1981_Mostek_Z80_Microcomputer_Data_Book 1981 Mostek Z80 Microcomputer Data Book

User Manual: 1981_Mostek_Z80_Microcomputer_Data_Book

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Download1981_Mostek_Z80_Microcomputer_Data_Book 1981 Mostek Z80 Microcomputer Data Book
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Copyright © 1981 Mostek Corporation (All rights reserved)
Trade Marks Registered ®
Mostek reserves the right to make changes in specifications at any time and without notice. The information furnished by
Mostek in this publication is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Mostek for its use;
nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use. No license is granted under any
patents or patent rights of Mostek.
The "PRELIMINARY" designation on a Mostek data sheet indicates that the product is not characterized. The specifications
are subject to change, are based on design goals or preliminary part evaluation, and are not guaranteed. Mostek Corporation
or an authorized sales representative should be consulted for current information before using this product. No responsibility
is assumed by Mostek for its use; nor for any infringements of patents and trademarks or other rights of third parties resulting
from its use. No license is granted under any patents, patent rights, or trademarks of Mostek. Mostek reserves the right to
make changes in specifications at any time and without notice.
PRINTED IN USA February 1981


of Contents

I - Table of Contents
Functional Index .......................................................................... I-i
II - General Information
Package Descriptions .................................................................... II-iii
Introduction to Mostek ................................................................... II-vii
U.S. and Canadian Sales Offices ........................................................... II-xi
U.S. and Canadian Representatives ........................................................ II-xii
U.S. and Canadian Distributors ........................................................... II-xiii
International Marketing Offices ............................................................ II-xv

III - laO Family Technical Manuals
Central Processing Unit (MK3880) ......................................................... 111-1
Parallel I/O Controller (MK3881) ......................................................... 111-91
Counter Timer Circuit (MK3882) ......................................................... 111-127
Serial I/O (MK3884/5/7) .............................................................. 111-163
l80 Combo Circuit (MK3886) ........................................................... 111-235
IV - laO Family Data Sheets
Direct Memory Access Controller (MK3883) ................................................. IV-1
Serial Input/Output Controller (MK3884) .................................................. IV-19
Combo Chip (MK3886) .................................................................. IV-35
V - laO Development Equipment
MATRIX DS ............................................................................ V-1
Keyboard Display Unit CRT ............................................................... V-11
LinePrinter(LP) ........................................................................ V-15
PROM Programmer (PPG 8/16) .......................................................... V-19
Ansi Basic Software Interpreter (MK78157) ................................................ V-23
Fortran IV Compiler (MK78158) .......................................................... V-27
FLP80 DOS (MK78142, MK77962) ....................................................... V-29
Fortran IV Cross Assembler (XFOR-80) .................................................... V-33
FLP80 DOS Software Library (LIB 80 V1) .................................................. V-35
MACRO 80 (MK78165) ................................................................. V-37
AIM l80BE (MK78205) ................................................................. V-39
VI - laO Microcomputer Application Notes
Serial Communication Capability to the 8086/8088 Family Using the l80 SIO ................... VI-1
l80 Interfacing Techniques for Dynamic RAM ............................................... VI-7
Applying the l80 SIO in Asynchronous Data Communications ................................ VI-23
Use of the MK3805 Clock/RAM .......................................................... VI-29
Using the MK3807 VCU in a Microprocessor Environment ................................... VI-87
VII - laO Microcomputer Peripherals
CMOS Microcomputer Clock/RAM (MK3805) .............................................. VII-1
Programmable CRT Video Control Unit VCU (MK3807) ....................................... VII-9
STI-l80 Version (MK3801 ) .............................................................. VII-21
MK50808 ............................................................................ VII-25
J.LP-Compatible A/D Converters (MK5168(N)-1) ............................................ VII-33
MK50816 ............................................................................ VIIA1
VIII - laO Military/Hi-Rei
Introduction ............................................................................ VIII-3
Applications Guide ..................................................................... VIII-5
MKB Military Products Listing .......................•.................................... VIII-6
MKI Industrial Products Listing ..................... ! . . • . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • . • . . . • VIII-7
MKB 3880 Data Sheet ........................•......................................... VIII-9




Factory orders for parts described in this book should include a four-part number as explained below:
Example: M

87 ¥-~
~1. Dash Number

2. Package
' - - - - - - - - - - 3 . Device Number
' - - - - - - - - - - - 4 . Mostek Prefix

Dash Number
One or two numerical characters defining specific device performance characteristic.




Gold side-brazed ceramic DIP
Epoxy DIP (Plastic)
Tin side-brazed ceramic DIP
Ceramic DIP with transparent lid
Ceramic lead less chip carrier

Device number
1XXX or
2XXX or
3XXX or
4XXX or
5XXX or
7XXX or



Shift Register, ROM
Microcomputer Components
Telecommunication and Industrial
Microcomputer Systems

Mostek Prefix
MK-Standard Prefix
MKB-1oo% 883B screening, with final electrical test at low, room and high-rated temperatures.





Package Descriptions
Ceramic Dual-In-Line Package (P)
40 Pin

"."~"no.,", >o,




Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (N)

40 Pin

NOTE: Overall length includes .005 flash on either end of package

Cerdip Hermetic Packaging (J)
40 Pin



Ceramic Dual-In-Line Package(P)
28 Pin





u ••,.".


I~ UU UUI , li!Jt! ,~, ...,.~










Cerdip Hermetic Packaging (J)
28 Pin







uvt~J I~\

J,,~~ ~ ~. ~".o10+.003~\-. "J


Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (N)
28 Pin










Cerdip Hermetic Package (J)
24 Pin

Leadless Hermetic Chip Carrier (E)
18 Pin


Leadless Hermetic Chip Carrier (E)
18 Pin


Dual-In-Line Double Density Ceramic Package (D)
18 Pin

Ceramic Dual-In-Line Package (P)
16 Pin

Cerdip Hermetic Package (J)
16 Pin


Mostek - Technology For Today And Tomorrow

In design, production and testing, the
Mostek goal is meeting specifications the
first time on every product. This goal requires
strict discipline from the company and from
its individual employees. Discipline, coupled
with very personal pride, has enabled
Mostek to build in quality at every level of

From its beginning, Mostek has been an
innovator. From the developments of the 1K
dynamic RAM and the single-chip calculator
in 1970 to the current 64K dynamic RAM,
Mostek technological breakthroughs have
proved the benefits and cost-effectiveness of
metal oxide semiconductors. Today, Mostek
represents one of the industry's most
productive bases of MOS/LSI technology,
including Direct-Step-on-Wafer processing
and ion-implantation techniques.
The addition of the Microelectronics
Research Center in Colorado Springs adds a
new dimension to Mostek circuit design
capabilities. Using the latest computer-aided
design techniques, center engineers will be
keeping ahead of the future with new
technologies and processes.

The commitment to increasing production
capability has made Mostek the world's
largest manufacturer of dynamic RAMs. We
entered the telecommunications market in
1974 with a tone dialer, and have shipped
millions of telecom circuits since then. More
than two million of our MK3870 single-chip
microprocessors are in use throughout the
world. To meet the demand, production
capability is being constantly increased.
Recent construction in Dallas, Ireland and
Colorado Springs has added some 50
percent to the Mostek manufacturing

The worth of a product is measured by
how well it is designed, manufactured and
tested and by how well it works in your

alternative to discrete logic systems is

Memory Products
Through innovations.in both circuit design,
wafer processing and production, Mostek
has become the industry's leading supplier
of memory produCts.
An example of Mostek leadership is our
new BYTEWYDpM family of static RAMs,
ROMs, and EPROMs. All provide high
performance, N words x 8-bit organization
and common pin configurations to allow
easy system upgrades in density and
performance. Another important product
area is fast static RAMs. With major
advances in technology, Mostek static RAMs
now feature access times as low as 55
nanoseconds. With high density ROMs and
PROMs, .static RAMs, dynamic RAMs and
pseudostatic RAMs, Mostek now offers one
of industry's broadest and most versatile
memory product lines.

Telecommunications Products
Mostek is the leading supplier of tone
dialers, pulse dialers, and CODEC devices.
As each new generation of telecommunications systems emerges, Mostek is
ready with new generation components,
including PCM filters, tone receivers,
repertory dialers, new integrated tone
dialers, and pulse dialers.
These products, many of them using
CMOS technology, represent the most
modern advancements in telecommunications component design.

Microcomputer Components

InduStrial Products

Mostek's microcomputer components are
designed for a wide range of applications.
Our Z80 family is today's industry
standard 8-bit microcomputer. The MK3870
family is one of the industry's most popular
8-bit single-chip microcomputers, offering
upgrade options in ROM, RAM and I/O, all
in the same socket. The 38P7X EPROM
versions support and prototype the entire

Mostek's line of Industrial Products offers
a high degree of versatility per device. This
family of components includes various
microprocessor -compatible A/D converters,
a counter/time-base circuit for the division
of clock signals, and combined
counter/display decoders. Asa result of the
low parts count involved, an economical

Microcomputer Systems

function, reducing system cost because the
designer buys only the specific functional
modules his system requires. All MDX
boards are STD-Z80 BUS compatible.

Complementing the component product
line is the powerful MATRI)(TM
microcomputer development system, a Z80based, dual floppy-disk system that is used to
develop and debug software and hardware
for all Mostek microcomputers.
A software operating system, FLP-80DOS,
speeds and eases the design cycle with
powerful commands. BASIC, FORTRAN, and
PASCAL are also available for use on the
Mostek's MD Series™ features both
stand-alone microcomputer boards and
expandable microcomputer boards. The
expandable boards are modularized by

Memory Systems
Taking full advantage of our leadership in
memory components technology, Mostek
Memory Systems offers a broad line of
products, all with the performance and
reliability to match our industry-standard
circuits. Mostek Memory Systems offers addin memory boards for popular DEC and Data
General minicomputers.
Mostek also offers special purpose and
custom memory boards for special
appl ications.






Southeast U.S.

Mostek Corporation
1215 W. Crosby Rd.
P. O. Box 169


Carrollton, Texas 75006

Eastern U.S.lCanada
49 W. Putnam, 3rd Floor
Greenwich, Conn. 06830

lWX 710-579-2928
Northeast U.S.
29 Cummings Park, Suite #426
Woburn. Mass. 01801


Chicago Region
701 E. Irving Park Road

Central U.S.
4100 McEwen Road

Suite 206

Suite 151

Tampa, Florida 33607



TWX 910-291-1207

North Central U.S.

Southwest Regkm

Southam Califomia

6101 Green Valley Dr.
Bloomington, Mn. 55438

4100 McEwen Road
Suite 237
Dallas. Texas 75234

Suite 140

lWX 810-876-4611

Atlanta Region
2 Exchange Place
2300 Peachford Rd. #2105
Atlanta, GA 30338

TWX 810·757-4231
Upstate NY Region
4651 Crossroads Park Dr" Suite 201
Liverpool. NY 13088

TWX 710·348·0459


Mid-Atlantic U.S.
East Gate Business Center
125 Gaither Drive, Suite D
Mt. Laurel. New Jersey 08054

Florida Region
22521 Southwest 66th Ave.
Boca Raton. FL 33433

TWX 710-897-0723

Seattle Region

Exchange Bank Bldg.
1111 N. Westshore Blvd.
Suite 414

Roselle. III. 60172


Dallas. Texas 75234


lWX 910·576·2802

TWX 910-860-5437

South Central U.S.
3400 S. Dixie Ave.
Suite 1m
Kettering, Ohio 45439
TWX 810·459·1625

Chevy Chase #4
7715 Chevy Chase Dr" #1 16
Austin, TX 78752

Livonia Pavillion East
29200 Vassar, Suite 520
Livonia. Mich. 48152

lWX 810-242-2978


TWX 910·874·2007
Westem Region
Northern Califom~
1762 Technology Drive
Suite 126
San Jose, Calif. 95110

1107 North East 45th St.
Suite 411

Seattle, WA 98105
TWX 910-444-4030
18004 Skypark Blvd.

Irvine, Calif. 92714

TWX 910-595-2513
Arizona Region
2150 East Highland Ave.
Suite 101
Phoenix, AZ 85016

TWX 910-957-4581
Denver Region
3333 Quebec Street, #9090
Denver, CO 80207



Beacon Elect Assoc.• Inc.
11309 S. Memorial Pkwy.


Conley & Associates, Inc.
3951 Pleasantdale Road
Suite 201
Doraville, GA 30340
TWX 810-766-0488

Rich Electronic Marketing
5910 Bardstown Road
P. O. Box 911-47
Louisville, KY 40291
TWX 810-535-3757

Tritek Sales, Inc.
21 E. Euclid Ave.
Haddonfield, NJ 08033
215/627..0149 (Philadelphia line)
TWX 710-896-0881

Huntsville, AL 35803
206/881 -5031
1WX 810-726-2136
Summit Sales
7825 E. Redfield Rd.
TWX 910-950-1283

Carlson Electronic Sales600 East Higgins Road
Elk Grove Village. IL 60007
TWX 910-222-1819

Arbotek Associates
3600 SI. Johns Lane
Ellicott City, MD 21043
TWX 710-862-1874

Waugaman Associates
P.O. Box 14894
Albuquerque, NM 87111

Beacon Elect. Assoc., Inc.
P.O. Box 5382, Brady Simian
little Rock, AI< 72215
TWX 910-722-7310

Rich Electronic Marketing·

New England Technical Sales·
135 Cambr.idge Street
Burlington, MA 01803
TWX 710-332{)435

Harvey King, Inc.
8124 Miramar Road
San Diego, CA 92126
TWX 910-335-1231

Waugaman Associates
4800 Van Gordon
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
TWX 910-938-0750

New England Technical Sales

240 Pomeroy Ave.

699 Industrial Drive
Carmel. IN 46032
TWX 81.0-260-2631

Rich Electronic Marketing
3448 West Taylor 5t.
Fort Wayne, IN 46804
TWX 810-332-1404

cahill, Schmitz & Cahill, Inc.
208 Collins Rd. N.E. Suite K
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
TWX 910-525-1363
Carlson Electronic Sales
204 Collins Rd. NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
TWX 910-222-1819

Meriden. CT 06450

TWX 710-461-1126

Conley & Associates, Inc.
P.O. Box 309
235 S. Central
Oviedo, FL 32765
TWX 810-856-3520

Rush & West Associates·
107 N. Chester Street
Olathe, KN 66061
TWX 910-749-6404

Action Components
19547 Coachwood Rd.
Rivenriew, MI48192
Cahill, Schmitz & Cahill, Inc.
315 N. Pierce
SI. Paul, MN 55104
TWX 910-563-3737

Rush & West Associates
481 Melanie Meadows Lane
Ballwin, MO 63011
Conley & Associates, Inc.
3301 Womans Club Drive
Suite 130
Raleigh, NC 27616
TWX 510-928-1829

Conley & AsSOCiates, Inc.
4021 W. Waters
Suite 2
Tampa, FL 33614
TWX 810-876-9136

9004 Menaul NE
Suite 7
Albuquerque, NM 87112
505/294-1436 (Ans. Service)
ERA Inc.
354 Veterans Memorial Highwav
Commack, NY 11725
TWX 510-226-1485
(New Jersey Phone #
800/645-5500, 5501)
Precision Sales Corp.
5 Arbustus Ln., MR-97
Binghamton, NY 13901
Precision Sales Corp.·
1 Commerce Blvd.
liverpool, NY 13088
TWX 710-545-0250
Precision Sales Corp.
3594 Monroe Avenue
Pittsford. NY 14534
716/381 -2820
Precision Sales Corp.
Drake Road
Pleasant Valley, NY 12569

Rich Electronic Marketing
7221 Taylorsville Road
Dayton, Ohio 45424
TWX 810-459-1767
Rich Electronic Marketing
141 E. Aurora Road
Northfield, Ohio 44067


Conley & Associates, I!'\C.
P.O Box 700

TWX 810427-9210

1612 N.W 2nd Avenue
Boca Raton, FL 33432
TWX 510-953-7548

Northwest Marketing Assoc.
9999 S.w. Wilshire SI.
Suite 124
Portland OR 97225

·Home Office


Southern States Marketing, Inc.

P.O. Box 8000
Addison, TX 75001
1\I\(X 910-860-5138
Southern States Marketing, Inc.
7745 Chevy Chase
Suite 219
Austin, TX 78752
Sout.hern States Marketing, Inc.
9730 Town Park Drive, Suite 104
Houston, Texas 77036
TWX 910-881-1630

Waugaman Associates
2520 S. State Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
TWX 910-925-4073
Nonhwest Marketing Assoc.
12836 Bellevue-Redmond Rd.
Suite 203E
Bellevue, WA 98CXJ5
1WX 910-443-2445
Carlson Electronic Sales
Nonhbrook Executive Ctr.
10701 West Nonh Ave.
Suite 209
Milwaukee, WI 53226
TWX 910-222-1819
Cantec Representatives Inc.·
1573 laperriere Ave.
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1Z 7T3
TWX 610-562-8967
Cantec Representatives Inc.
83 Galaxy Blvd., Unit 1A
Toronto, Canada M9W 5X6
TWX 610-492-2655
Cantec Representatives Inc.
15737 rue Pierref0nds SI.
Ste-Genevieve, P. Q
(Montreal) H9H 1G3
TWX 610-422-3985





Kierulff Electronics
4134 E. Wood St.

Arrow Electronics
1001 N.W. 62nd St.
Suite 108
Ft. lauderdale, FL 33309

Phoenix, AZ. 85040
TWX 910/951-1550
Wyle Distribution Group

8155 North 24th Avenue

TWX 510/955-9456

1WX 910/951-4282

Arrow Electronics
115 Palm Bay Road, N.W.
Suite 10 Bldg. 200
Palm Bay, FL 32905


1WX 510/959-6337

Bell Industries
1161 N. Fair Oaks Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086

Diplomat Southland
2120 Calumet
Clearwater, FL 33515

Phoenix, Arizona 85021



Advent Electronics

Arrow Electronics

8446 Moller

4801 Benson Avenue

Indianapolis, IN 46268

Baltimore, MD 21227

Olive Electronics
9910 Page Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63132


"TWX 810/341-3228

Ft. Wayne Electronics
3606 E. Maumee
Ft. Wayne, IN 46803



TWX 710/236-9005
Schweber Electronics
9218 Gaither Rd.
Gaithersburg, MD 20760

1WX 910/763-0720


TWX. 9101771-2114

TWX 810"'332-1562

1WX 710/828-9749

6408 Castleplace Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46250
TWX 8101260-1794

Arrow Electronics
3810 Varsity Drive
Ann Arbor, MI48104


Semiconductor Spec
3805 N. Oak Trafficway
Kansas City, MO 64116

Arrow Electronics
1 Perimeter Rd.
Manchester, NH 031 03



1WX 910/339-9378

1WX 810/866-0436


1WX 8101223-6020

1WX 710/220-1684

Arrow Electronics
521 Weddell Dr.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086

Kierulff Electronics
3247 Tech Drive
St. Petersburg, FL 33702

Advent Electronics
682 58th Avenue
Coun South West
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Schweber Electronics
33540 Schoolcraft Road
Livonia, MI 48150

Arrow Electronics



1WX 910/339-9371

1WX 810/863-5625

Kierulff Electronics
2585 Commerce Way
Los Angeles, CA 90040

"TWX 910/580-3106
Kierulff Electronics
8797 Balboa Avenue
San Diego, CA 92123


1WX 910/335-1182
Kierulff Electronics

14101 Franklin Avenue
Tustin CA 92680
714/731 -5711

lWX 910/595-2599
Schweber Electronics
17811 Gillette Avenue
Irvine, CA 92714

Wyle Distribution Group

124 Maryland Street
EI Segundo, CA 90245

TWX 910/348-71 1 1

Wyle Distribution Group
9525 Chesapeake Drive
San Diego, CA 92123


Arrow Electronics
2979 Pacific Ave.
Norcross. GA 30071


1WX 810/766-0439
Schweber Electronics
4126 Pleasantdale Road
Atlanta, GA 30340




1WX 910/525-1337
Kierulff Electronics
13 Fortune Drive
Billerica, MA 01821

TWX 710/390-1449
Lionex Corporation
1 North Avenue
Burlington, MA 01803


TWX 710/332-1387

Arrow Electronics
492 Lunt Avenue
P. O. Box 94248
Schaumburg, IL 60193

Sch...veber Electronics
25 Wiggins Avenue
Bedford, MA 01730

1WX 9101291-3544

1WX 710/326-0268
Arrow Electronics
960 Commerce Way
Woburn, MA 01801

Bell Industries
3422 W. Touhy Avenue
Chicago. IL 60645



1WX 710/393-6770

TWX 910/223-4519
Kierulff Electronics
1536 lanmeier
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

1WX 9101222-0351

1WX 910/335-1590
Wyle Distribution Group
17872 Cowan Ave.
Irvine, CA 92714


1WX 910/348-7111
Wyle Distribution Group
3000 Bowers Ave.
Santa Clara, CA 95051

TWX 910/338-0296
Kierulff Electronics
10890 E. 47th Avenue
Denver, CO 80239


1WX 91 0/932-0169
Wyle Distribution Group
451 E. 124th Ave.
Thornton, CO 80241


1WX 910/936-0770
Arrow Electronics
12 Beaumont Rd.
Wallingford. CT 06492

TWX 710/476-0162
Schweber Electronics
Finance Drive
Commerce Industrial Park
Danbury, CT06810

TWX 710/456-9405


TWX 8101242-2983

Pleasant Valley Avenue
Morrestown, NJ 08057

TWX. 710/897-0829

Arrow Electronics
5251 W. 73rd Street
Edina, MN 55435

Arrow Electronics
285 Midland Avenue
Saddlebrook.. NJ 07662

1WX 910/576-3125

1WX 710/988-2206

Industrial Components
5229 Edina Industrial Blvd.
Minneapolis, MN 55435

lWX 910/576-3153

Kierulff Electronics
3 Edison Place
Fainield, NJ 07006

1WX 7101734-4372
Schweber Electronics
18 Madison Road
Fairfield, NJ 07006

TWX 7101734-4305





Bell Industries
11728 Linn N.E.

Arrow Electronics

Arrow Electronics
13715 Gamma Road

Albuquerque, NM 87123
1WX 910/989·0625
Arrow ElectronICS
2460 Alamo Ave. S.E.

Albuquerque, NM 87106

7620 McEwen Road
Centerville, OH 45459

lWX 810/459-1611
Arrow Electronics
, 0 Knoll Crest Drive
Reading, OH 45237

P.O. Box 401068
Dallas, TX 75240

TWX 910/860-5377
Quality Components

TWX 910/989-1679

TWX 810/461-2670

10201 McKalla
Suite 0
Austin, TX 78758


Arrow Electronics
6238 Cochran Road
Solon, OH 44139

1WX 910/874-1377


Arrow Electronics
900 Broad Hollow Rd.
Farmingdale. Lt, NY 11735

TWX 510/224-6494
Arrow Electronics

7705 Maltlage Drive
P. O. Box 370
Liverpool. NY 13088
TWX 710/545-0230
Arrow Electronics
3000 S. Winton Road
Rochester, NY 14623
TWX 510/253-4766
Arrow Electronics
200ser Ave.
Hauppauge. NY 11787
TWX 5101227-6623
Lionex Corporation
400 Oser Ave.
Hauppauge, NY 11787
TWX 510/221.-2196
Schwaber Electronics
2 Twin line Circle
Rochester, NY 14623
Schweber Electronics
Jericho Turnpike
Westbury. NY 11590
lWX 5101222-3660
Arrow Electronics
938 Burke 51.
Winston Salem, NC 27102
TWX 510/931 -3169
Hammond Electronics
2923 Pacific Avenue
Greensboro, NC 27406
lWX 510/925-1094

TWX 810/427-9409
Schweber Electronics
23880 Commerce Park Road

Beachwood, OH 44122
TWX 810/427-9441
4800 East 131st Street
Cleveland, OH 44105
lWX 810/422-2211
4433 Interpoint Blvd.
Dayton, OH 45424

Quality Components
4257 KeUway Circle
Addison, TX 75001

TWX 910/860-5459
Quality Comp:ments
6126 Westline
Houston, TX 77036
Sch\N9ber Electronics
7420 Harwin Drive
Houston, TX 77036
TWX 910/881- 11 09

Klerulff Electronics
14273 NW Science Park
Portland, OR 97229
TWX 910/467-8753
Schweber Electronics
101 Rock Road
Horsham, PA 19044
Arrow Electronics
650Seco Rd.
Monroeville, PA 15146
560 Alpha Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
TWX 7101795-3122
Hammond Electronics
1035 Lown Des Hill Rd.
Greenville, SC 29602
TWX 8101281-2233


Bell Industries
3639 W. 2150 South
Salt lake City, UT 84120
TWX 910/925-5686
Kierulff Electronics
2121 South 3600 West
Salt Lake City, ur 84104
Kierutff Electronics
1005 Andover Park East
Tukwila, WA 98188
lWX 910/444-2034
Wyle Distribution Group
1750 132ndAvenue N.E.
Bellevue, Washington 98005
lWX 910/443-2526
Arrow Electronics
434 Rawson Avenue
Oak Creek, WI 53154
lWX 9101262-1193
Kierulff Electronics
2212 E. Moreland a,Vd.
Waukesha, WI 53186
TWX 9101262-3653

Prelco Electronics
2767 Thames Gate Drive
Mississauga, Ontario
Toronto l4T lG5
lWX 6101492-8974
Prelco Electronics
480 Port Roval 51. W.
Montreal 357 P.Q. H3l289
lWX 610/421-3616
Prelco Electronics
1770 Woodward Drive
Ottowa, Ontario K2C OPS
Telex 05-34301
RAE. Industrial
3455 Gardner Court
Burnaby, 8.C. V5G 4J7
TWX 610/929-3065
141 Catherine Street
Ottawa, Ontario

K2P lC3
Telex 05-33636
1355 Meyerside Drive
Mississauga, Ontario
(Toronto) L5T 1C9
Telex 06-983657
5010 Rue Pare
Montreal, Quebec
M4P 1P3
Telex 05-827535
590 Berrv Street
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Mostek International
Av de Tervuren 270-272
8-1150 Brussels/Belgium

021762 18.80
Telex: 62011



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Mostek GmbH
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Mostek GmbH
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089-609 1017

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Minato-Ku. Tokyo 107


Telex: 5216516


Mostek U.K. ltd.
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01-204 9322

Telex: 213685
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Mostek GmbH
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Telex: 333601

Mostek Scandinavia AS
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Telex: 12997

Transistor Vertriebsges. mbH
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Telex: 15987
S.W. Instruments
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Telex: 122411

Telex: 4191630

Societe Copel
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(1 r 735.33.20
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Matronic GmbH
Lichtenberger Weg 3
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Diputacion, 79
Entlo 1-2
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Comelta SA
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Planta 1 Nave 2
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zao Family




Technical Manual







1.0 Introduction .............................................................. 111-5

2.0 ZBO-CPU Architecture ..................................................... 111-7

3.0 ZBO-CPU Pin Description ................................................ 111-11

4.0 CPU Timing ............................................................. 111-15·

5.0 ZBO-CPU Instruction Set ................................................. 111-23

6.0 Flags................................................................... 111-43

7.0 Summary of OP Codes and Execution Times ............................... 111-47

B.O Interrupt Response ...................................................... III-59


Hardware Implementation Examples ...................................... 111-65

10.0 Software Implementation Examples ....................................... 111-71

11.0 Electrical Specifications .................................................. 111-77

12.0 ZBO Instruction Breakdown by Machine Cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. III-B3

13.0 Ordering Information .................................................... 111-90




The term "microcomputer" has been used to describe virtually every type of small
computing device designed within the last few years. This term has been applied to
everything from simple "microprogrammed" controllers constructed out of TTL MSI up
to low end minicomputers with' a portion of the CPU constructed out of TTL LSI "bit
slices." However, the major impact of the LSI technology within the last few years has been
with MOS LSI. With this technology, it is possible to fabricate complete and very powerful
computer systems with only a few MOS LSI components.

The Mostek Z80 family of components is a significant advancement in the state-of-art of
microcomputers. These components can be configured with any type of standard semiconductor memory to generate computer systems with an extremely wide range of
capabilities. For example, as few as two LSI circuits and three standard TTL MSI packages
can be combined to form a simple controller. With additional memory and I/O devices a
computer can be constructed with capabilities that only a minicomputer could previously
deliver. This wide range of computational power allows standard modules to be constructed
by a user that can satisfy the requirements of an extremely wide range of applications.

The major reason for MOS LSI domination of the microcomputer market is the low cost of
these few LSI components. For example, MOS LSI microcomputers have already replaced
TIL logic in such applications as terminal controllers, peripheral device controllers, traffic
signal controllers, point of sale terminals, intelligent terminals and test systems. In fact the
MOS LSI microcomputer is finding its way into almost every product that now uses
electronics and it is even replacing many mechanical systems such as weight scales and
automobile controls.

The MOS LSI microcomputer market is already well established and new products using
them are being developed at an extraordinary rate. The Mostek Z80 component set has been
designed to fit into this market through the following factors:
1. The Z80 is fully software compatible with the popular 8080A CPU offered from
several sources. Existing designs can be easily converted to include the Z80 as a
superior alternative.
2. The Z80 component set is superior in both software and hardware capabilities to
any other 8-bit microcomputer system on the market. These capabilities provide the
user with significantly lower hardware and software development costs while also
allowing him to offer additional features in his system.
3. A complete development and OEM system product line including full software
support is available to enable the user to easily develop new products.

Microcomputer systems are extremely simple to construct using Z80 components. Any such
system consists of three parts:
1. CPU (Central Processing Un it)
2. Memory

Interface circuits to peripheral devices

The CPU is the heart of the system. Its function is to obtain instructions from the memory
and perform the desired operations. The memory is used to contain instructions and in most
cases data that is to be processed. For example, a typical instruction sequence may be to
read data from a specific peripheral device, store it in a location in memory, check the
parity and write it out to another peripheral device. Note that the Mostek component set
includes the CPU and various general purpose I/O device controllers, as well as a wide range
of memory devices. Thus, all required components can be connected together in a very
simple manner with virtually no other external logic. The user's effort then becomes
primarily one of software development. That is, the user can concentrate on describing his
problem and translating it into a series of instructions that can be loaded into the microcomputer memory. Mostek is dedicated to making this step of software generation as simple
as possible. A good example of this is our assembly language in which a simple mnemonic
is used to represent every instruction that the CPU can perform. This language is self documenting in such a way that from the mnemonic the user can understand exactly what the
instruction is doing without constantly checking back to a complex cross listing.


A block diagram of the internal architecture of the ZSO-CPU is shown in Figure 2.0-1
The diagram shows all of the major elements in the CPU and it should be referred to
throughout the following description.






-<5V GND 

FIGURE 2.0-1

The ZSo-CPU contains 20S bits of R/W memory that are accessible to the programmer.
Figure 2.0-2 illustrates how this memory is configured into eighteen S-bit registers and
four 16-bit registers. All ZSO registers are implemented using static RAM. The registers
include two sets of six general purpose registers that may be used individually as S-bit
registers or in pairs as 16-bit registers. There are also two sets of accumulator and flag
Special Purpose Registers
1. Program Counter (PC). The program counter holds the 16-bit address of the current
instruction being fetched from memory. The PC is automatically incremented after
its contents have been transferred to the address lines. When a program jump occurs
the new value is automatically placed in the PC, overriding the incrementer.
2. Stack Pointer (SP). The stack pointer holds the 16-bit address of the current top of
a stack located anywhere in external system RAM memory. The external stack
memory is organized as a last-in first-out (LI Fa) file. Data can be pushed onto the
stack from specific CPU registers or popped off. of the stack into specific CPU registers through the execution of PUSH and POP instructions. The data popped from the
stack is always the last data pushed onto it. The stack allows simple implementation
of multiple level interrupts, unlimited subroutine nesting and simplification of many
types of data manipulation.
































FIGURE 2,0-2

3. Two Index Registers (IX & IV). The two independent index registers hold a 16-bit
base address that is used in indexed addressing modes. In this mode, an index register
is used as a base to point to a region in memory from which data is to be stored or
retrieved. An additional byte is included in indexed instructions to specify a displacement from this base. This displacement is specified as a two's complement
signed integer. This mode of addressing greatly simplifies many types of programs,
especially where tables of data are used.
4. Interrupt Page Address Register (I). The Z80-CPU can be operated in a mode where
an indirect call to any memory location can be achieved in response to an interrupt.
The I Register is used for this purpose to store the high order 8-bits of the indirect
address while the interrupting device provides the lower 8-bits of the address. This
feature allows interrupt routines to be dynamically located anywhere in memory with
absolute minimal access time to the routine,
5. Memory Refresh Register (R). The Z80-CPU contains a memory refresh counter to
enable dynamic memories to be used with the same ease as static memories. This 7-bit
register is automatically incremented after each instruction fetch. The data in the
refresh counter is sent out on the lower portion of the address bus along with a
refresh control signal while. the CPU is decoding and executing the fetched instructiQn. This mode of refresh is totally transparent to the programmer and does not
slow down the CPU operation. The programmer can load the R register for testing
purposes, but this register is normally not used by the programmer,
Accumulator and Flag Registers
The CPU includes two independent 8-bit accumulators and associated 8-bit flag registers.
The accumulator holds the results of 8-bit arithmetic or logical operations while the flag
register indicates specific conditions for 8 or l6-bit operations, such as indicating whether
or not the result of an operation is equal to zero. The programmer selects the accumulator
and flag pair that he wishes to work with with a single exchange instruction so that he may
easily work with either pair.

General Purpose Registers
There are two matched sets of general purpose registers, each set containing six 8-bit registers that may be used individually as 8-bit registers or as l6-bit register pairs by the programmer. One set is called BC, DE, and HL while the complementary set is called BD', DE'
and H L'. At arlY one time the programmer can select either set of registers to work with
through a single exchange command for the entire set. In systems where fast interrupt
response is required, one set of general purpose registers and an accumulator/flag register
may be reserved for handling this very fast routine. Only a simple exchange command need
be executed to go between the routines. This greatly reduces interrupt service time by
eliminating the requirement for saving and retrieving register contents in the external
stack during interrupt or subroutine processing. These general purpose registers are used for
a wide range of applications by the programmer. They also simplify programming, especially
in ROM based systems where little external read/write memory is available.

The 8-bit arithmetic and logical instructions of the CPU are executed in the ALU. Internally
the ALU communicates with the registers and the external data bus on the internal data bus.
The type of functions performed by the ALU include:

Left or right shifts or rotates (arithmetic and logical)



Logical AND


Logical OR

Set bit

Logical Exclusive OR

Reset bit


Test bit

As each instruction is fetched from memory, it is placed in the instruction register and
decoded. The control section performs this function and then generates and supplies all of
the control signals necessary to read or write data from or to the registers, controls the
ALU and provides all required external control signals.



The l8D-CPU is packaged in an industry standard 40 pin Dual In-Line Package. The I/O
pins are shown in Figure 3.0-1 and the function of each is described below.






















A 13

MK 3880
MK 3880-4

A 15





FIGURE 3.0-1

(Address Bus)

Tri-state output, active high. Ao-A15 constitute a 16-bit address
bus. The address bus provides the address for memory (up to 64K
bytes) data exchanges and for I/O device data exchanges. I/O
addressing uses the 8 lower address bits to allow the user to
directly select up to 256 input or 256 output ports. AO is the
least significant address bit. During refresh time, the lower 7 bits
contain a valid refresh address.

(Data Bus)

Tri-state input/output, active high. Do-D7 constitute an 8-bit
bidirectional data bus. The data bus is used for data exchanges
with memory and I/O devices.

(Machine Cycle one)

Output, active low. M1 indicates that the current machine cycle
is the OP code fetch cycle of an instruction execution. Note that
during execution of 2-byte op-codes,
is generated as each op
code byte is fetched. These two byte op-codes always begin with
CBH, DDH, EDH, or FDH. M1 also occurs with 10RO to indicate
an interrupt acknowledge cycle.

(Memory Request)

Tri-state output, active low. The memory request signal indicates
that the address bus holds a valid address for a memory read or
memory write operation.



Tri-state output, active low. The j"Q'ffQ signal indicates thai the
(Input/Output Request) lower half of the address bus holds a valid I/O address for a I/O
read or write operation. An 10RO signal is also generated with
signal when an interrupt is being acknowledged to indicate
that an interrupt response vector can be placed on the data bus.
Interrupt Acknowledge operations occur during M1 time while
I/O operations never occur during M1 time.


(Memory Read)


Tri-state output, active low.
indicates that the CPU wants to
read data from memory or an I/O device. The addressed I/O device
or memory should use this signal to gate data onto the CPU data

(Memory Write)

Tri-state output, active low. WR indicates that the CPU data bus
holds valid data to be stored in the addressed memory or I/O


Output, active low. RFSH indicates that the lower 7 bits of the
address bus contain a refresh address for dynamic memories and
current MREO signal should be used to do a refresh read to all
dynamic memories. A7 is a logic zero and the upper B bits of the
Address Bus contains the I Register.

(Halt state)

Output, active low. HALT indicates that the CPU has executed a
HALT software instruction and is awaiting either a non maskable
or a maskable interrupt (with the mask enabled) before operation
can resume. While halted, the CPU executes NOP's to maintain
memory refresh activity.


Input, active low. WAIT indicates to the ZBO-CPU that the addressed memory or I/O devices are not ready for a data transfer.
The CPU continues to enter wait states for as long as this signal is
active. This signal allows memory or I/O devices of any speed to
be synchronized to the CPU.

(Interrupt Request)

Input, active low. The Interrupt Request signal is generated by
I/O devices. A request will be honored at the end of the current
instruction if the internal software controlled interrupt enable
flip-flop (I FF) is enabled .and ifthe BUSRO signal is not active.
When the CPU accepts the interrupt, an acknowledge signal
(lORO during M 1 time) is sent out at the beginning of the next
instruction cycle. The CPU can respond to an interrupt in three
different modes that'are described in detail in section B.
Input, negative edge triggered. The non maskable interrupt request
line has a higher priority than I NT and is always recognized at the
end of the current instruction, independent of the status of the
interrupt enable flip-flop. NMI automatically forces the ZBO-CPU
to restart to location 0066H' The program counter is automatically saved in the external stack so that the user can return to the
program that was interrupted. Note that continuous WAIT cycles
can prevent the current instruction from ending, and that a
BOSFfQ will override a NMl.


Input, active low. RESET forces the program counter to zero and
mitralizes the CPU. The CPU initialization includes:

Disable the interrupt enable flip-flop
Set Register I = OOH
Set Register R = OOH
Set Interrupt Mode 0

During reset time, the address bus and data bus go to a high
impedance state and all control output signals go to the inactive
state. No refresh occurs.
(Bus Request)

Input, active low. The bus request signal is used to request the
CPU address bus, data bus and tri-state output control signals to
go to a high impedance state so that other devices can control
these buses. When "BUSRTI is activated, the CPU will set these
buses to a high impedance state as soon as the current CPU
machine cycle is terminated.

(Bus Acknowledge)

Output, active low. Bus acknowledge is used to indicate to the
requesting device that the CPU address bus, data bus and tristate control bus signals have been set to their high impedance
state and the external device can now control these signals.
Single phase system clock.

*While the Z80-CPU is in either a WAIT state or a Bus Acknowledge condition, Dynamic Memory Refresh
will not occur.



The ZSO-CPU executes instructions by stepping through a very precise set of a few basic
operations. These include:
Memory read or write
I/O device read or write
I nterrupt acknowledge
All instructions are merely a series of these basic operations. Each of these basic operations
can take from three to six clock periods to complete or they can be lengthened to synchronize the CPU to the speed of external devices. The basic clock periods are referred to as
T states and the basic operations are referred to as M (for machine) cycles. Figure 4.0-0
illustrates how a typical instruction will be merely a series of specific M and T cycles. Notice
that this instruction consists of three machine cycles (M 1, M2 and M3). The first machine
cycle of any instruction is a fetch cycle which is four, five or six T states long (unless
lengthened by the wait signal which will be fully described in the next section). The fetch
cycle (M 1) is used to fetch the OP code of the next instruction to be executed. Subsequent
machine cycles move data between the CPU and memory or I/O devices and they may have
anywhere from three to five T cycles (again they may be lengthened by wait states to
synchronize the external devices to the CPU). The following paragraphs describe the timing
which occurs within any of the basic machine cycles. In section 7, the exact timing for
each instruction is specified.

T State

MachIne Cycle

(QP Code Fetch)



(Memory Read)

(Memory Write)

Instruction Cycle

FIGURE 4.0-0

All CPU timing can be broken down into a few very simple timing diagrams as shown in
Figure 4.0-1 through 4.0-7. These diagrams show the following basic operations with and
without wait states (wait states are added to synchronize the CPU to slow memory or
I/O devices).

Instruction OP code fetch (M 1 cycle)


Memory data read or write cycles


I/O read or write cycles


Bus Request/Acknowledge Cycle


I nterrupt Request/Acknowledge Cycle


Non maskable Interrupt Request/Acknowledge Cycle


Exit from a HALT instruction

Figure 4.0-1 shows the timing during an M1 cycle (OP code fetch). Notice that the PC is
placed on the address bus at the beginning of the M1 cycle. One half clock time later the
MREO signal goes active. At this time the address to the memory has had time to stabilize
so that the falli!2S.. edge of"NfR'EQ can be used directly as a chip enable clock to dynamic
memories. The RD line also goes active to indicate that the memory read data should be
enabled onto the CPU data bus. The CPU samples the data from the memory on the data
bus with the rising edge of the clock of state T3 and this same edge is used by the CPL!
to turn off the 'AD andlim'rn signals. Thus the data has already been sampleo,by the CPU
before the RO signal becomes inactive. Clock state T3 and T4 of a fetch cycle are used to
refresh dynamic memories. (The CPU uses this time to decode and execute the fetched
instruction so that no other operation could be performed at this time). During T3 and T4
the lower 7 bits of the address bus contain a memory refresh address and the RFSH signal
becomes active to indicate that a refresh read of all dynamic memories should be accom·
plished. Notice that a RD signal is not generated during refresh time to prevent data from
different memory segmeots from being gated onto the data bus. The MREO signal during
refresh time should be used to perform a refresh read of all memory elements. The refresh
signal can not be used by itself since the refresh address is only guaranteed to i;le stable
during MREO time.


Ml Cycle





-~ r--L- ~ ~ r--I
AO - A15








L- -



----- ----- ------ - ----- ----- ~-- ----- ------ ----- --1
L ______

00- 07




FIGURE 4.0-1

Figure 4.0-1A illustrates how the fetch cycle is delayed if the memory activates the WAIT
line. During T2 and every subsequent Tw, the CPU samples the WAIT line with the falling
edge of <1». If the WAIT line is active at this time, another wait state will be entered during
the following cycle. Using this technique the read cycle can be lengthened to match the
access time of any type of memory device.


MI Cycle






-fL-. ~ fL-. r--L- ~ ~rAO - A'S











'"i"N tl

00 - 07

----- -_L.L__ =l.....I_-_ ~JL
- -----



----- ----- ------ ----- -


Figure 4.0-2 illustrates the timing of memory read or write cycles other than an OP code
fetch (M 1 cycle). These cycles are generally three clock periods long unless wait states are
requested by the memory via the WAIT signal. The MREQ signal and the AD signal are used
the same as in the fetch cycle. In the case of a memory write cycle, the MREQ also becomes
active when the address bus is stable so that it can be used directly as a chip enable for
dynamic memories. The WR line is active when data on the data bus is stable so that it can
be used directly as a R/W pulse to virtually any type of semiconductor memory. Furthermore the WR signal goes inactive one half T state before the address and data bus contents
are changed so that the overlap requirements for virtually any type of semiconductor
memory type will be met.

Memory Write Cycle

Memory Read Cycle


AO - A15








r---L- ~ ~ IL1


















- ---- YL-_- - - - - f - - - - - -JL--t.---- ----- ---- r-----


FIGURE 4.0-2


Figure 4.0-2A illustrates how a WAIT request signal will lengthen any memory read or
write operation. This operation is identical to that previously described for a fetch cycle.
Notice in this figure that a separate read and a separate write cycle are shown in the same
figure although read and write cycles can never occur simultaneously.

AO - A15






r----t- ~ ~ r----t- ~ ~













- 1 - - - - - l J___- l...E-;:J-t::::_1 - - - - - - - - - -f - - - - - ----- --- ----

Figure 4.0~3 illustrates an I/O read or I/O write operation. Notice that during I/O operations
a single wait state is automatically inserted. The reason for this is that during I/O operations,
the time from when the 10RQ signal goes active until the CPU must sample the WAIT line
is very short and without this extra state sufficient time does not exist for an I/O port to
decode .its address and activate the WAIT line if a wait is required. Also, without this wait
state it is· difficult to design MOS I/O devices that can operate at full CPU speed. During
this wait state time the WAIT request signal is sampled. During a read I/O operation, the
RD line is used to enable the addressed port onto the data bus just as in the case of a
memory read. For I/O write operations, the WR line is used as a clock to the I/O port, again
with sufficient overlap timing automatically provided so that the rising edge may be used as
a data clock.
Figure 4.0-3A illustrates how additional wait states may be added with the WAIT line.
The operation is identical to that previously described.

Figure 4.0-4 illustrates the timing for a Bus Request/Acknowledge cycle. The BUSRQ
signal is sampled by the CPU with the rising edge of the last clock period of any machine
cycle .. lf the BUSRQ signal is active, the CPU will set its address, data and tri-state control
signals to the high impedance state with the rising edge of the next clock pulse. At that
time any ,exterhaf device can control the buses to transfer data between memory and I/O
devices. (This is generally known as Dirf;'lCt Memory Access [DMA] using cycle stealing).
The maximum time for the CPU to respond toa bus request is the length of a machine
cycle and the external controller can maintain control of the bus for as many clock cycles
as is desired. Note, however, that if very long DMA cycles are used, and dynamic memories
are being used, the external controller must also perform the refresh function. This situation
only' occurs if very large blocks of data are transferred under DMA control. Also note that
during a bus request cycle, the CPU cannot be interrupted by either a NMI or an INT signal.








AD' A7
















- - - - - --:IL= r------





} w",e


* I nserted by



FIGURE 4.0.-3







- ~ ~ ~ r--L- ~ n-AD -











- - - - - j - - - - - ~_1J:_= j - T L - - j - - - - - j - - - 1 - - - - -1 - - - - ---- 1 - - - - jOUT






* I nserted by





- - - - - - A n y M Cycle'-----I_---BusAwailable States---+l

Last T Sta~.






FIGURE 4.0-4
Fi.llure 4.()..5 illustrates the timing associated with an interrupt cycle. The interrupt signal
(TJrr) is sampled by the CPU with the rising edge of the last clock at the end of any in·
struction. The signal will not be accepted ihthe internal CPU software controlled interrupt
enable flip-flop is not set or if the BUSR signal is active. When the signal is accepted a
special M1 cycle is generated. During this special M1 cycle the IORQ signal becomes active
(instead of the normal MREQ) to indicate that the interrupting device can place an B-bit
vector on the data bus. Notice that two wait states are automatically added tQ this cycle.
These states are added so that a ripple priority interrupt scheme can be easily implemented.
The two wait states allow sufficient time for the ripple signals to stablilize and identify
which I/O device must insert the response vector. Refer to section B.O for details on how the
interrupt response vector is utilized by the CPU.
M Cvcle
- -ofLastInstruction


- ~ r---t- ~ ~ ~ r---L- ~
---------- ---- ---- ----- ---:'L .1-:---- --- ---- ---- 1 - - - - - ----- 1 - - - - - ----Last T State

AO - A15
















1--------- --_
----- r-------...... -r---- - - - - r-JL:: 1 - - - - ---------- 1
-- ----Mode

FIGURE 4.0-5


0 shown

Figure 4.0-5A illustrates how additional wait states can be added to the interr"r'lt respOf'l8
cycle. Again the operation is identical to that prriiously described.


AO - A15



T •






IL---IL--- ~ ~ ~







-- ----- ---- ----- r_-_Lf.: TL'::: f---------- - - - - ----- ------ ----- ----I


' - - r--'






Figure 4.0-6 illustrates the request/acknowledge cycle for the non-maskable interrupt.
A pulse on the NMI input sets an internal NMI latch which is tested by the CPU at the
end of every instruction. This NMI latch is sampled at the same time as the interrupt line,
but this line has priority over the normal interrupt and it can not be disabled under software control. Its usual function is to provide immediate response to important signals
such as an impending power failure. The CPU response to a non maskable interrupt is
similar to a normal memory read operation. The only difference being that the content'
of the data bus is ignored while the processor automatically stores the PC in the external
stack and jumps to location 0066H. The service routine for the non maskable interrupt
must begin at this location if this interrupt is used.
Whenever a software halt instruction is executed the CPU begins executing NOP's until an
interrupt is received (either a non-maskable or a maskable interrupt while the interrupt
flip flop is enabled). The two interrupt lines are sampled with the rising clock edge during
each T4' state as shown in Figure.4.0-7. If a non-maskable interrupt has been received or a
maskable interrupt has been received and the interrupt enable flip-flop is set, then the halt
state will 'be exited on the next rising clock edge. The following cycle will then be an interrupt acknowledge cycle corresponding to the type of interrupt that was received. If both are
received at this time, then the non maskable one will be acknowledged since it was highest
priority. The purpose of executing NOP instructions while in the halt state is to keep the
memory refresh signals active. Each cycle in the halt state is a normal M 1 (fetch) cycle
except that the data received from the memory is ignored and a NOP instn ':tion is forced
internally to the CPU. The halt acknowledge signal is active during this time to indicate
that the processor is in the halt state.

0 shown


M2. M3'


- - - Last M Cyde

LastT Time






---"L- - I"'L- I\...- ~IL-IL-IL--------- t----- -------- - - - - ----- ----- --- ~--.:.::
-- ---_L


AO - A15










*M2 and M3 are stack write operations

FIGURE 4.0-6






FIGURE 4.0-7





The Z80-CPU can execute 158 different instruction types including all 78 of the 8080A
CPU. The instructions can be broken down into the following major groups:

Load and Exchange
Block Transfer and Search
Arithmetic and Logical
Rotate and Shift
Bit Manipulation (set, reset, test)
Jump, Call and Return
• Basic CPU Control


The load instructions move data internally between CPU registers or between CPU registers
and external memory. All of these instructions must specify a source location from which
the data is to be moved and a destination location. The source location is not altered by
a load instruction. Examples of load group instructions include moves between any of the
general purpose registers such as move the data to Register B from Register C. This group
also includes load immediate to any CPU register or to any external memory location.
Other types of load instructions allow transfer between CPU registers and memory locations.
The exchange instructions can trade the contents of two registers.
A unique set of block transfer instructions is provided in the Z80. With a single instruction a
block of memory of any size can be moved to any other location in memory. This set of
block moves is extremely valuable when large strings of data must be processed. The Z80
block search instructions are also valuable for this type of processing. With a single
instruction, a block of external memory of any desired length can be searched for any 8-bit
character. Once the character is found the instruction automatically terminates. Both the
block transfer and the block search instructions can be interrupted during their execution so
as to not occupy the CPU for long periods of time.
The arithmetic and logical instructions operate on data stored in the accumulator and other
general purpose CPU registers or external memory locations, The results of the operations
are placed in the accumulator and the appropriate flags are set according to the result of
the operation. An example of an arithmetic operation is adding the accumulator to the contents of an external memory location. The results of the addition are placed in the
accumulator. This group also includes 1&:bit addition and subtraction between 16-bit CPU
The bit manipulation instructions allow any bit in the accumulator, any general purpose
register or any external memory location to be set, reset or tested with a single instruction.
For example, the most significant bit of register H can be reset. This group is especially
useful in control applications and for controlling software flags in general purpose programming.
The jump, call and return instructions are used to transfer between various locations in the
user's program. This group uses several different techniques for obtaining the new program
counter address from specific external memory locations. A unique type of jump is the
restart instruction. This instruction actually contains the new address as a part of the 8·bit
OP code. This is possible since only 8 separate addresses located in page zero of the external
memory may be specified. Program jumps may also be achieved by loading register HL, IX
or IV directly into the PC, thus allowing the jump address to be a complex function of the
routine being executed.


The input/output group of instructions in the zao allow for a wide range of transfers
between external memory locations or the general purpose CPU registers, and the external
I/O devices. In each case, the port number is provided on the lower a bits of the address
bus .during any I/O transaction. One instruction allows this port number to be specified by
the second byte of the instruction while other zao instructions allow it to be specified
as the content of the C register. One major advantage of using the C register as a pointer to
the I/O device is that it allows different I/O ports to share common software driver routines.
This is not possible when the address is part of theOP codE1 if the routines are stored in
ROM. Another feature of these input instructions is that they set the flag register automatically so that additional operations are not required to determine the state of the input data
(for example its parity). The zaO-cpu includes single instructions that can move blocks or
data (up to 256 bytes) automatically to or from any I/O port directly to any memory
location. In conjunction with the dual set of general purpose registers, these instructions
provide for fast I/O block transfer rates. The value of this I/O instruction set is demonstrated by the fact tli'ai the zao-cpu can provide all required floppy disk formatting (i.e.,
the CPU provides the preamble, address, data and enables the CRC codes) on double density
floppy disk drives on an interrupt driven basis.
Finally, the basic CPU control instructions allow various options and modes. This group
includes instructions such as setting or resetting the interrupt enable flip flop or setting
the mode of interrupt response.

Most of the zao instructions operate on data stored in internal CPU registers, external
memory or in the I/O ports. Addressing refers to how the address of this data is generated
in each instruction. This section gives a brief summary of the types of addressing used
in the zao while subsequent sections detail the type of addressing available for each instruction group.
Immediate. In this mode of addressing the byte following the OP code in memory contains
the actual operand.
ne or 2 bytes

Examples of this type of instruction would be to load the accumulator with a constant,
where the constant is the byte immediately following the OP code.
Immediate Extended. This mode is merely an extension of immediate addressing in that the
two bytes following the op codes are the operand.
OP Code

one or 2 bytes


low order


high order

Examples of this type of instruction would be to load the H L register pair ( 16-bit register)
with 16 bits (2 bytes) of data.

Modified Page Zero Addressing. The Z80 has a special single byte call instruction to any of
8 locations in page zero of memory. This instruction (which is referred to as a restart) sets
the PC to an effective address in page zero. The value of this instruction is that it allows a
single byte to specify a complete 16-bit address where commonly called subroutines are
located, thus saving memory space.

lop Code I

one byte
Effective address is (00b5b4b3000)

Relative Addressing. Relative addressing uses one byte of data following the OP code to
specify a displacement from the existing program to which a program jump can occur.
This displacement is a signed two's complement number that is added to the address of the
OP code of the following instruction.
OP Code }

Jump relative (one byte OP code)


8-bit two's complement displacement added to
Address (A+2)

The value of relative addressing is that it allows jumps to nearby locations while only
requiring two bytes of memory space. For most programs, relative jumps are by far the
most prevalent type of jump due to the proximity of related program segments. Thus,
these instructions can significantly reduce memory space requirements. The signed displacement can range between +127 and -128 from A + 2. This allows for a total displacement of +129 to -126 from the jump relative OP code address. Another major advantage
is that it allows for relocatable code.
Extended Addressing. Extended Addressing provides for two bytes (16 bits) of address to
be included in the instruction. This data can be an address to which a program can jump or
it can be an address where an operand is located.


one or two bytes

Low Order Address or Low order operand
High Order Address or High order operand

Extended addressing is required for a program to jump from any location in memory to any
other location, or load and store data in any memory location.
When extended addressing is used to specify the source or destination address of an operand,
the notation (nn) will be used to indicate the content of memory at nn, where nn is the
16-bit address specified in the instruction. This means that the two bytes of address nn are
used as a pointer to a memory location. The use of the parentheses always means that the
value enclosed within them is used as a pointer to a memory location. For example, (1200)
refers to the contents of memory at location 1200.
Indexed Addressing. In this type of addressing, the byte of data following the OP code
contains a displacement which is added to one of the two index registers (the OP code
specifies which index register is used) to form a pointer to memory. The contents of the
index register are not altered by this operation.



two byte OP code

Displacemen Operand added to index register to form a pointer
to memory.


An example of an indexed instruction would be to load the contents. of the memory location (Index Register + Displacement) into the accumulator. The displacement is a signed
two's complement number. Indexed addressing greatly simplifiesp(ograms using tables of
data since the index register can point to the start of any table. Two index registers are
provided since very often operations require two or more tables. Indexel! .addressing also
allows for relocatable code.
The two index registers in the Z80 are referred to as IX and IY. To indicate indexed addressing the notation:
(lX+d) or (lY+d)
is used. here d is the displacement specified after the OP code. The parentheses indicate that
this value is used as a pointer to· external memory.
Register Addressing. Many of the Z80 OP codes contain bits .of .information that specify
which CPU register is to be used for an op.eration. An example of register addressing would
be to load the data in register B into register C.
Implied Addressing. Implied addressing refers to operations where the OP code automatically implies one or more CPU registers as containing the operands. An example is the set of
arithmetic operations where the accumulator is always implied to be the destination of the
Register Indirect Addressing. This type of addressing specifies a l6-bit CPU register pair
(such as H L) to be used as a pointer to any location in memory. This type of instruction is
very powerful and it is used in a wide range of applications.


OP Code


one or· two bytes

An example of this type of instruction would be to load the accumulator with the data in
the memory location pointed to by the HL register contents. Indexed addressing is actually
a form of register indirect addressing except that a displacement is added with indexed
addressing. Register indirect addressing allows for very powerful but simple to implement
memory accesses. The block move and search commands in the Z80 are extensions of this
type of addressing where automatic register incrementing, decrementing and comparing
has been added. The notation for indicating register indirect addressing is to put parentheses around the name of the register that is to be used as the pointer. For example, the
specifies that the contents of the H L register are to be used as a pointer to a memory
location. Often register indirect addressing is used to specify l6-bit operands. In this case,
the register contents point to the lower Qrdet portion of the operand while the register
contents are automatically· incremented to'obtain the upper ·portion of the operand.
Bit Addressing. The Z80 contains a large number of bit set, reset and test instructions.
These instructions allow any memory location or CPU register to be specified for a bit
operation through one of three previous addressing modes (register, register indirect and
indexed) while three bits in the OP code specify which of the eight bits is to be manipulated.

Many instructions include more than one operand (such as arithmetic instructions or loads).
In these cases, two types of addressing may be employed. For example, load can use immediate addressing to specify the source and register indirect or indexed addressing to
specify the source and register indirect or indexed addressing to specify the destination.

This section describes each of the Z80 instructions and provides tables listing the OP codes
for every instruction. In each of these tables the shaded OP codes are identical to those
offered in the 8080A CPU. Also shown is the assembly language mnemonic that is used for
each instruction. All instruction OP codes are listed in hexadecimal notation. Single byte
OP codes require two hex characters while double byte OP codes require four hex characters.
The conversion from hex to binary is repeated here for convenience.

0000 =



0001 =












0010 =



0011 =





0100 =






0101 =






0110 =






0111 =






Z80 instruction mnemonics consist of an OP code and zero, one or two operands.
Instructions in which the operand is implied have no operand. Instructions which have
only one logical operand or those in which one operand is invariant (such as the Logical OR
instruction) are represented by a one operand mnemonic. Instructions which may have
two varying operands are represented by two operand mnemonics.
Table 5.3-1 defines the OP code for all of the 8-bit load instructions implemented in the
Z80-CPU. Also shown in this table is the type of addressing used for each instruction. The
source of the data is found on the top horizontal row while the destination is specified by
the left hand column. For example, load register C from register B uses the OP code 48H.
In all of the tables the OP code is specified in hexadecimal notation and the 48H (=0100
1000 binary) code is fetched by the CPU from the external memory during M1 time,
decoded and then the register transfer is automatically performed by the CPU.
The assembly language mnemonic for this entire group is LD, followed by the destination
followed by the source (LD DEST., SOURCE). Note that several combinations of addressing
modes are possible. For example, the source may use register addressing and the destination
may be register indirect, such as load the memory location pointed to by register H L with
the contents of register D. The OP code for this operation would be 72. The mnemonic for
this load instruction would be as follows: LD (HL), D
The parentheses around the H L means that the contents of H L are used as a pointer to a
memory location. In all Z80 load instruction mnemonics the destination is always listed
first, with the source following. The Z80 assembly language has been defined for ease of
programming. Every instruction is self documenting and programs written in Z80 language
are easy to maintain.
Note in Table 5.3-1 that some load OP codes that are available in the Z80 use two bytes.
This is an efficient method of memory utilization since 8, 16, 24 or 32 bit instructions
are implemented in the Z80. Thus often utilized instructions such as arithmetic or logical
operations are only 8-bits which results in better memory utilization than is achieved with
fixed instruction sizes such as 16-bits.
All load instructions using indexed addressing for either the source or destination location
actually use three bytes of memory with the third byte being the displacement d. For
example a load register E with the operand pointed to by IX with an offset of +8 would be
written: LD E, (IX + 8)


The instruction sequence for this in memory would be:
Address A






P Code

Displacement operand

The two extended addressing instructions are also three byte instructions. For example
the instruction to load the accumulator with the operand in memory location 6F32H would
be written:
LD A, (6F 32H)
and its instruction sequence would be:
Address A





low order address


high order address

Notice that the low order portion of the address is always the first operand.
The load immediate instructions for the general purpose 8-bit registers are two-byte instructions. The instruction load register H with the value 36H would be written:
LD H, 36H
and its sequence would be:
Address A


OP Code



Loading a memory location using indexed addressing for the destination and immediate
addressing for the source requires four bytes. For example:
LD (IX - 15), 21H
would appear as:
Address A

OP Code







displacement (-15 in
signed two's complement)
operand to load

Notice that with any indexed addressing the displacement always follows directly after the
OP code.

Table 5.3-2 specifies the 16-bit load operations. This table is very similar to the previous one.
Notice that the extended addressing c~ability covers all register pairs. Also notice that
register indirect operations specifying the stack pointer are the PUSH and POP instructions.
The mnemonic for these instructions is ('PUSH" and "POP". These differ from other 16-bit
loads in that the stack pointer is automatically decremented and incremented as each byte
is pushed onto or popped from the stack respectively. For example the instruction:

is a single byte instruction with the OP code of F5H. When this instruction is executed the
following sequence is generated:
Decrement SP
Decrement SP
Thus the external stack now appears as follows:











Top of stack

The POP instruction is the exact reverse of a PUSH. Notice that all PUSH and POP instructions utilize a 16-bit operand and the high order byte is always pushed first and popped last.
That is a:
PUSH BC is PUSH B then C
PUSH DE is PUSH. D then E
PUSH H L is PUSH H then L

L then H

The instruction using extended immediate addressing for the source obviously requires
2 bytes of data following the OP code. For example:
LD DE, 0659H
will be:
Address A



OP Code


Low order operand to register E


High order operand to register D

In all extended immediate or extended addressing modes, the low order byte always appears
first after the OP code.
Table 5.3-3 lists the 16-bit exchange instructions implemented in the Z80. OP code 08H
allows the programmer to switch ·between the two pairs of accumulator flag registers while
D9H allows the programmer to switch between the duplicate set of six general purpose
registers. These OP codes are only one byte in length to absolutely minimize the time
necessary to perform the exchange so that the duplicate banks can be used to effect very
fast interrupt response times.

Table 5.3-4 lists the extremely powerful block transfer instructions. All of these instructions
operate with three registers.
H L points to the source location.
DE points to the destination location.
BC is a byte counter.
After the programmer has initialized these three registers, any of these four instructions may
be used. The LDI (Load and Increment) instruction moves one byte from the location
pointed to by HL to the location pointed to by DE. Register pairs HL and DE are then
automatically incremented and are ready to point to the following locations. The byte
counter (register pair BC) is also decremented at this time. This instruction is valuable when
blocks of data must be moved but other types of processing are required between each
move. The LD I R (Load, increment and repeat) instruction is an extension of the LD I
instruction. The same load and increment operation is repeated until the byte counter
reaches the count of zero. Thus, this single instruction can move any block of data from one
location to any other.
Note that since 16-bit registers are used, the size of the block can be up to 64K bytes
(1 K = 1024) long and it can be moved from any location in memory to any other location.
Furthermore the blocks can be overlapping since there are absolutely no constraints on the
data that is used in the three register pair.
The LDD and LDDR instructions are very similar to the LD I and LD I R. The only difference
is that register pairs H L and DE are decremented after every move so that a block transfer
starts from the highest address of the designated block rather than the lowest.


















NOTE: The Push & Pop Instructions adjust
the SP after every execution


TABLE 5.3-2











TABLE 5.3-3




'LDI' - Load (DEI-(HLI
Inc HL & DE, Dec BC
'LDIR: - Load (DEI_(HLI
Inc HL &: DE, Oec BC, Repeat until


Be = 0

'LDD' - Load (DEI_(HLI
Dec HL & DE, Dec BC
'LOOR' - Load (DEI-(HLI
Dec HL & DE, Dec BC, Repeat until Be = 0

Table 5.3-4






points to source
points to destination
is byte counter

Table 5.3-5 specifies the OP codes for the four block search instructions. The first, CPI
(compare and increment) compares the data in the accumulator, with the contents of the
memory location pointed to by register H L. The result of the compare is stored in one of
the flag bits (see section 6.0 for a detailed explanation of the flag operations) and the H L
register pair is then incremented and the byte counter (register pair BC) is decremented.
The instruction CPI R is merely an extension of the CPI instruction in which the compare
is repeated until either a match is found or the byte counter (register pair BC) becomes
zero. Thus, this single instruction can search the entire memory for any 8-bit character.
The CPD (Compare and Decrement) and CPDR (Compare, Decrement and Repeat) are
similar instructions, their only difference being that they decrement H L after every compare
so that they search the memory in the opposite direction. (The search is started at the
highest location in the memory block).
It should be emphasized again that these block transfer and compare instructions are
extremely powerful in string manipulation applications.
Table 5.3-6 lists all of the 8-bit arithmetic operations that can be performed with the
accumulator, also listed are the increment (I NC) and decrement (DEC) instructions.
In all of these instructions, except INCand DEC, the specified 8-bit operation is performed
between the data in the accumulator and the source data specified in the table. The result
of the operation is placed in the accumulator with the exception of compare (CP) that
leaves the accumulator unaffected. All of these operations affect the flag register as a result
of the specified operation. (Section 6.0 provides all of the details on how the flags are
affected by any instruction type). INC and DEC instructions specify a register or a memory
location as both source and destination of the result. When the source operand is addressed
using the index registers the displacement must follow directly. With immediate addressing
the actual operand will follow directly. for example the instruction:
would appear as:


Address A


OP Code





Inc HL, Dec BC
'CPIR'. Inc HL, Dec BC
repeat until

Be = 0

or find match

'CPD' Dec H L & BC
'CPDR' Dec HL & BC
Repeat until

Be =

0 or find match

Hl points to location in memory

TABLE 5.3-5

to be compared with accumulator

Be is byte counter

Assuming that the accumulator contained the value F3H the result of 03H would be placed
in the accumulator:
Acc before operation
Result to Acc

11110011 = F3H
00000111 = 07H
0000 0011 = 03H

The Add instruction (ADD) performs a binary add between the data in the source location
and the data in the accumulator. The subtract (SUB) does a binary subtraction. When the
add with carry is specified (ADC) or the subtract with carry (SBC), then the carry flag is also
added or subtracted respectively. The flags and decimal adjust instruction (DAA) in the
Z80 (fully described in section 6.0) allow arithmetic operations for:
multiprecision packed BCD numbers
multiprecision signed or unsigned binary numbers
multiprecision two's complement signed numbers
Other instructions in this group are logical and (AND), logical or (OR), exclusive or (XOR)
and compare (CP).
There are five general purpose arithmetic instructions that operate on the accumulator or
carry flag. These five are listed in Table 5.3-7. The decimal adjust instruction can adjust for
subtraction as well as addition, thus making BCD arithmetic operations simple. Note that to
allow for this operation the flag N is used. This flag is set if the last arithmetic operation was
a subtract. The negate accumulator (NEG) instruction forms the two's complement of the
number in the accumulator. Finally notice that a reset carry instruction is not included in
the Z80 since this operation can be easily achieved through other instructions such as a
logical AND of the accumulator with itself.
Table 5.3-8 lists all of the 16-bit arithmetic operations between 16-bit registers. There are five
groups of instructions including add with carry and subtract with carry. ADC and SBC affect
all of the flags. These two groups simplify address calculation operations or other 16-bit
arithmetic operations.










TABLE 5,3-6


Decimal Adjust Ace, 'DAA'


Complement Ace, 'CPL'


Negete Ace, 'NEG'

(2', complemend


Complement Carry Flag, 'CCF'


Set Cerry Flog, 'SCF'


TABLE 5.3-7





































TABLE 5,3-8

A major capability of the Z80 is its ability to rotate or shift data in the accumulator, any
general purpose register, or any memory location, All of the rotate and shift OP codes are
shown in Table 5.3-9. Also included in the Z80 are arithmetic and logical shift operations.
These operations are useful in an extremely wide range of applications including integer
multiplication and division. Two BCD digit rotate instructions (RRD and RLD) allow a digit
in the accumulator to be rotated with the two digits in a memory location pointed to by
register pair H L. (See Figure 5.3-9). These instructions allow for efficient BCD arithmetic.
The ability to set, reset and test individual bits in a register or memory location is needed
in almost every program. These bits may be flags in a general purpose software routine,
indications of external control conditions or data packed into memory locations to make
memory utilization more efficient.

The Z80 has the ability to set, reset or test any bit in the accumulator, any general purpose
register or any memory location with a single instruction. Table 5.3-10 lists the 240 instructions that are available for this purpose. Register addressing can specify the accumulator or
any general purpose register on which the operation is to be performed. Register indirect and
indexed addressing are available to operate on external memory locations. Bit test operations
set the zero flag (Z) if the tested bit is a zero. (Refer to section 6.0 for further explanation
of flag operation).
Figure 5.3-11 lists all of the jump, call and return instructions implemented in the Z80
CPU; A jump is a branch in a program where the program counter is loaded with the 16-bit
value as specified by one of the three available addressing modes 'Immediate Extended,
Relative or Register Indirect). Notice that the jump group has several different conditions
that cali be specified to be met before the jump will be made. If these conditions are not met,
the program merely continues with the next sequential instruction. The conditions are all
dependent on the data in the flag register. (Refer to section 6.0 for details on the flag
register). The immediate extended addressing is used to jump to any location in the memory.
This instruction requires three bytes (two to specify the 16-bit address) with the low order
address byte first followed by the high order address byte.


Source iilndDelt,nat.on


























































































UV +d)

" ca" "ca ca" ca" ca" ca" DO" "FD
,. ,a
" "DO "FD
" ca "CB
" "


ox t-dl









Righi Ciu:ullr




~o ~~~~.rithm'liC


dJ- rJ




RIght Amhm&tic

Right LOgical













TABLE 5.3-9

For example an unconditional Jump to memory location 3E32H would be:
Address A

~3 OP Code

A+l 32 Low order address
A+2 3E High order address

The relative jump instruction uses only two bytes, the second byte is a signed two's complement displacement from the existing PC. This displacement can be in the range of +129
to -126 and is mea,sured from the address of the instruction OP code.
Three types of register indirect jumps are also included. These instructions are implemented
by loading the register pair HL or one of the index registers IX or IY directly into the"PC.
This capability allows for program jumps to be a function of previous calculations.
A call is a special form of a jump where the address of the byte following the call instruction
is pushed onto the stack before the jump is made. A return instruction is the reverse of a call
because the data on the top of the stack is popped directly into the PC to form a jump
address. The call and return instructions allow for simple subroutine and interrupt handling.
Two special return instructions have been included in the
family of components. The
return from interrupt instruction (RETJ) and the' return from non-maskable interrupt
(RETN) are treated in the CPU as an unconditional return identical to the OP code C9H.
The difference is that (R ETI) can.be used at the end of an interrupt routine and all
peripheral chips will recognize the execution of this instruction for proper control of nested
priority interrupt handling. This instruction coupled with the
peripheral devices implementation, simplifies the normal return from nested interrupt. Without this feature the
following software sequence would be necessary to inform the interrupting device that the
interrupt routine is completed:














































































































































. ..

















































































































T AS LE 5.3-10











































































































































































Disable Interrupt

- prevent interrupt before
routine is exited.

LD A, n

- notify peripheral that service
routine is complete

Enable Interrupt
This seven byte sequence can be replaced with the three byte EI RETI instruction sequence
in the ZBO. This is important since interrupt service time often must be minimized.
To facilitate program loop control the instruction DJNZ e can be used advantageously.
This two byte, relative jump instruction decrements the B register and the jump occurs if
the B register has not been decremented to zero. The relative displacement is expressed
as a signed two's complement number. A simple example of its use might be:


N, N+1

LD B, 7

; set B register to count of 7

N + 2 to N + 9

(Perform a sequence
of instructions)

; loop to be performed 7 times

N + 10, N + 11


; to jump from N + 12 to N + 2

N + 12

(Next Instruction)










.. 2







.. 2










TABLE 5.3-11


Table 5.3-12 lists the eight OP codes for the restart instruction. This instruction is a single
byte call to any of the eight addresses listed. The simple mnemonic for these eight calls is
also shown. The value of this instruction is that frequently used routines can be called with
this instruction to minimize memory usage.






'RST 0'




0010 H


'RST 16'



'RST 24'



0020 H



'RST 32·


0028 H


'RST 40'



'RST 48'

0038 H


'RST 56'


TABLE 5.3-12

The Z80 has an extensive set of Input and Output instructions as shown in table 5,3-13 and
table 5.3-14, The addressing of the input or output device can be either .absolute or register
indirect, using the C register. Notice that in the register indirect addressing mode data can be
transferred between the I/O devices and any of the internal registers. In addition eight block
transfer instructions have been implemented. These instructions are similar to the memory
block transfers except that they use register pair H L for a pointer to the memory source
(output commands) or destination (input commands) while register B is used as a byte
counter. Register C holds the address of the port for which the input or output command
is desired. Since register B is eight bits in length, the I/O block transfer command handles up
to 256 bytes.
In the instructions I N A, n and OUT n, A an I/O device address n appears in the lower half
of the address bus (AO-Al) while the accumulator content is transferred in the upper half
of the address bus. In all register indirect input output instructions, including block I/O
transfers the content of register C is transferred to the lower half of the address bus (device
address) while the content of register B is transferred to the upper half of the address bus.
























'IN I' - INPUT &
Inc HL, Dec B


'INIR'-INP,lnc HL,



Dec HL, Dec B






TABLE 5.3-13

The final table, table 5.3-15 illustrates the six general purpose CPU control instructions. The
NOP is a do-nothing instruction. The HALT instruction suspends CPU operation until a
subsequent interrupt is received, while the DI and E I are used to lock out and enable interrupts. The three interrupt mode commands set the CPU into any of the three available
interrupt response modes as follows. If mode zero is set the interrupting device can insert
any instruction on the data bus and allow the CPU to execute it. Mode 1 is a simplified
mode where the CPU automatically executes a restart (RST) to location 0038H so that no
external hardware is required. (The old PC content is pushed onto the stack). Mode 2 is the
most powerful in that it allows for an indirect call to any location in memory. With this
mode the CPU forms a 16-bit memory address where the upper 8-bits are the content of
register I and the lower 8-bits are supplied by the interrupting device. This address points
to the first of two sequential bytes in a table where the address of the service routine is
located. The CPU automatically obtains the starting address and performs a CALL to this

Address of interrupt
service routine


to Interrupt table. Reg.
I IS upper address,
Peripheral supplies lower address


















Inc HL, Dec b




'OTlR' - OUTPUT, Inc HL,




























TABLE 5.3-14









8080A MODE








TABLE 5.3-15




6.0 FLAGS
Each of the two Z80-CPU Flag registers contains six bits of information which are set or
reset by various CPU operations. Four of these bits are testable; that is, they are used as
conditions for jump, call or return instructions. For example a jump may be desired only if
a specific bit in the flag register is set. The four testable flag bits are:
1) Carry Flag (C) - This flag is the carry from the highest order bit of the accumulator.
For example, the carry flag will be set during an add instruction where a carry from
the highest bit of the accumulator is generated. This flag is also set if a borrow is
generated during a subtraction instruction. The shift and rotate instructions also
affect this bit.
2) Zero Flag (Z) - This flag is set if the result of the operation loaded a zero into the
accumulator. Otherwise it is reset ..
3) Sign Flag(S) - This flag is intended to be used with signed numbers and it is set if
the result of the operation was negative. Since bit 7 (MSB) represents the sign of the
number (A negative number has a 1 in bit 7), this flag stores the state of bit 7 in the
4) Parity/Overflow Flag(PN) - This dual purpose flag indicates the parity of the result
in the accumulator when logical operations are performed (such as AND A, B) and it
represents overflow when signed two's complement arithmetic operations are performed. The Z80 overflow flag indicates that the two's complement number in the
accumulator is in error since it has exceeded the maximum possible (+127) or is
less than the minimum possible (-128) number that can be represented two's
complement notation. For example consider adding:
+120 =

0111 1000

C = 0 1110 00Q1 = -95 (wrong) Overflow has occurred;
Here the result is incorrect. Overflow has occurred and yet there is no carry to indicate an
error. For this case the overflow flag would be set. Also consider the addition of two
negative numbers:
-5 =
-16 =


11101011 = -21 correct

Notice that the answer is correct but the carry is set so that this flag can not be used as an
overflow indicator. In this case the overflow would not be set.
For logical operations (AND, OR, XOR) this flag is set if the parity of the result is even and
it is reset if it is odd.
There are also two non-testable bits in the flag register. Both of these are used for BCD
arithmetic. They are:

1) Half carry(H) - This is the BCD carry or borrow result from the least significant
four bits of operation. When using the DAA (Decimal Adjust Instruction) this
flag is used to correct the result of a previous packed decimal add or subtract.
2) Add/Subtract Flag (N) - Since the agorithim for correcting BCD operations is
different for addition or subtraction, this flag is used to specify what type of instruction was executed last so that the DAA operation will be correct for either
addition or subtraction.


The Flag register can be accessed by the programmer and its format is as follows:


Is I z I X ]




X means flag is indeterminate.
Table 6.0-1 lists how each flag bit is affected by various CPU instructions. In this table
a '. 'indicates that the instruction does not change the flag, an 'X' means that the flag goes
to an indeterminate state, an '0' means that it is reset, a '1' means that it is set and the
indicates that it is set or reset according to the previous discussion. Note that
any instruction not appearing in this table does not affect any of the flags.


Table 6.0-1 includes a few special cases that must be described for clarity. Notice that the
block search instruction sets the Z flag if the last compare operation indicated a match
between the source and the accumulator data. Also, the parity flag is set if the byte counter
(register pair BC) is not equal to zero. This same use of the parity flag is made with the
block move instructions. Another special case is during block input or output instructions,
here the Z flag is used to indicate the state of register B which is used as a byte counter.
Notice that when the I/O block transfer is complete, the zero flag will be reset to a zero
(Le. B=O) while in the case of a block move command the parity flag is reset when the
operation is complete. A final case is when the refresh or I register is loaded into the
accumulator, the interrupt enable flip flop is loaded into the parity flag so that the complete
state of the CPU can be saved at any time.




ADD A,s; AOC A.s
OA s; XOA s
Als; AlCs; AA s; AACs;
IN r, (C)
lDI A; lDD A


























LO A, I; lD A, A



BIT b, s



• •
• •







V 0
P 0
P 0
V 0
V 0
P 0



























S-bit add or add with carry
S-bit subtract. subtract with carry, compare and negate accumulator
} logical operations
S-bit increment
S-bit decrement
16-bit add
16-bit add with carry
16-bit subtract with carry
Rotate accumulator

Aotate and shift locations

Aotate digit left and right
Decimal adjust accumulator
Complement accumulator
Set carry
I Complement carry
Input register indirect
X } Block input and output
X Z =0 if B 0 otherwise Z = I
} Block transfer instructions
PIV =I if BC 0, otherwise PIV =0
Block search instructions
Z = I if A =(HL), otherwise Z =0
PIV = I if BC 0, otherwise PIV =0
The content of the interrupt enable flip-flop (I FF) is copied into
the PIV flag
The state of bit b of location s is copied into the Z flag






The follOWing notation is used in this table:









Carry/link flag. C=1 if the operation producad a carry from the MSB of the operand or result.
Zero flag. Z=1 if the result of the operation is zero.
Sign flag. 8=1 if the MSB of the result is one.
Parity or overflow flag. Parity (P) and overflow (V) share the same flag. Logical operations affect this flag
with the parity of the result while arithmetic operations affect this flag with the overflow of the result.
If PIV holds parity, PN=1 if the result of the operation is evan, PN=O if result i. odd. If PIV holds over·
flow, P/V=1 if the result of the operation producad an ovarflow.
Half·carry flag. H=1 if the add or subtract operation produced a carry into or borrow from bit 4 of the
Add/Subtract flag. N-1 if the previous operation was a subtract.
Hand N flags are used in conjunction with the decimal adjust instruction (DAA) to properly correct the
result into peckad BCD format following addition or subtrection using operands with packed BCD format.
The flag is affectad according to the result of the operation .
The flag is unchanged by the operation.
The flag is reset by the operation.
The flag is set by the operation.
The flag is a "don't care".
P/V flag affectad according to the overflow result of the operation.
PN flag affected according to the parity result of the operation.
Anyone of the CPU registers A, B, C, D, E, H, L.
Any S·bit location for all the addressing modes allowed for the panicular instruction.
Any 16-bit location for all the eddressing modes allowed for that instruction.
Anyone of the two index registers IX or IV.
Refresh counter.
S·bit value in range 
16-1>it value in range 

TABLE 6.0-1



The following section gives a summary of the Z80 instruction set. The instructions are
logically arranged into groups as shown on Tables 7.0·1 through 7.0-11. Each table shows
the assembly language mnemonic OP code, the actual OP code, the symbolic operation,
the content of the flag register following the execution of each instruction, the number
of bytes required for each instruction as well as the number of memory cycles and the
total number of T states (external clock periods) required for the fetching and execution
of each instruction. Care has been taken to make each table self-explanatory without
requiring any cross reference with the text or other tables.



• •



• •






r -(lY+d)

• •




• • •

La (HLi,r
LD (lX+d), r


• •
• •




• • •
• • •

LD IIY+d), r


• •




• • •

LD (HLi, n

(H Li- n

• •




• • •

LD (lX+d), n


• •




• • •

LD r, 5
LD r, n


LD r, (HLi
LD r, (IX+d)

r -(HLi
r -(IX+d)

LD r, (lY+d)





• •

La (lY+d), n


LD A, (BG)
LD A, (DE)
LD A, (nn)


• •

LD (BC), A
LD (DE), A
La (nn), A


La A,I



La A, R



La I, A





• • •
• • •




C 76 543 210
01 r
00 r 110
01 r 110
11 011 101
01 r 110
11 111101
01 r 110
01 110 r
11 011101
01 110 r
11 111101
01 110 r
00 110110
- n
11 011 101
00 110110
- d
- n
11 111 101
00 110110
- d
- n
00 001010
00 011010
00 111 010
- n
- n
00 Gl00l0
- n
11 101101
01 010111
11 101101
01 011111
11 101101
01 000111
11 101101
01 001111


• • •
• •











• •

• •




• • •
• • •
• • •

• •
• •




• • •
• • •













• •
• •




• • •




• • •

· ·•








.= flag not affected, 0 =flag reset, 1 =flag set, X =flag is unknown,

I = flag is affected according to the result of the operation.

Table 7.0·'


No. of M

No. of T


















































r, 5 means any of the registers A, B, C, D, E, H, L
IFF the cORtent of the interrupt enable flip·flop II FF) is copied into the P/V flag

Flag Notation:

No. of




• • •







LD dd. nn

dd - nn

LD IX, nn

IX - nn

LD IY, nn

IY - nn

LD HL, Inn)

H - Inn+1I
L - Inn)

LD dd, Inn)

ddH -lnn+1)
dd L -Inn)

LD IX, Inn)

IXH- Inn+1)
IXL -Inn)

LD IY, Inn)

I IYH-Inn+1)
IYL -Inn)

LD Inn), HL

(nn+l) - H
Inn) - L

LD Inn), dd

Inn+1) - ddH

LD Inn), IX

Inn+l) - IXH

LD Inn), IY

Inn+1) - IYH
Inn) -IYL






ISP,2i - qqL
ISp·1) - qqH
ISp·2i - IXL
ISp·1) - IXH
ISp·2i - IYL
ISp·1) - IYH
qqH- ISP+1)

PDP qq
tlop IX



FI gs

























76 543 210



00 ddO
11 011
00 100
11 111
00 100
00 101
11 101
01 ddl
11 011
00 101
00 101
00 100
11 101
01 ddO
11 011
00 100
11 111
00 100
11 all
11 qqO

· · ·
• •
• ·
· ··
• •
· ••
• •
·• • ··
• ·
· ··
• •
·· · • •
• •
• ·
·· ·· ·•• ·• ·••
·· • ·•
· · ·• • ••
·• ·• • ·
·· · • ·
·· · ··




















·· -· --•






-- --



No. 01


























































































dd is any of the register pairs BC, DE, HL, SP
qq is any of the register pairs AF, BG. DE, HL
IPAI R)H, IPAI RI L refer to high order and low order eight bits of the register pair respectively.
e.g. BGL = G, AFH = A
Flag Notation: • =flag not affected, 0 = flag reset, 1 = flag set, X =flag is unknown,
I flag is affected according to the result of the operation.





Table 7.0-2

No.oIM No. ofT
Cycles States













FI s
• X
• X •





011 101
100 011
111 101
11 100011












• • •








• • • 11

· .'


• •


HL - HL-l
BC - BC-l

• •





HL - HL-l
BC -BC·l
Repeat until
BC= 0

• •




A - (HU
BC - BC-l



A - (HU
HL - HL+l
Repeat until
BC = 0



A - (HU
HL -HL-l



A- (HL)
HL - HL-l
BC - BC-l
Repeat until
BC= 0






11 100 011

No. ofT
StItes Comments



11 101 101
10 100 000







11 101 101












11 101 101
10 101 000









11 101 101
10 111 000









.~1 101 101





10 100 001



11 101101
10 110 001



























DE - DE+l
HL - HL+l
BC -BC-l
Repeat until
BC= 0



• • •
• •
• • •

• •


No. of


DE - DE+l
HL - HL+l
BC - BC-l



• •
• •

EX (SP), HL H -(SP+l) •
L -(SP)
EX (SP), IX IXH-lSP+l) •
EX (SP), IY IYH -iSP+lI •

C 76 543 210
11 101,011
~OOOI 000
11 011 001







11101 101
10 101 001






., 11 101 101
10 111 .001





PIV flag is 0 if the result of BC-l = 0, otherwise PIV = 1

@ Z flag is 1 if A = (HL), otherwise Z = O.
Flag Notation: • = flag not affected, 0 = flag reset, 1 = flag set, X = flag is unknown,
I = flag is affected according to the result of the operation.
Table 7.0-3


Register bank and
auxiliary register
bank exchange

Load (HU into
(DEI. increment the
pointers and
decrement the byte
cou nter (B C)
If BC4 0
If BC = 0

If BC4 0
If BC = 0

If BC 40 and A¥(HU

If BC #Oand A 1- (HU


Fla s

ADO A, r
ADO A, n

A - A+r
A - A+n







ADO A, (lX+d)

A - A+(HL)











C 76 543 210 Hex

No.of No.ofM No.ofT
Bytes Cycles States Comments


I 10 iQ2Q] r





I 10 iQ2Q]110
I 11 011 101





10 iQ2Q] 11 0
I 11 111 101
10 [QQQJll0
!- d



















ADC A, s
SBC A, s
CP s
INC (IX+d)

A-A·s· CY
A-A. ,
A-A v s
A-A (!) s
r - r+ 1
(lX+d) (lX+d)+l










1 :
0 ~


INC (IY+d)

(lY+d) (lY+d)+l





X iV




s -s·l

























- -


ADO A, (lY+d)










AD 0 instruction.


I·. ioo

,The indicated bits
Ireplace the [g]QJ in
the AD 0 set above.



r [qQJ
111 011 101 i
iOO 110[qQJ!
,_ d _

111 111 101
100 110[qQJ














The V symbol in the PIV flag column indicates that the PIV flag contains the overflow of the result of the
operation. Similarly the P symbol indicates parity. V = 1 means overflow, V = 0 means not overflow, P = 1
means parity of the result is even, P = 0 means parity of the result is odd.

Flag Notation:

• =flag not affected, 0 = flag reset, 1 =flag set, X =flag is unknown.
I = flag is affected according to the result of the operation.

Table 7.04








s is any of r, n,
(HL), (IX+d),
(lY+d) as shown for




Is is any of r, (H L),
(IX+dl, (lY+d) as
Ish own for INC.
DEC same format
and states as INC.
Replace [j]QJ with
[[j] in 0 P Code.



Converts acc. I
content into
packed BCD
following add
or subtract
with packed
BCD operands I
A- A


A - A+ 1




M nemonic


CY -1
No operation
CPU halted
IFF - 0
IFF - 1
Set interrupt
mode 0
Set interrupt
mode 1
Set interrupt
mode 2


1M 0

1M 1
1M 2




I X p



C 76 543 210
I 00 100 111 27

No.ofM No.of T

Decimal adjus-t~­





· ·








• •










• •


• •












111 101 101
101 000 100
00 111 111





















1 100


··• ·
• • •
• · •

100 101 111



I FF indicates the interrupfenable flip-flop
CY indicates the carry flip-flop.

Flag Notation:

No_ of






=flag not affected, 0 = flag


= flag

reset, 1 = flag set, X = flag is unknown,
is affected according to the result of the operation.

*Interrupts are not sampled at the end of EI or 01

Table 7.0-5

( One's complementl
Negate acc, (two's
Complement carry
Set carry flag



HL - HL+ss

• •


FI gs

ADC HL, ss

HL - HL+ss+CY











C 76 543 210 Hex
I 00 ssl 001

I 11 101 101


No.of No.ofM No.ofT
Bytes Cycles States Comments






















01 551 010

HL - HL·ss·CY

ADD IX, pp










IX -IX+pp

• •







IY -IY+rr

• •





I 11111 101

ss - Ss+ 1
IX - IX+l

• •
• •




• • •
• • •


IY - IY+l

• •




• • •

IX - IX· 1


IY -IY·l


• •

• •
• •



00 rrl 001










• • •
• • •
• • •

00 ssO
11 011
00 100
11 111
00 100
00 ssl
11 011
00 101
00 101


ss is any of the register pairs BC, 0 E, HL, SP
pp is any of the register pairs BC, DE, IX, SP
rr is any of the register pairs BC, DE, IY, SP.

Flag Notation: • = flag not affected, 0 = flag reset, 1 = flag set, X = flag is unknown.
I = flag is affected according to the result of the operation.

Table 7.0·6









FI gs







• •





N C 76543210




00 000 111

No.of No.of No.of
Hex Bytes Cycles States Comments






• •







00 010 111





• •







00 001 111

OF 1












j 00 011 111

1 F il



Rotate right



j 11
I 11

001 011
[QQQl r
001 011
~ 110

CB 12



CB :2



DO !4



Rotate left circular
register r











I X 0 X




I X 0 X P 0 j 11 011 101

r,(H LI,(lX+d),(lY+d)

RLC (lY+d)

11 001 011
00 &QQlll0




I X 0 X P 0 I 11 111 101
11 001 011
00 [QQQlll0





\ X




s =r,(HLI,(IX+d),(IY+d)


I X 0 X P 0 I



s =r,IH LI,(lX+d),(lY+d)


I X 0 X p 0 I









Instruction format and
states are as shown for
RLC's. To form new
Op·Code replace lQ.Qill
of RLC's with shown

s =r,(HLI,(lX+d),(lY+d)



































• 11 101 101
01 101 111

ED 12




A~(HL) I I






• 11 101 101
01 100 111

ED 12




s =r,(HLI,(lX+d),(lY+d)


Rotate right circular

• •



Rotate left



RLC (IX+d)

Rotate left circular
accu mulator

s =r,(H LI,(lX+d),(lY+d)

s =r,(HLI,(IX+d),(lY+d)

Flag Notation: • = flag not affected, 0 = flag reset, 1 = flag set, X = flag is unknown,
I = flag is affected according to the result of the operation.
Table 1.0·7


Rotate digit left and
right between the
and location (H LI.
The content of the
upper half of the
accu mulator is


X 1 X X














BIT b, r

Z - rb



Z - (HUb


BIT b, (IX+dlb

Z - {/X+d)b




No. of No.ofM No-ofT
Bytes Cycles States









11 111 101
11 001 011
01 b 110





11 001
11 001
11 011
11 001
11 111
11 001
[j] b

















C 76
• 11
• 11
• 11



BIT b, (IY+dlb

Z - (IY+d1b









543 210



SET b, r

Irb - 1

SET b, (HU

(HUb - 1

SET b, {/X+dl

(lX+dlb - 1

SET b, (lY+dl

(lY+dlb - 1

• •
• •




• • •




• • •




• • •





• • •


AES b, s

sb - a













• • -/lID



The notation sb indicates bit b (0 to 71 or location s.

Flag Notation:

• = flag not affected, 0 = flag reset, 1 = flag set, X = flag is unknown,
I = flag is affected according to the result of the operation.

Table 7.0-8 "


Bit Tested

To form new Op·
Code replace [j]
of SET b, s with
[)]]. Flags and time
states for SET


JP nn
PC - nn



• •






C 76 543 210 Hex
11 000 otl
11 cc 010

• • •

JP cc, nn

If condition cc
is true PC - nn,

• •




• • •

JR e

PC - PC + e





• • •

JR C, e

• •



• • •


If C = 0,
If C = I,
PC - PC+e
If C= I,
If C= 0,
PC - PC+e
If Z= 0
If Z= I,
PC - PC+e
If Z= I,
If Z = 0,
PC - PC+e
PC - Hl


• •




• •




B - B·l
If B = 0,

JR NC, e

JR Z, e

JR NZ, e

• •

• •
• •









• • •

• • •
• • •






00 110 000
- e·2










If condition not met




If condition is met




If condition not met




If condition is met




If condition not met




If condition is met




If condition not met




If condition is met

00 101 000
- e-2





• • •

11 101 001








• • •




• • •






• •





• •




• • •

00 010 000
- e·2





If B = 0




If BjO



If BjO,
PC - PC+e




00 100 000
- e·2

NZ non zero
Z zero
NC non carry
C carry
PO parity odd
PE parity even
P sign positive
M sign negative







011 000
111 000

No_of No.ofM No.ofT
Bytes Cycles States Comments

e represents the extension in the relative addressing mode.
e is a signed two's complement number in the range <126, 129>
e·2 in the op-code provides an effective address of pc+e as PC is
incremented by 2 prior to the addition of e.

Flag Notation: • = flag not affected, 0 = flag reset, 1 = flag set, X = flag is unknown,
I = flag is affected according to the result of the operation.

Table 7.0-9



(Sp·l) - PCH
(SP·21 - PCl
PC - nn


CAll nn

CALL cc, nn If condition
cc is false




• •





• •





C 76 543 210 Hex
11 001 101 CD


11 cc 100

same as
CAll nn
PCl - (SPI
PC H - (SP+ll

RET cc

If condition
cc is false
same as


Return from
Return from
non maskable







·• · ·•
• ·
• •





• 111 cc 000

11 001 001


No. of No.ofM No.of T
Bytes Cycles States Comments




If cc is false




If cc is true







If cc is false




If cc is true
000 NZ non zero
001 Z
010 NC non carry
011 C
parity odd
100 PO
parity even
101 PE
sign positive
110 P
sign negative
111 1M


• •




• •






• •




• •

• 111



• 111
















(Sp·ll (SP·21 PCH PCl -




1 RETN loads IFF2 - IFFI

=flag not affected, 0 =flag reset, 1 =flag set, X =flag is unknown,
I = flag is affected according to the result of the operation.

