1980_Optoelectronics_Designers_Catalog 1980 Optoelectronics Designers Catalog
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\ I. Optoelectronics Designer's Catalog 1980 Flin- HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD . ~.. I 1980 AUG 03 Optoelectronics Designer's Catalog 1980 Intensive solid state research, the development of advanced manufacturing techniques and continued expansion has enabled HewlettPackard to become a high volume supplier of quality, competitively priced LED displays, LED lamps, optocouplers, fiber optics, and emitters/detectors. In addition to our broad product line, Hewlett-Packard also offers the following services: immediate delivery from any of our authorized stocking distributors, applications support, special QA testing, and a one year guarantee on all of our optoelectronic products. .This package of products and services has enabled Hewlett-Packard to become a recognized leader in the optoelectronic industry. A Brief SI~,' ", :;,~ '.' " ,,' \' , " : ~' ,'::,\ ~", ," <, ,.' :<., ", ·····c.Emitter andDet~tor2;·::; . systems: Features',·••" . :', ';, ,.', ,'. .", - , " , , ~' ~:' < , , ,~' ' Advantagest",sendits,'· .• t~:·.~:T~i,~~<:'i.\:'• ' '2 " ,: '. ..Emitters and Detectors{,' "'"Y:~';'':<::'''''' ,' .. " . .... Features. Advan~~i~!;A~~;i~;3.. .... ..... • Optical Scanner ';;~,t.~·,:, ".:\":~ .' ,',.',,",,", '. < ,.' ' • " ' . ' : " < " < , '< " ' .. ,,~,'" ' <,> " '- . • Dig ital Bar Code . . .WarK.-f ,", ,,'. ., • Emitters and Detectors,. "':<"':" ·c •.. ,. , ,< , ~ ' '-:', , ' ~': , ,,' '::' , ':' _, -' ,'-,0,' , , '-~'.: '<''t' ,'-,-, .,,~~~. ", ',<::: 1 \,' ~::~.'i:; ~ '::~~'m.~'~",,"""""l""""il>"""~~'~'I<.~, ,'~f ____ " .... -..1t"_ . .....,.., ..__ ....,.. .;...:~~,~_........".~:.,.;..;."+~_~~;''''.,. ... '''''"''.......~.....f'' .._-..",..,.........,,•..............-.'''..........~ ........" ...............:.,.,_~........._ _' _ _•__ ~ i' Emitter/Detector Systems • Features • Advantages • Benefits HEDS-1000 HIGH RESOLUTION OPTICAL REFLECTIVE SENSOR Focused optics Gives higher resolution Less error No precision alignment of discrete components Visible light source Can detect most colors Not limited to black & white patterns and objects Photo IC detector A. Faster response time A. Can detect more transitions in less time B. Simplified interface electronics B. Speed, linearity, and gain options available Standard TO-5 package Mounting hardware readily available Easy to mount and use Sealed package Moisture resistant Reliable operation in indoor/ outdoor environments Detector IC operates from single ended 3.5V to 20V power supply Compatible with all IC technologies Easy to use Fully integrated, assembled and tested No precision alignment required Easy to use Faster design-in Performance fully specified and guaranteed System design simplified Assured performance HEDS-3000 DIGITAL BAR CODE WAND Digital output No analog signal conditioning circuitry needed Microprocessor compatible Low digitizing error High percentage Good reads Increased throughput Push-to-read switch Conserves power No strobing circuitry required Longer battery life in portable systems Guaranteed performance System design simplified Easy to use Single supply operation Compatible with standard digital systems Easy to use Lightweight stylized plastic case Minimizes operator fatigue Increased throughput Custom options available Styling to match customer's products OEM product image enhanced 2 Emitters [~ • Features • Advantages • Benefits Near IR emission Visible Facilitates alignment Functions with most silicon phototransistors and photodiodes Easy to use Cost effective implementation Plastic Package Low cost Cost effective implementation HEMT 3300 uses isotropic LED chip Provides floodlight type beam Well suited for applications that require a large area to be irradiated HEMT 6000 uses surface emitter LED chip Provides bright spot of light Facilitates focusing light on active area of photodetector HEMT 6000 has offset wirebond Active area of the chip is not masked or shadowed Facilitates use with fiber optics Detectors (PIN Photodiodes) .~/ • Features • Advantages • Benefits Offset wirebond Can be used with fiber optiCS Fiber can be placed directly over active area All HP PIN photodiodes have anti~reflective coating Converts more incident radiation (light) into photocurrent High Responsivity Wide spectral response (ultraviolet through IR) A single device can cover the light spectrum plus UV and IR Works with a variety of sources Low junction capacitance Wide bandwidth Can detect high speed pulses ULTRA Linear Permits operation over 10 decades Eliminates the need for equalization 3 - : ,,-:, HIGH 'RESOLUTION ,OPTICAL', REFLECTIVE , '." . "'SENSOR HEWLETT PACKARD -,<::' . HE!~~,~~< ,: u,: ~'~.:~" X~.;:., ',' ,'; ,~'»~,~:<>,~, : TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • FOCUSED EMITTER AND DETECTOR IN A SINGLE PACKAGE • HIGH RESOLUTION - .190mm SPOT SIZE • 700nm VISIBLE EMITTER • LENS FILTERED TO REJECT AMBIENT LIGHT • TO-S MINIATURE SEALED PACKAGE • PHOTODIODE AND TRANSISTOR OUTPUT • SOLID STATE RELIABILITY Description The HEDS-1000 is a fully integrated module designed for optical reflective sensing. The module contains a .178mm (.007 in.) diameter 700nm visible LED emitter and a matched I.e. photodetector. A bifurcated aspheric lens is used to image the active areas of the emitter and the detector to a single spot 4.27mm (0.168 in.) in front of the package. The reflected signal can be sensed directly from the photodiode or through an internal transistor that can be configured as a high gain amplifier. Mechanical Considerations The HEDS-1000 is packaged in a high profile 8 pin TO-S metal can with a glass window. The emitter and photodetector chips are mounted on the header at the base of the package. Positioned above these active elements is a bifurcated aspheric acrylic lens thatfocuses them to the' same point. Applications The sensor can be rigidly secured by commercially available two piece TO-5 style heat sinks, such as Thermalloy 2205, or Aavid Engineering 3215. These fixtures provide a stable reference platform and their tapped mounting holes allow for ease of affixing this assembly to the circuit board. Applications include pattern recognition and verification, object sizing, optical limit switching, tachometry, textile thread counting and defect detection, dimensional monitoring, line locating, mark, and bar code scanning, and paper edge detection. \ PaCkage Dimensions & ! MAXlMUIIISlGNAL POINT~ t~-l.~ PLANErl--~j 1D.162l 4.11 REFERENCE m (fi:B"1 $'40(O';!w~ a.86(Q.tI3'Il' f.73~1 ,~=? ~.~ (0. j681. 10:0101 NOTES! 1. ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLlMI>TERS AND (INCHES), 2. ALL UNTOlERANCeD DIMeNSIONS AftE fOR REFERENCE DNLY, 3. THE REFERENCE PLANE IS THE TOP SURFACe Of THE PACKAGE. 4. NICKEL CAN AND GOlO PLATED LEADS. 5. $.P. SEATING PLANE, 6. THE LEAO DIAMETER IS 0 . _ ID.Ol81n.1 TYP. 4 , Electrical Operation The detector section of the sensor can be connected as a single photodiode, or as a photodiode transistor amplifier. When photodiode operation is desired, it is recommended that the substrate diodes be defeated by connecting the collector of the transistor to the positive potential of the power supply and shorting the base-emitter junction of the transistor. Figure 15 shows photocurrent being supplied from the anode of the photodiode to an inverting input of the operational amplifier. The circuit is recommended to improve the reflected photocurrent to stray photocurrent ratio by keeping the substrate diodes from acting as photodiodes. The cathode of the 700nm emitter is physically and electrically connected to the case-substrate of the device. Applications that require modulation or switching of the LED should be designed to have the cathode connected to the electrical ground of the system. This insures minimum capacitive coupling of the switching transients through the substrate diodes to the detector amplifier section. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM CONNECTION DIAGRAM VD The HEDS-1000 detector also includes an NPN transistor which can be used to increase the output current of the sensor. A current feedback amplifier as shown in Figure 6 provides moderate current gain and bias point stability. Vc REFLECTOR REFERENCE PLANE t TOP VIEW t I \. )!!..- 1V\ +, ~ CAT~ 1 PIN 1 ____ SUBSTRATE,CASE 2 3 4 ---' OS-SUBSTRATE DIODES VB VE .' Mm~ODe, . NIl '." . 2 .' ~:.i .·2':·"f'~.-: ..;,,:;-.> ". : 'mAI'ISISTOR £MITTER Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA=25°C f ~ 5' /I 7 II FUNCTION "--c. TRANSISTOR COLUCTOR TIWmSTOR 8ASE,'PjiOToptOOt; ANooe 'PHOTODIOOt; CATJiOl>E' ~ .~ .'t.I!l>'CAttlOl>E, SUBSl'RATE;CAl!Ii ..:c 'Ne:: . 'r' Parameter Symbol Mfn. Max, TS -40 +75 - Storage Temperature Operating Temperature TA -.20 '. Lead Soldering Temperature 1 ,6mm from Seating Plane IF Peak LEO Forward Current IFPK R'lverse LEO Input Voltage VR Package Power Dissipation Pp Collector Output Current 10 Supply and Output Voltage VO,VC,vE Transistor Base CUrrent Is 'Transistor Emitter Base Voltage VES .' .. , ..... ..... "'. liO ........ '. 75.' .'5 120 .. $ -0.5 .... .. ......•. ·c·; FIg, 2 ... Notes .. ,.; ';: '2..::···· . '; ,.IX,.~,l '.,> . :: <.triA··:··; I,~~' ';'1" ' ': tT.Y';'.\' 2 ,,1, '}rhe;~ .' .. :.· •. mW\:.··; .- '...•..ITI~(~ I. .'> ' ..•.. '·~?t;~:· t·,,::·,; .20 5 5 . ","1$'; "C- +70 :. ·260.',,: .. fOr105eo.; •• I." .....• Average LEO Forward Current , ...... 1 ..i. 3 : I.·'·; k :.:::. 10 ........•:. ..I' .•·.•·.··.;·i I' .............. ........ V··:· . · .... ....• System Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =25°C Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Total Photocurrent (lPR+lps) Ip 100 140 250 Transistor DC Static Current Transfer Ratio Fig. Note TA=-20'C nA IF=35mA, VD=Vc=5V TA=25'C 2.3 TA=70'C 15 6.5 Ip=35mA, Vc=Vo=5V 3 200 TA=-20'C Vce=5V, Ic=10!,A TA-25'C 50 Reflected Photocurrent OPRl to Internal Stray Photocurrent (Ips) Conditions Unite 375 4 IPR iPS 4 hFe 50 100 Slew Rate Image Diameter d Maximum Signal Point Q 50% Modulation Transfer Function 4.02 .06 VII's RL=100K RF= 10M .17 mm If=35mA,Q=4.27mm 10.168In.) mm Measured from Reference Plane 4.27 MTF 2.5 Depth of Focus .lQ FWHM 1.2 Effective Numerical Aperature NA Image Location D Thermal Resistance 0JC 4.52 IpK=50mA tON=100!,s, Rate = 1 kHz loprlmrr IF"'35mA, Q =4.27mm mm 50% of Ip atQ""4.27mm .51 mm Diameter Reference to Centerline Q=4.27mm 85 'C/W 4,5 6 8.10 8,9 9 10,11 5,7 9 5 .3 6 Detector Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =25°C Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units 5 120 10 pA nA Dark Current Ipo CapaCitance Co 45 Flux Responslvity Rd> .22 pF ..h... Conditions I TA=25'C TA=70'CI Fig. Note IF=Q, Vo=SV; Reflection=O% Vo=OV, Ip=O, 1=1 MHz ,\.=700nm, Vo=5V 12 W Detector Area . ,160 Ao mm2 Square. with Length=Amm/Side Emitter Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA=25°C Parameter Symbol Forward Voltage VF Reverse Breakdown Voltage eVR Radiant Flux Min. Typ. Max. Units 1.6 1,8 V IF=35rnA V IR=1001"A 5 Conditions IF=35mA, ,\.=700nm 14 nm IF=35mA 14 if>E 5 '\'p 680 700 Thermal Resistance 0JC 150 "CIW tNF/.:.r ·1.2 mV/'C IF=35mA . Temperature Coefficient of VF 6 13 !'W -Peak Wavelength 9,0 720 Fig. Note Transistor Electrical Characteristics at TA=25°C Parameter Min. Symbol Typ. Uax. Units Fi(j. Conditions Collector-Emitter Leakage ICEO 1 pfA, VCE"'5V Base-Emitter VOltage VeE .6 V 1c=10pA•. ts=70nA Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage VceISAT) .4 V 's=1~. Collector·Base CapaCitance CCB .3 pF f=1MHz, Vce=5V ~$e-Emitter Capacitance CBe .4 pF f='lMHz, VBE=OV .Thermal Resistance eJC 200 'C/W Nola ~ Ie=10PA NOTES: 1. 300l's pulse width, 1 kHz pulse rate. 2. Derate Maximum Average Current linearly from 65· C by 6mA/· C. 3. Without heat sinking from TA = 65·C, derate Maximum Average Power linearly by 12mW/·C. 4. Measured from a reflector coated with a 99% reflective white paint (Kodak 6080) positioned 4.27mm (0.168 in.) from the reference plane. 5. Peak-to-Peak response to black and white bar patterns. 6. Center of maximum signal point image lies within a circle of diameter D relative to the center line of the package. A second emitter image (through the detector lens) is also visible. This image does not affect normal operation. 7. This measurement is made with the lens cusp parallel to the black-white transition. 8. Image size is defined as the distance for the 10%-90% response as the sensor moves over an abrupt black-white edge. 9. (+) Indicates an increase in the distance from the reflector to the reference plane. 10. All voltages referenced to Pin 4. 11. CAUTION: The thermal constraints of the acrylic lens will not permit the use of conventional wave soldering procedures. Thetypical preheat and post cleaning temperatures and dwell times can subject the lens to thermal stresses beyond the absolute maximum ratings and can cause it to defocus. 2.01-~~+l+ttit-++tttHtt--t.,.H+ttitl-~-++Hftil 1.81-·-+~+l+ttit-++tttHtt--t--H+ttitl-~-++Hftil 1.61--I-I-++++H+--I-I-++++H1--I-I-+++H+1--I-I-+++++il' 1.4 I\ \ \1r-t-f1"rtf+H1l ~~+H~-\~~l~~~~~- £ ~~~,~-~~~~ 1.2 iii ~ 1----'* * r-IrH~~+I\~~~~,~~~--+\~~ 1.0 L...-.1.-L..J....U..'-'-':':---'---"-'-Li.LJ..£HL..--'---IL..l...W..I,-,-,,---,-'...JL.J...J..U.UI 1 10 100 1000 10.000 60 80 Figure 2. Relative Total Photocurrent vs. LED DC Forward Currem Figure 1. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs; Pulse Duration ;<;v REFLECTOR REFERENCE PLANEr ;I \ : t ~ ~ ANODE I -----, I I HP01n ~ IDs CATHODE 70 IF - DC FORWARD CURRENT (mA) tp - PULSE OURATION IllS) _ _ _ _ _ .1I 4 SUBSTRATE, CASE Ip=lpR+Ip.s NOTE: 1.1, MEASUREMENT CONDITIONS ARE; R: '" 4.27mm, KODAK 6080 PAINT REFLECTOR. 2. Ips MEASUREMENT CONDITIONS ARE; ~ _ 0 0 A CAVITY WHOSE DEPTH IS MUCH GREATER THAN THE HEQS.1000 DEPTH OF FIELD. Figure 3. Ip Test Circuit 7 50 3.0 ;; ",N '~~ "" -'I t- i fi'i ! 0:'" 0: c 0: 0: 2.0 ::>8 u~ :.'.~. 1ik 1 0" "'- ; 0: " i ;:t0:'" 00 u.w fo" fo" fo" 1.0 g~ I'" ~~ .cO i: ~ .....,. ....... .......• ~ 40 . ~ 1O'C g ~ II ; u :m'C -2O"C 30 20 1 J; 10 ,'$>"p ~ ~ i-"" ~ 6I!!!e~1. J 8 Vee" 5V 10 12 14 !tl ~ 3 r R, == 20 DETECTOR IMAGE THROUGH EMITTER LENS +------.--Vo f\ 18 Figure 5. Common Emitter Collector Characteristics -~--, REFLECTOR 16 VeE - COLLECTOR-TO-EMITTER VOLTAGE (V) Figure 4. Normalized Transistor DC Forward Current Gain vs. Base Current at Temperature PLANEr ~ i-""'" ,~ f- 10,000 1000 18 - BASE CURRENT (nA) REFERENCE i-""'" 20nA 100 IFPK =5OmA tp-l00IlS, RATE = 1KHz roo...... .....,. .....,. .....,. ,.... .- u ,EP'l --- --...... -" "... 0 I 25" C ~ 0: II ..- . ::> u ~ I. - BASE CURRENT (nAl I- TEMP • U ~'ln -----, MAXIMUM I SIGNAL POINT I *". _ _ _ _ _ JI \ Figure 6. Slew Rate Measurement Circuit l EMITTER IMAGE THROUGH DETECTOR LENS Figure 7. I mage Location 0.4 110 I S£~ NOT~S; 7 .~.9 \ 0.3 \ w I r1\ 0 \ N ;;; w ~ 0.2 "- ~ 0 ......... ro- . 0 0 0 O. 1 0 i II I ~£ .. 'i "\. 0 o -O.B -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 - 0 O.B iI£ - DISTANCE FROM MAXIMUM SIGNAL (mm) 12 - REFLECTOR DISTANCE (mm) Figure S. Image Size vs. Maximum Signal Point Figure 9. Reflector Distance vs. % Reflected Photocurrent 8 110 lOa "- ;!,. z 90 §:::> ":; 80 0 60 w 50 :::> 40 ".... ....i 30 :; ~ U) 50 .. .:. I' I· ~ SPATIAL FREQUENCY (LINE PAIR/mm) Figure 11. Modulation Transfer Function ~, ~ ~ II: 40 30 ~ C 26"C" 20 I 10 I 600 700 900 800 1000 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE (V) A - WAVELENGTH (nm) Figure 12. Detector Spectral Response 1.2 I\O'C I 1.0 Figure 13. LED Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics Vee , REFLECTOR I CATHODE e. 660 ~V 4 SUBSTRATE. CASE ~\. I O. 2 --, ANODE I i/I. fl I 0.4 t 70'C II 0.6 + ~I I I ;I \ REFERENCE PLANEr 26"C 0.8 ~o '. r--. ~ I / 80 70 ~ .:"'10 ..... J~ 90 60 , .. 1'" ."... ..... 100 0 . ." 10 Figure 10. Step Edge Response w I L ¢ .... '\: L m I"'" .' 20 .:Id - EDGE DISTANCE (mm) z \. 70 0 J 1\ ~ ---4- r ~s p - I _..J 8 .~[\. ~~ 680 700 720 740 760 x. - WAVELENGTH (nm) Figure 14. Relative Radiant Flux vs. Wavelength Figure 15. Photodiode Interconnection 9 VOUT ', "., ,DIGITAL BAR CODE WAND Features • 0.3 mm RESOLUTION Enhances the Readability of dot matrix printed bar codes • DIGITAL OUTPUT Open Collector Output Compatible with TTL and CMOS • PUSH-TO-READ SWITCH Wand Consumes Power Only When Switch is Depressed • SINGLE SUPPLY OPERATION • STYLIZED CASE • DURABLE LOW FRICTION TIP • SOLID STATE RELIABILITY Uses LED and IC Technology Description Applications The HEDS-3000 Digital Bar Code Wand is a hand held scanner with integral push-to-read switch. It is designed to read all common bar code formats that have the narrowest bars printed with a nominal width of 0.3 mm (0.012 in.). The wand contains an optical sensor with a 700 nm visible light source, photo IC detector, and precision aspheric optics. Internal signal conditioning circuitry converts the optical information into a logic level pulse width representation of the bars and spaces. The Digital Bar Code Wand is an effective alternative to the keyboard when used to collect information in selfcontained blocks. Bar code scanning is faster than key entry and also more accurate since most codes have check-sums built-in to prevent incorrect reads from being entered. Applications include remote data collection, ticket identification systems, security checkpoint verification, file folder tracking, inventory control, identifying assemblies in service, repair, and manufacturing environments, and programming appliances, intelligent instruments and personal computers. The HEDS-3000 comes equipped with a push-to-read switch which is used to activate the electronics, and strain relieved 104 cm (41 in.) cord with nine-pin subminiature D-style connector. wand Dimensions " 23(0.91-, ------.jl~--.,--~;-- -----t~I r---------~I'~-t:,U.Iol.I,l:':CJO] '050 141.0) . m;:E;lL OIMENSt()N$ IN Ml~LlMETRES AND IINCHES). 2, WEIGHT, ~.. 4ti,S. 11.5 ... l. Shit>!>lng 171g 15,5 ...). 10 ,0 (08) J Recommended Operating Conditions Electrical Operation The HEDS-3000 consists of a precision optical sensor, an analog r amplifier, a digitizing circuit, and an output transistor. These elements provide a TTL compatible output from a single voltage supply range of 3.6V to 5.75V. A non-reflecting black bar results in a logic high (11 level, while a reflecting white space will cause a logic low (01 at the Va connection (pin 21. The output of the HEDS-3000 is an open collector transistor. A push-to-read switch is used to energize the 700 nm LED emitter and electronic circuitry. When the switch is initially depressed, its contact bounce may cause a series of random pulses to appear at the output, Va. This pulse train will typically settle to a final value within 0.5 ms. Absolute Maximum Ratings 'MIn; -0.5· Electrical Characteristics (Vs = 3.6V to 5.75V at TA = 25°C, RL = 2.2kO,unless otherwise noted) FIg•. Nqtes OtitPutF.lIie.: :r(~'< Outpu (. '" . ) $~p!f l .. Block Diagram ~' ',\, , ' , ,~" " .3 E 11 Vs'9l '(012). GN\)f/f .. GUARANTEED WIDTH ERROR PERFORMANCE (Vs = 5V, TA = Q·e to 55·e, RL = 2.2kO,unless otherwise noted) Max," ,Unlb' Conclillons , Fig. Notes "';', -:~'5 . '2,6 ~1,8, 11 ' ,.9~10 \,":~~: • '·Width ' , '~h ,9 ·7 \~·Er.ror,\ .' . '. ,SPace::, ' < Witith':' ..,: Error': '.. ' ,em/s.· EnliUer,Peak WaVeI&ligth TYPICAL WIDTH ERROR PERFORMANCE 1),Ic:I!J,W.E Tlfl '" 0- " .. ,Parameter From To, Margin, 1st 15 lb 2s lb .lbl· 1s 2b 2s 2b lb· 1. ~b2-2 0.11 (4.21 ' 1,2 2b 1s lb 2s .1$2:-1 .18':"'2 2s ' AS2-2 5,7.8 mm (In.1<10-3) 1.2 6.7,8 . 0,0f! (2.5) 0.07 {2.S; '. mm (in.)(10-31 1,2 6,7.8 1.2 6,7.8 1.2 6.7.8 1.2 6,~,8 1,2 6,7,8 mm On.)(1O"3) 1,2 6,7,8 mm (in.1<10·31 1.2 6.7,/:1 0.02 (0.7) .... : . O.OS..d.91 :.:::' ' " 0.05 (2.11: " ,.(J.tl4j-1A) .0;04 H.4) H,O} ,(l.03 "1,11 .0.03 . .0.07:(-2.7; " .' :.0.08 (-3.31 .- ·2b Flg. Notes. 0.040.6) " Space Width Error Conditions 0.03 (1.21 . ,;" ," .' ,'.~';' As'''':I' = 2.2kO,unless otherwise noted) mm On.)(10-31 '.0.02..\0,9) .'•• " ;lb.1-? RL Units .. ' Ab2-:1 = 25·e, Tilt'" SO· Bar Width Error TA HeIght;'" O.OnIm '0:08 i3.2J Abl-', = 5V, ,Typical WE " Hetght",O.25mm Symbol (Vs -0.08 (-2.4) .0.06 (02:41 Notes: 1. Storage Temperature is dictated by Wand case. 2. Power supply ripple and noise should be less than 100 mV. 3. Switch bounce causes a series of sub-millisecond pulses to appear at the output, Vo. 4. Push-to-Read switch is depressed, and the Wand, is placed on a non-reflecting (black 1 surface. 5. The margin refers to the reflecting (white) space that preceeds the first bar of the bar code. 6. The interior bars and spaces are those which follOW the first bar of bar COde tag. Margin z 5mm mm Hr-l s--:Q.3mm (In.)(10-3 1 ·2b=2s..o.6mm TA"'25°C mm (lo,x10-3) . Vs=5V vscan"'50cm/s , ,mm Preferred Orientation (lo.XlQ-3) Standard Test Tag mm iln.xl0-3 ) 7. The standard, test tag consists of black bars, white spaces (0.3 mm, 0.012 in. min.) photographed on Kodagraph Transtar TC5!!> paper with a print contrast Signal greater than 0.9. 8. The print contrast signal (PCS 1 is defined as: PCS = (Rw - Rb) IRw. where Rw is the reflectance at 700 nm from the white spaces. and Rb is the reflectance at 700 nm for the bars. 9. 1,.0 in. = 25.4 mm. 1 mm = 0.0394 in. 10. The Wand is in the preferred orientation when the surface of the switch button is parallel to the height dimension of the bar code. 12 [ OPERATION CONSIDERATIONS j~ within a character. These techniques will produce a higher , percentage of good reads. The HEDS-3000 resolution is specified in terms of a bar and space Width Error, WE. The width error is defined as the difference between the calculated bar (space) width, B, (S), and the optically measured bar (space) widths, b (s), When a constant scan velocity is used, the width error can be calculated from the following: The Wand will respond to a bar code with a nominal module width of 0.3 mm when it is scanned at tilt angles between 0° and 30°, The optimum performance will be obtained when the Wand is held in the preferred orientation (Figure 1), tilted at an angle of 10° to 20°, and the Wand tip is in contact with the tag. The Wand height, when held normal to the tag, is measured from the tip's aperture, and when it is tilted it is measured from the tip's surface closest to the tag. The Width Error is specified for the preferred orientation, and using a Standard Test Tag consisting of black bars and white spaces. Figure 2 illustrates the random two level bar code tag. The Standard Test Tag is photographed on Kodagraph Transtar TC5® paper with a nominal module width of 0.3 mm (0.012 in.) and a Print Contrast Signal (PCS) of greater than 90%. B = tb' Vscan S = ts' Vscan Llb = B - b Lls=S-s Where Llb, Lls= b, s = B, S = Vscan = tb, ts = bar, space Width Error (mm) optical bar, space width (mm) calculated bar, space width (mm) scan velocity (mm/s) wand pulse width output(s) The magnitude of the width error is dependent upon the width of the bar (space) preceeding the space (bar) being measured, The Guaranteed Width Errors are specified as a maximum for the margin to first bar transition, as well as, maximums and minimums for the bar and space width errors resulting from transitions internal to the body of the bar code character. The Typical Width Error Performance specifies all possible transitions in a two level code (e.g. 2 of 5), For example, the Llb 2- 1 Width Error specifies the width error of a single bar module (0.3 mm) when preceeded by a double space module (0,6 mm). The Bar Width Error Llb, typically has a positivO) polarity which causes the calculated bar, B, to appear wider than its printed counterpart. The typical negative polarity of the Space Width Error Lls, causes the measured spaces to appear narrower. The consistency of the polarity of the bar and space Width Errors suggest decoding schemes which average the measured bars and measured spaces BAR WIDTH 0.3 mm (0.012 in.) BLACK & WHITE RWHITE;;t. 75%,PCS> 0.9 KODAGRAPH TRANSTAR TCS8 PAPER Figure 2. Standard Test Tag Format. PUSH-TO-READ -.l +5V ./ 0 Vs (91 4,7"F ;r- RL =2.2kn V 74LS14 ( HEOS-3000 Figure 1. Preferred Wand Orientation. GN 0(7) Figure 3. Recommended Logic Interface. 13 Typical performance Curves (R L = 2.2kn) 0.15 0,10 I 0.15 " N 0.05 .'b, PREFERRED ORIENTATION lS~BAR /: ...... "," 0.10 HEIGHT = 0.1 mm vscan = 50 em/s INTeRNA~ BAR~L,--, ~._ STANDARD TAG WIDTH eRROR·l,.... ...""" a: oa: 0,05 (0.3 mm) a: Vs "" 5V a? a: TA "" 25°C ffi w :I: b !E ~ ..\s, INTERNA~ SPAC;--.. .. WIDTH ERROR I -0.05 ~ ;: ., -0.10 I -0.15 5' o- TILT - DEGREES Figure 4. Width Error vs. Tilt (Preferred Orientation). - 1ST BAR 0,10 I-- ffi \ .ls, INTERNAL SPACE WIDTH ERROR ' -0.05 -0.10 o - ,.. L J. PREFERRED ORIENTATION I-- I-- -0.10 r- t--0.15 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 I---f-- TILT" D· vscan" 50 omi, 1--1-r-.-r- S~:~D5~RD TT:G=(~':u~m) r-r--- o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 h - HEIGHT - mm h - HEIGHT - mm Figure 6. Width Error vs. Height (Preferred Orientation). Figure 7, Width Error vs. Height (Any Orientation). 0.15 0.15 0.10 ~ I ~~ 0.05 i w -L !O . +-- I I i .~ ..... .. I I I ! i L : , f- r- I I I I I I i Vs = 5V vscan = 50 cm/s I I I I I I I I a: oa: I :I: ~PACE \ I I . ~lo.TH i !E I -0.05 _. f::... r-0.15 - t-- - I-- o 10 i I ..\.-1 I WIDTH ERROR I -0.10 ERROR .l" INTERNAL SPAce! ~ -f- i I b I I' ffi 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 b,s - BAR. I -j~'f-'b.INTEI!f'JAL BAR_ 0.05 I I T.A. '" 25°C TILT" 0" I I 1ST BAA TT pIREF~RR~D oIRIE~TAiION I HEIGHT = 0.25 mm I a i1 0.10 INTERNAL SPACE WIDTH ER'ROR ~ ~r w S -0.15 I 1ST BlR L"_1 ~" I -0.05 -0.10 I I ..\b, lNTERNAL BAR WlOTH ~RAOR a: oa: a: i!'Cl r, \ PREFERRED ORIENTATION TILT=O° vscan"" 50 emls STANDARD TAG (0.3 mm) TA = 25"C Vs = 5V I-- r-0.15 H - J. ~ ;: I +I 0.151--1--+_++---:i.-G--4,.-+-+--+--+--I 1ST BAR / \ ..\'1lN~~~~Al. B,AR W!DTH ,EF!ROR ~ ~ .Y 1/ TILT - DEGREES Figure 5. Width Error vs. Tilt (Any Orientation). 1-, 0.15 a: f---+-+-+--+-!---1"M-+--+-!--+-+ 10' 15' 20' 25' 3D' 35' o- 0.05 -0.05 w r"- -0.10 ~ ,--,--,.-,---r-r--r----r-,---r-,--,---, I r I PREFERRED ORIENTATION TILT = 0° HEIGHT = 0.25 mm STANDARD TAG (0.3 mm) TA = 25°C Vs = 5V 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 vscan - SCAN VELOCITY - cm/s WIDTH - mm Figure 8. Width Error vs. Bar Width. Figure 9. Width Error 14 VS. Scan Velocity. t-- t-- -I-- 0.15 0.15 J 0.10 E E o I 0.10 1ST BAR 0.05 I .." INTERNAL BAR Wlo1 ~ERROR 0: 0.05 ..lb. INTERNAL 0: .. -= 0: 0: W lJ BAk- E E 0 :I: PREFERRED DRIENTATIDN HEIGHT = 0.25 mm TILT=O° STANDARD TAG (0.3 mm) Vs =5V vscan'" 50 ~m/s I 0 W 0 :I: f- !WI WI.QTIi"('RROR- "' 0: 0: -- 0 f- 0 ii: As. INTI! I -0.05 ~ -0.10 - r-- r-- /INA 0 I ii: 3.5 4.0 w 4>. INTERINAL SPACE WIDTH ERROR ;:: STANDARD TEST TAG (0.3 mm) TA '" 25" -0.15 I -0.05 SPo.cE ;WIDTHTROR- PREFERRED ORIENTATION HEIGHT' 0.25 mm TILT· 0 vscan '" 50 em!s 4.5 5.0 - .~ f- - -0.10 r- 5.5 ~.15 6.0 5' 10' 15' 20" 25' 30' 35' 40' 46' 50' 55' TA - TEMPERATURE - 'c Vs - SUPPLY VOLTAGE - V Figure 10. Width Error vs. Supply Voltage. Figure 11. Width Error vs. Temperature. MECHANICAL CONSIDERATIONS The HEDS-3000 includes a standard nine pin D-style connector with integral squeeze-to-release retention mechanism. Two types of receptacles compatible with the retention mechanism are available from AMP Corp. (Printed circuit header: 745001-2 Panel mount: 745018, body; 66570-3, pins). Panel mount connectors that are compatible with the HEDS-3000 connector, but do not include the retention mechanism, are the Molex A7224, and AMP 2074-56-2. HEDS-3001 Figure 12. Wand Tip. After cleaning the tip aperture and sensor window, the tip should be gently and securely screwed back into the Wand assembly. The tip should be replaced if there are visible indications of wear such as a disfigured, or distorted aperture. The part number for the Wand tip is HEDS-3001. It can be ordered from any Hewlett-Packard parts center or franchised Hewlett-Packard distributor. MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATIONS While there are no user serviceable parts inside the Wand, the tip should be checked periodically for wear and dirt, or obstructions in the aperture. The tip aperture is designed to reject particles and dirt but a gradual degradation in performance will occur as the tip wears down, or becomes obstructed by foreign materiais. OPTIONAL FEATURES Before unscrewing the tip, disconnect the Wand from the system power source. The aperture can be cleaned with a cotton swab or similar device and a liquid detergent. The wand may also be ordered with the following special features: • 193 color options • Customer specified label • No label • Heavy duty retractable coiled cord • No connector • No switch button For more information, call your local Hewlett-Packard sales office or franchised distributor. The glass window on the sensor should be inspected and cleaned if dust, dirt, or fingerprints are visible. To clean the sensor window dampen a lint free cloth with a liquid cleaner, then clean the window with the cloth taking care not to disturb the orientation of the sensor. DO NOT SPRAY CLEANER DIRECTLY ON THE SENSOR OR ~. A ...41 ~aw~ ~ll 0l!1 . ~~5) 26.8 L~"", -~ .1 i 111:11 t 16.8 (0.62) [llOOOOO 0000 j NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES AND (INCHES). IIII 98 76 Figure 13. Connector Specifications. 15 ----- ----- -- -- 1 2 .NC 3. 4 5 -6 NC NC NO 7 8 9 54321 ~DH FUNCTION . PIN DJ VoOUTPUT NC GROUND NC v$ SUPFLY VOLTAGE , ,," . HEWLETt . ',' , PACKARD", .,.. 670nm ·.HIGHRADIANT HEMT·3300 . 'INTENSITY ·. ··EMlTTER ~: -----.;.---.;.-----.;.----~~~~~~-~-=~~', TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features .cPackage Dimensions I .. • HIGH EFFICIENCY • NONSATURATING OUTPUT }~tjffi • NARROW BEAM ANGLE • VISIBLE FLUX AIDS ALIGNMENT ! I • BANDWIDTH: DC TO 3 MHz • IC COMPATIBLE/LOW CURRENT REQUIREMENT Description The HEMT-3300 is a visible, near-IR, source using a GaAsP on GaP LED chip optimized for maximum quantum efficiency at 670 nm, The emitter's beam is sufficiently narrow to minimize stray flux problems, yet 'broad enough to simplify optical alignment. This product is suitable for use in consumer and industrial applications such as optical transducers and encoders, smoke detectors, assembly line monitors, small parts counters, paper tape readers and fiber optic drivers, Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =25°C 1?v Desc:ription Axial Radiant Intenslr/ Temperature CQefficient of Intell$lty luminous Efficacy 2eY., Half Intensity Total XPEAK' Peak Wavelength AAi'EAK/AT Spectral Shift Temperature Coefficient Symbol Ie Ke " 600. '1/pW?i.Y .--_. . -0.009 °C" Reverse' Breakdown Voltage '. ';'ilYliW 22 ~ngre 22 " 670 .' 0.089 IF '" 10 mA Figure 3,4 If '" 10 mA, Note 1 Note 2 deg. Note 3,IF '" 10 mA 6 nm Measured at Peak 1 nmfC Measured at Peak. Note 4 120 . ns ·50 ns Ip~K ,., 10 mA Pulse IpEAK=10mA pF \If .. 0; f = 1 MHz V ~ <= V IF "10mA ·2.2 .' mvfc IF'" l00pA 160 °elW Junction to cathode lead at seating plane. 15 capacitance ,. , . Test Conditions ~>,,~, (90%-10%1 Co BVA 200 Output Fall Time tv Units Typ. Output Rise Time (10%-90%) , tr Max. Min. 5.0 l00#A ,. \If AVr;/AT 9JC Forward Voltage Temperature Cf;Iefficient of"" Therl'T1l!l Resistance "1.9 2.5 2 Notes: 1, Ie (T) = Ie (2SoC)exp [Ke(T- 25"cll 2 Iv = 'lvle where Iv is in candela, Ie in watts/steradian and 'lv in lumen/wan, 3. El% is the off-axis angle at which the radiant intensity is half the axial intensity. The deviation between the mechanical and optical axis is typically within a conical half-angle of five degrees. 4.I\PEAK (T) = I\PEAK (2S0C) + (AI\PEAK/AT) (T - 2S0C). 16 -. . Power Dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 120 mW (derate linearly from 50°C at 1.6 mW;oC) Average Forward Current ..................... 30 mA (derate linearly from 50°C at 0.4 mA/oC) Peak Forward Current ................... See Figure 5 Operating and Storage Temperature Range ............... -55° C to +1 OO°C Lead Soldering Temperature .......... 260°C for 5 sec. (1.6 mm [0.063 inch] from body) If - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 3. Relative Radiant Intensity versus Forward Current. 1.2 I j 1.0 > "'ffi" ~ 08 w- j T. _2Si C 11\ II 0.2 600 tit 4- I} 0.' o ., \; > ;:: g j i/ 0 .• I I .. i\ l'\:. IITA+-'" 100·C j II I I I 620 640 660 l\ I I 680 ~ 700 720 740 760 A - WAVELENGTH - nm hAK - PEAK CURRENT - rnA Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Radiant Intensity per Unit Current! versus Peak Current. Figure 1. Relative Intensity versus Wavelength. 60 "E A I "ffi ".~~ I '0 /' 0: 0: "'" Ii! ";: 0: ~ r" _. ~ 1 I .~4b 1/ "--"f- 50 ~ , _L I /1 I 20 V I I I I I I 1/ 10 o1.6 , I ,--t- 7' 30 V 1/ 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - 2.6 2.8 v tp - PULSE DURA nON - figure 2. Forward Current versus Forward Voltage. J,lS Figure 5. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current versus Pulse Duration. (lDC MAX as per MAX Ratings) 0 - OFF-AXIS ANGLE - DEGREES(CONE HALF-ANGLE} Figure 6. Far-Field Radiation Pattern. 17 '" ;l ,t~~i:,::- ;, HEWLETT PACKARO 700nm HIGH INTENSITY SUBMINIATURE EMITTER HEMT-6000 TECHNICAL DATA Features MARCH 1980 11 ,'" 1 ~~~ .Lc=n:;: ;;"( ) ~~ T eJ • HIGH RADIANT INTENSITY !6 f:ii22) (.Ql~) "l ,,·41.45) BOTH $tO£$ r<'N •.J. • NARROW BEAM ANGLE • NONSATURATING OUTPUT • BANDWIDTH: DC TO 5 MHz ANOD/ • IC COMPATIBLE/LOW CURRENT REQUIREMENT CATtiOD£' 1.651....1 ' ti'i1:075t ,mAo ' ' L9l~ 1.781.0701 MECHANICAL AX,S • VISIBLE FLUX AIDS ALIGNMENT UNDlFfUSED.UNTlNTED (CLEAR) epoxY ~ , ~! T= The HEMT-6000 uses a GaAsP chip designed for optimum tradeoff between speed and quantum efficiency. This optimization allows a flat modulation bandwidth of 5 MHz without peaking, yet provides a radiant flux level comparable to that of 900nm IREDs. The subminiature package allows operation of multiple closely-spaced channels, while the harrow beam angle minimizes crosstalk. The nominal 700nm wavelength can offer spectral performance advantages over 900nm IREDs, and is sufficiently visible to aid optical alignment. Applications include paper-tape readers, punch-card readers, barcode scanners, optical encoders or transducers, interrupt modules, safety interlocks, tape loop stabilizers and fiber optic drivers. I~ I = n 1 j:: A><·::1 ~ " ~ lJ '-Hi\~' .7.""30I M t 2'S:ci~~Ol U J lOOn . J. .11 (.0""') Dronm Description ~''''' r '"' rnT.'OUl \\ --r.....,.,.-......J._;;;-r~~" "g, 1.0151 MAX..J1l·V~ J UO...l., 1.056) I i.- 1.96{&W , ~ ~ fil!:087J seE NOTE 3 NOT£S: tALL DlMHISIONS ARE IN MILUMHRES /INCHES\.. 2. SitVER.PLAT-EO lf1:AOS, SEE APPLICATION BUlUTtN 3. 3..USEfl MAY BEND LEADSASSHQWN. 4. EPOXY ENCAPSULANT HAS A FttFRACTIVE INDEX OF t.53, S, CHIP CENTERtNO wnHIN THE.PACKAGE IS CONSISTENT wllH FOOTNOTe 3, Maximum Ratings at TA = 25°C 1.2 Power Dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 mW (derate linearly from 70°C @ 1.0mW/°C) 1.0 > f- ;;; Average Forward Current ..................... 20 mA (derate linearly from 70°C @ O.4mAfOC) I TA" 2:tc1 0.8 IE f- ~ w Peak Forward Current ................... See Figure 5 0.6 It i I-- I-U IL _1 \ > Operati ng and Storage Temperature Range ................. -55° to +1 00° C ~ a: fA '100"C 0.4 1. 0 640 II \ r- \\ 0.2 Lead Soldering Temperature ...................... 260°Cfor5sec.. [1.6 mm (0.063 in.) from body] -I-- , ;:: L \~ ~ 660 680 I ' I::::::, 700 720 740 i\ - WAVELENGTH - om Figure 1. Relative Intensity versus Wavelength. 18 ". 2.92(.1,51 Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA = 25°C Symbol Description Radiant Intensity along Mechanical Axis Ie .... [) Ma)C. Units Min •. Typ. .. 100 250 /J.W/sr IF "10mA Note 1 Fig. Test Conditions 3,4 ... Ke Temperature Coefficient of Intensity -0.005 . oc·~ 11\1 Luminous Efficacy 2.5 Im/W 26% Optical Axis Half Intensity Total Angle 16 deg. NOta 3, IF '" 10 mA 6 APl::AK Peak Wavelength (Range) mn . Measured@Peak· 1 690·715 nmtc Note 2 ll.Ap'~~ Spectral Shift Temperature Coefficient tr Output Rise Time (10%-90%) 70 os Ii'EAK" 10 mA tf Output Fall Time (90%·10%) 40 ns Ipl::AK=10roA Co capacitance pF VF ,. O;f "" 1 MHz . . eVR Reverse Breakdown Vo Itage VF Forward Voltage .193 .. 65 5 .. 12 ll.Vf!/ll.T Temperature Coefficient of VF 1.5 -2.1 eJC 140 Thermal Resistance ... 1.8 iVleaslired@Peak, Note 4 =100 iJ.A V IR V IF=10mA .. mVtc °CIW .. 2 IF'" 100 iJ.A Junction to cathode lead at 0.79 mm ('031 inl from body NOTES: 1. I.(T) = Ie (25°C) exp [Ke (T - 25°Cl]. 2 Iv =11vle where Iv is in candela, I. in watts/steradian, and 'I1v in lumen/watt. 3. 9% is the off-axis angle at which the radiant intensity is half the intensity along the optical axis. The deviation between the mechanical and the optical axis is typically within a conical half-angle of three degrees. 4. k (T) = k (25"C) + (ak /aT) (T - 25°C) PEAK PEAK PEAK 100 =T•• 25'f ~ I ~ ~ 1.5 - "o 0;- z'" wE V ~~ 10 0: 0: ::> == 0: ~ -_. 0: ~ - > ~ z_ ~" "z"E w_ ~@ ON ii:'" "-0 Ww 1.0 wN ~~ I I A "'- I I >:::; 0:-' I I ;:;~ ~~ ~~ - ~WJt- >:< ~~ we ~ lH j o:~ I I 0: -~ I 0.1 1.2 I 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 0.5 0.1 1.8 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 2. Forward Current versus Figure 3. Relative Radiant Intensity Forward Voltage. versus Forward Current. 10 100 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - rnA IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Radiant Intensity per Unit Current) versus Peak Current. e ~ "'w >-' ~'" ~~ Ww ~z ~8 ~~ ~2: -'''' ~'" @~ :::i!:: NJ: ~;: 0: ~ tp - PULSE DURATION -.us NORMALIZED INTENSITY Figure 5. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current versus Pulse Duration. (IDe MAX as per MAX Ratings) 0- OFF·AXISANGLE - DEGREES (CONE HALF·ANGLE) Figure 6. Far-Field Radiation Pattern. 19 ·'~PfN.PHOTODIODES TECHNICAL DATA Features MARCH 1980 Active area: I mm Oiam 5082-420B- TALL SIZE 5082-4203 0.5mm Oiam { 5082-4204 (TO-I 8) 5082-4220 - Short (TO-46) 0.25mm Magnified 2.5x 5082-4205 - Subminiature • HIGH SENSITIVITY (NEP<-108 dBm) • WIDE DYNAMIC RANGE (1% LINEARITY OVER 100 dB) • BROAD SPECTRAL RESPONSE • HIGH SPEED (Tr, Tf,<1ns) • STABILITY SUITABLE FOR PHOTOMETRY/ RADIOMETRY • HIGH RELIABILITY • FLOATING, SHIELDED CONSTRUCTION • LOW CAPACITANCE • LOW NOISE Description The HP silicon planar PIN photodiodes are ultra-fast light detectors for visible and near infrared radiation. Their response to blue and violet is unusually good for low dark current silicon photodiodes. The S082-4203, -4204, and -4207 are packaged on a standard TO-18 header with a flat glass window cap. For versatility of circuit connection, they are electrically insulated from the header. The light sensitve area of the S082-4203 and -4204 is 0.S08mm (0.020 inch) in diameter and is located 1.90Smm (0.07S inch) behind the window. The light sensitive area ofthe S082-4207 is 1.016mm (0.040 inch) in diameter and is also located 1.90Smm (0.07S inch) behind the window. These devices are suitable for applications such as high speed tachometry, optical distance measurement, star tracking, densitometry, radiometry, and fiber-optic termination. The speed of response of these detectors is less than one nanosecond. Laser pulses shorter than 0.1 nanosecond may be observed. The frequency response extends from dc to 1 GHz. The S082-420S is in a low capacitance Kovar and ceramic package of very small dimensions, with a hemispherical glass lens. The S082-4220 is packaged on a TO-46 header with the 0.S08mm(0.020 inch) diameter sensitive area located 2.S40mm (0.100 inch) behind a flat glass window. The low dark current of these planar diodes enables detection of very low light levels. The quantum detection efficiency is constant over ten decades of light intensity, providing a wide dynamic range. package Dimensions DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES (INCHES) GLASS WINDOW ANOD:[E::;::::;t=~=t:::J I I~~~I r-- 1 t 5.003 (.197) -~-~,~ .406 (.016) 38.10 I (1.50)MIN. i I a, I~ HEADER-TO·" (.210) 0- ., _ 1.511 ~1.0601 Lf-~ 12~~1~_ 5.334 _I ANODE .991 (.039) CATHODE CONNECTED TO CASE -4203, -4204, -4207 o CATHODE I '2.235_1 ANODE·e.: CATHODE AND CASE /' 1.--(,088) -4205 20 -4220 TO 46 HEADER Absolute M~;xim.um Ratings ...... .ata-.... Operating and Storage Temperature _55° to 125°C .1110 . '. ·.100;.··· ,- . 'UnIts .. roW . " volts ..-42211 100 50 Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA=25°C AKlI\'..... 1leipoInJa'1I . ~14t. ~Ar. . 10 Rs *se8 NOTES: 1. Peak Pulse Power When exposing the diode to high level incidance the following photocurrent limits must be observed: Ip (avg MAX.) < 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. n Nota 4. 1000 A Ip (avg MAX.) Ip(PEAK) ; and in addition: Ip • photocurrent (A) f - pulse repetion rate (M H~) Ec - supply voltage (V) PI/>- power input via photon flux t - pulse duration (,.s) PMAX - max dissipation (W). Power dissipation limits apply to the sum of both the optical power input to the device and the electrical power input from flow of photocurrent when reverse voltage is applied. Exceeding the Peak Reverse Voltage will cause permanent damage to the diode. Forward current is harmless to the diode, within the power dissipation limit. For optimum performance, the diode should be reversed biased with Ec between 5 and 20 volts. Exceeding the Steady Reverse Voltage may impair the low-noise properties of the photodiodes, an effect which is noticeable only if operation is diode-noise limited (see Figure 8). The 5082-4205 has a lens with approximately 2.5x magnification; the actual junction area is 0.5 x 10-3 cm 2, corresponding to a diameter of 0.25mm (.010"). Specification includes lens effect. At any particular wavelength and for the flux in a small spot falling entirely within the active area, responsivity is the ratio of incremental photodiode current to the incremental flux prodUCing it. It is related to quantum efficiency, 1Jq in electrons per photon by: RI/>=1Jq (-L) 1240 where "- is the wavelength in nanometers.. Thus. at 770nm, a responsivity of 0.5 AIW corresponds to a quantum efficiency of 0.81 (or 81 %) electrons per photon. At -10V for the 5082-4204, -4205, and -4207; at -25V for the 5082-4203 and -4220. For ("-, f, At) = (770nm, 100Hz, 6Hz) where f is the frequency for a spot noise measurement and af is the noise bandwidth, NEP is the optical flux required for unity Signal/noise ratio normalized for bandwidth. Thus: IN/..{M where IN/.Jiii is the bandwidth - normalized noise current computed from the shot noise formula: NEP= -RI/> IN/.J7{f=.J2tiiij = 17.9 x '0- '5 v'iD (Atv'Hzj where 10 is in nA. oetectivity, OOis the active-ares-normalized signal to noise ratio. It is computed: forA in cm 2, for ("-, f, At) = (770nm, 100Hz, 6Hz). At -1 OV for 5082-4204, -4205, -4207, -4220; at -25V for 5082-4203. Between diode cathode lead and case - does not apply to 5082-4205, -4220. With 50n load. With 50n load and -20V bias. 21 f.O 0.8 z ~ or -:- , ..,.. .... l 0.4 ~ 0,2 ...... ElECTRONS- [- 0.6 ~'PKOroN~•• /'" 7#All'(' ~ O. 1 .08 .06 .04 \ .0 1 400 600 800 1000 BIAS VOLTAGE (ANODE TO CATHODE VOLTAGE) 1200 A - WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 1. Spectral Response. Figure'2. Relative Directional Sensitivity of the PI N Photodlodeo. Figure 3. Typical Output Characteristics at ~ .. 900nm. 5ii82:-i204MAjCSHO;:~--·---------·--- NOIS£ OF DiODE (10 • 400 pAl 10- 16 10 2 103 A, - 10 4 10 5- 10~ 10 7 10' LOAD RESISTANCE - OHMS 2~-+_~~~~~,~,_~,-~" Figure 4. Dark Current at -10V Bias vs. Temperature. 15~'c~--+-~~~--r-~~==~--~ Figure 6. Noise vs. Load Resistance. ft:::::-·~~E O.5~ -10 - 5 VA - REVERSE VOLTAGE - V Figure 5. Typical Capacitance Variation With Applied Voltage. IDS .--.-....... -_ _ i ~ __ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _...., 10' RL - LOAD RESISTANCE - OHMS Figure 8. Noise Equivalent Power Figure 7. Photodiode Cut-Off Frequency VI. Load Resistance (C = 2pF). VI. Load Resistance. Ip=Signel current., 0.5/IA/",W x flux Input at no nm IN" Shot noise current <1.2 x 10-14 ampslHz1/2(5082-4204) <4 x 10-14 ampslHz1/2(5082-4207) 10= Dark current <600 x 10-12 amps at -10 V de (5082-4204) <2500 x 10-12 amps at -10 V de (5082-4207) Rp" 1011n, RS· <50!! Figure 9. Photodlode Equivalent Circuit. 22 _!Hlldt. tt Application Information NO.ISE FREE PROPERTIES 5082-4205 MOUNTING RECOMMENDATIONS The noise current of the PIN diodes is negligible. This is a direct result of the exceptionally low leakage current, in accordance with the shot noise formula IN = (2qIRD.f) 1/2. Since the leakage current does not exceed 600 picoamps for the 5082-4204 at a reverse bias of 10 volts, shot noise current is less than 1.4 x 10- 14 amp Hz- 1/2 at this voltage. a. The 5082-4205 is intended to be soldered to a printed circuit board having a thickness of from 0.51 to 1.S2mm (0.02 to 0.06 inch). b. Soldering temperature should be controlled so that at no time does the case temperature approach 2800C. The lowest solder melting pOint in the device is 2800C (gold-tin eutectiC). If this temperature is approached, the solder will soften, and the lens may fall off. Lead-tin solder is recommended for mounting the package, and should be applied with a small soldering iron, for the shortest possible time, to avoid the temperature approaching 2800C. c. Contact to the lens end should be made by soldering to one or both of the tabs provided. Care should be exercised to prevent solder from coming in contact with the lens. d. If printed circuit board mounting is not convenient, wire leads may be soldering or welded to the devices using the precautions noted above. Excess noise is also very low, appearing only at frequencies below 10 Hz, and varying approximately as 1/f. When the output of the diode is observed in a load, thermal noise of the load resistance (Rd is 1.28 x 10- 10 (Rd- 1/2 X (D.f)1/2 at 25°C, and far exceeds the diode shot noise for load resistance less than 100 megohms (see Figure 6). Thus in high frequency operation where low values of load resistance are required for high cut-off frequency, all PIN photodiodes contribute virtually no noise to the system (see Figures 6 and 7). HIGH SPEED PROPERTIES Ultra-fast operation is possible because the HP PIN photodiodes are capable of a response time less than one nanosecond. A significant advantage of this device is that the speed of response is exhibited at relatively low reverse bias (-10 to -20 yolts). LINEAR OPERATION Having an equivalent circuit as shown in Figure 9, operation of the photodiode is most linear when operated with a current amplifier as shown in Figure 10. -:.;, OFF-AXIS INCIOP.NCE RESPONSE II Response of the photodiodes to a uniform field of radiant incid!"nce Ee, parallel to the polar axis is given by I = (RA) x Ee for 770nm. The response from a field not parallel to the axis can be found by multiplying (RA) by a normalizing factor obtained from the radiation pattern at the angle of operation. For example, the multiplying factor for the 5082-4207 with incidance Ee at an angle of 40° from the polar axis is 0.8. If Ee = 1mW/cm 2, then Ip = k x (RA) x Ee; Ip = 0.8 x 4.0 x 1 = 3.2 /Lamps. Rl "" Rz VOUT = R, lip + lol " - - - -____--------.--0+}VOUT Figure 10. Linear Operation. Lowest noise is obtained with Ec =0, but higher speed and wider dynamic range are obtained if 5 < Ec < 20 volts. The amplifier should have as high an input reSistance as possible to permit high loop gain. If the photodiode is reversed, bias should also be reversed. SPECTRAL RESPONSE To obtain the response at a wavelength other than 770nm, the relative spectral response must be considered. Referring to the spectral response curve, Figure 1, obtain response, X, at the wavelength desired. Then the ratio of the response at the desired wavelength to response at 770nm is given by: LOGARITHMIC OPERATION If the photodiode is operated at zero bias with a very high impedance amplifier, the output voltage will be: RATIO = 1S... 0,5 Multiplying this ratio by the incidance response at 770nm gives the incidance response at the desired wavelength. VOUT = (1 R2 kT +-)-q RI kT where Is = IF (e nV -1) -I ULTRAVIOLET RESPONSE Under reverse bias, a region around the outside edge of the nominal active area becomes responsive. Thewidth of this annular ring is approximately 25/Lm (0.001 inch) at -20V, and expands with higher reverse voltage. Responsivity in this edge region is higher than in the interior, particularly at shorter wavelengths; at 400nm the interior, responsivity is 0.1 AIW while edge responsivity is 0.35 AIW. At wavelengths shorter than 400nm, attenuation by the glass window affects response adversely. Speed of response for edge incidance is tr, tf ~ 300ns. 11 j/.n Ip (1+-) Is at" 0 < IF < 0.1mA using a circuit as shown in Figure 11. Figure 11. Logarithmic Operation. Output voltage, VOUT, is positive as the photocurrent, I p, flows back through the photodiode making the anode positive. 23 Fiber Optics! Fiber optics is emerging as a practical, cost-effective technology for data communications. Pulses of light traveling down hair-thin fibers are replacing electrical signals transmitted over copper wires. The transmission of information over optical cables offers many features, advantages, and benefits, some not available with any other technology: • Features • Advantages • Benefits Optical transmission path Complete input-output electrical isolation Freedom from ground loops. Lightning safe. Light pulse "carrier" signals No EMI susceptibility or radiation Freedom from induced noise. Freedom from crosstalk. Secure communications. Very high distance/bandwidth products achievable Greater data rates at longer distances than wire/coax. Light weight, small diameter cables possible Lower cost installation and maintenance. More bandwidth (channels) per unit area or unit weight. Bandwidth independent of cable size Versatile HP's new fiber optic systems are point-topOint links intended for short to intermediate distance processor-to-processor or processor-to-peripheral interconnection in commercial, industrial, or military applications. Some of these are: • large computer installations • Distributed processing (minicomputer) systems • Hospital computer systems • Power plant communications/control • Industrial/process control • Industrial or military secure communications • Aircraft/shipboard data links • High voltage or electromagnetic field research • Remote instrumentation systems • Factory data collection In many of these applications induced noise, grou nd potential differences, high voltage, or extended distance, make twisted wire or coaxial data links difficult or impossible to use. Fiber optics can offer an alternative to expensive shielding, conduit, isolation transformers, or data error checking and retransmission circuitry. 26 C··· ..... Easy-To-Use The HP Fiber Optic Link is a versatile, easyto-use system. It does not require optical design expertise, calibration or adjustment. To make it easy to get started, HP offers the HFBR-0010, a complete 10 metre simplex link consisting of a transmitter, a receiver, a 10 metre cable/connector assembly, and technical literature. Also available are separate components: the HFBR-1001 100 metre digital transmitter the HFBR-1002, 1000 metre digital transmitter, the HFBR2001 digital receiver, and the HFBR-3000 cable/connector assemblies. System Specifications· DATA RATE: DATA FORMAT: LINK DISTANCE: BIT ERROR RATE: DATA INPUT: DATA OUTPUT: CABLE CONSTRUCTION: HP systems feature: DC to 10Mb/s NRZ No restrictions 0 to 1000 metres 10-9 max. at 10Mb/s NRZ TTL compatible (1 LSTTL load) TTL compatible (up to 20 LSTTL loads) • Compatible plug-together transmitters; receivers, and cable assemblies • Miniature PC board mountable packages • TTL electrical interfaces • Single 5 volt power supply requirement • Accepts any data format from DC to 10 Mbits NRZ Reinforced, polyurethane jacketed, single fiber, glass core and cladding. • Accommodates cable lengths up to 1000 metres • Integral fiber optic connectors POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS TRANSMITTER: RECEIVER: • Built-in "link monitor" 5V±5% at 125mA 5V±5% at 100mA OPERATING TEMPER?ATURE RANGE: O°C to 70°C • Detailed electrical and mechanicaf specifications are contained in the following data sheets: HFBR-1001, HFBR-1002, HFBR-2001, HFBR-3000. Systems and Components HP Part No. HFBR-0010 HFBR-1001 HFBR-1002 HFBR-2001 HFBR-3000 Description Complete 10 Metre Simplex System (Contains one each HFBR-1001, -2001, -3001) 100 Metre Digital Transmitter 1000 Metre Digital Transmitter Digital Receiver Cable/Connector Assemblies: In User Specified Cable Lengths 27 Page No. (Contact HP Sales Office) 28 32 36 40 HEWLETT PACKARD . . ..•. ·····FIBER OPTIC ;100MEJREDIGITAL rRANSMITTER ( TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • HIGH SPEED: dc to 10MB/S NRZ" • LONG DISTANCE: 100 metres" • LOW PROFILE: Fits 12.7mm (0.5") spaced card rack • NO HEAT SINK REQUIRED • ARBITRARY DATA FORMAT" • TTL INPUT LEVELS • SCHMITT DATA INPUT • OPTICAL PORT CONNECTOR • SINGLE 5V SUPPLY ·When used with HFBR-2001 Receiver Module and HFBR-3000 Cable/Connector Assemblies. Description The HFBR-1001 fiber optic transmitter is an integrated electrical to optical transducer designed for digital data transmission over single fiber channels. A bipolar integrated circuit and a GaAsP LED convert TTL level inputs to optical pulses at data rates from dc to 10Mb/s NRZ. An integral optical connector on the module allows easy interfacing without problems of sourcelfiber alignment. The low profile package is designed for direct printed circuit board mounting without additional heat sinking. The HFBR-1oo1 is intended for use with HFBR-3000 fiber optic cable/connector assemblies, and the HFBR-2oo1 fiber optiC receiver for transmission distances up to 100 metres. The HFBR-1OO1 generates optical signals in either of two externally selectable modes. The internally-coded mode produces a 3-level coded optical signal for reception and decoding by the HFBR2001 receiver. This feature provides data format independence over the data rate range of dc to 10Mb/s NRZ while allowing for wide dynamic range and high sensitivity at the receiver. The externally-coded mode produces a 2-level optical signal which is a digital replica of the data input waveform. Used in this mode with the HFBR-2001 receiver, the user must provide proper data formatting (explained in the HFBR-2001 data sheet) to insure proper receiver operation. In either mode, the radiant output is radiologically safe (per ANSI Z136.1-1976). Package Dimensions PIN WHITE DOT CAUTION, 1. LOCK NUT AND MRREL SHOULD NOT BE QISTUA8!O. 2. SCREWS ENTEAING THE 2-56 THREADED MOUNTING HOLES 3 ~~n~~n£~%'b:~~~~R SHOULD NOT BETIGHTEN£D BEYOND THE LIMITS SPliCIFIED IN THE H F6R.3000 DATA SHEET. 2.64 TYP. 1.100) 3.35 1.13Z) L..=1 PIN 1 10.16 ±.2S 1.400±.010j FUNCTION MODE SELECT 2 N.C. 3 GROUND 4 S vee DATA INPUT I· NOTES, 1. DIMENSIONS 11\1 ",m (INCHElh.. 2. UNLESS OTHERWI$E SPECifiED THE TOLERANCE 'ON ALL DIMI:N$lONS is l:.38mm b .015,'1 28 Absolute Maximum Ratings [~'- Recommended Operating Conditions I'aramet.r Storage Temperature Supply Voltage Mode,Select or Oata Input Voltage Electrical/Optical Characteristics ooe to 70 e Unless Otherwise Specified D Parameter Hish Level Input Current Low Level Input Current Supply Current Mode Hish L.evel Optical Flux f Coupling Loss from area mismatch from numerical aperture, mismatch Peak EmiSSion Wavelength Dynamic Characteristics ODe to 70 De Unless Otherwise Specified Parameter High-to-Low Data Input' Propagation Delay Voltage Step L.ow·to-Hlgh Data Input Voltage Step Refresh Pulse r-D_u-,"'_t_io_n_--:_r-'-"'-",+";_-I-_-I-_i-~,,:\: Internally·Coded Mode Repetition Sate 29 +5V~~~---------------' MODE SELECT DATA INPUT DATA INPUT OPTICAL OUTPUT WITH MODE SELECT LOW OPTICAL OUTPUT WITH MODE SELECT HIGH ~~~~________________________~jrl________~2:5%~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~. t Figure 1. Flux Coding and Timing Diagram. 4 r -------------- - - - - - - - ---, : vcc--~~----~------~----------~ I ,I MODE SELECT -~-t------I----J OPTICAL SIGNAL GENERATOR, I DATA INPUT __ __ -'-- OPTICAL PORT -.I I _-...::5~1____ r I I I I I GROUNO--...::3~1------~-----------------J ----..I Figure 2. Schematic Diagram. ~~::;;;;,..,":"iI'.,...;;r,I'TI-'I-r,',O ~ -+--ji--'--l--+~--l--Jr.~1--+--l.8 " "2~1-~I~i-r...,10-,c~~I~~1 z ; ~ . '" " zw -+-jh-+--+-j-4+--+-1--+-I.6 ~ ~ ~ ,0 1--+i--"i' '-I--+I-.J.H-.=-:C'~L,-:L ',i I I ~!!"c·I.1 I i I .8H--l--l.-·4i/-Hl-+-~+,i'-,'1-'"•.1-.--1, T z -' 0" -+--iH-l--+..,L-j--l-\+-I--+--l.4 ., '~ P -+---+-.I-+-+---+-+\-+-+--l.2 80· 90'1----+--+--1--_-+~ ~ 640 e- OFF-AXIS ANGLE - DEGREES 660 680 700 720 740 760 A - WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 4. Emission Spectrum. Figure 3. Radiation Paltern.· *The optical fiber is recessed within the barrel at a distance of approximately 7mm. Solid line represents radiation pattern from fiber stub without obscuration by connector barrel. Dashed line represents radiation pattern as seen from outside of connector. Notes (cont'd): 3. Measured at a point 2mm (.079 in.) from where lead enters package. 4. A supply decoupling network of 2.2!£H with 60!£F is recommended. 5. Average currents for steady-state conditions at Data Input. 6. For typical values. Vee = 5.00V and TA = 25'C. 7. Flux excursion ratio. k. is the ratio of flux excursion above mid level to flux excursion below mid level. . the average flux is (d + L!. 30 Electrical Description 1. Steady state turn-on of the photo-emitter at maximum flux level (e.g., for system diagnosis). The HFBR-1001 has two modes of operation: Intemally-Coded mode and Externally-Coded mode. These are selected by making the Mode Select input "low" for Internally-Coded mode and "high" for Externally-Coded mode. With Mode Select "low," the optical signal generator in the HFBR-1001 produces a "mid-level" flux which has positive or negative excursions, depending on whether Data Input is "high" or "low." In this Internally-Coded mode, a train of positive excursions is initiated when Data Input goes "high;" when Data Input goes "low," a train of negative excursions is initiated. These excursions are pulses of approximately SOns duration with a 300kHz repetition rate. Each initiation of a pulse train starts with a full- H, or «I>L. Direct analog operation is not possible due to hysteresis in the response of the optical signal to the Data Input signal. Mechanical and Thermal Considerations Typical power consumption is less than 500mW so the transmitter can be mounted without consideration for external heat sinking. The optical port is an optical fiber stub centered in a metallic ferrule. This ferrule supports a split-wall cylindrical spring sleeve which aligns the ferrule in the Transmitter with the ferrule in the HFBR-3000 Fiber OptiC Cable/Connector. The connection procedure is to FIRST start the Connector ferrule into the sleeve; THEN screw the coupling ring on the barrel. The barrel performs no alignment function; its purpose is to hold the ferrule faces together when the coupling ring is tightened as specified in the HFBR-3000 Fiber OptiC Cable/Connector data sheet. The HFBR-1001 should be mounted so that the lock nut at the optical port is not disturbed. Moving the lock nut can cause misalignment of the optical fiber stub inside the module resulting in a reduction of power output. Mounting at the edge of a printed circuit board with the lock nut overhanging the edge is recommended. With Mode Select "high," the optical signal is at full maximum (-2 X mid level) when Data Input is "high," and nearly zero when Data Input is "low." This mode provides for these three applications: 31 TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • LONG DISTANCE TRANSMISSION: 1000 METRES" • PIN COMPATIBLE WITH HFBR-1001 TRANSMITTER • HIGH SPEED: DC TO 10 Mbaud" • NO DATA ENCODING REQUIRED" • FUNCTIONAL LINK MONITORING" • TTL INPUT LEVELS • BUILT-IN OPTICAL CONNECTOR • LOW PROFILE: PCB MOUNTABLE • SINGLE +5V SUPPLY ·When used with HFBR-2001 Receiver Module and any HewlettPackard HFBR-3000 Series Cable/Connector Assembly. Description The HFBR-l002 fiber optic transmitter is an integrated electrical to optical transducer designed for digital data transmission over single optical fiber channels. A bipolar integrated circuit and a high efficiency GaAIAs LED convert TTL level inputs to optical pulses at data rates from dc to 10 Mbaud (see note 5). An integral optical connector on the module allows easy interfacing without problems of fiber alignment. The low profile rugged industrial package is designed for direct circuit board mounting without additional heat sinking on printed circuit boards with 12.7 mm (0.5") card rack spacing. The HFBR-l002 is intended for use with Hewlett-Packard fiber optic cable/connector assemblies, and the HFBR-2001 fiber optic receiver for transmission distances to 1000 metres. It is a direct replacement for extending links currently using the HFBR-l00l (100 metre) transmitter to give 1000 metre capability. The HFBR-l002 generates optical signals in either of two externally selectable modes. True dc response (data high or low for arbitrary time interval) is available when using the Internally-Coded mode. WARNING: OBSERVING THE TRANSMITTER OUTPUT FLUX UNDER MAGNIFICATION MAY CAUSE INJURY TO THE EYE. When viewed with the unaided eye, the near IR output flux is radiologically safe; however, when viewed under magnification, precaution should be taken to avoid exceeding the limits recommended in ANSI ZI36.1-1976. package Dimensions CAutlOlll, 1. lOCK NUT .0,1;0 SARRRSHOOlO NOT BE OISTU RilED. 1. SCREWS £NTEAING tHE 2$ THREADED MOUNTING HOLES MUST NOT TOUCH BOTTOM.. . 3. THE CONNECTOR SHOULD NOT'SE TIGHTENEIl BEYONO THE LIMITS speClfl£OINTHE HEWUTTPACKARD CABL£! CONNECTOR PATA SHEET (1INGERT1GtlT!. PIN 32 MODE SELECT 4 vee 5 DATA INPUT N.C. GROUND NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS IN rom (lNCHESI . UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIall THE TOLERANCE ON ALL DIMENSIONS IS '.$8mm ("OIS", 2. . MOUNTING HOLEUPLCS.· FUNCTION 1 2 3 Absolute Maximum Ratings [ Recommended Operating Conditions Symbol Min Max Units Note Parameter Storage Temperature TS Operating Temperature TA -55 +85 o +70 Temperature Lead Soldering °c ' 10 Time Supply Voltage VCC Mode Select or Data Input Voltage VI 6 V -0.5 5,5 V -0.5 SUpplyVo~,:Y/:/;'''\':;;:' 't: 260 'C Optical Flux Symbol Transmitter (~~) Output :2 4rr High Level ~ ~ ~'~~,i~: ::~~;::'~"'. ~:, ~W dIiIm /lW; 50 100 t-;;i-..... 205' 5 •• 105 0.8 k "1.oW :', 1.2, N.A. ,0,3 Dc 100 ar.c 3.0 ApK 820 'McldeS"':::, -' ,','. pm " "',' '\,',:', " 'IH IlL Externally-Coded Supply Current Mode ICC Intllrnally-Coded Mode Dynamic Characteristics 40 68 95 Doe to 7Doe Unless Otherwise Specified Parameter Propagation Delay 33 ,D8\1i;~'$quare, ,,' 'W_at:500k,&)', , ~ ',: ;, 3 MODE SEL~~6. ~ ,....-------., GND _ _3_ H6::I~~~2 Vee _ _4_ TRANSMITiER DATA INPUT _ _5_ ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _... DATA INPUl OPTICAL OUTPUT WITH MODE SELECT LOW OPTICAL OUTPUT WITH MODE SELECT HIGH Figure 1. Flux Coding and Timing Diagram. Vee 4 DATA INPUT MODE SELECT OPTICAL PORT Figure 2. Schematic Diagram. ;-' f- i J: -' a" f~ i , Z "x " X ::> i " a: ~ ll; \1 / 11 IL if / 0,6 I V .( .4 I- o~ ;;;1" " - 760 '/ V ~ ./ 780 I :voe \\ 1\ \ i 1\ I -- 1\\ \ \i\' I I 800 l -I-- ~I " J 0.2 J1 ,,~~c 1 E'l f ~ ; oc f I 0.8 'r-r~ 1 ! 1.0 X u. W 0 fw ~ z -' 0 OFF-AXIS ANGLE - DEGREES 1.2 o a: " in o- GROUND ~ w -' "z 1 80' -=- i\: I 820 840 '" 860 ~ 880 A - WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 3. Radialion Pattern.* Figure 4. Emission Spectrum. 'The optical fiber is recessed within the barrel at a distance of approximately 7mm. Solid line represents radiation pattern from fiberstub without obscuration by connector barrel. Dashed line represents radiation pattern as seen from outside of connector. 8. The transmitter output, ¢T, equals the flux excursion, tl¢ =(¢H ~ ¢U/2. Notice that under the conditions specified for tl¢, the ilverage flux is (¢H + ¢U/2. 9. Flux excursion ratio, k, is the ratio of flux excursion above mid level to flux excursion below mid level. Notes (cont'd): 3. Measured at a point 2mm (.079 in.) from where lead enters package. 4. A supply decoupling network of 2.2}.!H with 60}.!Fis recommended. 5. With NRZ data, 10 Mbaud corresponds to a data rate of 10 Mbits/second. With other codes, the data rate is the baud rate divided by the number of code intervals per bit interval. Selfclocking code (e.g., Manchester! usually has two code intervals per bit interval giving 5 Mbits/second at 10 Mbaud. 6. With Hewlett-Packard HFBR-2001 and HFBR-3000 Series Cable/Connector Assembly. 7. For typical values, Vee = 5.00V and TA = 25°C. k = ¢H - ¢M M - L 10. Average currents for steady-state conditions at Data Input. 11. The refresh pulse is interrupted (abbreviated, if Data Input changes state during the refresh pulse. MAX propagation delay is for Data Input changing state during the maximum excursion of the refresh pulse. 34 [ Electrical Description - 1. Steady state turn-on of the photo-emitter at maximum flux level (e.g., for system diagnosis). The HFBR-1002 has two modes of operation: InternallyCoded mode and Externally-Coded mode. These are selected by making the Mode Select input "low" for Internally-Coded mode and "high" for Externally-Coded mode. With Mode Select "low," the optical signal generator in the HFBR-1002 produces a "mid-level" flux which has positive or negative excursions, depending on whether Data Input is "high" or "low". In this InternallyCoded mode, a train of positive excursions is initiated when Data Input goes "high;" when Data Input goes "low," a train of negative excursions is initiated. These excursions are pulses of approximately 40ns duration with a 300kHz repetition rate. Each initiation of a pulse train starts with a full-duration pulse, but when Data Input changes state, the train is terminated - even at mid-pulse - as a new train of opposite-polarity pulses is initiated. With this coding scheme and the low duty factor, the average flux is always near the mid-level, regardless of the data rate or duration in either state. This coding scheme, which is transparent to the user, is designed to operate the HFBR2001 Fiber Optic Receiver most effectively; the mid-level flux operates the Receiver'S dc-restorer and the "refresh" pulses of either polarity keep the Receiver'S ALC voltage at the proper level, providing data format independence (no data encoding required) over the data rate range of dc to 10Mbaud. The Internally-Coded mode permits transmission of analog information, e.g., by means of Pulse Width Modulation. Another advantage of the 3-level Internally-Coded mode is that supply current is nearly the same for either logic state, thus reducing transients on the power supply line. 2. Stand-by mode (e.g., when the system is not in use). 3. Transmission of 2-level optical signals from externally generated code (e.g., Manchester) for receivers not configured for the 3-level code. With Mode Select "high," the output is either Absolute Maximum Ratings Pat.m..-r [ Symbol Min Storage Temperatur. TS -55 Operatfng Temperature TA 0 Lud ~1!lerln9 CVC!;, . .Temperatur. Time SupPly Volt• . Vee OutputV~ttl!ll' IMl9h State) VOH Recommended Operating Conditions Electrical/Optical Characteristics O°C to 70°C Unless Otherwise Specified High Output Voltage 37 DATA INPUT TO TRANSMITTER IHFBR-1001, INTERNALLY CODED) OMITTING TRANSMISSION DELAY (I 3-LEVEL CODED FLUX AT RECEIVER INPUT "5V~ ____ ~PLH k = (.w~II(~-.L) _ _ _ _ _ _ _\ _ .. ~H~ ___ ---,~?f~~f~f!SF C~ ~ _':" ~ :~RC~~L_<5~' __ ~ DATA INPUT TO TRANSMITTER, E.G. MANCHESTER (HFBR-'OOl EXTERNALLY CODED) OMITTING TRANSMISSION DELAY 2-LEVEL CODED FLUX AT RECEIVER INPUT Figure 1. Optical Input Timing Requirements. Notes (confd): 3. Measured at a point 2mm (.079") from where the lead enters the package. 4. If ripple exceeds the specified IimH, the regulator shown in Figure 5 should be used. the LC filter shown in Fl9l.1re 5 Is recommended whether the regulator is used or not. 5. For typical values, VCC = 5.00V and TA = 25·C. 6. Flux is averaged over an interval of at least 501£S. Flux values specified are for the equivalent of a monochromatic source between 700nm and 820nm. 7. For eHher 2-level or 3-level code, k= (4)H-4>M)I(M-4>Ll. 8. For the HFBR-2001, a 3-L.svel Code Is defined as having a mid-level, with equal-amplitude and pulse width excursions to high-level or to Iow-Ievel. 9. Link Monitor prOVIdes a check of link continuity. A low Link Monitor output indicates that the optical signal path has been interrupted. For example, it might indicate a broken cable or a loose, dirty, or damaged connector. The link may still be operational with Link Monitor low, but It should be checked to determine the cause of the low indication. When the source of ftux is an Internally-Coded HFBR-l001l1002 Fiber Optic Transmitter, Link Monitor high will be a valid indication of link continuity whether or not data is being transmitted. An optical input with excursions (AM) where Ip = 'average photodiode photocurrent . R4> = 0.4A1V\( = photodiode responsivity 4>M = average flux being received 1.1. Measured from the time at which opticel input crosses the 25% level until DATA OUTPUT = 1.5V In HL transHion. 12. Measured from the time at which optical input crosses the 75% level until DATA OUTPUT = 1.5V in LH transition. . r------------ ' vee I I I -L OPTICAL -.... PORT -- I I +-_+-----'-1-'-5 DATA I I I I 1 OUTPUT r-+--~"';" TEST '--"'VII'v-+--+---...,r-' I I I POINT L......._ _ __ -4_--4_....j...;;3 GROUND L ________ - --....I Figure 2. SchematiC Diagram. 13. Measured from the time at which optical input fluctuation begins until LINK MONITOR riseS to 1.5V. 14. Measured from the time at which optical input fluctuation ceases until LINK MONITOR falls to 1.5V. 15. With NRZ date, 10Mbeud corresponds to a date rate of . 10Mb/s. With other codes, the data rate is the baud rate divided by the number of code intervals per bH interval-self-clocklng code (e.g., Manchester) usually has two code intervals per bit interval giving 5Mb/s at 10Mbaud. 38 Electrical Description ity of excursion is the greater. If these excursions are too far from being balanced, the gain limitation imposed by the larger excursion may cause the smaller (opposite polarity) excursion to be too small to operate the flip-flop. Flux enters the HFBR-2001 via an optical fiber stub where a PIN photodiode converts it to a photocurrent. This photocurrent goes to an I-V (current-to-voltage) amplifier which utilizes both dc feedback and ALC (automatic level control). The Link Monitor output is driven by an amplifier which responds to the ALC voltage. The Link Monitor is high when the flux excursions are greater than or equal to O.8Jl.W. The function of dc feedback is to keep the average value of the signal centered in the linear range of the amplifier. The dc feedback amplifier has a high impedance output to establish a long time constant on a capacitor at its output. (The voltage on the capacitor is observable at the test point). As seen in the schematic diagram, the voltage on this capacitor extracts the average component of photocurrent from the input of the I-V amplifier so its average output is at a fixed level. Optical flux excursions above and below the average cause voltage excursion above and below the fixed level at the output of the I-V amplifier. Mechanical and Thermal Considerations Typical power consumption is less than 500mW so the Receiver can be mounted without consideration for additional heat sinking. The optical port is an optical fiber stub centered in a metallic ferrule. This ferrule supports a split-wall cylindrical spring sleeve which aligns the ferrule in the Receiver with the ferrule in the HFBR-3000 Fiber Optic Cable/Connector. The connection procedure is to FIRST start the Connector ferrule into the sleeve, THEN screw the coupling ring on the barrel. The barrel performs no alignment function; its purpose is to hold the ferrule faces together when the coupling ring is tightened as specified in the HFBR-3000 Fiber Optic Cable/Connector data sheet. The voltage excursions operate a flip-flop whose output drives the Data Output amplifier; an excursion above the average level sets the data output high, where it remains until an excursion below the average level resets the flip-flop. To prevent overdrive, an ALC circuit, responding to excursions either above or below the average level, controls the gain of the I-V amplifier. Gain is then determined by whichever polar- 0° () - OFF-AXIS ANGLE - DEGREES Figure 3. Reception Pattern.· *The optical fiber is recessed within the barrel at a distance of approximately 7mm. Solid line represents reception pattern atfiberstub without obscuration by connector barrel. Dashed line represents reception pattern as seen from outside of connector. 1.0 iJl z 0 ~a: w > .8 .6 i= ~ a: .4 I ,2 .2 -:r ,-- =i;~ 'I REGULATOR 7SQ6COR EOUIVALENT' _L i--" i" \ f- 1\ \ I .J I i -+~ 400 500 L 600 +8V TO \ T 2.2.u.H i<1nJ r--l4 60/1; + +12V SUPPLY HFBR· 2001 60llF O.331lF I 700 800 900 1000 1 x - WAVELENGTH - nm 3 *CRITICAL PARAMETER IS SPEED OF RESPONSE Figure 4. Spectral Response. Figure 5. Power Supply Transient Filter Recommendation. 39 FIBER OPTIC SINGLE CHANNEL CABLE/CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES HFBR-300D TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • USER SPECIFIED CABLE LENGTHS • CONNECTORS FACTORY INSTALLED AND TESTED • PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY • HIGH STRENGTH • LIGHT WEIGHT • SMALL BEND RADIUS Description The HFBR-3000 Simplex Fiber Optic Cable/Connector Assemblies are intended for use with the HFBR-1001/-1002 Transmitters and HFBR-2001 Receiver for digital data transmission. The Connectors mate directly with the optical ports on the Transmitters and Receiver. The cable uses a single fused silica, partially graded index, glassclad fiber surrounded by silicone coating, buffer jacket, and tensile strength members. This combination is then covered by a scuff-resistant outer jacket. The cable resistance to mechanical abuse, safety in flammable environments, and inherent absence of electromagnetic interference effects may make the use of conduit unnecessary. However, the light weight and high strength of these assemblies allows them to be drawn through most electrical conduits. The HFBR-3099 Adapter, for interconnecting cables, consists of two parts: a sleeve to align the ferrules and barrel to join the connector couplings. POLYURETHANE OUTER JACKET OPTICAL FIBER Cable/Connector Ordering Guide HFBR-3000 defines an optical cable of user specified length supplied with factory installed and tested connectors. Length must be specified in metres and'can be anyone metre increment from 1 to 1000 metres. Length information is shown as option 001 to the base product number with quantity equal to the number of cable assemblies ordered. Examples: For a single length of 245 metres specify: HFBR-3000 Optic Cable Assy Quantity Option 001 245 metres long Quantity For seven lengths of 1000 metres specify: HFBR-3000 Optic Cable Assy Quantity Option 001 1000 metres long Quantity HFBR-3000 CABLE LENGTH TOLERANCE Cable Length (Metres) 1-10 11-100 > 100 Tolerance +10 -0 + 1 -0 + 1 -0 { STRENGTH MEMBERS BUFFER JACKET 81 LICON E COATI NG CLADDING (SILICA) CORE (SILlCA)----.;~<"'~y;;:jC.J Units % Metre 1 1 7 7 Systems intended to operate at distances greater than 1000 metres may require special component selection, depending upon operating conditions. For cable lengths greater than 1000 metres contact your local HewlettPackard sales office. % Mechanical Dimensions HFBR·3099 ADAPTER CAUTiON, A. COUPLING SHOULD NOT BE OVERTIGHTENED, SEE MEC-HANICAL/OPTICAl CHARACTERISTICS AND NOTE 14. B. GOOD SYSTEM PE.RFOR· 3.00 10.32 UNf THO. ~L ·J 40 ~81 -fl=JI ' 7,11 2+44 12801 1.0961 t I<'-- MANCE REOUIRES CLEAN FERRULE FACES TO AVOfD OBST~UCTIN(j THE OPTICAL P-ATH. CLEAN COMPRESSED AIR OFTEN IS SUFfiCIENT TO REMOVE PARTICLES. A COTTON SWAB SOAK ED Jf-.J METHANOL OR FREON"" MAY ALSO SE USED. Absolute Maximum Ratings o Mechanical/Optical Characteristics 0° C to +7QO C Unless Otherwise Specified 9. Typical values are at TA = 25°C. 10. This applies for short term testing, less than one hour. Notes! cont'd i: 4. 1800 bending at minimum bend radius, with 10N tensile load. 5. Force applied on 2.5 mm diameter mandrel laid across the cable on a flat surface, for 100 hours, followed by flexure test. 6. For mass m dropped from height h on 25 mm diameter mandrel laid across the cable on a flat surface. 7. Exit N.A. is defined as the sine of the angle at which the off·axis radiant intensity is 10% of the axial radiant intensity. 8. Fiber 3dB Bandwidth. Length, (MHz. kmJ is defined as 3S0/fiber dispersion {ns/km I. 11. Fiber loss exclusive of connector loss. 12. This applies to cable only. 13. When using HFBR-1002 transmitter with HFBR-3000 Cable/ Connector Assembly, Total Insertion Loss, aT;' O'F + ao (Q- 300) for Q> 300 m; for lengths Q,; 300 m, ar = aF. """"iOOO 14. Coupling Ring "Finger Tight", torque 0.05 < L < 0.1 N.m. Overtightening may cause excessive fiber misalignment or permanent damage. 20 I. 12 "I','[" w ~ "z > "~ >":;;:z: :;>0; 08 w .0' ~ z 5 x i! x 8 80 ;: " ~ ~I~ WAVELENGTH (nm) 1/ - OFF·AXIS ANGLE - DEGREES Figure 1. Optical Fiber Output Radiation Pattern. Figure 2. Spectral Transmission. OINlli The actual fiber dispersion is determined from the RMS Pulse Spreading and can be approximated by: - tPl 100% - - - 50%-- - - ____..J) ::::: DISPERSION "" ,/tP2 2 - tp,2 Q IMPULSE: tPl < 3.5ns Figure 3. Fiber Dispersion 41 OOUT ' .. ~ ,~ ,. .. .: ..: .42: High Speed Optocouplers Typical .Current Specified Data Rata Transl'l!r Input (NRZ) Ratio Current 1M bitls 7% Min. Withstand Test Voltage 6N136 19% Min. 16mA 3000Vdc[3] HCPL-2502 15-22%[2] Device Description 6N135 Ii~ if;-~I!lVct ~ v. AIIIDE CATIIIDE~ ~v. B Transistor 0 utput Applicetion[1] Line Receiver, Analog Circuits, TIl/CMOS, TIL/LSTIL Ground Isolation Page No. 46 c t!JGMI - -'~~ CATHODE, 2 " 7 VOl CATHDDEz 3 6 ,, ANODE z 4 v. HCPL-2530 Dual Channel Transistor Output HCPL-2531 Line Receiver, Analog Circuits, TIL/CMOS, TIL/LSTIL Ground Isolation 1M bitls 16mA 3000Vdc[3] 50 7% Min. 19% Min. 5 GNU [3 ANODE 2 CATHODE .' 6N137 Optically Coupled Logic Gate Line Receiver, High Speed Log ic Gro und Isolation 10M Bitls 700% Typ 5.OmA 3000Vdc[3] 54 HCPL-2601 High Common Mode Rejection, Optically Coupled Logic Gate Line Receiver, High Speed Logic Ground Isolation In High Ground or Induced Noise Environments 10M bitls 700% Typ 3000Vdc!3] 58 HCPL-2602 Optically Coupled Line Receiver Replace Conventional Line Receivers In High Ground or Induced Noise Environments 10M bitls 700% Typ. 5.OmA 3000Vdc[3] 62 HCPL-2630 Dual Channel Optically Coupled Gate Line Receiver, High Speed Logic Ground Isolation 10M bitls 700% Typ. 5.0mA 3000Vdc!3] 68 Typical Current Specified Input Data Rate Transfer (NRZ) Ratio Current 300k bitls 300% Min. 1.6mA Withstand Page Test No. Voltage 3000Vdcl3] 72 v, vour 7 GNU [! .....--- vcc;Il ANODE~ j ~.ro:; ~v, r CATHODE£! ~VoUT '---aNo!J [! II Vee +INo{! ~r~ r~ -INi! -I! f!I ~VE ~.VOUT t!J 3'"I>- Il11'1" CATHOD.,II II v.. 3,1>ANOO.,!! GIIII AIIIDE,[I CATHODE,[! Vee 5.OmA II High Gain Optocouplers Device 6N138 ~v. ~l~" AIIIIOE~~1 CATHOOE~ '-"m~ 2 Application[ 1] Low Saturation Voltage, High Gain Output, VCc=7VMax. Line Rece iver .. Low Current Ground Isolation, TILmL, LSTTLmL, CMOSI TIL Lille Receiver, Ultra Low Current Gro und Isolation, CMOS/LSTIL CMOSITTL, CMOSI CMOS .. ~ Low Saturation Voltage, High Gain Output, Vcc=18V Max. HCPL-2730 Dual Channel, High Gain, Vcc=7V Max. II Voz HCPL-2731. . Dual Channel, High 1'---- .. Gain, Vcc=18V Max. & GND 7 V01 _·s· ~ 3 ANODEz 4 CATHODE Description ---. ~VD ~GNIl. B ~~. z" 5 Vo 3 4 GND 4N45 Darlington 0 utput Vcc=7V Max. ~ Darlington Output Vcc=20V Max. 400% Min. 0.5mA Line Receiver, Polari~ 300k bitls 300% Min. 1.6mA Sansing, Low Current Ground Isolation 400%Min. 0.5mA 3000Vdc[3] 76 250% Min. 1.0mA 3000Vdc!3] 80 AC Isolation, Relay· Logic Isolation 3k bitls 350% Min. 0.5mA 44 L AC/OC to Logic Interface Optocoupler Description Davin [ Application 111 Input Typical Threshold Data Rates Current l-y--""-, '" .. HCPL-370D] ACIDC to Logic -- ~-- ....~/ ' Threshold Sensing Interface Optocoupler 0 ~-.--,-.~ v('( 01, a v Limit Switch Sensing, Low Voltage Detector, Relay Contact Monitor 4 KHz 2_5mATH+ 1.3mA TH- Typical Data Rate (NRZ) Current Transfer Ratio Withstand Test Voltage Output Current 4_2mA Page No. 3000Vdcl31 84 Hermetic Optocouplers Device Description 6N134 -'~. . " ~ ~ Va: I. :I IlATtlDDlrl AlODEtl 7 ......: "VaI ANODEt Z I.VoI 'MI • • ·~r I r ,a 3~~ 4 r , ::::::: 14 13 • :zs;:-;:::: 12 I 7 " II ~.;_ 6N134 II 11 ;..or I_' Dual Channel Hermetically Sealed Optically Coupled Logic Gate. TXV - Screened TXVB - Screened with Group B Data Application(1) Line Receiver, Ground Isolation for High Reliability Systems Specified Input Current Withstand Test Voltage Page No. 10M bitls 400% Typ_ lOrnA 1500Vdc 90 300% Min. D.5mA 1500Vdc 94 1500Vdc 98 6N134TXVB Hermetically Sealed Package Containing 4 Low Input Current, High Gain Optocouplers 6N140TXV TXV - Hi-Rei Screened TXVB - Hi-Rei 6N140TXVB Screened with Ve( 'y,V Group, B Data (6N~~~ Line Receiver, Low Power Ground Isolation for High Reliability Systems 300k bitls " /-.~ '~. 2 3, 4 II I 14 13 12 • 'II 7, II I Notes: • ;'.~~ Oual Channel Hermetically Sealed Analog Optical Coupler 4N55TXV TXV - Hi-Rei ? Screened Vee <~OV TXVB - Hi-Rei 4N55TXVB Screened with Group B Data Line Receiver, Analog Signal Ground Isolation, Switching Power Supply Feedback Element 700k bitls 7% Min. 16mA AN 948, AN 951-1, and AN 951-2 are located in Application Notes Section, beginning on page 311_ For further information ask for AN 939 and AN 947. 2. The HCPL-2502 Current Transfer Ratio Specification is guaranteed to be 15% minimum and 22% maximum. 3. Recognized under the Component Recognition Program of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (File No. E5536l1, 220 VAC working voltage. This is guaranteed by 8 3000 Vdc withstand voltage test for 5 seconds. 1; 45 rh~ ~V!.. HIGH SPEED OPTOCOUPlERS HEWLETT PACKARD 6N135 6N136 HCPl-2502 TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 OUTLINE DRAWING' SCHEMATIC illl..!lW 0.33{.Q131 ~ 2 ANODE OIMEN$IONS~ IN MIL~JMETRE;$ AND (INCHES) CATHODE I, ? 8 vee ~---=-="--#-' ~------' 10 va 3 5 GND Features Applications • HIGH SPEED: 1 Mbltls • TTL COMPATIBLE • RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC. (FILE NO. E55361) • HIGH COMMON MODE TRANSIENT IMMUNITY: 1000V/j.lS • 3000 Vdc WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE • 2 MHz BANDWIDTH • OPEN COLLECTOR OUTPUT • • • • • Description Line Receivers - High common mdde transient immunity (>1 OOOV Ills) and low input-output capacitance (O_6pF). High Speed Logic Ground Isolation - TTL/TTL, TTL! LTTL, TTL/CMOS, TTL/LSTTL Replace Slow Phototransistor Isolators - Pins 2-7 of the 6N135/6 series conform to pins 1-6 of 6 pin phototransistor couplers. Pin 8 can be tied to any available bias voltage of 1.5V to 15V for high speed operation. Replace Pulse Transformers - Save board space and weight. Analog Signal Ground Isolation - I ntegrated photon detector provides improved linearity over phototransistor type_ Absolute Maximum Ratings' These diode-transistor optocouplers use a light emitting diode and an integrated photon detector to provide 3000V dc electrical insulation between input and output. Separate con nection for the photodiode bias and output transistor collector improve the speed up to a hundred times that of a conventional photo-transistor coupler by reducing the basecollector capacitance. Storage Temperature .. _ ... __ ....... -55°C to +125°C Operating Temperature ............... _55°C to 100°C Lead Solder Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . 260°C for lOS (1.6mm below seating plane) Average Input Current - IF ................ 25mA[1] Peak Input Current - IF ................... 50mA[2] (50% duty cycle, 1 ms pulse width) Peak Transient Input Current - IF .............. 1.0A (';;l/ls pulse width, 300pps) Reverse Input Voltage - VR (Pin 3-2) . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5V Input Power Dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 45mW[3] Average Output Current - 10 (Pin 6) ............ 8mA Peak Output Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16mA Emitter-Base Reverse Voltage (Pin 5-7). . . . . . . . . . . .. 5V Supply and Output Voltage - Vee (pin 8-5), Vo (pin 6-5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5V to 15V Base Current - 18 (Pin 7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5mA Output Power Dissipation ................. 100mW[4] The 6N135 is suitable for use in TTL/CMOS, TTL/LSTTL or wide bandwidth analog appl ications. Cu rrent transfer ratio (CTR) for the 6N135 is 7% minimum at IF = 16 mAo The 6N136 is suitable for high speed TTL/TTL applications. A standard 16 mA TTL sink current through the input LED will provide enough output current for 1 TTL load and a 5.6 kO pull-up resistor. CTR of the 6N136 is 19% minimum at IF = 16 mAo The HCPL-2502 is suitable for use in applications where matched or known CTR is desired. CTR is 15 to 22% at IF = 16 mAo 'JEDEC Registered Data. (The HCPL-2502 is not registered.) See notes, following page. 46 Electrical specifications Over recommended temperature (TA = O°C to 70°C) unless otherwise specified. Parameter ,.-'. 81m. Devic. Min, 6Nt36 7 Typ.*" 6N136 ,,' 19 HCPL·2S02 '15,,>" 6111135., 5 CTR .• ' SN1S6 15 CTR' - Current Tl'ai'lsfer Ratio Logic Low Output Voltll9& VoL i % 6111.136 """" 'J(,', "'e' % tj.':;'6m.A, \,0· •• 'll> 0.4 V 0.4 V HCPl-2502 , 500 , 0.1 , " lOR Logic Low Supply Currant . " Logic High Supply Current Input Forward Voftllge Temperature Coefficient of Forward Voltage Input Reverse Bre,ak down Vof tage Input Capacitance Input~utpUt 1n$Ulation Leakage Current ReSistance (Input-Output) Capacitance (lnpUt~utpud Transistor DC Current Gain 'CCL 40 'ICOH" 0.02 , .'/IA 2SO ~A IF" OmA"VO'!'iVCp "'15V :" #A IF~.1SmA, /lA VF· A.VF A'fi: V mVfC, ~1.6 5 .6 , ' Vo "'Op~n,Vc;C= 15~ '.' IF" OmA,VO " Open, Vec'" 15V :2 1,2 ," 'IF "OmA,VO·-Open, VCC:-'l5V TA" 25·0.: . ',' ".,.' 1.7 Note " #A lCOH FI9. ',,'~' ,>'0'""";,,,,.", " Ui ,'" ,,", 100 ,""", ' I IF.~' 16f11.A"O"'~4fI1~.VCC"4,6V, IF "OmA,VO =VCC",1.6V TA,,:m·C,' ,', " e, ""'. .' .. , ,,:,.' O.5V,v~c=4.6V tF·.. OrtiA;VO~'VCC"6.5V, '. nA ":," TA"25"p .., . . , ", loti- Logie High OutpUt Currant . tp-':t6ritA, Iri "';·MrtiA. VCC "4.li1t ",' , " 3 ' 'F" lSmA,VO = 0.4V ,VCC =4.5" TA-2!tC, ' % 13 21 0.1 0.1 . ,':'., Te$t,Condltlons UnittII' 22 aN13~ ", Max. 18 24 , 3 'F" 1SmA,TA = 25"C IF= 16mA " 5 eVR" 50 CIN 1.0 II~* V IFi= 1011A. TA =25"0. pF f'" tMHz, VF" 0 46% Relative HumidiW. t ~ 5s VI~ c 3OOOVdc, TA= 25"C /lA 6 RI~ 1012 0 V...o =600Vdc 5 CI~ 0.6 pF t-'MHz 6 hFE 175 Vo =5V,IO:" 3mA .... •• All typical. at T A = 25°C. Switching specifications at TA =25°C Vee = 5V, IF = 16mA, unless otherwise specified. r ~ym. Parameter' Propagation Deley . Time Tu Logic Low at Outj)ut Propagation Dellly Time To logic 'High at Output Device ... 6N135 .. Common Mode Tran"entlmmuoiity!!t Logie Hl9h Level Output IPHL* 5N135 HCPL·2602 I 6N135 tPLH* 6Nl36 HCPL·2602 aN135 '-, ., sient Immunity at Logie. Low Levet Output, CMH SNl36 , .... \:ICPL-2502 , 6N135 .:, CIViL 6N136 HCPL-2602 Bandwidth BW I: CommonModeTran- ' Typ, Mm. . 1'et.tCo!1ditions Units 0.5 1.5;: I/.S 0.2 0.8 /IS .... RL. -1.9kO .'; ...... .,. . ..... 0.4 1.5 0.3 0.8 , ";1000' ." R .,.9kO ,'.., •.. ". vlJi$ 8,9 6,9 I S,9 ". 7,8.9 ." VcM,o 10Vo-D,l=Ii; '='4.1 Rn· ..... ..'. 2 Derate linearly above 70°C free-air temperature at a rate of 1.6mArC. Derate linearly above 70°C free-air temperature at a rate of o.9mWfC, Derate linearly above 70°C free-air temperature at a rate of 2.Omwfc. CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO is defined as the ratio of output collector current, 10, to the forward LED input current, IF. times 100%. 6. Device considered a two-terminal device: Pins 1,2,3, and 4 shorted together and Pins 5,6. 7, and 8 shorted together. 7. Common mode transient immunity in Logic High level is the maximum tolerable (positive) dVCM/dt on the leading edge of the common mode 6,9 "·IFaOI!l'«.VC~;':~OV~~~;';',9knJ'0 !' ...... ' -1000 " Note "'".' .;0"'" ~10oo ,. . Fig. I' • VIp,s ···IF.#OmA;VtM;.10VP1);R(;,.;.4;,kO I ..... L V/#5 1000 NOTES: 1. Derate linearly above 70°C free-air temperature at a rate of O.8rnAfC. 2. 3. 4. 5. Max, 10 7,8,9 8 10 pulse VCM. to assure that the outPut will remain in a Logic High state Ii.e., Vo > 2.0V). Common mode transient immunity in Logic Low level is the maximum tolerable (negative) dVCM/dt on the trailing edge of the common mode pulse signal, VCM. to assure that the output will remain in a Logic Low state (i.e., Vo < a.aV). 8. The 1.9kn load represents 1 TTL unit load of 1.6mA and the 5.6kn pull-up resistor. 9. The 4.1 kn load represents 1 LSTTL unit load of a.36mA and 6.1 kn pull-up resistor. 10. The frequency at which the ac output voltage is 3dB below the low frequency asymptote. 'JEDEC Registered Data. 47 10 0 ~ II: II: w " !J; E I l!0: I- iii0: Il- 0: 2 <..> 0: 0: I, w ::> ." I- ::> I- iilN Vee -5V • 25'C <..> TA " ::; E " 0 I ""16mA Vo #O.4V :I; 0: 0 Z 10 0.1 0~-------!--------:"O'------',..JOO 20 Vo - OUTPUT VOLTAGE - V IF - INPUT CURRENT - rnA Figure 1. DC and Pulsed Transfer Characteristics. Figure 2. Current Transfer Ratio vs. Input Current. 1.1 _J. 0 ;:: 10 "a: 0.9 \.' 0.8 <..> \1 N ::; "a: .1 :I; o. 7 0 2 O.6 -60 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - 16rnA, vee - MV' -40 ~ 0 a: a - 10+ 2 ~T-. "" ::> § 500 ~ 400 .: --_.:- 10° <..> I § 10- 1 ~ I .§ -20 20 40 60 80 10-2 --- -50 100 i" 140 /' . ~ -25 ,/ / V 10+ 1 :I: -40 120 J I, -0' VO-V""bS.oV 10+ 3 I- -60 100 10-+ 4 a: a: 600 0 2 . 80 . > ;;:'" 60 Figure 4. Current Transfer Ratio vs. Temperature. I ~ 40 TA - TEMPERATURE - °C ~ 0 20 -20 V Figure 3. Input Current vs. Forward Voltage. 1, - - '\' "iil ~ 1 I IF "I: 16mA Vo -0.4V Vee = 5V T, I" 25'C r\., 0: ~ "ul 1'\, iii0: <..> 1- NO~MALI~eD II- 1.0 I- "' '\ ~ 2 iii0: 0: ./ " I- ::> 1.0 .~ E I .;" ,( ; 0: " _L_16Nl1s ---SNlf6 .......... ..}--- ~ " /' V +25 ./ +50 +75 +100 TA - TEMPERATURE _ Co TA -TEMPERATURE-Co Figure 5. Propagation Delay vs. Temperature. Figure 6. Logic High Output Current vs. Temperature. 48 ill I w (I) Z ~a: o ~ a:: JA - 2$'C, fl •• loon, Vee.- SV ~a: I- ~a: TECHNICAL DATA ;'P -,W MARCH 1980 SCHEMATIC ~ , . . - _ - - - - . 08 Vee 10, 7 ~---6V01 4 _ 'F2_ 3 '02 ...---1_-_.06 V02 5 --+--.oGND Features Applications • HIGH SPEED: 1 Mbltls • TTL COMPATIBLE • HIGH COMMON MODE TRANSIENT IMMUNITY: • Line Receivers - High common mode transient immunity (>1 OOOV /,(Is) and low input·output capacitance (0.6pF). • High Speed Logic Ground Isolation - TTLfTTL, TTL/ LTTL, TTL/CMOS, TTL/LSTTL • Replace Pulse Transformers - Save board space and weight. • Analog Signal Ground Isolation - Integrated photon de· tector provides improved linearity over phototransistor type. • Polarity Sensing. • Isolated Analog Amplifier - Dual channel packaging enhances thermal tracking. >1000V/",s • • • • • HIGH DENSITY PACKAGING 3000 Vdc WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE 3 MHz BANDWIDTH OPEN COLLECTOR OUTPUTS RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC. (FILE NO. E55361) Description Absolute Maximum Ratings The HCPL·2530/31 dual couplers contain a pair of light emit· ting diodes and integrated photon detectors with 3000V dc electrical insulation between input and output. Separate con· nection for the photodiode bias and output transistor coliec' tors improve the speed up to a hundred times that of a conven· tional phototransistor coupler by reducing the base·collector capacitance. Storage Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _55°C to +125°C Operating Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -55°C to +1 OO°C Lead Solder Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260°C for lOs (1.6mm below seating plane) Average Input Current - IF (each channell. . . . .. 25mA[1) Peak Input Current - IF (each channell ......... 50mA[2] (50% duty cycle, 1 ms pulse width) Peak Transient Input Current - IF (each channell .... 1.0A (';;l,(1s pulse width, 300pps) Reverse Input Voltage - VR (each channel) ...... _ ... 5V Input Power Dissipation (each channell . . . . . . .. 45mW[3] Average Output Current - 10 (each channell ....... 8mA Peak Output Current - 10 (each channel). ......... 16mA Supply and Output Voltage - Vee (Pin 8-5), Vo (Pin 7,6·5) · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -O.5V to 15V Output Power Dissipation (each channell. . . . . . 35mW[4] The HCPL·2530 is suitable for use in TTL/CMOS, TTL/LSTTL or wide bandwidth analog applications. Current transfer ratio (CTR) for the ·2530 is 7% minimum at IF = 16 mAo The HCPL·2531 is suitable for high speed TTLfTTL applica' tions. A standard 16 mA TTL sink current through the input LED will provide enough output current for 1 TTL load and a 5.6kn pull·up resistor. CTR of the -2531 is 19% minimum at IF=16mA. See notes, following page. 50 Electrical Specifications 5, 4691. ~We:';umIQlty, t .. 6 s V 1..o,'"!39:OQVdC, fA" 26"C , 4!W>P!:!II~ve Hqrnidlty, t .. 5$ v,':'l;'5@dc , "~itaruHl;: ",' ,'0.25 " Hnput411j:i.Utl,"" r l - ' 8 pF ;' •• All typical. at 25° C. Switching Specifications at TA=25°C Vcc = 5V, IF = 16mA, unless otherwise specified :; .,~~ , Sym. PropagirtionO&tav Time Tol.09ic Low at O\ltput; I' .coI1'lM:GIlt.1odjl Tr,", ;' 2530 0.3 1.6 1'$ RL"'4.1kO 2531 0.2 0.8 liS FiL: 1,91<£1 2530 0.4 1.5 11$ RL=4.1kn 2531 0.3 ,0.8 lAS RL "',9kO 2530 1000 V/#s IF ~OmA;RL =4.1 kO,VCM""OVp•p 2531 1000 VIlAS I,,=OmA,R L"".9kO,VCM=1 OVp-p 2530 -1000 Vlp.s VCM=10Vp-p, RL .. 4.1k£1 2531 -1000 V/lls VCM = 10Vp -p. RL =1.9kO MH2 RL =.1000 Test Cortditions CML ,LOW' \.iWeI;Ouiput "~lthh.'."',.,;.,,. Units CMH Co~ MOde'tiiln- ""lent fmmdllitv itt LOgic Male. Min. tPLti ,"to.:"." sient Imrnull;tYat Logic High ~ OUtput '.. Typ. HCPL· tpHL f'lWagetioi! Delay: Ti~t9: l.,o9teHl9h. Devi.. ew 3 Fig. Note 5,9 10,11 5.9 10,11 10 9.10,11 10 9,10,11 8 12 NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Derate linearly above 70°C free-air temperature at a rate of O.8mAfC: Derate linearly above 70°C free-air temperature at a rate of 1.6mAfC, Derate linearly above 70°C free-air temperature at a rate of o.9mWfc. Derate linearly above 70°C free-air temperature at a rate of 1.0mWfC. Each channel. CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO is defined as the ratio of output collector current, 10, 'to the forward LED input current. IF. times 100%. 7. Device considered a two-terminal device: Pins 1,2.3, and 4 shorted together and Pins 5, 6, 7, and 8 shorted together. 8. Measured betlN8en pins 1 and 2 shorted together, and pins 3 and 4 shorted together. 9. Common mode transient immunity in Logic High level is the maximum tolerable (positive) dVCM/dt on the leading edge of the common mode pulse VCM, to assure that the output will remain in a Logic Hi!ll state (i.e., Va> 2.0V). Common mode transient immunity in Logic Low level is the maximum tolereble (negatjvel dVCM/dt on the trailing edge of the common mode pulse signal. VCM. to assure that the output will remain in a Logic Low state (i.e., Va < o.avl. 10. The 1.9kn load represents 1 TIL unit load of 1.6mA and the 5.6kn pull-up resistor. 51 11. The 4.1kn load represents 1 LSTTL uRit load of O.36mA and 6.1kQ pull-up resistor. 12. The frequency at which the ec output voltage is 3dS below the low frequency asymptote. 10 - 1-5 _ -- ",J.C' fA V",,'S,OV .... 40 mA "",,'" ... - _..... .. ................ '/"" -_ -....... ,"--I' ......... -:...-~ ' ",,;.-, '/ .... --~-. 'H~.2530 _HCI'I.-2531, _35 mA, 0 ;:: < a: - " 1,0 ll; .... z < I!: 1--"25 mA ---- 5 \, a: w ... 30 rnA NORMAlIZED' "15mA l- I, zw ,Y,;' a: a: ::> u 0 w N ::l 20 mA Vcc: TA ~,fN 'o25"C 0,5 < :E 'SmA o,QAV" a: 0 z 10mA IF -6mA o o 10 0,1 0~------~-----~'O~-----;';"~OO 20 IF -INPUTCURRENT-mA Vo - OUTPUT VOLTAGE - V Figure 1. DC and Pulsed Transfer Characteristics. 100 tJ Figure 2. Currant Transfer Ratio VI. Input Current. 1.1 I I ,.'" r--' ~ 1,0 10 / II f}- / 1 .0 1 1.1 / 1.2 1.3 ~L_l HCpL2530I~ ,,, - - - HCI'~.25311 ' NO:"'ALI~~O I. -_A';' Vo =0,4V Vee =5V T. -25"C " "" 0.9 IF 1.0 ........ ",. I '\., !-- ~' 0.8 \ 0,7 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 O.6 -60 1.8 -40 20 -20 40 60 80 100 120 140 "" - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 3. I nput Current vs. Forward Voltage. Figure 4. Current Transfer Ratio VI. Temperature. 600 IF • 16mA. Vee .5,OV ~.,",,:::' .e!I3O _ IRl • 4.1km -2631 (Rl -II ........ lriIj 1.9k!l) - ...... 1,... .... it>\. 0 ::::'-4-- 0 -60 --rI -40 -20 --' ,,"" Io---..l.-- ....... ..... .- --20 IF -0 ~ I / 1.1... v.:c «5.0V /' K/ /' ./ ......... IP\.H :J: ~ 100 ~ § 10- L...---' / I" /' "" u 1 I I 40 60 80 ] 100 10-2 -50 TA ..:. TEMPERATURE - Co -26 +25 +50 +75 +100 TA - T~MPERATURE -C' Figure 5. Propagation Delav vs. Temperature. Figur.6. Logic High Output Current 52 V5. Temperature. III I w I [ a: IIIN :::; "a: :; !i1 f - FREQUENCY - MHz ----f +6V o--...... +16V I. - QUIESCENT INPUT CURRENT - mA Figure 7. Small-8ignal Currant Transfer Ratio vs. Quiescent Input Current. Figure 8. Frequency Response . .....-1r----o +6V 1/1 r ; ......... . CapaCitance (lnput'-Output) Input forward Voltage 'i' 7..•....•. ' . . ICCl low level Supply UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 7 % = 5V, TA = 25' C switching Characteristics at TA =25°C Vcc =SV I Parameter I Symbol . Min_ Typ. Max. 45 75 M 45 75 ns .': . Units' Propagation Delay Time to High Output Level tPLH Propagation Delay Time to Low Output Level tpHL * Output Rise-Fall Time tr, tf 25 ns Propagation Delay Time of Enable from VEH to VEL tELH 25 ns Propagation Delay Time of Enable from VEL to VEH tEHL 15 ns Common Mode Transient Immunity at Logic High Output Level CMH 50 vIps Common Mode Transient Immunity at Logic Low Output Level CMl -150 vlJ.Ls . '.' Test-Conditions Figure Note Rl=35On, CL'" 15pF, . IF "'7.5mA 7,9 1 RL=350n,~=15pF. IF=7,5mA 7,9 2 g 3 . "·8 4 VCM=10VRL,;,350n, Vo (min.j=2V,IF=OmA 11 6 VCM=10VRL",350n, Vo(max.)=O.8V, 1,,"'SmA 11 6 R1..,:,350n,~=15pF, . IF"7~5mA' .' (10-90%) I Rl",350n,Ct. =1t;pF, 'F"'7.5mA, VEH"'3.0V, VEI."'O.5V·· . ·. RL=350n, ~=15pF, ... ' IF""7:5mAVSH'=3.-oV, ,VEl=O·5V •JEDEC Registered Data. 55 Operating procedures and Definitions Logic Convention. The 6N137 is defined in terms of positive logic. Bypassing. A ceramic capacitor (.01 to 0.1IlF) should be connected from pin 8 to pin 5 (Figure 12). Its purpose is to stabilize the operation of the high gain linear amplifier. Failure to provide the bypassing may impair the switching properties. The total lead length between capacitor and coupler should not exceed 20mm. Polarities. All voltages are referenced to network ground (pin 5). Current flowing toward a terminal is considered positive. Enable Input. No external pull-up required for a logic (1), i.e., can be open circuit. ... ...... 80 70 .. E .... ...... .... 1~~ ,> ...... i!~ 60 ...z 6;'~ I ~. w 50 a: a: ~ :::> " a; 40 w 30 .....- , ..... .. - ~~+ ~ 8 '1''''- 20 1 ... ... ~- r- --I-- ---. 4,.J!> r-- r--,. . TA .~() .F I' lmA~1i!PS f----, 1 10 o J o 10 ,:. illa; a; :::I 1.0 U Q a; t",. SmA ..9 ... ... -1'""' \ ...I ...I ~ NOTES: 1, The tPLH propagation delay is measured from the 3,7SmA point on the trailing edge olthe Input pulse to the 1.SV point on the trailing edge olthe ouiput pulse. 2, The tPHL propagation delay is measured from the 3.75mA point on the leading edge of the input pulse to 1.5V point on the leading edge of the output pulse. 3. The tELH enable propagation delay Is measured from the 1.SV point of the trailing adge of the Input pulse to the 1.5V point on the trailing adge of the output pulse. ". 4. The tEHL enable propagation delay is measured from the 1,SV point on the leading edge of the input pulse to the 1.5V point on the leading edge of the output pulse. S. Device considered a two terminal device: pins 2 and 3 shorted together, and pins 5, 6, 7, and 8 shorted together. 6. Common mode transient immunity In Lagle High level Is the maximum tolerabl, (positive) dVcM/dt on the I,ading edge of the common mode pulse, VCM, to assure that the output will remain In a Lagle High state (I.e .. VO>2.0V). Common mode transient immunity In Lagle Low level Is the maximum tolerable (negative) dVcM/dt on the trailing edge of the common mode pulse Signal, VCM, to assure that the output will remain in a Lagle Low state (i.e., VO TA°2!i"C_ I ~ g ! I :f' '\\ r---:- " -\\ \ TA - TEMPERATURE _ RL ~~ 41<0 l00r-~----------r---------~~------ .,.-_.pA \11 " °c Figure 5. Output Voltage, VOL Yo. Temperature and Fan·Out. __.... ~ 1IcC~6.5V " Vo ~5.5V' IF - INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT - mA 1>iD--+--+-O Vo 25 50 TA - TEMPERATURE - Figure 3. I nput-Output Characteristics. 75 °c Figure 6. Output Current, IOH yo. Temperature liF=250I'A). 56 INPUT VE MONITORING NODE +5V "'-p-UL-se-'" PULSE GENERATORr---~~r=~~~~~_ _~ GENERATOR 20=500 Zo=Sofl ,tA'"Sns ... tR= 50'$ OUTPUT Vo &.I-+----1~O MONITORING NODE IF :~PUT H---+-o 470 MONITORING NODE OUTPUT Vo MONITORING NODE - *CL is approximately 15 pF, which includes probe and stray wiring capacitance. - 350mV (IF =7.5mA) J------\,---'c'mVIIF.3.75mA) ---I tpHL I- -I r------ tpLH I _______ I_____ ~ I e~TPUT VaH 1.5V - - - - - VOL Figure 7. Test Circuit for tpHL and tpLH.** 100 -..J.Tt-1- RL =4Kn ..... -,. .,,, ~ .... U "tHI Q Z Q Figure 8. Test Circuit for tELH and tEHL. - Chan A Chan B H--+-1~-O +5V + ~ "/~tL'I35on Ki""'" 50 ~ IE 'k tpKL f" t--... j R 1'4K~>' I . j " 17 I I - o 5 I - l"- I TA N-i- ChanA~ __ j tOL ·25~C 10 Chan B 15 50ns (delay in respon~to logic High Level mput) ~ 1___ tOH = == 20ns (delay in response to logic Low Level input) I FH - PULSE INPUT CURRENT - rnA Figure 9. Propagation Delay, tpHL and tpLH vs. Pulse Input Current, IFH. Figure 10. Response Delay Between TTL Gates. tr = 160n5 tf'" 55n5 I - T - - - ; - - - O +5V 1 - + - - - " " " - - 0 Va A Va 5V ~ SWITCH AT A: IF= OmA Va HP1900A ~VOL SWITCH AT B: IF= 5mA PULSE GEN. VCM Zo = 50n ~ n)---+----, Figure 11. Test Circuit for Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms. _____ _L GND BUS (BACK) \==M==¢= N.C. OUTPUT 1 -"""--T*rv- Figure 12. Recommended Printed Circuit Board Layout . •* JEDEC ENABLE (IF USED) Registered Dala. 57 -= HIGH CMR,HIGH~~EEO OPtOCOUPLER Flidl HEWLETT ~r.. PACKARD I +) VF - -71 I ~---+---r------~---oGND 5 TRUTH TABLE (Positive Logic) A 0.01 TO 0.1 "F BYPASS CAPACITOR MUST BE CONNECTED BETWEEN PINS 8 AND 5 (See Note 1I. Figure 1. Schematic. Input H L H Enable H H~ L· L OutPLft L H H H Features Applications • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • INTERNAL SHIELD FOR HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION (CMR) HIGH SPEED GUARANTEED MINIMUM COMMON MODE TRANSIENT IMMUNITY: 1000V/~ LSTTLITTL COMPATIBLE LOW INPUT CURRENT REQUiRED: SmA GUARANTEED PERFORMANCE OVER TEMPERATURE: O°C to 70°C STROBABLE OUTPUT RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC. (FILE NO. ESS361) 3000 Vdc WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE Isolated Line Receiver Simplex/Multiplex Data Transmission Computer-Peripheral Interface Microprocessor System Interface Digital Isolation for A/D, D/A Conversion Switching Power Supply Instrument Input/Output Isolation Ground Loop Elimination Pulse Transformer Replacement ReCOmmended Operating CondOt" I Ions Sym. MIn. Input Current, Low Level IFL Description Input Current, High Level IFH Supply Voltage, Output Vq; The HCPL-2601 optically coupled gate combines a GaAsP light emitting diode and an integrated high gain photon detector. An enable input allows the detector to be strobed. The output of the detector I.C. is an open collector Schottky clamped transistor. The internal shield provides a guaranteed common mode transient immunity specification of 1000 volts/!,sec., equivalent to rejecting a 300 volt P-P sinusoid at 1 MHz. High Level Enable Voltage VEH Low Level Enable Voltage VEL. • Fan Out (TTL Load) N Operating Temperature TA Max; 250 6.3" :15 4.5 5.5 2.0 Vee 0 l:) 0 Unll$ p.A mA V V V 0.8 8 ' 70 .·C . Absolute Maximum Ratings (No Derating Required up to 70°C) Storage Temperature ' ............. -55°Cto+125°C Operating Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0" C to +70" C 260°C for lOS Lead Solder Temperature ........... (1.6mm below seating plane) Forward Input Current - IF (see Note 2) ....... 20 rnA Reverse Input Voltage ........................... 5 V Supply Voltage-Vee ......... 7V (1 Minute Maximum) Enable Input Voltage - VE ....................... 5.5 V (Not to exceed Vee by more than 500 mY) Output Collector Current -10 ................. 25 rnA Output Collector Power Dissipation . . . . . . . . . .. 40 mW Output Collector Voltage - Vo .................... 7 V This unique design provides maximum D.C. and A.C. circuit isolation while achieving TTL compatibility. The isolator D.C. operational parameters are guaranteed from 0° C to 70° C allowing troublefree system performance. This isolation is achieved with a typical propagation delay of 35 nsec. The HCPL-2601's are suitable for high speed logic interfacing, input/output buffering, as line receivers in environments that conventional line receivers cannot tolerate and are recommended for use in extremely high ground or induced noise environments. 4S.3mA condition permits at least 20% CTR degradation guardband. Initial switching threshold is SmA or less. 58 Electrical Characteristics (Over Recommended Temperature, TA = O°C to +70 o C, Unless Otherwise Noted) 1.5 0.8 V 1.75 V IR ;".10 ,.tA. V fA =25"0 VI' ",p, 1=·1. MHz pF mWOC IF."'01Tl~, • . ." p.A Relative Humidity = 45% TA=25·C,.'t = 5 s, Vl:"O';; 3000 Vdc 10 12 n 0.6 pF VI-o"'500 V f ""1 MHz ..:Ioso'lalion ;i:,~0:~~,'~frent Capacitance> (lnput..Qutput) • All typical values are at Vee = 5V, C1-0 3 T A = 25° e, Switching Characteristics Par. .te, (TA = 25°C, Vee = 5V) Typ. Max. Units propagation'Detay Time to Rig" OutpUt leilel tPLH 35 75 ns Prop~t,o,...pelayTime to tpHt 35 75 ns Symbol Min. Test Conditions RL'" 350 Note 6 4 6 5 CL'" 15.pF low Outpl,itLiMll '. RI$$ ;r~(1(f9O%) n Figure IF= 7.5 mA tt 25 ns Output FaIlJimef-90-10%) tf 15 ns Propagation Pelay Time of Enable.trOm. VEH to VEt tELH 25 ns RL"" 350 n, CL =15pF, IF'" 7.5 mA,VEH = 3 V, VEt'" 0 V 9 6 teHL 15 ns Rt "" 350 n. GL = 15 pF, IF '= 7.5 mA, VEH '" 3 V, VEt -= OV 9 7 10,000 VI}J.s VCM '" 50 V (peak), Vo (min.) = 2 V, 12 8,10 VI}J.$ VeM"" 50 V (peak), 12 9,10 Output ::.:;" .<:',,: i Prop~~tionOelay. Time of 'EnableJ~om Ver,to VEH ...... .'. ' Common Mooe'. ,'. Tra.~lent Imrnimity . at High Output Level CMH Common Mode Immunity.' atL6w Output Leve.l CML Trafl$.!enl 1000 . RL "" 350 -1000 -10,000 59 . n, IF '" 0 mA Vo (max,) '" 0.8 V, RL =' 350 n,II"= 7.5 rnA NOTES: 1. Bypassing of the power supply line is required, with a 0.01 f.LF ceramic disc capacitor adjacent to each isolator as illustrated in Figure 15. The power supply bus for the isolator(s) should be separate from the bus for any active loads, otherwise a larger value of bypass capacitor (up to 0.1 /-IF) may be needed to suppress regenerative feedback via the power supply. 2. Peaking circuits may produce transient input currents up to 50 rnA, 50 ns maximum pulse width, provided average current does not exceed 20 6. The tELH enable propagation delay is measured from the 1.5 V point on the trailing edge of the enable input pulse to the 1.5 V point on the trailing edge of the output pulse. 7. The tEHL enable propagation delay is measured from the 1.5 V point on the leading edge of the enable input pulse to the 1.5 V point on the leading edge of the output pulse. 8. CMH is the maximum tolerable rate of rise of the common mode voltage to assure that the output will remain in a high logic state (I.e., VOU·I mAo >2.0 V). 3. Device considered a two terminal device: pins 1, 2, 3 and 4 shorted together. and pins 5. 6. 7 and 8 shorted together. 4. The tPLH propagation delay is measured from the 3.75 rnA point on the trailing edge of the input pulse to the 1.5 V pOint on the trailing edge of the output pulse. S. The tpHL propagation delay is measured from the 3.7S mA point on the leading edge of the input pulse to the 1.SV paint on the leading edge of the output pulse. > -;. ' Vee 1-= S.5V Vo = 5.SV v. ~ 2.0V t,. = 250~A- I ... - 15 ffi 0: 0: ::> u ...~ 10 5o "- '-.. oJ ....... w ~ V). J 10. For sinusoidal voltages. (ldVCMI --dt -... t--.... 0.8 Vee"" 5.5V '*' 2.0V "" 5.0mA I I I I I I 'F I 20 30 40 50 60 1 70 10 a... 0: 1.0 ir ~ j0.1 I 40 30 50 60 O.OO\':.0--L.,".2:---:"I.:"4--:'~.6--,:'..B:---:'2.0 70 TA - TEMPERATURE - QC TA - TEMPERATURE - "c Figure 2. 20 10 ffia: /I ',/ '~I =6.4mA 10 I V ,/ _'o=9.6mA/ ~ o E lO=·'6.0~~ -'o,=12.B~A· r....... I 0 '" ... o l: High Level Output Current vs. Temperature. = ,,-fcMVcM (p-p) max 11. No external pull up is required for a high logic state on the enable input. I ';:" S> 9. CML is the maximum tolerable rate of fall of the common mode voltage to assure that the output will remain in a low logic state (Le., VouT 8007B, 9.0 IVee • S.OV B.O 7.0 w ~ g ...::> ...::> 0 I 2.0 0 _O_'/(\°C 1.0 -- o o 1 Rl • 'lktl ~TA-O-,/(\°C - -- L-==::::::~ 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Output Voltage Input Current. VS. Forward J probe and stray wiring capacitance. INPUT 6.0 ___+ Nod. *Ct. isapproKimately 15pF.which includes ~ IF - FORWARD INPUT CURRENT - rnA Figure 5. OutputVo Monitoring IF 1.0 60 i= RL -3600 TA ::iw z I 3.0 70 Cl '\ tpHL 1- ~ tpLH !- 50 .. 1.5mA --~ 60 - c-- 'PL~ ~L·4k.:1..... I-- I ±tPLH~ --- 'PLH R =lHl tpHL RL 350n f)ptn. R~ "" 1kU ...... .. ::-:4 g: 30 .J- ?""" ;.HL Rc 4k!l < 20 10 ~~TPUT~_'5V Figure 6. Test Circuit for tpHL and tpLH • ~ .,-_._- ' - - = 40 0 I ---I,·7.5mA 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - IF ""3.75mA -----l ''~"" -Vee' 5.0V -If I > I 5.0 4.0 I >0 '5V I 6.0 oJ .. BO e Zo" 00 11 tR:5n. I > I PULSE IJENERATOR 20 30 40 50 60 TA '" TEMPERATURE - °C Figure 7. Propagation Delay vs. Temperature. 70 ,... 2 Voo. $.OV T4" ;5'.C 80 2 I ~ I 70 .... w c Z o ~ 60 2 L C .'" 50 ~ g: 40 I 30 0 ~ ~ .. ~_--+ t~Kt"'" 3!l0il" 'PHe "l "lkO Output Vo Monitoring Nod, "CL is approximately 1SpF, wtlieh indudll$ jlroba and stray wiring capal;itance. ~ ~w ~ w I 'PHL lit -41tpLH for proper operation. A NOR flipflop has infinite CMR for POSITIVELY sloped transients but requires tpHL < tpLH for proper· operation. An exclusive-OR flip-flop has infinite CMR for common mode transients of EITHER polarity and operates with either tpHL > tpLH or tpHL tpLH, so NAND gates are preferred in the R-S flip-flop. A higher drive amplitude or different circuit configuration could make tpHL tpLH or tpHL . "J;', e, 9.0 '~': I .' 7.0 ~ g .. 8.0 4.0 ::> 0 3.0 ~ I .~, II: II: '" ": :",0 a w ~.... g 1< orA \;.:, I .... L"'k&l . ~.:-7lI'C t" 1'i" CI-1O'C ~ r::- o i w ~ .... I -> l: co i 0 / I % ,~" 0 (p-p) tow co ~ ~;Rt.~lIIIIIA··· = m(,MV(,M rnll.\ 11. No external pull up is required for a high logic state on the enable input. I ":':~ 1,0 dt > .' ~ J --- I ".:/. :r, 2.0 ~ 10, For sinusoidal voltages, (ldV('MI 1 &.0 !; >2,0 V). 9, CM!. is the maximum tolerable rate of fall of the common mode voltage to assure that the output will remain in a low logic state (i.e., VO('T<0.8 V), lICe -.5.8V .:)" ... ,;, 6. The tE!.H enable propagation delay is measured from the 1.5 V point on the trailing edge of the. enable input pulse to the 1.5 V point on the trailing edge of the output pulse. 7. The tEH!. enable propagation delay is measured from the 1.5 V point on the leading edge of the enable input pulse to the 1.5 V point on the leading edge of the output pulse. 8. CMH is the maximum tolerable rate of rise of ihe common mode voltage to assure that the output will remain in a high logic state (i.e .. VOI'T ..P 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 8.0 II - INPUT CURRENT - rnA Ip - FORWARD INPUT CURRENT - mA Figure 2. Output Voltage va. Forward Input Current. TA - TEMPERATURE - "C Figure 3. Input Characterlstlcl. > Figure 4. High Level Output Current va. Temperatura. ..v I w ~ g ~ Output Vo Monitoring Node o .... w ~ .... -cL is .pproxi....,V 15 pF. which includ• probe and strIy wiring CIIIIIchllnc.. ~I INPUT II ~ :f . r- ...-I TA -TEMPERATURE-OC Figure 5. Low Level Output Voltage va. Temperature. U- - ' - - - - ~1·~.~_mA ----1'f------~A tpHL 1- -, ~~TPUT~I_ lpLH r-- --Y- ----UV Figure 8. Test Circuit for tPHL and tput- 66 TA - TEMPERATURE -·C Figure 7. Propagation Delay VI. Temperature. ". - Output Vo Monitoring ~PUT J------).---.. ---3.0V v r-~~TPUT~_ ---I TA - TEMPERATURE -'C I, - PULSE INPUT CURRENT - mA Figure a. Propagation Delay vs. Pulse Input Current. Figure 9. Rise, Fall TIme vs. Temperature. tEHL I-- -.., tELH •••V Figure 10. Test Circuit for tEHL and tELH. !Zw ~ I!: HP1900A PULSE GEN. Zo -600 VCM w ~ DV SWITCH AT A: II ., 0 5V CMH -J"-- I SWITCHATB: II '"7.5mA TA - TEMPEIIATURE -'C figure 11. Enable Propagation Delay vs. Temperature. l Vo o.s'v _ _ _ i ~O~~~-1~t-4--+~r~'+-~-1 Vo (mall.) Figure 12. Test Circuit for Common Mode Transient Immunity and Typical Wa.veforms. ~ VeM - COMMON MODE TRANSIENT AMPLITUDE - V Figure 13. Common Mode Transient Immunity vs. Common Mode Transient Amplitude. ENABLE (lFUSEDI OUTPUT 1 ENABLE (lFUSEOI OUTPUT 2 TA - TEMPERATURE -'C Figure 14. Relative Common Mode Transient Immunity vs. Temperature. Figure 15. Recommended Printed Circuit Board Layout. 67 FliP'l EI!.I DUAL TTL HEWLETT COMPATIBLE OPTOCOUPLER PACKARD HCPl-2630 TECHNICAL DA A ,:·3~ :,: '" OUTLINE DRAWING *~, NOTE: A .01 TO O.lMF BYPASS CAPACITOR MUST BE CONNECTED BETWEEN PINS 8 AND 5. MARCH 1980 n TYPE NUMBER llJlIi991J 0.331.013) -DATE CODE L-------~+----oGND Features • • • • • • HIGH DENSITY PACKAGING DTL/TTL COMPATIBLE: 5V SUPPLY ULTRA HIGH SPEED LOW INPUT CURRENT REQUIRED HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION GUARANTEED PERFORMANCE OVER TEMPERATURE • RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC. (FILE NO. E55361) • 3000Vdc WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE Recommended Operating Conditions Description/ Applications The HCPL-2630 consists of a pair of inverting optically coupled gates each with a GaAsP photon emitting diode and a unique integrated detector. The photons are collected in the detector by a photodiode and then amplified by a high gain linear amplifier that drives a Schottky clamped open collector output transistor. Each circuit is temperature, current and voltage compensated. Input Current, Low Level Each Channel Input Current, Hlgh Level Each Channel Supply Voltage, Output Fan Out (TTL Load) Each Channel This unique dual coupler design provides maximum DC and AC circuit isolation between each input and output while achieving DTL/TTL circuit compatibility. The coupler operational parameters are guaranteed from OOC to 70°C, such that a minimum input current of 5 mA in each channel will sink an eight gate fan-out (13 mAl at the output with 5 volt VCC applied to the detector. This isolation and coupling is achieved with a typical propagation delay of 50 nsec. Operating Temperature ! Sym. Min. Max_ Units IFL 0 250 JJA IFH 6.3' 4.5 15 5.5 rnA V 0 70 VCC 8 N TA °e Absolute Maximum Ratings (No derating required up to 70 o e) Storage Temperature ................. -55°C to +125°C Operating Temperature .................. O°C to +70°C Lead Solder Temperature ................. 260°C for lOs (1.6mm below seating plane) Peak Forward Input Current (each channel) ..... 30 mA (~1 msec Duration) Average Forward Input Current (each channel) ..... 15mA Reverse Input Voltage (each channel) ............... , 5V Supply Voltage - Vec .......... 7V (1 Minute Maximum) Output Current - 10 (each channel) ............ " 16 mA Output Voltage - Vo (each channel) ................ 7V Output Collector Power Dissipation ............. 60 mW The HCPL-2630 can be used in high speed digital interface ap· plications where common mode signals must be rejected such as for a line receiver and digital programming of floating power supplies, motors, and other machine control systems. The elimination of ground loops can be accomplished between system interfaces such as between a computer and a peripheral memory, pri nter, contro Iler, etc. The open collector output provides capability for bussing, strobing and "W IR ED-O R" connection. In all applications, the dual channel configuration allows for high density packaging, increased convenience and more usable board space. • 6.3mA condition permits at least 20% CTR degradation guardband. Initial switching threshold is 5mA or less. 68 Electrical Characteristics =O°C TO 70°C) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED OVER RECOMMENDED TEMPERATURE (TA Par. ..,~';' . .l..tH'Ig\j~~~;';;':>""""" <:~I';~';~. . '. ' . ' ; ;;;':":"'~~; .......... ~I ~;~:~~;,:,2l;~~>{; ,Milt' Typ.* Max. ......, ',' 7':;;0J;~,~~t~1 IS~;··:r';;·\; l{:~~~;i:,:. I>. '.' '...,;.•.,. . • <.•• High LQ\leISlipplyCUr~ ,,,,,, , .::,.': " LoW Le\iel Supply ,,", .. ' .,:~,L:; ,'; ".'. ;>,.j~.:.: .. ": ~;: ,••• ' '.' >• • • r 250 IJA Vee'" 5.5V, Vo".6.5V, IF 250J,IA V Vee '= 5.5V ,IF .. 5mA . .... Q.6 0.5 figure Test Conditions 3 ... 3 , .' , .. ", 14 30 mA f2}.1~i\:: ;:?~1:;~;; ...':. 26 36 mA Vce "";5,5V, I" = 10mA (Both ~hannel$) 1,0 I1A Reli!tive Humidity'" 45% TA ;. 20P C, t"; 55, VI_O '" 3000Vdc 4 n Vl-0 '" 50av. T A'" 25°C 4 I,;":~:;~f:':':' '. ~e$il~;mce (tnput-Output)' .. ':R/:o 10 12 Cj;Q cap8eitance (I nput-Outputl 'l:/lpu,(F!1Itward Voltage t: 0.6 :·'V :"" tnplit -Reverse Breakdown . \l;()ltlige U I" 1.75 5 .aVa I = lOt (Sinl <;: 50 . ;:(' Units Vee" 5.5V,IF.