1982_Mostek_Microelectronic_Data_Book 1982 Mostek Microelectronic Data Book
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1982/1983 MICROELECTRONIC DATA BOOK Copyright © 1982 Mostek Corporation (All rights reserved) Trade Marks Registered ® Mostek reserves the right to make changes in specifications at any time and without notice, The information furnished by Mostek in this publication is believed to be accurate and reliable, However, no responsibility is assumed by Mostek for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use, No license is granted under any patents or patent rights of Mostek, The "PRELIMINARY" designation on a Mostekdata sheet indicates that the product is not characterized, The specifications are subject to change, are based on design goals or preliminary part evaluation, and are not guaranteed, Mostek Corporation or an authorized sales representative should be consulted for current information before using this product, No responsibility is assumed by Mostek for its use; norfor any infringements of patents and trademarks or other rights ofthird parties resulting from its use, No license is granted under any patents, patent rights, or trademarks of Mostek, Mostek reserves the right to make changes in specifications at any time and without notice, PRINTED IN USA May 1982 1982/1983 MICROELECTRONIC DATA BOOK Table of Contents 0) General Information 1111 Read Only Memory Dynamic Random Access Memory Static Random Access Memory 68000 Family ~ Z80Family @] 3870 Single Chip Family Microcomputer Peripherals @) Programmed Microcomputer Products 68000, Z80, and 3870 Development System Products @) Military HI-Rei Memories @fMicroprocessor and Support Devices 8) Industrial Hi-Rei Products Iii 1982/1983 MICROELECTRONIC DATA BOOK 0) Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Table of Contents Functional Index ....................................................................... 1-1 II. General Information Mostek Profile ......................................................................... 11-1 Package Descriptions ................................................................... 11-5 Order Information ..................................................................... 11-13 U.S. and Canadian Sales Offices ........................................................ 11-15 U.S. and Canadian Representatives .................................................•.... 11-16 U.S. and Canadian Distributors .......................................................... 11-17 International Marketing Offices ......................................................... 11-19 MEMORY COMPONENTS III. Read-Only Memory MK36000(P/J/N) Series .............................................................. 111-1 MK37000(P/J/N) Series .............................................................. 111-5 MK38000 (P IN)-25 ................................................................... 111-9 Guidelines for Submitting and Verifying Customer ROM Patterns ........................... 111-13 IV. Dynamic Random Access Memory MK4027 (J/N)-2/3 . ............................................... " .................. IV-l MK4027 (J/N)-4 ..................................................................... IV-13 MK4116 (J/N/E)-2/3 ................................................................ IV-17 MK4116 (J/N/E)-4 . .................................................................. IV-27 MK4516(N/J)-10/12/15 ............................................................ . IV-31 MK4528 (D)-15/20/25 ............................................................... IV-41 MK4332 (D)-3 ....................................................................... IV-51 MK4564 (PI J/N)-15/20/25 .......................................................... IV-63 V. Static Random-Access Memory MK41 04 (J/N/E) Series ............................................................... V-l MK4118A/4801A(P/J/N) Series ....................................................... V-7 MK4801 A (P/J/N) Series ............................................................. V-13 MICROCOMPUTER COMPONENTS VI. 68000 Family MK68000 MK68200 MK68230 MK68564 MK68901 MK68590 MK3891 VII. CPU MCU PIIT SIO MFP LANCE SIA Central Processing Unit ......................................... VI-l 16-Bit Microcomputing Unit .................................... VI-51 Paraliellnterface/Timer ........................................ VI-59 Seriallnput/Output Controller .................................. VI-95 Multi-Function Peripheral ..................................... VI-l 03 Local Area Network Controller for Ethernet ...................... VI-113 Serial Interface Adapter ....................................... VI-121 CPU PIO CTC DMA SIO SI0/9 DART STI Central Processing Unit ........................................ VII-l Parallel 1/0 Controller ......................................... VII-9 Counter Timer Circuit ....................................... " VII-17 Direct Memory Access Controller ............................. " VII-25 Seriallnput/Output Controller ................................. VII-43 Single Channel Seriallnput/Output Controller ................... VII-59 Dual Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter ........................ VII-63 Serial Timer Interrupt Controller ................................ VII-75 Z80 Family MK3880 MK3881 MK3882 MK3883 MK3884/5/7 MK3884/517 MKDART MK3801 1-1 VIII. 3870 Single Chip Family 3870 Family Selection Guide .......................................................... VIII-1 MK3870/38P70 Single Chip Microcomputer ...................................... VIII-3 MK2870 28 Pin Microcomputer ......................................... VIII-31 MK3873/38P73 Serial Port Microcomputer ...................................... VIII-49 MK3875/38P75 Standby RAM Microcomputer ................................... VIII-79 IX. Microcomputer Peripherals MK3805N/MK3806N MK3807 (P) X. Programmed Microcomputer Products SCU20 XI. CMOS Microcomputer Clock/RAM ................................ IX-1 Programmable CRT Video Control Unit VCU ........................ IX-ll Serial Control Unit ............................................... X-1 68000, Z80 and 3870 Development System Products RADIUS AIM-Z80BE AIM-7XE MATRIX EVAL-70 PPG 8/l6C: SO to SDE Adapter MACRO 80 MACRO 70 FLP 80 DOS M/OS-80 MOSGEN Remote Development Station ..................................... XI-l Application Interface Module for Z80 ............................... XI-5 Application Interface Module for 3870 Series ........................ XI-9 Development System ........................................... XI-13 3870EvaluationSystem ........................................ XI-23 PROM Programmer ............................................. XI-29 .............................................................. XI-33 Z80 Macro Assembler .......................................... XI-35 3870 Macro Assembler ......................................... XI-37 Disk Operating System .......................................... XI-39 (CP/M Like OS) ................................................ XI-43 Utility Software ................................................ XI-47 MILITARY PRODUCTS XII. Military/High Reliability Memories Introduction ......................................................................... XII-l Test Report ...................................... , ................................... XII-7 MKB2716 (J/E)-86/87/88/90 ....................................................... XII-15 MKB36000 (PI J)-80/83/84 . ......................................................... XII-2l MKB37000 (PI J/E)-84/85 ........................................................... XII-25 MKB38000(P/J/E)-84/85 ........................................................... XII-3l MKB4027 (J)-83/84 ................................................................ XII-35 MKB4l04 (PI J/E)-84/85 ............................................................ XII-39 MKB4ll6(P/J)-82/83/84, MKB4ll6 (E/F)-83/84 ..................................... XII-43 MKB4ll8A(P/J/E)-82/83/84 ....................................................... XII-47 MKB4l67 (PIJ)-870/855/80 ........................................................ XII-53 MKM4332 (0)-83/84 ................................................................ XII-59 MKB4516(P/J/E)-80/81/82 ........................................................ XII-65 MKM4528 (0)-83/84 ................................................................ XII-75 MKB4564 (PIE)-82/83/84 ........................................................... XII-77 MKB4801A(P/J/E)-870/890/8l ..................................................... XII-87 MKB4802(P/J/E)-8l/83 ............................................................ XII-93 XIII. Microprocessor and Support Devices MKB3880 (P)-80/84 CPU .......................................................... XIII-1 MKB3881 (P)-80/84 ................................................................. XIII-9 MKB3882 (P/J)-80/84 .............................................................. Xill-ll MKB68000 ........................................................................ XIII-13 XIV. Industrial Hi-Rei Products Introduction ......................................................................... XIV-l MKI27l6(J)-77/78 .................................................................. XIV-7 MK13880-70174 CPU ......................................................... XIV-ll MK13881-70174 PliO Controller .............................................. XIV-19 MKI3882(P/J)-70174 CTC ........................................................ XIV-2l MKI4ll6 (J)-72/73/74 ............................................................. XIV-23 1-2 TELECOMMUNICATIONS Information on the following Mostek telecomunications circuits is contained in the 1982 Telecommunications Data Book which is available separately. Integrated Tone Dialers MK5087 Integrated Tone Dialer MK5089 Integrated Tone Dialer MK5087/89 Electronic Drive Application Brief MK5091 Integrated Tone Dialer MK5092 Integrated Tone Dialer MK5094 Integrated Tone Dialer MK5380 Integrated Tone Dialer MK5382 Integrated Tone Dialer with Redial Integrated Dialer Comparison - Tone II vs Tone III Application Brief Loop Simulator Application Brief Integrated Pulse Dialers with Redial MK50981 Integrated Pulse Dialer with Redial MK50982 Integrated Pulse Dialer with Redial MK50991 Integrated Pulse Dialer with Redial MK50992 Integrated Pulse Dialer with Redial Current Sources Application Brief Pulse Dialer Comparison Application Brief Repertory Dialers MK51 70 Repertory Dialer MK5175 Ten-Number Repertory Dialer Integrated Tone Decoders MK51 02-5 Integrated Tone Receiver MK51 02-5 DTMF Decoder Application Note MK5102/S3525A DTMF Receiver System Application Brief MK51 03-5 Integrated Tone Decoder DTMF Receiver System Application Brief Active Speech Networks MK5242 Active Speech Network CODECs MK5116 w255 Law Companding CO DEC MK5151 W255 Law Companding CO DEC MK5156 A-Law Companding CODEC MK5316 Companding CODEC with Filters Integrated PCM CODEC Technology Update Transmit/Receive Filter MK5912-3 PCM Transmit/Receive Filter CODEC/Filter Demo Board Application Brief 1-3 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS Information on the following Mostek industrial circuits is contained in the 1981 Industrial Products Data Book which is available separately. Frequency Generator MK50240/1 12 Top-Octave Frequency Generator Digital Alarm Clock "MK50250 Series MOS Digital Alarm Clock Counter/Display Decoders MK5002/517 Four-Digit CounterIDisplay Decoder MK5002/7 Application Note MK50395/617 Six-Decade Counter/Display Decoder MK50395/617 Application Note MK5039S/9 Six-Decade CounterIDisplay Decoder Counter /Time- Base Circuit MK5009 Counter Time-Base Circuit MK5009 Application Note IJP-Compatible A/D Converters/Analog Multiplexers MK51 6S-1 j.tP-Compatible AID Converter MK50S0S Eight-Bit AID ConverterIS-Channel Analog Multiplexer MK50S16 Eight-Bit AID Converter/16-Channel Analog Multiplexer AID Converter Demo System Application Brief "Not Recommended For New Design 1-4 1982/1983 MICROELECTRONIC DATA BOOK 0) \ General Information ........ -~ i.............. _.vv= •...............••.....• Iill ~---- ~-~----- ---~-~-- Mostek - Technology For Today And Tomorrow I tested and by how well it works in your system. In design, production and testing, the Mostek goal is meeting specifications the first time on every product. This goal requires a collective discipline from the company as well as individual efforts. Discipline, coupled with very personal pride, has enabled Mostek to build in quality at every level of production. TECHNOLOGY From its beginning, Mostek has been an innovator. From the developments of the 1K dynamic RAM and the single-chip calculator in 1970 to the current 64K dynamic RAM, Mostek technological breakthroughs have proved the benefits and cost-effectiveness of metal oxide semiconductors. Today, Mostek represents one of the industry's most productive bases of MOS/LSI technology, including Direct-Step-on-Wafer processing and laser implemented redundant circuitry. The addition of the Microelectronics Research Center in Colorado Springs adds a new dimension to Mostek circuit design capabilities. Using the latest computer-aided design techniques, center engineers will be keeping ahead of the future with new technologies and processes. PRODUCTION CAPABILITY The commitment to increasing production capability has made Mostek the world's largest manufacturer of dynamic RAMs. We entered the telecommunications market in 1974 with a tone dialer, and have shipped millions of telecom circuits since then. Millions of our MK3870 single-chip microcomputers are in use throughout the world. Recent construction in Dallas, Ireland and Colorado Springs has added some 50 percent to the Mostek manufacturing capacity. QUALITY The worth of a product is measured by how well it is designed, manufactured and 11-1 Memory Products Through innovations in both circuit design, wafer processing and production, Mostek has become the industry's leading supplier of dynamic RAMs. Examples of Mostek leadership are families of xl and x8 high performance static RAMs and our extremely successful 64K ROMs with more codes processed than any other mask-ROM in the industry. Another performance and density milestone is our 256K ROM, the MK38000. In MOS DynamiC RAMs, Mostek led the way as the world's leading supplier of 16K devices. Our MK4564 64K dynamic RAM uses advanced circuit techniques and design to enhance manufacturabiiity to satisfy the demands of a huge marketplace. THE PRODUCTS Telecommunications Products Mostek is the leading supplier of tone dialers, pulse dialers, and CODEC devices. As each new generation of telecommunications systems emerges, Mostek is ready with new generation components, including PCM filters, tone decoders, repertory dialers, new integrated tone dialers, and pulse dialers. These products, many of them using CMOS technology, represent the most modern advancements in telecommunications component design. Microcomputer Components Mostek's microcomputer components cover the entire spectrum of microcomputer applications. Our MK68000 16-bit microprocessor is designed for high-performance, memoryintensive systems. Our Z80 is today's industry~standard 8-bit microprocessor. The Mostek 3870 family of single-chip microcomputers offers upgrade options in ROM, RAM, and I/O-all in the same socket. The MK38P70 EPROM piggyback microcomputer emulates the entire family and is ideal for low-volume applications. Industrial Products Mostek's line of Industrial Products offers a high degree of versatility per device. This family of components includes various microprocessor-compatible AID converters, a counterItime-basecircuit for the division of clock signals, and combined counterI disp.lay decoders. As a result of the low parts count involved, an economical alternative to discrete logic systems is provided. 11-2 rigors of MIL-M-38510 and are processed on our QPL certified lines. The MKB product line begins with the complete Memory Products offering, and extends into microprocessors and gate arrays. Leadless Chip Carrier packaging and prepared customer SCDs address the particular needs of the military community. Development systems include the RADIUSTM remote development station that lets you use your host minicomputer to develop the applications software. The program is then downloaded into the RADIUS which then lets you perform realtime in-circuit emulation and debug. The Mostek Matrix™ Development System is a stand-alone hardware and software debug and integration system. Memory Systems Mostek is the world's leading manufacturer of Z80-based STD BUS system components. A new line of microsystems utilizing the VME BUS and based on the MK68000 will be available soon. Computer systems include our Matrix line which utilize STD BUS cards to let you custom-design your own system. Taking full advantage of our leadership in memory components technology, Mostek Memory Systems offers a broad line of products, all with the performance and reliability to match our industry-standard circuits. Mostek Memory Systems offers addin memory boards for popular DEC, Data General, and Perkin-Elmer minicomputers. Mostek also offers special purpose and custom memory boards for special applications. Military Products Gate Arrays An extension of the high quality in fabrication and design inherent in Mostek's product line allows many of our ICs to be made available screened to MIL-STD-883. In addition, select parts are qualified to the Utilizing the technology developed by United Technologies Microelectronic Research Center, Mostek plans to market custom gate array circuits in the second half of 1982. Microcomputer Systems 11-3 11-4 MOSTEI{. MICROELECTRONIC PRODUCTS Package Descriptions Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (N) 40 Pin JWTE'ov..II .............. '010_ .... _ _ "' ....... Ceramic Dual-In-Line Package (P) 40 Pin I 2025MAlC I . l---r f ~ ~~'I I_~N --±::I 'L± ,.oM" . : ~I - 1UQUAlSPACES ·.100 P-PROM Package (R) 40 Pin 11-5 1900 t "f--ill--l ~ III 1 0 LJl Leadless Hermetic Chip Carrier (E) 32 Pin (Proposed JEDEC Type E) 1. MIIlIIhickneH.fullows. 106£PftOM f---i':.,---j 8EE NOTE 1 :!Llli~~~ Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (N) 28 Pin Ceramic Dual-In-Line Package (P) 28 Pin I _1----1 'ADO, ..., L""'''=1 H"~'I i ~ ru='mw~~ I . I - .000MIN. .,~ ~1---.''''.OO3 ~~:"'. L~--J 0"·0" c .... C 13EOUALS"ACI8@1oo Cerdip Hermetic Package (J) 28 Pin . I I I ;; -'1'00 ~±3 ; L II±Nt·J-lOO NOM-j r ' 3 EOUALSPACES AT .100 EACH 11-6 .'.M'N. ~ ..... ,---------L ~ ." Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (N) 24 Pin ~II . L.~,~,-J, Ceramic Dual-In-Line Package (P) 24 Pin I _._I~ >'>00'.'00 ·"·"· nwr~--~-,.". ! I II I :J L~ I ;;or I ""':L 1 l --ll-',"'''' 11 EQI,JALSPACES@.lGO------J "0 JC:] J' Cerdip Hermetic Package (J) 24 Pin "70MAX--- I ~61::P-l r-:O;O-=!I ~ A mN~ II I~-~ i r L i±f 200 MAX I ~ I II 100 t-O~1:o3 ,,-eQUAL SPACES 11-7 ~~ !~~6 (n' .100 -au I--(. 650 NOM ---+j( . []O . .OO'lT l lw 'O~" Wf R Ceramic Dual-In-line Package (P) 20 Pin 0 --1 ~ ~O 050, 015 I--- .98' r,295:!: .015 .:,_. ' I -.-' I ~·II I ~ 1 ,.015 '. -=-------------.020 I -tI MIN 'OO'O'O~ .~~b.3 ~~;~ I 012 1._. I ~ 365-1 9EQUA~SPACES@.'00 ~ !'----- oo. - 290 ( ( 1'''''''1 Leadless Hermetic Chip Carrier (E) 20 Pin -E[O .=.=.."""'II:~ rn-mrrttr==-. 1-", ~===>--' =------.l -t!0TTOM "I Plastic Dual-In-line Package (N) 18 Pin 11'030~.Q10 , C:JQ IV, v v v v ;;1 r~~~1 1---.850MAX.~ Lfr·~~·I~ ~~II~ ~::. W~'60'01,01"'~I--9 ~'EO~ALSPACES I ~IO.'OO -I I' ""T" 196 f J",L 9 -.L -=11 R ,~.350±05oj, I ~ I' ·. DCOf 00 ': =-= NOTE, Overalilenglh ,ncludes ,010 flash on 8Ilhar end of package Ceramic Dual-In-line Package (P) 18 Pin V 050~'.015 .900:!: .016 I ~II lID~~'020 t -~nrr ..~'!:1. ~.~~.~~ 11-8 MIN I oo. 1m" Dual-In-Line Double Density Ceramic Package (D) 18 Pin L~oJ~::"" ~ MIN. .120 I 1 ~1-018±003 d~!~ t ---r 8 EQUAL SPACES AT .100± .008 EQUALS .800 ±.008 O.A.IT.N.A.l 00 Cerdip Hermetic Package (J) 18 Pin 'I ~~~,~' ~"OMAX I--""Y'--l ir- ;:~-=11 ~ mNm~A:tAX IL l II II 12{MIN f II \."0 ~:h03 - ,0:5.1 Oil 008 r-350NOM- .~ 8EQ.SP " 100 TNA Leadless Hermetic Chip Carrier (E) 18 Pin (Proposed JEDEC Type F) Figure A ~,,,o''''==1 Leadless Hermetic Chip Carrier (E) 18 Pin (Proposed JEDEC Type F) ElL-=J J rFll.===.="'=.===.'11~~. I Figure B 11-9 Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (N) 16 Pin , 1--.350 NOTE Ceramic Dual-In-Line Package (P) 16 Pin '050~, Ove.all (ength incltxles ,010 flash on eOthac "nd of package [][]Of r-~',",.,,~ ~ I i__ ,295± .015--l ~.095 , 1".o15~ ~i I .100 ±.O1O~; L 1- uI ~ 1--- --JI .018±.003 ~ i -=CT"--:-T~;Z :~~~ II R ITOLL , 012 ; , ~'-7 EQUAL SPACES @.100-------lI . OOB I I ,rI ; Ceramic Flat Package (F) 16 Pin ± 16 ... 290..--1 .365 , -I ±-r .400 ,050x7".350 - ± .005 f ,------B ± ,010 I 050 9 I .0lD (TYP.) \ ~t 0.0 MAX --r ± 007 t~~::] t Cerdip Hermetic Package (J) 16 Pin ·1 12.-035 ' 0 " I . TYp~I _____ .314 --7BOMAX----------- ',00 f.--II- !1·0",.003 l 11-10 A I-- 220--1 'I '310 II ~ I,-,-. "5M'N. I~_I - ~60 '.005 _ 7 EQUAL SPACES .• 100 ,004 'T 200 MAX ---~ .- I!----350NOM-----!I 012 Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (N) 8 Pin III 68000 Family Ceramic Dual-In-Line Package (P) 64 Pin [~~]J 11+-.- - - W --------1.1 w' MIWMETERS DIM MIN MAX A SO.52 82.04 B 22.25 22.96 4.32 C 3.05 D 0.38 0.63 F 0.76 1.40 2.54BSC G 0.20 0.33 J K 2.64 4.19 L 22.61 23.11 10· M N 1.02 1.52 Case 746.01 INCHES MIN MAX 3.170 3.240 0.900 0.920 0.120 0.170 0.Q15 0.021 0.030 0.067 O..I00BSC 0.008 0.013 0.100 0.165 0.890 0.910 10· 0.020 0.060 NOTES: 1. DimenSionmis datum. 2. Positional tolerance for leads: leolo.25(o.oI0)@ITI A@I 3. is .eating plane. rn 4. Dimension "L" to center of leads when formed parallel. 5. 11-11 Dimensioning and tolerancing per ANSI Y14.6, 1973. Ceramic Dual-In-Line Package (P) 48 Pin LIUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 74Q-OZ ~ILLIMETERS DIM A B C D F G J K L M N MIN 60.35 14.63 3.05 0.381 0.762 2.54 0.203 2.54 14.99 MAX 61.57 15.34 4.32 0.533 1.397 sse 0.330 4.19 15.65 O· 10· 1.016 1.524 INCHES MIN MAX 2.376 2.424 0.576 0.604 0.120 0.160 0.015 0.021 0.030 0.055 ·0.1008se 0.008 0.013 0.100 0.165 0.590 0.616 O· 10· 0.040 0.060 NOTES: 1. DIMENSION~IS DATUM. 2. POSITIONAL TOLERANCE FOR LEADS: I "0.2S (0.01011 TJAMI 3·rn1S SEATING PLANE. 4. DIMENSION "L" TO CENTER OF LEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEL. S. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.S, 1973. 11-12 ORDERING INFORMATION Factory orders for parts described in this book should include a four-part number as explained below: f-t Example: IMKII41671 ~1. Dash Number 2. Package ' - - - - - - - - 3. Device Number ' - - - - - - - - - 4. Mostek Prefix 1. Dash Number One or two numerical characters defining specific device performance characteristics and operating temperature range. 2. Package P J N K T E D F 3. - Device number 1XXX 2XXX 3XXX 38XX 4XXX 5XXX 7XXX 4. Gold side-brazed ceramic DIP CER-DIP Epoxy DIP (Plastic) Tin side-brazed ceramic DIP Ceramic DIP with transparent lid Ceramic lead less chip carrier Dual density RAM-PAC Flat pack or 1XXXX - Shift Register, ROM or 2XXXX ROM, EPROM or 3XXXX - ROM, EPROM - Microcomputer Components or 4XXXX - RAM or 5XXXX - Counters, Telecommunication and Industrial or 7XXXX - Microcomputer Systems Mostek Prefix MK - Standard Prefix MKB - Military Hi-Rei screening to MIL-STD-883 Class B for extended temperature range operation. MKI - Industrial Hi-Rei screening for -40°C to +85°C operation. 11-13 I 11-14 U.S. AND CANADIAN SALES OFFICES II CORPORATEHEAOQUARTERS Southeast U.S. Mostek Corporation Mostek 13~07 N. Dale Mabry Highway SUite 201 1215 W. Crosby Rd. P. O. Box 169 Carrollton, Texas 75006 Michigan Western Region Mostek Orchard Hill Place Mostek 21333 Haggerty Road SUite 321 Novi, MI 48050 Tampa, Florida 33618 813/962-8338 TWX 810-876-4611 Northern California 1762 Technology Drive Suite 126 San Jose, Calif. 95110 313/348-8360 408/287-5080 TWX 810-242-1471 TWX 910-338-2219 Central U.S. Mostek 4100 McEwen Road SUite 151 Dallas, Texas 75234 214/386-9340 TWX 910-860-5437 Seattle Region Mostek 1107 North East 45th 5t. SUlte411 Seattle, WA 98105 208/632-0245 TWX 910-444-4030 REGIONAL OFFICES Northeastern Area Mostek 49 W Putnam, 3rd Floor Greenwich, Conn. 06830 203/622-0955 TWX 710-579-2928 Northeast U.S. Mostek 29 Cummings Park, Suite #426 Woburn, Mass, 01801 617/935-0635 TWX 710-348-0459 Southeastern Area Mostek 4001 B Greentree Executive Campus Route #73 Marlton, New Jersey 08053 609/596-9200 TWX 71 0-940-01 03 Upstate NY Region Mostek 4651 Crossroads Park Dr., SUite 201 liverpool, NY 13088 315/457-2160 ~x 710-945-0255 Chicago Region Mostek Two Crossroads of Commerce Suite 360 Rolling Meadows, III. 60008 312/577-9870 TWX 910-291-1207 Southwest Region Mostek 4100 McEwen Road Suite 237 DaUas, Texas 75234 214/386-9141 TWX 910-860-5437 North Central U.S. Mostek 6101 Green Valley Dr. Bloomington, Mn. 55438 612/831-232.2 TWX 910-576-2802 Chevy Chase #4 7715 Chevy Chase Dr., Suite 116 Austin, TX 78752 512/458-5226 TWX 910-874-2007 11-15 Southern California Mostek 18004 Skypark Circle Suite 140 Irvine, Calif. 92714 714/549-0397 TWX 910-595-2513 Arizona Region Mostek 2150 East Highland Ave. Suite 101 Phoenix, AZ 85016 602/954-6260 TWX 910-957-4581 u.s. AND CANADIAN REPRESENTATIVES ALABAMA Conley & Associates. Inc. 3322 Memorial Pkwy.• S.W. Suite 17 GEORGIA MASSACHUSETTS Conley & Associates, Inc 3951 Pleasantdale Road New England Technical Sales· Suite 201 135 Cambridge Street Burling,on, MA 01803 NEW YORK ERA Inc. 354 Veterans Memorial Highway Commack, NY 11725 Huntsville, AL 35801 Doraville, GA 30340 6171272-0434 516/543-0510 205/882-0316 414/447-6992 TWX 710-332-0435 TWX 510-226-1485 TWX 810-726-2159 TWX 810-766-0488 ARIZONA Summit Sates 7825 E. Redfield Rd. ILLINOIS Carlson Electronic Sales· Scottsdale, A2 85260 Elk Grove Village, fL 60007 600 East Higgins Road 6021998-4850 312/956-8240 TWX 910-950-1283 TWX 910-222-1819 CALIFORNIA Harvey King, Inc. 8124 Miramar Road San ~iego, CA 92126 714/566-5252 TWX 910-335-1231 COLORADO Waugaman Associates" 4800 Van Gordon Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303/423-1020 TWX 910-938-0750 CONNECTICUT New England Technical Sales 240 Pomeroy Ave. Meriden, CT 06450 2031237-8827 TWX 710-461-1126 FLORIDA Conley & Associates, Inc." P.O. Box 309 235 S. Central Oviedo, FL 32765 305/365-3283 TWX 810-856-3520 Conley & Associates, Inc. 4021 W. Waters Suite 2 Tampa, FL33614 813/885-7658 TWX 810-876-9136 Conley & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 700 1612 N.W. 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33432 306/395-6108 TWX 510-953- 7548 INOIANA Rich Electronic Marketing* 599 Indus~rial Drive Carmel. IN 46032 317/644-6462 TWX 810-260-2631 Rich Electronic Marketing 3448 West Taylor St. Fort Wayne, IN 46804 219/432-5553 Computer Marketing 241 Crescent St.l2nd Floor 319/393-0231 KANSAS Rush & West Associates· 107 N. Chester Street Olathe, KN 66061 9131764-2700 Wichita 316/683-0206 TWX 910-749-6404 KENTUCKY Rich Electronic Marketing 8819 Roman Court P. O. Box 91147 Louisville, KY 40291 502/499-7808 TWX 810-535-3757 Precision Sales Corp. 617/894-7000 710·324-1503 5 Arbustus Ln .• MR·97 Binghamton, NY 13901 607/648-3686 MICHIGAN Action Components 21333 Haggerty Road Suite 201 Novi, MI 48050 607/648-8833 313/349-3940 301/461-1323 TWX 710-862-1874 Precision Sales Corp. * 1 Commerce Blvd. Liverpool. NY 13008 315/451-3480 TWX 710-545-0250 MINNESOTA Cahill, Schmitz & Cahill, Inc." 315 N. Pierce St. Paul, MN 55104 612/646-7217 TWX 910-563-3737 Precision Sales Corp. 3594 Monroe Avenue Pittsford, NY 14534 716/381-2820 Micro Resources, Inc. 2700 Chowen Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55416 914/635-3233 MISSOURI Rush & West Associates 481 Melanie Meadows Lane Ballwin, MO 63011 314/394-7271 NORTH CAROLINA Conley & Associates, Inc. 4050 Wake Forest Road Suite 102 Raleigh, NC 27609 919/876-9862 TWX 510-928-1829 NEW JERSEY Tritek Sales, Inc. 21 E. Euclid Ave. Haddonfield, NJ 08033 609/429-1551 MARYLAND Arbotek Associates 3600 St. Johns Lane Ellicott City, MO 21043 800/645-5500. 55011 Waltham, MA 02154 TWX 810-332-1404 IOWA REP Associates 980 Arica Ave. Marion, IA 52302 (New Jersey Phone # 215/627-0149 (Philadelphia Line) TWX 710-896-0881 NEW MEXICO Waugaman Associates P.O. Box 14894 Albuquerque, NM 87111 or 9004 Menaul NE Suite 7 Albuquerque, NM 87112 505/294-1437 505/294-1436 (Ans. Service) *Home Office 11-16 Precision Sales Corp. Drake Road Pleasant Valley, NY 12569 OHIO The Lyons Corp. 4812 Frederick Rd. Dayton, Ohio 45414 5131278-0714 TWX 810-459-1754 The Lyons Corp. 4615 N. Streetsboro Rd. Richfield, Ohio 44286 216/659-9224 TWX 810-427-9103 OREGON Northwest Marketing Assoc. 9999 S.W. Wilshire 51. Suite 124 Portland OR 97225 5031297-2581 TELEX 910-464-6157 TENNESSEE Conley & Associates, Inc. 1128 Tusculum Blvd. Suite 0 Greenville, TN 37743 615/639-3139 TWX 810-576-4597 UTAH Waugaman Associates 10332 South 1540 W South Jordan, UT 84065 8011254-0570 or 801-254-0572 TWX 910-925-4073 WASHINGTON Northwest Marketing Assoc. * 12835 Bellevue-Redmond Rd. Suite 203E Bellevue, WA 98005 206/455-5846 TWX 910-443-2445 WISCONSIN Carlson Electronic Sales Northbrook Executive Ctr. 10701 West North Ave. Suite 209 Milwaukee, WI 53226 414/476-2790 TWX 910-222-1819 CANADA Cantec Representatives Inc." 1573 Laperriere Ave. Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1Z 7T3 613/725-3704 TWX 610-562-8967 Cantec Representatives Inc. 15 Charles Street East Kitchener, Ontario Canada N2G2P3 519/744-6341 TWX 610-492-2683 (Toronto) Cantec Representatives Inc. 8 Strathearn Ave, Unit 18 Brampton, Ontario Canada L6T4L8 4161791 -5922 TWX 610-492-2683 Cantee Representatives Inc. 3639 Sources Blvd. Suite 116 Dollard Des Ormeaux, Quebec Canada H9B2K4 514/683-6131 TWX 610-422-3985 U.S. AND CANADIAN DISTRIBUTORS ARIZONA Kierulff Electronics 4134 E. Wood St. Phoenix, AZ 85040 COLORADO Arrow Electronics 2121 South HudsonSt Denver, CO 80222 602/243-4101 13031758-2100 TWX 910/951-1550 Kierulff Electronics 1WX 910/931-0552 Kierulff Electronics 10890 E. 47th Avenue Denver, CO 80239 303/371-6500 TWX 910/932-0169 '806 w. Grant Ad Suite 102 Tucson, AZ 85705 602/624-9986 TWX 910/952-1119 CALIFORNIA Arrow Electronics 4029 Westerly Place Bldg. 15, Unit 113 Newport Beach, CA 92660 17141851-8961 TWX 910/595-2861 Arrow Electronics 19748 Dearborn St Chatsworth, CA 91311 (213) 701-7500 TWX 910-493-2086 Arrow Electronics 9511 Ridgehaven Court San Diego, CA 92123 17141 565-4800 TWX 910/335-1195 Arrow Electronics 521 Weddell Dr. Sunnyvale, CA 94086 4081745-6600 TWX 910/339-9371 Kierulff Electronics 2585 Commerce Way Los Angeles, CA 90040 213/725-0325 TWX 910/580-3106 Kierulff Electronics 3969 E. Bayshore Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94303 415/968-6292 Kierulff Electronics 8797 Balboa Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 714/278-2112 TWX 910/335-1182 Kierulff Electronics 14101 Franklin Avenue Tustin, CA 92680 714/731-5711 TWX 910/595-2599 Schweber Electronics 17811 Gillette Avenue Irvine, CA 92714 714/556-3880 TWX 910/595-1720 Schweber Electronics 3110 Patrick Henry Dr. Santa Clara, CA 95050 408/496-0200 ZeuslWest, Inc. 1130 Hawk Circle Anaheim, CA 92807 CONNECTICUT Arrow Electronics 12 Beaumont Rd. Wallingford, CT 06492 2031265-7741 TWX 710/476-0162 Schweber Electronics Finance Drive Commerce Industrial Park Danbury, CT 06BlO 203/792-3500 TWX 710/456-9405 FLORIDA Arrow Electronics 1001 N.W. 62nd St. Suite 108 F1. Lauderdale, FL 33309 3051776-7790 TWX 510/955-9456 Arrow Electronics 50 Woodlake Dr. Palm Bay, FL 32905 305/725-1480 TWX 510-959-6337 Diplomat Southland 2120 Calumet Clearwater, FL 33515 813/443-4514 TWX 810/866-0436 Kierulff Electronics 3247 Tech Drive St. Petersburg, FL 33702 813/576-1966 TWX 81 0/863-5625 GEORGIA Arrow Electronics 2979 Pacific Drive Norcross, GA 30071 404/449-8252 TWX 8101766-0439 Schweber Electronics 303 Research Drive, Suite 210 Norcross, GA 30092 404/449-9170 ILLINOIS Arrow Electronics 492 Lunt Avenue P. O. Box 94248 Schaumburg, IL 60193 312/893-9420 TWX 91 0/291-3544 Kierulff Electronics 1536 Landmeier Rd Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 312/640-0200 TWX 9101222-0351 5chweber Electronics 904 Cambridge Dr Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 312/364-3750 INDIANA Advent Electronics 8446 Moller Indianapolis, IN 46268 317/872-4910 TWX 81 0/341-3228 Arrow Electronics 2718 Rand Road Indianapolis, IN 46241 3171243-9353 TWX 810/341-3119 Pioneer Electronics 6408 Castleplace Drive Indianapolis, IN 46250 317/849- 7300 TWX 81 0/260-1794 IOWA Advent Electronics 682 58th Avenue Court South West Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 319/363-0221 TWX 910/525-1337 Arrow Electronics 193051. Andrews Dr., NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 13191395-7230 714/632-6880 TWX 910/591-1961 11-17 MARYLAND Arrow Electronics 4801 Benson Avenue Baltimore, MD 21227 301/247-5200 TWX 7101236-9005 Pioneer Electronics 9100 Gaither Road Gaithersburg, MD 20877 301/948-0710 TWX 710/828-0545 Schweber Electronics 9218 Gaither Rd. Gaithersburg, MD 20877 301/840-5900 TWX 710/828-9749 MASSACHUSETTES Arrow Electronics Arrow Drive Woburn, MA 01801 617/933-8130 TWX 710/393-6770 Kierulff Electronics 13 Fortune Drive Billerica, MA 01865 617/935-5134 TWX 710/390-1449 Lionex Corporation 1 North Avenue Burlington, MA 01803 617/272-1660 TWX 710/332-1387 Schweber Electronics 25 Wiggins Avenue Bedford, MA 01730 6171275-5100 TWX 710/326-0268 Zeus/New England, Inc. 25 Adams Street Burlington, MA 01803 617/273-0753 TWX 710/322-0716 MICHIGAN Arrow Electronics 3810 Varsity Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48104 313/971-8220 TWX 810/223-6020 Pioneer Electronics 13485 Stamford Livonia, MI48150 313/525-1800 TWX 8101242-3271 Schweber Electronics 10260 Hubbard Ave. livonia, MI 48150 313/525-8100 TWX 810/242-2983 MINNESOTA Arrow Electronics 5230 W. 73rd Street Edina, MN 55435 612/830-1800 TWX 910/576-3125 Kierulff Electronics 7667 Cahill Rd. Edina, MN 55435 612/941-7500 TWX 910/576-2721 MISSOURI Arrow Electronics 2380 Schuetz Road St. Louis, MO 63141 314/567-6888 TWX 910/764-0882 Olive Electronics 9910 Page Blvd St. Louis, MO 63132 314/426-4500 TWX 9101763-0720 Semiconductor Spec 3805 N. Oak Trafficway Kansas City, MO 64116 816/452-3900 TWX 9101771-2114 NEW HAMPSHIRE Arrow Electronics 1 Perimeter Rd. ManChester, NH 03103 603/668-6968 TWX 710/220-1684 NEW JERSEY Arrow Electronics Pleasant Valley Avenue Morrestown, NJ 08057 609/235-1900 TWX 710/897-0829 Arrow Electronics 285 Midland Avenue Saddlebrook, NJ 07662 201/797-5800 TWX 710/988·2206 Kierulff Electronics 3 Edison Place Fairfield, NJ 07006 201/575-6750 TWX 710/734-4372 Schweber Electronics 18 Madison Road Fairfield, NJ 07006 2011227-7880 TWX 7101734-4305 u.s. AND CANADIAN NEW MEXICO Arrow Electronics 2460 Alamo Ave. S.E. Albuquerque. NM 87106 605/243-4566 TWX 910/989-1679 NEWVORK Add Electronic 7 Adler Drive E. Syracuse. NY 13057 315/437-0300 Arrow Electronics 900 Broad Hollow Rd. Farmingdale, 1.I .. NY 11735 516/694-6800 TWX 510/224-6494 Arrow Electronics 7705 Maltlage Drive P. O. Box 370 liverpool, NY 13088 315/652-1000 TWX 710/545-0230 Arrow Electronics 3000 S. Winton Road Rochester. NY 14623 716/275-0300 TWX 5101253-4766 DISTRIBUTORS OHIO Arrow Electronics 7620 McEwen Road Centerville, OH 45459 513/435-5563 TWX 810/459-1611 Arrow Electronics 6238 Cochran Road Solon, OH 44139 2161248-3990 TWX 810/427-9409 400 Oser Ave. Hauppauge. NY 11787 , 5161273-1660 TWX 5101227-1042 Schwaber Electronics 3 Town Line Circle Rochester. NY 14623 716/424-2222 Schweber Electronics Jericho Turnpike Westbury, NY 11590 516/334-7474 TWX 5101222-3660 Zeus/Long Island 401 Broad Hollow Rd. Melville, NY 11746 5161752-9551 TWX 710/567-1248 Zeus Components Components, Inc. tOO Midland Avenue Port Chester, NY 10573 914/937-7400 TWX 710/567-1248 Kierulff Electronics 2121 South 3600 West Salt lake City, UT 84119 214/386-7500 801/973-6913 TWX 91 0/860-5377 TWX 910/880-4439 12061 643-4800 TWX 910/444-2017 Quality Components 4257 Kellway Circle Addison, TX 75001 Kierulff Electronics 1053 Andover Park East Tukwila, WA 98188 713/491-4100 TWX 810/459-1622 TWX 910/860-5459 206/575-4420 TWX 910/444-2034 Schweber Electronics 23880 Commerce Park Road Beachwood. OH 44122 216/464-2970 Quality Components 2427 Rutland Drive Austin. TX 78758 Zeus/West 23701 150th S.E. Monroe. WA 98279 5131236-9900 TWX 810/427-9441 OREGON Kierulff Electronics 14273 NW Science Park Portland, OR 97229 503/641-9150 TWX 910/467-8753 PENNSYLVANIA Arrow Electronics 650 Seco Rd. Monroeville, PA 15146 412/856-7000 Pioneer Electronics 560 Alpha Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15238 214/387-4949 512/835-0220 TWX 910/874-1377 Quality Components 6126 Westline Houston. TX 77036 713/772-7100 Schweber Electronics 10625 Richmond. Suite 100 Houston. TX 77042 713/784-3600 TWX 910/881-4836 Zeus/Dallas, Inc. 14001 Goldmark Dr. Suite 250 Dallas, TX 75240 2141783-7010 TWX 910/867-9422 9191725-8711 TWX 510/931-3169 Arrow Electronics 3117 Poplarwood Court Suite 123, P.O. Box 95163 Raleigh, NC 27625 WISCONSIN Arrow Electronics 434 Rawson Avenue Oak Creek. WI 53154 414/764-6600 TWX 91 01262-1193 Kierulff Electronics 2212 E. Moreland Blvd. Waukesha. WI 53186 4141784-8160 TWX 9101265-3653 CANADA Prelco Electronics 2767 Thames Gate Drive Mississauga, Ontario Toronto l4T 1G5 416/678-0401 TWX 610/492-8974 Prelco Electronics 480 Port Royal St. W. Montreal 357 P.Q. H3l 2B9 514/389-8051 TWX 610/421-3616 Prelco Electronics 1770 Woodward Drive Ottawa. Ontario K2C OPS 6131226-3491 Telex 05-34301 RAE. Industrial 3455 Gardner Court Burnaby, B.C. V5G 4J7 6041291-8866 TWX 610/929-3065 Zentronics 141 Catherine Street Ottawa, Ontario K2P lC3 613/238-6411 Zentronics 8 Tilbury Court Srampton, Ontario l6T3T4 (Toronto) 416/451-9600 Telex 06-97678 Zentronics 505 locke St. St. Laurent, Quebec H4TIX7 5141735-5361 Telex 058-27535 Zentronics 590 Berry Street St. James. Manitoba R2H OR4 204/775-8661 Zentronlcs 480 "AU Dutton Drive Waterloo. Ontario 412/782-2300 TWX 7101795-3122 N2L4C6 519/884-5700 Pioneer Electronics 261 Gibraltar Horsham, PA 19044 RAE. Industrial 11680 170th St. Edmonton, Alberta T55 1J7 215/674-4000 TWX 510/665-6778 403/451-4001 Telex 03-72653 Zentronics 550 Cambie St. Vancouver. B.C. V6B 2N7 Schweber Electronics 101 Rock Road Horsham, PA 19044 215/441-0600 NORTH CAROLINA Arrow Electronics 938 Burke St. Winston Salem, NC 27102 WASHINGTON Arrow Electronics 14320 NE 21 st Bellevue, WA 98005 Pioneer Electronics 4433 Interpoint Blvd. Dayton, OH 45424 918/664-8812 TWX 510/227-6623 Lionex Corporation 18011539-1135 216/587-3600 TWX 810/422-2211 516/231-1000 . 612/835-4180 Arrow Electronics 13715 Gamma Road Dallas, TX 75240 Arrow Electronics 10700 Corporate Drive Suite 100 Stafford. TX 77477 Hauppauge, NY 11787 20 Oser Ave. UTAH Arrow Electronics 4980 Amelia Earhart Dr. Salt Lake City. UT 84116 Pioneer Electronics 4800 East 131 st Street Cleveland, OH 44105 OKLAHOMA Quality Components 9934 East 21 st South Tulsa, OK 74129 Arrow Electronics TEXAS Arrow Electronics 10125 Metropolitan Dr. Austin, TX 78758 604/688-2533 Telex 04507789 Zentronics 3651 21st Street. N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 6T5 SOUTH CAROLINA Hammond Electronics 1035 Lowndes Hill Rd. Greenville, SC 29602 4031230-1422 8031233-4121 Zentronics 9224 27th Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T6N 182 403/463·3014 Zentronics 30 Sommonc!s Drive, Unit B Dartmouth, N.S. B3B1R3 TWX 810/281-2233 TWX 919/876-3132 Hammond Electronics 2923 Pacific Avenue Greensboro, NC 27406 902/463-8411 919/275-6391 TWX 510/925-1094 *Franchised for USA and canada excluding california for military products 11-18 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING OFFICES EUROPEAN HEAD OFFICE Mostek International Av de Tervuren 270-272 Bte 21 8-1150 Brussels/Belgium GERMANY PLZ 1-5 Mostek GmbH Friedlandstrasse 1 021762.18.80 0-2085 Quickborn Telex: 62011 (04106)2077178 Telex: 213685 FRANCE Mostek France s.a.r.1. 30 Rue du Morvan JAPAN 0-80120ttobrunn (089)95.10.71 Tetex: 5216516 1-2-7 Kita-Aoyama Minato-Ku. Tokyo 107 103)404-7261 Telex: J23686 Mostek Japan KK Sanyo Bldg. 3F ITALY F-94623 Rungis Cedex PLZ 6-7 Mostek GmbH Schurwaldstrasse 15 D-7303 Neuhausen/Filder 11)68734.14 Telex: 204049 Telex: 72.38.86 Slue 505 PLZ8 Mostek GmbH Zaunkonigstr. 18 107158)66.45 Mostek ttalia SAL Via F.O. Guerrauj 27 I 20145 Milano (02) 318.5337/349.2696 and 34.23.89 Telex: 333601 UNITED KINGDOM Mostek UK Ltd Masons House, '-3 Valley Drive Ki ngsbury Road London, N.W.9 01-2049322 Telex: 25940 SWEDEN Mostek Scandinavia AS Magnusvagen 1/8 tr S-17531 Jarfalla 0758-343 38/343 48/183 30 Telex: 12997 INTERNATIONAL SALES REPRESENTATIVES/DISTRIBUTORS ARGENTINA Rayo Electronics S.R.L Belgrano 990, Pisos 6y2 1092 Buenos Aires 138)-1779,37-9476 Telex - 122153 AUSTRAUA Amtron Tyree Pty.Ltd. 176 Botany Street Waterloo, N.S.W. 2017 (61)69-89.666 Telex - 25643 AUSTRIA Transistor Vertriebsges, mbH Auhofstrasse 41 A A- 1130 Vienna 10222) 82 9451, 83 9404 Telex - 0133738 BRAS1L Cosele, Ltd. Rua da Consolacao, 867 Conj.31 01301 Sao Paulo 155)11-257.35.35/258.43.25 Telex - 1130869 BELGIUM Sotronic 14 Rue Pere De Deken 8-1040 Brussels 02736.10.07 Telex - 25141 DENMARK Semicap APS Gammel Kongevej 148 OK-1850 Copenhagen 01-22.15.10 Telex - 15987 F1NLAND Insele Oy Kumpulantie 1SF-00520 Helsinki 52 0735774 Telex: 122217 FRANCE Copel Rue Fourny, Z.t B.P. 22, F-78 530 BUC 11)9561018 Telex: 69379 Facen 1 10 Av de Flandre F59290 Wasquehal. Nord 12)98.92.15 Branch Offices in Chalon/$aone, Lilte, Nancy, Rouen, $trasbourg Mecodis 2 Rue Pasteur F-94380 Bonneuil (1) 339.20.20 Telex: 250303 P.E.P. 4 Rue Barthelemy F-92120 Montrouge (1)-7353320 Telex: 204 534 HONG KONG Cet limited 1402 Tung Wah Mansion 199-203 Hennessy Road Wanchai, Hong Kong (5)-72.93.76 Telex - 85148 ISRAEL Telsys Ltd. 12, Kehilat Venetsia St Tel Aviv. Israel Scaib 80 Rue d'Arcueil SlllC 137 F-94523 Rungis Cedex 111-68723.12 Telex: 204674 48212617/8 Sorhodis 150-152, Rue A. France F691 00 Villeurbanne (78)850044 Telex: 380181 (02) 61.20.641/2/3/4/5 GERMANY Dr Dohrenberg Bayreuther Strasse 3 0-1000 Berlin 30 (030)213.80.43 Telex: 0 184860 Neye Enatechnik GmbH SchiUerstrasse 14 0-2085 Ouickborn (04106)612-1 Telex: 0 213.590 Branch offices in: Berlin, Hannover, Dusseldorf, Darmstadt, Stuttgart, Munchen Raffel-Electronic GmbH Lochnerstrasse 1 0-4030 Ratingen 1 12102)280.24 Telex: 8585180 Siegfried Ecker Koenigsberger Strasse 2 0-6120 Michelstadt 16061)2233 Telex: 4191630 Matronic GmbH Lichtenberger Weg 3 0-7400 Tuebingen 17071)24331 Telex: 7262879 THE NETHERLANDS Nijkerk Elektronika BV Drentestraat 7 NL - 1083 HK Amsterdam (020) 428. 933 Telex: 1 1625 NEW ZEALAND E.C.S. Div. of Airspares P.O. Box 1048 Airport Palmerston North (77)-047 Telex - 3766 Telex: 032392 ITALY Comprel s.r.1. V.le Romagna. 1 1-20092 CiniselJo B. (MI) NORWAY Hefro Teknisk AIS Postboks 6596 Rodelokka, Oslo 5 02-38.02.86 Telex: 16205 Telex: 332484 Branch offices in Bologna, Firenze, lavagna, Loreto, Padova, Roma, Torino, Vicenza, Bari Emesa S.P.A Via l. da Viadana, 9 1-20122 Milano 102)869.0616 Telex: 335066 Branch offices in Torino, Bologna, Roma JAPAN Systems Marketing, Inc 4th Floor, Shindo Blgd. 3-12-5 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, 100 (81) 3-254.27.51 Telex - 25761 Teijin Advanced Proclucts Corp. ,-, Uchisaiwai-Cho 2-Chome Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo, 100 (81)3-506.46.73 Telex - 23548 KOREA Vine Overseas Trading Corp. Room 308 Korea Electric Association Bldg. 11-4 Supyo-Dong Jung-Ku Seoul 182)2-66-1663 PORTUGAL Digicontrole LoA Rua Tenente Ferreira Durao 33 AI I 1300 lisboa 19-688442/652613 Telex: 15084 SINGAPORE Dynamar International, LTD. Suite 526, Cuppage Road SingalX>re 0922 SOUTH AFRICA Radiokom P.O. Box 56310 Pinegowrie 2123, Transvaal 789-1400 Telex - 8-0838 SA SPAIN Comelta S.A Emilio Munoz 41, ESC 1 Planta 1 Nave 2 Madrid-17 01-7543001/3007 Telex: 42007 Branch Office Diputacion, 79 Entlo 1 Barcelona-15 3257062 3257575 Telex: 519 34 SWEDEN TRACO AB, Box 32 S-12221 Enskede 08-132160 Telex: 10 689 Lagercrantz Elektronik AB Box 48 S-19421 Upplands Vasby 0760861 20 Telex: 11275 SWITZERLAND Memotec AG Einschlagweg, 2 CH-4932 Lotzwil 063-28.11.22 Telex: 68636 TAIWAN Dynamar Taiwan limited P.O. Box 67-445 2nd Floor, No. 14, Lane 164 Sung-Chiang Road Taipe! 5418251 Telex - 11064 UNITED KINGDOM Celdis limited 37 -39 Loverock Road Reading Berks RG 31 ED 0734·58.51.71 Telex: 848370 lock Distribution ltd. Neville Street Chadderton Oldham lancashire OL96LF 061 -652.04,31 Telex: 669971 Pronto Electronic Systems Ltd. 466-478 Cranbrook Road, Gants HillUford Essex 1G2 6LE 01-5546222 Telex: 895 4213 VSI Electronics (UK) ltd Roydondury Industrial Park Horsecroft Rd. Harlow Essex CM 19 5BY (0279) 35477 Telex: 81387 Thame Components ltd. Thame Park Road Thame, Oxon aX9 3XD 0844213146 Telex: 837917 Dema-Electronic GmbH Bluetenstrasse 21 0-8000 Munchen 40 1089)288018/19 Telex: 05-29345 11-19 III 1982/1983 MICROELECTRONIC DATA BOOK MOSTEI(. MEMORY COMPONENTS 64K-Bit Read-Only Memory MK36000(P/J/N) Series FEATURES o MK36000 8K x 8 Organization"Edge Activated" * operation (CE) o Standard 24 pin DIP o Low Power Dissipation - 220mW Max Active o Access Time/Cycle Time PIN Access Cycle MK36000-4 250 ns 375 ns MK36000-5 300ns 450ns o Low Standby Power Dissipation - 45mW Max, (CE High) o On chip latches for addresses o Inputs and three-state outputs - TTL compatible o Outputs drive 2 TTL loads and 100pF o Single +5V ± 10% Power Supply o MKB version screened to MIL-STD-883 DESCRIPTION enable (CE) input at a TTL high level. In this mode, power dissipation is reduced to typically 45mW, as compared to unclocked devices which draw full power continuously. In system operation, a device is selected by the CE input, while all others are in a low power mode, reducing the overall system power. Lower power means reduced power supply cost, less heat to dissipate and an increase in device and system reliability. The MK36000 is a N-channel silicon gate MOS Read Only Memory, organized as 8192 words by 8 bits. As a state-ofthe-art device, the MK36000 incorporates advanced circuit techniques designed to provide maximum circuit density and reliability with the highest possible performance, while maintaining low power dissipation and wide operating margins. Use of a static storage cell with clocked control periphery allows the circuit to be put into an automatic low power standby mode. This is accomplished by maintaining the chip The edge activated chip enable also means greater system flexibility and an increase in system speed. FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM (MK36000) PIN CONNECTIONS ~ 24 23 22 21 20 19 1 As 2 As 3 A.J 4 As As A12 CE Al0 18 An 17 t? 16 Os 15 Os 14 ~ 13 Oa Aa 5 ~ 6 Al 7 Ac8 Do9 ~11 vss 12 885311 BIT vee CELL MATRIX PIN NAMES Ao-A12 00-°7 VGC .. Trademark of Mostek Corporation 111-1 Address Outputs +5V ~S CE GND Chip Enable II ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on Any Terminal Relative to Vss ..........................................•............. -1.0 V to +7 V Operating Temperature TA (Ambient) ............................................................ O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature - Ceramic (Ambient) ..................................................... -65°C to + 150°C Storage Temperature - Plastic (Ambient) ..................................•................... -55°C to +125°C Power Dissipation ................................................................................... 1 Watt ·Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ralings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operating sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS6 (O°C :::::: TA :::::: + 70°C) SYM PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX Vcc Power Supply Voltage 4.5 5.0 5.5 V V IL Input Logic 0 Voltage -1.0 0.8 V V IH Input Logic 1 Voltage 2.0 Vcc V UNITS NOTES 6 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vcc = 5V ±10%) (O°C:::::: TA :::::: +70°C) 6 SYM PARAMETER ICC1 Vcc Power Supply Current (Active) ICC2 Vcc Power Supply Current (Standby) II(L) Input Leakage Current IO(L) Output Leakage Current VOL Output Logic "0" Voltage @ lOUT = 3.3 mA V OH Output Logic ··1" Voltage @ lOUT = -220 pA MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES 40 mA 1 8 mA 7 -10 10 pA 2 -10 10 pA 3 0.4 V 2.4 V AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vcc = 5V ±10%) (O°C ::::::TA :::::: +70°C)6 -4 -5 SYM PARAMETER MIN tc Cycle Time 375 tCE CE Pulse Width 250 tAC CE Access Time tOFF Output Turn Off Delay tAH Address Hold Time Referenced to CE 60 75 ns tAS Address Setup Time Referenced to CE 0 0 ns tp CE Precharge Time 125 150 ns NOTES: 1. Current is proportional to cycle rate. ICC1 is measured at the specified minimum cycle time. Data Outputs open. 2. VIN ~ OVto5.5VIVCC = 5VI 3. Device unselected; VOUT = 0 V to 5.5 V 4. Measured with 2 TTL loads and 100 pF. transition times = 20 ns MIN MAX UNITS NOTES 450 ns 4 10000 ns 4 250 300 ns 4 60 75 ns 4 10000 300 5. Capacitance measured with Boonton Meter or effective capacitance e = AQ.with 6V = 3 volts calculated from the equation: 6. 7. 111-2 MAX A minimum 2 ms time delay is required after the application of Vee (+5) before proper device operation is achieved. CE must be at V1H for this time period. CE high. CAPACITANCE (O°C ::; TA ::; 70°C) SYM PARAMETER q Co TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Input Capacitance 5 a pF 5 Output Capacitance 7 15 pF 5 TIMING DIAGRAM ~----------tc--------------------------~ CHIP ENABLE ADDRESS V OH DATA OUTPUT ~ ------------OPEN------------~ VOL - D-----OPEN----- VALID DESCRIPTION (Continued) The MK36000 features onboard address latches controlled by the CE input. Once the address hold time specification has been met, new address data can be applied in anticipation of the next cycle. Outputs can be wire 'OR'ed together, and a specific device can be selected by utilizing the CE input with no bus conflict on the outputs. The CE input allows the fastest access times yet available in 5 volt only ROM's and imposes no loss in system operating flexibility over an unclocked device. Any application requiring a high performance, high bit density ROM can be satisfied by the MK36000 ROM. This bit microprocessor systems device is ideally suited for such as those which utilize the zao. It can offer significant cost advantages over PROM. a OPERATION The MK36000 is controlled by the chip enable (CE) input. A negative going edge at the CE input will activate the device as well as strobe and latch the inputs into the on-chip address registers. At access time the outputs will become active and contain the data read from the selected location. The outputs will remain latched and active until CE is returned to the inactive state. Other system oriented features include fully TTL compatible inputs and outputs. The three state outputs, controlled by the CE input, will drive a minimum of 2 standard TTL loads. The MK36000 operates from a single +5 volt power supply with a wide ±1 0% tolerance, providing the widest operating margins available. The MK36000 is packaged in the industry standard 24 pin DIP. 111-3 II 111-4 MOSTEI(. 64K-BIT MOS READ-ONLY MEMORY M K37000(P / J/ N) Series FEATURES o Organization: 8K x 8 Bit ROM - JEDEC Pinout o Mask ROM replacement for 2764 EPROM o Pin compatible with Mostek's BYTEWYDETM Memory o No Connections allow easy upgrade to future generation higher density ROMs o Low power dissipation: 220mW max active, 45mW max standby o CE and OE functions facilitate Bus control o MKB version screened to MIL-STD-883 Family o Access Time/Cycle Time PIN CYCLE ACCESS 300 ns MK37000-5 . MK37000-4 450 ns 375 ns 250 ns DESCRIPTION The MK37000 is a N-channel silicon gate MOS Read Only Memory, organized as 8192 words by 8 bits. As a state-of-the-art device, the MK37000 incorporates advanced circuit techniques designed to provide maximum circuit density and reliability with the highest possible performance, while maintaining low power dissipation and wide operating margins. The MK37000 is to be used as a pin/function compatible mask programmable alternative to the 2764 8K x 8 bit EPROM. As a member of the Mostek BYTEWYDE Memory Family, the MK37000 brings to the memory market a new era of ROM, PROM and EPROM compatibility previously unavailable. FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM (MK37000) PIN CONNECTIONS Use of clocked control periphery and a standard static ROM cell makes the MK37000 the lowest power 64K ROM available. Active power is a mere 220mW while standby (CE high) is only 45mW. To provide greater system flexibility an output enable (OE) function has been added using one of the extra pins available on the OE A" -Vee -vss AS AS A7 A6 A5 A. A3 A2 A, AO NC 1 A12 2 28 vcc 27 NC A7 3 4 25 AS A5 5 24 A9 A4 6 23 All 22 OE A6 26 NC A3 7 A2 8 65536 SIT CELL MATRIX '" Al 9" '"" ~ '" TRUTH TABLE CE OE MODE OUTPUTS X Deselect High-Z Standby Inhibit High-Z Active DOUT Active VIL VIH VIL VIL Read X = Don't Care 00 11 19 07 18 06 01 12 17 05 AO 10 CE :0 VIH 21 A l 0 20 CE 9 POWE-R- °2 13 vss14 PIN NAMES AO - A 12-Address Chip Enable a: 00 - 07 - Outputs 111-5 16 04 15 03 NC OE VCC VSS - No Connection Output Enable +5V supply Ground ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on Any Terminal Relative to VSS ..................................................... -1.0V to +7V Operating Temperature TA (Ambient) ......................................................... O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature-Ceramic (Ambient) ................................................. -65°C to +150°C Storage Temperature-Plastic (Ambient) ................................................... -55°C to +125°C Power Dissipation ................................................................................ 1 Watt ·Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stresS rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operating sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS6 (O°C $TA $ +70°C) SYM PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS VCC Power Supply Voltage 4.5 5.0 5.5 V VIL Input Logic 0 Voltage -1.0 0.8 V VIH Input Logic 1 Voltage 2.0 VCC V MAX UNITS NOTES 40 mA 1 8 mA 7 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = 5V ± 10%) (O°C $TA $ +70°C) NOTES 6 MIN TVP SYM PARAMETER ICC1 VCC Power Supply Current (Active) ICC2 VCC Power Supply Current (Standby) II(L) Input Leakage Current -10 10 p.A 2 IO(L) Output Leakage Current -10 10 p.A 3 VOL Output Logic "0" Voltage @ lOUT = 3.3mA 0.4 V VOH Output Logic "1" Voltage @ lOUT = -220p.A V 2.4 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS6 (VCC = 5V ± 10%)(0°C $TA $ +70°C) -4 -5 SYM PARAMETER MIN tRC Read Cycle Time 375 tCE CE Pulse Width 250 tCEA CE Access Time tCEZ Chip Enable Data Off Time tAH Address Hold Time Referenced to CE 60 75 ns Address Setup Time Referenced to CE 0 0 ns 125 150 ns tAS MAX MIN MAX UNITS 450 ns 4 10,000 ns 4 250 300 ns 4 60 75 ns 0,000 300 tp CE Precharge Time tOEA Output Enable Access Time 80 100 ns tOEZ Output Enable Data Off Time 60 75 ns 111·6 NOTES CAPACITANCE (O°C :::; TA :::; 70°C) SYM TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Input Capacitance 5 8 pF 5 Output Capacitance 7 15 pF 5 PARAMETER TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 1 II CHIP ENABLE ADDRESS OUTPUT ENABLE V IH VIL~ DATA OUTPUT VOH_ OPEN V OL - NOTES: 1. Current is proportional to cycle rate. ICCl is measured at the specified minimum cycle time. Data Outputs open. 2. VIN = OV to 5.5V 3. Device un selected; VOUT = OV to 5.5V 4. Measured with 2 TTL loads and 100pF, transition times::::: 20ns 5. Capacitance measured with Boonton Meter or effective capacitance calculated from the equation: C = 6.Q with 6.V = 3 volts b.V 6. 7. A minimum 2ms time delay is required after the application of Vee (+5) before proper device operation is achieved. CE must be at VIH forthis time period. CEhigh DESCRIPTION (Continued) tolerance, providing the widest operating margins available. The MK37000 is packaged in the industry standard 28 pin DIP. Pin 1 and 26 are not connected to allow easy upward compatibility with next generation higher density ROM which will use these pins for addresses. Pin 27 is not connected in order to maintain compatibility with RAMs which use this pin as a write enable (WE) control function. 28 pin DIP. This function matches that found on all of the new BYTEWYDE family of memories available from Mostek. The use of clocked CE mode of operation provides an automatic power down mode of operation. The MK37000 features on chip address latches controlled by the CE input. Once address hold time is met, new address data can be provided to the device in anticipation of a subsequent cycle. It is not necessary to maintain the address up to access time to access valid data. The output enable function controls only the outputs and is not latched by CEo The input can be used for device selection and the OE input used to avoid bus conflicts so that outputs can be 'OR'ed together when using mUltiple devices. Any application requiring a high performance, high bit density ROM can be satisfied by the MK37000. This device is ideally suited for 8 bit microprocessor systems such as those which utilize the MK3880. It can offer significant cost advantages over PROM. a: OPERATION The MK37000 is controlled by the chip enable (CE) and output enable (OE) inputs. A negative going edge at the CE input will activate the device and latch the addresses into the on chip address registers. The output buffers, under the control of OE, will become active in CE access Other system oriented features include fully TIL compatible inputs and outputs. The three state outputs, controlled by the OE input, will drive a minimum of 2 standard TIL loads. The MK37000 operates from a single +5 volt power supply with a wide ± 10% 111-7 time (tCEA) if the output enable access time (tOEA) requirement is met. The on chip address register allows addresses to be changed after the specified hold time (tAH) in preparation for the next cycle. The outputs will remain valid and active until either CE or OE is returned to the inactive state. After chip deselect time (tCEZ) the output buffers will go to a high impedance state. The CE input must remain inactive (high) between subsequent cycles for time tp to allow for precharging the nodes of the internal circuitry. total of (4) 2K x 8 devices would be required to totally describe the address space of the 8K x 8 MK37000. A paper printout and verification approval letter will accompany each verification EPROM set returned to the customer. Approval is considered to be excepted when the signed verification letter is returned to Mostek. The original set of EPROMs will be retained by Mostek for the duration of the prototyping process. MK37000 ROM CODE DATA INPUT PROCEDURE The preferred method of supplying code data to Mostek is in the form of programmed EPROMs (see table). In addition to the programmed set, Mostek requires an additional set of blank EPROMs for supplying customer code verification. When multiple EPROMs are required to describe the ROM they shall be designated in ascending address space with the numbers 1,2,3, etc. As an example, EPROM #1 would start with address space 0000 and go to 07FF for a 2K x 8 device. EPROM #2 would then start at address space 0800 and so on. A Acceptable EPROMs for Code Data Table 1 EPROM 271612516 2732 2764 111-8 # REQUIRED 4 2 1 MOSTEI(. 256K-BIT MOS READ-ONLY MEMORY. M K38000(P IN }-25 FEATURES o Organized 32K x 8 o CE and OE functions facilitate bus control o Pin compatible with Mostek's BYTEWYDpM Memory Family o Pin 27 no connection permits interchange with static RAM (WE) o Access Time = Cycle o High performance Time o Static Operation o Automatic Power Down Part No. Access Time Cycle Time MK38000-25 250 ns 250 ns DESCRIPTION and reliability with the highest possible performance, while maintaining low power dissipation and wide operating margins. The MK38000 is a N-channel silicon gate MOS Read Only Memory, organized as32,768 wordsby8 bits. Asa state-ofthe-art device, the MK38000 incorporates advanced circuit techniques designed to provide maximum circuit density FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM (MK38000) PIN CONNECTIONS Figure 1 Figure 2 A, A" ,e A" Voo 'e A" L~J l~J l~j :' 1L3!J l~lj l~ A, AO " A, ~J A. _~J AJ :!J A~ -~J A14 I LJ !}J Ne ~'J _~J tDevice pinout is preiiminllry and may be 8Ld1;ecltuminorreviSion. A14 1 28 Vee A12 2 27 NC A13 [2.!_ Po" A7 3 2. L~ A" A6 4 25 AB ,-'" A" A5 5 A9 A4 6 2' 23 A3 7 22 OE A2 8 21 A10 A1 9 20 ~ AO 10 19 07 00 11 18 06 01 12 17 Q5 02 13 16 04 15 03 ,-- [Z!: MK3BOOO -~J A, A, 0 I NC 1""-- _ L~ OE [2~ A" [2!_ I!> [2!: 00, [2]~ DO, BE - - - ; GND iiE - - - - IL--_ _ 14 ~ QO •••• 07 PIN NAMES TRUTH TABLE CE OE H MODE OUTPUTS POWER X Deselect High-Z Standby L H Inhibit High-Z Active L L Read DOUT Active AO-A 14 Address OE CE Chip Enable Vee NC No Connection GND QO-Q7 111-9 ~ - - - - - - ---- - --- -~--- .. - - - - - - - - - - - ... - - - . Output Enable +5V Ground Data Outputs A11 • ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on Any Terminal Relative to GND •..•..••••.....•..•.....•.....•.••..•••.....•...•...... -1.0 V to +7. V Operating Temperature TA (Ambient) ••..•.••...•.•.............••...•.••••..•••.•...•...•....... O°C to +70°C Storage Temperature-Ceramic (Ambient) ....•••.•.•....••.•........•....•.•.......•.........• -65°C to +150°C Storage Temperature-Plastic (Ambient) .••..••.•••.....••.....•....••.............••....•...• -55°C to +125°C Power Dissipation .••......•......•....•..•..•..•...•.......•..•...............•...•...•..•..•...•.. 1 Watt ·Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operating sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS\6 (O°C :5 TA:5 + 70°C) SYM PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS Vcc Power Supply Voltage 4.75 5.0 5.25 V V il Input Logic 0 Voltage -1.0 0.8 V V IH Input Logic 1 Voltage 2.0 Vcc V TYP MAX UNITS NOTES NOTES 8 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS\6 (Vcc 5 V ± 5%) (O°C :5TA :5 +70°C) = SYM PARAMETER ICCl V cc Power Supply Current (Active) 75 100 mA 5 ICC2 Vcc Power Supply Current (Standby) 35 50 mA 7 II(l) Input Leakage Current -10 0.1 10 pA. 3 IO(l) Output Leakage Current -10 0.1 10 pA. 2 VOL Output Logic "0" Voltage @ lOUT = 4 mA 0.4 V V OH Output Logic "1" Voltage @ lOUT =-1 mA MIN 2.4 V AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS',4,6,9,lo (Vcc =5 V ± 5%) (O°C:5 TA :5 +70°C) -25 SYM PARAMETER MIN t Rc Read Cycle Time 250 tAA Address Access Time 250 ns tCEA CE Access Time 250 ns tCEZ Chip Enable Data Off Time 40 ns tCEl Chip Enable to Data Bus Active tOEA Output Enable Access Time 50 ns tOEZ Output Enable Data Off Time 40 ns tOH Output Hold from Address Change MAX UNITS ns ns 5 5 111-10 ns NOTES CAPACITANCE (DOC ~ TA ~ 7D°C) SYM PARAMETER C1 Input Capacitance 5 pF Co Output Capacitance 7 pF TYP MAX UNITS NOTES 5 TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 3 ------~~--------~C--------~~------tRC--------~-----tRC------- 00-Q7 OUTPUT LOAD NOTES: 1. All voltages referenced to GND. 2. Measured with 0.4 V:;; Vo:;; 5.0 V outputs deselected and Vee = 5 V. 3. VIN = OVto 6.25 V. Figure 4 Vee MAX 4. Input and output timing reference levels are at 1.5 Vfor inputs and .8 and 2.0 for outputs. 5. Measured with outputs open. 1.1KO 6. A minimum of 2 ms time delay is required after the application of Vee (+5) before proper device operation is achieved. period. 7. CE must be at VIH for this time D.U.T. CE high. 8. Negative undershoots to a minimum of -1.5 V are allowed with a maximum of 10 ns pulse width. 9. Measured with a load as shown in Figure 4. 10. A.C. measurements assume transition time = 5 ns levels GND to 3 V. 111-11 6800 ;:::~ 100pF (Including Scope and Jig) DESCRIPTION (continued) As a member of the Mostek BYTEWYDE Memory Family, the MK38000 allows compatibility between RAM, ROM, and EPROM. The MK38000 can be used as a pin/function density upgrade to the MK37000 8K x 8 bit ROM. Any application reqUiring a high performance high bit density ROM can be satisfied by the MK38000. This device is ideally suited for 8 bit microprocessor systems such as those which can utilize the MK3880. It can offer significant cost advantages over PROM. OPERATION The output enable function controls only the outputs. The CE input can be used for device selection and the OE input used to avoid bus conflicts so that outputs can be 'OR'ed together when using multiplexed or bi-directional busses. Other system oriented features include fully TTL compatible inputs and outputs. The three state outputs, controlled by the OE input, will drive a minimum of 2 standard TTL loads. The MK38000 operates from a single +5 volt power supply. It is packaged in the industry standard 28 pin DIP. Pin 27 is not connected in order to maintain compatiblity with RAMs which use this pin as a write enable (WE) control function. MK38000 ROM CODE DATA INPUT PROCEDURE The preferred method of supplying code data to Mostek is in the form of programmed EPROMs (see table). In addition to the programmed set, Mostek requires an additional set of blank EPROMs for supplying customer code verification. When multiple EPROMs are required to describe the ROM, they shall be designated in ascending address space with the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc. As an example, EPROM #1 would start with address space 0000 and go to 1FFFfor an 8K x 8 device. EPROM #2 would then start at address space 2000 and soon. A total of four8Kx8 devices would be required to totally describe the address space of the 32K x 8 MK38000. The MK38000 is controlled by the chip enable (CE) and output enable (OE) inputs. A low level at the CE input powers up the memory for an active cycle. The output buffers, under the control of OE, will become active in CE access time (t CEA ) if the output enable access time (tOEA) requirement is met. By maintaining valid address, the outputs will remain valid and active until either CE or OE is returned to the high state 6r until an address is changed. After chip deselect time (t cez ) or output enable deselect time (t OEZ )' the output buffers will go to a high impedance state. customer. Approval is considered to be accepted when the signed verification letter is returned to Mostek. The original set of EPROMs will be retained by Mostek for the duration of the prototyping process. ACCEPTABLE EPROMs FOR CODE DATA Table 1 A paper printout and verification approval letter will accompany each verification EPROM. set returned to the 111-12 " EPROM # REQUIRED 2732 8 2764 4 MOSTEI(. MEMORY COMPONENTS Guidelines for Submitting and Verifying Customer ROM Patterns ROM PROGRAMMING GUIDE CUSTOMER SPECIFICATIONS It has always been Mostek's policy to service its customers ROM needs in the most efficient way possible. In continuing with this effort. Mostek has revised its ROM procedure to better facilitate the market we serve. This new ROM programming guide and information form will insure that all pertinent information is received with the purchase order. This will reduce the unnecessary delavs which develop when sufficient information is not available. If the customer desires different specifications for the ROM selected than appears on the appropriate Mostek data sheet; it is imperative that these specification changes be well documented and sent to MosteK as early as possible. This is important because any specification change must be reviewed and accepted by Mostek before the ROM order can be processed. ROM DATA DESCRIPTION OF ROM FORM The first part of the ROM programming form is concerned with providing all necessary customer information to Mostek. This will simplify any correspondence which may be necessary to complete the order in question. The ROM generic type simply indicates the ROM series the customer wishes to purchase. This indudes the following Mostek series. MK34000 Series MK36000 Series MK37000 Series MK38000 Series PACKAGE TYPE The package type must be included on both the ROM form and the purchase order to prevent parts being produced in the wrong package. Currently, all prototypes and any followon quantities built in Dallas will be ceramic. Remember: P = Ceramic, N = Plastic, J = Cerdip. Mostek will accept a number of media and formats for the inputting of programming data. This.flexibility will make it easy for a customer to have his R<;'M order processed as quickly as possible. The following ~able shows the media that can be most easily processed Ity Mostek. When filling out the ROM programming form, check the appropriate block under pattern media. PATTERN MEDIA ROMs/PROMs: On Mostek's ROMs of 16K bit and larger density, PROMs of the 2716, 2732, or 2764 type or pin compatible ROMs may be submitted forthe ROM contents. They must, however, be accompanied by the information required for the Mostek ROM type in written form. Each PROM or ROM submitted must also be clearly marked so that no question arises as to its starting memory location. (See ROM Programming Form on last page). VERIFICATION MEDIA For pattern verification, Mostek will supply a printout and reprogrammed PROMs or magnetic tape. CUSTOMER NUMBERS To insure rapid turnaround of data verification information, acceptable media should be used as outlined in the table. If another method is desired, contact Mostek so that all arrangements can be made and an accurate schedule can be generated. Quick turnaround of verification information cannot be guaranteed in cases where new software has to be developed. Remember, when filling out the ROM programming form, check the appropriate block under verification media. In the event the customer assigns a part number to the Mostek ROM selected, this number should be entered on the ROM form. This number will simplify any communication which may be necessary between the customer and Mostek. SPECIAL BRANDING Special branding of Mostek ROMs is possible if the instructions are indicated on the ROM programming form. But due to space and printing limitations, any special branding desired must be limited to 12 characters on one line. HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS Mostek's ROM program is designed for maximum safety with two verification steps that limit the liability of both the 111-13 II customer and Mostek. However, it. circumstances dictate, Mostek is. flexible enougl'\ to varyli:s procedures to better serve its customers. PATTERN VERIFICATION Upon receipt of the ROM programming information form and the ROM input data, Mostek engineering will regenerate the pattern data for customer verification. At this point the only customer liability is a nominal data charge in the event of a pattern change. Following customer verification, Mostek begi ns prototype production. Customer is now liable for mask charge and minimum order quantity work in process. The verification step can be waived so that prototype production begins immediately upon receipt of the input data. The time savings is the time for Mostek engineering to generate verification plus the time necessary for the customer to receive and verify the data. This savings is usually less than two weeks. If data verification is waived, the customer is liable for the mask charge plus the minimum order quantity work-in-process material. WAIVERS OF VERIFICATION Arrangements must be worked out with Mostek prior to committing deliveries based on verification waivers. If an order is accepted by Mostek waiving pattern verification, the quoted cycle time begins upon receipt of the input data and only a small quantity of parts will be produced as prototypes. If Mostek accepts an order waiving prototype verification, the quoted cycle time will begin upon notification of pattern verification and placement of order. GENERAL INFORMATION Production capacity cannot be reserved without written verification in house and a purchase order. Therefore any quotes for delivery will be subject to change until a purchase order is obtained. Limited quantities of parts are usually available from the Mostek Dallas assembly facility shortly after prototype shipments, but prior to standard follow on production. These units will require an expedite adder in addition to the standard price. The appropriate Mostek price sheet contains information on order minimums and price adders. PROTOTYPE VERIFICATION The second verification step in Mostek's ROM program is that of prototype verification. The prototype quantity is usually 25 parts which are considered part of the order quantity for billing purposes. After the customer has verified the prototype, in writing, as being correct, Mostek will proceed with the production of the total remaining order. ACCEPTABLE MEDIA Table 1 The prototype verification step can also be waived and Mostek will immediately begin production instead of prototyping. The time savings gained from waiving prototype verification is usually 5-6 weeks. If prototype verification is waived, the customer is liable for the mask charge plus all work-in-process material. If only prototype verification is waived Mostek guaranties ROM data to agree with data verified by customer. 111-14 ROM PROM Magnetic Tape MK34000P/N/J X X X MK36000P/NIJ X X X MK37000P/NIJ X X X MK38000P INI J X X X MKType READ ONLY MEMORIES Table 2 Device Organization Logic Number Bits Access Supply Voltages Vee VSS Power Dis (mW) Max Package Type Pins BYTEWYDE Pinout MK34000 2048x8 Static 16384 350 ns +5 0 330 P/N/J 24 Yes MK36000 8192x8 Dynamic 65536 200 ns +5 0 220 P/N/J 24 No MK37000 8192x8 Dynamic 65536 200 ns +5 0 220 P/N/J 28 Yes MK38000 32768x8 Static 150 ns +5 0 495 P/N/J 28 Yes 262144 ROM CROSS REFERENCE Table 3 Mostek MK34000 AMD NEe AM9218 ,"PD2316E MCM68316E 56831B ,"PD2364 MCM68364 MK36000 MK37000 Motorola AMI 54264 GI Svnertek National Signetics Toshiba SMC RO-3-9316 5V2316B MM52116 2616 TMM334P 2316E RO-3-9364 5Y2364 MM52164 2664A AM9265 36000 TMM2364P MK38000 TMM 23256 111-15 all ROM PROGRAMMING FORM Customer Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Phone ( Extension _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Customer Contact ________________ Title _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mostek Rep or Dist _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ ROM Generic Type _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Customer Part # Brand (Including Pkg, Speed) o Standard data sheet part o Customer Spec # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Date customer spec sent to Mostek _-----,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Spec review complete 0 Yes Pattern Media Verification Media o PROM type 0 PROM type _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ o Pin Compatible ROMs - Note 1 o Pin Compatible ROMs - Note 1 o Magnetic Tape - Note 1 o Magnetic Tape - Note 1 o Other - Note 1 o Other - Note 1 (Note l-Requires Factory Coordination) Date Pattern Data Sent to Mostek _________ Does Customer Require Prototypes yes _ _ _ _ _ __ No _ _ _ _ _ __ Pattern Verification Required by Customer yes _ _ _ _ _ __ Waived _ _ _ _ __ Prototype Verification Required by Customer yes _ _ _ _ _ __ Waived _ _ _ _ __ Pattern Verification To Be Sent To Rep' _ _ _ _ _ __ Customer _ _ _ __ Customer signature approving waivers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Customer Order Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Order Quantity and Price Delivery Requested/Committed Form Completed By Prototypes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Production _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 111-16 1982/1983 MICROELECTRONIC DATA BOOK Dynamic Random Access Memory MOSTEI(. 4096x1-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MK4027(J/N)-2/3 FEATURES o o o o Industry standard configu ration 120ns access time, 150ns access time, 200ns access time, 16-pin DIP (MK 4096) o Improved performance with "gated CAS", "RAS only" refresh and page mode capability 320ns cycle (MK4027-1) 320ns cycle (MK4027,2) 375ns cycle (MK4027-3) o o o o All inputs are low capacitance and TTL compatible ±10% tolerance on all supplies (+12\/, ±5V) ECl compatible on VBB power supply (-5.7V) o low Power: 462mW active (max) I nput latches for addresses, chip select and data in Three-state TTL compatible output Output data latched and valid into next cycle D MKB version screened to Mll-STD-883 27mW standby (max) DESCRIPTION The MK 4027 is a 4096 word by 1 bit MOS random access memory circuit fabricated with MOSTEK's N-channel silicon gate process. This process allows the MK 4027 to be a high performance state-of-theart memory circuit that is manufacturable in high volume. The M K 4027 employs a single transistor storage cell utilizing a dynamic storage technique and dynamic control circuitry to achieve optimum performance with low power dissipation. A unique multiplexing and latching technique for the address inputs permits the MK 4027 to be packaged in a standard 16-pin DIP on 0.3 in. centers. This package size provides high system-bit densities and is compatible with widely available automated testing and insertion equipment. System oriented features include direct interfacing capability with TTL, only 6 very low capacitance address lines to drive, on-chip address and data registers wh ich elimi nates the need for interface registers, input logic levels selected to optimize noise immunity, and two chip select methods to allow the user to determine the appropriate speed/power characteristics of his memory system. The MK 4027 also incorporates several flexible operating modes. In addition to the usual reacj and write cycles, readmodify write, page-mode, and RAS-only refresh cycles are available with the MK 4027. Page-mode timing is very useful in systems requiring Direct Memory Access (DMA) operation. FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM PIN CONNECTIONS V BB 16 Vss 4 - - V •• DIN WRITE 3 RAS 4 15 CAS 14 DOUT CS 5 12 2 " --~ ., - - - - 1 " -----I Ao A2 AI 6 7 A3 II A4 10 A5 Voo 8 9 Vee PIN NAMES "--~ ., - - - - 1 13 54S£/IIS[-REFRESH AO-AS AMPLIFIERS OAU, IN/OAT", OUT GoI,TlNG OATA ~___~___-r_"~--,UT OAU. S:lU:cr em; cs DIN DOUT " ~ WRITE VBB VCC VDD VSS IV-1 ADDRESS INPUTS COLUMN ADDRESS STROBE CHIP SELECT DATA IN DATA OUT ROW ADDRESS STROBE READ/WRITE INPUT POWER (-svi POWER (+5VI POWER (+ 12VI GROUND ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on any pin relative to VBB .............. -0.5V to +20V Voltage on VDD, VCC relative to VSS ........... -1.0V to +15V VBB-VSS (VDD-VSS > 0) ............................. OV Operating temperature, T A (Ambient) ............ O°C to + 70°C Storage temperature (Ambient)(Ceramic) ....... -65°C to + 150°C Storage temperature (Ambient)(Plastic) ....... -55°C to + 125°C Short circuit output current .......................... 50mA Power dissipation ................................ " 1 Watt *Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional opera- tion of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operating sections of th is specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS 4 (One .;; T A';; 70°C) 1 PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS VDD Supply Voltage 10.8 12.0 13.2 volts NOTES VCC Supply Voltage 4.5V 5.0 5.5 volts 2,3 VSS Supply Voltage 0 0 0 volts 2 VSS Supply Voltage -4.5 -5.0 2 -5.7 volts 2 volts 2 VIHC Logic 1 Voltage, RAS, CAS, WRITE 2.4 7.0 VIH Logic ~Itage, all inputs except RAS, CAS, WRITE 2.2 7.0 volts 2 VIL Logic 0 Voltage, all inputs -1.0 .8 volts 2 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 4 (DoC < TA';; 70°C)1 (VDD = 12.0V ± 10%; VCC = 5.0V ± 10%; VSS = OV; -5.7V';; VBB ';;-4.5V) PARAMETER TYP 35 UNITS mA Standby VDD Power Supply Current 2 mA IDD3 Average VDD Power Supply Current during "RAS only" cycles 25 mA ICC VCC Power Supply Current ISS Average VSS Power Supply Current 150 Il A II(L) Input Leakage Current (any input) 10 Il A 7 IO(l) Output Leakage Current 10 Il A 8,9 VOH Output Logic 1 Voltage -5mA @ lOUT ~ VOL Output Logic 0 Voltage 3.2mA @ lOUT ~ MIN IDDl Average VDD Power Supply Current IDD2 MAX mA NOTES 5 8 6 volts 2.4 0.4 volts NOTES 1. 6. T A is specified for operation at frequencies to tRC >tRC (min). Operation at higher cycle rates with reduced ambient temperatures and higher power dissipation is permissible provided that all AC parameters are met. See figure 2 for derating curve. 7. All device pins at 0 volts except V BB which is at -5 volts and the pin under test which is at +10 volts. 2. All voltages referenced to VSS' 8. Output is disabled (high-impedance) and rfAS and CAS are both at a logic 1. Transient $tsbllization is required prior to measurement of th is parameter_ 3. Output voltage will swing from VSS to Vee when enabled,with no output load. For purposes of maintaining data in standby mode, Vec may be reduced to VSS without affecting refresh operations or data retention. However, the VOH (min) specification is not guaranteed in this mode. 4. Several cycles are required after power-up before proper device operation is achieved. Any 8 cycles which perform refresh are adequate for this purpose. 5. Current is proportional to cycle rate. I 001 (max) is measured at the cycle rate specified by tRC (min). See figure 1 for 1001 limits at other cycle rates. ICC depends on output loading. During readout of high level data VCC is connected through a low impedance (13511 typ) to Data Out. At all other times ICC consists of leakage currents only. 9. OV';;VOUT';;+ 10V. 10. Effective capacitance is calculated from the equation: C 60 with 6 I'w := V := 3 volts. 11. A.C. measurements assume tT = 5ns. IV-2 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RECOMMENDED AC OPERATING CONDITIONS(4, 11, 17) = 12 OV+- 10%, VCC = 5 OV +- 10%, VSS = OV -5 7V.;; VBB ';;-4 5V) (00 C.;; TA';; 70° C)1 (VDD MK4027-2 PARAMETER MIN tRC Random read or write cycle time 320 tRWC Read write cycle time tRMW tpc Read modify write cycle time Page mode cycle time 320 320 170 MK4027-3 MAX MIN MAX 375 375 405 225 UNITS NOTES ns 12 ns ns ns 12 tRAC Access time from row address strobe 150 200 ns tCAC tOFF tRP Access time from column address strobe Output buffer turn-off delay 100 40 135 50 ns ns Row address strobe precharge time 100 tRAS tRSH Row address strobe pulse width 150 Row address strobe hold time 100 135 ns tCAS tCSH tRCD Column address strobe pulse width Column address strobe hold time 100 150 135 200 ns ns Row to column strobe delay Row address set-up time 20 tASR tRAH tASC tCAH tAR 120 10,000 50 200 25 65 ns ns ns 0 25 Column address set-up time Col umn address hold time -10 45 -10 55 ns ns Column address hold time referenced to RAS Chip select set-up time 95 -10 120 ns -10 55 ns ns tcsc tCH tCHR tT Chip select hold time 45 Ch ip select hold time referenced to RAS Transition time (rise and fall) 95 tRCS Read command set-up time 3 16 3 ns 50 ns 0 0 ns 17 tRCH Read command hold time 0 0 tWCH Write command hold time 45 55 ns tWCR twp Write command hold time referenced to RAS Write command pulse width 95 45 120 55 ns tRWL Write command to row strobe lead time 50 70 ns tCWL Write command to column strobe lead time Data in set-up time 50 70 ns 0 ns 18 Data in hold time Data in hold time referenced to RAS 45 95 0 55 120 ns ns 18 tDS tDH tDHR tCRP tcp Column to row strobe precharge time Column precharge time tRFSH Refresh period twcs Write command set-up time tCWD CAS to WR1TE delay tRWD tDOH Data out hold time 0 ns 80 ns 2 ms 0 80 145 ns ns 10 ps ns 19 19 19 17. VIHC (l"'1in) or V1H (min) and VIL (max) are reference levels for < measuring timing of input signals. Also, transition times are measured between VIHC or VIH and VIL' 12. The specifications for tRC: (min) and tRWC (min) are used only to ~~~~~~!er~~~e (~~ ;:'~ticJot)ej: ~~s:~:~~nS~~e;i~~;ef~I~~;~~;a_ ting curve. ns 0 2 RAS to WRITE delay Notes Continued ns 60 0 60 110 10 II ns 120 35 14, 15 ns 10,000 0 20 Row address hold time 12 12 13, 15 13. Assumes that tRCO 18. These parameters are referenced to write cycles and to ~tRCO 14. Assumes that tACO ;?:tRCD (max). WFfiT'E C"AS leading edge in random leading edge in delayed write or read- mOdify·write cycles. (max). 19. twcs, tcwo, and tRWO are restrictive operating parameters in . ~hr:~~~i:ii~ea~r :aeri~/:r~~~fc":~~j~~dVD~~aoOI~t ~i f~~~1a1~~hCesd(~~n), > 15. Measured with a load circuit equivalent to 2 TTL loads and 100pF written into the selected cell. If tCWD ~tCWD (min) and tRWD tRWD (min), the cycle is a read-write cycle and Data Out will contain data read from the selected cell. If neither of the above sets of conditions is satisfied, the condition of Data Out (at access time) is indeterminate. IV-3 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (DoC-' ,Q "- "::J CIl 20mA 0 .9 "- r- r-~ .,~"'v :P ~... ,;>V'> .~p'" ~...~ /,1"L ",-0 ~~ ~ ~"'~'- 1;>"- 'v" .. .... ~ ....UJ ....2 .. "- MK 4021.1I2~r- 60 UJ iii . I n this "delayed write cycle" the data input set-up and hold times are referenced--1Q the negative edge of WRITE rather than to CAS.~illustrate this feature, Data In is referenced to WRITE in the timing diagram depicting the read-write and page mode write cycles while the "earIY-YlU'ite" cycle diagram shows Data In referenced to CASLNote that if the chip is unselected (CS high at CAS time) WRITE commands are not executed and, consequently, data stored in the memory is unaffected. Data is retrieved from the memory in a read cycle by maintaining WR ITE in the inactive or high state throughout the portion of the memory cycle in wh ich CAS is active. Data read from the selected cell will be available at the output within the specified access time. DATA OUTPUT LATCH Any change in the condition of the Data Out Latch is initiated by the CAS signal. The output buffer is not affected by memory (refresh) cycles in which only the RAS signal is applied to the MK 4027. Whenever CAS makes a negative transition, the output will go unconditionally open-circuited, independent of the state of any other input to the chip. If the cycle in progress is a read ,read-mod ify-write, or a delayed write cycle and the chip is selected, then the output latch and buffer will again go active and at access time will contain the data read from the selected cell. This output data is the same polarity (not inverted) as the input data. If the cycle in IllQ9ress is a write cycle (WR ITE active low before CAS goes low) and the chip is selected, then at access time the output latch and buffer will contain the input data. Once having gone active, the output will remain valid until the MK 4027 receives the next CAS negative edge. Intervenin~fresh cycles in which a RAS is received (but no CAS) will not cause valid data to be affected. Conversely, the output will assume the open-circuit state during any cycle in which the MK 4027 receives a CAS but no RAS signal (regardless of the state of any other inputs). The output will also assume the......Q.Q.en circuit state in normal cycles (in which both RAS and CAS signals occur) if the chip is unselected. The three-state data output buffer presents the data output pin with a low impedance to VCC for a logic 1 and a low impedance to VSS for a logic O. The output resistance to V CC (logic 1 state) is 420 n maximum and 135 n typically. The output resistance to VSS (logic 0 state) is 125n maximum and 35 n typicany. The separate VCC pin allows the output buffer to be powered from the supply voltage of the logic to which the chip is interfaced. During battery standby operation, the VCC pin may have power removed without affecting the MK 4027 refresh~eration. This allows all system logic except the RAS timing circuitry and the refresh address logic to be turned off during battery standby to conserve power. REFRESH Refresh of the dynamic cell matrix is accomplished by performing a memory cycle at each of the 64 row addresses within each 2 millisecond time interval. Any cycle in which a RAS signal occurs, accomplishes a refresh operation. A read cycle will refresh the selected ..Low, regardless of the state of the Chip Select (CS) input. A write or read-modify-write cycle also refreshes the selected row, but the chip should be unselected to prevent writing data into the selected cell. If, during a refresh £{fIe, the MK 4027 receives a RAS signal but no CAS signal, the state of the output will not be affected.--tLowever, if "RAS-only" refresh cycles (where RAS is the only signal applied to the chip) are continued for extended periods, the output buffer may eventually lose proper data and go open-circuit. The output buffer will r~gain. activi.tv with th~ first cycle in which a CAS signal IS applied to the chip. IV-8 POWER DISSIPATION/STANDBY MODE Most of the circuitry used in the MK 4027 is dynamic and most of the power drawn is the result of an address strobe edge. Because the power is not drawn during the whole time the strobe is active, the dynamic power is a function of operating frequency rather than active duty cycle. Typically, the power is 170mW at 1 jlsec cycle rate for the MK 4027 with a worse case power of less than 470mW at 320nsec cycle time. To minimize the overall system power, the Row Address Strobe (RAS) should be decoded and supplied to only the selected chips. The CAS must be supplied to all chips (to turn off the unselected output). Those chips that did not receive a R~ however, will not dissipate any power on the CAS edges, exceRt for that required to turn off the outputs. If the RAS signal is decoded and suppllild only to the selected chips, then the Chip Select (CS) input of alLQ}ips can be at a logic O. The chips that receive a CAS but no RAS will be unselected (output open-circuited) regardless of the Chip Select input. For refresh cycles, however, eith~LJhe CS input of all chips must be high or the CAS input must be held high to prevent several "wire-OR'd" outputs from turning on with opposing force. Note that the MK 4027 will dissipate considerably less power when the refresh operation is accomplished with eRAS-only" cycle as opposed to a normal RAS/CAS memory cycle. This "page mode" of operation will not dissipate the power associated with the negative going edge of RAS. Also, the time required for strobing in a new row address is eliminated, thereby decreasing the access and cycle times. The chip select input (CS) is operative in page mode cycles just as in normal cycles. It is not necessary that the chip be selected during the first operation in a sequence of page cycles. Likewise. the CS input can be used to select or disable any cycle(s) in a series of page cycles. This feature allows the page boundary to be extended beyond the 64 column locations in a single chip. The page boundary can be extended by applying RAS to multiple 4K memory blocks and decoding CS to select the proper block. POWER UP The MK 4027 requires no particular power supply sequencing so long as the Absolute Maximum Rating Conditions are observed. However, in order to insure compliance with the Absolute Maximum Ratings, MOSTEK recommends sequencing of power supplies such that VBB is applied first and removed last. VBB shou Id never be more positive than VSS when power is applied to VDD. PAGE MODE OPERATION The "Page Mode" feature of the MK 4027 allows for successive memory operations at mu Itiple column locations of the same row address with increased speed without an increase in power. This is done by strob.JmL the row address into the chip and keeping the RAS signal at a logic 0 throughout all successive memory cycles in which the row address is common. Under system failure conditions in wh ich one or more supplies exceed the specified limits significant additional margin against catastrophic device failure may be achieved by forcing RAS and Data Out to the inactive state. After power is applied to the device, the MK 4027 requires several cycles before proper device operation is achieved. Any 8 cycles which perform refresh are adequate for this purpose. IV-9 II TYPICAL DEVICE CHARACTERISTICS TYPICAL ADDRESS AND DATA INPUT LEVELS vs. VDD 3.0 TJ = 50°C TJ = 50t VBB =-5.0V 2.5 VBB=-5.0V 2.5 ~ ...J a~ ~ ...J a ~ 2.0 ...J W - ~ > W 1.5 ...J I- :::> - Q. z - TYPICAL CLOCK INPUT LEVELS vs. VDD 3.0 1.0 ~ I- VIHC (MIN) ...J VIH (MIN) W > ~ 1.5 I- i-- :::> VIL (MAX) Q. ~ 0.5 VILC (MAX) 1.0 0.5 10 11 12 13 VDD SUPPLY VOL TAGE (VOLTS) 14 10 11 TYPICAL ADDRESS AND DATA INPUT LEVELS vs. VBB 2.5 13 14 TYPICAL CLOCK INPUT LEVELS vs. VBB 3.0 TJ = 50°C TJ = 50°C VDD =12.0\1, 2.5 VDD =12.0V ~ ...J ~2.0 VIHC (MIN) 02.0 ...J ~ VIH (MIN) w > W 12 VDD SUPPL Y VOL TAG E (VOLTS) 3.0 en I...J a I- - 2.0 ...J W ~ 1.5 ...J I- 1.5 ...J :::> Q. I- VIL (MAX) ~ :::> ~ 1.0 0.5 - 4.0 -4.5 -5.0 -5.5 VBB SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 0.5 -6.0 -4.0 TYPICAL ADDRESS AND DATA INPUT LEVELS vs. Tj 3.0 VDD =12.0V 2.5 VILC (MAX) Q. 1.0 TYPICAL CLOCK INPUT LEVELS vs. T J "'DO =12.0V VBB =-5.0\1 2.5 en ~ a ~ ...J a ~2.0 ~2. 0 VIH(MIN) w ...J w > > W ~ 1.5 ...J I- I- :::> Q. z VIHC (MAX) 1.5 :::> Q. VIL(MAX) ~ - 1.0 0.5 -10 -6.0 3.0 VBB =·-5.0V ...J -4.5 -5.0 -5.5 VBB SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) - VIL (MAX) 1.0 20 50 80 T J. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) O. 5 110 -10 IV-10 20 50 80 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (t) 110 TYPICAL ACCESS TIME (NORMALIZED) YS. VDD TYPICAL ACCESS TIME (NORMALIZED) YS. VBB 1.2 r - - - - - . , - - - - . . , - - - - - - , - - - - - - , 1.2 ~ .............. II o o G ~ ~ TJ = 50'C ~ 1.1 1.0 a: TJ = 50'C ~ 1.1~------+_------~------_r------_i ~ II III III -............ I- :::: 0.9 o o G G1O~------+_---+---_+------_i ~. a: ~ 1:: ~ 0.9 ~------+_------~------_r------_i G u ~O.S a: ~O.SI-------+--------i-------~--------i I- I- 0.7 10 11 12 13 VDD SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) TYPICAL ACCESS TIME (NORMALIZED) 0.7 '-:--=-_--:-'-::-_ _-=-~--_=_=---____= -4.0 -4.5 -5.0 -5.5 -6.0 14 VBB SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) YS. ~ TYPICAL ACCESS TIME (NORMALIZED) YS. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE VCC 1.2 1.2 U TJ=50't I!:> 1.1 ~ 1.1~------t-------+_------~------~ Ltl II u G1.0~----~~----~-------+------_i 2u 1.0 U 0.9 1-------+-------+-------+-------, -::; 1:: 0.9 U «a: ~ a: 1:: 1:: u / ~ G a: u ~O.S~------t-------+_------~------~ V / / I- O.S I- 0.7 0.7 L:-:,...-----:''=---~"...---_:f_::----~ 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 VCC SUPPL Y VOLTAGE (VOLTS) TYPICAL 1001 YS. -10 TYPICAL 1001 VDD 35~-----~-----~------~----~ - so 110 VS. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 35 TJ=50'C ~30 130~------~------t_-------t_----~ ~=~~ I- 50 20 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (' C) tRC = 320ns I- Z Z w w ~25r-------+---~~~-------+------~ ~25 tRC = ;J7tms - :::l :::l > i201------=+-------~~~~~------__i c.. > tRC = 500ns i20 c.. tRr - 600n5 fI) fI) u u :::l :::l C ~15 9151------=~------~------_+------__i 10 -10 10~----~~----~~------~----~ 10 11 12 13 VDD SUPPLY VOLTAGE VOLTS 14 20 50 80 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE ('C) IV-11 ---------_._---------------_._---- 110 II IV·12 MOSTEI(. 4096x 1-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MK4027(J/N)-4 FEATURES o Industry standard 16-pin DIP (MK 4096) o Improved performance with "gated CAS", "RAS o o o o o configuration 250ns access time, 380ns cycle o ±10% tolerance on all supplies (+12\/, ±5V) o ECl compatible on VSS power supply (-5.7V) o low Power: 462mW active (max) 27mW standby (max) only" refresh and page mode capability All inputs are low capacitance and TTL compatible Input latches for addresses, chip select and data in Three-state TTL compatible output Output data latched and valid into next cycle o MKS version screened to Mll-STD-883 DESCRIPTION The MK 4027 is a 4096 word by 1 bit MOS random access memory circuit fabricated with MOSTEK's N-channel silicon gate process. This process allows the MK 4027 to be a high performance state-of-theart memory circuit that is manufacturable in high volume. The MK 4027 employs a single transistor storage cell utilizing a dynamic storage technique and dynamic control circuitry to achieve optimum performance with low power dissipation. A unique multiplexing and latching technique for the address inputs permits the MK 4027 to be packaged in a standard 16-pin DIP on 0.3 in. centers. This package size provides high system-bit densities and is compatible with widely available automated testing and insertion equipment. System oriented features include direct interfacing capability with TTL, only 6 very low capacitance address lines to drive, on-chip address and data registers which eliminates the need for interface registers, input logic levels selected to optimize noise immunity, and two chip select methods to allow the user to determine the appropriate speed/power characteristics of his memory system. The MK 4027 also incorporates several flexible operating modes. In addition to the usual react and write cycles, readmodify write, page-mode, and ~-only refresh cycles are available with the MK 4027. Page-mode timing is very useful in systems requiring Direct Memory Access (DMA) operation. FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM PIN CONNECTIONS nFE----~======[)--------------------_1 " ----~ Vss 16 Vss 2 DIN WRITE 3 15 CAS 14 DOUT RAS 4 13 CS Ao 5 A2 6 12 A3 II A4 AI 7 10 A5 Vee 8 9 Vce " ------..j PIN " ----~ AO-A5 " ------..j cs ------I ~T c;s:s DIN " " NAMES WRITE VBB VCC VDD VSS IV-13 ADDRESS INPUTS COLUMN ADDRESS STROBE CHIP SELECT DATA IN DATA OUT ROW ADDRESS STROBE READ/WRITE INPUT POWER (-5V) POWER (+5V) POWER (+ 12V) GROUND II ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on any pin relative.to VBB .............. -0.5V to +20V Voltage on VOO, VCC relative to VSS ........... -1.0V to +15V VBB-VSS (VOO-VSS > 0) ............................. OV Operating temperature, T A (Ambient) ............ O°C to + 70°C Storage temperature (Ambient)(Ceramic) ....... -65°C to + 150°C Storage temperature (Ambient)(Plastic) ....... -55°C to + 125°C Short Circuit Output Current .......................... 50mA Power dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 Watt *Stresses greater. than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operating sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS 4 (Ooc .;; T A .;; 70°C) 1 PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS VOO Supply Voltage 10.8 12.0 13.2 volts 2 VCC Supply Voltage 4.5V 5.0 5.5 volts 2,3 VSS Supply Voltage 0 0 0 volts 2 -5.0 -5.7 volts 2 NOTES VBB Supply Voltage -4.5 VIHC logic 1 Voltage, RAS, CAS, WRITE 2.4 7.0 volts 2 VIH !:.291.c 1 Voltage, all inputs except RAS, CAS, WRITE 2.2 7.0 volts 2 Vil logic 0 Voltage, all inputs -1.0 .8 volts 2 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 4 (DoC .;;TA';; 70t)' (VOO = 12.0V ± 10%; VCC = 5.0V ± 10%; VSS = OV; -5.7V';; VBB ';;-4.5V) 1001 PARAMETER Average VOO Power Supply Current 1002 MAX 35 UNITS mA Standby VOO Power Supply Current 2 mA 1003 Average VOO Power Supply Current during "AAS only" cycles 25 mA ICC VCC Power Supply Current IBB Average VBB Power Supply Current 150 p.A II(l) Input leakage Current (any input) 10 p.A 7 p.A 8,9 ,IO(l) Output leakage Current VOH Output logic 1 Voltage -5mA @ lOUT = VOL Output logic 0 Voltage 3.2mA @ lOUT = MIN TYP mA 10 NOTES 5 8 6 volts 2.4 0.4 volts NOTES ,. T A is specified for operation at frequencies to tRC ~tRC (min). 2. All voltages referenced to VSS' 3. Output voltage will swing from VSS to Vec when enabled,with no output load. For purposes of maintaining data in standby mode, ~a1~ r~t~~:~~d~~~e!~r:~Se ~i~h~(:n~~f)e~~~nC~f~~:~~~~ f~~~~tions or 7. All device pins at 0 volts except Vee which is at -5 volts and the pin under test which is at +10 volts. 8. Output is disabled (high-impedance) and F!fA'S and ~ are both at a logic 1. Transient ttabTlization is required prior to measurement of th is parameter. guaranteed in this mode. 10. Effective capacitance is calculated from the equation; 4. Several cycles are required after power-up before proper device operation is achieved. Any 8 cycles which perform refresh are adequate for this purpose. 5. Current is proportional to cycle rate.IOOl (max) is measured at the cycle rate specified by tAC (min). See figure 1 for 1001 limits at other cycle rates. 6. ICC depends on output loading. During readout of high level data Vec is connected through a low impedance (135S! typ) to Data Out. At all other times Ice consists of leakage currents only. c = 00 with 1'1 V = 3 volts. I'1v 11. A.C. measurements assume tT = 5ns. 12. The specifications for tRC (min) and tRWC (min) are used only to indicate cycle time at which proper operation over the full temperature range (0° ~ TA ~ 70°C) is assured. IV-14 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RECOMMENDED AC OPERATING CONDITIONS(4,11, 17) (00 C.;;; TA';;; 70° C)1 (VDD = 12.0V± 10%, VCC = 5.0V ± 10%, VSS = OV, -5.7V';;; VBB ';;;-4.5V) MK4027-4 MAX UNITS NOTES PARAMETER MIN tRC Random read or write cycle time 380 ns 12 tRWC Read write cycle time ns tRMW Read modify write cycle time 395 470 12 12 tpc Page mode cycle time 285 tRAC Access time from row address strobe tCAC Access time from column address strobe tOFF Output buffer turn-off delay tRP tRAS ns ns 12 250 165 ns 13.15 14,15 60 ns Row address strobe precharge time 0 120 Row address strobe pulse width 250 10,000 tRSH Row address strobe hold time tCAS Column address strobe pulse width tCSH Column address strobe hold time 165 165 250 tRCD Row to column strobe delay 35 tASR Row address set-up time Row address hold time 0 35 ns tRAH tASC Column address set-up time ns tCAH Column address hold time tAR Column address hold time referenced to RAS -10 75 160 tcsc Chip select set-up time ns tCH Chip select hold time tCHR Chip select hold time referenced to RAS -10 75 160 IT Transition time (rise and fall) tRCS Read command set-up time 3 0 ns ns ns ns ns 85 16 ns ns ns ns ns ns 50 17 ns ns 0 75 160 ns Write command pulse width 75 ns tRWL Write command to row strobe lead time 85 ns tCWL Write command to column strobe lead time 85 ns 0 75 160 0 110 ns 18 ns 18 tRCH Read command hold time tWCH Write command hold time tWCR Write command hold time referenced to RAS twp tDS Data in set-up time tDH Data in hold time tDHR Data in hold time referenced to RAS tCRP Column to row strobe precharge time tcp Column precharge time tRFSH Refresh period twcs Write command set-up time tCWD CAS to WRITE delay tRWD RAS to WRITE delay tDOH Date out hold time II ns ns ns ns ns ns 2 ms 0 ns 19 90 175 10 ns 19 19 ns I's 17. VIHC (min) or VIH (min) and VIL (max) are reference ievels for measuring timing of input signals. Also, transition times are measured between VIHC or VIH and VIL- Notes Continued 13. Assumes that tRCD ~tRCD (rna. ). 14. Assumes that tACO ~ tRCD (max). 15. Measured with a load circuit equivalent to 2 TTL loads and 100pF 16. Operation within the tReD (max) limit insures that tF\AC (max) can be met. tACO (max) IS specified as a reference POint only; if tRCD is greater than the specified tRCD (max) limit, then access time is controlled exclusively by tCAC' 18. These parameters are referenced to CAS leading edge in random write cycles and to W"R'i"T'E leading edge in delayed write or readmodify-write cycles. . 19. twcs, tCYVD, and tRWD are restrictive operating parameters in a read/write or read/modify/write cycle only. If twcs ~twcs (mm), the cycle is an early write cycle and Data Out wilr cOntain the data written into the selected cell. If tCWD ~tCWD (min) and tRWD ~ tRWD (min), the cycle is a read-write cycle and Data Out will contain data read from the selected cell. If neither of the above sets of conditions is satisfied, the condition of Data Out (at access time) is indeterminate. IV-15 ------------~ ... .~-~-.--->~----. "~~ ~ .. AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (DoC ,;;;;TA';;;; 70t) (VDD = 12.0V ± 10%; VSS = OV;-5.7V';;;;VBB,;;;;-4.5V) PARAMETER TYP MAX UNITS C 11 Input Capacitance (AO·A5), DIN, CS 4 5 pF 10 C 12 Input Capacitance RAS, CAS, WR ITE 8 10 pF 10 Co Output Capacitance (DOUT) 5 7 pF MAXIMUM 1001 vs. CYCLE RATE FOR DEVICE OPERATION AT EXTENDED FREQUENCIES Figure 1 CYCLE TIME tCYC (ns) 380 400 500 1000 300 250 50mA « 40mA E. fZ ~~ w a: a: ::l v~~ 30mA fvv~ U ~ >- :P ..J ~'?" a. a. -$>»" ::l en C; r-- - E I- - / lOrnA o ,~ ~ 20rnA ~~ -<.-{~ ~*'l i./ ~ i.- """ o 1.0 2.0 CYCLE RATE (MHz) 3.0 = 103 /tCYC 4.0 (ns) SUPPLEMENT - To be used in conjunction with MK4027(J/N)-1/2/3 data sheet. IV-16 NOTES 8,10 MOSTEI{. 16,384 X 1-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MK4116(J/N/E)-2/3 FEATURES o Recognized industry standard 16-pin configuration from MOSTEK o 150ns access time, 320ns cycle (M K 4116-2) 200ns access time, 375ns cycle (MK 4116-3) o Read-Modify-Write, R'AS-only refresh, and Pagemode capability o All inputs TTL compatible,low capacitance, and protected against static charge o ± 10% tolerance on all power supplies (+12V, ±5V) o 128 refresh cycles o Low power: 462mW active, 20mW standby (max) o ECl compatible on VBB power supply (-5.7V) o Output data controlled by CAS and unlatched at o MKB version screened to MIL-STD-883 end of cycle to allow two dimensional chip selection and extended page boundary o JAN version available to MIL-M-3851 01240 o Common I/O capability using "early write" operation DESCRIPTION The MK 4116 is a new generation MOS dynamic random access memory circuit organized as 16,384 words by 1 bit. As a state-of-the-art MOS memory device, the MK 4116 (16K RAM) incorporates advanced circuit techniques designed to provide wide operating margins, both internally and to the system user, while achieving performance levels in speed and power previously seen only in MOSTEK's high performance MK 4027 (4K RAM). The technology used to fabricate the M K 4116 is MOSTEK's double-poly, N-channel silicon gate, POL Y II process. This process, coupled with the use of a single transistor dynamic storage cell, provides the maximum possible circuit density and reliability, while maintaining high performance e FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM capability. The use of dynamic circuitry throughout, including sense amplifiers, assures that power dissipation is minimized without any sacrifice in speed or operating margin. These factors combine to make the MK 4116 a truly superior RAM product. Multiplexed address inputs (a feature pioneered by MOSTEK for its 4K RAMS) permits the MK 4116 to be packaged in a standard 16-pin 01 P. This recognized industry standard packalle configuration, while compatible with widely available automated testing and insertion equipment, provides highest possible system bit densities and simplifies system upgrade from 4K to 16K RAMs for new generation applications. Non-critical clock timing requirements allow use of the multiplexing technique while maintaining high performance. PIN CONNECTIONS Vaa DIN WRITE RAS Ao A2 AI VOD I 16 2 15 3 14 4 13 5 12 6 II 7 10 8 9 Vss CAS DOUT A6 A3 A4 As Vee PIN NAMES ADDRESS INPUTS COLUMN ADDRESS STROBE DATA IN DATA OUT ROW ADDRESS STROBE Available per MIL-STO-883 B. Mostek is qualified per JM38150ClassB. IV-17 WRITE VBB Vee VDD Vss READIWRITE INPUT POWER (-5V) POWER (+5V) POWER (+12V) GROUND II ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on any pin relative to VBB ................... '. -O.5V to +20V Voltage on VOO, Vee suppliEls relative toVSS .......... -1.0V to +15.0V VBB-VSS (VOO-VSS>OV) .................................. OV Operating temperature, T A (Ambient) ................... ooe to + 70'C Storage temperature (Ambient) Ceramic ............... -55°e to + 150°C Storage temperature, (Ambient) Plastic ................... -55°C to +125°C Short circuit output current ................................. 50mA Power dissipation ........................................ 1 Watt RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS6 (Ooe <;T A <; 70°C) ·Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliabilitv. PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNIIS Supply Voltage VOO VCC VSS VBB 10.8 4.5 0 -4.5 12.0 5.0 13.2 5.5 0 0 -5.0 -5.7 Volts Volts Volts Volts 2 2,3 2 2 Input High (Logic 1) Voltage, RAS, CAS, WRITE VIHC 2.4 - 7.0 Volts 2 Input High (Logic 1) Voltage, all inputs except RAS, CAS WRITE VIH 2.2 - 7.0 Volts 2 Input Low (Logic 0) Voltage, all inputs VIL -1.0 - .8 Volts 2 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (O°C ~TA ~70°C) (VDD = 12.0V ± 10%;VCC =5.0V ±10%; -5.7V ~ VBB ~ -4.5V; VSS PARAMETER SYMBOL OPERATING CURRENT Average power supply operating current (RAS, CAS cycling; tRC tRC Min 1001 ICCl IBBl STANOBY CURRENT Power supply standby current (liAS = VIHC. 00UT = High Impedance) 1002 ICC2 IBB2 REFRESH CURRENT Average power supply current, refresh mode (i"fAS cycling, CAS = VIHC; tRC tRC Min 1003 ICC3 IBB3 PAGE MOOE CURRENT Average power supply current, page·mode operation (RAS =VIL.CAS cycling; 1004 ICC4 IBB4 = = tpc = tpc NOTES = OV) MAX UNITS 35 mA 200 IJ.A -10 1.5 10 100 mA IJ.A IJ.A 25 10 200 mA IJ.A IJ.A 4 -10 27 mA 4 5 200 p.A MIN NOTES 4 5 Min INPUT LEAKAGE Input leakage current, any input (VBB = -5V, OV <; VIN <; +7.0V, all other pins not under test = 0 volts) II(L) -10 10 p.A OUTPUT LEAKAGE Output leakage current (OOUT is disabled, OV <; VOUT <; +5.5V) 10(L) -10 10 P.A OUTPUT LEVELS Output high (Logic 1) voltage (lOUT = -5mA) VOH 2.4 Output low (Logie 0) voltage (lOUT = 4.2 mAl VOL Volts 0.4 3 Volts NOTES: 1. T A. is specified here for operation at frequencies to tRC ~tRC (mm). Operation at higher cycle rates with reduced ambient temperatures and higher power dissipation is permissible, however, provided AC operating parameters are met. See figure 1 for derating curve. 2. All voltages referenced to VSS. 3. Output voltage will swing from VSS to Vce when activated with no current loading. For purposes of maintaining data in standby mode, Vec may be reduced to VSS without affecting refresh operations or data retention. However, the VOH (min) specification is not guaranteed in this mode. 4. ~~~rli~~9r~f~~~,&g!rd~~~I~dr~t~S~Ycle 5. ~9Cfi 19~nl~~ii 0 " >- t iii 2i 9 II,. 3.0 2.0 CYCLE RATE (MHz) 4.0 =103 /tRC(ns) + ,~q It' 'limA --- ++ 9.0 x Icycle rate MHz -2.661 for -3. T A Imaxl x cycle rate MHz -3.125MHzl for-2 only. °c = 70 - 7 ~~ ",P .. 'limA Fig. 1 Maximum ambitmt temperature versus cycle rate for extended frequency operation. T A (max) for operation at cycling ra~es greater than 2.66 MHz ItCYC<375nsl is determined by T A Imax) pit ~;~ ... - ~~ ,o~~~ ~~ -- -17 ~ . ~ I~ ,1 ,<-v""T -- 30mA 250 t ,~ i5 a: a: 50 1.0 300 ... ~ o 400 I N lL lI- ... 320 C - ,.. = 70- 9.0 _. -- ,.. CYCLE RATE (MHz) 3.• =103 1 tRC(ns) ... Fig. 2 Maximum I D01 versus cycle rate for device operation at extended frequencies. J DD1 (max) curve is defined by the equation: 1001 Imaxl mA ... ... CYCLE TIME tRC(ns) , SOmA 300 ,.. 1001 Imaxl mA = 10 + 9.4 x cycle rate = 10 + B.O x cycle rate -3 IMHz) for [MHz) for -2 CYCLE TIME tpC(nl) ... ....... , SOmA 300 250 ....A < ! ...z w a: a: => 0 >- ,,'1>' ~~ '!Ji~ P.:+L· ... t iii a 9 "«,. < -- ... ....' -- i5 a: a: => 0 ,,.to ~ 30mA ...>- -:\0...iO~~P <\_'1-' ZOmA ..... ! ,.to\'" 311mA . \""\'"(~-~~ t iii ~<,. 0 9 ~,s'l ZOmA ~""p.. II,. 'limA ~ 'limA • 1.0 2.0 10 IOC \.- ". \O~~~ ~) 1"":'" ... CYCLE RATE (MHz) .103/tRC(nl) •• 1.0 2.0 3.0 CYCLE RATE (MHz) - 103 Itpc(ns) Fig. 3 Maximum I 003 versus cycle rate for device operation at Fig. 4 Maximum 1004 versus cycle rate for device operation in page extended frequencies. 1003 (max) curve is defined by the equation: mode. 1003(maxl mA = 10 + 6.5 x cycle rate [MHz! for -3 1003(maxl mA = 10 + 5.5 x cycle rate [MHz! for -2 1004 [max) mA '004 (maxI curve is defined = 10 + 3.75 x cycle rate by (MHz) for -3 1004 Imaxl mA = 10 + 3.2 x cycle rate [MHz! for -2 IV-20 the equation: 4.0 READ CYCLE tRC----------------------~ ~------------------------- tRAS--------~ RAS I !.------------------tesH ---------~~ tRCD ____....-;~----_;_I-- tRSH -----:-:-----"""'"'\1--,. !4_-----'-- CAS V1HC - VIL ----------t<~ teAs ----~~ - II V'H_ ADDRESSES WRITE V 1L- V IHCV l-- I L -.l....I.:..L.I...l....L..I...L...L""t'................"" t CAC ----~.., f--- t RAC _____________~ 1,-------..1 VOH - ________________________ DOUT VALID DATA OPEN VOL - WRITE CYCLE (EARLY WRITE) t RC t RAS tAR "I I t RCD t RSH tcs~ tCAS ADDRESSES _------t DHR VOH~ DOUT -----_~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ OPEN VOL - IV-21 tOFF READ-WRITE/READ-MODIFY-WRITE CYCLE _---------tRWC/tRMw--------tooj RAS I t RSH _ _ _ _ _~ +I lCSH_-===========!I r . - - V - - - t V,HC- CAS V,L - ADDRESSES V'H- V'L- Dour "RAS-ONLY" REFRESH CYCLE NOTE: CAS = VIHC, WRITE = Don't Care f * - - - - - - t R C . - - - - - - - - - I VOH - ---------OPEN----------- IV-22 PAGE MODE READ CYCLE I RAS --------------~--~ ~==~~+=====~------------~'J~~I-.-----I-RS-"_____': ~ "'->-----'CRP V,HC·-_--:--;----...k :j V'L- V'H ADDRESSES viL- DOUT --;I_ VOH-_ _ _ _ _ 0 PEN -~ VOL-"7"T777"7"T777tRCS:::1rt.--L ~',~?///!I////!j I ~ _ _ _:_J.--'_tRCHJ---'ll-r7-rTb VffiW$/;Iff~ PAGE MODE WRITE CYCLE ~--------------------tRAS ------------------------~ ADDRESSES IV-23 DESCRIPTION (continued) prior to CAS, the DI N is strobed by C& and the set-up and hold times are referenced to CAS. If the input da.ta is not available at CAS time or if it is desired that the cycle be a read-write cycle. the WRITE signal wi!.1 be delayed until after CAS has made its negative transition. In this "delayed write cycle" the data input set-up and hold times are referenced to the negative edge of WR ITE rather than &ASrFo illustrate this feature, DIN is referenced to RI in the timing diagrams depicting the readwrite and page-mode write cycles while the "early write" cycle diagram shows DIN referenced to CAS). System oriented features include ± 10% tolerance on all power supplies, direct interfacing capability with high performance logic families such as Schottky TTL, maximum input noise immunity to minimize "false triggering" of the inputs (a common cause of soft errors), on-chip address and data registers which eliminate the need for interface registers, and two chip select methods to allow the user to determine the appropriate speed/power characteristics of his memory system. The MK 4116 also incorporates several flexible timing/operating modes. In addition to the usual read, write, and read-modify-write cycles, the M K 4116 is capable -2Ldelayed write cycles, page-mode operation and RAS-only-EJresh. Proper control of the clock inputs( RAS, CAS and WRITE) allows common I/O capability, two dimensional chip selection, and extended page boundaries (when operating in page mode). Data i3 retrieved from the memory in a read cycle by maintaining WR ITE in the inactive or high state throughout the portion of the memory cycle in wh ich CAS is active (low). Data read from the selected cell will be available at the output within the specified access time. ADDRESSING DATA OUTPUT CONTROL The 14 address bits required to decode 1 of the 16,384 cell locations within the MK 4116 are multiplexed onto the 7 address inputs and latched into the on-chip address latches by externally applying two negative going TTL-level clocks. The first clock, the Row Address Strobe (RAS), latches the 7 row address bits into the chiR. The second clock, the Column Address Strobe (CAS), subsequently latches the 7 column address bits into the chip. Each of these signals, RAS and CAS, triggers a sequence of events which are controlled by different delayed internal clocks. The two clock chains are linked together logically in such a way that the address multiplexing operation is done outside of the critical path timing sequence for read data access. The later events in the CAS clock sequence are inhibited until the occurence of a delayed sign!l.!...Q.erived from the RAS clock chain. This "gated CAS" feature allows the CAS clock to be externally activated as soon as the Row Address Hold Time specification (tRAH) has been satisfied and the address inputs have been changed from Row address to Column address information. The normal condition of the Data Output (DOUT) of the MK 4116 is the high impedance (open-circuit) state. That is to say, anytime CAS is at a high level, the DOUT pin will be floating. The only time the output will turn on and contain either a logic 0 or logic 1 is at access time during a read cy'cle. DOUT will remain valid from access time until CAS is taken back to the inactive (high level) condition. Note that CAS can be activated at any time after tRAH and it will have no effect on the worst case data access time (tRAC) up to the point in time when the delayed row clock no longer inhibits the remaining sequence of column clocks. Two timing endpoints result from the internal gating of CAS which are called tRGD (min) and tRCD (max). No data storage or reading errors will result if CAS is applied to the MK 4116 at a point in time beyond the tRCD (max) limit. However, access time will then be determined exclusively by the access time from CAS (tCAC) rather than from RAS (tRAC), and access time from RAS will be lengthened by the amount that tRCD exceeds the tRCD (max) limit. DATA INPUT/OUTPUT Data to be written into a selected cell is latched into an on-chip r~*§ter by a combination of WRITE and CAS while is active. The later of the signals (W RITE or CAS) to make its negative transition is the strobe for the Data In (D IN) register. This permits several options in the write cycle timing. In a write cycle, if the WR ITE input is brought low (active) If the memory cycle in progress is a read, read-modify write, or a delayed write cycle, then the data output will go from the high impedance state to the active condition, and at access time will contain the dati read from the selected cell. This output data is thl same polarity (not inverted) as the input data. Oncl.. having gone active, the output will remain valid until CAS is taken to the precharge (logic 1) state,whether or not RAS goes into precharge. I~cycle in progress is an "early-write" cycle (WRITE active before CAS goes active), then the output pin will maintain the high impedance state throughout the entire cycle. Note that with this type of output configuration, the user is given full control of the~ pin simply by controlling the placement of WRlTE command during a write cycle, and the pulse width of the Column Address Strobe during read operations. Note also that even though data is not latched at the output, data can remain valid from access time until the beginning of a subsequent cycle without paying any penalty in overall memory cycle time (stretching the cycle). This type of output operation results in some very significant system implications. Common I/O Operation - If all write operations are handled in the "early write" mode, then DIN can be connected directly to DOUT for a common I/O data bus. Data Output Control - DOUT will remain valid during a read cycle from tCAC until CAS goes back to a high level (precharge), allowing data to be valid from one cycle up until a new memory cycle begins with Q.QJ>enalty in cycle time. This also makes the RAS/CAS clock timing relationship very flexible. Two Methods of Chip Selection - IV·24 Since DOUT is not latched, CAS is not required to turn off the outputs of unselected memory devices in a matrix. This means that both CAS and/or RAS can be decoded for chip selection. If both RAS and CAS are decoded, thEm a two dimensional" (X,Y) chip select array c~n be realized. . Extended Page Boundary - Page-mode operation allows for successive memory cycles at multiple column locations of the same row address. By decoding CAS as a page cycle select signal, the page boundary can be extended beyond the 128 column locations in a single chip. (See page-mode operation). OUTPUT INTERFACE CHARACTERISTICS The three state data output buffer presents the data output pin with a low impedance to VCC for a logic 1 and a low impedance to VSS for a logic O. The effective resistance to V CC (logic 1 state) is 420 n maximum and 135n typically. The resistance to VSS (logic 0 state) is 95 n maximum and 35 n typically. The separate VCC pin allows the output buffer to be powered from the supply voltage of the logic to which the chip is interfaced. During battery standby operation, the VCC pin may have power removed without affecting the MK 4116 refresh operation. This allows all system logic except the RAS timing circuitry and the refresh address logic to be turned off during battery standby to conserve power. PAGE MODE OPERATION The "Page Mode" feature of the MK 4116 allows for successive memory operations at multiple column locations of the same row address with increased speed without an increase in power. This is done by strobing the row address into the chip and maintaining the RAS signal at a logic 0 throughout all successive memory cycles in which the row address is common. This "page-mode" of operation will not dissipate the~wer associated with the negative going edge of RAS. Also, the time required for strobing in a new row address is eliminated, thereby decreasing the access and cycle times. POWER CONSIDERATIONS Most of the circuitry used in the MK 4116 is dynamic and most of the power drawn is the result of an address strobe edge. Consequently, the dynamic power is primarily a function of operating frequency rather than active duty cycle (refer to the MK 4116 current waveforms in figure 5). This current characteristic of the M K 4116 precludes inadvertent burn out of the device in the event that the clock inputs become shorted to ground due to system malfunction. Although no particular power supply noise r~stri~ti~n exists other than the supply voltages remam Wlthm the specified tolerance limits, adequate decoupling should be provided to suppress high frequency noise resulting from the transient current of tht;! device. This insures optimum system perfprmance and reliability. Bulk capacitance requirements are minimal since the MK 4116 draws very little steady state (DC) current. In system applications requiring lower power dissipation . the operating frequency (cycle rate) of the MK 4116 can be reduced and the (guaranteed maximum) average power dissipation of the device will be lowered in accordance with the I DDl (max) spec limit curve illustrated in figure 2 . NOTE: The MK 4116 family is guaranteed to have a maximum 1001 requirement of 35mA@ 375ns cycle (320nscycle for the -2) with an ambient temperature range from 0° to 70°C. A lower operating frequency, for example 1 microsecond cycle, results in a reduced maximum Iddl requirement of under 20mA with an ambient temperature range from 0° to 70°C. It is possible the MK4116 family (-2 and 3 speed selections for example) at frequencies higher than specified, provided all AC operating parameters are met. Operation at shorter cycle times «tRC min) results in higher power dissipation and, therefore, a reduction in ambient temperature is required. Refer to Figure 1 for derating curve. NOTE: Additional power supply tolerance has been included on the VBS supply to allow direct interface capability with both -5V systems -S.2V Eel systems. The page boundary of a single MK 4116 is limited to the 128 column locations determined by all combinations of the 7 column address bits. However, in system applications which utilize more than 16,384 data words, (more than one 16K memory block), the page boundary can be extended by using CAS rather than liAS as the chip select signal. RAS is applied to all devices to latch the row address into each device and then CAS is decoded and serves as a page cycle select signal. Only those devices which receive both RAS and CAS signals will execute a read or write cycle. RAS/CAS CYCLE r~ II r fI If m ONLY CYCLE LONG RA'SJeAS CYCLE 1"- L flit REFRESH Refresh of the dynamic cell matrix is accomplished by performing a memory cycle at each of the 128 row addresses within each 2 millisecond time interval. Although any normal memory cycle will perform the refresh operation'Jhis function is most easily accomplished with "RA -only" cycles. liAS-only refresh results in a substantial reduction in operating power. This. reduction in power is reflected in the IDD3 specification. " V +80 (~~~ +60 V In 1'50 NANOSECONDS I DIVISION Fig. 5 Typical Current Waveforms IV-25 III IV II . Although RAS and/or CAS can Oe decoded and used as a chip select sifJnal for the MK 4116,overall system power is minimized if the Row Address Strobe (RAS) is used for this purpose. A1L.!:!.pselected devices (those which do not receive a RAS) will remain in a lo~ower (standby) mode regardless of the state of CAS. such that VBB is applied first and removed last. VBB should never be more positive than VSS when power is applied to VDD. Under system failure conditions in which one or more supplies exceed the specified limits significant additional !l1argin agains.t catastrophic..deltice failu.re m~y be achlevea by forcmg RAS and CAS to the mactlve state (high level). POWER UP The MK 4116 requires no particular power supply sequencing so long as the Absolute Maximum Rating Conditions are observed. However, in order to insurE compliance with the Absolute Maximum Ratings, MOSTE K recommends sequencing of power supplies After power is applied to the device, the MK 4116 requires several cycles before proper device operation is achieved. Any B cycles which perform refresh are adequate for this purpose. TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1.2 TYPICAL ACCESS TIME lNORMALIZEO) ~ ~ TYPICAL ACCESS TIME (NORMALIZEOJ ... Vee TYPICAL 1001.' JUNCTION TEMPERATURE n. ,Voo I OO··13.2V: TJ~50C 1.1 30-------4- 8 2:.1.!1 lffir-- ~~O.9 t- H--1 JRC~50On. ItRt-750", ~O.8e--+-- --±,,--,!o,---7. "'.