad current switches (QCS) play an important role in the implementation of the converter (see Fig 3). Three QCSs connect to give 12 weighted currents that are summed together at the output of the circuit. The first QCS with its four weighted current sources and reference current source is shown in detail in Fig 3. The other two QCSs are identical except that their reference current sources are not used. The voltage reference circuit se.ts up a constant current in the reference transistor which is controlled by amplifier A" By means of the reference current source, all 12 current sources are biased by maintaining a constant voltage from the transistor bases at the negative voltage rail. The biasing is independent of supply voltage variations. The voltage reference circuit consists of a low tempco compensated zener reference and an op amp circuit that maintains constant current through the zener reference. Weighting the emitter resistors R, 2R, 4R and 8R weights the currents in the NPN transistor current sources in binary ratios of 8, 4, 2 and I. In order that the currents track each other closely over a wide temperature range, the NPN transistors are diffused with emitter areas in binary ratios of 1,2, 4 and 8, giving the same current density in each transistor. This identical current characteristic gives closely matched base-to-emitter voltage drops that track each other with temperature. To get exact binary weighting of the current sources out to 12 bits, QCS2 and QCS3 both operate into precision current dividers that divide the QCS current outputs by factors of 16 and 256 respectively (compared with QCS I). Thin-film technology. To ensure the stability of the A/D converter, the emitter, reference and current divider resistors are all fabricated in a single thin-film resistor network and then laser trimmed to the required accuracy. The resulting resistors have absolute temperature coefficients between zero and thirty parts per million/"C. Trimming the resistors while 30 16 Channel MUX Z,N---+ '" 10'n 29+-......1..----' 17 Fig 5 This circuit mUltiplexes stowly changing signals without sample-hold. A throughput rate of 77 KHz can be achieved with ± 1 least significant bit accuracy_ This circuit multiplexes up to 16 channels. The converter's buffer amp provides it with a high-Z load. 123 L Ref Out rl------------------B-u-ff-e-'----------~-----------------, 30 Amp. Buffer In Buffer +r6._4_V____________~O~u~t___ 6.3K 29+_--~~----------~ 23~--------------------~ I nstrum. 22 I f-------,.------,----------------i '" Bridge Transducer 17 [IIll ~ Fig 6 This circuit will provide accurate and stable measurements for computer uSlge. Because AID converte,'s internal buffer amplifier i, not used, the amplifier can drive the transducer bridge from the converte", ref.rence. the converter is powered and running allows you to achieve a linearity specification of ±!6 least significant bit. Universal Operating Features Certain features appear in hybrid D/A converters that make them industry standards. These features became an important 'design goal after their appearance in some of the modular converters on the market a few years ago. Pin-programmable input ranges. Hybrid A/D converters provide six usable input ranges: 0 to +5V. 0 to + I OV. 0 to +20V, ±2.SV, ±SV and ±IOV. You can obtain the first three of these ranges by various connections of the two SKU input resistors: in addition. if pin ~2 is connected to pin 23, an offset current derived from the internal reference is applied to the comparator input, offsetting the converter's range by exactly half-scale to give bipolar (positive/negative input) operation. Internal buffer amplifier. This operational amplifier is connected as a unity gain follower and has an input impedance of typically 10· to 109 U. Externally pin-connecting the amplifier ahead of the input resistors increases the converter's input impedance from the normal range (2.5KU to 10KU depending on how the range-setting resistors are connected) to over 10" U. This high input impedance does not come without strings attached - the 0 to +20V input range cannot be used since the amplifier's maximum input and output voltage ranges are ±IOV. Also, the conversion time of the AID converter is increased by the settling time of the buffer amplifier. A little thought about the operation of the successive approximation converter reveals that the output of the buffer ampli- 124 fier must have settled to within ±~ least significant bit of final value before the A/D conversion cycle can be initiated. In some applications the settling time may not alter the conversion rate since the input amplifier can be settling to a new value during the time that the output of the AID converter is being transferred out. Short cycling capability. You can terminate the conversion cycle at less than 12 bits via external pin connection, resulting in a faster conversion time with less resolution. Speeding up the conversion time is also helped by speeding up the clock rate through an external connection. This method worle because lower resolution requires less settling time at the output of the D/A converter. Fig 4 shows how to effect short cycling. The short cycle terminal (pin 14) of the SAR is externally connected to the N+ I output bit for an N-bit conversion. The figure shows the connection for a IO-bit conversion. For a full resolution 12-bit conversion the short cycle pin is connected to the +5 volt logic supply. To speed up the clock rate, connect the clock rate input (pin 17) to an adjustable positive voltage. This voltage should be +SV for lO-bit conversion and + ISV for 8-bit conversion. These changes result in reductions in conversion time of 25% for IO bits and 50% for 8 bits (compared to 12-bit conversion time). Choice of output codes. You can choose complementary binary. complementary offset binary or complementary two's complement. Use of unipolar operation requires the first code; for bipolar operation, you can select either complementary offset binary or complementary two's complement codes by using either the most significant bit out- DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK put or the complemented most significant bit output from the converter. Precision reference voltage output (pin 18). This output permits referencing external circuitry to the internal voltage reference in order to give identical tracking of the AID converter and external circuits with both time and temperature. This results in stable raliometric operation of the measurement, but the reference output must be buffered by a high impedance amplifier and hence cannot drive other circuits directly. 10 microamps can be drawn from the reference itself. One way you can buffer the reference uses the internal buffer amplifier, if your application does not require the amplifier at the AID converter input. Clocked serial output (pin 32). This serial output occurs during the conversion cycle and is synchronized with the clock (pin 19). The serial output format is most significant bit first, nonteturn to zero with either complementary binary or complementary offset binary coding. The serial output can aid in digital data transmission over long distances and in pulse code telemetry. Together with the clock output, the serial output can help align the converters since the codes are readily observed on an oscilloscope. Applications Fig 5 shows an application that requires multiplexing of slowly changing signals without sample-hold. The circuit shown will multiplex up to 16 channels. Since the multiplexer may have a channel resistance between 250n and 2Kn, the multiplexer must see a very high impedance at its output. The converter's buffer amplifier can provide this high impedance load. If you use a hybrid AID converter with an 8 microsecond conversion time and allow multiplexer buffer amplifier settling time of 5 microseconds, you can realize a throughput as high as 77 KHz. The system will be accurate to ±I least significant bit for up to 5 Hz input signal frequency. Fig 6 shows a typical measurement application where the measured value must be fed to a digital computer. The differential output of a transducer bridge is amplified by the instrumentation amplifier before being fed to the AID converter input. Since the instrumentation amplifier buffers the bridge output with its high input impedance, you don't need the internal amplifier for input buffering. The amplifier can then drive the transducer bridge from the converter's internal reference. The buffer amplifier typically draws 125 nA bias current from the reference and provides up to 5 mA output current to the bridge. This circuit arrangement achieves the most stable measurement results over time and temperature. In the circuit, as the internal reference changes, the magnitude of the input signal changes. The converter operates ratiometrically, providing error cancellation for reference changes. Figure 7 shows the circuit conneclion for a sampling 10bit AID converter. A l2-bit hybrid AID with 8 !-,sec conversion time is short cycled to 10-bit operation. This is done by connecting the short cycle terminal, pin 14, to pin 2, the bit II output. Pins 3 through 12 then serve as data outputs with complementary offset binary coding. The input to the AID converter is connected for ±5V bipolar operation. Ahead of pin 24 is a sample-hold circuit (which is a monolithic device) that samples the analog input and provides high impedance buffering. This sample-hold requires a 1000 pF holding capacitor, and with this value acquires a 10 volt input change in 4 !-,sec. The sample control pulse is therefore set to 4 !-,sec width. After the sample control pulse returns to zero, putting 23 [ [ 1~~; '""'"' 1::r-:;---t-c~~ Short Cycle 14 0--2 Analog In 1IpF 14 Sampl. Control -8 11 -L 100 ~ -= • 25 26 Figure 7 shows the circuit connection for a sampling 10 bit AID converter. A 12 bit hybrid AID with 8 jJS8C conversion time is short cycled to 10 bit operation. This is done by connecting the short cycl. terminal, pin 14. to pin 2. the bit 11 output. Pins 3 through 12 then serve as data outputs with complementary offset binary coding. The input to the AID converter is connected for ±5V bipolar operation. 125 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Trigger ------+ Absolute Accuracy: The output error, as a percent of full scale, referenced to the NBS standard volt. r - 1 - - +15V Charge Balancing AID Converter: A type of AID Converter that uses a closed loop integrator with a switched current at its input to exactly balance the current produced by the input signal. Analog Conversion Time: The lime from when a conversion is initiated until the output digital data. representing the analog input value, is ready. ~~------~~--r--o Differential Unearity: The maximum deviation of the analog transition between any two adjacent codes in an AID converter from the ideal value. This quantity is generally expressed as a fraction of a least significant bit. O-+=-......'M.-+..~ 100K In 10to +10VI Gain Adj. Dual Slope AID Converter: A type of AID converter that operates by the indirect method of converting a voltage input to a time period, using an integrator, and then measuring the time period by a clock and counter. o-t-,r:-------<~-+- I----------t=--.:!~ Error Budget: A detailed list of all sources of error in a sys- tem or d~:::1!it to detenrJne Unearity (or Integral Unearity): The maximum deviation of the AID converter's transfer function from an ideal straight line between its end points. It is generally given in percent of full scale or fraction of a least significant bit. Missing Code: The phenomenon of skipping one or more of the sequence of output codes over the total analog input range. Offset Error: The amount by which the AID converter transfer function fails to pass through the origin. generally given in millivolts or percent of full scale. Parallel AID Conllel'ter (or Flash Converter): A type of AID converter that uses a bank of 2n_1 comparators and a decoder circuit to perform ultra-fast conversions. Quad Current Switch (QCS): A monolithic circuit which employs four matched. switched current sources and a reference current source to achieve 4 bit DIA conversion. Quantizing Error (or Quantization Uncertainty): The inherent uncerlainty associated with digitizing an analog signal by a finite number of digital output states. The ideal AID converter has a maximum quantizing error of ±1/2least Significant bit. . Reference: A circuit providing an accurate, stable voltage used as the standard for comparison in an AID converter. Relative Accuncy: The output error of an as a percent of its full scale value. AID converter Resolution: The smallest analog input change an AID converter can distinguish. This is a function of the number of output states, 2n , where n is the number of bits and is generally expressed in number of bits or in percent. Successive Approximation Register (SAR): A digital circuit that controls the operation of a successive approximation AID converter and accumulates the output digital word in its register. Settling Time: In a DIA converter or an amplifier. the time elapsed from the application of a full scale input step to when the output has entered into and remained within a specified error band around its final value. Short Cycling: Termination of the conversion sequence of an AID converter to less than the total number of clock peiods required for a full resolution conversion. Status Output: An output logic state indicating when the AID COnverter is busy ana when output data is ready. Successift Approximation AID Converter: A popular type of AID converter in which conversion is accomplished by a sequence of n comparisons where n is the number of resolution bits. Temperature CoeffICient: The stability with temperature of the scale factor of the AID converter, generally expressed in parts per million per degree CelSius. ·15V _+ Vert. Ax::; over~!! ~CC1!~:l.cy. Gain Error (or Scale Factor Error): The difference in slope between the actual transfer function and the ideal transfer function, generally given in percent. ___________ Figure 8 illustrates simple celibretion of the hybrid AID converter. Two external 100K npotentiometen adjust zero and fulllC". for the converter. the sample·hold circuit into the hold mode, a 100 nsec start convert pulse is applied to the AID converter after a I j.lSeC delay. The I/,sec delay allows the sample-hold output to settle from its tum-off transient so that this does not cause a conversion error. The IO-bit AID conversion -then takes place and is completed in just 6/,sec. The clock rate is increased by 20% by connecting the clock rate, pin 17, to ±5V. This, in addition to short cycling, reduces the conver· sion time from 8/,sec at 12 bits to 6 jlSec for 10 bits. The time required for sampling, delay, and conversion is therefore about ll/,sec, giving a maximum throughput Illte of 90 KHz. Such a circuit is commonly used in fast data acquisition systems. The sample.hold circuit reduces the aperture, or measurement uncertainty, time of the circuit. With the AID converter alone the measurement time is 6 jlSec, but with the sample.hold this time is reduced to about 5 nsec. This sampling AID converter can thus accurately sample signals as fast as 70 kHz. Figure 8 illustrates simple calibration of the hybrid AID converter. Two external 100Kn potentiometers adjust zero and full scale for the converier. A pulsed start convert pulse is applied to the start convert input and also externally triggers an oscilloscope. The converter output code is simply monitored by displaying the serial output together with the clock output on the vertical axis of the scope. There are 13 clock pulses and 12 intervals that show up as HI's or LO's on the scope. Assuming 0 to ±IOV input range, the input pin 24 should first be connected to a precision voltage source set to +1.2 mV (zero + 1/2 LSB). The zero adjust potentiometer is adjusted to give an output code that just flickers between II1l... .. 1110 and 1111.. .. .1111. Next, set the precision voltage source to +9.9963V (+FS· 1 1/2 LSB) and adjust the gain potentiometer to give an output code that just flickers between 0000 .....0000 and 0000 .....0001. The converter is now precisely aligned and gives a quantization error of ±1/2 LSB maximum. GZ 126 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK Video analog-Io-cligital conversion calls for virtuoso performances. And the plot really thickens when you have to produce high resolution. Table 1. Comparator thresholds for a Accurately digitizing analog signals containing high frequencies, demands ultrahigh-speed, or video, aid converters. Such a converter is essentiai to diverse uses like radar-signature or transient analysis, highspeed digital-data transmission, video densitometry, and digital television. In television alone, a speedy converter can help enhance images, correct time-base errors, convert standards, synchronize or store frames, reduce noise, and record TV. Most video aid converters work in the I-to-20 MHz range. But at these speeds, resolution can be a problem. Fortunately, 8 bits and fewer most often suffice in ultrafast aid applications. Higher resolutions are hard (and expensive) to come by, particularly at 10 to 20 MHz. In this ultrahighspeed range, 4 bits is about the practical limit for a single-stage converter. However, you can cascade aid stages for more than 4 bits. Below 5 MHz, you can retain the "one bit at a time" concept of the familiar successive-approximation converter, while reducing the time delays inherent in converting each bit. The "propagation" (or variablereference-cascade) converter of Fig. 1 does just this. 4-bit propagation-type aid converter Scale Comparator Number 2 J FS-J LSB 3 +8.750 3/4 FS 4 +9.375 +8.125 +7.500 +6.875 +6.250 1/2 FS +5.625 +5.000 +3.750 +4.375 +3.125 1/4 FS +2.500 +1.875 + 1.250 1 LSB Comparators star in propagation a/d's +0.625 ANALOG INPUT (OlOIOV) The critical parts of the circuit are the comparators, which must be very fast, and the switches, which must be not only very fast but also capable of withstanding the reference voltage. A propagation aid converter uses one comparator per bit. Furthermore, each bit is converted in sequence, beginning with the most significant. With a -5 V reference, the circuit of Fig. 1 handles inputs from 0 to +10 V. Comparator AI makes its decision at a +5 V input: when the analog-input voltage exceeds +5 V, the output is true. The threshold of comparator A, is set for an i'lPut of either +2.5 or +7.5 V, depending on the output of comparator AI. If the analog input voltage exceeds +7.5 V, comparator· A, also goes true. If, however, the analog input voltage is between +5 and +7.5 V, the output becomes ZERO; an input -!:IV REF. BIT I (MSB) BIT 2 "'Y \..~_ _ _ _ _ BIT 3 BIT 4 (LSB) I OUTPUT DATA 1. A propagatlon·type aid converter uses one comparator per bit, with each bit converted in sequence. At best. this type of aid runs at 5 MHz for up to four bits. 127 CODE between +2.5 and +5 V produces a ONE. And for less than 2.5-V input, the output becomes ZERO. As you can see, then, the output of comparator AI sets the threshold of comparator A2 via electronic switch SI. SI switches one end of the resistive divider at comparator A2 to ground when the output of comparator AI is ZERO, and to the -5 V reference when it is ONE. Therefore, the threshold of the second comparator is set for either of two analog-inputvoltage levels: +2.5 or +7.5 V. This process continues for comparators A, and A,. Each succeeding threshold is set by the result of all previous comparator decisions. Thus, comparator A, has four possible threshold levels, + 1.25, +3.75, +6.25, or +8.75 V. Similarly. comparator A, has eight possible threshold levels (for a summary of each comparator's threshold levels. see Table 1). Obviousiy. a propagation-type converter becomes more complex as its resolution increases beyond 4 bits. Higher resolution requires not only more resistorsto set the new threshold levels-but also higher-value resistors. The resistor values go up in a 1. 2. 4. 8.... binary sequence. So as the number of bits increases. the resistors soon take on values so large as to affect the conversion time for the less-significant bits. The fault lies with slow settling of the currents switch.1i through the resistors. The time constants. caused by switch plus stray capacitances and the highvalue resistors. cause the delays. Still. you can achieve 50-ns per bit conversions with a propagation-type converter. After a new input is applied to the converter. the resulting digital output word propagates rapidly down the converter-output lines. as each comparator and switch change states. Instead of simply allowing the circuit to propagate naturally. you can also operate it in a clocked mode by using sampling (gated) comparators. rather than the usual ungated kind. But 5-MHz and higher conversion rates. together with the complexity required for higher than 4-bit resolution. severely limit the video uses of propagation-type analog-to-digital converters. LEVEL 1111 J5 1110 1101 1100 14 13 12 1011 II 1010 1001 10 1000 01 t I 0110 ,; ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0100 0011 0010 0001 0000 I ...... Q l+- I I 0101 ~ : ANALOG C[Cf>-TR~~l!~ON I I I 2.5 , , 3.75 ' 5.0 ANALOG INPUT VOLTAGE 2. The quantlzer transfer function for a 4-bit parallel-type ShOW5 how thl? E'n!.t1og !nput is broken into 15 different levels. Each word of digitally coded output signals represents a range. Q. of input voltage. converter is more popular because it is faster than propagation. A parallel-type aid converter is simply a quantizer circuit followed by a decoder circuit. As a matter of fact these two functions are fundamental to all aid converters. The difference is that these functions are clearly separate in a parallel ald. The quantizer section of a parallel converter is defined by its transfer function. which is shown for a 4-bit quantizer. in Fig. 2. The quantizer breaks up the continuous-analog input (horizontal axis) into discrete-output levels (vertical axis). In Fig. 2. the output is divided into 16 different states, or 2" levels, where n is the number of bits. Along the horizontal axis of the transfer function are 2"-1 or 15 analog-transition points which represent the voltage levels that define the edges between adjacent output states or codes. There is no one-to-one correspondence between input and output for the quantizer, which assigns one output code word to a small range. or band. of analoginput values. The size of this band is the quantum. Q. and is equal to the full-scale-analog range divided by the number of output states: Quantizer plays the lead Q = FSR Fortunately, a much faster technique is available. Parallel conversion (also called flash. or simultaneous) 2" 128 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK REf IN r- ANALOG IN Table 2. Parallel 3-bit a,ld coding EXPANSION - I V2 R I I I I I R I I R 7·Llne equally weighted Binary code with over range code Scale (fraction of full scale) I +9/8 BIT 3 (lSB) +3/4 BIT 2 +112 +114 1 I I R a I I I 11111111 1000 01111111 0111 00111111 0110 00011111 0101 00001111 0100 00000111 0011 00000011 0010 00000001 0001 00000000 0000 1 : 1/2 R iL COMPARATORS 1 The binary coaes are assigned by a circuit that decodes the quantizer-output logic. Though you can select any code, the code shown, natural binary, is most used. Notice that the analog center of each code word-the exact analog value-is depicted by a dot on the transfer-function graph. The transfer function in Fig. 2 depicts an ideal quantizer or aid converter. A real device, of course, has errors in offset, scale-factor (gain) and linearity. Fig. 3 shows a circuit implementation of a 3-bit parallel aid converter. Usually, the quantizer portion of such a circuit consists of a bank of zn -1 high-speed comparators. But, in Fig. 3, zn or 8, comparators are used, because this circuit also provides an overrange output that can be used for expansion. The bank of comparators has zn analog-transition points. These are directly set by biasing one side of the comparator inputs from a reference with a series string of equal-value resistors, R. The Q for this circuit depends on the value of R, the reference voltage, and the total resistance: Q = (VREFR)/RTOTAL : ________ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1I 3. The circuit for a parallel 3·bit aid converter (a) has just two basic sections: the quantizer and the decoder. The transition paints in the quantizer are set by biasing each comparator. through a resistive divider and reference. The complete 3·bit analog·to·digital converter comes packaged as a thin·film hybrid (b). The bottom and top resistors in the string have values of R/2, which correspond to the values of the first and last analog-transition points. These transitions are at Q/2 and FS -(Q/2), respectively. Without the overrange output, the last analog transition point would be at FS - (3Q/2). The value of the top resistor would then be 3R/2. In Fig. 2, where the full-seale-input range is 10 V, Q = !Q 2' !Q 16 = 0.625 V. Enter the decoder Fig. 2 snows levels of 0 through 15 at the output. When binary-code words are assigned to these output states, as shown in the leftmost column, the transfer function becomes that of a complete aid converter rather than just a quantizer alone. The parallel converter's decoder section is a rather straightforward logic circuit. It translates the logic outputs from the comparators into the most commonly used code, natural binary. 129 START EOC CONvERT ANAL.OG IN @~'IV-<~. 1 8-BIT DATA REGISTER r 8IT~~-~r--r-~-'-~-b'--5-,-~-~.---.-'~ OUTPUT OATA 4. Two-stage parallel aid converters can develop S-bit resolutions at 20 MHz. Though conversion 1 begins at the Start-Convert pulse and ends 65 nanoseconds later, subsequent conversions take only 50 nanoseconds. Table 2 shows the coding for quantizer and decoder outputs. In this quantizer-output code, the seven comparator-output lines (eight, counting the overrange comparator) are equally weighted. This equally weighted code is simple and unambiguous, but inefficient-only one output line changes at a time from all-ZERO to all-ONE outputs. Except for not being cyclical, the quantizer code is like the Johnson code used in shift counters. Like the quantizer code, Johnson code proceeds from all-ZEROs to all-ONEs, but then cycles back to all ZEROs. In the decoder, simple NOR and OR gates perform the logic according to the following equations: A. Bit 1 Bit 2 = As + A,.A. Bit 3 = A, + (As'As) + (A,.A.) + (A,.A.), where the A;s are the numbered-comparator outputs in Fig. 3, Bit 1 is the MSB and Bit 3 is the LSB. The AND function in the equations is replaced by a NOR in the actual circuit. The OR function can be implemented by tying together the appropriate outputs of wire-ORed ECL logic. With ultrafast analog comparators, parallel conversion offers the ultimate conversion speed. Since the comparators all change state simultaneously, the quantizer output is available after just one propagation time. Of course, the decoder adds more delay, but high-speed Schottky-TTL or ECL circuits can minimize the decoding time. In 3-bit form with an additional comparator, for ·overrange, the parallel converter in Fig. 3 can be expanded for higher resolution. You can connect two converters, combine into one flash converter to get often-needed 4-bit resolution. Likewise you can connect four such circuits for 5-bit resolution-and so forth. In this way, these circuits can be used as "building blocks" for ultrafast aId converters. Conversion rates of 50 MHz, for 3, 4, or 5-bit aId's, are possible using the commercial hybrid version of these expandable parallel converters. Comparator plays a complex role The most critical component in a parallel aId converter-as in a propagation converter-is the comparator. It not only determines the speed of the converter but also the accuracy. Ultrafast sampling comparators like the 685, 686 and the dual 687 are excellent for this function. A sampling comparator has two Latch-Enable inputs that switch it into either a Compare or Latched mode. In the latter, the comparator's digital output is locked until the next comparison is made. Whether or not you use a sampling comparator, you must consider the propagation delay for small overdrive. This is important because the analog full-scalesignal range is generally small for ultrafast aId converters-commonly between 1 and 4 V. The comparator must change state rapidly for a Q/2 analoginput change. For a 4-bit converter with a I-V input range, this represents an overdrive of 31 mV; for an 8-bit converter with the same input range, the overdrive is just 2 m V. The analog-input characteristics of a comparator are important because they affect conversion accuracy. Input-offset voltage and input-bias current are usually the most significant of these parameters. The offset voltage directly affects the accuracy of the quantizer's analog-transition points; the input-bias current also affects the accuracy through the effective input resistance of the comparator. Since an ultrafast comparator generally has bias currents as high as 10 iJ.A, its inputs must look into low resistances. Fortunately, for small-signal ranges like I to 4 V, each resistance in the series network can be kept low. In an actual 3-bit parallel hybrid 130 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK ANALOG INPUT f---50ns~c -----{ f2l STAR&0 CONVERT I rl f3l G~ 2 n G '2" I r,, SAMPLE HOLD lO --1 ,, I .~nsec---l l---65nsec EDC I (STATUS) : Jzl Gl --,X ~l~~T _____ DATA VALID I X R.. DATA VALID 2 91011 12 I 2 34 5 678 OUTPUT \. DATA ) ~-------~y---------~ m STAGES ~ 5. Timing for the B·bit two·stage aid converter allows for two modes in the sample·and·hold circuit-Hold and Track. These occur between successive Start·Converts. The second and succeeding conversions take 50 ns. 6. A generalized n·blt, m·stage aid converter develops an converter, laser-trimmed, thin-film-resistor networks make the transition points stable and accurate. One comparator parameter that greatly affects speed is input capacitance. For example, the analoginput line to a 4-bit aid with overrange feeds 15 parallel-comparator inputs. It must be driven from a low-impedance source to retain high speed. Therefore, either a high-speed input-buffer amplifier or a sample-and-hold circuit drives the input. Parallel aid conversion suffers from one significant drawback; more resolution than four bits requires many comparators. The number (N,) increases exponentially with n, the number of bits: nates the analog input with the proper impedance and scales the signal for the sample-and-hold circuit, During its conversion to digital form, the ultrafast sample-and-hold acquires and holds the an;ilog-input. The sample-and-hold output goes into two unitygain buffer amplifiers, one of which buffers the input to parallel 4-bit aid converter 1. This aid converts the input level, then stores the digital result in half of the output-data register. In addition, 15 undecoded comparator-output lines drive a I5-line, equallyweighted digital-to-analog converter. This dla, in turn, generates an analog voltage that is subtracted from the other buffered-input signal. The subtraction result, a residual signal, goes to the input of the second parallel 4-bit aid, the output of which goes to the other half of the output-data register. The input signal is therefore sampled and converted to digital form in two 4-bit steps. Four digital delays time the converter as shown in Fig. 5. A pulse at the Start-Convert input begins the timing sequence. The Start-Convert pulse puts the sample-and-hold into the Hold mode for 30 ns. During this time, the first 4-bit conversion is made and the second 4-bit converter quantizes the residual signal. While the second aid conversion is decoded and transferred to the data register, the sample-and-hold goes into the Track mode to acquire the next value. When the conversion is done and the 8-bit word is ready in the output register, the delay circuit generates and End of Conversion (or Status) pulse. In the timing diagram, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 indicate the relationship of the signals for the first, second, third N, = 2" -1 An 8-bit converter, for example, requires 255 comparators. That many comparators vastly complicates bias-current and input-capacitance problems-to say nothing of the high power dissipation they produce. Another problem, of course, is how to position so many comparators while minimizing lead lengths. Coming onstage-the two-stage aid As a result, the practical limit of parallel aid converters is usually 4 bits. Higher-resolution designs use a two-stage parallel technique that is really a combination of the parallel and propagation techniques. It cascades two 4-bit conversions. This two-stage method is illustrated in Fig. 4, which shows the block diagram of a complete 8-bit, 20-MHz converter, including buffer amplifiers and a sampleand-hold. Starting at the input, amplifier A termi- 131 output with n X m bits of resolution. In each stage, except the first, the analog result of the subtraction is amplified by a circuit whose gain is 2". Slower aid converters are alive and well second to several ~s. Each clock period must allow time for comparator switching, changing successiveapproximation-register states and dla converter switching plus settling. Settling time for the dla converter takes a large part of the clock period because the output must settle to within half the leastsignificant bit before the comparison starts. The two most popular techniques for aid conversion are dual-slope (a) and successive-approximation (b). Together these methods probably account for over 98% of all analog-to-digital converters in use. Dual-slope conversion, an indirect method, converts the analog-input voltage into a time period. Then a digital clock and counter measure the interval. For only serial-output data, a simple gate replaces the counter. The method is simple, accurate, and inexpensive, but suffers one major drawback: Conversion is usually slow~often taking milliseconds. Successive approximation aid converters, on the other hand, can be much faster. They can convert to 12 bits in 2 to 50 ~s and to·8 bits in 400 ns to 20 ~s. Also, every conversion is completed in a fixed number (n) of ciock periods, where n is the resoiution in bItS. Successive-approximation, a direct method, puts a dla converter inside a feedback loop containing both analog and digital elements. The successive-approximation register controls the dla converter, and the comparator and clock, in turn, control the register. A conversion consists of turning on, in sequence, each bit of the dla converter, starting with the most significant. During each clock period, the analog input and the dla output are compared. The comparison determines whether to leave each bit on or turn it off. So, after n clock periods, each bit has been turned on, a comparison has been made, each bit's logic state has been decided and the conversion is complete. Clock periods usually last from just fractions of a micro- able decoded aid's. Also, the I5-line dla converter, the sample-and-hold and the input-buffer amplifier can be readily hybridized. The remaining noncritical circuit elements can be made from standard monolithic devices and passive components. The hybrid circuits' stable thin-film resistors can be laser-trimmed for optimum linearity. The entire circuit of Fig. 4 fits on a single circuit card, so laying out critical components is less formidable. Propagation and parallel two-stage are specific examples of a more general conversion method by which m stages of n bits each, make an aid converter with m x n bits of resolution (see Fig. 6). In each case, the residual analog signal from the subtraction is boosted for the next stage by an amplifier with gain of 2". This technique can produce a I2-bit aid converter using three parallel 4-bit aid stages. and fourth conversions. The delay from the leading edge of the Start-Convert pulse to the falling edge of the Status pulse is 65 ns-the delay for the first conversion. After the first conversion, new output data arrive every 50 ns-a rate of 20 MHz. A two-stage parallel aid converter is practically the only device used for ultrafast conversion at 8-bit resolution. Moreover, just about all new 8-bit converters have built-in sample-and-holds to shorten the effective aperture time of the conversion from the 50 ns of the converter in Fig. 4, to a fraction of an ns. While the 8-bit aid in Fig. 4 is functionally simple, it's actually difficult to develop. In fact, it usually takes longer to develop than today's Qther types of aid's. More engineering time can go into just determining circuit and ground-plane layout than into any other part of the development. Behind the scenes-a hybrid GZ At least one commercial 8-bit converter uses thinfilm hybrid components as building blocks, which organize the critical-circuit functions into miniature packages. For example, each 4-bit aid shown in Fig. 4 can be implemented with two hybrid 3-bit expand- 132 Compensate for temperature drift in data-converter circuits Data-converter circuits must operate in a nonideal world in which temperature drift can reduce the effica.cy of their design. Beating the problem requires an understanding of drift components. requires an undel'standing of the sources of data-converter temperature drift. Compensating for data-converter temperature drift can be a complicated process. involving (depending upon system needs and designer expertise) one or more of the following; Properly calibrating the chosen converter Choosing a converter that best suits the system's stability needs Mounting the chosen converter in n temperature-regulated environment Using a converter with provision for an external reference Controlling drift by means of external error correction. Whatever technique (or combination of techniques) you use, though, its effective applicatioh r------~I I I I ~------~ Although all data-conversion devices can operate over a defined range of ambient temperature, as temperature varies within that range, the elements of a device's accuracy-its offset, gain and linearity-will change. To compensate for this temperature drift, as well as for drift occurring over time, most data converters come with provisions for external adjustment of offset and gain errors. In nearconstant temperature environments, though, and for moderate-resolution devices, the drift remains small. Thus, in such environments, calibrating a converter for offset and gain at the Ir-------------------------~I I~---..J CLOCK Where does the drift come from? SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION REGISTER I ~-- ~----------------. I ---------- -----------~ : I I I I I RE R£ RE Re : I I I I I I +1.2V o-----Hf:-+--~F_+-_+F+_+F_I I I 'R _______ JI 'R 'R , L ...... ~ BIPOLAR OFFSET CONNECTION Fig l-A popular data-converter configuration uses equal·value current sources to form either a DAC or (by connecting the dotted lines) a successive-approximation AOC. 133 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK Matching analog components improves temperature tracking ambient operating temperature usually suffices. For a 12-bit ADC or DAC with 20-ppm/'C maximum gain drift, for example, the maximum gain drift over ±5'C is only ±0.42 bit. (Converters with 14-bit (or greater) resolution, however, show significant drift even for small temperature changes.) Consider a popular data-converter configuration (Fig 1), using a D/A converter employing equal-value, switched pnp current sources. An R/2R resistor ladder provides binary weighting, and the servo loop of Al maintains constant current through the transistors. In conjunction with feedback resistor R .. the output amplifier (A z) converts the output current into a voltage. - lOV GAIN DRIFT~./ / >- ~ ::> 0 5V / / / / / /. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 5V / /\ / / / Ro and the reference voltage provide a one-half full-scale offset current for connection in the bipolar mode. Connecting the circuitry represented by the dotted lines converts this circuit into a successive-approximation AID converter, in which a clock-controlled successiveapproximation register (SAR) in turn controls the D/A converter, and A, is a comparator rather than an op amp. In both the D/A- and AiD-circuit versions, this circuitry's analog portion determines its temperature drift. Modern data-converter designs match discrete components in such a circuit to cancel the drift errors and furnish stable operation over temperature. In hybrid-type D/A converters, for example, identical RES fabricated on the same thin-film chip track each other closely. Similary, the Rand 2R ladder resistors don't influence temperature drift so long as they track / / GAIN DRIFT ............. / >- ir >- ::> / 0 / /./ / / / / / //\ / / / 'V 1111 0000 INPUT /.,/ OFFSET " DRIFT '5V ~ 1,1 1111 1000 INPUT Ibl Fig 2-011 ••1 and gain drift In both unipolar (a) and bipolar (b) converters are finaar. 1,1 Ibl 1111 / / 70'C, ~::> ,"" " / >- 1000 , 0 / / "" . 1111 T >- 25 C ~::> 1000 0 / /. ~ 0000 5V 0000 10V 5V INPUT 10V INPUT Fig 3-Llnearlty drift in an integrating AID converter (a) produces a change in the shape of the transfer function; in a successive-approximation AID converter (b), it produces larger steps at adjacent code transitions. 134 each other. The current sources vary in proportion to the reference resistor R H , but R .. compensates for this effect, tracking RH over changes in temperature by altering the gain of A,. In bipolar operation, R" must track R" for stable operation. Other possible temperature-drift errors result from the change in transistor beta and V,,>:, but the transistors, too, are matched for tracking. Ideally, then, with perfect component temperature tracking, the circuit exhibits only three sources of drift: Offset-voltage drift caused by A,'s input drifts Leakage-current change in the current TABLE 1-S0URCES OF TEMPERATURE DRIFT FOR CIRCUIT OF FIG 1 SYMBOL do SOURCE OF DRIFT ~::~;6~~~~i g~:RTEON~6~TF~F6~~Tu~~~ ~~t;ptl~~ER A2 AND LEAKAGE-CURRENT DRIFT OF TRANSISTOR CURRENT SOURCES d,. d, d, d" d, OFFSET DRIFT Due TO DIFFERENTIAL TEMPERATURE TRACKING OF Ro AND RR CIRCUIT GAIN DRIFT DUE TO DIFFERENTIAL TEMPERATURE TRACKING Of RE s, TRANSISTOR V.Es. TRANSISTOR BETAS AND INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE AND CURRENT DRIFT OF SERVO AMPLIFIER Al GAIN DRIFT OF VOL rAGE REFERENCE CIRCUIT GAIN DRIFT DUE TO DIFFERENTIAL TEMPERATURE TRACKING OF RF AND Rft GAIN DRIFT DUE TO DIFFERENTIAL TEMPERATURE TRACKING Of RAND 2R RESISTORS IN LADDER NETWORK sources Gain drift caused by the temperature coefficient of the voltage-reference source. In practice, of course, component tracking is not perfect, thereby adding to the drift problem; in well-designed circuits, the resulting drift DIFFERENTIAL LINEARITY IN FRACTIONS LSB Tran 1 = - 0.3 Tran 2 = - 0.1 Tran 3= -0.1 Tran 4= -0.1 Tran 5= -0.0 Tran 6 = - 0.0 Tran 7 = -0.0 Tran 8= -0.0 Tran 9 = 0.0 Tranl0= 0.0 Tran 11 = -0.0 Ag 4-A te.t performed on I 12-blt D/A converter at ambient temperature shows its differential-linearity error. TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT, PPM/"C Fig 5-U.. Ihl. graph to datarmina tha range 01ltH' which a particular conWlrte, remains monotonic. The method as.uma. an initiallinaarily arror of ± 112 LSB. remains small but must nonetheless be accounted for. Component tracking is best when the reRistors have equal values (and identical geometries) or are held to small resistance ratios. Analyzing the drift Table 1 describes the sources of temperature drift for the circuit in Fig I, as well as delineating the symbols referring to 'each drift component. Table 2 groups these drift components according to their contribution to + FS, - FS or zero operating points. Analyzing the circuit's unipolar operation is simple. With an input code of 0000, all bits are OFF, and the DAC output is zero. The only offset drift, d", comprises the input-offset voltage, the current drifts of A, and the leakage current of the current sources. This last factor remains negligible at room temperature but doubles with each 10°C increase; it becomes significant at approximately 100°C. The offset temperature drift arising from do, shown in Fig 2a, shifts the converter's entire transfer function up or down with temperature. It affects all points on the transfer function equally. An input code of 1111 sets the DAC's output bits ON, producing -FS output (-IOV in this case). (For simylicity's sake, Fig 2a shows the output inverted.) At this output level, several sources of gain drift come into play. Although d. furnishes the most significant contribution, dc, d H.. and d L , resulting from differential component tracking errors, must also be dealt with. The gain drift by itself rotates the transfer function around the origin, as shown in Fig 2a_ To summarize: The unipolar mode has the least drift at zero; it has the greatest drift at - FS. Bipolar operation introduces additional drift sources. With an input code of 1000, the converter output is zero. Adjusting the current through Ro during calibration precisely balances the offset current and MSB source current to provide zero output. Three sources of drift--d., dc, and d Rocombine here to move the transfer function up or 135 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK Linearity drift changes transfer-function shape down with temperature. An input code of 1111 produces -FS (-5V) output. Three new drift sources-d", d"F and d,-add to the three present at zero. Finally, an input code of 0000 turns all bits OFF; the output is then +5V or + FS. The only current into the output-amplifier summing junction comes from the reference through R". Now all drift sources except d, and dl. are present-all current sources are OFF. To summarize: In the bipolar mode, the least drift occurs at zero output; the worst, when all inlJut Lit~ afe ON. "Vhen all bits are OFF, drift lies between these extremes. A c()mpal'isoll of the two modes of operation shows that unipolar exhibits fewer drift sources and that 111 either mode the least drift occurs at zero output. Realil.e also that the largest source of temperature drift in either mode comes from the converter's reference. Maintaining linearity can be difficult Linearity drift (which changes the shape of the converter's transfer function) is the most difficult drift component to handle. Fig 3a illustrates the effect of this component on an integrating AID converter: Integral linearity-the maximum deviatiun from an ideal straight line-is the 16 CHANNEL 12-BIT ANALOG AID CONVERTER MULTI ADC-HZ12B predominant type of linearity error here. A change in temperature increases the transfer function's curvature. In a successive-approximation AlP converter, on the other hand, the predominant linearityerror form is differential-linearity error. Illustrated in Fig 3b, this error is the analog size difference between ·actual adjacent code transitions and the ideal LSB size. Differentiallinearity drift occurs primarily at major code transitions (one-half, one-quarter and threequarter scale), as shown in exaggerated form in Fig 3b. This deviation increases with temperature change. Determining an n-bit converter's worst-case differential-linearity errors requires measuring n- 1 differences. The first measurement is the difference between the most significant bit and all other bits; the second measures the difference between the MSB plus the second bit with all other bits, and so on. Ideally, each measurement produces a 1-LSB difference. The results of such a test, performed at room temperature on II high-performance 12-bit D/A converter, appear in Fig 4. Repeating the measurements at the operating-temperature extremes determines the con verter's differential-linearity temperature coefficient (DLTC): DLTC=.lDL/·H where .lDL is the worst-case change in differential linearity between the two temperatures and .lT is the temperature difference. The combination of DLTC and temperature PLEXER MV 1606 MICROCOMPUTER ADDRESS DECODER AND CONTROL FIg 8-A •• H-caHbretlng data-converter circuit requires two channels for the calibration process. The '" C stores the correct output codes in its memory and compares them with the actuS! output codes. 136 TABLE 2-ERROR ANALYSIS OF TEMPERATURE·DRIFT SOURCES TABLE 3 DIFFERENTIAL·LlNEARITY TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS REQUIRED TO GUARANTEE MONOTON1ClTY OVER STANDARD RANGES OUTPUT OPERATING MODE UNIPOLAR BIPOLAR 'F' 0 00 da + dRO+d R +d RF do + de +d RO F' RESOLUTION 00+ 0R+ ae + dRf + dt do + dc + dRo + d R + dRF + d t '"'~" 10 " 14 16 NOTE: A CONVERTER WITH PNPCURRENT SOURCES (FIG 1) IS A MODEL FOR A CONVERTER WITH NPNCURRENT SOURCES, +FS ANO - FS ARE INTERCHANGED , -., OT070 C 43.4 10.8 2.7 0.68 017 25 TO +85 C or 60 32.6 81 2.0 0.51 0.13 55 TO +125 C ..IT'' 100 19.5 4.9 1.2 0.31 0076 •..IT REPRESENTS THE CHANGE FROM +25 C change can, if large enough, cause a D/A converter's output to be nonmonotonic; an A/D converter c t~ a choice between three competing technolog:ie~: monolithic, hybrid, and modular, each with its own specific advantages. Since A·D and D·A converters are hasically analog circuits that have digital inputs or out· puts, the computer systems engineer who may be mostly familiar with digital techniques must become familiar plication of data converters has increased enormously as the use of minicomputers and microcomputers has grown. Typical applications of data converters involve the areas of process control and measurement where the inputs and outputs of the system must be in analog form, yet the computation and control functions are performed digitally. In such a system, input variables such as temperature, flow, pressure, and velocity must be con. veTted into electrical form by a transducer, then ampli· fied and converted into digital form by an al1alo,,·lo. digital converter for the computer to process. Since the computer nol only measures and determine~ the state of a process, but also controls it, its computations must be employed to close the loop around the sy:stem. This is done hy causing the computer to actuate inputs to the process itself, thus controlling its state. Because the actuation is done hy analo,x control parameters, the output of the digital computf'!r mu~t he con· verted into analog form by a di!l:ilal·to·analog COllverter. Such a closed loop feedback rontrol system is shown in Fig l. Interfacing by analog.to.digital I A·D·I and digital.to. analog I D.A) converters performs a vital role. At the 139 ANALOG PROCESS ANALOG Fig 1 Computer controlled feedback control system .. Computer closes loop around process to control Its stale. However I two Interfaces are required: A-D converter and O-A converter D1G1TAL COMPUTER fS wilh the many analog specifications describing data converter performance in order to choose the correct can .. verter for a specific requirement. : ---------------------" FS '" FULL SCALE ,/' Q '" QUANTUM I I I I ~,/ I I Data Converter Transfer Functions I I I ~FS I Fig 2 .hows the transfer function of an ideal 3-bit D-A converter (DAC). This converter is assumed to be of the parallel type, as are virtually all DACs in use today. A parallel DAC responds simultaneously to all digital input lines whereas a serial DAC responds sequentially to each digital input. The transfer function representing a 3-bit DAC is a discontinuous function; its analog output voltage or current changes only in discrete analog steps, or quanta, rather than continuously. However, a one-to-one correspondence exist~ between the binary input code and the analog output value. For each input code there is one, and only one, possible output value. Analog step magnitude, or quantum, is shown as Q. The horizontal axis is the input binary code, in this case a 3-bit code, increasing from 000 to Ill. The number of output states, or quanta, is 211 , where n is the number of bits in the code. For a 3-bit DAC, the number of states is 2 3 or 8; for a 12-bit DAC, the number of states is 212 or 4096. Fig 3 illustrates the transfer function for an ideal 3-bit ADC. This transfer function is also discontinuous but without the one-to-one correspondence between input and output. An ADC produces a quantized output from a continuously variable analog· input. Therefore, each output code word corresponds to a small range (Q) of analog input values. The ADC also has 2" output states and 2" - 1 transition points between states; Q is the analog difference between these transition points. For both ADCs, Q represents the smallest analog difference that the converter 'can resolve. Thus, it is the resolution of the converter expressed in analog units. Resolution for an A·D or D·A converter, however, is commonly expressed in bits, since this define. the number of I I I I I I : I I B1NARY 1NPUT CODE Fig 2 Ideal DAC Iransfer funclion. This I/O graph Is shown for 3-bit DAC which has one~to~one correspondence between input and outpul -----------.. F~:~~~T~~LE ---------~ ,/ : ANALOG IN;>LiT lVOL TSI Fig 3 Ideai ADC Iransfer funclion. I/O graph iIIuslrales 3-bil ADC which has quantized characteristic 140 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK TABLE 1 Summary of Data COnverter CharacterilticI Resolution (n) 8 10 12 14 16 States Binary Weight Ofor (2") .-~ 10VFS 16 64 256 1024 4096 16384 65536 0.0625 0.0156 0.00391 0.000977 0.000244 0.0000610 0.0000153 0.625 V 0.156 V 39.1 mV 9.76 mV 2.44 mV 610 ~V 153~V states of the converter. A converter with a resolution of Dynamic Range (dB) Max Output for 34.9 46.9 58.9 71.0 83.0 95.1 107.1 24.1 36.1 48.2 60.2 72.2 84.3 96.3 9.3750 9.8440 9.9609 9.9902 9.9976 9.9994 9.9998 10V FS (V) 9uanfization Noise and Dynamic: Range 12 bits, then, ideally resolves 1 part in 4Q96 of its analog range. For an ideal ADC or DAC, Q has the same value any. where along the transfer function. This value is Q = Even an ideal A-D or D-A converter has an irreducible error, which is quantization uncertainty or quantization noise. Since a data converter cannot distinguish an FSR/2 11 , where FSR is the converter's full~scale range-the difference between the maximum and minimum analog values. For example, if a converter has a unipolar range of 0 to 10 V or a bipolar range of -5 to 5 V, FSR in both cases is 10 V. Q is also referred to as one least significant bit (LSB", since it represents the smallest code change the converter can produce, with the last bit in the code changing from 0 to 1 or 1 to O. analog difference less than Q, its output at any point may be in error by as much as ±Q/2. Fig 4( a) shows an ideal ADC and an ideal DAC that digitize and then reconstruct an analog slow-voltage ramp signal. The ADC and output register are both triggered together so that the DAC is updated in synchronism with the A-D conversiohs. The DAC output ramp is identical with the analog input ramp except for the discrete steps in its output (not counting time delay). If the output ramp is subtracted from the input ramp as shown, the difference is the quantization noise-a natural result of the conversion process. This noise [Fig 4(b) 1 is simply the difference between the transfer function and the straight line shown in Fig 3. Quantization noise from an ideal conversion is therefore a triangular waveform with a peak·to-peak value of Q. Notice in the transfer functions of both A·D and D·A converters that the output never reaches full scale. This results because full scale is a nominal value that remains the same regardless of the resolution of the converter. For example, assume that a DAC has an output range of o to SIN Ratio (dB) 10 V; then 10 V is nominal full scale. If the con- verter has an 8-bit resolution, its maximum output is 255/256 x 10 V = 9.961 V. If the converter has 12·bit resolution, its maximum output voltage is 4095/4096 x 10 V = 9.9976 V. As with most noise sources, the average value is zero, but the rms value is determined from the triangular shape to be En (rms) = Q/yI12. Thus, a data conversion system can be thought of as a simple signal processor that adds noise to the original signal by vittue of the quantization process. Since this noise is an inherent part of the conversion process, it cannot be eliminated ex· cept with a converter of infinite resolution. The best that can be done, even with ideal converters, is to reduce it to a level consistent with desired system accuracy. This is done by using a converter with sufficiently high resolution. In both cases, maximum output is one bit less than indicated by the nominal full·scale voltage. This is true because analog zero is one of the 2 n converter states; therefore, there are only 211 - I steps above zero for either an A-D or D·A converter. To actually reach full scale would require 211 + 1 states, necessitating an additional coding hit. For simplicity and convenience then, data converters always have the analog range defined as nominal full scale rather than actual full scale for the particular resolution implemented. In the transfer functions of Figs 2 and 3, a straight line is passed through the output values in the case of the DAC and through the code center points in the case of the ADC. For the ideal converter, this line passes pre· cisely through zero and full scale. Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of the ideal A·D or D·A converter for the most commonly applied resolutions. In many computerized signal processing applications, it is necessary to determine the signal.to·noise (S/N) ratio, which is a power ratio expressed in decibels. It can be found from the ratio of peak·to·peak signal to rms noise as follows. 141 I" + Fig 4 Signal digitization and reconstriJc- tion (a) and quantization noise (b). Quan- ERROR SIGNAL tization noise is shown as difference be- '" "o~V /1V /1V /1V /1V /1V /1V / . ',0 tween Input and output for Ideal data conversion system -;- J' 2'Q siN Ratio (dB) = 10 log [ QIy'12 = 6,02. _ = 20 log 2' + 20 log v'12 + 10.8 (l) The sIN ratio increases by a factor of about 6 dB for each additional bit of resolution. Dynamic range of a data converter, another useful term, is found from the ratio of FSR to Q, This ratio is the same as the number of converter states. 1,1 Dynamic Range (dB) == 20 log 211 == 20n log 2 ;;::: 6.02n (2) Therefore, simply multiplying the number of bits of resolution by 6 dB gives the dynamic range, siN ratio and dynamic range are summarized for the most popular resolutions in Table 1. Ib' Nonideal Data Converters Real A·D and D·A ,converters exhibit a number of de· partures from the ideal transfer functions just described. These departures include offset, gain, and linearity errors (Fig 5), all of whicb appear simultaneously in any given data converter. In addition, the errors change with both time and temperature. In Fig 5(a), the ADC transfer function is shifted to the right from the ideal func. tion, This offset error is defined as the analog value by which the transfer function fails to pass through zero; it IS generally specified in millivolts or in percent of full scale, In Fig 5 (b), the converter transfer function bas a slope difference from the ideal function. This gain, or scale factor, error is defined as the difference in full· scale values between the ideal and actual transfer func· tions when the offset error is zero; gain error is expressed in percent. An ADC transfer function in Fig 5 (c) exhibits linearity errOf, a curvature from the ideal straight line. Linearity error, or nonlinearity, is the maximum deviation of the transfer function from a straight line drawn between zero and full scale; it is expressed in percent or in LSDS (such as ± V2 LSD), Fig 5 (d) shows the total error of a nonideal I" Fig 5 Errors in nonldeal A-O converters. Transfer functions are shown for. ADCs with offset error (a), gain firror (b), and linearity error (c). ADC with all three errors present will have quantization er- ror as shown in (d) 142 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK Nonlinearity Linearity error is the most difficult error to deal with since it cannot be eliminated by adj ustment. Like quantization error, it is an irreducible error. Basically, there are just two methods to reduce linearity error, hath of which are expensive: either use a higher quality converter with better linearity, or perform a digital error correction routine on the data using a computer. The latter, of course, may not be feasible in many applications. Ther~ is some merit in using a more expensive converter, however. For example, suppose that an ultralinear 8-bit ADC is required. Most good quality cortverters have iinearity 'errors specified to less than ± % LSD. If a more expensive 12·bit ADC is employed with only 8 output bits used, then its linearity error of ±1j2 LSD out of 12 bits is the same as ±%:! LSB out of 8 bits. This converter, therefore, becomes an ultralinear a-bit ADC and probably at not too great an additional cost. Actually, two types of linearity errors existing in A-D and D·A converters are integral linearity error and differential linearity errOf. Integral linearity error in Fig Sfcl is due to the curvature of the transfer function, resulting in departure from the ideal straight line. The definition given for integral linearity error as the maximum deviation of the transfer function from a straight line between zero and full scale is a conservative one used by most data converter manufacturers. It is an "end-point" definition, as contrasted with the normal definition of linearity error as the maximum deviation from the "best. fit" straight line. Since determining the best· fit straight line for data converters can be a tedious process when calibrating the device, most manufacturers have opted for the more conservative definition. This means that the converter must be aligned accurately at zero and at full scale to realize the specified linearity. The end-point definition can mean a linearity that is twice as good as a best·fit definition, as illustrated in Fig 6. Notice that the curva· ture may be twice as great with the best·fit straight line definition. Differential linearity error is the amount of deviation of any quantum from its ideal value. In other words, it is the deviation in the analog difference between two adjacent codes from the ideal value of FSR/2 n. If a data converter has ± V2 LSB maximum differential' linearity error, then the actual size of any quantum in its transfer function is between lj2 LSB and 1% LSB; each analog step is 1 ± % LSB. Fig 7 illustrates the definition. The first two steps shown are the ideal value Q = FSR/2 n • The next step is only %Q, and above this is I%Q. These two steps are at the limit of the specification of ± 1h LSB maximum differential linearity error. Most data converters today are specified in terms of both integral and differential linearity errOf. In production testing of data converters, quanta sizes are measured over the converter's full·scale range. Two other important terms are commonly used in conj unction with the differential linearity error specification. The first is monotonicity, which applies to DACs. A monotonic DAC has an analog output that is a continuously increasing function of the input. The DAC transfer function shown in Fig 8(a) is monotonic even though it has a large differential linearity error. The transfer ;/ END-POINT /" DEFINITION - - - - ; / / no / / //// ',FS ANALOG INPUT (VOLTS) Fig 6 Comparison of linearity error definitions. Curves illustrate end-point and best-fit definitions of linearity error in an ADC ---------------------~ 'I /' '" '" 100 on 010 FSR '" ',FS FS ANALOG INPUT (VOLTS) Fig 7 Definition of differential linearity error. This transfer function illustrates ±Y2 LSB differential linearity errors. Differential linearity error of zero means that every step in transfer function has size of precisely Q which contains offset, gain, nonlinearity, and quantization errors. Compare this curve with that of Fig 4(b). Fortunately, most A-D and D-A converters on the market today have provision for trimming out the initial offset and gain errors. By means of two simple external potentiometer adj ustments, the offset and gain errors can be virtually reduced to zero or within the limits of measurement accuracy. Then, only the linearity error remains. ADC, 143 FS '~" ~ ~ :Y,FS ~ 'f.,F5 -----------------/ § g ~ Y.FS BINARY INPUT CODe (" (,( ~ ----------------A-- I 111 ~ ~ § 'l;FS § g ",FS ~ NON MONOTONIC , I i llU ~ 101 \ § 100 ~ 011 ~ 010 y'FS ]l,FS 'Y.FS FS ANALOG INPUT (VOLTS) (b( (b( Fig 8 Monotonic (a) Fig 9 No missing code (a) and missing code (b) in ADC output. Differential linearity error of less than ±1 LSB assures that there are no mjss~ ing codes in transfer function and non monotonic (b) DAC outputs. Monotonicity means output is continuously increasing fUnction of input function of Fig 8(b), on the other hand, is nonmono- weighted current sources. The worst differential linearity errors occur at the maj or code transitions, such as 114 , V2, and % scale. If these differential linearity errors are smail, then the integral linearity error will also he small. tonic since the output actually decreases at one point. In terms of differential linearity error, a DAC may go nonmonotonic if the differential linearity error is greater than ± 1 LSB at some point; if the differential linearity error is less than ± 1 LSB, it assures that the output is monotonic. The term missing, or skipped, code applies to ADCs. When the difIetential linearity error of an ADC is greater than ± 1 LSB, the output may have a missing code j if the differential linearity error is less than ± I LSB, it assures that there are no missing codes. Fig 9 (a) shows the transfer function of an ADC with a large differential linearity error hut with no missing codes. In Fig 9(h), however, the differential linearity error causes a code to he skipped in the output. For ADCs, the linearity characteristic depends on the technique of A-D conversion used; each converter type exhibits its own specific nonlinearity characteristic. Fig 10 illustrates the nonlinearity characteristics of the two most popular types of ADCs: successive approximation and dual-slope integrating. With the successive approxi. mation ADC, and also with other feedhack type ADCs that use a parallel input DAC in the feedhack loop, differential linearity error is the dominant type of nonlinearity. This is due to the parallel input DAC, which is made up of The difficulty at the major transition points is that, for example, the most significant bit current source is turning on while all other current sources are turning off. This subtraction of currents must be accurate to ±V2 LSB and is a severe constraint in high resolution DACs. This means that the weighted current sources must be precisely trimmed in manufacturing. The most difficult transition is at Y2 scale, where all hits change state (eg, for an 8·hit converter, 01111111 to 10000000), and the worst differential linearity error generally occurs here. The next most difficult transitions occur at 1~ scale and % scale, where all hut one of the hits change state (eg, for an 8-hit converter, 00111111 to 01000000 and 10111111 to 11000000, respectively). Relatively smaller differential linearity errors may also occur at the 1f8, %, %, and % scale transitions, and so on. Fig 10(a) shows a successive approximation ADC transfer function, illustrating exaggerated differential linearity errors at 114 , Yz, and % scale. If these errors are properly trimmed out in manufacturing, then 'both differential and integral linearity errors will he less than ± Y2 LSB. 144 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK ANALOG INPUT(VOLTS) ,., Fig 10 Linearity characteristic of successive approximation (a) and dual slope Integrating (b) ADes. Transfer function of successive approximation converter exhibits mostly differential linearity error while that of integrating converter shows mostly integral linearity error Ibl sius, and linearity error change with temperature is expressed in parts per million of full scale per degree Celsius. Effective aproaches to minimizing gain and offset changes with temperature are available. If a converter operates most of the time at a given temperature, then its offset and gain should be zeroed at that temperature. If, however, the ambient temperature varies between two temperatures, the converter should be calibrated midway between those two temperatures. Another approach to minimizing changes with temperature is to use a converter with a low temperature coefficient to meet the desired specification. Data converters with low temperature coefficients are, of course, more expensive, but this may be the most economical solution to the problem when all design factors are considered. Another method of minimizing gain error is based on the fact that many data converters with internal references have provision for connecting an external reference. In such a case, it is possible to connect a lower temperature coefficient external reference to the converter. This can be particularly effective where a number of converters are used together and one reference is used for all of them. Linearity error temperature coefficient is the most troublesome specification, since it resists correction. In many applications, it is desired that the converter be Fig. lO(b) shows a dual-slope integrating ADC transfer function. In this case, the predominant nonlinearity is the integral linearity error; differential linearity error is almost nonexistent in integrating type ADCS, which also includes charge balancing ADCS. The curvature of the transfer function is caused by a nonideal integrator circuit. Differential linearity is determined by the time between clock pulses in the converter, and this is constant within any conversion cycle. Temperature Induced Errors Ambient temperature changes cause variations in offset, gain, and linearity errors. If a converter is operated at a constant temperature within its specified operating temperature range, offset and gain errors can be zeroed by external adjustment at that temperature. But if the CODverter must operate with changing ambient temperature, then the problem becomes acute. Offset change with temperature is generally specified in microvolts per degree Celsius, or in parts per million of full scale per degree Celsius. Gain temperature coefficient is specified in parts per million per degree Cel- 145 I--------~ -55 TO 125°C 1------ -25T085°C 4QPPM,ac 1 LSB -~--- ----- lLSB --------------- 24PPM/ Q C ACTUALA-O CHARACTERISTIC Fig 11 Butterfly gain tempco characteristic for 12-bit ADC with ±1 LSB maximum gain error. Converter is calibrated for l"~rl) g~in error ;=It 25°C limits shown are for ±1 LSB error out of 12 bits over designated temperature range monotonic, or have no mIssmg codes, over the desired operating temperature range. From the converter differential linearity temperature coefficient, it is useful to determine the temperature range over which the con· verter will have guaranteed monotonicity or no missing codes. Using a conservative approach, it is assumed that the converter has a maximum initial differential linearity error of ±Y2 LSB. Then, if the differential linearity error changes by not more than an additional V:! LSB, a DAC will remain monotonic and an ADC will have no missing codes. With a 12·bit ADC for example, % LSB is equal to 120 ppm. If the operating temperature range is 0 to 70 'C and the converter is calibrated at 25 oC, the maximum temperature change is 70°C - 25 DC, or 45°C To guar· antee no missing codes, the differential linearity temperature coeffioient must be 120 ppm/45°C = 2.7 ppm/,C oJ full scale, maximum. An even lower differential linearity temperature coefficient is required to assure no missing codes if the operating temperature range is the full -55 °C to 125°C military range. Performing a similar computation gives 120 ppm/lOO °C = 1.2 ppmj'C of full scale, maximum, for the difJerentiallinearity temperature coefficient. Gain temperature coefficient is commonly specified by the butterfly limits shown in Fig 11. All the lines pass through zero at 25 ° C, where it is assumed that the initial measun ment is made. The graph of Fig 11 shows the maximum gain temperature coefficient required for a ± 1 LSB gain error for a 12-bit A-D or D-A converter over three different temperature ranges. Observe that the 146 gain deviation curve must be within the bounds shown to meet the specification of 2: 1 LSB maximum change. The dotted curve shows an actual converter gain deviation that would qualify as a gain temperature coefficient of ±2.4 ppmj'C over the -55 to 125°C operating tempera· ture range. This represents a very low temperature coefficient for an actual converter since most available devices fall in the range of 5 to 50 ppmj'C Error Budget Summary A common mistake in specifying data converters is to assume that the relative accuracy of a converter is determined only by the number of resolution bits. In fact, achievable relative accuracy is likely to be far different from the implied resolution, depending on the converter specifications and operating conditions. This simply means that the last few resolution bits may be meaningless in terms of realizable accuracy. The best way to attack this design problem is with a systematic error budget. An error budget partitions all possible errors by source to arrive at a total error. In a given system, this must be done not only for the A-D or D-A converter, but also for the other circuits, such as transducer, amplifier, analog multiplexer, and sample and hold. As an example, using the accuracy specifications for a typical 12·bit ADC (Table 2), an error budget can be determined based on the following assumptions: operating temperature range of 0 0 C to 50 0 C, maximum DATA ACQUISITION 8r CONVERSION HANDBOOK TABLE 2 Accuracy SpaelftcaUan. lor 12·BII ADC Characteristic Value Resolution Dillerentlal Linearity Error Differenllal Linearity T empco Gain Ternpco Ollset Tampeo Power Supply Sensitivity 12 Bits ±Yz LSB max ±2 ppm/'C of FSR max ±20 ppm/'C max ±5 ppm/'C 01 FSR max 0.002%/% TABLE 3 Error Budget lor 12·BII ADC Specification Error (%) Quantization Error (±V. LSB) Dillerential Linearity Error (±Yz LSB) Differential Linearity Error over Temp (2 ppm/'C x 25) Gain Change over Temp (20 ppm/'C x 25) Zero Change over Temp (5 ppm/'C x 25) Change with Power Supply (1 x 0.002%) Long Term Change 0.012 0.012 0.005 0.05 0.0125 0.002 0.02 Total Error. Worst Case Total Statistical (rms) Error 0.1135 0.0581 power supply voltage change of 1 % with time and tem. perature, and maximum converter change of 0.027<. with time. Table 3 shows the resulting error budget with a total worst case error of 0.1135%. It is improbable that the errors will all add in one direction. Statistical (rms) addition of the errors yields a lower value of 0.0581 %; this, on the other hand, may be too opti. mistic since the number of error sources is small. At any rate, the maximum error will be somewhere be· tween 0.0581 % and 0.1135%, a significant difference from what might be assumed as a 12·bit or 0.024% converter. The ideal relative accuracy has been de· graded by one to two resolution bits. In applying data converters, best results are achieved by reading the data sheet carefully for accuracy specifica. tions, computing total error by the error budget method, and then carefully aligning and testing the converter in its actual application. GZ 147 DATA ACQUISITION III CONVERSION HANDBOOK Graphs give aperture time required for a-d conversion The time required for an analog-to-digital converter to make a conversion is known as "aperture time," and depends on both the resolution and the particular conversion method employed. For commercially available a-d converters that use the successive approximation method, the aperture time may be 40 microseconds for a relatively low-cost l2-bit converter, or as little as 4 1'5 for a more expensive high-speed l2-bit converter. In many cases a sample-hold circuit is used ahead of an ad converter to effectively reduce the aperture times; the sample-hold can take a very fast sample of the analog signal and then hold the value while the a-d operation is performed. (The time interval during which the signalhold circuit turns off is then the aperture time, and determines the conversion accuracy. The time for actual a-d conversion can be longer.) It is important for the designer to know what aperture , time is required to keep the system error to a tolerable value in terms of the resolution of his a-d coverter. The 1. Sampling time. Aperture time lor 1-lllt accuracy at various resolutiOns in a-d conversion are shown here, Graph (a) gives aperture time as a functiOn 01 signal rate of change for signals that are 10 volts full scale or 10 volts peak to peak, Graph (b) gives aperture time as a function of frequency for sinusoidal signals, Aperture times for larger allowed error can be found by reading on line for lower resolution, e,g" a 2bit error and B-blt resolution requires the same time as a 1-bit error and 7-bit resolution. Equations for these graphs are found in text. 148 If flV is held to I bit, and VFS is resolved into n bits, then e = 11(2'), and tA = V Fs I2 n (dVldt) This is the equation for the family oflines in Fig. I(a), with VFS = 10 volts and n - 4,6, . . . 