= 0 (Both ~~nnel$l pF f = 1MHz, TA '" 25°C V IF = 10.rnA, TA V la '" 10lJA, T A " 25°C =25°C .' 4 4 7,3 I tnplitCapacitance CIN 60 pF Vf=O,f=lMHz 3 1nPl,lt-Input Insulation l.eakage Current 11-1 0.005 p.A Relative Humidity '" 45%, t=55, VI_,=500V 8 Resistance (Input-Input) Rj.f 1011 VI-' "500V 8 Capacitance (Input-Input) C14 0.25 ° pF Current Transfer Ratio eTA ,700 % " . f= lMHz , 8 IF = 5.0mA, RL =< lOon 2 6 • All typical values are at Vee = SV. TA = 2SOC Switching Characteristics at TA=25°C,Vcc=5V ~CH CHANNEL Parameter . . Symbol Min. Typ . Max. Units Test Conditions Propagation Delay Time to High Output Level tpLH 65 75 ns Rt" 350 0, Ct = 15pF, IF" 7.5mA Propag.tion Delay Time to Low Output Level tpHt 40 75 ns RL = 350 Ct = 15pF, If =7.5mA Output Rise-Fall Time (1 ()'90%1 tr. tf 25 ns Common Mode Transient Immunity at High OutPl,lt Level CM H 50 V!l1s RL '" 350 CI.. " 15pF. If'" 7.5mA VCM = 10Vp_p• Rt "'350n. Vo (min.) '" 2V, IF '" OmA CML -150 V filS n. Figure Note 6,7 1 6,7 2 9 5 9 5 n. " " Common Mode TranSient Immunity at Low Output Level VCM '" 10Vp_p, RI.. '" 3500, Vo (max.) " O.8V IF" 7.5mA NOTE: It i. essential that a bypass capacitor !.01"F to 0.1,,1". ceramic) be connected from pin 8 to pin 5. Total lead length between both ends of the capacitor and the isolator pins should not exceed 20mm. Failure to provide the bypass may impair the switching properties( Figure 5). 69 i NOTES: > 1. The tpLH propagation delay is measured from the 3.75 rnA point I w on the trailing edge of the input pulse to the 1.5V point on the trail- Vee=- SxOV 5 '\ F\\ \\ \\: ~ ing edge of the output pulse. 2. The tPHL propagation delay is measured from the 3.75 rnA point g on the leading edge of the input pulse to the 1.5V point on the leading edge of the output pulse. I- ~ 3. Each channel. I 4. Measured between pins 1, 2, 3, and 4 shorted together, and pins 5, 6, 7. and 8 shorted tog;,ther. ~ 1\ 1 Ix.. TA.=<25°C-- RL 3500 Vl"Q 4kfi X' 0 5. Common mode transient immunity in Logic High level is the maxi- mum tolerable (positive) dVCM/dt on the leading edge of the com· man mode pulse, VCM, to' assure that the output will remain in a IF - INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT·- mA Logic High state (Le., VO>2.0V)' Common mode transient immunity in Logic Low level is the maximum tolerable (negative) dVCM/dt on the trailing edge of the common mode pulse signal, VCM, to assure that the output wilf remain in a Logic Low state (j.e., VO u a: I--------.J.:.-----....-I 20 g ~ 0 u I 10 !? LOW LEVEL iNPUT CURREN" RANGE Vo - COllECTOR VOLTAGE - V NOTE: Dashed characteristics indicate pulsed operation. 10-' L-~_LL-_L_L_~_~~_~_L!..J 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 VF - INPUT FORWARD VOL TAGE-V Figure 4. Input Diode Forward Characteristic CURVE TRACER TERMINALS ______ /GNDBUSIBACKI Figure 2. Optocoupler Transfer Characteristics. Figure 5. Recommended Printed Circuit Board Layout. 70 +SV PUlS£ GetII£I\ATOA ·HP8007 Zo",501); l.-Sm ~ L--~-ovo * INPUT MONITORING NODE CL "oz ;:: """is OUTPUT MONITORING NODE CL is approximately 15 pF, which includes probe and stray wiring capacitance. il: I .. % .. ~ INPUT IF - - 350mV (IF = 7.SmA) J-----\---',SmvIIF:3.,SmAI -----+I I---- ---l t*"- i _______y____ ,V:~ tPHL ~~TPUT tPLH IFH - PULSE INPUT CURRENT - rnA - - - - - VOL Figure 7. Propagation Delay, tpH Land tPLH yo. Pulse Input Current, I FH. Figure 6. Test Circuit for tpHL and tPLH. r---f~~-----------------------------------L~~-oChanA +SV INPUT v--,~~--,. rll:>oo---o Chan B ~'-------+---'---~+SV 1404 ~anA-----'L________~ Chan B -----+1--:___''____. 1.I . 1- 470Q tOl '" 50 os (delay in response to logic low level input) tDH '" 30 ns (delay in response to logic high 18IIei input) TA=25°C Figure 8. Response Delay Between TTL Gates. tr"160ns ,0%} ....------....--o +5V ,~ .,:9;:,0%::....".=.5.S"' 350n " Vo Vo ---_~-------- SV SWITCH AT A: IF'" OmA VCM Vo ------------~VOL L-----------~----~,JL~------~ SWITCH AT B: IF = 7.5mA HP 1900A PULSE GEN. Zo "50n Figure 9. Test Circuit for Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms. 71 rli;' HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD LOW INPUT CURRENT, &N138 HI(jH~GAIN n OPTOCQUpLERS TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 OUTLINE DRAWING* . SCHEMATIC ~ 8 ANODE]2 '~ lip . ~ CATHOOE3 7 141 Features Applications • • • • • • • Ground Isolate Most Logic Families - TTL/TTL, CMOS! TTL, CMOS/CMOS, LTTLmL, CMOS/LTTL • • • • HIGH CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO - 800% TYPICAL LOW INPUT CURRENT REQUIREMENT - 0.5mA TTL COMPATIBLE OUTPUT - 0.1V VOL 3000 Vdc WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION - 500V/J.Is PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER TEMPERATURE O°C 10 70·C . BASE ACCESS ALLOWS GAIN BANDWIDTH ADJUSTMENT HIGH OUTPUT CURRENT - 60mA DC TO 1M blt/s OPERATION RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC. (FILE NO. E55361) • Low Input Current Line Receiver - Long Line or Partyline .EIA R5-232C Line Receiver • Telephone Ring Detector • 117 V ac Line Voltage Status Indicator - Low Input Power Dissipation • Low Power Systems - Ground Isolation Description These high gain series couplers use a Light Emitting Diode and an integrated high gain photon detector to provide 3000V dc electrical insulation, 500V/lAs common mode transient immunity and extremely high current transfer ratio between input and output. Separate pins for the photodiode and output stage result in TTL compatible saturation voltages and high speed operation. Where desired the· Vee and Vo terminals may be tied together to achieve conventional photodarlington operation. A base access terminal allows a gain bandwidth adjustment to be made. Absolute Maximum Ratings· Storage Temperature ............. -55·C to +125°C Operating Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. O·C to +70·C Lead Solder Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . 260°C for lOs (1.6mm below seating plane) Average InputCurrent-IF ................ 20mA [1) Peak Input Current - IF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40mA (50% duty cycle, 1 ms pulse width) Peak Transient Input Current - 'F. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.0A (=s;; lIAS pulse width, 300 pps) Reverse InputVoltage - VR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5V Input Power Dissipation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35mW [2) Output Current - 10 (Pin 6) ....•......... 60mA [3) Emitter-Base Reverse Voltage (Pin 5-7) ........... 0.5V Supply and Output Voltage - Vee (Pin 8-5), Vo (Pin 6-5) 6N138 ...............•........... -0.5 to 7V 6·N139 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 18V Output Power Dissipation ................ 100mW [4) The 6N139 is suitable for use in CMOS, LTTL or other low power applications. A 400% minimum current transfer ratio is guaranteed over a 0-70·C operating range for only 0.5mA of LED current. The 6N138 is suitable for use mainly in TTL applications. Current Transfer Ratio is 300% minimum over 0-70·C for an LED current of 1.6mA [1 TTL unit load (U.L.)]. A 300% minimum CTR enables operation with 1.U,L. in, 1 U.L. out with a 2.2 krl pull-up resistor. See note., following page. "JEDEC Registered Data. 72 Electrical specifications OVER RECOMMENDED TEMPERATURE (TA= O°C to 70°C), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED Param_ Current Transfer Ratio r Syro. CTR* Oeviee GN139 GNUS t... Lo!IlC LOw OutPUt VOItaQ. , Logic High OutPut, Current , I.oglc L.ow, VOL. 'OH· Mm. Typ." 400 800 900 600 500 300 6N139 6Nl38 6N139 GN138 M.x. Units Test Conditions Fig. Note % IF" o.SmA, Vo =0.4V, Vcc = 4.SV IF "1.6mA, VO" OAV, VCC"4.5V IF" !.6mA. VO" 0.4V, Vcc ·4;5V 3 5,6 % 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.4 OA 0.4 ' 0.05 0.1 100 250 V V, ' itA pp. IF .. 1.6mA, 10 .. UmA, Vcc ='4.5V IF" SmA, 10 "15mA. VCC" 4.SV 1.2 IF" 12mA, 10 - 24mA, Vce" 4.5'1 IF • 1.6mA, 10" 4.BmA, 'ICC =4.5V, 6 IF" OmA. '10 ='ICC" l8V IF "OmA, '10= 'ICC" 7V 6 IF" 1.6mA. VO" Open, VCC" 5V 6 6 SupQly Current. ICCL 0.2 rnA Lallie High ,Supply Current ICCH 10 nA IF" OmA, '10" Open, 'ICC" 5V Input Forward Voltage VI'" 1.4 V If''' 1.6mA, TA" 2S C 'Input Reverse Breakdown VoltsIIII eVR· Tentjlerature Coefficient of Forward Voltage loVF Input Capacitance 'nput - Output InSltlation Leakage , Current 5 A'iA CIN 1.7 D 4 IR .. 1()p.A, TA"25°C V -1.8 mVfC 60 pI' f=1 MHz, VI''' 0 pA 45% Reletive HumiditY. TA" 25"C t - 5 s, V 1-0 "3000Vde 7 IJ..O* 1.0 IF" 1.6mA 'Flesi$tanca !lftput.OutPut) RI·O 10" Cl 'VI..o" 500 'Ide 7 Capacitance ' ,!lnput-OutPutl C,..o 0.6 pF f=l MHz 7 ··AII typicals at TA = 25°C and VCC = 5V. unless otherwise noted. Switching Specifications AT TA= 2SoC Parameter Sym. Propagation Delay Time To Logic Low at Output tPHL* r" Device 6N139 6N13S Propagation Delay Time tpLH* To Logic High at Output 6N139 6N138 Min. Typ. M.x. 5 0.2 1 25 1 Its 10, ps 5 1 4 60 7 35 Fig. Note IF = 0.5mA, RL = 4.7kCl IF = 12mA, RL = 270f! IF = '.6mA, RL " 2.2kf! 9 6,8 IF" 0.5mA, RL = 4.7kU 'F" 12mA, RI. .. 270n IF = 1.6mA, RL - 2.2kCl 9 6,8 Units /1.$ ,.. Test Conditions Common Mode Transient Immunity at Logic High CMH Level OutPut 500 V/lts IF 0mA, RL " 2.2kn, RCC" 0 !vern I " IOVPi' 10 9,10 Common Mode Transient Immunity at logic Low CML Level Output -500 VI,.. IF" 1.6mA, RL " 2.2kCl, RCC =0 !vern l - 10Vp1l 10 9.10 = NOTES: 1. Derate linearly above 50° C free-air temperature at a rate of 0.4 mAf C. 2. Derate linearly above 50°C free-air temperature at a rate of 0.7 mWf C. 3. Derate linearly above 25°C free-air temperature at a rate of 0.7mAfC. 4. Derate linearly above 25°C free-air temperature at a rate of 2.0mWfC. 5. DC CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO is defined as the ratio of output collector current. 10. to the forward LED input current, IF, times 100%. 6. Pin 7 Open. 7. Device considered a two-terminal device: Pins 1,2.3. and 4 shorted together and Pins 5, 6, 7, and 8 shorted together. 8. Use of a resistor between pin 5 and 7 will decrease gain and delay time. See Application Note 951·1 for more details. 9. Common mode transient immunity in Logic High level is the maximum tolerable (positive) dVcm/dt on the leading edge of the common mode pulse, Vern, to assure that the output will remain in a Logic High state (;.e.• VO> 2.0V). Common mode transient immunity in Logic Low level is the maximum tolerable (ntllStive) dVern/dt on the trailing edge of the common mode pulse signal, Vcm • to assure that the output will remain in a Logic Low state (;.e., Vo < 0.8V). 10. In applications where dV /dt may exceed 50,OOOV/liS (such as static discharge) a series resistor. RCC, should be included to protect the detector IC from destructively high surge currents. The recommended value is RCC '" 1V kCl. 0.15 IF {mAl 'JEDEC Registered Data. 73 "E ...I ~ a: a: :::> ...u ~ I J; Vo - OUTPUT VOLTAGE - V 110 - OUTPUT VOLT AGE - V Figure 1. SN139 DC Transfer Characteristics. Figure 2. SN138 DC Transfer Characteristics. .. 100 ·L2S.l I I f , 10 "E ...I ~ a: a: ~ 1.0 i12 / I .!!.1 .0 1 . 1.1 /: 1.2 1.3 VF - 1.4 ~ .. 1/ IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 3. Current Transfer Ratio vs. Forward Current. / £1-IF :::> .•. 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 4. Input Diode Forward Current Forward Voltage. Yo. 1oo.. - - - - - _ , - - -_ _ _ _,--_ _ _-""'""1_--. " ~ E I 10.1__--~--1__-----f_::".'----_l--'.._l I ... ffi ~ a: a: a: a: :::> u 1.0 1__-----I----"7.~-r~--~_c__l-_-l :::> u ~ ~ i!: :::> o 0.10 ,--~--'..-+_7'#'--_=___:::±:__-'--'-'--+.~-_I o ~ 0.010 f-------,'-j,i"----c..:..-r-~---1"--_:_':_I 0.0~~0.=1:-0--.L-..LJ'-::-'::"------=':--------:1::-0.--...J IF - INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT - rnA IF - INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure S. SN138 Output Current vs. Input Diode Figure 5. SN139 Output Current vs. Input Diode Forward Current. Forward Current. 74 100. D !I. I S " w !I. I w ~ ~ ;: ~ 10. .II!.,. I TA - TEMPERATURE -'C Figure 7. Propagation Delay VI. RL - LOAD RESISTANCE - kn Figura 8. Non Saturated Rise and Fan Tim.. vs. Load Resistance. Tamperatura. 1--.._---0 *,1/ 5V I - -.....- ......-ovo 10'11 If r l Figure 9. SWitching Test Circuit.· 1: 10% RCC'" tr,tl=18n. .::::..__ tf I - - -.....--ovo A 110 ----~..::.--;,;_------- 5V SWITCH AT A: IF- OmA Vo ----------~IIoL SWITCH AT B: IF .1.6mA Figura 10. Test Circuit for Transient Immunity and Typical Waveform•• "See Note 10 'JEDEC Registered Data. 75 DUAL LOW INPUT HCPl-2730 CURRENT, HIGH GAIN HCPL-2731 OPTOCOUPLERS FliDW HEWLETT a!~ PACKARD TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 OUTLINE DRAWING TYPE NUMSER OAT'E CODE SCHEMATIC .,---------r.;=;==A t ~ ICC, ~ t Q,$3 6,10{.2~ l __ I 8 r---~~----------~--o~C tOll} 7.88 (10) 6.60 {.260} 5" rvp, DIMENSIONS IN Ml-lltMETRES ANO (INCHES) ANODE1~" CATHODE 1 2 CATHODE i ANODE t Vee 7 VOl // V02 4 GNO 5 L--~~-oGND Features Applications • • • • • • • Digital Logic Ground Isolation • • • • HIGH CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO - 1000% TYPICAL LOW INPUT CURRENT REQUIREMENT - 0.5 mA LOW OUTPUT SATURATION VOLTAGE - 1.0V TYPICAL HIGH DENSITY PACKAGING 3000 Vdc WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER O'C TO 70'C TEMPERATURE RANGE HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION DATA RATES UP TO 200K BIT/s HIGH FANOUT RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC. (FILE NO. E55361). • Telephone Ring Detector • EIA RS-232C Line Receiver • Low Input Current Line Receiver - Long Line or Parlyline • Microprocessor Bus Isolallon • Current Loop Receiver • Polarity Sensing • Level Shilling • Line Voltage Status Indicator - Low input Power Dissipation Description The HCPL-2730/31 dual channel couplers contain a separated pair of GaAsP light emitting diodes optically coupled to a pair of integrated high gain photon detectors. They provide extremely high current transfer ratio, 3000V dc electrical insulation and excellent input-output common mode transient immunity. A separate pin forthe photodiodes and first gain stages (Vee) permits lower output saturation voltage and higher speed operation than possible with conventional photodarlington type isolators. The separate Vee pin can be strobed low as an output disable. In addition Vee may be as low as 1.6V without adversely affecting the parametric performance. Guaranteed operation at low input currents and the high current transfer ratio (CTR) reduce the magnitude and effects of CTR degradation. The outstanding high temperature performance of this split Darlington type output amplifier results from the inclusion of an integrated emitter-base bypass resistor which shunts photodiode and first stage leakage currents to ground. The HCPL-2731 has a 400% minimum CTR at an input current of only 0.5 mA making it ideal for use in low input current applications such as MOS, CMOS and low power logic interfacing or RS232C data transmission systems. In addition, the high CTR and high output current capability make this device extremely useful in applications where a high fanout is required. Compatibility with high voltage CMOS logic systems is guaranteed by the 18V Vee and Va specifications and by testing output high leakage (I OH) at 18V. The HCPL-2730 is specified at an input current of 1.6 mA and has a 7V Vee and Va rating. The 300% minimum CTR allows TTL to TTL interfacing with an input current of only 1.6 mAo Important specifications such as CTR, leakage current and output saturation voltage are guaranteed overthe O°C to 70°C temperature range to allow trouble-free system operation. 76 Electrical Specifications (Over Recommended Temperature TA = Parameter Current Transfer Ratio LogiC Low Output Voltage Sym. CTR Logic Low Supply Current Device- Min. Typ.- Units Tfst Condition. Fig. 2731 400 500 1000 1100 % IF ~ O.SmA, Vo ~O.4V, Vcc =4.5V IF: 1.6mA. Vo = OAV, Vee: 4.5V 2 2730 300 1000 % IF ~ 1.6mA, Vo : O.4V, Vee" 4.5V 2 V IF = 1.6mA.to ~ 8mA, Vcc:4.5V IF =5mA,lo" 15mA, Vce=4.5V I F =12mA,l o =24mA, Vce~4.5V 1 'F = I.SmA,lo =4.SmA, Vce =4.5V 0.1 0.1 2731 10H ICCL Logic High SupplV Current teCH Unless Otherwise Specified) HCPL· 0.2 VOL Logic High Output Current oDe to 70De, 0.1 0.4 V 0;005 100 j./A IF" 0 mA, Vo· Vee" 18V 2730 0.01 250 p.A 'F=OmA, Vo "Vee =7V 2731 1.2 0;9 mA 5 4 nA 2730 2731 2730 VF BVR Temperature Coefficient of Forward Vollage AVF ATA -1.8 Input Capacitance CIN 60 1.4 CapaCitance (lnput·Output) Input-Input Insulation Leakago Current 1.7 5 Input·Output Insulation (Input-Output) " 2731 Input F.orward Voltage Resistance 0.4 0.4 ,0.4 2730 1nput Reverse Br~kdown Voltage Leakage Current Max. 1.0 1'·0 10 ,2 U CI-D 0.6 pF 4 ", 6 IF" 1.6mA 6 f= 1 MHz. VF =0 6 45% Relative Humidity. TA "25"C a t" 5., Vt-o =3OO0Vd" 8 f = 1 MHz 8 IlA 45% Relative Humidity, 1=5>, VI_I; 500Vdc 9 VJ.I =500Vdc 9 f = 1 MHz 9 RJ.I 1011 U Capacitance (tnpuI.lnput) C,.! 0,25 pF = 6 VI-D ; 500Vdc Resistance (lnput·lnput) *AII typicalsat TA 6 ee ·18V 'R=IOp.A, TA"25"C j./A 0.005 V V RI_o 11.1 Vee -7V 1Ft = I F2 "OmA V pF 6,7 Vcc ·l,BV 1Ft = 'F2 "1.6mA VOl =V02 " Open VOl "V02 =Open Vce=7V IF = I.SmA, TA "25"C mV/"C Note 2SoC Switching Specifications at TA =25°C ri \ Parameter Propagation Delav Time To Logic Low at Output Sym_ Device HCPl2731 tPHl Min. Typ. Max_ Unit$ 25 100 j./I IF ;0.5mA, 1" IF IF liS 0.5 20 2 2731 20 60 2730/1 10 1 35 I~ 10 I~ 273011 5. Propagation Delay Time To Logic High .tOutput tPLH Common Mode Transient tmmunity at Logic High Level Output CMH 500 CM L ·500 V/JJS V!j./s Logic Low Level Output NOTES: 1. Derate linearly above 50° C free-air temperature at a rate of O.5mA/oC. 2. Derate linearly above 50°C free-air temperature at a rate of O.9mWrC. 3. Derate linearly above 3SoC free-air temperature at a rate of 0.6mArC. 4. Pin S should be the most negative voltage at the detector side. S. Derate linearly above 3SoC free-air temperature at a rate of 1.7mWrC. Output power is collector output power plus supply power. 6. Each channel. 7. CURR ENT TRANSF ER RATIO is defined as the ratio of output collector current, 10, to the forward LED input current, IF, times 100%. 8. Device considered a two-terminal device: Pins 1, 2, 3, and 4 shorted together and Pins 5, 6, 7, and 8 shorted together. 9. Measured between pins 1 and 2 shorted together, and pins 3 and 4 shorted together. R~ Fig. =4.7kl"l Note , = 1.6mA. Rl ~ 2.2kl"l = 12mA, RL = 270~! " 9 IF : 0.5mA. R L .. 4.71 2.0Vl. Common mode transient immunity in Logic Low level is the maximum tolerable (negative) dVCM dt on the trailing edge of the common mode pulse signal, VCM. to assure that the output will remain in a Logic Low state (i.e., Vo < C.BV). 11. In applications where dV/dt may exceed 50,000 Vllls (such as a static discharge) a series resistor, Rce. should be included to protect the detector Ie from destructively high surge curredts. The recommended value is Rce ~ _ _ 1V_ _ kn. 0.3 IF (rnA) 77 " . Absolute Maximum Ratings Storage Temperature .......... -55°C to +125°C Operating Temperature ......... -40°C to +85° C Lead Solder Temperature ....... 260°C for 10sec (1.6mm below seating plane) Average Input Current - IF (each channel) ..................... 20 mA (1) Peak Input Current - IF (each channel) . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. .... 40 mA (50% duty cycle, 1 ms pulse width) Reverse Input Voltage - VR (each channel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5V Input Power Dissipation (each channel) . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . .. 35 mW (2) Output Current - 10 (each channel) . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. 60 mA 13) Supply and Output Voltage - Vee (Pin 8-5), Vo (Pin 7,6-5)[4) HCPL-2730 ........................ -0.5to 7V HCPL-2731 ....................... -0.5to 18V Output Power Dissipation (each channel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 100 mW (5) ~ I ~ 8 ~ o I 51 100 IF Vo - OUTPUT VOLTAGE - V Figure 1. DC Transfer Characteristics. FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 2. Current Transfer Ratio vs. Forward Current. j:I VF -FQAWAROVOLTAGE-V Figure 4. 'Input Diode Forward Current Forward Voltage. VS. IF - INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 3. Output Current vs. Input Diode Forward Current. 100 IF - INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 5. Supply Current Per Channel vs. Input Diode Forward Current. 78 T - INPUT PULSE PERIOD - ms Figure 6. Propagation Delay To Logic Low VB. Pulse Period. 70 ~2730 Vee .. $V .. '- z ~ 40 ~ 30 , 20 ! >- z !2 i... r:- T. -26'1: 60 ~0 , , ~ o ! RL=~ E ". o~ 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 \ rr, " .'",kG ../.. Rc ~hkn 00 70 TA - TEMPERATURE _·C Figure 7. Propagation Delay Temperature. ,,",0114- kn ..v. Rc 0 , HCPI,413t , 10 IF - INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 8. Propagation Detay vs. Input Diode Forward Current. VI. r----- ---~ HCPL·2730 H'8OO1 PIILSE GeN, VO---JE-V 1,6V HCPl·i731 .,- .... 4-600 "---,¥!---5V:::VO 1-1---o+5V ---VOL 'PHL IF MONITOR o 1.5V --- VOL "'LH Figure 9, Switching Test Circuli. [ HCPL·2730 HCPL·2731 VCM +5V 'f ~----~~~ SWITCH AT A: _______________ 5V IF" OmA VO--------------------~ SWITCH AT 8: IF = 1.6mA VOL HP1900A ·See Note 11. PULSE GEN. Figure 10. Test Circuit for Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms. 79 c ' ~,:~:' >, ,:, :::' " ;,::: , " HEVtlt~~,.~·•. PAckARbt (' " ' .. "::\, + _ ANODE~' ~'O VF 'F Vo6 _ CATHODE 2 GND • • Va Schematic Features • HIGH CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO 1000% TYPICAL • LOW INPUT CURRENT REQUIREMENT 0.5 mA • 3000 Vdc WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE • PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER O°C TO 70°C TEMPERATURE RANGE • RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC. (FILE NO. E55361) • INTERNAL BASE-EMITTER RESISTOR MINIMIZES OUTPUT LEAKAGE • GAIN-BANDWIDTH ADJUSTMENT PIN • HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION OIAf_IN""U.IAfET~"$ANO (INCHES). O~Un. Drawing" Applications • • • • Telephone Ring Detector Digital Logic Ground Isolation Low Input Current Line Receiver Line Voltage Status Indicator Dissipation • Logic to Reed Relay Interface • Level Shifting • Interface Between Logic Families Description The 4N45/46 optocouplers contain a GaAsP light emitting diode optically coupled to a high gain photodetector IC. The excellent performance over temperature results from the inclusion of an integrated emitter-base bypass resistor which shunts photodiode and first stage leakage currents to ground. External access to the second stage base provides better noise rejection than a conventional photodarlington detector. An external resistor or capacitor at the base can be added to make a gain-bandwidth or input current threshold adjustment. The base lead can also be used for feedback. Low Input Power Absolute Maximum Ratings* Storage Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -55° C to +125° C Operating Temperature ............. -40°C to +70°C Lead Solder Temperature .............. 260° C for 10 s. (1.6mm below seating plane) AveragelnputCurrent-IF ................. 20mA[1] Peak Input Current -IF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 mA (50% duty cycle, 1ms pulse width) Peak Transient Input Current -IF ............... 1.0A (0;; 1 iJs pulse width, 300pps) Reverse Input Voltage - VR ....................... 5V Input Power Dissipation .................... 35mW[2] Output Current -10 (pin 5) ................. 60 mA[3] Emitter-Base Reverse Voltage (Pins 4-6) ...... . .. 0.5V Output Voltage - Vo (Pin 5-4) 4N45 ................................... -0.5 to 7V 4N46 .................................. -0.5t020V Output Power Dissipation ................. 100mW[4] The high current transfer ratio at very low input currents permits circuit designs in which adequate margin can be allowed for the effects of CTR degradation over t:me. The 4N46 has a 350% minimum CTR at an input current of only 0.5mA making it ideal for use in low input current applications such as MOS, CMOS and low power logic interfacing. Compatibility with high voltage CMOS logic systems is assured by the 20V minimum breakdown voltage of the output transistor and by the guaranteed maximum output leakage (IOH) at 18V. The 4N45 has a 250% minimum CTR at 1.0mA input current and a 7V minimum breakdown voltage rating. See notes. following page "JEDEC Registered Data. 80 Electrical Specifications OVER RECOMMENDED TEMPERATURE (TA = O°C TO 70°CI. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED Switching Specifications ATTA = 25°C ~ I I. "JEDEC Registered Data. ""All typicals at TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted. NOTES: Derate linearly above 50° C free-air temperature at a rate of O.4mAf C. 2. Derate linearly above 50° C free-air temperature at a rate of 0.7mWfC. 3. Derate linearly above 25° C free-air temperature at a rate of O.amAf C. 4. Derate linearly above 25° C free-a ir temperature at a rate of 1.5mWf C. 5. DC CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO is defined as the ratio of output collector current, 10, to the forward LED input current, IF, times 100%. 6. Pin 6 Open. 7. Device considered a two-terminal device: Pins 1,2,3 shorted together and Pins 4, 5, and 6 shorted together. a. Use of a resistor between pin 4 and 6 will decrease gain and delay time. (See Figures 10 and 12). 9. Common mode transient immunity in Logic High level is the maximum tolerable (positive) dVcm/dt on the leading edge of the common mode pulse, Vcm , to assure that the output will remain in a Logic High state (i.e., Va> 2.5V). Common mode transient immunity in Logic Low level is the maximum tolerable (negative) dVcm/dt on the trailing edge of the common mode pulse signal, Vcm , to assure that the output will remain in a Logic Low state (i.e., Va < 2.5V). i. 81 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Vo - OUTPUT VOLTAGE - V Figure 1. Input Diode Forward Current Forward Voltage. VS. IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 2. Typical DC Transfer Characteristics. Figure 3. Output Current vs. Input Current. , ~ ~c z c r--C..-+f-±-'-'!t-1=:::±:=T•• 70"C i.. TA '"'25°(: r--JH-J'-+---'............c:±= TA #-GOC TA."'--4O"C 5 10 20 , 1·~50L--_2.1.:5c---'--l25'---50'--'-'7:"'·"'-.c.,..Joo 50 100 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA TA - TEMPERATURE _ °C IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 4. Currant Transfer Ratio vs. Input Current. Figure 5. Propegation Delay vs. Forward Current. Figure 6. Propagation Delay vs. Temperature. ,.....--- " o---~ I VO---]' •2.-5V ---VOL 'PHJ "----.,, o f=- , !-,- - - - ,, ,,, , RL - LOAD RESISTOR - kn Figure 7. Propegation Delay vs load Resistor. Figure 8. Switching Test Circuit ~~1'::9::':0%:"""-''_-_,on, ' Vo Va ----""~;;;-------- 5V SWITCH AT A: IF= OmA Va -----------~VOL HPl900A PULSE GEN. SWITCH AT B: IF = 1.0 rnA Figure 9. Test Circuit for Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms. 82 10.000 ;, I > '000 :l ... 0 z Q l ~ g; '00 I '0 0 I> Figure 10. External Ba. Resistor. RX IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Rx - EXTERNAL RESISTOR - kn Figure 11. Effect of R X On Current Transfer Ratio Figure 12. Effect of R X On Propagation Dalay Applications 75kn TELEPHONE{ LINE 1N91. <>--)~---f Vo D,' /JF NOTE: AN INTEGRATOR MAY BE REQUIRED AT THE OUTPUT TO ELIMINATE DIALING PULSES AND LINE TRANSIENTS. ·SCHMIDT TRIGGER RECOMMENDED BECAUSE OF LONG tr. tt. TTL Interface Telaphone Ring Detector v Vee RS ADD FOR / ACINPUT Line Voltage Monitor CMOS Interface +Vee, +Vcc,o----..... - - . CHARACTER ISTICS RIN "" 3OMn, ROUT"" son VINtMAX,1 = l---H~-oVOUT Vcc, -1V, LINEARITY BETTER THAN 5% DESIGN COMMENTS R, _ NOT CRITICAL «< VIN !MAX.) - (-Vcc,) - VBE)hFE Q3 'FIMAX.) R2 - NOT CRITICAL (OMIT IF 0.2 TO O.3V OFFSET IS TOLERABLE) R,> V,N VIN (MAX.I + VaE 'mA VIN (MAX.I R6>~ R, 6.8k NOTE: ADJUST R3 so VOUT .. VIN AT VIN '" VIN (MAXJ 2 .vcc, 0,.02 - 2N3904 03 - 2N3906 Analog Signal Isolation 83 .,~;-' " AC/DC TO LOGIC INTERFACE ,'OPTOCOUPLER HEWLETT (hpl PACKARD' HCPL·3100 TECHNICAL DATA SCHEMATIC MARCH 1980 OUTLINE DRAWING DC+ INPUT 1 Vee ~l:fi Iec- DC-INPUT GND Features Applications • • • • • • • • • • • • • AC OR DC INPUT PROGRAMMABLE SENSE VOLTAGE HYSTERESIS LOGIC COMPATIBLE OUTPUT SMALL SIZE: STANDARD 8 PIN DIP THRESHOLDS GUARANTEED OVER TEMPERATURE • THRESHOLDS INDEPENDENT OF LED DEGRADATION • 3000V WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE • RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC. (FILE NO. E55361) LIMIT SWITCH SENSING LOW VOLTAGE DETECTOR 5V-240V AC/DC VOLTAGE SENSING RELAY CONTACT MONITOR RELAY COIL VOLTAGE MONITOR CURRENT SENSING MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACING HCPL-3700 Description The HCPL-3700 is a voltage/current threshold detection optocoupler. This optocoupler uses an internal Light Emitting Diode (LED). a threshold sensing input buffer IC. and a high gain photon detector to provide an optocoupler which permits adjustable external threshold levels. The input buffer circuit has a nominal turn on threshold of 2.5 mA (ITH+) and 3.8 volts (VTH+). The addition of one or more external attenuation resistors permits the use of this device over a wide range of input voltages and currents. Threshold sensing prior to the LED and detector elements minimizes effects of different optical gain and LED variations over operating life (CTR degradation). Hysteresis is also provided in the buffer for extra nOise immunity and switching stability. The buffer circuit is designed with internal clamping diodes to protect the circuitry and LED from a wide range of over-voltage and over-current transients while the diode bridge enables easy use with ac voltage input. The high gain output stage features an open collector output providing both TTL compatible saturation voltages and CMOS compatible breakdown voltages. The HCPL-3700. by combining several unique functions in a single package. provides the user with an ideal component for industrial control computer input boards and other applications where a predetermined input threshold optocoupler level is desirable. 84 Absolute Maximum Ratings [ -, Lead Soldering (No derating required up to 70·C) .......~__ ~-.;...-.;...-.;...----.;... Cycle Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Supply Voltage Operating Temperature Operating Frequency Switching Characteristics ( Parameter at TA = 25·C. Vee = 5.0V . Symbol ~ !~t~~~~~i~ ~ f;:: . Propagation Delay Time to Logic low Output Level tpHl. Propegation Delay Time to' logic High Output Level tPLH Common MOde Transient Immunity at Logic Low Output Level CML Common MOde Transient Immunity at Logic High Output Level CMHH. " y; -, ,~. Output Rise Time (10-900/0) tr. Output Fall Time (90-10%) If , 85 w;l~f~~~t;'~~: Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Temperature (0· C:S; TA:S; 70°C) Unless Otherwise Specified Parameter Symbol Min. Typ.' Max. Un", ITH+ 1.96 2.5 3.11 mA ITH- 1.00 1.3 1.62 mA Y,N = VTH- ; Vee = 4.5V; Vo = 2,4V; 10H :s; 100 pA '3.35 3.S 4.05 V 2.01 2.6 2.86 V input Threshold Current , , : ~ Fig. Note Condition. VIN=VTH+; Vee = 4.5V; Vo == 0.4V; 10 ~ 4.2 mA DC (Pins 2, 3) VIN = V2 - V3; Pins 1 &4 Open Vee = 4.5V; Vo = 0.4V; 10~4.2 mA 14 = VTH- Y,N Vz -- Va; Pins 1 & 4 Open Vec == 4.5V; VO'" 2.4V; 2,3 .input Threshold ,r,;.._ _ _-+__---lI--_-I-_-+-_-+_ _+-10:..-~...,.1-oo-.:...p-A_,_----___l ',Voltage ' '. v,N==lv1-V41;Pins2&30pen 5.1 V 4.23 5.50 Vcc = 4.5V; Vo "" 0.4V; VTH+ 10;:':: 4.2 mA AC ,,(Pins 1, 4) Y,N =IV1-V4!; Pins2 &SOpen 4.24 2.87 3.8 V Vce = 4.5V; Vo "" 2,4V; VTH10:S; 100 pA Hysteresis- ' IHYS 1.2 mA VHYS 1,2 V VHYS = VTH+ - V,HCl V2 - Va; V3 = GND; fiN = 10 mA; Pin 1 &4 Connected to Pin 3 IHYS .. ITH+ - ITH- 14,15 2 VTH- = V,HCl 5,4 6.0 6.6 V V,HC2 6.1 6.7 7.3 V 12.0 13.4 V V,HC3 W; - Va GND; liN = 15 mA; Pins1 & 4 Open V V,LC = V2 - V3; V3 = GND; liN = -10 mA = Input Clamp VOlta~e V,HC3 -0.76 'Input Current liN 3.0 3.7 4,4 mA V,HC2 = IV1 - V41; IliNI 10 mA; Pins 2 & 3 Open = = VIN = V2 - Va == 5.0V; Pins 1 & 4 Open 5 , VDl,2 0.59 Bridge Diod.• ,Forward Voltaf;jef-...;;,.:..:;:..-I---f--+---+----i liN"" 3 mA (see schematic) V03.4 0.74 LogiC LowOutp!JtVollage VOL Logic High~fpUt OUrrent IOH 0.1 0,4 V 100 ICCl 1.0 leCH 2 4 11-0 Vee VOH =4.5V; IOl == 4.2 mA = Vcc =l8V mA V2 - V3 = 5.0V; Vo = Open Vcc =5.0V nA Vcc pA Relative Humidity == 45%, TA = 25·C, VI-O = 3000 Vdc; t =: 5 sec. =18V; Vo == Open Input-outPut"'$i'~nce 1012 n V,-O -= 500 Vdc Input-Output eapicltance ' 0.6 pF 50 pF f = 1 MHz, V,-O = 0 Vdc 1-1 MHz; V,N-OV, Pins 2 & 3, Pins 1 & 4 Open Input CapaCitance CIN Notes: 1. Measured at a point 1,6 mm below seating plane. 2. Current int%ut of any single lead. 3. Surge input current duration is a ms at 120 Hz pulse repetition rate. Transient input current duration is 10 pS at 120 Hz pulse repetition rate. Note that maximum input power, P,N. must be observed. 4. Derate linearly above 70· C free-air temperature at a rate of 4.1 mW/· C. Maximum input power dissipation of 230 mW allows an input IC junction'temperature of 125· C at an ambienttemperature of TA = 70· C with a typical thermal resistance from junction to ambient of 6JA, = 240 CIW. Excessive PIN and T J may result in Ie chip degradation. 5 4 14 14 16 5. Derate linearly above 70· C free-airtemperature at arate of 5.4 mW/· C. 6. Derate linearly above 70° C free-air temperature at a rate of 3.9 mW/o C. • Maximum output power diSSipation of 210 mW allows an output IC junction temperature of 12S·C at an ambienttemperatureofTA=70· C with a typical thermal resistance from junction to ambient of 6JAo = 26S·C/W. 7. Derate linearly above 70· C free-air temperature at a rate of 0.6 mAl· C. 8. Maximum operating frequency is defined when output waveform (Pin 6) obtains only 90% of Vee with RL = 4.7 kil. CL = 30 pF using a SV square wave input signal. 0 86 r l 13. In applications where dVeM/dl may exceed 50,000 V/~s (such as static discharge), a series resistor, Rce, should be included to protect the detector Ie from destructively high surge currents. The recommended value for Aee is 2400 per volt of allowable drop in Vee (between Pin B and Vee) with a minimum value of 2400. 14. Logic low output level at Pin 6 occurs under the conditions of VIN ;::: VTH+ as well as the range of VIN > VTH- once VIN has exceeded VTH+. Logic high output level at Pin 6 occurs under the conditions of VIN:5 VTH- as well as the range of VIN < VTH+ once VIN has decreased below 9. All typical values are at TA = 25° C, Vee = S.OV unless otherwise stated. 10. The tPHL propagation delay is measured from the 2.5V level of the leading edge of a 5.0V input pulse (1 ~s rise time) to the 1.5V level on the leading edge of the output pulse (see Figure 9). ". The tPLH propagation delay is measured from the 2.5V level of the trailing edge of a 5.0V input pulse (1 ~s fall time) to the 1.5V level on the trailing edge of the output pulse (see Figure 9). 12. Common mode transient immunity in Logic High level isthe maximum tolerable (positive) dVCM/dt on the leading edge of the common mode pulse, VCM, to insure that the output will remain in a Logic High state (Le., Vo > 2.0V). Common mode transient immunity in Logic Low level is the maximum tolerable (negative) dVCM/dt on the trailing edge 01 the common mode pulse signal, VCM. to insure that the output will remain in a Logic Low state (i.e., Vo < O.BV). See Figure 10. 60 I 55 . TAl" 2~'C t- 50 " E I .... a: u '...." 30 ~ 20 ~ 15 15a: ~ I > , 45 40 VTH-. 15. AC Yoltage is instantaneous Yoltage. 16. Device considered a two terminal device: pins 1, 2, 3, 4 connected together, and Pins 5, 6, 7, B connected together. I w ! 35 25 DC ri'V I- CONNECTED TOGETHER; I o ~ 1 2 3 4 5 tft 3~~N) -r-r I 6 7 8 9 fTH (AelOC) VOH '"oI ~ o. ! \irK IAC1 i i!: Ii· DC (PINS 2. 3 --I:'~ f' VTK (DC) 5 '~PINS1& "' 10 ~ §! ACIPINS1.41--+2 ,3 I-- i, ' OPENI : r PINS3.4 _.... CONNECTED TOGETHER .. "' ,I :::-: TH_ 10 11 12 13 VIN -INPUT VOLTAGE - V Figure 1. Typic.1 I nput Characteristics, liN vs. VIN' 4.2 i 4.0 > 3.8 90 3.6 :\lrH'1 !l ~a: ".... " :;" w 0 > I ~ > ! I I '+- I I I , I : , ITH+ 3.4 3.2 ~- I 3.0 i I I r- ~ 1. 2.6 2.8 2.4 I-- --LIT~_ 2.2 I I 2.0 1.8 -20 ! I I -,-- i I I-- I 20 40 TA - TEMPERATURE - 60 I 80 1()O 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 " E 1.4 u 7~ § 'CCtt Vee -ltv ,,-Vo -OPEN "ffla: "........ 1.6 :: 1 I 90 15a: 1.2 I Figure 2. Typical Transfer Characteristics. :: liN -OmA L ./ ~/ V "''" I ~ ~ ~ 1.0 10-5 0.8 -25 ac 25 Figure 3. Typical DC Threshold Levels vs. Temperature. 75 50 TA - TEMPERATURE _ 100 °c Figure 4. Typical High Level Supply Current, ICCH vs. Temperature. 87 4.2 240 4.0 220 .. 180 f- 160 E I iii It It ~ I 200 w !'l. ";:!-' I ~ w g C 2 " 140 ~ 3.2 :J 120 ~ 100 CJ f- ~ I 80 o 5 I ~ > w -' 60 ;: ~ I 0 40 -' I J> I -20 20 40 60 80 TA - TEMPERATURE -'C TA - TEMPERATURE _ °C Figure 5. Typical Input Current, liN, and Low Level Output Voltage, VOL, vs. Temperature. Figure 6. Typical Propagation Delay vs. Temperature. ~ 5000 I > I- I :0 .. 30 I .> 20 w Rt -4.1kO 300 .. ~ CM~ a: ~ 2000 I I 2 -' ~ it iii c 200 I 0 :0 '" z o 1000 8 500 :0 :0 I ~ TA - TEMPERATURE _ I I °c 00 , CMH \leo I I liN -OmA I I RL -4.7kO TA lit 25~C I 400 ! I , ! i i ! I "l I I 800 I I -S.w 1IoH-21JV I 11 It ; I ~ 3000 w w Vot. - \UV ," =25'C I- :0 ;: 4000 :; ~ :;, I I i ! tee 15.; I", -3.11mA ~ 1200 1600 2000 VCM - COMMON MODE TRANSI ENT AMPLITUDE - V Figure 7. Typical Rise, Fall Times vs. Temperature. Figure 8. Common Mode Transient Immunity vs. Common Mode Transient Amplitude. +5V HCPL-3700 RCC* PULSE GENERATOR 1---1I---~;--O ttP-8OO7B Vo 1--1-----;--0 Vo Zo-son V,N PULSE AMPLITUDE· 5.0V PULSE WIDTH'" 1 ms f= 100 Hz t, '" t1 '" 1.0ps (10-90%) -= PULSE GENERATOR * CL ** CL IS 30 pF. WlilCH IS 30 pF, WHICH INCLUDES PROBE AND STRAY WIRING CAPACITANCE. * SEE NOTE 13 INCLUDES PROBE AND STRAY WIRING CAPACITANCE. r-----------~------5V INPUT V,N ----- - - - - ----- 2.5V OV .....=---VOH OUTPUT Vo ~ ~rS---------5V v ----VOMIN ___ _ Vo SWITCH AT A, liN '" OmA Vo ~SW~'T~C~H~A~T~B-,---~I~ -+----1.5V VOMAX - ~~~~~~~~~~~----VOL " - - -/\ '------VOL CMl liN"" 3.11 rnA Figure 9. Switching Test Circuit. Figure 10. Test Circuit for Common Mode Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms. 88 CMH Electrical Considerations [- Rx ,.,., ( I V+,(AC) "' 90 250 l- t-- /- 200 II a: ...-' 150 and iliAC VOLTAGE li~NS;A';;:~~NEOUS VALUEI 100 'I j Conversely, if the denominator of equation (2) is negative, then and 80 120 ITH+ -ITH_ > VTH_ (V+) - VTH+ (V_ ) Rx = ITH+ (VTH_) - ITH_ (VTH+) VTH_ (V+).- VTH+ (V_ ) Rp = ITH+ (V_ - VTH_ ) + ITH_ (VTH+ _ V+) \j - + -cof 'i j' 160 200 Ii y' 0 'TH_ "'-1.3mA 40 ITH+ < -ITH_ I - t-- ,; , (1 ) For two specifically selected external threshold voltage levels, V+ and V-, the use of Rx and Rp will permit this selection via equations (2), (3) provided the following conditions are met. If the denominator of equation (2) is positive, then 0 ;:; IE... (-) 1 tl'VTH •• 3.BV} DC' PINS 2 3 liTH.· 2.•V r · j '/ IiTH"6.1V}AC,PINSI4 If '/ VTH -3av 50 --,~ _ _ . _ITH.- ·2.5mA , I·' Figure 12, External Threshold Voltage Level Selection. Rx can provide over-current transient protection by limiting input current during a transient condition. For monitoring contacts of a relay or switch, the HCPL-3700 in combination with Rx and Rp can be used to allow a specific current to be conducted through the contacts for cleaning purposes (wetting current). I HCPL-3700 ITH+ The HCPL-3700 optocoupler has internal temperature compensated, predictable voltage and current threshold points which allow selection of an external resistor, Rx, to determine larger external threshold voltage levels. For a desired external threshold voltage, V±, a corresponding typical value of Rx can be obtained from Figure 11. Specific calculation of Rx can be obtained from Equation (1) of Figure 12. Specification of both V+ and V- voltage threshold levels simultaneously can be obtained by the use of Rx and Rp as shown in Figure 12 and determined by Equations (2) and (3). 240 RX - EXTERNAL SERIES RESISTOR -ld1 Figure 11. Typical External Threshold Characteristic, V± vs. Rx. 89 -: (2) (3) 6 IF2 ~:~*? · NOTE: A .01 TO O.lj.!F BYPASS CAPACITOR MUST BE CONNECTED BETWEEN PINS 15 AND 10. 10 '-----~~-__O GND Features • HERMETICALLY SEALED • HIGH SPEED • PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER -55°C TO +125°C AMBIENT TEMPERATURE RANGE • STANDARD HIGH RELIABILITY SCREENED PARTS AVAILABLE • TTL COMPATIBLE INPUT AND OUTPUT • HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION • DUAL-IN-LiNE PACKAGE • 1500 VDC WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE • EIA REGISTRATION • HIGH RADIATION IMMUNITY :iL.;bH.~ ;,,~~~~, ,,- .~. ." ;-. / '< • of , ~ :-':., , ':. , :.,' ~', '" '.' .. :. " •• ,,-'~ I" -.. .' .• '--_ _ _ I~. :O~f~M"L~iMrnI£sANDi~: ... Recommended Operating Conditions TABLE I Applications • • • • • • Logic Ground Isolation Line Receiver Computer - Peripheral Interface Vehicle Command/Control Isolation High Reliability Systems System Test Equipment Isolation Absolute Maximum Ratings· Description (No derating required up to 125°C) Storage Temperature ................. -65°C to +l50°C Operating Temperature ............... -55°C to +125°C Lead Solder Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 260°C for lOs (1.6rnrn below seating plane) Peak Forward Input Current (each channel) ....... 40 rnA (';;; 1 ms Duration) Average Input Forward Current (each channel) ..... 20 rnA Input Power Dissipation (each channel) ........... 35 rnW Reverse Input Voltage (each channel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5V Supply Voltage - Vee ........... 7V (1 minute maximum) Output Current - 10 (each channel) ... . . . . . . . . . .. 25 rnA Output Power Dissipation (each channel) . . . . . . . . .. 40 rnW Output Voltage - Vo (each channel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7V Total Power Dissipation (both channels) ......... 350 mW The 6N 134 consists of a pair of inverting optically coupled gates, each with a light emitting diode and a unique high gain integrated photon detector in a hermetically sealed ceramic package. The output of the detector is an open collector Schottky clamped transistor. This unique dual coupler design provides maximum DC and AC circuit isolation between each input and output while achieving TTL circuit compatibility. The isolator operational parameters are guaranteed from -55°C to +125°C, such that a minimum input current of 10 rnA in each channel will sink a six gate fanout (10 rnA) at the output with 4.5 to 5.5 V Vee applied to the detector. This isolation and coupling is achieved with a typical propagation delay of 55 nsec. *JEDEC Registered Data. ··12.5mA condition permits at least 20% CTR degradation guardband. Initial· switching threshold is 10mAor less. 90 TABLE II Electrical Characteristics OVER RECOMMENDED TEMPERATURE (TA = -55°C TO +125°C) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED [ "AII typical values are at Vee = 5V, TA = 25°e TABLE III Typical Characteristics AT TA = 25°C, Vee = 5V Sywnbol' EACH CHANNEL . figure Typ. Note InputCapaeltanee. 1. . Input Diode T&n:IPefa'tUre .-1.9 . Coefficiant:·.,. : ." r Capacitin(ie'(lnputo-Output) Input-::lowilnsqliiil(lO' .. . LeillcilgeCurterit . .' ...... 1012 ~,.'J 0.5 3 4 11)12. 4 1.7 ,0.56 Output Ris&:Fall Time (11)-90')(,) 4 35 . Common Mode 10Q Transiant I!\'IrntJrlity at Hii:IJ Ot.rqwt lev.el CommQo:MocIe ','-, .,;'>'·VCNi"'1Ov (peak);' .. ' ,/AtC) itnaX.) ,;,O.8V 6 8 .... : R.......'5100,IF ".1OmA NOTES: 1. Each channel. 6. 2. Measured between pins 1 through 8 shorted together and pins 9 ~hee 1!~)j\~:;~:9::I:e ~~I:~t I~u'r::':t.~ f:~~ :~n~'~~!~f~~~I~~ edge of the output pu Iss. through 16 shorted together. 7. CMH is the max. tolerable common mode transient to assure that 3. Measured between pins 1 and 2 or 5 and 6 shorted together, and pins 9 through 16 shorted together. the output will remain in a high logic state (i.e., Vo 4. Measured between pins 1 and 2 shorted together, and pins 5 and 6 > 2.0V). < O.8V). 8. CML is the max. tolerable common mode transient to assure that shorted together. the output will remain in a low logic state (i.e., Va 5. JhheB t~:IrM::=9~ii~e ~~I:~t i~ui.:a:r~~ ~.5~ ~o~n~~~:.~~::~i~; 9. It is essential that a bypass capacitor (.01 to 0.1"F, ceramic) be con· nected from pin 10to pin 15. Total lead length between both ends of the capacitor and the isolatol)pins should not exceed 20mm (Fig. 7). edge of the outPut pulse. 'JEDEC Registered Data. 7 - V/p.s; -400 Transient Immunity at LoW Ou1Ptit level 6 91 100 . E I I 10 .... iiicr cr ""c cr . cr i .· ;!; I ~ 0.01 * 1.0 Vo 1.8 '.6 .01 ).IF GN-e BYPASS " Tel" 10 ~ 9 CL is approximately 15 pF, which includes probe and stray wiring capacitance. J-----\--- ~-- ',~PUT ,.. 1.2 Rl 13 '2 S I 5V 15 ,. .f::» 7 I 0.001 vee, 5~~ MONITORING ! NODE 47H .... ~ ,. "".......V "'-", 3 tR ",50S I 0.1 Z 2 I ;: ~ HP 8001a ZO"50H INPUT " 1.0 h GENERATOR TA -25°C -----, ~1 PULSe IF"13mA IF···5mA - I tpHL 1-I tplH t--~VOH ~~TPUT l.5V 2.0 VF' INPUT FORWARD VOLTAGE· V 1 _______ I _____ - - - - - VOL Figure 1. Input Diode Forward Characteristic Figure 2. Test Circuit for tPHL and tPLH* , IF~ 100 AC • S10n .!..RL -4kn -- ....K...-. ~- ~ > ~c 60 '- -- ><: ..... -... 0 j:: '~" ~ •0 g: tl'<." 8 10 ,. 12 "'t- ~- 1I ~ • > 3 I :? IF - PULSE INPUT CURRENT mA TA."'250'C_ "\ '\\ \\ R, 5100 \~ /~~~~'i , 0 "::' vee" S,OV 2 ~ 0 20 Vo 01.u F BYPASS 9 5 I ~ Rl ~ 8 • > tPHL. 18 '5V '5 " GND 7 ~ 16 '- ,. ,. 6 0 • .. Vee :~'lf::» ;: 20 0 !Z~ 3 -'....- - H' r-..... :-- z . TA _25°C ---- Vee =sv 80 2 . J/\ \. 0 2 • 8 IF - INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT Figure 3. Propagation Delay. tPHL and tPLH ys. Pulse Input Current. IFH '0 mA 12 Figure 4. Input-Output Characteristics /. y 'Z 2 120 VCC-SV' IF,""13mA ~ 100 >- ~ 0 z .. 0 j:: '" / 80 60 V ...k' I ;t ..-(' 0 g: V 40 IF! 4" / 'PH. V ~ 3 / R.Li Ston 16 tpLH '5V 15 .... ,. 11:+ :~-:/t> ;: 6 .01 "F BYPASS Va " GNO 7 8 '0 9 VeM HP 1900A PULSE GEN. lOV - - - - - 20 ;:.C "::' VCM OV 0 -40 -20 0 20 .0 60 TA - TEMPERATURE 80 100 Va "c va Figure 5. Propagation Delay vs. Temperature 'JEDEC Registered Data, IF = 0 5V 120 Vo (min.) Vo (max.) .5V 1\ IF"'10mA Figure 6. Typical Common Mode Rejection CharacteristiCS/Circuit 92 High Reliability Test Program Hewlett Packard provides standard high reliability test programs, patterned after MI L-M-3851 O. • The TXV suffix identifies a part which has been preconditioned and screened per Table IV . • The TXVB suffix identifies a part which has been preconditioned and screened per Table IV, and comes from a lot which has been subjected to the Group B tests detailed in Table V. Part Number System 'l'lthTX .·,$M.e'ning : f'lusGrollp B .6N134TXVB Figure 7. Recommended Circuit Board Lavout. TABLE IV TXV Preconditioning and Screening -100% Pre:Cap \ji...al.ln~tlon" .•.. .......:' •...;~;~::t Electriclol 1':~: jqHiNOi,lcc~lcc~~t~ High. remp,",.wr"~tQr~/'; .' " . / ' ,··).i; \:~~;c., Tempsrature Cydlng'. ,.y," :.Conditlon 8 . ,,'" , .. ' ·,.,PerTeDls 1I,1'A= 25"C ':;·\168 hy&. @l1s(f·C . :'-65"C to +l50~C >..'ilSG, y 1 <'~";"':;:) ~~~t~::;e$tY;';<;?;~"'? ";;;~. GroSl Leak TeS! . Electrical Test: .';."; )\ .Test Cond. A ;:,' ~;TIIli):Cond.C VoL' . . .. ,> .... ';\Par Table II ;TA~:2" (;. ;. ;~ hrs., TA =126"·9, Burn-In VCC"'S;5V, IF..13mA, IO~25mA 10. 11; 12 13. 14. 15. Electrical Test:, Sam&as S~p2 Evaluate Drift . .".' . : . . . , ' .,,,. Sample Elect,icalTest:.10Hl:VoL,;lcCH; leti.: Sample Electriclll 'rest: IO'Hi;\lOl.>ICCH,lCCL:.; Sample Electrical Test.: tI>LH;'PH( . Extarnal Visual . . . ' - .. . , ." . •. Max. AVOL~ ±2O'l(,. , ..•. . . PorTable II, LTPD =' 7, TA"-55"C ~Table II,LTPO = 7, TA "''':125"C. !"arTable II,TA" 25"C, LTPD" 7 . '? TABLE V, GROUP B Examination or TeS! ( LTPD SubgrOIlP 1 Physical Oimensions $ubgl"oup2 Solderabilitv 15 . Subgrdup3 .' Tempenlture Cyclii1g. Thermal ShOek '.. :.,.' • Herm(ltill Seal; Fine Leak Hermetic seal; Gross 'teak 15 Subgroup 4 ShOck, non-operatiog Constant Acceleration' 15 ... E'nd pomts:. Same as Subgra;.up3 ' •. SubgroupS . . . Terminal Strength,'tanslon ',.> "1 Subgrqup 6 ' ... ' .. . . » , HighTernparatur,~ife\ ...•.. Enll POints: Same.~s SubgrouP 3 Subgroup 7 ' •..•... ::'" : Stlllldy S15te.Operatin,g LWe End P<;>lnts: Same as SUbgroup. 3 15 /> . X=7. X=7 93 ¥?~;,;:;yC' ;~,:~i~:;: , '... .. . . . .• HERMETICALLY SEALED, FOUR CHANNEL, LOW INPUT CURRENT OPTOCOUPLER ' 6N140 6N140 TXV 6N140 TXVB TECHNICAL DATA :3D ; *---5 -: ; -*----'" OATECOOE -::J CTYPE h MARCH 1980 v, VBI hp XXXXYV .1'. 6N140 I " PIN 1 H1ENTIFIER ,6 '" .. ~ 12 ..----+-+....c:.--<>V03 '4 7D -8V~ --- ,. DIMENSlONS IN MILLIMETERS AND (INCHES). 10 '--+---+----oGNO Outline Drawing" Schematic Features Description • HERMETICALLY SEALED • HIGH DENSITY PACKAGING • HIGH CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO: 500% TYPICAL • CTR AND IOH GUARANTEED OVER -55°C TO 100°C AMBIENT TEMPERATURE RANGE • STANDARD HIGH RELIABILITY SCREENED PARTS AVAILABLE • 1500 Vdc WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE • LOW INPUT CURRENT REQUIREMENT: 0.5 mA • LOW OUTPUT SATURATION VOLTAGE: 0.1V TYPICAL • LOW POWER CONSUMPTION • HIGH RADIATION IMMUNITY The 6N140 contains four GaAsP light emitting diodes, each of which is optically coupled to a corresponding integrated high gain photon detector. A common pin for the photodiodes and first stage of each detector IC (Vce) permits lower output saturation voltage and higher speed operation than possible with conventional photodarlington type optocouplers. Also, the separate Vee pin can be strobed low as an output disable or operated with supply voltages as low as 2.0V without adversely affecting the parametric performance. The outstanding high temperature performance of this split Darlington type output amplifier results from the inclusion of an integrated emitter-base bypass resistor which shunts photodiode and first stage leakage currents to ground. The high current transfer ratio at very low input currents permits circuit designs in which adequate margin can be allowed for the effects of CTR degradation over time. Applications • • • • • • • • • The 6N140 has a 300% minimum CTR at an input current of only O.SmA making it ideal for use in low input current applications such as MOS, CMOS and low power logic interfacing or RS-232C data transmission systems. Compatibility with high voltage CMOS logiC systems is assured by the 18V Vee and by the guaranteed maximum output leakage (IOH) at 18V. Isolated Input Line Receiver System Test Equipment Isolation Digital Logic Ground Isolation Vehicle Command/Control Isolation EIA RS-232C Line Receiver Microprocessor System Interface Current Loop Receiver Level Shifting Process Control Input/Output Isolation Important specifications such as CTR, leakage current, supply current and output saturation voltage are guaranteed over the -SsoC to 100°C temperature range to allow trouble free system operation. *JEDEC Registered Data. 94 L Absolute Maximum Ratings* TABLE I Recommended operating Conditions Symbol Input Current, Low Level (Each Channell IFL Input Current, High Level (Each Channel) IFH Supply Voltage Vee Min. Max. Unl1s 2 p,A 0,5 5 mA 2.0 18 V Storage Temperature ............... -65°C to +150°C Operating Temperature ............. -55° C to +1 OO°C Lead Solder Temperature .............. 260°C for 105. (1.6mm below seating plane) Output Current, 10 (each channel) ............. 40 mA Output Voltage, Vo (each channel) -0.5 to 20 V[1] Supply Voltage, VCC ................... -0.5 to 20 V[1] Output Power Dissipation (each channel) 50 mW[2] Peak Input Current (each channel, ~lmsduration) ............................ 20mA Average Input Current, IF (each channel) ..... 10 mA[3] Reverse Input Voltage, VR (each channel) 5V TABLE II. Electrical Characteristics Parameter Symbol TA = -55°C to 10QoC, Unless Otherwise Specified Min. Typ. Max. Units Te.. Conditions IF=O.5mA, Vo=0.4V, Vcc-4.5V % 300 1000 300 750 % IF=1.6mA, Vo=OAV. Vcc"'4.5V 200 400 % Ip"SmA, Vo=OAV, Vcc=4.5V .4 .1 V IF.SmA, IOL=1.SmA, Vcc=4.5V .2 V IFSmA, IOL=10mA, Vcc"'4.SV .4 IF-.2,uA .005 250 /loA Vo=Vec=18V IF1-IF2-IF3-IF4-1.6mA 4 2 mA Vee"'18V Current Transfer Ratio CTR' Logic Low Output Voltage VOL Logic High Output Current 10H' LogIc Low Supply Current lecL' Logic High Supply Current lecH' .010 40 /,A Input Forward Voltage Input Reverse Breakdown Voltage Input-Output Insulation Leakage Current Propagation Delay Time To Logic High At Output VF' 1.4 1.7 V Vec=18V IF=LElmA, TA'72S·C V IfI=10p,A. T A",2So C tI'LH' Propagation Delay Time To Logic Low At Output tPHL' Common Mode Transient Immunity At Logic High Level Output Common Mode Transient Immunity At Logic Low Level Output eVR' 5 CMH 500 1000 V/p,s CML -500 -1000 V//ioS IF=1.6mA, RL=1.5kO IVCM!=50Vp- p , Vcc=5.0V, TA=25°C 25 10 3S 2 1.0 /loA SO 20 100 5 /loS /loS p,s ,,5 Note 3 4,5 2 4 4,6 IF1~lf2~IF3=IF4=0 45% Relative Humidity, TA""2SoC, t=5s., VI-o=l500 Vdc IF-O.SmA, Rl=4.7kO, Vcc=5.0V, TA=2S"C IF-5mA. RL=6800, Vcc-5.0V, TA=25°C IF=0.5mA, Rl=4.7kO, Vcc=S.OV, TA'''2S"C IF=SmA, Rl=680n, Vcc=5.0V, TA=2SoC IF=O, RL"'1.5kn IVCMI=50Vp- p, Vcc=S.OV, TA'=25·C 11-0' Fig. 1 4 4 7 8 8 8 8 g 10,12 9 11,12 Fig. NOle 4,8 4,8 TABLE III. Typical Characteristics Pilrameler Resistance (Input-Outputl Capacitance (Input-Outputj Input-Input Insulation Leakage Current Resistance (Input-Input) Capacitance I Input-Input) Temperature Coefficient of Forward Voltage Input Capacitance Symbol RI-O CI-O II-I RH CI-I AVF ATA CIN T A = 25°C, Vce = 5V Each Channel Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units VI-O=500 Vdc, TA=2S"C 1012 n 1.5 pF 1=1 MHz, T A=2S" C 45% Relative Humidity, VI-I=500 Vdc, 0.5 nA TA=2S"C, t=5s. 1012 n VI_I=500Vdc, TA-25°C 1 pF f;IMHz, TA"'25"C mVI -1.8 IF=1.SmA °C 60 pF f=IMHz, VF=O, TA=2S·C 9 9 9 4 4 8. Measured between each input pair shorted together and all output pins. 9. Measured between adjacent input pairs shorted together, i.e. between pins 1 and 2 shorted together and pins 3 and 4 shorted together, etc. 10. CMH is ttle maximum tolerable common mode transient to assure that the output will remain in a high logic state (i.e. Va> 2.0V). 11. CML is the maximum tolerable common mode transient to assure that the output will remain in a low logic state (i.e. Va < O.8V). 12. In applications where dV/dt may exceed 50,000 V/jJ.s (suCh as astatic discharge) a series resistor, Ree, should be included to protect the detector IC's from destructive Iv high surge currents. The recommended value Is Ree "" __1_V_ kfl. 0.6 IF {mAl NOTES: 1. Pin 10 should be the most negatIve vOltage at the detector side. Keeping Vee as low as possible, but greater than 2.0 volts, will provide lowest total IOH over temperature. 2. Output power is collector output power plus one fourth of total supply power. Derate at 1.25 mW/"'C above eo°c. 3. Derate IF at 0.25 mArC above 80°C. 4. Each channel. 5. CURRENT TRANSFER RAno is defined as the ratio of output collector current, 10, to the forward LED input current, IF, times 100%. 6. IF=2.uA for channel under test. For aU other channels, IF=10mA. 7. Device considered a two-terminal device: Pins 1 through 8 are shorted together and pins 9 through 16 are shorted together. *JEDEC Registered Data. 95 I .• 1.6 Vo -OUTPUTVOLTAGE-V IF -INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 2. Normalized DC Transfer Characteristics. Figure 3. Normalized Current Transfer Ratio VI. Input Diode Forward Current. V F - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 1. Input Diode Forward Current Forward Voltage. VI. 100 !!., 120 I1D ~ , !!. " 9 ~ 0 e l- > z ~ 0 z ~ ~, ~ e ~ ~ ~ , IE j.m 0.01 Figure 4. Normalized Supply Current VI. Input Diode Forward Current. T - INPUT PULSE PERIQD , 40 i!i ~ "0of IE , ~ ,.--------- ---~ I :5 e °c Figure 6. Propagation Delay VI. Temperature vo--- J1=-5V 1.5V > .. TA - TEMPERATURE - -ITII Figure 5. Propagation Delay to Logic Low VI. Input Pulse Period. " ! 100 I. D.l IF -INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT - mA 30 20 ',--- ---, ¥~5V===Vo D lD ---VOL 'PHl 1.SV --- IF -INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT - mA . VOL tpLH- Figure 7. Propagation Delay VI. Input Diode Forward Current. Figure 8. SWitching Test Circuit.' (f. tp not JEDEC registered) 2.4-VF R2>-~- VO R1 '" VCC-VF-IFR2 ~_~---------------6V IF SWITCH AT A: IF- OmA + ILEAl( r-----..., I I I ~ ,VOL Vo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. SWITCH AT B: If'" 1.6mA -See Nota 12. HP1900A PULSE GEN. Figure 9. Tesi Circuit for Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms. • JEDEC Registered Data. 96 ~~I~ro~~~~~t~: IS NOT USED. ~ I I I : _____ .J Figure 10. Recommended drive circuitry using TTL logic. High Reliability Test Program Hewlett Packard provides standard high reliability test programs, patterned after MIL-M-38510 in order to facilitate the use of HP products in military programs. HP offers two levels of high reliability testing: • The TXV suffix identifies a part which has been preconditioned and screened per Table IV. • The TXVB suffix identifies a part which has been preconditioned and screened per Table IV, and comes from a lot which has been subjected to the Group B tests detailed in Table V. Part Number System " .>WII.It n(V• $:r~ng wabTXV' 1::0111"",'cia' ·s.:,~n~ 6N14QtxV' '" "'Product .6111140 PlUsC,oup It • 6N14(} TXVB TABLE IV TXV Preconditioning and Screening - 100% En mination or Test t. 5. 6. 7. Pre-Cap Visual.lnsp&ction High Temperature StOrage Temperature Cyoling ACCeleration Helium Leak Test Gross Leak Test Electrical Test CTR, fOH, ICCL. 8. ICCH, VF. BVR; Burn.ln 2. 3. 4. .• 0 Eo-,~tocildure ,'lQ' 12~,7i..M: 72 hts.@I50"C'" :65~Ctd,+ti;o~c.\ .'010 2001 5K:a~'1'1 Hn.¢' 10'14 " . Cond.A Cond:.C TA" 25"C;pttrTa\:lle" VcC""$~.IF,.,5!nA, 10 '" 10mA 101.5 t "'1.68h,s.@'TA "'100·C 9. 1 (). 11. 12. 13. 14., TA,~25·C.perTabtell Electrical Test: same as step 7 and 1'.0 Evaluate Drift Sample Electrical Test: CTR, 10H, ICCL, tCCH" Sample Electrical Test: CTR, 'OH, fCCL, tCCH Sample Electrical Test: tPHL, tPLH, CMH, eM.. External Visual Mex. ACTR,,!±\l5%@IF":l.6rnA Per Tatile 11, LTPO"?, TA = :-5S"C perTabhi II, LTPD ".7;.TA'" +100°C PerTatik! II~LTPD"7. TA~ 2SoC . 2009 TABLE V, Group B MIL.sTO-883 Examination or Test ( I l Condition lTPO Subgroup 1 Physical Dimensions 2016 See Product Outline Drawiog 16 Subgroup 2 Solderability 2003 Immersion within2.5mm of body. 16 terminations 20 1010 Test ConditioI'! C 15 lall T est Condition A, S cycles Test Condition A Test .Condition C Subgroup 3 Tempereture Cycling Therl'fllli $hock Hermetic Saal, Fine Leek Hermetic Saal, Gross Leek 1014 10t4 End PoifltS: CTR, IoH, ICCG 'CCHo VF, eVR Subgroup 4 Shock; non-operating Constant Acceleration End Point.: Same as Subgroup 3 Subgroup S Terminal Strength, tension Subgroup 6 High Temperature Life End Points: Safne as Subgroup 3 Subgroup 7 Steady State Operating Life End PolfltS: Sa u 0 w N ::; i:ia: 0.5 I "a: ~ /' I- :> 0 J: OJ u m a 16mA, 9 I % 2 a: I- u °0.1 1 10 0.1 i TA.26'1 Z I 1 :=:> TA "" +125"C NORMALIZED TO, 0 1 ' " rAj I, a: ~TA·.55"C CTR AT IF 10 :> u ~ I,' '25GpA,I, 1 I- TA "" 25"'C 1.0 t' I '"z "a: 100 ""- IIcc-5V Vo -O.4V 0.01 r+ § IF - INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT - rnA 'DBcrr·:~ V IF -" {OTHER CHANNELI- I V .... ~/ ~1' 0.001 -60 -40 -20 100 (rH~R C~AN~ELI i 20 j'A Vj'Vrr 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TA - TEMPERATURE _ °c Figure 4. Logic High Output Current vs. Temperature. Figure 3. Normalized Current Transfer Ratio vs. I nput Diode Forward Current. 100 [ 50 1, ... ~ a: a: " $.~6SOC 45 40 !g / 35 ./ u ~ 30 ";: 25 g 20 u 15 it V) C5 g , TA -25'C IF -16mA -5 / V.... ~ "/ 10 V V , TA "'.$"C w ~+12~'C / V) z ~a: I'" 00 -15 51 ,/ N :::; ""a: z -20 Cl ~~ ~ II -10 15 10 -30 .01 25 20 -25 0.1 IF - INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT - rnA 10 1.0 f - FREQUENCY - MHz Figure 5. Logic Low Supply Current vs. I nput Diode Forward Current. r-~t--<>+15V +5V o---~-----, ,-r----~--OVo 4.0 3.6 , ~ 2.8 Cl 2.4 ~ z i= "'" " ~ IE, ~ = / tpLH/ >- 0 f-IF laml Vcc""5V 3.2 I--RL =8.2kU V /' 2.0 ./ ... ...... 1.6 1.2 Figure 8. frequency Response. 0.8 - 0.4 o i-- -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 ~ 60 80 100 120 140 TA. - TEMPERATURE _ ':--1, °c , I Figure 6. Propagation Delay vs. Temperature. Vo 5V 1.5V o ~ 2. ~ 1.8 - T . ='25'C \10 • 2V ......a:" 1.4 a: C/) z ~ a: a: I. 6 c--' 1.0 0.8 " 0.6 Vee I 'If; 5V - HP8007 f GEN. Zo=5Qn. r-...... r-+--~~-~--<>+5V tr"'5 os l"'- NORM{lllZED TO, _ t 1 iF -jl6m 51 NO.4 16 PULS~ -- 1.2 "uj ~ I, o I f-- IF MONITOR :::; ""a: ~ I ~I~ 0.2 o o 10 15 20 25 IF - QUIESCENT INPUT CURRENT - mA 10"k DUTY CYCLE l/f<;;; 100,(.(s Figure 7. Normalized Small Signal Current Transfer Ratio vs. Figure 9. Switching Test Circuit. Quiescent Input Current. 101 tf. VeM = ans Vee ~;;;_------- 5V Vo SWITCH AT A: Vo tf IF'" OmA ------------~VOL SWITCH AT B: IF=16mA r------,,6 lOGIC GATE lOGIC fAMilY DEViCe NO. Vee '--+----0 Vo = '18kfl a.2k!2j221d! Ri.. 6% TOLERANCE 50% DUTY CYCLE l/f 5V CMOS C040106BM 5V 15V lSTTL 54~S14 100ps *THE eQUIVALENT OUTPUT LOAD RESISTANCE IS AFFECTED BY THE LSTTL INPUT CURRENT AND IS APPROXIMATELY B.2kn. A VeM ~----~--~J1r'--~--, This is a worst case design which takes into account 25% degradation of CTR. See App. Note 1002 to assess actual degradation and lifetime. HP1900A PULSE GEN. Figure 10. Test Circuit for Transient Immunity and Figure 11. Recommended Logic Interface. Typical Waveforms. High Reliability Test Program Hewlett-Packard provides standard high reliability test programs, patterned after MIL-M-38510. • The TXV suffix identifies a part which has been preconditioned and screened per Table IV. • The TVXB suffix identifies a part which has been preconditioned and screened per Table IV, and comes from a lot which has been subjected to the Group B tests detailed in Table V. - 1 16 I- - 2 15i--- 3 14 270n - 4 13 f---- - 5 12 t- - 6 11 f---- f---- >-- 7 10 r-- a 9 200n With TXV Screening With TXV Screening Plus Group B 4N55 4N55TXV 4N55TXVB Vee +3.5V 200n Part Number System Commercial Product Vee +5.5V - 5.5V~T 102 270n .... TABLE IV. TXV PRECONDITIONING AND SCREENING - 100% MIL·STO·883 Methods Examination or Test 1. 2. Pre-Cap Visual Inspection High Temperature 3. Temperature Cycling 4. Acceleration 5. Helium Leak Test 6. Gross Leak Tes! 7. Electrical Test: CTR 8. Burn-In Conditions 2010 1008 1010 2001 1014 1014 ConditionS 24 Hrs. @150"C 65"Cto+150·C 5kG, Yl Test Condition A Test Condition C Per Table II, TA'"" 25° C 168 Hrs., TA'" 125°C Vee = 5.5V, IF = 20mA¥ Vac= 3.5V RL == 2700 1015 9. Electrical Test: CTR, iOH, ICCL, ICCH, VF. BVA, It-a 10. Evaluate Drift 11. Sample Electrical Test: IOH, ICCH, leeL, CTR, VF, BVA 12. Sample Electrical Test: 10H, ICCH, leCL, CTR, VF, BVR 13. Sample Electrical Test: tPHL. tPLH 14. External Visual Per Table II, TA "" 25"C Max. ACTR "" ±20% Per Table II, LTPD = 5, TA = -55'C Per Table II, LTPD '" 5, T A"" +125" C Per Table 11, TA = 25° C, LTPD =5 2009 TABLE V. GROUP B Examination or Test Subgroup 1 MIL·STO·883 Condition Method LTPO 15 2016 See Product Outline Drawing 2003 Immersion within 2.5mm of body, 16 terminations 1010 1011 1014 1014 Test Condition C Test Condition A Test Condition A Test Condition C Per Table II. T A = 25' C Shock, non-operating 2002 Constant Acceleration 2001 1500 G, t '" 0.5 ms, 5 blows in each orien.tatlon Xl, Yl. Y2 5KG, Yl 2004 Test Condition A, 4.5N (1 lb.), 15s 1008 TA 1005 Vce = 5V, IF =: 20mA, TA = 125°C Vec =: 3.5V. RL = 2700 Physical Dimensions 20 Subgroup 2 Solderability 15 Subgroup 3 Temperature cycling Thermal Shock Hermetic Seal, Fine Leak Hermetic Seal, Gross Leak End Points: IOH. CTR, ICCH. lecL. VF, eVR, It-a 15 Subgroup 4 End Points: Same as Subgroup 3 Subgroup 5 Terminal Strength, tension 15 Subgroup 6 High Temperature Life End Points: Same as Subgroup 3 Subgroup 7 Steady State Operating Life End POints: Same as Subgroup 3 = 150'C 'A=7 A=7 103 ________ .._..._................"""._,... ",....w,.,..,,...... ..,..,.+, .,._•• ,,,.,~ _~~_"~"...,.,.,,,,........~~ ________________ ~ , 'y, ':!, 104 o C;>, ;' .' ·.:'~'isra.tel..amps}iI . . . . . '. Sel~tio~'GOide . . • . . . . . • . . .. . . ';;,~·i';,;~.;::[:::.·:~,;i'" .' • Red, High Effldency Red, Yellow' and Green· Lamps • Integrated Lamps. • Hennetically Sealed lamps • Panel Mounting Kit , , , , , 105 . '_"l'" ,~. ,)\ High Efficiency Red, Yellow, Green LED Lamps Device Package Outline Drawing Description Part No. Color 12] 5082·4550 Yellow (538 nm) Package T·l%i3] Typical Lens Yellow Diffused 5082·4555 Luminous Intensity 1.8mOO@10mA 2El'h I1 ] Typical Aorward Voltage 90° 2.2 Volts @10mA Page No. 113 3.0mOO@10mA Yellow Non·Diffused 5082·4557 5082·4558 9.0 mOO @10mA 35° 16.0 mOO @10mA f--;:=5082·4650 5082·4655 v , 0 - "01\ "'-'" , High Efficiency . Red (635 nm) Red Diffused 4.0 moo @ 10mA Red 12.0mOO@10mA Non·D iff used 5082·4658 24.0 mcd @10mA Green (565 nm) Green Diffused 5082·4955 Green Non·Diffused 5082·4958 5082·4590 I 35° 1.8 mOO @20mA 90° 2.4 Volts @20mA 3.0 moo @20mA 5082·4957 I 90° 5082·4657 50.82·4950 (\ 2.0 mOO @10mA 9.0 mOO @20mA 30° 16.0 mcd @20mA Yellow (538 nm) T·l% Low Profile Yellow Diffused 5082·4592 3.5 moo @ lOmA 50° 2.2 Volts @10mA 117 6.0 moo @10mA 5082·4595 Yellow Non·Diffused 5082·4597 6.5 mcd @10mA 45° 11.0mOO@10mA \ I' 5082·4690 ~~ ~ , ~ 5082·4990 ~ I /, 3.5 mcd@10mA 50° 7.0mOO@10mA Red Non·Diffused 5082·4695 0' --"" Red Diffused 5082·4694 ... - ..... " 0 • 5082·4693 High Efficiency Red (635 nm) 8.0mcd@10mA 45° 11.0mOO@10mA Green (565 nm) Green Diffused 5082·4992 4.5 mcd @20mA 50° 7.5mcd@20mA 5082·4995 Green 6.5 mOO @20mA Non·Diffused 5082·4997 11.0mcd@20mA See Page 111 for Note •. 106 40° 2.4 Volts @20mA High Efficiency Red, Yellow, Green LED Lamps (continued) Device Package Outline Drawing r r-..... Description Pa,t No. HLMp·1300 f"-~-" HLMp·1301 ~ Colo,12] High Efficiency Red (635 nm) Package T·1 14] Lens Red Diffused e ~ c:::J Yellow Diffused 4.0 mcd @10mA Green (565 nm) Green Diffused 2.0 mcd @10mA HLMp·1502 3.0 mod @10mA HLMP-0400 High Efficiency Red (635 nm) Rectangular Red Diffused Yellow (583 nm) Yellow Diffused Green Green Diffused HLMP-0501 0 • 0 C '. ~-' ) ~ ~ 2.4 Volts @20mA , 1.0 mod @25mA 2.5 Volts @25mA 127 2.2 Volts @10mA 131 1.2 mod@25mA 100° 2.5 mod @25mA (565 nm) r 60° 2.5 mod @25mA HLMP-0401 HLMP-0500 123 70° 1.2mcd@10mA HLMp·1501 HLMP·0301 2.2 Volts @lOmA Page No. 1.5 mod@10mA HLMP·1402 HLMP·0300 r-,- Yellow (583 nm) 2.5 mod @10mA r-- Typical Forward Voltage 2.5 mcd@10mA HLMp·1401 HLMp·1500 ... -~ 2El'h ll ] 1.5 mod@10mA 2.0 mod @10mA HLMp·1302 HLMp·140() Typical Luminous Intensity 1.2 mod @25mA 2.5 mcd @25mA Yellow Diffused 2.0 mcd @10mA 90° High Efficiency Red (635 nm) Red Diffused 3.0 mod@10mA 80° Green (565 nm) Green Diffused 1.5 mod @20mA 70° 5082-4150 Yellow (583 nm) 5082-4160 5082-4190 Subminiature with Radial Leads See Page 111 for Notes. 107 2.4 Volts @20mA High Efficiency Red, Yellow, Green Light Bar Modules Device Package Outline Drawing Part No. HLMp·2300 I~I Color[21 High Efficiency Red (635 nm) ~ II· .. . Description ~ 100001 ~ Red Diffused 7mcd@20mA Forward Voltage Intensity (Not Appli· cable) 1.9 Volts @20mA Yellow (538 nm) Yellow Diffused 5mcd@20mA 2.0 Volts @20mA HLMP·2500 Green (565 nm) Green 3.5 mcd @20mA Diffused 2.1 Volts @20mA Red Diffused 15 mcd@20mA 1.9 Volts @20mA HLMP·2350 DO 4 Pin In·Line; .100" Centers; .400"L x .195'W x .240"H Lens Typical 28',,1') HLMp·2400 High Efficiency ·11 - Package Typical Luminous Red (635 nm) 8 Pin In·Line; .100" Centers; .800"L x .195'W x .240"H HLMP·2450 Yellow (538 nm) Yellow Diffused 11 mcd@20mA 2.0 Volts @20mA HLMp·2550 Green (565 nm) Green 7.5 mcd @20mA Diffused 2.1 Volts @20mA Page No. 135 r--HLMp·2600 High Efficiency Red (635 nm) 8 Pin DIP; .100" Centers; .400 L x AOO'W x .240"H; Red Diffused 7 mcd@20mA 139 Dual Arrangement HLMp·2700 Yellow (538 nm) Yellow Diffused 5mcd@20mA HLMp·2800 Green (565 nm) Green Diffused 3.5 mcd @20mA HLMP·2620 High Efficiency Red (635 nm) Red Diffused 7 mcd@20mA 2.1 Volts @20mA 2.2 Volts @20mA 16 Pin DIP; .100" Centers; .800" L x .400'W x .240"H; 2.2 Volts @20mA Quad Arrangement HLMp·2720 Yellow (538 nm) Yellow Diffused 5mcd@20mA HLMp·2820 Green (565 nm) Green Diffused 3.5 mcd @20mA See Page 111 for Notes. 108 High Efficiency Red, Yellow, Green Light Bar Modules (continued) Device Package Outline Drawing ( Description Part No. HLMp·2635 B I Color[2] High Efficiency Red (635 nm) I ~ D Typical Lens Package 16 Pin DIP; .100" Centers; .800"L x .400''W x .240"H; Red Luminous Typical 28',<,11) 14mcd@20mA Diffused Forward Voltage Intensity (Not App)i· cable) 2.1 Vo)ts @20mA Dual Bar Arrange- ment HLMP·2735 Yellow (538 nm) Yellow Diffused HLMP·2835 Green Green (565 nm) Diffused HLMp·2655 High Efficiency Red (635 nm) 8 Pin DIP; .100" Centers; .400" L x .400"W x .240"H; 10 mcd@20mA 2.2 Volts @20mA 7 mcd@20mA Red Diffused 14mcd@20mA 2.1 Volts @20mA Yellow 10 mcd@20mA 2.2 Volts @20mA Square Arrange- ment ~ HLMp·2755 IO[JI HLMP·2670 D - HLMp·2770 Yellow (538 nm) HLMp·2870 HLMP·2855 Yellow (538 nm) Diffused Green Green (565 nm) Diffused High 7 mcd@20mA 14mcd@20mA 2.1 Volts @20mA Yellow Diffused 10mcd@20mA 2.2 Volts @20mA Green Green 7 mcd@20mA (565 nm) Diffused Efficiency Red (635 nm) 16 Pin DIP; .100" Centers; .800"L x .400''W x .240"H; Red Diffused Dual Square Arrangement HLMP·2685 Red Diffused 28 mcd@20mA 2.1 Volts @20mA Yellow Yellow 20 mcd@20mA (538 nm) Diffused 2.2 Volts @20mA Green Green (565 nm) Diffused High Efficiency Red (635 nm) 16 Pin DIP; .100" Centers; .800"L x .400''W x .240"H; Single Bar Arrange- ment HLMP·2785 HLMP·2885 Sae Page 111 for Notes. 109 14mcd@20mA Page No. 139 Red LED Lamps Device Package Outline Drawing Description Part No. 5082·4850 1::1) ~=m c::::::::::J Red (655 nm) Typical Luminous Color 12] Package T·a,[3] Lens Red Diffused Typical 2El'h[1[ Forward Intensity Voltage 0.8 mcd @20mA 1.6 Volts @20mA Page No. 145 95° \ 5082·4855 1.4 mcd @20mA 5082·4403 1.2 mcd @20mA 5082·4440 0.7 mcd @20mA ~ j W e ~ g 147 75° 5082·4415 [4] 1.2 moo @20mA 5082·4444 [4] 0.7 mcd@20mA 5082·4880 0.8 mcd @20mA 58° r--- e {(I]]IIII) 5082·4883 Clear Non·Diffused 5082·4886 Clear Diffused 5082·4881 Red Diffused 5082·4884 '_/. 50° r----65° 1.3 moo @20mA 50° Clear Non-Diffused 5082-4887 Clear Diffused 5082-4882 Red Diffused 5082·4885 Clear Non-Diffused 5082-4888 Clear Diffused 58° r--r---65° 1.8 moo @20mA 58° r----50° r--65° r-- ~~ CD 5082·4790 T-1l4 Low Profile Red Diffused 5082-4791 1.2mOO@20mA 117 60° 2.5 mcd @20mA r--- G§ m 5082-4484 T_1[4[ Red Diffused 1.4 mcd @20mA 120° 145 5082-4494 ~ 5082-4480 CI§ a; 0.8 moo @20mA 5082·4483 Clear Diffusad 5082-4486 Clear Non-Diffused 149 ,------ See Page 111 for Notes. 110 80° Red LED Lamps (continued) Device Package Outline Drawing Description Part No. 5082·4487 ern @ Color[21 Red (655 nm) Typical Lens Package T·l Clear Low Profile[4] Non-Diffused 00 ~ ~ • o Typical 2(:)% [1 [ Page No. Forward Voltage Intensity 0.8mcd@20mA 120" 1.6 Volts @20mA 149 1.6 Volts @10mA 131 Guaranteed Min. 0.3mcd@20mA 5082·4488 =tl= @ ooQFo cfJ Luminous 5082·4100 Subminiature Radial Leads Red Diffused 5082·4101 0.5 mcd@10mA 45" 10mcd@10mA HLMP·6203 153 Subminiature Array Radial Leads HLMp·6204 0 HLMP·6205 Integrated LED Lamps Device Package Outline Drawing Description Part No. HLMP·3600 ~ T· BPI Lens Red Diffused Yellow (538nm) Yellow Diffused HLMp·3680 Green Green (565 nm) Diffused Red (655 nm) Red Diffused HLMp·3105 (CJ[CJ) High Eff. Red (635 nm) '. Typical Typical Luminous Package HLMp·3650 ~~ 8- Color[21 28%[11 2.4mcd@5V m Q 15mA @5V 155 20m A @5V 157 90" 1.5 mcd@5V 0.8mcd@5V 58" f--T ·1[41 16mA @5V 159 70" Clear Diffused CD 5082·4732 =90p =tl=@ NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. No. 14mA @12V 5082·4860 5082·4468 Page 1.8mcd@5V HLMP·3112 (II~ Forward Voltage Intensity HLMp·6600 Red Diffused Subminiature; 0.7 mcd@2.75V 95' 13mA @2.75V 161 2.4mcd@5V 90" 9.6mA @5V 163 Radial Leads HLMp·6620 0.6mcd@5V e % is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. Peak Wavelength Panel Mountable. For Panel Mounting Kit, see page 171. PC Board Mountable Military Approved and qualified for High Reliability Applications. 111 3.5mA @5V Hermetically Sealed and High Reliability LED Lamps Device Package Outline Drawing Description Part No. IN 5765 T Color 121 Red (655 nm) Minimum Package Len. Hermetic/TO·46 14 ] Red Diffused Luminous Intensity 29%11] 0.5 mod @20mA 70° Typical Forward Voltage 1.6 Volts @20mA Page No. 165 JAN 1 N5765 [5] JANTX 1N5765 [5] lN6092 High Efficiency Red (635 nm) 1.0mcd@20mA 2.0 Volts @20mA JAN 1 N6092 [51 "..-- I \ JANTX 1N6092 [5] ..... I \ I o , 0 ; I _/ lN6093 Yellow (583 nm) Yellow Diffused Green (565 nm) Green Diffused 0.8 mcd @25mA 2.1 Volts @20mA Red Diffused 0.5 mcd @20mA 1.6 Volts @20mA JAN 1N6093 [5] JANTX 1N6093 [5] lN6094 JAN 1N6094 [5] JANTX 1 N6094 [5] 5082·4787 I Red (655 nm) . Panel Mount Version H LM P.0930 [5] H LM P·0931 15] ~ 5082·4687 High Efficiency Red (635 nm) 1.0 mod @20mA 2.0 Volts @20mA 0.8 mcd @25mA 2.1 Volts @20mA M 19500/519.01 [5] M 19500/519·02 [5] 0 5082·4587 Yellow (583 nm) Yellow Diffused Green (565 nm) Green Diffused M 19500/520.01 15] M 19500/520.02 15] 5082·4987 M 19500/521·01 15] M 19500/521.02 15] See Page 111 for Notes. 112 SOLID STATE LAMPS ['".""~~ HIGH EFFtCIENCVRED· 5082-4660 Series VELLOW • 6082-4550 Series GREEN • 5082-4950 Series L-~____________________~ TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • HIGH INTENSITY • CHOICE OF 3 BRIGHT COLORS High Efficiency Red Yellow Green • POPULAR T-13I. DIAMETER PACKAGE • LIGHT OUTPUT CATEGORIES • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE AND NARROW VIEWING ANGLE TYPES • GENERAL PURPOSE LEADS • IC COMPATIBLE/LOW CURRENT REQUIREMENTS • RELIABLE AND RUGGED Description The 5082-4650 and the 5082-4550 Series lamps are Gallium Arsenide Phosphide on Gallium Phosphide diodes emitting red and yellow light respectively. The 5082-4950 Series lamps are green light emitting Gallium Phosphide diodes. Part Number General purpose and selected brightness versions of both the diffused and non-diffused lens type are available in each family. ( package Dimensions I 5082~ .Application 4650 IndicatorGeneral Purpose Indicator High Ambient Illuminator/Point Source IUuminator/High Brightness Indicator General Purpose Indicator High Ambient Inuminator/Point Source Illuminator/High Brightness Indicator General Purpose Indicator High Ambient 4655 5.08 (.200) 4657 4.32(.110) f PLASTIC 4658 9.47 (.373) 7.i5t:m\ ---ti 4550 4555 0.89 (.035) o:iirn5l 4557 !!S~ 0.381.014) 4558 4950 4955 4957 2.64[.10) NOT~ ,., 2. 3. NOM. 4958 All.. tHMEN$IONS ARE IN MllL,IMETAES (lNCH£S;_ SIt.V,ER·PLATEO LEADS. SEE AI'PLtCATlON l!UU.:ETIN 3. AN EPOXY MENISCUSMA't EXTEND ABOur 1Mrn i.040"t OOWN lHE l~ADS. 113 Lens Color Diffused Wide Angle High Efficiency Non Diffused Red Narrow Angle Diffused Wide Angle Non-Diffused Yellow Narrow Angle Diffused Wide Angle Illuminator/Point Non-Diffused Source Illuminator/High Narrow Angle Brightness Green Electrical Characteristics at TA=25°C Symbol IV Description Luminous intensity Included Angle Between Half Luminous Intensity Points Device 50824650 4655 4657 4658 4550 4555 4557 4558 4950 4955 4957 4958 4650 4655 4657 4658 4550 4555 Min. .Typ. 1.0 2.0 3.0 . 4.0.·. · 9.0 12.0 . 24.0·· . 15.0 1.0 1.8 3.0 2.2 6.0 9.0 12.0 1.6.0 1,0 1.8 2.2 3.0 9.0 6.0 16.0 ~2.0 90 90 C Capacitance Thermal Resistance 4958 4650s 45505 49505 4650s nm .nm See Note 2 (FlgJ) \,. '. 572 '. " ns 90 90 200 16 .. pF VF = O,f = 1 MHz. 18 18 135 135 145 2.2 2.2 2.4 46505 4550s 17v : Deg. 585 4950s 46505 4550s 4950s 4650s 4550s 49505 4650s 45505 49505 Reverse Breakdown Volt. All Luminous Efficacy 4650s 4550s 4950s mod. '. 635 583 565 626 49505 Forward Voltage . 90 90 30 30 4550s Speed of Response " 35 35 4957 Dominant Wavelength .' 90 90 4558 4950 4955 Peak Wavelength " 35 35 4557 ApEAK , 5.0 147 570 665 , , .Junc;tion to' Ga:tljOde Lel!d .at$$iti(l{t~~ne' ,c ') \ ' 3.0 3.0 3.0 ',"~),{,'~)~/ v V lumens/watl . ' NOTES, 1. 8% is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. The dominant wavelength, A.d, is derived from the CI E chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. Radiant intensity, Ie- in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation le=lv/Tlv, where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and Tlvis the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 114 Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA =25°C : Parameter ..•. High Efficiency Red 4650 Series 4550 Series Green 4950 Series Units 120 120 120 mW POW8\" l)l1lsipation . DC ~orwarc;tCummt .. .. Pe.kQP.eratlng~orwar(f Current /:;,' .. ' .... . .... Yellow 20(11 20(1) 30[2} 60 60 60 (Fig. 5) Openiling and Storage.iemperatureRange mA mA (Fig. 15) (Fig. 10) ~55°0 to +100°0 .. Lead Solderiemperatur. (1.6mm(Q.063 inchjbelowpackage base) 260" 0 for 5 seconds 1. Derate from 50° C at 0.2mA/o C 2. Derate from 50° C at 0.4mAI" C 1.0 ~ HIGH EFfiCIENCY enz REO w I- ;!; w 0.5 > ~ ;j 0: 0 500 650 750 WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength. ,. High Efficiency Red 5082-4650 Series 20 T. ~ ~Sl '.0 ~- ) 00 3.0 ~ V 3 V '1--- 2.5 3.0 V F - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage 00 ( -'" 9 B . I --I-- 7 '0 '5 20 'F - FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity VS. Forward Current. !PEAK - PEAK CURRENT - rnA Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Currentl vs. Peak Current. tp - PULSE DURATION - loiS Figure 5. Maximum Tolerable Peak Cur· rent vs. Pulse Duration. (I DC MAX as per MAX Ratings.) Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. 115 .. 0 .,../ 2.0 ;, 21---- ..... ~ i-= Yellow 5082-4550 Series 20 •r---- 1 - e 2.0 ~ I 0 I ,I • 0 2.' I r) ..·c .5 1.0 1.5 / 2.0 ~ 1.' ~ < 1.0 ~ ~ 2.5 141--+~+":""'-'I 1.11--:-r+-+-"..;-t--f---i 1.0 I-'-l~--+-+....c.+_-I---I .. 3.0 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 7. Forward Current V50 Forward Voltage. IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - mA Figure 8. Relative Luminous Intensitv V$. Forward Current. Figure 9. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Currentl vs. Peak Current. -++++~+"'k±+-I.2 90'1--+--+-+---t:~ tp - PULSE DURATION - ps Figure 11. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. Figure 10. Maximum Tolerable Peak Cur· rent V50 Pulse Duration. (IDe MAX as per MAX Ratings) Green 5082-4950 Series 20 0 ~!;( 1.' / ; 1.' TA;..,.C 2.0 1.0 / .. ..... '0 /1/ 1.2 ~ffi 1. 1 >N i=~ 1.0 ~~ a:~ .9 .6 15 20 25 30 IF - Fe,RWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 13. Relative Luminous Intensity VS. Forward Current. ~, ;' 1.3 f--j- \/ f-f 10 i / ,. // : . .... 30 40 1-\-+....+++·-1.4 --If!'I.I-I-H .2 tp - PULSE DURATION - J.II Figure 16. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. 116 60 Figure 14. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current . .6 Figure 15. Maximum Tolerable Peak Cur· rent vs. Pulse Duration. (lDC MAX as per MAX Ratings) 50 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - mA TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • • • • • • • HIGH INTENSITY LOW PROFILE: S.Smm (0.23 In) NOMINAL T-1I/4 DIAMETER PACKAGE LIGHT OUTPUT CATEGORIES DIFFUSED AND NON-DIFFUSED TYPES GENERAL PURPOSE LEADS IC COMPATIBLE/LOW CURRENT REQUIREMENTS • RELIABLE AND RUGGED • CHOICE OF 4 BRIGHT COLORS Red High Efficiency Red Yellow Green Description The 5082-4990 Series are Gallium Phosphide Green Light Emitting Diodes packaged in a Low Profile T-1% outline. The 5082-4790/4791 are Gallium Arsenide Phosphide Red Light Emitting Diodes packaged in a Low Profile T-1% outline with a red diffused lens. The Low Profile T -1 % package provides space savings and is excellent for backlighting applications. The 5082-4690 Series are Gallium Arsenide Phosphide on Gallium Phosphide High Efficiency Red Light Emitting Diodes packaged in a Low Profile T-1% outline. The 5082-4590 Series are Gallium Arsenide Phosphide on Gallium Phosphide Yellow Light Emitting Diodes packaged in a Low Profile T-1% outline. r l Lens I ; / , 'General Purpose '~'~: Indipator;:" . package Dimensions . ',', . '. ' '~' ,~!:i t. 2, t, Diffused Wide Angle 'High Brightness > : u .. :::; ~ 4 ~ 3 " 1.0 II: 0 ~ I ( 1.5 N 0 II: II: /'" E W .. /' 2,0 20 Z II: II: 1,30 .b-c .5 -~ 1 1.40 1.70 / VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE -V Figure 2. Forward Current versus Forward Voltage. tp - 1/ / >< ffis 1.20 j §~ il:c WW w!l! 1"- 1.10 S! wO a:~ tftt . I ,; I 1.00 ., 10 20 30 40 50 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity versus Forward Currant. 20 40 60 Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Currentl versus Peak Current. PULSE DURATION - p.s Figure 5. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current versus'Pulse Duration, (lDC MAX as par MAX Ratingsl Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity versus Angular Displacement. 119 80 'PEAK - PEAK CURRENT - rnA 100 HIGH EFFICIENCY RED 5082-4690 SERIES Electrical Specifications atTA =25°C 50$2-:: 4690 Axial Luminous Intensity Iv '-~ tyPo ,f;~> .3.5 6.0 .7.0 Max. .. - j: _4, .,SQ., 50". 4693 . Units .' .Test <;andnions ,,, :'. mod ,-2" " deg. .~', -169S ' Peak Wavelength '~ Oomir1ant Wavelength 1. Speed of Response '.' ,~ " C Qlpacitance {lJC Thermsl Resistance VF Forward Voltage 8VA Reverse Breakdown Voltage flv Luminous Efficacy .. ' 2.2 ~' " , " ....','~. 16 13Q' Note 1 (Fig. 111 " " ,> ~K " 'IF"; 10mA (Fig.8) , &0 H.O 4695 28~ Min· 4.6 ','8;0 ,,~, Included Afl9.le 8etween Half Luminous Intensity , Points , ' Q9viile DellCt'iption Symbol ·I"!m. Measurement @Peak (Fig. 1) 'nm .. Note 2 ' :, "ns pF " °e/W V 3.0 V 5.0 . Im/W 147 , \fr. =0; f =1 MHz , ' Junction to Qlthoqe Lead 1.6mm " ' ,(O.063 in.) from Body ~:" IF = 10mA (Fig. 7) IA : 100pA Note 3 Notes: 1.6% is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. Dominant wavelength, Ad. is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the davica. 3. Radiant Intansity la. in wattsTttaradian may be found from the equation Ie - Ivhlv, whare Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and '1v is tha luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 20 TA ~ I !.; ~26"c J 10 il0: fZ I 0 0 ) 1.0 .5 Vf - 1.5 2.0 2,5 3.0 FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 7. Forward Cunent _sus Forward Voltage. 0 V / CJ" 1.2 >liI L 1/ 5 ~l r--r--1.3 r--- 1.5 / w 0: - 1.6 Jc 15 !§ "ca: I-T.... tE~ V we wW >N i=:::i :s~ wa: 1.4 1, 1 .9 8 E" L C- V 1. o 0:0 g - .,~,. ",," I I I 7 10 15 If - FORWARD CURR ENT - mA Figure 8. Relative Luminous Intensity versus Forward Current. 20 11l 20 30 40 Figure 9. Relative Efficiency {Luminous Intensity per Unit Currentl versus Peak Cunent. to - PULSE DURATION-IB Figure 11. Relative Luminous Intensity versus Angular Displacement. Figure 10. Maximum Tolerable P.,k Current _sus Pulss Duration. {lDC MAX as per MAX Ratingsl 120 50 IpEAK -.PEAK CURRENT - rnA 60 YELLOW 5082-4590 SERIES Electrical Specifications at TA =25°C [- . to' 18,' - 100 " .. , ~CIW. . JUnction to· Cathode Lead 1.6mm .•. ':, '.(0.063 in.) from Body 2.2· 3~ 5.0 . Luminous. Efficacy 571) . ... Notes: 1.6% is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the 8xialluminous intensity. 2. Dominant wavelength, Ad. is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. Radiant Intensity Ie. in watts/steradian may be found from the equation Ie = Iv/'ly. where Iv is the lumil'\oUS intensity in candelas and f1v is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 20 " E I !i:w 15 It It :;) u 0 ~~ ~2\1'~ r J .. . ~ 1 I ,"'" 00 .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 "" 1.5 ~:i -," w:! V / -0 2.5 3.0 Figure 12. Forward Current versus Forward Voltage. 0 0 / U >0 1.4 ~!( 1.2 u" ~~ u- 7" 1.3 10 :/ / wo WW 1.1 ~~ 1.0 >!:>! -':! V I Wit It~ .9 .8 5 .. ..... 1.5 .5 It VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V / /. 1.0 >It ~~ 1.6 ": '> •. 00 zw -N y ;'- ~ ~;( ~~ ..... ? It ~ ... ~A' zJ'c > r 10 It 2.5 I 15 20 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 13. Relative Luminous Intensity versus Forward Current. I 10 20 30 40 Figure 16. Relative Luminous Intensity versus Angular Displacement 121 80 Figure 14. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) versus Peak Current. tp - PULSE DURATION - ps Figure 15. Maximum Tolerable Peek Current versus Pulse Duration. (lDC MAX as per MAX Ratings). 50 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - mA GREEN 5082 -4990 SERI ES Electrical Specifications at TA =25°C Device 5082· DeSQ'iptioo Symbol 4990 4992 4995 4997 Axial Luminous Intensity Iv Min. Typ. Max. 2.0 6.0 3.5 8.0 4990 4992 4995 4997 Units Test Conditions moo 'F '" 20mA (Fig.l81 deg. Note 1 (Fig.21} 4.5 7.5 6.5 11.0 50 50 2011, Included Angle Between Half Luminous Intensity Points APEAK Peak Wavelength 565 nm Measurement Ad Dominant Wavelength 570 nm Note 2 1'5 Speed of Response 200 ns C Capacitance 12 pF 8JC Thermal Resistance 90 °CIW VF Forward Voltage BVR Reverse Breakdown Voltage flv Luminous Efficacy 40 40 3.0 2.4 5.0 665 @l Pea k (Fig. 1) , VF = 0; f '" 1 MHz Junction to Cathode Lead 1.6mm (0.063 in.l from Body V IF'" 20mA (Fig. 17/ V IR = 100pA Note 3 ImIW Notes: 1.8% is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. Dominant wavelength, Ad. is derived from the CI E chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. Radiant Intensity Ie, in watts/steradian may be found from the equation Ie = ly/1/y. where Iy is the luminous intensity in candelas and 1/y is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 20 "E. I I- TA~2S'C I 15 0 "";< i!" >- I- '"wE i -~ 1.0 .5 VF 1-0 ZN ~~ ~ iJ 1.5 2.0 1.5 ~25'C 1.4 I I 1.5 ,,,,-' -," w" 1.0 >" _0 ,,;j I-Z " 2.5 3.0 FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 17. Forward Current versus Forward Voltage. U VI' 00 zw -N i/ 10 2.0 Z" I ~ "" "" TA ./ .5 ...-V / 1.3 ~" 1.2 "5l :::; 1.1 "" ./ " 0 ~ 1.0 25 30 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 18. Relative Luminous Intensity versus Forward Current. " / V 10 20 IpEAK - 30 40 PEAK CURRENT Figure 21. Relative Luminous Intensity versus Angular Displacement. 122 50 ~ rnA Figure 19. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current I versus Peak Current. tp - PULSE DURATION -/.IS Figure 20. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current versus Pulse Duration. (I DC MAX as per MAX ratingsl. .' .- I .9 .8 20 .... " N Vi 15 /' I- V 10 0 60 SOLID STATE LAMPS HIGHEFFlClENCY RED· HlMP..t300.-1301.-1302 YELLOW • HlMP-14OO,. .1401.-1402 GREEN • HlMP·1500...1601.-1502 L- TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • HIGH INTENSITY • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • SMALL SIZE T-1 DIAMETER 3.1Smm (0.125 inch) • IC COMPATIBLE • RELIABLE AND RUGGED • CHOICE OF 3 BRIGHT COLORS HIGH EFFICIENCY RED YELLOW GREEN Description The HLMP-1300, -1301, and -1302 have a Gallium Arsenide Phosphide on Gallium Phosphide High Efficiency Red Light Emitting Diode packaged in a T-1 outline with a red diffused lens, which provides excellent on-off contrast ratio, high axial luminous intensity and a wide viewing angle. package Dimensions The HLMP-1400, -1401, and -1402 have a Gallium Arsenide Phosphide on Gallium Phosphide Yellow Light Emitting Diode packaged in a T-1 outline with a yellow diffused lens, which provides good on-off contrast ratio, high axial luminous intensity and a wide viewing angle. [ The HLMP-1500, -1501, and -1502 have a Gallium Phosphide Green Light Emitting Diode packaged in a T-1 outline with a green diffused lens, which provides good on-off contrast ratio, high axial luminous intensity, and a wide viewing angle. Iv - Axial Luminous Intensity at 25° C (Figures 3,S,15) IV (mcd) t Min. t Typ.ITest Conditions HIOh Efficiency Red HLMP- 1300 HLMP-1301 (-4684> HLMP-f302 I 0.5 11.51 1.0 2.0 Ip10 mA 2.0 2.5 YeUow HLMP-1400 HLMP-1401 (-4584) HLMP-1402 Green I 1.0 0.5 1 1.5 1 2.5 Ip"10 mA 2.5 4.0 HLMP-1500 I 0.5 1 1.2 1 HLMP-1501 (-4984l 0.8 2.0 IF=20 mA HLMP-1502 2.0 3.0 123 Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA = 2SoC " Green High Efficiency Red Yellow HLMP-1300, 1301,1302 HLMP-1400,1401,1402 HLMP-1500,1501,1502 Units ' Parameter Power Dissipation 120 120 120 DC Forward Current 20 111 20[1) 30(2) 60 Peak Forward Current 60 See Figure 10 See Figure 5 Operating and Storage Temperature Range mW '::' " rnA rnA 60 See Figure 15 -55·C to 100"C 'Lead Soldering Temperature [1.6mm (0.063 inJ from Body1 230· C for 7 Seconds 1. Derate from 50° C at 0.2mA/o C 2. Derate from 50° C at OAmA/o C Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA = 2SoC Symbol 2fl1/2 Description HLMP-1300, -1301, -1302 HLMP-1400,-1401, -1402 Min. Min. Included Angle Between Half Luminous Intensity Points Typ. Max. Typ. Max. HLMP-1500,-lS01, -1502 Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions Note 1 (Figs. 6, 11, 16) 70 60 60 Deg. Apeak Peak Wavelength 635 583 p65 nm Measurement at Peak Ad Dominant Wavelength 628 585 572 nm Note 2 1'S Speed of Response 90 90 200 ns C Capacitance 20 15 8 flJC Thermal Resistance 95 95 95 pF VF=O; f=1 MHz ·C/W Junction to Cathode Lead at 0.79mm (0.Oa1 inJ From Body VF Forward Voltage BVR Reverse Breakdown Voltage 'Iv Luminous Efficacy 2.2 3.0 2.2 5.0 3.0 5.0 2.4 3.0 at IF'" 20mA 5.0 570 147 V IF=10mA (Figs. 2.7,12) V IR=100!,A 1mIW Note 3 665 1. 01/2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity IS half the axial luminous intenSity. 2. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. Radiant intensity, Ie, in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation le=lv/~v' where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and ~v is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 1.0 GREEN" 0.5 II \j:~'l\ j\ YEllOW r II 0 500 TA "" 25'·C 550 I ~~ 600 650 WAVELENGTH - nm Fig"re 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength. 124 700 750 High Efficiency Red HLMP-1300,-1301,-1302 .. 1, ~ ( ~ " ~ > " ~l !- !j:< ,. 2 .• 00 ZW • ~~ ~c ~I -" ~- 0: fZ, ~S! v, - 1.• FORWARD VOLT AGE - Y IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 2. Forward Current VI. Forward Voltage. ~ 3 .• t: iI!- !PEAK - PEAK CURRENT - rnA Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current. Figure 4. Relat,ve Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) VI. Peak Current. w e " ~ "X ~ ~~ Ow 4 ~~ .. 0: !~ ""is " !2 " e xC : il~." Ell tp - PULSE DURATION -,'!S Figure 5. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current VI. Pulse Duration. (lDCMAX as per MAX Ratings). F;aure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity VI. Angular Displacement. Yellow HLMP-1400,-1401, -1402 T.~25"C I • r II • • 10 1.5 2.0 ~:c 1.' 2 ZW ~j -: =i ~S! ,1 1.• • J. • _I ~- 25 Figure 7. Forward Current VI. Forward Voltage. / '" V' 1/ 8 7 '01020 3.0 -v ,,~ ,3 OQ ) VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE 1. 2.• ~l !- r • • • • 1. 2.' ~ iI!- IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA 30 40 Figure 8. Relative Luminous Intensity VI. Forward Current. ,4 ,2 tp - PULSE DURATION ·Io'S Figure 11. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. 125 80 Figure 9. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity p.. Unit Current) VI. Peak Current. \..-lr-I-H~--t-r-++++-I·6 Figure 10. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (I DC MAX as per MAX Ratings.) ') 50 'PEAK - PEAK CURRENT - mA Green HLMP-1S00,-1501,-1502 20 " , T. ~25'C 1.5 '" 1.4 u >0 E I . ~ !iu 51 1. I!c I II 10 ; -" \: DO 1.D .S 1., 5:5 !t~ I. .. ~ u" 1.1 .... . 1.0 .S 2.' .7 3.D v, - FORWARD VOLTAGE - v Figure 12. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. I, - FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 13. Relative Luminous Intensity vs, Forward Current. .. . . ~ <::: ',,~ '. , 'i';~ ~" r~( 1.2 j 2.D ,'. "\'~' :~ ~::l :l~ ~ ". 1.3 ,.: r::,.? :,:>: '/ " "-,~' , '[/:':.: ,:/ i'" :',' \/. " : D " ',,"," ."".' 10 20 . 30 40 9O"f-:--4-- fo.-+--t>; PULSE DURATION -115 Figure 15. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current VL Pulse Duration. (lDC MAX as per MAX Ratings.) Figure 16. Relative Luminious Intensity 126 60 Figure 14. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. ++'+-H·4 tp - SO "EAK - PEAK CURRENT - mA VL Angular Displacement. Fli;- [ HEWLETT a:~ PACKARD TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • RECTANGULAR LIGHT EMITTING SURFACE • FLAT HIGH STERANCE EMITTING SURFACE • STACKABLE ON 2.54 MM (0.100 INCH) CENTERS • IDEAL AS FLUSH MOUNTED PANEL INDICATORS • IDEAL FOR BACKLIGHTING LEGENDS • LONG LIFE: SOLID STATE RELIABILITY • CHOICE OF 3 BRIGHT COLORS HIGH EFFICIENCY RED YELLOW GREEN • IC COMPATIBLE/LOW CURRENT REQUIREMENTS Description The HLMP-03XX, -04XX, -05XX are solid state lamps encapsulated in an axial lead rectangular epoxy package. They utilize a tinted, diffused epoxy to provide high on-off contrast and a flat high intensity emitting surface. Borderless package design allows creation of uninterrupted light emitting areas. The HLMP-0300 and -0301 have a high-efficiency red GaAsP on GaP LED chip in a light red epoxy package. This lamp's efficiency is comparable to that of the Gap red, but extends to higher current levels. The HLMP-0400 and -0401 provide a yellow GaAsP on GaP LED chip in a yellow epoxy package. { The HLMP-0500 and -0501 provide a green GaP LED chip in a green epoxy package. package Dimensions AXIAL LUMINOUS INTENSITY MIN. HER I LIGHT EMITTING SURFACE I PLASTIC TOP VIEW cA,.k,e 1.--26.40 11.00) MIN. J SIDE VIEW YELLOW GREEN TYP. TEST CONDITIONS moo IF - 25mA 1.5 2.5mcd IF - 25mA .8 1.5 rncd IF'" 15mA HLMP·0400 1.0 1.2mcd IF - 25mA HLMP-0401 2.0 2.5 mcd IF - 25mA 1.0 1.5mcd IF'" 15mA HLMP·o3OCi .8 HLMP-0301 1.0 HLMP·0500 1.0 1.2mcd IF HLMP·0501 1.5 2.5mcd IF - 25mA 1.0 1.5mcd IF = lOrnA 25mA NOTE: l.uminous :ttBranGt. LV. J{\ toot It'Imberts, mav be fQUnd from the equati(Jf\ LV· t6.7Iv. where Iv Is the IunUf\(ILiSifltef1sityin miUlcaJ\de1M. NOTES< 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN 2.54t 100) NOMINAL MILLIMETRES (INCHES). 2. SlI.VER·PlATED LEADS. SEE APPLICATION BULLETIN 3. 3. AN EPQXY MENISCUS MAY EXTEND ABOUT Imm {.040·1 DOWN THE LEADS. BOTTOM VIEW 127 Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA =25°C Parameter High-Efficiency Red HLMP·0300/0301 Yellow HLMP-0400/0401 Green HLMP-0500/0S01 Unltll 120 120 120 mW 30 \11 30(1) 30(1) mA Power Dissipation DC Forward Current 60 See Figure 10 60 See Figure 5 Peak Forward Current Operating and Storage Temperature Range 60 See Figure 15 mA -55°C to 100°C Lead Soldering Temperature [l.6mm (0.063 in.) from body] 260° C for 5 seconds 1. Derate from 50° C at DAmAr C. Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA=25°C HLMP·0300/0301 HLMP·0400/0401 HLMP·0500/0501 Symbol Description Units Test Conditions 2Ell/2 Included Angle Between Half Luminous IntenSity POints, Both Axes 100 100 100 deg. Note 1. Figures. 6.11,16 APEAK Peak Wavelength 635 583 565 nm Measurement at Peak Ad Dominant Wavelength 626 585 571 nm Note 2 1"5 Speed of Response 90 90 200 ns C Capacitance 17 17 17 pF €lIe Thermal Resistance 130 130 130 °C/W VF Forward Voltage 2.5 BVI{ Reverse Breakdown Voltage '7v Luminous Efficacy Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. 5.0 2.5 3.0 5.0 147 3.0 2.5 5.0 570 665 3.0 VJ':=O; 1'=1 MHz Junction to Cathode Lead at 1.6 mm (0.063 in.) from Body V Ip=25mA Figures 2,7,12 V II{ = 100 p.A Im/W Note 3 NOTES: 1. 0'/2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the 2. color of the device. 3. Radiant intensity, I" in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation 1,=lv/'Iv, where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and 'Iv is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 128 [ WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength. HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HLMP-0300/0301 , ~U:wl:· i 5 I JI I I I -" , Ii , 1 !. ! I 1\ I. 0.5 I L I I /- tIlt . j II ' I ·11r I II ,I I· , i ! /1 i II I i I I I I i i JI ! I , Ii ! Y I I ''Tl" .i : 0 I I I 5 I II 1_ I 1 f 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 VF -FORWARDVOlTAGE-V Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. { "' ~ :la: "' IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - mA IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current. Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Luminous I ntensity per Unit Current) VI. Peak Current. 3.' ~ ~~~~ l-ai~2 ::!!:a::Qw :::I a: 1-0:: !a~§ ~~~g 2.' .~" o0 " ~ l'! 1.' ~I· ¥" j] 1 a: ,,~ 1 Ip - PULSE DURATION - /-IS Figure 5. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current VI. Pulse Duration. (lDC MAX as per MAX Ratings.) Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity 129 VI. Angular Displacement. YEllOW HlMP-0400/0401 30 3.0 1.5 ~ 25 I I- :i ~~ 2.5 ~~ 20 U 20 ~ ~ E :!! " I,,~ "" ~ 15 ~ 10 ~@ filN "''' >'" 0 ~- I -~ ::; "0~ 1.0 I-z _. ·:we V / ~ 1.5 ~~ ~ 1.0 I- "N ,,::; ~ V C ~E .. - . T. >- I- .5 g 0.5 '" 0 10 Figure 7. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. 20 30 40 50 60 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - rnA IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA V F - FORWARD VOLTAGE-V Figure 8. Relative Luminous Intensitv vs. Forward Current. Figure 9. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensitv per Unit Current) vo. Peak Current. Ip - PULSE DURATION - /1S Figure 10. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (I DC MAX as per MAX Ratings.) Figure 11. Relative Luminous Intensitv vs. Angular Displacement. GREEN HlMP-OSOO/OS01 30 "E r- 25 ~A ';25i+i±t-~- 1--;1-+, I I- :i ::; "" '"" ''"~" 0 20 15 I ' i 10 I [ I i I II-I- IJ II o o I I I I 0.5 ~ "~ I , II I I 2.0 ::; I "" '" I, 1.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.5 V g .5 3.0 v Figure 12. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. 00 ...-V"'" 10 1.3 ~d "N 1.2 "'0 1.1 :E!;t / t- TA 1.5'C /' ./ / >~ ~~ ~" "'''' "'0 g .' ;' ",", 1.0 I ." V .8 I 15 20 25 30 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 13. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current. >-0 "" / 0 i I V F - FORWARD VOLTAGE - U 1.5 i / 1.' ;; I- i i _. 1.5 T):WC 10 20 30 40 50 Figure 14. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensitv per Unit Current) vo. Peak Current. Ip - PULSE DURATION -!J.S Figure 15. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current VI. Pulse Duration. (lDC MAXas per MAX Ratings.) Figure 16. Relative Luminous Intensitv vs. Angular Displacement. 130 60 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - rnA ,... SUBMINIATURE SOLID STATE LAMPS FJ3HEWLETT a!!t.:PACKARO l RED • 5082·4100/4101 HIOH EFFICIENCY RED • 5082·4160 YELLOW •. 5082-4150 OREEN • 5082 -4190 TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • SUBMINIATURE PACKAGE STYLE • END STACKABLE ON 2.21mm (0.087 In. ) CENTERS • LOW PACKAGE PROFILE • RADIAL LEADS • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • LONG LIFE - SOLID STATE RELIABILITY • CHOICE OF 4 BRIGHT COLORS Red High Efficiency Red Yellow Green Description The 5082-4100/4101,4150,4160 and 4190 are solid state lamps encapsulated in a radial lead subminiature package of molded epoxy. They utilize a tinted, diffused lens providing high on-off contrast and wide-angle viewing. The -4100/4101 utilizes a GaAsP LED chip in a deep red molded package. The -4160 has a high-efficiency red GaAsP on GaP LED chip in a light red molded package. This lamp's efficiency is comparable to that of the GaP red but does not saturate at low current levels. The -4150 provides a yellow GaAsP on GaP LED chip in a yellow molded papkage. The -4190 provides a green GaP LED chip in a green molded package. Tape-and-reel mounting is available on request. package Dimensions " 1.21 (.0501 1.40 (.0551 t'-_""",,-.i.. ~ = ~~R ~~ \l 292(.115) j~ If.- fi1 1.98(.077) I r.orn ~ TOP VIEW END VIEW NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES (INCHES). 2. SILVER·PLATED LEADS. SEE APPLICATION BULLETIN 3. 3. USER MAY BEND lEADS AS SHOWN. SIDE VIEW 131 Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA =25°C Parameter Red High Eff. Red Yellow Green 4100/4101 4160 4150 4190 120 20[11 120 20111 120 301 2 J Power Dissipation 100 50(1) DC Forward Current 60 See Fig. 10 1000 See Fig. 5 Peak Forward Current 60 See Fig. 15 Operating and Storage Temperature Range Units mW mA 60 See Fig. 20 mA -5SoC to 1000C Lead Soldering Temperature (1.6mm (0.063 in.) from body] 245 0 C for 3 secon9s 1. Derate from 50° C at 0.2mA/o C 2. Derate from 50° C at O.4mA/o C Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA=25°C symbol Typ. Min. Max. Min. Typ. 5082-4190 5082-4150 5082·4160 5082-4100/4101 Descrlpllon Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Unlls Test CondillOns IF~10mA, 2.0 0.8.11·d At IF = 20mA mcd Figs. 3,8,13,18 80 90 70 deg. Note 1. Figures 6. 11, 16,21 655 635 583 565 nm Measurement at Pea~ 640 628 585 572 nm Note 2 15 90 90 200 ns Iv Axial Luminous Intensity 2B./2 Included Angle Between Half Luminous Intensity Points 45 '\'PEAK Peak Wavelength -/0.5 .7/1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 Ad Dominant Wavelength rs Speed of Response C Capacitance 100 11 15 13 pF SlC Thermal Resistance 125 120 100 100 °C/W VF Forward Voltage 1.6 2.2 2.0 3.0 2.2 3.0 2.4 3.0 V 1,,=10mA. Figures 2. 7. 12,17 V IR = 100;tA At IF =20mA BVR Reverse Breakdown Voltage ~v Luminous Efficacy 10 3.0 147 55 5.0 5.0 5.0 570 665 V,=O; f=l MHZ Junction to Cathode Lead at O.79mm (.031 in) from Body ImIW Note 3 NOTES: 1. €>1/2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intenSity is half the axial luminous intenSity. 2. The dominant wavelength. x". is derived from the GIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. Radiant intensity, Ie. in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation le=lvhr... where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and t]v is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 1.0 GREEN" 0.5 0 500 If ,\''''0/ YEllOW ~V \ I 550 '\ IRED TA • 25"C VG'AsPREO 1\\ PSL~~ 650 600 WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength. 132 700 750 i Red 5082-4100/4101 1I r ~ rr: a c i I ~ IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA VF- FORWARD VOLTAGE -VOLTS Figure 2. Forward Current va. Forward Voltage. Figure a 'PEAIC - PEAK CURRENT - rnA Relative Lumlnoualnlenalty va. Forward Current. Figure 4. Relative Elflclency (luminous IntenSity per Unit Current) va. Peak Current. ... w ~~ ;;l" ~!z w :0 ::> 10 ~~ "x ~a _u "" xc "" ~ ~ 0 0 ~ I l ~~ " ~~ tp - PULSE DURATION -,.s Figure 6. Relative Lumlnoua Intensity va. Angular Displacement. Figure S. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current va. Pulse Duration. (IDC MAX as per MAX Ratings) 1.6 I -T.-,J.C I.' u >c I.' / 0 . .' -" 1.0 .5 I.S 2.0 0 3.0 2.' VF - FORWAADVOLTAGE-V 100 ~=: wc V WW >~ ~! ." .. I 1000 .7 10 Figure a .. 15 20 RelativeLumlnoualntenslty va. Forward Current. .6 0 , ,~ ~,,:, / -- " '. ... 10 20 30 40 ~AK - PEAK CURRENT - 10000 Figure 11. Relative luminous Intenaltyva.AngularDllpiacement. 133 50 .. mA Figure 9. Relative Elflclency (luminous IntenSity per Unit Current) va. Peak Current. tp - PULSE DURATION -/.II Figure 10. Maximum Tolereble Peak Current va. Pulse Duration. (IDC MAX as per MAX Ratings) ~,->- "'!'. .;", 1.1 1.0 ' \": '.,,; 1.3 1.2 0:0 ~ IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 7. Forward Current va. Forward Voltage. 10 ~§ .. ' j , 00 / ......-: u" ."::;' .' ". l,', Yellow 5082-4150 20 '"E ... " , I ~ B e 10 i "'~ ... I °0 .5 1.0 2.' I T)WC! 1.5 I !/ A 2.0 2.S ~ h w~ 2.0 / li_ ./ ~~ I.' n ,,~ ~'" 2 w >"' ~~ ,j.0 1.0 g ."'~ / .. 00 VF -FORWARDVOLTAGE-V 1.S / TA:;,i.e .. /' '~" I.' I.' 1.3 ~ e 1.2 ::: :; 1.1 '~e" 1.0 ~ 20 15 .7 0 ~ ~ / V I 10 20 30 40 50 60 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - rnA IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 12. Forward CUrrant ¥S. Forward Voltage. ~ .. .L .S 10 ... .. , Figure 13. Relatlva luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current Figure 14. Relative Efficiency (Lumlnou8 Intan81ty per Unit Current) V8. Peak Current. 9II"1--l--t-"':"+4: tp - PULSE DURATION - /.15 Figure 15. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current V8. Pulse Duration. (IDC MAX a8 per MAX Ratings) Figure 16. Relative Luminous Inten8Ityvs.AngularDi8placement. Green 5082-4190 • 20 TA .. ;t5~C I. 0 1/ • 0 Y • 00 .. ~o VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE-V Figure 17. Forward Current ¥S. Forward Voltage. 0 ..;,. !/ • L 3 .L 2 I 0 / • V V 8 IL " ( I J 10 15 20 25 30 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 18. Relative Luminous Inten8ity ¥S. Forward Currant. 7 · 0 10 20 30 Figure 21. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. 134 50 60 Figure 19. Relative Efficiency (Lumlnou8 Intensity per Unit Current) V8. Peak Current. tp - PULSE DURATION -~s Figure 20. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current ¥S. Pulse Duration. (IDC MAX a8 per MAX Ratings) 40 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - rnA HEWLETT PACKARD TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1960 Features • LARGE, BRIGHT, UNIFORM LIGHT EMITTING SURFACE Typical Luminous Stearance 260 cd/rn2 at 100mA Peak, 20m A Average Approximately Lambertian Radiation Pattern • SUITABLE FOR MULTIPLEX OPERATION LED's in Either Parallel, Series or Parallel/ Series Connection • CHOICE OF THREE COLORS High Efficiency Red Yellow Green • CATEGORIZED FOR LIGHT OUTPUT Use of Like Chip Categories Yields a Uniform Display r • EASILY MOUNTED ON P.C. BOARDS OR SOCKETS Single In-Line Package, Leads on Industry Standard 2.S4mm (0.1 in.) Centers I.C. Compatible Mechanically Rugged Applications • X-Y STACKABLE • ILLUMINATED LEGENDS • FLUSH MOUNTABLE • INDICATORS • EASY ALIGNMENT • BAR GRAPHS • EXCELLENT ON-OFF CONTRAST • LIGHTED SWITCHES Description The HLMP-2300/-2400/-2500 series light bar modules are 9mm (.35 inch) and 19mm (.75 inch) rectangular light sources designed for a variety of applications where a large, bright source of light is required. The -2300 and -2400 series devices utilize LED chips which are made from GaAsP on a transparent GaP substrate. The-2500 series devices utilize chips'made from GaP on a transparent GaP substrate. Devices Part No. HLMP· 2300 2350 2400 2450 2500 2550 Size of Emitting Area Color High Efficiency Red Yellow Green 8.89mm x.3.81mm (.350 in. x .150 in.) Package Drawing A x .150 in.) B 8.S9mm x 3.S1mm (.350 in. x .150 in.) A 19.0Smmx 3.81mm(.750 in. 19.05mm x 3.81mm (.750 in. x .150 in.) B S.S9mri1 x 3.81mm (.350 in. x .150 in.) A 19.05mm x3.S,1mm (.750 In. x .150 in.) B 135 Absolute Maximum Ratings NOTES: 1. Derate maximum DC current above TA=50°C at 0.51 mA/oC per LED chip, see Figure 2. 2. See Figure 1 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 3. For operation above TA=50o C, see the allowed deratings for higher temperatures shown in Figure 2. Average Power Dissipation Per LED Chip (TA= 50°C) ................ 90mW Operating Temperature Range ........................... -40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range ............................. -40°C to +85°C Peak Forward Current Per LED Chip (TA=50°C)12.3) ..................120mA (Maximum Pulse Width = 1.25ms) DC Forward Current Per LED Chip (TA= 50°C)ll,3) .................... 30mA Reverse Voltage Per LED Chip ..................................... 6.0V Lead Soldering Temperature [1.6mm (1/16 inch) below seating plane] ...................................... 260°C for 3 Seconds For a Detailed Explanation on the Use of Data Sheet Information and Recommended Soldering Procedures, See Application Note 1005, Page 464. package Dimensions MRT NUMBER LUMINOUS INTEN$IT'( CATEGORV. $.080' . 1O.200} . " 2,64 TVP ',10.100) J bJL:::} ',' ,', S/PEA:' SIDES. Internal Circuit Diagram FUNCTION ' : " ... ; : . B A .2350/-2450· . PIN •2300/-2400 -2500 1 Cathode - a,',. Cathode-a Anode-a Anode-:a Cathode -:. b '., c. 2 3 4 >: 8. :.' -2550 Cathode-b,· . Anode..;."b 5. 01 6 .. 7: A . < :'" " :.: Anode-c i' :. 136 ;,,' ,AnQde~b ....: ,·Cathode;..,;..'c:--';·:',· " Cathode.:....;d Anode-d NOTES: 1. Dimensions in millimetres and (inches). 2. Tolerances ± .25 mm unless otherwise indicated. B ' Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA=25°C HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HLMP-2300/-2350 Parameter [ Luminous lntensItY.l with All LEO's . JlIUnlinated . Test Conditions Symbol ·2300 -2350 . Peak Wavelength Iv 100mA Pk: 1 of 5 Duty Factor 20mADC Iv 100mA Pk: 1 of 5 Duty Factor 20mADC Min. 3 7 Max. Ad mcd 7 mcd 21 meet 15 mcd nm run 626 Ip=loomA tF= 20mA Units 10 635 Apeak Dominant Wavelengthl $) Typ. ,3.5,. 2.6 IR VR=6V 2.5 1.9 10 Temperature CO&fficient of VF Per LED tNFfC IF",1OOmA -1.1 mVl"C Thermal ReSistance LED Junction-to-Pin R6J....f>IN 150 ·C/W/ ,F9fWard ~ Per LED, ' VF Reverse Current Per LED V p,A, LE,D YELLOW HLMP-2400/-2450 Parameter Luminous Intensity(4) ·2400 Symbol Test Conditions Iv 100mA Pk; 1 of 5 Duty Factor 20mADC Iv 100mA Pk: 1 of 5 Duty Factor 20mADC with All LED's Illuminated ·2450 Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength(5) Forward Voltage Per LED f Thermal Resistance LED Junction-IOoPin R6J-PIN ·2500 ·2550 Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelengthl.) Forward Voltage Per LED Reverse Current Per LEO mcd 18 mcd 11 mcd .' run 2.6 2,0 VR=6V tp=l00mA 10 pA -1.1 mW"C 150 ·ClWf LED Test Conditions Iv loomA Pk: 1 of 5 Duty Factor 20mADC 100mA Pk: 1 of 5 Duty Factor 20mAOC Iv nm' IF-loomA IF- 20mA Symbol with All LED's Illuminated 5 585 IR Units mcd Ad I:NFf'C Luminous Intensity!') 5 Max. 8 583 Temperature Coefficient of VF Per LED GREEN HLMP-2500/-2550 Parameter 2 Typ. Apeak VF Reverse Current Per LED Min. Min. 1.5 Typ. 3.5 2.6 Max. V Units 6 mcd 3.5 mcd 13 mcd 7.5 mcd Apeak 565 nm' Ad 572 VF IR Temperature Coefficient of VF Per LEO /JNFFC Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to·Pin R6J-PIN 3.5 nm. IF-100mA iF= 20mA 2.7 2.1 VR""SV IF=100mA -1.1 mV/"C 150 ·ClWf LEO' 10 3.S 2.6 V p.A ' NOTES: 4. Each device is categorized for luminous i ntensity with the intensity category designated by a letter located on the right hand sideofthe package. 5. The dominant wavelength. Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and is that single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 137 Electrical Optical The HLMP-2300/-2400/-2500 series of light bar devices are composed of two or four light emitting diodes, with the light from each LED optically scattered to form an evenly illuminated light emitting surface. The LED's have a large area P-N junction diffused into the epitaxial layer on a GaP transparent substrate. The radiation pattern for these light bar devices is approximately Lambertian. The luminous sterance may be calculated using one of the two following formulas: Lv(cd/m2) = Iv(cd) A(m2) The anode and cathode of each LED is brought out by separate pins. This universal pinout arrangement allows for the wiring of the LED's within a device in any of three possible configurations: parallel, series, or series/parallel. Lv(footlamberts) = These light bar devices are designed for strobed operation at high peak currents. The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 4, should be used for calculating the current limiting resistor values and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values for the purpose of driver circuit design and maximum power dissipation may be calculated using the following VF models: + IPEAK VF = 2.2V (130) VF = 1.9V 71" lvi(cd) A(ft2) AREA SIZE OF EMITTING SURFACE 8.89mm x 3.81 mm 19.05mm)( 3.81mm SO. FEET 384.58 X 10-' 781.25 x 10-6 SO. METFIES 33.87 x 10-6 72.58 x 10-0 + IDe (23.30) For 10mA::; IDe < 30mA For IPEAK 2: 30mA 40 35 ~ --.-l ~ RoJA .. m"C/w/LEIY' ~ "" 15 X 12 10 ~ ~ AeJA '" o DC OPERATION 10000 o 10 tp - PULSE DURATION -/.IS 1.7 ...... ~ 1.5 V' ~ H<.MP·2'" SERlE' . 1.4 V 1.3 1.2 •. ..ii 1.1 ..... ...-t' ~ HlMP·2300 SER1ES 120 ~ 110 I 100 ~ a .J .9 90 70 ~ 60 :r ~ o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110120 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER LED - rnA Figure 3. Relative Efficiency Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) VS. Peak LED Current. I I ~ 2.2 I'" I U.I 2.0 liJll I I 1-+- ~V 1.5 2.0 i ~ 00 70 M 00 1.0 ~"" J f=~ >~ ! 3.0 I 1';II / ~- a.' a.• 0.4 0.2 ! 3.4 V F - PEAK FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 4. Peak Forward Current per LED VS. Peak Forward Voltage. 138 1.2 ~~ w~ I H1.MP-2-400 AND ~ -lEioo SERIESt--=; 1.4 ~~ I I I 2.5 1.• I I ~~ '"-- ,"~-2600 SEll I•• I I Z"" WE 0 0 (/1 V. 1.' ~~ III 11:1 If/l It. II > ~ ;;- HLMP'2400 SERIE~-fl. 30 10 I .1 HlMP'23O!)SERI~ ~f11 40 . _~ .7 m _ Figure 2. Maximum Allowable DC Current per LED vs. Ambient Temperature. Deratings Based on Maximum Allowable Thermal Resistance Values, LED Junction-toAmbient on a per LED Basis. T J MAX=100°C. Pulse Duration 50 Ill!: 20 i: .8 VS. 80 o .. 1.0 ~ ~;...- HLMP-2S00 Sf:RIE$ 1.• ..... I I TA -AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _oC Figure 1. Maximum Allowed Peak Current I J . ~ fi5S"CfW/lko"'- Jl !--'-.J...J..J..J.J~-----'c....c-I....L.J.1'~,....-JI-"'''''''~~-J''~_\."".I..u.I1~ 1.' 1.' I\:' , , V ~' AWA "'446"CIW/UP "" 1000 I\, ~~\ , 20 ~ x I 100 25 ~ -1 10 30 ~ ag OPERATION IN THIS REGION REaUIRES TEMPERATURE DERATING OF IDe MAX 00 / ~ /HLMP-2300_ SERIES V 10 15 20 25 30 35 IF - DC CURRENT PER LED - rnA Figure 5. Relative Luminous Intensity VS. DC Forward Current. LED LIOHT BAR MODULES SIl\IOLE,TWIN, &OUAD ARRANGEMENTS . . >,H1OHEFFICIENCY REO-HtMP-2600 SERIES '.; '. . . . . YEllOW ·HLMP.·27DOSERIES i'i~l"\;; ,.... \/y.; : ; t OREEI\!. ·HtMP-28Qll ...~'J8,. TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • LARGE, BRIGHT, UNIFORM LIGHT EMITTING SURFACE Typical Luminous Sterance 160 cd/m2 at 60 mA Peak, 20 mA Average Approximately Lambertlan Radiation Pattern • SUITABLE FOR MULTIPLEX OPERATION LED's In Either Parallel, Series or Parallel! Series Connection • CHOICE OF THREE COLORS High Efficiency Red Yellow Green • CATEGORIZED FOR LIGHT OUTPUT Use of Like Chip Categories Yields a Uniform Display • EASILY MOUNTED ON P.C. BOARDS OR SOCKETS Industry Standard 7.62 mm (0.3 in.) DIP Leads on 2.54 mm (0.100 in.) Centers I.C. Compatible Mechanically Rugged [ Applications • ANNUNCIATORS WITH ILLUMINATED LEGENDS • BACKLIGHTED FRONT PANELS • X - Y Stackable • FRONT PANEL INDICATORS • FLUSH MOUNTABLE • BAR GRAPHS • EASY ALIGNMENT • LIGHTED SWITCHES • EXCELLENT ON-OFF CONTRAST • EDGE LIGHT PANELS Description The HLMP-2600/-2700/-2800 series light bar modules are rectangular light sources designed for a variety of applications where a large, bright source of light is required. These modules are configured in packages that contain either a Single, twin or quad light emitting surface arrangement. The -2600 and -2700 series devices utilize LED chips which are made from GaAsP on a transparent GaP substrate. The -2800 series devices utilize chips made from GaP on a transparent GaP substrate. Devices . . Number . .' ..part Number HLMP. .··Hlgh . .Efficl~~Y Size of Ught Emitting Areas . . led:; L> of ". . . Yellow .>2"655.' 2755 ", •. ~;:;. '. 2700·. '26.1« . . I "'< Gteen 2855.·' 8.89rnm x 8.89 "<2SpO 27702870'·. '2620'2720>2820. I . ·.2a~:~· 27:tS'"' 2835 mm (.350 in. x .350 in.) Light Emitting Areas Package Outline 1 A [J 8.a9mm x3:S1.mm{.3S0in, x .150 in.) 2 1 B ill C S.89.mm )( 8.89 mm. (.350io. X .3S0 in.) 8.89.mm x 3.81mm (:350 io. x .1.S0 in.) 2 4 E 3.81 mmx 19.0Smm (,150 in. x .7S0 io.l 2 F 139 0 I ill - Absolute Maximum Ratings Average Power Dissipation Per LED Chip (TA = 50·C) ......... 93mW Operating Temperature Range ...................•.. -40·C to +85·C Storage Temperature Range ........................ -40·C to +85·C Peak Forward Current Per LED Chip (TA = 50·C)13,51 .......... SO mA (Maximum Pulse Width ~ 2.0 ms) Time Average Forward Current Per LED Chip Pulsed Conditions l41 ,........................................ 20 mA DC Forward Current Per LED Chip (HLMP-2700 Series) (TA=50·C)12 1 .............................................. 25mA DC Forward Current Per LED Chip (HLMP-2S00/-2800 Series)(TA= 50·C)ill ......................................... 30 mA Reverse Voltage Per LED Chip ................................. S.OV Lead Soldering Temperature [1.S mm (1/16 inch) below seating plane] .................................. 2S0·C for 3 seconds NOTES: 1. Derate maximum DC current above TA = 50°C at 0.57 mA/oC per LED chip, see Figure 2. 2. Derate maximum DC current above 58°C at 0.56 mA/oG per LED chip, see Figure 2. 3. See Figure 1 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 4. Derate maximum IAVG current above T A = 50° C at 0040 mA average/o C per LED chip, see Figure 2. 5. For operation above TA = 50° C, see the allowed deratings for higher temperatures shown in Figures 2 and 3. package Dimensions --L ~ ::~"/ ~ ~ •. ~ ".;"X 1.016 10.040)~ TYP. 1 10.160 2 I~!c;:') 3 6.223 10.245) TVr DATE CODE T -t 0.508' 0.05 10.020) TYP. I 8.890 10.350) A I I I rr--T SIDE VIEW C,D,E,F a I ----I ii I I '. .' 8.890 10.3501 I_ I 10'r O) 13 19.050 , 10 10.160 10.400) MAX. .... f B.890 t 1.270 ~10.050) 10.160 10.400) MAX. o C F E NOTES, OUTSIDE WALL THICKNESS 0.50810.020) TYPICAL ALL PACKAGES. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES AND IMILLIMETRES). Internal Circuit Diagrams Pin Function 16 '5 14 12 A,a 11 10 FUNCTION PIN A,B 1 2 3 4 13 5 6 7 8 II C, 0, E, F CATHODE a ANODE a ANODEb CATHODE b CATHODEc ANODEc ANODEd CATHODEd to 11 12 . 13 14 15 16 C,D,E,F 140 6.223 10.245) END VIEW A,a,C,D,E,F · ···To D ·r -IO1- -I ~:T ...••....•.•..•. T JL: I I I I-I B.890 10.350) 4'064Io~ MIN. (0.160) 1.270 3.810 10.050) 10.150) I 11!:::==:o!l.:i:.:: LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY t Img) .c] ... '.' I I I T~ 7.620 B'.'