~,,~--!,~, I I '~!o,,----;,m,--7.,,--0'0,,-----; """---!",.--,,,,,-~'!---. voo SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) VOD SUPl'LYVDlTAGE (VOLTS) t J --j;;~ - TJ.JUNCTIONTEMPERATUREI CI Vee SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) TYPICAL I003 Y'. VOO TYPICAL ACCESS TIME INORMAlIZEOI ... VCC ~ 'PMCK-II " ~10 .,. f .,;11 U ~ I : I > 12 ~:: 13 ~ I B09 11 !16 II , VOD SUPPLY VOL lAGE (VOL lSI 4.0 ~'2 t · 8 1 .9,0 '" 4.5 6.0 5.5 VCCSUPf'LYVOLTAGElVOLTSI 11 12 13 VOOSUPPLYVOLTACElVOLTSI TYPIC AlI 004.' VOO TYPICAL ID03 .. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 00. 13.2\1 " ~ 18 ~'8 ~ 16 !18 ~ ~. ~ ~'4 _ ~ 14 ~ ~12 ~12 Voo SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOL TSI TJ.JUNCTIONTEMPERATURE( CI TYPICAL CLOCK INPUT LEVELS .. VOO ,., r----.---,---,---, "'M' I 2.5 VBB'-UI~ ! t --- :- ~.-- TYPICAL CLOCK INPUT LEVELS .. TJ TVPIC4lClOCK INPUT LEVelS ... V88 ~;:ICAL ADDRESS AND DATA INPUT LEVELS .. Voo TJ-50C! 2.5 DD·,2.OVl- _ _ _ _ _~_ _ 2.01--._~IHC(MIN -- 25 vea-- 50 V\ VIHC(MINI ~IHIMIN) VIHC(MINI I --:--------,....-----VllCIMAX _ - - - - - - - - v ; V I L C (MAX -~ VSB SUPPLY VOL lAGE (VOL TSI Voo SUPPlV VOLTAGE (VOLTS) t --r--- ",~,-----;i;;"-----.iJ;-----.;J;----1' TJ.JUNCTIONTEMPERATUREI C) TYPICAL ADORe >S AND DATA INPUT lEVelS .. Vss 3.0 TJ=soc.1 2.5.:EP--=-~2.EV. I 3~OYP1CALADORESSANODATAINPUTLEVELS 2.5V::::::~ T -- +--.-. VILCIMAX ! yO i ~ I ~20f--~----r-----c----1 V1HIMIN) i - _ - + - _ - f V I H (MINI i----t ! i - - - + - - - f V I L (MAX) 0.5 4 .0 +.- I""·'" 20 50 80 TJ.JUNCTIONTEMPERATUREI C) V88SUPPLYVOLTAGEIVOLTSI IV-26 TJ _ .k ---('lIMAX) VOOSUPPLY VOLTAGE IVOLTSI MOSTEI{. 16.384x1-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MK4116(J/N/E)-4 FEATURES Recognized industry standard 16-pin configuration from MOSTEK o Read-Modify-Write, RAS-only refresh, and Pagemode capability o 250ns access time, 410ns cycle o o o o All inputs TTL compatible,low capacitance, and protected against static charge ± 10% tolerance on all power supplies (+12V, ±5V) o 128 refresh cycles (2 msec refresh interval) o ECl compatible on VBB power supply (-5.7V) o o low power: 462mW active, 20mW standby (max) Output data controlled by CAS and unlatched at end of cycle to allow two dimensional chip selection and extended page boundary - D MKB version screened to Mll-STD-883 D JAN version available to Mll-M-3851 01240 Common I/O capability using "early write" operation DESCRIPTION The MK 4116 is a new generation MOS dynamic random access memory circuit organized as 16,384 words by 1 bit. As a state-of-the-art MOS n'l'emory device, the MK 4116 (16K RAM) incorporates advanced circuit techniques designed to provide wide operating margins, both internally and to the system user, while achieving performance levels in speed and power previously seen only in MOSTE K's high performance MK 4027 (4K RAM). capability. The use of dynamic circuitry throughout, including sense amplifiers, assures that power dissipation is minimized without any sacrifice in speed or operating margin. These factors combine to make the MK 4116 a truly superior RAM product. The technology used to fabricate the M K 4116 is MOSTE K's double-poly, N-channel silicon gate, POLY II process. This process, coupled with the use of a single transistor dynamic storage cell, provides the maximum possible circuit density and reliability, while maintaining high performance Multiplexed address inputs (a feature pioneered by MOSTEK for its 4K RAMS) permits the MK 4116 to be packaged in a standard 16-pin DIP. This recognized industry standard packa\!e configuration, while compatible with widely available automated testing and insertion equipment, provides highest possible system bit densities and simplifies system upgrade from 4K to 16K RAMs for new generation applications. Non-critical clock timing requirements allow use of the multiplexing technique while maintaining high performance. FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM PIN CONNECTIONS e .. ~. -' --------Vi. DIN WRITE RAS Ao A2 AI voo ',MEMORY ARRAY MEMORY ARRAY IS VBB --,~ -'''---,:========::0 15 2 3 14 4 13 5 12 S II 7 10 8 9 vss CAS DOUT A6 A3 A4 A5 vee PIN FUNCTIONS '.------1 I4-COLVMM - -'SEL£CT I..INES--- Ao-As CAS DIN DOUT RAS IV-27 Address Inputs Column Address Strobe Data In Data Out Row Address Strob iiiiRiTE Vee VCC V DD VSS Read/Write Input Power (-5V) Power (+5V) Power (+12V) Ground II ABSOLUTE MAXIMUMRATINGS* Voltage on any pin relative to VBB ................... '. -O.5V to +20V Voltage on VDD, VCC suppliE!s relative to VSS .......... -1.0V to +15.0V VBB-VSS (VDD-VSS>OV) ....... : .......................... OV Operating temperature, T A (Ambient) ................... O°C to + 70't: Storage temperature (Ambient) (Ceramic) .••.........•... -65°C to + 150°C Storage temperature (Ambient) (Plastic) .................. -55°C to + 125°C Short circuit output current ••..•..•................................ 50mA Power dissipation .......•..•................•....••.............. 1 Watt RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (O°C ';;;T A';;; 70°C) 1 ·Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum permanent damage to stress rating only and of the device at these Ratings" may cause the device: This is a functional operation or any other condi- tions above those indicated in the opera· tional sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliabilitY. MIN TYP MAX UNITS VOO VCC VSS VBB 10.8 4.5 0 -4.5 12.0 5.0 0 -5.0 13.2 5.5 0 -5.7 Volts Volts Volts Volts 1 1,2 1 1 VIHC 2.4 - 7.0 Volts 1 Input High (Logic 1) Voltage, all inputs except RAS, CAS WRITE VIH 2.2 - 7.0 Volts 1 Input Low (Logic 0) Voltage, all inputs VIL -1.0 - .8 Volts 1 PARAMETER SYMBOL Supply Voltage Input High (Logic 1) Voltage, RAS, CAS, WRITE NOTES DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS {O°C';;; TA';;; /O°C)l (VDD = l2.0V ±10%; VCC = 5.0V ±10%; -5.7V';;; VBB';;; -4.5; VSS =OV) PARAMETER SYMBOL' MAX UNITS OPERATING CURRENT Average power supply operating current (RAS, CAS cycling; tRC = 410ns) 1001 ICCl IBBl 35 mA 200 P.A STANOBY CURRENT Power supply standby current.( R"AS = V I HC, 00UT = High Impedance) 1002 ICC2 IBB2 -10 1.5 10 mA p.A p.A REFRESH CURRENT Average power supply current, refresh mode (RAS cycling, CAS = VIHC; tRC = 410ns) 1003 ICC3 IB83 27 10 mA p.A p.A 3 -10 PAGE MOOE CURRENT Average power supply current, page·mode operation (RAS =VIL,CAS cycling; tpc = 275ns) 1004 ICC4 IBB4 27 mA 3 4 INPUT LEAKAGE Input leakage current, any input (VBB = -5V, OV';;; VIN';;; +7 .OV, all other pins not under test = 0 volts) II(L) -10 10 p.A OUTPUT LEAKAGE Output leakage current (OOUT is disabled, OV';;; VOUT .;;; +5.5V) 10(L) -10 10 P.A OUTPUT LEVELS Output high (Logic 1) voltage (lOUT = -5mA) VOH 2.4 Output low (Logic 0) voltage (lOUT = 4.2 mAl VOL MIN NOTES 3 4 p.A Volts 0.4 3 Volts NOTES: 1. All voltages referenced to Vss. 2. Output voltage will swing from VSS to Vee when activated with no current loading. For purposes of maintaining data in standby mode, Vee may be reduced to Vss without affecting refresh IV-2S operations or data retention. However, the VOH (min) specifica~ tion is not guaranteed in this mode. ELEOTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RECOMMENDED AC OPERATING CONDITIONS (5.6.7) (ooe.;:;; TA';:;; 70°C) Voo = 12.0V ±10%; Vee = 5.0V ±10%; Vss= OV, -5.7V';:;; VBB';:;; -4.5V) PARAMETER SYMBOL Random read or write cycle time Read-write cycle time tRC Page mode cycle time Access time from RAS Access time from CAS Output buffer turn-off delay Transition time (rise and fali) RAS precharge time RAS pulse width RAS hold time CAS pulse width CAS hold time RAS to CAS delay time CAS to RAS precharge time Row Address set-up time Row Address hold time Column Address set-up time Column Address hold time Column Address hold time referenced to RAS Read command set-up time Read command hold time Write command hold time Write command hold time referenced to RAS Write command pulse width tpc Write command to RAS lead time Write command to CAS lead time Data-in set-up time Data-in hold time Data-in hold time referenced to HAS CAS precharge time (for page-mode cycle only) Refresh period WRITE command set-up time CAS to WRITE delay RAS to WRITE delay tRWL tCWL tDS tDH tDHR I DO 1, 1003, and I DD4 depend on cycle rate. 410 425 500 275 tRWC tRMW Read Modify Write 3. MK4116-4 MIN MAX tRAC tCAC tOFF tT tRP tcp 0 3 150 250 165 165 250 35 -20 0 35 -10 75 160 0 0 75 160 75 85 85 0 75 160 100 tREF twcs tCWD tRWD -20 90 175 tRAS tRSH tCAS tCSH tRCO tCRP tASR tRAH tASC tCAH tAR tRCS tRCH tWCH tWCR twp The maximum 1001 (max) [MA)~10+10.25x cycle rate [MHz) 1003 (max) [MA)~10+7 x cycle rate [MHz) 1004 (max) [MA) ~10 + 4.7 x cycle rate [MHz) 4. 'CC1 and ICC4 depend upon output loading. During readout of high level data Vee is connected through a low impedance (135 typ) to data out. At all other times ICC consists of leakage currents only, 5. Several cycles are required after power-up before proper device operation is achieved. Any 8 cycles which perform refresh are adequate for this purpose. ' 6. AC measurements assume tT=5ns. 7. 8. ~~~£r(i~~n;i~i~gl Assumes that tRCD ~tRCD (max). 10. Measured with a load equivalent to 2 TTL loads and 100pF. IV-29 10000 10000 85 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ms ns ns ns 8,10 9,10 11 7 12 13 13 14 14 14 tOFF (max) defines the time at which the output achieves the open circuit condition and is not referenced to output voltage levels. 12. Operation within the tReD (max) limit insures that tRAC (max) can be met. tRCO (max) is specified as a reference point only; if tRCD is greater than the specified tRCD (max) limit, then access time is controlled exclusively by tCAC. 13. These parameters are referenced to ~ leading edge in early write cycles and to WRITE leading edge in delayed write or read·modify·write cycles. 14. twcs, tCWD and tRWD are restrictive operating parameters in read write and read modify write cycles only. If twcs ;;;. twcs (min), the cycle is an early write cycle and the data Ollt pin will remain open circuit (high impedance) throughout the entire cycle; If tCWD ;;;. tcwo (min) and tRWD ;;;. tRWD (min), the cycle is a read-write cycle and the data out will contain data read from the selected cell; If neither of the above sets of conditions is satisfied the condition of the data out (at access time) is indeterminate. 15. Effective capacitance calculated from the equation with D. v = 3 volts and power supplies at nominal levels. 16. CAS ~ VIHC to disable 00UT. {~i~~ta~?g~l; (m~~!o~r~r~e::j~~~~e tli~:~s ~~; 9. 250 165 60 50 11. HO{f measured between VIHC or VIH and VIL' Assumes that tRCD~ tRCD (max). If tRCO is greater than the maximum recommended value shown in this table, tRAC will increase by the amount that tRCD exceeds the value shown. NOTES ns ns 2 fr~~;f~~d o~~~~e~~c~:I~::e:r:ref~ret~~~7:~dO~~ at~~ ~~TI~!~~;~qltPa~ tions: UNITS ns C =~v ~ AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (O°C';; T A';; 70°C) (VDD = 12.0V ± 10%; VSS PARAMETER = OV, -5.7V';; SYMBOL VBB';; -4.5V) TYP MAX UNITS I NOTES Input Capacitance (AO-A6), DIN Cll 4 5 pF 17 Input Capacitance RAS, CAS, WRITE CI2 8 10 pF 17 Output Capacitance (DOUT) Co 5 7 pF 17,18 DESCRIPTION (continued) System oriented features include ± 10% tolerance on all power supplies, direct interfacing capability with high performance logic families such as Schottky TTL, maximum input noise immunity to minimize "false triggering" of the inputs (a common cause of soft errors), on-chip address and data registers which eliminate the need for interface registers, and two chip select methods to allow the user to determine the appropriate speed/power characteristics of his memory system. The MK 4116 also incorporates several flexible timing/operating modes. In addition to the usual read, write, and read-modify-write cycles, the M K 4116 is capable .QLdelayed write cycles, page-mode operation and RAS-only~resh. Proper control of the clock inputs( RAS, CAS and WRITE) allows common I/O capability, two dimensional chip selection, and extended page boundaries (when operating in page mode). SUPPLEMENTAL DATA SHEET TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH MOSTEK MK4116(J/N/E)-2/3 DATA SHEET. IV-30 MOSTEI(. MEMORY COMPONENTS 16,384 x 1-Bit Dynamic RAM MK4516(NIJ)-10/12/15 FEATURES o Recognized industry standard 16-pin configuration from Mostek o Read, Write, Read-Write, Read-Modify-Write and PageMode capability o Single +5 V (± 10%) supply operation o On chip substrate performance o Common 1/0 capability using "early write" bias generator for optimum o Active power 193 mW maximum Standby power 20 mW maximum (MK4516-10) Standby power 17 mW maximum (MK4516-12/15) o 100 ns access time, 235 ns cycle time (MK4516-10) 120 ns access time, 270 ns cycle time (MK4516-12) 150 ns access time, 320 ns cycle time (MK4516-15) o A" inputs TTL compatible, low capacitance, and protected against static charge o Scaled POLY 5 technology o Pin compatible with the MK4564 (64K RAM) o 128 refresh cycles (2 msec) DESCRIPTION The MK4516 is a single +5 V power supply version of the industry standard MK4116, 16,384 x 1 bit dynamic RAM. The high performance features of the MK4516 are achieved by state-of-the-art circuit design techniques as we" as utilization of Mostek's "Scaled POLY 5" process technology. Features include access times starting where the current generation 16K RAMs leave off, TTL compatability, and +5 V only operation. The MK4516 is capable of a variety of operations including READ, WRITE, READ-WRITE, READ-MODIFY-WRITE, PAGE MODE, and REFRESH. The MK4516 is designed to be compatible with the JEDEC standards for the 16K x 1 dynamic RAM. The MK4516 is intended to extend the life cycle of the 16K RAM, as we" as create new applications due to its superior performance. The compatability with the MK4564 will also permit a common board design to service both the MK4516 and MK4564 (64K RAM) designs. The MK4516 will therefore permit a smoother transition to the 64K RAM as the industry standard MK4027 did for the MK4116. The user requiring only a sma" memory size need no longer pay the three power supply penalty for achieving the economics of using dynamic RAM over static RAM when using this new geoeration device. PIN OUT Figure 1 DUAL-IN-LiNE PACKAGE PIN FUNCTIONS N/C 1 DIN 10)2 Aa·A6 CAS(CE) Address Inputs itiS (RE) Col. Address Strobe WRITE DIN (D) Data In N/C Not connected DOUT(O) Data Out Vee Power (+5V) Vss GND WiiiTE(W} RAS(RE} Row Address Strobe WVl Read/Write Input Ao 5 A,6 A,7 vee 8 Available soon in MIL-STD-883 Class B (MKB4516) IV-31 ~----.---- --------- --- 3 4 16 Vss 15 CAs (CEJ 14 DouT(Q) 13 Aa 12 A3 11 A4 10 Aa 9 N/C ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on Vce Supply Relative to Vss .....•.................................................. -1.0Vto +7.0 V Operating Temperature, TA (Ambient) ............................................................ O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature (Ceramic) .............................................................. -65°C to +150°C Storage Temperature (Plastic) ............................................................... -55°C to +125°C Power Dissipation .................................................................................. 1 Watt Short Circuit Output Current ......................................................................... 50 mA *Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (O°C ::; TA::; 70°C) SYM PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Vcc Supply Voltage 4.5 5.0 5.5 V 2 V IH Input High (Logic 1) Voltage, All Inputs 2.4 - Vcc +1 V 2 V il Input Low (Logic 0) Voltage, All Inputs -2.0 - .8 V 2,19 MAX UNITS NOTES 35 mA 3 3 mA 3.5 mA 21 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (O°C ::; TA ::; 70°C) (Vcc = 5.0 V ±1 0%) SYM PARAMETER ICCI OPERATING CURRENT Average power supply operating current (RAS, CAS cycling, t RC =t RC min.) ICC2 STANDBY CURRENT Power supply standby current (RAS DOUT = High Impedance) MIN = CAS = V IH , ICC3 RAS ONLY REFRESH CURRENT Average power supply current, refresh mode (RAS cycling, CAS = V IH; t RC =t RC min.) 30 mA 3 ICC4 PAGE MODE CURRENT Average power supply current, page mode operation (RAS = V ll, tRAS = t RAS max., CAS cycling; tpc =tpc min.) 32 mA 3,20 II(l) INPUT LEAKAGE Input leakage current, any input (0 V ::; VIN ::; +5.5 V, all other pins not under test = 0 volts) -10 10 p.A. 100l) OUTPUT LEAKAGE Output leakage current (D OUT is disabled, o V::; V OUT ::; +5.5 V) -10 10 p.A. 0.4 V V V OH VOL OUTPUT LEVELS Output High (Logic 1) voltage (lOUT = -5 mAl Output Low (Logic 0) voltage (lOUT = 4.2 mA IV-32 2.4 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (4,5,6,16) (O°C:5 TA :5 70°C), VCC = 5.0 V ± 10% SYMBOL MK4516-10 MK4516-12 MK4516-15 PARAMETER MIN MIN MIN tRELREL tRC Random read or write cycle time 235 270 320 ns 7,8 tRELREL tRMw (RMW) Read-modify-write cycle time 285 320 410 ns 7,8 tRELREL tpc (PC) Page mode cycle time 125 145 190 ns 7,8,20 tRELOV tRAC Access time from RAS 100 120 150 ns 8,9 tCELOV t CAC Access time from CAS 55 65 80 ns 8,10 t CEHOZ tOFF Output buffer turn-off delay 0 45 0 50 0 60 ns 11 tT Transition time (rise and fall) 3 50 3 50 3 50 ns 6,16 tREHREL tRP RAS precharge time 110 tRELREH t RAS RAS pulse width 115 tCELREH t RSH RAS hold time 70 85 105 ns tRELCEH tCSH CAS hold time 100 120 165 ns tCELCEH tCAS CAS pulse width 55 1()4 65 1()4 95 1()4 ns tRELCEL t RCD RAS to CAS delay time 25 45 25 55 25 70 ns 12 tREHWX tRRH Read command hold time referenced to RAS 0 0 0 ns 13 tAVREL t ASR Row Address set-up time 0 0 0 ns tRELAX tRAH Row Address hold time 15 15 15 ns tAvCEL tASC Column Address set-up time 0 0 0 ns tCELAX tCAH Column Address hold time 15 15 20 ns tRElA(C)~ tAR Column Address hold time referenced to RAS 60 70 90 ns tWHCEL tRCS Read command set-up time 0 0 0 ns tCEHWX tRCH Read command hold time referenced to CAS 0 0 0 ns tCELWX t WCH Write command hold time 25 30 45 ns tRELWX t WCR Write command hold time referenced to RAS 70 85 115 ns t WLWH twp Write command pulse width 25 30 50 ns tWLREH t RWL Write command to RAS lead time 60 65 110 ns tWLCEH tCWL Write command to CAS lead time 45 50 100 ns STD ALT tT MAX MAX 120 1()4 IV-33 140 MAX UNITS NOTES 135 1()4 175 ns 1()4 ns 13 • AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (Continued) SYMBOL STD ALT PARAMETER MK4516·10 MK4516·12 MK4516·15 MIN MIN MIN MAX MAX MAX UNITS NOTES tDVCEL t DS Data-in set-up time 0 0 0 ns 14 tCELDX tDH Data-in hold time 25 30 45 ns 14 tRELDX tDHR Data-in hold time referenced to RAS 70 85 115 ns tCEHCEL tcp (PC) CAS precharge time (for page mode cycle only) 60 70 85 ns 'RVRV Refresh period tREF 2 2 2 20 ms tWLCEL twcs WRITE command set-up time 0 0 0 ns 15 tCELWL tCWD CAS to WRITE delay 55 65 80 ns 15 tRELWL t RwD RAS to WRITE delay 100 120 150 ns 15 tCEHREL t CRP CAS to RAS precharge time 0 0 0 ns CAPACITANCE (O°C s:: TA s:: 70°C) (Vcc = 5.0 V SYMBOL PARAMETER Cl1 ± 10%) TYP MAX Input (Ao-A 6 ), DIN 4 5 pF 17 CI2 Input RAS, CAS, WRITE 8 10 pF 17 Co Output (D OUT ) 5 7 pF 17,18 NOTES: 1. No user connection to Pin 1 (Leadless Chip Carrier only). This pin must be left floating. 2. All voltages referenced to VSS. 3. ICC is dependent on output loading and cycle rates. Specified values are obtained with the output open. 4. An initial pause of 500 p.S is required after power-up followed by any 8 RAS start-up cycles before proper device operation is achieved. RAS may be cycled during the initial pause. If RAS inactive interval exceeds 2ms, the device must be re-initialized by a minimum of 8 RAS start-up cycle. 5. AC characteristics assume tr = 5 ns 6. VIH min and VIL max are reference levels for measuring timing of input signals. Transition times are measured between VIH and VIL. 7. The minimum specifications are used only to indicate cycle time at which proper operation over the full temperature range (O°C :::; TA ::; 70°C) is assured. 8. Load = 2 TTL loads and' 00 pF. 9. Assumes that tRCO ::; tRCO (max). If tRCO is greater than the maximum recommended value shown in this table, tRAC will increase by the amount that tRCO exceeds the value shown. 10. Assumes that tRCD "" tRCD (max). 11. tOFF max defines the time at which the output achieves the open circuit condition and is not referenced to VOH or VOL. UNITS NOTES 12. Operation within the tRCO (max) limit insures that tRAC (max) can be met. tRCO (max) is specified as a reference point only; if tRCO is greater than the specified tRCO (max) limit, then access time is controlled exclusively by tCAC· 13. Either tRRH or tRCH must be satisfied for a read cycle. 14. These parameters are referenced to CASleading edge in early write cycles and to WRITE leading edge in delayed write or read-modify-write. 15. twcs, tCWD' and tRWD are restrictive operating parameters in READ/WRITE and READ/MODIFY/WRITE cycles only. If twcs "" twcs (min) the cycle is an EARLY WRITE cycle and the data output will remain open circuit throughout the entire cycle.lftCW02::tCWD (min)and tRWO;::: tRWO (min)the cycle isa READ/WRITE and the data output will contain data read from the selected cell. If neither of the above conditions are met the condition of the data out (at access time and until CAs goes back to VIH) is indeterminate. 16. The transition time specification applies for all input signals. In addition to meeting the transition rate specification, all input signals must transit between V IH and VIL (or between VIL and VIH) in a monotonic manner. 17. Effective capacitance calculated from the equation c:o:: I gwith ,1.V:o:: 3 volts and power supply at nominal level. !J.V 18. CAs = VIH to disable DOUT. 19. Includes the dc level and all instantaneous signal excursions. 20. Page Mode operation is not guaranteed on the standard MK4516. This function is available on request. 21. Applies to MK4516-10 only. IV-34 READ CYCLE Figure 2 t RC t RAS RAS tAR V IH VIL tT tCSH I t RSH CAS tCAS V IH VIL ADDRESSES V IH II VIL WRITE V IH VIL ~--------------tRAC--------------~ 1_----.1 V OH VALID DATA OPEN DoUT VOL WRITE CYCLE (EARLY WRITE) Figure 3 t Rc t RAS V IH iiAS tAR VIL -I t CfH t RSH tCAS V IH CAS VIL V IH ADDRESSES Wiii'iE VIL V IH VIL '_----+----+t RWL-----------------I~ I I _I ,.. ~tos f + - tOH VALID DATA "-----------tOHRI--------t VOH ____________________________________ OPEN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VOL IV-35 READ-WRITE/READ-MODIFY-WRITE CYCLE Figure 4 1+-------iiAs tRMW ---------.1 V'H V'L CAS V'H V'L ADDRESSES V'H V'L Wiiii'E V'H V'L D'N V OH VOL I OPEN VALID DATA D~ ~: 7//;//$/II/IIM$$;JMi~$///$m "RAS-ONlY"REFRESH CYCLE CAS = V,W WRITE = DON'T CARE NOTE: Figure 5 RAS ADDRESSES DOUT V'H V'L ~:: W$Iffi'A~)f'" AD':,';.';" Jill$/1 JI////II$P/l/h V OH ---------OPEN - - - - - - - - - VOL IV-36 PAGE MODE READ CYCLE (20) Figure 6 tRAS----------------------------~~~ JI------+------------------------jrf ADDRESSES PAGE MODE WRITE CYCLE (20) Figure 7 RAS V IH V il CAS V IH V il ADDRESSES VIH V il iiVRii'E VIH V il DIN V IH V il IV-37 1'".. _--- tRSH----~~3'- write cycle" the data input set-up and hold times are referenced to the negative edge of WRITE rather than CAS. OPERATION The 14 address bits required to decode 1 of the 16,384 cell locations within the MK4516 are multiplexed onto the 7 address inputs and latched into the on-chip address latches by externally applying two negative going TTL-level clocks. The first clock, Row Address Strobe (RAS), latches the 7 row addresses into the chip. The high-to-Iow transition of the second clock, Column Address Strobe (CAS), subsequently latches the 7 column addresses into the chip. Each ofthese signals, RAS and CAS, triggers a sequence of events which are controlled by different delayed internal clocks. The two clock chains are linked together logically in such a way that the address multiplexing operation is done outside of the critical timing path for read data access. The later events in the CAS clock sequence are inhibited until the occurrence of a delayed signal derived from the RAS clock chain. This "gated CAS" feature allows the CAS clock to be externally activated as soon as the Row Address Hold specification (t RAH ) has been satisfied and the address inputs have been changed from Row address to Column address information. The "gated CAS" feature permits CAS to be activated at any time after tRAH and it will have no effect on the worst case data access time (t RAC ) up to the point in time when the delayed row clock no longer inhibits the remaining sequence of column clocks. Two timing endpoints result from the internal gating of CAS which are called tRco (min) an~CO (max). No data storage or reading errors will result if CAS is applied to the MK4516 at a point in time beyond the tRCO (max) limit. However, access time will then be determined exclusively by the access time from CAS (tcAcl rather than from RAS (t RAC ). and RAS access time will be lengthened by the amount that tRCO exceeds the tRCO (max) limit. Data Input/Output Data to be written into a selected cell is latched into an on-chip register by a combination of WRITE and CAS while RAS is active. The latter of WRITE or CAS to make its negative transition is the strobe forthe Data In (DIN) register. This permits several options in the write cycle timing. In a write cycle, if the WRITE input is brought low (active) prior to CAS being brought low (active), the DIN is strobed by CAS, and the Input Data set-up and hold times are referenced to CAS. Ifthe input data is not available at CAS time (late write) or if it is desired that the cycle be a read-write or readmodify-write cycle the WRITE signal should be delayed until after CAS has made its negative transition. In this "delayed Data is retrieved from the memory in a read cycle by maintaining WRITE in the inactive or high state throughout the portion of the memory cycle in which both the RAS and CAS are low (active). Data read from the selected cell is available at the output port within the specified access time. The output data is the same polarity (not inverted) as the input data. Data Output Control The normal condition of the Data Output (D OUT) of the MK4516 is the high impedance (open-circuit) state; anytime CAS is high (inactive) the DOUT pin will be floating. Once the output data port has gone active, it will remain valid until CAS is taken to the precharge (inactive high) state. Refresh Refresh of the dynamic cell matrix is accomplished by performing a memory cycle at all 128 combinations of the seven row address bits within each 2 ms interval. Although any normal memory cycle will perform the required refreshing, this function is most easily accomplished with "RAS-only" cycles. Page Mode Operation * The Page Mode feature of the MK4516 allows for successive memory operations at multiple column locations within the same row address. This is done by strobing the row address into the chip and maintaining the RAS signal low (active) throughout all successive memory cycles in which the row address is common. The first access within a page mode operation will be available at tRAC or t CAC time, whichever is the limiting parameter. However, all successive accesses within the page mode operation will be available at t CAC time (referenced to CAS). With the MK4516, this results in as much as a 55% improvement in access times! Effective memory cycle times are also reduced when using page mode. The page mode boundary of a single MK4516 is limited to the 128 column locations determined by all combinations of the seven column address bits. Operations within the page boundary need not be sequentially addressed and any combination of read-write and read-modify-write cycle are permitted within the page mode operation. '" see footnote 20 IV-38 MK4516 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM II IV-39 IV-40 MOSTEI(. 131,072 x 1-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MK4528(D)-15/20/25 o Read, Write, Read-Write, Read-Modify-Write and Page-Mode capability FEATURES o Utilizes two standard MK4564 devices in an 18-pin package configuration o o Single +5V (± 10%) supply operation On chip substrate bias generator for optimum performance o Active power 320mW (Single MK4564 active) Standby power 44mW o 150ns access time, 260ns cycle time (MK4564-15) 200ns access time, 345ns cycle time (MK4564-20) 250ns access time, 425ns cycle time (MK4564-25) o o Common I/O capability using "early write" Separate RAS, o All inputs TTL compatible, low capacitance, and are protected against static charge o Scaled POLY 5 technology o Pin compatible with the MK4332 (32K RAM) o 128 refresh cycles (2 msec) for each MK4564 device in the dual density configuration (address A7 is not used for refresh). o Extended DOUT hold using CAS control (Hidden Refresh). CAS Clocks DESCRIPTION The MK4528 sets a new milestone in the state ofthe art of package technology to give you dual density now before the next generation of MOS RAMs are available. This device is made up of two 64K (MK4564) 5 volt only RAMs and it is organized as 131 ,072 words by 1 bit. The upper 16 pins are identical to the industry standard 64K Dual-In Line Package, allowing either device to be installed in the 18 pin position. The MK4528's high performance features and wide operating margins, both internally and to the system user, are achieved by state-of-the-art circuit design techniques as well as utilization of Mostek's "Scaled POLY 5" process technology. PIN CONNECTIONS DEVICE PROFILE N/C 1 18 Vss DIN 2 17 ~ 16 DoUT 15 As 14 A3 WRITE 3 RAS1 4 Aa 5 A2 6 13 A4 A, 7 Vee 8 12 As 11 ~ 10 ~ J!iAfi 9 PIN FUNCTION ArA Address Inputs RAS Row Address Strobe CAS Column Address Strobe WRITE DIN Data In Vee Power(+5V) Dour Data Out N/C No Connections Vss GND ReadlWrite Input Also Available in MIL-STD-883 Class 8 (MK8) IV-41 --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . _ . _ - _..... _-._----- - - - -------------- • ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on V cc supply relative to V 55 .......................................................... -1 .0 V to +7.0 V Operating Temperature, TA (Ambient) ............................................................. O°C.to + 70C Storage Temperature (Ceramic) .................•............................................ -65°C to +150°C Power Dissipation ...................................•.............................................. 1 Watt Short Circuit Output Current ......................................................................... 50 mA *Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation ofthe device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (O°C ::; TA ::; 70°C) SYM PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Vcc Supply Voltage 4.5 5.0 5.5 V 1 V 1H Input High (Logic 1) Voltage, All Inputs 2.4 - V cc +1 V 1 V 1L Input Low (Logic 0) Voltage, All Inputs -2.0 - .8 V 1.18 MIN MAX UNITS NOTES 58 mA 2 8 mA DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (O°C ::; TA ::; 70°C) (V cc 5.0 V ± 10%) = SYM PARAMETER ICCl OPERATING CURRENT Average power supply operating current (RAS, CAS cycling; t RC = t RC min.) ICC2 STANDBY CURRENT Power suply standby current (RAS DOUT = High Ipedance) ICC3 RAS ONLY REFRESH CURRENT Average power supply current, refresh mode (RAS cycling, CAS =V IH ; t RC = t RC min.) 49 mA 2 ICC4 PAGE MODE CURRENT Averilfie power supply current, pilge mode operiltlon (RAS = V IL, t RA5 =t RA5 milX., CAS cycling; tpc =tpc min.) 39 mA 2 il(L) INPUT LEAKAGE Input leakage current, any input (OV ::; VIN ::; V cc), all other pins not under test =0 volts -20 20 p.A. IO(L) OUTPUT LEAKAGE Output leakage current (DOUT is disabled, OV ::; V OUT::; V cd -20 20 p.A. 0.4 V V V OH VOL =V IH , OUTPUT LEVELS Output High (Logic 1) voltage (lOUT = -5 mAl Output Low (Logic 0) voltage (lOUT =4.2 mAl IV-42 2.4 NOTES: specified tRCD (max) limit then access time is controlled exclusively by tCAC· 1. All voltages referenced to VSS. 2. ICC is dependent on output loading and cycle rates. Specified values are obtained with the output open. Only one MK4564 is active. 3. An initial pause of 500 ,",5 is required after power-up followed by any 8 RAS cycles before proper device operation is achieved. Note that RAS may be cycled during the initial pause. 4. AC characteristics assume tT = 5 ns. 5. VIH min. and VIL max. are reference levels for measuring timing of input signals. Transition times are measured between VIH and VIL' 6. The minimum specifications are used only to indicate cycle time at which proper operation over the full temperature range (OOe ::; TA ::; 70°C) is assured. 12. Either tRRH or tRCH must be satisfied for a read cycle. 13. These parameters are referenced to CAS leading edge in early write cycles and to WRITE leading edge in delayed write or read-modify~write cycles. 14. twcs, tewD' and tRWD are restrictive operating parameters in READ/WRITE and READ/MODIFY/WRITE cycles only. II twcs ~ twcs (min) the cycle is an EARLY WRITE cycle and the data output will remain open circuit throughout the entire cycle.lftCWD 2:tCWD (min) and tRWD 2: tRWD (min) the cycle is a READ/WRITE and the data output will contain data read from the selected cell. If neither of the above conditions are met the condition of the data out (at access time and until CAS goes back to VIH) is indeterminate. 15. In addition to meeting the transition rate specification, all input signals must transmit between VIH and VIL (or between VIL and VIH) in a monotonic manner. 16. Effective capacitance calculated from the equation C::: I Qlwith 1'::. V::: 3 volts and power supply at nominal level. t:::.V 7. Load = 2 TIL loads and 50 pF. 8. Assumes that tReD ::; tRCD (max). If tRCD is greater than the maximum recommended value shown in this table, tRAC will increase by the amount that tRCD exceeds the value shown. 9. Assumes that tRCD ~ tRCD (max). 10. tOFF max defines the time at which the output achieves the open circuit condition and is not referenced to VOH or VOL. 11. Operation within the tRCD (max) limit insures that tRAC (max) can be met. tRCD (max) is specified as a reference point only; if tRCD is greater than the '7. CAS = VIH to disable DOUT· 18. Includes the DC level and all instantaneous Signal excurSions. , 9.iiiiliii'E = don't care. Dataoutdependsonthestateol~.II~ =VIH, data output is high impedance. If CAS::: VIL, the data output will contain data from the last valid read cycle. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RECOMMENDED AC OPERATING CONDITIONS (3,4,5,15) (O°C g A 70°C), V cc 5,OV ± 10% :s: SYMBOL STD ALT = PARAMETER MK4528-15 MIN MAX MK4528-20 MIN MAX MK4528-25 MIN MAX UNITS NOTES tRELREL t RC Random read or write cycle time 260 345 425 ns 6,7 tRELREL (RMW) tRMW Read modify write cycle time 310 405 490 ns 6,7 tRELREL (PC) tpc Page mode cycle time 155 200 240 ns 6,7 tRELQV tRAC Access time from RAS 150 200 250 ns 7,8 tCELQV t CAC Access time from CAS 85 115 145 ns 7,9 tCEHQZ tOFF Output buffer turn-off delay a 40 a 50 0 60 ns 10 tr tr Transition time (rise and fall) 3 50 3 50 3 50 ns 5,15 tREHREL tRP RAS precharge time 100 tRELREH t RAS R,/\S pulse width 150 tCELREH t RSH RAS hold time 85 115 145 ns tRELCEH tCSH CAS hold time 15O 200 250 ns tCELCEH tCAS CAS pulse width 85 10,000 115 10,000 145 10,000 ns tRELCEL tRCD RAS to CAS delay time 30 65 35 85 45 105 ns 11 tREHWX tRRH Read command hold time referenced to RAS 20 12 Row address set-up time a tAvREL t ASR 165 135 10,000 ! 200 1 10,000 250 ns 10,000 ns 25 30 ns 0 0 ns 25 30 ns tRELAX tRAH Row address hold time 20 tAVCEL t Asc Column address set-up time 0 0 a ns tCELAX tCAH Column address hold time 30 40 50 ns Column address hold time referenced to RAS 100 130 160 ns tRELA(C)X tAR I IV-43 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RECOMMENDED AC OPERATING CONDITIONS (Continued) (3.4,5,15) (O°C ::; TA::; 70°C), V cc = 5.0V ± 10% SYMBOL MK4528-15 MK4528-20 MK4528-25 MIN MIN MIN MAX UNITS NOTES STD ALT PARAMETER tWHcEL t RCS Read command set-up time 0 0 0 ns tCEHWX t RCH Read command hold time referenced to CAS 0 0 0 ns MAX MAX tCELWX tWCH Write command hold time 45 55 70 ns tRELWX t WCR Write command hold time referenced to RAS 115 150 185 ns 12 t WLWH twp Write command pulse width 35 45 55 ns tWLREH t RWL Write command to RAS lead time 45 55 65 ns tWLCEH tCWL Write command to CAS lead time 45 55 65 ns t OVCEL tos Data-in set-up time 0 0 0 ns 13 tCELDX tOH Data-in hold time 45 55 70 ns 13 tRELDX tOHR Data-in hold time referenced to RAS 115 150 190 ns CAS precharge time (for page-mode cycle only) 60 75 85 ns tCEHCEL (PC) tcp t RVRV tREF Refresh Period tWLCEL twcs WRITE command set-up time -10 -10 -10 ns 14 tCELWL t cwo CAS to WRITE delay 55 80 100 ns 14 tRELWL t RWO RAS to WRITE delay 120 165 205 ns 14 tCEHCEL t CPN CAS precharge time 30 35 45 ns 2 2 ms 2 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (O°C ::; TA::; 70°C) (V cc = 5.0V ± 10%) SYM PARAMETER CI1 Input Capacitance (Ao CI2 MAX UNITS NOTES - A 7 ), DIN 10 pF 16 Input Capacitance RAS, CAS 10 pF 16 C13 Input Capacitance WRITE 20 pF 16 Co Output Capacitance (D OUT ) 14 pF 16,17 IV-44 READ CYCLE t RAS RAS CAS V ,H _ V 1l - V 1H _ V'l- V1H _ ADDRESSES V'L- V ,H _ WRITE V'L- i.--t II CAC t RAS DOUT V OH _ V OL _ tOFF VALID DATA OPEN WRITE CYCLE (EARLY WRITE) RAS CAS V1H _ V 1L - V'HV1L - V1H _ ADDRESSES V IL - V 1H - WRITE D'N V1L - V1H _ VIL - DOUT VOH - OPEN V OL- IV-45 READ-WRITE/READ-MODIFY-WRITE CYCLE ~----------------------------_IRMW------------------------~ RAS t ASR V,H _ ADDRESSES V Il - WRITE Jc--:::=.,..-~ V ,H _ Vil - VOH VOL _ '"'"""IF"""'""'u ------+---------------------OPE V IH _ ""'""'77:"77.'7777777777>'77:"77.777777'""'"''77:"77.'177777'"'''''"' ~...,..,.~.,.-"'- ,r?7;'177777777,"",",'7T.'177= Vil - a.t.~~='"a.t.~~='"a.t.=~~='"'"==~ ~""::::::":":::'-JI "'~='"a.t.=~~= "RAS-ONLY" REFRESH CYCLE I RC t RAS - I-IRAH t ASR ADDRESSES IV-46 4 I ~ I RP I PAGE MODE READ CYCLE ~------------------------------tRAS----------------------------~~ V'l - CAS II ADDRESSES V'H VOl DOUT JJ-----------------------~~~_ PAGE MODE WRITE CYCLE ~-----------------------------tRAS------------------------------~ CAS ADDRESSES WRITE IV-47 OPERATION The MK4528 consists of two 64K(MK4564) dynamic RAMs connected by a substrate in a 131,072 x 1 configuration.The eight address bits required to decode 1 of the 65,536 cell locations within each MK4564 are multiplexed onto the eight address inputs and latched into the on-chip address latches by externally applying two negative going TTL-level clocks. The first clock, Row Address Strobe (RAS), latches the eight row addresses into the cip. The high-to-Iow transition of the second clock, Column Address Strobe (CAS), subsequently latches the eight column addresses into the chip. Each of these signals, RAS and CAS, triggers a sequence of events which are controlled by different delayed internal clocks. The two clock chains are linked together logically in such a way that the address multiplexing operation is done outside ofthe critical timing path for read data access. The later events in the CAS clock sequence are inhibited until the occurrence of a delayed signal derived from the RAS clock chain. This "gated CAS" feature allows the CAS clock to be externally activated as soon as the Row Address Hold specification (t RAH ) has been satisfied and the address inputs have been changed from Row address to Column address information. The "gated CAS" feature permits CAS to be activated at any time after tRAH and it will have no effect on the worst case data access time (t RAC ) up to the point in time when the delayed row clock no longer inhibits the remaining sequence of column clocks. Two timing endpoints result from the internal gating of CAS which are called tRCO (min) an2.!aco (max). No data storage or reading errors will result if CAS is applied to the MK4564 at a point in time beyond the tRCO (max) limit. However, access time will then be determined exclusively by the access time from CAS (tCAC ) rather than from RAS (t RAC ). and RAS access time will be lengthened by the amount that tRco exceeds the tRCO (max) limit. DATA INPUT/OUTPUT Data to be written into a selected cell is latched into an on-chip register by a combination of WRITE and CAS while RAS is active. The latter of WRITE or CAS to make its negative transition is the strobe forthe Data In (DIN) register. This permits several options in the write cycle timing. In a write cycle, if the WRITE input is brought low (active) prior to CAS being brought low (active), the DIN is strobed by CAS, and the Input Data set-up and hold times are referenced to CAS. If the input data is not available at CAStime (late write) or if it is desired that the cycle be a read-write or readmodify-write cycle the WRITE signal should be delayed until after CAS has made its negative transition. In this "delayed write cycle" the data input set-up and hold times are referenced to the negative edge of WRITE rather than CAS. Data is retrieved from the memory in a read cycle by maintaining WRITE in the inactive or high state throughout the portion of the memory cycle in which both the RAS and CAS are low (active). Data read from the selected cell is available at the output port within the specified access time. The output data is the same polarity (not inverted) as the input data. DATA OUTPUT CONTROL The normal condition of the Data Output (D OUT) of the MK4564 is the high impedance (open-circuit) state; anytime CAS is high (inactive) the DOUT pin will be floating. Once the output data port has gone active, it will remain valid until CAS is taken to the precharge (inactive high) state. PAGE MODE OPERATION The Page Mode feature of the MK4564 allows for successive memory operations at multiple column locations within the same row address. This is done by strobing the row address into the chip and maintaining the RAS Signal low (active) throughout all successive memory cycles in which the row address is common. The first access within a page mode operation will be available at tRAC or t CAC time, whichever is the limiting parameter. However, all successive accesses within the page mode operation will be available at t CAC time (referenced to CAS'). With the MK4564 this results in approximately a 57% improvement in access times. Effective memory cycle times are also reduced when using page mode. The page mode boundary of a single MK4564 is limited to the 256 column locations determined by all combinations of the eight column address bits. Operations within the page boundary need not be sequentially addressed and any combination of read, write, and read-modify-write cycles is permitted within the page mode operation. REFRESH Refresh of the dynamic cell matrix is accomplished by performing a memory cycle at each of the 128 row addresses within each 2 ms interval. Although any normal memory cycle will perform the required refreshing, this function is most easily accomplished with "RAS-only" cycles. The RAS-only refresh cycle requires that a 7 bit refresh address (AO-A6) be valid at the device address inputs when RAS goes low (active). The state of the output data port during a RAS-only refresh is controlled by CAS. If CAS is high (inactive) during the entire time that RAS is asserted, the output will remain in the high impedance state. If CAS is low (active) the entire time the RAS is asserted, the output port will remain in the same state that it was prior to the issuance of the RAS signal. If CAS makes a low-to-high transition during the RAS-only refresh cycle, the output data buffer will assume the high impedance state. However, the CAS may not make a high to low transition during the R'AS-only refresh cycle since the device interprets this as a normal RAS/CAS(read or write) type cycle. IV-4S HIDDEN REFRESH A ~-only refresh cycle may take place while maintaining valid output data by extending the CAS active time from a previous memory read cycle. This feature is referred to as a hidden refresh. (See figure below.) HIDDEN REFRESH CYCLE (SEE NOTE 19) MEMORY C Y j = = { \~ n REFRESHC ____________ ~r- AODR . . . . . ~fl(J/IBT/I/(j(1///'{ WiiiiE 'llllllI VIIVT//JI}///IIJ!ll ------« ' - - - - - - - - ' VAUD DATA )- IV-49 II IV-50 32,768x1-BIT DYNAMIC RAM M K4332(D)-3 FEATURES D Utilizes two industry standard MK 4116 devices in an 18-pin package configuration o o 200ns access time, 375ns cycle (MK 4116-3) Separate RAS, CAS Clocks ± 10% tolerance on all power supplies (+12V,±5V) D Low power: 482mW active, 40mW standby (max) D Output data controlled by CAS and unlatched at end of cycle to allow two dimensional chip selection and extended page boundary DESCRIPTION D The MK 4332 is a new generation MOS dynamic random access memory circuit organized as 32,768 words by 1 bit. As a state-of-the-art MOS memory device, the MK4332 (32K RAM) incorporates advanced circuit techniques designed to provide wide operating margins, both internally and to the system user The technology used to fabricate the MK 4332 is MOSTEK's double-poly, N-channel silicon gate, POL Y II S process. This process, coupled with the use of a single transistor dynamic storage cell, provides the maximum possible circuit density and reliability, while maintaining high performance capability. The use of dynamiC circuitry throughout, including sense amplifiers, assures that power FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM D Common I/O capability using "early write" operation D Read-Modify-Write, RAS-only refresh, and Pagemode capability All inputs TTL compatible,low capacitance, and protected against static charge D 128 refresh cycles for each MK 4116 device in the dual density configuration D D Pin compatible to MK 4116 and MK 4164 dissipation is minimized without any sacrifice in speed or operating margin. These factors combine to make the MK 4332 a truly superior RAM product. II/Iultiplexed address inputs (a feature pioneered by MOSTEK for its 4K RAMS) permits the MK 4332 to be packaged in a standard 18-pin DIP. This standard package configuration, is compatible with widely available automated rnsting and insertion equipment, and it provides the highest possible system bit densities and simplifies system upgrade from 16K to 64K RAMs for new generation applications. Non-critical clock timing requirements allow use of the mUltiplexing technique while maintaining high performance. PIN CONNECTIONS 18 Vss VBa RAs1 I - CAS 1 I WE I 4,16 AD-A6 I I - I I I 17 CAS' WRITE 3 16 00UT RAS1 4 15 A. AD 5 14 A3 A2 6 13 A. A, 7 12 A5 VOO 8 11 Vee RAS2 9 10 I ~ I '--- 4116 RAS 2 I CAs2 I I 2 .IDoUT DIN I I I I I I DIN CA. 2 PIN NAMES ~6 ADDRESS INPUTS COLUMN ADDRESS STROBE DIN DATA IN DATA OUT CAS ~T WRTfE VBB Vee L _ _ _ _ _ _ -' VOO Vss IV-51 ROW ADDRESS STROBE READJINRITE INPUT POWER (-5V) POWER (+5V) POWER (+12V) GROUND II ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATlNGS* Voltage on any pin relative t~ Vas.: ................... -O.SV to +20V Voltage on VDD, VCC supplies relative to VSS .......... -1.0V to +1S.0V VSB-VSS (VDD-VSS>OV) .................................. OV Operating temperature, T A (Ambient) ................... O°C to + 70ce Storage temperature (Ambient) ... , .................. -6So C to + 1S0°C Short circuit output current ................................. SOmA Power dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Watt ·Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operatior of the device at these o.r any other condi tlonl above those indicated In the opera- tional sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. RECOIVIMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS6 (O°C';; T A';; 70°C) NOTES PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNITS Supply Voltage VOO VCC VSS VBB 10.8 4.5 0 -4.5 12.0 5.0 0 -5.0 13.2 5.5 0 -5.7 Volts Volts Volts Volts 2 2,3 2 2 RAil, A, WR IT E Input~ VrHC 2.4 - 7.0 Volts 2 Input High (Logic 1) Voltage, all inputs except RAS, CAS WRITE V,H 2.2 - 7.0 Volts 2 Input Low (Logic 0) Voltage, all inputs V,L -1.0 - .8 Volts 2 (LOgic l) Voltage, DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VDD = 12.0V ± 10%; VCC == S.OV ±10%;-S.7V';; VSS ';;-4.5V; VSS (O"C.;; TA';; 70b e) PARAMETER SYMBOL OPERATING CURRENT Average power supply operating current (RAS, CAS cycling; tRC =tRC Min) 1001 ICCl IBBl STANOBY CURRENT Power supply standby current (liAS = V, HC, 00UT = High Impedance) 1002 ICC2 'BB2 REFRESH CURRENT Average power supply current, refresh mode (iViS cycling, CAS = V,HC; tRC ='tRC Min) 1003 ICC3 IBB3 PAGE MOOE CURRENT Average power supply current, page·mode operation (i'iAS =VIL,~ cycling; tpc =tPc Min) 1004 ICC4 IBB4 INPUT LEAKAGE Input leakage current, any input (VBB = -5V, OV,.;;, V,N";;' +7.0V,all other pins not under test = 0 volts) II(L) OUTPUT LEAKAGE Output leakage current (OOUT is disabled, OV";;' VOUT";;' +5.5V) MIN = OV) MAX UNITS 36.5 rnA 300 IJ,A -20 3.0 20 200 mA IJ,A IJ,A -20 26.5 20 300 mA IJ,A IJ,A 28.5 mA 300 IJ,A -20 20 IJ,A 10(L) -20 20 IJ,A OUTPUT LEVELS Output high (Logic 1) voltage (lOUT = -5mA) VOH 2.4 Output low (Logic 0) voltage (lOUT = 4.2 mAl VOL 4,19 5 19 4,19 19 4,19 5 19 Volts 0.4 NOTES 3 Volts NOTES: 1. T A is specified here for operation at frequencies to tRC ~tRC (mm). Operation at higher cycle rates with reduced ambient temperatures and higher power dissipation Is permissible, how" ever, provided AC operating parameters are met. See figure 1 for derating curve. 2. All voltages referenced to VSS' .3 Output voltage will swing from VSS to Vec when activated with no current loading. For purposes of maintaining data in standby mode,Ycc may be reduced to VSS without affecting refrlsh operatIons or data retention. However, the VOH (min) specifica" tion is not guaranteed in this mode. 4. ~q~r1 i~~9r,;,rt~~~~g~rd:~~I~dr~~s~YCle 5. ~lCfi1g~nl~VIJrca~t~e~~~di~~~~n~~ie~\~~~~i;~'a ~~ir~~:~~~~; rate. See figures 2,3, and (135 H tYp) to data out. At all other times ICC consists of leakage currents on Iy. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RECOMMENDED AC OPERATING CONDITIONS (6,7,8) (OC",TA'" 70°C)1(VOO = 12.0V±10%;VCC= 5.0V ±10%, VSS = OV, -5.7V<:' VBB <:. -4.5V) MK4332 PARAMETER Random read or write cycle time SYMBOL MIN MAX tRC 375 Read·write cycle time tRWC tRMW' 375 ns 9 Read modify write cycle time Page mode cycle time 405 225 ns ns - 9 tpc Access time from RAS tRAC UNITS ns NOTES 9 9 200 ns 10,12 Access time from CAS tCAC 135 ns 11,12 Output buffer turn-off delay tOFF 0 50 ns 13 Transition time (rise and fall) tT 3 50 ns 8 RAS precharge time tRP 120 RAS pulse width ns tRAS 200 10,000 ns RAS hold time tRSH 135 ns CAS hold time tCSH tCAS 200 135 10,000 ns CAS pulse width RAS to CAS delay time tRCD 25 ns CAS to RAS precharge tCRP -20 ns Row Address set-up time tASR tRAH 0 25 ns Row Address hold time Column Address set-up time tASC -10 ns Column Address hold time tCAH 55 ns Column Address hold time referenced to RAS tAR 120 ns Read command set-up time tRCS 0 ns Read command hold time tRCH 0 ns twCH 55 ns ns ns time Write command hold time Write command hold time referenced to RAS 65 ns 14 ns twCR 120 Write command pulse width twP 55 Write command to RAS lead time tRWL 70 ns Write command to CAS lead time tCWL 70 ns Data-in set-up time tDS 0 ns 15 Data-in hold time tDH 55 ns 15 Data-in hold time referenced to AAS tDHR 120 ns CAS precharge time (for page-mode cycle only) tcp 80 Refresh period tREF ns 2 ms twcs -20 ns 16 CAS to W'Rl'rr delay tCWD 80 ns RAS to WR ITE delay tRWD 145 ns 16 16 WRITE command set-up time NOTES (Contlnued( 6. Several cycles are required after power·up before proper device operation 8 cycles which perform refresh are adequate for thiS purpose, achieved. Any 14. 7. AC measurements assume IT 8. VIHC (min) or VIH (min) and VI L (max) are reference levels for measuring timing of m· put signals. Also, transition times are measured between VIHC or VIH and VIL. The specifications for tRC (mm) tRMW {mini and tAwe (min) are use9 only to indicoate cycle time at which proper operation over the full temperature range (0 C ~ T A ~ 70 C) IS assured. 16. 9. '= IS 5ns. 10. Assumes that tRCD ,,;:;. tRCD (maxI. If tRCD is greater than the maxImum recommended value shown m this table, tRAC will increase by the amount that tRCD exceeds the value shown. 11. Assumes that tRCD )otRCO (maxI. Measured wIth a load equivalent to 2 TTL loads and 10OpF. tOFF (maxi defmes the tIme at whIch the output athieves the open CIrcuit condition and is not referenced to output voltage levels. 12. '3. 15. 17. 18. 19. IV-53 Operation wlthm the tRCD (maxI limIt insures that tRAC (max) can be met. tRCD (max) IS specified as a reference pomt only; if tRCD IS greater than the specified tRCD (max) limit. then access time IS controlled exclusively by tCAC, These parameters are referenced to CAS leading edge m early wrJte cycles and to WR ITE leading edge in delayed write or read-modify-write cycles. twes. tewD and tRWD are restnctlve operating parameters in read wflte and read mod· ify write cycles only. If twcs~twcs (minI, the cycle Isan early write ~ycle ami the data out pin will remain open cirCUit (high Impedance) throughout the entire cycle; If tCWD ~ tewD (min) and tRWD ~tRWO (min), the cycle is a read-write cycle and the data out Will contain data read from the selected cell; If neither of the above sets of conditions IS satIsfied the condition of the data out (at access time) is Indeterminate. Effective capacitance calculated from the equation C = l!J.t with!J. V ~ 3 volts and power supplies at nom mal levels. 6. V CAs ~ VI He to disable DOUT· One 16K RAM is 8ctive while the other Is in standby mode. AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (ODC ~TA ~ 70 DC) (VDD = 12.0V ± 10%; VSS = OV; -5.7V ~ VBB ~ -4.5V) PARAMETER SYMBOL TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Cil 8 10 pF Input Capacitance RAS, CAS, CI2 8 10 pF 17 Output Capacitance (DOUT) Co 10 14 pF 17, 18 Input Capacitance WRT"i't CI3 16 20 pF 17 Input Capacitance (AO-A6), DIN 17 AC Characteristics and Timing Diagrams of MK4116-3. CYCLE TIME tRC (ns) 1000 315 500 300 49' 59mA - - 1 CYCLE TIME tRC (ns) ". 1000 E 70 500 40 300 250 ~ ~ ~'¥ 30mA U II- 60 ~ ~:'I Z UJ iii _ ::IE '\: 20mA 1.0 2.0 4.0 3.0 Fig. 1 Maximum ambient temperature versus cycle rate for extended frequency operation. T A (max) for operation at cycling rates greater than 2.66 MHz (tCYC<375ns) is determined by T A (max)o C = 709.0 x (cycle rate MHz -2.66) for -3. 500 400 300 SOmA o o -- A...,q. , , LO 30 20 Fig. 2 Maximum 1001 versus cycle rate for device operation at extended frequencies. 1001 (max) curve is defined by the equation: = 10 + 9.4 x cycle 250 rate [MHz] fa! 500 400 300 50mA . 0:: 0:: :::l -- -- .- i - I- ~\ >-' ~ >foe,. ::> ,QJ'" 20mA :f-\~ ~'> 0 ~o X " :Ii lOrnA o 40mA Z UJ 30mA Q. Q. ., 250 40mA U en -3 CYCLE TIME t PC (ns) 1000 ... .. VI 20mA 0 X " - ~ 2.0 30 " ... 4.0 o CYCLE RATE (MHz)- 103/t "C (ns) Fig. 3 Maximum 1003 versus cycle rate for device operation at extended frequencies. 1003 (max) curve is defined by the equation: 1003(max) mA = 10 + 6.5 x cycle rate [MHz] for -3 lOrnA . ~ ,QQ' ,.~-;. oS' o 10 20 30 40 CYCLE RATE (MHz)' 10 3/t PC (ns) Fig. 4 Maximum 1004 versus cycle rate for device operation in page mode. 1004 (max) curve is defined by the equation: 1004 (max) mA = 10 + 3.75 x cycle rate [MHz] for -3 IV-54 READ CYCLE ~------------------------- t RC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; ~---------- ------------- t RAS - - - - - - - - - - ; RAS ~ CSHI------------;----------------I 14---------;--- ~_ _ _ tRCD ___.... -----:--:--------.d---"'\ CAS VIHC VIL tRSH - - - - - - - - ; -. . !.--------'--- t CAS -------I-t - VIH_ II ADDRESSES V IL- WRITE V IHC- V IL I--- --'-'~t..L.L.I...L..I._'+''''''-'u....., t CAC - - - - - i.. t RAC ~------------~ V OH - DOUT VOL - ------------------------- tOFF VALID DATA OPEN WRITE CYCLE (EARLY WRITE) t Rc t RAS RAS V IHC VIL ~ V IHC _ CAS VIL i tAR - -j t RSH 'CSH -tCAS - V IH- ADDRESSES VIL - I-- t WRITE WCH _lwp I VIL - I-- IOH ..I V IH _ VIL-L.l..L.l..LLLL~~~~~J VOH-~ DOUT , ____~______~ ~~~~~L.l..LLLLLL~~~~~~. . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ OPEN VOL - IV-55 READ-WRITE/READ-MODIFY-WRITE CYCLE t-----------tRWC/ t RMW'----------t RAS ===~I.==jE==~t~RSH~-==~---~ tCAS - -tCSH----t ----1 DOUT "HAS-ONLY" REFRESH CYCLE NOTE: CAS = VIHC, WRITE =Don't Care 1 4 - - - - - - tRC--------t VIHC----------.J t---- t RAS' - - I~ ADORESSES :'::W/B1~ t''':;,:''"-'$ff;/~#$;~-//m-----tI;;;/h VOH - ---------OPEN----------- IV-56 PAGE MODE READ CYCLE RAS CAS ADDRESSES V'HC_ V IL - I RAS ----------------------------~·~1~ ~==;==+=t;;;:::::::;:I------~r ------;{.j'- ff--,I,.. V'HC_ V'L- ~::_ II PAGE MODE WRITE CYCLE 14------------------- I RAS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e j ADDRESSES IV-57 -------------- ---------------- DESCRIPTION (continued) System oriented features include ± 10% tolerance on all power supplies, direct interfacing capability with high performance logic f?mi!ies su~h as Sc:h(:>tt.ky TTL maximum input nOise Immunity to minimize "false triggering" of the inputs (a common cause of soft errors) on-chip address and data registers which eliminate the need for interface registers, and two chip select methods. The MK 4332 also incorporates several flexible timing/operating modes. In addition to the usual read, write, and read-modify-write cycles, the MK 4332 is capable ...QLdelayed write cycles, page-mode operation and RAS-only-DUresh. Pr~p.fr control of the clock inputs(RAS, CAS and W I E) allows common I/O capability, two dimensional chip selection, and extended page boundaries (when operating in page mode). ADDRESSING User access of a unique memory loca~ion is accomplished by multipleXing 14 address bits onto 7 address inputs and by proper control of the RAS and CAS clocks in a manner identical to operation of the II.1K 4116 in a memory array board. The 14 add.ress bits required to decode 1 of the 16,384 cell locations within each MK 4116 are multiplexed onto the 7 address inputs and latched into the on-chip address latches by externally applying two negative going TTL-level clocks. The first clock, the Row Address Strobe (RAS), latches. the 7 row address bits into the c!:!.lE:.. The second clock, the Column Address Strobe (CAS), subsequently latches the 7 column address bits into the chip. Each of these signals, RAS and CAS, triggers a sequence of events which are controlled by different delayed internal .clocks. The two clock chains are linked together logically in such a way that the address multiplexing operation is done outside of the critical path timing seq~e for read data access. The later events in the CAS clock sequence are inhibited until the occurence of a delayed sigSI derived from the RAS clock chain. This "gated CA " feature allows the CAS clock to be externally activated as soon as the Row Address Hold Time specification (tRAH) has been satisfied and the address inputs have been changed from Row address to Column address information. Note that CAS can be activated at any time after tRAH and it will have no effect on. th~ Vl!0rst case data access time (tRAC) up to the pOint In time when the delayed row clock no longer inhibits ~he. remaining sequence of colum~ clocks. .Two timing e':ldpoints result from the Internal gating of CAS which are called tRCD (min) a~d tRCD !max~. No d?ta storage or reading errors Will result If CA IS applied to the MK 4332 at a point in time beyond the tRCD (max) limit. However, access time will then be determined exclusively by the access time from CAS (tCAC) rather thaI'! from RAS (tRAC), and access time from RAS will be lengthened by the amount that tRCD exceeds the tRCD (max) liltllt. DATA INPUT/OUTPUT Data to be written into a selected cell is latched into an on-chip r~~er by a combination of WR IT~ and CAS while is active. The later of the signals (WR ITE or CAS) to make its negative transition is the strobe for the Data In (DIN) register. This permits several options in the yvrite cycle timing. In a write cycle, if the WR ITE Input IS brought low (active) prior to cAs, the DIN is strobed by CAS and the set-up and hold times are referenced to cAS. If the input da.ta is not available at CAS t!me or if it is desired that the cycle be a read-wnte cy~ the WRITE signal will be delayed until after CAS has made its negative -transition. In this "delayed write cycle" the data input set-up and hold times are referenced to the negative edge of WR ITE rather than &AS. (To illustrate this feature, DIN is referenced to RITE in the timing diagrams depicting the readwrite and page-mode write cycles while the "early write" cycle diagram shows DIN referenced to CAS). Data is retrieved from the memory in a read cycle by maintaining i.i'iTiif'fI: in the inactive or high state throughout the portion of the memory cycle in which CAS is active (low). Data read from the selected cell will be available at the output within the specified access time. DATA OUTPUT CONTROL The normal condition of the Data Output (DOUT) of theMK 4332 is the high impedance (open-circuit) state. That is to say, anytime CAS is at a hiQh level, the DOUT pin will be floating: ~he only tl!,"e the output will turn on and contain either a logiC 0 or logic 1 is at access time during a read.cy'cle .. DOUT will remain valid from access time until CAS IS taken back to the inactive (high level) condition. Since the outputs to both 16K devices are tied together, care must be taken with t~e timing relatio~ ships' of the two devices. Both deVices cannot be activated at the same time as a data output conflict can occur. If the memory cycle in progress is a read, read-modify write or a delayed write cycle, then the data out~ut will go from the high imp~dancf! state t the active condition and at access time Will contain the dati read fro~ the selected cell. This output data is thl same polarity (not inverted) as t~e inpu~ data: Onc!havin~ gone active, the output Will remain valid until CAS IS taken to the precharge (logic 1) state,whether or not RAS goes into precharge. If the cycle in progress is an "earlx-write" cycle (WR ITE active before CAS goes active), then the output pin will maintain the high impedan~e sta~e throughout the entire cy<:le. Note th~t Vl!lth thiS type of output configuratl~n, the user IS glv~n flJlI control of the~ pin Simply by controlling the placement of WRlTE command during a write cycle, and the pulse width of the Column Address Strobe during read operations. Note also that even thouQh data is not latched at the output, data can remain valid from access time until the beginning of a subsequent cycle without paying any penalty in overall memory cycle time (stretching the cycle). This type of output operation results in some very significant system implications. Common I/O Operation - If all write operations are handled in the "early write" mode, then DIN can be connected directly to DOUT for a common I/O data bus. Data Output Control - DOUT Vl!ill remain valid during a read cycle from tCAC u.ntll CAS goes ba<:k to a high level (precharge), allOWing data to be va.lid from one cycle up until a new memory cycle beginS IV-58 with QQYenalty in cycle time. This also makes the RAS/CAS clock timing relationship very flexible. Two Methods of Chip Selectioll - Since 00UT is not latched, CAS is not required to turn off the outputs of unselected memory devices in a matrix. This means that both CAS and/or RAS can be decoded for chip selection. If both RAS and CAS are decoded, then a two dimensional' (X,V) chip select array can be realized. Extended Page Boundary - Page-mode operation allows for successive memory cycles at multiple column locations of the same row address. By decoding CAS as a page cycle select signal, the page boundary can be extended beyond the 128 colu mn locations in a single chip. (See page-mode operation). OUTPUT INTERFACE CHARACTERISTICS The three state data output buffer presents the data output pin with a low impedance to VCC for a logic 1 and a low impedance to VSS for a logic O. The effective resistance to V CC (logic 1 state) is 420 n maximum and 135n typically. The resistance to VSS (logic 0 state) is 95 n maximum and 35 n typically. The separate VCC pin allows the output buffer to be powered from the supply voltage of the logic to which the chip is interfaced. During battery standby operation, the VCC pin may have power removed without affecting the MK 4332 refresh operation. This allows all system logic except the RAS timing circuitry and the refresh address logic to be turned off during battery standby to conserve power. PAGE MODE OPERATION The "Page Mode" feature of the MK 4332 allows for successive memory operations at mUltiple column locations of the same row address with increased speed without an increase in power. This is done by strobing the row address into the chip and maintaining the RAS signal at a logic 0 throughout all successive memory cycles in which the row address is common. This "page-mode" of operation will not dissipate the~er associated with the negative going edge of RAS. Also, the time required for strobing in a new row address is eliminated, thereby decreasing the access and cycle times. Although any normal memory cycle will perform the refresh operation, this function is most easily accomplished with "RAS-only" cycles. RAS-only refresh resu Is in a substantial reduction in operating power. This reduction in power is reflected in the 1003 specification. POWER CONSIDERATIONS Most of the circuitry used in the MK 4332 is dynamic and most of the power drawn is the result of an address strobe edge. Consequently, the dynamic power is primarily a function of operating frequency rather than active duty cycle (refer to the MK 4116 current waveforms in figure 5). This current characteristic of the MK 4332 precludes inadvertent burn out of the device in the event that the clock inputs become shorted to ground due to system malfunction. Although no particular power supply noise r~stri~ti ~C '" 500ns .tRC = 500ns ,.u t 20 iil ~C = 750n5 tRC = 750n5 ~ 15 10 14 10 TYPICAL ACCESS TIME (NORMALIZED) vs. Vaa II TYPICAL 1002 vsJUNCTION TEMPERATURE TYPICAL 1002 vs VOO 1.4 110 20 50 80 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE ("C) Voo SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 1.2 ~ 30 a; 13 12 1 f- l---- 1. 4 VOO =13.2V TJ""50"C TJ "'50"C 2 11.1 ill" ~'0r-----~----~------~-----1 :' --- ~ ~0.9 ------ : 0.8 r-----+------j------+-----1 f- 0.7 L4~.0;;---;4';:.5--"'-5;C.0~--5~.5.--......,-6t..0 0.4 10 Vaa SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 0 ---- 8 6 t-- r-- O. 4 14 11 12 13 VOO SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) -- -10 20 50 80 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE ("c) 110 TYPICAL 1003 VS. VOD 1.2 ~ ~ TYPICAL ACCESS TIME (NORMALIZED) vs VCC TYPICAL 1003 liS JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 18 TJ"'SO't tl ~ 1.0 r-----+-----+------+-------j II ~ ~ u 0.81---____+ ____-+______+-____.~ 0.7 .. 4."0----1 4 .""5----;5J,.0,-----,5!,.5,----"'6~.0 v----- 6 --I-' 2 10 8 10 12 11 10 14 13 Veo SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) TYPICAL ACCESS TIME (NORMALIZED) liS JUNCTION TEMPERATURE -- ---- TYPICAL 1004 vs VOO - r--- 4 tRC = 750n5 J---- VCC SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 1.2 8 tRC = 500ns --- - '0 0.91-------+-----+------+------1 ~ f- ~ J// 1.1 r-----+-----+------t------j o ~oo =13.2V ~C = 375n5 / 0 /' V // TJ.= <{ 50 80 TJ.JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 1°C) 110 - ~ 11 DO =13.2V 1fC = 250n5 18 f- a; ~161---~--+------j------+-----+ 1fC = 375ns - V-- ---- 10 .§. / /"" 4 0 20 sot ,/ .; 2 -10 11. 20 6 C.7 tRC = 750n5 TYPICAL 1004 Vi. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 20 8 tRC = SOOn -r-- 20 50 80 TJ,JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) :;'C = 250n5 1 tAC'" 375n5 t=- 12 .-1- --13 IV-61 tpc ",'375n5 ~14r-~_+------j--~~~~---+ tpc = 500n5 -VOD SUPPLY VOL rAGE (VOLTS) ,.a ~.., tpc '" 500ns ~121-------+------j--~~~=----+ 14 1~,~0,-----!2;;;0--~50;---,:.80;------!110 TJ.JUNCTION TEMPERATIjRE IOC) TYPICAL CLOCK INPUT LEVELS VI. Voo TJ =50t VBB --5.0V ~ ~ 1.5 i 1.0 2. !IHC(MIN) - 2.0 ~ w ~ 2.0 - 1.0 TYPICAL 2.5 - -4.5 5.0 5.5 Vea SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) ADDRE.~ -<1.0 , ., 0 0.:''-0----:2'=0---:::50:----::80,---1 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (oC) AND DATA INPUT lEVELS vs Vea TYPICAL ADDRESS AND DATA INPUT lEVELS vs. TJ 3.0 11 2.5 ~ oJ 13 VOO SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 14 Vaa =-5.0V ~2.0 VIHIMINI VIH(MIN) ~ w ~ 1.5 1.5 .... i-'.0 0.6 -4.0 ~OO·'2.0V ~ ~ w 'v'LIMAXI 12 VOO ·'2.OV ~2.2.0 VIH(MIN) O. 5 10 4.0 TJ"5O"C -- i 1.0 t----+----1I---+----l 3.0 ,..-- ~ 1.5 VllCIMAX VllC (MAX 14 TJ = sot Vaa =-5.0V w VIH~INI ~ ~ O.5 ~ til i!.01--===t==--1f-~==i::;===--l .... Z~_'·6 !1.0 3.0 ~ > w TYPICAL AOORESSANO DATA INPUT LEVELS vs. VOO oJ VIHC (MIN) ~ 11 12 13 VOO SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Vaa =-5.0V C; ~1.6 10 ~ en 2.5 5 VOO = 12.0V ~ 0.5 ~2. Voo =12.0V ~ 2.0 VILC (MAXI 2.5 3.0.---'--,---..,----,----, 3.0 TJ-50OC 2.5 TYPICAL CLOCK INPUT LEVELS VI. TJ TYPICAL CLOCK INPUT lEVELS VI Vaa 3.0 Vll(MAX) ~ Vll(MAX} -1.0 0.5 --4.5 -5.0 -5.5 Vea SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) IV-62 -<1.0 -10 20 50 80 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (Gel 110 MOSTEI{. MEMORY COMPONENTS 65,536 x 1-.Bit Dynamic RAM MK4564{P INI J)-15/20/25 FEATURES D Extended DOUT hold using CAS control (Hidden Refresh) D Recognized industry standard 16-pin configuration from D Common 1/0 capability using "early write" Mostek D Read, Write, Read-Write, Read-Modify-Write and Page- D Single +5V (± 10%) supply operation D On chip substrate performance bias Mode capability generator for optimum D Low power: 300 mW active, max D All inputs TIL compatible, low capacitance, and protected against static charge D Scaled POLY 5™ technology 22 mW standby, max D D 150 ns access time, 260 ns cycle time (MK4564-15) 200 ns access time, 345 ns cycle time (MK4564-20) 250 ns access time, 425 ns cycle time (MK4564-25) DESCRIPTION The MK4564 is the new generation dynamic RAM. Organized 65,536 words by 1 bit, it is the successor to the industry standard MK4116. The MK4564 utilizes Mostek's Scaled POLY 5 process technology as well as advanced circuit techniques to provide wide operating margins, both internally and to the system user. The use of dynamic circuitry throughout, including the 512 sense amplifiers, assures that power dissipation is minimized without any sacrifice in speed or internal and external operating margins. Refresh characteristics have been chosen to maximize yield (low cost to user) while maintaining compatibility between dynamic RAM generations. 128 refresh cycles (2 msec) Pin 9 is not needed for refresh D MKB version screened to MIL-STD-883 Multiplexed address inputs (a feature dating back to the industry standard MK4096, 1973) permit the MK4564 to be packaged in a standard 16-pin DIP with only 15 pins required for basic functionality. The MK4564 is designed to be compatible with the JEDEC standards for the 64K x 1 dynamic RAM. Theoutputofthe MK4564 can be held valid upto 10 J1.sec by holding CAS active low: This is quite useful since refresh cycles can be performed while holding data valid from a previous cycle. This feature is referred to as Hidden Refresh. The 64K RAM from Mostek is the culmination of several years of circuit and process development, proven in predecessor products. PIN OUT PIN FUNCTIONS DUAL-IN-LiNE PACKAGE "a-A 7 Address Inputs RAS(RE) CAS(CE) Column Address Strobe Data In Data Out WRITE(W) D'N(D) DOUT(Q) Vee Vss N!C Row Address Strobe Read! Write Input Power (5V) GND Not Connected 16 vss 2 15 CAS (eel WRil'EjW) 3 140 oUT (Qj DINID} RAs lIfE) 4 13 As Ao 5 A, 6 12 A] 11 A4 A, 7 10 As Vee Available soon in MIL-STD-883 Class B (MKB). IV-63 8 9 A, 1'1 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on Vcc supply relative to VSS ., ...•...........................................••....•... -1.0 Vto +7.0 V Operating Temperature, TA (Ambient)" ...................................•...........••.....•..••.. O°C to +70C Storage Temperature (Ceramic)' .•..••.... , .•......•...•................••.................... -65°C to +150°C Storage Temperature (Plastic) ..•...•.... '.•...........•................••.................... -55°C to +125°C 'Power Dillsipation .•........... ',' .•.........................•.......•..•.........•......•.....•..... 1 Watt Short Circuit Output Current ...• ;'..•......••......•..•..............•.••.•.•.................•....... 50 mA *Stres~es greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (O°C ::::; TA::::; 70°C) SYM PARAMETER MIN TVP MAX UNITS NOTES VCC Supply Voltage 4.5 5.0 5.5 V 1 V 1H Input High (Logic 1) Voltage, All Inputs 2.4 - V cc +1 V 1 V 1L Input Low (Logic 0) Voltage, All Inputs -2.0 - .8 V 1,18 MAX UNITS NOTES 54,0 mA 2 4 mA DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (O°C ::::;TA ::::; 70°C) (Vcc = 5.0 V ± 10%) SYM PARAMETER MIN ICC1 OPERATING CURRENT Average power supply operating current (RAS, CAS cycling; t RC = t RC min.) ICC2 STANDBY CURRENT Power 'supply standby current (RAS ,= V 1H ' DOUT = High Impedance) ICC3 RAS ONLY REFRESH CURRENT Average power supply current, refresh mode (RAS cycling, CAS = "IH; t RC = t RC min.) 45 mA 2 'CC4 PAGE MODE CURRENT Average power supply current, page mode operation (RAS = V 1L' t RAS '= t RAS max., ~ cycling; tpc = tpc min.) 35 mA 2 'I(L) INPUT LEAKAGE Input leakage current, any input (0 V::::; V 1N ::::; Vcc), all other pins not under test=OV -10 10 p.A. 'O(L) OUTPUT LEAKAGE Output leakage current (DOUT is disabled, V::::; V OUT ::::; Vce! -10 10 p.A. 0.4 V V \ o V OH VOL OUTPUT LEVELS Output High (Logic 1) voltage (lOUT = -5 mAl Output Low (Logic 0) voltage (lOUT = 4.2 mAl IV-64 2.4 specified tRCO (max) limit, then access time is controlled exclusively by tCAe12. Either tRRH or tRCH must be satisfied for a read cycle 13. These parameters are referenced to CAS leading edge in early write cycles and to WRITE leading edge in delayed write or read-modify-write cycles. NOTES: 1. All voltages referenced to Vss 2.ICC is dependent on output loading and cycle rates. Specified values are obtained with the output open. 3. An initial pause of 500 JiS is required after power-up followed by any 8 RAS cycles before proper device operation is achieved. Note that RAS may be cycled during the initial pause 4. AC characteristics assume tT = 5 ns. 5. V1H min. and VIL max. are reference levels for measuring timing of input 14. twcs, tCWD' and tRWD are restrictive operating parameters in READ/WRITE and READ/MODIFY/WRITE cycles only. If twcs :> twcs (min) the cycle is an EARLY WRITE cycle and the data output will remain open circuit throughout the entire cycle. If teWD:2 tewD (min) and tRWD:2 tRWD (min)the cycle is a READ/WRITE and the data output will contain data read from the selected cell. If neither of the above conditions are met the condition of the data out (at access time and until CAS goes back to VIH) is indeterminate. 15. In addition to meeting the transition rate specification, all input signals must transmit between VIH and VIL (or between VIL and VIH) in a monotonic manner 16. Effective capacitance calculated from the equation C::: I.£.! with f::. V:: 3 volts and power supply at nominal level f::. V 17. CAs = VIH to disable DOUT 18. Includes the DC level and all instantaneous signal excursions. 19. WRITE::: don't care. Data out depends on the state of CAS. If CAS = VIH, data output is high impedance. If CAS = VIL, the data output will contain data from the last valid read cycle. signals. Transition times are measured between VIH and VIL' 6. The minimum specifications are used only to indicate cycle time at which proper operation over the full temperature range (DoC::; TA :::; 70°C) is assured. 7. Load = 2 TIL loads and 50 pF. 8. Assumes that tRCD :::; tRCO (max). If tRCO is greater than the maximum recommended value shown in this table, tRAC will increase by the amount that tRCO exceeds the value shown. 9. Assumes that tRCO 2 tRCD (max). 10. tOFF max defines the time at which the output achieves the open circuit condition and is not referenced to VOH or VOL. 11. Operation within the tRCO (max) limit insures that tRAC (max) can be met. tRCO (max) is specified as a reference point only; if tRCO is greater than the ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RECOMMENDED AC OPERATING CONDITIONS (3A.5,15)(0°C:::; TA :::; 70°C), VCC = 5.0 V ± 10% SYMBOL STD ALT PARAMETER MK4564-15 MIN MAX MK4564-20 MAX MIN MK4564-25 MIN MAX UNITS NOTES tRELREL t Rc Random read or write cycle time 260 345 425 ns 6,7 tRELREL (RMW) tRMW Read-modify-write cycle time 310 405 490 ns 6,7 tRELREL (PC) tpc Page mode cycle time 155 200 240 ns 6,7 tRELOV t RAC Access time from RAS 150 200 250 ns 7,8 tCELOV t cAC Access time from CAS 85 115 145 ns 7,9 t CEHOZ tOFF Output buffer turn-off delay 0 40 0 50 0 60 ns 10 tT tT Transition time (rise and fall) 3 50 3 50 3 50 ns 5,15 tREHREL t RP RAS precharge time 100 tRELREH t RAS RAS pulse width 150 tCELREH t RSH RAS hold time 85 115 145 ns tRELCEH tCSH CAS hold time 150 200 250 ns tCELCEH tCAS CAS pulse width 85 10,000 115 10,000 145 10,000 ns tRELCEL t RCD RAS to CAS delay time 30 65 35 85 45 105 ns 11 tREHWX tRRH Read command hold time referenced to RAS 20 25 30 ns 12 165 135 10,000 200 10,000 250 ns 10,000 ns tAVREL t ASR Row address set-up time 0 0 0 ns tRELAX tRAH Row address hold time 20 25 30 ns tAVCEL tASC Column address set-up time 0 0 0 ns tCELAX tCAH Column address hold time 30 40 50 ns t RELA(( tAR Column address hold time referenced to RAS 100 130 160 ns IV-65 II ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RECOMMENDED AC OPERATING CONDITIONS (Continued) (3,4,5,15) (0° :c:; TA:C:; 70°C), V cc = 5.0 V ± 10% SYMBOL MK4564-15 MK4564-20 MK4564-25 MIN MIN MIN STD ALT PARAMETER tWHCEL t RCS Read command set-up time 0 0 0 ns tCEHWX t RCH Read command hold time referenced to CAS 0 0 0 ns MAX MAX MAX UNITS NOTES tCELWX tWCH Write command hold time 45 55 70 ns tRELWX t WCR Write command hold time referenced to RAS 115 150 185 ns 12 t WLWH twp Write command pulse width 35 45 55 ns tWLREH t RWL Write command to RAS lead time 45 55 65 ns tWLCEH tCWL Write command to CAS lead time 45 55 65 ns t DVCEL t DS Data-in set-up time 0 0 0 ns 13 tCELDX tDH Data-in hold time 45 55 70 ns 13 tRELDX tDHR Data-in hold time referenced to RAS 115 150 190 ns CAS precharge time (for page-mode cycle only) 60 75 85 ns tCEHCEL (PC) tcp t RVRV tREF Refresh Period tWLCEL twcs WRITE command set-up time tCELWL tCWD tRELWL tCEHCEL 2 2 ms 2 -10 -10 -10 ns 14 CAS to WRITE delay 55 80 100 ns 14 t RWD RAS to WRITE delay 120 165 205 ns 14 t CPN CAS precharge time 30 35 45 ns AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Oo:c:; TA:C:; 70°C), VCC = 5.0V ± 10% SYM PARAMETER Cil Input Capacitance (Ao - A 7 ), DIN 5 pF 16 CI2 Input Capacitance RAS, CAS, WRITE 10 pF 16 Co Output Capacitance (D OUl) 7 pF 16,17 MAX UNITS NOTES IV-66 READ CYCLE V1H _ RAS V'L- V'H_ CAS V'L- ADDRESSES V 1H _ II V'l- WRITE DOUT V 1H _ V'ltOFF V OH _ VOl _ OPEN WRITE CYCLE (EARLY WRITE) RAS CAS ADDRESSES V1H _ V1L - V'HV1l - V'H_ V'l- WRITE V1L - D'N V'H_ V1L tOHR Dour VOH VOl- OPEN IV-67 READ-WRITE/READ-MODIFY-WRITE CYCLE RAS V 1H _ ADDRESSES V IL - VVifITE V'H_ ~~7r.~~~7r.~r-----~--------------------~i V IL - ~'""'"''f''~~'"'' V OH VOl_------~---------------------O V'H _ "'"7r.>7777>'77:7r.~7n'77:>77~'77:>77~7n7r.>7777>"7'"?;"77'."'" .r-~:-:-:-;~'lI.. "''7n7r.777'7n7r.777","7'"?;'7; V'l-~~~~~~~~~~~~~GU,",~GU,"",",~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~,"",",~LL "RAS-ONLY" REFRESH CYCLE t Re t RAS _ t RAH t ASR ~ ADDRESSES IV-58 { I L tRP I PAGE MODE READ CYCLE ~-----------------------------tRAs----------------------------~~~l~ ~~~==:;t---~ }1----.,--.---~L,..=t_ II ADDRESSES V ,H VIL PAGE MODE WRITE CYCLE ~---------------------------tRAS----------------------------~ CAS ADDRESSES WRITE V ,H VIL V IH VIL DIN V IH VIL IV-69 OPERATION DATA OUTPUT CONTROL The eight address bits required to decode 1 of the 65,536 cell locations within the MK4564 are multiplexed onto the eight address inputs and latched into the on-chip address latches by externally applying two negative going TIL-level clocks. The first clock, Row Address Strobe (RAS), latches the eight row addresses into the chip. The high-to-Iow transition of the second clock, Column Address Strobe (CAS), subsequently latches the eight column addresses into the chip. Each ofthesesignals, RAS and CAS, triggers a sequence of events which are controlled by different delayed internal clocks. The two clock chains are linked together logically in such a way that the address multiplexing operation is done outside of the critical timing path for read data access. The later events in the CAS clock sequence are inhibited until the occurrence of a delayed signal derived from the RAS clock chain. This "gated CAS" feature allows the CAS clock to be externally activated as soon as the Row Address Hold specification (t RAH ) has been satisfied and the address inputs have been changed from Row address to Column address information. The normal condition of the Data Output (D OUT) of the MK4564 is the high impedance (open-circuit) state; anytime CAS is high (inactive) the DOUT pin will be floating. Once the output data port has gone active, it will remain valid until CAS is taken to the precharge (inactive high) state. The "gated CAS" feature permits CAS to be activated at any time after tRAH and it will have no effect on the worst case data access time (tRAd up to the point in time when the delayed row clock no . longer inhibits the remaining sequence of column clocks. Two timing endpoints result from the internal gating of CAS which are called t RCD (min) an~D (max). No data storage or reading errors will result if CAS is applied to the MK4564 at a point in time beyond the t RCD (max) limit. However, access time will then be determined exclusively by the access time from CAS (tcAd rather than from RAS (t RAC )' and RAS access time will be lengthened by the amount that t RCD exceeds the t RCD (max) limit. PAGE MODE OPERATION The Page Mode feature of the MK4564 allows for successive memory operations at multiple column locations within the same row address. This is done by strobing the row address into the chip and maintaining the RAS signal low (active) throughout all successive memory cycles in which the row address is common. The first access within a page mode operation will be available at tRAC or t CAC time, whichever is the limiting parameter. However, all successive accesses within the page mode operation will be available at t CAc time (referenced to CAS). With the MK4564 this results in approximately a 45% improvement in access times. Effective memory cycle times are also reduced when using page mode. The page mode boundary of a single MK4564 is limited to the 256 column locations determined by all combinations of the eight column address bits. Operations within the page boundary need not be sequentially addressed and any combination of read, write, andread-modify-write cycles is permitted within the page mode operation. REFRESH DATAINPUT/OUTPUT Data to be written into a selected cell is latched into an on-chip register by a combination of WRITE and CAS while RAS is active. The latter of WRITE or CAS to make its negative transition is the strobe for the Data In (DIN) register. This permits several options in the write cycle timing. In a write cycle, ifthe WRITE input is brought low (active) prior to CAS being brought low (active), the DIN is strobed by CAS, and the Input Data set-up and hold times are referenced to CAS. If the input data is not available at CAS time (late write) or if it is desired that the cycle be a read-write or readmodify-write cycle the WRITE signal should be delayed until after CAS has made its negative transition. In this "delayed write cycle" the data input set-up and hold times are referenced to the negative edge of WRITE rather than CAS. Data is retrieved from the memory in a read cycle by maintaining WRITE in the inactive or high state throughout the portion of the memory cycle in which both the RAS and CAS are low (active). Data read from the selected cell is available at the output port within the specified access time. The output data is the same polarity (not inverted) as the input data. Refresh of the dynamic cell matrix is accomplished by performing a memory cycle at each of the 128 row addresses within each 2ms interval. Although any normal memory cycle will perform the required refreshing, this function is most easily accomplished with "RAS-only" cycles. The RAS-only .refresh cycle requires that a 7 bit refresh address (AO-A6)be valid at the device address inputs when RAS goes low (active). The state of the output data port during a RAS-only refresh is controlled by CAS. If CAS is high (inactive) during the entire time that RAS is asserted, the.outputwill remain in the high impedance state. If CAS is low (active) the entire time that RAS is asserted, the output port will remain in the same state that it was prior to the issuance of the RAS signal. If CAS makes a low-to-high transition during the RAS-only refresh cycle, the output data buffer will assume the high impedance state. However, CAS may not make a high to low transition during the RAS-only refresh cycle since the device interprets this as a normal RAS/CAS (read or write) type cycle. IV-70 HIDDEN REFRESH A RAS-only refresh cycle may take place while maintaining valid output data by extending the CAS active time from a previous memory read cycle. This feature is referred to as a hidden refresh. (See figure below.) HIDDEN REFRESH CYCLE (SEE NOTE 19) --.t~ CAS ADDRESSES ___M_E_MO_R_YC~Yj====\~ \~------------~; IIfJK vm!llli!lR//lmJ ~JIlfJlBl/Tm 'UllDJ DOUT RE_FR_ES_H~CY;:=-=t ___ ------« VA.lIO DATA II >- '------~ IV-71 1982/1983 MICROELECTRONIC DATA BOOK MOSTEI(. 4096x1-BIT STATIC RAM MK41 04(J/N/E) Series FEATURES o Combination static storage cells and dynamic control circuitry for truly high performance PART NUMBER ACCESS TIME CYCLE TIME MK41 04-3/-33 MK41 04-4/-34 MK41 04-5/-35 MK4104-6 200ns 250n, 300ns 350n, 310ns 385n, 460n, 535n, o Low Active Power Dissipation: 150mW (Max) o Battery backup mode (3V /1 OmW on -33, -34 and -35) o Standby Power Dissipation less than 28 mW (at VCC = 5.5V) o Single +5V Power Supply [] Fully TTL Compatible Fanout: 2 - Standard TTL 2 - Schottky TTL 12 - Low Power Schottky TTL o Standard 18-pin DIP o MKB version screened to MIL-STD-883 ± 10% tolerance) DESCRIPTION The MOSTEK MK 4104 is a high performance static random' access memory organized as 4096 one bit words. The MK 4104 combines the best characteristics of static and dynamic memory techniques to achieve a TTL compatible, 5 volt only, high performance, low power memory device. It utilizes advanced circuit design concepts and an innovative state-of-the-art N-channel silicon gate process specially tailored to provide static data storage with the performance (speed and power) of dynamic RAMs. Since the storage cell is static-IDe device may be stopped indefinitely with the CE clock in the off (Logic 1) state. All input levels, including write enable (WE) and chip enable (CE) are TTL compatible with a one level of 2.2 volts and a zero level of 0.8 volts. This gives the system designer for a logic" 1" state, at least 200m V of noise margin when driven by standard TTL and a minimum of 500mV when used with high performance Schottky TTL. These margins are wider than on most TTL compatible MOS memories available. The push-pull output (no pull-up resistor required) delivers a one level of 2.4V minimum and a zero level of .4 volts maximum. The output has a fanout of 2 standard TTL loads or 12 low power Schottky loads. The RAM employs an innovative static cell which occupies a mere 2.75 square mils (Y:, the area of previous cells) and dissipates power levels comparable FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM PIN CONNECTIONS Ao1 A1 2 WE 18 A2 3 '" 16 A7 15 As A3 4 '" I " Vcc 17 A6 A4 5 14 Ag A5 6 13 A10 DOUT 7 12 A" 11 DIN 10 CE OOOT WE 8 Vss 9 PIN NAMES ~-A11 CE '0 " DIN DOUT V-1 Address Inputs Chip Enable Data Input Data Output VSS .'!.e.C WE Ground Power (+5V) Write Enable II ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on any pin relative to VSS .................. -1.0V to +7.0V Operating Temperature T A (Ambient) ................ 0° C to + 70° C Storage Temperature (Ambient) (Ceramic) .......... _65° C to +150° C Storage Temperature (Ambient) (Plastic) ........... _55° C to +125° C Power Dissipation ..... : .................... '............ 1 Watt 'Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional· operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the opera· tional sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. Short Circuit Output Current .............................. 50mA RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONSs (00 C..;TA"; + 70°C) PARAMETER MK4104 Series MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Vec Supply Voltage 4.5 5.0 5.5 Volts 1 VSS Supply Voltage 0 0 0 Volts 1 VIH Logic "1" Voltage All Inputs 2.2 7.0 Volts 1 VIL Logic "0" Voltage All Inputs -1.0 .8 Volts 1 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1 (O°C"; TA"; + 70°C) (VCC = 5.0 volts± 10%) . PARAMETER MIN MAX UNITS NOTES ICCl Average VCC Power Supply Current 27 mA 2 ICC2 Standby VCC Power Supply Current 5 mA 3 IlL Input Leakage Current (Any Input) -10 10 p.A 4 IOL Output Leakage Current -10 10 p.A 3,5 VOH Output Logic "1" Voltage IOUT=-500p.A VOL Output Logic "0" Voltage IOUT= 5mA Volts 2.4 0.4 Volts TYP MAX NOTES AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS1 (0" C ..;TA"; + 70°C) (VCC = + 5.0 volts ± 10%) PARAMETER CI I nput Capacitance 4pF 6pF 14 Co Output Capacitance 6pF 7pF 14 NOTES: 1. All voltages referenced to VSS. 8. 2. ICCl is related to precharge and cycle times. Guaranteed maximum values for ICC1 may be calculated by: ICCl [mal = (5tp + f5(tC - tpl + 47201 +tc where tp and tc are expressed in nanoseconds. Equation is reo ferenced to the -3 device, other devices derate to the same curve. Data outpUlS open. 3. Output is disabied (open circuit!. ~ is at logic 1. 4. All device pins at 0 volts except pin under test at 0"; VIN ..; 5.5 volts. (Vee = 5V) 5. OV";VOUT";+ 5.5V. (Vee = 5V) S. During power up, el and WE must be at VIH for minimum of 2ms after VCC reaches 4.5V, before a valid memory cycle can be accomplished. If WE follows el by more than tws then data out may not remain open circuited. 9. Determined by user. Total cycle time cannot exceed tCE max. 10. Data-in set·1!Q. time is referenced to the later of the two falling clock edges CE or WE. 11. AC measurements assume tT = 5ns. Timing points are taken at .BV and 2.0V on inputs and .8V and 2.0V on the output. Tran' sition times are also taken between these levels. 12. tc = tCE +tp +2tr'. 13. The true level of the output in the open circuit condition will be determined totally by output load conditions.' The output is' guaranteedto be open circuit within tOFF' 14. Effective capacitance calculated from the equation C = I~ with t:; V equal to 3V and VCC nominal. t:;V 7. Measured with load circuit equivalent to 2 TTL loads and CL= 100pF. 15. tRMW = tAC + twPL + tp + 3q + tMOD V-2 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS6,11 (O°C"; T A"; +70°C) (VCC = + 5.0 volts ± 10%) 1 MK4104-3/33 MK4104-4/34 MK41 04-5/35 MK4104-6 SYMBOL PARAMETER Read or Write Cycle Time tc Random Access tAC Chip Enable Pulse Width tCE tp Chip Enable Precharge Time Address Hold Time tAH Address Set-Up Time tAS Output Buffer Turn-Off Delay !OFF Read Command Set-Up Time tRS Write Enable Set-Up Time tws Data Input Hold Time tDHC Referenced to CE Data Input Hold Time tDHW Referenced to WE Write Enabled Pulse Width tww Modify Time tMOD twPL WE to CE Precharge Lead Time Data Input Set-Up Time tDS Write Enable Hold Time 1WH Transition Time tT Read-Modify-Write Cycle Time tRMW MIN MAX 310 200 200 10,000 100 110 a a a 50 MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS NOTES ns 460 535 12 385 7 350 250 300 250 10,000 300 10,000 350 10,000 125 150 175 135 165 190 a a a 65 a a a 75 a a a -20 -20 -20 -20 170 210 250 285 70 60 90 75 105 90 125 105 a 10,000 a 10,000 85 70 a 10,000 105 a 100 13 8 8 10,000 9 120 a a a a 10 150 5 50 385 185 5 50 475 225 5 50 570 260 5 50 660 16 MK4104-33 MIN MAX 3.0 3.3 100 100 200 MK4104-34 MIN MAX 3.0 3.3 100 100 250 MK4104-35 MIN MAX UNITS Volts 3.0 mA 3.3 100 Illsec 100 J,lsec J,lsec 300 100 2.2 500 125 2.2 500 150 2.2 500 STANDBY CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O°C to 70°C) SYMBOL PARAMETER VCC In Standby VPD Standby Cu rrent IPD Power Supply Fall Time tF Power Supply Rise Time tR Chip Enable Pulse Width tCE Chip Enable Precharge To tpPD Power Down Time Min CE High "I" Level VIH Standby Recovery Time tRC nsec Volts ,J,lsec POWER DOWN WAVEFORM _ VCC(MINI 'F ...- STANDBY MODE Vee VPD_ I -1 L t_·PPO. . -. ' - - - _ - - - \ ( I ' r - '_ _ I-_'"C ~'CEl' ») V-3 II DESCRIPTION (Cont'd) to CMOS. The static cell eliminates the need for refresh cycles and associated hardware thus allowing easy system implementation. Power supply requirements of +5V ± 10% tolerance combined with TTL compatability on all I/O pins permits easy integration into large memory configurations. The single supply reduces capacitor count and permits denser packaging on printed circuit boards. The 5V only supply requirement and TTL compatible I/O makes this part an ideal choice for next generation +5V only microprocessors such as MOSTEK's MK3880 (Z80). The early write mode (WE active prior to CEl permits common I/O oper- ation, needed for Z80 interfacing, without external circuitry. The MK4104-3X series has the added capability of retaining data in a reduced power mode. VCC maybe lowered to 3V with a guaranteed power dissipation of only 10mW maximum. This makes the MK4104 ideal for those applications requiring data retention at the lowest possible power as in battery operation. Reliability is greatly enhanced by the low power dissipation which causes a maximum junction rise of only at 8°C at 1.86 Megahertz operation. The MK 4104 was designed for the system designer and user who require the highest performance available along with MOSTEK's proven reliability. READ CYCLE VIH ADDRESSES VIL VIH WE VIL VIH DIN VIL VOH DOUT ____ VOL WRITE CYCLE VIH IT VIL ... ::~~~~~~~~~~~~_t_A_C .. .. --~J~------------- _ _ OPEN _ _ _.. --;( te ,~" >= OPEN-- -------------~~~~1 1~-------------teE ------------~~I VIH ADDRESSES VIL \llH '_tDHW~ DOUT ----------------------OPEN------------------ V-4 READ-MODIFY-WRITE CYCLE VIH 1..__- - - - - - - - tRMW ------,I ~-------tCE ADDRESSES _t l ---------;==~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~I VALID - AH WE _,AC DOUT - j.... _I__ .-_tM_OD_ ..... - - - - - - - OPEN - - { -----,itOFF VALID } - OPEN - - OPERATION READ CYCLE The circuit offers one bit of the possible 4096 by decoding the 12 address bits presented at the inputs. The address bits are strobed into the chiQ by the negative-going edge of the Chip Enable (GE) clock. A read c.xme is accomplished by holding the 'write enable' (WE) jnput at a high level (VI H) while clocking the CE input to a low level VI L). At access time (t.AC) valid data will appear at the output. The output IS unlatched by a positive transition of CE and therefore will be open circuited (high impedance state) from the previous cycle to access time and wi!L.go open again at the end of the present cycle when CE goes high. write operation the output will go active through the modify and write period until CE goes to precharg.!::.... If the cycle is such that WE goes active after CE but before valid data appears on the output (prior to tAC) then the output may not remain open. However if data-in is valid on the leading edge of WE, and 'WE occurs prior to the positive transition of CE by the minimum lead time twpL. then valid data will be written into the selected cell. The Data in hold time parameters tDHW and tDHC must be satisfied. Once the address hold time has been satisfied, the READ-MODIFY-WRITE CYCLE addresses may be changed for the next cycle. The read-modify-write (RMW) cycle is no more than an extension of the read and write cycles. WRITE CYCLE Data is read at access time, modified during a period Data that is to be written into a selected cell is determined by the user and the same or new data strobed into the chip on the later occurring ne- written between WE active (low) and the rising edge gative edge of CE or WE. If the negative transi- of CE (twpL!. Data out will remain valid u.ntil the edge Of CE. A minimum flMW cyc.le time can tion of WE" occurs prior to the leading edge of CE as rising be approximated by the follow!llil equation (tBMW in an "early" write cycle then the "CE" input serves = RMW cycle time and tp = CE precharge time). as the strobe for data-in. If CE leading edge occurs tRMW = tAC + tMOD + tWPL + tp +3tT prior to the leading edge of WE as in a read-modifywrite cycle then data-in is strobed by the WE input. POWER DOWN MODE Due to the internal timing generator, two indepen- In power down data may be retained indefinitely by dent timing parameters must be satisfied for 01 hold maintaining VCC at +3V. However, prior to VCC time, these are, tDHW and tDHC. For a R!W or RMW going below VCC minimum «4.5V) CE must be cycle tDHC is automatically satisfied making tDHW taken high (VI H = 2.2V) and held for a minimum the more restrictive parameter. For a write only cycle time period tPPD and maintained at VIH for the either parameter can be more restrictive depending entire standby period. After power is returned to In any event VCC min or above, CE must be held high for a on the POllition of WE relative to both parameters must be satisfied. minimum of tRC in order that the device may operate properly. See power down waveforms herein. In an early' vvrite cycle the output will remain in an Any active cycle in progress prior to power down open or high impedance state. In a read-modify must be completed so that tCE min is not violated. V-5 rr. II OPERATING POWER VS CYCLE TIME 120 24 22 ....-l 'f' 20 // 8 ./ / 6~r V r\ / -~ 1 4t--y 2V -r----« V~ ID )>-____-<~r-V-~-~I-~-O-H""\y>-~------~ V-10 VALID OUT 'j--- The MK4118A features a fast CE (50";" of Address Access) function to permit memory expansion without impacting system access time. A fast OE (50% of access time) is included to permit data interleaving for enhanced system performance. The MK4118A is pin compatible with Mostek's BYTEWYDpM memory family of RAMs, ROMs and EPROMs. Mostek also offers a higher performance version of the MK4118A designated the MK4801 A. OPERATION Read Mode The M~4118A is in the READ MODE whenever the Write EnablEfControl input (WE) is in the high state. In the READ mode of operation, the MK4118A provides a fast address ripple-through access of data from 8 of 8192 locations in the static storage array. Thus, the unique address specified by the 10 Address Inputs (An) define which 1 of 1024 bytes of data is to be accessed. A transition on any of the 10 address inputs will disable the 8 Data Output Drivers after tAl' Valid Data will be available to the 8 Data Output Drivers within tAA after the last address input sigllalis stable, providing that the CE and OE access times are satisfied. If CE or OE access times are not met, data access will be measured from the limiting parameter V-ll (tCEA or tOEA) rather tha n the address. The state of the 8 data I/O signals is controlled by the Chip Enable (CE) and Output Enable (OE) control signals. Write Mode The MK4118A is in the Write Mode whenever the Write Enable (WE) and Chip Enable (CE) control inputs are in the low state. The WRITE cycle is initiated by the WE pulse going low provided that CE is also low. The leading edge of the WE pulse is used to latch the status of the address bus. NOTE: In a write cycle the latter occurring edge of either WE or CE will determine the start of the write cycle. Therefore, t AS ' two and tAH are referenced to the latter occurring edge of CE or WE. Addresses are latched at this time. All write cycles whether initiated by CE or WE must be terminated by the rising edge of WE. If the output bus has been enabled (CE and OE low) then WE will cause the output to go to the high Z state in t WEZ ' Data In must be valid tDswpriortothe low to high transition of WE. The Data In lines must remain stable for tOHW after WE goes inactive. The write control of the MK4118A disables the data out buffers during the write cycle; however, OE should be used to disable the data out buffers to prevent bus contention between the input data and data that would be output upon completion of the write cycle. II V-12 MOSlfEI{. MEMORY COMPONENTS 1 K x 8-Bit Static RAM MK4801A(P/J/N) Series FEATURES D CE and OE functions facilitate bus control D Static operation D Organization: 1 K x 8 bit RAM JEDEC pinout Access Time R/W Cycle Time MK4801A-55 55 nsec 55/65 nsec MK4801A-70 70 nsec 70/80 nsec MK4801A-90 90 nsec 90/100 nsec Part No. D Pin compatible with Mostek's BYTEWYDETM memory family D 24128 pin ROM/PROM compatible pin configuration D High performance DESCRIPTION The MK4801A uses Mostek's Scaled POLY 5™process and advanced circuit design techniques to package 8,192 bits of static RAM on a single chip. Static operation is achieved with high performance and low power dissipation by utilizing Address Activated™ circuit design techniques. BLOCK DIAGRAM DATA.INPUTS/DUTPUTS OQO-OQ7 Figure 1 The MK4801 A excels in high speed memory applications where the organization requires relatively shallow depth with a wide word format. The MK4801 A presents the user a high density cost effective alternative to bipolar and previous generation N-MOS fast memory. PIN CONNECTIONS Figure 2 0,----+1 "'----+I A71 A62 A53 A44 A35 A26 YSENSEAMP &WRITEDAIVH~ A17 A08 0009 128. 8~8 MEMORY CEll. MATRIX 0°110 0°211 VSS12 24VCC 23Aa 22 21 20 19 Ag WE OE NC 18 CE 170°7 160°6 150°5 140°4 1300 3 TRUTH TABLE CE OE WE Mode DQ VIH X X Deselect High Z VIL X VIL Write DIN VIL VIL VIH Read DOUT VIL VIH VIH Read High Z PIN NAMES ~-A9 CE VSS VCC X = Don't Care V-13 Address Inputs Chip Enable Ground Power (+5Vj Write Enable Output Enable No Connection Data In/ Data Out II ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on any pin relative to VSS ...................................................•......... -.5V to + 7.0V Operating Temperature TA (Ambient) ...•........................................................ O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature (AmbientXCeramic) ...................................................... -65°C to +150°C Storage Temperature (AmbientXPlastic) .....................................•.........•.....•. -55°C to +125°C Power Dissipation .......................................................•.........•................ 1 Watt Output Current ..............•...................................................................... 20mA *Stressesgreaterthan those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" maycause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS7 (O°C ::; TA::; + 70°C) SYM PARAMETER MIN TVP MAX UNITS NOTES Vee Supply Voltage 4.75 5.0 5.25 V 1 VSS Supply Voltage 0 0 0 V 1 V IH Logic "1" Voltage All Inputs 2.2 7.0 V 1 V IL Logic "0" Voltage All Inputs -2.0 .8 V 1,9 TVP MAX UNITS NOTES 60 125 mA 8 DC ElECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS',7 (O°C ::; TA::; + 70°C) (Vee = 5.0 V ± 5%) SYM PARAMETER lee1 Average Vee Power Supply Current IlL Input Leakage Current (Any Input) -10 10 pA 2 IOL Output Leakage Current -10 10 pA 2 V OH Output Logic "1" Voltage lOUT = 1 mA 2.4 VOL Output Logic "0" Voltage lOUT =4mA MIN V 0.4 V CAPACITANCE' ,7 (O°C ::; TA::; + 70°C) (Vee = +5.0 V ± 5%) SYM PARAMETER TVP MAX CI All pins (except 0/0) 4 pF 6 pF COlO 0/0 pins 10 pF 12 pF V-14 NOTES 6 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 3,4 (O°C $ TA $ 70°) (Vcc = 5.0 V ± 5%) MK4801A-55 MK4B01A-70 MK4801A-90 SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX MIN tRC Read Cycle Time tAA Address Access Time 55 70 90 ns 5 tCEA Chip Enable Access Time 25 35 45 ns 5 tCEz Chip Enable Data Off Time 30 ns tOEA Output Enable Access Time 45 ns tOEZ Output Enable Data Off Time 5 30 ns tAZ Address Data Off Time 10 10 10 ns twc Write Cycle Time 65 80 100 ns tAS Address Setup Time 0 0 0 ns see text tAH Address Hold Time 15 20 30 ns see text tosw Data To Write Setup Time 5 5 5 ns tOHW Data From Write Hold Time 10 10 10 ns two Write Pulse Duration 25 30 40 ns tWEZ Write Enable Data Off Time tWPL Write Pulse Lead Time 55 MAX 70 15 5 5 25 15 10 5 40 5 5 OUTPUT LOAD MAX UNITS NOTES 90 20 5 35 50 NOTES: 1. All voltages referenced to Vss. 2. Measured with .4':; VI':; 5.0 V. outputs deselected and VCC = 6 V. 3. AC measurements assume Transition Time = 5 ns. levels VSS to 3.0 V. 4. Input and output timing reference levels are at 1.6 V. 6. Measured with a load as shown in Figure 3. 6. Output buller is daselected. 7. A minimum of 2 ms time delay is required after application of Vee (+6 V) before proper device operation can be achieved. 8. ICC measured with outputs open. 9. Negative undershoots to a minimum of -1.5 V are allowed with 8 maximum of 60 ns pulse width. MIN 20 15 5 5 ns 25 5 see text ns ns 60 6V Figure 3 1.1Kn D.U.T. - -.....- - -... 6800 ;;:, 30"F (Including Scope and Jigl V-15 - ------------ II TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 4 READ READ WRITE 'RC 'RC 'wc • AO-A9 ~V \ / -.Jr\. -+ ---... / r0- 'CEA \ DE f.-'AS 1\ \ CE )~[\ [\ 'AA_ • _'OEA r= tAZ r .... f.-'AH - 'WD I'+---'WPL-+ \~V - 'OEZ Dn--DQ7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'lV\ VALID OUT I\'>------<.{,ALlD I r----,. OU~ ~_-J/ -U \ VALID IN }------- / TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 5 WRITE WRITE .....- - - - 'wc ----.........- - - 'wc ~>-~ ___-« READ ----f4---- 'RC ---_~ 'WPL ..... V~ ID )~----_<\r-V-~N-LlD-'D-H--,)>-~-------~~ V-16 VALID OUT 'j--- The MK4801 A features a fast CE (50% of Address Access) function to permit memory expansion without impacting system access time. A fast OE (50% of access time) is included to permit data interleaving for enhanced system performance. (t CEA or tOEA) rather than the address. The state of the 8 data 1/0 signals is controlled by the Chip Enable (CE) and Output Enable (OE) control signals. The MK4801 A is pin compatible with Mostek's BYTEWYDETM memory family of RAMs, ROMs and EPROMs. The MK4801A is in the Write Mode whenever the Write Enable (WE) and Chip Enable (CE) control inputs are in the low state. Write Mode OPERATION The WRITE cycle is initiated by the WE pulse going low provided that CE is also low. The leading edge of the WE pulse is used to latch the status of the address bus. Read Mode The MK4801A is in the READ MODE whenever the Write Enable Control input (WE) is in the high state. In the READ mode of operation, the MK4801 A provides a fast address ripple-through access of data from 8 of 8192 locations in the static storage array. Thus, the unique address specified by the 10 Address Inputs (An) define which 1 of 1024 bytes of data is to be accessed. A transition on any of the 10 address inputs will disable the 8 Data Output Drivers after tAl. Valid Data will be available to the 8 Data Output Drivers within tAA after the last address input signal is stable, providing that the CE and OE access times are satisfied. If CE or OE access times are not met, data access will be measured from the limiting parameter V-17 NOTE: In a write cycle the latter occurring edge of either WE or CE will determine the start of the write cycle. Therefore, t AS ' two and tAH are referenced to the latter occurring edge of CE or WE. Addresses are latched at this time. All write cycles whether initiated by CE orWE must be terminated by the rising edge of WE. If the output bus has been enabled (CE and OE low) then WE will cause the output to go to the high Z state in t WEZ . Da~n must be valid tosw prior to the low to high transition of WE. The Data In lines must remain stable for tOHW after WE goes inactive. The write control of the MK4801 A disables the data out buffers during the write cycle; however OE should be used to disable the data out buffers to prevent bus contention between the input data and data that would be output upon completion of the write cycle. 