16. For a sinusoidal signal, which has a maximum rate of change at its zero crossing, /lV = AMPLITUPE UNCERTAINTY flV= tA[d/dt(%)(Vsin.,t))._o = .,VtAI2 where V is peak-to-peak signal value. This gives 2. Error. Possibility of error in a-d conversion depends upon aperture time. The greater tA is. the greater the uncertainty in value of an analog voltage that has been converted to digital level. maximum aperture time that allows I-bit accuracy in conversion of an analog signal to 4 bits, 6 bits,. . . ?r 16 bits is given here in two useful graphs. The graph m Fig. I(a) shows this aperture time as a function of signal rate of change, for signals that are 10 volts full scale or peak to peak. Fig. I(b) gives the aperture time as a function of the frequency of a sinusoidal signal. The two graphs are derived with reference to Fig. 2, which shows a time-varying signal and the amplitude uncertainty flV associated with an aperture time tA tA = fl V/(dV/dt) If the fractional error e is the ratio of fl V to full-scale voltage VFS, tA = (e VFS)I(dVldt) tA = (2flV)/("V) = elfTf= l/(2''TTj) for a I-bit error and n-bit resolution. This is the equa. tion for the family of lines in Fig. I(~). . If the allowed error is to be 2 bits mstead of I bit, then e = 2/(2'), so aperture times are doubled. An ~r:or of 3 bits gives E = 4/(2'), and so o.n; thus a I.-bit mcrease in error is equivalent to a I-bit decrease m resolution on the graphs. As an example of the ~seflll:ness ?f th~e graphs,. ~s sume that a I-kilohertz smusOidal signal IS to be digitized to a resolution of 10 bits. What aperture time must be used to give less than I bit of error? The answer, readily found from Fig..I(b), is 320 nanoseconds. For ~ bit error the aperture Ilme would have to be 160 ns. This is surprising, because a I-kHZ signal ~s really not very fast, and a IO-bit/320-ns converter IS not to be found commercially available as a module. Therefore, a sample-hold circuit would be required ahead of a slower a-d converter. GZ NOTE: Pages ISO and lSI show large, detailed versions of Figure I. 149 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK -~~tr~~-T-i~~~-~~~1-~-H#---r-++~~ w :; r----'.-~~~---r-~H+~ I- i'... w '"I- ~ '~ '""-w . . ~J' "- , "-' " ~ <9.1~ I\.. « ~)'J' a '""-" ," w w , , ..... ,", 10K .... lOOK DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK DO'S AND DO NT'S OF APPLYING AID CONVERTERS In many applications, the limitation in the performance of any system lies in how the individual components are used. The Analog-to-Digital Converter (AID) can also be considered as a component and, therefore, proper design procedures are necessary in order to obtain the optimum accuracy. Intersi( IC AID converters are inherently extremely accurate devices. To obtain the optimum performance from them, care should be taken in the hook-up and external components used. Test equipment used in system evaluation should be substantially more accurate and stable than the system needs to be. The following sections illustrate DO's and DON'Ts to obtain the besl results from any system. 1, DONT INTRODUCE GROUND LOOP ERRORS Plan your grounding carefully. 'Probably the most common source of error in any Analog-Digital system is improper grounding. Let's look at Fig ,1. All the grounds are tied together, so everything should be alright, right? WRONG! Almost everything is wrong with this connection. liP HI ANALOG SECTION DIGITAL SECTION change as the converter goes from one phase of conversion to another. (Currents of this type injected into an autozero loop are particularly obstinate). Another serious source Qf variation is the change in digital and display section currents with the result value. This frequently shows up as an oscillating result, andlor missing results; one value being displayed displaces the effective input to a new value, which is converted and displayed, leading to a different displacement, a new value and so on. This sequence usually closes after two or three values, which are displayed in sequence. A more subt!e source of eiiOiS in ttris ci(cuii Gumes from the clock oscillator frequency. For an integrating converter, variations in clock frequency during a single conversion cycle due to varying digital supply. voltage or supply currents, or ground loops to a timing capacitor, will lead to incorrect results. Fig 2 shows a much beller arrangement. The digital and analog grounds are connected by a line carrying only the interface currents between sections, and the input section is also tied back by a low-current line. The display-current loop will not affect the analog section and the clock section is isolated by a decoupling capacitor. Note that external reference return currents and any other analog system currents must also be returned carefully to analog ground. liP HI ANALOG SECTION DIGITAL SECTIOPII liP lO :;;--- ---j ~:; CLOCK AN AN P.S. GND. DIG. DIG. IGND. P.S. csc. FIGURE 1 Don't hook it up like this! The power supply currents for the analog and digital sections, together with the output or display currents, all flow through a lead common to the input. Let us analyze some of the errors we have introduced. The average currents flowing in the resistance of the common lead will generate a D.C. offset voltage. Even the autozero circuit of an integrating AID converter cannot remove this error. But, in addition, this current will have several varying components. The clock oscillator, and the various digital circuits driven from it, will show supply current variation at the clock frequency, and usually at submultiple also. For a successive approximation converter, these will cause an additional effective offset. For an integrating converter, at least the higher frequency components should average out. In some converters, the analog supply currents will also vary with the clock (or a submuUiple) frequency. If the display is multiplexed, that current will vary with the multiplex frequency, usually some fraction of the clock frequency. For an integrating converter, both digital and analog section currents will ANALOG POWER SUPPLY FIGURE 2 Do hook it up like this. 2. DON'T COUPLE DIGITAL SIGNALS INTO ANALOG LINES Although Intersil's AID converter circuits have been designed to minimize the internal coupling of digital signals into analog lines, the external capacitive coupling is controlled by the user. For the best results, it is advisable to keep analog and digital sections separatE1d on PC boards. A few examples of the results of capacitive coupling follow. On dual slope converters, the "busy" lineswings from one state to the other at the end and beginning of the autozero cycle. Capacitive coupling from this line to the autozero or integrating capaCitors will induce an effective input offset voltage. A similar effect occurs with the 152 6. DO USE THE MAXIMUM INPUT SCALE "Measure/Zero" line on charge-balancing converters and for a successive approximation converter with coupling between "End of Conversion" and a sample-and-hold capacitor. For a multiplexed display device, coupling between the multiplex or "digit" lines and these capacitors can lead to non-linearity of the converter. And coupling from any digital line into a high-impedance input line can lead to errors in any system. 3. DO USE ADEQUATE QUALITY COMPONENTS For successive approximation converters, the resistors used must have excellent time and temperature stability to maintain accuracy. Any adjustment potentiometers, etc. must be of compatible quality (note that in some trimpots, the slider position moves with temperature!) For dual slope converters, the component selection is less critical. Long term drifts in the integrating resistor and the capacitors are not important. However, any resistive divider used on the reference, especially if it is adjustable, must be of sufficient stability not to degrade system accuracy. Dielectric absorption in the integrating capacitor is important (see reference 1) and the integrating resistor must have a negligible voltage coefficient to ensure linearity. Noisy components will lead to noisy performance. whether in the integrator, autozero or clock circuits. 4. DO USE A GOOD REFERENCE Good references are like good wines; nobody is quite sure how to make them but generally the older the technology used, the better the result, and the proof lies in the tasting (or testing). Thus, it is hard to beat the old temperature compensated zener with the current flow adjusted to the optimum for each diode. If you aren't into Zinfandel Superior Premier Cru (1972), the Intersil8052 has a fairly good reference built in. In either case, the division down from what you get to the required reference voltage requires care also (see above). And it is a fundamental fact that no converter can be better than its reference voltage. To minimize all other sources of error, it is advisable to use the highest possible full scale input voltage. This is particularly important with successive approximation converters, where offset voltage errors can quickly get above 1LSB, but even for integrating-type converters, noise and the various other errors discussed above will increase in importance for lower-than-maximum full scale ranges. Pre-converter gain is usually preferable for small original Signals. All Intersil's integrating converters have a digital output line that can be used to extend autozero to preconditioning circuits (being careful not to couple the digital signal into the analog system, of course). Also, DO CHECK THESE AREAS Tie digital inputs down (or up) if you are not using them. This will avoid stray input spikes from affecting operation. Bypass all supplies with a large and a small capacitor close to the package. Limit input currents intoany I.C. pin to values within the maximum rating of the device (or a few mA if not specified) to avoid damaging the device. Ensure that power supplies do not reverse polarity or spike to high values when turned on or off. Remember that many digital gates take higher-than-normal supply currents for inputs between defined logic levels. And remember also that gates can look like amplifiers under these circumstances. An example is shown in Fig 3, where stray and internal input-to-output capacitance is multiplied by the gain of the gate just at the threshold causing a large effective load capacitance on the 8052 comparator (see reference 1 for the effects of this.) A noninverting gate here could lead to oscillations. r-----H----i : ' COMPARATOR 5. DO WATCH OUT FOR THERMAL EFFECTS All integrated circuits have thermal time constants of a few milliseconds to dissipation changes in the die. These can cause changes in such parameters as offset voltages and V be matching. For example, the power dissipation in an 8018 quad current switch depends on the digital value. Although the die is carefully designed to minimize the effects of this, the resultant temperature changes will affect the matching between current switch values to a small degree. Inappropriate choice of supply voltages and current levels can enhance these differences. leading to errors. Similarly, the power dissipated in a dual-slope converter circuit depends on the comparator polarity and hence varies during the conversion cycle. Offset voltage variations due to this cannot beautozero'd out, and so can lead to errors. Again a poor choice of comparator loading or swing will enhance this (normally) minor effect. The power dissipation in an output display could be coupled into the sensitive analog sections of a converter, leading to similar problems. And thermal gradients between IC packages and PC boards can lead to thermo-electric voltage errors in very sensitive systems. 8052 FIGURE 3 External Adjustment Procedure Most of the A/D converters now offered by Intersil do not require an offset adjustment. They have internal autozero circuits which typically give less than 10 I-' V of offset. Therefore. the only optional adjustment required to obtain optimum accuracy in a given application is the full scale or gain reading. With the AID converter in a continuous mode of conversion, the following procedure is recommended: The full scale adjustment is made by setting the input voltage to preciselV 'n LSB less than full scale or 'n LSB down from nominal full scale. (Note that the nominal full scale is actually never reached but is always one LSB short). Adjust the full scale control until the converter output just barely switches from full output to one count less than full output. PB SO 153 154 3. Data Conversion Systems 155 156 DATA ACQUISITION 8. CONVERSION HANDBOOK Single hybrid package houses 12-bit data-acquisition system Handling either 8 differential or 16 single-ended inputs, device acquires data at 50 kHz or faster from many sources o The shift from minicomputers to microcomputers in data processing has been paralleled by the shift from boards and modules to microcircuits in data conversion. By now, complete microprocessor-compatible dataacquisition systems are available as single plug-in hybrid or monolithic components. Eight-bit performance has been the limit, though, with the hybrid devices being much faster though less economical than the monolithic converters. For 12-bit performance, users have had to turn back to bulky modules or else interconnect two or more hybrid circuits. Getting down to one package But a new 12-bit hybrid data-acquisition system is offering users the convenience and cost savings of a single integrated-circuit-compatible package, together with the high performance and reliability of a hybrid circuit. Besides multichannel capability, the device includes address decoding logic, an adjustable-gain instrumentation amplifier, a sample-and-hold circuit, a 12-bit successive-approximation analog-to-digital converter, control logic, and three-state output buffers for interfacing with a microprocessor data bus. It is manufactured in two versions, the HDAS-8 handling eight differential inputs and the HDAS-16 handling 16 single-ended inputs. Housed in a hermetic 62-pin ceramic package, the device meets all the requirements of MIL-STD-883A, class B. To shrink its overall size, as well as optimize the internal layout and make external access easy, the pins are arranged around all four sides of the package, instead of in two parallel rows. The use of ceramic instead of metal keeps cost and especially weight down. With such a complex hybrid, internal power consumption, of course, must be minimized. An equivalent modular unit uses about 4.5 watts, which in the hybrid's 62-pin ceramic package would push the temperature at the chip-mounting surface 50°C above ambient. Since 157 "" ::" '"O!' ..,. ~ 49 ~ ~ 48 47 "'"'" '" '" '"50 :: " '" '"u" 45 46 ~ ~ ~ e=> g '" 0 > '"+ 39 O!' ~ a :s '" ~ " ;;; 40 38 ~ '" 36 37 35 } IMSBI 34 81TS 1-4 4 3 2 1 " " """ 33 32 31 61 16 12-BIT ANALDG-TDDIGITAL CONVERTER 60 SINGLE-ENDED DR 8 DIFFERENTIAL INPUTS 58 57 ANALOG MULTIPLEXER I----'---i 30} 81TS 5-8 29 28 17 26 53 52 25 24 ~; l" 21 7 1211 10 9 10 41 MUX ADDRESS OUT 4442 I~~ ADDRESS IN I~ "8 > '"u; 'I 16 ~ '" la) 1. The device. Hybrid +5 V EN 15-8) 1 J RIT~~-11 (LSB) EN 19-12) EDC fl fl r f l!i 1413 19 EN 11-4) 43 B ~ "'"'" 1817 .. '" '"Bc ~ > data~acquisition system (a) delivers 12-bit data for 8 differential or 16 single-ended input channels. A few simple connections (b). and the hybrid wilt automatically address the input channels sequentially for a system throughput rate of 50 kHz. fl-'""r SIGNAL 4 BIT 1 CHoHI 35 Finally, in a move that reduces device complexity as well as temperature rise, as many of the internal thinfilm resistors as possible are placed directly on the ceramic substrate, and not on separate chips of glass, silicon, or ceramic. With either technique, there will always be a resistor-to-conductor interface. But making a resistor part of the substrate eliminates the two wirebond interfaces at its terminations, making wjre~bond weakness a less likely cause of failure. O!' " 58 w CH, HI g I"IOAS-8 ~ ~ CHo LO I CH, LO BIT 12 "I How the device operates " 43 Ib) +15 v the unit must be able to operate at 125°C ambient, and silicon semiconductors deteriorate at junction temperatures above 150°C, the internal temperature rise must be limited to 25°C. Considerations of power therefore override those of space so that, wherever possible, the device employs bulky tantalum chip capacitors and low-power transconductance-mode amplifiers, while the digital control circuitry uses low-power Schottky transistortransistor logic only. The circuit configuration (Fig. I a) for the device is a fairly common one for a data-acquisition system. At the front end is an analog multiplexer having either 8 differential or 16 single-ended channels, which may be addressed randomly or scanned sequentially. Following the multiplexer is an instrumentation amplifier that extracts the input signal from common-mode noise. The gain of this amplifier is adjustable (through an external resistor) from I to 1,000, so that the maximum expected range of the input signal becomes ± 10 volts at the amplifier output for optimum dynamic range. A precision sample-and-hold circuit then buffers the selected signal, holding its level constant during the actual conversion. The output of the sample-and-hold 158 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK serves as the input to a 12-bit a-d converter, which produces a binary number that is the digital representation of the selected analog input. For flexibility in databus organization, three-state logic elements, which are configured in 4-bit bytes, buffer the digital data output from the a-d converter. The hybrid is very easy to use, as is evident from the simplicity of the circuit (Fig. I b) needed to acquire eight differential inputs. A few straightforward connections, and the HDAS-8 deliv~rs 12-bit binary data at a rate of 50 kilohertz from eight sequentially addressed channels, each having a ± 10-v signal range. Since no gain resistor is used, the amplifier's gain is unity. A single strap selects bipolar operation (+ 10 v), and another strap from R delay to the + 5-v supply selects the internally allotted delay time for the multiplexer and the amplifier to settle. To obtain continuous scanning of the input channels. the user need do nothing at all to the address control inputs. With its end-of-conversion flag tied to the strobe input, the device will acquire data continuously at the maximum rate. For self-strobe operation, though, the rise time (from 10% to 90%) of the + 5-v supply (when power is first applied or interrupted and then reapplied) must be less than 10 microseconds, or else a latchup may occur. For reliable operation, the user should examine the EOC flag and apply a STROBE signal when it is required. Even supply-bypass components are included in the package. Protection A good ·part of the device's ruggedness is due to overvoltage protection circuitry for the multiplexer. A I-kilohm resistor on each channel input limits the current flowing through protection diodes and, in combination with stray nodal capacitance, limits the rise time of large spikes so that the diode can clip them before they do any damage. Even without using any external components, protection is assured to 20 v beyond the ± 15-v supply voltages. Adding a series resistance to each input can increase protection up to a diode current limit of ± 10 milliamperes. But large values of input resistance are not altogether desirable. Besides raising the input noise, they increase the settling time of the instrumentation amplifier for changing input signals, as well as the multiplexer's recovery time from switching transients. Expanding the channel capacity of the hybrid requires just one external component, connected as shown in Fig. 2a. This hookup converts the HDAS-16 from a 16channel single-ended unit into a 16-channel differential part. In fact, channels may be added almost without limit at very little cost, as Fig. 2b illustrates. Here, with the addition of just 15 multiplexers and one logic device (a one-of-16 decoder), the H DAS-16 acquires 256 channels of low-level analog signals. In this application, the unit compares the outputs from 256 temperature-sensing 2. Easy channel expansion. One external component converts the HOAS-16 into a 16-channel differential part (a). Adding 15 multiplexers and a single logic decoder accommodates 256 input channels (b). For throughput faster than 50 kHz. more hybrids are needed (c) 159 16 ANALOG INPUTS ILOW} INHIBIT '5 V MULTI· } MULTIPLEXER ADDRESS OUTPUT PLEXER I,} RGAIN diodes with the output of a single reference diode. Indeed, the hybrid is built to be expanded - it can handle up to 65,536 channels with the addition of only 17 logic circuits. The unit's multiplexer-enable line is what makes this possible. Left alone, it is high, and the internal multiplexer is enabled. But when pulled low, it disables the internal multiplexer and frees the amplifier input lines for external multiplexer control. Although the circuit of Fig. 2b is an economical way to handle 256 channels at a 50-kHZ rate, that throughput may not be fast enough for some applications. A faster throughput of 800 kHZ is easily achieved by interleaving 16 hybrids into 256 channels (Fig. 2c). This circuit is actually just as simple as the slower one, for it still requires only one external decoder device. Because the hybrid uses three-state data outputs, all 16 units can be tied to one data bus and enabled one at a time during the delay period preceding the next conversion while the STROBE SAMPLE AND HOLD data from the last conversion is still valin Both the HDAS-8 and the HDAS-16 are ideally suited to acquiring data quickly from many sources, with two provisos: the sources should all have similar maximum signal levels, and the highest frequency components of the signal sources must be in the low audio range. When the signal sources have dissimilar ranges, the dynamic range of some signals will be less than optimum because the gain of the differential amplifier will be set to accommodate the largest signal range. This limitation is normally overcome by using prescaling amplifiers, which also serve as convenient low-imped- 1,1 SYNC IN ance signal line drivers and as filter points to reduce unwanted power-line signals and the like. Acquiring high-frequency signals SIGNAL INPUT SYNC TAPa ~------------------ --R________________ fL TAP'5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ibl 3. Handling high-frequency input•. To acquire signals beyond the mid-audio range requires a sample-and-hold circuit for each channel (a). For a nonrepetitive high-frequency signal, a delay line and a string of sample-and-holds slice the input into 16 pieces (b). When the signal sources are to contain high-frequency components that the data-acquisition system must recognize and acquire accurately, a very fast track-and-hold circuit or, better yet, a true sample-and-hold should intercept the signal and hold it for a precisely controlled time. Once the signal has been processed by the multiplexer, the amplifier, and so on, its bandwidth and phase delay are no longer precisely known. Figure 3a shows one way to do real-time analysis of input signals having frequencies up to 25 kHZ. With this circuit, to retain precise information as to the time of sample, 16 fast sample-and-holds simultaneously sample the input signals, and the data-acquisition system digitizes the held analog value on each input channel. Beyond 25 kHZ, the inability of the hybrid to generate two data points per cycle of the input .signal violates the Nyquist criteria of signal sampling. When repetitive events need not be analyzed in real time-for example, when synchronized sampling heads provide sample snatches with varying delays - the frequency limit extends to the bandwidth of the sample-and-hold circuits. But for real-time analysis of nonrepetitive signals, another approach is needed. Radar pulses are a common example of nonrecurring pulses that contain critical target data that must be analyzed in exceedingly fine detail in real time. To handle them, the HDAS-16 data-acquisition system requires just a tapped delay line and a string of fast 160 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK 1.333!1IG -16) 4. PuHing amplifier gein to work. It is even possible to turn the HDAS-16 into a 16-bit a-d converter by applying the input signal to the internal amplifier's inverting input. Here, the amplifier-input-Iow line is being viewed as a high-impedance, transient-free signal input. m -A.- A\M;---, - c- - - -- - -1_-- - ---- - - - ~~'~2~OO~'-4~O~O~'~60~O~'~8=~O~M~1~,~~OO~'~l~~'O~O~'~l~.~O=O~-L sample-and-holds, as noted in Fig. 3b. In effect, the sample-and-holds slice the radar pulse into 16 easyWAVELENGTH (nm) to-digest pieces, while the delay line causes each sample-and-hold to retain the analog information at 5. High gain. In this fast spectrophotometer application for monitorincremental times following the synchronization pulse. ing industrial waste, the hybrid's high-gain capability and adjustable Meanwhile, the hybrid can address and digitize each settling time are exploited. Careful tailoring of delay time versus gain input slice at a comparatively leisurely pace, producing a provides best system resolution in terms of data rate needs. 12-bit binary word for each of the 16 slices at a word rate of 50 kHZ. Clearly, there is a limit to the number of between the input signal and the selected channel voltsample-and-hold circuits that may be addressed and age. (With R gain at 1,333 ohms, amplifier gain is 16.) Only one channel address will be associated with an digitized before hold-capacitor droop problems destroy analog signal accuracy. This limit may be circumvented in-range 12-bit data word, and all other channels will by adding more hybrids to the circuit, at any rate until yield all zeros or all ones. When the address of the system cost reaches that of a real-time video converter. -oOielected channel is used as the top 4 bits and the resulting conversion data as the bottom 12 bits, the HDAS-16 To increa.. resolution up to 16 bits generates a 16-bit complementary binary data word. For Besides being useful as a video a-d converter, the input signals in the audio-frequency range, the channel HDAS-16 may be operated as a 16-bit a-d converter. address will change by no more than one count from one Unlike the HDAS-8, in which the two mUltiplexer conversion to the next, so that no more than two converoutputs are both committed to the amplifier's inputs, the sions are ever necessary to obtain valid data. This means HDAS-16 has only one multiplexer output so commit- that the HDAS-16 will typically deliver 16 bits in 20 ted. It is tied internally to the amplifier's noninverting microseconds, or 40 itS maximum. (high) input, leaving the inverting (low) amplifier input for the user to connect, for example, to the signal source When high gain is n. .ded common. (In-any event, the user must of necessity return Some applications require both high gain and multieventually the signal source common to the hybrid's channel capability. However, when the gain exceeds 20, the hybrid's amplifier needs more than the internally signal or power common.) Another way of looking at the HDAS-16's amplifier- allotted 9 itS for settling to within l2-bit accuracy. Even input-low line is as a high-impedance transient-free though the signal inputs may change slowly, the amplisignal input, as illustrated in Fig. 4. Wired in this way, fier sees the mUltiplexer output as a fast-changing step the HDAS-16 operates as a 16-bit a-d converter. Fifteen function, with changes occurring whenever the multiresistors, precisely matched and equal in value, divide plexer address changes. the internal IO-v ref,erence into 16 equally spaced voltThe amplifier, then, must have enough time to settle ages, so as to bias the input channels into 16 contiguous fully in response to these abrupt changes before a windows. The amplifier will only amplify the difference conversion takes place. Suppose, for example, the appli- 161 photon-induced diode voltage is small, amplifier gain must be large for a reasonable dynamic range. Instead of strapping the hybrid's R delay pin directly to the + 5-v supply, as is usually done, the user may add a series resistor to increase the delay time between an address change and the start of a conversion. By carefully tailoring the delay time to the gain, the user can optimize system resolution versus data-rate needs. Even at a gain of 1,000, throughput rate will be at least 3.3 kHZ, with root-mean-square system noise held to less than '/2 least significant bit. Dealing with accuracy errors Many users of data-conversion devices are puzzled by the seeming inconsistency of specifications for relative accuracy and absolute accuracy. But distinguishing between the two is not all that difficult. In brief, relative accuracy is a measure of a device's differential linearity and monotonicity, while absolute accuracy ieflects the unit's gain and offset stability. Furthermore, relative accuracy requires that similar components do the same thing with time and temperature, whereas absolute accuracy requires that a component does not change with time and temperature-a requirement that flies in the face of reality. As it advances, process technology will continue to reduce accuracy errors, but it will always come closer to optimizing relative than absolute accuracy. Certain circuit techniques, however, permit doing away with absolute-accuracy errors altogether. For example, the la) simple one shown in Fig. 6. cancels offset errors, and a twin circuit could be used to cancel gain errors as well. This technique uses a charge-pump loop to hold absolute errors below measurable levels for all time and all temperatures. When data (offset voltage) appears on channel zero, the transconductance amplifier receives a bias-set pulse for 5 "s. If the data is zero, this amplifier sinks (or sources in the case of non-zero data) a current pulse to the integrator that minutely adjusts the hybrid's zero. At null, there is an imperceptible ± I-pulse hunt traded off against capture time. In a microprocessor-based system the time needed to ANALOG INPUTS digitize analog data can become very long with respect to the processor's cycle time, particularly if the dataconversion device is a reasonably priced unit. This time difference causes all sorts of software problems that require complex interrupt schemes to solve. But, in fact, the delay is totally unrelated to the need for fully updated signal data, and the data-conversion device is Ib) usually quite capable of generating digital data at a fast 8, Odd. and and., Charge-pump loop (a) cancels troublesome enough rate to satisfy most signal-analysis requirements. One simple way to work around the delay is to insert a offset errors for aU time and temperature. A twin circuit could be used multiple-port register file between the data-conversion to cancel gain errors also. Register file (b) creates memory location device and the digital processor, as shown in Fig. 6b. for HDAS-1S, so data access is independent of the hybrid's status. Essentially, the register file creates a memory location cation calls for a fast spectrophotometer for monitoring for a continuously scanning H DAS-16. Data access is industrial waste or a similar cost-sensitiv·e task. Figure 5 fast, free, and independent of the hybrid's status. Thus, shows one solution utilizing the hybrid's high-gain capa- the hybrid generates new data words at 50 kHZ and bility and its user-adjustable settling delay time. Here, updates a 16-word file at a rate of over 3 kHZ. Meanthe outputs of 16 photodiodes, each of which has a while, the digital processor can request and retrieve data different narrow-band filter, are compared to the output at normal memory-access speeds without disturbing or of an unfiltered white-light reference diode. Since the waiting for the data-acquisition system. 0 I WM 162 DATA ACQUISITION & CbNVERSION HANDBOOK Put video aid converiers to work. These small, inexpensive show-stoppers can digitize the analog signals required for a variety of applications. Video-speed, 8-bit, aid converters-particularly those that use two, 4-bit, hybrid, flash stages'-are now small enough and inexpensive enough to work ih a variety of applications, including digital television, transient recording, radar-signature analysis and distortion analyzers. Probably the most extensive use of ultra-high-speed aid converters will be broadcast TV; where digital picture processing has started a revolution that is perhaps even profounder than the transition from tubes to semiconductors. Though the potential advantages of digital television were obvious for some time, its potentiality didn't become reality until compact, ultra-high-speed, reasonably priced, aid converters and high-density LSI memory chips appeared. Basically, digital television-picture processing requires three major steps: 1. Digitizing the analog signal from the camera (or other video source) using very fast aid converters. FROM ~~~~ 0---,------1 RECORDER 8·811 AID CONVERTER 2. Processing the converted data digitally. 3. Reconverting the processed picture data into analog form for transmission via dla converters. Right now, digital TV extends only to processing video signals in studios. Digital data aren't transmitted to home receivers-yet. But the digitized video signals do have the following advantages: • They're immune to noise. • They can be stored in digital form and read out at selectable rates. • They can be simply converted to different TV standards. • They can be delayed, compressed and stretched. Video aid stars in digital TV From the performance viewpoint, a digital-TV system's aid converter is the most important block. The converter limits the system's two crucial characteristics-resolution and sampling rate. Fortunately, 8-bit resolution faithfully reproduces a TV picture. At 'iideo speed, higher resolution gets prohibitively expensive. An 8-bit converter quantizes the luminance, or video-signal amplitude, into 2', or 256, discrete 2K' 8 BIT RAM 8-81T DEGLITCHEO DIA CONVERTER ANALOG VIDEO OUT to.74 MHz l. Digital time-base correction systems synchronize data converted by this video-speed. B-bit aid converter to the local-station color subcarrier. The RAM stores up to three lines of digitized video data. 163 levels. These 0.4% amplitude steps produce a grey scale that appears continuous. Today's high-speed aid converters sample at the rates required by digital TV. The well-known Nyquist criterion of the sampling theorem spells out the required theoretical sampling rate (to recover a bandlimited signal without distortion, it must be sampled at least twice as fast as its highest-frequency component). In the U.S., the National Television System Committee (NTSC) standard is in force. The TV signal has a 4.2-MHz bandwidth, which requires a minimum S.4-MHz sampling rate. In practice the sampling frequency is higher than the required minimum, and usually an integral multiple (three or four) of the 3.58-MHz color subcarrier. Thus, the most common sampling rates are 10.74 and 14.32 million per second. There is another standard to consider: the widerbandwidth, European, phase-alternating line (PAL) standard. The video bandwidth is 5.5 MHz and the color-subcarrier frequency is 4.43 MHz. Sampling three and four times the color-subcarrier rate means 13.29 and 17.72-MHz conversion rates, respectively. To compare data for both U.S. and European systems, 3. Digital noise reducers store the converted frame channel, so almost all converter manufacturers offer multiplexers that provide from 8 to 128 channels on one or two boards. The boards can usually in terface directly with a variety of popular mini and microcomputers. Prices vary from vendor to vendor. Table 2 shows Datel Systems' prices for several 8080-based A/I> converter erage is simple. After you've summed the inputs, sim- ply shift the sum to the right and you'll have the average. If you're averaging two points, shift right one bit; for four points, shift the su.m two bits; for 8 points, shift right 3. This method works because computers operate on binary arithmetic, and each one bit shift to the right represents a divide b) 2 operation. Of course, if you decide to average 27 samples, the arithmetic is no longer easy. Also. if you haw a severe Table 2: AID converter board costs 1 Number of channels I Module. required Tolat price Costl channel 16 ST -800-168 ($595) 16-channel master board with AID $ 595 $37.20 32 5T -800-328 ($650) 32-channel master board With AID $ 650 $20.30 64 8T -800-328 ($650) 32-channel master $1065 $16.62 $1125 $14.08 $1600 $12.50 .-/ 13511 LSB value if full scale noise problem-such as periodic high frequency noise that prndllP.es s~verf' aliasing in the data-you may have to write a numerical analysis program in I'ORTHA~ or BASIC to average out the beat notes. In this case, it's better to filter with hardware. cllstomf!rs. If YOll haVf\ or f>XPf>C't to have, a noise proh- Total $1650 5Utf.:S~lem 1500 Best accuracy in parts per million (ppm) V 1200 1050 goo l 7511 600 4511 300 SI511 Y 8T-800ADX32S ($415) 32 channels, slave mux expander board, no AID / /' 80 / o 5T-800-328 ($650) 32-channel master 16 32 48 64 so ~ 112 128 5T -800ADX48S ($4751 Number of smgle-efliled analog Input cIIanAels 48 channels, slave mux expander board. no AID Fig. 1: The cost per channel lor AID converter subsystems in.creases linearly after the initial master board is purchased. If major components, such as a printed circuit board or chassis, have to be added, the costs can go up dramatically. Although this figure illustrates Datel Systems components, other manufacturers generally are within 10% of these prices (assuming identical configurations). 128 8T -800-328 ($650) 32-channel master (2) ST -800ADX48S ($950) 48 channel expander boards For smgle-ended 12-M. 808D-based A/O peripherals 184 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK sidering to see what their next increment is. For example, if you need 30 channels and are conSidering a 32-channel A/O from Manufacturer X, is his next increment 48 or 64 channels? Will you have to buy an entire chassis or just an expansion board if you need more channels? By selecting your multichannel A/0 components carefully, you may spend a little more now, but you can also save a great deal if you have to expand in the fu- Cornered by success One of our customers decided to expand an existing control system by installing a microprocessorbased data acquisition and control system at a remote site. The existing control system, a large minicomputer ac;ting as a central hos~ already had many input channels installed with direct cables. From past experience, we felt the customer would probably want to add many more channels, 01 A outputs and additional remote site controllers later on. More Importantly, we felt he should stick with a microcomputer version of his central minicomputer. This would enable him to use common programming languages, peripheral drivers and communications protocols. But the customer persisted with a low-cost Brand X microprocessor, home-brew chassis, power supply and custom programming. Ultimately, the system got working-sort Multichannel A/n converters that offer speed, accuracy and direct interfacing to your computer are expensive, to be sure. Although we certainly appreciate your need for economy, let me point out one rule of the data acquisition business: Don't paint yourself into a of. corner! ture. GeHing out of the corner The remote micro had communication difficulties with the host mini, but the advantages of being able to locally control the process on site had the predictable result: The plant manager was impressed enough to authorize funding for six more remote systems. Now the scramble began. The design engineers had to untangle th" software problems and hand-build six more custom units. We finally convinced the customer to switch to a microcomputer version of his central mini. The offthe-shelf software supplied with the micro solved his communications problems. Then we convinced him to use "packaged" AID and 01 A systems that come complete with power supplies and allow for future expansion. The' happy ending was a system that works smoothly, has room for future expansion, and can be duplicated easily for additional applications. Stand back from your project for a few minutes and consider a few things. You are not simply buying a processor, data acquisition hardware, transducers and an output terminal. You are buying a system that will provide useful data for a measurement or control application over a long period of time. Don't let the details blind you into not seeing your system's function. It is false economy to specify an 8-bit micro and an 8-bit A/D converter only to find out six months from now that your system isn't big enough or fast enough to handle the data. Anticipate that others may want to apply your system-or one just like it-to applications you haven't considered. If more people begin using your system, design limitations may beJ(in to cripple it Something as simple as the number of wires in the cable or the hardware/software methods for multiplexing data can come back to haunt your later on. And there's always the unexpected. After you've had your system running for awhile, don't be amazed if the plant manager asks you to provide additional inputs from a processing site half a mile away. The half mile may seem insignificant to the plant manager, but you have to solve tlie communications problem-perhaps with modems, coaxial cable or a microwave unit If your processor can't handle the additional data acquisition and communications work, you've got a problem. This is exactly the place not to be painted into a comer with a modest processor struggling to handle everything and no simple way to expand Anticipate that you may not see all the ramifications of your system design. Try to draw on the experiences of others who have installed systems. Select manufacturers who offer a variety of systems with expandability features. and don't buy a processor or an A/D input system on price alone. If you plan for future problems. maybe they won't be problems. • modules. Figure 1 is a graph of cost vs. channel capacity, so you can get a general idea of how much the A/D peripherals will cost for your particular application. Some companies offer a variety of channel expansion methods, but the variety is not infinite. For example, if your system has reached capacity and you want to add a few more input channels, the manufacturer will have to charge you for the next increment of channel expansion-which may be many more channels than you need. Channel expansion is usually in increments of 16, 32 or 48 channels. Many customers are concerned about the additional cost of A/O channels and want to specify only the capacity that they need. While this is a good idea, be sure you don't limit yourself. Keep in mind that you will probably think of some other parameter that needs to be measured (if you don't think of it, someone else will~ If your calculations say that you need a certain number of channels, check the manufacturers you are con- LC 185 Application of Analog Conversion Products in Micro-computers Introduction A great many of the applications employing microcomputers also require some form of analog input or analog output.' It is estimated that 37% of all computer aPl)lications require some form of analog I/O. The majority of these application areas can be classified as Data Measurement/Collection or Process Monitoring/Control. Since most sensors ami control elements are analog in nature, it is obvious that in areas where measurement and control are required, analog signals are most likely to be present and, therefore, must be generated (D-A's) or measured (A-D's). The actual application determines both the type and number of analog signals involved. In some process control or process monitoring applications, hundreds of control points are being continuously measured. In these applications, the Data Acquisition System is more likely to be a rack mounted system separate from the computer. In other less complex systems, the number of analog signals would be in the area of 4-100 points. Micro-computer systems tend to be smaller in scope; and it is these type applications that are being. considered here. Fewer analog channels allow having the analog circuitry located directly on the same P.C. board as the I/O interface logic. This resulting unit is treated as a standard I/O peripheral and is offered hy several manufacturers in many different versions with each version capable of providing many different options. These peripherals are offered in the following versions; a. Analog-in IA-D only) with 8-64 channel input capability. h. Multiplexer expander units for applications requiring additional analog channels. c. Analog-out ID-A onlyl with from 4-8 channel output capability. d. Analog-out expander boards for multi-channel analog out capability. e. Combination A-D/D-A units with 8-32 analog input and 1-4 analog output channels. Of applications having some form of analog in/out, 45% have analog-in only, 15% have analog-out only and 40% require both analog input and analog output peripherals. The number of analog output channels may be superficially inflated, as in some applications, they are merely used for self-testing or calibrating the A-D section. At other times, th" D-A's are used only to reproduce selected analog input channels on a strip chart recorder or CRT. Typical optional features are listed below: a. Single ended or differential analog inputs. b. Current loop (i.e. 4-20mA) inputs. c. High level analog inputs (0 to +5V, 0 to + lOV, ±5V, ±lOV). d. Low Level (l0-100mV full scale) analog inputs requiring instrumentation amplifiers with gains of 100-1000. e. Amplifier with software programmable gains of 1, 2, 4, and 8. f. Operation under program control, program interrupt or DMA. g. With or without DC to DC converter to generate ±15 volts power (from +5V supply) for analog circuitry. h. Simultaneous sample and hold circuits on analog input channels. i. Different full scale voltage ranges on analog outputs. j. Current loop (4-20mA) on analog output channels. The actual applications described in this paper were selected as typical of those peculiar to microcomputers. These applications may not have been feasible, economically or otherwise, to have been accomplished using a mini-computer. Additionally, the applications were selected depicting different versions and options of the analog I/O peripherals and their employment in different application areas. 186 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK Energy Monitoring Operating Status of Reactor During Power Station Start-Up Putting a reactor on-line at a nuclear power station requires a precise procedure with detailed information on the operating condition of many devices. This information must be available at all steps of the start-up procedure. NUCLEAR REACTOR ! TEMPERATURE. PRESSURE. WATER FLOW. ETC. ! SIGNAL CONDITIONING J 150 ANALOG INPUT CHANNELS 1. DATEL SINETRAC ANALOG INPUT MICRO-COMPUTER PERIPHERAL t I DMA CONTROLLER I MICRO-COMPUTER t t I I L DIGITAL 1/0 CONTROLLERS I l The measurement system operated in t\\'o modes: H. A slow sean mode to sense long ttlI'm trt-'nds \\-'here eC:leh sensor was measul"(.'d four timl's per hour. h. A fast scan modl' to look at primary impor' tant sensors during start-up 01' wlll'n taking the reador off-line. The reactor vt'ndor desil'l'd to opl'rall' till' unit in a DlVIA mode to poll all units quickl>' and tlll'n release the machinl' to perform othl'r control fune· tions. The Datel analog I/O boards I ST·HOO-:l2S I were capable of being operated in DlVIA and the ST-800-ADX boards allowed for expansion to 150 channels in increments of 4H channels pt'r hoard. This application was as a monitoring station for operator information only and was not used as a ('ontrol system as there was no fel'dbaek to til<' system. While the primary function of this systt'm was for monitoring purposes when putting the reador on or off line, it is now being evaluated as a monitoring system during power station operation. It is t'xtremely important that equipment repair or replacement be performed during scheduled maintenance periods. If the system is monitoring a group of pumps. and detects excessive wobble on one pump shaft. maintenance personnel can be alerted to replace or repair the pump during the next scheduled maintenance period. If it failed, causing an unscheduled shutdown, the power plant would have to decrease the amount of power it could be depended upon to supply the grid. By using micro-computers, these monitoring stations can be dedicated to specific groups of equipment and could be spread out over the power station. Employing the monitoring system in this manner, can be proven to be extremely cost effective. "MONITORING STATION" Aviation CRT TERMINALS, HARD COPY PRINTERS, ALARM SIGNALS ENERGY In this application, it was necessary to monitor the status of 150 points. The physical parameters being measured were temperature, pressure, and water flow. The Reactor Vendor chose to use a microcomputer for cost reasons and because the power of a mini was not warranted. The outputs of the transducers were connected to a Signal Conditioning Unit which generated analog voltages in the 0 to +10V range for inputting to the measurement syswm. Digital Flight Controlled Simulator This system was developed by the Redundancy Management Laboratory of BlVIAD (Boeing Military Airplane Development!. The application illustrates a system that employs both mini and microcomputers. The Data General NOVA mini-computer was used for central processing and an Intel SBC-80/1O was used for distributed I/O. This research effort was to investigate system problems associated with r"dulldollt high reliability digital flight control. As a result of using redundant controls for higher reliability operation, two sets each of NOVA's mini-computers, SBC-80's microcomputers and Datel SineTrac analog I/O peripherals. were employed. 187 The analog I/O peripherals were connected to an airframe simulator consisting of an analog computer, actuators, and a two axis platform on which sensors were mounted. The system contained 6 analog outputs (D-A's) and 18 analog inputs. The outputs entered an analog computer which drove aircraft actuators connected to the 2 axis platform. The actuators were dual with selection clutches for operation under control of one redundant system or the other. An operator station is associated with each minicomputer, whereby the operator may input commands to the system to have the system simulate an abrupt altitude change from one position to another. The system would simulate this, via programs in the mini-computer, and measure changes from the sensors mounted on the simulator and generate commands (analog signals) to the simulator to stabilize the airirame. The data acquisition system samples analog inputs from the simulator which are representative of the following: a. Roll information from vertical gyros. b. Pitch information from vertical gyros. c. Roll rate from rate gyros. d. Pitch rate from rate gyros. e. Altitude information simulated from the analog computer. f. Engine speed information simulated from the analog computer. The micro-computer does some prescaling and limit checking on the data and sends the results to the mini-computer for processing. The mini-computer contains a full set of flight control equations and after processing the data transmits information back to the micro-computer for stabilizing the simulated airplane. The micro-computer does some error checking on the data received and outputs to the micro-computer analog output peripheral (D-A). The output of the D-A's contain pitch, roll and throttle information which enter a small analog computer which drives the dual actuators controlling the 2 axis platform. Manufacturing Automatic Production Test Equipment This system monitors the status of 64 products under life test. It can scan 64 similar products at preset time intervals outputting to the operator a hardcopy printout and a visual display of each product's status as it is scanned. Alarm levels are set to flag an item that is out of tolerance. The parameters being measured are from photoceils and pressure and temperature sensors. The signal conditioning section performs two functions: a. Amplifies the low level (20mV full scale) input to high level (lOV full scale). b. Isolates and ground references the signals that had high common mode voltages (up to lKV) or contained noise spikes of up to 150 volts. The sequencing logic allows the data logger to make multi readings as each product is individually scanned. At each dual point the sequencer allows several conditions to be read and outputted to the logger. Timing and data channel number information is provided by the microprocessor to the sequencing PITCH, ROLL, ROLL RATE, PITCH RATE, ALTITUDE, ENGINE SPEED ANALOG COMPUTER DUAL ACTUATORS, TWO AXIS PLATFORM VERTICAL GYRO'S, RATE GYRO'S, POSITION POTS. MICRO-COMPUTER CONTROLLED PRODUCT LIFE TEST SYSTEM MANUFACTURING AIRPLANE SIMULATOR 188 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK logic. The sequencer allows the data to he moni· tored as various loadin~ and stress effects are chan~ed on the product under life test. In actuality, 64xN readin~s can be taken, where N represents the number of indexin~ steps of the load sequencer. The microprocessor multiplexin~ technique was utilized because of the off-the-shelf availability of compatible products, namely, the Intel SBC-80/l0 Sin~le Board Micro-computer and the Datel SineTrac 800 Series Analo~ I/O System. The in-house availability of a micro-computer software development system and a PLIM hi~h levellan~a'g-e compiler allowed us to turn around software for this system. rather rapidly. The block dia!-,'Tam at the upper ri~ht hand corner of this pa~e depicts the component parts of the system. PROCESS UNDER CONTROL MICRO-COMPUTER PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM Process Control Local Microcontrollers Return Control to Process Site This is a process control application for a materials manufacturer who is measurin~ 53 channels of temperature, pressure, line speed and other types of process data. Low level analo~ si~nals from the sensors are si~nal conditioned by external instrumentation amplifiers to present hi~h level analog signals to the Datel SineTrac Data Acquisition analog input peripheral unit (ST-800-32S). Additional high level analog channels (channels 33-53), are entered through a Datel analog channel expander board (ST-800-ADX). Low level signal input ranges were up to 50m V full scale and each had a bandwidth of less than 20Hz. The analog channels are selected and digitized under control of the Intel Micro-computer (SBC-80/l0). The micro-computer performs some computation and processing operations on the digitized analog data and some switch position inputs. The microcomputer outputs in two ways: a. It generates 20 analog signals via D-A converters located on Datel analog output peripheral boards (ST-800-DA8). These analog outputs drive actuators in the manufacturing process to complete the real time, computer aided process control loops. b. Additionally, the ('omputer outputs data to a local monitoring station. Process status is displayed in the form of bar graphs on a color CRT as well as to some di~ital meters displaying several process variables in engineering units. By using local micro-controllers at different sta~es of the process (versus a large remote main frame controlling the whole process), several a -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--' MUX AOOR CHECKSUM STOP BIT !;.ONTROL OB = 0 OON-T PROGRAM OUTPUTS WITH 012-015. DB = 1 DO PROGRAM OUTPUTS WITH 012-015. ADDRESS 00·07 ADDRESSES ONE OF 256 REMOTES 1/0 IF 08 = 1. BITS 012-015 WILL BE REMOTE-S DIGITAL OUTPUTS PROGRAMMEO AT THE TO ADDRESS THE MULTlPLH Fig 5 Remote receive structure, 24-bit command format. Format contains address, control, and 110 data. Anyone of 256 remote stations can be addressed with one of four valid control words plus four bits of 110 information will respond with such data as status, I/O, and transducer information, the type of response being determined by the command message. Data integrity is maintained by the use of a 4-bit checksum in the 24-bit message format and an 8-bit eRC r_emainder in the 44-bit message format. Both remote station and receivertransmitter append the error checking bits to the end of the message before transmitting. Upon reception of a message, the same error checking bits are used to detect transmission errors. In the event of a command message error, the receiver-transmitter is alerted immediately by completion of a receive data time-out. The addressed remote station receiving the command message in error does not return a status or data 205 DO Dl D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 Dl0DllD12D13D14D15 ADC READING DO-Dll REPRESENT 12-BIT DUAL SLOPE ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER BINARY OUTPUTS RETURNED AS REQUESTED IN COMMAND MESSAGE SENT BY RECEIVER-TRANSMITIER BITS LABELED "T" ARE TRANSPARENT TO USER'S SOFTWARE. 110 D12-D15 REPRESENT STATE OF FOUR liD LINES USED IN MULTIPLEXER ADDRESS INFORMATION IN EXAMPLE OF FIG. 5 Fig 6 Remote transmit structure, 24-bit data format. Format contains ADC and 1/0 information. This message format is used by addressed analog remote station as response to send ADC and 1/0 data DO Dl D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9Dl0DllD12D13D14D15 STARTBIT BIT 24144 TXIRC BIT ~~. ~ I " I ' ~jli!AADDR ~>----_-----' ECHOED CHECKSUM STOP BIT ) ADDRESS BITS DO-D7 REPRESENT REMOTE'S ADDRESS. . 09 D10 011 1/0 o FUNCTION STATUS OK BITS D12-D15 REPRESENT STATE OF FOUR liD LINES PREVIOUSLY PROGRAMMED. LAST WORD RECEIVED BEFORE STA lUS ReQUEST RECOGNIZED HAD AN ILLEGAL 24/44 BIT SETTING OR LAST WORD WAS FROM ANOTHER REMOTE LAST WOAD WAS NOT RIGHT ADDRESS tDO·071. POWER FAIL IF D8·· "1;' POWER FAILURE HAS OCCURRED AT REMOTE SINCE LAST STATUS REQUEST. LAST WOAO RECEIVED HAD CHECKSUM OR FRAMING ERROR Fig 7 Remote transmit structure, 24-bit status format. Contains address, status, and 1/0 information. This message format is used by analog remote station in response to status request message, thus allowing the receiver-transmitter to timeout and alert the host computer. Figs 5 to 7 show three unique structures within the 24-bit message format that allow efficient communication between host computer and remote station, remote station hardware consisting of a 12-bit ADC buffered by a 16-channel analog multiplexer. The three formats are remote receive command (Fig 5), remote transmit data (Fig 6), and remote transmit status (Fig 7). The remote receive command format, when sent to the selected remote, produces one of two responses: data or status. Purpose of the command message is to select the remote station, tell it how to respond, and then to program its digital I/O. This type of communication between host computer and remote is half duplex. After the command message is received by the addressed remote and no transmission errors are detected, the command message is executed, and the appropriate response is transmitted back to the host computer. The first eight bits of nontransparent data in the command message (Fig 5) are address bits used to select the remote station in question and allow for addressing up to 256 remotes. Next are four control 206 bits which dictate the remote response, followed by four bits of digital I/O used to program the analog multiplexer. The remaining eight bits are user·transparent control bits that are common to all three structures, and required to support the protocol framework. These are the start, stop, 24/44, TX/RC, and error checking bits. Transparency is important in maintaining low software overhead on the part of the user, to assure greatest possible throughput and ease of implementation. The remote data response (Fig 6) is the most often used of the two remote transmit formats; it contains the latest conversion and I/O information. Status response (Fig 7), on the other hand, is used primarily for system diagnostics; however, it may also be used as a means to obtain additional data integrity when programming the remote I/O lines. When a remote's digital I/O is programmed with a request status command, the resulting remote response contains address conformation, digital I/O echoing, transmission line history, and power-fail indication; an excellent way to obtain high security communication. The party line concept allows for configuration of a data acquisition and control system, in which the efficiency of the message format for each station is maximized, resulting in a minimum of hardware and software support while providing a viable system capable of high data throughput. task of the host computer is to collect and process thousands of temperature readings in order to efficiently control the building's air conditioning and heating systems at reduced cost. In a data acquisition system of this magnitude, where several thousand points must be continually monitored, it is important to maximize the throughput rate while keeping the cost per data point low. Implementation of the 24-bit message format with a single-chip microcomputer and a dual-slope AOC (OSAOC) makes this possible. The microcomputer is programmed to control the OSADC and to communicate with the party line system by means of the 24-bit message format. Use of an IM80C48 microcomputer and an ICL 7109 DSADC allow for protocol emulation at a rate up to 4800 baud, resulting in a sampling throughput of approximately 100 points/s; the only speed limitation results from the microcomputer's inability to execute software any faster. A receiver-transmitter completes the serial communication link by supporting the 24/44·bit protocol and providing the host computer with the proper interface. Its primary function is to support the protocol and provide all necessary handshaking signals for proper interfacing. Required signals include transmitter buffer load, data received, transmitter register ready, receiver error, overrun error, and time-out error. Since this block resembles a standard UART, it interfaces easily to most computers. All that is necessary is a simple parallel interface to the host computer data bus. It would also be relatively easy to use yet another microcomputer along with the receiver-transmitter to allow the party line system to connect directly to a standard Rs-232 interface. This would greatly simplify interfacing requirements of the 24/44bit serial protocol to the host computer. Fig 9 shows Fig 8 s!.ows an energy management application for a serial party line data acquisition and control system, where the primary design goal is to monitor and control temperature conditions within a large building. Major 1·256 REMOTE ANALOG STATIONS 24-BIT FORMAT 1-16 CHANNELS OF TEMPERATURE DATA 1-4 DIGITAL 1/0 LINES RECEIVER TRANSM IHER HOST COMPUTER PARALLEL INTERFACE J '-----S-E-R-IA-'L PARTY LINE TWISTED PAIR J 1·256 REMOTE DIGITAL STATIONS 44·BIT FORMAT UP TO 32 BITS DIGITAL 1/0 FOR CONTROL OF AIR CONDITIONERS/HEATERS HIGH DATA INTEGRITY Fig 8 Energy management application. Host computer requests temperature data from analog remote stations. Receiver/transmitter sets up protocol handling and data integrity. Computer analyzes temperature data and supplies control information to both analog and digital remote stations 207 SERIAL PARTY LINE TWISTED PAIR TO HOST COMPUTER UART IM6402 MICROPROCESSOR 1 1085 MICROCOMPUTER 2 IMIOC41 Fig 9 RS-232 serial interface for party line receiver/transmitter. Microprocessor 1 controls local bus and processes data to and from host computer using UART. 