. '. -i.J;1:1 L:5 I I 20.320 4 _I 8890 10'.350) 7 6 -t-~: ----:J SIDE VIEW A,a 2.540 10.100) [Js_I 1~ 10.300) 0.254 , 0.05 ---I '-10.010) -W . CATHODE a ANODEs ANODEb CATHODEb CATHODEc ANODEc ANODEd CATHODEd CATHODEe ANODEe. ANODEf CATHOOEf. CATHoDEg ANODEg' ANODEh CATHoDE.h Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA=25°C HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HLMP-2600 SERIES Parameter ( .. Symbol .-2655 Iv I" -2600 I.uminous IntensitylSj p-erLight Emitting' SU'rtace .Area ' -2685 ~2670 -2620 I -2635 Peak Wavelength Iv Iv Iv Iv Typ. Max. 16 6 3 12 6 3 6 Units Test Condition. mcd 60 mA Pk: .1. of 3: Duty F.actor ..... ';:.~,;' 14 mcd 20 mA DC 8 mcd' 60 mA Pk: 1 ofS DutYf~r: 7 mod 20 mA DC 32 mod 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 Duty 28 mcd 20 mADC 16 mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 of3.Duty.Fa~qn 14 mcd 20 rM DC 8 mcd 60 mA Pk.: 1 of3.DutyFaotor ·'·-i'.:.::;·.· .' .' Faowr' .....•...... ;" /\. niA DC ......•.. ··.·.·;.·.\its 7 mcd 20 16 mod 60 mA Pk:1of3DiJfYF~~f 14 mcd 20 mA DC Apeak 635 nm Dominant Wavelength l11 Ad 626 nm Forward Voltage Per LED VF 2.1 Reverse Current Per LED fR 10 />A Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin ROJ-PIN 150 °C/WI LEO Chip YELLOW 2.6 V .,.,}.,<> ./'<: >. IF= 20 mA VR=6V HLMP-2700 SERIES Parameter Symbol ~2755 -2700 ( l Iv Min. Luminous Intensity'·SI Per Light Emitting Surface Area -2785 Iv Iv Iv -2770 Iv -2720 Iv -2735 Iv Min. Typ. 5.4 6 2.7 Max. Test Conditions 12 mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 Duty FElot.or 10 mcd 20 mA DC mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 Duty Factor . 5 mcd 20 mA DC 24 mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 of3 Duty Factor 20 mcd 20 mA DC 12 mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 013 Duty Factor 5.4 10 mcd 20 mA DC 6 mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 Duty Factor 2.7 5 mcd 20 mA DC 12 mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 Duty Factor 20 mA DC 10.8 10 mcd Apeak 583 nm Dominant Wavelength f71 Ad 585 Forward Voltage Per LED VF 2.2 Reverse Current Per LED IR 10 />A Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin ROJ-PIN 150 °C!WI LEO Chip Peak Wavelength c.' Units 5.4 141 nm 2.6 V IF = 20 mA VR =6V Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA=25°C GREEN HLMP-2800 SERIES Parameter Symbol Min. ; ", -2855 Iv Typ. ' Units Test Condltlona 10 mcd 60 mA Pk: ,1 of 3DutyFactor Max. 7 'mod 5 mcd 2.5 3.5 mcd mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 Duty Factor 10 20 ' 14 mcd .20 mA DC 10 mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 Duty Factor 7 mcd 20mA DC 5 mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 Duty Factor 3.5 mcd 20mADC 10 mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 Duty Factor 7 mcd 20 mA DC Apeak 565 nm Dominant Wavelength l7J Ad 572 Forward Voltage Per LEO VF 2.2 Reverse Current Per LED IR 10 Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin RIIJ-PIN 150 I' -2800 Iv , i.t:.rn'\lnoos Intensity'S, -2885 Iv ,PerLightErilifting Surface Area -2870 Iv -2820 -2835 Iv Iv " Peak Wavelength 5 5 2.5 5 20mA DC ' 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 Duty Factor 20mA DC nm 2.6 V j./A IF'" 20 mA VR'" 6V "CiWI LED Chip Notes: 6. These devices are categorized for luminous intensity with the intensity category designated by a letter located on the right hand side of the package. 7. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CI E chromaticity diagram and is that Single wavelength which defines the color of the device. Electrical Optical The HLMP-2600/-2700/-2800 series of light bar devices are composed of four or eight light emitting diodes, with the light from each LED optically scattered to form an evenly illuminated light emitting surface. The LED's have a P-N junction diffused into the epitaxial layer on a GaP transparent substrate. The radiation pattern for these light bar devices, is approximately Lambertian. The luminous sterance may be calculated using one of the two following formulas: L (cd/m2) = Iv (cd) v A (m2) The anode and cathode of each LED is brought out by separate pins. This universal pinout arrangement allows for the wiring of the LED's within a device in any of three possible configurations: parallel, series, or series/parallel. 11'Iv (cd) Lv (footlamberts) = A (ft2) The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 4, should be used for calculating the current limiting resistor values and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values for the purpose of driver circuit design and maximum power dissipation may be calculated using the following VF models: VF = 1.8V + IPEAK (400) For IPEAK 2: 20mA VF = 1.6V + IDC (500) For 5mA :<:; IDC :<:; 20mA 142 Size of Light Emitting Surface Area Area Sq. Metres 8.89 mm x 8.89 mm 67.74 x 10-6 729.16 8.89 mm x 3.81 mm 33.87 x 10-6 8.89 mm x 19.05 mm 135.48 x 10-6 364.58 x 10-6 1458.32 x lO-s 3.81 mm x 19.05 mm 72.58 x 10-6 781.25 Sq. Feet X X 10-6 10-6 Refresh rates of 1 kHz or faster provide the most efficient operation resulting in the maximum possible time average luminous intensity. [ These light bar devices may be operated in ambient temperatures above +60° C without derating when installed in a PC board configuration that provides a thermal resistance to ambient value less than 250°C/WI LED. See Figure 6 to determine the maximum allowed thermal resistance for the PC board, R/lPC-A, which will permit nonderated operation in a given ambient temperature. The time average luminous intensity may be calculated using the relative efficiency characteristic of Figure 3, '7IPEAK, and adjusted for operating ambient temperature. The time average luminous intensity at TA = 25°C is calculated as follows: To optimize device optical performance, specially developed plastiCS are used which restrict the solvents that may be used for cleaning. It is recommended that only mixtures of Freon (F113) and alcohol be used for vapor cleaning processes, with an immersion time in the vapors of less than two (2) minutes maximum. Some suggested vapor cleaning solvents are Freon TE, Genesolv 01-15 or DE-15, Arklone A or K. A 60°C (140°F) water cleaning process may also be used, which includes a neutralizer rinse (3% ammonia solution or equivalent), a surfactant rinse (1% detergent solution or equivalent), a hot water rinse and a thorough air dry. Room temperature cleaning may be accomplished with Freon T-E35 or T-P35, Ethanol, Isopropanol or water with a mild detergent. IAVG J ('7IPEAK) (Iv Data Sheet) Iv TIME AVG = [ 20mA Example: For HLMP-2735 series '7IPEAK = 1.18 at IpEAK = 48 mA 12mAJ Iv TIME AVG = [ 20m A (1.18) (10 mcd) = 7 mcd The time average luminous intensity may be adjusted for operating ambient temperature by the following exponential equation: Iv (TA) = Iv (25°C) e [K(TA·2S"C}[ Device K -2600 Series -2700 Series -2800 Series -0.0131/°C -0.0112/°C -0.0104/°C Example: Iv (80°C) = (7 mcd) e [.(l.om (eD-2S}I=3.8mcd Mechanical ( These devices are constructed utilizing a lead frame in a DIP package. The LED dice are attached directly to the lead frame. Therefore, the cathode leads are the direct thermal and mechanical stress paths to the LED dice. The absolute maximum allowed junction temperature, TJ MAX, is 100°C. The maximum power ratings have been established so that the worst case VF device does not exceed this limit. For most reliable operation, it is recommended that the device pin-to-ambient thermal resistance through the PC board be less than 250°C/WI LED. This will then establish a maximum thermal resistance LED junction-to-ambient of 400° C/W/LED. 143 10 22 9 ! 8 7 6 , \ 1\ .. I~ ~ I 1 ~ ~~ \ ~ ~ ~ \ 10 ~'\ 100 tp - PULSE DURATION - '~ 1000 oo 1 zw ''"" ::> I" 30 25 :I; ~i::E~800- 20 ./ I'\. , ~ , :I; X « :I; 15 1 10 "« 11m -322'ClWILEO/ R('~ -43InPkILEV F\iJA • :I; - >u zw c:; , \ o o /'" K' , /' w ~ ~ ~ itw 1.2 > >= 1.0 . A', '"I ~ " 00 ro 00 I-- ..iii 50 I-I-- I '"'" :> u 0 « '" ;: a: 1t 40 HlJ-2~O SERIES ~ "HLJ-iJoo c- f..I./ SERIES j, 10 o 1.0 '& ..~< '/ >- ~ 0.8 V, 1/ 0.6 ~ ~ .... c- c- LI!II :MP~OO fER1ES I- ' I I / HLMP-2600 SERIES I I I 20 30 I ! I .0 50 60 j 1.6 # 1.4 ~ WE !Zl<: ~~ HlMP- 2700 SErtlES 00 Zw -N :1;- 3.0 1.0 --' :>-' w,. >'" -0 0.6 SERIES 1"- S~ 0.' '" 0.2 w rl 1.2 0.8 -HLMP·2600/-2700 -'« 'L 2.0 m 1.8 (j VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - 00 °c Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak LED Current. /, 20 00 (PEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER L.ED - rnA I 'f II. "... r[II ro 00 " y -- 10 1/ 30 I ~ ~ ~ I 00 Figure 3. Maximum Allowable DC Currant per LED vs. Ambient Temperature. Deratings Basad on Maximum Allowable Thermal Resistance Values, LED Junction-to-Ambient on a Per LED Basis. TJ MAX =100·C. 60 ~ I I ! I S w 538"ClWILEc\ /'" ~ ~ \ HlMP-2800 SERIES I.' TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ °C E ~ w Jl « w , " Figure 2. Maximum Allowable Average Current per LED vs. Ambient Temperatura. Deratlngs Basad on Maximum Allowable Thermal Resistance Values, LED Junction-to-Amblent on a Par LED Basi._ TJ MAX =1WC. ~ ~. 0 ::> /~ 1.6 HLMP·2600 HLMP-2700 35 _SERIES u u /(, -430'ClWlLeo TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ 40 . RwA ·322"C,wILa> 11m ~s Figure 1. Maximum Allowed Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. «E V R.JA ~ 538'"ClWILEtV' 1 10.000 , \ 14 12 , \ \ 16 10 i\~~ i\ ~. 18 OPERATION IN THIS REGION REQUIRES OERATING OF IAVG MAX. K~ ~ 20 / o o 4.0 v /' .A ~ V ~ i'.HlMP-2800 SERli S 10 15 20 25 30 IDe - DC CURRENT PER LEO - rnA Figure 5. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics. Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current. For a Detailed Explanation on the Use of Data Sheet Information and Recommended Soldering Procedures, See Application Note 1005, Page 464. 144 FliDW HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD 5082-4860 6082-4855 5082-4484 6082-4494 COMMERCIAL LIGHT EMITTING DIODES TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 5082·4850/4855 ~5.'('2001 I( 1 Features 4 3 . (.1701 ~:H:* ..~ 11.0 (.4501 • LOW COST: BROAD APPLICATION • LONG LIFE: SOLID STATE RELIABILITY • LOW POWER REQUIREMENTS: 20m A @ 1.6V • HIGH LIGHT OUTPUT 0.8 mcd TYPICAL FOR 5082-4850/4484 1.4 mcd TYPICAL FOR 5082-4855/4494 23.0 1.901 MIN. CATHODE • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE ~ ~ 1.5 (.0401 1.0601 1.0 • RED DIFFUSED LENS ~ Description The 5082-4850/4855 and 5082-4484/4494 are Gallium Arsenide Phosphide Light Emitting Diodes intended for High Volume/Low Cost applications such as indicators for appliances, automobile instrument panels and many other commercial uses. 5082·448414494 4.70 (.1851 r 1'.G2 I f 4.19 1:i65) + {.DOOI NOM. The 5082-4850/4855 are T·' % lamp size, have red diffused lenses and can be panel mounted using mounting clip 5082-4707. The 5082-4484/4494 are T·' lamp size, have red diffused len~'.ls and are ideal where space is at a premium, such as high density arrays. 25.40 (1.001 l CATHODE I ~ 139~ 0.64 (.0251 I 2.<'9 (.0901 If.3li(]t5i- - --*-_/ 1 ,~- V,. 0.51 (.0201 NOTES: 0.41 (.016) 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN 1111 LlIlilETRES (lNCHESI. 2. SILVER PLATED LEADS. SEE APPLICATIONS BULLETIN 3. 3. AN EPOXV MENISCUS MAV EXTEND .~BOUT lmm (.040") DOWN THE LEADS. Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA=25°C Power Dissipation .............................. 'OOmW DC Forward Current (Derate linearly from 50° C at 0.2mA/" C) . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50mA Peak Forward Current. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1Amp (lMsec pulse width, 300pps) Operating and Storage Temperature Range ..................... -55°C to +1 OO°C Lead Soldering Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 145 230°C for 7 sec. Electrical Characteristics at TA=25°C 50324484 5032-4855 5082-4850 Symbol 50824494 Units Test Conditions 1.4 mod IF = 20mA Measurement at Peak Paramete,,; Min. Iv APEAK Luminous Intensity 0.8 Wavelength 1"$ Speed of Response C Capacitance Forward Voltage Reverse 8reakdown Voltage VF eVR Thermal Resistance 9JC Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. 1.4 0.8 655 655 655 655 nm 10 10 10 10 ns 100 100 100 100 pF f V IF= 20mA V fR 1.6 3 Typ. Max. Min. 0.8 2.0 10 100 1.6 3 1.6 2.0 3 10 0.8 2.0 1.6 3 10 10 100 100 2.0 VF=O. ~ lMHz Junction to °CIW 100 =100llA Cathode Lead 50 40 30' 30 ~ E 20 ...I ffi a: a: 10 ""0 a: ~ ;: a: :r I -~ 1 1,40 1.70 V F - FORWARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS Figure 1. Forward Current Versus Forward Voltage Characteristic For 5082·48501 4855/448414494. Figure 2. Relative Luminous Intensity Versus Angular Displacement For 5082·4850/4855. 2.50 I 2.25 2.00 / -. / 1.75 / 1.50 1.25 1.00 / '.' f----- / .50 0/ - _/ ,75 ,2 5 / / 10 20 30 40 50 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 4. Relative luminous Intensity Versus Forward Current For 5082-48501 4855/4484/4494. Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity Versus Angular Displacement For 5082-448414494. 146 rh~ r _ ~~ HEWLETT 5082-4403 5082-4415 5082-4440 5082-4444 5082-4880 SERIES SOLID STATE LAMPS PACKARD l TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 I --dr Features • EASILY PANEL MOUNTABLE • HIGH BRIGHTNESS OVER A WIDE VIEWING ANGLE I / 9.14 (.3.0} 8.13 132~.8.9 ! L I 5.DB ~ ~~~- • ~~=:~~:'TION U~} II ~D40} ~l 533 (.21O} 4.BY"D} 5B4 I~ (.23) '2' (.O~l .j MIN. (. Tl ~ (.240) 1 02 (040) 5.59 (.220) 064 (025) TYP 5082·4415 5082·4444 IDBD} I ~:~ .l irl:n oin , 3051120}--i 2O:i lmm I D4D"} DOWN THELEADS are plastic encapsulated Gallium Arsenide Phosphide Light Emitting Diodes. They radiate light in the 655 nanometer (red light) region. BASE / MIN. l'"::~ODE'_:-I NOTE ANEPOXYMINISCUSMAYEXTENDABOUT The 5082-4403, -4415, -4440, -4444 and the -4880 series METAL I ~~! :~~:_: ~ D~ylpD35} ~':~ 1.02 0.64 (.025) PLASTIC .i--T (.lO} • STURDY LEADS ON 2.S4mm (0.10 in.) CENTERS • IC COMPATIBLE/LOW POWER . t· Descrlp Ion (.D35} 0.64 (.025) 2.54 • RUGGED CONSTRUCTION FOR EASE OF HANDLING : ' i DIA ~ ANODE ~ 5082·4403 5082-4440 The 5082-4403 and -4440 are LEDs with a red diffused plastic lens, providing high visibility for circuit board or panel mounting with a clip. DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES AND (INCHES) ~~~~L The 5082-4415 and -4444 have the added featu re of a 90° lead bend for edge mounting on circuit boards. ( 5.08 (.200) 4.32 (170) RED CATHODE IDENTIFICATION -4880 SERIES PLASTIC The 5082-4880 series is available in three different lens configurations. These are Red Diffused, Clear Diffused, and Clear Non-Diffused. 1 1'40(~) The Red Diffused lens provides an excellent off/on contrast ratio. The Clear Non-Diffused lens is designed for applications where a point source is desired. It is particularly useful where the light must be focused or diffused with external optics. The Clear Diffused lens is useful in masking the red color in the off condition. Lu 5082-4880 5082-4881 5082-4882 0,3 0.8 0.3 0.8 5082-4440 5082-4403 5082-4444 5082-4415 0.76 (.030) 0.51 (.020) 3.05 (.120) 2.03 (.080) LONG LEAD (UNBENT) Clear NonClear Red Diffused Diffused Diffused Lens Lent Lens 0.5 1,0 1.6 I 15.24 (,600) LED SELECTION GUIDE MINIMUM LIGHT OUTPUT (mcd) t 6.10 (.240) 5.59 (.220) 0.76 (.030) 5082-4883 5082-4884 5082-4885 NOTE: AN EPOXY MENISCUS MAY EXTEND ABOUT 1rnrn (.040") DOWN THE LEADS. Maximum Ratings at TA=25°C DC Power Dissipation,., ... ", ... "., .. ", .... 100mW DC Forward Current ... " .. ', .... , .. , .. ,., .. , .. 50 mA (Derate linearly from 50°C at 0.2mA/oC) Peak Transient Forward Current .. , . , , .. , , , .... ,. 1 Amp (l!-,sec pulse width, 300 pps) Isolation Voltage (between lead and base) , , , . , ... , 300 V Operating and Storage Temperature Range"., ..... ,.,", ... -55°Cto+100°C Lead Soldering Temperature, .... , ...... 230°C for 7sec 5082-4886 5082-4887 5082-4888 SHORT LEAD UNBENT BENT 147 Electrical Characteristics at TA=25°C 5082·4403 50824415 Symbol Parameter IV Luminous Intensity APEAK Wavelength 5082-4880 5082-4883 5082·4886 5082·4440 5082·4444 5082·4881 5082·4884 5082·4887 5082-4882 5082·4885 5082·4888 Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Units 0.8 1.2 0.3 655 0.7 0.5 655 0.8 1.0 655 1.6 1.3 655 1.8 mcd 655 nm IF" 20mA Maasurement at Peak 'rs Sp~ed of Response 15 15 15 15 15 C Capacitance 100 100 100 100 100 OJC Tnermal Resistance 87 87 100 100 100 VF F0n.vard Voltage 1.6 1.6 2.0 1.6 BVR Ro9'verse Break~ down Voltage 3 10 2.0 1.6 3 10 2.0 1.6 3 2.0 10 3 10 3 ns pF ·C/W Junction to Ca thode Lead 2.0 10 V IF = 20mA V IR =1001lA TYPICAL RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITY VERSUS ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT 44XX 4880,4881,4882 FORWARD CURRENT VS. VOLTAGE CHARACTER ISTICS 50 .e 40 iii0: 0: 30 "" 20 ...I ::> .. 0: ;: 0: ~ I 90' 10 ~ 0,8 0,4 1,2 '" 2,0 1,6 FORWARD CURRENT - VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTICS 4883,4884,4885 4886,4887,4888 LUMINOUS INTENSITY VS. FORWARD CURRENT (IF) 2,50 2,25 L 2,00 1,7 5 1,50 1,25 / 0 1,0 ,75 / ,50 / / / ,25 0/ 10 20 30 40 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA 148 50 Fh3 a:~ [~ HEW ....ETT,'" PACKARD,' · 5OB2~4480 ,"SERIES ~----------------~----~ TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • HIGH INTENSITY: 0.8mcd TYPICAL • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • SMALL SIZE T-1 DIAMETER 3.18mm (0.125") • IC COMPATIBLE • RELIABLE AND RUGGED Description The 5082-4480 is a series of Gallium Arsenide Phosphide Light Emitting Diodes designed for applications where space is at a premium, such as in high density arrays. The 5082-4480 series is available in three lens configurations. 5082-4480 - Red Diffused lens provides excellent on-off contrast ratio, high axial luminous intensity, and wide viewing angle. ',".' '. . ,,',"eA~ ',;" -',~ ,., , 5082-4483 - Same as 5082-4480, but Clear Diffused to mask red color in the "off" condition. 5082-4486 - Clear Non-Diffused plastic lens provides a point source. Useful when illuminating external lens, annunciators, or photo-detectors. Maximum Ratings at TA = 25°C DC Power Dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100mW I 50mA DC Forward Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Derate linearly from 50°C at 0.2mAtC) Peak Forward Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Amp (1 "sec pulse width, 300 pps) Operating and Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . .. -55°C to +100o C Lead Soldering Temperature ..... " 230°C for 7 sec. Electrical Characteristics at TA = 25°C , PART tIO. " ~' 5082-4483 aoaa......'. ,', UNS CONFIGURATION Red Diffused Untin18Cl Dlfful;8d Clear PtastIc 5082-4480 AND 5082-4483 5082-4486 30' 100 20" 40" SO' 60" 60' 70' 700 80" SO' 90'+---+---"!-..--': Figure 1. Relqtive Luminous Intensity Figure 2. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. vs. Angular Displacement. 50 .. E I 2.50 t- - > ~ 1.75 I- Z w ~ 30 '"0:::J :::J u .." a: ;: a: 20 I 10 1.25 :l 1.00 ..> .75 ..J .50 a: .25 lE w ~ >= ~ W o o ,/ 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 YS. L / 7 / V / ./ 10 20 30 40 50 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA FORWARD CURRENT - VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTICS Figure 3. Forward Current Characteristic. / 1.50 z L - iii 2.00 I- a: a: 2.25 I- 40 Voltage Figure 4. luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current (I F). 150 HEWLETT D (hpl PACKARD LOW PROFILE SOLID STATE LAMPS 5082-4481 5082~4488 TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • LOW COST: BROAD APPLICATION • LOW PROFILE: 4.S7mm (0.18") LENS HEIGHT TYPICAL • HIGH DENSITY PACKAGING 24.13 (0.961 MIN. • LONG LIFE: SOLID STATE RELIABILITY • LOW POWER REQUIREMENTS: 20mA @ 1.6V 25.40 (1.410) '-I • HIGH LIGHT OUTPUT: 0.8mcd TYPICAL I ! I I I J I-l~l:~1 O'64I~eto:3i 1.015) I--*. -t - -, O.64(mJ O.38I]ff5J NOTES: " ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES (INCItES). 2. SILVER Pl.ATED LEADS. SEE APPLICATIONS BULLETIN 3. 3. AN EPOXY MENISCUS MAY EXTEND ABOUT lmm !.04OH ) DOWN llIE LEADS. Description The 5082-4487 and 5082-4488 are Gallium Arsenide Phosphide Light Emitting Diodes for High Volume/Low Cost Applications such as indicators for calculators, cameras, appliances, automobile instrument panels, and many other commercial uses. The 5082-4487 isan untinted non-diffused, low profile T-1 LED lamp, and has a typical light output of 0.8 mcd at 20 rnA. The 5082-4488 is an untinted non-diffused, low profile T -1 LED lamp, and has a guaranteed minimum light output of 0.3 mcd at 20 rnA. Absolute Maximum Ratings atTA=25°C DC Power Dissipation ................................•......................... 100mW DC Forward Current [Derate linearly from 50°C at O.2mAtC} ......................... 50mW Peak Forward Current [1 ~sec pulse width, 300ppsJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 Amp Operating and Storage Temperature Range ................................. -55°C to +100 oC Lead Soldering Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230°C for 7 sec. 151 Electrical/optical Characteristics at TA=25°C Symbol 5082-4487 Mex; Min."" Typ; Parameters , , " '. , Iv luminous Intensity 0.8 ApEAK Wavelength 655, Ts Speed of Response C Capacitance ,',,' Min. 5082·4488 Typ. Max. Test Conditions 0.8 moo IF = 20mA 655 nm Measurement at Peak 10 ns 100 pF VF '" 0, f'" 1 MHz V IF = 20mA V IR = 100tLA '. 0.3 ' Units " , 10 , > VF Forward Voltage BVR Reverse Breakdown Voltage , 1M .. . ' 1.6< I ' ,2.0 10 3 2.50 2.25 TA "" Z5(!C I - I--: "E 40 - /'" 2.00 / " I 1.75 / 1.50 30 "o CJ ,-, a: ~ 20 a: 1.25 I::- -, / 1.00 it .7 5 I ~ 2.0 10 3 50 ~~ 1.6 ~, 10 o .50 .2 5 / o 0.4 0.8 / 1.2 0./ 1.6 2.0 / ----- - - / / 10 20 30 40 50 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS Figure 2. Typical Luminous I ntensity Versus Figure 1. Typical Forward Current Versus Voltage Characteristic. Forward Current. Figure 3. Typical Relative Luminous Intensity Versus Angular Displacement. 152 FliDW HEWLETT ~r.. PACKARD MATCHED ARRAYS OF 3- ELEMENT. HlMP - 6203 SUBM INIATURE RED 4- ELEMENT • HlMP - 6204 SOLID STATE LAMPS 5- ElEMENT • HLMP - 6205 TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1960 Features • EXCELLENT UNIFORMITY BETWEEN ELEMENTS AND BETWEEN ARRAYS • EASY INSERTION AND ALIGNMENT • VERSATILE LENGTHS - 3,4,5 ELEMENTS • END STACKABLE FOR LONGER ARRAYS • COMPACT SUBMINIATURE PACKAGE STYLE • NO CROSSTALK BETWEEN ELEMENTS Description The HLMP-62XX Series arrays are comprised of several Gallium Arsenide Phosphide Red Solid State Lamps molded as a single bar. Arrays are tested to assure uniformity between elements and matching between arrays. Each element has separately accessible leads and a red diffused lens which provides a wide viewing angle and a high on/off contrast ratio. Center-to-center spacing is 2.54mm (.100 in.) between elements arid arrays are end stackable on 2.54mm (.100 in.) centers. {, Absolute Maximum Ratings/Element at TA = 25°C Power Dissipation ............................ 100mW Average Forward Current (Derate linearly from 50" C at 0.2mAfO /C) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 mA Peak Forward Current (see Figure 4) ......... 1000 mA Operating and Storage TemperatureRange ............... -55°Cto+l00°C Lead Soldering Temperature [1.6 mm (0.063in.) from body] ............... 245°C for 3sec. package Dimensions Notes: 1. Ad dimension..... in mlllil'l\8tn!:$ (inches'. 2. Sitm'1'1ated tetds. See; AoplJcation Bulletin 3. 3. User may bend leach as shown. 4. 0venIU lentth is thenumbet of elementl1i~ 2.&4mm (.100 io,.J. -~ffi ~"i161 1 -: + + + = = = .76 {'o30l MAX, OJ. I :--... _' --N{2.54t.100)J MAX. ' _ . _ - - . , NOTE 4 153 Electrical SpecificationS/Element at TA=25°C Description Symbol Iv Axial Luminous Intensity 26 112 Included Angle Between Haff Luminous Intensity Points Peak Wavelength ;\PEAK ~ 1.0 !llCd 45 Deg. 'F'" 10 rnA; Note 1 Note 2 655 nm Measurement 640 nm ns pF Note 3 °e/W C Capacitance 15 100 ex Thermal Resistance 125 VF Forward Voltage BVR Reverse Breakdown Voltage rtv Luminous Efficacy Test Colldltions Typ. .5 Dominant Wavelength Speed of Response Ts Max; Min. V IF V fR = 100 J,IA 55 Im/W 2.0 Figu,. ~. 2 5 @ Peak VF=O;f'" MHz Junction to Cathode Lead at .79mm(.031in)fromthe body 10 1.6 3 Units =: 10mA 1 Note 4 Notes: 1. Arrays categorized for luminous intensity. 2. 8 1/ 2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 3. Dominant wavelength. ~. is derived from the CI.E Chromaticity Diagram and is that single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 4. Radiant intensity. Ie. in watts/steradian. may be found from the equation Ie = Iv/Tlv. where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and Tly Is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 5.• f-----T. • ...C J I I V 1.50 V 4.• >< < ~ -,.,-,- -._--.. / 1 1.40 1.30 1/ I - iii ~ « 2 .• "a: ~ 1.0 w~ 1.10 >~ -« 3~ / '" II wO V 10 a:~ 20 30 40 1.00 50 40 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS Figure 1. Forward Current VB. Forward Voltage. :::0 ww V : 1/1 ./ I 1 00 1.70 / !;B;c 3.• 0 --1.60 !;[ 1.20 M~ Figure 2. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current. 60 80 100 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - mA Figure 3. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. 80 90 r----r---+----+---~~ 'lp - PULSE DURATION - j.!1 _ Figure 4. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current VB. Pulse Durailon. (loC MAX as per MAX Ratings). Figure 5. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. 154 ( -, Fli;-,'. HEWLETT II:I!a PACKARD 5 VOLT LED RESISTOR'LAMPs HIGH EFFICIENCV":RED~' HLMP..36Dfh veu:ow .. HlMP~3850' ,•.. " GREEN -QP .. 3680· . TECHNICAL DATA Features • INTEGRAL CURRENT LIMITING RESISTOR • INTEGRAL REVERSE PROTECTION DIODE • TTL COMPATIBLE: REQUIRES NO EXTERNAL CURRENT LIMITER WITH 5 VOLT SUPPLY • COST EFFECTIVE: SPACE SAVING • PANEL MOUNTABLE T-1% PACKAGE • WIRE WRAPPABLE LEADS • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE Description r The HLMP-3600 series lamps contain an integral current limiting resistor and reverse current protection diode in series with the LED. This allows the lampto bedriven from a 5 volt source without the need for an external current limiter. The -3600 and -3650 lamps utilize LED chips which are made from GaAsP on a transparent GaP su bstrate. The -3680 lamp utilizes an LED chip made from GaP on a transparent GaP substrate. These T -1 % lamps are diffused to provide wide off-axis viewing and may be front panel mounted using the 5082-4707 Clip and ring. The leads are wire wrappable. package Dimensions Absolute Maximum Ratings CATHODE ITA = 25°C unless otherwise specified) 1- DC Forward Voltage ITA = 25°C)1 1 1 ............. 7.5V Reverse Voltage ................................ 20V Operating Temperature Range ....... -40°C to 85°C Storage Temperature Range ......... -40°C to 85°C Lead Soldering Temperature ........ 260°C for 5 sec. 11.6 mm (0.063 inch) from body] Notes: 1, Derate from TA --+_,.j 1.51.0110) 1.0 (.0401 2.54 {.1001~. OIMENSlONS IN MlllfMETRES !lNCHESI:. . = 50 Q C at O.071V/oC. See Figure 3. 155 MARCH 1980 Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =25°C Symbol Parameter Axial Luminous Intensity[4) Iv 201/2 Included Angle Between Half Luminous Intensity Points ""Peak Peak Wavelength ""d Dominant Wavelength ROJ-PIN Thermal Resistance IF Forward Current fR Reverse Current l Device HLMp· Min. Typ. 3600 3650 3680 1.0 1.0 0.8 2.4 2.4 All All 3600 3650 3680 10 10 12 All 147 570 665 3600 3650 3680 Luminous Efficacy Units mcd 1.8 90 635 585 565 626 585 572 90 3600 3650 3680 3600 3650 3680 Max. Test Conditions VF = 5 Volts Note 1 (See Figure 4) nm Measurement at Peak nm Note 2 °C/W 15 15 15 10 Junction to Lead at 3 mm from Body mA VF "" 5 Volts J1.A VR = 12 Volts m/W Note 3 I Notes: 1.8112 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. The dominant wavelength, Ad. is derived from the etE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. Radiant intensity, Ie, in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation Ie = Ivi1rv. where Iv is the luminous intensity in can del as and t]v is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. Device k 4, The luminous intensity may be adjusted for operatino ambient temperature -3600 -0.0131/oC by the following exponential equation: Iv (TA) = Iv (2S 0 C) elk ITA-25°CII :~~~~ :ggi6~;:g 2.5 , TA ""25~C > I V I • I I ~ V5U;- 2.0 I :ij~ ~o ;;'" 0" 20 ~~ ~~~ w" !!~ I 1.5 V~ r-'[ i~ r+- 1.0 I ~o ~~ 0.5 o 1_ I [ / I [ /1 o ! /1 I I z> I I ~ I I • 7,5 10 Vee - APPLIED FORWARD VOLTAGE - v Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Applied Forward Voltage Vee - APPLIED FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 1. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Applied Forward Voltage o > I w "~ 7.5 1'-. 0 > 0 a: ;;: a: " I :r '" fil ::; ~ I !} 0' 0' 20 40 60 I 80 85 90' 1---+--+---1- TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ °c Figure 3. Max. Allowed Applied Forward Voltage vs. Ambient Temp. 156 Figure 4. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement Flin( RED 5 AND 12 VOLT LED RESISTOR LAMPS HEWLETT a:~ PACKARD HlMP-3105 HlMP-3112 TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • INTEGRAL CURRENT LIMITING RESISTOR • INTEGRAL REVERSE DIODE PROTECTION • TTL COMPATIBLE: REQUIRES NO EXTERNAL CURRENT LIMITER WITH 5 VOLT/12 VOLT SUPPLY • COST EFFECTIVE: SPACE SAVING • PANEL MOUNTABLE T-H4 PACKAGE • WIRE WRAPPABLE LEADS • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE Description ( The HLMP-3105 and -3112 lamps contain an integral current limiting resistor and reverse current protection diode in series with the LED. This allows the lamp to be driven from a 5 voltl12 volt source without the need for an external current limiter. Both lamps utilize LED chips which are made from GaAsP on a GaAsP substrate. The color is standard red. These T-1% lamps are diffused to provide wide off-axis viewing and may be front panel mounted using the 5082-4707 clip and ring. The leads are wire wrappable. package Dimensions Absolute Maximum Ratings 23.01.901 MIN. ITA = 25°C unless otherwise specified) DC Forward Voltage lTA~25°C' Reverse Voltage CATHODE HLMP·310S HLMP-3112 7.5 Volts' 1 , 15 Volts l21 20 Volts 20 Volts Operating Temperature Range _40· C to 85°C -4Q"C to 85°C Storage Temperature Range -40" C to 85 C -4QoC to 85°C Lead Soldering Temperature 11.13 mm (0.063 inch. from bodyl ~~-~ ~ 1 . ~~\-"t ~ "- '.._...L Q o+n o+n\ 260° C for 5 seconds "f' ___ Notes: 1. Derate from TA = 50°C at O.071V/oC. See Figure 3. 2. Derate from TA ~ .•. 69 (,0271 saUARE TYP. .59 1.0231 ---+---1 "t/ 6.1 1·240) 5.6 1.220) 2.54 (.1001 NOM. 01MENSIONS tN MtLUMETRES HNCHES'. 50°C at O.OB6VI"C. See Figure 3. 157 Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =25°C HLMP-3112 HLMP-310S Symbol Parameter Iv Axial Luminous Intensityl41 2111/2 Included Angle Between Half Min. Typ. 0.8 1.5 Max. Min. 0.8 Max. Test Conditions Units 1.5 = 5 Volts rncd VF mcd VF = 12 Volts Note 1 (See Figure 21 90 90 Luminous Intensity Points Typ. APeak Peak Wavelength 655 655 nm Measurement at Peak Ad Dominant Wavelength 640 640 nm Note 2 ROJ-PIN Thermal Resistance 90 90 oeM Junction to Lead at 3mmfrom Body 13 IF Forward Current IR Reverse Current 'f/v Luminous Efficacy 20 14 20 10 10 VF '" 5 Volts rnA VF = 12 Volts If. A VR = 12 Volts Im/W 55 55 mA Note 3 Notes: 1. tl1!2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the erE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. Radiant intensity, Ie, in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation Ie -= IV/1]v, where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and 1]v is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 4. The luminOUS intensity may be adjusted for operating ambient temperature by the following exponential equation: Iv !T A,I = Iv 1,25° C \ el-O,188 !TA - 25°CI i 2.8 in >>-' >-0 T~ " 25)C I 2.4 v;> 2'" w>>-" ~~ ::IN I 2.0 1.6 HLMP·3105 0::; "" 1.2 >Ui O.S 22 ::J" / 1 -,0 w2 j::;: 51'? w'" ,,:5 0.' ~ o o t II / V 1.4 1.2 24 v; ':; " >0 E I !:> U>N 1.0 0.8 2~ >- ~ 16 ~~ :IN ""::J u 2" 0 12 w>>-" 0::; /1 0.6 hLJp.3112 V '/ ::J" -,0 w2 >N- 0.2 "'" ~~ f=:: o 0 I 6 5 18 7.5 10 I 12 ~ HL~P.3!'2 _ 7.5 ~ 6> o V/V Vi -"r p31 2 7!58 10 1 12 14 1!516 Vee - APPLIED FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Applied Forward Voltage 1 1 1 HLMP.31~ 0", ,,0 I ~/ ~ > "«>- I .co Figure 1. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Applied Forward Voltage w / "it" 14 I 16 15 Vee - APPLIED FORWARD VOLTAGE - V 4 !~LM~.31oi « " ;;02 0.4 / 20 «~ ,,'? ~~ "-i fa I 2 ~ I ~ o o 20 40 60 8085 TA - AMBIEN"( TEMPERATURE _ °C Figure 3. Maximum Allowed Applied Forward Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature ReJA = 175°C/W Figure 4. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement 158 Fliffl HEWLETT 5082·4860 5082-4468 RESISTOR LEOs ~~ PACKARD TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 MeTAL PLAstiC SASE / O.89(.0351~ O.641.025i -~- -,1- 1.40 {,05S) iiT6 to3O. 15.24 1.600) MIN, ~t030} 0.51 t.020) 1.._~1.120) I 2.03 COSOI NOTES, 1. All DIMENSIONS ARE IN MJLlIMETReS (tNCHE$). 2. SIL..VERPtATeC LEADS. SEE APPLICATIONS BULLETIN 3. 3. AN EPOXV MENISCUS MAY EXTEND ABOUT 1mrn 5082·4860 DIMENSIONS IN MILliMETRES AND (INCHES) (.040"} DOWN THE lEADS, 5082-4468 NOTE: AN EPOXY MENISCUS MAY EXTEND ABO!)T 1mm (O.040"} OOWN THE LEADS, Features ( • TTL COMPATIBLE: 16mA @ 5 VOLTS TYPICAL • INTEGRAL CURRENT LIMITING RESISTOR • T-1 DIAMETER PACKAGE, 3.1Smm (.125 in.) T-H. DIAMETER PACKAGE, 5.0Smm (.200 in.) • RUGGED AND RELIABLE Description The HP Resistor-LED series provides an integral current limiting resistor in series with the LE D. Applications include panel mounted indicators, cartridge indicators, and lighted switches. The 5082-4860 is a standard red diffused 5.08mm (.200") diameter (T-1 % size) LED, with long wire wrappable leads. The 5082-4468 is a clear diffused 3.18mm (.125") diameter (T-1 size) LED. Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA = 25°C DC Forward Voltage [Derate linearly to 5V @ 1000 C) .................................. 7.5V Reverse Voltage ................................................................• 7V Isolation Voltage [between lead and base of the 5082-4860) ............................... 300V Operating and Storage Temperature Range ................................. , -55°C to +100°C Lead Soldering Temperature ............................................. 230°C for 7 sec. 159 Electrical Characteristics at TA =25°C 5082-4860/-4468 Min. Parametars Symbol 0.3 Typ. Max. Units 0.8 mcd 655 nm Iv Luminous Intensity APEAK Wavelength Ts Speed of Response 15 IF Forward Current 16 BVR Reverse Breakdown Voltage Test Conditions VF =5.0V Measurement at Peak ns 20 3 VF~5.0V mA IR '" 100MA V TYPICAL RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITY VERSUS ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT 4860 30 4468 1000 800 2.50 600 2.25 / 25 400 « e I 20 ~ cc cc :::> " occ 15 / « s:cc / / '\ 200 2.00 I '\. 1.7 5 1\, 100 80 '\ 60 f( 10 / / I o I o VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 1. Typical DC Forward Current Voltage Characteristic 1.50 40 I, 20 1.25 1.00 / .75 "\ .50 .25 1 -75 'I / / V / / V 0 -50 -25 25 50 75 Figure 2. Relative Luminosity vs. Case Temperature 160 10 100 Te - CASE TEMPERATURE - °C VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Voltage Flid8 HEWLETT a!~ PACKARD VOLTAGE SENSING LED 5082·4132 TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 OUTLINE DRAWING ~ BLOCK DIAGRAM v," 0----,..-.---1------, COMPARATOR TEMPERATURE COMPENSATED REFERENCE VOLTAGE ~ r-....._., LED DRIVER --- ............... NOns: 1. ALL. DIMtNSIONSAR£ IN MILLIMETRES {iNCI-fESI. 2. SIlVi;R PLATED LEADS. SEE APPLICATIONS BULLETIN 3. GND.o---+----------- 2.0 1.5 "'::>0 z ~ :: I 2 2 1 ~5>C E / V :E.... ~ VIN= 2.75V VIN =$.OV VIN: 2.75V Measurement at peak Note 1 50 « I 0; mA mA mcd nm nm 50 60 3.0 Fig. 1,2 mVfC -1 Iv Ten Conditions 10mV "OFF"TO "ON" 1.0 17 .5 / I .... 40 :E a: bVlN ~ a: ::> u 30 ir 20 ~ t:.VIN bi'; I ~ - 1\ / // .... ~ loon - 10 ~ A ao!) V ur~ -" o o V 1N -INPUT VOLTAGE - V Figure 1. Luminous Intensity vs. Y,N -INPUTVOLTAGE-V Figure 2. Input Current vs. Input Voltage. Input Voltage. Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. Techniques For Increasing The Threshold voltage V'TH I External Component V~H EXTERNAl. COMPONENT VTH r----------l , 3/. I -'-- , 'VOLTAGE I ,,-' I SENSING : : Leo , , V~H '~: V~H V'TH IIV'TH TC=--lmVrC) tlTA Schottky Diode VTH + 0.45V -2 VTH +O.75V -2.5 VTH +1.6V -2.9 (HP 5082·2835) P·N Diode (1 N914) LED (HP 5082·4484) L._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...l -:::- Notes: ~ v z V'TH V Zener Diode VTH +VZ -1 + Zener TC TH 1. The dominant wdvelength, Ad, is derived from the CI E chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 2. ITH is the maximum current just below the threshold, VTH. Since both ITH and VTH are variable, a precise value of V'TH is obtainable only by selecting R to fit the measured characteristics of the individual devices (e.g., with curve traced. 3. The temperature coefficient (TC) will be a function of the resistor TC and the value of the resistor. 162 . Fltlll'·.;I1EWLETT II:.~ .. SUBMINIATURE RESISTOR LAMPS HIGH EFFICIENCY RED PACKARD 5 VOLT, 4mA • HlMP- 6620 5 VOLT. lOmA • HLMP-6600 TECHNICAL DATA JANUARY 1980 Features • IDEAL FOR TTL AND LSTTLGATE STATUS INDICATION • REQUIRES NO EXTERNAL RESISTORS WITH 5 VOLT SUPPLY • SPACE SAVING SUBMINIATURE PACKAGE • TWO CHOICES OF CURRENT LEVEL • RUGGED INTEGRAL RESISTOR AND REVERSE PROTECTION DIODE • EXCELLENT VIEWING ANGLE Description ( Absolute Maximum Ratings The HLMP-6600 and HLMP-6620 provide a Red Gallium Arsenide Phosphide on Gallium Phosphide Light Emitting Diode together with an integral biasing resistor and reverse protection diode. The package has a red diffused lens and radial leads. Tape-and-reel mounting is available on request. DC Forward Voltage Reverse Voltage Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Lead Soldering Temperature [1.6mm (0.063 in.) from body] HLMP·6800 HLMP-6820 6 Volts 6 Volts 15 Volts 15 Volts -55°C to 70·C -55°C to 100·C 245°C for 5 sec. package Dimensions BOTH SIDES .58 (.0221 l '94{,g;u} IN[]29J ~ ...J ,1.4 1.46) MIN • , ~~ 1- .76(J!;l!!JR ~~~ :mi\.ll35J lc::J ~ \ = T 1.65 f&!ID OIA 1.91 (.075) . ~HH~~ TOP VIEW END VIEW NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES (INCHES). 2. SILVER·PLATED LEADS. SEE APPLICATION BULLETIN 3. 3. USER MAY BEND LEADS AS SHOWN. SIDE VIEW 163 I 2.921.115) jx. Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =25°C Symbol Parameter Axial Luminous Intensity Iv Min. 1.0 HLMp..6600 Typ. Mh. - 2.4 . HLMP-662C) Typ. Min. Mh. Units 0.2 mcd 0.6 29112 Included Angle Between Half Luminous Intensity POints 900 90" APEAK Peak Wavelength 635 635 - Note 1 (See Figure 2) nm .~ Ad Dominant Wavelength 628 628 nm 9j Thermal Resistance 120 120 'etw IF Forward Current 9.6 IR Reverse Current TJv Luminous Efficacy 13 3.5 10 147 Teet CondltlOl'l8 VF == 5 Volts (See Figure 1) 5 10 147 Measurement at Peak Note 2 Junction to Cathode Lead at 0.79rrim (0.031 in,) From Body mA Vp=5 Volts, (See Figure 3) p.A Vt:~=15 Volts ImlW Note 3 NOTES: 1. fll/2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defi.nes the color of the device. 3. Radiant intensity. I•• in watts/steradian, may befound from theequation Ie; Iv/~v. where Iv istheluminous intensity in candelas and ~v is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 1.6 1.4 > ~~ i:j ... !Zg -., "'0- I 1.2 "'~~ ~a: 1.0 / O.S / 0.6 ...«2- 0-0 w a: I il =>« ~!il :EN I 0.4 / A' 0.2 i ! 4 . VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE -VOLTS Figure 1. Relative Luminous Intensity Forward Voltage. Figure 2. Relative Luminous Intensity VI. Anguhir Disphicament. VI. 16 «E I 1.0 14 J 12 V 0- zw a: a: 10 '" Q ~ V a: « ;: a: I: f2 I .!: ! 0; 2 l!! HLMI'66OOJ tJ > 0- w 0.5 > ./ V /' HL'4'.e620! ibV ~ a: 0 550 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS 750 WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 3. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. Figure 4. Relative I ntensity 164 VI. Wavelength. F/3 HEW [- ..01.... Features • CHOICE OF 4 COLORS Red High Efficiency Red Yellow Green • DESIGNED FOR HIGH-RELIABILITY APPLICATIONS TO-46 • HERMETICALLY SEALED • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • LOW POWER OPERATION • IC COMPATIBLE • LONG LIFE • PANEL MOUNT OPTION HAS WIRE WRAPPABLE LEADS AND AN ELECTRICALLY ISOLATED CASE Description The 1N5765, 1N6092, 1N6093, and 1N6094 are hermetically sealed solid state lamps encapsulated in a TO-46 package with a tinted diffused plastic lens over a glass window. These hermetic lamps provide good on-off contrast, high axial luminous intensity and a wide viewing angle. { HERMETIC PANEL MOUNT The 1N5765 utilizes a GaAsP LED chip with a red diffused plastic lens over glass window. All of these devices are available in a panel mountable fixture. The semiconductor chips are packaged in a hermetically sealed TO-46 package with a tinted diffused plastic lens over glass window. This TO-46 package is then encapsulated in a panel mountable fixture designed for high reliability applications. The encapsulated LED lamp assembly provides a high on-off contrast, a high axial luminous intensity and a wide viewing angle. The 1N6092 has a high efficiency red GaAsP on GaP LED chip with a red diffused plastic lens over glass window. This lamp's efficiency is comparable to that of a GaP red but extends to higher current levels. The 1N6093 provides a yellow GaAsP on GaP LED chip with a yellow diffused plastic lens over glass window. The 1N6094 provides a green GaP LED chip with a green diffused plastic lens over glass window. G....n Description Base Hermetic Part . 1N6Q94 .. Base Hermetic Part . : in Panel~Mount . JAN Part ..... 5082-4987 • JANtN6093' JAN Partin Panel-Mount "'ANTX1~ . JANTX Part JANTX Part in . J,ANTXtN6094' Ml9500/521~2 Panel-Mount *Panel-Mount versions of all of the above are available per the selection matrix on this page. 165 JAN 1N5765: Samples of each lot are subjected to Group A inspection for parameters listed in Table I, and to Group B and Group C tests listed below. All tests are to the conditions and limits specified by MIL-S-19500/467. A summary of the data gathered in Groups A, B, and C lot acceptance testing is supplied with each shipment. JAN TX 1N5765: Devices undergo 100% screening tests as listed below to the conditions and limits specified by MI L- S-19500/467. The JAN TX lot is then subjected to Group A, Group B and Group C tests as for the JAN 1 N5765 above. A summary ofthe data gathered in Groups A, Band C acceptance testing can be provided upon request. Serialized data can be gathered, but lead times will be increased accordingly. Method MIL·STD·750 Group B Sample Acceptance Tests Physical Dimensions 2066 Solderability 2026 Thermal Shock 1056A Temperature Cycling 1051A Fine Leak Test 1071H Gross Leak Test 1071C Moisture Resistance 1021 Mechanical Shock 2016 Vibration 2056 Constant Acceleration 2006 Terminal Strength 2036E Salt Atmosphere 1041 Temp. Storage (lOOoe, 340 hours) 1032 Operating Life (50mAdc, 340 hours) 1027 Group C Sample Acceptance Tests Method MI L·STD·750 Low Temp. Operation (-55°C) Breakdown Voltage Temperature Cycl ing 4021 1051A Resistance to Solvents Temp. Storage (lOOoC, 1K hours) Operating Life (50mAdc, 1K hours) 1031 1026 • Peak Forward Pulse Current TX Screening (100%) Temp. Storage (lOOee, 72 hours) Temperature Cyciing 1051A Constant Acceleration 2006 Fine Leak Test 1071H Gross Leak Test 1071C Burn-in (50mAdc, 168 hours) Evaluation of Drift (lV1' VF , IR) *MIL-STO-202 Method 215 Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA=25°C (Per Table I, Group A Testing of MI L-S 19500/467) Specification Luminous Intensity (Axial) Symbol Min. Max. IV1 0.5 3.0 I Luminous Intensity (off Axis) IV2 0.3 Wavelength Av 630 Capacitance C 300 Forward Voltage VF 2.0 IR 1 Reverse Current Units I Test Conditions e = 0° mcd IF = 20mAdc, mcd IF = 20mAdc, 0 = 30 0 [see Note 1J --- - 700 NOTES: 1. These specifications apply only to JAN/JAN TX levels. 166 nM pF - I V = 0, f = 1 MHz R 1-------------------- ~ /JAde --- Design Parameter I IF =20mAde ------- VR = 3 Vdc [see Note 1 J Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA=25°C Parameter [ Red 1N5765/4787 High Eff. Red 1N6092/4687 100 120 Power Dissipation (derate linearly from 50°C at 1.6mW/OC) 50(11 DC Forward Current 1000 See Fig. 5 Peak Forward Current Yellow Green 1N6093/4587 1N6094/4987 120 35 121 35 121 60 60 See Fig. 10 See Fig. 15 Operating and Storage Temperature Range Units 120 mW 35[21 rnA 60 See Fig. 20 mA -65°C to 100°C Lead Soldering Temperature [1.Smm (0.063 in:) from body] 260° C for 7 seconds. 1. Derate from 50° C at 0.2mAfO C 2. Derate from 50°C at 0.5mAfOC Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =25°C Symbol Description h Axial Lumtnous Intensity 2(0)1 , 1N5765/5082-4787 1N6092/5082-4687 1 N6093/5082-4567 Min. Typ. 0.5 1.0 Max. Min. Typ. 1.0 2.5 Max. Min. Typ. 1.0 2.5 Max. lN6094/5082-4987 Min. Typ. osltsJ At IF 60 Incli.Jded Angle Between Half Luminous Interlsity ~ Unitt T••, Condltlont IF - 20mA mcd Figs. 3,8,13.18 deg. NOie 1. Figures 25mA 70 70 70 Max. 6.11,16.21 POints 635 ApC\f.", Peak Wavelength 655 Ad Dominant WaveJe,lgth 640 626 7S Speed of Response 10 200 I Capacitance- 565 nm Measurement at Peak 585 570 nm Note 2 200 200 ns 583 200 35 35 35 Hjc Thermal ResistancE!'" 425 425 425 425 ale Thermal Resistance*" 550 v,· Forward Voltage 1.6 C 550 2.0 2.0 550 3.0 2.0 pF 550 3.0 2.1 3.0 Reverse Breakdown- 4 5 50 5.0 5.0 1=1 MHz Note 3 °C/W Noie3 V IF = 20mA Figures 2. 7. 12. 17 V IR At IF =2SmA BVR V,~O; 'CIW = 100~A Voltage ~, Luminous Efficacy 56 455 140 600 ImlW Note 4 NOTES: 1. 81/2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axia~ iuminous intensity. 2, The domi'1ant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device, 3. Junction to Cathode Lead with 3.18mm (0.125 inch) of leads exposed between base of flange and heat sink. 4. Radiant intensity. Ie, in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation Ie = Iv/17v, where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and 17'1 is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. *panel mount. "TO-46 WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength. 167 package Dimensions 1N5765, 1N6092,1N6093, 1N6094 5082·4787,4687,4587,4987 TINTel) PLASTIC OVER GLASS LEN$ RED 1NS76S/S082-4787 .. 2.5,---,---,-_-,_ _,-_., 50 1I ..Ci a: a: ""a: T.'~C 20 ,. II ZN i::::i >1:1 r I .!" .5 1/ ' v 00 . 10 20 -. ... -- .5 ~ 30 •• 50 Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity VI. Forward Current. Figure 2. Forward Current VIIForward Voltage. ~;! ~" wa: a:o IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA VF- FORWARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS .... ... - 1.0 wo wW • /. ~!E wa: ~ "2S"J it~ 3 ~ 1.0 i--+---iI''----t--:-:-+-''--l ~ a: TA U >0 U/ "0"_"1il 1.5 0 1.5 . ~/ z _ 2.0 t-'--+--+---t-,-t,.;"'"--l 30 00 50 100 150 200 250 300 360 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - mA Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Currentl vs. Peak Current. 1N5765/4787 \-:::l:-+4-+4-1--1f-+-+-++-I,·0 \.---1--+-+-1-11-+-+-+-++-+--10.75 )....~I-t-+--t\++-+-+--l-HO.5. ""'+-+-f--+-'k:-t--t-i-+-+--;O.25 tp - PULSE WIDTH - p.s Figure 5. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current (lDC MAX as per MAX Ratin9sl VI. Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity Pulse Duration. 168 VI. Angular Displacement. HIGH EFFICIENCY RED 1N6092 I 5082-4687 80 1.6 2.00 0 1.75 ~< 1.50 ~ I ( > :1 ~~ , ~~ 1.25 ZW 1,00 00 ~j ~. 0 w' V 0 / 075 >~ I 0 / 3.0 2.5 3.4 1.0 .... ~ .6 / 0.25 0.00 2.0 1.2 / / ~~ 0.50 g- 1.' / V 5 10 15 21) 25 30 35 .6 0 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA VF - PEAK FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 7. Forward Current VS. Forward Vo Itage. 60 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - rnA Figure 8. Relative Luminous Intensity VS. Forward Current. Figure 9. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. tp - PULSE DURATION -f.lS Figure 10. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (lDC MAX as per MAX Ratings) Figure 11. R elat ive Lu mino us Intensity vs. Angu lar 0 isplacement. YELLOW 1N6093/5082-4587 6Q " 50 ~ ,. I f ~ . II 1 I r I ~ I I " i , 1 10 o 10 2.25 I I I 1 2.5 3.0 ,/ A V 0.00 3.4 VF - PEAK FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 12. Forward Current ys. Forward Voltage. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 IF - fORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 13. Relative Luminous Intensity VS. Forward Current. 6 . 0 1/"1 '/ / 6 0.25 ~// I 0 / 10 1 20 30 50 60 Figure 14. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. Figure 16. Relative Luminous Intensity ys. Angular Displacement. 169 40 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - rnA tp - PULSE DURATION - /-IS Figure 15. Maximum Tolerable Peak Cur· rent YS. Pulse Duration. (lDC MAX as per MAX Ratings) J,.- -I - I II 2 1/ 0,50 i! ' / 1 1,00 0.75 ,, ~•• 25'~ / 1,50 1.25 I 1.5 , / 1,75 J 1 6 2,00 GREEN 1N6094/S082-4987 a~ I I 40 1/ o ~ 30 I ~ i I 1 VI ;.,i 10 o 1.0 15 2.00 II I ! ,i+ 11 1.50 -~ 4 / 1.25 1.00 /' 0.50 0.25 I;I 0.00 3.4 VF - PEAK FORWARD VOLTAGE _ V Figure 17. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. +..... 6 I 0.75 Il 3.0 1.6 ! I 1.75 V I I 0 V 10 15 20 25 30 6 . 0 35 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 18. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current. ",'" .- / L_ ,/ 5 ... " 2 /r- / 10 20 30 20 0 u u 1.]2 0 1.5 1.4 1.3 ~~ ~E 12 1.1 1.0 1 tp - PULSE DURATION -!l$ Figure 20. Maximum Tolerable Peak Cur· rent vs. Pulse Duration. Ope MAX as per MAX Ratings) Fisure 21. Relative Luminous Intensity 170 60 (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. ~ l 50 Figure 19. Relative Efficiency 2 ~ ~ 40 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - mA vs. Angular Displacement. o c Flin- HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD .CLIP AND RETAINING RING FOR PANEL 5082-4707 MOUNTED LEOS TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Description NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES). 1;7." !2BOID'A.N----r The 5082-4707 is a black plastic mounting clip and retaining ring. It is designed to panel mount Hewlett Packard Solid State high profile T - 1% size lamps. This clip and ring combination is intended for installation in instrument panels up to 3.18mm (.125") th ick. For panels greater than 3.18mm (.125"), counterboring is required to the 3.18mm (.125") thickness. ,~ }';f' ~,j,...---~~~ r bl -l I I.- 5.2 (:'OSI 1.--8,00 (,315) I ] 1J 3. Press the LED into the clip from the back. Use blunt long nose pliers to push on the LED. Do not use force on the LED leads. A tool such as a nut driver may be used to press on the clip. 4. Slip a plastic retaining ring onto the back of the clip and press tight using tools such as two nut drivers. 171 !IJ 1:"--6.86 1.2701 D'A.--I I 9.53 (.375 J D I A . _ RETAINING RING Mounting Instructions 2. Press the panel clip into the hole from the front of the panel. III. DIA.~ CLIP 1. Drill an ASA C size 6.15mm (.242") dia. hole in the panel. Deburr but do not chamfer the edges of the hole. 2 TOLERANCES-.25!.O'OI. ,f ..~. 172 ·, -, ,. ~"t;',~'" '. ~ ''..:; :",' '. ( J .L •; .. :"', ' " Solid State Displays • Selection Guide, '. .'. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 ' • Red, HighE{fidency .Red, Yellow and GreenSe~Segment Displays c '. Red Seven s.egment ,Displays' " • -.o ' • Integrated, Displays " • Hermetically Sealed Integrated Displays • Alphanumeric Displays 173 •• " '" •• d •• " ••• _. " ••• "".,.,e'.", ... ' ." ",~,~._.""",," .... ~""".\,.," ..... u •• ~." ",,,Fl \. , ....... , •. .,... .. 'W'I"<~ .... ' . ,........... "' ..... ..,_- • • • • _ _ _ _ , , _ . - , H' .~ . . . . . . -. • .v .... ".,."~''''.''''''· ..... ,'.. ,,.. _.~''''., ... ~> ••• Red, High Efficiency Red, Yellow and Green Seven Segment LED Displays Package ....,......+ + :0=0; ~O=O. + + - ,....-- + + + + :£,0: 0: +D + o ~ + + i.-- Device [fi 5082-7610 High Efficiency Red, Common Anode, LH DP (14 Pin Epoxy) 5082·7611 High Efficiency Red, Common Anode, RHDP (14 Pin Epoxy) 5082-7613 High Efficiency Red, Common Cathode, RHDP (10 Pin Epoxy) ~ 5082-7616 7.11mm (.29") High Efficiency Red, Universal Polarity Overflow Indicator RHDP (14 Pin Epoxy) 5082-7620 Yellow, Common Anode LHDP (14 Pin Epoxy) 5082-7621 Yellow, Common Anode RHDP (14 Pin Epoxy) R Green, Common Anode LHDP (14 Pin Epoxy) 5082-7631 Green, Common Anode RHDP (14 Pin Epoxy) 5082-7650 High Efficiency Red, Common Anode, LH DP 5082-7651 High Efficiency Red, Common Anode, RH DP 5082-7653 High Efficiency Red, Common Cathode RHDP 5082-7656 10.36 (.4") High Efficiency Red Universal Polarity and Overflow Indicator RH DP 5082-7660 Yellow Common Anode LHDP 5082-71161 Yellow Common Anode RHDP 0 5082-7663 Yellow Common Cathode RHDP 0 5082-7666 10.36 (.4") Yellow Universal Polarity and Overflow Indicator RHDP 5082-7670 Green Common Anode LHDP ~ + [] + 0 5082-7630 5082-7636 + [f. +c:::::l 5082-7626 Green, Common Cathode RHDP (10 pin Epoxy) : O=u. :O=U:l' + Yellow, Common Cathode, RH DP (10 Pin Epoxy) 7.11mm (.29") Yellow, Universal Polarity and Overflow Indicator RH.DP (14 Pin Epoxy) 7.11mm (.29") Green, Universal Polarity and Overflow Indicator RH DP (14 Pin Epoxy) + ~ 5082-7623 5082-7633 7.62mm (_3") Dual-In-Line .75"H x .4"W x .18"D : a Description 0 + + + + 5082-7671 Green Common Anode RHOP 5082-7673 Green Common Cathode RHOP 5082-7676 10.36 (,4") Green Universal Polarity and Overflow Indicator RHDP HDSP-3530 High Efficiency Red, Common Anode, LHOP (14 Pin Epoxy) :0=0: .0=0. +a 0+· :=tfo0: HDSP-3531 High Efficiency Red, Common Anode, RHDP (14 Pin Epoxy) - - HOSP-3533 High Efficiency Red, Common Cathode RHOP (10 Pin Epoxy) HOSP-3536 7.11mm (.29") High Efficiency Red, Universal Polarity Overflow Indicator. RH OP (14 Pin Epoxy) 10.92mm (.43") Dual-In-Line .75"H x .5"W x .25"0 (14 Pin Epoxy) + + + + - + + + + ~ + t + R HOSP-4030 Yellow, Common Anode, LHOP (14 Pin Epoxy) HOSP-4031 Yellow, Common Anode, RHOP 7.62mm (.3") Oual-In-Line .75"H x .4"W x .18"0 HOSP-4033 Yellow, Common Cathode, RHOP (10 Pin Epoxy) HOSP-4036 7.11mm (.29") Yellow, Universal Polarity Overflow Indicator RHOP (14 Pin Epoxy) 174 Application General Purpose Market • Test Equipment • Digital Clocks • Clock Radios • TV Channel Indicators • Business Machines • Digital Instruments • Automobiles For further information see Application Notes 941 and 964 beginning on page 332. Page No. 180 ~, ; """"1il5 F ~~ 190 Red, High Efficiency Red, Yellow and Green Seven Segment LED Displays (Cant.) Package [ + + :O=~ :0=0:l' ~ Device [J , + u: : a +=0' a + + + 0 + 10.92mm (.43") Dual-ln·Line .75"H x .5"W x .25~:D (14 Pin Epoxy) ~ High Efficiency Red, Common Anode, LH DP HDSP·3731 High Efficiency Red, Common Anode, RH DP HDSp·3733 High Efficiency Red, Common Cathode, RHDP HDSP·3736 10.36mm (.4") High Efficiency Red, Universal Polarity Overflow Indicator RHDP HDSp·4130 Yellow, Common Anode LHDP HOSP·4131 Yellow, Common Anode RHDP HDSP·4133 Yellow, Common Cathode RHDP HDSP·4136 10.36mm (.4") Yellow, Universal Polarity Overflow Indicator RHDP 5082-7730 Red, Common Anode, LHDP (14 Pin Epoxy) + , + a O-t + ~ :0=0: IiU=O~ + :0o0: '--- ~ + 5082·7731 Red, Common Anode, RHDP (14 Pin Epoxy) I I VVVVVVV 5082-7736 7.11 mm (.29") Red, Common Anode, Polarity and Overflow Indicator (14 Pin Epoxy) 7.62mm (.3") Dual·ln-Line .75"H x .4"W x .18"D 5082-7740 Red, Common Cathode, RHOP (10 Pin Epoxy) + + 5082-7750 Red, Common Anode, LH DP :O=~ :0=0:l' 5082-7751 Red, Common Anode, RHDP ~ 5082-7756 10.36mm (.4") Red, Universal Polarity and Overflow Indicator, RHDP 10.92mm (.43") Dual-In-Line .75"H x .5"W x.. 25"D (14 Pin Epoxy) 5082-7760 Red, Common Cathode, RHDP HDSP-3400 Red, Common Anode LHDP HDSP-3401 Red, Common Anode RHDP HDSP-3403 Red, Common Cathode RHDP HDSP-3405 Red, Common Cathode LHDP HDSP-3406 18.87mm (.74") Red, Universal Polarity Overflow Indicator RHDP Application General Purpose Market • Test Equipment • Digital Clocks • Clock Radios • TV Channel Indicators • Business Machines • Oigitallnstruments • Automobiles Page No. 190 For further information see Application Notes 941 and 964 beginning on page 332. f----- ..--- + + [ HDSP·3730 0 + , Description 196 r--200 r-- ~D +0+ + + + + (it 0 20.32mm (.8") Dual-I n· Line 1.09"H x .78"W x .33"D (18 Pin Epoxy) 175 204 Red Seven Segment LED Displays Description Device r;o:m' ~ 2.79mm{.II'" Red, 3 Digits Right,llI Centered D.P. 2.79mm{.II'" Red. 3 Digits Left,!11 Centered D.P. 2.79mm(.11'" Red, 4 Digits Centered D.P. 2.79mmI.11'" Red, 5 Digits, Centered D.P. 2.79mm (.11", Red, 3 Digits Right,Il1 RHDP 2.79mm (.11", Red, 3 Digits Left,Il1 RHDP 2.79mm(.II'" Red, 4 Digit, RHDP 2.79mm(.II'" Red, 5 Digit, RHDP 12 Pin Epoxy, 7.62mm {.3'" DIP 5082·7432 2.79mm(.II", Red, 2 Digits Right,!21 RHDP 12 Pin Epoxy, 7.62mm (.3'" DIP 5082·7433 2.79mm(.II'" Red, 3 Digits, RHDP 5082·7402 5082·7403 5082·7404 5082·7405 5082·7412 A 5082·7413 5082·7414 5082·7415 em II~II~ 14 Pin Epoxy, 7.62mm {'3'" DIP 12 Pin Epoxy, 7.62mm (.3'" DIP 14 Pin Epoxy, 7.62mm (.3'" DIP 5082·7449 2.67mm(.,105", Red, 9 Digits, Mounted on P.C. Board 2.67mm(.105'" Red, 9 Digits, Mounted on P.C. Board 50.8mm(2'" P.C. Bd., 17 Term. Edge Con. 60.3mm(2.375",PC Bd., 17 Term. Edge Con. 50.8mm(2", PC Bd., 17 Term. Edge Can. 60.3mm(2.375",PC Bd., 17Term. Edge Con. 5082·7442 2.54mm(.100'" Red,12 Digits, Mounted on P.C. Board 60.3mm(2.375",PC Bd., 20 Term. Edge Con. 5082·7445 2.54mm(.100'" Red, 12 Digits, Mounted on P.C. Board 59.6mm(2.34S",PC Bd., 20 Term. Edge Con. 5082·7444 2.54mm(.100'" Red, 14 Digits, Mounted on P.C. Board 60.3mm(2.37S'" PC Bd., 22 Term. Edge Can. 5082·7446 2.92mm(.115'" Red, 16 Digits, 69.85mm(2.750",PC Bd., 24 Term. Edge Can. Mounted on P.C. Board 5082·7447 2.85mm(.112'" Red,14Digits, Mounted on P.C. Board 60.3mm(2.375") PC Bd., 22 Term. Edge Con. 5082·7240 2.59mm(.102") Red, 8 Digits, Mounted on P.C. Board 50.8mm (2") PC Bd., 17 Term. Edge Con. 5082·7440 5082·7448 5082·7441 I~II~ Package 2.67mm(.105'" Red, 8 Digits, Mounted on P.C. Board 2.67mm(.105", Red, 8 Digits, Mounted on P.C. Board Page No. 208 Application Small Display Market • Portable/Battery Power Instruments • Portable Calculators • Digital Counters • Digital Thermometers • Digital Micrometers • Stopwatches • Cameras • Copiers • Digital Telephone Peripherals • Data Entry Terminals • Taxi Meters For further information ask for Application Note 937. - 212 r--z;s r-220 "",""RlOOaaOOPRD I~I~ 2.59mm(.102") Red, 9 Digits, Mounted on P.C. Board. 4.45mm(.175") Red, 5 Digits, 5082·7265 Mounted on P.C. Board. Centered D.P. 4.45mml.175") Red, 5 Digits 5082·7285 Mounted on P.C. Board. RHDP 4.45mm(,175") Red, 15 Digits, 5082·7275 Mounted on P.C. Board. Centered D.P. 4.45mml.175'" Red, 15 Digits, S082·7295 Mounted on P.C. Board. RHDP - 5082·7241 laml ." ~ 176 50.8mm(2") PC Bd., 15 Term. Edge Can. 91.2mm(3.59") PC Bd., 23 Term. Edge Can. 224 r-m Integrated LED Displays Devica , i 1::1 l::i ~VJ~ m !~:! Description Package 7.4mm (.29") 4x7 Single Digit Numeric, RHOP, Built·ln oecover/0 river/Me mory 7.4mm (.29") 4x7 Single Digit 5082·7302 Numeric, LHDP, Built·ln Decover/Driver/Memory 7.4mm (.29") 4x7 Single Digit 5082·7340 Hexadecimal, Built·ln Decoder/Driver/Memory 7.4mm (.29") Overrange 5082·7304 Character Plus/Minus Sign 7.4mm (.29") 4x7 Single Digit 5082·7356 Numeric, RHOP, Built·ln Decoder/Driver/Memory 7.4mm(.29") 4x7 Single Digit 5082·7357 Numeric, LHDP, Built·ln Decoder/Driver/Memory 7.4mm (.29") 4x7 Single Digit 5082·7359 Hexadecimal, Built·ln Decoder/Driver/Memory 7.4mm{.29") Overrange 5082·7358 Character Plus/Minus Sign 5082·7300 Application 8 Pin Epoxy, 15.2mm (.6") DIP General Purpose Market • Test Equipment • Business Machines • Computer Peripherals • Avionics For further information ask for Application Note 934 on LED Display Installation Techniques 8 Pin Glass Ceramic 15.2mm (.6") DIP • Medical Equipment • Industrial and Process Control Equipment • Computers • Where Ceramic Package IC's are required. Page No. 232 236 Hermetically Sealed Integrated LED Displays Device Description rn ] Q 6.8mm (,27") 5x7 Single Digit Numeric, LHDP, Built'ln Decoder/Driver 6.8mm (.27") Plus/Minus 5082·7011 Sign 7.4mm (.29") 4x7 Single Digit 5082·7391 Numeric, RHDP, Built·ln Decoder/Driver/Memory 7.4mm(.29") 4x7 Single Digit 5082·7392 Numeric, LHDP, Built·ln Decoder/Driver/Memorv 7.4mm('29") 4x7 Single Digit 5082·7395 Hexadecimal, Built·ln Decoder/Driver/Memory 7.4mm{.29") Overrange 5082·7393 Character Plus/Minus Sign 5082·7010 I:;j ,;..1. r ~:::i 0 nmt Application Package 8 Pin Hermetic 2.54mm (.100") Pin Centers • Ground, Airborne, Shipboard Equipment • Fire Control Systems • Space Flight Systems 8 Pin Hermetic 15.2mm (.6") DIP with Gold Plated Leads • Ground, Airborne, Shipboard Equipment • Fire Control Systems • Space Flight Systems • Other High Reliability Applications Page No. 241 247 Alphanumeric LED Displays Device c-, , , ,+, , , , , ,+, , , ,+, C-]II If' LJ LJ l~J L_J Description Application Package 3.7mm (.15") 5x7 Four Char· HDSp·2000 acter Alphanumeric Built·ln Shift Register, Drivers 1mW 177 12 Pin Ceramic 7.62mm (.3") DIP. Redglass Contrast Filter • • • • • Programmable Calculators Computer Terminals Business Machines Medical Instruments Portable, Hand·held or mobile data entry, read· out or communications For further information see Application Notes 966 and 1001, starting on page 368. Page No. 253 Alphanumeric LED Displays (Cont.) Device [±] ~_2"_J L_!_J , + , ~ Fl Description 3.7mm (.15") 5x7 Four Char· HDSp·2001 acter Alphanumeric Built·ln Shift Register, Drivers ~ HDSP·2010 ~~ ].,=,,1 -== 0 []9 r--l []9; []9! [Il' o~ $' Om ) : :0.,0 U· ! BOD .0 Package $ • '..'1 Eb'@o~ fDXXXXA ][ I I Single· Line 16 Character HDSp·2416 Display Panel Utilizing the HDSp·2000 Display Single·Line 24 Character HDSP·2424 Display Panel Utilizing the HDSP-2000 Display. Single·Line.32 Character HDSp·2432 Display Panel Utilizing the HDSP·2000 Display Single·Line 40 Character HDSP·2440 Display Panel Utilizing the HDSp·2000 Display HDSP-2000 Display Inter· HDSP-2470 face Incorporating a 64 Character ASCII Decoder HDSP-2000 Display Inter· HDSp·2471 face Incorporating a 128 Character ASCII Decoder HDSP-2000 Display Inter· face without ASCII De· coder. Instead, a 24 Pin HDSP-2472 Socket is Provided to Accept a Custom 128 Ch aracter Set from a User Programmed 1K x 8PROM 3.56mm (.14") Eighteen HDSP-63M Segment Eight Character Alphanumeric 12 Pin Ceramic 7.62mm (.3") DIP Integral Untinted Glass Lens 257 162.56mm (6.4") Lx 58.42mm (2.3") H x 7.11mm (.28") 0 265 , 26 Pin 15.2mm (.6") DIP 22 Pin 15.2mm (.6") DIP 26 Pin 15.2mm (.6") DIP 178 • Data Entry Terminals • Instrumentation • Electronic Typewriters For further information see Application Note 1001 beginning on page 398. 261 177.80mm (7.0") Lx 58.42mm (2.3") H x 7.11mm (.28") D 171.22mm (6.74") Lx 58.42mm (2.3") Hx 16.51mm (.65") D Cc::IClCClClClCCOClc:lClCl 1] ~ • • • • • Page No. Programmable Calculators Computer Terminals Business Machines Medical Instruments Portable, Hand·held or mobile data entry, read· out or communication For further information see Application Notes 966 and 1001, starting on page 368. 12 Pin Ceramic 7.62mm • Extended temperature (.3") DIP Integral applications requiring Red Glass Contrast Filter. high reliability. • I/D Terminals • Avionics ClC"'CClI:I"'::":''''''"''''' 3.8mm (.15") Sixteen HDSP-6504 Segment Four Character Alphanumeric 3.8mm (.15") Sixteen HDSP-6508 Segment Eight Character AI phanumeric Application • Computer Peripherals and Terminals • Computer Base Emergency Mobile Units • Autom otive Instrument Panels • Desk Top Calculators • Hand·held Instruments For further information ask for Application Note 931. 277 282 Alphanumeric LED Displays (Cont.) Device [ '" o~o o ."; .".' Description HDSP-8716 0 ;Ii i11 HDSP-8724 ~ 0 0 0 0 i.: i! ~I lJ 0 218.44mm (8.6")l x 58.42mm (2.3")H x 33mm (1.3")0 HDSP-8740 Single·line 4'0 Character Alphanumeric Display System Utilizing the HDSP·6508 Display 269.24mm (10.6") l x 58.42mm (2.3") H x 33mm (1.3")D 7.4mm (.29") 5x7 Three Digit Alphanumeric 7.4mm (.29") 5x7 Four Digit Alphanumeric 7.4mm (.29") 5x7 Five Digit Alphanumeric 22 Pin Hermetic 15.2mm (.6") DIP 28 Pin Hermetic 15.2mm (.6") DIP 36 Pin Hermetic 15.2mm (.6") DIP I V~~~~~ t 5082-7100 5082·7101 5082·7102 Application Page No. • Data Entry Terminals • Instrumentation • Electronic Typewriters 288 General Purpose Market • Business Machines • Calculators • Solid State CRT • High Reliability Applications For further information ask for Application Note 931 on Alphanumeric Displays. 300 Single-I ine 24 Character Alphanumeric Display System Utilizing the HDSP-6508 Display Single-line 32 Character Alphanumeric Display System Utilizing the HDSP-6508 Display 0 O[ 167.64mm (6.6")l x 58.42mm (2.3")H x 33mm (1.3")D Single·line 16 Character Alphanumeric Display System Utilizing the HDSP-6508 Display HDSP-8732 I~: :' Package r 179 TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • COMPACT SIZE • CHOICE OF 3 BRIGHT COLORS High Efficiency Red Yellow Green • LOW CURRENT OPERATION As Low as 3mA per Segment Designed for Multiplex Operation • EXCELLENT CHARACTER APPEARANCE Evenly Lighted Segments Wide Viewing Angle Body Color Improves "Off" Segment Contrast • EASY MOUNTING ON PC BOARD OR SOCKETS Industry Standard 7.62mm (.3 in.) DIP Leads on 2.S4mm (.1 In.) Centers Description • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY; YELLOW AND GREEN CATEGORIZED FOR COLOR Use of Like Categories Yields a Uniform Display The 5082-7610, -7620, and -7630 series are 7.62mm (.3in.) High Efficiency Red, Yellow, and Green seven segment displays. These displays are designed for use in instruments, pOint of sale terminals, clocks, and appliances. The -7610, and -7620 series devices utilize high efficiency LED chips which are made from GaAsP on a transparent GaP substrate. • IC COMPATIBLE • MECHANICALLY RUGGED The -7630 series devices utilize chips made from GaP on a transparent GaP substrate. Devices ':{, Part No. 508~ .' , ~7610 ":7611. '. -7613 . '. ~7616 -7620 .' Cotot ,.' ",' , ......~ .. High Efficiency Red·; .eorrll:nof! Anode left Hand Decimal' . ". High EffiCiency. Reel' • •Common Mode Right Hand !)$elma' '. HigllEfficiEmcy Red:: . Common Cathwe Right Hand Decimal '... ~High effjCienOyRed~:· :1jniversal Overtlow ±1 Right Hand Decimal .' ,.yellow ,. ..•. . ..: mmonArlOde left Hand Decimal Package . Drawing .A B D C '0 .., .. A· ' NOTE: universal pinout brings the anode and cathode of each segment's LED out to separate pins. See internal diagram D. 180 package Dimensions ( " .., o A,B,C LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY _I~ F .2541.010) 1.52 ~ ~.:21.04:1 I ~J.- Ll 15.24 1.600) 2.541.100) -T~t 0.S1 1.020) A,B,C,O END C SIDE A,B,O SIDE NOTES: 1. Dimensions in millimeters and (inches). 2. All untoleranced dimensions are for reference only 3. Redundant anodes. 4. 5. 6, 7. Unused dp posit ton. See Internal Circuit Diagram. Redundant cathode. See part number table for l.H.D.P. and R.H.D.P. designation. Internal Circuit Diagram A C B o Absolute Maximum Ratings Average Power Dissipation Per Segment or D.P.(1) (TA=SO°C). . .......... 81mW Operating Temperature Range ................................. -400C to +8SoC Storage Temperature Range ................................... -400 C to +8So C Peak Forward Current Per Segment or D.P.(3) (TA=50°C) .................... 60mA Average Forward Current Per Segment or D.P. (1.2) (TA = SO°C) .............. 20mA Reverse Voltage Per Segment or D.P ........................................ 6.0V Lead Soldering Temperature ................................... 260° C for 3 Sec [1.S9mm (1/16 inch) below seating plane l4 ) I 181 Notes: 1. See power derating curve (Fig. 2). 2. Derate DC current from 50'C at OAmAI"C per segment 3. See Fig. 1 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 4. Clean only in water, isopropanol, ethanol, Freon TF or TE (or equivalent) and Gene~ sol v 01-15 or DE-15 (or equivalent). Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =2S 0 C HIGH EFFICIENCY RED 5082-7610/-7611/-7613/-7616 Parameter Symbol Luminous Intensity/Segment (5.S, I,. (Digit Average) Peak Wavelength Test Condition Mm. 70 5mAD.C. 2DmA D.C. 60mA Pk: 1 of 6 Duty Factor "d (M Forward Voltage/Segment or D.P. VF .'. Reverse Current/Segment or D.P. Ill.. Response Time,a, unl~:'r /-led Max•. 250 1430 I'/-Ied< '.).ICd ',1 810 635 . ApEAK Dominant Wavelength Typ. om 626 IF = 5mA I" =20mA i F =60mA 1.7 2.0 2.8 '. om. 1 ". ' ..2.5 V ...... >: 10 VI\=6V t,. tl 90 Temperature Coefficient of VF/Segment or D.P. IJ,VFioC ~2.0 Thermal Resistance LED Junctlon-to-Pin ROJ-PIN 282 "- /-IA . rt$ mvrc '. ·C/Wi· seg.··•.··. YE L LOW 5082-7620/-7621/-7623/-7626 Symbol Parameter Luminous Intensity/Segment IS." I. (Digit Average) Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength i6.7. "PEAK AJ Forward Voltage/Segment or D.P. .V, IH Reverse Current/Segment or D.P. Test Condition 5mA D.C. 20mA D.C. 60mA Pk: 1 of 6 Duty Factor Min. Typ. 90 200 1200 IF = 5mA IF -·20mA IF = 60mA V~ /.led /.Icd< r 740 j.l<;:d 583 nm. 585 nm 1.8 2.2 3.1 = 6V Untte Max. V 2.5 '.' 10 J.tA .. os Response Time ia, t" t, Temperature Coefficient of V";Segment or D.P. vFrC -2.0 mvre ROJ-PIN 282 ·CIW/ Thermal ReSistance LED Junction-to-Pin 90 ' . Seg:.· GREEN 5082-7630/-7631/-7633/-7636 Parameter . Symbol Luminous IntensitylSegment I5 .,) i I, (Digit Average) '. Peak Waveiength Dominant Wavelength '6,7' '. Porward Voltage/Segment or D.P. Reverse Current/Segment or.D.P.. Response Time ,BJ .. ' Temperatureeoefficient of.VF1Segment or D.P. Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin . . Test Condition. Min• .150 .. lOrnA D.C. 20mAD.C. 60mA Pk: 1. of~ . Duty.Pactor ' Typ. :300· ................ 765 I": • I'.' .540' ApEAK 565 AJ 572 Vf IF If'" 5mA IF:" 20mA . 1,"'60mA VR =6V .' . I,,!, . AVFf'>C .. " " .' ." ',' .. .. ~Cd:> .. hitt .' 2.5 . . . rim·· ........•.. ,v ..•.............. ./,#A·L 90 . .... ":"2:0 • "Acd ...... '>jicd' . . 1.9 2.2 2:9 10 ..' .' .~u..~ .Max •.• .. ;',.118";.' fJlvrC .oCIW/ > . .Seg . NOTES: 5. The digits are categorized lor luminous intensity with the intenSity category deSignated by a letter located on the right hand side of the package. 6. The dominant wavelength. Ad. is derived from the C.I.E. Chromaticity Diagram and is that single wavelength which defines the color of !he device. 7. The 5082-7620/-7630 series yellow/green displays are categorized as to dominant wavelength with the category designated by a number ROJ-PIN 282 ' adjacent to the intensity category letter. 8. Time for a 10% - 90% change of light intenSity for step change in current. 182 ' ";:'; ,,: " "". 20 ,,0 ",'" ~: <:> ... :,,, ~O ...... "'''' "''' ' i 1 ---~ 10 9 ~~!Z :;ww r j 15 8 7 OPERATION IN THIS REGION ,,0.'" REQUIRES !~a ...... :; 02" l 1\ "'0" :; ... 0 Ow:; j:~~ ~i3:!: I ,', ~I «2 ~ , ~ 1,5 1\ ~' '\ '\l' 'K '\ X " :I .P" 1 _0. 10 1 100 tp - "\ \ TEMPERATURE DERATING OF IocMAx , li ~~~ ,t\f R \\ It l '" 1000 _ DC OPERATION 10000 PULSE DURATION - IJ.SEC Figure 1. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration ~ 22 1.• I 20 1.8 ~ a: !5 , 16 'RaJA :;: 14 ~ 12 ~ 10 ~ 8 . :IE 7.5 ~ 1 i ~ ~~' .. 18 '. ~; 37O'~JWIS£GM; ~ '1Ie.iA • !I,rCiwiSEa-1Wi '. > "iiiij . r-- \ , \N ., 10 20 40 30 50 60 70 80 80 50 40 a: a: ...0I ii! 20 .!!- .0 1.0 .. r I I.' '5082 -' 7630 -SI Rles ' . II. -I 'm . II -- I II I I I', 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Figure 3. Relative Luminous Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current! vs. Peak Segment Current. 1.0 I 'I r- '(.f I III iii. !(.... r[I « o ./ ,-I II fl ::> "ca: 1.1 w 1.2 '" ~ I-:' ~~LJ10 rH '," seRIES, .. I 30 ~ ..J ~ ..-: ~ , . ~.76.;s..RIES IpEAK - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - mA Figure 2. Maximum Allowable DC Current and DC Power DIssipation per Segment as a Function of Ambient Temperatura. w > =. 00 90 100 TA - AMBieNT TEMPERATURE -'C E ~w .8 o '" 1.4 .7 o IZ .... ~rl 1.5 1.3 '" 6 4 2 { . 5062-7830 si,ueii 1.6 ...1.\ "6.u>. • 484"(:JWISEGMM 50.2>-7620se~ ",,'-- 'I 1 1.7 to82·7610 SERIES II, J, rl 'fl.: :,10 ' 2.0 3.0 4.0 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE-V Figure 4. For_rd Current VI. IF - SEGMENT DC CURRENT - mA For_rd Vo Itaga Characteristic. Figure 5_ Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current. For a Detailed Explanation on the Use of Data Sheet Information and Recommended Soldering Procedures, See Application Note 1005, Page 464. 183 maximum power dissipation may be calculated using the following VF models. ELECTRICAL The 5082-7600 series of display products are arrays of eight light emitting diodes which are optically magnified to form seven individual segments plus a decimal point. VF = 1.75V + IPEAK (380) For IPEAK 2: 20mA VF = 1.60V + IDe (450) For 5mA ::; IDe::; 20mA All of the colored display products should be used in conjunction with contrast enhancing filters. Some suggested contrast filters: for red displays, Panelgraphic Scarlet Red 65 or Homalite 1670; for yellow displays, Panelgraphic Yellow 27 or Homalite (100-1720, 100-1726); for green, Panelgraphic Green 48 or Homalite (100-1440, 100-1425). Another excellent contrast enhancement material for all colors is the 3M light control film. The diodes in these displays utilize a Gallium Arsenide Phosphide junction on a Gallium Phosphide substrate to produce high efficiency red and yellow emission spectra and a Gallium Phosphide junction for the green. These display devices are designed for strobed operation. The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 4, should be used for calculating the current limiting resistor values and typical power diSSipation. Expected maximum VF values for the purpose of driver circuit design and 184 [ '". ,- Features • LARGE DIGIT Viewing up to 6 meters (19.7 feet) • CHOICE OF 3 BRIGHT COLORS High Efficiency Red Yellow Green • LOW CURRENT OPERATION As Low as 3mA per Segment Designed for Multiplex Operation • EXCELLENT CHARACTER APPEARANCE Evenly Lighted Segments Wide Viewing Angle Body Color Improves "Off" Segment Contrast • EASY MOUNTING ON PC BOARD OR SOCKETS Industry Standard 7.62mm (.3") DIP Leads on 2.S4mm (.1") Centers • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY; YELLOW AND GREEN CATEGORIZED FOR COLOR Use of Like Categories Yields a Uniform Display • IC COMPATIBLE { Description The 508:2-7650, -7660, and -7670 series are large 10.92mm (.43 in,) Red, Yellow, and Green seven segment displays. These displays are designed for use in instruments, pOint of sale terminals, clocks, and appliances. The -7650 and -7660 series devices utilize high efficiency LED chips which are made from GaAsP on a transparent GaP substrate. The -7670 series devices utilize chips made from. GaP on a transparent GaP substrate. • MECHANICALLY RUGGED Devices Part No. SOQ- Color ~7650 -7651 ' -7653 ,High Efficiency Red -7656 High Efficiency Red -7660 Yellow ,-7661 Yellow, ~7663 Yellow ,..7666 Yellow , -7676 Green Note: Universal pinout brings the anode and cathode of each segment's LED out to separate pins, see Internal'diagram D. 185 Package Dimensions '0" """_-1_,-+... 8 '0" ...._ _~_+.. 8 3.'8 (.'25) It R.H.D.P. I-~"""~+ A •. H.D.P. NOTE 141 •.21 (.206) D B,C FRONT VIEW 1-,2.7. I ~..1 " .L. 4.118 (.'80) MIN. I t6.36 ',' r (.2&0) '6.24 1 -78711 ' CATNOIle.. 2 CA_of 3 4 ANODEI3I fliPPIN I :~ .'• 1 ,-- I -111- D.26 (.0'0) 7.82 (.3OD)-j---J 8 2."(.'00) DATACOOE 10 11 END VIEW -'_1fIIOI A PI" (.5OD)-I MAX. .- FUNCTION LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY '2 SIDE VIEW 13 14 NOTES: C B -1151/·11511 ,-1B63I-1B63I , -7871' ' ,CA_·. ANODE.. . CATHOPe-r ' ANODE-I ANODEIli CATHODEIfl NO PI" NO PIN, 'NO PIN 'CATIfDD£.dp NO CON.... (&! CATNOIlE-o CATHODk ,CATHOOBod CATHOOe CA_'" AN_Ill ANODIIli I> ·78fIlIW'.' CAi~ ANODE'" NOPfN CATHODk ,NO PI" NO,PIN • ,CATHODE.. NOODI'lI'l.(&!' ANODE .. ' ANOoe.. ' ANOOBod IINoDE..... ANODE.. ANOOE.. NO PIN ANOOI!ob CATHODE(&! ANODe... ANODE..... 'i:ATNOIlI..... 'eATHOOE-I> CATHQ!.lI.. NO PIN ANOOk ANOOE-I> 1. Dimensions in millimeters and (inches). 2. All untoleranc:a:l dimensions are for reference only. 3. Redundant anodes. 4. Unused dp position. 6. See Internal Circuit Diagram. 6. Redundant cathode. Internal Circuit Diagram A B C Absolute Maximum Ratings Average Power Dissipation Per Segment or D.p.I'] (TA)=50°C) 81mW Operating Temperature Range ........ ,............... .......... -4OOC to +85°C Storage Temperature Range ................................... -400 C to +850 C Peak Forward Current Per Segment or D.P(3) (TA=50°C) .................... 60mA DC Forward CurrentPerSegmentorD.p.(',2) (TA=50°C) ...................... 20mA Reverse Voltage Per Segment or D.P. . ...................................... 6.0V Lead Soldering Temperature ................................... 2600 C for 3 Sec [1.59mm (1/16 inch) below seating plane(4)] 186 D Notes: 1. See power derating curve (Fig.2). 2. Derate average current from 50" C at D.4mAI" C per segment. 3. See MaxImum Tolerable Segment Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration curve, (Fig. 1). 4. Clean only in water, isopropanol, ethanol, Freon TF or TE; (or equivalent) and Genesolv 01-15 or OE-15 (or equivalent). Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =25°C HIGH EFFICIENCY RED 5082-7650/-7651/-7653/-7656 :~~: YELLOW 5082-7660/-7661/-7663/-7666 GREEN 5082-7670/-7671/-7673/-7676 ·565 .:..nm· 572. , 2.2 '2.5 .' . 2.9' '. . 10· ':,' ", .. ~ : ," ','.- .: ~ :' NOTES: 5. Ttle digits are categorized for luminous Intensity with the Intensity category designated by B letter located on the right hand side 01 the-package. 6. The dominant wavelength, Ad. is derived from the CJ.E. Chromaticity Diagram and is the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 1. The 5082-7680/-7870 series yellow/green displays are categoriZed as to dominant wavelength with the category designated by a number adjaeent to Ihe intensity category letter. 8. Time for a 10..-90% change of light intensity for step change In current. 187 ~~~~If~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~~~~~lll~oNIN ~ THIS REGION REQUIRES TEMPERATURE DERATING OF Ioc MAX """"!::-.....................~~c'"-"-"............ul~OOOO:'!- DC OPERATION tp - PULSE OURATION - J.(SEC Figure 1. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 . . .~ z~ > >= ~0: 1.5 1.' 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 .9 .8 .7 00 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE -'C IPeAK - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - mA Figure 2. Maximum Allowable DC Current per Segment vs. Ambient Temperature. Deratlngs Based on Maximum Allowed Thermal Resistance Values, LED Junctlon-to-Ambient on a per Segment Basis. TiMAX=100·C Figure 3. Relative Luminous Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Currentl vs. Peak Segment Current. ~ I I- nia:: a:: B I I .!!- VF • FORWARD VOLTAGE - V IF - SEGMENT OC CURRENT - mA Figure 5. Relative Luminous Intanslty DC Forward Current Figure 4. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristic. VS. For a Detailed Explanation on the Use of Data Sheet Information and Recommended Soldering Procedures. See Application Note 1005. Page 464. 188 ELECTRICAL following VF models: VF = 1.75V + IPEAK (380) For IPEAK ~ 20mA The 5082-7600 series of display products are arrays of eight light emitting diodes which are optically magnified to form seven individual segments plus a decimal point. r""", . jl ... VF = 1.60V + loc (450) For 5mA Sioc S 20mA The diodes in these displays utilize a Gallium Arsenide Phosphide junction on a Gallium Phosphide substrate to produce high efficiency red and yellow emission spectra and a Gallium Phosphide junction for the green. All of the colored display products should be used in conjunction with contrast enhancing filters. Some suggested contrast filters: for red displays, Panelgraphic Scarlet Red 65 or Homalite 1670; for yellow displays, Panelgraphic Amber 23 or Homalite (100-1720, 100-1726); for green, Panelgraphic Green 46 or Homalite (100-1440, 100-1425). Another excellent contrast enhancement material for all colors is the 3M light control film. These display devices lire designed for strobed operation. The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 4, should be used for calculating the current limiting resistor values and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values for the purpose of driver circuit design and maximum power dissipation may be calculated using the ( 189 7.6 /10.9 mm (0.3/0.43 INCH) SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAYS· FOR HIGH LIGHT AMBIENT CONDITIONS HIGH EFFICIENCY RED· HDSP-3530/3130SERIES YEllOW·HDSP-4030/4130 SERIES F/in- HEWLETT ~e... PACKARD TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • HIGH LIGHT OUTPUT Typically 2300 /-tcd/Segment at 100mA Peak, 20mA Average Designed for Multiplex Operation • CHOICE .OF TWO COLORS High Efficiency Red Yellow • EXCELLENT CHARACTER APPEARANCE Evenly Lighted Segments Wide Viewing Angle Gray Body Color for Optimum Contrast • EASY MOUNTING ON PC BOARD OR SOCKETS Industry Standard 7.62mm (0.3 in.) DIP Leads on 2.S4mm (0.1 in.) Centers Description The HDSP-3530/4030 and -3730/4130 series are 7.621 10.92mm (0.3/0.43 in.> high efficiency red and yellow displays designed for use in high light ambient conditions. These displays are designed for use in instruments, airplane cockpits, weighing scales, and point of sale terminals. • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY; YELLOW CATEGORIZED FOR COLOR Use of Like Categories Yields a Uniform Display • IC COMPATIBLE The HDSP-3530/4030 and -3730/4130 series devices utilize high efficiency LED chips, which are made from GaAsP on a transparent GaP substrate. The active junction area is larger than that used in the 50827610176201765017660 series to permit higher peak currents. • MECHANICALLY RUGGED Devices Part No. HDSP. Color 3530 3531 3533 3536 High High High High 4030 4031 4033 4036 Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Description Red Red Red Red Package Drawing 7.6mm 7.6mm 7.6mm 7.6mm Common Anode Left Hand Decimal Common Anode Right Hand Decima. Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal Universal Overflow ±1 Right Hand Decimal A B C D Yellow Yellow Yellow YellOW 7.6mm 7.6mm 7.6mm 7.6mm Common Common Common Universal A B C D 3730 3731 3733 3736 High High High High 10.9mmCommon Anode Left Hand Decimal 10.9mmCommonAnodeRight Hand Decimal 10.9mm Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal 10.9mm Universal Overflow ±1 Right Hand Decimal 4130 4131 4133 4136 Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Efficiency Red Efficiency Red Efficiency Red Efficiency ,Red 10.9mm 1O.9mm 10.9mm 10.9mm Anode Left Hand Decimal Anode Right Hand Decimal Cathode Right Hand Decimal Overflow ±1 Right Hand Decimal Common Common Common Universal Anode Left Hand Decimal Anode Right Hand Decimal Cathode Right Hand Decimal Overflow ±1 Right Hand Decimal E F G H E F G H Note: Universal pinout brings the anode and cathode of each segment's LED out to separate pins. See internal diagrams D and H. 190 Absolute Maximum Ratings (All Products) Average Power Dissipation Per Segment or DP (TA=50° C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 85mW Operating Temperature Range ...•...........•..•................ _40° C to +85° C Storage Tem peratu re Range ........•.••.•....................... _40° C to +85° C Peak Forward Current Per Segment or DP(TA = 50°C)12) ..................... 120mA (Pulse Width = 1.25ms) DC Forward Current Per Segment or DP (TA=500 C)11) .....•.•................ 30mA Reverse Voltage Per Segment or DP ... . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.0V Lead Soldering Temperature (1.6mm [1/16 inch] below seating plane) ........•.........•..........•••..•... 260°Cfor3 Seconds '" Notes: 1. Derate maximum DC current above TA=50o C at 0.51 mAIo C per segment, see Figure 2. 2. See Figure 1 to establish pulsed operating conditions. Package Dimensions (HDSP-3530/4030 Series) T---' i 7.62 1.300) ~~-, Note 7 '1~2 r-: li~ Note4 _ _ 0.25 COlO} I 7 CATHODE·, CATHODE-d NO CONN.l51 CATHOOE.c : 10 11 [ 12 13 o A,B,C LUMINOUS INTENSITY ! 14 - 1 i CATHODE.. NO PIN CATHODE·b .ANOOEI'I I D ·3536/-4036 CATHOOEIS) ANOD€·! ANODE" ANODE·. ANODE-d CATHOOEI'] ANODE-dp ANODE •• ANOOE-b ANOOE·. I 8 9 I i c ·35331·4033 CATHODE", CATHODE.. CATHODE·j CATHODE·! ANOOEI31 ANODEI'] NO PIN , NOPIN NO PIN ! NOP'N CATHOOE-dp I NO CONN.l51 6 I + ~.,-_7 ....-+1--'~ 5.72 1.225) Ir~ II~,~~" 3 4 5 19.05 t 0.25 1.750 •. 010) I FUNCTlON CATHODE·. CATMOOE-d CATHODE-dp CATHODE.c CATHODE" NO PIN ANODE-d "laPIN CATHODE-d CATHODE·. CATHODE .• ANOOE-e ANODE·. I I ~:~:-dP II I I ~CATHODE~ CA THu"~-dp I CATHODE·b : ANODEi'1 CATHODE·a ANOOE·•. ANOOE-b ;1' _~ _ _ _ ~~_~_ 0--0 LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY CATEGORY ~10.16 MAX.I-- R ,(,400) I~ I L 4.06(.1601 MIN. -r-' DATE CODE l I A,B,O A,B,C,O END C SIDE SIDE NOTES, 1. Dimensions in millimeters and (inches). 2. All untoleranced dimensions are for reference only. 3. Redundant anodes. 4. Unused dp position. 5. See Internal Circuit Diagram. 6. Redundant cathode. 7. See part number table for L.H.D.P. and R.H.D.P. designation. 8. For HDSp·403D series product only. Internal Circuit Diagram (HDSP-3530/4030 Series) A C B 191 (.180) -1- ~I'I-- 0.25 (,010) 7.621.300)~ 6.10 ~ (,240) !-~ o package Dimensions (HDSP-3730/4130 Series) 7.01 (.276) -_11--,0· + 1 14 13 12 t I 11 10.92 (.430) ~~1 LH.D.P. l_6 3.18(.125) -r--I I 6.35 (.250) 9_~ 7.4-_......_ _.J8 Note4 ;L._.:..:..o""""=+l,8 , ~ 3.18 (.1251 ~ 5.08 (.200) R.H.D.P. -1----1 Note 4 5.21 (.205) E H F,G FRONT VIEW _12.70 (.500) MAX. FUNCTION· C~h~R Note 7 LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY I ~ ---..1 PIN 1.02 I IjOI 1 1 I 0.51 I _1_s=i6.3{1.2501 4.06 (.160) MIN. ~I 7.62 (.300) -111_0.251.°'01 i-- E,F,G,H END VIEW 19.05 (.750 r i.0201 ± 0.25 ± .010) 1 (.600) DATE CODE t 2.54 (.100) 1 E,F,G,H SIDE VIEW .3730/.4136 ·373"·4131 to 11 CATHODE.., CATHODE'l1 12 NO"f'" CATHODE·. ANODE(31 NOPIN CATHODE.b ANODel31 3 4 5 6 L _l F CATHOOE~a CATHODJ;·, CATHODe-! CATIIODE·! ANODel>1 ANODEt31 NO PIN NO PIN NOPtN NO PIN CATHODE·dO NO CONN."! .CATIIODE,. CATHOOE.. CATHODE·d .CATHODE-d NOCONN.l5! CATHODe-dp CA.THODE-t;. CATHODE. ~ 15.24 £ 7 a ~ ~l .14 G ·3733/-4133 ANODh ANODE·f· CATIiOOef') N091N NO PIN NOCONN."I ANQOE-e ANOOE-d ANODE-dp ANODe·. ANODE·g NO PIN ANODE-b CATIiOOEI6, .. H <37301-4130 CATHODE·d ANDDe-d NOPfN CATHODE·. CATHODE.. ANODE·, ANODE·. ANODE·tlp CATHODE-dp CATHODE.b CATHODE-a NDPIN ANODE·a ANODE-• NOTES: 1. Dimensions in millimeters and (inches). 2, All untoleranced dimensions are for reference only_ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Redundant anodes. Unused dp position. See Internal Circuit Diagram Redundant cathode. For HDSP-4130 series product only. Internal Circuit Diagram (HDSP-3730/4130 Series) 10 E G F 192 H Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA=25°C HI G H EFFI C I ENCY RED H DS P-3530/-3531/ -3533/ -3536/ -3730/ -3731/ -3733/ -3736 Parameter Luminous Intensity/Segment (3) •.... (Digit Average) Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength(4) Reverse Current/Seglllentor D,P, Response Time, Rise and Fall(SI Temperature Coefficient ofVF1Segment or D.P. Thermal Resis'tance LED Junction~to-Pin P8J-PIN" YELLOW HDSP-4030/-4031/-4033/-4036/-4130/-4131/-4133/-4136 Parameter . . 100mA Pk: 1 015 Duty Factor tv Y. (Digit Averagel Peak Wavelength TyP·· Max. Urnts 1000 2700, . . /tCd .' 20m A DC "f'tAK • Dominant Wavelength I4,$) Ad • "..... >." . Forward Voltage/Segment or D.P. VF Reverse Currel)ltSegmento(D.P. If! Response Time. Rise and. FaW6) MIn,.. . Test Condition Symbol '.' Luminous lntensity/Segment(S) . '.' ." 2100 .' 585 . IF = 1.00mA '. ~(;tt .lVF/oC Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin R9j":'PIN '.' ...... nm .. 3.3 V . ns... ' -1.1 mV/oC 282 ·CfW/ Seg " .' " nm .. j.t.A 10 200. .' 1,,= 100mA ". 583 2.6 . , Temperature Cootficientof VF/Segment or D.P. VR:' 6V /tcd NOTES: 3. The digits are categorized for luminous intensity with the intensity category deSignated by a letter located on the right hand side of the package. 4. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and is that single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 5. The HDSP-4030/-4130 series yellow displays are categorized as to dominant wavelength with the category designated by a number adjacent to the intensity category letter, 6. The rise and fall times are for a 10%-90% change of light intensity to a step change in current. ELECTRICAL current limiting resistor values and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values forthe purpose of driver circuit design and maximum power dissipation may be calculated using the following VF models: The HOSP-3530/3730/4030/4130 series 01 display devices are composed of eight light emitting diodes, with the light from each LED optically stretched to form individual segments and a decimal pOint. The LEOs have a large area P-N junction diffused into a GaAsP epitaxial layer on a GaP transparent substrate, VF = 2.15V For IPEAK VF = 1.9V These display devices are designed for strobed operation at high peak currents. The typical forward voltage values. scaled from Figure 4. should be used for calculating the + IPEAK (11.501 ~ 30mA + IDe 119.80) For 10mA:oS IDe:oS 30mA 193 Temperature derated strobed operating conditions are obtained from Figures 1 and 2. Figure 1 relates pulse duration (tp), refresh rate (f), and the ratio of maximum peak current to maximum dc current (lPEAK MAX/IDe MAX). Figure 2 presents the maximum allowed dc current vs. ambient temperature. To most effectively use Figures 1 and 2, perform the following steps: 1. Determine desired duty factor, DF. Example: Five digits, DF = 1/5 2. Determine desired refresh rate, f. Use duty factor to calculate pulse duration, tp. Note: DF =f-tp. Example: f = 1 kHz, tp = 200 p'S 3. Enter Figure 1 at the calculated tp. Move vertically to the refresh rate line and record the corresponding value of IPEAK MAX/IDe MAX. Example: Attp = 200ILs and f = 1 kHz, IPEAK MAX/IDe MAX =4.0 4. From Figure 2, determine IDe MAX. Note: loc MAX is derated above TA = 50· C. Example: At TA = 60· C, loc MAX = 25mA 5. Calculate IPEAK MAX from IPEAK MAX/I DC MAX ratio and calculate IAVG from IPEAK MAX and DF. Example: IPEAK MAX = (4.0) (25mA) = 100mA peak.IAVG = (1/5) (100mA) = 20m A average. MECHANICAL These devices are constructed utilizing a lead frame in a standard DIP package. The LED dice are attached directly to the lead frame. Therefore, the cathode leads are the direct thermal and mechanical stress paths to the LED dice. The absolute maximum allowed junction temperature, TJ MAX, is 100·C. The maximum power ratings have been established so that the worst case VF device does not exceed this limit. For most reliable operation, it is recommended that the device pin-to-ambient thermal resistance through the PC board be less than 320· C/W per segment. This will then establish a maximum thermal resistance LED junction-to-ambient of 602·C/W per segment. The above calculations determine the maximum allowed strobing conditions. Operation at a reduced peak current and/or pulse width maybe desirable to adjust display light output to match ambient light level or to reduce power dissipation to insure even more reliable operation. Refresh rates of 1 kHz or faster provide the most efficient operation resulting in the maximum possible time average luminous intensity. These display devices may be operated in ambient temperatures above +50· C without derating when installed in a PC board configuration that provides a thermal resistance to ambient value less than 602·C/W/ Segment. See Figure6 to determine the maximum allowed thermal resistance for the PC board, ROpe_A' which will permit nonderated operation in a given ambient temperature. The time average luminous intensity may be calculated using the relative efficiency characteristic of Figure 3, 17IPEAK' and adjusted for operating ambient temperature. The time average luminous intensity at TA=25·C is calculated as follows: Iv TIME AVG To optimize device optical performance, specially. developed plastiCS are used which restrict the solvents that may be used for cleaning. It is recommended that only mixtures of Freon (F113) and alcohol be used for vapor cleaning processes, with an immersion time in the vapors of less than two (2) minutes maximum. Some suggested vapor cleaning solvents are Freon TE, Genesolv 01-15 or DE-15, Arklone A or K. A 60·C (140·F) water cleaning process may also be used, which includes a neutralizer rinse (3% ammonia solution or equivalent), a surfactant rinse (1% detergent solution or equivalent), a hot water rinse and a thorough air dry. Room temperature cleaning may be accomplished with Freon T-E35 or T -P35, Ethanol, Isopropanol or water with a mild detergent. = ['AVG ] [.17 IPEAK] [IV DATA SHEET] 20mA Example: For HDSP-4030 series 17IPEAK = 1.00 at IPEAK = 100mA - [~J Iv TIME AVG - 20m A [1.00] [ 2.7mcd ] = 2.7mcd/ segmeht The time average luminous intensity may be adjusted for operating ambient temperature by the following eXpOn6:1tial equation: Iv (TA) = Iv (25· C) eD< ITA - 2S'C~ Device K -3530/3730 Series -4030/4130 Series -0.0131/·C -0.0112I"C Example: Iv (70·C) = (2.7mcd) e[-O.0112 170-2Si] = 1.63mcd/ segment 194 CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT f" these display devices are assembled with a gray package and untinted encapsulating epoxy in the segments. The objective of contrast enhancement is to provide good display readability in the end use ambient light. The concept is to employ chrominance contrast techniques to enhance readability by having the OFF-segments blend into the display background and have the ON-segments stand out vividly against this same background. Therefore, Contrast enhancement in bright ambients may be achieved by using a neutral density gray filter such as Panelgraphic Chromafilter Gray 10. Additional contrast enhancement may be achieved by using the neutral density 3M Light Control Film lIouvered filter!. l. 40 20 15 I I II I I' 1 10 ~ '\ '\ I\~ \~ I I ~.. , ~ I , 1.5 1 " .,. 10 ~ '~~~ "\ is 25 ~ "X" « 1 ~ I X « A 111 30 "u ~ " Ixil 1000 100 35 ~ ~ OPERATION I THIS REGION REQUIRES TEMPERATUA DERATING OF loc MAX 8 >- 20 15 12 10 .g 0 -OCDPERA TION 10.000 0 tp - PULSE DURATION - jJS TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ °C Figure 1. Maximum Allowable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. -- 1. 1 120 ~ HOSP-3630/3730 SERIES 1.0 ~ .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 /' V 1/ i I 80 100 0 ~ 40 • 20 I I 60 0- ~ -~ ! 40 100 1 I I 120 IpEAK - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - rnA Figure 3. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Currentl vs. Peak Segment Current. 1.8 I 1.6 HOSP.$30I3130 ~ ~iI'LS o I I .2 1 ia f-lOSP40-30/4130 se~n!s .4 ·20 I '/ ~ / '\ .3 ~ Figure 2. Maximum Allowable DC Current per Segment VB. Ambient Temperature. Deratlngs Based on Maximum Allowable Thermal Resistance Values, LED Junction-to-Ambient on a par Segment Basis. TJMAX-100·C. H-i; IJ 1.4 ~ ~ 1.2 :t "z :;: 1.0 ::; .8 > 0~ .6 ;; N 3« w I IU Iii ~ I~ I HoSPooI03OII,30 SERIES II I 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.4 VF - PEAK FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 4. Peak Forward Segment Current vs. Peak Forward Voltage. ~ ~ / E 0 n I 15 ~ ;; ~ r I I II : I I 0 10 ~ \ J III I .1 ~ / '. .4 .2 00 1./ ./'1 1< ,: : '/ 10 15 20 25 30 IF - SEGMENT DC CURRENT - rnA Figure 5. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current. For a Detailed Explanation on the Use 01 Data Sheet Information and Recommended Soldering Procedures, See Application Note 1005, Page 464. 195 L / ···HEW~Eff~:C PACKARD MARCH 1980 Features • 5082-7730 Common Anode Left Hand D.P. • 5082-7731 Common Anode Right Hand D.P. • 5082-7736 Polarity and Overflow Indicator Universal Pinout Right Hand D.P. • 5082-7740 Common Cathode Right Hand D.P. • EXCELLENT CHARACTER APPEARANCE Continuous Uniform Segments Wide Viewing Angle High Contrast • IC COMPATIBLE 1.6V de per Segment • STANDARD 0.3" DIP LEAD CONFIGURATION PC Board or Standard Socket Mountable • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY Assures Uniformity of Light Output from Unit to Unit within a Single Category Description The HP 5082-773017740 series devices are common anode LED displays. The series includes a left hand and a right hand decimal pOint numeric display as well as a polarity and overflow indicator. The large 7.62 mm (0.3 in.) high character size generates a bright, continuously uniform seven segment display. Designed for viewing distances of up to 3 meters (9.9 feet), these single digit displays provide a high contrast ratio and a wide viewing angle. The 5082-7730 series devices utilize a standard 7.62 mm (0.3 in.) dual-in-line package configuration that permits mounting on PC boards or in standard IC sockets. Requiring a low forward voltage, these displays are inherently IC compatible, allowing for easy integration into electronic instrumentation, pOint of sale terminals, TVs, radios, and digital clocks. Devices 1731 1736 1740 Note: Universal pinout brings the anode and cathode of each segment's LED out to separate pins. See internal diagram C. 196 package Dimensions A,B,O C LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY I. '. ~ R t 1 10. 16 MAX 1.400) . L (.180) 4.061.160) MIN. ~ i -+IiI-- 0.25 (.010) 7.621.300)-r----1 A,B,C,O A,s,C o SIDE SIDE END NOTES: 1. Dimensions in millimeters and linches). 2. All untoleranced dimensions are for reference only 3. Redundant anodes. 4. Unused dp position. 5. See Internal Circuit Diagram. 6. Redundant cathode. 7. See part number table for l.H.D.P. and A.H.D.P. designation. Internal Circuit Diagram ( A C B o Absolute Maximum Ratings Average Power Dissipation Per Segment or D.p.ll) (TA=50'C) ............. 65mW Operating Temperature Range ................................. -400 C to +85' C Storage Temperature Range ................................... -400 C to +85' C Peak Forward Current Per Segment or D.P.13) (TA=50·C) ................... 150mA Average Forward Current Per Segment or D.P. 11,2) (TA=50·C) ............... 25mA Reverse Voltage Per Segment or D.P.. ...................................... 6.0V Lead Soldering Temperature ................................... 260'C for 3 Sec [1.59mm (1/16 inch) below seating plane(4) 1 197 Notes: 1. See power derating curve (Fig.2). 2. Derate DC current from SO' C at O.43mA/' C per segment. 3. See Fig. 1 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 4. Clean only in water, isopropanol, ethanol, Freon TF or TE (or equivalent) and Genesolv 01-15 or DE-IS (or equivalent). Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =25°C Min. Description Typ. Luminous Intensity/Segment(2) 200 (Digit Average) Peak Wavelength Dominant WavEllerigth(2l Forward Voltage, any Segment otD,P; . 10 Reverse Current, any Segment Rise and Fall Time(») 10 ~2:.0 Thermal Resistance LEO Junctlon-Io-Pin 282. ·C/WI Seg Notes: 1. The digits are categorized for luminous intensity with the intensity category designated by a letter located on the right hand side of the package. 2. The dominant wavelength, Ad. is derived from the CIE Chromaticity Diagram and is that single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. Time for a 10%·90% change of light intensity for step change in current ELECTRICAL of driver circuit design may be calculated using the following VF model: The HDSP-7730/7740 series of display devices are composed of eight light emitting diodes, with the light from each LED optically stretched to form individual segments and a decimal point. The LEOs have the P-N junction diffused into a GaAsP epitaxial layer on a GaAs substrate. CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT These display devices are designed for strobed operation at high peak currents. The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 4, should be used for calculating the current limiting resistor values and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values forthe purpose The 5082-7730/7740 series display may be effectively filtered using one ofthe following filter products: Homalite H100-1605: H 100-1804 (purple); Panelgraphic Ruby Red 60: Dark Red 63: Purple 90; Plexiglas 2423; 3M Brand Light Control Film for daylight viewing. ...... . 20 .; VF = 1.55V + IPEAK (70) For 5mA S IPEAK S 150mA ..... l 15 10 9 8 OPERATIO NIN THISREGI ON REQUIRES TEMPERA TURE DERATINGOF \ ~ \ 7 IocMAX. ,'\ - ~ 11 l>. ' ~. I,. ...•. 1.5 10 C,JiI' f : ~ .. I.' 1 ~ ~f ~i 1ti' ~~. I····;· \ ,I 1\ 11\;·.· ':. \'\i" I·"'.' 1\ r: I~ I··•.. 100 .1·... ·.••. 1000 .... "' .....-DCQPERATION 10000 tp - PULse DURATION -,uSEC Figure 1. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. 198 C E I r-~ l !Zw a: 0: ::> u g 14' ::> 12 :E12.5~ IE ~ :E I ~ :E j:! 0' 0 10 30 20 40 50 60 70 80 40 90 100 Figure 2. Maximum Allowable DC Current Dissipation par Segment as a Function of Ambient Temperature. . .ffi 160 ."ffi 100 E ":::'" ~ " ""u0 ."~ e I 50 IpEAK - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - mA TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE -"C Figure 3. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) versus Peak Current per Segment. 1.4 I 140 iI 120 WN 1-1- 1,2 1.0 / i!!C IIIC! il~ .8 jiil .... N .6 Ze 80 60 v :':~ ~~ !CO: .... 0 40 ~~ 20 j ~ 0 0 ,4 ,8 1.2 U 2,0 2,' 28 o 3,2 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V 5 10 15 20 25 IF - SEGMENT DC CURRENT - rnA Figure 4. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. Figure 5. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Currant For a Detailed Explanation on the Use of Data Sheet Information and Recommended Soldering Procedures, See Application Note 1005, Page 464. 199 .. ";';!~~:(' " \ Features , '. • 5082-7750 Common Anode Left Hand D.P. • 5082-7751 Common Anode Right Hand D.P. • 5082-7756 Polarity and Overflow Indicator Universal Pinout Right Hand D.P. '--.. • 5082-7760 Common Cathode Right Hand D.P. • LARGE DIGIT Viewing Up to 6 Meters (19.7 Feet) Description • EXCELLENT CHARACTER APPEARANCE Continuous Uniform Segments Wide Viewing Angle High Contrast The 5082-775017760 series are large 10.92mm (.43 in.) GaAsP LED seven segment displays. Designed for viewing distances up to 6 meters (19.7 feet), these single digit displays provide a high contrast ratio and a wide viewing angle. • IC COMPATIBLE • STANDARD 7.62mm (.3 in.) DIP LEAD CONFIGURATION PC Board or Standard Socket Mountable These devices utilize a standard 7.62mm (.3 in.) dual-inline package configuration that permits mounting on PC boards or in standard IC sockets. Requiring a low forward voltage, these displays are inherently IC compatible, allowing for easy integration into electronic instrumentation, point of sale terminals, TVs, radios, and digital clocks. • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY Assures Uniformity of Light Output from Unit to Unit within a Single Category Devices Part. No. -7750 Pacbge brawlng soa2~ C~mmol1 AnoQeL8ft Haod.Decimai . -7751 -7756 A B Unive~&al Overflow ±1 Right Hand DeCimal . c o "':7760 Nole: Universal plnoul brings Ihe anode and calhode of each segment's LED oullo separale pins, See inlernal diagram C. 200 package Dimensions 10' [ Nolo 4~ 6.35(.250) R.H.D.P. ~......-- 5.21 (,205) c B,D A FRONT VIEW LUMINOUS INTENSITY l(.500) I I 12.70MAX.'" -t 4.06~.'601 MIN. CATEGORY ·7151 f-:ri"",,';;;"=;:--:'C-,t-.',C';;"A"ThH;;O""OfO ~ ",_1 ~ f 6.35 (.2501 I TI 15.24 -111- 0.251.0101 7.621.3OOI-t---l END VIEW -t NO?IN 6 1 cATHOOE d I NO PIN CATHODE>c ~ I' CATHOOE·e ANODe... CATHODE" CATHODE·. .NO PIN ANOOE-dp CATHODE-b ANODEIlI ~___ 1 CATHODf.b . CATHOOe.. I NO PIN I ANODE·. I ,7760 ANOOe:;--l. ANODE.fCATHODE 16' NO PIN I NO PtN NO CONN. [51 'I ANODE-!; 'CATHODE-dp \ CATHOOE-dp ' CATHODE:.' cATHODE.. L-~ NO PIN NO CONN. [51 CATt!.ODE-e CA'TI-tODE-d No CoNN. 161 10 "13 SIDE VIEW ANODe "' NO PIN No PIN 4. I .T156: C CATHOOE·1 5 $' 2.541.1001 DATA CODe: CATHOOE·f ANODEI3I ANOb£-, ANODE-d ANODE·dp I ANODE·. ANOOEl1 NO PIN ANODE·b ANODE·b _ ____ I CATHOOE(61 ____ ~ ~ NOTES: 1. Dimensions in millimeters and (inches). 2. All untoleranced dimensions are for reference only. 3. Redundant anodes. 4. Unused dp position. 5. See Internal Circuit Diagram. 6. Redundant cathodes. Internal Circuit Diagram ( A c B Absolute Maximum Ratings Average Power Dissipation Per Segment or D.P.") (TA=50°C) .......... 65mW Operating Temperature Range ................................. -40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range ................................... -40"C to +85°C Peak Forward Current Per Segment or D.P{3) (TA=50°C) .................... 150mA DC Forward Current PerSegmentorD.P.ll,2) (TA=50°C) ... , .................. 25mA Reverse Voltage Per Segment or D.P ........................................ 6.0V Lead Soldering Temperature ................................... 260°C for 3 Sec [1.59mm (1/16 inch) below seating plane{4 1] 201 o Notes: 1. See power derating curve (Fig.2). 2. Derate average current from 50° C at 0.43mA/o C per segment. 3. See Maximum Tolerable Segment Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration curve, (Fig. 1). 4. Clean only in water, isopropanol, ethanol, Freon TF or TE (or equivalent) and Genesolv DI-15 or DE-IS (or equivalent). Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA=25°C Luminous Intensity/Segment Typ. IPEAK =100mA 12.5% Duty Cycle Iv (2) Min. Test Condition Symbol ·oe.criPtiOn (Digit Average) 350 . APEAK Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength Ad (2) Units ped 400 150 IF'" 20m A Max. 655 nm 645 nm Forward Voltage, any Segment or .D.P. VF IF= 20mA 1.6 Reverse Current. any Segment or D~P~ IR VR= 6V 10 pA Rise and Fall Time tt, tf 10 ns -2.0 mVrC 282 °C/WI (3) l::NrI"C Temperature Coefficient of Forward Voltage Thermal Resistance LEO Junction-to-Pin R8J-PIN 2.0 V Seg Notes: 1. 2. 3. The digits are categorized for luminous intensity with the intensfty category designated by a letter located on the right hand side of the package. The dominant wavelength, Ad. is derived from the CIE Chromaticity Diagram and is that single wavelength which defines the color of the device. Time for a 10% - 90% change of light intenSity for step change in current. ELECTRICAL of driver circuit design may be calculated using the following VF model: The HDSP-7750/-7760 series of display devices are composed of eight light emitting diodes, with the light from each LED optically stretched to form individual segments and a decimal point. The LEOs have the P-N junction diffused into a GaAsP epitaxial layer on a GaAs substrate. CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT These display devices are designed for strobed operation at high peak currents. The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 4, should be used for calculating the current limiting resistor values and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values forthe purpose The 5082-7750/7760 series display may be effectively filtered using one of the following filter products: Homal'ite H 100-1605 or H 100-1804 Purple; Panelgraphic Ruby Red 60, Dark Red 63 or Purple 90; Plexiglas 2423; 3M Brand Light Control Film for daylight viewing. VF = 1.55V + IPEAK (70) For 5mA::; IPEAK::; 150mA j i OPERATI ON IN 1\ \ THISREGI ON REOUIRE S TEMPERA TURE DERATIN G OF \ IocMAX. \ \. \ i -&. ~ '"I I~~ f\ .>~ -. N' ,i~ ,,- " ~ 'I'- , \ 1 10 1b' I s:~ _DeOPER ATJON 10000 tp - PULSE DURATION - pSEC Figure 1. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. 202 t \ 1000 100 ~ ~ I .... zw c:: c:: ['- ::J "15 ~ 12.5 14~+-:-l":::"" 12 ::; .. .. X ::; I X ::; IpEAK - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - rnA TA -AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _oC Figure 2. Maximum Allowable DC Current per Segment VS. Ambient Temperature. Deratings Based on Maximum Allowed Figure 3. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) versus Peak Current per Segment. Thermal Resistance ValuBs, LED Junction-to-Ambient on a per Segment Basis. T JMAX=100°C '60 :,' « E .:E ~ ~ .~ ~ I"'i..'·'·"" '20 :" '00 i 80 . >. a: " "a:« ,> '40 , ," <.J 60 ~ 40 I 20 .- ~ :r ..) .!" o o .4 '.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 28 3.2 V F - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V IF - SEGMENT DC CURRENT - rnA Figure 4. Forward Current versus Forward Voltage. Figure 5. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. D.C. Forward Current. For a Detailed Explanation on the Use of Data Sheet Information and Recommended Soldering Procedures, See Application Note 1005, Page 464. 203 Features • 20mm (0.8") DIGIT HEIGHT Viewing Up to 10 Metres (33 Feet) • EXCELLENT CHARACTER APPEARANCE Excellent Readability In Bright Ambients Through Superior Contrast Enhancement - Gray Body Color - Untlnted Segments Wide Viewing Angle Evenly Lighted Segments Mitered Corne,. on Segments • LOW POWER REQUIREMENTS Single GaAsP Chip per Segment • EASY MOUNTING ON PC BOARD OR SOCKETS Industry Standard 1S.24mm (0.6") DIP with Lead Spacing on 2.S4mm (0.1") Cente,. Industry Standard Package Dimensions and Pinouts Description • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY Assures Uniformity of Light Output from Unit to Unit Within a Single Category The HDSP-3400 Series are very large 20.32mm (0.8 inJ GaAsP LED seven segment displays. Designed for viewing distances up to 10 metres (33 feet>, these single digit displays provide excellent readability in bright ambients. • IC COMPATIBLE • MECHANICALLY RUGGED These devices utilize a standard 15.24mm(0.6 inJdual in line package configuration that permits mounting on PC boards or in standard IC sockets. Requiring a low forward voltage, these displays are inherently IC compatible, allowing for easy integration into electronic instrumentation, point-of-sale terminals, TVs, weighing scales, and digital clocks. Devices Note: Universal pinout brings the anode and cathode of each segment's LEO out to separate pins. See internal diagram E. 204 package Dimensions 'i PACKAGE...! r FRONT VIEW A,D 19.98MAX· (0.786 MAX.) l ,',"" ' '.,' ." fO:::. ~ 6~ ' \, FRONT VIEW B,C FRONT VIEW E LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY " ":" ': ", ":', --;;:;10,25 (0.240 MIN,) 0,010) (0.040) r-! _~ _ 0,38 (0.015) ~.24'0.25 (0.600' 0.010) DATE CODE SIDE VIEW END VIEW NOTES: 1. Dimensions in millimetre. and (inches). 2.· All untoleranced dimensions are "for reference only. 3. Redundant anode •. 4. Unused dp position. 5. See Internal Circuit Diagram. 6. Redundant cathodes. Internal Circuit Diagram 18 4 A B C o E Absolute Maximum Ratings Average Power Dissipation per Segment or DP (TA= 50· C)[11 ••...••.•.•••..••..••....•.•.....•....•.•...•• , 100mW Operating Temperature Range •••.•••.••.•••••••.•••••.•.••..••••••••.•••..••...••...•...•••••. -20·C to +85· C Storage Temperature Range ••••••.••.••...••••••••••••.•.••..••••.••••.••.••.••••••. ,......... -20·Cto+85·C Peak Forward Current per Segment or DP (TA = 50·C, Pulse Width = 1.2ms)12) ..•••..••.•••...••.•••..••..••. 200mA DCForwardCurrentperSegmentorDP(TA=50·C)[1!. ..................................................... SOmA Reverse Voltage per Segment or DP •••.•.•••••••••••••.••••.••••..••..•••.••....••.•••.....•••..•..••••..•• 6.0V Lead Soldering Temperature (1.6mm [1/16 Inch) Below Seating Plane) ..•••...•.. , ..•••.......••. 260·C for 3 sec. Notes: 1. Derate maximum DC current above TA = SO·C at 1mAloC per segment, see Figure 2. 2. See Figure 1 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 205 Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA=25°C Description Max. Symbol Te.t Condition MIn. Typ. LuminoUS Intensity/Segment =100·C. 1I 200 2.4 180 2.2 1= 0: 0: 140 wE 1.6 " 120 .,>- 1.4 ;: 100 00 2w 1.2 =>~ 1.0 w" 0.8 ~ => . 0 0: 80 "~ 60 I ... ~ ~~ =>" ~~ Ir'" ~ ~< ~" >'" -0 I I . 'r 2.0 160 1.8 ~g 0." 40 20 '" 0." ! : I 1.2 1." 1.6 1.8 2.0 V I / /, I : . V /i I / L J I / 0.2 o VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V I I V ! I VI I I o 1.0 I 10 20 30 40 50 60 IF - SEGMENT DC CURRENT - rnA Figure 4. Peak Forward Segment Current VB. Peak Forward Voltage. Figure 5. Relallve Luminoul Intenlily VI. DC Forward Currant. f For a Detailed Explanation on the Use of Data Sheet Information and Recommended Soldering Procedures, See Application Note 1005, Page 464. 207 TECHNICAl. DATA MARCH 1980 Features • ULTRA LOW POWER Excellent Readability at Only 500 IJA Average per Segment • CONSTRUCTED FOR STROBED OPERATION Minimizes Lead Connections • STANDARD DIP PACKAGE End Stackable Integral Red Contrast Filter Rugged Construction • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY Assures Uniformity of Light Output from Unit to Unit within a Single Category • IC COMPATIBLE Description The HP 5082-7400 series are 2.79mm (.11"), seven segment GaAsP numeric indicators packaged in 3, 4, and 5 digit end-stackable clusters. An integral magnification technique increases the luminous intensity, thereby making ultra-low power consumption possible. Options include either the standard lower right hand decimal'J>Oint or a centered decimal point for increased regibility in multi-cluster applications. Applications include hand-held calculators, portable instruments, digital thermometers, or any other product requiring low power, low cost, minimum space, and long lifetime indicators. Device Selection Guide Part Number Digits,';;';' Cluster ,,' , ~I!,eftl : 4 208 Center Decimal Point Right Decimal Point 5082·7402 5082-7412 ,5082-7403 5082·7413 5082·7404 5082-7414 5082·7405 5082-7415 Absolute Maximum Ratings •...... y;.~ Symbol . t.~)!~rd Current per Segment (Duration Min. Max• Units 110 mA .5 mA tro mW 75 oc 100 °C 5 V < 1 msec) . [- ~ .. NOTES: 1. At 25°C; derate 1 mWfC above 25°C ambient. 2. See Mechanical Section for recommended flux removal solvents. Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA = 25°C Min;· M.ax. Typ. . Units I.I\VG'" tmA . Iv (lp!( .. 10.mA duty eycl&= 10%) 5 20 .655 XPEAK VF-. ~\.;.~ CUrrent/Segment or dp nm 1.6 IF=10mA ~"'5V IR t" Sled 2.0 V 100 SlA 10 t1 os NOTES: 3. The digits are categorized for luminous intensity. Intensity categories are designated by a letter located on the back side of the package. 4. Operation at Peak Currents less than 5mA is not recommended. 5. Time for a 10%-90% change of light intensity for step change in current. 6%/ 10%v. /// ~ 20% /// .. riuTv· CVCLE • h {/ vW /1/ f 0~-.4~-.~B~'~2~'~6~2~.0~2~4~2~.B-732· Forward Voltage. ..... ~~ in 1E I~ z :E :::> -' ~ STORAGE AND OPERATING b= 1. 0 1.6 I , 1.4 ! I ~ 1.0 .B '""4 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 TC - CASE TEMPERATURE - - 1.2 I I I .6 a: 2.0 4.0 1.B Ho-! . RANGE '~ "':::>o 0.6 0.8 1.0 6.0 Figure 2. Typical Time Averaged Luminous Intensity per Sagment (Digit Average) vs. A_age Current per Segment. Figura 1. Forward Current vs. 5. 0 0.4 I.... - AVERAGE CURRENT PER SEGMENT - rnA VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V > I- ~ ~ ~V 1 I I I V ~ k::'::: r-- -- .4 .2 60 20 BO °c 40 80 100 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER SEGMENT - mA Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Case Temperature at Fixed Current Level. Figure 4. Relative Luminous Efficiency Peak Current per Segment. 209 VI. package Description NOTES: 1. Dimensions in millimeters and (inches). 2. Tolerances on all dimensions are ±O.038mm (±.015 in.) unless otherwise noted. 1 1... 1.27,0.13 I - (.050, .005) 12 1.90 ±O.13l 1.075' .005) --r-~~~~~ (~2:: ~O~~)P"'-"r""·.".4"'4""·1' ~--~~~~~~~~ 1 1537 1+--1.605)}~EF I ~~J5= 4.83 r' 1.190) ~ l n. ,,: ,," '" MAX 1070) 051 _ II (.020)--, r- ~ TYP ~ 4.43'0.51 2.54 1.175' .020) 1.100) TYP. Figura 5. 5082-7402/-7403/-7404/ -7412/-7413/-7414 Figure 6. 5082-7405n415 Magnified Character Font Description DIMENSIONS INMILI.lMETERS AND IINCHES!. ~57~~.~21. D.EVICES 2.7!l4 1.111 5082-7402 5082-7403 5082-7404 5082-7405. REF. dp.~8 d Figure 7; Center Decimal Poiltt ConfiQu;.tion. Device Pin Description PIN NO. 1 5082-7402n412 FUNCTION SEE NOTE 1.. 2 ANODEe 3 . ANODEc 4 CATHODE 3 5 ANODE dp 6 CATHODE 7 ANODEg 8 9 ANODEd 10 . 5082-7403n413 . FUNCTION ANODEe 4 ANODEf CATHODE 2 . 