1982/1983 MICROELECTRONIC DATA BOOK 0) 68000 Family MOSTEI{. MICROCOMPUTER COMPONENTS 16-Bit Microprocessor MK68000 Advances in semiconductor technology have provided the capability to place on a single silicon chip a microprocessor at least an order of magnitude higher in performance and circuit complexity than has been previously available. The MK68000 is the first of a family of such VLSI microprocessors from Mostek. It combines state-of-the-art technology and advanced circuit design techniques with computer sciences to achieve an architecturally advanced 16-bit microprocessor. The resources available to the MK68000 user consist ofthe following: • • • • • • 32-Bit Data and Address Registers 16 Megabyte Direct Addressing Range 56 Powerful Instruction Types Operations on Five Main Data Types Memory Mapped 1/0 14 Addressing Modes PIN ASSIGNMENT PROGRAMMING MODEL 31 1615 87 r-- I I I I I -- 31 rllll- r- o D4 DO - D3 D1 D2 I I I I I I I I I - D3 I I D7 EIGHT DATA D4 REGISTERS - - D5 D6 o 1615 I I - I I - I - I DS DO DS AS D10 UDS D11 LDS D12 R/iN D13 DTACK D14 iiG D1S V" CLK GND SEVEN A3 ADDRESS A4 REGISTERS - D7 D1 iii! - A1 - A2 I i A21 RESET A1S \ii\iiA A1S VPA 0 I A22 A17 A6 PROGRAM COUNTER 87 A23 Vee A20 STATUS REGISTER fhls IS advance Information and speCifications are subject to change without notice VI-1 A16 BERR A1S IPl2 A14 IPl1 A13 IPLO A12 FC2 ISYSTEM BYTE USER BYTE GND HALT A5 TWO STACK POINTERS 15 D6 D2 BGACK AO DS A11 FC1 A10 FCO AS A1 AS A2 A7 A3 A6 A4 AS Included in the register indirect addressing modes is the capability to do postincrementing, predecrementing, offsetting and indexing. Program counter relative mode can also be modified via indexing and offsetting. As shown in the programming model, the MK68000 offers seventeen 32-bit registers in addition tothe 32-bit program counter and a 16-bit status register. The first eight registers (00-07) are used as data registers for byte (8-bit), word (16-bit), and long word (32-bit) data operations. The second set of seven registers (AO-A6) and the system stack pointer may be used as software stack pointers and base address registers. In addition, these registers may be used for word and long word address operations. All 17 registers may be used as index registers. The MK68000 instruction set is shown in Table 2. Some additional instructions are variations, or subsets, of these and they appear in Table 3. Special emphasis has been given to the instruction set's support of structured highlevel languages to facilitate ease of programming. Each instruction, with few exceptions, operates on bytes, words, and long words and most instructions can use any ofthe 14 addressing modes. Combining instruction types, data types, and addressing modes, over 1000 useful instructions are provided. These instructions include signed and unsigned multiply and divide, "quick" arithmetic operations, BCD arithmetic and expanded operations (through traps). A 23-bit address bus provides a memory addressing range of greater than 16 megabytes. This large range of addressing capability, coupled with a memory management unit, allows large, modular programs to be developed and operated without resorting to cumbersome and time consuming software bookkeeping and paging techniques. The status register contains the interrupt mask(eight levels available) as well as the condition codes; extend (X), negative (N), zero (Z), overflow (V), and carry (C). Additional status bits indicate that the processor is in a trace (T) mode and/or in a supervisor (S) state. DATA ADDRESSING MODES Table 1 Five basic data types are supported. These data types are: • • • • • Bits BCD Digits (4-bits) Bytes (8-bits) Word (16-bits) Long Words (32-bits) In addition, operations on other data types such as memory addresses, status word data, etc., are provided for in the instruction set. The 14 addressing modes, shown in Table 1, include six basic types: • • • • • • Register Direct Register Indirect Absolute Immediate Program Counter Relative Implied STATUS REGISTER SYSTEM BYTE USER BYTE Mode Generation Register Direct Addressing Data Register Direct Address Register Direct EA= On EA=An Absolute Data Addressing Absolute Short Absolute Long EA = (Next Word) EA = (Next Two Words) Program Counter Relative Addressing EA = (PC) + d 16 Relative with Offset Relative with Index and Offset EA = (PC) + (Xn) + dB Register Indirect Addressing Register Indirect Postincrement Register Indirect Predecrement Register Indirect Register Indirect with Offset Indexed Register Indirect with Offset EA EA An EA = (An) = (An), An - An + N - An - N, EA = (An) = (An) + d 16 EA = (An) + (Xn) + dB Immediate Data Addressing Immediate Quick Immediate DATA = Next Word(s) Inherent Data Implied Addressing Implied Register EA = SR. USp, Sp, PC NOTES: SUPERVISOR STATE EA = Effective Address dB = Eight-bit Offset An = Address Register (displacement) On = Data Register d16 = Sixteen-bit Offset Xn = Address or Data Register (displacement) used as Index Register N = 1 for Byte, 2 for SR = Status Register Words and 4 for Long PC = Program Counter Words ( ) = Contents of Replaces NEGATIVE ZERO OVERFLOW CARRY VI-2 INSTRUCTION SET Table 2 Mnemonic Description Mnemonic Description Mnemonic Description ABCD ADD AND ASL ASR EOR EXG EXT JMP JSR LEA LINK LSL LSR MOVE MOVEM MOVEP MULS MULU NBCD Exclusive Or Exchange Registers Sign Extend Jump Jump to Subroutine Load Effective Address Link Stack Logical Shift Left Logical Shift Right Move Move Multiple Registers Move Peripheral Data Signed Multiply Unsigned Multiply Negate Decimal with Extend Negate No Operation One's Complement Logical Or PEA RESET ROL ROR ROXL ROXR RTE RTR RTS SBCD See STOP SUB SWAP TAS Push Effective Address Reset External Devices Rotate Left without Extend Rotate Right without Extend Rotate Left with Extend Rotate Right with Extend Return from Exception Return and Restore Return from Subroutine Subtract Decimal with Extend Set Conditional Stop Subtract Swap Data Register Halves Test and Set Operand TRAP TRAPV TST UNLK Trap Trap on Overflow Test Unlink Bee BCHG BCLR BRA BSET BSR BTST· CHK CLR CMP DBee DIVS DIVU Add Decimal with Extend Add Logical And Arithmetic Shift Left Arithmetic Shift Right Branch Conditionally Bit Test and Change Bit Test and Clear Branch Always Bit Test and Set Branch to Subroutine BitTest Check Register Against Bounds Clear Operand Compare NEG Test Condition, Decrement NOP NOT and Branch OR Signed Divide Unsigned Divide VARIATIONS OF INSTRUCTION TYPES Table 3 Instruction Type ADD AND CMP EOR Variation Description Instruction Type Variation Description ADD ADDA ADDQ ADDI ADDX AND ANDI Add Add Address Add Quick Add Immediate Add with Extend Logical And And Immediate MOVE MOVE MOVEA MOVEQ MOVE from SR MOVE to SR MOVE to CCR MOVE USP MOVE Move Address Move Quick Move from Status Register Move to Status Register Move to Condition Codes Move User Stack Poi nter CMP CMPA CMPM CMPI Compare Compare Address Compare Memory Compare Immediate NEG NEG NEGX OR ORI Negate Negate with Extend Logical Or Or Immediate EOR EORI Exclusive Or Exclusive Or Immediate SUB SUBA SUBI SUBQ SUBX Subtract Subtract Address Subtract Immediate Subtract Quick Subtract with Extend OR SUB DATA ORGANIZATION AND ADDRESSING CAPABILITIES The following paragraphs describe the data organization and addressing capabilities of the MK68000. OPERAND SIZE Operand sizes are defined as follows: a byte equals 8 bits, a word equals 16 bits, and a long word equals 32 bits. The operand size for each instruction is either explicitly encoded in the instruction or implicitly defined by the instruction operation. All explicit instructions ~upport byte, word or long word operands. Implicit instructions support some subset of all three sizes. DATA ORGANIZATION IN REGISTERS The eight data registers support data operands of 1,8,16, or VI-3 • 32 bits. The seven address registers together with the active stack pointer support address operands of 32 bits. explained in the following paragraphs. Instructions specify an operand location in one of three ways: DATA REGISTERS. Each data register is 32 bits wide. Byte operands occupy the low order 8 bits, word operands the low order 16 bits, and long word operands the entire 32 bits. The least significant bit is addressed as bit zero; the most significant bit is addressed as bit 31. Register Specification - the number of the register is given in the register field of the instruction. Effective Address - use of the different effective address modes. Implicit Reference - the definition of certain instructions implies the use of specific registers. When a data register is used as either a source or destination operand, only the appropriate low-order portion is changed; the remaining high-order portion is neither used nor changed. INSTRUCTION FORMAT Instructions are from one to five words in length, as shown in Figure 3. The length of the instruction and the operation to be performed is specified by the first word of the instruction which is called the operation word. The remaini ng words further specify the operands. These words are either immediate operands or extensions to the effective address mode specified in the operation word. ADDRESS REGISTERS. Each address register and the stack pointer is 32 bits wide and holds a full 32 bit address. Address registers do not support byte sized operands. Therefore, when an address register is used as a source operand, either the low order word or the entire long word operand is used depending upon the operation size. When an address register is used as the destination operand, the entire register is affected regardless of the operation size. If the operation size is word, any other operands are sign extended to 32 bits before the operation is performed. PROGRAM/DATA REFERENCES The MK68000 separates memory references into two classes: program references, and data references. Program references, as the name implies, are references to that section of memory that contains the program being executed. Data references refer to that section of memory that contains data. Generally, operand reads are from the data space. All operand writes are to the data space. DATA ORGANIZATION IN MEMORY Bytes are individually addressable with the high order byte having an even address the same as the word, as shown in Figure 1. The low order byte has an odd address that is one count higher than the word address. Instructions and multibyte data are accessed only on word (even byte) boundaries. If a long word datum is located at address n (n even), then the second word of that datum is located at address n + 2. REGISTER SPECIFICATION The register field within an instruction specifies the register to be used. Other fields within the instruction specify whether the register selected is an address or data register and how the register is to be used. The data types supported by the MK68000 are: bit data, integer data of 8, 16, or 32 bits, 32-bit addresses and binary coded decimal data. Each of these data types is put in memory, as shown in Figure 2. EFFECTIVE ADDRESS ADDRESSING Most instructions specify the location of an operand by using the effective address field in the operation word. For example, Figure 4 shows the general format of the single effective address instruction operation word. The effective address is composed of two 3-bit fields: the mode field, and the register field. The value in the mode field selects the Instructions for the MK68000 contain two kinds of information: the type of function to be performed, and the location of the operand(s) on which to perform that function. The methods used to locate (address) the operand(s) are WORD ORGANIZATION IN MEMORY Figure 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 8 6 5 4 3 2 o WORDjOOOOO BYTE 000000 BYTE 000001 WORDjOOO02 BYTE 000002 ~ ··· BYTE 000003 4 WORDtFFFFE BYTE FFFFFE BYTE FFFFFF VI-4 DATA ORGANIZATION IN MEMORY Figure 2 BIT DATA 1 BYTE = 8 BITS 7 6 o 2 3 4 5 INTEGER DATA 1 BYTE 8 BITS = 15 14 13 12 I·" 11 10 8 9 7 BYTE 2 1 WORD 13 12 11 10 9 3 2 0 2 0 BYTE 1 BYTE 3 =16 BITS 8 I~' 7 6 5 4 3 ~'I WORD 0 WORD 1 WORD 2 1 LONG WORD 15 14 12 13 11 10 8 9 MSB - 4 5 ~'I BYTE 0 14 15 6 =32 BITS 7 6 4 6 3 0 2 HIGH ORDER -LONGWORDO - ------ --------- - LOWORDER LSB - -LONG WORD 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -LONG WORD 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ADDRESSES 1 ADDRESS 32 BITS = 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 MSB - -ADDRESSO- - - - - - 8 6 7 4 5 HIGH ORDER - - - LOWORDER - - - - - o 2 3 - - LSB - -ADDRESS 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ADDRESS 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MSB = Most Significant Bit LSB Least Significant Bit = 15 14 MSD 13 12 11 10 9 BCD1 BCDO 8 7 LSD BCD5 .. - DECIMAL DATA 2 BINARY CODED DECIMAL DIGITS = 1 BYTE BCD4 - - .. MSD - Most SIgnifIcant Dogit LSD = Least Significant Digit VI-5 6 5 4 3 o 2 BCD2 BCD3 BCD6 BCD7 • different address modes. The register field contains the number of a register. The effective address field may require additional information to fully specify the operand. This additional information, called the effective address extension, is contained in the following word or words and is considered part of the instruction, as shown in Figure 3. The effective address modes are grouped into three categories: register direct, memory addressing, and special. REGISTER DIRECT MODES These effective addressing modes specify that the operand is in one of the 16 multifunction registers. Data Register Direct. The operand is in the data register specified by the effective address register field. Address Register Direct. The operand is in the address register specified by the effective address register field. MEMORY ADDRESS MODES These effective addressing modes specify that the operand is in memory and provide the specific address of the operand. Address Register Indirect. The address of the operand is in the address register specified by the register field. The reference is classified as a data reference with the exception of the jump and jump to subroutine instructions. Address Register Indirect With Postincrement. The address of the operand is in the address register specified by the register field. After the operand address is used, 'it is incremented by one, two, or four depending upon whether the size of the operand is byte, word, or long word. If the address register is the stack pointer and the operand size is byte, the address is incremented by two rather than one to keep the stack pointer on a word boundary. The reference is classified as a data reference. Address Register' Indirect With Predecrement. The address of the operand is in the address register specified by the register field. Before the operand address is used, it is decremented by one, two, or four depending upon whether the operand size is byte, word, or long word. If the address register is the stack pointer and the operand size is byte, the address is decremented by two rather than one to keep the stack pointer on a word boundary. The reference is classified as a data reference. Address Register Indirect With Displacement. This address mode requires one word of extension. The address of the operand is the sum of the address in the address register and the sign-extended 16-bit displacement integer in the extension word. The reference is classified as a data reference with the exception of the jump and jump to subroutine instructions. Address Register Indirect With Index. This address mode requires one word ofextension. The address ofthe operand is the sum of the address in the address register, the signextended displacement integer in the low order eight bits of the extension word, and the contents of the index register. The reference is classified as a data reference with the exception of the jump and jump to subroutine instructions. SPECIAL ADDRESS MODES The special address modes use the effective address INSTRUCTION FORMAT Figure 3 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 o OPERATION WORD (FIRST WORD SPECIFIES OPERATION AND MODES) IMMEDIATE OPERAND (IF ANY, ONE OR TWO WORDS) SOURCE EFFECTIVE ADDRESS EXTENSION (IF ANY, ONE OR TWO WORDS) DESTINATION EFFECTIVE ADDRESS EXTENSION (IF ANY, ONE OR TWO WORDS) SINGLE-EFFECTIVE-ADDRESS INSTRUCTION OPERATION WORD GENERAL FORMAT Figure 4 5 VI-6 2 3 o 4 EFFECTIVE ADDRESS REGISTER MODE register field to spec;:ify the special addressing mode instead of a register number. one word of extension. The address is the sum of the address in the program counter, the sign-extended displacement integer in the lower eight bits ofthe extension word, and the contents of the index register. The value in the program counter is the address of the extension word. This reference is classified as a program reference. Absolute Short Address. This address mode requires one word of extension. The address of the operand is the extension word. The 16-bit address is sign extended before it is used. The reference is classified as a data reference with the exception of the jump and jump to subroutine instructions. Immediate Data. This address mode requires either one or two words of extension depending on the size of the operation. Absolute Long Address. This address mode requires two words of extension. The address ofthe operand is developed by the concatenation of the extension words. The highorder part of the address is the first extension word; the low-order part of the address is the second extension word. The reference is classified as a data reference with the exception of the jump and jump to subroutine instructions. Byte operation - operand is low order byte of extension word Word operation - operand is extension word Long word operation - operand is in the two extension words, high-order 16 bits are in the first extension word, low-order 16 bits are in the second extension word. Program Counter With Displacement. This address mode requires one word of extension. The address ofthe operand is the sum of the address in the program counter and the sign-extended 16-bit displacement integer in the extension word. The value in the program counter is the address ofthe extension word. The reference is classified as a program reference. IMPLICIT INSTRUCTION REFERENCE SUMMARY Table 5 Instruction Program Counter With Index. This address mode requires Branch Conditional (Bee)' Branch Always (BRA) EFFECTIVE ADDRESS ENCODING SUMMARY Branch to Subroutine (BSR) Table 4 Addressing Mode Implied Register(s) PC PC,SP Check Register against Bounds (CHK) SSP, SR PC Mode Register Data Register Direct 000 register number Test Condition, Decrement and Branch (DBee) Address Register Direct 001 register number Signed Divide (DIVS) SSP, SR Address Register Indirect 010 register number Unsigned Divide (DIVU) SSP, SR Address Register Indirect with Postincrement 011 register number Jump (JMP) Jump to Subroutine (JSR) Address Register Indirect with Predecrement 100 register number Address Register Indirect with Displacement 101 register number Address Register Indirect with Index 110 register number Absolute Short 111 000 Absolute Long 111 001 Program Counter with Displacement 111 010 Program Counter with Index 111 011 Immediate or Status Register PC PC,SP Link and Allocate (LINK) SP Move Condition Codes (MOVE CCR) SR Move Status Register (MOVE SRI SR Move User Stack Pointer (MOVE USP) USP Push Effective Address (PEA) SP Return from Exception (RTE) PC, SP, SR Return and Restore Condition Codes (RTR) PC, SP, SR 111 Return from Subroutine (RTS) Trap (TRAP) SSP, SR Trap on Overflow (TRAPV) SSP, SR Unlink (UNLK) 100 VI-7 - - - - - - .... _ - - - PC,SP ----- SP • Condition Codes or Status Register. A selected set of instructions may reference the status register by means of the effective address field. These are: ANDI toCCR ANDI toSR EORI toCCR EORI to SR ORI toCCR ORI toSR EFFECTIVE ADDRESS ENCODING SUMMARY Table 4 is a summary of the effective addressing modes discussed in the previous paragraphs. address and data manipulation. Data move instructions allow byte, word, and long word operands to be transferred from memory to memory, memory to register, register to memory, and register to register. Address move instructions allow word and long word operand transfers and ensure that only legal address manipulations are executed. In addition to the general move instruction there are several special data movement instructions: move multiple registers (MOVEM), move peripheral data (MDVEP), exchange registers (EXG), load effective address (lEA), push effective address (PEA), link stack (LINK), unlink stack (UNlK), and move quick (MOVEa). Table 6 is a summary of the data movement operations. DATA MOVEMENT OPERATIONS Table 6 IMPLICIT REFERENCE Some instructions make implicit reference to the program counter (PC), the system stack pointer (SP), the supervisor stack pointer (SSP), the user stack pointer (USP), or the status register (SR). Table 5 provides a list of these instructions and the registers implied. SYSTEM STACK The system stack is used implicitly by many instructions; user stacks and queues may be created and maintained through the addressing modes. Address register seven (A7) is the system stack pointer (SP). The system stack pointer is either the supervisor stack pointer (SSP) or the user stack pointer (USP), depending on the state of the S-bit in the status register. If the S-bit indicates supervisor state, SSP is the active system stack pointer, and the USP cannot be referenced as an address register. Ifthe S-bit indicates user state, the USP is the active system stack pointer, and the SSP cannot be referenced. Each system stack fills from high memory to low memory. INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY The following paragraphs contain an overview of the form and structure of the MK68000 instruction set. The instructions form a set of tools that include all the machine functions to perform the following operations: Data Movement Integer Arithmetic logical Shift and Rotate Bit Manipulation Binary Coded Decimal Program Control System Control Instruction Operand Size Operation EXG 32 Rx- Ry lEA 32 EA-An LINK - An -SP@SP-An SP+d -SP MOVE 8,16,32 (EA)s- EAd MOVEM 16,32 (EA)-An, On An, Dn- EA MOVEP 16,32 (EA)- On Dn-EA MOVEa 8 #xxx- On PEA 32 EA-SP@- SWAP 32 Dn[31 :16]-Dn[15:0] UNlK - An-Sp SP@+-An NOTES: s = source d = destination [ ] = bit numbers @ - = indirect with predecrement @ + = indirect with postincrement INTEGER ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS The complete range of instruction capabilities combined with the flexible addressing modes described previously provide a very flexible base for program development. DATA MOVEMENT OPERATIONS The basic method of data acquisition (transfer and storage) is provided by the move (MOVE) instruction. The move instruction and the effective addressing modes allow both VI-8 The arithmetic operations include the four basic operations of add (ADD), subtract (SUB), multiply (MUl), and divide (DIV) as well as arithmetic compare (CMP), clear (ClR), and negate (NEG). The add and subtract instructions are available for both address and data operations, with data operations accepting all operand sizes. Address operations are limited to legal address size operands (160r 32 bits). Data, address, and memory compare operations are also available. The clear and negate instructions maybe used on all sizes of data operands. The multiply and divide operations are available for signed and unsigned operands using word mUltiply to produce a long word product, and a long word dividend with word divisor to produce a word quotient with a word remainder. LOGICAL OPERATIONS Logical operation instructions AND, OR, EOR, and NOT are available for all sizes of integer data operands. A similar set of immediate instructions (ANDI. ORI, and EORI) provides these logical operations with all sizes of immediate data. Table 8 is a summary of the logical operations. Multiprecision and mixed size arithmetic can be accomplished using a set of extended instructions. These instructions are: add extended (ADDX), subtract extended (SUBX), sign extend (EXT), and negate binary with extend (NEGX). LOGICAL OPERATIONS Table 8 A test operand (TST) instruction that will set the condition codes as a result of a compare of the operand with zero is also available. Test and set (TAS) is a synchronization instruction useful in multiprocessor systems. Table 7 is a summary of the integer arithmetic operations. INTEGER ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS Table 7 Instruction Operand Size Operation 8,16,32 16,32 On + (EA)- On (EA) + On - EA (EA) + #xxx - EA An + (EA)-An ADDX 8,16,32 16,32 Dx+Dy+X-Dx Ax@ - Ay@ - + X - Ax@ CLR 8,16,32 0- EA ADD 8,16,32 CMP 16,32 Instruction Operand Size Operation AND 8,16,32 DnA(EA)- On (EA)ADn - EA (EA)A#xxx - EA OR 8,16,32 On v (EA) - On (EA) v On - EA (EA) v #xxx - EA EOR 8,16,32 NOT 8,16,32 (EA) Ell Dy- EA (EA) Ell #xxx - EA ~(EA)- EA NOTE: - = invert SHIFT AND ROTATE OPERATIONS Shift operations in both directions are provided by the arithmetic instructions ASR and ASL and logical shift instructions LSR and LSL. The rotate instructions (with and without extend) available are ROXR, ROXL, ROR, and ROL. All shift and rotate operations can be performed in either registers or memory. Register shifts and rotates support all operand sizes and allow a shift count specified in the instruction of one to eight bits, or 0 to 63 specified in a data register. On -(EA) (EA)- #xxx Ax@ + -Ay@ + An - (EA) DIVS 32"'" 16 Dn/(EA)- On DIVU 32"'" 16 Dn/(EA)- On EXT 8-16 16- 32 (Dn)8 - Dn16 (On), 6 - Dn32 MULS 16* 16 - 32 Dn* (EA)- On MULU 16* 16 - 32 Dn* (EA)- On Table 9 is a summary of the shift and rotate operations. NEG 8,16,32 O-(EA)- EA BIT MANIPULATION OPERATIONS NEGX 8,16,32 0- (EA) - X - EA 8,16,32 16,32 On - (EA) - On (EA)- On -EA (EA) - #xxx - EA An - (EA) - An SUBX 8,16,32 Dx-Dy-X-Dx Ax@ - - Ay@ - - X - Ax@ TAS 8 (EA) - 0, 1 - EA[7] TST 8,16,32 (EA)-O SUB NOTE: [ 1= Memory shifts and rotates are for word operands only and allow only single-bit shifts or rotates. Bit manipulation operations are accomplished using the following instructions: bittest (BTST), bittest and set (ESET), bit test and clear (BCLR), and bit test and change (BCHG). Table 10 is a summary of the bit manipulation operations. (Bit 2 of the status register is Z.) BINARY CODED DECIMAL OPERATIONS Multiprecision arithmetic operations on binary coded decimal numbers are accompolished using the following instructions: add decimal with extend (ABCD), subtract decimal with extend (SBCD), and negate decimal with extend (NBCD). Table 11 is a summary of the binary coded decimal operations. bit number VI-9 .. The conditional instructions provide setting and branching for the following conditions: SHIFT AND ROTATE OPERATIONS Table 9 Instruction ,. Operand Size Operation ASL 8.16.32 ~O ASR 8.16.32 LSL 8.16.32 LSR 8.16.32 ROL 8.16.32 ROR 8.16.32 ROXL 8.16.32 ROXR 8.16.32 CC - carry clear CS - carry set EQ - equal F - never true GE - greater or equal GT - greater than HI - high LE - less or equal ~ ~O O~ PROGRAM CONTROL OPERATIONS Table 12 ~ ~ [D-,I.. HXh ~X H ~II~I ci Instruction Operation Conditional Branch conditionally (14 conditions) Bee 8- and 16-bit displacement Test condition. decrement. and branch DBee 16-bit displacement Set byte conditionally (16 conditions) See BIT MANIPULATION OPERATIONS Table 10 .Unconditional BRA Branch always 8- and 16-bit displacement BSR Branch to subroutine 8- and 16-bit displacement JMP Jump JSR Jump to subroutine Instruction Operand Size Operation BTST 8.32 - bit of (EA) - Z BSET 8.32 - bit of(EA)~ Z 1 - bit of EA BCLR 8.32 - bit of (EA)- Z O-bitofEA 8.32 - bit of (EA) - Z - bit of (EA) - bit of EA BCHG , LS - low or same LT - less than MI- minus NE - not equal PL - plus T - always true VC - no overflow VS - overflow Retums RTR RTS Return and restore condition codes Return from subroutine SYSTEM CONTROL OPERATIONS BINARY CODED DECIMAL OPERATIONS System control operations are accomplished by using privileged instructions. trap generating instructions. and instructions that use or modify the status register. These instructions are summarized in Table 13. Table 11 Operand Size Operation ABCD 8 DXlO+DY10+X - Dx Ax@- 10+Ay@ - 10+X - Ax@ SBCD 8 DX10'- DylO - X - Ox Ax@-10-Ay@-10-X-Ax@ NBCD 8 0- (EA)lO-X - EA Instruction SIGNAL AND BUS OPERATION DESCRIPTION The following paragraphs contain a brief description of the input and output signals. A discussion of bus operation during the various machine cyCles and operations is also given. SIGNAL DESCRIPTION PROGRAM CONTROL OPERATIONS Program control operations are accomplished using a series of conditional' and un~onditional bra'nch instructions and return instructions. These instructions are summarized in Table 1Z. The input and output signals can be functionally organized into the groups shown in Figure 5. The following paragraphs provide a brief description of the signals and also a reference (if applicable) to other paragraphs that contain more detail about the function being performed. ADDRESS BUS .(A1 THROUGH A23). This 23-bit. unidirectional. three-state. bus is. capable of addressing 8 megawords of data. It provides the address for bus operation during all cyCles except interrupt cycles. During interrupt cycles. address lines A 1. A2. and. A3 provide VI-10 information about what level interrupt is being serviced while address lines A4 through A23 are all set to a logic high. Address Strobe (AS). This signal indicates that there is a valid address on the address bus. DATA BUS (DO THROUGH 015). This 16-bit bidirectional, three-state bus is the general purpose data path. It can transfer and accept data in either word or byte length. During an interrupt acknowledge cycle, the external device supplies the vector number on data lines DO-D7. Read/Write (R/W). This signal defines the data bus transfer as a read or write cycle. The R/W signal also works in conjunction with the upper and lower data strobes as explained in the following paragraph. Upper And Lower Data Strobes (UDS, LOS). These signals control the data on the data bus, as shown in Table 14. When the R/W line is high, the processor will read from the data bus as indicated. When the R/W line is low, the processor will write to the data bus as shown. ASYNCHRONOUS BUS CONTROL. Asynchronous data transfers are handled using the following control signals: address strobe, read/write, upper and lower data strobes, and data transfer acknowledge. These signals are explained in the following paragraphs. DATA STROBE CONTROL OF DATA BUS Table 14 SYSTEM CONTROL OPERATIONS Table 13 Instruction Privileged RESET RTE STOP ORI to SR MOVE USP ANDI to SR EORI to SR MOVE EA to SR Operation Reset external devices Return from exception Stop program execution Logical OR to status register Move user stack pointer Logical AND to status register Logical EOR to status register Load new status register Trap Generating TRAP rap TRAPV rap on overflow CHK Check register against bounds Status Register ANDI to CCR EORI to CCR MOVE EA to CCR ORI to CCR MOVE SR to EA Logical AND to condition codes Logical EOR to condition codes Load new condition codes Logical OR to condition codes Store status register INPUT AND OUTPUT SIGNALS Figure 5 V (21 cc elK R/W High High Low High 08-015 00-07 - No valid data No valid data Low High Valid data bits 8-15 Valid data bits 0-7 Low High No valid data Valid data bits 0-7 No valid data Low High High Valid data bits 8-15 Low Low Low Valid data bits 8-15 Valid data bits 0-7 High Low Low Valid data bits 0-7* Valid data bits 0-7 Low High Low Valid data bits 8-15 Valid data bits 8-15* *These conditions are a result of current implementation and may not appear on future devices. Data Transfer Acknowledge (DTACK). This input indicates that the data transfer is completed. When the processor recognizes DTACK during a read cycle, data is latched and the bus cycle terminated. When DTACK is recognized during a write cycle, the bus cycle is terminated. ~ ADDRESS BUS GND(2) UDS LOS l A- DATA BUS MK68000 MICROPROCESSOR ~ V An active transition of data transfer acknowledge, DTACK, indicates the termination of a data transfer on the bus. AS Riw FCO UOS Fe' lOS FC2 6'fACi( , iiR ASYNCHRONOUS } PROCESSOR. { BUS CONTROL STATUS 6800 { PERIPHERAL CONTROL SYSTEM { CONTROL, ... vm BO BGAcK iffi!ii iPLO RESET IPl1 HALT If the system must run at a maximum rate determined by RAM access times, the relationship between the times at which DTACK and DATA are sampled are important. .ID } BUS ARBITRATION CONTROL } INT'RRU", CONTROL All control and data lines are sampled during the MK68000's clock high time. The clock is internally buffered, which results in some slight differences in the sampling and recognition of various signals. The DTACK signal. like other VI-11 II control signals, is internally synchronized to allow for valid operation in an asynchrono!Jssystem.lfthe required setup time (#47) is met during 54, DTACK will be recognized during 55 and 56, and data will be captured during 56. The data mUilt meet the required setup time (#2.7). If an asynchronous control signal does not meet the required setup time, it is possible that it may not be recognized during that cycle. Because ofthis, asynchronous systems must not allow DTACK to precede data by more than parameter #31. Asserting DTACK (or BERR) on the rising edge of a clock (such as S4)afterthe assertion of address strobe wi II allow a n MK68000 system to run at its maximum bus rate. If setup times #27 and #47 are guaranteed, #31 may be ignored. BUS ARBITRATION CONTROL. These three signals form a bus arbitration circuitto determine which device will be the bus master device. Bus Request (BR). This input is write ORed with all other devices that could be bus masters. This input indicates to .the processor that some other device desires to become the bus master. Bus Grant (BG). This output indicates to all other potential bus master devices that the processor will release bus control at the end of the current bus cycle. Bus Grant Acknowledge (BGACK). This input indicates that some other device has become the bus master. This signal cannot be asserted until the following four conditions are met 1. a bus grant has been received 2. address strobe is inactive which indicates that the microprocessor is not using the bus 3. data transfer acknowledge is inactive which indicates that either memory or the peripherals are not using the bus 4. bus grant acknowledge is inactive which indicates that no other device is still claiming bus mastership INTERRUPT CONTROL (IPLO, IPL 1, IPL2). These input pins indicate the encoded priority level of the device requesting an interrupt. Level seven is the highest priority while level zero indicates that no interrupts are requested. The least significant bit is given in IPLO and the most significant bit is contained in IPL2. 1. nonresponding devices 2. interrupt vector number acquisition failure 3. illegal access request as determined by a memory management unit 4. other application dependent errors. The bus error signal interacts with the halt signal to determine if exception processing should be performed or the current bus cycle should be retried. Refer to BUS ERROR AND HALT OPERATION paragraph for additional information about the interaction ofthe bus error and halt signals. Reset (RESET). This bidirectional signal line acts to reset (initiate a system initialization sequence) the processor in response to an external reset signal. An internally generated reset (result of RESET instruction) causes all external devices to be reset and the internal state of the processor is not affected. A total system reset (processor and external devices) is the result of external halt and reset signals applied at the same time. Refer to RESET OPERATION paragraph for additional information about reset operation . Halt (HALT). When this bidirectional line is driven by an external device, it will cause the processor to stop at the completion of the current bus cycle. When the processor has been halted using this input, all control signals are inactive and all three-state lines are put in their highimpedance state. Refer to BUS ERROR AND HALT OPERATION paragraph for additional information about the interaction between the halt and bus error signals. When the processor has stopped executing instructions, such as in a double bus fault condition, the halt line is driven by the processor to indicate to external devices that the processor has stopped. 6800 PERIPHERAL CONTROL. These Control signals are used to allow the interfacing of synchronous 6800 peripheral devices with the async!1ronous MK6.8000. These signals are explained in the following paragraphs. Enable (E). This Signal is the standard enable signal common to all 6800 type peripheral devices. The period for this output is ten MK68000 clock periods (six clocks low; four clocks high). SYSTEM CONTROL. The system control inputs are used to either reset or halt the processor and to indicate to the processor that bus errors have occurred. The three system control inputs are explained in the following paragraphs. Valid Peripheral Address (VPA). This input indicates that the device or region addressed is a 6800 family device and that data transfer should be synchronized with the enable (E) signal. This input also indicates thatthe processor should use automatic vectoring for an interrupt. Refer to INTERFACE WITH 6800 PERIPHERALS. Bus Error (BERR). This input informs the processor that there is a problem with the cycle currently being executed. Problems may be a result of: Valid Memory Address (VMA). This output is used to indicate to 6800 peripheral devices that there is a valid address on the address bus and the processor is synchronized to enable. This signal only responds to a valid peripheral address (VPA) input which indicates that the peripheral is a 6800 family device. FUNCTION CODE OUTPUTS Table 15 FC2 FC1 FCO Cycle Type Low Low Low Low High High High High Low Low High High Low Low High High Low High Low High Low High Low High (Undefined, Reserved) User Data User Program (Undefined, Reserved) (Undefined, Reserved) Supervisor Data Supervisor Program Interrupt Acknowledge PROCESSOR STATUS (FCO, FC1, FC2), These function code outputs indicate the state (user or supervisor) and the cycle type currently being executed, as shown in Table 15. The information indicated by the function code outputs is valid whenever address strobe (AS) is active. CLOCK (CLK). The clock input is a TIL compatible signal that is internally buffered for development of the internal clocks needed by the processor. The clock input shall be a constant frequency. SIGNAL SUMMARY. Table 16 is a summary of all the signals discussed in the previous paragraphs. SIGNAL SUMMARY Table 16 Signal Name Mnemonic Input/Output Active State Three State Address Bus A1-A23 output high yes Data Bus 00-015 input/output high yes AS output low yes RIW output read-high write-low yes UDS, [jj'S' output low yes DTACK input low no Bus Request BR input low no Bus Grant BG output low no BGACK input low no IPLO, IPL1, IPL2 input low no Bus Error BERR input low no Reset RESET input/output low no* Halt HALT input/output low no* E output high no Valid Memory Address VMA output low yes Valid Peripheral Address VPA input low no FCO,FC1,FC2 output high yes Clock CLK input high no Power Input Vee input - Ground GND input - Address Strobe Read/Write Upper and Lower Data Strobes Data Transfer Acknowledge Bus Grant Acknowledge Interrupt Priority Level Enable Function Code Output * open drain VI-13 - II WORD READ CYCLE FLOW CHART BYTE READ CYCLE FLOW CHART Figure 6 Figure 7 BUS MASTER SLAVE SLAVE BUS MASTER Address Device Address Device 1) Set R/W to Read 2) Place Address on A 1-A23 3) Place Function Code on FCO-FC2 4) Assert Address Strobe (n) 5) Assert Upper Data Strobe (UOS) and Lower Data Strobe (Ci5~) 1) Set R/W to Read 2) Place Address on A 1-A23 3) Place Function Code on FCO-FC2 4) Assert Address Strobe (n) 5) Assert Upper Data Strobe (UDS) or Lower Data Strobe (Li5S) (based on AO) I Input Data Input Data 1) Decode Address 2) Place Data on 00-015 3) Assert Data Transfer Acknowledge (OTACK) 1) Decode Address 2) Place Data on 00-07 or OB-D15 (based on ~ or IDS) 3) Assert Data Transfer Acknowledge (OTACK) I Acquire Data Acquire Data 1) Latch Ollta 2) Negate ~ and IDS 3) NegateA§ 1 ) Latch Data 2) Negate ~ or 3) Negate AS Li5S Terminate Cycle Terminate Cycle 1) Remove Data from 00-015 2) Negate OTACK 1) Remove Data from 00-07 or OB-015 2) Negate OtACK Start Next Cycle Start Next Cycle BUS OPERATION The following paragraphs explain control signal and bus operation during data transfer operations, bus arbitration, bus error and halt conditions, and reset operation. DATA TRANSFER OPERATIONS. Transfer of data between devices involves the following leads: • Address Bus A 1 through A23 • Data Bus 00 through 015 • Control Signals The address and data buses are separate parallel buses used to transfer data using an asynchronous bus structure. In all cycles, the bus master assumes responsibility for deskewing all signals it issues at both the start and end of a cycle. In addition, the bus master is responsible for deskewing the acknowledge and data signals from the slave device. The following paragraphs explain the read, write, and read- modify-write cycles. The indivisible read-modify-write cycle is the method used by the MK68000 for interlocked multiprocessor communications. NOTE The terms assertion and negation will be used extensively. This is done to avoid confusion when dealing with a mixture of "active-low" and "active-high" signals. The term assert or assertion is used to indicate that a signal is active or true independent of whether that voltage is low or high. The term negate or negation is used to indicate that a signal is inactive or false. Read Cycle. During a read cycle, the processor receives data from memory or a peripheral device. The processor reads bytes of data in all cases. If the instruction specifies a word (or double word) operation, the processor reads both bytes. When the instruction specifies byte operation, the processor uses an internal AD bit to determine which byte to read and then issues the data strobe required for that byte. For byte operations, when the AD bit equals zero, the upper data strobe is issued. When the AD bit equals one, the lower VI-14 READ AND WRITE CYCLE TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 8 50 51 5253545556 57 50 515253 54 55 5657 50 S1 S2 S3 S4 w w w S5 56 S7 H A1-A23 A5 \ / UDS \ \ / / lDS \ \ DTACK D8-D15 DO-D7 \ ! ( ( ) ~ / / \ \ , I \ \ \ / R/iiii' FCO-2 w ~~- ClK , I ! ) ) ) X X ~-------READ- -- - -- -~- - - - -WRITE - - >-- r \ ( >->-- c=--~--.-- >--- -.rc- ---- - -SLOW READ - - - - - - ---., WORD AND BYTE READ CYCLE TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 9 50 S1 52 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 505152 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 SO S1 S2 S3 S4S5 S6 S7 ~____~/~__~\======~__~\ r-- L -__~ ~____---.J/ / \ / / '--________I \'--===:' ~==~)~------------~('----~>---- FCO-2 ~==~==~)~=~~~~)======~=:x X~______~X~_____----J>'Intemal Signal Only ~-- WORD READ ----~--ODD BYTE READ---~ --EVEN BYTE READ-~ data strobe is issued. When the data is received, the processor correctly positions it internally. A word read cycle flowchart isgiven in Figure 6. A byte read cycle flow chart is given in Figure 7. Read cycle timing is given in Figure 8 and Figure 9 details word and byte read cycle operation. Write Cycle. During a write cycle, the processor sends data to memory or a peripheral device. The processor writes bytes of data in all cases. If the instruction specifies a word operation, the processor writes both bytes. When the instruction specifies a byte operation, the processor uses an internal AO bit to determine which byte to write and then issues the data strobe required for that byte. For byte operations, when the AO bit equals zero, the upper data strobe is issued. When the AO bit equals one, the lower data strobe is issued. A word write cycle flow chart is given in Figure 10. A byte write cycle flowchart isgiven in Figure 11. Write cycle timing is given.in Figure 8 and Figure 12 details word and byte write cycle operation. Read-Modify-Write Cycle. The read-modify-write cycle performs a read, modifies the data in the arithmetic-logic unit, and writes the data back to the same address. In the MK68000 this cycle is indivisible in that the address strobe is asserted throughout the entire cycle. The test and set (TAS) instruction uses this cycle to provide meaningful communication between processors in a multiple processor environment. This instruction is the only instruction that uses the read-modify-write cycles and since the test and set instruction only operates on bytes, all read-modify-write VI-15 • WORD WRITE CYCLE FLOW CHART BYTE WRITE CYCLE FLOW CHART Figure 10 Figure 11 BUS MASTER SLAVE BUS MASTER Address Device SLAVE Address Device 1) Place Function Code on FCO- FC2 2) Place Address on A 1-A23 3) Assart Address Strobe (A§) 4) Set R/W to Write 5) Place Data on 00-015 6) Assart Upper Data Strobe (UDS) and Lower Data Strobe (LOS) 1) Place Function Code on FCO-FC2 2) Place Address on A 1-A23 3) Assert Address Strobe (Mi) 4) Set R/W to Write 5) Place Data on 00-07 or 08-015 (according toAO) 6) Assert Upper Data Strobe (UOS) or Lower Data Strobe (LOS) (based on AO) , I Input Data Input Data 1 ) Decode Address 2) Store Data on 00-015 3) Assert Data Transfer Acknowledge (OTACK) , 1 ) Decode Address 2) Store Data on 00-07 if LOS is asserted Store Data on 08-015 if 0i5S is asserted 3) Assart Data Transfer Acknowledge (OTACK)' , Terminate Output Transfer Terminate Output Transfer 1) Negate 0i5S and LOS 2) NegateA§ 3) Remove Data from 00-015 4) Set R/W to Read 1) Negate UOS and LOS 2) Negate AS 3) Remove Data from 00-07 or 08-015 4) Set R/W to Read I I Terminate Cycle ~tart , Terminate Cycle 1) Negate OTACK 1) Negate OTACK I I Next Cycle Start Next Cycle WORD AND BYTE WRITE CYCLE TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 12 SO S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 SO S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 SO S1 S2 S3 S4S5 S6 S7 CLK AO" AS ~ \ \ UOS LOs R/W OTACK 08-015' 00-07 FCO-2 , ===>--< / / I \ \ , I F\ 1\ I ===>--< ) ) ) X X :x ) I I \ / 1\ I , I r > > > "Intemal Signal Only rc-- -- WORD WRITE - -- --~- - ,ODD 8YTE WRITE-----+----EVEN BYrE WRITE -- --~ VI-16 READ-MODIFY-WRITE CYCLE FLOW CHART Figure 13 BUS MASTER Address Device SLAVE 1) Place Address on A 1-A23 2) Set R/Vii to Read 3) Assert Address Strobe (AS) 4) Assert Upper Data Strobe (lJi5!:) or Lower Data Strobe (LOS) I ~--------------------~, Input Data 1) Decode Address 2) Place Data on 00-07 or 08-015 3) Assert Data Transfer Acknowledge (DTACK) f Acquire Data 1 ) Latch Data 2) Negate UDS or LOS 3) Start Data Modification ) Terminate Cycle 1) Remove Data from 00-07 or 08-015 2) Negate DTACK Start Output Transfer 1) Set R/Vii to Write 2) Place Data on 00-07 or 08-015 3) Assert Upper Data Strobe (UDS) or Lower Data Strobe (LOS) LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - , , Input Data 1) Store Data on 00-07 or 08-015 2) Assert Data Transfer Acknowledge (DTACK) f Terminate Output Transfer 1) 2) 3) 4) Negate lJi5!: or LOS Negate AS Remove Data from 00-07 or 08-015 Set R/Vii to Read Terminate Cycle 1) Negate DTACK I f Start Next Cycle cycles are byte operations. A read-modify-write cycle flow chart is given in Figure 13 and a timing diagram is given in Figure 14. 2. Receiving a grant that the bus is available at the end of the current cycle. 3. Acknowledging that mastership has been assumed. BUS ARBITRATION. Bus arbitration is a technique used by master-type devices to request, be granted, and acknowledge bus mastership. In its simplest form, it consists of: Figure 15 is a flow chart showing the detail involved in a request from a single device. Figure 16 is a timing diagram for the same operations. This technique allows processing of bus requests during data transfer cycles. 1. Asserting a bus mastership request. The timing diagram shows that the bus request is negated VI-17 II READ-MODIFY-WRITE CYCLE TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 14 SO S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10S11S12S13S14S15S16S17S18S19 ClK H / A1-A23 \ \ AS UOS or lOS \ 08-015 / \ OTACK FCO-2 '----.J / R/W =x ( ,,- \ }-- ) >C 1-11----- -- -------INOIVISIBlE CYCLE at the time that an acknowledge is asserted. This type of operation would be true for a system consisting of the processor and one device capable of bus mastership. In systems having a number of devices capable of bus mastership, the bus request line from each device is wire ORed to the processor. In this system, it is easy to see that there could be more than one bus request being made. The timing diagram shows that the bus grant signal is negated a few clock cycles after the transition of the acknowledge (BGACK) signal. - - -- -- - - ---~ BUS ARBITRATION CYCLE FLOW-CHART Figure 15 PROCESSOR Request the Bus 1) Assert Bus Request (im) f Grant Bus Arbitration 1 ) Assert Bus Grant (BG) I However, if the bus requests are still pending, the processor will assert another bus grant within a few clock cycles after it was negated. This additiona I assertion of bus gra nt allows external arbitration circuitry to select the next bus master before the current bus master has completed its requirements. The following paragraphs provide additional information about the three steps in the arbitration process. Requesting the Bus. External devices capable of becoming bus masters request the bus by asserting the bus request (BR) signal. This is a wire ORed signal (although it need not be constructed from open collector devices) that indicates to the processor that some external device requires control of the external bus. The processor is effectively at a lower bus priority level than the external device and will relinquish the bus after it has completed the last bus cycle it has started. t Acknowledge Bus Mastership 1 ) Extemal arbitration determines next bus master 2) Next bus master waits for current cycle to complete 3) Next bus master asserts Bus Grant Acknowledge (~) to become new master 4) Bus master negates im I f Terminate Arbitration 1) Negate Irn (and wait for ~ to be • negated) t Operate as Bus Master 1) Perform Date Transfers (Read and Write cycles) according to the same rules the pro- When no acknowledge is received before the bus request signal goes inactive, the processor will continue processing when it detects that the bus request is inactive. This allows ordinary processing to continue if the arbitration circuitry responded to noise inadvertently. Receiving the Bus Grant. The processor asserts bus grant (BG) as soon as possible. Normally this is immediately after internal synchronization. The only exception to this occurs when the processor has made an internal decision to execute the next bus cycle but has not progressed far enough into the cycle to have asserted the address strobe (AS) signal. In this case, bus grant will not be asserted until one clock after address strobe is asserted to indicate to external devices that a bus cycle is being executed. REQUESTING DEVICE Ralease Bus Mastership 1)Nagate~ t Re-Arbitrate or Resume Processor Operation The bus grant signal may be routed through a daisy-chained network or through a specific priority-encoded network. The processor is not affected by the external method of arbitration as long as the protocol is obeyed. Acknowledgement of Mastership. Upon receiving a bus VI-18 BUS ARBITRATION CYCLE TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 16 CLK A1-A23 AS LDSIUDS R/W ~ 00-015 FCO-2 BR \ ~ ~ / \ ~--------~\~----~/ / \\-------- PROCESSOR --~--DMA DEVICE-~-- -- -PROCESSOR - -- - ~ - - DMA DEVICE - --- grant, the requesting device waits until address strobe, data transfer acknowledge, and bus grant acknowledge are negated before issuing its own BGACK. The negation of the address strobe indicates that the previous master has completed its cycle, the negation of bus grant acknowledge indicates that the previous master has released the bus. (While address strobe is asserted no device is allowed to "break into" a cycle.) The negation of data transfer acknowledge indicates the previous slave has terminated its connection to the previous master. Note that in some applications data transfer acknowledge might not enter into this function. General purpose devices would then be connected such that they were only dependent on address strobe. When bus grant acknowledge is issued the device is bus master until it negates bus grant acknowledge. Bus grant acknowledge should not be negated until after the bus cycle(s) is (are) completed. Bus mastership is terminated at the negation of bus grant acknowledge. STATE DIAGRAM OF MK68000 BUS ARBITRATION UNIT Figure 17 RA The bus request from the granted device should be dropped when bus grant acknowledge is asserted. If bus request is still asserted after bus grant acknowledge is negated, the processor performs another arbitration sequence and issues another bus grant. Note that the processor does not perform any external bus cycles before it re-asserts bus grant. BUS ARBITRATION CONTROL. The bus arbitration control unit in the MK68000 is implemented with a finite state machine. A state diagram of this machine is shown in Figure 17. All asynchronous signals to the MK68000 are synchronized before being used internally. This synchronization is accomplished in a maximum of one cycle of the system clock, assuming that the asynchronous input setup time (#47) has been met. The input signal is sampled on the falling edge of the clock and is valid internally after the next falling edge. As shown in Figure 17, input Signals labeled R and A are internally synchronized on the bus request and bus grant R = Bus Request Intamal A = Bus Grant Acknowledge Internal G = Bus Grant T = Three-state Control to Bus Control logic X = Don't Care 'State machine will not change state if bus is in SO. Refer to BUS ARBITRATION CONTROL for additional information. acknowledge pins respectively. The bus grant output is labeled G and the internal three-state control signal T.lfTis true, the address, data, and control buses are placed in a high-impedance state when AS is negated. All signals are shown in positive logic (active high) regardless of their true active voltage level. VI-19 ------------ .. BUS ARBITRATION DURING PROCESSOR BUS CYCLE Figure 18 Bus three s t a t e d - - - - - - - - I Bus released from three state and Processor starts next bux cycle BGasserted------~ BR valid internal BGACK negated internal BGACK sampled BRsampled~ BGACK negated BR asserted - - . • ClK so S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 BR----""'" iiG so S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 SO S1 I =========~~~~~~~'::~==~_---,I '--___---'1 ' ...._-----' ~-~----------~~------~ ~--------------,-~,~----~ ( OTACK _______ 00-015 .. ~ ---'----'~~====~~--------------~__--------_;~~~~===== ____ ( PROCESSOR -I .. ALTERNATE BUS MASTER BUS ARBITRATION WITH BUS INACTIVE Figure 19 Bus released from three state and processor starts next bus c y c l e - - - - - - - - - - - - - , BGACK n e g a t e d - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-, BG asserted and bus three stated - - - - - - - - , BR valid internal----------.. BRassertedl--------~ CLK SO S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 SO S1 S2 S3 S4 I BR - - - - - - - - - - - - , ' I iiG BGACK \ / '-----' 1 A1-~3 :~~~~======~~)::::::::::~======================~~(~~==== AS ~ ,\-_ _-oJ UOS-----, /r----------,\~~----------------~~ lOS I , ~ J'--________________________)r---------:------------('-_____ R/W--------------'-___________ FCO-FC2 ~---- OTACK --------'----1 00-015 -----::::::1(:=~====)t~::::~------~::~~::~~::------_;,~~~;_ _I :ROCESSOR_ .. PROCESSOR _I.. BUS INACTIVE _I.. ALTERNATE BUS MASTER VI-20 State changes (valid outputs) occur on the next rising edge after the internal signal is valid. A timing diagram of the bus arbitration sequence during a processor bus cycle is shown in Figure 18. The bus arbitration sequence while the bus is inactive (i.e., executing internal operations such as a multiply instruction) is shown in Figure 19. If a bus request is made at a time when the MPU has already begun a bus cycle but AS has not been asserted (bus state SO), BG will not be asserted on the next rising edge. Instead, BG will be delayed until the second rising edge following its internal assertion. BUS ERROR AND HALT OPERATION. In a bus architecture that requires a handshake from an external device, the possibility exists that the handshake might not occur. Since different systems will require a different maximum response time, a bus error input is provided. External circuitry must be used to determine the duration between address strobe and data transfer acknowledge before issuing a bus error signal. When a bus error signal is received, the processor has two options: initiate a bus error exception sequence or try running the bus cycle again. Exception Sequence. When the bus error signal is asserted, the current bus cycle is terminated. If BERR is asserted before the falling edge of 54, AS will be negated in S7 in either a read or write cycle. As long as BERR remains asserted, the data and address buses will be in the highimpedance state. When the BERR is negated, the processor will begin stacking for exception processing. The bus error exception sequence is entered when the processor receives a bus error signal and the halt pin is inactive. Figure 20 is a timing diagram for the exception sequence. The sequence is composed of the following elements: 1. Stacking the program counter and status register BUS ERROR TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 20 ClK A1-A23 ==---~::;----------------r=!.---.J ~ \ \ \ ~ UOS ~ II \ \ \ / R/W \ OTACK 08-015 00-07 FCO-2 BEJiR ~;;;j(~~~~~~~~~~~~;;j' ~===== =x ( ~~~=== ~===========\\--------~~ HALT INITIATE RESPONSE BUS ERROR INITIATE BUS I-ilFiEAOJ+c - ---FAiLuRT-- --~------OEiECTION----- --~RRORSTACKING RE-RUN BUS CYCLE TIMING INFORMATION Figure 21 ClK AS ~~====~~============~=====~ \ \ / / \~----~~--------------------~\ / \ \ / ~ [OS R/W \ OTACK ) ) 08-015 00-07 FCO-2 =x BERR ( ( X \ /~--- / / r- )-)-- x= HArT fool------· REAO ----~-_tc---------- HALT --------------~------ RERUN -------~ VI-21 HALT SIGNAL TIMING CHARACTERISTICS· Figure 22 ClK AS ----------------------,\\'------ /~----- UOS lOS R/VV ---, / OTACK _=:J 08-015 00-07 FCO-2 ,--- ~--~======~----------------~--~\======~I \ /'--- ( ~ r=-------=r-- =x ~ HALT I--~-- READ - - ---¥-----~~HAlT - 2. Stacking the error information 3. Reading the bus error vector table entry 4. Executing the bus error handler routine ------- ¥- -- -- READ -------.1 The halt and run modes are somewhat self explanatory in that when the halt signal is constantly active the processor "halts" (does nothing) and when the halt signal is constantly inactive the processor "runs" (does something). The stacking of the program counter and the status register is the same as if an interrupt had occurred. Several additional items are stacked when a bus erroroccurs. These items are used to determine the nature of the error and correct it, if possible. The bus errOr vector is vector number two located at address $000008. The processor loads the new program counter from this location. A software bus error handler routine is then executed by the processor. Refer to EXCEPTION PROCESSING for additional information. The single-step mode is derived from correctly timed transitions on the halt signal input. It forces the processorto execute a single bus cycle by entering the "run" mode until the processor starts a bus cycle then changing to the "halt" mode. Thus, the single-step mode allows the user to proceed through (and therefore debug) processor operations one bus cycle at a time. Re-Running the Bus Cycle. When the processor receives a bus error signal and the h}llt pin is being driven by an external device, the processor enters the re-run sequence. Figure 21 is a timing diagram for re-running the bus cycle. Figure 22 details the timing required for correct single-step operations. Some care must be exercised to avoid harmful interactions between the bus error signal and the halt pin when using the single cycle mode as a debugging tool. This is also true of interactions between the halt and reset lines, since these can reset the machine. The processor completes the bus cycle, then puts the address and data lines in the high-impedance state. The processor remains "halted," and will notrun another bus cycle until the halt signal is removed by external logic. Then the processor will re-run the previous bus cycle using the same address, the same function codes, the same data (for a write operation), and the same controls. The bus error signal should be removed at least one clock cycle before the halt signal is removed. When the processor completes a bus cycle after recognizing thatthe halt signal is active, mostthree-state signals are put in the high-impedance state. These include: 1. address lines 2. data lines This is required for correct performance of the re-run bus cycle operation. NOTE The processor will not re-run a read-modify-write cycle. This restriction is made to guarantee that the entire cycle runs correctly and that the write operation of a Test -a nd-Set operation is performed without ever releasing AS. IfBERR and HALT are asserted during a read-modify-write bus cycle, a bus error operation results. Note that when the processor honors a request to halt, the function codes are put in the high-impedance state (their buffer characteristics are the same as the address buffers). While the processor is honoring the halt request, bus arbitration performs as usual. That is, halting has no effect on bus arbitration. It is the bus arbitration function that removes the control signals from the bus. Halt Operation with No Bus Error. The halt input signal to the MK68000 performs a HaltiRun/Single-Step function. The halt function and the hardware trace capability allow the hardware debugger to trace single bus cycles or single VI-22 RESET OPERATION TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 23 ClK JU1JU1JU1MflJUmJUU1J1JlflJU1JU1JU1IUUUU1f1f1JU1JUU1JU1MfU1JUU1J1JL PLUS 5 VOLTS Vee ~ REm l~____~_ HALT l~ t->100 ,..~-~ MilLISECONDS -~"r------------ I __________________~ ,..~ 1-.. BUS CYCLES 2 NOTES: 1) Internal start-up time 2) SSP High read in here 3) SSP Low read in here 4) PC High read in here 5) PC Low read. in here 6) First instruction fetched here. 3 4 5 6 Bus State Unknown: All Control Signals Inactive Data Bus In Read Mode: instructions at a time. These processor capabilities, along with a software debugging package, give total debugging flexibility. and loaded into the program counter. The processor initializes the status register to an interrupt level of seven. No other registers are affected by the reset sequence. Double Bus Faults. When a bus error exception occurs, the processor will attempt to stack several words containing information about the state of the machine. If a bus error exception occurs during the stacking operation, there have been two bus errors in a row. This is commonly referred to as a double bus fault. When a double bus fault occurs, the processor will halt. Once a bus error exception has occurred, any bus error exception occurring before the execution of the next instruction constitutes a double bus fault. When a RESET sequence is executed, the processor drives the reset pin for 124 clock pulses. In this case, the processor is trying to reset the rest of the system. Therefore, there is no effect on the internal state of the processor. All of the processor's internal registers and the status register are unaffected by the execution of a RESET instruction. All external devices connected to the reset line should be reset at the completion of the RESET instruction. Note that a bus cycle which is re-run does not constitute a bus error exception, and does not contribute to a double bus fault. Note also that this means that as long .as the external hardware requests it, the processor will continue to re-run the same bus cycle. The bus error pin also has an effect on processor operation after the processor receives an external r~set input. The processor reads the vector table after a reset to determine the address to start program execution. If a bus error occurs while reading the vector table (or at any time before the first instruction is executed), the processor reacts as.if a double bus fault has occurred and it halts. Only an external reset will start a halted processor. RESET OPERATION. The reset signal is a bidirectional signal that allows either the processor or an external signal to reset the system. Figure 23 is a timing diagram for reset' operations. Both the halt and the reset lines must be applied to ensure total reset of the processor. Asserting th~ reset and halt pins for 10 clock cycles will cause a processor reset, except when Vee is initially applied to the processor. In this case, an. external reset must be applied to the reset pin for 100 milliseconds. THE RELATIONSHIP OF DTACK, BERR, AND HALT In order to control termination of a bus cycle for a re-run or a bus error condition properly, DTACK, BERA. and HALT should be asserted and negated on the rising edge of the MK68000 clock. This will assure that when two signals are .asserted simultaneously, the required setup time (#47) f~r both of them will ~ met during the same bus state. This, or some equivalent precaution, should be designed external to the MK68000. Parameter #48 is intended to ensure this operation in a totally asynchronous system, and may be ignored if the above conditions are met. The preferred bus cycle terminations may be summarized as follows (case num~rs refer to Table 17): When the reset and halt lines are driven by an external device, it is recognized as an entire system reset, including the processor. The processor responds by reading the reset vector table entry (vector number zero, address $000000) and loads it into the supervisor stack pointer (SSP). Vector table entry number one at address $000004 is read next VI-23 Normal Termination: DTACK occurs first (case 1). Halt Termination: HALT is asserted at same time, or precedes DTACK ino BERR) cases 2 and 3. Bus Error Termination: BERR is asserted in lieu of, at same time, or preceding DTACK (case 4); BERR negated at same time, or after DTACK. Re-RunTermination: HALT and BERR asserted at the II DTACK. BERR. HALT ASSERTION RESULTS Table 17 Asserted on Rising Edge of State N N+2 Case No, Control Signal 1 DTACK BERR HALT 2 DTACK BERR HALT A NA A DTACK BERR HALT NA NA A DTACK BERR HALT X X A NA 5 NA DTACK BERR HALT X X 5 A A 5 5 6 DTACK BERR HALT NA NA A A 3 4 Result 5 A NA NA Normal cycle terminate and continue. X X .. 5 Normal cycle terminate and halt. Continue when HALT removed. X 5 A NA Normal cycle terminate and halt. Continue when HALT removed. 5 Terminate and take bus error trap. Terminate and re-run. Terminate and re-run when HALT removed. X 5 Legend: N - the number of the current even bus state (e.g., 54, 56, etc.) A - signal is asserted in this bus state NA - signal is not asserted in this state X - don't care 5 - signal was asserted in previous state and remains asserted in this state BERR AND HALT NEGATION RESULTS Table 18 Conditions of Termination in Table A Control Signal Bus Error BERR HALT Re-run BERR HALT Re-run BERR HALT Normal Normal Negated on Rising Edge of State N+2 N • • • • • Results - Next Cycle or or • • Takes bus error trap. or • Illegal sequence, usually traps to vector number O. Re-runs the bus cycle. • BERR HALT • • or BERR HALT • or May lengthen next cycle. • • If next cycle is started it will be terminated none as a bus error. VI-24 same time, or before DTACK(cases 5 and 6); HALT must be negated at least 1 cycle after BERR. translate accesses, and is used to choose between the supervisor stack pointer and the user stack pointer in instruction references. Table 17 details the resulting bus cycle termination under various combinations of control signal sequences. The negation of these same control signals under several conditions is shown in Table 18 (DTACK is assumed to be negated normally in all cases; for best results, both DTACK and BERR should be negated when address strobe is negated.) The privilege state is a mechanism for providing security in a computer system. Programs should access only their own code and data areas, and ought to be restricted from accessing information which theydo not need and must not modify. Example A: A system uses a watch-dog timer to terminate accesses to un-populated address space. The timer asserts DTACK and BERR simultaneously after time-out. (case 4) The privilege mechanism provides security by allowing most programs to execute in user state. In this state, the accesses are controlled, and the effects on other parts of the system are limited. The operating system executes in the supervisor state, has access to all resources, and performs the overhead tasks for the user state programs. Example B: A system uses error detection on RAM contents. Designer may (a) delay DTACK until data verified, and return BERR and HALT simultaneously to re-run error cycle (case 5), or if valid, return DTACK; (b) delay iYi'ACR until data verified, and return BERR at same time as DTACK if data in error (case 4); (c) return DTACK prior to data verification, as described in previous section. If data invalid, BERR is asserted (case 1) in next cycle. Error-handling software must know how to recover error cycle. PROCESSING STATES The MK68000 is always in one of three processing states: normal. exception, or halted. The normal processing state is that associated with instruction execution; the memory references are to fetch instructions and operands, and to store results. A special case of the normal state is the stopped state which the processor enters when a STOP instruction is executed. In this state, no further memory references are made. The exception processing state is associated with interrupts, trap instructions, traCing and other exceptional conditions. The exception may be internally generated by an instruction or by an unusual condition arising during the execution of an instruction. Externally, exception processing can be forced by an interrupt, by a bus error, or by a reset. Exception processing is designed to provide an efficient context switch so that the processor may handle unusual conditions. The halted processing state is an indication of catastrophic hardware failure. For example, if during the exception processing of a bus error another bus error occurs, the processor assumes that the system is unusable and halts. Only an external reset can restart a halted processor. Note that a processor in the stopped state is not in the halted state, nor vice versa. PRIVILEGE STATES The processor operates in one of two states of privilege: the "user" state or the "supervisor" state. The privilege state determines which operations are legal, is used by the external memory management device to control and, SUPERVISOR STATE, The supervisor state is the higher state of privilege. For instruction execution, the supervisor state is determined by the S-bit of the status register; if the S-bit is asserted (high), the processor is in the supervisor state. All instructions can be executed in the supervisor state. The bus cycles generated by instructions executed in the supervisor state are classified as super~isor references. While the processor is in the supervisor privilege state, those instructions which use either the system stack pointer implicity or address register seven explicitly access the supervisor stack pointer. All exception processing is done in the supervisor state, regardless of the setting of the S-bit. The bus cycles generated during exception processing are classified as supervisor references. All stacking operations during exception processing use the supervisor stack pointer. USER STATE. The user state is the lower state of privilege. For instruction execution, the user state is determined by the S-bit of the status register; if the S-bit is negated (low), the processor is executing instructions in the user state. Most instructions execute the same in user state as in the supervisor state. However, some instructions which have important system effects are made privileged. User programs are not. permitted to execute the STOP instruction, or the RESET instruction. To ensure that a user program cannot enter the supervisor state except in a controlled manner, the instructions which modify the whole status register are privileged. To aid in debugging programs which are to be used as operating systems, the move to user stack pointer (MOVE USP) and move from user stack pointer (MOVE from USP) instructions are also privileged. The bus cycles generated by an instruction executed in user state are classified as user state references. This allows an external memory management device to translate the address and to control access to protected portions of the address space. While the processor is in the user privilege state, those instructions which use either the system stack pointer implicity, or address register seven explicitly, access the user stack pointer. VI-25 PRIVILEGE STATE CHANGES. Once the processor is in the user state and executing instructions, only exception processing can change the privilege state. During exception processing, the current setting of the S-bit of the status register is saved and the S-bit is asserted, putting the processing in the supervisor state. Therefore, when instruction execution resumes at the address specified to process the exception, the processor is in the supervisor privilege state. REFERENCE CLASSIFICATION Table 19 Function Code Output FC2 FC1 FCO REFERENCE CLASSIFICATION. When the processor makes a reference, it classifies the kind of reference being made, using the encoding on the three function code output lines. This allows external translation of addresses, control of access, and differentiation of special processor states, such as interrupt acknowledge. Table 19 lists the classification of references. EXCEPTION PROCESSING Before discussing the details of interrupts, traps, and tracing, a general description of exception processing is in order. The processing of an exception occurs in four steps, with variations for different exception causes. During the first step, a temporary copy of the status register is made, and the statustegister is set for exception processing. In the second step the exception vector is determined, and the third step is the saving of the current processor context. In the fourth step a new context is obtained, and the processor switches to instruction processing. EXCEPTION VECTORS. Exception vectors are memory locations from which the processor fetches the address of a routine which will handle that exception. All exception Reference Class 0 0 0 (Unassigned) 0 0 1 User Data 0 1 0 User Program 0 1 1 (Unassigned) 1 0 0 (Unassigned) 1 0 1 Supervisor Data 1 1 0 Supervisor Program 1 1 1 Interrupt Acknowledge vectors are two words in length (Figure 24), except for the reset vector, which is four words. All exception vectors lie in the supervisor data space, except for the reset vector which is in the supervisor program space. A vector number is an eight-bit number which, when multiplied by four, gives the address of an exception vector. Vector numbers are generated internally or externally, depending on the cause of the exception. In the case of interrupts, during the interrupt acknowledge bus cycle, a peripheral provides an 8-bit vector number(Figure 25)to the processor on data bus lines DO through 07. The processor translates the vector number into a full 24-bit address, as shown in Figure 26. The memory layout for exception vectors is given in Table 20. EXCEPTION VECTOR FORMAT Figure 24 WORD 0 NEW PROGRAM COUNTER (HIGH) AO WOR!) 1 NEW PROGRAM COUNTER (LOW) AO = O. A1 = 1 = 0.A1 = 0 PERIPHERAL VECTOR NUMBER FORMAT Figure 26 08 07 016 I DO IGNORED Where: v7 is the MSB of the Vector Number vO is the LSB of the Vector Number . ADDRESS TRANSLATEDFROM8-BIT Vj:CTOR NUMBER Figure 26 A23 A10 A9 A8 ALL ZEROES VI-26 A7 A6 AS A4 A3 A2 A1 AO EXCEPTION VECTOR ASSIGNMENT Table 20 Vector Number(s) Dec Address Hex Space Assignment· 0 0 000 SP Reset Initial SSP - 4 004 SP Reset Initial PC 2 8 008 SO Bus Error OOC SO Address Error 3 12 4 16 010 SO Illegal Instruction 5 20 014 SO Zero Divide 6 24 018 SO CHK Instruction 7 28 01C SO TRAPV Instruction 8 32 020 SO Privilege Violation 9 36 024 SO Trace 10 40 028 SO Line 1010 Emulator 11 44 02C SO Line 1111 Emulator 12* 48 030 SO (Unassigned. reserved) 13* 52 034 SO (Unassigned. reserved) 14* 56 038 SO (Unassigned. reserved) 15 60 03C SO Uninitialized Interrupt Vector 16-23* 64 04C SO (Unassigned. reserved) 95 05F ,.1 - 24 96 060 SO Spurious Interrupt 25 100 064 SO Level 1 Interrupt Autovector 26 104 068 SO Level 2 Interrupt Autovector 27 108 06C SO Level 3 Interrupt Autovector 28 112 070 SO Level 4 Interrupt Autovector 29 116 074 SO Level 5 Interrupt Autovector 30 120 078 SO Level 6 Interrupt Autovector 31 124 07C SO Level 7 Interrupt Autovector 3247 128 080 SO TRAP Instruction Vectors 191 OBF 192 OGO 255 OFF 256 100 1023 3FF 48-63* 64-255 (Unassigned. reserved) SO User Interrupt Vectors SO " *Vector numbers 12. 13. 14. 16 through 23 and 48 through 63 are reserved for future enhancements by Mostek. No user peripheral devices should be assigned these numbers. VI-27 II As shown in Table 20, the memory layout is 512 words long (1024 bytes). It starts at address 0 and proceeds through address 1023. This provides 255 unique vectors; some of these are reserved for TRAPS and other system functions. Of the 255, these are 192 reserved for user interrupt vectors. However, there is no protection on the first 64 entries, so user interrupt vectors may overlap at the discretion of the systems designer. KINDS OF EXCEPTIONS. Exceptions can be generated by either internal or external causes. The externally generated exceptions are the interrupts and the bus error and reset requests. The interrupts are requests from peripheral devices for processor action while the bus error and reset inputs are used for access control and processor restart. The internally generated exceptions come from instructions, or from address errors or tracing. The trap (TRAP), trap on overflow (TRAPV), check register against bounds (CHK) and divide (DIV) instructions all can generate exceptions as part of their instruction execution. In addition, illegal instructions, word fetches from odd addresses and privilege violations cause exceptions. Tracing behaves like a very high priority, internally generated interrupt after each instruction execution. EXCEPTION PROCESSING SEQUENCE. Exception processing occurs in four identifiable steps. In the first step, an internal copy is made of the status register. After the copy is made, the S-bit is asserted, putting the processor into the supervisor privilege state. Also, the T -bit is negated which will allow the exception handler to execute unhindered by tracing. For the reset and interrupt exceptions, the interrupt priority mask is also updated. In the second step, the vector number of the exception is determined. For interrupts; the vector number is obtained by a processor fetch, classified as an interrupt acknowledge. For all other exceptions, internal logic provides the vector number. This vector number is then used to generate the address of the exception vector. The third step is to save the current processor status, except for the reset exception. The current program counter value and the saved copy of the status register are stacked using the supervisor stack pointer. The program counter value stacked usually points to the next unexecuted instruction, however for bus error and address error, the value stacked for the program counter is unpredictable, and may be incremented from the address of the instruction which caused the error. Additional information defining the current context is stacked for the bus error and address error exceptions. MULTIPLE EXCEPTIONS. These paragraphs describe the processing which occurs when multiple exceptions arise simultaneously. Exceptions can be grouped according to their occurrence and priority. The Group 0 exceptions are reset, bus error, and address error. These exceptions cause the instruction currently being executed to be aborted, and the exception processing to commence at the next minor cycle of the processor. The Group 1 exceptions are trace and interrupt, as well as the privilege violations and illegal. instructions. These eXCeptions allow the current instruction to execute to completion, but preempt the execution of the next instruction by forcing exception processing to occur (privilege violations and illegal instructions are detected when they are the next instruction to be executed). The Group 2 exceptions occur as part of the normal processing of instructions. The TRAP, TRAPV, CHK, and zero divide exceptions are in this group. For these exceptions, the normal execution of an instruction may lead to exception processing. Group 0 exceptions have highest priority, while Group 2 exceptions have lowest priority. Within Group 0, reset has highest priority, followed by bus error and then address error. Within Group 1, trace has priority over external interrupts, which in turn takes priority over illegal instruction and privilege violation. Since only one instruction can be executed at a time, there is no priority relation within Group 2. The priority relation between. two exceptions determines which is taken, or taken first, if the conditions for both arise simultaneously. Therefore, if a bus error occurs during a TRAP instruction, the bus error takes precedence, and the TRAP instruction processing is aborted. In another example, if an interrupt request occurs during the execution of an instruction while the T-bit is asserted, the trace exception has priority, and is processed first. Before instruction processing resumes, however, the interrupt exception is also processed, and instruction processing commences finally in the interrupt handler routine. A summary of exception grouping and priority is given in Table 21. EXCEPTION GROUPING AND PRIORITY Table 21 Group The last step is the same for all exceptions. The new program counter value is fetched from the exception vector. The processor then resumes instruction execution. The instruction at the address given in the exception vector is fetched, and normal instruction decoding and execution is .-started. VI-28 0 1 2 Exception Processing Reset Bus Error Exception processing begins Address Error within two clock cycles Trace Interrupt Illegal Privilege Exception processing begins before the next instruction TRAP, TRAPV, Exception processing is started CHK, Zero Divide by normal instruction execution EXCEPTION PROCESSING DETAILED DISCUSSION Exceptions have a number of sources, and each exception has processing which is peculiar to it. The following paragraphs detail the sources of exceptions, how each arises, and how each is processed. RESET. The reset input provides the highest exception level. The processing of the reset signal is designed for system initiation, and recovery from catastrophic failure. Any processing in progress at the time of the reset is aborted and cannot be recovered. The processor is forced into the supervisor state, and the trace state is forced off. The processor interrupt priority mask is set at level seven. The vector number is internally generated to reference the reset exception vector at location 0 in the supervisor program space. Because no assumptions can be made about the validity of register contents, in particular the supervisor stack pointer, neither the program counter nor the status register is saved. The address contained in the first two words of the reset exception vector is fetched as the initial supervisor stack pointer, and the address in the last two words of the reset exception vector is fetched as the initial program counter. Finally, instruction execution is started at the address in the program counter. The powerup/restart code should be pointed to by the initial program counter. suppressed, and. the processor priority level is set to the level of the interrupt being acknowledged. The processor fetches the vector number from the interrupting device, classifying the reference as an interrupt acknowledge and displaying the level number of the interrupt being acknowledged on the address bus. If external logic requests an automatic vectoring, the processor internally generates a vector number which is determined by the interrupt level number. If external logic indicates a bus error, the interrupt is taken to be spurious, and the generated vector number references the spurious interrupt vector. The processor then proceeds with the usual exception processing, saving the program counter and status register on the supervisor stack. The saved value ofthe program counter is the address of the instruction which would have been executed had the interrupt not been present. The content of the interrupt vector whose vector number was previously obtained is fetched and loaded into the program counter, and normal instruction execution commences in the interrupt handling routine. A flow chart for the interrupt acknowledge sequence is given in Figure 27; a timing diagram isgiven in Figure 28. Priority level seven is a special case. Level seven interrupts INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE SEQUENCE FLOWCHART Figure 27 The RESET instruction does not cause loading of the reset vector, but does assert the reset line to reset external devices. This allows the software to reset the system to a known state and then continue processing with the next instruction. PROCESSOR INTERRUPTING DEVICE Request Interrupt I Grant Interrupt INTERRUPTS. Seven levels of interrupt priorities are provided. Devices may be chained externally within interrupt priority levels, allowing an unlimited number of peripheral devices to interrupt the processor. Interrupt priority levels are numbered from one to seven, level seven being the highest priorty. The status register contains a three-bit mask which indicates the current processor priority, and interrupts are inhibited for all priority levels less than or equal to the current processor priority. An interrupt request is made to the processor by encoding the interrupt request level on the interrupt request lines; a zero indicates no interrupt request. Interrupt requests arriving at the processor do not force immediate exception processing, but are made pending. Pending interrupts are detected between instruction executions. If the priority of the pending interrupt is lower than or equal to the current processor priority, execution continues with the next instruction and the interrupt exception processing is postponed. (The recognition of level seven is slightly different, as explained in a following paragraph.) If the priority of the pending interrupt is greater than the current processor priority, the exception processing sequence is started. First a copy of the status register is saved, and the privilege state is set to supervisor, tracing is VI-29 1 ) Compare interrupt level in status register and wait for current instruction to complete 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Place interrupt level on A 1. A2, A3 Set R/W to read Set function code to interrupt acknowledge Assert address strobe (AS) Assert lower data strobe (LOS) ) , Provide Vector Number 1) Place vector number on 00-07 2) Assert data transfer acknowledge (OTACK) I Acquire Vector Number , 1 ) Latch vector number 2) Negate LOS 3) Negate AS ) Release 1) Negate OTACK t Start Interrupt Processing ) II INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE SEQUENCE TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 28 A1-A3 =>-< I \ AS \ ODs \ \ \ r \ \ }. \ I rns R/W \ OTACK \ 08-015 ( 00-07 ( \ ( ( FCO-2:J( IPLO-2 \ / ) < X. 7 \ LAST BUS CYCLE OF INSTRUCTION STACK (READ OR WRITE) I PCL. I. 1... .. .... (SSP)-I.. lACK CYCLE (VECTOR NUMBER ACQUISITION) STACK AND *..._----.. . *-..._ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... cannot be inhibited by the interrupt priority mask, thus providing a "non-maskable interrupt" capability. An interrupt is generated e,ach time the interrupt request level changes from some lower level to level seven. Note that a level seven interrupt may still be caused by the level comparison if the request level is a seven and the processor priority is set to a lower level by an instruction. UNINITIALIZED INTERRUPT. An interrupting device asserts VPA or provides an interrupt vector during an interrupt acknowledge cycle to the MK68000. If the vector register has not been initialized, the responding MK68000 Family peripheral will provide vector 15, the uninitialized interrupt vector. This provides a uniform way to recover from a programming error. SPURIOUS INTERRUPT. If during the interrupt acknowledge cycle no device responds by asserti ng DTACK or VPA, the bus error line should be asserted to terminate the vector acquisition. The processor separates the processing of this error from bus error by fetching the spurious interrupt vector instead of the bus error vector. The processor then proceeds with the usual exception processing. INSTRUCTION TRAPS. Traps are exceptions caused by instructions. They arise eitherfrom processor recognition of abnormal conditions during instruction execution, or from use of instructions whose normal behavior is trapping. Some instructions are used specifically to generate traps. The TRAP instruction always forces an exception, and is useful for implementing system calls for user programs. The TRAPV and CHK instructions force an exception if the user program detects a runtime error, which may be an arithmetic overflow or a subscript out of bounds. 1 VECTOR FETCH 1 --1. The signed divide (DIVS) and unsigned divide (DIVU) instructions will force an exception if a division operation is attempted with a divisor of zero. ILLEGAL AND UNIMPLEMENTED INSTRUCTIONS. Illegal instruction is the term used to refer to anyofthe word bit patterns which are not the bit pattern of the first word of a legal instruction. During instruction execution, if such an instruction is fetched, an illegal instruction exception occurs. Word patterns with bits 15 through 12 equaling 1010 or 1111 are distinguished as unimplemented instructions and separate exception vectors are given to these patterns to permit efficient emulation. This facility allows the operating system to detect program errors, or to emulate unimplemented instructions in software. PRIVILEGE VIOLATIONS. In order to provide system security, various instructions are privileged. An attempt to execute one of the privileged instructions while in the user state will cause an exception., The privileged instructions are: STOP RESET RTE MOVE to SR AND (word) Immediate to SR EOR (word) Immediate to SR OR (word) Immediate to SR MOVEUSP TRACING. To aid in program development, the MK68000 includes a facility to allow instruction by instruction tracing. In the trace state, after each instruction is executed an exception is forced, allowing a debuggi!lg program to monitor the execution of the program under test. VI-30 The trace facility uses the T-bit in the supervisor portion of the status register. If the T-bit is negated (off), tracing is disabled, and instruction execution proceeds from instruction to instruction as normal. If the T-bit is asserted (on) at the beginning of the execution of an instruction, a trace exception will be generated after the execution of that instruction is completed. If the instruction is not executed, either because an interrupt is taken, or the instruction is illegal or privileged, the trace exception does not occur. The trace exception also does not occur if the instruction is aborted by a reset, bus error, or address error exception. If the instruction is indeed executed and an interrupt is pending on completion, the trace exception is processed before the interrupt exception. If, during the execution of the instruction, an exception is forced by that instruction, the forced exception is processed before the trace exception. status register are of course saved. The value saved for the program counter is advanced by some amount, two to ten bytes beyond the address of the first word of the instruction which made the reference causing the bus error. If the bus error occurred during the fetch of the next instruction, the saved program counter has a value in the vicinity of the current instruction, even if the current instruction is a branch, a jump, or a return instruction. Besides the usual information, the processor saves its internal copy of the first word of the instruction being processed and the address which was being accessed by the aborted bus cycle. Specific information about the access is also saved whether it was a read or a write, whether the processor was processing an instruction or not, and the classification displayed on the function code outputs when the bus error occurred. The processor is processing an instruction if it is in the normal state or processing a Group 2 exception; the processor is not processing an instruction if it is processing a GroupOor a Group 1 exception. Figure 29 illustrates how this information is organized on the supervisor stack. Although this information is not sufficient in general to effect full recovery from the bus error, it does allow software diagnosis. Finally, the processor commences instruction processing at the address contained in the vector. It is the responsibility of the error handler routine to clean up the stack and determine where' to continue execution. As an extreme illustration of the above rules, consider the arrival of an interrupt during the execution of a TRAP instruction while tracing is enabled. First the trap exception is processed, then the trace exception, and finally the interrupt exception. Instruction execution resumes in the interrupt handler routine. BUS ERROR. Bus error exceptions occur when the external logic requests that a bus error be processed by an exception. The current bus cycle which the processor is making is then aborted. Whether the processor was doing instruction or exception processing, that processing is terminated, and the processor immediately begins exception processing. If a bus error occurs during the exception processing for a bus error, address error, or reset, the processor is halted, and all processing ceases. This simplifies the detection of catastrophic system failure, since the processor removes itself from the system rather than destroy all memory contents. Only the RESET pin can restart a halted processor. Exception processing for bus error follows the usual sequence of steps. The status register is copied, the supervisor state is entered, and the trace state is turned off. The vector number is generated to refer to the bus error vector. Since the processor was not between instructions when the bus error exception request was made, the context of the processor is more detailed. To save more of this context, additional information is saved on the supervisor stack. The program counter and the copy of the ADDRESS ERROR. Address error exceptions occur when the processor attempts to access a word or a long word operand or an instruction at an odd address. The effect is much like an internally generated bus error, so that the bus cycle is aborted, and the processor ceases whatever processing it is currently doing and begins exception processing. After exception processing commences, the SUPERVISOR STACK ORDER Figure 29 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 6 7 8 4 5 LOWER ADDRESS o 2 3 FUNCTION CODE IR/wIIlN I HIGH - ACCESS ADDRESS - - - - - - - - - LOW - - - - - - - - - - - - - INSTRUCTION REGISTER STATUS REGISTER HIGH PROGRAM COUNTER- - - - - - - - ------------LOW R/W (read/write): wnte = O. read = 1. I/N (instruction/not): instructIon = O. not = 1 VI-31 • sequence is the same as that for bus error including the information that is stacked, except that the vector number refers to the address error vector instead. Likewise, if an address error occurs during the exception processing for a bus error, address error, or reset, the processor is halted. 6800 INTERFACING FLOW CHART Figure 30 PROCESSOR Initiate Cycle SLAVE 1 ) The processor starts a normal Read or Write cycle INTERFACE WITH 6800 PERIPHERALS • To interface the synchronous 6800 peripherals with the asynchronous MK68000, the processor modifies its bus cycle to meet the 6800 cycle requirements whenever a 6800 device address is detected. This is possible since both processors use memory mapped I/O. Figure 30 is a flow chart of the interface operation between the processor and 6800 devices. :Oefine 6800 cycle 1) External ~ware asserts Valid Peripheral Address (VPA) Synchronize With Enable DATA TRANSFER OPERATION 1 ) The processor monitors Enable (E) until it is low (Phase 1 ) Three signals on the processor provide the 6800 interface. They are: enable (E), valid memory address (VMA), and valid peripheral address (VPA). Enable corresponds to the E or 2 signal in existing 6800 systems. It is the bus clock used by the frequency clock that is one tenth of the incoming MK68000 clock frequency. The timing of E allows 1 MHz peripherals to be used with an 8 MHz MK680oo. Enable has a 60/40 duty cycle; that is, it is low for six input clocks and high for four input clocks. This duty cycle allows the processor to do successive VPA accesses on successive E pulses. 2) The processor asserts Valid Memory Ad- 6800 cycle timing isgiven in Figure 31. At state zero (SO) in the cycle, the address bus and function codes are in the high-impedance state. One half clock later, in state 1, the address bus and function code outputs are released from the high-impedance state. 1) The processor waits until E goes low. (On a dress(VMA) I Transfer Data 1 ) The peripheral waits until E is active and then transfers the data I Terminate Cycle , Read cycle the data is latched as E goes low intemally) 2) The processor negates VMA 3) The processor negates AS, UOS, and During state 2, the address strobe (AS) is asserted to rns Start Next Cycle 6800 CYCLE OPERATION Figure 31 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%~ CLK f1JlJUl A1·A23 >-< ~ UOS ~~__________________~ ">-<\..____________--::: ~~----------------~ LOS r R/Vii OTACK ~ 08·015 00-07 ( >-< ( ---c=>~~~~~~~~~~E~~~~ >-< X X X FCO-2 )( I /\ E VPA tt- ---c=>~ \ I \ VI-32 L I \ r indicate that there is a valid address on the address bus. If the bus cycle is a read cycle, the upper and/or lower data strobi'ls are also asserted in state 2. If the bus cycle is a write cycle, the read/write (R/W) signal is switched to low (write) during state 2. One half clock later, in state 3, the write data is placed on 1:hedata bus, and in state 4 the data strobes are issued to indicate valid data on the data bus. fact that while the vector numbers are fixed, the contents of the vector table entries are assigned by the user. Since VMA is asserted during autovectoring, the 6800 peripheral address decoding should prevent unintended accesses. INSTRUCTION SET The processor now inserts wait states until it recognizes the assertion of VPA. The VPA input signals the processor that the address on the bus is the address of a 6800 device (or an area reserved for 6800 devices) and that the bus should conform to the <1>2 transfer characteristics of the 6800 bus. Valid peripheral address is derived by decoding the address bus, conditioned by address strobe. ' The following paragraphs provide information about the addressing categories and instruction set of the MK68000. ADDRESSING CATEGORIES Effective address modes may be categorized by the ways in which they may be used. The following classifications will be used in the instruction definitions. After the recognition ofVPA, the processor assures that the Enable (E) is low, by waiting if necessary, and subsequently asserts VMA. Valid memory address is then used as part of the chip select equation ofthe peripheral. This ensures that the 6800 peripherals are selected and deselected at the correct time. The peripheral now runs its cycle during the high portion of the E signal. Data Memory During a read cycle, the processor latches the peripheral data in state 6. For all cycles, the processor negates the address and data strobes one half clock cycle later in state 7 and the Enable signal goes low at this time. Another half clock later, the address bus is put in the high-impedance state. During a write cycle, the data bus is put in the highimpedance state and the read/write signal is switched high at this time, The peripheral logic must remove VPA within one clock after address strobe is negated. DTACK should. not be asserted whileVPA is asserted. Figure 32 shows the timing required by 6800 peripherals, the timing specified for the 6800, and the corresponding timing for the MK68000. Notice that the MK68000 VMA is active low, contrasted with the active high 6800 VMA. This allows the processor to put its buses in the high-impedance state on DMA requests without inadvertently selecting peripherals. INTERRUPT INTERFACE OPERATION During an interrupt acknowledge cycle while the processor is fetching the vector, if VPA is asserted, the MK68000 will assert VMA and complete a normal 6800 read cycle as shown in Figure 33. The processor will then use an internally generated vector that is a function ofthe interrupt being serviced. This process is known as autovectoring. The seven autovectors are vector numbers 25 through 31 (decimal). Alterable Control If an effective address mode may be used to refer to data operands, it is considered a data addressing effective address mode. If an effective address mode may be used to refer to memory operands, it is considered a memory addressing effective address mode. If an effective address mode may be used to refer to alterable (writeable) operands, it is considered an alterable addressing effective address mode. If an effective address mode may be used to refer to memory operands without an associated size, it is considered a control addressing . effective address mode. Table 22 shows the various categories to wh ich each ofthe effective address modes belong. Table 23 is the instruction set summary. The status register addressing mode is not permitted unless it is explicitly mentioned as a legal addressing mode. These categories may be combined, so that additional. more restrictive, classifications may be defined. For example, the instruction descriptions use such classifications as alterable memory or data alterable. The former refers to those addressing modes which are both alterable and memory addresses, and the latter refers to addressing modes which are both data and alterable. INSTRUCTION PRE-FETCH This operates in the same fashion (but is not restricted to) the 6800 interrupt sequence. The basic difference is that there are six normal interrupt vectors and one NMI type vector. As with both the 6800 and the MK68000's normal vectored interrupt, the interrupt service routine can be located anywhere in the address space. This is due to the The MK68000 uses a 2-word tightly-coupled instruction prefetch mechanism to enhance performance. This mechanism is described in terms of the microcode operations involved. If the execution of an instruction is defined to begin when the microroutine for that instruction is entered, some features of the prefetch mechanism can be described. VI-33 1) When execution of an instruction begins, the operation word and the word following have already been • !!3: '"5; " rPeripheral" t+- 30 ns 6800" 14- 10 ns Peripheral" Ir } --+I --+I TypeBE180ns3 Type A 220 ns 320 ns ~' -------------.ZmooOO077111li TypeB t=60ns Type A 80 ns Std 195 ns :::; c:,., auUl!UIUU1Ul 6800 WRITE DATA )--{//f ill1\\\\\ VPA ~ 10 ns 6800" 10 ns Peripheral MK68000 (8 MHz) I+- 2oons~ \\U VMA WRITE DATA MK68000 CLK "Times are expressed for different device clock frequencies ::! 3: Z G) 0 j; =3 G) I II l> 3: )>-----}~---- \\\\ AS ;; m Peripheral" MK68000 ADDRESS II II Std ~ "1:1 m J: :::I 6800 READ DATA 0 0 AUTOVECTOR OPERATION TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 33 ClK A1·A3 A4·A23 AS UOS iJ)5 R/VV OTACK ~ 08·015 --c:J------------------ 00·07 ----c=J------------- c FCO·2 X 7 IPW-2 ~~~=======:-----~======~~- L-- E VPA ________ VMA ~\========~~--------~r-'l II ____JI \~ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,..-~~~~-+------- AUTOVECTOR OPERATION - - - ---I EFfECTIVE ADDRESSING MODE CATEGORIES Table 22 Effective Address Modes Data Addressing Categories Memory Control Alterable register number register number register number X X X X X X X 011 100 101 register number register number register number X X X X X X - X X X X An@(d, ix) xxx.w xxx.L 110 111 111 register number 001 X X X X X X X X X X X X PC@(d) PC@(d, ix) #xxx 111 111 111 010 011 100 X X X X X X X X - - - Mode Register Dn An An@ 000 001 010 An@+ An@An@(d) 000 INSTRUCTION SET Table 23 Mnemonic Description Operation Condition Codes XN ZVC ABCD Add Decimal with Extend (Destination), o+(Source), 0 - Destination * U* U* ADD Add Binary (Destination)+(Source) - Destination * * * * * * affected o cleared U defined - unaffected VI-35 1 set [ I= bit number INSTRUCTION SET (CONTINUED) Table 23 Mnemonic Description Operation Condition Codes XN ZVC ADDA Add Address (Destination)+(Source) - Destination - ADDI Add Immediate (Destination)+lmmediate Data - Destination * * * * * ADDQ Add Quick (Destination)+lmmediate Data - Destination * * * * * ADDX Add Extended (Destination)+(Source)+ X - Destination * * * * * AND AND Logical (Destination) A (Source) - Destination - * * 0 0 ANDI AND Immediate (Destination) A Immediate Data - Destination - * * 0 0 ASL,ASR Arithmetic Shift (Destination) Shifted by - Destination * * * * * Bee Branch Conditionally If ee then PC+d - PC - BCHG Test a Bit and Change ~ «bit number» OF Destination - Z «bit number» OF Destination OF Destination - - * - - BCLR Test a Bit and Clear ~ «bit number» OF Destination - Z 0- - OF Destination - - BRA Branch Alwavs PC+d-P.C - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - * - - * U UU - - - - - - - - ~ * - - BSET Test a Bit and Set «bit number» OF Destination - Z 1 - OF Destination BSR Branch to Subroutine PC - SP@ -; PC+d - PC BTST Test a Bit ~ CHK Check Register against Bounds If Dn <0 or Dn> «ea» then TRAP - CLR Clear an Operand o- - 0 1 CMP Compare (Destination) - (Source) - * * * * CMPA Compare Address (Destination) .:. (Source) - CMPI Compare Immediate (Destination) - Immediate Data - * * * * CMPM Compare Memory (Destination) - (Source) - * * * * DBee Test Condition, Decrement and Branch If ~ ee then Dn - 1 - Dn; if Dn ¥= - 1 then PC+d-PC - - - DIVS Signed Divide (Destination)/(Source) - Destination - * * * 0 DIVU Unsigned Divide (Destination)/(Source) - Destination - * * * 0 EOR Exclusive OR Logical (Destination) EB (Source) - Destination - * * EORI Exclusive OR Immediate (Destination) EB Immediate Data - Destination - * * EXG Exchange Register Rx -- Ry - - - - - EXT Sign Extend (Destination) Sign-extended - bestination - * * 0 0 JMP Jump Destination - PC - - ~ * affected o cleared U defined «bit number» OF Destination - Z Destination - unaffected VI-36 1 set o0 * * * * [ 1= bit number - - o o - - 0 0 - INSTRUCTION SET (CONTINUED) Table 23 Mnemonic Description Operation Condition Codes XN Z V C JSR Jump to Subroutine PC - SP@ -; Destination - PC - - - - - LEA Load Effective Address Destination - An - - - - - LINK Link and Allocate An - SP@ -; SP - An; SP + d - SP - - - - - LSL, LSR Logical Shift (Destination) Shifted by - Destination * * * 0 * MOVE Move Data from Source to Destination (Source) - Destination - MOVE to CCR Move to Condition Code (Source) - CCR * * * * * MOVE to SR Move to the Status Register (Source) - SR * * * * * MOVE from SR Move from the Status Register SR - Destination - - - - - MOVE USP Move User Stack Pointer USP - An, An - USP - - - - - MOVEA Move Address (Source) - Destination - - - - - MOVEM Move Multiple Registers Registers - Destination (Source) - Registers - - - -- - MOVEP Move Peripheral Data (Source) - Destination - - - - - MOVEQ Move Quick Immediate Data - Destination - * * 0 MULS Signed Multiply (Destination)* (Source) - Destination - * * MULU Unsigned Multiply (Destination)* (Source) - Destination - * * o o o NBCD Negate Decimal with Extend 0- (Destination), 0 - X - Destination * U * U * NEG Negate 0- (Destination) - Destination * * * * * NEGX Negate with Extend 0- (Destination) - X - Destination * * * * * NOP No Operation - - - NOT Logical Complement - (Destination) - Destination - * * OR Inclusive OR Logical (Destination) v (Source) - Destination - * * ORI Inclusive OR Immediate (Destination) v Immediate Data - Destination - PEA Push Effective Address Destination - SP@ - - RESET Reset External Devices - ROL, ROR Rotate (Without Extend) ROXL, ROXR * * o 0 0 0 - 0 0 * * o o o - - - -- - - - - - (Destination) Rotated by - Destination - * * 0 * Rotate with Extend (Destination) Rotated by - Destination * * * 0 * RTE Return from Exception SP@ - - SR, SP@ + - PC * * * * * RTR Return and Restore Condition Codes SP@ + - CC; SP@ + - PC * * * * * RTS Return from Subroutine SP@+ - PC - * affected o cleared U defined - unaffected VI-37 1 set - - - [ l' bit number - 0 - • INSTRUCTION SET (CONTINUED) Table 23 Mnemonic Description Operation Condition Codes XN Z V C SBCD Subtract Decimal with Extend (Destination I, 0 - (Sourcel,o - X - Destination * U * U * Sec Set According to Condition If ee then 1's- Destination else O's- Destination - STOP Load Status Register and Stop Immediate Data - SR; STOP * * * * * SUB Subtract Binary (Destination) - (Source) - Destination * * * * * SUBA Subtract Address (Destination) - (Source) - Destination - SUBI Subtract Immediate (Destination) - Immediate Data - Destination * * * * * SUBQ Subtract Quick (Destination) - Immediate Data - Destination * * * * * SUBX Subtract with Extend (Destination) - (Source) - X - Destination * * * * * SWAP Swap Register Halves Register [31 :16]- Register [15:0] - TAS Test and Set an Operand (Destination) Tested - CC; 1 - [7] OF Destination - * * 0 0 TRAP Trap PC - SSP@ -; SR - SSP@ -; (Vector) - PC - TRAPV Trap on Overflow If V then TRAP - - - - TST Test an Operand (Destination) Tested - CC - * * o0 UNlK Unlink An - SP; SP@ + - An - - - - - * affected 2) 3) 4) 5) o cleared U defined - unaffected fetched. The operation word is in the instruction decoder. In the case of multi-word instructions, as each additional word of the instruction is used internally, a fetch is made to the instruction stream to replace it. The last fetch from the instruction stream is made when the operation word is discarded and decoding is started on the next instruction. If the instruction is a single-word instruction causing a branch, the second word is not used. But because this word is fetched by the preceding instruction,it is impossible to avoid this superfluous fetch. In the case of an interrupt or trace exception, both words are not used. The program counter usually points to the last word fetched from the instruction stream. INSTRUCTION EXECUTION TIMES The following paragraphs contain listings of the instruction execution times in terms of external clock (ClK) periods. In this timing data, it is assumed thatthe memory cycle time is 4 clock periods. Any wait states ca used by a longer memory cycle must be added to the total instruction time. The number of bus read and write cycles for each instruction is also included with the timing data. This data is enclosed in 1 set - - - - - - - - * * 0 0 - - - - [ ] = bit number parenthesis following the execution periods and is shown as: (r/w) where r is the number of read cycles and w is the number of write cycles. NOTE The number of periods includes instruction fetch and all applicable operand fetches and stores. EFFECTIVE ADDRESS OPERAND CALCULATION TIMING Table 24 lists the number of clock periods required to compute an instruction's effective address. It includes fetching of any extensio.n words, the address computation, and fetching of the memory operand. The number of bus readand write cycles is shown in parenthesis as (r/w). Note there are no write cycles involved in processing the effective address. MOVE INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS Tables 25 and 26 indicate the number of clock periods for the move instruction. This data includes instruction fetch, operand reads, and operand writes. The number of bus read and write cycles is shown in parenthesis as: (r/w). VI-3S STANDARD INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS =address register operand, On =data register operand, ea = an operand specified by an effective address, and M = The number of clock periods shown in Table 27 indicates the time required to perform the operations, store the results, and read the next instruction. The number of bus readand write cycles is shown in parenthesis as: (r/w). The number of clock periods plus the number of read and write cycles must be added to those of the effective address calculation where indicated. memory effective address operand. In Table 27, the headings have the following meanings. An IMMEDIATE INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS The number of clock periods shown in Table 28 includes the time to fetch immediate operands, perform the operations, store the results, and read the next operation. The number of bus read and write cycles is shown in parenthesis as: (r/w). The number of clock periods plus the number of read EFFECTIVE ADDRESS CALCULATION TIMING Table 24 Addressing Mode ., Byte, Word Long Dn An Register Data Register Direct Address Register Direct 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) An@ An@+ Memory Address Register Indirect Address Register Indirect with Postincrement 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 8(2/0) 8(2/0) An@An@(d) Address Register Indirect with Predecrement Address Register Indirect with Displacement 6(1/0) 8(2/0) 10(2/0) 12(3/0) An@(d, ix)* xxx.w Address Register Indirect with Index Absolute Short 10(2/0) 8(2/0) 14(3/0) 12(3/0) xxx.L PC@(d) Absolute Long Program Counter with Displacement 12(3/0) 8(2/0) 16(4/0) 12(3/0) PC@(d, ix)* #xxx Program Counter with Index Immediate 10(2/0) 4(1/0) 14(3/0) 8(2/0) *The size of the index register (ix) does not affect execution time. MOVE BYTE AND WORD INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS Table 25 Destination An@(d) An@- On An An@ An@+ Dn An An@ 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 8(2/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 8(2/0) 8(1/1) 8(1/1) 12(2/1) 8(1/1) 8(1/1) 12(2/1 ) 8(1/1) 8(1/1 ) 12(2/1 ) An@+ An@An@(d) 8(2/0) 10(2/0) 12(3/0) 8(2/0) 10(2/0) 12(3/0) 12(2/1 ) 14(2/1) 16(3/1) 12(2/1 ) 14(2/1) 16(3/1 ) An@(d, ix)* xxx.w xxx.L 14(3/0) 12(3/0) 16(4/0) 14(3/0) 12(3/0) 16(4/0) 18(3/1) 16(3/1) 20(4/1) PC@(d) PC@(d, ix)* #xxx 12(3/0) 14(3/0) 8(2/0) 12(3/0) 14(3/0) 8(2/0) 16(3/1) 18(3/1) 12(2/1 ) Source An@(d,ix)* xxx.W xxx.L 12(2/1) 12(2/1 ) 16(3/1 ) 14(2/1 ) 14(2/1) 18(3/1 ) 12(2(1 ) 12(211) 16(3/1 ) 16(3/1 ) 16(3/1 ) 20(4/1 ) 12(2/1 ) 14(2/1 ) 16(3/1 ) 16(3/1 ) 18(3/1 ) 20(4/1 ) 18(3/1 ) 20(3/1 ) 22(4/1 ) 16(3/1), 18(3/1 ) 20(4/1 ) 20(4/1 ) 22(4/1) 24(5/1) 18(3/1 ) 16(3/1) 20(4/1 ) 18(3/1 ) 16(3/1 ) 20(4/1 ) 22(4/1 ) 20(4/1 ) 24(5/1) 24(4/1 ) 22(4/1 ) 26(5/1) 22(4/1) 20(4/1 ) 24(5/1) 26(5/1) 24(5/1) 28(6/1) 16(3/1 ) 18(3/1 ) 12(2/1 ) 16(3/1 ) 18(3/1) 12(2/1 ) 20(4/1) 22(4/1) 16(3/1 ) 22(4/1 ) 24(4/1 ) 18(3/1) 20(4/1 ) 22(4/1) 16(3/1 ) 24(5/1 ) 26(5/1) 20(4/1) *The size of the index register (ix) does not affect execution time. VI-39 II MOVE LONG INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS Table 26 Destination An@(d) An@- An@(d.ix)* xxx.W xxx.L 16(212) 16(212) 24(412) 18(212) 18(212) 26(412) 16(212) 16(212) 24(412) 20(312) 20(312) 28(512) 20(312) 22(312) 24(412) 24(4/6) 26(412) 28(512) 26(412) 28(412) 30(512) 24(412) 26(412) 28(512) 28(512) 30(512) 32(612) 26(412) 24(412) 28(512) 26(412) 24(412) 28(5/2) 30(512) 28(512) 32(612) 32(512) 30(5)2) 34(612) 30(512) 28(512) 32(612) 34(612) 32(612) 36(712) 24(412) 26(4/2) 20(312) 24(412) 26(4/2) 20(3/2) 28(512) 30(512) 24(412) 30(512) 32(512) 26(412) 28(512) 30(512) 24(412) 32(512) 34(612) 28(512) On An An@ An@+ Dn An An@ 4(1/0) 4(110) 12(3/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 12(3/0) 12(112) 12(112) 20(312) 12(112) 12(112) 20(312) 14(112) 14(112) 20(312) An@+ An@An@(d) 12(3/0) 14(310) 16(4/0) 12(3/0) 14(3/0) 16(4/0) 20(312) 22(312) 24(412) 20(312) 22(312) 24(412) An@(d,ix)* XXX.W xxx.L 18(4/0) 16(4/0) 20(510) 18(4/0) 16(4/0) 20(5/0) 26(412) 24(412) 28(512) PC@(d) PC@(d,ix)* #xxx 16(4/0) 18(4/0) 12(3/0) 16(4/0) 18(4/0) 12(3/0) 24(4/2) 26(4/2) 20(312) Source *The size of the index register (ix) does not affect execution time. STANDARD INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS Table 27 Instruction Size op . An op . On op Dn, ADD Byte, Word Long 8(1/0) + 6(1/0) +** 4(110) + 6(1/0) +** 8(1/1) + 12(112) + Byte, Word Long - AND - 4(1/0) + 6(1/0) +** 8(111 )+ 12(112)+ CMP Byte, Word Long 6(110)+ 6(1/0) + 4(1/0) + 6(1/0) + - DIVS - - 158(1/0) +* - DIVU - - 140(1/0) +* - Byte, Word Long - EOR - 4(1/0)*** 8(1/0)*** 8(1/1)+ 12(112) + MULS - - 70(1/0) +* - MULU - - 70(110) +* - OR Byte, Word Long - 4(110) + 6(1/0) +** 8(1/1) + 12(112) + SUB Byte, Word Long 8(110) + 6(1/0) +** 4(110) + 6(1/0) +** 8(1/1)+ 12(112) + + add effective address calculation time * indicates maximum value ** total of 8 clock periods for instruction if the, effective address is register direct *** only available effective address mode is data register direct and write cycles must be added to those of the effective address calculation where indicated. memory operand, and An '" address register operand. SINGLE OPERAND INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS In Table 28, the headings have the following meanings: # = immediate ope[and, Dn = data register operand, M = Table 29 indicates the number of clock periods for the single VI-40 IMMEDIATE INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS Table 28 Instruction Size op #. On op#. M op #. An ADDI Byte, Word Long 8(2/0) 16(3/0) 12(2/1) + 20(312) + - AD DO Byte, Word Long 4(110) 8(1/0) 8(1/1) + 12(112) + 8(1/0)* 8(1/0) ANDI Byte, Word Long 8(2/0) 16(3/0) 12(2/1) + 20(3/1) + - CMPI Byte, Word Long 8(2/0) 14(3/0) 8(2/0) + 12(3/0) + 8(2/0) 14(3/0) Byte, Word Long 8(210) 16(3/0) 12(2/1) + 20(312) + - EORI Long 4(1/0) - - Byte, Word Long 8(2/0) 16(3/0) 12(2/1) + 20(312) + - ORI SUBI Byte, Word Long 8(210) 16(3/0) 12(2/1) + 20(312) + - SUBO Byte, Word Long 4(110) 8(1/0) 8(1/1) + 12(112) + 8(1/0)* 8(1/0) MOVEO - - + add effective address calculation time *word only SINGLE OPERAND INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS Table 29 Instruction Size Register Memory Byte, Word Long 4(1/0) 6(1/0) 8(1/1) + 12(112) + Byte 6(110) 8(1/1) + NEG Byte, Word Long 4(1/0) 6(1/0) 8(1/1) + 12(112)+ NEGX Byte, Word Long 4(110) 6(1/0) 8(1/1) + 12(1/2) + NOT Byte, Word Long 4(110) 6(1/0) 8(1/1) + 12(1/2) + See Byte, False Byte, True 4(110) 6(1/0) 8(1/1) + 8(1/1) + TAS Byte 4(1/0) 10(1/1) + TST Byte, Word Long 4(110) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 4(1/0) + CLR NBCD + add effective address calculation time VI-41 • SHIFT/ROTATE INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS Table 30 Size Register Memory Byte, Word Long 6 + 2n(1/0) 8 + 2n(1/0) 8(1/1) + ASR, ASL Byte, Word Long 6 + 2n(1/0) 8 + 2n(1/0) 8(111) + LSR, LSL Byte, Word Long 6 + 2n(1/0) 8 + 2n(1/0) 8(111) + ROR, ROL Byte, Word Long 6 + 2n(1/0) 8 + 2n(1/0) 8(111) + ROXR, ROXL Instruction - - BIT MANIPULATION INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS Table 31 Dynamic Static Instruction Size Register Memory Register Memory Byte Long - BCHG 8(110)* 8(111 )+ - 12(2/1 )+ - 12(2/0)* - Byte Long - BCLR 10(1/0)* 8(111 )+ - 12(2/1)+ - 14(2/0)* - Byte Long - BSET 8(110)* 8(1/1)+ - 12(2/1)+ - 12(2/0)* - Byte Long - BTST 6(1/0) 4(110)+ - - 10(2/0) 8(2/0)+ - + add effective address calculation time * indicates maximum value CONDITIONAL INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS Table 32 Trap or Branch Taken Trap or Branch Not Taken Byte Word 10(2/0) 10(2/0) 8(1/0) 12(2/0) BRA Byte Word 10(2/0) 10(210) - Byte Word 18(212) 18(212) - BSR CC true CC false - DBee 10(2/0) 12(2/0) 14(3/0) CHK - 40(5/3)+ * 8(110)+ TRAP - 34(4/3) - TRAPV - 34(5/3) 4(110) Instruction Displacement Bee + add effective address calculation time * indicates maximum value VI-42 - JMP, JSR, LEA, PEA, MOVEM INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS Table 33 Instr Size An@ An@+ An@- JMP - 8(2/0) - JSR - 16(2/2) LEA - PEA - MOVEM Word M--R Long MOVEM Word R_M Long An@(d) An@(d,ix)* xxx.W xxx.L - 10(2/0) 14(3/0) 10(2/0) 12(3/0) 10(2/0) 14(3/0) - - 18(2/2) 22(212) 18(2/2) 20(3/2) 18(2/2) 22(2/2) 4(1/0) - - 8(2/0) 12(2/0) 8(210) 12(3/0) 8(210) ·12(2/0) 12(112) - - 16(2/2) 20(2/2) 16(2/2) 20(3/2) 16(2/2) 20(2/2) 12 + 4n 12 + 4n (3 + n/O) (3 + n/O) 12 + 8n 12 + 8n (3 + 2n/0) (3 + 2n/0) 8 + 5n (2In) 8 + 10n (2/2n) - - - - - - PC@(d) PC@(d,ix)* 16 + 4n 18 + 4n 16 + 4n 20+4n 16 +4n 18 + 4n (4 + n/O) (4 + n/O) (4 + n/O) (5 + n/O) (4 + n/O) (4 + n/O) 16 + 8n 18 + 8n 16 + 8n 20+ 8n 16 + 8n 18 + 8n (4 + 2n/0) (4 + 2n/0) (4 + 2n/0) (5 + 2n/0) (4 + 2n/0) (4 + 2n/0) 8 + 5n 12 + 5n (2In) (3/n) 8 + 10n 12 + 10n (2/2n) (3/2n) 14 + 5n (3/n) 14 + 10n (3/2n) 12 + 5n 16 + 5n (3/n) (4/n) 12 + 10n 16 + 10n (3/2n) (4/2n) - - - - - n is the number of registers to move * is the size of the index register (ix) does not affect the instruction's execution time operand instructions. The number of bus read and write cycles is shown in parenthesis as: (r/w). The number of clock periods plus the number of read and write cycles must be added to those of the effective address calculation where indicated. the jump, jump to subroutine, load effective address, push effective address, and move multiple registers instructions. The number of bus read and write cycles is shown in parenthesis as: (r/w). MULTI-PRECISION INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS SHIFTIROTATE INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS Table 30 indicates the number of clock periods for the shift and rotate instructions. The number of bus read and write cycles is shown in parenthesis as: (r/w). The number of clock periods plus the number of read and write cycles must be added to those of the effective address calculation where indicated. Table 34 indicates the number of clock periods for the multi-precision instructions. The number of clock periods includes the time to fetch both operands, perform the operations, store the results, and read the next instructions. The number of read and write cycles is shown in parenthesis as: (r/w). BIT MANIPULATION INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS In Table 34, the headings have the following meanings: Dn = data register operand and M = memory operand. Table 31 indicates the number of clock periods required for the bit manipulation instructions. The number of bus read and write cycles is shown in parenthesis as: (r/w). The number of clock periods plus the number of read and write cycles must be added to those of the effective address calculation where indicated. MULTI-PRECISION INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS Table 34 Size opDn, Dn opM,M ADDX Byte, Word Long 4(110) 8(110) 18(3/1 ) 30(5/2) CMPM Bvte, Word Long - 12(3/0) 20(510) SUBX Byte, Word Long 4(110) 8(110) 18(3/1 ) 30(5/2) ABCD Byte 6(1/0) 18(3/1 ) SBCD Byte 6(110) 18(3/1 ) Instruction CONDITIONAL INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS Table 32 indicates the number of clock periods required for the conditional instructions. The number of bus read and write cycles is indicated in parenthesis as: (r/w). The number of clock periods plus the number of read and write cycles must be added to those of the effective address calculation where indicated. JMP, JSR, LEA, PEA, MOVEM INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS Table 33 indicates the number of clock periods required for VI-43 MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS Table 35 Size Register Memory - 6(1/0) 8(1/1 )+ - - 12(2/0) 12(2/0)+ - - 12(2/0) 12(2/0)+ - - Word Long - - 18(2/2) 24(2/4) 16(4/0) 24(6/0) EXG - 6(110) - - -- Word Long 4(110) 4(1/0) - - - EXT LINK - 16(2/2) - - - MOVE from USP - 4(1/0) - - - MOVE to USP - 4(1/0) - - - NOP - 4(1/0) - - - RESET - 132(1/0) - - - RTE - 20(510) - - - RTR - 20(5/0) - - - RTS - 16(4/0) - - - STOP - 4(010) - - - SWAP - 4(1/0) - - - UNLK - 12(3/0) - - - Instruction MOVE from SR MOVE to CCR MOVE to SR MOVEP Register Memory Memory Register - + add effective address calculation time EXCEPTION PROCESSING CLOCK PERIODS MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTION CLOCK PERIODS Table 36 Table 35 indicates the number of clock periods for the following miscellaneous instructions. The number of bus read and write cycles is shown in parenthesis as: (r/w). The number of clock periods plus the number of read and write cycles must be added to those of the effective address calculation where indicated. Exception Periods Address Error 50(417) Bus Error 50(417) Interrupt 44(513)* EXCEPTION PROCESSING CLOCK PERIODS Illegal Instruction 34(4/3) Table 36 indicates the number of clock periods for exception processing. The number of clock periods includes the time for all stacking, the vector fetch, and the fetch of the first instruction of the handler routine. The number of bus read ,md write cycles is shown in parenthesis as: (r/w). Privileged Instruction 34(4/3) Trace 34(4/3) *The interrupt acknowledge bus cycle is assumed to take four external clock periods VI-44 AC ELECTRICAL WAVEFORMS Figure 34 These waveforms should only be referenced in regard to the edge-to-edge measurement ofthe timing specifications. They are not intended as a functional description of the input and output signals. Refer to other functional descriptions and their related diagrams for device operation. \~----------~\rl--------- E ~ ~-~-------------~5'r_~------------~~--_{ CLK A23-A1 FC2-FCO AS _ _ _ i:DS. UOS READ CYCLE "---,,t:tt=ttCs)=t:::L~~---+--{'4)-----+-J=n-~ -----' LOS. UOS WRITE CYCLE R/WWRITE CYCLE ~01 DATA OUT sS~~ ______ ~411~ }-- __ ____=1®~47~1'______________~__1~'__~~ =========~ ~ ASYNCHRONOUS INPUTS (SEE NOTE 1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ HALT. RESET (INPUT)- -- - - -- -- - ----------~~ _'1 ___ _ ~~~ -----------------.. DATA IN- - -- - -- - -- - - - -- - NOTE1: Setup time for the asynchronous inputs B'ERi'i. BGACK. BR. DTACK. iP[(j-IPL2. and VPA guarantees their recognition at the next falling edge of the clock. NOTE 2: Waveform measurements for all inputs and outputs are specified at: logic high ~ 2.0 volts. logic low = 0.8 volts, VI-45 • AC ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (V cc = 5.0 Vdc ± 5%; V ss = 0 Vdc; TA = O°C to 70°C, Figure 31 ) No. Characteristic '4 MHz 8 MHz 6 MHz 10 MHz Symbol MK68000-4 MK68000-6 MK68000-8 MK68000-10 Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit 1 Clock Period tcyc 250 500 167 500 125 500 100 500 ns 2 Clock Width Low tCl 115 250 75 250 55 250 45 250 ns 3 Clock Width High tCH 115 250 75 250 55 250 45 250 ns 4 Clock Fall Time tCI - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10 ns 5 Clock Rise Time tCr - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10 ns 6 Clock Low to Address tCLAV - 90 - 80 - 70 - 55 ns 6A Clock High to FC Valid tCHFCV - 90 - 80 - 70 - 60 ns 7 Clock High to Address/Data High Impedance (maximum) tCHAZx - 120 - 100 - 80 - 70 ns 8 Clock High to Address/FC Invalid (minimum) tCHAZn 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - ns 9' Clock High to AS, OS Low (maximum) tCHS Lx - 80 - 70 - 60 - 55 ns 10 Clock High to AS, OS Low (minimum) tCHSln 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - ns 112 Address to AS, OS (read) Low/ AS Write t AVSl 55 - 35 - 30 - 20 - ns 11A2 FC valid to AS, OS (read) Low/ AS Write tFCVSl 80 - 70 - 60 - 50 - p's 12' Clock Low to AS, OS High t ClSH - 90 - 80 - 70 - 55 ns 132 AS, OS High to Address/FC Invalid tSHAZ 60 - 40 - 30 - 20 - ns 142 AS, OS Width Low (read)/ AS Write tSl 535 - 337 - 240 - 195 - ns - 285 - 170 - 115 - 95 - ns tSH 285 - 180 - 150 - 105 - ns 14A2 OS Width Low (Write) 152 AS, OS Width High 16 Clock High to AS, OS High Impedance t CHSZ - 120 - 100 - 80 - 70 ns 172 OS High to R/W High tSHRH 60 - 50 - 40 - 20 - ns 18' Clock High to R/W High (maximum) tCHRHx - 90 - 80 - 70 - 60 ns 19 Clock High to R/W High (minimum) tCHRHn 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - ns 20' Clock High to R/W Low tCHRl - 90 - 80 - 70 - 60 ns 212 Address/Valid to R/W Low t AVRl 45 - 25 - 20 - 0 - ns FC Valid to R/W Low tFCVRl 80 - 70 - 60 - 50 - ns 21A2 ~ VI-46 AC ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Continued) (VCC = 5.0 Vdc ± 5%; VSS =0 Vdc; TA =O°C to 70°C, Figure 31) No. Characteristic 4MHz 6MHz 8 MHz 10 MHz Symbol MK68000-4 MK68000-6 MK68000-8 MK68000-10 Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit 222 R/W Low to OS Low (write) t RLSL 200 - 140 - 80 - 50 - ns 23 Clock Low to Data Out Valid t CLOO - 90 - 80 - 70 - 55 ns 24 Clock High to RIW, VMA High Impedance tCHRZ - 120 - 100 - 80 - 70 ns 25 2 OS High to Data Out Invalid t SHOO 60 - 40 - 30 - 20 - ns 26 2 Data Out Valid to OS Low (write) tOOSL 55 - 35 - 30 - 20 - ns 27 5 Data In to Clock Low (set up time) t OICL 30 - 25 - 15 - 15 - ns 28 2 OS High to DTACK High tSHOAH 0 240 0 160 0 120 0 90 ns 29 OS High to Data Invalid (hold time) t SHOI 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - ns 30 AS, OS High to BERR High tSHBEH 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - ns DTACK Low to Data In (setup time) tOALOI - 180 - 120 - 90 - 65 ns 31 2,6 32 HALT and RESET Input Transition Time tRHrf 0 200 0 200 0 200 0 200 ns 33 Clock High to BG Low t CHGL 90 - 80 - 70 - 60 ns 34 Clock High to BG High t CHGH - 90 - 80 - 70 - 60 ns 35 BR Low to BG Low tBRLGL 1.5 3.0 1.5 3.0 1.5 3.0 1.5 3.0 36 BR High to BG High tBRHGH 1.5 3.0 1.5 3.0 1.5 3.0 1.5 3.0 37 BGACK Low to BG High tGALGH 1.5 3.0 1.5 3.0 1.5 3.0 1.5 3.0 clk. per. clk. per. clk. per. 38 BG Low to Bus High Impedance (with AS high) tGlZ - 120 - 100 - 80 - 70 ns 39 BG Width High tGH 1.5 - 1.5 - 1.5 - 1.5 - clk. per. 40 Clock Low to VMA Low tCLVML - 90 - 80 - 70 - 70 ns 41 Clock Low to E Transition tCLE - 100 - 85 - 70 - 55 ns 42 E Output Rise and Fall Time tErf - 25 - 25 - 25 - 25 ns 43 VMA Low to E High tVMLEH 325 - 240 - 200 - 150 - ns 44 AS, OS High to VPA High t SHVPH 0 240 0 160 0 120 0 90 ns 45 E Low to AddressNMAlFC Invalid tELAI 55 - 35 - 30 - 10 - ns 46 BGACKWidth t BGL 1.5 - 1.5 - 1.5 - 1.5 - elk. per. 47 Asynchronous Input Setup Time tASI 30 - 25 - 20 - 20 - ns 48 BERR Low to DTACK Low tBELOAL 50 - 50 - 50 - 50 - ns 49 E Low to AS, OS Invalid t ELSI -80 - -80 - -80 - -80 - ns VI-47 • AC ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Continued) (Vcc = 5.0 Vdc ± 5%; Vss = 0 Vdc; TA = O°C to 70°C, Figure 31) S MHz 8MHz 4MHz 10 MHz Symbol MKS8000-4 MKS8000-S MKS8000-8 MKS8000-10 Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Characteristic No. Unit 50 EWidth High tEH 900 - 600 - 450 - 350 - ns 51 EWidth Low tEL 1400 - 900 - 700 - 550 - ns 52 E Extended Rise Time tCIEHX 80 - 80 - 80 - 80 - ns 53 Data Hold from Clock High t CHDO 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - ns 54 Data Hold from E Low (Write) tELDOZ 60 - 40 - 30 - 20 - ns 55 R/W to Data bus Impedance change t RLDO 55 - 35 - 30 - 20 - ns 56 Halt/RESET Pulse Width (Note 4) t HRPW 10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - elk. per. NOTES: 1. For a loading capacitance of less than or equal to 50 picofarads, subtract 5 nanoseconds from the values given in these columns. 