'RAM is used to store up to 512 command messages. These are transferred sequentially to microcomputer 2 which controls serial party line. Data returned by microcomputer 2 are stored in RAM for transmission to host upon request a possible configuration. The microcomputers are used to split the required processing duties in order to maintain high efficiency and maximum data rate. This particular system would be able to accept up to 512 commands, store each one in memory, and execute the commands sequentially over the 241M-bit party line. After execution, remote data and status information received by ~icrocomputer two would be stored in the memory of microcomputer one for transfer back to the host computer. This would allow the host computer to dump a series of commands, at high baud rates, to each of many unique party line systems. When ready, the host could retrieve the packed data for processing or storage and download the next series of commands (distributed multilevel processing). applications involving serial data acquisition. Versatility and modularity, along with CRC error checking capabilities, make a serial protocol an attractive and inexpensive approach to party line data acquisition and control. 1. F. M. Ingels, In/ormation and Coding Theory. Haddon Craftsmen, Pa. 1971 2. Hewlett·Packard. Guidebook to Data Communications. Hewlett-'Packard Co. Santa Clara. Calif. 1977 3. A. J. Wei.sberger. Data Communications Handbook. Signetics. Sunnyvale. Calif. 1977 ES JP Need for a serial digital data link between transducer and host computer in a data acquisition system has been demonstrated as a solution to many of the problems inherent in the classical system. The serial link provides ease of implementation, substantial reduction in cost per data point, and increased length of transmission line. However, inefficiencies exist in bit- and byteoriented protocols for data acquisition and control. 'CRC catches all 1-, 2-, and 3-bit errors, random bit errors, and burst errors. It can be implemented in software to run efficiently in a microcomputer based communication protocol requiring a sophisticated error detection scheme. Comparisons of efficiency vs throughput for several existing protocols-Bisync, SDLC, HDLC, and packed ASCII-show varying values. Packed ASCII, even though moderately inefficient, is the best suited for 208 4. Sample-Holds 209 210 Designing with a sample-hold won't be a problem if you use the right circuit S ample-hold circuits are widely used in analog signal-processing and data-conversion systems to store an analog voltage accurately over periods ranging from less than a microsecond up to several minutes. This capability suits them to numerous applications including data-distribution systems, data-acquisition systems, simultaneous sample-hold systems, aid converter front ends, sampling oscilloscopes and DVMs, signal reconstruction filters, and analog computation circuits. Although sample-holds are conceptually simple, their application is full of subtleties. In general, applications that need only slow to moderate speed and moderate accuracy generate few problems, but high-speed, high-accuracy applications are the ones that need careful design. An example of the latter is taking a 10-V sample in one microsecond or less with 0.01% accuracy. To select the right sample-hold for a particular job, and apply it properly as well, requires understanding the intricacies of its design and operation. the capacitor retains this charge and thus holds the desired voltage for a specified period. There are three important sets of terminals in a sample-hold circuit: the analog input, the analog ~ 5 ~ c\ SAMPLE CONTROL A2 ~:'+l ~ t::\ ~ '" ~ SAMPLE CONTROL fb\ \.V 1. In a basic sample-hold circuit (a), the switch closes to sample the input Voltage. When the switch opens, the capacitor holds the voltage. A practical circuit (b) has unity-gain buffers to charge the capacitor without loading the source and to drive normal loads without changing the voltage stored by the capaCitor. Basically speaking A sample-hold circuit is fundamentally a "voltage memory" device that stores a given voltage on a highquality capacitor. The circuit can take a voltage sample and then "freeze" it for some specified period, while some other circuit or system uses the voltage. Fig. la shows a sample-hold circuit in conceptual form. An electronic switch is connected to a hold capacitor so that when the switch closes, the capacitor charges to the input voltage. When the switch opens, 2. A sample-hold can operate In two different way•. It can take a quick sample of the input and return right back to hold mode (a), or it can track the input for part of the time and hold it for the rest (b). 211 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK output, and the sample control terminals. Fig. 1b shows a practical circuit that includes input and output buffer amplifiers and a switch-driver circuit. The sample control input closes the switch for sample mode, or opens it for hold mode. The sample-hold input terminals are usually the input of a high-impedance buffer amplifier since in most applications, such as operating at the output of an analog multiplexer, the source shouldn't be loaded. Likewise, the output has a low impedance so that the sample-hold can drive a load such as an aid converter input. The output buffer amplifier must also present a very high input impedance, and very low bias current, to the hold capacitor so that its charge doesn't leak off too rapidly. In virtually all sample-hold designs, therefore, this amplifier has a junction-FET input stage. Similarly, the switch must be fast and have very low off-state .leakage. circuited inductor is hard pressed to give a selfdischarge time constant (L/R) as high as 10 seconds, while a capacitor can give a time constant (Re) of 10· seconds. (The only exception, a superconducting induc- o 2T 4T 6T 8T lOT 1~~l~ER~D D~UT J:''\ ~, AVERAGED OUTPUT (IDEAL) ,.... Sample-hold: An energy storage circuit All sample-holds are basically accurate energy storage circuits. Since the hold capacitor is a key component in an accurate sample-hold, a fundamental question to be answered is: Why use a capacitor to store the energy? It turns out that certain types of capacitors very nearly approach the ideal. They have extremely low leakage, and therefore very high equivalent parallel resistance. This resistance, commonly specified in megohm-microfarads and known as insulation resistance, is the parallel resistance of a one-microfarad capacitor and is numerically equal to the self-discharge time constant of the capacitor in seconds. To find the parallel resistance for other capacitor values, divide the insulation resistance in megohmmicrofarads by the capacitance in microfarads. Since the parallel resistance. can be quite high for smaller value capacitors, most manufacturers specify a maximum "need not exceed" value, generally twice the insulation resistance. This means only that the parallel resistance is not measured or guaranteed by the manufacturer. It may well be as high as calculated. The self-discharge time constant is the length of time required for an open-circuited capacitor to discharge to 36.8% {)f its charged voltage. High-quality capacitors used in sample-holds have insulation resistance as high as 10" megohm-microfarads, equivalent to a self-discharge time constant of one million seconds, or 11-1/2 days. In other words, this is only 1% droop in almost three hours. To get back to why capacitors are used for the energy storage, they approach the ideal much more closely than the alternative, which is an inductor. The figure of merit for an energy-storage element is its selfdischarge time constant. A high quality short- 2T 2T ORIGINAL SIGNAL 4T 4T 6T 8T 6T 8T lOT lOT 3. A zero-order hold reconstructs an analog signal that's been transmitted as a series of pulse samples (a). It does so by holding the amplitude of each pulse to fill in the spaces between them (b). Practical averaging uses a lowpass filter (c) that has more delay than the ideal averaging shown in (b). IGol f II GAIN 4. The lain response of a zero-order hold (a) in terms of the sampling frequency f, takes the form of the absolute value of (sin xl/x. The phase response (b) is linear because of the constant time delay. 212 I I ~ r- ~ r- r:::- \ " f'\. F- 2T :I t- 4T ZERO - ORDER HOLD 6T ~ 8T o CD / k r- '~ ~ \ 2T 4T 6T FtRST -ORDER HOLD 5. Three types of holds reconstruct an original signal (dashed curve) differently. The output of a zero-order hold (a) is steady between samples. A first-order hold (b) extrapolates a new slope that's proportional to the dif- 8T o (c) i 2T I I 4T 6T 8T POLYGONAL HOLD ference between the two most-recent samples. Its output error is zero during constant-slope portions of the signal. The polygonal hold (c) interpolates between the two most recent samples. in the term "sample-hold," as just about all sampleholds can also track and hold. The few circuits that can only sample for a short time, and cannot track the input, are clearly labeled this way. To appreciate the difference between true samplehold operation and track-and-hold operation, see Fig. 2. In Fig. 2a, a sample-hold periodically takes a sample of the input, a sinusoid in this case, and holds it for the rest of the time. In Fig. 2b, a track-and-hold tracks the input for part of the time and holds it for the rest. Here, the track time and hold time are equal. tor, would, of course, be better than a high quality capacitor, but it would be difficult to package in an ordinary sample-hold circuit!) Capacitors of certain types are therefore clearly superior to inductors when it comes to approaching the ideal. Acceptable types of capacitors include polystyrene, polycarbonate, polypropylene, and Teflon. In addition, MOS capacitors are excellent for hybrid circuit sample-holds. Two other storage elements useful in specialized sample-holds are an electrochemical cell such as the Plessey Electro-Products E-Cell, and a register that holds the voltage digitally. Sample-hold circuits are variously called zero-orderholds, track-and-holds, or sample-and-hold amplifiers. Although these terms are generally used interchangeably today, some technical distinctions should be pointed out. Strictly speaking, a sample-hold takes a very fast sample and then goes into the hold mode. This means that the switch closes for only a very short period of time, usually because a pulse transformer drives the switch. A track and hold circuit, on the other hand, can track the input with the switch closed indefinitely and then go into the hold mode upon command. A zero-order hold may be either a sample-hold or track-and-hold. When a device is called a zero-order hold, that means it's used as a signal recovery filter. There are various types of sample-hold recovery filters such as zero-order holds, first-order holds, fractionalorder holds, and polygonal holds. The term "sample-and-hold amplifier" can refer to either a sample-hold or a track-and-hold, and originates from the fact that operational amplifiers are used to make sample-hold circuits. Although there's a technical distinction between the terms sample-hold and track-and-hold, it's automatically assumed that both functions are included Zero-order hold An important sample-hold application is reconstructing, or recovering, an analog signal that has been transmitted as a train of pulse samples, like those in Fig. 3a. To reconstruct the original signal waveform, a sample-hold, or zero-order hold, retains the peak value of a sample until the next one arrives, thus filling in the spaces between them, as in Fig. 3b. The result is a reasonable reconstruction of the original signal before it was converted to a pulse train. Ideally, the average of the reconstructed waveform, shown dashed in Fig. 3b, is a near-replica of the original waveform, delayed by half the sampling period, T. If the staircase waveform of the output is objectionable, a low-pass filter following the zero-order hold will smooth the waveform further. This filter will add further phase delay, but the resulting reconstruction of the original signal is much better, as Fig. 3c shows. The cutoff frequency of this filter must be determined from the sampling rate and the bandwidth of the signal to be recovered. The lower the cutoff frequency, the better the smoothing. The zero-order hold is a type of filter. As with other types of filters, its gain-phase characteristics are important to know. These gain and phase terms are 213 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK plotted in Fig. 4. The zero-order hold is obviously not an ideal filter with its (sinx)/x amplitude response. Nevertheless, it reconstructs signals respectably. Its gain is slightly more than 3 dB down at a frequency of f,/2, and it again goes to zero at integral multiples of the sampling frequency, f. There are some undesirable gain peaks at frequencies of 3/2 f" 5/2 f .. etc. These peaks are frequently attenuated by a low-pass filter following the zero-order hold. A zero-order hold as a filter has a perfectly linear phase response (Fig. 4b), which results in the constant phase delay of T/2 for the output signal. There are also more-sophisticated recovery filters than the zero-order hold circuit. These higher-order hold circuits, known as first-order holds, second-order holds, etc., reconstruct a signal more accurately than a zero-order hold (Fig. 5). A first-order hold does this by retaining the value of the previous sample as well as the present one. It then extrapolates from existing data to predict the slope to the next sample, which hasn't arrived yet (Fig. 5b). When a new sample comes in, it generates a slope proportional to the difference between this sample and the previous one. If the slope of the original signal hasn't changed much, the resulting error is small; for a constant slope, the error is zero. When the original signal reverses its slope quickly, the output "goes the wrong way," causing a fairly large error for one sample period. An interpolative first-order hold, also called a polygonal hold, reconstructs the original signal much more accurately. This circuit also generates a line segment with a slope proportional to the difference between consecutive samples, but rather than extrapolate into the future, it interpolates between samples already received. Its accuracy is achieved at the expense of a delay of one sample period, which is necessary because a new sample must arrive before the line segment can be generated by starting from the previous sample. INPUT ,.., BUFFER INPUT I " ~+I/:' RI 2' 1/ OUTPUT (0 C, INPUT "I 0----1 1 ' ..... RI ,/ 5k +1 c' OUTPUT G 6. This type of inverting, closed· loop circuit is both accurate and simple.The charge time constant. R,C H • of the basic circuit (a) is much too long for some applications. The current booster in (b) speeds up charging considerably. The input resistance, R" may be too low for some sources; the buffer raises it a great deal. constant is 4 /lS. To reach a value within 0.01% of the input requires about nine time constants, or in this case, 36 /lS. Speed can be improved considerably, as shown in Fig. 6b, by adding an amplifier with current gain, inside the feedback loop. The operational amplifier must also be able to supply this current to the capacitor. Since these amplifiers have low output resistance, the circuit's time constant is much lower. For example, with the same valued capacitor and an amplifier output resistance of 20 fI, the time constant is only 40 ns rather than 4 /lS. Now, only the amplifiers' output current capability limits charging. With a maximum output current of 20 rnA from this amplifier to charge the capacitor and a 40-ns time constant, the capacitor takes just 1.2 /lS to charge to within 0.01 % of final value. This is much faster than the 36 /lS for the previous circuit. Note that in the latter case, Fig. 6b, R, and R. can be larger since R. no longer determines the charging time constant. An input buffer amplifier improves this circuit further by boosting the input resistance to a much higher value than that of the input resistor R,. In fact, the input resistance can be as high as 10' to 1012 ohms. Such high resistances are required when a samplehold follows an analog multiplexer. In this case the buffer amplifier must be fast, since its settling time becomes part of the time required to charge the holding capacitor. The buffer can also be added to the circuit of Fig. 6a. Both sample-holds in Fig. 6 are referred to as closed loop, since the capacitor charging takes place within a closed loop circuit. Fig. 7 shows a noninverting closed-loop sample-hold in which A" that is serving as both an input buffer amplifier and an error-correCting amplifier, compares the output voltage to the input voltage, then charges the holding capacitor until this error is reduced to zero. Lots of circuit variety Sample-holds come in many different circuit configurations, each suited to different speed and accuracy requirements. It's important to know the common configurations and how they operate to choose the proper type and apply it properly. One configuration is popular because it's accurate and simple. This circuit, shown in Fig. 6a, has a gain of -1 since R, = R,;'however, making R,larger than R, gives inverting gains larger than one. When the switch closes, hold capacitor CH charges to the negative of the input voltage. The switch opens after the capacitor has acquired' this voltage to the desired accuracy. Although potentially very accurate, this circuit is not a fast sample-hold. The capacitor charges slowly since it has a time constant of R.C H; with practical values such as R. = 2k and CH = 2 nF, the time 214 Amplifier Al also gives this circuit a high input resistance. Thanks to the error-correcting feedback in this sample-hold, A. need not be very accurate so long as its gain is roughly unity. Resistor R isolates the output of A, from the input of Al during hold mode. This circuit is both fast and accurate; how fast it charges the capacitor depends on the speed of Al and its output current capability. Two back-to-back diodes clamp AI's output to its negative input so that Al remains closed-loop stable when the switch is opened. Note that in this circuit the switch must float up and down with the input voltage, whereas in the circuits of Fig. 6 the switch always operates at virtual ground. Operational transconductance amplifiers Fig. 8 shows another type of sample-hold circuit, which is versatile and can be operated in a number of closed loop configurations. This circuit is an operational integrator that can be enclosed in the feedback loop of AI. In this case, however, Al is an operational transconductance amplifier; that is, one that produces an output current proportional to its input voltage. The current charges the holding capacitor while the integrator's input remains at virtual ground. In this circuit, the two switches operate out of phase. Switch S, closes to sample, then S, closes to reduce hold-mode feedthrough when S, opens again. This circuit can be connected in different ways as a closed-loop sample-hold: Fig. 9a shows the most commonly used connection, a non inverting samplehold with a gain of +1; Fig. 9b shows the non inverting connection with gain, and Fig. 9c shows the inverting connection with gain. Both of the switches in these circuits operate at virtual ground, an advantage in driving the switch and producing an accurate output voltage. This circuit has been successfully used in monolithic, hybrid, and modular sample-hold devices. Another popular noninverting, unity-gain circuit is shown in Fig. 10. It's basically the same as the one shown in Fig. 1b, with two unity-gain buffer amplifiers. This type of open-loop sample-hold is commonly used in ultra-fast designs. In this case, a pulse transformer drives a fast diode bridge switch. Normally, the supply voltage back-biases the diodes. Sampling is done by a fast-rise command pulse that turns on the diodes to charge the hold capacitor from the input buffer. Using ultra-fast buffer amplifiers and an appropriate diode-gate switch, such sampleholds can charge the hold capacitor to a full-scale change in as little as 30 nanoseconds. Because of the open-loop configuration, there is no problem with phase delays from output to input caused by a feedback loop. This means that the circuit is both fast and stable. 7. Closed-loop sample-holds can also be non inverting. In this configuration. Al is both an input buffer and an errorcorrecting amplifier. When the switch closes. current from A, charges the hold capacitor until the output equals the input. The pair of diodes clamps A,'s output to keep it stable when the switch is open. 5' 8. Several closed-loop sample-hold configurations can be built around this circuit, shown without its feedback connections. Basically. it's an operational integrator driven by an operational transconductance amplifier, A,. The input buffer in this circuit is difficult to design, for it must be both fast and stable while driving the hold capacitor load. Sampling switches, however, cause no such problems. The basic sampling switch circuits commonly use junction FETs, MOSFETs, D-MOS FETs, and diodegate switches. All of these can be both fast and accurate. The FET-type switches have the advantage of zero offset since they are purely resistive in the closed state. The diode-gate switch does have an offset voltage, however, which is minimized by properly matching the diode forward-voltage drops. The infinite-hold circuit All sample-hold circuits have the problem that once they are in the hold mode, the charge will gradually leak off the hold capacitor due to switch leakage, capacitor leakage, and output amplifier bias current. It was mentioned previously that a digital register can store a number equivalent to a voltage value as long as necessary. The "infinite hold" circuit uses this principle to store a voltage value for any required time without any drift due to leakage. The circuit, shown in Fig. 11, is basically a tracking aid converter, with its output 215 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK Know your circuit Sample-hold: The generic term used for track-andhold, zero-order hold, or sample-and-hold amplifier, it describes basically a circuit that acquires an analog input voltage and accurately stores it for a specified period of time. Track-and-hold: A sample-hold circuit that can continuously follow the input signal until switched into the hold mode. Signal-reeovery filter: A circuit that reconstructs an analog signal from a train of analog samples. Zero-order hold: A sample-hold circuit used as a signal recovery filter. So called because its output represents the first term of a power-series approximation to the input. First-order hold, or extrapolative hold: A complex signal-recovery filter that predicts the next sample value by generating an output slope equal to the slope of a line segment connecting previous and present samples. In a sense, it works toward the future. Polygonal hold, or interpolative hold: A complex signal-recovery filter that generates a straight-line segment output that joins the previous sample value to the present sample. It uses available data to reconstruct the signal more accurately than other hold circuits, but with a one-sample-period delay. Infinite hold: An analog/digital sample-hold that digitally holds an analog voltage indefinitely without the decay of capacitor storage. Cloaed-loop sample-hold: A sample-hold circuit that charges the hold capacitor within a negative feedback loop during sampling to achieve high accuracy. Open-loop sample-hold: A sample-hold circuit that does not enclose the hold capacitor within a feedback loop. 11. Sometimes called an "infinite hold," this circuit can hold a sample indefinitely without the droop that happens with capacitor storage. It's an aid converter with its output taken from the analog feedback line. A high on the sample command line lets the output follow the input. A low freezes the count inputs. so the count doesn·t change. 9. Here are three different waYI to connect the Input and feedback to the partial circuit in Fig. 8. The circuit in (c) has unity gain if the input (R,) and feedback (R2) resistors have equal values. 10. Ultra·f.st umple·holdl often use a circuit like thll. It has a diode-bridge switch and operates open-loop. The diodes are biased off until a sample command arrives; then the pulse transformer's output turns on the diodes, which connect the input buffer amplifier to the hold capacitor. A 3O-ns full-scale change is possible. from the analog feedback line rather than from the counter. It consists of a d/a converter, up-down counter, clock, and analog comparator. The circuit operates by directing clock pulses into the up or down count inputs of the bidirectional binary counter that controls a d/a converter. An analog comparator tests the output voltage of the d/a converter against the input voltage and directs the clock pulses to the counter so that the converter's output voltage changes toward the input. When the input voltage is reached, the circuit oscillates within one count of the input value. When the sample command goes low, the counter retains its contents indefinitely until the next sample is taken. This circuit is not particularly fast since it must go to each new value one count at a time until the input voltage is reached. Different counting tech· niques will speed it up, however. Its accuracy depends on the resolution of the d/a converter; ±O.01 % accuracy requires at least 12 bits. GZ 216 Keep track of a sample-hold from mode to mode to locate error sources A complicated process begins when a sample-hold takes a sample. The complications increase when it switches into the hold mode. To this bumper crop of complications, add the actual sampleto-hold transition itself, which, as a complex and important event, must not be overlooked. Understanding the intricate workings of this process is the basis for understanding the sources of error in the system and how to minimize them. In the sample mode, the sampling switch closes and the circuit charges the hold capacitor to the input voltage. With the capacitor charged, the circuit tracks the input signal as it changes. However, tracking is possible only if the signal doesn't exceed the bandwidth or slew rate limit of the sample-hold. The term "sample mode" applies regardless of how long tracking continues. The operating parameters that apply to the samplehold in the sampling mode are specified in the same way as an operational amplifier's. Offset voltage, expressed in mi11ivolts, may be referred to either the input or output, and is usually adjustable to zero with an external potentiometer. Dc gain, the ratio of output to input voltage at dc, is commonly either +1 or -l. With some sample-holds, adding external feedback resistors provides other gains, and some allow trimming external gain to precisely +1 or -l. Bandwidth, the sinusoidal frequency at which gain is down by 3 dB from its de value, is measured with a small-signal sine wave below the slew rate limit. The slew rate is the fastest rate at which the sample- FINAL VALUE VOLTAGE CAPACI TOR CHARGING ACQUISITION TIME SAMPLE COMMAND TIME 1. Acquisition time of a sample-hold starts with the sample command and ends when the voltage on the hold capacitor enters and stays in the error band. Acquisition time ;s defined for a full-scale voltage change. measured at the hold capacitor. °0 INPUT o o -~ 10V [>-=i -X-;-lRE~vc +1 +1 RO I /) -- O.OO:~FTC T H OUTPUT 0 ~ _1 __ --~~----"t""----- -r0.4V ANAL VALUE EXPONENTIAL SETTLING TIME 2. This equivalent circuit for determining acquisition time l-~---_,----------Y" '" I / I I L----~J , ... ;Z ,...,=-----:i-aJTPUT IIOLTAGE OUTPUT VOLTAGE I - CAPACITOR VOLTAGE I ~ ACQUISITION I ,./_--+:. I -,- R I 1.0-- ACQUISITION TIME TIME I TIME TIME 3. Acquisition time may be less than or greater than the time it takes the output voltage to settle to its final value. In (a). the capacitor reaches its final value before the output <'lTIplifier catches up. In (b). the protective resistor permits the output to settle before the capacitor reaches its final voltage. hold output can change. Specified in volts per microsecond, slew rate is generally determined by the charging rate of the hold capacitor. amplifier's stability. Acquisition time is therefore measured from the beginning of the sample command transition to the point where the signal enters the error band and stays there. Another useful definition of acquisition time is the amount of time following the sample command transition that the hold command can be given so that the hold capacitor retains the voltage change to the required accuracy. The full-scale voltage change is usually specified as a 10-V change, although other magnitudes may be specifically stated. The error band is commonly specified from 0.2% down to 0.005%, with other values possible. Within this range there are sample-holds available that provide acquisition times from about 10 I's down to 20 ns. Basically, acquisition time determines the maximum sampling rate at which a sample-hold can be operated. Several circuit limitations determine the achievable acquisition time for a sample-hold: the speed of the input amplifier with a capacitive load, the current available to drive the hold capacitor, the source resistance driving the hold capacitor (both amplifier output and switch), and the value of the hold capacitor. Either the input amplifier or the switch may limit Acquisition time counts The most important specification ofthe sample-hold in the sample mode is acquisition time-the time required, after the sample command is given, for the hold capacitor to charge to a full-scale voltage change and remain within a specified error band about its final value. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the definition applies to the capacitor voltage, not the output voltage of the circuit. The reason for this will become clear shortly. The figure shows an initial switching delay following the sample command. After this delay, the hold capacitor charges at a maximum rate which is determined by its charging current. Initially, as the capacitor voltage attempts to enter the final value error band, it slightly overshoots the band, but then enters and remains within it. The amount of overshoot, generated by a wideband input amplifier driving a capacitive load, depends on this 218 ..... I Ie \- )--' I STRAY +1 OUTPUT CHANGE dYe IL "dt"C;; r 4. Hold-mode droop is caused by currents that cha rge or . ;~harge the hold capacitor. These include switchleakage, -'ray-leakage, amplifier-bias curr~nts and leakage within the ,hold capacitor itself. the current available to drive the hold capacitor. . Fig: 2 shows the relationship between the acquisition time, the current available to charge the capacitor, and the time constant associated with the hold c~pacitor. For example, to determine the acquisition time for a 10-V change to within 1 mV, or a 0.01% error band, assume a maximum charging current from the amplifier and switch of 20 rnA and a capacitor value of 0.002 /IF. The rate of change of capacitor voltage dVc I dt is !£ 20 X 10-' = 10' = 10 VI s (1) CH 2 x 10-' /l , where Ie is the charging current and CH is the capacitance of the hold capacitor. After a 50-ns switching delay, the capacitor begins to charge at a constant rate of 10 VI /lS until it approaches final value an~ maximum charging current is no longer required. This happens when Vc = 10 - (Ic&r) = 9.6 V. (2) &r, th~ total resistance in the hold capacitor's charging path, IS also the sum of the amplifier output resistance (Ro) and the switch series resistance (Rs). The capacitor charges exponentially over the final 400 mV with a time constant of . T =. &r CH = 20 x 2 X 10-9 = 40 ns. (3) Smce the fmal value error band is specified as 1 mV it takes six time constants to reduce the 400 mV erro; to 1 mV, or 0.25%. Six time constants give a 240-ns exponential settling time. The acquisition time is then the sum of the three times that are indicated in Fig. 2b, or 0.05 + 0.96 + 0.24 = 1.25 /lS. This illustrates a fast sample-hold that acquires to 0.01 % accuracy and shows as well that the charging current to the capacitor must be high and the hold capacitor time constant must be low. The same acquisition time limitations apply to the other samplehold circuits shown in Part 1 of this series, which is why a current booster amplifier is required in one case. Direct measurement of a sample-hold's acquisition time is not always possible since in some cases the capacitor voltage is not accessible externally. If a sample-hold has an operational integrator output stage, acquisition time can be measured, but in other circuits it may not be possible because the capacitor is inside the circuit. The two interesting cases in Fig. 3 illustrate why the acquisition time is defined in terms of the hold capacitor. In Fig. 3a, the output buffer has a slower response time than the input amplifier and capacitor. This lag means that when the capacitor acquires a new voltage, its final value is reached before the output of the sample-hold. The switch can be opened when the capacitor voltage has entered the specified error band even though the output voltage has not. Slightly afterward, the output amplifier settles to the correct output voltage. Fig..3b.shows the outp~t stage of one of the popular monohthlc sample-hold circuits that has a resistor in series ~ith. the hold. capacitor. This resistor provides sho.rt CirCUit protectIOn to the capacitor terminal. The res~stor, however, causes a lag in the capacitor voltage, which means that the capacitor is not fully charged when the sample-hold output voltage has reached final value. To allow the capacitor to charge completely, the sampling switch in this circuit must remain closed longer than indicated by the output voltage. The acqu~sitior: time in this case must be measured by startmg With a long sample time and then gradually reducing this time until the output starts to show an error. These cases underscore the fact that acquisition time is properly defined at the capacitor rather than at the sample-hold's output. Then there's hold mode The second mode of operation for a sample-hold, when the sampling switch is open, is the hold mode. Two important specifications that characterize hold mode are hold mode droop, or voltage decay, and holdmode feedthrough. Hold-mode droop, defined as the output voltage change per unit of time while in the hold mode is co~monly specified in volts per second, microvolts ~er microsecond, or other convenient quantities. Holdmode droop originates as leakage from the hold capacitor (see Fig. 4). The four leakage components consist of capacitor insulation leakage Icc, switch leakage current IsL , output amplifier bias current IB and stray leakage ISTRA y from the common terminal connection. The rate of voltage change on the capacitor dV Idt is the ratio of the total leakage current, IL , to hold capacitance ~ dV c = l (4) dt CH If all the leakage currents don't have the same 219 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK Know the lingo Acquisition time: How long it takes after the sample command is given, for the hold capacitor to be charged to a full-scale voltage change and to remain within a specified error band around its final value. Aperture delay time: The time elapsed from the hold command to the opening of the switch. Aperture jitter: Also called "aperture uncertainty time," it's the time variation or uncertainty with which the switch opens, or the time variation in aperture delay. Aperture tline: The averaging time of a samplehold during the sample-to-hold transition. Bandwidth: The frequency at which the gain is down 3 dB from its de value. It's measured in sample (track) mode with a small-signal sine wave that doesn't exceed the slc''.v r:ltc limit. Effective aperture delay: The time difference between the hold command and the time at which the input signal is at the held voltage. Figure of merit: The ratio of the available charging current during sample mode to the leakage current during hold mode. Hold-mode droop: The output voltage change per unit of time while in hold. Commonly specified in VIs, ,"V / ,"s or other convenient units. Hold-mode feedthrough: The percentage of an input sinusoidal signal that is measured at the output of a sample-hold when it's in hold mode. Hold-mode settling time: The time from the holdcommand transition until the output of the samplehold has settled within the specified error band. It includes aperture delay time. Sample-to-hold offset error: The difference in output voltage between the time the switch starts to open, and the time when the output has settled completely. It is caused by charge being transferred to the hold capacitor from the switch as it opens. Slew rate: The fastest rate at which the samplehold output can change. It's specified in V/ ,"s. e ~ I REGION OF SPECIFICATION I o~--------~~-----------------IOOp.S TIME IN HOLD MOOE 10,000 lL 1000 / 100 ~ V 10 i / 0 W N ~ "'" 0 Z V 0.1 1----001 0001 / / -ro -25 25 50 75 100 125 TEMPERATURE, "C 5. Droop in hold mode can be positive or negative-going, and may not be linear with time (a). Since most leakage current comes from silicon devices, droop as a function of temperature is predictable (b). droop vs, temperature for virtually any sample-hold. Droop rate is specified on a data sheet at 25 C, To consider an example, a sample-hold with a droop rate of 100 /LV/ms at 25 C will have a rate of 3.2 mV/ms at 75 C and a rate of 102 mV /ms at 125 C, For a given operating temperature, droop rate must be determined based on the required hold time in order to know the resulting error. Of course, below 25 C, droop rate improves by a factor of two for every 10 C. In cases where better droop rate is required, an extra hold capacitor must be added or a better samplehold selected. Additional capacitance also increases the acquisition time of the circuit. In the case of monolithic sample-holds, the holdmode leakage is specified on the data sheet so that the required capacitor value can be figured from the polarity, the result is a somewbat lower droop rate, To measure hold-mode droop, simply acquire a given voltage and then while watching the output voltage on an oscilloscope, switch into the hold mode. The droop may be positive or negative and is not necessarily linear with time (See Fig, 5a). Several possible droop rates are illustrated, The value measured, which appears on data sheets, is the slope right after initiation of the hold mode when the output voltage feeds an aid converter or other circuit, In addition, hold-mode droop changes exponentially with temperature, Most of the leakage that causes this droop comes from silicon devices. Since a device's leakage approximately doubles for every 10 C increase in temperature, hold-mode droop shares this characteristic. Fig, 5b shows a normalized plot of hold-mode 220 INPUT STEP I mil t T_~SAMPI.",-=E_ HOLD COMMAND OUTPUT OF PERfECT SAMPLE - HOLD OUTPUT OF PRACTICAL SAMPLE - HOLD APERTURE WINDOW ~t,~ L-..:.,_ _ _ _ HOLD =~ ~+I G ® ~ND I~ ___ j lflk.o% ~__I I ~ " _--::'0::..::.% _ ___ =:::! I C m' 0 0 I. : APERTURE TIME OUTPUT l CH - /)v J1v INPUT I OUTPUT OF Tt£ INPUT : AMPLIFIER ~~~ND tK f::\e V G J~ \./ OUTPUT 7. Effective aperture delay time is the difference between the input amplifier time delay. t •• and the delay between the hold command and the time when the switch opens (td). EADT may be positive, zero. or negative. If t. is greater than td• the hold capacitor sees a delayed version of the input (b). which results in holding an input voltage that occurred before the hold command. 6. Aperture time can be measured by repeatedly feeding a tiny step (a) to the sample-hold's input and repeatedly shifting from sample to hold (b) with a varying delay. t,. A perfect sample-hold would have an output like (c) as a function of delay time t" but a real sample-hold averages this step over tAo relationships in equation 4. Since the hold capacitor directly affects both speed and accuracy of a sample-hold, it's useful to have a figure of merit for sample-holds. Increasing the hold capacitance decreases the droop rate, but increases acquisition time. Likewise, decreasing the capacitance increases the droop rate although it does decrease the acquisition time. The figure of merit is a ratio that measures the improvement in both acquisition time and droop rate together. It is a dimensionless quantity and may have values of 10' or more for a high quality sample-hold. A useful figure of merit sometimes used with sample-holds is the ratio of the current available to charge the capacitor (Ie) to the leakage current from the capacitor (lL). This ratio is approximately equal to the ratio of slew rate to droop rate: dB of attenuation. Hold-mode feedthrough may vary with frequency, either increasing or decreasing at higher frequencies depending on the particular design of the sample-hold. Feedthrough is a most important specification when a sample-hold follows an analog multiplexer that switches between many different channels. Note that feedthrough can also be measured with a square-wave input rather than a sinusoid, since the square wave contains many harmonic frequencies. A critical parameter The most critical part of sample-hold operation is during the short sample-to-hold transition when the sampling switch opens. It's during this transition period that the real subtleties of sample-hold operation appear, including one of the most important parameters associated with this period, called aperture time. Aperture time is the most misunderstood of all sample-hold specifications. There are actually several related parameters which use the word aperture as part of the specification. The concept of aperture time in electronics relates closely to the root meaning of aperture: an opening, or hole. In electronic measurements aperture is the "opening" or "window" of time during which a signal is averaged or measured. For example, in an aid converter, the conversion time is the time required to measure the input signal and is also known as the aperture time of the converter. In fact, a sample-hold is the device that reduces the aperture time of an a/ d converter by replacing the converter's time window with the sample-hold's much shorter window. =.!£ Slew Rate (5) IL Droop Rate A source of error in the hold mode, hold-mode feed through, or simply feedthrough, is the second specification that characterizes hold mode. This parameter is the percentage of an input sinusoidal signal that's measured at the output of a sample-hold in the hold mode. To measure feedthrough, apply a 20-V peak-to-peak sinusoid to the input of a sample-hold while it is in the hold mode. A greatly attenuated version of the input shows up at the output, passing through switch capacitance and stray coupling capacitance. The resulting feedthrough can be measured easily with an oscilloscope. Typical values of feed through for a welldesigned sample-hold are from 0.05% down to 0.005% of the input. Feedthrough is sometimes expressed in Figure of Merit : ~~~---1 1 1 1 ----I' ~ ~----<>'''';:-'-I~--Iv>-----O 221 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK ~RATE O' CHANGE' \J1L----A1:t :~ u 8. Timing uncertainty in the switch and driver circuit produces uncertainty in the held voltage, which for a given period of time, increases with the rate of change of the signal voltage. SIGNAL RATE rF CHANGE (dV/dt) 9. To obtain the error due to aperture uncertainty time for a given signal rate of change, a full-log plot is helpful. This plot assumes a lO-V full-scale signal. .~ T therefore occurs after the signal has been acquired, when the switch rapidly opens. Aperture time is frequently, but mistakenly, defined as the turn-off time of the switch. If this were true, aperture times would be extremely small since the switch opens very quickly. The confusion stems from the fact that the switch follows a band-limited input amplifier which, even if the switch opening were instantaneous, averages the result over a small period of time. To interpret aperture time, as in Fig. 6, assume the sample-hold receives a I-mV input step (Fig. 6a). The hold command transition (Fig. 6b) can be adjusted to occur before, with or after the input step. The timing difference between the two, designated t,., can be positive, zero, or negative. (For simplicity, assume no delay between the hold command and the opening of the sampling switch.) To make the measurement, feed the sample-hold with repeated input steps and hold commands while slowly varying t,.. As the hold command transition effectively scans across the input step, the sample-hold's output in hold mode changes. Ideally, when hold-mode output is plotted against t., it should look like Fig. 6c. Such an output, a perfect sample with no averaging, requires an infinitebandwidth input amplifier in addition to an infinitelyfast switch. Since this is not possible, the input step is averaged, or filtered, by both the switch with a non-zero opening time, and by the input amplifier, which has limited bandwidth. The actual waveform therefore looks like Fig. 6d. The filtering action of the switch and input amplifier slows the rise-time of the step to tA, which is the aperture time or aperture window of the samplehold as shown in Fig. 6e. Mathematically convolving the input step (Fig. 6a) with the aperture window (Fig. 6e) gives the actual output (Fig. 6d). In practice, because of amplifier and switch speed limitations, it is extremely difficult to achieve true aperture times less than a few nanoseconds . .~ T 10. Draln-to-gate capacitance, Cd.. transfers some charge. q. when a FET sampling switch opens. The resulting voltage step on the hold capacitor. CH• is small if CH is large. The switch in the first circuit (a) operates at virtual gr'ound, Ideally, a sample-hold takes a point sample of the input signal, that is, an accurate sample in zero time. Since this is impossible,' the sample is actually taken in the short period of time when the switch opens, during which the signal is averaged. The aperture time Delayed window Aperture delay time, another frequently used term concerning the sample-to-hold transition, is generally defined as the elapsed time between the hold command and the opening of the switch. Aperture delay time, a pure time delay, can be compensated out by advancing or delaying the hold command. Furthermore, this specification is difficult to measure, if not impossible, since the precise time when the switch turns off cannot be determined directly. A more useful specification might be called effective aperture delay, and defil1ed as the time difference between the hold command and the time at which the 222 input signal and the held voltage were equal. In other words, effective aperture delay relates the hold command to the point on the input signal which was held (see Fig. 7). Effective aperture delay really points out the difference between the two delay times snown in Fig. 7. The first is the analog delay through the input amplifier, while the second is the digital delay to the switch opening (Fig. 7a). Effective aperture delay (EAD) is then equal to (t., - t.). Notice that either a positive, negative, or zero value may be obtained depending on which delay is larger. Fig. 7b illustrates negative effective aperture delay. In this instance, time lag in the input amplifier has resulted in holding an input voltage which occurred before the hold command. Knowing effective aperture delay time then is more useful than knowing aperture delay time. A related specification, aperture uncertainty time, or aperture jitter, is the uncertainty in the time at which the switch opens. Actually, it's the time variation in aperture delay time. If the sampling switch receives the hold command for a series of samples at the same point on a waveform, it will hold slightly different values each time. Aperture uncertainty time originates in the digital driver circuit and switch. The hold command has a finite risetime and must pass through one or more logic thresholds that have voltage noise. These transitions therefore generate time uncertainties. The significance of aperture uncertainty time is that it causes an amplitude uncertainty in the held output of the sample-hold. This amplitude error, aA, shown in Fig. 8, equals the product of the rate of change of the input signal dV / dt, and the aperture uncertainty t,. This product is the basis of a graph (Fig. 9) that gives aperture uncertainty vs. signal rate of change for various accuracies. The accuracy is based on 10volt full scale signals. The surprising fact is that moderate speed signals produce relatively large errors even with small aperture uncertainties. For example, if the aperture uncertainty is 10 ns and the input signal rate of change is 1V/ I'S, the amplitude error is 0.1% for 10 V full scale. Reducing this error to 0.01 % means that the aperture uncertainty time has to be reduced to just 1 ns. Aperture uncertainty time is generally quite small in well-designed sample-holds since it's possible to achieve values of a few nanoseconds down to tens of picoseconds. As a rough rule of thumb, the aperture uncertainty tends to be 10% or less of the aperture delay time; in some designs it can be as low as 0.1%. Sample-to-hold offset error develops when the switch opens, as a direct result of a phenomenon called charge dumping or charge transfer. 223 lOY -IOV 11. Sample-to·hold offset error varies with input signal voltage if the sampling switch floats with the signal. but is unaffected by variations in signal voltage if the switch operates at virtual ground. SPECIFIED ERROR BAND 1 SAMPLE-TO-HOLD TRANSIENT '\. ..,,1 ______ ---_ -------r- --- OUTPUT HOLD-MODE SETTUNG TIME START c~~W 1------' L._ _ _ _ __ 12. When an aid converter follows a sample-hold, the start·conversion pulse must be delayed until the output of the sample-hold has had enough time to settle within the error band and stay there. There r.re two types of sample-hold switches; one operates at virtual ground (Fig. lOa), while the other operates at the signal voltage (Fig. lOb). Every electronic switch has a capacitance associated with it. In this case it is Cda , the drain-to-gate capacitance of the junction FET switches shown. This capacitance couples the switch-control voltage on the gate to the hold capacitor. Since the switch-control voltage must generally be rather large, a significant charge transfers from the hold capacitor to the gate-drive circuit when the switch is turned off. This charge is q = Cd. av. (6) where a Vg is the change in gate voltage. The error this .produces on the hold capacitor is then V =-q- =~ av. (7) , CH CH • This error typically might be 10 mV assuming 2 pF for C. g , a 10-V ~V., and a 0.002 /tF hold capacitor. Sample-to-hold offset error is one of the un- DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK desirable, inherent characteristics of sample-hold circuits. It should be looked for and recognized. The charge transfer that causes this error is expressed in picocoulombs and in practical circuits it may vary from 50 pC down to 0.1 pC. Since monolithic samplehold circuits require external hold capacitors, their voltage error must be determined by equation 7. Sample-holds with internal capacitors have a specified sample-to-hold offset voltage. This offset, of course, can be decreased by adding an external capacitor to increase the total hold capacitance. Note that the two switch configurations in Fig. 10 have somewhat different charge transfer characteristics. In the virtual ground switch the charge transfer is constant regardless of the signal voltage, since the gate voltage change is always the same. In the other switch, however, the gate voltage change varies with the signal voltage. This causes the charge transfer to vary with signal level. Furthermore, the drain-to-gate capacitance also varies with the signal voltage, so that the charge transfer itself is nonlinear and even has a "gain error." Some have curved errors The output error caused by charge transfer differs for the two types of switches (Fig. 11). The virtual ground switch produces a constant offset error vs. signal voltage, while the floating switch produces a nonlinear error vs. signal voltage. Charge transfer is obviously a limiting factor in a high-accuracy, highspeed sample-hold. It works against attaining both these characteristics. simultaneously. Some sampleholds have unique switch designs that minimize or compensate for this charge transfer. In some of them, an externally-adjustable compensation circuit minimizes the charge transfer. If the sample-to-hold offset error is constant with signal voltage, then the error is relatively easy to handle since it can be zeroed with a simple offset adjustment. Another effect of the sample-to-hold transition is a small transient in the output just after going into the hold mode-the hold mode settling time (Fig. 12b). This is the time it takes the output of the samplehold to settle within the specified error band after the hold command transition. Notice that the hold mode settling time includes aperture delay time. Fig. 12 shows the small output transient caused by the rapid switch turn-off at the input to the buffer amplifier. This transient occurs after the output settles to a new value that includes the sample-to-hold offset. Hold mode settling time may be a few nanoseconds to a microsecond or so, depending on the particular sample-hold. It is an important specification because an aid conversion that follows sampling and holding cannot begin until hold-mode settling is complete without causing a conversion error. As Fig. 12 shows, the pulse that starts the converter is generated after the sample-hold output has settled within the specified error band. GZ 224 Pick sample-holds by accuracy and speed and keep hold capacitors in mind W hen it comes to selecting a sample-hold device, fortunately there's a fine assortment available: monolithic, hybrid and modular types can all give good performance. There are different degrees of good performance, of course, and for the most part the sample-hold that's finally selected will depend on the degree of speed and accuracy needed. Depending on the type of sample-hold and its application, it may need an external hold capacitor. This capacitor should be chosen with as much care as the sample-hold itself, for its quality directly affects the performance of the sample-hold. There will be more about selecting hold capacitors, but first, it's a good idea to consider error analysis, which is vital in appraising the total error contribution of a samplehold to a system. In a given system, of course, the sample-hold is but one of the many sources of error that may also include an amplifier, filter, mUltiplexer, and aid converter. Achieving total system accuracy on the order of 0.01 % is by no means a trivial task, but quite the opposite. It pays to take a somewhat pessimistic approach in adding up the errors, and follow this by thorough testing of the sample-hold's accuracy in the system. In many cases the results will be a pleasant surprise, because a conservatively-specified device has been chosen. In other cases, it won't be a shock to discover that the analysis is about right because the samplehold that was selected has been specified right at the edge of its performance. The best way to handle error analysis is with a 225 systematic listing like the one in Table 1, which gives errors for a fast, accurate system with 0.01% error as a design goal. The errors are computed for an assumed operating temperature range of 0 to 50 C and take into account all of the specifications discussed in this series. What seems to be a large total error in Table 1 shouldn't be alarming. The sample-hold evaluated, designed for use in 12-bit systems, has been conservatively specified. If all the errors add in the same direction, the total error is ±0.036%, but this is an unlikely possibility. Adding the errors statistically (RMS) gives a better figure of ±0.017%, which is a good bit closer to the goal. Since most of the errors are specified as maximums, the typical statistical error is actually close to 0.01%. Speed and accuracy are the two foremost considerations in choosing a sample-hold, and the key to proper selection is an error analysis that takes the desired sampling rate into account. The circuit configuration, a subject discussed in Part 1 of this series, affects performance in certain applications, so it should be kept in mind as well. Consider monolithics first In general, a monolithic device should be considered first, since it will result in the lowest-cost design if moderate performance is acceptable. Moderate performance implies about 4 !,s acquisition time to 0.1 % and 5 to 25!,s to 0.01 %. Monolithic devices use external hold capacitors, so one will need to be selected. Hybrid microcircuit sample-holds offer a step up in performance without a major increase in size. Acquisition times of 5 !,S down to 1 !'s, to 0.01 % accuracy are available, and even faster acquisition times for 0.1 % can be obtained. Most hybrid sampleholds include an internal hold capacitor, so there's no need to select one unless additional capacitance is needed. Many hybrids use MOS-type hold capacitors which offer exceptionally good performance. Both the newer monolithic as well as hybrid devices equal or surpass the performance of many of the early low-cost modular sample-holds, but they can't match the newer, high-performance modular types. These new modules offer some difficult-to-achieve speed and accuracy specifications such as 350-ns maximum ac- DATA ACQUISITION 8. CONVERSION HANDBOOK Table 1. Error analysis of an accurate, high speed sample-hold Source of error Acquisition error ---1- - - SAMPLE MODE I Error contribution Comments 0.01% Maximum error specified h- I + 5V MODE I rd ~ Cd ~ i I R, -1"' I I I for rated acquisition time. I Gain error 0.00 Externally adjustable to zero. Offset error 0.00 Nonlinearity 0.005% Droop error 0.01% Gain change 0.004% Offset change 0.008% Dielectric absorption 1-_ _ _ _ _+ Total RMS Total 0.003% ACQUISITION Externally adjustable to zero. - 5V I Maximum specified. For 10 p.s hold time. Using 25 C droop of 20 p.Vlp.s max. and multiplying by 10 to give droop 01 1 mY at 50 C. This is 0.01 % for 10 V full scale. Using specified 15 ppm/oC max., x maximum temperature change of 25 C. Using specified 30 0) 1. In this example of dielectric absorption error, the hold capacitor has been sitting at + 5 V for some timE. Although given enough time to settle completely during sampling. in hold mode. the capacitor·s voltage creeps back toward +5 V (a). An Imperfect capacitor with dlelectric.absorption can be modeled (b) by a perfect capacitor. C. the insulation resistance. RI, and the long-time-constant components rd and Cd. which simulate dielectric absorption. p'vrc max .. x max. temperature change of 25 C. Estimated error voltage during hold time using of Fig. 2. __---1curve 0.036% 0.017% quisition time to 0.01%, or 50 ns to 0.1 %. Once a sample-hold has been selected, it may need a hold capacitor. These capacitors have somewhat unusual requirements. Some parameters, such as tempco of capacitance, matter very little, while others, such as dielectric absorption, are very important. Dielectric absorption affects the accuracy of the held voltage, although insulation resistance is quite important as well, for the same reason. When high accuracy is needed, the range of satisfactory capacitor dielectrics narrows down to those in Table 2, which gives the important specs for them. Note that insulation resistance, which is quite high at 25 C, drops drastically at higher temperatures, such as 125 C. That's because insulation resistance decreases exponentially with temperature. It won't stay put If a capacitor is charged to a given voltage, discharged by shorting it, and then open-circuited again, its voltage will begin to creep up from zero toward the original voltage. The capacitor exhibits a "voltage memory" characteristic known as dielectric absorption, which occurs because the dielectric material doesn't polarize instantaneously-molecular dipoles need time to align themselves in an electric field. As a result, not all the energy stored in a charged capacitor can be quickly recovered upon discharge. One way to measure dielectric absorption is to charge the capacitor to some voltage for 5 minutes, discharge it through a 5-1/ resistor for 5 seconds, then disconnect it. Measure the capacitor voltage five minutes later. The ratio of the measured voltage to the charging voltage, expressed in percent, is the dielectric absorption. Even though the time scale in a sample-hold is usually far shorter than 5 min, dielectric absorption is still a source of error and should be taken into account. Assume the hold capacitor has been resting at a given voltage Vo when a different voltage is sampled and held. Once hold mode begins, the voltage on the capacitor will begin to creep back toward Yo. Thus, the dielectric absorption causes an error as illustrated in Fig. 1a. Fig. 1b shows a first-order approximation model of an imperfect capacitor, emphasizing dielectric absorption. Resistor R, represents the insulation resistance and rd and Cd represent the source of the dielectric absorption. (Actually, to model the absorption accurately, there should be a number of additional, parallel rdC d circuits with different values.) After capacitor C in the model has been rapidly discharged from a previous voltage and then opencircuited, the long time constant of r"c d causes some of the charge on Cd to transfer slowly to C, which develops a small voltage. An accurate approximation to this "creep" voltage 226 4 6v 30V 26V I, "!,fo 6 V l fDa: DIELECTRIC ABSORPTION ("to) 'S = SAMPLE TIME 'h = HOLD TIME -2 -I I I I " 10 14 12 16 MULTIPLES OF ts - 2. A natural log function of time is an accurate approximation to the voltage creep caused by dielectric absorption. Before sampling, the capacitor has been holding a voltage Vo. A new sample charges the capacitor to a new voltage (zero, in this case, for simplicity), for period t,. Once in hold mode, the capacitor reaches a voltage :;'V at time 2t, and continues to creep toward Vo according to the logarithmic expression. ANALOG CHANNEL CHANNELl r: ,------------ ~ I I n' ~ ,+:----------..sf.~;}.~" : : START I """'*'1 I ~ n HOLD-MODE SETTLING TIME CONVERT: : 1-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I I STATUS: l:1.------'1 " " BUSY ~T~ G 3. A data-acquisition system scans a number of analog converter until its conversion is complete, When it's finished, the STATUS line goes low to permit the next input in sequence to be converted (b). inputs and converts them, one at a time, to digital form (a). The sample-hold provides an unchanging input to the caused by dielectric absorption is shown in Fig. 2. The curve is a natural log function of the shorting time, or sampling time (t,). If the output creep voltage is measured at time 2t.. the voltage will be !1 V. If it is measured at 4t.. it will be 2 !1 V and at St.. 3 !1 V. The equation for the curve is First, determine the value of !1 V from the measured dielectric absorption. The standard tests for dielectric absorption normally specify th » t.. which is the correct way to make them. Since the equation is logarithmic, there is no asymptote to the curve, which continues to rise. For all practical purposes, however, a hold time much longer than the sample time will give a value for dielectric absorption that's far out on the curve. Assume that the dielectric absorption is measured as 0.02% for a point at which th = 15t, or t = 16t". Then 2 X 10-' V. !1V = In 16 = 7.21 X 10-' V. where the dielectric absorption is defined as Ve/Vo at t = 16t". 'l'he resulting equation for creep voltage is Ve = !1Vln t" where t" is the sample time and t is the total time, or sample time plus hold time (t, + th)' This equation is a good model, providing Ve«V•. It does not hold for extremely long time periods, however, since Ve goes to infinity for infinite time. As shown, Vd represents the voltage measured to determine dielectric absorption at a specific time, which is a large multiple of t". Capacitors can be measured and fitted to this curve. 227 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK Table 2. Sample-hold capacitor characteristics Insulation resistance at 25 C (Megohmmicrofarads) Type Operating temperature range (OC) Polycarbonate -55 to +125 5 Metallized polycarbonate -55 to +125 Polypropylene -55 to +105 Metallized polypropylene -55 to +105 x 0.05% 3 X 10' 4X 103 0.05% 7 X 10' 5 X 103 (1) 0.03% 5 X 103 (1) 0.03% 7 X 10' (2) 0.02% 1 X 10' 0.01% -55 to +85 Teflon -55 to +200 1 X 1()6 c:c: ....... l ')nn x Dielectric absorption 1()4 Polystyrene T .... '-I ....... ~ v 1.5 10' 7 X 10' 1 X 1Q6 Metallized Insulation resistance at 125 C (Megohmmicrofarads) 1nfi ., ~ v , f\4 n(\')OI.. (1) At 105 C (2) At 85 C error to the sample-hold, as the curve in Fig. 2 shows. At this point, there may be reason to wonder if all the care and time needed to select a sample-hold is worth it. It certainly is. There's an abundance of applications for these devices. IN OUTPUT DATA Take a sample I Undoubtedly one of the most common applications for a sample-hold is in data acquisition systems. A representative system would have an B-channel multiplexer followed by a sample-hold and a 12-bit aid converter (see Fig. 3a). A logic-control circuit steps an address counter to sequence the analog multiplexer through the eight channels of analog data. For each channel the samplehold acquires the input signal and switches into the hold mode. After allowing for the hold-mode settling time, a start-convert pulse initiates the aid conversion, which is performed by successive approximation. After the conversion, the aid converter's status output goes low. When the conversion of this channel is finished, the analog multiplexer switches to the next channel while the output register of the aid converter holds the digital word from the completed conversion. This word is then transferred out to a computer data bus. The sampling and conversion process is repeated for each analog channel in sequence. From Fig. 3b, T is the time required for the multiplexer and sample-hold to acquire the signal and for the aid to convert it. Then liT gives the throughput rate, or the fastest rate at which the analog channels can be scanned. The rates for practical 12bit data acquisition systems may vary from about 20 kHz up to 250 kHz corresponding to values of T that range from 50 I's down to 41's. ... 2 "'3 ~4 ~ 6 7 • OUTPUT DATA 4. In a single-channel system, the settling time of the input buffer amplifier, A,. isn·t critical because the amplifier can follow changes in the signal (a). With multiplexed inputs (b). however. the input buffer may take additional time to settle to the new value at the multiplexer's output when it switches channels. v, = 7.21 X 10- 5 Vo In..!. t, Two factors reduce considerably the error due to dielectric absorption in typical applications of a sample-hold. First, the dielectric absorption measurement assumes a long initial charging time, say 5 minutes, whereas in a sample-hold a new voltage is held for a relatively short time. Second, the dielectric absorption is specified for a long open-circuit time compared with the shorting time, whereas in a samplehold the hold time may be only slightly longer than the sample time. The amount of creep voltage can also be reduced by remaining in the sample mode as long as possible relative to the hold time. The result of these factors is that a capacitor with a dielectric absorption of 0.02%, for instance, may contribute 0.005% or less 228 OUTPUT OATA INPUT CONTROL 5. A simultaneous sample-hold system such as this samples all analog inputs at the same time and holds the samples for conversion. While one of the held voltages is being converted. the others mustn·t droop too much. 7. In an ultrafast aid conversion system, acquisition time in a sample-hold takes up a sIZable part of the cycle. Interleaving two sample-holds like this lets one of them acquire while the other one's output is being converted. ~ ,I I ANALOG -.It- OUTPUTS I ~ I : v. I I I I I ~ I I I I tb SAMPLE COMMAND 6. Multiplexed digital data destined for a number of analog channels are reconstructed and distributed by a system like this one. Once the data for a channel have been converted. the sample-hold for that channel samples the d/a's output and retains it until the next data word for that channel comes in for conversion. 