11 ANODEb 12 ANODE a 13 14 NOTE 1. Leave Pin unconnected 210 All Devices Electrical/Optical r l" construction allows use of standard DIP insertion tools and techniques. Alignment problems are simplified due to the clustering of digits in a single package. The shoulders of the lead frame pins are intentionally raised above the bottom of the package to allow tilt mounting of up to 20· from the PC board. The 5082-7400/-7410 series devices utilize a monolithic GaAsP chip of 8 common cathode segments for each display digit. The segment anodes of each digit are interconnected, forming an 8 by N line array, where N is the number of characters in the display. Each chip is positioned under an integrally molded lens giving a magnified character height of 2.79mm (0.11) inches. Satisfactory viewing will be realized within an angle of approximately ±30· from the center-line of the digit. To improve display contrast, the plastic incorporates a red dye that absorbs strongly at all visible wavelengths except the 655 nm emitted by the LED. In addition, the lead frames are selectively darkened to reduce reflectance. An additional filter, such as Plexiglass 2423, Panelgraphic 60 or 63, and SGL Homalite 100-1605, will further lower the ambient reflectance and improve display contrast. The decimal point in the 7412, 7413, 7414, and 7415 displays is located at the lower right of the digit for conventional driving schemes. To optimize device optical performance, specially developed plastics are used which restrict the solvents that may be used for cleaning. It is recommended that only mixtures of Freon (F113) and alcohol be used for vapor cleaning processes, with an immersion time in the vapors of less than two (2) minutes maximum. Some suggested vapor cleaning solvents are Freon TE, Genesolv DI-15 or DE-15, Arklone A or K. A 60·C (140·C) water cleaning process may also be used, which includes a neutralizer rinse (3% ammonia solution or equivalent), a surfactant rinse (1% detergent solution or equivalent), a hot water rinse and a thorough air dry. Room temperature cleaning may be accomplished with Freon T-E35 orT -P35, Ethanol, Isopropanol or water with a mild detergent. The 7402, 7403, 7404 and 7405 displays contain a centrally located decimal point which is activated in place of a digit. In long registers, this technique of setting off the decimal point significantly improves the display's readability. With respect totiming, the decimal point is treated as a separate character with its own unique time frame. Mechanical The 5082-7400 series package is a standard 12 or 14 Pin DIP consisting of a plastic encapsulated lead frame with integral molded lenses. It is designed for plugging into DIP sockets or soldering into PC boards. The lead frame 211 Flin- SOLID STATE NUMERIC INDICATOR (7 segment Monolithic) HEWLETT ~a PACKARD 5082-7430 SERIES TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • MOS COMPATIBLE Can be Driven Directly from many MOS Circuits • LOW POWER Excellent Readability at Only 250 itA Average per Segment • CONSTRUCTED FOR STROBED OPERATION Minimizes Lead Connections • STANDARD DIP PACKAGE End Stackable Integral Red Contrast Filter Rugged Construction • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY Assures Uniformity of Light Output from Unit 10 Unit within a Single Category Description The HP 5082-7430 series displays are 2.79mm (.11 inch, seven segment GaAsP numeric indicators packaged in 2 or 3 digit end-stackable clusters on 200 mil centers. An integral magnification technique increases the luminous intensity, thereby making ultra-low power consumption possible. These clusters have the standard lower right hand decimal points. Applications include hand-held calculators, portable instruments, digital thermometers, or any other product requiring low power, low cost, minimum space, and long lifetime indicators. Device Selection Guide Digits per Cluster Configuration Part Number Device Package 2(righd I lalal (Figure 5) 5082-7432 3 lalalal (Figure 5) 5082·7433 212 Absolute Maximum Ratings ,SymbOl Parameter r ,Min. Max. ' Peak Forward Current per Segment Or dJ), (D,!rlltion <~~r -40 Storage Temperature .~' ReverseVoltage NOTES: 1. Derate linearly@ 1 rrNVfc above 25°C ambient. mA mA·· 75 "".,~." POwlw' Dissipation !lei' Digit {U Operating Temperature, Ambient Unlt$ 50 ',5 100 "C 5 v 2. See Mechanical section for recommended flux removal solvents. Electrical/optical Characteristics at TA =25°C Parameter . Luminous IntensitylSegll'l$flt or dp[3Al symbOL, .' ;T~.~tiOn " ··.IV .- <,,: -':'lAVG .. 5Oi\IA ' Min. Typ, 10 40 "UPK,,:5mA . &ity cycle" 10%) Peak Wavelength 'ApEAK Forward Voltage/Segment or dp ,VF' Reverse CurrentlSegment or dp Rise and Fall Time [5) ~, ,Max, , JACd . 655 1.55 IF=5mA VR =5V Units nm 2.0 V 100 vA 10 n$' t r • t1 NOTES: 3. The digits are categorized for luminous intensity. Intensity categories are desi~nated by a letter located on the back side of the package. 4. Operation at Peak Currents less than 3.5mA is not recommended. 5. Time for a 10%-90% change of light in· tensity for step change in current. .. 50 E I- 40 ~ a: a: 3S "ca: 30 :::> { 'B " 4S ";;:a: 2S 12 20 "~ 1S I I I2 cWW "':; "", a: w 1000 500 400 , OUTV eycLe • 5% ~ 300 ,,;~ w" 200 >"' "w w> 100 . !!il- ~~ 1-0; -,2 "W ul- i:~ > .. 1-:::> 10 z !! 1I .2 .4 .6 .8 20 :::> ...I /. q I .~ ~ 10 0.1 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 v,: - PEAK FORWARD VOLTAGE - v Figure 1. Peak Forward Current VI. Peak Forward Voltage I ',/ C I :J. 50 40 30 ~/ 0.2 0.3 1/ /" 0.5 2 1.0 10 3 IAVG - AVERAGE CURRENT PER SEGMENT - rnA Figure 2. Typical Time Averaged Luminous Intensity per Segment vs. A_ege Current per Segment 10 1.4 >u > I- 0; ~~ ~ . I- ~ :::> 0 z ~ :3 w > ;:: "u:la: o.S 0.4 0.3 / !1 ...... .. I !! iJ. 2 w "",. , w -20 20 40 .. 1.0 :::> 0 .8 ill'!!.. :::> .6 ...I w > ;:: « ...I w a: -40 V 2 0.2 0.1 -60 1.2 60 ~ . .4 .2 10 80 °c Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity VI. Ambient Temperature at Fixed Current Level 20 30 40 50 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER SEGMENT - rnA TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - Figure 4. Relative Luminous Efficiency vs. Peak Current per Segment 213 package Description 5.0~~:00) 1---1 , , NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS IN MilLIMETERS AND (INCHES). 2. TOLERANCES ON ALL DIMENSIONS ARE 0.038 ± (.015) UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. I--+-___ 1.40 J I 1.0~5) PIN 1 KEY 1.22'.178 10.48' .007) 7.621.3 MAX. (.300 2.03 (,080) ~ 1.78 --.--F(.070) 6.60 (.260) MAX. W I 1 L:, 15.37 (,605) ~I -t-: f 'j 1"- , , ~ -i I 4.06 1.160) ~~ING PLANE 1 432.051 '(,170;.020) ---.T I ---.. -i-2.54 1.100) 1.27 (.050) .510 ±.125 (.020 ± .005) REF. Figure 5. Magnified Character Font Description DEVICES 5082-7432 5082·7433 DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS AND (INCHES). Figure 6. Device Pin Description PIN NUMBER 5082-7432 5082-7433 FUNCTION FUNCTION 1 SEE NOTE l. CATHODE 1 2 ANODEe ANODEe 3 ANODEd ANODEd 4 CATHODE 2 CATHODE 2 5 ANODEc ANODEc 6 ANODEdp ANODEdp 7 CATHODE 3 CATHODE 3. 8 ANODEb ANODEb 9 ANODEg ANODEg 10 ANODE a ANODE a 11 ANODEf ANODEf 12 SEE NOTE 1. SEe NOTE 1. NOTE 1. Leave Pin unconnected. 214 ~ .010) - - I Electrical/Optical Mechanical The 5082-7430 series devices utilize a monolithic GaAsP chip of 8 common cathode segments for each display digit. The segment anodes of each digit are interconnected, forming an 8 by N line array, where N is the number of characters in the display. Each chip is positioned under an integrally molded lens giving a magnified character height of 2.79mm (0.11) inches. Satisfactory viewing will be realized within an angle of approximately ±20o from the center-line of the digit. The 5082-7430 series package is a standard 12 Pin DIP conSisting of a plastic encapsulated lead frame with integral molded lenses. It is designed for plugging into DIP sockets or soldering into PC boards. The lead frame construction allows use of standard DIP insertion tools and techniques. Alignment problems are simplified due to the clustering of digits in a single package. To optimize device optical performance, specially developed plastics are used which restrict the solvents that may be used for cleaning. It is recommended that only mixtures of Freon (F113) and alcohol be used for vapor cleaning processes, with an immersion time in the vapors of less than two (2) minutes maximum. Some suggested vapor cleaning solvents are Freon TE, Genesolv DI-15 or DE-15, Arklone A or K. A SO°C (140°C) water cleaning process may also be used, which includes a neutralizer rinse (3% ammonia solution or equivalent), a surfactant rinse (1% detergent solution or equivalent), a hot water rinse and a thorough air dry. Room temperature cleaning may be accomplished with Freon T -E35 or T -P35, Ethanol, Isopropanol or water with a mild detergent. To improve display contrast, the plastic encapsulant contains a red dye to reduce the reflected ambient light. An additional filter, such as Plexiglass 2423, Panelgraphic 60 or 63, and SGL Homalite 100-1605, will further lower the ambient reflectance and improve display contrast. Character encoding on the 5082-7430 series devices is performed by standard 7 segmentdecoder/drivercircuits. Through the use of strobing techniques only one decoder/driver is required for very long multidigit displays. ( Figure 7. Block Diagram for Calculator Display 215 TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • MOS COMPATIBLE Can be driven directly from MOS circuits. • LOW POWER Excellent readability at only 250IJA average per segment. • UNIFORM ALIGNMENT Excellent alignment is assured by design. • MATCHED BRIGHTNESS Uniformity of light output from digit to digit on a single PC Board. • AVAILABLE IN 50.8mm (2.0 Inch) AND 60.325mm (2.375 Inch) BOARD LENGTHS Description The HP 5082-7440 series displays are 2.67mm (.105") high, seven segment GaAsP Numeric Indicators mounted in an eight or nine digit configuration on a P.C. Board. These speCial parts, designed specifically for calculators, have right hand decimal pOints and are mounted on 5.0Bmm (200 mil) centers. The plastic lens magnifies the digits and includes an integral protective bezel. Applications are primarily portable, hand-held calculators and other products requiring low power, low cost and long lifetime indicators which occupy a minimum of space. Device Selection Guide Digits Configuration , Per " PC Board Part No. Package 5082·7440 (Figure 51 5082·7448 5082-7441 (Figure 5) 5082·7449 216 Absolute Maximum Ratings ..•.. Parameter Peak Forward Current per Segment or dp (DuratiOn < 500~sl Average Current per Segment or dp[1 J Power Dissipation per Digit .. Operating Temperature, Ambient -~" SVnmol Min. ' . .. J~aAK.. ..... .... Ts Reverse Voltage VA 3 mA 50 mW -20 TA Storage Temperature Units mA . .. Po : .. Max. 50 ..... ....·I.,v~ ............... . ... ' ~20 Solder Temperature at connector edge (t"';;3 sec.) [2) NOTES: 1. Derate linearly @ 0.1 mAtC above 60°C ambient. +85 "c +85 ¢C 5 V 230 "c 2. See Mechanical section for recommended soldering techniques and flux removal solvents. Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =25°C Parameter luminous Intensity/Segment or dp[3,4] Symbol Iv Peak Wavelength Apeak Forward Voltage/Segment or dp VF TestCondi.tlon Min. Typ. lAva = 500llA (lpK = 5mA duty cycle'" 10",{,) 9 40 J,lcd 655 nm 1.55 V IF : SmA Max. NOTES: 3. See Figure 7 for test circuit. 4. Operation at Peak Currents of less than 3.5mA is not recommended. , 50 '" E 45 I- 40 iE a: 35 a: ::> "a: ;: 'a:" 30 ~ 20 '" ~ 15 ~ ~ 400,,", 500r:~~+=:t~:t~:t~~~~~ ...L' II" ~ffi ~~ 300 OUTY CY.C.:L.E •.6'l_'~"~' ~vl/ 200 >a: "'::' ~~ 25 ~~ u~ I o o .2 .4 .6 .8 ~ 20 0.1 ;;; > ~ cr. ~ 1 0.5 " ........ U 1.2 ~ '"::> 1.0 Z .8 Cl ;;; ---- ~ IiIh. ::> ..J w > ;:: .6 'ula:" ." .2 0.3 0.2 -60 >- 1.4 "iE 0.4 o. 1 0.5 2 1.0 3 10 1.6 '3 w 0.2 0.3 Figure 2. Typical Time Averaged Luminous Intensity per Segment vs. A verage Current per Segment >I- l! V,V/ / 'AVG - AVERAGE CURRENT PER SEGMENT - rnA 10 ~ ~ry ~ ,oh~ ,V '/ 1:0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 Figure 1. Peak Forward Current vs. Peak Forward Voltage ~ f--f-+--+--nq..-A:'--i--t---i sor:~~f;~~~t::t~~4=~~ t1/. 430 0 VF - PEAK FORWARD VOLTAGE - v iE I- 100 ii: ~ ~~ 10 ~ ;; r:--.-.----r---r--..-,-,..-.., @~ Cl ( 1000 -40 -20 20 40 60 ...... l- V J I II 5 80 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - °c 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER SEGMENT - rnA Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Ambient Temperature at" Fixed Current Level Figure 4. Relative Luminous Efficiency vs. Peak Current per Seg ment 217 Units package Description Figure 5. Magnified Character Font Description :,'OeVICES, " . ,'f;0s2-7440 ,. ,!i082·744t .. "6082-7448 " ' :~~~~~0;;:<~!Ji~"·:,;,:, ))im, B' ~;,~l..o5&~.2bfiO) ~O.7~{.~) ,5,b8(~2.00} , .:_2-7449 --: -",', ,~ , "~;.' ~ ,-,; 'Dim;C \ .' Tolerances: ±.381 (.015) Table 1. Figure 6. Device Pin Description ,p'j~ :'",~.' ,1': ' 2 , 3,: 5' , ,'6': ' ,t~, ;;8" 218 Electrical/Optical The HP 5082-7440 series devices utilize a monolithic GaAsP chip containing 7 segments and a decimal point for each display digit. The segments of each digit are interconnected, forming an 8 by N line array, where N is the number of characters in the display. Each chip is positioned under a separate element of a plastic magnifying lens, producing a magnified character height of 0.105" (2,67mm). Satisfactory viewing will be realized within an angle of approximately ±20° from the centerline of the digit. The secondary lens magnifier that will increase character height from :;:.67mm (0.105") to 3.33mm (0.131 ") and reduce viewing angle in the vertical plane only from ±20° to approximately ±18° is available as a special product. A filter, such as Plexiglass 2423, Panelgraphic 60 or 63, and Homalite 1001600, will lower ambient reflectance and improve display contrast. Character encoding of the -7440 series devices is performed by standard 7 segment decoder driver circuits. through holes at the connector edge of the board or by insertion into a standard PC board connector. The devices may be soldered for up to 3 seconds per tab at a maximum solderihg temperature of 230°C. Heat should be applied only to the edge connector tab areas of the PC board. Heating other areas of the board to temperatures in excess of 85°C can result in permanent damage to the display. It is recommended that a rosin core wire solder or a low temperature deactivating flux and solid core wire solder be used in soldering operations. Special Cleaning Instructions For bulk cleaning after a hand solder operation, the following process is recommended: Wash display in clean liquid Freon TP-35 or Freon TE-35 solvent for a time period up to 2 minutes maximum. Air dry for a sufficient length of time to allow solvent to evaporate from beneath display lens. Maintain solvent temperature below 30°C (86°F). Methanol, isopropanol, or ethanol may be used for hand cleaning at room temperature. Water may be used for hand cleaning if it is not permitted to collect under display lens. The 5082-7440 series devices are tested for digit to digit luminous intensity matching using the circuit depicted in Figure 7. Component values are chosen to give an IF of 5mA per segment at a segment V F of 1.55 volts. Th is test method is preferred in order to provide the best possible simulation of the end product drive circuit, thereby insuring excellent digit to digit matching. If the device is to be driven from Vee potentials of less than 3.5 volts, it is recommended that the factory be contacted. Mechanical The 5082-7440 series devices are constructed on a standard printed circuit board substrate. A separately molded plastic lens containing 9 individual magnifying elements is attached to the PC board over the digits. The device may be mounted' either by use of pins which may be soldered into the plate Solvent vapor cleaning at elevated temperatures is not recommended as such processes will damage display lens. Ketones, esters, aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents will also damage display lens. Alcohol base active rosin flux mixtures should be prevented from coming in contact with display lens. These devices are constructed on a silver plated printed circuit board. To prevent the formation of a tarnish (AQ2S) which could impair solderability, the boards should be stored in the unopened shipping packages until they are used. Further information on the storage, handling and cleaning of silver-plated components is contained in Hewlett-Packard Application Bulletin No.3. f Figure 7. Circuit Diagram used for Testing the Luminous Intensity of the HP 5082-7440 219 .', r/in- HEWLETT ~I:. PACKARD SPECIAL PARTS FOR SCIENTIFIC AND BUSINESS CALCULATORS TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • 12, 14, AND 16 DIGIT CONFIGURATIONS • MOS COMPATIBLE Can be driven directly from most MOS circuits. • LOW POWER Excellent readability at only 250JlA average per segment. • UNIFORM ALIGNMENT Excellent Alignment is assured by design. • MATCHED BRIGHTNESS Uniformity of light output from digit to digit on a single PC board. Description The HP 5082-7442, 7444, 7446, and 7447 are seven segment GaAsP Numeric indicators mounted in 12, 14, or 16 digit configurations on a P,C. board. These special parts, designed specifically for scientific and business calculators, have right hand decimal points and are mounted on 175 mil (4.45mm) centers in the 12 digit configurations and 150 mil (3.81 mm) centers in the 14 and 16 digit configurations. The plastic lens magnifies the digits and includes an integral protective bezel. Applications are primarily portable, hand held calculators, digital telephone peripherals, data entry terminals and other products requiring low power, low cost, and long lifetime indicators which occupy a minimum of space. Device Selection Guide Digits Per PC Board 12 Configuration 2.54 Eit=' n D. n D. n D. n D. n D. n Cl. n r' n D. n _1• ..:.1. CI. =1. D. 8 2.92 (.115) P Figure 4 J' P C' f3 D n r' CJ ,--/ n n n n n n L .CJ. D. =1. =1. D. D. D. Ct. D.O. Ct. Ct. 2.84 (.112) 16 , C/CI D Lt. CI Lt. Cl '-. Lt. D Lt. CI Lt. Cl _I. Lt. CI L. CJ _I. Lt. D '.CJ. Lt. 2.54 (.100) 14 Package, 'NO." DEVICE (.100) 14 Part' Digit Height mm (inches) B P C'=1. ClC/D D D DD CI CI D D CI DD C • Lt. '- • Lt. _I. Lt. Lt. Lt. Lt. Lt. Lt. Lt. Lt. Lt. Lt. CJ. '5082-7447 is a 5082-7444 with a slide-in cylindrical lens to provide added magnification. 220 Figure 5 5082~!' 74~ anct: ,7445 7444 ;'; Figure 5 .7447 .,' Figure 6, :',,' 7446 ' , Maximum Ratings Parameter ( Storage Temperature Reverse Voltage Solder Temperature at connectoredge(t "'3,SeC:) NOTES: 1. Derate linearly at O.1mAfOC above 600C ambient. 2. See Mechanical section for recommended soldering techniques and flux removal solvents. Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA=25°C Part No. Parameter 744217445 Luminous Intensityl Segment or dp(ll' (Digit Average) 744417447 7446 Peak Wavelength 7442/7445 7444/7447 7446 NOTE: Forward Voltagel Segment or dp 3. Operation at Peak Currents of less than 3.5mA is not recommended. 50 E " 45 I- 40 ~ ~ 35 u 30 :0 > Iin ~ I- ~ I 0 a: ( "a:f2" 25 '"~ 15 I -..,...-,. 20 ==.... - o :3 w ~ a: J o Z ;; > 10 :t '"o :0 .I .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 VF - PEAK FORWARD VOLTAGE - Figure 1. Peak Forward Current vs. Peak Forward Voltage v T A - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - °c Figure 2. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Ambient Temperature at Fixed Current Level. IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER SEGMENT - rnA Figure 3. Relative Luminous Efficiency vs. Peak Current per Segment. Electrical/Optical The HP 5082-7442, 7444, 744S, 7446 and 7447 devices utilize a monolithic GaAsP chip containing 7 segments and a decimal point for each display digit. The segments of each digit are interconnected, forming an 8 by N line array, where N is the number of digits in the display. Each chip is positioned under a separate element of a plastic magnifying lens, producing a magnified character. Satisfactory viewing will be realized within an angle of approximately ±20o from the centerline of the digit. A filter, such as plexiglass 2423, Panelgraphic 60 or 63, and Homalite 100-1600, will lower the ambient reflectance and improve display contrast. Digit encoding of these devices is performed by standard 7 segment decoder driver circuits. These devices are tested for digit-to-digit luminous intensity matching. This test is performed with a power supply of 5V and component values selected to supply SmA IPEAK at VF = 1.SSV. If the device is to be driven from Vee potentials of less than 3.Svolts, it is recommended that the factory be contacted. 221 Mechanical Specifications Special Cleaning Instructions The 5082-7442, 7444, 7445, 7446, and 7447 devices are constructed on a silver plated printed circuit board substrate. A molded plastic lens array is attached to the PC board over the digits to provide magnification. For bulk cleaning after a hand solder operation, the following process is recommended. Wash display in clean liquid Freon TP - 35 or Freon TE - 35 solvent for a time period up to 2 minutes maximum. Air dry for a sufficient length of time to allow solvent to evaporate from beneath display lens. Maintain solvent temperature below 300 C (86° F). Methanol, isopropanol, or ethanol may be used for cleaning at room temperature. Soap and water solutions may be utilized for removing water-soluble fluxes from the contact area but must not be allowed to collect underthe display lens. These devices may be mounted using anyone of several different techniques. The most straightforward is the use of standard PC board edge connectors. A less expensive approach can be implemented through the use of stamped or .etched metal mounting clips such as those available from Burndy (Series LED-B) or JAV Manufacturing (Series 022-002). Some of these devices will also serve as an integral display support. A third approach would be the use of a row of wire stakes which would first be soldered to the PC mother-board and the display board then inserted over the wire stakes and soldered in place. Solvent vapor cleaning at elevated temperatures is not recommended as such processes will damage display lens. Ketones, esters, aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents will also damage display lens. Alcohol base active rosin flux mixtures should be prevented from coming in contact with display lens. The devices may be soldered for up to 3 seconds per tab at a maximum soldering temperature of 230°C. Heat should be applied only to the edge connector tab areas of the PC board. Heating other areas of the board to temperatures in excess of 85°C can result in permanent damage to the lens. It is recommended that a rosin core wire solder or a low temperature deactivating flux and solid core wire solder be used in soldering operations. A solder containing approximately 2% silver (Sn 62) will enhance solderability by preventing leaching of the plated silver off the PC board into the solder solution. These devices are constructed on a silver plated printed circuit board. To prevent the formation of a tarnish (Ag,S) which could impair solderability, the boards should be stored in the unopened shipping packages until they are used. Further information on the storage, handling and cleaning of silver-plated components is contained in Hewlett-Packard Application Bulletin No.3. Device Pin Description 5082·7442 5082·7444 Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 5/)82~7447 Fun~ion . Cathode-DlgR 1,,)AriO(j!7S.~~Al~~r:!l' ';lil~~:m~~~~(' :CA ~:toh:d0~·s;e~. Dgil:mg li,e·t:.n 5It ·.~A :.O~_·. :~"e.·d · .·; ~ ·. ~p ~.': r;~~~~=;f,J:t;~l:; calh~..Oi~t'~d"'~~;.~-"u •·.•:.·,•;.•'·.: ~A.~:on~1. ~.:~m·~nt~.~·a~.i.•,.-•,·~:•.·.~,.;:.• 'a'. ;i.·;•'. ·.: ·.•: •.• nn.•.••n.:•n. . :..•.. •.•.•.•... [.eg . •. ·.s·.t ·. .·.•·... :".'.rne,··.· .•• .•,•. s ...·•. .•.•·.... ·.:.•."._·.;;· .•·.·.•.•. .•..·..• :De: .• .• •. . •. •.'.:. . •."•.•,.• . . •.•.•'. ..;. .:..;.,.•. .;. . . . ·t ... ... ' ·.•.. i .• ·.•... .•. · • .•... Anode-Segmente '· •.. 'Cat~6{git.2;· Cathode-Digit 7 .,Cathode:.Q1gf~".t·) • "." . Anode-Segment d ' . 'C;attlod~Di91t{.~).·' ", Cathode-Digit 8 : Cl;\thod~Digl~5 :.~;.:: Anode-Segmentg:Cath()dEt[)igit-l2>" Cathode-Digit 9 .. yath~Dig1t6.';'· Anode-Segmentb .. c.athod.:Dfglt 11" . Cathode~Digit1 0 .' ·.:·cath~~wDigJt1iJ·: ~f Anode-8egment :~.b.at.~()d~Digi~;O·,:i· CathodewDigit 11 Cat,h.o~e~Qiglt.~';,c; '.." ':1:.'.:.. .. .•.• """"'" .••.• . ,,' . f ~::~~::~:~:i ~;: C~thOd~D~i~r:~X;.~C~~h~ie:Oi9itJ~, . "i; CathodewD i g i t 1 4 ' / ; ..• ' 23 24 ·i,(·.' 222 'S.Oatno(j..:'Digit14 c.::, .;rjB:::6i~:;j:··' package Dimensions -==1 1-----56.812:~-) 4.5 (.175) (11 PlCSEQLSP. NON-ACCUM TOLERANCES) 1.9 (.075) j "::~:~:~~L~)~ 1.160:t .005) ~IAMETEA r PROTECTIVE BEZEL THROUGH 20 PLACES ;,13 (.005) Figure 4. 60.3 (2.375) 1-~~~~~~~~~-56.8 _~~~~~~~~~~'I 12.235)- 3.8 (.150) (13 PlCS EQL SPC. I ~...~~~~+-~ NON·ACCUM. TOLERANCES) 1.02± .13 (.040 ± .005) 4.72 ± .13 (.186 ± .005) 50827444 50827447 Figure 5. t--~~~~~~~~~~- 1~9.;~: °O~~)~~~~~~~~~~~~~--+I [ (.248±.015) ~6'30'0'3B - r t--~~~~~~~~~- I~.~: ~~~) ~~~~~~~~~~~~- 11 l ~ ,~., __ 5.64 (.2221 1.SS± .25 13.34 ± 0.38 t 11.18 1.440) ~~:'-':"-':~~~~~~~~~-~- 1.021.040IOIA PLATED THRU 24 HOLES 1. 525 l'oI5) I ~1.'B6' 4.061.160) 4.72 ± 0.38 Figure 6. DEVICE 5082·7442 2:54 1.100) 5082·7445 .-5082·1447 y 1.42 (.056) 1.40 (.100) 508z.?444 5062·7446 X 2.54 (.065) 2.54 1.42 (.I00r (.()56) 2.92 !.40 (.115) f~ 2.84 (.112) 223 tAO (.()55) NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES AND (INCHES). 2. TOLERANCES ON ALL DIMENSIONS ARE :to.3S (.0,.5) UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. .015) :~r,;;~:,':,::L'" ,\'<' ~', '-' 10:'<~:·'~~',::,\< ..;~:\ ~",t~ ~ji.,.TS ">: .:.~~"',.:.,: :,', >');:,':,,:;' , '(hpj HEWLETT PACKARD ;g~'~Al~AmRS .. ·5082-1240 SERIES TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • MOS COMPATIBLE Can be driven directly from MOS circuits. • LOW POWER Excellent readability at only 250IJA average per segment. • UNIFORM ALIGNMENT Excellent alignment is assured by design. • MATCHED BRIGHTNESS Uniformity of light output from digit to digit on a single PC Board. • STATE OF THE ART LENS DESIGN Assures the best possible character height, viewing angle, off-axis distortion tradeoff. Description The HP 5082-7240 series displays are 2.59mm (.102") high, seven segment GaAsP Numeric Indicators mounted in an eight or nine digit configuration on a P. C. Board. These special parts, designed specifically for calculators, have right hand decimal points and are mounted on 5.08mm (200 mil) centers. The plastic lens over the digits has a magnifier and a protective bezel built-in. A secondary magnifying lens, available on special request, can be added to the primary lens for additional character enlargement. Applications are primarily portable, hand-held calculators and other products requiring low power, low cost and long lifetime indicators which occupy a minimum of space. Device Selection Guide Oigits Per PC Board Configu~ation Part No. Package Oevice " ••• 8 B. B. B. E1.E1.8jB. B. .. B. B. B. B. B. B. B.B. B. 5082·7240 {Figure 51 5082·7241 .. '.' 9 (Figure 5) . 224 Absolute Maximum Ratings .. ~ Max. . . Min• . I,;,vt ...... . ··3'··· l Units . .. fZ ...." t;; zw 5 4 3 t~ U) :> 1.6 -- .... a z iii: :> ..J w > ;:: '" ..J w 1.0 :> .8 c z iii: ..J w > ~ / - . / f.- V 1 [' .6 ..J w 0.2 ;~ '.' NOTE 4: Leave pin 1 unconnected on the 5082-7240. 226 Electrical/Optical ,.. The HP 5082- 7240 series devices utilize a monolithic GaAsP chip containing 7 segments and a decimal point for each display digit. The segments of each digit are inter· connected, forming an 8 by N line array, where N is the number of characters in the display. Each chip is positioned under a separate element of a plastic magnifying lens, producing a magnified character height of 2.59mm (0.102"). Satisfactory viewing will be realized within an angle of approximately ±20° from the centerline of the digit. A secondary lens magnifier that will increase character height from 2.59mm (.102") to 3.56mm (.140") is available as a special product. Character encoding of the 7240 series devices is per· formed by standard 7 segment decoder driver circuits. mounted either by use of pins which may be soldered into the plate through holes at the connector edge of the board or by insertion into a standard PC board connector. The devices may be soldered for up to 3 seconds per tab at a maximum soldering temperature of 230°C. Heat should be applied only to the edge connector tab areas of the PC board. Heating other areas of the board to temperatures in excess of 85°C can result in permanent damage to the display. It is recommended that a rosin core wire solder or a low temperature deactivating flux and solid core wire solder be used in soldering operations. Special Cleaning Instructions The 5082-7240 series devices are tested for digit to digit luminous intensity matching using the circuit depicted in Figure 7. Component values are chosen to give an I F of 5mA per segment at a segment VF of 1.6 volts. This test method is preferred in order to provide the best possible simulation of the end product drive circuit, thereby in· suring excellent digit to digit matching. If the device is to be driven from Vee potentials of less than 3.5 volts, it is recommended that the factory be contacted. For bulk cleaning after a hand solder operation, the following process is recommended: Wash display in clean liquid Freon TP-35 or Freon TE-35 solvent for a time period up to 2 minutes maximum. Air dry for a sufficient length of time to allow solvent to evaporate from beneath display lens. Maintain solvent temperature below 30°C (86°F). Methanol, isopropanol, or ethanol may be used for hand cleaning at room temperature. Water may be used for hand cleaning if it is not permitted to collect under display lens. Mechanical Solvent vapor cleaning at elevated temperatures is not recommended as such processes will damage display lens. Ketones, esters, aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents will also damage display lens. Alcohol base active rosin flux mixtures should be prevented from coming in contact with display lens. The 5082-7240 series devices are constructed on a standard printed circuit board substrate. A separately molded plastic lens bar containing 9 individual magnifying elements is attached to the PC board over the digits. The device may be ( Circuit Diagram used for Testing the Luminous Intensity of the HP 5082·7240 227 . Fli;- . . ' . ~ . .LAROE MONOLITHIC NUMERIC INDICATORS HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD 5082-7265 5082-1275 5082-7285 5082-1295 TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • LARGE 4.4Smm (.17S") CHARACTER HEIGHT • LOW POWER Satisfactory Readability can be Achieved with Drive Currents as Low as 1.0-1.SmA Average per Segment Depending on Peak Current Levels • MOS COMPATIBLE Can be Driven Directly from MOS Circuits • COMPACT INFORMATION DISPLAY S.S4mm (.23") Digit Spacing Yields Over 4 Characters per Inch. • HIGH AMBIENT READABILITY High Sterance Emitting Areas Mean Excellent Readability in High Ambient Light Conditions Description The HP 5082-7265, 7275, 7285, and 7295 displays are 4.45 mm (.175") seven segment GaAsP numeric indicators mounted in 5 or 15 digit configurations on a PC Board. The monolithic light emitting diode character is magnified by the integral lens which increases both character size and luminous intensity, thereby making low power consumption possible. Options include both a right hand decimal point and centered decimal version for improved legibility. The digits are mounted on 5.84 mm (230 mil) centers. • HIGH LEGIBILITY AND NUMBER RECOGNITION High OnlOff Contrast and Fine Line Segments Improve Viewer Recognition of the Displayed Number • UNIFORM ALIGNMENT Excellent Alignment is Assured by Design • MATCHED BRIGHTNESS Provides Uniform Light Output from Digit to Digit on a Single PC Board These displays are attractive for applications such as digital instruments, desk top calculators, avionics and automobile displays, P.O.S. terminals, in-plant control equipment, and other products requiring low power, display compactness, readability in high ambients, or highly legible, long lifetime numerical displays. • EASY MOUNTING Flexible Mounting in Desired Position with Edge Connectors or Soldered Wires Device Selection Guide Digits Per PC Board 5 15 5 Configuration Device Package Character 7265 [ IEIIEI!ElIEI!I=I! I ICIILIILr!Llli~II' IIH\LIIClI,LrIH1HiFII,Crlnl I IElII3IE1IE1IE1I I (Figure 5) Center Decimal POint (Figure 7) (Figure 6) Center Decimal POint (Figure 7) 7275 (Figure 5) Right Decimal Point (Figure 7j 7285 1~1!~J!13i~Ii~IjEliEII~fiI31~/iBI~lfI~181~1l (Figure 6) Right Decimal POint (Figure 7) 7295 UUUUUClUUI_ILIU _I_IuD .. 15 Part No. 5082- 228 Absolute Maximum Ratings [ NOTES: 1. Derate linearly at 0.12 mArC above 25°C ambient. 2. Derate linearly at 2.3 mWr C above 25° C ambient. 3. See Mechanical section for recommended soldering techniques and flux removal solvents. Electrical/optical Characteristics at TA =25°C Parameter Luminous Intensity/Segment or clp (Time Averaged) 15 digit clisplay 5082-7275.5082-7295(4,.) luminous Intensity/Segment or dp (Time Averaged).5 digit display 5082-7265, 5082-7285 (4,6) Forward Voltage per Segment or dp 5082-7275,5082-729515 digit display Forward Voltage per Segment 0( dp 5082-7265, 5082-7265 5 digit display, Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength{S) Reverse Current per 'Segment or dp Temperature Coefficient of Forward Voltage NOTES: 4. The luminous intensity at a specific ambient temperature, Iv(TA). may be calculated from this relationship: ( Iv(T A) ; IV125° C) (.985) IT A - 25 ° q 5. The dominant wavelength Ad. is derived from the C.I.E. Chromaticity Diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 6. Operation at peak currents of less than 6.0 rnA is not recommended. 200 « 180 >- 160 a: 140 E I ~ "" ~ « ;: a: :r "~ . I I ], I >- 2 Ow w:o; «w "'''' a:'" wa: 120 >w «o. w> :0;>- 100 j::li5 -,2 80 ()~ ii:~ 60 >'" ,.:3 >-" o 40 2 ~ -~ 20 o .8 j 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1_8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 VF - PEAK FORWARD VOLTAGE - V IAVG - AVERAGE CURRENT PER SEGMENT - mA Figure 2. Typical Time Averaged Luminous Intensity per Segment vs. A_age Current par Segment. Figure 1. Peak Forward Current vs. Peak Forward Voltage. 229 2,0 r--r--'--r--r~r-.,.."..-r:--'-"",,---' ',91---+---+-+.......f~·1--'--1-+-"'c+-- r l,a I---+-+-+-+---~'-"--+--+--+--+---I 1,7 1.6 1,5 r:t!t=t::l::t;:;t.:~:e=1 i- ~r+"""'-9-'-,.-..j-t-+-+--+--l ~ri/<--"-l--+-+--+--l----Ii---t--1 ',31---+>:. Min. Max. Unit Ts -40 +100 ·C Tc -20 +85 °C Vee Vt,Vop,Vu -0.5 +7.0 V -0.5 +7.0 V Va -0.5 Vee V 230 °C . ..' Voltage applied to input.Joglc:dp 8Ildenabtepirl$ Voltage applied to blankih9 inPut I?) SymbOl .' . . . . . \ .•.. ' .. ." Maximum solder temperature at1.59mm(.062.lncb)> . below seating plane; t ~ 5 seconds ..... . Recommended Operating Conditions Description Min. Nom. Max. Vee 4.5 5.0 5.5 V Tc -20 +85 SymbOl . Supply Voltage . Operating temperature, case Unit tw 120 °C nsee Time data must be held before positive transition of enable line tSETUP 50 osee Time data must be held after positive transition of enable line tHOLD 50 ; ...... Enable Pulse Width .. .. Enable pulse rise time hLH Electrical/Optical Characteristics Description osee 200 Symb()t nsee (Tc = -200C to +85°C, unless otherwise specified). Teat Conditions Typ.!'1 Max. Unit Supply Current Icc Vcc""5.5V (Numeral 112 170 mA Power dissipation PT S and dp lighted) 560 935 mW Luminous intensity per LED (Digit average) 15,61 I, Vcc=5.0V. Tc=2SoC Logic low-level input voltage Logic high-level input voltage Min. 32 j.lcd 70 0.8 . V!L V IH 2.0 V V Enable low-voltage; data being entered VEl. Enable high-voltage; data not being entered VFH Blanking low-voltage; display not blanked m VBl Blanking high-voltage; display blanked (71 VaH Blanking low-level input currentl?1 lal Vcc=5.5V. VaL=0.8V 20 j.lA Blanking high-level input current (?I 11IH Vcc=5.5V. V8H=4.5V 2.0 rnA Logic low-level input current 0.8 Vcc=4.5V 2.0 V V 0.8 3.5 V V I,L Vcc=5.5V, V'L=O.4V -1.6 mA Logic high-level input current It" Vcc=5.5V. VIH""2.4V Enable low-level input current IkL Vcc""5.5V. VeL"'O.4V +250 -1.6 mA Enable high-level input current Peak wavelength Dominant Wavelength lSI IEH XPEAK X. Vcc""5.5V, VEH=2.4V +250 j.lA j.lA Te=25°C 655 Tc=25"C 640 nm 0.8 gm Weight nm Notes: 1. Nominal thermal resistance of a display mounted in a socket which is soldered into a printed circuit board: 0 JA =5(J'CIW; flJc=15° CIW; 2. 0CA of a mounted display should not exceed 35° CIW for operation up to Tc = +85° C. 3. Voltage values are with respect to device ground. pin 6. 4. All typical values at Vcc=5.0 Volts, Tc=25° C. 5. These.displays are categorized for luminous intensity with the intensity category designated by a letter located on the back of the display contiguous with the Hewlett-Packard logo marking. 6. The luminous intensity at a specific case temperature, Iv(T c) may be calculated from this relationship: Iv{Tc}=lv (25° C) e[ -.0188I'C lTc -25°C IJ 7. Applies only to 7340. 8. The dominant wavelength. Ad. is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 233 Pin. tSETUPto---+~-'-<·t~OlD DATA INPUT (LOW LEVEL DATA) Vee ENABLE ";~ LOGIC INPUT Dp(2) .. DATA INPUT (HIGH LEVEL DATA) BLANKING I31 CONTROL .. GROUND Figure 1. Timing Diagram of 5082·7300 Series Logic. 6~ VB - BLANKING VOLTAGE - V Figure 3. Typical Blanking Control Current VI. VA Itage for 5082·7340. Figure 2. Block Diagram of 5082·7300 Series Logic. 1 I Iii ~ -1.2,.".+.,..;'-"'-,..-'+"....,*"+=-=+""....,-1 aor -1.0r-++"i.....-'--'+c-'.-:"'+"-~+:.......-1 II § I .§. 4.0 TC - CASE TEMPERATURE _ °c Figure 4. Typical Blanking Control Input Current vs. Temperature 5082·7340. VE - LATCH ENABLE Y '.'. ,rnA, Logic high-leVel input current Enable low-level input current, Enable high-level input current ' Peak wavelen tti Dominant Wavelength (j) Weight, 1 ',' '+100. , ..."PA -1.6 +130 "/JA ,triA 655 nm ,1.0 ,",gm Notes: 1, Nominal thermal resistance of a display mounted in a socket which is soldered into a printed circuit board: 9'A=5rY'CIW; 9,c=15° C/W; 2. SCA of a mounted display should not exceed 35°CIW for operation up to T A=+1 OrY'C. 3. Voltage values are with respeclto device ground, pin 6. 4. All typical values at Vcc=5.0 Volts. T A=25°C. 5. These displays are categorized for luminous intensity with the intensity category designated by a letter located on the. back of the display contiguous with the Hewlett-Packard logo marking. 6. The luminous intensity at a specific ambient temperature, Iv(TA), may be calculated from this relationship: Iv(TA)=lv(2S· C) (.985) [T.-25"CI 7. Applies only to 7359. 8. The dominant wavelength, Ao, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. I 237 tSETUP;.---r_~~'''''LO TR\ITtJ TABLE &cODATA/I/.' DATA INPUT (LOW LEVEL DATAl X. 1.6.V DATAfNPUT III'ii IHIOH LEVEL DATA) , ..5V 1tTL" ENABLE INPUT 1.5V 10%j 1.5V ~I--'w-,~-=~I ~ 90% LOGIC INPUT DpE21 N;~ 5~ "', l=; e,' LATelt' ~=: 4 - Of MEMORV . •, - MAT~IX DECOO~ GROUND LED MA~IX DRtvER ,. X" ~", '1- fi; L :I; -H 'l I. C H "1\ I. H '\ 'I. " H: " l H I. Ii' : 'I." I] (I I i::' '~: :-.;: :::: ' ':; 'lvi, I' " Ii ~ ,~~; ~. ,H" 'I::, :':1 L \;3': '(.., :"~ '. L\' "'l' I" ' ',~' I:i Ii ,L 'H H H" 'L: H H'; L H' ... H H Hc '1:" fBLANKI H II. H : ,H fBLANKI ,:',t !~\ANKl ,It L' (BLANKl , f)' f.,', Figura 2. Block Diagram of 5082-7350 Series Logic. ~. VDfI"#l. OFf VQP#!i Vi '*ilL V. -H V. o\. Va ~~" MATRIX 6~ E ON LDADDATA, LATCtlDATA OISPLAY.()N DISPLA .Off BLANKINOI31 'l ft, 'f:l C f:.l ' ',\.. , LEO ·'1 "8' 9 ~ H " . .,) ,:" I.: t1,' ENABLe"' - ,508H3159 i-f' L:' ::H: um-~' ' '~', I: DECIMAl.PT. III UP" BLANKING (3) CONTROL 4_ \"" L" : H',' Pin, Vee ENABLE L ~ .<11 Figure 1. Timing Diagram of 5082-7350 Series Logic. JmA ......• IF~ 10.l1'IA . ....... ai, diodeS·,h 'v lumil'lOll.11 ntemity per LEO (digit average) . Peak' wave'ength TEST CONOITION,S SYMBOL Forward VOltage per LED Power di~;pation Absolute Maximum Ratings MAX UNIT 5.6 V 10 mA DESCRIPTION Stoni~t1llT\pe(ature. ambient Operating temperature, ambient NOTE: LED current must be externally limited. Refer to Figure 9 for recommended resistor values. 240 SYMBOL MIN. MAX. UNIT 'C -65 +125 TS -66 Forward current; each LED 'F +100 10 Reverse voltage, each lEO VR 4 TA ·c mA V SOLID STATE NUMERIC INDICATOR HEWLETT PACKARD [',";, ~__~__________________-w 5082· 7010 5082· 7011 ,.I' , TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • RUGGED, SHOCK RESISTANT, HERMETIC • DESIGNED TO MEET MIL STANDARDS • INCLUDES DECODER/DRIVER BCD Inputs • TTL/DTL COMPATIBLE • CONTROLLABLE LIGHT OUTPUT • 5 x 7 LED MATRIX CHARACTER Description The HP 5082-7010 solid state numeric indicator with built-in decoder/driver provides a hermetically tested 6.8mm (0.27 in.) display for use in military or adverse industrial environments. Typical applications include ground, airborne and shipboard equipment, fire control systems, medical instruments, and space flight systems. displayed for invalid codes. A left-hand decimal point is included which must be externally current limited. The 5082-7010 is a modified 5x7 matrix display that indicates the numerals 0-9 when presented with a BCD code. The BCD code is negative logic with blanks Both displays allow luminous intensity to be varied by changing the DC drive voltage or by pulse duration modulation of the LED voltage. The 5082-7011 is a companion plus/minus sign in the same hermetically tested package. Plus/minus indications require only that voltage be applied to two input pins. Package Dimensions 6082-7010 5082·7011 I 13.4 {]~ ...,.-2,3 /.091 P'N FUNCTION P'N FUNCTION P'N FUNCTION P'N FUNCTION 1 2 IlPput 1 5 6 7 8 Input 4 1 2 3 4 NC NC 5 6 7 8 NC Ground 3 4 VDP VLED Input 8 Notes: Ground Vee Input 2 Plu. NC Minus/Plus NC 1. Unless otherwise specified, the tolerance on all dimensions Is :to.38 mm. (±0.015 inchesl. 2. All dimensions in millimetres and !inchesl. 3. The package and mounting pins are tin plated Kovar. 241 ----~,-, -~- '--- Absolute Maximum Ratings . Unit Symbol Min, Max•.. Storage Temperature, Ambient TS .-65 +100 Operating Temperature, Case Te . -55 +95 ···.·.~C Logic Supply Voltage to Ground Vee -0.5 +7.0 . c. Logic Input Voltage VI ";0.5 +5.5 LED Supply Voltage to Ground VLEO lll -0.5 Decimal Point Current lOp Description °c V V +5.5 V -10 mA Max•...• Unit Note: 1. Above T e = 65°e derate V LED per derating curve in Figure 10. Recommended operating Conditions Symbol Min. Nom. 5.0 5.5 V LED Supply Voltage, Display Off Vee VLEO 4.5· -0.5 0 +1.0 V. LED Supply Voltage, Display On VLEO 3.0 4.2 Decimal Point Current IOp[2! 0 -5.0 5.5 -10.0 . Description Logic Supply Voltage • V mA Logic Input Voltage, "H u State VIH 2.0 5.5 V Logic Input Voltage, "L" State VII.. a 0.8 V Note: 2. Decimal point current must be externally current limited. See application information. Electrical/optical Characteristics Truth Table Case Temperature, Te = O°C to 70°C, unless otherwise specified Description Logic Supply CUrrent LED Supply Current Logic Input Current, "H" State (ea. input) Logic Input CUrrent, "L"State (ea. inputl Decimal Point Voltage Drop Power Dissipation Luminous Intensity per LED (digit avg.) Peak Wavelength Spectral Halfwidth Weight Notes: Symbol lee ILEO [3] [5] Test Conditions Typ.141 Max. Min. Vee=5.5V 45 75 mA Vee 5.5V 5.5V 5.5V 255 170 125 350 235 mA 100 p.A VLEO 5.5V 4.2V 3.5V Vee"' 5.5V VIH"'2.4V Vee'" 5.5V VIL= O.4V IIH IlL VLED -Vop 'op'" -10mA Pr Vee 5.5V 5.5V 5.5V VLEO 5.5V 4.2V 3.5V VLeo 5.5V 4.2V 3.5V Te 25°C 25°C 25°C [3] [5] Iv Unit -1.6 1.6 1.7 1.0 0.7 60 40 115 80 50 655 30 4.9 Aoesk AAy, 3. With numeral 8 displayed. 4. All typical values at T = 25°e. 5. Te = DOe to 65°e for "LED =5.5V. 2.0 2.3 1.4 logic Charactar X8 X4 X2 X1 H H H H 1 H 2 H H L H 3 H H L 4 H L H H 5 H L H L 6 H LIL H 7 H L 8 L HIH H I ...... 9 L H H L ., I"~J Blank L H L H L H H L V W p.ed l Blank t HIL nm Blank L l nm gram Sfank L I- Srank L Blank L VIL VIH i ~ L rnA e 242 ...... I_I' 0 L :-' I.., .......' a._I I,t i-a -I ·::i- b. -.., I" R H H iH Jd '~':"'" LILWL~r L iL = 0.0 to 0.8V = 2.0 to 5.5V [1 Figure 1. Equivalent input circuit of the 5082·7010 decoder. Note: Display metal case is isolated from ground pin #6. Figure 2. Equivalent circuit of the 5082·7010 as seen from LED and decimal point drive lines. -1.0 . -0.9 "E -0.8 "•...... I I- iii '" -0.7 . CJ I- rx .c -0.6 "'" -0.5 '" ......... ir . I' (; g I···.· ....... -0.3 I -0.1 ZS"C .c' " CJ .: -0.2 , 1\ 'i' ..•..... ~ -0.4 .'. Tc~ Vcc·5.5Y , :;.:. <'" . : . o o 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 VI - LOGIC INPUT VOLTAGE - V Figure3. Equivalent circuit of 5082·7011 plus/minus sign. All resistors 345!1 typical. . Note: Display metal case is isolated from ground pin #6. r- 100 : 90 "" 80 .1 .. ' f--- I I- iii '" "'" .' ir ~ CJ '. <. -1,00 70 ~ -0.90 . J II . : '. 40 a''"" g CJ (; 30 I -= 20 .,.., 10 o -55 -40 -20 Tc 20 - 40 .'~ V 60 I I: . ~ r-...... -0.80 ~~ -0.70 (; 1 I •• I.:, J.< 9 -0.60 / . '1<;,,\6.6'1 Ylc· Q.4Y. -:-:"' E I 60 ' . ' V,"·2.4V 50 . -1.10 ..•... . Vee:=- 5.SV CJ I- Figure 4. Input current as a function of input voltage, each input. .. ......... r-....... "-. ' . K .. I ~ ..: -0.50 80 -0.40 -55 -40 95 CASE TEMPERATURE _ °C -20 20 40 60 80 95 Tc - CASE TEMPERATURE - °C Figure 5. Logic "H" input current as a function of case temperature, each input. Figure 6. Logic ilL" input current as a function of case temperature, each input. 243 I 280 I I Vcc=5.5V "E 240 /. !----- ~C';;"~~~L 8 OISPLAYEO I iiia: 200 "::; <.> 160 / II: i>l ~ I ~ 120 / 40 0 1 3 2 .' 60r----f----+~-+---~r_-~--~~ ·1 I 40rl-~----+_-~/~-~--+~:~ ReCOMMENOEr:, I I I I 4 5 20r-_-f____ a 5.5 6 ~ ~ 1i " g I ,£ __J __ _ ': T 1 ~_~~ 2 __ 3 ""~ g r\ '\ I 1.0 ~ .1 Vee 4.2 '" 4 - "'1 5.SV 1 I I. Q .; I 20 40 60 65 6 ~ : 3 I I I 2 I I 1 ; 0 5.5 I 3.5 I I I 0 '\ I NUMERAL 8 AND DP DISPLAYED I I I .5 5 I'\. 5 I w I 1.15 I: _L~~ 6 > 1.5 __ Figure 8. Luminous intensity per LED (digit average) as a function of LED supply voltage. -- NUMERAL 8 AND DP OISPLA YEO 2.0 ~ 4 5.5 ffi ~... -+_~~~I___R~~~i~E~~ VLEO - LED SUPPLY VOLTAGE - V Vee '"-5.5V i". I \ I i GE 0~ 3.0,----,----r---.---..----. ~ I I I Figure 7. LED supply current as a function of LED supply voltage. :::- I : I VLED - LED SUPPLY VOLTAGE - V ~ +-_-+__JIIj~1·1,..,.j ~c<;~lm iOP~~rENG~_ I ..J 0 I Te' ;I6'C ___ I V 80 I I f..--;. 80r---f---+--+----~~-i~~-T:-4 / a: r. . 100 I I j I- 120 80 0 95100 0 20 40 60 65 80 95100 Tc - CASE TEMPERATURE _ °C Tc - CASE TEMPERATURE _ °C Figure 9. Maximum power derating as a function of case temperatura. Figure 10. LED voltage derating as a function of case temperature. 4.0 6.0 , ">- I- 0; iii I~ "'"0z ;; 1.0 '3 w > >= ~ ""- ~ 5.0 , 1-........ I "" a: > I I I w 4.0 g 3.0 "~ 0 I ~ '" '.'\... \ I 2.0 I I > "- 0.4 , , I :!l "'- """" ~ I Vee .. S.5V I NUMERAL 8 AND DP DISPLAYED 1.0 I I I I '" 0.3 '-_'-_.1-__-'-_-'-_..1-_......_-'-__-' -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 lOa Tc - TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ CASE TEMPERATURE _ °C Figure 11. Relative luminous intensity as a function of case temperature at fixed current level. °c Figure 12. LED voltage derating as a function ofambienttemperature.display soldered into P.C. board without heat sink. 244 SOlid state PIus/Minus Sign (- Truth Table For display applications requ iring ± designation, the 5082· 70.11 solid state plus/minus sign is available. This display module comes in the same package as the 50.82·70.10. nu· meric indicator and is completely compatible with it. Plus or minus information can be indicated by supplying voltage to one (minus sign) or two (plus sign) input leads. A third lead is provided for the ground connection. Luminous in· tensity is controlled by changing the LED drive voltage. Each LED has its own built·in 3450 (nominal) current limiting resistor. Therefore, no external current limiting is required for voltages at 5.5V or lower. Like the numeric indicator, the·7O.11 plus/minus sign isTTL/DTL compatible. ",,+,,> .... . , • Blank ......... .. '. ,,1:.", :H . L .L VL = -0..5 to 1.DV VH = 3.0. to 5.5V Electrical/Optical Characteristics Case Temperature, Tc" ooc to 7DoC. unless otherwise specified " L£D Supply Current .. .TY~[U .,Max. Unit 106 .1:50 100 rnA. 70. . 0..6 0..3 0..9 0.6 W .' 115 80 j.tCd . 50. 655 Spectral Halfwidth 30' Weight 4.9 Notes: ( 1. All typical values at TC = 25°C 2. At TC = 25°C AbSOlute Maximum Ratings Oescription . .SymboI., Stonige Temperature, Ambient Operating Tempe;.atur., Case Plus. PlustMlnus Inwt Potential to Ground 1&' .. Tc. ..·-a5···· 5.5 VI.ED, .. ' V Recommended Operating Conditions Syrnt.l Description LED Supply Volt8ge, DisPlay Off LED Supply Voltage, DI$pIayOn VI.ED Min. .-0.5 Nopl.' .0.' .' Max. uftit 1.0. V 5.5 .V .. . " VI-ED ·'3.0. 4.2, 245 nm nm gram Applications Decimal Point Limiting Resistor The decimal point of the 5082-7010 display requires an external current limiting resistor, between pin 2 and ground. Recommended resistor value is 2200, 1/4 watt. Mounting The 5082-7010 and 5082·7011 displays are packaged with two rows of 4 contact pins each in a DIP configuration with a row center line spacing of 0.890 inches. Normal mounting is directly onto a printed circuit board. If desired, these displays may be socket mounted using contact strip connectors such as Augat's 325-AGI or AMP 583773-1 or 583774·1. Heat Sink Operation Optimum display case operating temperature for the 5082· 7010 and 7011 displays is Tc=OoC to 70°C as measured on back surface. Maintaining the display case operating temperature within this range may be achie.ved by mount- ing the display on an appropriate heat sink or metal core printed circuit board. Thermal conducting compound such as Wakafield 120 or Dow Corning 340 can be used between display and heat sink. See figure 10 for VLED derating vs. display case temperature. Operation Without Heat Sink These displays may also be operated without the use of a heat sink. The thermal resistance from case to ambient for these displays when soldered into a printed circuit board is nominally ()cA=30oCIW. See figure 12 for VLED derating vs. ambient temperature. aeaning Post solder cleaning may be accomplished using water, Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for vapor cleaning processing (up to 2 minutes in vapors at boiling) or Freon/ alcohol mixtures formulated for room temperature cleaning. Suggested solvents: Freon TF, Freon TE, Genesolv 01-15, Genesolv 0 E-15. 246 5O~ ·1391 (4N51) 5082 ,1392 (4N52) 5082 ·1393 (4N53I ~2.1395(4Mi4) TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1960 Features • PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER TEMPERATURE • HERMETICITY GUARANTEED • TXV SCREENING AVAILABLE • GOLD PLATED LEADS • HIGH TEMPERATURE STABILIZED • NUMERIC 5082·7391 Right Hand D.P. 5082·7392 Len Hand D.P. • HEXADECIMAL 5082·7395 • TTL COMPATIBLE • DECODER/DRIVER WITH 5 BIT MEMORY • 4 x 7 DOT MATRIX ARRAY Shaped Character, Excellent Readability • STANDARD DUAL·IN·LINE PACKAGE • CATEGORIZED FOA LUMINOUS INTENSITY Assures Uniformity of Light Output from Unit to Unit within a Single Category pattern, and four blanks in the invalid BCD states. The unit employs a right-hand decimal point. Typical applications include control systems, instrumentation, communication systems and transportation equipment. The 5082-7392 is the same as the 5082-7391 except that the decimal point is located on the left-hand side of the digit. Description ( The HP 5082-7390 series solid state numeric and hexadecimal indicators with on-board decoder/driver and memory are hermetically tested 7.4mm (0.29 inch) displays for use in military and aerospace applications. The 5082-7395 hexadecimal indicator decodes positive 8421 logic inputs into 16 states, D-9and A-F. In placeofthe decimal point an input is provided for blanking the display (all LED's off). without losing the contents of the memory. Applications include terminals and computer systems using the base-16 character set. The 5082-7391 numeric indicator decodes positive 8421 BCD logic inputs into characters 0-9, a " -" sign, a test The 5082-7393 is a "±1." overrange display, including a right hand decimal point. package Dimensions* I-l0.2MAX'j 1..(.400J 7395 -1 13.5 PIN 1 ,2 3 'r-I...............r i I I I 4.• .·:r r------I (.19) 5 6 7 8 REAR VIEW LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY 81 DE VI EW i .-1--0. ,0, ......-.4.....-, 1.' 1.06) PIN 1 KEY 4 3 2 1 j .. 1.012 '.003) 2·~-1-1 ~ r (.11) (10 + 005) 4.3 (.17) --- • JEDEC Registered Data. Input 2 Input 4 Input a Decimal point latch: enable Ground Vee Input 1 Input 2 InP\lt4 'Input Blanking: rontrot LatOO enable ,GfQund a--- Vee lnput 1 NOTES: 1. Dimensions in millimetresand (inches). 2. Unless otherwise specified, the tolerance on all dimensions is ±.38mm (±.015") 3. Digit center line is ±.25mm (±.O''') from package center line. 4. Lead material is gold plated copper allov. 15.2 (.600) DATE CODE 5 6 7 8 END VIEW IT 4 FUNCTION 5082-7395 5OlI2·1391 AND 7392 HEXA· DeCIMAL NuMERIC 247 Absolute Maximum Ratings * Min. Max. UnIt .. ~ . +125 .-55 +100 +7.0 +7.0 ;·C· ,OC Symbol . . Ts· Descriptlof!. Storage temperatura, ambient Operating temperature• .ambient 11.2) .TA· Supply voltage tl1 . ,"Icc ., , Voltage applied to input logic, dp and enable pins ... . -()'5 -0.5 -0.5 VI;VDP,VIl . Voltage applied to blanking Input (1) Va Maximum solder temperature at 1.59mm (;()~2inph) below seating plane; t :\!b 5 seconds V V Vee V 260 °C Recommended Operating Conditions* ' Descttptlon ~, Symbol . Vee. Supply Voltage Operating temperature, ambient tIo2) , ,\ , Min. Nom. Max. 4.5 5.0 5.5 V +1.00 "C TA -55 UnIt tw 100 ~ Time data must be held before poSitive transition of enable line tSllTlJP 50 nsec Time data must be held after positive transition of enable line tROID 50 nsfW Enanle Pulse Width . Enable pulse rise time 200 trLR nsec Electrical/Optical Characteristics (TA = -55°C to +100"C, unless otherwise specified) . DescriptIon Symbol Teet Conditions MIn. Typ.141 Max. Unit Supply Current Icc Vcc=5.5V (Numeral 112 170 mA Power dissipation PT 5 and dp lighted) 560 935 mW Luminous intenSity per LED (Digit average)'S,6) Iv Vcc=5.0V, TA=25"C Logic low-level input voltage VIL Logie high-level Input voltage VIH Enable low-voltage; data being entered Enable high-voltage; data not befng entered VEIl Blanking low-voltage; display not blanked (1) VOt Blanking high-voltage; display blanked (1) VBH VIlL 0.8 3.5 Vcc=S.SV, VSL...o.8V Vcc=5.5V, V8lI=4.5V logiC low-level input current hL Logic high-level input current Enable low-level Input current IIR Peak wavelength Dominant Wavelength IS) lEN APEAK Ad V V 0.8 IpL. Enable high-level input current 0.8 2.0 ISH V V Vcc=4.5V Blanking lOW-level input current i1I IBt ped 85 2.0 Blanking high-level input current (7) 40 V V p.A 50 1.0 mA Vcc=5.5V, VIL=O.4V -1.6 rnA Vcc=O.5V. VIH=2.4V Vcc=5.5V, Vu=O.4V +100 -1.6 mA +130 V.cc=S.5V. Vf-H=2.4V TA =25"C TA =25"C nm 640 nm gm 5x 10-1 Leak Rate p.A 655 1.0 Weight" pA cc/sec Notes: 1. Nominal thermal resistance of a display mounted in a socket which is soldered into a printed circuit board: fiJJA=5a'OIW; fiJJc=15° CIW. 2. @cA of a mounted display should not exceed 35"CIW foroperation up to T A=+100"C. 3. Voltage values are with respect to device ground, pin 6. 4. All typical values at Vcc=5.0 Volts, T A=25° C. 5. These displays are categorized for luminous intensity with the intensity category designated by a letter located on the back of the display contiguous with the Hewlett-Packard logo marking. 6. The luminous intenSity at a specific ambient ~mperature, Iv(TA), may be calculated from this relationship: Iv(TA)=lv("o C) (.985) IT.-25"CI 7. Applies only to 7395. 8. The dominant wavelength, A", is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. "JEDEC Registered Data. ""Non Registered Data. 248 ( . , •. tsETUP-j.---i-o---<.f-tHOLD . TRU T""",, DATA INPUT (LOW' LEVEL DATAl () UV ye' DATA INPUT (HIGH LEVEL DATAl , :.~',~ :,,,', . '. 1. ,.", Ii ", ··f :L' , f.ol ,lj ,"!I .:If;•. ",I.." .3 II' '.Ii Ji.":" ::'::W': >£. .. ':,1- .; :iI:., ''\: ,: ." I,. :i) II 1 ", Figure 1. Timing Diagram of 5082-7390 Series Logic. H Ii " '11 Pin. ~~ Vee .I.:..' " Ii H:. L. Ii. H I.' .'11 -l. ENABLE ,H H' Ii LOGIC 1.1 H H" tlllANKI ,If c (BLANK) .[1 II F I·· (BLANK' II (BLANK) O~C(MAlPT.l2l·I-'-:ON=..., _ _ _ _ _...,V.;:."":!:......7"Ol_~ INPUT OFF DpI21 4 VOP -H BLANKING I3 ) CONTROL 4 6~ GROUND Figure 2. Block Dlagrem of 5082-7390 Series Logic. Notes: 1. H = Logic High; L = Logic Low. With the enable input at logic high changes in BCD Input logic levels or D.P. Input have no effect upon display memory, displayed character, or D.P. 2. The decimal point input, DP, pertains only to the 5082-7391 and 5082-7392 displays. 3. The blanking control input, B, pertains only to the 5082-7395 hexadecimal display. Blanking Input has no effect upon display memory. ( , 5 -1.8 E -1 . ~c·26.cl_ Vcc·S.OV I I Vcc"'6.OV "'·~C 1/ 2 ./ 1 0 ..". V / iii I §u -" 2 ~ -1.0 ~ -.S ~ I w V Figure 3. Typical Blanking Control Current ¥S. Voltage for 50827395. • -1.4 II: '/ VB - BLANKING VOLTAGE - V , I- 00( ...... ..... -A -.2 00 TA -AMBIENT'rEMPERATURE _oC Figure 4. Typical Blanking Control Input Current ¥S. Ambient Tempereture for 5082-7395. 'JEDEC Registered Data. 249 \ 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 V E - LATCH ENABLE VOLTAGE - V Figure 5. Typical Latch Enable Input Current ¥S~ Voltage. IT ->S'C 1I -1.4 ~ ~ I- I e- -1.6 ~ 1.0 I -1.8 Vee ·S.OV - -1.2 SI '1\ I -.6 ~ 2 00 ~ r- V'L .. O.8V 9 -8 I'\' i\ VE - err\. 0.5 1.0 ~~ 20 i",0;~ 14 ~~ 10 ~ ~ 8 f- c-~ 18 ... !3 f£ (J 16 a ~9 _w " _!:. '.0 V1N - LOGIC VOLTAGE 5.0 o -55 -v Figure 6. Typical Logic and Decimal Point Input Current vs. Voltage. ~ v." -2.4V / 4 -20 0 20 40 60 80 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - °c ,00 Figure 7. Typical Logic and Enable Low Input Current VB. Ambient Temperature. o / / / 6 2 3.0 - / / Vee !s.ov i:t: 12 V 2.0 I I ~ lice -s.ov '" -1.0 G -.' - 26 ...Z "I 2.22 --. / ./ 20 40 60 -55 -40 -20 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - 80 100 °c Figure 8. Typical Logic and Enable High Input Current vs. Ambient Temperature. operational Considerations These displays may be mounted by soldering directly to a printed circuit board or inserted into a socket. The leadto-lead pin spacing is 2.54mm (0.100 inch) and the lead row spacing is 15.24mm (0.600 inch). These displays may be end stacked with 2.54mm (0.100 inch) spacing between outside pins of adjacent displays. Sockets such as Augat 324-AG20 (3 digits) or Augat 508-AG80 (one digit, right angle mounting) may be used. ELECTRICAL The 5082-7390 series devices use a modified 4 x 7 dot matrix of light emitting diodes (LED's) to display decimal/hexadecimal numeric information. The LED's are driven by constant current drivers. BCD information is accepted by the display memory when the enable line is at logic low and the data is latched when the enable is at logic high. To avoid the latching of erroneous information, the enable pulse rise time should not exceed 200 nanoseconds. Using the enable pulse width and data setup and hold times listed in the Recommended Operating Conditions allows data to be clocked into an array of displays at a 6.7MHz rate. The primary thermal path for power dissipation is through the device leads. Therefore, to insure reliable operation up to an ambient temperature of +100°C, it is important to maintain a case-to-ambient thermal resistance of less than 35°C/watt as measured on top of display pin 3. Post solder cleaning may be accomplished using water, Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for vapor cleaning processing (up to 2 minutes in vapors at boiling) or Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for room temperature cleaning. Suggested solvents: Freon TF, Freon TE, Genesolv 01-15, Genesolv OE-15. The blanking control input on the 5082-7395 display blanks (turns off) the displayed hexadecimal information without disturbing the contents of display memory. The display is blanked at a minimum threshold level of 3.5 volts. This may be easily achieved by using an open collector TTL gate and a pull-up resistor. For example, (1/6) 7416 hexinverter buffer/driver and a 120 ohm pull-up resistor will provide sufficient drive to blank eight displays. The size of the blanking pull-up resistor may be calculated from the following formula, where N is the number of digits: Rbl• nk = (Vee - PRECONDITIONING 5082-7390 series displays are 100% preconditioned by 24 hour storage at 125° C. CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT 3.5V)/[N (1.0mA)] The 5082-7390 displays have been designed to provide the maximum posible ON/OFF contrast when placed behind an appropriate contrast enhancement filter. Some suggested filters are Panelgraphic Ruby Red 60 and Dark Red 63, SGL Homalite H100-1605, 3M Light Control Film and Polaroid HRCP Red Circular Polarizing Filter. For further information see Hewlett-Packard Application Note 964. The decimal point input is active low true and this data is latched into the display memory in the same fashion as is the BCD data. The decimal point LED is driven by the onboard IC. MECHANICAL 5082-7390 series displays are hermetically tested for use in environments which require a high reliability device. These displays are designed and tested to meet a helium leak rate of 5 x 10.7 cc/sec and a standard dye penetrant gross leak test. • JEDEC Registered Data. 250 High Reliability Test Program Standard Product With TXV Screening PREFERRED PART NUMBER SYSTEM 4N51 4N51TXV 4N52 4N52TXV 4N54 4N54TXV 4N53 4N53TXV ALTERNATE PART NUMBER SYSTEM 5082-7391 TXV-7391 5082-7392 TXV-7392 5082-7395 TXV-7395 5082-7393 TXV-7393 Hewlett-Packard provides standard high reliability test programs, patterned after MIL-M-38510 in order to facilitate the use of HP products in military programs. HP offers two levels of high reliability testing: The TXV prefix indentifies a part which has been preconditioned and screened per Table 1. The TXV8 prefix identifies a part which has been preconditioned and screened per Table 1, and comes from a lot which has been subjected to the Group 8 tests described in Table 2. Table 1. TXV Preconditioning and Screening - 'ex~rtaiI;;n or Test : .. "C, ; ,'. 12ilnternaf Vls~1 In$pection i~'~llCtrli:~li~st:1Y!1cc, fiL. . :. IB~; I~L"tR.ll~ h". 3. High Temperature StoragE! 4..' 'fEtmpel1ltureCycling 5.;,A.cceleration 6.fi!!liurn Leak.T~st 7. Gross Leak Test 8.EleQlrical Test: Same lIS Step 2 .9~ ,Burn-in , 4N51TXVB 4N52TXVB 4N54TXVB 4N53TXVB TXVB-7391 TXVB-7392 TXVB-7395 TXVB-7393 100%. MIL-STD-883 Methods HP Procedure A-5956-7572-52 CondltlollS Per Electrical/Optical Characterstics. 125" C, 168 hours. -65·C to +125°C, 10 cycles. 2,000 G, Y1 orientation. Condition A Condition 0 1008 1010 2001 1014 1014 1015 10. 'Electrical Test as in Step 2 11; Sample Electrical Test Over Temperature: lc~t'~tBt~ IBH' In" fBt, Ill" JfH 12. Sample Electrical Test Over Temperature Icc. 1st, InB, IEL~ tEll, hLI lUI 13. Extllmal Visual Plus Group B T A=1000C, 1=168 hours, at Vcc='5.0V and cycling through logic at 1 character per sec. Per Electrical Characteristics, TA = -55· C, L TPD = 7 Per Electrical Characteristics, TA = +100° C, LTPD = 7 2009 Table 2. Group B. . MIL·STD-883 Examination or Test Subgroup 1 Physical Dimensions Subgroup 2 Soldefabllity Temperature Cycling Th~mal Shoc,k Henmetic Seal' Moisture Resistance End Points: Electrical Test Subgroup 3 Shock - Non-operating Vibration Variable Freql.lency Constant Acceleration End Points: Electrical Test Subgroup 4 Terminat Strength End Points: Hermetic Seal Subgroup 5 Salt Atmosphere Subgroup 6 HighT~perature Life , End:Points: Electrical Test SubgrOUp,.7 ' , . " .' Steady $tate Operating Life Vj, YJ.. Non-operating. 2.000 G, Y 1 orientation. Same as Step 2, Table 1. 2004 1014 Test Condition 82. Condition A and Condition 0 1009 Test Condition A 15 " ,.' 15 15 15 X-7 ,',1008 T,=125°C, non-operating, t=1000 hours. Seme as Step 2, Table 1. X=5 1005 T.,=1000C, 1'=1000 hours, at Vcc=5.0vand cycling through logic at 1 character per second. Seme as Step 2, Table 1. 'JEDEC Registered Data. 251 Solid State Over Range Character For display applications requiring a ±, 1, or decimal point designation, the 5082-7393 over range character is available.This display module comes in the same package as the 5082-7390 series numeric indicator and is completely compatible with it. package Dimensions * ,I 7.4 r---------- ----------, #1 V(I;. M~S NUMf-RAt..ON€ I I I I I ~ d.. 4.8 ~SeAT'NG 1.29) (.,91 Ll PLANE 0.3 'to.08 TYP. (.012'.0031 I~~,-I .rl-l1.17)r- FRONT + 4.. ;j - -- -,,1 - - - -;.. SIDE 5 6 7 8 1.5 .1 3.' ,.4--1--., (.06' ....-t.-,..,-.,.If Figure 9. Typical Driving Circuit. T'lt• DATE CODE l.3TYP'~ I f-~- II o.s,o.oIlTVP. (O!." - i '1 t-' 1.020 '.003' PINt Kev TRUTH TABLE 2.5 ±o.13 TYP. 1.10 ;.0051 REAR PIN FUNCTION NOTEs: 2 " DrNlEN$IONS IN Mll..lIMETRES AND (INCHES). a Numeral One Numeral One 1- -1 Plus 2. UNLESS OTHERWISE sPECIFIED, THE TOLERANCE Decimal Point Blank DP ON ALL OIMfNSIONS IS ~.38 MM {t ,015 tNCHES •• PIN CHARACTER END Open Open NOTES: MinuS/l"'lus 1 2,3 4 8 H L X X X X X X H H. X H X L L L L~, X H X ",.,,' L: line switching transistor in Figure 9 cutoff. H: line switching transistor in Figure 9 saturated. X: 'Oon't care' Electrical/Optical Characteristics * 5082-7393 (TA = -55°C to +100°C, Unless Otherwise Specified) SYMBOL DESCRIPTION TEST CONDITIONS MIN TVP 1.6 MAX UNIT V' Forward Voltage per LEO VF IF~10mA Power dissipation PT 'F;10mA all diodes lit Luminous Intensity per LEO (digit average) Iv 'F Peak wavelength Apeak TC:: 25°C 655 Itc;cl· tim', Ad Tc~25OC 640 1.0 gm ~ 6mA Weight * * Recommended Operating Conditions * 40 280 85 Vee 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 for recommended resistor values. "Non Registered Data. mW·' , , nm DESCRIPTION SYMBOL MIN_ MAX. UNIT Stordge temperature, ambient -65 +125 ,,·C TS Operating temperature, ambient ~C. -55 +100 TA 10'/ rnA Forward current, each LED IF Reverse voltage, each LEO VR 4·,' .V', V Forward c;;:unent. each LEO 10 rnA IF NOTE: LED current must be externally limited. Refer to Figure 9 'JEDEC Registered Data. 320 Absolute Maximum Ratings * SYMBOL MIN NOM MAX UNIT LE 0 supplV yoltage '. P" Tc ~ 25°C Dominant Wavelength 2.0 252 FA'3 HEW L.ETT a:~. PACKARD Features • INTEGRATED SHIFT REGISTERS WITH CONSTANT CURRENT DRIVERS • CERAMIC 7.62 mm (.3 in.) DIP Integral Red Glass Contrast Filter • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • END STACKABLE 4 CHARACTER PACKAGE • PIN ECONOMY 12 Pins for 4 Characters • TTL COMPATIBLE • 5x7 LED MATRIX DISPLAYS FULL ASCII CODE • RUGGED, LONG OPERATING LIFE • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY Assures Ease of Package to F!iJckage Brightness Matching Description The HP HDSP-2000 display is a 3.8mm (0.15 inch)'5x71.~D array for display of alphanumeric information. The device is available in 4 character clusters and is packaged in a 12-pin dual-in-line type package. An on-board SIPO (serial-inparallel-out) 7 bit shift register associated with each digit controls constant current LED row drivers. Full character display is achieved by external column strobing. The constant current LED drivers are externally programmable and typically capable of sinking 13.5mA peak per diode. Applications include interactive I/O terminals, pOint of sale equipment, portable telecommunications gear, and hand held equipment requiring alphanumeric displays. ( Package Dimensions I~l MAX'.=-1. I SfE~OTE~ r-, I I r' I I r-, I I PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 r-, I I ,+H+j+t+H+: L L ~ / 'IN 1 MARKED IW DOT ON SACK Of ~ L_~ L_~ ~oo FUNCTION COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMNS PIN 7 •• " INT. CONNECT" FUNCTION DATA OUT 10 V. Vee CLOCK 12 DATA IN GROUND NOT OONNe<:T OR USE 4.44:!';.13 t.175 ±: ..005'-- PACKAGE. NOTES, . 1. OfM'ENSt9NS iN ~ (incb_,)., 2. IINLE$$OTH£RwlSI! 8I'EClfIEO THE TOLERANCE ON All DIMeNSIONS lh.38 rnm (t .016"" 3. lEAD MATERIAl,S GOLD l'lATEP COPPER ALLOY. . 4. CHARACTERS ARE CENTERro WITH RESPECT TO lEAOS \\'ITIIIN ~.13mtn 1.27 -.... {.II'" 253 hJ)06"). Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage Vee to Ground .......... -0.5V to 6.0V Inputs, Data Out and VB ................ -0.5V to Vee Column Input Voltage, VeOL .......... -0.5V to +6.0V Free Air Operating Temperature Range, TP) ........................ -20"C to +70"C Storage Temperature Range, Ts ..... -55°C to +100°C Maximum Allowable Package Dissipation atTA =25°CI I ,2"1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.70 Watts Maximum Solder Temperature 1.59mm (.063") Below Seating Plane t<5 secs ............... 260°C Recommended operating Conditions Parameter Supply Voltage Data Out Current. Low State Data Out Current. HighS!ate COlumn Input Voltage. Column On Setup Time Hold Time Width of Clock Clock Frequency Clock Transition Time Free Air Operating Temperature Range Symbol Min. Nom. Max. Vee 4.75 5.0 5.25 1.6 -0.5 10L 10" fdock 2.6 70 30 75 0 ImL TA -20 VeoL tsctup thold tw(C)".-kt Units V mA rnA Vc~ V 45 ns 0 ns ns MHz ns 3 200 70 °C Electrical Characteristics Over Operating Temperature Range (Unless otherwise specified.) Symbol Description Icc Supply Current Typ.' Max. Units VB = OAV 45 60 mA 2.4V 73 95 mA 1.5 rnA Min. Test Conditions Vee = 5.25V Vnocl< = VOMA = 2AV All SR Stages = Logical 1 Va Column Current al any Column Input Icot. VCC= 5.25V Veol.;: 3.5V VB=O.4V Column Current at any Column Input leOI. All SR Stages'" Logical 1 Ve"'2.4V t,PCAK Vn' - S.OV. Veo/. -3.5V T, ;:2S·C(~) Ve=2.4V Peak Luminous Intensity per LED(3.7) (Character Average) Ve. Clock or Data Input ThreshOld High Ve. Clock or Data Input Threshold Low Ve. Clock Input Current Logical 1 Data In VB,Clock Input Current Logical 0 Data In "" Vec '" 5.25V.VIH = 2.4V IlL IlL VOl! VOl. Vee = S.2SV, VII. ~ 105 20 10 2.4 rnA !,cd 200 2.0 OAV Vee = 4.75V, lOll '" -0.5mA. VUH = OV Vee - 4.75V. lot - I.SmA. Vco!. ;: OV Vee '" 5.0V, V~OL '" 2.SV. 15 LEOs on per character. V. ~ 2.4V 410 0.8 80 40 V V -500 ·800 ·250 3.4 0.2 -400 !'A p.A p.A p.A 0.4 V V 0.66 W APEAK 655 Ad 639 nm nm Power Dissipation Per Package" = Vee = Vco!. = 4·.7SV 1m Data Out Voltage Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavl1length<'i VIH VIt. 335 Po = , All typical values specified at Vee 5.0V and T A 25'C unless otherwise noted. "Power dissipation per package with 4 characters illuminated. NOTES: 1. Maximum absolute dissipation is with the device in a socket having a thermal resistance from pins to ambient of 35°C/watt. 2. The device should be derated linearly above 25'C at 16mWI"C (see Electrical Description on page 3). 3. The characters are categorized for Luminous IntenSity with the intenSity category deSignated by a letter code on the bottom of the package. 4. T) refers to the initial case temperature of the device,immediately prior to the light measurement. 5. Dominant wavelength Ad, is derived from the CtE chromaticity diagram, and represents the Single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 6. Maximum allowable dissipation is derived from Vee = VB = VeOL = 5.25 Volts, 20 LEDs on per character. 7. The luminous stearance of the LED may be calculated using the following relationships: L, (Lux) = Iv (Candela)/A (Metre)' Lv (Footlamberts) = "I, (Candela)/A (Foot)' A = 5.3 x 10-' M' = 5.8 x 10-' (Foot)' 254 Post solder cleaning may be accomplished using water, Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for vapor cleaning processing (up to 2 minutes in vapors at bOiling) or Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for room temperature cleaning. Suggested solvents: Freon TF, Freon TE, Genesolv DI-15, Genesolv DE-15. Electrical Description ·ConcRtiori MIn. Parameter fCiock CLOCK Rate . tt'LI!. tl'llL Propagation delay CLOCK to DATA OUT Typ. -~ 3 Unite 125 ns CL '" 15pF RI..=2.4I(fi Figure 1. Switching. Characteristics. (Vee TA = _20°C to +70" C) The HDSP-2000 four character alphanumeric display has been designed to allow the user maximum flexibility in interface electronics design. Each four character display module features Data In and Data Out terminals arrayed for easy PC board interconnection such that display strings of up to 80 digits may be driven from a single character generator. Data Out represents the output of the 7th bit of digit number 4 shift register. Shift register clocking occurs on the high to low transition of the Clock input. The like columns of each character in a display cluster are tied to a single pin. Figure 5 is the block diagram for the HDSP-2000. High true data in the shift register enables the output current mirror driver stage associated with each row of LEOs in the 5x7 diode array. MHz =SV. Mechanical and Thermal Considerations The reference current for the current mirror is generated from the output voltage of the VB input buffer applied across the resistor R. The TTL compatible VB input may either be tied to Vee for maximum display intensity or pulse width modulated to achieve intensity control and reduction in pow!!r consumption. The HDSP-2000 is available in a standard 121ead ceramicglass dual in-line package. Itis designed for plugging into DIP sockets or soldering into PC boards. The packages may be horizontally or vertically stacked for character arrays of any desired size. The normal mode of operation is depicted in the block diagram of Figure S. In this circuit. binary input data for digit 4, column 1 is decoded by the 7 line output ROM and then loaded into the 7 on board shift ·register locations 1 through 7 through a parallel-in-serial-out shift register. Column 1 datafordigits3.2and1 iss:milarlydecodedand shifted into the display shift register locations. The column 1 input is now enabled for an appropriate period of time, T. A similar process is repeated for columns 2. 3. 4 and 5. If the time necessary to decode and load data into the shift register is t. then with 5 columns, each column of the display is operating at a duty factor of: The -2000 can be operated over a wide range of temperature and supply voltages. Full power operation at TA = 25°C (Vee = VB = VeOL = 5.25V) is possible by providing a total thermal resistance from the seating plane of the pins to ambient of 35°C/w/cluster maximum. For operation above T A = 25° C, the maximum device dissipation should be derated above 25°C at 1SmWfOC (see Figure 2). Power derating can be achieved by either decreasing VeoL or decreasing the average drive current through pulse width modulation of VB. The -2000 display has an integral contrast enhancement filter in the glass lens. Additional front panel contrast filters may by desirable in most actual display applications. Some suggested filters are Panelgraphic Ruby Red SO, SGL Homalite H100-1605 and Plexiglass 2423. Hewlett-Packard Application Note 964 treats this subject in greater detail. 0 2.0 "- i! "'~ 1.5 f\ !!l !1 ~ 1.0 t--" mI-. 11 ~ RECOIIMENOEO OPERATING IISGION '--:- " ~" ~ S w T D.F. = 5It+T) The time frame, t + T, allotted to each column of the display is generally chosen to provide the maximum duty factor consistent with the minimum refresh rate necessary 0.5 a: i7 0 -20 +20 +40 +60 +80 +100 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - °C Figure 2. Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation VB. Temperature. -20 0 +20 +40 +60 +80 +100 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - °C Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity VB. Temperature. 255 ,.....,.. 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 &.0 VCOL -COLUMN VOLTAGE-V Figure 4. Peak Column Currant VB. Column VoHage. 7.0 to achieve a flicker free display. For most strobed display systems. each columr1 of the display should be refreshed (turned on) at a minimum rate of 1000times per second. If the device Is operated at 3.0 MHz clock rate maximum. It is possible to maintain t -< T. For short display strings. the duty factor will then approach 20%. For longer display strings operation at column duty factors of less than 10% will still provide adequate display intensity in most applications. For further applications information. refer to HP Application Note 966 and Application Note 1001. With 5 columns to be addressed. this refresh rate then gives a value for the time t + T of: 1/[5 x (100)] = 2 msec. := _-'N DATA _ Vee CLOCK DATA OUT _ - - I I ~~ CLOCK 'IN REstTiN C1.Qa(.1N +7 , t!NCO\.lNTER ClOCK iii" No. Of DtGl'fS tNDISPLAV IN OUT INTER: COLS C OL. Figure S. Block Diagram 01 the HDSP-200o.. CONNECTION (DO NOT CONNECT) I. CLOCt(1N STAJIT O.lSPt.AYTtMEfn OUT I" ~'TRtNG COUNTER OUTr IIII 0-- ASCII,~ IN I R£f:AESH DATA~ MEMORY 0-0-- ~ -++ • ..!.. -+., l COLUMN SElEcT COUNTER -. OUTPUTS f:~ IIIIII CLOCl<:tN } ,.aor· _"DATAIN COLIlMII COLIlMII OATA OUT AAftAU.ElIN N.tNE SEU;CT fCOLlJMNI DATA IN CHARACTER GENERAToR S£RfALOUT SHIFT REQtsnR I COLUM~NASLE! Q I I DATA CI.OCl( IN IN COllJMN seLECT TRANSISTORS - .r DATA \ OUT tNPVT~ I I I I I Figure 6. Block Diagram of a Basic Display System. 256 '15=. ENA8L!~ YELLOW FOUR CHARACTER SOLID HDSp·2001 STATE ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY · · · ......wtJiTT 'PACk'ARD TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • INTEGRATED SHIFT REGISTERS WITH CONSTANT CURRENT DRIVERS • CERAMIC 7.62 mm (.3 in.) DIP • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • END STACKABLE 4 CHARACTER PACKAGE • PIN ECONOMY 12 Pins for 4 Characters • TTL COMPATIBLE • 5x7 LED MATRIX DISPLAYS FULL ASCII CODE • RUGGED, LONG OPERATING LIFE • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY AND COLOR Assures Ease of Package to Package Brightness and Color Matching Description The HP HDSP-2001 display is a 3.8mm (0.15 inch)5x7 yellow LED array for display of alphanumeric information. The device is available in 4 character clusters and is packaged in a 12-pin dual-in-line type package. An on-board SIPO (serialin-parallel-out) 7-bit shift register associated with each digit controls constant current LED row drivers. Full character display is achieved by external column strobing. The constant current LED drivers are externally' programmable and typically capable of sinking 13.5mA peak per diode. Applications include interactive 1/0 terminals, avionics, portable telecommunications gear, and hand held equipment requiring alphanumeric displays. ( package Dimensions rpjN~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 t IT 1.25 .~.-- FUNCTION COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 INT. CONNECT- ~~~ 7 CATAOUT 8 • " " Vr~ 10 12 CLOCK GROUND DATA IN ·00 NOT CONNECT OR USE Nons: 1. DIMENSIONS ,N nun {inch..}. 2. UNlESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIEO THE TOLERANCE ON ALL DIMENSIONS tS 1.38 mm (!.01S"'j 3. LEAD MATER1AL IS GOLD pLATEO -COPPER ALLOY. 4. CHARACTERS ARE CENTERED WJTH RESPECT "'TO l.EADS WITHIN I ±.13rnm {:dJ05"L ,l.$4t.13TVP. ~' (.101) ~ .006} , NQNACCOM. 257 Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage Vee to Ground .......... -0.5V to 6.0V Inputs, Data Out and VB ... -0.5V to Vc< Column Input Voltage, VeO!. -0.5V to +6.0V Free Air Operating Temperature Range, Storage Temperature Range, Ts ..... -55°C to +100°C Maximum Allowable Package Dissipation atT,,=25°C""'0I ......................... 1.70 Watts Maximum Solder Temperature 1.59mm (.063") Below Seating Plane t<5 secs ............... 260° C T.r' ..... . Recommended operating Conditions .... Parlll)'Mter . , Supply Voltage . 01,111,1 Oat. Current, L ell.k Luminous IntenSity perLEO!3.71 (Character Average) Va, Clock or Data. Input Threshold High Va, Clock or Data Input Threshold Low VB, Clock Input Cllrrent Logical 1 . "lnput:Current logical 0 ., Data In Va,Clock Data In O~t~~~tV~ft1ge .• f~PI \l VllI VII 1111 I". I" Vor "f>l*Ik Wavelength Dominant wawlength'" Vce = 5.25V VCIOlf.... V"\I·\" 2AV All SR Stages Logical 1 60 rnA V" 2AV 73 95 rnA 1.5 rnA At! SR Stages'" Logical 1 V8=2.4V . S.OV. V"", .~ 3.SV 25°C'" V8~2.4V = V..,,, V" ~ ~ 335 SOO PI) V" ~. 2.4V 5.25V, VI!. = O.4V OV Vn = 4.75V, 1,,,, = -a.SmA, V( oj V( (' = 4.75V, 10 , = 1,6mA, V, ,,' "" OV Vn ,5.0V, VC(l!. 2.75V, 15 LEOs on per character, V. = 2.4V )\1'1'.\'" AJ 410 750 2.4 20 10 -500 -250 3.4 0.2 rnA /Jcd 2.0 4.7SV Vee '" 5.25V, Vn, Units 45 V8~OAV T, Max. 0.4V. Vce = S.25V VeOl" 3.5V V(,e' Typ: VI< IHI V(H-I f>oWerOissipation Per PaCkage" Min. Test Conditions 0.8 80 40 -800 -400 0.4 V V I'A v. A JJ.A /J A V V 0.68 W 583 585 nm nm • All typical values specified at Vee = S.OV and T A = 25°C unless otherwise noted. uPower dissipation per package with 4 characters illuminated. NOTES: 1. Maximum absolute dissipation is with the device in a socket having a thermal resistance from pins to ambient of 35°C/wattldevice. 2. The device shuuld be derated linearly above 25°C at 16mWrC (see Electrical DeSCription on page 3). 3. The chao-acters are categorized for Luminous Intensity and color with the category deSignated by a letter code on the bottom of the package. 4 TI refers to the initial case temperature of the device immedIately prior to the light measurement 5. Dominant wavelength is derived from the GIE chromaticity diagram, and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 6. Maximum allowable dissipation is derived from V( ( "" VH "'" V( 01 = 5.25 Volts, 20 LEOs on per character. 7. The luminous stearance of the LED may be. calculated uSing the following relationships: "d. L, (Lux) = h (Candela)/A (Metre)' L, (Footlamberts) ~ ".1, (Candela)/A (Foot)' A = 8.02 x 10.8 11.1 2 = 8.64 x 10.7 (Foot)2 258 Post solder cleaning may be accomplished using water. Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for vapor cleaning processing (up to 2 minutes in vapors at boiling) or Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for room temperature cleaning. Suggested solvents: Freon TF. Freon TE. Genesolv DI-15. Genesolv DE-15. Electrical Description i. The HDSP-2001 four character alphanumeric display has been designed to allow the user maximum flexibility in interface electronics design. Each four character display module features Data In and Data Out terminals arrayed for easy PC board interconnection such that display strings of up to 80 digits may be driven from a single character generator. Data Out represents the output of the 7th bit of digit number 4 shift register. Shift register clocking occurs on the high to low transition of the Clock input. The like columns of each character in a display cluster are tied to a single pin. Figure 5 is the block diagram for the HDSP-2001. High true data in the shift register enables the output current mirror driver stage associated with each row of LEDs in the 5x7 diode array. Figure 1. Switching Characteristics. (Vee = 5V, TA = -20·C to +70·C) Mechanical and Thermal Considerations The reference current for the current mirror is generated from the output voltage of the VB input buffer applied across the resistor R. The TTL compatible VB input may either be tied to Vee for maximum display intensity or pulse width modulated. to achieve intensity control and reduction in power consumption. The HDSP-2001 is available in a standard 121ead ceramicglass dual in-line package. It is designed for plugging into DIP sockets or soldering into PC boards. The packages may be horizontally or vertically stacked for character arrays of any desired size. The normal mode of operation is depicted in the block diagram of Figure 6. In this circuit, binary input data for digit 4, column 1 is decoded by the 7 line output ROM and then loaded into the 7 on board shift register locations 1 through 7 through a parallel-in-serial-out shift register. Column 1 data fordigits3. 2and 1 is similarly decoded and shifted into the display shift register locations. The column 1 input is now enabled for an appropriate period of time, T. A similar process is repeated for columns 2. 3. 4 and 5. If the time necessary to decode and load data into the shift register is t, then with 5 columns, each column of the display is operating at a duty factor of: The HDSP-2001 can be operated over a wide range of temperature and supply voltages. Full power operation at TA = 25°C (Vee = VB = VeOL = 5.25V) is possible by providing a total thermal resistance from the seating plane of the pins to ambient of 35°C/W/device maximum. For operation above TA = 25°C, the maximum device dissipation should be derated above 25°C at 16mWrC (see Figure 2). Power derating can be achieved by either decreasing VeoL or decreasing the average drive current through pulse width modulation of VB. ( The HDSP-2001 display has an integral untinted glass lens. A front panel contrast filter is desirable in most actual display applications. Some suggested filters are Panelgraphic Gray 10, SGL Homalite H100-1266 Gray and 3M Light Control Film (louvered filters). T D.F. = 5(1+T) The time frame, t + T, allotted to each column of the display is generally chosen to provide the maximum duty factor consisten! with the minimum refresh rate necessary 500 2.0 400 w .... '" 0)0- i ~ "- 1.5 jl <2 ~~ !~ ~Hj "c I x ~ •.0 1,0 K~ , I 300 - I- r:: I I 200 :1 • I FlECOMMENDED- I-- rat, ,OPERATING 0.5 100 I -20 ~ I-- e-- 11 +20 +40 +60 +80 1.0 +100 Figure 2. Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation vs. Temperature. 2.0 3.0 '.0 VCOL - COLUMN VOLTAGE - V TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - °C Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Temperature. 259 Figure 4. Peak Column Current VS. Column Voltage. 5.0 to achieve a flicker free display. For most strobed display systems, each column of the display should be refreshed (turned on) at a minimum rate of 100 times per second. If the device is operated at 3.0 MHz clock rate maximum, it is possible to maintain t-< T. For short display strings, the duty factor will then approach 20%. For longer display strings operation at column duty factors of less than 10% will still provide adequate display intensity in most applications. For further applications information, refer to HP Application Note 1001. With 5 columns to be addressed, this refresh rate then gives a value for the time t + T of: 1/[5 x (100)) = 2 msec. - - v, GND OATA' _IN _CLOCK DATA OUT _ II:~:m"L~';;T ··.IE*~·'~I~ A~~~ "'i~ • SHIFT REciS MATR>J< ~~. G~ 7 .~ "~,, .. ~ t=~~'~J~ . t f!fl,c,c +flf flf ff~tf % .. . . ~ , • -=t: .~. ~~' ~.~.. :t: ... IfJlfft f~ ~l} ~ ~~r ff 'flf 'f tli7' S , , ~2 .~ lflfft ~:' Jf'fit 'r .~.~~.~~ '~'1 l~ ~ll ~ .. E" SlI; 7 LEO MATRIX Slt1UD . s 0:;:.:> ' l~ ~l} ? b:::::-'- ~. lQ, 111 ~ ¢ f}11~ , - f-'-- • ~vi S t-'- • rtllit ~7 t-"-- tli7' . 9 ? c.:,:.l ~ =- .:r~ ~ • .~ iflff ~f ~ • .. Iflfffif - - - COL, COLl 'If'flfff '~ ." ~~~l~ 7 - COL2 ? lli7 ~' '--- ~ - _. COL 1 .~.~~.~~ ~~r ff If!.f J Lo:;:.:> ff IffF l}l~~ ~~ 'l.y JfIf11+ l II ~* r;. r:-::-Itif tffl , MATR.X ~ .:.i ' S ~r S .. . 6K7lEb' '.7LEO MATRiX' INTERNAL COLS Figure 5. Block Diagram of the HDSP·2001. CONNECTION (DO NOT CONNECT) I ~~ Ll I IN RESET IN CLOCK IN .. 7 i/N COUNT!P. . LOCK H .. No. Of Q1G1T$ OUT IHOlsP(.A.Y IN OUT $TRING I I· . CI.OCi '•• , r' I. I 'm;~ ~T£4,' r-, I Description The HP HDSP-2010 display is designed for use in applications requiring high reliability. The character font is a 3.8mm (0.15 inch r~~d LED array for displaying alphanumeric information. The device is available in 4 character clusters and is packaged in a 12-pin dual-in-line type package. An on-board SIPO (Serial-in-parallel-out) 7-bit shift register associated with each digit controls constant current LED row drivers. Full character display is achieved by external column strobing. The constant current LED drivers are externally programmable and typically capable of sinking 13.5mA peak per diode. Applications include interactive I/O terminals, avionics, portable telecommunications gear, and hand held equipment requiring alphanumeric displays. ", •. >, • r-, 1·1 COLUMN 3 I COLUMN 4 10 I COLUMN 5 INT. CONNECT- 11 12 -,1--+2 ~-3 1--+ 4 I I ~ I L I ~ I I L_J I 6 L_~ '~f*.>T~~~I.!~ >, ::# '.' ,,'J;..; ' >;" :~;-:~:: 261 ';"'. .v • "; :, ',,' ,',:. ~< Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage Vee to Ground .......... -O.SV to 6.0V Inputs, Data Out and VB ................ -O.SV to Vee Column Input Voltage, VeOl. .......... -O.SV to +6.0V Free Air Operating Temperature Range, TYI........................ -40·C to +70·C Storage Temperature Range, Ts ..... -SS·C to +100·C Maximum Allowable Package Dissipation at T A =25· CII,,,.1 ......................... 1.70 Watts Maximum Solder Temperature 1.59mm (.063") Below Seating Plane 1<5 sees ............... 260·C Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol Supply Voltage . Vee Data Out Current. Low State Data Out Current HighState Nom. Min. 4.75 5.0 IOL h}H Column Input Voltage. Column On VeoL Setup Time HOld Time Width of Clock Clock Frequency tsetu.p 2.6 70 45 ' t-hold 30 0 t.,.,fClockl 75 0 f dud• Clock Transition Time Free Air Operating Temperature Range Unlls 1.6 mA -0.5 mA V V Vee ns ns ns t/Hc TA Max. 5.25 -40 3 MHz 200 ns ·C 70 Electrical Characteristics Over Operating Temperature Range (Unless otherwise specified.) Description Symbol Supply Current Icc Column Current at any Column Input leol Column Current at any Column Input Peak Luminous Intensity per LED'3.71 (Character Average) leol Ve. Clock or Data Input Threshold High VB. Data Input Threshold Low Clock Threshold Low Input Current Logical 1 Input Current Logical 0 VB. Clock Data In Va, Clock Data In Data Out Voltage Power Dissipation Per Package" Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength lS ) IvPEAK Test Conditions = Vee = 5.2SV VeOl = 3.5V All SR Stages = Logical 1 Vee Typ.' Max. Units Va'" OAV 45 60 mA Va = 2AV 73 95 mA Va = OAV = 2AV 1.5 mA 350 435 mA Min. Vee'" 5.25V VeLoeK = VVATA "" 2AV All SR Stages Logical 1 Va = 5.0V, VeOl = 3.5V T, '" 25°C: 4 1 Va = 2.4V VIH VIL VIL hH IIH IlL Itl VOH 105 200 ~cd 2.0 Vee'" Veal = 4.75V Vee = 5.25V. VII-! ~ 0.8 0.6 2AV Vee ~ 5.25V, VIL '" OAV Vee; 4.75V.loH = -a.5mA. VeOl ; OV 2A V V V 20 10 80 fLA 40 ~A -500 -250 -800 I'A -400 ~A 004 V V VOL Vee"" 4.75V, IOl = 1.6mA, VeOl = OV 3.4 0.2 Po Vee z 5.0V, Veal 2.6V, 15 LEOs on per character, Vs = 2.4V = 0.66 W 655 nm APEAK Ad nm 640 Leak Rate 5 x 10-7 eels -All typical values specified at Vee::= S.OV and TA == 25°C unless otherwIse noted. ··Power dissipation per package with 4 characters illuminated. NOTES: 1. Maximum absolute dissipation is with the device in a socket having a thermal resistance from pins to ambient of 35° C/watt/device. 2. The device should be derated linearly above 25°C at 16mWrC (see Electrical Description on page 3). 3. The characters are categorized for Luminous Intensity and color with the category deSignated by a letter code on the bottom of the package. 4. T, refers to the initial case temperature of the device immediately prior to the light measurement. S Dominant wavelength Ad, is derived from the elE chromaticity diagram, and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 6. Maximum allowable diSSipation is derived from Vee::::: Va ::::: VeOl = 5.25 Volts. 20 LEOs on per character 7. The luminous stearance of the LED may be calculated using the following relationships: L, (Lux) = I, (Candela)/A (Metre)2 L, (Footlamberts) = ".1, (Candela)/A (Foot)2 A = 5.3 X 10-8 M2 = 5.8 X 10-7 (Foot)2 262 3M Light Control Film (louvered filters). OCLI Sungard optically coated glass filters offer superior contrast enhancement. Post solder cleaning may be accomplished using water, Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for vapor cleaning processing (up to 2 minutes in vapors at boiling) or Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for room temperature cleaning. Suggested solvents: Freon TF, Freon TE, Genesolv DI-15, Genesolv DE-15. Electrical Description Parameter ferock eLOCKRate ['3" :': '"",Hi ':, tPUh hH( ,-Propagation ,delay, CLOCK to DATA OUT The HDSP-2010 display provides on-board storage of decoded column data and constant current sinking row drivers for each of 28 rows in the 4 character display. The device consists of four LED matrices and two integrated circuits that form a 28-bit serial input-parallel output (SIPO) shift register, see Figure 5. Each character is a 5 x 7 diode array arranged with the cathodes of each row connected to one constant current sinking output of the SIPO shift register. The anodes of each column are connected together, with the same column of each of the 4 characters connected together (I.e. column 1 of all four characters are connected to pin 1). Any LED within any character may be addressed by shifting data to the appropriate shift register location and applying a voltage to the appropriate column. Associated with each shift register location is a constant current sinking LED driver, capable of sinking a nominal 13.5 mAo A logical 1 loaded into a shift register location enables the current source at that location. A voltage applied to the appropriate column input turns on the desired LED. The display is column strobed on a 1 of 5 basis by loading 7 bits of row data per character for a selected column. The data is shifted through the SIPO shift register, one bit location for each high-to-Iow transition of the clock. When the HDSp·2010 display is operated with pin 1 in the lower left hand corner, the first bit that is loaded into the SIPO shift register will be the information for row 7 of the right most character. The 28th bit loaded into the SIPO shift register will be the information for row 1 of the left most character. When the 28 bits of row data for column 1 have been loaded into the SIPO shift register, the first column is energized for a time period, T, illuminating column 1 in all four characters. Column 1 is turned off and the process is repeated for columns 2 through 5. Condition Min. Typ, ,Max. Uhi. I CL c;,15pF Rl,;=;2.4Kn ' ,< : ,<,' ' :'" ns" 125 I"',, "" I ' Figure 1. Switching Characteristics. (Vee = 5V, TA = ·40°C to +70° C) Mechanical and Thermal Considerations The HDSP-2010 is available in a standard 121ead ceramicglass dual in-line package, It is designed for plugging into DIP sockets or soldering into PC boards. The packages may be horizontally or vertically stacked for character arrays of any desired size. The HDSP-2010 can be operated over a wide range of temperature and supply voltages. Full power operation at TA = 25°C (Vee = VB = VeOl = 5.25V) is possible by providing a total thermal resistance from the seating plane of the pins to ambient of 35°C/W/device maximum. For operation above TA = 25°C, the maximum device dissipation should be derated above 25°C at 16mW/oC (see Figure 2). Power derating can be achieved by either decreasing Veol or decreasing the average drive current through pulse width modulation of VB. The HDSP-2010 display has an integral red glass lens. A front panel contrast filter is desirable in most actual display applications. Some suggested filters are Panel graphic Ruby Red 60, SGL Homalite H100-1605 Red and 4,0 500 TA '" 25~C " E 0 " 3,0 " f', 5 0 0 -40 -20 +20 +40 +60 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ +80 °c Figure 2. Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation vs. Temperature. o -40 z - :;; '" "-20 TA 300 ::0 I\. u 5 '"'" u iii \. 2,0 >- 400 ~ +20 30 u -..... I ............ +40 I J ) ReCOMMENDED O~~l~NG ~ 100 II +60 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ +80 °c Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Temperature. 263 I 200 ~" o o u 2.0 2.6 3.0 4,0 VeOl - COLUMN VOLT AGE - V Figure 4. Peak Column Current vs. Column Voltage. 5,0 The time frame allotted per column is (t + T) and the minimum recommended refresh rate for a flicker free display is 100 Hz, so that (t + T) S 2 ms. If the display is operated atthe 3 MHz maxi m um clock rate, itis possi ble to maintain t« T. Fordisplay strings of 24 characters or less, the LED on time OF will be approximately 19.4%. For longer display strings, operation of the display with OF approximately 10% will provide adequate light output for indoor applications. "", 28 BIT SIPO SHIFT REGISTER lIEFllAl'" , 'DECODEO !>ATA, ,0lJ,Tl'UT, The 28th stage of the SIPO shift register is connected to the Data Output, which is designed to interface directly to the Data Input ofthe next HDSP-2010 in the display string. The VB input may be used to control the apparent brightness of the display. A logic high applied to the VB input enables the display to be turned ON, and a logic low blanks the display by disabling the constant current LED drivers. Therefore, the time average luminous intensity of the display can be varied by pulse width modulation of VB. For application and drive circuit information refer to HP Application Notes 966 and 1001. ,: ," High Reliability Test program Hewlett-Packard provides standard high reliability test programs in order to facilitate the use of HP products in military programs. The TXV prefix identifies a part which has been preconditioned and screened per Table 1. Figure 5. Block Diagram of the HDSP-2010 Display Knowing the time period, t, to load the data into the display, the LED on time duty factor, OF, may be determined PART NUMBER SYSTEM T OF = 5(HT) TABLE 1. TXV Preconditioning and Screening - 100% MIL.-tTD-883 Methods oeD Procedure " , ',>2:, ,High Te-lnPtrature Storage : : 3'.' Temperature Cycling 1010 , 1oo·c. 24 firs, ' -55·C 'to +1oo"C, 10 Cycles 2~OOO " ,~ " G's. Y1 Orien~tlcjJi 1()14 , ,Condition A, 1014 Condition C"Inspect at 100"C ,-",';',' - 6.~-Qross Leak", '.'" :1. :~,~" ,~ EleC lbL;'; 1.6mA . .vco = 4.75V " . Clock OulputYoItaQe . . 'Reset Input Our~~ ., Chip SeleCt, ',\",,,' Vee ",,4.75V .. 'mA VIH= 3,OV rnA "'.:', 07 Inplit :Current .• }ill.. Column OutpUt Voltage' ,; .\IlL =o:sv'" O 100Vls. 3. Momentary peak surge currents may exist on these lines. However, these momentary currents will not interfere with proper operation of the HDSP-2470/1/2. 266 HDSP-2416/-2424/-2432/-2440 Recommended Operating Conditions Absolute Maximum Ratings ··1 Supply Voltage Vee to Ground ......... -0.5V to 6.0V Inputs, Data Out and VB ............... -0.5V to Vee Column Input Voltage, VeOl ......... -0.5V to +6.0V Free Air Operating Temperature Range, TAI11 ....................... O°C to +55°C Storage Temperature Range, Ts .... -55°C to +100°C Electrical Characteristics OVer operating Temperature Range (Unless otherwise specified) "All typical values specified at Vee = 5.0V and TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted. NOTES: 1. Operation above 55° C (70° C MAX) may be achieved by the use of forced air (150 fpm normal to component side of HDSP-247X controller board at sea level). Operation down to -20° C is possible in applications that do not require the use of HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 controller boards. 2. n = number of HDSP-2000 packages HDSP-2416 n = 4 HDSP-2424 n = 6 HDSP-2432 n = 8 HDSP-2440 n = 10 3. Tj refers to initial case temperature immediately prior to the light measurement. 4. Power dissipation with all characters illuminated. 267 System Overview The HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Alphanumeric Display Controliers provide the interface between any ASCII based Alphanumeric System and the HDSP-2000 Alphanumeric Display. ASCII data is loaded into the system by means of anyone of four data entry modes Left, Right, RAM or Block Entry. This ASCII data is stored in the internal RAM memory of the system. The system refreshes HDSP-2000 displays from 4 to 48 characters with the decoded data. The user interfaces to any of the systems through eight DATA IN inputs, five ADDRESS inputs (RAM mode), a CHIP SELECT input, RESET input, seven DATA OUT outputs, a READY output, DATA VALID output, and a COLUMN ON output. A low level on the RESET input clears the display and initializes the system. A low level on the CHIP SELECT input causes the system to load data from the DATA I N and ADDRESS inputs into the system, The controlier outputs a status word, cursor address and 32 ASCII data characters through the DATA OUT outputs and DATA VALID output during the time the system is waiting to refresh the next column of the display, The COLUMN ON output can be used to synchronize the DATA OUT function, A block diagram for the HDSP2470/-2471/-2472 systems is shown in Figure 1. OATAOUT DATA VALID COLUMN ON VB, DISPLAY BLANKING t-t--- -C RAM ADDRESS ~ DATA IN ---l- CHIP SELECT -C READY , 7 r3J_ DISPLAY COIIITROLLER I I * I L __ ,3 ~ 1110 DECOOER -A DRIVE TAAI\IS COLUMN 1-5 I I I _.J ,7 - DISPLAY DATA "ISO CLOCK * CHARACTER GENERATOR FOR HDsp·2471, SOCKET FOR lK X 8 PROM FOR HOSP·2472. Figure 1. Block Diagram for the HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Alphanumeric Display Controller. 20 The system interfaces to the HDSP-2000 display through five COLUMN outputs, a CLOCK output, DISPLAY DATA output, and the COLUMN ON output. The user should connect DISPLAY DATA to DATA IN of the leftmost HDSP-2000 cluster and cascade DATA OUT to DATA IN of ali HDSP-2000 clusters. COLUMN outputs from the system are connected tothe COLUMN inputs of ali HDSP2000 clusters. The HDSP-24XX Series display boards are designed to interconnect directly with the HDSP-247X Series display controliers. The COLUMN outputs can source enough current to drive up to 48 characters of the HDSP-2000 display. Pulse width modulation of display luminous intensity can be provided by connecting COLUMN ON to the input of a monostable multivibrator and the output of the monostable multivibrator to the VB inputs ofthe HDSP-2000 displays. The system is designed to refresh the display at a fixed refresh rate of 100 Hz. COLUMN ON time is optimized for each display length in order to maximize light output as shown in Figure 2. 18 w :IE ;:: z 0 z :IE ::> .... 0 C.> ~ .", ~ ~ 16 r-...: i'-...'iDSP·24111.2472 N" 14 HDSP·2470..... "~ ~ 12 i'.. "" ... " 10 00 r..... 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 DISPLAY LENGTH Figure 2. Column on Time vs. Display Length for the HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Alphanumeric Display Controller. 268 Control Mode/Data Entry fO User interface to the HDSP-247X Series controller is via an 8 bit word which provides to the controller either a control word or standard ASCII data input. In addition to this user provided 8 bit word, two additional control lines, CHIP SELECT and READY, allow easily generated "handshake" signals for interface purposes. CONTROL WORD: D7D6D5D4D3D2D1DO I 11X xl-IV V V Vi VVVV o0 A logic low applied to the CHIP SELECT input (minimum six microseconds) causes the controller to read the 8 DATA IN lines and determine whether a control word or ASCII data word is present, as determined by the logic state of the most Significant bit (07). If the controller detects a logic high at 07, the state of 06-00 will define the data entry mode and the number of alphanumeric characters to be displayed. 0 0 000 1 001 0 o0 o1 o1 o1 o1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 000 100 1 101 0 1 0 1 1 The 8 bit control data word format is outlined in Figure 3. For the control word (07 high), bits 06 and 05 define the selected data entry mode (Left entry, Right entry, etc.) and bits 03 to Do define display length. Bit 04 is ignored. DISPLAV LENGTH: 4 DIGITS 8 12 16 20 24 28 32' 36 40 " 44 48 'maximum for RAM data entry mode Control word inputs are first checked to verify that the control word is valid. The system ignores display lengths greater than 1011 for left block or right, orOlll for RAM. If the word is valid, the present state-next state table shown in Figure 4 is utilized to determine whether or not to clear the display. For display lengths of up to 32 characters, RAM entry can be used as a powerful editing tool, or can be used to preload the cursor. With other transitions, the internal data memory is cleared. x X DATA ENTRV MODES o0 o1 RAM DATA ENTRV LEFT DATA ENTRV RIGHT DATA ENTRV BLOCK DATA ENTRY 1 0 1 1 Figure 3. Control Word Format for the HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Alphanumeric Display Controller. 11) RAM ENTRY MODE IS VALID FOR DISPLAYS OF 32 CHARACTERS OR LESS IN LENGTH. 12) r FOLLOWING A TRANSITION FROM RAM TO BLOCK. WHEN THE CURSOR ADDRESS IS 48 130,.) DURING THE TRANSITION. THE FIRST VALID ASCII CHARACTER WILL BE IGNORED AND THE SECOND VALID ASCII CHARACTER WILL BE LOADED IN THE LEFT· MOST DISPLAY LOCATION. WHERE BEGIN IS DEFINED AS FOLLOWS: DISPLAY LENGTH 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 CLEAR, B~INKII!/C CURSOR. BEGIN' 40 44 48 CURSOR ADDRESS OF BEGIN 2C, •• 44,0 28, •• 4010 24, •• 36,0 20, •• 3210 1C, •• 2&,0 18, •• 24,0 14, •• 20,0 10,6. 16,0 0C, •• 12,0 08, •• &'0 04, •• 4,0 DO,. Figure 4. Present State-Next State Diagram for the HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Alphanumeric Display Controller. 269 If 07 is a logic low when the DATA IN lines are read, the controller will interpret De-Do as standard ASCII data to be stored, decoded and displayed. The system accepts seven bit ASCII for all three versions. However, the HDSP-2470 system displays only the 64 character subset [2016 (space) to 5F16 L.)] and ignores all ASCII characters outside this subset with the exception of those characters defined as display commands. These display commands are shown in Figure 5. Displayed character sets for the HDSP-2470/-2471 systems are shown in Figure 6. DATA WORD: D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 Dl DO ASCII ASSIGNMENT 1 0 I A A A A A A AI LF BS HT US DEL 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DISPLAY COMMAND I"·· 1 CLEAR Right Entry BACKSPACE CURSOR Modo FORWARDSPACE CURSOR INSERT CHARACTER DELETE CHARACTER Volid in ~~oEntry Figure 5. Display Commands for the HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Alphanumeric Display Controller. 128 CHARACTER ASCII SET (HDSP-2471) 84 CHARACTER ASCII SUBSET (HDSP·2470) 0001 DOlO 00'1 0100 0101 0'10 0111 1000 1001 1010 101' 1100 1101 1110 1111 *DISPLAY COMMANDS WHEN USED IN LEFT ENTRY +DISPLAY COMMANDS WHEN USED IN RIGHT ENTRY Figure 6. Display Font for the HDSP-2470 (64 Character ASCII Subset), and HDSP-2471 (128 Character ASCII Set) Alphanumeric Display Controller. 270 Regardless of whether a control word or ASCII data word Is presented by the user. a READY signal is generated by' the controller after the input word is processed. This READY signal goes low for 25/o1s and upon a positive transition. a new CHIP SELECT may be accepted by the controller. Data Entry Timing is shown in Figure 7. DATA ENTRY TIMING I. RAM ADDRESS I---l0~S MAX. ~"M'l1.. CHIPSELECT ·1 ADDRESS HOLD TIME E D A T A HOLD T I M E 3 -+1_______________________.. -1-1. _1-_6jt_S_'MI_N._ __ DATA ENTRY TIME READY ----------1.11- 2.6~s· II- -IL 26jts IF'CHIP SELECT. 0 AFTER THIS TIME, CONTROLLER WILL ENTER NEXT CHARACTER. MAXIMUM DATA ENTRY TIMES OVER OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE DATA ENTRY MODE DATA HOLD TIME" BACK SPACE CLEAR FORWARD SPACE DELETE INSERT LEFT (2471/2) LEFT (2470) 1351's 1501's 2351's 2451's 1951's 2151's 5051'5 5301'5 2051'S 2251's 7251'5 7451'5 7251'5 7351'5 RIGHT (2471/2) RIGHT (2470) 851'5 1051's 4801'5 4901'5 4701'5 , 4901'5 4651'5 4851'5 HDSP- ( FUNCTION DATA ENTRY RAM (2471/2) RAM (2470) 551'5 551'5 8LOCK (2471/2) 8LOCK (2470) 551'5 551'5 1201'S 1301's LOAD CONTROL (2471/2) LOAD CONTROL (2470) 501'5 501'5 5051'5 5051'5 1201's" 1301's" 1901's 2001's (1551'S FOR RIGHTMOST CHARACTER) (1651'S FOR RIGHTMOST CHARACTER) "Minimum time that data inputs must remain valid after Chip Select goes low. "Minimum time that RAM address inputs must remain valid after Chip Select goes low. Figure 7. Data Entry Timing and Data Entry Tim.. for the HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Alphanumeric Display Controller. 271 Left Entry Mode for displays less than or equal to 32 characters. Regardless of display length, address 00 is the leftmost display character. Out of range RAM addresses are ignored. While RAM entry has a non-visible cursor, the cursor is always preloaded with the address to the right of the last character entered. This allows the cursor to be preloaded with an address prior to going into any other entry mode. In RAM entry, the system can display the complete 128 character ASCII set because it does not interpret any of the characters as control functions. The display can be cleared by loading in a new RAM control word. With Left entry, characters are entered in typewriter fashion, Le., to the right of all previous characters. Left entry uses a blinking cursor to indicate the location where the next character is to be entered. CLEAR loads the display with spaces and resets the cursor to the leftmost display location. BACKSPACE and FORWARDSPACE move the cursor without changing the character string. Thus, the user can backspace to the character to be edited, enter a character and then forward space the cursor. The DELETE function deletes the displayed character at the cursor location and then shifts the character string following the cursor one location to the left to fill the void of the deleted character. The INSERT CHARACTER sets a flag inside the system that causes subsequent ASCII characters to be inserted to the left of the character at the cursor location. As new characters are entered, the cursor, the character at the cursor, and all characters to the right of the cursor are shifted one location to the right. The INSERT function is terminated by a second INSERT CHARACTER, or by BACKSPACE, FORWARDSPACE, CLEAR or DELETE. In Left entry mode, after the display is filled, the system ignores a'll characters except BACKSPACE and CLEAR. The system allows the cursor to be positioned only in the region between the leftmost display character and immediately to the right (offscreen) of the rightmost display character. Data Out For display lengths of 32 characters or less, the data stored in the internal RAM is available to the user during the time between display refresh cycles. The system outputs a STATUS WORD, CURSOR ADDRESS, and 32 ASCII data characters. The STATUS WORD specifies the data entry mode and the display length of the system. The STATUS WORD output differs slightly from the CONTROL WORDinput. This difference is depicted in Figure 8. Regardless of display length, the CURSOR ADDRESS of the rightmost character location is address 47 (2F16) and the offscreen address of the cursor is address 48 (3016). The CURSOR ADDRESS of the leftmost location is defined as address 48 minus the display length. A general formula for CURSOR ADDRESS is: Right Entry Mode In Right entry mode, characters are entered at the right hand side of the display and shifted to the left as new characters are entered. In this mode, the system stores 48 ASCII characters, although only the last characters entered are displayed. CLEAR loads the display with spaces. BACKSPACE shifts the display one location to the right, deleting the last character entered and displaying the next character in the 48 character buffer. Right entry mode is a Simple means to implement the walking or "Times-Square" display. FORWARDSPACE, INSERT, and DELETE have character assignments in this mode since they are not treated as editing characters. In this mode, the cursor is located immediately to the right (offscreen) of the rightmost displayed character. CURSOR ADDRESS = (47 - Display Length) + Number of Characters from Left. For example, suppose the alphanumeric display is 16 characters long and the cursor was blinking at the third digit from the left. Then the CURSOR ADDRESS would be 47 -16 + 3 or34 (2216) and the 18th ASCII data word would correspond to the ASCII character at the location of the display cursor. In Left and Block entry, the CURSOR ADDRESS specifies the location where the next ASCII data character is to be entered. In RAM entry, the CURSOR ADDRESS specifies the location to the right of the last character entered. In Right entry, the CURSOR ADDRESS is always 48 (3016). The negative edge of the DATA VALID output can be used to load the 34 DATA OUT words into the user's system. The DATA OUT timing for the HDSP-247X systems are summarized in Figure 8. For displays longer than 32 characters, the system only outputs the STATUS WORD between refresh cycles. Block Entry Mode Block entry allows the fastest data entry rate of all four modes. In this mode, characters are loaded from left to right as with Left entry. However, with Block entry, after the display is completely loaded, the next ASCII character is loaded in the leftmost display location, replacing the previous displayed character. While Block entry has a nonvisible cursor, the cursor is always loaded with the address of the next character to be entered. In this entry mode, the system can display the complete 128 character ASCII set. The display can be cleared and the cursor reset to the leftmost display locati()n by loading in a new BLOCK control word. Master/Power On Reset When power is first applied to the system, the system clears the display and tests the state of the DATA INPUT, D7. If D7 > 2.0V, the systems loads the control word on the DATA INPUTS into the system. If D7:S .8V or the system sees an invalid control word, the system initializes as Left entry for a 32 character display with a flashing cursor in the leftmost location. For POWER ON RESET to function properly, the power supply must turn on at a rate> 100 Vis. In addition, the system can be reset by pulling the RESET input low for a minimum of 50 milliseconds. POWER ON/MASTER RESET timing is shown in Figure 9. RAM Entry Mode In RAM entry, ASCII characters are loaded at the address specified by the five bit RAM address. Due to the limitation of only five address lines, RAM data entry is allowed only 272 2OCIOjt. --,---------------1-1 HDSP· 2470 ASCII DATA HDSP- COLU~=..J 2470 --It-2501 ASCII DATA STATU~. CURSOR I DATA I. DATA WORD ADDRESS...j-WORD -+-WORDS I IA)· I--- 6OOn. MIN liB) !-5OOn, MIN 11 - 311 (0) HDSP- --11- 1.211' ON--l!-11'1 HDSP247112472 Jl:L1~ ASCII DATA &DOns MIN e. -,""__--' !-_ _ n ....I STATUS WORD FORMAT IWORD A) 0 6 Os D4 D:! D:! 0, Do l 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 n"'_______ 35,..--1-- 35ps --I = 30.5•• + 20•• X Displav Length = 17.5•• + 17.5•• X Display Length Y, DATA VALID TO COLUMN OFF TIME IDispiay Length <32 ChlrllC18rs) IHDSp·2470) - 813.5•• - 20.. X Display Length IHDSp·24711·2472) = 826.2•• - 17.5•• X Display Length COLUMN--,"'__________________________________ 2471/·2472 Figure X, COLUMN OFF TIME IHDSp·2470) IHDSP·24711·2472) Jl:'?;~ ....,"'___~ HDSP· 2470 RAM ENTRY Y Y Y Y BLOCK ENTRY LEFT ENTRY RIGHT ENTRY YYYY = DISPLAY LENGTH CURSOR ADDRESS FORMAT !WORD B) CURSOR ADDRESS = 147 - Display Length) + No. of Characters from Left I I STATrJis CURSOR +DATA DATA WORD ADDRESS WORD-+--WORDS --IA) I-IB) (0) 11 - 311 500n. MIN I-- . DATA WORD FORMAT IWORDS 0-31) STANDARD ASCII DATA Where Word (31) i. Rightmost Displayed ASCII Character Data Out Timing and Format for the HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Alphanumeric Displa, Controller. 1 •..--------- ·1 5 O m . M I N I - - - - - - - - -. . l~~. READY DATA INPUT, D7 INITIALIZES AS LEFT ENTRY MODE, 32 CHARACTER· DISPLAY LENGTH Figure •• P_er-OnlMuter Reaet Timing lor the HDSP-2470/-2471/·2472 Alphanumeric Displa, Controller. 273 Custom Character Sets The HDSP-2472 system has been specifically designed to permit the user to insert a custom 128 ASCII character set. This system features a 24 pin socket that is designed to accept a custom programmed 1K X 8 PROM, EPROM, or ROM. The read only memory should have an access time::; 500ns, ilL ::;1-.4mAI and IIH ::;40~A. A list of pin compatible read only memories is shown. in Figure 10. Jumper locations are provided on the HDSP-2472 P.C. board which allow the use of ROM's requiring chip enables tied either to 0 or 5V. For further information on ROM programming, please contact the factory. Power Supply Requirements The HDSP-247X Alphanumeric Display System is designed to operate from a single 5 volt supply. Total Icc requirements for the HDSP-247X Alphanumeric Display Controller and HDSP-24XX Display Panel are shown in Figure 11. Peak Icc is the instantaneous current required for the system. Maximum Peak Icc occurs for Vee = 5.25V with 7 dots ON in the same Column in all display characters. This current must be supplied by a combination of the power supply and supply filter capacitor. Maximum Average Icc occurs for Vee = 5.25V with 21 dots ON per character in all display characters. The inclusion of a 375 X microfarad capacitor (where X is the number of characters in the display) adjacent to the HDSP-247X Alphanumeric Display System will permit the use of a power supply capable of supplying the maximum average Icc. DISPLAY LENGTH Figure 11. Maximum Peak and Average Icc for the HDSP- 2470/71n2 Alphanumeric Display Controller and HDSP-2000 Display. CONNECTORS Amp PIN 1-5301S01i-1; iII$o'-::' availoblo in bQaid tt'llib!.' ',, iInd ou.ed:oilflgUn.t!oi\s' ,:',,' NOTES: (1) Power leads should be 18-20 gauge stranded wire, (2) The maximum lead length from ·the controller board to the display should not exceed 1 metre, (3) The suggested Amp connector is supplied with the conlroller, EXTERNAL CONNECTION· PART NUMBER 2758 K y GND GND +5 NC NC NC +5 +5 GND NC NC NC 8IPOLAR-NiCr +5 +5 GND BIPOLAR-NiCr NC NC NC BIPOLAR-TiW +5 +5 GND PROM BIPOLAR-NiCr +5 +5 GND ROM NMOS NC NC Signetics ROM NMOS NC NC Mostek ROM NMOS +5 NC MANUFACTURER TYPE CONSTRUCTION Intel EPROM NMOS 7608 Harris PROM 8IPOLAR·NiCr 3628·4 Intel PROM 8IPOLAR·Si 8252708 Signetics PROM 8IPOLAR-NiCr 6381 Monolithic Mem. PROM 6385 Monolithic Mem. PROM 87S228 National PROM 93451 Fairchild 68308 Motorola 2607 30000 ~ 'Board jumpers correspond to pins 18, 19 & 21 of ROM • •• As defined by customer Figure 10. Pin Compatible 1K x 8 Read Only Memories for the HDSP-2472 Alphanumeric Display Controller. Display Boards/Hardware Included with the controller board are: 1 each Amp PIN 1530500-7 board to board connector, and 4 each locking circuit board support nylon standoffs (Richco LCBS-4). This hardware allows the controller board to interconnect with any of the standard display boards. Figure 12 depicts correct assembly technique. The mechanical layout of the HDSP-247X Series allows direct mating of the controller P.C. board to a compatible series of display boards available from Hewlett-Packard. These display boards consist of matched and tested HDSP-2000 clusters soldered to a P.C. board. 