2. Actual value depends on actual clock period. 3. If #47 is satisfied for both 1iTACK and BER'R. #48 may be ns. a 4. After Vee has been applied for 100 ms. 5. If the asynchronous setup time(#47) requirements are satisfied, the DTACK low·to-data setup time (#31) requirement can be ignored. The data must only satisfy the data-in to clock-low setup time (#27) for the following cycle. AC ELECTRICAL WAVEFORMS - BUS ARBITRATION Figure 35 RESET TEST LOAD HALT TEST LOAD TEST LOADS Figure 36 Figure 37 Figure 38 +5Vdc +5 Vdc +5Vdc TEST POINT 9100 RESET 2.90 HALT I130PF " I- MM07000 OR EQUIVALENT 70PF C = 130pF (~ncludes all Parasitics) RL = 6.0 kO for AS. A1-A23. BG, O..Q.-015, E__ FCO-FC2, LOS, R/W. UOS, VMA *R = 1.22 kO for A1-A23. BG. E, FCO-FC2 VI-48 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vee = 5.0 Vdc ± 5%; Vss = 0 Vdc; TA = O°C to 70°C, Figures 33, 34, 35) Characteristic Symbol Min Max Unit Input High Voltage V 1H 2.0 Vee Vdc Input Low Voltage V 1L Vss - 0.3 0.8 Vdc lin - 2.5 MAdc - 20 ITS1 - 20 MAdc V OH 2.4 - Vdc Input Leakage Current @5.25V BERR,BGACK,BR,VPA, DTACK, CLOCK, IPLO-IPL2 HALT, RESET Three-State (Off State) Input Current @2.4V/O.4V AS, A 1-A23, 00-D15, FCO-FC2, LDS, RIW, UDS, VMA Output High Voltage (lOH = -400 MAdc) AS, A1-A23, BG, 00-D15, E, FCO-FC2, IDS, R/W, UDS, VMA E* Output Low Voltage (lOL = 1.6mA) (lOL = 3.2mA) (lOL = 5.0mA) (lOL = 5.3mA) V ce-O·75 HALT A1-A23, BG, E, FCO-FC2 RESET E, AS, 00-D15, LDS, RIW, UDS,VMA Power Dissipation (Clock Frequency = 8 MHz) Capacitance (Package Type Dependent) (Vin = 0 Vdc; TA = 25°C; Frequency = 1 MHz) *with external pull up register of 470 n MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Unit Supply Voltage Vee -0.3 to + 7.0 Vdc Input Voltage V in -0.3 to + 7.0 Vdc Operating Temperature TA Oto70 °C Storage Temperature Tstg -55 to 150 °C VI-49 - 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 PD - 1.5W W Cin - 10.0 pF VOL Vdc • MK68000 ORDERING INFORMATION PART NO. PACKAGE TYPE MAX. CLOCK FREQUENCY MK6S000P-4 Ceramic 4.0 MHz MK6S000P-6 Ceramic 6.0 MHz MK6S000P-S Ceramic S.O MHz MK6S000P-10 Ceramic 10.0 MHz TEMPERATURE RANGE 0° to 70°C VI-50 MOSTEI(. MICROCOMPUTER COMPONENTS 16-Bit Single-Chip Microcomputer MK68200 FEATURES MK68200 LOGICAL PIN OUT Figure 1 o 16-bit high performance single-chip microcomputer 15 o 14 address and data registers Eight 16-bit or sixteen 8-bit data registers Six 16-bit address registers o Advanced 16-bit instruction set Bit, byte, and word operands 9 Addressing modes Byte and word BCD arithmetic 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 9 PORT 0 o High performance (6 MHz clock) 500 ns register-to-register move or add 3.5 J.IS 16x16 multiply 4.0 J.Ls 32/16 divide 8 8 7 7 6 6 XI2 5 XI1 4 } • EXTERNAL INTERRUPT 2 RCLK SERIAL SO o 256 byte RAM (128 x 16) o Three 16-bit timers Interval modes Event modes One-shot modes Pulse and period measurement modes Two input and two output pins o Interrupt controller 16 independent vectors 8 external interrupt sources 1 non-maskable interrupt Individual interrupt masking o Optional external bus 16-bit multiplexed address/data bus Mask-programmable control bus options 1 '=} MK68200 2 o 4K byte ROM (2K x 16) o Parallel I/O Up to 40 pins Direction programmable by bit 8- or 16-bit ports with handshaking "'ORT 4 XIO 3 o o Serial channel Double buffered receive and transmit Asynchronous to 250 Kbps Synchronous to 1 Mbps Address wake-up recognition and generation Internal/external Baud rate generation 1/0 15 1/0 14 1/0 1/0 0 51 Vee I 0 15TAO GND I 0 14 TBO ~ I I 13TAI CLKOUT 0 I 12 TBI CLK1 I I CLK2 I NMi I 0 " MODE I 0 8 }n.,,, """} 10STRL 9 RDYH PORT 4 PORTO HANDSHAKE ROYL MK68000-compatible bus General-purpose bus Automatic bus request/grant arbitration o 6 MHz clock Crystal or external TIL clock o Single +5 volt power supply 048 pin DIP INTRODUCTION The MK68200 is the first of a new family of highperformance 16-bit single-chip microcomputers from Mostek. Implemented in Scaled Poly-5 NMOS, it combines a modern, comprehensive instruction set architecture with extensive, flexible I/O capabilities. 4K Bytes of on-chip ROM and 256 Bytes of on-chip RAM are provided within a full 64K Byte Address Space, allowing for expansion in future family members. In addition, the on-chip I/O capabilities will change and grow to meet the needs of the marketplace. VI-51 The MK68200 is designed to serve the needs of microcomputer applications requiring high performance and low cost, such as industrial control and instrumentation. High speed mathematical ability, rapid I/O addressing and interrupt response, and powerful bit manipulation instructions provide the necessary tools for th~se applications. Also, where multiple processors or distributed intelligence is required, several MK68200 processors may be interconnected by either a single serial channel or a shared parallel bus as illustrated in Figure 2. The on-chip resources such as ROM, RAM, and I/O are accessed within each MK68200 without affecting the utilization of the shared bus so that only external communications compete for bus bandwidth. DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING Figure 2 SERIAL PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE The MK68200 microcomputer contains an advanced processor architecture, combining the best properties of both 8- and 16-bit processors, since most instructions operate on either byte or word operands. REGISTERS The MK68200 register set includes 3 system registers, 6 address registers, and 8 data registers. The three 16-bit system registers, as shown in Figure 4, include a Program Counter, Status Register, and Stack Pointer. The 6 address registers may be used either for 16-bit data or for memory addressing. The eight 16-bit data registers are used for data and may also be referenced as sixteen 8-bit registers, providing great flexibility in register allocation. REGISTER SET PARAllEL Figure 4 I--------~I : t--------t SYSTEM REGISTERS A5 ADDRESS REGISTERS EXTERNAL BUS ~________________~ In addition, the MK68200 can be used as a very costeffective peripheral controller in MK68000 systems. Here, the MK68200's instruction set similarity and direct bus compatibility with the MK68000 make it an ideal choice to perform many intelligent I/O functions in the system. For instance, since the MK68200 includes both a serial channel and an external bus capable of performing DMA transfers, it can be programmed to act as a Serial DMA Controller, as shown in Figure 3. DH7 DL7 AO 07 DATA REGISTERS DHO SERIAL DMA CONTROLLER Figure 3 15 DLO 8 7 DO o ADDRESSING SERIAL CHANNEL The MK68200 directly addresses a 64K byte memory space, which is organized as 32K 16-bit words. The memory is byte-addressable, but most transfers occur 16 bits at a time for increased performance over 8-bit microcomputers. AI/Input/Output is memory-mapped, and theon-chip I/O is situated in the top 1K bytesofthe address space, as depicted in Figure 5. VI-52 ADDRESS SPACE Figura 5 INSTRUCTION EXECUTION TIMES Table 2 FFFF 1K 1/0 PORTS Instruction Type Clock Periods Execution Time with 6 MHz clock (/lS) Move Register-to-register 3 0.5 Add Register-to-register (binary or BCD) 3 0.5 Move Memory-to-register 6 1.0 Add Register-to-memory 9 1.5 Multiply (16x16) 21 3.5 Divide (32/16) 23 3.84 Move Multiple (save or restore all registers) 55 9.2 FCOO 266 RAM FBOO 1000 4K ROM o Nine addressing modes provide ease of access to data in the MK68200, as depicted in Table 1. The four Register Indirect forms utilize the address registers and the stack pointer and support many common data'structures such as arrays, stacks, queues, and linked lists. I/O Port addressing is a short form address for the first 16 words of the I/O port space and allows most instructions to access the most often referenced I/O data in just one word. Many microcomputer applications are I/O intensive, and short, fast addressing of I/O has a significant impact on performance. ADDRESSING MODES Table 1 Register Register Indirect Register Indirect with Post-increment Register Indirect with Pre-decrement Register Indirect with Displacement Program Counter Relative Memory Absolute Immediate I/O Port In addition to operations on bytes and words, the MK68200 has rapid bit manipulation instructions which can operate on both registers and memory. The bit to be affected may be an immediate operand of the instruction or may be dynamically specified in a register. Operations available include bit set, clear, test, change, and exchange; and all bit operations always perform a bit test as well. Since each instruction is indivisible, this provides the necessary testand-set function for the implementation of semaphores. The MOVE group of instructions has the most extensive capabilities. A wide variety of combinations of addressing modes are supported, including memory-to-memory transfers. A special Move Multiple is included to save and restore a specified portion of the registers rapidly. In total, the MK68200 instruction set provides a programming environment similar to the MK68000 which has been optimized for the needs of the single-chip microcomputer marketplace. A summary of the instruction set is provided in Table 3. INPUT/OUTPUT ARCHITECTURE INSTRUCTIONS The MK68200 instruction set has been designed with regularity and ease of programming in mind. In addition, instructions have been encoded to minimize code space, a feature which is especially important in single-chip microcomputers. Small code space is related to execution speed, and most instructions execute in either 3 or 6 clock periods. (A clock period is equal to 167 ns with a 6 MHz clock.) See Table 2. The I/O capabilities of the MK68200 are extensive, encompassing timers, a serial channel, parallel I/O, and an interrupt controller. All ofthese devices are accessible to the programmer as ports within the top 1K bytes of the address space, and the most commonly accessed ports may be accessed with the short Port Addressing mode. In total, 40 pins out of the 48 are used for I/O, and the functions they perform are highly programmable by the user. In particular, many pins can perform multiple .functions and the programmer selects which ones are to be VI-53 • INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY Table 3 INST DESCRIPTION INST DESCRIPTION· ADD ADD.B AD DC ADDC.B AND AND.B ASL ASL.B ASR ASR.B BCHG BCLR BEXG BSET BTST CALLA CALLR CLR CLRB CMP CMP.B DADO DADD.B DADDC DADDC.B Add Add Byte Add with Carry Add with Carry Byte Logical And Logical And Byte Arithmetic Shift Left Arithmetic Shift Left Byte Arithmetic Shift Right Arithmetic Shift Right Byte Bit Test and Change Bit Test and Clear Bit Test and Exchange Bit Test and Set Bit Test Call Absolute Call Relative Clear Clear Byte Compare Compare Byte Decimal Add Decimal Add Byte Decimal Add with Carry Decimal Add with Carry Byte Disable Interrupts Divide Unsigned Decrement Count and Jump if Non-zero Decrement Count Byte and Jump if Non-zero DeCimal Negate Decimal Negate Byte Decimal Negate with Carry Decimal Negate with Carry Byte Decimal Subtract Decimal Subtract Byte Decimal Subtract with Carry Decimal Subtract with Carry Byte Enable Interrupts Exclusive Or Exclusive Or Byte Exchange Exchange Byte Extend Sign HALT JMPA JMPR LlBA LlWA LSR LSRB MOVE MOVE.B MOVEM MOVEM.B MULS MULU NEG NEG.B NEGC NEGC.B NOP NOT NOT.B OR ORB POP POPM PUSH PUSHM RET RETI ROL ROL.B ROLC ROLC.B ROR RORB RORC RORC.B SUB SUB.B SUBC SUBC.B TEST TEST.B TESTN TESTN.B Halt Jump Absolute Jump Relative Load Indexed Byte Address Load Indexed Word Address Logical Shift Right Logical Shift Right Byte Move Move Byte Move Multiple Registers Move Multiple Registers Byte Multiply Signed Multiply Unsigned Negate Negate Byte Negate with Carry Negate with Carry Byte No Operation One's Complement One's Complement Byte Logical Or Logical Or Byte Pop Pop Multiple Registers Push Push Multiple Registers Return from Subroutine Return from Interrupt Rotate Left Rotate Left Byte Rotate Left through Carry Rotate Left through Carry Byte Rotate Right Rotate Right Byte Rotate Right through Carry Rotate Right through Carry Byte Subtract Subtract Byte Subtract with Carry Subtract with Carry Byte Test Test Byte TestNot Test Not Byte 01 DIVU DJNZ DJNZ.B DNEG DNEG.B DNEGC DNEGC.B DSUB DSUB.B DSUBC DSUBC.B EI EOR EORB EXG EXG.B EXT VI~54 used. For example, TAl may be used as an inputforTimer A, an interrupt source, or a general input pin, and the interrupt source may be selected simultaneously with either of the other functions. Refer to the Logical Pin Out Figure 1. TIMERS In addition to the typical USART functions, the serial channel can transmit and receive several special wake-up modes by appending a Wake-up bit to each data word, as illustrated in Figure 7. SERIAL FRAME WITH WAKE-UP Figure 7 There are 3 full 16-bit timers on-chip. The first two (A and B) provide a variety offunctions while the third (C) may be used either as an interval timer or a baud rate generator for the serial channel. Most significant timer events, such as a count match or a timer input signal transition can generate interrupts to the processor. Timers A and B also each have associated input and output pins. TIMER MODES Table 4 Timer Modes A A A Interval Event Pulse Width and Period Measurement B B B Interval Retriggerable One-shot Non-retriggerable One-shot C C Interval Baud Rate Generation START ILSB __D_A_TA_ _ MJL._P_A_RI_TY-II_W_A_K_E_,u_pJ.I_ST_O_p........ This Wake-up bit is used to differentiate normal data words and special address words. The receiver can be programmed to receive only address words or only address words with a specific data value. In this way, the processor can be interrupted only when it receives its particular address and can then change mode to receive the following data words. Wake-up capability is especially useful when several MK68200 microcomputers are interconnected on one serial link. PARALLEL 1/0 Two 16-bit ports, PO and Pl, may be usedforparallell/O.lf individual bits are desired, each of the 32 bits may be separately defined as input or output. Bits may be grouped to provide the exact data widths desired. Port 0 has the additional capability of operating under the control of external handshaking signals. 8- or 16-bit sections of PO may be individually controlled as input, output, or bidirectional 1/0. Two pairs of Ready and Strobe signals provide the necessary control. SERIAL CHANNEL The Serial Channel on the MK68200,as shown in Figure 6, is a full-duplex USART with double buffering on both transmit and receive. Word length, parity, stop bits, and modes are fully programmable. The asynchronous mode supports bit rates up to 250 Kbps, and the byte synchronous mode operates up to 1 Mbps. Either internal or external clocks may be used. SERIAL CHANNEL Figure 6 PO 81 .,8 r--=______--, 10,1) L -_ _ _- - - ' INTERRUPT CONTROLLER The MK68200interrupt controller provides rapid service of up to 16 interrupt sources, each with a unique internal vector. The lowest 16 words of the address space contain the starting addresses of the service routines of each potential interrupt source, as shown in Figure 8. Interrupt sources are prioritized in the order shown, with Reset having highest priority. A single non-maskable interrupt (NMI) is provided. All ofthe other sources share an interrupt enable bit in the processor status register. This bit is automatically cleared whenever an interrupt is acknowledged. Also, each of these sources has a corresponding individual enable bit. This feature allows selective enabling of particular interrupts, including the ability to choose any priority scheme desired with only minimal software overhead. In fact, 15 levels of nested priority may be programmed. EXTERNAL BUS 80 When it is necessary to expand beyond the on-chip complement of RAM, ROM, or 1/0, orwhen DMA access to external memory space is desired, the MK68200 may be placed in an external bus mode. The selection of single-chip VI-55 II INTERRUPT SOURCES Figure 8 VECTOR LOCATION NAME MNEMONIC Reset Non-Maskable Interrupt RESET NMI 0000 Spare External Interrupt 2 Strobe'L' Timer 'A' Output Interrupt S XI2 STRL TAOI TAl STRH RSCI RNI Xll TBOI TBI XIO XMTI TCI 0004 Timer 'A' Input Strobe 'H' Receive Special Condition Interrupt Receive Normal Interrupt External Interrupt 1 Timer 'B' Output Interrupt Timer 'B' Input External Interrupt 0 Transmit Interrupt Timer C Interrupt 0006 0008 oooA OOOC oooE 0010 0012 0014 0016 0018 00lA 00lC 00lE 1/0 or external bus is accomplished by the Mode pin at Reset time. Port 0 and a portion of Port 1 are reconfigured to provide the necessary bus functions. Figure 9 illustrates the external bus logical pin out. EXTERNAL BUS LOGICAL PIN OUT Figure 9 UPC GP 14 01)§ 'SLDS AI [jj '3 13 R/Vi R/W '2 12 11 ,. 15 1/0 "'0 iiGACK ~ I:rfACK ~ 'O~ MULTIPLEXED ADDRESS/ DATA BUS I 1m aUSIN 8 iR BUSOUT CONTROL BUS , PORT I/O 7 MK68200 6 XI2 5 XI1 4 XIO :, o 1/0 c= ~ ec • elK1 I V CLK2 I NMi I 1/0 0 0 51 : } ) TIMERS 11 STRH} 10 STRL 0 9 RDVH MODE L,...;..,'_ _ _ _-=:.O.J 8 RDYL - Port 0 becomes the 16-bit multiplexed AddresslData bus, and half of Port 1 becomes the Control bus. Two different ,Control busses are available as a mask-option: a Universal Peripheral Controller(UPC) bus which generates MK68000compatible control signals and a General Purpose (GP) bus which provides control signals which can be used to interface to a wide variety of existing busses. The UPC Control bus is easily connected to an MK68000 system bus with the simple addition of an external address latch, as shown in Figures 3 and 10. With the UPC Control bus, the MK68200 always acts as a bus requester in a system with the MK68000 typically as a bus master. Once the UPC has gained mastership of the system bus, it may proceed to perform DMA transfers or to communicate with other I/O devices in the system. GP CONTROL BUS SO ~ :~ LEVEL 1 EXTERNAL } INTERRUPT :~~ }SERIAl '5 TAO - UPC CONTR.OL BUS A§ 9 LEVEL 2 0002 PORT • PORTO HANDSHAKE The GP Control bus is provided to allow connection to non-MK68000 systems and to support systems of multiple MK68200 microcomputers better. The control signals have been designed to be able to generate the appropriate control signals of many available bus systems, with only a small amount of external logic. For the multiple microcomputer case, the GP bus provides BUSIN and BUSOUT, two signals which are used for bus arbitration. At Reset time, these two pins are configured so that the MK68200 may act as either a bus requester or the bus granter. When several microcomputers are connected together on a. shared GP VI-56 bus, only a simple bus arbiter is required in external logic. If exactly two processors are used, no external logic is needed. UPC BUS INTERFACE Figure 10 - 16 L A T C BUS OPERATION ADDRESS H ~E As mentioned previously, the selection of single-chip 1/0 DATA AID AS UDS LOs M K MK6BOOO SYSTEM BUS R/iN 6 B 2 0 0 DTACK iiR BG BGACK pins or an external bus is made with the Mode pin. The Mode pin is also used to determine the portion of the address space which is placed on the external bus. In all cases, the on-chip 1/0 Ports and on-chip RAM are retained. However, the on-chip ROM may be either kept or removed from the address space. Keeping the ROM allows the designer primarily to access internal resources with occasional external references. This mode allows the maximum amount of concurrent processing in multiprocessor configurations. As long as references remain on-chip, the external bus will be tri-stated and unaffected by the processor. The bus request/grant logic within the MK68200 monitors each memory reference in order to detect external bus addresses. Whenever such a reference is about to occur, the logic automatically holds the processor in an internal wait state as it proceeds to obtain mastership of the bus. As soon as the bus is obtained, the processor is allowed to continue the reference. This procedure is invisibleto the running program. 1ft he next reference is also an external address, the bus is retained. 1/0 PORT SUMMARY TableS PORT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 FUNCTION 16 External 1/0 pins 16 External 1/0 pins (including Interrupt, Serial, and Bus Control) (reserved) Serial Transmit (Low byte) and Receive (High byte) Buffers 8 External 1/0 pins (Timer Control and Port 0 Handshake Control) (reserved) (reserved) Interrupt Latches Interrupt Enable Register Serial 1/0 Receive Control and Status Register Serial 1/0 Transmit Control and Status Register Timer B Latch Timer A, Low Latch Timer A, High Latch Timer Control, Interrupt Edge Select Port 0 Handshake Mode bits, Bus Lock, Bus Segment bits Port 0 Direction Control (DDRO) Port 1 Direction Control (DDR1) Serial 1/0 Mode and Sync Registers Timer C Latch VI-57 • VI-58 t!J UNITED MICROCOMPUTER COMPONENTS TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK PARALLEL INTERFACEITIMER (PI/T) MK68230P8/MK68230P10 MK68230 PARALLEL INTERFACE/TIMER The MK68230 Parallel InterfacelTimer provides versatile double buffered parallel interfaces and an operating system oriented timer to MK68000 systems. The parallel interfaces operate in unidirectional or bidirectional modes, either 8 or 16 bits wide. In the unidirectional modes. an associated data direction register determines whether the port pins are inputs or outputs. In the bidirectional modes the data direction registers are ignored and the direction is determined dynamically by the _state of four handshake pins. These programmable handshake pins provide an interface flexible enough for connection to a wide variety of low, medium. or high speed peripherals or other computer systems. The PI/T poltS allow use of vectored or autovectored interrupts. and also provide a DMA Request pin for connection to the MK68450 Direct Memory Access Controller or a similar circuit. The PIIT timer contains a 24-bit wide counter and a 5-bit prescaler. The timer may be clocked by the system clock (PI/T ClK pin) or by an external clock (TIN pin). and a 5-bit prescaler can be used. It can generate periodic interrupts, a square wave, or a single interrupt after a programmed time period. Also it can be used for elapsed time measurement or as a device watchdog. II PIN ASSIGNMENT • MK68000 Bus Compatible 06_ 06 07 PAO PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA6 PA6 PA7 • Port Modes Include: Bit I/O Unidirectional 8-Bit and 16-Bit Bidirectional 8-Bit and 16-Bit • Selectable Handshaking Options • 24-Bit Programmable Timer • Software Programmable Timer Modes Vee • Contains Interrupt Vector Generation logic H1 • Separate Port and Timer Interrupt Service Requests H3 H4 • Registers are Read/Write and Directly Addressable PBO PB1 PB2 PB3 PB4 PB6 H2 • Registers are Addressed for MOVEP (Move Peripheral) and DMAC Compatibility PB~ PB7 VI-59 ---------- ------------- 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 g 37 N 36 36 34 :::E 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 26 J..;..-_ _-=:J ! 04 03 02 01 DO RIW I5'I'XCR CS ClK -RE!!T Vss PC7/T1ACK Pe6/PiACi( PC6/PIRQ PC4/DMAREQ Pe3/TOUT PC2/TIN PC1 PeO RS1 RS2 RS3 RS4 RS6 PIIT SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 1 PAO·7 PBO·7 H2 H3 MK68000 H4 1------1 PC5/PiRo. PC41 t----tPC3ITOUT 6MAfiEO. PC21TIN MK68230 PI/T PC' pco ~------~~~ mET GENERAL DESCRIPTION The PI/T consists of two logically independent sections: the ports and the timer. The port section consists of Port A (PAO-7), Port B (PBO-7), four handshake pins (H1, H2, H3, and H4), two general 1/0 pins, and six dual-function pins. The dual-function pins can individually operate as a third port (Port C) or an alternate function related to either Ports A and B, or the timer. The four programmable handshake pins, depending on the mode, can control data transfer to and from the ports, or can be used as interrupt generating inputs, or 1/0 pins. Vss The timer consists of a 24-bit counter, optionally clocked by a 5-bit prescaler. Three pins provide complete timer 110: PC2/T1N, PC3/TOUT, and PC7/TlACR. Of course, only the ones needed for the given configuration perform the timer function, while the others remain Port CliO. The system bus interface provides for asynchronous transfer of data from the PI/T to a bus master over the data bus (00-07). Oata transfer acknowledge (OTACK), register selects (RS1-RS5), chip select, the readlwrite line (RIW), and Port Interrupt Acknowledge (PlACK) or Timer Interrupt Acknowledge (TIACK) control data transfer between the PI/T and the MK68000. VI-60 MK68230 BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 38 Vss 39 R"E'SEf 40 ClK 41 CS 42 DTACK 43 44 R/W DO 45 01 46 02 47 03 48 04 1 05 2 06 3 07 t t t DATA 8US INTERFACE AND INTERRUPT VECTOR REGISTERS r---,..___ PAO ' - - - - - - - - - - - - ' L _ _ _ _ _--"". INTERNAL DATA BUS PORT INTERRUPTI DMA CONTROL lOGIC PORT A 4 t---PA1 6 !----PA2 6 ! - -__ PA3 7 !----PA4 8 i---PAS 9 i - - - P A 6 10 L~_J--·PA7 11 ---Vee 12 HANDSHAKE CONTROllERS AND MODE lOGIC H1 H2 H3 13 14 1S 16 L-==~-J~~-H4 TIMER r-'---,..___ PBO 17 !--_PB1 18 i----PB3 !----PB4 i----PBS i----PB6 _ _...J---PB7 20 21 22 23 24 ! - -__ PB2 19 PORT B L PORT C AND PIN FUNCTION MULTIPLEXER PC7/ TIACK 37 PC6/ PlACK 36 PCS/ PIRQ 36 PC4/ pe3/TOUT PC2/TIN PC1 33 32 31 34 iSMAiiEQ VI-61 PCO 30 + RSS 2S .. PI/T PIN DESCRIPTION Throughout the data sheet, signals are presented using the terms active and inactive or asserted and negated independent of whether the signal is active in the highvoltage state or low-voltage state. (The active state of each logic pin is given below.) Active low signals are denoted by a superscript bar. R/W indicates a 'write' is active low and a 'read' active high. lOGICAL PIN ASSIGNMENT Figure 3 ClK - Clock Input. The clock pin is a high-impedance TTL-compatible signal with the same specifications as the MK68000. The PI/T contains dynamic logic throughout, and hence this clock must not be gated off at any time. It is not necessary that this clock maintain any particular phase relationship with the MK68000 clock. It may be connected to an independent frequency source (faster or slower) as long as all bus specifications are met. PAO-7 00-07 PBO-7 RS1-RS6 R/W MKSB230 PIIT CLK Vee GNO RESET - Reset Input. RESET is a high-impedance input used to initialize all PI/T functions. All control and data direction registers are cleared and most internal operations are disabled by the assertion of RESET (low). ~ H1 H2 H3 H4 PC7/TIACK' PCS/PIACK' PC6/PiiiQ' PC4/0MAREQ' PC3/TOUT' PC2/TIN' PC1 ________~~PCO 'Individually Programmable Dual-Function Pin 00-07 - Bidirectional Data Bus. The data bus pins 00-07 form an 8-bit bidirectional data bus to/from the MK68000 or other bus master. These pins are active high. RS1-RS5 - Register Selects. RS1-RS5 are active high high-impedance inputs that determine which of the 25 possible registers is being addressed. They are provided by the MK68000 or other bus master. RIW - Read/Write Input. R/w is the high-impedance Read/Write signal from the MK68000 or bus master, indicating whether the current bus cycle is a read (high) or write (low) cycle. CS - Chip Select Input. CS is a high-impedance input that selects the PI/T registers for the current bus cycle. Address strobe and the data strobe (upper or lower) of the bus master, along with the appropriate address bits, must be included in the chip select equation. A low level corresponds to an asserted chip select. DTACK - Data Transfer Acknowledge Output. DTACK is an active low output that signals the completion of the bus cycle. During read or interrupt acknowledge cycles, DTACK is asserted by the MK68230 after data has been provided on the data bus; during write cycles it is asserted after data has been accepted at the data bus. Data transfer acknowledge is compatible with the MK68000 and with other Mostek bus masters such as the MK68450 DMA controller. A holding resistor is required to maintain DTACK high between bus cycles. PAO-PA7and PBO-PB7 - PortAand Port B. Ports A and B are 8-bit ports that may be concatenated to form a l6-bit port in certain mo.des. The ports may be controlled in conjunction with the handshake pins Hl-H4. For stabilization during system power-up, Ports A and B have internal pullup resistors to Vcc. All port pins are active high. H 1-H4 - Handshake pins (1/0 depending on the Mode and Submode). Handshake pins Hl-H4 are multi-purpose pins that (depending on the operational mode) may provide an interlocked handshake, a pulsed handshake, an interrupt input (independent of data transfers), or simple I/O pins. For stabilization during system power-up, H2 and H4 have internal pullup resistors to Vcc. Their sense (active high or low) may be programmed in the Port General Control Register bits 3-0. Independent of the mode, .the instantaneous level of the handshake pins can be read from the Port Status Register. Port C - (PCO-PC7/ Alternate function). This port can be used as eight general purpose 1/0 pins (PCO-PC7) or any combination of six special function pins and two general purpose 110 pins (PCO-PC1). (Each dual function pin can be standard 1/0 or a special function independent of the other port C pins.) The dual function pins are defined in the following paragraphs. When used as a port C pin, these pins are active high. They may be individually programmed as inputs or outputs by the Port C Data Direction Register. The alternate functions (TIN, TOUT, and TIACK) are timer 1/0 pins. TIN may be used as a rising-edge triggered external clock input or an external runlhalt control pin (the timer is in the run state if runlhalt is high and in the halt state if runlhalt is low). TOUT may provide an active low timer interrupt request output or a general-purpose squarewave output, initially high. TIACK is an active low highimpedance input used for timer interrupt acknowledge. Port A and B functions have an independent pair of active low interrupt request (PIRQ) and interrupt acknowledge (PlACK) pins. The DMAREQ (Direct Memory Access RequE!st) pin provides an active low Direct Memory Access Controller VI-62 REGISTER MODEL (DMAC) request pulse of 3 clock cycles, completely compatible with the MK68450 DMAC. A register model that includes the corresponding Register Selects is shown in Table 1. REGISTER MODEL Table 1 7 · o 5 4 3 2 H34 Enable H12 Enable H4 Sense H3 Sense 6 Port Mode Control SVCRO Select H2 Sense H1 Port General Sense Control Register Port Interrupt Priority Control Interrupt PFS Port Service Request !;legister Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 PortAData Direction Register Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit Bit 5 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Port B Data Direction Register Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Port C Data Direction Register 5 · Interrupt Vector Number · Port Interrupt Vector Register PortA Submode H2 Control H2 Int Enable H1 SVCRO Enable H1 Stat Ctrl. PortB Submode H4 Control H4 Int Enable H3 SVCRO Enable H3 Stat Ctrl. Register Port A Control Register Port B Control Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Port A Data Register Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Port B Data Register Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Register Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit H2 Level H1 Level H4S H3S H2S H1S Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 5 Bit 7 Bit 6 H4 Lewl H3 Lewl 5 5 0 0 Port A Alternate Port B Alternate Register Port C Data Register Port Status Register ·· ·· ·· ·· ··· ·· ·· ·· (null) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 kBit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Timer Interrupt Vector Register Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 Counter Preload Register (High) Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 (Mid) Bn 7 Bit Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 (Low) 6 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 Count Register (High) Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit B (Mid) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 (Low) TOUT/TlACK Control · · · ··· ·· · · · ··· ·· · · · ··· ·· · · · ··· ·· ·Unused, read as zero. VI-63 Timer Timer Control Enable Register Clock Control ZD Ctrl. · · 3 · ·· ·· · · · · ··· ·· (null) · · · ·· ·· · · · ZDS ·· ·· · (null) (null) Timer Status Register (null) (null) (null) (null) (null) • H2 - Status/interrupt generating input, general-purpose output, or operation with H1 in the interlocked or pulsed input handshake protocols Submode 01 - Double-Buffered Output H1 - Indicates data received by peripheral H2 - Status/interrupt generating input, general-purpose output, or operation with· H1 in the interlocked or pulsed input handshake protocols Submode 1X - Bit I/O H1 - Status/interrupt generating input H2 - Status/interrupt generating input or general-purpose output Port B, H3 and H4 - Identical to Port A. H1 and H2 PORT CONTROL STRUCTURE The primary focus of most applications will be on Ports A and B, the handshake pins, the portinterrupt pins, and the DMA request pin. They are controlled in the following way: the Port General Control Register contains a 2-bit field that specifies a set of four operation modes. These govern the overall operation of the ports and determine their interrelationships. Some modes require additional information from each port's control register to further define its operation. In each port control register, there is a 2-bit submode field that serves this purpose. Each port mode/submode combination specifies a set of programmable characteristics that fully defines the behavior of that port and two of the handshake pins. This structure is summarized in Table 2 and Figure 4. PORT MODE LAYOUT Figure 4 MODE 0 SUBMODE 00 MODE 0 SUBMODE 01 :-_~w II~ OUTPUT MODE 1 PORT B SUBI!!IODE XO H1 IH3) H1 IH3) H21H4) H21H4) MODE 1 PORT B SUBMODE X1 H1 H1 H2 AANDB 116) H3 H3 L-.r---H4 <--r---- H4 MODE 3 MODE 2 V BIT 1/0 AI8) ., MODEOSUBMODE1X ~. '\r/ AANDB 116) 81DIRECTIONAL 16-BIT PORT MODE CONTROL SUMMARY Table 2 Mode 0 (Unidirectional 8-Bit Mode) PortA Submode 00 - Double-Buffered Input H1 - Latches input data Mode 1 (Unidirectional 16-Bit Mode) Port A - Double-Buffered Data (Most significant) Submode XX (not used) H1 - Status/interrupt generating input H2 - Status/interrupt generating input or general-purpose output Port B - Double-Buffered Data (Least significant) Submode XO - Unidirectional 16-Bit Input H3 - Latches input data H4 - Status/interrupt generating input, general-purpose output, or operation with H3 in the interlocked or pulsed input handshake protocols Submode X1 - Unidirectional 16-Bit Output H3 - Indicates data received by peripheral H4 - Status/interrupt generating input, general-purpose output, or operation with H3 in the interlocked or pulsed input handshake protocols Mode 2 (Bidirectional 8-Bit Mode) Port A - Bit I/O (with no handshaking pins) Submode XX (not used) Port B - Bidirectional 8-Bit Data (Double-Buffered) Submode XX (not used) H1 -Indicates output data received by peripheral H2 - Operation with H1 in the interlocked or pulsed output handshake protocols H3 - Latches input data H4 - Operation with H3 in the interlocked or pulsed input handshake protocols Mode 3 (Bidirectional 16-Bit Mode) Port A - Double-Buffered Data (Most significant) Submode XX (not used) Port B - Double-Buffered Data (Least significant) Submode XX'(not used) H1 -Indicates output data received by peripheral H2 - Operation with H1 in the interlocked or pulsed output handshake protocols H3 - Latches input data H4 - Operation with H3 in the interlocked or pulsed input handshake protocols VI-64 PORT GENERAL INFORMATION AND CONVENTIONS DOUBLE-BUFFERED INPUT TRANSFERS - In all modes, the PI/T supports double-buffered input transfers. Data that meets the port setup and hold times is latched on the asserted edge of H1(H3). H1(H3) is edge-sensitive, and may assume any duty-cycle as long as both high and low minimum times are observed. The PlfT contains a Port Status Register whose H1 S(H3S) status bit is set anytime any input data is present in the double-buffered latches that have not been read by the bus master. The action of H2(H4) is programmable; it may indicate whether there is room for more data in the PI/T latches or it may serve other purposes. The following options are available, depending on the mode. The following paragraphs introduce concepts that are generally applicable to the PI/T ports independent of the chosen mode and submode. For this reason, no particular port or handshake pins are mentioned; the notation H1 (H3) indicates that, depending on the chosen mode and submode, the statement given may be true for either the H1 or H3 handshake pin. UNIDIRECTIONAL VS BIDIRECTIONAL - Figure 4 shows the configuration of Ports A and B and each of the handshake pins in each port mode and submode. In Modes o and 1, a data direction register is associated with each of the ports. These registers contain one bit for each port pin to determine whether that pin is an input or an output. Modes o and 1 are, thus, called unidirectional modes because each pin assumes a constant direction, changeable only by a reset condition or a programming change. These modes allow double-buffered data transfers in one direction. This direction, determined by the mode and submode definition, is known as the primary direction. Data transfers in the primary direction are controlled by the handshake pins. Data transfers not in the primary direction are generally unrelated, and single or unbuffered data paths exist. 1. H2(H4) may be an edge-sensitive input that is independent of H1 (H3) and the transfer of port data. On the asserted edge of H2(H4), the H2S(H4S) status bit is set. It is cleared by the direct method (refer to Direct Method of Resetting Status), the RESET pin being asserted, orwhenthe H12 Enable(H34 Enable) bit ofthe Port General Control Register is O. 2. H2(H4) may be a general purpose output pin that is always negated. The H2S(H4S) status bit is always O. 3. H2(H4) may be a general purpose output pin that is always asserted. The H2S(H4S) status bit is always O. 4. H2(H4) may be an output pin in the interlocked input handshake protocol. It is asserted when the port input latches are ready to accept new data. It is negated asynchronously following the asserted edge of the H1(H3) input. As soon asthe input latches become ready, H2(H4) is again asserted. When the input doublebuffered latches are full, H2(H4) remains negated until data is removed. Thus, anytime the H2(H4) output is asserted, new input data may be entered by asserting H 1(H3). At other times transitions on H 1(H3) are ignored. The H2S(H4S) status bit is always O. When H12 Enable (H34 Enable) is 0, H2(H4) is held negated. In Modes 2 and 3there is no concept of primary direction as in Modes 0 and 1. Except for Port A in Mode 2 (Bit I/O), the data direction registers have no effect. These modes are bidirectional. in thatthe direction of each transfer (always 8 or 16 bits, double-buffered) is determined dynamically by the state of the handshake pins. Thus, for example, data may be transferred out ofthe ports, followed very shortly by a transfer into the same port pins. Transfers to and from the ports are independent and may occur in any sequence. Since the instantaneous direction is always determined by the external system, a small amount of arbitration logic may be required. CONTROL OF DOUBLE-BUFFERED DATA PATHS Generally speaking, the PI/T is a double-buffered device. In the primary direction, double-buffering allows orderly transfers by using the handshake pins in any of several programmable protocols. (When Bit I/O is used, doublebuffering is not available and the handshake pins are used as outputs or status/interrupt inputs.) Use of double-buffering is most beneficial in situations where a peripheral device and the computer system are capable of transferring data at roughly the same speed. Double-buffering allows the fetch operation of the data tra nsm itter to be overlapped with the store operation of the data receiver. Thus, throughput measured in bytes or words-per-second may be greatly enhanced. If there is a large mismatch in transfer capability between the computer and the peripheral, little or no benefit is obtained. In these cases there is no penalty in using double-buffering. 5. H2(H4) may be an output pin in the pulsed input handshake protocol. It is asserted exactly as in the interlocked input protocol, but never remains asserted longer than 4 clock cycles. Typically, a four clock cycle pulse is generated. But in the case that a subsequent H1(H3) asserted edge occurs before termination of the pulse, H2(H4) is negated asynchronously. Thus, anytime after the leading edge of the H2(H4) pulse, new data may be entered in the PlfT double-buffered input latches. The H2S(H4S) status bit is always O. When H 12 Enable (H34 Enable) is 0, H2(H4) is held negated. A sample timing diagram is shown in Figure 5. The H2(H4) interlocked and pulsed input handshake protocols are shown. The DMAREQ pin is also shown assuming it is enabled. All handshake pin sense bits are assumed to be 0 (refer to Port General Control Register); thus, the pins are in the low state when asserted. Due to the great similar.ity between modes, this timing diagram is applicable to all double-buffered input transfers. VI-65 • DOUBLE-BUFFERED INPUT TRANSFERS FigureS READ READ PORT DATA H1(H31 H2(H41INTERLOCKED H2(H41 PULSE DOUBLE-BUFFERED OUTPUT TRANSFERS - The PIIT supports double-buffered output transfers in all modes. Data, written by the bus master to the PIIT, is stored in the port's output latch. The peripheral accepts the data by asserting H1 (H3), which causes the next data to be moved to the port's output latch as soon as it is available. The function of H2(H4) is programmable; it may indicate whether new data has been moved to the output latch or it may serve other purposes. The H1 S(H3S) status bit may be programmed for two interpretations. Normally the status bit is a 1 when there is at least one latch in the double-buffered data path that can accept new data. After writing one byte/word of data to the ports, an interrupt service routine could check this bit to determine if it could store another byte/word, thus, filling both latches. When the bus master is finished, it is often useful to be able to check whether all of the data has been transferred to the· peripheral. The H1 S(H3S) Status Control bit of the Port A and B Control Registers provides this flexibility. The programmable options of the H2(H4) pin are given below, depending on the mode. 1. H2(H4) may be an edge-sensitive input pin independent of H1 (H3) and the transfer of port data. On the asserted edge of H2(H4), the H2S(H4S) status bit is set. It is reset by the direct method (refer to Direct Method of Resetting Status), the RESET pin being asserted, or when the H12 Enable (H34 Enable) bit of the Port General Control Register is O. 2. H2(H4) may be a generalcpurpose output pin that is always negated. The H2S(H4S) status bit is always O. 3. H2(H4) may be a general-purpose output pin that is always asserted. The H2S(H4S) status bit is always O. 4. H2(H4) may be an output pin in the interlocked output handshake protocol. H2(H4) is asserted two clock cycles after data is transferred to the double-buffered output latches. The data remains stable and H2(H4) remains asserted until the next asserted edge of the H1 (H3) input. At that time, H2(H4) is asynchronously negated. As soon as the next data is available, it is transferred to the output latches. When H2(H4) is negated, asserted transitions on H1 (H3) have no effect on the data paths. As is explained later, however, in Modes 2 and 3 they do control the three-state output buffers of the bidirectional portIs). The H2S(H4S) status bit is always O. When H12 Enable (H34 Enable) is 0, H2(H4) is held negated. DOUBLE-BUFFERED OUTPUT TRANSFERS Figure 6 WRITE WRITE PORT DATA H2(H41INTERLOCKED H2(H41 PULSE H1(H31 VI-66 5. H2(H4) may be an output pin in the pulsed output handshake protocol. It is asserted exactly as in the interlocked output protocol above, but never remains asserted longer than four clock cycles. Typically, a four clock pulse is generated. But in the case that a subsequent H 1(H3) asserted edge occurs before termination of the pulse, H2(H4) is negated asynchronously shortening the pulse. The H2S(H4S) status bit is always O. When H12 Enable (H34 Enable) is 0, H2(H4) is held negated. A sample timing diagram is shown in Figure 6. The H2(H4) interlocked and pulsed output handshake protocols are shown. The DMAREQ pin is also shown assuming it is enabled. All handshake pin sense bits are assumed to be 0; thus, the pins are in the low state when asserted. Due to the great similarity between modes, this timing diagram is applicable to all double-buffered output transfer. REQUESTING BUS MASTER SERVICE - The PI/T has several means of indicating a need for service by a bus master. First, the processor may poll the Port Status Register. It contains a status bit for each handshake pin, plus a level bit that always reflects the instantaneous state of that handshake pin. A status bit is 1 when the PIIT needs servicing, i.e., generally when the bus master needs to read or write data to the ports, or when a handshake pin used as a simple status input has been asserted. The interpretation of these bits is dependent on the chosen mode and submode. Second, the PIIT may be placed in the processor's interrupt structure. As mentioned previously, the PI/T contains Port A and B Control Registers that configure the handshake pins. Other bits in these registers enable an interrupt associated with each handshake pin. This interrupt is made available through the PC5/PIRQ pin, if the PIRQ function is selected. Three additional conditions are required for PIRQ to be asserted: (1 ) the handshake pin status bit is set, (2) the corresponding interrupt (service request) enable bit is set, and (3) DMA requests are not associated with that data transfer (H1 and H3 only). The conditions from each of the four handshake pins and corresponding status bits are ORed to determine PIRQ. The third method of requesting service is via the PC4/DMAREQ pin. This pin can be associated with doublebuffered transfers in each mode. If it is used as a DMA controller request, it can initiate requests to keep the PI/T's inputloutput double-buffering emptylfull as much as possible. It will not overrun the DMA controller. The pin is compatible with the MK68450 Direct Memory Access Controller (DMAC). VECTORED, PRIORITIZED PORT INTERRUPTS - Use of MK68000-compatible vectored interrupts with the PIIT requires the PIRQ and PlACK pins. When PlACK is asserted, the PIIT places an 8-bit vector on the data pins 00-07. Under normal conditions, this vector corresponds to the highest priority, enabled, active port interrupt source with which the OMAREQ pin is not currently associated. The most-significant six bits are provided by the Port Interrupt Vector Register (PIVR), with the lower two bits supplied by prioritization logic according to conditions present when PlACK is asserted. It is important to note that the only affect on the PIIT caused by interrupt acknowledge cycles is that the vector is placed on the data bus. Specifically, no registers, data, status, or other internal states of the PI/T are affected by the cycle. Several conditions may be present when the PlACK input is asserted to the PI/T. These conditions affect the PI/T's response and the termination of the bus cycle. If the PI/T has no interrupt function selected, or is not asserting PIRQ, the PI/T will make no response to PlACK (DTACK will not be asserted). If the PIIT is asserting PIRQ when PlACK is received, the PI/T will output the contents of the Port Interrupt Vector Register and the prioritization bits. If the PIVR has not been initialized, $OF will be read from this register. These conditions are summarized in Table 3. RESPONSE TO PORT INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE Table 3 Conditions PIVR has not been initialized since RESET PIVR has been initialized since RESET PIRQ negated OR interrupt request function not selected No response from PI/T. No DTACK. No response from PI/T. No DTACK. PIRQ asserted PI/T provides $OF, the Uninitialized Vector.* PI/T provides PIVR contents with prioritization bits. *The uninitialized vector is the value returned from an interrupt vector register before it has been initialized. VI-67 • The vector table entries for the PI/T appear as a contiguous block of four vector numbers whose common upper six bits are programmed in the PIVR. The following table pairs each interrupt source with the 2-bit value provided by the prioritization logic, when interrupt acknowledge is asserted. H1 H2 H3 H4 source source source source - 00 01 10 11 AUTOVECTORED PORT INTERRUPTS -Autovectored interrupts use only the PIRO pin. The operation of the PI/T with vectored and autovectored interrupts is identical except that no vectors are supplied and the PC6/PIACK pin can be used as a Port C pin. DIRECT METHOD OF RESETTING STATUS -In certain modes one or more handshake pins can be used as edgesensitive inputs for the sole purpose of setting bits in the Port Status Register. These bits consist of simple flip-flops. They are set (to 1 ) by the occurrence of the asserted edge of the handshake pin input. Resetting a handshake status bit can be done by writing an 8-bit mask to the Port Status Register. This is called the direct method of resetting. To reset a status bit that is resettable by the direct method, the mask must contain a 1 in the bit position of the Port Status Register corresponding to the desired bit. Other positions must contain O·s. For status bits that are not resettable by the direct method in the chosen mode, the data written to the port status register has no effect. For status bits that are resettable by the direct method in the chosen mode, a 0 in the mask has no effect. HANDSHAKE PIN SENSE CONTROL - The PI/T contains exclusive-OR gates to control the sense of each of the handshake pins, whether used as inputs or outputs. Four bits in the Port General Control Register may be programmed to determine whether the pins are asserted in the low or high voltage state. As with other control registers, these bits are reset to 0 when the RESET pin is asserted, defaulting the asserted level to be low. ENABLING PORTS A AND B - Certain functions involved with double-buffered data transfers,. the handshake pins, and the status bits, may be disabled by the external system or by the programmer during initialization. The Port General Control Register contains two bits, H12 Enable and H34 Enable, which control these functions. These bits are cleared when the RESET pin is asserted, and the functions are disabled. The functions are the following: 1. Independent of other actions by the bus master or peripheral (via the handshake pins), the PI/T's disabled handshake controller is held to the" empty" state, i.e:, no data is present in the double-buffered data path. 2. When any handshake pin is used to set a simple status flip-flop, unrelated to double-buffered transfers, these flip-flops are held reset to O. (See Table 2.) 3. When H2(H4) is used in an interlocked or pulsed handshake with H1(H3), H2(H4) is held negated, regardless of the chosen mode, submode, and primary direction. Thus, for double-buffered input transfers, the programmer may signal a peripheral when the PI/T is ready to begin transfers by setting the associated handshake enable bit to 1. THE PORT A AND B ALTERNATE REGISTERS - In addition to the Port A and B Data Registers, the PI/T contains Port A and B Alternate Registers. These registers are read-only, and simply provide the instantaneous level of each port pin. They have no effect on the operation of the handshake pins, double-buffered transfers, status bits, or any other aspect of the PI/T, and they are mode/submode independent. PORT MODES This section contains information that distinguishes the various port modes and submodes. General characteristics, common to all modes, have been defined previously. MODE 0 - UNIDIRECTIONAL 8-BIT MODE In Mode 0, Ports A and B operate independently. Each may be configured in any of its three possible submodes: Submode 00 - Double-Buffered Input Submode 01 - Double-Buffered Output Submode 1X - Bit I/O Handshake pins H 1 and H2 are associated with Port A and configured by programming the Port A Control Register. (The H12 Enable bit of the Port General Control Register enables Port A transfers.) Handshake pins H3 and H4 are associated with Port B and configured by programming the Port B Control Register. (The H34. Enable bit of the Port General Control Register enables Port B transfers.) The Port A and B Data Direction Registers operate in all three submodes. Along with the submode, they affect the data read and written at the associated data register according to Table 4. They also enable the output buffer associated with each port pin. The DMAREO pin may be associated with either (not both) PortA or Port B, but does not function ifthe Bit I/O submode is programmed for the chosen port. VI-68 MODE 0 PORT DATA PATHS Table 4 Mode OSubmode 00 o Submode 01 OSubmode 1X Read Port AlB Data Register DDR=O DDR=1 FIL, D.B. Pin Pin Write Port AlB Data Register DDR=X FOL Note 3 FOL,S.B. Note 1 FOL Note 3 IOUFOL, D.B. Note 2 FOL Note 3 FOL,S.B. Note 1 Abbreviations: IOL - Initial Output Latch FOL - Final Output Latch FIL - Final Input Latch S.B. - Single Buffered D.B. - Double Buffered DDR - Data Direction Register Note 1: Data is latched in the output data registers (final output latch) and will be single buffered at the pin if the DDR is 1. The output buffers will be turned off if the DDR is O. Note 2: Data is latched in the double-buffered output data registers. The data in the final output latch will appear on the port pin if the DDR is a 1. Note 3: The output drivers that connect the final output latch to the pins are turned on. PORT A OR B SUBMODE 00 (8-BIT DOUBLE-BUFFERED INPUT) - II PORT A OR B SUBMODE 01 (8-BIT DOUBLE-BUFFERED OUTPUT) - MODE 0 SUBMODE 00 MODE 0 SUBMODE 01 DOUBLE·BUFFERED OUTPUT Hl (H3) H2(H4) In Mode 0, double-buffered input transfers of up to a-bits are available by programming Submode 00 in the desired port's control register. The operation of H2 and H4 may be selected by programming the Port A and Port B Control Registers, respectively. All five double-buffered input handshake options, previously mentioned in the Port General Information and Conventions section, are available. For pins used as outputs, the data path consists of a single latch driving the output buffer. Data written to the port's data register does not affect the operation of any handshake pin, status bit, or any other aspect of the PIIT. Output pins may be used independently of the input transfer. However, read bus cycles to the data register do remove data from the port. Therefore, care should be taken to avoid processor instructions that perform unwanted read cycles. Refer to PARALLEL PORTS Double-Buffered Transfers for a sample timing diagram (Figure 5). Input In Mode 0, double-buffered output transfers of up to a bits are available by programming submode 01 in the desired port's control register. The operation of H2 and H4 may be selected by programming the Port A and Port B Control Registers, respectively. All five double-buffered output handshake options, previously mentioned in the Port General Information and Conventions section, are available. For pins used as inputs, data written to the associated data register is double-buffered and passed to the initial or final output latch, as usual. but the output buffer is disabled. Refer to PARALLEL PORTS Double-Buffered Output Transfers for a sample timing diagram (Figure 6). VI-69 Mode 1 can provide convenient, high-speed 16-bit transfers. The Port A and B data registers are addressed for compatibility with the MK68000 Move Peripheral (MOVEP) instruction and with the MK68450 DMAC. To take advantage of this, Port A should contain the mostsignificant byte of data and always be read or written by the bus master first. The interlocked and pulsed handshake protocols are keyed to accesses to the Port B Data Register in Mode 1 . if it is accessed last, the 16-bit double-buffered transfers proceed smoothly. PORT A OR B SUBMODE 1X (BIT 1/0)MODE 0 SUBMODE 1X ¢)A~B) BIT 1/0 H1 (H3) H2(H4) PORT B SUBMODE XO (16-BIT DOUBLE-BUFFERED INPUT) In Mode 0, simple Bit 1/0 is available by programming Submode 1X in the desired port's control register. This submode is intended for applications in which several independent devices must be controlled or monitored. Data written to the associated data register is single-buffered. If the data direction register bit for that pin is a 1 (output), the output buffer is enabled. If it is 0 (input), data written is still latched, but is not available at the pin. Data read from the data register is the instantaneous value of the pin or what was written to the data register, depending on the contents of the data direction register. H1(H3) is an edge-sensitive status input pin only and it controls no data-related function. The H1 S(H3S) status bit is set following the asserted edge of the input waveform. It is reset by the direct method, the RESET pin being asserted, or when the H12 Enable (H34 Enable) bit is O. H2(H4) can be progr!lmmed as a simple status input (identical to H1(H3), or as an asserted or negated output. The interlocked or pulsed handshake configurations are not available. MODE 1 - UNIDIRECTIONAL 16-BIT MODE In Mode 1, Ports A and B are concatenated to form a single 16-bit port. The Port B Submode field controls the configuration of both ports. The possible submodes are: Port B Submode XO Port B Submode X1 - Double-Buffered Input Double-Buffered Output Handshake pins H3 and H4, configured by programming the Port B Control Register, are associated with the 16-bit double-buffered transfer. These 16-bit transfers are enabled by the H34 Enable bit of the Port General Control Register. Handshake pins H1 and H2 may be used as simple status inputs not related to the 16-bit data transfer or H2 may be an output. Enabling of the H1 and H2 handshake pins is done by the H12 Enable bit of the Port General Control Register. The PortA and B Data Direction Registers operate in each submode. Along with the submode, they affect the data read and written at the data register according to Table 5. They also enable the output buffer associated with each port pin. The DMAREQ pin may be associated only with H3. MODE 1 PORT B SUBMODE XO r----14--H1 14-__.H2 r- < ~ IAANDB (16) LATCHED, DOUBLEBUFFERED INPUT 14--H3 "-=LJ.+-.... H4 In Mode 1 Port B Submode XO, double-buffered input transfers of up to 16 bits may be obtained. The level of all16 pins is asynchronously latched with the asserted edge of H3. The processor may check H3S status bit to determine if new data is present. The DMAREQ pin may be used to signal a DMA controller to empty the input buffers. Regardless of the bus master, Port A data should be read first. (Actually, Port A data need not be read at all.) Port B data should be read last. The operation of the internal handshake controller, the H3S bit, and DMAREQ are keyed to the reading of the Port B data register. (The MK68450 DMAC can be programmed to perform the exact transfers needed for compatibility with the PIIT.) H4 may be programmed for all five of the handshake options mentioned in the Port General Information and Conventions section. For pins used as outputs, the data path consists of a single latch driving the output buffer. Data written to the port's data register does not affect the operation of any handshake pin, status bit, or any other aspect of the PI IT. Thus, output pins may be used independently of the input transfer. However, read bus cycles to the Port B Data Register do remove data, so care should be taken to avoid unwanted read cycles. Refer to PARALLEL PORTS Double-Buffered Transfers for a sample timing diagram (Figure 5). Input In Mode 1 Port B Submode X1, double-buffered output transfers of up to 16 bits may be obtained. Data is written by the bus master (processor or DMA controller) in two bytes. VI-70 MODE 1 PORT DATA PATHS Table 5 Mode Read Port AlB Register DDR=O 1, Port B SubmodeXO 1, Port B SubmodeXl DDR FIL. D.B. Write Port AlB Register =1 FOL Note 3 FOL Note 3 Pin DDR=O DDR=1 FOL. S.B. Note 2 10UFOL. D.B., Note 1 FOL. S.B. Note 2 10UFOL, D.B., Note 1 Note 1: Data written to Port A goes to a temporary latch. When the Port B data register is later written, Port A data is transferred toIOUFOL. Note 2: Data is latched in the output data registers (final output latch) and will be single buffered at the pin if the DDR is 1. The output buffers will be turned off if the DDR is O. Note 3: The output drivers that connect the final output latch to the pins are turned on. Abbreviations: 10L - Initial Output Latch FOL - Final Output Latch FIL - Final Input Latch S.B. - Single Buffered D.B. - Double Buffered DDR - Data Direction Register PORT B SUBMODE X1 (16-BIT DOUBLE-BUFFERED OUTPUT) - For pins used as inputs, data written to either data register is ' double-buffered and passed to the initial or final output latch, as usual, but the output buffer is disabled. Refer to PARALLEL PORTS Double-Buffered Input/Output Transfer for a sample timing diagram (Figure 6). MODE 1 PORT B SUBMODE X1 14---H1 (4---IH2 MODE 2 - BIDIRECTIONAL 8-BIT MODE DOUBLE-BUFFERED OUTPUT i.---IH3 MODE 2 A (B) L~-""H4 The first byte (most-significant) is written to the PortA Data Register. It is stored in a temporary latch until the next byte is written to the Port B Data Register. Then all 16 bits are transferred to the final output latches of Ports A and B. Both options for interpretation of the H3S status bit, mentioned in Port General Information and Comments section, are available and apply to the 16-bit port as a whole. The DMAREQ pin may be used to signal a DMA controller to transfer another word to the port output latches. (The MK68450 DMAC can be programmed to perform the exact transfers needed for compatibility with the PI/T.) H4 may be programmed for all five of the handshake options mentioned in the Port General Information and Comments section. B(8) BIDIRECTIONAL 8-BIT H1 OUTPUT H2 >--TRANSFERS H3>--INPUT L.-r--__ H4 TRANSFERS In Mode 2, Port A is used for simple bit I/O with no associated handshake pins. Port B is used for bidirectional a-bit double-buffered transfers. H 1 and H2, enabled by the H12 Enable bit in the Port General Control Register, control VI-71 -~------- II output transfers, while H3 and H4, enabled by the Port General Control Register bit H34 Enable, control input transfers. The instantaneous direction of the data is determined by the Hl handshake pin. The Port B Data Direction Register is not used. The Port A and Port B submode fields do not affect PIIT operation in Mode 2. DOUBLE-BUFFERED 110 (PORT BI - The only aspect of bidirectional double-buffered transfers that differs from the unidirectional modes lies in controlling the Port B output buffers. They are controlled by the level of H1 . When H1 is negated, the Port B output buffers(aIl8) are enabled and the pins drive the bidirectional bus. Generally, Hl is negated in response to an asserted H2, which indicates that new output data is present in the double-buffered latches. Following acceptance ofthe data, the peripheral asserts Hl, disabling the Port B output buffers. Other than controlling the output buffer, Hl is edge-sensitive as in other modes. Input transfers proceed identically to the double-buffered input protocol described in the Port General Information and Conventions Section. In Mode 2, only the interlocked and pulsed handshake pin options are available on H2 and H4. The DMAREQ pin may be associated with either input transfers (H3) or output transfers (H 1 ), but not both. Refer to Table 6 for a summary ofthe Port B Data Register responses in Mode 2. BIT 1/0 (PORT Al - Mode 2, Port A performs simple bit 1/0 with no associated handshake pins. This configuration is intended for applications in which several independent devices must be controlled or monitored. Data written to the Port A data register is single-buffered. If the Port A Data Direction Register bit for that pin is 1 (output), the output buffer is enabled. If it is 0, data written is still latched but not available atthe pin. Data read from the data register is either the instantaneous value of the pin or what was written to the data register, depending on the contents of the Port A Data Direction Register. This is summarized in Table 7. MODE 3 -BIDIRECTIONAL 16-BIT DOUBLEBUFFERED 1/0 MODE 3 AANDB (16) BIDIRECTIONAL 16-BIT Hl OUTPUT H2 )--TRANSFERS H3)--INPUT L--... GV - - -"'"'-------- -' DATA TO MEMORY ---""'" ALE irn (DOTTED) DAS READY i'iimi (READ) i'ilITi(READ) i'iimi (WRITE) "1" i'ilITi(WRITE) '--___.....J/ " "'-------------------------~/ ,,~-----~/ VI-119 • VI-120 MOSTEI{. MICROCOMPUTER COMPONENTS ------------------------------------------------ Serial Interface Adapter MK3891 FEATURES o TIL compatible input to 20 MH~ oscillator eliminates need for a separate crystal for SIA(ie. share uP's crystal). o 100% compatible with companion LANCE chip and Ethernet specification o Bipolar VLSI technology o Manchester data encoding o Single 5 volt power supply o Manchester data decoding with a Phase Lock Loop (PLL) o 20 MH~ crystal oscillator which generates 10 MHz LANCE Cluck inputs o Receive Squelch circuitry o All LANCE signals TIL compatible o Collision Squelch circuitry o o Differential TRANSMIT transceiver cable drivers All transceiver signals compatible with Ethernet specifications INTRODUCTION The MK3891-SIA (Serial Interface Adapter) is a VLSI device designed to simplify greatly the interfacing of a microcomputer or minicomputer to an Ethernet Local Area Network. The SIA is a companion device to the LANCE (Local Area Network Controller for Ethernet) Ethernet Protocol Controller. The SIA and LANCE chips are intended to operate in an environment that includes a closely coupled memory and microprocessor. The SIA is compatible with the transceiver input specifications detailed in the September 30, 1980 (Rev. 1.0) specification entitled "The Ethernet - A Local Area Network - Data Link Layer and Physical Layer Specification". FUNCTIONAL CAPABILITIES The Serial Interface Adapter (SIA) interfaces the LANCE Ethernet protocol controller with a standard Ethernet Transceiver cable as specified in the Ethernet Specification. Seven interface signals between the LANCE and the SIA chips can be wired pin to pin, while the six transceiver cable signals can be connected directly to the 15 pin 0 Transceiver connector. This relationship is described in Figure 1. Figure 2 details a block diagram of the SIA. The Crystal Oscillator is controlled by a 20 MHz external crystal or can accept a 20 MHz TIL signal. A 10 MHz symmetric signal is created to drive the Manchester Encoder and to provide a TRANSMIT CLOCK for the LANCE. The Manchester Encoder takes the TRANSMIT DATA and TRANSMIT ENABLE signals from the LANCE and creates the Manchester encoded differential signals TRANSMIT + and TRANSMIT - to drive the Transceiver interface. A collision on the Ethernet cable will be sensed by the Transceiver, and it will create the differential signals COLLISION PRESENCE + and COLLISION PRESENCE which are received and signal conditioned to produce a TIL signal COLLISION for the LANCE. Likewise when data is on the Ethernet coax, the Transceiver will create the differential signals RECEIVE + and RECEIVE -. These inputs to the SIA are decoded by the PLL phase locked loop which synchronizes to the Ethernet Preamble and recovers clock and data from the Manchester Encoded cable signals. These two signals are supplied to the LANCE as TIL signals RECEIVE DATA and RECEIVE CLOCK. In addition, the SIA creates the signal CARRIER PRESENT while it is receiving data from the cable to indicate to the LANCE that receive data and clock are valid and available. VI-121 ETHERNET.~OCAL ARE~ NETWORK SYSTEIIII BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 1 MICROPROCESSOR C o M P U T E MK68200 MK68000 18086 Z8000 LSI-11 T-11 R S --- --.. Y S T 16 LOCAL AREA NETWORK CONTROLLER FOR ETHERNET (LANCE) 7 SERIAL INTERFACE ADAPTER rJ., (SIA) 8 XCVR TAP TRANSCEIVER CABLE E M B U S LOCAL MEMORY 2 POWER f-f- NETWORK INTERFACE MODULE VI-122 NETWORK CABLE SERIAL INTERFACE ADAPTER (SIA) BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 I RECEIVE DATA (RX) MANCHESTER DECODER • PLL DECODER RECEIVE CLOCK (RCLK) C RECEIVE + RECEIVE - • RECEIVE SQUELCH -I Jl l> CARRIER PRESENT (CARR) : ...: _ - - - - - - - - - ' W ~ COLLISION SQUELCH COLLISION (CLSN) ._ u. rr W I- I: COLLISION :PRESENCE + COLLISION PRESENCE - m <:m Jl Z ~ m Jl -n l> U z l z en (") -I W :3 l TRANSMITD ATA(TX) MANCHESTER ENCODER TRANSMIT ENABL E (TEN A) TRANSMIT CLOC K (TCLK) e m TRANSMIT 10 MHz I j20 MHz XTAL1 20 MHz TRANSMIT + (") CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR XTAL2 VI-123 J 1'1 1982/1983 MICROELECTRONIC DATA BOOK .................. ~ ••••••••••••• ~ • ••••••• _ '" .......... ~· ................ ~v .. · · " ............ ~~ •••••••••• "' M~ ............. ~v_ .................. . MOSTEI{. zao MICROCOMPUTER Central Processing Unit MK3880 FEATURES ZSO PIN CONFIGURATION Figure 1 o The zao is fully software compatible with the aOaOA CPU. The 7a instructions of the aOaOA are a subset of the zao's 15a instructions. o o The extensive instruction set includes relative and indexed addressing, block searches and block transfers, word, byte, and bit data operations. The architecture provides duplicate sets of general purpose Flag and Index registers to allow backgroundl foreground programming and easier single level interrupt processing and to facilitate array and table processing. SYSTEM CONTROL o o ~RO RD We lR"FSH WA"iT CPU CONTROL TNT NMI RE'SET CPU BUS o r r M'R"E'O CON'TROl 3D 27 19 20 A3 A, 21 22 A, 28 A6 A) A8 '8 ADDRESS BUS A, A10 24 All ZIOCPU A" A13 MK3810 MK388().4 MK3880·& A" A15 {BUSRa BUSAK 14 On chip Dynamic memory refresh counter DO 0, .,. Single +5 V supply AO A, A, .,v 0, 03 DATA GND 0, BUS 0, 06 Single phase system clock D) o Vectored interrupt handling system. This system allows for a Daisy Chain arrangement of a priority interrupt scheme with little if any additional hardware. INTRODUCTION The Mostek zao family of components is a significant advancement in the state-of-the-art of microcomputers. These components can be configured with any type of standard semiconductor memory to generate computer systems with an extremely wide range of capabilities. For example, as few as two LSI circuits and three standard TIL MSI packages can be combined to form a simple controller. With additional memory and 110 devices, a computer can be constructed with capabilities that only a minicomputer could previously deliver. This wide range of computational power allows standard modules to be constructed by a user that can satisfy the requirements of an extremely wide range of applications. The zao Central Processing Unit is the heart of the zao family. It provides arithmetic and bus control to operate with the bussed peripheral controllers such as the Parallel 110, Serial 110, CounterlTimer, and Direct Memory Access Circuits. The zao-cpu utilizes N channel silicon gate depletion load technology and is packaged in a 40 pin DIP. ZSO-CPU PIN DESCRIPTION The zao-cpu is packaged in an industry-standard 40 pin Dual In-Line Package. The I/O pins are shown in Figure 1, and the function of each is described below. Ao-A15 (Address Bus) Tri-state {)utput, active high. Ao-A15 constitute a 16-bit address bus. The address bus provides the address for memory (up to 64K bytes), data exchanges, and for 110 device data exchanges. 1/0 addressing uses the a lower address bits to allow the user to select up to 256 input or 256 output ports directly. Ao is the least significant address bit. During refresh time, the lower 7 bits contain a valid refresh address. 0 0 -0 7 (Data Bus) Tri-state input/output, active high. 0 0 0 7 constitute an a-bit bidirectional data bus. The data bus is used for data exchanges with memory and 110 devices. VII-1 III Ml (Machine Cyele one) Output, active'low, Ml indicates that the current machine cycle is the Of>, code fetch cycle of an instruction execution. Note that during execution of 2 -byte op-codes, M 1 is generated as each op code byte is fetched. These tWo byte op-codes always begin with CBH, DOH, EDH,orFDH. Ml also occurs with 10RO to indicate an interrupt acknowledge cycle. Tri-state output, active low. The meinMREO (Memory Request) ory request signal indicates that the address bus holds a valid address for a memory read or memory write operation. 10RO (Input/Output Request) Output, active low. WAIT indicates to the Z80-CPU that the addressed memory or I/O devices are not ready for a data transfer. The CPU continues to enter wait states for as long as this signal is active. This signal allows memory or I/O devices of any speed to be synchronized to the CPU. INT (Interrupt Request) Input, active low. The Interrupt'Request signal is generated by I/O devices. A request will be honored at the end of the current instruction if the internal software controlled interrupt enable flip-flop (IFF) is enabled and if the BUSRQ signal is not active. When the CPU accepts the interrupt, an acknowledge signal (IORO during Ml time) is sent out at the beginning of the next instruction cycle. The CPU can,respond to an interrupt in three different modes that are described in detail in section 8 of the Technical Manual, which is included in section IV of this data book. Tri-state output, active low. The 10RO signal indicates that the lower half ~f the address bus holds a valid I/O address for an I/O read or write operation. An 10RO signal is also generated with an Ml signal when an interrupt is being acknowledged to indicate that an interrupt response vector can be placed on the data bus. Interrupt Acknowledge operations occur during M, time while I/O operations never occur during Ml time. ' RD (Memory Read) Tri-state output, active low. RD indicates that the CPU wants to read data from memory or an I/O device. ,The addressed I/O device or memory should use this signal to gate data onto the CPU data bus. WR (Memory Write) Tri-state output, active low. WR indicates that the CPU data bus holds valid datI:! 'to be'stored in the addressed memory or I/O device. RFSH (Refresh) Output, active low. RFSH indicates that the, lower 7 bits of the address bus contain a rt)fresh address for dynamic memories and current MREO signal should be used to do a refresh read to all dynamic memories. A7 is a lOgic zero and the upper 8 bits oftheAddress Bus contain the I Register. HALT (Halt state) WAIT* (Wait) Output, active low. HALT indicates that the CPU has executed a HArf software' instruction and is awaiting either a non maskabie or a maskable interrupt (with the mask enabled) before operatIon can resume. While halted, the CPU executes NOP's to maintain memory refresh activity. Input, negative edge triggered. The non maskable interrupt request line, has a higher priority than INT and is always recognized at the end of the current instruction, independent of the status of the interrupt enable flip-flop. iiiMi automatically forces the Z80-CPU to restart to location 0066H. The program counter is automatically saved in the external ,stack so that the user can return to the program that was interrupted. Note that continuous WAIT cycles can prevent the current instruction from en~, and that a BUSRO will override an NMI. RESET Input, active low. RESET forces the program counter to zero and initializes the CPU. The CPU initialization will: 1) Disable the interrupt enable flip-flop 2) Set Register I OOH 3) Set Register R = OOH = 4) Set Interrupt Mode 0 During reset time, the address bus and data bus go to a high impedance state and all control output signals go to the inactive state. No refresh occurs. 8USRQ (Bus Reql,lest) Input, active low. The bus request signal is used to reql,lest the CPU address bus, data bus and tri-state output control signals to go to a high impedance state so that other devices can control buses to a high impedance state as soon as the current CPU machine cycle is terminated. Output, active low. Bus acknowledge is used to indicate to the requesting device that the CPU address bus, data bus and tri-state control bus signals have been set to their high impedance state and the external device can now control these signals. Single phase system clock. *While the Z80-CPU is in either a WAIT state or a Bus Acknowledge condition, Dynamic Memory Refresh will not occur. VII-3 For further details on this device, please consult the MK3880Z80 CPU Technical Manual, included in Section IV. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Temperature Under. Bias ........................................................... Specified Operating Range Storage Temperature ....................................................................... -65°C to +150°C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground ................................. .' .................... -0.3 V to + 7V Power Dissipation ................................................................................... 1.5 W All ac parameters assume a load capacitance of 50 pF max. *Stressesabove those listed under" Absolute Maximum Ratings" maycause permanent damage to thedevice. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these Or any other condition above those indicated in'the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee = 5 V ± 5% unless otherwise specified SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN VILe Clock Input Low Voltage VI He Clock Input High Voltage VIL TYP MAX UNITS -0.3 0.8 V Vee-· 6 V ee +·3 V Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.8 V V IH Input High Voltage 2.0 Vee V VOL Output Low Voltage 0.4 V IOL = 1.8 mA V OH Output High Voltage V IOH = -250 Icc Power Supply Current 150* mA III Input Leakage Current ±10 JJA VIN = Oto Vee ILO Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float ±10 JJA VOUT 2.4 TEST CONDITIONS JJA =0.4 V to Vee *200 mA for -4, -10 or -20 devices CAPACITANCE TA = 25°C, f = 1 MHz unmeasured pins returned to ground MAX UNIT Clock Capacitance 35 pF CIN Input Capacitance 5 pF COUl Output Capacitance 10 pF SYMBOL PARAMETER C VII-4 MK3880-4. MK3880-6. MK3880-10 Z80-CPU AC CHARACTERISTICS TA =O°C to 70°C. Vee = +5 V ± 5%. Unless Otherwise Noted SIGNAL SYMBOL PARAMETER Ao-15 tc yH) yL) tr,t Clock Period Clock Pulse Width. Clock High Clock Pulse Width. Clock Low Clock Rise and Fall Time tD(AO) t FlAO) tacm taci Address Output Delay Delay to Float Address Stable Prior to MREO (Memory Cycle) Address Stable Prior to lORa. RD or WR (1/0 Cycle) Address Stable From RD, WR, lORa or MREO Address Stable From RD or WR During Float tea teat tD(O) tFlO) tS4>(O) 0 0 _7 ts~O) t dcm t dci tcdf tH tOL4iiMR) tOH4>(MR) MREO tOH~MR) lw\MRL) tw(MRH) tOL4>(IR) tOL4iiIR) lORa tOH 4>(IR) tOH4iiIR) RD WR Data Output Delay Delay to Float During Write Cycle Data Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock During M1 Cycle Data Setup Time to Falling Edge at Clock During M2toM5 Data Stable Prior to WR (Memory Cycle) Data Stable Prior to WR (1/0 Cycle) Data Stable from WR Input Hold Time 400 250 110 110 t OL4>(WR) t OL4i(wR) tOHi(wR) twe\iiiRL) WR Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, WR Low WR Delay From Falling Edge of Clock. WR Low WR Delay From Falling Edge of Clock. WR High Pulse Width, WR Low NOTES: A. Data should be enabled onto the CPU data bus when RD is active. During interrupt acknowledge data should be enabled when M1 and IORO are both active. VII-5 165 65 65 90 80 [24] [25] [3] [4] [15] [16] [26] [27] 230 90 150 130 80 90 50 35 30 60 50 40 [5] [6] [17] [18] [19] 0 [28] [29] [30] 0 [7] 0 100 15 20 85 20 70 100 85 70 100 85 70 [20] [21] [20] [21] 90 75 65 110 85 70 100 85 70 110 85 70 100 130 100 110 85 95,., 85 85 70 80 70 70 15 80 15 65 80 80 90 100 [10] [12] (D) 2000 20 110 90 [13] [14] [8] [9] Rising Edge of Clock. RD Low Falling Edge of Clock, RD Low RiSing Edge of Clock. RD High Falling Edge of Clock, RD High [12] (D) 20b0 30 3880-6 MIN MAX (ns) (ns) [1] [2] lORa Delay From Rising Edge of Clock. lORa Low lORa Delay From Falling Edge of Clock. lORa Low lORa Delay From Rising Edge of Clock. lORa High lORa Delay From Falling Edge of Clock Clock. lORa High From From From From [12] (D) 2000 30 145 110 20 MREO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, MREOLow MREO Delay From Rising Edge of Clock. MREOHigh MREO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock. MREOHigh Pulse Width, MREO Low Pulse Width, MREO High tOH 4>(RO) t OH4iiBO) tOL~RO) 3880-4 MIN MAX (ns) (ns) 180 180 RD Delay RD Delay RD Delay RD Delay tOLiRO) 3880 MIN MAX (ns) (ns) [22] 60 70 70 [22] B. The Rlm' signal must be active for a minimum of 3 clock cycles. (Conl'd. on next page]. II MK3880-4, MK3880-6, MK3880-10 Z80-CPU 3880 MIN MAX (ns) (ns) SIGNAL SYMBOL PARAMETER M1 tOUM1) tOH(Ml) RFSH tOURF) 3880·4 MIN MAX (ns) . (ns) 3880-6 MIN MAX (ns) (ns) M'j Delay From Rising Edge of Clock M1 Low M1 Delay From Rising Edge of Clock M1 High 130 130 100 100 80 80 RFSH Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, 180 130 110 150 120 100 ~SHLow RFSH Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, RFSH High tOH(RF) WAIT tS(WT) HALT tD(Hn ViiAiT Setup Time to Falling Edge of Clock IHACf Delay Time From Falling Edge of Clock INT tS(1n INT Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock 80 80 70 NMI t....{NMI) Pulse Width, NMI Low 80 80 70 BUSRQ t 5(80) BUSRQ Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock 80 50 50 BUSAK tOUBA) BUSAK Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, BUSAKLow BUSAK Delay From Falling Edge of Clock. BUSAK High tOH(BA) RESET ts(RS) RESET Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock tF(C) Delay to/from Float (MREQ, IORQ, RD and WR) t m, M1 Stable Prior to IORQ (Interrupt Ack.) . + tf-75 [1) tACM ~ t w (4) HI [2) taci = tc - 80 [3) tCA = t w (4)LI + t,-4O [19) ted! [4) teaf = t w (4)L) + t, - 60 [20) tw iMRL) = tc -30 t.lcm = tC-210 tdci = t w (4)L) + t, - 210 [7) tcd! = tw (4)L) + t, - 80 [8) tw (MRL) = tc - 40 [9) tw (MRH) = tw (4)H) [12) tc = te - [22) tw (Wii) [24) tACM + tf - 30 40 + tw (4)H) +tf - 80 =t w (4)H) + t w (4)L) + t, + tf = te -30 [26) tCA = tw (4)L) + t, -50 [27) teaf = tw (4)L) + t,-45 [28) tdcm 90 110 100 90 60 60 [30) tedf + t, -50 70 80 [31] [23] LOAD CIRCUIT FOR OUTPUT Vee TEST POINT FROM OUTPUT _ _---+---4~ UNDER TEST R2 =9,S3KO =tc -140 [14) taci = tc -70 t w (4)L) 100 100 [11] 260 120 90 = tw (4)H) +tf-50 129) t.lci = tw (4)L) + t,-14O ~ 300 [25) taci = tc -55 [13) tacm = ~w ( lEI Interrupt Enable In (input, active high) This signal is used to form a priority interrupt daisy chain when more than one interrupt driven device is being used. A high level on this pin indicates that no other devices of higher priority are being serviced by a CPU interrupt service routine. lEO Interrupt Enable Out (output, active high) The lEO signal is the other signal required to form a daisy chain priority scheme. It is high only if lEI is high and the CPU is not servicing an interrupt from this PIO. Thus this signal blocks lower priority devices from interrupting while a higher priority device is being serviced by its CPU interrupt service routine. INT Interrupt Request (output, open drain, active low) When INT is active the l80-PIO is requesting an interrupt from the l80-CPU. Ao-A 7 Port A Bus (bidirectional, tri-state) This 8 bit bus is used to transfer data andlor status or control information between Port A of the l80-P10 and a peripheral device. Ao is the least significant bit ofthe Port Adata bus. A STB Port A Strobe Pulse from peripheral Device (input, active low) The meaning of this Signal depends on the mode of operation selected for Port A as follows: System Clock (input) The l80-P10 uses the standard l80 system clock to synchronize certain signals internally. This is a single phase clock. Machine Cycle One Signal from CPU (input, active low) This signal from the CPU is used as a sync pulse to control several internal PIO operations. When M 1 is active and the RD signal is active, the l80-CPU is fetching an instruction from memory. Conversely, when M1 is active and lORa is active, the CPU is acknowledging an interrupt. In addition, the M1 signal has two other functions within the l80-PI0. 1. M 1 synchronizes the PIO interrupt logic. 2. When M1 occurs without an active RD or lORa signal, the PIO logic enters a reset state. lORa If RD is active a MEMORY READ or 1/0 READ operation is in progress. The RD signal is used with BIA Select, CID Select, CE and lORa signals to transfer data from the l80PIO to the l80-CPU. InputlOutput Request from l80-CPU (input, active low) The lORa Signal is used in conjunction with the BIA Select, CID Select, CE, and RD signals to transfer commands and data between the l80-CPU and the l80-PI0. When CE, RD and lORa are active, the port addressed by BIA will transfer data to the CPU (a read operation). Conversely, when CE and lORa are active but RD is not active, then the port addressed by BIA will be written into from the CPU with either data or control information as specified by the CID Select signal. Also, if lORa and M1 are active simultaneously, the CPU is acknowledging an interrupt and the interrupting port will automatically place its interrupt vector on the CPU data bus if it is the highest device requesting an interrupt. Read Cycle Status from the l80-CPU (input, active low) VII-10 1) Output mode: The positive edge of this strobe is issued by the peripheral to acknowledge the receipt of data made available by the PIO. 2) Input mode: The strobe is issued by the peripheral to load data from the peripheral into the Port A input register. Data is loaded into the PIO when this signal is active. 3) Bidirectional mode: When this signal is active, data from the Port A output register is gated onto Port A bidirectional data bus. The positive edge of the strobe acknowledges the receipt of the data. 4) Control mode: The strobe is inhibited internally. ARDY Register A Ready (output, active high) The meaning of this signal depends on the mode of operation selected for Port A as follows: status or control information between Port B of the PIO and a peripheral device. The Port B data bus is capable of supplying 1.5 ma@ 1.5 V to drive Darlington transistors. Bo is the least significant bit of the bus. 1) Output mode: This signal goes active to indicate thatthe Port A output register has been loaded and the peripheral data bus is stable and ready for transfer to the peripheral device. Port B Strobe Pulse from Peripheral Device (input, active low) The meaning of this signal is similar to that of A STB with the following exception: 2) Input mode: This signal is active when the Port A input register is empty and is ready to accept data from the peripheral device. 3) Bidirectional mode: This Signal is active when data is available in Port A output register for transfer to the peripheral device. In this mode data is not placed on the Port A data bus unless A STB is active. Inthe PortAbidirectional mode this signal strobes data from the peripheral device into the Port A input register. BRDY Register B Ready (output, active high) The meaning ofthis signal is similar to that of A Ready with the following exception: 4) Control mode: This Signal is disabled and forced to a low state. In the Port A bidirectional mode this signal is high when the Port A input register is empty and ready to accept data from the peripheral device. Port B (bidirectional, tristate) This 8 bit bus is used to transfer data and/or OUTPUT LOAD CIRCUIT Figure 2 TEST POINT FROM OUTPUT o----.----~~---IIC UNDER TEST 1 N914 OR EQUIVALENT CR, CL CL r 250 p.A For further details on this device, please consult the PIO MK3881 Technical Manual, included in Section IV. VII-11 c c 50 pF on 0 - 0 7 50 pF on Others A8 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MK3881 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Temperature Under Bias ...•.•..•.•.•...•..•••••...•.•.••..•............. , .......... Specified operating range Storage Temperature ....••.........•••..•...•..•..•.•........•......•.......•.......•...... -65°C to +150°C Voltage On Any Pin With ....••..•..•.•..••.••.•.•....•......•..•.••••....•.....••...•••..•..• -0.3 V to +7 V Respect To Ground Power Dissipation .•...••.•.................•....•..•..•........•......•...............•......•...... .6 W All ac parameters assume a load capacitance of 100 pF max. Timing references between two output signals assume a load difference of 50 pF max. *Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" maycause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. D.C. CHARACTERI.STICS TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee = 5 V ± 5% unless otherwise specified SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT VILe Clock Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.80 V V IHe Clock Input High Voltage Vee-· 6 Vee +.3 V V IL Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.8 V V IH Input High Voltage 2.0 Vee V VOL Output Low Voltage 0.4 V V OH Output High Voltage lee Power Supply Current 70* rnA lu Input Leakage Current ±10 pA. ILOH Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float 10 pA. ILOL Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float -10 pA. =Oto Vee V OUT = 2.4 to Vee V OUT = 0.4 V ILO Data Bus Leakage Current in Input Mode ±10 pA. 0:5 VIN :5 Vee IOHD Darlington Drive Current rnA VOH = 1.5V Port B Only 2.4 V -1.5 TEST CONDITION =2.0 rnA IOH =-250 pA. IOL VIN *150 rnA for -4, -10, and -20 devices. CAPACITANCE TA = 25°C, f 1 MHz = MAX UNIT Clock Capacitance 10 pF Unmeasured Pins CIN Input Capacitance 5 pF Returned to Ground COUT Output Capacitance 10 pF SYMBOL PARAMETER C~ VII-12 TEST CONDITION A.C. CHARACTERISTICS MK3881. MK3881·10. MK3881·20. Z80·PIO TA =O°C to 70°C. V CC = +5 V ± 5%. unless otherwise noted SIGNAL 4> C/O SEL CE ETC. 3881 MIN MAX 3881·4 MIN MAX UNIT 400 250 105 105 [1] 2000 2000 30 nsec nsec nsec nsec SYMBOL PARAMETER tc tW(H) tW(L) t" lj Clock Clock Clock Clock th Any Hold Time for Specified Set·Up Time 0 0 nsec tS(CS) Control Signal Set-up Time to Rising Edge of 4> During Read or Write Cycle 50 50 nsec tOR(O) tS(O) Data Output Delay from Falling Edge of RD Data Set-up Time to Rising Edge of 4> During Write or M1 Cycle Data Output Delay from Falling Edge of lORa During INTA Cycle Delay to Floating Bus (Output Buffer Disable Time) Do - 0 7 tOI(O) tF(O) Period Pulse Width. Clock High Pulse Width. Clock Low Rise and Fall Times 170 170 [1] 2000 2000 30 430 380 nsec nsec 340 250 nsec 160 110 nsec 50 50 lEI tS(IEI) lEI Set-Up TIme to Falling Edge of lORa During INTAcycle lEO tOH(lO) tOL(lO) tOM(IO) lEO Delay Time from Rising Edge of lEI lEO Delay Time from Falling Edge of lEI 210 190 160 130 nsec nsec lEO Delay from Falling' Edge of M1 (Interrupt Occurring Just Prior to M1) See Note A. 300 190 nsec lORa tS(IR) lORa Set-Up Time to Rising Edge of 4> During Read or Write Cycle 250 M1 tS(M1) ~Set-Up Time to Rising Edge of 4> During INTA or M1 Cycle. See Note B. 210 90 nsec RD tS(RO) RD Set-Up Time to Rising Edge of During Read or M 1 Cycle 240 115 nsec tS(PO) Port Data Set-Up Time to Rising Edge of STROBE (Mode 1) Port Data Output Delay from Falling Edge of STROBE (Mode 2) Delay to Floating Port Data Bus from Rising Edge of STROBE (Mode 2) Port Data Stable from Rising Edge of lORa During WR Cycle (Mode 0) 260 230 nsec Pulse Width, STROBE 150 150 [4] [4] t05(PO) Ao- A 7 Bo - B7 tF(PO) tOI(PO) ASTB BSTB tWIST) INT tD(IT) tD(IT3) INT Delay Time from Rising Edge of INT Delay Time from Data Match During Mode 3 Operation ARDY tOH (RY) BRDY tOL(RY) Ready Response Time from Rising Edge of lORa Ready Response Time from Rising Edge of STROBE Sfif<5BE VII-13 140 140 nsec . 115 nsec 230 210 nsec 200 180 nsec 200 180 nsec nsec nsec 490 420 440 tc+46O t c+ 400 tc+41 0 t c+ 360 380 nsec nsec nsec nsec A. 2.5 tc > (N.2)tDL(IO)+tDM(IO)+tS(IEI)+TTL Buffer Delay, if any. B. (IJ (2J (3J Increase 101 (0) by 1 0 nsec for each 50 pF increase in loading up to 200 pF (4J For Mode 2: tw (ST) > tS(PO) [5] Increase these values by 2 nsec for each 10 pF increase in loading up to 100 pF max. max. M1 must be active for a minimum of 2 clock periods to reset the PIO. tc=tW(H)+Iw(L)+tr+tf Increase tOR(O)by 1 0 nsectore8oh 50pF increase in loading upto 200pF max. TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 3 Timing measurements are made at the following voltages, unless otherwise specified: CLOCK OUTPUT INPUT FLOAT lEI lEO READY (A ROY OR B ROY) STROBE (Am OR iISi'B) (MODE 2) (MODE 1) (MODE 3) VII-14 "'" 4,2V 2.0V 2.0V t:.V "0" O.BV O.BV O.BV 0.5V ORDERING INFORMATION PART NO. DESIGNATOR PACKAGE TYPE MK3881N Z80-PIO Plastic 2.5 MHz MK3881P Z80-PIO Ceramic 2.5 MHz MK3881N-4 Z80A-PIO Plastic 4.0 MHz MK3881P-4 Z80A-PIO Ceramic 4.0 MHz MK3881P-10 Z80-PIO Ceramic 4.0 MHz VII-15 MAX CLOCK FREQUENCY TEMPERATURE RANGE 0° to 70°C -40° to +85°C VII-16 MOSTEI(@ zao MICROCOMPUTER Counter Timer Circuit MK3882 FEATURES zaO-CTC PIN CONFIGURATION Figure 1 o All inputs and outputs fully TIL compatible ,. I o Each channel may be selected to operate in either Counter Mode or Timer Mode DATA BUS o Used in either mode, a CPU-readable Down Counter indicates number of counts-to-go until zero ZC/TO O ZetTD, D, D5 D6 D7 o A Time Constant Register can automatically reload the Down Counter at Count Zero in Counter and Timer Mode CHANNEL SIGNALS ZCfT02 MK3SS2 2S0-CTC CSO cs, o Selectable positive or negative trigger initiates time operation in Timer Mode. The same input is monitored for event counts in Counter Mode. CTC CONTROL o Three channels have Zeto CountlTimeout outputs capable of driving Darlington transistors +5V o Interrupts may be programmed to occur on the zero count condition in any channel . GND ·r o Daisychain priority interrupt logic included to provide for automatic interrupt vectoring without external logic INTERRUPT {INT CONTROL INT ENA~~: ~: ENAa~~ 11 OUT INTRODUCTION The ZBO-Counter Timer Circuit (CTC) is a programmable component with four independent channels that provide counting and timing functions for microcomputer systems based on the Z80-CPU. The CPU can configure the CTC channels to operate under various modes and conditions as required to interface with a wide range of devices. In most applications, little or no external logic is required. The Z80CTC utilizes N-channel silicon gate depletion load technology and is packaged in a 28-pin DIP. The Z80-CTC requires only iI single 5 volt supply and a one-phase 5 volt clock. L-._ _ _ _--l the Z80-CTC. There are 8 bits on this bus, of which Do is the least significant. CS1-CSO CTC PIN DESCRIPTION A diagram of the Z80-CTC pin configuration is shown in Figure 1. This section describes the function of each pin. Z80-CPU Data Bus (bidirectional, tristate) This bus is used to transfer all data and command words between the Z80-CPU and VII-17 Channel Select (input, active high) These pins form a 2-bit binary address code for selecting one ofthe four independent CTC channels for an 1/0 Write or Read (See truth table below.) ChO Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 CS1 0 0 1 1 CSO 0 1 0 1 Chip Enable (input, active low) A low level on this pin enables the CTC to accept control words, Interrupt Vectors, or time constant data words from the Z80 Data Bus during an I/O Write cycle, or to transmit the contents ofthe Down.Counter to the CPU during an I/O Read cycle. In most applications this signal is decoded from the 8 least significant bits of the address bus for any of the four I/O port addresses that are mapped to the four Counter/Timer Channels. Clock (4)) Input/Output Request from CPU (input, active low) The 10RO signal is used in conjunction with the CE and RD signals to transfer data and Channel Control Words between. the Z80CPU and the CTC. During a CTC Write Cycle, 10RO and CE must be true and RD false. The CTC does not receive a specific write Signal. instead generating its own internally from the inverse of a valid RD signal. In a CTC Read Cycle, 10RO, CE and RD must be active to place the contents of the Down Counter on the zao Data Bus. If 10RO and M1 are both true, the CPU is acknowledging an interrupt request, and the highest-priority interrupting channel will place its Interrupt Vector on the Z80 Data Bus. lEI lEO Interrupt Enable Out (output, active high) The lEO signal. in conjunction with lEI, is used to form a system-wide interrupt priority daisy chain. lEO is high only if lEI is high and the CPU is not servicing an interrupt from any CTC channel. Thus this signal blocks lower priority devices from interrupting while a higher priority device is being serviced by the CPU. INT Interrupt Request (output, open drain, active low) This signal goes true when any CTC channel which has been programmed to enable interrupts has a zero-count condition in its Down Counter. RESET Reset (input, active low) This signal stops all channels from counting and resets channel interrupt enable bits in all control registers, thereby disabling CTCgenerated interrupts. The ZC/TO and INT outputs go to their inactive states, lEO reflects lEI. and the CTC's data bus output drivers go to the high impedance state. System Clock (input) This single-phase clock is used by the CTC to synchronize certain signals internally. Machine Cycle One Signal from CPU (input, active low) When M1 is active and the RD signal is active, the CPU isfetching an instruction from memory. When M1 is active and 10RO is active, the CPU is acknowledging an interrupt, alerting the CTC to place an Interrupt Vector on the zao Data Bus if it has daisy chain priority and one of its channels has requested an interrupt. RD capability. A high level on this pin indicates that no other interrupting devices of higher priority are being serviced by the Z80-CPU. Read Cycle Status from the CPU (input, active low) The RD signal is used in conjunction with the 10RO and CE signals to transfer data and Channel Control Words between the Z80CPU and the CTC. During a CTC Write Cycle, 10RO and CE must be true and RD false. The CTC does not receive a specific write signal. instead generating its own internally from the inverse of a valid RD signal. In a CTC Read Cycle, 10RO, CE and RD must be active to place the contents of the Down Counter on the zao Data Bus. CLK/TRG3- External ClockiTimer Trigger (input. userCLK/TRGO selectable active high or low) There are four CLK/TRG pins, corresponding to the four independent CTC channels. In the Counter Mode, every active edge on this pin decrements the Down Counter. In the Timer Mode, an active edge on this pin initiates the timing function. The user may select the active edge to be either rising or falling. ZC/T02ZC/TOO Zero Count/Timeout (output, active high) There are three ZC/TO pins, corresponding to CTC channels 2 through O. (Due to package pin limitations channel 3 has no ZC/TO pin.) In either Counter Mode orTimer Mode, when the Down Counter decrements to zero an active high going pulse appears at this pin. For further details on this device, please consult the CTC MK3aa2 Technical Manual, included in Section IV. Interrupt Enable In (input, active high) This signal is used to help form a systemwide interrupt daisy chain which establishes priorities when more than one peripheral device in the system has interrupting VII-18 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Temperature Under Bias ................•..........•.............•........•.....•... Specified operating range Storage Temperature .................................•.......•....••••........••....•...••• -65°C to +150°C Voltage On Any Pin With Respect To Ground •.•••........•..•.....•.......•........•••...•...••. -0.3 V to +7 V Power Dissipation ........................••....•..............•.......•............•••.........•.•. 0.8 W All ac parameters assume a load capacitance of 100 pF max. Timing references between two output signals assume a load difference of 50 pF max. *Stressesabove those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" maycause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS· TA = DoC to 70°C, Vee = 5 V ± 5% unless otherwise specified SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT VILe Clock Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.80 V VIHe Clock Input High Voltage (1) Vee-· 6 Vee +.3 V VIL Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.8 V VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 Vee V VOL Output Low Voltage 0.4 V IOL=2mA VOH Output High Voltage V IOH = -250 pA Icc Power Supply Current 120 mA Te = 400 nsec** III Input Leakage Current ±10 pA VIN = OtoVee ILOH Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float 10 pA V OUT = 2.4 to Vee ILOL Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float -10 pA V OUT = 0.4 V IOHD Darlington Drive Current mA V OH = 1.5 V 2.4 -1.5 TEST CONDITION **Te = 250 nsec for MK3882-4 CAPACITANCE TA = 25°C, f = 1 MHz SYMBOL PARAMETER MAX UNIT CcJ> Clock Capacitance 20 pF Unmeasured Pins CIN Input Capacitance 5 pF Returned to Ground COUT Output Capacitance 10 pF VII-19 TEST CONDITION III A.C. CHARACTERISTICS MK3882. MK3882-10. Z80-CTC TA =' O°C to 70°C. Vee = +5 V ± 5%. unless otherwise noted 38823882-4 MIN MAX SIGNAL SYMBOL PARAMETER tc tw(H) tw(l) t,. t f Clock Period Clock Pulse Width. Clock High Clock Pulse Width. Clock low Clock Rise and Fall Times tH Any Hold Time for Specified Setup Time CS. CEo etc. ts (CS) to (D) ts (D) Do - D7 tol(D) t~D) lEI Control Signal Setup Time to Rising Edge of During Read or Write Cycle Data Output Delay from Rising Edge of During Read Cycle Data Setup Time to Rising Edge of During Write or M1 Cycle Data Output Delay from Falling Edge of lORa During INTA Cycle Delay to Floating Bus (Output Buffer Disable Time) ts(lEI) lEI Setup Time to Falling Edge of lORa During INTA Cycle tOH(lO) lEO Delay Time from Rising Edge of lEI lEO Delay Time from Falling Edge of lEI lEO Delay from Falling Edge of M1 (Interrupt Occurring just Prior to M1) tOL(IO) 400 170 170 (1 ) 2000 2000 30 MIN MAX 250 105 105 (1 ) 2000 2000 30 UNIT COMMENTS ns ns ns 0 0 ns 160 145 ns 240 60 200 50 ns ns 340 160 ns 230 110 ns 140 200 220 160 ns (3) 190 130 ns (3) 300 190 ns (3) toM(IO) lORa ts (IR) lORa Setup Time to Rising Edge of During Read or Write Cycle 250 115 ns M1 ts (M1) M1 Setup Time to Rising Edge of During INTA or M1 Cycle 210 90 ns RD ts (RD) RD Setup Time to Rising Edge of During Read or M1 Cycle 240 115 ns INT to (IT) INT Delay from Rising Edge of td CK) t,. t f Clock Period Clock and Trigger Rise and Fall Times Clock Setup Time to Rising Edge of for Immediate Count Trigger Setup Time to Rising Edge of for Enabling of Prescaler on Following Rising Edge of ts(TR) ClK/ TRG O_3 tvJCTH) tvJCTl) td U Rll- lEI I---+ISUEI) lEO 1--+----·IC(CKl-+--------~1 (COUNTER MODEl ClK/ TRG O_3 tS(TRI (TIMER MODEl ZC/TOO_2 "'" 4.2 V 2.0V 2.0V flV "0" O.BV O.BV O.BV 0.6V ORDERING INFORMATION PART NO. DESIGNATOR PACKAGE TYPE MAX CLOCK FREQUENCY MK3882N Z80-CTC Plastic 2.5 MHz MK3882P Z80-CTC Ceramic 2.5 MHz MK3882N-4 Z80A-CTC Plastic 4.0 MHz MK3882P-4 Z80A-CTC Ceramic 4.0 MHz MK3882P-10 Z80-CTC Ceramic 4.0 MHz TEMPERATURE RANGE 0° to 70°C -40° to +85°C • VII-23 VII·24 MOSTEI<. zao MICROCOMPUTER Direct Memory Access Controller MK3883 FEATURES o Transfers, searches and searchltransfers in byte-ata-time, burst or continuous modes. Cycle length and edge timing can be programmed to match the speed of any port. o Dual port addresses (source and destination) generated for memory-to-I/O, memory-to-memory, or I/O-to-I/O operations. Addresses may be fixed or automatically i ncrementedldecremented. o Standard Z80 Family bus-request and prioritized interrupt-request daisy chains implemented without external logic. Sophisticated, internally modifiable interrupt vectoring. o Direct interfacing to system buses without external logic. GENERAL DESCRIPTION o Extensive programmability of functions. CPU can read complete"channel status. The MK3883 Z80 DMA (Direct Memory Access) is a powerful and versatile device for controlling and processing transfers of data. Its basic function of managing CPU-independent transfers between two ports is augmented by an array offeatures that optimize transfer speed and control with little or no external logic in systems using an 8- or 16-bit data bus and a 16-bit address bus. PIN FUNCTIONS PIN ASSIGNMENTS o Next-operation loading without disturbing current operations via buffered starting-address registers. An entire previous sequence can be repeated automatically. Figure 2 Figure 1 ZIODMA ~{ Ag A1 A2 A3 DATA BUS ~ AS AS A7 SYSTEM ADDRESS BUS As Ag BUS { CONTROL At; 39 -'7 A3 3 38 lEI A2 4 37 A1 5 36 lEO Ag 6 35 DO 7 340 1 WR 8 33 02 RO 9 3203 +6V 11 MiiEii } 12 29 0 6 28 De BAI14 270; CE/WAIT 16 INTERRUPT CONTROL CLK VII-25 3104 30 GNO 1iiW 13 BUSRQ 15 lEO iiiii CLK 10RQ 10 }DMA CONTROL GND 40 2 A" A12 CONTROL BUS @:X____ IEO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~:,r_ VII-53 • ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltages on all inputs and outputs with respect to GND ........................................... -0.3V to +7.0\ Operating Ambient Temperature ............................................ As Specified in Ordering Informatior Storage Temperature ........................................................................ -65°C to +150 0 ( Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating, only; operation of the device at an condition above those indicated in the operational sections of these specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods rna affect device reliability. STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS The characteristics below apply for the following standard test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND. Positive current flows into the referenced pin. Standard conditions are as follows: vcc 2.1K FROM OUTPUTO-_......._ UNDER TEST • +4.75V::; VCC::; +5.25V • GND:= OV • TA as specified in Ordering Information ......-+lH All AC parameters assume a load capacitance of 100 pF max. Timing references between two output signals assume a load difference of 50 pF max. DC CHARACTERISTICS SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT TEST CONDITION VILC Clock Input Low Voltage -0.3 +0.80 V VIHC Clock Input High Voltage VCC -0.6 +5.5 V VIL Input Low Voltage -0.3 +0.8 V VIH Input High Voltage +2.0 +5.5 V VOL Output Low Voltage +0.4 V IOL:= 2.0mA VOH Output High Voltage +2.4 V IOH:= -250 iJ-A III Input Leakage Current -10 ±10 iJ-A O <== ~------------------------------ OATA _______-JX. . ___IN______ OATA --------- ---INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE CYCLE Figure 7 RETURN FROM INTERRUPT CYCLE Figure '8 CLOCK CLOCK M' ---'1 iii \ ' - -_ _ _ _ _ RO '-----I lORa R O - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ lEI ...... _____ 1I =====:=::7 IEI------ lEO OATA--------------<~>----VII-68 r- ------~/ MK-DART READ AND WRITE REGISTERS Figure 9 READ REGISTER 0 READ REGISTER,. 10l§710l§.10~&10[S4~0~ALLSENT 10710eI0.iO~03102Io,IOol L R.CHARACTERAVAILABLE L,NT PENDING ICH. A ONLY) I ~~~ L-NOTUSED ~~~UFFER EIMPTY PARITY ERROR RI CTS USED WITH ""EXTERNAV STATUS INTERRUPT"" FRAMING ERROR NOT USfD MODE Rx OVERRUN ERROR NOT USED ·U.ed with Speciel Receive Condition Mode BREAK READ REGISTER 2 INTERRUPT VECTOR "Variable If "StatuI Affect. Veeto," is Programmed WRITE REGISTER 0 WRITE REGISTER 1 10710el051041031021o,IOoi 10710.10510410310210,1001 l --C: ooo 00' 0'0 011 '00 '0' REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER T 1 0 1 2 3 4 6 00 001 0'0 o1 1 1 00 , 01 1 10 NULL CODE NOT USED RESET EXT/STATUS INTERRUPTS CHANNEL RESET ENABLE INT ON NEXT Rx CHARACTER RESET lxlNT PENDING ERROR RESET , " RETURN FROM INT ICH·A ONLY) I L EXTINT ENABLE L- TxlNT ENABLE STATUS AFFECTS VECTOR ICH. B ONLY} 00 Rx INT DISABLE o 1 Rx INT ON FIRST CHARACTER 1 OINT ON ALL Rx CHARACTERS (PARITY AFFECTS VECTOR) 1 1 INT ON ALL Rx CHARACTERS (PARITY DOES NOT AFFECT VECTOR) 1--_____ WAIT/READY ON R/T I "------WAIT/RE~DYFUNCTION '---_ _ _ _ _ _ WAIT /READV ENABLE ~------------NOTUSEO WRITE REGISTER 3 WRITE REGISTER 2 (CHANNEL 8 ONLY) 11 10710.10.10410310210,1001 I L L-- R.ENABLE NOTUSED 1--------___ AUTO ENABLES 1--------------- 00 Rx 5 BITS/CHARACTER INTERRUPT o 1 Rx 7 BITS/CHARACTER VECTOR 1 0 Rx 6 BITS/CHARACTER 1 1 Rx 8 BITS/CHARACTER WRITE REGISTER 4 ITT WRITE REGISTER 5 107IT0610~0~410Llli310t~ :~; 10710e10&1041031021o,IOol o 0' L.:::::~:::~~DD· NOT USED LNOTUSED 1 STOP BIT ICHARACTER Tx ENABLE 1 0 1 Y2 STOP BITS/CHARACTER 1 1 2 STOP BITS/CHARACTER NOT USED 00 1 10 11 o USED SEND BREAK 00 01 10 11 Xl CLOCK MODE X16 CLOCK MODE X32 CLOCK MODE X64 CLOCK MODE Tx 6 Tx 7 Tx 6 Tx 8 BITS/CHARACTER BITS/CHARACTER BITS/CHARACTER BITS/CHARACTER OTR VII-69 OR ON SPECIAL RECEIVE CONDITION II ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltages on all inputs and outputs with respect to GND ......................................... -0.3 V to +7.0 V Operating Ambient Temperature ...•........................................ As Specified in Ordering Information Storage Temperature •....•..............•.................................................. -6S0C to +1S0°C Power Dissipation •...........•..................................................................... 1.S W Stressesgreaterthan those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may ca use permanent damagetothe device. This is a stress rating only; operation oftha device at any condition above those indicated in the operational sections of these specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS The characteristics below apply for the following standard test conditions. unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND. Positive current flows into the referenced pin. Standard conditions are as follows: • +4.7SV:5 VCC:5 +S.2SV • GND = OV • TA as specified in Ordering Information 2.1K FROM OUTPUT O---r--.....-iQ-I UNDER TEST All AC parameters assume a load capacitance of 100pF max. Timing references between two output signals assume a load difference of SOpF max. DC CHARACTERISTICS SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT VILC Clock Input Low Voltage -0.3 +0.80 V V IHC Clock Input High Voltage Vcc-O·6 +S.S V V IL Input Low Voltage -0.3 +0.8 V VIH Input High Voltage +2.0 +S.S V VOL Output Low Voltage +0.4 V VOH Output High Voltage +2.4 IL Inputl3-State Output Leakage Current -10 IL(Rl) RI Pin Leakage Current -40 Icc Power Supply Current TEST CONDITION V = 2.0 mA IOH =-2S01-1A +10 I-IA 0.4 L RxO _ _ W/ROY (i) ~~~. _ _ _ _ __ ~@~~ INT ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS III Figure 11 elK x'-__ iORii. AD - - - - - - - r " ......_ - i - - - - - T - _ ; - - - J lEI lEO VII-73 VII-74 MOSTEl(. zao MICROCOMPUTER PERIPHERALS Serial Timer Interrupt Controller MK3801 FEATURES DEVICE PINOUT Figure 1 o Full duplex USART with programmable DMA control signals TAO TBO TCO o Two binary delay timers o Two full feature timers with • Delay to interrupt mode • Pulse width measurement mode • Event counter mode TOO TCLK vee RC S' SO TC M1 RESET o Eight general purpose lines with • Full bi-directionall/O capability • Edge triggered interrupts on either edge '0 '1 '2 o Full control of each interrupt channel • Enable/disable • Maskable • Automatic end-of-interrupt mode • Software end-of-interrupt mode '3 '4 '5 ,~ '7 o 2.5,4 MHz, and 6 MHz versions available 'E' 1NT INTRODUCTION 'EO The MK3801 Z80 STI (Serial Timer Interrupt) is a multifunctional peripheral device for use in Z80 microprocessor based systems. It is designed to optimize current systems by reducing chip count and system costs. By providing a USART, four timers (two binary and two full function), and eight bi-directionall/O lines with individually programmable interrupts, the MK3801 can make substantial improvement to any Z80 based system. Control and operation of the MK3801 are provided by 24 internal registers accessible by the Z80 bus. Sixteen of these registers are directly addressable and accessible; eight are indirectly addressable. Two of the four timers provide full service features, while the other two provide delaytimerfeatures only. Serial Communication is provided iORo vss A1 A2 A3 WR CE RO °7 °6 °5 °4 °3 °2 °1 °0 by the USART, which is capable of either asynchronous or synchronous operation, optional sync word recognition and stripping, and programmable DMA control handshake lines. Eight bi-directionall/O lines provide parallel I/O capability and individually programmable interrupt capability. The interrupt structure of the device is fully programmable for all interrupts, provides for interrupt vector generation, conforms to the Z80 daisy chain interrupt priority scheme, and supports automatic end of interrupt functions for the Z80. VII-75 II SIGNAL NAME DESCRIPTION Vss Ground +5 volts (± 5 percent) Chip Enable (Input active low) Read Enable (Input, active low) Write Enable (Input, active low) Address Inputs. Used to address one of the internal registers during a read or write operation Data Bus (bi-directional) Device Reset (Input, active low). When activated, all internal registers (except for Timer or USART Data registers) will be cleared, all timers stopped, USART turned off, all interruptsdisabled and all pending interrupts cleared, and all 110 lines placed in tri-state input mode. General purpose I/O and interrupt lines Interrupt Request (Output, active low, open drain) Input/Output Request from ZOO-CPU (input, active low). The 10RQ signal is used in conjunction with M1 to signal the MK3801 that the CPU is acknowledging its interrupt. Interrupt Enable In, active High Interrupt Enable Out, active High Serial Output Serial Input Receiver Clock Input Transmit Clock Input Timer Outputs Timer Clock Input Z80 Machine Cycle One (Input, active low) ~c RD WR Ao- A 3 Do-Dz RESET ~ INT 10RQ lEI lEO SO SI RC TC TAO-TOO TCLK M1 PIN DESCRIPTION Figure 1 illustrates the pinout of the MK3oo1. The functions of these individual pins are described above. INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Figure 2 illustrates the MK3801 internal organization, which supports the full set of timing, communications, parallel 1/0, and interrupt processing functions available in the device. CPU BUS 1/0 The CPU BUS 1/0 provides the means of communications between the system and the MK3801. Data, Status, and Control Registers in the MK3801 are accessed by the bus in order to establish device parameters, assert control, and transfer status and data between the system and the MK3801. Each register in the MK3801 is addressed over the address bus in conjunction with Chip Enable (CE), while data is transferred over the eight bit Data bus under control of Read (RD) and Write (WR) signals. both CE and RD active; thus the read operation will begin when the later of these two signals goes active and will end when the first signal goes inactive. The address bus must be stable prior to the start of the operation and must remain stable until the end ofthe operation. Unless a read operation or an interrupt acknowledge cycle is in progress, the data bus (Do-Dz) will remain in the tri-state condition. To write a register, both CE and WR must be active. The address must be stable prior to the start of the operation and must remain stable until the end of the operation. The data must be stable prior to the end of the operation and must remain stable until the end of the operation. The data presented on the buswill be latched into the register shortly after either \.iiiR or CE goes inactive. INTERNAL REGISTERS There are 24 internal registers used to control the operation of the STI. Sixteen of these registers are directly addressable and accessible. Eight registers are indirectly addressable via the Pointer IVector Register and accessible via the Indirect Data Register. DIRECTLY ADDRESSABLE REGISTERS REGISTER ACCESSES All register accesses are independent of any system clock. To read a register, both ~ and RD must be active. The internal read control signal is essentially the combination of The Directly Addressable Registers are accessed by placing the address of the desired register on the address lines (Ao-A3) during a write or read cycle. Figure 3 lists the Directly Addressable Registers. VII-76 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Figure 2 l TCLK INTERNAL CONTROL LOGIC J I DATA 18) ..... - AD DR 14) RD - TIMERS C&D TCO I TDO j t ~ TAO TIMERS A&B r-C P U f----- TBO B U 5 51 RC I / U5ART 0 50 - TC J I INTERRUPT CONTROL r - lEI lEO DIRECTLY ACCESSIBLE REGISTERS Figure 3 ADDRESS ABBREVIATION REGISTER NAME 0 lOR 1 GPIP General Purpose I/O-Interrupt 2 IPRB Interrupt Pending Register B 3 IPRA Interrupt Pending Register A 4 ISRB Interrupt in-Service Register B 5 ISRA Interrupt in-Service Register A 6 IMRB Interrupt Mask Register B 7 IMRA Interrupt Mask Register A 8 PVR 9 TABCR Indirect Data Register Pointer IVector Register Timers A and B Control Register VII-77 GENERAL PURPOSE I/O ·INTRPT I III DIRECTLY ACCESSIBLE REGISTERS (Continued) Figure 3 ADDRESS ABBREVIATION A TBDR Timer B Data Register B TADR Timer A Data Register C REGISTER NAME UCR USART Control Register D RSR Receiver Status Register E TSR Transmitter Status Register UDR USART Data Register , F , INDIRECTLY ADDRESS~El~,~,',REGISTERS Figure 4 INDIRECT ADDRESS ",," " " 'ABBREVIATION REGISTER NAME '>" a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SCR TDDR TCDR AER IERB IERA DDR TCDCR Sync Character Register Timer D Data Register Timer C Data Register Active Edge Register Interrupt Enable Register B Interrupt Enable Register A Data Direction Register Timers C and D Control Reqister INDIRECTLY ADDRESSABLE REGISTERS Indirectly Addressable Regi~te;:s'are addressed by placing the indirect address in bits IAQ-IA2 of the Pointer/Vector Register, as defined in Fig(jr!,!S.'Dat~ may be written to or read from the register indicat~d' by'these Indirect Register Address bits by a write or read access of the Indirect Data Register (selected when Ao-A3 are all zero). The indirect address bits of the Pointer/Vector Register will remain unchanged after an indirect access. Repeated accesses of the Indirect Data Register will access the same indirect register as long as the indirect address in the Pointer/Vector Register remains unchanged. The Indirectly Addressable Registers are listed in Figure 4. INTERRUPT VECTOR DEFINITION Each individual function in theMK3801 is provided with a unique interrupt vector th -- P5-7 P1-0 -- STROBE EXTINT RESET TEST XTL1,XTL2 VCC' GND DESCRIPTION 1/0 PortO 1/0 Port 1 110 Port 4 1/0 Port 5 Ready Strobe External Interrupt External Reset Test Line Time Base Power Supply Lines TYPE Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional Output Input Input Input Input Input STROBE is a ready strobe associated with 1/0 Port 4. This pin, which is normally high, provides a single low pulse after valid data is present on the P4-0--P4-7 pins during an output instruction. EXT INT is the external interrupt input. Its active state is software programmable. This input is also used in conjunction with the timer for pulse width measurement and event counting. XTL 1 and XTL 2 are the time base inputs to which a crystal, LC network, RC network, or an external single-phase clock may be connected. The time base network must be specified when ordering a mask ROM MK3870. The MK38P70 will operate with any of the four configurations. TEST is an input, used only in testing the MK3870. For normal circuit function this pin may be left unconnected, but VIII-4 it is recommended that TEST be grounded. architecture is common to all members of the 3870 family. All 3870 devices are instruction set compatible and differ only in amount and type of ROM, RAM, and 1/0. The unique features of the MK3870 are discussed in the following sections. The user is referred to the 3870 FamilyTechnical Manual for a thorough discussion of the architecture, instruction set, and other features which are common to all 3870 family devices. Vee is the power supply input (single +5v). MK3870 ARCHITECTURE The basic functional elements ofthe MK3870 are shown in Figure 1. A programming model is shown in Figure 2. The MK3870 PROGRAMMABLE REGISTERS. PORTS. AND MEMORY MAP Figure 2 CPU REGISTERS I 0 PORTS BI;'\IARV TIMER ACCUMULATOR PORT 7 A SCAATCHPAD MEMOAY SCRATCHPAO OEC R 7....