8. Sample-holds can serve as temporary analog signalstorage devices. The first sample-hold retains Signal VAs peak value so the converter can divide it by the peak value of input VB. which comes by later. Indeed, considering the many applications for sample-holds, a good number are used in conjunction with aid converters. This is because the sample-hold greatly reduces the converter's aperture time. There are two important ways to use a sample-hold with an aid converter, and each imposes a different requirement for the acquisition time. Fig. 4a shows a fast inverting sample-hold used ahead of an aid converter, which converts just one input signal. The sample-hold continuously tracks the input signal until is goes into the hold mode. Even while in the hold mode, input-buffer amplifier Al continues to track the input signal and only A, and A, affect the acquisition time. Acquisition is very fast because Al doesn't have to settle to a new voltage for every sample. The same sample-hold can also follow an analog multiplexer, as in Fig. 4b. The required acquisition time will be longer here since A, must settle to a new voltage every time the multiplexer switches to a new channel. This means that the settling time of A, is now part of the acquisition time. These two situations are significant because A,'s settling time may be larger than the acquisition time of the rest of the circuit. If it is, there'll be a great difference between the acquisition times of singlechannel and multichannel acquisition systems. Another important consideration in a data-acquisition system is interfacing the sample-hold to the aid converter. A successive-approximation aid converter, without an input buffer amplifier (which adds to the conversion time), has a resistor input that goes to an analog comparator's input terminal. Since the comparator is changing state during the successive-approximation conversion, the input impedance to the aid changes. Since this happens at high speed, there to 229 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK Table 3. Sample-hold comparison , OUTPUT Acquisition time Accuracy ®:-{" Monolithic 0.1% 0.01% 41020~s Hybrid 0.1% 0.01% 25 ns 1101O~s 0.1% 0.01% 30 to 200 ns 0.25 10 5 ~s D/A CONVERTER OUTPUT Modular GLITCH DATA IN 9. An output developed' by many d/a converters for certain input-code transitio!,!s temporarily goes the wrong way. This transient. or "glitch." is undesirable in some applications and can be removed by sampling the converter's output after the glitch has gone by. may be errors if the sample-hold's high-frequency output impedance isn't low enough. Furthermore, most sample-holds have higher output impedance in the hold mode than in the sample mode. Sample all at once Another way to use sample-holds in a data-acquisition system is illustrated in the simultaneous samplehold system of Fig. 5. Here, data must be taken from all analog inputs at precisely the same time. To do this, the system requires a sample-hold per channel ahead of the analog multiplexer. All the sample-holds are given the hold command .simultaneously; then the multiplexer sequentially switches to each sample-hold output while the aid converter converts it into digital form. Notice that a high-impedance buffer amplifier is required between the multiplexer and the aid converter. For this application, select sample-hold devices that are identical and have very small aperture-uncertain. ty times. In addition, the aperture delay times should be adjusted so that they' all go into hold mode simultaneously. Another important criterion is that the droop rate be relatively low, since the last samplehold in the system must hold its voltage until all the other outputs have been converted. In an application which is the reverse of data acquisition, sample-holds can .send signals from a channel to many destinations in a data-distribution system. Such a system (see Fig. 6) uses a single dl a converter and storage register together with a number of sample-holdsto distribute data to a series of analog channels. As digital data are transferred into the dla converter and its output changes, the appropriate sample-hold samples the new output voltage and then, once the converter's output has settled, switches into hold mode. Each sample-hold circuit is updated in sequence as 5 10 25 Price $5 to $21 ~s $35 10 $135 $4310 $208 new data arrive, and holds its voltage until all the other sample-holds have been updated and the sequence returns to the first one. The sample-holds used must be chosen for the required acquisition time, which depends on the rate of updating each output, and fur the dt!sin~u uruup error ueLween upuates. Back on the other side of the coin, ultrafast aid converters can benefit from working with sampleholds. Interleaving two of them, as in Fig. 7, will eliminate acquisition time delay in many applications. In such systems, the sample-hold's acquisition time can be a significant portion of the system's cycle time. With interleaved sample-holds, however, system cycle time depends only on the time required for aid conversion. Acquisition-time delay is eliminated by having one sample-hold acquire the next sample while the aid is converting the output of the other sample-hold. The aid converter, therefore, is simply switched from the output of one sample-hold to the other. The only dead time between conversions is the small delay in the analog switch. Conversion time can be decreased further, but doing it requires a second aid converter, with one aid operating off each sample-hold. The sample-holds then are operated sequentially, and the outputs of the aid's have to be digitally multiplexed. In this way the throughput time is reduced to half the conversion time of either aid converter. In yet another aid application, a sample-hold can delay or "freeze" analog data that exist only briefly; this information can then he combined with later data. This circuit (see Fig. 8) computes the ratio of two peaks that occur at different times, t. and tb' The first sample-hold stores the peak of signal VA so that its value will still be :wailable to the ratio metric aid converter when the peak of signal VB comes by. The second sample-hold stores the peak while the ratio is being converted to digital form. Sample-holds deglitch The list of conversion applications for saml,\e-holds seems almost endless. Even big problems can be solved. For example, major code tran~itions in a dla converter can cause unwanted voltage spikes as large as half the full-scale output voltage. These spikes, 230 OUTPUTS ~ 2 ~ ~ SYNC ---=ft:..sl' ' ~ ~m!l 10. When analog signals are encoded by pulse-amplitude modulation and then multiplexed. they can be sorted out and reconstructed by a set of sample-holds with properly timed sample commands. The time scale of the Input is shorter than that of the outputs. 11. Cascaded sample-holds acquire a signal quickly and hold it for a long time with little droop. The first one needs to hold a signal only longenough for the second to acquire it. Typical acquiSition would be 51's to 0.1 %. with a droop rate of 30 I'V/s. commonly called glitches, are caused by switches in the converter that take longer to turn off than to turn on, or vice versa. The point is, in many d/a converter applications such as CRT displays and automatic testing, the converter output voltage should make a smooth, monotonic transition when it goes from one output voltage to the next. This can be done by processing the d/a converter output with a sample-hold as shown in Fig. 9. First, a digital control circuit transfers the digital data from the register to the d/a converter. With this information at its input, the d/a converter generates a new output containing glitches. Once the glitches have settled, the sample-hold takes a sample of the new analog data and returns to hold mode before the d/a output changes again. The output of the sample-hold now has a smooth, monotonic transition between the old and the new levels. Keeping up with high-speed analog d/a outputs generally requires ultrafast sample-holds for deglitching. Usually an inverting, current-input sample-hold follows the d/a converter to permit the highest possible operating speed. In fact, some specially designed d/a converters have self-contained sample-holds for deglitching, and not surprisingly, are called deglitched d/a converters. To demodulate this pulse train, the control circuit synchronously switches on each sample-hold in sequence as the pulse arrives, then returns it to hold mode until the next pulse from that channel arrives. Pulse by pulse, the output of each sample-hold becomes the reconstructed analog signal of the appropriate channel. A low-pass filter can also be added to each sample-hold output to smooth the reconstructed signals further. In some analog-circuit applications, sampling sholiid be quick, yet the sampled value should hold steady for a long time. Such conflicting needs produce conflicting requirements on the sample-hold. The best solution to the problem is to use two cascaded samplehold devices, as in Fig. 11. The first sample-hold is a fast unit that acquires the input rapidly and accurately, ·while the second unit is a slow device with a very long hold time (low droop rate), perhaps on the order of minutes. Basically, the first sample-hold must acquire the signal quickly and then hold the result long enough for the second sample-hold to acquire it. The errors need to be calculated carefully to be sure of meeting the accuracy requirements. In many cases two monolithic sample-holds in cascade might do the trick. External hold capacitors can then be chosen to give the desired performance. For example, a O.OOl-I'F polystyrene capacitor would be a good choice for the first sample-hold to give an acquisition time of 51'S to 0.1 %. For the second one, a 1.0-I'F capacitor would give an acquisition time of 10 ms but a hold time of 300 s to 0.1% accuracy. The resulting droop rate would be only 30 I' VIs, which is quite low, indeed. Putting it all together Data conversions aren't the only applications to benefit from sample-holds. As Part 1 of this series pointed out, a zero-order hold makes an excellent datareconstruction filter and is commonly used in pulseamplitude modulated (PAM) systems such as the one in Fig. 10. Here, time-division mUltiplexing is used to send a train of amplitude-modulated pulses over a transmission system, each pulse in sequence being the sample from one analog channel. GZ 231 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK Analyzing the dynamic accuracy of simultaneous sample-and-hold circuits is straightforward. A wideband scope and a simple mathematical model supply the answers. ·:rm,. y In most simultaneous data-acquisition systems a large number of analog input channels are strobed at precise time intervals and then sequentially digitized by an analog-to-digital converter. To check the multichannel sample-andhold circuits there are some simple tests the user can perform to verify correct circuit operation. To start the error analysis, several assump· tions can safely be made: All static errors have been eliminated• The offset error. • The gain error. • The hold step error. Input voltage. Vin' to the sample·and·hold equals the output voltage, Vouto from the sample·and·hold. Vin is any dc voltage between ±10 V. The offset error is Vout when Vin = 0, while the gain error is the maximum value of the offset error divided by V in maximum (10 V). OliO' :~:QUENC;O:. In\ \:J 10° ~Ol I I /I ~ I iV I I I 00\0_ 105 "'" d FREQUENCY Hz 1. Plots of a sin'gle pole transfer function (a) and of the gain·error (b) are shown with a i·MHz cutoff frequency, • A change in the gain during the sample mode as a function of frequency. • A nonzero hold step as a function of fre· quency (hold-step error). • A shift in the effective beginning of the hold· step as a function of Vout , dVoutldt, or frequency (aperture·shift error). The aperture-shift error can be caused by a slowly opening switch or by a pole at the unity-gain -3 dB point (fco) of the unity-gain sample amplifier. The error advances the effective time of the switch opening to a time prior to its actually reaching open circuit. For applications of simultaneous sample-andhold circuits both the fco's and the switch opening times, must be matched. Looking at the dynamic errors Normally, one sample-and-hold circuit is used for each a d converter with any multiplexing between input channels done previously. However, for a large number of channels this leads to errors due to the different conversion times of the various channels. In a simultaneous sampleand-hold configuration, a number of input analog channels are strobed at' a precise time and the held voltages are sequentially converted to digital form. The transfer function during sample Gain in the sample stage can be represented bv a linear transfer function-at least for amplit~des small enough that the amplifier slew-rate doesn't affect the results. Thus, a simple low-pass function with a pole at f co, say 1 MHz, can be represented by the following: At this point the most basic test that can be performed is to simultaneously apply the same voltage waveform to all inputs. Now, if we look at the output for each channel, the digital words representing each voltage should be identical. If the system fails this basic test, the user must search the specification sheets and the circuits themselves for the error sources. The three major sources of dynamic errors can be traced to the following: 1 --.-f 1 + J 106 The graph of this typical low-pass filter is shown in Fig. la. It has unity-gain transmission and a 232 width of 1 MHz, an input of 10 V at a frequency of 1 kHz results in an error of 0.001 or 10 mY. By now finding the response of the circuit to a ramp of K V Isec, we can try to match transfer functions of all the channels of the sample-andhold stages. The gain-error transfer function is put into the s domain using LaPlace transforms and becomes I-MHz -3 dB point. Usually, though, it proves more useful to plot small deviations from unity gain as shown in Fig. lb. The formula used for this gain-error plot is . Gain error = _V-",~ - 1 = V"' f -J1O" ~-.-f- + J 10' While not usually seen in this form, this type of frequency-response plot is quite valid. From the equation we see, for example, that a circuit band- Gain error = s + ._ 27T X 10" The ramp is also transformed, and becomes K/s'. The sample·and·hold: What is it and where is it used? A sample-and-hold (S/H) circllit holds or "freezes" a changing analog input signal voltage. lTslially. the ,'oltage thll~ frozen is then con\'erted into another form. either by a voltage-controlled o~cillator. an analog-ta-digital (aid) converter or some other device. The simplified block diagram of a lossipss (ideal) S/H circuit is shown in Fig. I. Here the amplifiers are assumed to be ideal-with infinite input impedances and bandwidths, zero output impedances and unity gain::.. The electronic switch is also considered ideal~with infinite speed, zero impedance in thE" sample position and infinite impedance in the hold position. Also, the sampling capacitor, r. is assumed to have no leakage or dielectric ahsorption. D('pending upon cost, tht' ust'r has three basic methods to choosl:' from when setting up a multiple-signal data-acquisition system. The most basic but also thl' most llXPl'tlsiYl' schl'me is the one shown in Fisc 2a. This circuit u.c;es an individual S/H and aid convrrter for each sensor line. Fig. 2b is a low cost alternatiw' in which all the sensor lines are first multiplexed and then fed into a single Sill and aid com·erter. Another method. fallin, between those of Figs. 2a and 2b in cost and performance.' is shown in Fig. Zc. Here, the sensor signals ar(' first sampled and then multiplexed and sent to a single aid converter. If the S/H circuits were ideal. the only significant errors wouId OCClIr in the multiplexer or the aid converters. In a real world situation. of course, the S/H circuits introduce some serious errors into the con\'ersion circuit. The circuits of Figs. 2a and 2c require actditional qualities from the S/H circuits that are not needed for the system of Fig. 2b. Precise matching of the aperture delays and bandwidths is required. SENSOR LINES BUFFER "P' >---+-0 VOUT NON-1NVERTING SAMPLE MD HO_D 2 n-LiNES MULTIPLExER n 1m-LINES TOTAL 2 a 233 b DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK TIME IDEAL 1' I , 1 , , HOLD STEP , 1 1 1 APERTURE SHIFT , 1 1 I :-ACTtJAl. EF;-:'E~TIVE~ SAMPLE ~HOLO 1 ,I I I SAMPLE--:-'- -....- HOLD TIME 4. If you use a different scope input, the effective point of hold initiation can be found by extrapolating back to the zero point. 2. Dynamic errors caused by the hold step and the aperture shift are hard to distinguish. c(f\.---;v z > I I I SAMPLE -r--- HOl::) ,, , TIME EFFECTIVE --+t I I j4-ACTUAL SAMPLE-L,_-...... , - 3. By extrapolating the two straight·line segments to meet each other, you can find the effective time at which the hold period starts. 5. The effective start time for hold is not affected by the slope of the input ramp--for a first·order analysis. The hold-step error appears as a sudden change in the sample capacitor voltage at the time of hold. If such an error exists only for a fast ramp input, a probable cause is dielectric absorption in the capacitor. The aperture shift is a variation, in either direction, of the point in time at which hold occurs. It is also known as aperture uncertainty. As a function of input rate it is somewhat difficult to measure. To measure aperture uncertainty, use an oscilloscope with a sampling amplifier or with a sensitive, wideband input having good recovery. Then observe the sample-and-hold output for an input slope of 0.5 or 1 V / /Ls. The reSulting straight lines can then be extrapolated to a point where they meet, and the effective hold instant can be fflund. as shown in Fig. 3. A change of this point with the input waveform, or randomly, is called aperture jitter. A similar type of measurement uses a scope's differential input. All static and dynamic errors, including linear ones, due to the transfer function can be measured by observing Vo ", - V,,, as shown in Fig. 4. The slope during the hold period can be extrapolated back to zero to find the effec- Taking the inverse transform of the product we get K 27T X 10" [1 + e-(2'I" x 10') HOLD t] as the output error for a ramp input. The two terms in the result represent a gain error. This error is due to the ramp as a constant K/27Tf,,, and a delay of 1l21Tf,.". seconds. The delay in the output can be considered as an advance in the transition time of sample-to-hold statesbut this is not usually done. The inverse transfer function can always be applied after the data has been digitized. However. for multichannel simultaneous sample-and-hold applications it is unnecessarily complicated to keep track of, say. 32 different transfer functions. The solution to this problem is to match all the transfer functions so that the units will deliver identical outputs for the same input waveform. Other error sources exist Examination of the output voltage near the time of the sample-to-hold transition shows the errors caused by both a hold step and an aperture shift (Fig. 2). 234 ~. "II-------ll.------~n--.-E-- , / K(I-llel TIME ~~!~;:cr I---~~~W---~,f_---~--~TI~ ..=E~~ T I --L..&.-- T 2 _ _, , ," EFFECTIVE TIME ,, aF HOLD ,, ,.....-- T 3----t T3 6. A typical analog switch introduces a delay in the sample·to·hold transition. 0>---+---"1':''''___2::"a ~"'---I~--OO ,. 0 0 , .=1 - - I IN + 5/H CONTROL o A,: : . ~ • IC... 1 - . , - - - - 5/H OUT A2 H '" 100 pF Fig 2-ln this open-loop-follower S/H, determine sampling output settling time and output acquisition time. (See questions 2 and 3) sampling switch equals 1000 and that the hold capacitor has a value of 100 pF, determine, to a first approximation, both the sampling output settling time to 0.1% for a 10V step input and the output acquisition time to 0.1% for a continuous 10V p-p 20 Hz sine wave on the input. a. 870 nsec, 470 nsec b. 470 nsec, 870 nsec c. 570 nsec, 406 nsec d. 405 nsec, 337 nsec. 3. Suppose that the sample/hold circuit of Fig 2 is an IC type in which you connect the hold capacitor externally. With C Il =100 pF, the manufacturer specs the following: sampleto-hold offset error of 100 mV and hold-mode voltage droop of 250 mY/sec. A. If you change C H to 2000 pF, what new values do the sample-to-hold offset error and hold-mode voltage droop assume? a. 2V, 12.5 mY/sec b. 100 mY, 12.5 mY/sec c.5 mY, 5V/sec d. 5 mY, 12.5 mY/sec. B. Find the input acquisition time to 0.1% FS for a 10V step input with C,,=100 pF and C H =2000 pF. a. 570 nsec, 11.47 fLsec b. 406 nsec, 1.46 fLsec c. 570 nsec, 878 fLsec d. 406 nsec, 1.21 fLsec. 4. A sample/hold operates in front of a 12-bit A/D converter that has a 10V FS range and 20-fLsec conversion time. This S/H uses FET switches and has a droop rate of 59.5 mY/sec at 25'C. What maximum operating temperature can you choose so that the A/D sees less than 1/2 LSB change on its input? a. 60'C b.85'C c. 100'C d. 125'C. 5. When working with a track-and-hold circuit with a finite sampling time of 50 nsec in an environment with an operating range of - 55 to +125'C, what type of holding capacitor I---+-- 5tH OUT t---+-- 5tH CONTROL 5tH OUT 0--------' Fig 3-Simultaneous S/H's present special problems of their own. Do you know what they are? (See question 7) gives best performance? a. Ceramic b. Teflon c. Polystyrene d. Polypropylene. 6. Suppose you're designing a system in which the maximum error introduced by the sample/hold must not eKceed 0.01% and you apply a 20V p-p sinusoidal signal to the input. If the only error source consists of a 32-nsec aperture time, what maximum allowable input frequency can you use and remain within error budget? a. 1 kHz b. 2 kHz c. 4 kHz d. 7.5 kHz. 7. Fig 3 shows a simultaneous sample/hold circuit. If you sample a 20V p-p sinusoidal signal with a frequency of 30 kHz, a 10-nsec aperture uncertainty in the S/H causes errors of near what percentage fu II-scale range between units? a.1% b. 0.05% c. 0.09% d.0.009%. 8. The sample/hold circuit of Fig 4 consists of a closed-loop type with an operationalamplifier integrator in the feedback path of 237 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK a. Fair accuracy, last acquisition time, high droop rate b. Extremely good accuracy, last acquisition time, high droop rate c. Extremely good accuracy, slow acquisition time, low droop rate d. Fair accuracy, slow acquisition time, low droop rate. o 10. S!H CONTROL Fig 4-By examining this closed~loop S/H with opwamp feedback, can you describe its general operating characteris- tics? (See questions 8 and 9) A samplefhold with unity gain has specilied accuracy of 12 bits (ie, gain error in sampling mode=O.Ol% of' reading). In sampling mode this simple SfH exhibits a single-pole transfer function and a 20V pop -3 dB bandwidth of 500 kHz. If you want to sample a 20V pop sine wave to 12-bit accuracy, what approximate maximum frequency can you input and still maintain that accuracy? the input buffer amplifier. \Vhat fe:atiofiship 9. exists between (I) the output settling time and (II) the input acquisition time (dependent on C H ) lor a 10V step input? a.I<11 b.I=11 c. I> II d. Insullicient data. Reier again to the closed-loop integrating SfH conliguration 01 Fig 4. What best describes the general charact'eristics 01 this type 01 b. 100 Hz c. 7.1 kHz 11. circuit? d. 14.14 kHz. Here's a quickie question to complete the quiz: Of the four SfH specs listed below, what is (are) the most commonly omitted parameter(s) on manufacturers' data sheets? a. Sample-to-hold ollset error b. Hold-mode settling time c. Output noise, hold mode d. Output ollset voltage drift. JM GM 238 Presentin p the answers to our qUIz on sample/holds Confused? If not, you're an industry expert. Take this opportunity to learn some important facts about these deceivingly complicated devices. a spike; however, the closed-loop transconductance integrator of Fig 1d won't exhibit large hold-to-sample spikes. 2. The sampling output settling time (ie, keeping the unit in sample mode and observing the output for a 10V step input) depends on the signal going through three separate single-pole stages: the input buffer, the RC network composed of ON switch resistance and hold capacitor, and the output follower. On the other hand, when coming out of a hold state back into sample mode, the acquisition time required for the output to track the slow (20 Hz) sine wave diminishes because the input buffer already tracks the sine wave on its output. You can use the square root of the sum of squares formula as a first approximation for calculating the settling time of such cascaded single-pole circuits. The RC time constant of the switch-and-hold capacitor equals 10 nsec, and its settling time takes seven time constants-70 nsec-to reach 0.1% of its final value. Thus, sampling output settling time is ANSWERS 1. a, d 2. c 3A. d 3B. b 4. d 5. b 6. a 7. C 8. b 9. c 10. c 11. b, c This quiz should have given your knowledge of 5tH's a real workout. In fact, it should have been difficult-you learn much more from tough exams. Here's how to score yourself (count lA and l8 separately): 11-12 9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2 Send your resume to the authors Take over your design department Collect one "attaboy!" Average Read up before doing any S/H designs Don't let your boss see this. Now for a more detailed discussion of the answers. 1. Generally, a and d work best. Although all sample/hold circuits contribute slight errors, open-loop-follower types don't exhibit large hold-to-sample transients (spikes) that generally occur on closed-loop types. And although spiking might not matter for large changes, it becomes extremely important in D/A deglitcher applications where you sequentially increase D/A digital inputs to generate an analog ramp. In this application, the sample/hold samples only 1-LSB changes from input to output, and even in this case the closed-loop types of band c generate large hold-to-sample spikes (as high as 7V), possibly worse than the D/A glitches that the S/H tries to eliminate. Because it keeps its loop open during hold, a closed-loop circuit must entirely reacquire the input in sample mode, even with unchanged inputs. Usually this process results in v'400' + 70' + 400' = 570 nsec, and the output acquisition time is v'70' + 400' = 406 nseC. lA. With C H=2000 pF, the sample-to-hold offset error=5 mV and the droop rate=12.5 mY/sec, because both specs vary inversely with CH. Droop dV/dt equals itCH where i represents the current leakage through the hold capacitor (the sum of output-amplifier bias current and switch leakage current). The sample-to-hold offset error consists of the step error that occurs at the initialization of the hold mode generated by dumping charge into the hold capacitor. Because droop dV/dt= itCH 239 DATA ACQUISITION 8. CONVERSION HANDBOOK and sample/hold offset error=Q/C, if you increase CH.by a factor of 20, both droop and offset decrease by 20. 3B. This question is slightly deceptive. The true definition of input acquisition time is the time necessary, in sample mode, for the hold capacitor to acquire a step voltage. If C H=100 pF as in the initial problem circuit, the time constant RC=10 nsec and 7RC=70 nsec. The input amplifier settles in 400 nsec, and, as before, input acquisition time is v' 400' + 70' = 406 nsec. For CH=2000 pF, 7RC=1400 nsec, and acquisition time is '\/400 2 + 14002 = CAPACITOR BREAKDOWN CHARACTERISTICS TYPE TEMPERATURE RANGE DIELECTRIC ABSORPTION CERAMIC POLYSTYRENE POLYPROPYLENE UNACCEPTABLE TO 85~C TO 100°C TEFLON TO 12SoC The maximum allowable signal change on the input of the A/D is 4. 10V) = 1.22 mV, (0.5) ( 2i2 E=(~~)T Wheie [~voltage enOf or change, dVidt=signai slew rate and T=aperture time. During time T, the maximum allowable change on the input of the sample/hold equals (0.010/0X20V)=2 mV. Also note that for sinusoidal waveforms, the maximum slew rate occurs at zero crossings. Any sinusoidal input signal follows the form Vin = Vsin(21Tit), and maximum allowable slew rate equals 1.22 mV = 61VI 20 p.sec sec. This value also represents the maximum allowable droop rate for the sample/hold. Because the S/H uses FET switches, the droop rate doubles every '10 0 e. Taking this into consideration, apply the following formula: and in this case E=10V for a 20V p-p signal. Taking the first derivative, which represents slew rate, find dV dt = = 59.5 mV x 2' ATII.·C) sec And because llT=100°C,Tmax=125°e. 5. A major error source in sample/holds with finite sample time periods comes from the storage capacitor's dielectric-absorption characteristic. Teflon exhibits the lowest dielectricabsorption property at 125°C and thus makes the best choice. This characteristic, also called dielec~ tric hysteresis, determines the length of time a capacitor requires to discharge; a high dielectric-absorption value means that the capacitor won't react to sudden step changes in storage charge and also that high temperatures can cause extremely high sampling errors. The nearby table lists breakdown characteristics of commonly used capacitor types. 6. A sample/hold aniplifier, actually a form of analog memory, ideally stores (in hold mode) an (21T/)V cos(21Tft). Then you know that zero crossings occur at DRmax = DR. •• c x 2' >TII.·C) 61 V/sec 0.01% instantaneous voltage (sample value) at a desired instant in time. The constraint on this time is aperture uncertainty. To compute the error (for sinusoidal waveforms), you must observe the following formula: input 1 .16 ;,Lsec. 0.01·0.02% 0.01-0.02% 0.03-0.09% t = 2fn (n = 1, 2, 3 ... ). Thus, dV = (21TiV)dt. To find the maximum allowable input frequency, use this equation and solve for f: 2mV = 21Ti(10V)(32 nsec) f = 0.995 kHz. Find the answer in the same manner as in the previous question, but here the key lies in knowing how to use the 10-nsec value in relation to this circuit. You know that 7. E=(~~)T 240 where ~~ Generally, the p-p output noise in hold mode runs well below the specified linearity of the particular sample/hold, and its omission usually causes few problems. But this noise could cause slight linearity problems if you input its signal into an AID. A more important missing sample/hold specification, hold-mode settling time, is defined as the time for the output to settle to the sample/hold accuracy after being given the logic command to switch into hold mode. This holdmode settling time could cause annoyances in D/A deglitcher (display) applications, but bigger headaches can result if you use the sample/hold with an A/D converter. Here, if you begin the conversion process (A/D clocking) before the sample-to-hold transient has settled to the L5B level, you run the risk of getting bad codes, especially noticeable at the half-scale level for successive-approximation-type A/D's and at lower voltages for counter-comparator types. The hold-mode settling time can run as high as 1 ILsec for the slower closed-loop-type 5/H's, while it usually runs only tens of nanoseconds for highspeed 5/H's. = (27r)(30 x 103 )(10) = 1.8 x 10'V/sec. But because T=10x10" sec, E=18 mY; converting the value, you find that Error = 1.8 mV 20\1 = 0.9 X 10-3 = 0.09% FS range. Aperture uncertainty is the variance of the aperture time, the uncertainty in the time interval. This parameter varies from unit to unit and typically ranges from 0.5 to 10 nsec. In this question, you see that aperture uncertainty becomes very important to consider in simultaneous 5/H applications. This approach gives you a better grasp of worst-case errors. To conclude, aperture time· is an important parameter to consider when sampling one channel with a fast-changing signal, and aperture uncertainty becomes important when performing simultaneous sample-holds. 8. 5.ettling time and acquisition time tend to assume the same value because the output as well as the input controls the charge on the hold capacitor for closed-loop circuits. 9. Extremely good accuracy, slow acquisition time and low droop rate best describe the characteristics of closed loop integrating-type 5/H circuits. High tracking accuracy results from a configuration that acts like one amplifier during the sampling time. Also, because an integrator is used, the sample/hold switch operates at ground potential, eliminating leakage problems through the feedback hold capacitor and thus reducing the droop rate i/C. 10. A single-pole transfer function with gain=1 and a -3 dB BW=500 kHz has the input/output relationship V(out) V(jn) = +.(J 5 X f JM ) 10' To maintain 12-bit (0.01%) accuracy, V(out)/ V(in), or gain, should not degrade more than (1-0.01%) =0.9999. Thus, 1 + ;(5 xf 10') ,;; 0.9999, or f, the maximum sampling frequency, should not exceed 7071.6 Hz. 11. Data sheets will most likely omit band c. 241 GM 242 5. High Speed Operational Amplifiers 243 244 High-speed op ampsthey're in a class by themselves The same special characteristics that make fast op amps useful in difficult applications can also create problems for unwary designers. Fast operational amplifiers are not like other op amps. In addition to good dc characteristics such as high open-loop dc gain, low bias currents and low input offset drift, fast op amps have specially designed ac characteristics that come into play at high frequencies. Proper application of these amplifiers involves the selection of gainbandwidth product, slew rate, settling time and output current. In addition, you must pay particular attention to many small circuit details like power-supply bypassing, proper routing of grounds, short lead lengths and minimization of stray capacitance. Poor design practice invariably produces an oscillator instead of a high-speed amplifier. You can't ignore op-amp characteristics Operational amplifiers offer designers one fundamental attraction: The characteristics of the closed-loop feedback circuit are determined almost exclusively by external circuit elements rather than by the op amp itself. Precise control of gain, offset, linearity, temperature stability, etc., in amplifier design itself thus reduces the user's task to the proper selection of the passive circuit components used around the op amp. Unfortunately, this simple relationship in general doesn't hold true for high-speed op amps: They're more difficult to handle than their low-frequency counterparts, and a detailed knowledge of their characteristics becomes essential: Open-loop gain and IMndwidth-Refer to Fig. t's gain-frequency (Bode) plot. The open-loop 1M+--_~ lOOk _10k ~ ~ Z 1k ~ 100 10 10 00 lk 10k 100k 1M FREQUENCY (Hz) BREAK DUE TO HIGH FREQUENCY POLE Fig. 1-Well desillned hillh-speed op amps have a smooth 20 dB/decade roll-off. Additional amplifier poles should not occur until well beyond fT' gain must be very high in a fast operational amplifier to reduce errors at the device's summing junction. Open-loop gain typically runs between 10' and 10" V/V in a good quality, high-speed op amp. As illustrated, the gain is flat from dc out to a corner frequency (100 Hz in this case); then it decreases with increasing frequency. For well-designed amplifiers, gain decreases at a fixed rate of 20 dB/decade of frequency, a roll-off rate that assures stable closed-loop operation and also produces the best settling-time 245 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK performance. The gain-frequency plot crosses the gain-ofone axis at unity gain frequency, fT' This frequency should be as large as possible for a wide-bandwidth amplifier; 100 MHz is common. Along the 20 dB/decade slope of the gain roll-off, the product of gain and frequency remains constant and equal to h. Therefore, the value of fT is frequently referred to as the gain-bandwidth product of the amplifier. Smooth roll-off is generally maintained out beyond fT for most fast amplifiers. Another op-amp pole usually occurs at a higher frequency as a result of a non ideal amplifier circuit, but if this frequency is considerably greater than the circuit's closed-loop bandwidth, the extraneous pole will have very little effect on high-frequency performance. OVERSHOOT Fig. 2-Slewing time must be induded in Slew rate-The ability of a high-speed op amp to reproduce fast, large signal outputs depends primarily on its specified slew rate, the maximum rate at which the output can change, expressed in V/(J-sec. When the output must respond to a step-input change, slew-rate limitation causes a longer large-signal settling time than you might expect from the bandwidth characteristics alone. Slew rates of modern high-speed op amps equal or exceed 1000 V/(J-sec. Settling time-In servo theory this term specifies the maximum time required to achieve an accuracy of 5% or so after a step input is applied to the servo. With regard to op amps, it refers to the time required for much greater accuracies, typically 0.1% to 0.01% of F.S., and is best defined as follows: "Settling time is the elapsed time from the application of a step input to an amplifier to the instant when the output has entered into and remained within a specified error band around its final value." Note that settling time must be specified with both the error band and the magnitude of the step change given. Almost all cases specify a F.S. output change of 10V. Fig. 2 illustrates a typical settling response for a high-speed op amp. Usually the amplifier's output first goes into slew-rate limit, overshoots its final value, then enters the specified error band and remains there until it reaches the final steady-state level. (One word of caution: Measure settling time from t=O, the instant that the input step was applied. Some manufacturers play "specmanship" games and fail to include the amplifier slewing time in their measurements.) You can't predict amplifier settling time from bandwidth and slew-rate specifications alone: It's a measured, as well as designed-in, parameter. You can usually tell an op am p specifically designed for fast settling time from one that's not: The former's settling-time spec will be fairly predictable from bandwidth and slew-rate considerations; the latter's won't. Today's fast op amps ARE fast Modular op amps introduced in the late 1960's featured settling times as low as 1 fJ.sec to 0.01%, and they quickly became popular in 12-bit data-acquisition systems. Early in the 1970's, ultrafast modules became available, boasting even faster settling times, 100 MHz gain-bandwidth products and 1000 V/fJ.sec slew rates. More recently, hybrid units have achieved such performance levels, as shown below. BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF A TYPICAL HIGH· SPEED OP AMP (AM-500) DC OPEN·LOOP GAIN ......... 106 V/V GAIN-BANDWIDTH PRODUCT .... 130 MHz SLEW RATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 V/I1SEC FULL POWER FREQUENCY (20V pop) . . . • . . . . . . . . • . 16 MHz SETTLING TIME. 10V TO 1% .... 70 nSEC SETTLING TIME. 10V TO 0.1 % ... 100 nSEC SETTLING TIME. 10V TO 0.01% .. 200 nSEC INPUT OFFSET DRIFT .•....... llJVtC OUTPUT VOLTAGE settling~time measurements. . .........• ±10V OUTPUT CURRENT ........•.. ±50 rnA 246 2R v,.o---_--.....--f'o.. (10Vp-p AT 10MHzJ .... >~ V,.o---'IW~"""----l 4.92V'l. OVOUT (20V p-pAT 10MHz) fig. 3-The summing junction is NOT a virtual ground in high speed op·amp applications. Thus the amplifier must be fig. 4-Slaying within an amplifier's lOR avoids slew-rate limitation problems and produces a smooth output response. designed with a large input dynamic range (lOR), or distortion, limiting or clipping will result. step appears at the summing junction divided by a factor of two by the two equal-value resistors.) To further appreciate the significance of input dynamic range, you must understand that within this input range the op amp's output rate of change is in direct proportion 10 the input voltage. Therefore, the output can make a large voltage transition in the time required to make a small voltage transition. Fig. 5 illustrates three Low output impedance and high output current-High-speed operational amplifiers almost always are designed to give low output impedance and relatively high output current. low output impedance proves critical to stability for driving capacitive loads, while high output current (20 to 100 mAl is required for both driving capacitive loads at high speed (I=Cdv/dt) and for driving relatively low-value feedback and load resistors. (Good high-frequency design practice keeps all impedances as low as possible to cut phase shifts from parasitic capacitances.) Why is input dynamic range importanlf Fig. 3 shows a simple, high speed op-amp circuit with an inverting gain of 2 to illustrate an important device characteristic. The signal input is a 10V pop sine wave at 10 MHz; the output, an inverted 20V pop sinusoid. If we assume that the amplifier has the Bode plot shown in Fig. 1, then its open-loop gain at 10 MHz is 10. So for a 20V pop output, the voltage at the op amp's summing junction must be 2V pop. This is a rather large signal; in fact, most general-purpose op amps couldn't handle such a high level without distorting, limiting and/or clipping. Therefore, highspeed op amps must possess a large input dynamic range; i.e., significant peak-to-peak voltages applied directly across the device'S input terminals must not cause the output to slew-rate limit or distort. Calculation of a high-speed op amp's input dynamic range is straightforward (see box at right). Knowing the input dynamic range of an operational amplifier can help you determine how to best utilize the device while carefully avoiding slew-rate limitation problems. For instance, Fig. 4 shows an op amp connected as a unity-gain inverter. If we assume that this device has an input dynamic range of ±1.23V (as calculated in the box), then the circuit can reproduce a 4.92V input step as a -4.92V output step without slew-rate limiting. (Observe that the 4.92V input lOR is a function of SR and GB The input dynamic range (lOR) of a highspeed op amp is related to the unit's slew rate (or full-power frequency) and its gainbandwidth product. To compute lOR, assume that the output is at its full power frequency and amplitude (i.e., it's producing the largest and fastest output possible without distortion), then calculate the open-loop gain at this frequency, and finally plug these values in the following formula: IDR= (V•• x FPF)/GB where Vpp=peak-Io-peak full-power voltage, FPF=full-power frequency and GB=gain-bandwidth product. If the full-power frequency is not known, you can use an alternate equation: IDR= V•• xSR/(201rGB) where SR=slew rate. EXAMPLE What is the input dynamic range of the amplifier described in the previous box (the AM-SOO)? IDR=(20X16 MHz)/130 MHz = 2.46V pop (or ±1.23Vl. Thus,withinan input range of ±1.23V, the op amp won't go into slew-rate limitation. ._---_._-_..._------------' 247 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK SLEW RATE LIMITING gain-bandwidth product and its noise gain in the application. "Noise gain" is defined as the gain of the closed-loop amplifier to voltage noise or to any other signal inserted in series with one of the amplifier inputs (Fig. 7). .R v,. VOLTAGE NOISE OR OTHER VOLTAGE SOURCE TIME Fig. 5-Rise times for pulses of varying heights remain constant as long as you observe lOR limits. values of output steps for a fast op amp. Output steps 1 and 2 have identical rise times; since they lie within the IDR, they aren't slew-rate limited. Because Output 3 is generated outside the IDR, however, slew-rate limiting occurs, and the output takes considerably longer to reach its final value. Further, the waveform exhibits some overshoot, a common problem under slew-rate limit conditions. It's no trivial task to design an op-amp input circuit that has good dc characteristics, plus good input dynamic range, plus the response needed to avoid slew-rate limiting. One approach combines the low-drift characteristics of a bipolar input op amp with the excellent IDR of an FET in a fast-feedforward design (Fig. 6). This circuit produces very wide bandwidth, high slew rate and fast settling time. It also provides extremely high open-loop gain and very low input offsetvoltage drift (typically 1 /J.V/"C). .R NOISE GAIN = 1 +Fr'= 1 + a Fig. 7-Noise gain and signal gain differ. In an inverting circuit the noise gain equals the Signal gain plus one. The noise gain drawn on the Bode plot of an op amp determines the -3 dB closed-loop bandwidth. In Fig. 8, for example, closed-loop gain equals 99, giving a noise gain of (1 +a) or 100. When plotted on the diagram, this noise gain gives a closed-loop 3 dB bandwidth of 1 MHz for the 100 MHz gain-bandwidth amplifier illustrated. (Note that for the common unity-gain inverting amplifier, the noise gain is 2; therefore the closed-loop bandwidth of such a circuit built with a 100 MHz op amp would equal 50 MHz, not 100 MHz.) A single pole simplifies response calculations ••• If an op amp has a true single-pole response (as many do), you can calculate its step response for the closed-loop circuit by the expression: EOl..,.=aE" (l-e -hf.,./(Ha» and the output error is then E = e -2ntrl(1+a) -'N 99R l M t - - -........ lOOk "N 10k z ~ lk 100 Fig. &-Fast...feedforward amplifier design combines a lowdrift,. bipolar Ie op amp with an FET feedforward stage to produce excellent de and ac characteristics. 10 , 1~--~~---+---r--~--~--~~---- 10 10n lk 10k tOOk 1M 10M 100M Your choice should start with bandwidth When you select a high-speed operational amplifier, first determine your application's bandwidth requirement. The minimum closed-loop bandwidth is a function of both the op amp's FREaUENCV (Hz) Fig. 8-1f the op amp exhibits a single-pole response, you can compute its settling time from frequency and noise-gain data. This approach works best at high noise gains. 248 35 r _____ -I~:l:.F.?~~E~~~~I~~~PACITOR 30 ,I aR I v,. ,. o.OOl~ O.QI)45" 10 l' 0.D0081% 12 Fig. 10-Three sources of extraneous poles appear in this diagram: input capacitance, load capacitance and the op amp itself. C z compensates for output ringing and is best chosen via experiments with the actual circuit components and Fig. 9-0utput error decreases predictably as a function of the number of time constants when the opMamp circuit exhibits a singJeMpoJe response. layout. From the latter equation you can readily compute the settling time to various accuracies. For greatest convenience, perform this computation in terms of the time constant T = (a+1)/2"11"f,., where a is the closed-loop gain. The amplifier configuration of Fig. 8, for instance, has a time constant (T) of 159 nsee. Fig. 9 shows the number of time constants necessary to reach a given error, assuming a single-pole response. Thus, the amplifier configuration of Fig. 8 would take nine time constants or 1.44 f.Lsec to settle to 0.01 % . If the same amplifier (GB=100 MHz) were connected as a unity-gain inverter, its closed-loop bandwidth would equal 50 MHz, giving T =3.2 nsec and a settling time to 0.01% of 28.8 nsee. Using the ideal single-pole response with no slew-rate limiting to determine settling is a valid approach. At worst it gives a first approximation of the settling time, and this approximation gets closer at high noise gains. Given an op amp designed and specified for fast settling, you can obtain an even closer approximation by adding to the computed settling time that estimated extra time required to slew to the final voltage. ... but multiple poles often occur In some cases the op-amp circuit is not really a single-pole system. Fig. 10 shows three typical situations that add a second pole to the circuit. C, represents the input capacitance of the amplifier plus any stray capacitance from the summing junction to ground, as well as (where applicable) the output capacitance of the device driving the op amp. C, combines with resistances Rand aR to produce a pole located at -aRC,/(a+1) on the real axis of the s-plane. The finite output resistance of the amplifier, Ro, and load resistance RL com- 249 bined with output capacitance CL can add another pole located at -RoRI.CL/(Ro+Rd. And the op amp itself can add a third extraneous pole if it has an extraneous high-frequency pole in its response as noted. In general, one of these "extra" poles will be dominant; i.e., closer in frequency to the amplifier's unity-gain frequency than the others. This dominant pole, of course, converts our firstorder system into a second-order one and brings up the pOSSibility of complex conjugate poles that produce ringing. When ringing occurs, the amplifier must be compensated by a feedback capacitor (Fig. 10). You can determine experimentally the optimum value for this compensation capacitor by observing the step response and adjusting a trimmer to eliminate the ringing. Normally you want a damping ratio of one, but in some applications you may actually prefer a small amount of overshoot. Calculations reveal that if the frequency of the second pole is at least 4x the op amp's closedloop bandwidth, the damping ratio will equal or exceed one, and overshoot won't occur. Since often you can quickly approximate the frequency of the extraneous pole, you can use this relationship to predict ringing in the circuit. In the common situation where input capacitance C, causes the second pole, a good starting value for compensation capacitor C, is C,=C,/a. Increase C, as necessary above this value to achieve a damping ratio of one. (The other two possible extraneous poles, even when they don't dominate, may still add some phase lag to the amplifier. This possibility explains the somewhat higher value of C, often needed to give the required compensation.) DATA ACQUISITION 81 CONVERSION HANDBOOK Success is just a design tip away We conclude our discussion by offering six brief, but important, hints on applying highspeed op amps: • • • • • Keep all component leads as short as possible, particularly at the summing junction. Also, diligently strive to keep stray capacitance at the summing junction to an absolute minimum. Separate signal grounds from power grounds, connecting them only at one common physical point. If you must locate the source or load some distance from the op amp, use properly terminated coaxial cable for best response. If you mount the op amp on a pc board, incorporate a ground piane into the board's design for best performance. Make the input and feedback resistors as small as possible consistent with inputsource drive capability and amplifier-output drive capability. A value in the range of 500 to lO00n is commonly used for the input resistor. Use good power-supply bypass capacitors and connect them right at the amplifier power-supply pins. We recommend tantalum capacitors in parallel with ceramics. GZ JK 250 Using The ICH8500 Ultra Low Bias Current Op Amp The Pico Ammeter A very sensitive pico ammeter can be constructed with the ICH8500. The basic circuit (illustrated in Figure 1) employs the amplifier in the inverting or current summing mode. circuit is approximately the product of the feedback capacitance Cfb times the feedback resistor Rfb. For instance, the time constant of the circuit in Figure 1 is 1 sec if Cfb = 1 pF. Thus, it takes approximately 5 sec (5 time constants) for the circuit to stabilize to within 1% of its final output voltage after a step function of input current has been applied. Cfb of less than 0.2 to 0.3 pF can be achieved with proper circuit layout. A practical pico ammeter circuit is illustrated in Fig.ure 2. Care must be taken to eliminate any stray currents from flowing into the current summing node. This can be accomplished by forcing all points surrounding the input to the same potential as the input. I n this case the potential of the input is at virtual ground, or OV, therefore, the case of the device is grounded to intercept any stray leakage currents that may otherwise exist between the ±15V input terminals and the inverting input summing junctions. Feedback capacitance' should be kept to a minimum in order to maximize the response time of the circuit to step function input currents. The time constant of the The internal diodes CR1 and CR2 together with external resistor R1 protect the input stage of the amplifier from voltage transients. The two diodes contribute no error currents, since under normal operating conditions there is no voltage across them. 'Feedback capacitance is the capacitance between the output and the inverting input terminal of the amplifier. Cfb Rfb=1012 n ......o::---------<~-- OUTPUT CURRENT SOURCE Vo '" -liN Afb "-1 VOL TJpA CURRENT/ SUMMING NODE Figure 1. Basic Pica Ammeter Circuit +15V R, INPUT -- 1M!) r--- ----"Y......- - - - -.....- -.......>-----! .....~---__- - - -......- - - - O U T P U T Vo '" -liN I," It 1012n =-1 VOlT/pA CRl CR' INTERNAL DIODES 2Ck!l -15V Figure 2. Pica Ammeter Circuit 251 Sample and Hold Circuit (Figure 3) The basic principle of this circuit is to rapidly charge a capacitor CSTO to a voltage equal to an input signal. The input signal is then electrically disconnected from the capacitor with the charge still remaining on CSTO. Since CSTO is in the negative feedback loop of the operational amplifier, the output voltage of the amplifier is equal to the voltage across the capacitor. Ideally, the voltage across CSTO will remain constant, thus the output of the amplifier will also be constant, however, the voltage across CSTO will decay at a rate proportional to the current being injected or taken out of the current summing node of the amplifier. This current can come from four sources: leakage resistance of CSTO, leakage current due to the solid state switch SW2, currents"due to high resistance paths on the circuit fixture, and most important, bias current of ttie operational amplifier. If the ICH8500A operational amplifier is employed, this bias current is almost non-existent «0.01 pAl. The voltage on the source, drain and gate of switch SW2 being zero or near zero when the circuit is in the hold mode, results in a negligible switch leakage current. Careful construction will eliminate stray resistance paths and capacitor resistance can be eliminated if a quality capacitor is selected. The net result is a quality sample and hold circuit. As an example, suppose the leakage current due to all sources flowing into the current summing node of the sample and hold ci rcuit is 100pA. The rate of change of the voltage across theO.01 p.F storage capacitor is then 10mV/sec. In contrast, if an operational amplifier which exhibited an input bias current of 1 nA were employed, the rate of change of the voltage across CSTO would be 0.1 V/sec. An error build up such as this could not be tolerated in most applications. Wave forms illustrating the operation of the sample and hold circuit are shown in Figure 4. The Gated Integrator The circuit in Figure 3 can double as an integrator. In this application the inpui voiiage is appiied to the integrator input terminal. The time constant of the circuit is the product of R1 and CSTO. Because of the low leakage current associated with the ICH8500 and ICH8500A, very large values of R1 (Up to 1012 ohms) can be employed; this permits the use of small values of integrating capacitor (CSTO) in applications that require long time delays. Waveforms for the integrator circuit are illustrated in Figure 5. R,b CAN BE REDUCED TD 10K IF CIRCUIT IS EMPLOYED AS AN INTEGRATOR R'b 'OOk{l 0.01')6 INPUT TERMINAL IF CIRCUIT AS AN :~i~~~~ig~ CHARGE STORAGE CAPACITOR >--NY-+-----------, VIN",OTO:l:10V Coro / O.01~F SW2 1T1700 INPUT TERMINAL IF CIRCUIT IS EMPLOYED AS A SAMPLE AND HOLD CIRCUIT VIN = OTO ±10V l00kO 0.01% ........:----o---<~- OUTPUT • IT1700 +15V 10pF V2 15kO -15V V, '0"" CNULl;;:' lpF -15V 'Mil -::" V, V'N>---C SAMPLE ITI700 PULSE OR CAPACITOR OISCHARGE PULSE -::" t-----------------' ADJUST CNULl TO ELIMINATE ANY OUTPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE DUE TO CHARGE INJECTION FROMSW2 15kO ":" -t5V Figure 3. Sample and Hold Circuit or Integrator Circuit 252 WAVEFORMS VIN +5: -.J bl "15V---1 V, dl V3 ,I STATE OF SW' bl ~ v, -15V ,I I ----'I II dl 91 hi I V3 I I I, II II II~SED ='--- STATE OF CLO~ II ~OPEN __ i~SED SW' i--CLOSED-j OPEN ~SAMPLE STATE OF SW2 ~I WINDOW INPUT TO +16V - - - - - - - - " " ' \ SOH 0 _______ ....._ _ _ __ OUTPUT I -15V ~-OPEN---,"' OPEN f'L- t15V~1 I--CLOSEO--\ STATE OF SW2 TIME_ V2 -15: ~ t CLOSED ,: SAMPLE PULSE I '15V~1 : I -15V ~ +15V 0-,II. -15V 'SV VIN TlME _ _ 1\ V,·'SV ,I L1_ _S;..A_M_P;..LE_P..;U_L_SE_ g) 0,,= -------- INTEGRATOR CIRCUIT INPUT 0 I~ ~SAMPLE WINDOW _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ -lOY - - - - - - - - - - - - - OP. AMP. +6V - - o Figure 4. Sample and Hold Circuit Waveforms = ______ _ _ L -_ _ _ Figure 5. Gated Integrator Waveforms 253 The ICL8007 A High Performance FET Input Operational Amplifier INTRODUCTION Another feature of the input design which deserves comment is the method of offset adjustment. To minimize the temperature coefficient of the input offset voltage, it is imperative that the current through the two FET's be closely matched. Any attempt to compensate for initial offset by mismatching the FET drain currents will result in excessive temperature drift. The best place to implement the offset nulling is in the PNP stage, provided that 03 and 04 are fed from a low temperature coefficient current source; zeroing the offset will have no detrimental effect on the drift. Input Current The input current of the ICL800? is typically less than 3 pA; it is selected for an input current of 1 pA maximum at 25° C. As with any junction FET input amplifier, this current approximately doubles for every 10°C increase in temperature, as shown in Figure 2. During the last 10 years the Field Effect Transistor has become the accepted device for amplifying low level currents. Until recently, however, high performance FET amplifiers have been available in only relatively expensive module or discrete form. With the introduction of the ICL800?, the first inexpensive high performance FET input OPAMP, Intersil has provided a device for use in those applications previously considered impossible due to cost factors. It is extremely easy to use, is a pin for pin replacement for the popular ?41 (Ref 1), has internal compensation, and is short circuit protected. The ICL800? is available in a hermetic T05 type package and is ideally suited to both military and commercial applications. C)RCUIT DESCRIPTION Input Stage DeSign Figure 1 shows a simplified schematic of the ICL800? Itisa two stage-circuit with a class AB complementary output and internal phase compensation. The input stage consists of two bootstrapped FET source followers driving a lateral PNPemittercoupled pair. By using the FET's in the source follower mode, run to run variations of gm have no influence on the stability. The bootstrap serves a dual purpose: itensures excellent common mode rejection, and also prevents excessive gate currents. The latter problem is frequently seen in FET amplifiers, where at one end of the common mode range the FET sees large drain to source voltages. Summary of Characteristics (Typ. at 25° CI ICL8007M ICL8007C 10 2.0 106 90 ±12 6.0 1.0 20 3.0 106 90 ±12 Input Offset Voltage Input Bias Current Input Resistance Common Mode Rejection Input Voltage Range Slew Rate Unity Gain Bandwidth < S: 6.0 1.0 ICL8007AM a ICL8007AC UNITS 15 mV 0.5 pA 106 Mil 95 dB ±12 V 6.0 VI!'s 1.0 MHz 1 nA !z w ::il00pA i3 5 ~ 10pA 1 pA 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TEMPERATURE ('C) Figure 2: Input Bias Current as a Function of Temperature Figura 1: ICLa007 Simplified Schematic 254 Input Offset Voltage Drift The input offset voltage drift of an FET amplifier is inherently worse than that of a well-designed bipolar circuit The ICL8007M and ICL8007C are guaranteed to have temperature coefficients of less than 75J.1V/oC, while the ICL8007AM and ICL8007AC are specified at 50J.lV/oC maximum. Practically the whole of the manufacturing distribution falls within these limits, and it is straightforward to screen for tighter limits on a custom basis. Noise Performance The total mean square noise of an operational amplifier for a bandwidth j.f = f2 - 1, is given by e2T = J ~(en)2 df + f1 RS2 J ~(jn)2 df + 4kTRs f1 . -_ _ 1/",2..;;OF IT,,1"-20'--_ _ 6 2 kll >"-4-.JV'<./\r-+--QVOUT Figure 4: Basic Log Amplifier Ilf (1) where Rs is the source resistance, en is the input-referred noise voltage generator, and in is the input-referred noise current generator. Typical values for en and in are compared with the 741 in the table below. en (at 10 Hz) 200 nV/\/Hz 25 nV/vHz 8007 741 § 10DO > ..=, w 100 VOUT in (at 10 Hz) < 0.1 pA/VHz 0.7 pA/VHz == BANDWIDTH ~ 10 Hz TO 100 kHz-: Figure 5: Basic Antilog Amplifier It can be seen from equation 4 that each factor of ten change in collector current produces a 60mV change in VBE. For a low leakage silicon transistor such as the IT120, this relationship holds true over a surprisingly wide dynamic range: 10 decades (0.1 pA to 1 mAl is quite common. Ref (3) contains an excellent discussion of the principles and limitations of this type of log amplifier. At the low current end of the range, the accuracy of the circuit in Figure 4 is primarily dependent on the amplifier input current, making the FET input type an obvious choice. At high currents, accuracy is finally limited by base resistance and current crowding effects in the "log" transistor. Figure 6 shows the inputloutputcharacteristics of such an amplifier. In the majority of applications where the logarithm function is used, the antilogarithm is subsequently derived. In such applications, the temperature dependence of equation 3 is usually unimportant, provided the log and antilog transistors are in good thermal contact. A monolithic transistor pair such as the IT120 will ensure the required thermal tracking. However there are occasions when direct readout of a log function is called for, and unless compensated, the temperature dependence of equation 3 becomes a serious limitation. Ref 4 contains a more detailed discussion of this problem, and outlines some temperature compensation techniques. One of these is used in the photo cell amplifier which follows. ~ 1M!ll where in dominates, the FET input is superior to a general purpose bipolar design such as the 741. The input-referred current noise in the ICL8007 is so low that accurate measurement is difficult. For source impedances between 1M!l and 50M!l, the total noise shown in equation 1 is dominated by the third term, the thermal noise of the feedback and source resistors. This is of course independent of the amplifier itself. The total input-referred noise is shown as a function of source resistance in Figure 3. APPLICATIONS 1) Log and Antilog Amplifiers An application which illustrates the advantages of low input current is the log circuit of Figure 4 and its antilog counterpart, Figure 5. These circuits make use of the well known logarithmic relationship between the base-emitter voltage and the collector current in a transistor (equation 2): VBE = (mkT lin!£ q Is )Qn IC2 IC1 Hence /lVBE ={ mkT \ q at 25°C /lVBE = 60 10glO I'C1 mV C2 10- 2 ~ ~~: 4 !z 10- 5 3 1/ TA~25°C / V ~ 10-6 / ~ lO- 7 u 10-8 1/ !:; 10-9 / ~10-1 0 -10-1 10- 1 100 200 300 400 SOD 600 700 8DO OUTPUT VOLTAGE (mV) (2) ;r ... (3) (4) Figure 6: Transfer Characteristic of a Log Amplifier 255 discharge rate is a function of the amplifier input current. Two long time constant peak detectors are shown. Figure a shows a circuit having an input resistance of around 40Mn and provides an output in phase with the input; figure .9 shows an inverting version of the same circuit. Although the input resistance is reduced to 10Kn, there are no common mode errors due to the 741 since it is operating as a virtual ground amplifier. Note that in both cases the initial offset of the ICLa007 is automatically nulled out. The typical output voltage decay rate for either circuit is less than 1mVlmin. 2) Photocell Amplifier Figure 7 shows a light meter which directly displays the log of the light intensity as an Exposure Value.' The silicon cell is operated at zero voltage to minimize leakage errors. Rl and R2 form a temperature sensitive gainblock, thus compensating the kT/q term in equation 3. The output reads EV -3 to EV +18 (@ ASA 100) on a SOOILA meter. 3) Peak Detector Both peak detectors and sample & hold circuits benefit from the use of an FET input amplifier since the capacitor 'Th is is a photographic term. Each unit change of EV corresponds to a factor of two change in light intensity. lSOk!! J.=..!.......o\"",-o+15V SHARP SBC 10k!! 2020 Your R2 TEMP. COMPENSATED lkl! RESISTOR 'TEL LABS TYPE 081 150k!! 1 1 Figure 7: Sensitive Photometer Figure 8: Non-Invertin\! Peak Detector A sample and hold with input multiplexing can also be designed using low cost Intersil analog switches. In Figure 11, one channel of the IHS009 (Ref 6) is used to control the sample and hold, whilethe other 3 channels control the input multiplexing. Output voltage decay rates of about SmV/sec can be achieved with this circuit. 4) Sample & Hold Circuits A straightforward sample & hold circuit using the DG139A analog switch (Ref S) is shown in Figure 10. During the hold mode, the input amplifier is connected in unity gain to avoid output saturation. lOkI! VOUT 5kl! *IA = Your I 10 pA max. @ VR ~ 10V. Figure 9: Inverting Peak Detector Figure 10: Sample and Hold Circuit lOkI! ANALOG INPUTS O.Ol.F POLYSTYRENE lOkI! lOkI! lOkI! 12 - 7 / 8 I.-",...-' SAMPLE/HOLD CHANNEL SELECT SELECT 14 CHARACTERISTICS: TYPICAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE DRIFT <5mV/SEC Figure 11: Sample and Hold With Input Multiplexing 256 5) High Impedance Buffer Figure 12 shows a high impedance follower in which the output of the amplifier is used to drive a shielded cable. This circuit is used by Intersil to measure the performance of MOSFET's at wafer sort. Since the amplifiers are situated some distance from the probe tips, shielded cable is used. The reduction in test speed normally associated with high capacitance coax is eliminated by driving the shield in phase with the input. frequency is substantially less than the 1MHz small signal bandwidth. It can easily be shown that for a sinusoidal waveform described by equation 5 the maximum rate of change of voltage is given by equation 6. v= Vo sin",t (5) ~~ (max) = 2rrfVo (6) If the amplifier siew rate is less than dv/dt (max), distortion will occur. An amplifier with 0.6V1lls slew rate will not handle 20V p-p signals above about 10kHz. The ICL8007 has a typical slew rate of 6V1IlS, thus extending the large signal operating frequency range by a factor of 10 compared with the 741. The undistorted output voltage swing as a function of frequency is shown in Figure 13. Figure 14 illustrates the large signal pulse response characteristics. The Wein Bridge Oscillator of Figure 15 makes use of the high slew rate to provide a 20V peak to peakoutputat40kHz. The amplitude may be controlled by R4; for smaller output swings correspondingly higher frequencies can be obtained. Your V,N o--H----I-"t Figure 12: Buffer with Screen Drive 6) Weln Bridge Oscillator In many oscillator and other large signal applications, the high slew rate of the ICL8007 may be used to advantage. When using general purpose amplifiers, such as the 741, to process signals with amplitudes greater than about 100mV, the slew rate determines the upper operating frequency. This :> ;;4 0 z ~ .... 32 OF Vsupp - ±15V TA = +25°C ~ 8 RL w ~ 10k!! ~~ K24 5 o ~ o ~ .... 16 4 0 Vsupp== ±15V TA"" +2S0C ~ I 11 ll~Ul~~T ~-4 8 1 INPUT -I- JJJ. 0-8 0 lk 10k lOOk 1M FREQUENCY (Hz) o 10M 1 234 5 6 789 TIME (ps) Figure 13: Output Voltage Swing as a Function of Frequency Figure 14: Voltage Follower Large-Signal Pulse Response Figure 15: Wein Bridge Oscillator 257 Using The ICL8043 Dual FET Input Op Amp information stored on Cl can be "refreshed" relatively infrequently. The measured offset voltage of Al during the amplification mode was 11!'V; offset voltage drift with temperature was less'than 0.1!,V/oC. APPLICATIONS Applications for any dual amplifier fall into two categories. There are those which use the two-in-one package concept simply to save circuit-board space and cost, but more interesting are those circuits where the two sides of the dual are used to complement one another in a subsystem application. The circuits which follow have been selected on this basis. STAIRCASE GENERATOR The circuit shown in Figure 2 is a high input impedance version of the so-called "diode pump" or staircase generator. Note that charge transfer takes place at the negative-going edge of the input-signal. AUTOMATIC OFFSET SUPPRESSION CIRCUIT The most common application for staircase generators is in low cost counters. By resetting the capacitor when the output reaches a predetermined level, the circuit may be made to count reliably up to a maximum of about 10. A straightforward circuit using a LM311 for the level detector, and a CMOS analog gate to discharge the capacitor, is shown in Figure 3. An important property of this type of counter is the ease with which the count can be changed; it is only necessary to change the voltage at which the comparator trips. A low cost A-O converter can also be designed using the same principle since the digital count between reset periods is directly proportional to the analog voltage used as a reference for the comparator. A considerable amount of hysteresis is used in the comparator shown in Figure 3. This ensures that the ." capacitor is completely discharged during the reset period. In a more sophisticated circuit, a dual comparator "window detector" could be used, the lower trip point set close to ground to assure complete discharge. The upper trip pOint could then be adjusted independently to determinethepulse count. The circuit shown in Figure 1 uses one amplifier (Al) as a normai gain stage, whiie the other (A2) torms part of an offset voltage zeroing loop. There are two modes of operation which occur sequentially; first, an offset null correction mode during which the offset voltage of Al is nulled out. Following this nulling operation, Al is used as a normal amplifier while the voltage necessary to zero its offset voltage is stored on the integrator comprised of A2 and Cl. The advantage of this circuit is that it allows chopper amplifier performance to be achieved at one-tenth the cost. The only limitation is that during the offset nulling mode, Al is disconnected from the input. However, in most data acquisition systems, many inputs are scanned sequentially. It is fairly simple to synchronize the offset nulling operation so that it does not occur when that particular amplifier is being "looked at". For the component values shown in Figure 1, and assuming a total leakage of 50pA at the inverting input of A2, the offset voltage referred to the input of Al will drift away from zero at only 40!,Visec. Thus, the offset nulling +5V 130kll +15V 11 16 1k!! 130k!! c, SW1* 8 1kll / / ~/----------~~----------~/ LOGIC INPUT 10k!! *SW" SW2,Il SW3 ARE ALL PART OF A SINGLE IH5043 CMOS ANALOG SWITCH CONNECTED AS SHOWN IN FIGURE 38 / Figure 1A 258 Figure 18 ~ 100kll .01 F .r. J" ~~~~-1r-~~~1 Ir- V- 'oJ -"" ---" 10100 LOW LEAKAGE DIODE PAIR ~ I- to-- r VOUT ;..J } - - - - HORIZONTAL ~ (2V/DIV) VIN } (5V1DIV) 50mS/DIV Figure 2 IH5042 lkfl ~ 1"'-~ lOOkll 10100 LOW LEAKAGE DIODE PAIR --- ""-- ~-- ", ~ ,,;- '..,rl ~ VOUT VREF Figure 3 259 ~ ~ -- --- ~-- --- -- ,..--""--HORIZONTAL 10kfl VOUT ~ 200mS/DIV } (5V/DIV) VIN } (5V/DIV) Actual sample and hold waveforms are shown in Figure 58. The center waveform is the analog input, a ramp moving at about 67V/ms, the lower waveform is the logic input to the sample & hold; a logic "1" initiates the sample mode. The upper waveform is the output, displaced by about 1 scope division (2V) from the input to avoid superimposing traces. The hold mode, during which the output remains constant, is clearly visible. At the beginning of a sample period, the output takes about 81J,sec to catch up with the input, after which it tracks until the next hold period. SAMPLE & HOLD CIRCUIT Two important properties of the 8043 are used to advantage in this circuit. The low input bias currents give rise to slow output decay rates ("droop") in the hold mode, while the high slew rate (6V/IJ,S) improves the tracking speed and the response time of the circuit. See Figure 4. The ability of the circuit to track fast moving inputs is shown in Figure SA. The upper waveform is the input (10V/div), the lower waveform the output (SV/divl. The logic input is high. -15V 10 OUTPUT ANALOG INPUT ~511l r 110,000 pF POLYSTYRENE 13 12 +5V 11 +15V 10 +3V IH5043 OV ~ ~ > SAMPLE MODE > HOLD MODE Figure 4 '" 1"'--0.,. , I A \ 1\ \ .......... I"'- ho!... k i"""'- :---... ~ ~ ~ TOP: INPUT (10VlDIV) BOTTOM: OUTPUT (5V/DIV) HORIZONTAL: 10~O/DIV TOP: 2V1DIV CENTER: 2VIDIV BOTTOM: 10VlDIV HORIZONTAL: 10~O/DIV Figure 5A Figure 58 260 ............ r--..... i"'o!!.. INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER A dual FET input operational amplifier is an attractive component around which to build an instrumentation amplifier because of the high input resistance. The circuit shown in Figure 6 uses the popular triple op-amp approach. The output amplifier is a High Speed 741 (741 HS, slew rate guaranteed ?f).7V/p.s) 50 as to utilize the high slew rate of the 8043 to the maximum extent. Input resistance of the circuit (either input, regardless of gain configuration) is in excess of 1012 ohms. For the component values shown, the overall amplifier gain is 200 (front end gain = 2Rl + R2, Common mode rejection is largely determined by the matching between R4 and Rs, and R6 and R7. In applications where offset nulling is required, a single potentiometer can be connected as shown in Figure 7. Another popular circuit is given in Figure 8. In this case the gain is 1 + Rl/R2, and the CMRR determined by the match between Rl and R4, R2 and R3. back end gain, = R6/R4). R2 R. 10k 9.5k Rl lk R2 lOOk YOUT 9.5k R3 Rs 10k lOOk Figure 6 +v lOOk lk lk lOOk ALL RESISTORS .1% -v Figure 7 Figure 8 261 Using The 8048/8049 Log/ Antilog Amplifier the current through the input resistor R1. The collector current for 02 is set by R2 and the reference voltage, and since the collector current of 02 remains constant, the emitter base voltage also remains constant. Therefore, only the emitter base voltage of 01 varies with a change of input current. However, the output voltage is a function of the difference in emitter-base voltages of 01 and 02. GENERAL DESCRIPTION A common problem in instrumentation and data transmission is the processing of signals over a wide dynamic range. The ICL8048 is designed to provide the solution. The 8048 is a complete DC logarithmic amplifier, consisting of two FET input op amps and utilizing the fundamental logarithmic properties of a transistor junction. It will handle six decades of input current or three decades of voltage input, is temperature compensated from O°C to 70°C, and features adjustable scale factor, reference current and offset voltage. The 8049 is the anti-log counterpart of the 8048 and is designed to supply one full decade of output voltage for each 1 volt change at the input. And like the 8048, the refere'nce current scale factor and offset voltage are externally adjustable. (1 ) For matched transistors operating at different collector currents, the emitter base differential is given by kt AVSE= q J ... IC1 IC2 - (2) Combining Equation 1 and 2 and writing the expression for the output voltage gives THEORY OF OPERATION (Figure 1 ) The logarithmic gain of the 8048 is derived from the inherent exponential characteristics of a transistor junction. Transistor 01 is used as the non-linear feedback element around op amp A1 which has a FET-input stage to provide low input current noise and very low input bias current. Negative feedback is applied to the emitter of 01 through R4. This forces the collector current of 01 to be exactly equal to Va = R5 + R3 (~);',. R3 q IC1 ' IC2 (3) This shows that the output is proportional to the logarithm of the input current, and hence voltage. The temperature dependence is minimized by control of the temperature coefficient of R5. VREF ">---~v..i\,----o I 200pF -- -- I I R, V,N 10 >---.._-+----<> RS 15 Figure 1: 8048 A Complete Monolithic Log Amp 262 I ~ Vour The basic schematic of the 8049 is shown in Figure 2. A3 forces 03 to operate at IREF, shifting down the emitter voltage of 04 by the voltage applied to pin 2. The division ratio is controlled by Rs and R7, thus the VBE of 04 will force a collector current given by: h =gRs IaUT -- IC(Q4) -- (I REF II> VIN ,were I> -- kT(Rs + R71, therefore giving the desired antilog dependence. .A4, together with Re, acts as a current to voltage converter: VaUT = Re(lREFI antilog (I> VINI Again the temperature coefficient of R7 corrects for the temperature dependence of 1>. R, VREF>-------~~~------~--------_, 200pF ----------, I 16 14 I V,N o-+~W'\r-__t--+------------+_----~ R9 RlO VOUT 10 Ra 15 Figure 2: ICL8049 A Complete Monolithic Antilog Amp SOURCES OF ERROR Log Conformity Error: Log conformity error is the difference the output voltage is seen on pin 16. Thisdoes not constitute an appreciable error, provided VREF is much greater than this voltage; a 10V or 15V reference satisfies this condition. Alternatively, IREF can be provided from a true current source. See Figure 3. Bandwidth: The gain bandwidth product of the logging element is relatively constant, and a change in gain will vary the bandwidth. Gain changes occur when input current to the logging elements varies with signal level. Consequently, slew rate and frequency response are specified as a function of input signal level and will vary accordingly. It should be noted that zero collector current in the logging element for zero signal current is not the preferred condition, particularly if the input terminal is to be multiplexed and a rapid rise to the end value of output voltage is important. The rise time, in decades of collector current per second, is approximately proportional to collector current; accordingly, if the collector current had to start up from zero, the rise to the output voltage would take an undue length of time. This can be prevented by injecting a collector rest current equal to 1% of the lowest current to be measured. between actual output voltage and the output voltage predicted by the log transfer equation. A plot of input versus output should be a straight line (when plotted on semi log paper), with a slope kT/q(60mV/decadel. Any deviation from this straight line is log conformity error. Offset Voltage (Vas): The offset voltage of the internal FET amplifier. This voltage appears as a small DC voltage in series with the input terminals. For current logging applications, its error contribution is negligible, however for log voltage applications, best performance is obtained /)y nulling Vas. Reference Current (IREF): IREF is the current generated by R2 and VREF (Fig. 1) to which all input currents are compared. IREF tolerance errors appear as a DC offset at the output; a ±1% IREF error, referred to the input, corresponds to a DC offset of ±4.3mV at the output. This offset is independent of input signal. When a resistor is used to generate IREF, as shown in Fig. 1, pin 16 is not a true virtual ground. For the 8048, a fraction of 263 ONE QUADRANT DIVIDER Computing the ratio of two analog voltages can be done with general-purpose analog multipliers, but the accuracy decreases if the denominator varies over a wide range. With log-amps, a one-quadrant divider with a better full-scale accuracy over a dynamic range of 100:1 can be designed, and with the flexibility of external adjustments, the scale factors are readily adjustable and the circuit can easily be optimized for other ranges. The circuit in Figure 1 may be used as divider or reciprocal generator. The output of the 8048 is actually the ratio of the input current and the reference current through R2, when used as a log generator, the reference current is held constant by connecting R2 to a fixed voltage. If R2 is driven by an input voltage, rather than the 15V reference, the output of the 8048 is the log ratio of the input current to the current through R2. The antilog of this output voltage is the ratio of the inputs. ~~:)~ A·complete one quadrant divider is shown in Figure 3.lt is the log amplifier (8048) shown in Figure 1 driving the antilog amplifier (8049) shown in Figure 2. The log amplifier output drives the base of 03 with a voltage proportional to the log of E1/E2. Transistor 03 adds a voltage proportional to the log of E3 and drives the anti-log transistor, 04. The .collector current of 04 is converted to an output voltage by A4 and Rs, with the scale factor set by Rs. E1 VOUT = 10E2 (4) Note that the current corresponding to E2 is derived from a true current source to avoid the errors discussed above under "reference current". 10k ______-4____~~~ __~~________________________-, 2k 16 I -- -- I 200pF I Rl V,N 10k ~--~~-------Q10 200pF Rs ----- 1---__-o-__'....S"M"I,..l__--'EJ""( ~~i~ I - -_-_-=--+~_~- 1.- .-----------~--------------;---~14 16o----+~VV~~----+-------------~----~ R6 10k ~----t---O 10 Vour I L 1S FlguIV 3: Complete One Quadrant Divider Using an 8048 Log Amp and an 8049 Antilog Amp 264 VOUT=~ ARBITRARY POWER LAW CIRCUIT Log amplifiers are an excellent means of computing Y = xO' relationships. Powers or roots may be computed precisely by cascading a log amp (8048) and antilog amp (8049) with appropriate scale factors. General-purpose multipliers are good for squaring (0' = 2), but non-integer·exponents, such as 1.3 or 1.5: are sometimes needed. The circuit for this is shown in Figure 4. The output of the 8048 log amplifier with a DC voltage input X that ranges from 1V to 10V is: X VOUT = -K 1 10glO (10K IREF) The output of the antilog circuit (8049) is: X VOUT = ROUT IREF2 antiloglO ( K11091O ) K2 or in other words, VOUT =. ROUT IREF2 (X) K1/K2 ROUT Output resistor connected between pins 10 and 14 of the 8049. IREF2 Reference current for the 8049. (5) X - Input (+1V::; X ::; +10VI. K1 - Scale factor of 8048. K2 - Scale factor of 8049. The exponent is set by the ratio of the scale factors K 1 and K2, and the coefficient is set by the product RoIREF2· (6) 16 200pF (8) where where K1 is the scale factor of the 8048 and IREF is the reference current. Setting IREF to 100ilA will make: VOUT = -K1 10glO X (7) 9----1"5"oklr-----<. rr-- VREF +15V ----8~ I I x 10k 10 L_ ~----~Ar----~15 200pF R5 VREF i---Q----.J --f----+-------- I- "a. "0 "a.w I- II i t . C •.8 w ~ .. - 1- :;I i II: 0 z TO+V •••• 8 I. 12 14 1• LOAD CURRENT-mA ." w ~ > 1.' III 1.1 ! 0 I- "a. "c0 ... ~ •.8 l- w .. i i I i :;I II: 0 Z V I I .• •.7 ... I -r- 10Hz I I 100Hz 1kHz I I i I 10kHz 100kHz 1MHz FREQUENCY I. I I ! I ~ a ! ... 1 , .. , ... I 1 , I 1 10Hz 100Hz II I I, j I 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz 1UHz FREQUENCY FIGURE 4. PERFORMANCE OF TRIANGLE-WAVE OUTPUT. 275 w ~ ~ ~ 101--f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-1I--l 1.01-i--i--i--.L=>,.--I I o Q ~ o 0.9 i oz 10Hz 100Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz 1MHz 10Hz 100Hz FREQUENCY 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz 1MHz FREQUENCY FIGURE 5. PERFORMANCE OF SINE-WAVE OUTPUT. The performance of the sine-wave output is shown in Figure 5. Figure 6 shows additional general information concerning current consumption and frequency stability and Figure 7 shows the phase relationship between the three waveforms . 20 z 0 ~ .. :E :::> 15 z 0 u ...z w a: a: :::> u 10 10 15 20 25 30 SUPPLY VOLTAGE f 1.03r--r---------~ TO >- 1.02 .- - 1 1.01 II. 1.00 ~ 0.89 ~ 10V p.p' -.l. f TO HV I p.p' ~ 0.98 .-l ~~ 10 15 20 25 30 • MINIMUM LEVELl WITH Vee' IOV ALL OUTPUTS MAY IE TTL COMPATIBLE SUPPLY VOLTAGe FIGURE 7. PHASE RELATIONSHIP OF WAVEFORMS. 1.03 r--r------.._-.,....., li ! EXTERNAL ADJUSTMENTS 1.02 The symmetry of all waveforms can be adjusted with the external timing resistors. Two possible ways to accomplish this are shown in Figure 8. By far the best result Is obtained by keeping the timing resistors separate (al. RA controls the riSing portion of the triangle and sinewave and the 1 state of the square-wave. As previously discussed, the reference voltage for the two current sources is 0.2 X Vee. The current therefore is simply 51.01 ~ CII 1.00 ~ lo.n o , +- • Z D." -.0 -25 0 25 75 125 TEMPERATURE' C FIGURE 6. CURRENT CONSUMPTION AND FREQUENCY STABILITY. IA = 276 0.2 x Vee The magnitude of the triangle-waveform is set at 1/3 Vee; therefore CxV (a) 5 C x 1/3 x Vee x RA 3 1/5 x Vee RA X C r---.----.---~-- -y or OND (b) Also. netice that the square wave eutput is net cemmitted. The lead resister can be cennected to. a different pewer supply, as leng as the applied veltage remains within the breakdewn capability ef the waveferm generater (30 Vl. In this way, fer example, can the square-wave eutput be made TTL cempatible (lead resister cennected to. ±5 Volts) while the waveferm generater itself is pewered frem a much higher veltage. +Ycc i RL V~~::;Er-~----~----~--, ! nn Vv 8038 '" 12k L-_---<~----<~---<> FREQUENCY MODULATION AND SWEEPING As explained earlier, the frequency ef the waveferm generater is a direct functien ef the DC veltage at terminal 8 (measured frem +Veel. Thus by altering this veltage, frequency medulatien is achieved. -YorGND FIGURE 10. CONNECTIONS FOR FREQUENCY MODULATION la) AND SWEEP Ibl. 278 USE IN PHASE-LOCKED LOOPS pin 9 of the waveform generator and the VCO input of the phase-detector. Second, the dc output level of the amplifier must be made compatible to the dc level required at the FM input of the waveform generator (pin 8, 0.8 x Vee'> The simplest solution here is to provide a voltage divider to Vee (R1, R2 as shown) if the amplifier has a lower output level or to ground if its level is higher. The divider can be made part of the low-pass filter. This application not only provides for a free-running frequency with very low temperature drift, but it also has the unique feature of producing a large reconstituted sinewave signal with a frequency identical to that at the input. Its high frequency stability makes the waveform generator an ideal building block for a phase-locked loop. In this application the remaining functional blocks, the phase-detector and the amplifier, can be formed by a number of available IC's (e.g. MC 4344, NE 562, HA 2800, HA 2820>. In order to match these building blocks to each other, two steps must be taken. First, if necessary, two different supply voltages are used and the square wave output is returned to the supply of the phase detector. This assures that the VCO input voltage will not exceed the capabilities of the phase detector. If a smaller VCO signal is required, a simple resistive voltage divider is connected between PHASE DETECTOR INPUT ~ OEM;!DULATED FM - AMPLIFIER t-- +v, VCOIN +Vcc V ,A~ SQU ARE WAVE OUT DUTV CYCLE FREQUENCY ADJUST " V R: I \ FM SWEEP • 5 4 R, • INPUT TRIANGLE lOW·PASS OUT FM .,AS_ 7 FILTER ,~~ 8038 J SINE WAVE 2 10 TIMINQ CAP. 11 1 12 -Yee/OND SINE WAVE ADJ. V = I f--o r\A, =~ - SINEWAVf. ADJ. " FIGURE 11. WAVEFORM GENERATOR USED AS STABLE VCO IN A PHASE-LOCKED LOOP. 279 Everything You Always Wanted to Know about the 8038 The 8038 is a function generator capable of producing sine, square, triangular, sawtooth and pulse waveforms (some at the same time>. Since its introduction, marketing and application engineers have been manning the phones explaining the care and feeding of the 8038 to customers worldwide. This experience has enabled us to form articulate responses to the most frequently asked questions. So, with data sheet and breadboard in hand, read on and be enlightened. Q1. A. Q2. A. Q3. A. r-~----t-------r-o +15Y ::571N457 15K 4.7K RA ·-~nn I want to sweep the frequency externally but can only get a range of 100 to 1. (or 50 to 1)[or 10 to 11. Your data sheet says 1000 to 1. How much sweep range can I expect? Let's look at what determines the output frequency. Start by examining the circuit schematic at pin 8 in the upper left hand corner. From pin 8 to pin 5 we have the emitter-base of NPN 0, and the emitterbase of PNP 02. Since these two diode drops cancel each other (approximately) the potential at pins 8, 5 and 4 are the same. This means that the voltage from V+ to pin 8 is the same as the voltage across external resistors RA and RB. This is a textbook example of a voltage across two resistors which produce two currents to charge and discharge a capacitor between two fixed voltages. This is also a linear system. If the voltage across the resistors is dropped from 10V to 1V the frequency will drop by 10:1. Changing from 1 volt to 0.1V will also change the frequency by 10:1. Therefore, by causing the voltage across the external resistors to change from say 10V to 10 mV, the frequency can be made to vary at least 1000:1. There are, however, several factors which make this large sweep range less than ideal. lOOK FREQUENCY --4\ r~+1L'"1.7 8038 3 - A A _ V v LOG POT ' - - 10M /1 r 2 '---<:l " " '---....:'0;-_-.:.;"_ _....;' 2_=' .0047 ~F DISTORTION lOOK ' - - -.......- -......- -......- - - - 0 -15Y FIGURE 1. VARIABLE AUDIO OSCILLATOR, 20 Hz to 20 KHz Q4. A. You say I can vary the voltage on pin 8 (FM sweep input) to get this large range, yet when I short pin 8 to V+ (pin 6) the ratio is only around 100:1. This is often true. With pin 8 shorted to V+, a check onthe potentials across the external RA and RB will show 100 mV or more. This is due to the VBE mismatch between 0, and 02 (also 0, and 03) because of the geometries and current levels involved. Therefore, to get smaller voltages across these R's, pin 8 must be raised above V+. How can I raise pin 8 above V+ without a separate power supply? First of all, the voltage difference need only be a few hundred millivolts so there is no danger of damaging the 8038. One way to get this higher potential is to lower the supply voltage on the 8038 and external resistors. The simplest way to do this is to include a diode in series with pin 6 and resistors RA and RB. See Figure 1. This technique should increase the sweep range to 1000 to 1. QS. A. 280 O.K., now I can get a large frequency range but I notice that the duty cycle and hence my distortion changes at the lowest frequencies. This is caused partly by a slight difference in the VBE's of 02 and 03. In trying to manufacture two identical transistors, it is not uncommon to get VBE differences of several millivolts or more. In the standard 8038 connection with pins 7 and 8 connected together, there are several volts across RA and RB and this small mismatch is negligible. However, in a swept mode with the voltage at pin 8 near V+ and only tens of millivolts across RA and RB, the VBE mismatch causes a larger mismatch in charging currents, hence the duty cycle changes. For lowest distortion then, it is advisable to keep the minimum voltage across RA and RB around 100 millivolts. This would, of course, limit the frequency sweep range to around 100 to 1. I have a similar duty cycle problem when I use high values of RA and RB. What causes this? There is another error term which becomes important at very low charge and discharge currents. This error current is the emitter current of 07. The application note on the 8038 gives a complete circuit description but it is sufficient to know that the current charging the capacitor is the current in RA which flows down through diode 09 and into the external C. The discharge current is the current in RB which flows down through diode Os. Adding to the 08 current is the current of 07 which is only a few microamperes. Normally, this 07 current is negligible, but with a small current in RB, this current will cause a faster discharge than would be expected. This problem will also appear in sweep circuits when the voltage across the external resistors is small. 06. A. 07. How can I get the lowest distortion over the largest frequency sweep range? First of all, use the largest supply voltage available (±15V or +30V is convenient), This will minimize VBE mismatch problems and allow a wide variation of voltage on pin 8. The potential on pin 8 may be swept from Vee (and slightly higher) to (2/3 Vee +2V) where Vee is the total voltage across the 8038. Specifically for ±15V supplies (+30V) , the voltage across the external resistors can be varied from zero to nearly 8 volts before clipping of the triangle waveform occurs. Second, keep the maximum currents relatively large (1 or 2 mAl to minimize the error due to 07. Higher currents could be used, but the small geometry transistors used in the 8038 could give problems due to VeE(sat) and bulk resistance, etc. Third, and this is important, use two separate resistors for RA and RB rather than one resistor with pins 4 and 5 connected together. This is because transistors 02 and 03 form a differential amplifier whose gain is determined by the impedance between pins 4 and 5 as well as the quiescent current. There are a number of implications in the differential amplifier connection (pin 4 and 5 shorted), The most obvious is that the gain determines the way the currents split between 02 and 03. Therefore, any small offset or differential voltage will cause a marked imbalance in the charge and discharge currents and hence the duty cycle. A more subtle result of this connection is the effective capacitance at pin 10. With pins 4 and 5 connected together, the "Miller effect" as well as the compound transistor connection of 03 and 05 can produce several hundred picofarads at pin 10 seriously limiting the highest frequency of oscillation. The effective capacitance would have to be considered important in determining what value of external C would result in a particular frequency of oscillation. The single resistor connection is fine for very simple circuits, but where performance is critical, the two separate resistors for RA and RB are recommended. Finally, trimming the various pins for lowest distortion deserves some attention. With pins 7 and 8 connected together and the pot at pin 7 and 8 externally set at its maximum, adjust the ratio of RA and RB for 50% duty cycle. Then adjust a pot on pin 12 or both pins 1 and 12 depending on minimum distortion desired. After these trims have been made, set the voltage on pin 8 for the lowest frequency of interest. The principle error here is due to the excess current of 07 causing a shift in the duty cycle. This can be partially compensated for by bleeding a small current away from pin 5. The simplest way to do this is to connect a high value of resistance (10 to 20 mf1l from pin 5 to V-to bring the duty cycle back to 50%. This should result in a reasonable compromise between low distortion and large sweep range. A. as. A. 09. You're probably having trouble keeping the constant voltage across RA and RB really constant. The pulse output on pin 9 puts a moderate load on both supplies as it switches current on and off. Changes in the supply reflect as variations in charging current, hence non-linearity. Decoupling both power supply pins to ground rightat the device pins is a good idea. Also, pins 7 and 8 are susceptible to picking up switching transients (this is especially true on printed circuit boards where pins 8 and 9 run side by sidel. Therefore, a capacitor L 1 J-lF or morel from V+ to pin 8 is often advisable. In the case when the pulse output is not required, leave pin 9 open to be sure of minimizing transients. What is the best supply voltage to use for lowest frequency drift with temperature? The 8038AM, 8038AC, 8038BM and 8038BC are all temperature drift tested at Vee = +20 V (or ±1 OV). A curve in the lower right hand corner of Page 4 of the data sheet indicates frequency versus temperature at other supply voltages. It is important to connect pin 7 and 8 together. Why does connecting pin 7 to pin 8 give the best temperature performance? A. There is a small temperature drift of the comparator thresholds in the 8038. To compensate for this, the voltage divider at pin 7 uses thin film resistors plus diffused resistors. The different temperature coefficients of these resistors causes the voltage at pins 7 and 8 to vary 0.5 mV/oC to maintain overall low frequency drift at Vee = 20V. At higher supply voltages e.g., ±15V (+30VI, the threshold drifts are smaller compared with the total supply voltage. In this case, an externally applied constant voltage at pin 8 will give reasonably low frequency drift with temperature. 010. Your data sheet is very confusing about the phase relationship of the various waveforms. A. Sorry about that! The thing to remember is that the triangle and sine wave must be in phase since one is derived from the other. A check on the way the circuit works shows that the pulse waveform on pin 9 will be high as the capaCitor charges (positive slope on the triangle wave) and will be low during discharge (negative slope on the triangle wave). The latest data sheet corrects the photograph Figure 7 on Page 5 of the data sheet. The 20% duty cycle square wave was inverted, i.e., should be 80% duty cycle. Also, on that page under "Waveform Timing" the related sentences should read "RA controls the rising portion of the triangle and sinewave and the 1 state of the square wave." Also, "the falling portion of the triangle and sine wave and the Q state of the square wave is:" all. Under Parameter Test Conditions on Page 3 of your 8038 data sheet, the suggested value for min. and max. duty cycle adjust don't seem to work. A. The positive charging current is determined by RA alone since the current from RB is switched off. (See 8038 Application Note A012 for complete circuit description,) The negative discharge current is the difference between the RA current and twice the AB This waveform generator is a piece of junk. The triangle wave is non-linear and has large glitches when it changes slope. 281 v+ current. Therefore, changing RB will effect only the discharge time, while changing RA will effect both charge and discharge times. For short negative going pulses (greater than SO% duty cycle) we can lower the value of RB (e.g., RA = SOKO and RB = 1.6KOl. For short positive going pulses (duty cycles less than SO%) the limiting values are reached when the current in RA is twice that in RB(e.g., RB=SOKO and RA = 2SKOl. This has been corrected on the latest data sheet. 80.8 11 10 Q12. I need to switch the waveforms off and on. What's a good way to strobe the 8038? A. With a dual supply voltage (e.g., ±1SV) the external capacitor (pin 10) can be shorted to ground so that the sine wave and triangle wave always begin at a zero crossing point. Random switching has a SO/SO chance of starting on a positive or negative slope. A simple AND gate using pin 9 will allow the strobe to act only on one slope or the other, see Figure 2. Using only a single supply, the capacitor (pin 10) can be switched either to V I or ground to force the comparator to set in either the charge or discharge mode. The disadvantage of this technique is that the beginning cycle of the next burst will be 30% longer than the normal cycle. c (AI I r...-------tRAi-RB~-- +15V c 15K ~-----+-----~~----oV- (BI 8038 FIGURE 3. SINE WAVE OUTPUT BUFFER AMPLIFIERS IN914 11 10 IN914 Q14. Your 8038 data sheet implies all waveforms can operate up to 1 Megahertz. Is this true? A. Unfortunately, only the square wave output is useful at that frequency as can be seen from the curves on page 4 of the data sheet, distortion on the sine wave and linearity of the triangle wave fall off rapidly above two hundred kilohertz. Q15. Is it normal for this device to run hot to the touch? A. Yes. The 8038 is essentially resistive. The power dissipation is then Wand at ±1S volts the device does run hot. Extensive life testing under this operating condition and maximum ambient temperature has verified the reliability of this product. Copies of the reliability report are available from Intersil. Q16. My data sheet shows a device with only 12 pins. The 8038 I received has 14 pins. How can I hook it up? A. Our artist got lazy and decided to draw only the twelve pins that are used and omitted pins 13and 14 which are not connected. The pin numbers and their functions are correct. This drawing has been corrected on the latest data sheet. I+-......-+.--{>I--o STROBE OFF -, r W ON +15V (> OVI -15V « -10V) FIGURE 2. STROBE - TONE BURST GENERATOR Q13. How can I buffer the sine wave output without loading it down? A. The simplest circuit is a simple op amp follower as shown in Figure 3A. Anothercircuit shown in Figure 3B allows amplitude and offset controls without disturbing the 8038. Either circuit can be DC or AC coupled. For AC coupling the op amp non-inverting input must be returned to ground with a 100KO resistor. 282 Q17. How stable are the output amplitudes versus temperature? A. The amplitude of the triangle waveform decreases slightly with temperature. The typical amplitude coefficient is -.01 %/0 C giving a drop of about 1% at 125°C. The sine output is less sensitive and decreases only about 0.6% at 125°C. For the square wave output the VCE(sat) goes from 0.12V at room to 0.17 at 125° C. Leakage current in the "1" state is less than a few nanoamperes even at 125°C and is usually negligible. BO DETAILED SCHEMATIC at, R46 40k -~,6 I i ! r+-. R, 30k a" a" a" a" a" 010 a'~l---< , 1;J'a" , ~" ~R4 ~R5 R6 ~100 roo 100 + "'" + FLIP-FLOP SINE·CONVERTER 283 Power Supply Design Using The ICL8211 and 8212 INTRODUCTION For a detailed circuit description of the ICL 8211/ 12 refer to the data sheet pages 4 and 5. For large volume applications the ICL 8211/12 may be customized by the use of metal mask options to include setting resistors or to vary the output options, or even to adapt the circuit as a temperature sensing element. The Intersil ICL 8211/12 are micropower bipolar monolithic integrated circuits intended primarily for precise voltage detection and generation. These circuits consist of an accurate voltage reference, a comparator and a pair of output buffer/drivers. Applications for the ICL 8211/12 include a variety of voltage detection circuits, power supply malfunction detectors, regulators, programmable zeners, and constant current sources. In this discussion we will explore the uses of the ICL 8211/12 in power supply circuits of various types. Their attractiveness to the power supply designer lies largely in their ability to operate at low voltage and current levels where standard power supply regulator devices cannot be used. In addition, the unique features of the ICL 8211/12 make them useful in many ancillary circuits such as current sources, overvoltage crowbars, programmable zeners and power failure protection. Specifically, the ICL 8211 provides a 7mA current limited output sink when the voltage applied to the THRESHOLD input is less than 1.15 volts. Figure 1 shows a simplified block diagram of the ICL 8211. 1,15V VOLTAGE 3 'l--+------oTHAESHOlD REFERENCE 5 v-o----~ POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS _____ __ ~ Using the ICL 8211/12 it is possible to design a series of power supply regulators having low minimum input voltage and small input/output differential. These are particularly useful for local regulation in electronic systems as their small input/ output differential results in low power loss. ~_~ Figure 1: ICL 8211 Block Diagram The ICL 8212 provides a saturated transistor output (no current limit) whenever the input THRESHOLD voltage exceeds 1.15 volts. Both circuits have a low current HYSTERESIS output which is turned on when the THRESHOLD voltage exceeds 1.15 volts, enabling the user to add controlled hysteresis to his design. Figure 2 shows a simplified block diagram of the ICL 8212. INPUT 2.2V·30V 1.15V R2 v5 v.o----~---~-~--~-__, VOLTAGE REFERENCE ICL 8211 TH. C2 OUTPUT 10,uF 1.15V·29.5V SOmA R3 Figure 3: Positive Regulator - PNP Boost The ICL 8211 in Figure 3 provides the voltage reference and regulator amplifier while Q1 is the series pass transistor. R 1 defines the output current ofthe ICL 8211 while C1 and C2 provide loop stability and also act to suppress feedthrough of input transients to the output supply. R2 and R3 determine the output voltage as follows: 3 l--+-----QTHRESHOLO V_C5>--_ _-4_ _ _ _ _~-_ _ _ ___' Figure 2: ICL 8212 Block Diagram In addition, the values of R2 and R3 are chosen to provide a small amount of standing current in Q1, which gives ad- 284 ditional stability margin to the circuit_ Where accurate setting of the output voltage is required, either R2 or R3 can be made adjustable. If R2 is made adjustable the output voltage will vary linearly with shaft angle; however, if the potentiometer wiper were to open circuit, the output voltage would rise. In general, therefore, it is better to make R3 adjustable as this gives failsafe operation. put voltage in order for the ICL 8212 to be able to pull the gate down far enough to turn the device off at no load. The predominant loop time constant is provided by R2 and C1. This time constant should be chosen as small as possible commensurate with loop stability as it also affects load tran· sient response. After an abrupt change in load current C1 must be charged to a new voltage level by R2 to regulate the current in 01 to the new load level and therefore the small· er the R2 x C1 product the better the load transient response. The value of C2 should be chosen to maintain the output within desired limits during the recovery period of the main loop. Note, however, that because of the wide bandwidth of the IC L 8212 and the absence of charge storage effects in the F ET, these considerations are not particularly restrictive. The choice of 01 depends upon the output requirements. The ICL 8211 has a worst case maximum output current of 4mA, so with any reasonable device for 01 the circuit should be capable of 50mA output current with an input to output drop of 0.5V. If larger output currents are required 01 could be made into a complementary quasi-darlington, but the input/output differential will then increase. Note also that 01 provides an inversion within the loop so the non·inverting ICL 8211 must be used to give overall neg· ative feedback. For higher current outputs the system could be further boost· ed using a bipolar transistor. One attraction of using a FET only output, however, is that the IDSS of the FET gives a measure of output short circuit protection. Should both the low input/output differential of the circuit of Figure 3 plus the extended input voltage capability of Figure 4 be required, the circuit of Figure 5 may be used. One limitation of the above circuit is that input voltages must be restricted to 30 volts due to the voltage rating ofthe ICL 8211. The circuit of Figure 4 avoids this problem. + r'f f" + I. R1 R1 t v+ r A3 A2 4 DIP ~~C2 TH~ INPUT OUTPUT INPUT ICL 8212 V- .l " 5 1 _:R5 .. 1 I Figure 4: Positive Regulator - J - F ET Boost I '" :fJ, Q2 ----f(~---- · J*- ,- v+ DIP I R' D2 + , A3 ICL 8211 ~D1 TH ~C2 OUTPUT 3 VA' 15 - Figure 5: Positive Regulator - NPN + PNP Boost In this circuit the input voltage is limited only by the voltage rating of 01. The input/output differential is now dependent on the RDS(ON) of the J-FET boost transistor. For in· stance, if 01 were a 2N4391 the maximum output current would be equal to IDSS(MIN) which is 50mAandtheinput/ output differential would be: This circuit is similar to that of Figure 3 except that 01 has been added as a common base stage to buffer the output of the ICL 8211 from the input supply and R1 and D1 to protect the input. Unfortunately, the ICL 8211 ca'nnot be sup· plied from the regulated output as this would result in the power supply being non self·starting. The choice of values for R2, R3, R4, C1 and C2 is identical to that of Figure 3, while D 1 must be a voltage equal to or larger than the output voltage, R 1 must be chosen to provide the relatively low supply current requirement of the ICL 8211, An alternative arrangement for starting the circuit is to replace D1 with R5 and add D2. In this case the choice of R1 and R5 is such that once the output supply is established the ICL 8211 is supplied through D2, RDS(ON) x I LOAD = 30n x 50mA = 1.5 Volts However, at lower load currents the input/output differen· tial will be proportionately lower. A further consideration when choosing the F ET boost tran· sistor is that its pinch-off voltage must be less than the out· 285 + In this circuit the current threshold is set by the base-emitter voltage of 01 so that when the voltage drop in R2, due to load current, is sufficient to turn on 01 base drive is removed from 02 by 01 collector. Note that this circuit works only because the output current of the ICl 8211 is current limited so that there is no danger of 01 and the ICl 8211 blowing each other up with unlimited current. ~, Q1 '\ R1 + I. R3~ OlC1 v+ 4 O/P R3 INPUT ! ~ C2 ICL 8211 ~~D1 TH. OUTPUT NEGATIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS 3 vR4 I" Because the reference voltage ofthe ICl 8211/12 is connected to the negative supply rail, and their output consists of the open collector of an NPN transistor, it is not possible to construct a negative equivalent of the circuit of Figure 3. However, a negative equivalent of Figure 4 is easily constructed. Figure 6: Positive Regulator - Thyristor Boost In the circuit of Figure 5, 01 and 02 are connected in the classic S.C.R. or Thyristor configuration. Where higher input voltages or minimum component count are required the circuit of Figure 6 can be used. The thyristor is running in a linear mode with its cathode as the control terminal and its gate as the output terminal. This is known as the remote base configuration. +0 I ~"' I J 4 O/P INPUT R2 d. I 0+ I· v+ ICL8211 TH ~C2 !.... OUTPUT R4 A word of warning, however. Thyristor data sheets do not generally specify individually the gain of the PNP portion of the thyristor, on which the circuit relies. It must therefore either be very conservatively designed or some screening or guarantee of the PNP gain be provid~d. Note that, with the exception of the lOSS limit of Figure 4, none of the circuits so far described provide output current limiting. In general they are intended for applications in which the extra voltage drop of a current sensing resistor would be unacceptable. Where the circuits are used as local regulators and the output supplies are only connected to local circuitry the chance of output short circuits is relatively low and overcurrent protection is considered unnecessary. Where protection is required it can be added by any of the standard techniques. Figure 7 shows the simplest possible constant current protection added to the circuit of Figure 3 Figure 8: Negative Regulator - J -F ET Boost Of course the J-F ET must now be a P-channel device but otherwise the design considerations are identical to those for Figure 4. Should further boost of the output current level be required, an NPN boost transistor, 02, (shown dotted) can be added. However, the charge storage effects of the NPN transistor will reduce the loop bandwidth so that R2 or C1 should be increased to maintain stability. Note also that in the circuit of Figure 8 an ICl 8211 is used instead of an ICl 8212 in order to maintain correct feedback polarity. +O-----~----~r-~--1_~ R2 R1 • v+ This is the closest negative equivalent to the circuits of Figures 5 and 6.ln this case R1. R2 and 01 ensure that the circuit is self starting. The divider R 1/R2 must be chosen to ensure that sufficient voltage (say -1 volt) is present at the base of Q1 to start the circuit under minirr,1Um output voltage conditions, but once the circuit is running 01 must remain forward biased even at maximum input voltage, otherwise the output of the ICl 8212 will be unable to pull the emitter of 01 low enough to turn it off under no load conditions. Thus for a 3 volt output supply which runs from a minimum 4 volt input the ratio of R1 to (R1 + R2) must be one quarter. In order that the base of 01 is not taken below -3V once the circuit is running the maximum input voltage would therefore be -12V. An alternative arrangement which avoids this restriction is to replace R1 with a zener diode, reduce the value of R2 and delete 01. C1 Q1 O/P 4 ~ ",02 INPUT + 2.2V·30V ICL8211 v- " TH 3 "'l l°o'~ Ol C2 1.15V·29V SOmA R4 Figure 7: Positive Regulator - PNP Boost Current Limited 286 0 ,, "/ I f ,*.I,' " v' HI v' IU Il!) IU I 4 " ~ 01' L..- _._ ~;! '" fH- Hli ~~'" I ()UIPI!l 4 ~I)I IM']J] INPUT I" till 0-. -K'" V '1 " I ' 'r'r ",,02 a~~H4 1)\ Figure 10: Current Limited Negative Regulator - NPN + PNP Boost Figure 9: Negative Regulator - NPN + PNP Boost ANCILLARY POWER SUPPLY CIRCUITS In this case the only restriction is that the zener voltage shall be less than or equal to the output voltage of the regulator. Figure 11 shows the ICL 8212 connected as a programmable zener diode. Zener voltages from 2 volts up to 30 volts may be programmed by suitable selection of R2, the zener voltage being: In the circuit of Figure 9, R3 must be chosen to provide sufficient base drive for 02 via 01 under maximum load conditions. The maximum value of the current in R3 which may be tolerated is 12mA, the worst case sink current of the ICL 8212 output transistor. Vz=1.15x R1 + R2 R1 Because of the absence of internal compensation in the ICL 8212, C1 is necessary to ensure stability. Two points worthy of note are the extremely low knee current (less than 300j.lA) and the low dynamic impedance (typically 4 to 7 ohms) over the operating current range of 300llA to 12mA. Current limit can be applied to the circuits of Figure 9 in an analogous manner to Figure 7 _ In this case R3 is the current source for the base of 02, ensuring that the current limit transistor 03 has a defined maximum collector current. IZ (JlnpUT HI IHi J", 1<4 ~~C2 ICl Hl12 V ~,. 1\:1 'H~ (II' lei Hi'11 I. v+ J DIP 4 ~:m ICL 8212 Vz THL- ~ " 3 N 2 > R1 150K 1 o 0.01 0.1 1.0 Iz(mA) Figure 11: Programmable Zener 287 10 100 The standard method of overcurrent protection in simple series regulated supplies is shown in Figure 14. v· ,: leL 8211 OR ICl8212 ---1r----. UNREGULATED INPUT leL 8212 ICL8211 I = 25,uA I'" 130,uA BASE DRIVE ----,----1: ~ POWER DEVICE R1 R3 R2 Figure 12: Constant Current Sources ......------~_- REGULATED OUTPUT Figure 14: Standard Current limit The circuit of Figure 12 shows how the ICl 8211/12 may be used as constant current circuits. At the current levels obtained with the ICl 8211 or 12 on their own, the principal application will be in providing the "tail" currents of differential amplifiers which may be used in power supply design. A more useful application in power supplies is the programmable current source shown in Figure 13. The current limit value is simply: • ICl = VRI= (03) ~R-2 The disadvantages of this circuits are the poor temperature coefficient of the emitter base voltage of 03, the large variation of VBE between different devices and the badly defined transition between constant voltage and constant current states due to the low gain of the current reglliation loop. ICla211 In this case the current limit value is: I _ 1.15V Cl-~ THF------~ R2 One advantage of the circuit is the much improved temperature coefficient of the limit current. In Figure 14 the typical coefficient is O.3%tC, while in Figure 15 the typical coefficient is O.02%tC. In addition, the higher gain of the ICl 8212 gives a much sharper transition between voltage limit and current limit conditions. The spread of threshold voltages will also be lower in this circuit, but if precise adjustment of the threshold is required R3 and R4 may be added as shown in Figure 15. Figure 13: Programmable Current Source In this case the output current is given by: _ ~ 10 - 25/lA + R1 1.15 +!'i2 (1 + (3) BASE DRIVE --Io-r------,------Ir where {3 is the forward current gain of 01 and VBE is its emitter-base voltage. The principal causes of departure from a true current source for this circuit will be the variations in {3 with collector voltage of 01. With the current settable anywhere in the range of about 300/lA to 50mA and an operating voltage range from 2 to 30V, this circuit is particularly suitable as the current source driving the base of an output transistor in conventional series regulator power supplies. Another useful application is as the current source feeding a reference zener in highly stable reference supplies. Again, because of the absence of internal compensation in the ICl 8212, C1 is provided to ensure loop stability.ltalso helps to keep output current constant during voltage changes or transients. R1 O/P leL 8212 R4 R2 REGULATED OUTPUT Figure 15: Improved Current Limit 288 The major penalty of the system is the extra 500mV which must be dropped in R2 to effect current limiting. Note again that the low operating voltage and power supply current al· low the ICL 8212 to be powered directly from the base drive voltage of the power supply. feedback, which is overcome by the large positive feedback from pin 2. Resistor R3 limits the output current ofthe ICL 8212 to a safe value of, say, 20mA. To operate properly the thyristor should have a gate trigger current not greater than about 10mA. Where higher gate currents are necessary the circuit of Figure 18 may be used . ·O-~.-2--------l~:---4~~~4Q' o/pr R2 U ..2PROTECTED SUPPLY LOAD I I. HVST. v' R4 .3 o/p fLLKm U~ ICL 8211 SUPPLY ICL 8211 +-___..:3'-1 TH, .2- v' TH - Figure 16: High Voltage Dump Circuit LOAD v- r ., r Rl . . R5 Figure 18: Overvoltage Crowbar This circuit protects sensitive loads against high voltage transients on the power supply rail. Should the input voltage e'xceed the threshold set by R2 and R1, the ICl 8211 will turn off 01 and hence protect the load from the transient. R3 provides optional voltage hysteresis if so desired. In this case the ICL 8211 holds down the base of 01 until the circuit is triggered. The current in R3 should not exceed 4mA as this is the worst case current the ICl 8211 can sink at its output. With this circuit thyristors requiring gate drives in the 50 to 100mA region are easily tolerated. I. Notice that in both the above circuits no extra supplies are needed to make the crowbars work down to voltages as low as 3V. In particular, this makes the circuits most suitable for use on 5V logic supplies where no other rails may be available to power a crowbar circuit or where, for reasons of safety, one does not wish to rely on auxiliary supplies. v' R2 R3 ~ HYST. f-----2. TH DIP SUPPLY ~ In some systems it is undesirable to allow the supply rail to be partially established. For instance, in a logic system logical malfunctions may occur. Another example is the lM199/ 299/399 temperature stabilized reference. If the heater supply falls below about 9V the unit tends to "run away" and destroy itself. LOAD ICL 8212 v5 R' )~ R4 I. '~~"r' R2 Figure 17: Overvoltage Crowbar v' The most popular form of overvoltage protection is the Thyristor crowbar, which short circuits the supply in the event of an overvoltage condition. The circuit of Figure 17 triggers a thyristor when the supply voltage reaches a threshold defined by R1 and R2. The very low quiescent current of the ICl 8212 means that there is negligible voltage drop in R4 during sensing so that accuracy is unimpaired and there is no danger of triggering the thyristor. The connection from pin 2 provides hysteresis which is necessary in this case because the reference will rise on the top of R4 as soon as the threshold is reached and otherwise would provide negative O/P 4 R' P'N'r---J..----l ICL8212 R3 SUPPLY 2 HVST. 1-_ _ _""3 TH Rl r Figure 19: low Voltage Disconnect 289 I PROTECTED LOAD I \ Should the power supply voltage fall below the level deter· mined by R1 and R2, 01 is turned off, disconnecting the load entirely so that it cannot operate at partial. voltage. Note that the removal of the load may cause the supply voltage to rise and the possibility of an oscillatory condition exists. Resistor R3 therefore provides a small hysteresis, which should be calculated to exceed the full load regulation drop of the supply. the supply is already out of regulation and unless it falls very slowly there will not be sufficient time to shut the system down properly. LINE TRANSFORMER SERIES OR SWITCHED REGULATOR R1 R3 R4 REGULATED C1 SUPPL V DIP 4 LOGIC OUTPUT 3 t - - -"fTH R2 Figure 20: Power Suppiy 'ltlindovv Detector The circuits of Figures 16 and 19 can be combined so that a load is only connected to the supply when the supply voltage is within a specified range. In this case IC1 senses the over· voltage condition while IC2 senses the undervoltage condi· tion. Again, hystere~is may be added as necessary by the addition of R3 and R5. In many systems, particularly those using microprocessors, it is necessary to provide a logic signal which gives advance warning of an impeding power failure so that the system can execute a shutdown routine before power is lost. A simple undervoltage detector on the regulated supply is generally insufficient as by the time an undervoltage signal is generated, Figure 21: Simple Power Fail System In the circuit of Figure 21, an inCipient power failure is de· tected at the unregulated input of the regulator. Note that the value of main reservoir capacitor Cl must be large enough so that the shutdown routine can take place before the reg· ulator drops out of regulation. Waveforms for a typical power failure are shown in Figure 22. The threshold detector should be an ICL 8212 if a logic '1' is required to initiate shutdown, or an ICL 8211 if a logic '0' is required. Note that the ICL 8212 will drive 7 T.T.L.loads and the ICL 8211 2 T.T.L. loads. FULL WAVE RECTIFIED A.C. -+ -----UNREGULATED INPUT VOLTAGES OF REGULATOR -~PEAKOFRIPPLE REGULATED OUTPUT TIME FOR -I LOGIC I I I_SHUTDOWN I ROUTINE .J.[I= __ OUTPUT-If-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..J..:- - Figure 22: Simple Power Fail System Waveforms 290 LINE TRANSFORMER R1 R3 LOGIC OUTPUT C1 o/p REGULATED SUPPLY Figure 23: Improved Power Fail System through R2 to the threshold voltage of 1.15 volts, at which point the power fail signal is activated. Notice that, because of the ripple always present on the unregulated supply, power failure was not actually detected until some time after the removal of input power. This waste of time means that larger voltage margins must be built into the system, reducing the regulator efficiency under normal operating conditions. In some instances, however, this circuit may be adequate. In this case, the worst point at which a power failure can occur is just before C1 begins to charge on the rising side ofthe input A.C. signal. However, because of the fast warning given by the system, it is still superior than that of Figure 21 in the time allowed for a shutdown routine. In Figure 24, the power is monitored at a point isolated from the main capacitor C1 so that failure can be detected without having to wait for C1 to discharge below the minimum voltage of the normal ripple. Waveforms for this circuit are shown in Figure 24. CONCLUSIONS Just a few of the many possible applications of the ICL 8211 and ICL 8212 in power supply systems have been described. Both in power supply systems and elsewhere, the features of the ICL 8211 and ICL 8212 make them very useful general purpose circuits. Once aware of the useful features of these low power, low voltage circuits the designer will rapidly discover a large number of applications for himself. In this case R 1 tops up C2 to the zener voltage each cycle, while C2 holds the input of the ICL 8211 or ICL 8212 (depending on the polarity of the required output signal) above its threshold during the zero crossings of the A.C. waveform. However, in the event of a power failure, C2 discharges DW '""''''~ RECTIFIED A,C, I REGULATOR VOLTAGES w~u ATC2 :I ~ I - '/ _ _ _ '\ I O~~~~T_~ 1_ _ _\ 1 _ \. .. . ' , \ .. _ I I -1J______ -, _ I I I TIME FOR I ~SHUTDOWN_I ________________________ ~IL- ___ Figure 24: Improved Power Fail System Waveforms 291 I __ R_O_UT_'_NE______ ZENER VOLTAGE DETECTOR THRESHOLD stability of the circuit. Also, using two matched npn-pnp transistor pairs ensures close tracking between input and output voltages (a task normally addressed by suitable feedback circuitry) as well as low offset-voltage drift (20 microvolts/°C). The complementary-transistor pairs are 2N4854s wired for active current sourcing and sinking so that bipolar input signals can be processed. Each transistor has a typical {j of 100. With the npn and pnp input-bias currents tending to cancel each other, the resultant input-bias current of the amplifier is ± 5 microamperes. Layout is critical to the stability of the circuit. The buffer should be constructed as shown in (b). The two transistor pairs are mounted close together, in holes drilled in a copper-clad circuit board as shown. The flanges on the TO-99 cases encapsulating the 2N485s should be soldered to the copper, which serves as a ground plane. The collector of each transistor must be bypassed by a O.l-microfarad ceramic-chip capacitor mounted close to the transistor. This is done by standing the capacitors on end, with the bottom contact lead soldered to the ground plane and the top contact lead soldered to the collector. All leads must be less than '/' inch in length and be as Unily-galn buffer amplifier is uHrafast Applications where transmission-line drivers, active voltage probes, or buffers for ultrahigh-speed analog-todigital converters are needed can use a stable buffer amplifier capable of driving a relatively low-resistance, moderate-capacitance load over a wide range of frequencies. The circuit shown in (a) fulfills these requirements. With a bandwidth of 300 megahertz, it exhibits no peaking of its response curve, having a gain of virtually I (0.995) under no-load conditions and 0., under a maximum load of 90 ohms. The circuit is a variation on a basic emitter-follower network, which is inherently capable of wide band performance. However, no feedback loops are needed anywhere within the circuit to boost the gain at the high frequencies, and dispensing with them contributes to the +15 V MINIATURE CERAMIC CAPACITORS +5 V r-..;;;.....?'....~---...., COPPER GROUNO PLANE IOkil 'INPUT ~=>o.."I""'---~ OUTPUT IOil (bl OUTPUT ( h \f1 A[n RISllCS or UNll Y (,AI N Bur FE. R IOil IOkil Input impedance 500 kilohms (de) Input bias current ±5pA Input capacitance 16 pF Input/output voltage range ±3 V max Output offset-voltage drift Output impedance 100hms Load resistance 90 ohms max Gain, no loatt +0.995 Wideband buffer. Emitter-follower configuration yields unity gain Bandwidth, -3 dB 300 MHz from dc to 300 megahertz. Absence of feedback in circuit contributes to buffer stability. Use of ma!ched npn-pnp transistor pairs ensures almost parfect inputloUfput signal tracking (a). Component layoUf is critical for circuit stabll~y (b). Power supply. quiescent ±15 V de at 1.5 rnA Power consumptiQn 90mW -15V -5V 0,. 0" 2N4854 directly wired as possible. One-eighth-watt resistors are used throughout and are soldered to the transistor leads as close as possible to the case. For clarity, not all components are shown. For coupling to or from the ± 5Vdcat4.5mA amplifier, subminiature radio-frequency connectors can be mounted at the input and output ports of the buffer. Typical characteristics of the unity-gain buffer circuit are listed in the table. GZ JK 292 Commutating design for IC amplifiers virtually eliminates offset errors auto zero, a new design concept Cforommutating monolithic operational and instrumentation to cancel both the input offset and the instantenous low-frequency noise voltage. The CAZ principle is perhaps best understood by examining the way it is implemented in the 760017601 op amps. These devices contain all the necessary analog and digital circuitry on-chip, including two op amps, an oscillator counter, level translators and analog switches. The only external components required are two auto-zero capacitors. amplifiers, dramatically reduces initial input offset voltage and offset drift with changes in temperature and time. Dubbed CAZ, the new approach combines digital and linear techniques to bring down initial offset to a low 1 to 5 p. V and hold offset drift to a mere 0.005 p. V/oe and only 0.2 p. V/year. Moreover, the CAZ design permits high-performance monolithic amplifiers to be fabricated with standard low-cost complementary-MaS processing. The first CMOS chips to employ the CAZ technique include: a pair of operational amplifiers (the compensated ICL7600 for applications requiring voltage gains from unity to about 20, and the uncompensated ICL7601 for voltage gains greater than 20); and two instrumentation amplifiers, the ICL7605 and the ICL7606. For the CAZ op amps, input offset voltage is three orders of magnitude lower than that of traditional monolithic bipolar op amps, like the 741. Similarly, compared to conventional instrumentation amplifiers, which require highly accurate resistor matching and tracking for their popular three-amplifier design, the CAZ instrumentation amplifiers eliminate the need for on-chip resistor trimming. The CAZ instrumentation amplifiers are intended for low-frequency applications that require voltage gains from 1 to 1000 and bandwidths from dc to 10 Hz. All about the CAZ op amp Fig. la shows the CAZ op amp as it sequences through its two internal states. In addition to the regular inverting and noninverting inputs, the CAZ op amp has a third auto-zero input, designated AZ. In most applications, this auto-zero input will be connected to system ground, although it may be connected to the noninverting input for improving common-mode rejection ratio. Because capacitors C. and C2 must have high values between 0.01 and 1 p.F to minimize offset errors due to charge injection they are not suitable for monolithic integration. On the other hand, since resistors R. and R2 have values of about 100 kn each, they can easily be fabricated on-chip. As long as the commutation frequency is high compared to the leakage discharge times of C. and C2 for the signal-processing mode, an input signal will be processed as though the CAZ op amp were a single amplifier. The discharge time constants of C. and C2, when each has a value of 0.2 p.F, are in the tens to hundreds of seconds. During the auto-zero mode, with a suitable choice of values for the resistors and the capacitors, each internal op amp is connected, in turn, into a unitygain mode for frequencies approximately equal to or less than the commutation frequency. As a result, besides the dc offset voltage, each capacitor acquires a voltage equal to the instantaneous low-frequency noise below the commutation range of the internal op amps. In addition, the low-pass filter networks formed by R. and C" as well as by R2 and C2, attenuate highfrequency noise above the commutation frequency at 6 dB/octave. This unique characteristic of the CAZ op amp to reduce, not only the dc offset voltage, but also the low- How CAl works With the CAZ approach, on-chip analog switches connect two internal op amps between two modes of operation-when one amplifier is processing the input signal, the other is in an auto-zero mode. The commutation frequency is the rate at which the two internal op amps are switched between the two modes. In the auto-zero mode, an external capacitor stores a voltage equal to the input offset voltage plus the low-frequency instantaneous noise voltage. In the signal-processing mode, this capacitor is connected in series with the overall amplifier's noninverting input 293 MODE A: A I PROCESSING ..PUT SfGNAL In the switching section, six analog gates switch each internal op amp between the signal-processing mode and the auto-zero mode. The RC oscillator in the digital section operates from a low-voltage internally regulated supply. The oscillator output may be directed, by means of the DR terminal, either through a 5-bit(divide-by-32) counter or a single-bit (divide-by-2) counter. The level translators provide full-supply voltage swings and break-before-make signals to the input and output analog switches. This arrangement gives the user considerable flexibility in controlling the commutation frequency. With the OSC terminal open-circuited and the DR terminal connected to V+, the commutation frequency is about 160 Hz. To lower it, the designer can add capacitance to the OSC terminal or use an external clock to drive this terminal with a signal of -5 V peakto-peak, referenced to V+. The oscillator may be stopped by connecting the OSC terminal to ground. To increase the commutation frequency above 160 Hz, the designer should connect the DR'terminal to the GND supply. For an open-circuited OSC terminal, this connection gives a commutation frequency of 3.2 kHz. In the analog section, the CMOS op amps each h:rve two gain stages. By varying the biasing of these internal op amps, the user can select slew rate and unity-gain bandwidth. For example, at maximum bias, the slew rate is about 2 V/ /lS, unity-gain bandwidth is 1 MHz, and the minimum guaranteed stable closed-loop gain with any capacitive load is 10. MODE B: A2 PROCESSING NVT SIGNAL CI +INPUT AZ -INPU1 INPUT ANALOG SWITOt SECTION 01 02 OSC 1. In the CAZ op amp, analog gates switch two internal op amps between signal-processing and auto-zero modes to cancel offset errors and instantaneous low-frequency noise (a). In addition to this analog circuitry, the CMOS chip has digital circuitry, which includes an RC oscillator,for controlling the commutation frequency(b). The CAl instrumentation amps Delivering equally impressive performance the 760517606 CAZ instrumentation amplifiers, are true differential amplifiers, capable of amplifying a differential input signal (within the power-supply range) in the presence of large common-mode voltages and referencing the output signal to system ground or some other voltage. An important advantage of these CAZ instrumentation amplifiers over traditional bipolar devices is the automatic self-compensation for offset error voltages, whether they be· steady-state, temperature, supply voltage, or long-term variable in nature. Both CAZ instrumentation amplifiers are low-frequency devices, useful to perhaps as high as 20 Hz, although more commonly used in applications requiring less than 10 Hz. Unlike conventional differential instrumentation amplifiers, the CAZ devices have approximately constant input equivalent noise voltage, input offset voltage and drift values, as well as 100-dB common-mode and power-supply rejection ratios-independent of gain. As Fig. 2 shows, the CAZ instrumentation amplifier has four functional blocks, three of which are identical to those of the CAZ op amp. The fourth functional block is a differential-to-single-ended unity-gain voltage converter, which consists of a group of eight analog switches plus two external capacitors. frequency noise below the commutation frequency has at least two very important implications: • The CAZ op amp can approach a near-zero noise figure for frequencies from dc to about one-tenth the commutation frequency. For good noise performance below 10 Hz, the commutation frequency for the 760017601 should be between 30 and 200 Hz . • The low-frequency or flicker noise of the input transistors of the internal op amps is less critical than that for a conventional op amp. This is very convenient, because the input transistors for the CAZ op amp are MOSFETs, and their flicker noise is about five times worse than that of bipolar transistors or junction FETs. As Fig. Ib illustrates, the 7600/7601 op amps actually consist of three main functional blocks: a full complementary set of input and output analog switches for connecting the internal op amps into their two modes of operation; a digital section containing an RC oscillator, a divider chain and the necessary drivers for the analog switches; and an analog section comprising two internally-compensated CMOS op amps plus their feedback resistors (R, and R.). 294 2. The CAl instrumentation amplifier works well at bandwidths up to 10 Hz. It has four functional blocksthe analog, digital and switching sections of the CAZ op amp, plus a differential voltage converter. When one of these capacitors' is connected to the differential signal source, the other is connected to system ground, or a reference voltage, and to the input of one of the internal op amps. A short time later, the connections of the two capacitors are reversed. Thus, at all times, the differential input source is being sensed and applied to one of the internal op amps. The only external circuitry required are two resistors, to set the gain, and four capacitors-two for the internal amps and two for the voltage converter. Of the eight analog switches in the voltage converter, only four are conducting at anyone time. These are the four that connect one of the capacitors to the differential input and the other to ground, or a reference, and to the input of an internal op amp. This aliasing scheme preserves frequency information up to the commutation frequency. Above it, an input signal is transformed to a lower frequency at the output. Because of charge-injection phenomena at the switches and at the output to the voltage converter, the values of capacitors C3 and C. must be about l/LF to preserve signal accuracies to within 0.01%. 3. Because of its sensitivity to low-level Signals, the CAZ op amp makes an excellent high-gain preamplifier (a). The device is also well-suited for use with dual-slope analogto-digital converters (b). interfacing with microprocessors. The 7600/7601 and the 7109 use the same power supply of ±5 V, and the entire system typically consumes just 2.5 rnA of current. The input signal is applied through a low-pass (150 Hz) filter to the CAZ op amp, which is connected in a noninverting-gain configuration of either 20 or 100. The internal oscillator of the 760017601 runs at about 5.2 kHz, resulting in a commutation frequency of 160 Hz, with the DR terminal connected to V+. The errorstorage capacitors, C, and C2, are 1 /LF each, for a good compromise between the minimum equivalent input dc offset voltage and the smallest value of lowfrequency noise.' The output signal also passes through a low-pass filter (1 Mil and 0.1 /LF), having a bandwidth of 1.5 Hz. This results in an equivalent dc offset voltage of 1 to 2 /LV and a pk-pk noise voltage of 1.7 /LV, referred to the input of the 7600. The output of the low-pass f:lter directly feeds the input of the converter. The values of the converter's integrator resistor and the reference voltage must be chosen to suit the overall sensitivity of the system. For example, for a full-scale reading of 2.048 V (0.005 V/count times 4096 counts), the reference should be 1.024 V, and the integrator resistor 100 kr!. With an amplifier gain of 100, the system sensitivity will be 5/L V/count (0.005 V/count divided by 100). Alternatively, the gain of the 7600/7601 can be reduced and different values used for the reference Applying the CAZ op amp The principal application for the CAZ op amp is expected to be amplification of low-level signals from dc to 50 Hz, such as those produced by thermocouples. The CAZ op amp also is well-suited for use with dualslope analog-to-digital converters. The device's low noise permits sensing signal levels as low as 10 /LV. Fig. 3a shows a typical application-a preamplifier having a fixed gain of 100. Here, the 100-kll series input resistor and the O.Ol-/LF capacitor protect the CAZ amp from damage even with overload voltages as high as ±l kV. In Fig. 3b, the CAZ op amp teams with the ICL 7109 12-bit dual-slope aid converter, which is designed for 295 4. In low-frequency applications, the CAZ instrumentation amplifier can replace its more costly hybrid or monolithic counterparts. It easily senses bridge voltages (a) for building a digital-readout torque wrench (b). voltage and the converter's integrator capacitor. With a 190-kfl feedback resistor, a 0.2-V reference and a 20-k!l integrator resistor, the gain of the CAZ amp reduces to 20, and the converter sensitivity increases fivefold-for the same output sensitivity. amplifier, converting the differential voltage output from the bridge to a single-ended voltage reference to ground. The 760517606 then applies the signal to the input of a panel-meter chip-in this case, the ICL7106 dual-slop aid converter for a 3-'I2-digit liquidcrystal display. This system employs the internal voltage reference of the converter, instead of an external reference source. Setting a full-scale reading requires knowing the voltage sensitivity of the strain-guage bridge and then choosing both an appropriate gain for the CAZ amplifier and an appropriate value for the reference voltage. The proper amplifier gain should produce an output swing of about 0.5 V at full scale. The reference voltage required is one-half the maximum output swing, or 0.25 V. Once designed, this type of system requires only one full-scale adjustment-either the amplifier gain or the reference voltage. Total current consumption of the system, less the current drain of the strain-gauge bridge, is about 2 rnA. Ideal for low-frequency tasks In low-frequency applications with bandwidths from dc up to 10 Hz, 7605/7606 CAZ instrumentation amplifiers can replace almost any of today's more expensive hybrid or monolithic instrumentation amplifiers. Since the CAZ devices do not require periodic adjustment and have extremely low offset drift, they perform particularly well in adverse environments where it is difficult to service equipp!ent. One application for the 7605 is measuring the voltage across a bridge network, as illustrated in Fig. 4a. The input common range for the amplifier's + DIFF and - DIFF inputs cannot exceed the supplyvoltage range, which might be, say, ±5 V. No adjustments are necessary, except for the gain resistors. In such a circuit, common-mode rejection ratio is typically 100 dB, and the commutation frequency about 50 Hz. A more specific application for the 760517606 CAZ instrumentation amplifier is in a strain-gauge system, like the digital-readout torque wrench of Fig. 4b. In this application, the CAZ amp serves as a pre- DB 296 6. 