Flag Notation: •

Table 7.0·10





IN A, (n)

A • (n)

• •

IN r, (C)

r - (C)
if r = 110 only
the flags will
be affected



(HU - (C)
B - B·l
(HU - (C)
8 - 8·1
Repeat until






I 'X




C 76 543 210 Hex
• 11 011 011 DB
• 11 101 101 ED
01 r 000

No.of No.ofM No.of T
Bytes Cycles States





n to AO - A7
Ace to AS - A15
Cto AO - A7
B to AS - A15






X 11 101 101
10 100 010





Cto AO - A7
Bto AS - A15

X 1





X 11 101 101
10 110 010



(If B 10)
(If 8 = 0)

Cto AO - A7
8 to AS - A15




OUr (n), A
OUT (C), r

(C) - r


8 - B·l
(C) - (HLr
B - 8·1
(C) - (HU
HL- HL+l
Repeat until


(C) - (HU
B - B·l
Ie) - (HU
B - B·l
Repeat until




FI gs
• X •


(HL) - (C)
8 - 8·1
(HU - (C)
B - B· 1
HL - HL·l
Repeat until






X 1





11 101 101
10 101 010





eta AO - A7
B to AS - A15


X 11 101 101
10 111 010



(If B 10)
(If B = 0)

Cto AO - A7
B to AS - A15

n to Ao - A7
Ace to AS - A15
Cto AO - A7
8 to AB - A15


• •
• •







• • •
• • •

11 010 011





11 101 101
01 r 001





X 11 101 101





Cto AO - A7
Bto AS - A15



(If B1 0)
If 8 = 0)

Cto AO - A7
Bto AS - A15











10 100 011
X 11 101 101

10 110 011







X 1







X 11 101 101

1 'x





10 101 011

Cto AO - A7
Bto AS - A15

11 101' 101



(If B 10)
(If 8 = 0)

Bto AS - A15


If the result of B• 1 is zero the Z flag is set, otherwise it is reset.

Flag Notation: • = flag not affected, 0 = flag reset, 1 = flag set, X = flag is unknown,
I = flag is affected according to the result of the operation.

Table 7 ..0·11


The prupose of an interrupt is to allow peripheral devices to suspend CPU operation in an
orderly manner and force the CPU to start a peripheral service routine. Usually this service
routine is involved with the exchange of data, or status and control information, between
the CPU and the peripheral. Once the service routine is completed, the CPU returns to the
operation from which it was interrupted.

The ZBO-CPU has two interrupt inputs, a software maskable interrupt and a non-maskable
interrupt. The non~maskable interrupt (KIlIIIT) can not be disabled by the programmer and
it will be accepted whenever a peripheral device requests it. This interrupt is generally
reserved for very important functions that must be serviced whenever they occur, such as
an impending power failure. The maskable interrupt (INTI can be selectively enabled or
disabled by the programmer. This allows the programmer to disable the interrupt during
periods where his program has timing constraints that do not allow it to be interrupted.
In the ZB~CPU there is an enable flip flop (called IFF) that is set or reset by the programmer using the Enable Interrupt (EI) and Disable Interrupt (01) instructions. When the
IFF is reset, an interrupt can not be accepted by the CPU.
Actually, for purposes that will be subsequently explained, there are two enable flip flops,
called IFF1 and IFF2.

Actually disables interrupts
from being accepted.

Temporary storage location
for IFF.,.

The state of IFF, is used to actually inhibit interrupts while IFF2 is used as a temporary
storage location for IFF,. The purpose of storing the IFF, will be subsequently explained.
A reset to the CPU will force both IFF 1 and IFF2 to the reset state so that interrupts are
disabled. They can then be enabled by an EI instruction at any time by the programmer.
When an EI instruction is executed, any pending interrupt request will not be accepted until
after the instruction following EI has been executed. This single instruction delay is necessary for cases when the following instruction is a return instruction and interrupts must not
be allowed until the return has been completed. The EI instructions sets both IFF, and
IFF2 to the enable state. When an interrupt is accepted by the CPU, both IFF1 and IFF2
are automatically reset,inhibiting further interrupts until the programmer wishes to issue a
new E I instruction. Note that for all ofthe previous cases, IFF, and IF F2 are always equal.
The purpose of IFF2 is to save the status of IFF, when a non-maskable interrupt occurs.
When a non-maskable interrupt is accepted, IFF, is reset to prevent further interrupts
until reenabled by the programmer. Thus, after a non-maskable interrupt has been accepted
maskable interrupts are disabled but the previous state of IFF, has been saved so that the
complete state of the CPU just prior to the non-maskable interrupt can be restored at any
time. When a Load Register A with Register I (LD A, I) instruction or a Load Register A
with Register R (LD A, R) instruction is executed, the state of I FF2 is copied into the
parity flag where it can be tested or stored.
A second method of restoring the status of IFF, is thru the execution of a Return From
Non-Maskable Interrupt (RETN) instruction. Since this instruction indicates that the non
maskable interrupt service routine is complete, the contents of IF F2 are now copied back
into IFF" so that the status of IFF, just prior to the acceptance of thenon-maskable
interrupt will be restored automatically.


Figure 8.0-1 is a summary of the effect of different instructions on the two enable flip flops.







Accept NMI









CPU Reset



Accept INT


FIGURE 8.0-1

IFF2 ~Parity flag
IFF 2 ~ Parity flag

". "indicates no change

A non-maskable 'interrupt wi" be accepted at a" times by the CPU. When this occurs, the
CPU ignores the next instruction that it fetches and instead does a restart to location
0066H. Thus, it behaves exactly as if it had received a restart instruction but, it is to a
location that is not one of the 8 software restart locations. A restart is merely a call to a
specific address in page 0 memory.
The CPU can be programmed to respond to the maskable interrupt in anyone of three
possible modes.
Mode 0
This mode is identical to the 80S0A interrupt response mode. With this mode, the interrupting device can place any instruction on the data bus and the CPU will execute it. Thus, the
interrupting device provides the next instruction to be executed instead of the memory.
Often this wi" be a restart instruction since the interrupting device only need supply a
single byte instruction. Alternatively, any other instruction such as a 3 byte call to any location in memory could be executed by issuing a restart to the 3 byte op code.
The number of clock cycles necessary to execute this instruction is 2 more than the normal
number for the instruction. This occurs since the CPU automatically adds 2 wait states to an
interrupt response cycle to allow sufficient time to implement an external daisy chain for
priority control. Section 4.0 illustrates the detailed timing for an interrupt response. After
the application of RESET the CPU will automatically enter interrupt Mode O.
Mode 1
When this mode has been selected by the pr.ogrammer, the CPU will respond to an interrupt
by executing Ii restart to location 003SH. Thus the response is identical to that for a non
maskable interrupt except that the call location is 003SH instead of 0066H. Another
difference is that the number of cycles required to complete the restart instruction is 2
more than normal due to the two added wait states.

Mode 2
This mode is the most powerful interrupt response mode. With a single 8-bit byte from the
user an indirect call can be made to any memory location.
With this mode the programmer maintains a table of 16 bit starting addresses for every interrupt service routine. This table may be located anywhere in memory. When an interrupt
is accepted, a 16 bit pointer must be formed to obtain the desired interrupt service routine
starting address from the table. The upper 8 bits of this pointer is formed from the contents
of the I register. The I register must have been previously loaded with the desired value by
the programmer, i.e. LD I, A. Note that a CPU reset clears the I register so that it is initialized to zero. The lower eight bits of the pointer must be supplied by the interrupting
device. Actually, only 7 bits are required from the interrupting device as the least
bit must be a zero. This is required since the pointer is used to get two adjacent bytes to
from a complete 16 bit service routine starting address and the addresses must always start
in even locations.


desired starting address
pointed to by:
low order }
high order


The first byte in the table is the least significant (low order) portion of the address. The
programmer must obviously fill this table in with the desired addresses before any interrupts
are to be accepted.
Note that this table can be changed at any time by the programmer (if it is stored in Read/
Write Memory) to allow different peripherals to be serviced by different service routines ..
Once the interrupting device supplies the lower portion of the pointer, the CPU automat cally pushes the program counter onto the stack, obtains the starting address from the table
and does a jump to this address. This mode of response requires 19 clock periods to complete (7 to fetch the lower 8 bits from the interrupting device, 6 to save the program
counter, and 6 to obtain the jump address.)
Note that the Z80 peripheral devices all include a daisy chain priority interrupt structure
that automatically supplies the programmed vector to the CPU during interrupt acknowledge. Refer to the Z80-PI0, Z80-S10 and Z80-CTC manuals for details.



Last M Cycle


of Instruction


Last T State



~ ~ r--L h~ r--L ~
----------:---- ------- ------.r.------- ___
------- ------- f------f------- ------ ------- ------



















--~-t 111-64 9.0 HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION EXAMPLES This chapter is intended to serve as a basic introduction to implementing systems with the Z80-CPU. MINIMUM SYSTEM Figure 9.0-1 is a diagram of a very simple Z80 system. Any Z80 system must include the following five elements: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Five volt power supply Oscillator Memory devices I/O circuits CPU MINIMUM Z80 COMPUTER SYSTEM +5V AO-AlO GND MREO RD +5V MK 3880 zao DATA BUS CPU RESET r lORa AO Mi A, OUTPUT DATA INPUT DATA FIGURE 9.0-1 Since the Z80-CPU only requires a single 5 volt supply, most small systems can be implemented using only this single supply. The oscillator can be very simple since the only requirement is that it be a 5 volt square wave. For systems not running at full speed, a simple RC oscillator can be used. When the CPU is operated near the highest possible frequency, a crystal oscillator is generally required because the system timing will not tolerate the drift or jitter that an RC network will generate. A crystal oscillator can be made from inverters and a few discrete components or monolithic circuits are widely available. The external memory can be any mixture of standard RAM, ROM, or PROM. In this simple example we have shown a single 16K bit ROM (2K bytes) being utilized as the entire memory system. For this example we have assumed that the Z80 internal register. configuration contains sufficient ReadlWrite storage so that external RAM memory is not required. 111-65 Every computer system requires I/O circuits to allow it to interface to the "real world." In this simple example it is assumed that the output is an a bit control vector and the input is an a bit status word. The input data could be gated onto the data bus using any standard tri-state driver while the output data could be latched with any type of standard TTL latch. For this example we have used a zao-Plo for the I/O circuit. This single circuit attaches to the data bus as shown and provides the required 16 bits of TTL compatible I/O. (Refer to the zaO-Plo manual for details on the operation of this circuit.) Notice in this example that with only three LSI circuits, a simple oscillator and a single 5 volt power supply, a powerful computer has been implemented. ADDING RAM Most computer systems require some amount of external Read/Write memory for data storage and to implement a "stack". Figure 9.0-2 illustrates how 256 bytes of static memory can be added to the previous example. In this example the memory space is assumed to be organized as follows: ROM & RAM IMPLEMENTATION EXAMPLE _ _ _---, ADDRESS OOOOH r- 2 K bytes ROM 07FFH 256 bytes 0800H RAM \ 08 FFH ( ADDRESS BUS Ao-A ,O Ao-A7 ,.. ~CEI MK 34000 ~CE2 ~CE3 --BQ 00 ~ R/W 2~MJ 256 x 8 RAM CE, ~ All CE2 , - - - ' - ' - "" 00- 07 DO -07 ,.. ~ DATA BUS J FIGURE 9.0-2 In this diagram the address space is described in hexidecimal notation. For this example, address bit A 11 separates the ROM space from the RAM space so that it can be used for the chip select function. For larger amounts of external ROM or RAM, a simple TTL decoder will be required to form the chip selects. MEMORY SPEED CQNTROL For many applications, it may be desirable to use slow memories to reduce costs. The WAIT line on the CPU allows the zao to operate with any speed memory. By referring back to section 4 you will notice that the memory access time requirements are most severe during the M1 cycle instruction fetch. All other memory accesses have an additional one half of a clock cycle to be completed. For this reason it may be desirable in some applications to add one wait state to the M1 cycle so that slower memories can be used. Figure 9.0-3 is an example of a simple circuit that will accomplish this task. This circuit can be changed to add a single wait state to any memory access as shown in F,gure 9.0-4. 111-66 ADDING ONE WAIT STATE TO AN M1 CYCLE +5V ~D 1 S o~>-- 01-- 0 7474 Q -~c r-- c: M1 Q R R .Iv .L T1 I T2 I Tw I T3 I T4 I J\JLJ\.J\JU S 7474 <1>, e----M1---~' f o. o I. l I r --"""'\'_, -_ _ _oJ FIGURE 9.0·3 ADDING ONEWAIT STATE TO ANY MEMORY CYCLE +5V o ~ 01--1---1 7474 C . MREO ~'-_ _ _ __ 7474 a a c R +5V FIGURE 9.0-4 INTERFACING DYNAMIC MEMORIES This section is intended only to serve as a brief introduction to interfacing dynamic memories. Each individual dynamic RAM has varying specifications that will require minor modifications to the description given here and no attempt will be made in this document to give details for any particular RAM. Figure 9.0~5 illustrates the logic necessary to interface 8K bytes of dynamic RAM using 16·pin 4K dynamic memories. This Figure assumes that the RAM's are the only memory in the system so that A12 is used to select between the two pages of memory. During refresh time, all memories in the system must be read. The CPU provides the proper refresh address on lines AD through A6. To add additional memory to the system it is necessary to only replace the two gates that operate on A12 with a decoder that operates on all required address bits. For larger systems, buffering for the address and data bus is also generally required. An application note entitled "280 Interfacing Techniques for Dynamic RAM" is avail· able from your MO$TEK representative which describes dynamic RAM design techniques. 111-67 INTERFACING DYNAMIC RAMS rr- DELAY DELAY CAS R/W. -:=::J- '- i ]\. ~ 1 DATA BUS ~ ~ A"-A,, Do-D7 Ao·A5 CAS MUX CONTROL ADDRESS BUS RAS ] -=::d 4Kx8 DYNAMIC PAGE RAM MEMORY {looot o IFFF) ARRAY ADDRESS MU LTlPLEXER R/W I - - RAS r-- 4Kx8 DYNAMIC PAGE o RAM MEMORY (0000 to OFFF) ARRAY r-• NO REFRESH ADDRESS MULTIPLEXER RE QUIRED • MRfQ INITIATES MEMORY CYCLE • Al'SH SELECTS REFRESH CYCLE FIGURE 9.0-5 WR ZBO-CPU DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: CLOCK CIRCUITRY Proper clock circuitry design is of paramount importance when designing a system. Parameters such as clock rise and fall times, min.lmax. clock high and low times, and max clock over and under shoot should be closely adhered to. Violation of these specs will result in unreliable and unpredictable CPU/peripheral behavior. Several manufacturers offer a wide variety of combination oscillator/drivers housed in 14 pin DIP packages. The following is a suggested source of reliable oscillators/drivers currently available. zao zao Vendor Function Part No .. Motorola Motorola MFElectronics Hybrid House Oscillator /Driver Oscillator Oscillator Driver K 1160 series K1114 MF1114 HH3006A zao Figure 9.0-6 illustrates a schematic recommended for driving the CPU, as well as other peripherals. This configuration meets the 30 ns rise and fall time while driving up to a 150 pf. load. Note the divide by two input flip flop to provide a 50 percent duty cycle clock. This stage may be omitted if the oscillator is guaranteed to be within the specifications. zao 33 pf. 74S74 0 +5 V r'I'F Q 2N2907A: 2 into ascending order using a standard exchange sorting algorithm. 01/22n6 LOC 11:14:37 BUBBLE LISTING OBJ CODE STMT SOURCE STATEMENT 1 *** STANDARD EXCHANGE (BUBBLE) SORT ROUTINE*** 2 3 4 AT ENTRY:HL CONTAINS ADDRESSOF DATA C CONTAINS NUMBER OF ELEMENTS TO BE SORTED 5 6 7 (1 SECOND, NO JUMP ;EXCHANGE ARRAY ELEMENTS ;RECORD EXCHANGE OCCURRED ;POINT TO NEXT DATA ELEMENT ;COUNT NUMBER OF COMPARISONS ;REPEAT IF MORE DATA PAIRS ;DETERMINE IF EXCHANGE OCCURRED ;CONTINUE IF DATA UNSORTED ;OTHERWISE, EXIT ;DESIGNATION OF FLAG BIT ;STORAGE FOR DATA ADDRESS The following program multiplies two unsigned l6-bit integers and leaves the result in the H L register pair. 01/22/76 11 :32:36 LOC OBJ CODE STMT 0000 0000 0002 0003 0004 0005 0008 OOOA 0610 4A 7B EB 210000 CB39 lF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 OOOB 3001 26 MU LTI PLY LlSTI NG SOURCE STATEMENT MULT:; UNSIGNED SIXTEEN BIT INTEGER MULTIPL Y. ON ENTRANCE: MULTIPLIER IN HL. MULTIPLICAND IN DE. ON EXIT: RESULT IN HL. REGISTERS USES: MLOOP: H L 0 E B C A HIGH ORDER PARTIAL RESULT LOW ORDER PARTIAL RESULT HIGH ORDER MULTIPLICAND LOW ORDER MULTIPLICAND COUNTER FOR NUMBER OF SHIFTS HIGH ORDER BITS OF MULTIPLIER LOW ORDER BITS OF MULTIPLI ER LD LD LD EX LD SRL RR B,16; C,D; A,E; DE,HL; HL,O; C; A; JR NC, NOADD-$ 111-75 NUMBER OF BITS-INITIALIZE MOVE MULTIPLIER MOVE MULTIPLICAND CLEAR PARTIAL RESULT SHIFT MULTIPLIER RIGHT LEAST SIGNIFICANT BIT IS IN CARRY. IF NO CARRY' SKIP THE ADD. 01/22176 11 :32:36 MULTIPLY LISTING (Cont'd.) LOC OBJ CODE STMT SOURCE STATMENT OOOD 19 27 OOOE OOOF 0010 0011 0013 EB 29 EB 10F5 ,C9 29 30 31 32 33 34 ADD HL, DE; NOADD: EX DE,HL; ADD HL,HL; EX DE,HL; DJNZ MLOOP-$; RET; END; 111-76 ElSE ADD MULTIPLICAND TO PARTIAL RESULT. SHIFT MULTIPLICANT LEFT BY MULTIPLYING IT BY TWO. REPEAT UNTIL NO MORE BITS. 11.0 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Temperature Under Bias ....................................... Specified Operating Range Storage Temperature .................................................-65°C to +150°C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground ......................•........ -0.3V to +7V Power Dissipation ............................................................. 1.5W D.C. CHARACTER ISTICS T A = 0° C to 70° C, V CC = 5V ± 5% unless otherwise specified MIN. PARAMETER VILC -0.3 VIHC Vcc-.6 VIL -0.3 TYP. MAX. UNIT TEST CONDITIO 0.8 2.0 IOL = 1.8mA IOH = -250 p.A 2.4 oat -10 Output Leakage Current in Float p.A ±10 Data Bus Leakage Current in Input Mode *200mA for -4, -10 or -20 devices NOTE: All outputs are rated at one standard TTL load. CAPACITANCE T A = 25° C, f = 1 MHz unmeasured pins returned to ground SYMBOL PARAMETER MAX. UNIT C Clock Capacitance 35 CIN Input Capacitance 5 COUT Output Capacitance 10 pF pF pF ·Comment .Stresses above those listed under" Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this spacification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 111-77 VOUT = O.4V MK 3880, MK 3880·10, MK 3880·20 Z80-CPU A C CHARACTERISTICS TA =0 0 C to 700 C, SIGNAL Vee =+5V ± 5%, Unless Otherwise Noted SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. MAX. UNIT t Clock Clock Clock Clock .4 [12] (D) 2000 30 j.lSec 145 110 nsec nsec ~( tw(L) tr,f tD(AD) tF(AD) tacm AO·15 taci tca tcaf tD(D) tF(D) tS(D) " D0-7 tS4i(D) tdcm ~ci tcdf tH F.ifRfQ iORO Address Output Delay Delay to Float [1] Address Stable Prior to iiAREO (Memory Cycle) [2] Address Stable Prior to 10RO, RD or iiJR (I/O Cycle) Address Stable From RD, WtltFl0RO or MREO [3] [4] Address Stable From AD or W During Float Data Output Delay Delay to Float During Write Cycle Data Setup Time to R ising Edge of Clock During Ml Cycle Data Setu.P Time to Falling Edge at Clock During M2!2...M5 Data Stable Prior to WR (Memory Cycle) . Data Stable Prior to WR (I/O Cyclet Data Stable From WR Input Hold Time nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec 230 90 50 nsec 60 nsec [5] nsec [6] [7] 0 nsec nsec nsec nsec tDH(MR) MREQ Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, MREO High 100 nsec M'FiEQ DeAAY Eam Falling Edge of 100 nsec tw(MRL) tw(liXlrn) Clock, R High Pulse Width, MREO Low Pulse Width, MREO High tDL(lR) iORQ Dela6~rom tDL(RD) 90 nsec 110 nsec 100 nsec 110 nsec m5 Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, 100 nsec RD Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, RD Low 130 nsec tDH(RD) 100 nsec tDHi(BD) RD Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, AD High 110 nsec tDL(WR) Wf!..Q.elay From Rising Edge of Clock, _WR Low WR..Q.elay From Falling Edge of Clock WR Low WR Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, WR High_ Pulse Width, WR Low tDL(WR) tDH(WR) tw(WRi:.) [10] CL = 50pF nsec Ri5 Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, _AD High tDL4>(RD) CL = 50pF nsec [8] [9] Rising Edge of .Clock, I 0 Low iORQ DelaO FQ'm Falling Edge of Clock, I R Low i'5RQ Delay From Rising Edge of -flpck, 10RO High IORO Delay From Falli~g Edge of Clock, IORO High 1ID Low Except T3·M 1 nsec nsec 100 tDH~MR) CL = 50pF nsec MREO Dea~Eam Falling Edge of Clock, Low tDH4>(lR) WR 180 180 tDL4i(MR) tDH(lR) RD Period Pulse Width, Clock High Pulse Width, Clock Low Rise and Fall Time TEST CONDITION 80 nsec 90 nsec 100 nsec CL = 50 pF CL = 50pF CL = 50pF nsec NOTES: A Data should be enabled onto the CPU data bus when RD is active. During interrupt acknowledge data should be enabled when and lORa are both active. ' . . B The RESET signal must be active for a minimum of 3 Clock cycles. corit'.d on page 81 111·78 Mi MK 3880, MK 3880·10, MK 3880·20 Z80·CPU SIGNAL MAX. UNIT Ml...Q.elay From Rising Edge of Clock Ml Low Ml...Q.elay From Rising Edge of Clock Ml High 130 nsec 130 nsec RFSH Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, RFSH Low RFSH Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, RFSH High 180 nsec 150 nsec SYMBOL PARAMETER tDL(Ml) Ml tDH(Ml) RFSH tDL(RF) tDH(RF) MIN. 70 tS(WT) WAIT Setup Time to Falling Edge of Clock HALT tD(HT) HALT Delay Time From Falling Edge of Clock INT ts(lT) INT Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock 80 nsec NMI tw(NML) Pulse Width, NMI Low 80 nsec BUSRO ts(BO) BUSRO Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock 80 nsec BUSAK tDL(BA) BUSAK Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, BUSAK Low BUSAK Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, BUSAK High RESET ts(RS) RESET Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock tF(C) De@v. to/frQ!!l.Float (MR EO, lORa, RD and WR) tmr M 1 Stable Prior to lORa (Interrupt Ack.) 300 nsec 120 nsec 110 nsec = 50pF CL = 30pF CL = 50pF CL = 50 pF nsec 90 100 [ 11] CL nsec WAIT tDH(BA) TEST CONDITIONS nsec nsec LOAD CIRCUIT FOR OUTPUT TEST POINT [ 1] tacm = tw (

A(}'15 SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. MAX. UNIT tc tw(cI>H) tw(cI>L} t r, f Clock Clock Clock Clock .25 110 110 [12] (D) 2000 30 J.lSec nsec nsec nsec tD(AD} tF(AD} tacm Address Output Delay Delay to Float Add ress Stable Prior to JI.lI'Rm (Memory Cycle) Address Stable Prior to 10RO, RD orWR (I/O Cycle) _ _ _ _ Address Stable From RD, W!1JORO or MREO Address Stable From RD or WR During Float 110 90 [1] nsec nsec nsec [2] nsec [3] [4] nsec nsec taci tea tcaf tdci tcdf tH Data Output Delay Delay to Float During Write Cycle Data Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock During Ml Cycle Data Setup Time to Falling Edge at Clock During M2 to M5 Data Stable Prior to WR (Memory Cycle) Data Stable Prior to WR (I/O Cycle) Data Stable From WR Input Hold Time tDLcI>(MR) I'iIIl1rn Delay From Falling Edge of tD(D) tFID) tScI>(D) 00·7 tS~(D) tdcm KiI"R"rn tDHcI>(MR) tDH4i(MR) tw(MRL) tw (iiifi:fR) tDLcI>(JR) 10RO tDL~(lR) tDHcI>(lR) tDH~(lR) tDLcI>(RD) AD tDL~(RD) tDHcI>(RD) tDH-;P(RD) tDLcI>(WR) WR Period Pulse Width, Clock High Pulse Width, Clock Low Rise and Fall Time tDL~(WR) tDHcI>(WR) tw(WRL) Clock, MREO Low MREO Delay From Rising Edge of ~ck, MREO High MREO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, MREO High Pulse Width, MREO Low Pulse Width, MREO High 35 nsec nsec nsec 50 nsec [5] nsec [6] [7] 0 nsec nsec nsec 150 90 20 WR Delay From WR Low WR Delay From WR Low WR Delay From WR High _ Pulse Width, WR nsec 85 nsec 85 nsec [8] [9] CL = 50pF Except T3.M1 CL = 50pF CL = 50pF CL = 50pF nsec nsec 10RO Del~om Rising Edge of Clock, 10RO Low 10RO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, 10RO Low f'OR'Cl Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, 10RO High ~ Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, 10RO High RD Delay From RD Low RD.Q.elay From RD Low RD Delay From _RD High RD Delay From RD High 85 TEST CONDITIONS 75 nsec 85 nsec 85 nsec 85 nsec 85 nsec 95 nsec Rising Edge of Clock, 85 nsec Falling Edge of Clock, 85 nsec Rising Edge of Clock, 65 nsec Falling Edge of Clock, 80 nsec Falling Edge of Clock, 80 nsec Rising Edge of Clock, Falling Edge of Clock, CL = 50pF CL = 50pF I [10] Low nsec NOTES: A Data should be enabled onto the CPU data bus when is active. During interrupt acknowledge data should be enabled when Ml and IORQ are both active. B The RESET signal must be active for a minimum of 3 clock cycles. (Cont'd. on page 83) AD 111·80 M K 3880-4 Z80A-CPU SIGNAL Ml PARAMETER tDL(Ml) Ml Delay From Rising Edge of Clock Ml Low M1 Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, Ml High tDH(M1) RFSH MIN. SYMBOL tDL(RF) tDH(RF) MAX. UNIT 100 nsee 100 nsee 130 nsee 120 nsee CL; 50pF RFSH Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, RFSH Low RFSH Delay From Rising Edge of Clock RFSH High CL; 50pF WAIT tS(WT) WAIT Setup Time to Falling Edge of Clock HALT tD(HT) HALT Delay Time From Falling Edge of Clock INT ts(IT) INT Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock 80 nsee NMI tw(NML) Pulse Width, NMI Low 80 nsee 8USRO ts(BO) BUSRO Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock 50 nsee BUSAK tDL(BA) tDH(BA) RESET TEST CONDITION 70 nsee 300 BUSAK Delay From Rising Edge of BUSAK Low BUSAK Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, BUSAK High nsee 100 nsee 100 nsee ~k, CL ; 50pF CL; 50pF ts(RS) RESET Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock tF(C) De!!v. to/From Float (MREO, IORO, RD and WR) tmr M1 Stable Prior to IORO (Interrupt Aek.) 60 nsee 80 [ 11] nsee nsec LOAD CIRCUIT FOR OUTPUT TEST POINT [1] taem ; tw ( H) + tf - 65 [2] taci ; tc -70 [3] tea; tw (L) + tr -50 [4] tcaf; tw (L) + tr -45 [5] tdcm; tc -170 [6] tdci; tw (L) + tr - 170 [7] tcdf; tw (L) + tr -70 [8] tw (MRL); tc -30 [9] tw (MRH) ; tw (H) + tf- 65 [12] tc; !w (L) + tr + tf 111-81 Although static by design, testing guarantees tw 200 psec maximum. ( H) of A.C. TIMING D,IAGRAM Timing measurements are made at the following voltages, unless otherwise specified: CLOCK OUTPUT INPUT FLOAT "1" V ee -·6 2.0V 2.0 V t:N "0" .BV .BV .BV ±0.5V A O-A15 AO- 15 IN DO_7 { OUT tOl (Mil leal 1ft '.. 'mr to 111-82 (HTJ tcd! r,rCI -- -----~ '2.0 zao INSTRUCTION BREAKDOWN BY MACHINE CYCLE zao This section tabulates each instruction type and breaks each instruction down into its machine cycles and corresponding T States. The different standard machine cycles (OP Code Fetch, Memory Read, Port Read, etc.) are described in Section 4.0 of this manual. This chart will allow the system designer to predict what the Z80 will do on each clock cycle during the execution of a given instruction. The instruction types are listed together by functions and in the same order as the Tables in Section 7. The best way to learn how to use these tables is to look at a few examples. The first example is to register exchange instructions (LD r, s) where r,s can be any of the following CPU Registers: B,C,D,E,H,L, or A. The instruction breakdown table shows this instruction to have one machine cycle (M 1) four T-States long (number in parenthesis) which is an OP Code Fetch. Referring to Figure 4.0-1 one sees the standard form for an OP Code Fetch and the state of the CPU bus during these four T-States. Taking the next instruction shown (LD r, n) which loads one of the previous registers with data or immediate value "n" one finds the breakdown to be a four T-State OP Code Fetch followed by a three T-State Operand Data Read. An Operand Data Read takes the form of the Standard Memory Read shown in Figure 4.0-2. After these two simple examples, a more complex one is in order. The LD r, (IX+d) is the first double byte OP Code shown and executes as follows: First there are two M1 cycles (and related memory refreshes) followed by an Operand Data Read of the displacement "d". Next M3 consists of a five T-State Internal Operation which is the calculation of the Indexed address (IX+d). The last machine cycle (M4) consists of a Memory Read of the data continued in address IX+d and the loading of register "r" with that data. The LD dd, (nn) instruction loads an internal 16-bit register pair with the contents of the memory location specified in the Operand Bytes of the instruction. This instruction is four bytes long (two bytes of OP Code + two bytes of Operand Address). As shown, there are two M1 cycles to fetch the OP Code and then two Machine Cycles to read the Operand Addresses, low order byte first. Machine cycle 4 is a read of memory to obtain the data for the low order register (e.g., C of BC, E of DE and L of H L) followed by a read of the data for the high order register. The first instruction to use the Stack Register is the PUSH qq instruction which executes as follows: Machine cycle 1 is extended by one cycle and the Stack Pointer is decremented in the extra T-State to point to an empty location on the Stack. Machine cycle 2 is a write of the high byte of the referenced register to the address contained in the Stack Pointer. The Stack Pointer is again decremented and a write of the low byte of the referenced register is made to the Stack in Machine Cycle 3. Note that the Stack Pointer is left pointing to the last data referenced on the Stack. The block transfer instructions such as LDI and LDIR are very similar. LDI is 16 T-States long and is composed of a double byte OP Code Fetch (two memory refreshes) followed by a memory read and a memory write. The memory write is 5 T-States long to allow updating of the block length counter -BC. The repetitive form of this instruction (LDI R) has an additional Machine Cycle (M4) of 5 T-States to allow decrementing of the Program Counter by two (PC-2) which results in refetching of the OP Code (LDI R). Each movement of data by this instruction is 21 T-States long (except the last) and the refetching of the OP Codes results in memory refresh occurring as well as the sampling of interrupts and BUSRQ. The NMI Interrupt sequence is 11 T-States long with the first M1 being a dummy OP Code Fetch of 5 T-States long. The Program Counter is not advanced, the OP Code on the data bus is ignored and an internal Restart is done to address 66H. The following two Machine Cycles are a write of the Program Counter to the Stack. The INT Mode 0 is the 8080A mode and requires the user to place an instruction on the data bus for the CPU to execute. If a RST instruction is used, the CPU stacks the Program Counter and begins execution at the Restart Address_ If a CALL instruction is used, the CALL Op Code is placed on the data bus during the INTA cycle (M1). M2 and M3 are 111-83 normal Memory Read cycles ~not INTAcycles) of the CALL addresses (low byte first). Program Counter is stacked in M4 and M5. zao Mode 2 is used by the System Peripherals and operates as foll8llVs: During the I NTA cycle (M 1) a Vector is sent in from the highest priority interrupting device. M2 and M3 are used to Stack the Program Counter. The Vector (low byte) and an internal Interrupt Register (I) from a pointer to a table containing the addresses of Interrupt Service Routines. During M4 and M5 the Service Routines address is read from this table into the CPU. The next M 1 cycle will fetch an OP Code from the address received is M4 and M5. 111-84 LEGEND 10 MR MRH M RL MW MWH MWL OCF ODH - Internal CPU Operation Memory Read Memory Read of High Byte Memory Read of Low Byte Memory Write Memory Write of High Byte Memory Write of Low Byte Op Code Fetch Operand Data Read of High Byte Operand Data Read of Low Byte Port Read Port Write Stack Read of High Byte Stack Read of Low Byte Stack Write of High Byte Stack Write of Low Byte Number of T-States in that Machine Cycle ODL PR PW SRH SRL SWH SWL ( ) Z80 INSTRUCTION BREAKDOWN BY MACHINE CODE MACHINE CYCLE INSTRUCTION TYPE LD r, BYTES - M1 M2 M3 M4 MR (3) MW(3) M5 OCF (4) 5 1 LD r, n 2 OCF (4) OD (3) LD r, (HL) LD (HL), r 1 OCF (4) OCF (4) MR (3) MW(3) LD r, (lX+d) LD (IX+d). r 3 OCF (4)/OCF (4) OCF (4)/OCF (4) OD (3) OD (3) 10 (5) 10 (5) LD (HL). n .BC LD A, (DE) 2 OCF (4) OD (3) MW(3) 1 OCF (4) MR (3) LD (BC) A DE' LD A, (nn) LD (nn), A OCF (4) MW(3) 3 OCF (4) OCF (4) ODL (3) ODL (3) ODH (3) ODH (3) LDA,~ 2 OCF (4)/OCF(5) LD dd, nn 3 OCF (4) ODL (3) ODH (3) LD IX, nn 4 OCF (4)/OCF (4) ODL (3) ODH (3) LD HL, (nn) LD (nn), HL 3 OCF (4) OCF (4) ODL (3) ODL (3) ODH (3) ODH (3) MRL (3) MWL (3) MRH (3) MWH (3) 4 OCF OCF OCF OCF ODL ODL ODL ODL ODH ODH ODH ODH MRL (3) MWL(3) MRL (3) MWL(3) MRH MWH MRH MWH LD SP, HL 1 OCF (6) LD SP, IX 2 OCF (4)/OCF (6), PUSH qq 1 OCF (5) SP-1 SWH (3) OCF (4)/OCF (5) SP-1 SWH (3) OCF (4) SRH (3) SP+1 SRL (3) SRH (3) SP+1 SRL (3) MR (3) MW(3) I LDR' A LD LD LD LD dd, (nn) (nn), dd IX, (nn) (nn). IX PUSH IX POPqq POP IX 2 1 2 (4)/OCF (4)/OCF (4)/OCF (4)/OCF (4) (4) (4) (4) OCF (4)/OCF (4) EX DE, HL 1 OCF (4) EX AF, AF' 1 OCF (4) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) SWL(3) SP-1 SWL (3) SP-1 111-85 SP+1 SP+1 (3) (3) (3) (3) MACHINE CYCLE INSTRUCTION TYPE BYTES M1 EXX 1 OCF (4) EX (SP). HL 1 OCF (4) M2 SRL (3) M3 M4 M5 SRH (4) SWH (3) SP-l SWL (5) SRH (4) SWH (3) SP-l SWL (5) SP+l EX (SP).IX 2 OCF (4)/OCF (4) SRL (3) SP+l LDI LDD CPI CPO 2 OCF (4)/OCF (4) MR (3) MW(5) LDIR LDDR CPIR CPDR 2 OCF (4)/OCF (4) MR (3) MW(5) ALU A. r ADD ADC SUB SBC ANDOR XOR CP 1 OCF (4) ALU A. n 2 OCF (4) 00 (3) ALU A. (HL) 1 OCF (4) MR (3) ALU A. (lX+d) 3 OCF (4)/OCF (4) 00 (3) 10(5) DEC INC r 1 OCF (4) DEC INC (HL) 1 OCF (4) MR (4) MW(3) DEC INC (lX+D) 2 OCF (4)/OCF (4) 00 (3) 10 (5) DAA CPL CCF SCF NOP HALT 01 EI 1 OCF (4) NEG IMO IMl 1M2 2 OCF (4)/OCF (4) 10 (5)* *onlv if BC f' 0 111-86 MR (3) MR (4) MW(3) MACHINE CYCLE INSTRUCTION TYPE BYTES M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 MW(3) 55 1 OCF (4) 10 (4) 10 (3) ADC HL, 55 SBC HL, 55 ADD IX, pp 2 OCF (4)/OCF (4) 10 (4) 10 (3) INC 55 DEC 55 1 OCF (6) DEC IX INC IX 2 OCF (4)/OCF (6) RLCA RLA RRCA RRA 1 OCF (4) RLC r RL RRC RR SLA SRA SRL 2 OCF (4)/OCF (4) RLC (HL) RL RRC RR SLA SRA SRL 2 OCF (4)/OCF (4) MR (4) MW(3) RLC (lX+d) RL RRC RR SLA SRA SRL 4 OCF (4)/OCF (4) OD (3) 10 (5) MR (4) RLD RRD 2 OCF (4)/OCF (4) MR (3) 10 (4) MW(3) BITb, r SET RES 2 OCF (4)/OCF (4) ADD HL, 111-87 MACHINE CYCLE INSTRUCTION TYPE BYTES M1 M2 M3 M4 BIT b, (HL) 2 OCF (4)/OCF (4) MR (4) SET b, (HL) RES 2 OCF (4)/OCF (4) MR (4) MW(3) BIT b, (lX+d) 4 OCF (4)/OCF (4) 00 (3) 10 (5) MR (4) SET b, (lX+d) RES 4 OCF (4)/OCF (4) 00 (3) 10 (5) MR (4) JP nn JP ce, nn 3 OCF (4) OOL (3) OOH (3) JR e 2 OCF (4) 00 (3) 10 (5) 2 OCF (4) 00 (3) 10 (5)* JR JR . JR JR C, e NC, e Z, e NZ, e M5 MW(3) * If condition is met JP (HL) 1 OCF (4) JP (IX) 2 OCF (4)/OCF (4) OJNZ, e 2 OCF (5) 00 (3) 10 (5)* * If sf 0 CALL nn CALL cc, nn cc true 3 OCF (4) OOL (3) OOH (4) SP-1 CALLcc, nn ce false 3 OCF (4) OOL (3) OOH (3) RET 1 OCF (4) SRL (3) SP+1 SRH (3) RETcc 1 RETI RETN 2· RST p 1 OCF (5) OCF (4)/OCF (4) OCF (5) SP-1 SWH (3) SP-1 SP+1 SRL (3)* SRH (3)* * If cc is true SP+1 SP+1 SRL (3) SP+1 SRH (3) SP+1 SWH (3) SP-1 SWL (3) ··IH c88 SWL (3) MACHINE CYCLE INSTRUCTION TYPE BYTES Ml M2 M3 PR (4) M4 M5 INA, (n) 2 OCF (4) OD (3) IN r, (e) 2 OCF (4)/OCF (4) PR (4) INI IND 2 OCF (4)/OCF (5) PR (4) MW(3) INIR INDR 2 OCF (4)/OCF(5) PR (4) MW(3) OUT (n), A 2 OCF (4) OD (3) PW(4) OUT (C), r 2 OCF (4)/OCF (4) PW(4) OUTI OUTD 2 OCF (4)/OCF (5) MR (3) PW(4) OTIR OTDR 2 OCF (4)/OCF (5) MR (3) PW(4) 10 (5) - OCF (S) * SP-, SWH (3) SP-l SWL (3) *Op Code Ignored - INTA (6) ODL (3) (CALL INSERTED) ODH (4) SP-l SWH (3) SP-l SWL (3) - INTA(6) (RST INSERTED) SP-l SWH (3) SWL(3) INTA(7) (RST 38H INTERNAU SP-, SWH (3) INTA(7) (VECTOR SUPPLIED) SP-l SWH (3) MRL (3) MRH (3) 10 (5) INTERRUPTS NMI INT MODE 0 MODEl MODE 2 - SP-, SWL(3) SP-l SP-l 111-89 SWL(3) ORDERING INFORMATION PACKAGE TYPE MAX CLOCK FREQUENCY MK3880N Z80-CPU Plastic 2.5 MHz MK38aOp zao-cpu Ceramic 2.5 MHz MK3880J Z80-CPU Cerdip 2.5 MHz MK3880N-4 Z80-CPU Plastic 4.0 MHz MK3880P-4 Z80-CPU Ceramic 4.0 MHz MK3880J-4 zao-cpu Cerdip 4.0 MHz Ceramic 2.5 MHz PART NO. MK3880P-10 Z80-CPU 111-90 TEMPERATURE RANGE 0° to +70°C -40°C to +85°C MOSTEI(. Z80 MICROCOMPUTER DEVICES Technical Manual 1 MK3881 PARALLEL 1/0 CONTROLLER 111-91 111-92 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 111-95 2.0 ARCHITECTURE ........................................................................ 111-97 3.0 PIN DESCRIPTION ...................................................................... 111-99 4.0 PROGRAMMING THE PIO .............................................................. 111-103 5.0 TIMING .............................................................................. 111-107 6.0 INTERRUPT SERVICING ................................................................ 111-113 7.0 APPLICATIONS ....................................................................... 111-115 8.0 PROGRAMMING SUMMARY ........................................................... 111-119 9.0 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................... 111-121 10.0 ORDERING INFORMATION ............................................................. 111-125 111-93 111-94 1.0 INTRODUCTION The zao Parallel I/O Circuit is a programmable, two port device which provides a TTL compatible interface between peripheral devices and the zaO-cpu. The CPU can configure the zao-Plo to interface with a wide range of peripheral devices with no other external logic required. Typical peripheral devices that are fully compatible with the zaO-Plo include most keyboards, paper tape readers and punches, printers, PROM programmers, etc. The zaO-Plo utilizes N channel silicon gate depletion load technology and is packaged in a 40 pin DIP. Major features of the zaO-Plo include: Two independent a bit bidirectional peripheral interface ports with 'handshake' data transfer control I nterrupt driven 'handshake' for fast response Anyone of four distinct modes of operation may be selected for a port including: Byte output Byte input Byte bidirectional bus (Available on Port A only) Bit control mode All with interrupt controlled handshake Daisy chain priority interrupt logic included to provide for automatic interrupt vectoring without external logic Eight outputs are capable of driving Darlington transistors All inputs and outputs fully TTL compatible Single 5 volt supply and single phase clock required. One of the unique features of the zao-Plo that separates it from other interface controllers is that all data transfer between the peripheral device and the CPU is accomplished under total interrupt control. The interrupt logic of the PIO permits full usage of the efficient interrupt capabilities of the zao-cpu during I/O transfers. All logic necessary to implement a fully nested interrupt structure is included in the PIO so that additional circuits are not required. Another unique feature of the PIO is that it can be programmed to interrupt the CPU on the occurrence of specified status conditions in the peripheral device. For example, the PIO can be programmed to interrupt if any specified peripheral alarm conditions should occur. This interrupt capability reduces the amount of time that the processor must spend in polling peripheral status. 111-95 111-96 2.0 Pia ARCHITECHTURE A block diagram of the zao-Plo is shown in figure 2.0-1. The internal structure of the zaO-Plo consists of a zao-cpu bus interface, internal control logic, Port A I/O logic, Port B I/O logic, and interrupt control logic. The CPU bus interface logic allows the Pia to interface directly to the zao-cpu with no other external logic. However, address decoders and/or line buffers may be required for large systems. The internal control logic synchronizes the CPU data bus to the peripheral device interfaces (Port A and Port B). The two I/O ports (A and B) are virtually identical and are used to interface directly to peripheral devices. Pia BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2.0-1 t::I-.::r-~ DATA OR CONTROL I-_~}HANDSHAKE CPU INTERFACE { DATAB~ CPU BUS 110 6 PERIPHERAL INTERFACE PIO CONTROL LINES t::I-.::r-~DATA OR CONTROL I-_~}HANDSHAKE 3 INTERRUPT CONTROL LINES The Port I/O logic is composed of 6 registers with "handshake" control logic as shown in figure 2.0-2. The registers include: an a bit data input register, an a bit data output register, a 2 bit mode control register, an a bit mask register, an a bit input/output select register, and a 2 bit mask control register. PORT I/O BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2.0-2 DATA OUTPUT REG IIBITII 181T PERIPHERAL DATA OR CONTROL BUS MASK CONTROL REG 12BITII 1-:==:>1 IINTERRUPT REQUESTS 111-97 The 2-bit mode control register is loaded by the CPU to select the desired operating mode (byte output, byte input, byte bidirectional bus, or bit control mode). All data transfer between the peripheral device and the CPU is achieved through the data input and data output registers. Data may be written into the output register by the CPU or read back to the CPU from the input register at any time. The handshake lines associated with eacn port are used to control the data transfer between the PIO and the peripheral device. . The 8-bit mask register and the 8-bit input/output select register are used only in the bit control mode. In this mode any of the 8 peripheral data or control buspins can be programmed to be an input or an output as specified by the select register. The mask register is used in this mode in conjunction with a special interrupt feature. This feature allows an interrupt to be generated when any or all of the unmasked pins reach a specified state (either high or low). The 2-bit mask control register specifies the active state desired (high or' low) and if the interrupt should be generated when all unmasked pins are active (AND Gondition) or when any unmasked pin is active (OR condition). This feature reduces the requirement for CPU status checking of the peripheral by allowing an interrupt to be automatically generated on specific peripheral status conditions. For example, in a system with 3 alarm conditions, an interrupt may be generated if anyone occurs or if all three occur. The interrupt control logic section handles all CPU interrupt protocol for nested priority interrupt structures. The priority of any device is determined by its physical location in a daisy chain configuration. Two lines are provided in each PIO to form this daisy chain. The device closest to the CPU has the highest priority. Within a PIO, Port A interrupts have higher priority than those of Port B. In the byte input, byte output or bidirectional modes, an interrupt can be generated whenever a new byte transfer is requested by the peripheral. In the bit control mode an interrupt can be generated when the peripheral status matches a programmed value. The PIO provides for complete control of nested interrupts. That is, lower priority devices may not interrupt higher priority devices that have not had their interrupt service routine completed by the CPU. Higher priority devices may interrupt the servicing of lower priority devices. When an interrupt is accepted by the CPU in mode 2, the interrupting device must provide an 8-bit interrupt vector for the CPU. This vector is used to form a pointer to a location in the computer memory where the address of the interrupt service routine is located. The 8-bit vector from the interrupting device forms the least significant 8 bits of the indirect pointer while the I Register in the CPU provides the most significant 8 bits of the pointer. Each port (A and B) has an independent interrupt vector. The least significant bit of the vector is automatically set to a a within the PIO since the pointer must point to two adjacent memory locations for a complete 16-bit address. The PIO decodes the RETI (Return from interrupt) instruction directly from the CPU data bus so that each PIO in the system knows at all times whether it is being serviced by the CPU interrupt service routine without any other communication with the CPU. 111-98 3.0 PIN DESCRIPTION A diagram of the ZSO-PIO pin configuration is shown in figure 3.0-1. This section describes the function of each pin. ZSO-CPU Data Bus (bidirectional, tristate) This bus is used to transfer all data and commands between the ZSOCPU and the ZSO-PIO. DO is the least significant bit of the bus. B/ASel Port B or A Select (input, active high) This pin defines which port will be accessed during a data transfer between the ZSO-CPU and the ZSO-PIO. A low level on this pin selects Port A while a high level selects Port B. Often Address bit AD from the CPU will be used for this selection function. C/DSel Control or Data Select (input, active high) This pin defines the type of data transfer to be performed bwtween the CPU and the PIO. A high level on this pin during a CPU write to the PIO causes the ZSO data bus to be interpreted as a command for the port selected by the B/A Select line. A low level on this pin means that the ZSO data bus is being used to transfer data between the CPU and the PIO. Often Address bit A1 from the CPU will be used for this function. CE Chip Enable (input, active low) A low level on this pin enables the PIO to accept command or data inputs from the CPU during a write cycle or to transmit data to the CPU during a read cycle. This signal is generally a decode of four I/O port numbers that encompass port A and B, data and control. System Clock(input) The ZSO-PIO uses the standard ZSO system clock to synchronize certain signals internally. This is a single phase clock. Machine Cycle One Signal from CPU (input, active low) This signal from the CPU is used as a sync pulse to control several internal PIO operations. When M1 is active and the RD signal is active, the ZSO-CPU is fetching an instruction from memory. Conversely, when M1 is active and 10RO is active, the CPU is acknowledging an interrupt. In addition, the M1 signal has two other functions within the ZSO-PIO. 1. M1 synchronizes the PIO interrupt logic. 2. When M1 occurs without an active RD or 10RQ signal the PIO logic enters a reset state. Input/Output Request from ZSO-CPU (input, active low) The 10RQ signal is used in conjunction with the B/A Select, C/D Select, CE, and RD signals to transfer commands and data between the ZSO-CPU and the ZSO-PIO. When ~, fIT) and TORTI are active, the port addressed by B/A will transfer data to the CPU (a read operation). Conversely, when CE and 10RQ are active but RD is not active, then the port addressed by B/ A will be written into from the CPU with either data or contlol information as specified by the C/D Select signal. Also, if 10RQ and iiiif are active simultaneously, the CPU is acknowledging an interrupt and the interrupting port will automatically place its interrupt vector on the CPU data bus if it is the highest device requesting an interrupt. 111-99 Read Cycle Status from the ZaD-CPU (input, active low) If RD is active a MEMORY READ or I/O READ operation is in progress. The RD signal is used with B/A Select, C/D Select, CE and 10RQ signals to transfer data from the ZaD-PIO to the ZaD-CPu. lEI Interrupt Enable In (input, active high) This signal is used to form a priority interrupt daisy chain when more than one interrupt driven device is being used. A high level on this pin indicates that no other devices of higher priority are being serviced by a CPU interrupt service routine. lEO Interrupt Enable Out (output, active high) The IEO signal is the other signal required to form a daisy chain priority scheme. It is high only if IEI is high and the CPU is not servicing an interrupt from this Pia. Thus this signal blocks lower priority devices from interrupting while a higher priority device is being serviced by its CPU interrupt service routine. Interrupt Request (output, open drain, active low) When INT is active the ZaD-PIO is requesting an interrupt from the ZaD-CPU. Port A Bus (bidirectional, tri-state) This a bit bus is used to transfer data and/or status or control information between Port A of the ZaD-PIO and a peripheral device. AD is the least significant bit of the Port A data bus. Port A Strobe Pulse from Peripheral Device (input, active low) The meaning of this signal depends on the mode of operation selected for Port A as follows: A RDY 1) Output mode: The positive edge of this strobe is issued by the peripheral to acknowledge the receipt of data made available by the Pia. 2) Input mode: The strobe is issued by the peripheral to load data from the peripheral into the Port A input register. Data is loaded into the Pia when this signal is active. 3) Bidirectional mode: When this signal is active, data from the Port A output register is gated onto Port A bidirectional data bus. The positive edge of the strobe acknowledges the receipt of the data. 4) Control mode: The strobe is inhibited internally. Register A Ready (output, active high) The meaning of this signal depends on the mode of operation selected for Port A as follows: 1) Output mode: This signal goes active to indicate that the Port A output register has been loaded and the peripheral data bus is stable and ready for transfer to the peripheral device. 2) Input mode: This signal is active when the Port A input register is empty and is ready to accept data from the peripheral device. 3) Bidirectional mode: This signal is active when data is available in Port A output register for transfer to the peripheral device. In this mode data is not placed on the Port A data bus unless A STB is active. 111-100 4) Control mode: This signal is disabled and forced to a low state. Port B Bus (bidirectional, tristate) This 8 bit bus is used to transfer data and/or status or control information between Port B of the PIO and a peripheral device. The Port B data bus is capable of supplying 1.5ma@ 1.5V to drive Darlington transistors. BO is the least significant bit of the bus. Port B Strobe Pulse from Peripheral Device (input, active low) The meaning of this signal is similar to that of A STB with the following exception: In the Port A bidirectional mode this signal strobes data from the peripheral device into the Port A input register. Register B Ready (output, active high) The meaning of this signal is similar to that of A Ready with the following exception: In the Port A bidirectional mode this signal is high when the Port A input register is empty and ready to accept data from the peripheral device. B RDY PIO PIN CONFIGURATION Figure 3.0-1 19 15 20 14 DO 01 02 CPU DATA BUS 03 04 05 06 07 PORT B/ASEL CONTROL/DATA 13 1 ~ 40 12 39 10 38 9 3 8 2 7 18 6 5 SEL zao.PIO 16 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 PORTA I/O A6 A7 ARDY Asi'B MK3881 4 PIO CONTROL CHIP ENABLE 27 M1 37 iOiffi 36 RD +5V GND 28 29 35 30 26 31 11 32 33 25 iNT INTERRUPT CONTROL AO { INT ENABLE IN INT ENABLE OUT 34 BO B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 23 24 21 22 17 111-101 BRDY Bsi'"B PORTB I/O lIi-102 4.0 PROGRAMMING THE PIO 4.1 RESET The zao-Plo automatically enters a reset state when power is applied. The reset state performs the following functions: 1) Both port mask registers are reset to inhibit all port data bits. 2) Port data bus lines are set to a high impedance state and the Ready "handshake" signals are inactive (low). Mode 1 is automatically selected. 3) The vector address registers are not reset. 4) Both port interrupt enable flfp flops are reset. 5) Both port output registers are reset. In addition to the automatic power on reset, the PIO can be reset by applying an M1 signal without the presence of a RD or 'fOR'n signal. If no RD or IORO is detected during M1 the PIO will enter the reset state immediately after the M1 signal goes inactive. The purpose of this reset is to allow a single external gate to generate a reset without a power down sequence. This approach was required due to the 40 pin packaging limitation. It is recommended that in breadboard systems and final systems with a "Reset" push button that a M1 reset be implemented for the PIO. D 7408 CPU RESET _ ___ .----PIOM1 CPU M1 A software RESET is possible as described in Section 4.4, however, use of this method during early system debug may not be desirable because of non-functional system hardware (bus buffers or memory for example). Once the PIO has entered the internal reset state it is held there until the PIO receives a control word from the CPU. 4.2 LOADING THE INTERRUPT VECTOR The PIO has been designed to operate with the zao-cpu using the mode 2 interrupt response. This mode requires that an interrupt vector be supplied by the interrupting device. This vector is used by the CPU to form the address for the interrupt service routine of that port. This vector is placed on the zao data bus during an interrupt acknowledge cycle by the highest priority device requesting service at that time. (Refer to the zao-cpu Technical Manual for details on how an interrupt is serviced by the CPU). The desired interrupt vector is loaded into the PIC by writing a control word to the desired port of the PIC with the following format: 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 00 zO I :nifies this control word is an interrupt vector 111-103 • 00 is used in this case as a flag bit which when low causes V7 thru V1 to be loaded into the vector register. At interrupt acknowledge time, the vector of the interrupting port will appear on the Z80 data bus exactly as shown in the format above. 4.3 SELECTING AN OPERATING MOOE Port A of the PIO may be operated in any of four distinct modes: Mode 0 (output model, Mode 1 (input mode), Mode 2 (bidirectional model, and Mode 3 (control mode). Note that the mode numbers have been selected for mnemonic significance; i.e. O=Out, 1=ln, 2=Bidirectional. Port B can operate in any of these modes except Mode 2. The mode of operation must be established by writing a control word to the PIO in the following format: 07 06 05 04 M1 MO x x 03 02 01 00 X=unused bit ..------~v~--------~ mode word signifies mode word to be set Bits 07 and 06 from the binary code for the desired mode according to the following table: 07 06 MOOE 0 0 o (output) 0 1 (input) 2 (bidirectional) 3 (control) a Bits 05 and 04 are ignored. Bits 03-00 must be set to 1111 to indicate "Set Mode". Selecting Mode o enables any data written. to the port output register by the CPU to be enabled onto the port data bus. 'The contents of the output register may be changed at any time by the CPU simply by writing a new data word to the port. Also the current contents of the output register may be' read back to the Z8D-CPU at any time through the execution of an input instruction. With Mode 0 active, a data write from the CPU causes the Ready handshake line of that port to go high to notify the peripheral that data is available. This signal remains high until a strobe is received froin the peripheral. The rising edge of the strobe generates an interrupt (if it has been enabled) and causes the Ready line to go inactive. This very simple handshake is similar to that used in many peripheral devices. Selecting Mode 1 puts the port into the input mode. To start handshake operation, the CPU merely performs an input read operation from the port. This activates the Ready line to the peripheral to signify that data should be loaded into the empty input register. The peripheral device then strobes data into the port input register using the strobe line. Again, the rising edge of the strobe causes an interrupt request (if it has been enabled) and deactivates the Ready signal. Oata may be strobed into the input register regardless of the state of the Ready signal if care is taken to prevent a data overrun condition. Mode 2 is a bidirectional data transfer mode which uses all four handshake lines. Therefore only Port A may be used for Mode 2 operation. Mode 2 operation uses the Port A handIII~ 104 shake signals for output control and the Port B handshake signals for input control. Thus, both A ROY and BROY may be active simultaneously. The only operational difference between Mode 0 and the output portion of Mode 2 is that data from the Port A output register is allowed on to the port data bus only when A STB is active in order to achieve a bidirectional capability. Mode 3 operation is intended for status and control applications and does not utilize the handshake signals. When Mode 3 is selected, the next control word sent to the Pia must define which of the port data bus lines are to be inputs and which are outputs. The format of the control word is shown below: 07 06 1/07 1/06 05 04 03 02 DO 01 1/00 I If any bit is set to a one, then the corresponding data bus line will be used as an input. Conversely, if the bit is reset, the line will be used as an output. Ouring Mode 3 operation the strobe signal is ignored and the Ready line is held low. Oata may be written to a port or read from a port by the Z80-CPU at any time during Mode 3 operation. (An exception to this is when Port A is in Mode 2 and Port B is in Mode 3). When reading a port, the data returned to the CPU will be composed of input data from port data bus lines assigned as inputs plus port output register data from those lines assigned as outputs. 4.4 SETTING THE INTERRUPT CONTROL WORD The interrupt control word for each port has the following format: 07 06 05 04 03 ~----~v used in Mode 3 only 02 01 DO v~--------~ signifies interrupt control word If bit 07=1 the interrupt enable flip flop of the port is set and the port may generate an interrupt. If bit 07=0 the enable flag is reset and interrupts may not be generated. If an interrupt occurs while 07=0, it will be latched internally by the Pia and passed onto the CPU when Pia Interrupts are Re-Enabled (07=1). Bits 06, 05 and 04 are used mainly with Mode 3 operation, however, setting bit 04 of the interrupt control word during any mode of operation will cause a pending interrupt to be reset. These three bits are used to allow for interrupt operation in Mode 3 when any group of the I/O lines go to certain defined states. Bit 06 (ANO/OR) defines the logical operation to be performed in port monitoring. If bit 06=1, and ANO function is specified and if 06=0, an OR function is specified. For example, if the ANO function is specified, all bits must go to a specified state before an interrupt will be generated while the OR function will generate an interrupt if any specified bit goes to the active state. Bit 05 defines the active polarity of the port data bus line to be monitored. If bit 05=1 the port data lines are monitored for a high state while if 05=0 they will be monitored for a low state. 111-105 • ;, If bit D4=1 the next control word sent to the PIO must define a mask as follows: 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Only those port lines whose mask bit is zero will be monitored for generating an interrupt. The interrupt enable flip flop of a port may be set or reset without modifying the rest of the interrupt control word by using the following command: x x ° a If an external Asynchronous interrupt could occur while the processor is writing the disable word to the PIO (03H) then a system problem may occur. If interrupts are enabled in the processor it is possible that the Asynchronous interrupt will occur while the processor is writing the disable word to the PIO. The PIO will generate an INT and the CPU will acknowledge it, however, by this time, the PIO will have received the disable word and de-activated its interrupt structure. The result is that the PIO will not send in its interrupt vector during the interrupt acknowledge cycle because it is disabled and the CPU will fetch an erroneous vector resulting in a program fault. The cure for this problem is to disable interrupts within the CPU with the DI instruction just before the PIO is disabled and then re-enable interrupts with the EI instruction_ This action causes the CPU to ignore any faulty interrupts produced by the PIO while it is being disabled. The code sequence would be: LD A,03H DI OUT (PIO),A EI DISABLE CPU DISABLE PIO ENABLE CPU 111-106 5.0 TIMING 5.1 OUTPUT MODE (MODE 0) Figure 5.0-1a illustrates the timing associated with Mode 0 operation. An 0!:!!e.ut cycle is always started by the execution of an output instruction by the CPU. A WR* pulse is generated by the PIO during a CPU I/O write operation and is used to latch the data from the CPU data bus into addressed port's (A or B) output register. The rising edge of the WR* pulse then raises the READY line after the next falling edge of q, to indicate that data is available for the peripheral device. In most systems, the rising edge of the READY signal can be used as a latchin!l si!lnal in the peripheral device. The READY signal will remain active until a positive edge is received from the STROBE line indicating that the peripheral has taken the data shown in Figure 5.0-1 a. If already active, READY will be forced low 1Y:. q, cycles after the falling edge of 10RO if the port's output register is written into. READY will return high on the first falling edge of q, after the rising edge of 10RO as shown in figure 5.0-1b. This action guarantees that READY is low while port data is changing and that a positive edge is generated on READY whenever an Output instruction is executed. MODE 0 (OUTPUT)TIMING MODE 0 (OUTPUT) TIMING Figure 5.0-1a Figure 5.0-1b T2 TW T3 T1 T2 1W 1'3 T1

.,..._- PORT OUTPUT 18 BITS) 18 BITS) READY ---+v-'----+-------- READY STROBE "1", - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STROBE INT "1" INT WR* = RD' CEo CtD . iORa By connecting READY to STROBE a positive pulse with a duration of one clock period can be created as shown in Figure 5.0-1c. The positive edge of READY/STROBE will not generate an interrupt because the positive portion of STROBE is less than the width of M 1 and as such will not generate an interrupt due to the internal logic configuration of the PIO. If the PIO is not in a reset status (i.e. a control mode has been selected), the output register may be loaded before Mode 0 is selected. This allows port output lines to become active in a user defined state. For example, assume the outputs are desired to become active in a logic one state, the following would be the initialization sequence: a) PIO RESET b) Load Interrupt Vector c) Select Mode 1 (input) (automatic due ro RESET) d) Write FF to Data Port e) Select Mode 0 (Outputs go to "1'5") f) Enable Interrupt if desired 111-107 MODE 0 (OUTPUT) TIMING· READY TIED TO STROBE Figure 5.0-1c T2 PORT OUTPUT iBBITS) 1'3 T1 ------..,.......1---1--+------ \'-_.-JJ Ml INT 1W , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ WR *= RD • CE' CiD . iORci 5.2 INPUT MODE (MODE 1) .," 't'. Figure 5.0-2 illustrates the timing of an input cycle. The peripheral initiates this cycle using The STROBE line after the CPU has performed a data read. A low level on this line loads data into the port input register and the rising edge of the STROBE line activates the interrupt request line (INT) if the interrupt enable is set and this is the highest priority requesting device. The next falling edge of the clock line (cI» will then reset the READY line to an inactive state signifying that the input register is full and further loading must be inhibited until the CPU reads the data. The CPU will in the course of its interrupt service routine, read the data from the interrupting port. When this occurs, the positive edge from the CPU RD signal will raise the READY line with the next low going transition of cI>, indicating that new data can be loaded into the PIO. Since RESET causes READY to go Iowa dummy Input instruction may be needed in some systems to cause READY to go high the first time in order to start "handshaking". MODE 1 (INPUT) TIMING MODE 1 (iNPUT) TIMING (NO STROBE INPUT) Figure 5.0-2a Figure 5.0-2b PORT INPUT (SRITS) -----\-~--\_,~-----­ ·.,..".. ..0 .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ '" ..,. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MODE 1 (INPUT) TIMING (NO STROBE INPUT) If already active, READY will be forced low one and one-half cI> periods following the falling edge of IORO during a read of a PIO port as shown in Figure 5.0·2b. If the user strobes data into the PIO only when READY is high, the forced state of READY will prevent input register data from changing while the CPU is reading the PIO. Ready will go high again after the rising edge of the IORO as previously described. a 111·108 5.3 BIDIRECTIONAL MODE (MODE 2) This mode is merely a combination of Mode 0 and Mode 1 using all four handshake lines. Since it requires all four lines, it is available only on Port A. When this mode is used on Port A, Port B must be set to the Bit Control Mode. The same interrupt vector will be returned for a Mode 3 interrupt on Port B and an input transfer interrupt during Mode 2 operation of Port A. Ambiguity is avoided if Port B is operated in a polled mode and the Port B mask register is set to inhibit all bits. Furthermore, interrupts from Port B (Mode 3)will not be generated wl1eR Port A is programmed for Mode 2, as B5TB would have to be active (low) in order to generate interrupts. (BSfB is normally high). Figure 5.0-3 illustrates the timing for this mode. It is almost identical to that previously describec;l for Mode 0 and Mode 1 with the Port A handshake lines used for output control and the Port B 'Iines used for input control. The difference between the two modes is that, in Mode 2, data is allowed Out onto the bus only when the A STROBE is low. The rising edge of this strobe can be used to latch the data into the peripheral since the data will remain stable until after this edge. The input portion of Mode 2 operates identically to Mode 1. Note that both Port A and Port B. m.ust have their interrupts enabled to achieve an interrupt driven bidirectional transfer. PORT A, MODE 2 (BIDIRECTIONAL) TIMING Figure 5.0-3 WR* ARDY ASTB ~RTA _______________________{:~~~~------~ DATA BUS INT B STB B ROY RD The peripheral must not gate data onto a port data bus while A STB is active. Bus contention is avoided if the peripheral uses B STB to gate input data onto the bus. The PIO uses the B STB low level to sample this data. The PIO has been designed with' a zero hold time requirement for the data when latching in this mode so that this simple gating structure can be used by the peripheral. That is, the data can be disabled from the bus immediately after the strobe rising edge. Note that if A STB is low during a read operation of Port A (in response to a B STB interrupt) the data in the output register will be read by the CPU instead of the correct data in the data input register. The correct data is latched in the input register it just cannot be read by the CPU while A STB is low. If the A STB signal could go low during a CPU Read, it should be blocked from reaching the A STB input of the PIO while BRDY is low (the CPU read will occur while BRDY is low as the RD signal returns BRDY high). 111-109 • 5.4 CONTROL MODE (MODE 3) The control mode does not utilize the handshake signals and a normal port write or port read can be executed at any time. When writing, the data will be latched into output registers with the same timing as Mode O. A ROY will be forced low whenever Port A is operated in Mode 3. B ROY will be held low whenever Port B is operated in Mode 3 unless Port A is in Mode 2.ln the latter case, the state of B RDY will not be affected. When reading the PIO, the data returned to the CPU will be composed of output register data from those port data lines assighed as outputs and input register data from those port data lines assigned as inputs. The-lr:!put register will contain data which was present immediately prior to the falling edge of RD. See Figure 5.0-4. MODE 3 TIMING Figure 5.0-4a Tl TW* T3 X X PORT V DATABUS _____________.A~---D-A-T-A-W-O-R-D-l--~,~--DA-T-A-W-O-R-D __ 2 __J~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ t INT DATA MATCH OCCURS ~ERE \ .......-------+"il} ) (~' - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- J DATA IN *Timing Diagram Refers to Bit Mode Read L }I------------------------------- DATA WORD 1 PLACED ON BUS An interrupt will be generated if interrupts from the port are enabled and the data on the port data lines satisfies the logical equation defined by the 8-bit mask control registers. Another interrupt will not be generated until a change occurs in the status of the logical equation. A Mode 3 interrupt will be generated only if the result of a Mode 3 logical operation changes from false to true. For example, assume that the Mode 3 logical equation is an "OR" function; An unmasked port data line becomes active and an interrupt is requested. If a second unmasked port data line becomes active concurrently with the first, a new interrupt will not be requested since a change in the result of the Mode 3 logical operation has not occurred. Note· that port pins defined as outputs can contribute to the logical equation if their bit positions are unmasked. I f the result of a logical operation becomes true immediately prior to or during M 1, an interrupt will be requested after the trailing edge of M1, provided the logical equation remains true after M 1 returns high. 111-110 Figure 5.0-4b is an example of Mode 3 interrupts. The port has been placed in Mode 3 and a R logic selected and signals are defined to be high. All but bits AO and A 1 are masked out and are not monitored thereby creating a two input positive logic OR gate. In the timing diagram AO is shown going high and creating an interrupt (INT goes low) and the CPU responds with an Interrupt Acknowledge cycle (lNTA). The Pia port with its interrupt pending sends in its Vector and the CPU goes off into the Interrupt Service Routine. AO is shown going inactive either by itself or perhaps as a result of action taken in the Interrupt Service Routine (making the logical equation false). An arrow is shown at the point in time where the Service Routine issues the RETI instruction which clears the Pia interrupt structure. A 1 is next shown going high making the logical equation-true and generating another interrupt. Two important points need to be made from this example: 1) A 1 must not go high before AO goes low or else the logical equation will not go false - a requirement fo' A 1 to be able to generate an interrupt. 2) In order for Alto generate an interrupt it must be high after the RETI issued by AO's Service Routine clears the Pia's Interrupt structure. In other words, if A 1 were a positive pulse that occurred after AO went low (to make the equation false) and went low before the RETI had cleared the Interrupt Structure it would have been missed. The logic equation must become false after the INTA for AD's service and then must be true or go true after RETI clears the previous interrupt for another interrupt to occur. MODE 3 EXAMPLE Figure 5.0-4b EQUATION TRUE AO A1 ~~==D--INTERRUPT INT INTA 111-111 111·112 6.0 INTERRUPT SERVICING Some time after an interrupt is requested by the Pia, the CPU will send out an interrupt acknowledge (M1 and IORO). During this time the interrupt logic of the Pia will determine the highest priority port which is requesting an interrupt. (This is simply the device with its Interrupt Enable Input high and its Interrupt Enable Output low). To insure that the daisy chain enable lines stabilize, devices are inhibited from changing their interrupt request status when M 1 is active. The highest priority device places the contents of its interrupt vector register onto the Z80 data bus during interrupt acknowledge. Figure 6.0-1 illustrates the timing associated with interrupt requests. During M 1 time, no new interrupt requests can be generated. This gives time for the Int Enable signals to ripple through up to four Pia circuits. The Pia with lEI high and lEO low during INTA will place the 8-bit interrupt vector of the appropriate port on the data bus at this time. If an interrupt requested by the Pia is acknowledged, the requesting port is 'under service'. I EO of this port will remain low until a return from interrupt instruction (R ETI) is executed while I E I of the port is high. If an interrupt request is not acknowledged, I EO will be forced high for one M1 cycle after the Pia decodes the opcode 'ED'. This action guarantees that the two byte RETI instruction is decoded by the proper Pia port. See Figure 6.0-2. INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE TIMING Figure 6.0·1 LASTT STATE INT lORa } r------ IORQANDMi INDICATE INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE IINTA) Ml lEO lEI " 1 " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RETURN FROM INTERRUPT CYCLE Figure 6.0-2 \~_--,I I \ I \ I DO-D7-----~~~--------~G Ml \ RD lEI ,-----------, lEO of higher priority PIO going high to - - - - - - - - - allow lower priority device to decode RETI. Higher priority device is not under service. I lEO 111-113 DAISY CHAIN INTERRUPT SERVICING F igu re 6.0-3 HIGHEST PRIORITY PORT "1" HI 1. PRIORITY INTERRUPT DAISY CHAIN BEFORE ANY INTERRUPT OCCURS. 2. PORT 2A REQUESTS AN INTERRUPT AND IS ACKNOWLEDGED. UNDER SERVICE SERVICE SUSPENDED 3. PORT 1B INTERRUPTS, SUSPENDS SERVICING OF PORT 2A. SERVICE COMPLETE r----, SERVICE RESUMED HI 4. PORT 1B SERVICE ROUTINE COMPLETE, "RETI" ISSUED, PORT 2A SERVICE RESUMED. 5. SECOND "RETI" INSTRUCTION ISSUED ON COMPLETION OF PORT 2A SERVICE ROUTINE. Figure 6.0-3 illustrates a typical nested interrupt sequence that could occur with four ports connected in the daisy chain. In this sequence Port 2A requests and is granted an interrupt. While this port is being serviced, a higher priority port (18) requests and is granted an interrupt. The service routine for the higher priority port is completed and a RETI instruction is executed to indicate to the port that its routine is complete. At this time the service routine of the lower priority .port is completed. 111-114 7.0 APPLICATIONS 7.1 EXTENDING THE INTERRUPT DAISY CHAIN Without any external logic, a maximum of four Z80-P10 devices may be daisy chained into a priority interrupt structure. This limitation is required so that the interrupt enable status (lEO) ripples through the entire chain between the beginning of M1, and the beginning of mRTI during an interrupt acknowledge cycle. Since the interrupt enable status cannot change during M1, the vector address returned to the CPU is assured to be from the highest priority device which requested an interrupt. If more than four PIO devices must be accommodated, a "look-ahead" structure may be used as shown in figure 7.0-1. With this technique more than thirty PIO's may be chained . together using standard TTL logic. A METHOD OF EXTENDING THE INTERRUPT PRIORITY DAISY CHAIN Figure 7.0-1 Z80CPU ~~ __L-__-L__ ~~ __ ~ ____________-L____ DATA ~ ____L-__ ~ ____- - , BUS 7.2 I/O DEVICE INTERFACE In this example, the Z80-P10 is connected to an I/O terminal device which communicates over an 8 bit parallel bidirectional data bus as illustrated in figure 7.0-2. Mode 2 operation (bidirectional) is selected by sending the following control word to Port A: EXAMPLE I/O INTERFACE Figure 7.0-2 07 06 05 04 o x x 03 02 01 DO ~------~v~--------~ MODE CONTROL 111-115 EXAMPLE 1/0 INTERFACE Figure 7.0-2 ARDY .-. ASTB BROY ~ BSTB ,~ 1 0 S T B DATA BUS lORa Z8G-CPU M1 MK3880 -INT ~ ADDRESS --"- , Z8G-PIO ...,. MK3881 0 R a 0 B/A c/o }, ) I/O TERMINAL CE I' f-- BUS DECODER Next, the proper interrupt vector is loaded (refer to CPU Manual for details on the operation of the interrupt). V6 V5 0 R c v PORT DATA BUS ADDRESS BUS V7 ,~ \~ V4 ·1 V3 I. V2 V1 o I nterrupts are then enabled by the rising edge of the first M 1 after the interrupt mode word is set unless that M 1 defines an interrupt acknowledge cycle. I f a mask follows the interrupt mode word, interrupts are enabled by the rising edge of the first M1 following the setting of the mask. Data can now be transferred between the peripheral and the CPU. The timing for this transfer is as described in Section 5.0. 7.3 CONTROL INTERFACE A typical control mode application is illustrated in figure 7.0-3. Suppose an industrial process is to be monitored. The occurrence of any abnormal operating condition is to be reported to a zaO-cpu based control system. The process control and status word has the following format: 111-116 0 A v 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO CONTROL MODE APPLICATION Figure 7.0-3 PORTA BUS INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING SYSTEM Z80-PIO MK3881 Z80-CPU MK3880 AO-A1S ADDRESS DECODER The PIO may be used as follows. First Port A is set for Mode 3 operation by writing the following control word to Port A. 07 06 05 04 x X 03 02 01 DO Whenever Mode 3 is selected, the next control word sent to the port must be an I/O select word. In this example we wish to select port data lines A5, A3, and AO as inputs and so the following control word is written: 07 06 o o 05 04 03 o 111-117 02 01 o o DO Next the desired interrupt vector must be loaded (refer to the CPU manual for details); 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 VO An interrupt control word is next sent to the port: D7 D6 D5 D4 0 Enable Interrupts OR Logic D3 I Active High D2 D1 DO 0 \ I y Mask Follows I Interrupt Control The mask word following the interrupt mode word is: D7 D6 D5 D4 o D3 D2 D1 o DO o Selects A5, A3 and AO to be monitored Now, if a sensor puts a high level on line A5, A3, or AO, an interrupt request will be generated. The mask word may seleGt any combination of inputs or outputs to cause an interrupt. For example, if the mask word above had been: D7 o D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 o o D1 DO o then an interrupt request would also occur if bit A7 (special Test) of the output register was set. Assume that the following port assignments are to be used: EOH= E 1H= E2H= E3H= Port Port Port Port A Data B Data A Control B Control All port numbers are in hexadecimal notation. This particular assignment of port numbers is convenient since AO of the address bus can be used as the Port B/A Select and A1 of the address bus can be used as the Control/Data Select. The Chip Enable would be the decode of CPU address bits A7 thru A2 (111000). Note that if .only a few peripheral devices are being used, a Chip Enable decode may not be required since a higher order address bit could be used directly. 111-118 8.0 PROGRAMMING SUMMARY 8.1 LOAD INTERRUPT VECTOR V7 V6 VS V4 x x V3 V2 V1 o 8.2 SET MODE M1 MO MODE NUMBER 0 1 M1 MO 0 0 0 0 2 3 MODE Output Input Bidirectional Bit Control When selecting Mode 3, the next word to the PIO must set the 1/0 Register: 11/071 1/061 I/OS I 1/0 4 1 1/03 1 1/021 1/01 11/00 110 = 1 Sets bit to Input 1/0 = 0 Sets bit to Output 8.3 SET INTERRUPT CONTROL USED IN MODE 3 ONLY 111-119 I If the "mask follows" bit is high, the next control word written to thePIO must be the mask: MB = 0, Monitor bit MB = 1, Mask bit from being monitored Also, the interrupt enable flip flop of a port may be set or reset without modifying the rest of the interrupt control word by using the following command: x x o 111-120 o 9.0 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 9.1 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Specified operating range. -65°e to +150o e -O.3V to +7V Temperature Under Bias Storage Temperature Voltage On Any Pin With Respect To Ground Power Dissipation .6W 9.2 D. C. CHARACTERISTICS Table 9.2·1 TA = ooe to 70oe, =5 V ± Vee Symbol 5% unless otherwise specified Parameter Min Max Unit VILC Clock Input Low Voltage ·0.3 0.80 V VIHC Clock Input High Voltage VIL Input Low Voltage VCC-·6 -0.3 VCC+·3 0.8 V VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 VOL Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage VCC 0.4 2.4 VOH 70' ICC III Power Supply Current ILOH Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float 10 ILOL ILD Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float -10 Data Bus Leakage Current in Input Mode ±10 IOHD Darlington Drive Current ± Input Leakage Curre':1t 10 Test Condition I) V V IOL = 2.0mA V IOH = -250JlA mA JlA JlA JlA JlA -1.5 mA Unit Test Condition VIN= 0 to VCC VOUT=2.4 to VCC VOUT - 0.4 V a.;;V IN<;V CC VOW 1.5V Port B Only • 150mA for -4, -10, and -20 devices. 9.3 CAPACITANCE Table 9.3-1 TA = 25°e, f = 1 MHz Symbol Parameter Max C.p Clock Capacitance 10 pF Unmeasured Pins CIN Input Capacitance Output Capaci tance 5 pF Returned to Ground 10 pF COUT *Comment Stresses above those listed under" Absolute Maximum Rating" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliabil ity. 111-121 --io. Z80-PIO 9.4A A.C. CHARACTERISTICS MK3881. MK3881-1 o. MK3881 T A= Doe to 7Doe. Vee = +5V ± 5%. unless otherwise noted Table 9.4-1A SIGNAL tc C/O SEL tw (H) tw (L) t .. tf Any Hold Time for Specified Set·Up Time Control Signal Set·up Time to Rising Edge of Ouring Write or MT tOI(D) 0 0 -0 7 10RO UNIT 170 t5 During Read or Write. nsec 250 nsec 210 nsec 240 nsec [5J [5J C L [5J = 50pF Cycle -M1 ts (M1) M1 Set-Up Time to Rising Edge of Ouring ii\iTA or M1 Cycle. See Note B. RD ts (RO) RO Set-Up Time to Rising Edge of Ouring Read or M1· Cycle ts (PO) tos (PO) AO-A7 BO-B7 tF (PO) . Port Data Set-Up Time to Rising Edge of ~ (Mode 1) Port Oata Output Oelay from Falling Edge of STROBE (Mode 2) 230 nsec nsec [5J Oelay to Floating Port Data Bus from Rising Edge of 200 nsec CL 200 nsec [5J Port Oata Stable from Rising Edge of 10RO During 1iiiR Cycle (Mode 0) ASTB BSTB tw (ST) Pulse Width, INT to (IT) AROY BROY ST'ROliE nsec nsec 150 [4J INT Delay Time from Rising Edge of STR'6'BE INT Delay Time from Data Match During Mode 3 Operation 490 nsec to (lT3) 420 nsec tOH (RY) Ready Response Time from Rising Edge of 10RO nsec tOL (RY) Ready Response Time from Rising Edge of STROBE t c+ 460 t c+ 400 A. 2.5tc >(N-2hOL (l0)+ tOM (10) +tS(lEI) + TTL Buffer Delay, if any B. = 50pF ST'ROliE (Mode 2) tOI (PO) -- 260 M1 must be active for a minimum of 2 clock periods to reset the PIO. [1J tc = tw (H) + tw (L) + tr + tf [2J Increase tOR(O) by 10 nsec for each 50pF increase in loading up to 200pF max. [3J Increase tOi (D) by 10 nsec for each 50pF increase in loading up to 200pF max. [4J For Mode 2: tw (ST):>tS(PO) [5J Increase these values by 2 nseC for each 10pF increase in loadin~ up to 100pF max. 111-122 nsec [5J CL [5J = 50pF 9.4B A.C. CHARACTERISTICS MK3881-4, Z80A-PIO Table 9.4-1B T A=O°C to 70o e, Vce = +5V:!; 5%, unless otherwise noted SIGNAL 4> C/D SEL nsec nsec nsec nsec Clock Period 250 [1] Clock Pulse Width, Clock High 105 2000 tw (4)l) Clock Pulse Width, Clock Low 105 t" tf Clock Rise and Fall Times th Any Hold Time for Specified Set-Up Time 0 nsec ts 4>(CS) Control Signal Set-Up Time to Rising Edge of 4> During 145 nsec 2000 30 COMMENTS Read or Write CY,cle 380 nsec nsec Data Output Delay from Falling edge of 10RO During INTA 250 nsec tF (D) Cycle Delay to Floating Bus (Output Bufler Disable Time) 110 nsec tS(lEJ) I EI Set-Up Time to Falling edge of 10RO during INTA Cycle tDH (10) lEO Delay Time from Rising Edge of lEI 160 tDL (10) lEO Delay Time from Falling Edge of lEI lEO Delay from Falling Edge of M1 (Interrupt Occurring Just 130 190 tDR(D) Data Output Delay Fr"m Falling Edge of RD ts 4>(D) Data Set-Up Time to Rising Edge of 4> During Write or tDi (D) 50 M1 Cycle tDM (10) Prior to 10RO UNIT tw (4)H) DO-D7 lEO MAX tc CE ETC. lEI MIN PARAMETER SYMBOL ts 4>(lR) Ml) [2] Cl [3] = 50p~ nsec· 140 nsec nsec nsec [5] [5] C L [5] = 50pF See Note A. iORQ Set-Up Time to Rising Edge of 4>During Read or 115 nsec 90 nsec 115 nsec Write Cycle M1 ts 4>(M1) iiii1 Set-Up Time to Rising Edge of 4> During INTA or M1 Cycle. See Note B. RD ts 4>(RD) RD Set-Up Time to Rising Edge of 4>During Read or M1 Cycle ts (PD) Port Data Set-Up Time to Rising Edge of STROBE (MODE 1) tDS (PD) Port Data Output Delay from Falling Edge of STROBE 210 nsec [5] 180 nsec CL 180 nsec [5] (Mode 2) A O-A 7 , BO-B7 nsec 230 tF (PD) Delay to Floating Port Data Bus from Rising Edge of STROBE = 50pF (Mode 2) ASTB tDi (PD) Port Data Stable from Rising Edge of IORO During WR Cycle (Mode 0) tw (ST) Pulse Width, STROBE 150 INT ARBY, nsec nsec [4J BTSB -INT Delay Time from Rising Edge of STROBE INT Delay Time from Data Match During Mode 3 Operation 440 tD ilT3) tDH (RY) Ready Response Time from Rising Edge of IORO tc + 410 nsec t c+ nsec tD lIT) BRDY tDL (flY) Ready Response Time from Rising Edge of STROBE 380 360 A. 2.5t c >(N-2ltDL(l0)+ tDM (10) + tS(lEJ) + TTL Buffer Delay, if any B. M1 must be active for a minimum of 2 clock periods to reset the PIO. [1] tc = tw (4) H) + tw (4)L) + tr + tf [2J Increase tDR(D) by 10 nsec for each 50pF increase in loading up to 200pF max. [3J Increase tDI (D) by 10 nsec for each 50pF increase in loading up to 200pF max. [4] For Mode 2.: tw (ST»tS(PD) [5J Increase these values by 2 nsec for each 10pF increase in loading up to 100pF max. 111-123 nsec nsec [5] CL [5J = 50pF OUTPUT LOAD CIRCUIT TEST POINT Figure 9.4-1 lN914 OR EQUIVALENT CL- 60pF on Do-D7 CR 2 CL= SOpF on All Others CRa 9.5 TIMING DIAGRAM Timing measurements are made at the following voltages, unless otherwise specified: "'" CLOCK OUTPUT INPUT FLOAT IE. - tOlUOI- ---,~,~:,~1-------­ READY fA ROY OR BROY} - SfRO"Br (A 5TB OR B STB) (MODE 2) (MODE 1) MODE 3) 111-124 ,",IAYI - J~LIRYI 4.2V 2.0V 2.0y t:N "0" O.BV O.BV O.8V +O.5V 10.0 ORDERING INFORMATION PART NO. DESIGNATOR PACKAGE TYPE MAX CLOCK FREQUENCY MK3881N Z80-PIO Plastic 2.5 MHz MK3881P Z80-PIO Ceramic 2.5 MHz MK3881J Z80-PIO Cerdip 2.5 MHz MK3881N-4 Z80A-PIO Plastic 4.0 MHz MK3881P-4 Z80A-PIO Ceramic 4.0 MHz MK3881J-4 Z80A-PIO Cerdip 4.0 MHz MK3881P-l0 Z80-PIO Ceramic 4.0 MHz 111-125 TEMPERATURE RANGE 0° to 70°C _40° to +85°C 111-126 Z8D MICROCOMPUTER DEVICES Technical Manual MI(3882 COUNTER TIMER CIRCUIT 111-127 111-128 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 111-131 2.0 CTC ARCHITECTURE ................................................................... 111-133 3.0 CTC PIN DESCRIPTION ................................................................. 111-137 4.0 CTC OPERATING MODES .............................................................. 111-141 5.0 CTC PROGRAMMING .................................................................. 111-143 6.0 CTC TIMING .......................................................................... 111-149 7.0 CTC INTERRUPT SERVICING ............................................................ 111-153 8.0 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ....................................................... 111-157 111-129 111-130 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Z80-Counter Timer Circuit (CTC) is a programmable component with four independent channels that provide counting and timing functions for microcomputer systems based on the zao-cpu. The CPU can configure the CTC channels to operate under various modes and conditions as required to interface with a wide range of devices. In most applications, little or no external logic is required. The Z80-CTC utilizes N-channel silicon gate depletion load technology and is packaged in a 28-pin DIP. The Z80-CTC requires only a single 5 volt supply and a one-phase 5 volt clock. Major features of the Z80-CTC include: • All inputs and outputs fully TTL compatible. • Each channel may be selected to operate in either Counter Mode or Timer Mode. • Used in either mode, a CPU-readable Down Counter indicates number of counts-to-go until zero. • A Time Constant Register can automatically reload the Down Counter at Count Zero in Counter and Timer Mode. • Selectable positive or negative trigger initiates time operation in Timer Mode. The same input is monitored for event counts in Counter Mode. • Three channels have Zero Count/Timeout outputs capable of driving Darlington transistors. • Interrupts may be programmed to occur on the zero count condition in any channel. • Daisy chain priority interrupt logic included to provide for automatic interrupt vectoring without external logic. 111-131 111-132 2.0 CTC ARCHITECTURE 2.1 OVERVIEW A block diagram of the Z80-CTC is shown in Figure 2.0-1. The internal structure of the Z80-CTC consists of a Z80-CPU bus interface, Internal Control Logic, four sets of CounterfTimer Channel Logic, and Interrupt Control Logic. The four independent counter/timer channels are identified by sequential numbers from 0 to 3. The CTC has the capability of generating a unique interrupt vector for each separate channel (for automatic vectoring to an interrupt service routine). The 4 channels can be connected into four contiguous slots in the standard Z80 priority chain with channel number 0 having the highest priority.The CPU bus interface logic allows the CTC device to interface directly to the CPU with no other external logic. However, port address decoders and/or. line buffers may be required for large systems. ZSO-CTC BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2.0-1 +5V GND 'I' 1 1 1 f-- ZERO COUNT/TIMEOUT 0 CHANNEL 0 INTERNAL I-- CLOCK!TRIGGER 0 CONTROL LOGIC DATA CONTROL ....... CPU 8 BUS -- I/O 6 1T CHANNELl INTERNAL BUS 11 INTERRUPT CONTROL LOGIC CHANNEL 2 --- ZERO COUNT/TIMEOUT 1 -- CLOCK/TRIGGER 1 --- ZERO COUNT!TIMEOUT 2 -- CLOCK/TRIGGER 2 -- CLOCK/TRIGGER 3 1 3 INTERRUPT CONTROL LINES CHANNEL 3 2.2 STRUCTURE OF CHANNEL LOGIC The structure of one of the four sets of CounterfTimerChannel Logic is shown in Figure 2.0-2. This logic is composed of 2 registers, 2 counters and control logic. The registers are an 8-bit Time Constant Register and an 8-bit Channel Control Register. The counters are an 8-bit CPU-readable Down Counter and an 8-bit Prescaler. CHANNEL BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2.0-2 CHANNEL CONTROL REGISTER TIME CONSTANT REGISTER (8 BITS) AND lOGIC (S BITS) , INTERNAL BUS ZERO COUNTI -I' DOWN COUNTER PRESCAlER (8 BITS) (SBITS) EXTERNAL CLOCK/TIMER TRIGGER 111-133 I TIMED UT 2.2.1 THE CHANNEL CONTROL REGISTER AND LOGIC The Channel Control Register (8-bit) and Logic is written to by the CPU to select the modes and parameters of the channel. Within the entire eTC device there are four such registers, corresponding to the four Counter/Timer Channels. Which of the four is being written to depends on the encoding of two channel select input pins: CSO and CS1 (usually attached to AO and A 1 of the CPU address bus). This is illustrated in the truth table below: ChO Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 CS1 0 0 CSO 0 1 0 1 1 1 In the control word written to program each Channel Control Register, bit 0 is always set, and the other 7 bits are programmed to select alternatives on the channel's operating modes and parameters, as shown in the diagram below. (For a more complete discussion see section 4.0: "CTC Operating Modes" and section 5.0: "CTC Programming. ") CHANNEL CONTROL REGISTER USED IN TIMER MODE ONLY 2.2.2 THE PRESCALER Used in the Timer Mode only, the Prescaler is an 8-bit device which can be programmed by the CPU via the Channel Control Register to divide its input, the System Clock (<1>), by 16 or 256. The output of the Prescaler is then fed as an input to clock the Down Counter, which initially, and every time it clocks down to zero, is reloaded automatically with the contents of the Time Constant Register. In effect this again divides the System Clock by an additional factor of the time constant. Every time the Down Counter counts down to zero, its output, Zero Count/Timeout (ZC/TOl, is pulsed high. 2.2.3 TAE TIME CONSTANT REGISTER The Time Constant Register is an 8-bit register, used in both Counter Mode and Timer Mode, programmed by the CPU just after the Channel Control Word with an integer time constant value of 1 through 256. This register loads the programmed value into the Down Counter when the CTC is first initialized and reloads the same value into the Down Counter automatically whenever it counts down thereafter to zero. If a new time constant is loaded into the Time Constant Register while a channel is counting or timing, the present down count will be completed before the new time constant is loaded into the Down Counter. (For details of how a time constant is written to a CTC channel, see section 5.0: "CTC Programming. ") 111-134 2.2.4 THE DOWN COUNTER The Down Counter is an 8-bit register used in both Counter Mode and Timer Mode loaded initially, and later when it counts down to zero, by the Time Constant Register. The Down Counter is decremented by each external clock edge in the Counter Mode, or in the Timer Mode, by the clock output of the Prescaler. At any time, by performing a simple I/O Read at the port address assigned to the selected CTC channel, the CPU can access the contents of this register and obtain the number of counts-to-zero. Any CTC channel may be programmed to generate an interrupt request sequence each time the zero count is reached. I n channels 0, 1, and 2, when the zero count condition is reached, a signal pulse appears at the corresponding ZC/TO pin. Due to package pin limitations, however, channel 3 does not have this pin and so may be used only in applications where this output pulse is not required. 2.3 INTERRUPT CONTROL LOGIC The I nterrupt Control Logic insures that the CTC acts in accordance with Z80 system interrupt protocol for nested priority interrupting and return from interrupt. The priority of any system device is determined by its physical location in a daisy chain configuration. Two signal lines (lEI and lEO) are provided in CTC devices to form this system daisy chain. The device closest to the CPU has the highest priority; within the CTC, interrupt priority is predetermined by channel number, with channel 0 having highest priority down to channel 3 which has the lowest priority. The purpose of a CTC-generated interrupt, as with any other peripheral device, is to force the CPU to execute an interrupt service routine. According to Z80 system interrupt protocol, lower priority devices or channels may not interrupt higher priority devices or channels that have already interrupted and have not had their interrupt service routines completed. However, high priority devices or channels may interrupt the servicing of lower priority devices or channels. A CTC channel may be programmed to request an interrupt every time its Down Counter reaches a count of zero. (To utilize this feature requires that the CPU be programmed for interrupt mode 2.) Some time after the interrupt request, the CPU will send out an interrupt acknowledge, and the CTC's Interrupt Control Logic will determine the highest-priority channel which is requesting an interrupt within the CTC device. Then if the CTC's I E I input is active, indicating that it has priority within the system daisy chain, it will place an 8-bit Interrupt Vector on the system data bus. The high-order 5 bits of this vector will have been written to the CTC earlier as part of the CTC initial programming process; the next two bits will be provided by the CTC's Interrupt Control Logic as a binary code corresponding to the highest-priority channel requesting an interrupt; finally the low-order bit of the vector will always be zero according to a convention described below. INTERRUPT VECTOR 07 D6 D5 V7 V6 V5 04 V4 D3 D2 D1 DO V3 X X 0 I I 0 0 1 0 1 0 CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL 0 1 2 3 This interrupt vector is used to form a pointer to a location in memory where the address of the interrupt service routine is stored in a table. The vector represents the least significant 8 bits, while the CPU reads the contents of the I register to provide the most significant 8-bits of the 16-bit pointer. The address in memory pointed to will contain the low-order byte, and the next highest address will contain the highorder byte of an address which in turn contains the first opcode of the interrupt service routine. Thus in mode 2, a single 8-bit vector stored in an interrupting CTC can result in an indirect call to any memory location. 111-135 zao 16-BIT POINTER (INTERRUPT STARTING ADDRESS) I REG CONTENTS 2_3 INTERRUPT CONTROL LOGIC (Cont'd) There is a Z80 system convention that all addresses in the interrupt service routine table shoLJld have their low-order byte in an even location in memory, and their high-order byte in the next highest location in memory, which will always be odd so that the least significant bit of any interrupt vector ,wi II always be even. Hence the least significant bit of any interrupt vector will always be zero. The RETI instruction is used at the end of any interrupt service routine to initialize the daisy chain enable line I EO for proper control of nested priority interrupt handing. The CTC monitors the system data bus and decodes this instruction when it occurs. Thus the CTC channel control logic will know when the CPU has completed servicing an interrupt, without any further communication with the CPU being necessary. 111-136 3.0 CTC PIN DESCRIPTION A diagram of the Z80·CTC pin configuration is shown in Figure 3.0-1. This section describes the function of each pin. 07· DO Z80·CPU Data Bus (bi·directional, tri·state) This bus is used to transfer all data and command words between the Z80·CPU and the Z80·CTC. There are 8 bits on this bus, of which DO is the least significant. CS1 . CSO Channel Select (input, active high) These pins form a 2·bit binary address code for selecting one of the four independent CTC channels for an I/O Write or Read (See truth table below.) ChO Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 CS1 0 0 CSO 0 1 1 0 1 1 CE Chip Enable (input, active low) A low level on this pin enables the CTC to accept control words, Interrupt Vectors, or time constant data. words from the Z80 Data Bus during an I/O Write cycle, or to transmit the contents of the Down Counter to the CPU during an I/O Read cycle. In most applications this signal is decoded from the 8 least signifi· cant bits of the address bus for any of the four I/O port addresses that are mapped to the four Counter/ Timer Channels. Clock (<1» System Clock (input) This single·phase clock is used by the CTC to synchronize certain signals internally. M1 Machine Cycle One Signal from CPU (input, active low) When liif'i is active and the R 0 signal is active, the CPU is fetching an instruction from memory. When M 1 is active and the 10RO signal is active, the CPU is acknowledging an interrupt, alerting the CTC to place an Interrupt Vector on the Z80 Data Bus if it has daisy chain priority and one of its channels has requested an interrupt. 10RO Input/Output Request from CPU (input, active low) The IORO signal is used in conjunction with the CE and RD signals to transfer data and Channel Control Words between the Z80·CPU and the CTC. During a CTC Write Cycle, 10RO and CE must be true and RD false. The CTC does not receive a specific write signal, instead generating its own internally from the inverse of a valid RD signal. In a CTC Read Cycle,'"j'(j"RQ, CE and RD must be active to place the contents of the Down Counter on the Z80 Data Bus. Ifi'ORCl and i\iil are both true, the CPU is acknowledging an interrupt request, and the highest·priority interrupting channel will place its Interrupt Vector on the Z80 Data Bus. 111·137 3.0 CTC PIN DESCRIPTION (CONT'D) AD Read Cycle Status from the CPU (input, active low) The RD signal is used in conjunction with the iC5RCi and CE signals to transfer data and Channel Control Words between the ZaD-CPU and the CTC. During a CTC Write Cycle, lORa and CE must be true and R D false. The CTC does not receive a specific write signal, instead generating its own internally from the inverse of a valid RD signal. In a CTC Read Cycle, lORa, CE and RD must be active to place the contents of the Down Counter on the zao Data Bus. lEI Interrupt Enable In (input, active high) This signal is used to help form a system-wide interrupt daisy chain which establishes priorities when more than one peripheral device in the system has interrupting capability. A high level on this pin indicates that no other interrupting devices of higher priority in the daisy chain are being serviced by the zao-cpu. lEO Interrupt Enable Out (output, active high) The I EO signal, in conjunction with I E I, is used to form a system-wide interrupt priority daisy chain. I EO is high only if I E I is high and the CPU is not servicing an interrupt from any CTC channel. Thus this signal blocks lower priority devices from interrupting while a higher priority interrupting device is being serviced by the CPU. Interrupt Request (output, open drain, active low) This signal goes true when any CTC channel which has been programmed to enable interrupts has a zerocount condition in its Down Counter. Reset (input, active low) This signal stops all channels from counting and resets channel interrupt enable bits in all control registers, thereby disabling CTC-generated interrupts. The ZC/TO and I NT outputs go to their inactive states, I EO reflects I EI, and the CTC's data bus output drivers go to the high impedance state. CLK/TRG3-CLK/TRGO External Clock/Timer Trigger (input, user-selectable active high or low) There are four CLK/TRG pins, corresponding to the four independent CTC channels. In the Counter Mode, every active edge on this pin decrements the Down Counter. In the Timer Mode, an active edge on this pin initiates the timing function. The user may select the active edge to be either rising ,or falling. ZC/T02-ZC/TOO Zero Count/Timeout (output, active high) There are three ZC/TO pins, corresponding to CTC channels 2 through O. (Due to package pin limita: tions channel 3 has no ZC/TO pin.) In either Counter Mode or Timer Mode, when the Down Counter decrements to zero an active high going pulse appears at this pin. 111-138 Z80-CTC PIN CONFIGURATION Figure 3.0-1 DO 23 25 CLT/TRGO ZC/TO O D1 D2 CPU DATA BUS D3 CLK/TRG 1 D4 ZC/T01 D5 D6 CLK/TRG2 D7 ZC/T02 MK3882 Z80-CTC CSO CS1 CTC CONTROL CHIP ENABLE M1 lORa MK3882-4 Z80A-CTC RD RESET +5V GND ENA~~: INTERRUPT {INT CONTROL IN INT ENABLE OUT 11 111-139 CHANNEL SIGNALS 111-140 4.0 CTC OPERATING MODES At power-on, the Z80-CTC state is undefined. Asserting RESET puts the CTC in a known state. Before any channel can begin counting or timing, a Channel Control Word and a time constant data word must be written to the appropriate registers of that channel. Further, if any channel has been programmed to enable interrupts, an Interrupt Vector word must be written to the CTC's Interrupt Control logic. (For further details, refer to section 5.0: "CTC Programming.") When the CPU has written all of these words to the CTC, all active channels will be programmed for immediate operation in either the Counter Mode or the Timer Mode. 4.1 CTC COUNTER MODE In this mode the CTC counts edges of the ClK!TRG input. The Counter Mode is programmed for a channel when its Channel Control Word is written with bit 6 set. The Channel's External Clock (ClK/ TRG) input is monitored for a series of triggering edges; after each, in synchronization with the next rising edge of (the System Clock), the Down Counter (which was initialized with the time constant data word at the start of any sequence of down-counting) is decremented. Although there is no set-up time requirement between the triggering edge of the External Clock and the rising edge of <1>, (Clock), the Down Counter will not be decremented until the following pulse. (See the parameter ts(CK) in section 8.3: "A.C. Characteristics.") A channels's External Clock input is pre-programmed by bit 4 of the Channel Control Word to trigger the decrementing sequence with either a high or a low going edge. I n any of Channels 0, 1, or 2, when the Down Counter is successively decremented from the original time constant until finally it reaches zero, the Zero Count (ZC/TO) output pin for that channel will be pulsed active (high). (However, due to package pin limitations, channel 3 does not have this pin and so may only be used in applications where this output pulse is not required.) Further, if the channel has been so pre-programmed by bit 7 of the Channel Control Word, an interrupt request sequence will be generated. (For more details, see section 7.0: "CTC Interrupt Servicing.") As the above sequence is proceeding, the zero count condition also results in the automatic reload of the Down Counter with the original time constant data word in the Time Constant Register. There is no interruption in the sequence of continued down-counting. If the Time Constant Register is written to with a new time constant data word while the Down Counter is decrementing, the present count will be completed before the new time constant will be loaded into the Down Counter. CHANNEL - COUNTER MODE Figure 4.1-0 CHANNEL CONTROL REGISTER AND LOGIC (8 BITS) TIME CONSTANT REGISTER (8 BITS) INTERNAL BUS . DOWN COUNTER (8 BITS) EXTERNAL CLOCK/TIMER TRIGGER 111-141 ZERO COUNT/ TIMEOUT 4.2 CTC TIMER MODE In this mode the CTC generates timing intervals that are an integer value of the system clock period. The Timer Mode is programmed for a channel when its Channel Control Word is written with bit 6 reset. The channel then may be used to measure intervals of time based on the System Clock period. The System Clock is fed through two successive counters, the Prescaler and the Down Counter. Depending on the pre-programmed bit 5 in the Channel Control Word, the Prescaler divides the System Clock by a factor of either 16 or 256. The output of the Prescaler is then used as a clock to decrement the Down Counter, which may be pre-programmed with any time constant integer between 1 and 256. As in the Counter Mode, the time constant is automatically reloaded into the Down Counter at each zero-count condition, and counting continues. Also at zero-count, the channel's Time Out (ZC/TO) output (which is the output of the Down Counter) is pulsed, resulting in a uniform pulse train of precise period given by the product. tc * P * TC where tc is the System Clock period, P is the Prescaler factor of 16 or 256 and TC is the pre-programmed time constant. Bit 3 of the Channel Control Word is pre-programmed to select whether timing will be automatically initiated, or whether it will be initiated with a triggering edge at the channel's Timer Trigger (CLK/TRG) input. If bit 3 is reset the timer automatically begins operation at the start of the CPU cycle following the I/O Write machine cycle that loads the time constant data word to the channel. If bit 3 is set the timer begins operation on the second succeeding rising edge of after the Timer Trigger edge following the loading of the time constant data word_ If no time constant data word is to follow then the timer begins operation on the second succeeding rising edge of after the Timer Trigger edge following the control word write cycle. Bit 4 of the Channel Control Word is pre-programmed to select whether the Timer Trigger will be sensitive to a rising or falling edge. Although there is no set-up requirement between the active edge of the Timer Trigger and the next rising edge of <1>. If the Timer Trigger edge occurs closer than a specified minimum set-up time to the rising edge of <1>, the Down Counter will not begin decrementing until the following rising edge of <1>. (See parameter ts(TR) in section 8.3: "A.C. Characteristics". ) If bit 7 in the Channel Control Word is set, the zero-count condition in the Down Counter, besides causing a pulse at the channel's Time Out pin, will be used to initiate an interrupt request sequence, (For more details, see section 7.0: "CTC Interrupt Servicing.") CHANNEL - TIMER MODE Figure 4.2-0 CHANNEL CONTROL REGISTER AND LOGIC (8 BITS) TIME CONSTANT REGISTER (8 BITS) INTERNAL BUS DOWN COUNTER (8BITS) PRESCALER (8 BITS) EXTERNAL CLOCK/TIMER TRIGGER I 111-142 ZERO COUNT/ TIMEO UT 5.0 CTC PROGRAMMING Before a ZBO-CTC channel can begin counting or timing operations, a Channel Control Word and a Time Constant data word must be written to it by the CPU. These words will be stored in the Channel Control Register and the Time Constant Register of that channel. In addition, if any of the four channels have been programmed with bit 7 of their Channel Control Words to enable interrupts, an Interrupt Vector must be written to the appropriate register in the CTC. Due to automatic features in the Interrupt Control Logic, one pre-programmed Interrupt Vector suffices for all four channels. 5.1 LOADING THE CHANNEL CONTROL REGISTER To load a Channel Control Word, the CPU performs a normal I/O Write sequence to the port address corresponding to the desired CTC channel. Two CTC input pins, namely CSO and CS1, are used to form a 2-bit binary address to select one of four channels within the device. (For a truth table, see section 2.2.1: "The Channel Control Register and Logic".) In many system architectures, these two input pins are connected to Address Bus lines AO and A 1, respectively, so that the four channels in a CTC device will occupy contiguous I/O port addresses. A word written to a CTC channel will be interpreted as a Channel Control Word, and loaded into the Channel Control Register, its bit 0 is a logic 1. The other seven bits of this word select operating modes and conditions as indicated in the diagram below. Following the diagram the meaning of each bit will be discussed in detail. CHANNEL BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 5.1-0 CHANNEL CONTROL REGISTER AND LOGIC (8 BITS) ... TIME CONSTANT REGISTER (8 BITS) .. INTERNAL BUS .. .. DOWN COUNTER (8 BITS) PRESCALER (8 BITS) EXTERNAL CLOCK/TIMER TRIGGER CHANNEL CONTROL REGISTER INTERRUPT ENABLE USED IN TIMER MODE ONLY USED IN TIMER MODE ONLY 111-143 ZERO COUNT/ TlMEO UT 5.1 LOADING THE CHANNEL CONTROL REGISTER (CONT'D) Bit 7 = 1 The channel is enabled to generate an interrupt request sequence every time the Down Counter reaches a zero-count condition. To set this bit to 1 in any of the four Channel Control Registers necessitates that an Interrupt Vector also be written to the CTC before operation begins. Channel interrupts may be programmed in either Counter Mode or Timer Mode. If an updated Channel Control Word is written to a channel already in operation, with bit 7 set, the interrupt enable selection will not be retroactive to a pre. ceding zero-count condition. Bit 7 = 0 Channel interrupts disabled. Any pending interrupt by that channel will be cleared. Bit 6 = 1 Counter Mode selected. The Down Counter is decremented by each triggering edge of the External Clock (CLK/TRG) input. The Prescaler is not used. Bit 6 = 0 Timer Mode selected. The Prescaler is clocked by the System Clock <1>, and the output of the Prescaler in turn clocks the Down Counter. The output of the Down Counter (the channel's ZC/TO output) is a uniform pulse train of period given by the product. tc * P * TC where tc is the period of System Clock <1>, P is the Prescaler factor of 16 or 256, and TC is the time constant data word. Sit 5 =1 (Defined for Timer Mode only.) Prescaler factor is 256. Bit 5 = 0 (Defined for Timer Mode only.) Prescaler factor is 16. INTERRUPT ENABLE USED IN TIMER MODE ONLY Bit 4 USED IN TIMER MODE ONLY =1 TIME R MODE - positive edge trigger starts timer operation. COUNTER MODE - positive edge decrements the down counter. Bit 4 =0 TIME R MODE - negative edge trigger starts timer operation. COUNTER MODE - negative edge decrements the down counter. 111-144 5.1 LOADING THE CHANNEL CONTROL REGISTER (CONT'D) Bit 3 =1 Timer Mode Only - External trigger is valid for starting timer operation after rising edge of T2 of the machine cycle following the one that loads the time constant. The Prescaler is decremented 2 clock cycles later if the setup time is met, otherwise 3 clock cycles. Once timer has been started it will free run at the rate determined by the Time Constant register. Bit 3 = 0 Timer Mode Only - Timer begins operation on the rising edge of T2 of the machine cycle following the one that 'loads the time constant. Bit 2 = 1 The time constant data word for the Time Constant Register will be the next word written to this channel. If an updated Channel Control Word and time constant data word are written to a channel while it is already in operation, the Down Counter will continue decrementing to zero before the new time constant is loaded into it. Bit 2 =0 No time constant data word for the Time Constant Register should be expected to follow. To program bit 2 to this state implies that this Channel Control Word is intended to update the status of a channel already in operation, since a channel will not operate without a correctly programmed data word in the Time Constant Register, and a set bit 2 in this Channel Control Word provides the only way of writing to the Time Constant Register. Bit 1 = 1 Reset channel. Channel stops counting or timing. This is not a stored condition. Upon writing into this bit a reset pulse discontinues current channel operation, however, none of the bits in the channel control register are changed. If both bit 2 = 1 and bit 1 = 1 the channel will resume operation upon loading a time constant. Bit 1 = 0 Channel continues current operation. 5.2 DISABLING THE CTC'S INTERRUPT STRUCTURE If an external Asynchronous interrupt could occur while the processor is writing the disable word to the CTC (01 H); a system problem may occur. If interrupts are enabled in the processor it is possible that the Asynchronous interrupt will occur while the processor is writing the disable word to the CTC. The CTC will generate an I NT and the CPU will acknowledge it, however, by this time, the CTC will have received the disable word and de-activated its interrupt structure. The result is that the CTC will not send in its interrupt vector during the interrupt acknowledge cycle because it is disabled and the CPU will fetch an erroneous vector resulting in a program fault. The cure for this problem is to disable interrupts within the CPU with the D I instruction just before the CTC is disabled and then re-enable interrupts with the E I instruction. This action causes the CPU to ignore any interrupts produced by the CTC while it is being disabled. The code sequence would be: LD A, 01 H DI OUT (CTC), A EI 111-145 ; DISABLE CPU DISABLE CTC ; ENABLE CPU 5.3 LOADING THE TIME CONSTANT REGISTER A channel may not begin operation in either Timer Mode or Counter Mode unless a time constant data word is written into the Time Constant Register by the CPU. This data word will be expected on the next I/O Write to this channel following the I/O Write of the Channel Control Word, provided that bit 2 of the Channel Control Word is set. The time constant data word may be an integer value in the range 1256. If all eight bits in this word are zero, it is interpreted as 256. If a time constant data word is loaded to a channel already in operation, the Down Counter will continue decrementing to zero before the new time constant is loaded from the Time Constant Register to the Down Counter. TIME CONSTANT REGISTER Os 05 DO TCs TC5 TCo MSB CHANNEL BLOCK DIAGRAM LSB Figure 5.3-0 CHANNEL CONTROL REGISTER AND LOGIC (SBITS) . TIME CONSTANT REGISTER (SBITS) INTERNAL BUS DOWN COUNTER (S BITS) PRESCALER (SBITS) ,(, ZERO COUNT/ TIMEOUT EXTERNAL CLOCK/TIMER TRIGGER 5.4 LOADING THE INTERRUPT VECTOR REGISTER The ZaO-CTC has been designed to operate with the zao-cpu programmed for mode 2 interrupt response. Under the requirements of this mode, when a CTC channel requests an interrupt and is acknowledged, a 16-bit pointtlr must be formed to obtain a corresponding interrupt service routine starting address from a table in memory. The upper a bits of this pointer are provided by the CPU's I register, and the lower a bits of the pointer are provided by the CTC in the form of an Interrupt Vector unique to the particular channel that requested the interrupt. (For further details, see sElction 7.0: "CTC Interrupt Servicing".) MODE 2 INTERRUPT OPERATION Desired starting address pOinted to by: INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE STARTING ADDRESS TABLE < LOWORDER } . HIGH ORDER '--_ _ _---'_ _ _ _--'----' 111-146 5.4 LOADING THE INTERRUPT VECTOR REGISTER (Cont'd) The high order 5 bits of this Interrupt Vector must be written to the CTC in advance as part of the initial programming sequence. To do so, the CPU must write to the I/O port address corresponding to the CTC channel 0, just as it would if a Channel Control Word were being written to that channel, except that bit o of the word being written must contain a O. (As explained above in section 5.1, if bit 0 of a word written to a channel were set to 1, the word would be interpreted as a Channel Control Word, so a 0 in bit 0 signals the CTC to load the incoming word into the Interrupt Vector Register.) Bits 1 and 2, however are not used when loading this vector. At the time when the interrupting channel must place the Interrupt Vector on the Z80 Data Bus, the Interrupt Control Logic of the CTC automatically supplies a binary code in bits 1 and 2 indentifying which of the four CTC channels is to be serviced. INTERRUPT VECTOR REGISTER I, D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V , I D2 D1 DO X X 0 I SUPPLIED BY USER 0 0 1 1 , I o CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL o CHANNEL 0 1 2 1 CHANNEL 3 V (Highest Priority) . (Lowest Priority) I AUTOMATICALLY INSERTED BY ZaO-CTC 111-147 111-148 6.0 CTC TIMING This section illustrates the timing relationships of the relevant CTC pins for the following types of operation: writing a word to the CTC, reading a word from the CTC, counting, and timing. Elsewhere in this manual may be found timing diagrams relating to interrupt servicing (section 7.0) and an A.C. Timing Diagram which quantitatively specifies the timing relationships (section 8.4). 6.1 CTC WRITE CYCLE Figure 6.1-0 illustrates the timing associated with the CTC Write Cycle. This sequence is applicable to loading either a Channel Control Word, an Interrupt Vector, or a time constant data word. In the sequence shown, during clock cycle T1, the Z80-CPU prepares for the Write Cycle with a false (high) signal at CTC input pin RD (Read). Since the CTC has no separate Write signal input, it generates its own internally form the false RD input. Later, during clock cycle T2, the Z80-CPU initiates the Write Cycle with true (low) signals at CTC input pins lORa (I/O Request) and CE (Chip Enable). (Note: iVi1 must be false to distinguish the cycle form an interrupt acknowledge.) Also at this time a 2-bit binary code appears at CTC inputs CS1 and CSO (Channel Select 1 and 0), specifying which of the four CTC channels is being written to, and the word being written appears on the Z80 Data Bus. Now everything is ready for the word to be latched into the appropriate CTC internal register in synchronization with the rising edge beginning clock cycle T3. No additional wait states are allowed. CTC WRITE CYCLE Figure 6.1-0 CSO-l, CE ________ ~)(~_____C_H_A__N_N_E_L_A_D_D_R__ES_S_____J)(~_________ \~-----'/ Ml DATA "1" _____________~X~______ IN ______ ~X~ _____ "AUTOMATICALLY INSERTED BY Z80-CPU 6.2 CTC READ CYCLE Figure 6.2-0 illustrates the timing associated with the CTC Read Cycle. This sequence is used any time the CPU reads the current contents of the Down Counter. During clock cycle T2, the Z80-CPU initiates the Read Cycle with true signals at input pins RD (Read), lORa (I/O Request), and CE (Chip Enable). also at this time a 2-bit binary code appears at CTC inputs CS1 and CSO (Channel Select 1 and 0), specifying which of the four CTC channels is being read from. (Note: M1 must be false to distinguish the cycle form an interrupt acknowledge.) On the rising edge of the cycle T3 the valid contents of the Down Counter as of the rising edge of cycle T2 will be available on the Z80 Data Bus. No additional wait states are allowed. 111-149 CTC READ CYCLE Figure 6.2-0 -'X'-___ CSo-" CE _ _ _ _ ---IX'-__. . . . . __ C_H_A_N_N_E_l_A_D_D_R_E_SS __ IORQ \~-----'/ RD \'---_ _--J/ "1" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M1 DATA ------------« OUT )~--- 'AUTOMATICALLY INSERTED BY Z80-CPU 6.3 CTC COUNTING AND TIMING Figure 6.3-0 illustrates the timing diagram for the CTC Counting and Timing Modes. CTC COUNTING AND TIMING Figure 6.3-0 ClK --~/ \----- INTERNAL COUNTER _ _ _ _ _ _- ' / ZC/TO _ _--J/ \ _______ _----J/ ___----J/ \'-------- ZERO COUNT \'--_ _ _ _ _ __ (I> TRG INTERNAL TIMER START TIMING 111-150 6.3 CTC COUNTING AND TIMING (Cont'd) In the Counter Mode, the edge (rising edge is active in this example) form the external hardware connected to pin CLK/TRG decrements the Down Counter in synchronization with the System Clock ----- 7.2 RETURN FROM INTERRUPT CYCLE Figure 7.2-0 illustrates the timing associated with the RETI Instruction. This instruction is used at the end of an interrupt service routine to initialize the daisy chain enable lines for proper control of nested priority interrupt handling. The CTC decodes the two-byte RETI code internally and determines whether it is intended for a channel being serviced. zao When several peripheral chips are in the daisy chain I E I will become active on the chip currently under service when an EDH opcode is decoded. If the following opcode is 4DH, the peripheral being serviced will be re-initialized and its I EO will become active. Additional wait states are allowed. < RETURN FROM INTERRUPT CYCLE Figure 7.2-0 T1 T3 JL M1 \ / RD ~ / 00-07 lEI lEO 7.3 T2 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 / \ \ / 0 @) -------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --1 I ________________________-J/ DAISY CHAIN INTERRUPT SERVICING Figure 7.3-0 illustrates a typical nested interrupt sequence which may occur in the CTC. In this example, channel 2 interrupts and is granted service. While this channel is being serviced, higher priority channel 1 interrupts and is granted service. The service routine for the higher priority channel is completed, and a RETI instruction (see section 7.2 for further details) is executed to signal the channel that its routine is complete. At this time, the service routine of the lower priority channel 2 is resumed and completed. < DAISY CHAIN INTERRUPT SERVICING Figure 7.3-0 111-154 7.4 USING THE CTC AS AN INTERRUPT CONTROLLER All of the Z80 family parts contain circuitry 'for prioritizing interrupts and supplying the vector to the CPU. However, in many Z80 based systems interrupts must be processed from devices which do not contain this interrupt circuitry. To hahdle this requirement the MK3882 CTC can be used, providing prioritized, independently vectored, maskable, edge selectable, count programmable external interrupt inputs. The MK3882 parts may be cascaded, expanding the system to as many as 256 interrupt inputs. Each MK3882 contains 4 channels with counter inputs able to interrupt upon one or more (up to 256) edge transitions. The active transition may be programmed to be positive or negative. Each of the 4 channels has a programmable vector which is used in powerful Z80 mode 2 interrupt processing. When an interrupt is processed the vector is combined with the CPU I register to determine where the interrupt service routine start address is located. Additionally, priority resolution is handled within the MK3882 when more than one interrupt request is made simultaneously. When more than one MK3882 is used, the prioritizing is done, with the I E I /1 EO chain resolving inter-chip priorities. Each channel can be independently "masked" by disabling that channel's local interrupt. When programming the MK3882 to handle an input as a general purpose interrupt line, the channel is put in the counter mode, with the count set to 1, the active edge specified and the vector is loaded. When the programmed edge occurs a mode 2 interrupt will be generated by the CTC and the Z80-CPU can vector directly to the service routine forthe non-Z80 peripheral device. Note that afterth'e interrupt, the CTC' down counter is automatically reloadec;l with a count of one and the CTC channel begins looking for another active edge after the RETI of the interrupt routine. Therefore, once a particular channel is under service, no active edges will be recognized by that channel until execution ofthe RETI instruction of the corresponding interrupt routine. Of course, other channels of the CTC can generate interrupts and/or pending interrupts asynchronously, depending on their priority. CTC AS AN INTERRUPT CONTROLLER .., Figure 7.4-0 18 A, TAG I 10 iORQ iOii'Q .. ,,"'., , 14 "' ' iiii 12 iiii' INTERRUPT 0 INTERRUPT , INTERRUPT , eso 19 CSI 0, " Wi TAG2 21 iii TAG:5 20 CE lEO " +SV GND To ZBO·CPU " lEI L -_ _-+-_"'I19 CSI L -_ _ _ TAG I 22 INTERRuPT " INTERRUPT 5 INTERRUPT 7 I--_''''l0 iOiiQ L -_ _ _--j_---"'14 iii L -_ _ _ _-+_~6Ro TAG 2. 21 Hte:5 20 LOWEST PRIORITY MK 3882'S 111-155 111-156 8.0 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Temperature Under Bias .......................................... Specified Operating Range Storage Temperature .................................................... _65° C to +150° C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground .................................... -0.3V to +7V Power Dissipation ................................................................ 0.8V 8.1 D. C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = O°C to 70°C, Vcc = 5V ± 5% unless otherwise specified SYMBOL V,LC V,HC V,L V,H VOL VOH ICC 'll 'LOH 'LOL IOHD PARAMETER Clock Input Low Voltage Clock I nput High Voltage (1) Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage Power Supply Current Input Leakage Current Tri-State Output Leakage Current In Float Tri-State Output Leakage Current In Float Darlington Drive Current MIN -0.3 MAX 0.80 VCC-·6 VCC +.3 -0.3 0.8 2.0 VCC 0.4 2.4 120 ±10 10 -10 -1.5 UNIT V V V V V V mA J.l.A J.l.A J.l.A mA TEST CONDITION IOL=2mA IOH = -250 J.l.A TC = 400 nsec** V,N = 0 to VCC VOUT = 2.4 to VCC VOUT = O.4V VOH - 1.5V **TC = 250 nsec for MK 3882-4 8.2 CAPACITANCE TA=25°C,f= 1 MHz SYMBOL C C'N COUT PARAMETER Clock Capacitance Input Capacitance Output Capacitance MAX 20 5 10 UNIT TEST CONDITION pF Unmeasured Pins pF Returned to Ground pF 'COMMENT Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Rating" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 111-157 II 8.3 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS MK 3882, MK 3882-10, Z80-CTC TA = 0° C to 70° C, Vcc Signal Symbol tc tW(H) tW(L) tr, tf tH tS(CS) CS, CE, etc. tDR(D) ts'I>(D) tDI(D) DO-D7 tF(D) lEI tS(IEI) lEO tDH(IO) tDl(IO) tDM(IO) IORO = +5 V ± 5%, unless otherwise noted Parameter Clock Period Clock Pulse Width, Clock High Clock Pulse Width, Clock low Clock Rise and Fall Times Any Hold Time for Specified Setup Time Control Signal Setup Time to Rising Edge of During Read or Write Cycle Data Output Delay from Rising Edge of RD During Read Cycle Data Setup Time to Rising Edge of 'I> During Write or M 1 Cycle Data Output Delay from Falling Edge of IORO During INTA Cycle Delay to Floating Bus (Output Buffer Disable Time) lEI Setup Time to Falling Edge of IORO During I NT A Cycle I EO Delay Time from Rising Edge of I E I lEO Delay Time from Falling Edge of lEI I EO Delay from Falling Edge of M.L (I nterrupt Occurring just Prior to M 1) IORO Setup Time to Rising Edge of 'I> During Read or Write Cycle tS'I>(M1) M1 Setup Time to Rising Edge of During INTA or M1 Cycle tS'I>(RD) RD Setup Time to Rising Edge of 'I> During Read or M 1 Cycle tDCK(IT) Il\IT Delay Time from Rising Edge of ClK/TRG I NT Delay Time from Rising Edge of <\> tD'I>(IT) Clock Period tC(CK) Clock and Trigger Rise and Fall Times tr, tf tS(CK) Clock Setup Time to Rising Edge of for Immediate Count Trigger Setup Time to Rising Edge of tS(TR) for Enabling of Prescaler on Following Rising Edge of 'I> ts'I>(IR) 1IJr1 RD fI\lT Min Max Unit 400 170 170 (1 ) 2000 2000 30 ns ns ns ns ns ns 480 ns 0 160 Comments (2) ns 60 340 ns 230 ns (2) ns 200 220 190 300 ns ns ns 250 ns 210 ns 240 ns (3) (3) (3) 2tC(, ZC/TO High ZC/TO Delay Time from Falling Edge of 190 'I> , ZC/TO low OUTPUT lOAD CIRCUIT ZC/TOO-2 tDl(ZC) NOTES: tc = tw( oll1t'IWI\e speci/red ~H--'WI'I'HI --f \tw('i>L) --: T2 T3ITW n :-- I... ·--·~ tc -------I ,.- . CE ......... tOl(O)-. -----------+"".... ts<,,(IRll-- lEI 1-----+·sIIEII EIO iNl' rlCOUNTEA MODEl ClKI ) TRGO_3 l llTiMER MODEl ZC/TO O_2 111-159 8.5 AC. CHARACTERISTICS MK 3882-4.Z80A-CTC TA = 0° C to 70° C, Vcc Signal Symbol ct> CS, cr, etc DO-D7 lEI lEO IIURQ IM1 ImJ INT = +5 V ± 5%, unless otherwise noted Parameter Clock Period Clock Pulse Width, Clock High Clock Pulse Width, Clock Low Clock Rise and Fa" Times Any Hold Time for Specified Setup Time Control Signal Setup Time to Rising Edge of ct> Durin!:! Read or Write Cvcle Data Output Delay from Fa"ing Edge of tDR(D) RD During Read Cycle Data Setup Time to Rising Edge of ct> tSct>( D) During Write or M 1 Cycle Data Output Delay form Falling Edge tD liD) of IORO During INTA Cycle Delay to Floating Bus (Output Buffer tF(D) Disable Time) tS(I EI) lEI Setup Time to Fa"ing Edge of i'ORTI During I NT A Cycle lEO Delay Time from Rising Edge of lEI tDH(IO) lEO Delay Time from Fa"ing Edge of lEI tDL(10) lEO Delay from Fa"ing Edge ofiiiil tDM(10) (Interrupt Occurring just Prior to M1) tSct>(I R) 1URU Setup Time to Rising Edge of ct> During Read or Write Cycle tsct>(M1) M1 Setup Time to Rising Edge of