-8 81T5----. 0 HEX DC' o O I INTERRUPT CONTROL PORT STATUS REGISTER (WI POAT6 H{ I~I+I+I I 0 PORTS I~ I,su PORT' '0 A au " ,. 8 al '5 Hl KU '2 '3 Kl § a INDIRECT SCRATCHPAD ADDRESS REGISTER PORT4 I a{ • PARAllEL I K{ I 0 Z C 5 N V E A I T E A A G A A o A N C Y N l T 0 A W l 4...--5 81T5- . . J HU 6' 62 63 C 0 E " '2 '3 ,. '4 '6 '7 30 3E 3F 7. 76 77 7..-8 BITS'" 0 ISlj 32· 0 ....-6 8IT5·-. POATO MAIN ""EMORY 7......-8 BITS--. 0 PROGRAM COUNTER PO 87 ....--- 12 BITS ~ STACK REGISTER 11 ROM 87 . . . . - 12 BITS--.. DATA COUNTER locu OF 11 Dell 87 0 '-''lBITS~ I OCI U DC' I RAM MKl870/'2 MKl870/22 MKl870/32 MK3870/42 AUX DATA COUNTER 11 OEC HEX 0 0 1023 '02' DF MK3870/10 4---UK3870/12 IFE '047 7FF ROM TO' MK3870/ZQ ....-- MKal7Q/21 3070 3071 .... , I 11 Delli 87 V/II-5 ~ .... ~ {ii 7....-8 11T8-" 0 , 3F1 ME .B• • 030 4031 faF 403. 4033 F 0 F' .... FFE FFF . . .4 ROM TOP ROM TOP +-:~:::~:~ ROMTOP <4-MK3170/42 ROMTOP ~MK3'70/40 MK3870 MAIN MEMORY SIZES AND TYPES BY SLASH NUMBERS Figure 3 \ RAM I Hex Dec I ~ I I I I I RAM RAM . / FFF 4095 ....... FCC) 4032 I I GJ~ 3870/10 3870/12 RAM COO 3072 BFF 3071 I 800 2043 7FF 2047 I I ROM 64 bytes executable FBF 4031 I ROM > 400 1024 3FF 1023 2K 2K 3K 3K 4K 4K ROM ROM ROM ROM ROM ROM 3870/20 3870/22 3870/30 00000000 3870/32 3870/40 3870/42 ~~"""""--"----------~v~"------"----"""------' All devices contain 64 bytes of scratchpad RAM. NOTE: Data derived from addressing any locations other than those within a part's specified ROM space or RAM space (if any) are not tested nor are the data guaranteed. Users should refrain from entering this area of the memory map. S cratch pad RAM Size (Decimal) Address Register Size (PO. P. DC. DC1) ROM Size (Decimal) Executable RAM Size MK3870/10 64 bytes 12 bits 1024 bytes o bytes MK3870/12 64 bytes 12 bits 1024 bytes 64 bytes MK3870/20* 64 bytes 12 bits 2048 bytes o bytes MK3870122 64 bytes 12 bits 2048 bytes 64 bytes MK3870/30 64 bytes 12 bits 3072 bytes o bytes MK3870/32 64 bytes 12 bits 3072 bytes 64 bytes MK3870/40 64 bytes 12 bits 4096 bytes o bytes MK3870/42 64 bytes 12 bits 4032 bytes 64 bytes Device *The MK3870/20 is equivalentto the original 3870 device in memory size; however, the original 3870 had an 11-bit Address Register. The original 3870 with 11-bit Address Register is available where required. Consult the section describing ROM Code Ordering Information for additional information. VIII-6 1/0 PIN CONCEPTUAL DIAGRAM WITH OUTPUT BUFFER OPTIONS Figure 4 OUTPUT BUFFER PORT z0 1/0 PIN i= « a: :J 0 ii: Z 0 u a: 0 ~ a: 0 0. 0 «w a: Q ~ a: 0 0. 0 « 0 ....I 0W a: ~ CII :J III «~ « 0 11.-: " vcc OUTPUT BUFFER OPTIONS (MASK PROGRAMMABLE) II MOR 6KllTYP. (1\:~ ;:~ ",i:.:laO) STANDARD OUTPUT OPEN DRAIN OUTPUT 'J DIRECT DRIVE OUTPUT ~\('r Ports 0 and 1 are Standard Output type only. I'! :. \Ot Ports 4 and 5 may both be any of the three output options (mask programmable bit by bit) The STROBE output is always configur~l'J~t~r to a Direct Drive Output except that it is capable of driving 3 TTL loads. REffi and EXT INT may have standard 6Kll (typical) pull-up or may have no pull-up. (mask programmable). -- " '{u ~t:~(H' RESET and EXT INT do not haw internal pull up on the MK38P70. -:";,- :1;).1"\ .\l '·~ioj VIII-7 MK3870 MAIN MEMORY located directly on top of the package. A number of standard EPROMs may be plugged into this socket. There are four address registers used to access main memory. These are the Program Counter (PO), the Stack Register (P), the Data Counter (DC), and the Auxiliary Data Counter (DC1). The Program Counter is used to address instructions or immediate operands. The Stack Register is used to save the contents ofthe Program Counter during an interrupt or subroutine call. Thus, the Stack Register contains the return address at which processing is to resume upon completion of the subroutine or interrupt routine. The Data Counter is used to address data tables. This register is auto-incrementing. Of the two data counters, only Data Counter (DC), can access the ROM. However, the XDC instruction allows the Data Counter and Auxiliary Data Counter to be exchanged. The graph in Figure 3 shows the amounts of ROM and executable RAM for every available slash number in the MK3870 pin configuration. EXECUTABLE RAM The MK38P70 can act as an emulator for the purpose of verification of user code prior to the ordering of mask ROM MK3870 devices. Thus, the MK38P70 eliminates the need foremulator board products. In addition, several MK38P70s can be used in prototype systems in order to test design concepts in field service before committing to high-volume production with mask ROM MK3870s. The compact size of the MK38P70/EPROM combination allows the packaging of such prototype systems to be the same as that used in production. Finally, in low-volume applications, the MK38P70 can be used as the actual production device. Most of the material which has been presented for the MK3870 in this document applies to the MK38P70. This includes the description of the pin configuration, architecture, programming model, and 1/0 ports. Additional information is presented in the following sections. MK38P70 MAIN MEMORY The upper bytes of the address space in some of the MK3870 devices are RAM memory. As with the ROM memory, the RAM may be addressed by the PO and the DC address registers. The executable RAM may be addressed by all MK3870 instructions which address Main Memory. Additionally, the MK3870 may execute an instruction sequence which resides in the executable RAM. Note this cannot be done with the scratchpad RAM memory, which is the reason the term "executable RAM" is given to this additional memory. 1/0 PORTS The MK3870 provides four, 8 bit bidirectionallnputlOutput ports. These are ports 0, 1, 4, 5. In addition, the Interrupt Control Port is addressed as Port 6 and the binary timer is addressed as Port 7. The programming of Ports 6 and 7 and the bidirectional 1/0 pin are covered in the 3870 Family Technical Manual. The schematic of an 1/0 pin and available output drive options are shown in Figure 4. An output ready strobe is associated with Port 4. This flag may be used to signal a peripheral device that the MK3870 has just completed an output of new data to Port 4. The strobe provides a single low pulse shortly after the output operation is completely finished, so either edge may be used to signal the peripheral. STROBE may also be used as an input strobe to Port 4 after completing the input operation. MK38P70 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MK38P70 is the EPROM version of the MK3870. It retains an identical pinout with the MK3870, which is documented in the section of this data sheet entitled "FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION". The MK38P70 is housed in two packages which incorporate a 28-pin socket There are two basic versions of the MK38P70. These are the 97400 series and the 97500 series. The 97400 series parts have twelve bit address capability thus a total 4K memory map like the MK3870 ROM devices. The 97500 series has 16 bit address capability. As can be seen from Figure 6, both the 97400 series and the 97500 series contain on-chip RAM in the upper portion of their memory maps and no on-chip ROM. Instead of on-chip ROM, address and data lines are brought out to the 28 pin socket located directly on top of the 40 pin package so that external memory devices (principally EPROMs) are addressed. By using an external EPROM, the 38P70 may be used to emulate the 3870 ROM devices. The 97400 series can directly emulate the following devices. MK3870/10 MK3870120 MK3870122 MK3870/30 MK3870/42 The MK3807/40 cannot be emulated exactly by the 97400 series because the 97400 devices have the 64 bytes of RAM in the upper memory map while the 3870/40 provides ROM memory in this address space. Besides the difference in the size of the address registers, 97500 series can also emulate many of the 3870 ROM devices. This difference in address capability should not cause any functional difference as long as normal programming practice is used. That is, as long as address roll-over or automatic truncation is not used. One such usage would be an end around branch (branching forward VIII-8 MK38P70 BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 5 XTL1 EXTINT XTL2 EXTERNAL PROM Ej MEMORY ADDRESS BUS 4xB EXECUTABLE RAM MAIN CONTROL LOGIC RESULT BUS TEST I/O (8) 1/0 (B) 1/0 (8) 1/0 (8)STROBE RESET II MK38P70 MAIN MEMORY MAP HEX Figure 6 ~ -~ __ FFBF DEC 65535 RAM 65472 _~._ _ _-' 65471 I I I I I I I ..L .L 'T' 'T' I I I I I RAM I _ -OFFF - - --OFCO ----. •• 4 0 9 5 . EXTERNAL 4 0 3 2 . MEMORY • - ---oFBF - - ---:w31- • •• EXTERNAL.• MEMORY: ••• '--____---': ~ __ MK97400 SERIES 0000 _ '--_ _--' MK97500 SERIES SCRATCHPAD RAM SIZE (DECIMAL) ADDRESS REGISTER SIZE EXTERNALLY ADDRESSABLE MEMORY SIZE INTERNAL EXECUTABLE RAM SIZE 97400 Series 64 bytes 12 bits 4032 bytes 64 bytes 97500 Series 64 bytes 16 bits 65472 bytes 64 bytes MK38P70 TYPE MK38P70 devices have no internal ROM memory. VIII-9 at upper memory to get to lower memory). Another case would be in using automatic truncation of data loaded into the 12 bit address registers on the ROM devices. For example, to access some particular location (03FF hex for example) via the data counter, one could load that address into DC using the DCI instruction. The instruction DCI'73FF would cause 3FF to be loaded into the DC of the 3870 ROM device because the upper bits of the DC (bits 12-15) do not exist. If that instruction was followed by the LM instruction, the data stored at location 3FF would be obtained. The 97500 series devices would not truncate the 73FF address to 3FF. As previously stated, this type of programming is generally not done and thus the 97500 devices can be used to emulate the following devices directly. MK3870/10 MK3870/20 MK3870/30 MK3870/4O The 97500 series can also be used to emulate the remainder of the 3870 devices as long as one accounts for the difference in the location of the RAM memory. In the 97500 devices, RAM is located at FFCO through FFFF. While in 3870 devices this RAM (when it exists) is located at OFCO through OFFF. When this minor difference is accounted for, the 97500 series will also emulate the following devices. like the 38P70. Thus a few variations are offered which still give some flexibility to the designer. The available I/O options are also shown in Figure 7. 28 PIN SOCKET SIGNALS The 40 package pins are the identical signals that are provided with the MK3870 ROM devices. In addition to these 40 inputs and outputs, various other signals are implemented on the 38P70 die which are available for connection to the top socket. Depending upon the particular version, some subset of these signals are connected to the 28 pin socket. These signals are described below. AO - A" (97400 Series) Ao - A'5 (97600 Series) These are the address buses. They are always outputs and a new address will appear on this bus during each machine cycle. Normally this is the address of op-codes or operands, but there are ~achine cycles wherein no op-code or operand is reqUired by the CPU. During these cycles, an address is still JSiovided but the data that may be read from that address is l:1'ot used. " Do - D7 (97400 and .97600 Series) . .' ," ~ This is the bi-directional data bus for the external memory. Normally these, lines:are high impedance inputs. During op-code or op~rand .reads, they receive data from the external memory and conduct it onto the internal 38P70 data bus. During those cycles wherein the operation is MK3870/22 strictly internal to the 38P70, they remain hi-z inputs. Data MK3870/42 may be presel1ted to the 38P70 by an external memory device but it isnbt conducted onto the internal data bus. This MK38P70 EPROM SOCKET includes machine cycles wherein op-codes or operands are ,aad from the internal executable RAM. During the operand A 28 pin socket is located on top of the 40 pin package. write machine cycle that occurs in the ST (store) instruction, When 24 pin memories are used, they are inserted so that they become push-pull outputs to conduct data to be written pin 1 of the memory device is plugged into pin 3 of the out to the external memory. However, if data is written to socket (the 24 pin memory is lower justified in the 28 pin the internal executable RAM, tl:1is transaction is strictly socket). internal and thus the data bus lines remain in their hi-z state. It, therefore, depends upon the address as to whether A 24 pin top socket was used so that the same package this bus becomes an active output bus or remains high could be used for all 38P70 devices but could accommodate impedance. If the address of the operand is not within the both 24 pin and 28 pin. Due to pin-out differences between internal executable RAM space when aST instruction is various common memory devices, several different executed, Do - 0 7 will become active outputs at the approversions of the MK38P70 are provided with differing signals priate time, or ~Ise they will remain in the hi-z state. The connected to particular pins on the 28 pin socket. Figure 7 97400 devices do not provide a RD (read) control signal, nor shows the various options available. is this signal pr(ivided on all versions of the 97500 series. Thus if a ST is eiecuted with the operand address being that of external memory, that memory may access data and MK38P70 I/O PORTS drive it onto Do - 0 7 while the 38P70 isalso driving data onto For custom 3870 ROM codes, the user is given a bit by bit Do -07 and a bus conflict will result. This condition should selection of I/O options on I/O ports 4 and 6. Additionally, . be avoided; thus the user should note whether or not his the user has the option of selecting whether or not either external memory will drive Do - 0 7 in this event. If it will RESET or EXT INT has an internal pull-up resistor. This drive Do - 0 7 , an ST with that operand address should be flexibility allows about 172 million possible variations in I/O avoided. In general, one would not normally execute a write port and RESET and EXT INTconfigurations. Obviously, it is to a memory location where there is ROM or EPROM not practical to offer this variety in an Uoffthe shelf product memory instead of RAM. However, some 3870 users have u VIII-10 DEVICE MK97400 PORT4 1/0 TYPE PORT 5 110 TYPE TTL TTL ::!'!3i: = ~ C Co) TOP 28 PIN SOCKET WIRING VERSION SUPPORTS THESE MEMORY DEVICES 2716,2516,2532,2758 MK34000ROM A Cil CD ~~ ~ ::II (I) MK97410 Open Drain Open Drain 2716,2516,2532,2758 MK34000ROM A MK97500 TTL Open Drain 2716,2516,2532,2758 MK34000 ROM B MK97501 TTL Open Drain 2764, 2732, MK37000 ROM MK34000 ROM C MK97503 TTL Open Drain Use connector from 28 pin socket to memory bus D o 2 (I) ~ ...... Vee .1 Vss . 2 A7 .3(1) As • 4(2) As .5(3) A4 .6(4) A3 .7(5) A2 .8(6) A, .9(7) Ao .10(8) Do • 11 (9) 0, .12(10) O2 .13(11) Vss .14(12) 28 • 27 • (24)26. (23) 25 • (22) 24. (21) 23 • (20) 22. (19) 21 • (18) 20. (17) 19 • (16) 18 • (15) 17 • (14) 16 • (13) 15 • VERSION A Vee Vee Vee As A9 Vee Vss A,o A11 07 Os Os 04 03 •• •• •• ••• •• O2 • • NC • NC .WR A'2 A7 As As A4 A3 A2 A, Ao Do Vss • VERSION B 03 Vss • Vee As A9 • • • 0, A,o A" 0Os7 Os 04 A'2 A7 As As A4 A3 A2 A, Ao Do 0, '0 2 • • ~e • • R •• • • Vee II •• • ••• •• ••• ••• •• • ~ • • As A9 Vee :~ .~ • MREQ • • • • VERSION C • 07 Os Os 04 03 A'4 A'2 A7 As As A4 A3 A2 A, Ao Do 0, O2 A,s •• •• •• • ••• •• • • FE'fC'H ••• FA A'3 • AsA9 •• ~ ••• ~ 0 ••• OsOs 0 •• 0 RD A 7 4 3 VERSION ° found the ST instruction useful even in devices like the 3870/20 which have no executable RAM. In this case it causes the data counter to increment (to perhaps totalize some event) but otherwise does nothing as one cannot write the internal ROM. No internal conflicts will occur if one attempts to write a 3870 ROM location. Most 97500 versions place a RD (read, active low) signal on the top socket pin which matches the OE (output enable, active low) input on most memories. Since RD will remain high during an operand write, the external memory would not have its data outputs enabled and no conflict will occur. remain high. It will also remain high during an operand write cycle. WR (97500 Series Only) This is the active low write control output. It is normally high but will go low then return high during an operand write if the address is not that of internal executable RAM. FETCH (97500 Series Only) This is the active low fetch status signal which signals that an op-code fetch occurred during that cycle. It is generated for use of the 97500 as a development system component. MREQ (97500 Series Only) This is an active low output which occurs during each machine cycle. It goes high at the start of each cycle then goes low for the remainder of the cycle. It will go low during all op-code fetches whether from internal or external memory. RD (97500 Series Only) 38P70 EXTERNAL MEMORY TIMING This is the active low read output which goes high at the start of each cycle then goes low if data (op-codes or operands) are to be read from external memory. During cycles wherein a strictly internal operation occurs, RD will The following Figures show the relative waveforms for the signals used to interface with external memory. The timing parameters are labeled. Their values are given in the A.C. Characteristics section of the Electrical Specifications. 97400 SERIES TIMING Read Cycle Figure 8 PREVIOUS ADDRESS CURRENT ADDR VALID DATA VALID ~ Actively driven by 38P70 but not necessarily in valid state. -) Not actively driven by the 38P70. May be actively driven by external memory but does not have to be in a valid state or may be placed in hi-z state by external memory. VIII-12 97500 SERIES TIMING Figure 9 ~IC- IC____OP.CODE FETCH ~ MREQJ I I--T.m~ RDJ r-- I . OPERAND READ -I I 1_- 1_ _ _ _ _ _ T•• ,~ T... OPERAND READ A. OP·CODE A~~AL MEMORY FROM EXTE VIII-13 III 97500 SERIES TIMING (Continued) Figure 9 1-1 00 - - - OP-COOE MREQ J FETCH------<.~I.o------ OPERAND WRITE -------.~I .~_--.----Jt L---_I B. OPERAND WRITE TO EXTERNAL MEMORY VIII-14 97500 SERIES TIMING (Continued) Figure 9 CD iffi Do· 0'6 ru CD ® u u =-=-><=Xlf---~>a)f-------------7xy~C. EXAMPLES OF VARIOUS CYCLES tct> Internal ct> clock 210 210 WRITE tw Internal WRITE Clock period 4tct> 6tct> 4tct> 6tct> I/O ~I/O Output delay from internal WRITE clock 0 tsl/O Input setup time to internal WRITE clock 1000 tl/O-s Output valid to STROBE delay 3tct> -1000 3tct> +250 3tct> -1200 3tct> +300 ns I/O load = 50pF + 1 TTL load tsL STROBE low time 8tct> -250 12tct> +250 8tct> -300 12tct> +300 ns STROBE load= 50pF + 3TTL loads tRH RESET hold time, low 6t +750 STROBE RESET tRPOC RESET hold time, low for power clear EXTINT tEH EXT INT hold time in active and inactive state power supply rise 1000 1200 0 1200 6t +1000 4MHz-2MHz Short Cycle Long Cycle ns 50pF plus one TTL load ns ns power supply nse 1:... time -01 time 6t +750 2t 6t +1000 2t VIII-20 UNIT NOTES i ms ns ns To trigger interrugt To trigger timer AC CHARACTERISTICS FOR MK38P70 Signals brought to top 28 pin socket. TA' Vee within specified operating range. I/O Power Dissipation::; 100 mW (Note 2) 97400 Series (See Note 3) -00. -05 SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN taas External memory required access time from Ao-A,l stable 3t -850 MAX -10. -15 MIN MAX 3t -850 UNIT CONDITION ns CLAo-A" 50 pF = 97500 Series (See Note 3) -00. -05 -10. -15 SIGNAL SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN MREO Thm MREO high time 2t -100 2t -100 ns Load = 50 pF + 1 TIL load RD Thr RD high time 2t -100 2t -100 ns Load = 50 pF + 1 TIL load WR Tw WR low from MREOlow 3t -200 3t +100 3t -200 3t +100 ns Load = 50 pF + 1 TIL load Twl WR low time t -100 t +100 t -100 t +100 ns Tit FETCH stable prior to rising MREO 650 650 650 650 ns Load = 50 pF + 1 TIL Load Tfh FETCH hold time after MREO high Ta Address stable prior to RD or MREO falling Tah Address hold time after MREO, RD, or WR high Taas FETCH Ao - A 15 Do - D7 MAX MIN MAX UNITS CONDITION 20 20 ns Load = 20 pF t -400 t -400 ns Load = 50 pF + 1 TIL load 15 15 ns Load = 20 pF External memory required access time from 3t -850 3t -850 ns Tmas External memory required access time from MREO or RD low 2t -450 2t -450 ns Tdhr Required data hold time after MREO rising 0 0 ns Tda Data bus active after MREO or RD high t t Tdw Data stable prior to WR falling 5t -2250 5t -2250 ns Load = 50 pF + 1 TIL load Tdhr Data hold after WR high 15 15 ns Load = 20 pF Tdfw Data ~Iay to float after MR rising 200 VIII-21 200 ns II CAPACITANCE TA = 25°C All Part Numbers SYM PARAMETER CIN Input capacitance CXTL Input capacitance; XTL 1, XTL2 MIN MAX UNIT NOTES 10 pF 23.5 29.5 pF -00, -05 -10, -15 unmeasured pins grounded DC CHARACTERISTICS TA- Vee within specified operating range I/O power dissipation:::; 100 mW (Note 2) SYMBOL PARAMETER lee Average Power Supply Current MIN VIII-22 MAX MIN MAX UNIT DEVICE 85 110 . mA MK3870/10 Outputs Open 94 125 mA MK3870/12 Outputs Open 85 110 mA MK3870/20 Outputs Open 94 125 mA MK3870122 Outputs Open 100 130 mA MK3870/30 Outputs Open 100 130 mA MK3870/32 Outputs Open 100 130 mA MK3870/40 Outputs Open 100 130 mA MK3870/42 Outputs Open 125 150 mA MK38P70/X2 No EPROM, Outputs Open DC CHARACTERISTICS (cont.) -00, -05 SYMBOL PARAMETER Po Power Dissipation MIN MAX 400 -10,-15 MIN MAX 525 UNIT DEVICE mW MK3870/10 Outputs Open 440 575 mW MK3870/12 Outputs Open 400 525 mW MK3870/20 Outputs Open 440 575 mW MK3870/22 Outputs Open 475 620 mW MK3870/30 Outputs Open 475 620 mW MK3870/32 Outputs Open 475 620 mW MK3870/40 Outputs Open 475 620 mW MK3870/42 Outputs Open 600 750 mW MK38P70/X2 No EPROM, Outputs Open VIII-23 DC CHARACTERISTICS (cont.) TA, V CC within specified operating range, 1/0 power dissipation :s 1OOmW (Note 2) -00,-05 -10,-15 SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX MIN MAX VIHEX External Clock input high level 2.4 5.8 2.4 5.8 V VILEX External Clock input low level -.3 .6 -.3 .6 V IIHEX External Clock input high current 100 130 JJA IILEX External Clock input low current -100 -130 JJA VILEX=VSS VIHI/O Input high level, 1/0 pins VIHR VIHEI Input high level, RESET Input high level. EXT INT UNIT CONDITIONS VIHEX=VCC 2.0 5.8 2.0 5.8 V Standard pull-up 2.0 13.2 2.0 13.2 V Open drain (1) 2.0 5.8 2.2 5.8 V Standard pull-up 2.0 13.2 2.2 13.2 V No Pull-up 2.0 5.8 2.2 5.8 V 2.0 13.2 2.2 13.2 V Standard pull-up No Pull-up -.3 .8 -.3 .7 V VIL Input low level IlL Input low current, all pins with standard pull-up resistor -1.6 -1.9 mA VIWO.4V IL Input leakage current, open drain pins, and inputs with no pull-up resistor +10 -5 +18 -8 JJA JJA VIW13.2V VIN=O.OV 10H Output high current pins with standard pull-up resistor 10HDD Output high current, direct drive pins -100 -89 JJA VOW2.4V -30 -25 JJA VOW3.9V -100 -1.5 -80 -1.3 JJA mA mA VOW2.4V VOW1.5V VOWO.7V VOH = 2.4V -11 -8.5 10HS STR08E Output High current 10L 10LS (1 ) -300 -270 JJA Output low current 1.8 1.65 mA VOL=0.4V STROBE Output Low current 5.0 4.5 mA VIII-24 VOL=0.4V DC CHARACTERISTICS FOR MK38P70 Signals brought to top 25 pin socket TA' Vee within specified range I/O Power Dissipation :5100 mW (Note 2) 97400, 97600 Series ..,00, -06 SYMBOL PARAMETER V1H V1L -10, -16 MIN MAX MIN MAX Input high level (Do - 0,) 2.0 Vee +.3 2.1 Vee +.3 V Input low level (Do - 0,) Vss .8 Vss .7 V ±15 p.A -.3 IL Input Leakage (Do - 0,) V OH Output high level (a" outputs and 0 0 -0, in output mode) VOL Output low level (a" outputs and 0 0 -0, in output mode) IOH Output source current (a" outputs ,and 0 0 -0, in output mode) IOL Output sink current (a" outputs and 0 0 -0, in output mode) Ree Package resistance from device pin 40 to top socket Vee pin(s) Do - 0, in Hi-z input mode -.3 ±10 2.4 2.4 .4 V .4 V -100 -90 p.A 1.8 1.65 mA VOL n Package resistance from device pin 20 to top socket Vss pin(s) Rss UNIT CONDITION VOH = 2.4V = .4V n n Pin 28, 27, or 26 when Vee Pin 1 if Vee Pin 23 if Vee n n Pin 14whenVss Pin 2 or 22 when Vss Supply current available from top socket Vee pin(s) Icc Supply current available from top socket Vss pin(s) Iss -185 -185 mA -20 -10 -20 -10 mA mA II pin 28 27, 26 whenVr.r. Pin 1 ifVr.r. Pin 23 if Vee 190 2 2 190 2 2 mA mA mA Pin 14 if Vss Pin 2 if V!,:!,: Pin 22 ifVss NOTES: 1. iiESE'f and EXT INT have internal Schmit triggers giving minimum .2 V hysteresis. 2. Power dissipation for 1/0 pins is calcualted by I(VCC - VILI( IIILI ) = I(VCCVOH) (IIOH I) = I(VOH)(IOL) 3. AC timing for external memory signals on 38P70 8fe measured from either the .8 or 2.0 volt points as applicable. High means at or above 2.0 volts. Low means at or below.8 volts. Stable means high or low as appropriate. Rising means signal is no longer below.8 volts. Falling means signal is no longer above 2.0 volts. Hold times on outputs assume full rated load on reference signal and 20 pf load on specified signal. For 97400 series, only applicable specification is Taas as no other Signals are available to reference to other than Ao-A". TIMER AC CHARACTERISTICS Definitions: Error = Indicated time value - actual time value tpsc =t x Prescale Value Interval Timer Mode: Single interval error, free running (Note 3) _............................. _.. _. __ ....... __ .... ____ .. ____ ±6t Cumulative interval error, free running (Note 3) ........ ___ .. _...... _.............. _' ................ _...... 0 VIII-25 II Error between two Timer reads (Note 2) ....••••••..••••..•••••••.••••.•••.•..••••••••••...•.••..• ± (tpsc + t to - (tpsc + t to - (tpsc + 7t to -8t Load Timer to stop Timer error (Note 1) .••.• , ..•..••.••••••••.•••••••.•••••..••.•••......•• + till to - (tpsc + 2t to -9t Pulse Width Measurement Mode: Measurement accuracy (Note 4) •••.••••.•.••••.••...••..••.••..••...•••.•••.•••.•....•• + till to -(tpsc + 2t Event Counter Mode: Minimum active time of EXT INT pin ....••..•••••.•••••.•..••••••.••••.•.••.•••...••.•.•••••.••.•..•.. 2t Minimum inactive time of EXT INT pin ....•.••••.•....••..••••••.••.•.•••..••••••......•••.•••..•.•.... 2t Note.: 1. All times which entail loading, starting. or stopping the Timer are referenced from the end of the last machine cycle of the OUT or OUTS instruction. 2. All times which entail reading the Timer are referenced from the end of the last machine cycle of the IN or INS instruction. 3. All times which entail the generation of an interrupt request are referenced from the stan of the machine cycle in which the appropriate interrupt request latch is set. Additional time may elapse if the interrupt request occurs during a privileged or multicycle instruction, 4. Error may be cumulative if operation is repetitively performed. AC TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 16 External Clock Internal Clock 1/0 Port Output STROBE RESET EXTINT = ICPBIT]=OO ~H:=3( ICPBIT2=1 . '----- Note: All AC measurements are referenced to V 1L max., V 1H min., VOL (.8v), or V OH (2.Ov). VIII-26 INPUT/OUTPUT AC TIMING Figure 17 INTERNAL WRITE CYCLE TIMING ~----~~--------~~I--------·----~~-----'+----'DEPENDSONINSTRUCTION CLOCK 4MHz EXTERNAL OPCODE FETCHED CLOCK PORT PINS A. INPUT ON PORT 4 OR 5 ----.j-.------.r----- ~~~~~~~~~~NSTRUCTION INTERNAL WRITE CLOCK OUT OR OUTS OP CODE FETCHED PORT ADDR. ON DATA BUS ACCUMULATOR CONTENTS ON DATA BUS NEXT OP CODE FETCHED PORT PINS STAYS LOW STROBF (ACTIVE FOR PORT 4 ONLYI FOR TWO WRITE CYCLES B. OUTPUT ON PORT 4 OR 5 tl/O-S INTERNAL WRITE CLOCK OUTS 0.1 FETCHED ACC DATA ON BUS NEXT OPCODE FETCHED PORT PINS C. INPUT ON PORT 0 OR 1 D. OUTPUT ON PORT O. 1 VIII-27 II STROBE SOURCE CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT Vee = 5 V, TA = 25°C) Figure 18 -15 s 0 U A C E ! ! C U A A E N T i -10 I"' ...... i ...... r--. -5 , , '" '" M A ,-t- l' I I"'r-., ,-.. .1 I OUTPUT VOLT AGE STROBE SINK CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT Vee = 5 V, TA = 25°C) Figure 19 S +100 I n±-- ++1-r- ++ ~ +I N K I c U A R E ....... I +50 j,;' N ! t-r-c-, M A 1.1 I , 1/ T - I VI I I I 1 OUTPUT VOLTAGE STANDARD 1/0 PORT SOURCE CAPABILITY 1.5 (TYPICAL AT Vee = 5 V, TA = 25°C) Figure 20 s 0 I~ u A C E ,..... -1.0 I' C u 1'-. ,...., A R E N T I' -.5 r--. M A ,...., I' J"-. !"o. OUTPUT VOL T AGE DIRECT DRIVE 1/0 PORT SOURCE CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT Vee = 5 V, TA = 25°C) Figure 21 r-r s o U R C ',-t-10 E C U R R E N T M A _._- -f-- -r-~ I"-- -5 r-;--- -- f--- - l- t- '" -- f-,' - i"' .... ~ rOUTPUT VOLTAGE VIII-28 , --t--- 1--- -- 1/0 PORT SINK CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT Vee = 5 V. TA = 25°C) Figure 22 t- f-f- "" 100 I "... p(~ 50 AStle 100 200 300 I..... to-. 400 CER4n;;c ..... 500 r- to-. 1000 600 PDI/OMIIY MAXIMUM OPERATING TEMPERATURE VS. 1/0 POWER DISSIPATION Figure 23 <£0 S I N +50 K Z +40 R R E +30 N T M , +2 0 A +1 0 I-'" , ~ - ~ OUTPUT VOLT AGE III VIII-29 ORDERING INFORMATION There are two types of part numbers for the 3870 family of devices. The generic part number describes the. basic device type, the amount of ROM and Executable RAM, the desired package type, temperature range, and power supply tolerance. For each customer specific code, additional information defining I/O options and oscillator options will be combined with the information described in the generic part number to define a customer/code specific device order number. Note: the specific device order number will be used to differentiate between the MK3870/20 with 1 2-bit Address Registers and the original 3870 with 11 -bit Address Register, as mentioned in an earlier section. GENERIC PART NUMBER An example of the generic part number is shown below. 1:- MK 3870 12 2 .P-1 0 0= 5V± 10% 5= 5V±5% S'POIY Tol,,,",, Operating Temperature Range ~_.... Package ........---1~ 0= O°C - +70°C 1 = -40·C - +85·C type P = Ceramic N = Plastic Executable RAM Designator 0= None 2 = 64 bytes ROM Designator '1 = 1K Bytes 2 = 2K bytes 3 = 3K Bytes 4 = 4K Bytes Basic Device Type An example of the generic part number for the EPROM device is shown below. MK38P70/02 R-05 DEVICE ORDER NUMBER An example of the device order number is shown below. MK 14007 N - 0 5 IT: Powoc S,,,,,, T~"."" 0=5V±10% 5 = 5V±5% Operating Temperature Range I - - - -__ Package 0= O·C - +70°C 1 = -40°C - +85°C Types P = Ceramic N = Plastic '-------Customer/Code Specific Number The Customer/Code specific number defines the ROM bit pattern, I/O configuration, oscillator type, and generic part type to be used to satisfy the requirements of a particular customer purchase order. For further information on the ordering of mask ROM devices, the customer should refer to the 3870 Family Technical Manual. VIII-30 MOSTEl(. MICROCOMPUTER COMPONENTS 3870 Single Chip Micro Family MK2870 MK2870 FEATURES o MK2870 Figure 1 28 pin version of the industry standard MK3870 single chip microcomputer '0 Available with 1K or 2K bytes of mask programmable ROM memory o 64 bytes scratchpad RAM o Available with additional 64 bytes executable RAM o 20 bits TTL compatible 1/0 o Programmable binary timer Interval timer mode Pulse width measurement mode Event counter mode o External interrupt input o Crystal, LC, RC, or external time base options o Low power (275mW typ.) o Single +5 volt supply MK2870 PIN CONNECTIONS Figure 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MK2870 is the 28 pin version of the industry standard Mostek MK3870 single chip microcomputer. It is offered as a low cost device which can be used in those applications that do not require the entire 1/0 capability of the 40 pin MK3870. The compact 28 pin package makes the MK2870 ideally suited for applications where PC board space is a premium. The MK2870can execute morethan 70 instructions, and is completely software compatible with the rest of the devices' in the 3870 family. The MK2870 features 1 K or 2K bytes of ROM and optional additional executable RAM depending on the specific part type designated by a slash number suffix. The MK2870 also features 64 bytes of scratchpad RAM, a programmable binary timer, and 20 bits of 1/0. The programmable binary timer operates by itself in the interval timer mode or in conjunction with the external interrupt input in the pulse width measurement and the event counter modes of operation. Two sources of vectored, prioritized interrupt are provided with the binary timer and VIII-31 28 REsET XTL2 1 2 3 STROBE 4 25 P4-O 5 24 P4-1 6 23 P5-0 P4-2 7 22 P5-i P4-3 8 P4-4 9 21 20 P5-3 P5-4 Vee XTL1 P4-5 27 EXTINT 26 p;::f P1-2 .1>1-3 P5-2 10 11 19 P4-6 18 P5-5 P4-7 12 17 P5-ii PO-7 13 16 P5-7 GND 14 15 TEST MK2870BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 3 MEMORY ADDRESS BUS 64x8 EXECUTA8L RAM MAIN CONTROL LOGIC ROM RESULT BUS TEST 1/0(1) liD (8)Si'ii'QiE 1/0(3) the external interrupt input. The user has the option of specifying one of four clock sources for the MK2870: Crystal, LC, RC, or external clock. In addition, the user can specify either a ±10% power supply tolerance or a ±5% power supply tolerance. PIN NAME DESCRIPTION TYPE PO-7 P1-1 -- P1-3 P4-0 -- P4-7 P5-0 -- P5-7 STROBE EXTINT RESET TEST XTL 1,XTL2 Vee' GND I/O Port 0 Bit 7 I/O Port 1 Bits 1-3 I/O Port 4 I/O Port 5 Ready Strobe External Interrupt External Reset Test Line Time Base Power Supply Lines Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional Output Input Input Input Input Input liD (8) STROBE is a ready strobe associated with I/O Port 4. This pin, which is normally high, provides a single low pulse after valid data is present on the P4-0--P4-7 pins during an output instruction. RESET may be used to externally reset the MK2870. When pulled low the MK2870will reset. When then allowed to go high the MK2870 will begin program execution at program location H '000'. EXT INT is the external interrupt input. Its active state is software programmable. This input is also used in conjunction with the timer for pulse width measurement and event counting. XTL 1 and XTL 2 are the time base inputs to which a crystal, LC network, RC network, or an external single-phase clock may be connected. The time base network must be specified when ordering a mask ROM MK2870. TEST is an input, used only in testing the MK2870. For normal circuit functionality this pin may be left unconnected, but it is recommended that TEST be grounded. FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION PO-7, P1-1--P1-3, P4-0--P4-7, and P5-0--P5-7 are 20 lines which can be individually used as either TTL compatible inputs or as latched outputs. Vee is the power supply input (single +5 V). VIII-32 instruction set. and other features which are common to all 2870 family devices. MK2870 ARCHITECTURE The basic functional elements ofthe MK2870 are shown in Figure 3. A programming model is shown in Figure 4. The architecture is common to all members of the 2870 family. All 2870 devices are instruction set compatible and differ only in amount and type of ROM and RAM. The unique features of the MK2870 are discussed in the following sections. The user is referred to the 3870 Family Technical Manual for a thorough discussion of the architecture. MK2870 MAIN MEMORY There are four address registers used to access main memory. These are the Program Counter (PO). the Stack Register (P). the Data Counter (DC). and the Auxiliary Data Counter (DC1). The Program Counter is used to address instructions or immediate operands. The Stack Register is MK2870 PROGRAMMABLE REGISTERS. PORTS. AND MEMORY MAP Figure 4 CPU REGISTfRS I 0 PORTS SCRATCHPAD MFMORY BI:\IAAY TIMER ACCUMULATOR A PORT 7 7....--8 BITS·-. 0 7...-8 SCRATCHPAD BITS~ DEC HEX O ° HU 10 A 12 Hl " C ,. 0 15 H 0 OC1 INTERRUPT CONTROL PORT STATUS REGISTER iWI PORT 6 7"'-8 BITS~ J I~I+I+I a 0 PARALLEL I 0 PORTS PORT 5 PORT 4 PORT 1 PORT ° al 15 17 N l T a I I I I R w 4" 5 BITS .. 0 [,SU '~ ISl 5 32 61 3D 75 62 3' 3' 76 77 63 INDIRECT SCRATCHPAO ADDRESS REGISTER II a 7 . 8 BITS __ I 0 ~BITS-+- MAIN 7 -+---8 BITS ...-. 0 MEMORY PROGRAM COUNTER PO I " 87 '-128IT5_ ROM STACK REGISTEA I PU Pl 11 87 I ~ ~ 0 ....--128IT5'-' NOTE: All 32 parallel 1/0 port pins are available in the 2870. However. only 20 of the bits are connected to 110 pins. Refer to the pin diagram for complete definition. 16 N OR R , au ,. Kl l C S N V E A I T E R R G R C 12 13 KU I " 13 11 1022 1023 3" 3FF 2046 2047 7FE 7FF I DCI I HEX I I DATA COUNTER DC DEC 87 I U . . - 12 BITS--. I I I I B -{a 4032 4033 'CO FCl 4094 4095 FFE FFF MK2870112 MK2870/22 AUX DATA I COUNTER DCI U 11 DC1 I Delli 87 .....-12BITS~ VIII-33 7 _ 8 8ITS----. 0 ROM TOP . . . - - MK2870/10 MK2870/12 ~ ROM TOP MK2870/20 MK2870/22 MK2870 MAIN MEMORY SIZES AND TYPES BY SLASH NUMBERS Figure 5 Hex ~ ~ I Dec ./' FFF "- 4095 FCO 4032 FBF 4031 > 64 bytes executable RAM I I COO 3072 BFF 3071 I I I BOO 2043 7FF 2047 I ~CJ 400 1024 3FF 1023 2K 2K ROM ROM ROM ROM 2870/10 2870/12 2870120 2870/22 00000000 V ,~------~,..--------~/ All devices contain 64 bytes of scratchpad RAM. NOTE: Data derived from addressing any locations other than those within a part's specified ROM space or RAM space (if any) is not tested nor is it guaranteed. Users should refrain from entering this area of the memory map. Device Scratchpad RAM Size (Decimal) Address Register Size (PO, P. DC. DC1 ) ROM Size (Decimal) Executable RAM Size (Decimal) MK2870/10 64 bytes 12 bits 1024 bytes o bytes MK2870/12 64 bytes 12 bits 1024 bytes 64 bytes MK2870120 64 bytes 12 bits 2048 bytes o bytes MK2870122 64 bytes 12 bits 2048 bytes 64 bytes NOTE: The Address Register Size for the 2870120 is 11 bits. It will be changed to 12 bits at a later date. VIII-34 1/0 PIN CONCEPTUAL DIAGRAM WITH OUTPUT BUFFER OPTIONS Figure 6 OUTPUT BUFFER PORT z0 i= e:( a:: ::l t!1 ...: Z 0 U a:: 0 1/0 PIN .... .... 0 0 a:: Il. C e:( w a:: a:: Il. 0 e:( 0 .... 6w a:: ~ Vl ::l co e:( ....e:( 0 OUTPUT BUFFER OPTIONS (MASK PROGRAMMABLE) VCC 6K!!TYP STANDARD OUTPUT OPEN DRAIN OUTPUT Ports 0 and 1 are Standard Output type only. Ports 4 and 5 may both be any of the three output options (mask programmable bit by bit) The "STRC5'8E output is always configured similar to a Direct Drive Output except that it is capable of driving 3 TIL loads. RESET and EXT INT may have standard 6K n (typical) pull·up or may have no pull· up (mask programmable). When Direct Drive option is selected, it should be used as an Output only (not as an input). VIII-35 DIRECT DRIVE OUTPUT used to save the contents of the Program Counter during an interrupt or subroutine call. Thus, the Stack Register contains the return address at which processing is to resume upon completion of the subroutine or interrupt routine. The Data Counter is used to address data tables. This register is auto-incrementing. Of the two data counters, only Data Counter (DC), can access the ROM. However, the SOC instruction allows the Data Counter and Auxiliary Data Counter to be exchanged. The graph in Figure 5 shows the amounts of ROM and executable RAM for every available slash number in the MK2870 pin configuration. 1) Crystal 2) LC Network . 3) RC Network 4) External Clock The type of network which is to be used with the mask ROM MK2870 must be specified at the time when mask ROM devices are ordered. The specifications for the four configurations are given in the following text. There is an internal capacitor between XTL 1 and GND and an internal capacitor between XTL 2 and GND. Thus, external capacitors are not necessarily required. In all clock modes the external time base frequency is divided by two to form the internal PHI clock. EXECUTABLE RAM CRYSTAL SELECTION The upper bytes of the address space in some of the MK2870 devices is RAM memory. As with the ROM memory, the RAM may be addressed by the PO and the DC address registers. The executable RAM may be addressed by all MK2870 instructions which address Main Memory. Additionally, the MK2870 may execute an instruction sequence which resides in the executable RAM. Note this cannot be done with the scratchpad RAM memory, which is the reason the term "executable RAM" is given to this additional memory. 1/0 PORTS The MK2870 provides four, 8 bit bidirectionallnputlOutput ports. These are ports 0, 1,4,5. However, only 20 ofthe bits are connected to 1/0 pins. The remaining bits are storage elements. In addition, the Interrupt Control Port is addressed as Port 6 and the binary timer is addressed as Port 7. The programming of Ports 6 and 7 and the bidirectional 1/0 pin are covered in the 3870 Family Technical Manual. The schematic of an 1/0 pin and available output drive options are shown in Figure 6. An output ready strobe is associated with Port 4. This flag may be used to signal a peripheral device that the MK2870 has just completed an output of new data to Port 4. The strobe provides a single low pulse shortly after the output operation is completely fin ished, so either edge may be used to signal the peripheral. STROBE may also be used as an input strobe to Port 4 after completing the input operation. To usea portpinasan input, the large transistor which pulls the pin to Vss must be turned off. This is accomplished by writing a '0' to that bit ofthe port. This applies to Ports 0, 1,4, and 5 only. 2870 TIME BASE OPTIONS The 2870 contains an on-chip oscillator circuit which provides an internal clock. The frequency of the oscillator circuit is set from the external time base network. The time base for the 2870 may originate from one of four sources: The use of a crystal as the time base is highly recommended as the frequency stability and reproducability from system to system is unsurpassed. The 2870 has an internal divide by two to allow the use of inexpensive and widely available TV Color Burst Crystals (3.58 MHz). Figure 8 lists the required crystal parameters for use with the 2870. The Crystal Mode time base configuration is shown in Figure 7. Through careful buffering ofthe XTL 1 pin it may be possible to amplify this waveform and distribute it to other devices. However, Mostek recommends that a separate active device (such as a 7400 series TTL gate) be used to oscillate the crystal and the waveform from that oscillator be buffered and supplied to all devices, including the 2870, in the eventthat a single crystal is to provide the time base for more than just a single 2870. While a ceramic resonator may work with the 2870 crystal oscillator, it was not designed specifically to support the use ofthis component. Thus, Mostek does not support the use of a ceramic resonator either through proper testing, parametric specification, or applications support. LCNETWORK The LC time base configuration can be used to provide a less expensive time base for the 2870 than can be provided with a crystal. However, the LC configuration is much less accurate than is the crystal configuration. The LCtime base configuration is shown in Figure 9. Also shown in the figure are the specified parameters for the LC components, along with the formula for calculating the resulting time base frequency. The minimum value of the inductor which is required for proper operation of the LC time base network is 0.1 millihenries. The inductormustbea Qfactorwhich is no less than 40. The value of C is derived from C external, the internal capacitance of the 2870 CXTL' and the stray capacitances, CS1 and CS2 ' CXTL is the capacitance looking into the internal two port netWork at XTL 1 and XTL 2. CXTL is listed under the "Capacitance" section of the Electrical Specifications. CS1 and CS2 are stray capacitances from XTL 1 to ground and from XTL 2 to ground, respectively. C VIII-36 CRYSTAL MODE CONNECTION Figure 7 XTl1 XTL2 D AT· CUT NOTE: Lead lengths from the crystal to the 2870 pins should be kept reasonably short to reduce stray capacitance load. CRYSTAL PARAMETERS Figure 8 a) Parallel resonance, fundamental mode AT-Cut b) Shunt capacitance (Co) = 7 pf max. c) Series resistance (Rs) = See table d) Holder = See table below. Frequency Series Resistance Holder f =2-2.7 MHz Rs = 300 ohms max HC-6 HC-33 f = 2.8-4 MHz Rs = 150 ohms max HC-6 HC-18* HC-25* HC-33 *This holder may not be available at frequencies near the lower end of this range. external should also include the stray shunt capacitance across the inductor. This is typically in the 3 to 5 pf range and significant error can result if it is not included in the frequency calculation. Variation in time base frequency with the LC network can arise from one of four sources: 1) Variation in the value of the inductor. 2) Variation in the value of the external capacitor. 3) Variation in the value of the internal capacitance ofthe 2870 at XTL 1 and XTL 2 and 4) Variation in the amount of stray capacitance which exists in the circuit. Therefore, the actual frequency which is generated by the LC circuit is within a range of possible frequencies, where the range of frequencies is determined by the worst case variation in circuit parameters. The designer must select component values such that the range of possible frequencies with the LC mode does not go outside of the specified operating frequency range for the 2870. RC CLOCK CONFIGURATION The time base for the 2870 may be provided from an RC network tied to the XTl2 pin, when XTL 1 is grounded. A schematic picturing the RC clock configuration is shown in Figure 10. The RC time.base configuration is intended to provide an inexpensive time base source for applications in which timing is not critical. Some users have elected to tune each unit using a variable resistor or external capacitor thus reducing the variation in frequency. However, for increased time base accuracy Mostek recommends the use of the Crystal or LC time base configuration. Figure 11 illustrates a curve which gives the resulting operating frequency for a particular RC value. The x-axis represents the product of the value of the resistor times the value of the capacitor. Note that three curves are actually shown. The curve in the middle represents the nominal frequency obtained for a given value of RC. A maximum curve and a minimum curve VIII~37 II LC MODE CONNECTION Figure 8 XTL2 XTL1 --- --- -- L J I I fJ J I I I L _________ ~ ~---------CEXTERNAL (OPTIONAL) f= 2 11" v-LC NOTE: The LC options uses the 88me mask option as the crystal option. RC MODE CONNECTION Figure 10 RCMODE XTL2 XTL1 R I -L '1' I MINIMUM R = 4K II .....L C = 26.5 p'F ± 2.6pF + Cextemal VIII-38 CEXTERNAL (OPTIONAL) FREQUENCY VS. RC Figure 11 .......... 4 MHz F R E 3 MHz Q U E N C y 287X·00, ·05 2MHz RC PRODUCT 1 x 10-7 2 x 10-7 2.5 x 10- 7 for different types of 2870 devices are also shown in the diagram. 3 x 10- 7 Maximum RC = (R max) (C external max + CXTL max) Minimum RC = (R min) (C external min + CXTL min) The designer must select the RC product such that a frequency of less than 2 MHz is not possible taking into account the maximum possible RC product and using the minimum curve shown in Figure 11. Also, the RC product must not allow a frequency of more than 4 MHz taking into account the minimum possible Rand C and using the Maximum curve shown below. Temperature induced variations in the external components should be considered in calculating the RC Product. Frequency variation from unit to unit due to switching speed and level at constant temperature and Vee = + or -5 percent. Frequency variation due to Vee with all other parameters constant with respect to +5 V =+ 7 percent to -4 percent on all devices. Frequency variation due to temperature with respect to 25 C (all other parameters constant) is as follows: PART # VARIATION 287X-OO, -05 287X-10, -15 +6 percent to - 9 percent +9 percent to -1 2 percent Typical RC II = (R typ) (C external typ + {CXTL max + CXTL min}) 2 Positive Freq. Variation = RC typical - RC minimum RC typical Netative Freq. Variation = RC maximum - RC typical RC typical due to RC Components Total frequency variation due to all factors: 287X-OO, -05 + 18 percent pi us positive frequency variation due to RC components 287X-l0, -15 = +21 percent plus positive frequency variation due to RC components =-18 percent minus nega- =-21 percent minus tive frequency variation due negative frequency variation due to RC components to RC components Total frequency variation due to Vee and temperature of a unit tuned to frequency at +5 V Vee, 25 C Variations in frequency due to variations in RC components may be calculated as follows: 287X-OO, -05 = + 13 percent VIII-39 287X-10, -15 = +16 percent EXTERNAL MODE CONNECTION Figure 12 XTl1 XTL2 I NO CONNECTION EXTERNAL CLOCK INPUT EXTERNAL CLOCK CONFIGURATION requirements. The connection for the external clock time base configuration is shown in Figure 12. Refer to the DC Characteristics section for proper input levels and current Refer to the Capacitance section of the appropriate 2870 Family device data sheet for input capacitance. VIII-40 OPERATING VOLTAGES AND TEMPERATURES ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MK2870 Operating Voltage Vee Dash Number Suffix Operating Temperature TA +5V±10% O°C -70°C -00 -05 +5V±5% O°C -70°C +5 V ± 10";" -40°C - +85°C -10 +5V±5% -40°C - +85°C -15 See Ordering Information for explanation of part numbers. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Temperature Under Bias .....•.......•...•......•.•..•..... Storage Temperature ...........•....••......••............ Voltage on any Pin With Respect to Ground (Except open drain pins and TEST) ....••......••.•........•• Voltage on TEST with Respect to Ground .••...••............ Voltage on Open Drain Pins With Respect to Ground ......... . Power Dissipation .............•......••..•.....•.....•... Power Dissipation by anyone I/O pin ...................... . Power Dissipation by all I/O pins ....................•...... -00, -05 -20°C to +85°C -65°C to +150°C -10, -15 -50°C to + 100°C -65°C to +150°C -1.0Vto +7 V -1.0Vto +9 V -1.0Vto+13.5V 1.5W 60mW 600mW -1.0Vto + 7 C -1.0Vto +9 V -1 .0 V to + 13.5 V 1.5W 60mW 600mW *Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" maycause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. AC CHARACTERISTICS TA, Vee within specified operating range. I/O power dissipation::S 100 mW (Note 2) -00, -05 MAX MIN -10, -15 MIN MAX 250 500 90 400 400 250 100 110 UNIT NOTES SIGNAL SYM PARAMETER XTL 1 XTL2 to tex(H) tax(L) Time Base Period, all clock modes External clock pulse width high External clock pulse width low cJ> tol> Internal cJ> clock 21:0 21:0 WRITE 1w Internal WRITE Clock period 4tcJ> 6tcJ> 4tcJ> 6tcJ> I/O t dl/O Output delay from internal WRITE clock 0 t51/0 Input setup time to internal WRITE clock 1000 t1/0-5 Output valid to STROBE delay 3tcJ> -1000 3tcJ> +250 3tcJ> -1200 3tcJ> +300 ns I/O load = 50 pF + 1 TTL load t5L STROBE low time 8tcJ> -250 12tcJ> +250 8tcJ> -300 12tcJ> +300 ns STROBE load = 50 pF + 3TTL loads tRH FiESEfhold time, low 6tcJ> +750 6tcJ> +1000 tRPoe RESET hold time, low for power clear power power supply STROBE RESET EXTINT tEH EXT INT hold time in active and inactive state 100 supply 1000 500 390 390 0 1200 1200 ns ns ns 4 MHz - 2 MHz Short Cycle Long Cycle ns 50 pF plus one TTL load ns ns r;so r;so time +0.1 time + ,15 ms 6tcJ> +750 6tcJ> +1000 ns To trigger interrupt 2tcJ> 2tcJ> ns To trigger timer VIIJ-41 II DC CHARACTERISTICS TA • Vee within specified operating range 1/0 power dissipation:::; 100 rnW (Note 2) -00. -05 SYMBOL PARAMETER lee Average Power Supply Current Po MIN Power Dissipation MAX -10. -15 MIN MAX UNIT DEVICE 85 110 rnA MK2870/10 Outputs Open 94 125 rnA MK2870/12 Outputs Open 85 110 rnA MK2870120 Outputs Open 94 125 rnA MK2870122 Outputs Open 400 525 rnW MK2870/10 Outputs Open 440 575 rnW MK2870/12 Outputs Open 400 525 rnW MK2870120 Outputs Open 440 575 rnW MK2870/22 Outputs Open V IHEX External Clock input high level 2.4 5.8 2.4 5.8 V V ILEX External Clock input low level -.3 .6 -.3 .6 V IIHEX External Clock input high current 100 130 !LA VIHEX=Vee IILEX External Clock input low current -100 -130 !LA VILEX=VSS VIHI/O Input high level. 1/0 pins V IHR V IHEI Input high level. RESET Input high level. EXT INT 2.0 5.8 2.0 5.8 V Standard pull-up 2.0 13.2 2.0 13.2 V Open drain (1) 2.0 5.8 2.2 5.8 V Standard pull-up 2.0 13.2 2.2 13.2 V No Pull-up 2.0 5.8 2.2 5.8 V Standard pull-up 2.0 13.2 2.2 13.2 V No Pull-up -.3 .8 -.3 .7 V (1 ) VIL Input low level IlL Input low current. all pins with standard pull-up resistor -1.6 -1.9 rnA VIN = 0.4 V IL Input leakage current. open drain pins. and inputs with no pull-up resistor +10 -5 +18 -8 !LA !LA V OH = 13.2 V VIN = 0.0 V IOH Output high current pins with standard pull-up resistor -100 -89 !LA V OH = 2.4 V -30 -25 !LA V OH = 3.9V VIII-42 DC CHARACTERISTICS (cont.) TA, Vee within specified operating range, I/O power dissipation:::: 100 mW (Note 2) -00. -05 SYM PARAMETER MIN IOHDD Output high current, direct drive pins -100 -1.5 MAX -10. -15 MIN -S.5 IOHS STROBE Output High current IOL IOLS MAX -SO -1.3 -11 UNIT CONDITIONS p,A mA mA V OH = 2.4 V V oH =1.5V V OH = 0.7V -300 -270 p,A V OH = 2.4 V Output low current 1.S 1.65 mA V...o L = 0.4 V STROBE Output Low current 5.0 4.5 mA VOL = 0.4 V TIMER AC CHARACTERISTICS Definitions: Error = Indicated time value - actual time value tpsc = tep x Prescale Value Interval Timer Mode: Single interval error, free running (Note 3) ............................................................ ±6t Cumulative interval error, free running (Note 3) ............. , ............................................. 0 Error between two Timer reads (Note 2) .................................................... , ... ±(tpsc + t Load Timer to stop Timer error (Note 1) ........ , ......................................... + tep to - (tpsc + 2tep) Load Timer to read Timer error (Notes 1, 2) ............................................ -5tep ± to - (tpsc + Step) Load Timer to interrupt request error (Notes 1, 3) ............................................... -2tep to -9t Pulse Width Measurement Mode: Measurement accuracy (Note 4) ........................................................ + t to - (tpsc + 2tep) Minimum pulse width of EXT INT pin .................................................................. 2tep Event Counter Mode: Minimum active time of EXT INT pin .................................................................. 2t Minimum inactive time of EXT INT pin ................................................................. 2t NOTES: 1. All times which entail loading, starting, or stopping the Timerare referenced from the end of the last machine cycle of the OUT or OUTS instruction. 2. All times which entail reading the Timer are referenced from the end of the last machine cycle of the IN or INS instruction. 3. All times which entail the generation of an interrupt request are referenced from the start of the machine cycle in which the appropriate interrupt request latch is set. Additional time may elapse if the interrupt request occurs during a privileged or multicycle instruction. 4. Error may be cumulative if operation is repetitively performed. VIII-43 AC TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 13 External Clock Internal Clock 1/0 Port Output STROBE RESET EXTINT ~'"J= tEH ICP BITZ =1 Note: All AC measurements are referenced to V 1L max., V 1H min., VOL (.8v), or V OH (2.Ov). VIII-44 INPUT IOUTPUT AC TIMING Figure 14 INTERNAL WRITE CLOCK I-----.J.--------I--------J-.---.t---.- ~:;;~;~~~~NSTRUCTION • CYCLE TIMING SHOWN FOR 4MHz EXTERNAL CLOCK A. INPUT ON PORT 4 OR 5 INTERNAL WRITE CLOCK OUT OR OUTS OP CODE FETCHED PORT ADDR. ON DATA BUS ACCUMULATOR CONTENTS ON DATA BUS NEXT OP CODE FETCHED PORT PINS STAYS LOW STROBE IACTIVE FOR PORT 4 ONLYI B. OUTPUT ON PORT 4 OR 5 FOR TWO WRIT[ r.YCLES li/O·S INTERNAL WRITE CLOCK OUTS 0,1 FETCHED ACC DATA ON BUS NEXT OP CODE FETCHED PORT PINS D. OUTPUT ON PORT 0, 1 C. INPUT ON PORT 0 OR 1 VIII-45 STROBE SOURCE CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT Vee = 5 V, TA = 25°C) Figure 15 .15 s 0 u A e E ·10 e u I.......... A A E N T ..... to... ·5 .... M A '" l"'- I" OUTPUT VOL TAGE STROBE SINK CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT Vee = 5 V, TA = 25°C) Figure 16 S +100 1 N K l- e u A R E +50 I-'" N T IL M 1.1 A 1/ I ~ I OUTPUT VOLTAGE STANDARD I/O PORT SOURCE CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT Vee = 5 V, TA = 25°C) Figure 17 -1.5 s 0 U A e -1.0 l"'- E I"" e u '" A A E N T I' ·,5 '" "'" ,..... M A """ OUTPUT VOL T AG~ DIRECT DRIVE I/O PORT SOURCE CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT Vee = 5 V, TA = 25°C) Figure 18 s o U A ·10 e E e u A A E r-~ ·5 N T .... ..... I"'- M A ...... OUTPUT VOL TAGE VIII·46 I/O PORT SINK CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT Figure 19 vee = 5 V, TA' = 25°C ) S I N K C U .4 0 R R E '3 0 I- N T ~ M A i-'" 0 OUTPUT VOL TAGE MAXIMUM OPERATING TEMPERATURE VS. I/O POWER DISSIPATION Figure 20 100 .... - Pl~flC 50 100 200 300 r-... 400 .... CERAM'ic 500 600 POliO MW VIII·47 1000 ORDERING INFORMATION There are two types of part numbers for the 2870 family of devices. The generic part number describes the basic device type, the amountof ROM and Executable RAM, the desired package type, temperature range, and power supply tolerance. For each customer specific code, additional information defining I/O options and oscillator options will be combined with the information described in the generic part number to define a customer/code specific device order number. GENERIC PART NUMBER An example of the generic part number is shown below. MK 2870 / 2 2 N - 1 0 0= 5V± 10% 5 = 5V±5% 11power Supply Tolerance Loperating Temperature Range 0= O°C - +70°C 1 = -40°C - +85°C Package type '-----1~Executable N = Plastic RAM Designator 0= None 2 = 64 bytes '----_ROM Designator L------_~Basic 1=1Kbytes 2 = 2K bytes Device Type DEVICE ORDER NUMBER An example of the device order number is shown below. MK 87007 N - 0 5 l~Powe' S"POIV Tol"'~ .0=5V±10% 5 = 5V±5% Operating Temperature Range 0= O°C - +70°C 1 = -40°C - +85°C '----.Package Type N = Plastic '------.Customer/Code Specific Number The Customer/Code specific number defines the ROM bit pattern, I/O configuration, oscillator type, and generic part type to be used to satisfy the requirements of a particular customer purchase order. For further information on the ordering of mask ROM devices, the customer should refer to the 3870 Family Technical Manual. VIII-48 MOSTEI(. 3870 SINGLE CHIP MICRO FAMILY MK3873 and MK38P73 MK3873 FEATURES o Available with 1K or 2K byte mask programmable ROM o Software compatible with 3870 instruction set o 64 byte scratchpad RAM o Available with 64 byte Executable RAM o 29 bits (4 ports) TTL compatible parallel 1/0 o Serial Input/Output port • External or Internal Serial Port Clock • Transmit and Receive registers double buffered • Internal Baud rate generator • Synchronous or Asynchronous serial 1/0 • Data rates to 9600 bits per second (ASYNC) • I/O pins dedicated as SERIAL IN, SERIAL OUT, and SERIAL CLOCK • Variable duty cycle waveform generation o Vectored interrupts o Programmable binary timer • Internal timer mode • Pulse width measurement mode • Event counter mode o External Interrupt XTL 1 -----. 1 XTL2_ 2 PO-O_ 3 po., ....... 4 o Crystal, LC, RC or external time base options available o Low power (325 mW typ.) o Single +5V power supply o MK38P73 PIN CONNECTIONS XTL1~ 1 XTL2_ 2 Pinout compatible with the 3870 Family members 394-- FfEm 38~ EXTINT PO-1 ....... 4 ~ 5 37 ..... Pf.3 36 ....... SRClK ........... J5if.3.....-. 6 35 .... SI 34 ...... SO 33 ...... ~ 32 ..... P5-'i SfROiE _ MK3BP73 FEATURES 40 ..-....- Vee 'SO:O ........ 3 7 o EPROM version of MK3873 154-0 ....... 8 P4.i ..... 9 Pi1: ....... 10 o Piggyback PROM (P-PROM)TM package P4-4 ........ 12 P4-5 --... 13 29 ....... P6-4 1i4-'6_14 27 ...... PS":a 2& ...... P5-7 ~ o P4-'7 ...... Accepts 24 pin or 28 pin EPROM memories o Identical pinout as MK3873 o In-SOCket emulation of MK3873 ....... 1' VIII-49 15 31 ....... PS.2 3O ...... ~ 28 ....... P!r.5 ~"""'6 25 ...... Pf7 fSO-6 ....... 17 24 - - . j5i().'5 ......... 18 'PO-'4 ........ 19 23 ......... Pr.5 22 ....... I5f..4 GND ---+- 20 21 _ _ TEST K-I SO - SERIAL OUT is an output line for either serial synchronous or asynchronous data. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MK3873 single chip microcomputer introduces a major addition to the 3870 microcomputer family, a serial input! output port. This serial port is capable of either synchronous or asynchronous serial data transfers. The heart of the serial port is a 16-bit Shift Register that is doublebuffered on transmit and receive. The Shift Register clock source can be either the internal baud rate generator or an external clock. An end-of-word vectored interrupt is generated in either transmit or receive mode so that the CPU overhead is only at the word rate and not at the serial bit rate. This serial channel can be used to provide a low-cost data channel for communicating between 3873 microcomputers or between a 3873 and another host computer. The serial port is also very flexible so that it could be used for other purposes such as an interface to external serial logic or serial memory devices. SRCLK is the clock for the serial port operations. It can be configured by software to be an input or output depending upon whether an internal baud rate or external clock is desired. It has a Schmitt trigger input and can be used to drive up to 3 TIL loads. STROBE is a ready strobe associated with 1/0 Port 4. This pin which is normally high provides a single low pulse after valid data is present on the J54-O - P4-i pins during an output instruction. STROBE can be used to drive up to 3 TIL loads. RESET may be used to externally reset the MK3873. When pulled low the MK3873 will reset. When allowed to go high the MK3873 will begin program execution at program location H'OOO'. The MK3873 retains commonality with the 3870 family of single chip microcomputers. It has up to 2048 bytes of mask ROM for program storage, and 64 bytes of scratchpad random-access memory. Certain versions also include up to 64 bytes of Executable RAM. Also, the 3870's sophisticated programmable binary timer is included and provides for system flexibility by operating in 3 different modes. The MK3873 has a large number of parallel 110 lines available to the user. Twenty nine pins of the MK3873 are dedicated to parallel 1/0. In addition, three pins are dedicated to the serial 1/0 port. These pins provide input, output, and clock for the serial port. The serial clock pin can be driven externally or programmed to provide a 50% duty cycle TIL compatible serial clock. No additional CPU instructions are necessary for use with the serial port. Thus, the MK3873 is instruction set compatible with the rest of the 3870 family. The MK38P73 microcomputer is the PROM based version of the MK3873 single-chip microcomputer. The MK38P73 is called the Piggyback PROM (P-PROM)TM microcomputer because of a new packaging concept. This concept allows a 24 or 28 pin EPROM to be mounted directly on top of the microcomputer itself. The EPROM can then be removed and reprogrammed as required with a standard PROM programmer. The MK38P73 retains exactly the same pinout and architectural features as other members of the MK3873 Family. The MK38P73 is discussed in more detail in a later section of this document. PIN NAME DESCRIPTION TYPE PO-O, PO-7 P1-3 - P1-7 P4-O - P4-7 P5-0 - P5-7 STROBE EXTINT RESET . SI SO SRCLK TEST XTL 1,XTL2 VCC,GND 1/0 PortO 1/0 Port 1 1/0 Port 4 1/0 Port 5 Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional Output Input Input Input Output Bidirectional Input Input Input Ready Strobe External Interrupt External Reset Serial Input Serial Output Serial Clock Test Line Time Base Power Supply Lines EXT INT is the external interrupt input. Its active state is software programmable as described in the 3870 Family Technical Manual. This input is also used in conjunction with the timer for pulse width measurement and event counting. XTL 1 andXTL2arethetimebase inputs (2 MHzt04MHz)to which a crystal, LC network. RC network. or an external single-phase clock may be connected. The time base mode must be specified when submitting an order for a mask ROM MK3873. The MK38P73 will operate with any of the four configurations. MK3873 ARCHITECTURE FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION PO-O - P07, P1-3 - P1-7, P4-0 - P4-7, P5-O - P5-7 are 29 bidirectional 1/0 lines which can either be used as TIL compatible inputs or latch outputs. SI - SERIAL IN is a TIL compatible Schmitt Trigger input pin for either serial synchronous or asynchronous data. The architecture ofthe MK3873 is identical to that of the rest of the devices in the 3870 family, with the exception of the serial port logic. The serial port logic is shown in the block diagram of the MK3873 {Figure 1). Addressing of the serial port logic is accomplished through 1/0 instructions. Operation and programming of the serial port is thoroughly discusssed below. A programming-model of the MK3873 is shown in Figure 2. For a more complete discussion of the 3870 family architecture, the user is referred to the 3870 Family Technical Manual.. VIII-50 MK3873 BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 1 EXTINT TEST SERIAL SERIAL SERIAL CLOCK INPUT 151) OUTPUT ISO) SRCLK MAIN MEMORY EXECUTABLE RAM The main memory section on the MK3873 consists of a combination of ROM and executable RAM. There are four registers associated with the main memory section. These are the Program Counter (PO). the Stack Register (P). the Data Counter (DC). and the Auxiliary Data Counter (DC1). The Program Counter is used to address instructions during program execution. P is used to save the contents of PO during an interrupt or subroutine call. Thus. P contains the return address at which processing is to resume upon completion of the subroutine or the interrupt routine. The Data Counter (DC) is used to address data tables. This register is auto-incrementing. Of the two data counters. only DC can access memory directly. However. the XDC instruction allows DC and DC1 to be exchanged. The length ofthe PO. p. DC. and DC1 registers for all MK3873 devices is listed in the table shown in Figure 3. The graph and table in Figure 3 also shows the amounts of ROM and executable RAM for the different members of the MK3873 family. The upper bytes of the total address space in certain MK3873 devices is RAM memory. As with the ROM memory the RAM may be addressed by the PO and DC address registers. The executable RAM may be accessed by all 3870 instructions which address main memory indirectly through the Data Counter (DC) register. Additionally. the MK3873 may execute an instruction sequence which resides in the Executable RAM. Note that this cannot be done with the scratchpad RAM memory. which is the reason the term "Executable RAM" is given to this additional memory. I/O PORTS On the MK3873. 29 lines are provided for bidirectional. parallel I/O. These lines are addressable as four parallel I/O ports at locations O. 1.4. and 5. Note that Ports 0.4. and 5 are 8 bits wide. while Port 1 contains only 5 bits of I/O in bit positions 3. 4. 5. 6. and 7. Bits 0-2 on Port 1 are not available for use as I/O port pins or as storage elements. The remaining three pins are used to provide the serial I/O VIII-51 II MK3873 PROGRAMMABLE REGISTERS. PORTS. AND MEMORY MAP Figure 2 CPU REGISTERS 1/0 PORTS BINARY TIMER ACCUMULATOR PORT7 A 7..-8 91T8--. 0 74--8 SCRATCHPAD DEC BITS~ H 0 I INTERRUPT CONTROL PORT STATUS REGISTER IWI PORT 6 I N T R BAUD RATE CONTROL PORT C F PORTC 0 KL OU OL 7 '4-8 81T8--.. 0 I~ IISU 6 SHIFT REGISTER BUFFER UPPER HALF 10 A 12 11 12 13 14 8 C 13 14 16 11 0 E 15 18 17 Y 4 ~6 BITS----. 0 INDIRECT SCRATCHPAD ADDRESS REGISTER PORTO o 9 N L T 0 R W L SERIAL PORT CONTROL. STATUS REGISTER OC1 o I HL KU 0 Z C 5 V E A I ERR G R 0 R N HEX o J HU I~I+I+I 7 -4-8 BITS....... 0 3~4BITS-' SCRATCHPAO MEMORY 61 30 76 82 83 3E 3F 76 77 7~88ITS~O ISL I 32 0 ....-68IT5-... MAIN MEMORY PORT E 7~ PROGRAM COUNTER 8 81T8..-.. 0 Ipou PO J 11 POL § I 0 87 ~12BITS--" SHIFT REGISTER BUFFER LOWER HALF I P I PU PORTF 11 7....-88IT8 .... 0 PL I I 87 0 12 BITS----. PORTO RAM I 7~8BITS---+-O I AUX DATA COUNTER I 7_6BITS . .3 11 DC1 4094 MK3873/22 d 4 0 9 5 I I DCIL 87 0 ____ 12 BITS ______ 74- 8 BITS-+O ROM TOP MK387~/10 MK3873/12 7FE 7FF . MK3873/12 DCIU PORT 1 ~ 3FE 3FF I U4032 1===i~033 DC ~ I !!li! 2048 DATA PORT4 1 2047 COUNTER IDCU 11 HEX 0 1 \1022 87 0 ....-- 12 BITS---+- PARALLEL 1/0 PORTS PORT 6 I ROM StACK REGISTER DEC 0 FCO FC1 FFE, FFF ROM TOP MK3873/20 MK3873/22 MK3873 MAIN MEMORY SIZES AND TYPES Figure 3 r-::l r-::l--- ~ 1 I 1 I ~1- - 1 I I i l I I 1:1 ~ \ 3873/10 i HEX DEC FFF 4095 FCO 4032 64 BYTES EXECUTABLE RAM - "';F?:B~F;----'--':4;;0~3~1'--./ I l I ~~M I [J 3873/12 w_ _ -i~ t Internal clock 210 210 WRITE tw Internal WRITE Clock period 4t 6t 4t 6t I/O tdl/O Output delay from internal WRITE clock 0 tsl/O Input setup time to internal WRITE clock 1000 STROBE RESET tl/O-s Output valid to S'fROBE delay 0 Short Cycle Long Cycle ns 50pF plus one TIL load ns 3t +250 3t -1200 3t +300 ns I/O load = 50pF + 1 TTL load 12t +250 8t -300 12t +300 ns STROBE load = 50pF+3TILloads 8t -250 tRH RESET hold time, low 6t<1> +750 6t +1000 power supply power supply rise tEH 4MHz-2MHz 3t -1000 STROBE low time EXT INT hold time in active and inactive state 1200 1200 tsL tRPOC RESET hold time, low for power clear EXTINT 1000 UNIT NOTES rise time time -0.1 -0,15 6t +750 2t 6t +1000 2t VIII-68 ns ms ns ns To trigger interrupt To trigger timer CAPACITANCE TA = 25°C All Part Numbers MIN SYM PARAMETER CIN Input capacitance; liD, RESET, EXT INT, TEST CXTL Input capacitance; XTL1, XTL2 MAX UNIT 10 pF 29.5 pF 23.5 NOTES unmeasured pins grounded AC CHARACTERISTICS FOR SERIAL 1/0 PINS TA' VCC within specified operating range. I/O Power Dissipation::::; 1OOmW (Note 2) -00, -05 -10, -15 SIGNAL SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX MIN SRCLK Serial Clock Period in 3.25 00 3.25 00 IJ.S 4.0 00 4.0 00 p's tw(SRCLKH) Serial Clock Pulse Width, High. External Clock Mode 1.3 00 1.3 00 p's tw(SRCLKL) Serial Clock Pulse Width, Low. External Clock Mode 1.3 00 1.3 00 p's tC(SRCLK) External Clock Mode tr(SRCLK) Async Sync Serial Clock Rise Time MAX UNIT 100 ns 60 Internal Clock Mode tf(SRCLK) tS(SI) Serial Clock Fall Time Setup Time To Rising Edge 50 30 ns Hold Time From Rising 0 0 ns 2 2 p's Edge of SRCLK (SYNC Mode) SO tD(SO) 2.4V-O.4V CL = 100pf of SRCLK (SYNC Mode) tH(SI) 0.8V-2.0V CL = 100pf Internal Clock Mode SI CONDITIONS Data Output Delay From 1190 Falling Edge of SRCLK (SYNC Mode) VIII-69 1190 ns AC CHARACTERISTICS FOR MK38P73 (Signals brought out at socket) TA, VCC within specified operating range. I/O Power Dissipation :5 100mW (Note 2) -10, -15 -00. -05 SYMBOL PARAMETER taas* Access time from Address A,,-Ao' stable until data must be valid at 07- 0 0 MIN MAX 650 MIN MAX UNIT CONDITION 650 ns = 2.0MHz *See Table in Figure 13. DC CHARACTERISTICS TA, Vce within specified operating range I/O Power Dissipation :5 1OOmW (Note 2) -00.-05 SYM PARAMETER lec Average PoWer Supply Current Po Power Dissipation MIN -10.-15 MAX DEVICE MAX UNIT 93.5 121 mA MK3873/10 Outputs Open 103 138 mA MK3873/12 Outputs Open 93.5 121 mA MK3873/20 Outputs Open 103 138 mA MK3873122 Outputs Open 138 165 mA MK38P73/02 No EPROM, Outputs Open 440 570 mW MK3873/10 Outputs Open 485 645 mW MK3873/12 Outputs Open 440 570 mW MK3873120 Outputs Open 485 645 mW MK3873/22 Outputs Open 646 775 rriW VIII-70 MIN MK38P73/02 No EPROM, Outputs Open DC CHARACTERISTICS TA, VCC within specified operating range 1/0 Power Dissipation :5100rnW (Note 2) -00,-05 SYM PARAMETER VIHEX -10,-15 MIN MAX MIN MAX External Clock input high level 2.4 5.8 2.4 5.8 V V,LEX External Clock input low level -.3 .6 -.3 .6 V "HEX External Clock input high current 100 130 JJA V'HEX=VCC "LEX External Clock input low current -100 -130 JJA V'LEX=VSS V,H,/O 1/0 input high level V,HR V,HE, Input high level. RESET Input high level, EXT INT UNIT CONDITIONS 2.0 5.8 2.0 5.8 V standard pull-up (1 ) 2.0 13.2 2.0 13.2 V open drain (1) 2.0 5.8 2.2 5.8 V standard pull-up (1) 2.0 13.2 2.2 13.2 V No pull-up 2.0 5.8 2.2 5.8 V standard pull-up (1) 2.0 13.2 2.2 13.2 V -.3 .8 -.3 0.7 V No pull-up V,L 1/0 ports, RESET1, EXT INIl input low level ',L Input low current, standard pull-up pins -1.6 -1.9 rnA V'N=0.4V 'L Input leakage current, open drain pins RESET and EXT INT inputs With no pull-up resistor +10 -5 +18 -8 JJA JJA V'W 13 .2V V'N=O.OV 10H Output high current, standard -100 -89 JJA VOW2.4V pull-up pins -30 -25 JJA VOW3.9V Output high current, -100 -80 JJA VOW2.4V direct drive pins -1.5 10HDD -1.3 -8.5 -11 (1 ) rnA VOW1.5V rnA VOWO.7V 10L Output low current, 1/0 ports 1.8 1.65 rnA VOL=0.4V 'OHS STROBE Output High current -300 -270 JJA VOW 2 .4V 'OLS STROBE output low current 5.0 4.5 VIII-71 rnA VOL=0.4V DC CHARACTERISTICS FOR MK38P73 (Signals brought out at socket) TA, V CC within specifiec operating range, I/O Power Dissipation :5 100mW. (Note 2) -00, -05 SYM PARAMETER MIN Power Supply Current for EPROM MAX -10. -15 MIN -185 MAX UNIT CONDITION -185 rnA VIL Input Low Level Data bus in -0.3 0.8 -0.3 0.7 V VIH Input High Level Data bus in 2.0 5.8 2.0 5.8 V 10H Output High Current -100 -30 -90 -25 pA pA 10L Output Low Current 1.8 1.65 rnA VOL=0.4V IlL Input Leakage Current 10 10 pA VOW2.4V VOW3.9V Data Bus in Float DC CHARACTERISTICS FOR SERIAL PORT I/O PINS TA, VCC within specified operating range I/O Power Dissipation :5 1OOmW (Note 2) -00. -05 !. SYM PARAMETER VIHS -10. -15 MIN MAX MIN MAX Input High for SI, SRCLK 2.0 5.8 2.0 5.8 V VILS Input Low level for SI. SRCLK -.3 .8 -.3 0.7 V IlLS Input low current for SI, SRCLK 10HSO Output High Current SO -100 -30 -90 -25 pA pA 10LSO Output Low Current SO 1.8 1.65 rnA VOL =O.4V 10HSRC Output High Current SRCLK -300 -270 pA 10LSRC Output Low Current SRCLK 5.0 4.5 -1.6 -1.9 UNIT TEST CONDITIONS rnA VIL =0.4V VOH = 2.4V VOL =3.9V VOH = 2.4V rnA VOL =0.4V 1. RESET and EXT INT have internal Schmit triggers giving minimum .2V hysteresis. 2. Power dissipation for I/O pins is calculated by 1: (VCC - VILi gilL! ) + 1: (Vee' VOH) Olot-lll + 1: (VoLi (loll TIMER AC CHARACTERISTICS Definitions: Error = Indicated time value - actual time value tpsc = t cI> x Prescale Value Interval Timer Mode: Single interval error, free running (Note 3) .....•................•.................•......•........•.... ±6tcI> Cumulative interval error, free running (Note 3) ................•.......•.......................•........•.. 0 Error between two Timer reads (Note 2) •........•............•....•..••.•..•.................... ± (tpsc + tcI> Start Timer to stop Timer error (Notes 1,4). . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ......•........... +tcI> to -(tpsc +tcI» Start Timer to read Timer error (Notes 1,2) ....•...•...••..•.............. . ........•....• -5tcI> to -(tpsc + 7tcI» Start Timer to interrupt request error (Notes 1,3) .....•........•...•.••.•.............•...•..•.. -2tcI> to -8tcI» Load Timer to stop Timer error (Note 1) ..•.......•..•......••......•.•.......••..•.....•.. +tcI> to -(tpsc + 2tcI» Load Timer to read Timer error (Notes 1,2) ..•....•...•.........•..........••............ -5tcI> to -(tpsc + 8tcI» Load Timer to interrupt request error (Notes 1,3) ..•...................••.......•............... -2tcI> to -9tcI» VIII-72 Pulse Width Measurement Mode: Measurement accuracy (Note 4) ...•.....•......................•.................... +t ~ to -(tpSC +2t ~) Minimum pulse width of EXT INT pin ................................................................ 2t~ Event Counter Mode: N_ Minimum active time of EXT INT pin ................................................................ 2t~ Minimum inactive time of EXT INT pin ............................................................... 2t~ 1. All times which entail loading. starting. or stopping the Timer are referenced from the end of the last machine cycle of the OllT or, OlITS instruction. 2. All times which entail reading the Timer are referenced from the end of the lest machine cycle of the IN or INS instruction. 3. All times which entail the generation of an interrupt request are referenced from the start of the machine cycle in which the appropriate interrupt request latch is set Additional time may elapse if the interrupt request occurs during a privileged or multicyCle instruction. 4. Error may be cumulative Woperation is repet~ively performed. AC TIMING DIAGRAM Figura 20 External Clock Internal ~ Clock I/O Port Output STROBE RESET EXTINT ~~J= - tEH ICPBIT2=1 Note: All AC measurements are referenced to V IL max., V IH min., VOL (.8v), or V OH (2.0v). VIII-73 INPUT/OUTPUT AC TIMING Figure 21 INTERNAL WRITE CLOCK * CYCLE TlMI NG SHOWN FOR 4MHz EXTER NAL CLOCK CYCLE TIMING DEPENDS ON INSTRUCTION n 2JJ$* I INOR INS OPCODE FETCHED 3J.1S* r PORT ADDR. PLACED ON DATA BUS PORT PINS r 3J.1S* PORT DATA DRIVEN ON TO DATA BUS 2J.1S* r I 1------- J\- NEXT OPCODE FETCHED ~ X tSI {O A. INPUT ON PORT 4 OR 5 INTERNAL WRITE CLOCK CYCLE TIMING ~----'--+-------~--~'-------------+-----~~--~~DEPENDSONINSTRUCTION 3J.1S* PORT ADDR. ON DATA BUS 3J.1S* ACCUMULATOR CONTENTS ON DATA BUS NEXT OP CODE FETCHED PORT PINS STAYS LOW STROBE' (ACTIVE FOR PORT 4 ON L Y) FOR TWO WRITE CYCLES tI/O-S B. OUTPUT ON PORT 4 OR 5 INTERNAL WRITE CLOCK OUTS 0,1 FETCHED ACC DATA ON BUS PORT PINS C. INPUT ON PORT 0 OR 1 D. OUTPUT ON PORT 0, 1 VIII-74 OP CODE FETCHED AC TIMING DIAGRAM FOR SERIAL I/O PINS. Figure2i2 tS(51) tc(SRCLK) lW(5.RCLKH) SRCLK I tH(SI) I I tW(SRCLKL) 51 ) [)( to(SO) X so STROBE SOURCE CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT VCC =5V. TA = 25°C) s _. -15 -- 0 Figure 2.3 u R E -10 C U R R E N T ,-1- - - t---- - c r ~ ! -5 " M A ft- . "_+ " t--" - I I : I' OUTPUT VOLTAGI; STROBE SINK CAPABILITY (TYPICALATVCC = 5V. TA = 25°C) Figure 24 S I N K +100 +-- .-- -I i +- --. C U R R E N T M A +50 ...... - .... I I ./I 1/ ~ OUTPUT VOLTAGE VIII-75 , , ..1.5 STANDARD I/O PORT SOURCE CAPABILITY (TYPICALATVCC = 5V. TA = 25°C) Figure 25 s 0 U r-.. R c -1.0 E '" C U R R E N T r-. ~ I' -.5 i'o ~ M A i'" - r-.. ·1 OUTPUT VOLTAGE DIRECT DRIVE 1/0 PORT SOURCE CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT VCC = 5V. TA = 25°C) Figure 26 s o f-~ U r- f- .. -10 R -+- 1-:-- C- .. C E f-,- _. c R R E N T f-- .- - ..... ... - ,--- --- r . f-r--.- l- -5 M A - -. f- r-I-~ U -+ . f- - . -~ f- ... - .. .. ...... "'" f-- .- r-.r-; OUTPUT VOLTAGE I/O PORT SINK CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT VCC = 5V. TA = 25°C) Figure 27 +60 S I N K C U R R E N T +50 - . - f-c- +40 r+30 M A +20 ~ I-'" +10 1 f-" " I" ~.. 2 OUTPUT VOL T AGE MAXIMUM OPERATING TEMPERATURE VS. I/O POWER DISSIPATION Figure 28 H- ~ 100 ~+- ···f- e _ ..... - f-I--- C-o. .. ---~ f- .- ~ ..... 50 ~ ..... - -·F . ._- ~(4'S'rlc -.- -- . -f:;: -+-1-I .... t'-- .... ~'!.."-M"7c -I- - f-+ ~ - 100 200 300 400 t 500 600 PDI/OMW VIII-76 _L_ - 1000 ORDERING INFORMATION There are two types of part numbers for the 3870 family of devices. The generic part number describes the basic device type, the amount of ROM and Executable RAM, the desired package type, temperature range, and power supply tolerance. For each customer specific code, additional information defining I/O options and oscillator options will be combined with the information described in the generic part number to define a customer/code specific device order number. GENERIC PART NUMBER An example of the generic part number is shown below. MK 3873/2 0 P-1 0 l~p",,", S"'"~ T~.,,"oe 0= 5V± 10% 5=5V±5% Operating Temperature Range 0= O°C - +70°C 1 = -40°C - +85°C P = Ceramic N = Plastic Package type L----t. L....._ _. . . Executable RAM Designator 0= None 2 = 64 bytes ROM Designator 1 = 1K Bytes 2 = 2K bytes Basic Device Type An example of the generic part numberforthe PPROM device is shown below. II MK38P73/02 R-OS DEVICE ORDER NUMBER An example of the device order number is shown below. L:-, Su~Tm".~ MK 13002 N - 0 5 [1 0= 5V± 10% S =5V±5% 0= O°C - +70°C 1 = -40°C - +85°C P = Ceramic N = Plastic Loperating Temperature Range Package Types L....-----Customer/Code Specific Number The Customer/Code specific number defines the ROM bit pattern, I/O configuration, oscillator type, and generic part type to be used to satisfy the requirements of a particular customer purchase order. For further information on the ordering of mask ROM devices, the customer should refer to the 3870 Family Technical Manual. VIII-77 VIII-78 MOSTEI(. 3870 SINGLE CHIP MICRO FAMILY MK3875 and MK38P75 MK3875 FEATURES MK3875 o Available with 2K or 4K bytes of mask programmable ROM memory. o 64 bytes scratchpad RAM o 64 bytes of Executable RAM o Standby feature for low power data retention of executable RAM including: Low standby power Low standby supply voltage No external components required to trickle charge battery. o Software compatible with 3870 family o 30 bits (4 ports) TTL compatible 1/0 o Programmable binary Timer Interval Timer Mode Pulse Width Measurement Mode Event Counter Mode MK38P75 o External Interrupt Input o Crystal, LC, RC, or external time base options available D Low power under normal operation (285 mW tYP.) II o +5 volt main power supply o Pinout compatible with 3870 family MK38P75 FEATURES o EPROM version of MK3875 o Piggyback RPOM (P-PROM)TM package o Accepts 24 pin or 28 pin EPROM memories o Identical pinout as MK3875 o In-socket emulation of MK3875 PIN CONNECTIONS MK3875 Xlll_ 1 xTL2_ V _ SB 2 vsa i502- 3 • • P'Qj ......... 6 PIN CONNECTIONS MK38P75 4 0 _ V" 3 9 _ A'mf 3 8 _ EXT INT 37-Pi'O. 3 6 _ Pii 35 ........ Pi2 XTL1_ 1 40 - xTL2_ 2 39_~ Vea'--" J V SB ' - - 4 37_~ 1i'Oi- 5 6 36_Pi"i 35 _ Pi2 STROBE _ 7 34. _ Prj P4Q _ 8 33 - P50 POJ_ 38 - Vee EXTINT SfR"B'ii"E_ 7 m- 8 3' -Pi3" 33 ___ P'5"O P41 ;;r,P43'- 9 32_ Pn P4i'- P52 P53 ~_10 m_ 11 31 30 _ 12 29_ 13 PSi PiJ- " 'P44_ 12 Pi"'5- 28_ 'Pi'6P47_ ,." m 27 26 _ fiS6 m_14 27 _ Pi7_ 15 25 _ Pi7 26_Ji5"7 P07 - 16 - 10 P 0 6 _ 17 PO'S- 18 - P45 _ g'7 24_m PO'6_ 13 17 2J_m 21 - 32 31 - 30 ___ 29 - fiST PSi P53 PS4 28_~ Ps6 2S _ Pi7 24 - PiS 2J_~ 22_1Si4 G N D - 20 9 PO"4-19 TEST 22_i514 21 VIII-79 _ TEST PIN NAME DESCRIPTION TYPE PO-2- I/O Port 0 I/O Port 1 I/O Port 4 I/O Port 5 Ready Strobe External Interrupt External Reset Test Line Time Base Power Supply Lines Standby Power Substrate Decoupling Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional Output Input Input Input Input Input Input Input PO-7 Pf.{) - Pl-7 P4-0 - P4-7 P5-0 - P5-7 STROBE EXTINT RESET TEST XTL 1, XTL 2 VCC,GND VSB VBB valid data are present on the P4-0 - P4-7 pins during an output instruction. RESET - may be used to externally reset the MK3875. When pulled low, the Mk3875 will reset. When allowed to go high the MK3875 will begin program execution at program location H '000'. Additionally, when RESET is brought low all accesses of the executable RAM are prevented and the RAM is placed in a protected state for powering down Vee without loss of data. EXT INT is the external interrupt input. Its active state is software programmable. This input is also used in conjunction with the timer for pulse width measurement and event counting. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MK3875 Single Chip Microcomputer offers a Low Power Standby mode of operation as an addition to the 3870 Family. The Low Power Standby feature provides a means of retaining data in the executable RAM on the MK3875 while the main power supply line (Ved is at 0 volts and the rest of the MK3875 microcomputer is shut down. The executable RAM is powered from an auxiliary power supply input (V SB ) while operating in the Lower Power Standby mode. When VSB is maintained at or above its minimum level, data is retained in the executable RAM memory with a very low power dissipation. The MK3875 retains commonality with the rest of the industry standard 3870 family of single chip microcomputers. It has the same central processing unit, oscillator and clock circuits, and 64 byte scratchpad memory array. Also, the 3870's sophisticated programmable binary timer is included which provides three different operating modes. Two pins on the MK3875 are dedicated to the Low Power Standby mode and are designated as VSB and V BB . The RESET line serves to reset the MK3875 and place it in a protected state so that the contents of the Executable RAM will remain unchanged when Vee is being powered down to volts. All other pins on the MK3875 are identical in function to corresponding pins on the MK3870, so that pin compatibility is maintained. The MK3875 executes the entire 3870 instruction set. o The MK38P75 microcomputer is the PROM based version ofthe MK3875. It is called the piggyback PROM (P-PROM),M because of its packaging concept. This concept allows a standard 24-pin or 28-pin EPROM to be mounted directly on top of the microcomputer itself. The EPROM can be removed and reprogrammed as required with a standard PROM programmer. The MK38P75 retains the pinout and architectural features as other members ofthe 3870family. The MK38P75 is discussed in more detail in a later section. FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION XTL 1 andXTL2arethetimebaseinputstowhichacrystai (2 t04 MHz), LC network, RC network, or an external singlephase clock may be connected. The time base network must be specified when ordering an MK3875. TEST is an input used only in testing the MK3875. For normal circuitfunction this pin may be left unconnected but it is recommended that TEST be grounded. Vee is the power supply input +5 V. VSB is the RAM standby power supply input. V BB is the substrate decoupling pin. A .01 micro-Farad capacitor is required which is tied between V BB and GND. MK3875 ARCHITECTURE The basic functional elements of the mask ROM MK3875 single chip microcomputer are shown in the block diagram in Figure 1. A programming model is shown in Figure 2. Much of the Mk3875 architecture is identical with the rest of the devices in the 3870 fa m iIy. The sig nifica nt featu res of the MK3875 are discussed in the following sections. The user is referred to the 3870 FamilyTechnical Manual for a thorough discussion of the architecture, instruction set, and other features which are common to the 3870 family. MAIN MEMORY The main memory section on the MK3875 consists of a combination of ROM and executable RAM. There are four registers associated with the main memory section. These are the Program Counter (PO), the Stack Register (P), the Data Counter (DC) and the Auxiliary Data Counter (DC1). The Program Counter is used to address instructions during program execution. P is used to save the contents of PO during an interrupt or subroutine call. Thus, P contains the return address at which processing is to resume upon completion of the subroutine or the interrupt routine. PO-2 - PO-7, Pl-0 - Pl-7, P4-0 - P4-7, and P5-0- P5-7 are 30 lines which can be individually used as either TTL compatible inputs or as latched outputs. The Data Counter (DC) is used to address data tables. This register is auto-incrementing. Ofthe two data counters only DC can access the memory. However, the XDC instruction allows DC and DCl to be exchanged. STROBE is a ready strobe associated with I/O Port 4. This pin, which is normally high, provides a single low pulse after The length of the PO, P, DC, and DCl registers for all MK3875 devices is 12 bits. Figure 3 shows the amounts of VIII-80 MK3875 BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 1 XTl1 XTL2 ~ MEMORY ADDRESS BUS 4xB EXECUTABLE RAM MAIN CONTROL LOGIC ROM TEST I/O (6) $ I/O (8) I/O (8IsTROBE I/O (8) RESET ROM and Executable RAM for each device in the MK3875 family. available for use as general purpose 1/0 pins. Ports 1,4, and 5 are all a full 8 bits wide. EXECUTABLE RAM The schematic of an 1/0 pin and available output drive options are shown in Figure 4. The upper bytes of the total address space in all MK3875 devices are RAM memory. As with the ROM memory, the RAM may be addressed by the PO and DC address registers. The executable RAM may be accessed by all 3870 instructions which address main memory indirectly through the Data Counter (DC) register. Additionally, the MK3875 may execute an instruction sequence which resides in the executable RAM. Note that this sequence cannot be done with the scratch pad RAM memory, which is the reason the term "executable RAM" is given to this additional memory. The contents of the executable RAM memory are preserved when the Low Power Standby mode is in operation. 1/0 PORTS The MK3875 provides 30 bits of bidirectional parallel 1/0. These lines are addressed as Ports 0,1,4 and 5. In addition, the Interrupt Control Port is addressed as Port 6 and the binary timer is addressed as Port 7. The programming of Ports 6 and 7 and the bidirectional 110 pins are covered in the 3870 Family Technical Manual. Since two pins are dedicated to serve the Standby Power mode (V S8 ), port 0 has only the upper 6 bits, PO-2 - PO-7, An output ready strobe is associated with Port 4. This flag may be used to signal a peripheral device that the MK3875 has just completed an output of new data to Port 4. The strobe provides a single low pulse shortly after the output operation is completely finished, so either edge may be used to signal the peripheral. STROBE may be used as an input strobe simply by doing a dummy output of H '00' to Port 4 after completing the input operation. STANDBY POWER MODE On the MK3875, the contents of the on-chip executable RAM can be saved when the Standby Power mode is operative. The Standby Power mode allows the MK3875's mai n power supply to drop all way down to 0 volts while the on-chip executable RAM is powered from the auxiliary low power supply input, V SB ' Thus, key variables may be maintained within the MK3875 executable RAM during the time that the rest of the microcomputer is powered down. On the MK3875, two of the pins which are used as bidirectional port pins on the MK3870 are used for the Standby Power feature. Port 0, Bit 0 (PO-O), remains readable and writeable although it is not connected to a package pin. The logic level being applied to the auxiliary VIII-81 II 3875 PROGRAMMABLE REGISTERS. PORTS AND MEMORY MAP Figure 2 CPU REGISTERS I 0 PORTS SCRATCH PAD MFMORY BI~ARY TIMER ACCUMULATOR PORT 7 A 7.--8 8ITS-. 0 7-4-8 BITs--. 0 SCRATCHPAD OEC OC1 HEX R o INTERRUPT CONTROL PORT STATUS REGISTEA PORT 6 J (W) I~I+I+I ,az 74'-8 BITS-' 0 E A V T E R R R R OR y C , Hl 11 KU 12 13 au ,. G N Ol 15 Kl INDIRECT § SCRATCHPAO 7 ..... 8 BITs-. 0 N l T 0 W PARAllEL I D.PORTS 4" PORT 5 10 S , C N 5 BITS 11 HU .. 0 A 12 C 13 14 0 15 16 17 61 3D 75 62 3E 63 3' 76 77 ADDRESS REGISTER '~ PORT 4 !'SU 7....--8 BITS~ PORT 0 32 1J 0 .....-6 BITS--+- PORT 1 0 I MAIN MEMORY PROGRAM COUNTER 7~6BITS""2 11 87 . . - - '2 BITS - - . . . STACK REGISTER 87 11 ......- 17 BITS.-. OATA COUNTER locu DC ! 87 '1 . . . - - 1") BITS---.. AUX DATA COUNTER I .DCI U l' DC1 I DC I L 87 .......--1]8ITS~ I ~ ~ ·~{i ROM DEC 0 1 HEX 0 1 2046 7FE 7FF 2047 ROM TOP 4030 4031 FSE FBF 4032 4033 FCO FC1 4094 40$5 FFE FFF MK3875122 MK3875/42 ' 7 VII1-82 -8BITS_O _MK3875/22 _MK3875/42 ROM TOP MK3875 MAIN MEMORY SIZES AND TYPES BY SLASH NUMBER Figure 3 RAM HEX ~R-A-M--'/ FFF l=====<'- 2K ROM 4K ROM 3875/22 3875/42 DEC FCO FBF 4095 4032 4031 800 7FF 2048 2047 > 64 BYTES EXECUTABLE RAM 00000000 \'-_ - _ _ _ _~Vr - - - - - ' I All devices contain 64 bytes of scratchpad RAM Data derived from addressing any locations other than within the specified ROM or RAM space is not tested nor is it guaranteed. Users should refrain from entering this area of the memory map. Device Scratchpad RAM Size (Decimal) MK3875122 MK3875/42 64 bytes 64 bytes Address Register Size (PO.P.DC.DC1 ) ROM Size (Decimal) Executable RAM Size 12 bits 12 bits 2048 bytes 4032 bytes 64 bytes 64 bytes power supply input (VSB)can be read at PortO. Bit 1 (PO-1). Writing to PO-1 has no effect. A capacitor (.01 microfarads) must be connected between pin 3 (VBB) and ground. VBB is bonded directly to the substrate of the MK3875. The purpose of the capacitor is to decouple noise on the substrate of the circuit when V CC is switched on and off. It is recommended that Nickel Cadmium batteries (typical voltage of 3 series cells =3.6V) be used for standby power. since the MK3875 can automatically trickle charge the three NiCads. If more than three cells. in series are used. the charging circuit must be provided outside the MK3875. Whenever RESET is brought low. the executable RAM is placed in a protected state. Also the RAM is switched from VCC power to the VSB power. When powering down. it may be desirable to interrupt the MK3875 when an impending power down condition is detected, so that the necessary data can be saved before VCC falls below the minimum level. After the save is completed, RESET can fall, which prevents any further access of the RAM. The timing for this power down sequence is illustrated in Figure 5A. A second power down sequence is illustrated in Figure 5B. and may be used if a special save data routine is not needed. The EXT INT line need not be used. Note that for both cases shown in Figures 5A and 5B, RESET must be low before Vee drops below the minimum specified operating voltage for the MK3875. This is to ensure that the contents of the executable RAM are not altered during the power down sequence. There may be a set of variables stored in the RAM memory which is continually updated during the tme when the MK3B75 is in its normal operating mode. If a particular variable occupies more than one byte of RAM, there can be a problem if a reset occurs in response to an impending power down condition during the time that the multi-byte variable was being modified. If such a reset occurs, then only part of the variable may contain the updated value, while the rest contains the old value. An example of this case would be when a double precision (2 byte) binary number is being saved in the executable RAM. Suppose that a new value of the number has been calculated in the program, and that this new value is to replace the old value contained in the executable RAM; note that a reset could occur just after the program wrote one byte of the new value VIII-83 II 1/0 PIN CONCEPTUAL DIAGRAM WITH OUTPUT BUFFER OPTIONS Figure 4 OUTPUT BUFFER PORT 1/0 PIN z o ~ a:: :I ~ ~ oIL " Z o u a:: o o w a:: Q C w a:: ~ a:: oIL Q C g a:: ~ en :I CD i!c Q OUTPUT BUFFER OPTIONS (MASK PROGRAMMABLE) VCC 6KOTYP. STANDARD OUTPUT OPEl\! DRAIN OUTPUT DIRECT DRIVE OUTPUT Ports 0 and 1 are Standard Output type only. Ports 4 and 5 m.ay both ba any of the..th_ output options (mask progremmable bit by bit) The STRoBE output is always configurad similar to a Direct Driva Output . .capt that it is capable of driving 3 TTL loads.. RESET and EXT INT may have Standard 6KU (typical) pull-up or may have no pull-up (mask programmable). These two inputs have Schmitt trigger inputs with a minimum of 0.2 volts of hysteresis. RESET and EXT INT do not have internal pull up on the MK38P75. into the RAM. When power is restored following the Standby Power mode, the double precision variable would contain an erroneous value. "set" is a good byte of data. While this method significantly encumbers the data storage process, it eliminates the need for a power fail interrupt which both reduces external circuitry and leaves the external interrupt pin completely free for other use. This problem can be avoided ifthe external interrupt is used to signal the MK3875 of an impending power down condition. The user's system should be designed so that the MK3875 can properly save all variables between the time that the external interrupt occurs and RESET falls. If multibyte variables must be saved during the Standby Power mode and it is not desirable to· use the external interrupt in the manner described above, then each byte of a multi-byte variable may be kept with an associated flag. The method of updating a two byte variable would be as follows: Often it is necessary to distinguish between an initial power-on condition wherein there is no valid data stored in the RAM (or where V SB has dropped below the minimum required stand-by level) and a re-application of power wherein valid RAM data has been maintained during the power outage. One method of distinguishing between these two conditions is to reserve several memory locations for key words and checksums. When Vee is applied and processor operation begins. these locations can be checked for proper contents. However, this method may not be perfectly accurate as those locations holding key codes may be maintained even though V SB drops below its minimum required level while other RAM locations may lose data. or they could power up with the exact data required to match the key codes. Also a checksum may be matched on occasion even though RAM data has been corrupted. The accuracy of this method is improved by increasing the number of memory locations used and the variety of key codes and or checksums used. - Clear Flag Word 1 - Update Byte 1 - Set Flag Word 1 - Clear Flag Word 2 - Update Byte 2 - Set Flag Word 2 Now if RESET goes low during the update of a byte of a variable. the flag word associated with that byte of data will be reset. Any byte of the variable where the flag word is SAVE ROUTINE REQUIRED. VSB > 3.2 VOLTS Figure 5a :-:! --.J Vce .!.- I . -------'--1---+'. . ."'-. . VCC SUSTAINED~PACITOR OR BATTERY UNTIL RESET BROUGHT LOW \lAIN POWER SUPPLY l'AILURE DETECTED - . I } I ....1.r----- ~ ;, ~I--.L-/- :_ \ - -H-J' : EXTINT , 1 , ~'-------!nl-----tl'~;1I DATA SAVE --i 1 MUST ~~E r- 1 ACCESS TO RAM INHIBITED HERE , • f.- EXECUTION BEGINS AGAIN .1 1 NO SAVE ROUTINE REQUIRED, VSB > 3.2 VOLTS Figure5b Vee ----------_~ MAiN POWER FAILURE DETECTED 1 /. ----ifj\,-----.... . \~-----Iff~-------JI VIII-85 A more reliable method is the external VSB flip.flop. The flip-flop is designed to power up in a known first state and hold thatfirst state until forced into a second state. As long as V SB is above the minimum operating level, the flip-flop can hold the second state, but, if VSB drops below the minimum level, the flip-flop will flip back to the first state. Thus when power is initially applied or if VSB drops below the minimum level during a Vee outage, the flip-flop will be in the first state. The flip-flop output can be read through a port pin by the processor when processor operation begins to determine whether the RAM data is valid (second state) or invalid (first state). If the flip-flop is found to be in the first state it can be forced to the second state by the processor. If it holds the second state, V SB is above the minimum level (batteries are charged). MK38P75 MAIN MEMORY MK38P75 contains executable RAM in the main memory map. The MK38P75 contains no on-chip ROM. Instead, the memory address lines are brought out to the 28-pin socket located directly on top ofthe 4O-pin package, so the external ERPOM memory is addressed as main memory. CONCEPTUAL DIAGRAM Figure 6 FROM 38715 RElET The MK38P75 is offered with two types of output buffer options on Ports 4 and 5. These are the open drain output buffer and the standard output buffer which are pictured in Figure 4. The open drain version of the MK38P75 is provided so that user-selected open drain port pins on the MK3875 can be emulated prior to ordering those mask ROM devices. Figure 9 lists which version(s) of the MK38P75 has open drain output buffers and which has standard output buffers in parentheses following the specified MK38P75 part ordering number (MK9XXXX). As can be seen from the block diagram in Figure 7, the A conceptual diagram is shown in Figure 6. FROM 3876 PORT 4 OR 15 PIN MK38P75 1/0 PORTS TO 38715 PORT PIN There is one memory version of the MK38P75 and it is designated as the MK38P75/02. The MK38P75/02. contains 64 bytes of on-chip executable RAM. The MK38P75/02 can emulate the following devices. MK3875/22 MK3875/42 The MK38P75/02 cannot exactly emulate the MK3875/40 because of the 64 bytes of executable RAM in the upper ROM space of the MK3875/40. MK38P75 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MK38P75is the EPROM version of the MK3875. It retains an identical pinout with the MK3875, which is documented in the section of this data sheet entitled "FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION". The MK38P75 is housed in the "R" package which incorporates a 28-pin socket located directly on top of the package. A number of standard EPROMs may be plugged into this socket. The MK38P75 can act as an emulator for the purpose of verification of user code prior to the ordering of mask ROM MK3875 devices. Thus, the MK38P75 eliminates the need for emulator board products. In addition, several MK38P75s can be used in prototype systems in order to test design concepts in field service before commiting to high-volume production with mask ROM MK3875s. The compact size of the MK38P75/EPROM combination allows the packaging of such prototype systems to be the same as that used in production. Finally, in low-volume applications, the MK38P75 can be used as the actual production device. Most of the material which has been presented for the MK3875 in this document applies to the MK38P75. This includes the description of the pin configuration, architecture, and programming mode. Additional information is presented in the following sections. Addressing of main memory on the MK38P75 is accomplished in the same way as it is for the MK3875. See Figure 8 for main memory addresses and for address register size in the MK38P75. MK38P75 EPROM SOCKET A 28-pin ERPOM socket is located on top of the MK38P75 "R" package. The socket and compatible ERPOM memories are shown in Figure 9. When 24-pin memories are used in the 28-pin socket, they should be inserted so that pin 1 of the memory device is plugged into pin 3 of the socket (the 24-pin memory should be lower justified in the 28-pin socket). The 28-pin socket has been provided to allow use of both 24-pin and 28-pin memory devices. Minor pin-out differences in the memory devices must be accommodated by providing different versions of the MK38P75. Initially, the MK38P75 that is compatible with the MK2716 is available. The MK38P75 designed to accommodate the 28-pin memory devices will be available at a later date. VIII-86 MK38P75 BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 7 XTl1 XTl2 EJ MEMORY ADDRESS BUS 64 x B EXECUTABLE RAM MAIN CONTROL LOGIC ROM $ 1/0(6) TEST 1/0 (8) 1/0 (8)STROBE 1/0 (8) MK38P75 MAIN MEMORY MAP Figure 8 RAM HEX DEC 64 BYTES FCO 4095 4032 4031 INTERNAL EXECUTABLE RAM FBF 800 , - - -7FF II 2048 2047 I I I I I EXTERNAL I EPROM I ~----~I ~~~ ____________~~=- MK38P75/02 Device MK38P73/02 97310 Scratchpad RAM Size (Decimal) Address Register Size PO. P. DC. DC1) ROM Size (Decimal) Executable RAM Size 64 bytes 12 bits o bytes 64 bytes VIII-87 MEMORY ACCESS TIMING: MK38P75 "R" PACKAGE SOCKET PINOUT' Figure 9 MK97413 (Open Drain Outputs) Compatible Memories 2758 MK2716 2516 2532 MK97403 (Standard Outputs) Competible Memories 2758 MK2716 2516 2532 A timing diagram depicting the memory access timing of the MK38P75 is shown in the next table. The clock signal is derived internally in the MK38P75 by dividing the time base frequency by two and is used to establish all timing frequencies. The WRITE signal is another internal signal to the MK38P75 which corresponds to a machine cycle, during which time a memory access may be performed. Each machine cycle is either 4 clock periods or 6 clock periods long. These machine cycles are termed short cycles and long cycles. respectively. The worst case memory cycle is the short cycle, during which time an op code fetch is performed: This is the cycle which is pictured in the timing diagram. After a delay from the falling edge of the WRITE clock. the address lines beCOme stable. Data must be valid at the data out lines of the PROM for a setup time prior to the next falling edge of the WRITE pulse. The total access time available for the MK38P75 version is shown as taas or the time when address is stable until data must be valid on the data bus lines. The eq~ation for calculating available memory access time along with some calculated access ti mes based on the Iisted time base frequencies is shown in the following table. MEMORY ACCESS .SHORT CYCLE OP CODE FETCH MK38P75 Figure 10 WRITE : ~ \ A,,-Ao I I PREVIOUS ADDRESS I ~ : Signal is internal to the MK38P75 6 t ... =time base fraq. -850 ns (FROM ADDRES$'STA8LE) 4 MHz 3.5 MHz. 3 MHz ,2.5 MHz 2 MHz 650~s 825 ns 1.15 ps 1.55 ps \ NEW ADDRESS I I I I I I I I I ACCESS TIME ~ '\" 2.15 ps VIII-88 ta. I I I ~I I i I I i DATA VAUDI I I I 3875 TIME BASE OPTIONS CRYSTAL SELECTION The 3875 contains an on-chip oscillator circuit which provides an internal clock. The frequency of the oscillator circuit is set from the external time base network. The time base for the 3875 may originate from one of four sources: The use of a crystal as the time base is highly recommended as the frequency stability and reproducability from system to system is unsurpassed. The 3875 has an internal divide by two to allow the use of inexpensive and widely available TV Color Burst Crystals (3.58 MHz). Figure 12 lists the required crystal parameters for use with the 3875. The Crystal Mode time base configuration is shown in Figure 11. 1) 2) 3) 4) Crystal LC Network RC Network External Clock The type of network which is to be used with the mask ROM MK3875 must be specified at the time when mask ROM devices are ordered. However, the MK38P75 may operate with any of the four configurations so that it may emulate any configuration used with a mask ROM device. The specifications for the four configurations are given in the following text. There is an internal 26 pF capacitor between XTL 1 and GND and an internal 26 pF capacitor between XTL 2 and GND. Thus, external capacitors are not necessarily required. In all external clock modes the external time base frequently is divided by two to form the internal PHI clock. Through careful buffering ofthe XTL1 pin it may be possible to amplify this waveform and distribute it to other devices. However, Mostek recommends that a separate active device (such as a 7400 series TIL gate) be used to oscillate the crystal and that the waveform from that oscillator be buffered and supplied to all devices, including the 3875, in the eventthata single crystal is to provide the time base for more than just a single 3875. While a ceramic resonator may work with the 3875 crystal oscillator, it was not designed specifically to support the use ofthis component. Thus, Mostek does not support the use of a ceramic resonator either through proper testing, parametric specification, or applications support. CRYSTAL MODE CONNECTION Figure 11 XTL2 XTL1 D AT-CUT VIII-89 CRVSTALPARAMETERS Figure 12 a) b) c) d) Parallel resonance, fundamental mode AT-Cut Shunt capacitance (Co) = 7 pf max. Series resistance (Rs) = See table Holder = See table below. Frequency Series Resistance Holder f = 2-2.7 MHz Rs = 300 ohms max HC-6 HC-33 = 2.8-4 MHz Rs = 150 ohms max HC-6 HC-18* HC-25* HC-33 f *This holder may not be available at frequencies near the lower end of this range. a LC NETWORK The LC time base configuration can be used to provide a less expensive time base for the 3875 than can be provided with a crystal. However, the LC configuration is much less accurate than is the crystal configuration. The LC time base configuration is shown in Figure 13. Also shown in the figure are the specified parameters for the LC components, along with the formula for calculating the resulting time base frequency. The minimum value of the inductor which is ~equired for proper operation of the LC time base network is 0.1 millihenries. The inductor must have a factor which is no less than 40. The value of C is derived from C external, the internal capacitance of the 3875, CXTL' and the stray capacitances, CS1 and CS2 ' CXTL is the at XTL1 and capacitance looking into the, internal two port network XTL2. CXTL is listed under the "Capacitance" section of the Electrical Specifications. CS1 and CS2 are stray capacitances from XTL 1 to· ground and from XTL2 to ground, respectively. C external should also include the stray shunt capacitance across the inductor. This is typically in the 3 to 5 pf range and significant error can result if it is not included in the frequency calculation. LC MODE CONNECTION Figure 13 XTL1 --- XTL2 f---- L I 'I III I I I L _________ ~ ~---------CEXTERNAL (OPTIONAL) f= VIII-90 2 7r v-rE" Variation in time base frequency with the LC network can arise from one of four sources: 1) Variation in the value of the inductor. 2) Variation in the value of the external capacitor. 3) Variation in the value of the internal capacitance of the 3875 at XTL 1 and XTL2, and 4) Variation in the amount of stray capacitance which exists in the circuit. Therefore, the actual frequency which is generated by the LC circuit is within a range of possible frequencies, where the range of frequencies is determined by the worst case variation in circuit parameters. The designer must select component values such that the range of possible frequencies with the LC mode does not go outside of the specified operating frequency range for the 3875. network tied to the XTL2 pin, when XTL 1 is grounded. A schematic picturing the RC clock configuration is shown in Figure 14. The RC time base configuration is intended to provide an inexpensive time base source for applications in which timing is not critical. Some users have elected totune each unit using a variable resistor or external capacitor thus reducing the variation in frequency. However, for increased time base accuracy Mostek recommends the use of the Crystal or LCtime base configuration. Figure 15 illustrates a curve which gives the resulting operating frequency for a particular RC value. The x-axis represents the product ofthe value of the resistor times the value of the capacitor. Note that three curves are actually shown. The curve in the middle represents the nominal frequency obtained for a given value of RC. A maximum curve and a minimum curve for different types of 3875 devices are also shown in the diagram. RC CLOCK CONFIGURATION The time base for the 3875 may be provided from an RC RC MODE CONNECTION RC MODE Figure 14 XTL2 XTL1 Vee Q ?> ? R I --L. ...,... I MINIMUM R = 4K n -L - C = 26.5 pF ± 2.6pF + Cexternal FREQUENCY VS. RC Figure 15 4MHz1r------t_------~~~~--------+_----------t_----__i 3MHz 2MHz4-------+-----------+-----------+-----~~r.?~~----~ RC PRODUCT 1 x 10.7 2 x 10-7 V\II-91 2.5 x 10-7 CEXTERNAL (OPTIONAL) The designer must select the RC product such that a frequency of less than 2 MHz is not possible taking into account the maximum possible RC product and using the minimum curve shown in Figure 15. Also, the RC product must not allow a frequency of more than 4 MHz taking into account the minimum possible Rand C and using the Maximum curve shown. Temperature induced variations in the external components should be considered in calculating the RC product. Positive Freq. Variation = RC typical - RC minimum RC typical Negative Freq. Variation due to RC Components = RC maximum - RC typical RC typical Total frequency variation due to all factors: 387X-OO, --05 = +18 percent plus positive Frequencyvariation from unitto unitdueto switching speed and level at constant temperature and Vee = + or - 5 percent. frequency variation due to RC components 387X-10, -15 = +21 percent plus positive frequency variation due to RC components =-18 percent minus negative =-21 percent minus frequency variation due to RC components Frequency variation due to Vee with all other parameters constant with respect to +5V =+7 percent to -4 percent on all devices. Frequency variation due to temperature with respect to 25 C (all other parameters constant) is as follows: PART # Total frequency variation due to Vee and temperature of a unit tuned to frequency at +5V Vee' 25 C VARIATION 387X-OO, --05 = + 13 percent 387X-OO, --05 387X-10, -15 +6 percent to - 9 percent +9 percent to -12 percent =(R max) (C external max + CXTL max) Minimum RC = (R min) (C external min + CXTL min) 387X-10, -15 = + 16 percent EXTERNAL CLOCK CONFIGURATION Variations in frequency due to variations in RC components may be calculated as follows: Maximum RC negative frequency variation due to RC components The connection for the external clock time base configuration is shown in Figure 16. Refer to the DC Characteristics section for proper input levels and current requirements. Refer to the Capacitance section of the appropriate 3875 Family device data sheet for input capacitance. Typical RC = (R typ) (C external typ + {CXTL max + CXTL min)) 2 EXTERNAL MODE CONNECTION Figure 16 XTL1 XTL2 I NO CONNECTION EXTERNAL CLOCK INPUT VIII-92 MK3875, MK38P75 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS OPERATING VOLTAGES AND TEMPERATURES Dash Operating Operating Temperature Number Voltage Suffix TA VCC +5V ± 10% O°C -70°C -00 +5V±5% O°C -70°C - 05 +5V ± 10% -40°C - +85°C -10 - 15 +5V ± 5% -40°C - +85°C See order information for explanation of part numbers. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* -00, -05 -10, -15 Temperature Under Bias ................................. . Storage Temperature .................................... . Voltage on any Pin With Respect to Ground (Except open drain pins and TEST) ....................... . Voltage on TEST with Respect to Ground ................... . Voltage on Open Drain Pins with Respect to Ground ......... . Power Dissipation ....................................... . Power Dissipation by anyone 1/0 pin ...................... . Power Dissipation by all 1/0 pins .......................... . -20°C +85°C -65°C +150°C -50°C to 100°C -65°C to +150°C -1.0Vto +7V -1.0V to +9V -1.0V to +13.5V 1.5W 60mW 600mW -1.0Vto +7V -1.0V to +9V -1 .OV to 13.5V 1.5W 60mW 600mW *Stresses above those listed under"Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation aftha device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied, Exposure to absolute maximum rating and conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. AC CHARACTERISTICS TA, VCC within specified operating range 1/0 Power Dissipation < 1OOmW (Note 4) SIGNAL SYM PARAMETER -00,-05 MIN MAX -10,-15 MIN MAX XTL1 XTL2 to Time Base Period, all clock modes 250 500 250 500 ns tex(H) tex(L) External clock pulse width high External clock pulse width low 90 100 400 400 100 110 390 390 ns ns t Internal clock WRITE tw Internal WRITE Clock period 1/0 tdllO Output delay from internal WRITE clock 0 tsllO Input setup time to internal WRITE clock 1000 STROBE tl/O-s Output valid to STROBE delay 2to 2to 4t 6 t 4t 6t 3t -1 ()()(} RESET tsL STROBE low time 8t -250 tRH RESET hold time, low 6t +750 tRPOC RESET hold time, low for power clear EXTINT tEH EXT INT hold time in active and inactive state powe, supply rise time +5.0 6t +750 2t VIII-93 1000 0 1200 1200 3t +250 12t +250 3t -1200 8t -300 6t +1000 UNIT NOTES 4MHz-2MHz Short Cycle Long Cycle ns 50pF plus one TTL load ns 3t +300 125<1> +300 ns ns 1/0 load = 50fF + 1 TTL load STROBE load = 50pF + 3TTL loads ns powe, supply rise time +5.5 ms 6t +1000 2t ns ns To trigger interrupt To trigger timer II AC CHARACTERISTICS FOR MK38P75 (Signals brought out at socket) TA- Vee within specified operating range. 1/0 Power Dissipation :5 100 mW. (Note 2) -00. -05 SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN taas* Access time from Address A,,-Ao stable until data must be valid at DTDO 650 MAX -10. -15 MIN MAX 650 UNIT CONDITION ns <1>= 2.0 MHz *See Table in Figure 10 CAPACITANCE TA = 25°C All Part Numbers SYM PARAMETER CIN Input capacitance; 1/0 RESET, EXT INT, TEST CXTL Input capacitance; XTL 1, XTL2 MAX MIN UNIT NOTES 10 pF 23.5 29.5 pF -00.-05 -10,-15 unmeasured pins grounded DC CHARACTERISTICS TA, V CC within specified operating range 1/0 Power Dissipation :5 l00mW (Note 4) SYM PARAME:rER ICC Average Power Supply Current PD Average Power Dissipation VIHEX External Clock input high level 2.4 5.8 VILEX External Clock input low level -.3 .6 IIHEX External Clock input high current IILEX External Clock input low current VIHI/O Input high level, 1/0 pins VIHR VIHEI VIL VILRPT MIN Input high level, RESET Input high level, EXT INT. 1/0 ports, RESET, EXT INT input low level RESET input low level to protect, RAM during loss at VCC MAX MIN MAX UNIT NOTES 94 125 mA Outputs Open (5) 440 575 mW Outputs Open (6) 2.4 5.8 V -.3 .6 V 100 130 pA VIHEX=VCC -100 -130 pA VILEX=VSS 2.0 5.8 2.0 5.8 V Standard Pull-Up (1,2) 2.0 13.2 2.0 13.2 V Open Drain (1,3) 2.0 5.8 2.2 5.8 V Standard Pull-Up(l, 2) 2.0 13.2 2.2 13.2 V No Pull-Up (1,3) 2.0 5.8 2.2 3.8 V Standard Pull-Up(l, 2) 2.0 13.2 2.2 13.2 V No Pull-Up (1,3) -.3 .8 -.3 .7 V -.3 .4 -.3 .4 V -1.9 mA -.