274 Assembly Steps 1. Insert the standoffs into .151 diameter holes (noted as "S" on Figure 12. The long end of the standoffs should protrude through the controller board side. 2. Position the controller board and display board with the components and displays facing out. The HP logo should be in the upper left corner when viewed facing the boards. Insert the standoffs through the mating holes on the display board and press the boards together so that the standoffs.lock in place. 3. After the standoffs are secured, the Amp connector should be placed on the edge connect pads (marked "A" through "Q" Figure 12) at the top of the boards. Visual alignment of this connector may be done on the controller board by determining that the first connector contact finger is centered on the pad labeled "A". AMP Connector (AMP pin 1-5:!OSIIO-~n' 3M Connector (3M pin 3429-1002) ,~ MOLEX Connector (MOLEX pIn 09-65-1031) I HDSP-2416/24/32/40 -'''----Dllf)lay Board f HDSP-2470mnz ----1HController Board S Figure 12. Assembly Drawing. 275 package Dimensions 3..DIATHRU HDSP-Z4N/Z4711Z47Z DESCRIPTIO' ""• •• •• ,,,• 1D DATAYALID RMADDREII..At DATA IN. 0, RAMADDREIS,A, IIEIIT RAM ADDREss. AI DATA OUT, DO. RAM ADORE" A3 DATA OUT, DO, DATAIN,Do "" "" ." Z1 ".. DATA OUT' DO. OA1A III, 0, DATA OUT, 003 17 . . ... r.mJeHDLES emmmT n 14 UNLESSDTHERWIS£ SPltlFlEO, DIMENSiONS ARE II . . AND fiNCHES) BATA IN, DI DATA OUT, Doz DATA IN,03 . DATA OUT, DD, a. DATA IN. DATA OUT. DO, DATA II. Os READY DAT.'I,O, COLUMI.I RAM ADDREss. A.. 1+---------=:~~---------"1 I '·'-1 DI.LAY BLANK. V, T.liIl I+-----~t~::·----------------I 1------------f.f,fREF----------~ Figure 13. HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 .i:', r/'A 1it" Wl''''l-=ill TY'- --'- HO..Z411J.2424I-2432/.J440 HDIN4701.z47t/-2472 DEICRIPTION DtlPLAY BLANK, V, A •.e COLUMN, COLUMNz F.G COLUMNa COLUMN. COLUMN, tK L CLOCK DI.LAY DATA Vee (.tI<M' "" TlidM D.' lDHI:~':J t H.' ...• '.Q iliii"t·.I'D II... .547 + ..... ~-T ~._I I I ~:::- U5DDIATHRU r.rm'HDlES TV' HI ~IAH:lHR. ES r . -[:=r==J W I - - 1--- T ! ,"Le. -----.,' UMLKJ Ifl8FEDClA I I t·DI.U,Y l1Ji1 11.1G4±.518 T.IRr:l:.12O a , ~ (1.115:1:.110 ~ .N. f.iiir TV' .,j,0 J~ E r42.114:1:.214 ' - - 1f.iiij±.II' A~'~C Ii. ,..... DISPLAYS ~::~~1~-- I-- LUIlt. 153.122±,Z54 1I.o5l)±.Gl0 'U.aIl±.5II1 ". 1lI!I, . •1 1iiiil l . '" Figure 14. HDSP-2416/-2424/-2432 !JH.DIA THRU {.II1)"HOLES 2,51 t'lPlCS i]ii) TYP =,------1, lr. r! (.125) ATVP UI2 DIATHRU {,lOll 4 HOLES ,.... T.3tiDJ 1&.104:1: .... lDiT ..... !Ut!:t.214 {.4Mf:t.110 8.715:1:,254 T.B4J:t ,01' I.l10:1:,501 Uii/ ..... =____ IH~--JU--..... ----------~---+,-----------------t+---~I (.IB) :1:,010 I-_ _ _ _ t DISPLAYS ~II 4.343:t.2M f.ffi):t.Ol. ~-----------------------~:~:-----~ 1--------=:::------------- Figure 15. HDSP-2440 276 r 7.112 T.iiII Fli;' HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD 18 SEGMENT SOLID STATE ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY HtlSP-6300 TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • ALPHANUMERIC Displays 64 Character ASCII Set and Special Characters • 18 SEGMENT FONT INCLUDING CENTERED D.P. AND COLON • 3.S6mm (0.140") CHARACTER HEIGHT • APPLICATION FLEXIBILITY WITH PACKAGE DESIGN 8 Character Dual-In-Line Package End Stackable Sturdy Leads on 2.S4mm (0.100") Centers Common Cathode Configuration Description The HDSP-6300 is an eighteen segment GaAsP red alphanumeric display mounted in an 8 character dual-inline package configuration that permits mounting on PC boards or in standard Ie sockets. The monolithic light emitting diode character is magnified by the integral lens which increases both character size and luminous intensity, thereby making low power consumption possible. The eighteen segments consist of sixteen segments for alphanumeric and special characters plus centered decimal point and colon for good visual aesthetics. Character spacing yields 5 characters per inch. • LOW POWER As Low as 1.0-1.SmA Average Per Segment Depending on Peak Current Levels f (· EXCELLENT CHARACTER APPEARANCE Continuous Segment Font High OnlOff Contrast S.08mm (0.200") Character Spacing Excellent Character Alignment Excellent Readability at 1.S Metres • SUPPORT ELECTRONICS Can Be Driven With ROM Decoders and Drivers Easy Interfacing With Microprocessors and LSI Circuitry Applications These alphanumeric displays are attractive for applications such as computer peripherals and mobile terminals, desk top calculators, in-plant control equipment, handheld instruments and other products requiring low power, display compactness and alphanumeric display capability. • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY Assures Uniformity of Light Output From Unit to Unit Within a Single Category 277 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter R~verse Voltage Solder Te';"m~'-p~ef:.c,a':"tu-'.r-'e-a-t"-1"',5-:,9..;cm~,m-'"-~-'--+--'-----+~~~"""---!~-""''''''''-------! (1116 inch) bel.owseating plane, t 5 5 SeConds ' ' NOTES: 1, Maximum allowed drive conditions for strobed operation are derived from Figures 1 and 2, See electrical section of operational considerations, 2. Derate linearly above TA = 50°C at 2.47 mWrC. PD Max. ITA = 85°CI = 47 mW. Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =25°C 'S~~bOr ., Parameter Luminous Intensity, Time Average, Character Total with 16 Segments lIIuminated [3.4] '. FOrward Voltage Per Segment or DP Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength [5J Reverse Current Per Segment or DP ",tv"" " VF APEAK Ad IR ,", , ',: ".'. ", ·Mln., Typ; Test Condition IpE'AK 1"'24mA' 1/16 Duty Faclor 400 ",'" .. : 1200 " IF"'" 24mA (One Segment On) 1.6 ,;lied' , V nm 1.9 655 640 .':. nm 10 ",.,' ';uA VR "".5V· ',' ·C/W/ Char. 250 niermal Resistanc.e LED Junction-to-Pin per Character ROJ-PIN Max. ""UnltS' NOTES: 3, The luminous intensity ratio between segments within a digit is designed so that each segment will have the same luminous sterance. Thus each segment will appear with equal brightness to the eye. 4. Operation at peak currents of less than 7mA is not recommended. 5. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the C.I.E. chromaticity diagram and represents that single wavelength which defines the color of the device, standard red. ~: " E I >~ ~ I -+ 1.0 I 0.9 ., 200 150 '\ 100 a:: '\ I ::J () " ~ 50 - I '\ ~ ~ 20 10 7 "",J,- I 1 t r\ "~11 '0 'Y,. - i II 10 100 tp 7'"" 'Y,. 1000 :"t 0.7 ~ 0.6 ~ 0.5 - . "- f'\ , "'- '" R'UIN =390'CIW/CHAR" '\ " ffio ~~ ~~ § 0,8 0.4 0.35 ~ 0.3 I 0.2 - 0, 1 -DC 10000 50 60 70 80 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ PULSE DURATION - /15 Figure 1. Maximum Allowed Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. Derate derived operating conditions above TA = 50°C using Figure 2. 278 85 °c Figure 2. Temperature Derating Factor For Peak Current per Segment vs. Ambient Temperature. TJMAX =110°C ~ . ~0r-'--r-'~~~~~r-'--r-' '801-+-t-t-'+-:-l-'-t-''_"!-"".l"i"_+-'-t I ~ 0: 0: ao 0:, ~ 0: :! " ~ I 20 I--+-+-+--+--+--+-~r or. j~LL 1';:,0.J-J--':'"':,2:-'-'-i.:",,':......"":,~.6 1.8 2.0 IpEAK - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - rnA VF - PEAK FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 3. Relative Luminous Efficiency Figure 4. Peak Forward Segment Current VS. Peak Forward Voltage. (Luminous Intensity Per Unit Current) vs, Peak Segment Current. For a Detailed Explanation on the Use of Data Sheet Information and Recommended Soldering Procedures, See Application Note 1005, Page 464. A3 A2 A1 Ao 1 A4 0 0 As • 0 4 3 2 5 7 6 8 9 B A C 0 E F ~RJ3C1JEFGHIJkLMND PQR5TUVWXYZ[ ±9J%~ < > *+ 0 J.l' \ /I 0 2 3 Y5 5 1 B 9 0 Figure 5. / ~ / / L ~ ? Typical 64 Character ASCII Set. o f Additional.Character Font ~4Ii'513MAX~ " , ,.,' (1.5951' ~)TYp. , I~ITYP., " , "', f ' " ' 18.3 • .381 , (.120, .016) 1 16,24. ,254 1.600 • ,010) NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILI-IM£1RES AND fiNCHES), 2. ALL UNTOLERANCEIl DIMENSlONS ARE FOR RE~ERENCE ONLY. 3. PIN 1 IDENTIfiED BY DOT ADJACENT TO LEAD. 2.54' ,.100) TYP. Figure 6. 279 Magnified Character Font Description Device Pin Description Pin No. 1 2 3 4 r:2'~9R6~F'~ 5 6 7 ,~~~7?~t 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 '~5J:l' d2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 d, 23 Figure 7. 24 25 26 Function Anode Anode Anode Cathode Cathode Cathode Cathode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Cathode Cathode Cathode Cathode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Segment K Segment 01 Segment C Digit 1 Digit 2 Digit 3 Digit 4 Segment L Segment G2 Segment E Segment M Segment 02 Segment DP Segment A2 Segment I Segment J Digit 8 Digit 7 Digit 6 DigitS Segment Co Segment Gl Segment B Segment F Segment H Segment Al Operational Considerations ELECTRICAL The HDSP-6300 device utilizes large monolithic 18 segment GaAsP LED chips including centered decimal point and colon. Like segments of each digit are electrically interconnected to form an 18 by N array, where N is the quantity of characters in the display. In the driving scheme the decimal point or colon is treated as a separate character with its own time frame. A detailed discussion of character font capabilities, ASCII code to 18 segment decoding, and display drive techniques wlll appear in a forthcoming application note. information presented in this data sheet is for a maximum of 10 segments illuminated per character! The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 4, should be used for calculating the current limiting resistor values and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values for the purpose of driver circuit design may be calculated using the following VF model: VF = 1.8SV + IPEAK (1.80l For 30mA:::; IPEAK :::; lS0mA = 1.S8V + IPEAK (10. 70l For 10mA:::; IPEAK :::; 30m A VF This display is designed specifically for strobed (multiplexed) operation, with a minimum recommended peak forward current per segment of 7.0 mAo Under normal operating situations the maximum number of illuminated segments needed to represent a given character is 10. Therefore, except 'where noted, the 'More than 10 segments may be illuminated in a given character, provided the maximum allowed character power diSSipation. temperature derated, is not exceeded. 280 OPTICAL AND CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT ) MECHANICAL This device is constructed by LED die attaching and wire bonding to a high temperature PC board substrate. A precision molded plastic lens is attached to the PC board. Each large monolithic chip is positioned under a separate element of a plastic aspheric magnifying lens producing a magnified character height of 3.56mm (0.140 inch). The aspheric lens provides wide included viewing angles of60 degrees horizontal and 55 degrees vertical with low off axis distortion. These two features, coupled with the very high segment luminous sterance, provide to the user a display with excellent readability in bright ambient light for viewing distances in the range of 1.5 metres. Effective contrast enhancement can be obtained by employing an optical filter product such as Panelgraphic Ruby Red 60, Dark Red 63 or Purple 90; SG L Homal ite H 100-1605 Red or H100-1804 Purple; or Plexiglas 2423. For very bright ambients, such as indirect sunlight, the 3M Red 655 or Neutral Density Light Control Film is recommended. The.HDSP-6300 can be end stacked to form a character string which is a multiple of a basic eight character grouping. These devices may be soldered onto a printed circuit board or inserted into 28 pin DIP LSI sockets. The socket spacing must allow for device end stacking. Suitable conditions for wave soldering depend upon the specific kind of equipment and procedure used. For more information, consult the local HP Sales Office or HewlettPackard Components, Palo Alto, California. 281 . 18 SEGMENT, SOLID STATe ·ALPHANUME~tC; ··DISPlAY·. TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • ALPHANUMERIC Displays 64 Character ASCII Set and Special Characters • 16 SEGMENT FONT PLUS CENTERED D.P. AND COLON • 3.81mm (0.150") CHARACTER HEIGHT • APPLICATION FLEXIBILITY WITH PACKAGE DESIGN 4 and 8 Character Dual-In-Llne Packages End Stackable-On Both Ends for 8 Character and On One End for 4 Character Sturdy Gold-Plated Leads on 2.54mm (0.100") Centers Environmentally Rugged Package Common Cathode Configuration Description The HDSP-6504 and HDSP-650B are 3.B1mm (0.150") eighteen segment GaAsP red alphanumeric displays mounted in 4 character and B character dual-in-line package configurations that permit mounting on PC boards or in standard IC sockets. The monolithic light emitting diode character is magnified by the integral lens which increases both character size and luminous intensity, thereby making low power consumption possible. The rugged package construction, enhanced by the back fill design, offers extended environmental capabilities compared to the standard PC board/lens type of display package. Its temperature cycling capability is the result of the air gap which exists between the semiconductor chip/wire bond assembly and the lens. In addition to the sixteen segments, a centered D.P. and colon are included. Character spacing yields 4 characters per inch. • LOW POWER As Low as 1.0-1.5mA Average Per Segment Depending on Peak Current Levels • EXCELLENT CHARACTER APPEARANCE Continuous Segment Font High On/Off Contrast 6.35mm (0.250") Character Spacing Excellent Character Alignment Excellent Readability at 2 Metres Applications • SUPPORT ELECTRONICS Can Be Driven With ROM Decoders and Drivers Easy Interfacing With Microprocessors and LSI Circuitry These alphanumeric displays are attractive for applications such as computer peripherals and terminals, computer base emergency mobile units, automotive instrument panels, desk top calculators, in-plant control eqUipment, hand-held instruments and other products requiring low power, display compactness and alphanumeric display capability. • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY Assures Uniformity of Light Output From Unit to Unit Within a Single Category 282 Device Selection Guide NOTES: 1. Maximum allowed drive conditions for strobed operation are derived from Figures 1 and 2. See electrical section of operational considerations. 2. Derate linearly above TA = SO°C at 2.17mWfOC. Po Max. (TA = 8S0C) = 62mW. Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA ==25°C NOTES: 3. The luminous intensity ratio between segments within a digit is designed so that each segment will have the same luminous sterance. Thus each segment will appear with equal brightness to the eye. 4. Operation at peak currents of less than 7mA is not recommended. S. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the C.I. E. chromaticity diagram and represents that single wavelength which defines the color of the device, standard red. 283 1J 200 I- Z W II: II: 100 "" 50 ::> '" ll' . J 1- 20 10 DC TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - QC tp -:- PULSE OURATION -p.s Figure 1. Maximum Allowed Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. Derate derived operating conditions above TA =500 C using Figure 2. Figure 2. Temperature Derating Factor For Peak Current per Segment vs. Ambient Temperature. T JMAX =1100 C ,. '~ <; ~ w w > ;:: ~ II: .. I ~ '" v, - (PEAK - PEAK SEGMENT CURR ENT - rnA Figure 3. Relative Luminous Efficiencv (Luminous I ntensity Per Unit Current) vs. Peak Segment Current. PEAK FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 4. Peak Forward Segment Current vs. Peak Forward Voltage. For a Detailed Explanation on the Use of Data Sheet Information and Recommended Soldering Procedures, See Application Note 1005, Page 464. o o 0 2 3 5 4 7 6 8 9 A C B o E F C9RBClJEFGHIJf- :Eg]%1J Typical 64 Character ASCII Sat. o Additional Character Font 284 *+/ / L / ~? package Dimensions r (I~~3~) M A X ' 1 J (.125) 3.18 22 12 _ - , _ - - ,_ _, . .... r I t 10.67 (0.42) L 21.3'.4 (.840 .02) (~)TYP. PIN 1 (NOTE 3) 3,81 ± .25 (.150' .011 3.81 •. 25 (.150' .01) NOTES, 1. ALL OIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES ANO (INCHES). 2. ALL UNTOLERANCED DIMENSIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. 3. PIN 1 IDENTIFIED BY INK DOT ADJACENT TO LEAD. Figure 6. HDSP-6504 Figure 7. HDSP-650S Magnified Character Font Description Device Pin Description Function Pin No. DEVICES 1 HDSP-6504 HDSP-6508 f 2 3 4 5 r-2.77REF.~ I "I (0.109)"2 '~~~A I 6 7 8 9 10 t -----rb ·~~~~~~~r Figure S. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 285 HDsP~65G8. • HDSP-6504 Anode Anode Segment 91 889mentg, Anode Segment DP Anode: .·~ntDP Cathode Digit 1 .. Cathode Digif1. Segment d2 Segment d2 Anode Anode Anode' Segment I Anode Segment I Cathode Digit 3 Cathode Digit 3 Anode . Segment e Segmente Anode Anode Anode Segment m Segmenttn Anode· Segment k . Anode' Segmentl<. Cathode Digit 4 Cathode Digit 4 Anode Segment d1 Segment d1 Anode Anode Cathode Digit 6 SegmentJ Anode Segment Co Cathode . DigitS Anode Segmentg2 Cathode Digit 7 Anode Segment 82 .Cathode DigitS Segment j Anode Segmentj Anode cathode Digit 2 Anode Segment Co Anode Segment b . Anode Segment 92 Segment Anode Anode Segment 82 Anode Anode Segment i Segmentc Anode Segment h Cathode Digit 2 Anode Segment b Anode Segmentf Anode Segment al Anode Segmentc Anode Segment h Anode Segment f. 8, Operational Considerations ELECTRICAL The HDSP-6504 and -6508 devices utilize large monolithic 16 segment GaAsP LED chips with centered decimal point and colon. Like segments of each digit are electrically interconnected to form an 18 by N array, where N is the quantity of characters in the display. In the driving scheme the decimal point or colon is treated as a separate character with its own time frame. A detailed discussion of character font capabilities, ASCII code to 18 segment decoding and display drive techniques appear in Application Note 1003. These displays are deSigned specifically for strobed (multiplexed) operation, with a minimum recommended time peak forward current per segment of 7mA. Under normal operating situations the maximum number of illuminated segments needed to represent a given character is 10. Therefore, except where noted, the information presented in this data sheet is for a maximum of 10 segments illuminated per character: with the very high segment luminous sterance, provide to the user a display with excellent readability in bright ambient light for viewing distances in the range of 2 metres. Effective contrast enhancement can be obtained by employing any of the following optical filter products: Panelgraphic: Ruby Red 60, Dark Red 63 or Purple 90; SGL Homalite: H100-1605 Red or H100-1804 Purple, Plexiglas 2423. For very bright ambients, such as indirect sunlight, the 3M Light Control Film is recommended: Red 655, Violet, Purple or Neutral Density. For those applications requiring only 4 or 8 characters, a secondary barrel magnifier, HP part number HDSP-6505 (four character) and -6509 (eight character), may be inserted into support grooves on the primary magnifier. This secondary magnifier increases the character height to 4.45mm t 175 inch) without loss of horizontal viewing angle (see below). MECHANICAL The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 4, should be used for calculating the current limiting resistor values and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values for the purpose of driver circuit design may be calculated using the following VF model: These devices are constructed by LED die attaching and wire bonding to a high temperature PC board substrate. A precision molded plastic lens is attached to the PC board and the resulting assembly is backfilled with a sealing epoxy to form an environmentally sealed unit. VF = 1.85V + IPEAK (1.80) For: 30m A :S IPEAK :S 200mA VF = 1.58V + IPEAK (10.70) For: 10mA :S IPEAK :S 30m A The four character and eight character devices can be end stacked to form a character string which is a multiple of a basic four character grouping. As an example, one -6504 and two -6508 devices will form a 20 character string. These devices may be soldered onto a printed circuit board or inserted into 24 and 28 pin DIP LSI sockets. The socket spacing must allow for device end stacking. OPTICAL AND CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT Each large monolithic chip is pOSitioned under a separate element of a plastic aspheric magnifying lens, producing a magnified character height of 3.810mm (.150 inch). The aspheric lens provides wide included viewing angles of typically 75 degrees horizontal and 75 degrees vertical with low off axis distortion. These two features, coupled Suitable conditions for wave soldering depend upon the specific kind of equipment and procedure used. For more information, consult the local HP Sales Office or HewlettPackage Components, Palo Alto, California. 'More than 10 segments may be illuminated in a given character, provided the maximum allowed character power dissipation, temperature derated, is not exceeded. 286 OPTIONAL 4 DIGIT MAGNIFIER HDSP-6505 OPTIONAL 8 DIGIT MAGNIFIER HDSP-6509 END VIEW (BOTH) MOUNTEO ON HDsp·6504 MOUNTED ON HDSP-6508 1. ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES AND (INCHES). 2. THIS SECONDARY MAGNIFIER INCREASES THE CHARACTER HEIGHT TO 4.45mm (.175 in.) Figure 9. Design Data for Optional Barrel Magnifier in Single Display Applications. ( 287 HEWLETT PACKARD 18 SEGMENT ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY SYSTEM I HDSP-8716 HDSP·8724 HDSP-8132 HDSP-8140 TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • COMPLETE ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY SYSTEM UTILIZING THE HDSP-6508 DISPLAY • DISPLAYS 64 CHARACTER ASCII SET • CHOICE OF 16, 24, 32, OR 40 ELEMENT DISPLAY PANEL • MULTIPLE DATA ENTRY FORMATS Left, Right, RAM, or Block Entry • EDITING FEATURES THAT INCLUDE CURSOR, BACKSPACE, FORWARDSPACE, INSERT, DELETE, CARRIAGE RETURN, AND CLEAR • DATA OUTPUT CAPABILITY • SINGLE 5.0 VOLT POWER SUPPLY • TTL COMPATIBLE • EASILY INTERFACED TO A KEYBOARD OR A MICROPROCESSOR Description The HDSP-87XX series of alphanumeric display systems provides the user with a completely supported 18 segment display panel. These products free the user's system from display maintenance and minimize the interaction normally required for alphanumeric displays. Part Number Each alphanumeric display system consists of a preprogrammed microprocessor plus associated logic, which provides decode, memory, and drive signals necessary to properly interface a user's system to an HDSP-6508 display. In addition to these basic display support operations, the controller accepts data in any of four data entry formats and incorporates several powerful editing routines. This microprocessor controller is mounted behind a Single line display panel consisting of HDSP-6508 displays matched for luminous intensity. Description HOSP-8716 Single-line 16 Character Alphanumeric Display System utilizing the HDSP-6508 Display HDSP-8724 Si ngle-line 24 Character AI phanumeric Display System utilizing the HDSP-6508 Display HDSP-8732 SI ngle-I i ne 32 Character Alphanumeric Display System utilizing the HDSP-650B Display HDSP-8740 These alphanumeric display systems are attractive for applications such as data entry terminals, instrumentation" electronic typewriters, and other products which require an easy to use 18 segment alphanumeric display system. 288 SI ngle-I Ine 40 Character Alphanumeric Display System utilizing the HDSP-650B Display HDSP-8716/-8724/-8732/-8740 Absolute Maximum Ratings Recommended Operating Conditions Vee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -O.5V to 6.0V Operating Temperature Range, Ambient ITA) ......................... Storage Temperature Range ITS) ...... ooe to 70°C -40°C to 85°C Voltage Applied to any Input or Output ...................... -O.5V to 6.0V Electrical Characteristics OVer operating Temperature Range I Unless otherwise specified i NOTES: 1. The luminous intensity ratio between segments within a digit is designed so that each segment will have the same luminous sterance. Thus, each segment will appear with __ equal brightness to the eye. 2. External reset may be initiated by grounding Reset with either a switch or open collector TTL gate for a minimum time of 50ms. For Power On Reset to function properly, Vee power supply should turn on at a rate> 100V/S. 3. Momentary peak surge currents may exist on these lines. However, these momentary currents will not interfere with proper operation of the HDSP-8716/-8724/"8732/-8740. 4. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derivedf.rom theC.I.E. chromatiCity diagram and represents that single wavelength which defines the color of the device, standard red. 5. All typical values at Vee = 5.0V and TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted. 289 System Overview The HDSP-8716/-8724/-8732/-8740 Alphanumeric Display Controllers provide the interface between any ASCII based Alphanumeric System and the HDSP-8508 Alphanumeric Display. ASCII data is loaded into the system by means of anyone of four data entry modes - Left, Right, RAM, or Block Entry. This ASCII data is stored in the internal RAM memory of the system. The system may also be expanded to form multiple line panels with system to system control signals. The user interfaces to any of the system through eight DATA IN inputs, six ADDRESS inputs IRAM mode), a CHIP SELECT input, RESET input, BLANK· input, EXPAND input, six DATA OUT outputs, a READY output, DATA VALID output, REFRESH output, and CLOCK output. A low level on the RESET input clears the display and initializes the system. A low level on the CHIP SELECT input causes the system to load data from the DATA IN and ADDRESS inputs into the system. A special control word causes the controller to output a STATUS WORD, CURSOR ADDRESS, and a string of ASCII characters through the DATA OUT outputs and DATA VALID output. A low level on the EXPAND input allows two or more systems to be configured for multiple line display panels. Pulse width modulation of display luminous intensity can be provided by connecting REFRESH to the input of a monostable multivibrator and the output of the monostable multivibrator to the BLANK input. A 400kHz clock is provided on the CLOCK output. A system block diagram for the HDSP-8716/-8724/-8732/8740 systems is shown in Figure 1. The system is designed to refresh the display at a fixed refresh rate of 100Hz. The display duty factor is optimized for each display length in order to maximize light output. 4-------F-------------. DATA OUT DATA VALID 4-__________________ ~ ~:::::::::::::::::::~t-t--I~~~~J REFRE~4-------------~--~ .iiEiE'f -----_+( DATA ENTRY RAM ADDRESS DATA IN CHIP SELECT ----,oL.;..---,F- -----_+( READY 4-______ CLOCK - - - - - - - mANi5 -----_+( EXPANSION CONTROL mT-----_+( EU-----_+( Eiii ------< Arniif -------< Figure 1. Block Diagram of the HDSP-8716/-8724/-8732/-8740 Alphanumeric Display System. Control Mode/Data Entry User interface to the HDSP-87XX series controller is via an 8-bit word which provides to the controller either a control word or standard ASCII data input. In addition to this user provided 8-bit word, two additional control lines, CHIP SELECT and READY, allow easily generated "handshake" signals for interface purpo",s,.,.e",s=:.-=:::-::= A logic low applied to the CHIP SELECT input (minimum six microseconds) causes the controller to read the 8 DATA IN lines and determine whether a control word or ASCII data word is present, as determined by the logic state of the most significant bit (07). If the controller detects a logic high at 07, the state of Os-Do will define the data entry mode and appropriate display length. The 8 bit control data word format is outlined in Figure 2. For the control word (07 high), bits 05 and 04 define the selected data entry mode (Left entry, Right entry, etc.) and bits 03 to Do define display length. Bit Os is ignored. Control word inputs are first checked to verify that the control word is valid. If the word is val id, the present state - next state table shown in Figure 3 is utilized to determine whether or not to clear the display. RAM entry can be used as a powerful editing tool or can be used to preload the cursor. With other transitions, the internal memory is cleared. The CONTROL WORD 1XXX11 XX2 is used by the controller to initiate the DATA OUT function. 290 07 °6 0 5°4°3°2°1 DATA ENTRY CONTROL WORD: x X Do y y Y V DISPLAY LENGTH 1 16 DIGITS 1 24 DIGITS 1 32 DIGITS 1 40 DIGITS DATA ENTRY MODES RAM DATA ENTRY lEFT DATA ENTRY RIGHT DATA ENTRY BLOCK DATA ENTRY 0, 0. Os 0, 0, 0, DATA OUT CONTROL WORD: HDSP·8716 HDSP-8724 HOSP-8732 HOSP-8740 0, Do DATA QUT Figure 2. Control Word Format for the HDSP·8716/-8724/·8732/-8740 Alphanumeric Display System. R:~~it~ 1------------~~lEAR, OFFSCREEN CURSOR CLEAR. BLINKING CURSOR <= == DISPLAY LENGTH ~ CLEAR,OFFSCREEN 0016 CLEAR, CURSOR = DISPLAY LENGTH BLINKING CURSOR = 00'6 CURSOR BECOMES INVISIBLE CLEAR, BLINKING CURSOR = 00 16 HOME CURSOR AND CLEAR ( CLEAR, INVISIBLE CURSOR = 00" Figure 3. Present State-Next State Diagram for the HDSP-8716/-8724/·8732/-8740 Alphanumeric Display System. DATA WORD: ASCII ASSIGNMENT as LF HT CR US DEL VT FF RS 0, D. Os 0, 0 3 0, 1 01 X X 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0, Do xxxxxi 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 BACKSPACE CLEAR (NEW LlNE*j FORWAROSPACE CARRIAGE RETURN INSERT CHARACTER DELETE CHARACTER CURSOR DOWN HOME & CLEAR CURSOR UP }RIGHT }'" OTHERWISE, THE 7 BIT ASCII CODE Figure 4. Display Commands for the HDSP-8716/-8724/·8732/·8740 Alphanumeric Display System. 291 SINGLE }'" EXPAND· If 07 is a logic low when the DATA IN lines are read, the controller will interpret 06-00 as standard ASCII data to be stored, decoded, and disp'iayed. The system accepts the standard 7-bit ASCII code. However, the HDSP-87XX system displays only the 64 character subset 12016 I space I to 5F16 1111 and ignores all ASCII characters outside this subset with the exception of those characters defined as display commands. These display commands are shown in Figure 4. The displayed character set for the HDSP87XX system is shown in Figure 5. BITS 06 05 04 o , o , D, D, D, Do 0 0 0 0 HEX 0 , , , 0 (space) 0 0 0 0 , , I I [E R , 0 0 4 , 0 , • P Q Regardless of whether a control word or ASCII data word is presented by the user, a READY signal is generated by the controller after the input word is processed. This READY signal goes low for 35",s and upon a positive transition, a new CHIP SELECT may be accepted by the controller. Data Entry Timing is shown in Figure 6. ,, , ,, ,, , , • • I 9] % l [1 j y 5 6 B [ IJ E F R 5 T U V 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,, , , ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,, ,,, , , , , , 0 4 II 0 0 0 0 0 7 8 9 I < > 0 0 0 • A + 9 * l 8 G H I I 0 0 0 C D 0 I - L -- E -' F / ? J k L M N 0 WX Y Z [ J 7' \ ~ Figure 5. Display Font for the HDSP-B716/-B724/-B732/-B740 Alphanumeric Display System_ DATA ENTRY TIMING RAM ADDRESS I· -I ADDRESS HOLD TIME ~10MSMAX. E:: DATA HOLD TIME-::-3 .'Il-- DATA ENTRY TIME II READY i+-35ps 2.Sps * -l CELECT=O AFTER THIS TIME, CONTROLLER WILL ENTER NEXT CHARACTER. MAXIMUM DATA ENTRY TIMES OVER OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE DATA ENTRY O:cMA"=0TD:c:'--+=-:-.----_7"'"_,;;;...;=~_,_c:-__,__,_"-=--'---____1 HOl.O tIME" LH'r, SING.t.E LHT, ""', E){PANDItD 25u$ RIGHT 2';''' "AM BLOCK CONTROl. ~}l$ DATA OUT 2'", 25M 145#:lH 2!;;" "MINIMUM TIME THAT DATA INPUTS MUST REMAIN VALlO AFTER CHIP SELECT GOES LOW. HMINIMUM TIME THAT RAM ADDRESS INPUTS MUST REMAIN VALID AFTER CHIP SELECT GOES LOW. Figure 6. Data Entry Timing and Data Entry Times for the HDSP-B716/-B724/-B732/-B740 Alphanumeric Display System_ 292 Left Entry Mode allows several HDSP-87XX systems to be connected in~ multiple line panel. Expanded Left entry uses the ERI input, ELI input, LEFT input, and ACTIVE output to provide a handshake between each system as shown in Figure 7. With the proper connections, the cursor can be moved in a circular fashion from the end of the last line to the beginning of the first line, or such that it shifts offscreen and is lost until the next CLEAR/HOME display command. Expanded Left entry adds three display commands: CURSOR UP moves the cursor to the same location in the preceeding line; CURSOR DOWN moves the cursor to the same location in the following line; CLEAR/HOME loads all displays with spaces and resets the cursor to the leftmost display location in the first line. The CLEAR command in Left entry mode is replaced by the LINE FEED function. LINE FEED moves the cursor to the leftmost display location in the following line leaving the current line unchanged. With Left entry, characters are entered in typewriter fashion, i.e., to the right of all previous characters. Left entry uses a blinking cursor to indicate the location where the next character is to be entered. CLEAR loads the display with spaces and resets the cursor to the leftmost display location. BACKSPACE and FORWARDSPACE move the cursor without changing the character string. Thus, the user can backspace to the character to be edited, enter a character and then forwards pace the cursor. CARRIAGE RETURN resets the cursor to the leftmost display location leaving the display unchanged. The DELETE function deletes the displayed character at the cursor location and then shifts the character string following the cursor one location to the left to fill the void of the deleted character. The I NSERT CHARACTER sets a flag inside the system that causes subse'quent ASCII characters to be inserted to the left of the character at the cursor location. As new characters are entered, the cursor, the character at the cursor, and all characters to the right of the cursor are shifted one location to the right. The INSERT function is terminated by a second INSERT CHARACTER, or by BACKSPACE, FORWARDSPACE, CLEAR, CARRIAGE RETURN, or DELETE. In Left entry mode, after the display is filled, the system ignores all characters except BACKSPACE, CARRIAGE RETURN, and CLEAR. The system allows the cursor to be positioned only in the region between the leftmost display character and immediately to the right loffscreen I of the rightmost display character. Right Entry Mode In Right entry mode, characters are entered at the right hand side of the display and shifted to the left as new characters are entered. I n this mode, the system stores 48 ASCII characters, although only the last characters entered are displayed. CLEAR loads the display with spaces. BACKSPACE shifts the display one location to the right, deleting the last character entered and displaying the next character in the 48 character buffer. Right entry mode is a simple means to implement the walking or "Times-Square" display. In this mode, the cursor is located immediately to the right I offscreen) of the rightmost displayed character. Expanded Left entry is selected by grounding the EXPAND input prior to RESET. Expanded Left entry mode FIRST LINE LAST LINE U U ALLOWS DATA ENTRY, HT, LF, INSERT, VT TO GO FROM LAST LINE TO FIRST LINE I-----------~--------------l ( I j-----------------r-------------i ALLOWSBS, RS TO GO FROM I I FIRST LINE TO LAST LINE i ~ I I I I I I 1 I I I I L - 9 rn ACT '3 ACT r - 4 - + - " ' - - I ERI 9 13 _ ERI ACT t-'3-4_,1_9-t rn ACT' ~ ~m f :::r 11 01 DATA vee...22... LEl'T .--- 0:00V t_2 CS R' EXP 01 vee.....22.. DO t--- C'S D~ t-- t -=- vee.....22.. LEl'T lEFT 100' 01 CS DO r-- t Ow t-- -=- EXP 01 ,N--4-+11-+-+-+--41_t-+I-t-+---+-l-tl---t---r--t-~J 1 1 DO t--- DATA OUT CS O~ t--- OATAVAliO J CHIP SELECT RESET DATA OUT DATA VALID DATA OUT DATA VALID DATA OUT DATA VALID Figure 7. External Connections for Expanded Left Entry Mode for the HDSP-8716/-8724/-8732/-8740 Alphanumeric Display System_ 293 Block Entry Mode Block entry al!ows the fastest data entry rate of all four modes. I n this mode, characters are loaded from left to right as with Left entry. However, with Block entry, after the display is completely loaded, the next ASCII character is loaded in the leftmost display location, replacing the previous displayed character. While Block entry has a non-visible cursor, the cursor is always loaded with the address of the next character to be entered. The display can be cleared and the cursor reset to the leftmost display location by loading in a new BLOCK control word. RAM Entry Mode In RAM entry, ASCII characters are loaded at the address specified by the six bit RAM address. Regardless of display length, address 00 is the leftmost display character. Out of range RAM addresses are ignored. While RAM entry has a non-visible cursor, the cursor is always preloaded with the address to the right of the last character entered. This allows the cursor to be preloaded with an address prior to going into any other entry mode. The display can be cleared by loading in a new RAM control word. Power-On Reset/Re;;;! When power is first applied to the system, the system clears the display and tests the state of the DATA INPUT, D7. If D7 > 2.0V, the system loads the control word on the DATA INPUTS into the system. If D7 100 Vis. In addition. the system can be reset by pulling the RESET input low for a minimum of 50 milliseconds. POWER-ON RESET/ RESET timing is shown in Figure 9. appropriate control word or provide a control word during POWER-ON RESET/RESET. The circuit shown in Figure 10 can be used to load any desired preprogrammed control word into the HDSP-87XX Series Display Controller during POWER-ON RESET/RESET. If some entry mode or display length is desired other than 40 character Left entry, it is necessary to either load the I"''''' --------50m'MIN---------, READY I -+....I L.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t: 2 .5 iJ. S * 'IF CHIP SELECT = 0 AFTER THIS TIME, CONTROLLER WILL ,.~_....;;EN;,;.;TER A CHARACTER. READS IN CONTROL WORD DATA INPUT, D7 INITIALIZES AS LEFT ENTRY MODE. 40 CHARACTER DISPLAY LENGTH Figure 9. POWER-ON RESET/FiESE'f Timing for the HDSP-8716/-8724/-8732/-8740 Alphanumeric Display System. DESIRED MODE, XX [ ------...:;:- DI7------.:.::. DI6------= DI5------...:;:DI 4 - - - - - - : " - ( DESIRED [ L;~~~H. ++...:;:- ____ ----if--+.,:;DI 3 DI 2 DI 1 ----++.:.::. ----f-+-'-=- ----++-::- xx 00 01 10 11 RAM LEFT RIGHT BLOCK YYYY 0011 0101 0111 1001 16 DIGITS 24 DIGITS 32 DIGITS 40 DIGITS Figure 10. External Circuitry to Load a Control Word into the HDSP·8716/-8724/·8732/-8740 Alphanumeric Display System Upon POWER·ON RESET/RESET. 295 Data Out Luminous Intensity Modulation Data stored in the HDSP-87XX system is available to the user upon command. Data Out is initiated by the control word 1 XXXll XX2. Following this control word, the system outputs a STATUS WORD, CURSOR ADDRESS, and a string of ASCII data characters. The STATUS WORD specifies the data entry mode and the display length of the system. The STATUS WORD is the same format as a valid control word with 07 and 06 deleted. The CURSOR ADDRESS specifies the location of the cursor within the display. The CURSOR ADDRESS of the leftmost display location is address 00. In Expanded Left entry mode, a CURSOR ADDRESS of 63 (3F161 is used to indicate a nonactive line. The system outputs the same numberof ASCII data characters as the display length specified by the control word. The first ASCII data character is always the leftmost display character. The positive edge of the DATA VAll 0 output can be used to load the DATA OUTPUT words into the user's system. The DATA OUT timing for the HDSP-87XX systems is summarized in Figure 11. Pulse width modulation of display luminous intensity can be provided by connecting the REFRESH output of the system to the input of a monostable multivibrator. The output of the monostable multivibrator should then be connected to the BLANK input of the system. Modulation of display luminous intensity is then achieved by varying the delay of the monostable multivibrator with a potentiometer or photoresistor. REFRESH is repeated at a rate of 10ms divided by the configured display length. For example, an HDSP-8732 system, when configured for a 32 character display length, would pulse the REFRESH output every 312.5I's. The circuit shown in Figure 12 may be utilized to provide manual control of display luminous intensity. Automatic control may be achieved by substituting an appropriate value photoconductor for potentiometer R1. If luminous intensity modulation is not desired, BLANK should be left open. CHIP SELECT L ---j 1---2.5P'- i-S"'MIN READY DATA VALID * IF CHIP SELECT'" 0 AFTER THIS TIME, CONTROLLER WILL ENTER NEXT CHARACTER DATA OUT WORD ADDRESS (AI (BI STATUS WORD FORMAT (A) CHARACTER (11 CHARACTER (N) CURSOR ADDRESS FORMAT (8) CURSOR ADDRESS,;: NO. OF CHARACTERS FROM THE LEFT RAM ENTRY LEFT ENTRY RIGHT ENTRY BLOCK ENTRY y y y Y = DISPLAY LENGTH DATA WORD FORMAT (1 - N) LOWEST 6 BITS OF ASCII CODE WORD (1) '" LEFTMOST DISPLAY CHARACTER WORD (N) = RIGHTMOST DISPLAY CHARACTER HOSP N -8716 16 -8724 24 -8732 32 -8740 40 Figure 11. Data Out Timing and Format for the HDSP-8716/-8724/-8732/-8740 Alphanumeric Display System. 296 vee Microprocessor Interface Interfacing the HDSP-87XX Series Display System to microprocessor systems depends on the needs of the particular application. Figure 13 shows a latched interface between the host microprocessor and the HDSP-87XX system. The latch provides temporary storage to avoid making the host microprocessor wait for the system to accept data. Data from the host microprocessor system is loaded into the 74LS273 octal register on the positive transition of the clock input I pin 11 '. At the same time, the CHIP SELECT input is forced low. The CHIP SELECT input stays low until READY goes low. The host microprocessor should avoid loading new data into the 74LS273 as long as BUSY is high. The latched interface can be implemented with an octal register and SR flip-flop if the HDSP-87XX system is operated in Left, Right, or Block entry. RAM entry requires an additional register for the RAM address inputs. Additional flexibility can be achieved by using a peripheral interface adapter I PIA, to interface the HDSP-87XX system to the host microprocessor system. The PIA provides a data entry handshake between the host microprocessor system and the HDSP-87XX system and allows the host microprocessor system to read the Data Output port of the HDSP-87XX system. 50K R1 4.7K C '" .033J.jF C ,022jJF = C '" .015J1F HDSP-8716 HOSP-8724 HDSP-8732/-B740 Figure 12. External Circuitry to Vary the Luminous Intensity of the HDSP-8716/-8724/-8732/-8740 Alphanumeric Display System. aOSOA INTERFACE 6800 INTERFACE VMA ( 3 "2 cs' [ v" 01 7 O.le Os ", DATA BUS 05 P'!;'. D. 03 0'4 013 O2 0, DO *CS IS A LOGICAL COMBINATION OF HIGH ORDER ADDRESS BITS THAT DISTINGUISH THE ADDRESS OF THE HDSP-8716/-S724/-8732/-8740 FROM THE REST OF THE MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEM. Figure 13. Latched Interface to the HDSP-87XX Series Alphanumeric Display System. 297 package Dimensions 1 _ - - - - - - - - - ' 4 8 . 5 9 '.254 _ _ _ _ _ _ _-< 15.8501 '.010 /-TIBBi !r~ (.4!iO)±.Ol0 4.175 DIA 4 PLC t. 1 I 50.08 '.254 IT 58.42 '.508 12.3001 ,.020 ! :.~:;I DIA 4 PLC 1.0--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '6'.64'.508 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ 16.6001 L020 HDSP-8716 ~---------:::.~::.~~--------~ ~--------::~~:.~~------~~ ~-~~~~----~!:~------~-4-~ 58.42 ±.50' (2.300 ± .020 1 ~ :.',0,2;1 DIA 4 PLC ~----I;~~!I-----.j·1 1--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '6'.64 '.508 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-. 16.6001 ±.020 HDSp·8724 ~------------~~:~:~%-------------~ ;:,'::1 DIA 4 PLC 58.42 .. 508 12.3001 •.020 i ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ 218.44 _.508 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1 18.6001' .020 HDSp·8732 298 Package Dimensions j.m u.., 281.62<.254 (10.31101,.010 148.59 ±.254 16.B60It.Ol0 3.Bl'.50B (.,501t'.OID -, I r9~05 1.1501 -- ~- 50.0B ,.254 01'.010 ~ _ (.1111 137.16 :1:.254 (6AOOI,.010- _11.43'.254 1.4501'.010 (.1111 3.123 DIA BPLC: \ ~~ ~ ~ r, . ~..J l ---< , .~~ --(0 I 58.42,.501 (2.3001 ••D20 1 I. . t 136.13 1 - - - 1 ._ ( 5 . 3 2 1 _ " _ _ ~ (!:~1~.1.1 I---------------(~:~~:I±;~~----------------------..I .. HDSP-8740 r-~-A B.l Uc:: (~!j~1 ~:~~~m~J~oo ~ i f i' l '0.1J i ~_~IA~21____________________________~U _ .. A ~----------~~;:::~~-------~~--11-~-±2-54-----:~~1:~~-------~ ~:I DIA4PLC HDlINl1B HDIIN124 161.14 (&.1001 218A4 B HDSP-1132 C 289.24 HDIP·8140 (li.iii) lB.iii) (.4501t .01 D -0 f ~------------~~.=)----------~ _ _ _ __ 1~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _·,81.84t.5D9 ,.. (8.Bl1Dl,.lZO PIN 1 2 3 4 6 8 1 CONNECTORS fUNCTION CONTROL/DATA ENTRV PDWERIII TVPE OF CONNECTOR 34 PIN RIB90N CABLE 3 PIN WITH LOCKING RAMP SUGGESTED MANUfACTURER 3M PIN 3414·XOOO SERIES •• MOLEX PIN 09·50·3031 WITH 08·60·01 DB TERMINALS '0 11 12 13 14 11 18 NOTES: (1IPOWER LEADS SHOULD IE '8-20 GAUGE STRANDED MRE. 17 H DSP-8716/-8724/-87321-8740 299 DESCRIPTION RAM ADDRESS. A. EXPAND RAM ADDREss, A, CHIP SELECT RAM ADDREss, A, DATA IN. Do RAM ADDREss, A3 (ELI) DATA IN. 0, RAM ADDREss, As (ERl) DATA IN. 0, RAM ADDREss, As (LEFT) DATA IN. 0, ACTIVE DATA IN. PIN II 11 28 21· 22 iiEI£f 32 a. DATA IN. lis NO CONNECTION 23 24 25 ZB 27 21 29 30 31 33 34 DESCRIPTION DATA IN. lit NO CONNECTION DAtA IN. 0, NO CONNEcnDN DATA OUT. DO. DATA OUT. DO, DATA OUT. DO, DATA OUT. DO, DATA OUT. DOc DATA OUT. Oils READY DATA VALID 400 kHz CLOCK OUT . REFRESH NO CONNECTION DISPLAY 8LANK NO CONNECTION TECHNICAL DATA MARCH 1980 Features • 5 x 7 LED MATRIX CHARACTER Human Factors Engineered • BRIGHTNESS CONTROLLABLE • IC COMPATIBLE • SMALL SIZE Standard 1S.24mm (.600 Inch) Dual In-Line Package; 6.9mm (.27 Inch) Character Height • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • RUGGED, SHOCK RESISTANT Hermetically Sealed Designed to Meet MIL Standards • LONG OPERATING LIFE Description The Hewlett·Packard 5082-7100 Series is an X-V addressable, 5 x 7 LED Matrix capable of displaying the full alphanumeric character set. This alphanumeric indicator series is available in 3, 4, or 5 character endstackable clusters. The clusters permit compact presentation of information, ease of character alignment, minimum number of interconnections, and compatibility with multiplexing driving schemes. Alphanumeric applications include computer terminals, calculators, military equipment and space flight readouts. The 5082-7100 is a three character cluster. The 5082-7101 is a four character cluster. The 5082-7102 is a five character cluster. Absolute Maximum Ratings ·"'ameter Peak Forward Cun'entPer LED. U)"ration . <: 1 ms) Averag&c~ent Per LED Power Dissipation Pel' . Charaeter(p,lIdiodes lit) (1) Operating T.emperature, Case Reverse Voltage Per LED Note 1: At 25°C Case Temperature; derate 8.5mWf'C above 25°C. 300 Electrical/Optical Characteristics at Tc =25°C Parameter Peak Luminous I ntensity Per LED (Character Average) @ Pulse Current of 100mA/LED Symbol Mj".Typ. I" {PEAKl 1.02.2 Reverse Current Per LED @ VR = 4V Peak Forward Voltage @ Pulse Current of SOmA/LEO Peak Wavelength Spectral Line Halfwidth Description '.""~" ANODEI Z 1 ::-... Va: 15 '4 VOl ~ 4 CATMODE! 5 ANODE;. } • " ~ 12 V02 ":/ GNU 11 10 • :::-.... 3 4 5 6 1 8 ": 14 . . . . . . :: / 13 12 11 Vet ~ ~,~ 15 10 9 // -;. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Withstand Test Vohage Page No. 10mA 1500Vdc 90 Hermetically Sealed Package Containing 4 Low Input Current, High Gain Optocouplers SN140TXV TXV - Hi· Rei Screened TXVB - Hi· Rei SN140TXVB Screened with Group B Data Line Receiver, Low Power Ground Isolation for High Reliability Systems 300k bit/s 300% Min. 0.5mA 1500Vdc 94 Dual Channel Hermetically Sealed Analog Optical Coupler 4N55TXV TXV - Hi· Rei Screened TXVB - Hi·Rel 4N55TXVB Screened with Group B Data Line Receiver, Analog Signal Ground Isolation, Switching Power Supply Feedback Element 700k bit/s 7% Min. 16mA 1500Vdc 98 4N55 .~" 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 Specified Input Current Line Receiver, Ground Isolation for High Reliability Systems 6N140 '~" 2 Current Transfer Ratio Dual Channel Hermetically Sealed Optically Coupled Logic Gate . TXV - Screened SN134TXV TXVB - Screened with Group B Data SN134TXVB SN134 . Typical Data Rate (NRZ) Application 10M bit/s 400% Typ. Hermetically Sealed Integrated LED Displays Device rn .EH ITD [ [ 5082·7010 5082·7011 5082·7391 5082·7392 5082·7395 5082·7393 Application Description Package S.8mm (.27") 5x7 Single Digit Numeric, LHDP, Built·ln Decoder/Driver S.8mm (.21") Plus/Minus Sign 8 Pin Hermetic 2.54mm (.100") Pin Centers • Ground, Airborne, Shipboard Equipment • Fire Control Systems • Space Flight Systems 7.4mm (.29") 4x7 Single Digit Numeric, RHDP, Built·ln Decoder/Driver/Memory 7.4mm(.29") 4x7 Single Digit Numeric, LHDP, Built·ln Decoder/Driver/Memory 7.4mm(.29") 4x7 Single Digit Hexadecimal, Built·ln Decoder/Driver/Memory 8 Pin Hermetic 15.2mm (.S") DIP with Gold Plated Leads • Ground, Airborne, Shipboard Equipment • Fire Control Systems • Space Flight Systems • Other High Reliability Applications 7.4mm(.29") Overrange Character Plus/Minus Sign 247 I NOTES: 1. 8% is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. 3. 4. 5. Page No. 241 Peak Wavelength. For Panel Mounting Kit, see page 171. PC Board Mountable. Military Approved and qualified for High Reliability Applications. 309 For Applications Information, see page 311. ,:. .. ·310 ';~pJ,icatipns Information·. . .... '. '. : .. Below is a complete listing of al/ of the Optoelectronic Applications Information available. For those items which were not included in this catalog, a brief abstract is shown. These are available in their entirety from your local HP Sales Office or nearest HP Components Franchised Distributor or Representative. Model/Pub. No. (Date) (- APPLICATION NOTES APPLICATION BULLETINS Model/Pub. No. (Date) DeSCription Ref. Description Ref. AB-l/5952-8378 (1/75) Construction and Performance of High Efficiency Red, Yellow and Green LED Materials Abs!. AN-915/5953-0431 (4/80) Threshold Detection of Visible and .Infrared Radiation with PIN Photodiodes P. 326 AB-3/5952-8380 (3/75) Soldering Hewlett-Packard Silver Plated Lead Framed LED Devices P. 315 AN-931/5952-0235 (11/70) Solid State Alphanumeric Display, Decoder/Driver Circuitry Abs!. AB-4/5952-8381 (4/75) Detection and Indication of Segment Failures in 7-Segment LED Displays Abs!. AN-934/5952-0337 (11172) 5082-7300 Series Solid State Display Installation Techniques Abst. AB-52/5953-0330 (3/77) Large Monolithic LED Displays Abs!. AN-937/5952-0396 (5/73) Abs!. AB-54/5953-0363 (7/77) Mechanical Handling of Subminiature LED Lamps and Arrays Abst. Monolithic 7-Segment LED Display Installation Techniques AN-939/5952-0331 (11172) High Speed Optically Coupled Isolators Abs!. AB-56/5953-0415 (11179) Interface Timing and Display Length Expansion Information for the HDSP-2000 Coded Data Controller P. 319 AN-941/5952-0418 (9173) 5082-7700 Series 7-Segment Display Applications P. 332 AN-945/5952-0420 (10173) Photometry of Red LEDs Abs!. Flux Budget Considerations for Fiber OptiC Link Design P. 323 AN-946/5952-0429 (11173) 5082-7430 Series Monolithic 7-Segment Displays Abs!. AN-94 7/5952-8497 (7/76) Digital Data Transmission Using Optically Coupled Isolators Abs!. AN-948/5952-0458 (3/74) Performance of the 50824350/51/60 Series of Isolators in Short to Moderate Length Digital Data Transmission Systems P.343 AB-57/5953-0418 (1/80) APPLICATIONS MANUAL Model/Pub. No. (Date) HPBK-l000 McGraw-Hili (No. 0-07-028605-1) (1977) Description Optoelectronics Applications Manual Ref. Abs!. 312 AN-951-1/5953-0413 Applications for Low Input (11/79) Current, High Gain Optically Coupled Isolators P.352 AN-951-2/5952-8451 (5/76) Linear Applications of Optically Coupled Isolators P. 356 AN-964/5952-8345 (3/75) Contrast Enhancement Techniques P. AN-966/5953-0427 (2/80) Applications of the HDSP-2000 Alphanumeric Display P.368 AN-l000/5953-0391 (11178) Digital Data Transmission with the HP Fiber Optic System P.380 AN-l00l/5953-0384 (10/78) Interfacing the HDSP-2000 to Microprocessor Systems P.398 AN-l002/5953-0385 (6/79) Consideration of CTR Variations in Optically Coupled Isolator Circuit Designs P. 414 AN-l003/5953-0405 (9/79) Interfacing 18-Segment Displays to Microprocessors P.430 AN-l004/5953-0406 (11179) Threshold Sensing for Industrial Control Systems with the HCPL-3700 Interface Optocoupler P. 450 AN-l005/5953-0419 (3/80) Operational Considerations for LED Lamps and Display Devices P.464 360(-~' Abstracts APPLICATION BULLETIN 1 Construction and Performance of High Efficiency Red, Yellow and Green LED Materials The high luminous efficiency of HewlettPackard's High Efficiency Red, Yellow and Green lamps and displays is made possible by a new kind of light emitting material utilizing a GaP transparent substrate. This application bulletin discusses the construction and performance of this material as compared to standard red GaAsP and red GaP materials. APPLICATION BULLETIN 4 Detection and Indication of Segment Failures in Seven Segment LED Displays The occurrence of a segment failure in certain applications of seven segment displays can have serious consequences if a resultant erroneous message is read by the viewer. This application bulletin discusses three techniques for detecting open segment lines and presenting this information to the viewer. APPLICATION BULLETIN 52 Large Monolithic LED Displays ( The trend to incorporate more complex functions into smaller package configurations that are portable and battery powered is reaching a point where the limiting items are the space and power constraints imposed upon the display at the operator-to-machine interface. The large monolithic LED display nas been designed to meet many of these constraints. This application bulletin describes the beneficial features of a large monolithic LED display and presents circuits which interface the display to CMOS logic and to a microprocessor. APPLICATION BULLETIN 54 Mechanical Handling of Subminiature LED Lamps and Arrays The Need for Careful Mechanical Handling Hewlett-Packard manufactures a series of individual LED lamps and lamp arrays that are very small epoxy encapsulated devices. These devices are classified as having a SUBMINIATURE package configuration. When carefully installed on a printed circuit board, these devices will reliably function with a long predictable operating life. To obtain long operating life, these subminiature devices must be carefully installed on the printed circuit board in such a manner as to insure the integrity of the encapsulating epoxy. This will in turn maintain the integrity of the device by not permitting mechanical and thermal stresses to induce strains on the LED die attach and wire bonds which may cause failure. This application bulletin describes the subminiature package assembly, the package's mechanical limitations and offers specific suggestions for proper installation. APPLICATION NOTE 931 Solid State Alphanumeric Display ... Decoderl Driver Circuitry Hewlett-Packard offers a series of solid state displays capable of producing multiple alphanumeric characters utilizing 5 x 7 dot arrays of GaAsP light emitting diodes (LED's). These 5 x 7 dot arrays exhibit clear, easily read characters. In addition, each array is X-Y addressable to allow for a simple addressing, decoding, and driving scheme between the display module and external logic. Methods of addressing, decoding and driving information to such an X-Y addressable matrix are covered in detail in this application note. The note starts with a general definition of the scanning or strobing technique used for this simplified addressing and then proceeds to describe horizontal and vertical strobing. Finally, a detailed circuit description is given for a practical vertical strobing application. APPLICATION NOTE 934 5082-7300 Series Solid State Display Installation Techniques The 5082-7300 series Numeric/Hexadecimal indicators are an excellent solution to most standard display problems in commercial, industrial and military applications. The unit integrates the display character and associated drive electronics in a single package. This advantage allows for space, pin and labor cost reductions, at the same time improving overall reliability. The information presented in this note describes general methods of incorporating the -7300 into varied applications. 313 1. What to measure (definitions of terms) 2. How to measure it (apparatus arrang'ement) 3. Whose equipment to use (criteria for selection) Abstracts APPLICATION NOTE 937 Monolithic Seven Segment LED Display Installation Techniques APPLICATION NOTE 947 Digital Data Transmission Using Optically Coupled Isolators The Hewlett-Packard series of small endstackable monolithic GaAsP displays are designed for strobing, a drive method that allows time sharing of the character generator among the digits in a display. Optically coupled isolators make ideal line receivers for digital data transmission applications. They are especially useful for elimination of common mode interference between two isolated data transmission systems. This application note describes design considerations and circuit techniques with special emphasis on selection of line drivers, transmission lines, and line receiver termination for optimum data rate and common m-ode rejection. Both resistive and active terminations are described in detail. Specific techniques are described for multiplexing applications, and for common mode rejection and data rate enhancement. This Application Note begins with an explanation of the strobing technique, followed by a discussion of the uses and advantages of the right hand and center decimal point products. Several circuits are given for typical applications. Finally, a discussion of interfacing to various data forms is presented along with comments on mounting the displays. APPLICATION NOTE 939 High Speed Optically Coupled Isolators Often designers are faced with the problem of providing circuit isolation in order to prevent ground loops and common mode signals. Typical devices for doing this have been relays, transformers and line receivers. However, both relays and transformers are low speed devices, incompatible with modern logic circuits. Line receiver circuits are fast enough, but are limited to a common mode voltage of 3 volts. OPTOELECTRONICS APPLICATIONS MANUAL (HPBK-1000) The commercial availability of the Light Emitting Diode has provided electronic system designers with a revolutionary component for application in the areas of information display and photocouplers. In addition, they do not protect very well against ground loop signals. Now Optically Coupled Isolators are available which solve most isolation problems. Many electronic engineers have encountered the need for a resource of information about . the application of and designing with LED· _._ products. This book is intended to serve as an engineering guide to the use of a wide range of solid state optoelectronic products. This Application Note contains a description of Hewlett-Packard's high speed isolators, and discusses their applications in digital and analog systems. APPLICATION NOTE 945 Photometry of Red LEOs The book is divided into chapters covering each of the generalized LED product types. Additional chapters treat such peripheral information as contrast enhancement techniques, photometry and radiometry, LED reliability, mechanical considerations of LED devices, photodiodes and LED theory. Nearly all LEOs are used either as discrete indicator lamps or as elements of a segmented or dot-matrix display. As such, they are viewed directly by human viewers, so the primary criteria for determining their performance is the judgment of a viewer. Equipment for measuring LED light output should, therefore, simulate human vision. This book can be purchased from a HewlettPackard franchised distributor or from the McGraw-Hili Publishing Company. A complete listing of all HP Components franchised distributors can be found on pages 472-474. This Application Note will provide answers to these questions: 314 :SOId8ri09 PIU11U ··'SilwrJ>tated·le(){rF_,~ .'_. '~j'. INTRODUCTION the solderability. As the density of the tarnish increases, the more active the flux must be to penetrate and remove the tarnish layer. Some recommended fluxes and cleaner/surface conditions are discussed in the "Solder, Flux and Cleaners" section. Since the price of gold has increased several times over past years, the cost of a gold plated lead frame has increased substantially above the cost of a silver plated lead frame. The impact of this increase in cost has been industry wide. STORAGE AND HANDLING By using silver plating, no additional manufacturing process steps are required. Silver has excellent electrical conductivity. LED die attach and wire bonding to a silver lead frame is accomplished with the same reliability as with a gold lead frame. Also, soldering to a silver lead frame provides a reliable electrical and mechanical solder joint. Soldering silver plated lead frame LED devices into a printed circuit board is not more complicated than soldering LED devices with gold plated lead frames. This application bulletin offers some suggestions on how to solder HP silver plated lead frame LED devices. The best technique for insuring good solderability of a silver plated lead frame device is to prevent the formation of tarnish. This is easily accomplished by preventing the leads from being exposed to sulfur and sulfur compounds. The two primary sources of sulfur are free air and most paper products such as paper sacks and cardboard containers. The best defense against the formation of tarnish is to keep silver lead frame devices in protective packaging until just prior to the soldering operation. One way to accomplish this is to store the LED devices unwrapped in their original packaging as received from HP. For example, Hewlett-Packard ships its seven segment display products in plastic tubes which are sealed air tight in polyethylene. It is best to leave the polyethylene intact during storage and open just prior to soldering . THE SILVER PLATING The silver plating process is performed as follows: The lead frame base metal is activated (cleaned) and then plated with a copper strike, nominally 50 microinches '(0.00127mm) thick. Then a minimum 150 microinch ( .. . '(0.00381mm) thick plating of silver is added. A "brightener" is usually added to the silver plating bath to insure an optimum surface texture to the silver plating. The term "brightener" comes from the medium bright surface reflectance of the silver plate. Listed below are a few suggestions for storing silver lead frame devices. 1. Store the devices in the original wrapping unopened until just prior to soldering. 2. If only a portion of the devices from a single tube are to be used, tightly re-wrap the plastic tube containing the unused devices in the original or a new polyethylene sheet to keep out free air. 3. Loose devices may be stored in zip-lock or tightly sealed polyethylene bags. 4. For long term storage of parts, place one or two petroleum napthalene mothballs inside the plastic package containing the devices. The evaporating napthalene creates a vapor pressure inside the plastic package which keeps out free air. 5. Any silver lead frame device may be wrapped in "Silver Saver" paper for positive protection· against the formation of tarnish. "Silver Saver" is manufactured by: Since silver is porous with respect to oxygen, the copper strike acts as an oxygen barrier for the lead frame base metal. Thus, oxide compounds of the base metal are prevented from forming underneath the silver plating. Copper readily diffuses into silver forming a solution that has a low temperature eutectic point. The interdiffusion between the copper strike and the silver overplate improves the solderability of the overall plating system. If basic soldering time and temperature limits are not exceeded, a lead frame base metal-copper-silver-solder metallurgical bonding system will be obtained. THE EFFECT OF TARNISH Silver reacts chemically with sulfur to form the tarnish, silver sulfide (Ag2S). The build-up oftarnish is the primary reason for poor solderability. However, the density of the tarnish and the kind of solder flux used actuallydetermine The Orchard Corporation 1154 Reco Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63126 (312) 822-3888 315 6. To reduce shelf storage time, it will be worthwhile to use inventory control to insure that the devices first received will be the first devices to be used. One caution: The adhesives used on pressure sensitive tapes such as cellophane, electrical and masking tape can soak through silver protecting papers and may leave an adhesive film on the leads. This film reduces solderability and should be removed with freon T -P35, freon T-E35 or equivalent prior to soldering. conditioner must be used. Some possible cleaner/surface conditioners are Alpha 140, Alpha 174, Kester 5560, and Lonco TL-1. The immersion time for each cleaner/surface conditioner will be just a few seconds and each is used at room temperature. For example, Alpha 140 will remove severe tarnish almost upon contact; therefore, the immersion time need not exceed 2 seconds. These cleaner/surface conditioners are acidic formulations. Therefore, thoroughly wash all devices which have been cleaned with a cleaner/surface conditioner in cold water. A hot water wash will cause undue etching of the surface of the silver plating. A post rinse in deionized water is advisable. SOLDER, FLUX AND CLEANERS The solder most widely used for soldering electroniC components into printed circuit boards is Sn60 (60% tin and 40% lead) per federal standard 00-S-571. Two alternates are the eutectic composition Sn63 and the 2% silver solder Sn62. CAUTION: These cleaner/surface conditioners may etch exposed glass and may have a detrimental effect upon the glass filled encapsulating epoxies used in optoelectronic devices. Complete immersion of an optoelectronic device into a surface conditioner solution is NOT recommended. For best results, immerse only the tarnished leads and do not expose the encapsulating epoxy to the solutions. As the device leads pass through the solder wave of a flow solder process, the tin in the solder scavenges silver from the silver plating and forms one of two silver-tin intermetallics (AgsSn or Ag3Sn). This silver in the molten solder should not be considered a contaminant. As the silver content increases, the rate of scavenging decreases and the probability of obtaining the desired base metalcopper-silver-solder metallurgical system is improved. The result is that the silver content in solder, which reaches a maximum of 2-1/2% in Sn60 at 230°C, aids in producing reliable solder joints on silver plated lead frames. The cleaning of printed circuit boards after soldering is important to remove ionic contaminants and increase circuit reliability. When a Type RMA or Type RA flux is used, vapor clean with an azeotrope of fluorocarbon F113 and approximately 15% alcohol by weight. Some equivalent products are Allied Chemical Genesolve DI-15/DE-15, Blaco-Tron DE-15/DI-15 and Arklone K. A Type RMA or Type RA flux is a mixture of basic Type R rosin flux and an organic acid. The fluorocarbon F113 removes the residual rosin and the alcohol removes the residual active ions. Room temperature cleaning may be accomplished by using Freon T-E35, T -P35 or equivalent. When a Type AC flux is used, wash thoroughly with water. Specific cleaning processes are suggested in the soldering process section. Solder flux classifications per federal standard 00-S-571, listed in order of increasing strength, are as follows: Type Type Type Type R: Non-Activated Rosin Flux RMA: Mildly Activated .Rosin Flux RA: Activated Rosin Flux AC: Organic Acid Flux, Water Soluble Suggested applications of these flux types with respect to various tarnish levels are as follows: SOLDERING PROCESS Silver plated lead' frames that are clean, contaminant and tarnish free may be soldered using a Type R flux such as Alpha 100. Before the actual soldering begins, the printed circuit boards and components to be soldered should be free of dirt, oil, grease, finger prints and other contaminants. Fluorinated cleaners such as Freon T -P35 may be used to preclean both the printed circuit boards and LED devices. , Operators may wear cotton gloves to prevent finger prints when loading components into the printed circuit boards. Minor Tarnish Since some minor tarnish or other contaminant may be present on the leads, a type RMA flux such as Alpha 611 or 611 Foam, Kester 197 or equivalent is recommended. Minor tarnish may be identified by reduced reflectance of the ordinarily medium bright surface of the silver plating. Type RMA fluxes which meet MIL-F-1425.6 are used in the construction of telephone communication, military and aero space equipment. If the silver lead frames have acquired an unacceptable layer of tarnish, remove this tarnish layer with a cleaner/surface conditioner just prior to soldering. Since a cleaner/surface conditioner does slightly etch the surface of the silver plating, the silver leads are now more susceptible to tarnish formation. Therefore, use a cleaner/surface conditioner only on those silver lead frame devices which will be soldered within a four hour time period. The effect of various tarnish levels on the choice of flux is discussed in the previous section. Mild Tarnish For a mild tarnish, a type RA flux such as Alpha 711-35, Alpha 809 foam, Kester 1544, Kester 1585 or equivalent should be used. A mild tarnish may be identified by a light yellow tint to the surface of the silver plating. Many of Hewlett-Packard's LED Lamps and Display products have a soldering specification of 230° C.( 446° F) for a maximum time period of 5 seconds. Therefore, in a flow solder operation adjust the solder temperature and belt speed to conform to this specification, or as is specified on the device data sheet. The flow solder operation may now proceed in a normal fashion. For best results, anyone single lead should be immersed in molten solder for as short a time period as possible. At a solder Moderate Tarnish A type AC water soluable flux such as Alpha 830, Alpha 842, Kester 1429 or 1429 foam, Lonco 3355 or equivalent will give acceptable results on surface conditions up to a moderate tarnish. A moderate tarnish may be identified by a light yellow-tan color on the surface of the silver plating. If a more severe tarnish is present, such as a heavy tarnish identified by a dark tan to black color, a cleaner/surface 316 temperature of 230°C (446°F), Sn60 solder will dissolve silver at the rate of 60 microinches per second. Therefore, with an initial silver plating thickness of 150 microinches, an immersion time of 2 seconds will provide the desired lead base metal-copper-silver-solder metallurgical sys_. tem. At a solder temperature of 260°C (500° F), Sn60 . solder will dissolve silver at the rate of 80 microinches per -second. These dissolving rates decrease as the silver content increases in the molten solder bath. A WORD ABOUT PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS Printed circuit boards, either single sided, double sided or multilayer, may be manufactured with plated through holes with a metal trace pad surrounding the hole on both sides of the printed circuit board. The plated through hole is desirable to provide a sufficient surface for the solder to wet, and thereby be pulled up by capillary attraction along the lead through the hole to the top of the printed circuit board. This provides the best possible solder connection between the printed circuit board and the leads of the LED device. Post cleaning of soldered assemblies when a type RMA or Type RA flux has been used may be accomplished via a vapor cleaning process in a degreasing tank, using an azeotrope of fluorocarbon F113 and alcohol as the cleaning agent. A recommended method is a 15 second suspension in vapors, a 15 to 30 second spray wash in liquid cleaner, and finally a one minute suspension in the vapors. When a water soluable Type AC flux such as Alpha 830 or Kester 1429/1429F is used, the following post cleaning process is suggested: thoroughly wash with water, neutralize using Alpha 2441 or Kester 5760 or Kester 5761 foaming, then thoroughly wash with water and air dry. SOLDERED LEADS Figure 1 illustrates an ideally soldered lead. The amount of solder which Has flowed to the top of the printed circuit board is not critical. A sound electrical and mechanical joint is formed. Figure 2 illustrates a soldered lead which is undesirable. CAUTION: The use of tetrachloro-di-fluoroethane (F112), acetone, trichloroethylene, MEK, carbon tetrachloride and similar solvents as cleaning agents is NOT recommended, as these cleaners will attack or dissolve the epoxies used in optoelectronic devices. LEO DEVICE ~:riALLIZATION PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD _ _ _ _ _--.... "F~~~~~==~~ ___ P.C.BOARD METALLIZATION SOLDER HAS WETTED LEAD AND PLATED THROUGH HOLE AND HAS FLOWED TO TOP OF P.C. BOARD. EXPOSED LEAD SHOWS 95% SOLDER COVERAGE. INDICATING PROPER WETTING. ( Figure 1. Ideally Soldered Lead LED DEVICE ~:6AlllZATION ~----- ~~~ri6D CIRCUIT _ _ _ _ _ ____ ~~~ .._____ I[,~• • •;=~;:;;~ ~------- Figure 2. Undesirable Soldered Lead 317 P.C. BOARD METALLIZATION MENISCUS TURNS INWARD LIST OF MANUFACTURERS REFERENCES Alpha Metals, Inc. 56 G Water Street Jersey City, New Jersey 07304 (3021 434-6778 Manko, Howard H. Solders and Soldering. New York: McGraw-Hill,1964. Coombs, Clyde F. Printed Circuits Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hili, 1964. London Chemical Co. (Lonco® 1 240 G Foster Bensenville, Illinois 60106 (3121287-9477 Flaskerud, Paul and Rick Mann. "Silver Plated Lead Frames for Large Molded Packages," IEEE Catalog No. 74CH0839-1 PHi (19741, pp. 211-222. E.I. DuPonte De Nemours & Co. Freon Products Division Wilminton, Delaware 19898 (3021 774-8341 Frank Curran Co. (Petroleum Napthalene Mothballs 1 8101 South Lemont Road Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 (3121 969-2200 Kester Solder Co. 4201 G Wrightwood Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60639 (3121 235-1600 Allied Chemical Corporation Speciality Chemicals Division P.O. Box 1087R Morristown, New Jersey 07960 (2011 455-5083 Baron-Blakeslee (Blaco-Tron)® 1620 S. Laramie Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60650 (3121 656-7300 Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. (Arklonel® Imperial Chemical House, Millbank London SW1 P3JF, England 318 ,Application ..'5"6""""""";;" ,~.ic, Bulletin , ,; . ~,' " INTERFACE TIMING AND DISPLAY LENGTH EXPANSION INFORMATION FOR THE HDSP-2000 CODED DATA CONTROLLER The HDSP-2000 CODED DATA CONTROLLER shown in Application Note 1001 is a versatile circuit and is easily modified to multiplex any display length, This Application Bulletin contains the key timing information and a detailed explanation of how the circuit' operates, With this information, it should be a straightforward exercise to expand the display to any desired length, Included in this Application Bulletin are designs for 32, 64, and 128 character displays, The ASCII to 5x7 decoder table within the Motorola MCM6674 ROM has also been shown, This decoder table can be stored within a Bipolar PROM if faster speeds are required, by the Motorola 6674 128 character ASCII decodeL The 6674 decoder has five column outputs which are gated to the Data Input of the display via a 74151 multiplexer. Strobing of the display is accomplished via the 74197, 74393, and 7490 counter string. The 74197 is connected as a divide by 8 counter that sequentially selects the seven rows within the 6674. As shown by waveform ® ,the 74197 also enables seven clock cycles to be gated to the clock input of the display. The 74393 is a divide by 256 counter connected so that the five lowest order outputs select each of the 32 ASCII characters within the RAM. The three highest order outputs determine the relationship between load time and column on time. When 206 = 20c = 20D = 1 of the 74393, waveform @ goes to a logical 1. The circuit then scans 32 characters from the RAM and serializes the column data by counting through each of the seven rows of the 6674 and gating the appropriate column of the display. During the seven counts when 206, 20c, and 20D of the 74393 are notequal to a logical 1, the column data is displayed, as shown in waveform @ . Since only one column can be on at a single moment, the highest possible column on time is 1/5 or 20%. Thus, the column on time of the display in Figure 2 is (20%) (7/8) or 17.5%. The circuit shown in Figure 2 shows a CODED DATA CONTROLLER designed for a 32 character HDSP-2000 alphanumeric display, The key waveforms shown in Figure 1, labeled CD ®, and @ , are shown to simplify the analysis of this circuit Label CD is the 1 MHz clock, Label ® is the output of 7404 pin 2 which is the inverted OD output of the 74197, Label @ is the output of the 7404 pin 6 which is the ANDed output of 206, 20c, and 20D of the 74393, The Motorola 6810 RAM stores 32 bytes of ASCII data which is continuously read, decoded, and displayed, The ASCII data from the RAM is decoded ( DISPLAY CLOCK ROW 'IROW 21ROW 31 ROW 41ROW SIROW SIROW 7 ....- - - - CHARACTER 1 - - - + I 224 CLOCK CYCLES @---.~ LJ~s ------I COLS.j. ~ OFF ILOAO) COLUMNS ON ----~-t ~----COLUMNSON----+I Figure 1. Timing Information for the 32 Character HDSP-2DDD CODED DATA CONTROLLER 319 Z 80 INTERFACE: : e: ~ 8060A, 6800 INTEAFACE: 74LS367 r 03 D2 D, DO l r -=- 5V 4Y 11 3V • 2Y 7 'Y 5 3 6 2A 4 'A 2 "5 ~ 6A A3 12:: 10 3A 6 2A A4 1A A2 ~ MCM6810 . A vee: B :~ 23 As 22 A, 11 3Y 9 2y7 1Y 21 A2 20 A3 ~ ,. A4 'iii A5 As ~ A/W ~ A r;i) B PaC ~ 0 ~ DAs---' DB DctDO CLEAR Gf!?c -=-' - C/l t12 "9 7 5 3 ~ 3 .... 4 l' J 74lS367 15 5A4A3A2A1A .1 ~2J642 ~ iV2 ~ 1 1A 10B 3 T Cl 'Dc 4 'Do 5 1'f 2A 2Do 11 2Dc '0 Cl 2Do 9 'i2 -=- MCM6674 6Y 13 ~5 C ~~ S °5 :~ J 12 K S : • a 8 ~ ~ CS (NOTE 21 ~ B IMHz CLOCK INPUT J K 74LS113 A ~ o ~ 2 "¢{NOTE 11 A, ADDRESS BUS 6Y 13 14 : : 12 4A 10 3A D5 D4 DATA BUS 74532 r--- ~ ~ ~ ~ " -=- ell ell ell CS DO D, D2 03 04 05 06 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 6 5 4 AO A, A2 A3 3 A4 2 A5 , AS Vcc CSW' f;j---a ~ DO 0, D2~ 02 o,tw-; ----;; r---i AS, AS, ASa 03 HO~:~~~~I:fLAY V • 12 01 5 C1 C2C3C4C5 , 2 3 4 5 J! -= 7 ST ABC 11109 V C MA75°'SZ ~ 20A 6 _8 r,,----. D, D4~ D4 ;---iii CS 10 DO NOTE 1: ¢ IS MICROPROCESSOR CLOCK NOTE 2: CS IS fOml ANDED WITH THE I/O ADDRESS OF THI DISPLAY 7490 ~'741~ 12 '3 7404'f.. 5 7 6 If 3 6 7 AO A. A9 'OK (TVPI ..;: ............ 0 DB 9 Dca Do" '5 A '4 B ~~ '2 - f 2 "..,...... ' 39n 2agn 3 agn 3" 4 39n "'- I-- " 5 agn ..,...... ........ ""- ~ -~ ~~~74'~ 8 - Figure 2. 6800, 8080A, and Z-80 Interface to the 32Character HDSP-2000 CODED DATA CONTROLLER He ~E2'O(TYPI *OISPLAY _n. _ .ao _..IS_ OPERATED .. _____ ._ ..WITH _ I I CKi '0 Changing the display length to 64 characters is a simple modification. This configuration can be easily realized by disconnecting 2QB of the 74393 from the 7410 and connecting it through the remaining tri-state buffer on the 74LS367 and using the 6810 RAM to store 64 ASCII characters. By leaving only 2Qc and 2QD attached to the 7410, the column on time of the display is reduced from 17.5% to 15%. This reduction is caused because the relationship between actual column on time and theoretical column on time is 3/4 as opposed to 7/8 for the 32 characters. Since the display length has been doubled, the drive transistors must be upgraded to handle the higher column currents. 82S2708. The 74393 is a divide by 256 counter connected so that the seven lowest outputs select each of the 128 ASCII characters within the RAM. The previously unused input A/output QA of the 7490 has been used as an additional divide by 2 counter. Thus, when the highest output of the 74393, 2QD, and the QA output of the 7490 are NANDed through 7437, the basic relationship between load time and column on time is established. However, the external gating that has been added does affect the column on time slightly. Although these additional gates increase the total package count by one, they perform the necessary function of ensuring that the column drivers are turned off before the clock is gated to the display. This prevents noise from bei ng generated on the clock of the display and eliminates erroneous display data. The resultant column on time is (23/32) (1/5) or 14.4%. The final modification made concerns the necessary column current needed to drive the display. Since the HDSP-2000 is rated at Icol(max) = 410 mA and there are 32 modules of four digits each, the transistors must source up to (32) (410 mAl or approximately 13A. Darlington PNP power transistors (2N6285) with the proper resistors have been used to accomplish this task. To implement a 128 character display, several modifications are needed. These changes are incorporated into the circuit in Figure 5. First, the input clock frequency has been increased tQ 2 MHz. This has been done to maintain a refresh rate of approximately 100 Hz for each digit, thus providing a flicker-free display. This higher speed of operation causes propagation delay problems within the MCM6674 (NMOS) whose maximum accesstimeis350ns. For this reason, the MCM6674 must be replaced by a faster Bipolar PROM. Refer to Figure 3 for a list of 1Kx8 PROMs that will function correctly in the circuit. From this list, the 82S2708 (maximum access time of 70ns) has been implemented. If this PROM is programmed with the code listed in Figure 4, it will decode a character font identical to the MCM6674. This same propagation delay problem is present with the MCM6810 RAM. Following worst case design procedures, the MCM68A10 1.5 MHz RAM should be used. To accommodate the additional address line made necessary by the display length expansion, the two 74LS367 tri-state buffers have been replaced with the 74LS244 octal version. Strobing of the display is accomplished using the 74197, 74393, and 7490 counter string. The 74197 is connected as a divide by 8 counter that sequentially selects the seven rows within the f PROM ADDRESS 080 090 OAO OBO OCO 000 OED OFO 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 lAO lBO lCO 100 lEO lFO FF FF EO EE EE FE E6 F6 Fl Fl EO Fl Fl Fl E6 F9 Fl Fl EO F3 El Fl E4 Fl Pari Number Manufacturer 7608 3628-4 82S2708 6381 6385 825228 93451 Construction Harris Intel Signetics Monolithic Memory Monolithic Memory National Fairchild Bipolar Bipolar Bipolar Bipolar Bipolar Bipolar Bipolar - NiCr - Si - NiCr - NiCr - NiCr - TiW - NiCr Figure 3. 1Kx8 PROMs lor Use in the HD5P-2000 CODED DATA CONTROLLER 200 210 220 230 HEXIDECIMAL DATA 240 250 260 270 FF E4 El E8 FF EO EE E4 EO FF EO E4 EO EE EE ROW 1 280 EE EE EE EE EO EE El FF E4 EE EE FF FF FF FF 290 E4 EA EA E4 F8 E8 EC E2 E8 E4 EO EO EO EO EO 2AO E4 EE EE E2 FF E6 FF EE EE EO EC E2 EO E8 EE 2BO E4 FE EE FE FF FF EF Fl EE El Fl FO Fl Fl EE 2CO 200 EE FE EE FF Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl FF EE EO EE E4 EO 2EO EO FO EO El EO E2 ED FO E4 El FO EC EO EO EO ED EO EO E4 EO EO EO EO Fl EO E2 E4 E8 E8 EA 2FO FO E4 El E4 Fl El F1 E8 E4 EO E4 F5 E4 Fl Fl ROW 2 300 F5 Fl Fl F5 E5 EA El Fl E4 Fl Fl F5 Fl Fl F5 310 E4 EA EA EF F9 F4 EC E4 E4 F5 E4 EO EO EO El 320 EC Fl Fl E6 FO E8 El Fl Fl EC EC E4 EO E4 Fl 330 340 EA E9 Fl E9 FO FO FO Fl E4 El F2 FO FB F9 Fl Fl Fl Fl E4 Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl El E8 FO E2 EA EO 350 360 EO FO EO El EO E5 F3 FO EO EO FO E4 EO EO EO F3 EO EO E4 EO EO EO EO Fl EO E4 E4 E4 F5 F5 370 FO E4 El E2 FB E2 Fl FE E2 EO E4 EE E8 FB Fl ROW 3 380 390 F5 Fl Fl F5 E2 EA El EA EE FO Fl F5 Fl Fl F5 3AO E4 EA FF F4 E2 F4 EB EB E2 EE E4 EO EO EO E2 E4 El El EA FE FO E2 Fl Fl EC EO E8 FF E2 El 3BO 3CO Fl E9 FO E9 FO FO FO Fl E4 El F4 FO F5 F5 Fl 300 Fl Fl FO E4 Fl Fl Fl EA EA E2 E8 E8 E2 Fl EO 3EO EE F6 EE ED EE E4 F3 F6 EC El F2 E4 FA f6 EE 3FO Fl F6 EF FF Fl Fl Fl F1 Fl FF E4 E4 E4 E2 EA Figure 4. 8252708 PROM Listing 321 Fl FF EO F5 ED FE E2 F9 Fl Fl EO F9 F5 FO EO F6 Fl Fl EO Fl F5 FO EO FO FF FF EO EE EE FO EO FO FO F7 E4 E4 Fl Fl El F3 FO Fl E4 E4 FF F5 EF ED FO Fl EO E4 Fl F2 Fl El FO EE E4 EE Fl ED EF El E4 F7 EO EE EE FE F9 F9 E4 F5 EO FO E9 F4 Fl FO E4 F5 EO FO E9 F2 F9 FO FF EE EO FF FE Fl F6 FO El FD EA E6 FO EE Fl FO El F5 FF El FO El FO EE El F5 EA Fl Fl Fl Fl El FF EE EA EE EE EE EE FE EF FD EE F2 E9 E4 F3 E4 E4 Fl E5 FF E9 E4 Fl E4 E2 Fl FE E2 E9 E4 F3 E5 El EE E4 E2 FE E4 ED E2 F5 F5 E4 El FC Fl Fl Fl FB F8 E8 El FO Fl FF Fl Fl FO F3 Fl FO Fl FO F3 FF EO E3 EE FF EE EE ED F4 EA EB FE FC EA EE Fl F8 EA F5 Fl FO EA E4 Fl FO EA F2 Fl FO E4 E4 EA EO FB ED EE FO E4 E4 E4 FF FF FO E4 F3 Fl ED Fl EA El EO E8 Fl F5 El F5 EA El EO FO Fl FB Fl F5 FB El EO FO EF Fl EE EA E9 E4 EB EE FF E4 F9 EA E5 EA E8 Fl Fl EA Fl E4 El Fl E4 Fl Fl Fl Fl EA El FF E2 EE Fl Fl Fl Fl FF EE E2 EF E4 E4 E4 EF E2 E4 E2 El E4 E4 E4 El E4 E4 E4 E2 E4 E4 E4 Fl EO E4 E8 EC EE E4 EE EE FF EB FF EO El E4 El E2 EO E4 EE EC El E8 El E4 EO EO F5 EC Fl FO Fl E8 FF E4 E4 EO EE FF EE FF F5 FF FF EC F8 E8 F4 E8 EE Fl E4 EC F4 E8 F8 E4 E4 Fl E4 E8 F2 E8 F4 E4 EO EE EO FO Fl EE F2 E2 E4 FD EC FO FO E4 E4 EO F5 Fl EC E8 FO E2 E4 E4 EE Fl E8 E4 FO El E4 E4 E4 FF FO E2 FF EO EE E4 FF FD FF EO F5 E2 F5 E2 E8 F5 EO FF Fl E2 F5 E4 E4 F5 EO EO Fl E2 F5 E4 EO FF EO EO Fl EE F5 E8 F5 F7 EO El F3 EO F9 EO FB F5 EO E2 Fl EO Fl EO Fl F5 EC E4 Fl EO Fl EO EE FF EC E8 Fl EO Fl EO F5 F7 E4 E2 Fl EO Fl F5 Fl Fl E8 E4 Fl EO Fl EA Fl Fl FO EO Fl EO Fl F5 EE FF EO E4 EE FF EE EA ROW 4 ROW 5 ROW 6 ROW7 8OBOA. 6800 INTERFACE: r r DATA.BUS 1 4 : - - ; 13 ,2 SA ~ 5Y 11 ,0 ... L-~ >Y" • '02 16 243 • 1A3 13 242 " 8 ,.. 11 241 3~ ..... 7404 'to. , 00 t2 I-t~ , V ~ Oe~ CLEAR : : Ao : IV. 7 lY4 12 ... .. 8 .. ; " A2 r* . E?! ~ E~ E~ 4 1 1,9] _ ., ~4,-!2~ ~ 12 11 ., ~~.". 1A CL 1 ~CL 3 8 ~ cs~ cs 10 Dl~D, tee, ., 12 V" ~~Dz D3~D3 o.~o. 'Do • ' . ~ Vee If :: ,. 5 14 • '7 '--- 740• 1 L-H?440 !..I , Vee 11 0 A. DAr¥-- 3 Ro 6 R9 749(. 7 ". ':" 00 11 .. 15. ". , ,, _ • 10 '0 , ,oon ITVP.J 36n 30n C rED -= • 7431 • 3 36n • 36n 3 • 4 5 36n '--- 5 1274'n H ;01 '!L 12 7440 ""p!. Cl C2C3C4 C5 -= ~A. tOe 6 • 7437 HDSP-2000 DISPLAY I128CHAR.J 11109 ~As 'Oo~r--- 2Oc: 01 7 ST -= 1" ... ZOe , 7437 , 82S2708 Do 2 3 D, • " ," 2V3 6 1Y3 14 ;!;!i~::S;!~;! ~ • ~ D 0 NOTES: 1., IS MICROPROCESSOR CLOCK 2. IS iOiiii ANDED WITH THE I/O ADDRESS OF THE DISPLAY 16 RIW NPUT P:!c: i.. lYt-!:!2Y4 3 lY2 16 C Ocf!- K ilNOTEn ~. • • ~B ~C 12 ~INOTE2) ~ lAl 17 2A4 " 1j: ~'- K a .. 8 2 74LS113 ,V 3 ~ tMHil :LOCK - \.V , ," " ~ a. ~~ r::.. 3Y 7 'M 2 ,. D, D, . iii ,v • 03A Do ADDRESS BUS ~~ 74LS367 ~ kSr~ ~ ~ 2N6285fTYP.J 11 8 9 .. DISPLA V IS OPERATED WITH PIN 1 IN THE UPPER RIGHT HA.NDCORNER Figure 5. 6800, 8080~~~nd Z-80 Interface to the 128 Character HDSP-2000 CODED DATA CONTROLLER 3 •• ,. CK System Insertion Loss This application bulletin is intended to supplement Application Note 1000. Basic information on flux budgeting with specific examples using the Hewlett-Packard HFBR1002 Fiber Optic Transmitter, HFBR-2001 Fiber Optic Receiver, and HFBR-3000 Series Fiber Optic Cable/Connector Assemblies is presented. The system insertion loss is defined as the total of all losses of optical flux in the transmission path. The losses at the connector interfaces are caused by reflections, differences in fiber diameter, N.A., and fiber alignment. The system insertion loss also includes losses in the fiber due to scattering and absorption. Each loss is subscripted to correspond to its location in the system and the loss is expressed in decibels. For a worst case design, values should be used taking temperature, humidity, etc. into account for the maximum loss. To determine the performance of a fiber optic system, three main areas must be considered: Transmitter Output Optical Flux Receiver Input Sensitivity System Insertion Losses A typical system insertion loss includes: When designing a fiber optic system, an analysis that includes temperature, humidity, and voltage variations will require using the minimum transmitter output flux and corresponding minimum receiver input sensitivity to ensure the performance of the fiber optic system for the environmental conditions of the system. TransmlHer Output Optical Flux ao'!I. (dB/km • length) Connector to Connector aCR (dB) acc (dB) Splice as Directional Coupler aoc (dB) aSC (dB) Star Coupler Flux Budget r(p,W) ~ The System Flux Ratio is the ratio of transmitter output flux to the receiver input sensitivity and is expressed in decibels. (4)0 = 1000J./W) . r(p,W) System Flux Ratio, aFR(dB) = 10 log R(p,W) Receiver Input Sensitivity If the transmitter output flux and receiver sensitivity are already expressed in dBm, the System Flux Ratio is merely the difference between 4>r and 4>R' The receiver input sensitivity is the minimum input flux that will produce a particular Bit Error Rate (BER) at a specified baud rate. The receiver sensitivity is a function of its internal noise and bandwidth. The receiver sensitivity, 4>R ' may be expressed in microwatts or in dBm for convenience in system calculations. Receiver Input Sensitivity, 4>R(dBm) = 10 log (dB) The flux budget calculation is a method of comparing the ratio of transmitter optical flux and receiver sensitivity to the total loss of the system. When changing microwatts to dBm, the output optical flux Is referenced to one milliwatt (1000J./W). . arc (dB) Steady State Fiber Losses Cable/Connector Assembly to Receiver (IThe transmitter output optical flux, (4)r). is usually ex~. pressed in microwatts (J./w). For convenience in system calculations, the output flux can be expressed in dBm, allowing all system calculations to be algebraic summations. Transmitter Output Flux, 4>r(dBm) = 10 log Transmitter to Cable/ Connector Assembly System Flux Ratio, aFR(dB) = 4>r(dBm) - 4>R(dBm) The System Insertion Loss, asddB), is then computed by summing the individual element losses in the transmission path. R~W) (4)0 = 1000J./W) aSL(dB) 323 = Iaj(dB) For a system to work satisfactorily, the losses must not exceed the System Flux Ratio. The Flux Margin, "'M, is the difference between the System Flux Ratio, "'FR, and the System Insertion Loss, "'SL. For a system to operate, the flux margin must be greater than zero. Some designs may require a specific flux margin to account for losses that may increase with time, or to "design-in" a safety margin. "'M(dB) = "FR(dB) - "'sddB) .( "'M(dB) > 0 Sample Flux Budget Calculation DATA SHEET PARAMETERS MIN TVP MAX UNITS HFBR·1oo2 Transmitter Output Optical Flux 50 100 J.lW -13 -10 dBm HFBR-2001 Receiver Input Optical Sensi tivity 0.8 0.5 /iW -31 -33 dBm HFBR-3000 Series Cable/Connector Insertion Loss Length Dependent Fixed 7 10 8.4 5.4 NOTES . * dB/km dB ',iI '" 820nm *,iI 820nm = 9. > 300m Q s: 300m 'NOTE: Guaranteed specifications 0°C-70°C, ±5% Voltage, 10-9 BER @ 10 Mbaud. A sample "flux budget" calculation is presented for a Hewlett-Packard 1000 metre point-to-point fiber optic system. The system uses a Hewlett-Packard HFBR-1002 Transmitter, HFBR-2001 Receiver, and an HFBR-3000 series 1000 metre Cable/Connector Assembly with no intermediate connector or splice. The insertion loss "'TQ may be easily expressed as the difference between two measurable quantities: ¢T - Transmitter Output Flux ¢Q- Flux Measured at the end of a cable of length,Q I £=1000m I I pI ¢T HFBR·3000 SERIES CABLE/CONNECTOR HFBR·l002 I aTe ao e £ ¢~ aeR HFBR·2001 HFBR·3000 SERIES CABLE/CONNECTOR t-' I "'TQ· ' -_ _- ' I I'" _ FLUX METER arc I 1. System Flux Ratio OICR'------' "Oe£ (dB) = ¢T(dBm) - ¢Q(dBm) Using this measurement method, under worst-case conditions, the maximum insertion loss is 15.4dB for a Hewlett-Packard 1000 metre fiber optic system. The System Flux Ratio is the ratio of the transmitter output flux to the receiver input sensitivity. System Flux Ratio, "'FR ~ _ HFIIR·1002 = The System Insertion Loss can then be expressed JlS: 50/J'w _ 10 log cJ>R(/lW) - 10 log 0.8/lW - 18dB t!rr(/lW) _ OR "'FR '" ¢T(dBm) - ¢R(dBm) = -13dBm - (-31dBm) "'SL = "'TQ = 15.4dB = 18dB 2. System Insertion Loss 3. System Flux Margin "'SL = ~"'i = "'TC + "'0 • Q + "'CR Flux Margin, "'M, is the difference between the System Flux Ratio and the System Insertion Loss. The loss from the Transmitter to Cable, "'TC, is not directly measurable and is shown as a "typical" value on the HFBR-1002 data sheet. Flux Margin = System Flux Ratio-System Insertion Loss More easily measurable and convenient to state is a maximum insertion loss from the Transmitterto the end of a connectored cable of length,Q,calied "'TQ, for use in system flux budgeting calculations. The insertion loss then includes "'TC, the loss of the cable, and "'CR. This approach is convenient for systems where the propagation characteristics of the cable have not reached a steady state, and values of both "'TC and "'0 are a function of the cable length. "'M = "'FR - "'SL "'M = 18.OdB - 15.4dB "'M = +2.6dB In this example, the Flux Margin, "'M' represents the worst case margin: 0-70°C, 10-9 BER@ 10Mbaud for a 1000 metre system. 324 600 600 1000 1200 1400 1600 20- CABLE LENGTH - 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 METRES Graphical Representation The insertion loss for a Hewlett-Packard pOint-to-point system (using the HFBR-1002, HFBR-2001, and HFBR3000 Series Cable/Connector) can be represented graphically. The graph is a convenience for readily determining the flux margin for systems less than 1000 metres and also is a guide for determining the flux margin available when splices, connectors, and couplers are a proposed part of a fiber optic system. 2. Typical Flux Ratio _ 100/LW O!FR - 10 log 0.5/L W = 23dB 3. Worst Case Insertion Loss O!SL = O!F (max), (20:5 300m) O!SL = 8.4dB For the HFBR-1 002 Transmitter and the HFBR-3000 series Cable/Connector Assembly steady state propagation occurs at distances greater than 300 metres from the transmitter. Therefore the system insertion loss for a Cable/Connector Assembly less than or equal to 300 . "' metres is defined as a single insertion loss, O!F(dB). For rengths greater than 300 metres. the system insertion loss ( is composed of two parts: 1) the fixed loss, O!F(dB), 20:5 300 . metres; and 2) a length dependent loss, O!o(dB/Km), the linear cable attenuation, valid where optical flux is in equilibrium (20) 300m). O!SL = O!F (max) + O!o (max) • (2o~ 300) 4. Worst Case Flux Ratio 50/LW O!FR = 10 log 0.8/LW = 18dB As shown on the graph, the Flux Margin is the number of dB between the System Flux Ratio line and the System Insertion Loss. Hewlett-Packard system performance (worst case*) guarantees a minimum Flux Margin at 1000 metres of 2.6dB, while typical performance is greater than 12dB. For a 300 metre system worst case Flux Margin is 9.6dB and typical performance is greater than 17dB. Two cases will be graphed, one using typical data sheet values, the second using worst case insertion losses. 1. Typical System Insertion Loss O!SL = O!F (typ) , (20:5 300m) As demonstrated by the graph, the H-P system can be expected to function at distances considerably beyond 1000 metres under typical operating conditions. O!SL = 5.4dB O!SL = O!F (typ) + o!o (typ)' (20-300) ,(20) 300m) O!SL = 8.4dB + 0.010 (dB/m) [20 (m) - 300) ,(2o>300m) *0-70·C, 10-9 BER @ 10Mbaud O!SL = 5.4dB + 0.007 (dB/m) • [ 20 (m) - 300) 325 " ":', ,,',:- ,/', " ", "~, ,'" ~ , ThreShOJd"Dete&tioo .of Visible ar1(f1~dRadiation .with PIN Photodiodes Traditionally, the detection and demodulation of ex- • tremely low level optical signals has been performed with multiplier phototubes. Because of this tradition, solid-state photodetectors are often overlooked even though they have a number of clear functional advantages and in some applications provide superior performance as well. Some of these advantages are summarized below and become even more apparent in the following discussion. ADVANTAGES OF PIN PHOTODIODES VERSUS MULTIPLIER PHOTOTUBES 1. Size and weight: 2. 3. 4. 5. PIN photodiodes are approximately three orders of magnitude smaller and lighter. This greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of mounting. Power Supply: Multiplier phototubes require more than 1000 volts, which must be precisely regulated and divided among the dynodes. By comparison, PIN photodiodes and associated amplifiers operate stably on less than 20 volts, which does not require precise regulation. Cost: The cost, including that of the necessary amplifier, is lower for the PIN photodiode because of lower power supply requirements. Spectral Response: Broad skirts of the PIN photodiode make it useful from the ultra-violet, through the visible, and well into the infrared region. This exceeds the range of any other device of comparable sensitivity. Sensitivity: Noise equivalent power of the PIN photodiode is lower than that of any other type of photodetector. The signal levels are extremely low, however, and to achieve low level performance they require a high gain, high input resistance amplifier. Multiplier phototubes have built-in gain and do not require additional lownoise amplification. Moreover, the high input resistance needed for sensitive performance precludes fast response, whereas the response time of multiplier phototubes may be in the nanosecond region even in the sensitive mode. 6. Stability: The characteristics of noise, responsivity, and spectral response of the PIN photo diode are not dependent on time, temperature, or other environmental considerations. The same conditions may be hazardous to multiplier phototubes. 7. Overloading: In the presence of excessive signal, multiplier phototubes of comparable sensitivity are capable of destroying themselves as a result of excessive output current. The PIN photodiode is unaffected by exposure to room light or even direct sunlight. 8. Ruggedness: PIN photodiodes can tolerate exposure to extreme levels of shock and vibration. Typical shock capability is 1500 G's for 0.5 millisecond. 9. Magnetic Fields: Multiplier phototube gain is affected by fields as small as one gauss. If the interfering field is fluctuating, the output will be modulated by it. The PIN photodiode is insensitive to magnetic fields. 10. Precision: The responsivity of the PIN photodiode is inherently precise and repeatable. Within a given type, the characteristics agree (from unit to unit) within plus or minus 0.1 decade. Responsivity of multiplier phototubes may vary over more than a decade from one unit to another. 11. Sensitive Area: The small sensitive area of the PIN photo diode makes it unnecessary to establish an aperture which may be required for some applications. However, in some applications good optical alignment is imposed by the small area. PIN PHOTODIODE DETECTORS At the present time a variety of different types of solidstate photodetectors are available. Of these, the Silicon PIN Photodiode has the broadest applicability and is the subject of this note. The PIN photodiode's main advantages are: broad spectral response, a wide dynamic range, high speed, and extremely low noise. With appropriate terminal circuits it is well suited for many applications that require converting an optical signal to an electrical signal. The 326 present discussion, however, will be limited to the description of the PIN photodiode's threshold detection sensitivity and the design of suitable terminal circuits that will realize this capability. PHOTODIODE DESCRIPTION Construction A brief description of the PIN photodiode will be helpful in understanding its performance and the principles for designing appropriate circuits to be used with it. Figure 1 shows a typical construction of the PIN photodiode. This figure is for the purpose of explanation only and is not to scale. The relative proportions have been deliberately distorted for the sake of clarity. The PIN structure is produced by diffusion through an oxide (SI02) mask which also serves to protect the surface. Since most metals are very opaque to optical radiation, especially at infrared wavelengths, the gold contact is deposited only around the perimeter of the P-layer, and the gold contact pattern provides for lead attachment a short distance away from the junction region, so the lead is not in the light path. i, ...L R, R, Mode of Operation ( When a photon is absorbed by the silicon it produces a hole and an electron. If the absorption of the photon occurs in the I layer, as shown in Figure 1, the hole and the electron are separated by the electric field in the I-layer. For the highest quantum conversion efficiency (electrons per photon) it is desirable to have the P-layer as thin as possible and the I-layer as thick as possible. The thickness of the P-layer also determines the value of the parasitic series resistance (Rs in Figure 2). The thinner the P-layer the higher the Rs. Since Rs affects high frequency performance there is therefore a design trade-off between quantum efficiency and bandwidth. Once the trade-off is settled, the desired thickness is then controlled during the diffusion process. The effective thickness of the I-layer is controlled partly by the manufacturing diffusion process and partly by the magnitude of the electric field applied to the diodethe higher the field, the thicker will be the effective I-layer. It is therefore desirable to operate the diode with an external reverse bias, as shown in Figure 2. As the reverse bias voltage is increased from zero, there are three beneficial effects: hole and electron transit time decreases; conversion efficiency increases slightly; and most importantly, the capacitance decreases sharply with bias up to about ten volts and continues to decrease slightly up to about twenty volts reverse bias. C J1 '\ - II + Figure 2. PIN Photodiode Schematic Symbol, and Equivalent Circuit In the presence of optical signals there is a slight modulation of the shunt conductance as the presence of photonproduced holes and electrons in the I-layer modulate its conductivity. This effect can be quite significant at very high levels of illumination since the I-layer may become saturated, resulting in a decrease in quantum efficiency and an increase in rise time. Saturation can be prevented by applying a very high reverse bias voltage (up to 200 volts). However, such a high voltage, applied over a long period of time, may cause a degradation of the diode's leakage properties. Since our present concern is with threshold performance, reverse bias voltages greater than twenty volts need not be considered. Equivalent Circuit When properly biased, the PIN photodiode can be accu-rately represented by the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 2. Here ip is the external current resulting when the diode is illuminated. It has a time constant of 10 picoseconds and a value of approximately 0.5 amp per 'watt of input at a wavelength of 8000 angstroms (800 nanometers). This corresponds to a quantum efficiency of 75%, that is, 0.75 electrons per photon. The quantum efficiency is constant from 500 nanometers to 800 nanometers (5,000 A to 8,000 A). iN is the noise current of the; PIN photodiode. Since the diode is reverse biased, the shot noise formula is applicable, so that the noise current can be computed from: PHOTON • 2 l.v S= 2q 1dc where NOT TO SCALE Figure 1. PIN Photodiode Cutaway View B q Ide 327 (1) = system output bandwidth, Hz = electron charge, 1.6 X 10- 19 coulombs = dc current, Amp. In the case of the photodiode, Ide is simply the dark current, la, which has a value determined by the construction and dimensions of the particular diode type. Maximum values are: 100 picoamps for 5082 -4204, 150 picoamps for 5082 -4205 and 2 nanoamps for 5082-4203. Shunt resistance, Rp, is very large, being usually greater than 10 gigaohms (10,000 megohms), and its noise current may therefore be neglected. Shunt capacitance, Cp, has a value from two to five picofarads, depending upon the diode type and reverse bias. For high frequency operation it is important to minimize Cp because the cutoff frequency is determined by: £=_1_ < 21TR.C" .. 70 II- 60 I:::l 'a:" i: 0 !1 :I; \. 40 1/ w ~ I 5062- iii :!! (2) 0 4~ 30 .... ~ . w Although our present concern is with low frequency threshold operation, there is another reason for minimizing Cpo This will be discussed later, when circuit design principles are presented. 4205 20 5082· 42~ 10 I- ~ I:::l 0 -10 V ----- ~ ....... ~ " ......... -........ f\ '" iii " z Performance Threshold performance can and has been specified in a number of different ways. The most commonly understood and usable expression takes the form of a noise equivalent input signal. This is the input signal which produces an output signal level that is equal in value to the noise level that is present when no input signal is applied. The noise equivalent input in watts is called Noise Equivalent Power (NEP) and is defined by: -~ ~ ~5062. is z ~ '\\ , --..-;:::': bJr, ~ a: -120 \\ RCA 6199 ~ Z f2 \~;:. ,, 50 0 a: i' I ~ I if \ -20 300 -90 \ RCA 7102 400 L / 500 600 AVELENGTH ~ ULTRA· VIOLET .--1-. ...... VISIBLE 700 BOO "'" 900 - NANJMETERS (nm) -I. -........ -80 1000 ~ INFRARED Figure 3. Spectral Sensitivity Comparisons of Photodetectors NEP = NOISE CURRENT (amps per root hertz) (3~ CURRENT RESPONSIVITY (amps per watt) has a corresponding slope. Notice how the inherently broad response of silicon, enhanced by the thick I-layer construction, extends the range of useful performance over the response ranges of two types of photocathodes. which has the units of watts per root hertz. Devices for photo-detection could then be compared on the basis of NEP. The lower the NEP the more sensitive is the device. Another method of defining threshold sensitivity is on the basis of signal-to-noise ratio for given input signal power levels. Taking a power level of one picowatt, for example, the signal-to-noise ratio at the output can be obtained from: SNR Although the threshold sensitivity of multiplier phototubes is superior in the visible region, nevertheless for many applications the advantage is not significant enough to outweigh the disadvantages of generally unstable and temperature-sensitive gain, large size and weight, and the need of very high and stable power supply voltages. On the other hand, the superior red and infrared threshold performance of the PIN photodiode does not necessarily mean it is better in any application, because one must take into account its small sensitive area and low signal levels. Realization of the performance capability described in Figure 3 also requires fairly careful attention to the design of the terminal circuits into which the PIN photodiode operates. RESPONSIVITY (:~:) x INPUT (watts) NOISE CURRENT (amps) (4) This is a ratio of currents. To express it in dB we would take twenty times its log to base ten, even though the expression converts linearly to a power ratio. This is because the devices respond linearly to input power. Figure 3 shows spectral sensitivity cha.racteristics of several PIN photodiodes and multiplier phototubes. Sensitivity is given in terms of SNR and NEP. The latter is in terms of dBm. Several interesting features are evident in Figure 3. Although the quantum efficiency for PIN photodiodes is constant from 500 to 800 nanometers, the sensitivity curve is not. This is due to the fact that the energy per quantum (photon) of radiant energy varies with wavelength. The curves for the three different PIN photodiodes also show the dependence of sensitivity on leakage current. Here the highest. sensitivity is obtained with the 5082 - 4204 which has a maximum leakage current of 100 picoamps. Next is the 5082-4205 with 150 picoamps and finally the 5082-4203 with maximum leakage of 2 nanoamps. The three curves are in effect displaced by the magnitude of the noise current difference because quantum efficiency is equal for all. These curves also show the inherent broad response of PIN photodiodes with respect to multiplier phototubes. Therefore, the power re~ponsivity of the PIN photodiode TERMINAL CIRCUIT DESIGN PRINCIPLES The design of the terminal amplifier must consider the usual design objectives of low noise, broad band, wide dynamic range, etc. In addition, there are two fundamental considerations which are dictated by the PIN photodiode: 1. High Reverse Voltage: The diode must be operated at ten to twenty volts of reverse bias to reduce shunt capacitance. 2. High Input Resistance: This is a fundamental consideration in the sensitivity/rise time trade-off. The effects of reverse voltage on capacitance have been discussed earlier. However, the effect is sufficiently important to deserve a re-emphasis here. A high input resistance is necessary in order to maintain a high signal-tD-noise ratio. Since the output signal from the photodiode is a current, and its own internal noise is repre328 gives the necessary range without appreciably attenuating the feedback current. As the photocurrent, 12 , increases, the amplifier causes the voltage at the emitter of Q3 to decrease, which causes a current in Rl to flow out of the node (base of Ql) into which 12 flows. sented by a current, it is appropriate to represent the noise of the terminal amplifier as an equivalent noise current at tile input. The smallest value of resistor which may be connected to the input is then limited by its noise current according to the formula for thermal noise: V (thermal) B 4kT R (5) BasiC Ampllller Arrangements For linear operation, the photodiode should be operated with as small a load resistance as possible. Figure 5 shows the recommended amplifier arrangement. The negative-going input is at virtual ground; the dynamic resistance seen there by the photodiode is R I divided by loop gain. If the op-amp has extremely high input resistance, loop gain is very nearly the forward gain of the op-amp. R2 can be omitted if the photocurrent is reasonably high - its purpose is only to balance off the effect of offset current. As shown, the output voltage will rise in response to the optical signal. Hit is preferable to have the output drop in response to optical input, then both the photodiode and Ec should be reversed. Ec may, of course, be zero. Speed of response is usually limited by the time constant of RI with its own capacitance, so it is improved by using a string of two or more resistors in place of a single R I. Logarithmic operation requires the highest possible load resistance - at least IOGn. With an FET -input op-amp, this is By comparing eq (1), relating diode noise current to leakage current, with eq (5), relating resistor noise current to its resistance value, it is clear that there is some value of resistance below which the NEP of the system, i.e., threshold sensitivity, would be degraded at the rate of 5 dB per decade of decreasing resistance. For example, in the case of the 5082 - 4203, assuming a maximum leakage current of 2 nanoamps, the value of resistance should be greater than 25 megohms, to avoid degrading the threshold sensitivity. TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER In addition to keeping the input noise current low by using large values of input resistance, it is also important to keep other sources of noise in the amplifier at a minimum. Using ordinary transistors (PNP or NPN) it is not possible to approach the ultimate sensitivity of which the PIN photodiode alone is capable, even when low-noise transistors, such as the 2N2484, are used. However, in those applications where it is possible to sacrifice sensitivity for simplicity, transistors may be used. A typical transistor circuit is shown in Figure 4. With this circuit, a sensitivity corresponding to an NEP of - 95 dBm was obtained. In this case, Ql was operated at the lowest possible collector current which would still give adequate gain. A high loop gain was desired in order to compensate, with negative feedback, for the long open-loop rise time produced by the high input resistance. A resistance higher than 10 megohms was not necessary here, since the transistor itself sets the fundamental noise limitation. A PNP transistor was selected for Q2 in order to balance out most of the base-to-emitter voltage of Ql, so that the output would tend to be near zero without any zero adjustment. A slight zero adjustment, provided by R2 and R3, Figure 5. Linear Response; Photodiode and Amplifier Circuit Arrangement ( R6 lOOK Ql 2N2484 OUTPUT 400 uV lem x 1 msec/cm R5 470K{] CI pi TO REDUCE OVERSHOOT NEP = -95 dBm ~ ~.5 TR = 19 14sec ZOUTPUT TRANSRESISTANCE = VERTICAL: (UNSPECIFIED) HORIZONTAL: 20 usee/em = 30 n ~= lOrn ~I.l Figure 4. Transistor Photodiode Amplifier Schematic 329 0.1 s. If high speed logarithmic operation is required, it is best to use the linear amplifier of Figure 5 followed by a logarithmic converter. T ~ easily achieved as in Figure 6. If the offset current of the amplifier poses a problem, a resistor can be added between the positive- and negative-going inputs. Its value should not be less than lOGS"! divided by loop gain. If the amplifier has a very high input resistance, loop gain is equal to the forward gain of the amplifier divided by (I + R2/ RI) so making R2 =0 allows the smallest possible resistance between the inputs. The speed of response of this amplifier will be very low, with a time constant VOUT"'(l+~)lltog R, !a. "'" q q High Speed Photodlode Amplifier Applications that call for high speed data signaling, such as CRT light pens, require amplifiers that have a wider bandwidth than the circuit shown in Figure 5. Using a five transistor array (RCA CA3127E) it is possible to construct a high speed, high gain photodiode amplifier. This circuit is shown in Figure 8. It is configured as a two stage amplifier. The first stage is composed of transistors QI-Q3, where QI is an input emitter follower with feedback obtained from the emitter of Q3. Q2 functions as an inverting amplifier interconnecting Q I to Q3. The second stage consists of Q4 and Q5 which provide additional gain and output buffering, of the first stage. These two stages provide an equivalent transresistance of 420K ohms. This means that the output voltage Vo is equal to the photocurrent, Ip, times 420K ohms. (1+.!f..) f IS When high speed circuit layout techniques are used it is possible to obtain the rise and fall time performance shown in Figure 7. This speed is equivalent to a bandwidth of 9.5MHz with an input flux of 1.9pW. This flux level can be obtained from a HEMT-6000 700nm High Intensity Subminiature Emitter when it is operated at lOrnA, at a distance of Icm from the 5082-4207 PIN photodiode. 25 mV 18=-'_F- !IlL AT OI SEGMENT DECODeR •I J +5V 1SO!! HI' 5Q8z·n30 D,P, Figure 1a. Direct Drive Circuit for the 5082·7130/7131 Common Anode Display. The 5082-7730 and the 5082-7731 are common anode displays employing a left hand or a right hand decimal point respectively. Typical applications would be found in electronic instrumentation, computer systems, and business machines. The 5082-7740 is the common cathode version featuring a right hand decimal point for applications that include electronic calculators and business terminals such as credit card verifiers. A4 LINE B- ~~~A c0- • COMMON o CATIIODE b ·• .J,.' " d SIGN.TlCS 8T53 I ~t 17011 D,P. ,,' , tw5082· 7740 Figure 1b. Direct Drive Circuit for the 5()82·77 4() Common Cathode Display. This Application Note begins with DC drive techniques and circuits. Next is an explanation of the strobe drive technique and the resultant increase in device efficiency. This is followed by general strobing circuits and some typical applications such as clocks, calculators and counters. An analogous circuit is shown in Figure 1b for a common cathode DC drive system utilizing a current sourcing decoder/driver instead of a standard decoder/driver and external resistors. See Table I for a list and comparative ratings of some of the commercially available seven segment decoder/driver circuits. Finally, information is presented on general operatingconditions, including intensity uniformity, light output control as a function of ambient, contrast enhancement and device mounting. STROBING DRIVE CIRCUITS DC DRIVE In strobing, the decoder is timeshared among the digits in the display, which are illuminated one at a time. The digits are electrically connected with like segments wired in parallel. This forms an 8 (7 segments and decimal point) x N (number of digits) array. In operation, the appropriate segment enable lines are activated for the particu lar character to be displayed. At the same time a digit enable line is selected so that the character appears at the proper digit location. The strobe then progresses to the next digit position, activating the proper segments and digit enable line for that position. I n DC or non-strobed drive the display is operated with each character continuously illuminated, usually with one decoder per character. This technique is commonly used for short character strings where the cost of the decoders for DC drive is less than that for the timing and drive circuits for strobed operation. The LE Ds are more efficient when strobed; however, in DC operation the drivers need not handle high current levels. The DC drive circuit for the common anode display is shown in Figure 1a. The current level, set here at 20mA per 333 Since the eye is a relatively slow sensor, a viewer wi II perceive as continuous a repetitive visual phenomena which occurs at a rate in excess of about 60 events per second. Therefore, if the refresh rate for each digit is maintained at 100 times or more per second, the perceived display will appear flickerfree and easy to read. I n displays subject to vibration, a minimum strobe rate of 5 times the vibration frequency should be maintained. Figure 2b, a typical device operated at 10 mA DC would produce a luminous intensity of approximately 120 microcandelas. The same device operated at 50mA peak, 20% duty cycle (as if in a 5 digit strobed display) will produce approximately 145mcd time averaged luminous intensity. For common decoder/driver circuits, a series resistor is placed in each segment enable line to limit the light emitting diode current. They are placed in the segment enable lines to prevent uneven current distribution among segments, commonly referred to as "current hogging". The resistive current limiting approach for LE Ds outlined above is compact and easy to implement. However, the resistor consumes power. In addition to reducing the number of decoders and drivers, strobing requires less power than DC drive to achieve the same display intensity. This is due to a basic property of GaAsP where luminous efficiency (light output/unit current) increases with the peak current level (see Figure 2a). Thus, for the same average current, use of lower duty cycles (and higher peak current levels) results in increased light output (see Figure 2b). For example, from ".1 >. 