( RD) RD Setup Time to Rising Edge of ct> During Read or M 1 Cycle tDCK(IT) INT Delay Time from Rising Edge of CLK/TRG tDct>( IT) TNT Delay Time from Rising Edge of ct> tC(CK) Clock Period Clock and Trigger Rise and Fall Times tr, tf tS(CK) Clock Setup Time to Rising Edge of ct> for Immediate Count Trigger Setup Time to Rising Edge of ct> tS(TR) for enabling of Prescaler on Fo"owing Rising Edge of

H) tW(ct>L) tr, tf tH tSct>(CS) Min Max Unit Comments 250 105 105 (1) 2000 2000 30 ns ns ns ns ns ns 380 ns 0 145 (2) ns 50 160 ns 110 ns (2) ns 140 160 130 190 ns ns ns 115 ns 90 ns 115 ns (3) (3) (3) Counter Mode 2tC(ct» + 140 tc(ct» + 140 ns Timer Mode Counter Mode 130 ns Counter Mode 130 ns Timer Mode Counter and Timer Modes Counter and Timer Modes Counter and Timer Modes Counter and Timer Modes 2tC(, ZC/TO High ZC/TO Delay Time from Falling Edge of ct>, ZC/TO Low NOTES: tc = tw(. Control Or Data Select (input, High selects Control). This input defines the type of information transfer performed between the CPU and the ZOO-SIO. A High at this input, during a CPU write to the ZOO-SIO, causes the information on the data bus to be interpreted as a command for the channel selected by B/A. A Low at C/O means that the information on the data bus is data. Address bit A1 is often used for this function. CEo Chip Enable (input, active Low). A Low level at this input enables the zao-slo to accept command or data inputs from the CPU during a write cycle, or to transmit data to the CPU during a read cycle. <1>. System Clock(input). The zao-slo uses the standard ZaOA System Clock to synchronize internal Signals. This is a single-phase clock. M1. Machine Cycle One (input from zao-cpu, active Low).When M1 is active and RD is also active, the zeo-cpu is fetching an instruction from memory. When M1 is active, while 10RO is active, the ZOO-SID accepts iiii1 and 10RO as an interrupt acknowledge if the zeO-SIO is the highest priority device that has interrupted the ZOO-CPU. lORa. Input/Output Request (input from CPU, active Low). 10RO is used in conjunction with BIA, c/5, CE and RD to transfer commands and data between the CPU and the zeO-SIO. When CE, RD and lORa are all active, the channel selected by BIA transfers data to the CPU (a read operation). When CE and 10RO are active, but RD is inactive, the channel selected by BlAis written to by the CPU with either data or control information, as specified by C/O. As mentioned previously, if 10RO and M1 are active simultaneously, the CPU is acknowledging an interrupt and the Zao-SIO automatically places its interrupt vector on the CPU data bus, if it is the highest priority device requesting an interrupt. RD. Read Cycle Status. (input from CPU, active Low). If RD is active, a memory or 1/0 read operation is in progress. RD is used with BIA. CE and 10RO to transfer data from the ZOO-SID to the CPU. REm. Reset (input, active Low). A Low RESET disables both receivers and transmitters, forces TxDA and TxDB marking, forces the modem controls High and disables all interrupts. The control registers must be rewritten after the ZOO-SID is reset and before data is transmitted or received. lEI. Interrupt Enable In (input, active High). This signal is used with lEO to form a priority daisy chain when there is more than one interrupt-driven device. A High on this line indicates that no other device of higher priority is being serviced by a CPU interrupt service routine. lEO. Interrupt Enable Out (output, active High). lEO is High only if lEI is High and the CPU is not servicing an interrupt from this zeO-SIO. Thus, this signal blocks lower priority devices from interrupting while a higher priority device is being serviced by its CPU interrupt service routine. INT. Interrupt Request (output, open drain, active Low). When the ZOO-SID is requesting an interrupt, it pulls INT Low. W/RDYA, W/RDYB. Wait/Ready A, Wait/Ready B (outputs, open drain when programmed for Wait function, driven High and Low when programmed for Ready function). These dual-purpose outputs may be programmed as Ready lines for a DMA controller or as Wait lines that synchronize the CPU to the ZOO-SIO data rate. The reset state is open drain. CTSA, CTSB. Clear To Send (inputs, active Low). When programmed as Auto Enables, a Low on these inputs enables the respective transmitter. If not programmed as Auto Enables, these inputs may be programmed as general-purpose inputs. Both inputs are Schmitt-trigger buffered to accommodate slow-risetime inputs. The Zao-SIO detects pulses on these inputs and interrupts the CPU on both logic level transitions. The Schmitt-trigger inputs do not guarantee a specified noise-level margin. DCDA, DCDB. Data Carrier Detect (inputs, active Low). These signals are similar to the CTS inputs, except they can be used as receiver enables. RxDA, RxDB. Receive Data (inputs, active High). TxDA, TxDB. Transmit Data (outputs, active High). 111-170 RxCA. RxCB*. Receiver Clocks (inputs). See the following section on bonding options. The Receive Clocks may be 1, 16. 32 or 64 times the data rate in asynchronous modes. Receive data is sampled on the rising edge of RxC. TxCA. TxCB*. Transmitter Clocks (inputs). See section on bonding options. In asynchronous modes. the Transmitter clocks may be 1, 16,32 or 64 times the data rate. The multiplierforthe transmitter and the receiver must be the same. Both the TxC and RxC inputs are Schmitt-trigger buffered for relaxed rise-and fall-time requirements (no noise margin is specified). TxD changes on the falling edge of TxC. RTSA. RTSB. Request To Send (outputs, active Low). When the RTS bit is set, the RTS output goes low. When the RTS bit is reset in the Asynchronous mode, the output goes High after the transmitter is empty. In Synchronous modes, the RTS pin strictly follows the state of the RTS bit. Both pins can be used as general purpose outputs. DTRA. D'fRB. Data Terminal Ready (outputs, active Low). See note on bonding options. These outputs follow the state programmed into the DTR bit. They can also be programmed as generalpurpose outputs. SYNC A. SYNC B. Synchronization (inputs/outputs, active Low). These pins can act either as inputs or outputs. In the Asynchronous Receive mode, they are inputs similar to CTS and DCD. In this mode, the transitions on these lines affect the state ofthe Sync/Hunt status bits in RRO.ln the External Sync mode, these lines also act as inputs. When external synchronization is achieved, SYNC must be driven Low on the second rising edge of RxC after that rising edge of RxC, on which the last bit of the sync character was received. In other words, after the sync pattern is detected. the external logic must wait for two full Receive Clock cycles to activate the SYNC input. Once SYNC is forced Low, it is wise to keep it Low until the CPU informs the external sync logic that synchronization has been lost or a new message is about to start. Character assembly begins on the rising edge of RxC that immediately precedes the falling edge of SYNC in the External Sync mode. In the Internal Synchonrization mode (Monosync and Bisync), these pins act as outputs that are active during the part of the receive clock (Axe) cycle in which sync characters are recognized. The sync condition is not latched. so these outputs are active each time a sync pattern is recognized, regardless of character boundaries. 1.5 BONDING OPTIONS The constraints of a 4O-pin package make it impossible to bring outthe Receive Clock, Transmit Clock, Data Terminal Ready and Sync signals for both channels. Therefore, Channel B must sacrifice a signal or have two signals bonded together. Since user requirements vary, three bondings options are offered: MK38B4 ZSO-SIO has all four signals, but TxCB and RxCB are bonded together (Fig. 1.1). MK3885 ZBO-SIO sacrifices DTRB and keeps TxCB, RxCB and SYNCB (Fig. 1.2). MK3887 ZSO-SIO sacrifices SYNCB and keeps TxCB, RxCB and DTRB (Fig. 1.3). *These clocks may be directly driven by the ZBO-CTC (Counter Timer Circuit) for fully programmable baud rate generation. 111-171 MK3887 PIN CONFIGURATION Figure 1.3 Do~ 01 Il2 40 1 39 RxDA RxCA TxDA CPU DATA BUS 06 D7~ SIO CONTROL FROM CPU [ RESET M1 a 10RQ RD &V 37 4 35 21 RTSA CTSA DTRA ]MOD~ CONTROL DCDA RilDS 8 36 32 9 RxCB TxDB TxCB GND W/RDYB 4> DAISY [ CHAIN INTERRUPT CONTROL CH-A "'W7FiDYA 0& RTSB INT lEI --.{. DTRB lEO +-L DCDB CTSB C/o B/A 111-172 CH-B ]MDD~ CONTROL 2.0 ARCHITECTURE 2.1 INTRODUCTION The device internal structure includes a ZSO-CPU interface, internal control and interrupt logic and two full-duplex channels. Associated with each channel are read and write registers and discrete control and status logic that provide the interface to modems or other external devices. The read and write register group includes five 8-bit control registers, two sync-character registers and two status registers. The interrupt vector is written into an additional8-bit register (Write Register 2) in Channel B that may be read through Read Register 2 in Channel B. The registers for both channels are designated in the text as follows: WRO-WR7 -- Write Registers 0 through 7 RRO-RR2 -- Read Registers 0 through 2 The bit assignment and functional grouping of each register is configured to simplify and organize the programming process. Table 2.1 illustrates the functions assigned to each read or write register. FUNCTIONAL ASSIGNMENTS OF READ AND WRITE REGISTERS Table 2.1 WRO WR1 WR2 WR3 WR4 WR5 WR6 WR7 Register pointers, CRC initialize, initialization commands for the various modes, etc. Transmit/Receive interrupt and data transfer mode definition Interrupt vector (Channel B only) Receive parameters and controls Transmit/Receive miscellaneous parameters and modes Transmit parameters and controls Sync character of SDLC address field Sync character of SDLC flag (a) Write Register Functions Transmit/Receive buffer status, interrupt status and external status Special Receive Condition status Modified interrupt vector (Channel B only) (b) Read Register Functions RRO RR1 RR2 The logic for both channels provides formats, synchronization and validation for data transferred to and from the channel interface. The modem control inputs, Clear to Send (CTS) and Data Carrier Detect (DCD), are monitored by the discrete control logic under program control. All the modem control signals are general purpose in nature and can be used for functions other than modem control. For automatic interrupt vectoring, the interrupt control logic determines which channel and which device within the channel has the highest priority. Priority is fixed with Channel A assigned a higher priority than Channel B; Receive, Transmit and External/Status interrupts are prioritized in that order within each channel. 2.2 DATA PATH The transmit and receive data paths for each channel are shown in Figure 2.1. The receiver has three 8-bit buffer registers in a FIFO arrangement (to provide a 3-byte delay) in addition to the 8-bit receive shift register. This arrangement creates additional time for the CPU to service an interrupt at the beginning of a block of high-speed data. The receive error FIFO stores parity and framing errors and other types of status information for each of the three bytes in the receive data FIFO. Incoming data is routed through one of several paths depending on the mode and character length. In the Asynchronous mode, serial data is entered into the 3-bit buffer if it has a character length of seven or eight bits, or is entered into the 8-bit receive shift register if it has a length of five or six bits. In the Synchronous mode, however, the data path is determined by the phase of the receive process currently in operation. A Synchronous Receive operation begins with the receiver in the Hunt phase, during which the receiver searches the incoming data stream for a bit pattern that matches the 111-173 TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE DATA PATH Figure 2.1 RlCOA preprogrammed sync characters (or flags in the SOLC mode). If the device is programmed for Monosync Hunt, a match is made with a single sync character stored in WR7.ln Bisync Hunt, a match is made with dual sync characters stored in WR6 and WR7. In either case, the incoming data passes through the receive sync registers and is compared against the programmed sync character in WR6 or WR7. In the Monosync mode, a match between the sync character programmed into WR7 and the character assembled in the receive sync register establishes synchronization. In the Bisync mode, however, incoming data is shifted to the receive shift register while the next eight bits of the message are assembled in the receive sync register. The match between the assembled character in the receive sync registers with the programmed sync character in WR6 and WR7 establishes synchronization. Once synchronization is established, incoming data bypasses the receive sync register and directly enters the 3-bit buffer. In the SOLe mode, incoming data first passes through the receive sync register, which continuously monitors the receive data stream and performs zero deletion when indicated. Upon receiving five contiguous I's, the sixth bit is inspected. If the sixth bit is a 0, it is deleted from the data stream. If the sixth bit is a 1, the seventh bit is inspected. If that bit is a 0, a Flag sequence has been received; if it is a 1, an Abort sequence has been received. The reformatted data enters the 3-bit buffer and is transferred to the receive shift register. Note that the SOLC receive operation also begins in the Hunt phase, during which the ZSO-SIO tries to match the assembled character in the receive shift register with the flag pattern in WR7. Once the first flag character is recognized, all subsequent data is routed through the same path, regardless of character length. 111-174 Although the same CRC checker is used for both SOLC and synchronous data, the data path taken for each mode is different. In Bisync protocol, a byte-oriented operation requires that the CPU decide to include the data character in CRC. To allow the CPU ample time to make this decision, the ZBO-SIO provides an 8-bit delay for sychronous data. In the SOLC mode, no delay is provided since the ZSO-SIO contains logic that determines the bytes on which CRC is calculated. The transmitter has an 8-bit transmit data register that is loaded from the internal data bus and a 20-bit transmit shift register that can be loaded from WRS, WR7 and the transmit data register. WRS and WA7 contain sync characters in the Monosync or Bisync modes or address field (one character long) and flag, respectively, in the SOLC mode. During Synchronous modes, information contained in WAS and WR7 is loaded into the transmit shift register atthe beginning of the message and, as a time filler, in the middle of the message if a Transmit Underrun condition occurs. In the SOLC mode, the flags are loaded into the transmit shift register at the beginning and end of message. Asynchronous data in the transmit shift register is formatted with start and stop bits and is shifted out to the transmit multiplexer at the selected clock rate. Synchronous (Monosync or Bisync) data is shifted out to the transmit multiplexer and also to the CRe generator at the x 1 clock rate. SOLC/HOLC data is shifted out through the zero insertion logic, which is disabled while the flags are being sent. For all other fields (address, control and frame check) a 0 is inserted following five contiguous 1's in the data stream. The CRC generator result for SOLC data is also routed through the zero insertion logic. 2.3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The functional capabilities of the zeD-SIC can be described from two different points of view: as a data communications device, it transmits and receives serial data, and meets the requirements of various data communications protocols; as a ZBO family peripheral, it interacts with the ZSO-CPU and other ZSO peripheral circuits, and shares their data, address and control busses, as well as being a part of theZSO interrupt structure. As a peripheral to other microprocessors, the ZSO-SIO offers valuable features such as non-vectored interrupts, polling, and simple handshake capabilities. The first part of the following functional description describes the interaction between the CPU and ZSO-SIO; the second part introduces its data communications capabilities. 2.3.1 I/O CAPABILITIES The ZBO-SIO offers the choice of Polling, Interrupt (vectored or non-vectored) and Block Transfer modes to transfer data,status,and control information to and from the CPU. The Block Transfer mode can be implemented under CPU or OMA control. Polling. The Polled mode avoids interrupts. Status registers RRO and RR1 are updated at appropriate times for each function being performed (for example, CRC Error status valid at the end of the message). All the interrupt modes of the zeD-SIC must be disabled to operate the device in a polled environment. While in its Polling sequence, the CPU examines the status contained in RRO for each channel; the RRO status bits serve as an acknowledge to the Poll inquiry. The two RRO status bits DO and 02 indicate that a receive or transmit data transfer is needed. The status also indicates Error or other special status conditions (see "ZSO-SIO Programming"). The Special Receive Condition status continued in RR1 does not have to be read in a Polling sequence because the status bits in RR1 are accompanied by a Receive Character Available status in RRO. Interrupts. The ZBO-SIO offers an elaborate interrupt scheme to provide fast interrupt response in real-time applications. As mentioned earlier, Channel B registers WR2 and RR2 contain the interrupt vector that points to an interrupt service routine in the memory. To service operations in both channels and to eliminate the necessity of writing a status analysis 111-175 routine, the ZSO-SIO can modify the interrupt vector in RR2 so it points directly to one of eight interrupt service routines. This is dOr;1e under program control by setting a program bit (WR1, 02) in Channel B called "Status Affects Vector," When this bit is set, the interrupt vector in WR2 is modified according to the assigned priority of the various interrupting conditions. The table in the Write Register 1 description (ZSO-SIO Programming section) shows the modification details. Transmit interrupts, Receive interrupts and External/Status interrupts are the main sources of interrupts(Figure 5). Each interrupt source is enabled under program control with Channel A having a higher priority than Channel B, and with Receiver, Transmit and External/Status interrupts prioritized in that order within each channel. When the Transmit interrupt is enabled, the CPU is interrupted by the transmit buffer becoming empty. (This implies that the transmitter must have had a data character written into it so it can become empty.) When enabled, the receiver can interrupt the CPU in one of three ways: Interrupt on first receive character Interrupt on all receive characters Interrupt on a Special Receive condition Interrupt On FirSt Character is typically used with the Block Transfer mode. Interrupt On All Receive Characters has the option of modifying the interrupt vector in the event of a parity error. The Special Receive Condition interrupt can occur on a character or message basis (End Of Frame interrupt in SOLC, for example). The Special Receive condition can cause an interrupt only if the Interrupt On First Receive Character or Interrupt On All Receive Characters mode is selected. In Interrupt On First Receive Character, an interrupt can occur from Special Receive conditions (except parity Error) after the first receive character interrupt (example: Receive Overrun interrupt). The main function of the External/Status interrupt is to monitor the signal transitions of the CTS, OCO and SYNC pins; however, an External/Status interrupt is also caused by a Transmit Underrun condition or by the detection of a Break (AsynChronous mode) or Abort (SOLC mode) sequence in the data stream. The interrupt caused by the Break!Abort sequence has a special feature that allows the ZSO-SIO to interrupt when the Break!Abort sequence is detected or terminated. The feature facilitates the proper termination of the current message, correct initialization of the next message, and the accurate timing of the Break!Abort conditon in external logic. INTERRUPT STRUCTURE Figure 2.2 RECEIVE CHARACTER PARIlY ERROR RECEIVE OVERRUN ERROR FRAMING ERROR END OF FRAME (SDLC) SPECIAL RECEIVE I---------I~.. CONDITION INTERRUPT FIRST DATA CHARACTER FIRST NON-SYNC CHARACTER (SYNC) VAUD ADDRESS BYTE (SDLC) ~ - - - - I..~ INTERRUPT ON ALL RECEIVE CHARACTERS ~ INTERRUPT ON RECEIVE INTERRUPT FIRST CHARACTER DCD TRANSITION CTS TRANSITION SYNC TRANSITION Tx UNDERRUN/EOM BREAK/ABORT DETECTION EXTERNAL STATUS INTERRUPT TRANSMIT INTERRUPT BUFFER BECOMMING EMPTY 111-176 ~ f- Z80-SIO INTERRUPT CPUIDMA Block Transfer. TheZaO-SIO provides a BlockTransfer mode to accommodate block transfer functions and DMA controllers (ZaO-DMA or other designs). The Block Transfer mode uses the WAITIREADY output in conjunction with the Wait/Ready bits of Write Register 1. The WAITIREADY output can be defined under software control as a WAIT line in the CPU Block Transfer mode or as a READY line in the DMA Block Transfer mode. To a DMA controller, the ZSO-SIO READY output indicates that the ZBO-SIO is ready to transfer data to or from memory. To the CPU, the WAlT output indicates that the ZBO-SIO is not ready to transfer data, thereby requesting the CPU to extend the 1/0 cycle. The programming of bits 5, 6 and 7 of Write Register 1 and the logic states of the WAITIREADY line are defined in the Write Register 1 description (ZSO-SIO Programming section.) 2.3.2 DATA COMMUNICATIONS CAPABILITIES In addition to the 1/0 capabilities previously discussed, the zao-slo provides two independent full-duplex channels as well as Asynchronous, Synchronous and SDLC (HDLC) operational modes. These modes facilitate the implementation of commonly used data communications protocols. The specific features of these modes are described in the following sections. To preserve the independence and completeness of each section, some information common to all modes is repeated. 111-177 111-178 3.0 ASYNCHRONOUS OPERATION 3.1 INTRODUCTION To receive or transmit data in the Asynchronous mode, the ZSO-SID must be initialized with the following parameters: character length, clock rate, number of stop bits, even or odd parity, interrupt mode, and receiver or transmitter enable. The parameters are loaded into the appropriate write registers by the system program. WR4 parameters must be issued before WR1, WR3, and WR5 parameters or commands. If the data is transmitted over a modem or RS232C interface, the REQUESTTD SEND (RTS) and DATA TERMINAL READY (DTR) outputs must be set along with the Transmit Enable bit. Transmission cannot begin until the Transmit Enable bit is set. The Auto Enables feature allows the programmer to send the first data character of the message to the ZSO-SID without waiting for CTS. If the Auto Enables bit is set, the ZSO-SID will wait for the CTS pin to go Low before it begins data transmission. CTS,DCD.and SYNC are general-purpose liD lines that may be used for functions other than their labeled purposes. If CTS is used for another purpose, the Auto Enables Bit must be programmed to O. Figure 3.1 illustrates asynchronous message formats. Table 3. 1 shows WR3,WR4,andWR5 with bits set to indicate the applicable modes, parameters, and commands in asynchronous modes. WR2 (Channel B only) stores the interrupt vector and WR1 defines the interrupt modes and data transfer modes. WR6 and WR7 are not used in asynchronous modes. Table 3.2 shows the typical program steps that implement a full-duplex receiveltransmit operation in either channel. 3.2 ASYNCHRONOUS TRANSMIT The Transmit Data output (TxD) is held marking (High) when the transmitter has no data to send. Under program control, the Send Break (WA5, 04) command can be issued to hold TxD spacing (Low) until the command is cleared. The Z80-SID automatically adds the start bit, the programmed parity bit (odd, even or no parity) and the programmed number of stop bits to the data character to be transmitted. When the character length is six or seven bits, the unused bits are automatically ignored by the ZSO-SID. If the character length is five bits or less, refer to the table in the Write Register 5 description (ZSO-SID Programming section)forthe data format. Serial data is shifted from TxD at a rate equal to 1, 111 6th, 1132nd, or 1/64th of the clock rate supplied to the Transmit Clock input (TxC). Serial data is shifted out on the falling edge of (TxC). If set. the External/Status Interrupt mode monitors the status of DCD, CTS and SYNC throughout the transmission of the message. If these inputs change for a period of time greater than the minimum specified pulse width, the interrupt is generated. In a transmit operation, this feature is used to monitor . the modem control Signal C'i'S. ASYNCHRONOUS MESSAGE FORMAT Figure 3.1 ASYNCHRONOUS FORMAT MARKINGUNE ~~:~[ [~PARITYI - Y ALL TRANSACTIONS OCCUR ON A FALLING EDGE OF TxC. --&-DN N - 6. 6. 7. OR 8 MESSAGE FLOW 111-179 MARKINGUNE I \ MAY 8E PRESENT OR NOT. EVEN OR ODD .. STOP 1.W, OR 2 BITS 3.3 ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVE Asynchronous Receive operation begins when the Receive Enable bit is set. If the Auto Enables option is selected, oeD must be Low as well. A Low (spacing) condition on the Receive Data input (RxD) indicates a start bit. If this persists for at least one-half of a bit time, the start bit is assumed to be valid and the data input is then sampled at mid-bit time until the entire character is assembled. This method of detecting a start bit improves error rejection when noise spikes exist on an otherwise marking line. Leiw If the x1 clock mode is selected, bit synchronization must be accomplished externally. Receive data is sampled on the rising edge of RxC. The receiver inserts 1's when a character length of other than eight bits is used. If parity is enabled, the parity bit is not stripped from the assembled character for character lengths other than eight bits. For lengths other than eight bits, the receiver assembles a character length of the required number of data bits, plus a parity bit and 1's for any unused bits. For example, the receiver assembles a 5-bit character with the following format: 11 P 04 03 02 01 00. Since the receiver is buffered by three 8-bit registers in addition to the receive shift register, the CPU has enough time to service an interrupt and to accept the data character assembled by the Z80-SIO. The receiver also has three buffers that store error flags for each data character in the receive buffer. These error flags are loaded at the same time as the data characters. After a character is received, it is checked for the following error conditions: When parity is enabled, the Parity Error bit (RR1 , 04) is set whenever the parity bit of the character does not match with the programmed parity. Once this bit is set, it remains set until the Error Reset Command (WRO) is given. CONTENTS OF WRITE REGISTERS 3, 4 and 5 in ASYNCHRONOUS MODES Table 3.1 BIT 7 WR3 WR4 BIT 6 00 = Rx 5 B rrS/CHAR 10 = Rx 6 BITS/CHAR 01 = Rx 7 BITS/CHAR 11 = Rx 8 BITS/CHAR BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 AUTO ENABLES 0 0 0 0 Ax ENABLE 00 = x1 CL6cK MODE 01 = X16 CLOCK MODE 10 = x32 CLOCK MODE 0 0 I 11 = x64 CLOCK MODE WR5 DTR 00 = Tx 5 BITS (OR LESS) CHAR 10 = Tx 6 BITS/CHAR 01 = Tx 7 BITS/CHAR 11 = Tx 8 BITS/CHAR I SEND BREAK 00= NOT USED 01 = 1 STOP BIT/CHAR EVEN-ODD PARITY PARITY 10 = 1% STOP ENABLE BITS/CHAR 11 = 2 STOP BITS/CHAR Tx ENABLE 0 RTS 0 The Framing Error bit (RR1 , 06) is set ifthe character is assembled without any stop bits (that is a Low level detected for a stop bit). Unlike the Parity Error bit, this bit is set (and not latched) only for the character on which it occurred. Detection of framing error adds an additional one-half of a bit time to the character time so the framing error is not interpreted as a new start bit. 111-180 ASYNCHRONOUS MODE Table 3.2 TYPICAL PROGRAM STEPS FUNCTION COMMENTS REGISTER: INFORMATION LOADED: WRO WRO WR2 WRO WR4 INITIALIZE WRO WR3 WRO WR5 CHANNEL RESET POINTER 2 INTERRUPT VECTOR POINTER 4, RESET EXTERNAUSTATUS INTERRUPT ASYNCHRONOUS MODE, PARITY INFORMATION, STOP BITS INFORMATION, CLOCK RATE INFORMATION POINTER 3 RECEIVE ENABLE, AUTO ENABLES, RECEIVE CHARACTER LENGTH POINTER 5 REQUEST TO SEND, TRANSMIT ENABLE, TRANSMIT CHARACTER LENGTH, DATA TERMINAL READY WRO POINTER 1, RESET EXTERNAUSTATUS INTERRUPT WR1 TRANSMIT INTERRUPT ENABLE, STATUS AFFECTS VECTOR, INTERRUPT ON ALL RECEIVE CHARACTERS, DISABLE WAITIREADY FUNCTION, EXTERNAL INTERRUPT ENABLE Issue Parameters Receive and Transmit both fully initialized. Auto Enables will enable Tran!!mitter if CTS is active and Receiver if DCD is active. Transmit/Receive interrupt mode selected. External. Interrupt monitors the status CTS. Deb and SYN"C inputs and detects the Break sequence. Status Affects Vector in Channel B only. EXECUTE HALT INSTRUCTION OR SOME OTHER PROGRAM Program is waiting for an interrupt from theSIO. zao INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE CYCLE When the interrupt occurs, the interrupt vector is modified by: 1. Receive Character Available; 2. Transmit Buffer Empty; 3. External/Status change; and 4. Special Receive condition. TRANSFERS RR2 TO CPU IF A CHARACTER IS RECEIVED: TRANSFER DATA CHARACTER TO CPU UPDATE POINTERS AND PARAMETERS RETURN FROM INTERRUPT DATA TRANSFER AND ERROR MONITORING Channel B only This data byte must be transferred or no transmit interrupts will occur. TRANSFER FIRST DATA BYTE TO SIO IDLE MODE Reset SIO IF TRANSMITTER BUFFER IS EMPTY: TRANSFER DATA CHARACTER TO SIO UPDATE POINTERS AND PARAMETERS RETURN FROM INTERRUPT IF EXTERNAL STATUS CHANGES: TRANSFER RRO TO CPU PERFORM ERROR ROUTINES (INCLUDE BREAK DETECTION) RETURN FROM INTERRUPT 111-181 Program control is transferred to one of the eight interrupt service routines. If used with processors other than the zao, the modified interrupt vector (RR2) should be returned to the CPU in the Interrupt Acknowledge sequence. ASYNCHRONOUS MODE Table 3.2 FUNCTION TYPICAL PROGRAM STEPS COMMENTS REGISTER: INFORMATION LOADED: IF SPECIAL RECEIVE CONDITION OCCURS: TRANSFER RR1 to CPU 00 SPECIAL ERROR (E.G. FRAMING ERROR) RETURN FROM INTERRUPT REDEFINE RECEIVEITRANSMIT INTERRUPT MODES TERMINATION When transmit or receive data transfer is complete. DISABLE TRANSMIT/RECEIVE MODES UPDATE MODEM CONTROL OUTPUTS (E.G. RTS OFF) In transmit the All Sent Status bit indicates transmission is complete. If the CPU fails to read a data character while more than three characters have been received, the Receive Overrun bit(RR1, D5) is set. When this occurs, the fourth character assembled replaces the third character in the receive buffers. With this arrangement, only the character that has been written over is flagged with the Receive Overrun Error bit. Like Parity Error, this bit can only be reset by the Error Reset command from the CPU. Both the Framing Error and Receive Overrun Error cause an interrupt with the interrupt vector indicating a Special Receive condition (if Status Affects Vector is selected). Since the Parity Error and Receive Overrun Errorflags are latched, the error status that is read reflects an error in the current word in the receive buffer plus any Parity or Overrun Errors received since the last Error Reset command. To keep correspondence between the state of the error buffers and the contents of the receive data buffers, the error status register must be read before the data. This is easily accomplished if vectored interrupts are used, because a special interrupt vector is generated for these conditions. While the External/Status interrupt is enabled, break detection causes an interrupt and the Break Detected status bit fARO, D7), is set. The Break Detected interrupt should be handled by issuing the Reset External/Status Interrupt command to the ZBO-SIO in response to the first Break Detected interrupt that has a Break satus of 1 (RRO, D7). The ZSO-SIO monitors the Receive Data input and waits for the Break sequence to terminate, at which point the Z80-SIO interrupts the CPU with the Break status set to O. The CPU must again issue the Reset External/Status Interrupt command in its interrupt service routine to reinitialize the break detection logic. The External/Status interrupt also monitors the status of DCD. If the DCD pin becomes inactive for a period greater than the minimum specified pulse width, an interrupt is generated with the DCD status bit (RRO, D3) set to 1. Note that the DCD input is inverted in the RRO status register. If the status is read after the data, the error data for the next word is also included if it has been stacked in the buffer. If operations are performed rapidly enough so the next character is not yet received, the status register remains valid. An exception occurs when the Interrupt On First Character Only mode is selected. A special interrupt in this Mode holds the error data and the character itself (even if read from the buffer) until the Error Reset command is issued. This prevents further data from becoming available in the receiver until the Reset command is issued, and allows CPU intervention on the character with the error even if DMA or block transfer techniques are being used. 111-182 If Interrupt On Every Character is selected, the interrupt vector is different ifthere is an error status in RR1. If a Receiver Overrun occurs, the most recent character received is loaded into the buffer; the character preceding it is lost. When the character that has been written over is read, the Receive Overrun bit is set and the Special Receive Condition vector is returned if Status Affects Vector is enabled. In a polled environment, the Receive Character Available bit (RRO, DO) must be monitored so the Zao-CPU can know when to read a character. This bit is automatically reset when the receive buffers are read. To prevent overwriting data in polled operations, the transmit buffer status must be checked before writing into the transmitter. The Transmit Buffer Empty bit is set to 1 whenever the transmit buffer becomes empty. 111-183 111-184 4.0 SYNCHRONOUS OPERATION 4.1 INTRODUCTION Before describing synchronous transmission and reception, the three types of character synchronization-Monosync, Bisync, and External Sync-require some explanation. These modes use the xl clock for both Transmit and Receive operations. Data is sampled on the rising edge of the Receive Clock input (RxC). Transmitter data transitions occur on the falling edge of the Transmit Clock input (TxC). The differences between Monosync, Bisync, and External Sync are in the manner in which initial character synchronization is achieved. The mode of operation must be selected before sync characters are loaded because the registers are used differently in the various modes. Figure 4.1 shows the formats for all three of these synchronous modes. Monosync. In a Receive operation, matching a single sync character (8-bit sync mode) with the programmed sync character stored in WR7 implies character synchronization and enables data transfer. Bisync. Matching two contiguous sync characters (16-bit sync mode) with the programmed sync characters stored in WR6 and WR7 implies character synchronization. In both the Monosync and Bisync modes, SYNC is used are the command structure addressing controls, and are normally controlled by the CPU address bus. Figures 8.' - 8.4 illustrate the timing relationships for programming the write registers, and transferring data and status. c/o o BIA , o ,, o , o Function Channel A Oata Channel B Oata Channel A Commands/Status Channel B Commands/Status WRITE REGISTERS The zao-slo contains eight registers (WRO-WR7) in each channel that are programmed separately by the system program to configure the functional personality of the channels. With the exception ofWRO, programming the write registers requires two bytes. The first byte contains three bits (00-02) that point to the selected register; the second byte is the actual control word that is written into the register to configure the Z80-SIO. Note that the programmer has complete freedom, after pointing to the selected register, of either reading to test the read register or writing to initialize the write register. By designing software to initialize the ZBO-SIO in a modular and structured fashion, the programmer can use powerful block I/O instructions. WRO is a special case in that all the basic commands (CMOO-CM02) can be accessed with a single byte. Reset (internal or external) initializes the pointer bits (00-02) to point to WRO. The basic commands (CMOO-CM02) and the CRC controls (CRCo eRC, ) are contained in the first byte of any write register access. This maintains maximum flexibility and system control. Each channel contains the following control registers. These registers are addressed as commands (not data). 6.2 WRITE REGISTER 0 WRO is the command register; however, it is also used for CRC reset codes and to point to the other registers. 07 06 05 04 03 02 0, 00 CRC Reset Code 1 CRC Reset Code 0 CMO 2 CMO CMO 0 PTR 2 PTR 1 0 1 PTR Pointer Bits (00-02)' Bits 00-02 are pointer bits that determine which other write register the next byte is to be written into or which read register the next byte is to be read from. The first byte written into each channel after a reset (either by a Reset command or by the external reset input) goes into WRO. Following a read or write to any register (except WRO), the pointer will point to WRO. 111-205 Command Bits (03-051. Three bits. 03-05. are encoded to 'Issue the seven basic ZSO-SIO commands. COMMAND CM02 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CM01 CMOQ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 Null Command (no effectl Send Abort (SOLC Mode) Reset External/Status Interrupts Channel Reset Enable Interrupt on next Rx Character Reset Transmitter Interrupt Pending Error Reset (latches) Return from Interrupt (Channel A) 1 1 1 1 Command 0 (Null). The Null command has no effect. Its normal use is to cause the ZBO-SIO to do nothing while the pointers are set for the followifl9 byte. Command 1 (Send Abort). This command is used only with the SOLC mode to generate a sequence of eight to thirteen l·s. Command 2 (Reset External/Status Interrupts). After an External/Status interrupt (a change on a modem line or a break condition, for example), the status bits of RRO are latched. This command re-enables them and allows interrupts to occur again. Latching the status bits captures short pulses until the CPU has time to read the change. Command 3 (Channel Reset). This command performs the same function as an External Reset, but only on a single channel. Channel A Reset also resets the interrupt prioritization logic. All control registers for the channel must be rewritten after a Channel Reset command. WRITE REGISTER BIT FUNCTIONS Figure 6.1 WRITE REGISTER 0 I 07 I 06 I 05 I 04 t J 03 02 0 0 0 0 o o 1 o 1 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 J 01 I Do 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 J REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 NULLCOOE SEND ABORT (SOLC) RESETEXT/STATUSINTERRU FrS CHANNEL RESET ENABLE INT ON NEXT Rx CHARACTER RESET Tx INT PENDING ERROR RESET RETURN FROM INT (CH-A ON LV) NULL CODE RESET Rx CRC CHECKER RESET Tx CRC GENERATOR RESET Tx UNOERRUN/EOM LATCH 111-206 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 WRITE REGISTER 1 Os 06 07 04 03 I I 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 DO 01 02 EXT INT ENABLE Tx INT ENABLE STATUS AFFECTS VECTOR (CH. B ONLy) Rx INT DISABLE Rx INT FIRST CHARACTER INT ON ALL Rx CHARACTERS (PARITY AFFECTS VECTOR) INT ON ALL Rx CHARACTERS (PARITY DOES NOT AFFECT VECTOR) 1 * '----WAIT/READy ON R/T L..------WAIT/READy FUNCTION L..----------WAIT/READy ENABLE 'OR ON SPECIAL CONDITION "-"'D.N''''EL B ONLY) I 07 I 06 I 05 I 04 I 03 I D2 I I 01 I I DO t VO V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 INTERRUPT VECTOR V7 WRITE REGISTER 3 I 07 I 06 I 05 I 04 I 03 I 02 I 01 I DO I Rx ENABLE SYNC CHARACTER LOAD INHIBIT ADDRESS SEARCH MODE (SDLC) Rx CRC ENABLE ENTER HUNT PHASE AUTO ENABLES . o o 1 1 o 1 o Rx 5 Rx 7 Rx 6 Rx 8 BITS/CHARACTER BITS/CHARACTER BITS/CHARACTER BITS/CHARACTER 111-207 WRITE REGISTER 4 J 01 J J DO I lL..-__ PARITY ENABLE ' - - - - - - - - - PARITY EVEN ODD o o o o 1 1 o 1 o 1 1 o o o 1 o 1 1 1 1 SYNC MODES ENABLE 1 STOP BIT/CHARACTER 1 112 STOP BITS CHARACTER 2 STOP BITS/CHARACTER 1 1 8 BIT SYNC CHARACTER 16 BIT SYNC CHARACTER SDLC MODE (01111110 FLAG) EXTERNAL SYNC MODE X1 CLOCK MODE X16 CLOCK MODE X32 CLOCK MODE X64 CLOCK MODE WRITE REGISTER 5 I D7 I D6 I 0 0 1 1 D5 1 D4 I D3 I D2 l I D1 I 1 DO J J Tx CRC ENABLE RTS SDLC/CRC-16 Tx ENABLE SEND BREAK Tx 5 BITS (OR LESS)/CHARACTER Tx 7 BITS/CHARACTER Tx 6 BITS/CHARACTER Tx 8 BITS/CHARACTER 0 1 0 1 DTR WRITE REGISTER 6 I D7 I D6 I D5 I D4 I D3 I D2 I *ALSO SOLe ADDRESS FIELD 111-208 1 D1 I I DO I SYNC BIT 0 SYNC BIT 1 SYNC BIT 2 SYNC BIT 3 SYNC BIT4 SYNC BIT 5 SYNC BIT 6 SYNC BIT 7 * WRITE REGISTER I D7 I I D6 7 D5 I D4 I D3 I D2 I I Dl I I DO I I SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC BIT a BIT 9 BIT 10 BIT 11 BIT 12 BIT 13 BIT 14 BIT 15 * *FOR SDLC, IT MUST BE PROGRAMMED TO "01111110" FOR FLAG RECOGNITION After a Channel Reset, four extra system clock cycles should be allowed for zao-slo reset time before any additional commands or controls are written into that channel. This can normally be the time used by the CPU to fetch the next op code. Command 4 (Enable Interrupt On Next Character). Ifthe Interrupt On First Receive Character mode is selected, this command reactivates that mode after each complete message is received to prepare the Z80-SIO for the next message. Command 5 (Reset Transmitter Interrupt Pending). The transmitter interrupts when the transmit buffer becomes empty if the Transmit Interrupt Enable mode is selected. In those cases where there are no more characters to be sent (at the end of message, for example), issuing this command prevents further transmitter interrupts until after the next character has been loaded into the transmit buffer or until CRC has been completely sent. Command 6 (Error Reset). This command resets the error latches. Parity and Overrun errors are latched in RRl until they are reset with this command. With this scheme, parity errors occurring in block transfers can be examined at the end of the block. Command 7 (Retum From Interrupt). This command must be issued in Channel A and is interpreted by the zao-slo in exactly the same way it would interpret a RETI command on the data bus. It resets the interrupt-under-service latch of the highest-priority internal device under service and thus allows lower priority devices to interrupt via the daisy chain. This command allows use of the internal daisy chain even in systems with no external daisy chain or RETI command. CRC Reset Codes 0 and 1 (06 and 07)' Together, these bits select one of the three following reset commands: CRC Reset Code 1 CRC Reset Code 0 o 1 o 1 1 o o 1 Null Code (no effect) Reset Receive CRC Checker Reset Transmit CRC Generator Reset Tx Underrun/End Of Message Latch The Reset Transmit eRe Generator command normally initializes the CRC generator to all O·s. If the SDLe mode is selected, this command initializes the CRC generator to alil's. The Receive CRC checker is also initialized to all l's for the SDLC mode. 111-209 6.3 WRITE REGISTER 1 WR1 contains the control bits for the various interrupt and Wait/Ready modes. 07 Wait/Ready Enable _06 Wait Or Ready Function 05 Wait/Ready On Receive/Transmit 04 Receive Interrupt Mode 1 03 Receive Interrupt Mode 0 02 Status Affects Vector 01 Transmit Interrupt Enable DO External Interrupts Enable External/Status Interrupt Enable I~ The External/Status Interrupt Enable allows interrupts to occur as a result oftransitions on the DCD, CTS or SYNC inputs, as a result of a Break!Abort detection and termination, or at the beginning of CRC or sync character transmission when the Transmit Underrun/EOM latch becomes set. Transmitter Interrupt Enable 1°1)' If enabled, the interrupts occur whenever the transmitter buffer becomes empty. Status Affects Vector 102)' This bit is active in Channel B only. If this bit is not set, the fixed vector programmed in WR2 is returned from an interrupt acknowledge sequence. If this bit is set, the vector returned from an interrupt acknowledge is variable according to the following interrupt conditions: V3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 ChB ChA 1 V2 V1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch B Transmit Buffer Empty B External/Status Change B Receive Character Available B Special Receive Condition* A Transmit Buffer Empty A External/Status Change A Receive Character Available A Special Receive Condition* *Special Receive Conditions: Parity Error, Rx Overrun Error, Framing Error, End Of Frame (SDLC). Receive Interrupt Modes 0 and 1 103 and 041. Together, these two bits specify the various character-available conditions. In Receive Interrupt modes 1, 2 and 3, a Special Receive Condition can cause an interrupt and modify the interrupt vector. 04 03 Receive Interrupt Mode 1 Receive Interrupt Mode 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 O. 1. 2. 3. Receive Interrupts Disabled Receive Interrupt On First Character Only Interrupt On All Receive Characters-parity error is a Special Receive condition Interrupt On All Receive Characters-parity error is not a Special Receive condition 111-210 Wait/Ready Function Selection (05-07)' The Wait and Ready functions are selected by controlling OS, Os and 07. Wait/Ready function is enabled by setting Wait/Ready Enable(WR1, 07)to 1. The Ready Function is selected by setting Os (WaitiReady function) to 1.lfthisbit is 1, the WAIT/READY output switches from High to Lowwhen the Z80-S10 is ready to transfer data. The Wait function is selected by setting Os to O. If this bit is 0, the WAIT/READY output is in the open-drain state and goes Low when active. Both the Wait and Ready functions can be used in either the Transmit or Receive modes, but not both simultaneously. If Os (WaitiReady or ReceivelTransmit) is setto 1, the WaitiReadyfunction responds to the condition of the receive buffer (empty or full). If Os is set to 0, the Wait/Ready function responds to the condition of the transmit buffer (empty or full). The logic states of the WAIT/READY output when active or inactive depend on the combination of modes selected. Following is a summary of these combinations: AndOS=l AndOS=O ROO'VisHigh WAIT is floating AndOS=O READY WAIT READY WAIT And Os - Is High when transmit buffer is full. READY Is Low when transmit buffer is full and WAiT an 510 data port is selected. Is Low when transmit buffer is empty. Is floating when transmit buffer is empty. WAIT READY =1 Is High when receive buffer is empty. Is Low when receive buffer is empty and an 510 data port is selected. Is Low when receive buffer is full. Is Floating when receive buffer is full. The WAIT output High-to-Lowtransition occurs when the deiaytime tOIC(WR) after the I/O request. The Low-to-High transition occurs with the delay tOH(WR) from the falling edge of cI>. The READY output High-to-Low transition occurs with the delay tOL(WR) from the rising edge of cI>. The READY output Low-to-High transition occurs with the delay tOIC(WR) after lORa falls. The Ready function can occur any time the Z80-S10 is not selected. When the READY output becomes active (Low), the OMA controller issues lORa and the corresponding B/A and C/O inputs to the Z80-S10 to transfer data. The READY output becomes inactive as soon as lORa and CS become active. Since the Ready function can occur internally in the 280-510 whether it is addressed or not, the READY output becomes inactive when any CPU data or command transfer takes place. This does not cause problems because the OMA controller is not enabled when the CPU transfer takes place. The Wait function-on the other hand-is active only if the CPU attempts to read 280-510 data that has not yet been received, which occurs frequently when block transfer instructions are used. The Wait function can also become active (under program control) if the CPU tries to write data while the transmit buffer is still full. The fact thatthe WAIT output for either channel can become active when the opposite channel is addressed (because the 280-510 is addressed) does not affect operation of software loops or block move instructions. 6.4 WRITE REGISTER 2 WR2 is the interrupt vector register; it exists in Channel B only. V4-V7 and Vo are always returned exactly as written; V 1-V3 are returned as written ifthe Status Affects Vector(WR1, 02) control bit is O.lf this bit is 1, they are modified as explained in the previous section. 111-211 6.5 WRITE REGISTER 3 WR3 contains receiver logic control bits and parameters. 07 Receiver Bits/ Char 1 06 Receiver Bits/ Char 0 Os Auto Enables 04 Enter Hunt Phase 03 Receiver CRC Enable 02 Address Search Mode 01 Sync Char Load Inhibit DO Receiver Enable Receiver Enable (DOl. A 1 programmed into this bit allows receive operations to begin. This bit should be set only after all other receive parameters are set and receiver is completely initialized. Sync Character Load Inhibit (01). Sync characters preceding the message (leading sync charactersl are not loaded into the receive buffers if this option is selected. Because CRC calculations are not stopped by sync character stripping, this feature should be enabled only at the beginning of the message. Address Search Mode (021. If SOLC is selected, setting this mode causes messages with addresses not matching the programmed address in WR6 or the global (111111111 address to be rejected. In other words, no receive interrupts can occur in the Address Search mode unless there is an address match. Receiver eRC Enable (031. If this bit is set, CRC calculation starts (or restarts) atthe beginning ofthe last character transferred from the receive shift register to the buffer stack, regardless of the number of characters in the stack. See "SOLC Receive CRC Checking" (SOLC Receive section) and "CRC Error Checking" (Synchronous Receive section) for details regarding when this bit should be set. Enter Hunt Phase (04). The zao-slo automatically enters the Hunt phase after a reset; however, it can be re-entered if character synchronization is lost for any reason (Synchronous mode) or if the contents of an incoming message are not needed (SOLC mode). The Hunt phase is re-entered by writing a 1 into bit 04. This sets the Sync/Hunt bit (04) in RRO. Auto Enables (05). If this mode is selected, OCO and CTS become the receiver and transmitter enables, respectively. If this bit is not set, OCO and CTS are simply inputs to their corresponding status bits in RRO. Receiver Bits/Character 1 and 0 (07 and 061. Together, these bits determine the number of serial receive bits assembled to form a character. Both bits may be changed during the time that a character is being assembled, but they must be changed before the number of bits currently programmed is reached. o o 1 1 Bits/Character o 5 1 7 1 a o 6 111-212 1.1 WRITE REGISTER 4 WR4 contains the control bits that affect both the receiver and transmitter. In the transmit and receive initialization routine, these bits should be set before issuing WR 1, WR3, WR5. WRS, and WR7. Os Clock Rate Clock Rate o 1 05 Sync Modes Sync Modes Stop Bits 1 o 1 Stop Bits o 01 Parity Even/Odd Parity (DO), If this bit is set. an additional bit position (in addition to those specified in the bits/character control) is added to transmitted data and is expected in receive data. In the Receive mode. the parity bit received is transferred to the CPU as part of the character. unless 8 bits/character is selected. Parity Even Odd (01)' If parity is specified, this bit determines whether it is sent and checked as even or odd (1 =even). Stop Bits 0 and 1 (02 and 03)' These bits determine the number of stop bits added to each asynchronous character sent. The receiver always checks for one stop bit. A special mode (00) signifies that a synchronous mode is to be selected. 03 Stop Bits 1 o o 1 1 02 Stop Bits 0 o 1 o 1 Sync modes 1 stop bit per character 1V2 stop bits per character 2 stop bits per character Sync Modes 0 and 1 (04 and 05)' These bits select the various options for character synchronization. Sync Mode 1 o o 1 1 Sync Mode 0 o 1 o 1 a-bit programmed sync 1S-bit programmed sync SDLC mode (0111111 0 flag pattern) External Sync mode Clock Rate 0 and 1 (06 and 07)' These bits specify the multiplier between the clock (TxC and RxC) and data rates. For synchronous modes. the x1 clock rate must be specified. Any rate may be specified for asynchronous modes; however, the same rOite must be used for both the receiver and transmitter. The system clock in all modes must be at least 5 times the data rate.lfthe x1 clock rate is selected. bit synchronization must be accomplished externally. Clock Rate 1 Clock Rate 0 o o o 1 1 1 o 1 Data Data Data Data Rate Rate Rate Rate 111-213 x1 -Clock Rate x1S=Clock Rate x32=Clock Rate x64=Clock Rate 6.7 WRITE REGISTER 5 WR5 contains control bits that affect the operation of transmitter, with the exception of 02, which affects the transmitter and receiver. 02 OTR Tx Bits/ Char 1 Tx Bits! Char 0 Send Break Tx Enable 00 CRC-16/ SOLC RTS Tx CRC Enable Transmit CRC Enable (DO), This bit determines if CRC is calculated on a particular transmit character. If it is set at the time the character is loaded from the transmit buffer into the transmit shift register, CRC is calculated on the character. CRC is not automatically sent unless this bit is set when the Transmit Underrun condition exists. Request To Send (01)' This is the control bit for the"RfS pin. When the Ffi'S bit is set, the RTS pin goes Low; when reset, Ffi'S goes High. In the Asynchronous mode, RTS goes High only after all the bits of the character are transmitted and the transmitter buffer is empty. In Synchronous modes, the pin directly follows the state of the bit. CRC-16/S0LC (02)' This bit selects the CRC polynomial used by both the transmitter and receiver. When set, the CRC-16 polynomial (X'S + X'6 + X2 + 1) is used; when reset, the SOLC polynomial (X'6 + X'2 + X5 + 1lis used. If the SOLC mode is selected, the CRCgenerator and checker are presettoalil's and a special check sequence is used. The SOLC CRC polynomial must be selected when the SOLC mode is selected.lfthe SOLC mode is not selected, the CRC generator and checker are presentto all O's (for both polynomials). Transmit Enable (03)' Oata is not transmitted until this bit is set and the Transmit Oata output is held marking. Oata or sync characters in the process of being transmitted are completely sent if this bit is reset after transmission has started. If the transmitter is disabled during the transmission of a CRC character, sync or flag characters are sent instead of CRC. Send Break (04)' When set, this bit immediately forces the Transmit Oata output to the spacing condition, regardless of any data being transmitted. When reset, TxO returns to marking. Transmit Bits/Character 0 and 1 (05 and 06)' Together, 06 and 05 control the number of bits in each byte transferred to the transmit buffer. 06 Transmit Bits/ Character 1 05 Transmit Bits! Character 0 1 1 o o o Bits/Character Five or less o 7 6 8 1 1 Bits to be sent must be right justified, least-significant bits first. The Five Or Less mode allows transmission of one to five bits per character; however, the CPU should format the data character as shown in the following table. 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111-214 00 0 0 0 0 0 Sends one data bit Sends two data bits Sends three data bits Sends four data bits Sends five data bits Data Tenninal Ready (07)' This is the control bit for the OTR pin. When set, OTR is active (Low); when reset, OTR is inactive (High). 6.8 WRITE REGISTER 6 This register is programmed to contain the transmit sync character in the Monosync mode, the first eight bits of a 16-bit sync character in the Bisync mode or a transmit sync character in the External Sync mode. In the SOLe mode, it is programmed to contain the secondary address field used to compare against the address field of the SOLe frame. 07 Sync 7 6.9 Os SyncS 05 Sync 5 04 Sync 4 03 Sync 3 02 Sync 2 01 Sync 1 00 Sync 0 WRITE REGISTER 7 This register is programmed to contain the receive sync character in the Monosync mode, a second byte (last eight bits) of a 1S-bit sync character in the Bisync mode and a flag character (01111110) in the SOLe mode. WR7 is not used in the External Sync mode. 07 Sync 15 Os Sync 14 05 Sync 13 04 Sync 12 03 Sync 11 111-215 02 Sync 10 0; . Sync 9 DO Sync 8 111-216 7.0 READ REGISTERS 7.1 INTRODUCTION The ZBO-SIO contains three registers, RRO-RR2 (Figure 7.1), that can be read to obtain the status information for each channel (except for RR2-Channel B only). The status information includes error conditions, interrupt vector and standard communications-interface signals. To read the contents of a selected read register other than RRO, the system program must first write the pointer byte to WRO in eXactly the same way as a write register operation. Then, by executing an input instruction, the contents of the addressed read register can be read by the CPU. The status bits of RRO and RR1 are carefully grouped to simplify status monitoring. For example, when the interrupt vector indicates that a Special Receive Condition interrupt has occurred, all the appropriate error bits can be read from a single register (RR1). 7.2 READ REGISTER a This register contains the status of the receive and transmit buffers, the DCD, CTS and SYNC inputs, the Transmit Underrun/EOM latch; and the Break/Abort latch. Receive Character Available 100)' This bit is set when at least one character is available in the receive buffer; it is reset when the receive FIFO is completely empty. Interrupt Pending (01)' Any interrupting condition in the ZSO-SIO causes this bitto be set; however, it is readable only in Channel A. This bit is mainly used in applications that do not have vectored interrupts available. During the interrupt service routine in these applications, this bit indicates if any interrupt conditions are present in all Z80-SIO. This eliminates the need for analyzing all the bits of RRO in both Channels A and B. Bit 01 is reset when all the interrupting conditions are satisfied. This bit is always 0 in Channel B. Transmit Buffer Empty (02)' This bit is set whenever the transmit buffer becomes empty, except when a CRC character is being sent in a synchronous or SDLC mode. The bit is reset when a character is loaded into the transmit buffer. This bit is in the set condition after a reset. Data Carrier Detect (03)' The DCD bit shows the inverted state of the DCD input at the time ofthe last change of any ofthe five External/Statusbits (DCD, Sync/Hunt, Break! Abort or Transmit Underrun/EOM). Any transition of the DCD input causes the DCD bit to be latched and causes an External/Status interrupt. To read the current state ofthe DCD bit, this bit must be read immediately following a Reset External/Status Interrupt command. rn, Sync/Hunt (04)' Since this bit is controlled differently in the Asynchronous, Synchronous and SDLC modes, its operation is somewhat more complex than that of the other bits and, therefore, requires more explanation. In Asynchronous modes, the operation of this bit is similar to the DCD status bit, except that Sync/Hunt showS the state ofthe SYNC input. Any High-to-Lowtransition on the SYNC pin sets this bit and causes an External/Status interrupt (if enabled). The Reset External/Status Interrupt command is issued to clear the interrupt. A Low-to-High transition clears this bit and sets the External/Status interrupt. When the External/Status interrupt is set by the change in state of any other input or condition, this bit shows the inverted state of SYNC pin at the time of the change. This bit must be read immediately following a Reset External/Status Interrupt command to read the current state of the SYNC input. In the External Sync mode, the Sync/Hunt bit operates in a fashion similar to the Asynchronous mode, except the Enter Hunt Mode control bit enables the external sync detection logic. When the External 111-217 Sync Mode and Enter Hunt Mode bits are set (for example, when the receiver is enabled following a reset), the SYNC input must be held High by the external logic until external character synchronization is achieved. A High at the SYNC input holds the Sync/Hunt status bit in the reset condition. When external synchronization is achieved,SYNC must be driven Low on the seCond rising edge or RxC on which the last bit of the sync character was received. In other words, after the sync pattern is detected, the external logic must wait fortwo full Receive clock cycles to activate the SYNC input Once SYNC is forced Low, it is a good practice to keep it Low until the CPU informs the external sync logic that synchronization has been lost or anew message is aboutto start. Refer to Figure 18 for timing details. The High-to-Low transition of the SYNC input sets the Sync/Hunt bit, which-in turn-sets the External/Status interrupt. The CPU must clear the interrupt by issuing the Reset External/Status Interrupt command. When the SYNC input goes High again, another External/Status interrupt is generated that must also be cleared. The Enter Hunt Mode control bit is set whenever character synchronization is lost or the end of message is detected. In this case, the ZBO-SIO again looks for a High-to-Lowtransition on the SYNC input and the operation repeats as explained previously. This implies the CPU should also inform the external logic that character synchronization has been lost and thatthe ZBO-SIO is waiting for SYNC to become active. READ REGISTER BIT FUNCTIONS Figure 7.1 READ REGISTER 0 I 07 I 06 I 05 I 04 I 03 I 02 I 01 I I DO I I Rx CHARACTER AVAILABLE INT PENDING (CH. A ONLY) Tx BUFFER EMPTY DCD SYNC/HUNT CTS . Tx UNDERRUN/EOM BREAK!ABORT *USEDWITH "EXTERNAUSTATUS INTERRUPT' MODE j * READ REGISTER 1t I 07 I 06 I 05 I 04 I 03 I 02 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 I 01 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 PARITY ERROR Rx OVERRUN ERROR CRC/FRAMING ERROR END OF FRAME (SDLC) 111-218 I DO I I ALL SENT I FIELD BITS I FIELD BITS IN IN PREVIOUS SECOND BYTE PREVIOUS BYTE 0 3 * 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 1 8 2 8 *RESIDUE DATA FOR EIGHT Rx BITS/ CHARACTER PROGRAMMED tUSED WITH SPECIAL RECEIVE CONDITION MODE READ REGISTER 2 I 07 I Os I 05 I 04 I 03 I 02 I I 01 I I DO I VO Vlt V2t V3t V4 V5 VS INTERRUPT VECTOR V7 tVARIABLE IF "STATUS AFFECTS VECTOR"IS PROGRAMMED In the Monosync and Bisync Receive modes, the Sync/Hunt status bit is initially set to 1 by the Enter Hunt Mode bit. The Sync/Hunt bit is reset when the ZOO-SIO establishes character synchronization. The High-to-Low transition of the Sync/Hunt bit causes an External/Status interrupt that must be cleared by the CPU issuing the Reset External/Status Interrupt command. This enables the ZBO-SIO to detect the next transition of other External/Status bits. When the CPU detects the end of message of that character synchronization is lost, it sets the Enter Hunt Mode control bit, which-in turn-sets the Sync/Hunt bit to 1. The Low-to-High transition ofthe Sync/Hunt bit sets the External/Status interrupt, which must also be cleared by the Reset External/Status Interrupt command. Note that the SYNC pin acts as an output in this mode and goes Low every time a sync pattern is detected in the data stream. In the SOLC mode, the Sync/Hunt bit is initially set by the Enter Hunt mode bit or when the receiver is disabled. In any case, it is resetto 0 when the opening flag ofthe first frame is detected by the ZOO-SIO. The External/Status interrupt is also generated and should be handled as discussed previously. Unlike the Monosync and Bisync modes, once the Sync/Hunt bit is reset in the SOLC mode, it does not need to be set when the end of message is detected. The zao-slo automatically maintains synchronization. The only way the Sync/Hunt bit can be set again is by the Enter Hunt Mode bit or by disabling the receiver. Clear to Send (05)' This bit is similar to the OCO bit, exceptthat it shows the inverted state ofthe CTS pin. Transmit Underrun/End of Message (06)' This bit is in a set condition following a reset (internal or external). The only command that can reset this bit is the Reset Transmit Underrun/EOM Latch command (WRO, Os and 07)' When the Transmit Underrun condition occurs, this bit is set; its becoming set causes the External/Status interrupt, which must be reset by issuing the Reset External/Status Interrupt command bits (WRO). This status bit plays an important role in conjunction with other control bits in controlling a transmit operation. Refer to "Bisync Transmit Underrun" and "SOLC Transmit Underrun" for additional details. Break/Abort (07)' In the Asynchronous Receive mode, this bit is set when a Break sequence (null character plus framing error) is detected in the data stream. The External/Status interrupt, if enabled, is set when Break is detected. The interrupt service routine must issue the Reset External/Status Interrupt command (WRO, CM02) to the break detection logic so the Break sequence termination can be recognized. The Break!Abort bit is reset when the termination of the Break sequence is detected in the incoming data stream. The termination of the Break sequence also causes the External/Status interrupt to be set. The Reset External/Status Interrupt command must be issued to enable the break detection logic to look for the next Break sequence. A single extraneous null character is present in the receiver after the termination of a break; it should be read and discarded. In the SOLC Receive mode, this status bit is set by the detection of an Abort sequence (seven or more l's). The External/Status Interrupt is handled the same way as in the case of a Break. The Break!Abort bit is not used in the Synchronous Receive mode. 111-219 7.3 READ REGISTER 1 This register contains the Special Receive condition status bits and Residue codes for the I-field in the SOLC Receive Mode. 01 End of Frame (SOLC) CRC/ Framing Error Receiver Overrun Error Parity Error Residue Code 2 Residue Residue Code 1 Code 0 DO All Sent All Sent (DO), In Asynchronous modes, this bit is set when all the characters have completely cleared the transmitter. Transitions of this bit do not cause interrupts. It is always set in Synchronous modes. Residue Codes 0, 1.and 2 (01-03)' In those cases ofthe SOLC receive mode where the I-field is not an integral multiple of the character length, these three bits indicate the length of the I-field. These codes are meaningful only for the transfer in which the End Of Frame bit is set (SOLC). For a receive character length of eight bits per character, the codes signify the following: Residue Code 2 1 Residue Code 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Residue Code 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 I-Field Bits In Previous Byte 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I-Field bits are right-justified in all cases 2 I-Field Bits In Second Previous Byte 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 If a receive character length different from eight bits is used for the I-field, a table similar to the previous one may be constructed for each different character length. For no residue (that is, the last character boundary coincides with the boundary of the I-field and CRC field), the Residue codes are: Residue Code 2 0 0 0 0 BitS per Character 8 Bits per Character 7 Bits per Character 6 Bits per Character 5 Bits per Character Residue Code 1 Residue Code 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 Parity Error (04)' When parity is enabled, this bit is set for those characters whose parity does not match the programmed sense (even/odd). The bit is latched, so once an error occurs, it remains set until the Error Reset command (WRO) is given. Receive Overrun Error (05)' This bit indicates that more than three characters have been received without a read from the CPU. Only the character that has been written over is flagged with this error, but when this character is read, the error condition is latched until reset by the Error Reset command. If Status Affects Vector is enabled, the character that has been overrun interrupts with a Special Receive Condition vector. CRC/Framing Error (061. If a Framing Error occurs (asynchronous modes), this bit is set (and not latched) for the receive character in which the Framing error occurred. Detection of a Framing Error adds an additional one-half of a bit time to the character time so the Framing Error is not interpreted as a new start bit. In Synchronous and SOLC modes, this bit indicates the result of comparing the CRC checker to the appropriate check value. This bit is reset by issuing an Error Reset command. The bit is 111-220 not latched, so it is always updated when the next character is received. When used for CRC error and status in Synchronous modes, it is usually set since most bit combinations result in a non-zero CRC, except for a correctly completed message. End of Frame (07)' This bit is used only with the SDLC mode and indicates that a valid ending flag has been received and that the CRC Error and Residue codes are also valid. This bit can be reset by issuing the Error Reset command. It is also updated by the first character of the fQllowing frame. 7.4 READ REGISTER 2 (Ch. B Only) This register contains the interrupt vector written into WR2 if the Status Affects Vector control bit is not set. Ifthe control bit is set, it contains the modified vector shown in the Status Affects Vector paragraph ofthe Write Register 1 section. When this register is read, the vector returned is modified by the highest priority interrupting condition at the time of the read. If no interrupts are pending, the vector is modified with V3=O, V2=1, and V 1=1. This register may be read only through Channel B. Variable if Status Affects Vector is enabled 7.6 APPUCATIONS The flexibility and versatility of the ZBO-SIO make it useful for numerous applications, a few of which are included here. These examples show several applications that combine the ZBO-SIO with other members of the ZBO family. Figure 7.2 shows the simple processor-to-processor communication over a direct line. Both remote processors in this system can communicate to the ZBO-CPU with different protocols and data rates. Depending on the complexity of the application, other ZBO peripheral circuits (ZSO-CTC, for example) may be required. The unused channel ofthe ZBO-SIO can be used to control other peripherals, or they can be connected to other remote processors. Figure 7.3 illustrates how both channels of a single ZBO-SID are used with modems that have primary and secondary or reverse channel options. Alternatively, two modems without these options can be connected to the ZBO-SID. A suitable baud-rate generator (ZBO-CTC) must be used for Asynchronous modems. Figure 7.4 shows the ZBO-SID in a data concentrator, a relatively complex application that uses two ZBO-SIDs to perform a variety offunctions. The data concentrator can be used to collect data from many terminals over low-speed lines and transmit it over a single high-speed line after editing and reformatting. The ZSO-DMA controller circuit is used with ZBO-SID #2 to transmit the reformatted data at high speed with the required protocol. The high-speed modem provides the transmit clock for this channel. The ZBO-CTC counter-timer circuit supplies the transmit and receive clocks for the low-speed lines and is also used as a time-out counter for various functions. The ZBO-SID #1 controls local or remote terminals. A single intelligent terminal is shown within the dashed lines. The terminal employs a ZBO-SID to communicate to the data concentrator on one channel while providing the interface to a line printer over its second channel. The intelligentterminal shown could be designed to operate interactively with the operator. Depending on the software and hardware capabilities built into this system, the data concentrator can employ store-and-forward or hold-and-forward methods for regUlating information traffic between slow terminals and the high-speed remote processor. If the high-speed channel is provided with a dial-out option, the channel can be connected to a number of remote processors over a switched line. 111-221 SYNCHRONOUS/ASYNCHRONOUSPROCESSOR-TO-PROCESSOR COMMUNICATION (USING TELEPHONE UNE) Figure 7.2 -. RSXYl DRIVERS/ ~ECEIVERS - lao SID - l80 CPU 4~ l80 CPU RSXYl DRIVERS/ lao SIO ~ECEIVERS f+ ~ ~~ ~ .. RSXYl DRIVERS/ RECEIVERS l80 SIO -. ... l80 CPU BOTH CHANNELS OF A SINGLE zao-slo Figure 7.3 PRIMARY CHANNEL CH.A lao CPU RS232 DRIVER/ RECEIVER lao SIO CH.8 SECONDARY CHANNEL 111-222 -... - . p MODEM ISYNCOR ASYNCI "" p DATA LINK TO REMOTE PROCESSOR l!C r------------SYSTEM aus (DATA, ADDRESS 8. CONTROL) I I I I SYSTEM MEMORY -- - .. . CH.A lao .. N N RS232 DRIVERS/ RECEIVERS I CPU ""- -"" I I IL lao CH.A Z80 SIO #2 CH.B ROY i --- .. ~ SIOCLOCK GENERATOR 8. TIME OUT COUNTERS ROY lao DMA - ... -- . UNE PRINTER ~ a l:I lao SIO CPU 8. MEMORY 0- ~ I I CTC -, I • .- [ I I . --- . . Z80 ________________ 1 RS232 DRIVERS/ RECEIVERS RS232 DRIVERS/ RECEIVERS n m INTElliGENT TERMINAL ~ I RS232 DRIVERS/ RECEIVERS RXCAr- TxCA laO RS232 DRIVERS/ RECEIVERS I CTC . W I t (,J PIO I I SIO #1 CH.B DISPLAY CONSOLE - lao KEYBOARD I -------, t l TERMINAL _!U~ _____ I TERM' NAL INTERFACES I COMMUNICATIONS UNK HIGH-SPEED MODEM ~:!:j ii » :-In .so 0 Z ..... \ (SDLC PROTOCOL) ~ TO REMOTE PROCESSOR I I ...J 111-224 8.0 TIMING 8.1 READ CYCLE The timing signals generated by a ZBO-CPU input instruction to read a Data or Status byte from the Z80-SIO are illustrated in Figure 8.1. READ CYCLE WRITE CYCLE Figure 8.1 Figure 8.2 T1 T2 TW T3 T1 T1 cI> 4> CE CE IORQ iORO. RD RD M1 M1 < OUT DATA 8.2 >-- T2 TW T3 T1 DATA INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE CYCLE After receiving an Interrupt Request signal (iNT pulled Low,) the ZSO-CPU sends an Interrupt Acknowledge signal (Ml and IC5FiQ both Low). The daisy-chained interrupt circuits determine the highest priority interrupt requestor. The lEI of the highest priority peripheral is terminated High. For any peripheral that has no interrupt pending or under service, IEO=IEI. Any peripheral that does have an interrupt pending or under service forces its lEO Low. To insure stable conditions in the daisy chain, all-interrupt status signals are prevented from changing while Ml is Low. When IORQ is Low, the highest priority interrupt requestor (the one with lEI High) places its interrupt vector on the data bus and sets its internal interrupt-under-service latch. 8.3 WRITE CYCLE Figure 8.2 illustrates the timing and data signals generated by a ZBO-CPU output instruction to write a Data or Control byte into the Z80-SIO. . ACKNOWLEDGE CYCLE RETURN FROM INTERRUPT CYCLE Figure 8.3 -J1 M1~~ ______________ IORQ M1 \~__----JI \~ _ _-II RD RD--------------------------------- 00- 0 7 \::=::---~ DATA \~__----JI (VECTOR) lEI ----------,~--------------+------- ----------' ' I I IEO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'-I:/ 111-225 8.4 RETURN FROM INTERRUPT CYCLE Normally, the ZSO-CPU issues a RETI (Return from interrupt) instruction at the end of an interrupt service routine: RETI is a 2-bytebpcode (E0-40) that resets the interrupt-under-service latch to terminate the interrupt that has just been processed. This is accomplished by manipulating the daisy chain in the following way. The normal daisy chain operation can be used to detect a pending interrupt; however, it cannot distinguish between an interrupt under service and a pending unacknowledged interrupt of a higher priority. Whenever "ED" is decoded, the daisy chain is modified byforcing High the lEO of any interrupt that has not yet been acknOWledged. Thus, the daisy chain identifies the device presently under service as the only one with an lEI High and an lEO Low. If the next opcode byte is "40",the interrupt-underservice latch is reset. The ripple time of the interrupt daisy chain (both the High-to-Low and the Low-to-High transitions) limits the number of devices that can be placedin the daisy chain. Ripple time can be improved with carry-look-read, or by extending the interrupt aknowledge cycle. For further information about techniques for increasing the number of daisy-chained devices, refer to Mostek Application Note on extending the Interrupt Daisy Chain. zao TYPICAL INTERRUPT SEQUENCE FigureB.4 CHANNEL A CHANNEL A RECEIVER TRANSMITTER CHANNEL A EXTERNAL/ STATUS CHANNEL B RECEIVER CHANNEL B TRANSMITTER CHANNELB EXTERNAL/ STATUS 1. PRIORITY INTERRUPT DAISY CHAIN BEFORE ANY INTERRUPT OCCURS. 2. CHANNEL B TRANSMITTER INTERRUPTS AND IS ACKNOWLEDGED. SERVICE SUSPENDED 3. EXTERNAL/STATUS OF CHANNEL A INTERRUPTS SUSPENDING SERVICE OF CHANNEl B TRANSMITTER. 4. CHANNEL A EXTERNAL/STATUS ROUTINE COMPLETE. RETIISSUED. CHANNEL B TRANSMITTER SERVICE RESUMED. 5. CHANNEL B TRANSMITTER SERVICE ROUTINE COMPLETE. SECOND RETIISSUED. 111-226 8.5 DAISY CHAIN INTERRUPT NESTING Figure8.4illustrates the daisy chain configuration of interrupt circuits and their behavior with nested interrupts (an interrupt that is interrupted by another with a higher priority). Each box in the illustration could be a separate extern'al Z80 peripheral circuit with a user-defined order of interrupt priorities. However, a similar daisy chain structure also exists inside the Z8()..SIO, which has six interrupt levels with a fixed order of priorities. The case illustrated occurs when the transmitter of Channel B interrupts and is granted service. While this interrupt is being serviced, it is interrupted by a higher priority interrupt from Channel A. The second interrupt is serviced and-upon completion-a RET1 instruction is executed or a RET1 command is written into the Z80-SIO, resetting the interrupt-under-service latch of the Channel A interrupt. At this time, the service routine'for Channel B is resumed. When it is completed, another RETI instruction is executed to complete the interrupt service. 111-227 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltages on all inputs and outputs with respect to GND ........................................... -O.3V to + 7 .OV Operating Ambient Temperature ............................................ As Specified in Ordering Information Storage Temperature ........................................................................ -6Soe to +1S0oe Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings mavcause permanent damage to the device. This is.8 stress rating only; op~ration aftha device at any condition above those indicated in the operational sections of these specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS The characteristics below apply for the following standard test conditions. unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND. Positive current flows into the referenced pin. Standard conditions are as follows: 2.1K FROM OUTPUTo-_ UNDER TEST • +4.7SV::; Vec ::; +S.2SV • GND = OV • TA as specified in Ordering Information _+_-_....f....I All ac parameters assume a load capacitance of 100 pF max. Timing references between two output signals assume a load difference of SO pF max. DC CHARACTERISTICS SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT V,LC Clock Input Low Voltage -0.3 +0.80 V V,HC Clock Input High Voltage VCC -0.6 +S.S V V,L Input Low Voltage -0.3 +0.8 V V,H Input High Voltage +2.0 +S.S V VOL Output Low Voltage +0.4 V VOH Output High Voltage +2.4 'll Input Leakage Current -10 IZ 3-State Output/Data Bus Input Leakage Current 'L(SY) SYNC Pin Leakage Current ICC Power Supply Current TEST CONDITION V = 2.0mA IOH = -2S0 JJ.A ±10 JJ.A OC DATA VALID \ / WRITE X 4.4 DATA VALID >C 1/0 TIMING Figure 4.0-3 illustrates timing of liD Read or Write Operations with the Combo chip. These cycles are independent of the Timer clock (TCLK) input. This feature allows the MK3886 to be CPU independent. The input address lines and chip select are latched and all 110 cycle timing is initiated from the falling edge of 10RO. Notice that the timing is very similar to the memory timing. The chip select and liD address linesA3-AO must be stable before the falling edge of 10RO. The status of RD and WR dictate whether a Read or Write cycle will occur. If RD becomes active, a data byte will be gated from the selected liD port onto the data bus. If the selected port is Write only, no data will appear and consequently be interpreted as all "1 's" by the CPU. Data is valid on the bus as long as RD is active. If an liD operation is selected and INR becomes active, data is gated from the bus into the addressed register port on the rising edge ofWR. 111-249 1/0 READIWRITE CYCLE TIMING Fjgure 4.0-3 AO-7 ~ ..J)(I..____-:-_______ _ _V_A_L_ID __ CSIO lORa \'---------/ RD \'---------/ ---< 00-7 - ____ - - - - - .... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - READ DATAOUTPUTVAUD ) - -'- - - - - - \'-------/ DO-7------------------~~~ 4.5. _ _ _D_A_T_A_V_A_U_D_ _ WRITE ~:>~--------- STANDBY POWER MODE The MK3886 is designed to provide a low power standby mode for the 64 low order bytes of the on-chip RAM. The standby power source(VSB) is connected to pin 37, RAM Protect Control is tied to the '"FiESE'F pin and the substrate decoupling capacitor tied to pin 29. V CC must be greater than 4.75 volts before RESET changes states. As the power comes up, RESET should be held low until V CC is above the minimum level. Figure 4.0-4 illustrates the timing associated with this circuit for two cases. The first case illustrates timing where no save routine is required. In this case whatever data is in the RAM is saved as power goes down (assuming the RESET condition is satisfied). The second case demonstrates how an external interrupt is generated notifying the processor of an impending power failure. All key data must be stored in the RAM. After the save is done, RESET can fall. Remember that upon power up, this portion of the RAM will be in the Read Only mode. 111-250 STANDBY POWER TIMING Figure 4.0-4 CASE 1 I 1 ______-,4!~:._ ___M_UST BE GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 4 . 7 ...._.....!!o1...l ? _ __ VC~AIN POWER SUPPLY : FAILURE DETECTED - , 1 ~ :: i - 1 1 J:~II--- \ RESET »~--------~. I" Vce SUSTAINED BY CAPACITOR OR BATI'ERY UNTIL RAMPRT BROUGHT LOW CASE 2 I I I I 1 1 :\ 1 I ~ ________ ____________ : ~1 MAIN POWER SUPPLY FAILURE DETECTED INT1 t I ~ 1-<:--:- ~1 I I I 1 1 I (( /) MUST BE AT LEAST 4.76 V I I , ~\----t./__-;--- L-f,f--.(----Ii I I I I ' ' ' I RESET I , i~\~_________~(~(________~!~ ____-JI 1 1 I _ I DATA SAVE MUST ' - - :--___ : BE DONE HERE I I ' I , 1 111-251 )/ ACCESS TO RAM INHIBITED , 1 : -----!- EXECUTION CAN I 1 BEGIN AGAIN 111-252 5.0 TIMERS A AND B 6.1 OVERVIEW The MK3886 has two programmable timers, designated as Timer A and Timer B. Each timer consists of an 8-bit binary Down Counter, a programmable Prescaler, a Time Constant Register, and a Zero Count output. There are some differences between Timer A and B. These differences basically are due to the fact that the INTO line is tied directly to Timer A's control circuitry. This feature gives Timer A three modes of operation: Interval Timer, Pulse-Width Measurement, and Event Counter. Timer B operates in the Interval Timer Mode only. A basic block diagram which applies to both Timers is illustrated in Fig. 5.0-1. The following description highlights the major functions of each block. TIMER BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 5.0-1 INTO ZERO COUNT ZC (TIMER A ONLY) 4l-T-C-LK~ PRESCALER CLOCK TIMER B-BIT DOWN COUNTER TIMER CONTROL REGISTER AND LOGIC a-BITS TIMER INTERRUPT CONTROL TIME CONSTANT REGISTER a-BITS 5.1.1. THE CHANNEL CONTROL REGISTER AND LOGIC The Channel Control Register (8-bit) and Logic, is written to by the CPU to select the modes and parameters of the channel. Within the Combo chip there are two such registers, corresponding to Channel A and Channel B. Each register is assigned a separate I/O port address selected by the state of the lower fou r address inputs, (A3-AQ). For specific 1/0 port assignments for each Timer, refer to the "Programming" section for each timer channel or Section 8.0, "Combo Programming Summary." 5.1.2. THE PRESCALER Both Timer A and Timer B have a Prescaler which can be programmed via the appropriate Timer Control Register to divide its input, TCLK, by a predetermined prescale value. The output of the Prescaler is then used to clock the Down Counter in the Interval Timer Mode of operation or in the Pulse-Width Measurement Mode of operation. (Pulse-Width Measurement on Timer A only). 111-253 5.1.3. THE TIME CONSTANT REGISTER The Time Constant Register is an a-bit register used in all count modes and is programmed by the CPU with an integer time constant value otO through 255. Under normal operation, this register is loaded into the Down Counter when the Time Constant Register is first written to and is reloaded automatically thereafter whenever the Down Counter counts to zero. (For details of how a time constant is written to a Timer channel, see 5.2.1 "Programmi,ng Timer A" and 5.3.1 "Programming Timer, S"). 5.1.4. THE DOWN COUNTER The Down Counter is an a-bit register used in all count modes. The Down Counter is decremented by the INTO edge in the Event Counter Mode (Timer A only), or by the clock output of the Prescaler in the Interval Timer Mode. Atany time, the contents of the Down Counter can be read by performing an I/O READ ofthe port address assigned to the Down Counter of the selected Timer channel. Either timer channel may be programmed to generate an interrupt request sequence each time the zero count condition in the Down counter is reached. 5.2. TIMERA Timer A can function in the Interval Timer Mode, the Pulse Width Measurement Mode, or the Event Counter Mode. The Interval Timer mode is used to count TCLK clock periods to generate accurate time intervals. The Pulse Width Measurment Mode is used to accurately measure the duration of a pulse applied to the INTO pin. The Timer begins counting TCLK clock periods when INTO becomes active and stops when it returns to the inactive state. Timer A can also count pulses applied to the INTO pin when it is programmed to operate in the Event Counter mode. A functional diagram of Timer A circuit is shown in Figure 5.0-2. TIMER A FUNCTIONAL SCHEMATIC Figure 5.0-2 FROM TIMER A CONTROL PORT I INTO EDGE START/ STOP PULSE WIDTH INT TIMER +2 +6 PORT 1 (READ) +20 '1' SELECTS INPUT A TClK -t--+--j INTO _ _-"'--,,, 111-254 INTO ENABLE tiMER A INTENABlE 5.2.1 PROGRAMMING TIMER A The desired timer operation is selected by loading the Timer A Control Register. This register is designated as Port 0 and is WRITE only. The format of the Timer A Control Register is as follows: 07 06 05 04 03 02 +20 +5 +2 TIMER A INTO INTO Interrupt Enable ENABLE EDGE DO 01 PULSE Z NTERVAL TIMER ~ STOP Bit 7, 6, 5 - Prescaler constants. These bits determine the possible division values selectable for the prescaler. Any of three conditions will cause the prescaler to be reset whenever RESET is active, whenever the timer is stopped by clearing bit 0 (Start/Stop), or on the trailing edge transition of the INTO pin when in the Pulse Width Measurement Mode. The following table defines the value of the prescaler for various bit assignments. 