----- IlL -1.6 Input low current, standard pull-up pins VIN=0.4V (2) VIII-94 DC CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) TA• Vee within specified operating range I/O Power Dissipation:5 100 rnW (Note 4) -00. -05 MIN MAX SYM PARAMETER IL Input leakage current. open drain pins Reset and EXT INT inputs With no pull-up resistor 10H Output high current. standard -100 Pull-Up pins 10HDD -10. -15 MIN MAX +10 -5 +18 -S UNIT NOTES p.A p.A VIW13.2V VIN=O.OV (3) -89 p.A VOW2.4V -30 -~5 p.A VOW3.9V Output high current -100 -130 p.A VOW2.4V Direct Drive pins -1.5 rnA rnA VOW1.5V VOWO.7V -1.3 -8.5 .11 .' 10L Output low current. I/O ports 1.8 1.65 rnA VOL=0.4V 10HS STROBE Output High current -300 -270 p.A VOL=2.4V 10LS STROBE output low current 5.0 4.5 rnA VOL=0.4V > DC CHARACTERISTICS FOR STANDBY POWER PINS Vcc, TA within operating range I/O Power Dissipation:5 100 rnW (Note 4) -00, -05 SYMBOL PARAMETER VSB Standby VCC for RAM ISB Standby Current ICHARGE Trickle charge available on VSBwith VCC in operating range. -10.-1f> MIN MAX MIN MAX 3.2 VCC MAX 3.2 VCC MAX UNIT NOTES V 6 7.5 rnA VSB ;:VSB MAX 3.7 5.0 rnA VSB =VSB MIN -lS rnA rnA VSB;: 3.SV VSB = 3.2V -.7 -.8 -1 b II DC CHARACTERISTICS FOR MK38P75 (Signals brought out at socket) TA' Vec within specified operating range, I/O power dissipation :5 100 rnW (Note 2) -00. -05 SYM PARAMETER ICCE Power Supply Current for EPROM VIL Input Low Level Data bus in ~.3 O.S VIH Input High Level Data bus in 2.0 5.8 IOH Output High Current IOL Output Low Current IlL Input Leakage Current MIN MAX -10, MIN ~15 MAX UNIT CONDITION ~lS5 rnA ~.3 O.S V 2.0 5.S V ~lS5 ~100 ~90 p.A VoH =2.4 V ~30 ~25 p.A VoH :=3.9 V 1.8 1.65 rnA VoL=0.4V 10 VIII-95 10 p.A Data Bus in Float - 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, i!ilm and ET INT have internal Schmit triggers giving minimum .2V hysteresis. RESer and EXT INT prgrammed with standard pull· up ~ or EXT INT programmed without standard pull· up Power dissipation for 1/0 pins is calculated by I (Vee' VIL)lIIILIl ' I (Vee' VOH)lIIOHIl' I (VOL) IIOL) ICC exclusive of Icharge' . Po exclusive of battery charging power, Battery char,gin9power dissipated inside the MK3875 (Vee' VSB) IIcharge)' TIMER AC CHARACTERISTICS Definitions: Error tpsc =Indicated time value - actual time value =tIP x Pr.escale Value Interval Timer Mode Single interval error; free running (Note 3) ••••..•••.••••••••••••••.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ±StlP Cumulative interval error, free running (Note 3) ••••••.•.•........•.••.•••..•.•....•.•..•.......•..•••.••• 0 Error between two Timer reads (Note 2) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••.•.•••••• ±(tpsc + tIP) Start timer to stop Timer error (Notes 1, 4) .•.••..........•••••••..••.........•••.••.•.•... +tlP to - (tpsc + tIP) Start Timer to read Timer error (Notes 1, 2) ••••.•••.•••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••• -StlP to -(tpsc + 7tlP) Start Timer to interrupt request error (Notes 1. 3) . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . .. -2tlP to -StlP Load Timer to stop Timer error (NoteJJ •. :.............................................. +tlP to -(tpsc + 2t to -(tpsc + St to -9t PulaeWidth Measurement Mode Measurement accuracy (Note 4) •••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••• +t to -(tpsc +2t Minimum pulse Vll,idth of EXT INT pin ••.•••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••.••.••• 2t Event Counter Mode Minimum active time of EXT 1NT pin •.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2t Minimum inactive time of EXT INT pin ................................................................ 2t NqIu:, I. Alltl""" which eo:uailloading. SU!r1ing. or stopping the Timer are referenced from the end of the last machine cycle of the OUT 0,· OUTS instruction, 2. Alf tl""" which entail reeding the Timer ere referenced from the end of the last mechine cycle of the IN or INS instruction. 3. Alltl""" which entail the generation of In in1ern~p1 request are referenced from !he start of the machine cycle in which !he a~at. interrUpt request latch is sat, Additional time alapea ilthe interrUpt request occurs during I privileged or multlcycle instruction. mev 4. Error may be cumulative if operation is ~idvelV performed. VIII-96 AC TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 17 External Clock Internal cP Clock Input capacitance; I/O, RESET, EXT INT, I/O Port Output STROBE RESET EXTINT =('----- ICPBIT~~> ICPBIT2:J= L Note: All AC measurements are referenced to V 1L max., V 1H min., VOL (.Bv), or V OH (2.0v). VIII-97 INPUTIOUTPUT AC TIMING Figure 18 INTERNAL WRITE CLOCK * CYCLE TIMI NG SHOWN FOR 4MHz EXTER NAL CLOCK CYCLE TIMING DEPENDS ON INSTRUCTION n IJ'NOR'I 3!1S* 2/lS* INS OPCODE FETCHED I PORT ADDR. PLACED ON DATA BUS 3/1S* I PORT DATA DRIVEN ON TO DATA BUS I '--'IL- NEXT OP CODE FETCHED X /< PORT PINS 2!1S* ro-tSI/OA. INPUT ON PORT 4 OR 5 INTERNAL WRITE CLOCK CYCLE TIMING ~-----~~~--------~~r------------++--------+----~DEPENDSONINSTRUCTION 3!1S* 3J.1S* OUTOR OUTS OP CODE FETCHED PORT ADDR. ON DATA BUS ACCUMULATOR CONTENTS ON DATA BUS NEXT OP CODE FETCHED PORT PINS STAYS LOW STROBF (ACTIVE FOR PORT 4 ONLY) FOR TWO WRITE CYCLES tI/O-S B. OUTPUT ON PORT 4 OR 5 INTERNAL WRITE CLOCK INS 0,1 FETCHED BUS FETCHED PORT PINS OUTS 0,1 FETCHED ACC DATA ON BUS PORT PINS C. INPUT ON PORT 0 OR 1 D. OUTPUT ON PORT 0, 1 VIII-98 STROBE SOURCE CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT VCC = 5V. TA = 25°C) -15 Figure 19 s o U A C E -10 c U A A E N ,..... t.... -5 T M r--. r--. A ,.. r'" OUTPUT VOL TAGE STROBE SINK CAPABILITY (TYPICALATVCC = 5V. TA = 25°C) Figure 20 S +100 I N - K C ~- u A R +50 ..... E N T I'" / M ,I A 1/ OUTPUT VOLTAGE STANDARD I/O PORT SOURCE CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT VCC = 5V. TA = 25°C) Figure 21 -1.5 s o U A C I" E -1.0 l"'- C U A A I" ....... E N T M A I" -.5 r'" OUTPUT VOL T AGE DIRECT DRIVE I/O PORT SOURCE CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT VCC = 5V. TA = 25°C) Figure 22 s o U A -10 C E c U A A E -1'-0 -5 r-... bo N T M i'" ,..... J". A OUTPUT VOLTAGE VIII-99 1'- I/O PORT SINK CAPABILITY (TYPICALATVCC = 5V. TA = 25°C) Figure 23 +60 5 I N K C U R R E +50 +40 - +30 N T M ... ~ +20 ,.,.. A +10 ...... i-'" " OUTPUT VOLTAGE MAXIMUM OPERATING TEMPERATURE VS. I/O POWER DISSIPATION Figure 24 100 ... 50 , 00 200 ~~rIe 300 400 r-- i' 500 CEFlAM'7C r- 600 PDI/OMW r- 1000 ORDERING INFORMATION supply tolerance. For each customer specific code, additional information defining I/O options and oscillator options will be combined with the information described in the generic part number to define a customer/code specific device order number. There are two types of part numbers for the 3870 family of devices. The generic part number describes the basic device type, the amount of ROM and executable RAM, the desired package type, temperature range and power GENERIC PART NUMBER An example of the generic part number is shown below. MK3875/ 2 2 P - I 0 - ~ l~powe, SoWly Tol","" 0=5V±10% 5 = 5V ±5% .Operating Temperature Range '--___ Package type 0= O°C - +70°C 1 = -40°C - +85°C P = Ceramic N = Plastic '--_--1-. Executable RAM Designator 2 = 64 Bytes ROM Designator 2 = 2K Bytes 4 = 4K Bytes Basic Device Type DEVICE ORDER NUMBER An example of the device order number is shown below. MK 18000 N - 0 5 II : Powe' SoWlyTol,,,",, 0= +5V ± 10% 5 = +5V±5% Operating Temperature Range 0= O°C - +70°C 1 = AO°C - +85°C L---~~Package Types P = Ceramic N = Plastic '-------Customer/Code Specific Number The customer/code specific number defines the ROM bit pattern, I/O configuration, oscillator type, and generic part type to be used to satisfy the requirement of a particular customer purchase order. For further information on the ordering of mask ROM devices, the customer should refer to the 3870 Family Technical Manual. VIII-101 1982/1983 MICROELECTRONIC DATA BOOK ----- ~- ... -.. ----~- ... -~-- .. ---- ... MOSTEl(. MICROCOMPUTER COMPONENTS CMOS MICROCOMPUTER CLOCK/RAM MK3805N/MK3806N FEATURES o o Real-time clock counts seconds, minutes, hours, date of the month, day of the week, month, and year. Every 4th year, February has 29 days. 24 x 8 RAM for scratchpad data storage o Simple Microcomputer interface o High speed shift clock independent of crystal oscillator frequency X1/CI 2 x23 GND 4 TTL Compatible (Vee o Low-power CMOS o lee S 2mA (Vee '= '= 7 SClK 6 I/O 5 CE MK3805N X1/Cl4 X2 5 GNO 6 7 8 16 15 14 vee 13 SClK 12 1/0 11 CE 10 9 PIN DESCRIPTION Table 1 PIN PIN NAME DESCRIPTION 3805N 3806N Single byte or multiple byte (Burst Mode) data transfer capability for read or write of clock or RAM data. o 1 2 CKO 3 '"·'8'·" Serial I/O for minimum pin count (8 pins) o o PIN OUT Figure 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 5V) 7 5 V) 8 3 4 5 6 11 12 13 14 CKO X1/C1 X2 GND CE I/O SCLK Vee Buffered Sytem Clock Output Crystal or External Clock Input Crystal Input Power Supply Pin Chip Enable for Serial I/O Transfer Data Input/Output Pin Shift Clock for Serial I/O Transfer Power Supply Pin o +3V S Vee S 9.5V GENERAL DESCRIPTION Many microprocessor applications require a real-time clock and/or memory that can be battery powered with very low power drain. The MK3805N/MK3806N are specifically designed for these applications. The device contains a realtime clock/calendar, 24 bytes of static RAM, an on-chip oscillator, and it communicates with the microprocessor via a simple serial interface. The MK3805N/MK3806N are fabricated using CMOS technology, thus insuring very low power consumption. The real-time clock/calendar provides seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year information to the microprocessor. The end of the month date is automatically adjusted for months with less than 31 days, including correction for leap year every 4 years. The clock operates in either the 24 hour or 12 hour format with an AM/PM indicator. so that a wide variety of crystal frequencies can be accommodated. The oscillator also has an output available that can be connected to the microprocessor clock input. A separately programmable divider provides several different output frequencies for any given crystal frequency. This feature can eliminate having to use a separate crystal or external oscillator for the microprocessor, thereby reducing system cost. Interfacing the CLOCK/RAM with a microprocessor is greatly simplified using synchronous serial communication. Only 3 lines are required to communicate with the CLOCK/RAM: (1) CE (chip enable), (2) I/O (data line) and (3) SCLK (shift register clock). Data can be transferred to and from the CLOCK/RAM one byte at a time or in a burst of up to 24 bytes. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Figure 2 is a block diagram of the CLOCK/RAM chip. Its main elements are the oscillator and divider circuit, oscillator and clock control, the real-time clock/calendar, static RAM, the serial shift register, and the command and control logic. The on-chip oscillator provides a real-time clock source for the clock/calendar. It incorporates a programmable divider IX-1 BLOCK DIAGRAM EXTERNAL CLOCK INPUT I Figure 2 xllclrD~ OSCILLATOR AND DIVIDERS REAL TIME CLOCK i'- ~ • ~ ~ CE 1 OSCILLATOR AND CLOCK CONTROL DATA BUS ~ SCLK CKO .... 110 SHIFT REGISTER .~ 7 COMMAND AND CONTROL LOGIC "" 7 24 x8 RAM r;;ooRESS & CONTROL BUS 1 The shift register is used to communicate with the outside world. Data on the I/O line is either input or output on each shift register clock pulse when the chip is enabled. If the chip is in the input mode, the data on the I/O line is input to the shift register on the risi ng edge of SCLK. If in the output mode, data is shifted out onto the I/O line on the falling edge of SCLK. The command and control logic receives the first byte input by the shift register after CE goes active. This byte must be the command byte and will direct further operations within the CLOCK/RAM. The command specifies whether subsequent transfers will be data input or data output, and which register or RAM location will be involved. A control register provides programmable control of the dividerfor the internal clock signal. the external clock signal, the crystal type and mode, and the write protect function. The real-time clock/calendar is accessed via seven registers. These registers control seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year. Certain bits within these registers also control a run/stop function, 12/24 hour format, and indicate AM or PM (12 hour mode only). These registers can be accessed sequentially in Burst Mode, or randomly in a single byte transfer. The static RAM is organized as 24 bytes of 8-bits each. They can be accessed either sequentially in burst mode, or randomly in a single byte transfer. POWER UP A clock signal is necessary for correct power up, and it should be noted that a delay exists between power up and the correct power up state of the clock and control registers. nATA TRANSFER Data Transfer is accomplished under control of the CE and SCLK inputs by an external microcomputer. Each transfer consists of a single byte ADDRESS/COMMAND input followed by a single byte or mUltiple byte (if Burst Mode is specified) data input or output, as specified by the ADDRESS/COMMAND byte. The serial data transfer occurs with LSB first, MSB last format. ADDRESS/COMMAND BYTE The ADDRESS/COMMAND Byte is shown below: 7 6 5 4 3 2 A2 A1 o AO~ As defined, the MSB (bit 7) must be a logical 1; bit 6 specifies a Clock/Calendar/Control register if logical 0 or a RAM register if logical 1; bits 1-5 specify the designated IX-2 register(s) to be input or output; and the LSB (bit 0) specifies a WRITE operation (input) if logical 0 or READ operation (output) if logical 1. rising edge of SCLK. and DATA bits are output on the falling edge of SCLK. A data transfer terminates if CE goes high. and the transfer must be reinitiated by the proper ADDRESS/ COMMAND when CE again goes low. The data I/O pin is high impedance when CE is high. BURST MODE Burst Mode may be specified for either the Clock/ Calendar/Control registers or for the RAM registers by addressing location 31 Decimal (ADDRESS/COMMAND bits 1-5 logical 1). As before. bit 6 specifies Clock or RAM and bit 0 specifies read or write. DATA INPUT = Following the 8 SCLK cycles that input the WRITE Mode ADDRESS/COMMAND byte (bitO =logical 0). a DATA byte is input on the rising edge of the next 8 SCLK cycles (per byte. if Burst Mode is specified). Additional SCLK cycles are ignored should they inadvertently occur. There is no data storage capability at location 31 in either the Clock/Calendar/Control registers or the RAM registers. SCLK and CE CONTROL DATA OUTPUT All data transfers are initiated by CE going low. After CE goes low. the next 8 SCLK cycles input an ADDRESS/ COMMAND byte of the proper format. A SCLK cycle is the sequence of a positive edge followed by a negative edge. For data inputs. the data must be valid during the SCLK cycle. If bit 7 is not a logical 1. indicating a valid CLOCK/RAM ADDRESS/COMMAND. the ADDRESS/COMMAND byte is ignored as are all SCLK cycles until CE goes high and returns low to initiate a new ADDRESS/COMMAND transfer. See Figure 3. Following the 8 SCLK cycles that input the READ Mode ADDRESS/COMMAND byte (bitO =logical 1). a DATA byte is output on the falling edge of the next 8 SCLK cycles (per byte. if Burst Mode is specified). Additional SCLK cycles retransmit the data byte(s) should they inadvertently occur. so long as CE remains low. This operation permits continuous Burst Read Mode capability. DATA TRANSFER SUMMARY ADDRESS/COMMAND bits and DATA bits are input on the A data transfer summary is shown in Figure 3. DATA TRANSFER SUMMARY Figure 3 I. SINGLE BYTE TRANSFER SCLK-----' ~I~ ______________~r- II DATA INPUT/OUTPUT II. BURST MODE TRANSFER SCLK-----' ~~L------------------------------------~Ir'~.------~ 4 6 I I I 7 )>----- DATA lID BYTE N BYTE SCLK FUNCTION N n CLOCK 8 72 2. 200 NOTES 1) Data input sampled on rising edge of clock 2) Data output changes on falling edge of clock 3) Rising edge of CE terminates operation and resets address/command IX-3. RAM REGISTER DEFINITION X4 X3 Xtal Mode Primary Frequencies CLOCK/CALENDAR 0 0 1 1 The Clock/Calendar is contained in 7 addressable/ writeable/ readable registers, as defined below. Address Function 0 1 0 1 Binary Microprocessor Baud Rate Color Burst 2 22 , 221 , 220 Hz 8, 5, 4, 2.5, 2, 1.25, 1·' MHz 7.3728, 3.6864, 1.8432 MHz 3.5795 MHz Range (BCD) CRYSTAL DIVIDER PRESCALER 0 1 2 Seconds+Clock Halt Flag Minutes Hours/ AM-PM/12-24 Mode 3 Date 4 5 Month Day Year 6 00-59 00-59 00-23 or 01-12 01-28,29, 30,31 01-12 01-07 00-99 X2, Xl, and XO specify a particular prescaler divider selection necessary to generate a 1 Hz frequency for the Clock/Calendar-Refer to Table 2 for complete definition. SYSTEM CLOCK OUTPUT Data contained in the Clock/Calendar registers is in binary coded decimal format (BCD). Cl and CO designate the system clock output frequency selected. The options are X, Xl2, X/4, and -2 kHz. When in the Binary Mode and Cl, CO = '1', the output frequency is 2048 Hz. In any other mode, the output frequency is -2048 Hz. Refer to Table 3 for complete definition. CLOCK HALT FLAG WRITE PROTECT Bit 7 of the Seconds Register is defined as the Clock Halt Flag. Bit 7 = logical 1 inhibits the 1 Hz input to the Clock/Calendar. Bit 7 is set to logical 1 on power-up to prevent counting, and it may be set high or low by writing to the seconds register under normal operation ofthe device. AM-PM/12-24 MODE Bit 7 ofthe Hours Register is defined as the 12 or 24 hour mode select bit. When high, the 12 hour mode is selected. In the 12-hour mode, bit 5 is the AM/PM bit with logic high being PM. In the 24-hour mode, bit 5 is the second 10-hour bit (20-23 hours). Bit 7 of the Control Register is the WRITE PROTECT Flag. Bit 7 is set to logical 1 on power-up, and it may be set high or low by writing to the Control Register. When high, the WRITE PROTECT Flag prevents a write operation to any internal register, including the other bits of the Control Register. Further, logic is included such that the WRITE PROTECT bit may be reset to a logic 0 by a Write operation without altering the other bits of the Control Register. CLOCK/CALENDAR/CONTROL BURST MODE Address 31 Decimal of the Clock/Calendar/Control Address space specifies Burst Mode operation. In this mode, the 7 Clock/Calendar Registers and the Control Register may be consecutively read or written. Addresses above address 7 (Control Register) are non-existent; only addresses 0-7 are accessible. TEST MODE BITS Bit 7 of the Date Register and Bit 7 of the Day Register are Test Mode Bits utilized in testing the MK3805N/MK3806N. These bits should be logic 0 for normal operation. RAM CONTROL REGISTER The Control Register specifies the crystal mode/frequency to be used, the system clock output frequency, and. the WRITE PROTECT Mode for data protection. The Control Register is located at address 7 in the Clock/Calendar/ Control address space. 765432 0 X3 X2 Xl XO The static RAM is contained in 24 addressable/writeable/ readable registers, addressed consecutively in the RAM address space beginning at location O. RAM BURST MODE Address 31 Decimal of the RAM address space specifies Burst Mode operation. In this mode, the 24 RAM registers may be consecutively read or written. Addresses above the maximum RAM address location are non-existent and are not accessible. CRYSTAL DIVIDER MODE REGISTER SUMMARY X4 and X3 specify the Crystal frequency divider mode selected. IX-4 A Register, Data Format summary is shown in Figure 4. MICROCOMPUTER CLOCK/RAM ADDRESS/COMMAND. REGISTER. DATA FORMAT SUMMARY Figure 4 2 , f¥;iA EK 4 IA 3 I A2 I A, 1Ao I. ADDRESS/COMMAND FORMAT 7 I, 4 5 6 3 0 ~ II. REGISTER ADDRESS REGISTER DEFINITION A. CLOCK 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 10 10 0 7 SEC I, MINI, HR I, DATE I , MONTH I ' DAyl, YEAR I ' CONTROL CLOCK BURST I, I, 6 5 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 I I 0 1 0 1 0 1 01 0 0 o 1 0 0 o 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 I, 1 0 1 0 I' l%l ,~ 0 1 0 I' 1 0 0 r%l 21 1 0'-'21'24 00-23 0 I' Or%l f%l I I' I' I ' o I, I' I, I' I I' I' 0 0,- 07 0-99 RAM23 RAM BURST I 0 o 1 1 0 I 0 '0 YEAR DATE o I 80 I 00 00 I MONTH u>1 YEAR I 0' 0' DAY 0 X IWpl C, 1 Co I 4 I X31 X2 1 X, I Xo 0[:%1 RAM D~TA •• • 0 HR I 0' 1 I 00 AO 'l%l I' I ' I I' ' I ,~ I, 1 ' I' I' 1 ' I' I' 1:%1 ' 1 1 T21 o I 1 I'ODATEI 0,-,21 0 0 MIN 1~~pl HR L%1 0 I o 0 I o 1 0'-28/ 29 1 0'-30 T, 0'-3' 1 0 SEC 00-591 0 1 '0 MIN B.RAM RAMO 4 3 'OSEC ,~ I, I, l%l I' 7 00-591 CH 1 POWER ON RESET I RAMI D:~A IX-5 1 • •• 1 I I I I I XX XX II CRYSTAL FREQUENCY SELECTION Table 2 X4 X3 X2 X1 XO fXTAL (MHz) Crystal Frequency 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 8.388608 8.388608 4.194304 4.194304 2.097152 2.097152 1.048576 0.032768 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 8.000000 5.000000 4.000000 2.500000 2.000000 1.250000 1.000000 0.031250 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 7.372800 7.372800 3.686400 3.686400 1.843200 1.843200 0.921600 0.028800 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 7.159040 7.159040 3.579520 3.579520 1.789760 1.789760 0.894880 0.027965 Comments Power on condition CLOCK OUTPUT SELECTION Table 3 C1 CO 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 CKO Output Frequency Comments fXTAL fXTAL -:- 2 fXTAL -:- 4 Power on condition 2048 Hz Binary mode ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on V cc relative to GND ............................................................. -0.5 V to + 12.0 V Voltage on any pin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -0.5 V to + VCC + .5 Temperature under bias .................................................................... " -50°C + 95°C Storage Temperature ................. " ., .................................................. -55°C to +125°C ·Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. DC OPERATING CONDITIONS -40°C::::: TA ::::: + 85°C SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNIT NOTES Supply Voltage 3.0 5.0 9.5 V 1 MAX UNIT NOTES 2.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 mA mA pA pA V V 2 3 4 4 1,5 1 V V V V l(1oH=-l00pA) l(l oL = 1.8 rnA) l(1oH = -400pA) 1(lOL = 4.0 mAl Vcc DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS -40°C :::::TA ::::: + 85°C, Vcc = 5V ± 10% SYMBOL PARAMETER ICC1 ICC2 lu ILO V 1H V 1L V1HX2 VI/OH VI/OL V CKH V CKL Power Supply Current Power Supply Current Input Leakage Current, SCLK and CE Output Leakage Current, I/O Pin Logic "1" Voltage, All Inputs except Xl Logic "0" Voltage, All Inputs Logic "1" Voltage, X 2 Input Output Logic "1" Voltage, I/O pin Output Logic "0" Voltage, I/O pin Output Logic "1 " Voltage, CKO pin Output Logic "0" Voltage, CKO pin MIN -1.0 -10.0 2.0 0.8 3.5 2.4 0.4 2.4 0.4 NOTES: 1. All voltages referenced to GND. 2. Crystal/Clock Input frequency::: 8.4 MHz, outputs open. 3. TYP Crystal/Clock Input frequency::: 32,768 Hz, outputs open. 4. MeasuredwithVcc = 5.0V, O:::;V,S5.0V, outputs in high impedance state. 5. When X, is driven by an external signal. a pull-up resistor is required. IX-7 III AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS -40°C ::STA::S +85°C. VCC 5 V ± 10% SYMBOL PARAMETER CI CliO Cx fx tcss tsCH toss tSOH tsoo tcoz tSWL tSWH fSCLK ts R• tSF tCR' tCF tCWH tlNIT MIN Capacitance on Input pin Capacitance on I/O pin Capacitance on XI/CI and X2 Crystal frequency CE to SCLKI set up time SCLKI to CEI hold time Input Data to SCLKI set up time Input Data from SCLKI hold time Output Data from SCLKI delay time CEI to I/O high impedance SCLK low time SCLK high time SCLK frequency SCLK Rise and Fall Time CKO Rise and Fall Time CE high time Delay from power XTAL=27 kHz up till power up XTAL=1 MHz states va Iid TYP MAX UNIT NOTES 6 10 12 12 8400 pF pF pF 6 6 6 7 7 27 1.0 1.0 1.0 100 300 kHz 1.7 1.7.12 1.7 1.7 f.LS f.LS f.LS 1000 500 1.95 1.95 DC 00 ns ns ns f.Ls 00 f.Ls 250 1 50 kHz 500 150 ms ms 2.0 10 9.10 f.LS ns f.LS 11 11 NOTES: 6. Measured as C :=.!.ill, with !:::.V = 3V, and unmeasured pins grounded. 10. tr and tf measured from O.BV to 2.0V 11. tlNIT is measured from the time Vee =4.5VandXTALinputisvalid until the eN 7. Measured atVIH::;: 2.0VorVIL = O.8Vand 50 ns rise and fall times on inputs. B. Measured at VOH " 2.4V and VOL" 0.4V. 9. Load Capacitance" 100 pF power up states of the CLOCK/RAM registers are valid. 12. tSCH must follow the last rising edge ofSCLK during a write cycle in order to allow time to complete a write to the internal register. I/O TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 5 r--tscH-"~I.~_-_-_-_-_tc_W_"::::_-_~_"~1 . ~----------------I~/ SCLK liD \ --JA'-___~DATA _ _ _--'I COMMAND __ ' - - - - - INPUT INPUT WRITE DATA TRANSFER (n BITS) IX-8 \~___ 1/0 TIMING DIAGRAM (Cont.) Figure 5 SCLK ~tSDD I/O ~~~~\~ __ O_____ CO~MAN~ INPUT ____8__________ ~n'~ATA~n_'1 CLOCK/RAM _________n__ ~/ OUTPUT DRIVES I/O READ DATA TRANSFER (n BITS) II ORDERING INFORMATION There are two types of part numbers for the 3870 family of devices. The generic part number describes the basic device type, the amount of ROM and executable RAM, the desired package type, temperature range and power supply tolerence. For each customer specific code, additional information defining I/O options and oscillator options will be combined with the information describes in the generic part number to define a customer/code specific device order number. GENERIC PART NUMBER An example of the generic part number is shown below. MK3805/ 00 N • 1 0 1I~_s~~To~,~, L Openm"" 0= 5V± 10"10 t.In"""" .,"'. Package type N = Plastic L......---~Executable RAM Designator L -_ _ _ _ 0= None ROM Designator 0= None '---------I~ BasiC Device Type DEVICE ORDER NUMBER An example of the device order number is shown below. Ir MKXXXXN ·05 : 1'<...." So"", TO~""" 0= +5 V ± 10% 5 = +5V±5% Operating Temperature Range L......_ _ _~ Package Types "--------l~ 0'" O°C· +70°C 1 = -40°C . +85'o C N = Plastic Customer/Code Specific Number The customer/code specific number defines the ROM bit pattern, I/O configuration, oscillator type, and geileric part type to be used to satisfy the requirement of a particular customer purchase order. For further information on the orderi ng of mask ROM devices, the customer shOuld refer to the 3870 Family Technical Manual. IX-10 MOSTEI(. MICRO PERIPHERAL COMPONENTS MK3807 Programmable CRT Video Control Unit (VCU) FEATURES o PIN CONFIGURATION Fully Programmable Display Format Characters per data row (1 -2(0) Data rows per frame (6-64) Raster scans per data row (1-16) A! AD HO H! H2 H3 o Programmable Monitor Sync Format Raster Scans/Frame (256-1023) "Front Porch" Sync Width "Back Porch" Interlace/Non-Interlace Vertical Blanking R! H4 H5 H6 o Direct Outputs to CRT Monitor Horizontal Sync Vertical Sync Composite Sync Blanking Cursor coincidence CSYN H7/DR5 VSYN DR4 Dee DR3 V DD DR2 Vee DR! HSYN ORO eRV DBO Bl DB! DB1 DB2 DB6 DB3 DBS o Programmed via: Processor data bus External PROM o BUS Oriented: Compatible with moSt microprocessors o Standard or Non-Standard CRT Monitor Compatible o Second source to SMC CRT 5037 o Refresh Rate: 60 Hz ON-Channel Silicon Gate Technology o Scrolling Single Line Multi-Line GENERAL DESCRIPTION o Cursor Position Registers o Programmable Character Format o Programmable Vertical Data Positioning o Balanced Beam Current Interlace o Graphics Compatible o Split-Screen Applications Horizontal Vertical o Interlace or Non-Interlace operation o TIL Compatibility The Programmable CRT Video Control Unit (VCU) Chip is a user programmable 40-pin n channel MOS/LSI device containing the logic functions required to generate all the timing signals for the presentation and formatting of interlaced and non-interlaced video data on a standard or non-standard CRT monitor. The MK3807 VCU is a second source to SMC CRT 5037. With the exception of the dot counter, which may be clocked at a video frequency above 25 MHz and is therefore not recommended for MOS implementation, all frame formatting, such as horizontal. vertical, and composite sync, characters per data row, data rows per frame, and raster scans per data row and per frame, are totally user programmable. The data row counter has been designed to facilitate scrolling. Refer to Table 1 for description of pin functions. IX-11 Programming is accomplished by loading seven 8-bit control registers directly off an 8-bit bidirectional data bus. Four register address lines and a chip enable line provide complete microprocessor compatibility for program controlled set up. The device can be "self loaded" via an external PROM tied on the data bus as described in the OPERATiON section. The MK3807 (VCU) may be programmed for an odd or even number of scan lines per data row in both interlaced and non-interlaced modes. In addition to the seven control registers. two additional registers are provided to store the cursor character and data row addresses for generation of the cursor video signal. The contents of these two registers can also be read out onto the bus for update by the program. Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the internal functional components of the VCU. DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS Table 1 Name Inputl Outpu1 Func1ion Pin No. Symbol 25-18 DBO-7 Data Bus CE AO-3 I I 1/0 9 OS Chip Enable Register Address Data Strobe 12 DCC Dot Counter Carry I 38-32 HO-6 0 7.5.4 R1-3 H7/DR5 Character Counter Outputs Scan Counter Outputs H7/DR5 RO Scan Counter LSB 0 26-30 DRO-4 0 17 15 11 10 BL HSYN VSYN CSYN Data Row Counter Outputs Blank Horizontal Sync Vertical Sync Composite Sync Output 16 14 13 CRV VCC VDD Cursor Video Power Supply Power Supply 3 39,40.1.2 31 8 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PS PS IX-12 Data bus. Input bus for control words from microprocessor or PROM. Bi-directional bus for cursor address. Signals chip that it is being addressed. Register address bits for selecting one of seven control registers or either of the cursor address registers. Strobes DBO-7 into the appropriate register or outputs the cursor character address or cursor line address onto the data bus. Carry from off-chip dot counter establishing basic character clock rate. Character clock. Character counter outputs. Three most significant bits ofthe Scan Counter; row select inputs to character generator. Pin definition is user programmable. Output is MSB of Character Counter if horizontal line counter (REG.O) is 2128; otherwise output is MSB Of Data Row Counter. Least significant bit of the scan counter. In the interlaced mode with an even number of scans per data row. RO will toggle at the field rate; for an odd number of scans per data row in the interlaced mode. RO will toggle at the data row rate. Data Row counter outputs. Defines non-active portion of horizontal and vertical scans. Initiates horizontal retrace. Initiates vertical retrace. Composite sync is provided on the MK3807. This output is active in non-interlaced mode only. Provides a true RS170 composite sync wave form. Defines cursor location in data field. +5 volt Power Supply +12 volt Power Supply r.0~;~~~==~~;~======;~~;;;;;;:::;:;;;=========---------- I' DATABUSDBO-? L 25-18 5"1 ~ C .;'; G) %I l> 3: SELR2 12 f~ ______ •• I DOT COUNTER CARRY CURSORV ADDRESS REGISTER 38-32 J•• VSVNcl ~ .... w t::: I' -LOC'D :SYNC I. BL =I ~' ~ 1-1- 1 UF· CO.'A.A,," "R i 1;J7.5.4 ' r,-.::.: 3 'CHIP ENABLE; 9 DATA STROBr SCROLL RESET START SELF LOAD 6 II 17 OPERATION The design philosophy employed was to allow the MK3807 Programmable CRT Video Control Unit (VCU) to interface effectively with either a microprocessor based or hardwire logic system. The device is programmed by the user in one of two ways: via the processor data bus as part of the system initialization routine, or during power up via a Horizontal Formatting: Characters/Data Row PROM tied on the data bus and addressed directly by the Row Select outputs of the chip (See Figure 2). Seven 8-bit words are required to program the chip fully. Bit assignments for these words are shown in Tables 2,3 and 4.The information contained in these seven words consists of the following: A 3 bit code providing 8 mask programmable character lengths from 20 to 132. The standard device will be masked for the following character lengths; 20, 32, 40, 64, 72, 80, 96, and 132. Horizontal Sync Delay 3 bits assigned providing up to 8 character times for generation of "front porch". Horizontal Sync Width 4 bits assigned providing up to 16 character times for generation of horizontal sync width. Horizontal Line Count 8 bits assigned providing up to 256 character times for total horizontal formatting. Skew Bits A 2 bit code providing from a 0 to 2 character skew (delay) between the horizontal address counter and the blank and sync (horizontal. vertical, composite) signals to allow for retiming of video data prior to generation of composite video signal. The Cursor Video signal is also skewed as a function of this code. Vertical Formatting: Interlaced/Non-interlaced This bit provides for data presentation with odd/even field formatting for interlaced systems. It modifies the vertical timing counters as described below. A logic 1 establishes the interlace mode. Scans/Frame 8 bits assigned, defined according to the following equations: Let X = value of 8 assigned bits. 1) in interlaced mode-scans/frame =2X + 513. Therefore for 525 scans, program X = 6 (00000110). Vertical sync will occur precisely every 262.5 scans, thereby producing two interlaced fields. Range = 513 to 1023 scans/frame, odd counts only. 2) in non-interlaced mode-scans/frame = 2X + 256. Therefore for 262 scans, program X = 3 (00000011 ). Range = 256 to 766 scans/frame, even counts only. In either mode, vertical sync width is fixed at three horizontal scans (=3H). Vertical Data Start 8 bits defining the number of raster scans from the leading edge of vertical sync until the start of display data. At this raster scan the data row counter is setto the data row address at the top of the page. Data Rows/Frame 6 bits assigned providing up to 64 data rows per frame. Last Data Row 6 bits to allow up or down scrolling via a preload defining the count of the last displayed data row. Scans/Data Row 4 bits assigned providing up to 16 scan lines per data row. IX-14 ADDITIONAL FEATURES MK3807 VCU Initialization: millisecond). The timing sequence will begin one line scan after the 1111 address is removed. In processor based systems, self loading is initiated by presenting the 0111 address to the device. Self loading is terminated by presenting the start command to the device which also initiates the timing chain. Under microprocessor control-The device can be reset under system or program control by presenting a 1010 address on A3-0. The device will remain reset at the top of the even field page until a start command is executed by presenting a 1110 address on A3-0. Via "Self Loading"-In a non-processor environment, the self loading sequence is effected by presenting and holding the 1111 address on A3-0, and is initiated by the receipt of the strobe pulse (OS). The 1111 address should be maintained long enough to ensure that all seven registers have been loaded (in most applications under one Scrolling-In addition to the Register 6 storage of the last displayed data row a "scroll" command (address 1011) presented to the device will increment the first displayed data row count to facilitate up scrolling in certain appl ications. CONTROL REGISTERS PROGRAMMING CHART Table 2 Horizontal line Count: Characters/Data Row: Total Characters/Line = N DB2 DB1 DBO 000 o 0 1 010 o Skew Bits 1 0 o 1 o 0 0 1 Scans/Frame Vertical Data Start: Data Rows/Frame: Last Data Row: Mode: Scans/Data Row: = 20 = 32 to 255 (DBO = LSB) Active Characters/Data Row =40 = 64 =72 0 1 = 80 1 0 = 96 1 1 1 = 132 = N, from 1 to 7 character times (DBO = LSB, N =0 Disallowed) = N, from 1 to 15 character times (DB3 = LSB, N =0 Disallowed) I Sync/Blank Delay Cursor Delay DB7 DB8 (Character Times) 1 1 1 Horizontal Sync Delay: Horizontal Sync Width: 1 0 + 1, N =0 0 1 2 2 0 0 1 2 8 bits assigned, defined according to the following equations: Let X = value of 8 assigned bits. DBO = LSB) 1) in interlaced mode- scans/frame = 2X + 513. Therefore for 525 scans, program X = 6 (0000110). Vertical sync will occur precisely every 262.5 scans, thereby producing two interlaced fields. Range = 513 to 1023 scans/frame, odd counts only. 2) in non-interlaced mode-scans/frame = 2X + 256. Therefore for 262 scans, program X = 3 (00000011). Range = 256 to 766 scans/frame, even counts only. In either mode, vertical sync width is fixed at three horizontal scans (= 3H) N = number of raster lines delay after leading edge of vertical sync of vertical start position. (DBO = LSB) Number of data rows = N + 1, N = 0 to 63 (DBO = LSB) N = Address of last displayed data row, N = 0 to 63, ie; for 24 data rows, program N = 23. (DBO = LSB) Register 1, DB7 = 1 established Interlace Interlace Mode Scans per data Row = N + 2. N =0 to 14, odd or even counts. Non-Interlace Mode Scans per Data Row = N + 1, odd or even count, N = 0 to 15. IX-15 SELF LOADING SCHEME Figure 2 l l l l ! DBO'" .... ~ ........ 1 ...L. .....'"I"" ......... ....... 1"" ... .... f'I ...... ." ...." . """ v A3 CE A1 A2 ... t... ....... DB7 Ao MK3807 PROGRAMMABLE CRT VIDEO CONTROL UNIT (VCU) "f'I - .... "'1"" RO R1 R2 R3 Ao A1 MK2716 SLOAD (FROM SYSTEM) A2 A3 CE A4 +5 "''''''-AI ~~I ~ "T<> "v .... .., .............. ..,. TO CHARACTER GENERATOR OPTIONAL START-UP SEQUENCE When employing microprocessor controlled loading of the MK3807 VCU's registers. the following sequence of instruction may be used optionally: ADDRESS 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 000 0 o 1 0 1 1 0 COMMAND Start Timing Chain Reset Load Register 0 The sequence of START RESET LOAD START is necessary to ensure proper initialization of the registers. This sequence is not required if register loading is via either of the Self Load modes. Load Register 6 Start Timing Chain IX-16 REGISTER SELECTS/COMMAND CODES Tabla 3 A3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A2 Description 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 A1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 AO 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Select/Command Load Control Register 0 Load Control Register 1 Load Control Register 2 Load Control Register 3 Load Control Register 4 Load Control Register 5 Load Control Register 6 Processor Initiated Self Load 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Read Cursor Line Address Read Cursor Character Address Reset See Table 4 Up Scroll 0 o o o Load Cursor Character Address' Load Cursor Line Address' Start Timing Chain 1 o 1 Non-Processor Self Load NOTE': Command from processor instructing MK3807 VCU to enter Self Load Mode (via external PROM) Resets timing chain to top left of page. Reset is latched on chip by OS and counters are held until released by start command. Increments address of first displayed data row on page, i.e.; prior to receipt of scron command-top line =0, bottom line =23. After receipt of Scroll Command-top line = 1, bottom line =O. Receipt of this command after a Reset or Processor Self Load command will release the timing chain approximately one scan line later. In applications requiring synchronous operation of more than one VCU the dot countet carry should be held low during the OS for this command. Device will begin self load via PROM when OS goes low. The 1111 command should be maintained on A3-O long enough to guarantee self load. (Scan counter should cycle through at least once). Self load is automatically terminated and timing chain initiated when the all "1's" condition is removed, independent of OS. For synchronous operation of more than one VCU; the Oot Counter Carry should be held low when the command is removed. During Self-Load. the Cursor Character Address Register (REG 7) and the Cursor Row Address Register (REG 8) are enabled during statesO'" R3-RO Scan Counter outputs respectively. Therefore. Cursor data in the PROM should be stored at these addresses. BIT ASSIGNMENT CHART Tabla 4 HORIZONTAL LINE COUNT =1;:::;:::;:1=;::1::;:Il..,~I REG 0 , 1;,: ; : ,::::;:, i 31 ill II I i MODE INTERLACED/ H SYNC WIDTH H SYNC DELAY NON-INTERLACED REG I =? 21 XI !\ i I0 x-LI_~ I REG 6\L-X...LI 2 CURSOR CHARCTER ADDRESS 0 REG 2fTI I REG 5 ~-,-I 1--1 -I.\--L-I-,-I---11--,-1--,-1........ 1. I IX-17 I 7L-17.. 1-1-,-1--,-1--,--,--1. .1-1-,-I0---,1 CHARACTERS/DATA ROW VERTICAL DATA START 13 1 1.....\...I.--li---l--L.\I--,o\ iI I i i I SCAN LINES/FRAME I '1716\ _ 1 1 lJ! \ REG 4\ I I I _ \ 3 SCANS/DATA ROW REG I LAST DISPLAYED DATA ROW SKEW BITS DATA ROWS/FRAME REG and '000 of the CURSOR ROW ADDRESS X-LI_~1.....1...I.--li---l--L.I---,~I X...LI REG 8 L-I MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS* Operating Temperature Range •.•.......•..••..........•..•...•.....•••.....••....•.........•. O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature Range ...•..•.•.••..•.••.•••....•..•....•.•...•.•..•••.....••.••..•. -55°C to + 150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) ..•••.•••...•..•.....•....•.•..•.....•.........•••....••..•... + 325°C Positive Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground ....•...•..•...•..........•••.••...••..•........... + 18.0 V Negative Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground ••......•.....•.......•..••••....••................. -0.3 V *Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. For eXample, the bench power supply programmed to deliver +12 volts may have large voltage transients when the AC power is switched on and off. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. DC CHARACTERISTICS (TA == ooe to 70°C, Vec == +5V ± 5%, VOO == +12V ± 5%, unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER INPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low Level, VIL High Level, VIH OUTPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low Level- VOL for RO-3 Low Level - VOL, all others High Level- VOH for RO-3, OBO-7 High Level- VOH all others MIN TYP Vce- 1.5 MAX UNIT COMMENTS 0.8 Vec V V 0.4 0.4 V V IOL==3.2 ma IOL=1.6 ma IOw8OJ.ta IOw40J.ta 250 10 p.A. p.A. VIWO.4V 15 40 15 pF pF pF 10 J.tA 100 70 mA mA 2.4 2.4 INPUT CURRENT Low Level, IlL (Address, eE only) Leakage, IlL (All inputs except Address, CE) O~VIN~VCC iNPUT CAPACiTANCE 10 25 10 Data Bus, CIN OS, Clock, CjN All other, elN DATA BUS LEAKAGE in INPUT MODE lOB POWER SUPPLY CURRENT 80 40 ICC 100 IX-18 0.4 ~ VIN ~ 5.25 V AC CHARACTERISTICS ctA = 70°C) PARAMETER MIN DOT COUNTER CARRY frequency PWH PWL tp tf 0.5 35 215 DATA STROBE PWDS TYP 4.0 10 150ns MAX 50 UNIT COMMENTS MHz ns ns ns Figure 3 Figure 3 Figure 3 Figure 3 Figure 4 10J.!S ADDRESS, CHIP ENABLE Set-up time Hold time 125 50 ns ns Figure 4 Figure 4 DATA BUS - LOADING Set-up time Hold time 125 75 ns ns Figure 4 Figure 4 125 60 ns ns Figure 4, CL =50pF Figure 4, CL =50pF 125 ns Figure 3, CL =20pF 750 ns Figure 5, CL =20pF DATA BUS - READING TDEL2 TDEL4 5 OUTPUTS, HO-7, HS, VS, BL, CRV CE-TDEL1 OUTPUTS: RO-3, DRO-5 TDEL3 * AC TIMING DIAGRAMS VIDEO TIMING Figure 3 HO-7 H SYNC. V SYNC, BLANK. CURSOR VIDEO. COMPOSITE SYNC ... T DEL1 ---+-I RESTRICTIONS 1. Only one pin is available for strobing data into the device via the data bus. The cursor X and Y coordinates are loaded into the chip by presenting one set of addresses and are output by presenting a different set of addresses. Therefore. the standard WRITE and READ control signals from most microprocessors must be "NORed" externally present a single strobe (OS) signal to the device. 2. In interlaced mode, the total number of character slots assigned tathe horizontal scan must be even to ensure that vertical sync occurs precisely between horizontal sync pulses. IX-19 LOAD/READ TIMING Figure 4 TSET UP 1------------J..., ADDRESS CHIP ENABLE DBO-7 LOADING IN OF DATA DBO-7 READING OUT OF DATA DS-----------------------------------, SCAN AND DATA ROW COUNTER TIMING Figure 5 HSYNC~ RO-3 DRO-5 --------------------------f----,------J ~TDEL3· *RO-3 and DRO-5 may change prior to the falling edge of H sync GENERAL TIMING Figure 6 HORIZONTAL TIMING £ START OF LINE N START OF LINE N+1 - . ----In JlL-----JLV.J.--JZZr----t:Z_'_/.L..I.ZZ~!.L._7'_'_O_'_Z.L..I.ZZ____'_Z...L.Z.I_I.ZZ----,-ZJ....-,ZZ,-,-Z...L.ZL-/.ZZ-LZ..,LLA II( 1-rV/-r-70--r-Z-r-J/ ACTIVE VIDEO = CHARACTERS PER DATA LINE ------_+oc,~..,.~ HORIZONTAL SYNC DELAY (FRONT PORCH) HORIZONTAL SYNC WIDTH HORIZONTAL LINE COUNT=H VERTICAL TIMING START OF FRAME M OR ODD FIELD E----------------- foo . l . START OF FRAME M+1 OR EVEN FIELD SCAN LINES PER FRAME --------------------l.~1 ~'________"_V.LJ.ZZ_'___/_'_7L_j77'--LZ...L.OL_l./_'___Z_'___'Z7<_J.Z_'_7_'_ZL-'-7Z-'---/..L-...ZZ,-"Z--,-7.L-ZL-LZZ--L-Z-,--,/7<-Li1~n'--_-L-VZZ ~ \11( VERTICAL DATA START :=jll( ACTIVE VIDEO = DATA ROWS PER FRAME IX-20 .1 ~ VERTICAL SYNC" 3H COMPOSITE SVNCTIMING Figure 7 Jl I ----------~I n ~--------~I n VOL~ : I 'I I VOH HSYNC VSYNC VoHi __ ____________ ~' I n ~--------~ rL ~---------- ~. I VOL: :....-- H VOH: n ~--------~ , . : it , H _I I ~________~~H/2~ ---+oj :I COMPOSITE SYNC VERTICAL SYNC TIMING Figure 8 . . .f----------- FRAME M+I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FRAME M ------,---------I.~I SCAN COUNTER IS HELD H ~ 1 3 6 7 9 1 SCANS/DATA ROW COUNTER-RO N=9 RESE~TDURINGVBLANK 0 2 4 6 8 DATA ROW COUNTER-DRO"\L_ _.........._ _ N=23 22 0 6 4 7 6 9 8 0 DATA ROW COUNTER MA:' ~TAINS LAST COUNTDU!-.G V BLANK -.lf BLANK 3 2 2 23 ..t 23-+- fiJ..._____--' JUUUUUUUUUl.·UUUUUUUUlllJBiANK VERTICAL -------SYNC EXAMPU' ,.?ED ON NON-INTERLACED (REG 1, BIT 7 = 0). 24 DATA ROWS, 10 SCANS/DATA ROW IX-21 II 1982/1983 MICROELECTRONIC DATA BOOK Programmed Microcomputer Products MOSTEI{. 3870 MICROCOMPUTER COMPONENTS Serial Control Unit SCU20 FEATURES SCU20 Figure 1 o Provides programmable remote I/O functions, real time operational capabilities, and standardized network communications on a 40 pin chip. o Performs preprogrammed functions on command, including: • Byte input and output • Bit input and output • Set, clear, and toggle selected pins • Data access from real time functions o Performs real time preprogrammed functions, including: • Data log on external interrupt, timer, or host control, up to 63 bytes of data • Five Event Counters driven from external interrupt, timer or host control o Up to 24 programmable I/O pins o Allows user to network up to 255 SCUs on a single communications channel Figure 2 o Asynchronous serial data transmission XTL1 o Selectable Baud rate (300, 1200, 2400, or 9600 Baud) o Secure, Error resistant data link protocol 39 RESET PO-O 38 PO-1 37 PO-2 o Requires single +5 volt supply o Low power (275mW typ) 40 Vee XTL2 5 EX'F.1iiii'. SEiiAi5iN 36SRCLK PO-3 6 35,51 STROBE 7 34 SO P4-0 8 33 P5-0 P4-1 9 32.P5-1 31 P5-2 30 P5-3 INTRODUCTION 29 P5-4 28 The SCU20 serial control unit is a preprogrammed MK3873 single chip microcomputer. It is a general purpose remote control/data acquisition unit, with 38 preprogrammed functions available to the user. P4-614 P4-7 15 PO-7 Communications with the SCU20 take place over an asynchronous half duplex communications channel at 300, 1200,2400, or 9600 Baud. The communications protocol is efficient and error resistant, and yet easy to implement on the host system. X-1 P5=5 27 P5-6 P5-7 16 25 BO PO-6 17 24 B1 PO-5 18 23 RTS PO-4 19 22 CTS GND 20 21 NC The SCU20 can be used for both monitoring and control systems where remote intelligence is required. It can be configured to provide many different input/output and data acquisition functions through its 24 I/O pins. Such intelligent functions as Data Log and Event Counters allow many different applications that will not burden the host system with constant update requirements. SI - Serial input. Receives serial asynchronous data from the host. SO - Serial output. Transmits serial asynchronous data to the host. RTS - Request to send (output, active low). FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION CTS - Clear to send (input, active low). The SCU20 is housed in a plastic 40 pin dual in-line package. RESET - External reset (input, active low). EXT. INT.- External interrupt (input, active low). SERADIN - Serial address input/address mode (input, active low. See SCU20 Address section). BO, B1 - Ba ud rate select. Vee - Power supply, 5 volts. GND - Power supply ground. Figure 2 shows the location of each pin on the SCU20. The following describes the function of each pin. SCU20 PINOUT DEFINITION XTL 1, XTL2 - Time base inputs for 3.6864 MHz crystal. PO-O - PO-7 - SCU20 port 0 (Bidirectional, active low). SCU20 address input or general purpose data port (see SCU20 Address section). SCU2 NETWORK Data available strobe for port 4 (output active low). The SCU2 Network is a serial linked network of devices in the SCU2 family. All communications are via a common serial link using the SCU2 family communications protocol. In this way, a distributed control facility may be easily implemented from standard parts, and controlled by the host computer via the serial link. P4-0 - P4-7 - SCU20 port 4 (Bidirectional, active low). General purpose data port. P5-0 - P5-7 - SCU20 port 5 (Bidirectional, active low). General purpose data port. SRCLK - Figure 3 illustrates the SCU2 Network. Clock signal generated by internal Baud rate ,.. ................... +...... .. ·l:::f'..·'· .... · U L.... I . SCU2 NETWORK Figure 3 HOST ~---------------------.--~~------------- SCU2x SCU2x #1 #2 ---------SCU2x #n X-2 Each SCU2x in the network has an individual address to, which it will respond. All SCU2x devices in the network are· slave processors to the host, and are unable to initiate· communications except in response to the host. the only command that does not require a specific SCU2x address as part of the command. It uses the system reset address which is recognized by each device. seU20 ADDRESS When the system is initialized, all SCU2x devices are in the· listen mode, and are performing no functions. The host will issue an inquiry command to each device. Once all devices have been queried, the host will issue commands to each device to set up the particular operational parameters required of it. When this has been done, the host may then use the devices to control equipment, measure values, etc., by issuing commands and receiving responses. The address to which the SCU20 responds may be established in one of two ways. The first mode is the Direct Strapped Address mode, and is enabled by tying the SERADIN pin directly to ground. In this mode, the SCU20 address is strapped at port O. Because of this, port 0 is not available as a general purpose 1/0 port. Unless issuing a response, the SCU2x is always in the listen mode. If a command has been sent to an SCU2x, a response is expected within a specific time period. If none is forthcoming, it means that the command transmitted was not successfully received by the device. In this case, the host must take steps either to notify the operator or to retransmit the command. The second mode is the Serial Address Input mode. The SERADIN pin is used to input the address as a serial 8-bit stream from a shift register. SRCLK is used as a shift clock for this operation. The STROBE signal is used at initialization time to cause the address to be loaded into the shift register before shifting begins. In the Serial Address mode, port 0 becomes available for use as a general purpose data 1/0 port. If a system error occurs in the host, it may suspend operation ofthe entire network by transmitting the network reset command which causes all devices to be reset. This is Figure 4 illustrates both methods of establishing the SCU20 address. seU20 ADDRESS ESTABLISHMENT Figure 4 DIRECT STRAPPED ADDRESS ~ 16 SCU20 SERIAL ADDRESS INPUT SCU20 ~ ADDRESS ~ SEiiADiiii .. SHIFT REGISTEFI LD 37 SC I SRCLK iii X-3 --------_._------- -------- 36 SCU20 COMMUNICATIONS MODEM SIGNALS The SCU20 communicates with the host computer over a half duplex asynchronous serial link. The communications protocol is simple, yet error resistant. RTS and CTS are provided to facilitate handshaking with modems. Just prior to responding to a valid command, RTS will goto logic 1, indicating that the SCU20 is ready to send data back to the host. CTS is an input to the SCU20 that is tested after RTS goes active to determine if the SCU20 may begin transmitting data. The general form of the communication message is as follows: IHDR I ADDR I CMD I DATA I PATA I- - - HDR - -I LRC 1 Message header. Hex '01' indicates a command message from the host; Hex '02' indicates a response from the SCU20. ADDR - SCU20 Address. Indicates which SCU20 the message is for, or originates from. DATA - Any data that may be required by the particular command. Linear Redundancy Check. The Mask Register provides a data mask that may be applied to the input data before transmission to the master. The mask is established once and may be used repeatedly before being changed by establishing a new mask value. If a pin is to be available upon read, the corresponding bit in the mask register is set to 1, while a pin that is to be masked out will have its mask bit set to O. 214 Bit Times Message Separation Rytp. m t Internal clock STROBE t l/O _s output valid to ~ delay 3t -1000 3t +250 ns 1/0 load = 50 pF + 1 TTL load tsL STROBE low time 8t -250 12t +250 ns STROBE load = 50 pF + 3TTL loads tRH RESET hold time, low 6t +750 ns t RPoe RESET hold time, low for power clear power supply' ms RESET I::~,.. ........ I ~""''''''' "'1 ........1, ..... 1.... 0. .A.irl+h I",•• , ...... " .. •• '''' ...... v ... , ' ,... ............. "' ........ L' UNIT NOTES 4 MHz - 2 MHz 3.6864 required for standard baud freque!'1c!es 2to rise time +0.1 EXTINT tEH EXT INT hold time in active and inactive state X-6 6t +750 ns To trigger interrupt CAPACITANCE TA = 25°C All Part Numbers SYM PARAMETER CIN Input capacitance; 1/0, RESET, EXT INT CXTL Input capacitance; XTL 1, XTL2 MIN MAX UNIT NOTES 10 pF 23.5 29.5 pF MIN MAX unmeasured pins grounded AC CHARACTERISTICS FOR SERIAL 1/0 PINS TA< V cc within specified operating range. 1/0 Power Dissipation :5 100 mW (Note 2) SIGNAL SYM PARAMETER SRCLK tr(SRCLK) Serial Clock Rise Time 60 ns 0.8 V - 2.0V CL = 100 pf it(SRCLK) Serial Clock Fall Time 30 ns 2.4 V -0.4 V CL = 100 pf UNIT CONDITIONS DC CHARACTERISTICS TA< V cc within specified operating range. I/O Power Dissipation :5 100 mW (Note 2) SYM PARAMETER Icc Po MIN MAX UNIT Average Power Supply Current 103 mA SCU20 Outputs Open Power Dissipation 485 mW SCU20 Outputs Open X-7 DEVICE DC CHARACTERISTICS TA' Vee within specified operating range I/O Power Dissipation :5 100 rnW (Note 2) SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT V IHEX External Clock input high level 2.4 5.8 V V ILEX External Clock input low level -.3 .6 V IIHEX External Clock input high current 100 pA V IHEX = Vee IILEX External Clock input low current -100 pA V ILEX = Vss VIHI/O I/O input high level 2.0 5.8 V standard pull-up (1) 2.0 13.2 V open drain (1) 2.0 5.8 2.0 13.2 V No pull-up 2.0 5.8 V standard pull-up (1) 2.0 13.2 V No pull-up -.3 .8 V (1 ) V IHR V IHEI Input high level, RESET Input high level, EXT INT .V CONDITIONS standard pull-up (1) V IL I/O ports, RESET1, EXT INT' input low level 'lL Input low current, I/O ports and EXT IN -1.6 rnA VIN = 0.4 V 'L Input leakage current, RESET input +10 -5 pA pA VIN = 13.2 V VIN = O.OV IOH Output high current, I/O ports -100 pA V OH = 2.4 V -30 pA V OH = 3.9V IOL Output low current, I/O ports 1.8 rnA VOL = 0.4 V 'OHS STROBE Output High current -300 pA VOL = 2.4 V 'OLS STROBE output low current 5.0 rnA VOL = 0.4 V X-B DC CHARACTERISTICS FOR SERIAL PORT 1/0 PINS TA • VCC within specified operating range 1/0 Power Dissipation :s; 100 mW (Note 2) SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT VIHS Input High for 51 2.0 5.8 V V llS Input Low level for 51 -.3 .8 V IllS Input low current for 51 -1.6 rnA IOHSO Output High Current 50 -100 -30 pA. pA. IOlSO Output Low Current 50 1.8 rnA IOHSRC Output High Current. 5RCLK -300 pA. =0.4 V V OH = 2.4 V VOL = 3.9V VOL =0.4 V VOH = 2.4V IOlSRC Output Low Current. 5RCLK 5.0 rnA VOL TEST CONDITIONS Vil =0.4 V NOTES 1. RESET and EXT INT have internal Schmitt triggers giving minimum .2 V hysteresis. 2. Power dissipation for 1/0 pins is calculated by :!:(VCC • VIU ( IlL 1+ :!:(VCC - VOHI ( 10H 1+ :!:(VoU (lOLl AC TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 6 External Clock Intemal Clock 110 Port Output STROBE Note: All AC measurements are referenced to Vil max., VIH min., VOL (.8v), or V OH (2.0v). X-9 STROBE SOURCE CAPABILITY (TYPICALATVCC = 5V, TA = 25°C) s 0 Figure 7 u -15 R C E -10 C ..... U R R ..... 1-0. E ..... N T -5 ..... M A .... I' OUTPUT VOL TAGE STROBE SINK CAPABILITY (TYPICALATVCC = 5V, TA = 25°C) FigureS S I N K +100 - c U R R E .... i"" +50 i..o" N T i/ M A 1/ 1/ OUTPUT VOL lAGE STANDARD 110 PORT SOURCE CAPABILITY (TYPICAL AT VCC = 5V, TA = 25°C) Figure 9 s o U R c ..... E c ...... ..... U R R E N T -.5 ...... M A I' OUTPUT VOL T AGE 110 PORT SINK CAPABILITY (TYPICALATVCC = 5V, TA = 25°C) Figure 10 +60 S I N K C U R R E N T '50 '40 '30 M A +20 .,0 ,. ..... ,. _f-" OUTPUT VOL TAGE X-10 ..... MAXIMUM OPERATING TEMPERATURE VS. 1/0 POWER DISSIPATION Figure 11 100 ,... P~ sr,c 50 100 200 300 400 I- CfRAM'i;o r-. ..... 500 r- 600 1000 PDI/OMVV ORDERING INFORMATION An example of the device order number is shown below. .pL:L _, MK 95010 N - 1 0 S"W"ToOrn~ Operating Temperature Range Package Types 0= 5V±10% 5 = 5V±5% 0= O°C - +70°C 1 = -40°C - +85°C P = Ceramic N = Plastic ' - - - - -..... CustomerICode Specific Number X-11 1982/1983 MICROELECTRONIC DATA BOOK 68000, Z80, and 3870 Development System Products MOSTEI{@ DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM PRODUCTS RADIUSTM Remote Development Station FEATURES RADIUS Figure 1 o Microcomputer development with host computer • Software development on the host • Download to RADIUS • Hardware debug and software integration on RADIUS o Utilizes standard Mostek SDE series AIM modules o Host software supplied • Preconfigured for selected hosts • Reconfigurable for other hosts o Upload/download performed with error tolerant protocol o Emulation possible while disconnected from the host o Serial I/O Baud rate up to 9600 o Supports optional line printer and PROM programmer o Self-diagnostic test INTRODUCTION Mostek RADIUS - Remote Access Development and Integration 1Lc0mputer System - is a state-of-the-art microcomputer development system, designed specifically to be used in a host computer environment. RADIUS provides software development capability via the host computer and hardware development and software integration using the advanced in-circuit-emulation capability of Mostek AIM modules. In Local Mode, the user can: • Set optional Baud rates and special RADIUS control characters • Perform self diagnostics on RADIUS In Utility Mode, the user can: RADIUS is installed between the user's CRT terminal and the host computer via an ASCII RS-232 serial interface. See Figure 2. It can be operated in any of three modes: Transparent, Local or Utility. • Run the host components of the RADIUS Utility Packages (i.e. AIM-Z80SE, AIM-7XE, Line Printer Utility, PROM Programmer Utility, etc.). • Perform hardware debug and software integration. In Transparent Mode, the user can: RADIUS has no mass storage. Instead it uses the mass storage capabilities of the host. Once the user's target program is downloaded, the user has the option of disconnecting the RADIUS from the host. This allows the user to save connect time and long distance charges. • Perform any function that can be performed on the host computer. RADIUS becomes completely transparent to the user. XI-1 RADIUS SYSTEMS CONFIGURATION Figure 2 HOST PROM PROGRAMMER (OPTIONAl) CRT RADIUS TARGET . BOARD RADIUS can be configured in a single-user environment or in a multi-user environment, in which several RADIUS units are connected to an appropriate host and operated simultaneously, performing entirely separate jobs. This configuration supports the development of multiple microprocessor/microcomputer systems. See Figure 3. supply compartment on the left and the processing compartment on the right. The processing compartment can house up to five boards: a zao CPU/Memory board, two AIM modules boards, and two slots for future expansion. The CPU/Memory board contains: DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM • Z80CPU • 64 Kbyte internal systems memory • Four SIO ports; - one dedicated to user terminal, one to the host computer, and two for optional printer and PROM programmer - RADIUS supports 11 standard Baud rates from 50 to 9600 Baud RADIUS is a cost effective microcomputer development tool. It consists of an integrated cabinet, power supply, I/O panel, and a Z80 based processor module with four serial I/O ports. RADIUS is supplied with a host communications software package configured for several popular mini/microcomputer systems. (See ordering information.) A user rehostable version is available for other host computers. Additional preconfigured versions of the RADIUS host software will be provided in the future. RADIUS HARDWARE FEATURES zao RADIUS consists of a structural foam cabinet, CPU/Memory/IO board, and a power supply board. The user can add AIM-Z80BE or AIM-7XE modules to RADIUS to perform the full range of real time in-circuit emulation needed for hardware development and softWare integration. Future AIM products will be completely supported on RADIUS. The cabil1et is divided into two compartments: the power RADIUS SOFTWARE FEATURES • Local mode to set options on RADIUS and to perform local diagnostics • Most link parameters set at host configuration time • Full AIM command set available • AIM packages can run command files from the host • AIM packages can log all terminal output to the host • Progress of download/upload indicated on CRT • Protocol re-transmits messages upon line error • Self-explanatory error messages • Translators to convert TEKHEX, F8HEX, and INTELHEX object formats to Mostek HEX • Local PROM programming (optional) • Local printing (optional) • Self diagnostic test XI-2 RADIUS local mode provides the following commands: SPECIFICATIONS • • • • • • The power supply board has single phase AC input at47 Hz to 63 Hz for the following voltage ranges: • 95 Vto 132 V • 190 V to 264 V HELP PORT MEMORY OPTIONS DIAGNOSE QUIT The approximate dimensions are: • Width: 9.2" • Height: 10.8" • Depth: 12.6" RADIUS INSTALLATION IN A MULTI-USER ENVIRONMENT Figure 3 HOST CRT MODEM SOFTWARE OEVELOPMENT STATIONS RAOIUS RADIUS RADIUS ~~------~~ D D D CRT CRT CRT HARDWARE/SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT STATIONS PROM PROGRAMMER (OPTIONAL) HARDWARE/SOFTWARE DEVelOPMENT STATION VIA MODEM XI-3 ORDERING INFORMATION For detailed ordering information refer to the Development System Products Ordering Guide. XI-4 MOSTEI(. DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM PRODUCTS AIM-Z80BE Application Interface Module FEATURES AIM-Z80BE PRODUCTS Figure 1 o Direct interface to Mostek's MATRIX-80S OS, SYS-80F, and RADIUS development systems o In-circuit emulation of the Z80 microprocessor o Real-time execution (1-6 MHz with no wait states) o Flexible breakpoints (one hardware, eight software, and one timer) o Single-step execution o 16 K bytes of emulation RAM o Memory mappable into target or AIM system memory in 256 byte blocks o Illegal write-to-memory detection o Non-existent memory mapping and access detection o Forty-eight-channel-by-1024-words history memory for tracing bus events o T-state timer to measure execution time o English-oriented command structure o Disassembly of instructions o System configuration parameters can be saved for future use GENERAL DESCRIPTION AlM-ZSOBE is an advanced development tool which provides debug assistance for both software and hardware via in-circuit-emulation of the Z80 microprocessor. Use of the AIM-Z80BE is transparent to the user's final system configuration (referred to as the "target"). No memory space . or user ports are used, and all signals, including RESET INT, and NMI are functional during emulation. No memory wait states are required. Single-step circuitry allows the user to execute target instructions one at a time to see the exact effect of each instruction. Single step is functional in both ROM and RAM. Up to 16 K bytes of emulation RAM can be used to emulate the target microprocessor RAM or ROM. Thus, debugging can begin before the user system is completely configured with memory. Breakpoint-detect circuitry allows real-time execution to proceed to any desired point in the user's program and then terminate execution. All CPU status information and register contents can be displayed for the user and saved for later continuation of execution or single-stepping. Realtime execution may be terminated by the user at any time. EVENT and DELAY counters associated with the hardware breakpoint give added flexibility for viewing the exact point of interest in the user's program. A forty-eight channel history memory records up to 1024 bus transactions. The address bus, data bus, control signals, and 18 external probes may be logged into the history memory and later displayed by the user. XI-5 AIM-Z80SE SLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 TARGET SYSTEM CONTROL MODULE I BUFFER HISTORY MODULE II EM~':~ION I I r-;:::::~ir~~ir~:::::;l J. ~ II 11. 11 .H 1r .J.1 1 I I BREAKPOINT DETECT 11 EXECUTION CONTROL il JL INTERFACE RAM ii I MEMORY CONTROL Ii BUFFER LATCH I TIMER ~I 24-81T COMPARE .....----, EVENT COUNTER II BUFFER II II PORT DECODE HISTORY CONmOl I iT 41 II JL DELAY COUNTER I ADDRESS/CONTROL BUS SLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION logging elapsed time and generating the timer breakpoint. The Z80 emulation system is composed of two boards, the Control Board and the History Board, as shown in Figure 2. These boards are attached to a Buffer module which contains the target CPU and piugs directiy into the target system CPU socket. Address, data, and control signals are buffered by the Buffer module and cabled to the Control and History Boards installed in the development system. USING THE AIM-Z80SE The Control Board has the circuitry for detecting the breakpoint condition(s) and forces program execution to begin in a separate System Interface RAM. The System Interface RAM is loaded with an interface program and is shadowed into the target memory space. This control program makes the target CPU a slave to the development system. When the user desires to resume execution of his program, the control program activates the execution control circuit and execution resumes at the desired address. The Control board contains 16 K bytes of emulation RAM, which may be mapped into any address space required by the target system. Alternatively, if the user's system has memory available, he may use that as his target memory instead of the memory on the Control board. The History board has a 24-bit comparator circuit, an EVENT counter, and a DELAY counter to detect a hardware breakpoint condition. The 48-channel-by-1024-word history RAM is controlled by the History control circuit. The Timer circuit is used to count target processor clocks for The Control and History boards of AIM-Z80BE are installed directiy into the deveiopment system. Tu I;umpieie ihe emulation system the Buffer module is used as a buffer interface between the first two boards and the target system's Z80 CPU socket. The program which controls the AIM-ZooBE emulator system is AI MZoo. After execution of AIMZ80 is started, the program takes control ofthe AIM-ZooBE em ulation system. The user can then initialize the target system and use the AIMZ80 commands to load, test, and debug the target program. AIMZ80 SOFlWARE AIMZ80 is the software which operates the AIM-Z80BE emulation system in the Mostek MATRIX-80SDS or SYS80F disk system or the RADIUS development tool. Target system programs may be developed on a Mostek disk system by use of the appropriate assembler. Programs may be developed for RADIUS cross products supplied by Mostek or other vendors. The AIM software is supplied on a variety of media for use with Mostek. disk-based development systems and with different host systems for RADIUS. The commands available in AIMZ80 are summarized below. Each command also has a "short form" which allows abbreviated input with fewer keystrokes. XI-6 BATCH BREAK CLEAR COpy DISABLE DISASSEMBLE DUMP ENABLE EXECUTE FILL GET HEXADECIMAL HELP HISTORY INIT LOCATE LOG MAP MEMORY OFFSET PORT QUIT RAMTEST REGISTER STATUS STEP TRACE TRANSPARENT VERIFY Read AIM commands from a file Display and set breakpoints (S software, 1 hardware, and 1 timer breakpoint) Clear one breakpoint or all breakpoints Copy one block of memory to another block Disable target CPU interrupts Display and/or update instructions Dump a block of memory to a file Dump the memory map to a file Enable target CPU interrupts Start or continue execution of the target program Fill memory with a data byte Load a target program into memory Load the target memory map from a file Perform hexadecimal arithmetic Display a menu of commands for the user Set history logging options Reinitialize target handshake Locate a pattern in a memory block Log all console output to a file Map the block of memory as target supplied, AIM system supplied, or nonexistent, and write protected or not write protected Display and/or update memory Set an offset value for relative module debugging Display and update a port on the target CPU Output a value to a port without reading it Return to the resident operating system Perform a test on the target RAM Display and/or update the target CPU registers Display the current status of the AIM system Perform a single or multi-step execution Display the contents of the history RAM Allows the RADIUS user to temporarily access the host Verify the contents of a block of memory with another block or with a file. SPECIFICATIONS clock, RESET, INT, NMI, and DATA signals. 4. The signals Ml, MREQ, RD, and WR have a maximum of 25 nanoseconds added propagation delay. 5. The input signals RESET, INT, and NMI have a maximum of 45 nanoseconds propagation delay. Target operating frequency: 1 to 6 MHz (MK7S204) Target interface: all signals meet the specifications for the ZSO with the following exceptions: 1. The output low voltage is 0.5 V max at 1.S mA for the ADDRESS, DATA IORQ, RFSH, HALT, and BUSAK signals. 2. The input low current is 400 microampsmaxforthe PHI clock, RESET, INT, NMI, and DATA signals. 3. The input high current if 20 microamps for the PHI Target system power requirements (maximum): +5 V ±5% @ 600 milliamps System compatibility: RADIUS MATRIX-SO/SDS, SYS-SOF, or Operating temperature range; 0 to +50 degrees C ORDERING INFORMATION For detailed ordering information refer to the Development System Products Ordering Guide. XI-7 XI-8 MQSI'E1{ DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM PRODUCTS AIM-7XE Application Interface Module FEATURES AIM-7XE Figure 1 o Direct interface to Mostek's MATRIX-80/SDS, SYS-80F, and RADIUSTM development systems o In-circuit emulation of all MK3870 and MK3873 family microprocessors (does not include piggy-back parts) o Real-time execution (1-4 MHz with no wait states) o Flexible breakpoints (one hardware, eight software, and one timer breakpoint) and any number of manuallyinserted breakpoints o Single-step execution o 4 K bytes of emulation RAM o Option of on-board oscillator or user clock o Illegal write-to-memory detection o Forty-eight-channel-by-1024-words history memory for tracing bus events o Event counter and delay counter for monitoring bus events o T-state timer to measure execution time o English-oriented command structure o Disassembly of instructions Breakpoint-detect circuitry allows real-time execution to proceed to any desired point in the user's program and then terminate execution. All CPU status information and registers can be displayed for the user and saved for later continuation of execution or single-stepping. Real-time execution may be terminated by the user at any time. EVENT and DELAY counters associated with the hardware breakpoint give added flexibility for viewing the exact point of interest in the user's program. GENERAL DESCRIPTION AIM-7XE is an advanced development tool which provides debug assistance for both software and hardware via incircuit-emulation of the MK3870 and MK3873 family of microprocessors. Use of the AIM-7XE is completely transparent to the user's final system configuration (referred to as the "target"). No memory space or user ports are used, and all signals, including IRESET and IEXT INT, are functional during emulation. No memory wait states are required. A forty-eight channel history memory records up to 1024 bus transactions. The address bus, data bus, ports 0, 1, and either port 4, 5, or 8 external probes may be logged into the history memory and later displayed by the user. BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION The MK3870 Family emulation system is composed of both the AIM-7XE system and personality modules. AIM-7XE consists of two boards, the Control board and the History board, as shown in Figure 2. These boards are attached by cables to the personality module which contains the target Single-step circuitry allows the user to execute target instructions one at a time to see the exact effect of each instruction. 4 K bytes of emulation RAM are used to emulate the target microprocessor ROM. XI-9 AIM-7XE BLOCK DIAGRAM F'Igure 2 '/ APM xx AIM PERSONALITY MODULE L:?I BUFFER / V TARGET SYSTEM .u I( I' l TARGET J CPU V VJ ~ AIM·7XE ir DETECT ~ I,EXECUTIONI CONTROL If I 11 .!J BUFFER I INTERFACE RAM U 4/ IF' 1- 1'1 PORT 1 1 1 DECODE VJ Jl ADDRESS/CONTROLBUS EVENT : COUNTER ir .!J V V '/ HISTORY RAM If BUFFER 11 FI RADIUS ATABUS l BUFFER LATCH 1 1MEMORY 1 r-- 124 BIT ,I COMPARE CONTROL ir ft '/ '/MATRIXI SYs· l RAM IFr ~J. HISTORY BOARD ..t.. ~~ULATIONJ I BUFFER I~REAKPOINT V CONTROL BOARD 1 JI TIMER I J l DELAY J l HISTORY COUNTER CONTROL 5t 5J J I l PORT DECODE ;>- LL II CPU and plugs directly into the target system CPU socket. Address, data, and control signals are buffered by the pp.rsonality module, user target system is not required todo software debugging. Only the AIM-7XE boards and a personality module are needed. The Control Board has the circuitry for detecting the breakpoint condition(s) and forces program execution to begin in the System Interface RAM, The System Interface RAM is loaded with an interface program and is shadowed into the target memory space. This control program makes the target CPU a slave to the development system. When the user desires to resume execution of his program, the control program activates the execution control circuit and execution resumes at the desired address. The program which controls the AIM-7XE emulator system is named AIM7X. After execution of AIM7X is started, the program takes control of the AIM-7XE emulation system. The user can then initialize the target system and use the AIM7X commands to load, test, and debug the target program. The History Board has a 24-bit comparator circuit, an EVENT counter, and a OELAY counter to detect a hardware breakpoint condition. The 48-channel-by-1024-word history RAM is controlled by the History control circuit. The Timer circuit is used to count target processor clocks for logging elapsed time and generating the timer breakpoint. USING THE AIM-7XE The Control and History boards ofthe AIM-7XE are installed directly into the Mostek development system. To complete the emulation system a personality module is required. This module is a buffer interface between the first two boards and the target system's CPU socket. Note that a complete AIM7X SOFTWARE AIM7X is the software which operates the AIM-7XE emulation system in the Mostek MATRIX-80/S0S or SYS80F disk system or the RAOIUSTM development tool. Target system programs may be developed on a Mostek disk system by use of the Mostek 3870/F8 Macro Cross Assembler (MACRO-70) and the resident linker. Programs may be developed for RAOIUSTM using cross products supplied by Mostek or other vendors. The AIM7X software is supplied on standard FLP-8000S diskette for Mostek disk-based systems and on a variety of media for different host systems for use with RADIUSTM. The commands available in AIM7X are summarized below. Each command also has a "short form" which allows abbreviated input with fewer keystrokes. XI-10 Read AIM commands from a file Display and set breakpoints (8 software, 1 hardware, and 1 timer breakpoint) Clear one breakpoint or all breakpoints Copy one block of memory to another block Disable target CPU interrupts Display and/or update instructions Dump a block of memory to a file Enable target CPU interrupts Start or continue execution of the target program Fill memory with a data byte Load a target program file into memory Perform hexadecimal arithmetic Display a menu of commands for the user Set history logging options Reinitialize target handshake Locate a pattern in a memory block Log all console output to a file Display and/or update memory Set an offset value for relative module debugging Display and update a port on the target CPU Return to the resident operating system Perform a test on the target RAM Display and/or update the target CPU registers Display the current status of the AIM system Perform a single or multi-step execution Display the contents of the history RAM Allows the RADIUS user to temporarily access the host Verify the contents of a block of memory with another block or a file BATCH BREAK CLEAR COpy DISABLE DISASSEMBLE DUMP ENABLE EXECUTE FILL GET HEXADECIMAL HELP HISTORY INIT LOCATE LOG MEMORY OFFSET PORT QUIT RAMTEST REGISTER STATUS STEP TRACE TRANSPARENT VERIFY SPECIFICATIONS Target operating frequency: 1 to 4 MHz Target interface: All signals meet the specifications of the MK3870 family except that the XLT2 input will not accept a user crystal. It requires a TIL clock input. System compatibility: MATRIX-80/SDS, SYS-80F, or RADIUS Operating temperature range: a to +50°C ORDERING INFORMATION II For detailed ordering information refer to the Development System Products Ordering Guide. XI-11 XI-12 MOSTEI(. DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM ,PRODUCTS MATRIXTM Microcomputer Development System INTRODUCTION The Mostek MATRIXTM is a complete state-of-the-art, floppy disk-based computer. Not only does it provide all the necessary tools for software development, but it provides complete hardware/software debug through Mostek's AIMTM series of in-circuit emulation cards for the Z80 and the 3870 family of single-chip microcomputers. The MATRIX has at its heart the powerful OEM-80E (Single Board Computer), the RAM-80BE (RAM I/O add-on board), and the FLP-80E (floppy disk controller board). Because these boards and software are available separately to OEM users, the MATRIX serves as an excellent test bed for developing systems applications. The disk-based system eliminates the need for other mass storage media and provides ease of interface to any peripheral normally used with computers. The file-based structure for storage and retrieval consolidates the data base and provides a reliable portable media to speed and facilitate software development. The FLP-80DOS Disk Operating System is designed for maximum flexibility both in use and expansion to meet a multitude of end-user or OEM needs. FLP-80DOS is compatible with Mostek's SO and MD Series of OEM boards, allowing software designed on the MATRIX to be directly used in OEM board applications. The relocatable and linking feature of the assembler enables the use of contemporary modular design techniques whereby major system alterations can be made in small tractable modules. Using the Linker, the small modules can be combined to form a run-time module without major reassembly of the entire program. Development System Features Package System Features The MATRIX is an excellent integration of both hardware and software development tools for use throughout the complete system design and development phase. The software development is begun by using the combination of Mostek's Text Editor with "roll in-roll out" virtual memory operation and the Mostek relocating assembler. Debug can then proceed inside the MATRIX domain using its resources as if they were in the final system. Using combinations of the Monitor, Designer's Debugging Tool, execution time breakpoints, and single step/ multistep operation along with a formatted memory dump, provides control for attacking those tough problems. The use of the Mostek AIMTM options provides extended debug with versatile hardware breakpoints on memory or port locations, a buffered in-circuit emulation cable for extending the software debug into its own natural hardware environment, and a history memory to capture bus transactions in real . time for later examination. From a system standpoint, the MATRIX has been designed to be the basis of an end-product, such as a small business/industrial computer. The flexibility provided in the FLP-80DOS operating system permits application programs to be as diverse as a high-level language compiler or a supervisory control system in the industrial environment. Other hardware options are available, with even more to be added. Expansion of the disk drive units to a total of four single-sided or double-sided units provides up to two megabytes of storage. This computer uses the thirdgeneration Z80 processor supported with the power of a complete family of peripheral chips. Through the use of its 158 instructions, including 16-bit arithmetic, bit manipulation, advanced block moves and interrupt handling, almost any application from communication concentrators to general purpose accounting systems is made easy. XI-13 OEM Features The hardware and software basis for the MATRIX is also a;;u;~cb!G SCp~r3te!y to the OE!\',~ pt.!rchaser. Through 8 software licensing agreement. all Mostek software can be utilized on these OEM series of cards. MATRIX RESIDENT SOFTWARE (FLP-80DOS) A totally integrated package of resident software is offered in conjunction with the MATRIX and consists of: Monitor Text Editor MACRO 80 Assembler linker DDT-SO with extended debug through AIMTM modules Peripheral Interchange Program Floppy Disk Handler 1/0 Control System Device Driver library Batch Mode Operation 1/0 is done in terms of logical unit numbers. as is commonly done in FORTRAN. A set of logical units is pre-assigned to deflllllt I/O drivers upon power UD or reset. From the console. the user can reassign any logical unit to any new I/O device and can also display logical unit assignments. Executable file creation can be done by the Save command; printable absolute object files can be produced using the Dump command. MATRIX BLOCK DIAGRAM Monitor The FLP-SODOS Monitor is the environment from which all activity in the system initiates. From the Monitor. any system routine such as PIP or a user-generated program is begun by simply entering the program name. FLP-SODOS XI-14 Text Editor fill The Text Editor permits editing/creating of any source file independent of the language being written. The Editor is both line and string oriented to give maximum utility and user flexibility. The Editor, through its virtual memory "roll in-roll out" technique, can edit a file whose length is limited only by maximum diskette storage. Included in the repertoire of 15 commands are macro commands to save time when encountering a redundant editing task. The Editor is also capable of performing in one operation all the commands which will fit into an aD-column command buffer. Summary of Editor Commands Advance N !!.ackup N Change N/S1/S2 - Advance line pointer N line - backs up N lines - change N occurrences of String I to String 2 Delete N - Delete current line plus next N-llines of text Ixchange N - Exchanges current line plus next N-1 lines with lines to be inserted while in insert mode - Reads another file and inserts it into get file the file being edited after the current line Insert - Place Editor in insert mode. Text will be inserted after present line Line N - Place line pointer on Line N. Macro 1 or Macro 2 - Defines Macro 1 or Macro 2 by the following string of Text Editor commands. - Outputs N lines of the file being edited Put N file to another disk file. Quit - Stores off file under editing process and returns to Monitor environment Search N/S1 - Searches from existing pointer location until NTH occurrence of string SI is located and prints it. - Inerts records at top of file before first Top line. Verify N - Print current record to console plus next N-I records while advancing pointer N records ahead. Write N - Prints current records plus next N-I records to source output device while advancing pointer N records. eXecute N - Executes Macro I or Macro 2 as defined by Macro command. .!!reakpoint - sets software trap in user code for interrupting execution in order to examine CPU registers - displays contents of user's registers .Register Offset - enters address adder for debug of relocatable modules yerify ~alk Quit - fills specified portion of memory with a bit byte - compares two blocks of memory - software single step/multistep - returns to Monitor Debuggers for other processors have similar or enhanced capability and are included with the appropriate AIM.TM zao ASSEMBLER The zao Resident Assembler generates relocatable or absolute object code from source files. The assembler recognizes all 15a zao instructions as well as 20 powerful pseudo operators. The object code generated is absolute or relocatable format. With the relocating feature, large programs can be easily developed in smaller sections and linked using the Linker. Because the assembler utilizes the I/O Control System, object modules or list modules can be directed to disk files, paper tape, console, or line printer. Portability of output media eliminates the requirement for a complete set of peripherals at every software/hardware development ~ystem. The assembler run-time options include sorted symbol table generation, no list, no object, pass 2 only, quit, cross reference table, and reset symbol table. The assembler is capable of handling 14 expression operators including logical. shift, multiplication, division, addition and subtraction operations. These permit complex expressions to be resolved at assembly time by the assembler rather than manually by the programmer. Comments can be placed anywhere but must be integrated with the listing file but can be directed to the console device. In addition, assembler pseudo operators are: GLOBAL PSECT operator - for global symbol definition. - to generate relocatable or absolute modules IF expression - conditional assembly IF expression is true INCLUDE dataset - to include other datasets (files) as in-line source code anywhere in source file. Linker The Linker program provides the capability of linking assembler-generated, absolute or relocatable object modules together to create a binary or run-time file. This process permits generation of programs which may require the total memory resources of the system. The linking process includes the library search option, which, if elected, will link in standard library object files from disk to resolve undefined global symbols. Another option selects a complete global symbol cross-reference listing. XI-15 DDT The Designer's Debugging Tool consists of commands for facilitating an otherwise difficult debugging process. The MATRIX allows rapid source changes through the editor and assembler. This is followed by DDT operations which close the loop on the debug cycle. The DDT commands include: Memory Port .£xecute Hexadecimal .£opy Init - display, update, or tabulate memory -display, update or tabulate liD ports - execute user's program - performs 16 bit addl sub - copy one block to another Rename Status Peripheral Interchange Program PIP provides complete file maintenance activity for operations such as copy file from disk to disk, disk to peripheral, or any peripheral to any other peripheral supporting both file-structured and character-oriented devices. Key operations such as renaming, appending, and erasing files also exist along with status commands for diskette 10 and vital statistics. PIP can search the diskette directories for any file or a file of a specific name, extension, and user number. The PIP operations are: Append ~opy Date Qirectory Erase Format - appends file 1 to file 2 without changing file 1. - copies input files or data from an input device to an output file or device. The Copy command can be used for a variety of puq.Juses such CiS :lstiiig files, concatenating individual files, or copying all the files on a single file from one disk unit (e.g. DKO) to a second disk unit (e.g. OK 1) - allows the specifying of the date in day, month, and year format. The date specified will be used to date tag any file which is created or edited. - lists the directory of a specified disk unit (DKO, DKI, etc.). The file name, extension, and user number and creation or edited date are listed for each file in the directory. The user can also request listing-only files of a specified name, only files of a specified extension, or only files of a specified user number. The list device can be any device supported by the system as well as a file. - erases a single file or files from a diskette in a specified disk unit. The user has the option to erase all files, only files of a specified file name, or only files of a specified user number. - takes completely unformatted softsectored diskettes, formats to IBM Quit 3740, and prepares to be a system diskette. Operation is performed on diskette unit 1 and a unique 11character name is assigned to that diskette. - initializes maps in the disk handler when a new diskette has been changed while in the PIP environment. - renames a file, its extension, and user number to a file of name X, extension Y, and user Z. - lists all vital statistics of a disk unit to any device. These include the number of allocated records, the number of used records, and the number of bad records - returns to Monitor Environment. DOSIDisk Handler The heart of the FLP-80DOS software package is the Disk Operating System. Capable of supporting up to 4 singledensity, single or double-sided units, the system provides a file-structure orientation timed and optimized for rapid storage and retrieval. Program debug is enhanced by complete error reporting supplied with the DOS. Additionally, extensive error recovery and bad sector allocation ensure data and file integrity. The DOS not only provides file reading and writing capability, but special pointer manipulation, record deletions, record insertions, skip records both forward and backward, as well as directory manipulation such as file creation, renaming, and erasure. The DOS is initiated by a ca:Hng vector '"A.:h!ch !s a subset of the liD control system vector or by the standard 10CS calling sequence to elect buffer allocation, blocking, and deblocking of data to a user-selectable, logical record type. A unique dynamic allocation algorithm makes optimal use of disk storage space. Run time (Binary) files are given first priority to large blocks of free space to eliminate overhead in operating system and overlay programs. The algorithm marks storage fragments as low priority and uses them only when the diskette is nearing maximum capacity. The DOS permits 7 files to be opened for operations at anyone time, thus permitting execution of complex application programs. I I 0 Control System The I/O Control System provides a central facility from which all calls to liD can be structured. This permits a system applications program to dissolve any device dependence by utilizing the logical unit approach of large, main-frame computers. For example, a programmer may want to structure the utility to use logical unit No.5 as the list device which normally in the system defaults to the line printer. He may, however, XI-16 strapped for other ROM/PROM elements. assign at run time a different device for logical unit No. 5. The application program remains unchanged. RAM-aOBE Interface by a user to 10CS is done by entering a device mnemonic in a table and by observing the calling sequence format. 10CS supplies a physical buffer of desired length, handles buffer allocation, blocking, and deblocking, and provides a logical record structure as specified by the user. Batch - Mode Operation In Batch-Mode Operation, a command file is built on disk or assigned to a peripheral input device such as a card reader. The console input normally taken from the keyboard is taken from this batch device or batch file. While operating under direction of a batch file, the console output prompts the user as normal. or the prompting can be directed to any other output device. The Batch operation is especially useful forthe execution of redundant procedures not requiring the constant attention of the operator. The RAM-aOBE adds additional memory with Mostek's MK4116 16K dynamic memory along with more I/O. These two fully programmable a-bit I/O ports with handshake provide additional I/O expansion as system RAM memory needs to grow. Standard system configuration is 4aK bytes for a system total of 60K bytes user RAM (56K contiguous). FlP-80E Integral to the MATRIX system is the floppy controller. The FLP-aOE is a complete IBM 3740 singledensity/double-sided controller for up to 4 drives. The controller has 12a bytes of FIFO buffer resulting in a completely interruptable disk system. OPTIONAL MODULES COMPATIBLE WITH MATRIX AIM-zaOBE (6.0 MHz max. clock rate) MATRIX SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS • • • • • • • • • • • The AIM-ZaOBE is an improved zao In-Circuit-Emulation module usable at zao-cpu clock rates of up to 6MHz. The AIM-ZaOBE is a two processor solution to In-Circuit Emulation which utilizes a zao-cpu in the buffer box for accurate emulation at high clock rates with minimum restrictions on the target system. The AIM-Z80BE provides real time emulation (no WAIT states) while providing full access to RESET, NMI and INT control lines. Eight single byte software breakpoints (in RAM) are provided as well as one hardware trap (RAM or ROM). The emulation RAM on the AIM-Z80BE is mappable into the target system in 256 byte increments. A 1024 word x 48 bit history memory is triggerable by the hardware intercept and can be read back to the terminal to provide a formated display of the zao-cpu address, data, and control busses during the execution of the program under test. Several trigger options are available to condition the loading of the history memory. zao CPU. 4K byte PROM bootstrap and zao debugger 60K bytes user RAM. (56K contiguous) a x a bit I/O ports (4 x PIO) with user-definable drivers/receivers Serial port, RS 232 and 20 mA current loop. 4 channel counter/timer (CTC). 2 single-density, single-sided disk drives; 250K bytes per floppy disk. 3 positions for AIM modules, A/D cards, Serial Interface, etc. Device drivers for paper tape readers, punches, card readers, line printers, Silent 700's, Teletypes and CRT's are included. Others can be added. PROM programmer I/O port. Programmer itself is optional. Bus compatible with Mostek SD/E series of OEM boards. AIM-7XE The AIM-7XE module provides debug and in-circuit emulation capabilities for the 3870 series microcomputers on the MATRIX. Multiple-breakpoint capability and singlestep operation allow the designer complete control over the execution of the 3a70 Series microcomputer. HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OEM-80E CPU Module The OEM-aOE provides the essential CPU power of the system. While using the zao as the central processing unit, the OEM-aOE is provided with other zao family peripheral chip support. Two zao PIO's give 4 completely programmable a bit parallel 110 ports with handshake from which the standard system peripherals are interfaced. Also on the card is the ZaO-CTC counter time circuit which has 3 free flexible channels to perform critical counting and timing functions. Along with 16K of RAM, the OEM-aO provides 5 ROM/PROM sockets which can be utilized for 10120K of ROM or 5/10K PROM. Four sockets contain the firmware portion of FLP-aODOS. The remaining socket can be Register, Port display, and modification capability provide information needed to find system "bugs." All I/O is in the user's system and is connected to AIM-7X by a 40-pin interface cable. The debugging operation is controlled by a mnemonic debugger which controls the interaction between the zao host computer and the 3870 slave. It includes a history module for the last 1024 CPU cycles and also supports all 3870 family circuits. XI-17 Assembly and linking are done using the MACRO-70 Assembler and the standard FLP-80DOS linker. Card Cage: Six slots DIN 41612 type connectors Operating Temperature: +1 O°C to +35°C MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Overall Dimensions: CPU subsystem - 8" High x 21" wide x 22" deep (20.3qm x 53.3 cm x 55.8cm) Disk subsystem - 8" High x 21" wide x 22" deep (20.3cm x 53.3 cm x 55.8cm) Humidity: up to 90% relative, noncondensing. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS INPUT 100/1151230 volts AC ± 10% 50 Hz (MK78189) or 60Hz (MK78188) OUTPUT CPU subsystem Material: Structural Foam (Noryl) Weight: CPU Subsystem 25 Ibs (11.3 Kg) Disk Subsystem 50 Ibs (22.7 Kg) Disk subsystem +5 VDC at 12A max. +12 VDC at 1.7A max. -12 VDC at 1.7A max. +5VDC at 3.0A max. -5 VDC at 0.5A max. +24 VDC at 3.4A max. Fan Capacity: 115 CFM ORDERING INFORMATION BASIC SYSTEM NO. NAME DESCRIPTION PART NO. MATRIXTM Z80 floppy disk based microcomputer with eCK bytBS of R,A,~..~ {56K bytes c0!"'!!igll(HI~ RAM). 4K bytes PROM bootstrap, two 250K byte single density floppy disk drives with Operations Manual. Includes the software package of FLP-80DOS distributed on diskette. Requires signed license agreement with purchase order. MK78188 (60Hz) MK78189 (50Hz) MATRIXTM Operations Manual Only MK79730 FLP-80DOS Operations Manual Only MK78557 XI-18 IN-CIRCUIT EMULATION MODULES NAME DESCRIPTION PART NO. AIM-Z80AE 4.0 MHz RAM based Z80 in-circuit emulator with expanded history trace, buffer box, cables and Operations Manual 16K Bytes emulation RAM MK78181-1 MK78181-2 32K Bytes emulation RAM AIM-Z80AE Operations Manual only MK79650 AIM-7XE RAM based in-circuit emulator for the 3870 series of single-chip microcomputers (3870, 3872, 3874 and 3876) with cables and Operations Manual. MK79077 AIM-7XE Operations Manual only MK79579 SOFTWARE-FULLY SUPPORTED NAME DESCRIPTION PART NO. MACRO-70 Relocatable 3870/F8 MACRO assembler which speeds up development of 3870/F8 programs through use of MACRO to run on MATRIX with Operations Manual. Requires signed license agreement with purchase order. MK79085 MACRO-70 Operations Manual Only MK79658 MACRO-80 Operations Manual Only MK79635 NAME DESCRIPTION PART NO. ANSI BASIC ANSI BASIC interpreter with random disk MK78157 access for the MATRIX microcomputer including operations manual. Requires signed license agreement with purchase order. ANSI BASIC Operations Manual only MK79623 XI-19 SOFTWARE-LEVEL 2 UNSUPPORTED NAME DESCRIPTION PART NO. MOSTEK FORTRAN IV FORTRAN IV compiler (Z80 object code) for the MATRIX microcomputer with Operations Manual. Requires signed license agreement with purchase order. MK78158 MOSTEK FORTRAN IV Operations Manual only MK79644 MK79643 LIBRARY Vol. 1 of zao Software Library including FLP-aOOOs MK78164 utilities, sort, 8080 to Z80 source translator, word processor program, LLL BASIC (6K). 23 Programs total including source, object, and binary. PERIPHERALS AND CABLES NAME DESCRIPTION PART NO. MOSTEK VT 110-9600 Baud CRT with upper and lowercase character set. Includes cable (78152) to MATRIX. 110/115 volt 50/60 Hz 230 volt 50/60 Hz MK78190-1 (60Hz) MK78190-2(50Hz) MOSTEK LP 7 x 7 dot MATRIX printer with 120 character LP per second operation. Includes interface cable to MATRIX. 100/115 volt model 50/60 Hz 230 volt model 50/60Hz MK78191-1 (60Hz) MK78191-2(50Hz) PPG-8/16 Programmer for 2708, 2758 and 2716 PROM ~nc;iude5 liitei"fac;iig cab!c$ to f'i!,A"TR!X. MK79081-1 SO-WW Wire wrap card compatible with MATRIX. MK79063 SO-EXT Extender card compatible with MATRIX. MK79062 LP-CABLE Interface cable from MATRIX Microcomputer to Centronics 306 or 702 printer MK79089 PPG-CABLE Interface cables from MATRIX to PPG-8/16 PROM programmer (MK79081). MK79090 XI-20 Standard license Agreement and Registration Form All Mostek Corporation software products are sold on condition that the purchaser agrees to the following terms: The Purchaser agrees not to sell, provide, give away, or otherwise make available to any unauthorized persons, all or any part of, the Mostek software products listed below, including, but not restricted to 9bject code, source code, and program listings. This license allows the purchaser to operate the software product only on the system referenced by serial number below. Mostek retains title to all Mostek software products including diskettes and tapes. 2. The Purchaser may at any time demonstrate the normal operation of the Mostek software product to any person. 3. Purchaser may not copy materials furnished with Mostek software products but copies may be obtained from Mostek. No part of the Mostek software products may be copied by Purchaser In printed or machine-readable form unless for the purpose of study, modification or back-up. Purchaser will place Mostek's copyright notice on all copies and maintain records, available at Mostek's request. of the location of the copies. 4. Mostek's sole obligation shall be to make available to Purchaser all published modifications or updates made by Mostek to licensed software products which are published and made generally available within one (1) year from date of purchase, provided Purchaser has complied with the Software License Agreement and Registration Form. 5.ln no event will Mostek be held liable for any loss, expense or damage, of any kind whatsoever, direct or indirect. including as a result of Mostek's negligence. Mostek shall not be liable for any incidental damages, consequential damages and lost profits, arising out of or connected In any manner with any of Mostek's software products described below. 6. MOSTEK MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY AND WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OR DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE) WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE DESCRIBED BELOW. 7. Any license under this agreement may be terminated for breach by one month's prior written notice and Purchaser will promptly return all copies of any parts of Mostek Software products. List the following Software Products subject to this agreement Mostek Product Number (MK#) Mostek Product Number (MK#) Product Name Product Name AGREED TO PURCHASER MOSTEK CORPORATION Name (PRINT) Name Signature (PARTY) Title Date Title Date PLEASE PRINT FOLLOWING INFORMATION Company Name __________________________________ Date ____________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________ City _____________________________ State ___________________________ Zip Code __________ Country ___________________________________________ Telephone( ____~_________________________________ Mostek Disk System Serial # or Mostek Disk Controller Serial # or 0 Non Mostek Hardware Date of Purchase Place of Purchase ______________________________. XI-21 If you are purchasing this product from a Distributor, print the Distributor's name below and return this form to the Distributor; The distributor will provide a purchase order # and will then forward this form to the address below. Distributor Name ____________________________ ~ If you are purchasing this product direct from Mostek, check the Customer PO # box, provide your purchase order #, and return this form to the address below. Purchase Order # to Mostek o Customer PO # or o Distributor PO PO # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ # RETURN THIS FORM TO Software Librarian, MS #510 Micro System Department Mostek Corporation 1215 W. Crosby Road P.O Box 169 Carrollton, Texas 75006 "NOTE: Mostek will not ship this software product to customer until this signed form librarian. XI-22 IS received by the Mostek software MOSTEI(. DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM PRODUCTS EVAL-70 3870 Evaluation System FEATURES o An ideal hardware and/or software design aid for the MK38P70 and MK3870 family of Single-Chip Microcomputers o Includes a 2K byte firmware monitor o Keypad for command and data entry o 7-segment address and data display o Programming socket for MK2716/2758's o Crystal controlled system clock o 2K bytes of MK4118 static RAM (up to 4K optional) o Sockets for up to 4K bytes of MK2716 PROM's o Flexible memory map strapping options o Current loop or RS-232 serial loader optional (110-3001200 baud) o 3 general purpose timer/counters o 3 general purpose external interrupts o Easy to use - requires only two supplies for normal operation (+5, +12) o Ideal for evaluation of MK3870 family single-chip microcomputers USING EVAL-70 o Full in-circuit emulation of MK3870 single-chip microcomputer family. DESCRIPTION EVAL-70 is a single board computer with on-board keypad, address and data displays, and 2716 PROM programmer. EVAL-70 is designed to be an easy-to-use introduction to the industry standard MK3870 family of single-chip computers. Programs can be written and debugged in RAM using the powerful DDT-70 operating system. The 40 pin AIM cable can be used to perform real-time emulation of the MK3870 family of devices. After debugging, programs can be loaded into MK2716's for final circuit checkout (and emulation). The photograph above shows how EVAL-70 is used as a program development tool. Only an external power supply is required for operation of EVAL-70; the built-in keyboard and display offer all the functions needed to design, develop, and debug programs for the MK3870 family of single-chip microcomputers at the machine code level. COMMAND SUMMARY OM: Display memory: allows memory to be displayed and (RAM) updated. DR: Display registers: allows the user's register values to be displayed and updated. DP: Display ports: allows the contents of ports 0 thru F to be displayed and updated HX: Hex calculator: allows hexadecimal arithmetic calculations to be performed (add and subtract) GO: causes execution of a user program at a specified address XI-23 £I BK: Breakpoint: a1I0ws a breakpoi ntto be set or reset ST: Step: causes single-step execution of a user program at a specified address LD: Load: initiates the serial loader (optional) MV: Move: allows a block of memory to be moved or copied from one space to another RO, R8: Read PROM: causes the PROM programmer socket to be read into address space 00-7FF or 800-F7F PO, P8: Program PROM: causes the contents of address space 000-7FF or 800-F7F to be programmed into the PROM programmer socket EVAL-70 KEYBOARD DRAWING IElulAILlllol BLOCK DIAGRAM EVAL-70 uses several members of the F8 multichip family. A MK3850 Central Processing Unit (CPU) provides the ALU, registers, system control and two 8-bit ports. A MK90071 Peripheral Input Output chip (PIO) provides two more 8-bit ports plus a flexible timer/interrupt control block. These four ports are connected to the AIM cable connector for in-circuit emulation of the MK3870 family devices, and also to the PROM programmer socket. An additional PIO (MK90073) interfaces the LED display and keyboard. A MK3853 Static Memory Interface chip (SMI) interfaces the operating system ROM, uptotw02KPROMsand uptofour1 K RAMs. A switch option allows either the 4K of PROM or the 4K of RAM to appear at address OOOOH, with the other 4K appearing at 1000H. The operating system ROM may be up to 8K (currently 2K) starting at 8000H. A switch option allows reset to either OOOOH or to the 8000H ROM. USING EVAL-70 WITH LARGER SYSTEMS BLOCK DIAGRAM A!thcugh the EV..~\,L-70 operet!r!g system (DDT-70) W~~ designed to make program machine code entry simple and quick, many users will find it more efficient to assemble their programs on a larger computer and then download to EVAL-70. PIO MK90071 CPU MK3850 The download to EVAL-70 may be accomplished in either of two ways: 1) SMI MK3853 PIO MK90073 KEYBOARD 2) A PROM may be programmed on the Development System, and then read into RAM by the EVAL-70 for debugging. A direct connection may be made between a serial port on the Development System and the serial loader port on EVAL-70. An optional serial loader program is provided in the EVAL-70 Operations Manual. Owners of minicomputers may purchase XFOR-70, a 3870 cross-assembler written in ANSI standard Fortran IV. It may be compiled and executed on any.computer system which has at least a 16-bit word length for integer storage and 13K (typical) of memory for program storage. XI-24 DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM EVAL-70 PROM " II" "'" c=)~c) ~ao~a [II]]]]] ~ DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM II XI-25 EVAL-70 BOARD XI-26 Owners of a Matrix Disk Development System may purchase MACRO-70, an advanced 3870 cross assembler. MACRO-70 will generate relocatable, linkable object modules and provides MACRO assembly capability. SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature: O°C - sooC Power Supplies Required: +SVDC ±S% 1.0A max +12VDC ±S% 0.1A max +2SVDC ±S% 0.1 A max Board Size: 8.5 in. (21.6 cm) x 12 in. (30.Scm) x 2 in. (Scm) Connectors and Cables: 40 pin in-circuit-emulation cable is provided. ORDERING INFORMATION NAME DESCRIPTION PART NO. EVAL-70 3870 Evaluation System, Assembled and tested with Operations Manual and In-circuit Emulation cable. MK79086 EVAL-70 Manual EVAL-70 Operations Manual only MK79717 XFOR-SOI70 FORTRAN Cross assembler for 3870 series MK79012 MATRIX Disk Based !Jevelopment System MK78189 (50Hz) MK78188 (60Hz) AIM-72E In-circuit emulation module for the MATRIX for the 3870, 3872, 3874 and 3876 Microcomputer MK79077 MACRO-70 3870 Cross Assembler with MACRO capability for the Matrix Disk Development System MK7908S £I XI-27 XI-28 MOSTEI(. DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM PRODUCTS PPG 8/16C PROM Programmer FEATURES PPG B/16C o Programs, reads, and verifies 270S-, 275S-, and 2716type PROMs (275S and 2716 PROMS must be 5-Volt only type) o Interfaces to MATRIX and MDX-PIO o Driver software included on system diskette for FLP-SODOS o Zero-insertion-force socket o Power and programming indicators DESCRIPTION The PPG-S/16C PROM Programmer is a peripheral which provides a low-cost means of programming 2708, 275S, or 2716 PROMs. It is compatible with Mostek's MATRIX Microcomputer Development System and the MDX-PIO. The PPG-S/16C has a generalized computer interface (two S-bit 1/0 ports) allowing it to be controlled by other types of host computers with user-generated driver software. A complete set of documentation is provided with the PPGS/16C which describes the internal operation and details user's operating procedures The PPG-S/16C is available in a metal enclosure for use with the MATRI)(TM and the MDX-PIO. Interface cables for either the MATRIX or MDX-PIO must be purchased separately. SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION The driver software accomplishes four basic operations. These are (1) loading data into host computer memory, (2) reading the contents of a PROM into host computer memory, (3) programming a PROM from the contents of the host computer memory, and (4) verifying the contents of a PROM with the contents of the host computer memory. The driver software is provided on the FLP-SODOS system diskette. The user documentation provided with the PPGS/16C fully explains programming procedures to enable a user to develop a software driver on a different host computer. XI-29 PPG 8/1 6C BLOCK DIAGRAM J1 CONNECTOR TO HOST COMPUTER SSTS 01 Os 275S1 MK270S1 MK2716 SOCKET MODE SELECT CIRCUIT J2 +12 VDC CONNECTOR TO +5, +12, -12 POWER SUPPLY +5VDC GND -12VDC PROGRAM PULSE CONVERTER +27.5 VDC ":U~mR It~'1 PROGRAM LED STEP-UP VOLTAGE REGULATOR -5VDC +5VDC +12 VDC INTERFACE OPERATING TEMPERATURE 25-pin control connector (0 type) 4O-pin control connector (0.1-in. centers card edge) for AIO-SOF, SOB-SO, SOB-50170, or MATRI)(TM 12-pin power connector (0.156-in. centers card edge) All control signals are TTL-compatible PROGRAMMING TIME POWER REQUIREMENTS 270S - 2.5 minutes 275S - 0.9 minutes 2716 - 1.S minutes + 12 VOC at 250mA typical +5 VOC at 1OOmA typical -12 VOC at 50mA typical XI-30 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. PPG-S/16C PROM Programmer for 270S1275S12716 PROMs with Operations Manual for interface with MATRIX. MK790S1-1 MATRIX to PPG-S/16C PPG-S/16C Interface Cable for MATRIX MK79090 MD-PPG-C PPG-S/16C Interface Cable for MDX-PIO MK77957 PPG-S/16C Operations Manual MK79603 *NOTE: The PPG-S/16C will only program the 270S. 275S. and 2716 PROMs. The 275S and 2716 are 5 Volt only type PROMs. THE PPG-S/16C WILL NOT PROGRAM THE TI2716 MULTIPLE-VOLTAGE 2K x S PROM. XI-31 XI-32 MOS'rEl(@ DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM PRODUCTS SO To SOE Adapter SD TO SDE ADAPTER INTRODUCTION Figure 1 The 'SD To SDE Adapter' is an inexpensive conversion aid for the AID-SOF customers to expand their system to accept the AIM-ZSOBE or AIM-7XE modules. The 'SD to SDE Adapter' is a bus converter PCB allowing the installation of the SDE seriesAIM modules into an AID-SOF Development System. HARDWARE The 'SD To SDE Adapter' is a single SD form factor printed circuit board with connectors and card guides for the SDE form factor modules. The SDE series AIM modules are installed onto the Adapter and then become an insertable/removable unit configured to the AID-SOF systems. The 'SD To SDE Adapter' has three connectors: J1 is the AID-SOF bus interface edge connector; SK1 and SK2 are the SDE series AIM module interface connectors. SPECIFICATIONS Width: 12.0 inches Height: S.5 inches Power consumption: None INSTALLATION STRAPPING A. Slide the AIM board into the properly strapped Adapter The customer wi.1I need two of these Adapters to be able to use the AIM modules on hisAID-SOF system. Hewill need to strap J2 pins 1 and 2 on one Adapter for his AIM Logic board, and strap J3 pins 1 and 2 on the other Adapterforthe AIM History board. Refer to the following table for the J2 and J3 strapping instructions. board so that the connectors gently mate. Do not force complete mating. B. Slide the Adapter into the AID-SOF card cage with the components facing the same direction as the other boards in the system. C. Completely mate the Adapter with the 100 pin edge connector in the AID-SOF system. D. Completely mate the SDE board with the Adapter. AIM Board AIM-ZooBE AIM-7XE AIM History J2 Strap J2 pins 1 and 2 Strap J2 pins 1 and 2 Leave J2 unstrapped J3 Leave J3 UI1strapped Leave J3 unstrapped Strap J3 pins 1 and 2 WARNING: Make sure that the components on the AIM boards are facing the same direction as the other boards in the AID-SOF system. If not, the AIM boards will be damaged upon power up. XI-33 I III ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. SO to SOE Adapter The conversion aid for the AIO-80F system to accept the new AIM modules. MK79095 XI-34 MQSfEI{. SOFTWARE PRODUCTS MACRO-SO MK78165 FEATURES o o Assembles standard Z80 instruction set to produce relocatable, linkable, object modules Provides nested conditional assembly, an extensive expression evaluation capability, and an extended set of assembler pseudo-ops: - origin - equate EQU - set/define macro label DEFL DEFM - define message DEFB - defi ne byte DEFW - define word DEFS - define storage - end of program END - global symbol definition GLOBAL NAME - module name definition. - program section definition PSECT IF/ENDIF - conditional assembly INCLUDE - include another file in source module LI ST/N LIST - list on/oft. CLiST - code listing only of macro expansions ELiST - list/no list of macro expansions EJECT - eject a page of listing TITLE - place title on listing ORG o o Provides options for obtaining a printed cross-reference listing, terminating after pass one if errors are encountered, redefining standard Z80 opcodes via macros, and obtaining an unused-symbol reference table. Provides the most advanced macro handling capability in the microcomputer market which includes: - optional arguments - default arguments - looping capability - global/local macro labels - nested/recursive expansions - integer/boolean variables - string manipulation. - conditional expansion based on symbol definition - call-by-value facility - expansion of code-producing statements only - expansion of macro-call statement only o Listing and object modules can be output on disk files or any device. o Compatible with other Mostek Z80 assemblers and FLP80DOS Version 2.0 or higher. Requires 32K or more of system RAM. DESCRIPTION MACRO-80 is an advanced upgrade from the FLP-80DOS Assembler (ASM). In addition to its macro capabilities, it provides for nested conditional assembly and allows symbol lengths of any number of characters. It supports global symbols, relocatable programs, a symbol cross-reference listing, and an unused-symbol reference table. MACRO-80 is upward compatible with all other Mostek Z80 assemblers. The Mostek Z80 Macro Assembler (MACRO-80) is designed to run on the Mostek Dual-Disk Development System with 32K or more of RAM. It requires FLP-80DOS, Version 2.0 or higher. Macro pseudo-ops include the following: MACRO/MEND MNEXT MIF MGOTO MEXIT MERROR MLOCAL - defi ne a macro - step to next argument - evaluate expression and branch to local macro label if true - branch to local macro label - terminate macro expansion - print error message in listing - define local macro label Predefined macro-related parameters include the following: %NEXP %NARC #PRM %NPRM %NCHAR - current number of this expansion - number of arguments passed to expansion - expand last-used argument - number of last-used argument - number of characters in argument The operations manual describes in detail all facilites available in MACRO-80 and provides a host of examples and sample print-outs. XI-35 £I ORDERING INFORMATION .' D ESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. MACRO-80 Z80 Macro Assembler, binary program supplied on a standard MK78165 FLP-80DOS diskette, with Operations Manual. MACRO-80 Operations Manual XI-36 MK79635 MOSTEKs SOFnNAREPRODUCTS MACRO·70 MK79085 o An extended instruction set for the MK3870 is defined via a macro definition file and is shipped with the MACRO-70 diskette. FEATURES o Assembles standard 3870/F8instruction set to produce relocatable, linkable object modules. o Provides nested conditional assembly, an extensive expression evaluation capability, and an extended set of assembler pseudo-ops: ORG EaU DC DEFL DEFM DEFB DEFW DEFS END GLOBAL NAME PSECT IF/ENDIF INCLUDE UST/NUST CUST EUST EJECT mLE - origin - equate - define constant - set/define macro label - define message - define byte - define word - define storage - end of program - global symbol definition - module name definition - program section definition - conditional assembly - include another file in source module - list on/off - code listing only of macro expansions -list/no list of macro expansions - eject a page of listing - place title on listing o Listing and object modules can be output on disk files or any device. o Compatible with other Mostek 3870/F8 assemblers and FLP-SODOS Version 2.0 or higher. Requires 32K or more of system RAM. DESCRIPTION MACRO-70 is an advanced upgrade from the 3870/F8 Cross Assembler (FZCASM). In addition to its macro capabilities, it provides for nested conditional assembly and allows symbol lengths of any number of characters. It supports global symbols, relocatable programs, a symbol cross-reference listing, and an unused-symbol reference table. MACRO-70 is upward compatible with all other Mostek 3870/F8 Assemblers. The Mostek 3870/F8 Macro Assembler (MACRO-70) is designed to run on the Mostek Dual-Disk Development System with 32K or more of RAM. It requires FLP-80DOS, Version 2.0 or higher. Macro pseudo-ops include the following: o Provides options for obtaining a printed cross-reference listing, terminating after pass one if errors are encountered, redefining standard MK3870 opcodes via macros, and obtaining an unused-symbol reference table. o Provides the most advanced macro handling capability on the microcomputer market, which includes: - optional arguments - default arguments -looping capability - global/local macro labels - nested/recursive expansions - integer/boolean variables - string manipulation - conditional expansion based on symbol definition - call-by-value facility - expansion of code-producing statements only - expansion of macro-call statements only MACRO/MEND MNEXT MIF MGOTO MEXIT MERROR MLOCAL - define a macro - step to next argument - evaluate expression and branch to local macro label if true - branch to local macro label - terminate macro expansion - print error message in listing - define local macro label Predefined macro-related parameters include the following: %NEXP %NARC #PRM %NPRM %NCHAR - current number of this expansion - number of arguments passed to expansion. - expand last-used argument - number of last-used argument - number of characters in argument The operations manual describes in detail all facilities available in MACRO-70 and provides a host of examples XI-37 til and sample print-outs. An e.xtended instruction set which is designed to ease programming for the MK3870 is defined in the manual. The new instructions are provided on the MACRO-70 diskette in the form of a macro definition file which can be included in a source program. Downloading to other Mostek systems is facilitated by a utility program called F8DUMP, which is supplied on the MACRO-70 diskette. ORDERING INFORMATION DESGINATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. MACRO-70 3870/F8 Macro Cross Assembler, binary program supplied on a standard FLP-80DOS diskette. Includes F8PUMP utility, an extended instruction set, macro definition file, and the Operations Manual. MK79085 MACRO-70 Operations Manual MK79635 XI-3S MOSTEI(. SOFnNAREPRODUCTS FlP-80DOS MK78142, MK77962 FLP-80DOS INTRODUCTION The Mostek FLP-aODOS software package is designed for the Mostek dual floppy disk zao Development System or an MD board system. Further information on this system can be found in the MATRI)(TM Data Sheet. FLP-aODOS includes: o Monitor o o o o o o o Debugger Text Editor zao Macro Assembler Relocating Linking Loader Peripheral Interchange Program Linker A Generalized I/O System For Peripherals These programs provide state-of-the-art software for developing zao programs as well as establishing a firm basis for OEM products. MONITOR The Monitor provides user interface from the console to the rest of the software. The user can load and run system programs, such as the Assembler, using one simple command. Programs in object and binary format can be loaded into and dumped from RAM. All I/O is done via channels which are identified by Logical Unit Numbers. The Monitor allows any software device handler to be assigned to any Logical Unit Number. Thus, the software provides . complete flexibility in configuring the system with different peripherals. The Monitor also allows two-character mnemonics to represent 16-bit address values. Using mnemonics simplifies the command language. Certain mnemonics are reserved for I/O device handlers such as 'DK' for the flexible disk handler. The user can create and assign his own mnemonics at any time from the console, thus simplifying the command language for his own use. The Monitor also allows "batch mode operation" from any input device or file. The Monitor commands are: $ASSIGN assign a Logic Unit Number to a device. $CLEAR remove the assignment of a Logical Unit Number to a device. $RTABLE print a list of current Logic Unit Numberto-Device assignments. $DTABLE - print default Logical Unit Number-toDevice assignments. $LOAD load object modules into RAM. $GTABLE print a listing of global symbol table. $GINIT initialize global symbol table. $DUMP dump RAM to a device in object format. load a binary file into RAM from disk. $GET $SAVE save a binary file on disk. $BEGIN start execution of a loaded program. $INIT initialize disk handler. $DDT enter DDT debug environment. IMPLIED RUN COMMAND - get and start execution of a binary file. DESIGNER'S DEVELOPMENT TOOL - DDT The DDT debugger program is supplied in ROM for debugging relocatable and absolute zao programs. Standard commands allow displaying and modifying memory and CPU registers, setting breakpoints, and executing prog~ams. Mnemonics are used to represent ZOO registers, thus simplifying the command language. XI-39 II The allowed commands are: BInsert a breakpoint in user's program. CCopy contents of a block of memory to another location in memory. EExecute a program. Fill an area of RAM with a constant. FH16-bit hexadecimal arithmetic. LLocate and print every occurrence of an 8-bit pattern. M Display, update, or tabulate the contents of memory. PDisplay or update the contents of a port. RDisplay the contents of the user's register. SHardware single step requires Mostek's AIM-80 board or AIM-Z80A board. W Software single step. VVerify memory (compare two blocks and print differences). TEXT EDITOR -EDIT The FLP-80DOS Editor permits random-access editing of ASCII character strings. The Editor works on blocks of characters which are rolled in from disk. It can be used as a line-or character-oriented editor. Individual characters may be located by position or context. Each edited block is automatically rolled out to disk after editing. Although the Editor is used primarily for creating and modifying Z80 assembly language source statements, it may be applied to any ASCII text delimited by "carriage returns". The Editor has a pseudo-macro command processing option. Up to two sets of commands may be stored and processed at anytime during the editing process. The Editor allows the following commands: An Advance record pointer n records. Bn Backup record pointer n records. Cn dS1dS2d - Change string S1 to string S2 for n occurrences. Dn Delete the next n records. En Exchange current records with records to be inserted. Fn If n = 0, reduce printout to console device (for TIY and slow consoles). 