1.0 . > ffi" u ~ .8 .6 I :/ V Various techniques for driving LE D displays from energy storage devices (such as inductors or capacitors) are quite practical though generally somewhat higher in cost and bulkier. However, power savings of as much as 50% over the resistive drive techniques are attainable. SCR switches may be attractive in circuits utilizing energy storage devices. -- Figures 3 and 4 illustrate two possible memory buffer and display drive techniques used in strobed applications. Both memory techniques assume a bit-parallel!character-serial data entry format. If the system memory is available to supply data to the decoder, the buffer portion of these circuits may be deleted. w w > "" ~ .4 0: .2 50 200 150 100 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER SEGMENT - rnA Figure 2a. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) versus Peak Current per Segment. Figure 3 depicts a 5-digit strobed display employing a recirculating shift register memory. One shift register is used for each bit of the 4-bit BCD code. Four lines of data from the shift registers drive an SN 7447 A seven-segment decoder. The va Iue of the current limiting resistors is calculated to provide 40 mA per segment peak drive current. The resistor value may be calculated using the following. formula: R = VCC -VLED -VCEl -VCE2 N lAVE 500 where VCC = voltage supply potential, VLED = forward voltage of LED at peak ISEGMENT (N lAVE ), VCEl = "ON" voltage of segment switch at peak ISEGMENT , VCE2 = "ON" voltage of digit switch at 8 times peak ISEGMENT , lAVE = desired average operating current per segment, and N = number of digits in the display. ~ 400 > "0 300 ~ §. 250 I 200 ~~ 150 g~ 100 2 ~w ;!;" 35 @§ 50 ~~ 40 ffi~ >(.!) 25 20 1= 15 '" Data for each digit of the display is sequentially shifted to the QE output of the shift register by the display scan clock. The scan clock also drives an SN7496 shift register set up as a ripple scanner. The scan shift register outputs are buffered to source the 320mA peak digit current. Data entry to the storage registers is controlled by the system clock of the data source. During data entry, the display is blanked and the scan shift register is reset to the 30 ~~ 4 6 8 10 20 25 40 60 IF - AVERAGE CURRENT PER SEGMENT - rnA Figure 2b. Typical Time Averaged Luminous Intensity per Segment versus Average Current. 334 - 'SERi'AL fIN SN7496 .' -' " ,=:T=-::-:- - b , IFr g I SERIAL ~ IN Qe I a...2!.2.!!..!l 7 x56n . d 8N 7447 A --!L-- f HP 5082· 773017731 '-=~~==;!~ Id BCD DATA >---+-I~ ~- - - B, >----I~1 o>---t-r~o: 0 74157 2N822~ ~ --,rl-+----------; L 'SERi'AL f IN I~ ":" J, ~.r-----+-------i-h s~~~~ y"......--------1-+-+----; L----;;O"'IG"'IT"'O"'R"'IV"'E"R;---j-t-t---+-----1 SN74ge =- ~>-lr-i:==~--,~~~~::::~-, 'SERi'AL I I IN Qe ~-l" I MDT, I~ I f-f-- T 2.5k DECIMAL 0, L-- r- ..!2!2!.!.:!. - I-I-I-I-- I-I-I-I-- ~r_1_____J_~_____¥-~____k_~_____J 4m ~ ~ ...2.!.2.!!..:! ...-- • ____ -- r---~ SN7496 A ------ 1-£ -=- r+-- +5V ~ t---. _ SN7498 1/8 SN7404 r-~=~., PRE~~~4:.eQA PRESET B Q B PRESET C PRESET 0 Q c I 41n MPS !354 L_____ ..J 1---1 DIGIT DRIVER 1---1 DIGIT DRIVER I---- ~~~O~IG~'~T~O~RI~V~ERa~=====:----J r~=~:~~ IP ENABLE E CD SERI~ILJN De DIGIT DRIVER I r '"1 I .A .A .t1.-J 1"2 L---~-Gp--~_J 8N7404 .1/JF Figure 3. ( WRITE LOCATION SELECT Five Digit Strobed Display with Recirculating Shift Register Memory. A B DIGIT #8 ""'4 Gw5.B SN7448 A BCD DATA IN SN74170 B 0 10 20 3D 3D 40 40 A D DIGIT ENABLE LINES DIGITS 3·7 t;::::=:~ 10 20 3D L------I40 10 SN74170 2Q 3D 1------' 401------' +5V MOTOROLA MPS 4354 A B C SIGNETICS 82Bl SN7442 . ,..--------, L ._ _"--'L._~G~ ~R~~_ Figure 4. ..JJ------------' Strobed Eight Digit Common Anode Display with Static Memory Buffer. 335 first digit position by a logic "0" at DATA ENTER. The DATA SOURCE SYSTEM CLOCK and the external BCD lines are also enabled by DATA ENTER. The 5 digits of new data will be entered into the shift registers on each positive transition of the system clock. After data entry, DATA ENTER is returned to a high state, and scanning begins at position" A" under control of the SCAN CLOCK. ",,'+!IVI Figure 4 depicts an eight digit strobed displayemploying a static 4 x 8 bit memory. Data from the memory buffer is selected by the read lines under the control of the scan counter. This data is decoded by an SN7448 to drive the display segment lines. In this case the 80mA per segment peak current is beyond the current sinking capability of any common decoder/driver so an output buffer transistor must be used. Current limiting resistor values are calculated as before. The digit scan counter uses a Signetics 8281 binary counter in the divide by 8 mode. Data entry to the memory buffer can occur simultaneously with data read and anyone of the eight digits may be selected or written independently. ·· r-----' The display length illustrated in either of the above schemes may be changed by simply providing the additional memory requirements and extending the capacity of the digit scanner. Displays of up to 16 digits are practical. ' - - - - - - - - - 11.. _ OIGIT DRIVER __ _ _ .11 - - - - - - - - ' Figure 5. Typical Single Chip Calculator Circuit. CLOCKS Figures 6 and 7 depict the complete circuitry for 6-character digital clocks using monolithic clock chips from two different manufacturers. Both clocks use the 60Hz AC line as a time base and derive power from unregu lated bridge rectifier power supplies. Numerous manufacturers are now supplying transistor arrays and buffer drivers which offer the advantages of lower costs and improved packing densities over discrete segment and digit drivers. See Table II for a list of some of the presently available products. See Table III for other useful display circuits. Figure 6 illustrates a 6-digit clock circuit using the National Semiconductor NM5314 clock chip. This, chip uses a strobed technique with all scanning logic and memory buffers on board. Scan freq uency is ,established by an external RC network and should be maintained between 60Hz and 10kHz. The values shown should generate approximately a 1 kHz scan rate. Each of the P-channel MOS outputs is buffered to provide adequate drive current to the individual segment and digit enable lines. CALCULATORS The display circuit for a 1O-digit calculator is given in Figure 5. A MOSTEK MK5010P single chip calculator circuit provides the calculating, decoding, and timing for a four function (+, -, x, +), 10-digit calculator. The displays are strobed at 100 mA peak on a 1 of 10 duty cycle. The Darlington segment drivers source 100 mA whi Ie the digit drivers sink 800mA peak. The MOS output transistor connecting the output to VSS is "OFF" when the segment (or digit) is to be activated. In this state, the pull-down resistor connected to VGG sinks the current necessary to turn on the PNP drive stage. When the MOS transistor is "ON", the 1 mA output current through the pull-down resistor biases the PNP drive stage "OFF". Figure 7 illustrates a 6 digit clock radio circuit using the MOSTEK MK5010PAN clock chip and HP 5082-7740 common cathode displays. Since the MK5010P series chips provide a 12.85% duty cycle digit enable, the component values shown will supply approximately 10 mA average or 77 mA peak current to each segment of the strobed display. The base inputs of the MPSA-13 segment drivers and the MPSU 45 digit drivers each have series current limiting resistors and pull-down resistors to limit maximum drain current and assure cut-off in the "OFF" state. In this circuit, the digit drive lines are multiplexed to accept input data for alarm set, time set, and other functions. There are a variety of calculator chips for 8, 10, and 12-digit applications with varying voltage supply requirements and features. These include circuits from companies such as AMI, Cal-Tex, MOSTEK, NORTEC, Rockwell Int'!., and TI. Output stages vary although the P-channel, open-drain approach used in the MK501 OP example is the most common. 336 12.6VAC 5O~~H~ _ _ _ _ _ , MDA 920.1 I I I I I I lOOk HRS x 10 HRS X 1 MIN X10 MIN Xl SEC X 10 SEC X 1 r-------, DRIVER J~""",--_ _J"""1-_ _~'---_ _.r-<-_ _. r l L -_ _" " SEGMENT _______ _ _---' 1. GND FOR 60Hz LINE FREOUENCV OPEN FOR 50Hz LINE FREOUENCY 2. GND FOR 12 HR. CLOCK OPEN FOR 24 HR. CLOCK 3. GNO FOR 6 DIGIT DISPLAY (Seconds) OPEN FOR 4 DIGIT DISPLAY (Minutes and hours only) Figure 6. Strobed Drive for a Six Digit Clock. 12.6VAC 100K 1 Hz 20 TO 1 Hz INDICATOR DRIVER AN 16 TO AM/PM INDICATOR DRIVER 9 REF 19 10 \ 20 MK 5017P AN ¢ 18 TONE,,2=2~_ _ 30 + __..,o RADIO WAKEISLEEP~~~!:::;;;:=:j::h RADIO SL~~~th SA SB SCSD SE SF SG 1514131211 10 9 DISPLAY INHIBIT !~SPEAKER TRANSISTOR ~VER I I : : : I 5082·7740 (6) HRS. X 10 3K 161 56. 161 I I NOTES: I 56k 1. SLEEP SELECT SW. IS 3P·8 POS. SW. EOUIV. TO GRAYHILL 5003-8. I (6) 2. RADIO SELECT SW. IS 2P-4 POS. SW. EOUIV. TO GRAYHILL 71830-02·01·4N. .J 3. ALL SWITCHING DIODES ARE 1N914, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. '---:=-::-:::-~ 4. ALL RESISTORS ARE ¥IW, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPE:CIFIED. 5. INPUTS: SL - SLEEP AE - ALARM ENABLE TS - TIME SET H, M - USED TO SET HRS, 10M. 1M AS - ALARM SET 24 - 24 HRS DISPLAY SL " SL2, SL4 - SLEEP CODe 50 - CONVERTS COUNT TO 50Hz INPUT SN - SNOOZE 7 MIN. Figure 7. Six Digit Clock Radio. 337 HRS. MIN. MIN. sec. Xl X 10 Xl Xl0 SEC. Xl COUNTERS General Instrument's AY-5-4007 series, which have the additional feature of a 25 rnA sourcing capability at each segment output line. The strobe display circuit for a 4% digit counter is shown in Figure 8 utilizing the 7730 common anode display (left hand decimal point) and the MOSTE K MK5007P four decade counter. Available in a 16·pin package, this circuit is a less expensive version of the familiar MK5002P, and includes latches, decoding and multiplexing functions. In addition to counting, this circuit can be used with its internal clock for DVM, timer and other measuring applications. I n this example, the M K5007P's BCD outputs are converted to a seven segment format by the SN7447 A decoder/driver which can sink 40mA per segment. A flip-flop is used to implement an overflow digit "1", providing a 4% digit display. The average light level of the display is controlled by two factors. First, R controls the peak current per segment, set here for 40 rnA. The second factor is the duty cycle of the counter's SCAN INPUT signal. The internal multiplexing circuit for scanning the digits is triggered on the falling edge of the scan clock. While this signal is low, the segment and digit outputs are blanked. A DC drive circuit for a 5 digit counter is outlined in Figure 9. This combines the -7730 common anode display (left hand decimal point) with the TI SN74143, a 4-bit counter/latch/decoder having 15 rnA constant current outputs. For applications requiring counting up to 12MHz, the use of this circuit greatly reduces the component count (even the current limiting resistors are eliminated). The LATCH STROBE INPUT allows the display to operate in a data sampling mode while the counter continues to function. The BLANKING INPUT allows total suppression or intensity modulation of the display. The stored BCD data is available for driving other logic via the LATCH OUTPUTS (QA, Qs, Qc, QD)' For higher current drives, the SN74144 with its open-collector outputs can sink 25 rnA per segment. INTENSITY UNI FORMITY Therefore, a duty cycle greater than 80% of the SCAN INPUT signal is desirable for efficient operation. In this circuit, use has been made of the MK5007P's internal scan clock; a timing capacitor at the SCAN INPUT sets the frequency. The MOSTE K units can be cascaded for greater than 4 decades of readout. Similar circuits in function are The 5082-7700 series devices are categorized for light output intensity to minimize the variation between digits or segments within a digit. Luminous intensity categories are designated by a letter located on the right hand side of the package. Display appearance will be optimized when a group of display digits uses devices from a single category. DIGIT #2 DIGIT #3 4m HP 5082·7730 {51 +5V GND -12V /----'IN'v-----f, DIGIT#l SCAN INPUT dp ANODE TRANSFER INPUT +5V r-----' Figure 8. Four and One-half Digit Strobed Counter 338 DIGIT #4 OIGIT #5 INTENSITY MODULATION It is often desirable to vary the intensity of a display to provide improved readability under varying ambient lighting conditions. Intensity control can be achieved using either amplitude or pulse width modulation techniques. The latter is recommended for broad dynamic range of intensity control. Pulse width modulation offers the advantage of good tracking between segments as the intensity is decreased, and also allows the LE Ds to operate with a high peak current where they are more efficient. Figures 10 and 11 illustrate two possible techniques of control. r S, PHOTO'RESIS1"OR C'-i" REX C!.S05 PULS£W'PTH. MQDtJLA'TliO ' rc--...,--- SLANKIN/; OUTPUT TO. , CONTRO~ Figure 10. Multivibrator Modulation Circuit. In Figure 10 a monostable multivibrator is triggered by the scan clock. Photo-resistor R 1 tracks with ambient light intensity and causes the monostable multivibrator to produce an output pulse width proportional to ambient lighting. This method will provide duty cycles ranging from approximately 20% to 100%. lkn PUl-SE WlD'rti MODUlA1ED OUTPUT TO BLANKiNG CONTROL 11&SN7404 Figure 11 depicts another intensity modulation technique. The scan clock input square wave is integrated by R1 and C 1 to form a triangular wave. Ambient light is monitored by a phototransistor and an amplified output voltage proportional to ambient lighting is produced by A 1 . These two signals are presented to the comparator A 2. The output of A2 will be true only as long as the triangle wave voltage is greater than the ambient light signal. The LM311 amplifier used in this circuit can be replaced with any medium to high gain amplifier which will give adequate swing with a single 5 volt supply. This technique offers a 0 to 100% dynamic range of modulation. Figure 11. Wide Dynamic Range Intensity Control Circuit. of the display driver. The display duty cycle is then controlled by the modulated signal which is proportional to the ambient intensity. If the scan frequency is substantially greater or less than 1 kHz in either of the above circuits, timing and integrating component values will have to be changed to produce satisfactory results. CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT The quality of the perceived display is a function not only of light intensity but also of contrast to the background. To improve display contrast, the In both of the above examples, the pulse width modulated signal is connected to the blanking input 339 entire front surface of the display, except for the light emitting areas, is finished in a uniform flat black. The plastic encapsulant in the light emitting areas contains a red dye to further reduce the reflected ambient light. The display's background and the type of contrast enhancing filter used affect the display quality. Typically, PC board mounting and an inexpensive red filter (e.g., Plexiglass 2423 or materials having similar transmission characteristics) are used. Under strobe drive conditions of 10 mA/ segment average, the display is easily readable to distances of ten feet and will retain good contrast under relatively high ambient lighting conditions. There are several additional contrast enhancing measures that can be implemented to allow lower display intensity and power levels. With respect to PC board design, keep as many metallized lines as possible out of the normal viewing area. These surfaces reduce contrast by reflecting ambient light. Whenever possible, the lines running to the displays should be placed out of sight on the board's back side. You can also hide metal traces by placing them beneath the display package. To minimize the light reflected from the PC board, the area surrounding the display can be darkened either through use of a screened black epoxy ink (e.g., WORNOW W-O-N black ink) or a black piece of material cut as a collar to fit around the display. Circular polarizing filters (such as Polaroid HRCP-red) or 3M Display Film are particularly effective in enhancing contrast in high ambient light although they may be more expensive. Antiglare coatings are available from firms such as Panelgraphic Corp. to reduce front filter reflections. An antiglare surface finish may also be incorporated into the\ molds used to manufacture the filters. . MOUNTING CONSIDERATIONS The 5082-7700 series devices are constructed utilizinga lead frame in a standard DIP package. In addition to easy PC board mounting, the standard pin spacing of 0.1 00" between pins and 0.300" between pin rows allows use of the familiar 14-pin IC sockets. See Table IV for a list of some of the avai lable display sockets. The displays may be end-stacked as close as 0.400" center-to-center. The lead frame has an integral seating plane which holds the package approximately 0.035" above the PC board during standard soldering and flux removal operations. The devices can be soldered for up to 5 seconds at a maximum solder temperature of 230°C (1/16" below the seating plane). To optimize device performance, materials are used that are limited to certain solvents for flux removal. It is recommended that only Freon TE,Freon TE-35, Freon TF, Isopropanol, or soap and water be used for cleaning operations. Note: See following pages for Tables I, II, 11/ and I V. 340 Table I. Decoder/Driver Circuits for Seven Segment Displays Manufacturer's Product N~. Manufacturar 9600 Fairchild Rated Maximum Output Current [mAl Comm~ Anode or Common Cathode Other Features Other PtOr;ye, MC14511 Motorola CC 25 MC4039 Motorola CA 20 NST51 B NST59 B Signetics CA,CC MOSCompatible Inputs NST74 B N8T75 B Signetics CA.CC Quad latch MOS Compatible Inputs 8140 Harris 1001/1002 SCS Microsystems ·with external pull-up resIstance CA ""constant current supply CMOS 40 Quad latch 120' Quad latch, some versions available w/resistors on board "'·current limit resistors on board I Table II. Driver Arrays for LED Displays Manufacturer and Product No. ITT Semiconductor 502 503 National Semiconductor OMSS6! OMaB63 Sprague Electronics ULN 2031A ULN 2032A Series 400 Texas Instruments SN75491* SN75492* Maximum Output Current ' '. Drivers Par, Pac:kage Typical Application ,,' 200mASink 34mA Source 6 4 Digit Drive Segment Drive 50mA Source or Sink 500mA Sink 5 S Segment Drive Digit Drive 7 7 4 Segment Drive Segment Drive Digit Drive 4 6 Segment Drive Digit Drive SOmA Sink SOmA Source 250mASink 50mA Source or Sink 250mASink 341 Table III. Circuits for Seven Segment Displays Table IV. 14 Pin DIP Sockets for 7700 Series Displays .Mariufactufet . ancf PrdducfNo~ AmphenoH3atnes . . . 821·20011-144 821-20013,..144 82H5()11-144 821·25012·144 WfreWrap 342 ~if11fil6rs"b:v(fej,:rllti;,'1!f,' .t1,'te', performance aFTL"FTL ~cOmpatiQle ', •• " . ," " .' , . "", ,'., ,,' ., '> '. iQcludif]g Iinedriwir,CJfhle;t8rminations, .' t.,·,~'~Orir/iil'~;~"'.;c.,i'Ii 'TI!ftl>'(stems;described 1Jtilize inexpenSive CJfb/e and operate SfJtisfactorily over the ranfJ/iF of tranM'liilljf(Jj"i fFOm' 1 (t,'.' 1'0.•~. ft.OwIr ,thlsirrmgeof distences, the data rate varies from 0.6 megabits .~'g(I/l~':.:: per~ond larl1!#'1limit8d by coupler performance at short VOIlT Illustration of tPLH Waveforms Horizontal 100 ns/div. Illustration of Max. Clock Data Rate Waveforms. Horizontal 200 ns/div. Illustration of tPHL Waveforms Horizontal 20 ns/div. Figure 5. TTL Compatible Passive (Resistive) Termination for the 6N137 and Photographs Indicating Measured Performance at the End of the 300 Ft. Transmission Cable. VOLTAGe TO CURRENT REG\!lATOR A lVaU> Figure 8. TTL Compatible Active Termination for the 6N137. Table 4. Summary of Performance of 6N137 Data Transmission Systems at 1. 100, and 300 ft . tPHL . (liS) .Step .Transiant Clock Data o.rta Rata Max. Rata Mex. IMb/t.I.) IMbltslS) Worst Case Sinusoidal ;. 70 9.5 19.0 10 5:S 8.0 70 1.6 2.0 8MHz: 22V 65. 5.3 11.0 Ilk,pkmin. 10 5.3 13.2 SO 3.$ 8.2 350 ,,10kHZ: ·5.OkV pk,pk Figure 9. High Output Voltage Swing, High Current, Wide Bandwidth Line Driver that Operates From a 5 Volt Supply and Produces a >8.5V Pk to Pk Pulse into 300 Ft. of Belden 8717 at 10 MHz. Figure 10. An Example of Circuit Peaking to I mprove the Performance of the Passive Termination. C, is Chosen for the Minimum Value that Significantly Reduces Input to Output Delay Time. In General, C, Must be Selected Individually For Each System. SvmMOR ' , OPTOCOOI'U!A ,c'> , , -:.....:......-'1"....,.."'" r -,: Figure 11. Common Mode Measurement Circuit. 351 ','~, :F/i;'l a!a. ,APPLICADNtrrE 951~1 HEWLETT PACKARD " ',' Applications for LowIriplrtCurrent High Gain OptocouplE!rs' , Optically coupled isolators are useful in applications where large common mode signals are encountered. Examples are: line receivers, logic isolation, power lines, medical equipment and telephone lines. This application note has at least one example in each of these areas for the 6N 138/9 series high CTR couplers. fer ratio (CTR) of 300% at input currenU of 1.6 rnA for the 6N138 and 400% at O.S rnA for the 6N139. The excellent low input current CTR enables these devices to be used in applications where low power consumption is required and those applications that do not provide sufficient input current for other couplers. Separate pin connections for the photodiode and output transistor permit high speed operation and TTL compatible output. A base access terminal allows a gain bandwidth adjustment to be made. HP's 6N 138/9 series couplers contain a high gain, high speed photodetector that provides a minimum currenttran&- RS-232C COMPATIBLE LINE RECEIVER • 2500V 60Hz Common Mode Rejection ~------~--~o+w • Allows use of low Cost Line • Full 40kbs Data Rata for Line Lengths up to 5000' • Hysteresis for Increased Noise Immunity .3 TO 26V *ANTIPARALLEL DIODE IS NEEDED ONLY IF REVERS!! LINE VOLTAGE EXCEEDS 15V ITO PREVENT HI DUTY FACTOR AT THE INPUT IS PEGENIiRATED TO 1~% D< _ DUTY FACTOR AT THE OUTPUT. f MAx (kHz) R,Ill) RL(U) ILlmA) NONE 100 46 250 820 1000 4.6 650 1-6000 FT. LINE RECEIVER • Drive with Standard TTL Buffer Gate • 2500V 60Hz: Common Mode Rejection • . All9wS Use of Low Cost Line • it 40lcbs Data Rate .• Trl.. ~patible Output +5V 1 + - - - - 2 2 GA TWlsnD PAIR - - - " ' 1 {DEARBORN 8622061 PROPAGATION PE:LAY, WITHOUT Cx.ox • WiTH .., 7ps v HIGH VOLTAGE STATUS INDICATOR • 'Pl." • 2 to 5 .. ; ..... • 25JA, Oxl ex ; ;. a.G02pF. tpLtt '* 2;1S; tPHL Low Power Consumption !----<>V"" - +5 to 15V • TTL Compatible Output .• High Speed • use for Power Turn On Anticipation Circuit, 117V Line Monitor or Other High Voltage Sensing 354 V(Vdc or Vrms) R, 24 47kll 11 48 100kn 22 117 220kn 62 230 470kn 113 V.IF(mW) MEDICAL EQUIPMENT ISOLATION •.. t.ow Powet c9l1$l$ption • SOV 6OHr:I$Olation at:)igital or AnalogOpjlration BATTERY POWERED EQUIPMENT CONVENTIONAL DARLINGTON . .• No Bias Supply Required +SV a Base Lead available for GainlBandwidth Adjust a Data Rates of 2kbs "'\ /"\ V Jlf ",-5V V_-- lV ...."<1_. tpHl < 300ps 'lptIl. tPlH OUTPUT REFERENCE ~ I.W ( 355 HEWLETT MJ PACKARD APPLICATION NOTE 951-2 COMPONENTS linear Applications of Optocouplers Optocouplers are useful in applications where analog DC signals need to be transferred from one module another in the presence of a large potential difference induced noise between the ground or common points these modules. For the 6N135 series optocoupler, n varies from approximately 2 at input currents less than 5mA to approximately 1 at input currents greater than l6mA. For AC coupled applications, reasonable linearity can be obtained with a single optocoupler. The optocoupler is biased at higher levels of input LED current where the ratio of incremental photodiode current to incremental LED current (aiD/alp) is more nearly constant. or to or of Potential applications are those in which large transformers, expensive instrumentation amplifiers or complicated AID conversion schemes are used. Examples are: sensing circuits (thermocouples, transducers ... ), patient monitoring equipment, power supply feedback, high voltage current monitoring, adaptive control systems, audio amplifiers and video amplifiers. For better linearity and stability, servo or differential linearization techniques can be used. The servo linearizer forces the input current of one optocoupler to track the input current of the second optocoupler by servo action. Thus, if n1"'n2 over the excursion range, the non linearities will cancel and the overall transfer function will be linear. I n the differential linearizer, an input signal causes the input current of one optocoupler to increase by the same amount that input current of the second optocoupler is decreased. If n2"'n2"'2, then a gain increment in the first optocoupler will be balanced by a gain decrement in the second optocoupler and the overall transfer function will be linear. With these techniques, matching of K will not effect the overall linearity of the circuit but will simplify circuit realization by reducing the required dynamic range of the zero and offset potentiometers. HP's optocouplers have integrated photodetector/amplifiers with speed and linearity advantages over conventional phototransistors. In a photo transistor, the photodetector is the collector-base junction so the capacitance impairs the collector rise time. Also, amplified photocurrent flows in the collector-base junction and modulates the photo-response, thereby causing non-linearity. The photodetector in an HP optocoupler is a separately integrated diode so its photoresponse is not affected by amplified photocurrent and its capacitance does not impair speed. Some linear isolation schemes employ digital conversion techniques (A/D-D/A, PWM, PCM, etc.) in which the higher speed of the integrated photodetector permits better linearity and bandwidth. Gain and offset stability over temperature is dependent on the stability of current sources, resistors, and the optocoupler. For the servo technique, changes of Kover temperature will have only a small effect on overall gain and offset as long as the ratio of Kl to K2 remains constant. With the differential technique, changes of K over temperature will cause a change in gain of the circuit. Offset will remain stable as long as the ratio of Kl to K2 remains constant. In the AC circuit, since (aiD/alp) varies with temperature, the gain will also vary with temperature. A thermister can be used in the output amplifiers of the Differential and AC circuits to compensate for this change in gain over temperature. The 6N135/6N136 is recommended for single channel AC analog designs. The HCPL-2530/31 is recommended for dual channel DC linear designs. The 6N135/6 series orthe 6N137 series are recommended for digital conversion schemes. If the output transistor is biased in the active region, the current transfer relationship for the 6N135 series optocoupler can be represented as: IF Ie ~ K (IF')n where Ie is the collector current; Ip is the input LED current; Ip' is the current at which K is measured; K is the collector current when IF = IF'; and n istheslopeof levs.lp on logarithmic coordinates. There are also several digital techniques to transmit an optocoupler analog signal. Optocouplers can be used to transmit a frequency or pulse width modulated signal. In these applications, overall circuit bandwidth is determined by the required linearity as well as the propagation delay of the optocoupler. The 6N137 series optocoupler features propagation delays typically less than SOns and The exponent n varies with IF, but over some limited range of ~Ip, n can be regarded as a constant. The current transfer relationship for an opto isolator will be linear only if n equals one. 356 After zero adjustment, this transfer function reduces to: the 6N135 series optocoupler features propagation typically less than 300ns. VIN ] wherex=R,lcc, VOUT=R4IcC2 [ (l+x)n-l, In several places the circuits shown call for a current source. They can be realized in several ways. If Vee is stable, the current source can be a mirror type circuit as shown in Figure 1. ", ,n=02 The non linearities in the transfer function where n I ,.. n2 can be written as shown below. For example, iflxl ~.35, n = 1.05, then the linearity error is 1% of the desired signal. linearity error (1 + x)n - nx- 1 desired signal ""1 :"" ""1 ~ 10 -VEE ~ Vee + VEE -Vbe R -VEE Figure 1. ~======::;::==::;:=::::;:====;;;. U',1h LM307 If Vee is not stable, a simple current source such as the ones shown in Figure 2 can be realized with an LED as a voltage reference. The LED will approximately compensate the transistor over temperature since a Vb, /aT "" aVF/aT = -2mVI"C: ["'"I"' c, ~ K '1' , +Vcc Figure 3. Servo Type DC Isolation Amplifier. + ""1 f HP5082· __ ~'o R V, OR ~ VEE HP 5082.4484 OR EOUIVALENT -VEE Typical Performance for the Servo Linearized DC Amplifier: RE 448. EaUIVALENT R=Vcc V, RE 10 = + VEE -VF 1% linearity for 10V p-p dynamic range Unity voltage gain 25 kHz bandwidth (limited by U" U,) Gain drift: -.03%I"C Offset drift: ±1 mVI"C Common mode rejection: 46dB at 1 kHz 500V DC insulation (3000V if 2 single couplers are used) fO lmA VF -Vbe RE V F 2lf: 1.5V at IF ::: 1mA -VEE Figure 2. DIFFERENTIAL ISOLATION AMPLIFIER SERVO ISOLATION AMPLIFIER The differential amplifier shown in Figure 4 operates on the principle that an operating region exists where a gain increment in one optocoupler can be approximately balanced by a gain decrement in the second optocoupler. As IF, increases due to changes in V'N, 1F2 decreases by an equal amount. If nl = n, = 2, then the gain increment caused by increases in IF! will be balanced by the gain decrement caused by decreases in 1F20 The constant current source biases each IF at 3mA quiescent current. RI and R2 are deSigned so that I F varies over the range of 2mA to 4mA as VIN varies from -5V to +5V. RI. and R, can be adjusted to accommodate any desired dynamic range. UJ and U. are used as a differential current amplifier: The servo amplifier shown in Figure 3 operates on the principle that two optocouplers will track each other if their gain changes by the same amount over some operating region. U2 compares the outputs of each optocoupler and forces IF2 through D2 to be equal to IFl through D1. The constant current sources bias each IF at 3mA quiescent current. R1 has been selected so that IF1 varies over the range of 2mA to 4mA as V,N varies from -5V to +5V. R1 can be adjusted to accommodate any desired range. With V'N=O, R2, is adjusted so that VOUT=O. Then with V,N at some value, R4 can be adjusted for a gain of 1. Values for R2 and R4 have been picked for a worst case spread of optocoupler or current transfer ratios. The transfer function of the servo amplifier is: VO UT ~ R5 [(RJIR4) IC1 - IC21 RJ, R., Rs have been picked for an amplifier with a gain of 1 for a worst case spread of coupler current transfer ratios. The transfer function of the differential amplifier is: 357 The non linearities in the transfer function when n I "c n2"c 2 can be written as shown below, For example, iflxl';;; ,35, nl = 1,9, n2 ';' 1,8, then the linearity error is 1,5% of the desired signal. After zero adjustment, this transfer function reduces to: , K, R3 '( Icc )n, where K = R4 W, = K2 (. Icc )n2 linearity error \2!F; desired signal (1 + xl n1 - (1 - X)n2 - (n, + "2) x where x (n, + "2) x ' = ~ R,lcc V,N >------4----OVOUT Figure 4. Differential Type DC Isolation Amplifier. operating conditions, the 6N136 operates in a region of almost constant incremental CTR. Linearity can be improved at the expense of signal-to-noise ratio by reducing IF excursions, This can be accomplished by increasing R3, then adding a resistor from the collector of 01 to ground to obtain the desired quiescent IF of 20mA, 02 and 03 form a cascade amplifier with feedback applied through R, and R6, R6 is selected as Vb,!" with I, selected for maximum gain bandwidth productof 0 3, R7 is selected to allow maximum excursions of VOUT without clipping, R, provides DC bias to 03, Closed loop gain (!:.vour! ~VIN) can be adjusted with R" The transfer function of the amplifier is: Typical Performance of the Differential linearized DC Amplifier: 3% linearity for WV p-p dynamic range Unity voltage gain 25 kHz bandwidth (limited by U1, U2, u" U4) Gain drift: -,4%!OC Offset drift: ±4mVrC Common mode rejection: 70dB at 1 kHz 3000V DC insulation AC COUPLED AMPLIFIER In an AC circuit, since there is no requirement for a DC reference, a single optocoupler can be utilized by biasing the optocoupler in a region of constant incremental CTR (oID!oIF), An example of this type of circuit is shown in Figure 5. 0 1 is biased by R1, R, and R3 for a collector quiescent current of 20mA, R3 is selected so that IF varies from 15mA to 25mA for V1N of W p-p. Under these Typical Performance of the Wide Bandwidth AC Amplifier: 2% linearity over 1V p-p dynamic range Unity voltage gain 10 MHz bandwidth Gain drift: -,6%!OC Common mode rejection: 22dB at 1 MHz 3000V DC insulation DIGITAL ISOLATION TECHNIQUES Digital conversion techniques can be used to transfer an analog signal between two isolated systems, With these techniques, the analog signal is converted into some digital form and transmitted through the optocoupler, This digital information is then converted back to the analog signal at the output. Since the optocoupler is used only as a switch, the overall circuit linearity is primarily dependent on the accuracy by which the analog signal can be converted into digital form and then back to the analog signal. However, the overall circuit bandwidth is limited by the propagation delays of the optocoupler, Figure 5. Wide Bandwidth AC Isolation Amplifier. 358 Figure 6 shows a pulse width modulated scheme to isolate an analog signal. The oscillator operates at a fixed frequency, f, and the monostable multivibrator varies the duty factor of the oscillator proportional to the input signal, VIN • The maximum frequency at which the oscillator can be operated is determined by the required ... linearity of the circuit and the propagation delay of the opto isolators: accomplished with an integrator circuit followed by a low pass filter or through some type of demodulator circuit that gives an output voltage proportional to the duty factor of the oscillator. Figure 7 shows a voltage to frequency conversion scheme to isolate an analog signal. The voltage to frequency converter gives an output frequency proportional to VIN • The maximum frequency that can be transmitted through the optocoupler is approximately: (tmax - tmin) (required linearity) ;;;'ltPLH - tPHLI f max At the output, the pulse width modulated signal is then converted back to the original analog signal. This can be ,,"1., where t = tpLH or tPHL, whichever is larger. t ... ~,--- .. I OPTIONAL I IL.,P. FI~T£R..--ovOUT L ____ ;.J Figure 6. Pulse Width Modulation. Another scheme similar to voltage to frequency conversion is frequency modulation. A carrier frequency, f 0, is modulated by af such that f ± af is proportional to VIN • Then at the output, VOUT is reconstructed with a phase locked loop or similar circuit. 0 H-_- ~ a: '" « l- .70 z iE « a: .60 I- w .50 (II I >. .80 z .01 > f-o_o-/--- j::: « ...J .40 W ---- ---LOW TRANSMITTANCE FOR BRIGHT AMBIENTS .35" T (ApI" .50 ---- ---- a: I .30 ::< ;:: .20 .10 .001 L--LL_l..:......!-..:L--'-c.:..:;+"......,:-.l_-l.....I..-l.--.J 700 750 370 400 450 500 550 i 1600 650 572 I 626 I Ad FOR HP DISPLAYS 585 639 I 0 500 550 600 650 A - WAVELENGTH (nm) i\ - WAVELENGTH (nm) Figure 2. CIE Standard observer eye response curve (photopic curve), including CI E vivid color ranges. Figure 3. Typical transmittance curve for filters to be used with HP standard GaAsP red displays. 361 700 1.00 1.00 .90 .90 w u .90 >>- .70 '"Z .60 z <{ ~ .50 .40 w a: I '"Z .60 a: >w .50 ...w~ .40 I .30 '--"-"~ HIGH TRANSMITTANCE FOR DIM AMBIENTS .40" T Glp) " .50 > j: <{ >>- .70 <{ > ... .80 ~ <{ a: >w w u z<{ a: .30 :;; :;; j: j:' .20 .10 .10 0 500 A - WAVELENGTH (nml A - WAVELENGTH (nm) Figure 4. Typical transmittance curves for filters to be used with HP high-efficiency red displays. Figure 6. Typical transmittance curves for filters to be used with HP green displays. 1.00 [y(A)]. Thus, photometric spectrum = f(A)·y(A). Figures 7b through 10b demonstrate the effect of a wavelength filter. The filtered photometric spectrum is what the eye perceives when viewing a display through a filter (shaded curve) . Thus, filtered photometric spectrum = f(A)·y(A)·T(A). The ratio of the area under the filtered photometric spectrum to the area under the unfiltered photometric spectrum is the fraction of the visible light emitted by the display which is transmitted by the filter: J f(A)oy(A)'T(A)'dA Fraction of Available .90 w u HIGH TRANSMITTANCE FOR DIM AMBIENTS .40 " T (Ap) " .50 •SO z <{ >>- .70 '"Z .60 a: >w .50 ~ <{ > j: ...w .40 I .30 <{ Light from Filtered Display J f(A)'y(A)'dA In addition to attenuating a portion of the light emitted by the display, a filter also shifts the dominant wavelength, thus causing a shift in the perceived color. For a given display spectrum, the color shift depends on the cut-off wavelength and shape of the filter transmittance characteristic. A choice among available filters must be made on the basis of which filter and LED combination is most pleasing to the eye. A designer must experiment with each filter as he cannot tell by transmittance curves alone. The filter spectra presented in Figures 3,4, 5 and 6 are suggested starting points. Filters with similar characteristics are commercially available. a: :;; j:' .20 .10 , 0 500 I 550 550 600 650 700 A - WAVELENGTH (nm) Figure 5. Typical transmittance curves for filters to be used with HP yellow displays. Filtering Red Displays (Ap = 655 nm) Filtering out reflected ambient light from red displays is easily accomplished with a long wavelength pass filter having asharp cut-off in the 600 nm to 625 nm range (see Figures 3 and 7b). Under bright flourescent light, a red filter is very effective due to the low concentration of red in the flourescent spectrum. The spectrum of incandescent light contains a large amount of red, and therefore, it is difficult to filter red displays effectively in bright incandescent light. Wavelength Filtering The application of wavelength filters as described in the previous section is the most widely used method of contrast enhancement under artificial lighting conditions. Wavelength filters are very effective in artificial lighting. However, they are not very effective in daylight due to the high level ambient light. Filtering in daylight conditions is best achieved by using louvered filters (discussed in a later section). Filtering High-Efficiency Red Displays (Ap = 635 nm) The use of a long wavelength pass filter with a cut-off in the 570 nm to 590 nm rang~ gives essentially the same results as is obtained when filtering red displays (see Figures 4 and 8b). The resulting color is a rich reddish-orange. Figures 7, 8, 9 and 10 show the relationship between artificial lighting and the spectra of LED displays, both unfiltered and filtered. Figures 7a through 10a show the relationship between the various LED spectra and the spectra of daylight flourescent and incandescent light. The photometric spectrum (shaded curve) is obtained by multiplying the LED radiated spectrum [f(A)] by the photopic curve Filtering Yellow Displays (Ap = 583 nm) The peak wavelength of a yellow LED display is in the region of the 362 ... 1.00 1.00 .90 .90 .80 .80 .70 ~ ::> .SO w .50 ~ .40 ... ~ 0 > a: .70 ... ::> .SO w > ;:: .50 "a:~ .40 0 .30 .30 .20 .20 .10 .10 A - WAVELENGTH (nm) A. - WAVELENGTH (nm) Figure 7A. Relative relationship between standard GaAsP red LED display spectrum. photopic curve and artificial lighting. Figure 7B. Effect of a long pass wavelength filter on red LED displays. 1.00 1.00 .90 .90 .80 ... ...::>~ .70 w .50 "a:~ .40 .SO .80 I I I I .70 ~ 0 > ;:: ... ...::> .60 w .50 ~ .40 0 > w a: .30 HIGH EFFICIENCY RED LED..., \ PHOTOMETRIC SPECTRUM J I \ :::~~Ns~II~~~~CE ~ -----t---- ~ FILTERED PHOTOMETRIC SPECTRUM J "" AMOUNT OF DISPLAY .30 t- ~~~~~NEg i~~~1GH .10 0 400 .10 500 550 600 650 o 700 500 1.00 1.00 .90 .90 .80 .80 .70 ... ~ .60 650 700 635 - WAVELENGTH {nm} w > ;:: ... .60 .50 ~ .... .40 > .40 .70 w ::> 0 0 "a: ~ ~~ Figure S8. Effect of a long pass wavelength filter on high· efficiency red LED displays. ::> ~ I 550 ~ . Figure SA. Relative relationship between high-efficiency red LED display. photopic curve and artificial lighting. 11 J Jl 1IIIJIlfysoo LJ ..lllI ~p = A - WAVELENGTH (nm) :0 Jj' I I\p = 635 ....... , -- J i\ I FILTER =51% .20 .20 V w a: .30 .30 .20 .20 .10 0 500 I }..p "" 583 ~ A - WAVELENGTH (nm) Figure 9A. Relative relationship between yellow LED displays. photopic curve and artificial lighting. - WAVELENGTH {nm} Figure 98. Effect of a long pass wavelength filter on yellow LED displays. 363 1.00 r------,-:.....:--,----"""'....r--,----,----..., / ...... 1-... / 'N " - /" .90 f----~-=-==--+-=._.,.,f_-+--m~'--p..__--f--_--l / DAYLIGHT . ...,.... _ 1)( , )/ .-- FLOURESCENT I - I\ ' ~ \h.--../<......c'... ~:~~~T~~D I .70 t---:'L..'-;:-:--'-----I----c=If----t1I-HI--\ I Y(AI -'""1 ,' \ SPECTRUM .60 f--L... i....:C:;:IE::.;Pc;.H:::O.:..TO::.:P.:..IC=-C::.:U::.Rj.-'V.::EE+1--I-I-'f--"""/'-j1t---.:..'b-L-/---l /PHOTOMETRIC / i' \ / \ 1.00 r------,---..---r===-,...----, .80 ~----I-+_+--+---._+--__j .70 f----I+-\~~===-+----__l .601-----1-1--t-.,..:.;:==="'F=----__j ==I=1f::::=::::::!FJ.-l---\\--J....\----:/.--t-~---I .50 .40 1---__t----tJf---:-.L...-+t+-\\--b-"-\--t--\-----1 .40 t----liI-lfi>W+f+==""-,..---l .30 f-----I4-ii-\-\4_+_ .20 t-----Ht-f-''--1r-\-\-I- .50 rr-- SPECTRUM If .30 .20 1./: Ad=5ynm 1/ /'" INCANDESCENT" : \J' y \ , ' , I------+.r/"--J:t'-t----f-tl---\"\\~-~\+__-""""d' __ ~ / I I \:\. \ t------ff----¥---I:-==-=-=±==:=1 .10 ~---"'==-__t--:r---+--_j4---t----k'....-~~-----1 I .l ...... ~ 450 I L~ ii" I 500 I l~l~1 550 AP = 565 600 650 700 A - WAVELENGTH (nm) i\ - WAVELENGTH (nm) Figure 10B. Effect of a bandpass wavelength filter on green Figure 10A. Relative relationship between green LED displays, photopic curve and artificial lighting. LED displays. Louvered Filters photopic curve where the eye is most sensitive (see Figure 9a). Also, there is a high concentration of yellow in the spectrum of flourescent light and a lesser amount of yellow in incandescent light. Therefore, filters that are more opti· cally dense than red filters at the peak wavelength are required to filter yellow displays. The most effective filters are the dark yellowish-orange (or dark amber) filters as shown in Figure 5. The use of a low transmittance yellowish-orange filter, as shown in Figure 9b, results in a similar color to that of a gas discharge display. Pure yellow filters provide very little contrast enhancement. Louvered filters are very effective in reducing the amount of bright artificial light or daylight reflected from the face of a display, without a substantial reduction in display emitted light. The construction of a louvered filter is diagrammed in Figure 11. Inside a plastic sheet are thin parallel louvers which may be oriented at a specific angle with respect to the surface normal. The zero degree lou· vered filter has the louvers perpendicu~ar to the filter surface. The operation of a louvered filter is similar to a venetian blind as shown in Figure 12. Light from the LED display passes between the parallel louvers to the viewer. Off-axis ambient light is blocked by the louvers and therefore is not able to reach the face of the display to be reflected back to the viewer. This results in a very high contrast ratio with minimal loss of display emitted light at the On·axis viewing angle. The trade-off is a restricted viewing angle. For example, the zero degree louvered filter shown in Figure 11 has a horizontal viewing angle of 180°; however, the verti' . cal viewing included angle is 60°. The louver aspect ratio (louver depth/distance between louvers) determines viewing angle. A list of louver option possibilities is given in Table 1. Filtering Green Displays (A.p = 565 nm) The peak wavelength of a green LED display is only 10 nm from the peak of the eye response curve (see Figure 10a). Therefore, it is very difficult to effectively filter green displays. A long wavelength pass filter, such as is used for red and yellow displays, is no longer effective. An effective filter is ob· tained by combining the dye of a short wavelength pass filter with the dye of a long wavelength pass filter, thus forming a bandpass yellow-green filter which peaks at 565 nm as shown in Figure 6. Pure green filters peak at 520 nm and drop off rapidly in the 550 nm to 570 nm range and are not recommended. The best possible filters for green LED displays are those which are yellow-green bandpass, peaking at 565 nm and dropping off rapidly between 575 nm and 590 nm. As shown in Figure 10b, this filter passes wavelengths 550 to 570 while sharply reducing the longer wavelengths in the yellow region. To effectively filter green LED displays in flourescent light would require the use of a filter with a low transmittance value at the peak wavelength. This is due to the high concentration of green in the flourescent spectrum. It is easier to filter green displays in bright incandescent light due to the low concentration of green in the incandescent spectrum, see Figure 10a. Some applications require a louver orientation other than zero degrees. For example, an 18 degree louvered filter may be used on the sloping top surface of a point of sale terminal. A second, is the use of a 45 degree louvered fi Iter on overhead instrumentation to block out ambient light from ceiling mounted lighting fixtures. Louvered filters are effective filters for enhancing the viewing of LED displays installed in equipment operating under daylight ambient conditions. In bright sunlight, the most effective filter is the crosshatch louvered filter. This is essentially two zero degree neutral density louvered filters oriented at 90 degrees to each other. Red, yellow and green digits may be mounted side by side in the same display. Using only the crosshatch filter, all digits will be clearly visible and easily read in bright sunlight as long as the sunlight is not parallel to the viewing axis. The trade-off is restricted vertical and horizontal viewing. The effective viewing cone is an included angle of 40° degrees (for a filter aspect ratio of 2.75: 1). Three manufacturers of wavelenuth filters are Panel graphic Corporation (Chromafilter®). SGL Homalite and Rohm & Haas Company (Plexiglas). The LED filters produced by these manufacturers are useable with all of HewlettPackard's display and lamp products. Table 2 lists some of the filter manufacturers and where to go for further information. Table 3 lists some specific wavelength filter products with recommended applications. 364 80% TRANSMISSION 40% TRANSMISSION 100 80 / [\ 60 40 20 -t / V -30 -20 / -10 VISIBLE l\ \ DIS1LAY 10 20 '\ 30 VIEWING ANGLE - DEGREES Figure 11. Construction characteristics of 0° neutral density louvered filter. Table 1. Available Options for Louvered Filters - Any Combination is Possible Aspect Ratio and Viewing Angle 2.75:1 = 60° 2.0:1 = 90° 3.5:1 = 4So Louver Angle 0° 1So 30° 45° Louver Color Opaque Black T ra nsl ucent Gray Transparent Black Example: 2.75:1 -1So - Transparent Black r LED SOURCE Figure 12. Operation of a louvered filter. LOUVERED CONTRAST FILTER Neutral density louvered filters are effective by themselves in most bright ambient lighting conditions without the aid of a secondary wavelength filter. However, colored louvered filters may be used for additional wavelength filtering at the expense of display emitted light. ular reflecting surfaces reflect light without scattering. Displays that have polished glass or plastic facial surfaces belong to this category. Circular Polarizing Filters are effective when used with Hewlett-Packard's 5082-7010, -7100 and -7300 series displays. 3M Company, Light Control Divison, manufactures louvered filters for LED displays. Their product trade name is "Light Control Film", which is useable with all of HewlettPackard's LED display and lamp products. The operation of a circular polarizer may be described as follows. As shown in Figure 13, the filter consists of a laminate of a linear polarizer and a quarter wave plate. A quarter wave plate has its optical axis parallel to the flat surface of the polarizer and is oriented at 45° to the linear polarization axis. Non-polarized light is first linearly polarized by the linear polarizer. The linearly polarized light has x and y components with respect to the quarter wave plate. Circular Polarizing Filters Circular Polarizing Filters are effective when used with LED displays that have specular reflecting front surfaces. Spec· 365 LIGHT UNPOLARIZED o LINEAR POLARIZER + QUARTER WAVE PLATE CIRCULAR POLARIZER Figure 13. The operation of a circular polarizer. Panelgraphic Chromafilters® come standard with an antireflection coating. SGL Homalite offers two grades of a mol ded anti-reflection surface. 3M Company and Polaroid also offer anti-reflection surface options. Optical coating companies will apply anti-reflection coating for specialized applications, though this is usually an expensive process. Three companies of many which do commercial filter coating are: Optical Coating Labs, Inc., Santa Rosa, California; Optics Technology, Inc., Redwood City, California; Valpey Corporation, Holliston, Massachusetts. As the light passes through the quarter wave plate, the x and y components emerge 90 0 out of phase with each other. The polarized light now has x and y forming a helical pattern with respect to the optical path, and is termed cir· cular polarized light. As this circular polarized light is reo flected by the specular reflecting surface, the circular polar· ization is reversed. When the light passes back through the quarter wave plate it becomes linearly polarized at 90 0 to the linear polarizer. Thus reflected ambient light is blocked. The advantage of a circular polarizer is that reflected ambi· ent light is reduced more than 95%. However, the trade-off is that display emitted light passing through the circular polarizer is reduced by approximately 65% at the peak wavelength. This then necessitates an increased drive current for the display, more than that required for a wavelength filter. Mounting bezels: It is wise to take into account the added appearance of a front panel that has the display set-off by a bezel. A bezel of black plastic, satin chrome or brushed aluminum, as examples, will accent the display and attract the eye of the viewer. The best effect can be achieved by a custom bezel. Commercial black plastic bezels for digits up to.3 inch (7.62 mm) tall are available, see Table 2. Circular polarizers are normally colored to obtain additional selected wavelength filtering. One Caution: outdoor applications will require the use of an ultraviolet, uv, filter in front of the circular polarizer. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light will destroy the filter's polarizing properties. Other suggestions: When designing the mounting configuration of a display, consider recessing the display and filter 0.25 inch (6.35 mm) to 0.5 inch (12.7 mm) to add some shading effect. If a double sided printed circuit board is used, keep traces away from the normal viewing area or cover the top surface traces with a dark coating so they can not be seen. Mount the display panel in such a manner as to be easily removed if service should become necessary. If possible, mount current limiting resistors on a separate board to reduce the ambient temperature in the vicinity of the displays. Po Iaroid Corporation manufactures circular polarizing filters in the United States. In Europe, E. Kaseman of West Germany produces high quality circular polarizers. Anti-Reflection Filters, Mounting Bezels and Other Suggestions Anti-reflection filters: A filtered display still may not be readable by an observer if glare is present on the filter surface. Glare can be reduced by the addition of an antireflection surface as part of the filter. Both sections of the display shown in Figure 14 are filtered. The left hand filter has an anti-reflection surface while the right hand filter does not. An anti-reflection surface is a mat, or textured, finish or coating which diffuses incident light. The trade-off is that both incident ambient and display emitted light are diffused. It is therefore desirable to mount the filter as close to the display as possible to prevent the display image from appearing fuzzy. Figure 14. Effect of anti-reflection surface on an optical filter. 366 Table 2. List of Filter and Be.el Product Manufacturers Manufacturer -. Panelgraphic Corpora'tion 10 Henderson Drive West Caldwell, New Jersey 07006 Phone: (201) 227-1500 ~SGL Homalite ,) 11 Brookside Drive Wilmington, Delaware 19804 Phone: (302) 652-3686 Table 3. Specific Wavelength Filter Products Filter Product Product Chromafilter® - Wavelength filters with anti-reflective coating; Red, Yellow, Green Ruby Red 60 Dark Red 63 Scarlet Red 65 Wevelength filters; two optional anti-reflective surfaces; three plastic grades; Red, Yellow, Green 3M - Company Visual Products Division 3M Center, Bldg. 235-2E Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone: (612) 733-5747 3M - Brand Light control film; louvered filters G larecheq, Ltd. 1-4 Christina St. London EC2A 4PA England Phone: (44) 1-739-6964 Spectrafilter Rohm and Haas Independence Mall West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19105 Phone: (215) 592-3000 Plexiglass; sheet and molding powder; wavalength filters, sold as Oroglas in Europe Type of LED Display Standard Red High -Efficiency Red Circular polarizing filters E. Kllsemann GmbH o 8203 Oberaudorf West Germany Phone: (08033) 342 Circular polarizing filters Norbex Division Griffith Plastics Corporation 1027 California Drive Burlingame, California 94010 Phone: (415) 344-7691 DIGIBEZEL®; Plastic bezels for LED displays Industrial Electronic Engineers, Inc. 7720-40 Lemona Avenue Van Nuys, California 91405 Phone: (213) 787-0311 Plastic bezels for .30 inch (7,62mm) tall LED displays Rochester Digital Displays, Inc. 120 North Main Street Fairport, New York 14450 Phone: (716) 223-6855 Complete mounting kits for H.P. 5082-7300, -7700 and -7600 displays. Moderate Bright Moderate Yellow 27 Yellow Moderate Green 48 Green Moderate Gray 10 All Colors Sunlight SGL Homalite, Grade 100 Hl00-1605 Standard Red Moderate Hl00-1670 High-Efficiency Red Moderate Hl00-1726 Hl00-1720 Yellow Dim Moderate Hl00-1440 Hl00-1425 Green Dim Moderate All Colors Sunlight Hl00-1266 Gray Polaroid Corporation Polarizer Division 549 Technology Square Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Phone: (617) 864-6000 Ambient Lighting Panelgraphic Chromafilter® With Anti-Reflection Anti-Reflection LR-72: 0.5 inch (12.70mm) Mounting Distance From Display LR-92: Up to 3.0 inch (76.20mm) Mounting Distance From Display Rohm & Haas Ple> ClK"O" C .J WRITE ADDRESS "REFER TO TIMING DIAGRAM. FIGURE 4. ClK FJ=la A ClK AQ1Al--+~~f-L------~t:t:::::J=+-I-l-l-++~t:t=+~--~t::t:=+~+t-l-l-++~rt"T'" CD4022 ... 1/4 W ri~~!. ~ ~:'IN I LJ y f f f r f Ln I'TTdllllll'TT,~ ~ CD4011 1/4CDoIOOl NODE- I/8CD4060 B 1/8CD4049 ClK VB HP HDSP·2000 (4) ..----to., 18 DIGITS -= 2345818 1 CD4014 SER. PIS IN CONrROl ~K c:a 1/8CD4049V Vee =9 --f)f-7-' Figure 3. 16 Clmrac:t.. CMOS logic Interface to the HP HDSP·2OQO. . supply costs and improve efficiency, this supply may be a fullwave rectified unregulated DC voltage as long as the PEAK value does not exceed the value of Vee and the minimum value does not drop below 2.6 volts. D.F. = and the refresh period is Since large current transients can occur if a column line is enabled during data shifting operations, the most satisfactory operation will be achieved if the column current is switched off before clocking begins. Icc will be reduced by about 10-15% if the clock is held in the logical 1 state during the display period, T. 5 (8 X 27) where T = T, clock period. The four least significant bits of the CD4520 counter are used to continually address the CD4036 refresh memory. Data can be written into the desired memory address by strobing the WRITE ENABLE line when the appropriate memory address appears on the WRITE ADDRESS lines. This function can occur simultaneously with a read from memory. INTERFACE CIRCUITS FOR THE HP HDSP-2000 There are many possible practical techniques for interfacing to the HP HDSP-2000 alphanumeric display. Three basic approaches will be treated here. Two counters, a CD4029 and a CD4022, are used for the column data generator and the column select decoder, respectively. Note that the Signetics 2516 character generator requires column select inputs of binary codes 1 to 5 instead of binary 0 to 4. For this reason, the CD4029 is preset to a binary 1 by the same pulse which is used to reset the CD4022 column select decoder. To minimize Icc, the VB terminal is held low during data load operations. turning "OFF" the current mirror reference current. The column current switch is a PNP Darlington transistor driven from a buffered NAND gate. The 1N4720 serves to reduce the column voltage by approximately 1 volt, thereby reducing on board power dissipation in the HP HDSP-20GO devices. Due to maximum clock rate limitations of the CMOS logic, clock input should not exceed 1 MHz. Instrumentation Interface Circuit The circuit shown in Figure 3 is for a 16 character display and is designed to function primarily as a readout for general instrumentation systems. CMOS logic circuitry is utilized in this design, however, it should be a simple exercise to substitute TTL functions if CMOS is not desired. In this circuit, a CD4022 and CD4520 are combined to perform the functions of the divide by 7, divide by 16 (1 IN) and display time counters as depicted in Figure 2. The timing diagram, Figure 4, demonstrates the relationship of the various critical outputs and inputs. The CD4022 actually acts nere as a divide by 8 counter with the first count used to latch data into the parallel-in-serial-out (PISO) shift register and the other 7 counts shifting data out of the PISOand into the HPHDSP-2000. The CD4520 is a dual4 bit counter wired as an 8 bit binary ripple counter. The NAND gate, U 10 establishes the ratio of loading time to display time. In this case, loading will occur once in every 8 x 2 7 clock counts for a period of 8 x 24 clock counts. Duty factor is then from (1) 32 Character Keyboard Interface Circuit The circuit shown in Figure 5 will directly interface the HP HDSP-2000 display to most standard keyboards. Interfac- +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 ClK ---lnL-------" PARALLEL LOAD CD 4014 WHEN HIGH r----_ _ NODE B DISPLAY TIME LOAD TIME REPEAT FROM ZERO NODEC NODE 0 REPEATS 16 TIMES TO LOAD 16 COLUMNS OF 7 BITS EACH Figure 4. Timing Diagram for Display Interface. 372 Ing to a keyboard without a "smart" system to generate some of the special functions required can result in some unique problems which must be considered. This system provides the following special features: write pulse. The write pulse also clears the load control flip-flops on the next clock cycle so that a new arriving Signal can be recognized. The Q output of Us is also used to decrement the position counter. • Provides a cursor to indicate the position in the line of the next character to be entered. The other special functions which are added to the circuit of Figure 3 are an intensity control and a blanking input. Intensity control is realized through the 74122 retriggerable monostable multlvlbrator, U,. This circuit controls the time that the column select decoder is enabled during the display time, T. The display is externally blanked by holding the "RESET" input of the column select counter at a logical "0". • Blanks all data to the right of the cursor in the display. • Provides for external display blanking and intensity control. • Implements "Return" and "Backspace" functions. r- The timing and data scan portions of this circuit are similar to those of the circuit shown in Figure 3 and will not be reviewed in detail. These portions of the circuit are enclosed in the dashed line. The major addition to the circuit which allows simple implementation of the special functions is a position counter and comparator. The position counter is an up-down counter which is preset to n-1 (n = number of characters in the display string) by "RETURN". The counter is decremented for each keystroke representing a valid display character and incremented for a "BACKSPACE" input code. A Fairchild 9324 five bit comparator compares the position counter output to the memory scan address. The memory scan begins at zero and represents the data for the right most (32nd) character in the display. The position count is indicative of the number of character keystrokes which have decremented the pOSition counter from 31. The comparator senses two conditions of the relative values of the two counters. For memory scan equal to pOSition count, the A=B output of the comparator will be a logical "1". For all other conditions of the two counters, A=B is a logical "0". This signal is inverted and is used to gate data from the PISO via Ul into the HP HDSP-2000. For the condition A=B, the gating input is a logical "0" and the output of NAND gate U2 is therefore held at a logical "1". This will cause all of the diodes associated with the character position A=B to be iIIumi nated, thus forming the "cursor". The second condition which is sensed by the comparator is for a memory scan count less than position count, (A>B). This condition represents all character data to the right of the cursor and results in a logical "1" at the "A>B" output of the comparator. It is normally desirable for these characters to blank, hence a logical "0" should be loaded into the corresponding HP HDSP-2000 shift register locations. This is implemented by inverting the "A>B" output and applying the resulting signal to one input of NAND gate, Ul. For "A>B" at a logical "1", the output of Ul will be a logical "1". This signal will then be inverted by U2, causing logical "0" data to be loaded into the HP HDSP-2000 shift register for all characters to the right of the cursor. For "A=B" and "A-----t: I"" J O ClK A=B>-r-"\. ... _ ----L..J""V'" PR Q K cy- J '/47400 '/67406 Us 7476 Q f-7 DECREMENT.C K Cl!K A~.-:B~=[:~--i~. Q~ U. 7476 iWNEE '/47400 }R 1/6~6 I BlANKO~------------------------------------------------------------------------ 50K ~c~O------------------------------------------------------------------BRIGHTNESS CONTROL 1/27413 BUSY U3 Q O)-----"I{(:J:~h~=====:~: g Figure 5. 32 Character Kevboard Interface Circuit. 374 ~-----------I -1-__~~----~~--------~1 1I _ A~----++---~~----++J~-~~----~---~ . ~-(WE Aol,12 ~Al ~AOll WE '2 WE , . - A, i--T . 7489 A, 7489 / - - A, I , . - A3ME A....;3'iriiE'-S1i'r-iS,r-,Sir3-,.iS4r--a Y ~1-HH4_ _ _ _~+-~~~~~~__~l 1/~06 1 1 1 1 1 1/6 7406 80 8, 82 83 84 A>B I---------n~--------, 9324 A~BI-------------1 ...~---.- I I I "I 1/6 7406 I r--J~A~Q.B.~lJ-~QD--,'('----J-A~QB-- BACK SPACE UP CARRY ~D;:..EC::.:R.c:Ec..M;:..E,-,NT-I> DN .., I'---_ _---.1' 74193 DN A E F G H elK SHIFT LOAD 1/47400 B LOAD IJ- 1 1 T (U, ~406 C D elK INH8' 14165 r- ( U, 74193 f---~l~O"A~D~A~B,-~C-TD~ ........... r-< ClR r-- ~ UP BORROW 1 r---r-----1Q~ 1/47400 1/37410 =====·iL-,=j~~~~------~,~p----------------------. J 1/47400 ClK DATA HP HDsp·2000 (- 8 CLUSTERS - 32 DIG ITS __ COL. 1 COL 2 COL. 3 COL. 4 COL. 5 1 ___ =_~~~ VLCC f_ ClK A A P r----'b-__ ~I-'10-<+----1 ",10",0S11\,--,I_F-[ A ::1---'+----1: :D r- D ~ ---f----+-_-_-_-_-_-~~~:-_C_l_:_~~U_:_T_/ 1 :~ I 1 41>-: ~5~1 ______ I (TYP) ~~~ c EXT elR A1 ~ ~~~=-_-_-6~_~ _ _( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A2 74~722 81 I I L __ ---~ ~11...J.-.,J..1~l.....,~ ---c MPS· U95 1 OF 5 I L __ 82 375 ~ the shift registers always start synchronous with the beginning of a full clock cycle so that erroneous clocking will not occur. U3 is utilized to give intensity control for the HP HDSP-2000. if desired. It can be overridden by connecting tne U4(1-5) input to the output of Ul instead of U3. applications maximum achievable power dissipation is considerably less than the maximum allowable package dissipation of 1.7W. Calculation of power dissipation in the HP HDSP-2000 can be made using the following formula: The shift register memory utilized in this circuit is only one of several forms of memory which could be chosen. Another possibility would bethe useof a512x 1 bit or 1024 x 1 bit RAM. The counter outputs would then be used to select the RAM address. where a Po = P(lee) (7) P(lee) = Icc (VB = O.4V) x Vee (8) P(IREF) = [Icc (VB =2.4V) - Icc (VB=O.4V)] x Vee x (n/35) x 5 x D.F. (9) (10) P(leoL) = leol x Veol x (n/35) x 5 x D.F. POWER DISSIPATION/JUNCTION TEMPERATURE CALCULATIONS where Icc is measured with all S.R. stages equal to logical 1. n = average number of diodes illuminated per character. D.F. = Column On Time from equation (1) or the Column On Time due to pulse width modulation of VB, whichever is lower. The HP HDSP-2000 combines a significant amount of logic and display capability in a very small package. As such, on board power dissipation is relatively high and thermal design of the display mounting becomes an important consideration. The HP HDSP-2000 is designed to permit operation over a wide range of temperature and supply voltages. Full power operation at T A = 25° C (with Vee = VB = Veol = 5.25V) is acceptable if the thermal resistance from pins to ambient, ()eA, is no greater than 35°C/watt/cluster. This value assumes that the mounting surface of the display becomes an isothermal plane. If only one display is operated on this isothermal plane at 1.7 watts maximum, then the temperature raise above ambient is: TRISE = [35° C/watt] x 1.7 watts = 42.5° C. + P(IREF) + P(leol) As can be seen from formulas (8), (9) and (10), there are several techniques by which total power dissipation can be derated: • Lower Vee to minimum • Lower Veol to minimum • Lower D.F. Maximum and typical power dissipation can be calculated from the maximum and typical values of Icc and leol published in the HP HDSP-2000 data sheet. While it is possible to operate the columns of the HDSP-2000 display using fullwave rectified unregulated DC, lower power dissipation can be achieved by using the regulated Vee supply. Then, Veol is equal to Vee minus the collector to emitter saturation voltage across the column switching (6) If a second display is placed on this same thermal plane, with no increase in thermal dissipation capability the temperature would be doubled (Le., 85°C) - reaching catastrophic levels very quickly. However, in most DATA ENTRY ~----~~----I>o-----~--------------------------------------------~-, 1/67406 READY-------+------------, OATA ENTRY CLOCK r-------~Q a 0 1/27474 ClK DISPLAY CLOCK ClK 1/67400 a 112 7474 U2 0 7N SYNCHRONOUS COUNTERS L-~----------~--i>ClK EN 74163 at-----..... ClR Figure 6. Display InterfaCtfDes;gnedto Accept Decoded Data. 376 transistors. Since the minimum recommended VCOL is 2.6V. PNP Darlington transistors with a silicon diode in series with the emitter can be used to lower the power dissipation within the display. In most implementations of the ASCII character set the maximum number of diodes illuminated within a display character. n. is 21 while a typical character has 15 dots illuminated. While the :., maximum D.F. is 20%. in most applications D.F. :5 17.5% duetotherequired timeto load the display. A D.F. of 17.5% represents a (7/8) ratio of display timeto total time such as illustrated in the circuit shown in Figure 3. Many applications achieve a D.F. much lower than 17.5%. For example. the HDSP-2470 alphanumeric display system when configured for 40 characters has a D.F. of 11.6%. HDSP-2432 DISPLAY BOARD As an example. the maximum power dissipation can be calculated for the circuit shown in Figure 3. In this circuit VCOL(MAX) = 5.25V - 1.3V (MPS-U95 @ 1.6A) - .85V (1N4720 @ 1.6A) = 3.10V. Thus maximum achievable power dissipation can be calculated as shown below: P(lcc) = 60mA x 5.25V = 315 mW 25 Mil INSULATING "TRACES" TO SEPARATE METAL CONDUCTORS. (11) P(IREF) = (95mA - 60mA) x 5.25V x (21/35) x 5 x 0.175 (12) = 96.5 mW P(ICOL) = 410mA x 3.1V x (21/35) x 5 x 0.175 =667 mW (13) Po = P(lcc) + P(IREF) = 1079 mW (14) + P(lcOL) Figure 7.M.ximum Met.llzed Printed Circuit for the HP HOSP-2000. THERMAL CONOUCTING COMPOUND Similarly. typical power dissipation can be calculated as: P(lcc) = 45mA x 5.00V =225 mW (15) P(IREF) = (73mA -45mA) x 5.00V x (15/35) x 5 x 0.175 = 52.5 mW (16) P(ICOL) =335mAx (5.00V -1.3V -.85V) x (15/35) x5xO.175 = 358 mW (17) Po = P(lcc) + P(IREF) =636 mW + P(ICOL) METAL CHASSIS DISPLAY BEZEL AND CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT FILTER (18) For operation at the maximum temperature of 70°C. it is important that the following criteria be met: ( " -', a. TCASE :5100°C. where TCASE = hottest pin temperature HDSP-2000 DISPLAY b. TIC JUNCTION :5 125°C Thermal resistance from junction to case. OJc. is typically 25° C/watt. USing these factors. it is possible to determine the required heat sink power dissipation capability and associated power derating through the following assumptions: , (19) TIC JUNCTION = (OCA x Po) + OJC (Po - 015n ) 2 TCASE = (8CA) Po PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD UTILIZING LARGE METALIZATION PATTERN (20) 2 where (Po - 015n ) is the power dissipated fn each IC. Figure 8. Two-Pert Heat Sink for the HP HDSP·2000. HEAT SINKING CONSIDERATIONS In practice. heat sink design for the HP HDSP-2000 involves optimization of techniques to diSSipate heat through the device leads. Figures 7 and 8 schematically depict two possible heat sink designs, In many applications. a maximum metalized printed circuit board such as shown in Figure 7 can provide adequate heat sinking for the HDSP-2000 display. For example. the HDSP-2416/-2424/-2432/-2440 display boards consist of a 16.24.32 or 40 character HDSP-2000 display mounted on a maximum metalized printed circuit board. These display boards are designed for free air operation to 55° C and operation to 70°C with forced air cooling of 150 fpm normal to the component side of the board. A free air operating temperature of 70°C can be achieved by heat sinking the display. Figure 8 depicts a two part heat sink which can be assembled using two different extruded 377 parts. In this design, the vertical fins promote heat transfer due to naturally induced convection. Care should be taken to insure a good thermal path between the two portions of the heatsink. To optimize power handling capability, the metal heat transfer contact area between the PCB metalization and the heat sink should be maximized. A surface area of approximately 8 square inches per cluster will permit operation at 1.1 watts/ cluster at the maximum operating temperature of 70°C ambient. The value of 1.1 watts/cluster is easily achieved by reduction of VCOL to 3 volts. Next to increasing total heat sink area, a provision for at least some forced airflow is probably the most effective means of improving heat transfer. Thermal design for the HP HDSP-2000 must be carefully considered as operation at excess temperatures can lead to premature failure. The HP HDSP-2000 displays may also be mounted in standard DIP sockets which are cut down to accept the 6 pin devices in end-to-end strings. Another alternative for socket mounting is the stripline socket such as the Augat 325-AG1 D or AMP 583773. These sockets will allow enough space bewteen the PCB and the HP HDSP-2000 to permit a heat sink bar to be inserted to conduct heat to an external sink. Most sockets add a thermal resistance of about 2° C/watt bewteen the device leads and the PCB. >--:TC=R:-::IG""GE::::R:--~CLR U_ r 1 FOR DECREASING AMBIENT ILLUMINATION Figure 9. Intensitv Modulation Control Using a One Shot Multivibrator. DISPLAY INTENSITY MATCHING AND CONTROL In the circuit shown in Figure 9, the photocell may be replaced by a 50K potentiometer to allow manual control of display intenSity. The luminous intensity of LED displays in general has a fairly wide dynamic range. If there is too great a difference between the luminous intensity of adjacent characters in the display string, the display will appear objectionable to the viewer. To solve the problem, the HP HDSP-2000 displays are categorized for luminous intensity. The category of each display package is indicated by a letter preceding the date code on the package. When assembling display strings, all packages in the string should have the same intensity category. This will insure satisfactory intensity matching of the characters. The HP HDSP-2000 displays are categorized in 8 overlapping intenSity categories. All characters of all packages designated to be within a given letter category will fall within an intensity ratio of less than 2:1. For dot matrix displays, a character-to-character intenSity ratio of 2:1 is not generally discernable to the human eye. Contralt Enhancement Another important consideration for optimum display appearance and readablity is the contrast between the display "ON" elements and the background. High contrast can be achieved by merely dril(ing the highest possible power into the display. This, of course, is feasible in some situations as long as ambient lighting is not too intense and power dissipation is not a consideration. A much more practical technique is the use of an effective contrast enhancement filter material. The following materials, Panelgraphic Ruby Red 60 and Dark Red 63 or SGL Homalite Hl0Q-1605 and Hl00-1670 will all provide improved contrast for the HP HDSP-2000 display. Other good practices to enhance display contrast are to avoid PCB traces in the visible areas around the display and, if possible, the utilization of a black silk screen over the relatively light PCB areas around the display. The Subject of contrast enhancement is treated in greater detail in HP Application Note 964. Microprocessor interfaces to the HDSP-2000 display are shown in HP Application Note 1001. A more important consideration regarding display intensity is the control of the intensity with respect to the ambient lighting level. In dim ambients, a very bright display will produce very rapid viewerfatigue. Conversely, in bright ambient situations, a dim display will be difficult, if not impossible, to read and will also produce viewer fatigue and high error rates. For this reason, control of display intenSity with respect to the environment ambient intensity is an important consideration. Figure 9 depicts a scheme which will automatically control display intenSity as a function of ambient intensity. This circuit utilizes a resettable one shot multivibrator which is triggered by the column enable pulse. The duration of the multivibrator output is controlled by a photoconductor. At the end of a column enable pulse, the multivibrator is reset to insure that column current is off prior to the initiation of a new display shift register loading sequence. The output of this circuit is used to modulate either the VB inputs of the HP HDSP-2000 displays or the column enable input circuitry. For maximum reduction in display power, both inputs should be modulated. KEY POINTS REGARDING THE HP HDSp·2000: • A logical "1" in the display shift register turns a corresponding LED "ON". • Clocking occurs on the high to low transition of the clock input. • A character generator which produces 7 bit "COLUMN" data should be utilized. • The internal shift register is 28 bits in length. • Each column should be refreshed at a minimum rate of 100 Hz. 378 The following is a list of commercially available character generators which can be used in conjunction with the HP HDSP2000. These devices are all programmed to convert from ASCII input code to 5 sets of 7 bits each for a 5 x 7 display format. Any desired input-output coding can be utilized in custom programmed ROMs. Manufacturer Part Number Texas Instruments TMS 4100 Typical Access Time Required Power Supplies Typical Power Dissipation 500 nsec ±12V 450 mW National 5241 ABL 700 nsec ±12V Signetics 2513 450 nsec 290mW 2516 500 nsec ±5V -12V ±5V -12V AMI S8773B 450 nsec +5V -12V 625 mW (max) Mostek 2002 2302 ±14V +5V -12V 320mW 200mW 280 mW Electronic Arrays 40105 750 nsec ±12V 430mW Fairchild 3257 500 nsec +5V -12V 360mW Figura 10. Column Output Character Generators Suitable for Use with the HP HDSP·2000. The refresh memory for the HP HDSP-2000 display can take anyone of sever,al different forms. The following table lists a few of the devices which the display system designer may find convenient. Type Organization Bipolar RAM *7489 *7481 A *7484A Fairchild 93403 Intel 3101 Intel 3104 Words x Bits 16 x 4 16 x 1 16 x 1 16 x 4 16 x 4 4x4 MaS RAM TI TMS 4000 JC/NC 16 x 8 CMOS RAM RCA CD 4036 RCA CD 4039 National 74C89 Motorola MCM 4064 4x8 4x8 16 x 4 16 x 4 Shift Register TI TMS 3112 Signetics 2518 Signetics 2519 Fairchild 3348 Fairchild 3349 32 32 40 32 32 x x x x x 6 6 6 6 6 'Standard 7400 Series TTL logic parts available from most Integrated Circuits manufacturers. Figure 11. Memory Elements Which cen be Utilized in HDSP·2000 Display Systems. 379 Flin- HEWLETT a!~ PACKARD APPLICATION NOTE 1000 Digital Data Transmission With the HP Fiber Optic System Fiber optics can provide solutions to many data transmission system design problems. The purpose of this application note is to aid designers in obtaining optimal benefits from this relatively new technology. Following a brief review of the merits, as well as the limitations, of fiber optics relative to other media, there is a description of the optical, mechanical, and electrical fundamentals of fiber optic data transmission system design. How these fundamentals apply is seen in the detailed description of the Hewlett-Packard system. The remainder of the note deals with techniques recommended for operation and maintenance of the Hewlett-Packard system, with particular attention given to deriving maximum benefit from the unique features it provides. bandwidth varies inversely as the square of the length, while in fiber optic cable it varies inversely as only the FIRST power of the length. Here are some typical values for length, £ , in metres: (1) f3dB= 12'gOO MHz for HFBR-3001 to 3005 cables (2) f3dB= 225,000 MHz for typical £2 son coax (RG-59) For example, if Q = 100m, the 3dS frequency is only 22.5MHz for the coax cable, but for the fiber optic cable it is 120MHz. The limitations of fiber optics arise mainly from the means for producing the optical flux and from flux losses. While the power into a wire cable can easily and inexpensively be made several watts, the flux into a fiber optic cable is typically much less than a milliwatt. Wire cable may have several signal "taps"; multiple taps on fiber optic cables are economically impractical at present. ELECTRICAL WIRE VS. FIBER OPTICS I n fiber optic cables, the signals are transmitted in the form of energy packets (photons) which have no electrical charge. Consequently, it is physically impossible for high electric fields (lightning, high-voltage, etc.) or large magnetic fields (heavy electrical machinery, transformers, cyclotrons, etc.) to affect the transmission. Although there can be a slight leakage of flux from an optical fiber, shielding is easily done with an opaque jacket, so signal-bearing fibers cannot interfere with each other or with the most sensitive electric circuits, and the optically-transmitted information is, therefore, secure from external detection. In some applications, optical fibers carry signals large enough to be energetically useful (e.g., for photocoagulation) and potentially harmful, but in most data communication applications, economy dictates the use of flux levels of 100l'W or less. Such levels are radiologically safe and in the event of a broken or damaged cable, the escaping flux is harmless in explosive environments wherea spark from a broken wire could be disastrous. Jacketed fiber optic cables can tolerate more mechanical abuse (crush, impact, flexure) than electrical cables of comparable size; moreover, fiber optic cables have an enormous weight and size advantage - for equivalent information capacity. Properly cabled optical fibers can tolerate any kind of weather and can, without ill-effect, be immersed in most fluids, including polluted air and water. The losses in a point-to-point fiber optic system are insertion loss at the input and output, connector loss, and transmission loss proportional to cable length. Variations. in these losses require a receiver with a dynamic range' capable of accommodating these variations and yet able to provide adequate BW (bandwidth) and SNR (signalto noise) ratio at the lowest flux level. Fortunately, no noise is picked up by a fiber optic cable so the receiver SNR at any SW is limited only by the noise produced within the receiver. Fiber optics is not the best solution to every data transmission problem; but where safety, security, durability, electrical isolation, noise immunity, size, weight, and bandwidth are paramount, it has a clear advantage over wire. FIBER OPTIC FUNDAMENTALS Flux coupled into an optical fiber is largely prevented from escaping through the wall by being re-directed toward the center of the fiber. The basis for such re-direction is the index of refraction, n1, of the core relative to the index of refraction, n2, of the cladding. Bandwidth considerations clearly give the advantage to fiber optics. In either parallel- or coaxial-wire cable, the Index of refraction is defined as the ratio of the velocity of light in a given medium to the velocity of light in a vacuum. 380 SNELL'S LAW n,sinU, '" n2sinU2 sinVc =~ n2 < n, NUMERICAL APERTURE nOsinOA n15in(90'- - Oel n,cosOC "' n, J1 - 5in20C = = sinGe = N.A. = sinOA WHEN no = , ~ N.A. '" 8e = CRITICAL ANGLE = v'n .,f2Xn . n, JT=Tn2Tn1T2 =~ FOR SMALL N.A. N.A. DEPENDS /MAINLYON t.n=n,-n2 SinOA=~~=dov'n1+n2 ~ Figure 1. Snell's Law. Figure 2. Tolal Inlernal Rellecllon. As a ray oflight passes from one medium into another of a different index of refraction, the direction changes according to Snell's Law: radiation patterns of optical fibers are not perfect step functions at the acceptance angle. For this reason, the practical definition of N.A. is somewhat arbitrary. (3) n1 sin01 = n2 sin02 S-N-E-L-L'-S-L-A-W-'I r"1 Modes of Propagation This is illustrated in Figure 1. Notice that the relationship between the angles is the same, whether the ray is incident from the high-index side (n1) or low-index side (n2). For rays incident from the high-index side, there is a particular incidence angle for which the exit angle is ni nety degrees. This is called the critical angle. At incidence angles less than the critical angle, there is only a partial reflection, but for angles greater than the critical angle, the ray is totally reflected. This phenomenon is called TOTAL INTERNAL REFLECTION (TIR). Within the limits imposed by the N.A., rays may propagate at various angles. Those propagating at small angles with respect to the fiber axis are called LOW-ORDER MODES, and those propagating at larger angles are called HIGHORDER MODES. These modes do not exist as a continuum. At any given wavelength, there are a number of discrete angles where propagation occurs. SINGLEMODE fibers result when the core area and the N.A. are so small that only one mode can propagate. In addition to high- and low-order modes, there are others, called LEAKY MODES, which are trapped as skew rayspartly in the core, but mostly in the cladding where they are called CLADDING MODES. As implied by the term, leaky modes do not propagate as well as the more nearly meridional modes; their persistence, depending mainly on the structure of the optical fiber, ranges from less than a metre to more than fifty metres. The presence of leaky modes will, of course, affect the results obtained in measurement of N.A. and transmission loss, making them both artificially high. For this reason, N.A. is usually specified in terms of the EXIT N.A. for a fiber of length adequate to assure that leaky modes have effectively disappeared. Numerical Aperture. Rays within the core of an optical fiber may be incident at various angles, but TIR applies only to those rays which are incident at angles greater than the critical angle. TlR prevents these rays from leaving the core until they reach the far end of the fiber. Figure 2 shows how the reflection angle at the core/cladding interface is related to the angle at which a ray enters the face of the fiber. The acceptance angle, OA, is the maximum angle, with respect to the fiber axis, at which an entering ray will experience TIR. With respect to the index of refraction, no, of the external medium, the acceptance angle is related to the indices of refraction of the core and cladding. When the external medium is air (no ~ 1 ), the sine of the acceptance angle is called the NUMERICAL APERTURE (N.A.) of the fiber: Since most leaky mode propagation is in the cladding, it can be "stripped." Such cladding mode stripping is done by surrounding the unjacketed fiber with a material having a refractive index higher than that of the cladding. EXIT N.A. is defined as the sine of the angle at which the radiation pattern (relative intensity vs. off-axis angle) has a particular value. This value is usually taken at 10% olthe axial (maximum) value. (4) NUMERICAL APERTURE, N.A. = sinOA The derivation in Figure 2 applies only to meridional rays, i.e., rays passing through the axis of the fiber; skew rays (non-meridional) can also be transmitted, and these account for the observation that the reception and 381 Transmission Loss deliberately inserted to prevent scratch damage to the fiber face and to reduce the variability of misalignment loss; i.e., it is sometimes more important to make the connector loss be consistent rather than low. Regular core (non-leaky) modes also exhibittransmission losses. These are due to (1) scattering by foreign matter, (2) molecular (material) absorption, (3) irregularities at the core/cladding interface, and (4) microbending of the optical fiber by the cable structure. The first two loss mechanisms depend on the length of path taken by a ray; the third depends on the number of reflections of the ray before it emerges. It is clear from Figure 2 that the higher order modes have longer paths and more reflections with consequently higher loss. Larger N.A. fibers permit higher-order-mode propagation and, therefore, exhibit generally a higher transmission loss. Transmission loss is exponential and is, therefore, usually expressed in "d B per km." Coupling loss consideration usually favors larger N.A. The use of a coupling medium is more significant when a fiber is coupled to an LED or IRED source. These sources / are usually of gallium arsenide, or related substances, with a refractive index of 3.6. With such a high index of refraction, the use of an epoxy cement can reduce coupling loss by approximately 1dB. Figure 3 shows how the flux coupling is derived. If the size of the LED is much less than that of the fiber, a more effective technique is the use of a tiny lens over the LED. If the size of the fiber is smaller, the lens should be on the fiber, rather than the LED. Rise Time Dispersion The three main loss mechanisms for coupling between fibers or between fibers and the optical ports of other devices are: (1) relative N.A.'s, (2) relative area of the optical ports, and (3) Fresnel (reflection) loss. In addition to these, there may be coupling loss due to misalignment and/or separation of optical ports. Relative N.A. loss can be ignored (~zero dB) whenever the N.A. of the receiving port (fiber or detector) is larger than the N.A. of the source port (flux generator or fiber), otherwise: Bandwidth limitation in fiber optics is the result of a phenomenon called DISPERSION, which is a composite of MATERIAL dispersion and MODAL dispersion. Both of these relate to the velocity of flux transmission in the core. Velocity varies inversely as the index of refraction, and if the index of refraction varies over the wavelength spectrum of the source, the flux having a wavelength at which the refractive index is lower will travel faster than the flux having a wavelength at which the index is higher. Thus, all portions of the spectrum of flux launched simultaneously will not arrive simultaneously, but will suffer time dispersion due to differences in travel time. This is MATERIAL DISPERSION. It is reduced by using sources of narrow spectrum (e.g., lasers) or fibers with a core index of refraction which is constant over the source spectrum. N.A. of Source Port (5) NA LOSS (dB) = 20 log N.A.of Receiver Port Relative area loss can be ignored whenever the area of the receiver port is larger than the area of the source port, otherwise: Diameter of Source (6) AREA LOSS (dB) = 20 log Diameter of Receiver In Figure 2, notice that rays moving parallel to the axis travel a path length which is shorter than that of rays which are not paraxial. Those rays propagating in the higher-order modes will, therefore, have a longer travel time than those in lower-order modes, and simultaneously launched rays will suffer dispersion of their arrival iimes. This is MODAL DISPERSION. It can be reduced only by reducing the N.A. (smaller acceptance angle) to allow only lower-order modes to propagate. In applying equation (6) to coupling between Single fibers, the diameter to be used is the CORE DIAMETER. If the receiver port is a FIBER OPTIC BUNDLE, the "packing fraction" loss must be added to the area loss, even when the area of the bundle is larger than the area of the source port. (7) PACKING FRACTION LOSS (dB)=10 log Active Area Total Area LAMBERTIAN EMITTING PLANE WITHIN LED, STERANCE Le SURFACE OF LED "Active area" is the sum of areas of the cores of individual fibers, and "total" area is that of the bundle. / r A I R ' OR OTHER MATERIAL Fresnel loss occurs when a ray passes from one medium to another having a different index of refraction. Part of the flux is reflected; the fraction transmitted is described by the transm ittance, r, so the loss is: no "2 CLADDING ", CORE sinBA '" ..Jnl~~ 02 2 =!'J~ (8) FRESNEL LOSS(dB)=10 log += 10 log ne sinBe '" nosinliA '" N.A. nx = index of refraction of medium x ny = index of refraction of medium y sinBe =: N~:. INDEPENDENT OF no FLUX COUPLED, ¢ '" 1TTLeAFsin20e It is clear from equation (8) that the loss is the same in either direction. If two fibers are joined with an air gap between their faces, taking nx = 1 for air and ny = 1.49 for the cores of the fibers, the fiber-to-air Fresnel loss is 0.17dB. The air-to-fiber loss is the same, so the total airgap loss is 0.34dB. If several such connections are made, the loss could be high enough to make it worthwhile to use a coupling medium, such as silicone, to remove the air gap. Often, however, connector loss comes mainly from a gap LED-TO-CORE TRANSMITTANCE WITH AIR, no =: WITH EPOXY, _( T- 1.0, no '" 4 2+~+~ r, '" nO ne 0.65 )( 4 2+~+~ "1 ) _, (FRESNEL) - LOSS nO 10 log ~ '" 1.03 dB 1.5, 72 '" 0.83 EPOXY DOES NOT AFFECT ACCEPTANCE ANGLE BUT DOES REDUCE FRESNEL LOSS Figure 3. Acceptance Angle and Fresnel Loss Effects. 382 Construction of Fiber Optics .'NLE;' Fibers having a sharp boundary between core and cladding. as in Figure 2. are called STEP INDEX fibers. The reflection at the boundary is not a "zero-distance" phenomenon - the ray. in being reflected. is actually entering a minute distance into the cladding and there is some loss. This loss can be seen as a faint glow along the length of unjacketed lossy fibers carrying visible flux. To reduce such reflection loss. it is possible to make the rays turn less sharply by reducing the index of refraction gradually. rather than sharply. from core to cladding. A fiber of such a form is called a GRADED INDEX fiber and the rays propagate as shown in Figure 5. Graded index fiber has not only a very low transmission loss. but modal dispersion is also very low. Higher-order modes do travel longer paths. but in the off-axis. lower-index regions they travel faster so the travel time differential between high-order and low-order modes is not as large as it is in step index fibers. ¢OUT ----90% - ----10% t - - - 90% ----10% .,N - (dBm) = 10 log (tP(mW)\ = 10 log (cJ> (j.lW) \ I: 1 mW; \1000 j.lW) Here is an example of how the flux budget works: From the receiver flux requirement (for given Pel. the flux which the transmitter must produce is determined from the expression for a pOint-to-point system: 1. Transmitter 2. Receiver cJ>T = 44j.1W cJ>R = 1.6j.1W Transmitter optical port: > 10 log 3. aTC tPR diameter = 200j.lm. N.A. = 0.5 Optical fiber (in connector): core diam. 0.3 where tPT is the flux (in j.lW) available from the transmitter tPR is the flux (in j.lW) required by the Receiver at Pe "'0 is the fiber attenuation constant (dB/km) Q is the fiber length (km) "'TC is the Transmitter-to-Fiber coupling loss (dB) "'cc is the Fiber-to-Fiber loss (dB) for in-line connectors n is the number of in-line connectors; n does not include connectors at the transmitter and receiver optical ports "'CR is the Fiber-to-Receiver coupling loss (dB) "'M is the Margin (dB). chosen by the deSigner, by which the Transmitter flux exceeds the system requirement (cJ>T)= 14.39dB = 100j.lm. N.A. = = aA + aNA = 20 log ~~~~1 + 20 log (~:~) = 6.02dB + 4.44dB = 10.46dB Receiver optical port: diameter = 200j.lm. N.A. = 0.5 4. Because the diameter and N.A. of the receiver are both larger than those of the fiber. there is only a small amount of Fresnel loss. making aCR ~ 0.34dB 5. Apply equation (11) to see what the flux budget allows: 14.39dB = aoQ + 10.46dB aOQ+ naCC Equation (11) is called the FLUX BUDGET and it is represented graphically in Figure 7. The same basic units (watts) are used for flux and for power. so it is correct and convenient to express flux in "dBm". + aM = + nacc + 0.34dB + aM (14.39 -10.46 - 0.34)dB = 3.59dB 6. Assume a transmission distance of 35 metres at 20dB/km 384 If cable length selections are 10-, 2S-, and SO-metre lengths and connector loss is ace = 2dB, then either of two options may be chosen: single +S-volt supply. All inputs and outputs function at TTL logic levels. No receiver adjustments are ever necessary because the dynamic range of the Receiver is 21dB or more, accommodating fiber length variations as well as age and thermal affects. When the system is operated in its internally coded mode, it has NRZ (arbitrarily timed data) capability and is no more complicated to operate than a non-inverting logic element. Built-in performance indicators are available in the Receiver; the Link Monitor indicates satisfactory Signal conditions and the Test Point allows simple periodic maintenance checks on the system's flux margin. 7. a) Use a 10m and 2Sm length with one connector: ao~+ aee = (3Sm x 0.02dB/m) + 2dB = 2.7dB This leaves aM = (3.S9 - 2.7)dB = 0.89dB 7. b) Use a 50m length and no connector: ao~= (50m x 0.02dB/m) = 1.0dB leaving aM =2.59dB Unless there is some good reason (cost, convenience, etc.) for choosing the 10m/2Sm option, it would be better to select the 50-metre option because it allows a larger aM. In flux budgeting, aM should always be large enough to allow for degradation of the efficiency of the flux generator in the transmitter (LED, IRED, laser, etc.). On the other hand, in dealing with more powerful transmitters, aM must not be so large that it exceeds the dynamic range of the receiver. There are also several optical and mechanical convenience features. The optical ports of the Transmitter and Receiver are well defined by optical fiber stubs built into receptacles that mate with self-aligning connectors. Low-profile packaging and low power dissipation permit the modules to be mounted without heat-sink provision on P.C. boards spaced as close as 12.5mm (0.5 in.). The internally-coded mode of operation is the simplest way to use the Hewlett-Packard system. This mode places no restriction on the data format as long as either positive or negative pulse duration is not less than the minimum specified. The simplicity is achieved by use of a 3-level coding scheme called a PULSE BI-POLAR (PBP) code. This mode is selected simply by applying a logic low (or grounding) to the Mode Select terminal on the Transmitter - no conditioning Signal or adjustment is necessary in the Hewlett-Packard Receiver because it automatically responds to the PBP code. Dynamic Range The dynamic range of the receiver must be large enough to accommodate all the variables a system may present. For example, if the system flexibility requirement is for transmission distances ranging from 10 metres to 1000 metres with 12.SdB/km cable, and up to two in-line connectors, the dynamic range requirement is: ao~= r 1km x 12.SdB/km = naee = 2 x 2dB = aM = thermal variations = 12.SdB 4.0dB 3.0dB 1.0dB(estimated) 20.5dB Transmitter Description Figure 8 shows symbolically the logical arrangement of the Transmitter, waveforms for the signal currents IA and IB, and the resulting waveforms for the output flux. The arrangement shown is logically correct but circuit details are not actually realized as shown. For example, the current sources actually have partial compensation forthe negative temperature coefficient of the LED (or IRED).ln Figure 8, there are five important things to notice. Accommodating a 20dB optical power dynamic range plus high sensitivity requires the receiver to have two important features: automatic level control, and a-c coupling or its equivalent. The a-c coupling keeps the output of the amplifier at a fixed quiescent level, relative to the logic thresholds, so that signal excursions as small as the specified minimum can cause the amplifier output to exceed the logic threshold. This function can also be called doc restoration. First, notice that the bias current, Ie, is never turned offnot even when the Transmitter is operated in the externally coded mode (Mode Select "high"). This is done to enhance the switching speed of the LED (or IRED) in either internally- or externally-coded mode. The bias current also stabilizes the flux excursion ratio (k in Equation 14) symmetry in the internally-coded mode. ALC (automatic level control) adjusts the gain of the amplifier. Low-amplitude excursions are amplified at full gain; high-amplitude excursions are amplified at a gain which is automatically reduced enough to prevent saturation of the output amplifier. Saturation affects propagation delay adversely so ALC is needed to allow high speed performance at high, as well as low, Signal levels. Second, notice that This procedure also yields the proper value of the highlevel flux, ) Step 2 Step 1 It appears, from the waveforms in Figure 8, that the 500kHz signal prescribed in Step 2 is not necessary; that is, with Data Input at a steady-state high, the flux meter would read -___+-{)6~T~~TONITOR ________ I ~ flux. With respect to the Receiver optical port, the responsivity of the PIN photodiode is approximately O.4A/W, leading to the expression: rVTMAX - VTJ (mV) (17)AVERAGE INPUT FLUX,ci>AV(I'W)= . 10 Flux budgeting, using the Hewlett-Packard Transmitter, Receiver, Connector, and Cable components is very straightforward for most applications. It is necessary only to use the data sheet information correctly in making the coupling loss and transmission loss allowances. where VTMAX = Test Point Voltage with no optical input signal. When used with other Hewlett-Packard components, the characteristics of the Receivers are not critical. Their optical ports have a diameter and N.A. which are both greater than the size and N.A. of the Hewlett-Packard Cable. The Receivers also have a high responsivity and the spectral response is nearly constant over the spectrums radiated by Hewlett-Packard Transmitters. The instrument for observing VT must not load the Test Point significantly, so an input resistance of 10MO is recommended. As described above, when the input flux is at the average level, the positive-going and negative-going output voltages VP1 and VN1 are approximately equal. Notice that this makes the outputs of both logic comparators low. A positive flux excursion, rising faster than the dc restorer (with its long time constant) can follow, will cause VP1 to rise and VN1 to fall. If the positive flux excursion is high enough, the LOGIC. HIGH COMPARATOR input voltage (VP2 - VN1) becomes positive, and a SET pulse is produced for the R-S flip-flop. [Similarly, a negative flux excursion of such amplitude would make (VN2 - VP1) become positive and a RESET pulse would be produced.J A larger amplitude of positive flux excursion would make the POSITIVE PEAK DETECTOR input voltage (VP3 - VN1) change from negative to positive and cause current to flow into the ALC FILTER capacitor. When the voltage VA starts to rise above VREF, the ALC AMPLIFIER output will operate on the GAIN CONTROL AMPLIFIER to limit the Receiver's forward gain. Notice that the ALC action is the same for a negative flux excursion, so that the Receiver's gain limitation is determined EITHER by positive flux excursion OR by negative flux excursion - whichever is the larger. For this reason, the positive and negative excursions must be nearly balanced with respect to the average flux. The allowable imbalance is determined by the values of the resistors in the negative and positive voltage dividers. The ALC action limits the maximum excursion to a voltage 10 (R1 + R2), whereas the logic threshold is only 10 R1. Actual limits are established by the tolerances on the resistors and current sources. Notice that the ALC voltage, VA, activates both the ALC COMPARATOR and the LINK MONITOR COMPARATOR. Therefore, a "high" LINK MONITOR signifies two conditions: With Components From Other Manufacturers When using the Hewlett-Packard Receivers with other cables, it may be necessary to account for N.A.loss and/or area mismatch loss. When other sources are used, it may be necessary to compute an effective flux ratio: (18) EFFECTIVE FLUX RATIO, EFRs= (Source Spectrum) J ci>)..Rr)..dl\ J ci>)..d).. where Rr).. is the relative response of the Receiver (from data sheet) ci>1\ is the spectral flux function of the source If the transmission loss of the cable varies sharply overthe wavelength range of the source spectrum, then the spectral transmittance of the cable should be included in the computation of EFR. The spectral transmittance varies with cable length, so the integration must be performed using the cable length required in a particular installation: JT)..ci>I\Rr)..d).. (19) EFFECTIVE FLUX RATIO, EFRcs JT'ci>'d' (Cable and Source) A 1\ A where T).. is the spectral transmittance of a particular length of fiber optic cable, computed as: (20) T).. =10 -r ~10 lao).. where ao).. is the spectral function in (dB/km) of the fiber optic cable and Q is the particular cable length (km) Notice that as the length is reduced, T).. becomes more nearly a constant and may be factored out of both numerator and denominator of Equation (19). When EFR is significantly less than unity, it enters the flux budget expression, Equation (11). 1. The input flux excursions are high enough to cause ALC action (gain limitation). 2. The excursions are more than adequate for operation of the logic comparator. (21) 10 log ~:T ) = aTC + aCR + nacc + aoQ+ aM R -10 log (EFR) Notice that the LINK MONITOR could be "high," but k could be outside the specified limits such that Pe exceeds 10-9 . Conversely, because of safety margin in the Receiver design, it is also possible to have Pe < 10-9 when the flux excursions are too small to make the LINK MONITOR "high". See Equations 11, 18, and 19 for definition of terms. The optical ports of Hewlett-Packard Transmitters are designed for mating with Hewlett-Packard Cable/ Connector assemblies, but their characteristics require a little more attention than do the Receiver optical ports. The Transmitter and Cable/Connector data sheets should be consulted for the correct values of size and N.A., or for the directly-given value of transmitter-to-fiber coupling loss, arc, to use in flux budgeting. In applications having very short transmission distances, but requiring a number of in-line (cable-to-cable) connections, it is likely to be advantageous to use fiber optics of larger core diameter OPERATION OF THE HEWLETT-PACKARD SYSTEM With Hewlett-Packard Components Exclusively The main concern in a fiber optic link is the flux budget. Other areas of concern are: data rate, data format, and the interface with other elements of a data transmission system. 388 at the "1" level; similarly, the signal remains althe "O"level for consecutive "O's". With RZ (Return-to-Zero) codes, the level periodically changes from high level to low level or back, never remaining at either level for a period of time longer than one bit interval. Some examples of codes are given in Figure 10. Notice that NRZ code uses the channel capacity most efficiently since it requires only one code interval per bit interval. The RZ codes illustrated use two code intervals per bit interval while other codes may require an even higher channel capacity for a given data rate. NRZ code requires a clock signal at the receiving end to define, for each interval, the point in time at which the data is valid. The time at which the data is clocked must be sufficiently clear of the interval edges to avoid phase-shift errors due to jitter, rise time, or propagation delay. Since the clock signal is separately transmitted, phase shift in the clock channel can contribute to the phase-shift error unless it is equal, in direction and magnitude, to the phase shift in the data channel. For this reason, fiber optiC and N.A., such as some of the plastic types. The larger core diameter reduces the likelihood of losses in connectors due to misalignment. Depending on the size and N.A. of the Transmitter optical port, a larger core diameter and N .A. in the fiber optic cable may also reduce arc, but if the cable core diameter is too large, the cable.. to-receiver loss, "'CR, may be excessive. Data Rate and Format The other areas of concern (data rate, data format, and interface) are interactive, depending on system requirements. In any single transmitter-to-receiver link, the flux budget along with probability of error Pe, establish the signaling rate, in baud units, while the data rate, in bits per second, depends also on the data format, or transmission code. NRZ (Non-Return-to-Zero) is the term for a transmission code in which the signal does not periodically return to zero. If a stream of NRZ data contains a series of consecutive "1's", the signal remains I I I LHJ r o DESCRIPTION CHANNEL REOUIRED REQUIRES DC? REQUIRES CLOCK? High during entire "mark". low 1 Mbaud per Mb/s YES YES 2 Mbaud per Mb/s NO YES CODe A B NON-RETURN TO ZERO (NRZI RETURN TO ZERO (RZI during entire "space" interval low during entire "space", momentarily high during "mark" interval C MANCHESTER (SELF·CLOCKING RZ) Positive transition for "space", negative transition for "mark" 2 Mbaud per Mb/s NO NO 0 BIPHASE MARK (MANCHESTER II) Each bit period begins with a transition. "Space" has NO transition during bit period - 2 Mbaud per Mb/s NO NO 2 Mbaud per Mb/s NO NO "mark" has one transition during bit period BIPHA$E SPACE Same as Biphase Mark except "mark" and "space" reversed NOTE THAT C, 0, E HAVE 50% DUTY FACTOR (k = 1.00) Figure 10. Examples of NRZ and RZ Code Patterns. 389 channels carrying clock signals should use the same type of cable and the same length, unless the transmission distance is very short. Note that the transmission time delay in an optical fiber depends on the core index of refraction: (22) TRANSMISSION DELAY, t£ = System Configuration The simplex arrangement in Figure 11 allows data in one direction only, and the format should, therefore, include error checks, such as parity bits. The full duplex arrangement requires two Transmitter/Receiver (T/R) pairs and two cables but allows data to go in both directions simultaneously. If, at a given time, Station 1 is transmitting, the return transmission from Station 2 can be unrelated to the information from Station 1, but could also be a relay or re-transmission of the data received by Station 2, so a logic delay and comparator circuit in Station 1 can check for errors and allow corrections. The same is true for the full triplex arrangement. Extension to larger numbers of stations is possible and the benefits are the same, but the number of T/R pairs increase rapidly, as shown by the series in Figure 11, requiring n (n-1) T/R pai rs for n stations. (+ )£ n where c is the velocity of light in a vacuum, c=3x108m/s £ is the fiber optic cable length (m) n is the core index of refraction and differential delay between a data channel and a clock channel is: (23) DIFFERENTIAL DELAY, t =H-) [£2n2 -£m1J Some RZ codes are self-clocking - i.e., a separate channel to transmit the clock signal is not required, so there is no problem with differential delay. Forthis reason, RZ codes may be preferred even though the data rate is less than that of NRZ. Note that in its internally coded mode, the Hewlett-Packard fiber optic system transmits either NRZ or RZ codes of arbitrary format and duty factor. In the externally coded mode, the system requires the code to be RZ; moreover, the duty factor of the code must be SO% and the signal must remain LESS than S!-,s in either high state or low state. Half-duplex (not illustrated) is a means for allowing two stations to alternately use the same transmission medium. With a wire cable, half-duplex operation is commonly and easily done; it can also be done with fiber optic cable but the fiber-furcating couplers for accomplishing it are very lossy, are not commonly available, and will not be discussed. Data interchange among a large number of stations can be accomplished with fewer T/R pairs by using the Master Station Multiplex (MSM) arrangement in Figure 12. The MSM arrangement requires only 2(n-1) T/R pairs for n stations (master + (n-1) slaves). Its operation differs from the full n-plex arrangement of Figure 11 in that only the master station transmits directly to all other stations. Data from any slave station is transmitted to master and retransmitted to all slave stations according to the "retransmit enable" (E, ... Ex) selection made in the master station. Thus, a complete error check is possible. Regardless of how many slave stations are added, the transmission delay from any slave to any other slave is just the delay of two fiber optic links plus the propagation The Hewlett-Packard system is capable of a 10 Mbaud signaling rate. If a higher data rate is required, the data stream can be divided among additional channels. If each channel is RZ coded, such as with Manchester code, the capacity of each channel is 5Mb/s and if the total data rate requirement is 20Mb/s, four channels are required. Using NRZ, the 20Mb/s data can be transmitted on two channels, with a third channel for the clock signal. Thus, if the data rate requirement exceeds 1SMb/s, the NRZ format requires fewer fiber optic channels. NO. OF STATIONS NO. OF T/R PAIRS 2 SIMPLEX 12 20 n(n-1) FULL DUPLEX FULL TRIPLEX Figure 11. Simplex, Full-Duplex, Full Triplex, Full-n-plex Fiber Optic Links. 390 MASTER TRANSMIT ENABLE MASTER DATA IN SLAVE EM STATIDNS DM R E, E, ... Ex SLAVE RE - TRANSMIT ENABLE T D, E2 R D2 T D, . . Ox DATA OUT {FROM SLAVES} E3 D3 MASTER STATION T FOR n STATIONS. NO. OF T/R PAIRS'" 2(n-1) Figure 12. Master Station Multiplex Arrangement for Fiber Optic Links. ( delay in the master station's relay circuit. The time delay between re-transmission from the master and the error-check return transmissions from the slaves is the same if each link length is the same, i.e., two links plus relay time. Notice that a complete error check requires an error check in the master, plus an error check in the station where the data originated. Another feature of the MSM system is that any slave station can be disconnected or turned off without affecting the other stations. With slightly more complicated relay control logic in the master stations, the MSM system can provide even more flexibility in the control of data movement - the schematic in Figure 12 is intended only to illustrate the potential flexibility of MSM. that an error check is required only at the station from which the data originates. There are some disadvantages. A relatively minor disadvantage is the data delay around the loop to where the data originated. A less minor disadvantage is the fact that, even if one of the stations in the loop is desig nated for loop control, it does not have control as absol ute as that of the master station in MSM. A major disadvantage is that removal of one or more stations from the loop may require a re-run of the fiber optic cable unless the flux budget allows insertion of a connector to replace the station(s) removed. There is some error accumulation around the loop, but this is not a disadvantage if error correction is applied. At the expense of less flexibility and longer transmission delay, multiplex operation can be done with an even smaller number of T fR pairs by means of Looped-Station Multiplexing (LSM) as in Figure 13.ln addition to requiring only n TfR pairs for n stations, LSM offers the advantage Where error correction is inconvenient or impossible, the accumulation of error through data relay units may be significant. With Hewlett-Packard components operated within the limits prescribed by the data sheet parameters and the flux budget, any pOint-to-point link has a Error Accumulation WHEN 'TRANSMIT ENABLE' IS HIGH, THE SIGNAL AT 'DATA OUT' IS RE·TRANSMITTED WITHOUT INVERSION. DATA IN/OuT-------~ r-------~~---~DATAOUT ->.::--; DATA OUT_...._ _ _ _ _ OPEN - COLLECTOR ..........- - - - - - - D A T A IN OUTPUT IS ReQUIRED FOR n STATIONS. NO. OF r/R PAIRS::; n Figure 13. Looped-Stations Multiplex Arrangement lor Fiber Optic Links. 391 probability of error Pe < 10-9 . This means that Pe < 10-9 as long as the loss margin, "'M(dB) is above zero. With a number, n, of repeater links, the worst case estimate of cumulafive probability of error is the RMS value: Figure 14. Lock Nut clearance could also be provided by an opening in the board, or by using washers of 1mm thickness on the #2-56 mounting screws to space the Module bottom 1mm from the board. Screws entering the #2-56 tapped holes MUST NOT TOUCH BOTTOM AS THIS MAY DAMAGE THE MODULE. The #2-56 tapped hole is 5.6mm (0.22 in.) deep, which provides an ample purchase on the thread. (24)CUMULATIVE PROBABILITY OF ERROR, n n Pe,n = 1 (1 - Pe,;) ~ Pe,; ;=1 ;=1 where Pe,; is the probability of error in link "i" L: IT P.C. Board Thickness Recommended Screw Length - mm (In.) If each link has the same probability of error, Pe, then the cumulative value of Pe is estimated at: mm in. W/O Spacer W/1-mm Spacer (25) CUMULATIVE PROBABILITY OF ERROR FOR EQUAL Pe'S 0.79 1,59 2.38 1/32 1/16 3/32 4.78 (.188) 6.35 (.250) 6.35 (.250) 6,35 (.250) 6.35 (.250) 6.35 (.250) Pe,n ~ nPe However, as in any chain, the probability of error is usually just that of the "weakest link," that is, the link having the highest probability of error. The #2-56 holes near the front of the package are the only screw holes that may be used for mounting the module. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES MAY THE SCREWS ALREADY INSTALLED OR THE SET SCREW BE DISTURBED. Disturbing these may cause interior damage. Measuring the probability of error can be very timeconsuming if Pe has a very low value. For instance, if Pe = 10-9 at 10 Mbaud (BER = 10-9), this suggests that if the system is operated for 100 seconds at 10 Mbaud (accumulate 109 bits) with one error, the Pe = 10-9 is verified. This is not necessarily true. The significance of Pe = 10-9 is that over several such periods the average error is one per 100 seconds. A less time-consuming procedure is to lower the signal (flux) level until the error rate, Pe,N is measurably high in a comfortable period of time, and note this flux level as cPN' the Noise measurement flux level. The operating flux level is deSignated cPo, and is found from the ratio: For additional support, the electrical leads may be bent down and soldered into the P.C. board. In bending the leads, care must be taken to avoid strain at the point where the leads enter the glass seal. This can be done by applying mechanical support between the module and the bending point which should be at least 1.0mm (0.04 in.) from the end of the module. A needle-nose pliers can also be used to bend the leads individually, providing no bending moment is transferred to the seal. See Figure 14 for details fo these techniques. 