297 Analog Gates, Switches, and Multiplexers 298 Switching signals with semiconductors Analog switches are fast, low cost, and work well with the high impedance of most signal circuits. Often they can replace reed relays Until recently, signal routing and switching were controlled almost exclusively by electromechanical relays and mechanical switches. Now the electronic switch. also known as the analog switch, is being used for many such applications. Initially the electronic switch replaced relays in many applications. But design engineers soon realized that analog switches have unique characteristics that allow them to do things mechanical switches could never attempt. In particular. an ordinary electronic switch is about one thousand times as fast as a conventional rela\'. Further: the electronic switch is smaller, lighter, longer lived, more reliable and often lower in cost than an equivalent relay. These characteristics have allowed the development of such things as low cost, high speed, analog-to-digital and digitalto-analog converters, fast sample-andholds, video switching and many other circuits. Usage continues to grow and a numher of different types of electronic '" itches ha\'e heen de\'e1oped for specific t\'pes of aprlications. Transistors have been used as switches ever since they first appeared, but usually as on-off devices for controlling lights, rdays, and other loads, as indicated in Fig tV 'cont~ """ 0 tV = A - Transistor power switch ~ I A. A diode is added to the equivalent circuit to show that current can flow in only one direction. Fig I B shows the nature of electronic switching. The signals, voltage V I, V2 and V), are usually low level and often have high impedance; they represent the flow of information rather than power. Further, the signals may be combined to produce new signals. Analog switch vs reed relay. The reed relay is closest to the analog switch in size, speed, cost and usage; therefore it can serve as a basis for comparison. Current through the coil (Fig 2A) of the reed relay, opens or closes the associated contacts through which the signal passes. The control input to the analog switch usually comes from TTL or CMOS logic, which the driver translates to the voltage needed to turn on or turn off the channel. The channel is a field effect transistor (tTTl. with the signal to be switched fed to the source while the drain is the output terminal. Depending on the voltage the driver imposes on the gate, the channel is either a very high impedance-many megohms-or well below 100 ohms. Advantages of the reed relay include the ability to handle much larger signals and a much lower resistance when on. Some analog switches are severly limited in the magnitude and polarity of the signals they can handle. Because of the nature of semiconductors, the voltages applied to source and drain cannot be allowed to vary indiscriminately but must be held within a range established by the characteristics of the device as well as by the voltage applied to the gate by the driver. If the Signal RI Source O > - - - - ,... r V, Signal ------t-I Drain 0>---- On off control R2 = R3 V, V3 On·off contml range is exceeded, either the channel goes to the wrong state, or some intermediate state, or the device may be destroyed. With respect to "on" resistance, it will be a long time (if ever) before analog switches with the low "on" resistances of relays are manufactured. However, the applications that require extremely low "on" resistance are few and most signal switching is done into high impedance loads. Since electronic components are much smaller than their mechanical counterparts, many more switches can be put into one package, greatly reducing parts count as well as space and volume. In addition, electronic switches have no moving parts and consequently no contact bounce. They are, however, sensitive to static electricity and thus good handling procedures should be used during assembly. The life of a solid switch is orders of magnitude greater than a relay and no maintenance is required. Driving the switch is easy since it can interface directly with TTL or CMOS logic without requiring diode protection, as a reed relay normally does. Pricing on a per channel basis is often lower for the analog switch than the reed relay, although some high speed switches are priced higher. But the most significant advantage of the electronic switch remains its extremely fast switching speed. Its ability to switch in less than 1 microsecond has opened up possibilities that are inconceivable with a reed relay. Switch functions duplicate those commonly found in reed relays: form A (normally closed), form B (normally open) and ~r Ro B - Electronic signal switching 1. Bipolar transistor for power switching. FETS for signal I I A - Reed relay B - Electronic switch 2. Reed relay performs the same function as an electronic switch 299 Switch se.ection guide Virtual ground .wltch Po.ltl... signal Iwltch 10K v, 10K -V out ;;-_-0 =lv, Signal inputs XV 2 translator driver is used. No quiescent No quiescent o--"'V'VV-"""'1r--1"--O""" Log;c positive signals only unless a current. 10K D4 inputs Can switch Output of switch must go into the virtual ground point of an Op Amp (unless signal is below 0.2). + V2 ) Does not need current. t driver. can be ~O----+-----' Low cost. Lowest cost. channel doped with "positive" impurities -the PJFET. The PJFET channel is on (low conductor technologies typically used in· resistance) in ilIt: abst:m.:t: of any controi elude signal. When the voltage at the gate terminal is made more positive than either the drain or the source terminal (by a minimum amount). the switch is turned off (high resistance). This phenomenon is known as the pinching-off of the channel through which the signal is flowing, and the vol~age required to do this is called the pinch-off voltage. This voltage can be obtained directly from an open collector TTL or CMOS logic operating at + 5 or + 15 v. The PJFETS have no quiescent current bipolar, PJFET. NJFET; MOSFET. VARAFET and CMOS. The p-channel JFETS. The simplest switch to understand and operate is a Junction Field Effect Transistor having a driven directly by TTL Does not need 3. Output olthe op-amp is determined by boih the signal inputs and the logic inputs form C (double throw). Both single pole and Illulti-rolc circuits arc available. Semi- driver, can be driven directly by TTL and do not require external power. PJFETS make excellent special function switches. An example is switching signals into the virtual ground (inverting) terminal of an op amp. (Note: Although the inverting input of an op amp is often part of a more complex circuit, the circuit feeding this input of the op amp is tricked into believing the inverting input is at signal ground: hence virtual ground.) The PJFETS in the two-input circuit of Fig 3 (Note: the arrowhead orientation signifies +V Hybrid circuit ?ignal on ----------~ r - - - - - - - -1_ - - - - - - - -, I I --tool I I Sample anci hold Gain select output 4. Programmable gain op-amp has 16 levels of gain. from 1 to 1.000 S;gnol ;n TTL >-....---0---, Logic 1'---<>---+ Load input L----------- I - On-off resistor control input A - Sample·and-hold circuit 5. Analog switch handles only positive voltage signals Varactor d;Ode\ Logic input 6. Use of NJFETplus varactor diode for sample-and-holds Vln ~ + _ Sample output 100 Vo I n 0.01 ~F B - Sample I 7. Sample-and-hold circuit, A, uses three VARAFETS. Circuit configuration when sampling is shown at B, and hold mode at C Low••t qul.lcent current Monolithic CMOS driver gate combination (low cost). HIghest .peed Monolithic CMOS driver gate combination (low leakage). Lowest charge injection. CMOS driver and VERAFET gate. Low••t 'OSeOn) Bipolar/MOS driver with NJF ET gate Bipolar driver with NJFET gate (low cost). Lowest rDS(on) Lowest rDS(on) Low quiescent Highest speed switch. Lowest charge Moderate leakage. Lowest qu iescent current. Lowest leakage Verv low quiescent Good speed with moderate rDS(on) and leakage. resulting in lowest error. current. Can switch up to !13v signals with :!:15v supplies. Can switch signals almost to the supplV rails. p-charinel) can switch signals in the hundreds of volts as long as the op amp can handle such voltages. The only thing to keep in mind is that the current through each PJFET must be kept within its specified value. The solid line diodes DI and D2 at the inputs limit the voltage at the source of the PJFET to about 0.7 volt and also shunts positive inputs to ground when the switch is off. With diodes D3 and D4 in place. the circuit can switch ± 100 volts. The diodes limit the input to the PJFET to ±0.6 volt. but this is adequate since the op amp is actually forcing this point-the drains of the PJFETS-to ground. In Fig 4. PJFETS are used to switch feedback resistors to provide an amplifier with 16 different programmable gains. Another special function switch built using PJFETS handles only positive signals. This switch requires an external referral resistor. Fig 5. for proper operation. but is ideal for switching into the positive terminal of an op amp. The N-channel JFET. An N-channel JFET-a JFET with the channel doped with "negative" impurities-is also turned on with no control signal applied. and is driven off by making the gate terminal more negative than source and drain. Since +15V--r----- -1~~:::::J -I +5V---..f I I I I ± IOV I I Logic in I High quiescent current: Low cost. Moderate leakage Highest cost. quiescent current. Switches :!:lOv signals with :!:15v supplies. Average speed. Ultra low leakage. Lower cost. Overvoltage protection to :!:25v. OnlV switch with true chip enable. Verv fast. Lowest cost (for this categorv). Signal in Fast. injection. current. I I L ______ ....J 8. CMOS' switches have extremely low drive and quiescent currents the outputs of TTL and CMOS logic gates are either a positive voltage level or near zero. a driver is required to do level shifting and generate a negative control signal. Most NJFET switches come with the drivers built in. Drivers for NJFETgates are usually bipolar. or combined bipolar / MOS; they require significant quiescent currents and therefore consume power. The negative impurities used in NJFET channels have extra electrons. which are far more mobile than the "holes" of PJFETS channels. As a result. the NJFETS have the lowest on resistance. VARAFET switches. In some applications. such as sample-and-hold circuits. low charge injection is critical. For these applications the VARAFET gate. Fig 6. was developed. The gate consists of an NJH,T with a varactor diode in series with the gate terminal. An NJFET by itself is not satisfactory because it will inject charge into the signal path when it is turned on and will thereby distort the output. Varactor diodes can store charge and thus they prevent most of the injected charge from entering the channel. The varactor diode also eliminates the referral components otherwise required for switching NJFET transistors. Fig 7A shows a sample-and-hold using VARAFET gates. When a sample of the analog input is wanted. the logic signal applied to the driver causes output / to go low and 2 to go high. This puts the circuit into the configuration shown at 7B. When this sample period is over. / goes low. 2 goes high. and the circuit is put in the hold mode. Fig. 7C. MOSFET switches. MOSFETS (Metal Oxide Silicon FET). unlik JFETS. are off when no control voltage is applied to the switch. They are turned on when the appropriate signal is applied to the gate terminal. MOSFET devices were among the first switches on the market but are now used 301 Switches :!:1 Ov signals with :!:15v supplies, or :!:12v and :!:1 Bv supplies. in very few applications. Their only outstanding feature is more switches per packag:e-up to :-.i\-than other tCl:hllolog.ics (ll\!..'ft..~d in this artil'k. CMOS switches. Complimentary MOSFFT (CMOS) switches are now heginning to dominate. In applications where the special function switches-the PJFETS. 'HI·Frs. VARAFETS-are not needed or cannot he used. CMOS switches are the preferred devices. CMOS switches consist of drivers and gates made from CMOS. usually on a single chip. A simplified circuit is shown in Fig. H. The on-off input signal can be ohtained from a CMOS logic gate or TTL. either regular or open collector pulled to 15 volts. Switching speed is higher for 15 volt logic. When the logic input is low. both the P and N transistor are off. When the logic input is high. both transistors are on and signals up to ± 10 volts can now either way through the circuits. A summary selection guide to analog s\\ itches is gIven in the tahle which annears at the top of these facing pages. PM Understanding and Applying the Analog Switch INTRODUCTION Historically the analog switch has been thought of as a solid state relay, and many of its common applications are areas where the relay dominated the scene a few years ago. Routing signals in telephone exchanges is the most obvious example. More recently, however, as creative designers are becoming aware of the unique properties of the analog switch, a new generation of applications is emerging which were simply not possible using relays. The ability to change the gain of an amplifier, or the time constant of an inte· grator, in less than a microsecond has far-reaching implications in real-time analog signal processing. which follows is confined to this type of device. Reed relays have three advantages; they are easy to apply (current through a coil opens or closes isolated contacts), they will handle signals of the order of hundreds of volts, and their ON-resistance is low. So what does the solid-state analog switch have to offer? It outperforms the mechanical relay in almost every other specification. It is much faster, does not suffer from contact bounce problems, is more rugged since there are no moving parts, has several times the number of switches per package, and is easier to drive since the switch can interface directly with TTL without requiring back-EMF diode protection, etc. The salient features of the two switch types are given in Table 1. The purpose of this note is twofold. Firstly, to act as an introduction to analog switches to those who have hitherto only used relays. Secondly, to compare and contrast the features of the different switch families and to illustrate their use with practical applications. Analog switches can be thought of in terms of form A, B, and C relays; it is only necessary to add some external connections as shown in Table 2. The table shows devices from the IH5040 series, with the switch states for a logic "1 " input. In the normal state (logic "0" input) the contact closures drawn as closed would be open and vice versa. RELAYS AND THE ANALOG SWITCH Since the class of relay closest to the analog switch in terms of cost and packaging is the reed relay, the comparison TABLE 1 AMILY ~ PARAMETER SIGNAL HANDLING (VS = i 15V WHERE APPLICABLE) ~N RE~ISTANCE TYPICAL REED RELAY HYBRID FET & BIPOLAR SWITCH (lH5001) C-MOS SWITCH (IH5040) VIRTUAL GROUND SWITCH (lH5009) POSITIVE SIGNAL SWITCH (IH5025) !300V ±8V ±14V ±15V (NOTE 1) OV TO +10V (NOTE 2) O.H? 30n 75n lOOn loon I _S_P~E~E~D__(~to~n~h~o~ff~)_~~~1~00~0~/~50~0~M~S-+_~0~.5~/l~.~OM_S_ _r-_l~.0~ro~.5~M_S_-r_ _0_.5~/~0.~5~M.S___~ ___ 0._2_/0_.2_M_S_ _~ LOGIC COMPATIBILITY STEADY STATE QUIESCENT CURRENT NO 10mA @ 15V YES _ __+_---Y-E-S--+-3.5mA 10MA YES NONE ~H--E-N-O-N-)------~-----_+---------~.-----_+_-----COST PER CHANNEL <$1.00 $2.50 <$1.00 < $1.00 @ 1000 PCS YES 1 .-_ NONE ---~;;.~o - - NOTE 1: When used as recommended et the virtual ground point of an operational amplifier. NOTE 2: A method of switching +20V signals is explained in the data sheet. A. COMBINATION FET AND BIPOLAR HYBRID DESIGNS THE AVAILABLE SWITCH TYPES These may be described as first generation single package analog switches. In many respects they are equivalent to the p.A709 in the op-amp world; both deserve credit for pioneering the concept of a complete building block in a single package, and yet both have been outdated by advancing technologies and design concepts. There are basically four different switch types on the market at the present time. They may be summarized as follows: a. Combination FET (MOS or Junction) and bipolar hybrid designs. b. Monolithic C-MOS Designs. c. Simple low-cost J-FET "virtual ground" designs. d. Simple low-cost "positive signal" designs. This family is of hybrid construction and consists of a Bipolar, monolithic driver chip and MOSFETs or junction 302 NOTE 1: Switch states are for logic "1 " input NOTE 2: Pin Connections are for DIP package TABLE 2. Relay Equivalent Contact Forms FORMA OUALA FORMC " SPST IH5040 IROS ION) <75n DUAL SPST IH5041 IR DS ION) <75n SPDT IH5050 IRDSION) < 30n) IH5042IRDSION) < 75H) VL v, 5, D, 53 D3 'N, 1"2 OPST IH5044 IRos ION) <75H) 5, 0, 54 0, DUAL DPST IH5049 IRos ION) <30n) DPDT IH5046 IR DS ION) <75!11 IH5045 IRos ION) <75n) DUAL C DUAL B 5, 4PST IH5047 IRos IONI <75n) DUAL SPST IH5048 IR DS ION) <30n) O-,+-----<,....-...,f-C-o "J e-o+----- -_-oVOL;1 SIGNAL INPUTS 10 K!~ B. MONOLITHIC C·MOS ANALOG GATE. C. VIRTUAL GROUND SWITCH FAMILY FIGURE 5. SWITCHING AT VIRTUAL GROUND OF AN OP-AMP (2 CHANNELS SHOWN) The Combination FET and Bipolar Hybrid Designs and Monolithic C·MOS Designs are families which feature great versatility; while there are differences in signal handling capability, speed, power consumption, etc., between the two groups, there is little doubt that both families will handle most switching needs. The disadvantage of this added versatility is the price one pays for it. If you need the flexibility to switch A.C. signals into any load, and up to ±10V amplitude, then you need either of the a) or b) groups. On the other hand, if you are switching into the inverting input of an operational amplifier, or are switching low level signals, the IH5009 through IH5024 provides the best cost performance tradeoff. The IH5009 family came into being at Intersil to fill the need for a $1 per channel switch function. It was found that 40% of all switching applications encountered could be satisfied by a simpler switch than the driver/gate combina· tion designs. Since the switch could be simpler, the costs were less and customer objectives could be met. This "designing for need" concept led to the P·channel J-FET analog switch (lH5009 family). A P-channel was chosen as the gating element since it could be driven directly from positive going logic (TTL); thus the TTL gate acted as a driver for the FET and resulted in an immediate cost saving to end users, since previous designs had required a separate driver. The diodes from the source to ground limit the swing at the J-FET to +0.7V typically so the circuit operates correctly regardless of the signal voltage. While the intent of the 5009 family was to reduce cost, some unique advantages accompany this reduction: 1. Since the TTL logic element is the driver, the switch is very fast; this implies that most analog switches are speed limited by the driver or translator and this is true. If the driver takes 1 J,lS to switch from +15V to -15V then toff time of driver-gate combination (N-channel) will be approximately 1 J,lS. Only in the 5009 and the 5025 family is the FET speed capability fully utilized; this then turns out to be inherent in the design. Typical ton times are 50 nS and typical toff times are 150 nS. 2. The method of switching is current switching and the output/input relationship follows the well known inverting feedback amplifier gain equation. If the op amp has high open loop gain, the signal present at summing junction will be J,lV or mV and therefore, the output is just the input current times the total feedback resistance. Thus, for 0.1% or 0.01% switching accuracy, a feedback J-FET is used in series with the feedback resistor (R f ); 305 this feedback F ET compensates for the error due to Iin X Ros loss at the input (Ros = "on" resistance of P-JFET). In the 5009 family, a "compensating FET" is included in the package specifically for this purpose (Fig. 6). The two FETs track so the gain tracks through temperature and system accuracy can be maintained. by using a +30V supply at open collector terminal point. There is no restriction on the load, as in the 5009 family, and load resistances from 50n to infinity are easily handled. A typical switching circuit is shown in Fig. 8 below: AlOA,U +15V - ANI~~~~ o---,\'O"K","...,---, 10 Kfl fAOM At TTL OUTPUT lin FIGURE 8. TYPICAL SWITCHING CIRCUIT (ONE CHANNEL) Notice that no op amp is required to be part of the switching circuit, as is the case in the 5009 family. The disadvantage of this series is that negative signals cannot be switched unless external parts are added as in Fig. 9. FIGURE 6. USE OF "COMPENSATING FET" TO REDUCE RDS(ONI ERROR The 5009 series is broken up into two 'different groups. All the odd-numbered parts (5009, 5011, etc.) are designed to be used with TTL open collector logic (+15V power supply) while the even-numbered one. are designed to be used with +5V TTL logic. For odd-numbered parts, the J-FETs have a pinch-off voltage of 4V to 10V and a maximum ROS(on) of lOOn (65n typical) and the even numbers have a pinch-off range of 2V to 3.9V and a maximum ROS(on) of 150n (90n typical). ."W"'%;::~'" I .w f~" ~ " I>':Pl'l For both even and odd numbers, the match between any two channels is beUer than 50n and versions at 25n, lOn, 5n are available at increased cost over the basic 50n match. Additional information on the 5009 series is given in Intersil Application Note A004 "The IH5009 Series of Low Cost Analog Switches." FIGURE 9. SWITCHING BIPOLAR SIGNALS USING THE IH5025 Thus, by adding a PNP (2N3638 or 2N2907, etc.) and two resistors, the 5025 family becomes just as versatile as any other analog switch. Of course, open collector logic must still be used. When switching only positive signals, so that the circuit is driven directly from logic, speed is very fast; in fact, t(on) "" 50 nS and t(off) "" 200 nS up to R L = 1 K loads (C L ~ 10 pF). When driving through PNPstageshown, speed is considerably reduced (to 300 nS, 1 j.l.S for t(on) , t(off) respectively). D. POSITIVE SIGNAL SWITCH FAMILY Just as the 5009 series fits a particular need for virtual ground switching applications, the IH5025 through IH5038 fits into a certain niche when only positive signals are switched. The 5025 series has been designed to switch any signal from OV to +10V using TIL open collector logic (+15V power supply). Signals up to +25V can be switched The 5025 fami Iy is broken up into 2 distinct groups, all of which have a pinch-off range of 2V to 3.9V. The oddnumbered parts have a maximum ROS(on) of lOOn and the even numbers have a maximum of 150n; the difference between the two groups is that a larger geometry FET is used for odd-numbered parts. This larger geometry, while producing a lower on resistance, also inherently has about twice the charge injection when compared with the evennumbered parts. This is specified at 20 mV maximum into 10,000 pF for all parts. Typical charge injections are 7 mV for even-numbered parts and 14 mV for odd-numbered parts. As with the 5009 family, the 5025 series has a channel to channel ROS(on) match of 50n or less, with typicals running in the 25n area. While the 5025 family has been targeted for use with TTL open collector logic, it can be used with 5V logic under the restraint that a maximum of 1 V signal is switched. While this is rather restrictive, there are a few applications where this 1 V maximum would be no problem; i.e., when switching transducer signals directly. FIGURE 7. IH5025 SCHEMATIC 306 COMPARING THE PARAMETERS 'OS(ON) AS A FUNCTION OF THE ANALOG SIGNAL VOLTAGE Table 1 compares the key features of different switch types. A more detailed description of specific parameters follows: A. SIGNAL HANDLING It has already been pointed out that one of the primary differences between relays and semiconductor switches is the degree of isolation between the control signal and the signal being switched. In the case of the semiconductor switch, the maximum analog signal that can be handled is related to the characteristics of the FETs or MOSFETs, and the supply voltages. When the switch itself is an N channel J-FET, which in the absence of any gate bias is in the ON state, the device is held off by driving the gate towards the negative supply. Clearly, if the potential on the drain or source comes within Vp (the pinch-off voltage) of the gate, the device will turn on. With MOSFETs an analogous situation exists: The analog signal modulates the gate bias and can give rise to incorrect switch states if the recommended signal amplitudes are exceeded. FIGURE 10. J-FET SWITCH ~OS(ON) AS A FUNCTION OF THE mmm ANALOG SIGNAL VOLTAGE 10 '~ -+ I--~::f$ -. ~ For virtual ground family (IH5009, etc.) the situation is somewhat different. The maximum signal which can be handled at the switch itself is only +700 mV; however, when used as recommended at the virtual ground point of an op-amp, signals at Vin and Vout may be much larger, as previously stated (i.e., ±100V). It is worth noting that low level signals, such as those from a thermocouple, may be switched using an IH5009 without the need for an op-amp provided the amplitudes are less than 700 mV. .~ ~ -j-- p...J-+--+.1.0 ~ ......... r - i =~ _.. _. -I---. 0 Z I Z f-+---+-- t-I---+--+-! i +.- --I-----I---+'-+~_+-!~ Q 9 I I o. 1 '--..J---'----J._i.-..J---'-~'__' -10 -5 a 5 10 VANALOG-V FIGURE 11. P-MOS SWITCH B. ON RESISTANCE 'OS(ON) AS A FUNCTION OF THE ANALOG SIGNAL VOLTAGE The ON-resistance of a good reed relay is substantially less than that of a typical analog switch. However, the widespread use of high input-impedance op-amp buffers has tended to decrease the importance of ON-resistance as a key parameter. It is almost always possible to design the circuitry interfacing with the switch so that an ON-resistance of 30n to lOOn does not contribute a substantial error. Some of these techniques are illustrated in the applications given on pages 10 through 16. 2.0 r--'--'--'--,--r~-,--, - - - --r- u ekl 1.51---+--I--~--+,---j-+--I---l 53 N ::; t--+--t...-l-+--I--d-t---I « 1.0 ~ Z V '" 0.5 t--+-+-i--+-+-+-f--l ~".. ~ In the case of the IH5009 series, the effective ON-resistance of the switches may be further reduced by use of the "compensating FET" as described earlier. ......... ~~10~--~5~-~0~-~5-~'0 VANALOG-V FIGURE 12. C-MOS SWITCH The linearity of ON-resistance as a function of the analog signal is dependent on the switch type. For junction F ET switches, which are normally on, ROS(on) is independent of the analog signal (Fig. 10). For P-MOS switches, a negative gate bias is required to turn the device on. The analog signal thus modulates the bias Voltage, giving rise to the characteristics seen in Fig. 11. In the case of the C-MOS switch, the ROS(on) of the "p" and the "n" channel in parallel tend to compensate, as shown in Fig. 12. C. SPEED Table 1 shows the maximum switching times for various switch families. The waveform photos which follow illustrate the typical performance that can be expected under normal operating conditions. When the 5009 and the 5025 series are used in conjunction with an op-amp, the switching characteristics are usually limited by the slew rate and settling time of the op-amp. At the present time, for example, there are no monolithic op-amps capable of swinging 10 volts and settling to .01% in less than 500 nS, even though the IH5009 is capable of such performance. The temperature characteristics of the different switch types are shown in Fig. 13 through 15. 307 roS(ON) AS A FUNCTION OF TEMPERATURE roS(ON) AS A FUNCTION OF TEMPERATURE roS(ON) AS A FUNCTION OF TEMPERATURE 2.0 2. 0 " ~g " 1.5 I----t--+--t « "ii' " ~ o -....... 1.0 Z Z I Z 0.5 o ~ 0.5 ~ 1.5 0 .... i I I ~ ~ 1!l" I 1.5 N N I ~ "w W Z 1!l" ~~ 1.0 "ii' i V 0 Z I Z 0.5 ~ o -25 75 o 125 -75 TEMPERATURE-OC TEMPERATURE-OC FIGURE 13. J·FET SWITCH 25 .,..., 0 --75 .....V -25 25 75 125 TEMPEAATURE-OC FIGURE 14. P-MOS SWITCH FIGURE 15. C-MOS SWITCH TYPICAL SWITCHING WAVEFORMS .. LOGIC INPUT ovfL LOGIC INPUT VOUT +10V _OUTPUT OV HORIZONTAL = 1 p.s/div· VERTICAL = 5V/div FIGURE 16. OG118 (Note "Make-Belore-Break"' Action) 4 -lOV VOUT .ov ovJ"1. LOGIC INPUT HORIZONTAL = 1 p.s/div VERTICAL = 5V/div FIGURE 17. IH5010 308 10kll .. LOGIC INPUT +10V _OUTPUT I ~) \.. uv.fL OV LOGIC INPUT HORIZONTAL = 1 ,"sid;v VERTICAL (TOP) = 10V/d;v VERTICAL (BOTTOM) = 5V/d;v FIGURE 18. IH5025 .. LOGIC INPUT +10V -OUTPUT OV HORIZONTAL = 1 ,"s/d;v VERTICAL = 5V/d;v FIGURE 19. IH5041 (Note ··Break·Belare·Make'" Action) FIGURE 21. FIGURE 20. INTERFACING 5009 FAMILY WITH 5V ANO 15V TTL ,- -----~ I I FIGURE 23 FIGURE 22 INTERFACING 5025 FAMILY WITH 5V AND 15V TTL FIGURE 25 FIGURE 24 INTERFACING 5040 FAMILY WITH 5V AND 15V TTL 309 D. LOGIC COMPATIBILITY ryl ":" I All the popular solid state switches are compatible with TTL output swings; some require a pull-up resistor to guarantee correct operation however. Schematics showing how to interface with both standard (5V) TTL and high level open collector (15V) are given in Fig. 20 through 25. vo';OSCOPE PROBE il0X) lQ.OOOpF '15V E. POWER SUPPLIES ovn. The I H5009 and IH5025 require no external supplies; the only power used is gate leakage current drawn from the logic. The I H5040 C-MOS circuits require ±15 volts and +5 volts, but again the only steady state power drain is a leakage current of 1 J.lA typical. The hybrid switches utilizing bipolar drivers require ±15 volt supplies, and typically use 2 mA in the ON condition. In the OFF state this current is much reduced and may only consist of a few microamps. FIGURE 26. CHARGE INJECTION TEST CIRCUIT F. CHARGE INJECTION Most analog switches exhibit some degree of charge injection, due to capacitive coupling between the FET gate and the channel. This is a difficult parameter to riefine in quantitative terms since it depends on the rate of change of the gate drive signal. However, it turns out that all the analog gates under discussion in this note exhibit similar charge injection characteristics. Using the I H5025, for example, in the test circuit of Fig. 26, the waveform at the output is as shown in Fig. 27. Note that the equivalent circuit of Fig. 26 is simply a capacitance divider between the gate·channel capacitance and the load capacitance. For other operating conditions, the amplitude of the charge injection spike can be scaled proportionately. For example, doubling the size of the load capacitance will halve the spike amplitude. UPPER WAVEFORM = LOGIC INPUT (10V/div) LOWER WAVEFORM = OUTPUT (5 mV/div) HORIZONTAL = 1.0 I's/div FIGURE 27. IH5025 CHARGE INJECTION SUMMARY As a guide to users trying to decide which of Intersil's family of analog gates is most appropriate for their system needs, the following summary may help to narrow the choice: Use Intersil Family & Key Features Any portable equipment IH5040 CMOS family. Lowest power dissipation (25 J.lW typ.). Compatible with CMOS logic levels. Telephone switching IH5009 or IH5025 family. Very fast switching to allow multiplexing many signals over the same line; lowest cost part. Computer interfacing equipment (Disc readouts. Read and write circuits from memory drums, etc.) IH5009 or IH5025 family for low cost. Video or radar switching IH5025 family for fastest speed. Military Avionics a. Ground support material DGl16 thru DG164 familY or IH5040 family when versatility is more important than cost. b. Airborne equipment IH5040 family for minimum waste of power and versatility to perform many different switching functions with the same part. Any switching done in conjunction with operational amplifiers (i.e., switched integrators, switched gain, integrating sample and hold, etc.) IH5009 family can be switched directly from logic in virtual ground applications. Any system requiring switch to be off when power is off DGl16 thru DG125 family or IH5050 family. MOSFET and CMOS devices require power to be turned on. 310 APPLICATIONS - DG120 SERIES 0<1120 " 'Ill l ~OUN~-lOO; J AiJ\j 51: L~C , FIGURE 29. GAIN PROGRAMMABLE AMPLIFIER FIGURE 30. PROGRAMMABLE INTEGRATOR WITH RESET 311 APPLICATIONS - IH5009 SERIES (Cant.> 10 10: F K~! ANALuG INPuTS TOO;! >--~"'VII'v-""-O OUTPUT 1 SO '3 " p~ CHARACTERISTICS SLEW RATE lOY liS GAIN ALCURACY 5", IIH50091 TO 05"'0 1IT$73/2) Sf'! Tahle 1 '----v------' CHANNEL SELECT FIGURE 31. LOW COST 4 CHANNEL MULTIPLEXER 01IJF r- - -IH5009IHSoiO - - --, I I 10 I I K~! I I \0 A"lALQG li'IIPUTS 8001 " K~! 10 K!! 10 K!! " -= ! 7 8 '----v----' CHANNEL SAMPLE HOLD SELECT CHARACTERISTICS TYPICAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE DRIFT , 5mV'sec SELECT FIGURE 32. 3 CHANNEL MULTIPLEXER WITH SAMPLE & HOLD 1 MU r - - - - - iHsOO9.iHrFlo- - - - - ---, 1 M!! t--"'--'V'r-<>-~~ 15pF 110 KH " 2041(H 10 K1: E.... '\... 101 KH ~ " '": , CH4 CHARACTERISTICS GAIN" 1 fOR CHANNEL 1 ON, CHANNELS 2,3,4 OFF GAIN" 2 FDA CHANNEL 2 ON. CHANNELS 1. 3, 4 OFF GAIN ~ 10 FOft CHANNEL JON. CHANNELS 1. 2.4 OFf GAIN: FOR CHANNEl40N. CHANNelS 1, 2. 3 OFF GAIN: 100 FOR ALL CHANNELS OFF SLEW RATE' lOV>AS so eH3 CH2 CHI FIGURE 32. GAIN RANGING CIRCUIT 312 APPLICATIONS - IH5009 SERIES (CanU 10 NOTE THE ANALOG SWITCH BETWEEN THE QP AMP AND THE 161NPLJT SWITCHES REDUCES THE ERRORS DUE TO LEAKAGE CHARACTERISTICS ERROR ~ 0 4iJV TYPICAL@ 25 C 10).lV TYPICAL @ 70··C FIGURE 33. 16 CHANNEL MULTIPLEXER 313 APPLICATIONS -IH5025 SERIES r--------,·]!'>v I fJ 'lOV SIGNAL I~PUT ()V TO ':lOV I I I I .J\, OV.rL., I I L!"~:"::.\':":'" FIGURE 36. SWITCHING UP TO +20V SIGNALS WITH T2L LOGIC FIGURE 35. SAMPLE AND HOLD SWITCH FIGURE 34. MULTIPLEXER FROM POSITIVE OUTPUT TRANSDUCERS r---------, -: -: I ____ J '15V I I IRe., I I f 1 Kl1 ITO "OKW I QSt .,G,' IJR '~I(,Il,All'"PUT~ SI\lILAR TO FIGURES 10IJR 11 ~HOULD8[ A <;CHE~H uSfD FROMCQNTROL lOGIC FIGURE 39. HIGH INPUT IMPEDANCE GAIN CONTROL FOR POSITIVE INPUT SIGNALS USING IH5025. 315 APPLICATIONS - IH5040 SERIES .,.,5V +-lSV >"--- '0 APPLICATIONS - IH5040 SERIES (CanU lOOk!! 10,OOOpF l00k!1 10,OOOpF 100k~1 SII~~C~ D---'IM..-......... 6Sk!! Constant Gain, Constant Q, Variable Frequency Filter which provides simultaneous Lopass, Bandpass, & Hipass outputs i. e. with components shown Q = 100, Gain = 100 fn = Center 6aOk!! I 1 Frequency = - 2"RC C = 10,OOOpF & R = 6Bkn or 6BOkn (depending upon Logic Statel. System Quiescent Current <300J,lA FIGURE 42. DIGITALLY TUNED LOW POWER ACTIVE FILTER. DF 317 ThelH5009 Analog Switch Series INTRODUCTION The Compensating FET The IH5009 series of analog switches described in this note were designed by Intersil to fill the need for an easy-to-use, inexpensive switch for both industrial and military applications. Although low cost was one of the primary design objectives (less than $1/switch in volume), performance and versatility have not been sacrificed. Up to four channels per package are available, no external power supplies are required, and switching speeds are guaranteed to be less than 500 ns. Those devices which feature common drains (IH5009, 5010, 5013,5014, etc') have another FET in addition to the channel switches (Figure 2>' This FET, which has gate and source connected such that VGS = 0, is intended to compensate for the on-resistance of the switch. When placed in series with the feedback resistor (Figure 3) the gain is given by GAIN = 10 kO + Tos (compensator) 10 kO + Ros (switch) Clearly, the gain error caused by the switch is dependent on the Hlaich between the FETs nather than the absoiuie vaiue oi CIRCUIT OPERATION Switching Virtual Ground Signals The signals seen at the drain of a junction FET type analog switch can be arbitrarily divided into two categories: Those which are less than ±200 mV, and those which are greater than ±200 mY. The former category includes all those circuits where switching is performed at the virtual ground point of an op-amp, and it is primarily towards these applications that the IH5009 family of circuits is directed. In applications where the signal amplitude at the switch is greater than ±200 mV, the simple design of the IH5009 is no longer appropriate and a more complex switch design is called for. See REF. 1 for a complete discussion of this type of switch. the FET on-resistance. For the standard product, all the FETs in a given package are guaranteed to match within 500. Selections down to 50 are available however. The part numbers are shown in Table I. Since the absolute value of ROS(ON) is only guaranteed to be less than 1000 or 1500, it is clear that a substantial improvement in gain accuracy can be obtained by using the compensating FET. This is only true however when the input resistor and the feedback resistor are similar in value: for dissimilar values, the benefits of the compensating FET are less pronounced. COMPENSATING FET S 0 0 ~ S It is important to realize that the ±200 mV limitation applies only to the signal at the drain of the FET switch; signals of ±10V or greater can becommutated by the IH5009 in acircuit of the type shown in Figure 1. For a high gain inverting amplifier the signal level at the virtual ground point will only be a few microvolts for +10V input and output swings. FIGURE 2: SCHEMATIC OF IH5009 & IH5010 COMPENSATION FET 10KSl 10 K~l >----.l_oQ ±10V 1 ANALOG INPUT 10 K~2 >-_~_~ = FIGURE 1: SWITCHING AT VIRTUAL GROUND POINT FIGURE 3: USE OF COMPENSATION FET ANALOG OUTPUT TABLE I EFFECTIVE PART NUMBER INPUT LOGIC DRIVE rOS(ON) rOS(ON) (OHMS) MAX. 100 DESCRIPTION (OHMS) MAX. IH5009 High Level 4-Channel, 15V Logic 50 IH5010 DTL, TTL, RTL 4-Channel, 5V Logic 50 150 IT87318 High Level 4-Channel, 15V Logic 25 100 IT87319 DTL, TTL, RTL 4-Channel, 5V Logic 25 150 IT87320 High Level 4-Channel, 15V Logic 10 100 IT87321 DTL, TTL, RTL 4-Channel, 5V Logic 10 150 IT87322 High Level 4-Channel, 15V Logic 5 100 IT87323 DTL, TTL,RTL 4-Channel, 5V Logic 5 150 IH5013 High Level 3-Channel, 15V Logic 50 100 IH5014 DTL, TTL, RTL 3-Channel, 5V Logic 50 150 IT87324 High Level 3-Channel, 15V Logic 25 100 IT87325 DTL, TTL, RTL 3-Channel, 5V Logic 25 150 IT87326 High Level 3-Channel, 15V Logic 10 100 IT87327 DTL, TTL, RTL 3-Channel, 5V Logic 10 150 IT87328 High Level 3-Channel, 15V Logic 5 100 IT87329 DTL, TTL, RTL 3-Channel, 5V Logic 5 150 IH5017 High Level 2-Channel, 15V Logic 50 100 IH5018 DTL, TTL,RTL 2-Channel, 5V Logic 50 150 IT87330 High Level 2-Channel, 15V Logic 25 100 IT87331 DTL, TTL, RTL 2-Channel, 5V Logic 25 150 IT87332 High Level 2-Channel, 15V Logic 10 100 IT87333 DTL, TTL, RTL 2-Channel, 5V Logic 10 150 IT87334 High Level 2-Channel, 15V Logic 5 100 IT87335 DTL, TTL, RTL 2-Channel, 5V Logic 5 150 IH5021 High Level 1-Channel, 15V Logic 50 100 IH5022 DTL, TTL, RTL 1-Channel, 5V Logic 50 150 IT87336 High Level 1-Channel, 15V Logic 25 100 IT87337 DTL, TTL, RTL 1-Channel, 5V Logic 25 150 IT87338 High Level 1-Channel, 15V Logic 10 100 IT87339 DTL, TTL, RTL 1-Channel, 5V Logic 10 150 IT87340 High Level 1-Channel, 15V Logic 5 100 IT87341 DTL, TTL, RTL 1-Channel, 5V Logic 5 150 Logic Compatibility off of the FETs is selected to be less than 3.7V (Vp @ 10 = 1 nA); therefore, a positive logic level +4.5V will supply adequate safety margin for proper gating action. To guarantee this +4.5V from series 54174 TTL logic requires the use of a pull-up resistor: Values from 2 kO to 10 kO are suitable depending upon the speed requirements (Figure 4), Alternatively the TTL may be operated from +6V supplies. The "1" level will then be greater than +4.5V without the need for a pull-up resistor. The maximum on-resistance is guaranteed for +0.5V on the gate of the FET. 8ince the maximum low level outut voltage from TTL is O.4V, the ON-resistances specified are conservative. With OV applied to the FET gate, typical ON-resistances of 900 will be Obtained. The 5009 through 5024 series parts are primarily intended for constant - impedance multiplexing. The diode connected to the J-FET source acts like a shunt switch, while the FET itself acts as a series switch. The advantage of this configuration is its high noise immunity when the series element is off. The diode then clamps the source to +0.7 TYP. with a low AC impedance to ground and prevents false triggering of the FET for positive inputs. Negative inputs present no problems since they further increase the OFF voltage beyond pinchoff. The even-numbered devices in the family (5010 through 5024) are designed for interfacing with 5V logic. The pinch319 The odd-numbered devices in the family (5009 through 50231 are designed for interfacing with 15V logic. The pinch-off of these parts is selected to be less than 10V, so that a +llV positive logic level provides adequate safety margin. To obtain this level from open collector TTL logic also requires a pull-up resistor; 1 kO to 10 kO is suitable depending on the speed and fan-out requirements (Figure 5), The ONresistance is measured with +1.5V applied to the gate and is guaranteed to be less than 1000 at 25°C. ForOVon the gate, the typical RON is 600. ANALOG INPUT r---- -------, I I I I 10KS2 I IREXT I (2KQ I TO 110KQI I I I +5V fIT l r--4~-,")ANALOG OUTPUT ----L-~ I I I I I I I 10KQ LOGIC INPUT I 15VTTLGATE= =1 L ___________ ..J FIGURE 4: INTERFACING WITH +5V LOGIC :: '·i ANALOG INPUT r - - - - - - -- - - - '+15V i,~f{~,_ I 10K~1 ANALOG OUTPUT - I I I 10K~1 INPUT = I I I I I 1 TTL GATE = = L15V ___________ ..JI FIGURE 5: INTERFACING WITH +15V OPEN COLLECTOR LOGIC 320 Switching Speed and Crosstalk In applications where low ON-resistance is critical, special selections can be made. Since high pinch-off FETs have lower ON-resistances than low pinch-off types (for a given geometry) it is advantageous to make such selections from the odd-numbered devices and use high level TTL for the control logic. The switching speed is guaranteed to be less than 500 ns at 25° C. Typical turn-on and turn-off times are 150 ns and 300 ns, respectively. When analog switches are used in conjunction with operational amplifiers, settling time is often an important parameter. In a typical fast amplifier, settling times of 1 /-'s to 0.1% are seen. This time is primarily caused by non-linear modes of operation within the amplifier, and the inclusion of an analog switch at the virtual ground point will not cause significant degradation of the settling time. Crosstalk can be measured using the circuit of Figure 6. At low frequencies, it is very difficult to obtain accurate values since the separation is better than 120 dB. Typical crosstalk as a function of frequency is shown in Figure 7. Maximum Switch Current The maximum current through the switch is dictated primarily by leakage considerations rather than power dissipation problems. When the drain of the FET is held at virtual ground, current through the channel tends to bias the source positive. Eventually, the source-gate junction will forward bias, giving rise to large leakage currents. This is most likely to occur at high temperature when the junction turn-on potential is at its lowest. The data sheet guarantees maximum leakage for Is = 1 mA and 2 mA, with VIN =OV. The substantial increase seen in the leakage in changing Is from 1mA to 2mA (at 70°C) indicates that the turn-on potential is being approached rapidly under these conditions. Specifying the leakage for VIN (the gate potential) = OV is a worst case condition; under most circumstances VIN = +200 mV would be a more typical value. Thus 200 mV additional signal would be required at the source to give the same leakage current. PRODUCT SUMMARY Table 2 shows the different product numbers, their schematics, and their equivalent circuits. The even numbers are designed to be driven from 5V TTL, while odd numbers are designed to be driven from TTL open collector logic (15VI. 10KIl 10KIl 1.. VOUT 10KIl VIN ~ 20V ~Pk-"k .. 5V 15010 ETCI +15V 15009 ETCI FIGURE 6: CROSSTALK MEASUREMENT CIRCUIT CROSSTALK AS A FUNCTION OF FREOUENCY -130 -120 -110 '~ ,, "\ -100 iii ~ '" ----+-0 EOUT CHARACTERISTICS: ERROR EIN16~ NOTE: = O.4I'V TYPICAL @ 25'C lOIN TYPICAL @ 70°C THE ANALOG SWITCH BETWEEN THE OP-AMP AND THE 16 INPUT SWITCHES REDUCES THE ERRORS DUE TO LEAKAGE. 16 CHANNEL MULTIPLEXER 325 A New CMOS Analog Gate Technology INTRODUCTION HIGH CURRENT PATH A new C-MOS process has been developed by Intersil which is destined to have a significant impact on the future of this technology in the fabrication of analog gates and multiplexers. Up to the present time, all the analog gates and multiplexers manufactured with standard C-MOS technology have suffered from a serious limitation: under certain conditions, these circuits "latch-up", i.e., go into a non-operative state. They will only recover if both the power supplies and the input are removed and reapplied in a specific sequence. Under some circumstances the latch-up is destructive and the only cure is replacement of the I.C. This new process, developed and patented by Intersil, totally eliminates these problems. As well as preventing the latchup condition, this process provides effective overvoltage protection (to ±25V) without degradation of ON-resistance. V,N T 0 N-CHANNEL However, the diode is not sufficient in itself to give rise to the latch-up phenomena. but careful inspection of the cross section shown in Figure 3 will reveal that this diode forms part of an SCA. The drain and body of the N-channel FET form the emitter and base of the NPN transistor part of the SCR (Figure 4), the body of the P-channel FET (the substrate) acts as the collector; the source and body of the P-channel FET form the emitter and base ofthe PNP part ofthe SCR and the body of the N-channel device forms the collector for this PNP. If the beta product of these two transistors exceeds 1, an excellent SCR is formed. It is clear from Figure 4 that grounding the body of the N-channel FET (the gate of the SCR) and applying a negative potential to the analog input (the cathode of the SCR) will turn on the SCR and cause it to latch. UNDERSTANDING THE LATCH-UP PROBLEM ANALOG SIGNAL INPUT ANALOG SIGNAL OUTPUT PCHANNEL N CHANNEL LOGIC INPUT RL 1 Figure 2: Dangerous Condition A simplified schematic of one channel of a typical C-MOS analog switch (or multiplexer) is shown in Figure 1. v ~ ~~';.~~~~ 0 - - - - - - - - . : : , RL GATE GATE N CHANNEL BODY (P- TUB) P CHANNEL BODY (N- SUBSTRATE) Figure 1: Typical C-MOS Analog Switch or Multiplexer Figure 3: C-MOS Cross Section The latch-up condition occurs when a negative analog signal is applied to either the drain or source of the MOS transistors while V- is at av. Since analog switches are frequently used to interface between different systems and sub-systems, these conditions occur surprisingly often, especially if the different parts of the system or sub-system have independent power supplies. It should also be noted that these conditions have only to occur briefly (as transients) for latch-up to take place. With V- at av, and a negative potential on the analog inputor output, a high current path exists through the forward biased body to drain junction of the N-channel device. Permanent damage or complete destruction of the I.C. can result from this current. This is shown in Figure 2. NPN EMITTER PNP EMITTER LATERAL PNP N- PPNP COLLECTOR NPN BASE PNP BASE NPN COLLECTOR GATE SCR CATHODE Figure 4: The SCA Structure 326 INTERSIL'S FLOATING BODY PROCESS CONCLUSION Intersil's improved C-MOS process incorporates an additional diode in the connection to the body of the Nchannel FET (Figure 5), The cathode of this diode is then tied to V+, thus effectively floating the body. The inclusion of this diode not only blocks the excessive current path described earlier, but also prevents the SCR from turning on. As an additional precaution, processing changes have been incorporated which reduce the beta product of the NPN-PNP combination to less than one. Thus in the unlikely event of excessive over-voltages being applied to the circuit (which could break down the blocking diode) the SCR action will still not occur. Prior to "Floating Body" technology, solutions to the latchup problem have involved either using expensive and exotic manufacturing processes, such as dielectric isolation, orthe addition of external components. Apart from being inconvenient, adding external components such as current limiting resistors always compromises the electrical performance. The new "Floating Body" C-MOS technology overcomes these problems and has resulted in a reliable, low cost monolithic analog gate function. For the first time it is possible to realize a inonolithic gate capable of approaching $1.00 per channel without compromising performance or rei iabi Iity. +15V ANALOG SIGNAL INPUT 0 i:Rl -------JtG OUTPUT -------(0)--------, jQ1 Figure 5: Protective Circuitry for N-channel FET. 327 DF Reduce CMOS-Multiplexer Troubles Through Proper Device Selection CMOS analog multiplexers exhibit problems with output leakage currents and overvoltage-protection circuitry. Here's how to deal with them. .A. Cr,fOS analog' nlultiplcxcr (~.1UX) is basiea!!~p a whieh ean intel'faee signal ~en~ol'~ and eomputel'R. It provides a number of input channel~, which are time-Rhared onto a common output terminal. A central computer or milToprocl'ssol' digitally sequenees the MUX to "sel'" 0lH' l'hannel at a time. The goal of designers is to pass the sl'nsed signal through this muitiplexl'l' with vil'tuall~' no elTOI' tel'ms present. PI'oviding adequate ovel'voltage proteetion also pn'sents a l'halll'nge. Both objectives ean tax dl'sigl1l'l's' ing'enuity unless they are familial' with muitipll'xl'l' anatom~·. :\lan~' dl'sig'IH'l's dl'visl' unnl'l'essal'ily complex ehannel-~eleetol' ~witeh circuits in their efforts to avoid the substantial level of error terms that can be encountered during the multiplexing operat.ion and to provide overvoltage protection for the CMOS circuitry. But you can save pc-board space, reduce component count and cost, and avoid the possibility of introducing new errors through proper identification of error sources. And adequate circuit self-protection is the result of the proper choice of multiplexing devices. Output leakage-the major error source A typical data-acquisition system, extending from sensors to computer, is shown in Fi~ 1. Here the sensors feed directly into the multiplexer input lines, but this is an idealized case, because DIGITAL COMMANDS Fig 1-Although the multiplexer diagrammed here is a "01-4 device. multiplexers in data-acquisition systems can switch as lew as two or as many as 1000 channels to a common output. 328 Identification of error sources reduces component count and cost most users insert operational amplifiers between the sensors and the MUX inputs. You can eliminate these op amps, however, if you utillze an Ie MUX with very low output leakage currents. CMOS MUL TlPLEXER SENSOR INPUT v. ,,.(ON) + ~ 100., -- I ~ j 100•• - t 100.,- Most popular CMOS analog multiplexers have finite ON resistance and leakage currents. Typical of these lCs are the DG506 to DG509 (Siliconix), Hl506 to Hl509 (Harris) and the lH6116/6208 Series (lntersii). As noted, the design goal for the system in Fig 1 is to transfer the sensed signal into the sample-and-hold circuit with as little error as possible. Some potential error sources are labeled in Fig 2. One such error source arises from a voltage-divider action between r,lS"'~' of a multiplexer ON channel (a consequence of finite channel resistance) and the input impedance of the follower op amp (Rill)' The signal level at the positive input of the op amp is equal to the sensor voltage times Rin/Rin+rlls""" And the error produced is equal to the ratio of R in to Rill+r,lS"". Because R in (at low frequencies to dc level)= 100MH and r,lS""'= 1 kO, the error equals 10"/10"+ 10"= III + 10-'. This set of conditions yields an accuracy of 0.001 %; rIl S" ' ' ' can range as high as 10 k!l and still provide 0.01% accuracy. The obvious conclusion to be drawn is that the r'M,\I 100•• - 'ON V,n/rOSCONI 'TOTAC -".'UT .OA" 'ON' 'O""~ R. TOSiH ~I BUFFER OP AMP Fig 2-Wilh aU bul one channel OFF, this equivalent clfcuit for the MUXlbuffer portion of Fig 1 shows potential error terms. 1., l Fig 3-800sllng sensor oulpullevels can overcome leakage and r,,,,,,,, errors, but you must pay for the added op amps and the resistors. NORMAL OPERATION Ibl MUL TIPLEXER POWER OFF '15V FROM INTERNAL TRANSLATOR G N·CHANNEL TRANSISTOR COMMON OUTPUT SENSOR INPUT COMMON OUTPUT ,NPUT P·CHANNEL TRANS'STOR P·CHANNEL TRANSISTOR 1 '15V FROM 'NTERNAL TRANSLATOR Fig 4-The diagram in -i_C_O_N_~_r_RT_E_R_~ ~--~ y'MtH COUNTER I I I I I TWISTED PAIR LINE Fig. 3. Using VIF converters for remote data transmission. make a VIF converter is shown in Fig. 6. This is a unique method of realizing voltage to pulse rate conversion with a very high degree of linearity. The circuit consists of an operational integrator with a pulse generating feedback loop around it. ANALOG SECTION The circuit operates as follows. A positive input voltage causes a current to flow into the operational integrator through R I . This current is integrated by the amplifier and capacitor to produce a negativegoing ramp at the output. When the ramp crosses the comparator DIGITAL SECTION j' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 1 I lllllllllil'1 1 I ANALOG INPUT 0----<>--; VIF CONVERTER +FS VOLTAGE IN -1 I 11111 --11ll.I.-- I I I I I 1 DIGITAL COUNTER I 1 1 I 1 JL I I I I I I I I I ~L~~~o-~r---------------------------t--4~ TIMER PARALLEL DIGITAL OUTPUT 1 1 1 1 I I1.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L I ________________________ I Fig. 4. The VIF converter used as an AID converter. 336 threshold voltage at ground, the device requires a bias resistor, compensating capacitors. It has comparator output changes state output pull-up resistor, and two provision for both an external zero and causes a pulse timing circuit to generate a narrow voltage pulse. Fig. 5. Nonlinearity 01 charge-balancing AID converter. This pulse controls switch S" which switches from ground to a 111 ... 111 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , negative reference voltage for the ,, duration of the pulse. During this ,, / time a narrow pulse of current flows w out of the integrator through R•. , o() , , This current pulse is also integrated ,/ 5a. by the operational integrator, and /.' NONLINEARITY 5 100 ... 000 causes a rapid ramp up in the output o voltage for the duration of the pulse. , ...J , This process is then repeated, / ,/ a2i creating a sequence of pulses that / are also buffered as the output of ,/ / the VIF converter. / ,/ A higher input voltage to the 000 ... 000,J:....~--'--~~L--'---'---~-!. charge-balancing circuit causes the o +%FS +FS integrator to ramp down faster, INPUT VOLTAGE thereby generatil)g pulses at a higher rate from the pulse timer circuit. Fig. 6. Charge-balancing VIF converter circuit. Likewise, a lower input voltage causes the integrator to ramp down slower and generates pulses at a A, lower rate than before. Y'N O---"JWv--+---i The term "charge-balancing" is I, appropriate since the feedback loop, which is closed around the integrator, causes an average of the current pulses (through R.). Each current pulse through R. is a fixed charge of VREF value: Q=-,r,- x 7' = T I, where 7' is the width of the pulse. n PULSE "Quantized feedback" is a term OUTPUT that describes the feedback around the integrator, which is in the form Fig. 7. Calibration 01 low-cost monolithic VlF converter. of quantized current pulses rather +5VDC than a continuous current. The linearity, and hence accuracy, of the 10K VIF converter circuit depends on PULL·UP both the linearity of the integrator, 14 the constant width of the pulses 8 lOUT (0 TO 10KH,) generated, and on the switching +5VDC characteristic of S,. INPUT 0 (OTO +10V) LL Calibrating a VIF converter > In applying V IF converters, -5V REF optimum accuracy in a given 50K 4 ZEAO application is desired. This is 10K TAIM achieved by properly calibrating the 100K BIAS converter for both zero and gain in -5VDC the given application. Fig. 7 shows the connections required for a -5VDC monolithic V/F converter. This ,- " " -- rrJ ,. "" 337 , DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK DIFF DIFF adjustment and external gain adjustLINE DRIVER AMPLIFIER LINE RECEIVER ment. The connection shown is for a IO-KHz full-scale output frequency with a + 10V full-scale input. To calibrate this V/F converter, a precision voltage reference source and a frequency counter are Fig. 8. Noisy environment required. Set the counter for a remote transducer readout. one-second time base and the precision voltage source to +O.OIV TOTALIZE Fig. 9. Digital integration of transducer output. and adjust the zero trimming pot to OPTICAL give an output frequency of 10 Hz. ISOLATOR Then set the precision voltage FLOW source to + 10.OOOV and adjust the RATE gain trimming potentiometer to give an output frequency of 10,000 Hz. Proper zero and gain calibration " nlFFFRFNr.F IN DIGITAl resuits in optimum accuracy by OUTPUT ' - - GROUND POTENTIALS --eliminating zero and gain errors, . run for a long period of time, it At the remote location, the leaving only the nonlinearity. Some applications of VIF converters totalizes the pulses to give the channel counter steps the multiplexREMOTE TRANSDUCER READ- integral of flow rate, or total flow. er input decoder through the various OUT IN A HIGH NOISE ENVI- The VIF converter is a perfect channels in sequence. At the central RONMENT integrator when its output is location the clock drives a digital Fig. 8 shows a VIF converter totaJized. A 10-KHz V/F, for divider and a countl;r. The divider located at a transducer site. Because example, produces one output pulse gates the pulses from the VIF of the high electrical noise environ- for every millivolt-second of input converter to a BCD counter. The ment, a differential line driver and signal. channel counter drives a decoder receiver are used to transmit the MULTIPLE REMOTE MONITOR and display indicator that shows pulse data over a twisted pair line. Another type of remote monitor, which transducer output is being At the readout location is a gate, shown in Fig. 10, automatically displayed. timer and counter. In this case a sc.ans a number of transducer FUTURE PROGRESS IN V/F At this point, VIF converters have BCD counter is used, which goes to outputs in sequence, transmitting a driver and then' an LED decimal the measurement results to a central a bright future indeed. The advent display. If the timer is set to location for display or recording. of low-cost, high-performance mongenerate pulses at desired intervals, This is done by using an analog olithic units means that remote then the display is automatically multiplexer in conjunction with a industrial monitoring with a V/F updated. synchronized set of counters and a converter per transducer will be a INTEGRATING A REMOTE single VIF converter. An additional growing application area. At the line is required for clock pulses to same time higher performance TRANSDUCER OUTPUT A most useful application of a synchronize the counters at both modular devices will find application in higher speed requirements. VIF converter is as a zero d'rift locations. digital integrator. Fig. 9 shows a VIF GZ Fig. 10. Multiple transducer remote monitor. converter that transmits a fluid flow rate in digital form. In this application there is a difference in ground potentials between the remote location and the measurement location. Therefore an optical isolator is used' to isolate between the two grounds and transmit the pulses. At the measurement location, if the pulses are counted for fixed intervals the result is flow rate. If, however, the counter is allowed to /'P 338 Voltage-to-frequency converters: versatility now at a low cost Modular units that fit in your hand and go for less than $50 are moving into low-cost Instruments and systems, putting their excellent linearity and temperature stability to wider use o Voltage-to-frequency converters can be purchased today for one tenth the price they were going for as rack mounted instruments less than three years ago. This, together with the v-f converter's long-prized linearity and temperature stability, accounts for the heightened interest they now enjoy among systems designers. There are other reasons as well. The converter's recent evolution into a modular component package gives it a size advantage that widens the range of applications. One such application-not to be overlooked for certain data acquisition or control functions-involves the v-f converter's capability to interface between analog and digital circuits. By the same token, high common-mode voltage isolation, ratiometric measurements, and analog-signal integration also represent fertile areas for v-f applications. It has already been put to use in instruments that include low-cost 31h-digit multimeters, high-performance digital panel meters, and hand-held probe-type digital multimeters. While the modular component v-f converter is relatively new, the basic technique of translating a given voltage level into a frequency signal is not. Until fairly recently, however, v-f converters have been available HIGH VOLTAGE CIRCUITS only in the form of rather expensive instruments. A v-f converter accepts an analog voltage or current input and generates an output train of digital pulses at a rate directly proportional to the amplitude of the input. In its most basic form [see Fig. (a) in the accompanying panel, "Converting v-to-f: three techniques") conversion is accomplished by allowing the incoming voltage to charge a capacitor until it reaches a value equivalent to a reference voltage. At that point, a comparator triggers a monostable multivibrator which puts out a constant-width pulse. Other variations [panel figures (b), (c) and (d») provide improved linearity and stability, or permit output pulses to be synchronized to a clock. Datel Systems Inc. uses the charge-balancing technique in its v-f converters [see panel Fig. (c»). And, by changing the connections at the external pins, the same module becomes a frequency-to-voltage converter. The f-v connections remove the logic buffer and permit an input pulse to be delivered to the timing circuit, and voltage to be taken from the output of the op amp. The v-f converter has as its key characteristics good linearity-typically 0.002% to 0.05% over the input-output operating range-and excellent temperature stabil- +5 V DIGITAL COUNTER I AND DISPLAY I I iI V'N L r------, I·v I ---1I'-______ CONVERTER i .J RECONSTRUCTED ANALOG SIGNAL ~.,. at LINE UPTO 1.500 VOLTS COMMON MODE VOLTAGE 1. Isolation. Because the v-f converter has a serial output, the pulses can be transmitted through a single optical isolator. The v-f converter is floated at the high common-mode voltage at which the measurement is made. It is also powered by a floating and isolated supply. 339 DATA ACQUISITION 8. CONVERSION HANDBOOK RATIO MEASUREMENTS USING N V, V. TIME BASE (SEC) 0.1 V 10V 0.1 OUTPUT RATIO 500 OUTPUT+ OECIMAl 2. RlItlomalrlc measurements. One converter is used as the input v-f, a second converter is used as a reference and is followed by a divide-by-N digilal circuit. The output of the divide-by-N is used as the time base for the digilal counter. 10 0.010 counting time would be too long for many applications. It is useful to discuss the characteristics ofv-f converters in terms of well known a-d converter specifications. 10V 1V 1 10.000 10.000 For a v-f converter, conversion time is determined by 10V 0.1 V 10 100.000 100.000 the time base, one second being a convenient time base for many applications. For faster conversion time, a 0.1 second time base could be used, giving a full-scale ity-typically 10 to 100 parts per million per ·C over the count of 1,000 for a 10kHz converter. With a 100kHz operating temperature range. The analog input range is converter, the full-scale count is 10,000. oto + 10 v or 0 to -10 V fOf voltage inputs and 0 to + I For an a-d converter, resolution is expressed in bits rnA or 0 to -I rnA for current inputs; there is an input and is determined by the number of parts into which overrange of 10%. The most popular models today are the full-scale range is divided. By comparison, a 10 kHz units having output pulse rates of 0 to 10 kHz and 0 to v-f converter has a resolution of 1 part in 10,000, assum100 kHz. The outputs are usually oonstant-width pulses ing a one-second conversion time. This is equivalent to compatible with diode-transistor, transistor-transistor, a resolution of greater than 13 bits (I part in 8,192). A or C-MOS logic levels, permitting a direct interface with 100 kHz converter with a one-second time base gives greater than 16-bit resolution (I part in 65,536). digital circuits. Linearity is another important a-d converter specifiOn the input side, v-f converter modules take analog inputs in the -10 v to + 10 v range, making them di- cation. A good a-d converter has a linearity of ±~ LSB rectly compatible with analog modules and lCS such as (least significant bit) over its full-scale input range. For operational amplifiers, sample and holds, analog multi- a 10 kHz v-f converter with a typical linearity figure of pliers, etc. In addition, they also operate from standard 0.002%, the linearity is equivalent to that of a 14-bit a-d ±IS vop amp power supplies drawing only a moderate converter. Therefore, a 10 kHz v-f converter, as deamount of current. V-f converters also have provision scribed, has equivalent performance to at least that of a for external trimming for precise calibration of zero-and 13-bit a-d converter in both resolution and linearity. The 100kHz converters, while olfering better resolufull-scale values. tion, have generally worse linearity than 10 kHz conUsing a-cf verters. The reason for this is that circuit parasitic time While the v-f module is a relatively slow way to con- constants vary with pulse duty cycle. At high output vert a-d, the cost is low and accuracy can be high. The pulse rates the small variations in pulse width with duty digital output of the converter is in serial form, and cycle will be proportionately more significant, thus inmust be counted over some period to give a final con- creasing the amount of non-linearity. Therefore, the best resolution and linearity are achieved with slower version value in parallel form. To get a complete digital measuring instrument, it is pulse rates, namely the 100kHz converters with a IO-seconly necessary to precede a v-f converter with a signal ond time base. These achieve better than 16-bit resolucOnditioning circuit, such as a high input impedance tion with better than 14 bits ofiinearity. A 10-second time base is prohibitive for many appliamplifier, and follow it with a digital counter and display. Then, if the time base for the counter is set to one cations, but is obtainable by using a sample-and-hold circuit with a long holding time. A large holding capacisecond, the actual output pulse rate of the v-f converter will be displayed. If a 10 kHz converter is used, a full- tor is needed to make voltage decay negligible. Another useful way of looking at v-f converters is in scale value of 10,000 would be displayed with a one-second time base; with a lo-second time base a full scale terms of dynamic range. This specification is critica1ly value of 100,000 would be displayed, although the dependent on linearity. Some v-f converters become 1V 10V 0.1 100 0.100 10V 10V 0.1 1.000 1.000 y-' .a 340 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK ~VCONTROL -'W"v---+----i VCO ISINE WAVE OUTPUT) 1---------.-=---- fOUT COMPARATOR +V OIGITAL DIVIDE BY N '"' CONVERTER 3. veo Improvement. A frequency-ta-voltage converter ;s the key to a low-cost voltage-controlled oscillator. A special feedback control loop forces the VCO output to track the superior linearity and stability of the f-v converter. nonlinear near zero and, therefore, the dynamic range is limited. A lO-kHZ v-f converter that holds its linearity down to zero can be calibrated externally from an input of 1.0 millivolt to its full-scale value of 10 v. This is a dynamic range of 4 decades, or 80 dB. Similarly a 100kHZ converter has a dynamic range of 5 decades, or 100 dB, if its linearity is maintained through zero. One mv is chosen as a practical lower limit because of drift in the zero-adjust potentiometer, long-term drift of the circuit, and noise at the input to the integrator. V-f converters have two other significant features when considered for analog conversion. First is their monotonicity. (A monotonic a-d converter is one that has a continuously increasing output for a continuously increasing input over the full input range of the converter.) A v-f converter is naturally monotonic because its output pulse rate must increase with increasing input voltage. Second is the excellent noise rejection inherent in using a reasonably long time base like one second. Random and periodic noise are effectively integrated over the conversion period. Periodic noise, such as a 60 HZ power pick-up, is effectively integrated when the conversion period is long compared to the 60 HZ period of 16.66 ms. For a 60 Hz noise that is integrated over an unsynchronized I -second measurement period, the noise rejection is approximately 46 dB; for a O.l-second period the rejection is 26 dB. Monitoring from a distance Remote data monitoring is one application well suited to the v-f technique. Remote monitoring can be a difficult problem, especially when analog signals pass through an environment with high levels of electrical noise, as in a manufacturing facility where there is heavy equipment. If a high degree of accuracy must be maintained, analog signal transmission becomes prohibitive. An obvious solution is to transmit the signals in dig- ital form. This can be done by applying the analog signal to an a-d converter. The digital pulses can then be transmitted in parallel or serial format. If transmitted serially, the pulses will have to be transformed ultimately into parallel form at the receiving end for display or storage. A superior solution in terms of cost is to use a v-f converter to transmit the data directly in serial form. This is a simple and effective way to achieve an accurate system of 10 to 13 bits resolution (0.1% to 0.01%) if the data rate is slow. At the monitoring end, the pulse train can be simply counted for a one-second period and then displayed to show the analog value. This can be done with a low-cost 4-digit counter if a 10 kHZ v-f converter is used. The cost of the v-f converter is less than half that of a good 12-bit a-d converter. Some instrumentation problems involve parameters that must be derived from high-voltage measurements. In these circumstances, transmission of the desired information back to normal ground-potential circuits requires some form of isolation. One answer to this is to use an isolation amplifier powered from a non-isolated supply. If the data eventually is desired in digital form, the output from the amplifier would then go to an a-d converter. The cost of an isolation amplifier and a good quality l2-bit a-d converter (0.024% accuracy) runs around $200. An effective alternative is to use a v-f converter with a floating power supply while optically coupling the digital data back to ground-level circuitry. The v-f converter output is a serial pulse train and, therefore, requires only one low-cost optical isolator for a total of roughly $60. The isolated power-supply cost must also be factored in. This can be relatively low (around $50) if the voltage is not too high (up to 1,500 v peak). For slow data rates this part of the system, shown in Fig. I, is currently available for slightly over $100. An interesting variation that would reconstruct the original analog signal is shown dotted in Fig. I. This 341 might be useful for a feedback control system. Another f-v converter hooked up to the isolator output reconstructs the signal into analog form. Measuring the ratio Ratiometric measurements are important for applications in which a transducer output might be affected by variations in the excitin~ power-supply voltage, as, for example, in a resistor bndge. This can be overcome by a measurement system that determines the ratio of transducer output to excitation voltage. There are several ways of taking this measurement. One is simply to use a digital multimeter with ratiometric option. Such an option is usually obtainable on the more expensive models of digital multimeters, and sometimes on digital panel meters and a-d converters. But, in general, this capability is limited to high-priced models of a-d converters or digital panel meters, and the range is usually quite limited. Many models permit only a ± 10% variation in the reference voltage to achieve ratiometric operation; some models go up to about ±50%. This means that ratios with wide dynamic range cannot be measured at all by conventional means. A simple and inexpensive way of using two v-f converters for accurate ratio measurements over a dynamic range of up to 1,000 to I is illustrated in Fig. 2. Tlte resistance-bridge transducer is excited by reference volt- . age VR which also goes to the input of v-f converter No. l. The output of the bridge is amplified and goes to v-f converter No. 1. The resulting pulse rate is fed to a digital counter ci.