1Insert records. Ln Go to line number n. Mn Enter commands into one of two alternate command buffers (pseudo-macro). QQuit - Return to Monitor. Sn dS1d - Search for nth occurrence of string S1. TInsert records at top of file before first record. Output n records to console device. Vn Wn Output n records to Logical Unit Number five (LUN 5) with line numbers. Xn Execute alternate command buffer n. zao ASSEMBLER - ASM The FLP-80DOS Assembler reads standard Z80 source XI-40 mnemonics and pseudo-ops and outputs an assembly listing and object code. The assembly listing shows address, machine code, statement number, and source statement. The code is in industry-standard hexadecimal format modified for relocatable, linkable assemblies. The Assembler supports conditional assemblies, global symbols, relocatable programs, and a printed symbol table. It can assemble any length program, limited only by a symbol table size of over 400 symbols. Expressions involving arithmetic and logical operations are allowed. Although normally used as a two-pass assembler, the Assembler can also be run as a single-pass assembler or as a learning tool. The following pseudo-ops are supported: COND DEFB DEFL DEFM DEFS DEFW END ENDC ENDIF EQU GLOBAL IF INCLUDE NAME ORG PSECT EJECT TITLE LIST NLiST - - same as IF. define byte. define label. define message (ASCII). define storage. define word. end statement. same as ENDIF. end of conditional assembly. equate label. global symbol definition. conditional assembly. include another file within an assembly. program name definition. program origin. program section definition. eject a page of listing. place heac'ing at top of each page of listing. turn listing on. turn listing off. RELOCATING LINKING LOADER - RLL The Mostek FLP-80DOS Relocating Linking Loader provides state-of-the-art capability for loading programs into memory. Loading and linking of any number of relocatable or nonrelocatable object modules is done in one pass. A non-relocatable module is always loaded at its starting address as defined by the ORG pseudo-op during assembly. A relocatable object module can be positioned anywhere in memory at an offset address. The Loader automatically links and relocates global symbols which are used to provide communication or linkage between program modules. As object modules are loaded, a table containing global symbol references and definitions is built up. The symbol table can be printed to list all global symbols and their load address. The number of object modules which can be loaded by the Loader is limited only by the amount of RAM available for the modules and the symbol table. The Loader also loads industry-standard non-relocatable, non-linkable object modules. LINKER - LINK INPUTIOUTPUT CONTROL SYSTEM - IOCS The Linker provides capability for linking object modules together and for creating a binary (RAM image) file on disk. A binary file can be loaded using the Monitor GET or IMPLIED RUN command. Modules are linked together using global symbols for communication between modules. The linker produces a global symbol table and a global cross reference table which may be listed on any output device. The first package is called the I/O Control System (IOCS). This is a generalized blockerIdeblocker which can interface to any device handler. Input and output can be done via the 10CS in any of four modes: 1. Single-byte transfer. 2. Line at a time, where the end of a line is defined by carriage return. 3. Multibyte transfers, where the number of bytes to be transferred is defined as the logical record length. 4. Continuous transfer to end-of-file, which is used for binary (RAM-image) files. The Linker also provides a library search option for all global symbols undefined after the specified object modules are processed. If a symbol is undefined, the Linker searches the disk for an object file having the file-name of the symbol. If the file is found, it is linked with the main module in an attempt to resolve the undefined symbol. PERIPHERAL INTERCHANGE PROGRAM - PIP The Peripheral Interchange Program provides complete file maintenance facilities for the system. In addition, it can be used to copy information from any device or file to any other device or file. The command language is easy to use and resembles that used on DEC minicomputers. The following commands are supported: COMMAND APPEND COPY DIRECT ERASE FORMAT INIT RENAME STATUS QUIT FUNCTION Append files. Copy files from any device to another device or file. List Directory of specified Disk Unit. Delete a file. Format a disk. Initialize the disk handler. Rename a file. List number of used and available sectors on specified disk unit. Return to Monitor. The first letter only of each command may be used. The 10CS provides easy application of 1/0 oriented packages to any device. There is one entry point, and all parameters are passed via a vector defined by the calling program. Any given handler defines the physical attributes of its device which are, in turn, used by the 10CS to perform blocking and deblocking. FLOPPY DISK HANDLER - FDH The Floppy Disk Handler (FDH) interfaces from the 10CS to a firmware controllerfor up to fourfloppydisk units. The FDH provides a sophisticated command structure to handle advanced OEM products. The firmware controller interfaces to Mostek's FLP-SOE Controller Board. The disk format is IBM 3740 soft sectored. The software can be easily adapted to double-sided and double-density disks. The Floppy Disk Handler commands include: - erase file - create file - open file - close file - rename file - rewind file - read next n sectors - reread current sector - read previous sector - skip forward n sectors - skip backward n sectors - replace (rewrite) current sector - delete n sectors DISK OPERATING SOFTWARE The disk software, as well as being the heart of the MATRIX development system, can be used directly in OEM applications. The software consists of two programs which provide a complete disk handling facility. The FDH has advanced error recovery capability. It supports a bad sector map and an extensive directory which allows multiple users. The file structure is doubly-linked to increase data integrity on the disk, and a bad file can be recovered from either its start or end. XI-41 II FLP-80 DOS BLOCK DIAGRAM FLP80DOS MONITOR + ~ J J DE8UGGER (DDT) LINKER (LINK) OEM APPLICATION ; PERIPHERAL INTERCHANGE PROGRAM (PIP) ~ Z80 ASSEMBLER (ASM) RELOCATING LINKAGE LOADER (RLL) 1 TEXT EDITOR (EDIT) ; ; ; t ; t - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - J -- - t -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1/0 CONTROL SYSTEM (lOCS) t ~ J CONSOLE DEVICE HANDLER LINE PRINTER HANDLER f ; HARDWARE UART ; I FLOPPY DISK HANDLER (FDH) ! OTHER DEVICE HANDLERS j DISK CONTROLLER FIRMWARE HARDWARE PIO 1 DD LINE PRINTER CONSOLE - - CLOPPY DISK UNITS) AND FLP-80 BOARD ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. FLP-8000S SOE based development system software (SO PROMs) MK78142 FLP-8000S MO based development system software (MO PROMs) MK77962 FLP-8000S Operations Manual Only MK78557 XI-42 - IJ UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK SOFTWARE PRODUCTS FLEXIBLE DISK OPERATING SYSTEM - M/OS-80 USER FEATURES M/OS-SO provides a direct migration path to CP/M compatibility without any changes to the system hardware. o CP/MTM compatibility gives the user many available programs to choose from. o o Additional utilities and systems commands provide increased capability and functionality to the user. Provided on standard media for use with Mostek standard systems and MD Series boards for short system integration time. INTRODUCTION MO/S-SO is a CP/MTM compatible, floppy disk operating system for the MD or SO series of microcomputer board systems. It offers a comprehensive solution to a wide variety of system design problems. The software is provided on an S-inch single-sided, single-density floppy diskette which can be booted on Mostek disk-development systems or user-configured systems (see "Hardware Required" paragraph). M/OS-SO can be altered for different inputloutput hardware configurations by using the MOSGEN Utility (sold separately). Several powerful utilities are provided with M/OS-SO. These programs give the user a broad base of support and will improve design efficiency. These include: Editior (Edit) Designer's Development Tool (Debugger) Transfer Utility (XFER) FilelDisk Dumps (DSKDUMP) Print Utility (PRINT) Print Spooler (SPOOL) Several System Utilities M/OS-SO is a more sophisticated and powerful floppy disk operating system than any other micro-operating system available. It provides the user with a unique, but invisible, library structure. By assigning one system disk as a Master Library disk, the system can free the user to place all application-related files on another disk while still having the utility of the various system programs on-line. Unlike other operating systems, M/OS-SO provides the user with comprehensive error messages. In most cases, methods of recovery are displayed and the operator is given several options from which to choose. HARDWARE REQUIRED M/OS-SO is currently supplied in three versions. V3 is designed to run on Mostek's MATRIX systems and on systems built with MD Series boards. An MD Series system must contain the following boards: Item Processor Console Interface Pri nter Interface Floppy Interface Memory Hardware Required MDX-CPU1 or MDX-CPU2 MDX-EPROM/UART or MDX-SIO MDX-PIO or MDX-SIO MDX-FLP1 or MDX FLP2 (2) MDX-DRAM with 64K of RAM The V5 system is for use with a Mostek Phantom PROM system configuration. The following boards are required: Because of M/OS-SO's C/PM compatibility, a large number of pre-written programs are available. M/OS-SO is designed to run programs written for other CP/Mcompatible operating systems, such as CDOSTM, I/OSTM, and SDOSTM, provided these programs conform to the standards described by Digital Research in versions 1.4 through 2.2. Virtually all compilers and interpreters now sold for use on CP1M (versions 1.4 -2.2) will work. For those Mostek customers who are currently running FLP-80DOS, CP/M is a Trademark of Digital Research, Inc. COOS is a Trademark of Cromemco, Inc. SYSTEM FEATURES Item Processor Floppy Interface Memory Hardware Required MDX-CPU3 or MDX-CPU4 MDX-FLP2 (2) MDX-DRAM with 64K of RAM (required only for MDX-CPU4) The V6 system is for use with a Mostek Phantom hard-disk system. The following boards are required: SDOS is a Trademark of SO Systems, Inc. I/OS is a Trademark of Infosoft Systems, Inc. XI-43 II Item Processor Floppy Interface Memory Hard Disk Interface Hardware Required MDX-CPU3 or MDX-CPU4 MDX-FLP2 (2) MDX-DRAM with 64K of RAM (required only for MDX-CPU4) Delete a line(s) or character(s) Put a block of text into another file Get a block of text from another file View text on the console screen Print text on the line printer Create a set of commands which can be executed as a macro MDX-SASI1 XFER - Transfer Utility With either the V3, V5 or V6, M/OS-80 requires 64K bytes of RAM for operation. Four bootstrap PROMs are supplied with V3, and one bootstrap PROM is supplied with V5 or V6. The system initially must have at least one 8-inch, singlesided, single-density floppy disk drive in order to boot-up M/OS-80. Up-to-four disk drives are supported. The V6 configuration can also boot-up from hard disk. The XFER'program is a general-file transfer utility. It allows for the moving of files from disks or devices to other (or the same) disks or devices. The XFER features include: Transfer an ASCII file Compare two files without moving Filter out i"egal ASCII characters Conditionally transfer a file (user prompted) Transfer a Read-Only file Expand tabs Verify files after moving Print HEX address of comparison failure Transfer only old files Transfer only new files Table 1 details the peripheral and CPU configurations required for the M/OS-80 versions. MiaS-SO CONFIGURATION SUMMARY Table 1 DSKDUMP - Disk Dump PERIPHERALS CPU1 CPU2 CPU3 CPU4* UART Console SIO Console STI Console SIO Line Printer Pia Line Printer STI Line Printer FLP1 FLP2 SASI V3 V3 V3 V3 N/A N/A N/A N/A V5 V5** V5 V5** N/A N/A N/A V3** V3 V3** V3 N/A N/A N/A N/A V5 V5 V3 V3*** * V3 V3*** * N/A N/A V5 V6 V5 V6 The DSKDUMP program allows reading or modifying of a file, the disk data area, or the disk directory. Each block requested is read into a 128-byte buffer, then displayed. The blocks are numbered sequentially. Any block can be selected, displayed, modified, and written back to the disk. PRINT - Print Utility Not Applicable. Future Design. SIO line printer configuration is supplied as alternate on systems disk. Single-density only. NOTE: 1. MOSGEN Utility may be purchased to configure systems for different peripherals and smaller sizes of RAM. See the MOSGEN Data Sheet for more information. EDIT - Text Editor The ASC" EDITor file provided with M/OS-80 provides a text editor for users who do not have access to a screeneditor. The editor allows creation and modification of the text files by several easy-to-use commands. EDIT features include: Find a text string Change a text string Find a line Insert new text The PRINT utility formats ASCII files to the CRT or printer with automatic headings, tabbing and pagination. Userspecified options include page width and length, page headings, date printed of the top of each page, and page formatting. SPOOL - Print Spooler The SPOOL file system feature is used to output a file from the printer to a system list device while the system continues with otherfunctions. Any ASCII file maybe spoolprinted, and direct printer activity is prevented while a spoolprint is active. Other System Utilities M/OS-80 provides several other system utilities to permit a user the highest degree of flexibility in the manipulation of the files and programs created and used with the system. Some of these utilities include: programs to format disks, change disk labels, examine directories, and to diagnose disk problems. A PROM programming utility is also included that interfaces with Mostek's PPG 8/16. XI-44 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. M/OS-SOV3 One diskette containing all MiaS-SO programs in binary, four bootstrap PROMs, and one Operations Manual. (See Table 1 for hardware configuration requirements.) Requires the signed Software License Agreeement (enclosed) with purchase order. MK71 01 OC-S1 M/OS-SOV5 One diskette containing all MiaS-SO programs in binary, one bootstrap PROM, and one Operations Manual. (See Table 1 for hardware configuration requirements.) Requires the signed Software License Agreement (enclosed) with purchase order. MK71 011 C-S1 M/OS-SOV6 One diskette containing all MiaS-SO programs in binary, one PROM for booting from floppy or hard disk, and an Operations Manual. (See Table 1 for hardware configuration requirements.) Requires the signed Software License Agreement (enclosed) with purchase order. MK71012C-S1 MiaS-SO Operations Manual Detailed description of the operation and use of the MiaS-SO software package. 4420064 II XI-45 XI-46 UNITED ~ TECHNOLOGIES SOFnNAREPRODUCTS MOSTEK MOSGEN UTILITY MK71001 USER FEATURES D Adapts M/OS-SO to customized MDX and SD systems. D Allows tailoring M/OS-SO for different 1/0 devices and RAM sizes. D Works on systems configured around the DDTIDCF PROMs or Phantom PROM. D Menu driven format to speed the configuration process. DESCRIPTION Mostek's MOSGEN Utility is a system generation package used to generate unique configurations of the M/OS-SO Operating System. MOSGEN allows the user to modify the M/OS-SO by rewriting existing 1/0 drivers or creating new drivers for specialized I/O operation, and configuring different system RAM sizes. MOSGEN allows creation of a command file which will link a newly customized system. The MOSGEN package also includes a set of object and source files to provide the user with a valid set of device drivers. These drivers are provided to help the user create new drivers based on knownworking examples. Users are permitted to modify or select drivers for the following logical-unit devices: • • • • • • • System Console (output) Keyboard (input) List Punch Reader Disk Clock MOSGEN is supplied on two single-sided, single-density S-inch diskettes. They are the System Generation diskette and the Device DriverslLibrary diskette. MOSGEN OPERATION The MOSGEN package creates a batch submit (.CMD) file which, when executed, walks the system through the complex re-assembly, trial linkage, and final linkage process automatically and without operator intervention. The last steps of the MOSGEN-created batch file test the newlycreated system for errors in linkage, size, and conformity to system restrictions. The user-supplied drivers are linked into the main core of the system during this linkage process. A special linkage editor is provided for the sole purpose of this system generation link. MOSGEN proves itself useful. if not essential. when system restrictions limit the amount of available RAM in the target system, or require the use of non-standard peripherals or special-intelligent 1/0 drivers. MOSGEN may be used to configure M/OS-SO for different sizes of RAM in the user system down to a minimum of 24K bytes. MOSGEN SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS MOSGEN and all related software require the userto have a running 64K M/OS-SO system in place. Depending on the requirements of the users development languages, the system memory requirements may be in excess of the 32K bytes of RAM required for a minimum M/OS-SO system. II XI-47 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. MOSGEN Utility Two diskettes containing MOSGEN system generation utilities and device drivers, both source and object files, and one Operations Manual. A signed Software License Agreement is required with purchase order. MK71 001 C-80 MOSGEN Operations Manual Detailed description of the operation and use of the MOSGEN Utility. 4420270 XI-48 .. 1982/1983 MICROELECTRONIC DATA BOOK Military and High Reliability Products INTRODUCTION devices are screened to a subset of 883B requi rements and offer high reliability at significantly reduced cost (see the following sections for more detail concerning MKI products). Overview Mostek's Military/Hi-Rei Products Department serves the special needs of the Defense, Aerospace and Commercial Hi-Rei markets. The organization's principal objective is to provide Mostek's state-of-the-art products screened to MILSTD 883 Class B, Methods 5004 and 5005. Quality Conformance/Reliability Mostek has been providing MKB versions of selected memory products since 1978. Quality conformance inspections in accordance with Method 5005 of MIL-STD883 area central part of MKB screening procedures. Group A inspections are performed on a 100% basis to the requirements contained in the detail specification (Mostek data sheet). Group B, C and D inspections are performed periodically per the requirements of MIL-STD-883. Traditional Military IC manufacturers have met stringent Military reliability requirements at a cost of being several years behind the state-of-the-art in commercial products. Mostek Military brings the leading edge in high reliability RAM, ROM, EPROM, Gate Array and microprocessor devices to the Military systems designer today. As MIL-M38510 slash sheets are announced, the Military Products Department will qualify Mostek's products in the JAN 38510 program. Mostek has already received QPL listing of its 4116 dynamic RAM. Designated JM-3851 01240, this device is one of the most advanced MOS circuits to receive QPL listing to date. A data report documenting the results of Group B, C and D testing is available. For more information contact: The Military Products Department is also heavily engaged in the development of high density lead less chip carrier packaging technology. Most circuits are cu rrently offered in carriers or planned for the near future. Mostek Corporation Military Products Department Mail Station 1100 P.O. Box 169 Carrollton, Texas 75006 Product offerings are broken into two categories. Devices prefixed "MKB" are screened to the full requirements of MIL-STD-883 Class B. "MKI" (Industrial grade) prefixed Telephone - (214) 323-7926/7718 TWX - 910-860-5856 Telex - 730423 APPLICATION Military/Aerospace TYPE OF SYSTEM Ground Airborne MOSTEK HI-REL TYPE MKB/ MKI Industrial Commerical Medical Automotive InstrumenTactical Process InstrumenTelecom Instrumen- FAA Airborne Space tation Control tation Missile tation MKB/JAN Class. ,S Equiv, MKI XII-1 MKB/MKI MKI £I SCD PROGRAM SIMPLIFIES DESIGN ACCEPTANCE AND DOCUMENTATION To speed up the documentation cycle for government acceptance of a "non-standard part", Mostek has developed an innovative customer-oriented program. It's called Support-Customer-Documentation (SCD). This ready-made source control document is a complete procurement specification, per MIL-STD 883 Class B (Mostek MKB), for those devices without an existing DESC drawing or slash sheet. Patterned after DESC mini specifications, SCD provides a reliable, detailed spec. So detailed, in fact, that the only additional items required are your company's name and part number. The Mostek SCD documents are available for all new military devices and will be written around DOL103 Guidelines for DESC Selected Item Drawings. MOSTEK MILITARY /HI-REL SCREENING ATTRIBUTES JAN-(MIL-M-38510 Slash Sheet) MKI-(Industrial Grade) • QPL listed, qualified per MIL-M-3851 0, Class B • Cost-effective: Nominal cost-adder over commerical hermetic devices, generally half of MKB (883B) cost • Tested to MIL-STD 883B, MIL-M-38510, and appropriate military specifications • Greater reliability than commercial device • Produced in DESC-certified domestic wafer fabrication, assembly and test facilities • Eliminates logistics problems caused by sending units to outside burn-in labs MKB-(MIL-STD-883) • Built-in reliability -40°C to +85°C operating range • Compliance with MIL-STD 883, Method 5004, Level B • 44 hours minimum, 125°C MIL burn-in • 112 to 1/3 the cost of JAN circuits • Hermetic packaging • Quality conformance testing per method 5005, Groups B,C,D • 0.4% parametric and functional outgoing AQL • No charge for Group B, C and D generic data • Available for most Mostek RAM, EPROM and microprocessor components • Group A data summary and certificate of compliance included with all shipments • Off-the-shelf delivery from factory and distributor stock • 10% burn-in PDA • Available for broad spectrum of VLSI, RAM, ROM, EPROM and microprocessor devices XII-2 SCREENING AND LOT CONFORMANCE COMPARISON ACTIVITYI SCREEN MKI (INDUSTRIAL) MKB (883B METHOD 5004) JAN Die Inspection Pre-Seal Inspection Stabilization Bake Temperature Cycle Centrifuge Fine Leak 75X Mostek Spec. 30X-60X Mostek Spec. 2010 Condo 2010 Condo 1008 Condo 1010 Condo 2001 Condo 1014 Condo B B C C E C 2010 Cond.B 2010 Condo B 1008 Condo C 1010 Condo C 2001 Condo E 1014 Condo C Gross Leak Mostek Spec. 1014 Condo C 1014 Condo C Voltage Stress (DRAMs Only) 1015 Condo D 10 Hrs. Min., 125°C 1015 Condo D 10 Hrs. Min., 125°C Per Slash Sheet Burn-In 1015 Condo D 44 Hrs. Min. 125°C dynamic 1015 Condo D 160 Hrs. Min. 125°C dynamic 1015 Condo D 160 Hrs. Min. 125°C dynamic Electrical Tests Method 5005 Group A electrical subgroups, testing conditions and limits which guarantee AC, DC and functional performance over full temp. range. Group A tests for AC, DC and functional performance at detail spec. min. and max. temp. Tests for AC, DC and func. performance in conformance with slash sheet. External Visual Visual tests to guarantee marking, construction and mechanical integrity 2009 2009 OA Lot Acceptance Method 5005 Group A sample testing to guarantee performance to data sheet over full temp. range. 5005 Group A and C.ofC. 5005 Group A and C.ofC. 5005 Groups B, C, D 5005 Groups B, C, D Quality Conformance 5 Cycles, 101 0 Condo C 2001 Condo D, 20 Kg, Yl 1014 Condo B, 1 x 10-7 atm cc/sec , ><'11-3 PART NUMBER ORDERING INFORMATION EXAMPLE: I PARTTVPE SCREENING MKB=MIL-STO-883 Level B testing MKI=lndustriaI/Commercial hi-rei screening MKB 3880 P- 83 =r- =rr i I Mostek device name -r:=::;-------,I PACKAGE TEMPERATURE SPEED D=dual density RAM-PACTM E=leadless chip carrier: JEDEC 7=lndustrial Range (-400 to +85°C) 8=Military Range* (device dependent) One or two number designator denoting access time. Device dependent) ElF F=flat package J=cerdip P=side-brazed DIP MKIINDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS LISTING Product Organization Device Packages Temp. Range Access Time or Frequency Dynamic RAMs MKI4116-72 MK14116-73 MK14116-74 MKI4564-72 16K x 1 16K x 1 16K x 1 64Kx 1 J J J J -40°CI+85°C -40°CI+85°C -40°CI+85°C -40°CI+85°C 150ns 200ns 250ns 150ns Static RAMs MK14118A-71 MKI4118A-72 MK14118A-73 MK14802-790 MK14S02-71 1Kx8 1Kx8 1Kx8 2Kx8 2Kx8 J J J J J -40°CI+85°C -40°CI +85°C -40°CI+85°C -40°CI+85°C -40°CI +85°C 120 ns 150 ns 200ns 90 ns 120 ns ROMs MKI37000-74t 8Kx8 J -40°CI+85°C 300ns EPROMs MKI2716-77 MK12716-78 2Kx8 2Kx8 J J -40°CI +85°C -40°CI+85°C 390ns 450ns Microprocessors MK138SO-70 MK138SO-74 MK13881-70 MKI3881-74 MK13882-70 MK13882-74 Z80 CPU ZSOACPU ZSOPIO ZSOPIO ZSOCTC Z80CTC P P P P J J -40°CI +85°C -40°CI +85°C -40°CI +85°C -40°CI+85°C -40°CI +85°C -40°CI+85°C 2.5 MHz 4.0 MHz 2.5 MHz 4.0 MHz 2.5 MHz 4.0 MHz t1982 Introduction JAN PRODUCTS LISTING Product Device JAN JM-385101 Dynamic 24001 BEC RAMs(4116) JM-3851 01 24002 BEC Organization Pkgs. 16Kx 1 P 16Kx 1 P Access Times/Freq. Active Power Standby Power -55°CI+110°C 200 ns 462mW 30mW -55°CI+110°C 250 ns 462mW 30mW Temp. Range XII-4 MKB MILITARY PRODUCTS LISTING Access Times/Freq. Active Power Standby Power -55°C/+110°C -55°C/+110°C -55°C/+11O°C -55°C/+110°C* -55°C/+11O°C* -55°C/+110°C* -55°C/+11O°C* -55°C/+110°C -55°C/+11O°C 150 ns 200 ns 250 ns 120 ns 150 ns 200 ns 250 ns 200 ns 250ns 462mW 462mW 462mW 30mW 30mW 30mW 495mW 495mW 60mW 60mW E,J E,J E,J E,P E,P E,P E,P E,P E,P E,P E,P E,P -55°C/+125°C -55°C/+125°C -55°C/+125°C -55°C/+125°C* -55°C/+125°C* -55°C/+125°C -55°C/+125°C -55°C/+125°C -55°C/+125°C -55°C/+125°C* -55°C/+125°C -55°C/+125°C 250ns 300 ns 350ns 85 ns 70ns 150 ns 200 ns 90 ns 120 ns 90ns 120 ns 200 ns 150mW 150mW 150mW 53mW 53mW 53mW 500mW 500mW 8Kx8 8Kx8 8Kx8 P P E,P -55°C/+125°C -55°C/+125°C -55°C/+125°C* 250ns 300 ns 300 ns 220mW 220mW 165mW ·55mW 55mW 45mW MKB2716-86 MKB2716-87 MKB2716-88 2Kx8 2Kx8 2Kx8 E,J E,J E,J -55°c/+125°C -55°C/+125°C -55°C/+125°C 350ns 390 ns 450ns 633mW 633mW 633mW 165mW 165mW 165mW MKB38SO-SO MKB38SO-84 MKB3881-80* MKB3881-84* MKB3882-80* MKB3882-84 MKB3884/5I7t Z80CPU Z80ACPU ZSOPIO ZSOPIO ZSOCTC Z80CTC zaOSIO P P P P P -55°C/+125°C -55°C/+125°C -55°C/+125°C -55°C/+125°C -55°C/+125°C -55°C/+125:j:C -55°C/+125°C 2.5 MHz 4.0 MHz 2.5 MHz 4.0 MHz 2.5 MHz 4.0 MHz 1.0W 1.0W Organization Pkgs. MKB4116-82 MKB4116-83 MKB4116-84 MKB4516-81 MKB4564-82 MKB4564-83 MKB4564-84 MKM4332-83 MKM4332-84 16K x 1 16K x 1 16K x 1 16K x 1 64K x 1 64Kx 1 64K x 1 32Kx 1 32Kx 1 E,F,J E,F,J E,F,J E,P E,P E,P E,P D D MKB41 04-84 MKB41 04-85 MKB4104-86 MKB4167 -885 MKB41 67 -870 MKB4118A-82 MKB4118A-83 MKB4S01 A-890 MKB4801A-81 MKB4S02-890* MKB4S02-81 MKB4802-83 4Kx 1 4Kx 1 4Kx 1 16K x 1 16K x 1 1Kx8 1Kx8 1Kx8 1Kx8 2Kx8 2Kx8 2Kx8 ROMs MKB36000-83 MKB36000-84 MKB37000-84* EPROMs Microprocessors Product Dynamic RAMs Static RAMs RAMs Device P P Temp. Range *1982 Introduction tPlanned XII-5 630mW 630mW 630mW XII-6 MOSTEI(. MILITARYIHIGH REL PRODUCTS Test Report QUALITY CONFORMANCE TEST REPORT GROUPS B. C AND D 1978 - 1981 NOTE: This report covers testing performed through June 1981. For a more recent report. cOntact your local Mostek representative. XII-7 GROUP B INSPECTION - METHOD 5005.7 Chart 1 TEST Subgroup 1 Physical dimension Subgroup 2 Resistance to solvents Subgroup 3 Solderability METHOD CONDITIONS 2016 2 devices (No failures) 2015 4 devices (No failures) 2003 Soldering temperature of 260 ± 10°C Subgroup 4 Internal visual and mechanical CLASS B 15 leads (3 units min (No failures) 2014 Failure criteria from design and construction requirements of applicable procurement document 1 device (No failures) 2011 Test condition C or 0 15 Bonds (10 units min (No failures) 1018 1.000 PPM max @ 100°C 3 devices (No failures) Subgroup 7 Seal 1014 As Applicable 5 Subgroup 8 Electrical parameters ESD sensitivity Electrical parameters Group A. Subgroup 1 3015 Test Condition A or B Group A. Subgroup 1 Subgroup 5 Bond strength Subgroup 6 Internal water vapor content XII-S 15 GROUP C INSPECTION - METHOD 5005.7 Chart 2 TEST METHOD CONDITIONS CLASS B LTPD Subgroup 1 Operating Life Test 1005 Test conditions to be specified 1000 hours @ 125°C As specified in the applicable detail specification 5 1010 2001 1014 Test condition C Test condition E, Yl axis As applicable 15 End point electricals Subgroup 2 Temperature cycling Constant acceleration Seal Fine Gross Visual examination End point electrical parameters 1010 As specified in applicable device specification II XII-9 GROUP D INSPECTION - METHOD 5005.7 Chart 3 TEST METHOD Subgroup 1 Physical dimensions 2016 Subgroup 2 Lead integrity Seal Fine Gross Lid torque Subgroup 3 Thermal shock Temperature cycling Moisture resistance Seal Fine Gross Visual examination End point electrical parameters Subgroup 4 Mechanical shock Vibration, variable freq. Constant acceleration Seal Fine Gross Visual examination CONDITIONS LTPD CLASS B LTPD 15 2004 1014 Test conditions B2 (lead fatigue) As applicable 2024 As applicable 1011 1010 1004 1014 Test condition B, 15 cycles Test condition C, 100 cycles 15 15 As applicable 100412009 As specified in the applicable device specification 2002 2007 2001 1014 Test condition B Test condition A Test condition E, Yl Axis As applicable 15 1010 or 1011 End point electrical parameters Subgroup 5 Salt atmosphere Seal Visual examination Subgroup 6 Internal water vapor content Subgroup 7 Adhesion of lead finish As specified in the applicable device specification 1009 1014 1009 Test condition A As applicable Paragraph 3.3.1 of Method 1009 15 1018 5,000 ppm max @ 100°C 3 devices (No failures) 2025 15 XII-10 GROUP 8 TEST RESULTS Chart 4 Package Subgroup 8-4 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-5 Year Sam les Rejects Samples Rejects Samples Rejects Samples Rejects Sam les Rejects 16 Pin* P package (side brazed) 1979 1980 1981 30 28 20 0 0 0 51 67 48 3 0 0 16 Pin J package (CERDIP) 1979 1980 1981 74 50 18 0 0 0 119 46 37 16 Pin F package (flatpack) 1979 1980 1981 154 52 85 0 0 0 18 Pad E.package (chip carrier) 1979 1980 1981 14 10 18 Pin P package (side brazed) 18 Pin J package (CERDIP) 1979 1980 0 0 0 17 16 13 0 0 0 80 70 302 0 0 2 1 0 0 42 39 30 114 39 29 0 0 1 42 21 9 0 0 0 281 89 225 0 0 1 324 105 248 0 0 0 195 75 154 0 0 0 84 23 45 0 0 1 700 76 1075 1 0 2 0 0 18 4 0 0 18 16 0 0 7 5 0 0 36 125 0 0 8 0 16 0 12 0 4 0 16 0 1979 1980 1981 8 28 6 0 0 0 12 47 12 0 0 0 12 24 9 0 0 0 4 12 8 0 0 2 0 0 4 24 Pin P package (side brazed) 1979 1980 1981 34 30 10 0 0 0 60 43 24 0 0 0 66 33 15 0 0 0 19 15 5 0 0 0 40 48 75 128 ! 60 325 24 Pin T package (side brazed w/window) 1979 1980 1981 15 16 0 0 24 43 0 1 18 30 0 0 9 9 0 0 162 176 0 0 24 Pin J package (w/window) 1980 1981 45 28 0 0 15 61 0 0 15 64 0 0 15 14 0 0 15 375 0 9 40 Pin P package (side brazed) 1981 4 0 4 0 7 0 2 0 50 0 0 0 2 *Includes data from M3851 0124001 BEC (JAN MKB4116P) subgroups 6 (water vapor and 7 (VZAP) passed with no failures. II XII-11 GROUP C TEST RESULTS Chart 5 Subgroup C-1 Samples Rejects C-2' Samples Rejects C-3 Samples Rejects Microcircuit Group2 Device Type Year 46-NMOS RAM STATIC 1979 1980 1981 440 430 213 0 0 3 108 100 50 0 2 1 152 152 76 0 0 0 DYNAMIC 1979 1980 1981 1306 755 214 5 3 3 294 230 50 1 1 0 380 338 76 0 0 0 JAN1240 1980 105 2 25 0 110 0 MASK ROM 1979 1980 1981 330 215 315 3 1 3 108 54 75 3 1 0 152 76 114 0 0 0 UVEPROM 1980 1981 210 107 2 2 50 25 0 1 76 38 0 0 47-NMOS ROM/PROM NOTES: 1) Subgroup C-2 testing is performed following the completion of Subgroup C-l testing, 2) See Chart 7 for Microcircuit Group Assignment. FAILURE RATE CALCULATIONS Chart 6 Based upon Group C testing per MIL-M-3851 0, failure rates for the following devices have been determined, Hours Failure Rate at 125°C Average Activation Energy Failure Rate at 70°C Failure Rate at 55°C 2716 317,000 0.63 %/Khr 0.8eV ,015%/Khr .0044%/Khr 36000 860,000 0.814 0.68 .034 ,012 4027 537,000 0,372 0.61 ,022 ,0085 4104 977.000 0.102 0,57 .0071 .0030 4116 1,738,000 0.288 0.76 .0083 ,0026 4118 106,000 1.89 0.67 .083 .029 Device NOTES: 1) Derating performed using the Arrhenius equation, Refer to the Reliability Report for more information, 2) Activation energies based upon analysis of Group Cfailures, XII-12 GROUP D TEST RESULTS Chart 7 Subgroup D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 Sam. Rej. Sam. Rej. Sam. Rej. Sam. Rej. Sam. Rej. Sam. Rej. Sam. Rej. Package Year 16 Pin P' 1979 1980 75 50 0 0 29 50 0 0 75 75 o o 80 50 0 50 50 0 0 1979 1980 1981 125 50 50 0 0 0 75 50 50 0 0 0 55 80 50 6 1 o 180 50 50 9 0 0 151 50 50 2 0 0 16 Pin F 1980 25 0 25 0 25 6 25 0 25 3 18 Pad E 1980 25 0 25 0 47 o 47 4 25 2 18 Pin P 1979 26 0 25 0 30 o 30 0 25 18 Pin J 1980 1981 25 75 0 0 50 75 0 0 25 75 o 1 50 75 0 0 50 75 1979 1980 1981 76 76 25 0 0 185 50 25 0 0 0 77 50 25 o o 47 75 25 3 2 0 1980 1981 32 25 0 32 25 0 0 32 25 o 0 1 32 25 0 0 1980 24 0 58 0 53 o 97 16 Pin J 24 Pin P 24 PinJ 24 Pin T 0 o 1 6 o 30 o 0 0 15 o 45 o 27 50 25 0 0 0 3 o 15 o 106 25 0 0 5 o 15 o 25 0 NOTES: 1) Includes M3851 0/24001 BEC (JAN 4116) 2) Subgroups 6 and 7 added in Method 5005.7 dated 4 Nov. 1980 II XIJ-13 MICROCIRCUIT GROUP ASSIGNMENTS PER MIL-M-38510E Chart 8 Microcircuit Group 46 NMOS RAM MKB4027 MKB4116 MKB4104 MKB4118 4KX 1 16KX 1 4KX 1 1K X 8 Dynamic RAM Dynamic RAM Static RAM Static RAM 16 pin 16 pin 18 pin 24 pin Microcircuit Group 47 NMOS ROM/PROM MKB2716 MKB36000 2K X 8 8K X 8 UV Eraseable PROM 24 pin ROM 24 pin XII-14 MOSTEI(. MILITARYIHIGH-REL PRODUCTS Processed to MIL-STD-883, Method 5004, Class B 2048 X 8-Bit UV Erasable PROM MKB2716(J/E)-86/87/88/90 FEATURES o Military temperature range (-55°C :5 TA:5 +125°C) PIN Access Time MKB2716-86 350 ns MKB2716-87 390 ns MKB2716-88 450 ns MKB2716-90 550 ns o Qualified per Method 5005, MIL-STD 883. Group B, C, D data report available o Available processed to DESC selected item drawing number 78022 (part no. 7802201 JX) o Pin compatible with Mostek's BYTEWYDpM memory family o Single +5 volt power supply during read operation o Single programming requirement: single programming with one 50 msec pulse o Low power dissipation: 663 mW max active, 165 mW max standby o Industrial MKI version available (-40°C to 85°C) o Three state output OR-tie capability o Five modes of operation for greater system flexibility (see Table) location o TIL compatible in all operating modes o Standard 24 pin JEDEC DIP pinout DESCRIPTION The MKB2716 is a 2048 x 8 bit electrically programmablel ultraviolet erasable read only memory. The circuit is fabricated with Mostek's advanced N-channel silicon gate technology for the highest performance and reliability. The MKB2716 offers significant advances over hardwired logic cost, system flexibility, turnaround time and performance. BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 1 The device has many useful system oriented features including a standby mode of operation which lowers power from 633 mW maximum active power to 165 mW maximum for an overall savings of 75%. Programming is done with a single TTL level pulse, and may E-PACKAGE A62 24 vcc 23 AS A53 A44 22 Ag 21 vpp A71 DE CE/PGM AO THRU AlO A3 5- 20 OE A26 19 A,o A4 7~ ~9' A17 18CE/PGM A, Aoa 17 DQ7 DQo 9 16 DQ6 AD,,: DQ11O' DQ211 15 DQs IIIC :'2; VSS12 130Q3 14 DQ4 LEADLESS CHIP CARRIER A3 _8; III TOP VIEW A, :'0' DQo ~'~3: '14: ~~: ~~~ ;9: r;~ DQ 1DQ 2 V ssNCOQ 3 DQ4 OQ5 16.384 BIT CELL MATRIX PIN NAMES Ao - AlO Addresses ~Oa CE/PGM Chip Enablel Program OE Vss 'Inputs in Program Mode XII-15 - DQ7 Data Outputs' Output Enable Ground ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on any pin relative to Vss (Except V pp ) ................................................... -0.3 V to +6 V Voltage on Vpp supply pin relative to Vss' ................................................•..... -0.3 V to +28 V Operating Temperature TA (Ambient) .................................................... -55°C ~ TA ~ +125°C Storage Temperature (Ambient) ......................................................... -65°C ~ TA ~ +125°C Power Dissipation ...............•.................................................................. 1 Watt Short Circuit Output Current .......................................................•................. 50 mA *Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operating sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. READ OPERATION RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (-55°C ~ TA ~ 125°C) SYM PARAMETER TYP V IH Input High Voltage 2.0 V cc +l V V IL Input Low voltage -0.1 0.8 V MIN MAX UNITS NOTES DC ELETRICAL CHARACTERISTICS'·2.4-. (-55°C ~TA~ 125°C)(Vcc = +5 V ± 10%, Vpp= V Cd2 ~ SYM PARAMETER ICCl " MIN TYP MAX Vcc Standby Power Supply Current (OE = V IL; CE = V IH ) 10 30 mA 2 Icc2 V cc Active Power Supply Current (OE = CE = V IL) 57 43 115 90 mA 2,10 IpPl Vpp Current (Vpp = 5.5 V) 2.0 10 mA 2 V OH Output High Voltage (lOH = -400 j.J.A) VOL Output Low Voltage (lOL = 2.1 mAl .45 V IlL Input Leakage Current VIN = 5.5 V) 10 j.J.A IOL Output Leakage Current (V OUT = 5.5 V) 10 j.J.A TA = -55°C TA - +125°C 2.4 UNITS NOTES V AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS'·2.5 (-55°C ~ TA ~ 125°C) (Vcc = +5 V ± 10%, Vpp = V Cd2 -86 -87 -88 -90 MIN MAX UNITS NOTES SYM PARAMETER t ACC Address to Output Delay (CE = OE = Vld 350 390 450 550 ns tCE CE to Output Delay (OE = V IL) 350 390 450 550 ns 5 tOE Output Enable to Output Delay (CE = Vld 150 150 150 180 ns 9 tDF Chip Deselect to Output Float (CE = Vld 0 130 ns 8 tOH Address to Output Hold (CE = OE = V IL) 0 MIN MAX 130 MIN MAX 0 0 XII-16 130 MIN 0 0 MAX 130 0 0 ns CAPACITANCE (TA = 25°C) SYM PARAMETER TYP MAX UNITS NOTES CIN Input Capacitance 4 6 pF 6 COUT Output Capacitance 8 12 pF 6 READ OPERATION NOTES: 1. Vee must be applied at the same time or before Vppand removed atteror at the same time as Vpp. 2. Vpp and Vee may be connected together except during programming. With Vpp = VCC. the supply current is the sum of ICC and IpPl· 3. All voltages with respect to VSS. 4. load conditions::: 1 TTL load and 100 pf, tr =tf = ns, reference levels are 1 V and 2 V for inputs and .8 V and 2 V for outputs. 5. tOE is referenced to EE or the addresses, whichever occurs last. 20 6. Efhictive Capacitance calculated from the equation C;: t::. Qwhere 6. V = 3V. = = 'IV 7. Typical numbers are for TA 25'C and VCC 5.0 V. 8. tOF is applicable to both ff and BE, which occurs first. 9. DE may follow up to tACC·tOE after the falling edge of CE without affecting tACC' 10. Power consumption decreases with temperature from a maximum at low temperature to a minimum at high temperature. TIMING DIAGRAMS READ CYCLE (eE = Vld Figure 3 V IH ADDRESSES OE OPEN OUTPUT STANDBY POWER DOWN MODE (OE = V IL) Figure 4 VALID ADDRESS VALID V IH STANDBY CE ACTIVE STANDBY V IL tDF V OH OUTPUT VOL - VAL!D FOR CURRENT ADDRESS OPEN XII-17 VALID FOR CURRENT ADDRESS III PROGRAM OPERATION RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS8 (TA = 25°C ± 5°C)(Vee = +5 V ± 10%. Vpp = 25 V ± 1 V) SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX UNITS V IL Input Low Level -0.1 0.8 V V IH Input High Level 2.0 Vee + 1 V MIN MAX UNITS NOTES 3 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25°C ± 5°C)(V ee = +5 V ± 10%. Vpp NOTES = 25 V ± 1 V) SYM PARAMETER IlL Input Leakage Current 10 J1.A Icc Vee Power Supply Current 100 mA IpP1 Vpp Supply Current 10 mA 4 IpP2 Vpp Supply Current during Programming Pulse 30 mA 5 RECOMMENDED AC OPERATING CONDITIONS AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS,·2.•. 7 (TA = 25°C ± 5°C)(V ce = +5 V ± 10%. Vpp = 25 V ± 1 V) SYM PARAMETER t AS Address Setup Time 2 J1.s toES OE Setup Time 2 J1.S tos Data Setup Time 2 J1.S tAH Address Hold Time 2 J1.S tOEH OE Hold Time 2 J1.S tOH Data Hold Time 2 J1.S tOF Output Enable to Output Float 0 tOE Output Enable to Output Delay tpw Program Pulse Width tpRT Program Pulse Rise Time 5 ns tPFT Program Pulse Fall Time 5 ns MIN MAX TYP 45 50 PROGRAM OPERATION NOTES: 1. Vee must be applied at the same time or before Vpp and removed after or at the same time as Vpp. To prevent damage to the device it must not be inserted into a board with Vpp at 25 V. 4. CE'/PGM 5. CE/PGM 6. IT 2. Care must be taken to prevent overshoot of the Vpp supply when switching to +25 V. 3. 0.45 V:S VIN :s 5.50 V 7. 0 0 0 UNITS NOTES 130 ns 4 120 ns 4 55 ms VIL' VIH. 20 nsec. 1 V and 2 V for inputs and .8 V and 2 V for outputs are used as timing reference levels. 8. Although speed selections are made for read operation all programming specifications are the same for all dash numbers. XII-18 TIMING DIAGRAM (Program Mode) Figure 5 14---PRDGRAM _ _~_ _ _ PRDGRAM''-_ _-+I VERIFY ADDRESS N ADDRESSES V IL - ADDRESS N + M _ _ _J DATA OUT tAH---"'7{~ VALID DATA ADDN_--DATA IN STABLE ADD N+ M VIL- _ _ _ _""""I DE V IL - _ _ _J Ce/PGM MODE SELECTION Pin: into the device by following the program procedures outlined in this data sheet. CE'/PGM OE Vpp Mode (18) (20) (21) Output Read V IL V 1L +5 Valid Out Standby V IH Don't Care +5 Open Program Pulsed VIL to V 1H V IH +25 Data Inputs Program Verify VIL V IL +25 Valid Out Program Inhibit VIL V IH +25 Open The MKB2716 is specifically designed to fit those applications where fast turnaround time and pattern experimentation are required. Since data may be altered in the device (erase and reprogram) it allows for early debugging of the system program. Since single location programming is available the MKB2716 can have its data content increased (assuming all 2048 bytes were not programmed) at any time for easy updating of system capabilities in the field. Once the contents become fixed and the system enters production, mask programmable ROMs can offer speed, cost per bit and power per bit benefits. Mostek offers the MKB36000 and MKB37000 8 K x 8 ROMs which allow the user to quadruple memory density in the application. A "ROM Programming Guide" is available to aid the user in preparing the code for submission once prototyping with MKB2716s has verified its accuracy. Vcc (24) = 5 V all modes DESCRIPTION (Continued) be done at any individual word address, sequencially or at random. The three-state output controlled by the OE input allows OR-tie capability for construction of large arrays. A single power supply requirement of +5 volts makes the MKB2716 ideally suited for use with Mostek's 5-volt only microprocessors such as the MKB3880 (Z80). The MKB2716 is packaged in the industry standard 24-pin dualin-line package with a transparent, hermetically sealed lid. This allows the user to expose the chip to ultraviolet light to erase the data pattern. A new pattern may then be written READ OPERATION The MKB2716 has five basic modes of operation. Under normal operating conditions (non-programming) there are two modes; READ and STANDBY. A READ operation is accomplished by maintaining pin 18 (CE) at V IL and pin 21 (Vpp) at +5 volts. If OE (pin 20) is held active low after addressing (Ao - AlO have stabilized) then valid output data will appear on the output pins at access time t ACC (address XII-19 III access). In this mode, access time may be referenced to OE (toe) depending on when nE occurs (see timing diagrams). POWER DOWN operation is accomplished in STANDBY mode by taking pin 18 (CE) to a TTL high level (VI H)' The power is reduced by 75% from 633 mW maximum to 165 mW. During power down Vpp must be at +5 volts, and the outputs will be open-circuit regardless of the condition of OE. Access time from a high to low transition of CE (teE) is the same as from addresses (tAcd. (See STANDBY Timing Diagram). PROGRAM INHIBIT is another useful mode of operation when programming multiple, parallel addressed MKB2716's with different data. It is necessary only to maintain DE at V IH' Vpp at +25, allow addresses and data to stabilize, and pulse the CE/PGM pin of the device to be programmed. The devices with ~/PGM at V IL will not be programmed. Data may then be changed and the next device pulsed. PROGRAMMING INSTRUCTIONS The MKB2716 is shipped from Mostek completely erased. In this initial state, and after any subsequent erasure, all bits will be at a '1 ' level (output high). Information is introduced by selectively programming 'O's into the proper bit locations. Once a '0' has been programmed into the chip it may be changed only by erasing the entire chip with UV light. The MKB2716 is put into the PROGRAM mode by maintaining Vpp at +25 V, and OE at V IH . In this mode the output pins serve as inputs (8 bits in parallel)for the required program data. Word address selection is done the same as in the READ mode, and logic levels for other inputs and the Vcc supply voltage are the same as in the READ mode. To program a "byte" (8 bits) of data, a TTL active high level pulse is applied to the CE/PGM pin after address inputs and data have stabilized. Each location to be programmed must have a pulse applied, and only one pulse per location is required. Any individual location, a sequence of locations or locations at random may be programmed in this manner. (The program pulse has a maximum width of 55 msec, and programming must not be attempted with a high level D.C. signal applied to the CE/PGM pin.) XII-20 PROGRAM VERIFY allows the MKB2716 program data to be verified without having to reduce V pp from +25 V to +5 V. Vpp = 25 V should only be used in the PROGRAM, PROGRAM INHIBIT and PROGRAM VERIFY modes and must be at +5 V in all other modes. MKB2716 ERASING PROCEDURE The MKB2716 maybe erased by exposure to high intensity ultraviolet light, illuminating the chip through the transparent window. This exposure to ultraviolet light induces the flow of a photo current from the floating gate, thereby discharging the gate to its initial state. An ultraviolet source of 2537 A yielding a total integrated dosage of 15 Watt-seconds/cm 2 is required. Note that all bits of the MKB2716 will be erased. The erasure time is approximately 15 to 20 minutes utilizing a ultra-violet lamp with a 12000 p.W/CM2 power rating. The lamp should be used without short wave filters, and the MKB2716 to be erased should be placed about one inch away from the lamp tubes. It should be noted that as the distance between the lamp and the chip is doubled, the exposure time required goes up by a factor of 4. The UV content of sunlight is not sufficient to provide a practical means of erasing the MKB2716. However, it is recommended that the MKB2716 not be operated or stored in direct sunlight, as the UV content of sunlight may cause erasure of some bits in a short period of time. MOSTEI(® 64K-BIT READ-ONLY MEMORY Processed to MIL-STD-883, Method 5004, Class B MKB36000{P/ J)-80/83/84 FEATURES o Standard 24 pin DIP (EPROM Pin Out Compatible) o MKB36000 8K x 8 Organization - "Edge Activated" operation (CE) o Low Standby Power Dissipation - 55 mW typical (CE High) o Maximum access time: 300ns (-84) 250ns (-83) 250ns (-80) o On chip latches for addresses o Inputs and three-state outputs-TTL compatible o Low Power Dissipation - 220mW max active o Outputs drive 2 TTL loads and 100 pF o Extended operating ambient temperature range (-55°C:::; TA:::; +125°C): -84 (-55°C:::; TA:::; + 125°C):-83 (-40°C:::; TA:::; +80°C):-80 o Ruggedized for use in severe military environments o Single +5V DESCRIPTION The MKB36000 is a new generation N-channel silicon gate MOS Read Only Memory, organized as 8192 words by 8 bits. As a state-of-the-art device, the MKB36000 incorporates advanced circuit techniques designed to provide maximum circuit density and reliability with the highest possible performance, while maintaining lower power dissipation and wide operating margins. ± 10% power supply chip enable (CE) input at a TTL high level. In this mode, power dissipation is reduced to typically 35mW, as compared to unclocked deviced which draw full power continuously. In system operation, a device is selected by the CE input, while all other are in a low power mode, reducing the overall system power. Lower power means reduced power supply cost, less heat to dissipate and an increase in device and system reliability. The MKB36000 utilizes what is fast becoming an industry standard method of device operation. Use of a static storage cell with clocked control periphery allows the circuit to be put into an automatic low power standby mode. This is accomplished by maintaining the The edge activated chip enable also means greater system flexibility and an increase in system speed. The MKB36000 features onboard address latches controlled by the CE input. Once the address hold time specification has been met, new address data can be applied in anticipation of the next cycle. Outputs can be FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM PIN CONNECTIONS A7 A6 2 A5 3 A4 4 AI2 A" _-Yo< A,O _ _ VIS A. A3 5 A2 6 Al 7 Aa A, AS Ao A, A, ~ 8 9 °1 02 10 03 11 IT ~ GND12 XII-21 24 VCC 23 A8 22 A9 21 A12 20 CE 19 AlO 18 All 17 08 16 °7 15 06 14 05 13 04 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on Any Terminal Relative to VSS ..................................................... -0.5V to + 7V Operating Temperature TA (Ambient) -83/84 ............................................... -55°C to +125°C Operating Temperature TA (Ambient) -80 ..................•................................ -40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature - Ceramic (Ambient) ................................................ -65°C to +150°C Power Dissipation ...................................................••........................... 1 Watt ·Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operating sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS6 (-55°C::; TA::; +125°C) for -84; (-40° ::; TA::; +85°C) for -80 MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Power Supply Voltage 4.5 5.0 5.5 Volts 6 VIL Input Logic 0 Voltage -1.0 0.8 Volts VIH Input Logic 1 Voltage 2.4 VCC Volts SYM PARAMETER VCC DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = 5V ± 10%) (ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VALID OVER TEMPERATURE RANGE FOR EACH DEVICE)6 MAX UNITS NOTES VCC Power Supply Current Active 40 mA 1 ICC2 VCC Power Supply Current Standby 10 mA 7 II(L) Input Leakage Current -10 10 !J.A 2 IO(L) Output Leakage Current -10 10 !J.A 3 VOL Output Lo~c "0" Voltage @ IOU1 = .3mA 0.4 Volts VOH Output Lo~c "1" Voltage @ IOU1 = 20!J.A SYM PARAMETER ICC1 MIN TYP Volts 2.4 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = 5V ± 10%)6 (ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VALID OVER TEMPERATURE RANGE FOR EACH DEVICE)6 36000-80/83 36000-84 UNITS NOTES ns 4 7500 ns 4 250 300 ns 4 60 75 ns 4 75 ns 4 0 0 ns 125 150 ns SYM PARAMETER MIN tc Cycle Time 375 tCE CE Pulse Width 250 tAC CE Access Time tOFF Output Turn Off Delay tAH Address Hold Time Referenced to CE 60 tAS Address Setup Time Referenced to CE tp CE Precharge Time XII-22 MAX MIN MAX 450 7500 300 CAPACITANCE (-55°C :S TA :S + 125°C) TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Input Capacitance 5 8 pF 5 Output Capacitance 7 15 pF 5 SYM PARAMETER C1 Co NOTES: 1. Current is proportional to cycle rate. ICCI is measured at the specified minimum cycle time. 2. VIN = OV to 5.5V 3. Device unselected; VOUT = OV to 5.5V 4. Measured with 2 TTL loads and l00pF, transition times = 20ns. 5. Capacitance measured with Boonton Meter or effective c.apacitance calculated from the equation: C = f:>. with f:>.V = 3volts f:>.V 6. A minimum 2ms time delay is required after the application of Vee (+5) before proper device operation is achieved. CE must be high during this period. 7. CE high. TIMING DIAGRAM tc CHIP ENABLE ADDRESS DATA OUTPUT Vow VOL------ MKB 36000 ROM PUNCHED CARD CODING FORMAT (1 & 6) COlS FIRST CARD SECOND CARD THIRD CARD FOURTH CARD 1-30 31-50 60-72 1-30 31-50 DATA FORMAT INFORMATION FIELD 512 data cards (16 data words/card) with the following format: Customer Customer Part Number Mostek Part Number (2) Engineer at Customer Site Direct Phone Number for Engineer Mostek Part Number {2~ Data Format (3) Logic - ("Positive Logic" or "Negative Logic") 35-57 Verification Code (4) 1-5 1-9 15-28 NOTES: 1. Positive or negative logic formats are accepted as noted in the fourth card. 2. ASSigned by Mostek; may be left blank. 3. Mostek punched card coding format should be used Punch "Mostek" starting in column one. 4. Punches as(a) VERIFICATION HOLD - i.e .. customer verification of the data as reproduced by Mostek is required prior to production of the ROM. To accomplish this Mostek supplies a copy of its Customer Verification Data COlS INFORMATION FIELD 1-4 Four digit octal address of first output word on card 5-7 Three digit octal output word specified by address in column 1-4 8-52 Next fifteen output words. each word consists of three octal digits. Sheet (CVDS) to the customer. (b) VERIFICATION PROCESS - i.e .. the customer will receive a CVDS but production will begin prior to receipt of customer verification; (c) VERIFICATION NOT NEEDED - i.e., the customer will not receive a CVDS and production will begin immediately. 5. 512 cards for MI a with l> V = 3 volts 6. A minimum 2ms time delay is required after the application of Vee (+5) before proper device operation is achieved CE must be at VIH for this time period. 7. ~high 8. Power supply current decreases with increasing temperature. l>V XII-27 III TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 1 CHIP ENABLE ADDRESS OUTPUT ENABLE DATA OUTPUT DESCRIPTION (Continued) market a new era of ROM, PROM and EPROM compatibility previously unavailable. Use of clocked control periphery and a standard static ROM cell makes the MKB37000 the lowest power 64K ROM available. Power consumption is a low 165mW maximum. To provide greater system flexibilityan output enable (OE) function has been added using one of the extra pins available on the 28 pin DIP. This function matches that found on all of the new BYTEWYDE family of memories available from Mostek. The use of clocked CE mode of operation provides an automatic power down mode of operation. The MKB37000 features on chip address latches controlled by the input. Once address hold time is met, new address data can be provided to the device in anticipation of a subsequent cycle. It is not necessary to maintain the address up to access time to access valid data. The output enable function controls only the outputs and is not latched by the CEo The CE input can be used for device selection and the OE input used to avoid bus conflicts so that outputs can be 'OR'ed together when using multiple devices. a: Any application reqUiring a high performance, high bit density ROM can be satisfied by the MKB37000. This device is ideally suited for 8 bit microprocessor systems such as those which utilize the MKB3880. It can offer significant cost advantages over EPROM. OPERATION The MK37000 is controlled by the chip enable (CE) and output enable (OE) inputs. A negative going edge at the CE input will activate the device and latch the addresses into the on chip address registers. The output buffers, under the control of OE, will become active in CE access time (t cEA) if the output enable access time (tOEA) requirement is met. The on-chip address register allows addresses to be changed after the specified hold ti me (tAH ) in preparation for the next cycle. The outputs will remain valid and active until either CE or OE is returned to the inactive state. After chip deselect time (tCEZ ) the output buffers will go to a high impedance state. The CE input must remain inactive (high) between subsequent cycles for time tp to allow for precharging the nodes of the internal circuitry. MK37000 ROM CODE DATA INPUT PROCEDURE Other system oriented features include fu IIy TTL compatible inputs and outputs. The three state outputs, controlled by the OE input, will drive a minimum of 2 standard TTL loads. The MKB37000 operates from a single +5 volt power supply with a wide +10% tolerance, providing the widest operating margins available. The MKB37000 is packaged in the industry standard 28 pin DIP. Pin 1 and 26 are not connected to allow easy upward compatibility with next generation higher density ROM which will use these pins for addresses. Pin 27 is not connected in order to maintain compatibility with RAMs which use this pin as a write enable (WE) control function. The preferred method of supplying code data to Mostek is in the form of programmed EPROMs (see table). In addition to the programmed set of blank EPROMs for supplying customer code verification. When multiple EPROMs are required to describe the ROM they shall be designated in ascending address space with the numbers 1,2,3, etc. As an example, EPROM #1 would start with address space 0000 and go to 07FF for a 2K x 8 device. EPROM #2 would then start at address space 0800 and so on. A total of (4) 2K x 8 devices would be required to toally describe the address space of the 8K x 8 MK37000. XII-28 A paper printout and verification approval letter will accompany each verification EPROM set returned to the customer. Approval is considered to be excepted when the signed verification letter is returned to Mostek. The original set of EPROMs will be retained by Mostek for the duration of the prototyping process. Please consult with your local Mostek representative for more information. Acceptable EPROMs for Code Data Table 1 EPROM # REQUIRED 271612516 4 2732 2 2764 1 XII-29 XII-30 !t UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MILITARY HIGH-REL PRODUCTS PROCESSED TO MIL-STD-883A METHOD 5004 256K-BIT MOS READ-uNLY MEMORY MKB38000(P/J/E)-84/85 o Fully screened to MIL-STD-883 Method 5004, Class B FEATURES o Organized 32K x 8 o Pin compatible with Mostek's BYTEWYDpM Memory Family o Upward compatible with the MKB3700 o Access Time = Cycle Time o Static Operation o Automatic Power Down o Temperature range: -55°C::::: Te ::::: 125°C DESCRIPTION o CE and OE functions facilitate bus control o Pin 27 no connection permits interchange with static RAM (WE) o High performance Part No. Access Time Cycle Time MKB38000-84 250 ns 250 ns MKB38000-85 300 ns 300 ns The MKB38000 is a N-channel silicon gate MOS Read Only Memory, organized as 32,768 words by8 bits. As a state-ofthe-art device, the MKB38000 incorporates advanced circuit techniques designed to provide maximum circuit density and reliability with the highest possible performance, while maintaining low power dissipation and wide operating margins. FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM (MKB38000) PIN CONNECTIONS Figure 1 Figure 2 " '" ,',., Iv,.< I I I'"I '" I': , , L_Jl_Jl_J 'LJ, NC 1'1 I L_J LJ U A" A7 3 26 '., A6 • 2• A8 " =~J L2!_ A" • 2. A9 " =~J L2_6_ NC A. 6 23 A11 " -~J L2':_ A3 7 22 DE :l~J ~lJ [2~- A", A2 8 " 2' A'O [2Y: EE A' 9 20 cr NO ~2J DO" n, O'----L-____J MODE OUTPUTS POWER H X Deselect High-Z Standby L H Inhibit High-Z Active L L Read DOUT Active A'3 '. r-- ", " 00, L2_'_ DO DO, DO, OE NC [2~_ r-' r-, r-, r-, r-' r-,r-' :14:,151:161117::18: 1'9 :,201 CE Vee 27 L2L c.----I TRUTH TABLE 28 2 ~J '., OO·····Q7 , A12 '., " " AO A" NO 132113111301 141'31 .. " NC DQ, D0. OQ. A. AO 10 '9 07 00 11 18 06 01 12 '7 O. 02 ,. ,. O. GND 13 '6 III PIN NAMES AO-A14 Address OE CE Chip Enable Vee No Connection GND NC QO-Q7 XII-31 03 Output Enable +5V Ground Data Outputs ABSOI-UTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on Any Terminal Relative to GND ......•.••.............................•..•............ -0.5 V to +7 V Operating Temperature Tc (Case) ...•......................................................... 55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature-Ceramic (Ambient) ..........................•.....•.................... -65°C to +150°C Power Dissipation .......•.....................................•....•............................... 1 Watt ·Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operating sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability, RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS1,6 (-55°C:5 Tc:5 + 125°C) SYM PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX* UNITS Vcc Power Supply Voltage 4.75 5.0 5.25 V V 1L Input Logic 0 Voltage -0.3 0.8 V V 1H Input Logic 1 Voltage 2.0 Vcc V TYP MAX* UNITS NOTES NOTES 8 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS1,6 (V CC =5 V ± 5%)(-55°C:5 Tc:5 +125°C) SYM PARAMETER ICCl V cc Power Supply Current (Active) 75 100 rnA 5 ICC2 V cc Power Supply Current (Standby) 35 50 rnA 7 II(L) Input Leakage Current -10 0.1 10 pA 3 IO(L) Output Leakage Current -10 0.1 10 pA 2 VOL Output Logic "0" Voltage @ lOUT =4 rnA 0.4 V V OH Output Logic "1 " Voltage @ lOUT =-1 rnA MIN V 2.4 NOTE: 1. ·Preliminary values. Contact factory for current status AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS1, (Vcc = 5 V ± 5%) (-55°C :5Tc:5 +125°C) -85 -84 MAX MIN MAX UNITS NOTES 300 ns SYM PARAMETER MIN t RC Read Cycle Time 250 tAA Address Access Time 250 300 ns tCEA CE Access Time 250 300 ns tCEZ Chip Enable Data Off Time 40 50 ns tCEL Chip Enable to Data Bus Active tOEA 5 5 ns Output Enable Access Time 50 60 ns tOEZ Output Enable Data Off Time 40 50 ns tOH Output Hold from Address Change 5 5 ns XII-32 CAPACITANCE (-55°C s: Tc s: '25°C) SYM PARAMETER C1 Input Capacitance 5* pF Co Output Capacitance 7* pF TYP MAX UNITS NOTES 5 *Sample tested only and guaranteed by design TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 3 ________~.~------tRC-------- CE OE D AO·A7 NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. All voltages referenced to GND. Measured with 0.4 V:::; Vo::; 5.0 V outputs deselected and Vee:;::; 5 V. VIN = 0 V to 5.25 V. Input and output timing reference levels are at 1.5 V for inputs and.8 and 2.0 for outputs. 5. Measured with outputs open. 6. A minimum of 2 ms time delay is required after the application of Vee (+5) before proper device operation is achieved. CE must be at VIH for this time period. 7. CE high. 8. Negative undershoots to a minimum of-l.5 V are allowed with a maximum of 10 ns pulse width once per cycle. 9. Measured with a load as shown in Figure 1. 10. A.C. measurements assume transition time;::: 5 ns levels GND to 3 V. OUTPUT LOAD Figure 4 XII-33 5V 1.1KO D. U. T. -----4~----...... 6800 100pF (Including Scope and Jig) £II DESCRIPTION (continued) As a member of the Mostek BYTEWYDE Memory Family, the MKB38000 allows compatibility between RAM, ROM, and EPROM. The MKB38000 can be used as a pin/function density upgrade to the MKB37000 8K x 8 bit ROM. Any application requIring a high performance high bit density ROM can be satisfied by the MKB38000. This device is ideally suited for 8 bit microprocessor systems such as those which can utilize the MKB3880. It can offer significant cost advantages over PROM. OPERATION The output enable function controls only the outputs. The CE input can be used for device selection and the OE input used to avoid bus conflicts so that outputs can be 'OWed together when using multiplexed or bi-directional busses. Other system oriented features include fully TIL compatible inputs and outputs. The three state outputs, controlled by the OE input, will drive a minimum of 2 standard TIL loads. The MKB38000 operates from a single +5 volt power supply. It is packaged in the industry standard 28 pin DIP. Pin 27 is not connected in order to maintain compatiblity with RAMs which use this pin as a write enable (WE) control function. The MKB38000 is controlled by the chip enable (CE) and output enable (OE) inputs. A low level at the CE input powers up the memory for an active cycle. The output buffers, under the control of OE, will become active in CE access time (t CEA ) if the output enable access time (tOEA) requirement is met. By maintaining valid address, the outputs will remain valid and active until either CE or OE is returned to the high state or until an address is changed. After chip deselecttime(tcEZ ) or output enable deselect time (tOEZ )' the output buffers will go to a high impedance state. MKB38000 ROM CODE DATA INPUT PROCEDURE The preferred method of supplying code data to Mostek is in the form of programmed EPROMs (see table). In addition to the programmed set, Mostek requires an additional set of blank EPROMs for supplying customer code verification. When multiple EPROMs are required to describe the ROM, they shall be designated in ascending address space with the numbers 1,2,3, etc. As an example, EPROM #1 would start with address space 0000 and go to 1FFF for an 8K x 8 device. EPROM #2 would then start at address space 2000 and soon. A total offour8Kx8 devices would be required to totally describe the address space of the 32K x 8 MKB38000. customer. Approval is considered to be accepted when the signed verification letter is returned to Mostek. The original set of EPROMswili be retained by Mostek for the duration of the prototyping process. ACCEPTABLE EPROMs FOR CODE DATA Table 1 A paper printout and verification approval letter will accompany each verification EPROM set returned to the XII-34 EPROM # REQUIRED 2732 8 2764 4 MOSTEI{. 4096 x 1-BIT DYNAMIC RAM Processed to MIL-STD-883, Method 5004, Class B MKB4027(J )-83/84 FEATURES o Extended operating temperature range (-55°C :5 TA o Improved performance with "gated CAS," only" refresh and page mode capability :5 +85°C) o o o o o o o Industry standard 16-pin DIP (MK4096) configuration 200ns access time, 375ns cycle (-83) 250ns access time, 375ns cycle (-84) o ± 10% tolerance on all supplies (+ 12V, ± 5V) o Low Power: 467mW active (max) 40mW standby (max) DESCRIPTION "R'AS All inputs are low capacitance and TTL compatible Input latches for addresses, chip select and data in Three-state TTL compatible output Output data latched and valid into next cycle Ruggedized for use in severe military environments with widely available automated testing and insertion equipment. The MKB4027 is a 4096 word by 1 bit MOS random access memory circuit fabricated with Mostek's Nchannel silicon gate process. This process allows the MKB4027 to be a high performance state-of-the-art memory circuit that is manufacturable in high volume. The MKB4027 employs a single transistor storage cell utilizing a dynamic storage technique and dynamic control circuitry to achieve optimum performance with low power dissipation. A unique multiplexing and latching technique for the address inputs permits the MKB4027 to be packaged in a standard 16-pin DIP on 0.3 in. centers. This package size provides high system-bit densities and is compatible System oriented features include direct interfacing capability with TTL, only 6 very low capacitance address lines to drive, on-chip address and data registers which eliminates the need for interface registers, input logic levels selected to optimize noise immunity, and two chip select methods to allow the user to determine the appropriate speed/power characteristics of his memory system. The MKB4027 also incorporates several flexible operating modes. In addition to the usual read and write cycles, read-modify write, page-mode, and RAS only refresh cycles are available with the MKB4027. Page-mode timing is very useful in systems requiring Direct Memory Access (DMA) operation. FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM PIN CONNECTIONS Vee 1 16 VSS DIN 2 WRITE 3 15 CAS RAS 4 (D •• ,) " Ao 5 12 A3 A2 6 A, 7 11 A4 VDD 8 " PIN NAMES Ao-Ae Address Inputs Col Address Strobe CS Data In DIN Data Out DOUT Row Address Strobe RAS " XII-3S 14 DOUT 13 CS 10 AS 9 VCC WRITE Read/Write Input Power (-5VI VSS Power (+5V) VCC Power (+12VI VDD Ground VSS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on any pi.n relative to VSS' .......................................................... -0.5V to +20V Voltage on VOO' V CC relative to VSS ........................................................ -1 .OV to + 15V VSS - VSS (VOO - VSS > 0) ............................................................................ OV Operating Temperature (Ambient)(Ceramic) ................................................. -55°C to +85°C Storage Temperature (Ambient)(Ceramic) .................................................. -65°C to +150°C Short Circuit Output Current ........................................................................ 50mA Power Dissipation ................................................................................ 1 Watt *Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operating sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS4 (-55°C ~ TA ~ 85°C) SYM PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES VOO Supply Voltage 10.8 12.0 13.2 V 2 VCC Supply Voltage 4.5 5.0 5.5 V 2,3 VSS Ground 0 0 0 V 2 VSS Supply Voltage -4.5 -5.0 -5.5 V 2 VIHC Logic 1 Voltage, RAS, CAS, WRi'fi: 2.7 7.0 V 2 VIH Logic 1 Voltage, all inputs except RAS, CAS, WRITE 2.4 7.0 V 2 VIL Logic 0 Voltage, all inputs -1.0 .8 V 2 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS4 (-55°C ~ TA ~ 85°C)1 (VOO = 12.0V ± 10%; VCC = 5.0V ± 10%; VSS = OV; VSS = -5.0V ± 10%) MAX UNITS NOTES Avg. VOO Power Supply Current 35 mA 5 1002 Standby VOO Power Supply Current 3.0 mA 8 1003 Avg. VOO Power Supply Current during "RAS only" cycles 27 mA ICC VCC Power Supply Current ISS Avg. VSS Power Supply Current I(L) SYM PARAMETER 1001 TYP MIN mA 6 200 p.A Input Leakage Current (any input) 10 p.A 7 IO(L) Output Leakage Current 10 p.A 8,9 VOH Output Logic 1 Voltage @ lOUT = -5mA VOL Output Logic 0 Voltage @ lOUT = 3.2mA V 2.4 0.4 V NOTES: 1. 2. 3. TA is specified for operation at frequencies totRC~tRC (min). Operation at higher cycle rates with reduced ambient temperatures and higher power dissipation is permissible provided that all AC parameters are met. All voltages referenced to VSS. Output voltage will swing from VSS to Vee when enabled, with no output load. For purposes of maihtaining data in standby mode, Vee may be reduced to VSS without affecting refresh operations or data retention. However, the VOH (min) specification is I'\ot gl,!aranteed in this mode. XII-36 4. 5. 6. Several cycles are required after power-up before proper device operation is achieved. Any 8 cycles which perform refresh are adequate for this purpose. Current is proportional to cycle rate. 1001 (ma)() is measured at the cycle rate specified bytRC (min). See Figure 1 for 1001 limits at other cycle rates. ICC depends on output loading. During readout of high level data Vce is connected through a low impedance (1350 typ) to Data Out. At all other times ICC consists of leakage currents only. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RECOMMENDED AC OPERATING CONDITIONS (4,",7) (-55°C::; TA::; 85°C)1 (VDD = 12.0V ± 10%, VCC = OV, Vaa = -5.0V ± 10%) MKB4027-83 MKB4027-84 SYM PARAMETER MIN tRC Random read or write cycle time 375 380 ns 12 tRWC Read-write cycle time 375 395 ns 12 tRMW Read Modify Write Cycle 405 470 ns 12 tpc Page mode cycle time 225 285 ns 12 tRAC Access time from row address strobe 200 250 ns 13,15 tCAC Access time from column address strobe 135 165 ns 14,15 tOFF Output buffer turn-off delay 50 60 ns tRP Row address strobe precharge time 120 tRAS Row address and strobe pulse width 200 tRSH Row address strobe hold time 135 165 ns tCAS Column address strobe pulse width 135 165 ns tCSH CAS hold time 200 250 ns tRCD Row to column strobe delay tASR Row address set-up time tRAH Row address hold time tASC 25 MAX MIN MAX UNITS 120 5000 65 250 35 ns 5000 85 ns ns 0 0 ns 25 35 ns Column address set-up time 0 0 ns tCAH Column address hold-time 55 75 ns tAR Column address hold time referenced to RAS 120 160 ns tcsc Chip select set-up time 0 0 ns tCH Chip select hold time 55 75 ns tCHR Chip select hold time referenced to RAS 120 160 ns tT Transition time (rise and fall) 3 tRCS Read command set-up time 0 0 ns tRCH Read command hold time 0 0 ns tWCH Write command hold time 55 75 ns tWCR Write command hold time referenced to RAS 120 160 ns twp Write command pulse width 55 75 ns tRWL Write command to row strobe lead time 70 85 ns tCWL Write command to column strobe lead time 70 85 ns tDS Data in set-up time 0 0 ns XII-37 50 3 NOTES 50 ns 16 17 18 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) MKB4027-83 MKB4027-84 SYM PARAMETER tDH Data in hold time 55 75 ns tDHR Data in hold time referenced to RAS 120 160 ns tCRP Column to row strobe precharge time 0 0 ns tcp Column precharge time 80 110 ns tRFSH Refresh Period twcs Write command set-up time 0 0 tCWD CAS to WRITE delay 80 80 ns 19 tRWD RAS to WRITE delay 145 175 ns 19 tDOH Data out hold time 5 5 J.lS MIN MAX MIN 2 MAX UNITS 2 NOTES 18 ms 19 NOTES (Continued) 7. 8. 9. 10. 15. All device pins at 0 volts except VSS which is at -5 volts and the pin under test which is at -10 volts Output logic is disabled (high-impedance) and RAS and CAS are both at a logic 1. Transient stabilization is required prior to measurement of this parameter. 16. 17. OV <: VOUT <: -10V or VIH and VIL. Effective capacitance is calculated from the equation' e Measured with a load circuit equivalent to 2 TTL loads and 100pF. Operation within the tRAC (max) limit insures that tACO (max) is specified tRCD (max) limit then access time is controlled exclusively by tCAC. VIHC (min) or VIH (min) and VIL (max) are reference levels for measuring timing of input signals. Also, transition times are measured between VIHC 18. = "Q with "V = 3 Volts V 19. 11. AC measurements assume t1 :::: 5ns. 12 The specification for tRC (min) and tRWC (min) are used only to indicate cycle time at which proper operation over the full temperature range (-55°C::; TA::; 85°C) is assured. See Figure 2 for derating curve 13 Assumes that tRCO:::; tRCO (max) 14. Assumes that tRCO 2: tRCD (max) AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (-55°C:::; TA:::; 85°C)' (VDD = 12.0V ± 10%, VCC SYM PARAMETER CI1 = 5V ± These parameters are referenced to CAS leading edge in random write cycles to WRITE leading edge in delayed write or read-modify-write cycles. twcs, tCWD' and tRWD are restrictive operating parameters in a read/write or read/modify/write cycle only. If twcs 2: twcs (min), the, cycle is an early write cycle and the Data Out will contain the data written into the selected cell. If teWD? tewD (min) and tRWD? tRWD (min), the cycle is a read-write cycle .and Data Out will contain data read from the selected cell. If neither of the above sets of conditions is satisfied, the condition of Data Out (at access time) is indetermined. 10%, VSS = OV, VBB = -5.0V ± 10%) TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Input Capacitance (AO - A5), DIN, cs 4 5 pF 10 CI2 Input Capacitance RAS, CAS, WRITE 8 10 pF 10 Co Output Capacitance (DOUT) 5 7 pF 8,10 -SUPPLEMENTAL DATA SHEET TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH MOSTEK MK4027(J)-1/2/3 and MK4027(J)-4 DATA SHEETS XII-38 4096 x 1-81T STATIC RAM Processed to MIL-STD-883, Method 5004, Class 8 MKB4104 (P/J/El-84/85 FEATURES o Extended operating temperature range (-55°C:5 TA :5 125°C) o o Combination static storage cells and dynamic control circuitry for truly high performance o Standby power dissipation less than 53mW o Single +5V power supply (5% tolerance) o Fully TTL compatible Fanout: 2 - Standard TTL 2 - Schottky TTL 12 - Low Power Schottky TTL Part Number Access Time Cycle Time 4104(J)-84 250ns 385ns o Standard 18 pin DIP 4104(J)-85 300ns 510ns o Leadless chip carrier (E package) available for high density applications o Ruggedized for use in severe military environments Average power dissipation less than 150mW The Mostek MKB4104 is a high performance static random access memory organized as 4096 one bit words. The MKB41 04 combines the best characteristics of static and dynamic memory techniques to achieve a TTL compatible, 5 volt only, high performance, low power memory device. It utilizes advanced circuit design concepts and an innovative state-of-the-art Nchannel silicon gate process specially tailored to provide static data storage with the performance (speed and power) of dynamic RAMs. Since the storage cell is static the device may be stopped indefinitely with the CE clock in the off (Logic 1) state. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION PIN CONNECTIONS DESCRIPTION 17 '-+ CLOCK GEN Ao' A12 A2 3 A3 4 -Jo, ,-y .. ' ROW ADDRESS BUFFERS ROW DECODe ~ + CLOCK GEN -----. f+ .,~ COL ADDRESS BUFFERS COWMN DECODE 15 As 14 Ag ~5 ~ AS 6 13 12 11 10 DOUT7 64x64 STORAGE ARRAY -'" ~ DATA INPUT BUFFER DATA OUTPUT BUFFER ... 18 1 2 18 VCC 17 As 16 16 A7 WE8 VSS 9 3 16 4 14 6 A10 13 A11 6 DIN 7 12 CE 11 10 9 8 PIN NAMES AO-All CE DIN DOUT XII-39 Address Inputs Chip Enable Data Input Data Output VSS ~ Ground Power (+5V) Write Enable £I ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on any pin relative to VSS ........................................................... -1.0V to +7.0V Operating Temperature TA (Ambient) ......................................................... -55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature (Ambient)(Ceramic) .................................................. -65°C to +150°C Power Dissipation ................................................................................ 1 Watt Short Circuit Output Current ........................................................................ 50rnA ·Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This IS a stress rallng only and functIonal operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated In the operation sections of this specIfication IS not Imphed Exposure to absolute maximum rallng conditIons for extended periods may affect rehablilty RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS6 (-55°C:5 TA:5 +125°C) SYM PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES VCC Supply Voltage 4.75 5.0 5.25 V 1 VSS Supply Voltage 0 0 0 V 1 VIH Logic "1" Voltage All Inputs 2.4 7.0 V 1 VIL Logic "0" Voltage All Inputs -1.0 .65 V 1 MAX UNITS NOTES DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (-55°C:5 TA:5 +125°C) (VCC =5.0 volts ± 5%) MIN SYM PARAMETER ICCl Average VCC Power Supply Current 27 rnA 2 ICC2 Standby VCC Power Supply Current 10 rnA 3 IlL Input Leakage Current (Any Input) -10 10 4 IOL Output Leakage Current -10 10 JJA JJA 3,5 VOH = -500JJA Output Logic "-" Voltage lOUT = 5mA V 11 0.4 V 11 TYP MAX NOTES VOL 2.4 Output Logic "1" Voltage lOUT AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (-55°C:5 TA:5 +125°C) (VCC = +5.0 volts ± 5%) SYM PARAMETER MIN CI Input Capacitance 4pF 6pF 14 Co Output Capacitance 7pF 7pF 14 NOTES: 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. All voltages referenced to vss. ICC 1 is related to precharge and cycle times. Guaranteed maximum values for ICCl are at minimum cycle time. Output is disabled (open circuit). CE is at logic 1 . All devicepinsatOvoltsexceptpin under test atO:5VIN:5 5.5V(VCC 5V) OV:5 VOUT:5 • 5.5V (VCC 5V) During power up. andINE must be at VIH for minimum of 2ms afterVCC reaches 4.75V. before a valid memory cycle can be accomplished. Measured with load circuit equivalent to 2 TTlloeds and Cl l00pF. If WE follows after CE by more than twS. then data out may not remain open circuited. Determined by user. Total cycle time cannot exceed tCF max. er 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. XII-40 Data· in set· up time is referenced to the later of the two fa iling clock edges CEorWE. AC measurements assume tl 5ns. Timing points are taken at .8V and 2.OV on inputs and .8V and 2.OV on the output. Transition times are also taken between these levels. tc tCl' tp , 2tl· The true level of the output in the open circuit condition will bedetermined totally by output load conditions. The output is guaranteed to be open circuit within tOFF. Effective capacitance calculated from the equation C 1 c.t with C.V equal to 3V and VCC nominal. C.V For RMW. tCE tAC' twPL ' 5MOD tc tAC' twPl 'tp , 3tl ·tMOD· AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS6," (-55°C::; TA::; +125°C) (VCC = +5.0 Volts ± 5%) MKB41 04-84 MKB41 04-85 SYM PARAMETER tc MIN MAX MIN Read or Write Cycle Time 410 510 tAC Random Access 250 tCE Chip Enable Pulse Width 250 tp Chip Enable Precharge Time 150 200 ns tAH Address Hold Time 135 165 ns tAS Address Set-Up Time 0 tOFF Output Buffer Turn-Off Delay 0 tws Write Enable Set-Up Time 0 tDHC Data Input Hold Time Referenced to CE tDHW 5000 300 MAX UNITS ns 12 300 ns 7 5000 ns 15 ns 0 65 ns 13 0 ns 8 210 250 ns Data Input Hold Time Referenced toWE 90 105 tww Write Enabled Pulse Width 60 90 tMOD Modify Time 0 tWPL WE to CE Precharge Lead Time tDS 5000 0 NOTES 0 75 ns 5000 ns 9 10 85 105 ns Data Input Set-Up Time 0 0 ns tWH Write Enable Hold Time 185 225 ns tT Transition Time tRMW Read-Modify-Write Cycle Time tRS Read Set-Up Time 5 50 5 50 ns 500 620 ns 0 0 ns 16 All input levels, including write enable (WE) and chip enable (CE) are TIL with a one level of 2.4 volts and a zero level of .65 volts. The push-pull output (no pull-up resistor required) delivers a one level of 2.4V minimum and a zero level of .4 volts maximum. The output has a fanout of 2 standard TIL loads or 1210w power Schottky loads. Power supply requirement of +5V combined with TIL compatibility on all 1/0 pins permits easy integration into large memory configurations. The single supply reduces capacitor count and permits denser packaging on printed circuit boards. The 5V only supply requirement and TIL compatible 1/0 makes this part an ideal choice for next generation +5V only microprocessors such as Mostek's zao. The early write mode (WE active prior to eE) permits common 1/0 operation, needed for Z80 interfacing, without external circuitry. The RAM employs an innovative static cell which occupies a mere 2.75 square mils (y2 the area of previous cells) and dissipates power levels comparable to CMOS. The static cell eliminates the need for refresh cycles and associated hardware thus allowing easy system implementation. Reliability is greatly enhanced by the low power dissipation which causes a maximum junction rise of only 6.6° at 1.6 Megahertz operation. The MKB4104 was designed for the system designer and user who require the highest performance available along with Mostek's proven reliability. DESCRIPTION (Continued) SUPPLEMENTAL DATA SHEET TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH MOSTEK MK4104(P/N) DATA SHEET XII-41 II XII-42 MOSTEI(. 16,384 x 1-81T DYNAMIC RAM Processed to MIL-STD-883, Method 5004, Class 8 MKB4116(P/ J)-82/83/84 MKB4116(E/F)-83/84 FEATURES o Extended operating temperature range (-55°C::; T C ::; +11 O°G) o Common I/O capability using "early write" operation o Recognized industry standard 16-pin configuration from Mostek o Read-Modify-Write, RAS-only refresh, and Pagemode capability o 150ns access time, 320ns cycle (MKB4116-82) 200ns access time, 375ns cycle (MKB4116-83) 250ns access time, 41 Ons cycle (MKB4116-84) o All inputs TTL compatible, low capacitance, and protected against static charge o ± 10% tolerance on all power supplies (+12V, ± 5V) o Low power: 462mW active, 30mW standby (max) o Output data controlled by CAS and unlatched at end of cycle to allow two dimensional chip selection and extended page boundary o 128 refresh cycles (2msec refresh interval) o Leadless chip carrier(E) and flat pack(F) available for high density applications, -83/84 o Ruggedized for use in severe military environments DESCRIPTION The MKB4116 is a new generation MOS dynamic random access memory circuit organized as 16,384 words by 1 bit. As a state-of-the-art MOS memory device, the MKB4116 (16K RAM) incorporates advanced circuit techniques designed to provide wide operating margins, both internally and to the system user, while achieving performance levels in speed and power previously seen only in Mostek's high performance MK4027 (4K RAM). The technology used to fabricate the MKB4116 is Mostek's double-poly, N-channel silicon gate, POLY ITM process. This process, coupled with the use of a single transistor dynamic storage cell, provides the maximal circuit density and reliability, while maintaining high performance capability. The use of dynamic circuitry throughout, including sense amplifiers, assures that power dissipation is minimized without any sacrifice in speed or operating margin. These factors combine to make the MKB4116 a truly superior RAM product. BLOCK DIAGRAM PIN CONNECTIONS 15 16 ---;::::========::[) VBB DIN 2 15 CAS WRITE 3 14 DOUT RAS 4 13 A6 5 12 A3 AO m A26 "---~ 1 2 1 AI 7 VDD 8 11 14 3 13 4 NC NC A4 10 A5 12 5 11 6 9 vcc 10 9 8 7 PIN NAMES "---~ . . -COl........ SEuel LINU-- - - AO - A6Address inputs CAS Col. Address Strobe Data in Data Out Row Address Strobe WRiTE VBB VCC V DD VSS Read/Write input Power (-5V) Power (+5V) Power (+12V) Ground II ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on any pin relative to VSS' .......................................................... -0.5V to +20V Voltage on VDD, VCC supplies relative to VSS .............................................. -1.0V to +15.0V VSB - VSS (VDD - VSS > OV) .......................................................................... OV Operating Temperature, TC (Case) ......................................................... -55°C to +11 O°C Storage Temperature (Ambient) ........................................................... -65°C to +150°C Short Circuit Output Current. ....................................................................... 50mA Power Dissipation ................................................................................ 1 Watt *Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS6 (-55°C:S TC :S +11 O°C) SYM PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES VDD Supply Voltage 10.8 12.0 13.2 Volts 2 VCC Supply Voltage 4.5 5.0 5.5 Volts 2,3 VSS Supply Voltage 0 0 0 Volts 2 Vss Supply Voltage -4.5 -5.0 -5.5 Volts 2 VIHC Input High (Logic 1) Voltage, RAS, CAS, WRITE 2.7 - 7.0 Volts 2 Input High (Lo9.!£.]) Volta~ inputs except RAS, CAS, WRITE 2.4 - 7.0 Volts 2 Input Low (Logic 0) Voltage, all inputs -1.0 - .8 Volts 2 MAX UNITS NOTES 35 mA 4 5 400 p.A VIH VIL DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISITCS (-55°C:S Tc:S +11O°C)(VDD = 5.0V ± 10%; -5.5V:S VBB:S -4.5V; VSS = OV) SYM PARAMETER IDD1 ICC1 ISB1 OPERATING CURRENT supply operating current (RAS, CAS cycling; tRC = tRC (min) IDD2 ICC2 IBS2 STANDBY CURRENT Power supply standby current (RAS '" VIHC' DOUT = High Impedance) -10 2.25 10 200 mA p.A p.A IDD3 ICC3 IBS3 REFRESH CURRENT Average power supply current, refesh mode (RAS cycling, CAS'" VIHC; tRC = tRC min) 27 10 400 mA p.A p.A 4 -10 IDD4 ICC4 ISB4 PAGE MODE CURRENT Average po~ supply~ent page-mode operation (RAS '" VIL' CAS cycling; tpc '" tpc min) 27 mA 4 5 400 p.A II(L) INPUT LEAKAGE Input leakage, any input (VSS '" -5V, OV :S VIN :S +7.0V, all other pins not under test'" 0 volts) -10 10 p.A IO(L) OUTPUT LEAKAGE Output leakage current (DOUT is disabled, OV:S VOUT:S +5.5V) -10 10 p.A 0.4 Volts Volts VOH VOL MIN Avera~ower OUTPUT LEVELS Output high (Logic 1) voltage (lOUT'" -5mA) Output low (Logic 0) voltage (lOUT'" 4.2mA) XII-44 2.4 3 NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. T C is specified here for operation at frequencies to tRC ;;::: tAC (min). Operation at higher cycle rates with reduced ambient temperatures and higher power dissipation is permissible, however, provided AC operating parameters are met. All voltages referenced to VSS' Output voltage will swing from VSS toVccwhen activated with no current loading. For purposes of maintaing data in standby mode. Vee may be reduced to VSS without affecting refresh operations or data retention. However, the VOH (min) specifications is not guaranteed in this mode. 1001.1003. and 1004 depend on cycle rate. See Figures2. 3 and4for 100 limits at other cycle rates. ICCl and ICC4 depend upon output loading. During readout of high level data Vee is connected through a low impedance(135 fityp)todata out. At all other times ICC consists of leakage currents only. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Several cycles are required after power~up before proper device operation is achieved. Any 8 cycles which perform refresh are adequate for this purpose. AC measurements assume t1 5ns. VIHc(min) or VIL (max) are reference levels for measuring timing of input signals. Also, transition times are measured between VIHC or VIH or VIL' The specificationsfortRc(min)tRMW(min) are used only to indicate cycle which proper operation over the full temperature range (-55 D C :$ TC :s 110°C) is assured. Assumes that tRCO :$ tRCO (max). If tRCO is greater than the maximum recommended value shown in this table, tRCDwi11 increase bytheamount that tRCO exceeds the value shown. Assumes that tRCO 2: tRCO (max) Measured with a load equivalent to 2 TIL loads and 100pF. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RECOMMENDED AC OPERATING CONDITIONS (6/.8) .(-55°C :s TC :s 11 O°Cp (VDD = 12.0V ± 10%; VCC = 5.0V ± 10%, VSS = OV. -5.5V:S VBB :s -4.5V) MKB4116-82 MKB4116-83 MKB4116-84 SYM PARAMETER MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS NOTES 320 375 410 ns 9 tRWC Read-write cycle time 320 375 425 ns 9 ~MVIi Read-modify-write cycle time 320 405 500 ns 9 Page mode cycle time 170 225 275 ns 9 tRC tpc Random read or write cycle time MIN tRAC Access time from RAS 150 200 250 ns 10.12 tCAC Access time from CAS 100 135 165 ns 11.12 tOFF Output buffer turn-off delay tor Transition time (rise and fall) tRP RAS precharge time 0 3 40 35 100 0 3 50 0 60 ns 13 50 3 50 ns 8 ns 150 120 tRAS RAS pulse width 150 tRSH RAS hold time 100 135 165 ns tCSH CAS hold time 150 200 250 ns tCAS CAS pulse width 100 5000 135 5000 165 5000 tRCD RAS to CAS delay time 20 50 25 65 35 85 tCRP CAS to RAS precharge time 0 tASR Row Address set-up time 0 tRAH Row Address hold time 5000 200 5000 250 5000 ns ns ns 0 0 ns 0 0 ns 20 25 35 ns tASC Column Address set-up time 0 0 0 ns tCAH Column Address hold time 45 55 75 ns Column Addr~old time referenced to R 95 120 160 ns tRCS Read command set-up time 0 0 0 ns tRCH Read command hold time 0 0 0 ns twCH Write command hold time 45 55 75 ns twCR Write comma~ld time referenced to RA 95 120 160 ns 45 55 75 ns tAR twp Write command pulse width XII-45 15 II ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RECOMMENDED AC OPERATING CONDITIONS (6,7,8) (-55°C ::s TC ::s +11 0°C)1 (VDD = 12.0V ± 10010; VCC = 5.0V ± 10%, VSS = OV, -5.5V::S VBB ::s -4.5V) MKB4116-83 MKB4116-82 SYM PARAMETER MIN tDH Date-in hold time tDHR tcP Da~ to MIN MAX UNITS NOTES 85 ns 50 70 85 ns 0 0 0 ns 15 45 55 75 ns 15 95 120 160 ns 60 80 100 ns 50 tCWL Write command to CAS lead time Data-in set-up time MAX 70 tRWL Write command to RAS lead time tDS MIN MAX MKB4116-84 hold time referenced CAS precharge time (for pagemode cycle only) tREF Refresh period 2 2 2 ms 19 twcs WRITE command set-up time 0 0 0 ns 16 tCWD CAS to WRITE delay 60 80 90 ns 16 tRWD RAS to WRITE delay 110 145 175 ns 16 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (-55°C::S TC ::s +11 O°C) (VDD = 12.0V ± 10%; VSS SYM PARAMETER CI1 = OV; -5.5V ::s VBB ::s -4.5V) TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Input Capacitance (AO - A6), DIN 4 5 pF 17 CI2 Input Capacitance, RAS, CAS, WRITE 8 10 pF 17 Co Output Capacitance (DOUT) 5 7 pF 17,18 NOTES: Continued '3. 16. 14. tOPI (max) defines the time at which the output achieves the open circuit condition and is not referenced to output voltage levels. Operation within the tRCO (max) limit insures that tRAe (max) can be met tRCD (max) is specified as a reference point only, iftRCP is greater than the specified tACO (max) limit. then access time is controlled exclusively by 15. tCAC' These parameters are referenced to CAS leading edge in early write cycles and'to WRITE leading edge in delayed write or read-modify-write cycles. 17. 1B. twcs, leWD, andtRWD are restrictive operating parameters in read-write and read-modify-write cycles only. If tWCS:;; twcs (min), the cycle is an early write cycle and the data out pin will remain open circuit (high impedance) throughout the entire cycle. If tCWD:;; tewD (min) and tRWD :$ tRwe (min), the cycle is a read·write cycle and the data out will contain data read from the selected cell. If neither of the above sets of conditions is satisfied the condition of the data out (at access time) is indeterminate. Effective capacitance calculated from the equation C IAt with AV 3 volts and power supplies at nominal levels. AV CAS: VIHC to disable DOUT· = = DESCRIPTION (Continued) Multiplexed address inputs (a feature pioneered by insertion equipment, provides highest possible system Mostek for its 4K RAMs) permits the MKB4116 to be bit densities and simplifies system upgrade from 4K to 16K RAMs for new generation applications. Non-critical packaged in a standard 16-pin DIP. This recognized industry standard package configuration, while comclock timing requirements allow use ofthe multiplexing patible with widely available automated testing and technique while maintaining high perfomance. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA SHEET TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH MOSTEK MK4116-2/3 AND MK4116-4, DATA SHEETS XII-46 MOSTEI(. MILITARY HIGH-REL PRODUCTS Processed to MIL-STD-883, Method 5004, Class B 1 K X 8-Bit Static RAM MKB4118A(P/J/E)-82/83/84 FEATURES o o Part No. Access Time R/W cycle Time Tested per MIL-STD-883B method 5004 and qualified per method 5005. MKB4118A-82 150 nsec 150 nsec Static operation, single +5 V power supply MKB4118A-83 200 nsec 200 nsec MKB4118A-84 250 nsec 250 nsec o Military temperature range (-55°C:::; TA:::; + 125°C) o Organization: 1K x 8 bit RAM JEDEC pinout o Pin compatible with Mostek's BYTEWYDpM memory family 0 CE and OE functions facilitate bus control o 24128 pin ROM/PROM compatible pin configuration 0 Industrial M~@>~on available (-40"C/85°C), ••••••••••••••••••• ',' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Watt Output Current .................., .................................................................... 20 mA <... ............................................ *Stresses greater than those listed under ."Absolute Maximum Ratin'gs'; may ca~$e permanent da":1age to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operat~o.n ..of the device at these or any other conditions above those" indicated int he operational sections of this specification is n~~ imp.li~d. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periQds may affect reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS7 (":55°C :::; TA:::; + 125°C) UNITS NOTES SYM PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX VCC Supply Voltage 4.75 5.0 5.25 V 1 Vss Supply Voltage 0 0 0 V 1 V IH Logic "1" Voltage All Inputs 2.4 7.0 V 1 V IL Logic "0" Voltage All Inputs -0,3 .8 V 1,9 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS';' (-55°C:::; TA:::; + 125°C) (Vcc = +5.0 V ± 5%) SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX UNITS NOTES ICC1 Average V cc Power Supply Current 90 mA 8 ICC1 Average V cc Power Supply Current TA = 125°C 65 mA 10 IlL Input Leakage 'Current (Any Input) -10 10 J,JA 2 IOL Output Leakage Current -10 10 J,JA 2 V OH Output Logic "1 " Voltage lOUT = 1 rnA 2.4 VOL Output Logic "0" Voltage lOUT = 4 mA V 0.4 V AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS3 (-55°C:::; TA:::; 125°C) (Vcc = 5.0 V ± 5%) MKB4118A-82 MAX MKB4118A-83 MIN MAX MKB4118A-84 MIN MAX SYM PARAMETER MIN t RC Read Cycle Time 150 tAA Address Access Time 150 200 250 tCEA Chip Enable Access Time ·75 100 125 ns 250 200 40 UNITS NOTES 45 \ ns 4 ns 4 tCEZ Chip Enable Data Off Time tOEA Output Enable Access Time tOEZ Output Enable Data Off Time ,5 tAZ Address Data. Off Time 10 10 10 ns twc Write Cycle Time 150 200 250 ns 5 35 5 100 75 35 XII-48 5 5 40 5 ns 125 ns 45 ns 4 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS3 (-55°C:::; TA :::; +125°C) (Vee = 5.0 V ± 5%) MKB4118A-82 SYM PARAMETER NOTES t AS Address Setup Time 0 0 0 ns see text tAH Address Hold Time 50 65 80 ns see text tDSW Data To Write Setup Time 10 15 20 ns tDHW Data From Write Hold Time 20 25 30 ns tWD Write Pulse Duration 50 60 70 ns tWEZ Write Enable Data Off Time tWPL Write Pulse Lead Time 5 MAX MIN 35 MAX MKB4118A-84 UNITS CAPACITANCE'·7 (-55°C:::; TA :::; +125°C) (Vee = +5.0 V MIN MKB4118A-83 40 5 130 90 MIN MAX 45 5 see text ns 170 ns ± 5%) NOTES SYM PARAMETER TYP C1 Capacitance on all pins (except D/O) 4 pF 5 CD/ Q Capacitance on DIO pins 10 pF 5,6 NOTES; 1. All voltages referenced to Vss. 2. Measured with .4:::; V,5.0 V, outputs deselected and Vee = 5 V. 3. AC test conditions: input rise anc;:i fall times::; 5 ns; input levels 0 V to 3 V; timing measurement reference level 1.5 V. MAX OUTPUT LOAD Figure 3 5V 4. Measured with a load as shown in Figure 3. 5. Effective capacitance calculated from the equation C = f::.Q with 6V;;;: 3 volts """KV and power supplies at nomina/levels. 6. Output buffer is deselected. 7. A minimum of 2 ms time delay is required after application of Vee (+5 V) before proper device operation can be achieved. 8.ICCl measured with outputs open. 9. Negative undershoots to a minimum of -1.5 V are allowed with maximum of 50 ns pulse width. DC value of low level must not exceed -0.3 V. 10. Power consumption decreases with temperature from a maximum at low temperature to a minimum at high temperature. XII-49 1.1 k!l D.U.T.----.-----. 680 !! 100 pF (Including Scope and Jig) III TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 4 READ READ WRITE ~-----tRC -----I~------ t RC - - - - - I I . j . . . o t - - - - - l w c - - - - - . ! - - - - t A A ---I~ - WE tAl tOEA < DQo-DQ7 VALID OUT r Y ( VALID OUT H VALID IN TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 5 WRITE WRITE twc twc READ .- t RC tOfA DO o-D0 7 VALID OUT } - - - - - { ~------~ ,-----..1- XII-50 ..-- r-------------~ ) DESCRIPTION (Cont.) The MKB4118A features a fast CE (50% of Address Access) function to permit memory expansion without impacting system access time. A fast OE (50% of access time) is included to permit data interleaving for enhanced system performance. The MKB4118A is pin compatible with Mostek's BYTEWYDpM memory family of RAMs, ROMs and EPROMs. OPERATION Read Mode The MKB4118A is in the read mode whenever the Write Enable Control input (WE) is in the high state. In the read mode of operation, the MKB4118A provides a fast address ripple-through access of data from 8 of 8192 locations in the static storage array. Thus, the unique address specified by the 10 Address Inputs (An) define which 1 of 1024 bytes of data is to be accessed. A transition on any of the 10 address inputs will disable the 8 data output drivers after tAZ' Valid Data will be available to the 8 data output drivers within tAA after the last address input signal is stable, providing that the CE and OE access times are satisfied. If CE or OE access times are not met, data access will be measured from the limiting parameter (t CEA or tOEA) ratherthan the address. The state ofthe 8 data 1/0 signals is controlled by the Chip Enable (CE) and Output Enable (OE) control signals. Write Mode The MKB4118A is in the write mode whenever the Write Enable (WE) and Chip Enable (CE) control inputs are in the low state. The write cycle is initiated by the WE pulse going low provided that CE is also low. The leading edge of the WE pulse is used to latch the status of the address bus. NOTE: In a write cycle the latter occurring edge of either WE or CE will determine the start of the write cycle. Therefore, t AS ' two and tAH are referenced to the latter occurring edge of CE or WE. Addresses are latched at this time. All write cycles whether initiated by CE or WE must be terminated by the rising edge of WE. If the output bus has been enabled (CE and OE low) then WE will cause the output to go to the high Z state in t WEZ ' III DaE!.!n must be valid tosw prior to the low to high tra nsition of WE. The Data In lines must remain stable for tOHW after WE goes inactive. The write control of the MKB4118A disables the data out buffers during the write cycle; however, OE should be used to disable the data out buffers to prevent bus contention between the input data and data that would be output upon completion of the write cycle. XII-51 XII-52 I! UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MILITARY HIGH-REL PRODUCTS PROCESSED TO MIL-STD-883, METHOD 500~J CLASS B, 16,384 x 1-BIT(STATIC RAIVI MKB4167 P)-870/885/80 FEATURES o -55 to +125°C operating temperature range Active Max Standby Max o Industry standard 20 pin 300 mil DIP o Scaled POLY 5™ technology MKB4167-870 70 ns 70 ns 660mW 220mW o Fully TIL compatible MKB4167 -885 85 ns 85 ns 660mW 220mW o Density upgrade over the 2147 MKB4167-80 100 ns 100 ns 660mW 220mW o Chip select power down feature o Access time equal to cycle time disabled mode and the power drops to a fraction of its active level. DESCRIPTION The MKB4167 is a high performance 16K x 1 fully static RAM suited for either high speed cache memories or for slower main memory applications. The low standby power allows maximum packing density with the JEDEC Type F chip carrier or ths 300 mil wide DIP. This static RAM offers a cycle time equal to its access time and has fullyTIL compatible inputs and outputs resulting in a part that fits easily into a wide range of applications. A charge pump is employed on the MKB4167 giving the user two notable advantages. The function of the charge pump is to negatively bias the substrate giving sufficient operating margin internally which allows a single 5 V power supply to be used. Since the charge pump applies a negative PIN CONNECTIONS Figure 1 DEVICE OPERATION The MKB4167 is a fully static Random Access Memory which accesses one of its 16,384 address locations based upon the value presented at its 14 address input pins. This power gated part will function in either a ripple through fashion when the Chip Select (CS) line is held active (low) or as a clocked part with the CS selecti ng the device. When the CS returns high the output is placed in a high impedance or TRUTH TABLE Ao 1 20 vee A, 2 19 A'3 A2 3 A3 4 17 A" 18 A12 A. 5 16 A,o A. 6 15 Ag A. 7 14 As DOUT 8 WE 9 vss 10 13 A7 12 D'N 11 cs PIN NAMES Ao - A13 CS WE Mode Output Power H L L X Not Selected Write Read HighZ HighZ DOUT Standby Active Active CS DIN L H Access Time Cycle Time Part Number Dour Vss Vee WE XII-53 Address Inputs Chip Select Data Input Data Output Ground Power (+5 V) Write Enable ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on any pin relative to Vss ................................................ " ............ -2.0 V to +7 V Operating temperature (T d .................................................................. -55°C to +125°C Storage temperature (Ambient) .............................................................. -65°C to +150°C DC output current ....•............................................................................. 20 mA Power dissipation ..........................................................•........................ 1 Watt "Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS\10 (-55°C ~ Te ~ +125°C) SYM PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Vee Supply Voltage 4.5 5.0 5.5 V 1 Vss Supply Voltage 0 0 0 V 1 V1H Logic '"1'" Voltage All Inputs 2.0 - V ee +1 V 1 V1L Logic '"0" Voltage All Inputs -2.5 - 0.8 V 1 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS1.10 (-55°C ~ Te ~ +125°C) (Vee = 5.0 V ± 10%) MKB4167-870 MKB4167·885 MKB4167·80 MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS NOTES SYM PARAMETER lee Operating Current AC (tRe lee Operating Current (te ISB =t Re min) 120 120 120 mA 9 90 90 90 mA 9,11 Standby Current (CS 2: V 1H ) 40 40 40 mA IL Input Leakage Current (Any Input) 10 10 10 p.A 3,12 IOL Output Leakage Current 50 50 50 p.A 2 V OH Output Logic '"1 '" Voltage lOUT = -4 mA VOL Output Logic '"0'" Voltage lOUT = 8 mA = 125°C) 2.4 2.4 2.4 0.4 XII-54 0.4 V 0.4 V RECOMMENDED AC OPERATING CONDITIONS AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSlO (-55°C -S:TC -s: +125°C)(V cc = 5.0 V ± 10%) READ CYCLE TIMING MKB4167-870 MKB4167-885 MKB4167-80 MAX UNITS NOTES MAX MIN MIN MAX MIN SYM PARAMETER t RC Read Cycle Time tAA Address Access Time 70 85 100 ns 6 tCSA Chip Select Access Time 70 85 100 ns 6 tOH Output Hold From Address Change 5 5 5 ns tLZ Chip Selection to Output Low Z 10 10 10 ns tHZ Chip Deselection to Output High Z 0 tpu Chip Selection to Power Up Time 0 tpD Chip Deselection to Power Down 30 ns 100 85 70 0 35 40 0 ns 0 0 70 60 50 7 ns ns WRITE CYCLE TIMING MKB4167-870 M KB4167 -885 MKB4167-80 MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS NOTES SYM PARAMETER twc Write Cycle Time 70 85 100 ns tcw Chip Select to End of Write 60 75 85 ns tAW Address Valid to End of Write 60 75 85 ns tAS1 Address Setup Time WE Controlled Cycle 10 10 10 ns t AS2 Address Setup Time CS Controlled Cycle 0 0 0 ns twp Write Pulse Width 40 55 65 ns tWR Write Recovery Time 0 0 0 ns tDW Data Valid to End of Write 30 35 40 ns tDH Data Hold Time 10 10 10 ns twz Write Enable to Output in High Z 0 tow Output Active From End of Write 0 35 45 0 0 0 50 0 ns 7 ns CAPACITANCE' (-55°C -s: Tc -s: +125°C)(Vcc = +5.0 V ± 10%) MAX UNITS NOTES Input Capacitance 5 pF 8 Output Capacitance 6 pF 8,9 SYM PARAMETER CIN COUT XII-55 READ CYCLE NUMBER 1 (5,6) Figure 2 DATA OUT PREVIOUS DATA VALID DATA VALID READ CYCLE NUMBER 2 (5,7) Figure 3 t RC ::, ...., ttCSA • t+- t HZ -+ tLZ HIGH IMPEDANCE DATA OUT ~;:;.'CV CURRENT VX X X \ r - - HIGH DATA VALID J "" IS8 I MPEDANCE -----=r?,....5-0-%-------------------------~~1t '"' ~tpu u ~tpo_ - WRITE CYCLE NUMBER 1 (WE CONTROLLED) Figure 4 ~C ADDRESSES ~V ---' tcw CS \ -Ir 7 ttAW t AS1 WE DATA IN ~p "- f-- twR- :+tOH~ tow ) ~ DATA INVALID ---------D-A-T-A-U-N-D-E-FI-N-ED------~ -twz DATA OUT I I XII-56 t+-- tow IIII WRITE CYCLE NUMBER 2 ICS CONTROLLED) Figure 5 fwe ADDRESSES --\I / -.-..J t AS2 tew 71- -'~ tAW I-fwR- fwp \\\\\\\\\\ IIIIIIII - tDH .. tDW ~ DATA IN DATA INVALID 'I -------------------D-A-T-A-U-N-D-E-F-IN--ED------------~~--------------------r----------- =:>I [-tW2 DATA OUT HIGH IMPEDANCE A.C. TEST CONDITIONS OUTPUT LOAD Input Levels ........................ O V to 3.0 V Transition Times ................... 5 ns Input timing reference level ....... 1.5 V Output timing reference levels .... 0.8 V - 2.0 V Output load ........................ See figure 5V 480 n DOUT------~~----------. 255 n 30 pf (including scope jig capacitance) NOTES; 1. All voltages referenced to VSS. 8. Effective capacitance calculated from the equation 2. es = VIH, Vce = MAX, VOUT = Vss to 4.5 V. 3. Vee = MAX. Also 0:; VIN :; vee. twz 4. tHZ and defines the time at which the output achieves the open circuit condition and is not referenced to output voltage levels. 5. WE is high for Read Cycles. 6. Device is continuously selected CS::; VIL. 7. Addresses valid prior to or coincident with CS transition low. c;::: 1M with!::"V:::: 3 volts 6V and power supplies at nominal levels. This parameter is sample te5ted only. 9. Output buffer is deselected. 10. A minimum of 2 ms is required following the application of Vee (+5 V) before proper device operation is achieved. 11 Power consumption decreases with increasing temperature. XII-57 bias to the substrate, it also allows large negative values to exist on the inputs without the fear of damaging the device. Large negative spikes have other drawbacks though, as discussed in the application section. To allow the charge pump sufficient start up time, 2 ms is required following the appl ication of Vee prior to device operation. A CS controlled write cycle is shown in Figure 5. In this cycle, timing is referred to the rising edge of CS, and both the addresses and WE may change following that time. Note that the data must remain valid for t DH . Read Cycle All high speed NMOS devices share the trait that their current consumption is composed of high frequency transients. Proper device operation depends on both the use of decoupling capacitors and low impedance printed circuit board paths for both Vee and VSS· A read cycle occurs whenever WE is high and the part is selected. Access time is measured from either the falling edge of CS or from the stable address. The read cycle number 1 waveform shown in Figure 2 demonstrates the fully static operation of this part when CS is held active. The output retains the previous valid data for t OH ' after which it is indeterminate until tAA The output will remain valid until there is a transition on the address inputs and another read cycle occurs. Operation as shown in read cycle 2 (Figure 3) will take advantage of the power gating feature. If the addresses become stable prior to or as CS falls operation is as shown for read cycle 2. The output changes from a high impedance mode after tLl and becomes indeterminate until teEA when it is valid. POWER SUPPLY GRIDDING When a designer has the ability to take advantage of multilayer board construction for separate Vss and Vee power planes on optimal low inductance path for power distribution can be had. If a two layer approach is chosen, some care in the design to fully grid Vee and V ss on both sides of the board will give quite satisfactory results. Regardless of the approach taken, a high frequency decoupling capacitor (0.1 I.d) should be placed next to each device with larger tantalum capacitors for each row of devices. These efforts will help reduce the ringing on Vee and V ss due to the long inductive path between the power supply and the device. LINE TERMINATION Once the cycle is ended by the rising edge of CS, the output becomes undefined. T PD later the part is in the standby mode. A write cycle is initiated by the later of CS or WE going low and is terminated by the rising edge of CS orWE. The output remains in a high impedance mode during a write cycle. To take advantage of high speed memories, high speed TIL drivers are often used. Unfortunately, a printed circuit board trace terminating into a MOS input behaves line an unterminated transmission line. Ringing is the natural result with the potentially destructive voltage levels and noise induced into neighboring PC traces. While the MKB4167 with its charge pump can withstand -2.0 V on any input. such large negative spikes result in a noisy board. A write enable (WE) controlled write cycle is shown in Figure 4. The addresses must be valid for t ASI prior to the falling edge of WE and remain valid for tWR after WE has gone high. If these times are not met. the contents of other cells may be altered. The data in valid is referenced to the rising edge of WE. Once WE goes high, the output again goes active and a read cycle may begin. Series termination is a method to dampen these reflections in an easy to implement fashion. By placing a 30 n to 5 n resistor at the TIL driver's output, the effective impedance of the driver has been raised to more closely match the impedance of the PC trace. These printed circuit board design ideas are explained in more detail in the Memory Data Book And Designers Guide. Write Cycle XII-58 MOSTEI(. 32,768 x 1-81T DYNAMIC RAM Processed to MIL-STD-883, Class 8 MKM4332(D}-83/84 FEATURES o Extended operating temperature range -55°C::::: TC ::::: 110°C o Utilizes two industry standard MKB4116 devices in chip carriers mounted on an 18-pin ceramic motherboard DIP o Read-Modify-Write, RAS-only refresh capability o All inputs TTL compatible, low capacitance, and protected against static charge o 128 refresh cycles (2 msec refresh interval) o 200ns access time, 375ns cycle (MKM4332-83) 250ns access time, 41 Ons cycle (MKM4332-84) o Pin compatible to MKB4116, MKB4516 and MKB4164 o Separate RAS, CAS Clocks o o Detailed test flows for the individual MKB4116 chip carriers and the completed D-package motherboard assembly are presented in the last pages of this data sheet. ± 10% tolerance on all power supplies (+12V, ± 5V) o Low power: 482mW active, 40mW standby (max) DESCRIPTION o Output data controlled by CAS and unlatched at end of cycle to allow two dimensional chip selection and extended page boundary o Common 1/0 capability using "early write" operation The MKM4332 is a new generation MOS dynamic random access memory circuit organized as 32,768 words by 1 bit. As a state-of-the-art MOS memory device, the MKM4332 (32K RAM) incorporates advanced circuit techniques FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM PIN CONNECTIONS AND MKB4116 COMPATIBILITY MKM4332D v•• I RAS 1 CAS 1 WE I 4116 -RAS 2 -CAS 2 I WRITE 3 RAS 4 13 A. Ao 5 14 A3 Ao 5 12 A3 A2 6 13 A. A2 6 11 A. I A, 7 12 As A, 7 10 As I voo 8 11 voo 8 9 I RAS 2 9 I I 4116 16 Vss 15 CAS 2 15 As 100UT '-- D'N 16 DOUT DIN ~ v•• 4 I I I 18 Vss 17 CAS 1 WRITE 3 AO· A6 I 2 RAs1 I I D'N MKB4116J I vee 14 DOUT 10 CAS 2 PIN NAMES I I D'N ~T RAS XII-59 Address Inputs Column Address Strobe Data In Data Out Row Address Strobe WRITE Vss Read/Write Input Power (-51 Vee Voo V ss Power (+5VI Power (i 12VI Ground vee II ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on any pin relative to Vss .............................................................. -O.5V to +20V Voltage on V DD , Vcc supplies relative to Vss ................................................... -1.0V to +15.0V Vss - Vss (V DD - Vss > OV) .............................................................................. OV Operating Temperature, Tc (case operating) ................................................... -55°C to +11 O°C Storage Temperature (Ambient) .............................................................. -65°C to +130°C Short Circuit Output Current ......................................................................... 50mA Power Dissipation .................................................................................. 1 Watt *Stressesgreater than those li!?ted under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS· (O°C :::; Tc :::; 110°C) SYM PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES V DD Supply Voltage 10.8 12.0 13.2 V 2 Vcc Supply Voltage 4.5 5.0 5.5 V 2,3 Vss Supply Voltage 0 0 0 V 2 Vss Supply Voltage -4.5 -5.0 -5.5 V 2 V IHC Input High (Logic 1) Voltage RAS, CAS, WRITE 2.4 - 7.0 V 2 Input High (Logic 1) Voltage all inputs exceptRAS, CAS, WRITE 2.2 - 7.0 V 2 Input Low (Logic 0) Voltage, all inputs -1.0 - .8 V 2 MAX UNITS NOTES 37.5 mA 4 5 400 p.A 4.5 20 200 mA -20 27 20 400 mA -20 29.5 mA 400 p.A 20 p.A V IH V IL DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (O°C:::; Tc:::; 110°C) (V DD = 12.0V ± 10%; Vcc = 5.0V ± 10%; -5.5V:::; Vss:::; -4.5V; Vss = OV) SYM PARAMETER IDD1 ICCl ISSl OPERATING CURRENT Average power supply operating current (RAS, CAS cycling; t RC = t RC Min) IDD2 ICC2 ISS2 STANDBY CURRENT Power supply standby current (RAS Dour = High Impedance) IDD3 ICC3 ISS3 REFRESH CURRENT Average power supply current, refresh mode IDD4 ICC4 PAGE MODE CURRENT Average power supply current, page-mode operation (RAS = V IL, CAS cycling; tpc = tpc Min) ISS4 II(L) MIN = V IHC p.A p.A 4 p.A p.A 4 5 INPUT LEAKAGE Input leakage current, any input (Vss = -5V, OV:::; V IN :::; + 7.0V, all other pins not under test = 0 volts) XII-50 -20 SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX UNITS IO(L) OUTPUT LEAKAGE Output leakage current (DOUT is disabled, OV:::; VOUT :::; +5.5V) -20 20 }JA 0.4 V V V OH VOL OUTPUT LEVELS Output high (Logic 1) voltage (lOUT = -5mA) Output low (Logic 0) voltage (lOUT = 4.2mA) 2.4 NOTES 3 NOTES 1. T C is specified here for operation at frequencies to tRe :s or tRC (min), Operation at higher cycle rates with reduced ambient temperatures and higher power dissipation is permissible, however, provided AC operating parameters are met. See supplemental MK4332 data sheet for AC derating curves. 