07 06 o o o 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 05 PRESCALE 1 +2 +5 +10 +20 o 1 o o o 1 +40 1 +100 +200 o 1 1 Bit 4 - Timer A Interrupt Enable When set, this allows Timer A to generate an interrupt request sequence every time the Down Counter reaches a zero count condition. When cleared interrupts are disabled and any pending interrupt is cleared. Bit 3 - INTO Interrupt Enable When set, this allows INTO to generate an interrupt on the active edge selected by Bit 2. When cleared, interrupts are disabled and any pending interrupt is cleared. Bit 2 - INTO Edge Active Level When set, INTO is active high. When cleared, INTO is active low. Bit 1 - Pulse Width/Interval Timer Mode Select When set, the Pulse Width Measurement Mode is selected. 111-255 When cleared and bits 7,6, and 5 are also cleared, the Event Counter Mode is selected. If any prescale bit is set, the Interval Timer Mode is selected. Bit 0 - Start/Stop When set, it will ~nable the Timer for operation. When cleared, it will stop the counter and reset the prescaler. Port 1 is designated as the Time Constant Register for Timer A. When a write operation is made to the port, both the time constant register and the Down Counter are loaded. The following is the bit assignment for the Port: 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO TC7 TC6 TC5 TC4 TC3 TC2 TC1 TCO The following sections illustrate the operation of the Timer A Control Register in conjunction with each of the three possible timer modes. 5.2.2 INTERVAL TIMER MODE When Port 0 bit 1 is cleared and at least one prescale bit is set, the Timer operates in the Interval Timer Mode. This mode counts the prescaled system clock and generates a zero count output, ZCA, and an interrupt (if enabled) every time it counts to zero. When bit 0 of the Control Register is set, the Timer will start counting down from the modulo-N value loaded by the Time Constant Register. After counting down to H'01', the Timer returns to the modulo-N value at the next count. On the transition form H'01' to H'N' the Timer sets a timer interrupt request latch. Note thatthe interrupt request latch is set by the transition to H'N' and not the presence of H'N' in the Timer, thus allowing a full 256 counts if the Time Constant Register is preset to H'OO'. If bit 4 of the Control Register is set and the Timer Interrupt is not masked by bit4 of Port 9, the interrupt request will be passed onto the CPU. However, if bit 4 of the control register is a logic 0, the Interrupt Request is not recorded by the Timer Control logic. Consider an example in which the Time Constant Register is loaded with H'64' (deCimal 100). The timer interrupt request latch will be set and the ZCA output will be pulsed at the 100th count following the timer start and will be repeated precisely on every 100 count interval.lfthe prescaler is set at +5, the timer will count to zero every 500 TCLK periods. For a 2.5MHz TCLK clock, this will produce a 200 micro-second interval. The period of ZCA is given by tc*P*TC where tc is the TCLK period, P is the prescale value, and TC is the time constant value. The range of possible intervals is from 2 to 51,200 TCLK clock periods (.8 microsecond to 20.48 milliseconds for a 2.5 MHz clock). However, approximately 50 TCLK periods is a practical minimum because of interrupt service time requirements by the CPU. To establish time intervals greater than 51,200 TCLK clock periods is a simple matter of using the timer interrupt service routine to cvunt the number of interrupts, saving the result in a CPU register until the desired interval is achieved. With this technique virtually any time interval, or several time intervals, may be generated. The Timer may be read at anytime and in any mode using an input instruction and may take place "on the fly" without interferring with normal timer operation. Also, the Timer may be stopped at any time by clearing bit 0 of the Control Register. The Timer will hold its current contents indefinitely and will resume counting when bitO is again set. Recall however that the prescaler is reset whenever the Timer is stopped; thus a series of starting and stopping will result in cumulative truncation errors. 111-256 5.2.3 PULSE WIDTH MEASUREMENT MODE When Timer A Control Register bit 1 is set (logic 1) and at least one prescale bit is set, the Timer operates in the Pulse Width Measurement Mode. This mode is used for measuring the duration of a pulse applied to the INTO pin. The Timer is stopped and the prescaler is reset whenever INTO is at its inactive level. The active level of INTO is defined by Control Register bit 2; if cleared, INTO is active low; if set. INTO is active high. If bit 0 is set, the prescaler and Timer will start counting whenever a transition is made to the active level on INTO. When INTO returns to the inactive level,the Timer then stops, the prescaler resets, and if bit 3 is set, an external interrupt request latch is set. As in the Interval Timer Mode, the Timer may be read at anytime, or may be stopped at any time by clearing Control Register bit O. The prescaler and Control Register bit 4 function as previously described and the Timer still functions as an 8-bit binary down counter with the timer interrupt request latch being set on the Timer's transition from H '01' to H 'N'. Note thatthe INTO pin has nothing to do with loading the Timer; its action is that of automatically starting and stopping the Timer and of generating external interrupts. Pulse widths longer than the prescale value times the modulo-N value are easily measured by using the timer interrupt service routine to store the number of timer interrupts in one or more CPU registers. As for accuracy, the actual pulse duration is typically slightly longer than the measured value because the status of the prescaler is not readable and is reset when the Timer is stopped. Thus for maximum accuracy it is advisable to use a small division setting for the prescaler. 5.2.4 EVENT COUNTER MODE When Timer A Control Register bit 1 is cleared and all prescale bits(S, 6, and 7) are cleared the Timer operates in the Event Counter Mode. This mode is used for counting pulses applied to the INTO pin. IfTimer A Control Register bit 0 is set, the Timer will decrement on each transition from the inactive level to the active level on the INTO pin. The prescaler is not used in this mode. Normally, control Register bit 3 should be kept cleared in the Event Counter Mode; otherwise, external interrupts will be generated on every transition from the inactive level to the active level of the INTO pin. 5.2.5 ZCA Output Timer A generates an output called lCA whenever a transition (LOAD) is detected from H'Ol 'to H'N' in the Down Counter indicating that zero count has occurred. An output will be generated onlCA that is an integral multiple of TCLK cycles. The number ofTCLK cycles is a function of the selected value of the Prescaler. For example if the Prescaler is set at 2 then the lCA output will be active for 2 TCLK cycles. This is illustrated in the timing diagram in Figure 6.4. Since the Prescaler is not used in the Event Counter mode, the lCA output will only stay active for one INTO clock period. The output state of lCA is not defined when the Time Constant Register is loaded with H"Ol ". Figure S.0-3 illustrates two cases for lCA Output Timing. 111-257 lCA OUTPUT TIMING INTERVAL TIMER AND PULSE WIDTH MODE PRESCALER 2 = Figure 5.0-3 TCLK ___----'I LOAD \~---------------- \\.-___---Jr EVENT COUNTER MODE INTO ACTIVE HIGH 5.3 INTO -.-I LOAD ~ ZCA \ \ / \ I \ / TIMER B Timer B is similar in operation to Timer A; however, it functions only as an Interval Timer. Its output, ZCB, is different from Timer A in that it toggles every time it counts down to zero. This feature automatically produces a square wave which is one-halfthe time out frequency. This a"owsZCB to be tied directly to the SRCLK pin to be used as the serial port clock. A functional diagram ofTimer B is shown in Figure 5.0-4. 5.3.1 PROGRAMMING TIMER B Control of the timer circuitry is provided through the Timer B Control Register. It is designated as Port 2 and is WRITE only. The following diagram illustrates the bit assignments within the register. Timer B Control Register 07 06 05 04 03 PS1 PSO X X Start ~ Stop 02 Timer B Interrupt Enable The description of each bit assignment is as follows: Bits 7 and 6 - PS1 and PSO 111-258 01 DO X X These bits determine the division values selectable for the prescaler. The following bit assignments are made for the corresponding prescale values. PS1 PSO PRESCALE 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 +2 +5 +10 +20 Bits 5 and 4 - Don't care Bit 3 - Start/Stop When set, the timer will be enabled to count. When cleared, the timer will stop counting and the prescaler will be reset. Bit 2 - Timer Interrupt Enable When enabled, this bit allows Timer B to generate an interrupt request sequence every time the Down Counter reaches a zero count condition and if the Timer B Interrupt Mask Register (Port 9) bit 5 is enabled. When cleared, interrupts are disabled and any pending interrupt is cleared. Bits 1 and 0 - Don't Care 5.3.2 TIMER B TIME CONSTANT REGISTER As with Timer A, Timer B has a single 8-bit Time Constant Register. However, Timer B's Register has two modes of addressing. In the first mode the Time Constant Register and the Down Counter are immediately loaded where in the second mode only the Time Constant Register is loaded. The Former addressing mode is performed with a write command to Port 3; the latter addressing mode is commanded with a write command to Port 4. During a write command. Port 3 is loaded with a data byte and its contents are immediately loaded into the Down Counter and Time Constant Register regardless of its present state. When this register is read, the present value of the Down Counter is examined. Port 4 also addresses Time Constant Register forTi mer B. This port is Write only. Writing to this port will not disturb the currenttimer count. When a new value of Port 4 is loaded, it will not be transferred to the Down Counter until it counts down to zero. With this feature it is possible to generate asymetrical wave forms with the ZCB output. The bit assignments for the port are as follows: TIMER B TIME CONSTANT REGISTER 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 TC7 TC6 TC5 TC4 TC3 TC2 TC1 TCO 111-259 TIMER B FUNCTIONAL SCHEMATIC Figure 5.0-4 FROM TIMER B CONTROL REGISTER {~ ________ __________ ~A 07 03 08 ~ 02 PORT 3 (READ ONLY) r-----~D TIMERB INTERRUPT al---~-' MASK PORT 9 BIT 5 LOAD TIMER B INTACK --r--q_/ DOWN COUNTER LOAD 02 - INTERRUPT ENABLE 03 - START/STOP D8-PSO . D7-PS1 LOAD PORT 4 (WRITE ONLY) 5.3.3 ZERO COUNT OUTPUT - ZCB ThelCB output is inverted every time Timer B counts to zero. This can be used to produce a square wave output which is one half the timeout frequency. However, this can be easily modified to generate a pulse train with a variable pulse width and interpulse interval. If a square wave is desired, the output period of lCB is given by the formula: 2*P*lc*TC where lc is the period ofTimer Clock, TCLI<, P is the Prescaler factor, TC is the time constant data word, and 2 is a constant to adjust for the toggle outputfeature on ZCB. Once the desired Time Constant and Prescale values are loaded and the Timer started, a continous square wave will be produced. Figure 5.0-5 illustrates the timing relationship for the lCB output with a Prescale and Time Constant value of two. Writing to the Timer B Counter Register, Port 3, will set lCB. Writing the Timer B control Register (Port 2) with the Stop bit (3) equal to zero will force lCB to·be a zero. An active RESET signal will also reset lCB. 111-260 zeB OUTPUT TIMING Figure 5.0-5 PRESCALER =2 TIME CONSTANT =2 TCLK LOAD DOWN COUNTER zca 111-261 111-262 6.0 SERIALIIO 6.1 OVERVIEW The MK3886 contains circuitry to perform serial data transfers into and out of the unit under program control. The serial port will allow input and output of either asynchronous or synchronous serial data. The port consists of a 16-bit shift register that can be read from or written to while data is being shifted into or out ofthe shift register. This port, controlled by the CPU, can provide serial data communications or be used to interface external serial logic. The port uses 3 I/O pins to provide input (SRIN), output (SROUT), and clock (SRCLK) for the serial data. The block diagram shown in Fig. 6.0-1 depicts the functional operation of the Serial Port. This diagram should be used as a reference throughout the remainder of the Serial Port description. SERIAL PORT BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 6.0-1 PORT 6 SERIAL PORT CONTROL (WRITE ONLYI XMIT EDGE TRIGGER +1/+16 SERIAL REC INTeRRUPT ENABLE LOAD N2 N1 NO PORT 5 STATUS (READ ONLYI .nw"~O:LY COUNTER ZERO E.W.O. SYNC 06 "1 "SELECTS + 1 E.O.W. INTERRUPT REC/XMT INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE SROUT >-~~D ~~--------~--~ Q~------~27 6.1.1. SHIFT REGISTER The Shift Register in the serial port is 16 bits long and can be read or written to at anytime. It is addressed by the CPU via two ports that access two 8 bit bytes. The Upper Shift Register is defined as Port 6 and is used to access the most significant 8 bits. The Lower Shift Register is defined as Port 7 and is used to access the least significant 8 bits. Bit 0 is the least significant bit of the Shift Register. It is used to form the serial output, SROUT. Bit 15 is the most significant bit of the Shift Register. It is the bit position where serial input data first enters the Shift Register. 111-263 6.1.2. SHIFT CLOCK The internal SHIFT Clock is used to clock data transfers into and out of the 16-bit Shift Register. It is also used to clock the internal Bit Counter register. In the receive mode, data is clocked into the most significant bit of the upper half ofthe shift register (Port 6) on the rising edge of the SHIFT clock. In the transmit mode, output data is transferred from the least significant bit of the lower half of the Shift Register to the output (SROUT) latch when the SHIFT clock is at a low level. The SHIFT clock is derived from the SRCLK input and is programmed to operate in a +1 mode or a +16 mode from the SRCLK input. 6.1.3 BIT COUNTER The Bit Counter is initally reset to zero and remains in said state until the first bit of a new serial word is clocked into the MSB ofthe upper half ofthe shift register. The Bit Counter is then incremented as the successive bits are clocked into the shift register. Counting occurs on the rising edge of SHIFT. When the last bit ofthe programmed number of bits in the word is received (clocked into the shift register), the Bit Counter will reset itself to zero. An interrupt will be generated (if enabled) on the rising edge of SHIFT that resets the counter at the count of the specified number of bits per word. This allows the CPU to be interrupted at the word rate, not the bit rate. If the edge trigger mode is not selected, the Bit Counter will continue to count and interrupt regardless of whether new data is being input or output. Writing a new control word to the Serial Port automatically resets the Bit Counter to state zero. 6.1.4. EDGE DETECT CIRCUIT The Edge Detect Circuit is used in conjunction with the asynchronous receive mode in order to prevent false start of word detection. This requires that the edge trigger circuit is enabled by bit D5 of Port 5 and that the +16 mode is selected. When programmed, the +16 counter is reset and SHIFT clock is held low until a negative transition on the SRIN pin has occurred. After this edge has been detected, the circuitry will continue to hold SHIFT clock low and will sample the logic level on the SRIN input for 7 SRCLK pulses. If the SRIN input has remained low throughout this time, then the start-ofword is assumed to be valid and SHIFT goes high coincident with the rising edge of the 8th SRCLK pulse. The data on the SRIN input is then clocked into the shift register by the SHIFT clock in the middle of each bit time. When the preprogrammed number of bits per word are counted by the bit counter, an End-of-Word interrupt occurs. At this time the +16 counter will be reset and the Edge Detector rearmed in preparation for the next character. This scheme provides reliable character synchronization with data sampling in the middle of each bit time. 6.1 .5. CONTROL CIRCUITRY The Control Circuitry provides correct timing and coordination of the functions within the Serial Port. Additionally, it is responsible for loading the Bit Counter and processing interrupts for the PORT. Programmer control is directed through Port 5, the Serial Port Control Register. Specifically, the register controls whether the serial port is in the transmit or receive mode, the +1 or +16 clock select, edge trigger, interrupt enable, and the number of shifts per word. 111-264 6.2 PROGRAMMING THE SERIAL PORT 6.2.1 SERIAL CONTROL REGISTER Control of the Serial Port is provided via the Serial Control Register. This Register is designated as Port 5 and is WRITE only. The bit designation is as follows: Port 5 - SERIAL CONTROL REGISTER 07 +1 06 05 03 XMIT ~~ +16 04 EDGE Trigger X RCV 01 02 Serial Port Interrupt Enable N2 DO N1 NO Bit 7 - +1/-16 Select When set, SRCLK is used as the internal SHIFT clock. When cleared, SRCLK is divided by 16 to form the internal SHIFT CLOCK. Bit 6 - XMIT/RCV If set, the port is configured for the transmit mode. When cleared, the port is configured for the receive mode. Bit 5 - Edge Trigger This bit is used primarily in the +16 receive mode for asynchronous data reception. When set, edge trigger mode is selected. When a negative transition is detected on the SRIN Input, the SHIFT CLOCK will begin to count. The state of SRIN is tested on the 7th clock pulse in order to assure a valid Start bit was detected. If the Start is valid, the Shift Register will be shifted on the 8th SRCLK pulse and subsequently every 16 pulses later until the preprogrammed shifts per word occur. At this time an End-of-Word interrupt flag occurs, and the Edge Detect circuit is rearmed. If cleared the Edge Detect circuit is disabled. SRCLK is either divided by 1 or by 16 to generate SHIFT CLOCK and is not controlled by the edge detect circuit. Bit 4 - Don't Care Bit 3 - Serial Interrupt Enable When set, an interrupt will be generated when the programmed number of shifts per word has occurred in either the transmit or receive mode. A different interrupt vector is generated for the transmit and receive modes. When cleared, interrupts are disabled. Any pending interrupts will be cleared. Bits 2, 1,0 - N2,N1 ,NO 111-265 These bits determine the serial word size for both transmit and receive by the number of shifts per word. The values selected represent the shift configuration needed to interface most serial external logic and synchronous or asynchronous data communication channels. The bit designation is as follows: N2 N1 NO Shifts/Word 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 6.2.2. SHIFT REGISTER PROGRAMMING The Shift Register is divided into two 8-bit ports. These bytes are accessed via Ports 6 and 7 which are the Upper and Lower Shift Register bytes respectively. Both ports are Read/Write. Bit deSignation for the two ports are as follows: Port 6 - UPPER SHIFT REGISTER 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO SR15 SR14 SR13 SR12 SR11 SR10 SR9 SR8 Port 7 - LOWER SHIFT REGISTER 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO SR7 SR6 SR5 SR4 SR3 SR2 SR1 SRO 6.2.3. STATUS REGISTER A register is provided on the MK3886 that provides information as to the status of particular functions within the chip. This register is Read Only and accessed as Port 5. The bit designation is as follows: Port 5 - STATUS REGISTER 07 II BitCounter 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO End of Word Sync RAM Protect X X INT2 INT1 INTO Zero 111-266 Bit 7 - Bit Counter Zero When set, this bit indicates the Bit Counter is in the zero state. Bit 6 - End of Word Sync When set, this bit indicates that the bit counter of the serial port is in the ZERO state AND the SHIFT clock is at a high level. Bit 5 - RAM Protect If set, it indicates the RAM write protection circuitry is enabled. Attempts made to write in the lowest 64 bytes (0-63) of RAM will be unsuccessful. There is no indication if an illegal write was attempted. If clear, then all areas of RAM can be written to by the CPU. Bits 2,1, and 0 External Interrupt State. These bits indicate the current logic level being applied to External Interrupt inputs INT2, INTl, and INTO. 6.3 ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVE MODE Figure 6.0-2 illustrates the timing for an example using the Serial Port in the asynchronous receive mode. For operation in this mode, the Serial Port Control Register should be programmed for Receive (XMITIREC=O) and the Edge Trigger bit should be enabled. Also, the +16 mode should be selected since this also enables the Edge Detectcircuitry. Upon selecting the +16 and Edge Trigger, both the Bit Counter and the +16 counter are reset and held low until a negative transition occurs on the SRIN pin. After a valid edge has been detected (see section 6.1.4), the SHIFT clock will go high and the bit count will begin at the eighth SRCLK pulse and will continue to clock every sixteenth clock pulse thereafter. When the programmed number of bits have been shifted in, the Bit Counter will be reset to zero and an End-of-Wordinterrupt will be generated. After the falling edge of SHIFT following the End-of-Word interrupt, the Edge Detect circuitry will be rearmed in preparation for the next word. Thus, if a start bit is present immediately following the time when the Edge Detect circuitry is rearmed, SHIFT clock will again go high approximately one bit-time after the rising edge of SHIFT which reset the Bit Counter and caused the End-of-Word interrupt. In other words, SHIFT can go high again on the eighth SRCLK pulse as soon as the Edge Detect circuitry is rearmed. The Shift Register must be read before the next rising SHIFT CLOCK edge; otherwise, the data will be shifted to the right by one bit. Since data is gated directly on the data bus from the Shift Register, it must be read witin one bit time. For a 9600 bps data rate, this would require reading the Register within 104 microseconds from the time that the End-of-Word interrupt is generated. It is possible to detect a receiver overrun condition by examining the state ofthe Bit Counter. Bit 7 of Port 5 is designated as Bit Counter Zero (BCZ). After a end of word receive interrupt is processed, the data in the shift register is transferred to processor. If Bit 7 is then read and is a logic 1 no overun error has occurred. If the bit is a logic 0 an error has occurred. The example in Figure 6.0-2 shows the timing required for asynchronous data reception from a device such as a teletype. Within this data stream is start, stop, and data bits. A typical format requires 1 start bit, 8 data bits and 2 stop bits for a total of 11 bits. All these bits will be residing inthe 16 bit shift register when the End of Word interrupt is generated. It is, therefore, necessary to strip the start and stop bits from the data. An example of this is shown in Section 9 concerning MK3886 Applications. 111-267 SERIAL PORT TIMING ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVE Figure 6.0-2 SHIFT CLOCK STATE 00 N·3 N N-2 N-1 00 BIT COUNTER ZERO ~------jj~----------------' INT 6.4 ---------------------j,j~---------------, SYNCHRONOUS RECEIVE For synchronous operation, the Edge Trigger Mode must not be selected and bit 6 (XMIT/REC) should be a O. Also, the +1 SHIFT Clock mode should be selected to establish the SRCLK input as the synchronization clock for the data stream. Once the Serial Port Control word is written to with Edge Trigger = 0 and the-;-1 SHIFT clock mode selected, then the Serial Port will continuously shift data into the MSB of the upper half of the Shift Register at the +1 clock rate and interrupt when the programmed number of bits have been shifted in. An illustration of receive timing is shown in Figure 6.0-3. This diagram is for a +1, no edge triggered, sychronous receive sequence for a 5 bit word. Note the relationship of SHIFT clock, state of the bit counter, and Bit Counter Zero. Since Edge Trigger is not enabled(Port 5, bit5=0)the Bit counter will continue to count and interrupt at the word rate regardless of whether or not new data is being received. Writing a new control word to the Serial Control Port automatically resets the bit counter to zero. Note that when the End-of-Word interrupt is received, the Shift Register must be read before the rising edge of the next SHIFT clock pulse or data will be shifted to the right. At 9600 bps this requires reading the Shift Register within 104 microseconds of the End-of-Word interrupt. As explained in the previous section on Asynchronous Operation, the Bit Counter zero flag in the Status Register can be used to verify the integrity of the data read from the shift register. Writing to Port 5 resets the bit counter to zero. 111-268 SERIAL PORT SYNCHRONOUS RECEIVE TIMING Figure 6.0-3 SHIFT CLOCK BIT COUNTER STATE 00 BIT COUNTER ZERO END-OFWORD SYNC 6.5 01 02 03 04 00 J n ~________________________~r--l~_______________ ASYNCHRONOUS OR SYNCHRONOUS TRANSMIT MODE The Transmit mode is selected by setting bit 6 (XMITIREe) of the Serial Port Control word. In the transmit mode data loaded into the Shift Register is enabled out of the Port 7 on the falling edge of SHIFT CLOCK with the least significant bit, SRO, first. Data from the internal data bus is loaded directly into the Shift Register whenever an output is done to either the Upper or Lower Shift Register Ports. A Status flag is also available to insure that data can be written to the port without an underrun condition occuring. Figure 6.0-4 illustrates serial output timing in the +1 mode. This mode can be used for either asynchronous or synchronous data output. This figure illustrates timing relationships necessary to insure correct serial data output. When the output operation is begun, the data within the shift register is shifted one bit position tothe right on the falling edge of the SHIFT CLOCK. SRO, the least significant bit of Port 7, is output first. SR15, the most significant bit of Port 6, is output last. SR15 is output on the 16th SHIFT CLOCK pulse(assuming 16 shifts per word was selected). While the shift register contents are being output on a bit by bit basis, data is simultaneously sampled and input to the shift register through the SRIN pin. Output data is transferred from SRO to the output holding buffer when SHIFT CLOCK is low. Therefore to insure valid output data on the SROUT pin for a full bit time, the lower shift register (Port 7) must be written to while SHIFT CLOCK is at a high level. This condition is present when both Bit Counter Zero and SHIFT CLOCK are high. This can be verified by reading Bit 6 of Port 5, which is called End of Word Sync. The above condition must be met in order to assure continuous error free output data. If the Upper and Lower Shift Register Ports are both utilized and are loaded on opposite sides of the rising edge of SHIFT CLOCK, an extra bit will either be added or dropped from the output data stream. 111-269 SERIAL PORT TRANSMIT TIMING Figure 6.0-4 SHIFT CLOCK SERIAL OUT BIT COUNTER ZERO END-Of-WORD SYNC ~ L -----InL--_ _ _ _----Inl--_ For continous data output, the Shift Register must be loaded within 112 bit time of the End-of-Word interrupt. For a 9600 bps output rate, this requires loading the Shift Register within 52 microseconds of the rising edge of SHIFT that signals the End-of-Word condition. For noncontinuous data output, as is used in Asynchronous data transmission, the user must still take the same precautions in loading the Shift Register to prevent an overrun or underrun condition as described above. One method that can be used to insure valid data out isto use the End-of-word interrupt in the transmit mode to signal the proper time to load the Shift Register. In using this method, the transmit mode would be set and the Serial Interrupt would always be enabled, so the the Serial Port would be continually shifting out data and interrupting at the specified word rate. This would occur regardless of whether or not data had been loaded into the Shift Register. Recall that while the Shift Register is in the Transmit Mode, the SRIN input is being sampled and shifted in. If, for example, it is desirable to have the SROUT Line at a marking condition (logic 1) between asynchronous serial words, then the user should insure that a logic one is present at the SRIN pin. Another method for sending asynchronous serial data would be to specify edge trigger in a write operation to the Serial Port Control register. This would reset the internal +16 counter, thereby stopping the SHIFT clock. It would then be possible to load both halves of the Shift Register without the possibility of an overrun or underrun condition. This would be followed by a second control word specifying no Edge Trigger. This sequence will stop the output process, reload the Shift Register, reset the +16 counter, and then re-enable the +16 counter and SHIFT clock. 111-270 7.0 INTERRUPTS 7.1 OVERVIEW A total of three external interrupt inputs are provided in the MK3886. Two of these inputs are uncommitted. the third is associated with Timer A. These inputs are edge triggered with Schmitt trigger inputs that allow slow rise time signals to be tied directly to the interrupt request lines. Ti\ITf will set an interrupt request latch on a negative edge transition whereas INT2 sets the latch on a positive edge. INTO can be programmed to interrupt on either edge transition. The Combo's interrupt control logic insures that it acts in accordance with Z80 system interrupt protocol for nested priority interrupt and proper return from interrupt. The priority of any Z80 peripheral is determined by its physical location in a daisy chain configuration. Two signal lines (lEI and lEO) are provided on the Combo and all peripheral devices to form the system daisy chain. The device closest to the CPU has the highest priority; within the Combo. interrupt priority has been pre-determined for each interrupt source. The following is the internally assigned priority in decreasing order: zao 1. INTO 2. Timer A 3. Timer B 4. End of Word - Receive 5. End of Word - Transmit 6. INT1 7.INT2 Each ofthe interrupt channels on the 3886 can be individually enabled and each provides a unique interrupt vector to the CPU. Additionally. a programmable mask register. accessed via Port 9. allows the interrupt requests on each channel to be selectively blocked without disabling them. 7.2 PROGRAMMING THE INTERRUPTS The Combo chip can be programmed to request a CPU interrupt every time its interrupt request latch is set. Some time after the interrupt request. the CPU will respond with an interrupt acknowledge and the MK3886 will determine the highest priority channel which is requesting an interrupt within the device. Then if the MK3886's lEI input is active. indicating that it has priority within the system daisy chain. it will put an 8-bit word on the system data bus. The Combo cllip has been designed to operate in two different interrupt modes. These modes are RESTART and VECTOR. RESTART mode is provided for use with 8080 CPU's or theZ80 in Mode O. VECTOR is used with Interrupt Mode 2 of the CPU. zao If the MK3886 is in the RESTART mode upon receipt of a interrupt acknowledge. the Combo Chip forces a Z80 RESTART instruction on the data bus. The CPU strobes in RESTART and executes the instruction from one of eight locations as defined by the T field in the RESTART instruction. The RESTART locations are 0000. OOOSH ..... 0030H. The interrupt channel assignments specify which restart location is executed. The channel aSSignments are encoded into the instruction field. The RESTART vector is shown in the convention below. RESTART 07 06 05 04 03 12 11 10 111-271 02 01 DO Where: Z80 Mnemonic 12 11 10 SOURCE RST56 RST48 RST40 RST32 RST24 RST 16 RST08 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 INTO Timer A Timer B End of Word Receive End of Word Transmit INT1 INT2 RESTART LOCATION 38H 30H 28H 20H 18 H 10 H 08H The VECTOR mode is a more powerful method of servicing interrupts. When an interrupt request has been acknowledged and the Combo's lEI input is active, indicating it has priority within the system daisy chain, it will place an 8-bit interrupt vector on the system data bus. This interrupt vector is used to form a pointer to a location in memory where the address of the interrupt service routine is stored. The interrupt vector has the following format. VECTOR 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO V7 V6 V5 V4 12 11 10 o 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 - - - INTO Timer A Timer B E.O.W. Receive E.O.W. Transmit INT 1 INT2 The high-order 4 bits of the vector, V7 through V4, are program selectable and are stored in upper bits of Port 8. They should be written to the Combo Chip as part of the initialization process. The next three bits will be provided by the Combo's internal control logic as a binary code corresponding tothe highest priority channel requesting an interrupt; finally the low-order bit of the VECTOR will always be zero. The VECTOR represents the least significant 8 bits of a 16 bit interrupt vector. The most significant 8 bits are supplied by the I register within theZ80-CPU. This 16 bit vector points to an interrupt service routine starting address table. Thus in Mode 2, a single 8-bit vector stored in an interrupting MK3886 can result in an indirect call to any memory location. 'MODE 2 INTERRUPT OPERATION Desired starting address pointed to by: INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE STARTING ADDRESS TABLE LOW ORDER HIGH ORDER I REG CONTENTS 7 BITS FROM MK3886 J11-272 7-3. LOAOING THE INTERRUPT CONTROL ANO VECTOR REGISTER Before an interrupt sequence can begin, the Combo Chip must be programmed to initialize the desired response. Programming is done through two registers, the Interrupt Control and Vector Register and the Interrupt Mask Register. Port 8 is designated as the Interrupt Control and Vector register. The purpose of this register is to store the high order 4 bits of the Interrupt Vector and to provide interrupt control information. Port 9 is designated as the Interrupt Mask Register. The purpose of this register is to selectively block interrupting channels without disabling them. Port 8 is the Interrupt Control Vector Register. To load this register, the CPU performs a normal 1/0 write sequence to the port address. This Port is WRITE only. The following diagram shows the position of each bit in the Interrupt Control and Vector Register. 07 06 05 04 V7 V6 V5 V4 02 03 RESTART -----VECTOR INn ENABLE 01 INT2 ENABLE 00 X PORT 8 Bits 07-04 These bits represent the high order four bits of the Interrupt Vector. When combined with the internal channel assignments, a complete 8 bit vector is specified. Bit 03 Mode Select When set the MK3886 will operate in the RESTART mode. This mode is directly compatible with the aoaoA or Z80 Mode O. When cleared, the MK3886 will operate in vectored interrupt mode (zao mode 2). Bits 02-01 These bits are used to selectively enable or disable the two external interrupt inputs, INT1 and INT2. When set, they will generate an interrupt request sequence every time the inputs become active (if the appropriate mask bit is enabled). Interrupt Mask Register Port 9 is the Interrupt Mask Register. This register allows a mask word to be written to the port that will selectively allow certain channels to interrupt the CPU. This will block the interrupts but will not disable them. This operation can be thought of as a 2-input ANO gate. One input of the gate is the mask bit while the other input is the latched interrupt active signal. The mask bit, therefore, determines whether the channel interrupt will be further processed and prioritized within the 3886. Any channel of the 3886 can be prevented from requesting an interrupt by loading a logic 0 in the respective bit poSition. The Port assignments are shown below. INTERRUPT MASK REGISTER 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 INT2 111-273 00 If an interrupt request has been made, andthe respective mask bit disabled it will be passed on to the CPU interrupt circuitry when the mask bit is enabled. If this previous interrupt is not desired but future interrupts needed, the appropriate interrupt enable bit must be disabled, then set again. This is done using the respective interrupt enable bits designated in the specific channel's control register. 7.4 INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE CYCLE Figure 7.0-1 illustrates the timing associated with the Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle. Some time after an interrupt is requested by the Combo, the CPU will send out an interrupt acknowledge (M1 and lORa). To insure that the daisy chain enable lines stabilize, channels are inhibited from changing their interrupt request status when M1 is active. M1 is active about two cf> clock cycles earlier than lORa, and RD is false to distinguish the cycle from an instruction fetch. During this time the interrupt logic of the Combo will determine the highest priority interrupting channel within the Combo places its Interrupt Vector onto the Data Bus when lORa goes active. Two wait states (TW*) are automatically inserted by the CPU at this time to allow the daisy chain to stabilize. Additional wait states may be added. INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE CYCLE Figure 7.0-1 CPU CLOCK \~----------------~/ \'--_ _-oJ! RD "1" lEI DATA 7.5 ------ -------7 -"- - - - - - - - - - - - - _______________-« VECTOR )~_ _ _ __ RETURN FROM INTERRUPT CYCLE zao Unlike the other peripheral circuits, the MK3886 will not respond to the Z80 RETI command. This is due to the manner in which the lEO line in the daisy chain is manipulated by the 3886. The standard Z80 daisy chain protocol dictates that the closest device to the CPU has the highest priority. This priority is determined by the lEI and lEO Signals. If a peripheral is granted an interrupt acknowledge, it will force lEO low thus blocking all other lower priority devices. The lEO line will stay low until the interrupt service routine is executed and the CPU issues the two byte RETI code. If lEI is high and lEO is low, the peripheral will decode the RETI instruction. The peripheral being serviced will be reinitialized and its lEO will become active (assuming no other pending interrupts by that device). Operation with the MK3886 is slightly different. After an interrupt has been acknowledged and an 8-bitword gated onto the data bus by the MK3886, the lEO line will go back high unless another channel of the Combo is requesting an interrupt. Therefore it is now possible for lower priority peripheral circuits to interrupt the CPU. If a Combo interrupt occurred while a lower priority peripheral device was being serviced, a potential conflict could arise if an RETI was to terminate the 111-274 RETURN FROM INTERRUPT CYCLE Figure 7.0-2 \ _________f \ ____~f 00- 0 7 lEI --------~~~----------------~~~------------------ --- - - - - - ,r------------------- ---------' Combo's Interrupt Service Routine. Since the lEO line of the 3886 was brought high after the interrupt acknowledge. an RETI instruction issued by the CPU would be decoded and executed by the lower priority peripheral device. Therefore an RET command is the correct method of exiting a Combo Interrupt Service Routine." "Rev "c" ofthe MK3886 should be placed at the end of the daisy chain. otherwise other peripheral devices in the daisy chain might not decode the RETI instruction. 111-275 111-276 8.0 COMBO PROGRAMMING SUMMARY The following is a summary of the programmable ports on the MK3886. It is provided for use as quick reference and review of the port channel assignments. Detailed information on programming is provided in the appropriate sections on channel operation (e.g. Timers, Serial Port, etc.) The most significant digit, 07, is on the far left and least significant digit, DO, on the far right ofthe register representation. An X indicates an unused bit position. Port 0 - Timer A Control - Write Only 1+ 20 7 1+5 1+2 6 5 Event Counter Mode __ O +2 Prescale --0 +5 Prescale -0 ..-0 +10 Prescale _1 +20 Prescale _1 +40 Prescale 4-1 +100 Prescale _1 +200 Prescale 4 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 3 2 0 ... 1 Bit No. ~Start/StopT;~ 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 I : Pulse Width/Interval Timer INTO Active Level INTO External Interrupt Enable 'Timer A Interrupt Enable Port 1 - Timer A Time Constant Register - Write Only TC7 TC6 TC5 TC4 TC3 TC2 TCl 7 6 5 4 3 2 o _ B i t No. 2 o ~BitNo. TCO PORT 1 - Timer A Down Counter - Re!'ld Only 7 6 5 4 3 PORT 2 - Timer B Control - Write Only PSI PSO X X 7 6 5 4 3 2 X X 1 0 - Bit No. I +2 Prescale - 0 0 +5 Prescale - 0 1 +10 Prescale -1 0 +20 Prescale - 1 1 L T i m e r B Interrupt Enable .....--------StartIStop Timer B PORT 3 - Timer B Counter - ReadIWrite 7 6 5 4 3 2 O-+----Bit No. PORT 4 - Timer B Time Constant Register - Write Only TC7 TC6 7 6 TC5 5 TC4 TC3 TC2 4 3 2 111-277 TC1 TCO O-BitNo. PORT 5 - Serial Port Control - Write Only I 7 5 6 +1/~~ ~~I; ~~i~~er • X 4 N2 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Serial Port • Interrupt Enable 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Shift Word Length NO 0 2 I . Nl ~ 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Bit No. 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 PORT 5 - Status - Read Only X 7 I 6 5 I , - - - I_ X 3 _ O~BitNo. 2 I __ L..~: ~1~i~: _ ----------------------_= L... '----------------------------+- End-of-Word Sync Bit Counter Zero PORT 6 - Upper Shift Register - Read/Write SR15 SR14 SR13 SR12 SRll SR10 SR9 SR8 SR3 SR2 SRl SRO PORT 7 - Lower Shift Register - Read/Write SR7 SR6 SR5 SR4 PORT 8 - Interrupt Control and Vector Register - Write Only V7 V6 V5 V4 7 6 5 4 I X 2 I I 1 111-278 o ..-- Bit No. If the Vector Mode is selected, the following interrupt vector is returned during the interrupt acknowledge cycle. V7 V6 V5 V4 12 11 6 5 4 I 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 7 v Supplied from PORT 8 O~ o ..--BitNo. 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 - INT 0 - Timer A - Timer B - E.O.W. Receive - E.O.W. Transmit - INT 1 - INT2 If the restart mode is selected, a RESTART instruction is returned to the CPU during the interrupt acknowledge cycle in the following format. 7 Where: 6 ZSO Mnemonic RST56 RST48 RST40 RST32 RST24 RST 16 RST08 12 11 10 5 4 3 O..-BitNo. 2 RESTART LOCATION 12 11 10 SOURCE 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 INTO Timer A Timer B End of Word Receive End of Word Transmit INn INT2 o o o 3SH 30H 2SH 20H 1SH 10H OSH PORT 9 - Interrupt Mask Register - Write Only x X 7 6 5 4 I 3 2 I I~-------------- O"'-BitNo. __~:~\~~l I 1-------------------------.... : Timer A Interrupt B Interrupt L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Timer 111-279 Serial Port Interrupts PORT A - Write Protect - Write Only WP7 WP6 WP5 WP4 WP3 WP2 WP1 WPO Write one byte: 55H Write Uninhibited: 66H Write Inhibit: Any value except 55H or 66H All registers are cleared when RESET occurs. The following is a list in descending order of the priority of each interrupting channel. The highest priority is first 1.INTO 2. TIMER A 3. TIMER B 4. End of Word - Receive 5. End of Word - Transmit 6.INT 1 7.INT2 111-280 9.0 APPLICATIONS The MK3886 has been designed to function in a variety of ways utilizing the power and flexibility of the functions on chip. The following sections illustrate hardware and software applications of this component. 9.1 MINIMUM SYSTEM Figure 9.0-1 illustrates a minimum Z80 system configuration. Four basic components are needed: the Oscillator, Z80 CPU, PROM or ROM, and the MK3886 Combo Chip. Since the Z80 CPU only requires a single 5-volt supply, most small systems can be implemented only using a single supply. Note that a powerful system can be implemented using only 3 LSI circuits, an oscillator, and a single 5-volt power supply. This system configuration has 2K x 8 of ROM and 256 bytes of RAM. For this example, address bit A 11 separates the ROM space from the RAM space so that it can be used for the chip select function. For larger amounts of external ROM or RAM, a simple TIL decoder would be required to form the chip selects. This memory configuration provides adequate storage space for programs plus providing space to allow scratch pad data storage and implementation of a "stack." The system also has the Timer, Serial 1/0 and Interrupt capability of the Combo chip to allow an interface to an outside device. If additional parallel 1/0 were desired, TIL circuits could be added to accomplish this function. Input data could be gated onto the data bus using any standard tri-state driver while the output data could be latched with any type of standard TIL latch. As another alternative, Z80-P10 could be used to provide 1/0 capable of operating in an input only, output only, bidirectional or bit control mode. MINIMUM Z80 SYSTEM Figure 9.0-1 I I ~ +6VOLT OWERSUPPL ose ~ ~ ADDRESS BUS ~~"\. "\. MREO WR ~ l80 +5 ~AO'AIO "\. "\."-"\..."\. ' ] CE1 RD MK3880· " 1~ MK34000 16K BIT ROM DATA BUS{) ~ CPU +5 .~'\. MREO leA -RD ,'\.'\. - SRCLK -MI MI t leB WR -lORa lORa t RESE~ ~ GND A4 SRIN SROUT CSI/0 ~ CSM MK3886 COMBO AO·A7 J TIMER A TIMER B SERIAL PORT n EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS MEMORY MAP ADDRESS 0000 .2K BYTES ROM .1. t - - - - - - I 07AA 256 BYTES RAM iiiiT RST _ _ 0800 08FF 111-281 lT1K lEO 9,2 WRITE PROTECT The lowest 64 bytes in the Combo's RAM are write protected, Three modes are available for dynamically configuring the write protect circuit. The configuration is done by writing to Port A, the Write Protect Port, These modes are Read Only, ReadIWrite and ReadIWrite one byte, Upon power up or whenever a RESET occurs, the 64 bytes of RAM are in Read Only mode, Any attempt to Write to this portion of RAM will be inhibited within the MK3886. No error indication will be reported. The status ofthe Write Inhibit circuit can be determined by examining the RAM Protect bit in Port 5, the status Register. To examine this po'rt, an input and bit test is required, If Bit5 is set, write protection is enabled, if cleared it is disabled and normal Read/Write operations can continue. A typical sequence would be as follows: IN BIT JR A(5) 5,A NZ,INH ;Input Status Register ;Test Bit 5 ;Branch if Write Inhibited ;Continue Processing if ReadIWrite If the Write Protect circuit is enabled and it needs to be disabled for normal ReadIWrite operations; the following sequence would be used. LD OUT A 66H (OAH),A ;Output Hex '66' ;for ReadIWrite If only 1 byte is to be written to the memory the following sequence would be used: LD LD OUT LD EI C,OAH B,55H (C),B (ADDR),A ;Specify Port to ;Write one Byte ;Set Control Word ;Write one byte to RAM ;Re-enable Interrupts This sequence directs the RAM to write 1 byte and then re-enable the Write Protect circuitry. The control word to request this function is '55'H. The interrupts are disabled in order to prevent any other write cycles from interrupt subroutines occurring before the Write operation to the RAM. In the example above, the contents of the Accumulator is written to the RAM memory. Also note that a 16 bit load instruction will not execute properly. An example ofthis would be ifthe LD (ADDR), A instruction was replaced with LD (ADDR), HL. The contents of the L register would be correctly loaded into ADDR but the H register would not be loaded into ADDR =1 since the write circuitry would now be inhibited for the second write operation. In order to enable the write protection circuit any value except 55H and 66H should be written tothe Write Protect Port. For this example all zeros are used. The sequence would be as follows: LD OUT 9,3 AO (OAH).A ;clear accumulator ;Enable Write Protect Circuitry INTERRUPT CONTROLLER Three lines on the MK3886 are used to generate prioritized, vectored, maskable, edge triggered, edge selectable(INTO only), external inputs. The following example illustrates the steps necessary to set up theZ80 CPU to handle Mode 2 interrupts from this device. The memory map for the example is shown in Figure 9.0-2. 111-282 MEMORY MAP Figure 9.0-2 STACK T 0900 } OOM'O_ 0800 .r- INT2 0600 INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE AREA INT 1 0500 INTO 0400 - i- The start bit must always be low. It lasts for 1 bit time and is used to indicate the beginning of a character. The data bits are the actual data character transferred. In this example the character is 8 bits long with the least significant bit being sent out or received first. After the data bits have been transmitted, 2 stop bits are sent. In order to output asynchronous data, the following steps must be taken. 1. Load the start, data, and stop bits into the output port. 2. Start the shift register 3. Stop after receiving end-of-word transmit to reload more data + start bits 111-283 + stop bits. The followinl;j is an example routine to execute this task. SELECT ;ALT. REGS. ;POINT TO DATA ;NUMBER OF BYTES ;MAINREGS. ;SERIAL INT. ;NOTMASKED ;INITIALIZE ;SERIAL PORT ;SEND 1st CHAR. INIT EXX LDHL,DATA LDB, NUMBER EXX LDA,40H OUT (9),A LDAADH OUT (5),A CALLXMIT ASSUMED: Interrupt mode, Interrupt vector, Baud rate clock, etc. already initialized. INTERRUPT BACK EX AF.AF EXX EI RET ;RESTORE MAIN ;REGISTER SET ;ENABLE INT. ;BACK TO MAIN ASSUMED: B'contains # of bytes to be transferred HC' points to bytes to be transferred Part is programmed in asynchronous serial transmit mode The following program will allow the MK3886 to operate in asynchronous receive mode. It is assumedthatthe incoming character will consist of 8 bits per word and have two stop bits. However, a programming shortcut is used in this example to facilitate a more efficient algorithm. The algorithm assumes that ifthe edge detect circuit begins correctly then a valid incoming message was being receivEid. Using this assumption, then only 9 shifts per word are required. Shifting in the final 2 stop bits are meaningless since the MK3886 resynchronizes its edge detect circuits automatically whenever an end-of-word interrupt occurs. Therefore, upon the End-of-Word interrupt, the 8 bits of data are in the upper shift register and the start bit is in the most significant bit of the lower shift register. The data can be input directly to the CPU from the upper shift register and the start bit in the lower shift register simply ignored. The following is an example of implementation of the asynchronous receive operation. INIT EXX LD B,NUMBER LD HL,DATA EXX LDA,2BH OUT (5).A ;SELECT ALT. REGS. ;NUMBER OF BYTES ;POINT TO STORAGE ;RESTORE MAIN REGIS. ;RX. MODE, :16CK, ;EDGE TRIG., INT. ENABLE ;9 SHIFTS/wORD The data can be input directly to the CPU from the upper shift register and the start bit in the lower shift register simply ignored. 111-284 The following is an example of implementation of the asynchronous receive operation. INT EXX ;SELECT ALT. LD B,NUMBER ;NUMBER OF BYTES LD HL,DATA ;POINTTO STORAGE EXX ;RESTORE MAIN REGIS. LD A,2BH ;RX. MODE, :16 CK, OUT (5),A ;EDGE TRIG., INT. ENABLE ;9 SHIFTS/wORD RXINT BACK CPEX 1 EX AF,AF' EXX INA,(6) LD(HL)A INCHL DJNZ BACK-$ LDA,23H OUT (5),A EX AF,AF' EXX EI REI ;SELECT ALTERNATE ;REGISTER SET ;READ DATA WORD ;STOREWORD ;BUMP POINTER ;RETURN IF B NOT 0 ;ELSE DISABLE ;RECEIVER ;RESTORE MAIN ;REGISTER SET ;ENABLE INTERRUPT ;BACK TO MAIN 01 1M2 LD HL,CRAM+255 LD SP,HL LD HL,IVT LDA,H LDI,A LDA,L ;DISABLE INTERRUPTS ;SELECT Z80 MODE 2 INTERRUPT ;ESTABLISH STACK ;AT TOP OF COMBO RAM ;FETCH TABLE START ADDR. ;SET UPPER 8 BITS ;OF INT. VECT. TABLE ;SET LOWER 8 BITS 111-285 The ZOO software routine will perform the following functions in this example: (1) Select the Vector Interrupt Mode (2) Establish the Stack at location 'FFFF'H (3) Create the interrupt vector by loading the I and V registers in CPU and Combo respectively (4) Enable INT 0 - 3 interrupt enable and mask register (5) Specify the starting address of each INT service routine at each interrupt vector. (6) Enable system interrupts The following routine will perform the above tasks tne ready the Z80 CPU for interrupt from the MK3886. Remember that an RET, not an RETI, is the correct instruction to be executed upon completion of an interrupt service routine. MOSTEK MACRO-SO ASSEMBLER V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR 1 SOURCE-STMT PASS2 CPEX1 NAME CPEX1 ; COMBO PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE CPEX1 CPEX1 REL ; THIS ROUTINE ENABLES THE THREE EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS ; ON THE COMBO CHOP. ALL OTHER INTERRUPTS ARE LEFT ; DISABLED. =0800 =0000 =0200 =0300 =0400 15 0100 0100 0102 0104 0106 OlOE 0004 0003 0002 0000 0000 0001 0003 0005 0007 OOOA OOOB 0000 OOOF 0011 0013 0015 0017 0019 9 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 21 23 F3 ED5E 3E01 ED47 21FF08 F9 3E06 0306 3EOC 0300 3EOO 0302 0305 FB 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ; EaUATES EaU CRAM CPORT EaU INTO DEFL INn DEFL INT2 DEFL 0800H 0 0 02100H 01200H ORG CRAM ; INTERRUPT VECTOR TABLE IVT DEFS 2 DEFW INT2 DEFW INT1 ; INT1 VECTOR DEFS 8 DEFW INTO ORG 0 ; INITIALIZATION ROUTINE 01 1M 2 LD A,01H LD I,A LD HL,CRAM+255 LD SP,HL LD A,06 (CPORT +6),A OUT LD A.OCH OUT (CPORT +O).A LD A,O (CPORT +2).A OUT OUT (CPORT +5).A EI 111-2S6 ; START OF COMBO RAM ; COMBO PORT MAP START ADDR. ; INTO SERVICE ROUTINE START ; INT1 SERVICE ROUTINE START ; INT2 SERVICE ROUTINE START RESERVE FOR FUTURE VECTOR ; INT2 VECTOR ; RESERVE: OTHER COMBO VECT. ; INTO VECTOR ; DISABLE INTERRUPTS ; SELECT ZOO MODE 2 INTERRUPT ; SET UPPER 8 BITS OF INTERRUPT VECTOR TABLE ; ESTABLISH STACK AT TOP OF COMBO RAM ; LOAD VECTOR AND ENABLE INT 1 + 2 ; ENABLE INTO, ACT. LEV. = 1 ; DISABLE OTHER COMBO INTERRUPTS ;ENAB CPEX1 ; INITIALIZATION ROUTINE EI 1M 2 LD HL.CRAM+255 LD SP.HL LD HL.IVT LD A.H I.A LD A.L LD OFOH AND OR 07H (CPORT +8).A OUT LD A.OCH OUT 9.4 ; DISABLE INTERRUPTS ; SELECT Z80 MODE INTERRUPTS ; ESTABLISH STACK ; AT TOP OF COMBO RAM ; FETCH TABLE START ADDR. ; SET UPPER 8 BITS ; OF INT. VECT. TABLE ; SET LOWER 8 BITS ; MASK LOWER 4 BITS ; SELECT VECTOR MODE. ENABLE INT 1 +2 ; SET INT VECT + CTL REG TIMER CONSTANTS FOR USE AS BAUD RATE GENERATOR The ZCB output of Timer B can be used to generate square waves that can be utilized as the clock input for the serial port. The following table gives a list of prescale values and time constant values for Timer B necessary to generate the correct frequencies for standard baud rates. The data are tabulated for use in the +16 modes by the serial port. These calculations are based upon a clock frequency of 2.458 MHz. This frequency was selected since it is a multiple of many baud rate frequencies as well as being close to the maximum frequency for the standard 2.5 MHzZ80 chip set. The period of clock was determined by using the following formula for the ACB output period: 2 * P* tc * TC Where P is the Prescale factor. tc is the period of the Timer clock TCLK. TC is the Timer B Time Constant data word loaded in Port 4. and 2 is a constant to adjust for the toggle output feature on ZCB. BAUD RATE 110 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 9.5 PRESCALE 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 TIME CONSTANT 139 128 64 32 16 8 4 ACTUAL BAUD RATE CLOCK FREO. 1769 4801 9602 19203 38406 76813 153625 DESIRED BAUD RATE CLOCKFREO. 1760 4800 9600 19200 38400 76800 153600 TIMER B AS A VARIABLE PULSE WIDTH TIMER Timer B can be used ~o produce asymetrical square wave outputs. Using Port 4. the Timer B Time Constant Register. a pulse train of variable pulse widths and interpulse intervals can be established. This simply requires reloading the time constant register with alternating values on each occurance that Timer B counts to zero. For example. consider a system using a 2.5MHz Time Clock. A continuing pulse train with a 1 millisecond pulse width and a 2 millisecond interpulse interval is desired. To obtain this output. the Prescaler would be loaded to divide by 20 and the Time Constant Register alternately loaded with 125 and 250. An example of this program is illustrated below: The program is divided into two parts: Initialization and Interrupt Service Routine. The Initialization routine assl.lfmlS that the interrupt vector location was programmed and the stack area has been established. Basically this routine sets up the Timer. conditions theZCB output. and starts the timer. The interrupt service routine tests to see if 125 or 250 was last loaded into the Timer Constant Register. The alternate value is then loaded into that register and then the subroutine is exited. 111-287 CPEX2 ; INITIALIZATION 01 1M2 LD HL,IVT LDA,H LD I,A LDA,L OUT (CPORT +8),A LD HL,CRAM+255 LD SP,HL LD A,O OUT (CPORT +O),A OUT (CPORT +5),A LD A,010H OUT (CPORT +9),A LDA,T1 OUT (CPORT +),A LD A,OCl -I OUT (CPORT +2),A LD A,T2 OUT (CPORT +4),A LD (TCVAL),A LOC OBJ. CODE 7 =0000' 8 9 0400 10 0400' 12 13 0100 0102 010A 010C 17 18 19 20 0002' 0000 0000 0001 0003 0005 0007 oooA oooB 0000 22 F3 ED5E 3E01 EP47 21FF04 F9 3E08 0308 ; DISABLE TIMER A & INTO ; DISABLE SERIAL PORT ; UNMASK TIM. B, MASK REST ; START T1 HIGH PULSE,ZCB=1 ; TIM. B ENABLE, PRESCALE=20 ; LOAD NEXT TC FOR LOW PULSE ; SAVE NEXT TC MOSTEK MACRO-80 ASSEMBLER V2.2 STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 CPEX2 CPEX2 CPEX2 REL 1 NAME CPEX2 ; COMBO PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE ; THIS ROUTINE PROGRAMS TIMER B AS AN ASYMETRICAL ; PULSE GENERATOR. ALL OTHER INTERRUPTS ARE DISABLED. =0400 =0070 =OOFA ; DISABLE INTERRUPTS ; Z80 MODE 2 INTERRUPT ; FETCH TABLE START ADDR ; SET UPPER 8 BITS ; OF INTERRUPT VECTOR TABLE ; SET LOWER 8 BITS & ; DISABLE INT1 & 2 ; ESTABLISH STACK ; AT TOP OF COMBO RAM 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ; EQUATES CRAM EQU CPORT EQU T1 EQU T2 EQU ORG 0800H o 125 250 ; START ADDR. OF COMBO RAM ; START ADDR. OF COMBO PORTS ; TC FOR HIGH T1 = 1 MS. ; TC FOR LOWT2 = 2 MS CRAM 1 ; INTERRUPT VECTOR TABLE IVT DEFS 2 DEFS 8 DEFW TBI 4 DEFS TCVAL DEFS 1 ORG 0 ; INITIALIZATION EI 2 1M HA,01 LD I,A LD HL,CRAM+255 LD SP,HL LD LD A,08H OUT (CPORT +8),A 111-288 ; RESERVE FOR FUTURE VECTOR ; RESERVE; OTHER COMBO VECT. ; TIMER B INT. START ADDR. ; RESERVE: OTHER COMBO VECT. ; CURRENT TIME CONSTANTVAC. ; DISABLE INTERRUPTS ; ZOO MODE 2 INTERRUPT ; SET UPPER 8 BITS ; OF INT. VECTOR TABLE ; ESTABLISH STACK ; AT TOP OF COMBO RAM ; SET INTERRUPT VECTOR & ; DISABLE INT1 & 2 OOOF 0011 0013 0015 0017 001F 0021 0023 0025 3EOO D300 D305 3E10 D309 D302 3EFA D304 FB LD OUT OUT LD OUT OUT LD OUT EI 32 33 34 35 36 40 41 42 43 A,O (CPORT +OI,A (CPORT +51,A A,010H (CPORT +91,A (CPORT +21.A A,T2 (CPORT +41,A ; DISABLE TIMER A & INTO ; DISABLE SERIAL PORT ; UNMASK TIM. B, MASK REST ; TIM. B ENABLE, PRESCALE 20 ; LOAD TC FOR LOW PULSE LENGTH MOSTEK MACRO-SO ASSEMBLER V2.2 LOC OBJ. CODE 48 0200 0200' 0201 0202 0205 0207 0208 020A 020A 02OC' 020E 0211 0212 0213 0214 STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT F5 E5 210004' 3E7D BE 2002 3EFA 3EFA D304 320004' F1 E1 FB C9 50 51 52 53 54 55 36 36 57 58 59 60 61 62 PASS2 CPEX2 CPEX2 CPEX2 REL ORG 020H ; TIMER B INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE TBI PUSH AF ; SAVE ACCUMULATOR, FLAGS PUSH HL ; SAVE HL REGISTER PAIR LD HL,TCVAL ; POINT TO CURRENT TC VALUE LD A.T1 ; GETT1 VALUE CP (HLI ; COMPARE TO TC VALUE NZ,TBI1-$ ; IF NOT =, LOAD T1 INTO TC JR LD A,T2 ; OTHERWISE LOAD T2 INTO TC LD A,T2 ; OTHERWISE LOAD T2 INTO TC TBI1 OUT (CPORT +41,A ; LOAD TIME CONSTANT LD (TCVALI,A ; STORE CURRENT TC IN BUFFER POP AF ; RESTORE POP HL CPU REGISTERS EI ; ENABLE INTERRUPTS RET ; RETURN 111-2S9 9.6. SERIAL ASYNCHRONOUS 1/0 The MK3886 is capable of half duplex serial asynchronous transmission and reception. Since this port functions basically as a serial to parallel and parallel to serial converter, some software is needed to add or strip the start and stop bits and to align the data word. The following example illustrates a program sequence necessary to output an 8-bitASCIl word. It is assumed that the input clock frequency has been generated and is input at SRCLK. An 8-bit asynchronous data word has the following format. The start bit must always be low. It lasts for 1 bit time and is used to indicate the beginning of a character. The data bits are the actual data character transferred. In this example the character is8 bits long with the least significant bit being sent out or received first. After the data bits have been transmitted, a stop bit is sent. During this period the stop bits are high for 1 or 2-bit times allowing for both the transmit and receive terminals to asynchronize. In order to output asynchronous data, the following steps must be taken. 1. Load the start, data and stop bits into the output port. 2. Start the shift register 3. Stop after receiving end-of-word transmit to reload more data The following is an example routine to execute this task. INIT EXX LD HL,DATA LD B, NUMBER EXX LDA,40H OUT (9),A LDA,4DH OUT (5),A CALLXMIT SELECT ;ALT. REGS. ;POINTTO DATA ;NUMBER OF BYTES ;MAIN REGS. ;SERIAL INT. ;NOTMASKED ;INITIALIZE ;SERIAL PORT ;SEND 1st CHAR. ASSUMED: Interrupt mode, Interrupt vector, Baud rate clock, etc. already initialized. IN'fERRUPT XMIT EX AF,AF EXX LDA,(HL) SLAA OUT (7),A LDA,OFFH RLA OUT (6),A INCHL DJNZ BACK-$ LDA,25H OUT (5),A ;SELECT ALT. ;REGISTERS ;GETDATA ;MAKE START BIT ;OUT TO S.R. LO ;MAKE STOP BITS ;RESTORE DATA M.S.B. ;OUT TO S.R. HI ;BUMP POINTER ;JUMP IF MORE DATA ;ELSE DISABLE ;TRANSMITIER BAC, EX AF,AF ;RESTORE MAIN ;REGISTER SET ;ENABLE INT. ;BACK TO MAIN EXX EI RET 111-290 ASSUMED: B' contains # of bytes to be transferred HL' points to bytes to be transferred Part is programmed in asynchronous serial transmit mode The following program will allow the 3886 to operate in asynchronous receive mode. It is assumed that the incoming character will consist of 8 bits per word and have two stop bits. However, a programming shortcut is used in this example to facilitate a more efficient algorithm . .The algorithm assumes that ifthe edge detect circuit begins correctly then a valid incoming message was being received. Using this assumption, then only 9 shifts per word are required. Shifting in the final 2 stop bits are meaning less since the 3886 resynchronizes its edge detect circuits automatically whenever an end-of-word interrupts occurs. Therefore, upon the End-of-Word interrupt, the 8 bits of data are in the upper shift register and the start bit is in the most significant bit ofthe lower shift register. The data can be input directly to the CPU from the upper shift register and the start bit in the lower shift register simply ignored. The following is an example of implementation of the asynchronous receive operation. INIT EXX LD B,NUMBER LD HL,DATA EXX LDA,2BH OUT (5).A ;SELECT ALT. REGS. ;NUMBER OF BYTES ;POINT TO STORAGE ;RESTORE MAIN REGIS. ;RX. MODE, :16 CK, ;EDGE TRIG., INT. ENABLE ;9 SHIFTS/WORD RXINT EXXAF,AF' EXX INA,(6) LD(HL),A INC HL DJNZ BACK-$ LDA,23H OUT (5).A EXAF,AF' ;SELECT ALTERNATE ;REGISTER SET ;READ DATA WORD ;STOREWORD ;BUMP POINTER ;RETURN IF B NOT 0 ;ELSE DISABLE ;RECEIVER ;REGISTER MAIN ;REGISTER SET ;ENABLE INTERRUPT ;BACK TO MAIN BACK EXX EI RET 111-291 111-292 10.0 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Temperature Under Bias ..•.........•....••......••....•...•.•..•••• Specified Operating Range Storage Temperature .•...•........••..•••..•....••....•....•...••.•••...•.• -65°C to + 150°C Voltage on Any Pin With Respect to Ground. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . • • • . . . • •. -O.3V to + 7V Power Dissipation ••....•.•.............•.•..•.....••.................•.....••.••.•.•.• 0.8W 10.1 D.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = O°C to 70°C. VCC = 5V ± 5% unless otherwise specified SYM PARAMETERS MIN MAX UNIT TEST CONDITION VILC VIHC VIL VIH VOL VOH ICC III ILOH Clock Input Low Voltage Clock Input High Voltage (1) Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage Power Supply Current Input Leakage Current Tri-State Output Leakage Current In Float Tri-State Output Leakage Current In Float Standby VCC for RAM a Standby Current -0.3 2.2 -0.3 2.0 0.8 VCC'+.3 0.8 VCC 0.4 120 ±10 10 V V V V V V mA pA pA IOL = 2.0 mA IOH = -250 pA Outputs Open VIN = OtoVCC VOUT = 2.4 to VCC -10 pA VOUT =0.4V 5.5 6.0 3.7 V mA mA VRAM = 5.5V VRAM = 3.2V MAX UNIT 5 pF ILOL VSB ISB 2.4 3.2 10.2 CAPACITANCE SYM PARAMETER CIN Input Capacitance COUT Output Capacitance 10 pF TEST CONDITION Unmeasured Pins Returned to Ground *COMMENT Stra..... above those listad under" Abooluta Maximum Rating" may causa permanent damage to the device. This i. a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at thesa or any oth. condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification ia not implied. Expoaure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periodl may affect device reliability. 111-293 LOAD CIRCUIT FOR OUTPUT Figure 10.0-1 TEST POINT VCC R1=2.1 KO CR1 OUTPUT UNDER ~--------------~------------~t-------------~C TEST C1 250 p.A MEMORY READ TIMING Figure 10.0-28 t-- ~~~_VAUD twiMRH} tarm(D) - - -_ _~ DATA OUTPUT VALID ~--------- tacm(O) _ _ _ _ _ _ _-+1'--________________--' 111-294 MEMORY WRITE TIMING Figure 10.0-2b tw(MRH) CSM tsm(D) 0-0 7 0 ---------------------------- thm(D) INPUT DATA VALID 1/0 READ TIMING Figure 10.0-2c ADDRVALID CSIO lORa tacl(D) tari(D) ~-~---------------------------- 111-295 DATA OUTPUT VALID - 110 WRITE TIMING Figure 10.0-2d AD DR VALID lORa twi(WR) WR tsi(D) DATA VALID SERIAL 1/0 TIMING Figure 10.0-2f \"--- SRCLK SRIN VALID SROUT 111-296 INTERRUPT RESPONSE TIMING Figure 10.0-2e SRCLK TCLK INT 1.2 tOSRC(lTI INT MI \ tSI(MII IORQ \ tOI(O) OOUT -------- ---- - ---< ------ VALID t.(IEI) lEI / tOH(IO) ~ tOL(lO) lEO j f-.tOMIIOI- 111-297 10.3 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = O°C to 70°C. V C = +5V ± 5V unless otherwise noted. MK3886 MAX MIN MK3886-4 MIN MAX SIGNAL SYMBOL PARAMETER A7-Ao tSM(A) Address Setup time to falling edge of MREQ Address Hold time from falling edge ofMREO Address Setup time to falling edge of 10RO' Address Hold time from falling edge of 10RO 100 45 n.s. 40 40 n.s. 100 45 n.s. 40 40 n.s. CSMsetup time to falling edge of MREO CSM Hold time from falling edge of MREO 85 40 n.s. 40 40 n.s. tHM(A) tSI(A) tHI(A) CS m tSM(CSM) tHM(CSM) eslO tSI(CSIO) ~ Setup time to falling edge of 85 50 n.s. tHI(CSIO) lOR CSIO Hold time from falling edge of 10RO 40 40 n.s. tACM(D) tACI(D) D7- DO UNIT CONDITIONS tARM(D) tARI(D) tSI(D) tHI(D) tSM(O) tHM(D) tDI(D) tFlD) tw~WR) Data Output Delay from MREO during memory read Data Output Delay from 10RO during I/O read Data Output Delay from RD to data valid during memory cycle Data Output Delay from RD to data valid during I/O cycle Data Setup time to rising 10RO or WR during I/O WRITE Data hold time from rising 10RO or WR during I/O WRITE Data Setup time to rising MREO or WR during memory ii'i7RlTl: . Data hold time from rising MREO or INR during memory 'WRITE Data Output delay from falling 10RO during interrupt acknowledge Delay to float 350 220 n.s. 380 335 n.s. 200 200 n.s. 380 335 n.s. 265 265 n.s. 30 30 n.s. 200 110 n.s. 30 30 n.s. 340 340 110 n.s. n.s. WR pulse width low (I/O cycle) WR pulse width low (Mem cycle) 250 100 250 100 n.s. n.s. tSI(M1) M1 Setup time to falling IORO during interrupt acknowledge 250 250 n.s. lEI tS(IEI) Setup to falling 10RO DURING interrupt acknowledge 200 140 n.S. lEO tDH(IO) lEO Delay Time from rising edge of lEI lEO Delay Time from falling edge of lEI lEO Delay from falling edge of M1 (interrupt just prior to M1) WR twM(WR) MI tDLlIO) tDM(IO) 111-298 Load=50pF + 1TIL Load 160 160 n.s. 130 130 n.s. 190 190 n.s. Load=50pF + 1TIL Load 10.3 AC CHARACTERISTICS (continued) MK3886 MK3:1J86-4 SIGNAL SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN MREO tvv(MRL) tvv(MRH) Pulse Width. MREO Low Pulse Width. MREO High 480 1S0 tDX(IT) Delay to falling INT from external interrupt active transition Delay to INT from Timer Interrupt at rising TCLK Delay to INT from rising edge of SRCLK 400 400 n.s. 600 600 n.s. SOO SOO n.s. P* tCLK - tCLKI2 - 100 INT tDnlT) tDSRC(IT) MAX MIN MAX UNIT CONDITIONS 300 ZCA tWC(ZCA) Width of ZCA pulse SRCLK tc(SR) tS(SI) 3.3 250 3.3 250 n.s. 150 150 n.s. tDSR(SRC) Period of SRCLK SRIN setup with respect to SRCLK edge SRIN hold time from SRCLK (x1 mode) Delay to SROUT from SRCLK tc(TC) Period of Timer Clock 400 tvv(TC) Timer Clock Low time 180 tH(SI) TCLK 2.5 j./S. 1.S 250 220 110 n.s. n.s. n.s. 140 n.s. ORDERING INFORMATION PART NO. DESIGNATOR MK3886N PACKAGE TYPE MAXIMUM CLOCK FREQUENCY TEMPERATURE RANGE Z80-COMBO PLASTIC 2.5 MHz 0° to 70°C MK3886P Z80-COMBO CERAMIC 2.5 MHz 0° to 70°C MK3886J Z80-COMBO CERDIP 2.5 MHz 0° to 70°C MK3886N-4 Z80-COMBO PLASTIC 4.0 MHz 0° to 70°C MK3886P-4 Z80-COMBO CERAMIC 4.0 MHz 0° to 70°C MK3886J-4 Z80-COMBO CERDIP 4.0 MHz 0° to 70°C 111-299 1981 zao MICROCOMPUTER DATA BOOK zao Family Data Sheets MOSTEI<. zao MICROCOMPUTER Direct Memory Access Controller MK3883 FEATURES o o Transfers, searches and search/transfers in byte-ata-time, burst or continuous modes. Cycle length and edge timing can be programmed to match the speed of any port. Dual port addresses (source and destination) generated for memory-to-I/O, memory-to-memory, or I/O-to-I/O operations. Addresses may be fixed or automatically incremented/decremented. o Next-operation loading without disturbing current operations via buffered starting-address registers. An entire previous sequence can be repeated automatically. o Extensive programmability of functions. CPU can read complete channel status. o Standard Z80 Family bus-request and prioritized interrupt-request daisy chains implemented without external logic. Sophisticated, internally modifiable interrupt vectoring. o Direct interfacing to system buses without external logic. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MK3883 Z80 DMA (Direct Memory Access) is a powerful and versatile device for controlling and processing transfers of data. Its basic function of managing CPU-independent transfers between two ports is augmented by an array of features that optimize transfer speed and control with little or no external logic in systems using an 8- or l6-bit data bus and a l6-bit address bus. PIN FUNCTIONS PIN ASSIGNMENTS Figure 1 Figure 2 ZSODMA ~{ Ao A1 A2 A3 DATA BUS "" As As SYSTEM ADDRESS BUS ~ As Ag BUS { CONTROL AID CONTROL BUS } GND 40Ae 2 39 A3 3 38 lEI A2 4 37 A1 5 36 lEO CLK IV-l iNT Ao 6 35 DO 7 340, Viii 8 3302 RO 9 32 03 3104 30 GNO MiiEQ 12 2905 ~13 28 08 BAI 14 27 BUSRQ 15 26 CE/WArr 16 INTERRUPT CONTROL A-t CLK +5V 11 }DMA CONTROL +5V 1 ~ iOiiOl0 A" AU A13 A14 A15 ~{ "& 0-, M1 25 ROY A16 17 A14 18 24 As 23 As A 13 19 22 A'0 A12 20 21 All Transfers can be done between any two ports (source and destination), including memory-to-IIO, memory-tomemory, and I/O-to-I/O. Dual port addresses are automatically generated for each transaction and may be either fixed or incrementing/decrementing. In addition, bit-maskable byte searches can be performed either concurrently with transfers or as an operation in itself. The MK3883 Z80 DMA contains direct interfacing to and independent control of system buses, as well as sophisticated bus and interrupt controls. Many programmable features, including variable cycle timing and auto-restart minimize CPU software overhead. They are especially useful in adapting this special-purpose transfer processor to a broad variety of memory, I/O and CPU environments. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Classes of Operation The MK3883 Z80 DMA has three basic classes of operation: • Transfers of data between two ports (memory or I/O peripheral) • Searches for a particular 8-bit maskable byte/at a single port in memory or an I/O peripheral • Combined transfers with simultaneous search between two ports Figure 4 illustrates the basic functions served by these classes of operation. BASIC FUNCTIONS OF THE Z80 DMA Figure 4 The MK3883 Z80 DMA is an n-channel silicon-gate depletion-load device packaged in a 40-pin plastic, ceramic DIP, or CERDIP. It uses a single +5V power supply and the standard Z80 Family single-phase clock. Z800MA I/O PERIPHERAL Z80 ENVIRONMENT WriH MULTIPLE DMA CONTROLLERS Figure 3 I/O PERIPHERAL I..--f-~~ SYSTEM BUSES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PRIORITY 2 A " ,. +5 I' Search memory Transfer memory·to-memory (optional .....""') Transfer memory·to-I/O (optional .....!Ch) Search 1/0 Transfer I/O-to-I/O (optional .....""') OMA INT r ROY lEI 1- TNT I During a transfer, the DMA assumes control of the system control. address. and data buses. Data is read from one addressable port and written to the other addressable port, byte by byte. The ports may be programmed to be either system main memory or peripheral 110 devices. Thus, a block of data may be written from one peripheral to another, from one area of main memory to another, or from a peripheral to main memory and vice versa. During a search-only operation, data is read from the source port and compared byte by byte with DMAinternal register containing a programmable match byte. This match byte may optionally be masked so that only certain bits within the match byte are compared. Search rates up to 1.25M bytes per second can be obtained with the 2.5MHz MK3883 Z80 DMA or 2M bytes per second with the 4MHz MK3883-4 Z80 DMA. lEO lEI ~ PRIORITY 1 ROY SIO A ,. ~ OMA In combined searches and transfers, data is transferred between two ports while simultaneously searching for a bit-maskable byte match. r Data transfers or searches can be programmed to stop or interrupt under various conditions. In addition, CPUreadable status bits can be programmed to reflect the condition. IV-2 Modes of Operation Variable Cycle The MK3aa3 zao DMA can be programmed to operate in one of three transfer andlor search modes: The zao DMA has the unique feature of programmable operation-cycle length. This is valuable in tailoring the DMA to the particular requirements of other system components (fast or slow) and maximizes the datatransfer rate. It also eliminates external logic for signal conditioning. • Byte-at-a-time: data operations are performed one byte at a time. Between each byte operation the system buses are released to the CPU. The buses are requested again for each succeeding byte operation. • Burst: data operations continue until a port's Ready line to the DMA goes inactive. The DMA then stops and releases the system buses after completing its current byte operation. • Continuous: data operations continue until the end ofthe progra mmed block of data is reached before the system buses are released. If a port's Ready line goes inactive before this occurs, the DMA simply pauses until the Ready line comes active again. There are two aspects to the variable cycle feature. First, the entire read and write cycles (periods) associated with the source and destination ports can be independently programmed as 2, 3 or 4 T-cycles long (more if Wait cycles are used), thereby increasing or decreasing the speed with which all DMA signals change (Figure 5). VARIABLE CYCLE LENGTH FigureS In all modes, once a byte of data'is read into the DMA, the operation on the byte will be completed in an orderly fashion, regardless of the state of other signals (including a port's Ready line). Due to the DMA's high-speed buffered method of reading data, operations on one byte are not completed until the next byte is read in. Consequently, total transfer or search block lengths must be two or more bytes, and that block lengths programmed into the DMA must be one byte less than the desired block length (count is N-1 where N is the block length). Commands and Status The zao DMA has several writeable control registers and readable status registers available to the CPU. Control bytes can be written to the DMA while the DMA is enabled or disabled, but the act of writing a control byte to the DMA disables the DMA until it is again enabled by a specific command. Status bytes can also be read at any time, but writing the Read Status command or the Read Mask command disables the DMA. Control bytes to the DMA include those which effect immediate command actions such as enable, disable, reset, load starting-address buffers, continue, clear counters, clear status bits and the like. In addition, many mode-setting control bytes can be written, including mode and class of operation, port configuration, starting addresses, block length, address counting rule, match and match-mask byte, interrupt conditions, interrupt vector, status-affects-vector condition, pulse counting, auto restart, Ready-line and Wait-line rules, and read mask. Readable status registers include a general status byte reflecting Ready-line, end-of-block, byte-match and interrupt condition"s, as well as Dual-byte registers for the current byte count, Port A address and Port B address. Second, the four signals in each port specifica associated with transfers of data (110 Request, Me Request, Read and Write) can each have its active trailing edge terminated one-half T-cycle early. This adds a further dimension of flexibility and speed, allowing such things as shorter-than-normal Read or Write signals that go inactive before data starts to change. Address Generation Two 16-bit addresses are generated by the zao DMA for every transfer or search operation, one address for the source Port A and another for the destination Port B. Each address can be either variable or fixed. Variable addresses can increment or decrement from the programmed starting address. The fixed-address capability eliminates the need for separate enabling wires to 110 ports. Port addresses are multiplexed onto the system address bus, depending on whether the DMA is reading the source port or writing to the destination port. Two readable address counters (2-bytes each) keep the current address of each port. Auto Restart The starting addresses of either port can be reloaded automatically at the end of a block. This option is selected by the Auto Restart control bit. The byte counter is cleared when the addresses are reloaded. IV-3 The Auto Restart feature relieves the CPU of software overhead for repetitive operations such as CRT refresh a nd many others. Moreover, the CPU can write different starting addresses into bufferregisters during transfers causing the Auto Restart to begin at a new location. Bus Acknowledge pin of the CPU. lower-priority DMAs have their BAI connected to the BAO of a higher-priority DMA. Interrupts The MK3883 Z80 DMA can be programmed to interrupt the CPU on four conditions: • Interrupt on Ready (before requesting bus) • Interrupt on Match • Interrupt on End of Block • Interrupt on Match at End of Block Any of these interrupts cause an interrupt-pending status bit to be set, and each ofthem can optionally alter the DMA's interrupt vector. Due to the buffered constraint mentioned under "Modes of Operation," interrupts on Match at End of Block are caused by matches to the byte just prior to the last byte in the block. The DMA shares the Z80 family's elaborate interrupt scheme, which provides fast interrupt service in realtime applications. In a Z80 CPU environment, the DMA passes its internally modifiable 8-bit interrupt vector to the CPU, which adds an additional eight bits to form the memory address of the interrupt-routine table. This table contains the address of the beginning of the interrupt rOiJtineitself. Pulse Generation External devices can keep track of how many bytes have been transferred by using the DMA's puise output, which provides a signal at 256-byte intervals. The interval sequence may be offset at the beginning by 1 to 255 bytes. . PI", DESCRIPTIONS AO-A15' System Address Bus (output, 3-state). Addresses generated by the DMA are sent to both source and destination ports(main memory or 1/0 peripherals) on these lines. BAl. Bus Acknowledge In (input, active low). Signals that the system buses have been released for DMA control. In multiple-DMA configurations, the BAI pin of the highe$t priority DMA is normally connected to the BUSRQ. Bus Request (bidirectional, active low, open drain). As an output, it sends requests for control of the system address bus, data bus and control bus to the CPU. As an input when multiple DMAs are strung together in a priority daisy chain via BAI and BAO, it senses when another DMA has requested the buses and causes this DMA to refrain from bus requesting until the other DMA is finished. Because it is a bidirectional pin, there cannot be any buffers between this DMA and any other DMA. It can, however, have a unidirectional into the CPU. A pull-up resistor is connected to this pin. CE/WAIT. Chip Enable and Wait (input, active low). Normally this functions only as a CE line, but it can also be programmed to serve a WAif function. As a CE line from the CPU, it becomes active when WR and lORa are active and the 110 port address on the system address bus is the DMA's address, thereby allowing a transfer of control or command bytes from the CPU to the DMA. As a WAIT line from memory or 1/0 devices, after the DMA has received a bus-request acknowledge from the CPU, it causes wait states to be inserted in the DMA's operation cycles thereby slowing the DMA to a speed that matches the memory or 1/0 device. In this process, CPU control is transferred directly to the interrupt routine, so that the next instruction executed after an interrupt acknowledge is the first instruction of the interrupt routine itself. The intertupt line outputs the pulse signal in a manner that prevents misinterpretation by the CPU as an interrupt request, since it only appears when the Bus Request and~us Acknowledge lines are both active. BAO. Bus Acknowledge Out (output, active low). In a multiple-DMA configuration, this pin signals that no other higher-priority DMA has requested the system busses. BAI and SAO form a daisy chain for multipleDMA priority resolution over bus control. ClK. System clock (input). Standard Z80 single-phase plock at 2.5MHz (MK3883) or 4.0MHz (MK3883-4). For slower system clocks, a TTL gate with a large pullup resistor may be adequate to meet the timing and voltage ievei specification. For higher-speed systems, use a clock driver with an active pullup to meet the VIH specification and risetime requirements. 