-cuit. The output pulse rate of v-f No. 2 representing VR is fed to a divide-by-N circuit, and the resulting pulse train is used as the time base for the counter. The parallel output of the counter drives a numerical display. Since the counting time is one half the output period of the divide-by-N circuit, the output count - 2NVt /VR • The value of N can be chosen so that the time base is one seCond or less. The table in Fig. 2 gives the results for dilferent values of Vt and based on the use of a 10 kHz v-f converter with N equal to 500. The ratio measurement can be made over a dynamic range of 1,000 to I while keeping the time base one second or less. If the time base is allowed to go to 10 seconds, the dynamic range can be increased to 10,000 to I. The time base can also be shortened by a factor of 10 by using 100-kHz v-f converters. Integrating analog Accurate analog integration over a wide dynamic signal range is difficult, especially .over an extended period like several minutes. The problem is drift error in the operational integratOr. In the end a very expensive,lowinput current amplifier with low drift must be used along with an expensive, stable capacitor that has low leakage and low dielectric absorption. Even with the best of components, the operational integrator cannot work well when the integration .period exceeds .10 minutes. A simple altemativeis an analogi digital integrator using a v-f converter. The analog signal is applied to the input of a v-f converter, and the output goes to a counter operated in the totalizing mode to give a total count equal to the time integral of the signal. I If V(t) dt =k dt =k jdNft) dt/dt =kN where N is the total count and k is a constant. Because of the superior linearity, the integration is accurate for a signal dynamic range of 10,000 to I. Since the output is an accumulated pulse count, there is no integrator drift as there would be with an operational integrator. Also, the counter can be stopped at any time for an indefinite period without affecting the integrated value. The limitation on the total integral is the total count capacity of the counter. Therefore, counter capacity must be based on the signal values and period of integration. The actual integration time can be days if a counter has sufficient capilcity. Assume, for example, a signal with an average value around 2 v but with occasional high peaks up to 10 v (full-scale input of the v-f converter). The output frequency of a 10kHz converter is then 2 kHZ, on average. If .an 8-decade counter is used (99,999,999 full scale count), the integration period can be as long as 50,000 seconds, or 13.88 hours. The counter itself can be made from low cost ICS and be operated manually or by an external logic signal. F·y useful, too -Applications using the counterpart to v-f converters, the f-v converter, can include frequency measurements in ftowmeters and tachometer problems in motor speed controls. Output pulse rates from these devices are used to develop an analog voltage proportional to speed or ftow. The voltage, in turn, is usually fed back to regulate the process or system. The f-v convener basically is an analog pulse countet as the output voltage is linearly proportional to input rate-with excellent temperature stability. Once the pulse rate is in analog form at the f-v converter output, other analog operations can be performed. Subtracting the output of two f-v converters gives an analog frequency difference, a quantity more difficult to obtain by other means. Another application of the f-v converter is in stabilization and linearization of a voltage-oontrolled oscillator. veos with a high degree of linearity and low temperature coefficients are quite expensive, especially if a wide variation of output frequency is needed. Very high quality veos use an oven-controlled inductance-capacitance element (LC) to stabilize the frequency. On the other 'band, low cost vcos have only moderate linearity and temperature stability. A low-oost veo can be combined with a low-oost f-v converter to achieve a linearity of better than 0.005% and a temperature coefficient of 20 ppml"C maximum. As shown in Fig. 3, the f-v converter is used in a feedback loop to control the veo frequency. Of course, if a pulse output is satisfactory for a system, a v-f converter could be used directly. A large proportion of veos, however, are used with sinusoidal outputs and, in addition, at frequencies higher than those available in v-f converters. GZ Converting v-to-f: three techniques In its simplest form, Fig. (a), v-f conversion involves a current source driving a capacitor that charges linearly to a threshold voltage level determined by VREr. At this voltage level, the comparator changes state and triggers a monostable multlvibrator which puts out a constant-width pulse. At the same time a switch is used to discharge the capacitor and the cycle repeats itself. If the current source is designed to be proportional to input voltage, v-f conversion takes place. A better Implementation of the ramp-threshold method in Fig. (a) is the variation shown in Fig. (b). Here an operational integrator is used with a bipolar-transistor switch across the integrating capacitor. Starting with a negative input voltage, the circuit integrates in a positive direction until the reference voltage level is reached. The comparator then trips and triggers the monostable multivibrator, while at the same time resetting the integrator to zero by means of the saturating transistor switch. The disadvantage of this circuit is that it seldom offers better than a fraction of 1 % linearity. For higher linearity, the charge-balancing method is preferred, Fig (c). Here voltage or current is fed to an operational integrator. The output of the integrator goes to a VOLTAGE CONTROLLED CURRENT SOURCE.KV t precision pulse-timing circuit whose output drives a pulsed current source that pulls current pulses out of the summing junction of the integrator. The current pulses occur at a rate that exactly balences the posnive input current to the integrator. This technique also can be used for frequency-to-vo~ age conversion by opening the feedback loop at the output of the integrator and connecting the Input pulses directly to the timing reference circuit, Fig. (e). In this case, the input resistor of the integrator Is also connected back to the output to form a single-pole low-pass filter which averages the train of input pulses. Still another form, the "delta-sigma" converter, Fig. (d), is used when output pulses must be synchronized to a clock. Current pulses are generated by a D flip-flop when the integrator output is high and when a clock pulse is present. Note here the assumption that a negative input current or voltage is used, and that the pulsed current source is operating in a direction opposite that of (c). Output pulses are a result of ANDing the Q output of the D flip-flop with input clbck pulses. As a result the output pulses are both proportional to the input voltage and synchronous with ihe clock. OUTPUT PULSES -v JUUL lal VREF (hI +IIN -liN +VIN -VIN lei VOUT PULSE RATE INPUT lei PRECISION TIMING REFERENCE CIRCUIT -v. GZ 343 DATA ACQUISITION 81 CONVERSION HANDBOOK Consider v/f converters for dataacquisition systems. They offer high resolution and accuracy when used asanalog-to-digital converters. Examine the performance specifications of voltage-to-frequency converters before you pick an analog-to-digital converter for your application. Three relatively inexpensive (under $100). methods-the successive-approximation, dual-slope and voltage-to-frequency conversion schemes--can deliver equal accuracy, but each is used best in a different application (Table 1). Look at the key converter specifications (Table 2) to evaluate the performance of vIf converters compared to the two other methods. Some of the most commonly specified parameters are resolution, linearity, conversion time, temperature stability and monotonicity (no missing codes). ing the integrator balances the current pulses being pulled out. The integrator can be made extremely linear and, when combined with the charge-balancing feedback loop, can achieve nonlinearities as low as 0.005 %. To form an aid converter with the vlf technique, the output of the v If circuit must feed a counter that is gated for the desired maximum count (for a converter with a 10-kHz output. a four-digit BCD counter or a four-stage binary counter can be used). Nail down the definitions first Before you start comparing specifications, make sure the specs are defined. Resolution tells you the smallest quantity the converter can distinguish. Even though the quantity is usually an analog voltage the resolution is given in terms of bits: 8, 10, 12 or more. The usable resolution of a converter can be less than the stated resolution. However, because it's a function of linearity and stability, the usable resolution can often change with time and temperature. In the vlf form of an aid converter, the resolution is determined by the full-scale frequency, the time base and the capacity of the counter used (Fig. 2). If a 10-kHz vlf converter is used with a time base of 1 second and four decade counters, its resolution is one part in 10,000, or four binary-coded decimal (BCD) digits. Successiveapproximation or dual-slope converters with straight binary coding would have to deliver a digital output of at least 13 bits to come close (13 bits = 1 part in 8192). A v/f-based aid converter can also deliver straight binary. To make a 12-bit unit, use three 4-bit binary counters and set the time base equal to 0.4096 seconds. In dual-slope converters, resolution is also a function of integration time, clock frequency and counter capacity. Successive-approximation units use weighted current sources, and the number of sources determines the resolution. The higher the number of bits, the harder it becomes to maintain the linearity of the weighted sources. VIf conversion: an alternative aid method Seldom used until a few years ago, vIf con·· version techniques are rapidly becoming popular as an alternative to successive-approximation or dual-slope techniques. There are several ways to build a v if conversion circuit, but the chargebalancing method (Fig. 1a) is the most popular. If Vi" is positive, the integrator output ramps down until its output voltage V" crosses the comparator's threshold (ground, in this case) and causes the comparator to change state. The transition, in turn, triggers a precision timing circuit that delivers a constant-width pulse. The pulse gets fed to two places: a buffer circuit that then feeds the output; and the integrator, where the pulse causes the integrator output to rapidly ramp up (Fig. 1b). The timing circuit is, in effect, a precision one-shot multivibrator that is stable with both time and temperature. The reference current, 1,.• " must also be stable, and a precision regulator with a voltage reference source is included for that purpose. Since the reference current is pulled from the integrator summing junction for a fixed amount of time, and at intervals determined by the input voltage, the positive-input current feed- 344 Table 1. Typical converter applications A/ d converter type Common applications High·speed data·acquisition systems Pulse·code·modulation systems Successive approximation Waveform sampling & digitizing Automatic test systems Digital process control systems Digital multimeters Digital panel meters Laboratory measurements Dual slope Slow·speed data·acquisition systems Monitoring systems Ratiometric measurements Measurements in high·noise environments Digital multimeters Digital panel meters Remote data transmission Voltage to frequency Totalizing measurements Measurements in high·noise environments High·voltage isolation measurements Ratiometric measurements Table 2. Comparison of aId converter types Specification Successive approximation Dual slope Voltage to frequency Resolution 12 bits 12 bits 12 bits Missing codes none by careful design none, inherent none. inherent Nonlinearity :0:0.012% max. :0:0.05 to 0.01 % max. :0:0.005% max. Diff. nonlinearity :0:1/2 LSB Tempco 10 to 50 ppm/DC Conversion time 2t050"s 5 to 77 ms 0.041 to 0.41 s Noise rejection, 60 Hz None 40 to 60 dB 33.8 dB' ",,0 10 to 50 ppm/DC ",,0 10 to 50 ppm/DC *For 0.41-5 conversion time. Linearity is the acid test of any aid converter specification since resolution can be unusable if linearity error doesn't hold to less than :I: 0.5 LSB (1 LSB at the worst). At a fixed temperature, linearity is the only error that remains after offset and gain errors have been adjusted out. The linearity error of a converter is the maximum deviation of the output values from a straight line drawn from zero to the maximum output. For 12-bit aid converters a "good-quality," successive-approximation unit has a non- linearity of about :1:0.012%. a dual-slope unit about :1:0.05 to :1:0.01% and a vlf converter about :1:0.01 to :1:0.00570 .. The nonlinearity characteristic of successiveapproximation converters differs fundamentally from that of the dual-slope or v/f. Typical nonlinearity curves are shown (slightly exaggerated) in Fig. 3. Both the vIf and dual-slope converter linearity characteristics tend to have a bow that is caused by the operational integrators used in the con- 345 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK ® 0 v,. VI I,~ V2 CRI V3 II CA2 V~t 1. The basic charge balancing v II converter (a) uses an operational integrator with a precision timing circuit con· GAIN ZERO 4 DIGIT BCO COUNTER QUTPlIf 00> (OR BINARY COUNTER) nected in a leedback loop. The output pulse width (b) is proportional to the charge stored in the capacitor. verters. By contras..t, the successive-approximation converter's linearity is debrmined by the ma;or-carry transitions of the weighted current sources. These points are located chiefly where 1/2 and 1/4-scale current values are switched in or out during the conversion process. As shown in the graph of Fig. 3, a jump in t\J.e curve signifies when a major-carry current value is slightly off its correct value. A very linear converter restricts these jumps to very small amounts (± 0.012 5'0 for a 12-bit converter). 1-.....-----+---oE.O.C. ISTllTUSl PULSE WIDTH • OR 0.4096 SEC WHEN USED WITH BINARY COUNTERS 2. By using·a vII converter and a precision timer, you can build an a I d converter that delivers a BCD output. 1111 1100 1000 , I VlF OR DUAL SlOPE NONLINEARITY I I SUCCESSIVE ..-}-APPROXIMATION .y----- 0100 I I NONLINEARITY I I ,I 112 314 FS ANALOG INPUT 3. Nonlinearities of vII and dual·slope aId converters appeer as a slight bow in the curve. However, succes· sive-approximation nonlinearities make the curve jagged. Don't let the converter slow you down The v/f converter takes the longest to do a complete conversion. The time base used in Fig. 1 is 1 second for a single conversion-rather slow for most applications. Dual-slope converters are faster, with conversion times ranging from 5 ms to 100 ms. Successive-approximation converters are the fastest of the three, with conversion times as short as 2/.Ls for 12-bits. Most successive-approximation converters have conversion times between 3.5 and 50 /'S. However, if time isn't a problem, you can increase the time base to 10 seconds, add another decade counter and, voila: a converter with a resolution of one part in 100,000. Such a long conversion time could cause difficulty. in many applications. And, the linearity of the 10 kHz unit would not be commensurate (± 1/2 LSB) with the increased resolution. Since the time for conversion can be made equal to the inverse of the line-voltage frequency, the dual-slope converter can be designed to reject much of the noise caused by the power line. The integrating technique used by dual-slope and v /f converters gives them the ability to reject 345 Successive approximation and dual slope conversion methods ($250 to $350) 8 and lO-bit units. Converters with 12-bit outputs are typically available with conversion times ranging from 2 to 50 /Ls, The successive-approximation approach is the most widely used (Fig. A) of the three most popular conversion schemes. It compares the output of an internal dla converter against the input signal, one bit at a time. Therefore, N fixed time periods are needed to deliver an output N bits long, but the total time needed is independent of input-voltage value. The first step after the start pulse in a successiveapproximation conversion cycle is turning on the MSB, which sets the dla converte!"s output at halfscale (Fig. B). This analog signal is then fed back to the comparator. The MSB is left on if the dla con"erter's output is small ..r than the analog input, and turned off if the output is larger. N ext, the second bit is turned on, and the quarter-scale ,-alue added to the dla com'erte,- output and the comparator again does its job. This process continues until the LSB has been tested and the final comparison made. When the process is complete, the converter signals this by changing the state of its end-of-conversion (status) output. The final digital output can then be read from the output of the successive-approximation register of the converter. Successi\'e-approximation COTI\'erters can achieve Dual-slope units slow the pace The dual-slope converter uses a simple counter to indirectly measure the input signal after an operational integrator converts a voltage into a time period (Fig. C l. This scheme is the second most commonly employed method and is used, almost exclusively, in such instruments as digital multimeters and panel meters. The conversion cycle begins when the analoginput signal is switched to the input of the operational integrator. The voltage is integrated (Fig. D) for a fixed time period determined by the clock frequency and the counter size. At the end of the period, the integrator input is switched to an internal reference whose polarity is opposite that of the original analog input. The reference is then integrated until the output reaches zero and triggers the comparator. During the second integration, the clock is gated into a counter chain that accumulates the count until the comparator inhibits the clock. When the clock signal stops, the conversion is complete. ('om"eJ'sion speeds of 100 ns/bit in medium-priced ANALOG INo-~~~______~ OUTPUT DATA OUTPUT CODE: 101010101010 START co~~_______________________________________ OUTPUT OATA fS~~~========T~2;-::========::l~~C!gATA o OUT OUT- - - - " " CLOCK SERIAL ~: DATA _ _ _ _ _ T2' - V,e! o 1 ~I BI , 0 ~~ 347 r- TI---+--T2---1 TIE,. DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK high levels of input noise. For these two integrating converters, the longer the signal is integrated, the better the noise attenuation. When the integration period equals a multiple of the inverse of the line frequency (for dual-slope units), the noise rejection becomes infinite at integral values Tf,,, where T is the integration period and f,. is the noise frequency (Fig. 4). VIf converters don't, in general, use a period that is a multiple of any periodic noise, and so the asymptote of the noise-rejection curve is used to determine the rejection at a given Tf". The vi f converter's noise-rejection asymptote rises by 20 dB per decade, and, for a 60-Hz power 2°r-------~y_------Tn----~--~~__, f n • NOISE FREQUENCY T· INTEGRATION TOO 1.0 2.0 3D 40 5.0 4. Integrating aid converters can have exceptional noise· rejection capability if you merely adjust their measure· ment cycle to equal the period (or a multiple) of the noise frequency to be rejected. INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER INPUT CD INPUTS SUCCESSIVE ~~~~~~~~RI 12 BITS, IS}u 1------' : I J 10 DIGITAL COMPUTER 5. Simple digital measuring systems can be built with dual·slope (a) and successive·approximation (b) con· verters. Both systems shown usually require signal con· ditioning for each input. 348 line and a 0.41-s conversion time, the rejection can be computed at 33.8 dB. Dual-slope converters have rejection ratios as high as 60 dB when conversion is synchronized with the noise frequency. Successive-approximation converters have no noise-rejection capability whatsoever. Input noise at any time during the conversion process can cause significant conversion errors. (Noise feeds directly to the comparator and can change the decision point.) The only way to minimize noise is to add an input noise filter to the converter. Temperature coefficients change converter specs Operation at different temperatures can tremendously alter converter performance, no matter which converter type you select. These changes affect offset and gain, two important converter parameters. Even though offset and gain are adjusted during calibration, they can change significantly with temperature. Offset is a function of current-source leakage, comparator bias current and comparator input voltage offset. Gain (sometimes called scale factor) is a function of the voltage reference, resistor tracking and semiconductor-junction matching-and is usually the most difficult parameter to control. Absolute accuracy is affected by offset and gain changes, so if these change during operation, output errors will occur. And, if the linearity degrades, a converter can actually skip output codes (become non monotonic). (An aid converter is said to have no missing codes when, as the analog input of the converter increases from zero to full scale or viceversa, the digital output passes through all of its possib'e states.) Both the dual-slope and v If converters are inherently monotonic because of their integration techniques and the use of counting circuits to deliver the digital output. The successive-approximation aid converter, on the other hand, is more prone to missing codes. The code jumps occur when the analog transitions between adjacent output codes become greater than 1 LSB. Because the jumps can be greater than 1 LSB, another spec differential nonlinearity, becomes very important. Differential nonlinearity is defined as the maximum deviation of the size of any adjacent code transitions from their ideal value of 1 LSB. A specified differential nonlinearity of ±0.5 LSB tells you that the magnitude of every code transition is 1 LSB ±0.5 LSB, maximum. The differential nonlinearity can reach a maximum of ± 1 LSB before converter performance is in doubt. Picking the right converter for your application is no easy matter. For example, digital multimeters typically use a dual-slope converter since high speed isn't necessary but high noise rejec- INPUT SIGNAL I I I I I ~~ '-_--"-0_",,0.u.h....n~h....LIh__....U"---..U . ... 8. The integration process in a vlf converter can be de· fined in terms of millivolt·seconds for each pulse de· livered. To get the total area, simply multiply the total count by 0.001. 6. VIf converters can be used in simple, remote data· gathering applications since only a twisted pair of wires is needed to transmit the signals (a). Differential line drivers can be added if long transmission distances are requireJ (b), or an opto·isolator can be used to elimi· nate large, common·mode voltage problems (c). 9. If you use two vII converters, you can make a high· accuracy, ratiometric a I d converter. Because of the wide frequency span covered, the dynamic range of the con· verter can reach 10,000:1. tion is. However, in other applications, such as in fast-throughput data acquisition, the successive-approximation converter must be used. Dual-slope converters are widely used in applications requiring human interface in measurement and control. A simple digital measurement system (Fig. 5a) that uses a 3-1 2 digit, BCDoutput converter can handle various signal inputs. The instrumentation amplifier used on the front end offers flexible gain settings with a single resistor value change, The converter can be either a modular unit manufactured by several vendors or one made from the various IC building blocks, In many industrial and even in some lab environments, pickup from 60-Hz radiation or magnetic coupling can cause measurement problems. By including a conversion time adjustment, you can synchronize the clock to the 60-Hz line and obtain noise rejection of more than 40 dB. When multiple channels of data must be handled and you need all the data quickly, use the speedy successive-approximation converter. The circuit shown in Fig, 5b is a commonly used system organization for multichannel data acquisition. Although various analog-input devices 7. A microprocessor or computer· based controller can be used to make a multiple·channel data·collectlon system with a vlf converter at each point (a). If manual switch· es are used instead of a timer, you can turn a v If·based aId converter into an "infinite" integrator (b). 349 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK might be slow in responding-and not require a fast ad· converter-the fast scanning rate of the multiplexer may require a new conversion every 2 to 30 p.s. Because of the speed requirement, the a d converter can be an expensive part of the Hvstem-costing between $100 and $300 by itoelf. . You do have an alternative to sending analog signals over long cables to a central .mul~iplexe:. Instzad of using a successive-approximatIOn umt split the converter into an analog front end (a \. f converter) and the digital receiving end (the timing and counting circuits) as in Fig. 6a. To get even better noise immunity. you can use several simple circuits to manipulate digital levels. Cable runs of several thousand feet are possible if you let the v f circuit feed a differential line driver that, in turn, feeds a twisted pair terminated in a receiver (Fig. 6b). When electrical isolation is critical, use optocouplers to separate the -'transducer output from the long lines (Fig. 6c). This is especially important if large ground potential differences are present. Other converter-system variations are possible. You can design a multichannel data-acquisition system to operate under microprocessor control with a minimum of hardware (Fig. 7a). Simple totalizing a d converters can be built by using manual start stop and reset switches (Fig. 7b). Drift·free integration is only one bonus Unlike analog integrators that must use "super high quality" components when the integration period extends past several minutes, the v f integrator uses inexpensive components and can even hold its value indefinitely . A 10-kHz v f converter delivers a pulse evel"Y 0.1 ms if the input is 10 V, or a pulse every 1 ms if the input drops to 1 V. You can manipUlate these facts and say that the converter generates an output pulse for every millivolt-second of input signal. The output-pulse count then represents a piece-by-piece addition of input voltage. I time area (Fig. 8). The integral of the signal with time is the total count multiplied by 0.001 volt-seconds. You can put together a ratiometric a/ d con~ verter (Fig. 9) by combining two vif converters and a divide chain. Input V, acts as the numerator and V, as the denominator, while the divide chain acts as a scale factor. S'nce the gating pulse is half the output period, N of the divider circuit, the counter output is , Count = 2NV,/V,. If you use 10-kHz v:f converters, the time base period is no longer than 1 second for ratios of up to 1000 to 1. Unlike other ratio-measurement methods that have rather limited dynamic ranges, using two v if converters permits a possible dynamic range of 10,000 to 1. .. GZ 350 Sending uansducer signals over 100 feet? Try voltage.to.frequency converters. They should give you the accuracy you need. A common problem confronting system and instrument engineers is the measurement of low level transducer analog output signals after transmission over long wires (100 ft or more). Fortunately, the problems can be resolved by both traditional and newer, less known methods. The need for the remote monitoring of signals can be for many reasons such as safety, due to potential hazards at the actual monitoring site, for temporary test setups at a nearby remote position, and of course, for normal control applications and systems. Remote monitoring can be a difficult problem, especially when analog signals pass through an environment with high levels of electrical noise, as in a manufacturing facility where there is heavy electrical equipment. If a high degree of accuracy must be maintained, analog signal transmission becomes especially prohibitive beyond a few hundred feet. One obvious solution to the noise problem would be to transmit the signals in digital form. This can be done by applying the analog signal to an analog-to-digital (A/D) converter. The digital pulses can then be transmitted in either parallel or serial format. If transmitted serially, the pulses may have to be transformed ultimately into parallel form at the receiving end for display or storage. A better solution, in terms of cost, is to use a voltageto-frequency (v /F) converter to transmit the transducer data directly in serial form. This is a simple and effective way to achieve an accurate system of 10 to 13 bits resolution (0.1 % to 0.01 %) if the data rate is slow. At the receiving end, the pulse train can be simply counted for a I second period or less and then displayed to show the analog value. While this may be the" best approach" for many applications, direct analog signal processing using instrumentation amplifiers is far from extinct. Here then are some important points, suggestions, and applications to aid in selecting the most effective method for your needs using commercially availahle R R t e, (b) I Fig. 1: Here is a typical t,ansduce, bridge circuit (a) and its equivalent circuit (b). The variable reSistor. X, is the actual monitoring transducer in the bridge. r Vexc 351 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK modular bUilding blocks driven by transducers. So let's start at the beginning, with the transducers. TABLE 1 Variable bridge Temperature Transducer output In e resistance X (RTD) error yoltage 0 10011 ovolts 1 100.39211 9.78 mV 2 100.78411 19.52 mV 3 101.17611 29.23 mV I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 103.9211 96.2 mV f 10Vdc TranlClucer Ilgnal lource at -e, Transducers often take the form of a Wheatstone bridge as shown in Fig. 1. With the advantages of high null resolution and means for temperature compensating. the bridge has the ability to measure a minute voltage differential appearing across it in the presence of significantly larger excitation and noise voltages. In other words, the output is differential: e'-el where Ve:rc is the bridge excitation voltage and X is the variable resistor branch. The resistor X might be a strain gage element or a resistive thermal device (RTDI) which changes in a nearlinear manner with temperature. We will use the latter as the X element in the Wheatstone bridge plot in Fig. 2. Note the excellent linearity between the values X = R through X=5R. A commercially available platinum RTDI with suitable linearity exhibits nominal 100 ohm resistance at O°C and a temperature coefficient of +0.392 ohms/oC; the output of a 100 ohm bridge between O°C and 10°C using this device is shown in Table 1. With only millivolts of output, this circuit will serve as a signal to be measured over long lines. ~~----~------~O) ...e_,_ _-- ed in the box. The correct answers, along with brief discussions of the principles involved, appear elsewhere in this issue. Good luck! ZERO ADJ. GAIN ADJ. Given: a typical V/F converter DIGITAL OUTPUT (OTLITTL OR CMOSt Voltage-to-frequency converters generate a train of output pulses with a frequency linearly proportional to the input voltage. The input range, generally 0 to +10V, interfaces with such analog circuits as op amps, multipliers and sample/hold amplifiers. The output, which typically has a F.S. range of 10 or 100 kHz, is DTl/TTL or CMOS compatible to interface directly with digital logic. V/F converters list among their most important features high linearity, excellent temperature stability and low to moderate cost. When used with a precision timing circuit, gate and counter, they make a complete ND converter with high resolution, linearity and stability, but not high speed. Table 1 lists the key specifications of a typical commercially available V/F converter-the Datel Systems' VFV-10K. TABLE 1 - KEY SPECIFICATIONS, VFV·1 Ok INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE INPUT aVERRANGE. MIN. INPUT IMPEDANCE OUTPUT FREQUENCY FREQUENCY OVERRANGE. MIN. PULSE WIDTH RISE & FALL TIMES SETTLING TIME TO 0.01 % OUTPUT COMPATIBILITY FULL SCALE ERROR OFFSET ERROR NONLINEARITY, MAX 359 Qto+1QV 10% 10kO Oto 10kHz 10% 70 J.,Isec 200 nsec 1 PULSE AT NEW FREQUENCY OTL/TTL OR CMOS ADJUSTABLE TO ZERO ADJUSTABLE TO ZERO 0.005% TEMPca OF ZERO. MAX. ±30~NloC TEMPCO OF GAIN, MAX ±20 ppm/oC POWER REQUIREMENT ± 1 5V DC @ 25 mA DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK 1. Which of the following circuit techniques has no relation to V/F conversion? a. Charge dumping b. Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) c. Charge balancing d. Variable transconductance 2. Assuming that the linearity of the V/F converter of Table 1 holds all the way down to zero input voltage (which it does), and that the input offset voltage can be accurately zeroed for an input as low as +1 mV (which it can), what dynamic range of the output frequency can be realized? a. 60 dB b. 66 dB c. 80 dB d. 100 dB 3. The V/F converter is useful for high noiseimmunity remote data transmission because: a. It amplifies the input signal but not the noise b. It integrates the input signal, rejecting noise c. It transmits the data in the form of digital pulses that are relatively noise immune d. It can be used with an optical isolator at the output for high common-mode rejection c, INPUT INPUT Fig. 2 5. In the V/F converter diagrammed in Fig. 2, how does the stability of capacitors C, and C2 affect the accuracy of the converter? a. C, directly affects the accuracy but C, does not b. C2 directly affects the accuracy but C, does not c. Both C, and C2 directly affect the accuracy d. Neither C, nor C, directly affects accuracy C1 SETS INTEGRATOR TIME CONSTANT C2 SETS PULSE WIDTH OF ONESHOT R ~ T t+ T'M'NG. RESET ~PULSE 1-.....-----<~--oSTATUS '~ START CONVERTo-....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' .JL OUTPUT Fig. 3 Fig. 1 4. In the V/F converter of Fig. 1, how does the stability of .capacitors C and C, affect the accuracy of the converter? a. C, directly affects the accuracy but C, does not b. C, directly affects the accuracy but C, does not c. Both C, and C, directly affect the accuracy d. Neither C, nor C, directly affects accuracy Questions 6 through 9 refer to the voltage-tofrequency type AID converter illustrated in Fig. 3. The V/F converter used is described in Table 1. 6. To make a 12-bit binary AID converter, we use a 12-bit binary counter. Assuming that the V/F is calibrated to give exactly 10 kHz at F.S. (+10V) input, what should be the width of the pulse from the timing circuit? a. 0.4096 sec b. 1.000 sec c. 2.048 msec d. 40.96 msec .:>"v 12. One of the applications for a V/F converter is a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) with either pulse- or square-wave output (Fig. 4). How does the V/F converter basically differ from a VCO? a. The V/F converter is linear over its full operating range and the linearity holds down to zero b. The V/F converter is smaller and cheaper c. The V/F converter has a pulse output. whereas a VCO has a sine-wave output d. No difference 13. Which of the following characteristics do voltage-to-frequency and dual-slope AID converters have in common? a. Excellent noise rejection b. Inherent monotonicity (no missing codes) c. Slow conversion time d. All of the above 7. To change the circuit of Fig. 3 into a 4-digit BCD AID converter, which of the following changes must be made? a. Change the V/F converter to a 100-kHz unit and the counter to a 4-decade BCD counter b. Change the counter to a 4-decade BCD counter and the timing pulse width to 1.000 sec c. Change the timing pulse width to 1.000 sec d. Change the counter to a 4-decade BCD counter, and NAND gate to a NOR 8. For the 12-bit AID converter described in Question 6, what is the approximate linearity? a. ±1/10 LSB b. ±1/4 LSB c. ±1/2 LSB d. ±1 LSB 9. Voltage-to-frequency AID converters possess good noise rejection characteristics since they average the input signal during the conversion time. Assuming a 1.0-sec conversion time (or counting time) for this type converter, what is its noise rejection for 60-Hz input noise? a. 26-dB b. 33.8 dB c. 35.6 dB d. 41.6 dB 10. Which of the following is an advantage of the successive approximation AID converter over the voltage-to-frequency AID converter? a. Noise rejection b. Inherent monotonicity (no missing codes) c. Excellent temperature stability d. None of the above 11. Differential nonlinearity for an AID converter is defined as the maximum deviation of any bit size from its theoretical value of 1 LSB over the full conversion range. Since a voltage-tofrequency·A/D converter has a smooth, bow-type linearity characteristic, its differential nonlinearity is approximately: a. Zero b. ±1/2 LSB c. ±1 LSB d. Cannot be determined -4V 0 U\F ANALOG MUL TIPLIrR Fig. n{l 2T\} \t Xy 10 10kHl V F n(\ 4T UU 5T 6T DATA OUTPUT 5 14. Fig. 5 shows a pulsed sinp wave with a peak-to-peak amplitude of BV. This waveform is squared by an analog multiplier and then integrated by applving it to a 10-kHz \"F converter and counting output pulses for a specified period of time. If the caparitv of the collnter is 10 BCD digits, what is the length of timp over which the waveform can he intpgrated? a. 6944.4 hrs. b. 3472.2 hrs. c. 2777.7 hrs. d. 1000 hrs. I I JQUARE WAVE OIJ1PUT VCONTAOl Fig. 4 :~ () {l PULSE OUTPUT 361 DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK Presentin 9: the answers to our qUIz on V/F converters To ace this exam you need more than just a passing familiarity with V/F's. Our explanations should help clear up any misconceptions. into a digital pulse train, which has relatively high noise immunity compared to an analog signal. ANSWERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. d c c b a a b 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 4. Fig. 1 diagrams a charge-balancing V/F converter. C, determines the amplitude of voltage transition at the integrator output but does not affect the accuracy of the output pulse frequency. C, directly affects accuracy because the average current pulled out of the integrator's summing junction is directly determined by the width of the pulse from the one shot. b d d a a d a 5. A charge-dumping V/F is shown in Fig. 2. Here C, directly affects accuracy since it determines how fast the output of the integrator gets to the trip point of the comparator. C" on the other hand, merely sets the output pulse width and has no effect on accuracy. Fourteen questions do not an expert make. But if you've answered all of our queries correctly, consider yourself very well versed on at least the basics of V/F converters. (An average score is 6·8 correct.) This quiz, combined with a careful readi'lg of the reference articles, should give you an enellent grasp of the subject. Our comments to the questions follow. 6. A 12-bit binary AID converter has a total of 4096 output states. Therefore, the pulse width must be 0.40% sec to produce this number of states from a 10-kHz pulse rate. 7. The 4-decade BCD converter has 10,000 output states, so it needs a 1.000-sec timing pulse width and a 4-decade BCD counter. 1. Variable transconductance is a circuit technique used for analog multiplication, division and other nonlinear functions. It has no relation to V/F conversion. 8. The V/F converter used has a nonlinearity of 0.005% max. that corresponds to about 1/4 lSB out of 12 bits (1 lSB in 12 bits is 0.024%). 2. The analog input range is 1 mV to 10V; the corresponding output frequency range, 1 Hz to 10 kHz. This represents a dynamic range of 10,000:1 or 80 dB. 9. Noise rejection of an averaging type ND converter is 20 log 2Tf.. where T is the averaging or conversion time and fn is the noise frequency. Therefore, 41.6-dB rejection of 6O-Hz noise is correct, based on the noise rejection asymptote. Note that this doesn't assume that the 1.000-sec conversion time is a precise multiple of the 6O-Hz 3. Although band d are true statements, they do not explain the V/F's high noise immunity in the transmission of remote data. Rather, the reason for c is that the analog information is converted 352 period. If it were an exact multiple, the noise rejection would be infinite. 14. This question involves some computation. At the output of the multiplier the squared sine wave has an amplitude of + 1.6V and an average value of +0.8V. Since it is ON only half the time, the actual average is +O.4V. This voltage produces an average output frequency of 400 Hz from a 10 kHz V/F converter. The maximum integration lime in hours is then: T = 10"'/(400 x 3600) = 6944.4 hrs. r I 10. Choices a, band c are characteristics of integrating and voltage-to· frequency type A/D converters. Successive approximation machines are noted for their speed. 11. Because of the V/F converter's smooth, bow-type linearity characteristic, all bits over its full range are almost exactly the same size (1 lSB) and the differential nonlinearity is very nearly zero. GZ 12. Choices band c are true in many cases, but a is the best choice. A VCO is basically linear over a limited range of output frequency and does not operate down to zero frequency. 13. The best answer is "all of the above." We might add that for a given resolution (,,=10 bits). V/F based and integrating AID's generally cost less than successive approximation types. 363 364 8. Glossaryof Data Conversion Terms 365 Glossary of Data Conversion Terms This glossary defines the most often used terms in the field of data conversion technology. Each of the terms has been described or referred to elsewhere in this book. ABSOLUTE ACCURACY: The worst-case input to output error of a data converter referred to the NBS standard volt. ACCURACY: The conformance of a measured value with its true value; the maximum error of a device such as a data converter from the true value. See relative accuracy and absolute accuracy. ACQUISITION TIME: For a sample-hold, the time required, after the sample command is given, for the hold capacitor to charge to a full scale voltage change and then remain within a specified error band around final value. ACTIVE FILTER: An electronic filter which uses passive circuit elements with active devices such as gyrators or operational amplifiers. In general, resistors and capacitors are used but no inductors. ACTUATOR: A device which converts a voltage or current input into a mechanical output. ADC: Abbreviation for analog-to-digital converter. See AID converter. AID CONVERTER: Analog-to-digital converter. A circuit which converts an analog (continuous) voltage or current into an output digital code. ALIAS FREQUENCY: In reconstructed analog data, a false lower frequency component which is the result of insufficient sampling rate, i.e., less than that required by the sampling theorem. ALIASING: See Alias Frequency. ANALOG MULTIPLEXER: An array of switches with a common output connection for selecting one of a number of analog inputs. The output signal follows the selected input within a small error. ANTI-ALIAS FILTER: See Pre-Sampling Filter: APERTURE DELAY TIME: In a sample-hold, the time elapsed from the hold command to the actual opening of the sampling switch. APERTURE JITTER: See Aperture Uncertainty Time. APERTURE TIME: The time window, or time uncertainty, in making a measurement. For an AID converter it is the conversion time; for a samplehold it is the signal averaging time during the sample-to-hold transition. APERTURE UNCERTAINTY TIME: In a samplehold, the time variation, or time jitter, in the opening of the sampling switch; also the variation in aperture delay time from sample to sample. 367 AUTO-ZERO: A stabilization circuit which servos an amplifier or AID converter input offset to zero during a portion of its operating cycle. BANDGAP REFERENCE: A voltage reference circuit which is based on the principle of the predictable base-to-emitter voltage of a transistor to generate a constant voltage equal to the extrapolated bandgap voltage of silicon (~1.22V). BANDWIDTH: The frequency at which the gain of an amplifier or other circuit is reduced by 3 dB from its DC value; also the range of frequencies within which the attenuation is less than 3 dB from the center frequency value. BCD: See Binary Coded Decimal. BINARY CODE: See Natural Binary Code. BINARY CODED DECIMAL (BCD): A binary code used to represent decimal numbers in which each digit from 0 to 9 is represented by four bits weighted 8-4-2-1. Only 10 of the 16 possible states are used. BIPOLAR MODE: For a data converter, when the analog signal range includes both positive and negative values. BIPOLAR OFFSET: The analog displacement of one half of full scale range in a data converter operated in the bipolar mode. The offset is generally derived from the converter reference circuit. BREAK-BEFORE-MAKE SWITCIDNG: A characteristic of analog multiplexers in which there is a small time delay between disconnection from the previous channel and connection to the next channel. This assures that no two inputs are ever momental'ily shorted together. BUFFER AMPLIFIER: An amplifier employed to isolate the loading effect of one circuit from another. BURIED ZENER REFERENCE: See Subsurface Zener Reference. BUSY OUTPUT: See Status Output. BUTTERFLY CHARACTERISTIC: An error versus temperature graph in which all errors are contained within two straight lines which intersect at room temperature, or approximately 25°C. CHARGE BALANCING AID CONVERTER: An analog-to-digital conversion technique which emptoys an operational integrator circuit within apulse generating feedback loop. Current pulses from the feedback loop are precisely balanced against the analog input by the integrator, and the resulting pulses are counted for a fixed period of time to produce an output digital word. This technique is also called quantized-feedback. CHARGE DUMPING: See Charge Transfer. CHARGE INJECTION: See Charge Transfer. DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK CHARGE TRANSFER: In a sample-hold, the phenomenon of moving a small charge from the sampling switch to the hold capacitor during switch turn-offThis is caused by the switch control voltage change coupling through switch capacitance to the hold capacitor_ Also called charge dumping or charge injection. CHOPPER-STABILIZED AMPLIFIER: An operational amplifier which employs a special DC modulator-demodulator circuit to reduce input offset voltage drift to an extremely low value. CLOCK: A circuit in an ND converter that generates timing pulses which synchronize the operation of the converter. CLOCK RATE: The frequency of the timing pulses of the clock circuit in an AID converter. COMMON-MODE REJECTION RATIO: For an amplifier, the ratio of differential voltage gain to common-mode voltage gain, generally expressed in dB. CMRR = 20 loglo AD ACM where AD is differential voltage gain and ACM is common mode voltage gain. COMPANDING CONVERTER: An AID or D/A converter which employs ~ logarithmic transfer function to expand or compress the analog signal range. These converters have large effective dynamic ranges and are commonly used in digitized voice communication systems. COMPLEMENTARY BINARY CODE: A binary code which is the logical, complement of straight binary. AliI's become O's and vice versa. CONVERSION TIME: The time required for an ND converter to complete a single conversion to specified resolution and linearity for a full scale analog input change. CONVERSION RATE: The number of repetitive ND or D/A conversions per second for a full scale change to specified resolution and linearity. COUNTER TYPE AID CONVERTER: A feedback method of ND conversion wI: Qreby a digital counter drives a DIA converter whicl generates an output ramp which is compared with the analog input. When the two are equal, a comparator stops the counter and output data is ready. Also called a servo type AID converter. CREEP VOLTAGE: A voltage change with time across an open capacitor caused by dielectric absorption. This causes sample-hold output error. CROSSTALK: In an analog mUltiplexer, the ratio of output voltage to input voltage with all channels connected in parallel and off. It is generally expressed as an input to output attenuation ratio in dB. DAC: Abbreviation for digital-to-analog converter. See DIA Converter. D/A CONVERTER: Digital-to-analog converter. A circuit which converts a digital code word into an output analog (continuous) voltage or current. DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM: A system consisting of analog multiplexers, sample-holds, AID converters, and other circuits which process one or more analog signals and convert them into digital form for use by a computer. DATA AMPLIFIER: See Instrumentation Amplifier. DATA CONVERTER: An AID or D/A Converter. DATA DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: A system which uses DIA converters and other circuits to convert the digital outputs of a computer into analog form for control of a process or system. DATA RECOVERY FILTER: A filter used to reconstruct an analog signal from a train of analog samples. DATA WORD: A digital code-word that represents data to be processed; DECAY RATE: See Hold-Mode Droop. DECODER: A communications term for D/A converter. DEGLITCHED DAC: A DI A converter which incorporates a deglitching circuit to virtually eliminate output spikes (or glitches). These DAC's are commonly used in CRT display systems. DEGLITCHER: A special sample-hold circuit used to eliminate the output spikes (or glitches) from a D/A converter. DIELECTRIC ABSORPTION: A voltage memory characteristic of capacitors caused by the dielectric material not polarizing instantaneously. The result is that not all the energy stored in a charged capacitor can be quickly recovered upon discharge, and the open capacitor voltage will creep. See also Creep Voltage. DIFFERENTIAL LINEARITY ERROR: The maximum deviation of any quantum (LSB change) in the transfer function of a data converter from its ideal size of FSR/2 D • DIFFERENTIAL LINEARITY TEMPCO: The change in differential linearity error with temperature for a data converter, expressed in ppm/0 C of FSR (Full Scale Range). DIGITIZER: A device which converts analog into digital data; an AID converter. DOUBLE-LEVEL MULTIPLEXING: A method of channel expansion in analog multiplexers whereby the outputs of a group of multiplexers connect to the inputs of another multiplexer. DROOP: See Hold-Mode Droop. 368 DUAL SLOPE AID CONVERTER: An indirect method of AID conversion whereby an analog voltage is converted into a time period by an integrator and reference and then measured by a clock and counter. The method is relatively slow but capable of high accuracy. DYNAMIC ACCURACY: The total error of a data converter or conversion system when operated at its maximum specified conversion rate or throughput rate. DYNAMIC RANGE:,The ratio of full scale range (FSR) of a data converter to the smallest difference it can resolve. In terms of converter resolution: Dynamic Range (DR) = 2 n It is generally expressed in dB: DR = 20 log 10 2 n =6.02n where n is the resolution in bits. EFFECTIVE APERTURE DELAY: In a samplehold, the time difference between the hold command and the time at which the input signal equalled the held voltage. ELECTROMETER AMPLIFIER: An amplifier characterized by ultra-low input bias current and input noise which is used to measure currents in the picoampere region and lower. ENCODER: A communications term for an AID converter. E.O.C.: End of Conversion. See Status Output. ERROR BUDGET: A systematic listing of errors in a circuit or system to determine worst case total or statistical error. EXTRAPOLATIVE HOLD: See First-Order Hold. FEEDBACK TYPE AID CONVERTER: A class of analog-to-digital converters in which a DIA converter is enclosed in the feedback loop of a digital control circuit which changes the DIA output until it equals the analog input. FIRST-ORDER HOLD: A type of sample-hold, used as a recovery filter, which uses the present and previous analog samples to predict the slope to the next sample. Also called an extrapolative hold. FLASH TYPE AID CONVERTER: See Parallel AID Converter. FLYING-CAPACITOR MULTIPLEXER: A multiplexer switch which employs a double-pole, doublethrow switch connected to a capacitor. By first connecting the capacitor to the signal source and then to a differential amplifier, a signal with a high common-mode voltage can be multiplexed to a ground-referenced circuit. FRACTIONAL-ORDER HOLD: A type of samplehold, used as a recovery filter, which uses a fixed fraction of the difference between the present and previous analog samples to predict the slope to the next sample. 369 FREQUENCY FOLDING: In the recovery of sampled data, the overlap of adjacent spectra caused by insufficient sampling rate. The overlapping results in distortion in the recovered signal which cannot be eliminated by filtering the recovered signal. FREQUENCY-TO-VOLTAGE (F/V) CONVERTER: A device which converts an input pulse rate into an output analog voltage. FSR: Full Scale Range. FULL POWER FREQUENCY: The maximum frequency at which an amplifier, or other device, can deliver rated peak-to-peak output voltage into rated load at a specified distortion level. FULL SCALE RANGE (FSR): the difference between maximum and minimum analog values for an AID converter input or DIA converter output. F/V CONVERTER: See Frequency-To-Voltage Converter. GAIN-BANDWIDTH PRODUCT: The product of gain and small signal bandwidth for an operational amplifier or other circuit. This product is constant for a single-pole response. GAIN ERROR: The difference in slope between the actual and ideal transfer functions for a data converter or other circuit. It is expressed as a percent of analog magnitude. GAIN TEMPCO: The change in gain (or scale factor) with temperature for a data converter or other circuit, generally expressed in ppm/oC. HIGH-LEVEL MULTIPLEXING: An analog multiplexing circuit in which the analog signal is first amplified to a higher level (1 to 10 volts) and then multiplexed. This is the preferred method of multiplexing to prevent noise contamination of the analog signal. HOLD CAPACITOR: A high quality capacitor used in a sample-hold circuit to store the analog voltage. The capacitor must have low leakage and low dielectric absorption. Types commonly used include polystyrene, teflon, polycarbonate, polypropylene, and MOS. HOLD-MODE: The operating mode of a sample-hold circuit in which the sampling switch is open. HOLD-MODE DROOP: In a sample-hold, the output voltage change per unit of time with the sampling switch open. It is commonly expressed in V/sec. or 11 VI 11 sec. HOLD-MODE FEEDTHROUGH: In a sample-hold, the percentage of input sinusoidal or step signal measured at the output with the sampling switch open. HOLD-MODE SETTLING TIME: In a sample-hold, the time from the hold-command transition until the output has settled within a specified error band. HYSTERESIS ERROR: The small variation in analog transition points of an AID converter whereby the transition level depends on the direction from DATA ACQUISITION 81 CONVERSION HANDBOOK which it is approached. In most Alb converters this hysteresis is very small and is caused by the analog comparator. IDEAL FILTER: A low pass filter with flat passband response, infinite attenuation at the cutoff frequency, and zero response past cutoff; it also has linear phase response in the passband. Ideal filters are mathematical filters frequently used in textbook examples but not physically realizable. INDIRECT TYPE AID CONVERTER: A class of analog-to-digital converters which converts the unknown input voltage into a time period and then measures this period .. INFINITE-HOLD: A sample-hold circuit which converts an analog voltage into digital form which is then held indefinitely, without decay, in a register. INPUT DYNAMIC RANGE: In an amplifier. the maximum permissible peak-to-peak voitage across the input terminals which does not cause the output to slew rate limit or distort. MatheJ:natically it is found as IDR (Input Dynamic Range)~ 1TGB where SR is the slew rate and GB is gain bandwidth. INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER: An amplifier circuit with high impedance differential inputs and high common-mode rejection. Gain is set by one or two resistors which do not connect to the input terminals. INTEGRAL LINEARITY ERROR: The maximum deviation of a data converter transfer function from the ideal straight line with offset and gain errors zeroed. It is generally expressed in LSB's or in percent of FSR. INTEGRATING AID CONVERTER: One of several types of AID conversion techniques whereby the analog input is integrated with time. This includes dual slope, triple slope, and charge balancing type AID converters. INTERPOLATIVE HOLD: See Polygonal Hold. ISOLATION AMPLIFIER: An amplifier which is electrically isolated between input and output in order to be able to amplify a differential signal superimposed on a high common-mode voltage. LEAST SIGNIFICANT BIT (LSB): The rightmost bit in a data converter code. The analog size of the LSB can be found from the converter resolution: LSB Size 0: FSR 2n where FSR is full scale range and n is the resolution in bits. LINEARITY ERROR: See IntegralLinearity Error and Differential Linearity Error. LONG TERM STABILITY: The variation in data converter accuracy due to time change alone. It is commonly specified in percent per 1000 hours or per year. - LOW-LEVEL MULTIPLEXING: An analog multiplexing system in which a low amplitude signal is first multiplexed and then amplified. LSB: Least Significant Bit. LSB SIZE: See Quantum. MAJOR CARRY: See Major Transition. MAJOR TRANSITION: In a data converter, the change from a code of 1000 ... 000 to 0111 ... 1111 or vice-versa. This transition is the most difficult one to make from a linearity standpoint since the MSB weight must ideally be precisely one LSB larger than the sum of all other bit weights. MISSING CODE: In an AID converter, the characteristic whereby not all output codes are present in the transfer function of the converter. This is caused by a nonmonotonic DIA converter inside the AID. l¥iOr~OTONiCITY;: Fur a D/A cUiivel~ter, the characteristic of the transfer function whereby an increasing input code produces a continuously increasing analog output. Nonmonotonicity may occur if the converter differential linearity error exceeds ± 1 LSB. MOST SIGNIFICANT BIT (MSB): The leftmost bit in a data converter code. It has the largest weight, equal to one half of full scale range. MSB: Most Significant Bit. MULTIPLYING D/A CONVERTER: A type of digital-to-analog converter in which the reference voltage can be varied over a wide range to produce an analog output which is the product of the input code and input reference voltage. Multiplication can be accomplished in one, two, or four algebraic quadrants. MUX: Abbreviation for multiplexer. See Analog Multiplexer. NATURAL BINARY CODE: A positive weighted code in which a number is represented by N 0: ao20 + a121 + a222 + a~ + ... + an 2n where each coefficient "an has a value of zero or one. Data converters use this code in its fractional form where: No: a12-1 + a,~-2 + aa2-3 + ... a n 2- n and N has a fractional value between zero and one. NEGATIVE TRUE LOGIC: A logic system in which the more negative of two voltage levels is defined as a logical 1 (true) and the more positive level is defined as a logical 0 (false). NOISE REJECTION: The amount of suppression of normal mode analog input noise of an AID I!onverter or other circuit, generally expressed in dB. Good noise rejection is a characteristic of integrating type AID converters. NONMONOTONIC: A DIA converter transfer . characteristic in which the output does not continuously increase with increasing input. At one or more points there may be a dip in the output function .. 370 NORMAL-MODE REJECTION: The attenuation of a specific frequency or band of frequencies appearing directly across two electrical terminals. In A/D converters, normal-mode rejection is determined by an input filter or by integration of the input signal. NOTCH FILTER: An electronic filter which attenu· . ates or rejects a specific frequency or narrow band of frequencies with a sharp cutoff on either side of the band. NYQUIST THEOREM: See Sampling Theorem. OFFSET BINARY CODE: Natural binary code in which the code word 0000 .... 0000 is displaced by one-half analog full scale. The code represents analog values between - FS and + FS (full scale). The code word 1000 .... 0000 then corresponds to analog zero. OFFSET DRIFT: The change with temperature of analog zero for a data converter operating in the bipolar mode. It is generally expressed in ppm/DC of FSR. OFFSET ERROR: The error at analog zero for a data converter operating in the bipolar mode. ONE'S COMPLEMENT CODE: A bipolar binary code in which positive and negative codes of the same magnitude sum to all one's. PARALLEL TYPE AID CONVERTER: An ultrafast method of AID conversion which uses an array of 2n -1 comparators to directly implement a quantizer, where n is the resolution in bits. The quantizer is followed by a decoder circuit which converts the comparator outputs into binary code. PARALLEL TYPE D/A CONVERTER: The most commonly used type of D/A converter in which upon application of an input code, all bits change simultaneously to produce a new output. PASSIVE FILTER: A filter circuit using only resistors, capacitors, and inductors. POLYGONAL HOLD: A type of sample-hold, used as a signal recovery filter, which produces a voltage output which is a straight line joining the previous sample value to the present sample. This results in an accurate signal reconstruction but with a one sample-period output delay. POSITIVE TRUE LOGIC: A logic system in which the more positive of two voltage levels is defined as a logical 1 (true) and the more negative level is defined as a logical 0 (false). POWER SUPPLY SENSITIVITY: The output change in a data converter caused by a change in power supply voltage. Power supply sensitivity is generally specified in %/V or in %/% supply change. PRECISION: The degree of repeatability, or reproducibility of a series of successive measurements. Precision is affected by the noise, hysteresis, time, and temperature stability of a data converter or other device. 371 PRE-SAMPLING FILTER: A low pass filter used to limit the bandwidth of a signal before sampling in order to assure that the conditions of the Sampling Theorem are met. Therefore frequency folding is eliminated or greatly diminished in the recovered signal spectrum. PROGRAMMABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER: An amplifier with a digitally controlled gain for use in data acquisition systems. PROGRAMMER-SEQUENCER: A digital logic circuit which controls the sequence of operations in a data acquisition system. PROPAGATION TYPE AID CONVERTER: A type of AID conversion method which employs one comparator per bit to achieve ultra-fast A/D conversion. The conversion propagates down the series of cascaded comparators. QUAD CURRENT SWITCH: A group of four current sources weighted 8-4-2-1 which are switched on and off by TTL inputs. They are used to implement A/D and D/A converter designs up to 16 bits resolution by using multiple quads with current dividers between each quad. QUANTIZATION NOISE: See Quantization Error. QUANTIZATION UNCERTAINTY: See Quantization Error. QUANTIZED FEEDBACK AID CONVERTER: See Charge Balancing A/D Converter. QUANTIZER: A circuit which transforms a continuous analog signal into a set of discrete output states. Its transfer function is the familiar staircase function. QUANTIZING ERROR: The inherent uncertainty in digitizing an analog value due to the finite resolution of the conversion process. The quantized value is'uncertain by up to ±Q/2 where Q is the quantum size. This error can be reduced only by increasing the resolution of the converter. Also called quantization uncertainty or quantization noise. QUANTUM: The analog difference between two adjacent codes for an AID or D/A converter. Also called LSB size. R-2R LADDER NETWORK: An array of matched resistors with series values of R and shunt values of 2R in a standard ladder circuit configuration. RATIOMETRIC AID CONVERTER: An analogto-digital converter which uses a variable reference to measure the ratio of the input voltage to the reference. RECONSTRUCTION FILTER: See Data Recovery Filter. RECOVERY FILTER: See Data Recovery Filter. REFERENCE CIRCUIT: A circuit which produces a stable output voltage over time and temperature DATA ACQUISITION & CONVERSION HANDBOOK for use in AID and DIA converters. The circuit generally uses an operational amplifier with a precision Zener or bandgap type reference element. RELATIVE ACCURACY: The worst case input to output error of a data converter, as a percent of full scale, referred to the converter reference. The error consists of offset, gain, and linearity components. RESOLUTION: The smallest change that can be distinguished by an AID converter. or produced by a DIA converter. Resolution may be stated in percent of full scale, but is commonly expressed as the number of bits n where the converter has 2n possible states. SAMPLE-HOLD: A circuit which accurately acquires and stores an analog voltage on a capacitor for a specified period of time. SAMPLE-HOLD FIGURE OR MERIT: The ratio of capacitor charging current in the sampie-mode to the leakage current off the capacitor in the hold-mode. SAMPLE·MODE: The operating mode of a samplehold circuit in which the sampling switch is closed. SAMPLER: An electronic switch which is turned on and off at a fast rate to produce a train of analog sample pulses. SAMPLE·TO·HOLD OFFSET ERROR: For a sample-hold, the change in output voltage from the sample-mode to the hold-mode, with constant input voltage. This error is camred by the sampling switch transferring charge onto the hold capacitor as it opens. SAMPLE·TO-HOLD STEP: See Sample:to-Hold Offset Error. SAMPLE-TO-HOLD TRANSIENT: A small spike at the output of a sample-hold when it goes into the hold mode. It is caused by feed through from the sampling switch control voltage. SAMPLING THEOREM: A theorem due to Nyquist which says if a continuous bandwidth-limited signal contains no frequency components higher than fc, then the original signal can be recovered without distortion if it is sampled at a rate of at least 2fc samples per second. SAR: Successive approximation register. A digital control circuit used to control the operation of a successive approximation AID converter. SCALE FACTOR ERROR: See Gain Error. SERIAL TYPE D/A CONVERTER: A type of digital-to·analog converter in which the digital input data is received in sequential fprm before an analog output is produced. SERVO·TYPE AID CONVERTER: See CounterType AID Converter. SETTLING TIME: The time elapsed from the application of a full scale step input to a circuit to the time when the output has entered and remained within a specified error band around its final value. 