26. Xo = cPo and Xo = XN cPo XN cPN cPN and from the complementary error function: Panel mounting can also be used. This is an especially attractive mounting when R.F. shield integrity must be maintained. As seen in Figure 15, the panel thickness must be less than 4mm (5/32 in.) and have a counter-bore to receive the Lock Nut. This will make the mounting secure and leave enough of the Barrel outside the panel to permit installation of an external mounting nut as well as the Cable Connector. Pe = erfc (Xo) = 1 - erf(Xo) calculated for cPo Pe,N = erfc(XN) = 1 - erf(XN) measured at cPN erfc(X) ~ .54 (f-X 2 ) for Pe < 10-4 X This measurement and relationship can be useful in evaluating the relative merits in the tradeoff between running a single link over a long distance versus operating with one or more repeaters. The use of repeaters usually yields the lower Pe, but may be "overkill" in some cases. Fiber OptiC Cable Connections The data sheet cautions against disturbing the Lock Nut. and Barrel. This is to prevent damage by someone who has not read the following material: As seen in Figure 16, there is a clearance between the interior end of the Barrel and a shoulder on the Fiber Alignment Sleeve. If this clearance is not maintained, there is a risk that a force applied to the Barrel may be transmitted by the Fiber Alignment Sleeve to the optical fiber stUb, forcing the stub against the face of the source or detector. The source (or detector) is an extremely fragile semicondUctor device and even a very small force can cause severe damage. Should it be necessary to remove the Lock Nut and Barrel, they should be reinstalled with this procedure: INSTALLATION, MEASUREMENT, AND MAINTENANCE The shielded metal packages of Hewlett-Packard Fiber Optic Modules are very sturdy and can be mounted in any position. Both Transmitter and Receiverdissipate very low power, so heat Sinking is not required. A cool location is preferred, especially for the Transmitter. The main concern in selecting the locations of both modules is accessibility of the optical ports. 1. Lightly and carefully thread the Barrel into the Module body until it comes against the shoulder of the Fiber Alignment Sleeve. Mounting The preferred mounting is with two #2-56 screws on a printed circuit board. Clearance must be provided for the Lock Nut, which protrudes 0.5mm to 1.0mm (depending on angular pOSition) beyond the plane of the module's bottom surface. The usual way to deal with this is to allow the Lock Nut to overhang the edge of the P.C. board as in 2. Back the Barrel OUT ONE FULL TURN, then HOLD THE BARREL FROM TURNING while seating the Lock Nut securely against the body. During final tightening of the Lock Nut, the Barrel may be allowed to enter no more than HALF A TURN. 392 ANDL~~=~ ~ DO NOT BEND WHERE LEAD ENTERS II ......--------~~ SUPPORTS FOR"", LEAD BENDING ~ --I ~>1mm NEEDLE NOSE PLIERS WAW""~w.~~l'J~ I I - - . 11 mm MAX __ EDGE OF BOARD p.e. 4~I Ir-- 'mm SPACER 5mm MIN --j Figure 14. Lead Bending and P.C. Board Mounting. opposite ends of the sleeve to have slightly different diameters and yet be firmly aligned by the curved interior wall. A chamfer on the edge ofthe Ferrule aids insertion. In making temporary Cable-to-Cable connection, it is permissible, and often convenient. to omit the Barrel. since it does not perform an alignment function. When the Barrel is used for a more sturdy jOint. the connection procedure is: LOCK NUT CLEARANCE COUNTERBORE FROM REAR 7.5mm DIA. x 2.Omm DP #10 - 32 EXTERNAL ~"'--'--- MOUNTING NUT 1. Install the Sleeve and Barrel on one Connector. using only FINGER TIGHTNESS of the Coupling on the Barrel. (NOT SUPPLIED WITH UNIT) 2. Start the Ferrule of the second Connector into the Sleeve. 4.1mm (.16 in.) MAX Figure 15. Panel Mounting. 3. Engage the Coupling on the Barrel threads and tighten FINGER TIGHT. When Hewlett-Packard Cable Connectors are jOined, either to each other or to the optical port of a Transmitter or Receiver, there is a cylindrical spring Sleeve that aligns the Ferrules. This is shown in Figures 16 and 170lt may be difficult to see, but the Sleeve does have a slightly flattened "leaf" on either side of a notch. The notch makes the leaves spring separately, allowing the Ferrules at Alignment of the Ferrules (and hence the fiber optics) is performed by the Sleeve; the Barrel and Couplings are intended only for tensile support. but if they are OVER tightened, they may cause misalignment. Loss of coupling due to misalignment can be observed at the VT (Test Point) on the Receiver when the System is active: t!.VTlt!. ~ 10mVlp.W. BARREL BARREL SOURCE OR DETECTOR· INTERNAL11CLEARANCE FIBER ALIGNMENT SLEEVE SHOULDER (BARREL MUST NOT APPL V PRESSURE HEREI Figure 16. Opto-Mechanical Structure of T/R Module•• 393 COUPLINGS BODIES Figure 17. In-Line Connector Arrangement. The procedure above applies also to making Cable connection at the Receiver and Transmitter, except that the Sleeve and Barrel are already installed. In manufacture, the Sleeve in the Module is pre-stressed for a tighter fit on the Ferrule in the Module than on the Ferrule in the Connector. The Sleeve is not likely to be pulled out when the Module is disconnected, but if that does happen, it can be reinstalled without removing the Barrel by using the Connector Ferrule to guide and support it. and 750) inputs and outputs. The outputs have adequate voltage swing to drive the Fiber Optic Transmitter Data Input, but ringing may occur unless the signal line is properly terminated. The low-impedance inputs require a buffer amplifier between the Receiver output and the Error Detector input. Here also the voltage swing is ample, so a simple emitter follower will do as a buffer. With Mode Select "low" (on the Fiber Optic Transmitter), the Word Generator may be set for either NRZ or RZ code, and there is no restriction of any kind on word length or composition (pseudo random or selected). With Mode Select "high", the code selection can be either NRZ or RZ but in either code the word composition must be such that: In connecting fiber optics other than those from'HewlettPackard to a Hewlett-Packard module, it is necessary to center the fiber in a cylinder with the same outside diameter as the Hewlett-Packard Ferrule over a length (to first shoulder) equal to half the length of the Sleeve, i.e., 3.5mm. This is adequate for a temporary connection. For a more permanent connection, add a coupling to fit the #10-32 thread on the Barrel. 2. Duty factor: .44 < OF < .57 or .75 < k < 1.25 Power Supply Requirements The first condition can be examined with an oscilloscope, but if word length is such that: 1. No interval> 51'S of consecutive marks or consecutive spaces Power supply lines for the Transmitter and the Receiver should each have a pi filter of two 60l'F shunt capacitors and a 2.21'H «10) inductor. The Transmitter needs this filter to prevent transients from reaching other equipment when the LED (or IRED) currents are switched. The Receiver needs the filter to keep line transients from interfering with its extremely sensitive amplifier. In addition, the Receiver may need its own regulator, as shown in the data sheet, to prevent low-frequency transients or ripple from interfering with the data stream. If a regulator is used, the pi filter should be between the regulator output and the Receiver supply terminal. The Transmitter needs no regulator if the supply voltage is in the specified range. word length (bits) data rate (bits/second) < 5 microseconds then there is no way that any consecutive marks or spaces can extend over 51'S. The easiest way to check duty factor is by observing k directly on an ac coupled oscilloscope: first establish the baseline position (e.g., center of scope face) with zero signal input, then with the data signal applied: k = excursion above baseline position excursion below baseline pOSition where the oscilloscope deflects upward for positive input. For this observation, the oscilloscope need not be synchronized - it could be free-running. The word composition should be adjusted to bring k within the specified limits. The word composition can be adjusted by adding zeroes, changing word length, or by handselecting the bit sequence. System Performance Evaluation System performance checks may be done by using errordetection equipment, such as the Hewlett-Packard Mod. 3760A Word Generator and 3761 Error Detector as indicated in Figure 18. The Mod. 3780A Pattern Generator/Error Detector which contains both word generator and error detector is also usable, although it has less flexibility in word generation and a lower data rate capability. These instruments have low-impedance (500 Either error detector has two modes of operation: BER (Bit Error Rate) mode and "count" mode. The count mode is simplest to use and gives an earlier indication of the result of any system adjustment. . 394 r-- 1--0 CLOCK /101:. COUPLED OSCILLOSCOPE TO CHECK ON DUTY F/IoI:.TOR HP 3761A ERROR DETECTOR DATA ~ HP 3760A PATTERN GENERATOR '-- 1--0 OUTPUT HP 3780A PATTERN GENERATOR HP 1740A VERT ERROR DETECTOR GENERATOR RCVR ~---'---~I ~ CLK CLK DATA DATA +5V +5V .... I"'lDATA 50n lOOn -:.... - L RECEIVER I 11m D ~ _ J J ~ ~TRANSMITTER DATA ] GENERATOR AND DETECTOR MUST HAVE MATCHED WORD LENGTHS AND DATA/DATA SELECTION. lson 7sn - Figure 18. Bit Error Rate Measurement Arrangement. With the System at normal operating flux level, the error rate is so low that it would take several hours or even days to make an accurate BER measurement. If the flux level is reduced, SNR falls and BER rises until it becomes measurable. Then the error function [see Equation (26)] can be applied to determine the BER at the normal flux level in terms of the ratio OI N where <1>0 is the operating flux level and N is the flux at the reduced level where the BER was measured. The problem now is that N may be too low to measure with equipment at hand. The solution is in the Receiver Test Point voltage, VT, which varies linearly as Receiver input flux - see Equation (17). But even this method has limits; when the flux becomes a small fraction of a microwatt, the voltage difference (VTMAX - VT) cannot be accurately observed. The solution to this problem is in the Transmitter-to-Cable connection. Just back off the Coupling, noting the number of turns while observing VT, then plot a curve like that of Figure 19. The curve is quite repeatable if care is taken to avoid backlash and rotation of the Connector Body (rotate Coupling only) but the curve is not the same for each System. (27) aM(dB) = aN - 10 log 25!FOR GIVEN Pe XN Absolute flux levels at "N" turns can be found by measuring the flux level when N =0 and applying a ratio. A rough measurement can be made using the Test Point voltage, VT, and Equation (15). A more precise measurement requires a calibrated radiometer, such as the EG&G Mod. 550, used as shown in Figure 20a. With its "fiat" filter instaliE/d, the EG&G Mod. 550 reads the radiant 20r------r-----.-----~ 18 16 14 • 12 iii 3 I ~;; 10 log VTMAX - 'Ira V,MAX -VTN 10~---------4~---------+----------~ Operating Margin Measurement The flux budget margin, aM' for a given Pe can be found using the Connector on the Transmitter as an adjustable attenuator as described above, proceeding as follows: 4 1. Prepare a curve similar to Figure 19. 2. Count the turns, N, needed to get measurable error, PeoN. N - NUMBER OF COUPLING TURNS 3. Find aN(dB) from N and the curve from Step 1. 4. Find XN from eric (XN) = PeoN (measured). Figure 19. Flux Decoupllng by Rotation of Connector Coupling. 5. Find Xo from eric (Xo) = Pe (given). 395 J " " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - d (> 100mm) LOCATION OF FERRULE FACE 7mmr REMOVABLE 'FLAT' '\ 550-2 PROBE FILTER~rl-+_--'-==;_--., ASSEMBLY TRANSMITTER { REF. MARK ~---~~ ---I~.~(.-W-h-d-.-E~.~(~.W-I-.-m-2)-X-d-2-(-.m_2_) __ _ _ _ _ _ __ GENERAL PROCEDURE: USE SUBDUED AMBIENT. FOR EACH OBSERVATION Ea = DifFERENCE IN READINGS OBTAINED WITH TRANSMITTER POWER SUPPLY ON AND OFF, I, OBSERVE E, (.W/.m21 WITH 'FLAT' FILTER IN PLACE 2. OBSERVE E2 (.W/.m21 WITH 'FLAT' FILTER REMOVED FILTER TRANSMITTANCE: 1'F' E, I E21 '-'---'~r - - - - - - - - , AVERAGE FLUX FROM TRANSMITTER: rp (,uW) '" [E1(~J [d2(Cm2~ [(t)MAX] (fJMAX IS THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF THE RADIATION PATTERN INTEGRAL: rlgl (SEE DATA SHEET) (a) MEASUREMENT OF TRANSMITTER AVERAGE FLUX COUPLING {'_'rr~~ PROTECTIVE GLASS OVER DETECTOR DETECTOR AREA r A o "'1cm2 REF. MARK TRANSMITTER CONNECTOR GENERAL PROCEDURE SAME AS ABOVE 3. WITH TRANSMITTER CONNECTOR SEATED, CENTER RECEIVER CONNECTOR OVER DETECTOR, THEN POSITION AGAINST GLASS. (DO NOT SLIDE - SLIDING MAY CAUSE SCRATCH DAMAGE.) OBSERVE Eo (pW/cm2 ), 4. WITHOUT ROTATING THE BODY, ROTATE THE COUPLING BY SMALL INCREMENTS Of TURNS, NOTING THE NUMBER OF TURNS."N, AND FOR EACH VALUE OF N: OBSERVE EN I,uW/cm2), RECEIVER INPUT FLUX, AT OPERATING LEVEL 4>0 ,"W). [Eo FLUX f)ECOUPLING (SEE FIG. 191 I ~W{;;:I!~~'l,~)m211 .N· 10 109,o(Eo I EN I (b) MEASUREMENT OF AVERAGE RECEIVER INPUT FLUX AND FLUX DECOUPLING AT TRANSM[TTER CONNECTOR. Figure 20. Flux Measurement with EG&G Mod 550 Radiometer. 396 incidance, E, in W/cm2 on an aperture area, AD = 1 cm2 and N.A. = 1. With the filter removed, a fiber optic cable can be placed so close to the aperture that there is no flux loss, and since the radiometer N.A. exceeds the fiber N.A., the radiometer will have a reading in W/cm2 which is numerically equal to the flux in watts. However, a correction must be made for the removal of the filter. Equation (15). The upper and lower margins on k for a particular Receiver can be found by operating the Transmitter with Mode Select "high" and a rectangular signal (f = 500kHz) at Data Input. As the duty factor of the signal is varied, the limits on k are found as those at which the Receiver fails to follow the Data Input signal. The insertion loss of the filter must be evaluated at the measurement wavelength because it varies with wavelength to compensate for spectral variation in the response of the silicon detector. The arrangement shown in Figure 20 for measurement of radiant intensity is a good one for measuring insertion loss of the filter. Two observations are made - one with and one without the filter. Error due to ambient radiation is avoided by working in subdued ambient and for each observation taking two radiometer readings (source off and source on); the difference in readings is the observation of the radiant incidance, Ee, produced by the radiant intensity, Ie, of the source. The ratio of the two observations gives: (31) k=(..!..)-1= ftp ftN - 1 where ftp is the positive-pulse duty factor ftN is the negative-pulse duty factor Changes in k do not affect externally-coded mode performance, and if this mode is used, then flux margin, aM' is the only concern. Corrective Maintenance (28) FILTER INSERTION LOSS, a = 10 log Ee(filter out) F Ee(filter in) Trouble in the System may range from complete breakdown to excessive BEA. The flux used in the Hewlett-Packard System is visible so the cause of complete breakdown can sometimes be localized by Simply looking at the output of the Cable and the Transmitter. If there is visible output from the cable, then, when the Cable is connected to the Receiver, there should be an 8mV change in Test Point voltage, Vr, as the Transmitter (Mode Select "low") is turned on and off by switching Vee. If 6.Vr is more than 8mV but the system is not working, then either the Receiver logic is not functioning properly or the flux excursion ratio, k, is either too high or too low. Excursion ratio can be checked as described above, using Vr. If k is satisfactory, the logic malfunction could be due to incorrect supply voltage or output loading. This same arrangement can be used to measure the average flux of the Transmitter as shown in Figure 20b. From the observation of Ee with the filter IN: (29) AVERAGE INTENSITY, le~)=Ee~:~x d2 (cm2) ~ (30) AVERAGE FLUX, 8 mV by the method described above indicates normal flux level). SYSTEM MAINTENANCE r Preventive Maintenance Long-term degradation occurs in any LED and LED degradation affects the Hewlett-Packard Fiber Optic System in two ways: reduced average flux, affecting either externally- or internally-coded mode, and altered flux excursion ratio, affecting only the internally-coded mode. Significant degradation of either the flux or the flux excursion ratio can be detected by regular observation of the flux margin, aM, and of k. is evaluated as explained under Operating Margin Measurement from Equation (27). A plot of aM against the logarithm of the cumulative hours of operation will allow an estimate to be made of the operating time remaining until aM = 0 FOR THE Pe DESIRED. aM k must be evaluated by measuring 1 and 2. DBIN and iNA are used to specify a memory read or write. The 8080A microprocessor provides several other control lines which are usually decoded with DBIN and WR to generate compOSite control signals MEM R (Memory Read), MEM W (Memory Write), I/O R (I/O Read), and I/O W (I/O Write). Since the alphanumeric display subsystem is an 399 output of the microprocessor system, the timing between the Address Bus, IData Bus, and WR is of particular significance. This timing is generalized in Figure 2. I I': .-----tcvc foo: .'...1 :. : .2 I I __ I twA I I DATA BUS L r- r I I I ~!~:______ ~ I :. :" I .1 i ! !I II VALID ADDRESS I VALID ADDRESS i tAW - - - - - - . , I'4"-'-tEH~ I ' I !; ADDRESS BUS ,. I ~r- '_AD_~~I____~I ., ' ..._ - - ! ADDRESS BUS 1': tUT VALID DATA I ----J DATA BUS 10BE·"1 l+- ! II r-r- ~tDW~ two-...l ------il I I 6800 MICROPROCESSOR ., 'AH '2 tcvc '" 1000 630 30 225 ,0 80 68AOO. 'eve' 668 420 30 80 10 70 68800. 'eve' 500 2S0 30 60 ,0 MINIMUM TIMES (ns) 8080 MICROPROCESSOR WITH 8228 CLOCK MINIMUM TIMES (ns) tAW twA twD 'DW 8080A, tCY- 480 740 90 230 90 6800. 8080A·2, tey '" 380 560 80 ,40 8080A-'. fev' 320 470 70 "0 tAW' 2'eV-'D3-1'40(AI. '30IA-21. "O(A-lII t, (MINI- 'IJT(MINI- 'AD(MAXI tWA = two '2(MINI • 'EH (MINI- 'DDW (MAXI '" t03 + 10 tow • 'ev -'D3 -1'70(AI. '70(A-21. ,So(A-,1I From MOTOROLA Semiconductor MC6800 Data Sheet From INTEL Component Data Catalog, 1978 (OS94711.1978 Figure 2. Memory Write Timing for the Intel 8080A Microprocessor Family ... Figure 3. Memory Write Timing for the Motorola 6800 Microprocessor Family The 6800 microprocessor has a 161ine Address Bus, 81ine Data Bus, and a Control Bus that includes the signals VMA (Valid Memory Address), R/W (Read/Write), DBE (Data B.us Enable), and clock Signals q,1 and q,2. R/W specifies either a memory read or write while VMA is used in conjunction with R/W to specify a Valid Memory Address. DBE gates the internal data bus of 6800 into the Data Bus. In many applications, DBE is connected to q,2. The timing between the Address Bus, Data Bus, VMA, and R/W (when DBE = q,2) is shown in Figure 3. Additional data hold time, tH, can be achieved by delaying q,2 to the microprocessor or by extending DBE beyond the falling edge of q,2. REFRESH CONTROLLER The REFRESH CONTROLLER circuit depicted in Figure4 is designed for interface to either 6800 or 8080A microprocessors. This circuit operates by interrupting th€;''' microprocessor every two milliseconds to request a new block of display data and column select data. Display data " is loaded from the data bus into the serial input of the HDSP-2000 via a 74165 paraliel in, serial out shift register. The 74LS293 counter and associated gates insure that only seven clock pulses are delivered to the shift register and the HDSP-2000 for each word loaded. Column Select data is loaded into a 74174 latch which, in turn, drives the column switch transistors. The circuit timing relative to the microprocessor clock and I/O is depicted in Figure 5. The ASCII to 5 x 7 dot matrix decoder used by the REFRESH CONTROLLER and DECODED DATA CONTR,oLLER is located within the microprocessor program. ThiS decoder requires 640 bytes of storage to decode the 128 character ASCII set. The decoder used by these controllers is formatted so that the first 128 bytes contain column 1 information; the next 128 bytes contain column 2 information, etc. Each byte of this decoder is formatted s~ch that D6 through Do contain Row 7 through Row 1 display data respectively. The data is coded so that a HIGH bit would turn the corresponding 5 x 7 display dot ON. This decoder table is shown in Figure 20. The resulting 5 x 7 dot matrix display font is shown in the HDSP-2471 data sheet. The 6800 software necessary to support this interface is divided into two separate subroutines, "RFRSH" and "LOAD" (Figure 6). This approach is desirable to minimize microprocessor involvement during display refresh. The subroutine "RFRSH" loads a new set of decoded display data from the microprocessor scratch pad memory into the interface at each interrupt request. The subroutine "LOAD" is utilized to decode a string of 32 ASCII characters into 5 X 7 formatted display data and store this data in the scratch pad memory used by "RFRSH". 400 ,~ Vee Vee Vee ~,.~ ~ I!II 1,)j 8080A -----+~ 4>2 1/0 WRITE 8080 > '6800 1 A3 I A4-~;;i.'I>C~ ~ 1 '-' I 4>1 4>1 TO 6800 6800 1 VMA A12 A13 A15 r! --------;.!jpJ} = " A14 vee! 74LSI38 1 Ao 2 ----... Vee~ 4>2 ,~ ~"~-~ 8 AI 3 A2 ~ 4 3 TO INTERRUPT REQUEST ~ 8 220K 7 NE 555 TIMER 27K ---0 .01,...1 MC3459 2211 lK TO~~vee Figure 4. 6800 or B080A Microprocessor Interface to the HDSP-2000 REFRESH CONTROLLER -= 500 HZ ASTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR B080A MICROPROCESSOR TIMING DATA BUS I I I-_ _ _...J S/L74165 : ~~~---~---~----~---~I-----~--------~-------------I I 6BOO MICROPROCESSOR TIMING I . . I ADDRESS BUS ~'I DATA BUS SIL 74165 ~-----r------r-----~----~--~--+------r-----------1 I 1 1 I 1 1 _ _ _..,' HDSP-2000CLOCK HDSP-2000 DATA I I I DATA ENTRY TIMING 1 I 1 I ~r-- R I O I I I f I r-- i~ Figure 5_ REFRESH CONTROLLER Timing Figures 7a and 7b depict two different software routines for interfacing the REFRESH CONTROLLER to an 8080A microprocessor. The two subroutines shown in Figure 7a are functional replacements for the 6800 program shown in Figure 6. The programs shown in Figures 6 and 7a require a Sn byte scratch pad memory where n is the display length_ The routine in Figure 7b eliminates this scratch pad memory by decoding and loading data each time a new interrupt request is received. in-line code to access data from the buffer and output it to the display. This program requires 3.7% + .SOn% of the available microprocessor time for a. 1MHz clock. Th£ program shown in Figure 7a is similar to the one shown in~' Figure 6, except that it uses a program loop instead of the in-line code. This program uses S.4% + .93n% of the microprocessor time for a 2MHz clock. These programs utilize a subroutine "LOAD" which is called whenever the display message' is changed. This subroutine executes in 10.2ms and 7 _Sms respectively for Figure 6 and Figure 7a_ The program in Figure 7b uses 7.6% + 1.3Sn% of the microprocessor time for a 2MHz clock. A SO% reduction in the previously described microprocessor times can be achieved by using faster versions of the 6800 and 8080A microprocessors. Because the microprocessor system is interrupted every 2ms, proper software design is especially important for the REFRESH CONTROLLER The use of the scratch pad memory significantly reduces the time required to refresh the display. The fastest program, shown in Figure 6, uses 402 LOC OBJECT CODE BF 05 BF 04 06 00 SOURCE STATEMENTS 0000 0002 0003 CDVR RDVR DECDR POINT COLMN COUNT EQU EQU EQU RMB RMB RMB $BFOS $BF04 $0600 2 I 2 0005 00 AD 0007 0009 OOOB OOOC ASCII DISPNT DCRPNT COLCNT DIGCNT FDB RMB RMB RMB RMB DATA 2 2 I I OOOD OOAD BUFFR DATA RMB RMB 160 32 0400 0400 86 FF RFRSH 0402 B7 BF 05 0405 DE 00 0407 A6 00 LOOPHH 0409 B7 BF 04 040C A6 01 040E B7 BF 04 ( ( 04A2 04A4 04A7 04A9 04AC 04AE 04BO 04B2 04B4 04B6 04B8 04BB 04BC 04BF 04CO 04C3 04C5 04C7 04C8 04CA 04CC 04CE A6 B7 96 B7 81 27 D6 CB D7 24 7C OD 79 3B CE DF DE 09 DF 86 97 3B IF BF 04 02 BF 05 EF 10 00 20 00 03 00 00 04CF 04DO 04D3 04D5 04D7 04D9 04DB 04DD 04DF 04EI 04E3 04E5 04E8 04EA 04EC 04ED 04EF 04FI 04F2 04F4 Q4F6 04F8 04FA 04FC 04FD 04FF OS02 0504 0506 0508 050B OIOE OSlO SF CE DF 86 97 86 LOAD 00 OD 07 06 09 05 OB 20 LOOP I OC 06 03 00 05 06 LOOP2 LOOP3 05 97 86 97 9B 24 7C 97 DE 09 A6 DF IB 97 DE A6 DE A7 08 DF 7A 26 CB 24 7C 7A 26 39 LOOPA 00 02 ORG LDA STA LOX LDA STA LDA STA LDA STA LDA STA CMP BEQ LDA ADD STA BCC INC SEC ROL A A A A A A . A A A A A B B B LOC 03 FE 02 00 05 OA 09 00 07 00 07 00 OC E6 80 03 00 09 00 OB LOOP4 CD CLR LOX STX LDA STA LDA STA LDA STA ADD BCC INC STA LDX DEX LDA STX ABA STA LDX LDA LDX STA INX STX DEC BNE ADD BCC INC DEC BNE RTS $0400 I, $FF E, CDVR D, POINT X,O E, RDVR X, I E, RDVR X,31 E, RDVR D,COLMN E, CDVR I, $EF LOOPB D, POINT +1 1,32 D, POINT +1 LOOPA E, POINT I, BUFFR D, POINT D, COUNT D,COUNT I, $FE D,COLMN B A A A A A A A A A A A A B RDVR CDVR DECDR EQU EQU EQU 0004H OOOSH OE500H POINT COLMN COUNT BUFFR ORG DW DB DW DS OEOOOH BUFFR OFEH OFFFFH 160 EOAS A7 EO EOA7 00 ASCII DATA ORG DW DS OEOA5H DATA 32 E400 E401 E402 E403 E406 E408 E40A F40C E40D E40F E410 E411 E414 E417 E4I9 E41B E41E E421 E422 E425 E428 E42B E42E E430 E433 E436 E437 E43A E43B E43C E43D F5 C5 E5 2A 06 3E D3 7E D3 23 05 C2 3A D3 FE CA 22 07 32 C3 21 22 3E 32 2A 2B 22 EI CI FI C9 RFRSH ORG PUSH PUSH PUSH LHLD MVI MVI OUT MOV OUT INX DCR JNZ LDA OUT CPI OE400H PSW B H POINT B,32 A,OFFH CDVR A,M RDVR H B LOOP COLMN CDVR OEFH FIRST POINT E43E E441 E443 E446 E447 E448 E44B E44D E44E E450 E451 E452 E453 E455 E456 E459 E45A E45B E4SD E45E E45F E462 E463 E46S E466 E467 E46A II OE 2A 7E 23 22 26 6F 06 7E 12 7D C6 6F D2 24 7B C6 SF 05 C2 7B C6 SF OD C2 C9 EOOO E002 E003 E005 E,COLMN LDX STX LOX DEX STX LDA A STA A RTf SOURCE STATEMENTS 0004 0005 E500 RTI 00 OD LOOPB 00 03 OBJECT CODE I, BUFFR D, DISPNT I, ~ aB '3 5 C ""Is INTEL 2102A-4 ~CE:f 101 AET E'Q ,. • B As As ,.110 ~ 74LS162 en 1: ~ 16 A7 -=,~CO -=-.~'5 9 I 5 A2 3 AET EP C ~B ADDRESS BUS D'N DOUT"" 3 R/W ud~ 9,~L I INTEL 2102A-4 ,~ A7 T7 flO ~ A3 ~ ~ ~' 74LSOO J S a '2 K C (I 74LS04 -KS -KS -KS j '30 • 12 ° <:: 9 L- 7 ~ 14 7.LSll, ~7'LS04 ~~ ~" 12"-74lSOO NOTE: ADDRESS BUS DECODING A7 A6 0 0 , , - Figure B. BOBOA Microprocessor Interface to the HDSP-2000 DECODED DATA CONTROLLER As A4 AJ A2 AI At) - , , 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 , - - - RIGHTMOST CHARACTER LOCATION LEFTMOST CHARACTER LOCATION COLUMN COLUMN COLUMN COLUMN COLUMN 1 2 3 4 5 J ., L1LJLJL1L ADDRESS BUS DATABUS _______ ME'Mi'iR !:~--~~----~--------~--------L--------1--------4_--------~------~~ L..J I~ 74100CLOCK _________ DATA OUT 74165, RAM DATA IN RAM -;::::::~::~~--~::~--~::::~--~::~~--!:::~--~::::~--~::~ WRi'TE ADDRESS BUS DECODING: A, 0 0 0 0 1 A, 0 0 1 1 0 AO 0 COL 1 1 COL 2 0 COL 3 1 COL 4 0 COL 5 A, 0 1 A, 0 1 As A, A, 0 1 0 1 RIGHTMOST CHARACTER LEFTMOST CHARACTER Figure 9. Data Entry Timing lor DECODED DATA CONTROLLER LOC OBJECT CODE SOURCE STATEMENTS BOOO E500 DlSPL DECDR EQU EQU OBOOOH OE500H ASCII DATA ORG DW DS OEOOOH DATA 32 ORG LXI MVI LHLD MOV INX SHLD MVI MOV MVI MOV STAX INX MOV ADI MOV JNC INR DCR JNZ MOV SUI MOV DCR JNZ RET OE400H D, DISPL+00F8H C,32 ASCII A,M H ASCII H, DECDR/256 L,A B,5 A,M D D A,L 80H L,A LOOP3 H B LOOP2 A,E 13 E,A C LOOPI EOOO E002 02 00 EO E400 E403 E405 E408 E409 E40A E40D E40F E410 E412 E413 E414 E415 E416 E418 E419 E41C E41D E41E E421 E422 E424 E425 E426 E429 11 OE 2A 7E 23 22 26 6F 06 7E 12 13 7D C6 6F D2 24 05 C2 7B D6 SF OD C2 C9 F8 BO LOAD 20 00 EO LOOPI 00 EO E5 05 LOOP2 80 ID E4 LOOP3 12 E4 OD 05 These controllers have been designed to eliminate the burden of data handling between keyboard, display, and microprocessor, The product data sheet describes the technical function of the controllers in detail, E4 Interfacing the controller to microprocessor systems depends on the needs of the particular application. Figures 13a and 13b depict latched interfaces from a master microprocessor to the HDSP-247X series of controllers, These interfaces are utilized to avoid having the master processor wait for the controller to accept data, In sophisticated systems, it may be desirable to have the HDSP-247X controller handle all of the keyboard/display interface while the microprocessor reads edited messages from the controller DATA OUT port. This function can be achieved through the use of peripheral interface adapters (PIA) available from the microprocessor manufacturers, Figure 14 depicts a 6800 based system in which data may enter the display from either a keyboard or a microprocessor. This interface uses a 6821 PIA configured so that PB7 controls whether the microprocessor or keyboard enters data into the controller. The 6800 program is shown in Figure 15. Subroutine "LOAD" uses CA1 and CA2 to provide a data entry handshake that allows the 6800 to load data into the controller as fast as the controller can accept it. After the prompting message has been loaded, the microprocessor turns the control of data entry over to the keyboard. A signal from the keyboard ("ER" in the example) setsa flag within the6821. Depending on how the 6821 is configured, the microprocessor can either test the flag or allow the flag to automatically interrupt the microprocessor. Subroutine "READ" would then be used to read the DATA OUT Figure 10. 8080A Microprocessor Program that Decodes a 32 Character ASCII String Prior to Loading inlo the DECODED DATA CONTROLLER 406 ,-' Z 80 INTERFACE: 808OA,. 6800 INTERFACE: 74LS3B7 DATA 74532 8Us1~~=====~ WR~ cs D2 ______________~~ ~============~~~ ;p INDTE 11_~--------------J @ CS(NOTE2) ADDRESS BUS {~ 2""0 Do. 1 111 NOTE 1: (/) IS MICROPROCESSOR CLOCK ' MCM NOTE 2: A2 ~. ~ ~ I CS IS iORQ ANDED WITH THE I/O ADDRESS OF THE DISPLAV I HDSP(32 2000 D'SPLAY CHAR) * 12 01 '" C1 C2C3C4CS 112131415 I!.!I!.I!..l!.I ACK Y10 ~ ~ 74197 IMHz 7404 Vr:c CLOCK INPUT MR750 10K 74145 2 (TVP) -C CL ~tl:3r'-t-- ~741".r8 Figure 11a. 80BOA Microprocessor Interface to the HDSP-2000 RAM CONTROLLER ~ *DlSPLAY IS OPERATED WITH PIN 1 IN THE UPPER RIGHT HAND CORNER I l OOs DOs DATA OUT 004 ~ 00, 000 (8) (10) (12) 1141 (16) (181 (20) (2) (24) DATA VALID COLUMN ON (AI (26) Va. DISPLAY BLANK vee~ 0, 9"; 26 20pF = (6) 'K P 4 '"F 40 Vee VDD XTAL, 18 BUSs 17 BUSs 16 BUs.. BUS3 '5 '4 BU~ BUS, '3 '2 BUSg XTAL2 RESET EA 38 P27 37 P26 36 P25 '3 '4 ~ 00 (25) (9) (7) (5) (3) 35 24 23 22 21 01 6 01 5 01 4 (4) (23) (2') (19) 1 33 32 Dl3 (17) 30 01 2 01, 01 0 (15) (13) (11) 29 28 27 1'4 RAM ADDRESS [ A3 A2 A, I I I • Ao 017 DATA IN ~ 3' 6 (,) CHIPSECEeT READY ~ "24 P23 P22 P21 P20 ~~~!.~~3. . P: "4 "3 AsA7A sAfJ I MeM I 683080R I HDSP-2470 74 "2 LS'45 _ -= '68 b'98'20 HDSP- 36n 5 (TYP.) (0 t 0-0-0--- vee 6 '--------;r 2 lK Vee G 4 F 3 E HOSP 2471/2 HDSP· 2470 _ '0 WR 11 ALE HOSP 2470 IRQ 4_ 6 - '9 ~ 74LS37 11 9 eLK eOLUMN4 COLUMN3 (D) eOLUMN2 ri*- COLUMN, (B) (K) rtl eOLUMN5 TIP 105 (TYP.) '2 B , S1L 12 BUS 7 P17 HcS: lC 74 '4 0 '3 e LS165 HOSP-2471/2 (H) (G) 3 '-- r;;-- r*- ~ liFI ~ r* 4 , , 0 It:: 247'12 "--- DC o p~ o O~ 06 EQUIV csl 9 01 113 14 5 S f~t '2, (M) DH DISPLAY DATA rei (LI - CLOCK '3 74LS37 74LS37 HDSP-247'/2 ~2470 S 7 6 5 4 3 6 Vee ,oon GNO To P'6 P'5 P'4 P'3 P'2 P11 P'0 Vee----<>-~ T, 7"""""""=5 '5! INTEL 8048 o"'" VB. DISPLAY BLANK Vss on (N) .. [iO) oc~ -=- L -=Figure 12. HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER ~ i~ m ~I twe ADDRESS I r===:AW-- leH~_ - lew _t:=.- tow -----00 I DATA PARAMETER WRITE CYCLE WRITE DELAY CHIP ENABLE TO WRITE r CHIP SELECT -~~ I _ twp tWR _ VIR (6800 OR 8080A INTERFACEI 8 (2·80 f INTERFACE ONLYI f SYMBOL MIN. twe tAW lew 390ns 65ns 65nl 220nl 20n5 310n5 10nl DATA SETUP ~W DATA HOLD WRITE PULSE WRITE RECOVERY CHIP ENABLE HOLD tOH twP tWR leH f Figure 11b. Memory Write Timing for the HDSP-2000 RAM CONTROLLER ADDRESS BUS r ~ A3 A2 I A, I I A. ONLY REOUII1EO-FOR RAM-MODE 14 13 I I I ~ r I 60 15 50 20 50 12 40 10 30 7 20 5 10 10 40 11 3D 6 4 Vee 6D 3 9 CL 74LS174 DATA BUS ~4LS10 12 06 17 7D 80 '9 70 ,6 Os 14 60 60 15 D. 03 13 50 50 12 8 40 40 9 7 3D 20 30 6 20 5 10 10 2 Do _I i (22) READY ,. cs ~ I ~,) I : __''--C~N~GU!,A.!I~'!... _ _ J CL 1 18 80 02 HDSP 2470/1/2 I I I 0., 0, _ LEFT. RIGHT OR BLOCKMOOEs I~. 1 74LS10 Vee 1374LS10 __Cq!.II:lG~A.!I~ a_ I ~ __ ~ I I A. I (251 A3 I (91 I (71 A2 A, (51 I (31 Ao 12 r1 : r+l I i 4 3 11 01, (41 (231 01 6 Dis (211 (191 01. (17) 01 3 01 2 (15) (131 01, 01. (111 74LS273 80BOA INTERFACE CS~ 74ls10 6800 INTERFACE VMA~IDs .2 *CS IS A LOGICAL COMBINATION OF HIGH ORDER ADORE SS BITS THAT DISTINGUISH THE ADDRESS OF THE HOSP 2470/1/2 FROM THE REST OF THE MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEM. CS* 4 6 5 74LS10 Figure 13. Latched Interface to the HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER 409 2On. 6 RESET PB7 PB6 PB5 PB. - r----,.- - I---v - r---,;; - f-;g - f--ao - f---a; - I---;;" - '33 - r---;, - ~ - ~ BUS OATAj AO RIW .2 - f--Js - f--a5 - r---,,- I-;s -~ ---;; 07 06 05 D. 03 PB3 PB2 PB, P·O C., '7 '6 8 ,. '5 '0 '3 ,. '2 '2 11 '6 HDSP- 005 DO. 2416/24/32/40 ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY· 003 002 DO' '8 000 20 '0 2 02 0, C·2 J<""ro.':ll2M 00 PA7 CSo PAs PA5 PA4 CS, 008 '97~10 1K 74LS157 -=t;:" ,. 9 B 7 DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER CS2 3 RS, 3Y 9 2Y 7 'Y 4 3B 6 RSO 017 4 016 23 01 5 2' 0 14 4Y 12 •• , ,. , '3 HDSP- 2410n1/72 4A 3A 11 5 2A 2 ,A 6 A DATA VALID 2B ,. SEL ST '5 RIW 74LS151 "::" E PA3 RESET PA2 __ IROB PA, PAO 14 4A 5 11 2A 5 2 'A 48 '3 4 3 2 40 4Y 12 3Y 10 3B 2Y 28 ,8 9 7 'Y 4 ~ CA, MOTOROLA 6821 ~ C ~C ~ E ~E ~ G ~G ~ I ~ ~ K ~K L L M M ~ 0 ~0 ~ Q L;Q VB COLUMN, COLUMN2 COLUMN3 COlUMN4 COLUMNS CLOCK DISPLAY DATA VCC GNO 3A r-- ~ CA2 A 0 13 012 01, '3 0 10 11 SEL ~ ~2 5 22 'OOOpF ~ 39 _ 8, 82 fi 6 A, A2 CL If J 2 3 S 14lS132 6 READY OS ·16,24,32, OR 40CHARACTER HDSP-2000 DISPLAY BOARD DESIGNED TO INTERFACE TO THE HDSP-2470/71/72 DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER 7 74LS122 l\'OOOpF I '5 ST ff~ VCC '7 -=i::- ER 06 DS 04 03 02 01 DO ST MICROSWITCH 61SW12-' KEYBOARD Figure 14. 6800 Microprocessor Interface Utilizing a 6820 PIA lor an HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Alphanumeric Terminal outputs from the controller into the microprocessor system. The microprocessor uses the CB1 input of the 6821 PIA to determine when to read each of the 34 data output words into the system. will read the DATA IN lines during RESET and interpret the contents as the control word. The circuit depicted in Figure 18 can be utilized to load any desired preprogrammed word into the HDSP-247X controller, during power on. A similar PIA interface for the 8080A microprocessor is depicted in Figures 16 and 17. Under certain operating conditions, it may be desirable to vary the brightness of displays controlled by the HDSP247X controllers. The circuit depicted in Figure 19 may be utilized to provide manual brightness control of the display through pulse width modulation. Automatic control may be achieved by substituting an appropriate value photoconductor for potentiometer R1. The HDSP-247X series of controllers are programmed to default to "Left Entry" mode for a 32 character string of displays. If some other entry mode or string length is desired, it is necessary to either load the appropriate control word from the microprocessor or to provide a control word during POWER ON RESET. The controller 410 • PORT CONFIGURATION: PORTA, I. PAO-PA7 OUTPUTS TO DATA IN OF HDSP-247X CAl (INPUT) MODE 00 SET FLAG NEG EDGE OF READY CA2 (OUTPUT) MODE 100 CLEARED MPU READ PRA, SET NEG EDGE OF READY PORTB, • I. PBO-PB6INPUTS DATA TO 6800 FROM DATA OUT OF HDSP-247X CBI (INPUT) MODE 00 SETS FLAG NEG EDGE OF DATA VALID CB2 (INPUT) MODE 000 SETS FLAG NEG EDGE OF ER KEY CB2 (INPUT) MODE 001 SETS FLAG NEG EDGE OF ER KEY CAUSING IRQ • PORT CONFIGURATION, PORT A (MODE I OUTPUT), • I. PAG-PA7 OUTPUTS TO DATA IN OF HDSP-247X PC7 (OBF) OUTPUT; TO CHIP SELECT PC6 (ACK) INPUT; TO READY FLAG PC7 (OBF) CLEARED BY OUTPUT; SET BY READY • PB7 (OUTPUT) LOW ENABLES PAG-PA7 TO MUX HIGH ENABLES KEYBOARD TO MUX PORT B (MODE I INPUT), PBO-PB6INPUTS DATA FROM DATA OUT OF HDSP-247X PC2 (STB) INPUT; LOADS DATA ON NEG EDGE OF DATA VALID FLAG PCO (lNTR) CLEARED BY INPUT; SET BY DATA VALID • 3. PORTC, PC4 OUTPUT; LOW ENABLES PAO-PA7 TO HDSP-247X HIGH ENABLES KEYBOARD TO HDSP-247X OBJECT OBJECT CODE SOURCE STATEMENT LOC CODE SOURCE STATEMENTS 8008 800S 8009 800A 800A 800B PRA DRA CRA PRB DRB CRB EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 58008 $800S $8009 5800A 5800A S800B OOOC OOOD OOOE OOOF PA PB PC CNTRL EQU EQU EQU EQU OCH ODH OEH OFH 0000 ORG MESSAGE RMB 50000 2 EooO 02 EO E002 00 ASCII TEXT ORG DW DS OEOOOH TEXT 32 0100 0101 0102 STATUS CURSOR DATA ORG RMB RMB RMB $0100 I I 32 EIOO 00 EIOI 00 E102 00 STAT ADDR DATA ORG DB DB DS OEIOOH 0 0 32 E400 E401 E402 E403 E404 E406 E409 E40B E40D E40F E410 E411 E414 E416 E417 E419 E4IC E410 E41E E420 E421 E424 E426 E427 E42A E42B E42C E42D E42E E42F F3 FS ES CS OE 21 DB 06 DB 04 IF D2 3E BS DB D2 77 23 DB IF D2 DB OD C2 77 CI EI FI FB C9 READ E430 E433 F434 E436 E439 E43B E43C E43E E43F E442 E44S E446 E449 2A 7E FE CA D3 23 DB 17 D2 C3 23 22 C9 E44A E44C E44E E450 E452 E454 3E D3 3E D3 3E D3 LOC r • 2. 0400 0403 0406 0407 0408 040B 040D 040F 0411 0413 0416 0418 041A O4ID 114IF 0420 0421 0423 0426 0428 042A CE B6 SF SC B6 2A CI 23 C6 B6 84 A7 B6 2A 08 SA 26 B6 84 A7 39 042B 042D 042F 0430 0432 0434 0437 043A 043D 043F 0441 0443 DE A6 08 81 27 B7 7D B6 2A 20 DF 39 0500 0503 0506 0508 OSOB OSOD OSlO 0512 0515 0517 7F 7F 86 B7 86 B7 86 B7 86 B7 0100 800A LOOP2 800B FA OA F2 21 800A 7F 00 800B FB 7D S6 B7 86 B7 OF LOOP3 LOOP4 FO 800A 7F 00 00 00 FF 00 8008 8008 8009 FB EC 00 8009 800B FF 8008 24 8009 SO 800A 04 800B OSIA OE 'OSIB 7F 800A 051E BD 042B 0521 0524 0526 0529 042B 052E READ LOOP I 800A SO SOOA OC 800B LOAD LOOPIO LOOPII ENDL START ORG LDX LDA CLR INC LDA BPL CMP BLS LDA LDA AND STA LDA BPL INX DEC BNE LDA AND STA RTS LDX LDA INX CMP BEQ STA TST LDA BPL BRA STX RTS A B B A B B A A A A $0400 I, STATUS E,PRB E,CRB LOOP2 1,10 LOOPI 1,33 E,PRB I, $7F X,O E,CRB LOOP4 CLEAR CBI AND CB2 WAIT FOR DATA VALID READ AND CLEAR CB I STORE IN RAM WAIT FOR DATA VALID B A A A LOOP3 E,PRB I, $7F X,O A D, MESSGE X,O A A A ORG CLR CLR LDAA STA A LDA A STA A LDAA STA A LDA A STA A I, $FF ENDL E,PRA E, PRA E,CRA LOOP I I LOOPIO D, MESSGE READ DATA LAST WORD IN STRING JUMP WHEN DONE CLEAR CAl AND CA2 WAIT $0500 E,CRA E,CRB I, $FF E,DRA 1,524 E,CRA 1,580 E, DRB I, $04 E,CRB • PROCEDURE TO LOAD HDSP-247X SYSTEM CLI DISABLE KEYBD FROM MUX CLR E,PRB E, LOAD JSR • PROCEDURE TO READ DATA OUT OF HDSP-247X SYSTEM E, PRB CLEAR CBI, CB2 TST LDA A I, $SO STA A E, PRB ENABLE KEYBD TO MUX LDAA I, SOC ENABLE IRQ, STA A E,CRB IRQ CAUSE JSR TO READ SEI Figure 15. 8800 Mlcroproce..or Progrem Clrcultahown In Figure 14. 20 00 EI OD 00 OE LOOP I LOOP2 OD E4 OA OD OB E4 LOOP3 OE LOOP4 IE E4 OD IC E4 00 EO LOAD LOOPS FF 45 E4 OC LOOP6 OE 3C E4 33 E4 ENDL 00 EO A7 OF OC OF 05 OF E4S6 3E 08 E458 03 OF E45A CD 30 E4 START . • E45D 3E 09 E45F 03 OF E461 FB that Interface. to the ORG DI PUSH PUSH PUSH MVI LXI IN MVI IN INR RAR JNC MVI CMP IN JNC MOV INX IN RAR JNC IN DCR JNZ MOV POP POP POP EI RET OE400H PSW H B C,32 H. STAT PB B,O PC B FIRST WORD CLEARINTR LOOP2 A,1O B PB LOOP I M,A H PC WAIT UNTIL INTR IS SET LOOP4 PB C LooP3 M,A B H PSW WAIT UNTIL INTR IS SET LHLD MOV CPI JZ OUT INX IN RAL INC lMP INX SHLD RET ASCII A,M OFFH ENDL PA H PC MVI OUT MVI OUT MVI OUT A,OA7H CNTRL A,OCH CNTRL A,05H CNTRL LOOP6 LOOPS H ASCII WAIT UNTIL STATUS WORD STORE IN RAM STORE LAST WORD FIRST WORD OF MESSAGE CHECK TO SEE IF DONE OUTPUT TO DISPLAY WAIT NEXT WORD PA OUTPUT, PB INPUT CLEAR INTE A SET INTE B PROCEDURE TO LOAD HDSP-247X SYSTEM MVI A,08H ENABLE A SIDE OF MUX OUT CNTRL CALL LOAD PROCEDURE TO READ DATA OUT OF HDSP,247X SYSTEM MVI A,09H ENABLE B SIDE OF MUX OUT CNTRL INT MUST CALL READ EI Figure 18. 8080A Mlcroproce..or Program that Interface. to the Circuit .hown In Figure 17. 411 ._---- 4 PII, PII,; ~ PBs PB. - I-ai - ~ - I3J - f-J4 A.A,- t-s< re- as<= S~~~i~-'35 8 10 22 12 18 (STB) PA7 37 02 0, 40 0, PA. 14 16 18 20 9 PC 2 PAs 38 PAs 39 2 ~4lS132 10 INTEL 8255A ~ ~ PA, 1 PA, 2 PA, 3 RESET 4 14 WR 11 5 PAo 2 6 3 pc. PC. PC7 DO. DO, Oa. HDSP2416124132140 ALPHANUMERIC DO, 000 DISPLAY· DATA VALID DISPLAY PROCESSOR 4 017 23 01. 01, 21 01. 19 13 11 (ACK) 1 I~ 4A 3A 2A lA 4Y 4B 3Y 3B 2Y 2B 1V 15 7 13 4 11 ~ ~"F)! Ii' ~ 12 .......... Is< 1;4LS132 13 If l~OPF 01, 01 2 C COLUMN 1 COLUMN2 ~ G ~G COLUMNa ~ ~I I COlUMN4 kW L.: COLUMNs K L L M M l!::0 ~ ~Q 0 CLOCK DISPLAY DATA Vee GNO 01, 01 0 lB SEL ST 22 If 1oo0pF 113 +Vcc -::- 9 TI\TI~ 10 lK 17 12 A ~ V. ~ ~E E ~ 0 74LS157 22K Vee A ~ C K ST 111 (0iiF) 374LSOO 2 DOs I---; A, 13 1 DO. HOSP· 2470171172 4A 3A 11 2A 74LS157 5 lA 4Y 2 12 3Y r--;-3 4B 9 2Y 3B 7 10 lY 2B 4 6 lB 3 SEL 10 REQUEST RESET 14 00 Ao- g- Ao 1mRl5- SC AD IIOWR- 24 23 PB, 21 PB2 20 PB, 19 PBo 18 - tv 0, - I-Ta O. - 7e O. - tao d. DATA BUS 8 8 5 74LS132 -b 1 B1 B2 A, 74LS122 -=- 4 3 2 74lS132 READY ~ 61 5 74LSOO .16,24,32, OR 40 CHARACTER HDSP·2000 DISPLAY A2 CL 0>& BOARD DESIGNED TO INTERFACE TO THE HOSP· 2470/71/72 DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER. 17 ~ ER 0 6 0 5 04 0 3 02 0, Do ST MICROSWITCH 61SW12·' KEYBOARD Figure 17. 8080A Microprocessor Interface Utltlzlng an 8255 PIA for an HDSP-2470/·2471/-2472 Alphanumeric Terminal 412 [~• ~~ DESIRED { MODE, XX· 2 01, 01, -, ,. 13 01, 01, 4' 3A 2A ,. 4V 48 39 2B ,B 3V 2V ,V • '-:::,. sr 3 r-; DESiRED { LENGTH, VVYV· r,.- r-;; rs f-i" ,. 01, SEL 01, • r--; 4 01, 141 01, 1231 01, (211 01, (191 HOSP-2470/1/2 4. 2B 3. 2. ,. 'B SEL rTsST m ,• 74LS157 Va HDSP-2470/112 4V 48 13 3B 2B 01, 01, 12 01, 01, (15) 01, (131 01, 12 3V •, (17) ,V 4 In, 2V ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 4 - 1 COLUMN ON 74LS157 -= III READY 1221 \ 'fS READY *SEE HDSP·2470/1/2 DATA SHEET Figure 18. External Circuitry to Load a Control Word lI,to the HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Alphanumeric System upon Reset Figure 19. External Circuitry to Vary Luminous Intensity of the HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Alphanumeric Display System DECODER DECODER ADDRESS ADDRESS HDSP·2411 FOR FIG. FOR ROM la.lb,1D FIG.6 ADDRESS HEXIDECIMAL DATA E5DO 0600 080 090 DAD 080 OCO 000 OED OFO 08 10 00 3E 3E 1F 00 1C 30 18 00 00 1E 3E 38 18 45 5E 00 62 1F 1F 1F 00 10 18 14 22 3E 26 38 48 10 38 24 18 1F 01 38 04 38 18 23 21 1F 3F 38 3C 1E 38 36 3C 1F 01 08 lC 30 3C 00 01 3E 1F 08 3C IE 3C 00 08 00 03 00 04 3E 38 08 00 20 61 20 44 62 08 08 00 1F 00 00 00 40 20 00 00 1F 02 00 00 08 12 08 14 1F 41 18 00 38 48 00 41 1F 04 1C 08 41 01 20 06 3E 40 38 2A COLUMNI E580 0680 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 110 lC 08 00 51 41 09 01 14 48 24 SF 42 09 41 44 24 29 61 03 51 49 09 48 1C 09 14 1F 41 41 49 44 54 09 44 2A 14 41 01 44 3. 44 15 13 46 49 40 54 40 01 45 49 4A 09 18 1E 20 4A 50 04 43 45 41 DB 00 41 11 49 49 41 08 41 20 14 04 14 08 44 40 28 48 49 42 2A 36 40 51 40 64 14 08 08 58 08 00 1F 06 3C 1E 58 08 40 04 41 00 1C 19 08 14 02 41 04 41 44 1E 30 22 04 02 08 04 63 12 10 01 41 40 44 55 COLUMN2 E600 0100 160 190 lAO 180 lCO 100 lEO lFO 3E 18 00 49 50 09 08 24 45 1E 00 1F 09 51 44 14 11 01 00 49 49 19 44 08 11 15 14 49 41 49 44 54 05 45 1F 12 41 1F 44 44 44 14 08 45 49 40 54 40 29 44 56 49 09 80 09 40 40 42 01 09 41 18 54 30 48 44 3E 49 08 08 04 10 04 40 3E 49 1F 18 10 30 49 40 lC 36 40 49 44 54 08 2A 3E 38 14 1F 10 36 20 02 38 14 40 08 1F 11 04 15 08 14 DC 1F 18 36 44 49 30 14 08 1F 04 08 55 1C 08 51 41 40 44 2A COLUMN3 E680 0160 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 210 1F 06 00 45 55 09 00 24 40 24 00 40 09 21 3C 1C 29 61 03 49 49 29 44 04 21 14 1F 49 41 49 44 54 05 3C 2A 1F 41 01 48 20 38 15 64 45 49 40 54 20 2E 3D 20 49 09 18 02 20 49 43 00 05 51 20 54 40 50 45 41 49 08 14 04 28 38 49 10 41 42 lC 00 2A 06 29 00 00 41 40 22 04 45 41 40 3D 28 08 4C 41 20 02 00 22 40 10 40 00 1C 12 08 14 02 00 04 08 3C 41 00 08 10 02 04 10 49 12 04 09 41 40 44 55 COLUMN4 E700 0600 280 290 2AO 280 2CO 200 zeD 2FO. 00 04 00 3E IE 06 00 18 30 18 00 00 1E 5E 40 40 45 5E 00 46 36 46 36 04 10 18 14 36 22 32 20 20 19 40 12 10 3E 01 1F 00 44 18 62 39 41 3F 08 1C 10 40 50 30 01 01 00 lC 30 3C 00 03 60 38 00 36 1F 63 18 44 40 3C 00 IE 00 03 00 lC 02 00 41 40 20 00 00 02 00 08 14 1F 00 18 00 04 42 00 00 1F 04 18 08 41 01 02 06 3E 40 38 2A COLUMNS ( 12 1F 3C 3C 60 38 00 36 1F 63 1F 44 3E 38 08 00 3F 43 00 04 44 60 08 08 00 41 41 44 00 Figure 20. 128 Character ASCII Decoder Table Used by the 6800 Refresh Program in Figure 6, 8080A Refresh Programs In Figures 7a, 7b, and 10, and the HDSP-2471 DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER. Decoded 5x7 Display Font Is shown In the HDSP-247X Data Sheet 413 .APPLICATION NOTE·1002 HEWLETT' PACKARD COMPONENTS Consideration ofCTR Variations in Optically Couple~ Isolator . Circuit Designs INTRODUCTION - Optocouplers Aging Problem charge, k is Boltzmann's constant, T is temperature in degrees Kelvin, and V F is the forward voltage across the light emitting diode. A persisten t, and sometimes crucial, concern of designers using optocouplers is that of the current transfer ratio, CTR, changing with time. The eTR is defined as the ratio of the output current, 10 , of the optocoupler divided by the input current, IF' to the light emitting diode expressed as a percentage value at a specified input current. The resulting optocoupler's gain change, ~CTR+, with time is referred to as eTR degradation. This change, or degradation, must be accounted for if long, functional lifetime of a system is to be guaranteed. The diffusion current component is the important radiative current and the non-radiative current is the space-charge recombination current. Over time, at fixed V F' the total current increases through an increase in the value of B. From another point of view, with fixed total current, if the space-charge recombination current increases, due to an increase in the value of B, then the diffusion current, the radiative component, will decrease. The specific reasons for this increase in the space-charge recombination current component with time are not fully understood. A number of different sources for this degradation will be explained in the next section, but numerous studies have demonstrated that the predominant factor for degradation is reduction of the total photon flux being emitted from the LED, which, in turn, reduces the device's CTR. This degradation occurs to some extent in all optocouplers. +~CTR = CTRfinal - CTRinitial The reduction in light output through an increase in the proportion of recombination current at a specific IF is due to both the junction current density, J, and junction temperature, TJ . In any particular optocoupler, the emitter current density will be a function of not only the required current necessary to produce the desired output, but also of the junction geometry and of the resistivity of both the P and N regions of the diode. For this reason, it is important not to operate a coupler at a current in excess of the manufacturer's maximum ratings. The junction temperature is a function of the coupler packaging, power dissipation and ambient temperature. As with current density, high TJ will promote a more rapid increase in the proportion of recombination current. (1) Causes The main cause for CTR degradation is the reduction in efficiency of the light emitting diode within the optocoupler. Its quantum efficiency, 1"/, defined as the total photons per electron of input current, decreases with time at a constant current. The LED current is comprised primarily of two components, a diffusion current component, and a space-charge recombination current: The junction and IC detector temperature of HewlettPackard optocouplers can be calculated from the following expressions: (2) A e qV F/kT + B e qV F/2kT ~~ Diffusion Space-Charge Recombination (3) where A and B are independent of V F , q is electron 414 efficiency of the emitter defined as the photons emitted per electron of input current and depends upon the level of where the T J is the junction temperature of the LED emitter, T D is the junction temperature of the detector IC, T A is ambient temperature, and the thermal resistances are the emitter junction to ambient, BJA = 370°C/W =BDA detector to ambient, and the detector to emitter thermal resistance is BD_E = 170°C/W = BE_D' V F , IF are the forward LED voltage and current; V 0' 10 are the output stage voltage, and current and V cc' Icc are the power supply voltage and current to the device. In general, it is desirable to maintain T J';;; 125°C. input current, IF' and upon time. Finally, {3 is the gain of the output amplifier and is dependent upon I p , the photocurrent, and time. Temperature variations would, of course, cause changes in 17, {3 as well. From Equation (4), a normalized change in CTR, at constant IF' can be expressed as: (5) A useful model can be constructed to describe the basic optocoupler's parameters which are capable of influencing the current transfer ratio. The 6N13S optocoupler, Figure I is the simplest device and one which is easily accessible for needed parameter measurements. However, any optocoupler can be modeled in this fashion within its linear region. Figure I shows the system block diagram which yields the relationship of input current, IF' to output current, 10 , The resulting expression for CTR is: 10 eTR = - (100%) IF The first term, tJ.17/17, represents the major contribution to tJ.CTR due to the relative emitter efficiency change; generally, over time, tJ.17 is negative. This change is strongly related to the input current level, IF' as discussed earlier and more elaboration will be given later. The second term, (tJ.T)/T)IF (Clln{3/Cllnl p )t' represents a second order effect of a shift, positive or negative, in the operating point of the output amplifier as the emitter efficiency changes. The third term, (tJ.{3/{3)Jp, is a generally negligible effect which represents a positive or negative change in the output transistor gain over time. The parameters K and Rare considered constants in this model. (4) where K represents the total transmission factor of the optical path, generally considered a constant as is R, the responsivity of the photodetector, defined in terms of electrons of photocurrent per photon. 17 is the quantum I£... r ....'0 ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT INPUT CURREN IF ~ Figure 1. TOTAL LED EFFICIENCY n OF,t) TRANSMISSION OPTICAL ~ OF INTERFACE Ie K RESPONSIVITY OF PHOTO· DETECTOR R System Model for an Optocoupler 415 Ip GAIN OF OUTPUT AMPLIFIER POp) 10 OUTPUT ~URRENT Figure 2 displays the mean and mean plus 2a values of emitter degradation versus R for lK, 4K, and 10K hours at 25°C. Accelerated degradation can be seen at larger R values. Degradation Mode' In this section, an extensive test program conducted at Hewlett·Packard to characterize the CTR degradation of optocouplers is discussed. The development which will follow is mainly of interest to those concerned with reliability and quality assurance. From the basic data, the CTR degradation equations will be developed in order to predict the percentage change in CTR with time. Complete data and analysis of CTR degradation will be found in an internal Hewlett·Packard report. The data of Figure 2 can be replotted to illustrate the percentage degradation versus time as a function of R. Figure 3 illustrates the mean and mean plus 2a distribution with R = 1 and 50. From this curve, a useful expression which relates the average degradation in emitter efficiency to time is obtained for the mean or mean plus 2a distributions. [The symbol "D" will refer to CTR degradation due solely to emitter degradation, Art/r/, whereas ACTR/CTR will refer to total CTR degradation as expressed in Equation (5)]. This study is based on a total of 640 optocouplers of the 6N135 type (Figure 1) with 700nm GaAs. 7P. 3 LEDs from twenty different epitaxial growth lots representing a range of n·type doping and radiance. The 6N135 allows access to measurement of the emitter degradation via the relative percentage change in photodiode current, AIp/Ip, as well as output amplifier (3 change. Stress currents of I FS = .6, 7.5, 25 and 40 rnA were applied to different groups of optocouplers, and at each measurement time of t = 0, 24, 168, 1000, 2000, 4000 and 10,000 hours, measurement currents of IFM = .5,1.6,7.5,25 and 40 rnA were used to determine the CTR. (6) .Al p OJ( or Ox + 2a == - , - = AoRQtn(R) for I FS = 'FS in % p where t is in 103 hours and Ao and Q differ for mean or mean plus 2a. Equation (6) represents an average degradation corresponding to a specific R, t, and an average stress current I FS ' A knowledge of I FS and the actual device operating stress IFS can be utilized to correct D to reflect the absolute magnitude of IFS' This will be shown in the development of· Equations (11) and (13). The data shows that IFS increases with R and can be represented as follows: The important results to be noted are the following. First, a factor of major significance in the study of CTR degradation is the ACTR varies as a function of the ratio of I FS/I FM == R. Large values of R will result in greater CTR degradation than at lower R values with the same magnitude of I FS ' However, knowledge of the ratio of IFS/IFM alone does not give a complete picture of degradation because ACTR is also dependent upon the absolute magnitude of the stress current, IIFSI. The following data will allow the derivation of the necessary equations with which to predict ACTR as a function of I FS ' IFM and time. (8) 10.5 + 5.76'0910R 50 R Figure 2. Emitter Degradation vs. R (Ratio of Stress Current to Measurement Current! for 1k, 4k, and 10k Hours, Mean, Mean +20 Distribution, TA = 25°C. 416 TIME (hours) Figure 3. Degradation VI. Time at R = 1 and R = 50 for Mean, Mean + 20 Distributions, TA = 25°C. or substituting Equation (6), These equations are obtained from averaged degradation data versus I FS at different measurement times. [),.,. = A Ratn(R) + S [I x The expression for n(R) was found to obey the relationship nCR) = .0475 10910R + .25 aD = aIR) log10t + /l(R) %/mA I Equation (12) gives the mean distribution degradation by using a degradation value, D (first term), corresponding to th~ ratio of IFS./I FM , or a stress current, TFS ' ~nd then applYing a correction quantity (second term) to due to the magnitude of the actual stress current, IFS ' yielding the actual degradation O. ° The expression for the mean + 20 distribution degradation, Ox + 20' (worst case) is almost of the same form as Equation (12). The dissimilarity arises from the fact that the standard deviation, 0, is dependent upon the stress current, I FS ' the ratio R, and upon time. This complex dependency was analytically deduced from the data to be the fol1owing expression: (10) where t is in 103 hours, the coefficients a(R) and /l(R) can be found on Figure 7. (13) or substituting Equation (6) Along with Equation (10), the mean distribution degradation, Ox' can be estimated for any specific stress current, I FS ' ratio R, and time t via the subsequent expression: % (12) % ° Equation (6) gives.!... direct relationship between the average degradation, 0, and time. As mentioned earlier the magnitude of the stress current also determines th~ amount of degradation. In order to allow for the effect of IIFSI, empirical observations were made on 0 at different I FS and at different times for several values of R. The dependence of degradation on stress current is linear up to IFS = 40 rnA, for all values of R. From these observations, the average rate of change, or slope, S(R,t), of degradation 0 with IFS over time was found to behave in the following fashion for any R: S == - al FS "I FS - FS w~ere, againj Ox is the average degradation at time t, in !!mts of 10 hours, corresponding to a stress current, I FS ' given by Equations (7) and (8); I FS is the actual stress current and R=IFsfIFM; S is the expression (10) for the change of slope of versus IFS with time; n(R) is a power of t, given by Equation (9), and Ao,a are found in Figure 7. (9) Ao and a were determined from degradation data versus R and are found in Figure 7, "Matrix of Coefficients." c 0 Dj( + 20 = AoRatn(R) + [S + 2Pl II FS - TFSI x (14) where Ox + 20 is the degradation for + 20 distribution corresponding to the stress current I FS ' Equations (7) (,,) 417 and (8). Ao and a are found in Figure 7 under the Y+ 20 category. S [Equation (10)] represents the slope to cprrect for actual I FS versus I FS current levels, and P [Equation (15)] is the new term which is a slope to correct for the 0 variation with I FS ' Rand t. The coefficients -y(R), 8(R) in P are found in Figure 7. P = -y(Rllog 10t + /HRI %/mA The actual lifetime for an optocoupler is greater than Figures 4a and 4b would indicate since the majority of units will be centered around the mean distribution lifetime. Secondly, the optocoupler which is operated at some signal duty factor less than 100%, for example 50%, would increase the optocoupler's life by a factor of two. Third, the fact that an optocoupler is used within equipment which may have a typical 2000 hours per year (8 hours/day - 5 days/week - 50 weeks/year) instrument or system operating time, could expect to increase the optocoupler's life by another factor of 4.4 in terms of years of useful life. (151 where t is in 103 hours. The degradation Equations (11) and (13) are considered accurate for the ranges of IFS .;;; 40 rnA and R .;;; 20; outside this range, the model does not predict degradation as well. Hence, check to see if I FS and R satisfy the above conditions. If IFS or R exceed these limits, predition of D will be, in general, greater than the actual degradation due to large values for Sand P which do not reflect actual Sand P. IffFS is approximately equal to the actual I FS ' then the second term in the degradation equations need not be determined. Otherwise, the second term needs to be determined to obtain true emitter degradation, D. If I FS < IFS,..!hen the degradati0l!.> D, will be less than the ~egrad~tion, D, corresponding to I FS ' and vice versa w~n I FS > I FS ' A qUick and~oarse estimate for degradation D can be obtained by using D =AoRatn(R) for a specific R with approximate values for a "'" 0.4 and n"'O.3. Figure 4 represents plots of Equations (I I) and (13) for R = I and IFS = 1.6, 6.3, and 16mA at both TA = 25°C and TA = 85°C. These plots are very useful in making a quick approximation of D for the specific conditions for which the plots have been made. These conditions represent the recommended operating conditions for the three HP optocoupler families. '.0 :;::0 E ~ 0.8 (j 0.7 ffi 0.6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,J.A 0.5 r--TA·~5°C.R·., ~a: 0.4 --t-l< r-- --t"l<+2. I . ·"t-- t.6tttA......... 1SmA I I I i I 0.3 103 ..61 LU H::::~~ rb-_ --L. -r-rUm~ ...... ... I I I w > ;:: II --- -.-- -- -'_. f.:-::,':::=. 0.' .04 10' TIME (hours) a '.0 - ±. .:=::::::----- ~er-.. -.. _g'Sm}1 ... . .... J~..J. J This discussion of reliability data and its interpretation with model equations is qualified to specific optocouplers, 6NI35 and 6N138, where continuous LED operation was maintained, and extrapolation of data for times beyond 10,000 hours is assumed to be valid. Different types of LEDs or preparation processes may produce different results than those presented in this section. These expressions only incorporate the first order effect, emitter degradation AT}/T}, whereas comments about higher order effects upon total CTR degradation will be given in the following section. With these expressions for degradation, accelerated testing may be accomplished by employing large values of R. Such testing can provide a means by which to determine acceptable emitter lots for optocoupler fabrication, acceptable degradation performed for lot selection, or p'redict functional lifetime expectance for optocouplers under specific operational conditions. sf " > u 0.' $ 0.1 E ~ U ffi II- 0.8 ==::t--l....- :: ... ~.,,_ 1-- "j-"- I I ~ w > ;:: ~a: 0.' '- ~. ...... I 0 .• ••3mA , I 0.3 1.6mA -. .. . J11r-··t 6.,3mA..... .... TA -85"C. R "" 1 0.' "- =:±" t-----:._~ X'" 20 ! [ ,04 103 10' TIME (hours) b Figure 4. Calculated Curves of Relative Emitter Efficiency vs. Time for P = 1: 'FS = I FM = 1.6,6.3, and 16mA which are Recommended IF for 6N138, 6N137, and 6N135 Optocouplers Respectively. Mean, Mean + 20 Distributions. al T A =25°C, b) TA =85°C. An important point to note is that the total operational life of an optocoupler is greater than the worst case mean plus 20 distribution implies. Specifically, the worst case degradation given in Figures 4a (2S oC) and 4b (85°C) are for the continuous operation of the 6N 135 optocoupler. 418 gain is j3 = 26,000; hence, 31n{3/3lnIp "" -0.25. If, for instance, the emitter degradation 1),.71/71 is -10%, then the second order term would improve the overall CTR degradation, i.e., The appropriate operating time considerations will vary depending upon the designer's knowledge of the system in which the optocoupler will be used. The operating lifetime of an optocoupler can be expressed, for a maximum allowable degradation at a particular IFS, by using Figures 4a and 4b for tcontinuous lifetime and the following expression: 1 J (171 = -10% + 2.5% = -7.5% (161 This improvement is what was expected while operating on the right side of the j3 maximum. In fact, with an IF =4 rnA or Ip "" 4/lA, the term 3lnj3/3lnIp = -0.8, and again, if 1),.71/71 = -10%, the resulting 1),.CTR/CTR = -2%, nearly cancelling the emitter's degradation. tcontinuous = [tsystem fData Duty] fSystem Use lifetime lifetim~ L Factor LData Factor Another equally important point to observe is that of the worst case conditions under which the optocoupler is used. As will be illustrated in the design examples, the worst possible' combination of variations in Vcel' Vec2 ' Rin , CTR, R L , Ill' and temperature still result in the optocou~ler functioning over an extended length of time (10 hours) for a particular maximum allowable degradation. However, the likelihood of seven parameters all deviating in their worst directions at the same time is extremely remote. A thorough statistical error accumulation analysis would illustrate that this worst-worst ease is not a representative situation from which to design. 30.000 l:l ill 20,000 ; ~ ~ a: 10,000 ~ Higher Order Effects '0 " Ip - PHOTOCURRENT -IIA a The first order effect of emitter degradation, 1),.71/71, has a pronounced influence upon the 1),.CTR as explained in the previous sections; however, consideration of higher order effects is important as well. I 2 ANODE~ Consider the second term in Equation (5) (1),.71/71)IF (3In{3/3InIp)t, the emitter degradation part has been explained; however, (3In{3/3InIp)t represents a shift in the operating point of the output amplifier of an optocoupler. The term (3ln{3/3lnIp) can be rewritten as (l/2.3j3)(3j3/3log IOIp) which is more convenient to use Nith the accompanying typical curves of j3 versus 10g1OIp for the two optocouplers 6Nl35 and 6N138, given in Figure Sa. CATHODE ~ 8 .----:----=---0 Vee ¥ ~ ~_ _ _ _ _..J 6 ~-..:==---OVo 3 TYPE6N135 TYPICAL 'F = 16 mA TYPICAL CTR = 20% t 6 '------oGND I. 7 V. b lice If the operating photocurrent, Ip, is to the right of the maximum j3 point of either curve, then with reduced emitter efficiency over time, Ip will decrease, but the increasing j3 will tend to compensate for this degradation. However, if the operating Ip is to the left of the maximum j3 and then Ip decreases, the j3 change will accentuate the emitter's degradation, yielding a larger CTR loss. The magnitude of the contributions of 3Inj3/3lnI p to overall CTR degrll.dation can be illustrated by the following examples. r--~ '!:..... ANO + DE]2 \If ~ 10 6 r-=--<> 110 CATHODE - 3 TYPE6N138 TYPICAL 'F = 16 mA TYPICAL CTR = 600% I. t 5 '-----oGND c Consider a 6N138 optocoupler of Figure 5c operating at its recommended IF = 1.6 rnA which corresponds to an Ip "" 1.6/lA. (An IF to Ip relationship for HewlettPackard optocouplers is I rnA input current yields approximately I/lA of photodiode current.) At Ip = 1.6/lA, the slope of the VCE = 5V curve is equal to -15,000 and the Figure 5. al DC Current Gain, j3, vs. Photocurrent, Ip, for 6N135 and 6N138 Optocouplers. Current Diagrams and Typical Values of IF a"nd CTR for Hewlett-Packard Optocouplers, bl6N135, cl6N138. 419 With the 6N135 optocoupler, Figure 5b operating at IF = 10 rnA, or Ip "'" lO~A, which corresponds to the maximum {3 point on the VCE = .4V curve, the slope is zero and the total CTR degradation is basically the emitter's degradation. For the optocouplers containing an output amplifier, such as the 6NI37, which switches abruptly about a particular threshold input current, the actual emitter degradation can be determined from Equations (11) and (13). An appro· priate IFinitial can be determined to provide for ade· quate guard band current which will allow the optacoupler emitter to degrade while maintaining sufficient Ip to switch the amplifier. An actual design procedure to determine the needed IFinitial for proper operation of Hewlett-Packard optocouplers is given in the design examples section. Another subtle effect is seen from the third term in Equation (5), (A{3/{3)Ip, over time. At constant Ip, (3 can increase or decrease by a few percent over 10,000 hours. This change is so small that the third term is generally neglected. MATRIX OF COEFFICIENTS 8SoC 25°C X X+2u Ao 4.95 a .388 .. X+2a X R<6 6"R R<8 8"R 9.7 6.8 5.0 15.0 11.0 .428 .302 .467 .284 .430 E I ... iiiIX: IX: :0 U 85°C 25°C IX: ~ R,,1 R,,1 R;>1 .19 R .32 .32 R .08 .32 R .30 .055 R· 68 .11 R .25 R;>1 oJ 8 aiR) .19 R .052 9 PIR) .055 I 8SoC ~IR) .063 R .30 .154 R .26 SIR) .091 R .38 .196 R .39 Ip - PHOTOCURRENT -IJ,A a Figure 7. Matrix of Coefficients. Typical IF = 6.3 mA Typical eTR = 700% b Figure S. a) Output Current, 10, vs. Photocurrent, Ip, for SN1370ptocoupler. b) Circuit Diagram and Typical Values of I F and CTR for SN137 Optocoupler. 420 .11 R .65 25°C Procedure for Calculation of CTR Degradation Degradation Model Equations (11) and (13) Valid 3. First Approximation of Degradation (%1 or i+2a 4. Calculate with a"'" .4, Ao (Figure 7) n "'" .3, t in 103 hours (D corresponds to I FSI ~ 14.13 + 9.0610g10 R @ 25°C Equation (7) {10.5 + 5.76 10910R @ 85°C Equation (8) If I FS "'" I FS' Step 6 and the second terms in Equations (11) and (13) do not need to be calculated. 5. Calculate n(R) = .0475 10910R + .25 6. Calculate S = aIR) 10910t + (i(R) "'.I.PC.ll Figure 7 P = 'Y(R) log10t + ,sIR) 'Y(R), ,sIR) t in 103 hours 7. Calculate Mean, Mean + 2a Degradation Ox = AoR~n(R) + S [I FS - IFSI Dj( + 2a = AoRatn(R) + [8+ 2Pl [lFS -IFSI % Equation (11) % Equation (13) (Ao ' a via Figure 7, t in 103 hours) 8 For Second Order Effect, Determine Slope illnfi = _ [ illnlp 9a. il(i 2.3fi illog 10 l p Total CTR Degradation for Mean Distribution ACTR CTR 9b. Figure 5a - typical curves with an approximation for HP optocouplers of IF =1 mA yields Ip "'" 1/lA illn(i = Dj(+Dj( illnlp Total CTR Degradation for Mean + 2a Distribution ACTR CTR illn(i Dj( + 2a + Dj( + 2a --.illnlp 421 Practical Application A very common application of an optocoupler is to function as the interfacing element between digital logic. In this section, the designer will be shown an approach which will insure the initial and long term performance of such an interface, and take into account the practical aspects of the system that surrounds it. These system elements include the data rate, the logic families being interfaced, the variations of the power supply, the tolerances of the components used, the operational temperature range, and lastly the expected lifetime of the system. IF 10 ~ IR -IlL' THEN OUTPUT TRANSISTOR WILL BE IN SATURATION Figure 8. Typical Digital Interface Using an Optocoupler. The system data speed can be considered as the primary selection criteria for selecting a specific optocoupler family. Figure 9 lists the ranges of data rates for four HewlettPackard optocoupler families when driven at specified LED input current, IF. With this table, and the knowledge of the system data rate requirements, it is possible to select an optimum coupler. V cc1 (MIN) - V F (MAX) - Val Rin (MAX) Vcc1 (MAX) - V F (MIN) - Val Rin (MIN) 7 ~~ ."'.E', 6N135/6 SINGLE CA'IIl.E" TRANSISTOR • • v, v, 5 GNO ~~~v" 6N138/9 ''''DE~~'i ~v, SPLIT CATIfODE~ ~vo DARLINGTON i!,---~D'" ~.. = CTR(MIN) V cc1 - V F - Val (21) \\ 1.6mA 7.5mA 10mA 12mA 16mA 333k TYP 2M MIN 12k 22k 125k TYP 100k 200k 840k MIN 1.8k 5 Vo •• N. 6N137 llr-v;;-~ OPTICALL Y ANODE 1Z~"1>ifD v, COUPLED CATlIODE~ " IIDv,UT GATE I!~IID Figure 13.5-2. 1.0mA MIN TYP Figure 9. 'F (20) x 100 INPUT CURRENT - IF .5mA -.. '0 NRZ DATA RATE BITS/S FAMILY (19) 'F (MAX) An example of an optocoupler interconnecting two logic gates is shown in Figure 8. A logic low level is insured when the saturated output sinking current, 10 , is greater than the combined sourcing currents of the pull-up resistor, and the logic low input current, IlL' of the interconnecting gate. Using the coupler specifications selected from Figure 9 and the corresponding eTR (MIN) from Figure 10, 4N45/6 CATHODE 2 DARLINGTON, (18) 'F (MIN) 6,5k 640 MIN 6.7M TYP 10M Optocoupler Data Rates Specifications. 422 %CTR@I F = (mA) TEMP FAMILY .5 SINGLE TRANSISTOR VOL 25 0.4 300 0-70 0.4 500 0-70 0.4 1.6 10 5 16 6N135 7 6N136 19 6N138 SPLIT DARLINGTON °c 1.0 6N139 400 4N45 250 200 0-70 1.0 500 200 0-70 1.0 0-70 0.6 DARLINGTON 4N46 OPTICALLY COUPLED GATE 350 400 6N137 Figure 10. Optocoupler CTR (MIN). choosing a value of RL which is consistent with it is possible to determine from Equation (20) the minimum initial value of IF for the coupler. The design criteria is that 10 ;;' IlL + IR for the VIL specified in Figure 11. r 10 (MIN) - milL at the end of system life. Equation (22) describes this worst case calculation. (22) Using Equation (21), the typical value of Rin can be calculated for the selected IF and the logic low output voltage, VOL' of the driving gate. The VOL of the logic family is given in Figure 11. The next step is to determine the worst case value of the LED input current, IF' resulting from the tolerance variations of the LED current limiting resistor, Rin , and the power supply voltage, V cel' The conditions of IF (MIN) and the initial CTR (MIN) are then used to determine {he initial worst case value of 10(MIN)' Conversely, the worst case CTR degradation will occur when the LED is stressed at IF (MAX) conditions; thus, IF (MAX) will be used to determine the worst case degradation of the optocoupler performance. Using the maximum Vcel and the minimum Rin will accomplish this worst case calculation, as shown in Equation (19). TTL FAMILY IlL V IL IIH 74S 74H 74 74LS 74L -2mA .SV .SV .SV .SV .7V 50~A Figure 11. -2mA -1.6mA -.36 rnA -.18 rnA 50~A 40~A 20~A 10~A V IH IOL VOL IOH V OH 2V 2V 2V 2V 2V 20mA 20mA .5V .4V .4V .5V .4V -1000~A - 500~A - 400~A - 400~A - 200~A 2.7V 2.4V 2.4V 2.7V 2.4V l6mA SmA 3,6mA V cc2 (MAX) - VOL RL (MIN) ;;.~ IF(MIN) • CTR(MIN) .1- ~;:a D ) ] ------:;1"0"0---4--- - mil L Dx + 2a = worst case CTR degradation The selection of the maximum value of RL is also of important in that its value insures that the collector is pulled up to the logic one voltage conditions, Vm, under the conditions of maximum IOH of the coupler, and the 1m of the interconnecting gate. (23) V cc2 (MIN)- V IH RL (MAX) ..; - - - - - - IOH (MAX) + m 'IH The selection of the value of RL between the boundaries of RL (MIN)' and RL (MAX) has certain trade offs. As in any open collector logic system, TPLH increases with increasing RL · Conversely, as RL is increased above RLMIN' a larger guardband between IOMIN and IlL + IR is achieved. Engineering judgement should be employed here to achieve the optimum trade off for desired performance. Logic I nterface Parameters. The change in CTR from the initial value at time t =0 to a final value at some later time can be compensated by 423 Using the coefficient Figure 7 and Equations (11) and (13), the following examples are developed to demon· strate the methods of optocoupler system design in the presence of the mean and mean plus two sigma CTR degradation. 4.75 - 1.7 -.4 IF (MIN) = - - - - 1890n Step 3. 1.4mA I F (MAX) Example 1. Vcc1 (MAX) - V F (MIN) - VOL IF (MAX) =---~----- Rin(MIN) System Specifications 20 k bit NRZ Standard TTL 5V ± 5 ±5% o-70°C 350 k hr (40 yr) at 50% system use time and 50% Data Duty Factor Data Rate Logic Family Power Supply I & 2 Component Tolerances Temperature Range Expected System Lifetime IF (MAX) Step 4. = 5.25 - 1.4 - .4 (26) 2.02 rnA 1710n Determine continuous operation time for LED emitter. Interface Specifications Coupler 6N139 CTR (MIN) VOL (MAX) IOH (MAX) VF (MAX) VF (MIN) VF(TYP) tcontinuous lifetime = 500% @ IF = 1.6 rnA = .4V @ IF = 1.6 rnA = 250~A @Vcc2 = 7V 1.7V@I F = 1.6 rnA tcontinuous lifetime = 40~A = 2V = 400~A = 2.4V 87.60K hr Step 5. Obtain the mean and mean + 20 CTR degradation at IF (MAX) and tcontinuous lifetime either as an approximation from Figure 4 or by calculations as shown below. Step 5a. Determine Dj( Logic Standard TTL IIH VIH IOH VOH 1 f Data DUty] fsystem use] lifetimeJ L Factor LDUty Factor (40 yr x 8.76 k hr/yr)(50%)(50%) 1.4V @ IF = 1.6 rnA 1.6V@I F = 1.6rnA IlL = 1.6 rnA VIL .BV 16mA IOL VOL = .4V = [tsystem (27) Dx = Aot· 25 + S [IFS - I FS ] Step 1. Rin (TYP) Dj( Vcc1 - V F (TYP) - VOL Rin = - - - - - - - - IF (TYP) 5.0 -1.6 -.4 R· = - - - - : - In 1.6 x 10.3 [IF (MAX) -14.13 rnA] Dj( I F (MAX) IF (MIN) = ----=------ \ (' r', 1.87kn, select 1.8kn ± 5% R(MIN) = 1710n R(MAX) = 1890n Step 2. = 4.95t(k hr) .25 + [.186 log t(k hr) + .055] (24) = 4.95 (87.6)·25 + (.186 log 87.6 + .055) (2.02 rnA -14.13 rnA) Dj( = 10.10% for 40 yr system operation Step 5b. Determine Dx + 20 Vcc1 (MIN) - V F (MAX) - VOL Rin(MAX) (25) Dx+2u = Aot· 25 + [S+2P] Dx + 20 = 9.7t(k hr!'25 + [2 (.063 log t(k hr) + .081) 424 II FS +IFS ] (28) The range of RL is from 1.32kn to 8.lkn. It is desirable to select a pull-up resistor which optimizes both speed performance and additional 10 guardband. This criteria leads to a tradeoff between a value close to RL (MIN) for speed performance and one bordering near RL(MAX) for 10 guardbanding. In this design example, the system's lifetime has a higher priority than does the moderate speed performance demanded from the optocoupler. An RL of 3.3kn ± 5% is selected under this condition. + (.186 log t(k hr) + .055)) x [IF (MAX) -14.13 mAl OJ( + 2a = 9.7 (87.6)·25 + [2 (.063 log 87.6 + .081) + (.186 log 87.6 + .055)] x [2.02 mA -14.13 mAl OJ( + 2a Step 6. = 19.71% An additional guardband of 5% was added to the worst case Dx: + 2a eTR degradation guardband to insure that even a greater percentage of the distribution would be accounted for. The actual percentage difference between IOL (MAX) and 10 (MIN) at the end of system life is shown below: Guardband the worst case value of CTR degradation. It is often desirable to add some additional operating margin over and above conditions dictated by simple worst case analysis. The use of engineering judgement to increase the worst possible eTR degradation by an additional 5% margin would insure that the entire distribution would fall within the analysis. Thus, OJ( + 2a + 5% Step 7. (30) I 1 CTR(MIN) • F (MIN)' 10 (MIN) (OJ( + 2a\ -;00-; = -----1-00--....:..----L = 24.71% (31) Selecting RL (MIN) for guardbanded worst case V cc2 (MAX) - VOL • m= 1 10L (MAX) = + mUlL' RL (TYP -5%) (22) % Guardband = [ 1 - Vcc2 (MAX) - VOL 10L (MAX)] (32) X 100 10 (MIN) For the example shown, the additional end of system life 10 guardband results from the selection of an RL greater than the RL (MIN) as shown in Steps 9, 10, and II. r Step 9. RUMIN);;;' 10 (MIN) at end of system life 5.25 -( .4 ) 1.4x10-3 .500%·1- ~ _ _ _ _ _-nn~---'_.......t... OO.... -1 1.6 mA 500% ·1.4 mA • (1 _ 100 10 (MIN) .. - 1~.~~,*') = 5.65 mA 100 RL (MIN) • 1.32kn Step 10. 10L (MAX) for worst case of IR (MAX) + IlL Step 8. Select RL (MAX) (33) V cc2 (MAX) - VOL RL (MAX) .;;; - - - - - - : - 10H (MAX) +mlIH (29) 10L (MAX) = 5.25 -.4 3.13kn + 1.6 mA = 3.14 mA Step 11. % Guardband 4.75 -2.4 RL (MAX) .;;; 250llA + 40llA .. 3.14mA 8.1k % - 426 1 5.65mA 100 = 44.4% (34) Thus, this, circuit interface design offers an additional 44.4% 10 guardband beyond the 19.71% required to compensate for the CTR change caused by B6.7k hr of continuous operation at an IF (¥AX) of 2mA. This extra guardband results from having chosen an RL =3.3k rather than the lowest allowable value of RL plus the engineering guard band chosen in Step 6. Step 4. System lifetime t = 43.8k hr OJ( and Ox + 2u for I F (MAX) of 19 mA Step 5. by calculation or from Figura 4 Ox = 14.5% t 43.8k hr Ox + 2u .. 28.5% ~ continuous lifetime Example 2. System Specifications Step 6. Data Rate Logic Family Power Supply I and 2 Component Tolerance Temperature Range Expected System Lifetime 250K bitNRZ TTL to LSTTL 5V±5% ±5% 25°C 175 khr(20yr) at 50% System Use Time and 50% Data Duty Factor Engineeriog Guardband of 5%, 0x+2u+5% = 33.5% Step 7. Rl selection with guardbanding of Ox + 2u + 5% RL (MIN) .. 3.44kO = 50kO Step 8. Rl (MAX) Step 9. Rl (TVP) .. 5.1kO ± 5%, RL (TVP - 5%) Interface Conditions = 4.84kO, R l (MAX + 5%) Coupler 6N136 " CT~IN) = } VOL = l}OH =.. YF(TYP) = VF(MIN) = VF(MAX) = = 5.35kO 19% @ IF = 16 mA .4V . 500nA @ Vcc2 = 5.0V 1.6V @ IF = 16 mA 1.5V @ IF '" 16 mA 1.7V @ IF = 16mA Step 10. End of System Life 10 (MIN) 10 (MIN) = 1.5 mA Step 11. 10l (MAX) = 1.36 mA Step 12. Engineering % Guardband of 10 (MIN) = 9.3% Logic LSTTL IlL = .36mA V IL = .BV IIH = 401LA VIH = 2V Example 3. 10L = BmA VOL = .5V 10H = 4001LA VOH = 2.7V If a particular design requirements specifies a maximUF tolerable degradatioll over a system lifetime, the optimun., value of IF(TYP) can be obtained from Figure 12. For example, if a maximum acceptable degradation, Ox + 2u' is 40%, and a continuous operation of 400k hr is desired, this curve specifies that IF (TYP) should be less than or equal to 10 mAo A 400k hr continuous operation with 100% system duty factor as might be encountered in telephone switching equipment is equivalent to 45 years of system lifetime. Again using Figure 7, the data rate dictates the use of a 6NI36 at an IF (D1» of 16 mAo Using the same 12 step worst case analysis, it is possible to determine the values of R in , RL and the degree of guardbanding of 10 at end of system lifetime. Stap 1. Rin = 1870, select 1800 ± 5% Rl (MIN) .. 1790 Rl (MAX) .. 1890 Step 2. IF (MIN) - 14.02·mA Step 3. IF (MAX) - 19 mA If a 6N 139 split Darlington were used to interface an LSTTL logic gate with the system specifications stated, a collector pull·up resistor of as low as 1600 could be used. If an RL of Ik were selected, this optocoupler would offer an additional end of life guardband of B1.B%. This worst case analysis points out that with the knowledge of selecting proper values of RV the CTR performance of the 426 < .s f- zW II: II: :::> 10 u en en w II: f- en TIME (hours) Figure 12. Stress Current (lfS) vs. Time vs. % Degradation. coupler far exceeds the normal MTBF requirements for most commercial electronic systems. Consideration of the Optically Coupled Gate r System data speed requirements in the multi·megabit range can also be communicated through an optocoupler. The first three coupler families listed in Figure 9 are not applicable in these very high speed data interface applications; however, the optically coupled gate, 6N137, will function to speeds of up to 10 MHz. This type of coupler differs in operation from the single transistor and Darlington style units in that it exhibits a non-linear transfer relationship of IF to Ia. This is shown in Figure 13. The relationship is described as a minimum threshold of LED input current, IFth which is required to cause the output transistor to sink the current supplied by the pull-up resistor and interconnected gate. As the LED degrades, the effect is that a larger value of IF th is required to create the same detector photo diode current necessary to switch the output gate. ~----~-----,----o+5V .01 .F In the previous interface examples, the worst case analysis and guardbanding is based on the output collector current, Ia. With the optically coupled gate, worst case guardbanding is concerned with the selection of the initial value of the IF' which at end of system lifetime will generate the necessary threshold photocurrent demanded by the gate's amplifier to change state. Figure 13. 6N137 Input - Output Characteristics. 427 The calculation of the required IF to allow for worst case LED degradation is approached by guardbanding the guaranteed minimum isolator input current, I FH , for a specif1ed IOL and VOL interface. Equation (35) shows the relationship of the Ip to IF for this coupler. Ip Q (IF)n • where 1.1 .;; n .;; 1.3 Step 2. Calculate the worst case LED degradation 97 t .25 Ox + 20 ~ ~ . (k hr) ox+20 (35) ~ 9.7 (50.3)·25 ~ Ox +20"" 26% Step 3. Using the concept that the guardbanding of the initial value of IF will result in a similarly guardbanded Ip, the relationship presented in Equation (36) results: Calculate the first approximation of guard banded IF' n=1.2 5mA [ 1 _ °H20l = [lpH l J 100 = [lpJ [IFH l n (36) .78 6.41 mA IF J (37) Step 4. OX+.20]n [1--- Calculate input resistor R in 100 V cc1 (MIN) - V F (MAX) - VOL The previous interface example showed that the first term of the Dx + 20 equation dominated the magnitude of the worst case degradation. This term, AoRQtn(R), i.e., (9.7 t(k hr)"25), does not contain an IF current dependent term; thus, an approximation of the worst case LED degradation can be made that relates to the system's lifetime. This initial value of Dx + 20 can be used in Equation (37) to calculate the initial value of the IF. With this initial IF, a more accurate degradation value can be calculated using Equation (28). This procedure results in an iterative process to zero in on a value of IF that will insure reliable operation. Rin .;; ------------------------IF 4.75 - 1.7 -.4 Rin .;; - - - - - .00641 R in .;; 413n select' Rin 390n ± 5% Rin (MAX) R in (MAX) = 409n Rin (MIN) = 370n The following example will illustrate this approach. Example 4. Step 5. System Specifications 6MHzNRZ LSTTL to TTL 5V± 5% ±5% o -70°C 203k hr (23 yr) at 50% System Use Time and 50% Data Duty Factor Data Rate Logic Family Power Supply 1 and 2 Component Tolerance Temperature Range Expected System Lifetime Step 1. Vccl (MAX) - V F (MIN) - VOL IF (MAX) = [ts!st~m hfetlme Rin (MIN) 5.25 - 1.4 - .4 370 Determine the continuous operation time for LED emitter tcontinuous lifetime Calculate the I F (MAX) ] [Data Duty] System use] Factor Factor L 9.32 mA Step 6. Calculate the worst case OJ( + 20 for I F (MAX) OJ( + 20 = 25.8"'{' + .747 (9.32 mA - 14.13 mAl [23 yr 8.76k hr/yr] [50% ] [50%] OJ( + 20 50.3k hr 428 22.2% Step 7. Calculate the new minimum required 'F at end of life based on degradation found in Step 6. 'FH I F(EOl) [ - 22.2 100 Step 8. T 11.2 5 .81 Step 11. Minimum % Emitter Degradation Guardband J 'F (EOl) %(MIN) = [ 1 - - - 'F (MIN) 6.16mA 6.16mA 4.8% = [ 1 - - - 6.47 mA Calculate 'F (MIN) 100 100 (38) ] Vcc1 (MIN) - V F (MAX) - VOL 'F (MIN) where IF (EOl) represents the switching threshold at the end of life. Rin (MAX) 4.75 - 1.7 - .4 'F (MIN) = 'F (MIN) = Step 12. Maximum % Emitter Degradation Guardband 409 6.47 mA %(MAX) = [1- 'F (EOl)] 100 (39) 'F (MAX) Step 9. Rl (MIN) • m = 1 J 6.16mA 34% = [ 1 - - - 100 9.32 mA Vcc2 (MAX) - VOL Rl(MIN) 'Ol (MIN)- mi,l 5.25 -.6 The conclusions that are to be drawn from this analysis are that as long as the IF (MAX) is less than I FS = 14. I 3 rnA, the worst·worst case CTR aegradation may be calculated using only the first term, AoRO!tn(R), of the Dx + 20 case. In the example presented, 26% degradation was determined from the first term, and when the more accurate calculation using Equation (28) was used, a 22% degradation resulted. The end of life IF guardband may be calculated using Equations (38) and (39). Using Equation (38), the minimum guardband is 5.7%, and with Equation (39), the maximum guardband is 35%. .016 - .0016 332n Rl(MIN) Step 10. Rl (MAX) • m = 1 Vcc2 (MAX) - VOH Rl (MAX) ( 'OH (MAX) + ml'H 4.75 -2.4 Rl (MAX) 250llA + 40llA Rl (MAX) = 8.1kn 429 Fli;' HEWLETT ~r.. PACKARD APPLICATION NOTE 1003 Interfacing 18 Segment Displays to Microprocessors INTRODUCTION 1b. The DECODED DATA CONTROLLER refreshes a multiplexed LED display independently from the microprocessor system. A local RAM stores decoded display data. This data is continuously read from the RAM and then used to refresh the display. Whenever the display message is changed, the microprocessor decodes each character in software and writes the decoded data into the local RAM. Over the past four years, the need for alphanumeric displays has grown very rapidly due to the extensive use of microprocessors in new system designs. The HDSP-6508 and HDSP-6300 alphanumeric displays were developed to provide a low cost, easy-to-use alternative to 5x7 dot matrix displays. These displays use an 18 segment display font that includes a centered decimal point and colon for increased readability. This font is capable of displaying the 64 character ASCII subset (numbers, punctuation symbols, and upper case alphabet) as well as many special purpose symbols" The HDSP-6504 and HDSP6508 are 3.81 mm (0.150") red 4 or 8 character displays in a dual-in-line package. The HDSP-6300 is a 3.56 mm (0.140") red 8 character display in a dual-in-line package. The HDSP-6508 has character-to-character spacing on 6.35 mm (0.250") centers while the HDSP-6300 has character-to-character spacing on 5.08 mm (0.200") centers. Paralleling the development of these alphanumeric displays have been the introduction of several new display interface circuits that simplify the use of the 18 segment display. These circuits include an ASCII to 18 segment decoderldriver and improved NPN Darlington digit drivers that are designed to interface directly to 5 volt digital logic. This Application Note deals with several techniques to interface the 18 segment display to microprocessor systems. Depending upon the overall system configuration, microprocessor time available to dedicate to display support, and the type of information to be displayed, the system designer would choose the best interface technique to drive an 18 segment display. 1c. The CODED DATA CONTROLLER also refreshes a multiplexed LED display independently from the microprocessor system. The local RAM stores ASCII data which is continuously read from the RAM, decoded, and used to refresh the display. The display message is changed by writing new ASCII characters within the local RAM. 1d. The DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER uses a separate microprocessor to drive the LED display. This microprocessor provides ASCII storage, ASCII decode, and display refresh independently from the main microprocessor system. Software within the dedicated microprocessor provides many powerful' features not available in the other controllers. The main microprocessor updates the LED display by sending new ASCII characters to the slave microprocessor. COMPARISON OF INTERFACE TECHNIQUES The choice of a particular interface is an important consideration because it affects the design of the entire microprocessor system. Each interface requires one or more memory or 1/0 addresses. These addresses are generated by decoding the microprocessor address bus. The display decoder can be located within the microprocessor program or as circuitry within the display interface. Location of the display decoder within the microprocessor program gives the designer total control of the display font within the program. This feature can be particularly important if the display will be used to display different languages and special graphics symbols. The interface technique chosen may limit or interfere with some programming techniques used in the rest of the microprocessor program. For example, the use of an DISPLAY INTERFACE TECHNIQUES This application note will deal with four different techniques, as shown in Figure 1a-d, for interfacing the HDSP-6508 and HDSP-6300 displays to microprocessor systems. 1a. The REFRESH CONTROLLER interfaces the microprocessor system to a multiplexed LED display. The controller periodically interrupts the microprocessor and after each interrupt, the microprocessor supplies new display data for the next refresh cycle of the display. 430 _ _ _ ~E~~~D..EI~L~Y!.._ SEGMENTED DISPLAYS REFRESH CONTROLLER I--___-----....--.;.,---+-I-I""-DECODEDDATACONTROLLER----l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERRUPT REQUEST I SYSTEM CLOCK I I I I ·PROGRAM + ASCII LOOKUP TABLE "SCRATCHPAD WITH OR WITHOUT DECODED ASCII LOOKUP TABLE IL ______________ ..J: SEGMENTED DISPLAYS -COOEDDAr';-CONT-;OUER - ~ Figure lb. DECODED DATA CONTROLLER Display Interface Figure la. REFRESH CONTROLLER Display Interface 1- - - - - IL _______________ I ·PROGRAM + ASCII LOOKUP TABLE ··SCRATCHPAD - --I I r - - - DISPL;Y SEGMENTED DISPLAYS I PROC'EUoR'CONTROlLER - -1 ~~~~~~I~ I 1--_..1-_ _..1-_--..1 : I I I SLAVE MICRO· PROC· ESSOR I I I I I I I SYSTEM CLOCK [ • PROGRAM .. SCRATCHPAD I I IL _________________ _ ·PROGRAM ··SCRATCHPAD I _______________ _ L Figure lc. CODED DATA CONTROLLER Display Interface Figure ld. DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER Display Interlace interrupt may restrict the use of some programming techniques used in the interruptable portions of the microprocessor program. The DECODED DATA CONTROLLER and CODED DATA CONTROLLER require microprocessor interaction only when the display message is changed. Both techniques employ a local RAM memory that is continuously scanned by the display interface electronics. For the DECODED DATA CONTROLLER, the display decoder is located within the microprocessor software and the local RAM stores decoded display data. The CODED DATA CONTROLLER includes the display decoder within the display interface circuitry and the local RAM stores ASCII data. Since ASCII data is more compact than decoded display data, the CODED DATA CONTROLLER uses a smaller RAM than the DECODED DATA CONTROLLER. Both techniques allow the microprocessor to individually The REFRESH CONTROLLER requires continuous interaction from the microprocessor system. Since the microprocessor actively strobes the LED display, the display interface circuitry is reduced. Generally, this technique provides the lowest hardware cost for any given display length. The display decoder can be located either within the microprocessor program or as circuitry within the interface. Display strobing is accomplished through use of the microprocessor interrupt circuitry. Demands upon microprocessor time are directly proportional to display length. 431 change each display character by a memory or I/O write to a specific display address. These interface techniques can accept new data at a very high rate. through an address bus. data bus. and control bus. The address bus consists of several outputs (Ao. A1 •... An) from the microprocessor which collectively specify a binary number. This number or "address" uniquely specifies each word in the ROM memory. RAM memory. and I/O interface. The data bus serves as an input to the microprocessor during a memory or input read and as an output from the microprocessor during a memory or output write. The control bus provides the required timing and signals to the microprocessor system to distinguish a memory read from a memory write. and in some systems an I/O read from an I/O write. These control lines and the timing between the address bus. data bus. and control bus vary for different microprocessors. The DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER. like the previously defined CODED and DECODED DATA CONTROLLERS. requires microprocessor interaction only when the display message is changed. By using a dedicated microprocessor. the DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER provides many additional display features. These features include multiple entry modes. a blinking cursor. editing commands. and a data output function. The software with the DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER further reduces microprocessor interaction by providing more sophisticated data entry modes compared to the RAM entry mode provided by the DECODED DATA and CODED DATA CONTROLLERS. The display decoder can either be designed into the dedicated display microprocessor or can be located within a separate PROM. The use of a PROM allows the user to provide a special character font with additional circuitry. The DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER does not allow as high a data entry rate as either the DECODED DATA or CODED DATA CONTROLLERS. The address. data. and control buses provide the flow of instructions and data into the microprocesor. Program execution consists of a series of memory reads (instruction fetches) which are sometimes followed by a memory read or write (instruction execution). The microprocessor performs a memory read by outputting the memory address of the word to be read on the address bus. This address uniquely specifies a word within the memory system. The microprocessor also outputs a signal on the control bus. which instructs the memory system to perform a memory read. The address selects one memory element. either RAM or ROM. within the memory system. Then. the desired word within the selected memory element is gated on the data bus by the read signal. Meanwhile. the unselected memory elements tristate their output lines so that only the selected memory element is active on the data bus. After sufficient delay. the microprocessor reads the word that appears on the data bus. Similarly. for a memory write. the microprocessor outputs the memory address of the word to be written on the address bus. After sufficient delay. the microprocessor outputs a signal on the control bus. which instructs the memory system to perform a memory write. MICROPROCESSOR OPERATION In order to effectively utilize the interface techniques outlined in the following sections. an understanding of microprocessor fundamentals is required. A brief description of microprocessor fundamentals is included in the following section. A microprocessor system usually consists of a microprocessor. ROM memory. RAM memory. and a specific I/O interface as outline in Figure 2. The microprocessor performs the desired system function by executing a program stored within the ROM. The RAM memory provides temporary storage for the microprocessor system. The I/O interface consists of circuitry that is used as an input to the system or as an output from the system. The microprocessor interfaces to this system ADDRESS BUS, CONTROL BUS INPUT MICRO· PROCESSOR RAM DATA BUS Figure 2. Block Diagram of a Typical Microprocessor System 432 ROM OUTPUT PORT OUTPUT The microprocessor also outputs the desired memory word on the data bus. The address selects one RAM memory element within the memory system. The write signal causes the memory element to read the word on the data bus and store it atthedesired location. Afterthewrite cycle has been completed, the new word will have replaced the previous word within the RAM memory. During the memory write, outputs from the unselected memory elements remain tristated so that only the microprocessor is active on the data bus. These control lines and the timing for the address bus, data bus, and control bus vary for different microprocessors. MEMORY WRITE BUS TIMING lOBE -<1>2' i"'1'~~~~~-'CYC ~~~----.(·I ~ ~:'~-----'u~T~::::::::::~'Ir---1: :! IA 15 ..;. AO' VMA I :! ! ! i _~;:::=~: "I" , =:;;-:===::;t-: t, ", ----t:;o:-;:~ ~ tEH -----+01 ADDRESS BUS : Some microprocessors, such as the Motorola 6800 microprocessor family, handle memory and I/O in exactly the same way. Memory and I/O occupy a common address space and are accessed by the same instructions. With this type of microprocessor, the hardware decoding of the address bus determines whether the read or write is to a memory or I/O element. Other microprocessors, such as the Intel 8080A, Intel 8085A, and the Zilog Z-80 have separate address spaces for memory and I/O. These microprocessors use different instructions for a memory access or an I/O access and provide signals on the control bus to distinguish between memory and I/O. One advantage of this approach is that the I/O address space can be made smaller to simplify device decoding. However, the I/O instructions that are available are usually not as powerful as the memory reference instructions. Of course, the user can always locate specific I/O devices within the memory address space through proper decoding of the address and control buses. This would allow these I/O devices to be accessed with memory reference instructions. ( i - - I- VALID ADDRESS I ~tAD : I+tAH~ ~1--~i----------~!r---4!----;~ I I I R/W ,I I I I I r-I ~--~:-----------;Ir---4:-----' DATA BUS 107 - Dol I I I I I : I I I MEMORV WRITE BUS TIMING lOBE. <1>21 I I I ~'DDW-+--'2--l I 'H I tEH I I: l+,- i ! ., :L- DBE I I DATA BUS (07 - Dol I I VALID DATA I !.-'DDW-+! I MINIMUM TIMES (nS) 6800 MICROPROCESSOR The 6800 microprocessor family has a 161ine address bus, 81ine data bus, and a control bus that includes the signals VMA (Valid Memory Address), R/W (Read/Write), DBE (Data Bus Enable), and clock signals 1 and 2. R/W specifies either a memory read or write while VMA is used in conjunction with R/W to specify a valid memory address. DBE gates the internal data bus of the 6800 to the external data bus. I n many applications, DBE is connected to 2. Additional data hold time, tH, can be achieved by delaying 2 to the microprocessor or by extending DBE beyond the falling edge of 2. The timing between the address bus, data bus, VMA, and R/W for a memory write is shown in Figure 3. DDW (MAX " 'AH '2 30 22. 42. 30 ao 290 3. ao 22. 63. teye '" 666 200 68800, tcVC· 500 '6. 6800. t CYC· 68AOO. 1OOO 'H ,. ,. ,. t, (MIN) • tUTIMINI - tAolMAXI t21MINI .. tEHIMINI- tODwlMAXl From MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR MC6800 Data Sheet (059471),1978 Figure 3. Memory Write Timing for the Motorola 6800 Microprocessor Family. for both a memory write and an I/O write is shown in Figure 4. The 8080A also provides an input, READY, which allows the memory system to extend the time the address and data bus is valid by integral clock cycles. For the 8080A microprocessor, the address bus consists of 16 lines, the data bus consists of 8lines, and the control bus consists of several lines including DBIN (Data Bus In), WR (Write), SYNC (Synchronizin~gnal), READY, and clock signals 1 and 2. DBIN and WR are used to specify a read or write operation. The 8080A microprocessor distinguishes memory from I/O through the use of a status word that precedes every machine cycle. When SYNC is high, the status word should be loaded into an octal latch on the positive edge of 1. The outputs from the latch can then be decoded to specify whether the machine cycle is a memory write, memory read, I/O write, or I/O read. The Intel 8228 or 8238 System Controller provides this status latch and additionall~codes the outputs of the status latch with DBIN and WR to generate four timing signals MEM R (Memory Read), MEM W (Memory Write), I/O R (I/O Read), and I/O W (I/O Write). However, the 8228 and 8238 do not provide the outputs of the status latch. The timing between the address bus, data bus, WR, and SYNC REFRESH CONTROLLERS Figure 5 shows a REFRESH CONTROLLER for a 16 character 18 segment alphanumeric display. The circuit operates by interrupting the microprocessor at a 1600 Hz rate. Following each interrupt, the microprocessor responds by outputting a new ASCII character to the Texas Instruments AC5947 ASCII to 18 Segment Decoder/Driver and a new digit word to the 74LS174. The character font for the AC5947 is shown in Figure 6. The outputs of the 74LS174 are decoded such that digit word 0016 turns the leftmost display character on, digit word OF16 turns the rightmost display character on, and digit word 1F16 turns all digits off. The interface can be expanded to 24 characters with an additional Signetics NE590 driver. This change would also require modifications in IF peak, and the interrupt rate. 433 MEMORY AND liD WRITE BUS TIMING MINIMUM TIMES (nS) 8080 MICROPROCESSOR WITH 8228 CLOCK ,tAW twA 'OW 740 90 230 90 380 560 80 '40 80 8080A-l, tCY = 320 470 70 110 70 soaOA, tcy = 480 BoaOA-2, tCY --.I '03 I l.I tAW'" 2tcy - t03 - t140(A), 130(A-2), '10(A-l1} I I twA I ! (A'5 - A O ' . J SYNC II VALID ADDRiESS ~ I : I : I I :____ NOTE' I ~ NOTE 2 I . I = two I-- 'OW -+lI NOTE 1: NOTE 2: Additional wait cycles can be low prior to the falling edge of 1->2 during the clock cycle pteceeding the falling edge of I I i Status Word should be loaded into an octal latch when SYNC'" 1 on positive edge of ¢,. inserted here, A wait cycle is added by forcing READY !.'WO..J I I ----1r-------i1 103 + 10 From INTEL Component Data Catalog, 1978 ~AlIoo8 I L.._-l.---' = tow'" tCY - t03 - [170IA), 170(A-2), 150(A-1)! iI : tl.:-=--=--=-~-=--=--'A-W--_ ---I---+: _ _ ....!.-r-'W-A-.j.J ADDRESS BUS = 'wO WA. I Figure 4. Memory and I/O Write Timing lor the Intel 8080A Microprocessor Family , 33\1 T'fP A, A, 23 19 , ,• C ~,,[ 'US 10 DO A, 13 A, A, 16 A, 17 A, 0, D, ADDRESS [ 'US ., AO " . -l-L";:J 1i1: r 74LS04 "V VM. A" A13 A15 6800 .] --'-f ", ,, • 28 L Co ~C345~ 1 IRa 'K V" ' , 1600 Hz C 0, E F 0, 0, 17 HDSP6508 ., E " , H H LEFT J J K K L L M M DP Co DP Co I: HDSP650B F 345678 21610 RIGHT , ,,, 1]:1::1:' 1: 4 5 6 7 9 10" 12 0 0 0 1 02 Q3 Q 4 0S0607 4~ 5~ 4 5 6 7 8 2161015 5 6 11' 7 9 10 11 12 CloQ,Q2Q3Q40sQSQ7 am , , , ,3~ V" 2Q ,a ,a ~ 4D 13 r'-- • 50 AoA, ,, A2 0CECLR , 13 ~ ,a ,, ~ 10 ~2D L...-..! '0 220K NE590 NES90 AOA,AZ 0 NE 555 TIMER C 14L8138 V" , ..-1-1 25 ¥ <2-r-;:-- ~ 6800 <..t<".I 9 M " , ,," 25 20 16 DP 21 CK ~., I ~ 0 5 24 , ", ., 18 " , , , , ,, 20 AC5947N J ~, " " 7 23 DE V" ---Lc I --+=:2 A,. 11 K 3 I I 6 24 7 H --<> 1""<>- I F I 8080A .... E A, A, A, A, " , , D, 0, 6 02 27 Ao ,." 0, 0, 0, 19 50 74LS174 7 10 " ' V.... , 7,LS04 CK • 27K .0033J,1F Figure 5. 6800 or 8080A Microprocessor Interlace to the HDSP-6508 REFRESH CONTROLLER Utilizing the Texas Instruments AC5947 ASCII to 18 Segment Decoder/Driver 434 0, DO 0 0 0 0 HEX 0 (space) 03 O2 BITS D6 05 04 o 1 0 2 o 1 , 3 , 0 0 4 1 0 1 5 0 0 0 , , 0 0 0 0 0 ,, 2 3 , 0 0 0 0 , , , 0 , A B C ° E F 1 0 6 7 0 0 0 4 5 , ,, ,, ,, , , , ,0 0 0 , , ,, , , , , , , 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 9 , 0 / I 9] % 1: I < > + ? 0 I [1 3 Y 5 6 1 B g L [!:! R B [ ] E F G H I J I-< L M N 0 P Q R 5 T U V WX YZ [ \ J / ~ I 1/ * / ~ / Figure 6, 18 Segment Display Font for the Texas Instruments AC5947 ASCII to 18 Segment Decoder/Driver delay, the next digit is turned on. Registers "POINT" and "DIGIT" are then updated by the program. Following execution of the "RTI" instruction, execution of the main program is resumed. A similar program written for an 8080A microprocessor is shown in Figure 8. The 6800 microprocessor program shown in Figure 7 operated with a 1 MHz clock requires 0.11% + 0.72n% of the available microprocessor time to refresh the display at a 100 Hz refresh rate, where n is the display length. The 8080A microprocessor program shown in Figure 8 when operated with a 2 MHz clock requires 0.31% + 0.96n% of the available microprocessor time to refresh the display at a 100 Hz refresh rate, where n is the display length. For example, the 16 character display shown in Figure 5 A 6800 microprocessor program that interfaces to this REFRESH controller is shown in Figure 7, Following each interrupt, the program "RFRSH" is executed. The program uses a scratch pad register "POI NT" that points to the location within a 16 byte ASCII message of the next ASCII character to be stored in the display interface. The scratch pad register "DIGIT" contains the next digit word to be loaded into the display interface. The program interfaces to the circuit through two memory or I/O addresses. A memory write to address "SEG" writes a six bit word into the AC5947, and a memory write to address "DIG" writes a five bit word into the 74LS174. To prevent undesirable ghosting, the digit drivers are turned off prior to loading the next ASCII character into the AC5947. After sufficient LOC r 0000 0002 0003 0400 0400 0402 0404 0406 0409 040C 040E 0410 OBJECT CODE SEG DIG EQU EQU SBF04 $BF05 0003 00 POINT DIGIT DATA FDB FCB RMB DATA 0 16 ORG LDX LDAB LDAA STA A STA B LDAA CMPA BEQ INC INX STAA STX RTI CLR LDAB STAA SUB B STA B BCC DEC RTI $0400 D,POINT X,D I.SIF E,DIG E,SEG D,DIGIT 1,15 LOOP I E.DlGIT DE E6 86 B7 F7 96 0422 0425 81 27 7C 08 B7 DF 3B 7F F6 87 CO 0427 0429 042B 042E 24 7A 3B 0412 0415 0416 0419 041B 041C 041F SOURCE STATEMENTS BF04 BF05 D7 00 00 IF BF05 BF04 02 OF OA 0002 RFRSH BF05 00 0002 LOOP I 0001 BF05 OF 01 03 0000 LOOP2 A = 157 YES E.DlG D,POlNT E,DlGIT E,POINT+I E.DlG 1.15 D,POINT+I LOOP2 E,POINT e Figure 7. 6800 Microprocessor Program and Flowchart that Interfaces to the REFRESH CONTROLLER Shown in Figure 5 435 LOC OBJECT CODE OOIC OOID EOOO E002 E003 03 00 00 F5 E401 E5 E402 2A E405 3E E407 D3 E409 7E E40A D3 E40C 3A E40F D3 E411 FE E413 CA E416 3C E417 32 E41A 23 E41B 22 E4IE EI E4IF FI E420 C9 E421 3E E423 32 E426 7D E427 D6 E429 6F E42A D2 E42D 2S E42E C3 EO EQU EQU OOICH OOIDH POINT DIGIT DATA ORG DW DB DS OEOOOH DATA OOH 16 ORG PUSH PUSH LHLD MYI OUT MOY OUT LDA OUT CPI JZ INR STA INX SHLD POP POP RET MYI STA MOY SUI MOY JNC OCR JMP OE4ooH PSW H POINT A,IFH DIG A,M SEG DIGIT DIG 15 LOOP I A DIGIT H POINT H PSW RFRSH E400 ooEO IF ID IC 02EO ID OF 21E4 02EO OOEO LOOP2 00 02EO LOOPI OF IBE4 IBE4 SOURCE STATEMENTS SEG DIG A,O DIGIT A,L IS L,A LOOP2 H LOOP2 Figure S. SOSOA Microprocessor Program and Flowchart that Interfaces to the REFRESH CONTROLLER Shown In Figure 5 requires 11.6% of the 6800 microprocessor time or 15.7% of the 8080A microprocessor time to refresh the display at a 100 Hz refresh rate. Faster versions of the 6800 and 8080A microprocessors can reduce this microprocessor time by 50%. (3/4) or 1/42.6. For values of Rand C specified. the display is strobed at a 130 Hz refresh rate. Data is entered into the RAM from the address and data bus of the microprocessor via two control lines. Chip Select and Write. When Chip Select goes low. the address generated by the counter is disabled and the microprocessor address and data bus ~ted to the RAM. Then. after sufficient delay. the Write input is pulsed. which stores the data within the RAM. The data entry timing for the 18 segment DECODED DATA CON-. TROLLER is shown in Figure 11. Because of the requirement that the address inputs of the 6810 RAM must be stable prior to the falling edge of Write. Chip Select should go low for time tcw prior to the falling edge of Write. To guarantee thatthe address and data inputs of the RAM remain stable until after Write goes high. Chip Select should remain low fortime tCH following the rising edge of Write. This requirement for two separate timing signals is also required for the CODED DATA CONTROLLER shown in Figure 15. Because this interface timing is somewhat more difficult than the previously described circuits. the following methods are presented for interfacing to commonly used microprocessors. DECODED CONTROLLERS Figure 9 shows a DECODED DATA CONTROLLER designed for a 32 character 18 segment alphanumeric display. To simplify the circuitry. the display is configured as a 14 segment display with decimal point and colon. This allows each display character to be specified by two 8 bit words. One possible display font is shown in Figure 10. The Motorola 6810 RAM stores 64 bytes of display data that are continually read and displayed. The display data is organized within the RAM such that addresses As. A4. A3. A2. and A1 specify the desired character and address Ao differentiates between the two words of display data for each character. The display data is formatted such that word 0 (07-00) is decoded as G2. G1. F. E. D. C. B. and A; and word 1 (07-00) is decoded as COLON. DP. M. L. K. J. I. and H. The display data is coded low true such that a low output turns the appropriate segment on. Strobing of the display is accomplished with the 74LS14 oscillator and 74LS393 counter. The counter continuously reads display data from the RAM and enables the appropriate digit driver. The time allotted to each digit is broken into four segments. During the first segment of time. the display is turned off and work 0 is read from the RAM and stored in the 74LS273 octal register. During the next three segments of time. word 1 is read from the RAM and the display is turned on. Thus. the display duty factor is (1/32) Interface to the 6800 microprocessor family is accomplished by NAN Ding together VMA and some specified combination of high order address lines to generate Chip Select and using cf>2 to generate Write. For the 8080A and 8085A microprocessor families. the limited flexibility of the output instruction requires that the 18 segment DECODED DATA CONTROLLER must be addressed as memory instead of 1/0. The 8080A micro- 436 ""'" ~ n~' " o0 67 ~, ~ ~:6' ,. [ BUS' 0, 0, 7Y' '.7 :H, '" kim, lTV" . ~'" 11 ~ 6y7 ,y' ,. •• ,," ',." " " 'g n" ">..W" "'; '" o. 6 "tI 10!) (TYP) V I" • OP U'N20" r, _ ~: 70' ADDRESS[:: BUS A3------I-"-I " 2: DO , 11 •) I I I I I I 10 I I~; .a, 0' LJ LJ LJ :H 7a 74LS273 hi ~ B>-------+ HOSP-6508 " c '0 Po .,----+~ " HDSP-6508 2· ,a' .,------1-.... . "' . " ~H "" 80 119 16 II HOSP-6508 v. '234561 J 45618 I_Li_Li i i ,j.d._I .. \ i i Vee 10 774LS14 ... I ~ Vee 16100Q1Q2QJu....." .... u 1 4 laB 10 2 Ice r 2a~ ~ ' '1'2 10 6 4 2 5 ~ 9 ~8 9 8 1'~ 74LS32 .... WRm~ 14LS32 B L..!!.-. _ ~31 > II I 10 14LS14 14LS14 1!.f'..._12 VMA A,S I I II V 11 8080A MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE (UTILIZING 8233 SYSTEM CONTROLLER) 6800 MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE GENERAL INTERFACE CHWruECT 14LS14 T I 112IJll~~5 • g ........ _ 8 ~~ ABCDGCL 4 -11 7ac0 11 6 20 2CL 74LS32 4 5 5" , 132A:~:'0 12 .'l1 f i1j2 IJ r'1~5 74LS361 ISA5A4A 3A 2A lA 14LS393 1 ,...-.:..:..:.lA 4 3 ~5Y4Y 3Y 2Y ' ] ~~ ~G2 " ''u""i£,. ":'r- 00Q'02030405 0607 ...... 1,,1111.171, " .,,---=----'1 21 _ A14 ---t-:-:-r""" A" A" AU "I 0D 5 A 13 A12 :1 • MEMW----------------~ FROM INTEL 8238 SYSTEM CONTROllER 2~ TO 6800 FROM INTEl 8224 CLOCK GENERATOR Figure 9. 6800, 8080A, and General Interface to the HDSP-6508 DECODED DATA CONTROLLER J-======J------.J "2 (TTll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I 03 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 DO 0 0 0 0 HEX 0 1 2 3 • 5 6 7 B 9 A B C 2 (space) I I < > *- O2 BITS 01 0 6 0 5 D. o 1 0 o 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 " I :E % .E 0 + / 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 ° E F / - L 0 I 2 =:I y ~ 5 l B 9 ? • [E R B [ lJ E F G H I J I-< L M N 0 P Q R 5 T U V W X Y Z ~ \ 1 1\ -3 ~ / 5 Figure 10. One Possible 16 Segment Display Font (14 Segments Plus Decimal Point and Colon) lor the DECODED DATA CONTROLLER Shown In Figure 9. processor requires an external status latch to hold status information provided during program execution. This status latch function can be implemented with an octal register such as the Intel 8212 or 74LS273. A Memory Write signal can be generated by NORing together all outputs of this status latch. This signal can then be NANDed with some specified combination of high order address lines to generate Chip Select. The 8080A WR output can then be connected to Write. The Intel 8238 System Controller, which is commonly used with the 8080A microprocessor, prevents direct access to the outputs of the status latch. An example of an interfacing to a system utilizing the 8238 is illustrated in Figure 9. MEM IN from the 8238 is inverted and then NANDed with some specified combination of high order address lines to generate Chip Select. The 74LS113 generates Write from the microprocessor clock, <1>2 (TTL). Interface to the 808SA microprocessor family can be accomplished by inverting the IIOIM output and NAN Ding the resulting signal with the So output and some specified combination of high order address lines to generate Chip Select. The WR output from the microprocessor is connected directly to Write. GENERAL INTERFACE 'wc 7'cw---- tWR ----- X ADDRESS X - -I='AW"'\ t= • PARAMETER X 'w. 425n5 'cw 'ow 65n5 WRITE DELAY DATA seTUP 'I DATA MIN. 'WC 'AW ~·ENAB·LE TO WRITE 'CH}=t- tow - - - - - - . SYMBOL WRITE CYCLE -l- I-- 'OH_ . 65n5 21005 DATA HOLD 'OH 35ns WRITE PULSE 'wp 325m WRITE RECOVERY 'WR 25m CHIP ENABLE HOLD 'CH 35m WAITE 8080A MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE I I 1>2 ITTLI 6800 MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE ADDRESS I: VALID ADDRESS FROM 8224 I: ADDRESS ~------------~I I DATA o :VALlOO+ DATA I I (CHiPSELEcT, I ~_ _--r-..... MEM W (CHIP SELECT) FROM 8238 o : : I 1 ...._ _ __ _ I ------~~r------ Figure 11. Data Entry Timing lor the DECODED DATA CONTROLLER Shown in Figure 9 438 I 1 (WRITE) iI I 9 PAD'''''' ADDRE'SS OF DISPLAY LOC 0000 0002 0004 0006 0400 0400 0403 0405 0408 040A 040C 040E 040F 0411 0412 0414 0416 0418 04IA 041C 041E 04lF 0421 0422 0424 0427 0429 OBJECT CODE SOURCE STATEMENTS BFOO 0600 DSPLY DECDR EQU EQU IBFOO 10600 0006 BFOO 0600 ASCII PADI PAD2 FDB FDB FDB RMB MESSGE DSPLY DECDR 32 ORG LOX STX LOX STX LDX LOA A INX STX ASLA STAA LOX LOA A LDAB LOX STAA INX STA B INX STX CPX BNE RTS 10400 I,DSPLY D,PADI I,DECDR MESSGE CE DF CE DF DE A6 08 DF 48 97 DE A6 E6 DE A7 08 E7 08 DF 8C 26 39 BFOO 02 0600 04 00 00 00 05 04 00 01 02 00 00 02 BF40 EI LOAD LOOP I D,PAD2 D,ASCII X,O NOT DONE D,ASCli D,PAD2+1 D,PAD2 X,D X,I D,PADI X,O X,O D,PADI I,DSPLY+64 LOOPI PAD1 ,. ADDRESS OF OISPlA Y + 64? NO (lOOP1) Figure 12. 6800 Microprocessor Program and Flowchart that Interlaces to the DECODED DATA CONTROLLER Shown In Figure 9 L The simplest interface to the Z-80 microprocessor family is accomplished by addressing the 18 segment DECODED DATA CONTROLLER as 1/0 instead of memory, An example of this interface is shown in Figure 15, The lORa output is inverted and NANDed with some specified combination of address lines to generate Chip Select. The 74LSl13 circuit generates Write from the inverted microprocessor clock ~, DECODED DATA CONTROLLER, The corresponding 8080A microprocessor program is shown in Figure 13, This program requires 1.4 ms for a 2 MHz clock to decode and load 32 ASCII characters into the 18 segment DECODED DATA CONTROLLER. The 64 character ASCII font shown in Figure 10 can be generated using the table shown in Figure 14. This ASCII decoder uses two 8 bit words to represent each ASCII character. The format of the decoder is consistent with either the 6800 microprocessor program shown in Figure 12 or the 8080A microprocessor program shown in Figure 13. A 6800 microprocessor program that interfaces to the 18 segment DECODED DATA CONTROLLER is shown in Figure 12. This program decodes 32 ASCII characters and stores the resulting decoded display data within the display, The scratch pad register "ASCII" points to the location of the next ASCII character to be decoded, The program reads the first ASCII character, increments the point, "ASCII," and then looks up two words of display data within the 64 character ASCII look-up table "DECDR," These words of display data are then stored at the two addresses for the leftmost display location, Subsequent ASCII characters are decoded, and stored at the appropriate address within the display until all 32 characters have been decoded, After the program is finished, the pOinter "ASCII" will have been incremented by 32, This program requires 2,4 ms for a 1 MHz clock to decode and load 32 ASCII characters into the 18 segment CODED DATA CONTROLLERS Figure 15 shows a CODED DATA CONTROLLER designed for a 32 character 18 segment alphanumeric display, Operation of this circuit is similar to the DECODED DATA CONTROLLER shown in Figure 9 except that the Motorola 6810 RAM stores 32 six bitASC11 words and the Texas Instruments AC5947 decodes this ASCII data into 18 segment display data, The resulting display font is shown in Figure 6, Strobing of the display is accomplished by the 74LS14 oscillator and 74LS393 counter. Because the long propagation delay through the AC5947 tends to cause display ghosting, the display is 439 we OBJECT CODE EOOO E002 02 00 E400 01 E403 II E406 2A E409 7E E40A 23 E408 07 E40C SF E40D IA E40E 02 E40F 13 E410 03 E411 IA E412 02 E413 03 E414 79 E415 FE E417 C2 E4IA 22 E4ID C9 SOURCE STATEMENTS DSPLY EQU OBFOOH EO ASCIJ DATA ORG DW DS OEOooH DATA 32 ooBF ooE5 ooEO WAD ORG LXI LXI LHLD MOY INX RLC MOY LDAX STAX INX INX LDAX STAX JNX MOY CPI JNZ SHLD RET 0E400H B,DSPLY D,DECDR ASCIJ A,M H BFoo WOPI 40 O9E4 ooEO E,A D B D B D B B A,C NOT DONE 64 WOPI ASCII (lOOP1) Figure 13. 8080A Microprocessor Program and Flowchart that Interfaces to the DECODED DATA CONTROLLER Shown In Figure 9 ASCII SYMBOL WORD 0 FF 20 (SPACE) FF 21 DF 22 23 36 # $ 24 12 25 IB % 26 F2 ~ 27 FF FF 28 FF 29 2A 3F 2B 3F FF 2C 2D 3F 2E FF 2F FF CO 30 0 FF 31 I 32 2 24 33 3 30 34 4 19 35 5 96 36 6 02 37 7 F8 38. 