00-07' System Data Bus (bidirectional, 3-state). Commands from the CPU, DMA status, and data from memory or 1/0 peripherals are transferred on these lines. lEI. Interrupt Enable In (input, active High). This is used with lEO to form a priority daisy chain when there is more than one interrupt-driven device. A High on this line indicates that no other device of higher priority is being serviced by a CPU interrupt service routine. lEO. Interrupt Enable Out (output, active High). lEO is High only if lEI is High and the CPU is not servicing an interrupt from this DMA. Thus, this signal blocks lowerpriority devices from interrupting while a higher-priority device is being serviced by its CPU interrupt service routine. IV-4 iNf. Interrupt Request (output, active Low, open drain). This requests a CPU interrupt. The CPU acknowledges the interrupt by pulling its lORa output Low during an M1 cycle. It is typically connected to the INT pin of the CPU with a pullup resistor and tied to all other iN'f pins in the system. RD. Read (bidirectional, active Low, 3-state). As an input, this indicates that the CPU wants to read status bytes from the DMA's read registers. As an output, after the DMA has taken control of the system buses, it indicates a DMA-controlled read from a memory or 1/0 port address. lORa. InputlOutput Request (bidirectional. active Low, 3-state). As an input, this indicates that the lower half of the address bus holds a valid 1/0 port address for transfer of control or status bytes from or to the CPU, respectively; this DMA is the addressed port if its CE pin and its WR or RD pins are simultaneously active. As an output, after the I?MA has taken control of the system busses, it indicates that the lower half of the address bus holds a valid port address for another 1/0 device involved in a DMA transfer of data. When 10ROand M1 are both active simultaneously, an interrupt acknowledge is indicated. WR. Write (bidirectional, active Low, 3-state). As an input, this indicates that the CPU wants to write control or command bytes to the DMA write registers. As an output, after the DMA has taken control of the system busses, it indicates a DMA-controlled write to a memory or 1/0 port address. ROY. Ready (input, programmable active Low or High). This is monitored by the DMA to determine when a peripheral device associated with a DMA port is ready for a read or write operation. Depending on the mode of DMA operation (byte, burst or continuous), the RDY line indirectly controls DMA activity by causing the BUSRO line to go Low or High. M1. Machine Cycle One (input, active Low). Indicates that the current CPU machine cycle is an instruction fetch. It is used by the DMA to decode the return-frominterrupt instruction (RETI) (ED-4D) sent by the CPU. During two-byte instruction fetches, M1 is active as each opcode byte is fetched. An interrupt acknowledge is indicated when both M1 and lORa are active. INTERNAL STRUCTURE The internal structure of the. MK3883 Z80 DMA includes driver and receiver circuitry for interfacing with an 8-bit system data bus, a 16-bit system address bus, and system control lines (Figure 6). In a Z80 CPU environment, the DMA can be tied directly to the analogous pins on the CPU (Figure 7) with no additional buffering, except for the CE/WAIT line. . iiififEQ. Memory Request (bidirectional, active Low, 3state). This indicates that the address bus holds a valid address for a memory read or write operation. As an input, it indicates that control or status information from or to memory is to be transferred to the DMA, if the DMA's CE and WR or RD lines are simultaneously active. As an output, after the DMA has taken control of the system buses, it indicates a DMA transfer request from or to memory. The DMA's internal data bus interfaces with the system data bus and services all internal logic and registers. Addresses generated from this logic for Ports A and B (source and destination) of the DMA's single transfer channel are multiplexed onto the system address bus. BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 6 INTERRUPT AND BUS PRIORITY LOGIC BYTE COUNTER PULSE LOGIC PORTA ADDRESS SYSTEM DATA BUS CONTROL SYSTEM ADDRESS BUS BUS CONTROL LOGIC CONTROL AND STATUS REGISTERS IV-5 BYTE MATCH LOGIC PORTB ADDRESS RRO-RRS - Read Registers 0 through S Specialized logic circuits in the DMA are dedicated to the various functions of external bus interfacing, internal bus control, byte matching, byte counting, periodic pulse generation, CPU interrupts, bus requests, and address generation. A set of twenty-one writeable control registers and seven. readable status registers provide the means by which the CPU governs and monitors the activities of these logic circuits. All registers are eight bits wide, with double-byte information stored in adjacent registers. The two starting-address registers (two bytes each) for Ports A and B are buffered. Writing to a register within a write-register group involves first writing to the base register, with the appropriate pointer bits set, then writing to one or more of the other registers within the group. All seven of the readable status registers are accessed sequentially according to a programmable mask contained in one of the writeable registers. The section entitled "Programming" explains this in more detail. A pipelining scheme is used for reading data in. The programmed block length is the number of bytes compared to the byte counter, which increments at the end of each cycle. In searches, data byte comparisons with the match byte are made during the read Cycle of the next byte. Matches are, therefore, discovered only after the next byte is read in. The 21 writeable control registers are organized into seven base-register groups, most of which have multiple registers. The base registers in each writeable group contain both control/command bits and pointer bits that can be set to address other registers within the group. The seven readable status registers have no analogous second-level registers. In multiple-DMA configurations, interrupt-request daisy chains are prioritized by the order in which their lEI and lEO lines are connected. The system bus, however, may not be pre-empted. Any DMA that gains access to the system buses keeps them until it is finished. The registers are designated as follows, according to their base-register groups: WRO-WR6 - Write Register groups 0 through 6 (7 base registers plus 14 assl,>ciated registers) MULTIPLE-DMA INTERCONNECTION TO THE Figure 7 zao CPU , . . - - - - - - - - - 1 BiiSAK CPU U~MON TONEXTDMA FROM HIGHER·PRIORlty INTERRUPTING DEVICE DMA DMA IEOI---~ lEI lEI lEO RDY RDY IV-S TO LOWER·PRIORITY INTERRUPTING DEVICE Writing WRITE REGISTERS WRO Base register byte Port A starting address (low byte) Port A starting address (high byte) Block length (low byte) Block length (high byte) WR1 Base register byte Port A variable-timing byte Control or command bytes are written into one or more of the Write Register groups (WRO-WR6) by first writi ng to the base register byte in that group. All groups have base registers and most groups have additional associated registers. The associated registers in a group are sequentially accessed by first writing a byte to the base register containing register-group identification and pointer bits (1's) to one or more of that base register's associated registers. WR2 Base register byte Port B variable-timing byte READ REGISTERS WR3 Base register byte Mask byte Match byte WR4 Base register byte Port B starting address (low byte) Port B starting address (high byte) Interrupt control byte Pulse control byte Interrupt vector WR5 Base register byte WR6 Base register byte Read mask Figure 8a. READ REGISTER 0 0 7 0 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 O2 0 1 DO ~:::!:=-;-"I~,~~I'"T STATUS BYTE ~~ 1 ~ DMAOPERATION HAS OCCURRED o ~ READY ACTIVE -UNDEFINED o ~ INTERRUPT PENDING ' - - - - - - - - 0 ~ MATCH FOUND ~ END OF BLOCK UNDEFINED 1.---------0 READ REGISTERS READ REGISTER 1 RRO Status byte RR1 Byte counter (low byte) RR2 Byte counter (high byte) RR3 Port A address counter (low byte) READ REGISTER 3 RR4 Port A address counter (high byte) L--L--'L--L---'_...L---L_.L.-..J. RR5 Port B address counter (low byte) READ REGISTER 4 RR6 Port B address counter (high byte) READ REGISTER 2 BYTE COUNTER I (HIGH BYTE) L-........_ L -.........--'L--L--.L_..L.---'. A ADDRESS COUNTER I PORT (LOW BYTE) PORT A ADDRESS COUNTER (HIGH BYTE) READ REGISTER 5 PROGRAMMING PORT B ADDRESS COUNTER I (lOW BYTE) I.--L--'L.-...L.--'_...L---L_.L.-..J. READ REGISTER 6 zao The OMA has two programmable fundamental states: (1) an enabled state, in which itcan gain control of the system buses and direct the transfer of data between ports, and (2) a disabled state, in which it can initiate neither bus requests or data transfers. When the OMA is powered up or reset by any means, it is automatically placed into the disabled state. Program commands can be written to it by the CPU in either state, but this automatically puts the OMA in the disabled state, which is maintained until an enabled command is issued by the CPU. The CPU must program the OMA in advance of any data search or transfer by addressing it as an I/O port and sending a sequence of control bytes using an Output instruction (such as OTIR for the CPU). zao PORT B ADDRESS COUNTER I (HIGH BYTE) L-........_ L -.........--'L--L--.L_..L.---'. This is illustrated in Figure a. In this figure, the sequence in which associated registers within a group can be written to is shown by the vertical position of the associated registers. For example, if a byte written tothe OMA contains the bits that identify WRO (bits ~O, 01 and 07), and also contains 1's in the bit positions that point to the associated "Port A Starting Address (low byte)" and "Port A Starti, II Address (high byte)" then the next two bytes written to the OMA will be stored in these two registers, in that order. IV-7 WRITE REGISTERS Figure 8b WRITE REGISTER 2 WRITE REGISTER 0 ~~~~-r~~-L~-...I L....--L...,...-'-r...,...-'-r...,...-L,,...-L-r BASE REGISTER BYTE o o 1 1 0 1 0 o = PORT B 1 = PORT A BASE REGISTER BYTE 0= MEMORY 1 = I/O o = PORT B ADDRESS DECREMENTS DO NOT USE = TRANSFER = SEARCH = SEARCH/TRANSFER 1 = PORT B ADDRESS INCREMENTS 0= PORT B ADDRESS VARIABLE 1 = PORT B ADDRESS FIXED r--r~r-'--'--~~--r-~\PORTB VARIABLE TIMING BYTE PORT A PORT B r-.,............-.L-........-J......,r,-L.,.......~ o = CYCLE LENGTH = 4 r--,.-'-T""'''-T-'-T''"''--y-r-""T--' PORT A STARTING ADDRESS 1 = CYCLE LENGTH = 3 o L-........."T""'--r-'-T-''--...L.--L-L....... (LOW BYTE) o = CYCLE LENGTH = 2 o 1 DO NOT USE .....+ - - - - + - - t - - - = iiiiR ENDS V, CYCLE EARLY L....____ = RD ENDS V. CYCLE EARLY L-.+_ _ _ ~ MiiEa ENDS V, CYCLE EARLY L -_ _ = lORa ENDS 'h CYCLE EARLY r-""T-'-r'''-T-'-r-""T-r-""T--' PORT A STARTING ADDRESS -I_+___ L-.-L"T""'--y..............- - ' -........_L....... (HIGH BYTE) r--,.-'-T""'...-r--,.-r-~--, BLOCK LENGTH '----'-"T""'---'----''--...L.--L_L....... (LOW BYTE) WRITE REGISTER 3 r--,.'""-r-""T-r--,.-r-""T--' BLOCK LENGTH L-........._L--'----''--...L........L_L....... (HIGH BYTE) r.....;...........,...J....,,...L-,-..L...,..-L..,....L..::-L..:0.... BASE REGISTER BYTE WRITE REGISTER 1 1 = STOP ON MATCH L---'--rL,--'--r-'-~--'---'-~ -+--t-+--.,. = DMA ENABLE -+--+-- = INTERRUPT ENABLE BASE REGISTER BYTE 0= MEMORY 1 = I/O L-........_.L-...........,...-'-........_.L--L--J MASK BYTE (0 = COMPARE) o = PORT A ADDRESS DECREMENTS 1 = PORT A ADDRESS INCREMENTS L -........_.L--L_.L--L__L--L--JMATCHBYTE 0= PORT A ADDRESS VARIABLE 1 = PORT A ADDRESS FIXED are always read in a fixed sequence beginning with RRO and ending with RR6. However, the register read in this sequence is determined by programming the Read Mask '-t........--r--'-........---'-,--L-r-L,r-r VARIABLE TIMING BYTE in WR6. The sequence of reading is initialized bywriting an Initiate Read Sequence or Set Read Status command o = CYCLE LENGTH = 4 1 = CYCLE LENGTH = 3 to WR6. After a Reset DMA, the sequence must be o = CYCLE LENGTH = 2 initialized with the Initiate Read Sequence command or o 1 DO NOT USE 1..--+____+--+___ = WR ENDS 'h CYCLE EARLY a Read Status command. The sequence of reading all registers that are not excluded by the Read Mask L-_ _ _-+_+-___ = AD ENDS V. CYCLE EARLY ......- + - - - = MREo ENDS V. CYCLE EARLY register must be completed before a new Initiate Read L-._ _ _ = lORa ENDS 'h CYCLE EARLY Sequence or Read Status command. r-~~r-~-r-~-r-~--, PORTA Fixed-Address Programming Reading The Read Registers (RRO-RR6) are read by the CPU by addressing the DMA as an 1/0 port using an Input instruction (such as INIR for the CPU). The readable bytes contain DMA status, byte-counter values, and port addresses since the last DMA reset. The registers zao A special circumstance arises when programming a destination port to have a fixed address. The load command in WR6 only loads a fixed address to a port selected as the source, not to a port selected as the destination. Therefore, a fixed destination address must be loaded by temporarily declaring it a fixed-source IV-S WRITE REGISTERS WRITE REGISTER 6 Figure 8b 0 7 0 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 O2 0 1 DO WRITE REGISTER 4 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1BASE REGISTER BYTE IIIII HEX C3 1 L....-L.,..-........-L.,..-"'-r-L.,.-.l.--L-"1..... BASE REGISTER BYTE o 0 1 1 1 0 1 o = = = = BYTE CONTINUOUS BURST DO NOT PROGRAM 0 0 0 CF o o o o o o o o 03 o AB 0 AF 0 A3 0 1 1 1 o o 1 1 87 0 0 0 C7 1 ~""T""--.r--""T""..L..,,.-L"""T"".L.,r--""T""---' PORT B STARTING ............--'L--........,.........,........--'L--.......- - I ADDRESS (LOW BYTE) 0 CB 1 ....."""T""--.r--""T""-'-,r-'-"""T""--.r--""T""---. PORT B STARTING ............. - L - -.......-r-'L-.--L.---'L-........- - I ADDRESS (HIGH BYTE) ....."""T""--r--""T""~r--r--r--r---. INTERRUPT ~-L~L,-L~~-L,-~-L~CONTROLBYTE 1 = INTERRUPT ON MATCH = INTERRUPT AT END OF BLOCK = PULSE GENERATED ' - - + - 1 1 - - - - - = STATUS AFFECTS VECTOR 1 . . - - - 1 - + - - - - - = INTERRUPT ON ROY 0 o o o 1 o o o 8300000 '--~~~~~__~~'--~--'PULSECONTROLBYTE A7 0 ............--''--~~~~~~~--'INTERRUPTVECTOR BF 0 B3 0 8B 0 B7 0 BB 0 = INTERRUPT ON ROY = INTERRUPT ON MATCH = INTERRUPT ON END OF BLOCK = INTERRUPT ON MATCH AT END OF BLOCK 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 WRITE REGISTER 5 0 RESET INTERRUPT CIRCUITRY. DISABLE INTERRUPT AND BUS REQUEST LOGIC. UNFORCE INTERNAL nEADY CONDITION. DISABLE "MUXCE" AND STOP AUTO REPEAT. RESET PORT A TIMING TO STANDARD l80 CPU TIMING. RESET PORT B TIMING TO STANDARD l80 CPU TIMING . LOAD STARTING ADDRESS FOR BOTH PORTS. CLEAR BYTE COUNTER . ADDRESS CONTINUE FROM PRESENT LOCATIONS. CLEAR BYTE COUNTER . ENABLE INTERRUPTS. DISABLE INTERRUPTS. RESET AND DISABLE INTERRUPT CIRCUITS (LIKE RETI) AND UNFORCETHEINTERNALREADY CONDITON. BOTH AFFECT ALL ENABLE DMA OPERATIONS EXCEPT INTERRUPTS. DISABLE DMA BUT DO NOT RESET ANY FUNCTIONS. INITIATE READ SEQUENCE TO THE FIRST REGISTER DESIGNATED AS READABLE BY THE READ MASK REGISTER . SET READ STATUS SO NEXT READ IS FROM STATUS REGISTER. FORCE AN INTERNAL READY CONDITION INDEPENDENT "OF THE ROY" INPUT. (USED FOR MEMORY-TO-MEMORY OPERATIONS WHERE NO ROY SIGNAL IS NEEDED. THIS COMMAND DOES NOT FUNCTION IN THE "BYTE-AT-A-TIME" MODE). CLEAR MATCH AND END OF BLOCK STATUS BITS. ENABLE AFTER RETI SO DMA REQUESTS BUS ONLY AFTER RECEIVING A RETI. MUST BE FOLLOWED BY AN ENABLE DMA COMMAND. READ MASK IS THE FOLLOWING BYTE L....:-L--'~~~L-,--L..;:..JL-.:..~~ BASE REGISTER BYTE READ MASK (1 = ENABLE) 0= READY ACTIVE LOW 1 = READY ACTIVE HIGH o = ClONLY 1 = CE/WAIT MULTIPLEXED o = STOP ON END OF BLOCK 1 = AUTO REPEAT ON END OF BLOCK STATUS BYTE COUNTER (LOW BYTE) BYTE COUNTER (HIGH BYTE) L----PORT A ADDRESS (LOW BYTE) '-------PORT A ADDRESS (HIGH BYTE) L - - - - - - - P O R T B ADDRESS (LOW BYTE) L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PORT B ADDRESS (HIGH BYTE) IV-9 SAMPLE DMA PROGRAM Figure 9 COMMENTS 07 WRO sets DMA to receive block length. Port A starting address and temporarily sets Port B as source. 0 Port A address (lower) 0 Port A address (upper) Block length (lower) 08 Oil 1 1 Block Length Block Length Upper Lower Follows Follows 04 03 O2 0, DO HEX 1 PortA Upper Address Follows 1 PortA Lower Address Follows 0 B--"A Temporary for Loading B Address 0 1 79 1 0 0 0 0 Transfer, No Search 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Block length (upper) 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 10 WRI defines Port A as peripheral with fixed address. 0 0 No Timing Follows 0 Address Changes 1 Address Increments 0 Port is Memory 1 This is PortA 0 0 14 WR2 defines Port B as peripheral with fixed address. 0 0 1 Fixed Address 0 1 Port is 0 This is PortB 0 0 28 No Timing Follows WR4 sets mode to Burst. sets DMA to expect Port B address. 1 1 0 0 No Interrupt Control Byte Follows 0 No Upper Address 1 Port BLower Address Follows 0 1 C5 Port B address (lower) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 05 WR5 sets Ready active High 1 0 0 No Auto Restart 0 No Wait 1 RDY Active High 0 1 0 8A States 0 1 1 1 1 CF 0 1 A--..B 1/0 Burst Mode 0 50 WR6 loads both Port addresses and resets block counter.* 1 WRO sets Port A as source. * 0 0 WR6 reloads Port addresses and resets block counter 1 1 0 0 Load 1 1 1 1 CF WR6 enables DMA to start operaticn. 1 0 0 0 Enable DMA 0 1 1 1 87 1 Load 0 0 No Address of Block Length Bytes 0 1 Transfer, No Search 05 NOTE: The actual number of bytes transferred is one more than specified by the block length. *These commands are necessary only in the case of a fixed destination address. address and subsequently declaring the true source as such, thereby implicitly making the other a destination. The following example illustrates the steps in this procedure. assuming that transfers are to occur from a variable-address source (Port A) to a fixed-address destination (Port B): 1. Temporarily declare Port B as source in WRO. 2. Load Port B address in WR6. 3. Declare Port A as source in WRO. 4. Load Port A address in WR6. 5. Enable DMA in WR6. Figure 9 illustrates a program to transfer data from memory (Port A) to a peripheral device (Port B). In this example, the Port A memory starting address is 1050H and the Port B peripheral fixed address is 05H' Note that the data flow is 1001 H bytes-one more than specified by the block length. The table of DMA commands may be stored in consecutive memory locations and transferred to the DMA with an output instruction such as the CPU's OTIR instruction. zao INACTIVE STATE TIMING (DMA as CPU Peripheral) In its inactive state, the DMA is addressed by the CPU as an I/O peripheral for write and read (control and status) operations. Write timing is illustrated in Figure 10. Reading of the DMA's status byte, byte counter or port address counters is illustrated in Figure 11. These operations require less than three T-cycles. The CE, 10RQ and RD lines are made active over two riSing edges of ClK, and data appears on the bus approximately one T-cycle after they become active. IV-10 ACTIVE STATE TIMING (DMA as Bus Controller) CPU-TO-DMA WRITE CYCLE Figure 10 The DMA is active when it takes control of the system bus and begins transferring data. ClK Default Read and Write Cycles CE_t---, lORa By default, and after reset the OM A's timing of read and write operations is exactly the same as the zao CPU's timing of read and write cycles for memory and liD peripherals, with one exception: during a read cycle, data is latched on the falling edge of T 3 and held on the data bus across the boundary between read and write cycles, through the end of the following write cycle. iNA CPU-TO-DMA READ CYCLE Figure 11 Figure 12 illu!!trates the timing for memory-to-1I0 port transfers and Figure 13 illustrates I/O-to-memory transfers. Memory-to-memory and 1I0-to-1/0 transfer timings are simply permutations of these diagrams. MEMORY-TO-I/O TRANSFER Figure 12 MEMORY ~READ CLK READ WRITE I T1 I T2 -rL f- _1"- I Variable Cycle and Edge Timing RD - \ I rfrf- t iORO _ WR .J f-'~ f - - -- -- -- I/O-TO-MEMORY TRANSFER Figure 13 A O·A 15 t 10RQ RD During transfers, data is latched on the clock edge causing the rising edge of RO and held until the end of the write cycle. 0 0 .0 7 MREO WR t >- ,-,'~ --..., - The zao DMA's default operation-cycle length for the source (read) port and destination (write) port can be independently programmed. This variable-cycle feature allows read or write cycles consisting of two, three or four T -cycles (more if Wait cycles are inserted), thereby increasing or decreasing the speed of all signals generated by the DMA. In addition, the trailing edges of the IORQ, MREQ, RD and WR signals can be independently terminated one-haJf cycle early. Figure 14 illustrates this. In the variable-cycle mode, unlike default timing,lORQ comes active one-half cycle before MREQ, RD and WR. CE/WAIT can be used to extend only the 3 or 4 T -cycle variable cycles. It is sampled at the falling edge ofT2 for 3- or 4-cycle memory cycles, and at the falling edge of T3 for 4-cycle liD cycles. CLK WRITE I MREO - \ { ---- READ 1/0 WRITE---+! T3 T1 T2 TW' T3 I rL.!L!L-;,-rr..~ I The default timing uses three T-cycles for memory transactions and four T-cycles for liD transactions, which include one automatically inserted wait cycle between T2 andT3.lfthe CE/WAIT line is programmed to act as WAIT line during the DMA's active state, it is sampled on the falling edge of T2 for memory transactions and the falling edge of TW for liD transactions. If CE/WAIT is low during this time another T-cycle is added, during which the CE/WAIT line will again be sampled. The duration oftransactionscan thus be indefinitely extended. t--- CE/WAIT:' - '\ - Bus Requests Figure 15 illustrates the bus request and acceptance timing. The ROY line, which may be programmed active IV-11 VARIABLE-CYCLE AND EDGE TIMING BUS RelEASE WHEN NOT READY (BURST MODE) Figure 14 Figure 18 CLK CLK ROY ACTIVE INACTIVE j..--CURRENT BYTE OPERATION lORa ,\....._ _..L- r ..... ,- MREO~ t RD, WR 2-CYClE EARLY END '---'-~_ _~~_ _ _ _ __ I -'-- 3-CYClE EARLY END I 7--· BUS RelEASE ON MATCH (BURST AND CONTINUOUS MODES) t Figure 19 4-CYCLE EARLY END BUS REQUEST AND ACCEPTANCE ROY INACTIVE Figure 15 I. ~BYTE ClK READ 100 .1 . . BYTEn+1 READ IN AND MATCH FOUND ON BYTE N iili'SRa .-_-:::. - .../ DMA DMA ACTIVE INACTIVE BUS RelEASE (BYTE-AT-A-TIME MODE) Figure 16 High or low, is sampled on every rising edge of ClK. If it is found to be active, and the bus is not in use by any other device, the following rising edge of ClK drives BUSRQ low. After receiving BUSRQ, the CPU acknowledges on the BAI input either directly or through a multiple-DMA daisy chain. When a low is detected on BAI for two consecutive rising edges of ClK, the DMA will begin transferring data on the next rising edge of ClK. Bus Release Byte-at-a-Time DMA ACTIVE ~ DMA INACTIVE In Byte-at-a-Time mode, BUSRQ is brought high on the rising edge of ClK prior to the end of each read cycle (search-only) or write cycle (transfer and trllnsfer/ search) as illustrated in Figure 16. This is done regardless of the state of RDY. There is no possibility of confusion when a CPU is used since the CPU cannot begin an operation until the following T-cycle. Most other CPUs are not bothered by this either, although note should be taken of it. The next bus request for the next byte will come after both BUSRQ and BAI have returned high. zao BUS RelEASE (CONTINUOUS MODE) Figure 17 ROY ACTIVE INACTIVE I-+--lAST BYTE OPERATION. BLOCK Bus Release at End of Block DMA INACTIVE In Burst and Continuous modes, an end of block causes BUSRQ to go High usually on the same rising edge of ClK in which the DMA completes the transfer of the data block (Figure 17). The last byte in the block is transferred even if RDY goes inactive before completion of the last byte transfer. IV-12 being read. Matches at End-of-Block are, therefore, actually matches to the byte immediately preceding the last byte in the block. Bus Release on Not Ready In Burst Mode, when RDY goes inactive it causes BUSRO to go High on the next rising edge of ClK after the completion of its current byte operation (Figure 18). The action on BUSRO is thus somewhat delayed from action on the RDY line. The DMA always completes its current byte operation in an orderly fashion before releasing the bus. The RDY line can go inactive after the matching operation begins without affecting this bus-release timing. Interrupts Timings for interrupt acknowledge and return from interrupt are the same as timings for these in other Z80 peripherals. By contrast, B1JS1«:l is not released in Continuous mode when RDY goes inactive. Instead, the DMA idles after completing the current byte operation, awaiting an active RDY again. Interrupt on RDY (interrupt before requesting bus) does not directly affect the BUSRO line. Instead, the interrupt service routine must handle this by issuing the following commands to WR6: 1. Enable after Return From Interrupt (RETI) Command -Hex B7 2. Enable DMA-Hex 87 3. A RETI instruction that resets the IUS latch in the Z80 DMA Bus Release on Match If the DMA is programmed to stop on match in Burst or Continuous modes, a match causes BUSRO to go inactive on the rising edge of ClK after the next byte following the match (Figure 19). Due to the pipelining scheme, matches are determined while the next byte is ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Operating Ambient Temperature Under Bias ...................... As Specified Under "Ordering Information" Storage Temperature .................................................................... -65°C to +150°C Voltage on any pin with respect to ground .................................................... -0.3V to +7V Power Dissipation .................................................................................. 1.5W Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; operation of the device at any condition above those indicated in the operational sections of these specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extende~ periods may affect device reliability. STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS Figure 20 The characteristics below apply for the following standard test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND. Positive current flows into the referenced pin. Standard conditions are as follows: • +4.75 :5VCC:5 +5.25V • GND = OV • O°C:5 TA :5 + 70°C FROM OUTPUT O-----,r--~..........-i UNDER TEST All AC parameters assume a load capacitance of 100pF max. Timing references between two output signals assume a load difference of 50pF max. DC CHARACTERISTICS SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT VllC Clock Input low Voltage -0.3 0.80 V VIHC Clock Input High Voltage VCC-·6 5.5 V Vil Input low Voltage -0.3 0.8 V IV-13 TEST CONDITION DC CHARACTERISTICS SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 5.5 V VOL Output Low Voltage 0.4 V IOL=3.2hlA for BUSRO IOL=2.0mA for all others VOH Output High Voltage V IOW250~A ICC Power Su~plY Current MK388 MK3883-4 III Input Leakage Current ILOH 2.4 150 200 TEST CONDITION mA mA ±10 ~ VIN = OtoVCC Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float 10 ~ VOUT=2.4 to VCC ILOL Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float -10 ~ VOUT=0.4V ILD Data Bus Leakage Current in Input Mode ± 10 ~ O:5VIN:5VCC MAX UNIT Vee = 5V ± 5% unless otherwise specified, over specified temperature range. CAPACITANCE SYM PARAMETER MIN C Clock Capacitance 35 pF Unmeasured Pins CIN Input Capacitance 10 pF Returned to Ground COUT Output Capacitance 10 pF TEST CONDITION f = 1MHz, over specified temperature range INACTIVE STATE AC CHARACTERISTICS (See Figure 21) MK3883 MK3883-4 SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX MIN MAX UNIT 1 TcC Clock Cycle Time 400 4000 250 4000 ns 2 TwCh Clock Width (High) 170 2000 105 2000 ns 3 TwCI Clock Width (Low) 170 2000 105 2000 ns 4 TrC Clock Rise Time 30 30 ns 5 TfC Clock Fall Time 30 30 ns 6 Th Hold Time for Any Specified Setup Time 7 TsC(Cr) lORa, WR, CE 8 TdDO(RDF) RD to Data Output Delay 9 TsWM(Cr) Data In to Clock TdCf(DO) IORO to Data Out Delay (INTA Cycle) NO i 10 0 t to Clock t Setup 280 0 ns 145 ns 500 t Setup (WR or M1) t IV-14 50 380 50 340 ns ns 160 ns - INACTIVE STATE AC CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) MK3883 NO SYM PARAMETER MIN 11 TdRD(Dz) Rot-to Data Float Delay (output buffer disable) 12 TsIEI(lORQ) lEI 13 TdIEOr(IElr) lEI tto lEO 14 TdIEOf(lElf) lEI 15 TdMl(1EO) Mltto IEOt Delay (interrupt just prior to Ml 16 TsM1f(Cr) Ml 17 TsMlr(Cf) 18 t to IORQ l Setup (INTA Cycle) MK3883-4 MAX MIN 160 MAX UNIT 110 ns 140 140 ns t Delay 210 160 ns t to lEO t Delay 190 130 ns 300 190 ns +) t to Clock t Setup 210 90 ns Ml t to Clock t Setup 20 0 ns TsRD(C) RD ~ to Clock t Setup (Ml Cycle) 240 115 ns 19 Tdl(lNT) Interrupt Cause to INT Delay (INT generated only when DMA is inactive) 20 TdBAlr (BAOr) BAit to BAO 21 TdBAlf (BAOf) BAI f 500 500 ns t Delay 200 150 ns t to BAO t Delay 200 150 ns ACTIVE STATE AC CHARACTERISTICS I. (See Figure 22) MK3883-4 MK3883 MIN(ns) MAX(ns) MIN(ns) MAX(ns) SYM PARAMETER 1 TeC Clock Cycle Time 400 2 TwCh Clock Width (High) 180 2000 110 2000 3 TwCI Clock Width (Low) 180 2000 110 2000 4 TrC Clock Rise Time 30 20 5 TfC Clock Fall Time 30 20 6 TdA Address Output Delay 145 110 7 TdC(Az) Clockt to Address Float Delay 110 90 8 TsA(MREQ) Address to MREQ ~ Setup (Memory Cycle) 9 TsA(IRW) Address Stable to IORQ, RD, WR ~ Setup (I/O Cycle) 10 TdRW(A) RD, WR t to Addr. Stable Delay (3)+(4)-40 (3)+(4)-50 *11 TdRW(Az) RD, WR t to Addr. Float (3)+(4)-60 (3)+(4)-45 12 TdCf(DO) Clock ~ to Data Out Delay NO 250 (2)+(5)-75 (2)+(5)-75 (1 )-80 (1 )-70 230 IV-15 150 ACTIVE STATE AC CHARACTERISTICS MK3883-4 MK3883 MIN(ns) MAX(ns MIN(ns) MAX(ns) 90 90 NO SYM PARAMETER 13 TdCr(Dz) Clockt to Data Float Delay (Write Cycle) 14 TsDI(Cr) Data In to Clock Setup (Read cycle when falling edge ends read) 50 35 15 TsDI(Cf) Data In to Clockt Setup (Read cycle when falling edge ends read) 60 50 16 TsDO(WfM) Data Out to WR f Setup (Memory Cycle) 17 TsDO(Wfl) Data Out to WR t Setup (1/0 cycle) 18 TdWr(DO) WR 19 Th Hold Time for Any Specified Setup Time *20 TdCr(Mf) Clock t to MREO t Delay 100 85 21 TdCf(Mf) Clock t to MREO t Delay 100 85 22 TdCr(Mr) Clock t to MREO t Delay 100 85 23 TdCf(Mr) Clock t to MREO tDelay 100 85 24 TwM1 MREO Low Pulse Width (1 )-40 25 TwMh MREO High Pulse Width (2)+(5)-30 26 TdCr(lf) Clock t to 10RO t Delay 90 75 27 TdCf(lf) Clock t to 10RO t Delay 110 85 28 TdCr(lr) Clock 100 85 29 TdCf(lr) 110 85 30 TdCr(Rf) t to 10RO t Delay Clock t to 10RO t Delay Clock t to RD t Delay 100 85 31 TdCf(Rf) Clock t to RD t Delay 130 95 32 TdCr(Rr) Clock t to RD t Delay 100 85 33 TdCf(Rr) Clock t to RD t Delay 110 85 34 TdCr(Wf) Clock 80 65 35 TdCf(Wf) 90 80 *36 TdCr(Wr) 100 80 37 TdCf(Wr) t Delay Clock t to WR t Delay Clock t to WR t Delay Clock t to WR t Delay 100 80 38 TwWI WR Low Pulse Width 39 TsWA(Cf) WAIT to Clock 40 TdCr(B) Clock 41 TdCr(lz) t (1 )-210 (1)-170 100 t to Data Out Delay 100 (3)+(4)-80 (3)+(4)-70 0 t to WR 0 (1 )-30 (2)+(5)-20 (1 )-40 t Setup (1 )-30 70 t to BUSRO Delay Clock t to 10RO, MREO, RD, WR Float Delay 70 100 100 100 80 NOTES. 1. Numbers in parentheses are other parameter-numbers in this table; their 2. values should be substituted in equations. All equations imply DMA default (standard) timing. 3. Data must be enabled onto data bus when RD is active. 4. Asterisk(*) before parameter number means the parameter is not illustrated in the AC Timing Diagrams. IV-16 INACTIVE STATE CHARACTERISTICS Figure 21 CLK WR DO D7 NIl r--.--+to=~===== lEI ICO INTERR~: r-'@"'--~--'-------- f ________________ CONDITION BA1~ r ~1~-H9----J1---- ACTIVE STATE CHARACTERISTICS Figure 22 CLK DO MEMORY CYCLE \ INPUT D7l OUTPUT MREQ 1/0 CYCLE IV-17 ORDERING INFORMATION PART NO. PACKAGE TYPE MK3883N MK3883P MK3883J MK3883N-10 MK3883P-10 MK3883J-10 Z80-0MA Plastic Z80-0MA Ceramic Z80-0MA CERDIP Z80-0MA Plastic Z80-DMA Ceramic Z80-DMA CERDIP MK3883N-4 MK3883P-4 MK3883J-4 Z80A-OMA Plastic Z80A-DMA Ceramic Z80A-OMA CERDIP MAX CLOCK FREQUENCY 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz 4 MHz 4 MHz 4 MHz IV-18 TEMPERATURE RANGE O°C to +70°C O°C to +70°C O°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C O°C to +70°C O°C to +70°C O°C to +70°C MOSTEl(. zao MICROCOMPUTER Seriallnput/Output Controller MK3884 FEATURES DESCRIPTION o Two independent full-duplex channels, with separate control and status lines for modems or other devices. o Data rates of 0 to 500K bits/second in the x1 clock mode with a 2.5MHzclock(MK3884l80SI0), orOto 800K bits/second with a 4.0MHz clock (MK3884-4 l80SI0). The MK3884 zao 510 Serial Input/Output Controller is a dual-channel data communication interface with extraordinary versatility and capability. Its basic functions as a serial-to-parallel, parallel-to-serial converter/controller can be programmed by a CPU for a broad range of serial communication applications. o Asynchronous protocols: everything necessary for complete messages in 5, 6, 7 or 8 bits/character. Includes variable stop bits and several clock-rate multipliers; break generation and detection; parity; overrun and framing error detection. o Synchronous protocols: everything necessary for complete bit- or byte-oriented messages in 5, 6, 7 or 8 bits/character, including IBM Bisync, SOLC, HOLC, CCITT-X.25 and others. Automatic CRC generation/checking, sync character and zero insertion/deletion, abort generation/detection and flag insertion. The device supports all common asynchronous and synchronous protocols, byte- or bit-oriented, and performs all of the functions traditionally done by UARTs, US ARTs and synchronous communication controllers combined, plus additional functions traditionally performed by the CPU. Moreover, it does this on two fully-independent channels, with an exceptionally sophisticated interrupt structure that allows very fast transfers. o Receiver data registers quadruply buffered, transmitter registers doubly buffered. o Highly sophisticated and flexible daisy-chain interrupt vectoring for interrupts without external logic. MK3884 Z80 510 PIN FUNCTIONS Full interfacing is provided for CPU or OMA control. In addition to data communication, the circuit can handle virtually all types of serial I/O with ,fast (or slow) peripheral devices. While designed primarily as a member of the l~O family, its versatility makes it well suited to many other CPUs. The l80 510 is an n-channel silicon-gate depletionload device packaged in a 40-pin plastic, ceramic DIP, or CERDIP. It uses a single +5V power supply and the standard zao family single-phase clock. MK3884 Z80 SIO PIN ASSIGNMENTS Figure 1 Figure 2 0, DO 03 O2 Os 04 07 i'NT lEI CHANNEL A ;iE~IMODEM ~ CONTROL FROM CPU a/A M1 c/o '5V iffi iYNCA I I co lED W/RDYA CONTROL D. iOiiQ GND Wi'iii5Va RxDA SYNCS RxCA RxDB 'TxCA CHANNElS MOOEM CONTROL: TxDA TxOS 6TRA i!iTiA l5'i'liii' Riii' CiiA 0CDi ClK IV-19 em DCDi ifEiET PIN DESCRIPTIONS the CPU during a read cycle. Figures 1 through 6 illustrate the three pin configurations (bonding options) available in the 510. The constraints of a 40-pin package make it impossible to bring out the Receive Clock (RxC), Transmit Clock ('Ti'C), Data Terminal Ready (DTR) and Sync (SYNC) signals for both channels. Therefore, either Channel B lacks a signal or two signals are bonded together in the three bonding options offered: ClK. System Clock (input). The SID uses the standard Z80 System Clock to synchronize internal signals. This is a single-phase clock. • • • MK3887 Z80 510 lacks SYNCB MK3885 Z80 510 lacks DTRB MK3884 Z80 510 has all four signals, but "i"XC"B and RxCB are bonded together CTSA, CTSB. Clear To Send (inputs, active low). When programmed as Auto Enables, a low on these inputs enables the respective transmitter. If not programmed as Auto Enables, these inputs may be programmed as general-purpose inputs. Both inputs are Schmitt-trigger buffered to accommodate slowrisetime signals. The 510 detects pulses on these inputs and interrupts the CPU on both logic level transitions. The Schmitt-trigger buffering does not guarantee a specified noise-level margin. The pin descriptions are as follows: B/A. Channel A Or B Select (input, High selects Channel B). This input defines which channel is accessed during a data transfer between the CPU and the 510. Address bit Ao from the CPU is often used for the selection function. C/D. Control Or Data Select (input, High selects Control). This input defines the type of information transfer performed between the CPU and the 510. A High at this input during a CPU write to the 510 causes the information on the data bus to be interpreted as a command for the channel selected by B/A. A low at C/O means that the information on the data bus is data. Address bit A1 is often used for this function. CEo Chip Enable (Input, active low). A low level at this input enables the 510 to accept command or data input from the CPU during a write cycle, or to transmit data to 00-07' System Data Bus (bidirectional, 3-state). The system data bus transfers data and commands between the CPU and the Z80 510. DO is the least significant bit. DCDA, DCDB. Data Carrier Detect (inputs, active low). These pins function as receiver enables ifthe 510 is programmed for Auto Enables; otherwise they may be used as general-purpose input pins. Both pins are Schmitt-trigger buffered to accommodate slowrisetime signals. The 510 detects pulses on these pins and interrupts the CPU on both logic level transitions. Schmitt-trigger buffering does not guarantee a specific noise-level margin. DTRA, DTRB. Data Terminal Ready (outputs, active low). These outputs follow the state programmed into 510. They can also be programmed as generalpurpose outputs. In the MK3885 bonding option, DTRB is omitted. zao MK3885 Z80 SIO PIN FUNCTIONS MK3885 Z80 SIO PIN ASSIGNMENTS Figure 3 Figure 4 0, I I CHANNEL A 0, 'MODEM JCONTROL. i'OFi'O lEI CE R/A' m c/o .5V AD W/RDVA SVIiI'& I ! CHANNElB MODEM CONTROL RxDA SYNCB RxCir TxDA TxCi RxDO i5TFiA TxDB RTsA RTsii 'Ci'8A CTsB 0C0i RESET ClK IV-20 GND W7RDvi 'RXcA hCA '6CDA +5V GND elK D. iNT lEO CONTROL FROM CPU O2 D. 07 DATA CPU BUS DO 03 lEI. Interrupt Enable In (input, active High). This signal is used with lEO to form a priority daisy chain when there is more than one interrupt-driven device. A High on this line indicates that no other device of higher priority is being serviced by a CPU interrupt service routine. lEO. Interrupt Enable Out (output, active High). lEO is High only if lEI is High and the CPU is not servicing an interrupt from this SIO. Thus, this signal blocks lower priority devices from interrupting while a higher priority device is being serviced by its CPU interrupt service routine. INT. Interrupt Request (output, open drain, active Low). When the SIO is requesting an interrupt, it pulls fNi Low. lORa. Input/Output Request (input from CPU, active Low). lORa is used in conjunction with B/A, C/O, CE and RD to transfer commands and data between the CPU and the SIO. When 'CE, RD and lORa are all active, the channel selected by B/A transfers data tothe CPU (a read operation). When CE and lORa are active, but RD is inactive, the channel selected by B/A is written to by the CPU with either data or control information as specified by C/O'. As mentioned previously, if lORa and M1 are active simultaneously, the CPU is acknowledging an interrupt and the SIO automatically places its interrupt vector on the CPU data bus if it is the highest priority device requesting an interrupt. M1. Machine Cycle (input from l80 CPU, active Low). When M1 is active and RD'is also active, thel80 CPU is fetching an instruction from memory; when M1 is active while lORa is active, the SIO accepts M1 and lORa as an interrupt acknowledge if the SIO is the highest priority device that has interrupted the l80 CPU. RxCA, RxCB. Receiver Clocks (inputs). Receive data is sampled on the rising edge of RxC. The Receive Clocks may be 1, 16, 32 or 64 times the data rate in asynchronous modes. These clocks may be driven by the l80 CTC Counter Timer Circuit for programmable baud rate generation. Both inputs are Schmitt-trigger buffered (no noise level margin is specified). In the MK3884 bonding option, RxCB is bonded together with TxCB. RD. Read Cycle Status (input from CPU, active Low). If RD is active, a memory or 110 read operation is in progress. RD is used with B/A, CE and lORa to transfer data from the SIO to the CPU. RxDA, RxDB. Receive Data (inputs, active High). Serial data at TTL levels. RESET. Reset (input, active Low). A Low RESET disables both receivers and transmitters, forces TxDA and TxDB marking, forces the modem controls High and disables all interrupts. The control registers must be rewritten after the SIO is reset and before data is transmitted or received. RTSA, RTSB. Request To Send (outputs, active Low). When the RTS bit in Write Register 5 (Figure 14) is set, the RTS output goes Low. When the RiS bit is reset in the Asynchronous mode, the output goes High after the transmitter is empty. In Synchronous modes, the RTS pin strictly follows the state of the RTS bit. Both pins can be used as general-purpose outputs. MK3887 l80 510 PIN FUNCTIONS MK3887 l80 510 PIN ASSIGNMENTS Figure 5 Figure 6 0, I I °3 0. °7 !NT DATA CPU BUS CHANNEl A lEI ! lEO MODEM CONTROL CPU ! ICHANNELB MODEM CONTROl +6V GND eLK IV-21 IORO CE B/A cio '5V RD SYNCA .. 0. iii W/RDYA CONTROL FROM °0 °2 °4 GNO W/RDYB RxDA RxDB RxCA RxCB TxCA TxCi TxOA TxOS DTRA DTRB RiiA RTSS eTSA DCDA CTsB DCiiB ClK RESET SYNCA, SYNCB. Synchronization ,(inputs/outputs, active Low). These pins can act either as inputs or outputs. In the asynchronous receive mode, they are inputs similar to CTS and l)C[). In this mode; the transitions on these lines affect the state of the Sync/Hunt status bit in Read Register 0 (Figure 13), but have no other function. In the External Sync mode, these lines also act as inputs. When external synchronization is achieved, SYNC must be driven Low on the second rising edge ofRiC' after that rising edge ofR~on which the last bit of the sync character was received. In other words, after the sync pattern is detected, the external logic must wait for two full Receive Clock cycles to activate the SYNC input. Once""SVf'JC is forced Low, it should be kept Low until the CPU informs the external synchronization detect logic that synchronization has been lost or a new message is about to start. Character assembly begins on the rising edge of lrxC that immediately precedes the falling edge of SYNC in the External Sync mode. In the internal synchronization mode (Monosync and Bisync), these pins act as outputs that are active during the part of the receive clock (RxC) cycle in which sync characters are recognized. The sync condition is not latched, so these outputs are active each time a sync pattern is recognized, regardless of character boundaries. In the MK3aa7 bonding option, SYNCB is omitted. rate generation. In the MK3aa4 bonding option, TxCB is bonded together with~. TxDA, TxDB. Transmit Data (outputs, active High). Serial data at TTL levels. W/RDYA, W/RDYB. Wait/Ready A. Wait/Ready B (outputs, open drain, when programmed for Wait function; driven High and Low when programmed for Ready function). These dual-purpose outputs may be programmed as Ready lines for a DMA controller or as Wait lines that synchronize the CPU to the SID data rate. The reset state is open drain. FUNCTIONAL CAPABILITIES The functional capabilities of the zao SID can be described from two different points of view: as a data communications device, it transmits and receives serial data in a wide variety of data-communication protocols; as a zao family peripheral, it interacts with the zao CPU and other peripheral circuits, sharing the data, address and control buses, as well as being a part of the zao interrupt structure, As a peripheral to other microprocessors, the SID offers valuable features such as nonvectored interrupts, polling and simple handshake capability. Figure a illustrates the conventional devices that the SID replaces. TxCA, TxCB. Transmitter Clocks (inputs). TxD changes from the falling edge of TxC. In asynchronous modes, the Transmitter Clocks may be 1, 16,32 or 64 times the data rate; however, the clock multiplier for the transmitter and the receiver must be the same. The Transmit Clock inputs are Schmitt-trigger buffered for relaxed rise- and fall-time requirements (no noise level margin is specified). Transmitter Clocks may be driven by the zao CTC Counter Timer Circuit for programmable baud The first part of the following discussion covers SID data-communication capabilities; the second part describes interactions between the CPU and the SID. DATA COMMUNICATION CAPABILITIES The SID provides two independent full-duplex channels that can be programmed for use in any common asynchronous or synchronous data-communication Block Diagram Figure 7 } SERIAL DATA _ } CHANNEl CLOCKS SYNC WAITIREADY INTERNAL CONTROL lOGIC I MODEM OR OTHER CONTROLS DATA CPU BUS 1/0 CONTROl==>L-_ _.J I MODEM OR OTHER CONTROLS INTERRUPT CONTROL LINES INTERRUPT CONTROL lOGIC } SERIAL DATA _ } CHANNEl CLOCKS ~READY IV-22 Conventional Devices Replaced by the Z80 SIO Figure 8 CHANNEL A MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE CHANNEL a zao MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE CHANNEL A SIO CHANNEL a protocol. Figure 9 illustrates some of these protocols. The following is a short description of them. A more detailed explanation of these modes can be found in the MK3884 Z80 SIO Technical Manual. receive and transmit clock inputs. In asynchronous modes, the SYNC pin may be programmed as an input that can be used for functions such as monitoring a ring indicator. Asynchronous Modes. Transmission and reception can be done independently on each channel with five to eight bits per character, plus optional even or odd parity. The transmitters can supply one, one-and-a-half or two stop bits per character and can provide a break output at any time. The receiver break-detection logic interrupts the CPU both at the start and end of a received break. Reception is protected from spikes by a transient spikerejection mechanism that checks the signal one-half a bit time after a Low level is detected on the receive data input (RxOA or RxOB in Figure 5). If the Low does not persist-as in the case of a transient-the character assembly process is not started. Synchronous Modes. The SIO supports both byteoriented and bit-oriented synchronous communication. Synchronous byte-oriented protocols can be handled in several modes that allow character synchronization with an 8-bit sync character (Monosync), any 16-bit sync pattern (Bisync) or with an external sync signal. Leading sync characters can be removed without interrupting the CPU. Framing errors and overrun errors are detected and buffered together with the partial character on which they occurred. Vectored interrupts allow fast servicing of error conditions using dedicated routines. Furthermore, a built-in checking process avoids interpreting a framing error as a new start bit: a framing error results in the addition of one-half a bit time to the point at which the search for the next start bit is begun. ' CRC checking for synchronous byte-oriented modes is delayed by one character time so the CPU may disable CRC checking on specific characters. This permits implementation of protocols such as IBM Bisync. Both CRC-16 (X 16 + X15 + X2 + 1) and cCln (X16 + X12 + X5 +1) error checking polynomials are supported. In all non-SOLC modes, the CRC generator is initialized to O's; in SOLC modes, it is initialized to 1 'so The SIO can be used for interfacing to peripherals such as hard-sectored floppy disk, but it cannot generate or check CRC for IBM-compatible soft-sectored disks. The SIO also provides a feature that automatically transmits CRC data when no other data is available for transmission. This allows very high-speed transmissions under Five-, six- or seven-bit sync characters are detected with 8- or 16-bit patterns in the SIO by overlapping the larger pattern across multiple in-coming sync characters, as shown in Figure 10. The SIO does not require symmetric transmit and receive clock signals-a feature that allows it to be used with MK3882 Z80 CTC or many other clock sources. The transmitter and receiver can handle data at a rate of 1, 1/16, 1/32 or 1/64 of the clock rate supplied to the IV-23 DMA control with no need for CPU intervention at the end of message. When there is no data or CRC to send in synchronous modes, the transmitter inserts 8- or 16-bit sync characters regardless of the programmed character length. The 510 can be conveniently used under DMA control to provide high-speed reception or transmission. In reception, for example, the 510 can interrupt the CPU when the first character of a message is received. The CPU then enables the OMA to transfer the message to memory. The 510 then issues an end-of-frame interrupt and the CPU can check the status of the received message. Thus, the CPU is freed for other service while the message is being received. a The 510 supports synchronous bit-oriented protocols such as SOLC and HDLC by performing automatic flag sending, zero insertion and CRC generation. A special command can be used to abort a frame in transmission. At the end of a message the 510 automatically transmits the CRC and trailing flag when the transmit buffer becomes empty. If a transmit underrun occurs in the middle of a message, an external/status interrupt warns the CPU of this status change so that an abort may be issued. One to eight bits per character can be sent, which allows reception of a message with no prior information aboutthe character structure in the information field of a frame. I/O INTERFACE CAPABILITIES The 510 offers the choice of polling, interrupt (vectored or non-vectored) and block-transfer modes to transfer data, status and control information to and from the CPU. The block-transfer mode can also be implemented under DMA control. Polling. Two status registers are updated at appropriate times for each fu nction bei ng performed (for example, CRC error-status valid at the end of a message). When the CPU is operated in a polling fashion, one of the SIO's two status registers is used to indicate whether the 510 has some data or needs some data. Depending on the contents of this register, the CPU wi" either write data, read data, or just go on. Two bits in the register indicate that a data transfer is needed. In addition, error and other conditions are indicated. The second status register (special receive conditions) does not have to be read in a polling sequence, until a character has been received. A" interrupt modes are disabled when operating the device in a polled environment. The receiver automatically synchronizes on the leading flag of a frame in SOLC or HDLC, and provides a synchronization signal on the SYNC pin; an interrupt can also be programmed. The receiver can be programmed to search for frames addressed by a single byte to only a specified user-selected address or to a global broadcast address. In this mode, frames that do not match either the user-selected or broadcast address are ignored. The number of address bytes can be extended under software control. For transmitting data, an interrupt on the first received character or on every character can be selected. The receiver automatically deletes a" zeroes inserted by the transmitter during character assembly. It also calculates and automatically checks the CRC to validate frame transmission. At the end of transmission, the status of a received frame is available in the status registers. Interrupts. The 510 has an elaborate interrupt scheme to provide fast interrupt service in real-time applications. A control register and a status register in Channel B contain the interrupt vector. When programmed to do Z80 SIO PROTOCOLS Figure 9 MARKING LINE MARKING LINE I SYNC I DATA I :! DATA I CRC, CRc 2 1 I CRC, CRC2 I CRC, CRC2 I MONOSYNC I SYNC I It :; :; I SYNC DATA SIGNAL DATA I I DATA BISYNC I DATA I EXTERNAL SYNC ,--F_lA_G--LIA_D_D_R_ES_S.LI_ _ -"IN.;.;F...;;O~i~ATION CRC, I FLAG SDlC/HDlC/X.25 VARIABLE LENGTH SYNC CHARACTERS Figure 10 6 BITS DATA 8 '6 IV-24 DATA DATA DATA so, the 510 can modify three bits of the interrupt vector in the status register so that it points directly to one of eight interrupt service routines in memory, thereby servicing conditions in both channels and eliminating most of the needs for a status-analysis routine. interrupt routine itself. CPU/DMA Block Transfer. The SID's block-transfer mode accommodates both CPU block transfers and DMA controllers (Z80 DMA or other designs). The blocktransfer mode uses the Wait/Ready output signal, which is selected with three bits in an internal control register. The Wait/Ready output signal can be programmedWAJTline in the CPU block-transfer mode or as a READY line in the DMA block-transfer mode. Transmit interrupts, receive interrupts and external/status interrupts are the main sources of interrupts. Each interrupt source is enabled under program control, with Channel A having a higher priority than Channel B, and with receive, transmit and external/status interrupts prioritized in that order within each channel. When the transmit interrupt is enabled, the CPU is interrupted by the transmit buffer becoming empty. (This implies that the transmitter must have had a data character written into it so it can become empty.) The receiver can interrupt the CPU in one of two ways: To a DMA controller, the SIOFfEAC)V output indicates that the 510 is ready to transfer data to or from memory. To the CPU, the WAIT output indicates that the 510 is not ready to transfer data, thereby requesting the CPU to extend the I/O cycle. TYPICAL ZSO ENVIRONMENT Figure 11 • Interrupt on first received character • Interrupt on all received characters Interrupt-on-first-received-character is typically used with the block-transfer mode. Interrupt-on-all-received-characters has the option of modifying the interrupt vector in the event of a parity error. Both of these interrupt modes will also interrupt under special receive conditions on a character or message basis (end-of-frame interrupt in SDLC, for example). This means that the special-receive condition can cause an interrupt only if the interrupt-on-first-received-character or interrupt-on-all-received-characters mode is selected. In interrupt-on-first-received-character, an interrupt can occur from special-receive conditions (except parity error) after the first-received-character interrupt (example: receive-overrun interrupt). .oil ,. .. , OMA - INT ROY lEI -lEO iN'!' The main function of the external/status interrupt is to monitor the signal transitions of the Clear To Send (CTS), Data Carrier Detect (DCD) and Synchronization (SYNC) pins (Figures 1 through 6). In addition, an external/status interrupt is also caused by a CRCsending condition or by the detection of a break sequence (asynchronous mode) or abort sequence (SDLC mode) in the data stream. The interrupt caused by the break/abort sequence allows the 510 to interrupt when the break/abort sequence is detected or terminated. This feature facilitates the proper termination of the current message, correct initialization of the next message, and the accurate timing of the break/abort condition in external logic. lEI SIO IA. 'I ROY DMA ~ , ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION In a Z80 CPU environment (Figure 11), 510 interrupt vectoring is "automatic": the 510 passes its internallymodifiable 8-bit interrupt vector to the CPU, which adds an additional 8 bits from its interrupt-vector (I) register to form the memory address of the interrupt-routine table. This table contains the address of the beginning of the interrupt routine itself. The process entails an indirect transfer of CPU control to the interrupt routine, so that the next instruction executed after an interrupt acknowledge by the CPU is the first instruction of the The internal structure of the device includes a Z80 CPU interface, internal control and interrupt logic, and two full-duplex channels. Each channel contains its own set of control and status (write and read) registers, and control and status logic that provides the interface to modems or other external devices. The registers for each channel are designated as follows: WRO-WR7 - Write Registers 0 through 7 RRO-RR2 - Read Registers 0 through 2 The register group includes five 8-bit control registers, IV-25 two sync-character registers and two status registers. The interrupt vector is written into an additional 8-bit register (Write Register 2) in Channel B that may be read through another 8-bit register (Read Register 2) in Channel B. The bit assignment and functional grouping of each register is configured to simplify and organize the programming process. Table 1 lists the functions assigned to each read or write register. The logic for both channels provides formats, synchronization and validation for data transferred to and from the channel interface. The modem control inputs, Clear To Send (CTS) and Data Carrier Detect (DCD), are monitored by the external control and status logic under program control. All external control-and-status-Iogic signals are general-purpose in nature and can be used for functions other than modem control. Read Register Functions Data Path. The transmit and receive data path illustrated for Channel A in Figure 12 is identical for both channels. The receiver has three 8-bit buffer registers in a FIFO arrangement, in addition to the 8-bit receive shift register. This scheme creates additional time for the CPU to service an interrupt atthe beginning of a block of high-speed data. Incoming data is routed through one of several paths (data or CRC) depending on the selected mode and-in asynchronous modes-the character length. RRO RR1 RR2 Transmit/Receive buffer status, interrupt status and external status Special Receive Condition status Modified interrupt vector (Channel B only) Write Register Functions WRO WR1 WR2 WR3 WR4 WR5 WR6 WR7 Register pointers, CRC initialize, initialization commands for the various modes, etc. Transmit/Receive interrupt and data transfer mode definition. Interrupt vector (Channel B only) The transmitter has an 8-bit transmit data buffer register that is loaded from the internal data bus, and a 20-bit transmit sh ift reg ister that ca n be loaded from the sync-character buffers or from the transmit data register. Depending on the operational mode, outgoing data is routed through one of four main paths before it is transmitted from the Transmit Data output (TxD). Receive parameters and control Transmit/Receive miscellaneous parameters and modes Transmit parameters and controls Sync character or SDLC address field Sync character or SDLC flag The system program first issues a series of commands that initialize the basic mode of operation and then other commands that qualify conditions within the selected C~PU 1/0 TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE DATA PATH (CHANNEL A) Figure 12 _ 1110 OATA BUFFERI TOCHANNELB----------------------------~~~----------------------------- EXTERNAL STATUS LOGIC CONTROL LOGIC. ETC. INTERNAL DATA BUS r--------., TxDA IV-26 mode. For example, the asynchronous mode, character length, clock rate, number of stop bits, even or odd parity might be set first; then the interrupt mode; and finally, receiver or transmitter enable. Both channels contain registers that must be programmed via the system program prior to operation. The channel-select input (B/A) and the control/data input (C/O) are the command-structure addressing controls, and are normally controlled by the CPU address bus. Figures 15 and 16 illustrate the timing relationships for programming the write registers and transferring data and status. Read Registers. The 510 contains three read registers for Channel B and two read registers for Channel A (RRO-RR2 in Figure 13) that can be read to obtain the status information; RR2 contains the internally-modifiable interrupt vector and is only in the Channel B register set. The status information includes error conditions, interrupt vector and standard communications-interface signals. To read the contents of a selected read register other than RRO, the system program must first write the pointer byte to WRO in exactly the same way as a write register operation. Then, by executing a read instruction, the contents of the addressed read register can be read by the CPU. The status bits of RRO and RR1 are carefully grouped to simplify status monitoring. For example, when the interrupt vector indicates that a Special Receive Condition interrupt has occured, all the appropriate error bits can be read from a single register (RR1). Write Registers. The 510 contains eight write registers for Channel B and seven write registers for Channel A (WRO-WR7 in Figure 14) that are programmed separately to config u re the functiona I persona Iity of the channels; WR2 contains the interrupt vector for both channels and is only in the Channel B register set. With the exception of WRO, programming the write registers require two bytes. The first byte is to WRO and contains three bits (00-02) that point to the selected register; the second byte is the actual control word that is written into the register to configure the 510. WRO is a special case in that all of the basic commands can be written to it with a single byte. Reset (internal or external) initializes the pointer bits 00-02 to point to WRO. This implies that a channel reset must always point to WRO. The 510 must have the same clock as the CPU (same phase and frequency relationship, not necessarily the same driver). READ REGISTER BIT FUNCTIONS Figure 13 READ REGISTER 0 READ REGISTER 2 *Used With External/Status Interrupt Mode READ REGISTER 1 1071061051041031021011 Dol INTERRUPT VECTOR L-ALLSENT 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 I FIELD BITS IN PREVIOUS BYTE I FIELD BITS IN SECOND PREVIOUS BYTE 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 PARITY ERROR ~_ _ _ _ ~~g::::~~~RERR~'6R ~ *Variable if Status Affects Vector is Programmed 'Residue Data For Eight Rx Bits/Character Programmed _ _ _ _ _ END OF FRAME (SOLC) Used With Special Receive Condition Mode IV-27 WRITE REGISTER BIT FUNCTIONS Figure 14 WRITE REGISTER 0 WRITE REGISTER 4 107/0610510410310210,1 Dol 10710610510410310210,1001 I II I o REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER o , 1 o o 1 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 o 1 0 1 0 NULLCQDE RESET Rx CRe CHECKER RESET Tx CRe GENERATOR 1 1 RESET Tx UNDERRUN/EOM LATCH SYNC MODES ENABLE 1 STOP BIT/CHARACTER 1% STOP BITS/CHARACTER o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 III I o 0 1 0 , X1 CLOCK MODE X16 CLOCK MODE X32 CLOCK MODE X64 CLOCK MODE 10710610510410310210,1001 IIL...!:::'I =I==== I I EXT INT ENABLE Tx INT ENABLE L _ _ _ _ STATUS AFFECTS VECTOR (CH. B ONLY) o 8 BIT SYNC CHARACTER 16 BIT SYNC CHARACTER SDLC MODE (0111 1 1 1 0 FLAG) EXTERNAL SYNC MODE WRITE REGISTER 5 WRITE REGISTER 1 10710610.10410310210,1001 1 , Rx INT DISABLE Rx INT ON FIRST CHARACTER tNT ON ALL Rx CHARACTERS (PARITY AFFECTS VECTOR) INT ON ALL FIx CHARACTERS (PARITY DOES NOT AFFECT VECTOR) WAIT IREADY ON AIT WAIT IREADY FUNCTION '-----WAIT/READY ENABLE *OrOn Special Condition WRITE REGISTER 2 (CHANNEL B ONLY) ! Tx 5 Tx 7 Tx 6 Tx 8 • BITS {OR LESS)/CHARACTER BITS/CHARACTER BITS/CHARACTER BITS/CHARACTER OTR III [[I ~i~li!i SYNC BIT5 SYNC BIT6 SYNC BIT 7 *Also SDLC Address Field WRITE REGISTER 3 WRITE REGISTER 7 10710610.10410310210,1001 I[[I 5 7 6 8 ~~~RC ENABLE Tx ENABLE SDLC/CRC·16 SEND BREAK WRITE REGISTER 6 INTERRUPT VECTOR Rx Rx Rx Rx PARITY ENABLL.. PARITY EVEN/ODD 2 STOP BITS/CHARACTER NULL CODe SEND ABORT (SOLe) RESET EXT/STATUS INTERRUPTS CHANNEL REseT ENABLE tNT ON NEXT Rx CHARACTER RESET TxlNT PENDING ERROR RESET RETURN FROM INT (CH-A ONLY) o I "~" L.::= I L- "SYNC .. CHARACTER LOAD INHIBIT ADDRESS SEARCH MODE (SoLC) Rx CRC ENABLE ENTER HUNT PHASE AUTO ENABLES BITS/CHARACTER BITS/CHARACTER BITS/CHARACTER BITS/CHARACTER ·For SDLC It Must Be Programmed to "01111110" For Flag Recognition IV-28 zao Read Cycle. The timing signals generated by a CPU input instruction to read a data or status byte from the 510 are illustrated in Figure 15. zao Write Cycle. Figure 16 illustrates the timing and data CPU output instruction to signals generated by a write a data or control byte into the 510. zao Interrupt-Acknowledge Cycle. After receiving an interrupt-request signal from an 510 (lNT pulled Low), the CPU sends an interrupt-acknowledge sequence (M1 Low, and lORa Low a few cycles later) as in Figure 17. The 510 contains an internal daisy-chained interrupt structure for prioritizing nested interrupts for the various functions of its two channels, and this structure can be used within an external user-defined daisy chain that prioritizes several peripheral circuits. zao The I EI of the highest-priority device is termi nated High. A device that has an interrupt pending or under service forces its lEO Low. For devices with no interrupt pending or under service, lEO = lEI. To insure stable conditions in the daisy chain, all interrupt status signals are prevented from changing while M1 is Low. When lORa is Low, the highest priority interrupt requestor (the one with lEI High) places its interrupt vector on the data bus and sets its internal interrupt-under-service latch. READ CYCLE Return From Interrupt Cycle. Figure 1a illustrates the return from interrupt cycle. Normally, the CPU issues a RETI (return from interrupt) instruction at the end of an interrupt service routine. RETI is a 2-byte opcode (EO-40) that resets the interrupt-under-service latch in the 510 to terminate the interrupt that has just been processed. This is accomplished by manipulating the daisy chain in the following way. The normal daisy-chain operation can be used to detect a pending interrupt; however, it cannot distinguish between an interrupt under service and a pending unacknowledged interrupt of a higher priority. Whenever "EO" is decoded, the daisy chain is modified by forcing High the lEO of any interrupt that has not yet been acknowledged. Thus the daisy chain identifies the device presently under service as the only one with an lEI High and an lEO Low. If the next opcode byte is "40", the interrupt-under-service latch is reset. The ripple time of the interrupt daisy chain (both the High-to-Low and the Low-to-High transitions) limits the number of devices that can be placed in the daisy chain. Ripple time can be improved with carry-look-ahead, or by extending the interrupt-acknowledge cycle. For further information about techniques for increasing th number of daisy-chained devices, refer to the IV""""""" CPU Product Specification. zao INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE CYCLE Figure 15 Figure 17 T, CLOCK CLOCK CE. C/D. BIA M1~~__________~~ _ _-J"+___\-___-J I '---U AD _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...J1L-_ __ lEI M'-------~------ :::::::=:7 DATA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DATA -------~_< I :\::::= ~ECTO~--- WRITE CYCLE RETURN FROM INTERRUPT CYCLE Figure 16 Figure 18 M1 __________ DATA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IEI------ ------.1 I~---- >E)(______ , I IEO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _........ :;---- IV-29 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltages on all inputs and outputs with respect to GND ........................................... -0.3V to +7 .OV Operating Ambient Temperature ................................... , ........ As Specified in Ordering Information Storage Temperature ...... , ................................................................. -6SoC to +1S0°C Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings maycause permanent damage tathe device. This is a stress rating only; operation of the device at any condition above those indicated in the operational sections of these specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS The characteristics below apply for the following standard test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND. Positive current flows into the referenced pin. Standard conditions are as follows: 2.1K FROM OUTPUTO-_......_-..~H UNDER TEST • +4.7SV::::; VCC::::; +S.2SV • GND = OV • TA as specified in Ordering Information All AC parameters assume a load capacitance of 100 pF max. Timing references between two output signals assume a load difference of SO pF max. DC CHARACTERISTICS SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX VILC Clock Input Low Voltage -0.3 +0.80 V VIHC Clock Input High Voltage VCC -0.6 +S.S V VIL Input Low Voltage -0.3 +0.8 V VIH Input High Voltage +2.0 +S.S V VOL Output Low Voltage +0.4 V VOH Output High Voltage +2.4 III Input Leakage Current -10 IZ 3-State Output/Data Bus Input Leakage Current IL(SY) SYNC Pin Leakage Current ICC Power Supply Current UNIT TEST CONDITION V = 2.0mA IOH = -2S0 JJA ±10 J.l.A O_0 R = 1000 OHMS: DATA LINES R = 470 OHMS: DATA STROBE AND INPUT PRINT LINES +5 ~ DRIVER: o----------<~------o CONNECTOR: AMPHENOL 57 40360 SERIES, 36-PIN (CENTRONICS 31310019) INTERFACE TIMING PARALLEL DATA I I ..-J DATA STROBE I I 1.01's J..- -.j 1.0 I's ~ (MIN) I I (MIN) I I ----~~r-------------------------I I ---J ACKNOWLEDGE I I t+I 1.0 I'S (MIN) 500 I'S (MAX) :I I I ACK DELAY I I 1 - - - FOR NORMAL DATA----t..~II-'- - A C K I ....1 I-ACK DELAY I I FOR BUSY CONDITION .. BUSY ~ I I ~BUSY DELAY~ V-16 II I BUSY-t Internal Controls Auto motor control: Turns stepping motors off when no data is received. Electronic top of form: Allows paper to space to top of form when command is received. Preset for 11 in. (279 mm) or 12 in. (305 mm) forms Opt. VFU must be used for other form lengths. Humidity Operating: 20% to 90% (No condensation) Storage: 5% to 95% (No condensation) Normal Data ACK Delay Input Timing ACK BUSY DELAY ACK DELAY ACK BUSY DURATION: Line Feed Verfical Tab (1-in.) BUSY CONDITION Form Feed (11-in.) Delete TIMING Bell Select* Deselect Data Input 7- or 8-bit ASCII parallel; microprocessor electronics; TTL levels with strobe. Acknowledge pulse indicates that data was received. INTERFACING Electrical Requirements 50/60 Hz, 1151230 VAC; -10%/-15% of Nominal Tappable Transformer (1 00,110,115,120,200,220,230, 240 VAC). Printer Physical Dimensions Model 702 Weight: 60 Ibs. (27 Kg) Width: 24.5 in. (622 mm) Height: 8 in. (203 mm) 18 in. (457 mm) Depth: 0- 1.5 Ilsec 1 - 6 Ilsec 4 Ilsec 350 - 500 Ilsec 135 - 145 msec 1.48 - 1.50 sec 160 - 400 Ilsec 0 0- 1.5 Ilsec Unit Printer is selected 8.33 msec/char; plus 148 msec non-printing time/line *No busy if inhibit prime on select option is used. Temperature Operating: 40° to 100°F (4.4° to 37.7°C) Storage: -10° to 160°F (-40° to 71.1 0C) ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. LP Mostek line printer featuring 120 cps operation, 7x7 dot matrix, 10 cpi, and paper slew rate of 8 ips. Includes MATRI)(TM cable, 60 Hz operation. MK78191-1 LP-50 Same as above but for 50 Hz operation. MK78191-2 MD-CPRT-C MATRIX System or MDX-PIO to Centronics Line Printer Interface MK79089 cable. V-17 V-18 MOSIEI{. PERIPHERAL PPG S/16-PROM Programmer MK79181-1 FEATURES PPG 8/16 PHOTO o Programs, reads, and verifies 2708-, 2758-, and 271 6-type PROMs (2758 and 2716 PROMS must be 5-Volt only type) o Interfaces to MATRIX and MDX-PIO o Driver software included on system diskette for FLP-80DOS o Zero-insertion-force socket o Power and programming indicators DESCRIPTION The PPG-8/16 PROM Programmer is a peripheral which provides a low-cost means of programming 2708, 2758, or 2716 PROMs. It is compatible with Mostek's MATRIX Microcomputer Development System and the MDX-PIO. The PPG-8/1 6 has a generalized computer interface (two 8-bit 1/0 ports) allowing it to be controlled by other types of host computers with user-generated driver software. A complete set of documentation is provided with the PPG8/16 which describes the internal operation and details user's operating procedures The PPG-8/1 6 is available in a metal enclosure for use with the MATRI)(TM and the MDX-PIO. Interface cables for either the MATRIX or MDX-PIO must be purchased separately. SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION The driver software accomplishes four basic operations. These are (1) loading data into host computer memory, (2) reading the contents of a PROM into host computer memory, (3) programming a PROM from the contents of the host computer memory, and (4) verifying the contents of a PROM with the contents of the host computer memory. The driver software is provided on the FLP-80DOS system diskette. The user documentation provided with the PPG8/16 fully explains programming procedures to enable a user to develop a software driver on a different host computer. V-19 PPG8/16 BLOCK DIAGRAM J1 CONNECTOR 2 A-...L....L.~ AS - A9 (270S/275S) AS - A 10 (2716) TO HOST COMPUTER BSTB 0 1 Os 275S1 MK270S1 MK2716 SOCKET MODE SELECT CIRCUIT J2 +12VDC CONNECTOR TO +5, +12, -12 POWER SUPPLY +5VDC GND -12VDC PROGRAM PULSE CONVERTER ",~U~~OR to +27.5 VDC I I PROGRAM LED STEP-UP VOLTAGE REGULATOR -5VDC +5VDC +12VDC INTERFACE OPERATING TEMPERATURE 25-pin control connector (0 type) 40-pin control connector (0.1-in. centers card edge) for A10-80F, SOB-80, 508-50170, or MATRI)(TM 12-pin power connector (0.156-in. centers card edge) All control signals are TTL-compatible DOC -60°C POWER REQUIREMENTS PROGRAMMING TIME 2708 - 2.5 minutes 2758 - 0.9 minutes 2716 - 1.8 minutes + 12 VOC at 250mA typical +5 VOC at 1OOmA typical -12 VOC at 50mA typical V-20 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. PPG-S/16 PROM Programmer for 270S1275S12716 PROMs with Operations Manual for interface with MATRIX. MK790S1-1 MATRIX to PPG-S/16 PPG-S/16 Interface Cable for MATRIX MK79090 MD-PPG-C PPG-S/16 Interface Cable for MDX-PIO MK77957 PPG-S/16 Operations Manual MK79603 *NOTE: The PPG-S/16 will only program the 270S, 275S, and 2716 PROMs. The 275S and 2716 are 5 Volt only type PROMs. THE PPG-S/16 WILL NOT PROGRAM THE TI2716 MULTIPLE-VOLTAGE 2K x S PROM. V-21 V-22 MOSTEI{. SOFlWARE DISK BASED ANSI BASIC Software Interpreter MK78157 FEATURES o Meets ANSI standard on BASIC (X3.60 - 1978) o Occupies only 23K bytes, not including operating system o Direct access to CPU I/O Ports o Supports console and line printer 110 o Ability to read or write any memory location (PEEK, POKE) o Allows console output to be redirected to the line printer o WHILE ... WEND structured construct o Arrays with up to 255 dimensions o o Dynamic allocation and deallocation of arrays Programs can be saved on disk in a protected format that cannot be listed on console o IF ... THEN ... ELSE and IF ... GO TO (both it's may be nested) DESCRIPTION o Direct (immediate) execution of statements o Error trapping, with error messages in English o Four variable types: Integer, string, real and doubleprecision real o Long variable names significant up to 40 characters o Full PRINT USING capabilities for formatted output o Extensive program editing facilities o Trace facililties o Can call any number of assembly-language subroutines o Boolean (logical) operations o Supports up to six sequential and random access files on floppy disk o Variable record length in random access files from one to 128 bytes/record o Complete set of file manipulation statements Mostek ANSI BASIC is an extensive implementation of Microsoft BASIC for the Z80 microprocessor. Its features are comparable tothe BASICs found on minicomputers and large mainframes. Mostek ANSI BASIC is among the fastest microprocessor BASICs available. Designed to operate on Mostek Systems with FLP-80DOS V2.1 and with 48K bytes or more memory, Mostek BASIC provides a sophisticated software development tool. Mostek ANSI BASIC is implemented as an interpreter and is highly suitable for user-interactive processing. Programs and data are stored in a compressed internal format to maximize memory utilization. In a 64K system, 28K of user's program and data storage area are available. Unique features include long variable names, substring assignments and hexadecimal and octal constants. Many other features ease the task of programming complex functions. The Programmer is seldom limited by array size (up to 255 dimensions, with run-time allocation and deallocation) or 110 restrictions. Full PRINT USING capabilities allow formatted output. while both input and output may be performed with multiple sequential and random files on floppy disk as well as with the CPU I/O ports. Editing, error trapping, and trace facilities greatly simplify program debugging. V-23 Commands: AUTO FILES NEW SAVE EDIT MERGE RUN WIDTH CLEAR LIST NULL SYSTEM CO NT LLiST RENUM TRON DELETE LOAD RESET TROFF CHAIN DEFSNG ERASE IF ... THEN(ELSE) ON ... GOTO RESUME COMMON DEFSTR ERROR IF ... GOTO OPTION BASE STOP DEF DBL DEFUSR FOR .. NEXT LET RANDOMIZE SWAP DEF FN DIM GOSUB ... RETURN ON ERROR GOTO FIELD LINE INPUT NAME PRINT# RESET GET LINE INPUT# OPEN PRINT# USING WRITE RSET INPUT LPRINT OUT PUT WRITE# > < <= MOD IMP NOT EQU AND Program Statements: CALL DEFINT END GOTO ON ... GOSUB REM WHILE ... WEND Input/Output Statements: CLOSE INPUT# LPRINT USING PRINT READ DATA KILL LSET PRINT USING RESTORE Operators: + 1\ "- >= <> OR XOR / Arithmetic Functions: ABS EXP LOG USR ATN ERR RND VARPTR CDBL ERL SGN CINT FIX SIN COS FRE SQR CSNG INT TAN CHR$ OCT VAL HEX$ RIGHT$ INSTR SPACES LEFT SPC$ LEN STR$ CVD LOF PEEK DSKF LOG POKE EOF LPOS POS INP MKD$ TAB String Functions: ASC MID$ STRINGS Input/Output Functions: CVI INPUT$ MKI$ WAr. CVS LOC MKS$ V-24 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. Mostek ANSI BASIC BASIC INTERPRETER high-level language to run on FLP-80DOS. Requires 48K or more bytes of memory. MK78157 BASIC Operation Manual Only MK79708 In order to receive Mostek ANSI BASIC, the Mostek BASIC non-disclosure agreement must be signed and returned with each purchase order. V-25 V-26 MOSI£I(. SOFTWARE DISK BASED FORTRAN IV Compiler MK78158 FORTRAN IV COMPILER PHOTO FEATURES o All of ANSI standard FORTRAN IV (X3.9-1966) except complex data type o Generates relocatable linkable object code o Subroutines may be compiled separately and stored in a system library o Compiles several hundred statements per minute in a single pass o Enhancements include 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. LOGICAL variables which can be used as integer quantities LOGICAL DO loops for tighter, faster execution of small-valued integer loops Mixed-mode arithmetic Hexadecimal constants Literals and Holleriths allowed in expressions Logical operations on integer data .. AND., .OR., .NOT. and .x0R. can be used for 16-bit or 8-bit Boolean operations READ/WRITE End-of-File or Error Condition transfer. END=n and ERR=n (where n is the statement number) can be included in READ or WRITE statements to tra nsfer control to the specified statement on detection of an error or end-of-file condition ENCODE/DECODE for FORMAT operations to memory o Long descriptive error messages o Extended optimizations o Z80-assembly-language subprograms may be called from FORTRAN programs DESCRIPTION Mostek's FORTRAN IV Compiler package provides new capabilities for users of Z80-based microcomputer systems. Mostek FORTRAN is comparable to FORTRAN compilers on large mainframes and minicomputers. All of ANSI Standard FORTRAN X3.9-1966 is included except the COMPLEX data type. Therefore, users may take advantage of the many applications programs already written in FORTRAN. Mostek FORTRAN IV is unique in that it provides a microprocessor FORTRAN development package that generates relocatable object modules. This means that only the subroutines and system routines required to run FORTRAN programs are loaded before execution. Subroutines can be placed in a system library so that users can develop a common set of subroutines that are used in their programs. Also, if only one module of a program is changed, it is necessary to re-compile only that module. The standard library of subroutines supplied with FORTRAN includes: ABS lABS DABS AINT INT IDINT MOD AMOD AMAXO AMAX1 MAXO MAX1 DMAX1 AMINO AMIN1 MINO MIN1 DMIN1 FLOAT IFIX SIGN ISIGN DSIGN DIM 101M SNGL DBLE EXP DEXP DLOG AL0G10 ALOG DLOG10 SIN DSIN COS DCOS TANH DSORT SORT ATAN DATAN2 DATAN ATAN2 DMOD PEEK INP POKE OUT V-27 showing the addresses assigned to labels, variables and constants. LINKER The library also contains routines for 32-bit and 64-bit floating point addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. These routines are among the fastest available for performing these functions on the Z80. A relocating linking loader (LlNK-80) and a library manager (LlB-BO) are included in the Mostek FORTRAN package. A minimum system size of 48K bytes (including FLP-80DOS) is required to provide efficient optimization. The Mostek FORTRAN compiler optimizes the generated object code in several ways: 1. Common subexpression elimination. Common subexpressions are evaluated once, and the value is substituted in later occurrences of the subexpression. 2. Peephole Optimization. Small sections of code are replaced by more-compact, faster code in special cases. LlNK-80 resolves internal and external references between the object modules loaded and also performs library searches for system subroutines and generates a load map of memory showing the locations of the main program, subroutines and common areas. LIBRARY MANAGER 3. Constant folding. Integer' constant expressions are evaluated at compile time. 4. Branch Optimizations. The number of conditional jumps in arithmetic and 10gicailFs is minimized. LlB-80 allows users to customize libraries of object modules. LlB-80 can be used to insert, replace or delete object modules within a library, or create a new library from scratch. Library modules and the symbol definitions they contain may also be listed. XCPM UTILITY Long descriptive error messages are another feature of the compiler. For instance: ?Statement unrecognizable is printed if the compiler scans a statement that is not an assignment or other FORTRAN statement. The last twenty characters scanned before the detected error are also printed. A utility program (XCPM) is included which allows the user to copy FORTRAN source programs from CP/M diskettes to FLP-80DOS diskettes. At this point the programs can be compiled using the Mostek FORTRAN compiler. As an option, the compiler generates a fully symbolic listing of the machine language to be generated. At the end of the listing, the compiler produces an error summary and tables FTRANS allows the user to convert object programs produced by the Mostek Z80 assembler to a form that is linkable to FORTRAN programs. FTRANSUTILITY DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. Mostek FORTRAN IV FORTRAN IV high-level compiler to run on FLP-80DOS. Requires 48K bytes of RAM. Includes Operations Manual. MK78158 Mostek FORTRAN IV Operations Manual only MK79643 V-28 MOSIEI(. i SOFTWARE DISK BASED FLP-80DOS MK78142, MK77962 INTRODUCTION FLP-80DOS BOARD PHOTO The Mostek FLP-aODOS software package is designed for the Mostek dual floppy disk zao Development System or an MD board system. Further information on this system can be found in the MATRI)(TM Data Sheet. FLP-aODOS includes: o o o o o o o o Monitor Debugger Text Editor zao Assembler Relocating Linking Loader Peripheral Interchange Program Linker A Generalized I/O System For Peripherals These programs provide state-of-the-art software for developing zao programs as well as establishing a firm basis for OEM products. MONITOR The Monitor provides user interface from the console to the rest of the software. The user can load and run system programs, such as the Assembler, using one simple command. Programs in object and binary format can be loaded into and dumped from RAM. All I/O is done via channels which are identified by Logical Unit Numbers. The Monitor allows any software device handler to be assigned to any Logical Unit Number. Thus, the software provides complete flexibility in configuring the system with different peripherals. The Monitor also allows two-character mnemonics to represent 16-bit address values. Using mnemonics simplifies the command language. Certain mnemonics are reserved for I/O device handlers such as 'OK' for the flexible disk handler. The user can create and assign his own mnemonics at any time from the console, thus simplifying the command language for his own use. The Monitor also allows "batch mode operation" from any input device or file. The Monitor commands are: $ASSIGN assign a Logic Unit Number to a device. $CLEAR remove the assignment of a Logical Unit Number to a device. $RTABLE print a list of current Logic Unit Numberto-Device assignments. $DTABLE - print default Logical Unit Number-toDevice assignments. $LOAD load object modules into RAM. $GTABLE print a listing of global symbol table. $GINIT initialize global symbol table. $DUMP dump RAM to a device in object format. $GET load a binary file into RAM from disk. $SAVEsave a binary file on disk. $BEGIN start execution of a loaded program. $INIT initialize disk handler. enter DDT debug environment. $ODT IMPLIED RUN COMMAND - get and start execution of a binary file. DESIGNER'S DEVELOPMENT TOOL - DDT The DDT debugger program is supplied in a combination of ... on the FLP-aODOS diskette.... and absolute zao programs. Standard commands allow displaying and modifying memory and CPU registers, setting breakpoints, and executing programs. Mnemonics are used to represent zao registers, thus simplifying the command language. V-29 •! The allowed commands are: BInsert a breakpoint in user's program. CCopy contents of a block of memory to another location in memory. EExecute a program. FFill an area of RAM with a constant. H16-bit hexadecimal arithmetic. LLocate and print every occurrence of an 8-bit pattern. M Display, update, or tabulate the contents of memory. PDisplay or update the contents of a port. RDisplay the contents of the user's register. SHardware single step - requires Mostek's AIM-80 board or AIM-Z80A board. W Software single step. VVerify memory (compare two blocks and print differences). TEXT EDITOR -EDIT The FLP-80DOS Editor permits random-access editing of ASCII character strings. The Editor works on blocks of characters which are rolled in from disk. It can be used as a line-or character-oriented editor. Individual characters may be located by position or context. Each edited block is automatically rolled out to disk after editing. Although the Editor is used primarily for creating and modifying Z80 assembly language source statements, it may be applied to any ASCII text delimited by "carriage returns". The Editor has a pseudo-macro command processing option. Up to two sets of commands may be stored and processed at any time during the editing process. The Editor allows the following commands: An Advance record pointer n records. Bn Backup record pointer n records. Cn dS1 dS2d - Change string S1 to string S2 for n occurrences. On Delete the next n records. En Exchange current records with records to be inserted. Fn If n = 0, reduce printout to console device (for TIY and slow consoles). Insert records. 1Ln Go to line number n. Mn Enter commands into one of two alternate command buffers (pseudo-macro). QQuit - Return to Monitor. Sn dS1 d -Search for nth occurrence of string S1. TInsert records at top of file before first record. Output n records to console device. Vn Wn Output n records to Logical Unit Number five (LUN 5) with line numbers. Xn Execute alternate command buffer n. mnemonics and pseudo-ops and outputs an assembly listing and object code. The assembly listing shows address, machine code, statement number, and source statement. The code is in industry-standard hexadecimal format modified for relocatable, linkable assemblies. The Assembler supports conditional assemblies, global symbols, relocatable programs, and a printed symbol table. It can assemble any length program, limited only by a symbol table size of over 400 symbols. Expressions involving arithmetic and logical operations are allowed. Although normally used as a two-pass assembler, the Assembler can also be run as a single-pass assembler or as a learning tool. The following pseudo-ops are supported: COND DEFB DEFL DEFM DEFS DEFW END ENDC ENDIF EQU GLOBAL IF INCLUDE NAME ORG PSECT EJECT TITLE LIST NLiST same as IF. define byte. define label. define message (ASCII). defi ne storage. define word. end statement. same as ENDIF. end of conditional assembly. equate label. global symbol definition. conditional assembly. include another file within an assembly. program name definition. program origin. prog ra m section defi n ition. eject a page of listing. place heading at top of each page of listing. turn listing on. turn listing off. RELOCATING LINKING LOADER - RLL The Mostek FLP-80DOS Relocating Linking Loader provides state-of-the-art capability for loading programs into memory. Loading and linking of any number of relocatable or nonrelocatable object modules is done in one pass. A non-relocatable module is always loaded at its starting address as defined by the ORG pseudo-op during assembly. A relocatable object module can be positioned anywhere in memory at an offset address. The Loader automatically links and relocates global symbols which are used to provide communication or linkage between program modules. As object modules are loaded, a table containing global symbol references and definitions is built up. The symbol table can be printed to list all global symbols and their load address. The number of object modules which can be loaded by the Loader is limited only by the amount of RAM available for the modules and the symbol table. zao ASSEMBLER - ASM The FLP-80DOS Assembler reads standard Z80 source The Loader also loads industry-standard non-relocatable, non-linkable object modules. V-3~ LINKER - LINK INPUT10UTPUT CONTROL SYSTEM - 10CS The Linker provides capability for linking object modules together and creating a binary (RAM image) file on disk. A binary file can be loaded using the Monitor GET or IMPLIED RUN command. Modules are linked together using global symbols for communication between modules. The linker produces a global symbol table and a global cross reference table which may be listed on any output device. The first package is called the 1/0 Control System (lOCS). Th is is a genera lized blocker I deblocker wh ich ca n interface to any device handler. Input and output can be done via the 10CS in any of four modes: 1. Single-byte transfer. 2. Line at a time, where the end of a line is defined by carriage return. 3. Multibyte transfers, where the number of bytes to be transferred is defined as the logical record length. 