372 This term is an important specification for opera· tional amplifiers, analog multiplexers, and DIA converters. SHORT CYCLING: The termination of an AID conversion process at a resolution less than the full resolution of the converter. This results in a shorter conversion time for reduced resolution in AID converters with a short cycling capability. SIGNAL RECONSTRUCTION FILTER: A low pass filter used to accurately reconstruct an analog signal from a train of analog samples. SIGN·MAGNITUDE BCD: A binary coded decimal code in which a sign bit is added to distinguish positive from negative in bipolar operation. SIGN-MAGNITUDE BINARY CODE: The natural binary code to which a sign bit is added to distinguish positive from negat;·:s ;" hipolar operation. SIMULTANEOUS SAMPLE·HOLD: A system in which a series of sample-hold circuits are used to sample a number of analog channels, all at the same instant. This requires one sample-hold per analog channel. SIMULTANEOUS TYPE AID CONVERTER: See Parallel Type AID Converter. SINGLE·LEVEL MULTIPLEXING: A method of channel expansion in analog multiplexers whereby several multiplexers are operated in parallel by connecting their outputs together. Each multiplexer is controlled by a digital enable input. SINGLE-SLOPE AID CONVERTER: A simple AID converter technique in which a ramp voltage generated from a voltage reference and integrator is compared with the analog input voltage by a comparator. The time required for the ramp to equal the input is measured by a clock and counter to produce the digital output word. SKIPPED CODE: See Missing Code. SLEW RATE: The maximum rate of change of the output of an operational amplifier or other circuit. Slew rate is limited by internal charging currents and capacitances and is generally expressed in volts per microsecond. SPAN: For an AID or DIA converter, the full scale range or difference between maximum and minimum analog values. START·CONVERT: The input pulse to an AID converter which initiates conversion. STATIC ACCURACY: The total error of a data converter or conversion system under DC input conditions. STATUS OUTPUT: The logic output of an AID converter which indicates whether the device is in the process of making a conversion or the conversion has been completed and output data is ready. Also called busy output or end of conversion output. STRAIGHT BINARY CODE: See Natural Binary Code. SUBSURFACE ZENER REFERENCE: A compensated voltage reference diode in which avalanche breakdown occurs below the surface of the silicon in the bulk region rather than at the surface. This results in lower noise and higher stability. The reversed biased diode is temperature compensated by a series connected, forward biased signal diode. SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION AID CONVERTER: An A/D conversion method that compares in sequence a series of binary weighted values with the analog input to produce an output digital word in just n steps, where n is the resolution in bits. The process is efficient and is analogous to weighing an unknown quantity on a balance scale using a set of binary standard weights. TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT: The change in analog magnitude with temperature, expressed in ppm/DC. THREE-STATE OUTPUT: A type of A/D converter output used to connect to a data bus. The three output states are logic 1, logic 0, and off. An enable control turns the output on or off. THROUGHPUT RATE: The maximum repetitive rate at which a data converison system can operate to give specified output accuracy. It is determined by adding the various times required for multiplexer settling, sample-hold acquisition, AID conversion, etc. and then taking the inverse of total time. TRACK-AND-HOLD: A sample·hold circuit which can continuously follow the input signal in the sample-mode and then go into hold-mode upon command. TRACKING AID CONVERTER: A counter-type analog-to-digital converter which can continuously follow the analog input at some specified maximum rate and continuously update its digital output as the input signal changes. The circuit uses a D/A converter driven by an up-down counter. TRANSDUCER: A device which converts a physical parameter such as temperature or pressure into an electrical voltage or current. TRANSFER FUNCTION: The input to output characteristic of a device such as a data converter expressed either mathematically or graphically. TRIPLE-SLOPE AID CONVERTER: A variation 373 on the dual slope type A/D converter in which the time period measured by the clock and counter is divided into a coarse (fast slope) measurement and a fine (slow slope) measurement. TWO'S COMPLEMENT CODE: A bipolar binary code in which positive and negative codes of the same magnitude sum to all zero's plus a carry. TWO-STAGE PARALLEL AID CONVERTER: An ultra-fast A/D converter in which two parallel type A/D's are operated in cascade to give higher resolution. In the usual case a 4-bit parallel converter first makes a conversion; the resulting output code drives an ultra-fast 4·bit D/A, the output of which is subtracted from the analog input to form a residual. This residual then goes to a second 4 bit parallel ND. The result is an 8 bit word converted in two steps. UNIPOLAR MODE: In a data converter, when the analog range includes values of one polarity only_ VIF CONVERTER: See Voltage-to-Frequency Converter. VIDEO AID CONVERTER: An ultra-fast ND converter capable of conversion rates of 5 MHz and higher. Resolution is usually 8 bits but can vary depending on the application. Conversion rates of 20 MHz and higher are common. VOLTAGE DECAY: See Hold-Mode Droop. VOLTAGE REFERENCE: See Reference Circuit. VOLTAGE-TO-FREQUENCY (VIF) CONVERTER: A device which converts an analog voltage into a train of digital pulses with frequency proportional to the input voltage. WEIGHTED CURRENT SOURCE DIA CONVERTER: A digital-to-analog converter design based on a series of binary weighted transistor current sources which can be turned on or off by digital inputs. ZERO DRIFT: The change with temperature of analog zero for a data converter operating in the unipolar mode. It is generally expressed in /l VIcCo ZERO ERROR: The error at analog zero for a data converter operating in the unipolar mode. ZERO-ORDER HOLD: A nllme for a sample-hold circuit used as a data recovery filter. It is used to accurately reconstruct an analog signal from a train of analog samples. 374 9. 375 Component Selector Guides Selector Guide N·Channel Enhancement Mode V·MOS Power MOS rOS(on) OHMS Po VGS(th) WATTS VOLTS TC = 25°C 10(on) AMPS MAX. STEADY PEAK MIN MAli MIN 0.5 0.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 12 12 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 2.0 3.6 2.0 0.5 4.0 10 0.8 2.0 12.5 0.5 4.0 iO 0.8 3.6 i2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.5 4.5 5.0 .1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 2.0 2.5 2.5 0.9 0.9 3.0 3.0 0.8 0.8 2.0 3.6 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 3.13 3.13 0.5 0.5 5.0 5.0 12 12 0.8 0.8 2.0 3.6 30 30 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 2.5 2.5 0.5 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 5.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 12 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 - 2.0 3.6 3.6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 30 2.5 2.5 0.7 0.7 2.0 2.0 0.8 0.8 2.0 3.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 - 2.0 2.0 - 2.0 2.0 - 2.0 2.0 - - - 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 BVoss - DRAIN-SOURCE BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE 35VMIN 40VMIN 60VMIN ZENER NON-ZENER ZENER NON-ZENER ZENER NON-ZENER IVN5200KNE IVN5201KNE IVN5200KND IVN5201KND VN35AJ VN35AA IVN6657 VN66AJ VN67AJ VN67AA VN30AA VN35AK VN35AB IVN5200TND IVN52U1TND IVN5000TND IVN500HND IVN5200TNE IVN5201TNE IVN5000TNE IVN5001TNE IVN6660 VN66AK VN67AK VN67AB IVN5000SND IVN5001SND IVN5000SNE IVN5001SNE IVN5200HND IVN5201HND IVN5200HNE IVN5201HNE VN30AB VN46AF VN66AF VN67AF VN40AF 376 IVN5000BND IVN5001BND IVN5201CND IVN5000BNE IVN5001BNE IVN5201CNE IVN5000AND IVN5001AND IVN5000ANE IVN5001ANE BOY MIN ZENER NON-ZENER PACKAGE AND PIN-OUT 90Y MIN ZENER NON-ZENER IVN5200KNF IVN5201KNF -~.~ TO-3 lSI GATE lORAIN IVN6658 VN98AL VN99AJ VN89AA VN90AA IVN5200TNF IVN5201TNF IVN5000TNF IVN5001TNF IVN5000TNG IVN5001TNG TO-39 IVN6661 VN98AK VN99AK . ~'#.'T' ."IN ICAlt: , 1OIJOt<:. VN90AB IVN5000SNF IVN5001SNF DRAIN I CASE TO-52 GATE 2 SOUfIIC! IVN5200HNF IVN5201HNF TO-66 TO-202 (PLASTIC) VN88AF VN89AF IVN5000BNF IVN5001BNF IVN5201CNF '? , ~.~N OOUOC< GATE , , C9 .~ D.T.... TO-220 (PLASTIC) IVN5000ANF IVN5001ANF TO-237 (PLASTIC) 377 .,P .:~ Switches-Junction FET I Ordering Information Preferred Part Number Packaga 'os (onl max ohm V, avoss 10•• minimax max pA V C RSS max I .. max nS max pI 50 90 t80 65 95 25 25 25 16 16 6.0 6.0 6.0 5.0 5.0 140 55 75 100 34 16 14 14 14 18 5.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 6.0 60 120 34 60 120 18 18 18 18 18 6.0 6.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 1.2 4.0 loss max pA V ctSS minimax mA IOloff) min pt N-channel: Generaliy requires driver circuit to translate the popular logic levels to voltages required to drive the JFET. 2N3970 2N3971 2N3972 2N4091 2N4092 TO-18 TO-18 TO-18 TO-18 TO-92 T0-18 TO-92 30 60 100 30 50 -4.0 -2.0 -0.5 -5.0 -2.0 -10.0 -5.0 -3.0 -10.0 -7.0 2N4093 2N4391 2N4392 2N4393 2N4856 TO-18 TO-18 TO-18 TO-18 TO-18 TO-92 T0-92 TO-92 TO-92 80 30 60 100 25 -1.0 -4.0 -2.0 -0.5 -4.0 -5.0 -10.0 -5.0 -3.0 -10.0 2N4857 2N4858 2N4859 2N4860 2N4861 TO-18 TO-18 T0-18 TO-92 TO-18 TO-92 TO-18 TO-92 40 60 25 40 60 -2.0 -0.8 -4.0 -2.0 -0.8 2N5432 2N5433 2N5434 2N5555 2N5638 TO-52 TO-92 TO-52 TO-92 TO-52 TO-92 T0-92 TO-92 5 7 10 150 30 2N5639 ITE4091 ITE4092 ITE4093 T0-92 T0-92 TO-18 T0-92 T0-18 T0-92 TO-18 TO-92 ITE4391 ITE4392 ITE4393 Jlll· J112 2N5640 J113 -200 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 250 250 250 200 200 50 25 5 30 15 -200 -100 -100 -100 -250 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 200 100 100 100 250 8 50 25 -6.0 -4.0 -10.0 -6.0 -4.0 -250 -250 -250 -250 -250 -40 -40 -30 -30 -30 250 250 250 250 250 20 8 50 20 8 -4.0 -3.0 -1.0 -10.0 -9.0 -4.0 -10.0 -12.0 -200 -200 -200 -1 nA -1 nA -25 -25 -25 -25 -30 200 200 200 10nA 1 nA 150 100 30 15 50 41 41 41 35 24 30 30 30 5 10 60 100 30 50 80 --g:8 1 nA 200 200 200 54 63 65 95 140 4.0 -40 -40 -40 25 5 30 15 8 10 -10.0 -10.0 -10.0 -1 nA -1 nA -200 -200 -200 -30 -5.0 -2.0 -1.0 16 16 16 5.0 5.0 5.0 TO-18 TO-92 TO-18 TO-92 TO-18 T0-92 T0-92 T0-92 60 100 30 30 50 -4.0 -2.0 -0.5 -3.0 -1.0 -10.0 -10.0 -10.0 -10.0 -5.0 -100 -100 -100 1 nA 1 nA -40 -40 -40 35 35 100 100 100 1 nA 1 nA 50 25 5 20 5 55 75 100 14 14 14 3.5 3.5 3.5 T0-92 100 -0.5 -3.0 1 nA 35 1 nA 2 - -200 -30 5 150 75 30 150 75 30 50 1 nA 100 80 100 80 150 75 30 ;0 4.U - - - 37 68 102 16 16 25 25 25 4.5 4.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 35 35 12.0 12.0 20 20 5.0 5.0 - - Pochannal: Can be used to switch into inverting input of op-amps and needs no driver circuit; can be switched direcHy from TTL logic. 2N3993 2N3994 2N5114 2N5115 2N5116 TO-72 TO-72 TO-18 T0-92 TO-18 TO-92 TO-18 TO-92 150 300 75 100 150 4.0 1.0 5.0 3.0 1.0 9.5 5.5 10.0 6.0 4.0 1.2nA 1.2nA 500 500 500 25 25 30 30 30 1.2nA 1.2nA 500 500 500 -10 -2 -30 -90 -15 -60 -5 -25 ITIOO ITlOI J174 J175 J176 TO-18 TO-92 TO-18 T0-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 75 60 85 125 250 2.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 1.0 4.5 10.0 10.0 6.0 4.0 200 200 1 nA 1 nA 1 nA 35 35 30 30 30 100 100 -1 nA -1 nA -1 nA -10 -20 -20 -100 -7 -60 -2 -25 J177 J270 J271 TO-92 TO-92 T0-92 300 0.8 0.5 1.5 1 nA 200 200 30 30 30 -·1 nA -1.5 -20 -2 -15 -6 -50 - - 2.25 2.0 4.5 - -- - - - - - Switches and Amplifiers-MOSFET I Ordering Information Pretarred Part Number vGS tTHJ ·VGS1offJ BV.55 minimax min V V Packaga 10.. Io.s max pA max pA gFS min p.mho IDlonl 'OSIOt1) max ohm min mA P-channel Enhancement: Gen.'used where max isolation btwn. signal source and logic drive req'd: sw. "On" resistance varies with signal amplitude - 3Nl60 3N161 3N163 3N164 3N172 T0-72 TO-72 T0-72 T0-72 TO-72 -1.5 -1.5 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0 -5.0 -5.0 -5.0 -5.0 -5.0 -25 -25 -40 -30 -40 -10nA -10nA -200 400 -400 -50.0 -100.0 -10.0 10.0 -10.0 3.5 3500.0 2000.0 1.0 1500.0 250 300 250 -40 -40 -5 -3 -5 3N173 IT1700 T0-72 T0-72 -2.0 0.2 -5.0 -5.0 -30 -40 -10nA 200 -500.0 10.0 -2.0 350 400 -5 2 -120 -120 Diode Protected -30 -30 -30 Diode Protected -30 - N-channal Enhancement: Can swHch posHive signals directly from TTL logic; gen. requires driver or translator circuit to switch bipolar signals 2N4351 3N169 3N170 3N171 IT1750 TO'72 TO-72 T0-72 T0-72 T0-72 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.5 5.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 3.0 25 25 25 25 25 10nA 10nA 10nA 10nA 10nA 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 M116 T0-72 1.0 5.0 30 - 100.0 378 1000.0 1000.0 1000.0 1000.0 30.0 - 300 200 200 200 50 100 3 10 10 10 10 - 100 - Amplifiers-N-Channel Junction FET Ordering Information Preferred Part Number Package g" min p.mho 2N3684 2N3685 2N3686 2N3687 2N3821 TO-72 TO-72 TO-72 TO-72 TO-72 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 2000 1500 1000 500 1500 2N3822 2N3823 2N3824 2N4117 2N4117A TO-72 TO-92 TO-72 TO-72 TO-72 TO-92 TO-72 TO-92 3000 3500 2N4118 2N4118A 2N4119 2N4l.19A 2N4220 TO-72 TO-72 TO-72 TO-72 TO-72 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 2N4221 2N4222 2N4223 2N4224 2N4338 V, minimax V loss minimax mA 2.5 1.0 0.4 0.1 0.5 7.5 3.0 1.2 0.5 2.5 -2.0 -1.0 -0.6 -0.3 -4.0 2.0 4.0 10.0 20.0 -~.O C ISS max pf CRSS max pf IGSS mex pA BVGss min V -5.0 -3.5 -2.0 -1.2 -100 -100 -100 -100 -0.1 nA -50 -50 -50 -50 -50 4 4 4 4 6 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 3.0 -6.0 -50 -30 -50 -40 -40 6 6 6 3 3.0 2.0 3.0 1.5 1.5 e" max nv/vHz 140@100Hz 140~100HZ 140 100Hz 140@100Hz 200@10Hz 0.03 0.03 0.09 0.09 -0.6 -0.6 -1.8 -1.8 -100 -0.5nA -0.1 nA -10 -1 80 80 100 100 1000 0.08 0.08 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.24 0.24 0.6 0.6 3.0 -1.0 -1.0 -2.0 -2.0 -3.0 -3.0 -6.0 -6.0 -4.0 -10 -1 -10 -1 -100 -40 -40 -40 -40 -30 3 3 3 3 6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 TO-72 TO-92 TO-72 TO-92 TO-72 TO-72 TO-18 TO-92 2000 2500 3000 2000 600 2.0 5.0 3.0 2.0 0.2 6.0 15.0 18.0 20.0 0.6 -6.0 -8.0 -8.0 -0.8 -1.0 -100 -100 -250 -150 -100 -30 -30 -30 -30 -50 6 6 6 6 7 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 2N4339 2N4340 2N4341 2N4416 2N4867 TO-18 TO-18 TO-18 TO-72 TO-72 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 800 1300 2000 4500 700 0.5 1.2 3.0 5.0 0.4 1.5 3.6 9.0 15.0 1.2 -0.6 -1.0 -2.0 -1.8 -3.0 -6.0 -6.0 -0.7 -2.0 -100 -100 -100 -100 -250 -50 -50 -50 -30 -40 7 7 7 4 25 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 5.0 65@1 kHz 65~ 1 kHz 651kHz 2N4867A 2N4868 2N4868A 2N4869 2N4869A TO-72 TO-72 TO-72 TO-72 TO-72 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 700 1000 1000 1300 1300 0.4 1.0 1.0 2.5 2.5 1.2 3.0 3.0 7.5 7.5 -0.7 -1.0 -1.0 -1.8 -1.8 -2.0 -3.0 -3.0 -5.0 -5.0 -250 -250 -250 -250 -250 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 25 25 25 25 25 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5@lkHz 10@lkHz 5@lkHz 10@lkHz 5@lkHz 2N5397 2N5398 2N5457 2N5458 2N5459 TO-72 TO-92 TO-72 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 6000@1 mA 5000 1000 1500 2000 10.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 4.0 30.0 40.0 5.0 9.0 16.0 -1.0 -6.0 -1.6 -0.1 -0.5 -6.0 -1.0 -7.0 -2.0 -8.0 -100 -25 -25 25 25 -25 5 5.5 7 7 7 1.2 1.3 3.0 3.0 3.0 3db@450mHz 1 nA 1 nA -1 nA 2N5484 2N5485 ITE4416 2N5486 U308 TO-92 TO-92 TO-72 TO-92 TO-92 TO-52 TO-92 3000 3500 4500 4000 10,000 1.0 4.0 5.0 8.0 12.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 60.0 -0.3 -0.5 -1 nA -1 nA -100 -1 nA -150 -25 -25 -30 -25 -25 5 5 4 5 7typ. 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.0typ. 120@1 kHz 120@lkHz -2.0 -1.0 -3.0 -4.0 -6.0 -6.0 -6.0 U309 U310 U311 J308 J309 TO-52 TO-92 TO-52 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 10,000 10,000 10,000 8000 10,000 12.0 24.0 20.0 12.0 12.0 30.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 30.0 -1.0 -2.5 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -4.0 -6.0 -150 -150 -150 -1 nA -1 nA -25 -25 -25 -25 -25 - 4.0typ. 4.0typ. 10@10Hztyp. 10@10Hztyp. 10@100Hz - 10 J310 TO-92 8000 24.0 60.0 -2.0 -1 nA -25 - - max nA BVGS• min V C ISS max pf C RSS max 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 1 3 10 30 10 30 30 30 30 20 7 7 7 7 7 2 2 2 2 2 400@1 kHz 400@1 kHz 180@1 kHz 180~1 kHz 400 1 kHz - 70 70 - - -0.1 -0.1 -0.3 7lyp. 7typ. - 200@10Hz -- 65@1 kHz 10@1 kHz 3dB@450mHz 3dB@450mHz 3dB@450rnHz 120@1 kHz 10@10Hztyp. 10~100HZ 100 Hz 10@100Hz Amplifiers-P-Channel Junction FET Ordering Information Preferred Part Number Package 2N2606 2N2607 2N2608 2N2609 2N3329 TO-18 TO-18 TO-18 TO-18 TO-72 2N3330 2N3331 2N5265 2N5266 2N5267 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 g" min p.mho IDss minimax mA V. minimax V los. pf e" max nV/vHz 110 330 1000 2500 1000@-1 rnA -0.1 -0.3 -0.9 -2.0 -1.0 -0.5 -1.5 -4.5 -10.0 -3.0 TO-72 TO-72 TO-72 TO-72 TO-72 15OO@-2mA 200@-5mA 900 1000 1500 -2.0 -5.0 -0.5 -0.8 -1.5 -6.0 -15.0 -1.0 -1.6 -3.0 6.0 8.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 10 10 2 2 2 20 20 60 60 60 7 7 7 7 7 2 2 2 2 2 400@lkHz 400~ 1 kHz 115 100Hz 115@100Hz 115@100Hz 2N5268 2N5269 2N5270 2NS460 2N5461 TO-72 TO-72 TO-72 TO-92 TO-92 2000 2200 2500 1000 1500 -2.5 -4.0 -7.0 -1.0 -2.0 -5.0 -8.0 -14.0 -5.0 -9.0 2 2 2 5 5 60 60 60 40 40 7 7 7 7 7 2 2 2 2 2 115@100Hz 115@lOOHz 115@lOOHz 0.75 1.0 6.0 8.0 8.0 6.0 7.5 2N5462 2N5463 2N5464 2N5465 U304 U305 U306 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-18 TO-18 TO-18 2500 1000 1500 2500 -4.0 -1.0 -2.0 -4.0 -30 -15 -5 -16.0 -5.0 -9.0 16.0 1.5 0.75 1.0 1.8 9.0 6.0 7.5 9.0 5 3 1 5 5 5 5 .5 .5 .5 40 60 60 60 30 30 30 7 7 7 7 27 27 27 2 2 2 2 7 7 7 115~100HZ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -90 -60 -25 379 115~lOOHZ 115 100Hz 115 100Hz 115@100Hz 115@100Hz - -- Differential Amplifiers-Dual Monolithic N-Channel Junction FETS Ordering Informallon Preferred Pari Number Package VasH max mV p.V/"C j, VGS max 2N3921 2N3922 2N3954 2N3954A 2N3955 TO·71 TC).71 TO·71 TO·?l TO·71 5 5 5 5 10 10 25 10 5 25 2N3955A 2N3956 2N3957 2N3958 2N5196 TO·71 TO·71 TO·71 TO·71 TO·71 10 15 20 25 5 15 50 75 100 5 2N5197 2N5198 2N5199 2N5452 2N5453 TO·71 TO·71 TO-71 TO-71 TO-71 5 10 15 5 10 10 20 40 5 10 2N5454 2N5515 2N5516 2N5S17 2N5518 TO-71 TO-71 TO-71 TO-71 TO-71 15 5 5 10 15 2N5519 2N5520 2N5521 2N5523 TO-71 TO-71 TO-71 TOw;1 TO-71 2N5524 2N5902 2N5903 2N5904 2N5905 IG max pA -250 -250 BVGss min V' -SO V, g" minimax - e, max loss minimax p.mho V minimax mA nV/v'Hz - -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -3.0 -3.0 -4.5 -4.5 -4.5 1500 1500 1 1 1 7500 7500 3 3 3 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 10.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 160@100Hz 160@100Hz 160@100Hz -50 -50 -50 -SO -50 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -0.7 -4.5 -4.5 -4.5 -4.5 -4.0 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 700@200p.A 0.5 0.5 0.5 O.S 0.7 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 160@100Hz 160~ 100Hz 160 100Hz 160@100Hz 20@1 kHz -15 -15 -15 IGSS -100 IGSS-l00 -50 -50 -SO -50 -50 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -1.0 -1.0 -4.0 -4.0 -4.0 -4.5 -4.5 700@200p.A 700@2oop.A 700@200p.A 1 4 1 4 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 5.0 5.0 20@1 kHz 20@1 kHz 20@1 kHz 20@1 kHz 20@1 kHz 25 5 10 20 40 IGSS-100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -50 -40 -40 -40 -40 -1.0 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -4.5 -4.0 -4.0 -4.0 -4.0 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5.0 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 3010Hz 30@10Hz 30@10Hz 15 5 5 10 15 80 5 10 20 40 -100 -100 -·100 - iOO -100 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -4.0 -4.0 -4.0 1 1 1 4 4 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 30~ 10Hz TO-71 TO-99 TO-99 TO-99 TO-99 15 5 S 10 15 80 5 10 20 40 -100 -3 -3 -3 -3 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 2N5906 2N5907 2N5908 2N5909 2N5911 TO-99 TO-99 TO-99 TO-99 TO-99 5 5 10 15 10 S 10 20 40 20 -1 -1 -1 -1 -100 2N5912 2N6483 2N6484 2N6485 IMF5911 TO-99 TO-71 TO-71 TO-71 TO-99 15 5 10 15 10 40 5 10 25 20 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 IMF5912 IMF6485 ITSOO ITSOl IT502 TO-99 TO-71 TO-52 TO-52 TO-52 lS 25 5 5 10 40 40 5 10 20 IT503 SU2365 SU2365A SU2366 SU2366A TO-52 TO-71 TO-71 TO-71 TO-71 15 5 5 10 10 SU2367 SU2367A SU2368 SU2368A U231 TO-71 TO-71 TO-71 TO-71 TO-71 10 10 15 15 U232 U233 U234 U235 U401 TO-71 TO-71 TO-71 TO·71 TO-71 U402 U403 U404 U405 U406 TO-71 TO-71 TO-71 TO-71 TO-71 U421 U422 U423 U424 U425 -SO -SO -50 -SO -SO -50 -SO -15 -50 -50 -50 -50 20@1 kHz 30~10HZ 1510Hz 15@10Hz -4.0 , -4.0 1 4 -0.7 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 --4.0 ·-4.S -4.S -4.5 -4.5 1 70 70 70 70 4 250 2SO 250 250 0.5 0.3 0.03 0.03 0.03 7.5 0.5 .OS .05 0.5 lS@10Hz 1OO@1 kHz loo~ 1 kHz 100 1 kHz lOO@l kHz -40 -40 -40 -40 -25 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -1.0 -4.S -4.S -4.5 -4.5 -S.O 70 70 70 70 2SO 2S0 2S0 250 5/10@5mA 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 7.0 0.5 O.S 0.5 0.5 40.0 lOO@l kHz loo@l kHz loo@l kHz 100@1 kHz 20@10kHz -2S -50 -SO -25 -1.0 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -1.0 -5.0 -4.0 -4.0 -4.0 -5.0 S/10@5mA 1000 4000 1000 4000 4000 1000 S/10@5mA 7.0 0.5 0.5 O.S 7.0 40.0 7.5 7.5 7.5 40.0 20@10kHz 10@10Hz 10@10Hz 10@10Hz 20@10kHz -100 -100 -5 -5 -5 -25 -50 -50 -50 -50 -1.0 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -5.0 -4.0 -4.0 -4.0 -4.0 S/10@SmA 4000 1000 700 1600 700 1600 700 1600 7.0 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 40.0 7.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 20@10kHz 15@10Hz 35@10Hz 35@10Hz 35@10Hz 40 10 10 10 10 -5 -100 -20 -100 -·20 -50 -30 -30 -30 -30 -0.7 -4.0 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 1/2@200p.A 1/2@200p.A 1/2@200p.A 1/2@200p.A 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 7.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 35@10Hz 15@lkHz 50@1 kHz 15@lkHz 50@1 kHz 5 25 25 25 25 10 -100 -20 -100 -20 -SO -30 -30 -30 -30 -50 -0.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -4.5 600 1600 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 5.0 15@lkHz 50@1 kHz 15~ 1 kHz 501kHz 80@100Hz 10 15 20 25 5 20 50 75 100 10 -SO -SO -SO -SO -15 -50 -SO -50 -SO -50 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -4.5 -4.5 -4.5 -4.5 ·-2.5 600 600 600 600 2000 1600 1600 1600 1600 7000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 10.0 80@100Hz 80@100Hz 80@100Hz 80@100Hz 20@10Hz 10 10 15 20 40 10 25 25 40 80 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -50 -50 -50 -50 -50 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -2.5 -2.5 -2.5 -2.5 -2.5 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 20@10Hz 20@10Hz 20@10Hz TO-99 TO-99 TO-99 TO-99 TO-99 10 15 25 10 15 10 25 40 10 25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.5 -60 -60 -60 -60 -60 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 300 300 300 300 300 800 800 800 1000 1000 60-1000p.A 60-1 000 p.A 60-1OO0p.A 6O-1800p.A 60-1800p.A 20@10Hz 2010Hz 20@10Hz 20@10Hz U426 TO-99 25 40 0.5 -60 0.4 3.0 300 1000 60-18oop.A 20@10Hz 2N5564 2N5565 2N5566 IMF5564 TO-71 TO-71 TO-71 TO-71 5 10 20 5 10 25 50 10 - -40 -40 -40 -40 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -3.0 -3.0 -3.0 -3.0 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 10@10Hz 10@10Hz 10@10Hz 10@10Hz IMF5565 IMF5566 TO-71 TO-71 10 20 25 50 -40 -0.5 -0.5 -3.0 -3.0 7.5 7.5 12.5 12.5 5.0 5.0 30.0 30.0 1010Hz 2N5522 - - -SO -40 380 700 4 1600 1/2@200p.A 1/2@200p.A 1/2~200p.A 1/2 200p.A 15~10Hz lS@10Hz 20~10HZ 20 10 Hz 20~10HZ 10~10HZ Differential Amplifiers-Dual Monolithic P-Channel MOSFETS (Enhancement) Ordering Information Preferred Part Package Number VGSiTHI minimax V BVoss minimax V max pA max pA gFS min ,..mho loss IGSS 10 Ion) fos (on) minimax mA max ohm 3N165 3N166 3N188 3N189 3NI90 TO-99 TO-99 TO-99 TO-99 TO-99 -2 -·2 -2 -2 -2 -5 ·-5 -5 -5 -5 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -200 -200 -200 -2M -200 -10 -10 -200 -200 -200 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 -5.0 -5.0 -5.0 -5.0 -5.0 -30 -30 -30 -30 -30 300 300 300 300 300 3N191 TO-99 -2 -5 -40 -200 -200 1500 -5.0 -30 300 VGS1 _2 max mV 100 100 Zener Protected Zener Protected Differential Amplifiers-Dual NPN Bipolar Transistors Ordering Information VSEl _2 Preferred Part Number Package h,,@ .i1VBE I'(E~O;: mV max ,..V/'C max min I.,.,@ Ie ~ 10,..A VeE ~ 5V nA max BVc£o V min leBo Noise dB max 7 4 2 3 3 150@lmA 150@lmA 20011 mA 150 1 mA 150 1 mA f, MHz@l, min C ObO pf max Structure TO-78 TO-78 TO-78 TO-78 TO-78 3 3 3 5 5 10 5 3 10 5 80 80 200 80 150 .S,..A@loo,..A 5 25 10 60 60 5 5 .1 .1 .1 2N4878 2N4879 2N4880 1T120 IT120A TO-71 TO-71 TO-71 TO-78 TO-71 TO-78 T0-71 3 5 5 2 1 3 5 10 5 3 200 150 80 200 200 5 10 25 5 2.5 SO 55 45 45 60 .1 .1 .1 1 1 2 3 3 2typ. 2 typo 2oo@lmA 150~lmA 150 1 mA 150@lmA 150@lmA IT124 1T124A IT1248 IT125 IT12S TO-78 TO-78 TO-78 TO-78 T0-78 TO-71 5 3.2 5 1 10 15 15 3 1500 1500 4000 1000 200 2 2 2 2 SO .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 3 3 3 3 1 typo loo~2oo,..A 100 loo,..A loo@loo,..A loo@loo,..A 250@10mA 4 Dialec. lsol. 11'127 IT128 IT129 LM194 LM394 TO-78 TO-71 TO-78 TO-71 TO-78 TO-71 TO-5 T0-5 2 5 10 0.05 0.15 5 10 20 0.3 0.8 200 100 100 300 200 45 45 45 40 40 .1 .5 .5 1 typo 1 typo 1 typo 250@10mA 250@10mA 250@10mA 4 4 4 Dielec. lsol. Dielec. lsol. Dielec. lsol. .SAVeE ~ O.SAVeE ~ O.SA VeE ~ O.SAVeE ~ 2.5 IV IV IV IV 5 10 25 - 45 55 - - - - - 8 4 Junc.lsol. Junc.lsol. Dielec. lsol. Dielee. lsol. Dielec. lsol. 2N2453 2N2453A 2N4044 2N4045 2N41 00 - 30 nA max .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 Dielec. lsol. Dielec. 1501. Dielee. 1501. Junc.lsol. Junc.lsol. .8 .8 .8 .8 Dielec. 1501. 2 2 - Differential Amplifiers-Dual PNP Bipolar Transistors Ordering Information mV max ,..V/'C Package max VeE ~ 5V min I.,.,@ Ie ~ 10,..A VeE ~ 5V nA max 2N5117 2N5118 2N5119 1T130 1T130A TO-78 TO-78 TO-78 TO-78 TO-71 TO-78 TO-71 3 5 5 2 1 3 5 10 5 3 100 100 50 200 200 10 15 40 5 2.5 IT131 IT132 1T136 IT137 ITI38 TO-78 T0-78 T0-78 TO-78 TO-78 TO-71 TO-71 TO-71 T0-71 TO-71 5 10 1 2 5 10 20 3 5 10 80 80 200 200 100 10 25 2.5 5 10 -60 IT139 T0-78 TO-71 10 20 100 25 h,,@ Preferred Part Number VBf: T•2 ~ V. E le~10,..A BV""" V min lceo nA max Noise dB max f, MHz@l, min 45 45 45 -45 -60 .1 .1 .1 1 1 4 4 4 2typ. 2 typo lOOI·5mA 100 .5mA 100 .5mA 150 lmA 150@lmA 2 2 Dielec. lsol. Dielec. lsol. Dielec. lsol. Junc.lsol. Junc.lsol. -45 -45 1 1 -45 -45 .1 .1 .5 2typ. 2typ. 2typ. 2typ. 2typ. 15011 mA 150 1 mA 250 10mA 250@10mA 250@10mA 2 2 4 4 4 Junc.lsol. Junc.lsol. Dielec. lsol. Dielec. 1501. Dielec. 1501. -45 .5 2typ . 250@10mA 4 Dielec. 1501. Cob' pf max .8 .8 .8 Structure Specialty Hems 10-100 10-101 VCR2N VCR3P VCR4N VCR5P VCR7N This product is a back to back diode combination used to protect P-channel MOSFET duals (non-diode protected). Their chief characteristic is < 1 pa leakage when vonage across them is less than 5 mY. if voltage across diodes is adjusted to OV ± 0.1 mV, leakage is less than 0.01 pa. The VCR family consists of three terminal variable resistors where the resistance value between two of the terminals is controlled by the voltage potential applied to the third. 381 Analog Switches with Driver Electrical Characteristics @ + 25'C - Military Temperature Devices lYpe No. of Channels Inter"l DevIce No. IH5001 IH5002 IH5021 IH5022 1 2 SPST 3 4 5 Switch 1lIchnoiogy ros (on) n max(l) IOloffl nA max ton ,.s max toff ,.s max logic Input LoglcLavel Input lYP(2) IH502~ N-JFET N-JFET P-JFET P-JFET P-JFET 30 50 100 150 100 5.0 5.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 OTL. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl TTL High level TTL low level TTL High lavel 10 10 10 10 10 IH5024 IH5037 IH5038 IH5040 IH5140 P-JFET P-JFET P-JFET CMOS CMOS 150 100 150 75 75 0.2 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.08 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.25 0.05 TTL low level TTL High laval 10 10 10 OGlll 00112 OGI33A OG134A OO141A PMOSFET PMOSFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET 450 450 30 80 10 -1.0 -1.0 1.0 1.0 10.0 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 1.25 OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl OO151A OG152A OGI80 OG181 OG182 15 50 10 30 75 10.0 2.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.15 0.25 1.25 0.8 0.25 0.13 0.13 OG433A OG434A OG441 A OG451A OG452A N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET 35 80 15 20 100 5.0 5.0 15.0 15.0 5.0 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.75 0.5 1.0 1.0 125 1.25 1.0 OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl nTL, TTL. RTL OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl IH181 IH182 IH200 IH5003 IH5004 \laraFET \lara FET CMOS N-JFET N-JFET 30 75 75 30 50 0.1 0.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.25 0.25 1.0 0.3 0.3 0.13 0.13 0.5 0.8 0.8 IH5005 IH5006 IH5007 IH5017 IH5018 N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET P-JFET P-JFET 10 30 80 100 150 10.0 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.2 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 IH5019 IH5020 IH5033 IH5034 IH5035 P-JFET P-JFET P-JFET P-JFET P-JFET 100 150 100 150 100 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 IH5036 IH5041 IH5048 IH5141 IH5013 P-JFET CMOS CMOS CMOS P-JFET 150 75 35 75 100 IH5014 IH5015 IH5016 IH5029 IH5030 P-JFET P-JFET P-JFET P-JFET P-JFET IH5031 IH5032 OG116 OG118 IH201 rrt~-WL.~~~. CMOS. PMOS TTL. CMOS Power Consumption mW 175 175 hi hi .350 450 10 10 330 300 175 175 175 hi hi hi hi hi 10 10 10 175 175 150 150 150 hi hi hi hi hi 175 175 OTl. TTL. RTl. CMOS. TTL High level OTl. TTL. RTl. CMOS. TTL High leval OTl. TTL. RTl. CMOS. TTL High level OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl 10 10 10 hi hi .350 .350 .350 175 175 2.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 OTl. TTL. RTL OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl TTL High lavel TTL low level hi hi hi 175 175 175 10 10 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 TTL High level TTL low level TTL High level TTL High level TTL High level 10 10 10 10 10 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.25 0.08 0.5 0.2 0.25 0.15 0.05 0.5 rrt~~t~~~. CMOS. PMOS 10 OTl. TTL. RTl. CMOS. PMOS TTL. CMOS TTL High lavel 10 150 100 150 100 150 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 TTL low laval TTL High Laval TTL low Laval TTL High Leval TTL High level 10 10 10 10 10 P-JFET P-JFET P-MOSFET P-MOSFET CMOS 100 150 450 450 75 0.5 0.5 -4.0 -4.0 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.2 1.0 1.0 0.25 TTL High Lavel TTL H~h laval OTl. l.RTl OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl. CMOS 10 10 10 10 10 600 660 .350 IH202 IH5009 IH5010 IH5011 IH5012 CMOS P-JFET P-JFET P-JFET P-JFET 75 100 150 100 150 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 OTl. TTL. RTl. CMOS TTL High leval TTL low level TTL High level TTL low level hi .350 10 10 10 10 IH5025 IH5026 IH5027 IH5028 IH5052 P-JFET P-JFET P-JFET P-JFET CMOS 100 150 100 150 75 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.25 TTL High level TTL High level TTL High lavel TTL H~h level OTl. l. RTl. CMOS. PMOS 10 10 10 10 10 IH5053 OG123 OG125 OGI43A OG144A CMOS P-MOSFET P-MOSFET N-JFET N-JFET 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.15 OTl. TTL. RTl. CMOS. PMOS OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. pTl OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl OTl. TTL. RTl hi hi N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET 1.0 -4.0 -4.0 1.0 1.0 10.0 10.0 2.0 10.0 0.1 0.25 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 OGI48A OG161A OGI62A 00186 00187 75 450 450 80 30 10 15 50 10 30 1.25 1.25 0.8 0.25 0.13 382 hi hi hi 10 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) !~l 175 175 175 .350 .350 450 .350 .350 750 825 175 175 175 175 175 80 80 Type Powe, Consumption mW (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 80 175 175 175 175 (3) (3) (3) 175 .350 .350 .350 .350 TIL,CMOS DTL, TIL, RTL DTL, TIL, RTL DTL, TIL, RTL DTL, TIL, RTL, PMOS, CMOS (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 450 150 150 150 .350 0.15 0.13 0.13 0.05 DTL, TIL, RTL, PMOS, CMOS TTL, CMOS, PMOS, TTL High Level TIL, CMOS, PMOS, TTL High Level TTL,CMOS (3) (3) (3) (3) .350 .350 .350 450 0.5 O.S 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.25 0.5 O.S O.S 1.25 DTL, TTL, RTL, CMOS, PMOS TTL,CMOS DTL, TTL, RTL DTL, TTL, RTL DTL, TIL, RTL hi hi hi hi hi .350 450 175 175 175 10.0 2.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.15 0.25 1.25 O.S 0.25 0.13 0.13 DTL, DTL, DTL, DTL, DTL, TILRTL TTL, RTL TIL, RTL TTL, RTL TIL, RTL hi hi hi hi hi 175 175 150 150 150 SO 35 15 20 100 5.0 5.0 15.0 15.0 5.0 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.75 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.25 1.25 1.0 DTL, TIL, RTL DTL, TTL, RTL DTL, TIL, RTL DTL, TIL, RTL DTL, TTL, RTL hi hi hi hi hi 175 175 175 175 175 30 75 75 35 75 0.1 0.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 O.OS 0.13 0.13 0.25 0.15 0.05 DTL, TTL, RTL, DTL, TIL, RTL, DTL, TTL, RTL, DTL, TIL, RTL, TIL,CMOS hi hi hi hi hi .350 .350 .350 450 450 30 SO 10 ~3.0 1.0 1.0 10.0 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 2.0 2.0 O.S 0.8 1.25 DTL, TIL, RTL DTL, TTL, RTL DTL, TIL, RTL DTL. TTL, RTL DTL, TIL, RTL hi 10 (3) 150 165 175 175 175 N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET 15 50 35 80 15 10.0 2.0 5.0 5.0 15.0 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.25 O.S 1.0 1.0 1.25 DTL, TTL, RTL DTL, TIL, RTL DTL, TIL, RTL DTL, TTL, RTL DTL, TILQ, RTL (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 175 175 175 175 175 N-JFET N-JFET CMOS CMOS CMOS 20 100 75 75 400 15.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 10.0 0.75 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.25 1.0 0.25 0.25 1.0 DTL. TTL, RTL DTL, TIL, RTL DTL, TIL, RTL, CMOS, PMOS DTL, TTL, RTL, CMOS, PMOS DTL, TIL, RTL, CMOS (3) (3) (3) hI hi 175 175 .350 .350 5 CMOS CMOS CMOS 400 400 400 10.0 5.0 5.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 DTL, TIL, RTL, CMOS DTL, TIL, RTL, CMOS DTL, TIL, RTL, CMOS hi hi hi 5 5 5 max max 75 80 35 15 20 0.1 5.0 5.0 15.0 15.0 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.75 0.13 1.0 1.0 1.25 1.25 DTL. TIL, RTL DTL, TIL, RTL DTL, TIL, RTL DTL, TIL, RTL DTL, TIL, RTL 100 30 75 75 35 5.0 0.1 0.1 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 1.0 0.13 0.13 0.25 0.15 DTL, TIL, RTL DTL, TIL, RTL, CMOS, PMOS, TIL High Level DTL, TIL, RTL, CMOS, PMOS, TIL High Level DTL, TIL, RTL, PMOS, CMOS DTL, TIL, RTL, PMOS, CMOS CMOS N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET CMOS 75 10 30 75 75 1.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 O.OS 0.3 0.15 0.25 0.5 0.05 0.25 0.13 0.13 0.25 IH5051 IHl90 IH191 IH5143 CMOS CMOS CMOS CMOS 35 30 75 75 1.0 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.25 0.25 0.25 O.OS IH5044 IH5144 DG126A DG129A DG140A CMOS CMOS N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET 75 75 SO 30 10 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10.0 DG153A DG154A DG183 DG184 DG185 N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET 15 50 10 30 75 DG426A DG429A DG440A DG453A DG454A N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET IH1S4 IH1S5 IH5045 IH5049 IH5145 va,a FET va'a FET CMOS CMOS CMOS DG120 DG121 DG139A DG142A DG145A P-MOSFET P-MOSFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET DG163A DG164A DG439A DG442A DG445A 1 DG188 DG443A DG444A DG446A DG461 A N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET DG462A IH187 IH1S8 IH5042 IH5050 N-JFET llara FET llara FET CMOS CMOS IH5142 DG1S9 DG1910 DG191 IH5043 2 1 DPST 2 3 DPDT 1 tofl I'S max(1) Device No. SPDT Logic Input Input Typ(2) to, I'S 10 (off) nA max ros (on) No.of Channels 4PST 1 1018 DG463A DG464A IH5046 IH5047 IH6108 MUX 10116 20lS 20116 IH6116 IH6208 IH6216 Switch Technology n ~3.0 383 Logic Level CMOS. PMOS CMOS, PMOS PMOS, CMOS PMOS. CMOS 13)3) m .350 450 Multi-Channel FET Switches Electrical Charecteristics@ +2S"C-Military Temperature Devices 1IJpe rOS Ion) loff ns max" LogiC Laval type 0.2 20.0 2.0 O.OS O.OS 50 SO 100 30 30 SO 50 100 50 SO P·MOS P·MOS P·MOS -SVPMOS -10VPMOS 10 10 hi hi hi 30 250 90 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.1 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 50 -SVPMOS -10VPMOS -5VPMOS -10VPMOS -SVPMOS hi hi hi hi hi 45 20 10 20 10 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 30 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 50 -10VPMOS -5VPMOS -10VPMOS -5VPMOS -10VPMOS hi hi hi hi hi 600 450 0.2 0.2 20.0 20.0 -2.5 50 50 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 100 P-MOS P-MOS P-MOS P-MOS P-MOS 10 10 10 10 10 450 450 450 500 600 -O.S -10.0 -3.0 -10.0 0.2 100 100 100 100 50 100 100 100 100 50 P-MOS P-MOS P-MOS P-MOS P-MOS 10 10 10 10 10 600 20.0 -1.S 50 100 50 100 P-MOS P-MOS 10 10 Device No. Swllch 1IIchnoiogy ohms max(4) 3 MM·45S MM-55S G·124 G-125 G-126 P·MOS P·MOS P·MOS N-JFET N-JFET 200 200 100 SOO 250 G·127 G·128 G-129 G-13O G-131 N·JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET 90 4S 500 250 90 500 G-132 G-I330 G-I340 G-1350 G-1360 N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET N-JFET 4S 20 10 20 10 MM-451 MM-452 MM-551 MM-552 G-116 P-MOS P-MOS P-MOS P-MOS P-MOS 200 200 200 200 100 P-MOS P-MOS P-MOS P-MOS P-MOS 100 100 100 125 200 P-MOS P-MOS 200 100 4 SPST 5 Dill 2 G-117 G-115 G-118 G-123 MM-4S0 SPST 3 MM-550 G-119 6 Logic Input max'" No. of Channels I .. ns IOlaffl ohms max(1) na max 600 600 450 500 250 90 45 600 600 600 450 "These tImes are dependent on the driver used. Drivers for FET Switches Electrical Characteristics@ +25"C-Military Temperature Devices VOUT I .. I", I" Device No. Positive volta Negallve volta n8 max ns max Lo rnA (Max) 2 D112 D113 D120 D121 IH6201 +9.9 +9.9 +9.9 +9.9 +14.0 -19.2 -19.2 -19.2 -19.2 -14.0 250 250 250 250 200 1500 1500 600 600 300 0.7 1.0 0.7 1.0 1.0,.A 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 TTL TTL TTL TTL TTL 200 200 200 200 .350 4 6 D129 D123 D125 Vee· Vee Vee -19.3 -19.7 -19.7 250 250 250 1000 600 -0.2 1.0 0.7 0.25 1.0 1.0 TTLJDTL TTLJDTL TTL 100 125 300 600 HI ,.A(Max) Power consumrlon (mW No. of Channels Loe,:nput el NOTES: 1. Switch Resistance under worst case analog voltage. 2. Positive logic 10 C'O") or hi ("I") voltage at driver input necessary to turn switch on. 3. Logic "0" or "I" can be arbitrarily assigned for double-throw switches. 4. SWItch resistance under best case analog voltage. VARAFET - max I sioffl pA max los. rnA min t .. ns max toff ns max Pac= 4FETSI kg Vp•p min 7.5 5. 200 200 45 min 35 min 50 50 150 ISO 16 Pin Dip 16 Pin Dip 15 20 'D6lonl {l '{; 1IJpe max IH401 IH401A 30 50 384 Vanaloo V'nlec:t V... max 10 10 , LOWEST QUIESCENT CURRENT i HIGHEST SPEED rr-------------------"r---------------------" LOWEST ros '~I ,r-------------=~~------" IH5040 FAMILY and IH200 FAMILY Monolithic CMOS driver gate combination.· IH5140 FAMILY IH181 FAMILY DGl80 FAMILY Monolithic CMOS driver gate combination. CMOS driver and 'Aualet gate. Bipolar/MOS driver w"h N-JFet gate. Featur.. 1. Very low quiescent current resulting in very low power consumption. 2. Lowcost. 3. Good speed wnh moderate r DO ,~, and leakage. 4. Overvoltage protection to ±25V. 5. canswitchupto±13V signals with ± 15V supplies. Featu.... 1. High speed switch. 2. Lowquiescentcurrent resulting in low power consumption. 3. Low leakage resulting in low error term. 4. Lower costthan the comparable speed DGI80 Family. 5. Can switch signals almost to the supply rails. Featur.. 1. Low charge injection. 2. Almost as last as 5140 and DGl80 Families. 3. Very low quiescent current resulting in low power consumption. 4. Ultra low leakage. Feature. 1. Low r os '~I 2. AslastasthelH5140 Family. 3. Moderate leakage Notes Not.. Notes 1. TTL and CMOS compatible. 1. TTL, HTL, CMOS and PMOS compatible. 2. Pin compatible w"h the more 2. Pin lor pin compatible popular members 01 the with OG180 Family. oG180 Family. 1. TTL, DTL, CMOS and PMOS compatible. 2. 5048 through 5053 and the IH200 lamily are 2-chip hybrid devices wnh 350 r DB lonl max @ 25°C. 3. 5040 through 5047 have 750r os '~I max @ 25"C 5040 5041,5048 5042,5050 5043,5051 5044 5045,5049 5048 5047 5052,5053 200 201,202 SPST Dual SPST SPDT Dual SPDT DPST Dual oPST oPoT 4PST Quad SPST Dual SPST QuadSPST 5140 5141 5142 5143 5144 5145 SPST Dual SPST SPOT Dual SPOT oPST Dual DPST IH181,182 IH184,185 IH187,188 IHI90,191 Dual SPST oualoPST SPOT Dual SPOT Features 1. Low ros tonI 2. Only sw"ch w"h true chip enable pin. 3. Lowcost 4. Moderate leakage & quiescent current specilications. Not•• Note. 1. DTL, TTL, RTL compatible 1. ",..' selection devices have higher speeds. 2. OGl80,I83,185 and 189 have 100 max on resis2. DG4261 A lamily is a slightly downgraded version 01 the tance but have higher leakage than others in the lamily: DG 1261 A series. See spec tables lor comparison. 3. DG181,184,187 and 190 have 300 max r DO 'MI' DGI33,I34,141, Dual SPST 4. DG182,185,188 and 191 151,152 have 75!l max r os lonlDual DPST DG126,129,14O, Dual SPST oG180,181,182 153,154 Dill. Input DualoPST DGI43,144,146, oGI83,184,185 DG186,187,188 SPDT 161,162 SPDT DualSPDT DG139,142,145, Dill. Input oG189,190,191 oPoT 163,164 IH5001,5002 SPST IH5003,5004,5005 oualSPST 5006,5007 Notes: . 1. Intarsil continues to produce the older oG 111 lamily 01 switches (oGlll through (DG 125). The most significant feature 01 this lamily is that it has the maximum number 01 sw"ches per ackage. 2. ntarsil also markets devices that consist 01 drivars only (0112 through 0129 and the IH6201) and gates only (G 115 through G 135, MM450 through MM555 and the IH401). C For switches whose outputs go into the input 01 an Op Amp: For switching positive signals only: 5009 FAMILY VIRTUAL GROUND SWITCH 5025 FAMILY POSITIVE SIGNAL SWITCH Output 01 switch must go into the virtual ground pOint 01 an Op Amp (unless signal is <0.7V). Can switch positive signals only unless a translator driver is used. Features 1. Very low quiescent current 2. Does not need driver, can be driven directly by TTL. 3. Lowcost. Feature. 1. Very low quiescent current 2. Does not need driver, can be driven directly by TTL. 3. LowCost Nots. Not•• 1. All switches in 50091amily 1. All switches in 5025 family areSPST. are SPST. 2. Odd numbered devices are 2. All devices can be driven by driven by TTL open collector TTL open collector logic. All logic. devices can be driven by low 3. Even numbered devices are driven level TTL logic if input signal by TTL low level logic. is less than 1V. 4. Commonly used lor signals 3. Commonly used lor signals going into the inverting input going into the non-inverting oIOp-Amps. input 01 Op-Amps. 4. Odd numbered devices have 5009,5010 quad, compensated 1000 max rDs tonl@25°C. 5011,5012 quad, uncompensated 5. Even numbered devices have 5013,5014 triple, compensated 150 max ros 'oo,@25°C. 5015,5016 triple, uncompensated 5017,5018 dual, compensated 5025,5026 quad, common drain 5019,5020 dual, uncompensated 5027,5028 quad. 5021,5022 single, compensated 5029,5030 triple, common drain 5023,5024 single, uncompensated 5031,5032 triple. 5033,5034 dual, common drain 5035,5036 dual. 5037,5038 single. 385 DGl26, DG126A FAMILY and IH5001 FAMILY Bipolar driver with N-JFet gate. Integrating Analog-to-Digital Converters for Display Maximum Electrical Specification at2S0C unless otherwise noted. 'New ICL7128 Model ±3'hdigit Resolution Accuracy Nonlinearity Zero InpLrt Reading Ratiometric Reading (Ratiometric) Rollover Error Stability OIfsetvs Temperature Gainvs Temperature Conversion Rate ±1 count ±O.OOO +1.000. ±1 count ±1 count Analog In~ut Voltage ange Impedance Leakage Current Noise (peak·to·peak) Digital Input Logic Level Power Supply Vollage Current Package ICL8052/ ICL8D53 ICL8D52/ ICL71D1 ICL8088A1 71C03A ICL8D52A1 71C03A ICL710611CL7116 ICL71D7/1CL7117 ±3'hdigit ±3'hdigit Depends on counter used ±3'hdigit ±4'hdigit ±4'hdigit ±1 count ±1 count ±O.OOO +1.000. ±0.0020/0 ±O.OOOO +1.0000. ±1 count ±1 count ±O.OOO +1.000. ±O.OOOO +1.0000. ±1 count . ±O.OOO +1.000. ±1 count ±1 count :t1 count ±1 count ±1 count ±1 count ±1 count ±1 count ±O.OOO +1.000. ±1 count ±1 count ±1 count ±1 count I/J.VI"C I/J.V/oC I/J.V/oC 5/J.V/oC 5/J.V/oC 2/J.V/oC 2/J.V/oC Sppm/oC 0.1 to 3 conY/sec Sppml"C 0.1 to IS conv/sec Sppml"C O.ltolS conv/sec ISppm/oC 0.1 to 30 conv/sec ISppm/oC 0.1 to 30 conY/sec Sppm/oC 0.1 to 30 conv/sec 5ppm/oC 0.1 to 30 conv/sec ±200 mVto ±2V 10'0 30pA 20/J.Vtyp ±200 mV to ±2V 10'0 200pA 2/J.Vtyp ±2V 10'0 10pA 20/J.Vtyp Capandsoii counter used Depends on counter used Latched Parallel BCD TIL/CMOS Muitipi&x BCD TIL/CMOS Muiiipiex BCD TIL/CMOS ±ISV; +SV 12mA ±ISV; +SV 17mA;2SmA 16pinDIP 40 pin DIP ±ISV; +SV 20mA;30mA 16pinDIP 24 pin DIP ±15V;+SV lBmA;3OmA 16pin DIP 24 pin DIP ±200mVto±2V 10"0 2pA IS/J.Vtyp DI~~~~~utPuts lWo Chip System Single Chip - - ±2V ±200mVto±2V ±200mVto±2V 10'0 10"0 10"0 30pA 2pA 3pA 20/J.Vtyp 1S/J.Vtyp IS/J.Vtyp Display Hold (7116) Display Hold (7117) 7~an ..... ",,". ........ l:S' .......... 7 segment 7 segment LCD display AC:4.SV downfromV+ LCD display AC:4.SV down from V+ LED display 11. Comm Anode DTL TIL CMOS +9V 100/J.A 40 pin DIP +9V 1.BmA 40 pin DIP ±SV I.BmA 40 pin DIP ~~pI4pin Also available LD110/111/114 (not recommended for new designs) Integrating Analog-to-Digital Converters for Data Acquisition Maximum Electrical Specifications at + 2SOC unless otherwise noted Single-Chip lYpe Haw Model ICL7109 Resolution ±12·B~ /J.P Compstlble Output Binary yes Programmable: 1. Latched parallel 3 state Binary 2. Control Lin•• ~.c;':~~~e lWo-Chlp ICL8D681 ICL80681 ICL80681 ICL8052/ ICL71D4-12 ICL71 04-14 ICL71 04-16 ICL7101 ICL6088A/ ICL71D3B ICL8052A/ ICL71D3A ICL8052/ ICL8D53 ±12-Bit ±14·Bit ±16·Bit Binary Binary Binary yes yes yes Programmable: 1. Latched parallel 3 state binary 2. Controlled 3 2·8 BH byte for ICL71 04· 12/14,3·8 bit byte for ICL7104·16 4'h·Diglt BCD yes Multiplexed BCD 4'h·DIgit BCD yes Multiplexed BCD ±12-Bit Binary yes Interface to MOS, TIL,/J.P Start/Convert Busy, Strobe Out of Range Underrange yes Auto-zero, SI'1ral Interpret Two eference, Integrate, and Comparator Output no Start/Convert, Busy, Byte Enable, Mode, Load, Send Enable, Out of Range UART Compatible yes I yes Iyes jyes 3'h-Digit BCD yes Latched parallel BCD Start/Convert. Start/Convert, Busy, Out of Range Busy, Strobe Out of Range Underrange yes no 386 Digital-to-Analog Converters * Maximum Electrical Specifications at +2S'C unless otherwise noted Model Resolution Accuracy New AD7523 New AD7533 AD7520 (7530) 8 bit 10 bit J/K/L J/K/L New ICL7113 ~Obit 3 digit B/A Linear~y 0.2%/0.1 %/0.05% 0.2%/0.1 %/O.OS% 0.2%/0.1 %IO.OS% 0.2%10.OS% Zero Offset 200nA 200 nA (300 nA) 200nA SOILA Full Scale Reading l.S%max 1.4% 0.3%typ 0.3%typ Stabililty 10ppm-'C Gain vs. Temp 10ppm/'C 10ppm/'C 10ppm/'C Linearity vs. Temp 2ppm/'C 2ppm/'C 2ppm/'C 2ppm/'C ~i~~.~~~ F.S. InrutCode ogic CompatibUity option Power Supply Voltage Current Package J/K/L AD7521 (7531) New AD7541 New ICL1112 12bit J/K/L 12bit J/K/L 12 bit J/K 0.2%10.1 %10.05% 200 nA (300 nA) 0.3%typ 0.02%/0.01 %10.01 % 0.02%/0.01 % 200nA SOnA 0.3% 0.3% 10ppm/'C 2ppm/'C 10 ppm/'C 0.2ppm/'C Sppm/'C 0.2ppm/'C 1S0ns DTL/TTL/CMOS 600 nstyp Binary Offset Binary Binary Offset Binary DTL/TTL/CMOS SOD nstyp DTL/TTLICMOS Binary Offset Binary SOD nstyp 500nstyp DTLlTTLICMOS DTL/TTLICMOS BCD Binary Offset Binary 1ILS DTL/TTL/CMOS Binary Offset Binary 500nstyp DTL/TTL/CMOS Bmary Offset Binary +5to +16V 100ILA 16pin DIP +5to +15V 2mA 16 pin DIP +Sto +15V 2mA 16 pin DIP +5to +15V 2mA 18pin DIP +5to +16V 2mA 18pinDIP +5to+15V 2mA 18pin DIP +5to +15V 2mA 18pin DIP 'R2R Ladder Multlplymg Type Successive Approximation Registers AM2502/2503/2504 8 (2502/2S03) and 12 b~ (2504) successive approximation registers can be used as serial to parallel counter or ring counter. Contains storage and control for SAA A to 0 converters. Quad Current Switches ICL8018/8019/8020 High speed precision current switches for use in current summing D/A converters. Can be purchased individually or in matched sets with accuracies of 0.01 % (ICL8018). 0.1 % (ICL8019). or 1.0% (ICL8020) Sample and Hold VanalOil ~pe (VN IHS110 IH5111 IHS112 IH5113 IH5114 IHS115 ;:15 ;:20 ;:15 ;:20 ;:15 =20 ) (MII@10Hz) Vos (mV) Drift Rate (mV/aec) 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 10 10 5 S 5 5 5 lin Monolithic Voltage Converter - The ICL7660 Converts positive voltage into negative voltages over a range of +1.5V through +10V. May be cascaded for higher negative output voltages, paralleled for greater output current, used as a positive voltage multiplier, or any combination of the above. Typical supply current is 170~A, and output source resistance is 55!1 at TA = 25°C and 10 = 20 mA. 387 5 5 5 Package Ceramic DIP Operational Amplifiers-General Purpose 1Ype Description Vo• (mV) I. Avo, (V/V) (nA) GxB/W Icc T. (MHz) (mA) ('C) -55,+125 -55,+125 -55,+125 -55,+125 -55,+125 J,F,T J,F,T T J,F,T J,F,T Remarks I"ackag. . • lOlA 101ALN 107 108 10SA Gen Purpose, Uncompensated Guaranleed Noise lOlA Gen Purpose, Compensated Low Level, Uncompensated Low offset lOS 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.5 75 75 75 2.0 2.0 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 80,000 O.S' O.S' - 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.6 0.6 l08LN 124 207 Guaranteed Noise 108 Quad, Compensated Low bias, Compensated 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 300 75 50,000 100,000' 50,000 1.0' 1.0' 0.6 2.0 3.0 -55,+125 -55,+125 -25,+85 T J T 208 208A 224 Low Level, Uncompensated Low offset 20S Qued, Compensated 2.0 0.5 7.0 2.0 2.0 500 50,000 80,000 100,000' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 0.6 0.6 2.0 -25,+85 -25,+85 -25,+85 J,F,T J,F.T J 301A 301ALN 307 308 308A Gen Purpose, Uncompensated Guaranteed noise 301 A Low bias, Compensated Low Level, Uncompensated Low offset 308 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 0.5 250 250 250 7.0 7.0 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 SO,OOO O.S' O.S' 1.0' 1.0' - 3.0 3.0 3.0 O.S O.S 0,+70 0,+70 0,+70 0,+70 0,+70 30SLN 324 741 741C 741HS Guaranteed noise 30S Quad, Compensated Gen Purpose, Compensated Gen Purpose, Compensated Guaranteed Slew Rate 741 7.5 7.0 5.0 6.0 5.0 7.0 500 500 500 500 25,000 100,000' 50,000 25,000 50,000 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' O.S 2.0 2.S 2.S 2.S 0,+70 0,+70 -55,+125 0,+70 -55,+125 T J,P T P,T J,T 70nV/YHz@10Hz 741CHS 741LN 741CLN 74H{ 748 Guaranteed Slew Rate 741 C Guaranteed Noise 741 Guaranteed Noise 741 C 6.0 5.0 6.0 500 500 500 25,000 50,000 25,000 2.S 2.S 2.S 0,+70 -55,+125 0,+70 P,T J,F.T P,T Slew ~te O.7VIGS 50nVI Hz@l Hz 5OnV/YHz@10Hz High ACCi.iiacy 741 General Purpose 0.5 50 50,000 1.0 SO 25,000 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0 O.S 2.0 -5510 125 P,T 748C 777 777C SOOSM S008C General Purpose, Compensated General purpose comPllfalor General purpose comparalor Low bias current, Compensated Low bias current, Compensated 1.0 0.7 0.7 5.0 6.0 SO 25 25 10 25 25,000 150,000 150,000 20,00 20,000 O.S O.S O.S 1.0' 1.0' 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.S 2.S 01070 -55,+125 0,+70 -55,+125 0,+70 P,T P,T P,T J,T J,p,T IH5101 LH2101A LH21 08 LH2108A LH2301A UHra low noise Dual high performance Dual super beta Dual super beta Dual high performance 2.0 2.0 0.5 7.5 1,000 100 3.0 3.0 300 100,000 25,000 25,000 40,000 15,000 10.0 O.S 1.0 1.0 O.S 15.0 2.5 0.4 0.4 2.5 -55 to +125 -5510 125 -5510 125 -5510 125 01070 LH2308 LH2308A LM2902 Dual super beta Dual s'i!'6:r beta Quad, ompensated 7.5 0.5 2.0 10 10 45 15,000 60,000 100,000 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.4 0.4 0.7 01070 01070 -40 10 S5 1.0' 1.0' - 2.0 5OnV/YHz@10Hz 70nV/YHz@10Hz P,T P,T P,T F,J,p,T J,T o ioiO 50nV/VHz@10Hz Slew Rate O. 7V I "S i I 0 0 0 0 0 0 I" Operational Amplifiers-Low Power Programmable Vos (mV) I. (nA) Avol (V/V) 10 10 75 Programmable, Compensated Programmable, Compensated 5.0 5.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 25,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 Dual8021M DualS021C Triple S021 M Triple 8021 C 3.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 20 30 20 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 1Ype Description 4250 4250C Programmable, Uncompensated Programmable, Compensated S021M S021C 8022M S022C S023M S023C 20 30 30 GxB/W Icc atlset (MHz) ("A) ("A) atV. (V) 1 1 10 30 30 ±1.5 ±1.5 ±1.5 ±6.0 ±6.0 -55 to 125 0,+70 T T 0.27 0.27 S.O S.O 90 40 50 -55,+125 0,+70 J,T T 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 40 50 40 50 30 ±6.0 ±6.0 ±6.0 ±6.0 -55,+125 0,+70 -55,+125 0,+70 J,F J,P J J,P -- • See package key, page 391. 388 30 30 30 T. eC) Pack.gee· Operational Amplifiers-F.E. T. Input GxB/W (MHz) Slew Rate VIS Icc (rnA) ('C) SO,OOO 50,000 50,000 SO,OOO SO,OOO 2.5' 2.5' 5' 4 6 5' 3 7.5 10 2.3 4 4 7 7 -55to 125 -55,+125 -55,+125 -55,+125 -55,+125 T T T T T 100 50 100 100 100 SO,OOO SO,OOO 50,000 SO,OOO 50,000 20' 15 2.5' 5' 20' 30 40 5' 7.5' 30 7 7 4 7 7 -55,+125 -55,+ 125 -25,+B5 -25,+85 -25,+B5 T T T T T 10 2 10 2 10 200 50 200 50 200 25,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 25,000 2.5' 2.5' 5' 4 20' 5' 3 12' 10 SO' 4 4 10 7 10 BIFET, Compensated for A, ,. 5 High accuracy, low offset General Purpose General Purpose General Purpose 2 20 30 20 110 SO 10 30 200 2000 SO,OOO SO,OOO 50,000 50,000 20,000 15 3' I' 40 3 6 6' 6' 7 7ma. 6 5.2 B.O 0,+70 0,+70 -55 to B5 -55,+125 0,+70 T,P T T T T B007M B007AM B007C B007AC 8007M-5 General Purpose, Compensated B007M, Low I, General Purpose, Compensated B007C, Low I, 8007M, Low VM , I, 20 30 50 30 10 20 1.0 50 1.0 10 SO,OOO 20,000 20,000 20,000 50,000 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 6' 2.5 6' 2.5 3.0 5.2 6 6 6 5.2 -55,+125 -55,+ 125 0,+70 0,+70 -55,+125 T T T T T 8007C-4 8007C-5 B043M B043C B500 B007C, Low VM , Offset Null B007C, Low VM , Offset Null Dual B007M Dual B007C MOSFET Input, Compensated 10 10 20 50 50 10 10 20 SO 0.1 50,000 50,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 1.0' 1.0· 1.0' 1.0' 0.7' 3.0 3.0 6.0' 6.0' 0.5' 6 6 6 6.B 2.7' 0,+70 0,+70 -55,+125 -55,+125 -25,+B5 T T J J,P T BSOOA MOSFET Input, Super Low I, 50 0.01 20,000 0.7' 0.5' 2.7' -25,+B5 Vos (mV) I, (pA) 5.0 5 2 5 2 10 100 50 100 SO 5 2 5 5 5 BIFET, Compensated BIFET, Compensated BIFET, Compensated BIFET, Compensated BIFET, Compensated for A, " 5 LF357A AD503 SU536 740M 740C ~pe Description LH0042 LF155 LF155A LF156 LF156A General Purpose BIFET, Compensated BIFET, Compensaled BIFET, Compensaled BIFET, Compensated LF157 LF157A LV255 LF256 LF257 BIFET, Compensaled for A, "5 BIFET, Compensated for A'K(A> ,. 5 BIFET, Compensated BIFET, Compensated BIFET, Compensated for A, ,. 5 LF355 LF355A LF356 LF356A LF357 Avol (V/V) T. Packages" 0,+70 0,+70 0,+70 0,+70 0,+70 Remarks All BIFET amplifiers offer low noiseSee data sheets T,P T,P T,P T,P T,P 151'V/'C IOI'V/'C 151'V/'C T Operational Amplifiers-High Speed Va; (mV) I, (nA) (V/V) GxB/W (MHz) Slew Rate V/I'S A vol Icc (rnA) ('C) Packages" HA2500 HA2502 HA2S05 HA2S07 HA251 a High slew rate, Compensated High slew rate, Compensated High slew rate, Compensated High slew rate, Compensated High slew rate, Compensated 5.0 B.O B.O 5.0 B.O 200 2SO 2SO 125 200 20,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 12' 12' 12' 12 12' 25 20 20 30 50 6.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 -55,+125 -55,+125 0,+75 Ot075 -55,+125 F,T,J F,T,J F,T F,T F,T HA2512 HA2515 HA2517 HA2520 HA2522 High slew rate; Compensated High slew rate, Compensated High slew rate, Compensated Compensated for A, .. 3 Compensated for A," 3 10.0 10.0 5.0 S.O 10.0 250 250 125 200 250 7,SOO 7,SOO 7,SOO 10,000 7,SOO 12' 12' 12 30' 30' 40 40 60 100 BO 6.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 -55,+ 125 0,+75 Ot075 -55,+125 -55,+125 F,T F,T F,T F,T,J F,T,J HA2525 HA2527 S017M S017C Compensated for A, .. 3 High slew rate, Compensated for A," 3 High speed, Inverting High speed, Inverting 10.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 2SO 125 200 200 7,SOO 7,500 25,000 25,000 30' 20 10' la' SO 120 130' 130' 6.0 4.0 7.0 B.O 0,+75 -65, to ISO -55,+125 0,+70 F,T,J F,T T,F T,F ~pe Description T. Operational Amplifiers-High Impedance Description Va; (mV) I, (nA) AVOL (V/V) Slew Rate (V/I'S) Icc (rnA) T. ('C) HA2600 HA2602 HA2605 HA2607 HA2620 High impedance, Compensated High impedance, Compensated High impedance, Compensated High impedance, Compensated 2600 Com~ensaled for A, ,. 5 4.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 10 25 25 5 15 100,000 BO,OOO BO,OOO 70,000 100,000 4 4 4 7 25 3.7 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.7 -55,+125 -55,+125 0,+75 Ot075 -55,+125 F,J,T F,J,T F,J,T P F,J,T HA2622 HA2625 HA2627 2602 Compensated for A, .. 5 2605 Compensated for A," 5 2607 Compensated for A," 5 5.0 5.0 4.0 25 25 5 SO,OOO BO,OOO 70,000 20 20 35 4.0 4.0 3.0 -55,+125 0,+75 Ot075 F,J,T F,J,T P ~pe Packages" Video Amplifiers ~pe Description Gains (V/V) Bandwidths (MHz) EN (IN) I'V(rms) Output Offset (V) Icc (mA) T. ('C) Packages" 733M 733C Gain selectable video amp. Gain selectable video amp. 400,100,10' 400,100,10' 40,90,120' 40,90,120' 12 12 1.5 1.5 24 24 -55,+125 0,+70 T T 'See package key, page 391. 389 Voltage Followers Va; (mV) Description lYpe I'N (nA) Av(MIN) (Vtv) 0,999 0,999 0.999 0.999 0.9985 102 110 202 210 302 Voltage Follower Voltage Follower Voltage Follower Voltage Follower Voltage Follower 5 4 10 4 15 10 3 15 3 30 310 LH2110 LH2310 Voltage Follower, 7.5 4.0 7.5 7 3 7 Slew Rate (V/"S) 3dbB/W (MHz) --- - 0.999 0.999 0.999 Swing (V) IS' IS' 30' 30' IS' 30' -- ,,:tl0 :tl0 :tl0 :tl0 :tl0 T. (OC) 4,0 -55,+125 -55,+125 -25,+85 -25,+85 0,+70 F,T D,F,T T D,T T 0,+70 -55 to 125 Ot070 D,p,T D D 10L (mA) T. (OC) Packagee· 8 8 8 2 2 -55,+125 -25,+85 0,+70 -55,+125 0,+70 D,F,T D,F,T D,F,J,p,T T T 4 -- 4.0 4.0 - :tl0 :tl0 :tl0 - - Icc (mA) 4.0 4.0 Packages·, Comparators Notes: Tpd measured for 100mV stepw~h 5 mVoverdrive. loe measured for" = :t 15V lYpe Description Va; (V) I. (nA) Av (V/mV) tpd (nS) Icc (mA) VOL (V) 111 211 311 8001M 8001C Precision Comparator Precision Comparator Precision Comparator Low Power Comparator Low Power Comparator 3 3 7.5 3 5 100 100 250 100 250 200' 200' 200' 15 15 200' 200' '200' 2SO' 250' 6 6 7.5 2 2 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 LM139 LM13SA LM239 LM239A LM339 Quad. Comparator Low Offset 139 Quad. Comparator. Low Offset 239 Quad. Comparator 100 200' LM339A LH2111 LH2311 MC2901 MC3302 Low Offset 339 Dual Precision Comparator Dual Precision Comparator Quad. Comparator Quad. Comparator 5 at 0.7 100 200~ 2 0.4 ;; 250 250 250 200' 200' 200' 1300' 1300* 1300' 1300' 1300' 2 2 5 2 5 2 2 2 0.7 0.4 0.7 4 3 4 -55,+125 -55,+12b -25,+85 -25,+85 0,+70 D D D,P D 2 3 7.5 2 3 250 100 250 25 25 200' 200 200 100 30 1300' 200 200 300 300 2 6 7.5 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 .25 .25 3 8 8 4 4 0,+70 -55 to 125 Oto70 Oto70 Oto70 D,P D D D,F D,F D Power Amplifiers Note 1. 2. 3. 4. Specifications apply at :t 30V supplies. All units packaged in 8 lead T03 can. Fully protected against inductive current flow. Externally setlable output current limiting. Type Description ICH851OM ICH18510C ICH8520M ICH8520C ICH8530M Hybrid Power Amp. Hybrid Power Amp. Hybrid Power Amp. Hybrid Power Amp. Hybrid Power Amp. ICH8530C ICL8063C ICL8063M Hybrid Power Amp. Monomhic Power Amp. Monolithic Power Amp. Use Quleecent Icc (mA) Output Current (A) Output Swing (V) Vos (mV) I, (nA) (V/V) Slew Rate (V/"S) 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.7 :t26 :t26 :t26 :t26 :t25 3.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 3.0 2SO SOO 250 SOO 250 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 40 50 40 50 40 -55,+125 -25,+85 -55,+125 -25,+85 -55,+125 2.7 2.0 2.0 ±25 :t27 :t27 6.0 SO 75 500 100,000 6 6 0.5 SO 250 300 -25,+85 0,+70 -55,+125 ~1.L. (e) Line Reg" (etv) ~~ (e/oC) Pdat 25°C (mW) 500 500 300 Servo and Actuator Power Transistors AVOl T. rC) Voltage Regulators Input VoMge Output Voltage (V) MIN MAX Input/Output Differential (V) MIN MAX Load Current (mA) MIN MAX 30 40 20 30 37 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 30 30 20 30 38 3.0 0 3.0 0 0 12 12 12 12 50 0.5 0.05 0.5 0.05 0.15 0.2 0.06 0.2 0.06 0.03 0.005 0.005 0.03 0.03 0.Q15 37 3.0 38 0 50 0.2 0.03 0.Q15 Type MIN MAX 100 105 300 305 723 8.5 8.5 8.0 8.0 9.5 40 50 30 40 40 2.0 4.5 2.0 4.5 2.0 723C 9.5 40 2.0 Avg. Load 'See package key. page 391. Monolithic Voltage Converter - The ICL7660 Converts positive voltage into negative voltages over a range of +1.5V through +10V. May be cascaded for higher negative output voltages, paralleled for greater output current, used as a positive voltage multiplier, or any combination of the above. Typical supply current is 170IlA, and output source resistance is 550 at TA = 25°C and 10 = 20 mA. 390 500 800 660 T, (OC) -55,+150 -55,+150 0,+70 0,+70 -55,+125 0,+70 Packages· F,T F,T T T T,J P,T Special Function Circuits Accuracy lYpe AD590 8013AM 80138M 8013CM 8013AC Temperature transducer -output linear at l/LA/oK Four quadrant multiplier. Output proportional to algebraic products of two input signals. Features 000.5% accuracy; internal op-amp for level shift, division and square root functions; full 00 10V input/output range; 1 MHz bandwidth. 80138C 8013CC 8038AM 8038AC 80388M Simultaneous Sine, Square, and Triangle wave outputs T'L compatible to 28V over frequency range from 0.001 Hz to 1.0 MHz. Low distortion «1 %); high linearity (0.1 %); low frequency drift with 80388C 8038CC 80488C 8048CC 80498C 80490C ICL8061 ICL8062 8069 8211M 8211C 8212M 8212C oOl°C 000.5% ±1.0% ±2.00/0 000.5% ±1.0% ±2.0% V. (V) T. eC) 4to15 0015 0015 0015 0015 -55to 150 -55,+125 -55,+125 -55,+125 0,+70 H T T T T 0015 0,+70 0,+70 -55,+ 125 0,+70 -55,+ 125 T T J P J :t15 1.5% Packages" 1.5% 3.0% o05to 0015 o05to +15 o05to 0015 temperature (50ppm/oC max.), variable duty cycle 2%-98%). Ex1ernal frequency modulation. Log amp. lV/decade (Adjustable). 120 db range with current input. Error referred to output Antilog amp, adjustable scale factor. 3.0% 5.0% o030mV o060mV o010mV o05to 0015 o05to 0015 0015 0015 ±15 0,+70 0,+70 0,+70 0,+70 0,+70 P P J,P J,P J,P Error referred to input The tCLS061 converts a wide range of photographic variables to electronic signals from which f-stop, aperture, EV and 8V may be obtained. The ICLS062 converts the signals from the 8061 into outeut drive voltages. 1.2 temperature compensated voltage reference Micropower voltage detector/indicator/voltage regulator/ programmable zener. Contains 1.15V micropower reference plus comparator and hysteresis output. Main output inverting (8212) or non-inverting (8211). o030mV 0015 0,+70 J,P 5to15 2t030 2t030 2t030 2t030 -55to125 -55,+125 0,+70 -55,+125 0,+70 Q T P,T T P,T Notes: 1. All parameters are specified at V. ~ o015V andT. ~ +25°C unless otherwise noted. 2. All parameters are worst case MIN/MAX limits except for those marked' which are typical. PACKAGE KEY D-Solder lid side brazed ceramic dual in line. F -Ceramic flat pack. J -Glass frit seal ceramic dual in line. P - Plastic dual in line. T -Metal can (T05 size) Operational Amplifiers-CMOS lYpe Description Compensation Off8etNulf Vos Selection los I. 7611 7612 7613 7614 7615 Single, Selectable I. Single, Selectable I., Ex1ended CMVR Single, Selectable I., Input Protected Single, Fixed I. Single, Fixed I., Input Protected Internal Internal Internal Ex1ernal External Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2,5,15mV 2,5,15mV 2,5,15mV 2,5,15mV 2,5,15mV 0.5pA 0.5pA O.SpA 0.5pA 0.5pA lpA lpA lpA lpA lpA 7621 7622 7631 7632 7641 Dual, Fixed 10 Dual, Fixed 10 Triple, Selectable I. Triple, Selectable 10 Quad, Fixed I. Internal Internal Internal None Internal No Yes No No No 2,5,15mV 2,5,15mV 5,10,20mV 5,10,20mV 5,10,20mV 0.5pA 0.5pA 0.5pA 0.5pA lpA lpA lpA lpA lpA 7642 Quad, Fixed I. Internal No 5,10,20mV 0.5pA lpA O.SpA InputCMR VSUPPLY VSUf'PlY - 100mV -lOOmV -100mV VSUPPLY - + VSUPPLY VSUPPLY VSUPfllY Output Swing 100m V 300mV VSUPPlY - VSUPPLY 100 mV -100mV 100 mV VSUPPLY -lOOmV VSUPPlY - 100 mV 100 mV -100mV 100 mV P,J VSUPfllY - l00mV -100mV -100mV VSUPPLY - 100 mV VSUPPLY - 100mV 100 mV 100 mV VSUPPLY - VSUPPLY - VSUPPlY - 100mV VSUPPLY - VSUPPLY VSUPPLV VSUPPL'I' - VSUPPLY P,T P,T P,T P,T P,T P,T P,J P,J p,J P,J 100mV VSUPPLY - Package." Instrumentation Amplifiers-Commutating Auto Zero Description Vas (/LV) Il vo• (/LV/year) (pA) (dB) ICL7600C ICL76001 ICL7600M ICL7601C ICL7601 I Comperisated Compensated Compensated Uncompensated Uncompensated 002 002 ±2 002 002 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 1 1 1 1 1 80 min 80 min 90 min 90 min 90 min +510 +5to +5to +510 +510 ICL7601M Uncompensated ±2 0.2 1 80 min Type IsuPf' A. I BIAS (pA) Packages " T.oC +16 +16 +16 +16 +16 0030 +30 0030 ±30 0030 J,P J,P J,P J,P J,P 01070 -251085 -55to 125 010'" -25 to 85 +510 +16 ±30 J,P -5510125 VSUPPlY Operational Amplifiers-Commutating Auto Zero I BIAS Vas (/LV) IlV.. (/LV/year) (mA) (dB) VSUPPLY (pA) Compensated Compensated Compensated Uncompensated Uncompensated 002 002 002 ±2 ±2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 90 min 90 min 90 min 90 min 90 min 5tol0 5tol0 5tolO 5tolO 510 10 ±30 ±30 ±30 0030 0030 J,P J,P J,P J,P J,P 01070 -25t085 -55to 125 Ot070 -25 to 85 Uncompensated 002 0.5 1.7 90 min 5to 10 0030 J,P -5510125 lYPe Description ICL7605C ICL76051 ICL7605M ICL760SC ICL7606f ICL7606M Isupp 'See package key above. 391 A. Packages" T.oC Counters, Timers and Display Drivers Part Number Clrcuh Description Package Crystal Frequency Output ICM7045A Complete industrial stopwatch precision decade timer to count seconds, minutes or hours by selection 01 suitable oscillator frequencies. 28-PinDIP Seconds: 1.31 MHz Minutes: 2.18 MHz Seven-digit common-cathode LED drive. Displays up to 240,000 seconds, 2,400 minutes, 24 hours. ICM7201 Low battery voltage indicator To-72 Not applicable Lights LED at voltage below 2.9\1. ICM7206 Touch-tone encoder; requires one contact per key 16-PlnDIP 3.57954 MHz 2-01-8 Sine wave for tone dialing ICM720SA Touch-tone encoder; requires two contacts per key with common line connected to + supply. 16-PinDIP 3.57954 MHz 2-of-8 sine wave for tone dialing ICM7206B Touch-tone encoder; common line connected to negative supply and oscillator enabled when key is pressed. 16-PinDIP 3.57954 MHz 2-of-8 sine wave for tone dialing ICM7207 ICM7207A Frequency counter timebase. Includes 0.01, 0.1, or I-second count window plus store, reset and MUX 14-Pin DIP 14-PlnDIP 6.5536 MHz 5.24288 MHz Crysal frequency ... 2 ", ... 2 ", ... 10 (2 ") divider stage ICM7208 7-digit unH counter. With addition of 7207 the circuit becomes a complete timer-frequency counter 28-Pin DIP - LED display drive ICM7209 High-frequency clock-generator for 5-volt systems 8-PinDIP tol0MHz Crystal frequency, -;- 2' divider stage ICM7211 ICM7212 Four-ditt diS~ay decoder drivers; ICM7211 is LCD; ICM72 2 is L 0; NOl'}omultiplexed for low noise, BCD input, decoded display drive output. 4Q-Pin DIP (plastic) - ~~~~;~W6 ~~~iisegment direct display ICM7213 Oscillator and frequency divider 14-Pin DIP (plastic) tol0MHz lpps, lppm, 10 Hz, composite ICM7216 !CM722S Eight-digH universal counter; measures frequency, period, frcquanc"j ratiO, time lnfai\;al, units. 28-PlnDIP 4o-PinDiP (Cerdip, ceramic, plastic) 1 or 10kHz Eight-dillit common anode or common cathode-direct LED drive ICM7217 ICM7227 Four-digH CMOS up/down counter; preseHabie start/count and compare register; for hard-wired or microprocessor control applications; cascadable 28-Pin Cerdip or plastic - Four-digit, seven-segment common anode or common cathode direct LED display drive; equal, zero, carry/borrow ICM7218A/D ICM7218E LED display driver system with 8 x 8 memor~; numeric or dot (1 of64)decoding;microprocessorcompati Ie 28-PinDIP 4Q-Pin DIP (ceramic or plastic) - Eil/ht-dig", seven-segment plus decimal po,nt; common cathode or common anode ICM7219 Audio generator; digitally programmable; 5 bit input 14-PinDIP (ceramic or plastic) ICM7224 ICM7225 4'h-digH high ~eed counter/decoder/driver; 25 MHz iyp; IC 7224 i, LCD, ICM7225 is LED; direct display drive; cascadable 4Q-Pin DIP (plastic) - ICM7555 ICM7556 Single or dual CMOS version of industry-standard 5551imer; BO ",A typo supply current; 500 kHz guaranteed; 2-1 BV power supply 8-PinDIP 14-Pln DIP - ICM7240 ICM7242 ICM7250 ICM7260 CMOS programmable counters/timers using external RC time base sel. Programmable from minutes to years. Hr. accuracy = ± 0.5%iyp. 16-PinDIP External 392 0-100 kHz output; waveform fully programmable 4'h-dlgit seven-segment direct display driver; LED or LCD Timed output Dynamic RAMS Max Access Time (ns) Min Raad Cycle (ns) Min Read/Mod Write Cycle (ns) Pins Input Levels V".N,H(V) P_er Supplies (V) Max Operating Power(mW) Standby Power (mW) Pkg (note 1) lIImp Range (note 2) 16384.1 IM4116-2 IM4116-3 IM4116-4 150 200 250 375 375 375 375 375 375 16 16 16 .812.4 .812.4 .812.4 +12.:t5 +12.:t5 +12, :t5 550 550 550 27 27 27 J J J C C C 4096.1 IM7027-1 120 250 325 16 .812.2 +12, :t5 462 27 J C 150 200 250 320 375 375 325 420 460 16 16 16 .812.2 .812.2 .8/2.2 +12, :t5 +12, :t5 +12, :t5 462 462 462 27 27 27 J J J C C C Organization MK4027-2 MK4027-3 MK4027-4 No. 01 Static RAMS Max Access Time (ns) Min Read Cycle (ns) Pins Input Levels V"N,H(V) Power Supplies (V) Max Operatlna, Power(m ) Pkg (note 1) Temp Range (note 2) 4096.1 IM7141-2 IM7141-3 IM7141 IM7141L2 IM7141L3 IM7141L 200 300 450 200 300 450 200 300 450 200 300 450 18 18 18 18 18 18 .8/2.0 .8/2.0 .8/2.0 .812.0 .8/2.0 .812.0 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 370 370 370 265 265 265 J J J J J J C,M C.M C.M C C C 1024.4 IM2114-2 IM2114-3 IM2114 IM2114L2 IM2114L3 200 300 450 200 300 200 300 450 200 300 18 18 18 18 18 .8/2.0 .8/2.0 .812.0 .8/2.0 .812.0 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 525 525 525 370 370 J J J J J C C C C.M C,M IM2114L IM7114L2 IM7114L3 IM7114L 450 200 300 450 450 200 300 450 18 18 18 18 .812.0 .812.0 .8/2.0 .8/2.0 +5 +5 +5 +5 370 265 265 265 J J J J C.M C C C IM2147 IM2147-3 70 55 70 55 18 18 .8/2.4 .8/2.4 +5 +5 880/110 990/165 D,J D.J C C Organization No 01 393 CMOS RAM's Max Access Time No. of Va; Icc Max (ns) Pins max (V) (ILA) Organization 4096 x 1 IM6504 170 18 5.5 1024x 1 IM650s/6518 IM6508·116518·1 IM6508N6518A IM6508A·116518A·l 460 300 150 95 16118 16118 16118 16118 7.0 7.0 11.0 12.0 256x4 IM6551161 IM6551N61A 360 180 18122 18122 256 x 1 IM6523 800 64x12 IM6512 IM6512A 460 150 llImp Pkg' Range 0.2 (typ.) D,J,F, C,I,M 100 10 500 100 D,J,F D,J,F D,J,F D,J,F C,I,M I,M I,M I,M 8.0 12.0 100 500 D,J,F D,J,F I,M I,M 16 7.0 50 D,J,F I,M 18 18 8.0 12.0 100 500 D,J,F D,J,F C,I,M I,M UV-ERASABLE CMOS PROMS r--------~I-A-C-~~M~:-T-im-.-rI-N-O-~~I-o-D8--~-t-in-a~I-I-~-m-a-x~I~--~I-llI--m-D~1 Organization (ns) Pins Range (V) -'ILA) Pkg' Range 1024x4 6653 6653-1 6653A 600 450 300 24 24 24 5 5 10 20 20 20 D,J D,J D,J I,M I I 512x8 6654 6654-1 5554A 600 300 24 24 24 5 5 10 20 20 20 D,J D,J D,J I,M I I 450 CMOS ROM's Organization No. of Max Access Time (ns) Pins 1024x 12 IM6312 IM6312A Vcc maxM Icc Max (ILA) Temp Pkg' Range 400 200 18 18 7.0 11.0 100 500 D,J D,J C,I,M I,M 2048 x 8 IM6316 350 (typ) 24 7.0 100 (typ) D,J C,I,M 8192x8 IM6364 350(typ) 24 7.0 100 (typ) D,J C,I,M BIPOLAR PROM's Max Access Time (ns) No. of Pins Output 1\'pe' Pkg' 1lImp 100 24 OC J C 32x8 IM5600 IM561 0 50 50 16 16 OC TS D,J,F D,J,F C,M C,M 256x4 IM5603A IM5623 60 60 16 16 OC TS D,J,F D,J,F C,M C,M 512x4 IM5604 IM5624 70 70 16 16 OC TS D,J,F D,J,F C,M C,M 512x8 IM5605 IM5625 70 70 24 24 OC TS D D C,M C,M Organization FPLA IM5200 48 Product Terms 14 Inputs, 8 Outputs Note 1: OC-Open Collector Output TS-Tri-State Output Note 2: D: Ceramic Dual-In-line J: Cerdip Dual-In-line F: CeramiC Flat Package 394 This is Datel·lntersil The merger of Intersil and Datel Systems, Inc. has made the Company the third largest data acquisition supplier in the industry. The "marriage" of these two groups provides an ideal blending of Intersirs integrated circuit capability with Daters expertise in the system's marketplace. Intersil's Semiconductor Division produces virtually all the circuits required to produce complete data acquisition systems, including analog to digital converters, digital to analog converters, operational amplifiers, multiplexers, display drivers, analog switches, sample-holds, operational and instrumentation amplifiers, and temperature sensors. The Datel-Intersil Division produces a broad spectrum of data conversion modules, hybrid and monolithic circuits, power supplies, analog input/ output boards, digital panel instruments, digital printers, data loggers and high-speed data acquisition systems. The merging of these complementary technologies has now created the most comprehensive line of data acquisition products in the industry. If you would like additional information on any of these products please send in the form in the back of this handbook.
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