8 00 18 39 9 3A FF FF 3B 7F 3C ~ 3D 37 3E BF > 3F 7C , " i WORD I FF BD FD ED ED D2 CA FD F3 DE CO ED DF FF BF DB DB ED FF FF FF F7 FF FF FF FF 3F SF FB FF FE EF ASCII SYMBOL WORD 0 40 @ 44 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 SA 5B 5C 5D 5E SF A B C D E F G H I J 08 70 C6 FO 86 8E 42 09 F6 EI 8F C7 C9 C9 CO K L M N 0 P Q R S T U Y W X Y Z [ \ ~ oc CO oc 12 FE CI CF C9 FF FF F6 7F FF BF FF F7 WORD I FD FF ED FF ED FF FF FF FF ED FF F3 FF FA F6 FF FF F7 F7 FF ED FF DB D7 D2 EA DB F3 F6 DE D7 FF Figure 14. 64 Character ASCII Decoder Table for the Microprocessor Programs Shown In Figures 12 and 13. 18 Segment Display Font Is Shown In Figure 10. 440 ,.....~ GENERAL INTERFACE 2 74LS02 74LS14 ~~. ~ 74LS368 ~~~.[~~: ~ [ AD~~SS ~ A3 ~ i"(NOTE 1) ~~--------' III II I --l!-Y" .~: SA v" -r:-L" -I SV l' 2. "i-I 6:::~ 17 15 14 DO A2 01 12 1-::V" ~ D6 ~ CS1 CS3 LEFT = R/W 25 17 0...... c ,a A _. 74LS02 S 10. '"C tao" ,aA 20 B 10 ~10 2ac ,aD "J.lF~ 74LS14 9-", _ 8 74LS02 -::- I I HOSp·6S08 I I M Co ~47'LS14 II DP~t===~~~==~~~~~~~~ J" 'T:-i'::i':-i::T.=T.±i:'. 'i-ri.::T:;r.-::T:±."i:-:T! 'T:-T.::T:-i::~±i:' MCM6810 6 HOSP·6508 HOSP..6508 HOSP.fi508 ~5 ,. '6 ~: D. "" A6 _ 11 13 0 1. tf> IS MICROPROCesSOR CLOCK 2. CS IS i'O'R'Q ANOEO WITH THE 1/0 ADDRESS OF THE DISPLAY 23 A. A1 ,.~I: 2Vr.-+++-<,----.!!!.l 1, 74LS367 .... .... .... B_n. 74LS02 ';~S~~2~13 v Figure 15. General Interfaces to the HDSP-650a CODED DATA CONTROLLER 74LS14 1!Jt.... 10 v v 17. This circuit is designed around the Intel 8279 Programmable Keyboard/Display Interface. This LSI chip contains the circuitry necessary to interface directly to a microprocessor bus and provides a 16 x 8 RAM. programmable scan counter, and keyboard debounce and control logic. While the 8279 is specifically deSigned for 7 segment displays, inclusion of the Texas Instruments / AC5947 ASCII to 18 segment decoder/driver allows the \" use of an 18 segment alphanumeric display. The 8279 . Keyboard/Display Controller interfaces to a microprocessor via an eight line bidirectional Data Bus, control lines RD (Read), WR (Write). CS (Chip Select), Ao (Command/Data). RESET. IRQ (Interrupt Request). and a clock input, CLK. The display is scanned by outputs AO-3 and BO-3 which are connected to the inputs of the AC5947, and outputs SLO-3 which are connected to the digit scanning circuitry. The 74LS122 is used to provide interdigit blanking to prevent display ghosting. In addition to display scanning. the 8279 also has the ability to scan many different types of encoded or decoded keyboards, X-Y matrix keyboards, or provide a strobed data input to the microprocessor. The 8279 provides for either block data entry, where data enters from left to right across the display overflowing to the leftmost display location; right data entry, where data enters at the righthand side of the display and previous data shifts toward the left; and RAM data entry, where a four bit field in the control word specifies the address at which the next data word will be written. The 8279 allows data written into the display to be read by the microprocessor, and provides commands to either blank or clear the display. GENERAL INTERFACE twc I+--tcw--' twR_ X ADDRESS - . !=="tAW ____ "" .'=X tCH }=r 'I tow tOH ..... X DATA . twp WRITE Z-BO INTERFACE -~ I SYMBOL MIN. WRITE CYCLE PARAMETER twc 455•• 65.. WRITE DELAY tAW CHIP ENABLE TO WRITE tew 65 .. DATA SETUP tow 215n, DATA HOLD tOH 50ns WRITE PULSE twp 340ns WRITE RECOVERY tWR 40•• CHIP ENABLE HOLD tCH SOns Figure 16, Data Entry Timing for the CODED DATA CONTROLLER Shown In Figure 15 The HDSP-8716/-8724/-8732/-8740 DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER shown in Figure 18 is designed to provide a flexible 18 segment display interface for displays up to 40 characters in length. This circuit utilizes a dedicated Intel 8048 Single chip microprocessor to provide features such as a blinking cursor, display editing routines, multiple data entry modes, variable display string length. and data out. This controller is available as a series of printed circuit board subsystems of 16, 24, 32, and 40 characters in length. The user interfaces to the 8048 microprocessor through eight Data In inputs. six Address inputs, a Chip Select input, Reset input, Blank, input, six Data Out outputs. Data Valid output. Refresh output, and Clock output. The software within the 8048 microprocessor provides four data entry modes - Left Entry with a blinking cursor, Right Entry. Block Entry, and RAM Entry. The Data Out port allows the user to read the ASCII data stored within the display, determine the configured.data entry mode and display length, and locate the position of the cursor within the display. Since the Data Out port is separate from the Data In port, the 18 segment DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER can be used for text editing independent of the main microprocessor system. In Left Entry mode. the controller provides the Clear, Carriage Return, Backspace, Forwardspace, Insert, and Delete editing functions; while in Right Entry mode, the controller provides Clear and Backspace editing functions. The controller can also be expanded into multiple line panels. blanked momentarily after each new character is read from the RAM. This is accomplished by breaking the total time allotted for each digit into four segments. During the first segment, the display is turned off to allow data to ripple through the AC5947 and during the next three segments. the display is turned on. The resulting display duty factor is (1/32) (3/4) or 1/42.6. The display is strobed at a 130 Hz refresh rate. Data is entered into the RAM from the address and data bus of the microprocessor via two control lines Chip Select and Write. When Chip Select goes low, the address from the counter is tristated and the microprocessor address bus and data bus is gated to the RAM. Then after sufficient delay, the Write input is pulsed, which stores the data within the RAM. Data entry timing for the. 18segment CODED DATA CONTROLLER is shown in Figure 16. Since this timing is very similar to the DECODED DATA CONTROLLER shown in Figure 9, interface to the various microprocessor families is the same as described in the section on DECODED DATA CONTROLLERS. DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLERS The DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER provides a powerful. smart interface which performs many of the functions normally found in a small terminal. The DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER is designed around a slave microprocessor or custom LSI integrated circuit that provides display storage and multiplexing with a very minimum of circuit complexity. The simplest DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER deSigned for a 16 digit 18 segment alphanumeric display is shown in Figure The 8048 microprocessor interfaces to the display via the Port 2 output. The output is configured to enable the microprocessor to send a six bit word to one of three destinations as selected by P26 and P27. The PROG output 442 v" ..•" ,.•• ..'. · " " .,., 6 " "". • , I, V" 1;0 UK V" QUlA, OUTAg DUTB3 DUTB Z OUTB, DUlBo ,. 7 C AC5947 D, fTYPI Z1 17 0, 1& E Z1 22 20 F 28 28 23 13 30 '0 31 24 H I 28 J ~ INTEL 9279 DATA BUS f [-----;j~;.t ~~ ~: , K L M DE CK ':" *6 28 21 DP Co 25 '0 11 22 .., 23 22 24 11 ·, ., E 20 H I ,.,. ., "• ,• · 17 t----;; t-----f, C 0, 0, 7 26 . r--;, t-----ii" "" " "• ~ t----;- C 0, 0, r----=;- ~ F ~ H I E ., t---t." ., ~ F HDSP-6508 ----To" ---..:;- J K HaSP·650B J -; -; ~ --1!. ~2 '1211' K L L M M DP '?OZ DP 3 4 5 8 7 B 3 4 5 6 7 • . . 0, . . 0,0. . . . . 0, DBa NE590 HE 590 Ao A,AZ 0 am DBO RD ''0 ", WR .. • .0 RESET A, AZ 0 CE CLR 33 ", ,. '" cs At> 32 34 V" , • 21 • , 23 ,0 '6 "1141" 16 ~1 8 " 1~!b4 =====t"~:~ 12 47n1TVP) , vi:: :: 23 IRO B1 Aint 'A2 0 eLR C.xt CLK -=- 13 14LS1Z2 " 4700pF ':" RL7~r-- ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ---------------------, ~~ I I I I I I I I RL Z ~ KEYBOARD RLon I r-L- _________ _______________ J 36 I SHIFTn [ CNTL/STB L---,=.... v.. 1: 0 Figure 17. HDSP-6508 DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER Ullllzing Ihe Inlel 8279 Programmable Keyboard Display Inlerface is then used to store this word at the specified destination. Destinationo is the 74LS174 hex register. The outputs of this register are decoded by the 74LS259 addressable latches and Sprague ULN 2815 digit drivers. Output 3F16 is decoded to turn on the rightmost' aisplay digit while the address of the leftmost display digit varies from 1816 for a 40 character display to 3016 for a 16 character display. Destination1 is the AC5947 18 segment decoder/driver. The positive edge of PROG stores a six bit ASCII code within the AC5947. Because destination1 is pulsed once every time a digit is refreshed, this output is also used as the Refresh output. Destination2 is the Data Valid output of the Data Out port. Thus, Data Out actually consists of a series of six bit words that are sentlo Destination2. Display refresh is accomplished by first turning off the digit drivers by outputting a 016 to the 74LS174. Then a new ASCII character is stored within the AC5947. Finally, a new digit word is stored within the 74LS174. The actual time that each digit is on varies according to the configured display length so as to provide a fixed 100 Hz refresh rate. Interfacing the DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER shown in Figure 18 to microprocessor systems depends on the needs of the particular application. Since the information on the Data In and Address inputs is loaded into the controller through a program within the 8048 microprocessor, the time required to read these inputs varies from about 100 to 700 microseconds. A latch as shown in the HDSP-8716/-8724/-8732/-8740 Data Sheet can be used as a buffer between these inputs and the data bus and address bus of the main microprocessor system. The latch provides temporary storage to avoid making the main microprocessor wait for the DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER to accept data. 443 121! (TVP) HDSP-8732/-8740 22S1ITVP) HDSP.8716/-8724 v" I, Co O'T'OUT[~~;~~~:~::~~~ J1 00 2 001 (23) DOD (221 ". '" 19 I" I" tI/ M II~ E " m I" I" 2. 22 ~....I~2·~'----------------l R''''''''H'''" _~ ,I (33) • '4 " U HDSP·6508 HOSP·6508 Hasp·65GB HOSP·6S08 {LEFT! (RIGHT! 23 (13) 25 ,al BLANK HDSP·65GB K L (12) T 0, E (10) " 111111'1leK ., M (11) DATA VALID Co 18 G 2 141 0, I A4 IIAJ _ (24) 121 "I I • " (1) 25 G2 *l" ~ J3 28 0, \ll'~Op 10K ~-~~~: --- E:II ''''!I.-~~--=-I RESET -.:.:""'''-..... 111111 11~12 (181 .. Vee...!! r - - - - -.....-~E. AS M>M>M>- [ ADDRESS !LEfn 32 P'5 A4 (9) tERI) 31 P'4 171 CElli 30 P13 A2 A (5) (31 29 P'2 28 P 01 1201 ,. BUS, 01: (18) 18 BUSe , 111 11 P,o 01 1161 17 BUSs 1141 1121 01: 01, 110) (8) 16 BUS. 15 BUS 3 14 BUS 2 13 BUS, 010 161 12 BUSo ~ (41 SIRO READY ACTIVE EXPAND 1281 Vr;c 16100 0102 Q3~----. 74LS259 01: 01 DATA IN [ 3~ J4 74LS174 :27 : 26 33 24 6Y 24 5Y P23 23 4V P22 22 3Y ::~ ~~ (61 )O"'-""c.I~>--t---~f--7-----*+--+----f--+----' 74LSOO ",=,---,I~al~:~_+_ _--.J "'",O-;:I::s:,~'~_+_____+-___--4_-I_ _ _--' ~~ 21 _ t - CLOCK OUT ....,.,I30::::!..'_ _---"-"-_ _---''-1 PROG· 25 7 1. I I !.L !.L YL1 jJFI "*1 $AFT PFT jJFI l .01 Vee J[::;::~::T , : -=- ~ 74LSl39 -=- .1.20 J2 33 2Q~==;:;:==j::~:E~==E~~tE=E=~S~=:1=~~tE=t=~~~===~~J P'6 -'-I 33 (31 17+---' ---'I~21'---_.,..._ _ _ _ 121 ~ r;c~ ~ 74LS367 :25 :: 34 74LSOO V 30 ~P17 (13) 111 ULN28r5 - 8048 A3 Ao 1111 ULN28IS ULN28IS XTAL 2 RAM 6 78 -=- +--II---....-..!.lXTAl, -=- 34 5 .01 Vr;c .01 CONTROLLER BO~D fOR HDSP-8716/8724/8732/8740 Figure 18. HDSP-8716/-8724/-8732/-8740 DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER ' - - - - - DISPLAY BOARD FOR HDSP-8716 t : I I 1 : :, 1\ \ --.J DISPLAY BOARD FOR HDSNI124 _ _ _ _- J DISPLAYBOARDFORHDSP-8132---------' DISPLAY BOARD fOR HDSP-8740 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--.J ation, the main processor could output a prompting message to the user via the DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER. The user could then enter data from the keyboard into the display utilizing the controller's editing capability. Afterthe message has been entered and edited, the user would instruct the main microprocessor to read the final edited message from the Data Out port. One port from the PIA can be used to control the Data In inputs of the DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER and another port of the PIA can be used to read the Data Out port. Figure 19 shows a 6800 microprocessor system using a Motorola 6821 PIA to control the DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER shown in Figure 18. The PB7 output of the PIA determines whether data is entered into the controller The 18 segment DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER shown in Figure 18 can also be interfaced to the main microprocessor system through a Peripheral Interface Adapter (PIA). The Data In inputs of the controller would be connected to an output port of the PIA. In RAM Entry mode, the Address inputs of the controller would be connected to another output port of the PIA. The PIA provides a handshake back tothe main microprocessor system that tells when the DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER is ready to accept another data input word from the main microprocessor. This allows the microprocessor to load data into the controller at the highest possible rate. A PIA can also be used to allow the 18 segment DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER to act as a buffer between a keyboard and the main microprocessor. In this configur- 15 PB, PB, - f2L - ~ - r2L - r1L - r1L - r1L - r1L - rE- r1L - ~ BUS DATAt VMAA15 A, PBs Ps.. PB, 0, 0, PB, PB, 05 0, PBo CB, 0, 0, C8, 0, Do PA, CSo PAs P,," CS, PA, ~ 27 14 13 26 25 12 11 10 2. 23 22 2. 18 ~SI3'-1Kee 198 9 + • 10 20,uF lK -= 14 8 7 11 5 6 2 P10 - f-llc CS, Ao ~ RSo A" A, R/W - elL RS, - ..1L R/W .2L E RESET -..1!<: [ IRa ~ 6 3 c..!... iffiEj' TRQij PA, PA, PA, PA o ----=fl2... 5 4 3 14 11 5 2 2 13 10 MOTOROLA 6821 6 3 .-....!.... t- CA, 4V 3V 3B 2B lB 2V IV 12 9 20 18 7 4 16 14 DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER 4A 2A lA 4V 12 12 9 7 4 10 8 3V 4B 3B 2B lB 2V lV 6 01, 01, 01, 01 0 SEL ST READY lJ xcr- If 1000pF 11 ~I>A, ER 0 6 050403 02 D1 Do ST 01 5 01, 3A 74LS157 r.-":, "u'" r.:< I>A~ MICROSWITCH 61SW12-1 KEYBOARD DI, 01, HDSP8716/87241 873218740 13 l000pF DATA VALID SEL ST Vee H( DO, DO, 00 0 2A lA 4B 28 '--~ DO, DO, 4A 40 39 005 3A 74LS157 22K CA, RESET 17 _ a CL -= 1 J 5 CS 74LS132 6 , -:!:- I Figure 19. 6800 Microprocessor Interface to the DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER Shown in Figure 18 Utilizing a Motorola 6821 PIA 445 • PORT CONFIGURATION: "I. PORTA: " PAO-PA7 OUTPUTS TO DATA IN OF HDSP-S7XX CAl (INPUT) MODE 00 SETS FLAG NEG EDGE OF READY CA2 (OUTPUT) MODE 100 CLEARED MPU READ PRA, SET NEGATIVE EDGE OF READY " 2. PORTB: PBO-PB5 INPUTS DATA TO 6S00 FROM DATA OUT OF HDSP " CBI (INPUT) MODE 10 SETS FLAG POS EDGE OF DATA VA CB2 (INPUT) MODE 000 SETS FLAG NEG EDGE OF ER KEY CB2 (INPUT) MODE 001 SETS FLAG NEG EDGE OF ER KEY CAUSING IRQ PB7 (OUTPUT) LOW ENABLES PAO-PA7 TO MUX HIGH ENABLES KEYBOARD TO MUX AND KEY SOOS S008 S009 SOOA SOOA 800B 0028 0000 0000 0002 0100 0100 0101 0102 0400 0400 0403 0406 040S 040B 040E 0411 0413 0416 0418 041B 0410 041F 0420 0421 0423 0426 0429 042B 042C 042E 0430 0431 0433 0435 043S 043B 043E 0440 0442 0444 0500 0500 0503 0506 050S 050B 050D 0510 0512 0515 0517 051A 051B 051E 0521 0524 0526 0529 0528 052E CE 7F S6 B7 7D 7D C6 B6 2A B6 S4 A7 OS 5A 26 7D B6 2A 39 DE A6 08 81 27 B7 7D B6 2A 20 DF 39 7F 7F S6 B7 S6 B7 86 B7 S6 B7 OE 7F BD 7D 86 B7 S6 B7 OF 0100 800A FF S008 800S SOOA 2A 800B FB SOOA 3F 00 FO 800S 8009 FB 00 00 FF OD 800S SOOS S009 FB EC 00 8009 SOOB FF 8008 24 8009 80 SOOA 06 800B PRA DRA CRA PRB DRB CRB LENGTH EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU $SOOS $SOOS $S009 $SOOA $800A SSOOB 40 MESSGE ORG FDB $0000 TEXT STATUS CURSOR DATA ORG RMB RMB RMB $0100 I I 40 ORG LDX CLR LDAA STAA TST TST LDAB LDAA BPL LDAA AND A STAA INX DEC B BNE TST LDAA BPL RTS $0400 I,STATUS E,PRB I,SFF E,PRA E,PRA E,PRB I,LENGTH+2 E,CRB READ LOOPI LOOP2 LOAD LOOP I 0 LOOPII ENDL START MAIN SOOA 042C 800A 80 800A OE 800B LDX LDAA INX CMPA BEQ STAA TST LDAA BPL BRA STX RTS ORG CLR CLR LDAA STAA LDAA STAA LDAA STAA LDAA STAA CLl CLR JSR TST LDAA STAA LDAA STAA SEI FORCE CA2 LOW; CLEAR CB1 FLAG CLEAR INTERRUPT REQUEST FROM'iRciB B +- DISPLAY LENGTH + 2 A7 ....· GB1 FLAG SET ON POSITIVE EDGE OF DATA VALID WAIT FOR DATA VALID MUST BE SAME AS LENGTH NOT DONE (Xl ----A STORE DATA OUT WORD X <- X +1 ENABLE PORT A TO MUX BEGIN DATA OUT SEQUENCE CLEAR CAl AND CA2 CLEAR CHI AND CB2 B '" O? LOOP! WAIT FOR DATA VALID E,PRB I,$3F X,O STORE IN RAM LOOPI E,PRA E,CRA LOOP2 PAA <-- FFH OUTPUT DATA OUT CONTROL WORD TO DISPLAY NO (LOOP1) YES NEXT DATA OUT WORD CLEAR CAl AND CA2 WAIT UNTIL READY CAl fLAG CLEARED? WAIT FOR READY (lOOP2) D,MESSGE X,O I,SFF ENDL E,PRA E,PRA E,CRA LOOPII LOOPIO D,MESSGE JUMP WHEN DONE CLEAR CAl AND CA2 WAlT NOT DONE $0500 E,CRA E,CRB I,$FF E,DRA 1,$24 E,CRA I,SSO E,DRB 1,$06 E,CRB E,PRB E,LOAD E,PRB 1,$80 E,PRB I,$OE E,CRB A +--(Xl READ ASCII CHARACTER X +-- X + 1 e DISABLE KEYBOARD FROM MUX CLEAR CB I, CB2 ENABLE KEYBOARD TO MUX ENABLE IRG IRQ CAUSES JSR TO READ WAtT FOR READY NO (LOOP10) Figure 20, 6800 Microprocessor Program and Flowchart that Interfaces to the Circuit Shown in Figure 19 446 from the microprocessor system or from the keyboard. Control lines CAl and CA2 are used to provide a data entry handshake to allow data to be loaded into the controller at the highest possible rate. Data is read into the main microprocessor system through Port B of the PIA using the CBl input as a data strobe. Subroutine "LOAD" then loads a series of eight bit words into the controller. "LOAD" continues to output words until it reads an FF16 to denote the end of the prompting message. The instruction sequence LOA A I, $80 and STA A E, PRB at location 052616 forces PB7 high to connect the output of the keyboard to the Data In inputs of the controller. In this mode, the user can enter or edit data into the DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER. The 4B input of the 74LS157 has been grounded to prevent the keyboard from loading a control word into the DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER. The instructions LOA A I, $OE and STA A E, CRB at location 052B16 enables the "ER" key on the keyboard to interrupt the microprocessor when the edited message is complete. Subroutine "READ" would then be used to read data into the 6800 system. First, subroutine "READ" outputs a special control word, The 6800 microprocessor program shown in Figure 20 is used to operate the PIA interface described in Figure 19. The microprocessor program following "START" is used to initialize the 6821 PIA. Once initialized, the PIA can be used either to load data into the controller via the main microprocessor, allow data to be loaded into the controller via the keyboard, or to read data from the Data Out port into the main microprocessor. The instruction CLR E, PRB at location 051 B16 forces PB710w to connect the outputs of Port A to the Data In inputs of the controller. 4 , PB, PBs PBs PI "",{~ BUS _ r1.!... 04 0, f2!!- - ~ - r-#- - A4- ~ 27 26 21 25 ,. 24 23 20 0, PA, PAs PAs 0, 01 14 3B 11 3' 40 5 2 PA4 ,...--E. 10 INTel 6 3 8255A 1 Al-~ A, A o - - ; - Ao IIORD-~ IIOWR-~ SYSTEM-~ ~ RD \lirA RESET RESET [ * 1 PA, PA, PA, 2 14 3 3A DO, DO, 000 4V 4B 3V 3B 2V 2B lB lV 12 20 • 01, lB 7 01, 16 ,4 4 01, Dl4 SEL HDSP- ST 8716/8724/ 8732/8740 DISPLAY PROCESSOR CONTROLLER 4A 3A 5 2A 2 lA 74LS157 13 48 3V 2V 6 2B 3 lB 1 SEL 13 DATA VALID 74LS157 2A lA 10 3B PC4 DO, 4A 11 4 PAo 005 004 2' 37 Do f-i-c os RESET 22 'B ,6 PC, iSlB) PBo 0, 05 -=- 22 23 PB, PB, PB, ~ ~ '5 74lS132 24 PB4 ~ 6 12 4V 12 • 10 • 7 4 lV 6 01 3 DI, 01, 01 0 rST 2. 11 PC, tACK) 22K 10 PC, (OBF) r+ -Vee .l: 20j..tF ~~ REQUES: 11 74lS00 2 ~ 13t-- 74LS132 5 131 11 l> B, B, A, l>A, CL ~ g § ~ 46 I 40 ia:i a: G 30 ~ 25 !!!! I ~ 2o 5 oc r'V ACI~:~:U t1 5 0 The hysteresis of the device is given in voltage terms as VHyS = VTH + - VTH _, or in terms of current as IHyS = ITH+ - ITH _· The optocoupler output is in the high state until the input voltage (current) exceeds VTH+(lTH+)' The output state will return high when the input voltage (current) becomes less than VTH-(lTH-)' As is shown in Figure 3, the HCPL-3700 has preprogrammed ac and dc switching threshold levels. Higher input switching thresholds may be programmed through the use of a single series input resistance as defined in Equation (1). In some cases, it may be desirable to split this resistance in half to achieve transient protection on each input lead and reduce the power dissipation requirement of each of the resistors. 2 3 4 +- r- Figure 4 illustrates three typical interface situations which a designer may encounter in utilizing a microprocessor as a controller in industrial environments. ±::::t:I ~ 1 OPEN~ I 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Y,N -INPUT VOLTAGE -v Figure 2. Ty~ical Input Characteristics, liN Example 1. ¥S. - - The transfer characteristic displayed in Figure 3 shows how the output voltage varies with input voltage, or current, levels. Hysteresis is provided to enhance noise immunity, as well as to maintain a fast transition response (tr, 1) for slowly changing input signals. t f t N I f- TI I t- DC (PINS 2, ~.;:::: ~ PINS1,4--c 0 1 The ac input appears similar to the dc input except that the circuit has two additional diode forward voltages. The ac input voltage will clamp at 6.7V (one Zener diode voltage plus one forward biased diode voltage), and is symmetric for plus or minus polarity. The ac voltage clamp level can not be changed with different possible dc pin connections. r- - OR PINS 1,4 to the device during large voltage or current transients in the industrial control environment. The internal limiting will in some cases eliminate the need for additional protection components. I CONNECTED TOGETHER; PINS 3,4 CONNECTED TOGETHER PINS 2, 3 Figure 3. Typical Transfer Characteristics of the HCPL-3700 ! J. 35 PINS 2, 3 PINS 1,4 1.3mA 2 r- VOL 50 50 TH_ 2.6'ii 3.8V I VOH 0 The dc input of the HCPL·3700 appears as a 10000 resistor in series with a one volt offset. If the ac pins (1,4) are left unconnected, the dc input voltage can increase to 12V (two Zener diode voltages) before the onset of input voltage clamping occurs. If the ac pins (1, 4) are connected to ground or to dc pins (2, 3) respectively, the dc input voltage will clamp at 6.0V (one Zener diode voltage). Under clamping conditions, it is important that the maximum input current limits not be exceeded. Also, to prevent ex· cessive current flow in a substrate diode, the dc input can not be backbiased more than -0.5V. The choice of the input voltage clamp level is determined by the requirements of the system design. The advantages of clamping the input at a low voltage level is in limiting the magnitude of for· ward current to the LED as well as limiting the input power 1 l00~A I The function of the HCPL·3700 can best be understood through a review of the input VII function and the input to output transfer function. Figure 2 shows the input char· acteristics, liN (mA) versus VIN (volts), for both the ac and dc cases. TAI.J·C 4.5V 4.2mA 0.4V 2.4V TH+ 4-. 3.8ii VTH IDC) -VrH lAC) 5.W 3 t--I ITH IACIDCI 2.5mA !; Device Characteristics 55 t--IOH I w The HCPL·3700 meets the requirements of the industrial control environment for interfacing signals from ac or dc power equipment to logic control electronics. Isolated monitoring of relay contact closure or relay coil voltages, monitoring of limit or proximity switch operation or sensor signals for temperature or pressure, etc., can be accom· plished by the HCPL·3700. The HCPL·3700 may also be used for sensing low power line voltage (Brown Out) or loss of line power (Black Out). r t-- vee IOL 5r- VOL VOH V,N 451 A dc voltage applied to the motor is moni· tored .as an indication of proper speed andl or load condition. 1----.----0 MPU HCPL·3700 HCPL·3700 115VAC OR CONTROL UNIT I--+-~-O 220VAC HCPL-3700 HCPL·3700 AC LINE MONITOR THERMOCOUPLE Figure 4. Applications of the HCPL-3700 for Interfacing AC and DC Voltages to a Microprocessor Example 2. A limit switch uses a 115V ac or 220V ac control loop to improve noise immunity and because it is a convenient high voltage for that purpose. Example 3. An HCPL-3700 is used to monitor a computer power line to sense a loss of line power condition. Use of a resistive shunt for improvement of threshold accuracy is analyzed in this example. 235.Q v( V ,N \ MPU 235n 5% Also illustrated is an application in which two HCPL-3700's are used to monitor a window of safe operating temperatures for some process parameters. This example also requires a rather precise control of the optocoupler switching threshold. An additional dedicated leased line system example is also shown (Example 4). Example 1. 5% Rx/2 Figure 5. Interfaeing a DC Voltage to an MPU using the HCPL-3700 NOTE: See Appendix for a definition of terms and symbols for this and all other examples. DC Voltage Sensing The following conditions are given for the external voltage threshold level and input requirements of the HCPL-3700: The de motor monitor function is established to provide an indication that the motor is operating at a minimum desired speed prior to the initiation of another process phase. If the applied voltage, VM , is greater than 5V, it is assumed that the desired speed is obtained. The maximum applied voltage in the system is 10V. The HCPL-3700 circuit configuration for this de application is shown in Figure 5. External Voltage Levels - V M 5V de (50%) V peak 452 10V de HCPL·3700 Input Levels V+ VTH + V peak V IHC --<-VTH + 3.8V V TH _ 2.SV V ICH3 12V ITH+ 2.5mA ITH_ 1.3mA where V IHC is the particular input clamp voltage listed on the data sheet. For this de application with ac pins (1, 4) open, input voltage clamping will not occur, i.e., (1) = 480n V TH + V peak V IHC3 5V 3.8V 10V 12.0V ->-- 5V - 3.8V 2.5mA Rx V+ -->-- For the 5V threshold, Rx is calculated via the expression: Rx '= (4) (V IN will clamp) Consequently, a conservative value for the maximum power dissipation in Rx for the unclamped input voltage condition ignoring the input offset voltage is given by: (470n ± 5%) The resultant lower threshold level is formed by using the following expression: (Unclamped Input) (2) (5) (1.3mA) 470n + 2.S0V f,OV( 470n ~2 1470nll V_ = 3.21V l L With the possible unit to unit variations in the input threshold levels as well as ±5% tolerance variations with Rx ' the variation of V+ is +12.4%, -15% and V_varies +14%, -23.5%. (NOTE: With a low, external, voltage threshold level, V+, which is comparable in magnitude to the VTH + voltage threshold level of the optocoupler (V +..;; 10VTH +) the tolerance variations are not significantly improved by the use of a 1% precision resistor for Rx' However, at a large external voltage threshold level compared to VTH + (V + > 10VTH +), the use of a precision 1% resistor for Rx does reduce the variation of V+.) 470n PR x = 21.8mW If V+lVpeak < VTH+IVIHC was true (clamped .input voltage condition), then the formula for the maximum power dissipation in Rx becomes: (Clamped Input) For simultaneous selection of external upper, V+, and lower, V _, voltage threshold points a combination of a series and parallel input resistors can be used. Refer to the example on "ac operation with improved threshold control and accuracy" for detailed information. The maximum input current or power must be determined to ensure that it is within the maximum input rating of the HCPL·3700. For the clamped input voltage condition, (7) Calculation of the maximum power dissipation in Rx is determined by knowing which of the following inequalities is true: V+ V TH + V peak V IHC -->-- IV IN will not clamp) (S) or (3) Clamped Condition (8) 453 > Vee ,( lB.7k 1% w ~ Rxl2 300 I '"....-' 250 c 200 ' V J IJ' 40 BO 120 160 200 240 Rx - EXTERNAL SERIES RESISTOR - kG For the unclamped input voltage condition, the maximum input current, or power will not be exceeded, because maximum input current and power will occur only under clamp conditions. Figure 7. Typical External Threshold Characteristic, V± vs. Rx 98V -5.1V An output load resistance is not needed in this application because the peripheral interface adapter, such as MC6821, has an internal pullup resistor connected to its input. Example 2. 2.5mA 37.2kn (use Rx/2 = 18.7kn, 1% resistor for each input lead) AC Operation The resulting lower threshold point is As shown in Figure 6, an ac application is that of a moni· tored 115V ac limit switch. Ac sensing is commonly used and the HCPL·3700 conveniently provides an internal rectification circuit. With the HCPL·3700 interfacing to the P.I.A., a choice can be made not to filter the ac signal or to filter the ac signal at the input or output of the device. All three conditions will be explored. Simplicity is obtained with no filtering at all, but software detection techniques must be used. Output filtering is a standard method, but may present problams with slow RC rise time of the output waveform when TTL logic is used. Input filtering avoids the RC rise time problem of output filtering, but introduces an extra time delay at the input. (10) ITH_Rx +VTH _ = (1.3mA)(37.4kn) + 3.8V V_ .. 52.4V (32% of peak input voltage) Figure 7 provides a convenient, graphical choice for the ex· ternal series resistor, Rx ' and a particular external threshold voltage V±. The corresponding Rx value and output waveform of the"\.. HCPL·3700 for a V+ = 98V (60% of peak) is shown in Figure 8. AC Operation With No Filtering in this example, a V+ value of·98V is selected based on a criteria of 60% of Vpeak' Monitoring a limit switch for a 60% level of the signal will give sufficient noise immunity from an open 115V ac line while allowing the HCPL·3700 to turn on under low line voltage conditions of -15% from npminal values when the limit switch is closed. _ _ _ V ak = 163V _ ,_\ _ v: . - r; _'-I V_· 9BV 160%1 52V 132%1 OV OUTPUT HCPL-3700 The value of Rx for the upper threshold detection level without the filter capacitor, C, across the de input, can be obtained from the following expression. VOHllJUlJULrvee VOL - ~.85ml B.33ms VTH + .. 5.1V (ac instantaneous) ITH+ - 2.5mA OV b (9) Figure 8. Output Waveforms of the HCPL·3700 Design in Figure 7 with no Filtering Applied 454 rI --V\lI,.------i' OFF STP.TE TIME __-;;;:c---- AC V peak I T!2 Figure 10. Input Filtering with the HCPL-3700 The application of ac input filtering is illustrated in Figure 10 and is described in the following example. The ac input conditions are the same as in the previous example of the 115V ac limit switch. Figure 9. Determination of Off/On State Time To determine the time in the high state, refer to Figure 9 and Equation (11). The minimum value of capacitance C to ensure proper ac filtering is determined by the parameters of the optocoupler. At low ac input voltage, the capacitor must charge to at least VTH + in order to turn on, but must not discharge to VTH - during the discharge cycle. A conservative estimate for the minimum value of C is given by the following equations. Due to symmetry of sinusoidal waveform, the high state time is t_ + t+ where t± is given by; (11 ) V TH + - V TH _ = VTH+e -t/r, where arc sine is in degrees and T = period of sinusoidal waveform. [ - RIN Cmin T - (12) where R I N is the equivalent input resistance of the HCPL3700. In the unfiltered condition, the output waveform of Figure 8 must be used as sensed information. Software can be created in which the microprocessor will examine the waveform from the optocoupler at specific intervals to deter· mine if ac is present or absent at the input to the HCPL3700. This technique eliminates the problem of filtering, and accompanying delays, but requires more sohpisticated software implementation in the microprocessor. (13) with RIN = lkn, VTH + = 3.8V, VTH_ = 2.6V and t = 8.33ms for 60 Hz or t = 10ms for 50 Hz. Input Filtering for AC Operation A convenient method by which to achieve a continuous output low state in the presence of the applied ac signal is to filter the input dc terminals (pins 2-3) with a capacitance C while the ac signal is applied to the ac input (pins 1-4) of the full wave rectifier bridge. Input filtering allows flexibility in using the HCPL-3700 output for direct interfacing with TTL or CMOS devices without the slow rise time which would be encountered with output filtering. In addition, the input filter capacitor provides extra transient and contact bounce filtering. Because filtering is done after Rx ' the capacitor working voltage is limited by the V 1HC2 clamp voltage rating which is 6.7V peak for ac operation. The disadvantage of input filtering is that this technique introduces time delays at turn on and turn off of the optocoupler due to initial charge/discharge of the input filter capacitor. Cmin 7.23/lF for 60 Hz Cmin 8.68/lF for 50 Hz To ensure proper filtering, the recommended value of C should be large enough such that with the tolerance variation, C will always be greater than Cmin (C should otherwise be kept as small as possible to minimize the inherent delay times which are encountered with this technique). Since the filter capacitor affects the input impedance, a slightly different value of Rx is required for the input filtered condition. Figure 11 shows the Rx versus V± threshold voltage for C = 10/lF, 22/lF, and 47/lF. For an application of monitoring a 115V RMS line for 65% of nominal voltage condition (75V RMSl, an Rx = 26.7kn ± 1% with C = 10/lF will yield the desired threshold. The power dissipation for Rx is determined from the clamped 455 selection with 115V line application would be to determine Rx for a lower threshold level of 50% of nominal peak input voltage, only to find that the upper threshold level is 90% of peak input voltage. With the possible ac line voltage variations (+10%, -15%), it would be possible that the optocoupler could never reach the upper threshold point with an ac line that is at -15% of nominal value. To give the designer more control over both threshold points, a combination of series resistance, Rx ' and parallel resistance, Rp ' may be used, as shown in Figure 12. I> , w '>-" "g 9 o ~0: l: >- -' "z~ Two equations can be written for the two external thresh· old level conditions. At the upper threshold point, >- ~ , ';' Rx - EXTERNAL RESISTOR - kn (14) Figure 11. External Threshold Voltage versus Rx for Applications Using an Input Filter Capacitor C (Figure 10) and at the lower threshold point, condition (V+/V peak < VTH+/V ICH2) and is 455mW (see Figure 6) which suggests Rx/2 of 1/2 watt resistors for each input lead. Example 3. (15) Solving these equations for Rx and Rp yield the following expressions: AC Operation with Improved Threshold Control and Accuracy Some applications may occur which require threshold level detection at specific upper and lower threshold points. The ability to independently set the upper and lower threshold levels will provide the designer with more flexibility to meet special design criteria. As illustrated in Figure 12, a computer power line is monitored for a power failure con· dition in order to prevent loss of memory information during power line failure. (17) Equations (16) and (17) are valid only if the conditions of Equations (18) or (19) are met. The desired external voltage threshold levels, V+ and V_, are established and the values for VTH ± and ITH ± are found from the data sheet." With the VTH ±, ITH± values, the denominator of Rx ' ' Equation (16) is checked to see of it is positive or negative. If it is positive, then the following ratios must be met: In this design, the HCPL·3700 optocoupler monitors the computer power line and the output of the optocoupler is interfaced to a TTL Schmitt trigger gate (7414). In the earlier ac application of the HCPL·3700 (limit switch example), a single external series resistor, Rx ' was used to determine one of the threshold levels. The other threshold level was determined by the hysteresis of the device, and not the designer. A potential problem of single threshold Conversely, if the denominator of Rx Equation (16) is negative, then the following ratios must hold: "N Rx/2 Rp vI (18) ,,( 2 DC+ HCPl-3700 (19) Rx/2 Consider that the computer power line is monitored for a 50% line drop condition and a 75% Iine presence condition. The 115V 60 Hz ac line (163V peak) can vary from 85% (139V) to 110% (179V) of nominal value. Figure 12. An AC Power Line Monitor with Simultaneous Selection of Upper and Lower Threshold Levels and Out· put Filtering 456 f Require: V_ 81.5V (50%) Turn off threshold V+ 122.5V (75%) Turn on threshold (22) Output Filtering Given: VTH +=5.1V ITH+= 2.5mA VTH _ =3.8V ITH_ =1.3mA The advantages of filtering at the output of the HCPL·3700 are that it is a simple method to implement. The output waveform introduces only one additional delay time at turn off condition as opposed to the input filtering method which introduces additional delay times at both the turn on and turn off conditions due to initial charge or discharge of the input filter capacitor. The disadvantage of output filtering is that the long transition time, t r , which is introduced by the output RC filter requires a Schmitt trigger logic gate to buffer the output filter circuit from the sub· sequent logic circuits to prevent logic chatter problems. The determination of load resistance and capacitance is illus· trated in the following text. Using the Equations (16, 17) for R , Rp with the condi· tions of Equations (18, 19) being metXyields =17.4 kn use 18 kn 5% Rp = 1.2 kn use 1.2 kn 5% Rx To complete the input calculations for maximum input current, liN' to the device and maximum power dissipation in Rx and Rp , a check must be made. to determine if the input voltage will clamp at peak applied voltage. Using Equations (3) and (4) to determine if a clamp or no clamp exists, it is found that the ratios 0.75 V+ V TH + V peak V IHC2 The following given values specify the interface conditions. HCPL·3700 =- - "" - - = 0.76 indicate that V IN slightly entered clamp condition. In this application, the operating input current, liN' is given approximately by V IHC2 VliN L Vi Rx 6.7V 115V - Vi 18 kn liN .. 2.18mA RMS VOL = O.4V IOL = 4.2mA IOH = 100ILA max VCC = 5.0V ± 5% V IHC2 v'2 --< Rp VT+ (min) liN (max) = 1.5V } (20) VT+ (max) = 2.0V IIH 40llA max III -1.2mA max Schmitt trigger upper threshold level 6.7V v'2 --1.2 kn With the current convention shown in Figure 12, the mini· mum value of RL which ensures that the output transistor remains in saturation is: < 34.3mA Power dissipation in Rx is determined from the following equation, RL (min) ~ O.:. L _..:,C..:,C....:.(m:.:..:.::ax.:,:)_-_V--:. V 5.25V -O.4V (21) (23) IOL + IlL 4.2mA - 1.2mA 1.62 kn The maximum value for RL is calculated allowing for a guardband of O.4V in VT+ (max) parameter, or V IH = VT+ (max) + O.4V. which yields o.6i5W. With the clamp condition existing, the maximum power dissipation for Rp is 18.7mW which is determined from 457 (27) r /WITHOUTC l rl (LlVOL ) VTtmio_ - - : MAXIMUM RIPPLE - - - - ' - - AMPLITUDE VOL - r-------- rl rl : - - : : - - : :_ _ -- --1 I~ r:-::--I I -- '~ ~ 4.58 ms WITH CL and substituting previous parameter values and using VOH =VCC - (lOH + IIH) RL results in 8.33 ms 4.58ms Figure 13. Output Waveforms of the HCPL·3700 In ( 4.8V - O.4V ) 4.8V _ O.4V _ 0.6V (24) r 4.75V - 2.4V 0.1 mA + 0.04mA 31.24ms C L can be calculated directly, 16.8 kn (28) R L is chosen to be 1650n. C L can be determined in the following fashion. As illus· trated in Figure 8, the output of the optocoupler will be in the high state for a specific amount of time dependent upon the selected V+ levels. In this example, V+ = 122.5V (75%) and V_ = 81.5V (50%) and allowing for a minimum peak line voltage of 138V (-15%), the high state time (without C L) is from Equation (11 I, 4.58ms. With the appropriate C L value, the output waveform (solid line) shown in Figure 13 is filtered. 31.24ms 1.29 kn 24.2MF use 27MF ± 10% or 33MF ± 20% With this value of C L, the time the R' LC L filter network takes to reach VT+ of the TTL gate is found as follows. (29) The maximum ripple amplitude above VOL is chosen to be 0.6V; that is, VOL + AV OL = 1.0V. This gives a 0.5V noise margin before VT+ (minI = 1.5V is reached. The exponen' tial ripple waveform is caused by the C L being charged through RL and input resistance, RINTTL' of TTL gate. An expression for the allowable change in VOL can be written: Solving for t, (30) (25) and substituting VOH = 4.8V, VOL = O.4V, VT+ (min) = 1.5V, and r = 31.24ms yields where r = R' LC L with R'L equal to parallel combination of RL and RINTTL' 9.0ms Below VT+ = 1.5V (min). RINTTL is constant and nom· inally 6 kn. Hence: R' L This is the delay time that the system takes to respond to the ac line voltage going below the 50% (V ) threshold level. In essence, the response time is slightly more than a half cycle (8.33msl of 60 Hz ac line with worst case line variation taken into account. This delay time is acceptable for system power line protection. In this example, a com· plete worst case analysis was not performed. A worst case analysis should be done to ensure proper function of the circuit over variations in line voltage, unit to unit device parameter variations, component tolerances and tempera· ture. (26) (1.65 kn) (6 kn) 1.65 kn + 6 kn Solving Equation (25) for r yields 458 Threshold Accuracy Improvement Solving for Ip+ yields In the above example on output filtering, the two external threshold levels were selected for turn on conditions at V+ = 122.5V (75%) and turn off at V_ = 81.5V (50%). The calculated external resistor values were Rx = 17.4 kn and Rp = 1.2 kn. Using standard 5% resistors of 18 kn and 1.2 kn respectively, the upper threshold voltage was actually 126.6V nominal. Ip+ = 11.2mA, and (33) Examination of the worst possible combination of varia· tions of the HCPL·3700 optocoupler VTH +, ITH +, levels from unit to unit, and the ± 5% variations of Rx and Rp can result in the V+ level changing +23% to -25% from design nominal. 11.2mA (use 453n, 1% resistor) This new value of Rp replaces the earlier Rp = 1.2 kn, and the circuit requires a new Rx value to maintain the same V+ threshold level. If higher threshold accuracy is desired, it can be accomplished by. decreasing the value of Rp in order to allow Rp to dominate the input resistance variations of the optocoupler. Using a 1% resistor for Rp and resistance of suf· ficiently small magnitude, the V+ tolerance variations can be significantly improved. The following analysis will allow the designer to obtain nearly optimum threshold accuracy from unit to unit. It should be noted that the HCPL-3700 demonstrates excellent threshold repeatability once the external resistors are adjusted for a particular level and unit. The compromise which is made for the added control on threshold accuracy is that more input power must be con· sumed within the Rp , Rx resistors. 11.2mA + 2.5mA 122.5V - 5.1V 13.7mA 8.57 kn With the possible variation of ± 1% in Rp and Rx ' as well as unit to unit variations in the optocoupler VTH +, ITH+ the upper threshold level V+ will vary significantly less than in the 5% resistor design case. The variations in V+' which is given by V+ = Rx 1+ + VTH +, where 1+ = Ip+ + ITH +, are compared in Table 1. In Figure 14, assume the circuit is at the upper threshold point. At constant VTH +, it is desired to maintain 1+ to within ± 5% variation of nominal value while allowing ± 1% variation in Ip+' With this requirement, Equations (31) and (32) can be written and solved for the magnitude of Ip+ which is needed to maintain the desired condition on 1+. 1+ is the sum of Ip+ and ITH +. 1.051+ = 1.01 Ip+ + ITH+ (max)} Table 1 illustrates the possible improvements in V+ tolerance as Rx and Rp are adjusted to limit the variation of the external input threshold current, 1+, to the resistor network and optocoupler. This table is centered at a nominal external input threshold voltage of V+ = 122.5V. It is the designer's compromise to keep power consumption low, but threshold accuracy high. (31) at constant V TH + 0.99 Ip+ + ITH+ (min) (use 8.66 kn, 1% resistor) (32) where NOTE: ITH+ (max) = 3.11mA ITH+ (min) = 1.96mA The above method for selection of Rp and Rx can be adapted for applications where larger sense currents (wet sensing) may be appropriate. Example 4. Dedicated Lines for Remote Control In situations involving a substantial separation between the signal source and the receiving station, it may be desirable to lease a dedicated private line metallic circuit (dc path) for supervisory control of remote equipment. The HCPL3700 can provide the interface requirements of voltage threshold detection and optical isolation from the metallic line to the remote equipment. This greatly reduces the expense of using a sophisticated modem system over a convention telephone line. HCPL-3700 Figure 14. Threshold Accuracy Improvement through the Use of External Rx and Rp Resistors 459 Rx T 0 L. Rp T 0 L. 18 kn 5% 1.2 kn 5% 8.66 kn 1% 453n 1% 4.32 kn 1% 205n 2.15 kn 1% 97.5n 1+ TOLERANCE +17.5% MAXIMUM TOTAL POWER IN Rx + Rp (RMS) V+ TOLERANCE + 23% - 25% 0.69W ±5% +12.7% -19.3% 1.45 W 1% ±3% +11.2% -18.9% 2.92W 1% ±2% +10.6% -18.8% 5.89W -21.2% Table 1. Comparison of the V + Threshold Accuracy Improvement versus Rx and Rp and Power Dissipation for a Nominal V+ = 122.5 V In this application, a 48V dc floating power source supplies the signal for the metallic line. The HCPL-3700 upper voltage threshold level is set for V+ = 36V (75%). Consequently, Rx is Figure 15 represents the application of the HCPL-3700 for a line which is to control tank levels in a water district. Some comments are needed about dedicated metallic lines_ The use of a private metallic line places restrictions upon the designer's signal levels. The line in this example would be used in the interrupted dc mode (duration of each interruption greater than one second), the maximum allowed voltage between any conductor and ground is .;; 135 volts. Maximum current should be limited to 150mA if the cable has compensating inductive coils in it. Balanced operation of the line is strongly recommended to reduce possible cross talk interference as well as to allow larger signal magnitudes to be used. Precaution also should be taken to protect the line and equipment. The line needs to be fused to ensure against equipment failure causing excessive current to flow through telephone company equipment. In addition, protection from damaging transients must be taken via spark gap arrestors and commercial transient suppressors. Details of private line metallic circuits can be founded in the American Telephone and Telegraph Company publication 43401. RESERVOIR CONDITION V+-VTH+ (35) ITH+ 36V -3.8V 2.5mA (use Rx/2 = 6.49 kn, 1% resistor in each input levell 12.9 kn The resulting lower voltage threshold level is (36) 13 kn (1.3mA) + 2.6V 19.5V =:J SWITCH CONDITION FULL OPEN LOW CLOSED 15VAC .WATER PUMP --o-f r---------<'~----,>-- Vee R~~_R ~. FLOAT SWITCH 1------' ~~~ 48VDC -=- BALANCED SUPPLY D1, 02 == lN5658A FLOAT SWITCH AND WATER PUMP ARE REMOTELY LOCATED WITH RESPECT TO EACH OTHER. Figure 15_ Application of the HCPL-3700 to Private Metallic Telephone Circuits for Remote Control 460 yielding VHYS = 16.5V. The average induced ac voltage from adjacent power lines is usually less than 10 volts (reference ATT publication 43401) which would not falsely turn on, or off, the HCPL-3700, but could affect conventional optocouplers. input surge current is 140mA for 3ms at 120 Hz pulse repetition rate, and the maximum input transient current is 500mA for 10J,ls at 120 Hz pulse repetition rate. The use of an external series resistor, Rx ' provides current limiting to the device when a large voltage transient is present. The amplitude of the acceptable voltage transient is directly proportional to the value of Rx' Under normal operation (full reservoir). the optocoupler is off. When the float switch is closed (low reservoir), the optocoupler output (VOL) needs inversion, via a transistor, to drive the power Darlington transistor which controls a motor starting relay. The relay applies ac power to the system water pump. With VCC = 10V, IB2 = 0.5mA, IBl = 0.5mA. However, in order to protect the HCPL-3700 when the input voltage to the device is clamped, the maximum input current must not be exceeded. An external means by which to enhance transient protection can be seen in Figure 16. A transient RxCp filter can be formed with Cp chosen by the designer to provide a sufficiently low break point for the low pass filter to reduce high frequency transients. However, the break point must not be so low as to attenuate the signal frequency. Consider the previous ac application where no filtering was used. In that application, Rx = 37.4 kn, and if the bandwidth of the transient filter needs to be 600 Hz, then Cp is: VCC - 2V BE (37) IB2 10V -1.4V 0.5mA 17.2 kn 18kn) Cp (39) VCC-VBE (38) 10V - 0.7V Should additional protection be needed, a very effective external transient suppression technique is to use a commercial transient suppressor, such as a Transzorb ® ,or metal oxide varistor, MOV ® ,at the input to the resistor network prior to the optocoupler. The Transzorb ® will provide extremely fast transient response, clamp the input voltage to a definite level, and absorb the transient energy. Selection of a Transzorb ® is made by ensuring that the reverse stand off voltage is greater than the continuous peak operating voltage level. Transzorbs ® can be stacked in series or parallel for higher peak power ratings. Depending upon the designer's potential transient problems, a solution may warrent the expense of a commercial suppression device. O.SmA RL (R L (use 0.0068J,1F capacitor @ SOV dc) 0.0071J,1F IB1 18.6 kn = 18kn) For this application, the ac inputs could also be used, which would remove any concern about the polarity of the input signal. General Protection Considerations for the HCPL-3700 The HCPL-3700 optocoupler combines a unique function of threshold level detection and optical isolation for interfacing sensed signals from electrically noisy, and potentially harmful, environments. Protection from transients which could damage the threshold detection circuit and LED is provided internally by the Zener diode bridge rectifier and an external series resistor. By examination of Figure 1, it is seen that an input ac voltage clamp condition will occur at a maximum of a Zener diode voltage plus a forward biased diode voltage. Thermal Considerations Thermal considerations which should be observed w!th the HCPL-3700 are few. The plastic 8 pin DIP package is designed to be operated over a temperature range of - 2SoC to 85°C. The absolute maximum ratings are established for Rx/2 At clamp condition, the bridge diodes limit the applied input voltage at the device and shunt excess input current which could damage the threshold detection circuit or cause excessive stress to the LE D. (v cp HCPl-3700 Rx/2 The HCPL-3700 optocoupler can tolerate significant inpl,lt current transient conditions. The maximum dc input current into or out of any lead is 50mA. The maximum Figure 16. RxCp Transient Filter for the HCPL-3700 461 a 70°C ambient temperature requiring slight derating to 85°C. In general, if operation of the HCPL·3700 is at ambient temperature of 70°C or less, no heat sinking is required. However, for operation between 70°C and 85°C ambient temperature, the maximum ratings should be derated per the data sheet specifications. through air (bare wire). These separations are between any uninsulated live part and un insulated live part of opposite polarity, or un insulated ground part other than the enclosure or an exposed metal part. An uncontrolled environment is an environment which has contaminants, chemical vapors, particulates or any substances which would cause corrosion, decrease resistance between PC board traces or, in general, be an unhealthy environment to human beings. Mechanical and Safety Considerations Mechanical Mounting Considerations The HCPL-3700 optocoupler is a standard 8 pin dual-inline plastic package designed to interface ac or dc power systems to logic systems. This optocoupler can be mounted directly onto a printed circuit board by wave soldering. For 0 - 50 volts RMS, the spacing is 1.6mm (0.063 inches) through air or over surfaces. Electrical Connectors The HCPL-3700 provides the needed isolation between a power signal environment and a control logic system. However, there exists a physical requirement to actually interconnect these two environments. This interconnection can be accomplished with barrier strips, edge card connectors, and PCB socket connectors which provide the electrical cable/field wire connection to the I/O logic system. These connectors provide for easy removal of the PC board for repair or substitution of boards in the I/O housing and are needed to satisfy the safety agency (U.L., V.D.E., I.E.C.) requirements for spacing and insulation. Connectors are readily available from many commercial manufacturers, such as Connection Inc., Buchanan, etc. The style of connector to choose is dependent upon the application for which the PC board is used. If possible it is wise to choose a style which does not mount to the PC board. This would enable the PC card to be removed without having to disconnect field wires. The use of connectors which are called "gas tight connectors" provide for good electrical and mechanical reliability by reducing corrosion effects over time. Electrical Safety Considerations Special considerations must be given for printed circuit board lead spacing for different safety agency requirements. Various standards exist with safety agencies (U.L., V.D.E., I.E.C., etc.) and should be checked prior to PC board layout. The HCPL-3700 optocoupler component is recognized under the Component Program of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. in file number E55361. This file qualifies the component to specific electrical tests to 220V ac operation. The spacing required for the PC board leads depends upon the potential difference that would be observed on the board. Some standards that could pertain to equipment which would use the HCPL-3700 are UL1244, Electrical and Electronic Measuring and Testing Equipment, U L1092, Process Control Equipment, and IEC348, Electronic Measuring Apparatus. Spacing for the worst case in an uncontrolled environment with a 2000 volt-amperes maximum supplying source rating must be 3.2mm (0.125 inches) for 51 - 250 volts RMS potential difference over a surface (creepage distance), and 3mm (0.118 inches) 462 APPENDIX I. List of Parameters v - Externally Applied Voltage - External Upper Threshold Voltage Level V+ V - External Lower Threshold Voltage Level Device* Input Voltage Clamp Level; Low - VIHC1 Voltage DC Case Low Voltage AC Case V IHC2 High Voltage DC Case VIHC3 Device Input Current liN Device Input Voltage V IN Device Upper Voltage Threshold Level VTH + Device Lower Voltage Threshold Level VTH_ Device Upper Input Current Threshold Level ITH+ Device Lower Input Current Threshold Level ITHExternal Series Resistor for Selection of Rx External Threshold Level External Parallel Resistor for Simultaneous Rp Selection/Accuracy Improvement of External Threshold Voltage Levels Total Input Current at Upper Threshold Level 1+ to External Resistor Network (R x' Rp) and Device Current in Rp at Upper Threshold Levels Ip+ Peak Externally Applied Voltage Vpeak Output Voltage of Device Vo VOL VOH 10H 10L IIH IlL VCC RIN VT+ = Output Low Voltage of Device = Output High Voltage of Device = Output High Leakage Current of Device = Output Low Sinking Current of Device = Input High Current of Driven Gate = Input Low current of Driven Gate = Positive Supply Voltage Input Resistance of HCPL·3700 == Schmitt Trigger Upper Threshold Voltage of TTL Gate (7414) { 463 RL CL C TH+ TH PR x PIN PA t+ tT Cp = Output Pullup Resistance = Output Filter Capacitance *Device = HCPL·3700 Input Filter Capacitor Upper Threshold Level Lower Threshold Level Power Dissipation in Rx Power Dissipation in HCPL·3700 Input IC Input Signal Port to P.I.A. Turn On Time Turn Off Time Period of Waveform Similar to Rp rh~ ~~ HEWLETT PACKARD APPLICATION NOTE 1005 Operational Considerations. for LED Lamps and Display Devices The data sheet also provides an equation to calculate the expected maximum forward voltage at a given current. In the design of a display system, which incorporates LED lamps and display devices, the objective is to achieve an optimum between light output, power dissipation, reliability, and operating life. The performance characteristics and capabilities of each LED device must be known and understood so that an optimum design can be achieved. The primary source for this information is the LED device data sheet. Design Criteria This application note assumes that the objective of a specific design is to achieve a maximum light output from a display that is operated in an elevated ambient temperature. The two crrteria that establish the operating limits are the maximum drive current and the maximum LED junction temperature. The maximum drive current has been established to ensure a long operating life and the maximum LED junction temperature is governed by the device package. The data sheet will list the maximum allowed drive currents for a specific device. The absolute maximum allowed LED junction temperature (TJ MAX) differs for the various device package configurations. For most plastic display devices, TJ MAX = 100°C; for most plastic lamps, TJ MAX = 110° C; and for alphanumeric PC board monolithic displays, TJ MAX = 110° C (for some PC board monolithic displays, TJ MAX = BOO C). The data sheet typically contains Electrical/Optical Characteristics that list the performance of the device and Absolute Maximum Ratings in conjunction with characteristic curves and other data which describe the capabilities of the device. A thorough understanding of this information and its intended use provides the basis for achieving an optimum design. This application note presents an in-depth discussion of the theory and use of the electrical and optical information contained within a data sheet. Two designs using this information in the form of numerical examples are presented, one for dc operation and one for pulsed (strobed) operation. The calculated results for each example are underlined and accented by an arrow (-) for each identification. Specific information on operation without derating and the soldering of plastic LED devices is also presented. Thermal Resistance The LED junction temperature is the sum of the ambient temperature (TA) and the temperature rise above ambient (L':. T J), which is the product of the power dissipated within the junction (PD) times the thermal resistance LED junction-to-ambient (ROJA ). Typical Data Sheet Information A data sheet typically contains Absolute Maximum Ratings, Electrical/Optical Characteristics, and typical operating graphs. The Absolute Maximum Ratings list such items as the maximum allowed forward currents, power dissipation, and operating ambient temperature range. The Electrical/Optical Characteristics list such data as the luminous intensity specification (Iv). forward voltage (V F ), peak wavelength (APEAK), dominant wavelength (Ad), and the device thermal resistance LED junction-to-pin on a per LED element basis (ROJ_PIN )' TJ (OC) T J (0C) 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: (1 ) The cathode pins of an LED device are the primary thermal paths for heat dissipation from the LED junction into the surrounding environment. The data sheet lists the thermal resistance LED junction-to-pin (ROJ-PIN) for the device. This device junction-to-pin thermal resistance is added to the thermal resistance-to-ambient of the PC board mounting assembly (ROPC _A) to obtain the overall value of ROJA on a per LED element basis. (NOTE: For monolithic displays, thermal resistance is calculated on a per digit basis.) The five graphs that are usually contained within a data sheet are: Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure = TA + L':.TJ = TA + PD ROJA Pulsed Mode Operating Curves Current Derating vs. Temperature Relative Luminous Efficiency Forward Voltage Characteristic Light Output vs. DC Drive Current ROJA = ROJ-PIN + ROPC-A = ° C/W/LED Element 464 (2) I I I , \ 1: ~'l>~ .. I~ ~ ~~ :f~ 1,-. . \ \' 100 10 OPERATION IN THIS REGION REQUIRES DERATING OF IDe MAX. ~ \ 1> ! I ;1 250 1 ~'I :\ 1000 10,000 DC OPERATI ON tp - PULSE DURATION -115 Figure 1. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration 14 g 12 "X "< "x 10 a: 110,1' • 370"C/W1$ R'JA ",f\"" " ~\ GMENT ..... I 1-"\ IIoJA • 494'C/Wi$EGMENT" ~ 617"C/W~GMENT"'" 'I iu 10 20 30 40 50 606570 0 60 50 ...z 40 I 1.2 ~ 1.1 w 1.0 ~;Itf l/ 1- I ; '. ,. o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55/60 65 • 57.8 C IpEAK - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - rnA Figure 3. Relative Luminous Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Segment Current I- I! a: a: ::> 30 I a: ~ 1.3 ~ ',/ II" If l< a: ~ o 808590 Figure 2. Maximum Allowable DC Current per Segment vs. Ambient Temperature. Deratlngs Based on Maximum Allowed Thermal Resistance Values, LED Junctlon-toAmbient on a per Segment Basis. T JMAX _100°C 0 1.4 .7 T. - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ CJ 1.5 c:; u: .8 o o w 1$ I J I .9 _0 E > ~ w a: I r- ! 1.61,·7 \ i\ CJ ::> , \. 17.5 iiia: 1.9 1.8 1\ e 20 -~ 10 J I o :; o l/ o 0.5 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.0 V F - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 4. Forward Current VB. /" o V / V 10 / / 15 L 20 IF - DC CURRENT PER LED - mA Figure 5. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current Forward Voltage Charecteristlc 465 For reliable operation, it is recommended that the value of Rllpc-A be designed low enough to ensure that the LED junction temperature does not exceed the maximum allowed value. Light Output The time averaged luminous intensity (Iv) at TA = 25°C for a particular drive condition may be calculated using the relative luminous intensity characteristic of Figure 5 fordc operation or the relative efficiency characteristic (IJIPEAK) of Figure 3 for pulsed operation. For dc operation, Iv (TA = 25° C) is equal to the product of the data sheet luminous intensity specification times the relative factor for a specific dc current from Figure 5. Derating vs. Temperature The derating vs. temperature, Figure 2, is derived from the LED junction temperature rise above ambient as estabby the maximum allowed power dissipation (Po MAX) which is derated linearly to zero power when TA = TJ MAX. The values of RBJA shown on Figu re 2 are derived from the quotient of t, TJ and Po MAX for a specified operating temperature. RJA (OC/W/LED) = AT~ m ~OC= (Iv DATA SHEET)(FACTOR FROM FIGURE 5) (3) TJ MAX - TA OPERATING For pulsed operation, the time averaged luminous at TA = 25°C is calculated using the following equation: Po MAX Po MAX (W) The value of Po MAX is the power dissipation within a maximum forward voltage device when driven at the maximum data ·sheet current. Thus, ROJA is determined on the basis of worst case power dissipation. (8) Iv TIME AVG = [IAVG The derating curve with the largest ROJA value in Figure 2, normally a derating from TA = 50°C, represents a mandatory derating for a typical application that utilizes a single sided PC board with 0.51 mm (0.020 inch) wide traces, assuming that no other provision is provided for heat dissipation. The other derating curves from higher ambient temperatures, shown as dashed lines on Figure 2, represent allowed increased drive currents when the design incorporates a more elaborate PC board mounting assembly to obtain a lower ROJA value for increased heat dissipation. The temperature deratings of Figure 2 ensure reliable operation for both dc and pulsed mode operation. D~~V: SHEET] [IJIPEAK] [Iv DATA SHEET] Where: IAVG = The average forward current through an LED element IAVG DATA SHEET= The average current ai which Iv DATA SHEET is measured The luminous intensity value at TA = 25°C is adjusted by the following exponential equation to obtain the light output value at the operating ambient temperature. Iv (TA OPERATING) = Iv (25°C)e lk (TA - 25'C)) (9) Worst Case Power Calculation The worst case power is that power dissipated within the junction of a maximum forward voltage device. The worst case power is used for determining the worst case T J that will result from a specific drive current and thermal resistance, see Equation 1. The expected maximum forward voltage (VF MAX) at a selected drive current is determined by an equation on the data sheet of the form: VFMAX = VON + (lPEAK) (LED Dynamic Resistance) Standard Red -.0188/°C High Efficiency Red -.0131/"C Yellow -.0112/°C Green -.0104/°C Pulsed Mode vs .. DC Operation When operating an LED device under dc drive conditions, the junction temperature is a linear function of the dc power dissipation multiplied by ROJA. The light output is proportional to the dc drive current as expressed in Equation 7. (5) PWORST CASE = (lPEAK) (DUTY FACTOR) (VF MAX at IPEAK); For Pulsed Operation Current Limiting The use of a 50 or 60 Hertz half or full-wave rectified ac as the drive current for LED devices is not recommended, since the rms power in a rectified sine wave is greater than the time averaged power of a rectangular waveform of an equivalent peak value. Pulsed drive conditions are based on the assumption that the drive current pulses are a rectangular waveform. If a rectified sine wave is to be used, in no case should the value of the peak current exceed the maximum allowed dc current value. An LED is a current operated device and some kind of current limiter must be incorporated as part of the drive circuitry. This current limiter usually takes the form of a resistor placed in series with the LED. The typical forward voltage characteristic of Figure 4 is used to calculate the series current limiter for each LED element. RUMITER = k (4) The worst case power is the product of the time average current under pulsed operation (dc current for dc operation) times VF MAX: PWORST CASE = (Ioc) (VF MAX); For DC Operation LED (6) VCC(POWER SUPPLY) -VSAT(ORIVE TRANSISTORS)-VF(FIGURE 4) IpEAK CURRENT PER LEO ELEMENT 466 When operating an LED device in a pulsed mode, it is the peak junction temperature (not the average) that governs the performance of the device as to the allowed time average power dissipation and light output. The lower the peak junction temperature (TJ PEAK) is in relationship to the time average junction temperature (TJ AVG), the greater is the light output of the device. At slow refresh rates (the number of times per second a device is pulsed) " in the range of 100 Hz, TJ PEAK is greater than TJ AVG. As the refresh rate approaches 1000 Hz, the value of TJ PEAK approaches the value of TJ AVG. Therefore, it is recommended that whenever possible LED devices be refreshed at a 1 KHz rate or faster, since at these faster pulse rates TJ PEAK is assumed to be equal to TJ AVG and the light output is a function of TJ AVG. From Equation 6 and assuming Vcc = 5.0V: RLiMITER = 5.0V - O.4V - 2.0V = 1490 -RLIMITER 0.0175A = Use a 1500 standard value resistor. Step 4. From Figure 5, the normalized lightat 17.5mA is a factor of 4.4 x the light output at 5mA. From Equation 7: Iv (25° C) = (300J,lcd)(4.4) = 1320 J,lcd/segment Using Equation 9 to adjust the light output for TA = 65° C: Iv (65°C) = (1320J,lcCl)e[-·0131/'C (65-25)'C] Design Steps Iv (65°C) = (1320)(0.592) = 782J,1cd/segment • In order to determine the derated drive conditions from the data sheet for an elevated ambient temperature, a value for RliJA must be selected. Once a value for RliJA has been selected, the required current derating can be determined for the operating ambient temperature directly from Figure 2. As illustrated in the pulsed mode design example, the dc derating is used to determine the pulsed current derating. A four digit display using the same high efficiency red seven segment display described in the DC Design Example is to be operated in a pulsed mode in an ambient of TA = 65°C. Additional pertinent data for this device are: Pulsed Mode Design Example Maximum Peak Current per Segment (TA = 50°C, Pulse Width = 2ms) = 60mA The four basic design steps are: VF MAX = 1.75V + IPEAK (380); for IPEAK 1. Determine derated drive currents. 4. Calculate the light output. DC Design Example A high efficiency red seven segment display is to be operated in an ambient ofTA = 65° C. Pertinent data forthis device are: Maximum DC Current per segment (TA = 50°C) = 20mA Maximum Average Power Dissipation (TA =50°C) =81 mW = 300pcd per segment at loc 20mA Figure 1 is used to select the refresh conditions for pulsed operation. These refresh conditions are junction temperature related to the dc current deratings of Figure 2. Figure 1 relates the ratio of maximum-peak current to temperature derated maximum de current (lPEAK MAX/I DC MAX) and pulse duration (tp) as a function of refresh rate (f). The allowed average power dissipation decreases below f = 1kHz since the difference between TJ PEAK and TJ AVG increases with decreasing refresh rates. This condition is illustrated by the dashed line shown on Figure 1, which shows the ratio of IPEAK MAX to loc MAX decreasing with slower refresh rates with the duty factor fixed at 1 of 4. 3. Calculate the value of the current limiting resistor. Use the nearest standard value resistor larger than the calculated value. Iv TYPICAL ~ It is assumed that a value of RliJA = 494° CIW/segment or less will be incorporated into the display system design. 2. Calculate the required value of Rlipc-A forthe PC board mounting configuration. r Iv = 5mA RliJ-PIN = 282°C/W/Segment Step 1. For best performance, a refresh rate of 1kHz will be used: VF MAX = 1.60V + loc (450); for 5mA :S loc :S 20mA ~. TJ MAX = 100°C A four digit display sets the duty factor (D. F.) at one of four: The data sheet curves on page 2 apply to this device. It is assumed that a value of RliJA = 494°CIW/Segment or less will be incorporated into the display system design. Step 1. The derated dc drive current is determined from Figure 2. D.F. tp From Figure 1: IPEAK/loC MAX = 3.3; for tp = 250J,ls and f = 1kHz At TA = 65°C and RliJA:S 494°C/W/Segment, loc MAX = 17.5mA .. D.F. = 1/4 .. tp = (1/f)(D.F.) = (1/1000 Hz)(1/4) = 250J,ls .. loc MAX From Figure 2: loc MAX, at TA 17.5mA Step 2. The required maximum thermal resistance for the PC board assembly is calculated from Equation 2: = 65°C and RliJA = 494°C/W/Segment, is IPEAK = (lPEAK MAX/I DC MAX)(loc MAX from Figure 2) = 212°C/W/Segment_ Rlipc-A IPEAK = (3.3)(17.5mA) = 57.8mA per Segment -IPEAK Step 3. A value of VSAT = 0.4 volts is assumed for the LED drive transistors. From Figure 4, IAVG = (lPEAK)(D.F.) = (57.8mA)(1/4) = 14.5mA_IAVG Rlipc-A 5: (494-282) These are the maximum pulsed mode drive currents for this design as defined by TA = 65°C and RliJA :S 494° C/W/ segment. VF TYP (17.5mA) = 2.0V 467 Step 2. The required maximum thermal resistance for the PC board assembly is calculated from Equation 2: For this example: RlJpC-A ~ (494-282) = 212°C/w/segment .. The particular LED display device used in this example may be operated at maximum power dissipation in an ambient of TA = 65°C without derating as long as the PC board mounting configuration is designed to have RlJpC-A ~ 150° C/W/Segment. RlJpC-A RllpC-A MAX Step 3. A value of VSAT = 1.2 volts is assumed for the LED drive transistors. From Figure 4, 5.0V - 1.2V - 2.85V RLIMITER = 0.578A (432-282) = 150°C/W/segment __ RlJpc_A MAX CAUTION: Since these calculations are based on only TJ AVG and exclude the consideration of TJ PEAK, pulsed operation without derating is only recommended for refresh rates of 1kHz or faster. VF TYP (57.8mA) = 2.85V From Equation 6 and assuming VCC ~ = 5.0V: =160 ....I----RUMITER = Use a 170 standard val ue resistor. Soldering Plastic LED Devices Step 4. From Figure 3, the relative efficiency for IPEAK = 57. SmA is: Because plastic LED devices utilizing a lead frame construction have the LED dice attached directly to the cathode lead, the cathode lead is the direct thermal and mechanical stress path to the LED dice. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully control the solder temperature and dwell time in the solder wave to ensure subsequent reliable operation. LED devices can be effectively wave soldered with a wave temperature of 245°C and a dwell time of 1% to 2 seconds. 1]IPEAK = 1.61 From Equation!t Iv(25°C) = r14.5mAl [1.61J[300J,lcd] = 5mA 1401pcd per segmen,t J l Using Equation 9 to adjust the light output for TA = 65°C: Iv(650C) = (1401J,1cd)e[-.o131/'c (6S-2S)'C) The post solder cleaning process is also crucial to ensuring reliable performance. In order to optimize device optical performance, specially developed plastics are used which restrict the solvents that may be used for cleaning. It is recommended that only mixtures of Freon (F113) and alcohol be used for vapor cleaning processes, with an immersion time in the vapors of less than two (2) minutes maximum. Some suggested vapor cleaning solvents are Freon TE, Genesolv DI-15 or DE-15, Arklone A or K. A 60°C (140°C) water cleaning process may also be used, which includes a neutralizer rinse (3% ammonia solution or equivalent), a surfactant rinse (1% detergent solution or equivalent), a hot water rinse and a thorough air dry. Room temperature cleaning may be accomplished with Freon T -35 or T -P35, Ethanol, Isopropanol or water with a mild detergent. Iv (65° C) = (1401 )(0.592).= 829J,1cd per Segment~ Iv Operation Without Derating LED lamp and display devices may be operated in elevated ambient temperature environments without derating only when the PC board mounting configuration is designed for a sufficiently low thermal resistance. The critical criterion is that the LED junction temperature must not exceed the TJ MAX value for the device. This low thermal resistance design will typically include such items as a maximum metallized PC board and possible heat sinking to ensure adequate heat dissipation. In no situation should the absolute maximum current limitations be exceeded. The necessary thermal resistance requirements for operation without derating are calculated using the value for worst case power dissipation. A numerical example using the LED display device from the above two examples will illustrate the calculation procedure. Some LED devices may require special handling during soldering, during post solder cleaning, or may not lend themselves to a wave soldering process. Three specific considerations are: 1. Plastic LED Lamps: The plastic encapsulant that forms the lamp package is the only supporting element forthe leads. It is important to prevent stresses from entering the device package which could damage the LED die attach and wire bonds. The leads of a lamp may be bent to a desired angle by observing the following procedure. Firmly grasp the leads at the base of the lamp package with a pair of needle nose pliers to supportthe lamp while bending the leads. Overheating during soldering will cause melting of the plastic, ~lIowing possible lead movement to occur which may result in the catastrophic failure of the die attach or wire bonds. Care should be taken to ensure that no stresses are applied to the leads during the soldering process. External stresses applied to the leads during soldering could induce strains within the device package that may induce latent failure. Once properly soldered in place, an L~D lamp will typically exhibit a very high degree of reliability. Step 1. Determine the maximum permissible value for RIIJA. The absolute maximum power dissipation as listed on the data sheet for this particular LED device is 81 mW. The operating ambient temperature is to be 65° C. Referring to Equation 3 RIJJA MAX ~ TJ MAX - TA OPERATING PMAX DATA SHEET For this example: RIIJA MAX ~ 10ifC-6~C .081W • = 432° C/W/Segment The required limit on the thermal resistance for the PC board mounting configuration is derived by rewriting Equation 2: ROPC-A MAX ~ RIJJA MAX - ROJ-PIN 468 2. PC Board Monolithic Displays: Many PC board monolithic displays do not lend themselves to a wave soldering process. The plastic lens that covers the LED chips and wire bonds is attached to the PC board without forming a seal. The chemicals used in a wave soldering process can collect underneath the lens. The post solder cleani ng process may not remove all of the trapped chemicals and prolonged exposure of the LED dice and wirebonds to these chemicals can cause permanent damage. Also, the plastic used to make some of the lenses is suscepti ble to damage from rosin fluxes and hydrocarbon cleaners. The two recommended installation procedures are either to hand solder flexible cable to the display contacts or use solderless connector pins such as the 022-002 series supplied by JAV Manufacturing, 125 Wilbur Place, Bohemia, NY 11716. Effective room temperature cleaning may be accomplished using Freon TP-35 or TE-35, solvent temperature ::; 30 0 C and an immersion time::; 2 minutes. 3. Silver Lead Frames: Many plastic LED devices utilize a silver plated lead frame. Silver plating provides excellent solderability as long as the leads are kept free from tarnish buildup due to coming in contact with sulfur compounds. Application Bulletin 3 offers specific information on the effective use and soldering of si Iver lead frame devices. It is suggested that the device data sheet be consulted for specific information on wave soldering. c - 469 .~" .... J .... \i!., _!J ... ~im ....:;siA ........ ;.:0.... $ .... ·., ............... V·i._ , " , , -',. " " : ~,:' :,' ~: ; c " , , <.,::'" ' ": HP Components Franchised· Distributor And Representative Directory March 1980 United States Alabama Hall-Mark Electronics 4733 Commercial Drive Huntsville 35805 (205) 837-8700 Hamilton/Avnet 4692 Commercial Drive Huntsville 35805 (205) 837-7210 Arizona Hamilton/Avnet 505 South Madison Tempe 85281 (602) 894-2594 Wyle Distribution Group 8155 North 24th Avenue Phoenix 85021 (602) 249-2232 In Tucson (602) 884-7082 California Hamilton/Avnet 4545 View ridge Avenue San Diego 92123 (714) 279-2421 Hamilton/Avnet 1175 Bordeaux Drive Sunnyvale 94086 (408) 743-3355 Hamilton Electro Sales 3170 Pullman Street Costa Mesa 92626 (714) 641-4120 Hamilton Electro Sales 10950 Washington Boulevard Culver City 90230 (213) 558-2121 Wyle Distribution Group 17872 Cowan Avenue Irvine 92704 (714) 641-1600 Schweber Electronics 2830 N. 28th Terrace Hollywood 33020 (305) 927-0511 Schweber Electronics 9218 Gaither Road Gaithersburg 20760 (301) 840-5900 Wyle Distribution Group 9525 Chesapeake Drive San Diego 92123 17141565-9171 Georgia Hamilton/ Avnet 6700 1-85 Suite IE Norcross 30071 (404) 448-0800 Wilshire Electronics 1037 Taft Street Rockville 20850 (301) 340-7900 Wyle Distribution Group 3000 Bowers Avenue Santa Clara 95052 (408) 727-2500 Colorado Hamilton/Avnet 5921 N. Broadway Denver 80216 (3031 534-1212 Wyle Distribution Group 6777 E. 50th Avenue Commerce City 80022 (303) 287-9611 Connecticut Hamilton/Avnet 643 Danbury Road Georgetown 06829 1203) 762-0361 Schweber Electronics Finance Drive Commerce Industrial Park Danbury 06810 (203) 792-3500 Wilshire Electronics Village Lane P.O. Box 200 Wallingford 06492 (203) 265-3822 Schweber Electronics 4126 Pleasantdale Road Atlanta 30340 (404) 449-9170 Indiana Pioneer-Standard 6408 Castleplace Drive Indianapolis 46250 (317) 849-7300 Illinois Hall-Mark Electronics 1177 Industrial Drive Bensenville 60106 (312) 860-3800 Hamilton/Avnet 3901 N. 25th Avenue Schiller Park 60176 (312) 678-6310 Schweber Electronics 1275 Brummel Avenue Elk Grove Village 60007 (312) 364-3750 Kansas Hall-Mark Electronics 11870 West 91 st Street Shawnee Mission 66214 (913) 888-4747 Schweber Electronics 3110 Patrick Henry Drive Santa Clara 95050 (408) 496-0200 Florida Hall-Mark Electronics 1302 W. McNab Road Ft. Lauderdale 33309 (305) 971-9280 Hamilton/Avnet 9219 Quivira Road Overland Park 66215 (913) 888-8900 Schweber Electronics 17811 Gillette Avenue Irvine 92714 ( 714) 556-3880 Hall-Mark Electronics 7233 Lake Ellenor Drive Orlando 32809 (305) 855-4020 Maryland Hall-Mark Electronics 6655 Amberton Drive Baltimore 21227 (301) 796-9300 Wyle Distribution Group 124 Maryland Street EI Segundo 90245 (213) 322-8100 Hamilton/Avnet 3197 Tech Drive No. SI. Petersburg 33702 1813) 576-3930 Hamilton/Avnet 7235 Standard Drive Hanover 21076 (301) 796-5000 472 -~-- ----_. Massachusetts Hamilton/Avnet 50 Tower Office Park Woburn 01801 (617) 273-7500 Schweber Electronics 25 Wiggins Avenue Bedford 01730 (617) 890-8484 Wilshire Electronics One Wilshire Road Burlington 01803 (617) 272-8200 Michigan Hamilton/Avnet 32487 Schoolcraft Road Livonia 48150 (313) 522-4700 Schweber Electronics 33540 Schoolcraft Road Livonia 48150 (313) 583-9242 Minnesota Hall-Mark Electronics 9201 Penn Avenue, So. Suite 10 Bloomington 55431 (612) 884-9056 Hamilton/ Avnet 7449 Cahill Road Edina 55435 (612) 941-3801 Schweber Electronics 7402 Washington Avenue, So. Eden Prairie 55343 (612) 941-5280 Missouri Hall-Mark Electronics 13789 Rider Trail Earth City 63045 (3141291-5350 ,f~" ""- Hamilton/Avnet 396 Brookes Lane Hazelwood 63042 (314) 731-1144 Schweber Electronics Jericho Turnpike Westbury 11590 (516) 334-7474 New Jersey Hamilton/Avnet 1 Keystone Avenue Cherryhill 08003 (609) 424-0100 Wilshire Electronics 10 Hooper Road Endwell 13760 (607) 754-1570 HamiltonlAvnet 10 Industrial Road Fairfield 07006 (201 ) 575-3390 Schweber Electronics 18 Madison Road Fai rfield 07006 (201) 227-7880 l Wilshire Electronics 110 Parkway So. Drive Hauppauge, L.I. 11787 (516) 543-5599 Pennsylvania Hall-Mark Electronics 458 Pike Road Huntingdon Valley 19001 (215) 355-7300 Wilshire Electronics 1260 Scottsville Road Rochester 14624 (716) 235-7620 Pioneer-Standard 560 Alpha Drive Pittsburgh 15238 (412) 782-2300 Wilshire Electronics 1111 Paulison Avenue Clifton 07015 (201) 340-1900 North Carolina Hall-Mark Electronics 1208 Front Street, Bldg. K Raleigh 27609 (919) 832-4465 Wilshire Electronics 102 Gaither Drive Mt. Laurel 08057 (609) 234-9100 Hamiltonl Avnet 2803 Industrial Drive Raleigh 27609 (919) 829-8030 New Mexico HamiltonlAvnet 2524 Baylor S.E. Albuquerque 87106 (505) 765-1500 Ohio Hall-Mark Electronics 6969 Worthington-Galena Road Worthington 43085 (614) 846-1882 New York HamiltonlAvnet 16 Corporate Circle East Syracuse 13057 (315) 437-2641 Pioneer-Standard 4800 East 131st Street Cleveland 44105 (216) 587-3600 Hamiltonl Avnet 5 Hub Drive Melville 11746 (516) 454-6000 r Oregon Representative Northwest Marketing Associates, Inc. 9999 S.W. Wilshire Street Suite 211 Portland 97225 (503) 297-2581 (206) 455-5846 Hamiltonl Avnet 167 Clay Road Rochester 14623 (716) 442-7820 Schweber Electronics 2 Townline Circle Rochester 14623 (716) 424-2222 Schweber Electronics 101 Rock Road Horsham 19044 (609) 964-4496 (215) 441-0600 Texas Hall-Mark Electronics 10109 McKalia Road Suite F Austin 78758 (512) 837-2814 Hall-Mark Electronics 11333 Pagemill Drive Dallas 75222 (214) 234-7400 Pioneer-Standard 1900 Troy Street Dayton 45404 (513) 236-9900 Hall-Mark Electronics 8000 Westglen P.O. Box 42190 Houston 77042 (713) 781-6100 Schweber Electronics 23880 Commerce Park Road Beachwood 44112 (216) 464-2970 Hamiltonl Avnet 10508 A. Boyer Boulevard Austin 78757 (512) 837-8911 Oklahoma Hall-Mark Electronics 5460 South 103rd E. Avenue Tulsa 74145 (918) 835-8458 Hamilton/Avnet 4445 Sigma Road Dall!is 72540 (214) 661-8661 473 Hamilton/Avnet 3939 Ann Arbor Houston 77063 (713) 780-1771 Schweber Electronics 14177 Proton Road Dallas 75240 (214) 661-5010 Schweber Electronics 7420 Harwin Drive Houston 77036 (713) 784-3600 Utah Hamiiton/Avnet 1585 West 2100 South Salt Lake City 84119 (801 ) 972-2800 Washington Hamilton/Avnet 14212 N.E. 21st Street Bellevue 98005 (206) 746-8750 Wyle Distribution Group 1750 132nd Avenue, N.E. Bellevue 98005 (206) 453-8300 Representative Northwest Marketing Associates, Inc. 12835 Bellevue-Redmond Road Suite 203E Bellevue 98005 (206) 455-5846 Wisconsin Hall-Mark Electronics 9625 South 20th Street Oakcreek 53154 (414) 761-3000 Hamiiton/Avnet 2975 Moorland Road New Berlin 53151 (414) 784-4510 International Australia Representatives CEMA ELECTRONICS PTY. LTD. Cantec Reps, Inc. 170 Stu rt Street 28 Eastmoor Cresent Adelaide, S.A. Dollard Des Ormeaux (61) 8516483 Montreal, Quebec H9G 2Nl (514) 620-6313 CEMA ELECTRONICS PTY. LTD. 208 Whitehorse Road Cantec Reps, Inc. Blackburn, Victoria 83 Galaxy Boule·vard (61) 3 8775311 Unit lA CEMA ELECTRONICS PTY. LTD. Toronto (Rexdale) Ontario M9W 5X6 22 Ross Street (416) 675-2460 Newstead, Queensland (61) 72524261 CEMA ELECTRONICS PTY. LTD. 21 Chandos Street St. Leonards, N.S.W. 2065 (61) 2 4394655 Cantec Reps, Inc. 1573 Laperriere Avenue Ottawa, Ontario K1Z 7T3 (613) 725-3704 RTG E. Springorum Kg GmbH & Co. Bronnerstrasse 7 4600 Dortm und (49) 231 54951 Ryoyo Electric Corporation Konwa Building 12-22 Tsukiji, 1-Chome Chuo-Ku, Tokyo (81) 3 5437711 RTG Distron Behaimstr. 3 Postfac h 100208 1000 Berlin 10 (49) 303421041/45 New Zealand CEMA ELEKON LTD. 7-9 Kirk Street Grey Lynn, Auckland (64) 4 761169 Holland Diode B.V. Hollant Laan 22 3526 Am Utrecht (31) 30884214 Norway Ola Tandberg Elektro A/S Skedsmogt. 25 Oslo 6 (47) 2 197030 India Blue Star Ltd. Blue Star House 11/11 A Magarath Road Bangalore 560025 Spain Diode Espana Avda de Brasil 7 Edif. Iberia Mart Madrid 20 (34) 1 4550139/40 Austria Transistor V.m.b.H. Auhofstr.41a 1130 Wien (43) 222829451 Denmark Distri butoeren Interelko A.P.S. Hovedgaden 16 4622 Havdrup (45) 3 385716 Belgium Diode Belgium Rue Picard 202 1020 Bruxelles (32) 2 4285108 Finland Field OY Veneentekijantie 18 00210 Helsinki 21 (90) 6922577 Blue Star Ltd. Silhas 414/2 Viv Savarkar Marg Prabhadevi Bombay 400 025 457887 So. Africa Fairmont Electronics (Pty.) Ltd. P.O. Box 41102 Craig hall 2024 Transvaal (27) 11 7891230 Brazil Datatronix Electronica LTDA Av. Pacaembu, 746-Cl1 Sao Paulo, Brazil (55) 11 8260111 France Almex Zone Industrielle d'Antony 48, rue de l'Aubepine 92160 Antony (33) 1 6662112 Blue Star Ltd. Bhandari House 7th and 8th Floor 91 Nehru Place New Delhi 110024 634770 635166 Sweden Distributoeren Interelko A.B. Box 32 122 21 Enskede (46) 8 132160 Canada Hamiltonl Avnet 3688 Nashua Drive Units G & H Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1 M5 (416) 677-7432 Hamilton/Avnet 2670 Sabourin Street St. Laurent Montreal, Quebec H4S 1 M2 (514) 331-6443 Hamiltonl Avnet 1735 Courtwood Crescent Ottawa, Ontario K2C 3J2 (613) 226-1700 Zentronics, Ltd. 1355 Meyerside Drive Mississauga, Ontario LST lC9 (416) 676-9000 Zentronics, Ltd. 5010 Pare Street Montreal, Quebec H4P 1P3 (514) 735-5361 Zentronics, Ltd. 141 Catherine Street Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1C3 (613) 238-6411 ETS. F. Feutrier rue des trois Glorieuses 42270 St-Priest-en-Jarez St. Etienne (33) 77 746733 F. Feutrier 29 rue Ledru Rollin 92150 Suresnes (33) 1 7724646 S.C.A.I.B. 80 rue d'Arcueil Zone-Silic 94150 Rungis (33) 1 6872313 Germany EBV Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Oberweg 6 8025 Unterhaching (49) 89 611051 Ingenieurbuero Dreyer Flensburger Strasse 3 2380 Schleswig (49) 4621 23121 Jermyn GmbH Postfach 1180 6277 Cam berg (49) 6434/23-1 Israel Electronics and Engineering Div. of Motorola Israel Ltd. 16 Kremenetski Street P.O. Box 25016 Tel Aviv 67899 (97) 23338973 Italy Celdis Italiana S.p.A. Via F. IIi Gracchi, 36 20092 Cinisello B. (39) 26120041 Switzerland Baerlocher AG Forrlibuckstrasse 110 8021 Zurich (41) 1 429900 United Kingdom Celdis Ltd. 37 -39 Loverock Road Reading Berkshire RG3 1 ED (44) 734 585171 Eledra S.p.A. Viale Elvezia 18 20125 Milano (39) 3493041 Jermyn-Mogul Distribution Vestry Estate Seven Oaks Kent TN14 5EU (44) 732500144 Japan Ryoyo Electric Corporation Meishin Building 1-20-19 Nishiki Naka-Ku, Nagoya, 460 (81) 522030277 Macro Marketing Ltd. 396 Bath Road Oippheham Slough Berkshire SL1 6JD (44) 6286 4422 Ryoyo Electric Corporation Taiyo Shoji Building 4-6 Nakanoshima Kita-Ku, Osaka, 530 (81) 6 4481631 474 Sales/Service Offices Arranged alphabetically by country r ANGOLA Telectfa Empresa T6cnica de Equipamenlos El6ctricos, S.A.A,L. R. Barbosa Rodrigues, 41-1"0T." Cai,a Postal, 6487 Luanda Tel: 35515/6 ARGENTINA HewleU·Packard Argentina S.A. Santa Fe 2035, Martinez BAHRAIN Medical Only Wael Pharmacy P.O. Bo, 648 eahraln Tel: 54886, 56123 Telex: 8550 WAEL GJ AI Hamidiya Trading and Contracting P.O, Box 20074 Manama Tel: 259978, 259958 Telex: 8895 KALOIA GJ 6140 Bueno. Air•• BANGLADESH The General Electric Co. 01 Bangladesh Ltd, Magnel House 72 Dilkusha Commercial Area MotlJheU, Dacca 2 Tel: 252415, 252419 Telex: 734 Tel: 792-1239, 798-6086 Telex: 122443 AA CIGY Biotron S.A.C.l.y M. Avda. Paseo Colon 221 9 piso 1399 Bueno. Alre. Tel: 30-484611B5118384 34-9356/0460/455 I Telex: (33) 17595 BID AA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA CAPITAL TERR_ Hewletl-Packard Australia Pty. Lid. 121 Wollongong Streel Fyahwlck, 2609 Tel: 804244 Telex: 62650 NEW SOUTH WALES Hewlett-Packard Australia Ply. Ltd. 3 I Bridge Sireel Pymble, 2073 Tel: 4496586 Telex: 21561 QUEENSLAND Hewlett Packard Australia Pty. Ltd. 5th Floor Teachers Union Building 495-499 Boundary Streel Spring Hili, 4000 Tel: 2291544 SOUTH AUSTRALIA Hewlelt-Packard Australia pty. Ltd. 153 Greenhill Aoad Parkalde, 5063 .. Tel: 272591 I Telex: 82536 VICTORIA Hewlett-Packard Australia Ply. Lid. 3 I -4 I Joseph Streel Blackburn, 3130 Tel: 89-6351 Telex: 31024 MELB WESTERN AUSTRALIA Hewleli-Packard Auslralia Ply. Lid. 14 I Stirling Highway N.dlanda, 6009 Tel: 3865455 Telex: 93859 AUSTRIA Hewlelt-Packard G~s,m.b.H. Wehlistrasse 29 P.O, Box 7 A- 1205 VI.nna Tel: 35- 16-21-0 T.~" 135821135066 HelltleH·Packard Ges.m.b.H. Weh1181r88se, 29 A·I205 WI.n 1.,: 35- 16-21 1elex: 135066 BELGIUM Hewlett-Packard Benelux S,A.lN.V. Avenue du Col-Vert, 1, (Groenkraaglaan) B- I 170 Brullela Tel: (02) 660 50 50 Telex: 23-494 paloben bru BRAZIL Hewletl-Packard do Brasil l.e.C. Ltda. Alameda Aio Negro, 750 Alphaville 06400 Bar.erl SP Tel: 429-3222 Hewlett-Packard do Brasil l.e.C. Llda. Aue Padre Chagas, 32 90000-P6rto Alegre-AS Tel: 22-2998, 22-5621 Hewlett-Packard do Brasil l.e.C. Llda, Av. Epilacio Pessoa, 4664 22471-Rlo de Janelro-AJ Tel: 286-0237 Telex: 021-21905 HPBR-BA CANADA ALBERTA Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Lid. I 1620A - 1681h Sireel Edmonton T5M 3T9 Tel: (403) 452-3670 TWX: 610-831-2431 Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Lid. 210,7220 Fisher SI. S,E. Calgary T2H 2H8 Tel: (403) 253-2713 TWX: 610-821-614 I BRITISH COLUMBIA Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Lid. 10691 Shellbridge Way Richmond V6X 2W7 Tel: (604) 270-2277 TWX: 6 I 0-925-5059 MANITOBA Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Lid. 380-550 Cenlury SI. St. Jam •• , Winnipeg R3H OY I Tel: (204) 786-6701 TWX: 610-671-3531 NOVA SCOTIA Hewlelt-Packard (Caneda) Lid. P.O. Box 931 800 Windmill Aoad Dartmouth B3B tL I Tel: (902) 469-7820 TWX: 610-27 I -4482 ONTARIO Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 1020 Morrison Or, Ottawa K2H 8K7 Tel: (613) 820-6483 TWX: 610-563-1636 Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 6877 Gareway Drive Mlllillaug. L4V IM8 Tel: (416) 678-9430 TWX: 610-492-4246 Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 552 Newbold Sireel London N6E 2S5 Tel: (519) 686-9181 TWX: 610-352-1201 QUEBEC Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 275 Hymus Blvd. Pointe Cilire H9A IG7 Tel: (514) 697-4232 TWX: 610-422-3022 FOR CANADIAN AREAS NOT LISTED: Coniaci Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Lid, in Mississauga, CHILE Jorge Calcagni y Cia. Llda, Arluro Burhle 065 Casilla 18475 Correo 9, Santiago Tel: 220222 Telex: JCALCAGNI COLOMBIA Instrumentaci6n Henrlk A, Langebaek & Kler SA Carrera 7 No. 48·75 Apartado Mreo 6287 B090t', I O.E. Tel: 269-8877 Telex: 44400 Instrumentaci6n H.A. Langebaek & Kier SA Carrera 63 No. 49-A-31 Aparlado 54098 Medellin Tel: 304475 COSTA RICA Cienlifica Coslarricense SA Avenida 2, Calle 5 San Pedro de Montes de Oca Aparlado 10159 San Jo •• Tel: 24-38-20, 24-08- 19 Telex: 2367 GALGUA CR CYPRUS Kypronics 19 Gregorios Xenopoulos Streel P.O. Box 1152 Nlcolla Tel: 45628/29 Telex: 3018 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Hewlett-Packard Obchodni zastupitelstvi v CSSR Pisemny styk Post. schranka 27 CS 11801 Praha 01 I CSSA Vyvojova a Provozni Zakladna Vyzkumnych Ustavu v Bechovicich CSSR-25097 Bechovlce u Prahy Tel: 89 93 41 Telex: 12133 475 Institute of Medical Bionics Vyskumny Uslav lekarskej Bioniky Jedlova 6 CS·88346 Bratislava" Kramar. Tel: 44-551 Telex: 93229 DENMARK Hewlett-Packard AlS Oatavej 52 OK-3460 Blrkerod Tel: (02)81 86 40 Telex: 37409 hpas dk Hewlett·Packard AJS Navervej 1 OK-8600 SUkeborg Tel: (06) 82 71 66 Telex: 37409 hpas dk ECUADOR CYEOE Cia. Llda. P,O. Box 6423 CCI Av. Eloy Maro 1749 Oulto Tel: 450-975, 243-052 Telex: 2548 CYEDE ED Medicel Only Hospitalar SA Casilla 3590 Aobles 625 QUito Tel: 545-250 EGYPT I.EA International Engineering Associates 24 Hussein Hegazi Street Kasr-el-Aini Cairo Tel: 23 829 Telex: 93830 SAMITAO Sami Amin Trading Office 18 Abdel Aziz Gawish Abdlne·Calro Tel: 24932 EL SALVADOR IPESA Bulevar de los Heroes I 1-48 Edilicio Sarah 1148 San Salvador Tel: 252787 ETHIOPIA Abdella Abdulmalik P.O. Box 2635 Addl, Abab. Tel: II 9340 FINLAND Hewlett-Packard Oy Revontulenlie, 7 SF-02100 Eapoo 10 Tel: (90)455 021 I Telex: 121583 hewpa sl FRANCE Hewlett-Packard France Zone d'activiles de Courlaboeuf Avenue des Tropiques Bolle Postale 6 91401 Or••y-C6dex Tel: II) 907 78 25 TWX: 600048F Hewlelt-Packard France Chemin des Mouilles 8.P.I62 69130 EcuUy Tel: (78)33 81 25 TWX: 310617F Hewlett-Packard France 20, Chemin de La C6pi~re 3t081 Toutou•• L. MlrIU-GMe, Tel: (61) 40 II 12 HewleU·Packard France Le Ligoures Place Rom6e de Villeneuve 13100 Alx-en·Provence Tel: (42) 59 4 I 02 TWX: 410770F Hewlett·Packard France 2, Allee de la Bourgonette 35100 Renne. Tel: (99) 5 I 42 44 TWX: 740912F Hewletl-Packard France 18, rue du Canal de la Marne 67300 SchUtlgh.'m Tel: (88) 83 08 10 TWX: 89014 IF Hewletl-Packard France Immeuble pMcentre rue van Gogh 59650 Villeneuve O'Ascq Tel: (20) 914125 TWX: 160124F Hewlett-Packard France BAlimenl Amp~re Rue de la Commune de Paris B.P.300 93153 Le Blanc Me.nllC6dex Tel: (01) 931 88 50 Telex: 21 l032F Hewlett-Packard France Av. du Pdl. Kennedy 33700 Marlgnac Tel: (56) 97 01 81 Hewlett-Packard France Immeuble Lorraine Boulevard de France 91035 Evry-CMex Tel: 077 96 60 Telex: 692315F Hewlett-Packard France 23 Rue Lolhaire 57000 Met. Tel: (87)65 53 50 GERMAN FEDERAL REPUBliC Hewlett-Packard GmbH Vertriebszentrale Frankfurl Berner Strasse 117 Posttach 560 140 0-6000 Frankfurt 56 Tel: (060lt) 5004 I Telex: 04 13249 hpffm d Hewlett-Packard GmbH Technisches aUro Bt5blingen Herrenberger Strasse 110 0-7030 B~bllngen, WUrttemberg Tel: (07031)667-1 Telex: 07265739 bbn Hewleli-Packard GmbH Technisches BUro OUsseldort Emanuel-LeulZe-Slr, I (Seeslern) 0-4000 DU..eldorl Tel: (0211) 5971-1 Telex: OB5/86 533 hpdd d Hewlelt-Packard GmbH Technisches BUro Hamburg Kapsladlrlng 5 0-2000 Hamburg 60 Tel: (040) 63B04- I Telex: 2 I 63 032 hphh d Hewlett·Packard GmbH Techni$ches BUro Hannover Am Grossmarkl 6 0·3000 Hannover 9I Tel: (05111466001 Telex: 0923259 Hewlett·Packard GmbH Technisches BUro NUrnberg Neumeyerstrasse 90 D·85oo NUrnbarg Tel: (09111522083 Telex: 0623 860 Hewlett·Packard GmbH Techni.cheo BUro MUnchen Eschenslra"e 5 D·8021 Taulklrchen Tel: (08916117·1 Telex: 0524985 Hewlett·Packard GmbH Technisches BUro BerHn Kailhstrasse 2-4 D· 1000 Btrltn 30 Tel: (030124 90 86 Telex: 0183405 hpbln d GREECE Kostas Karayannls 8 Omlrou Streel Athena 133 Tel: 32 30 303/32/37731 Telex: 2I 59 62 RKAR GR GUAM Guam Mellcal Supply, Inc. Suite C, Airport Plaza P.O. Box 8947 Tamunlng 9691 I Tel: 646·4513 Calcutta 700 00 I ISRAEL Tel: 23·0131 Telex: 021-7655 Blue Slar Lid. Bhandari House Electronics Engineering Div. of Maloro'a Israel lid, 16, Kremenelski Street P.O. Box 25016 91 Nehru Place Naw Dalhl 110024 Tel: 682547 Telex: 031-2463 Blue Slar Lid. T.C. 7/603 'Poornime' Marulhankuzhi Trlvandrum 695 0 I 3 Tel: 65799 Telex: 0884-259 Blue Star Lid. I I Magarath Road Bangalor. 560 025 Tel: 55668 Telex: 0845·430 Blue Star Ltd. Meeakshi Mandlram XXXXVI1379·2 Mahalma Gandhi Rd. Cochln 682 016 Tel: 32069 Tetex: 085·514 Blue Slar Ltd. 1·1·11711 Sarojinl Devi Road Sacundorobad 500 033 Tel: 70126 Telex: 0155·459 Blue Star Ltd. 133 Kodambakkam High Road Madra. 600 034 Tel: 82057 Tele" 041·379 GUATEMALA ICELAND IPESA Avenida Reforma 3-48 Zona 9 Medical Only Eldlng Trading Company Inc. Hafnarnvoli • Tryggvagolu P.O. Box 895 Guatemala City Tel: 316627, 314786, 66471·5, ext. 9 TeleX: 4192 Telelro Gu IS-ReykJavik HONG KONG BERCA indonesia P.T. P.O. Sox 496/Jkt. Jln. Abdul Muis 62 Hewlelt-Packard Hong Kong Lid. 11th Floor, Four Seas Bldg. 212 Nathan Rd. Kowloon Tel: 3·697446 (5 linesl Telex: 36678 HX Medic.VAnalytical Only Schmidl & Co. (Hong Kongl Ltd. Wing On Cenlre, 281h Floor Connaughl Road, C. Hong Kong Tel: 5·455644 Telex: 74766 SCHMX HX INDIA Blue Slar Lid. Sahas 41412 Vir Savarkar Marg Prabhadevi Bombay 400 025 Tel: 45 7887 Telex: 011-4093 Blue Slar Lid. Band Box House Prabhadevi Bombay 400 025 Tel: 45 7301 Telex: 011·3751 Blue Star Ltd. Bhavdeep Stadi"" Road Ahmedabad 380 014 T~: 43922 Telex: 012·234 Blue Star Lid. 7 Hare Street Tel: I 58 2011 6303 INDONESIA Jakarta Tel: 349255, 349886 Telex: 46748 BERSIL IA BEReA Indonesia P.T. P.O. Box 174/Sby. 23 Jln. JimeNo Surabaya Tel: 42027 IRELAND Hewlell·Packard Lid. Kestrel House Clanwilliam Place lower Mount Sireet Dublin 2, Eire Hewlell·Packard Lid. 2C Avongberg Ind. Est. Long Mile Road Dublin 12 Tel: 514322/514224 Telex: 30439 Medical Only Cardiac Services (Ireland) ltd, Kilmore Road Arlane Dublin 5, Eire Tel: (011315820 Medical Only Cardiac Services Co. 95A Finaghy Rd. South Belfast BTtO DBY GB·NoNhern Ireland Tel: (02321 625566 Telex: 747626 Yokogawa·Hewlel1-Packard Lid. Inoue Building 1348·3, Asahi-cho, 1·chome Ataugl, Kanagawa 243 Tel: 0462·24·0452 Tel~Aylv Tel: 38973 Telex: 33569, 34164 Yokogawa-Hewlett·Packard ITALY Hewlett·Packard Italiana S.p.A. Via G. Oi Vittorio, 9 20063 Cornuaco Sui Navlglto (Mil Kumagaya Asahi Hachijuni Building Tel: (21903691 Telex: 334632 HEWPACKIT Hewlelt·Packard Italiana S.p.A. Via Turazza, 14 35100 Padova Tel: (491664888 Telex: 430315 HEWPACKI Hewlett·Packard Italiana S.p.A. Via G. Armellini 10 1·00143 Roma Tel: (061 54 69 6I Telex: 610514 Hewlett·Packard Italiana S.p,A. Lid. 41h Floor H. Tsukuba Kumagaya, Sailama 360 Tel: 0485·24·6563 JORDAN Mouasher Cousins Co. P.O. Box 1387 Amman Tel: 24907/39907 Telex: SABCO JO 1456 KENYA ADCOM Lid., Inc. P.O. Box 30070 Nairobi Tel: 331955 Telex: 22639 Corso Giovanni Lanza 94 1·10133 Torino Tel: (0111659308 Telex: 221079 P.O. Box 19012 Nairobi Airport Hewlett·Packard Italiana S,p,A. Nairobi Via Principe Nicola 43 GlC 1·95126 Catania Tel: (095137 05 04 Telex: 970291 Hewlelt·Packard Ita~ana S.p.A. Via Nuova san Rocco A Capadimonte,62A 80131 Napott Tel: (0811710698 Hewlett·Packard lIaliana S.p.A. Via Marlin Luther King, 381 I I I 1·40132 Bolovna Tel: 10511402394 Telex: 511630 Tel: 336055/56 Telex: 22201122301 Medical Only JAPAN AI·Kh.ldiya Trading & Contracting P.O. Box 830·Salal Yokogawa·Hewlett·Packard Ltd. 29·21, Takaido·Hlgashi 3·chome Suginami·ku, Tokyo 168 Tel: 03·331-611 I Telex: 232·2024 YHp· Tokyo Yokogawa·Hewlell·Packard Ltd. Chuo Bldg .. 4th Floor 4·20, NishlnakaJima 5·chome Yodogawa·ku, Osaka·shi Oaaka, 532 Tel: 06·304·6021 Telex: 523·3624 Yokogawa·Hewlell·Packard Ltd. Sunllomo Seimei Nagaya Bldg. I 1·2 Shimosa••jlma·cho, Nakamura·ku, Nagoya, 450 Tel: 052 571·5171 Yokogawa·Hewlell·Packard Lid. Tanigawa Building 2·24· I Touruya·cho Kanagawa-ku Yokohama. 221 Tel: 045·312·1252 Telex: 382·3204 YHP YOK Yokogawa-Hewletl-Packard Ltd. Mito Mitsui Building 105, 1-chome, San-no-maru Milo, Ibaragi 310 Tel: 0292·25·7470 476 Medical Only International Aeradio (E.A.) Lid. MOROCCO Dolbaau 81 rue Karalchi C••ablanca Tel: 304 I 82 Telex: 23051/22822 Gerep 2, rue d'Agadir Baile Po,lal 156 C•• ablenc. Tel: 272093/5 Telex: 23 739 MOZAMBIOUE A.N. Goncalves, Ltd. 162, l' Api. 14 Av. D. Luis Calxa Postal 107 Maputo Tel: 27091, 27114 Telex: 6·203 NEGON Mo NETHERLANDS Hewlett·Packard Benelux N.V. Van Heuven Goedhartlaan 121 P.O. Box 667 11 8I KK Amatolv ••n Tel: (20147 20 21 Telex: 13216 NEW ZEALAND Hewlelt·Packard (N.Z.I Ltd. 4·12 Cruickshank Sireet Kilbirnie, Wellington 3 P.O. Box 9443 Courtney Place Wellington P.O. Box 95221 Mombas. Tel: 877·199 Hewlelt·Packard (N.Z.I Ltd. P.O. Box 26·189 169 Manukau Road KOREA Epsom, Auckland Samsung Electronics Co., ltd. 4759 Shingil·6·Dong Yeong Deung POU Tel: 687·159 Analytical/Medical Onty Northrop Instruments & Systems Lid., Slurdee House 85-87 Ghuznee Street P.O. Box 2406 International Aeradio (E.A.) ltd. Seoul Tel: 833·4122, 4121 , Telex: SAMSAN 27364 KUWAIT Kuwait Tel: 42 4910/41 1726 Telex: 2481 Areeg kl LUXEMBURG Hewlett-Packard Beneluz S.A.lN.V. Avenue du Col· Vert, I (Groenkraaglaanl B· 11 70 Bru..ol. Tel: (021660 5050 Telex: 23 494 MALAYSIA Hewlelt-Packard Sales (Malayslal Sdn. Bhd. Suile 2.2112.22 Bangunan Angkasa Raya Jalan Ampang Kuala Lumpur Tel: 483680, 485653 Protei Engineering P.O. Box le17 Lot 259, Salak Road Kuching, Sar,wek Tel: 53544 MEXICO Hewlett-Packard Mexicans, S.A. de C.V. Av. Perlf6rico Sur No. 6501 Tepepan, Xochlmilco Mexico 23, D.F. Tel: 805·676·4600 Telex: D17-74·507 Hewlett-Packard Mexicans, SA de C.V. Rio Volga #600 Col. Del Valle Monterrey, N.l. Tel: 78·32·10 Wellington Tel: 850·09 I Telex: NZ 31291 Northrup Instruments & Syslems Lid. Eden House, 44 Khyber Pass Rd. P.O. Box 9682, Newmarket Auckland 1 Tel: 794·091 Northrup Instruments & Systems Lid. Terrace House, 4 Oxford Terrace P.O. Box 8388 Christchurch Tel: 64·165 NIGERtA The Electronics Instrumentations ltd, N6B/770 Oyo Road Oluseun House P.M.B.5402 Ibadan Tel: 461577 Telex: 31231 TElL NG The ElectroniCs Instrumentations lid. 144 Agege Motor Road, Mushin P.O. Box 481 Mushin, Lagol NORWAY Hewlell·Packard Norge AlS Oslendalen 18 P.O. Box 34 1345 Oatera•• T,I: (0211711 80 Telex: 16621 hpnas n L Hewlen·Plckard Norge AlS Nygaardsgalen I 14 P.O. Bo.4210 5013 Nygaardsgalen, Bargln Tel: 1051 2 I 97 33 QATAR Nasser Tradllg & Conlracling P.O. Bo. 1563 Doha Tel: 22170 Tele.: 4439 NASSER PANAMA Electr6nlco Bllboa, S.A. Aparolado 4929 Panama 5 Galla Samuel Lewis Edillcio "Afta,. No.2 Cludad dl Panama Tel: 64-2700 Tele.: 3483103 Curundu, Canal Zone ROMANIA Hewlell·Packard Reprezentanta 8d.n. Balcescu 16 Bueur••tl Tel: 1580 23/13 88 85 Tele.: 10440 PIRU Companla Eleclro MAdica S.A. Los Flamencos 145 San Isidro Casillo 1030 Lima I Tal: 41·4325 Telex: Pub, BOOlh 25424 SlSIORO PAKISTAN MuShko & Company lid. Cosman Chambers Abdullah Heroon Road Karachl·3 Tel: 511027, 512927 Tolex: 2894 Mushko & Company, Lid. 10, Bazar Rd. Seclor G·614 lalamabad Tel: 28264 PHILIPPINES The Onine Advanced Syslems CorpOration Rico House Amorsolo cor. Herrera Str. Legaspi Village, Makali P.O. Bo, 1510 Metro Manila Tel: 85·35·81, 85-34·91, 85·32·21 Telex: 3274 ONLINE RHODESIA Field TecMicai Sales 45 Kelvin Road Nonh P.O. Bo, 3458 Sansbury Tel: 705231 (5 ....sl Telex: RH 4122 POLAND Buo Inlormacji Technicznej Hewlett-Packard UI Slawki 2, 6P PLOO·950 Warozawa Tel: 39 59 62,3951 87 Telex: 81 24 53 PORTUGAL Teleclra·Empresa nCnica de Equipamenlos EI6Clricos S.a.r.1. Rua Rodrigo do Fonseca 103 P.O. Bo, 2531 P·Llobon 1 Tel: (19168 60 72 Telex: 12598 Medical Only Mundinter Inlercarnbio Mundial de C0rn6rcio S.a.r.l. P.O. Bo, 2761 Avenida Antonio Augusto de Aguiar 138 P·L1lbon Tel: 119153 213117 Telex: 16691 munler p PUERTO RICO Hewlell-Packard Inter· Americas Puerto Rico Branch Office Calle 272, #203 Urb. Counlry Club Carolina 00630 Tel: (8091762·7255 Telex: 345 0514 SAUDI ARABIA Modern Electronic EslablishmenllHead Officel P.O. Bo, 1228, Baghdadiah Street Jeddah Tel: 27 798 Telex: 40035 Gable: ELECTA JEOOAH Modern Electronic EslablishmenllBranchl P.O. Bo, 2728 Riyadh Tel: 62596166232 Telex: 202049 Modern Eleclronic Eslablishmenl (Branchl P.O. Bo, 193 A~Khobar Tel: 44678·44813 Telex: 670136 Gable: ELECTA AL·KHOBAR SINGAPORE Hewlett·Packard Singapore (Ple.1 Lid. 61h Floor, Inchcape House 450·452 AIe,andra Road P.O. Bo, 58 Alexandra POSI Office Singapore 91 15 Tel: 631788 Telex: HPSG RS 21486 SOUTH AFRICA Hewlett-Packard South Africa (PlY.I, Lid. Private Bag Wendywood, Sandlon, Transvaal, 2144 Hewlett-Packard Centre Daphne Slreel, Wendywood, Sandton, 2144 Tel: 802·5111125 Telex: 8·4782 Hewleli·Packard Soulh Africa (Ply.l, Lid. P.O. Bo, 120 Howard Place, Gape Province, 7450 Pine Pari< Centre, Forest Drive, Plnelanda, Cape PrOVince, 7405 Tel: 53·795511vu 9 Telex: 57·0006 SPAIN Hewlett-Packard Espanola, S.A. Calle Jerez 3 E·Madrld 16 Tel: (114582600 (10 linesl Telex: 23515 hpe Hewlell·Packard Espanola S.A. Colonia Mirasierra Edificla Juban clo Costa Brava, 13 Madrid 34 Hewleli·Packard Espanola, S.A. Milanesado 21·23 E·Sarcelona 17 Tel: (31203 6200 (5 Hnesl Telex: 52603 hpbe e Hewlell·Packard Espanola, S.A. Av Rem6n y Cojal, 1 Edificio Sevilla, planta go E·Sevllla 5 Tel: 64 44 54/58 Hewlen· Packard Espanola S.A. fdilicio Albia 117° B E·Bllbao I Tel: 23 83 06123 82 06 Hewlell·Packard Espanola S.A. GlRamon Gordillo 1 IEnlla·1 E-Va.encla 10 Tel: 96·361.13.54/361.13.58 SRI LANKA Melropolilan AgencieS Lid. 209/9 Union Place Colombo 2 Tel: 35947 Tele.: 1377METROLTO CE SUDAN Radlson Trade P.O. Bo, 921 Khartoum Tel: 44048 Telex: 375 TANZANIA Medical Only International Aeradio (EAI,lId. P.O. 80' 861 Dar Salaam Tel: 21251 E,1. 265 Telex: 41030 SURINAM Surlel Radio Holland N.V. GrOle Holslr. 3·5 P.O. Bo, 155 Paramaribo Tel: 72118, 77880 THAILAND UNIMESA Co. Lid. Elcom Research BuHding 2538 Sukumvil Ave. Bangchak, Bangkok Tel: 39·32·387, 39·30·338 SWEDEN Hewlell·Packard Sverige AB Enighelsvlgen 3, Fack S·I61 Bromma 20 Tel: (081730 05 50 Telex: 10721 Cable: MEASUREMENTS Siockholm Hewleli·Packard Sverige AB Fr61a11sgalan 30 S-421 32 vastra FrOlunda Tel: (031149 09 50 Telex: 10721 via Bromma office TRINIDAD & TOBAGO CARTEL Caribbean Telecoms ltd. P.O. Bo, 732 69 Frederick Street Port·ol·Spaln Tel: 62·53068 SWITZERLAND Hewlett·Packard (Schwezl AG ZUrcherstrasse 20 P.O. Bo. 307 CH·8952 Schllere.. ZUrich Tel: (011 7305240 Telex: 53933 hpag ch Gable: HPAG CH Hewlett·Packard (Schweizl AG CllAleau Bloc 19 CH·1219 Le Llgnon· Geneva Tel: (022196 03 22 Telex: 27333 hpag ch Cable: HEWPACKAG Geneva SYRIA General Electronic Inc. N.-i Basha·Ahnal Ebn Kays Sireel P.O. Bo, 5781 Dam.acul T~I: 33 24 87 Telex: 112151TIKAL Cable: ELECTROBOR DAMASCUS Medical only Sawah & Co. Place AlmA B.P.2308 Damaacua Tel: 16367·19697·14288 Telex: 11304 SATACO SY Cable: SAWAH, DAMASCUS Suleiman Hilal EI Mlawi P.O. Bo' 2528 Mamoun Bilar Slr..l, 56·58 Dam.Bcua Tel: 114663 Telex: 11270 Cable: HILAL DAMASCUS TAIWAN Hewlell·Packard Far Easl Lid. Taiwan Branch Bank Tower, 5th Floor 205 Till Hau Nonh Road 477 .~ Taipei Tel: (02) 751·04041151inesl Hewlell·Packard Far Easl Lid. Taiwan Branch 68·2, Chung Cheng 3rd. Road Kaohllung Tel: (07) 242318·Kaohsilllg Analylical Only San Kwang Instruments Co .• Lid. 20 Yung Sui Road Talpal Tel: 3615446·914Iinesl Tele.: 22894 SANKWANG 8. TUNISIA Tunisie Electronique 31 Avenue de la Liberle Tunis Tel: 280 144 Corema 1 ler. Av. de Canhage Tunl. Tel: 253 821 Telex: 12319 CABAM TN TURKEY TEKNIM Company Lid. Aiza Soh Pohievi Gaddesl No. 7 KavakUdere, Ankara Tel: 275800 Telex: 42155 \ Teknim Com., ltd. Barbaros Bulvari 55/12 Besikyas, latanbul Tel: 613 546 Telex: 23540 E.M.A. Muhendisli< Kollekl~ Sirkeli Mediha Eidem Sokak 4116 YUksel Caddesi Ankara Tel: 17 56 22 Yilmaz Ozyurek Milli Mudalaa Cad 1616 Kizilay Ankara Tel: 25 03 09 • 17 80 26 Telex: 42576 OZEK TR UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Emilac Lid. (Head Officel P.O. Bo, 1641 Sharjah Tel: 35412113 Telex: 8136 Emitac lid. (Branch Office) P.O. Bo, 2711 Abu Dhabi Tel: 33137011 UNITED KINGDOM Hewleli·Packard Lid. King" Street lane Wlnner.h, Wokingham Berkshire RG 11 5AR GB·England Tel: (07341764774 Telex: 84 71 7819 Hewlett-Packard lid. FOlJ'ier House, 257·263 High Slreel london Colney St. Albans, Herls GB·England Tel: 10727124400 Tele.: 1·8952716 Hewlell·Packard Lid. Trafalgar House Navigation Road Altrlncham Cheshire WA 14 INU GB·Engiand Tel: (061) 928 6422 Tele.: 668068 Hewlett-Packard Ltd. Lygon Coun Hereward Rise Dudley Road Hal••owen, Wesl Midlands, B62 8S0 GB·England Tel: (0211501 1221 Telex: 339105 Hewlell·Packard Lid. Wedge House 799, London Road Thornton Heath SUrrey, CR4 6XL GB·Engiand Tel: (011684·0103/8 Telex: 946825 Hewleli·Packard Lid. 14 We~ey SI Caatleford Yorks WF 10 1AE Tel: (0977) 550016 TWX: 5557335 Hewlell·Packard Lid. Tradax House SI. Mary's Walk Maidenhead Berkshire, SL6 1ST GB·England Hewlett·Packard Lid. Mo~ey Road Staplehiff 8risl0l, BS 16 40T GB·England Howleli·Packard Lid. South Que.naferry Wesl Lolhian, EH30 9TG GB·Scolland Tel: (031) 331 1188 Telex: 72682 UNITED STATES ALABAMA 700 Cenlury Park Suile 128 Blrmlnaham 35226 Tel: (2051 822·8802 -, P.O. Bo, 4207 8290 Whllesburg Dr. Huntsville 35802 Tel: (2051881·4591 ARIZONA 2336 E. Magnolia SI. Phoenix 85034 Tel: 16021273·8000 2424 Easl Aragon Rd. Tucoon 85706 Tel: (6021 273·8000 'ARKANSAS Medical Service Only P_O. Bo, 5646 Brady Sialion Lilli. Rock 72215 Tel: (5011376·1844 CALIFORNIA 1579 W. Shaw Ave. Fr.sno 93771 Tel: (2091224·0582 14JO Easl Orangelhorpe Ave. Fullarton 92631 Tel: 17141 870·1000 5400 West Rosecrans Btvd. P.O. 80' 92105 World Way Postal Center Los Angel.s 90009 Tel: 1213)970-7500 TWX: 910-325-6608 3939 Lankershim Boulevard North HOllywood 91604 Tel: (213)877-1282 TWX: 910-499-2671 3200 Hillview Av Palo Alto, CA 94304 Tel: 1408)988-7000 646 W. Norlh Markel 8lvd. Sacramento 95834 Tel: 1916)929-7222 9606 Aero Drive P.O. Bo, 23333 San Diego 92123 Tel: (714) 279-3200 363 Brookhollow Dr. Santa Ana, CA 92705 Tel: 1714)641-0977 3003 Scotl Boulevard Santa Clara 95050 Tel: 1408)988-7000 TWX: 910-338-0518 454 Carlton Court So. San Francisco 94080 Tel: 1415)877-0772 "Tarzana Tel: 1213)705-3344 COLORADO 5600 DTC Parkway Englewood 80110 Tel: 1303)771-3455 CONNECTICUT 47 Barnes Induslrial Road Barnes Park South Wallingford 06492 Tel: 1203)265-7801 FLORIDA P.O. Bo, 24210 2727 N.W. 62nd Sireel Ft. Lauderdale 33309 Tel: 1305) 973-2600 4080 Woodcock Drive # 132 Brownetl Building Jacksonville 32207 Tel: 1904)398-0663 P.O. 80' 13910 6177 Lake Ellenor Dr. Orlando 32809 Tel: 1305)859-2900 P.O. 80' 12826 Suile 5, Bldg. 1 Office Park North Pensacola 32575 Tel: 1904)476-8422 110 South Hoover Blvd. Suile 120 Tampa 33609 Tel: 1813)872-0900 GEORGIA P.O. 80, W5005 450 Interstate North Parkway Atlanta 30348 Tel: 1404) 955-1500 TWX: 810-766-4890 Medical Service Only •Augusta 30903 Tel: 1404) 736-0592 P.O. 80' 2103 1172 N. DaviS Drive Warner Robins 31098 Tel: 1912) 922-0449 HAWAII 2875 So. King Slreel Honolulu 96826 Tel: 1808) 955-4455 ILLINOIS 211 Prospecl Rd. Bloomington 61701 Tel: 1309)663-0383 5201 Tollview Dr. Roiling Meadows 60008 Tel: 1312)255-9800 TWX: 910-687-2260 INDIANA 7301 Norlh Shadeland Ave. Indianapolis 46250 Tel: 1317)842-1000 TWX: 810-260-1797 IOWA 24 15 Heinz Road Iowa City 52240 Tel: 1319)351-1020 KENTUCKY 10170 linn Station Road Suile 525 Louisville 40223 Tel: 1502)426-0100 LOUISIANA P.O. Bo, 1449 3229-39 WliHams Boulevard Kenner 70062 Tel: 1504)443-6201 MARYLAND 7121 Standard Drive Parkway Industrial Center Hanover 21076 Tel: 1301)796-7700 TWX: 710-862-1943 2 Choke Cherry Road Rockville 20850 Tel: 1301) 948-6370 TWX: 710-828-9684 MASSACHUSETTS 32 Hartwell Ave. Lexington 02173 Tel: 1617)861-8960 TWX: 710-326-6904 MICHIGAN 23855 Research Drive Farmington Hills 48024 Tel: (313)476-6400 724 West Centre Ave. Kalamazoo 49002 Tel: (616) 323-8362 MINNESOTA 2400 N. Prior Ave. St. Paul 55113 Tel: (612)636-0700 MISSISSIPPI 322 N. Mart Plaza Jackson 39206 Tel: (601) 982-9363 MISSOURI 11131 Colorado Ave. Kansas City 64137 Tel: (816)763-8000 TWX: 910-771-2087 1024 Executive Parkway St. Louis 63141 Tel: (314)878-0200 NEW MEXICO P.O. 80' 11634 Station E 11300 Lomas 8Ivd., N.E. Albuquerque 87123 Tel: (505)292-1330 TWX: 910-989-1185 156 Wyall Drive Las Cruces 8800 1 Tel: 1505)526-2484 TWX: 910-9983-0550 TENNESSEE a906 Kingston Pike Knoxville 37919 Tel: 1615)691-2371 3070 Directors Row Directors Square Memphis 38131 Tel: 1901) 346-8370 "Nashville Medical Service Only Tel: 1615)244-5448 NEW YORK 6 Automation lane Computer Park Albany 12205 Tel: 1518)458-1550 TWX: 710-444-4961 650 Perinton Hill Office Park Fairport 14450 Tel: 1716) 223-9950 TWX: 510-253-0092 NO.1 Pennsylvania Plaza 551h Floor 34th Street & 8th Avenue New York 10001 Tel: 1212)971-0800 5858 Easl Molloy Road Syracuse 13211 Tel: 1315)455-2486 1 Crossways Park West Woodbury 11797 Tel: 1516)921-0300 TWX: 510-221-2183 Tel: 1513) 671-74DO TEXAS 4171 North Mesa SuiteC110 EI Paso 79902 Tel: 1915)533-3555 P.O. 80' 42816 10535 Harwin S1. Houston 77036 Tel: 1713)776-6400 "Lubbock Medical Service Only Tel: 1806)799-4472 P.O. Bo, 1270 201 E. Arapaho Rd. Richardson 75081 Tel: 1214)231-6101 205 Billy Milchell Road San Antonio 78226 Tel: 1512)434-8241 NORTH CAROLINA 5605 Roanne Way Greensboro 27409 Tel: (919)852-1800 OHIO Medical/Computer Only 9920 Carver Road Cincinnati 45242 Tel: 1513)891-9870 16500 Sprague Road Cleveland 44130 Tel: 1216) 243-73DO TWX: 810-423-9430 962 Crupper Ave. Columbus 43229 Tel: (614)436-1041 330 Progress Rd. Dayton 45449 Tel: 1513) 859-8202 OKLAHOMA P.O. Box 32008 6301 N. Mendan Avenue Oklahoma City 73112 Tel: (405)721-0200 9920 E. 42nd Sireel Suite 121 Tulsa 74145 Tel: 1918)665-3300 OREGON 17890 S.W. Lower Boones Ferry Road Tualatin 97062 Tel: (503)620-3350 NEBRASKA Medical Only 7101 Mercy Road Suite 101 Omaha 68106 Tel: (402)392-0948 PENNSYLVANIA 1021 8th Avenue King of Prussia Industrial Park King 01 Prussia 19406 Tel: (215)265-7000 TWX: 510-660-2670 NEVADA 'Las Vegas Tel: 1702)736-6610 111 Zeta Drive Pittsburgh 15238 Tel: 1412)782-0400 SOUTH CAROLINA P.O. Bo, 6442 6941-0 N. Trenholm Road Columbia 29206 Tel: 1803)782-6493 NEW JERSEY Crystal Brook Professional Building .Route 35 Eatontown 07724 Tel: 1201)542-1384 W. 120 Cenlury Rd. Paramus 07652 Tel: 1201) 265-5000 TWX: 710-990-4951 478 UTAH 2160 Soulh 3270 Weol Sireel Salt Lake City 84119 Tel: (801) 972-4711 VIRGINIA P.O. Bo' 9669 2914 Hungary Spring Road Richmond 23228 Tel: 1804)285-3431 Computer Systems/Medical Only Airport Executive Center Suile 302 5700 Thurston Avenue Virginia Beach 23455 Tel: (804)460·2471 WASHINGTON Bellelield Office Pk. 1203 - 1141h Ave, S.E. Bellevue 98004 Tel: 1206)454-3971 TWX: 910-443-2446 P.O. 80x 4010 Spokane 99202 Tel: 1509) 535·0864 'WEST VIRGINIA Medical/Analytical Only 4604 Mac Corkle Ave" S.E. Charl.ston 25304 Tel: 1304) 925-0492 WISCONSIN 150 Soulh Sunny Slope Road Brooklleld 53005 Tel: 1414)784-8800 FOR U.S. AREAS NOT LISTED: Contact the regional office nearest you: Atlanta, Georgia .. North Holly-wOOd, California. Rockville, Maryland Roiling Meadows, Illinois. Their complele addresses are listed above. USSR Hewlell·Packard Representative Office USSR Pokrovsky Boulevard 4117-kw 12 Moscow 101000 Tel: 294.20~4 Telex: 7825 hewpak su YUGOSLAVIA Iskra Commerce, n.sol.o. Zaslopstvo Hewlett·Packard Obilicev Venac 26 YU 11000 Beograd Tel: 636-955 Telex: 11530 Iskra Commerce, n.sol.o Zastopstvo Hewlett·Packard Miklosiceva 381V1I YU-61000 Ljubljana Tel: 321-674, 315-879 Telex: 31583 URUGUAY Pablo Ferrando S.A.C.el. Avenida Italia 2877 Casilla de Correo 370 Montevideo Tel: 40-3102 Telex: 702 Public Booth Para Pablo Ferrando VENEZUELA Hewletl·Packard de Venezuela C.A. P.O. Bo, 50933 Caracas 105 Los Ruices Norte 3a Transversal Edificio Segre Caracas 107 Tel: 239-4133120 lines) Telex: 25146 HEWPACK ZAMBIA R.J. Tilbury IZambia) Lid. P.O. 80' 2792 Lusaka Tel: 76793 MEDITERRANEAN AND MIDDLE EAST COUNTRIES NOT SHOWN, PLEASE CONTACT: Hewlett·Packard SA Mediterranean and Middle East Operations 35, Kolokolroni Street Platia Kefallariou GR·Kifissia-Athenl, Greece Tel: 8080359/429 Telex: 21-6588 Cable: HEWPACKSA Alhens SOCIALIST COUNTRIES NOT SHOWN, PLEASE CONTACT: Hewlett·Packard GeS.m.b,tl Handelskai 52 P.O. Bo' 7 A·120S Vienna, Austria Tel: 10222)35 1621 1027 Cable: HEWPAK Vienna Tel,,: 75923 hewpak a OTHER AREAS NOT LISTED, CONTACT: Hewlett·Packard Intercontinental 3495 Deer Creek Road Palo Alto, California 94304 Tel: 1415)856-1501 TWX: 910-373·1267 Cable: HEWPACK Palo Alto Tel,,: 034-8300, 034-8493 Hewlell-Packard SA 7, rue du Bois·du·lan P.O. 80' CH-1217 Meyrin 2 - Ganeva Switzerland Tel: 1022) 82 70 DO Cable: HEWPACKSA Geneva Tel" 22486 'Servlce Only 2-15-80 Fli;- HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD For more information call your local HP Sales Office or East 301 9486370, Midwest 1312 255-9800, South 404 955-1500, West 213 9707500. Or write: Hewlett-Packard Components, 640 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, California 94304. In Europe, Hewlett-Packard GmbH, P.O. Box 250, Herrenberger Str. 110, 0-7030 Boeblingen, West Germany. In Japan, YHP, 3-29-21, Takaido-Higashi, Suginami-Ku, Tokyo 168. Printed in U.S.A. Revised from 5953-0400 Data Subject to Change 5953-0429 D April 1980
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