4. Continuous transfer to end-of-file, which is used for binary (RAM-image) files. The Linker also provides a library search option for all global symbols undefined after the specified object modules are processed. If a symbol is undefined, the Linker searches the disk for an object file having the file-name of the symbol. If the file is found, it is linked with the main module in an attempt to resolve the undefined symbol. PERIPHERAL INTERCHANGE PROGRAM - PIP The Peripheral Interchange Program provides complete file maintenance facilities for the system. In addition, it can be used to copy information from any device orfile to any other device or file. The command language is easy to use and resembles that used on DEC minicomputers. The following commands are supported: COMMAND APPEND COpy DIRECT ERASE FORMAT INIT RENAME STATUS QUIT FUNCITON Append files. Copy files from any device to another device or file. List Directory of specified Disk Unit. Delete a file. Format a disk. Initialize the disk handler. Rename a file. List number of used and available sectors on specified disk unit. Return to Monitor. The first letter only of each command may be used. The 10CS provides easy application of 110 oriented packages to any device. There is one entry point, and all parameters are passed via a vector defined by the calling program. Any given handler defines the physical attributes of its device which are, in turn, used by the 10CS to perform blocking and deblocking. FLOPPY DISK HANDLER - FDH The Floppy Disk Handler (FDH) interfaces from the 10CS to a firmware controller for up to four floppy disk units. The FDH provides a sophisticated command structure to handle advanced OEM products. The firmware controller interfaces to Mostek's FLP-80E Controller Board. The disk format is IBM 3740 soft sectored. The software can be easily adapted to double-sided and double-density disks. The Floppy Disk Handler commands include: - erase file - create file - open file - close file - rename file rewind file read next n sectors reread current sector read previous sector - skip forward n sectors - skip backward n sectors - replace (rewrite) current sector - delete n sectors DISK OPERATING SOFTWARE The disk software, as well as being the heart of the MATRIX development system, can be used directly in OEM applications. The software consists of two programs which provide a complete disk handling facility. V-31 The FDH has advanced error recovery capability. It supports a bad sector map and an extensive directory which allows multiple users. The file structure is doubly-linked to increase data integrity on the disk, and a bad file can be recovered from either its start or end. FLP·aO DOS BLOCK DIAGRAM FLP80DOS MONITOR - + t t t DEBUGGER (DDT) TEXT EDITOR (EDIT) Z80 ASSEMBLER (ASM) t t t -- --- -.- -- -- -- t RELOCATING LINKAGE LOADER (RLL) * PERIPHERAL INTERCHANGE PROGRAM (PIP) ; ; LINKER (LINK) OEM APPLICATION j t 1 1 -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - 1/0 CONTROL SYSTEM (lOCS) t ~ 1 CONSOLE DEVICE HANDLER LINE PRINTER HANDLER + FLOPPY DISK HANDLER (FDH) ; + HARDWARE UART HARDWARE PIO t f CONSOLE LINE PRINTER L--- 1 OTHER DEVICE HANDLERS DISK CONTROLLER FIRMWARE DD - CLOPPY DISK UNITS) AND FLP-80 BOARD ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. FLP-80DOS SDE based development system software (SD PROMs) MK78142 FLP-80DOS MD based development system software (MD PROMs) MK77962 FLP-80DOS Operations Manual Only MK78557 V-32 Z80 MICROCOMPUTER SOFTWARE SUPPORT FORTRAN IV Cross Assembler (XFOR-80) FEATURES D ANSI-FORTRAN IV Source D Executes on most 8-32 bit wQrd length machines D Cross Assembler is machine independent for: Character representation (ASCII or BCD) Numerical representation (1 's or 2's complement) D I/O logical device assignments are user definable D 2 pass assembly easily accomodated if no secondary storage is available D Memory required: 20K words (typical) D Assembles all standard Z80 source statements and MACROs D Size of program to be assembled is limited only by memory available for symbol table. D Includes the following pseudo-ops: ·ORG • EQU • DEFL • DEFM • DEFB .DEFW • DEFS • END • MACR • ENDM DESCRIPTION Program Origin Equate Define Label ('Set') Define Message (ASCII Text) Define Byte Define Word Define Storage End Statement MACRO Definition End MACRO Definition accomodate reading of the user input for the second phase of the assembly. ORDERING INFORMATION The XFOR-80 is a Cross Assembler for assembling Z80 source programs into the corresponding machine code for the Z80 microprocessor. The XFOR-80 Cross Assembler is written in ANSI FORTRAN IV. It may be compiled and executed on any computer system which has at least a 20K words memory for program storage. The Cross Assembler is independent of machine character representation (ASCII, BCD, etc.) and numerical representation (2's complement, 1's complement, etc.) Logical device assignments are set up in the source of the main program module, and may be easily changed to suit the installation. Also, if no secondary storage is available the main program may be changed to V-33 The XFOR-80 is available directly from MOSTEK by filling out a copy of the Software Licensing Agreement printed on the back of this data sheet and returning it with the appropriate payment on Customer Purchase Order to: MOSTEK CORPORATION Microprocessor Systems Dept. 1215 West Crosby Road Carrollton, Texas 75006 Order Number Description MK 78117 X FOR-80 STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT All Mostek Corporation products are sold on condition that the Purchaser agrees to the following terms: 1. The Purchaser agrees not to sell, provide, give away, or otherwise make available to any unauthorized persons, all or any part of, the Mostek software products listed below; including, but not restricted to: object code, source code and program listings. 2. The Purchaser may at any time demonstrate the normal operation of the Mostek software product to any person. 3. All software designed, developed and generated independently of, and not based on, Mostek's software by purchaser shall become the sole property of purchaser and shall be excluded from the provisions of this Agreement. Mostek's software which is modified with the written permission of Mostek and which is modified to such an extent that Mostek agrees that it is not recognizable as Mostek's software shall become the sole property of purchaser. 4. Purchaser shall be notified by Mostek of all updates and modifications made by Mostek for a one· year period after purchase of said Mostek software product. Updated and/or modified software and manuals will be supplied at the current cataloged prices. 5. In no event will Mostek be held liable for any loss, expense or damage, of any kind whatsoever, direct or indirect, regardless of whether such arises out of the law of torts or contracts, or Mostek's negligence, including incidental damages, consequential damages and lost profits, arising out of or connected in any manner with any of Mostek's software products described below. 6. MOSTEK MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY AND WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE) WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE DESCRIBED BELOW. The Following Software Products Subject To this Agreement: Order Number Description Price* Ship To: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Bill To: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Method of Shipment: Customer P.O. Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Agreed To: PURCHASER MOSTEK CORPORATION By: __________________ By: ________________________________ Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ *Prices Subject To Change Without Notice V-34 MOSIEI(. SOFTWARE DISK BASED LIB-SO-V1 MK78164 FEATURES o Includes 23 useful subroutines and programs for the Z80, including: • Lawrence Livermore Lab's Basic • Generalized sort program for up to eight fields per record • 8080 - Z80 source-code converter • Fast disk-to-disk copy utility • Hexadecimal Dump Utility to dump memory on files • Assembly Language Formatter Utility to format Z80 source into columns • Word Processor Program Version 2.0, used to format documents • Disk Recovery Utility used to recover bad disk files o All programs are supplied in source, object, and binary format with complete documentation on a standard FLP80DOS diskette o Requires FLP-80DOS Version 2.0 or higher DESCRIPTION The Mostek FLP-80DOS Software Library is a collection of programs of general utility that run under FLP-80DOS Version 2.0 or higher. These programs are used quite extensively at Mostek. They are being offered in source format on diskette so that the user may not only use them as supplied, but may use them as a base for individuallytailored software. This software library differs from other libraries in that all programs in the library have been developed or modified in-house. All programs in the library are in use at Mostek and all have some utility. The FLP-80DOS Software Library Volume 1 consists of a User's Guide and two diskettes containing the source and binary (or object for subroutines) forms for each one of the twenty-three included programs. In order to reduce the cost of the library, printed source listing are not supplied. The user can obtain a source listing easily by assembling the required source program. A brief User's Guide is a part of each program source. The FLP-80DOS Software Library is a "Level 2" product. "Level 2" software products are supplied by Mostek but are not supported in the areas of technical assistance or updates. ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. LIB-SO Volume 1 Software Library including source, object, and binary formats on diskette, and a printed user's guide. MK78164 Software Library Operation Manual Only MK79621 V-35 V-36 MOSTEI{. SOFlWARE DISK BASED MACRO-SO MK78165 FEATURES D Listing and object modules can be output on disk files or any device. D Assembles standard Z80 instruction set to produce D Compatible with other Mostek Z80 assemblers and FLP- relocatable, linkable, object modules D Provides nested conditional assembly, an extensive expression evaluation capability, and an extended set of assembler pseudo-ops: ORG EQU DEFL DEFM DEFB DEFW DEFS END GLOBAL NAME PSECT IF/ENDIF INCLUDE L1ST/NLIST CLIST ELIST EJECT TITLE D - origin - equate - set/define macro label - define message - define byte - define word - define storage - end of program - global symbol definition - module name definition - program section definition - conditional assembly - include another file in source module - list on/off - code listing only of macro expansions - list/no list of macro expansions - eject a page of listing - place title on listing 80DOS Version 2.0 or higher. Requires 32K or more of system RAM. DESCRIPTION MACRO-80 is an advanced upgrade from the FLP-80DOS Assembler (ASM). In addition to its macro capabilities, it provides for nested conditional assembly and allows symbol lengths of any number of characters. It supports global symbols, relocatable programs, a symbol cross-reference listing, and an unused-symbol reference table. MACRO-80 is upward compatible with all other Mostek Z80 assemblers. The Mostek Z80 Macro Assembler (MACRO-80) is designed to run on the Mostek Dual-Disk Development System with 32K or more of RAM. It requires FLP-80DOS, Version 2.0 or higher. Macro pseudo-ops include the following: MACRO/MEND MNEXT MIF Provides options for obtaining a printed cross-reference listing, terminating after pass one if errors are encountered, redefining standard Z80 opcodes via macros, and obtaining an unused-symbol reference table. D Provides the most advanced macro handling capability in the microcomputer market which includes: - optional arguments - default arguments - looping capability - global/local macro labels - nested/recursive expansions - integer/boolean variables - string manipulation - conditional expansion based on symbol definition - call-by-value facility - expansion of code-producing statements only - expansion of macro-call statement only MGOTO MEXIT MERROR MLOCAL - define a macro - step to next argument - evaluate expression and branch to local macro label if true - branch to local macro label - terminate macro expansion - print error message in listing - define local macro label Predefined macro-related parameters include the following: %NEXP %NARC #PRM %NPRM %NCHAR - current number of this expansion - number of arguments passed to expansion - expand last-used argument - number of last-used argument - number of characters in argument The operations manual describes in detail all facilites available in MACRO-80 and provides a host of examples and sample print-outs. V-37 ORDERING INFORMATION D ESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. M ACRO-80 Z80 Macro Assembler, binary program supplied on a standard MK78165 FLP-80DOS diskette, with Operations Manual. MACRO-80 Operations Manual V-38 MK79635 MOSI 'EI{. DEVELOPMENT SYSTEMS EMULATION BOARDS AIM-Z80BE MK78205 HARDWARE FEATURES AIM-zeOSE SYSTEM PHOTOGRAPH o Direct interface to Mostek's development system o In-circuit emulation of 2.5, 4.0, and 6.0 MHz microprocessors. o Real-time execution (6 MHz - no wait states) o Flexible breakpoints (hardware and eight single-byte software) o Single-step execution o 32K bytes emulation RAM o Memory Mappable into Target system in 256 byte blocks o Illegal write to memory detection o Nonexistent memory access detect o Forty-eight dhannel by 1024 words history memory o Event counter zao space or ports are used and all signals including RESET, JNi and NMI are functional during emulation. Single-step circuitry allows the user to execute Target instructions one at a time to see the exact effect of each instruction. Single step is functional in ROM as well as RAM. o Delay counter o Execution T-state timer o Keyboard escape function Sixteen K bytes of emulation RAM may be mapped into the Target memory map at any desired address so that software may be developed even before Target memory is available. SOFTWARE FEATURES Breakpoint-detect circuitry allows real-time execution to proceed to any desired point in the user's program and then terminate with all registers and status information saved so that execution may later be resumed. Real-time execution may also be terminated at any time by enabling the Escape Key. EVENT and DELAY counters give added flexibility for viewing the exact point of interest in the user's program. o Simple-to-use, single character commands o Flexible display format includes disassembly of opcodes o System configuration parameters stored on disk for future use DESCRIPTION A 4S-channel history circuit will simultaneously record any bus transaction which the user may desire to see. The address bus, data bus and control signals plus eighteen external probes which can be used to monitor the Target system's circuitry at other points are recorded by the History circuit. AIM-ZSOBE is an advanced development tool which provides debug assistance for both software and hardware microprocessor. Use of via in-circuit emulation of the the AIM-ZSOBE is completely transparent to the user's final system configuration (referred to as the Target). No memory zao *Trademark of Mostek Corporation V-39 AIM-Z80SE INITIALIZATION EXAMPI.E 1 $AIMl80{CR) (MR) -tS(D) where: tc = Clock period tD Liii(M R) = iiifREQ delay from falling edge of clock tS(D) = Data Setup time to falling edge of clock let: tc = 400ns; tDL (MR) = lOOns; ts (D) iii = 60ns then: tACCESS MEMORY READ = 640ns' The access times computed in equations 1 and 2 are overall worst case access times required by the CPU. The overall access times must include all TTL buffer delays and the access time for the memory device. For example, a typical dynamic memory design would have the following characteristics, (see Figure 2). The example in Figure 2 shows an overall access time of 336ns. This would more than satisfy the 45Dns required for the op code fetch and the 64Dns required for a memory read. CPU MREQ buffer delay ........... , .. 12ns (8T97) Memory gating and timing delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40ns Memory device access time .... 250ns (M K4027 14116-4) Memory data bus buffer delay .......... 17ns (BT2B) CPU data bus buffer delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17ns (BT2B) 336ns (1) tACCESS OP CODE= 3(tc/2)-tDLiii (MR) -tScp(D) OP CODE FETCH TIMING Figure la. VAll D REFRESH ADDRESS AD-AS AO-AI~ Mm -r----. RFSH -r---~-------'r-~ t ClCCt . . op code DO-D7 .st (0) 450,,, VI-8 MEMORY READ TIMING Figure 1b. _ _ - - - 400ns Ie / AO-AI5 VALID MEMO RY ADDRESS AO-AI5 lOOns _ \ tDL1(MR) 1\ Isf (0)_ 60ns 00-07 - L,oc,... m,mo, 640ns MEMORY WRITE TIMING Figure 1c. AO-AI5 ADDRESS 90ns - - AO-AI5 fDLT(WRI WR IW(WRL) 2000s 10(01 -360ns--_~ 00-07 DATA OUT VI-9 zao REFRESH CONTROL AND TIMING One of the most important features provided by the for interfacing to dynamic memories is the execution of a refresh cycle every time an op code fetch cycle is performed. By placing the refresh cycle in the op code fetch, the does not have to allocate time in the form of "wait states" or by "stretching" the clock to perform the refresh cycle. I n other words, the refresh cycle is "totally transparent" to the CPU and does not decrease the system throughput (see Figure 1a). The refresh cycle is transparent to the CPU because, once the op code has been fetched from memory during states T 1 and T2, the memory would normally be idle during states T 3 and T 4. (1) (2) (3) (4) zao zao Therefore, by placing the refresh in the T 3 and T 4 states of the op code fetch, no time is lost for refreshing dynamic memory. The critical timing parameters involving the and dynamic memories during the refresh cycle are: tw(MRH) and tw(MRL)' The parameter known as tw(MRH) refers to the time that MREQ is high during the op code fetch between the fetch of the op code and the refresh cycle. This time is known as "precharge" for dynamic memories and is necessary to allow certain internal nodes of the RAM to be charged-up for another memory cycle. The equation .for the minimum tW(MRH) time period is: Prolonged reset> 1ms Prolonged wait state operation> 1ms Prolonged bus acknowledge (DMA) > 1ms clock of 1.216 MHz for 16K RAMs .608 MHz for 4K RAMs < < zao The clocks rate in number 4 are based on the continually executing the worst case instruction which is an EX (SP), HL that executes in 19 T states. Therefore, by operating the at or above these clocks frequencies, the user is ensured that the dynamic memories in the system will be refreshed properly. zao Remember to refresh memory properly, the must be able to execute op codes! zao DELAY FOR A TYPICAL MEMORY SYSTEM Figure 2. MK4027-4/MK4116-4 250n5 ACCESS oCIQ ns zao DIN Dour 00-07 (3) where: let: then: tW(MRH) = tW( H) + tf -30 tW( H) is clock pulse width high tf is clock fall time tW( H) = 180ns; tf = 10ns tW(MRH) = 160ns (min) 1705 170s '"::::c: '"~ '"~ '"~ el2S A tW(MRH) of 160ns is more than adequate to meet the worst case precharge times for most dynamic RAMs. For example, the MK4027-4 and the MK4116-4 require a 120ns precharge.The other refresh cycle parameter of importance to dynamic RAMs is tw(MRL), (the time that MREQ is low during the refresh cycle). This time is important because MREQ is used to directly generate RAS. The equation for the minimum time period is: (4) where: let: then: tW(MRL) = tc-40 tc is the clock period tc = 400ns tW(MRLI = 360ns SUPPORT CIRCUITS FOR DYNAMIC MEMORY INTERFACE Two support circuits are necessary to ensure reliable operation of dynamic memory with the zao. The first of these circuits is an address latch shown in Figure 3. The latch is used to hold addresses A12" A15 while MREQ is active. This action is necessary because the does not ensure the validity of the address bus at the end of the op code fetch (see Figure 4). This action does not directly affect dynamic memories because they latch addresses internally. The problem comes from the address decoder which generates RAS. If the address lines which drive the decoder are allowed to change while MREQ is low, then a "glitch" can occur on the RAS line or lines (if more than one row of RAMs are used) which may have the effect of destroying one row of data. zao A 360ns tW(MR L) exceeds the 250ns min RAS time required for the MK4027-4 and the MK4116-4. zao, By controlling the .refresh internally with the the designer must be aware of one limitation. The limitation is that to refresh memory properly, the CPU must be able to execute op codes since the refresh cycle occurs during the op code fetch. The following conditions cause the execution of op codes to be inhibited, and will destroy the contents of dynamic memory. zao 8T28 The second support circuit is used to generate a power on and short manual reset pulse. Recall from the discussion under Timing and Memory Con- VI-10 zao ADDRESS LATCH Figure 3. 7475 AI2 ID IQ AI2 AI3 20 2Q AI3 AI4 30 3Q AI4 AI5 40 4Q AI5 G G I 1 T RAS TIMING WITH AND WITHOUT ADDRESS LATCH Figure 4. \ OP CODE FETCH / \ ' - - - - - _ _- - J VALID REFRESH ADDRESS VALID MEMORY .. DDRESS RAS RAS \ \ REFRESH ADDRESS/ WITHOUT ADDRESS LATCH ~U \ / \ WITH ADDRESS LATCH VI-" / / trol Signals that one of the conditions that will cause dynamic memory to be destroyed is a reset pulse of duration greater than 1ms. The circuit shown in Figure 5a can be used to generate a short reset pulse from either a push button or an external source. Additionally the manual reset is synchronized to the start of an M1 cycle so that the reset will not fall during the middle of a memory cycle. Along with MANUAL AND POWER-ON RESET CIRCUIT the manual reset, the circuit will also generate a power on reset. If it is not necessary that the contents of the dynamic memory be preserved, then the reset circuit shown in Figure 5b may be used to generate a manual or power on reset. +5 +5 Figure 5a. +5 10K 10K 1000pf + 68~f l 111 CPU RESET 10K +5 EXTERNAL 2201l. RESET ~l ,..14 + 168~f MANUAL AND POWER-ON RESET CIRCUIT Figure 5b. 10K CPU RESET +5 + 68~fl 10K EXTERNAL RESET >__-.-___V\.2f\20N'-_~ .......- .....- - - - - ' VI-12 74132 7404 ..::!!c m !;en CD- me) --- 'Z m X ~7 ~~~~~~'8 g8 AO A7 AI AB A2 A9 : ~ ~ ~p ~ ~ = ~ ~ 4A '3 AI' , J.. '8 •G S ,'-', ' J5 ~SI!1 -======:.....==...~I:A-~ IB Af- AI2 A6 AI3 .- 1 'J6 ~ ill ~ I-I-I--- es" A6 I-RAS MK4027-4 -= ~ I-- I-- r-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I--~ I--~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r-- r- ..u II ~ I-I-~ I-I--~ ~I-- '---~ r~ I--- ~ I-r-- 4~~6-4 (8l 3B -= :$ ..Ll I I "r-m 1---1--- I-I--- 9 I-I-- en n Z T I--- 1r- :I: m r--- ----;''O-_-_-~';::2-J-t~; eB~-+-~404 +5V - - - - - - , 4 A ;::; J. ~ AA ~ MK A4 All AS 1..L N :s: I j WR » 81LS97 0 L rn ~ (,J ~ AI2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _#!-J~o "0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---""-',110 AI AI~ _ _ _ _~.-----"""'3 AI ..115 ()!l.!'B'----_~ J~ AO ..112 ~r ~ , :~ 7400 ~ RAS 7400 .~ 5~ EI 6~- ~ 7~ E2 +!5V- E3 ~ ......-- ~~ yJI6 7404 "17 ,~ ~ 2 '--- J25 110IIII32- .........---<11 ~~ MREQ +5V .- See Tables 1 and 2 for jumper options. ~----4---~~D s 7404 ,---------------+--heK 74574 RF'§"H 1ft; f QI~M~U~X_ _ _~ TA :s: Bu I· :j OA s 0 t~~~~~g~E~ 4 5 6 » n C 5> e) ':D » :s: DESIGN EXAMPLES FOR INTERFACING THE Z80TO DYNAMIC MEMORY To illustrate the interface between the Z80 and dynamic memory, two design examples are presented. Example number 1 is for a 4K/16Kx8 memory and the example number 2 is a 16K/64Kx8 memory. Design Example Number 1: 4KI16Kx8 Memory This design example describes a 4K/16Kx8 memory that is best suited for a small single board Z80 based microcomputer system. The memory devices used in the example are the MK4027 (4,096x1 MOS Dynamic RAM) and the MK4116 (16,384x1 MOS Dynamic RAM). A very important feature of this design is the ease in which the memory can be expanded from a 4Kx8 to a 16Kx8memory. This is made possible by the use of jumper options which configure the memory for either the MK4027 or the MK4116. See Table 1 and 2 for jumper options. during an op code fetch or memory read when ADDRESS DECODE, MREQ, and RD are all low. The switch multiplexer signal (MUX) is generated on the rising edge of after MREQ has gone low during an op code fetch, memory read or memory write. After MUX is generated and the address multiplexers switch from the row address to column address, ~ will be generated. CAS comes from one of the outputs of the multiplexer and is delayed by two gate delays to ensure that the proper column address set-up time will be achieved. Once RAS and CAS have been generated for the memory array, the memory will then access the desired location for a read or write operation. Figure 6 shows the schematic diagram for the 4K/16Kx8 memory. A timing diagram for the Z80 control signals and memory control signals is shown in Figure 7_ The operation of the circuit may be described as follows: RAS is generated by NANDing MREQ with RFSH + ADDRESS DECODE. RFSH is generated directly from the Z80 while address decode comes from the 74LSI38 decoder. Address decode indicates that the address on the bus falls within the memory .boundaries of the memory. If an op code fetch or memory read is being executed the 81 LS97 output buffer will be enabled .at approximately the same time as RAS is generated for the memory array. The output buffer is enabled only DESIGN EXAMPLE NO.1 MEMORY TIMiNG Figure 7. MREQ------'----, MUX-----t----' 52ns CAS-----+-~ 187ns DATA BUS VI-14 7404 7400 22ns} Generate RAS from MREQ 15ns 63ns RAS to rising edge of 10ns to MUX 7404 15ns) 22ns Generate CAS from MUX 7404 15ns tCAC 165ns CAS access time 81 LS97 22ns Output buffer delay 349ns Worst case access 74S74 74S157 The worst case access time required by the CPU for the op code fetch is 450ns (from equation 1); therefore, the circuit exceeds the required access time by 101ns (worst case). The circuit shown in Figure 6 provides excellent performance when used as a small on board memory. The memory size should be held at eight devices because there is not sufficient timing margin to allow the interface circuit to drive a larger memory array. Design Example Number 2: 16Kx8 Memory This design example describes a 16K/64Kx8 memory which is best suited for a Z80 based microcomputer system where a large amount of RAM is desired. The memory devices used in this example are the same as for the first example, the MK4027 and the MK4116. Again as with the first example, the memory may be expanded from a 16Kx8 to a 64Kx8 by reconfiguring jumpers. See Table 3 and 4 for jumper options. Figure 8. shows the schematic diagram for the 16K/ 64K memory. A timing diagram is shown in Figure 9. The operation of the circuit can be described as follows: RAS is generated by NAN Ding MREQ with ADDRESS DECODE (from the two 74LS138s) + RFSH. Only one row of RAMs will receive a RAS during an op code fetch, memory read or memory write. However, a RAS will be generated for all rows within the array during a refresh cycle. MREQ is inverted and fed into a TTL compatible delay line to generate MUX and CAS. (This particular approach differs from the method used in example number 1 in that all memory timing is referenced to MREQ, whereas the circuit in example number 1 bases its memory timing from both MREQ and the clock. Both methods offer good results, however, the TTL delay line approach offers the best control over the memory timing.) MUX is generated 65ns later and is used to switch the 74157 multiplexers from the row to the column address. The 65ns delay was chosen to allow adequate margin for the row address hold time tRAH. At 110ns, CAS is generated from the delay line and NANDed with RFSH, which inhibits a CAS during refresh cycle. After CAS is applied to the memory, the desired location is then accessed. A worst case access timing analysis for the circuit shown in Figure 8can be computed as follows: 74LS14 74LSOO delay line delay line 7400 tCAC 8833 22",} Generate RAS from MREQ 15ns 50ns MUX from RAS 45",} 20ns 165ns 30ns CAS delay from MUX Access time from CAS Output buffer delay 347ns The required access time from the CPU is 450ns (from equation 1). This leaves 103ns of margin for additional CPU buffers on the control and address lines.This particular circuit offers excellent results for an application which requires a large amount of RAM memory. As mentioned earlier, the memory timing used in this example offers the best control over the memory timing and would be ideally suited for an application which required direct memory access (DMA). 4K x 8 CONFIGURATION(MK4027) JUMPER Table 1 Connect: J2 to J3 CONNECT: J13 toJ14 J4 to J6 ADDRESS CONNECT J7 to J8 aOOO-OF FF J 17 to J25 J9toJ10 1000-lFFF J18toJ25 J11toJ12 2000-2FFF J19 toJ25 3000-3FFF J20 to J25 4000-4FFF J21 to J25 5000-5FFF J22toJ25 6000-6FFF J23 to J25 7000-7FFF J24 to J25 16K x 8 CONFIGURATION (MK4116)'JUMPER CONNECTIONS CONNECT: J14toJ15 ADDRESS CONNECT 8000-8F F F J 17 to J25 9000-9FFF J18 to J25 AOOO-AF F F J 19 to J25 BOOO-BFFF J20 toJ25 COOO-CFFF J21 to J25 DOOO-D F F F J22 to J25 EOOO-EFFF J23 toJ25 FOOO-FFFF J24 to J25 Table 2 CONNECT: J 1 to J2 J4 to J5 J8toJ11 J10 to J 13 J12 to J 16 J14 to J16 ADDRESS CONNECT 0-3FFF 4000-7FFF 8000-BFFF COOO-FFFF J17 to J25 J18toJ25 J19 to J25 J20 to J25 VI-15 16K x 8 CONFIGURATION (MK4027) Table 3 J1 to J3 J5 to J6 J7 to J8 J9 to J10 J11toJ12 J13toJ14 CONNECT: ~A~D~D~R~E~SS~:~~0~-~3F~F~F ~A~D~D~R~ES~S~:__~4~00~0~-7~F~F~F CONNECT: CONNECT: 64K X J24 to J25 J26toJ27 J28 to J29 J30 to J31 J16 to J17 J18toJ19 J20 to J21 J22 to J23 ADDRESS: CONNECT: 8000-BFFF J40toJ41 J42 to J43 J44 to J43 . J46 to J47 ADDRESS: CONNECT: 8 CONFIGURATION(MK4116) Table 4 CONNECT: J1 to J2 J4 to J5 J8toJ11 J10 to J13 J12toJ15 J14toJ15 ADDRESS: O-FFFF CONNECT: J32 to J33 J34 to J35 J36 to J37 J38 to J39 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Table 5 The system characteristics for the preceeding design examples are shown in Table 5. EXAMPLE 2 # MEMORY CAPACITY MEMORY ACCESS POWER REQUIREMENTS 4K/16Kx8 349ns max. 16K/64Kx8 347ns max. +12V @ 0.0250 A max. +5V @ 0.422 A max .• -5V @ 0.030 A max. +12V @ 0.600 A max. +5V @ 0.550 A max. * -5V @ 0.030 A max . • All power requirements are max.; operating temperature O°C to 70°C ambient, max +12V current computed with Z80 executing continuous op code fetch cycles from RAM at 1.6 /l s intervals. VI-16 COOO-FFFF J32 to J33 J34 to J35 J36 to J37 J38 to J39 DESIGN EXAMPLE NO.2 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM Figure 8. 74LSI4 lID A7 AI AS A2 AS A3 AIO A4 Ali A5 AI2 FOR JUMPER OPTIONS SEE TABLES 3 AND 4 VI-17 A6 AI3 AI4 AI5 DESIGN EXAMPLE NO.2 MEMORY TIMING Figure 9. OP CODE FETCH 37n5 RAS-------------+~ 160ns MUX-------------4----J 65 ns CAS------------~------~ • 195ns .. DATA BUS 347 ns ------_I PRINTED CIRCUIT LAYOUT One of the most important parts of a dynamic memory design is the printed circuit layout. Figure 10 illustrates a recommended layout for 32 devices. A very important factor in the P.C. layout is the power distribution. Proper power distribution on the VDD and VBB supply lines is necessary because of the transient current characteristics which dynamic memories exhibit. To achieve proper power distribution, VDD, VBB, VCC and ground should be laid out in a grid to help minimize the power distribution impedance. Along with good power distribution, adequate capacitive bypassing for each device in the memory array is necessary. In addition to the individual by-passing capacitors, it is recommended that each supply (VSB, VCC and VDD) be bypassed with an electrolytic capacitor 20J,lF. By using good power distribution techniques and using the recommended number of bypassing capacitors, the designer Can minimize the amount of noise in the memory array. Other layout considerations are the p.lacement of signal lines. Lines such as address, chip select, column address strobe, and write should be bussed together as rows; then, bus all rows together at one end of the array. I nterconnection between rows should be avoided. Row address strobe lines should be bussed together as a, row, then connected to the appropriate RAS driver. TTL drivers for the memory array signals should be located as close as possible to the array to help minimize signal noise. For a large memory array such as the one shown in design example number 2, series terminating resistors should be used to minimize the amount of negative undershoot. These resistors should be used on the address lines, CAS and WRITE, and have values between 20 n to a 33 n . The layout for a 32 device array can be put in a 5" x 5" area on a two sided printed circuit board. VI-18 SUGGESTED P. C. LAYOUT FOR MK4027 or MK4116 Figure 10. VI-19 zao 4MHz DYNAMIC MEMORY CONSIDERATIONS A tW(MRH) of 95ns will not meet the minimum precharge time of the MK4027-2 or MK4116-2 which is lOOns. The MK4027-3 and MK4116-3 require a 120ns precharge. Figure 11 shows a circuit that will lengthen the tW(MRH) pulse from 95ns to a minimum of 126n5 while only inserting one gate delay into the access timing chain. Figure 12 shows the timing for the circuit of Figure 11. The operation of the circuit in Figure 11 can be explained as follows: The D flip flops are held in a reset condition until MREO goes to its active state. After MREO goes active, on the next positive clock edge, the D input of Ul and U2 will be tran~ferred to the outputs of the flip flops. Output OA will go high if Ml was high when clocked UL Output OB will go low on the next positive going clock edge, which will cause the output of U3 to go low and force the output of U4, which is RAS, high. The flip flops will be reset when MREO goes inactive. INTERFACE A 4MHz Z80 is available for the microcomputer designer who needs higher system throughput. Considerations which must be faced by the designer when interfacing the 4MHz to dynamic memory are the need for memories with faster access times and for providing minimum RAM precharge time. The access times required for dynamic memory interfaced to a 4MHz can be computed from equations 1 and 2 under Z80 Timing and Memory Control Signals. zao zao Access time for op code fetch for 4MHz Z80, let: tc = 250ns; tDL~ (MR)= 75ns; tS (D) = 35ns then: tACCESS OP CODE = 265ns Access time for memory read for 4MHz Z80, let: tc = 250ns; tDL~(MR) = 75ns; ts; (D) = 50ns then: tACCESS MEMORY READ = 375ns The problem of faster access times can be solved by using 200ns memories such as the MK4027-3 or MK4116-3. Depending on the number of buffer delays in the.system, the designer may have to use 150ns memories such as the MK4027-2 or MK4116-2. The most critical problem that exists when interfacing dynamic memory to the 4MHz is the RAM precharge time (trp). This parameter is called twIMRH) on the and can be computed by the . fol owing equation. The circuit shown in Figure 11 will give a minimum of 126ns precharge for dynamic memories, with the operating at 4MHz. The 126ns tw(MRH) is computed as follows. zao 110ns zao 5ns 20ns -9ns zao 126ns (4) tW(RH) = tW(H) + tf-20ns let: tW(H) = 110ns; tf = 5ns then: tW(MRH) = 95ns 4MHz tW( H) - clock pulse width high (min) tF - clock full time (min) tDL;;iMR) - MREQdeiay (min) 74St4 delay (min) tW(MRH) modified (min) zao PRECHARGE EXTENDER FOR DYNAMIC MEMORIES Figure 11 +5 MI D SQ cp CK ~5 QA D S CK 74S74 QS RQ MREQ b - - - - RAS ADDRESS DECODE + RFSH VI-20 TIMING DIAGRAM FOR 4MHz zao PRECHARGE EXTENDER Figure 12 MREQ ------+-"""'\ QA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J 9ns QB ---------------------i 126min ns RAS - - - - - - . . . . , ~~_ _ _O_P_C_O_D_E_F_E_T_C_H_~ ) APPENDIX This section is intended to give the microcomputer designer a memory diagnostic suitable for testing memory systems such as the ones shown in Section VI. The routine is a modified address storage test with an incrementing p'attern. A complete test requires 25610 OBJ CODE r--~_ _ _RE_F_R_E_S_H_ _~;f passes, which will execute in less than 4 minutes for a 16Kx8 memory. If an error occurs, the program will store the pattern in location '2C'H and the address of the error at locations '2D'H and '2E'H. MEMORY TEST ROUTINE LOC PRECHARGE ~ The program is set up to test memory starting at tion '2F'H up to the end of the block of memory defined by the bytes located at 'DC'H and 'DD'H. The test may be set up to start at any location by modifying locations '03'H - '04'Hand 'll'H - '12'H with the starting address that is desired. MXRTS LISTING STMT SOURCE STATEMENT 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 PAGE 0001 TRANSLATED FROM DEC 1976 INTERFACE MAGAZINE THIS IS A MOJIFIED ADDRESS STORAGE TEST WITH AN INCREMENTIJG ?AlTERN 256 PASSES MUST BE EXECUTED BEFORE THE MEMORY IS COMPLETELY TESTED. IF AN ERROR OCCURS, THE PATTERN WILL BE STORED AT LOCATION '002C'H AND THE ADDRESS OF THE ERROR LOCATION WILL BE STORED AT '002D'H AND '002E'H. VI-21 MEMORY TEST ROUTINE (Cont'd.) BE C22500 23 7C FE10 C21300 04 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 OBJ CODE PlXRTS LISTING STMT SOURCE STATEMENT 0000 0000 0600 0002 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 OOOA OOOB 0000 212FOO 70 AC A8 77 23 7C FE10 C20500 0010 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 001A 001B 001C 001E 0021 212FOO 70 AC LOC P.8 0022 C30200 0025 0028 002B 002C 002D 002F 222000 322COO 76 2FOO THE CONTENTS OF LOCATIONS 'OOOC'H AND '001D'H SHOULD BE SELECTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING MEMORY SIZE TO BE TESTED TOP OF MEMORY TO BE TESTED 4K 8K 16K 32K 48K S4K VALUE OF EPAGE '10'H '20'H '40'H '80'H 'CO'H 'FF'H THE PROGRAM IS SET UP TO START TESTING AT LOCATION '002F'H. THE STARTING ADDRESS FOR THE TEST CAN BE MODIFIED BY CHANGI~G LOCATIONS '0003-0004'3 AND '0011-0012'H. TEST TIME FOR A 16K X 8 MEMORY IS APPROX. 4 MIN ORG OOOOH LD 9,0 ;CLEAR B PATRN MODIFIER ; LOAD UP MEMORY LOOP: LD HL,START ;GET STARTING ADDR FILL: LD A,1 ;LOW BYTE TO ACCM XOR H ;XOR WITH HIGH 3YTE XOR B ;XOR WITH PATTERN LD (HL),A ;STORE IN ADDR INC HL ;INCRBMENT ADDR LD A,H ;LOAD HIGH BYTE OF ADDR CP EPAGE ;COMPARE ~ITH STOP ADDR JP NZ,FILL ;NOT DONE,GO BACK ;READ AND CHECK TEST DATE LD HL,START ;GET STARTING ADDR TEST: LD A,L ;LOAD LOW BYTE XOR H ;XOR WITH HIGH BYTE XOR B ;XOR WITH MODIFIER CP (HL) ;COMPARE WITH MEMORY LOC JP NZ,FXIT ;ERROR EXIT INC HL ;UPDATE MEMORY ADDRESS LD A,H ;LOAD HIGH BYTE ;COMPARE WITH STOP ADDR CP EPAGE ;LOOP BACK JP NZ,TEST ;UPDATE MODIFIER INC B 0059 JP 0060 ;ERROR EXIT 0061 HIT: LD 0062 LD 0063 HALT 0064 PATRN: DEFS 0065 BYTE: DEFS DEFW 0066 START: 0068 EPAGE: ::CU END 0069 VI-22 LOOP PAGE ;RST WITH NEW MODIFIER (BYTE),HL ;SAVE ERROl' ADDRESS (PATRN),A ;SAVE BAD PATTERN ;FLAG OPERATOR 1 2 $ 10H 0002 ;SET UP FOR 4K TEST MOSTEI(. APPLYING THE zao SIO IN ASYNCHRONOUS DATA COMMUNICATIONS Application Note corresponding error buffer, enabling the programmer to poll the various Read Registers and ascertain error conditions corresponding to the data. This concept is illustrated in Figure 2. Recieve Buffer 3 contains data, has no associated errors, a nd will be read next by the CPU, as it is at the top of the stack. Receive Buffer 2 has a parity error associated with it's data word, indicated by the "1" in the parity column. Similarly, Receive Buffer 1 has an associated overrun error condition, indicating it has been overwritten at least once. This type of FIFO arrangement allows the programmer three full receive word-times to read the 510 before losing any data, which is extremely advantageous when the programmer must perform numerous housekeeping functions. The 510 is also capable of full duplex operation, illustrated in Figure 2 by separate data paths for the transmitter and receiver. Notice the separate transmit and receive clock inputs for situations requiring different clock rates. A SYNC input is provided as a general purpose input in asynchronous communications, and is used to establish synchronization in monosync and bisync communications. Finally, all standard modem control signals are present for handshaking including DCD, DTR, CTS, and RTS. Serial asynchronous data links, probably the most prevelent mode of data communications in existence today, require versitile, easy to interface communications devices. The Z80 510 is just such a device. Although it is just as equally suited in virtually all serial protocol environments, no compromises were made in asynchronous applications. The 510 operating features include: zao o Data communications rates of up to 800K bits/s o Three FIFO receive data buffers per channel o Full duplex operation o Break generation and detection o Parity, overrun, and framing error detection o Polled or interrupt driven The most salient of the SID's many features is its capability to operate using prioritized vector interrupts, offering unparalleled speed and efficiency in maximizing data throughput. Although the 510 can be operated in polled as well as interrupt modes, the latter shall be emphasized in the following discussion due to its inherent power and versatility. The 510 interfaces easily with the Z80 CPU, and generally requires little, if any modification of control signals when used with other CPU's. Figures 3A and 3B show the typical interconnections and addressing techniques between the 510 and CPU. Note that the cio (control data) and BiA (Channel BfA) pins may be connected to AD and A 1 of the address bus, respectively. Figure 3B further illustrates 510 addressing, where even numbered addresses decode the channel (A or B) and define a data operation. Conversely, odd numbered addresses define a control operation to the addressed port. In order to better understand use of the 510 in serial data communications, a look at the internal organization of the chip would be helpful. Figure 1 depicts the functional logic of one of the 510 channels. As shown, there are a total of 11 registers accessible by the programmer. "Write Registers" (WRO-WR7), as they are referred to, are used to configure the 510 to the desired type of protocol and includes such information as data rates, parity information, word length, etc. In addition, three "Read Registers" (RRO-RR2) are provided for monitoring data flow and error conditions. For a detailed description of these registers, as well as the entire MK3884, reference should be made to the MK3884 Z80 510 Technical Manual. In the receiver section, notice that data flows from the receive shift register to the three receive buffers. THE ASYNCHRONOUS MODEL These registers are configured in a first in, first out (FIFO) arrangement, thus providing the data link with additional overrun protection. Associated with each receive buffer is a In discussing the use of the Z80 510 in Async communications, the illustration in Figure 4 depicts the method in which the 510 receiver logic assembles and There are also two clock considerations that deserve attention. 1) The 510 is a synchronous device, whose clock (<1» must be identical to that of the CPU clock. 2) Although the 510 is capable of high data rates, care should be taken to ensure that the system clock (<1» is at least 5 times the data rate, as specified in the data book. VI-23 transmitter logic sends serial data asynchronously. The. data stream consists of one start bit, a variable length data word (selectable 5-8 bits), an optional partity bit, and selectable stop bits (', , y, or 2). Note that the data word is sent low order bit first and must be right justified if less than 8 data bits are contained in the data field. FUNCTIONAL lOGIC OF AN SIO CHANNEl Figure 1 OATABUS .~ ROY/WAIT RRO WRO RR1 WR1 RR2 WR2 WR3 r-l XMIT REGISTER I CONTROL LOGIC 1~llall~llgl I I XMIT BUFFER I WR5 RCV ERRORS 3 i I RCV BUFFER 3 WR6 RCV BUFFER 2 I RCV ERRORS 2 I RCV BUFFER 1 I RCV ERRORS 1 I RCV REGISTER I XMIT LOGIC I RECEIVE LOGIC f , I~I WR4 Igi f i Isll~II~1 SIO RECEIVE FIFO DATA/ERROR BUFFERS Figure 2 Receive Buffer 3 , 0 o , o, 000 Receive Buffer 2 o , 0 , 0 o0 o, Receive Buffer 00'00 Receive Register 00'00 , WR7 0 ttL Error Buffer 3 Error Buffer 2 Error Buffer' Parity ~overrun Framing VI-24 ... ;;:. zao CIO - CPU INTERCONNECTIONS Figure3A FROM HIGHER lEI _ PRIORITY DEVICE - - - D'-"AT.;.;.A_B_U;..:S'-'D;...O;...-_D;..:7_ _ _ _ _ { } _ _ _ _c:.. TO LOWER PRIORI~ lEO DEVICE ZBO SIO ZBO CPU C/D~---------------------iAO B/A~------------------------iA1 CE :> I 5V DECODE I l J ADDRESS B u s T zao SIO-CPU INTERCONNECTIONS Figure3B Address Label SIOADD SIO ADD +1 SIOADD +2 SIOADD +3 CE 0 0 0 0 B/A C/O 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Channel Channel Channel Channel A XMITIRCV ADDRESS A READIWRITE ADDRESS B XMITIRCV ADDRESS B READIWRITE ADDRESS ASVNCHRONOUSFORMAT Figure 4 DATA FIELD START BIT 1 MARKING LINE STOP BITS (1, 1 Y2, or 2) PARITY BIT 10,"ON\, / I' U--- __ -3_ ID:(5-B:S)iru.-DA: - _ ____ VI-25 i -1_ MARKING LINE ASYNCHRONOUS PROGRAMMING The design of a serial data communications link utilizing the SIO will comprise three basic software modules: • Initialization • Data tra nsfer • Error detection and recovery The program flow for initialization is illustrated by the flow diagram in Figure 5. This procedure consists of writing a string of control bytes to the SIO using the pointer register, WRO. Each control byte is preceded by the pointer register byte, which tells the SIO which of 8 write registers is to be addressed. Initialization is executed in this alternating pointer register/control-data fashion until the SIO is configured as desired, as shown in Table 1. Although SIO initialization is not necessarily order dependent, the logical order as depicted in Figure 5 and Table 1 is highly recommended. Also, a word of caution concerning the use of WRO is appropriate at this time. As WRO has a dual function - that of a pointer to other control registers and commands (i.e., reset channel, error reset, etc.) to the SIO - it is possible to perform both of these functions simultaneously. This is not recomended because following each command, the internal register pointer resets to zero, thus preventing the ensuing control word from loading properly. Each command issued should address WRO, as pointed out in the example. Data transfer and error handling methods are presented in there simplest form in Table 1. The first eight bytes of code initialize the SIO, which consists of initializing the CPU internal registers B, C, and HL with the table length, port address, and table address, respectively. Notice how efficiently the use of the OTIR instruction transfers the entire block of data to the SIO. Although channel A is the active channel being used in this example, channel B must also be accessed, as shown. This is because the WR2 and the status affects vector bit are active in channel B only. Another instruction of interest is the "EI" instruction, both because of it's existence and placement. Whenever the CPU acknowledges an interrupt, interrupts within the CPU are disabled and remain so until an "EI" instruction is executed. Hence, the placement of "EI" in the program example forms a non-nested interrupt structure. Conversly, placing "EI" at the beginning of a subroutine would constitute nested interrupts, as other devices could now cause interrupts. The interrupts themselves may be initiated by the SIO in many different ways. The transmitter and receiver interrupts are initiated when the transmit buffer empty and receiver character available bits are set. In the case of receive errors, interrupt requests are made (if programmed to do so) when any of several special error conditions exist. As shown in the program initialization (Table 1), the special effects vector is enabled, allowing the SIO to modify the returned vector, indicating either a) transmit buffer full, b) receive-character available, c) External/Status change, or d) special receive conditions. This powerful feature further reduces programming overhead and thus allows greater efficiency and data throughput. Also, at the programmers discretion is the abilityto initiate data transfer automatically by monitoring the modem control signals. This is effected by the SIO detecting DCD and CTS in an active state which, in turn, enables the receiver and transmitter, respectively. Also, if External interrupts are enabled as they are in the example, interrupts are generated upon transition of DCD or CTS. This feature is useful in initiating line turn-around and detecting break conditions. Once External/Status Interrupts have been acknowledged, they must be reset by writing to register 0 of the appropriate channel. Note also in the initialization procedure that immediately following a chip or channel reset, the "Reset External/Status Interrupts" command should be executed to prevent possible spurious interrupts. Should the programmer choose not to operate in an interrupt mode, all of the aforementioned conditions would have to be polled by reading the appropriate read register (RRO-RR2). When operating in this mode, the proper sequence of checking the SIO for receive characters would be: 1. Read RRO; determine if a character is available. 2. If so, interrogate RR1 to ascertain error status. 3. Read the DATA. The status of errors should be checked before reading the data to preserve the proper error to data word correspondence. An example of reading the Read Registers is given in Table 1 under Error Handler. As illustrated, RR1 is accessed by first performing a "write" to WRO which points to register 1, and followed by a "READ" operation. Once the status byte is in the accumulator, each of the pertinent error bits are interrogated using the "bit" instruction. Associated with each type of error is it's error routine which takes the appropriate recovery action. When interrupts are used, as in this example, care should be taken within each Error Routine to perform an Error Reset command, thus allowing future error interrupts to occur. The preceding example should equip the user with a "guide" for programming the SIO, not only in asynchronous communications, but synchronous and SDLC/HDLC as well. Of course, the latter protocols deserve special attention, and are covered in detail in the MK3884 Technical Manual. As demonstrated, the SIO, when taken advantage of, can be an extremely powerful device in any data communications link. VI-2S LOGICAL FLOW OF SIO INITIALIZATION Figure 5 START INITIALIZATION SET RTS LOW, ENABLE TRANSMIT, INITIALIZATION DEFINE CHARACTER LENGTH AND SET DTR WR5 CHANNEL RESET WRO RESET EXTERNALI STATUS INTERRUPTS WRO LOAD INTERRUPT VECTOR WR2 ENABLE TRANSMIT INTERRUPTS INTERRUPTS ON ALL RECEIVE CHARACTERS STATUS AFFECTS VECTOR, ENABLE EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS. DISABLE WAIT I READY FUNCTION WR1 RESET EXTERNALI STATUS INTERRUPTS WRO LOAD SIO WITH FIRST XMIT DATA BYTE CONFIGURE ASYNC MODE, STOP BITS, ETC. WR4 SIOARMED RETURN TO MAIN PROGRAM DEFINE RECEIVE CHARACTER LENGTH, AUTO ENABLE, ENABLE RECEIVER WR3 EXIT VI-27 TYPICAL PROGRAM EXAMPLE TRANSMIT DATA HANDLER Table 1 LABEL SOURCE STATEMENT COMMENTS LABEL UNIT LD B, LENG B LD C, SIOCTL +2 lD HL, CTlTB OTIR lD B, lENG A lD C, SIOCTl LD Hl, CTLTA OTIR ; LENGTH ofTable, CH B ; Port Address, CH B ; TABLE Address, CH B ; Initialized CH B ; Length ofTable, CH A ; Port Address, CH A ; Table Address, CH A ; Initialize CH A XMTINT EXAF,AF LD A(T BUF) OUT (SIODAT),A EXAF,AF EI RETI ; WRO, RESET CH A ; WRO, Reset External/Status Interrupts ; Pointer to WR4 ; X16 CLK, ODD Parity, 2 stop bits ; Pointer to WR3 ; 7 bits/char, receive and auto enable ; Pointer to WR5 ; Set RTS, DTR; 7 bits/char., enable Xmit ; WRO; reset EXT/STATUS INT. ; Poi nter to WR 1 ; Enable external and transmit interrupts, status affects vector, interrupt on all RCV characters. RCVINT EX AF,AF IN A(SIODAT) LD(RBUF),A EXAF,AF EI RETI CTRLTA DEFB'18'H DEFB'1O'H DEFB'04'H DEFB'4Q'H DEFB'03'H DEFB'61'H DEFB'05'H DEFB 'AA' H DEFB'10'H DEFB'01'H DEFB '17' H CTLTB DEFB'18'H DEFB'10'H DEFB '02' H DEFB'OO'H DEFB'01'H DEFB '14' H SOURCE STATEMENT COMMENTS ; Save Registers ; Load Character ; Ship it Out ; Restore Registers ; Re-enable interrupts RECEIVE DATA HANDLER ; WRO, Reset CH B ; WRO, Reset External/Status Interrupts ; Pointer to WR2 ; Load Interrupt Vector ; Pointer to WR1 ; Status affects vector VI-28 ; ; ; ; Save Registers Read Character Save in Memory Restore Registers ERROR HANDLER INTERR EXAF,AF lOA, '01' H OUT (SIOCTl),A IN A(SIODAT) BIT 6,A JR Z, FMER BIT 5,A JR Z,ORER JP PAER EXAF,AF EI RETI ; Save Registers ; Set Pointer to ; Reg. 1 ; Framing Error ; Overrun Error ; Parity Error ; Restore Registers MOSI'EI(. USE OF THE MK3805 CLOCK/RAM Application Note INTRODUCTION PINOUT DIAGRAM Many microprocessor applications require a real time clock a nd/or memory that can be battery powered with very low power drain. A typical application might be an automobile trip computer, where the clock could provide the time of day and the memory would be used to retain vital information when the ignition switch is off. The interfacing technique needs to be kept as simple as possible so as to minimize the required overhead in software, and it should minimize the number of pins required in order that other I/O requirements can be efficiently accommodated. Figure 1 CKO X2 3 PIN 1 2 3 4 5 The real-time clock/calendar provides all timekeeping functions. It contains registers for seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year. The end of the month date is automatically adjusted for months with less than 31 days. The clock operates in either the 24 hour or 12 hour format with an AM/PM indicator. Since the MK3805 is designed to interface to a microcomputer, the alarm function is easily accommodated in the microcomputer, should it be required. The on-chip oscillator provides the clock source for the clock/calendar. It incorporates a programmable divider so that a wide variety of crystal frequencies can be accommodated. The oscillator also has an output available that is designed to serve as the clock generator for the microcomputer. A separately programmable divider provides several different output frequencies for any given crystal frequency. This feature can eliminate having to use a separate crystal or external oscillator for the microcomputer, thereby reducing system cost. Interfacing the CLOCK/RAM with a microcomputer is greatly simplified using asynchronous serial communication. Only 3 lines are required to communicate with the CLOCK/RAM: (1) CE(chip enable), (2) I/O (data line), and (3) SCLK (shift register clock). Data can be transferred to and from the CLOCK/RAM one byte at a time, or in a burst of up to 24 bytes. 6 7 8 Vee 7 SCLK 6 1/0 GND 4 FEATURES Mostek's CLOCK/RAM microcomputer peripheral chip satisfies all of these requirements. The device, designated MK3805, contains a real-time clock/calendar, 24 bytes of static RAM, an on-chip oscillator and communicates serially with the microcomputer via a simple interface protocol. The MK3805 is fabricated using CMOS technology, thus insuring very low power consumption. '0' X1/CI 2 5 CE NAME DESCRIPTION CKO X1/CI X2 GND CE I/O SCLK System clock (output). Crystal or external clock (input). Crystal (input). Ground. Chip enable (input, active low). Data I/O (input/output). Shift register clock (input). Positive supply Voltage. Vee PINOUT DESCRIPTION Figure 1 is a pinout diagram of the MK3805. It is packaged in an 8-pin DIP to conserve PC board space. A brief description of the function of each pin is listed. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Figure 2 is a block diagram of the CLOCK/RAM chip. The main components are the oscillator and divider, real time clock/calendar, the static RAM, the command register and logic, the control register and logic, and .the serial shift register. The shift register is used to communicate with the outside world. Data on the I/O line is either input or output on each shift register clock pulse when the chip is enabled. If the chip is in the input mode, the data on the I/O line is input to the shift register on the rising edge of SCLK. If in the output mode, data is shifted out onto the I/O line on the falling edge of SCLK. The command register receives the first byte input by the shift register after CE goes true (low). This byte must be the command byte and will direct further operations within the CLOCK/RAM. The command specifies whether subsequent transfers will be read or written, and what register or RAM location will be involved. VI-29 MK3805 CLOCK/RAM BLOCK DIAGRAM EXTERNAL CLOCK INPUT Figure 2 I X1 'riDh X2 BUFFER OSCILLATOR AND DIVIDERS REAL TIME CLOCK/CALENDAR . 1"- J. 1"- II. 1/0 ! SHIFT REGISTER r CONTROL REGISTER AND LOGIC . i'"- ... ~ A DATA BUS ~ "'Z SCLK CKO i COMMAND REGISTER AND LOGIC .-11. I ADDRESS & CONTROL BUS . 24 x8 RAM -CE The control register has bits defined which control the divider for the internal real-time clock and the external system clock. One bit serves as the write protect control flag, preventing accidental write operations during powerup or power-down situations. The real-time clock/calendar is accessed via seven registers. These registers contain seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year information. Certain bits within these registers also control a run/stop function, 12/24 hour clock mode, and indicate AM or PM (12 hour mode only). These registers can be accessed either randomly in byte mode, or sequentially in burst mode. The static RAM is organized as 24 bytes of 8-bits each. They can be accessed either randomly in byte mode, or sequentially in burst mode. The reader should refer to the MK3805 data sheet for operating specifications and detailed timing information. DATA TRANSFERS Data transfer is accomplished under control of the CE and SCLK inputs by an external microcomputer. Each transfer consists of a single byte (COMMAND) input followed by a single or multiple byte input or output (as defined by the command byte). The general format for the command byte is shown in Figure 3. The most sign'ificant bit (bit 7) must be a logical 1; bit 6 specifies a clock function if logical 0 or a RAM function if logical 1. Bits 1 -5 specify the clock register(s) or RAM location(s) to be accessed. The least significant bit (bit 0) specifies a write operation if a logical 0 or a read operation if a logical 1. In the clock burst mode, all clock, calendar, and control registers are transferred beginning with register 0 (seconds) and ending with register 7 (control). Unless terminated early, this burst mode requires that CE be true and 72 SCLK cycles be supplied. This mode may be terminated at any time by taking CE false. This mode is specified by setting all aqdress bits in the command byte to a logical 1. In the RAM burst mode, all RAM locations are transferred beginning with location 0 and ending with location 23 (017H). Unless terminated early, this burst mode transfer VI-30 MK3805 CLOCK/RAM Figure 3 COMMAND. REGISTER. DATA FORMAT SUMMARY I. GENERAL COMMAND FORMAT: 765432 I' t?;l 0 A41 A3 I A2 I A, I Ao [Xl II. CLOCK COMMAND FORMAT: IV. CLOCK PROGRAMMING MODEL: 765432 0 7 6 5 o 2 4 3 SECIL-'~_O__~O__~O__L-°~I__O~I__O~~~·~~~ 00.59ISTOpl,0 SEC MINIL-'~ O~_O ~O~L-°~I O~I '~~~w~ 00. 59 1L-____ ,_0_M __ IN____...I..._____M _I_N______...J __ HRI, DATE I, 1 0 1 0 __ 1 __ 1 0 1 0 I 0 MONTHI~__~_O~__0-L_O__ DAYI~__~_O~__0-L_O__ YEAR I, [6;l o I I'~ IL-'~__O~I O~~~._w~ L-~__O~I '~~~w~ o 0 __ 1 0 __ __ ~I_'~L-0~__O~_O__~I_'__IL-'~__O~~~R_W~ CONTROLI~_'~__O~__°-LI_O__IL-'~__~__~~~w~ 0'-2B/29 1 T 0'-30 , 0'-31L-~ 1101'0 [A7P] HR 1 1 DATE O'ODATE __ ______-L_____________ J ~. 0,.,21 0 0 0 1~ 1 01.071 T2 0 0 0 0-99 I HR 10 YEAR I 1 MONTH 0 DAY YEAR 0 NOTES: WP X4 - Xo C,·C o III. RAM COMMAND FORMAT: T2 -T, o o RAMO 0 •• • 1_' RAM 23 1'--,-_' ..... ...... RAM BURST I, o O~ I_'_II---'. .1_, . . . .I<~- :;.:.jW ....L.I_O..... 1'111'1'1~ VI-31 I I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I ~ 1 I, I' I CLOCK BURST 0'.'21'2/1 00.23. 24 . 0 SEC Write protect. Program dividers for real time clock. Program dividers for clock output. Test bits (normally set to 0). requires that CE be true and 200 SCLK cycles be supplied. This mode may be terminated at anytime by taking CE false. This mode is specified by setting all address bits in the command byte to a logical 1 . Refer to Figure 3 for a summary of the command, register, and data formats. POWER-ON STATES When the MK3805 is first powered up, all eight clock registers come up to a pre-defined state. These are listed below. The RAM locations contain unspecified data. DESIGN EXAMPLE As a demonstration of the software and hardware interfacing for the CLOCK/RAM chip, the design of a demonstration used for electronic shows is given here. The hardware used was a standard CRT terminal. an MK38P73 single chip microcomputer, the MK3805 CLOCK/RAM chip, and some miscellaneous parts to interface to the CRT. Refer to Figure 5 for a schematic ofthe circuit used. Note how simple the design is. The MK3805 interfaces directly to the MK38P73 via 3 pins, and it provides the clock input to the MK38P73 via a fourth pin. HARDWARE DESCRIPTION Clock: Seconds Minutes Hours Date Month Day Year Halt 12/24 Hour Control: Write Protect CO & C1 X3&X4 XO, X1 & X2 The MK38P73 is an 8-bit single-chip microcomputer with 4 parallel ports, a serial port, 128 bytes of RAM, and 2K bytes of EPROM (in the form of a piggy back 2716). Because the serial communications with the CLOCK/RAM uses a simple shift register type interface, the serial port of the 38P73 is not used here. It remains free for serial communications with the CRT. 00 00 00 01 01 01 00 1 o 1 01 00 000 (clock stopped) (24 hour mode) (protect on) (CKO = crystal frequency 12) (crystal frequency is binary: 2h) (divide by 2 23 ) SERIAL TIMING The timing sequence for data transfer with the CLOCK/RAM is started when CE goes low (see Figure 4). After CE goes low, the next 8 SCLK cycles will input the command byte of the proper format. If the most significant bit (bit 7) is a logical 0, the command byte will be ignored, as will all SCLK cycles until CE goes high and returns low to signify the start of a new transfer. Command bits are input on the rising edge of SCLK. The MK3805 is interfaced to the microcomputer via port 4. This is done to take advantage of the STB line associated with that port. The STB line goes low for a short time after each output to port 4 instruction is executed. This normally would be used to strobe data into an output device attached to the port. In this example, the STB line provides the SCLK pulse to the CLOCK/RAM shift register to clock data into and out of the chip. By using this line, toggling another port bit to strobe data in and out is not required. Such an interface to other microcomputers is straightforward. The CLOCK/RAM chip also provides the clock source for the microcomputer. By selecting a crystal frequency of 3.6864 MHz and setting the CKO divider to divide by 1, the serial port on the MK38P73 operates at standard Baud rates (9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, etc.). The 75150 and 1489 chips convert the TTL level signals output by the microcomputer to RS-232 levels in order that the circuit can be interfaced to a standard CRT. SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION Input data will be input on the rising edge ofthe next 8 SCLK cycles (per byte jf burst mode is specified). Additional SCLK cycles will be ingored, should'they inadvertently occur. Output data will be output on the falling edge of the next 8 SCLK cycles (per byte if burst mode is specified). Additional SCLK cycles will retransmit the information, thereby permitting continuous transmission of clock information for certain applications. A data transfer will terminate if CE goes high, and the transfer must be reinitiated by the proper command when CE goes low again. The I/O pin will be in the high impedance state when CE is high. The heart of the software is the subroutine labeled 'CLKRAM'. This subroutine provides all the necessary software interfacing to the CLOCK/RAM. Before calling the subroutine, the necessary parameters must be set up in the proper registers. The ISAR is used as a pointer to where the data is to be read from or written to in the MK38P73 RAM area. The scratchpad register 'CMD' must contain the command to be sent to the CLOCK/RAM. (See the description of the command given earlier.) The bit pattern for enabling the CLOCK/RAM must be VI-32 !13: cc ~ c:: Co) iil CO "'0 en ::D l> 3: Notes: c 1) Data input sampled on rising edge of clock. 2) Data output changes on falling edge of clock. 3) Rising edge of CE terminates operation and resets command register. !il> ~ ::D I. SINGLE BYTE TRANSFER l> Z en ." SCLK~ m ::D JLJ --AAJ en c 3: 3: CEL l> ::D -< 0123456701234567 ~ tl 1/0-{0IAOIA1IA2IA3IA4r:t]1X 1 I ADDRESS/COMMAND I I I I DATA INPUT I 0123456701234567 ) IAOIA1IA2IA3IA4~ 1X (1 ADDRESS/COMMAND 1 I I I I I 1 )>-- DATA OUTPUT II. BURST MODE.TRANSFER 1 2 3 4 n SCLK~ CEI ~ - - - - - - . . . , ( "....; . ; . - - - - - - - - - - - ' ~. 012345670123 I/O---<%] 1 11 11 11 11 MX ADDRESS/COMMAND 1 1 I I DATA I/O 4 5 6 7 [[n)~DATA I/O N FUNCTION N n CLOCK 8 72 24 200 RAM stored in the scratchpad register 'CHIPEN'. This bit pattern should contain a logic 1 in the bit position that corresponds to the port 41ine tied to the CLOCK/RAM pin. All other bits should be 0. This technique allows multiple serial microcomputer peripheral chips to be tied together with common I/O and SCLK lines, with a separate port line for each device CEo begins execution of the program at location OOOOH. The code at this point initializes the system and checks for valid CLOCK/RAM data. This condition is indicated by the state of the write protect bit in the control byte. If the bit is set to a logical 1, then the CLOCK/RAM has also just been powered up. This indicates that the registers contain invalid data and should be initialized before continuing. 1ft he bit is reset to a logical 0, the CLOCK/RAM did not just power up, and the data in its registers should be valid. cr The subroutine also provides an option for using the port 4 pins not used by the CLOCK/RAM interface for any other purpose. To accomplish this, a copy of whatever is written to port 4 by other routines must be kept in the scratchpad register 'PT4IMG'. This option is not used in this example. After the clock data is verified, the routine prints a message consisting of CLOCK/RAM features. The timer is then set to interrupt once every 1 /36 second so that the time, etc., may be updated on the CRT screen. The routine then just waits for an interrupt from the timer or the keyboard. The main demonstration routine (listing 1) is quite basic. Its purpose is to print the features of the CLOCK/RAM on the CRT, then read the clock and display it's contents once every second. A reentry point is provided in order that the clock/calendar settings may be changed after power up. (See the flowchart in Figure 6.) When a timer interrupt occurs, the service routine checks to see if 1 second has elapsed since the last service. If not, it resets the timer and returns to the wait for interrupt state. If 1 second has gone by, the routine proceeds to erase the When power is applied to the microcomputer, it resets and SCHEMATIC OF DEMONSTRATION CIRCUIT Figure 5 401 5~ +Vcc -- 9 CE P4·1 110 6 8_ P4·0 SRCLK I 7 7 30K +Vcc 5 RESET 39 - STB EXTINT 38 1K SI 35 +vcc OUT IN 1 Rx 1489 GNO XTAl -J; 1 N C - XTll c::J -C 14 3 MK38P73 MK3805 r FI 1bt-- RESET 10IL CLK 1 OUT XTAL 2 1 XTl2 so GNO GNO -t 21- 34 2 STB 7 IN OUT TX 75150 8 r----- +Vee -Vee GNO 5 - 12 -t +12 ~-------GNO 1 VI-34 time, etc., from the top of the screen and print new data obtained from the CLOCK/RAM. The timer is then reset and returns to the wait for interrupt state. send the command to the CLOCK/RAM chip and then transfer the number of data bytes specified by the command. When a receiver interrupt occurs, the serial port contains a valid character from the keyboard. The service routine checks to see if it is a 'DC3' (control-S) character. If not, the routine returns to the wait for interrupt state. If it is, the routine goes to the clock set entry point of the main routine and the user is allowed to set the clock and calendar values. The main routine entered in this fashion is executed similarly to a power on reset with the CLOCK/RAM write protect bit set to a logical 1. As seen in the flowchart(Figure 7), either 1,7, or24 bytes of data may be transferred between the microcomputer and the CLOCK/RAM. The command sent to the subroutine is exactly the command sent to the CLOCK/RAM, so there is no confusion as to the format of the command byte. When this routine is called, the ISAR must be pointing to the scratchpad RAM area where the data transferred is to be read from or written to. Note that only 7 bytes are transferred in a clock burst. This is to eliminate reading and writing the control register every time. The CLOCK/RAM subroutine (listing 2) was designed to VI-35 MAIN ROUTINE FLOWCHART Figure 6 RCVINT ) ( ~ 1 INITIALIZE CLK/RAM SUBROUTINE PARAMETERS SAVE STACK ~ l INPUT A CHARACTER INITIALIZE SERIAL PORT PARAMETERS ) ~YES r PROTECT SET? YES DATE IN INPUT DATE STATWR • ( MODE IN INPUT 12 OR 24 HOUR MODE ~ 24 HOUR MODE? NO AMPMIN INPUT AM ORPM DATAOK ) WRITE NEW CLOCK/RAM STATUS BYTE ~ DAY PRINT DAY -~ DATE PRINT FEATURES PRINT DATE + TIME PRINT TIME ~ l OUTMSG SEND CURSOR HOME ENABLE INTERRUPTS ENABLE INTERRUPTS RETURN READ CLOCK REGISTERS + OUTMSG INPUT TIME -~ CLKRD ~ l ~ 1 t NO PRINT AM/PM MESSAGE INITIALIZE SERIAL PORT FOR RECEIVE W/INTERRUPT TIME IN RESET COUNT AMPM INITIALIZE TIMER FOR 1/36 SECOND INTERRUPTS I ~ YES ~ , ) PASSED? READ CLOCK/RAM STATUS BYTE INPUT DAY FIN ISH .o~ ! DAY IN ( DECREMENT 1/36 COUNT STATRD 'DC3;? SeTCLK SAVE STACK ~ INCHR2 .o~ ( T DEMO ~ WAIT ) VI-3S ) ~ SETUP SERIAL PORT FOR RECEIVE W/INTERRUPT CLKRAM SUBROUTINE FLOWCHART Figure 7 LOAD BYTE INTO TEMP. PUT CHIP ENABLE BIT INTO PORT 4 IMAGE PUT COMMAND INTDTEMP. FOR OUTPUT COMPLEMENT AND MIX W/PT4MG VI-37 VI-38 LISTING 1 - DEMO PROGRAM CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE Fa/3a1D ~ACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC 06J.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ASS 1 2 3 4 ., TITLE CLeCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE NAME JEMO PSECT ASS GLOBAL CLKRAM • THIS MODULE MUST BE LINKED WIT~ THE CLOCK/RAM MODULE • TO CREATE A WORKING PROGRAM. .,• ****************.***************** ., ., • DEMO FOR MK3805 CLOCK/RAM CHIP • ., * ***~******.*****.*** VI-39 •• ***********. CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3810 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS ************************************ * * * SCRATCH PAD REGISTER DEFINITIONS * * * ************************************ =0000 =0001 =0002 =0003 =000. =0005 =0006 =0007 =0010 =0011 =0012 =0013 =0014 =0015 =0016 * * GLOBAL REGISTERS. THESE REGISTERS MUST BE THE S4ME * AS IN THE CLOCK/RAM MODULE. * 25 PT4IMG EQU OOH ;PORT • IMAGE STORAGE 26 CHIPEN EQU 01H ;CHIP ENABLE STORAGE EQU 02H ;COMMANO STORAGE 27 CHD * * LOCAL REGISTERS. THESE REGISTERS DO NOT NEED TO BE * MADE KNOWN TO THE CLOCK/RAM MODULE. * ;TEMPERARY STORAGE 32 TEMP EQU 03H 33 CNTSAV EQU O.H ;OIGIT COUNT SAVE 34 DCOUNT EQU OSH ;OIGIT COUNHR ; TIMER COUNTER 35 TIMCNT EQU 06H 36 CTRL EQU 01H ;CLOCK/RAM CONTROL STORAGE ; SECOND BUFFER 37 SECOND EQU 10H 38 MINUTE EQU 11H ;MINUTE BUFFER 39 HOUR EQU 12H ;HOUR BUFFER 40 DAY EQU 13H ;OAY BUFFER 41 DATE EQU 14H ;DATE BUFFER 42 MONTH EQU 1SH ;MONTH BUFFER 43 YEAR EQU 16H ; YEAR BUFFER * *****.****.* ••• ****. * * * PORT DEFINITIONS * * * =0004 =0006 =0007 =OOOC =0000 =OOOE =OOOF ******************** * 51 CRDATA 52 TI CTRL 53 TIMER 51+ RXCTRL 55 RXSTAT 56 MSBYTE 51 LSBYTE * EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU OlfH 06H 07H OCH ODH OEH OFH ;CLOCK/RAM DATA PORT ;TIMER, INTERUPT CTRL PORT ;TIMER PORT ;SERIAL CONTROL PORT ;SERIAL STATUS PORT ;SERIAL MSB PORT ,SERIAL LSB PORT *****************.*** =0004 =OOOA =OOOC =0000 =0013 =001B 65 66 67 68 69 70 * * * ASCII DEFINITIONS * * ***.*** ••••••••••••••* * EQU 04H EOT EQU OAH LF EQU OCt; FF EQU ODH CR EQU UH DC3 EQU iBH ESC VI-40 ;END OF TEXT ; LINE FEED ;FORM FEED iCARIAGE RETURN iDEVICE CONTROL 3 (AS) ,ESCAPE CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS .... ** ••• ***** * * * CONSTANTS * * * ••••• *.*.* ••• * * DAYS OF THE wEEK =0001 =0002 =0003 =0001+ =0005 =0006 =0007 =0001 =0002 =0003 =0004 =0005 =0006 =0001 =0008 =000 '3 =OOOA =0008 =OOOC =0000 =0001 =0002 =0003 =0004 =0005 =0006 =0001 =0008 =0009 =OOOA =0010 =OOOF =OOFO =0013 =0012 * EQC 1 80 SUN 81 MON EQU· 2 EQU 3 82 TUES EQU 1+ 83 WED EQU 5 84 THURS (QU 6 85 FR I EQU 7 86 SA T * * MONTHS OF THE YEAR * EQU 1 '30 JA N £QU 2 91 FEB EQU 3 92 MARCH EQU 4 93 APRIL EQU 5 94 MA Y EQJ 6 '35 JU NE (QU 7 % JULY EQU 8 97 AUG EQU 9 98 SEPT EQU 10 93 OCT EQU 11 100 NOV (QU 12 101 DEC * * COUNTER VALUES * EQu 0 105 ZERO EQU 1 106 ONE EQU 2 107 TwO 108 THREE t:Qu 3 EQU ,. 109 FOUR EQU 5 110 FIVE EQU 6 111 SI X EQU 7 112 SEVEN EQU 8 113 EIGHT EQU 9 114 NINE EQU 10 115 TEN 116 TENSCD EQU 10H * * BCD MASKS * EQU OFH 120 LSD EQU OFOh 121 MSD * * LEAP YEAR MASKS * EQU 125 LEAP1 [QU 126 LEAP2 * * ISAR MASK VI-41 13H 12H ;SUNDAY IS DAY 1 ;MONOAY IS DAY 2 ;TUESDAY IS DAY 3 ;WEDNESDAY IS DAY 4 ;THURSDAY IS DAY 5 ;FRIDAY IS DAY 6 ;SATURDAY IS DAY 7 ;JANUARY IS MONTH 1 ;FEBRUARY IS MONTH 2 ;MARCH IS MONTH 3 ;APRIL IS MONTH 4 ;MAY IS MONTH 5 ;JUNE IS MONTH 6 ;JULY IS MONTH 7 ,AUGUST IS MONTH 8 ;SEPTEMBER IS MONTH 9 ;OCTOBER IS MONTH 10 ;NOVEMBER IS MONTH 11 ;DECE~B£R IS MONTH 12 ;COUNT IS 0 ,COUNT IS 1 iCOUNT IS 2 i COUNT 13 3 iCOUNT IS 4 ,COUNT IS 5 ;COUNT IS 6 ;COUNT IS 7 ;COUNT IS 8 ;COUNT IS 9 ;COUNT IS 10 ; BCD VALUE OF 10 ;MASK FOR ONE'S DIGIT .MASK FCR TEN'S DIGIT ;MASK TC CHECK FOR ? ;MASK TO CHECK FOR? CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC 08J.COD£ STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS =003F * 130 ISMASK • EQU 3FH ; MASK TO 6 BITS * CLOCK/CALENDAR MASKS =0080 lY+ • HALT EQU 80H iHALT FLAG IS BIT 7 OF SECO~ S =0070 =OOOF =0070 =OOOF =0080 1.35 SE CMSD 1-36 SECLSD 137 MINMSD 138 MINLSD 1.39 MODE =0020 =00.30 =0010 =OOOF =0007 =0030 =OOOF =0010 =OOOF =OOFO =OOOF 140 AMPM EQU 2011 141 HR2MSD EQL 3011 142 HR1MSD EQU 10H 1'+3 HRLSD EQU OFI1 144 DA YlSD EQU 07H 145 DATMSD EQU 30H 146 DA TlSD EQU OFH 11+ 7 MNMSD EQU 10H 148 MNLSD EQU OFH 149 YRMSD EQU OFOH 150 YRLSD EQU OFH * * TIMER VALUES * 154 MAXCNT EQU 36 155 TMCTRL EQU OEAH * * CHIP ENABLE BITS =0024 =OOEA EQU EQU EQU EQU EOL 70H OFH 70H OFH 8011 iSECONDS TEN'S DIGIT iSECONDS ONE'S DIGIT iMINUTES TEN'S DIGIT iMINUTES ONE'S DIGIT i12/24 HOUR MODE IS BIT 7 OF HOURS iAM/PM FLAG IS BIT 5 OF HOU~ ;24 HOUR MODE TEN'S DIGIT ;12 HOUR MODE TEN'S DIGIT iHOURS O~E'S DIGIT iDAY MASK iDATE TEN'S DIGIT iDATE ONE'S DIGIT iMONTH TEN'S DIGIT iMONTH ONE'S DIGIT iYEARS TEN'S DIGIT iYEARS ONE'S DIGIT iTIMER MAXIMUM COUNT iTIMER CONTROL BYTE • =0001 =0002 159 DATA EQU 01H iDATA 8IT IS BIT 0 EQU 02H 160 CE 1 iCHIP ENABLE BIT IS BIT 1 * • PARITY FOR TRANSMITTER =OOFE 104 PARITY * EQU OFEH iPARITY (BIT 0) IS 'SPACE' * =0008 =00A2 =OOBO =0 OB 1 168 1b9 170 171 * SERIAL PORT VALUES * EQU OSH BAUD XMIT EQU OA2H RCV EQU 080H RCVI EQU 08111 = ;BAUD RATE 9000 ;TRANSMIT COMMAND iRECIEVE COMMAND iRECIEVE W/INTERUPT * =0000 =0002 =008F =008E =OOSF =OOBE 175 176 177 178 179 180 * CLOCK/RAM VALUES * CRCTRL EQU OOH CRCHIP EQU 02H RDSTAT EQU 8FH WRSTAT EQU BEH RDCLK EQU OeFH WRCLK EQU OBEI1 VI-42 ;CLK/RAM CONTROL BYTE ;CLK/RAM CHIP ENABLE BYTE jREAD eLK/RAM STATUS iWRITE CLK/RAM STATUS iREAD CLOCK REGISTERS ;WRITE CLOCK REGISTERS :LOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3B70 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 _DC 08J.COOE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS * * * INITIALIZATION * * * ********.*.******* * * FUNCTION: * THIS IS THE START OF THE DEMO PROGRAM. WHEN THE * MICROCOMPUTER RESETS DUE TO POWER UP OR A HARDWARE * (PUSH BUTTON) RESET9 THIS CODE IS ENTERED. THE * INITIALIZATION CONSISTS OF CLEARING ALL SCRATCH PAD * REGISTERS, SETTING UP THE CHIP ENABLE PARAMETER, * SETTING THE SERIAL PORT BAUD RATE AND PARITY, * AND CHECKING IF THE CLOCK DATA IS VALID. IF IT IS * NOT VALIC, THE ROUTINE CONTINUE ON TO SET THE CLOCK. * OTHERWISE, THE DATA IS ASSUMED OK. * * ENTRY STATUS: (1000 (1000 0001 0002 0003 a004 0005 0006 JOoa 70 OB 70 5C OA IF 213F 94F8 JOOA 2002 Jooe 51 )000 )OOF )010 ) 0 12 200B BC 209 210 211 212 213 21'+ 21'5 216 217 221 222 226 20FE 227 228 8E 229 )013 2B02AE )016 '+7 )011 F7 235 236 231 )018 B169 238 * THE CPU HAS BEEN RESET. * * EXIT STATUS: * IF THE CLOCK DATA IS VALID, THEN THE ROUTINE EXITS * TO THE DATA OK ROUTINE. OTHERWISE, THE ROUTINE * EXITS TO THE SET CLOCK ROUTINE. * * CLEAR SCRATCH PAD * ORG OOOOH CLR ;CLEAR ALL SCRATCH PAD IS,A INIT lR ;PUT POINTER INTO ISAR CLR ;CLEAR THAT LOACTION ; LR StA lR ;BUMP POINTER AdS ;BUMP POINTER INC ISMASK NI ;MASK TO 6 BITS ;GO IF NOT DONE BNZ IN!T * * SET UP CLOCK/RAM SUBROUTINE PARAMETERS. * LI LR CRCHIP CHIPEN,A ; SET CLK/RAM CHIP ENABLE * * I NIT ALIlE SERIAL PORT PARAMETERS. * BAUD ; SET SERIAL SAUD RATE LI ; GLTS RXCTRl ; SET PAR ITY TO 'SPACE' PARITY LI OUTS MSBYTE * * CHECK IF CLOCK/RAM HAS JUST BEEN POWERED UP. IF SO, * INITIALIZE AND SET THE CLOCK. IF NOT, THEN THE CLOCK * DATA SHOULD 5£ VALID. * PI STATRD ;REAO ClK/RAM STATUS A,CTRl LR ;CHECK WRITE PROTECT BIT NS CTRL BP DATAOK ;BRANCH IF DATA GOOD VI-43 CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE f8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 lOC OBJ.COD£ STMT-NR SQURC£-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ASS • • • CLOCK/RAM JUST POWERED UP, SO INITAlIZE IT. OOIA 280286 242 0010 29006C 2it3 PI JMP VI-44 STAHIR SETClK ;WRITE ClK/RAM STATUS ;SET CLOCK JEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 OBJ.COD€ STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS _OCK/~AM )C •• ***.*** ••• **** •• * •••• **.***.***** * * TIMER INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE *" * " *" FUNCTION: * THE TIMER INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE IS ENTERED EVERY * TIME THE HARDWARE TIMER TIMES OUT (APPROXIMATELY * EVERY 1/36 SECONDS.) THE TIMER COUNTER IS " OECREMENTED TO DETERMINE IF 1 SECOND HAS PASSED * SINCE THE LAST SCREEN UPDATE. IF NOT, THE ROUTINE * TERMINATES. IF SO, NEW DATA IS READ FROM THE CLOCK/ " RAM AND THE SCREEN IS UPDATED. "" ENTRY STATUS: * THE TIMER HAS TIMED OUT. " * EXIT STATUS: * IF 1 SECOND HAS NOT PASSED, THEN THE COUNTER IS no 08 )21 00 1122 os 323 01 ~20 ~24 iJ7 269 2.70 271 272 273 274 " DECREMENTED. OTHERwISE, THE COLNTER IS RESET AND * THE NEW TIME IS READ FFROM THE CLOCK/RAM AND " PRINTED. * ORG 0020H K,P ;SAVE STACK LR A,KU LR QU,A LR A,KL LR QL,A LR " " )25 36 )26 941C 128 12A 128 12E 131 134 137 13A 130 2024 56 2802C1 2dOlA,,+ 2801CO 2801CC 2J'l01F7 2A05EB 28029F 278 CHECK IF 1 SECOND HAS PASSED SINCE LAST INTERRUPT. * 279 284 285 286 2137 OS BNZ TIMCNT FINISH ; DECREMENT COUNT iBRANCH IF NOT ZERO * * IT HAS, SO RE SET COuNTER, R£AD NEW CLOCK DATA AND " DISPLAY IT. * LI LR PI PI PI PI PI DCI PI 288 289 290 291 292 MAXCNT THCNT,A CLKRD AMP~OT DAYOT OATEeT TI MEOT HOME OUHSG lRESET COUNT lREAD CLOCK REGISTERS jPRINT AM/PM MESSAGE ;PRINT DAY lPRINT DATE ;PRINT TIME iSEND CURSOR HOME " " PUT SERIAL PORT BACK IN RECEIVE MODE AND RETURN * FROM INTERRUPT. 140 2081 142 BD 43 13 44 OD " 297 298 299 FI NISH 300 RCVI OUTS RXSTAT ;ENABLE RCV INTERUPT £1 iENABLE INTERUPTS jRETURN LI LR po,c; VI-45 CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 lOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS ************************************** * * * RECEIVER INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE * * * ************************************** * * FUNCTION: * THE RECEIVER INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE IS ENTERED * EVERY TIME A CHARACTER IS RECEIVED IN THE SERIAL * PORT. THE CHARACTER IS CHECKED FOR 'DC3' (CONTROL * S). IF NOT A 'CC3'9 THEN THE ROUTINE IS TERMINATED. * OTHERWISE, THE USER IS ALLOWED TO SET THE CLOCK * VALUES. * * ENTRY STATUS: * A CHARACTER HAS BEEN RECEIVED FROM THE KEYBOARD • • * EXIT STATUS: * IF THE CHARACTER WAS NOT A 'DC3', THEN A RETURN 0060 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 08 00 06 01 07 324 325 326 327 328 329 * FROM INTERRUPT IS DONE. OTHERWISE, THE ROUTINE * EXITS TO THE SET CLOCK ROUTINE. * ORG LR LR LR LR LR 0060H K,P A,KU QU,A A.KL QLtA * • THIS KEY FOUND • * 334 PI INCHR2 335 CI DC3 BNZ FINISH 336 ;SAVE STACK * CHECK FOR 'DC3' FROM KEYBOARD. SET THE CLOCK IF 0065 280287 0068 2513 006A 9408 * ;GET CHARACTER ; CHECK FOR 'DC3' ;BRANCH IF NOT * WAS 'OC3', SO FALL THROUGH TO SET CLOCK. VI-46 CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OBJ.COOE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS .***************. • • • • • SET THE CLOCK • ***************** • • FUNCTION: • THIS ROUTINE ALLO~S THE USER TO SET THE CLOCK AND • CALENDAR SETTINGS. • • ENTRY STATUS: • EITHER THE CLOCK DATA WAS INVALID AT POWER UP OR • THE USER ENTERED A 'DC3' FROM THE KEYBOARD. • • EXIT STATUS: • ALL CLOCK/CALENDAR SETTINGS ARE SET. 006C 68 0060 62 006E 2800AB 0071 280126 OOH 280096 0077 810~ 0079 2800BC 001C 280000 007F 2802C9 * 357 SETCLK 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 SEll 365 LISL LISU PI PI PI BP PI PI PI SECOND.AND.7 ;POINT TO CLOCK BUFFER SECONO.SHR.3 ; DAVIN ;SET DAY OF WEEK ;SET DATE IN CALENDAR DATEIN ;SET 12/2~ HOUR MODE MOCEIN SEll ;BRANCH IS 24 HOUR MODE AMPPIIN ; SET AM/PM flAG TIMEIN ;SET TIME IN CLOCK ;WRITE DATA TO CLOCK CLKWR * • CLOCK NOW SET, SO FALL THROUGH TO START INTERRUPTS. VI-47 CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STHT PASS2 DEMO DEHO DEMO ABS ************************* * * * SET UP FOR INTERRUPTS * * * ************************* * * * * * * FUNCTION: THIS ROUTINE INITIALIZES THE TIMER AND SERIAL PORT AND EN~BLES INTERRUPTS. ENTRY STATUS: * EITHER THE DATA WAS VALID AT POWER UP, OR THE CLOCK * HAS JUST BEEN SET. * * EXIT STATUS: * THE TIMER AND RECEIVER INTERRUPTS ARE THE ONLY EXIT. 0082 0083 0084 0086 0087 0089 008A 0080 0090 0092 * 70 B7 2024 56 20EA B6 386 OATAOK 387 388 389 390 2A02DF 392 393 394 395 396 397 STOP 28029F 2081 BO 0093 18 0094 90FF 391 CLR OUTS TIMER MAXCNT LI LR TIMCNTtA TMCTRl LI OUTS TICTRL OCI SIGNON PI OUTMSG LI ReVI OUTS RXSTAT E1 BR STOP VI-48 ; CLEAR TIMER ; ;SET COUNTER ;SET TIMER CONTROL ; ;PRINT HATURES ; iENABLE RCV INTERUPT iENABLE INTERUPTS iWAIT FOR 1NTERUPT CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASS~. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS ******.*********************.**** •• * * * * 12/24 HOUR MODE INPUT SUBROUTINE * * * ************************************ * * FUNCTION: * * 12 OR 24 HOUR FORMAT. THE ANSWER IS AQUIRED, AND THE PROPER MODE IS SET. * THIS SUBROUTINE ASKS THE USER IF THE MODE IS TO BE * * ENTRY STATUS: * NONE. * * * 0096 00'37 0098 0099 O09A 009B 009E OOA1 OOA2 OOA5 00A6 00A7 OOAa 00A9 OOAA 08 00 06 01 07 2A0611 28029F * 416 MODEIN 417 418 419 420 421 if 22 6A 423 28023'+ '+24 425 '+26 427 428 429 430 15 13 13 13 5C 00 EXIT STATUS: THE MODE IS SET FOR 12 OR 24 HOUR OPERATION. LR LR LR LR LR DCI PI LISL PI SL SL SL SL LR LR K,P AtKU QU,A A,KL QLtA MODMSG OUTMSG HOUR.AND.7 o IGIT2 4 ;SAVE STACK ;PRINT MODE MESSAGE ;POINT TO HOURS ;GET DIGIT (0-1) ; PUT INTO BIT 7 1 1 1 S.A pate VI-49 ;STORE IT AT HOURS ;RETURN CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3810 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC DBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS * * * DAY INPUT SUBROUTINE * * * ************************ * * FUNCTION: * THIS SUBROUTINE ASKS THE USER FOR THE DAY AND * INPUTS THE ANSWER. * * ENTRY STATUS: * NONE. * OOAB OOAC OOAD OOAE OOAF OOBO OOB~ 0086 0087 OOBA OOBB OB HB 00 06 01 01 2A05FO 28029F 68 2B0222 5C 00 449 450 '+51 '+52 453 '+54 455 456 457 458 * EXIT STATUS: * THE DAY OF THE WEEK IS * K,P DAYIN LR A,KU LR QU,A LR A,KL LR LR GL.A DCI DA H'SG OUTMSG PI LISL OAY.AND.l OIGIl7 PI S,A lR PO,Q lR VI-50 IN THE DAY BUFFER. ;SAVE STACK ; ;PRINT DAY MESSAGE ;POINT TO DAY ; GET DIGIT (1-1) ;STORE IT AT DAY ;RETURN CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS ***.*********** ••• ******.******** * * .* AM/P~ * SELECT INPUT SUBROUTINE * ******t****.****~************* * ••• * * * * * FUNCTION: THIS SUBROUTINE ASKS THE USER FOR THE AM OR PM SETTING. THE ANSWER IS AQUIRED AND THE PROPER MODE IS SET. THIS ROUTINE IS CALLED IN THE 12 HOUR * MODE ONLY. * * ENTRY STATUS: * NONE. * * EXIT STATUS: * THE AM/PM FLAG IS SET OR RESET IN THE HOUR BUFFER. OOBC OOBD DOBE DOBF OOCO OOCI 00C4 DOC7 00C8 00C8 OOCC OOCO OOCE OOCF 08 00 0& 01 * H8 AMPMIN EC 5C 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 '+88 '+89 490 00 491 07 2A0631 28029F 6A 280234 15 13 LR LR LR LR LR DCI PI LISL PI SL SL XS LR LR K,P . iSAVE STACK A,KU QU,A A,KL QL,A AMPMSG ;PRINT AM/PM MESSAGE OUTMSG HOUR.AND.7 ;POINT TO HOURS ,GET DIGIT (0-1) DIGIT2 ;PUT INTO BIT 5 '+ 1 ; S S,A ;STORE IT AT HOURS PO,Q ;RETURN VI-51 CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS **.********************** * * * TIME INPUT SUBROUTINE * * * ************* •• * •• ****~** 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0008 08 00 06 !l1 07 2A0648 28029F * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FUNCTION: THIS SUBROUTINE ASKS THE USER FOR THE TIME. IT INPUTS THE TIME AND SETS THE CLOCK UP ACCORDINGLY. THE TIME IS INFUT IN THE HR:MIN:SEC FORMAT. lEADING ZEROS MUST BE INPUT. ENTRY STATUS: NONE. EXIT STATUS: fHE TIME OF DAY IS SET IN THE HOUR, MINUTE. AND SECOND BUFFER. 512 TIMEIN 513 514 515 516 517 518 LR lR LR LR LR DCI PI K,P A,KU QU,A A,KL Ql,A TIMMSG OUTMSG ;SAVE STACK ; ;PRINT TIME MESSAGE * * CHECK IF 12 OR 24 HOUR MODE. OODB OODC 0000 OODE OOEO 00E3 00E5 00E6 00E7 00E8 00E8 OOEC OOED OOEF 00F2 OOFit OOF7 OOF8 00F9 OOF8 OOFO 0100 6A 4C FC 8115 280234 840B 15 EC 5C 280239 EC 5C 901B" 28022A 90F8 280239 15 5C 2520 B408 280240 EC 522 523 524 525 * LISL LR NS BP HOUR.AND.7 A,S ;POINT TO HOURS ;CHECK IF 24 HOUR MODE S ; HOUR24 ;BRANCH IF SO * * 12 HOUR MODE, SO VALID HOURS ARE 01-12. * 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 HOURi 536 537 538 HOUROX 539 PI BZ SL XS LR PI XS LR BR PI BR DIGIT2 HOUROX 4 S StA DIGIT3 S S,A MIN DIGIT9 HOURl GET CIGIT (0-1) ;BRANCH IF 0 ENTERED ;STORE IT AT TENS ; GET DIGIT (0-2) ;STORE IT AT UNITS ;GO TO MINUTES ; GET DIGIT (1-9) ;STORE IT AND CONTINUE * * 21t HOUR MODE, SC VALID HOURS ARE 00-23. * (0-2) 5lt3 HOUR21t 5'14 5lt5 546 51f7 548 5lt9 HOUR2 PI Sl LR CI BZ PI DIGIT3 4 S,A TWC.SHL.4 HOUR2X DIGITO XS S VI-52 ; GET DIGIT ;STORE IT AT TENS ; ;SEE IF DIGIT WAS '2' iBRANCH IF SO ; GET DIGIT (0-9) ;STORE IT AT UNITS CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 ~ACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS 0101 0102 010'+ 0107 5C 9006 28023E 90F8 550 551 552 HOUR2X 553 LR BR PI BR S,A MIN DIGIT. HOUR2 iGO TO MINUTES iGET DIGIT (0-3) iSTORE AND CONTINUE * * VALID MINUTES ARE 00-59. 0109 010C 0100 0110 0111 0112 0115 0116 0117 OllA OllB 011E ollF 0120 0123 012'+ 0125 * 28026A 69 280243 15 5C 28024D 557 MIN 558 559 560 561 562 £C 563 5C 564 28026A £:.3 280243 15 5C 2802'+0 EC 5C 00 568 569 570 571 572 573 PI LISL PI SL LR PI XS LR OUTCOL iPRINT COLON SEPARATOR MINUTE.AND.7 ;POINT TO MINUTES DI6IT6 iGET DIGIT (0-5) '+ iSTORE IT AT TENS S,A DIGIlO i GET DIGIT (0-3) S ;STORE IT AT UNITS S,A * * VALID SECONDS ARE 00-59 * PI LISL PI SL lR 57'+ 515 PI XS LR 576 lR VI-53 DUTCOL iPRINT COLON SEPARATOR SECOND.AND.7 ;POINT TO SECONDS. DIGIT6 ;GET DIGIT (0-5) 4 iSTORE IT AT TENS S,A i ; GET DIGIT (0-9) DIGITO iSTORE IT AT UNITS S ; StA PO,G ; RETURN CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OBd.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE·STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS •••••• * ••• * ••••••••• * •••• • • • DATE INPUT SUBROUTINE • • • • • • • • FUNCTION: THIS SUBROUTINE ASKS THE USER FOR THE DATE. IT INPUTS THE DATE AND SETS THE CALENDAR ACCORDINGLY. THE DATE IS INPUT IN THE YR:MNTH:DAY FORMAT. LEADING ZEROS MUST BE INPUT. *****.******* •• * •• ******. * • ENTR Y ST HUS: • NONE. • • EXIT STATUS: • THE DATE IS IN THE YEAR, MONTH, AND DATE BUFFER. 0126 0127 0128 0129 012A 012B 012E 08 00 06 01 07 2A05FD 28029F • 596 DAfEIN 597 598 599 600 601 602 • • 0131 6E 0132 280240 0135 15 0136 5C 0137 280240 . OUA EC 0138 5C 013C 013F 0140 0143 0144 0145 o1't1 28026A 60 280234 15 5C 8408 280239 EC 5C 9006 28022A 014A 014B 014C 014E 0151 90F8 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 • • • • • 0153 28026A • K,P A,KU QU,A A,KL QL,A DATMSG OunSG ;SAVE STACK ;PRINT DATE MESSAGE VALID YEARS ARE 00-99. LISL PI SL LR PI XS LR YEAR.AND.7 DIGITO 4 S,A DIGnO s ;POINT TO YEAR ; GET DIGIT (0-9) ;STORE IT AT TENS ; ; GET DIGIT (0-9) ;STORE IT AT UNITS S,A VALID MONTHS ARE 01-12. 616 617 618 613 620 &21 622 623 MONTHl 624 625 626 MNTHOX 627 • • • • LR LR LR LR LR DCI PI PI LISL PI SL LR B2 PI XS LR BR PI 8R OUTCOL MONTH.AND.7 DIGIT2 '+ S,A MNTHOX DIGIT3 S S,A DDATE DIGIT9 MONTH1 ;PRINT COLON SEPARATER ;POINT TO MONTH ; GET DIGIT (0-1) ;STORE IT AT TENS .• ;BRANCH IF DIGIT IS '0' ; GET DIGIT (0-2) ;STORE IT AT UNITS ; ;GO TO DATE ; GET DIGIT <1-9) ;STORE AND CONTINUE CHECK MONTH. IF MONTH IS FEBURARY, ALLOW 28 OR 29 DAYS IN THE MONTH. IF MONTH IS APRIL, dUNE, SEPTEMBER OR NOVEMBER, ALLOW 30 DAYS IN THE MONTH. FOR OTHER MONTHS, ALLOW 31 DAYS. 63'+ ooATE PI OUTCOL VI-54 ;PRINT COLON SEPARATOR CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OSJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-8TMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ASS 0156 4E 0157 2502 0159 842f LR CI BZ 635 636 637 A,e FEB FEBXX ;GET MONTH, POINT DATE ;CHECK IF 'FEBRUARY' ;BRANCH IF SO * * NOT FEBRUARY, SO ALLOW 30 OR 31 DAYS. 015B 28023E 015E 15 015F 5C 641 0160 840B 0162 2530 644 01M 840C 0166 0169 016A 016B 016C 016F * 642 6li3 645 646 28024D 647 DDATE3 EC 5C 648 ODATE1 649 00 28022A 650 651 OAYOX 90F9 652 PI SL LR BZ CI BZ PI XS LR LR PI BR DIGIT'+ ; GET DIGIT (0-3) 4 iSTORE IT AT TENS S,A DAYOX THREE.SHL.4 DAnx OIGITO S StA PO,Q 01 GIT9 OOATE1 ;BRANCH IF DIGIT WAS 0 ;CHECK IF DIGIT WAS '3' ;BRANCH IF SO ; GE T 0 I GIT ( 0-9 ) ;STORE IT AT UNITS ; ;RETURN ;GET DIGIT (1-9) ;STORE AND RETURN * * CHECK FOR APRIL, JUNE, SEPTEMBER AND NOVEMBER. 0171 0172 01H 0175 0175 0119 017A * 60 656 OA OX 200li 657 55 4E 2A02DB 658 80 8'+09 661 OLOOP 017C 35 0170 94fB 017F 28023't 659 660 662 663 664 665 LISL MONTH.AND.7 ;POINT TO MONTH '+ ;LOOP COUNT '+ LI LR LR OCI CM BZ OS BNZ PI DcaUNT,A AtO TAB30 DAno DcaUNT OLeop OIGIT2 = ;GET MONTH, POINT DATE ;POINT TO 30-0AY TABLE ;CHECK IF IN TABLE ,BRANCH If SO ,DECREMENT COUNT ;BRANCH IF NOT DONE ;GET DIGIT (0-1) * 0182 90E6 0184 28022F 0187 90E1 * 31 DAY MONTH, SO ALLOW DAYS OF 01-31. * ;STORE AND RETURN 669 BR DOATE! * * 30 DAY MONTH, SC ALLOW DAYS OF 01-30. 613 * DAY30 674 PI BR DIGITI DOATEI * ;GET DIGIT (0) ;STORE AND RETURN * FEBRUARY, SO ALLOw 28 OR 0189 28023'3 018C 15 0180 5C 018E 84DO 0190 2520 0192 9,+03 0191+ 5E 0195 4C 0196 OC * 29 DAYS. 678 FEBXX 679 680 681 PI DIGIT3 SL '+ iGET DIGIT (0-2) ;STORE IT AT TENS LR 682 CI BNZ S,A OAYOX TWG.SHL.4 DDATE3 ;BRANCH IF DIGIT WAS a ;CHECK IF DIGIT WAS '2' ;BRANCH IF NOT 683 687 688 689 0197 2113 690 0199 84CC 691 8Z * * CHECK IF IT IS A LEAP YEAR. * ;POINT TO YEAR LISL YEAR.AND.7 A,S ;G£T YEAR LR ;POINT TO DATE LISL DATE.AND.7 LEAP1 iCHECK IF LEAP YEAR NI .BRANCH IF IT IS DDATE3 BZ VI-55 F8/3a10 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2'DEMO LOC 08.1.CODE DEMO DEMO ASS 019B 2312 0190 8~C8 692 693 XI BZ LEAP2 DDATE3 ;CHECK AGAIN ; BRANCH IF IT IS * 019F 2802~8 01A2 90C6 691 698 * NOT A LEAP YEAR, S C ALLOW DAYS OF 01-28. * PI BR VI-56 DIGIT8 DDATEl ; GET DIGIT (0-8) ;STORE AND RETURN CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS * * * AM/PM PRINT SU8ROUTINE * * * **** ••• *****.*.*.* ••• ***** * * FUNCTION: * THIS SUBROUTINE PRINTS THE MESSAGE 'GOOD MORNING' * IF THE AM/PM BIT IS CLEAR, OR 'GOOD AFTERNOOD' IF * THE AM/PM BIT IS SET. * * ENTRY STATUS: * THE MODE AND AM/PM 8ITS MUST BE IN THE HOUR BUFFER. * * EXIT STATUS: * IF THE MeDE IS 12 HOUR, THEN THE 'GOOD MORNING' OR * 'GOOD AFTERNOON' MESSAGE WAS PRINTED (DEPENDING ON * THE STATUS OF THE AM/PM BIT.) OTHERWISE, THE FIRST * LINE OF THE CRT WAS 8LANKED. OlH 08 OlAS 2A05l2 01A8 28029F OlAB 6A OlAC IfC DIAD FC alAE 3110 OlBO 0181 01B2 018 '+ 0187 01B9 olBC OlBF 13 13 810b 2A0527 9004 2A0519 28029F OC * 720 AMPMOT 721 722 727 728 729 730 LR DCI PI K,P GOODPT OUTMSG ;SAVE STACK ;CURSOR TO LINE 1 * * CHECK IF IN 12 OR 24 HOUR MODE. SKIP THIS * ROUTINE IF 24 HOUR MODE. * llSL LR NS BP HOUR.AND.7 A,S S ML TRYl ;POINT TO HOURS ;CHECK 12/24 HOUR BIT ;SET FLAGS ;BRANCH IF 24 HOUR * * 12 HOUR MODE, SO CHECK AM/PM FLAG. PRINT 'GOOD * MORNING' IF AM, 'GOOD AFTERNOON' IF PM. * 735 736 737 738 739 740 AMPMI 741 AMPM2 742 ML TRYl SL SL BP DCI BR DCI PI PK 1 ;CHECK AM/PM FLAG 1 AMPMI GDAFTR AMPM2 GDMORN OUHSG VI-57 ;BRANCH IF AM ;POINT TO PM MSG ; CONTINUE ;POINT TO AM MSG ;PRINT MESSAGE ;RETURN CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ASS ~*****.***************** * * DAY PRINT SUBRCUTINE * * * * ***********************. * * FUNCTION: * THIS SUBROUTINE PRINTS THE DAY. * * ENTRY ST ATUS: * THE DAY OF THE WEEK MUST BE IN THE DAY BUFFER. * * EXIT STATUS: 01CO 01C1 DICit 01Cl 01C8 01C8 08 2A0537 28029F 6B 280295 ac * THE DAY IS PRINTED ON THE CRT. * 759 DAYOT 760 761 762 763 76'+ LR DCI PI LISL PI PK VI-58 K,P OAYPT OUTMSG OAY.AND.7 FNDCUT ;SAVE STACK ;CURSOR TO LINE 3 ; ;POINT TO DAY ;PRINT DAY MESSAGE ;RETURN CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS . ****************A***** ••• .. * DATE PRINT SUBROUTINE .. * .. ****************.******** .. * FUNCTION: .. THIS SUBROUTINE PRINTS THE DATE • . .. .. .. * * .. .. OlCC 08 OlCD 2A0516 0100 28029F 0103 60 * 4C 2110 IfC 8405 210F OlOC 2'+OA OlDE 5C OlDF 01[2 01[3 01E6 01E9 01EC 01EF 01FO 280295 6C 280278 28027E 2A05DF 28029F oE 280278 01F3 28027E 01F6 OC EXIT ST ATUS: THE DATE IS PRINTED ON THE CRT • 782 DATEOT 783 184 785 .... 0104 0105 0107 0108 01DA ENTRY STATUS: THE DATE MUST BE IN THE YEAR, MONTH, AND DATE BUFFERS. 789 805 806 807 808 809 K,P ;SAVE STACK DATEPT ;CURSOR TO LINE 5 OUTMSG MONTH.ANO.7 ;POINT TO MONTH MAKE BCD MONTH BINARY • 790 791 192 793 794 795 DATEI 800 801 802 803 80lf LR DCI PI LISL LR NI LR BZ NI AI LR * * FIND MONTH * THEN PRINT * PI LISL PI PI DCI PI LISL PI PI PK VI-59 A,S TENSCD A,S DATEI MNLSD TEN S,A ;GET MONTH ;SEE IF MONTH> 9 ;RECALL MONTH ;BRANCH IF <= '" ;KEEP ONLY LSD ;AOO 10 ;PUT IT ALL BACK IN MESSAGE AREA AND PRINT IT. DATE ANC YEAR. FNDOUT DATE. AND. 7 OUTMSO OUTLSD SEPAR OUTMSG YEAR.ANO.7 OUT~SD ;PRINT MONTH ;POINT TO DATE ;PRINT DATE ;PRINT SEPARATER ;POINT TO YEAR ,PRINT YEAR OUTLSD ;RETURN CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSH. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT·PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS *************.***.******* • * • TIME PRINT SUBROUTINE. • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • FUNCTION: • THIS SUBROUTINE PRINTS THE TIME. • • ENTRY STATUS: • THE TIME MUST 8E IN THE HOUR, MINUTE, AND SECOND • BUFFERS. • • EXIT STATUS: • THE TIME IS PRINTED ON THE CRT. 01F7 08 01F8 2A0'5E4 01F8 28029F • 827 TI MEOT 828 829 • lR DCI PI K,P TI MEPT OUTMSG ;SAVE STACK ;CURSOR TO LINE 7 • CHECK IF 12 OR 24 HOUR MODE. FOR 12 HOUR MODE, • FLAGS MUST BE STRIPPED FROM HOURS BYTE. 01H 6A 01FF 0200 0201 0203 0204 0206 4C FC 8105 4C 211F 5C 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 • • LISl lR NS BP lR NI LR HOUR.AND.l ;POINT TO HOURS A,S ;CHECK 12/24 HOUR BIT S ; MLTRY2 ;BRANCH IF 24 HOUR A,S ;STRIP FLAGS FROM HOURS HRIMSD+HRLSD ; S,A • PRINT HOURS, MINUTES AND SECONDS. 0207 020A 0200 0210 0211 0214 0217 021A 0218 021E 0221 280278 28027E 28026A 69 280278 28027E 28026A 68 280278 28021£ OC • 844 ML TRY2 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 PI PI PI LISL PI PI PI LISL PI PI PK VI-60 OUTMSD ;PRINT HOURS OUnSD OUTCOL ;PRINT COLON MINUTE.AND.7 ;POINT TO MINUTES OUTMSD ;PRINT MINUTES OUTLSD OUTCOL ;PRINT COLON SECOND.AND.7 ;POINT TO SECONDS OUTMSD ;PRINT SECONDS OUTLSD ; ;RETURN CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3d70 ~ACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC 08J.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMt PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS ************************ * * * GET DIGIT SUBRCUTINE * * * ****.*****.****** ••• **** • • FUNCTION: * THIS SUBROUTINE, ~ITH IT'S VARIOUS ENTRY POINTS, * GETS A DIGIT FROM THE KEYBOARD AND ECHOS IT TO THE * CRT. * * ENTRY STATUS: * THE RANGE IS SPECIFIED BY A CALL TO THE APPROPRIATE * ENTRY POINT. • * NORMAL EXIT STATUS: * THE DIGIT IS ECHOED TO THE CRT, AND RETURNED * IN A AS A BINARY VALUE. * * ERROR EXIT STATUS: * THE CHARACTER IS ~OT ECHOED TO THE CRT, AND THE • ROUTINE LOOPS BACK FOR ANOTHER CHARACTER UNTIL * A CHARACTER THAT IS IN THE RANGE IS INPUT. * 0222 0223 0225 0228 08 2007 2A02D2 902A 022A 08 0228 2009 0220 90F7 022F 08 0230 2001 0232 9010 882 883 884 885 * GET DIGIT (1-7) SUBROUTINE * LR K,P 01 GIT7 ;SAVE STACK ;COUNT :: 7 LI SEVEN OCI TAB19 ;POINT TO SECOND TABLE DGT BR DIGITT i GO GET A DIGIT • • GET DIGIT (1-9) SUBROUTINE * 889 DIGIT9 LR KtP iSAVE STACK ;COUNT :: '3 890 LI NINE 891 BR DGT ; GO G£T A DIGIT • * GET DIGIT * 895 01 GIll LR 896 LI 897 BR (0) SUBROUTINE K,P ONE DIGIT ;SAVE STACK iCOUNT :: 1 ;GO GET A DIGIT * * GET DIGIT (0-1) SUBROUTINE • K,P TWO 01 GIT 0234 08 0235 2002 0237 9018 901 DIGIT2 LR 902 903 LI 0239 08 023A l003 023C 9013 * GET DIGIT (0-2) SUBROUTINE * K,P ;SAVE STACK 907 01 GIT3 LR ;COUNT :: :3 908 LI THREE OIGIT ;60 GET A DIGIT 909 BR • BR • iSAVE STACK ;COUNT :: 2 ; GO GET A DIGIT • GET DIGIT (0-3) SUBROUTINE * VI-61 CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/387a MACRO CROSS ASSH. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS 023E 08 023F 200lt 02H 900E 913 01 GITit 9H 915 LR LI BR K,P FOUR DIGIT ;SAVE STACK iCOUNT If ; GO GET A DIGIT = * * GET DIGIT (0-5) SUBROUTINE OH3 08 02H 2006 0246 9009 * 919 DIGIT6 920 921 LR LI BR K,P SIX DIGIT ; SAVE STACK ;COUNT 6 ; GO GET A DIGIT = * * GET DIGIT (0-8) SUBROUTINE 0248 08 0249 2009 OHB 9004 * 925 01 GIT8 926 lR 927 BR LI K,P NINE DIGIT ;SAVE STACK ;COUNT: 9 ; GO GET A DIGIT * * GET DIGIT (0-9) 0240 08 OHE 200A 0250 2A02D1 • 931 DIGITO 932 933 DIGIT LR Ll DCI K,P TEN TAB09 ;SAVE STACK ;COUNT : 10 iPOINT TO 0-9 TABLE * * SAVE COUNT AND POINTER IN CASE A CHARACTER IS • ENTERED WHICH IS NOT WITHIN RANGE. 0253 51+ 025'+ 0255 0256 0251 025A 025B 0250 025E 11 55 10 280283 80 8lt07 35 'HFB 0260 1+'+ 0261 90F3 026! 02E6 0267 0269 280260 43 210F ac * 938 01 GITT 939 'HO DGTBAo 9H 91+2 LR LR LR LR PI CM B.Z OS BNZ LR BR CNTSAV.A H,DC DCOUNT.A DC,H INCHR 943 DGTLOP 9H OGTCK 945 OCCUNT DGTLOP 946 A,CNTSAV 9H 948 DGTBAD * * GOT A VALID CHARACTER, • AND MAKE IT BINARY. * OUTCHR 953 DGTOK PI 95'+ LR A.TEMP 955 NI LSD 956 PK VI-62 ;SAVE COUNT FOR ERROR ;SAVE POINTER FOR ERROR ;SAVE COUNT iPOINT TO TABLE ;GET A CHARACTER ;SEE IF IT IS IN TABLE ;BRANCH IF IT IS ;DECREMENT COUNT ;BRANCH IF NOT DONE ;RESET COUNTER ;TRY AGAIN SO ECHO IT TO SCREEN ;ECHO CHARACTER ;MAKE IT BCD ;RETURN CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS .*.***********************.**** * * * CHARACTER OUTPUT SUBROUTINE * * * ******************************. * * * * * * * * * * * FUNCTION: THIS SUBROUTINE, WITH IT'S VARIOUS ENTRY POINTS, OUTPUTS THE SPECIFIED CHARACTER TO THE CRT. ENTRY STATUS: THE CHARACTER TO BE OUTPUT IS DETERMINED BY THE ENTRY POINT TO THE ROUTINE. EXIT STATUS: THE CHARACTER IS OUTPUT TO THE CRT. * * OUTPUT COLON SUBROUTINE 026A 203A 026C 53 0260 026F 0270 0271 0272 0273 0214 0275 0217 20A2 BD 43 13 BF AD 13 B1FO lC * I : t ;LOAD COLON INTO TEMP 977 OUTCOL LI TEMP,A 978 LR * * CHARACTER OUTPUT SUBROUTINE * * THE CHARAC TER IS OUTPUT FROM REGISTER TEMP. * 984 OUTCHR 985 986 987 988 989 LOOP1 990 991 992 LI OUTS LR SL OUTS INS SL BP POP XMIT RXS TA T A,TEMP 1 LSBYTE RXSTAT ;PUT INTO XMIT MODE ; GET CHARACTER ;START BIT 0 ; SEND IT ;WAIT TILL IT'S SENT = 1 LOOP1 ;RETURN * * OUTPUT MOST SIGNIFICANT DIGIT SUBROUTINE * * THE DIGIT IS OUTPUT FROM BITS 7-4 OF THE BYTE A * THE LOCATION POINTED TO BY ISAR. 0278 IfC 0219 14 027A 2230 onc 90EF 021E IfC 027F 210F 0281 90FB * 999 OUTMSD 1000 1001 ASCII 1002 LR SR 01 BR A,S ;GET MSD 4 030H OUTCOL+2 ; MAKE IT ASC II ;SEND IT OUT * * OUTPUT LEAST SIGNIFICANT DIGIT SUBROUTINE * * THE DIGIT IS OUTPUT FROM BITS 3-0 OF THE BYTE AT * THE LOCATION POINTED TO BY ISAR. * 1009 OUTLSD 1010 1011 LR NI BR A,S LSD ASCII VI-63 ;GET LSD ;MAKE IT ASCII AND PRINT CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 lOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS ****************************** * * * CHARACTER INPUT SUBROUTINE * *********.*.****t*************** * * FUNCTION: * THIS SUBROUTINE INPUTS A CHARACTER FROM THE * KEYBOARD. * * ENTRY STATUS: * NONE. * * EXIT STATUS: 0283 0285 0286 0287 0288 028A 028B 028C 0280 028E 028F 0290 0291 0292 0293 029'+ 20BO BO AF AD 81FE AF 14 12 12 53 AE 13 13 £3 S3 1C * THE CHARACTER IS RETURNED IN A IN ASCII FORMAT. * 1029 INCHR 1030 1031 1032 INCHR2 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 10'+0 1041 10'+2 10'+3 10'+'+ LI OUTS INS INS BP INS SR SR SR LR INS SL SL XS LR POP VI-64 RCV RXSTAT LSBYTE RXSTAT INCHR2 LSBYTE 4 1 1 TEMP,A MSBYlE 1 1 TEMP TEMPt A ;PUT INTO RCV MODE ; ;CLEAR READY BIT ;WAIT TILL INPUT READY ; ;GET BITS 1 AND 0 ;SAVE THEM ;GET BITS 7 THRU 2 ; ;MIX BITS INTO BYTE ;SAVE INPUT ; RETURN CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ASS **************************** .. .... .. PRINT MESSAGE SUBROUTINE .. ..************** •• ************ .. FUNCTION: .. THIS SUBROUTINE PRINTS THE MESSAGE WHOSE NUMBER I .. IN THE LOCATION AT THE POINTER • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ENTRY STATUS: ISAR MUST POINT TO THE LOCATION CONTAINING THE NUMBER OF THE MESSAGE TO BE PRINTED. (TYPICALLY THE NUMBER OF THE MONTH OR DAY.) DC MUST POINT TO THE START OF THE STRING OF MESSAGES. EACH MESSAGE MUST END WITH AN 'EOT' CHARACTER • .. EXIT STATUS: THE APPROPRIATE MESSAGE WAS PRINTED ON THE CRT • ... .. 0295 3C 0296 8408 02S8 16 0299 2504 0298 94FC 0290 90F7 1066 FNDOUT 1067 1068 FNOLCP 1069 1070 1071 .... OS 8Z LM CI BNZ BR S OUnSG EOT FNCLOP FNDOUT ; DECREMENT MSG COUNT ;BRANCH IF FOUND ;GET CHARACTER ;CHECK FOR END OF TEXT ;BRANCH IF NOT FOUND ;ELSE, CHECK COUNT MESSAGE LOCATED, SO FALL THROUGH TO PRINT IT. V/-65 ' CLOCK/RAM D~MONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 ~ACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS ..*** ••• .. ******.***~*********.** .. MESSAGE OUTPUT SUBROUTINE .. * .. .. ************.*.************** .. FUNCTION: .. THIS SUBROUTINE PRINTS THE MESSAGE STARTING AT .. POINTER • T~ .. .. ENTRY STATUS:. * DC MUST POINT TO THE START OF THE MESSAGE TO BE .. PRINTED. IT MUST END WITH AN 'EOT' CHARACTER • .. .. EXIT STATUS: .. THE MESSAGE IS PRINTED ON THE CRT • 029F 02A1 02A2 02AJ 02A5 02A 7 02A8 02A9 02AA 02AC 20A2 80 16 2304 84CD 13 BF AD 81H 90F5 . 1092 OUTMSG 1093 109lt LOOP3 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 LOOP4 1100 1101 LI OUTS LM CI Bl SL OUTS INS BP BR VI-66 XMIT RXSTAT EOT LoOPI 1 LSBYTE RXSTAT LOCP4 LOCP3 ;PUT INTO XMIT MODE ;GET CHARACTER ;CHECK FOR END OF TEXT ;BRANCH IF END ;START BIT 0 ;SENT CHARACTER ;WAIT TILL READY FOR NEXT ;BRANCH IF NOT READY ;NEXT CHARACTER = CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 ~ACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS ******** •••• * •• *.*************** • CLOCK/RAM SU8RCUTINE PATCHES * * * **************************** •• ** * FUNCTION: * THESE PATCHES ARE TO SET UP THE COMMAND REGISTER * FOR THE CLOCK/RAM SUBROUTINE. THE DIFFERENT ENTRY • POINTS SET UP CIFFERENT COMMANDS. * * ENTRY STATUS: • FOR WRITE COMMANDS, THE DATA MUST BE IN THE CLOCK * BUFFER AREAS. • • • * • • EXIT STATUS: THE DATA IS TRANSFERED BETWEEN SCRATCH PAD AND TH CLOCK/RAM. READ CLOCK/RAM STATUS SUBROUTINE • * READ CLOCK/RAM ST ATUS SUBRUTI NE 02A[ 02AF 0280 02B2 02B3 02B6 02B1 02B8 02BA 02B8 02BD 028E 60 6F 208F 52 29FFFF 60 6F 208E 52 2000 57 290284 • 1126 STATRD 1127 1128 1129 1130 • • • LISU CTRL.SHR.3 LISL CTRL.AND.7 RDSTA T LI CMD,A LR JMP CLKRAM ;POINT TO CTRL REG ; ;SET UP COMMAND ;EXECUTE IT WRITE CLOCK/RAM STATUS SUBROUTINE 1134 STATWR 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 IHO LISU LISL LI LR LI LR JMP CTRL.SHR.3 CTRL.AND.7 WRSTAT CMD,A CRCTRL CTRL,A CLKRAH ;POINT TO CTRL REG ; ;SET UP COMMAND ; ;SET UP CONTROL BYTE ; DECUTE IT * * READ CLOCK SUBROUTINE 02C1 02C2 02C3 02C5 02C6 62 68 20BF 52 2902BF 02C9 62 o2C A 68 02C8 208E 02CD 52 02CE 2902C 7 * 1141+ CLKRD IH5 1146 1147 1148 LISU LISL LI LR JMP SECOND.SHR.3 ;POINT TO CLOCK BUFFER SECOND.AND.7 ; SET UP COMMAND RDCLK CMO,A CLKRAM ;EXECUTE IT * * WRITE CLOCK SUBROUTINE * 1152 CLKWR 1153 1154 1155 1156 LISU SECOND.SHR.3 ;POINT TO CLOCK BUFFER LISL SECOND.AND.7 ; SET UP COMMAND WRCLK LI LR CMD,A JMP CLKRAM ; EXECUTE IT VI-67 CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2~2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS *****************. * * * * * PROGRAM TABLES * *******.*******.*. * * DIGIT CHECK TAeLE 0201 30 0202 31323334 35363738 * 1166 TAB09 1167 TAB19 DEfB '0' DEFB '1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8'.'9' 39 * * TABLE OF 30 DAY MONTHS 02DB 04060911 * 1171 TAB30 * **********.*.******* * * * PROGRAM MESSAGES * * ******************** * * FEATURES MESSAGE 02DF OC1B592A 20 02E'+ 2A2A2A2A 2A2A2A2A 2A2A2020 20202050 52455345 4E5H94E 47204D4F 5354454B 275320 0307 4E'I55720 4.HC4F43 4B2F521fl 40205045 52495048 4'552414C 20434849 50202020 20·20 0329 2A2A2A2A 2A2A2A2A 2A2A 0333 OOOAOAOA 0337 46'154154 55524553 3A 0340 OOOAO A 0343 2A2043lfD 4F532044 45534947 4E20464F * 1181 SIGNON OEFB FF,ESC,'Y','*',' , 1182 DEFM '********** 1183 OEFM 'NEW CLOCK/RAM PERIPHERAL CHIP 1184 OEFM '**********' 1185 1186 OEFB CR,LF,lF,LF DEFM 'FEATURES:' 1187 1188 DEFB CR,LF,LF OEFM '* ~MOS DESIGN FOR EXTREMELY LOW VI·68 PRESENTING MOSTEK"S , POWE~ CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LaC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-ST~T PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS 52204558 54524540 454C':I920 4C4F5720 504F5745 52 0368 20434FI+E 53554050 54494FltE 1189 DEFM ' CCNSUMPTION.' 1190 1191 CEF8 CR,LF DEFM '* ASYNCHRONOUS SERIAL COMMUNICATION AT' 1192 DEFM ' 1193 1194 DEF8 CR ,LF. DEFM '* 12/24 HOUR CLeCK/CALENDAR WITH AUTO' 1195 DEFM ' ACJUST FOR SHORT MCNTHS AND LEAP' 1196 OEFM YEARS~' 1197 DEFB CR,LF DEFM '* 21t BYTES OF RAM fOR POWER DOWN' 2E 0375 ODOA 0.377 2A20ltl53 !:>94EIt.H8 52ltF4E4F 55532053 45524941 4C20434F 4D4D55ltf. 494H154 4'HF4E20 1t154 0390 20564952 5lt55414C 4C592041 4E592042 '+15544 20 52415445 VIRTUALLY ANY BAUD RATE.' 2£ 0386 OOOA 0388 2A203132 2F323420 484F5552 20434C4F 434B2F43 41'+C454£ 44415220 "57495448 20415554 4F 0300 2041444A 55535420 ItS4F5220 53484F52 54204D4F 4£544853 2041'+[44 204C4541 50 03FE 20594541 52532E 0'+05 ODOA 0407 2A203234 20425954 ,+55320'+F 462052'+1 4D20464F 5220504F 1198 VI-69 f CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSH. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS 57455220 H4F5HE 0427 205354ltF 1199 DEFM ' STORAGE OF VITAL INFORMATION.' 1200 1201 DEFB CR,LF DEFM ,* ON CHIP OSCILLATOR THAT PROVIDES A' 1202 DEFM , CLOCK SIGNAL FOR YOUR MICROPROCESSOR.' 1203 1204 DEFB CR,LF DEFM '* SIMPLE INTERFACING TO ANY' 1205 DEFM , MICROPROCESSOR.' 1206 1207 OEFB CR,LF,LF,LF DEFM '********** 1208 DEFM 'SENTATIVE FOR FURTHER DETAILS 52411+745 0445 0447 046B 0491 0493 oHE 04BE o4C2 04E6 204F4620 56495441 4C20494E 464F524D 4154494F 4E2E OOOA 2A204F1JE 20lf34849 5020lfF53 43494C4C 41'5HF52 205448'+ 1 54205052 4F564'H4 45532041 2043IJC4F 43482053 49474E41 4C20lf64F 5220594F 55522040 4943524F 50524F43 4553534F 522E OOOA 2A205349 40504C45 20494[54 45524641 43494E47 20541fF20 414£59 20404943 524F5052 4F434553 5HF522E ODOAOAOA 2A2A2A2A 242A2A2A 2A2A2020 20202053 45452059 4F555220 404F5354 454B2052 45505245 53454E54 4151f1f956 4520464F 52204655 5231f1f845 VI-70 SEE YOUR MOSTEK REPRE' , CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3810 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OBJ.COOE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS 52201J445 5H1494C 53202020 20 0501 2A2A2A2A 2A2A2A2A 2A2A 0511 04 1209 DEFM '**********' 1210 DEFB EOT * 0512 1B592020 1B4B04 0519 474F4F44 20IJD4F52 4£l+94E1J1 21 0526 04 0527 474f4F41J 20414654 4S52IJE4F IJFIJE21 0536 04 * AM/PM MESSAGES * 1214 GOODPT DEFB Ese,'Y',' ',' ',ESC,'K',EOT 1215 GOMORN DEFM 'GOOD MORNING!' 1216 1217 GOAFTR DEFB EOT DEFM 'GOOD AFTERNOON!' 1218 DEFB EOT * 0531 18!:92220 1B4BOIJ 053£ 53551J~H * DAY MESSAGES * 1222 DAYPT DEF8 ESC,'Y','u,,' 1223 DEFM 'SUNDAY' 1224 1225 DEFB EOT DEfM 'MONDAY' 1226 1221 DEFB EOT DEFM 'TUESDAY' 1228 1229 DEF8 EOT DEFM 'WECNESDAY' 1230 1231 DEFB EaT DEFM 'THLRSDAY' 1232 1233 OEFB EOT DEFM 'FRIDAY' 1234 DEFB EOT DEFM 'SATURDAY' 4159 OSH OIJ OSIJ5 4D4F4E'+4 H59 0548 OIJ 054C 51J554553 444159 055:3 0 IJ 0551+ 5 H5444[ 1J5531+441 53 0550 04 05S£: 54485552 5:3H4159 0566 04 0561 1+6524944 4159 0560 04 056E 53415455 521+44159 1235 * 0576 18592420 1i3.4B04 0570 IJA'+14E55 41525920 0585 OIJ * MONTH MESSAGES * 1240 DEFM 'JANUARY , 1241 DEfB EOT VI-71 ',ESC,'K',EOT CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT P~SS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ASS 0586 461t51t252 55415259 20 058F 04 0590 ItD41521t3 4820 0596 04 0597 41505249 4C20 0590 Olt 059E 4DH5920 05A2 04 05A3 4A55ltE45 20 05A8 04 05A9 4A554CS9 20 OSAE Olt 05AF 41554755 535420 0586 04 0587 53455054 45'*04245 5220 05Cl 04 05C2 4F43544F 42455220 05CA 04 05C8 4E4F5645 40'*2'*552 20 0504 04 0505 4'+,*54345 40424552 20 OSoE 04 1242 oEFM 'FEBRUARY , 1243 1244 OEFB EOT oEfM 'MARCH • 1245 1246 DEFB EOT O£FM 'APRIL ' 1247 1248 1249 1250 DEFB oEFM DEFB DEFM 1251 1252 oEFB EDT DEFM 'JULY' 1253 125'+ DEFB EDT DEFM 'AUGUST • 1255 1256 DEFB EOT DEFM 'SEPTEMBER' 1257 1258 oEFB EOT D£FM 'OCTOBER ' 1259 1260 DEFB EOT oEFM 'NOVEMBER ' 1261 1262 DEFB EDT OEFM 'DECEMBER' 1263 EOT 'MAY , EOT 'JUNE • DEfS EDT * * YEAR SEPARATOR M[SSAG£ ... 050F 2C203139 05£3 04 1267 SEPAR 126B OEFM " 19' OEfB EOT * * SEND CURSOR TO TIME LINE MESSAGE .. 05E4 1B592620 184804 1272 TIMEPT . ... 05EB 1B59376F 04 DEF8 ESC,'Y','&',' ',ESC,'K',EOr SEND CURSOR HOME MESSAGE 1276 HOME .. .. PROMPT MESSAGES .. 05FO DC 05F 1 44'415920 28312037 1280 oAYMSG 1281 DEFB FF oEFM 'DAY (1-7)1 • VI-72 F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE V2.2 DEMO SIMT-NR SOURCE-STMI PASS2 DEMO DEMO LOC OBJ.CODE ASS 293F20 OSFC 04 05Fo ODOA 05FF 4HlS4lf5 20285952 3A1+D4F3A H41293F 20 0610 Olf DEFB EaT 1282 * 128,. DATMSG 1285 DEFB CR,LF DEFM 'DATE ? 1298 oEFS Ear 065C 1300 * END VI-73 • , • CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE REFERENCES NAME TYP VALUE DEF AMPM AMPMl AMPM2 AMPMIN AMPMOT AMPMSG APRIL ASCII AUG· BAUD CE1 CHIPEN ClKRAII1 ClKRD CLKWR CMD CNTSAV CR CRCHIP CRCTRL CRDATA CTRl DATA CATAOK DATE DATE! DATEIN DAHOT DAT(PT OATlS!) DATMSD OATMSG DAY OAYOX . DAno OAY3X DAYIN DAYLSD OAYMSG OAYOT oAYPT OC3 oCOUNT oOATE DDATE! DOATL> , • • · , , , • , ., , , , DEC OGT CGTBAD ' DGTlOP DGTOK DIGIT DIGITO DIGITI OIGIT2 OIGIT3 , , , , • 0020 0189 01BC OOBC 01AIf 0631 0004 027A 0008 0008 0002 0001 02CF 02C1 02C9 0002 ODOlf 0000 0002 0000 0004 0007 0001 0082 a 011+ 01DE 0126 01CC 0516 OOOF 00 30 05FD 0013 016C 0184 0171 OOAB 0007 05FO 01CO 0537 0013 0005 0153 0169 0166 OOOC 0225 0255 025A 0263 0250 0240 022F 0234 0239 140 71f0 HI IfIB 720 1292 93 1001 97 168 160 26 1144 1152 27 33 68 176 175 51 36 1 ;j9 386 41 195 596 182 1239 146 H5 1284 40 651 613 656 41+8 1 If 1+ 1280 759 1222 69 3'+ 63'+ 648 647 101 881+ 9'+0 943 953 933 931 895 901 907 F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS 731 739 363 2137 483 1011 226 222* 1+ 1130 111+0 1148 1156 286 365 1129*1137*1147*1155* 938* 91f7 1185 1187 1190 1193 1197 1200 1203 1206 1284 1288 1292 1296 221 1138 236 238 689 792 360 289 783 601 1+55 644 662 646 359 237 1126 1127 1134 1135 1139* 801 762 681 453 288 760 335 658* 663* 91f0* 945* 625 652 669 614 698 683 691 693 891 948 91+6 91f4 897 51f 8 673 421+ 534 903 562 909 513 915 601 921 610 486 51f3 529 622 1318 678 665 VI-74 927 641 CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE REFERENCES NAME TVP VALUE DEF 913 919 882 925 889 938 S61 113 65 DIGITlf • DIGIT6 DIGIT7 DIGITS DIGIT9 , DIGITT t DLOOP EIGHT EOT 023E 0243 0222 0248 022A 0253 0179 0008 0004 ESC FEB FEBXX FF FINISH f FIVE FNDLOP FNDOUT f FOUR FRI GDAFTR f GDMORN ' GOODPT HALT HOME HOUR HOUROX f HOURI HOUR2 HOUR24 f HOUR2X HRIMSO HR2MSD HRLSD INCHR INCHR2 • INIT ISMASK JAN JULY JUNE LEAPI LEAP2 LF OC1B 0002 0189 OOOC 0043 0005 0298 0295 0004 0006 0527 0519 0'512 0080 05EB 0012 OOEF 00E8 0100 00F4 0104 0010 0030 GOOF 0283 0287 0001 003F 0001 0007 0006 0013 0012 OOOA LOOP1 LOOP3 lOOP4 LSBYTE 0273 989 02A2 1094 02A9 1099 OOOF 57 OOOF 120 92 0003 0024 154 0005 'H 0109 557 OOOF 138 • • • • • , LSD MARCH MAXCNT folAY MIN MINLSD 552 559 456 697 538 885 664 70 1069 1232 +2 57 1298 1181 91 636 678 67 299 110 1068 1066 109 85 1217 1215 1214 134 1276 39 538 535 549 543 552 142 HI 143 1029 1032 211 130 90 F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 PASS2 DEMO DEMO DEMO ABS 641 570 626 651 1095 1210 1214 1216 1218 1222 1224 1226 1228 1230 1234 1239 12'+1 1243 1245 1247 1249 1251 1253 1255 1259 12E:l 1263 1268 1272 1276 1282 1286 1290 1294 1214 121'+ 1222 1222 1239 1239 1272 1212 1276 637 1181 1280 279 336 1070 70;)3 914 800 1071 738 1'+0 721 291 423 530 539 553 525 547 839 485 522 727 834 839 942 334 1033 217 216 96 95 125 126 66 690 692 1185 1206 991 1101 1100 988 955 1185 1185 1187 1187 1190 1193 1197 1200 1203 1206 1206 1284 1288 1292 1296 1096 1031 1034 1098 1010 284 388 537 551 VI-75 CLOCK/RAM DEMONSTRATION MODULE Rt:F ERE NCES NAME TYP VALUE DEF MINMSD MINUTE ML TRYl MlTRY2 MNLSD ~NMSD MNTHOX MODE P"OOEIN MOOMSG MON MONTH P"ONTH1 MSBYT€ MSO NINE NOV OCT ONE OUTCHR OUTCOL OUT LSD OUTMSD OUTMSG PARITY PT4IMG RCV RCVI RDCLK RDSTAT RXCTRl RXSTAT SAT SEC LSD SECMSD SECOND SEPAR SEPT SEll SETCLK SEVEN SIGNON SIX STATRO STATWR STOP SUN TAB09 TAB19 TAB30 TEMP TEN TEN8CD THREE THURS TICTRL ,• • , , t , • , , t • , , , 131 0070 38 0011 742 01BF 0201 844 OOOF 148 0010 141 014E 626 0080 139 0096 416 0611 1288 81 0002 0015 42 OHA 623 OOOE 56 OOFO 121 0009 114 OOOB 100 OOOA 99 106 0001 0260 984 026A 917 027E 1009 0278 999 029F 1092 OOH 0000 00 BO 00B1 OOBF 008F 00 DC 0000 0007 OOOF 0010 0010 050F 0009 007C 006C 0001 020F 0006 02 AE 02B6 0091+ 0001 0201 0202 020B 0003 OOOA 0010 0003 0005 0006 164 25 110 111 179 117 54 55 86 136 135 37 1267 98 364 357 558 130 831 193 361 1+21 611 656 627 229 1039 890 896 953 557 803 802 292 805 228 1029 291 11'+6 1128 227 298 357 804 785 926 ,; 34 8'19 848 454 568 616 808 8'15 807 8'1'1 393 /t22 829 1067 846 853 852 '18'1 850 1002 518 883 392 920 235 242 397 933 884 660 954 794 790 645 602 722 391+ 395 985 989 1030 1032 1093 1099 358 569 851 114/t 1145 1152 1153 362 243 112 116 108 8452 8/t7 621 1181 111 1126 1134397 80 1166 1167 1111 32 115 Fa13870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 PASS2 DEMO DEMO ABS DEMO 978* 986 932 lO~8*10/t2 908 391 VI-76 101+3 * 741 161 784 CLOCK/RAM O~MONSTRATION MODULE REfERENCES NAME TYP VALUE O(f TIMCNT TIMEIN TIMEOT TIMEPT TIMER TIMMSG TMCTRL lUES TWO t.iEO WRCLK WRSTAT XMIT YEAR YRLSO YRMSr:; ERO t t , • 0006 35 0000 512 0lF7 827 05E4 1272 0007 53 0648 1296 000 155 0003 82 0002 107 0004 83 OOBE 180 008£ 178 00A2 169 0016 43 OOOF 150 OOFO 149 0000 105 F8/3S 70 "ACRO CROSS ASSM. PASS2 OEMO 278* 285* 389" 364 290 828 387 517 590 682 902 1136 984 1092 606 687 806 546 1154 VI-77 DEMO V2.2 DEMO ASS VI-78 LISTING 2 - CLOCK/RAM COMMUNICATIONS SUBROUTINE :LOCK/RAM COMMUNICATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 _DC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 CLKRAM CLKRAM CLKRAM REL TITLE CLOCK/RAM COMMUNICATION MODULE NAM£: CLKRAM PSECT REL GLOBAL CLKRAM 1 2 3 4 " " THIS MODULE MUST BE LINKED WITH OTHER MODULES " IN ORDER TO CREATE A wORKING PROGRAM. "*** •••• *** •• ********** ••••• ***, •• ***** "* CLOCK/RAM COMMUNICATION SUBROUTIN[ "* "~.************.************************ "" THIS SUBR00TINE IS CALLED BY THE APPLICATION " PROGRAM TO S£NC AND RECIEVE QATA TO AND FROM THE " CLOCK/RAM CHIP. WHEN CALLED, THE COMMAND TO B~ " EXECUTED MUST BE IN THE SCRATCH-PAD REGISTER * 'CMO'. THi CHIP ENABLE CODE MUST 8E IN REGISTiR * 'CHIPEN' AND THE ISAR MUST POINT TO THE TOP OF * THE OA fA AREA. " " " " * * " THIS ROUTINE ALLOWS THE PORT 4 BITS THAT ARE NCT USED FOR CHIP ENABLE LINES TO BE USED ~OR OTHER PURPOSES. TO DO THIS, AN IMAGE OF WHATEVER IS WRITTEN TO THC PORT BY OTHER ROUTINES MUST BE KEPT IN REGISTER 'FT4IMG'. IN THIS WAY, THOSE PORT LINES NOT USED BY THIS ROUTINE WILL NOT BE ALTERED. HOWEVER, ANY OF THE PORT 4 LINES THAT * ARE USED FOR THE CLOCK/RAM MUST ALWAYS ~E LEFT " AT A LOGICAL O. • * " " • " COMMAND BYTC FORMAT: BIT 7 - MUST BE 1 BIT 6 - SOURC~/DESTINATION (l=RAM, O=CLOCK) BITS 5 THRU 1 - ADDRESS aIT a - DIRECTION (l=REAO, G=WRITE) " FOR clYTE " * " * " MOJE. THE ADDRESS OF THE BYTE IS PUT INTO THE ADDRESS FIELD OF THE COMMAND. FOR BURST MODE, TH£ AJDRESS SHCULD BE OlFH. NOTE THAT A CLOCK BURST cU~CTION TRANSFERS ONLY THE 7 CLOCK BYTES. IT DOES NOT TRANSFER TH( CONTROL BYTE. * VALID ADDRESSES FOR THE COMMAND 8YTE (FOR BYTE " MODE> AR·:: " CLOCK - 0 THRL 07H "RAM - 0 THRU 017H * • CHIP :NA3L~ CO~TROL BYTE FORMAT: * BIT 7 THRU 1 - CONTROLS PORT. bITS 7 THRU 1 • BIT 0 - MUST dE 0 (USED FOR DATA 1/0 LINE) * " * * • TO SELECT A CLCCK/RAM CHIP WITH IT'S ICE PIN TIED TO A PCHT , FIN, THE CORRESPONDING BIT POSITION SHOULC BE SET TO A 1 (ALL OTHER BITS SHOUlO 0::: 0). VI-79 CLOCK/RAM COMMUNICATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT~NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 CLKRAM CLKRAM CLKRAM REL • CALLING SEQUENCE: • 1) DATA SHOULD BE IN DATA AREA (WRITE ONLY) * 2) LOAD ISAR TO POINT TO BOTTOM OF DATA AREA • 3) CHIPEN BYTE SHOULD BE IN REGISTER 'CHIPEN' • ~) COMMAND BYTE SHOULD BE IN REGISTER 'CMD' • 5) PORT ~ IMAGE SHOULD BE IN REGISTER 'PT4IMS' • 6) CALL CLKRAM • 7) RETURN WITH DATA AREA FILLED (READ ONLY) • • PORT 4 IS USED FOR ALL I/O SO THAT IT'S /STROBE * SERVES AS THE SHIFT REGISTER CLOCK (SRCLK) TO • THE CLOCK/RAM. * • AS PRESENTED HERE, THIS SUBROUTINE MUST NOT BE • INTERUPTED. aUT THE USER MAY EASILY MODIFY THE • CODE TO SUPPORT INTERUPTS. VI-SO CLOCK/RAM COMMUNICATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 CLKRAM CLKRAM CLKRAM REL ************* .. * =0000 =0001 =0002 * CONSTANTS * * * ............. ****** * * GLOBAL REGISTERS. THESE REGISTERS MUST BE THE SAME * AS IN THE APPLICATION MODULE(S). * 84 PT4IMG 85 CHIPEN 86 CHD .. EQU EQU EQU 0 1 2 ,PORT 4 IMAGE STORAGE ;CHIP ENABLE STORAGE ;COMMAND STORAGE * LOCAL REGISTERS. THESE REGISTERS 00 NOT NEED TO BE * MADE KNOWN TO THE APPLICATION MODULE(S). HOWEVER, =0003 =OOOlt =0005 =0004 =0001 =0080 * THEY ARE DISTROYED. SO THE APPLICATION MODULE(S) * SHOULD NOT KEEP NEEDED INFORMATION IN THEM. * 93 TEMP 94 BIlCNT 95 BYTCNT EQU EGU EQU 3 '* 5 * * PORT DEFINITIONS * 99 PORH .. * BIT MASK * 103 BITO 104 BIT7 '* EQU ;TEMPERARY STORAGE ; BIT COUNTER ;BYTE COUNTER ;PORT '* DEFI~ITIONS EQU EQU 01H 80H iBn 0 MASK ;BIT 7 MASK * =0001 =0007 =0008 =0018 * COUNTER VALUES * 108 ONE 109 SEVEN llO EIGHT III TWFOUR .. EQU EQU EQU EQU 1 7 8 24 ;COUNT ;COUNT ;COUNT ;COUNT IS 1 IS7 IS 8 IS 24 * COMMAND eIT DEFINITIONS =0001 =003£ =0040 * 115 RDWR 116 AOR 117 CKRM EQU EQU £QU VI-81 OlH 3EH 40H ;READ/WRITE IS BIT 0 ;ADDRESS IS BITS 1-5 ;CLOCK/RAM IS BIT 6 CLOCK/RAM COMMUNICATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 lOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 ClKRAM ClKRAM ClKRAM REl ************.****~***.******* * * * START CF CLOCK/RAM DRIVER * * * *********_.*****-*-*.*****.*- 0000'<+1 0001 EO 0002 50 • 125 ClKRAM 126 127 lR XS LR A,CHIPEN FT4 I~G PT4IIIG,A ,PUT CHIP ENABLE INTO PT~l * • SEND OUT COMMAND TO CLOCK/RAM 0003 42 0004 53 000'5 2008 0007 54 0008'43 0009'2101 0008 2301 0000 EO OOOE 84 OOOF 43 0010 12 0011 53 0012 34 0013 94F5 * 131 132 133 134 135 BLOOP 136 BlOOPl 137 138 139 140 1'+1 H2 14.3 144 • A,CMD TEMP,A EIGHT LI lR BITCNT,A A,TEMP lR NI BITO XI BITO XS FT't IIIG OUTS PORH A,TEMP lR SR 1 TEMP,A lR OS BITCNT BNZ BlOCP1 LR lR ,GET COMMAND ;SAVE COMMAND FOR OUTPUT ; BIT COUNT = 8 ;GET COMMAND BYTE ;MASK OFF ALL BUT BIT 0 ;COMPlEMENT BIT 0 ,MIX IT WITH CONTROL BYTE ;SEND IT OUT ;SHIFT FOR NEXT BIT ;OECREMENT BIT COUNT ;BRANCH IF NOT DONE * SET BYTE COUNT TO PROPER lENGTH 0015 42 0016 2l.3E 0018 253E 001A 9400 001C 42 001D 13 001E 9105 0020'2007 0022 9007 0024'2018 0026 9003 0028'2001 002A'55 002B'42 002C 2101 002E 70 002F 9402 0031 '+C 0032'53 0033 2008 0035 54 0036 42 0037 2101 0039 841B 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 150 - CLOCK lR NI CI BNZ lR SL BM LI BR RAM LI BYTE BR II LR CONT • A,CPlD ADR ADR BYTE A,CMD 1 RAM SEVEN CONT TWFOlJR CONT ONE iG~T COMMAND iMASK OFF All BUT ADDRESS ;CHECK IF BYTE OR BURST ;BRANCH IF BYTE ;GET COMMAND BACK ;CHECK RAM/CLOCK BIT ;BRANCH IF RAM ;CLOCK, SO BYTE COUNT 7 ; CONTINUE ;RAM, SO BYTE COUNT 24 ; CONTINUE ;BYTE, SO BYTE COUNT 1 = = = BYTCNT, A • MAIN BYTE TRANSFER lOOP * 164 MlOOP LR A,CIID ;CHECK READ/WRITE BIT NI RDWR 165 165 CLR 167 BNZ XFER ;BRANCH IF READ DIRECTION lR A,S ;WRITE, SO lOAD BYTE 168 LR TEMP,A 169 XFER LI EIGHT 170 iBIl COUNT 8 ; 171 LR BITCNT,A 172 LR A,CMD ;CHECK READ/WRITE BIT 173 NI RDWR 174 BZ WRITE iBRANCH IF WRITE DIRECTIOI * = VI-82 CLOCK/RAM COMMUNICATION MODULE F8/3870 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT PASS2 CLKRAM CLKRAM CLKRAM REL 003B'43 003C'12 0030 53 003f 40 003F 84 0040 A4 0041 2101 0043 70 0044 9403 0046 2080 0048'E3 0049 34 004A34Fl 004C 5C * READ A BYTE * 178 READ 179 READ1 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 READ2 189 190 191 * * 0040'35 004f 8415 0050 OA 0051 IF 0052 OB 005.3 9007 LR SR LR LR OUTS INS NI CLR BNZ LI XS OS BNl LR A,TEMP 1 TEMP,A A,PHIMG PORH PORT4 BITO REAC2 BIT7 TEMP 81 TeNT READI S,A iSHIFT FOR NEXT BIT ;SEND OUT DUMMY CLOCK iINPUT DATA BIT iMASK All EXCEPT DATA BIT ;IF DATA=l, FORCE BIT-7=0 ;BRANCH IF DATA = 1 iOATA=O, FORCE BIT-7=1 ;MIX WITH PREVIOUS BITS ;DECREMENT BIT COUNT ;BRANCH IF NOT 8 BITS ;STOR£ BYTE CHECK IF ALL BYTES WERE TRANSFEREO * 195 ENDCK 196 197 138 199 200 OS BZ LR INC LR BR aYTeNT EXIT A,IS ;OECREMENT BYTE COUNT iBRANCH IF DONE ;INCREMENT POINTER IS,A MLOOP i ilOOP BACK FOR NEXT BYTE * * WRITE A BYTE 0055'43 0056'2101 0058 2301 005A EO 005B B4 OOSC 43 0050 12 OOSE 53 005F 34 0060 94F5 0062 90EA * 204 WRITE 205 WR ITEl 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 lR NI XI XS OUTS lR SR lR OS BNZ BR A,TEMP BITO BITO PT4IMG PORH A,TEMP ; GET OA TA BYTE ;MASK OFF ALL BUT BIT 0 ;COMPLEMENT BIT 0 ;MIX IT WITH CONTROL BYTE ; SEND IT OUT ;SHIFT FOR NEXT BIT 1 TEMP,A BI TeNT WRITE1 ENOCK ;DECREMENT BIT COUNT ;BRANCH IF NOT 8 BITS ; CONTINUE * * EXIT FROM SUBRCUTINE 0064'41 0065 EO 0066 50 0067 B4 0068 lC * 218 EXIT 219 220 221 222 lR XS LR OUTS POP VI-S3 A,CHIPEN PH IMG PT4IMG,A PORT4 ;RESTORE PORT 4 IMAGE ,DISABLE CHIP iFINISHEO CLOCK/RAM COMMUNICATION MODULE NAME TVP VALUE OEF REFERENCES AOR BITO BIT 7 B ITCNT BLOOP BLOOP1 ' BYTCNT BYTE CHIPEN CKRM CLKRAM I CLOCK CMD CONT EIGHT ENDCK EXIT flLODP ONE PORT4 PHIMG ~AM RDWR READ READ1 READ2 SEVEN TEMP TWFOUR WRITE wRITEl XF£R , 003E 0001 0080 0004 0008 0009 0005 0028 0001 0040 0000 0020 0002 002A 0008 0040 0064 002B 0001 0004 0000 0024 0001 003B 003C 0048 0001 0003 0018 0055 0056 0032 116 103 104 94 135 136 95 159 85 117 125 155 86 160 110 195 218 164 108 99 84 157 115 178 119 188 109 93 III 20lJ 205 169 F8/3810 MACRO CROSS ASSM. V2.2 PASS2 CLKRAM CLKRAM ClKRAM REL 149 150 136 131 184 205 206 187 134..- 143* 171 * 189* 212* 144 160* 195* 151 125 218 4 131 156 133 214 196 200 159 139 126 154 165 148 158 110 152 164 172 182 183 121* 1~8 208 181 221 201 219 220* 113 190 186 155 132* 135 157 174 213 167 140 VI-84 1'12* 165* 118 180* 188 204 209 211- LISTING 3 - LOAD MAP AND GLOBAL CROSS REFERENCE LOAD MAP DKl:DEMO .OBJ[lJ DKl:CLKRAM.OBJ[l] AdS BEG ADDR COOO REL 8EG AGQR 065C GLOBAL CROSS REfiRENCE TABLE SYMBOL AeOR CLKRAM 065C REFEReNCES 02CF 02C7 D2BF 028, VI-8S END ADOR 0658 END ADDR 06C4 VI-86 MOSfEI(. USING MK3807 VCU IN A MICROPROCESSOR ENVIRONMENT Application Note INTRODUCTION PROGRAM REGISTERS MK3807, the programmable CRT Video Control Unit (VCU), is a user programmable 4O-pin n-channel MOS/LSI chip containing the logic functions required to generate all the timing signals for the formatting and presentation of interlaced or non-interlaced video data on a standard or non-standard CRT monitor. The VCU contains 9 working registers (7 control registers and 2 data location registers). SELF LOADING SCHEME FOR VCU SET-UP Figure 1 All the formatting, such as horizontal, vertical, and composite sync, characters per data row and per frame are totally user programmable. The data row counter has been designed to facilitate scrolling. DBO Programming is accomplished by loading seven 8 bit control registers directly off an 8 bit bidirectional data bus. Four register address lines and a chip enable line provide complete microprocessor compatibility for program controlled set up. The device can also be "self loaded" via an external PROM tied on the data bus. (See Figure 1). Ao A; A2A3CE ------- MK3807 VCU DB7 ROR, R2 R3 Ao 9 BYTE PROM A, A2 SLOAol CE from system) A3 In addition to the seven control registers, two additional registers are provided to store the cursor character and row addresses for generation of the cursor video signal. The contents of these two registers can be read out onto the bus for update by the progra ni or used by the microprocessor as two memory locations. (See Figure 2). T OS ~ ROW SELECTS TO CHARACTER GENERATOR BIT ASSIGNMENT Figure 2 HORIZONTAL LINE COUNT REG 0 I; I I I iI I I 0I SKEW BITS REG 31 LAST DISPLAYED DATA ROW DATA ROWS/FRAME ill I ~ I I i I I 0I SCAN LINES/FRAME REG 61 X REG 21x I~I i I ~ I rrn I CHARACTERS/DATA ROW VERTICAL DATA START I--IoI--'-I_i.........I.......I__1 0....I REG 51....; ..... VI-87 iI I~ I CURSOR CHARACTER ADDRESS REG 7 SCANS/OATA ROW IX I ~ I I 1 1;1 I I iI I I~I CURSOR ROW ADDRESS REG8Ixlxl~1 I iI I~I REGISTER 0 This 8 bit register contains the number of character times for 1 horizontal period of the TV raster scan. For example, using American Standard Television (63.5 I'-s per line) at a character time of 500 ns, the value for this register would be 63.5 divided by .5 = 127. The number in this register is normally 1.25 times the number of characters per line displayed on this screen. ThE! value loaded into this register is the binary equivalent of 126 (127-1). Since character times are counted from zero instead of one, the value loaded into this register is one less than the actual number of character times. (Refer to Figure 3 for timing diagrams). which defines the number of characters per line. The VCU is pre-programmed for 20, 32, 40, 64, 72, 80, 96, and 132 characters per line. The 3 bit binary number used in this field determines the particular format, for example, 80 characters being the 6th value would be coded as a binary 5 (101 ). CHARACTERS/DATA ROW DB1 DBO ° ° ° 0 0 0 1 1 1 REGISTER 1 This register contains 3 fields of information. The most significant bit (7) is the interlace bit. If this bit is set to a 1, Interlace mode is indicated; if set to a 0, Non-Interlace mode is indicated. The next 4 bits (6-3) define the number of character times for the width of the horizontal sync pulse. For example, using American Standard Television (4.5 I'-s) and a character time of 500 ns indicates that it would require 9 character times, therefore the binary equivalent 9 would be loaded in these bits. The least significant 3 bits (2-0) are used to specify the horizontal sync delay. This is commonly called the Front Porch and is the period between the end of active video to the beginning of the horizontal sync pulse. The value here is not critical and can be used to position the video horizontally on the screen. DB2 0 1 1 0 0 REGISTER 3 This register contains both the propagation delay compensation field (skew bits) as well as the data row fields. Bits 7 and 6 are used to adjust the blanking, cursor position and sync delay so as to compensate for either 0, 1 or 2 character time propagation delays of the character generator and the frame buffer RAM. SKEW BITS REGISTER 2 Sync/Blank Delay Cursor Delay (Character Times) DB7 DB6 This register contains both the number of characters to be displayed per line as well as the number of scans per character. Bit 7 is not used (B7 = X). Bits 6 through 3 define the number of scans per character. For example, using a 7 X 9 dot matrix character generator, the normal number of scans might be 12. Therefore, using 12 scans per character, the binary equivalent of eleven (12-1) is inserted into this field. The least significant 3 bits (2-0) contain a 3 bit code = 20 = 32 = 40 = 64 =72 = 80 = 96 = 132 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 o 0 o 1 0 1 2 2 o 1 1 o o 1 2 The 6 least significant bits (5-0) define the number of data rows to be displayed on the screen. The number of rows begins at 000000 (single row) and continues to 111111 (64 rows). HORIZONTAL AND VERTICLE TIMING Figure 3 ~STARTOFLINEN HORIZONTAL TIMING olJ1zmz STARTOFLlNEN+1 C Z777777ZZZlZZlZZZZZOZ77/J n "1""j ACTIVE VIDEO = CHARACTER. S PER DATA LINE HORIZONTAL SYNC DELAY (FRONT PORCH) HORIZONTAL SYNC WIDTH HORIZONTAL LINE COUNT = H VERTICAL TIMING START OF FRAME M OR ODD FIELD SCAN LINES PER FRAME r- ~ I" VERTICAL DATA START START OF FRAME M + 1 OR EVEN FIELD "I rZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ/%ZZZZZZ4 r-l V777 j~ ACTIVE VIDEO . .. 1-.1 IDATA ROWS PER FRAME L VERTICAL SYNC = 3H VI-88 , ~.r c~ 7_ VIDEO DOT CLOCK .B'C5 c c: iil"!.: "'"1:1 +5V ? 74160 DOT COUNTER (+N) CP I CHARACTER CLOCK "'I" "7 ADDRESS BUS I ENABLE LOGIC rI HSYNC DBO-7 V SYNC CONTROL BUS ~ V SYNC SET INTERRUPT TO "p (TO UPDATE DATA IN RAM) 4 ~.s[)1n ~.> r RAM&ROM (FOR "P) I : I- 1 I( IV DATA IN RO-3 :!: oz a I BLANKING 21 CRV 4 .>- lASCII 7 .. DATA BUS ADDRESS ·Z-PORTRAM 1Kx8to4Kx8 CHARACTER FRAME BUFFER BL ~ DRO-5 SELECTOR WITH OPTIONAL MEMORY MAPPING CIRCUIT (IF REQUIRED) Jl Q COMPOSITE SYNC CSYNC d o :!l CHARACTER ROW CHARACTER ADDRESS BUS 1 ADDRESS BUS ~ ~ z (5 OS V 3873 OR [Z80J MICROPROCESSOR . HO-7 6 ~ VERT. SYNC :21 CHARACTER COLUMN v DATA BUS MK3807 VCU CE DATA STROBE Co CD HORIZ.SYNC 4 CHIP ENABLE 8 c: DCC AO-3 r Z ." C5 Voo 8 BI-DIRECTIONAL DATA BUS +- o ? Vee CARRY o +1ZV ::r VIDEO DOT DATA OUT ·OR 1 PORT RAM WITH BI-DIRECT PORT y TIMING FROM DOT COUNTER OR CHARACTER CLOCK .. FL CHARACTER GENERATOR MK34073 it N BIT SHIFT REGISTER rI SERIAL OUTPUT ~. II~ REGISTER 4 REGISTER 8 This 8 bit register defines the number of raster lines in the field (frame). Care should be taken when programming this register to make sure that the product of the scans per data row times the number of data rows is less than the number of raster scans. There are 2 methods of programming this register. In the interlaced mode subtract 513 from the number of raster lines desired and divide by 2. For example, for 525 scahs, the register should contain the number 6. In the non-interlaced mode subtract the number 256 from the desired number of raster lines and divide by 2. For example, for 262 raster lines, the value is 3. The least significant 6 bits (5-0) of this register define the data row for the cursor; similar to Register 7. REGISTER 5 This register defines the number of raster lines between the beginning of the vertical sync pulse and the start of the first data row being displayed. Typically, values of 20 or 21 lines are used. Higher values can be used to position data lower on the screen to a maximum 255. This is called Vertical Data Start and is the sum of Vertical Sync and Vertical Scan Delay. REGISTER 6 The least significant6 bits (5-0) of this register define the last data row to be displayed on the screen. Bits 7 and 6 are not used. This featUre is useful for both scrolling and positioning of data. For example, ifthe display was set for 24 data rows, normally row 0 would be on top ofthe screen and row 23 would be atthe bottom. 1fthe scroll register (register 6) contained the number 15, then row 15 would be at the bottom and row 16 would be at the top of the screen. Row 23 and row 0 would be contiguous in the middle of the screen. REGISTER 7 This 8 bit register contains the character number at which the cursor is to be addressed. For example, if the last character of an 80 character per line display were to be cursored, the binary equivalent of 79 would be in this register. BASIC DISPLAY CONFIGURATION Figure 4 shows the basic configuration for a Bus Oriented, microprocessor based, CRT display system utilizing Mostek's MK3807, the Programmable CRT Video Control Unit (VCU). Either a standard or a non-standard CRT monitor may be used. The user programmable VCU provides Horizontal Sync, Vertical Sync and Composite Sync with serrations, to the monitor's sync deflection circuitry. (Figure 5 shows the composite sync timing). A serial output character generator provides video dot clock frequency data to the Z axis video input of the monitor. In addition to the VCU, character generator, and shift register, the display system requires a crystal oscillator and a dot counter, typically consisting of two gates of a 7404 and a crystal as well as a 74160(orequivalent) dot counter. The dot counter divisor(N) is set for the number of horizontal bits in the character plus the number of dots desired for spacing (Le., for a 7 bit wide character + 2 dots of spacing N =9). The carry output of the dot counter pulses once per character (character clock) and is fed into the MK3807 DCC (pin 12) input. This enables the VCU to keep track of the character positions as well as generate the entire video timing chain. At the same time the output of the oscillator is fed into the video dot clock input of the shift register of the Video Signal Generator. An 8 bit bidirectional Data Bus (D8O-DB7), a 4 bit Address Bus (AO-A3), a Chip Enable and a Data Strobe are used in programming the VCU. These buses connect to the microprocessor Data Bus and Address Bus. The VCU appears to the microprocessor as 16 memory or I/O locations. Page logic (high order address bit decoder) connects the Address Bus to the Chip Enable (CE) thereby determining where in the microprocessor memory space the VCU will be located. The Data Strobe (DS) signal is connected to the microprocessor Control Bus. This is used to read or write via the Data Bus, as well as to activate control functions. COMPOSITE SYNC TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 5 HSVNC L-----...jn~rL--IL-JL , , , ! I I V SYNC I i 1 - ,_ _ _ _ _ __ I, COMPOSITE SYNC VI-90 The VCU raster scan counter outputs (RO-R3) are connected directly to the raster line address inputs of the character generator. This 4 bit address indicates which raster line of the selected character is to be parallel loaded into the shift register. The bit pattern, along with the additional blank spaces, is then shifted out of the video output at the video dot clock rate. The blanking signal can be connected to retrace blanking logic to provide both horizontal and vertical blanking of the video signal to the CRT monitor. The load/shift signals for character generator logic can be derived from the outputs ofthe dot counter (74160) or taken directly from the character clock (DCC, pin 12 of 3807). Page Scrolling Scrolling a smaller page through a larger page (1 K in 4K) can be done on a row by row basis. If the DRO-DRSlines are offset by a pointer register, the smaller page can be moved up or down inside the larger page by the offset number of rows. This is shown in Figure 7. In this example, if the pointer register contains zero, the VCU will address the first 12 lines of the 32 line page. When the pointer register contains ten, the VCU will address rows 10 to 21 . Thus, by loading the pointer register (from the microprocessor data bus), the display can scroll row by row through the data base. HOW TO USE ROW-COLUMN ADDRESSING Software Addressing The VCU outputs the character position via the character counter outputs (HO-H7) and the data row counter outputs (DRO-DRS). These outputs define the character column and row location. They are used to address a character frame buffer RAM in which the frame image is stored. Since the VCU keeps counting horizontal addresses (HO-H7) during both horizontal and vertical blanking, dynamic RAMs may be refreshed. Many advantages are realized using Row-Column (X-V) Addressing. Among these are: Oversize Characters Character fonts with heights greater than 16 dots (raster lines) can be achieved. This is done by using the LSB of the row counter (DRO) as the MSB of the raster scan counter (R4), and then moving the remaining bits ofthe row counter down one bit (DR1 becomes DRO, etc.). This is achieved by connecting the pins of the VCU in a different configuration. No additional components are required. This is shown in Figure 6. In addition, the VCU must be programmed for twice the desired number of data rows; thus using the above configuration (FigUre 6), 32 rows of data with up to 32 lines per character (or 16 rows of data with up to 64 lines per character) can be accomplished. Most programmers use X - V (row-column) addressing when writing software for CRT terminals. This makes it easier to blank the bottom line when scrolling, changing cursor positions, etc. Therefore, by having row-column addressing in the VCU, the address bus of the microprocessor can also have the preferred row-column addressing, and the two buses can be mapped together as shown in Figure 8. Without this feature, a software algorithm would have to convert a row-column address to binary address every time the microprocessor wanted to access the frame buffer. This algorithm usually requires a 16 bit multiplication. Thus the VCU, by utilizing row-column addressing, can save significant overhead and program execution time. SCROLLING A 12 ROW PAGE THRU A 32 ROW PAGE Figure 7 B-BIT DATA BUS USING THE VCU WITH CHARACTER FONTS OF HEIGHTS GREATER THAN 16 DOTS (LINES) Figure 6 4-BITADDER (7483A) DRS TO DR4 BUFFER { DR3 RAM DR2 DR1 ORO 31 MK3807 30 VCU 29 28 27 26 4 S 7 8 ~3 ~2 ~1 ~o '----v-----' TO CHARACTER GENERATOR A. 64 ROWS OF 16 LINES D. R4 31 MK3B07 TO DR3- 30 VCU BUFFER { DR2 29 RAM DR1- 28 ORO 27 ,26 4 S 7 8 I R4 DR4' § 0DISPLAYED 12 PAGE 11 _ ROW R~ RI2 ~1 ~o '--v-------' TO CHARACTER GENERATOR _o DATA PAGE (32 ROWS) -31 B. 32 ROWS OF 32 LINES VI-91 MEMORY MULTIPLEXING The character column and character row outputs combine to form the character address bus. This bus, along with the microprocessor address bus, is connec;:ted to a 2 X 1 selector which addressl'ls the character frame buffer RAM. Figure 8 shows the selector and the mapping for the various formats of the standard VCU. Numerous methods are available to build 2 X 1 selectors. One low-cost technique uses three ADDRESS BUS MAPPING FigureS FROM I'P { I'P ADDRESS BUS SYSTEM ROW & CHARACTER I ADDRESS FORMAT PAGE IROW I CHARACTER I HO-H8 } CHARACTER FROM VCU I DRO-DR6 DATA ROW B FROM I'P CONTROL BUS (i.e. 74167, 267 etc.) ADDRESS MATCHING 74157 or equivalent(74LS157 or 257, 9322, etc.)quad2X 1 selector chips. Figure 8 tabulates the mapping on to the microprocessor address bus into the.selector with the DR and H lines of the VCU. The output of the selector (Z), is decomposed into two fields, row (Y) and column or character (X). Refer to Table 1. Memory Addressing When the number of characters per row is non-binary, i.e. 80, addressing the frame buffer RAM lswasteful of memory. To solve this problem and still retain the advantages of rowcolumn addressing, an address mapping ;s performed. The output of the selector (Z) ;s connected to another 74157 quad 2 X 1 selector chip or equivalent. Figures 6A, B, and C show the connection for 12 rows (1 K), 24 rows (2K), and 48 rows (4K) of 80 characters. Figure 5 shows the mapping technique. The first 64 characters are .mapped directly and the next 16 characters(H6 = 1) are mapped in a higher part ofthe RAM. The microprocessor acldress(row and column), is overlayed onto the VCU address bus (row and column) via the selector. The output of the selector maps into the frame buffer. Thus, every character is addressed by its row and column from both the microprocessor and the VCU. The ADDRESS BUS MAPPING Table 1 SELECTOR J.lP ADDRESS BUS (UNUSED BITS ARE FOR PAGE LOCATION) AB12 ABll ABle AB9 IAB8 ~B7 AB6 AB5 AB4 ~B3 ~B~ ABl ABO INPUT (A) 20 & 32 CHARACTERS/LINE ROW FUNCTIONS VCU OUTPUTS SELECTOR OUTPUTS INPUT (B) CHARACTER DR5 DR4 DR3 DR2 DRl DRO H4 H3 H2 Hl HO OUTPUT(Z) Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Yl YO X4 X3 X2 Xl XO 40 & 64 CHARACTERS/LINE FUNCTIONS VCU OUTPUTS SELECTOR OUTPUTS ROW INPUT (B) CHARACTER DR5 DR4 DR3 DR2 DRl DRO H5 H4 H3 H2 Hl HO Y5 OUTPUT(Z) Y4 Y3 Y2 Yl YO X5 X4 X3 X2 Xl XO 72, 80 & 96 CHARACTERS/LINE ROW FUNCTIONS VCU OUTPUTS SELECTOR OUTPUTS INPUT (B) CHARACTER DR5 DR4 DR3 DR2 DRl DRe H6 H5 H4 H3 H2 Hl HO OUTPUT(Z) Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Yl YO X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 Xl XO 132 CHARACTERS/LINE ROW FUNCTIONS VCU OUTPUTS SELECTOR OUTPUTS CHARACTER DR4 DR3 DR2 DRl DRO H7 H6 H5 H4 H3 H2 Hl HO INPUT (B) OUTPUT(Z) Y4 VI·92 Y3 Y2 Yl YO X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 Xl XO MEMORY MAPPING CIRCUITS FOR 72 OR 80 CHARACTERS/LINE Figure 9 10 BIT BINARY ADDRESS TO 1024 BYTE RAM 12 LINES INTO 1K Y FROM SELECTOR x \31211101161514131211101 Figure9A I 1K ~ ~ 13 14110 11 6 15 3 2 48 4A 38 3A 28 2A 18 1 A 1 E 74157 S QUAD 2 x 1 SELECTOR (74LS157. 257. ETC.) 16 GND Vee 4Y 3Y 2Y 1Y 112 9 714 A9 h... AS A7 A6 11 BIT BINARY ADDRESS TO 2048 BYTE RAM 24 LINES INTO 2K Y +~ A5 A4 A3A2 A1 AO FROM SELECTOR x 141 3 1211101161514131211101 Figure9B I 1K r +5 ~ 16 13 14 10 11 615 3 12 48 4A 38 3A 28 2A 18 1 A 1 E 74157 QUAD 2 x 1 SELECTOR (74LS157. 257. ETC.) S GND Vee 4Y 3Y 2Y 1Y 12 9 7 14 n. AS A7 A6 A10 A9 12 BIT BINARY ADDRESS TO 4096 BYTE RAM 48 LINES INTO 4K Y +~ A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 AO FROM SELECTOR x 1514131211101161514131211101 Figure9C I I 1K 13 14 10 11 6 15 48 4A 38 3A 28 2A 3 2 1A 1 74157 QUAD 2 x 1 SELECTOR (74LS157. 257. ETC.) S 16 GND Vee 4Y 3Y 2Y 1Y 1( E +5 ,... h 12 9 A11 A10 VI-93 7 14 AS A7 A6 t ~ A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 AO same memory location will be accessed whether the identical address originates from the microprocessor or VCU address bus. OPERATION The character frame buffer RAM is initially loaded via the microprocessor data and address buses (see Figure 1). After the microprocessor has loaded the character frame buffer RAM with a complete page, the selector flip-flop is switched (via the microprocessor control bus) so that the RAM is addressed by the character address bus of the VCU. In this mode the VCU operates independent of the microprocessor by addressing the character frame buffer RAM which sends the ASCII data to the CRT character generator. The selected character is then further decomposed by the raster scan counter (RO-R3), from the VCU, and loaded into the character generator shift register. This bit pattern is then serially shifted out at the video dot clock frequency and the data can be encoded so as to compose the video signal. external (off-the-air) video. Figure 11 illustrates a simple technique of externally synchronizing the VCU using 2 chips (7474 and 7402 or equivalent).The external video can come from a closed circuit television system, off-the-air television, or some other video display system. The technique involves stopping the character clock (DCC)when the VCU sync occurs and restarting it when the external sync occurs. In this way, the VCU will be synchronized to the external video. One requirement for the reliable operation of this system is that the VCU horizontal and vertical sync rates must be programmed to be slightly faster than the external sync rate (i.e., the horizontal line counter register ofthe VCU must be programmed to be less than 63.5 /-IS., which is the American TV horizontal rate). HOW TO PROGRAM THE MK3807 VCU In order to pick the correct video dot clock frequency and to program the registers in the VCU, it is first necessary to determine several key parameters. Among these parameters are: the vertical refresh rate, the number of horizontal raster lines perframe, the number of characters per line and the format of the characters. One possible way to change the data in the frame buffer (which is in microprocessor address space but physically separate) is: whenever the data in the character frame buffer is to be changed or updated, the microprocessor (via the control bus) sets an external flip-flop. The output of this flip-flop is ANDed with the vertical sync signal from the VCU. When this occurs an interrupt is generated to the microprocessor. This alerts the microprocessor to the fact that the vertical blanking interval has begun; it then switches the address selector (via control bus) so that the character frame buffer is now addressed by the micro•processor instead of the VCU. Since the system is in the vertical blanking interval. the screen is blank at this time. Using the American standard of 63.5 fJ.S. per horizontal line and a typical value of 21 horizontal lines for the blanking interval. this gives the system 1.33 ms. in which the microprocessor can change data in the character frame buffer. Ifthis time is not sufficient, the 1.33 ms. window will appear every 1/60 of a second allowing the microprocessor to change part of the RAM data each time. Tables 2A, B list work sheets which give the designer an ADDRESS COMPRESSION SCHEME FOR 80 CHARACTERS/LINE Figure 10 I1-::....------------------64-----_8_0~~~~~~~:..:;----1-6----.I' 1 I 1 ! I SCREEN ~ After the microprocessor has completed its updating of the character frame buffer RAM, it resets the external flip-flop (via the control bus) and switches the selector back to the character address bus of the VCU. Then the microprocessor goes about its normal system operation without being interrupted or having its thrughput slowed down. This is because the VCU refreshes the CRT independently with the character frame buffer RAM, supplying the data, while the microprocessor operates at full speed with its own RAM and ROM. This method is more efficient for microprocessor throughput and control as opposed to having to DMA (cycle steal) or interrupt the processor continually, thereby reducing its throughput. MAPPING ~ SYNC-LOCK Some applications require adding alphanumeric characters (text) or graphics to the same screen as closed circuit or VI-94 --16_1-- 16--l--16-1--16j 64 ______ 1• ~~ MEMORY 24 r- - - - - - - 1 r SYNCHRONIZING LOGIC , - - - REPRESENTATIVE SYSTEM LOGIC I I I I VIDEO CLOCK CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR I 1/27474 HSYNC 16 I 0 C 1I MK3807 PROGRAMMABLE CRT VIDEO CONTROL UNIT (VCU) 11 VSYNC :::; CD C11 I I I L I I I I I 1/27474 0 C R ~I - "fi - - - - __ J i INTERFACE ELECTRONICS :z: ~ Z o EXTERNAL COMPOSITE VIDEO < ~ Z o MONITOR SYNC SEPARATOR DOT HOLD CHARACTER HOLD I I I I I I I I I :!!ns:: ~i;n ii W '" __ c: oo --:::j~ m ~ m ::u Z :to r- < cm DOT CLOCK 0 en -< Z n ::t +6 ::u 0 DOT COUNTER Z N Z Ii) CP P T 74160 CARRY I LOAD ... - - - - - NOTES: 1. PROGRAM N IN REGISTER 0 SUCH THAT IN + 3] x CHARACTER CLOCK RATE:'O 63.6 "SEC. 2. PROGRAM HORIZONTAL SYNC WIDTH = 1 CHARACTER TIME .... CHARACTER CLOCK orderly method of determining the frequencies and register contents from the above parameters. In order to demonstrate its use, typical examples will be shown. EXAMPLE FOR 80 CHARACTERS BY 24 ROWS A 7 X 9 character matrix is chosen as it is the most popular for the display of both upper and lower case characters. Also, a non-interlaced system is chosen. The character block of 9 X 12 allows for a 2 dot space between characters and a 3 line space between data rows. The impact of the character block size on the horizontal frequency and the video clock rate will be shown below. A frame refresh rate of 60Hz is chosen for this example. These numbers can be modified for 50Hz systems. This system will have 24 rows of data and 80 characters per data row. Thus, there are (24 X 12) 288 active scan lines. The monitor chosen for this example is capable of accepting a composite video signal or separate TTL horizontal and vertical sync pu~el?' The sum of the horizontal sync delay (front porch), horizontal sync pulse, and horizontal scan delay (back porch) is the horizontal blanking interval. This interval is required as a window in the horizontal scan period to allow retrace. The retrace time is internal to the CRT monitor; this time is a function of monitor horizontal scan components. This time, at a minimum, is the time it takes the display to return from the right to the left hand side of the display. The retrace time is less than the horizontal blanking interval. The horizontal blanking interval is normally about 20% of the total horizontal scanning period. See Figure 12 for horizontal and verticle timing, and Figure 13 for derived register bit assignments. In an 80 character per data row system, this would give 20 character times for the sum of the Front Porch, Horizontal Sync Pulse, and Back Porch. In the example of table 2C, a sum of 22 character time is used to illustrate that some flexibility exists in the choice of these parameters. The vertical scanning frequency can be obtained by counting the total number of horizontal lines. The total number of scan lines generated for a vertical field equals the number of data rows times the number of lines per character plus the vertical sync delay plus the vertical sync pulse plus the vertical scan delay. Vertical sync delay is the number of scan lines delay before vertical sync. Vertical sync pulse width should be expresed in scan line units. The VCU is fixed at the standard vertical sync width of 3 horizontal scan lines (3H). Scan line delay is the delay between vertical sync and the display information in scan line units. The sum of the vertical sync and the 2 delays in the vertical blanking interval is normally 5% to 8% of the total number of scan lines. The vertical period (for 60Hz vertical refresh rate) can be calculated as: 1 divided by 60Hz = 16.67 ms. Thus, the vertical blanking period (at 8%) equals 1.3 ms. In the example of table 2C, the sum of the "Front Porch, Vertical Sync Pulse, and Back Porch" are 22 scan lines long. Again, some flexibility exists in the choice of these parameters. Adding the displayed lines (24 X 12 =288) plus the vertical blanking interval (0 + 3 + 19 =22), 31 0 horizontal scan lines are required. These 310 lines must be repeated 60 times a second (every 16.67 ms.). Thus 18,600 horizontal scan lines per second is the horizontal frequency. It can now be seen that any further increase in the number of scan lines per data character block will cause a direct increase in the horizontal frequency, possibly to a point beyond the monitor's specification. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL TIMING Figure 12 HORIZONTAL TIMING ~STARTOFLINEN STARTOFLlNEN+1~ YlZZaZOZ77ZZZZZIZWUZll rI&..___"I!llz:lz.""","",u- [CHARACTE~:'':.'~~~~ UN' .~J,j..jolJ HORIZONTAL SYNC DELAY (FRONT PORCH) HORIZONTAL SYNC WIDTH HORIZONTAL LINE COUNT: H VERTICAL TIMING START OF FRAME M OR ODD FIELD SCAN LINES PER FRAME 14 ~ \111 VERTICAL DATA START :1-- START OF FRAME M + 1 OR EVEN FIELD .. , r!(ZZZZZZZOZZ7777Z777ZZ7Z7ZZ~ ACTIVE VIDEO DATA ROWS PER FRAME VI-96 .... I~ L VZZ7 ~ VERTICAL SYNC : 3H MK3B07 VCU WORK SHEET Table2A 1. H CHARACTER MATRIX (No. of Dots): ......................................................... _ - - 2. V CHARACTER MATRIX (No. of Horiz. Scan Lines): .............................................. _ _ __ 3. H CHARACTER BLOCK (Step 1 + Desired Horiz. Spacing = No. in Dots): ............................ _ _ __ = No. in Horiz. Scan Lines): ..........................................................•..................... _ _ __ 4. V CHARACTER BLOCK (Step 2 + Desired Vertical Spacing 5. VERTICAL FRAME (REFRESH) RATE (Freq. in Hz): ..................•..••.....................•.. _ __ 6. DESIRED NO. OF CHARACTER ROWS: ......•...•....•....•••..•.............................. _ __ 7. TOTAL NO. OF ACTIVE "VIDEO DISPLAY" SCAN LINES (Step 4 x Step 6 = No. in Horiz. Scan Lines): .........................•........................ _ _ __ 8. VERT. SYNC DELAY (No. in Horiz. Scan Lines): .................................................. _ _ __ 9. VERT. SYNC (No. in Horiz. Scan Lines; T =- - !lS*): .......................................... _ _ __ 10. VERT. SCAN DELAY (No. in Horiz. Scan Lines; T =_ _ ms*): ......•..•......................... _ _ __ 11. TOTAL VERTICAL FRAME (Add steps 7 thru 10 = No. in Horiz. Scan Lines): •.••..•.................. _ _ __ 12. HORIZONTAL SCAN LINE RATE (Step 5 x step 11 =Freq. in KHz): ................................. _ _ __ 13. DESIRED NO. OF CHARACTERS PER HORIZ. ROW: .................••...•........•.•.........•. _ __ 14. HORIZ. SYNC DELAY (No. in Character Time Units; T =--!lS**): ............................... _ _ __ 15. HORIZ. SYNC (No. in Character Time Units; T = _ _ I's**): ..•...........••.......•............. _ _ __ 16. HORIZ. SCAN DELAY (No. in Character Time Units; T =_ _ I's**): .•.....••••................... _ _ __ 17. TOTAL CHARACTER TIME UNITS IN (1) HORIZ. SCAN LINE (Add Steps 13 thru 16): ...................................... '•............................. _ _ _--: 18. CHARACTER RATE (Step 12 x Step 17 = Freq. in MHz): .......................................... _ __ 19. CLOCK (DOT) RATE (Step 3 x Step 18 =Freq. in MHz): ........................................... _ __ *Verticallnterval **Horizontallnterval VI-97 MK3807 VCU WORK SHEET Table2B < REG.# ADDRESS A3-AO o 0000 HORIZ. LINE COUNT _ _ DTlrrlTl 0001 INTERLACE _ _ H SYNC WIDTH _ _ HSYNC DELAY _ _ IIIIIIIII 2 0010 SCANS/DATA ROW _ _ CHARACTERS/ROW _ _ IX I I I 3 0011 SKEW CHARACTERS _ _ DATA ROWS _ _ II I I I I I I I 4 0100 SCANS/FRAME _ _ IIIIIIII] 5 0101 VERTICAL DATA START 3 + VERTICAL SCAN DELAY: SCAN DELAY _ _ DATASTART _ _ IIIII(II I 6 0110 LAST DISPLAYED DATA ROW DATA ROWS) Ix IXI I I I I I I cD co FUNCTION X= __ = (= BIT ASSIGNMENT I I I LJ HEX. DEC. MK3807 VCU WORK SHEET Table2C 1. H CHARACTER MATRIX (No. of Dots): ......................................................... _7..L.-_ 9..L..._ 2. V CHARACTER MATRIX (No. of Horiz. Scan Lines): ..•••..•..•....•••••..••••..••••........•••..• __ 3. H CHARACTER BLOCK (Step 1 + Desired Horiz. Spacing '1 =No. in Dots): .•••••••.•••••.....•••....•• ----!'--- =No. in Horiz. Scan Lines): .••••••.••••......••...••••••.•...•..•...•.•.••••.......•....•.•.••••...••...•.. _1:..,::2=--. 4. V CHARACTER BLOCK (Step 2 + Desired Vertical SpaChlg 5. VERTICAL FRAME (REFRESH) RATE (Freq. in Hz): ..•.•••.••••••..•.....•....•....••••..•........ _Jt..3~_ 10. VERT. SCAN DELAY (No. in Horiz. Scan Lines; T = ~ ms*): ................................... _.1.19-1-_ 11. TOTAL VERTICAL FRAME (Add steps 7 thru 10 =No. in Horiz. Scan Lines): •.•••.....•.•••.......... $10 12. HORIZONTAL SCAN LINE RATE (Step 5 x step 11 = Freq. in KHz): IB.(P ................................ . 80 13. DESIRED NO. OF CHARACTERS PER HORIZ. ROW: ..•..........•.••.••......•.....•••........•. ~ !lS**): •••.••..•••••....•.•••••••.•.. __4,,--_ HORIZ. SYNC (No. in Character Time Units; T =.!::l..1.=L !lS**): .•.••..••••••••.•••••........••...•.• __9....L..._ 14. HORIZ. SYNC DELAY (No. in Character Time Units; T = 15. 16. HORIZ. SCAN DELAY (No. in Character Time Units; T = ~ !lS**): .••••••••••.•••........•.•••.. __C}-1-_ 17. TOTAL CHARACTER TIME UNITS IN (1) HORIZ. SCAN LINE (Add Steps 13 thru 16): ................................................................... . 18. CHARACTER RATE (Step 12 x Step 17 =Freq. in MHz): 102. 1.8> Cj7Z .......................................... 19. CLOCK (DOT) RATE (Step 3 x Step 18 =Freq. in MHz): ........................................... 17.0748 *Verticallnterval **Horizontallnterval BIT ASSIGNMENT Figure 13 HORIZONTAL LINE COUNT REG 01 ~ 11 11 10 i 0 11 101 ; 1 MO~~~NJ..ET'::':~~~D H SYNS WIDTH SCANS/DATA ROW REG2 1 0 1 REG31 H SYNC DELAY REG 1 1 0 11 1 0 1 0 11 1 # 1 m~ SKEW BITS 1 ~ 1 0 '11.1 ~ 1 iliD I i 11 10 1 11 I~ I SCAN LINES/FRAME REG 4\ 0 1 0 \ 0 11 i do 11 11 1 CHARACTERS/DATA ROW REG 51 LAST DISPLAYED DATA ROW DA'FA ROWS/FRAME VERTICAL DATA START ~ I0 1 0 11 i0 11 11 1 ~ 1 VI-99 REG &1 0 1 0 1 ~ 11 1 0 i 1 11 1 ~I CURSOR CHARACTER ADDRESS REG 71 ~ 1 01010 i 0 101010 I CURSOR ROW DDRESS REG£' 010 1 ~ 101 0 i 010 1 ~I XTAl Frequency At a frequency of 18.6KHza scan line takes 53.76 JJS.lnthis time 102 characters (80 displayed + 22 blanked) have to be accessed. Thus the character time is 527.06 ns (53.76 Ms/l02). Since each character is 9 dots in this example (7 character and 2 blank), the dot period is 58.56 ns (527.06 ns/9). The inverse of the dot period is the video dot clock XTAL frequency. Forthisexample, the video dot clockXTAL is 1/58.56 ns 17.0748 MHz(53.76 Ms/l02). Since each character is 9 dots in this example (7 character and 2 blank), the dot period increases in the video clock rate, possibly to a point beyond the monitor's specification. = A more detailed example, using 40 character by 12 row format, follows. Having chosen the display format and diliplay monitor, the actual settings for the VCU registers can now be established. See Table 2C. EXAMPLE FOR 40 CHARACTER BY 12 ROWS Using the VCU worksheet (Table 2A), steps 1 and 2 determine the character matrix. In this example, a 7 X 9 dot matrix will be used, thus in step 1, 7 dots are used horizontally and in step 2,9 scan lines are used vertically. This defines the character size (other character sizes might be 5 X 7 etc.). Steps 3 and 4 determine the character block size. The character block is composed of the character matrix along with both the horizontal and vertical blank spaces between characters. Step 3 shows the H character block for this example to be 7 dots from step 1 plus 2 additional dots for blank space, giving a total of 9. Step 4 shows the vertical height (V character block) being 9 lines from step 2, plus 3 additional raster lines for vertical spacing, giving a total of 12. The next parameter is the vertical frame refresh rate and this example uses the American Standard of 60Hz (in this example the noninterlace mode will also be used). As this example uses twelve rows of data, step 6 indicates 12. Step 7 determines the number of active video display raster scan lines. This is determined by taking the number of raster scan lines from step 4 and multiplying that by the number of data rows in step 6, thus giving usthe number of displayed horizontal scan lines. In this example, multiply 12 raster lines per data row by 12 data rows to give 144 active video raster scan lines. The next portion of this example is dependent upon the characteristics of the video monitor being used. For the purposes of this example a standard sync driven video monitor using RS-170 non-interlace sync is used. In accordance with the standard for this monitor, the vertical sync pulse width will be between 180 and 200 MS. with 190 MS. as the nominal value. In addition, the vertical blanking interval, which is made up ofthe vertical sync pulse and the 2 delays, is defined as being 1 ms. minimum. The same monitor specification defines the horizontal sync pulse width as being between 4 and 6 MS. with 5 MS. as the nominal horizontal sync pulse width. In addition, the horizontal sync·delay or front porch is defined as 2.5 MS. MONITOR HORiZONTAL TIMING Figure 14 BLANKING INTERVAL----.I I -HORIZONTAL /11 p.S MINIMUM) -I ]I VIDEO HORIZONTAL SYNC PULSE /5 p.S NOMINAl.; 4-6 p.S) j' T' HORIZONTAL SYNC DELAY /'2.5 p.S NOMINAl; 2 p.S MIN.) I VIDEO 'j_"'VOC ~ D I• f HORIZONTAL SCAN DELAY /5 p.S NOMINAL; 4 p.S MIN.) VI-100 nominally with a 2 pS. minimum. At the same time, the horizontal blanking interval, which is composed of the front porch, horizontal sync pulse, and the back porch is defined as 11 JJ.s. minimum. See Figures 14 and 15. The monitor characteristics determine the values for steps 9 and 10. Step 9 lists the vertical sync pulse width. The VCU has a fixed vertical sync pulse width of 3 horizontal raster scan lines (3H). Later, the period of a horizontal raster scan line will be determined and verified that this meets the RS-170 specification. Enough time must be allowed for vertical retrace and some blanking at the top of the screen. This is indicated in step 10 as the vertical scan delay. The VCU can be programmed for a vertical scan delay between 0 and 255 raster sca n Ii nes to allow util ization of various types of monitors, as well as to position the data vertically on the screen. For purposes ofthisexample, a vertical scan delay of 19 raster lines is chosen. After the horizontal period is determ i ned, it ca n be verified thatthese val ues comply with the specification. Step 11 is the total number of raster lines per frame or, in other words, the number of raster lines per vertical refresh time. Normally, this will be determined by adding to the number of displayed scan lines, the vertical sync pulse width, the vertical scan delay, and the vertical sync delay which has not yet been determined. However, in this case, since the example uses a standard monitor, it is possible to work backwards. Therefore, for step 11 we will enter 262 raster lines per frame (a typical number of raster lines/field of a standard monitor). Now work backwards to step 8 and determine the vertical sync delay. This is the number of raster lines between the last displayed video raster line and the beginning of vertical sync. Subtracting 144, 19, and 3 from 262 leaves 96, thus for step 8, 96 horizontal lines is the vertical sync delay. We have now determined the vertical timing waveform for this example. The next part of the example is to determine the horizontal scan line rate or how many raster lines per second will be displayed. This is determined by multiplying the vertical frame refresh rate from step 5; in this case 60 frames per second by the total number of raster lines per frame from step 11, in this case 262. The product will be 15,720 raster lines per second. This is the horizontal scan rate. The horizontal period is determined by taking the inverse of horizontal scan rate, 1 divided by 15,720 Hz is 63.6132 JJ.S. This is the time of 1 horizontal raster line. This information is now used to go back and check on meeting the specifications in steps 9 and 10. Step 9 lists 3 horizontal lines as the vertical sync pulse width. 3 X 63.6132 JJ.S. yields 190.84 JJ.S. This is the nominal value specified for the monitor. Step 10 lists the vertical scan delay as 19 raster lines multiplying that by 63.61 JJ.s. yields 1.21 ms., thus the values picked for the above parameters meet the specification for the monitor. In step 13 the desired number of active display characters per horizontal data row is listed. 40 character per row have been chosen. Steps 14, 15 and 16 are now selected using the horizontal period and the monitor specifications. Step 14 is the horizontal sync delay or front porch. In this case 2 character times. The period of a character will be determined later in this example which will be used to verify that this parameter meets the RS-170 specification given earlier. In step 15 the horizontal sync width is chosen to be4 character times and in step 16 the horizontal scan delay is MONITOR VERTICAL TIMING Figure 15 r 4_ _ _ VERTICAL BLANKING INTERVAL _ _~.~I (1 mS MINIMUM) VERTICAL SYNC PULSE (1901'S NOMINAL 1 BO-200 1'5) VIDEO f......-1--, I_ illIi 1- f ·1 VERTICAL SYNC DELAY (0-190 .. 5) ~ VIDEO ~I t ·1 ------,I iL-----'·'." DC I- VERTICAL SCAN DELAY __I (BOO 1'5 MINIMUM) 1_ VERTICAL SYNC & SCAN DELAY ___I (1 mS MINIMUM) VI-101 chosen to also be 4 character times. Step 17 is the total number of character times per horizontal scan line and this is determined by adding steps 13 through 16, thus we add 40+2+4+4=50 character times per horizontal scan line. In step 18 the character rate is determined by multiplying the horizontal line rate of step 12 by the total character units per horizontal line., thus, 15,720 X 50 = 786,000 charact.ers per second. The character period is the inverse of the character rate, thus 1 over 786,000 yields a character period of 1 .272 p.S. This information is used to verify steps 14,15, and 16.ln step 14 the horizontal sync delay was chosen as 2 character units. 2 times 1 .272 p's yields 2.54 p.S. Step 15, the horizontal sync width was 4 character units. 4 times 1.272 J.IS. yields 5.089 p.S. and similarly, step 16, four character units also is 5.089 J.IS. These three values are in agreement with the specification for the monitor. The next step is to determine the video dot clock frequency. It is determined by mUltiplying the number of dots per character from step 3 by the character rate in step 18, 9 X 786 KHz = 7.074 MHz. Thus, the crystal frequency required for this example is 7.074 MHz and the dot clock counter divisor N is 9 (from step 3). Register Programming Register 0 (Horizontal Line Count) determines the total number of character units per horizontal line. From step 17 we have determined that there would be 50 character units per line. This register is loaded with (N- 1) the decimal number 49. Register 1 contains 3 fields. The first field is the most significant bit and this determines the interlaced or noninterlaced mode of operation. This example uses the none interlaced mode, therefore, bit 7 is loaded with a O. The next field is the horizontal sync pulse width and this field is bits 6 through 3. Step 15 determines that the horizontal sync width is 4 character times. Therefore the binary equivalent of 4 is loaded into these bits. Thos bits 6 through 3 are loaded with 0100. The thifd field is the horizontal sync delay, step 14 determines that this is 2 character time units. Therefore, bits 2 through 0 are loaded with 010. Register 2 contains 2 fields, with the most significant bit unused. Bits 6 through 3 determine the scans per data row. In this example from step 4, there will be 12 raster lines per data row, and from the VCU data sheet note this is an N + 1 register. Therefore the decimal number eleven is loaded into bits 6 through 3. the second field is characters per data row, bits 2 through O. In this example 40 active characters per data row was chosen. The VCU data sheet specifies that 01 0 in this field will give 40 characters per data row, thus bits 2 through 0 are loaded with 010. Register 3 also contains 2 fields. The first field, bits 7 and 6, are the skew bits. These bits allow the hardware designer to MK3807 VCU WORK SHEET 1. 2. 3. . 4. H CHARACTER MATRIX (No. of Dots): ......................................................... V CHARACTER MATRIX (No. of Horiz. Scan Lines): ...•...................•.......•..........•... H CHARACTER BLOCK (Step 1 + Desired Horiz. Spacing = No. in Dots): .........•.....•............ V CHARACTER BLOCK (Step 2 + Desired Vertical Spacing = No. in Horiz. Scan Lines): •.............................................•........•......•.....•........... 5. VERTICAL FRAME (REFRESH) RATE (Freq. in Hz): ............................................... 6. DESIRED NO. OF CHARACTER ROWS: ..................................•.......•.....•....••.• 7. TOTAL NO. OF ACTIVE "VIDEO DISPLAY SCAN LINES" (Step 4 x Step 6 = No. in Horiz. Scan Lines): .....•....................•..•.•............••.... 8. VERT. SYNC DELAY (No. in Horiz. Scan Lines): .................................................. 9. VERT. SYNC (No. in Horiz. Scan Lines; T = ~ J.IS*): ...............•..•••.......••.....••..... 10. VERT. SCAN DELAY (No. in Horiz. Scan Lines; T = ~ ms*): ................................... 11. TOTAL VERTICAL FRAME (Add steps 7 thru 10 = No. in Horiz. Scan Lines): ..............•.......... 12. HORIZONTAL SCAN LINE RATE (Step 5 x step 11 = Freq. in KHz): .......••......•......••......... 13. DESIRED NO. OF CHARACTERS PER HORIZ. ROW: .....................•.•............•....•... 14. HORIZ. SYNC DELAY (No. in Character Time Units; T = ~ J.IS**): ............•...•........•.... 15. HORIZ. SYNC (No. in Character Time Units; T = ~ J.IS**): .......................•.....•.•..... 16. HORIZ. SCAN DELAY (No. in Character Time Units; T = ~ J.IS**): ....•.......•................. 17. TOTAL CHARACTER TIME UNITS IN (1) HORIZ. SCAN LINE (Add Steps 13 thru 16): ........ '.' .......................................................... 18. CHARACTER RATE (Step 12 x Step 17 = Freq. in MHz): .......................................... 19. CLOCK (DOT) RATE (Step 3 x Step 18 = Freq. in MHz): ........................................... *Verticallnterval **Horizontal Interval VI-102 _-,7<--_ __94-_ _---.:19__ _ ....I",,;J.L-_ _ ....","""0""-_ _ ..... 1:1__ _LIL/:;;-,-ADDRESS/COMMAND DATA INPUT ADDRESS/COMMAND DATA OUTPUT II. Burst Mode Transfer 1 2 3 4 n ~ SCLKLMJUL CE~L...______________~fr-________________~~ ff 012345670123 4 5 6 7 II I I) I/o~'I'I'I'I'I¥1'~ ADDRESS/COMMAND DATA 110 1 OATAI/O NOTES 1) Data input sampled on rising edge of clock 2) Data output changes on falling edge of clock 3) Rising edge of CE terminates operation and resets address/command VII-3 N FUNCTION N n CLOCK 8 72 RAM 2_ 20O REGISTER DEFINITION X4 o o CLOCK/CALENDAR 1 1 The Clock/Calendar is contained in 7 addressable/ llliriteable/readable registers, as defined below. Address Range (BCD) Function 0 1 2 Seconds+Clock Halt Flag Minutes Hours/ AM-PM/12-24 Mode 3 Date 4 5 6 Month Day Year 00-59 00-59 00-23 or 01-12 01-28,29, 30,31 01-12 01-07 00-99 Data contained in the Clock/Calendar registers is in binary coded decimal format (BCD). X3 Xtal Mode o Binary. Microprocessor o Baud Rate 1 Color Burst 1 Primary Frequencies 2 22 , 2 21 , 2 20 Hz 8, 5, 4, 2.5, 2, 1.25, 1 MHz' 7.3728,3.6864,1.8432 MHz 3.5795 MHz CRYSTAL DIVIDER PRESeALER X2, Xl, and XO specify a particular prescaler divider selection necessary to generate a 1 Hz frequency for the Clock/Calendar. Refer to Figure 4 for complete definition. SYSTEM CLOCK OUTPUT Cl and CO designate the system clock output frequency selected. The options are X, X/2, X/4, and -2 kHz. When in the Binary Mode, the output frequency is 2048 Hz. In any other mode the output frequency is -2048 Hz. Refer to Figure 5 for complete definition. WRITE PROTECT CLOCK HALT FLAG Bit 7 of the Seconds Register is defined as the Clock Halt Flag. Bit 7 = logical 1 inhibits the 1 Hz input to the Clock/Calendar. Bit 7 is set to logical 1 on power-up to prevent counting, and it may be set high or low bywriting to the seconds register under normal operation of the device. AM-PM/12-24 MODE Bit 7 of the Hours Register is defined as the 12 or 24 hour mode select bit. In the 12-hour mode, bit 5 is the AM/PM bit, and in the 24-hour mode, bit 5 is the second 1O-hour bit (20-23 hours). TEST MODE BITS Bit 7 of the Date Register and Bit 7 of the Day Register are Test Mode Bits utilized in testing the MK3805. These bits should be logic 0 for normal operation. The Control Register specifies the crystal mode/frequency to be used, the system clock output frequency, and the WRITE PROTECT Mode for data protection. The Control Register is located at address 7 in the Clock/Calendar/ Control address space. 765432 0 WP Cl CO CLOCK/CALENDAR/CONTROL BURST MODE Address 31 of the Clock/Calendar/Control Address space specifies Burst Mode operation. In this mode, the 7 Clock/Calendar Registers and the Control Register may be consecutively read or written. Addresses above address 7 (Control Register) are non-existent; only addresses 0-7 are accessible. RAM The static RAM is contained in 24 addressable/ writeable/readable registers, addressed consecutively in the RAM address space beginning at location O. CONTROL REGISTER I I I I Bit 7 of the Control Register is the WRITE PROTECT Flag. Bit 7 is set to logical 1 on power-up, and it may be set high or low by writing to the Control Register. When high, the WRITE PROTECT Flag prevents a write operation to any internal register, including the other bits of the Control Register. Further, logic is included such that the WRITE PROTECT bit may be reset to a logic 0 by a Write operation without altering the other bits of the Control Register. X4 X3 X2 Xl XO CRYSTAL DIVIDER MODE X4 and X3 specify the Crystal frequency divider mode selected. RAM BURST MODE Address 31 of the RAM address space specifies Burst Mode operation. In this mode, the 24 RAM registers may be consecutively read or written. Addresses above the maximum RAM address location are non-existent and are not accessible. REGISTER SUMMARY A Register, Data Format summary is shown in Figure 3. VII-4 MICROCOMPUTER CLOCK/RAM ADDRESS/COMMAND, REGISTER, DATA FORMAT SUMMARY Figure 3 I. ADDRESS/COMMAND FORMAT 7 6 f]¥1 4 5 A41 A3 I 2 3 A21 A, II. REGISTER ADDRESS A. CLOCK 7 6 5 4 3 2 SECI 0 0 0 0 0 MINI 0 0 0 0 HR\ 0 0 0 0 DATE \1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MONTH 1 0 I l%1 Ao REGISTER DEFINITION DAY 1 1 0 0 YEAR 11 0 0 CONTROL 11 1 0 CLOCK BURST 11 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 11 01- 12 1121 00-23 24 \ 0 11 RAM23 11 RAM BURST I 11 1 1 0 0 I o •• • 0 11 11 1 MONTH 01 [h;l 01- 07 0 0 0 l%l 0-99 Crwl 00 DAY 0 10YEAR 01 YEAR I X IWpl C, 1 Co 1 4 1 X31 X21 x, 1 Xo 1 00 AO ~ o 0 1 1 1 1 01 11 I I 1 DATE 10 M B. RAM RAMO 110DATEI 0 1 1 00 HR 0 \ 80 1;~pl HR 1 01- 12 1 0 1 T21 I MIN C%l 0 11 11 10 MIN 00- 59 1 0 1 0 11 1 0 0 0 l%1 r%l SEC 01- 2 8/29\ 01-30 T, 01-31 0 0 I~ 0 4 3 10SEC 00-591 CH 1 1~ 11 11 0 11 11 11 7 0 POWER ON RESET 11 ~ RAM D~TA ~ RAM D:~A 1:%1 VII-5 I I I I XX •• • 1 I XX CRYSTAL FREQUENCY SELECTION TABLE Figure 4 fXTALIMHz) X4 X3 X2 X1 XO Crystal Frequency 8.388608 8.388608 4.194304 4.194304 2.097152 2.097152 1.048576 0.032768 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 8.000000 5.000000 4.000000 2.500000 2.000000 1.250000 1.000000 0.031250 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 7.372800 7.372800 3.686400 3.686400 1.84:3200 1.843200 0.921600 0.028800 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 7.159040 7.159040 3.579520 3.579520 1.789760 1.789760 0.894880 0.027965 1 Comments Power on condition " CLOCK OUTPUT SELECTION TABLE Figure 5 C1 CO 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 CKO Output Frequency Comments fXTAL f XTAL ";- 2 fXTAL ..;- 4 Power on condition 2048 Hz Binary mode VII-6 ELECTRICAL S~ECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on any pin relative to VSS .........................................•.•..........•..... -D.5V to + 12.0V Operating Temperature, TA (Ambient) ................................................•...•..... -4Q°C to + 85°C Storage Temperature .............•....................•.................•............•....• -55°C to +125°C *Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS -40°C ::S TA ::S + 85°C SYMBOL PARAMETER VCC Vss Supply Voltage Supply Voltage MIN ·TYP MAX UNIT NOTES 3.0 0 5.0 0 9.5 0 V V 1 1 MIN TYP MAX UNIT NOTES 2.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 rnA rnA pA pA V V V V V V 2 3 4 4 1 1 l(loH =-l00pA) l(IOL = 1.8 rnA) 1(I OH = -400pA) 1(IOL = 4.0 rnA) DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS _40°C ::S TA ::S + 85°C, Vcc = 5V ± 100;0 SYMBOL PARAMETER ICCl ICC2 IlL IOL VIH VIL VI/OH VI/0L V CKH V CKL Power Supply Current Power Supply Current Input Leakage Current Output Lea~age Current Logic "1" Voltage, All Inputs Logic "0" Voltage, All Inputs Output logic "1" Voltage, 1/0 pin Output Logic "0" Voltage, I/O pin Output Logic "1 " Voltage, CKO pin Output Logic "0" Voltage, CKO pin -1.0 -10.0 2.0 0.8 2.4 0.4 2.4 0.4 NOTES 1. All voltages referenced to Vss. 2. Crystal/Clock Input frequency = 8.4 MHz, outputs open. 3. Crystal/Clock Input frequency = 32,768 Hz. outputs open. 4. Measured with Vee = S.OV, 0:::; VI:::; S.OV, outputs deselected. VII-7 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS -40°C:::; TA + 85°C, Vcc 5V ± 10"A> SYMBOL P~RAMETER CI CliO Cx fx tcs tos tOH tOA too tCWL tCWH fSCLK tsR, tSF tCR' tCF tCEH MIN Capacitance on Input pin Capacitance on I/O pin CapacitC!rce on XI/CI and X2 Crystal frequency CE to SCLK set up time Input Data to SCLK set up time Input D"ta from SCLK hold time Output Data from SCLK delay time to I/O high impedance SCLK low time SCLK high time SCLK frequency SCLK Rise and Fall Time CKO Ris.e and Fall Time CE high time TVP MAX UNIT NOTES 6 7 10 12 12 pF pF pF 5 5 5 8400 kHz 7 27 1.0 1.0 1.0 !JoS !J.S !JoS 1.0 1.5 cr 1.95 1.95 DC 2.0 Measured as C = ~ with l:::.V = 3V, and unmeasured pins grounded. 6V 6. 7. 8. 9. Measured at VIH = 2.0 V ofVIL =, 0.8 V and 5 ns rise and fall times on inputs. Measured at VOH = 2.4V and VOL = O.4V. Load Capacitance = 100 pF tr and tf measured from O.SV to 2.0V I/O TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 6 SCLK 1/0 00 !JoS 00 !J.S 250 50 50 kHz ns ns !J.S NOTES 5. !J.S !J.S ----~-....., -------IC OUTPUT DATA VALID Vli-B 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,6,7,8 1,6,7,8 9 8,9 MOSTEI(. MICRO PERIPHERAL COMPONENTS MK3807 Programmable CRT Video Control Unit (VCU) FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o Fully Programmable Display Format Characters per data row (1-200) Data rows per frame (6-64) Raster scans per data row (1-16) A1 AO HO H1 H2 H3 o Programmable Monitor Sync Format Raster Scans/Frame (256-1 023) "Front Porch" Sync Width "Back Porch" Interlace/Non-I nterlace Vertical Blanking R1 H4 H5 H6 o Direct Outputs to CRT Monitor Horizontal Sync Vertical Sync Composite Sync Blanking Cursor coincidence eSYN H7/0R5 VSYN DR4 Dee DR3 VOO OR2 Vee OR1 HSYN ORO eRV 080 8L 081 OB7 082 OB6 083 086 o Programmed via: Processor data bus External PROM o BUS Oriented: Compatible with most microprocessors o Standard or Non-Standard CRT Monitor Compatible o Second source to SMC CRT 5037 o Refresh Rate: 60 Hz ON-Channel Silicon Gate Technology o Scrolling Single Line Multi-Line GENERAL DESCRIPTION o Cursor Position Registers o Programmable Character Format o Programmable Vertical Data Positioning o Balanced Beam Current Interlace o Graphics Compatible o Split-Screen Applications Horizontal Vertical o Interlace or Non-Interlace operation o TTL Compatibility The Programmable CRT Video Control Unit (VCU) Chip is a user programmable 4O-pin n channel MOS/LSI device containing the logic functions required to generate all the timing signals for the presentation and formatting of interlaced and non-interlaced video data on a standard or non-standard CRT monitor. The MK3807 VCU is a second source to SMC CRT 5037. With the exception of the dot counter, which may be clocked at a video frequency above 25 MHz and therefore not recommended for MOS implementation, all frame formatting, such as horizontal, vertical, and composite sync, characters per data row, data rows per frame, and raster scans per data row and per frame are totally user programmable. The data row counter has been designed to facilitate scrolling. Refer to Table 1 for description of pin functions. VII-9 Programming is accomplished by loading seven 8-bit control registers directly off an 8-bit bidirectional data bus. Four register address lines and a chip enable line provide complete microprocessor compatibility for program controlled set up. The device can be "self loaded" via an external PROM tied on the data bus as described in the OPERATION section. The MK3807 (VCU) may be programmed for an odd or even number of scan lines per data row in both interlaced and non-interlaced modes. In addition to the seven control registers, two additional registers are provided to store the cursor character and data row addresses for generation of the cursor video signal. The contents of these two registers can also be read out onto the bus for update by the program. Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the internal functional components of the VCU. DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS Table 1 Inputl Output Function Pin No. Symbol 25-18 DBO-7 Data Bus CE AO-3 I Name 1/0 9 OS Chip Enable Register Address Data Strobe 12 DCC Dot Counter Carry I 38-32 HO-6 0 7,5.4 R1-3 H7/DR5 Character Counter Outputs Scan Counter Outputs H7/DR5 RO Scan Counter LSB 0 26-30 DRO-4 0 17 15 11 10 BL HSYN VSYN CSYN Data Row Counter Outputs Blank Horizontal Sync Vertical Sync Composite Sync Output 16 14 13 CRV VCC VDD Cursor Video Power Supply Power Supply 3 39.40,1,2 31 8 I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PS PS VII-10 Data bus. Input bus for control words from microprocessor or PROM. Bi-directional bus for cursor address. Signals chip that it is being addressed. Register address bits for selecting one of seven control registers or either of the cursor address registers. Strobes DBO-7 into the appropriate register or outputs the cursor character address or cursor line address onto the data bus. Carry from off-chip dot counter establishing basic character clock rate. Character clock. Character counter outputs. Three most significant bits of the Scan Counter; row select inputs to character generator. Pin definition is user programmable. Output is MSB of Character Counter if horizontal line counter (REG.O) is 2': 128; otherwise output is MSB Of Data Row Counter. Least significant bit of the scan counter. In the interlaced mode with an even number of scans per data row, RO will toggle at the field rate; for an odd number of scans per data row in the interlaced mode, RO will toggle at the data row rate. Data Row counter outputs. Defines non-active portion of horizontal and vertical scans. Initiates horizontal retrace. Initiates vertical retrace. Composite sync is provided on the MK3807. This output is active in non-interlaced mode only. Provides a true RS, 170 composite sync wave form. Defines cursor location in data field. +5 volt Power Supply +12 volt Power Supply ~~~~~~==----_ _ _~.5l~"" cO ~(") I ... C DATA BUS DB 0-7 r-- l> G) 25-18 j » ~ SELR2 12 DOT COUNTER CARRY CURSOR V ADDRESS REGISTER 38-32 + lAi' ::: ..., mNe I I INTERLACED t: q"Ne _ BL 1_ u COMPARATOR I 26 -30 ilR:,: 3' - DATA BUS DB 0-7 39,40.1.2 ..... ' ~ 3CHIP ENABLE 9 DATA STROB~ SCROLL RESET START SElF LOAD 6 17 ".lie,'. OPERATION The design philosophy employed was to allow the MK3!307 Programmable CRT Video Control Unit (VCU) to interface effectively with either a microprocessor based or hardwire logic system. The device is programmed by the user in one of two ways; via the processor data bus as part of the system initialization routine, or during power up via a Horizontal Formatting: Characters/Data Row PROM tied on the data bus and addressed directly by the Row Select outputs of the chip (See Figure 2). Seven 8-bit words are required to fully program the chip. Bit assignments for these words are shown in Tables 2, 3 and 4. The information contained in these seven words consists of the following: A 3 bit code providing 8 mask programmable character lengths from 20 to 132. The standard device will be masked for the following character lengths; 20, 32, 40, 64, 72, 80, 96, and 132. Horizontal Sync Delay 3 bits assigned providing up to 8 character times for generation of "front porch". Horizontal Sync Width 4 bits assigned providing up to 16 character times for generation of horizontal sync width. Horizontal Line Count 8 bits assigned providing up to 256 character times for total horizontal formatting. Skew Bits A 2 bit code providing from a 0 to 2 character skew (delay) between the horizontal address counter and the blank and sync (horizontal, vertical, composite) signals to allow for retiming of video data prior to generation of composite video signal. The Cursor Video signal is also skewed as a function of this code. Vertical Formatting: Interlaced/Non-interlaced This bit provides for data presentation with odd/even field formatting for interlaced systems. It modifies the vertical timing counters as described below. A logic 1 establishes the interlace mode. = value of 8 assigned bits. 1) in interlaced mode-scans/frame =2X + 513. Therefore for 525 scans, program X = 6 (00000110). Vertical sync will occur precisely every 262.5 scans, thereby producing two interlaced fields. Range = 513 to 1023 scans/frame, odd counts only. 2) in non-interlaced mode-scans/frame = 2X + 256. Therefore for 262 scans, program X =3 (00000011 ). Range = 256 to 766 scans/frame, even counts only. In either mode, vertical sync width is fixed at three horizontal scans (::3H). Scans/Frame 8 bits assigned, defined according to the following equations: Let X Vertical Data Start 8 bits defining the number of raster scans from the leading edge of vertical sync until the start of display data. At this raster scan the data row counter is set to the data row address at the top of the page. Data Rows/Frame 6 bits assigned providing up to 64 data rows per frame. Last Data Row 6 bits to allow up or down scrolling via a preload defining the count of the last displayed data row. Scans/Data Row 4 bits assigned providing up to 16 scan lines per data row. VII-12 ADDITIONAL FEATURES MK3807 VCU Initialization: Under microprocessor control-The device can be reset under system or program control by presenting a 1010 address on A3-0. The device will remain reset at the top of the even field page until a start command is executed by presenting a 1110 address on A3-0. Via "Self Loading"-In a non-processor environment, the self loading sequence is effected by presenting and holding the 1111 address on A3-O, and is initiated by the receipt of the strobe pulse (OS). The 1111 address should be maintained long enough to insure that all seven registers have been loaded (in most applications under one millisecond). The timing sequence will begin one line scan after the 1111 address is removed. In processor based systems, self loading is initiated by presenting the 0111 address to the device. Self loading is terminated by presenting the start command to the device which also initiates the timing chain. Scrolling-In addition to the Register 6 storage of the last displayed data row a "scroll" command (address 1011) presented to the device will increment the first displayed data row count to facilitate up scrolling in certain applications. CONTROL REGISTERS PROGRAMMING CHART Table 2 Horizontal Line Count: Characters/Data Row: Total Characters/line = N + 1, N = 0 to 255 (DBO = LSB) DB2 DB1 DBO Active Characters/Data Row 000 = 20 = 32 o 0 1 o 1 0 =40 1 1 = 64 1 0 0 =72 1 0 1 =80 1 1 0 96 1 1 1 132 = N, from 1 to 7 character times (DBO = LSB, N =0 Disallowed) =N, from 1 to 15 character times (DB3 = LSB, N =0 Disallowed) Sync/Blank Delay Cursor Delay DB7 DB8 (Character Times) 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 o = = Horizontal Sync Delay: Horizontal Sync Width: Skew Bits o o Scans/Frame Vertical Data Start: Data Rows/Frame: Last Data Row: Mode: Scans/Data Row: 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 8 bits assigned, defined according to the following equations: Let X =value of 8 assigned bits. DBO = LSB) 1) in interlaced mode- scans/frame =2X + 513. Therefore for 525 scans, program X =6 (0000110). Vertical sync will occur precisely every 262.5 scans, thereby producing two interlaced fields. . Range = 513 to 1023 scans/frame, odd counts only. 2) in non-interlaced mode-scans/frame =2X + 256. Therefore for 262 scans, program X =3 (00000011). Range = 256 to 766 scans/frame, even counts only. In either mode, vertical sync width is fixed at three horizontal scans (= 3H) N = number of raster lines delay after leading edge of vertical sync of vertical start position. (DBO = LSB) Number of data rows = N + 1, N =0 to 63 (DBO = LSB) N = Address of last displayed data row, N =0 to 63, ie; for 24 data rows, program N = 23. (DBO =LSB) Regster, 1, DB7 = 1 established Interlace. Interlace Mode Scans per data Row = N + 2. N =0 to 14, odd or even counts. Non-Interlace Mode Scans per Data Row = N + 1, odd or even count, N =0 to 15. VII-13 SELF LOADING SCHEME Figura 2 -. ... DBO ~ ....... .... .. ........ v- ... '" .A "'" ... ~ ........ ....... ... ... ~ ! A1 A 2 . Aa. CE ! MK3B07 PROGRAMMABLE CRT VIDEO CONTROL UNIT (VCU) .-. A DB7 ... Ao ... 1..0 ...... .. ! +~ .- A RO R1 R2 R3 Ao A1 MK2716 SLOAD (FROM SYSTEM) A2 ;' Aa CE A4 +5 ROW SELECTS TO CHARACTER GENERATOR OPTIONAL START-UP SEQUENCE When employing microprocessor controlled loading of the MK3807 VCU's registers. the following sequence of instruction may be used optionally: ADDRESS 1 1 1 0 1 0 l' 0 o 0 0 0 COMMAND Start Timing Chain Reset Load Register 0 o Load Register 6 Start Timing Chain 1 1 1 0 0 The sequence of START RESET LOAD START is necessary to insure proper initialization of the registers. This sequence is not required if register loading is via either of the Self Load modes. VII-14 REGISTER SELECTS/COMMAND CODES Table 3 A3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A2 0 0 0 0 A1 0 0 AO 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 Description Select/Command Load Control Register 0 Load Control Register 1 Load Control Register 2 Load Control Register 3 Load Control Register 4 Load Control Register 5 Load Control Register 6 Processor Initiated Self Load See Table 4 Command from processor instructing MK3807 VCU to enter Self Load Mode (via external PROM) Read Cursor Line Address Read Cursor Character Address Reset 1 Resets timing chain to top left of page. Reset is latched on chip by OS and counters are held until released by start command. Increments address of first displayed data row on page, i.e.; prior to receipt of scroll command-top line =0, bottom line =23. After receipt of Scroll Command-top line = 1, bottom line =O. Up Scroll 0 o o o 1 o 1 Load Cursor Character Address 1 Load Cursor Line Address1 Start Timing Chain Receipt of this command after a Reset or Processor Self Load command will release the timing chain approximately one scan line later. In applications requiring synchronous operation of more than one VCU the dot counter carry should be held low during the OS for this command. Device wi II begin self load via PROM when OS goes low. The 1111 command should be maintained on A3-0 long enough to guarantee self load. (Scan counter should cycle through at least once). Self load is automatically terminated and timing chain initiated when the all "1 's" condition is removed, independent of OS. For synchronous operation of more than one VCU, the Dot Counter Carry should be held low when the command is removed. Non-Processor Self Load NOTE 1: During Self-Load. the Cursor Character Address Register (REG 7) and the Cursor Row Address Register(REG 8) are enabled during states 0111 and 1000 of the R3-RO Scan Counter outputs respectively. Therefore, Cursor data in the PROM should be stored at these addresses. BIT ASSIGNMENT CHART Table 4 HORIZONTAL LINE COUNT . .&. I- II~ ;-,-1. . . . REG 0 L-I I_IL-...I--,I--I-I 117161 i R. I SKEW BITS DATA ROWS/FRAME REG 31m REG I I 1312~ REG [ I0I REG 6 r-Ix-'-Ix" 'I. r: :~;::1~i:::::;:::1:::;\L,~I SCAN LINES/FRAME MODE INTERLACED H SYNC WIDTH H SYNC DELAY NON-INTERLACED II I 41 I 21 X I! I i I~ I[TI I REG CURSOR CHARCTER ADDRESS i I I I I i I I I! I 71 ; I I I I I 10 I REG CHARACTERS/DATA ROW VERTICAL DATA START REG LAST DISPLAYED DATA ROW 51 ~ I I \ i I I II I VII-15 CURSOR ROW ADDRESS I I~ I REGS x \ x i I~ \ MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS* Operating Temperature Range ........••.....•.•....•...••.....•......••••.•.•.•••...•..•..... O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature Range ........•••...•...•..•.•..••...........•••••..•••••.•......... -55°C to + 150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) ...•.......••.......•..............••...........•.....•....... + 325°C Positive Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground ......................•.•.....•..•...••.•.......... + 1B.0 V Negative Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground .............•••..........•.•.......•..•....•••...•• -0.3 V ·Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and funcitonal operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit.voftage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition. voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. For example. the bench power supply programmed to deliver + 12 volts may have large voltage transients when the AC power is switched on and off. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. DC CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O°C to 70°C; VCC = +5V ± 5%, VOO = +12V PARAMETER INPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low Level, VIL High Level, VIH OUTPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low Level - VOL for RO-3 Low Level - VOL, all others High Level- VOH for RO-3, OBO-7 High Level - VOH all others ± 5%, unless otherwise noted) MIN TYP MAX O.B VCC-1.5 UNIT COMMENTS VCC V V 0.4 0.4 V V 250 10 p.A p.A 15 15 pF pF pF 10 p.A 100 rnA rnA 2.4 2.4 INPUT CURRENT Low Level, IlL (Address, CE only) Leakage, IlL (All inputs except Address, CE) INPUT CAPACITANCE Data Bus, CIN OS, Clock, CIN All other, CIN 10 25 10 40 IOL=3.2 rna IOL=1.6 rna IOWBOl.La IOw4OI.La VIWO.4V 0::; VIN ::; VCC DATA BUS LIOAKAGE in INPUT MODE lOB POWER SUPPLY CURRENT BO 40 ICC 100 VII-16 60 0.4 ::; VIN ::; 5.25 V AC CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25°C) PARAMETER MIN DOT COUNTER CARRY frequency PWH PWL t r , tf 0.5 35 215 TVP 4.0 10 DATA STROBE PWDS 150ns MAX 50 UNIT COMMENTS MHz ns ns ns Figure 3 Figure 3 Figure 3 Figure 3 Figure 4 lOlls ADDRESS, CHIP ENABLE Set-uptime Hold time 125 50 ns ns Figure 4 Figure 4 DATA BUS - LOADING Set-up time Hold time 125 75 ns ns Figure 4 Figure 4 125 60 ns ns Figure 4, CL =50pF Figure 4, CL =50pF 125 ns Figure 3, CL =20pF. 500 ns Figure 5, CL =20pF DATA BUS - READING TOEL2 TOEL4 5 OUTPUTS, HO-7, HS, VS, BL, CRV CE-TDELl OUTPUTS: RO-3, DRO-5 * TDEL3 AC TIMING DIAGRAMS VIDEO TIMING Figure 3 trll+ -'Iljtt rr---------.~ DOT COU"". ' \ CARRY ~~--~~~~~~=========-PW--L------------~--------------------~--~.:J~.~~~------PWH-----4.J~I'--- HO-7 H SYNC, V SYNC, BLANK, CURSOR VIDEO, COMPOSITE SYNC ... TDEL1 -----+I RESTRICTIONS 1. Only one pin is available for strobing data into the device via the data bus. The cursor X and Y coordinates are loaded into the chip by presenting one set of addresses and outputed by presenting a different set of addresses. Therefore, the standard WRITE and READ control signals from most microprocessors must be "NORed" externally to present a single strobe {OS) signal to the device. 2. In interlaced mode the total number of character slots assigned to the horizontal scan must be even to insure that vertical sync occurs precisely between horizontal sync pulses. VII-17 LOAD/READ TIMING Figure 4 I....- - - - T S E T UP 1 - - - - - l.. ~1 ADDRESS CHIP ENABLE DBO·7 LOADING IN OF DATA DBO·7 READING OUT OF DATA 5S----------------------------~ SCAN AND DATA ROW COUNTER TIMING FigureS HSYNC~ RO·3 DRO.5 -----------_-!_-,..._---J~ . - TDEL3 * *RO·3 and DRO·5 mav change prior to tha felling edge of H sync GENERAL TIMING Figure 6 HORIZONTAL TIMING t:: START OF LINE N START OF LINE N+1 - . JlI....----ILV..L./t.......!Z'-L/..I-It.. . . Z2~7..1-Z/'-'Z..L.7L,...j/Z[....LZ_L.Z..I_O'_'_!_'_/.L...I.O[....LZ_'_Z~ZA"----In ... I-TV/'T70-r-Z'T7/ ACTIVE VIDEO = CHARACTERS PER DATA LINE ----+t""""0t4~ HORIZONTAL SYNC DELAY (FRONT PORCH) HORIZONTAL SYNC WIDTH HORIZONTAL LINE COUNT=H VERTICAL TIMING START OF FRAME M OR ODD FIELD START OF FRAME M+1 OR EVEN FIELD 11-0.......- - - - - - - - SCAN LINES PER FRAME - - - - - - - - - - '.. ~I J1~__..LV.L.I.//_L./..I-/L,...j//[....L/..L.ZL.../.Z2~7..1_ZZI......l.Z_L.Z..L.Z.L..JZ/-,-Z..l-Z,-,ZZ'-LZ..l_!.L...I.ZZ'-LZ..L-Z~/I1~nl77l7 I... VERTICAL DATA START ~.. ------1' ACTIVE VIDEO = DATA ROWS PER FRAME VII-18 .1 ~ . L VERTICAL SYNC:; 3H COMPOSITE SYNC TIMING Figure 7 n n ,, n n I , , , ,, , I I rL V SYNC I I I .:'" H-"; , - I r -________~~H/2~ ' : COMPOSITE SYNC VERTICAL SYNC TIMING Figure 8 ---------------t_-il.."'i----------- FRAME M+I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FRAME M SCAN COUNTER IS HELD RESETDURINGV BLANK--, SCANS/DATA H I I ROW 13579~ COUNTER-RO 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 N=9 DATA ROW COUNTER MAINTAINS LAST COUNTDURING V BLANK DATA ROW 23 COUNTER-DROl N=23 22 ~ J I 23~ 231 o--' ' - - - - - -7f __ fVERTICAL DAtA START SCAN = (REG6) lJU1JU1JlJ1JillJLJlJ111JU1JUL BLANK VERTICAL SYNC -----------------EXAMPLE BASED ON NON-INTERLACED (REG 1. 81T7 VII-19 0 0).24 DATA ROWS. 10 SCANS/DATA ROW VIl-20 MOSTEI(. Z80 MICROCOMPUTER PERIPHERALS STI-Z80 Version MK3801 DEVICE PINOUT Figure 1 FEATURES o Full Duplex USART o Two Binary Delay Timers o Two Full Feature Timers with • Delay to Interrupt Mode • Pulse Width Measurement Mode • Event Counter Mode o Eight General Purpose Lines with • Full Bi-Directionall/O Capability • Edge Triggered Interrupts on Either Edge o Full Control of Each Interrupt Channel • Enable/Disable • Maskable • Automatic End-of-Interrupt Mode • Software End-of-Interrupt Mode • Automatic End-of-Service Mode TAO TBO TCO TOO TCL1 Mi AESE'F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PI IRQ PO iiii'i'A Vss AO-A3 INTRODUCTION The MK3a01 is a multifunctional peripheral device for use in zao based systems. It provides a USART, four timers (two binary and two full function), and eight bi-directional I/O lines with individually programmable interrupts. The interrupt structure ofthe device is fully programmable for all interrupts, provides for interrupt vector generation, conforms to the zao daisy chain interrupt priority scheme, and supports automatic end-of-interrupt and end-of-service functions for the zao. DO - D7 RESET 10 -17 IRQ PIN DESCRIPTION Figure 1 illustrates the pinout ofthe MK3ao1. The functions of these individual pins are described below. SIGNAL NAME DESCRIPTION Ground. +5 volts (± 5 or 10 percent) Chip Select (negative true) Read Enable (negative true) Write Enable (negative true) PI PO SO SI RC TC TAO - TOO TCL1 Mi VII-21 (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11 ) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) . (40) (39) (38) (37) (36) (35) (34) (33) (32) (31) (30) (29) (28) (27) (26) (25) (24) (23) (22) (21) Vee RC 81 80 TC AO A1 A2 A3 ~ C$ R5 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO Address Inputs. Used to address one of the internal registers during a read or write operation. Data Bus (bi-directional). Device Reset (negative true). When activated, all internal registers (except for Timer or USART Data Registers) will be cleared, all timers stopped, USART turned off, all interrupts disabled and all pending interrupts cleared, and all I/O lines placed in tri-state mode. General purpose I/O and interrupt lines. Interrupt Request Output (active open drain). Interrupt Acknowledge. Used t~ signal the MK3a01 that the CPU is acknowledging its interrupt. Priority Input. Priority Output. Serial Output. Serial Input. Receiver Clock Input. Transmit Clock Input. Timer Outputs. Timer Clock Input. zao Machine Cycle One (negative true) , INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Figure 2 RESET TCl1 INTERNAL CONTROL lOGIC !' -. TIMERS C&D DATA ~ .. I I WR 'f -.. C P U ..- T DO -'~ ADDR RD TC o ..- TIMERS A&B TAo TBo .. SI 0 .. B U S - ...-. - ~ USART - ... .. I I GENERAL PURPOSE 1/0 ·INTRPT RC So TC 10·17 r INTERRUPT CONTROL - ,~ INTA PI - I RQ PO INTERNAL ORGANIZATION transfer status and data between the system and the MK3801. Figure 2 illustrates the MK3801 internal organization, supporting the full set of timing, communications, parallel 1/0, and interrupt processing functions available in the device. CPU 1/0 BUS Each register in the MK3801 is addressed over the address bus and with Chip Select (/CS). while data is transferred over the eight bit Data bus under control of Read (lRD) and Write (lWR) signals. INTERRUPT CONTROL The CPU 1/0 Bus provides the means of communications between the system and the MK3801. Data, Status, and, Control Registers in the MK3801 are accessed by the bus in order to establish device parameters, assert control, and The Interrupt Control section provides full vectored interrupt control processing for all 110 facilities ofthe MK3801. Each individual function is provided with a unique interrupt VII-22 vector that is presented to the system during the interrupt acknowledge cycle. All interrupts are fully maskable, with individual enable and disable controls. In addition, the interrupts associated with each ofthe General Purpose 1/0 lines may be programmed to occur on either the rising edge or the falling edge of the incoming signal. Optional End-ofInterrupt modes and End-of-Service modes are available under software control. section is capable of either asynchronous or synchronous operation. Variable word width and start and stop bit configurations are available under software control for asynchronous operation. For synchronous operation, a Sync Word is provided to establish synchronization during receive operations. The Sync Word will also be repeatedly transmitted when no other data is available for transmission. TIMERS Separate receive and transmit clocks are available, and separate receive and transmit status and data bytes allow independent operation ofthe tra nsmit a nd receive sections. Four timers are available on the MK3801. Two provide full service features including delay timer operation, event counter operation, pulse width measurement operation, and pulse generation. The other two timers provide delay timer features only, and may be used for baud rate generators for use with the USART. All timers are prescalerlcounter timers, with a common independent clock input, and are not required to be operated from the system clock. In addition, all timers have a time-out output function that toggles each time the timer times out. USART Serial Communication is provided by the USART. This GENERAL PURPOSE 1/0 - INTERRUPT PORT The General Purpose 1/0 -Interrupt Port provides eight 1/0 lines that may be operated either as inputs or outputs under control of software. In addition, each line may generate an interrupt on either a positive going edge or a negative going edge of the input signal. Two ofthe lines in this port provide auxiliary input functions for the timers in the pulse width measurement mode and the event counter mode. Two others serve as auxiliary output lines for the USART, and reflect the status of the receive and transmit buffers, for control of DMA operations. VII-23 VII-24 MOSTEI(. 8-BIT A/D CONVERTER/8-CHANNEL ANALOG MULTIPLEXER MK50808(N/P) FEATURES The pin configuration of the MK50aOa is shown in Figure 1. o Single 5-Volt Supply (± 5%) o Low Power Dissipation - 6.825mW(max) at 640kHz o Total Unadjusted Error o Linerarity Error o < ± Y2 LSB PIN CONNECTIONS Figure 1 < ± Y2 LSB No Missing Codes o Guaranteed Monotonicity o No Zero Adjust Required o No Full-Scale Adjust Required IN3_1 28_IN2 IN4-2 27_INl IN5_3 26-INO IN6_4 25_AOOA IN7-5 24-AOOB 2 3 _ AOOC START-6 EOC.-.7 o 10aILs Conversion Time (Typically) o Easy Microprocessor Interface o 03_8 THREE-STATE_. CONTROL o 8-channel Analog Multiplexer o Latched Address Input o Fixed Reference or Ratiometric Conversion o Continuous or Controlled Conversion o On-Chip Chopper-Stabilized Comparator o Low Reference-Voltage Current Drain DESCRIPTION The MK50aOa is a monolithic CMOS device with an 8bit successive approximation AID converter, an 8channel analog multiplexer and microprocessorcompatible c~>ntrollogic. The 8-channel multiplexer can directly access anyone of a single-ended analog channels. The 8-bit AID converter consists of 256 series resistors with an analog switch array, a chopperstabilized comparator and a successive approximation register. The series resistor approach guarantees 21_07 9 20-06 CLOCK-10 19-05 Vee -..11 18_04 REF(+)-..12 Latched TIL-Compatible Three-State Output with True Bus-Driving Capability 22-ALE GNO-..13 01_14 17_00 16-REF(-) 15-02 monotonicity and no missing codes as well as allowing both ratiometric and fixed-reference measurements. The need for external zero and full-scale adjustments has been eliminated and an absolute accuracy of:S;; 1 LSB, including quantizing error, is provided. A block diagram of the MK50aOa is shown in Figure 2. All digital outputs are TIL-compatible, all digital inputs are TTL-compatible with a pull-up resistor, and all digital inputs and outputs are CMOS-compatible; this makes it easy to interface with most microprocessors. The output latch is three-state and provides true busdriving capability (300ns from Three-State Control to Q Logic State with 200pF load). A Start signal initiates the conversion process, and, upon completion, an End-OfConversion signal is generated. Continuous conversion is possible by tying the Start-Convert pin to the End-ofConversion pin. VII-25 The MK50808 fealures low power, high accuracy, minimal temperature dependence, and excellent longterm accuracv and repeatability. These characteristics make this device ideally suited to machine and MK60BOB BLOCK industrial controls. A block diagram of a microprocessor control system using the MK50808 is shown in Figure 3. DIA~RAM Figure 2 START CLOCK ..., r7c;;m.t.:f~ ____ -oEND OF CONVERSION ,- CHANNEL 8 ANALOG INPUTS ~~t~rG 1----1 PLEXER .... ,T } 3.~IT ADDRESS L _..., { AODRESS LATCH ENABLE II Vee GNO REFf+) REF(-I THREE·STATE CONTROL TYPICAL MICROPROCESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 3 DISPLAY MK&0808 PHYSICAL VARIABLE Tem......ture Pr....re Weigh. Flow Ugh. Humidity pH ate. AID CONTROLLER OAC VII-26 OUTPUT FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION (Refer To Figure 2 for a Block Diagram) ADDRESS, Pins 23-25 The address decoder allows the a-input analog multiplexer to select anyone of a single-ended analog input channels. Table 1 shows the required address inputs to select any analog input channel. resistors in the ladder. They are chosen so that the output characteristic will be symmetrical about its fullscale and zero points. The first output transition occurs when the analog signal reaches +¥2 LSB and succeeding transitions occur every 1 LSB until the output reaches ful! scale. ANALOG INPUTS, Pins 1-5, 26-28 These inputs are multiplexing analog switches which accept analog inputs from OV to VCC. ADDRESS LATCH ENABLE, Pin 22 A positive transition applied to the Address Latch Enable (ALE) input latches a 3-bit address into the address decoder. ALE can be tied to Start with parameter to being satisfied. CLOCK INPUT, Pin 10 This Clock Input will accept an external clock input from 100kHz to 1 .2MHz The comparator is the most important section of the AID converter because this section determines the ultimate accuracy of the entire converter. It is the DC drift of the comparator which determines the repeatability of the device. A chopper-stabilized comparator was chosen because it best satisfies all the converter requirements. The chopper-stabilized comparator converts the DC input signal into an AC signal. This signal is amplified by a high-gain AC amplifier and the DC level is restored. This technique limits the drift component of the comparator because the drift is a DC component which is not passed by the AC amplifier. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE REFERENCE VOLTAGES [REF (+) and REF (-I], Pins 12 and 16 These inputs supply voltage references for the analogto-digital converter. Internal voltage references are derived from REF (+) and REF H by a 2S6-R ladder network, Figure 4. Since drift is virtually eliminated, the entire AID converter is extremely insensitive to temperature and exhibits very little long-term drift and input offset error. This approach was chosen because of its inherent monotonicity, which is extremely important in closedloop feedback control systems. A non-monotonic transfer characteristic can cause catastrophic oscillations within a system. RESISTOR LADDER AND SWITCH ARRAY Figure 4 The top and bottom resistors of the ladder network in Figure 4 are not the same value as the rest of the . CONTROLS FROM SAR REFI+) ANALOG CHANNEL SELECTION Table 1 SELECTED ANALOG CHANNEL R R ADDRESS LINE C B A INO L L L INl L L H IN2 L H L INJ L H H IN4 H L L IN5 H L H IN6 H H L IN7 H H H ·· · 250R: R R REF!·) VII-27 TO COMPARATOR INPUT • START. Pin 6 8-BIT DIGITAL OUTPUT. Pins 8,14.15.17-21 The AID converter's successive approximation register (SAR) is reset by the positive edge of the Start pulse. Conversion begins on the falling edge ofthe Start pulse. These pins supply the binary digital output code which corresponds to the analog input voltage. DO is the least significant bit (LSB) and 07 is the most significant bit (MSB). This output is stored in a TTL-compatible threestate output latch which can drive a 200pF bus from high impedance to either logic state in 300ns. Each pin can drive one standard TTL load. A conversion in progress will be interrupted if a new Start pulse is received and a new conversion will begin. END OF CONVERSION. Pin 7 THREE-STATE CONTROL. Pin 9 The End-Of-Conversion (EOC) output goes high when the conversion process has been completed. The positive edge of the EOC output indicates a valid digital output. Continuous conversion can be accomplished by tying the EOC output to the Start input. If the AID converter is used in this mode, an external Start pulse should be applied after power up. End of Conversion will go low within 2 clock periods after the positive edge of Start. The Three-State Control allows the converter to be connected to an 8-bit data bus. A low level applieq to this input causes the digital output to go to a high impedance state and a high level causes the output to go to a Q logic state. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* (Note 1) Absolute Maximum VCC ............................................................................. 6.5V Operating Temperature Range ..................................................... MK50808 O°C to + 70°C MK50808-1 -40° to +85°C Storage Temperature Range ............................................................... -65 0 to +150°C Power Dissipation at 25°C ....................................................................... 500mW Voltage at any Pin except Digital Inputs ................................................. -0.3 to VCC + 0.3V Voltage at Digital Inputs ..................................................................... -0.3 to +15V *Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operationaf the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational section~ of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ELECTRICAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS MK50808, MK50808-1 (Note 1) SYM PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX VCC Power Supply Voltage Measured at VCC pin 4.75 5.00 5.25 V From REF(+) to REF(-) 0.512 5.12 5.25 V VCC VCC+0.1 V ~ VCC+0.1 V VLADDER Voltage Across Ladder VREF(+) (VREF(f)+) VBEFH 2 VREFH Voltage at Top of Ladder Measured at REF(+) Voltage at Center of Ladder Measured at RLADDERI2 Voltage at Bottom of Ladder Measured at REF(-) ~-0.1 2 -0.1 VII-28 2 0 UNITS NOTES 2" V 2 DC CHARACTERISTICS All parameters are 100% tested at 25°C. Device parameters are characterized at high and low temperature limits to assure conformance with the specification. MKS0808, MKS0808-1 4.75 ';;;VCC';;; 5.25V, -40';;; TA';;; +85°C unless otherwise noted SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS VINHIOH Logic In~ut High Vo tage Vec = 5V V1NLOW Logic Input Low Voltage Vec = 5V Logic Output High Voltage lOUT = -360MA Logic Output Low Voltage lOUT = 1.6mA 0.4 V Logic Input High Current V1N = 15V 1.0 MA Logic Input Low Current V1N = OV VOUTHIGH VOUTLOW IINHIGH hNLOW Icc Supply Current lOUT Three-State Output Current 3.5 V 1.5 VOUT = VCC VOUT = OV V V VCC-0.4 -1.0 Clk. Freq=500kHz Clk. Freq=640kHz NOTES MA 300 1000 MA MA 3 MA MA MAX UNITS 1300 -3 DC CHARACTERISTICS MK50808-1, -40';;; TA';;; +85°C; MK50808, 0° ,;;; TA';;; + 70°C S YMBOL PSR RLADDER PARAMETER CONDITIONS Power Supply Rejection 4.75';;; Vec = VREP(+) ';;;5.25V;VREF(-)=GND Ladder Resistance From REF(+) to REFH MIN TYP 0.05 3.8 7 0.15 %/V NOTES 10 kfl ANALOG MULTIPLEXER MKS0808, MKS0808-1 -40° ,;;; TA';;; +85°C unless otherwise notea SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES ION On-Channel Input Current fe = 640kHz !?uring Conversion -2 ±.05 +2 MA 11 10 200 nA IOFF(+) IOFFH Off - Channel Leakage Current Vcc=5V, V1N =5V, TA=25°C Off - Channel Leakage Current Vcc=5V, V1N=OV, TA = 25°C -200 VII-29 -10 nA CONVERTER SECTION Vee =VREF(+) 5V. VElEF(-) =GND. VIN=;VeOMPARATOR IN. fe = 640kHz MK50BOB-l.-40~TA~+B5°e unless otherwise noted = PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TVP Resolution MAX UNITS 8 Bits NOTES Non-Linearity Error ±% ±Y2 LSB 3 Zero Error ±% ± Y2 LSB 5 Full-Scale Error ±% ± Y2 LSB 6 ±'A ± .Y2 ±% LSB LSB 7 ±Y2 LSB B ±% ±% ±1 ±1% LSB LSB 9 TVP MAX UNITS NOTES B Bits Total Unadjusted Error TA= 25°C ±% Quantizing Error Absolute Accuracy TA = 25°C MK50BOB. 0° ~ TA ~ + 70°C PARAMETER MIN Resolution Non-Linearity Error ±Y2 ±1 LSB 3 Zero Error ±% ±Y2 LSB 5 Full-Scale Error ±% ± Y2 LSB 6 Total Unadjusted Error ±Y2 ± 1 LSB 7 ± Y2 LSB B ±1Y2 LSB 9 Quantizing Error ± 1 Absolute Accuracy FULL-SCALE. QUANTIZING AND ZERO ERROR NON-LINEARITY ERROR Figure 5 Figure 6 OUTPUT OUTPUT CODE CODe INFINITE RESOLUTION PERFECT CONVERTER 111 110 101 100 011 010 001 000 CSB VII-30 AC CHARACTERISTICS (Figure 7) MK50808. MK50808-1.TA = 25°C.VCC = VREF(+) = SV or S.12V,VREFH = GND SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS tws Start Pulse Width 200 ns tWALE Minimum ALE Pulse Width 200 ns Address Set-Up Time 50 ns tH Address Hold Time 50 ns tD Analog MUX Delay RS+RONO:;;; 5kU Time from ALE tHI. tHO Three-State Control CL = 50pF to Q Logic State CL = 200pF tiH. toH Three-State Control CL = lOpF. RL = 10k!) to Hi-Z ts 1 2.5 I-'s 125 250 300 ns ns 125 250 ns 106 108 110 I-'s 100 640 1200 kHz 2 Clock Periods tc Conversion Time fe External Clock Freq. tEOl" EOC Delay Time CIN Input Capacitance At Logic Inputs At MUX Inputs 10 5 15 7.5 pF pF COUT Three-State Output At Three-State Capacitance Outputs S 7.5 pF fC= 640kHz 0 VII-31 NOTES 12 4 TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 7 A CLOCK_~~ ,I 50% ALE ,J50% ----,1, ADDRESS l I-tWALE !--rlTABLE ADDRESS . ts .... ! 50% 50o/~ \ 1- ~~tH ----, INPUT .- [-- r- STABLE - \\ ~ MUX OUTPUT START " -<;;1/2 lSB :-- tD _ _ 50% ~ 50% i4- t WS .... 50% THREE-STATE CONTROL ---tc EOC i--- tEOC OUTPUTS (50pF Load) ~50% 50%/ . tHl. tHO-=--' ! 10% l S. 6. 7. l~tHO t lH. tOH r--90% ~ 10% ~:~1___________________________2__.4~-O-4V------~--'~------1 ___________________H_I_G_H_I_M_P_E_D_A_N_C_E______ NOTES: 1. All voltages are measured with respect to GNO. 2. The minimum value for VLADDER will give 2mV resolution. However, the guaranteed accuracy is only that which is specified under "DC Characteristics" 3. Nonwlinearity error is the maximum deviation from a straight line through 4. r-r O% HIGH IMPEDANCE tHl=: ~~ci:~I!adl 50% J 8. 9. the end points of the AID transfer characteristics. Figure 6. 10. When EOC is tied to START. EOC delay is 1 clock period. Zero Error is the difference between the actual input voltage and the design input voltage which produces a zero output code, Figure 5. Full~Scale Error is the difference between the actual input voltage and the design input voltage which produces a full~scale output code, Figure 5. Total Unadjusted Error is the true measure of accuracy the converter can provide less any quantizing effects. 11. 12. VII-32 Quantizing Error is the ±% LSB uncertainty caused by the converter's finite resolution, Figure 5. Absolute Accuracy is the difference between the actual input voltage and the full~scale weighted equivalent of the t,inary output code. This includes quantizing and all other errors. Power Supply Rejection is the ability of an AOe to maintain accuracy as the power supply voltage varies. The power supply and VREF(+) are varied together and the change in accuracy is measured with respect to full·scale. Input Current is the time average current into or out of the chopper~ stabilized comparator. This current varies directly with clock frequency and has little temperature dependence. This is the time required for the output of the analog multiplexer to settle within ±% LSB of the selected analog input signal. MOSTEI(. INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS ILP-Compatible AID Converter MK5168(N)-1 FEATURES PIN CONNECTIONS Figure 1 o Complete system in 16-pin package operates standalone or JLP-driven o Optional Clocks - external signal or internal oscillator o Easy microprocessor interface o Bus-compatible, 3-state data outputs o Single 5 volt supply o low power - 1.5 mW typical o s Vcc __ 1 START __2 BUSV ... 3 ANALOG IN __4 CS __ 5 CLK_6 vREF(+) ___7 ± Y2 lSB total unadjusted error o No full-scale or zero adjust required o Guaranteed monotonicity o No missing codes GNO-8 16 __ 07 (MSB) 15-+-06 14 __ 05 13-+-04 12-+-03 11-+-02 10--01. 9--00 (LSB) DESCRIPTION The MK5168 is an 8-bit, JLP-compatible AID Converter using the successive-approximations technique. CMOS construction provides low-power operation and the 16-pin package saves valuable board space, keeping system costs low. The MK5168 AID Converter is designed to interlace with microprocessors or operate as a stand-alone subsystem. The AID converter consists of 256 series resistors with an analog switch array, a chopper-stabilized comparator, and a successive approximation register. The series resistor approach guarantees monotonicity and no missing codes. The need for external zero and full-scale adjustments has been eliminated and an absolute accuracy of :S 1 lSB, including quantizing error, is provided. All digital inputs are CMOS compatible. The data outputs DO to 07 are 3-state latches providing true bus-driving capability (250 ns from CS to a valid logic level with 56 pF load). A START signal starts the conversion process and, upon completion, BUSY is driven to logic O. Continuous conversion is possible by tying the START pin to the BUSY pin. The ClK pin may be connected to an external signal or tied to ground to enable the on-chip oscillator. The MK5168 features high accuracy, minimal temperature dependence, and excellent long-term accuracy and repeatability, characteristics which make this device ideally suited to machine and industrial controls. A block diagram of a microprocessor control system using the MK5168 is shown in Figure 3. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION (Refer to Figure 2 for Block Diagram) Vcc' Pin 1 Vee must be connected to +5 Vdc ±5%. START, Pin 2 The AID Converter's successive approximation register (SAR) is reset by the falling edge of the STAAT pulse. pulse. A Conversion begins on the rising edge ofthe conversion in progress will be interrupted if a new S'i'AR'i' pulse is received and a new conversion will begin. VII-33 smr MK5168 BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 Si'A'RT CLK 16 ?2 t 1 I CONTROL AND TIMING ~ ANALOG IN 4 COMPARATOR 9 l , .. 256R RESISTOR LADDER 10 ~ 11 - -V ... ~ 3-STATE OUTPUT LATCH! BUFFER VCC 4 GND r 16 ~5 CS TYPICAL MICROPROCESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM DISPLAY f--+ SENSOR r-~ V FILTER .1 \ 1''_-"_11_' 1'_"_' SAMPLE \ ... AND HOLD J, r MK5168 A!D CONVERTER MP A. I ~ CONTROLLER DAC , 1 etc;. 4~ 8-81T 0 UTPUT 15 Figure 3 PHYSICAL VARIABLE TEMPERATURE PRESSURE WEIGHT FLOW LIGHT HUMIDITY pH .... 13 SWITCH ARRAY 67 8 12 14 - f 1 BUSY SAR V f---- 3 .. VII-34 -" ...1 BUSY. Pin 3 RESISTOR LADDER AND SWITCH ARRAY Figure 4 The BUSY output goes low when the conversion process has been completed. The falling edge of the BUSY output indicates a valid digital output. Continuous conversion can be accomplished by tying the BUSY output to the START input.lfthe AID Convener is used in this mode, an external START conversion pulse should be applied after power up. BUSY will go high within two clock periods after the positive edge of the START pulse. CONTROLS FROM SAR ,...------"--. TO COMPARATOR INPUT ANALOG IN. Pin 4 250R: ~--+. The ANALOG INPUT accepts an analog signal from 0 V to VCC· The comparator is the most imponant section of the AID Converter because this section determines the ultimate accuracy of the entire convener. It is the dc drift of the comparator which determines the repeatability of the device. A chopper-stabilized comparator was chosen because it best satisfies all the convener requirements. The chopper-stabilized comparator convens the dc input signal into an ac signal. This signal is amplified by a highgain ac amplifier and the dc level is restored. This technique limits the drift component of the comparator because the drift is a dc component which is not passed by the ac amplifier. Since drift is vinually eliminated, the entire AID Convener is insensitive to temperature and exhibits little long-term drift and input offset error. CS. Pin 5 The CHIP SELECT (CS) allows the convener to be connected to an 8-bit data bus. A high level applied to this input causes the digital outputstogoto a high impedance state anda low level applied causes the digital outputs to go to valid logic levels. GNO This approach was chosen because of its inherent monotonicity. A non-monotonic transfer characteristic can cause oscillations within a closed-loop feedback system. The top and bottom resistors of the ladder network in Figure 4 are not the same value as the rest of the resistors in the ladder. They are chosen so that the output characteristic will be symmetrical about the full-scale and zero points. The first output transition occurs when the analog signal reaches + Y2 lSB and succeeding transitions occur every 1 lSB until the output reaches full-scale. GND. PinS CLK. Pin 6 All inputs and outputs are referenced to GROUND (GND), which is defined as 0 V and 0 logic level. The CLOCK input (elK) will accept an external clock input from 100kHz to 1.2 MHz. For an external clock signal to be recognized by the MK5168, the signal must have a duty cycle from 20% to 80%. DIGITAL OUTPUT. Pins 9-16 DO-D7 If ClK is grounded, the conversion process will be controlled by an on-chip oscillator, resulting in a typical conversion time of 150 IJ.s. V REF (+). Pin 7 These pins supply the digital output code which corresponds to the analog input voltage. DO is the least significant bit (lSB) and D7 is the most significant bit (MSB). This output is stored in a TTL-compatible, 3-state output latch which can drive a 56 pF bus from high impedance to either logic state in 250 ns. Each pin can drive one standard TTL load directly without a pull-up resistor. This input supplies the voltage reference for the AID Convener. Internal voltage references are derived from VREF(+) and GND by a 256 resistor ladder network, as shown in Figure 4. V REF(+) may be tied to Vee or to a higher precision 5 V source for greater noise immunity. VII-35 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* (Note 11 Absolute Maximum Vee ............................................................................ 6.5 V Operating Temperature Range ................................................................ _40° to +85°e Storage Temperature Range ................................................................. -65° to +150 0 e Power Dissipation at 25°C Ambient ........................................................ . . . . . . .. 500 mW Voltage at any pin except Digital Inputs .................................................... -0.3 to Vee + 0.3 V Voltage at Digital Inputs ...................................................................... -0.3 to +15 V *Stresses above those listed under"Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ELECTRICAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS MK5168-1 (Note 11 SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TVP MAX Vce Power Supply Voltage Measured at Vee pin 4.75 5.00 5.25 V VREF{+I Voltage Across Ladder From VREF(+I toGND Vee-O.12 Vee+0 .12 V UNITS NOTES DC CHARACTERISTICS MK5168-1 4.75 S Vee S 5.25 V, -40 STA S +85°C unless otherwise noted SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS VINHIGH Logic Input High Voltage Vec = 5V VINLOW Logic Input Low Voltage Vee = 5V VOUTHIGH Logic Output High Voltage lOUT = -360 pA VOUTLOW Logic Output Low Voltage lOUT = 1.6 mA IINHIGH Logic Input High Current VIN = 15V IINLOW Logic Input Low Current VIN = OV ICC Supply Current elk Freq=500 kHz Clk Freq=64O kHz ILEAK High Impedance Output Current VOUT= VCC VOUT = OV VII-36 MIN TVP MAX 3.5 V 1.5 Vee -0.4 V V 0.5 1.0 V pA pA -1.0 300 -3 UNITS NOTES 1000 1300 pA pA 3 pA pA DC CHARACTERISTICS MK5168-1 -40:S; TA:S; +85°C. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS RpS Power SupplV Rejection 4.75 :s; VCC :s; 5.25 VREF(+) = VCC ICOMPIN Comparator Input Current During Conversion fc = 640 kHz RLADDER Ladder Resistance From VREF(+) to GND .MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES 0.05 0.15 %IV 9 -2 ±O.5 2 pA 10 3.3 7 kG CONVERTER SECTION Vee =VREF(+) =5 V fc =640 kHz MK5168-1 -4O:S; TA:S; + 85°C unless otherwise noted PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP Resolution MAX UNITS NOTES 8 Bits Non-Linearity Error ±1A ±% LSB 2, Zero Error ±1A ±% LSB 4 Full-Scale Error ±1A ±% LSB 5 ±1A ±1A ±3A ±% LSB LSB 6 6 ±Y2 LSB 7 ±11A ±1 LSB LSB 8 8 Total Unadjusted Error TA = 25°C Quantizing Error Absolute Accuracy TA = 25°C VII-37 ±3A ±3A AC CHARACTERISTICS (Reference Figure 7) MK5168-1 TA = 25°C. VCC = VREF (+) = 5 Vor 5.12 V SYMBOL PARAMETER tSTART START Pulse Width tcso Chip Select Time to Valid Logic Levels On Digital Outputs CL =56 pF CL =200 pF 125 300 250 ns ns tcso Time to HI-Z From CS = VCC CL = 10 pF RL = lOk!l 125 250 ns Conversion Time fc 640 kHz fc = f'nternal Clock fc = 1200 kHz 110 57 108 150 58 59 MS MS MS 100 640 1200 kHz 11 2 Clock Periods 3 tc CONDITIONS MIN TVP MAX UNITS NOTES 200 = 106 ns fc External Clock Freq. taUSY BUSY Delay Time CIN Input Capacitance At Logic Inputs 10 15 pF COUT Output Capacitance At Digital Outputs CS=VCC 5 7.5 pF 0 VII-38 FULL-SCALE. QUANTIZING AND ZERO ERROR NON-LINEARITY ERROR FigureS Figure 6 OUTPUT COOE OUTPUT COOE FULL-SCALE ENOPOINT INFINITE RESOLUTION PERFECT CONVERTER 111 - _ _ INFINITE RESOLUTION CONVERTER 110 101 100 011 010 001 ZERO ENOPOINT V ~ ~-''---~--~----r---'----r--~---ANALOGIN 000 o 1 3 4 6 7 LSB TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 7 CLOCK 50% 50O/C L~~~:1=:=========~5:0~ BUSY 1:50% 50% ./ tCSQ ---.j ---"-..-""'--'t'-B-U-Sy-=+1 j50% l+- r- tcso I HIGHIMPED_A_N~C~E_ _41 \~______________~~'1F-9~0_o/c_O~V_A~L~ID~~~9_0_o/c_o___ OUTPUTS 10% 10% NOTES: 1. All voltages are measured with respect to GND. 2. Non-linearity error is the maximum deviation from a straight line through the end-points of the AID transfer characteristic. (Figure 6) 3. When BUSY is tied to BUSY delay is 1 clock period. 4. Zero Error is the difference between the actual input voltage and the design input voltage which produces a zero output code. (Figure 5) 5. Full-Scale Error is the difference between the actual input voltage and the design input voltage which produces a full-scale output code. (Figure 5) 6. Total Unadjusted Error is the true measure of accuracy the converter can provide less any quantizing effects. 7. Quantizing Error is the ±% LSB uncertainty caused by the converter's finite resolution. (Figure 5) STARr, 8. Absolute Accuracy is the difference between the actual input voltage and the full-scale weighted equivalent of the binary output code. This includes quantizing and all other errors. 9. Power Supply Rejection is the ability of anADeto maintain acc:u"'cy,.sthe lpo.var supply voltage varies. The power supply and V REF(+) are varied together and change in accuracy is measured with respect to full-scale. 10. Comparator Input Current is the time average current into or out of the chopper stabilized comparator. This current varies directly with clock frequency and has little temperature dependence. 11. A minimum duty cycle of 20% is required at the clock input. VII-39 VII-40 MOSTEl(8 8-BIT AID CONVERTER/16-CHANNEL ANALOG MULTIPLEXER MK50816(N/P) The pin configuration of the MK50816 is shown in Figure 1 below: FEATURES o Single 5 Volt Supply (± 5%) PIN CONNECTIONS o Low Power Dissipation - 6.825mW(max) at 640kHz o Total Unadjusted Error o Linerarity Error Figure 1 < ± '12 LSB < ± '12 LSB • 40-+-IN2 o No Missing Codes 39 ____ INl o Guaranteed Monotonicity lB-4-INO 37 . - ~~~~~~~N o No Zero Adjust Required 36...-ADD A o No Full-Scale Adjust Required 35~ADDB o 1081's Conversion Time (Typically) 34-+-ADD C o Easy Microprocessor Interface 334-ADDO o Latched TTL Compatible Three-State Output with True Bus-Driving Capability MK50816 31 ~D7 o Expandable 16-channel Analog Multiplexer 30 --..06 o Latched Address Input 29 --.05 28 --+-04 o Fixed Reference or Ratiometric Conversion 27 - . 0 3 o Continuous or Controlled Conversion COMMON4-15 o On-Chip or External Clock VCC-"17 o On-Chip Chopper-Stabilized Comparator o Low Reference-Voltage Current Drain COMPARAT~:-"18 22....-CLOCK DESCRIPTION The MK50816 is a monolithic CMOS device with an 8bit successive approximation AID converter, a 16channel analog multiplexer and microprocessorcompatible control logic. The 16-channel multiplexer can directly access anyone of 16 single-ended analog channels and provides logic for additional channel expansion. The 8-bit AID converter consists of 256 seri~~ resistors with an analog switch array, a chopperstabilized comparator and a successive approximation register. The series resistor approach guarantees monotonicity and no missing codes as well as allowing both ratiometric and fixed-reference measurements. The need for zero and full-scale adjustments has been eliminated and an absolute accuracy of 0::;; 1 LSB including quantizing error, is provided. ' All digital outputs are TTL-compatible, all digital inputs are TTL-compatible with a pull-up resistor, and all digital inputs and outputs are CMOS-compatible; th makes it easy to interface with most microprocessors. The output latch is three-state and provides true busdriving capability (300ns from Three-State Control to Q Logic State with 200pF load). A Start Convert signal initiates the conversion process, and, upon completion, an End Of Conversion signal is generated. Continuous conversion is possible by tying the Start-Convert pin to the End-of-Conversion pin. The clock pin may be connected to an external oscillator or tied to ground to enable an on-chip oscillator. VII-41 The'MK50816 features low power, high accuracy, minirnal temperature dependence, and excellent longterm accuracy and repeatability. These characteristics make this device. ideally suited to machine and industrial controls. MK50816 BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 COMPAR~~ORo- COMMON A block diagram of a microprocessor control system using the MK50816 is shown in Figure 3. __________- , 0----------, START CLOCK I~~~~~~--------_oENDOF CONVERSION 16 ANALOG INPUTS ,-----yi THREE· STATE OUTPUT LATCH/ BUFFER l B.BIT OUTPUT [[ Vee GND REF(+) REFI-J THREE·STATE CONTROL TYPICAL MICROPROCESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 3 DISPLAY - -, MK50816 PHYSICAL VARIABLE TEMPERATURE PRESSURE WEIGHT FLOW LIGHT HUMIDITY FIL TER pH etc. MUX j.tP I """ CHANNELS { CONTROLLER PWR AMPL DAC VII-42 AID FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION (Refer To Figure 2 for a Block Diagram) ADDRESS, Pins 33-36 The address decoder allows the 16-input analog multiplexer to select anyone of 16 single-ended analog input channels. Table 1 shows the required address and expansion control inputs to select any analog input channel. CLOCK INPUT, Pin 22 The Clock Input will accept an external clock input from 100kHz to 1.2MHz. A minimum duty cycle of 20% is required for the Clock Input to detect the presence of an external clock signal. If the Clock pin is grounded, the conversion process will be controlled by an on-chip oscillator. ADDRESS LATCH ENABLE, Pin 32 POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE REFERENCE VOLTAGES [REF (+) and REF (-IJ, Pins 19 and 23 A positive transition applied to the Address Latch Enable (ALE) input latches a 4-bit address into the address decoder. ALE can be tied to Start with parameter til being satisfied. These inputs supply voltage references for the analogto-digital converter. Internal voltage references are derived from REF (+) and REF (-) by a 256-R ladder network, Figure 4. COMMON OUTPUT, Pin 15 EXPANSION CONTROL, Pin 37 This approach was chosen because of its inherent monotonicity, which is extremely important in closedloop feedback control systems. A non-monotonic transfer characteristic can cause catastrophic oscillations within a system. Additional single-ended analog signals can be multiplexed to the AID converter by holding the Expansion Control low, disabling the multiplexer. These additional externally-multiplexed signals are to be connected to the Comparator Input and the device ground. Additional signal conditioning such as sampleand-hold or instrumentation amplification can be added between the analog signal and the Comparator Input. The top and bottom resistors of the ladder network in Figure 4 are not the same value as the rest of the resistors in the ladder. They are chosen so that the output characteristic will be symmetrical about its fullscale and zero points. The first output transition occurs when the analog signal reaches + Y2 LSB and succeeding transitions occur every 1 LSB until the output reaches full scale. ANALOG CHANNEL SELECTION Table 1 RESISTOR LADDER AND SWITCH ARRAY Figure 4 This is the output of the 16-channel analog multiplexer. The maximum ON resistance is 3kfl. CONTROLS FROM SAR SELECTED A-.!ALOG CHANNEL ADDRESS LINE EXPANSION CONTROL ~ REF!+1 IN' IN5 TO COMPARATOR INPUT IN' IN7 250R: IN9 IN12 IN13 AUCh~nnelsOFF REFl-I VII-43 .----+.. ANALOG INPUTS. PINS 1- 12. 14. 38-40 start conversion pulse is received and a new conversion will begin. These inputs are mUltiplexing analog switches which accept analog inputs from OV to Vcc. END OF CONVERSION. Pin 13 COMPARATORINPU~~n18 The comparator is the most important section of the AID converter because this section determines the ultimate accuracy of the entire converter. It is the DC drift of the comparator which determines the repeatability of the device. A chopper-stabilized comparator was chosen because it best satisfies all the converter requirements. The End Of Conversion (EOC) output goes high when the conversion process has been completed. The positive edge of the EOC output indicates a valid digital output. Continuous conversion can be accomplished by tying the EOC output to the Start input. If the AID converter is used in this mode, an external start conversion pulse should be applied after power up. End of Conversion will go low within 2 clock periods after the positive edge of Start. The chopper-stabilized comparator converts the DC input signal into an AC signal. This signal is amplified by a high-gain AC amplifier and the DC level is restored. This technique limits the drift component of the comparator because the drift is a DC component which is not passed by the AC amplifier. 8-BIT DIGITAL OUTPUT. Pins 24-31 These pins supply the digital output code which corresponds to the analog input voltage. DO is the least significant bit (LSB) and D7 is the most significant bit (MSB). This output is stored in a TTL-compatible threestate output latch which can drive a 200pF bus from high impedance to either logic state in 300ns. Each pin can drive one standard TTL load. Since drift is virtually eliminated, the entire AID converter is extremely insensitive to temperature and exhibits very little long-term drift and input offset error. THREE-STATE CONTROL. Pin 21 START. Pin 16 The AID converter's successive approximation register (SAR) is reset by the positive edge of the Start pulse. Conversion begins on the falling ~dge ofthe Start pulse. A conversion in progress will be interrupted if a new The Three-State Control allows the converter to be connected to an 8-bit data bus. A low level applied to this input causes the digital output to go to a high impedance state and a high level causes the output to go to a Q logic state. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* (Note 1) Absolute Maximum VCC ............................................................................ 6.5V Operating Temperature Range ....................................................... MK50816 0° to + 70°C MK50816-1 -40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range .............................................................. -65°C to +150°C Power Dissipation at 25°e ........................................................................ 500mW Voltage at any Pin except Digital Inputs .................................................. -0.3 to Vec + 0.3V Voltage at Digital Inputs ...................................................................... -0.3 to +15V ·Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" maycause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. VII-44 ELECTRICAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS MK50816. MK50816-1 (Note 1) SYM PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS VCC Power Supply Voltage Measured at VCC Pin 4.75 5.00 5.25 V 0.512 5.12 5.25 V VCC VCC+0.1 V VCC _ 0.1 2 VCC 2 VCC + 01 2 . -0.1 0 VLADDER Voltage Across Ladder From REF(+) to REF (-) VREF(+) ( VREF(+) VREF(-) 2 +) VREF(-) Voltage at Top of Ladder Measured at REF (+) Voltage at Center of Ladder Measured at RLADDER/2 Voltage at Bottom of Ladder Measured at REF(-) NOTES 2 V V DC CHARACTERISTICS All parameters are 100% tested at 25°C. Device parameters are characterized at low and high temperature limits to assure conformance with the specification. MK50816. MK50816-1 4.75:5 VCC:5 5.25V, -40:5 TA:5 +85°C unless otherwise noted SYM PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN VINHIGH Logic Input High Voltage VCC = 5V 3.5 VINLOW Logic Input Low Voltage CC = 5V Logic Output High Voltage lOUT = -360/LA Logic Output Low Voltage lOUT = 1.6mA IINHIGH Logic Input High Current IINLOW Logic Input Low Current ICC TYP MAX V V VCC - 0.4 0.4 V 1.0 /LA -1.0 /LA 1000 1300 /LA /LA 3 /LA /LA TYP MAX UNITS NOTES 0.05 0.15 %/V 10 2 /LA 11 300 lOUT Output Current NOTES V 1.5 Current UNITS -3 DC CHARACTERISTICS MK50816-1 -40:5 TA:5 +85°C, MK50816 0°:5 TA:5 +70°C SYM PARAMETER CONDITIONS RpS Power Supply Rejection 4.75:5 VCC:5 5.25 VREF (+) = VCC VREF(-) = GND MIN ICOMP IN Comparator Input Current fC = 640kHz During Convs. -2 ±0.5 RLADDER Ladder Resistance From REF(+) to REF (-) 3.8 7 VII-45 kCl ANALOG MULTIPLEXER MK50816, MK50816-1 _40° :5 TA :5 +85°C unless otherwise noted SYM PARAMETER CONDITIONS RON Analog Multiplexer ON Resistance L:.RON L:. ON Resistance Between Any 2 Channels TYP MAX UNITS (Any Selected Channel) TA = 25°C, RL = 10k 1.5 3 kn (Any Selected Channel) RL = 10k 75 10 MIN IOFF(+) OFF Channel Leakage Current VCC=5V, VIN=5V, TA=25°C IOFFH OFF Channel Leakage Current VCC=5V, VIN=OV, TA=25°C -200 NOTES n 200 -10 nA nA CONVERTER SECTION VCC = VREF(+) = 5V, VREFH = GND, VIN = VCOMPARATOR IN, fC = 640kHz MK50816-1 -40:5 TA:5 +85°C unless otherwise noted PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP Resolution MAX UNITS 8 Bits NOTES Non-Linearity Error ±1.4 ±% LSB 3 Zero Error ±1.4 ±Y2 LSB 5 Full-Scale Error ±1.4 ±% LSB 6 ±1.4 ±1.4 ±% ±% LSB LSB 7 ±Y2 LSB 8 ±% ±% ±1 ±11.4 LSB LSB 9 TYP MAX UNITS NOTES 8 Bits Total Unadjusted Error TA = 25°C Quantizing Error Absolute Accuracy TA = 25°C PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN Resolution Non-Linearity Error ±% ±1 LSB 3 Zero Error ±1.4 ±Y2 LSB 5 Full-Scale Error ±1.4 ±% LSB 6 Total Unadjusted Error ±% ±1 LSB 7. ±Y2 LSB 8 ±1% LSB 9 Quantizing Error Absolute Accuracy ±1 VII-46 AC CHARACTERISTICS (Figure 7) MK50B16. MK50B16-1 TA = 25°C. VCC = VREF(+) = 5V or 5.12V. VREF(-) = GND SYM PARAMETER tws Start Pulse Width 200 ns tWALE Minimum ALE Pulse Width 200 ns ts Address Set-Up Time 50 ns tH Address Hold Time 50 ns tD Analog MUX Delay Time from ALE Common Tied to Comparator In. RS + RON :S 5kO. CL = 10pF tH1. tHO Three-State Control to Q Logic State CL CL t1 H. tOH Three-State Control to Hi-Z tc Conversion Time fC External Clock Freq tEOC EOC Delay Time CIN Input Capacitance At Logic Inputs At MUX Inputs COUT Three-State Output Capacitance At Three-State Outputs CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES 1 2.5 J.Ls = 50pF = 200pF 125 300 250 ns ns CL RL = 10pF. = 10kO 125 250 ns fC fC = 640kHz = flNTERNAL CLOCK 106 10B 150 110 J.Ls J.Ls 100 640 1200 kHz 13 2 Clock Periods 4 10 5 15 7.5 pF pF 5 7.5 pF 0 FULL SCALE. QUANTIZING AND ZERO ERROR Figure 5 12 NON-LINEARITY ERROR Figure 6 OUTPUT COOE INFINITE RESOLUTION PERFECT CONVERTER VIN o 7 VII-47 TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 7 CLOCK ALE ,I 5~ \50.% ! --''''WALE - -+jSTABLE ADDRESS ADDRESS 's ..... INPUT MUX OUTPUT 1 50%. ! , 50.% -+I-!-'H -- , STABLE f+--S: 112 ~ LSB X I - 'D ___ START 50% ~ 50% ! j--'WS" j 50.% THREE·STATE CONTROL J .te \50% EOC I---'EOC OUTPUTS (5OpF Loadl 50% -3 ! 'H1. 'HO=-' l i- X90·.10%% HIGH IMPEDANCE Z tHl==: f1::='HO ~lH,tO H X 10% ( OUTPUTS ~ ~ ~ (20.0pF Loadl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H_IG_H_IM_P_E_D_A_N_C_E_ _ _--l!!!-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2_4~~O'-4-V---J~ NOTES: 1. All voltages are measured with respect to GND. 2. The minimum value for VLADDER will give 2mV resolution. However. the guaranteed accuracy is only that which is specified under "DC Characteristics" . 3. Non-linearity error is the maximum deviation from a straight line through the end points of the AID transfer characteristic, Figure 6. 4. When Eae is tied to START, EaC delay is 1 Clock period. 5. Zero Error is the difference between the actual input voltage and the design input voltage which produces a zero output code, Figure D. 6. Full-Scale Error is the difference between the actual input voltage and the design input voltage which produces 8 full-scale output I code, Figure 5. 7. T01B1 Unadjusted Error i. the true measure of accuracy the converter can provide I... any quantizing eflacta. Quantizing Error is the ± 1h LSB uncertainty caused by the converter's finitejresoh.ition, Figure 5. 9. Absolute Accuracy is the difference between the actual input voltage and the full·scale weighted equivalent of the binary output code. This includes quantizing and all other errors. 10. Power Supply Rejection is the ability of an ACe to maintain accuracy as the power supply voltage varies. The power supply and VREF(+) are varied together and the change in accuracy is measured with respect to full-scale. 11. Comparator Input Current is the time average current into or out of the chopper·stabilized comparator. This current varies directly with clock frequency and has little temperature dependence. , 2. This is the time required for the output of the analog multiplexer to senle within ± 'h LSB of the selected analog input signal. 13. A minimum duty cycle of 20% is required at the clock input. 8. VII-48 1981 Z80 MICROCOMPUTER DATA BOOK zao Military/ Hi-Rei MILITARY/HI-RELIABILITY PRODUCTS Table of Contents I. Introduction ................................................••....................... VIII-3 II. Applications Guide ........................................••.•....................... VIII-5 III. MKB Military Products Listing .......................................................... VIII-6 IV. MKllndustrial Products Listing .............................•........................... VIII-7 V. MKB3880(P)-80/84 Data Sheet. ............................•••••.•.••................. VIII-9 VIII-1 VIII-2 Military and High Reliability Products INTRODUCTION Overview Mostek's Military/Hi-Rei Products Department serves the special needs of the Defense, Aerospace and Commercial Hi-Rei markets. The organization's principal objective is to provide Mostek's state-of-the-art products screened to MIL-STD 883, Methods 5004 and 5005. Traditional Military IC manufacturers have met stringent Military reliability requirements at a cost of being several years behind the state-of-the-art in commercial products. Mostek Military brings the leading edge in high reliability RAM, ROM, EPROM and microprocessor devices to the Military systems designer today. As MIL-M-3851 0 slash sheets are announced, the Military Products Department will qualify Mostek's products in the JAN 38510 program. Mostek has already received QPL listing of its 4116 dynamic RAM. Designated JM-3851 01240, this device is one of the most advanced MOS circuits to receive QPL listing to date. The Military Products Department is also heavily engaged in the development of high density leadless chip carrier packaging technology. Several circuits are currently offered in carriers with more planned for the near future. Product offerings are broken into two categories'. Devices prefixed "MKB" are screened to the full requirements of MIL-STD883 Class B. "MKI" (Industrial grade) prefixed devices are screened to a subset of 883B requirements and offer high reliability at significantly reduced cost (see the following sections for more detail concerning MKI products). specification (Mostek data sheet). Group B, C and D inspections are performed periodically per the requirements of Standard 883, A data report documenting the results of Group B, C and D testing through the present is available at no charge. SCD Program Support Customer Documentation The Military/Hi-Rei Products Department has instituted a program to provide customers with source'control drawings for nonstandard parts requirements, patterned after DESC "mini-spec" documents. This new documentation from Mostek is an effort to provide a reliable, detailed spec where no DESC drawing or slash sheet exists. This benefits the customer's procurement effort and should help hasten the development of a standard, government-approved, industry accepted specification. All new military devices will have a Mostek SCD control document generated describing them. They will be written around DDL 103 Guidelines for DESC Selected Item Drawings, Their usage in programs should be restricted to that period prior to the introduction of an appropriate DESC prepared Selected Item Drawing. In sum, we feel the Mostek SCD offers customers a ready-made source control document customizable with his name and part number and acceptable to his ultimate customer - the U.S. Government. SCD's AVAILABLE: MKB4118A SCD's FORTHCOMING: MKB4801, 4802, 4164,2764 For more information contact: Quality Conformance/Reliability Mostek Corporation Military Products Department Mail Station 1100 1215 West Crosby Road Carrollton, Texas 75006 Mostek has been providing MKB versions of selected memory products since 1978. Quality conformance inspections in accordance with Method 5005 of Standard 883 are a central part of MKB screening procedures. Group A inspections are performed on a 100% basis to the requirements contained in the detail Telephone - (214) 323-6250/7718 TWX -910-860-5856 Telex - 730423 VIII-3 / VIII-4 / MILITARYIHI-REL PRODUCTS Applications Guide APPLICATION TYPE OF SYSTEM MOSTEK TYPE Military/Aerospace Ground Airborne Tactical Missile Space MKI/MKB MKB/JAN MKB/JAN Class S Equiv. Industrial Process Control Instrumentation Telecom MKI Automotive Engine Control Instrumentation MKI Commercial FAA Airborne MKB/MKI Medical Instrumentation MKI "MKB" SCREENING: 100% tested to the detail procedures of MIL-STD-883, Method 5004 Class Band qualification and quality conformance procedures of Method 5005, Class B. "MKI" SCREENING: Tested to a cost-effective hi-rei subset of 883B including extended burn-in. AQL levels are tightened. VIII-5 MOSI'EI(. MILITARYIHI-REL PRODUCTS MKB Military Products Listing OrganiProduct Device JAN DYNAMIC JM-38510124001 8EC RAMs (4116) JM-3851 0/24002 8EC Standby zation Psckages Temp. Range Access Timesl Freq. Active Power Power 16K x 1 16K x 1 P P -55°CI + 110°C -55°CI + 11 O°C 200,ns 250 ns 462mw 462 mw 30mw 30mw -55°CI + 110°C 150/2001250ns 462 mw 30mw -55°C/+85°C -55°C/ + 110°C 1501200 ns 2001250 ns - - 495 mw 60mw 250/300/350ns 70/90/120 ns 150mw 53mw - - DYNAMIC RAMs MKB4116 MKB4164t MKM4332 16K x 1 64Kx 1 32K x 1 E,F,J E,P D STATIC RAMs MKB4104 MKB2147Ht MKB4167 MKB4118 MKB4oo1t MKB4oo2t 4Kx 1 4K x 1 16K xl 1Kx8 1Kx 8 2Kx8 E,J E,P E,P *E,P *E,P *E,P -55°C/ + 125°C -55°CI + 125°C -55°CI + 125°C -55°C/ + 125°C -55°c/+125°C -55°C/+125°C 120ns 1501200 ns 90/120 ns 90/120 ns MKB36000 MKB37000t 8K x 8 8K x 8 P *E,P -55°c/+125°C -55°C/ + 125°C 300 ns MKB2716 MKB2764t 2K x 8 8K x8 *E,J "E,T -55°CI + 100°C -55°C/ + 100°C 633 mw 165mw 450 ns - - MKB3880 ZOO CPU P -55°C/ + 125°C 2,5/4,0 MHz - - ROMs EPROMs MICROPROCESSORS 250/300 ns 390/450 ns *NOTE: Bytewyde™ Products in leadless chip carrier (E package) will become available beginning 2nd half, 1981, t1981 Introduction VIII-6 500mw 400mw - - 220mw - 55mw - MOSTEI(. MILITARYIHI-REL PRODUCTS M KI Industrial Products Listing Product Device Organization Packages Temp. Range Access Time Or Frequency DYNAMIC RAMs MKI4116 MKI4164t 16K x 1 '64Kx 1 J J -40°C/+85°C -40°C/+85°C 15012001250 ns 150 ns STATIC RAMs MKI4118 MK14802t 1Kx8 2Kx8 J J -40°C/ +85°C -40°C/+85°C 1501200 ns 70/90/120 ns ROMs MK137000t 8Kx8 J -40°C/ +85°C 300 ns EPROMs MKI2716 MKI2764t 2K x 8 8Kx8 J J -40°C/+85°C -40°C/+85°C 390/450 ns 450 ns MICROPROCESSORS MKI3880 Z80 CPU P -40°C/+85°C 2.5/4.0 MHz t1981 Introduction VIII-7 VIII-8 MOSTEI(. zao CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT Processed to MIL-STD 883, Method 5004, Class B MKB3880(P)-80/84 FEATURES D Single 5-Volt supply and single-phase clock required D Screened per MIL-STD-883, Method 5004 Class B D Z80 CPU and Z80 A CPU D Software compatible with 8080A CPU D -55°C to 125°C temperature range D Complete D Two speeds • 2.5 MHz • 4.0 MHz development and OEM system product support MKB3880)P)-80 MKB3880(P)-84 D Industrial MKI version available (-40°C to 85°C) DESCRIPTION The Mostek Z80 family of components is a significant advancement in the state-of-art of microcomputers. These components can be configured with any type of standard semiconductor memory to generate computer systems with an extremely wide range of capabilities. For example, as few as two LSI circuits and three standard TIL MSI packages can be combined to form a simple controller. With additional memory and 1/0 devices, a computer can be constructed with capabilities that only a minicomputer could deliver previously. This wide range of computational power allows standard modules to be constructed by a user that can satisfy the requirements of an extremely wide range of applications. The CPU is the heart of the system. Its function is to obtain instructions from the memory and perform the desired operations. The memory is used to contain instructions and, in most cases, data that is to be processed. For example, a typical instruction sequence may be to read data from a specific peripheral device, store it in a location in memory, check the parity, and write it out to another peripheral device. Note that the Mostek component set includes the CPU and various general purpose 1/0 device controllers, as well as a wide range of memory devices. Thus, all required components can be connected together in a very simple manner with virtually no other external logic. The user s effort then becomes primarily one of the software development. That is, the user can concentrate on describing his problem and translating it into a series of instructions that can be loaded into the microcomputer memory. Mostek is dedicated to making this step of software generation as simple as possible. A good example of this is our assembly language in which a simple mnemonic is used to represent every instruction that the CPU can perform. This language is self-documenting in such a way that from the mnemonic the user can understand exactly what the instruction is doing without constantly checking back to a complex cross listing. zao-cpu BLOCK DIAGRAM zao PIN CONFIGURATION Figure 1 Figure 2 A, A] A, SYSTEM CONTROL A5 A, __3? ______ A) ~, RFSH 38 A8 ADDRESS BU5 39____ A9 4~ ALU '-_-~./ 13 CPU AND SYSTEM !NSTRUCTION DECODE & CPU CONTROL l80 CPU MK83880(PI-80 MKB38liO(PI-84 A\O ~:~; An CONTROL SIGNALS rrr DATA 8US +-5V GND 'I' VIII-9 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Temperature Under Bias .................................................................... -55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature ....................................................................... -65°C to +150°C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground ...................................................... -0.3V to + 7V Power Dissipation ................................................................................... 1 .5W "'Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage tathe device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. DC CHARACTERISTICS (TA = -55°C to 125°C, Vee = 5 V ± 5% unless otherwise specified) SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT VILe Clock Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.8 V V IHe Clock Input High Voltage V ec- 6 V ee +·3 V V IL Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.8 V V IH Input High Voltage All inputs except NMI 2.4 Vee V V1H(NMI) Input High Voltage (NMI) 2.7 Vee V VOL Output Low Voltage 0.4 V IOL = 1.8mA V OH Output High Voltage V IOH = -250 IlA lee Power Supply Current 200 mA III Input Leakage Current 10 IlA V IN = 0 to Vee ILOH Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float 10 IlA V OUT Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float -10 IlA VOUT = O.4V Data Bus Leakage Current In Input Mode ±10 IlA O MAX UNIT TEST CONDITIONS Clock Capacitance 35 pF Unmeasured Pins CIN Input Capacitance 5 pF Returned to Ground COUT Output Capacitance 10 pF VIII-10 AC CHARACTERISTICS MKB3880(P)-80 Z80-CPU (TA = -55°C to 125°C, VCC = +5V, ±5%, Unless Otherwise Noted) SIGNAL Ao-15 SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT te tw(H) tw(l) t,f Clock Clock Clock Clock .4 180 180 [12] (D) 2000 30 Msec nsec nsec nsec t DIAD ) t FIAD ) taem Address Output Delay Delay to Float Address Stable Prior to MREO (Memory Cycle) Address Stable Prior to 10RO, RD or WR (1/0 Cycle) Address Stable From RD, WR, 10RO or MREO Address Stable From RD or WR During Float 145 110 [1] nsec nsec nsec [2] nsec [3] nsec [4] nsec tae; tea tea! t DID ) t FID ) tSID) 0 0 _7 ts;j;ID) t dem tde; ted! tH tDL;j;IMR) MREO tDHIMR) tDH;j;IMR) !wIMRL) twIMRH) tDLIIR) tDL;j;(lR) 10RO tDHIIR) tDH;j;(lR) tDLIRD) RD tDL;j;IRD) tDHIRD) tDH;j;IRD) Period Pulse Width, Clock High Pulse Width, Clock Low Rise and Fall Time Data Output Delay Delay to Float During Write Cycle Data Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock During Ml Cycle Data Setup Time to Falling Edge at Clock During M2 to M5 Data Stable Prior to WR (Memory Cycle) Data Stable Prior to WR (I/O Cycle) Data Stable From WR Input Hold Time MREO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, MREO Low MREO Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, MREO High MREO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, MREO High Pulse Width, MREO Low Pulse Width, MREO High 60 nsec [5] nsec [6] [7] 0 nsec nsec nsec 100 nsec 100 nsec 100 nsec nsec 110 nsec 100 nsec 110 nsec Rising Edge of Clock, 100 nsec Falling Edge of Clock, 130 nsec Rising Edge of Clock, 100 nsec Falling Edge of Clock, 110 nsec VIII-11 CL = 50pF Except T3-Ml CL = 50pF CL = 50pF nsec nsec [8] [9] 90 10RO Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, 10RO Low 10RO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, 10RO Low 10RO Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, 10RO High 10RO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, 10RO High RD Delay From RD Low RD Delay From RD Low RD Delay From RD High RD Delay From RD High 50 nsec nsec nsec 250 90 TEST CONDITION CL = 50pF CL = 50pF AC CHARACTERISTICS (Cont.) SIGNAL SYM . tOL(WR) WR toL(WR) tw(WRI) t Ol(Ml) M1 tOH(Ml) RFSH tOl(RF) tOH(RF) PARAMETER MIN WR Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, WRLow WR Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, WRLow WR Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, WRHigh Pulse Width, WR Low nsec 90 nsec 100 nsec [10] 130 nsec RFSH Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, ~Low RFSH Delay From Rising Edge of Clock RFSH High 180 nsec 150 nsec HALT to(HT) HALT Delay Time From Falling Edge of Clock iN'f ts(IT) INT Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock NMI tw(MiifC) Pulse Width, i30SRQ ts(BQ) BUSRO Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock BUSAK tOl(BA) BUSAK Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, BUSAK Low BUSAK Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, BUSAK High tF(C) Delay to/from Float (MREO, IORO, RD andWRI) tmr M1 Stable Prior to IORO (Interrupt Ack.) Although static by design_ testing guarantees tw IH) of 200 ~sec maximum. [2] taci = tc -80 [3] tea::: [4] teaf = tw ( SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT te t,JH) Clock Clock Clock Clock .25 110 110 [12] (D) 2000 30 !-,sec nsec nsec nsec 110 90 [1] nsec nsec nsec [2] nsec [3) nsec [4) nsec ~(L) tr,f to(AO) tF(AO) taem Ao-15 tae; tea tea! tOlD) tF(O) tS(O) DO_7 ts;j;(O) t dem tde; ted! tH tOL;j;(MR) MREO tOH(MR) t OH4>(MR) tw(MRL) tw(MRH) tOL(lR) tOL¥(IR) 10RO tOH;j;(IR) tOH(lR) tOL(RO) RD tOL¥(RO) tOH(RO) tOH¥(RO) Period Pulse Width, Clock High Pulse Width, Clock Low Rise and Fall Time Address Output Delay Delay to Float Address Stable Prior to MREO (Memory Cycle) Address Stable Prior to 10RO, RD or WR (I/O Cycle) Address Stable From RD, WR. 10RO or MREO Address Stable From RD or WR During Float Data Output Delay Delay to Float During Write Cycle Data Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock During M1 Cycle Data Setup Time to Falling Edge at Clock During M2 to M5 Data Stable Prior to WR (Memory Cycle) Data Stable Prior to WR (I/O Cycle) Data Stable From WR Input Hold Time MREO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, MREO Low MREO Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, MREO High MREO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, MREO High Pulse Width, MREO Low Pulse Width, MREO High 50 nsec nsec nsec 60 nsec [5) nsec [6) [7) 0 nsec nsec nsec 170 90 20 85 nsec 85 nsec 85 nsec [8) [9) CL = 50pF Except T3-M1 CL = 50pF CL = 50pF nsec nsec 10RO Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, 10RO Low 10RO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, 10RO Low 10RO Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, 10RO High 10RO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, 10RO High 75 nsec 85 nsec 85 nsec 85 nsec RD Delay RD Low RD Delay RD Low RD Delay RD High RD Delay RD High From Rising Edge of Clock, 85 nsec From Falling Edge of Clock, 95 nsec From Rising Edge of Clock, 85 nsec From Falling Edge of Clock, 85 nsec VIII-13 TEST CONDITION CL = 50pF CL = 50pF AC CHARACTERISTICS (Cont.) SIGNAL SYM PARAMETER WR Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, WRLow WR Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, WRLow WR Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, WR High Pulse Width, WR Low tDL(WR) WR tDLij;(WR) tDH(WR) tw(WRL) tDL(Ml) Ml tDH(Ml) RFSH MIN tDL(RF) tDH(RF) MAX UNIT 65 nsec 80 nsec 80 nsec [10] Ml Delay From Rising Edge of Clock Ml Low Ml Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, Ml High 100 nsec 100 nsec RFSH Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, RFSH Low RFSH Delay From Rising Edge of Clock RFSH High 130 nsec 120 nsec CL = 50pF CL = 50pF tS(WT) WAIT Setup Time to Falling Edge of Clock HALT tD(HT) HALT Delay Time From Falling Edge of Clock INT ts(IT) INT Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock 80 nsec NMI tw(NML) Pulse Width, NMI Low 80 nsec BUSRQ ts(BO) BUSRQ Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock 50 nsec BUSAK tDL(BA) BUSAK Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, BUSAK Low BUSAK Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, BUSAK High RESET 300 tF(C) Delay to/From Float (MREO, IORO, RD and WR) tmr Ml Stable Prior to IORO (Interrupt Ack.) The RESET signal must be active for a minimum of 3 clock cycles Output Delay vs. Load Capacitance 4. Add 10 nsec delay for e~ch 50pF increase in load up to a maximum of 200pF for the data bus and 1OOpF for address and control hnes Although static by design, testing guarantees tw (!:PH) of 200 Msec maximum. taci = tc -70 tea = ~ (4)L) + tr -50 [4) teaf = tw (4)L) + tr -45 [5] [6] [7] tdem = te -1 70 t dei = tw (4)L) + tr -170 tedf = tw (4)L) + tr -70 [8] tw (MRL) 100 nsec nsec 60 80 [9] 111) nsec nsec. tw (MRH) = tw (4)H) + t f -40 [10) tw (WR) = te -30 it -65 LOAD CIRCUIT FOR OUTPUT Vee Figure 4 it -65 [2] [3] nsec CL = 50pF [12] te = 6 w (4)H) + twl4>L) + tr + t f TAo 125"CVCCo5V±5% taem = tw (4)H) + 100 [11] tmr = 2te + tw (4)H) + 2. 3 [1] nsec CL = 50pF RESET Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock active nsec 70 ts(RS) NOTES 1 Data should be enabled onto the CPU data bus when R5 IS active. During interrupt acknowledge data should be enabled when M1 and IORO are both CL = 50pF nsec WAIT tDH(BA) TEST CONDITION TEST POINT = te -30 VIII-14 R,.2.1Kn A.C. TIMING DIAGRAM Timing measurements are made at the following voltages, unless otherwise specified. CLOCK OUTPUT INPUT FLOAT "'" VC~-·6 2.4V 2.4V t:,V "0" .8V .8V .8V ±O.5V AO_AI5 A O- 15 IN DO_7 { OUT '", tOllMIl t~dl -- -----~ __ _.r-- t=-i~_ --------...,,~,------ '0 (HTI VIII-15

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