2. All voltages referenced to VSS' 3. Outp,ut voltage will swing from VSS to Vee when activated with no current loading. For purposes of maintaining data in standby mode. Vee may be reduced to VSS without affecting refresh operations data retention. However, the VOH (min) specification is not guaranteed in this mode. 4.1001. 1003. and 1004 depend on cycle rate. 5.ICC1 and ICC4 depend upon output loading. During readout of high level data VCC is connected through a low impedance (135 n typ) to data out. At all other times ICC.consists of leakage currents only. ElECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RECOMMENDED AC OPERATING CONDITIONS(6,1,8) (O°C:::; TC:::; 11O°C)1 (V DD = 12.0V ± 10%; VCC = 5.0V ± 10%, VSS = OV, -5.5V:::; Vaa:::; -4.5V) MKM4332-83 MKM4332-84 SYM PARAMETER MIN t RC Random read or write cycle time 375 t Rwc Read-write cycle time tRMW UNITS NOTES 410 ns 9 375 425 ns 9 Read modify write cycle time 405 500 ns 9 tpc Page mode cycle time 225 275 ns 9 t RAc Access time from RAS 200 250 ns 10,12 t CAC Access time from CAS 135 165 ns 11,12 tOFF Output buffer turn-off delay 0 50 0 60 ns 13 tT Transition time (rise and fall) 3 50 3. 50 ns 8 t RP RAS precharge time 120 t RAS RAS pulse width 200 t RSH RAS hold time 135 165 ns tCSH CAS hold time 200 250 ns tCAS CAS pulse width 135 5000 165 5000 ns t RCD RAS to CAS delay time 25 65 35 85 ns t CRP CAS to RAS precharge time 0 0 ns t ASR Row Address set-up time 0 0 ns tRAH Row Address hold time 25 35 ns tAS C Column Address set-up time 0 0 ns tCAH Column Address hold time 55 75 ns XII-61 MAX MIN MAX ns 150 5000 250 5000 ns 14 MKM4332-8~ I MKM4332-84 SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX MIN tAR Column Address hold time referenced to RAS 120 160 ns t RCS Read command set-up time 0 0 ns t RCH Read command hold time 0 0 ns t WCH Write command hold time 55 75 ns t WCR Write command hold time referenced to RAS 120 160 ns twp Write command pulse width 55 75 ns t RWL Write command to RAS lead time 70 85 ns tCWL Write command to CAS lead time 70 85 ns tos Data-in set-up time 0 0 ns 15 tOH Data-in hold time 55 75 ns 15 tOHR Data-in hold time referenced to RAS 120 160 ns tcp CAS precharge time (for page-mode cycle only) 80 100 ns tREF Refresh period twcs WRITE command set-up time 0 0 ns 16 t cwo CAS to WRITE delay 80 90 ns 16 t RWD RAS to WRITE delay 145 175 ns 16 2 MAX UNITS 2 NOTES ! ms NOTES 6. Several cycles are required after power-up before proper device operation is achieved. Any 8 cycles which perform refresh are adequate forthis purpose. 7. AC measurements assume tr = 5ns. 8. VIHC (min) or VlH (max) are reference levels for measuring timing of input signals. Also, transition times are measured between VlHC or VIH and VIL' 9. The specifications fortRC (min)tRMW(minj andtRWC (min) are u.sed only to indicate cycle time at which proper operation over the full temperature range (-55°C::; Tc::; 110°C) is assured. 10. Assumes that tReD S tRCD (max). If tReD is grater than the maximum recommended value shown in this table, tRAC will increase by the amount that tRCD exceeds the value shown. 11. Assumes that tRCD 2' tRCD (max). 12. Measured with a load equivalent to 2 TIL loads and 100pF. 13. tOFF (max) defines the time at which the output achieves the open circuit condition and is not referenced to output voltage levels. 14. Operation within the tRCD (max) limit insures that tRAC (max) can be met. tRCD (max) is specified as a reference point only; if tRCD is greater than the specified tRCD (max) limit, then access time is controlled exclusively ty tCAC· 15 These parameters are referenced to CAS leading edge in early write cycles and to WRITE leading edge in delayed write or read-modify-write cycles. 16. twcs, tCWD and tRWD are restrictive operating parameters in read-write and read-modify-write cycles only. If twcs ::; twcs (min), the cycle is an early write cycle and the data out pin will remain open circuit (high impedance) throughout the entire cycle.lftcWD::; tCWD (min) and tRWD::; tRWD (min), the cycle is a read-write cycle and the data out will contain data read from the selected cell. If neither of the above sets of conditions is satisfied the condition of the data out (at access time) is indeterminate. 17. Effective capacitance calculated from the equation C - 16.tl 6. V with 6. V - 3 volts and'power supplies at nominal levels. 18. CAS = VHK to disable Dour. AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (-55°C:O: TC:O: 11 O°C)(V DO =' SYM PARAMETER CI1 12.0V ± 10%; VSS =' OV; -5.5V:O: VBB:O: -4.5) TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Input Capacitance (Ao - A 6 ), DIN 8 10 pF 17 C!2 Input Capacitance RAS, CAS 8 10 pF 17 Co Output Capacitance (D OUT ) 10 14 pF 17,18 CI3 Input Capacitance WRITE 16 20 pF 17 XII-62 MKB4116 CHIP CARRIER PROCESSING (MIL-STD-883, Class B) PROCESS STEP CONDITION Method 2010 Condition B 100% Preseal Inspect Method 2010 Condition B 100% 24 hrs., 150°C 100% Temp Cycle -65/ + 150°C, 10 cycles 100% Centrifuge 30 Kg, Y, 5 x 10-8 cc/sec 100% Stabilization Bake Fine Leak Gross Leak 100% Method 1014, Condition C 100% Pre-Stress Electrical Test 1 Max Rated Temperature 100% Voltage/Temp Stress 12 hr., +125°C, Dynamic 100% Post Stress Electrical Test 2 Max Rated Temperature 100% 160 hr., +125°C, Dynamic 100% Max. Rated Temperature 100% 100% Burn-in Final Electrical Tests 3, 4 Min. Rated Temperature Q.A. Lot Acceptance Method 5005.5, Group A, Class B Fine Leak Sample Gross Leak Sample External Visual [QJ LIMITS Die Inspect 5 x 10-8 cc/sec AQL'= .4% Method 1014, Condition C AQL'= .4% 100% Q.C. Final Inspect AQL'= 2.5% Q.C. Pre-Shipment Inspect AQL'= 1.0% '= Quality Control Check MKM4332D D PACKAGE (MOTHERBOARD) PROCESSING PROCESS STEP CONDITION LIMITS Motherboard Assembly Visual Inspection 100% Electrical Test Max. Rated Temp. Visual Inspection 100% o Fine Leak Sample o Gross Leak Sample Method 1014, Condition C Group A Electrical Lot Acceptance Method 5005.5, Group A, Subgroups 2, 5, 8 Max, 10 Q 5 x 10-8 cc/sec QC Final Inspection [QJ 100% AQL'= .4% AQL'= 2.5% '= Quality Control Check DESCRIPTION (Continued) designed to provide wide operating margins, both internally and to the system user. The technology used to fabricate the MKM4332 is Mostek's double-poly, N-channel silicon gate, POLY IITM process. This process, coupled with the use of a single transistor dynamic storage cell, provides the maximum possible circuit density and reliability, while maintaining high performance capability. The use of dynamic circuitry throughout, including sense amplifiers, assures that power dissipation is minimized without any sacrifice in speed or operating XII-63 margin. These factors combine to make the MKM4332 a truly superior RAM product. Multiplexed address inputs (a feature pioneered by Mostek for its 4K RAMs) permits the MKM4332to be packaged in a standard 18-pin DIP. This standard package configuration, is compatible with widely available automated testing and insertion equipment, and it provides the highest possible system bit densities and simplifies system upgrade from 16K to 64K RAMs for new generation applications. Noncritical clock timing requirements allow use of the multiplexing technique while maintaining high performance. XII-64 I!I UNITED MILITARY HIGH-REL PRODUCTS TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK PROCESSED TO MIL-STD-883, METHOD 500~J CLASS B, 16,384 x 1 BIT-DYNAMIC RAIVI MKB4516(P/J/E) - 80/81/82 FEATURES o Military temperature range: -55°C:5 TC:5 +11O°C o Recognized industry standard 16-pin configuration from Mostek o Single +5 V (± 10%) supply operation o On chip substrate performance o bias generator for o Read, Write, Read-Write, Read-Modify-Write and PageMode capability o All inputs TIL compatible, low capacitance, and are protected against static charge o Scaled POLY 5 technology optimum o Pin compatible with the MKB4564 (64K RAM) lOOns access time, 235 ns cycle time (MKB4516-80) 120 ns access time, 270 ns cycle time (MKB4516-81) 150 ns access time, 320 ns cycle time (MKB4516-82) o 128 refresh cycles (2 msec) o Available to the DESC part number 8101501 EX o Common I/O capability using "early write" o Indefinite DOUT hold using CAS control o Interchangeable with M2118 DESCRIPTION The MKB4516 is a single +5 V power supply version ofthe industry standard MKB4116, 16,384 x 1 bit dynamic RAM. The high performance features of the MKB4516 are achieved by state-of-the-art circuit device techniques as well as utilization of Mostek's "Scaled POLY 5" process technology. Features include access times starting where the current generation 16K RAMs leave off, TIL compatibility, and +5 V operation. The small memory user need no longer pay a three power supply penalty for achieving the economics of using dynamic RAM over static RAM with this new generation device. PIN OUT Figure 1 P/J E PACKAGE PACKAGE I 16 Vss 15 CAS The MKB4516 is capable of a variety of operations including READ, WRITE, READ-WRITE, READ-MODIFY-WRITE, PAGE MODE, and REFRESH. The output of the MKB4516 can be held valid indefinitely by holding CAS active low. This is quite useful since a refresh cycle can be performed while holding data valid from a previous cycle. WRITE ~J 3 14 DOUT 13A. 12 A3 11 A4 10 As N/C I I 1.,.1 I I 1~ I , 17 ,.._ 16L_ DOUT RAS ~J4 15C As =J5 (TOPVIEW)14C N/C Ao :J6 A2 =J78 n 9 N/C The MKB4516 is designed to be compatible with JEDEC standards for the 64K x 1 dynamic RAM. It is intended to extend the life cycle ofthe 16K RAM, as well as create new applications due to its superior performance. Compatibility with the MKB4564 will also permit a common board design to service both the MKB4516 and the MKB4564 (64K RAM) designs. The MKB4516 will therefore permit a smoother transition to the 64K RAM as the industry standard MKB4027 did forthe MKB4116. lot I I PIN FUNCTIONS XII-65 Ac - A6 CAS D'N Dour NC Address Inputs Col. Address Strobe Data In Data Out Not Connected RAS Row Address Strobe ViiRiTE ReadlWrite Input RFSH Refresh vee Power (+5 V) vss GND ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on Vec Supply Relative to Vss .......................................................• -2.0 V to +7.0 V Operating Temperature, Tc (Case) ..............................................•.•........... -55°C to +11 O°C Storage Temperature .•.......••......................................................•..... ~65°C to +150°C Power Dissipation ............•...•.......•..............................•......................•..• 1 Watt Short Circuit Output Current ...•.....•..........•..........................................•......•.. 50 mA *Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions ,above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (-55°C:::; Tc:::; 110°C) SYM PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Vcc Supply Voltage 4.5 5.0 5.5 V 2 V IH Input High (Logic 1) Voltage, All Inputs 2.4 - V cc +1 V 2 VIL Input Low (Logic 0) Voltage, All Inputs -2.0 - .8 V 2,17 MAX UNITS NOTES 38 mA 3 30 mA 3,18 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (-55°C:::; Tc:::; 110°C) SYM PARAMETER lec1 OPERATING CURRENT Average power supply operating current (RAS, CAS cycling, t Rc =t RC min.) MIN = 110°C) ICC1 Operating Current (Tc ICC2 STANDBY CURRENT Power supply standby current (RAS = CAS = V IH DOUT = High Impedance) 4 mA ICC3 RAS ONLY REFRESH CURRENT Average Power Supply current, refresh mode (RAS cycling, CAS = V IH; t RC = min.) 32 mA 3 ICC4 PAGE MODE CURRENT Average power supply current, page mode operation (RAS = V IL, tRAS tRAS max., CAS cycling; tpc '= tpc min.) 35 mA 3 = II(L) INPUT LEAKAGE Input leakage current. any input (0 V :::; VIN :::; +5.5 V, all other pins not under test = 0 volts -10 10 p.A IO(L) OUTPUT LEAKAGE Output leakage current (DOUT is disabled, OV :::;VOUT :::; +5.5 V) -10 10 p.A 0.4 V V V OH VOL OUTPUT LEVELS Output High (Logic 1) voltage (lOUT =-5 mAl Output Low (Logic 0) voltage (lOUT = 4.2 mA 2.4 XII-66 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RECOMMENDED OPERATION CONDITIONS (4, 5, 9) (-55°C:::; Tc:::; 110°C), Vcc = 5.0 V ± 10% SYMBOL STD ALT PARAMETER MK4516-80 MIN MAX MK4516-81 MIN MAX MK4516-82 MIN MAX UNITS NOTES tRELREL t RC Random read or write cycle time 235 270 320 ns 6 285 320 410 ns 6 125 145 190 ns 6 tRELREL tRMW Read-modify-write cycle time (RMW) tRELREL tpc (PC) Page mode cycle time tRELOV tRAC Access time from RAS 100 120 150 ns 7 tCELOV t CAC Access time from CAS 55 65 80 ns 8 t CEHOZ tOFF Output buffer turn-off delay 0 60 ns Transition time (rise and fall) 3 tREHREL tRP RAS precharge time 110 tRELREH t RAS RAS pulse width 115 tCELREH t RSH RAS hold time 70 85 105 ns tRELCEH tCSH CAS hold time 100 120 165 ns tCELCEH tCAS CAS pulse width 55 10' 65 10' 95 10' ns tRELCEL tRCD RAS to CAS delay time 25 45 25 55 25 70 ns tREHWX tRRH Read command hold time referenced to RAS 0 tAVREL t ASR Row Address set-up time 0 0 0 ns tRELAX tRAH Row Address hold time 15 15 15 ns tAVCEL t ASC Column Address set-up time 0 0 0 ns tCELAX tCAH Column Address hold time 15 15 20 ns tRELA(C) tAR Column Address hold time referenced to RAS 60 70 90 ns tWHCEL tRCS Read command set-up time 0 0 0 ns tCEHWX t RCH Read command hold time referenced to CAS 0 0 0 ns tCELWX tWCH Write command hold time 25 30 45 ns tRELWX t WCR Write command hold time referenced to RAS 70 85 115 ns Write command pulse width 25 30 50 ns tWLREH t RWL Write command to RAS lead time 60 65 110 ns tWLCEH tCWL Write command to CAS lead time 45 50 100 ns tT tH tT twp 45 0 50 0 9 50 3 50 140 0 50 135 120 10' 3 10' 175 0 ns 5 ns 10' ns 10 ns 11 XII-67 11 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (Continued) SYMBOL STD ALT PARAMETER MK4516-10 MIN MAX MK4516-12 MIN MAX MK4516-15 MIN MAX UNITS NOTES tOVCEL tos Data-in set-up time 0 0 0 ns 12 tCELOX tOH Data-in hold time 25 30 45 ns 12 tRELOX tOHR Data-in hold time referenced to RAS 70 85 115 ns tCEHCEL (PC) tcp CAS precharge time (for page mode cycle only) 60 70 85 ns t RVRV tREF Refresh period tWLCEL twcs WRITE command set-up time 0 0 0 ns 13 tCELWL t cwo CAS to WRITE delay 55 65 80 ns 13 tRELWL t RWO RAS to WRITE delay 100 120 150 ns 13 tCEHREL t CRP CAS to RAS precharge time 0 0 0 ns 2 2 2 ms OUTPUT LOAD AC TEST CONDITIONS Input Levels .....••.............•.•......•.......0 V to 3.0 V Transition times .....•...•.....•.......................• 5 ns Input timing reference level •.•.••..........••....•... .1.5 V Output timing reference levels ............... 0.8 V - 2.0 V Output load .....................•.........•.......See figure 5V 4800 50 pf 2550 (including :~ scope and jig capacitance XII-68 CAPACITANCE (-55°C::; Tc ::; 11 O°C) (Vee = 5.0 V ± 10%) SYMBOL PARAMETER MAX C11 Input (Ao - A 5 ), DIN 4 5 pF 15 C12 Input RAS, CAS, WRITE 8 10 pF 15 Co Output (D OUT ) 5 7 pF 15,16 TYP NOTES: UNITS NOTES specified tRCD (max) limit. then access time is controlled exclusively by 1. No user connection to Pin 1 (Leadless Chip Carrier only), This pin must be left tCAC' 11. Either tRRH or tRCH must be satisfied for a read cycle. 12. These parameters are referenced to CAS leading edge in early write cycles and to WRITE leading edge in delayed write or read-modify-write. 13. twcs, tCWD' and tRWD are restrictive operating parameters in READ/WRITE and READ/MODIFY/WRITE cycles only. If twcs ? twcs (min) the cycle is an EARLY WRITE cycle and the data output will remain open circuit throughout the entire cycle.lftcWD ~tCWD (min) and tRWD? tRWD (min)the cycle is a READ/WRITE and the data output will contain data read from the selected cell. If neither of the above conditions are met the condition of the data out (at access time and until CAS goes back to VIH) is indeterminate. 14. The transition time specification applies for all input signals. In addition to meeting the transition rate specification, all input signals must transmit between VIH and Vil (or between Vil and VIH) in a monotonic manner. 15. Effective capacitance calculated from the equation c= I ~with t::..V = 3 volts b.V and power supply at nominal level. This parameter is sample tested only. 16. CAS = VIH DOUT. 17. Includes the de level and all instantaneous signal excursions. 18. Power consumption decreases with increasing temperature. floating. 2. All voltages referenced to VSS. 3.ICC is dependent on output loading and cycle rates. Specified values are obtained with the output open.' 4. An initial pause of 500 f.!.s is required after power~up followed' by any 8 RAS cycles before proper device operation is achieved. RAS may be cycled during the initial pause. 5. VIH min. and VIL max are reference levels for measuring timing of Input signals. Transition times are measured between V,H and V,L. 6. The minimum specifications are used only to indicate cycle time at which proper operation over the full temperature range (-55°C::; TC::; +11 QOC) is assigned. 7. Assumes that tRCD ::; tRCD (max). If tRCD is greater than the maximum recommended value shown in this table, tRAC will increase by the amount that tRCD exceeds the value shown 8. Assumes that tRCD? tRCD Imax}. 9. tOFF max defines the time at which the output achieves the open circuit condition and is not referenced toVOH or VOL. 10. Operation within the tRCD (max) limit insures that tRAC (max) can be met. tRCD (max) is specified as a reference point only; if tRCD is greater than the READ CYCLE Figure 2 I RC tRAS RAS -tAR V ,H V IL IT tRCD .. tCSH t RSH tCAS V ,H CAS V IL ADDRESSES V ,H V IL WRITE V ,H V IL LtCAC----l~ ~----------------tRAC---------------., V OH OPEN DOUT VOL XII-69 VALID DATA WRITE CYCLE t RC Figure 3 t RAS V ,H RAS -I tAR V'L tC~H t ASH teAs V ,H CAS V'L V ,H ADDRESSES V'L WRITE V ,H V'L ~-----tDHR-----+t V OH VOL ------------------------------------OPEN ----------------------------- READ-WRITE/READ-MODIFY-WRITE CYCLE Figure 4 ~----tAR------~~ CAS V ,H V'L ADDRESSES V ,H V'L V OH D'N VOL V ,H DOUT V'L XII-70 "RAS-ONLY" REFRESH CYCLE NOTE: CAS = V 1H WRITE = DON'T CARE Figure 5 ADDRESSES DOUT V OH - - - - - - - - - OPEN VOl PAGE MODE READ CYCLE Figure 6 XII-71 - - - - - - - - - PAGE MODE WRITE CYCLE Figure 7 RAS V'H V'l CAS V'H V'l ADDRESSES V'H V'l WRITE V'H V'l D'N V'H V'l OPERATION lengthed by the amount that t RCD exceeds the t RCD (max) limit. The 14 address bits required to decode 1 of the 16,384 cell locations within the MKB4516 are multiplexed onto the 7 address inputs and latched into the on-chip address latches by externally applying two negative going TIL-level clocks. The first clock, Row Address Strobe (RAS), latches the 7 row addresses into the chip. The high-to-Iow transition of the second clock, Column Address Strobe (CAS), subsequently latches the 7 column addresses into the chip. Each ofthese signals, RAS and CAS, triggers a sequence of events which are controlled by different delayed internal clocks. The two clock chains are linked together logically in such a way that the address multiplexing operation is done outside of the critical timing path for read data access. The later events in the CAS clock sequence are inhibited until the occurence of a delayed signal derived from the RAS clock chain. This "gated CAS" feature allows the CAS clock to be externally activated as soon as the Row Address Hold specification (t RAH ) has been satisfied and the address inputs have been changed from Row address to Column address information. The "gated CAS" feature permits CAS to be acitvated at any time after tRAH and it will have no effect on the worst case data access time (tRAd up to the point in time when the delayed row clock no longer inhibits the remaining sequence of column clocks. Two timing endpoints result from the internal gating of CAS which are called t RCD (min) a~CD (max). No data storage or reading errors will result if CAS is applied to the MKB4516 at a point in time beyond the t RCD (max) limit. However, access time will then be determined exclusively by the accesss time from CAS (tcAd rather than from RAS (t RAC ). and RAS access time will be Data Input/Output Data to be written into a selected cell is latched into an on-chip register by a combination of WRITE and CAS while RAS is active. The latter of WRITE or CAS to make its negative transition is the strobe for the Data In (DIN) register. This permits several options in the write cycle timing. In a write cycle, if the WRITE input is brought low (active) prior to CAS being brought low (active), the DIN is strobed by CAS, and the Input Data set-up and hold times are referenced to CAS. Ifthe input data is not available at CAS time (late write), or if it is desired that the cycle be a read-write or readmodify-write cycle the WRITE signal should be delayed until after CAS has made its negative transition. In this "delayed write cycle" the data input is set-up and hold times are referenced to the negative edge of WRITE rather than CAS. Data is retrieved from the memory in a read cycle by maintaining WRITE in the inactive or high state throughout the portion of the memory cycle in which both the RAS and CAS are low (active). Data read from the selected cell is available at the output port within the specified access time. The output data is the same polarity (not inverted) as the input data. Data Output Control The normal condition of the Data Output (D OUT ) of the MK4516 is the high impedance (open circuit) state; anytime CAS is high (inactive) the DOUT pin will be floating. XII-72 Once the output data port has gone active, it wil remain valid until CAS is taken to the precharge (inactive high) state. Page Mode Operation The Page Mode feature of the MKB4516 allows for successive memory operations at multiple column locations within the same row address. This is done by strobing the row address into the chip and maintaining the RAS signal low (active) throughout all successive memory cycles in which the row address is common. The first success within a page mode operation will be available attRAc or t cAc time, whichever is the limiting parameter. However, all successive accesses within the page mode operation will be available at t CAC time (referenced to CAS). With the MKB4516, this results in as much as a 45% improvement in access times! Effective memory cycle times are also reduced when using page mode. The page mode boundary of a single MKB4516 is limited to the 128 column locations determined by all combinations of the seven column address bits. Operations within the page mode boundary need not be sequentially addressed and any combination of read-write and read-modify-write cycle are permitted within the page mode operation. Refresh Refresh of the dynamic cell matrix is accomplished by performing a memory cycle at all 128 combinations of the seven row address bits within each 2 ms interval. Although any normal memory cycle will perform the required refreshing, this function is most easily accomplished with "RAS-only" cycles. III XII-73 XII-74 ~ TECHNOLOGIES UNITED MILITARY HIGH-REL PRODUCTS MOSTEK 131,072 x 1-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MKM4528(D) - 83/84 FEATURES o Utilizes two standard MKB4564E devices in an 18-pin dual in-line package configuration o Separate RAS, CAS Clocks o Read, Write, Read-Write, Read-Modify-Write and PageMode capability o -55°C to +110°C case operating temperature range o Single +5 V (± 10",6) supply operation o MKM Module electrically tested at maximum tempperature following assembly o Each MKB4564E Leadless Chip Carrier fully processed and burned in to MIL-STD-883 Method 5004 Class B o Active power 325mW (Single MKB4564E active) Standby power 55mW o Scaled POLY 5 technology o 128 refresh cycles (2 msec) for each MKB4564 device in the dual density configuration (addressA7 is not used for refresh) o 200ns access time, 345ns cycle time MKM4528D-83 250ns access time, 425ns cycle time MKM4528D-84 o Indefinite DOUT hold using CAS control and unlatched at end of cycle to allow two dimensional chip selection and extended page boundary o Common 1/0 capability using "early write" DESCRIPTION The MKM4528 sets a new milestone in the state of the art in package technology to give you dual density now before the next generation of MOS RAMs are available. This device is made up of two 64K (MKB4564E) 5 volt only RAMs and it is organized as 131 ,072 by 1 bit. The high performance features of the MKM4528 are achieved by state-of-the-art circuit design techniques as well as utilization of Mostek's "Scaled POLY 5" process technology. Features include access times starting where the current generation 16K RAMs leave off, plus compatibility with the 128 refresh cycles of th.e previous generation. PIN CONNECTIONS DEVICE PROFILE NC 1 DIN 2 18 Vss 17 CAS 1 WRITE 3 16 DoUT RAS 14 15 As 14 A3 13 A4 Ao 5 A2 6 A,7 vee 8 RAS29 PIN FUNCITONS Ao- A7 Address Inputs Column Address Strobe CAS Data In DIN Data Out DOUT GND VSS II 12 A5 11 Po, 10 CAS 2 RAS WRITE VCC NC Row Address Strobe ReadlWrite Input Power (+5 V) No Connect XII-75 The completed MKM module is composed of individually processed and burned in devices which are then reflow soldered onto a cofired ceramic substrate. This inherently reliable assembly is then visually and electrically tested to confirm its quality. The MKM4528 is capable of a variety of operations including READ, WRITE, READ-WRITE, READ-MODIFYWRITE, PAGE MODE, and REFRESH. The output of the MKM4528 can be held valid indefinitely by holding CAS active low. This is quite useful since a refresh cycle can be performed while holding data valid from a previous cycle. Multiplexed address inputs (a feature pioneered by Mostek for its 4K RAMs) permits the MKM4528 to be packaged in a standard 18-pin DIP. This standard package configuration, is compatible with widely available automated testing and insertion equipment, and it provides the highest possible system bit densities. Non-critical clocktiming requirements allow use of the multiplexing technique while maintaining high performance. Device selection occurs through RAS decoding in the same manner as if the devices were independently placed in a memory matrix. XII-76 B UNITED MILITARY HIGH-REL PRODUCTS TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK PROCESSED TO MIL-STD-883,t METHOD 5~" CLASS 8, 65,536 x 1-811 DYNAMIC RAlvl MK84564 (P/E) - 82/83/84 FEATURES D Military temperature range: -55°C ::5 TC ::5 +11 O°C D Low power: 300 mW active, max 22 mW standby, max D Dynamic burn in at 125°C for 160 hours D Extended DOUT hold using CAS control (Hidden Refresh) D Recognized industry standard 16-pin configuration from D Common 1/0 capability using "early write" Mostek D Read, Write, Read-Write, Read-Modify-Write and Page D Single +5 V (± 10%) supply operation Mode capability D On chip substrate performance bias generator for optimum D All inputs TTL compatible, low capacitance, and protected against static charge D Typical ordering information D Scaled POLY 5™ technology MKB4564P-82 150 ns t RAC MKB4564P-83 200 ns t RAC MKB4564P-84 250 ns t RAC D 128 refresh cycles (2 msec) Pin 9 is not needed for refresh DESCRIPTION The MKB4564 is the new generation dynamic RAM. Organized 65,536 words by 1 bit, it is the successor to the industry standard MKB4116. The MKB4564 utilizes Mostek's scaled POLY 5 process technology as well as advanced circuit techniques to provide wide operating margins, both internally and to the system user. The use of dynamic circuitry throughout, including the 512 sense amplifiers, assures that power dissipation is minimized without any sacrifice in speed or internal and external operating margins. Refresh characteristics have been chosen to maximize yield (low cost to user) while maintaining compatibility between dynamic RAM generations. Multiplexed address inputs (a feature dating back to the industry standard MK4096, 1973) permit the MKB4564 to be packaged in a standard 16-pin DIP with only 15 pins required for basic functionality. The MKB4564 is designed to be compatible with the JEDEC standards for the 64K x 1 dynamic RAM. The output ofthe MKB4564 can be held valid up to 10 p'sec by holding CAS active low. This is quite useful since refresh cycles can be performed while holding data valid from a previous cycle. This feature is referred to as Hidden Refresh. The 64K RAM from Mostek is the culmination of several years. of circuit and process development, proven in predecessor products. PIN OUT Figure 1 DUAL-IN-LiNE PACKAGE N/C 1 16 Vss 15 CAs (EEl DIN (D) 2 WRiTE(W) 3 14 DOUTIQ) RAsiRE) Ao 4 13 As 5[ 12 As A, 6 A,7 LEADLESS CHIP CARRIER RAs (RE) N/C ~J ['=4 N/C AO ~J [1} A2 ?J [~2 A4 l' A4 10 As 9 A7 Vee 8 ~~j l~j t'.8j ~?l J ~J WRITE [W) ~ [1} OOUT [01 [f~ A6 A3 PIN FUNCTIONS Table 1 Address Inputs CAS (CE) DOUT (Q) XII-77 RAS (RE) Row Address Strobe (W) ReadIWrite Input Column Address Strobe WRITE Vee Power (5 V) Data In Vss GND Data Out N/C Not Connected ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on V cc supply relative to V 55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.0 V to +7.0 V Operating Temperature Tc (case) ...............................•. '" ..........•........•..... -55°C to +110°C Storage Temperature ...............•....................................................... -65°C to +150°C Power Dissipation ..........................•..........................................•............ 1 Watt Short Circuit Output Current ................•.................•.....••............................... 50mA *Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operation sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (-55°C:::; Tc :::; +11O°C) SYM PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES VCC Supply Voltage 4.5 5.0 5.5 V 1 V 1 V IH Input High (Logic 1) Voltage, All Inputs 2.4 - Vcc V IL Input Low (Logic 0) Voltage, All inputs -2.0 - .8 V 1,16 MIN MAX UNITS NOTES 60.0 mA 2 45 mA 2,18 5 mA +1 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (-55°C :::;Tc:::; +110°C) (Vcc = 5.0 V ± 10%) SYM PARAMETER ICCl OPERATING CURRENT Average power supply operating current (RAS, CAS cycling; t RC = t RC min.) ICCl OPERATING CURRENT (Tc = +110°C) ICC2 STANDBY CURRENT Power supply standby current (RAS = V IH, DOUT = High Impedance) ICC3 RAS ONLY REFRESH CURRENT Average power supply current, refresh mode (RAS cycling, CAS = V IH ; t RC = t RC min.) 45 mA 2 ICC4 PAGE MODE CURRENT Average power supply current, page mode operation (RAS = V IL ' t RA5 =tRA5 max., CAS cycling; tpc = tpc min.) 35 mA 2 II(L) INPUT LEAKAGE Input leakage current, any input (0 V :::; VIN :::; V cc), all other pins not under test=OV -10 10 /J.A IO(L) OUTPUT LEAKAGE Output leakage current (DOUT is disabled, OV:::;VouT:::;Vcd -10 10 iJ.A 0.4 V V VOH VOL OUTPUT LEVELS Output High (Logic 1) voltage (lOUT = -5 mA Output Low (Logic 0) voltage (lOUT = 4.2 mAl XII-78 2.4 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RECOMMENDED AC OPERATING CONDITIONS (3,4,5,15) (-55°C S:Tc s: 110°C), VCC SYMBOL STD ALT = 5.0 V ± 10% PARAMETER MK4564-15 MIN MAX MK4564-20 MIN MAX MK4564-25 MIN MAX UNITS NOTES tRELREL t RC Random read or write cycle time 260 345 425 ns 6,7 tRELREL (RMW) tRMW Read-modify-write cycle time 310 405 490 ns 6,7 tRELREL (PC) tpc Page mode cycle time 155 200 240 ns 6,7 tRELQV t RAC Access time from RAS 150 200 250 ns 7,8 tCELQV t CAC Access time from CAS 85 115 145 ns 7,9 t CEHOZ tOFF Output buffer turn-off delay 0 40 0 50 0 60 ns 10 tT tT Transition time (rise and fall) 3 50 3 50 3 50 ns 5,15 tREHREL t RP RAS precharge time 100 tRELREH tRAS RAS pulse width 150 tCELREH t RSH RAS hold time 85 115 145 ns tRELCEH tCSH CAS hold time 150 200 250 ns tCELCEH tCAS CAS pulse width 85 10,000 115 10,000 145 10,000 ns tRELCEL t RCD RAS to CAS delay time 30 65 35 85 45 105 ns 11 tREHWX tRRH Read command hold time referenced to RAS 20 25 30 ns 12 135 10,000 200 165 10,000 250 ns 10,000 ns tAVREL t ASR Row address set-up time 0 0 0 ns tRELAX tRAH Row address hold time 20 25 30 ns tAvCEL tASC Column address set-up time 0 0 0 ns tCELAX tCAH Column address hold time 30 40 50 ns tRELA(C)X tAR Column address hold time referenced to RAS 100 130 160 ns tCELWX t RCH Read command hold time referenced to CAS 0 0 0 ns tCELWX tWCH Write command hold time 45 55 70 ns tRELWX tWCR Write command hold time referenced to RAS 115 150 185 ns twLWH twp Write command pulse width 35 45 55 ns tWLREH t RWL Write command to RAS lead time 45 55 65 ns twLCEH tcwL Write command to CAS lead time 45 55 65 ns XII-79 12 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RECOMMENDED AC OPERATING CONDITIONS (3,4,5,15,) (-55°C::; TC::; 110°C), VCC = 5.0 V ± 10% SYMBOL STD ALT PARAMETER MK4564-15 MIN MAX MK4564-20 MIN MAX MK4564-25 MIN MAX UNITS NOTES 0 0 0 ns 13 Data-in hold time 45 55 70 ns 13 Data-in hold time referenced to RAS 115 150 190 ns CAS precharge time (for page-mode cycle only) 60 75 85 ns tOVCEL tos Data-in set-up time tCELOX tOH tRELOX tOHR tCEHCEL (PC) tcp t RVRV tREF Refresh period WLCEL twcs WRITE command set-up time -10 -10 -10 ns 14 tCELWL tcwo CAS to WRITE delay 55 80 100 ns 14 tRELWL t RWO RAS to WRITE delay 120 165 205 ns 14 tcEHCEL t CPN CAS precharge time 30 35 45 ns 2 2 2 ms AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (-55°C::; TC ::; 110°C) = 5.0 V ± 10% MAX UNITS NOTES SYM PARAMETER Cil Input Capacitance (Ao - A 7 ), DIN 5 pF 14 CI2 Input Capacitance RAS, CAS, WRITE 10 pF 14 Co Output Capacitance (Dour) 7 pF 14 NorEs: 1 . All voltages referenced to V ss. 2.ICC is dependent on output loading and cycle rates. Specified values are obtained with the output open. 3. An initial pause of 500 j.l.S is required after power-up followed by any 8 Fi'AS cycles before proper device operation is achieved. Note that i=fA§' may be cycled during the initial pause. 4. VIH min. and VIL max. are reference levels for measuring timing of input Signals. Transition times are measured between VIH and VIL' 5. The minimum specifications are used only to indicate cycle time at which proper operation over the full temperature range (-55°C:5 Tc:::; 110°C) is assured. 6. Assumes that tRCD :s; tRCD (maxi. If tRCD is greater than the maximum recommended value shown in this table. tRAC will increase by the amount that tRCo exceeds the value shown. 7. Assumes that tRCD 2: tRCD (maxi. S. tOFF max. defines the time at which the output achieves the open circuit condition and is not referenced to VOH or VOL. 9. Operation within the tRCo (max.) limit insures that tRAC (max.) can be met. tRCo(max.) is specified as a reference point only; iftRCD is greater than the. specified tRCo limit. then access time is controlled exclusively by tCAC' 10. Either tRRH or tRCH must be satisfied for a read cycle. 11 These parameters are referenced to CAS leading edge in early write cycles and to WRITE leading edge in delayed or read-modify-write cycles. 12. twCS. tCWD. andtRWD are restrictive operating parameters in REAO/WRITE and READ/MODIFY !WRITE cycles only. If twcs 2: twcs Iminl the cycle is an EARLY WRITE cycle and the data output will remain open circuit throughout the entire cycle.lftcWD;=: tcwO(min) and tRWo;=: tRWO (min) the cycle is a READ/WRITE and the data output will contain data read from the selected cell. If neither of the above conditions are met the condition of the data out (at access time and until CAS goes back to VIH) is indeterminate. 13.ln addition to meeting the transition rate specification. all input Signals must transmit between VIH and VIL (or between VIL and VI H) in a monotonic manner. 14. Effective capacitance calculated from the equation C =Iill, with t::. V = 3 volts t:N and power supply is at nominal level. This parameter is sample tested only. 15. CAS = VIH to disable DOUT· 16. Includes the DC level and all instantaneous signals excursions. 17. WRITE = don·tcare. Data out depends on the state of eAS. If CAS = VIH. data output is high impedance. If ~ = VIL. the data output will contain data from the last valid read cycle. 18. Power consumption decreases with increasing temperature. XII-80 AC TEST CONDITIONS OUTPUT LOAD Table 2 Figure 2 Input Levels .............................. 0 to 3.0 V Transistion Times ............................... 5 ns Input timing reference levels .................... 1.5 V Output timing reference levels ............ 0.8 V - 2.0 V Output Load .............................. See figure 5V 48011 DOUT-----1~----------_. 25511 50pF -= (INCLUDING SCOPE AND JIG CAPACITANCE) READ CYCLE Figure 4 ~-------------------tRC------------------~ t----------------- t RAs ------~~ V ,H _ ------------,...:....------_--.... f<_---I--t._.o------t~ V r+,..-----------------" ,l - ADDRESSES V,H V,l - WRITE V ,H _ V'l - k-t t CAC RAC DOUT VOL V OH - OPEN XII-a1 VALID DATA WRITE CYCLE (EARLY WRITE) Figure 5 V IH _ RAS Vil - V IH _ CAS Vil - ADDRESSES V IH Vil - V IH _ WRITE Vil - V IH _ DIN Vil tOHR DOUT VOL V OH - OPEN PAGE MODE READ CYCLE Figure 6 RAS Vil - V IH _ CAS Vil - V IH ADDRESSES Vil DOUT ValV OH - WAITE V IH "" Vil I OPEN L XII-82 PAGE MODE WRITE CYCLE Figure 7 ~------------------------tRAS------------------------~ V IH _----'--:-------.Ib.. VIL - V ADDRESSES V IH IL VIH -Z;~~?t;~.Ir_v:I\iii""., 11\"'~"""".,,.~",,""q~lfJl ,--'-=:..:::...__::r"GGGGGGGGG~ VIL READ-WRITE/READ-MODIFY-WRITE CYCLE FigureS ~---------------------------~MW---------------------~ V IH _ ---....,.,f----------..t--.. VIL - ADDRESSES WRITE V IH _ V IL - V OH _ Dour L V OL - t RAC V IH _ DIN VIL - XII-83 II "RAS-ONLY" REFRESH CYCLE Figure 9 t RC t RAS t ADDRESSES A ~ t RP ~_AS_R_A-D"""~'""~""'':'''''S-S~ - tRAH I I i+- OPERATION The eight address bits required to decode 1 of the 65,536 cell locations within the MKB4564 are multiplexed onto the eight address inputs and latched into the on-chip address latches by externally applying two negative going TIL-level clocks. The first clock, Row Address Strobe (RAS), latches the eight row addresses into the chip. The high-to-Iow transition of the second clock, Column Address Strobe (CAS), subsequently latches the eight column addresses into the chip. Each ofthese signals, RA§ and CAS, triggers a sequence of events which are controlled by different delayed internal clocks. The two clock chains are linked together logically in such a way that the address multiplexing operation is done outside of the critical timing path for read data access. The later events in the CAS clock sequence are inhibited until the occurrence of a delayed signal derived from theRAS clock chain. This "gated CAS" feature allows the CAS clock to be externally activated as soon as the Row Address Hold specificatic;m (tRAH ) has been satisfied and the address inputs have been changed from Row address to Column address information. The" gated CAS" feature permits CAS to be activated at any' time after tRAH and it will have no effect on the worst case data access time (tRAcl up to the point in time when the dalayed row clock no longer inhibits the remaining sequence of column clocks. Two timing endpoints result from the internal gating of CAS which are called t RCD (min) and t RCD (max). No data storage or reading errors will result if CAS is applied to the MKB4564 at a point in time beyond the tRCD (max) limit. However, access time will then be determined exclusively by the access time from CAS (tcAc) rather than from RAS (tRAC )' and RAS access time will be lengthened by the amount that t RCD exceeds the tRCD (max) limit. DATAINPUT/OUTPUT Data to be written into a selected cell is latched into an on-chip register by a combination of WRITE and CAS while RAS is active. The latter of WRITE or CAS to make its negative transition is the strobe for the Data In (DIN) register. This permits several options in the write cycle timing. In a write cycle, ifthe WRITE input is brought low (active) prior to CAS being brought low (active), the DIN is strobed by CAS, and the Input Data set-up and hold times are referenced to CAS.lfthe input data is not available at CAS time(late write) or if it is desired that the cycle be a read-write or readmodify-write cycle the WRITE signal should be delayed until after CAS has made its negative transition. In this "delayed write cycle" the data input set-up and hold times are referenced to the negative edge of WRITE rather than CAS. Data is retrieved from the memory in a read cycle by maintaining WRITE in the inactive or high state throughout the portion of the memory cycle in which both the RAS and CAS are low (active). Data read from the selected cell is available at the output port within the specified access time. The output data is the same polarity (not inverted) as the input data. DATA OUTPUT CONTROL The normal condition of the Data Output (D OUT ) of the MKB4564 is the high impedance (open-circuit) state; anytime CAS is high (inactive) the DOUT pin will be floating. Once the output data port has gone active, it will remain valid until CAS is taken to the precharge (inactive high) state. PAGE MODE OPERATION The Page Mode feature of the MKB4564 allows for the successive memory operations at multiple column locations within the same row address. This is done by strobing the row address into the chip and maintaining the RAS signal low (active) throughout all successive memory cycles in which the row address is common. The first access within a page mode operation will be available at tRAC or t CAC time, whichever is the limiting parameter. However, all successive accesses within the page mode operation will be available at t CAC time (referenced to CAS). With the MKB4564 this results in approximately a 45% improvement in access times. Effective memory cycle times are also reduced when using page mode. XII-84 The page mode boundary of a single MKB4564 is limited to the 256 column locations determined by all combinations of the eight column address bits. Operations within the page boundary need not be sequentially addressed and any combination of read. write. and read-modify-write cycles is permitted within the page mode operation. REFRESH Refresh of the dynamic cell matrix is accomplished by performing a memory cycle at each of the 128 row addresses within each 2ms interval. Although any normal memory cycle will perform the required refreshing. this function is most easily accomplished with "RAS-only" cycles. The RAS-only refresh cycle requires that a 7 bit refresh address (AD-A6) be valid at the device address inputs when RAS goes low (active). The state of the output data port during a RAS-only refresh is controlled by CAS. If CAS is high (inactive) during the entire time that RAS is asserted. the output will remain in the high impedance state. If CAS is low (active) the entire time that RAS is asserted. the output port will remain in the same state that it was prior to the issuance of the RAS signal. If CAS makes a low-to-high transition during the RAS-only refresh cycle. the output data buffer will assume the high impedance state. However. CAS may not make a high to low transition during the RAS-only refresh cycle since the device interprets this as a normal RAS/CAS (read or write) type cycle. HIDDEN REFRESH A RAS-only refresh cycle may take place while maintaining valid output data by extending the CAS active time from a previous memory read cycle. This feature is referred to as a hidden refresh. (See figure below.) HIDDEN REFRESH CYCLE (SEE NOTE 19) Figure 10 MEMORY CAS AOORESSES R"RESH CY \~------------~; ~/l//l!EYlIT!I(//l1ll\.. 7lllDJ Dour en n v!lTJIIf@J/m/Ul ------~<~----------~>- £I XII-85 XII-86 MOSTEI(@ MILITARYIHIGH-REL PRODUCTS PROCESSED TO MIL-STD 883, METHOD 5004, CLASS B 1024 x 8-Bit Static RAM MKB4801 A(P I J/E)-870/890/81 -55°C to 125°C operating temperature FEATURES D D Static operation D High performance D Organization: 1K x 8 bit RAM JEDEC pinout Access Time R/W Cycle Time MKB4801 A-870 70 nsec 70/80 nsec MKB4801 A-890 90 nsec 90/100 nsec MKB4801A-81 120 nsec 120 nsec Part No. Pin compatible with Mostek's BYTEWYDpM memory family D D 24128 pin ROM/PROM compatible pin configuration D EE and OE functions facilitate bus control DESCRIPTION The MKB4801 A uses Mostek's Scaled POLY 5™ process and advanced circuit design techniques to package 8,192 bits of static RAM on a single chip. Static operation is achieved with high performance and low power dissipation by utilizing Address Activated™ circuit design techniques. BLOCK DIAGRAM ""'"''''""''"'' Figure 1 ' , , - The MKB4801 A excels in high speed memory applications where the organization requires relatively shallow depth with a wide word format. The MKB4801 A presents the user a high density cost effective alternative to bipolar and previous generation N-MOS fast memory. PIN CONNECTIONS Figure 2 ,,----+I .. - - - - + I A7 1 24VCC A62 A5 3 23Aa 22 A9 A44 21 WE A35 A26 20 OE 19 NC An 18 AO 8 17007 128.8.8 MEMORY CELL 000 9 00110 00211 TRUTH TABLE X ~ VSS12 CE OE WE Mode DO V'H X X Deselect High Z V'L X V'L Write D'N DOUT High Z V'L V'L V'H Read V'L V'H V'H Read Don't Care CE 1300 3 : As __5= A5 A. ~ ~~ A3 ~=8J A, ~ ~~ Al_~(O~ ~J2J ~_lJ ~_oJ ~2~ : L_ ~ _-~~: A. J~~ A. LEADLESS CHIP CARRIER (E PACKAGE) TOP VIEW ~X NC C2~(.,WE [i-'~OE ~2~~ NC Ao ~(1] 16006 NC :(2J 15005 000 -))J 1400 4 PIN NAMES &l-A9 Address Inputs CE Chip Enable Vss Ground Vcc Power (+5 V) XII-87 A7 NC NC NC vccNC NC L4: ~ 3: L2J :'; (450 mil x 550 mil' JEDEC type E) r-' r - ~ r" -. r", [2)~ CE ~2: DO, :3=( DO. ~l!L :,~ ~o. DQ,DQ, v ssNCDQ30Q. DQ~ :14: ~i~: Write Enable Output Enable No Connection Data In/Data Out II ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on any pin relative to Vss ............................................................ -0.3 V to +7.0 V Operating Temperature TA (Ambient) ..•....................................•................. -55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature (Ambient) (Ceramic) ..................................................... -65°C to +150°C Power Dissipaion .......................•........•...................•....................•...•..... 1 Watt Output Current .................•................•.......•..•.......•.....•....•........•........... 20 mA *Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS8 (-55°C :5 TA :5 + 125°C) SYM PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX VCC Supply Voltage 4.75 5.0 5.25 V 1 VSS Supply Voltage 0 0 0 V 1 V IH Logic "1" Voltage All Inputs 2.4 7.0 V 1 V IL Logic "0" Voltage All Inputs -0.3 .65 V 1,10 UNITS NOTES DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS1.8 (-55°C :5 TA :5 + 125°C) (Vcc = 5.0 volts ±5%) SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX ICC1 Average Vcc Power Supply Current 120 mA 9 ICC1 Average V cc Power Supply Current (TA = 125°C) 90 mA 9, 11 IlL Input Leakage Current (Any Input) -10 10 pA 2 IOL Output Leakage Current -50 50 pA 2 V OH Output Logic "1" Voltage lOUT = -1 rnA 2.4 VOL Output Logic "0" Voltage lOUT = 4 mA V 0.4 XII-SS UNITS NOTES V AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS3.• (-55°C :5 TA :5 125°C) (VCC = 5.0 volts ± 5%) MKB4801 A-870 MKB4801 A-890 MKB4801A-81 MIN MIN MAX MIN MAX MAX SYM PARAMETER t RC Read Cycle Time tAA Address Access Time 70 90 120 ns 5 tCEA Chip Enable Access Time 35 45 60 ns 5 tcEZ Chip Enable Data Off Time 30 ns toEA Output Enable Access Time 60 ns toEZ Output Enable Data Off Time 5 30 ns tAZ Address Data Off Time 10 10 10 ,ns WC Write Cycle Time 80 100 120 ns tAS Address Setup Time 0 0 0 ns see text tAH Address Hold Time 20 30 40 ns see text tosw Data To Write Setup Time 5 5 10 ns tOHW Data From Write Hold Time 10 10 15 ns two Write Pulse Duration 30 40 45 ns WEZ Write Enable Data Off Time WPL Write Pulse Lead Time CAPACITANCE,·8 (-55°C :5 TA :5 +125°C) (Vcc 70 5 20 5 30 20 5 15 5 50 30 25 5 5 5 30 75 60 NOTES ns 45 35 5 120 90 UNITS 5 see text ns ns = +5.0 volts ± 5%) SYM PARAMETER TYP CI All pins (except 0/0) 4pF 6 COla 0/0 pins 10pF 6,7 NOTES: 1. All voltages referenced to Vss. 2. Measured with .4:S VI:S 5.0 V. outputs deselected and Vee = 5 V. 3. AC measurements assume Transition Time = 5 ns; levels VSS to 3.0 V. 4. Input and output timing reference levels are at 1.5 V. 5. Measured with a load as shown in Figure 3. .6.0 6. Effective capacitance calculated from the equation C =~ith l:1V = 3 yolts and power supplies at nominal levels. 7. Output buffer is deselected. B. A minimum of 2 ms time delay is required after application of Vee (+5 V) before proper device operation can be achieved. 9. ICCl measured with outputs open. 10. Negative undershootsto8 minimum of-l.5 Vara allowed with a maximum of 50 ns pulse width. DC value of low level input must not exceed -0.3 V. 11. Power supply current decreases with increasing temperature. OUTPUT LOAD MAX NOTES 5V Figure 3 1.1 KO D.U.T. - -......- - -.. 6800 /'r; -'-- XII-89 30pF (Including Scope and Jig) TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 4 READ 1-.. ---tRC READ WRITE ----_1------ tRC - - - -.....~---- twc ---_._·1 000-0 °7 -----------1( ' - -_ _..J TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 5 WRITE WRITE twc twc (-4----- XII-90 READ ---~~_---- tRC - - - - - . - J DESCRIPTION (Cont.) The MKB4801 A features a fast CE (50% of Address Access) function to permit memory expansion without impacting system access time. A fast OE (50"10 of access time) is included to permit data interleaving for enhanced system performance. The MKB4801A is pin compatible with Mostek's BYTEWYDETM memory family of RAMs. ROMs and EPROMs. OPERATION Read Mode The MKB4801 A is in the READ MODE whenever the Write Enable Control input (WE) is in the high state. In the READ mode of operation. the MKB4801 A provides a fast address ripple-through access of data from 8 of 8192 locations in the static storage array. Thus. the unique address specified by the 10 Address Inputs (An) define which 1 of 1024 bytes of data is to be accessed. A transition on any ofthe 10 address inputs will disable the 8 Data Output Drivers after t AZ . Valid Data will be available to the 8 Data Output Drivers within tAA after the last address input signal is stable. providing that the CE and OE access times are satisfied. If CE or OE access times are not met. data access will be measured from the limiting parameter (t CEA or tOEA) rather than the address. The state ofthe 8 data 1/0 signals is controlled by the Chip Enable (CE) and Output Enable (OE) control signals. Write Mode The MKB4801 A is in the Write Mode whenever the Write Enable (WE) and Chip Enable (CE) control inputs are in the low state. The WRITE cycle is initiated by the WE pulse going low provided that CE is also low. The leading edge of the WE pulse is used to latch the status of the address bus. NOTE: In a write cycle the latter occurring edge of either WE or CE will determine the start of the write cycle. Therefore. tAs.:.!.wo and tAH are referenced to the latter occurring edge of CE or WE. Addresses are latched at this time. All write cycles whether initiated by CE orWE must beterminated by the rising edge of WE. If the output bus has been enabled (CE and OE low) then WE will cause the output to go to the high Z state in t WEZ ' Da.!!.!n must be valid tosw prior to the low to high transition of WE. The Data In lines must remain stable for tOHw after WE goes inactive. The write control of the MKB4801A disables the data out buffers during the write cycle; however. OE should be used to disable the data out buffers to prevent bus contention between the input data and data that would be output upon completion of the write cycle. II XII-91 XII-92 MOSTEI{. MILITARYIHIGH-REL PRODUCTS PROCESSED TO MIL-STD 883, METHOD 5004, CLASS B 2048 x 8 Bit Static RAM MKB4802(P I J/E)-81 183 FEATURES o Static operation o High performance o Organization: 2K x 8 bit RAM JEDEC pinout o Pin compatible with Mostek's BYTEWYDETM memory family o Double density version of the MKB4118 1K x 8 static RAM Part No. Access Time R/W Cycle Time MKB4802-81 120 nsec 120 nsec MKB4802-83 200 nsec 200 nsec o 24128 pin ROM/PROM compatible pin configuration o CE and OE functions facilitate bus control o -55°C to 125°C operating temperature DESCRIPTION with high performance and low power dissipation by utilizing Address Activated™ circuit design techniques. The MKB4802 uses Mostek's Scaled POLY 5™ process and advanced circuit design techniques to package 16,384 bits of static RAM on a single chip. Static operation is achieved BLOCK DIAGRAM The MKB4802 series presents to the user a high density cost effective N-MOS memory with the performance charac- Figure 1 Figure 2 DATA INPUTS/OUTPUTS 000 - 007 YSENSE AMP II< WRITE DRIVER " " " '" 1-=:==:1 I- " " PIN CONNECTIONS A7 1 A62 A5 3 24 Vee 23 AS A44 21 WE 20 OE A35 A26 A17 A08 llBx16.a ME'MORY CelL "'. " " 000 9 OQ110 OQ211 " VSS12 22 Ag 19 A10 18 CE A7 NC NC NC vccNC NC ~4J ~:: L~I A6 ~~: As -_-1;1 ;') :i ~~ ~~j l:~ L.J A3 ~~ =~: A, I~ lEADlESS CHIP CARRIER IE PAK) TOP VIEW X OE WE Mode DQ VIH x x Deselect High Z VIL X VIL Write DIN VIL VIL VIH Read DOUT VIL VIH VIH Read High Z ~ PIN NAMES Ao-AtO Address Inputs ':!.s:,s;, CE Chip Enable WE OE Vss Ground DOa-DQ7Data In/Data Out Don't Care XII-93 C2~~ WE [2~_ OE ~~~ A,o 170Q7 Ao ~~ CE ~fl '450 mil x 550 mil 160Q6 NC 1~ 2~-D~ JEDEC type E) 150Q5 DOo I3} :!i DO, 140Q4 :;;l r~ F~ ~~ ;81 i,~ ~~ 130Q3 OQ, DQ 2 VssNCOQ 3 DQ4 DQs TRUTH TABLE CE ~~~ A, ~!~ NC A4 ~?: A2 =z:~ As Power (+5 V) Write Enable Output Enable II ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on any pin relative,to Vss ............................................................ -0.5 V to +7,0 V Operating Temperature TA (Ambient) ..•..•.............•....................•.•...•.••....... -55°C to +125°C StorageTemperature (Ambient) ....................• , .............. , ..............•.•••...... -65°C to +150°C Power DisSipation .....••.....•................................................................•..•• 1 Watt Output Current ....•....••.....•.•............................••...................................• 20 mA ·Stresses greater than those· listed un:der "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolut~ maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. RECOMMENDED D.C. OPERATING CONDITIONS8 (-55°C:::; TA:::; + 125°C) SYM PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Vee Supply Voltage 4.75 5.0 5.25 V 1 VSS Supply Voltage 0 0 0 V 1 V IH Logic "1" Voltage All Inputs 2.4 Vee +.5 V V 1 VIL Logic "0" Voltage All Inputs -0.3 .65 V 1,10 MAX UNITS NOTES 120 mA 9 90 mA 9, 11 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS,·8 (-55°C:::; TA :::; + 125°C) (Vee = 5.0 volts ± 5%) MIN SYM PARAMETER lee1 Average Vee Power Supply Current lee1 Average Vee Power Supply Current (TA IlL Input Leakage Current (Any Input) -10 10 pA 2 IOL Output Leakage Current -10 10 pA 2 V OH Output Logic "1" Voltage lOUT = -1 mA 2.4 VOL Output Logic "0" Voltage lOUT = 4 mA = 125°C) V 0.4 V MAX AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS1.8 (-55°C:::; TA :::; +125°C) (Vee +5.0 volts ± 5%) = SYM PARAMETER TYP CI Capacitance on all pins (except 0/0) 4pF 6 COlO Capacitance on 0/0 pins 10 pF 6,7 XII-94 NOTES ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS3.4 (-55°C ::5 TA ::5 + 125°C) (Vcc = 5.0 volts ± 5%) MKB4802-81 MIN MAX MKB4802-83 MIN MAX UNITS SYM PARAMETER t RC Read Cycle Time tAA Address Access Time 120 200 ns 5 tCEA Chip Enable Access Time 60 100 ns 5 tCEZ Chip Enable Data Off Time 35 ns tOEA Output Enable Access Time 100 ns tOEZ Output Enable Data Off Time 5 35 ns tAZ Address Data Off Time 10 10 ns twc Write Cycle Time 120 200 ns tAs Address Setup Time 0 0 ns see text tAH Address Hold Time 40 65 ns see text tosw Data To Write Setup Time 10 20 ns tOHW Data From Write Hold Time 10 10 ns two Write Pulse Duration 45 60 ns tWEZ Write Enable Data Off Time 5 t WPL Write Pulse Lead Time 65 120 5 ns 200 35 5 60 35 35 5 5 NOTes 35 130 5 see text ns ns OUTPUT LOAD NOTES: 1. All voltages referenced to Vss. 2. Measured with .4 S; VI:S; 5.0 V, ou~p_uts des.elected and Vee;:: 5 V. 3. AC measurements assume Transition Time = 5 ns; levels VSS to 3.0 V. 4. Input and output timing reference levels are at 1.5 V. 5. Measured with a load as shown in Figure 3. 6. Effective-capacitance calculated from the equation C ;:: flO with 6.V;:: 3 volts and power supplies at nominal levels. 6.V 7. Output buffer is deselected. 8. A minimum of 2 rns time delay is required after application of Vee (+5 V) before proper device operation can be achieved. 9.ICC1 measured with outputs open. 10. Negative undershoots to a minimum of -1.5 V are allowed with a maximum of 50 ns pulse width. DC value of low level input must no\ exceed -0.3 V. 11. Power supply current decreases ,with increasing temperature. Figure 3 XII-95 5V 1.1KO D.U.T. - -......- - -.. 6800 ;:f' 100 pF (Including Scope and Jig) TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 4 READ I~"----'Re READ WRITE -----~~------'Re--------~++-------- 'we ------..~I TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 5 WRITE 'we WRITE READ 'we 'Re AO-A10 CE OE - 'WPL .... --.-'WEZ WE < VALID IN ) ~ 'O"W~ V~~IO XII-96 ') ~ VALID OUT 'j-- teristics necessary for today's high performance microprocessor applications. The MKB4802 is ideal for memory applications where the organization requires relatively shallow depth with a wide word format. access will be measured from the limiting parameter (t CEA or tOEA) rather than the address. The state ofthe 8 data I/O signals is controlled by the Chip Enable (CE) and Output Enable (OE) control signals. The MKB4802 features a fast CE (50"10 of Address Access) function to permit memory expansion without impacting system access time. A fast OE (50"10 of access time) is included to permit data interleaving for enhanced system performance. WRITE MODE The MKB4802 is in the Write Mode whenever the Write Enable (WE) and Chip Enable (CE) control inputs are in the low state. The MKB4802 is pin compatible with Mostek's BYTEWYDpM Memory Family of RAMs, ROMs and EPROMs. The WRITE cycle is initiated by the WE pulse going low provided that CE is also low. The leading edge of the WE pulse is used to latch the status of the address bus. OPERATION NOTE: In a write cycle the latter occurring edge of either WE or CE will determine the start of the write cycle. Therefore, tAs.:..!Yvo and tAH are referenced to the latter occurring edge of CE or WE. Addresses are latched at this time. All write cycles whether initiated by CE or WE must be terminated by the rising edge of WE. If the output bus has been enabled (CE and OE low) the WE will cause the output to go to the high Z state in tWEz. READ MODE The MKB4802 is in the READ MODE whenever the Write Enable Control Input (WE) is in the high state. In the READ mode of operation, the MKB4802 provides a fast address ripple-through access of data from 8 of 16,384 locations in the static storage array. Thus, the unique address specified by the 11 Address Inputs (An) define which 1 of 2048 bytes of data is to be accessed. A transition on any ofthe 11 address inputs will disable the 8 Data Output Drivers after t AZ . Valid Data will be available to the 8 Data Output Drivers within tAA after the last address input signal is stable, providing that the CE and OE access time are satisfied. If CE or OE access times are not met, data Data In must be va Iid tosw priorto the low to high tra nsition of WE. The Data In lines must remain stable for tOHW after WE goes inactive. The write control of the MKB4802 disables the data out buffers during the write cycle; however, OE should be used to disable the data out buffers to prevent bus contention between the input data and data that would be output upon completion of the wrITe cycle. XII-97 1982/1983 MICROELECTRONIC DATA BOOK :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:. . . . - . . . . . . . . -~~.::.-...- - - @) Microprocessor and Support Devices Ii'" MOSTEI(. zao CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT Processed to MIL-STD 883, Method 5004, Class B MKB3880(P)-80/84 FEATURES o Single 5-Volt supply and single-phase clock required o Screened per MIL-STD-883, Method 5004 Class B o Z80 CPU and Z80 A CPU o Software compatible with 8080A CPU o -55°C to 125°C temperature range o Complete development and OEM system product support o Two speeds • 2.5 MHz MKB3880)P)-80 • 4.0 MHz MKB3880(P)-84 o Industrial MKI version available (-40°C to 85°C) DESCRIPTION The Mostek Z80 family of components is a significant advancement in the state-of-art of microcomputers. These components can be configured with any type of standard semiconductor memory to generate computer systems with an extremely wide range of capabilities. For example,.as few as two LSI circuits and three standard TTL MSI packages can be combined to form a simple controller. With additional memory and 1/0 devices, a computer can be constructed with capabilities that only a minicomputer could deliver previously. This wide range of computational power allows standard modules to be constructed by a user that can satisfy the requirements of an extremely wide range of applications. The CPU is the heart of the system. Its function is to obtain instructions from the memory and perform the desired operations. The memory is used to contain instructions and, in most cases, data that is to be processed. For example, a typical instruction sequence may be to read data from a specific peripheral device, store it in a location in memory, check the parity, and write it out to another peripheral device. Note that the Mostek component set includes the CPU and various general purpose 1/0 device controllers, as well as a wide range of memory devices. Thus, all required components can be connected together in a very simple manner with virtually no other external logic. The user's effort then becomes primarily one of the software development. That is, the user can concentrate on describing his problem and translating it into a series of instructions that can be loaded into the microcomputer memory. Mostek is dedicated to making this step of software generation as simple as possible. A good example of this is our assembly language in which a simple mnemonic is used to represent every instruction that the CPU can perform. This language is self-documenting in such a way that from the mnemonic the user can understand exactly what the instruction is doing without constantly checking back to a complex cross listing. ZSO-CPU BLOCK DIAGRAM· ZSO PIN CONFIGURATION Figure 1 Figure 2 r MREQ SYSTEM CONTROL ~RO RD WR RFsH ALU INSTRUCTION DECODE , r WAIT CPU ___ /' I & CPU 13 CONTROL CPU AND CONTROL ~ NM' SYSTEM CONTROL 27 .. " " '" 22 .. Z80CPU MKB3880(P)-80 MKB3880(P)-84 REsE'f SIGNALS CPU BUS CONTROL A, A, A, A, A. A, A. Ag A,. A" A" A" A" A" ADDRESS BUS {BUSRO BUSAK D. ri'r 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .,v GND +5V GND 'I' }." BUS XIII~1 ------_._- ._. .. _-- --_.- ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Temperature Under Bias .•...•...................•............•.•..•............•........... -55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature ........••..........•......••....•...........•.....•..•...........•••.. -65°C to +150°C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground ...................................• ; ....•...••.•..•.. -O.3V to + 7V Power Dissipation ............•..........•.....•••..••..........••.........•.....•.•...•......•.....• 1 .5W *Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. DC CHARACTERISTICS (TA = -55°C to 125°C, Vee = 5 V ± 5% unless otherwise specified) MAX UNIT -0.3 0.8 V Vee-· 6 Vee +·3 V Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.8 V V IH Input High Voltage All inputs except NMI 2.4 Vee V VIH(NMI) Input High Voltage (NMI) 2.7 Vee V VOL Output Low Voltage 0.4 V IOL = 1.8mA V OH Output High Voltage V IOH =-250~ Icc' Power Supply Current 200 mA III Input Leakage Current 10 ~ V IN = OtoVee ILOH Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float 10 ~ V OUT = 2.4 to Vee Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float -10 ~ VOUT=0.4V Data Bus Leakage Current In Input Mode ±10 ~ O MAX UNIT TEST CONDITIONS Clock Capacitance 35 pF Unmeasured Pins CIN Input Capacitance 5 pF Returned to Ground COUT Output Capacitance 10 pF XIII-2 AC CHARACTERISTICS MKB3880(P)-80 Z80-CPU (TA = -55°C to 125°C, VCC = +5V, ±5%, Unless Otherwise Noted) SIGNAL SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT te Clock Clock Clock Clock .4 180 180 [12] (D) 2000 30 Ilsec nsec nsec nsec 145 110 [1] nsec nsec nsec [2] nsec [3] nsec [4] nsec ~(cpH) cp tw(cpL) t,f tD(AD) tF(AD) taem Ao-15 taei tea tea! tD(D) tF(D) tS(D) DO-7 tS;j;(D) t dem t dei ted! tH tDL;j;(MR) MREO tDH(MR) tDH;P(MR) tw(MRL) tw(MRH) tDL IWR) WR Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, WRLow WR Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, WRLow WR Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, WR High Pulse Width, WR Low tDL
IWR) 1wIWRL) t DLlM1 ) Ml tDHIM1) RFSH t DLlRF ) tDHIRF) MIN MAX UNIT 80 nsec 90 nsec 100 nsec Ml Delay From Rising Edge of Clock Ml Low Ml Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, Ml High 130 nsec 130 nsec RFSH Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, RFSH Low RFSH Delay From Rising Edge of Clock RFSH High 180 nsec 150 nsec CL = 50pF CL = 30pF t slWT ) WAIT Setup Time to Falling Edge of Clock HALT t DIHT) HALT Delay Time From Falling Edge of Clock INT t sllT) INT Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock 80 nsec NMI twINML) Pulse Width, NMI Low 80 nsec BUSRO ts(BQ) BUSRO Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock 80 nsec BUSAK t DLlBA ) BUSAK Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, BUSAK Low BUSAK Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, BUSAK High RESET Delay to/from Float (MREO, IORO, RDandWRI) tmr Ml Stable Prior to IORO (Interrupt Ack.) taem = tw ( H) + If -75 [2] taci [3] tea = tw ( L) + tr -40 teaf = tw ( t) + tr -60 [5] t dem = te -210 [6] [7] [8] tde; = tw ( L) + tr -210 tedf = tw ( L) + tr -80 1w (MRL) = Ie -40 nsec 110 nsec nsec 90 100 [9] [11] nsec nsec tw (MRH) = tw ( H) + t f -70 [10] tw (WR) = te -40 [12] te = tw ( H) + tw( L) + tr + If LOAD CIRCUIT FOR OUTPUT Figure 3 TEST POINT = te -80 [4] 120 CL = 50pF [11] tmr = 2tc + tw ( H) + If -80 Add 10 nsec delay for each 50pF increase in load up to a maximum of 200pF for the data bus and 1OOpF for address and control lines. Although static by design, testing guarantees tw (4)H) of 200 J.1sec maximum. [1] nsec CL = 50pF t Fle ) 2. The RESET signal must be active for a minimum of 3 clock cycles. 3. Output Delay vs. Load Capacitance TA = 125°C Vee = 5 V ± 5% 4. 300 RESET Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock active. nsec 70 t slRS ) NOTES 1. Data should be enabled onto the CPU data bus when RD is active. During interrupt acknowledge data should be enabled when Ml and lORa are both CL = 50pF nsec [10] WAIT tDHIBA) TEST CONDITION XIII-4 R,.2.1K,Q AC CHARACTERISTICS MKB3880(P)-84 Z80A-CPU (TA = -55°C to 125°C, Vee = +5V, ±5%, Unless Otherwise Noted) SIGNAL SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT Clock Clock Clock Clock .25 110 110 [12] (D) 2000 30 f.isec tc tw(H) tw(L) 110 90 [1] nsec nsec nsec [2] nsec [3] nsec [4] nsec t"f to(AO) tF(AO) tacm Ao.15 tac; tca tcaf tOlD) tF(O) t S 4>(O) DO-7 ts¥(O) tdcm tdc; tcdf tH tOL¥(MR) MREO t OH4>(MR) tOH¢(MR) tw(MRL) tw(MRH) t OL4>(lR) tOL¥(IR) 10RO tOH;j;(IR) tOH4>(IR) t OL4>(RO) RD tOL¥(RO) tOH4>(RO) tOH¢;(RO) Period Pulse Width, Clock High Pulse Width, Clock Low Rise and Fall Time Address Output Delay Delay to Float Address Stable Prior to MREO (Memory Cycle) Address Stable Prior to 10RO, RD or WR (I/O Cycle) Address Stable From RD, WR, 10RO or MREO Address Stable From RD or WR During Float Data Output Delay Delay to Float During Write Cycle Data Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock During M 1 Cycle Data Setup Time to Falling Edge at Clock During M2 to M5 Data Stable Prior to WR (Memory Cycle) Data Stable Prior to WR (I/O Cycle) Data Stable From WR Input Hold Time MREO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, MREO Low MREO Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, MREO High MREO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, MREO High Pulse Width, MREO Low Pulse Width, MREO High nsec nsec nsec 50 nsec nsec nsec 60 nsec [5] nsec [6] [7] 0 nsec nsec nsec 170 90 20 85 nsec 85 nsec 85 nsec [8] [9] CL = 50pF Except T3-M1 CL = 50pF CL = 50pF nsec nsec 10RO Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, 10RO Low 10RO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, 10RO Low IORO Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, 10RO High 10RO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, 10RO High 75 nsec 85 nsec 85 nsec 85 nsec RD Delay From RD Low RD Delay From RD Low RD Delay From RD High RD Delay From RD High Rising Edge of Clock, 85 nsec Falling Edge of Clock, 95 nsec Rising Edge of Clock, 85 nsec Falling Edge of Clock, 85 nsec XIII-5 TEST CONDITION CL = 50pF CL = 50pF II AC CHARACTERISTICS (Cont.) SIGNAL SYM tOL(WR) WR tOL~(WR) tOH(WR) tw(WRL) tOL(Ml) M1 t OH(Ml) RFSH tOL(RF) tOH(RF) PARAMETER MIN WR Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, WRLow WR Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, WRLow WR Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, WR High Pulse Width, WR Low MAX UNIT 65 nsec 80 nsec 80 nsec [10] M1 Delay From Rising Edge of Clock M1 Low M1 Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, M1 High 100 nsec 100 nsec RFSH Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, RFSH Low RFSH Delay From Rising Edge of Clock RFSH High 130 nsec 120 nsec CL '" 50pF CL '" 50pF tS(WT) WAIT Setup Time to Falling Edge of Clock HALT to(HT) HALT Delay Time From Falling Edge of Clock INT ts(lT) INT Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock 80 nsec NMI tw(NML) Pulse Width, NMI Low 80 nsec BUSRO ts(BQ) BUSRO Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock 50 nsec BUSAK tOL(BA) BUSAK Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, BUSAK Low BUSAK Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, BUSAK High RESET 1. 300 tF(C) Delay to/From Float (MREO, IORO, RDandWR) t m, M1 Stable Prior to IORO (Interrupt Ack.) active. 2. The RESET signal must be active for a minimum of 3 clock cycles. 3. Output Delay vs. Load Capacitance TA = 125'e Vee = 5 V ± 5% Add 10 nsec delay for each 50pF increase in load up to a maximum of 200pF for the data bus and l00pF for address and control lines. 4. Although static by deSign, testing guarantees tw (¢H) of 200 f.1sec maximum. [1] taem '" tw (4)H) + it -65 [2] [3] taei '" te -70 tea '" tw (4)L) + t, -50 [4] [5] [6] tea' '" tw (4)L) + t, -45 l dem '" te -1 70 tdei '" tw (4)L) + t, -170 [7] ted' '" tw (4)L) + t, -70 [8] tw (MRL) '" te -30 nsec 100 nsec 100 nsec CL '" 50pF CL '" 50pF RESET Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock Data should be enabled onto the CPU data bus when AD is active. During interrupt acknowledge data should be enabled when M1 and IORO are both nsec 70 ts(RS) NOTES CL '" 50pF nsec WAIT tOH(BA) TEST CONDITION nsec 60 80 [9] [11] nsec nsec tw (MRH) '" tw (4)H) + t, -40 [10] tw (WR) '" te -30 [11] t m, '" 2te + tw (4)H) + t, -65 [12] te '" 6 w (4)H) + t w(4)L) + t, + t, LOAD CIRCUIT FOR OUTPUT Figure 4 TEST POINT XIII-6 Vee A.C. TIMING DIAGRAM Timing measurements are made at the following voltages, unless otherwise specified. CLOCK OUTPUT INPUT FLOAT "1 " V ee-·6 2.4V 2.4V "0" !;V ±0.5V .8V .8V .8V A O-A15 A O- 15 IN DO_7 { DUT tOllMll "Ic} _I (j-- -----~' ',+_rI 'D:~~rr- "'-r-r- "'l--r't~ , I I ______________________________________-+t-______________________________ ii'i:iSii'K XIII-7 , I ~-- ~'DH IBA) ~'U~l~IB~A}_ II XIII-8 MOSTEl{@ MILITARYIHIGH-REL PRODUCTS Processed to MIL-STD 883, Method 5004, Class B Parallel 1/0 Controller MKB3881 (P)-80/84 FEATURES DESCRIPTION o Two independent 8 bit bidirectional peripheral interface ports with 'handshake' data transfer control The Z80 Parallel I/O Circuit is a programmable, two port device which provides a TIL compatible interface between peripheral devices and the Z80-CPU. The CPU can configure the Z80-P10 to interface with a wide range of peripheral devices with no other external logic required. Typical peripheral devices that are fully compatible with the Z80-P10 include most keyboards, paper tape readers and punches, printers, PROM programmers, etc. The Z80-P10 utilizes N channel silicon gate depletion load technology and is packaged in a hermetic 40 pin DIP. o Interrupt driven 'handshake' for fast response o Anyone of four distinct modes of operation may be selected for a port including: • Byte output • Byte input • Byte bidirectional bus (Available on Port A only) • Bit control mode All with interrupt controlled handshake o Daisy chain priority interrupt logic included to provide for automatic interrupt vectoring without external logic o Eight outputs are capable of driving Darlington tra nsistors o Typical ordering: MKB3881 P-80 MKB3881 P-84 2.5 MHz Z80-P10 4.0 MHz Z80-P10 o Single 5 volt supply and single phase clock required o Fully processed to MIL-STD-883 Method 5004, Class B. -55°C to 125°C temperature range o One of the unique features of the Z80-P10 that separates it from other interface controllers is that all data transfer between the peripheral device and the CPU is accomplished under total interrupt control. The interrupt logic of the PIO permits full usage of the efficient interrupt capabilities ofthe Z80-CPU during I/O transfers. All logic necessary to implement a fully nested interrupt structure is included in the PIO so that additional circuits are not required. Another unique feature of the PIO is that it can be programmed to interrupt the CPU on the occurrence of specified status conditions in the peripheral device. For example, the PIO can be programmed to interrupt if any specified peripheral alarm conditions should occur. This interrupt capability reduces the amount of time that the processor must spend in polling peripheral status. MKI3881 available for Industrial/Hi-Rei users PIO BLOCK DIAGRAM PIO PIN CONFIGURATION , '. c." PERIPHERAL INTERFACE INTERFACE , .,' DATA OR CONTROL } HANDSHA"'E '. ,'. } HANDSHAKE XIII-9 II XIII-10 MOSTEI{. MILITARYIHIGH-REL PRODUCTS Processed to MIL-STD 883, Method 5004, Class B Counter Timer Circuit MKB3882 (P/J)-80/84 FEATURES DESCRIPTION o Each channel may be selected to operate in either The Z80-Counter Timer Circuit (CTC) is a programmable component with four independent channels that provide counting and timing functions for microcomputer systems based on the Z80-CPU. The CPU can configure the CTC channels to operate under various modes and conditions as required to interface with a wide range of devices. In most applications, little or no external logic is required. The Z80CTC utilizes N-channel silicon gate depletion load technology and is packaged in a 28-pin DIP. The Z80-CTC requires only a single 5 volt supply and a one-phase 5 volt clock. Counter Mode or Timer Mode o Used in either mode, a CPU-readable Down Counter indicates number of counts-to-go until zero o A Time Constant Register can automatically reload the Down Counter at Count Zero in Counter and Timer Mode o Selectable positive or negative trigger initiates time operation in Timer Mode. The same input is monitored for event counts in Counter Mode o Three channels have Zero CountlTimeout outputs capable of driving Darl ington transistors o Interrupts may be programmed to occur on the zero count condition in any channel o Da isy cha i n priority interrupt logic i ncl uded to provide for automatic interrupt vectoring without external logic o Typical ordering: MKB3882P-80 MKB3882P-84 2.5 MHz Z80-CTC 4.0 MHz Z80-CTC o Fully processed to MIL-STD-883 Method 5004 Class B. -55°C to +125°C operating range A block diagram of the Z80-CTC is shown in the figure. The internal structure oftheZ80-CTC consists of a Z80-CPU bus interface, Internal Control Logic, four sets of Counter/Timer Channel Logic, and Interrupt Control Logic. The four independent counter/timer channels are identified by sequential numbers from 0 to 3. The CTC has the capability of generating a unique interrupt vector for each separate channel (for automatic vectoring to an interrupt service routine). The 4 channels can be connected into four contiguous slots in the standard Z80 priority chain with channel number 0 having the highest priority. The CPU bus interface logic allows the CTC device to interface directly to the CPU with no other external logic. However, port address decoders and/or line buffers may be required for large systems. o MKI3882 available for Industrial Hi-Rei users ZSO-CTC PIN CONFIGURATION ZSO-CTC BLOCK DIAGRAM ~~~~O~~~NT / ". ", CLOCK/TRIGGER 0 ZERO COUNTt TIMEOUT 1 CHI',. CONTROL ZERO COUNT/ TIMEOUT 2 CLOCK/TRIGGER 2 CONTROL LINES XIII-11 ..,!4 XIII-12 I!I UNITED MILITARY HIGH-REL PRODUCTS TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK SCREENED TO MIL-STD-883 16-BIT MICROPROCESSOR MKB68000 Advances in semiconductor technology have provided the capability to place on a single silicon chip a microprocessor at least an order of magnitude higher in performance and circuit complexity than has been previously available. The MKB68000 is the first of a family of such VLSI microprocessors from Mostek. It combines state-of-the-art technology and advanced circuit design techniques with computer sciences to achieve an architecturally advanced 16-bit microprocessor. MKB68000 Figure 2 The resources available to the MKB68000 user consist of the following: • • • • • • 32-Bit Data and Address Registers 16 Megabyte Direct Addressing Range 56 Powerful Instruction Types Operations on Five Main Data Types Memory Mapped I/O 14 Addressing Modes PROGRAMMING MODEL PIN ASSIGNMENT Figure 1 Figure 3 31 1615 87 o lllllll- I I I I I - I I I I I I I I I I I - I - I I I r---- I USERiiTACKPOINTER - - - - DO AO A1 A2 SEVEN A3 ADDRESS A4 REGISTERS A5 A6 lWO STACK A7 POINTERS I 87 R'W 0'2 013 = 5'fiCK ii!! BGACR 0'5 1m A23 V" ClK A2' Hii'T' i!tEiEf - 0" GND A22 Vee A20 A,9 \7IIill[ A'B E A'7 VI'lI: A'S A'S IPLl A" A,3 IPLO A'2 FC2 A" FC' A'O 6~~~~:: FCO AO A' A2 AB STATUS REGISTER A3 A6 A' A5 0 ISYSTEM BYTEj USER BYTE I OS 0'0 0" iPi2 -~ SUPERVISOR STACK POINTER 15 AS OS om GND ~---------------~ ~ 0 I 07 0' DO 07 ll- I 02 06 o - 01 02 05 1615 I 0' 03 03 EIGHT DATA 04 REGISTERS 31 D. DO This is advance information and specifications are subject to change without nOlice. XIII-13 A7 II 1982/1983 MICROELECTRONIC DATA BOOK Industrial Hi-Rei Products MKI INDUSTRIAL HIGH RELIABILITY PRODUCTS WHY DEMAND GREATER DEVICE QUALITY The MKI family of memories and microprocessors is manufactured by Mostek to be cost-effective for industrial hi-rei applications. These devices are produced by the Military Products Department using QPL facilities to insure high quality and built-in reliability. Compared with commercial devices, MKI offers these principle product enhancements: From the user's standpoint, improved incoming inte· grated circuit quality means a lower cost at ownership, As devices are mounted onto boards and then assembled into systems, it becomes increasingly difficult and expensive to remove failed devices from the manufacturing process. The full cost of locating and replacing one bad IC during system assembly can range between $7 and $50 at today's rates. Figure 1 depicts this. 1. Extended temperature operation. All devices receive complete electrical testing to verify funtionality to AC and DC parameters over the -40°C to +85°C temperature range. Typical costs tor detection and replacement ot Ie tailures at various manufacturing stages. Figure 1 2. Greater system reliability. Each device receives a 125°C dynamic burn-in of at least 44 hours to remove potential early life failures. Hermetic packaging exclusively is employed. 3. Improved quality. Stringent military 100% test criteria are applied and tightened AQL levels are guaranteed. These reliability and capability enhancements make the MKI device family ideally suited for high-reliability extended temperature industrial applications. And, because improved quality and reliability mean lower cost of ownership, virtually any application should benefit economically. Table 1· illustrates the breadth of application of the MKI device family. At the component level. complex VLSI devices demand extremely expensive testers for incoming evaluation, A costly support staff must be maintained for test software generation, tester operation and maintenance and parts control. Partial MKI Applications Spectrum Table 1 INDUSTRY At the board level. failed components reduce board test throughput causing production delays. And inefficient use of expensive automatic board test systems results if they are time-shared for troubleshooting. To keep the production flow smooth, failed boards are usually accumulated for later repair. This increases work-inprocess and component inventories and their carrying costs. SYSTEM APPLICATION At the system level. the cost of component failure is magnified further. Due to the increased level of integration, problem devices at this point are more difficult to find. And failures at this late a stage often mean late customer deliveries. OPTIONS FOR ACHIEVING IMPROVED DEVICE QUALITY The user has a choice of any of three alternatives for achieving greater IC quality. These are: 1. In-house incoming test 2. Use of burn-in test laboratories 3. Original purchase of vendor-screened hi-rei devices. XIV-1 Beyond these fundamental concerns about test integrity itself. use of burn-in labs often results in various logistics problems (Table 2), such as: Alternative 1. as noted before. can be very expensive. Usually. this option is reseNed for only the very large user (consumption approaching 100 million units/year). His volume presents the opportunity to realize economies of scale. and the large capital equipment outlay is easily absorbed. 1. Unpredictable losses due to burn-in and temperature test fallout. Possible ESD handling losses. Burn-in labs can generally be expected to effectively test SSI and most MSI functions. But complex. highly integrated devices require an intimate familiarity with their design and layout plus an extensive characterization and production test database to insure consistently effective screening. This level of ability resides with the Ie manufacturer alone. For example. many VLSI devices can exhibit pattern and temperature sensitivities that may only become apparent years after their introduction. A particular sensitivity might even vary from manufacturer to manufacturer for the same generic part type. Screens for these potential failure modes are frequently considered proprietary by the device maker. They are therefore rarely part of the test procedure used by burn-in labs. 2. Additional receiving inspections plus shipping and handling costs. 3. Maintenance of larger in-transit and stockroom inventories. The use of manufacturer screened hi-rei devices such as Mostek's MKI series. avoids all of the problems associated with other alternatives. Mostek is experienCed in every phase of volume VLSI production and test. Simply, quality and reliability are assured by letting "the experts do it". ConSiderations In the decision to upgrade commercial or purchase vendor produced hi-rei ICs. Table 2 CONSIDERATION VARIABLES OF UPGRADING COMMERCIAL ICs XIV-2 THE CERTAINTIES OF BUYING MKI MKI: ACHIEVING IMPROVED QUALITY MKI Test Flow Table 4 Ie FAILURE MECHANISMS In typical usage, IC failures are traceable to random defects or errors that occurred at some stag'e in their production. Table 3 below illustrates the types of failure mechanisms affecting device quality in each of three major production stages. Also noted are the MKI controls applied to eliminate these defects during production. QUALITY STARTS IN WAFER FAB Quality and reliability are built into Mostek MKI products starting in wafer fabrication. Facilities and equipment in this critical area are among the most advanced in the world today. Five-inch wafers are positioned and exposed with direct-step-on-wafer CDSW) projection systems. This assures highly accurate feature definition, enhancing yields and minimizing defect density. In ultra-clean darkroom areas, dust particles are controlled to within 10 ppm not exceeding Y, micron in size, further minimizing chances of contamination that could· jeopardize reliability. Tightly controlled processes, coupled with Mostek's history of innovative circuit design and fabrication experience, result in MKI devices with built-in reliability. MKI TESTING The·MKI program subjects each device to a battery of 100% environmental and electrical tests to weed out defectives and assure conformance to specifications. Table 4 depicts the rigorous screening MKI devices undergo. Test criteria are. based upon MIL-STD-883B methods. ·Burn-in is generally longer. The MKI program requires the removal of infant failures to the point at which the failure rate becomes essentially flat. AnalYSis of device complexity, production maturity and Group C life test data help determine bum-in length required. IC failure Mechanisms and MKI Controls Table 3 PRODUCTION STAGE FAILURE MECHANISMS POTENTIALLY INTRODUCED MKI CONTROLS 1:1 XIV-3 voltage, eliminates the two major sources of early device failure: oxide defects and contamination. Together. these two failure mechanisms account for between 60% and 85% of MOS LSI failures in normal system usage. TIGHTENED AQL REQUIREMENTS VERIFY QUALITY The MKI Quality Level program is designed to prevent the possibility of shipment of defective devices to the user. Table 5 details AQL levels all MKI devices must meet prior to shipment. MKI BURN·IN AND INFANT FAILURES MKI AQL Guarantee Table 5 It has been shown that the failure rate of semiconductor devices over time is well described by the curve in Figure 2 below. The bathtub curve, as it's commonly called, is divided into three regions, Failures per unit time are greatest in the first 3 months to 1 year of normal usage, corresponding to the infant failure region of Figure 2. Beyond this, the failure rate is small and gradually decl ining throug hout the useful life of the device (20 years or more). Defective devices in this phase are random and infrequent and remain so until wearout sets in. Semiconductor failure rate V5, time Figure 2 The MKI guarantee of .4% electrical AQL applies to all AC and DC parameters and functionality over the entire -40°C to +85'C range. For extended temperature designs requiring critical parametric performance at temperature, MKI provides an extra margin of design safety, Temperature upgrading of standard commercial devices at a burn-in lab is generally not practical. Without access to a device's temperature characterization database, extended temperature testing at a test lab may result in extremely low yields. It may also compromise reliability since the commercial device manufacturer's "maximum operating temperature" warning has been exceeded. With MKI from Mostek, extended temperature performance to spec is guaranteed, (44 - 160 HRS, C,C 125 C) MKI devices recieve a variable length burn-in (44 hours minimum) sufficient to remove the vast majority of infant failures. Data from ongoing MIL-STD 883, Method 5005, Group C, 1000 hour life testing is periodically analyzed to describe the shape of a device's reliability curve, The required length of MKI burn-in is accurately determined from this and other considerations, MKI: ACHIEVING IMPROVED RELIABILITY PRODUCT RELIABILITY What is the importance of MKI burn-in to the user? Point A in Figure 2 represents the reduced failure rate of MKI devices at delivery, This rate is as much as 10 to 15 times lower than that exhibited by standard commercial devices. It would take between 3 and 12 months of normal operation of a system using commercial devices to weed out enough failures before the remainder were as reliable as MKI devices are at delivery. Further, the MKI variable length burn-in can be expected to eliminate between 40% and 60% of devices subject to fail anytime in their useful life. With MKI, a system manufacturer need not be subject to the expense of repairing early failures at the customer's site. And, the cost and difficulty of stressing his system in-house for long periods of time before delivery is eliminated. In short, the use of MKI ICs can help minimize system cost and maximize customer satisfaction, Reliability cannot be tested into a device. It must be built in through proper. worst-case circuit design and tightlycontrolled waferfab processes, The implementation of this philosophy keeps Mostek products among the most reliable available anywhere. Reliability however, must be verified before a device reaches the user through stress testing. The MKI program incorporates a variety of 100% screens (Table 4) to compress time and weed out early life failures, Temperature cycling, centrifuge, hermeticity, voltage stress, and high temperature test all effectively screen a percentage of the infant mortality, thereby improving system reliability, The most important MKI reliability screen applied is the 125°C, 44 hour minimum, dynamic burn-in, Th,is stress test, accomplished at higher than nominal XIV-4 MKI PRODUCTS AND ORDERING INFORMATION MKI industrial hi-rei components are produced by the Military Products Department at Mostek using QPL facilities. Table 6 shows currently available and planned future MKI products. Generally. every MKI device Is also available screened to Method 5004. Class Bof MIL-STD-883 (prefixed "MKB"). MKI Device listing Table 6 t 1982 Introduction PART NUMBERING Example: MKI4116J-73 MK Mostek Corp. standard prefix Device screening level: I = Industrial Hi-Rei 4116 J 7 3 Mostek generic part number Package: J = cerdip p= ceramic sidebrazed DIP Temperature: -40/+85°C for MKI Products Access time: device dependent II XIV-5 XIV-6 MOSTEI<. MILITARYIHIGH-REL PRODUCTS Extended Temperature, Extended Burn-in Industrial Processing 2048 8-Bit UV Erasable PROM MKI2716(J)-77/78 X FEATURES D Three state output OR-tie capability D 44 hr. min., 125°C burn-in plus Industrial screening for greater reliability (see Figure 3 for processing description) D Five modes of operation for greater system flexibility (see Table) D Extended operating temperature (-40°C::; TA::; 85°C) D Single programming requirement: single programming with one 50 msec pulse location D Pin compatible with Mostek's BYTEWYDETM memory family D Single +5 volt power supply during read operation D Military MKB version available (-55°C to 125°C) D TTL compatible in all operating modes D Fast 450ns access time in read mode D Standard 24 pin DIP with transparent lid D Low power dissipation: 633 mW max active MODE SELECTION D Power down mode: 165 mW max standby Pin Mode DESCRIPTION The MKI2716 is a 2048 x 8 bit electrically programmable/ultraviolet erasable read only memory. The circuit is fabricated with Mostek's advanced N-channel silicon gate technology for the highest performance and reliability. The MKI2716 offers significant advances over hardwired logic cost, system flexibility, turnaround time and performance. Figure 1 X DECODER '.'"'"', ~_v" OE Vpp (18) (20) (21) Output Read V'L V'L +5 Valid Out Standby V ,H Don't Care +5 Open Pulsed V ,H +25 Input Program V'L to V ,H The MKI2716 has many useful system oriented features including a standby mode of operation which lowers the device power from 633mW maximum active power to 165mW maximum for an overall savings of 75%. BLOCK DIAGRAM CE/PGM Program Verify V'L V'L +25 Valid Out Program Inhibit V'L V ,H +25 Open V cc(24) = 5V all modes PIN CONNECTIONS Figure 2 16.3848IT CELL MATRIX .---.--.-- A71 24Vcc A62 23 A • As 3 22Ag A.4 21 A35 200E v" A2 6 19A,o A,7 18CE AD 8 170 7 00 9 160 6 0,10 150 s 0 2 11 14 0 • GND12 130 3 PIN NAMES AD - A 1D CE/PGM NOTE: Pin 18 and 20 have been renamed for compatibility with presently available 16K, 32K and 64K ROMs and future generation 32K and 64K EPROMs All other specifications for this device remain unaffected by this change XIV-7 Addresses Chip Enablel Program OE 00 , a, Output Enable Outputs ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on any pin relative to Vss (Except Vpp) ................................................... --0.3 V to +6 V Voltage on Vpp supply pin relative to Vss ............................••......................... --0.3 V to +28 V Operating Temperature TA (Ambient) .........................................•.......•...• -40°C:S; TA:S; 85°C Storage Temperature (Ambient) ................ " .. , .................................... -65°C:S; TA:S; +125°C Power Dissipation .................................................................................. 1 Watt Short Circuit Output Current ............... , ......................................................... 50 mA ·Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" maycause permanent damage tathe device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operating sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. READ OPERATION RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS HO°C :s; TA:S; 85°C) MAX UNITS 2.0 Vcc +1 V --0.1 0.8 V TYP MAX UNITS NOTES MIN SYM PARAMETER V IH Input High Voltage V IL Input Low Voltage TYP NOTES DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS'·2.4.8 (-40°C:S; TA:S; 85°C) (Vcc = +5 V ± 5%, Vpp = V cel2 SYM PARAMETER ICCl Vcc Standby Power Supply Current (OE = V IL; CE =VIH ) 10 30 mA 2 ICC2 V cc Active Power Supply Current (OE = CE = Vld 57 115 mA 2 IpPl Vpp Current (Vpp 10 mA 2 VOH Output High Voltage (lOH = -400 p,A) VOL Output Low Voltage (IOL = 2.1 mAl .45 V IlL Input Leakage Current (VIN = 5.25 V) 10 JJ.A IOL Output Leakage Current (Vour = 5.25 V) 10 JJ.A MAX UNITS MIN = 5.25 V) V 2.4 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS,,2,6 (-40°C :s; TA :s; 85°C) (V cc = +5 V ± 5%, V pp = V cel2 -78 -77 SYM PARAMETER t ACC Address to Output Delay (CE = OE = V IL) 390 450 ns tCE CE to Output Delay (OE = V IL) 390 450 ns 5 tOE Output Enable to Output Delay (CE = Vld 150 150 ns 9 tOF Chip Deselect to Output Float (CE = Vld 0 130 ns 8 tOH Address to Output Hold (CE = OE = V IL) 0 MIN XIV-8 MAX 130 MIN 0 0 ns NOTES RECOMMENDED AC OPERATING CONDITIONS AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTRISTICS'·2.6.7 (TA = 25°C ± 5°C)(V cc = +5V ± 5%, Vpp = 25V ± 1V) SYM PARAMETER TYP t AS Address Setup Time 2 J.ls tOES OE Setup Time 2 J.lS tos Data Setup Time 2 J.lS tAH Address Hold Time 2 J.lS tOEH OE Hold Time 2 J.lS tOH Data Hold Time 2 J.lS tOF Output Enable to Output Float 0 tOE Output Enable to Output Delay tpw Program Pulse Width tpRT Program Pulse Rise Time 5 ns tPFT Program Pulse Fall Time 5 ns MIN 45 PROGRAM OPERATION NOTES: 1. Vee must be applied at the same time or before Vpp and removed after or atthe same time as Vpp. To prevent damage to the device it must not be inserted into a board with Vpp at 25V. 2. Care must be taken to prevent overshoot of the Vpp supply when switching to -25V. 3. O.4SV <; VIN <; S.2SV 50 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. MAX UNITS NOTES 130 ns 4 120 ns 4 55 ms CE/PGM - VIL CE/PGM - VIH tT - 20nsec 1V or 2V for inputs and 8V or 2V for outputs are used as timing reference levels. Although speed selections are made for read operation all programming specifications are the same for all dash numbers. MKI INDUSTRIAL HI-REL SCREENING Figure 3 Package Assembly Environmental Electrical Voltage Stress (DRAMs only) Burn-in QA Acceptance Screen MIL-STD 883 Method Reqmt. Die Inspect Pre-Seal Inspect Temperature Cycle Centrifuge Fine Leak Gross Leak Electrical Screens 75X Mostek Spec. 30X-60X Mostek Spec. 1010 Condo C, 5 Cycles 2001 Condo D, 20Kg Y} 1014 Condo B, 1 X 10- atm cc/sec Mostek Spec. 5005 Grp. A electrical sub-groups, testing conditions and limits which guarantee ac, dc and functional performance over the full temperature range. 1015 Condo D, 10 hrs. min., 125°C 1015 Condo 0,44 hrs. min., 125°C Fine and gross leak samples 5005 Grp. A sample testing to guarantee performance to data sheet over full temp. range. Visual tests to guarantee marking, construction and mechanical integrity 100"'{' 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Hermeticity Electrical Tests Visual/Mechanical lQ()O'{' lQ()O'{' .25%AQL .4%AQL .65%AQL LTPD 10 .65%AQL Solderability Pre-shipment Inspect XIV-9 CAPACITANCE (TA = 25°C) 8 SYM PARAMETER TYP MAX UNITS NOTES CIN Input Capacitance 4 6 pF 6 COUT Output Capacitance 8 12 pF 6 READ OPERATION NOTES: 1. Vee must be applied on or before Vpp and removed after or at the same time as Vpp. 2. Vpp and Vee may be connected together except during programming, in which case the supply current is the sum of ICC and IpP1. 3. All voltages with respect to VSS. 4. Load conditions :::0 ITIL load and 1COpE, tr =tF - 20n5, reference levels are 1Vand 2V for inputs and .BV and 2V for outputs 5. tOE is referenced to CE or the addresses, whichever occurs last. 6. Effective Capacitance calculated from the equation C : : : ~~ where!:::. V ::;: 3V. 7. Typical numbers are for TA = 25°C and VCC = 5.0V. 8. tOF is applicable to both CE and QE, whichever occurs first. 9. DE may follow up to tACC-tOE afterthefalling edge of CE without effecting tACC' PROGRAM OPERATIONs RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS s (TA = 25°C ± 5°C)(Vee = +5V ± 5%, Vpp = 25V ± 1V) SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX UNITS V IL Input Low Level -0.1 0.8 V V IH Input High Level 2.0 Vee + 1 V MIN MAX UNITS NOTES 10 JJA 3 100 mA DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25°C ± 5°C) (Vee = +5V ± 5%, Vpp = 25V NOTES ± 1V) SYM PARAMETER IlL Input Leakage Current lee Vee Power Supply Current IpPl Vpp Supply Current 10 mA 4 IpP2 Vpp Supply Current during Programming Pulse 30 mA 5 XIV-10 MOSTEI(. MILITARYIHIGH-REL PRODUCTS Extended Temperature, Extended Burn-In Industrial Processing Z80/Z80A Central Processing Unit MK13880-70/74 FEATURES o 44 hr. min., 125°C burn-in plus industrial screening for greater reliability(see Figure 6for processing description) o -4Q°C to 85°C temperature range o Two speeds • 2.5 MHz • 4.0 MHz MKI3880(P)-70 (Z80 CPU) MKI3880(P)-74 (Z80A CPU) DESCRIPTION The Mostek Z80 family of components is a significant advancement in the state-of-art of microcomputers. These components can be configured with any type of standard semiconductor memory to generate computer systems with an extremely wide range of capabilities. For example, as few as two LSI circuits and three standard TIL MSI packages can be combined to form a simple controller. With additional memory and I/O devices, a computer can be constructed with capabilities that only a minicomputer could deliver previously. This wide range of computational power allows standard modules to be constructed by a user that can satisfy the requirements of an extremely wide range of applications. o Single 5-Volt supply and single-phase clock required o Software compatible with 8080A CPU o Complete development and OEM system product support o Military MKB version available (-55°C/125°C) o Typical power 625 mW specific peripheral device, store it in a location in memory, check the parity, and write it out to another peripheral device. Note that the Mostek component set includes the CPU and various general purpose I/O device controllers, as well as a wide range of memory devices. Thus, all required components can be connected together in a very simple manner with virtually no other external logic. The user's effort then becomes primarily one of the software development. That is, the user can concentrate on describing his problem and translating it into a series of instructions that can be loaded into the microcomputer memory. Mostek is dedicated to making this step of software generation as simple as possible. A good example of this is our assembly language in which a simple mnemonic is used to represent every instruction that the CPU can perform. This language is self-documenting in such a way that from the mnemonic the user can understand exactly what the instruction is doing without constantly checking back to a complex cross listing. Please refer to the Z80 Data Book for extensive Z80 operation documentation. The CPU is the heart of the system. Its function is to obtain instructions from the memory and perform the desired operations. The memory is used to contain instructions and, in most cases, data that is to be processed. For example, a typical instruction sequence may be to read data from a ZSO-CPU BLOCK DIAGRAM ZSO PIN CONNECTIONS Figure 1 Figure 2 {'" "...--------, ""'" "" u:mtl SYSTEM CONTROL RD RFSii" Hill INSTRUCTION OECODE iYA1T" .......... ./'-""" _ _ _ / 1 CPU " CPU AND SYSTEM CONTROL SIGNALS CPO CONTROL CONTROL ~~ CONTROL { iiii't NMi .....,. {"""" BUSAK .,. .,. XIV-11 Z80 CPU MKI3880(P)-70 MKI3880(P)-74 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Temperature Under Bias ..................................................................... -40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature .................................................................... " . -65°C to +150°C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground ..................................................... -0.3 V to + 7 V Power Dissipation .................................................................................. 1.5 W *Stressesabove those listed under "Absolute Maxim'urn Ratings" maycause permanent damage tathe device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operation sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (TA ~ -40°C to 85°C, Vee ~ 5 V ± 5% unless otherwise specified) SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX UNITS VILe Clock Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.8 V VIHe Clock Input High Voltage V ee-·6 V ee +·3 V VIL Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.8 V VIH Input High Voltage All inputs except NMI 2.4 Vee V VIH(NMI) Input High Voltage (NMI) 2.7 Vee V MAX UNITS 0.4 V IOL = 1.8mA V IOH = -250 JJA =o to Vee TYP TEST CONDITIONS DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = -40°C to 85°C, Vee = 5 V ± 5% unless otherwise specified) TEST CONDITIONS SYM PARAMETER VOL Output Low Voltage V OH Output High Voltage Icc Power Supply Current 200 mA III Input Leakage Current ±10 JJA VIN ILOH Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float 10 JJA VOUT = 2.4 to Vee Tri-State Output Leakage Current in Float -10 JJA VOUT= 0.4V Data Bus Leakage Current In Input Mode ±10 JJA O te t.v(cI>H) tw(cI>L) tr,f 180 180 [12] (D) 2000 30 !-,sec nsec nsec nsec to(AOI tF(AO) taem Address Output Delay Delay to Float Address Stable Prior to MREO (Memory Cycle) Address Stable Prior to 10RO, RD or WR (1/0 Cycle) Address Stable From RD, WR, 10RO or MREO Address Stable From RD or WR During Float 145 110 [1] nsec nsec nsec [2] nsec [3] nsec [4] nsec Ao-15 tae; tea teaf to(OI tF(O) tS(O) 0 0 .7 ts'¥(O) t dem tde; tcdf tH tOL(i;(MRI MRro tOH(MRI tOH (ROI RD tOL¥(RO) tOH(ROI tOH<$(RO) Period Pulse Width, Clock High Pulse Width, Clock Low Rise and Fall Time Data Output Delay Delay to Float During Write Cycle Data Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock During M1 Cycle Data Setup Time to Falling Edge at Clock During M2 to M5 Data Stable Prior to WR (Memory Cycle) Data Stable Prior to WR (1/0 Cycle) Data Stable From WR Input Hold Time MREO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, MREO Low MREO Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, MREO High MREO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, MREO High Pulse Width, MREO Low Pulse Width, MREO High 10RO Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, 10RO Low 10RO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, 10RO Low 10RO Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, 10RO High 10RO Delay From. Falling Edge of Clock, 10RO High RD Delay From RD Low RD Delay From RD Low RD Delay From RD High RD Delay From RD High 50 nsec nsec nsec 60 nsec [5] nsec [6] [7] 0 nsec nsec nsec 250 90 100 nsec 100 nsec 100 nsec [8] [9] CL = 50pF Except T3-M 1 CL = 50pF CL = 50pF nsec nsec 90 nsec 110 nsec 100 nsec 110 nsec Rising Edge of Clock, 100 nsec Falling Edge of Clock, 130 nsec Rising Edge of Clock, 100 nsec Falling Edge of Clock, 110 nsec XIV-13 TEST CONDITIONS CL = 50pF CL = 50pF AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Cont.) (TA = -40°C to 85°C, Vcc = +5 V, ± 5%, unless otherwise noted) SIGNAL WR SYM PARAMETER tOL(WR) WR Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, WRLow WR Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, tOL<$(WRI tOH(WR) IW(WRL) t OL(Ml) M1 t OH(Ml) RFSH tOL(RF) tOH(RF) MIN MAX UNIT 80 nsec 90 nsec 100 nsec WR Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, WR High Pulse Width, WR Low [10) nsec M1 Delay From Rising Edge of Clock M1 Low M1 Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, M1 High 130 nsec 130 nsec RFSH Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, RFSH Low RFSH Delay From Rising Edge of Clock RFSH High 180 nsec 150 nsec CL = 50pF CL = 30pF tS(WT) WAIT Setup Time to Falling Edge of Clock HALT to(HT) HALT Delay Time From Falling Edge of Clock INT ts(IT) INT Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock 80 nsec NMI tw{NML) Pulse Width, NMI Low 80 nsec BUSRO ts(BQ) BUSRO Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock 80 nsec BUSAK tOL(BA) BUSAK Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, BUSAK Low BUSAK Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, BUSAK High RESET 120 nsec 110 nsec CL = 50pF CL = 50pF tF(C) Delay to/from Float (MREO, IORO, RD andWRI) tmr M 1 Stable Prior to IORO (Interrupt Ack.) nsec 90 80 NOTES: [11) [11] [12] A. Data should be enabled onto the CPU data bus when RD is active. During interrupt acknowledge data should be enabled when M1 and IORO are both 'w nsec 300 RESET Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock active. B. The RESET signal must be active for a minimum of 3 clock cycles. C. Output Delay VS. Load Capacitance TA =85°e Vee = 5V ± 5% Add 10 nsec delay for each 50pF increase in load up to a maximum of 200pF for the data bus and 1OOpF for address and control lines. D. Although static by design, testing guarantees tw (4)H) of 200 /Lsec maximum. [1] laern = Iw (
Ao-15 SYM PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT te tw(H) tw(L) tr,f Clock Clock Clock Clock .25 110 110 [12] (D) 2000 30 ,.,sec nsec nsec nsec tD(AD) tF(AD) taem Address Output Delay Delay to Float Address Stable Prior to MREO (Memory Cycle) Address Stable Prior to 10RO, RD or WR (I/O Cycle) Address Stable From RD, WR, 10RO or MREO Address Stable From RD or WR During Float 110 90 [1] nsec nsec nsec [2] nsec [3] nsec [4] nsec taei tea teaf tD(D) tF(D) tS (D) DO_7 tS~(D) tdem t dei tedf tH tDL~(MR) MREO tDH (MR) tDH~(MR) tw(MRL) tw(MRH) tDL (IR) tDLij;(IR) 10RO tDH;j;(IR) tDH (IR) tDL (RD) RD tDLij;(RD) tDH (RD) tDH¥(RD) Period Pulse Width, Clock High Pulse Width, Clock Low Rise and Fall Time Data Output Delay Delay to Float During Write Cycle Data Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock During M1 Cycle Data Setup Time to Falling Edge at Clock During M2 to M5 Data Stable Prior to WR (Memory Cycle) Data Stable Prior to WR (I/O Cycle) Data Stable From WR Input Hold Time MREO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, MREO Low MREO Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, MREO High MREO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, MREO High Pulse Width, MREO Low Pulse Width, MREO High IORO Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, 10RO Low 10RO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, 10RO Low IORO Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, 10RO High 10RO Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, 10RO High RQ.Pelay From RD Low RD Delay From RD Low RD Delay From RD High RD Delay From RD High 170 90 35 nsec nsec nsec 50 nsec [5] nsec [6] [7] 0 nsec nsec nsec 20 85 nsec 85 nsec 85 nsec CL = 50pF Except T3-M1 CL = 50pF CL = 50pF nsec nsec [8] [9] 75 nsec 85 nsec 85 nsec 85 nsec Rising Edge of Clock, 85 nsec Falling Edge of Clock, 95 nsec Rising Edge of Clock, 85 nsec Falling Edge of Clock, 85 nsec XIV-15 TEST CONDITIONS CL = 50pF CL = 50pF II AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Cont.) (TA = -40°C to 85°C, V cc = +5 V, ± 5%, unless otherwise noted) SIGNAL WR SYM PARAMETER tOL(WR) WR Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, WRLow WR Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, WRLow WR Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, WR High Pulse Width, WR Low tOL(WR) tOH(WR) tw(WRL) t Ol(Ml ) Ml t OH(Ml) RFSH tOl(RF) tOH(RF) MIN MAX UNIT 65 nsec 80 nsec 80 nsec [10] Ml Delay From Rising Edge of Clock Ml Low Ml Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, Ml High 100 nsec 100 nsec 130 nsec 120 nsec CL = 50pF RFSH Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, RFSH Low RFSH Delay From Rising Edge of Clock RFSH High CL = 50pF tS(WT) WAIT Setup Time to Falling Edge of Clock HALT to(HT) HALT Delay Time From Falling Edge of Clock INT ts(IT) INT Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock 80 nsec NMI tw(NML) Pulse Width, NMI Low 80 nsec BUSRO ts(BQ) BUSRO Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock 50 nsec BUSAK tOl(BA) BUSAK Delay From Rising Edge of Clock, BUSAK Low BUSAK Delay From Falling Edge of Clock, BUSAK High RESET nsec 70 300 nsec 100 nsec 100 nsec CL = 50pF CL = 50pF ts(RS) RESET Setup Time to Rising Edge of Clock tF(C) Delay to/From Float (MREO, IORO, RDandWR) tmr Ml Stable Prior to IORO (Interrupt Ack.) nsec 60 80 NOTES. A. Data should be enabled onto the CPU data bus when AD is active. During interrupt acknowledge data should be enabled when M1 and IORO are both active, B. The RESET signal must be active for a minimum of 3 clock cycles. C. Output Delay vs. Load Capacitance TA = 85'e Vee = 5V ± 5% Add 10 nsec delay for each 50pF increase in load up to a maximum of 200pF for the data bus and 100pF for address and control lines. D. Although static by design, testing guarantees tw ( H) of 200 J.tsec maximum [1] laem =Iw (HI + If -65 [2] laei =Ie -70 [3] lea =Iw (LI + Ir -50 [4] leaf = Iw (LI + Ir -45 [5] Idem =Ie -170 [6] Idei =Iw(LI + Ir -170 [7] Icdt = Iw (LI + Ir -70 [8] Iw (liifltLl = Ie -30 [9] Iw (MRHI = Iw (HI + If -40 CL = 50pF nsec WAIT tOH(BA) TEST CONDITIONS [11] [10] [11] [12] nsec nsec Iw (WRI = Ie -30 Imr = 21e + Iw (HI + If -65 Ie =Iw (HI + Iw (LI + Ir + If LOAD CIRCUIT FOR OUTPUT Figure 4 TEST POINT FROM OUTPUT UNDER TEST --r----t----K XIV-16 R,-2.1Kll CAPACITANCE TA = 25°C, f = 1 MHz SYM PARAMETER MAX UNIT TEST CONOITIONS C Clock Capacitance 35 pF Unmeasured Pins CIN Input Capacitance 5 pF Returned to Ground COUT Output Capacitance 10 pF AC TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 5 Timing measurements are made at the following voltages, unless otherwise specified. =y..H-_-_-__ CLOCK OUTPUT INPUT FLOAT NMI "1 " Vee -.6 2.0V 2.4V ;:, V 2.7V "0" .BV .BV .BV ±05V ~O} A o_1s -_-tt----_-_-_-1_k./ ''---H------t-----j-,/}< ___ _ ---- ~;.'~~-- f--~--- -- IN °0_7 '0'0' { M1 - ""- ~DH'R.r")'r-' 1,,'_DL_'M_1)-tt__ 1----- -- --- ~--- tOLIRFJ_ ~: :~ ~-'-.-'-m: -I~ -·-D-L·-'i+lIi!-'- '-DH.:. :. .'M-R-'_-+ -./. . wf,;::' ~ -- 'w,mF:l RD 'DHirR'- D.±- _ _ _..,." tOL (RD) tOH4>(RDI- ;Jr--+l--t---t-+-.., /'t--f--tt--i1 tOH'iIROI- I _tn; ----+---1+-----1-1----++--+---1-1---++--"'"'- ' URJ I IORQ----II--.-m'---+l-~" 'DHOIIR,- }Ir--++--+----++-,.+-; _ ___ );~t ~ ~'C' l't-;:.DO'"L~!-,'W:::"R:l'ft-- tOl$I!Rl , r-- _ - vt--+-tt--tt-'H-t+t.l.l 'FlO} ._DH_'M_'_'_-t1,. . /~/I- OUT , - rr ..__.r- h,_ __ tOH4>[WR) - 'Dii"RI- kh"._.r- ~IROltOH4>IRO'" Ro----tt------t~~--+--++--.. II 1-: ,rh,. .OL.,W:::R:;-,...~ft--+'Pk ~ '" iNA NMi ~ 5- h .. _.r- tdci :::_________F '"k--__ INT tOH4>IWR)- _.r- '''"'::J ----------------'>C -Y-'---~--- _________________'_W'_NML_"'__ ~~___________....·t=-~ ____~ BUSRQ tOHI8AI tOlISA) BUSAK RESET ____________ ~DS(RSI tH , -_ ___ ____ I " , _______ _ XIV-17 II MKI INDUSTRIAL HI-REL SCREENING Figure 6 Screen MIL-STD 883 Method Reqmt. Die Inspect Pre-Seal Inspect 75X Mostek Spec. 30X-60X Mostek Spec. 100% 100% Environmental Temperature Cycle Centrifuge Fine Leak Gross Leak 1010 Condo C, 5 Cycles 2001 Condo D, 20Kg Yj 1014 Condo B, 1 X 10' atm cc/sec Mostek Spec. 100% 100% 100% 100% Electrical Electrical Screens 5005 Grp. A electrical sub-groups, testing conditions and limits which guarantee ac, dc and functional performance over the full temperature range. 100% Voltage Stress (DRAMs only) 1015 Condo D, 10 hrs. min., 125°C 100% Burn-in 1015 Condo D, 44 hrs. min., 125°C 100% Fine and gross leak samples 5005 Grp. A sample testing to guarantee performance to data sheet over full temp. range. Visual tests to guarantee marking, construction and mechanical integrity .25%AOL .4%AOL Package Assembly QA Acceptance Hermeticity Electrical Tests Visual/Mechanical Solderabil ity Pre-shipment Inspect. .65%AOL LTPD 10 .65%AOL XIV-18 MOSfEI{. MILITARYIHIGH-REL PRODUCTS Extended Temperature, Extended Burn-in Industrial Processing Parallel 1/0 Controller MKI3881'-70/74 FEATURES DESCRIPTION o Two independent 8 bit bidirectional peripheral interface ports with 'handshake' data transfer control The Z80 Parallel 1/0 Circuit is a programmable, two port device which provides a TTL compatible interface between peripheral devices and the Z80-CPU. The CPU can configure the Z80-P10 to interface with a wide range of peripheral devices with no other external logic required. Typical peripheral devices that are fully compatible with the Z80-P10 include most keyboards, paper tape readers and punches, printers, PROM programmers, etc. The Z80-P10 utilizes N channel silicon gate depletion load technology and is packaged in a hermetic 40 pin DIP. o Interrupt driven 'handshake' for fast response o Anyone of four distinct modes of operation may be selected for a port including: • Byte output • Byte input • Byte bidirectional bus (Available on Port A only) • Bit control mode All with interrupt controlled handshake o Daisy chain priority interrupt logic included to provide for automatic interrupt vectoring without external logic o Eight outputs are capable of driving Darlington transistors o -40°C to +85°C operating range o 44 hour Mil Spec burn in o MKB3881 available for military requirements per MIL-STD-883B o Typical ordering: MKI3881 P-70 MKI3881 P-74 2.5 MHz Z80-P10 4.0 MHz Z80-P10 PIO BLOCK DIAGRAM C'" INTERFACE One of the unique features of the Z80-P10 that separates it from other interface controllers is that all data transfer between the peripheral device and the CPU is accomplished under total interrupt control. The interrupt logic of the Pia permits full usage ofthe efficient interrupt capabilities ofthe Z80-CPU during 1/0 transfers. All logic necessary to implement a fully nested interrupt structure is included in the Pia so that additional circuits are not required. Another unique feature of the Pia is that it can be programmed to interrupt the CPU on the occurrence of specified status conditions in the peripheral device. For example, the Pia can be programmed to interrupt if any specified peripheral alarm conditions should occur. This interrupt capability reduces the amount of time that the processor must spend in polling peripheral status. PIO PIN CONFIGURATION PERIPHERAL INTERFACE ,~,".""{,,,,..~ :: C""TROL INTENA,:'.'i:'22 17l9'1J '----~ XIV-19 XIV·20 MOSTEI{. MILITARYIHIGH-REL PRODUCTS Extended Temperature, Extended Burn-in Industrial Processing Counter Timer Circuit MKI3882 (P/J)-70/74 FEATURES DESCRIPTION o Each channel may be selected to operate in either Counter Mode or Timer Mode The l80-Counter Timer Circuit (CTC) is a programmable component with four independent channels that provide counting and timing functions for microcomputer systems based on the l80-CPU. The CPU can configure the CTC channels to operate under various modes and conditions as required to interface with a wide range of devices. In most applications, little or no external logic is required. The l80CTC utilizes N-channel silicon gate depletion load technology and is packaged in a 28-pin DIP. The l80-CTC requires only a single 5 volt supply and a one-phase 5 volt clock. o Used in either mode, a CPU-readable Down Counter indicates number of counts-to-go until zero o A Time Constant Register can automatically reload the Down Counter at Countlero in Counter and Timer Mode o Selectable positive or negative trigger initiates time operation in Timer Mode. The same input is monitored for event counts in Counter Mode o Three channels have lero Count/Timeout outputs capable of driving Darlington transistors o Interrupts may be programmed to occur on the zero count condition in any channel o Daisy chain priority interrupt logic included to provide for automatic interrupt vectoring without external logic o -40°C to +85°C operating range o 44 hour Mil Spec burn in o MKB3882 available for military requirements per MIL-STD-883B o Typical ordering: MK13882P-70 MK13882P-74 A block diagram of the l80-CTC is shown in the figure. The internal structure ofthe l80-CTC consists of a l80-CPU bus interface, I nterna I Control Log ic, fou r sets of Counter/Timer Channel Logic, and Interrupt Control Logic. The four independent counter/timer channels are identified by sequential numbersfromOto 3. The CTC hasthe capability of generating a unique interrupt vector for each separate channel (for automatic vectoring to an interrupt service routine). The 4 channels can be connected into four contiguous slots in the standard l80 priority chain with channel number 0 having the highest priority. The CPU bus interface logic allows the CTC device to interface directly to the CPU with no other external logic. However, port address decoders and/or line buffers may be required for large systems. 2.5 MHzl80-CTC 4.0 MHz l80-CTC ZBO-CTC BLOCK DIAGRAM ZBO-CTC PIN CONFIGURATION ZERO COUNTI TIMEOUT 0 CLOCK/TRIGGER 0 ZEROCOUNTI nMEOUT1 CLOCK/TRIGGER 1 ZEROCOUNTI TIMEOUT 2 CLOCK/TRIGGER 2 --1 -1 ". cs,'i .- ,~."" {,~'NTEN"'~"" COOlfAOL .~ XIV-21 "'elK/TRIl, XIV-22 MOSTEI{® MILITARYIHIGH-REL PRODUCTS Extended Temperature, Extended Burn-In Industrial Processing 16,384 X 1-Bit Dynamic RAM MKI4116(J)-72/73/74 FEATURES o Low power: 462 mW active, 30 mW standby (max) o o Output data controlled by CAS and unlatched at end of cycle to allow two dimensional chip selection and extended page boundary o Common 1/0 capability using "early write" operation o Read-modify-write, RAS-only refresh, and page-mode capability o All inputs TIL compatible, low capacitance, and protected against static charge o 128 refresh cycles (2 msec refresh interval) o MKB military version available (-55 to 110°C) Extended operating temperature range (-40°C :S TA :S +85°C) o 44 hr. min., 125°C burn-in plus industrial screening for greater reliability(see Figure 3 for processing description) o Recognized industry standard 16-pin configuration from Mostek o 150 ns access time, 320 ns cycle (MKI4116-72) 200 ns access time, 375 ns cycle (MKI4116-73) 250 ns access time, 410 ns cycle (MKI4116-74) o ± 10"10 tolerance on all power supplies (+12 V, ± 5 V) The MKI4116 is a new generation MOS dynamic random access memory circuit organized as 16,384 words by 1 bit. As a state-of-the-art MOS memory device, the MKI4116 (16K RAM) incorporates advanced circuit techniques designed to provide wide operating margins, both internally and to the system user, while achieving performance levels in speed and power previously seen only in Mostek's high performance MK4027 (4K RAM). The technology used to fabricate the MKI4116 is Mostek's double-poly, N-channel silicon gate, POLY ITM process. This process, coupled with the use of a single transistor dynamic storage cell, provides the maximal circuit density and reliability, while maintaining high performance capability. The use of dynamic circuitry throughout, including sense amplifiers, assures that power dissipation is minimized without any sacrifice in speed or operating margin. These factors combine to make the MKI4116 a truly superior RAM product. BLOCK DIAGRAM PIN CONNECTIONS Figure 1 Figure 2 DESCRIPTION VBB 1 _VOl> --'" 16 vss __ vv.s .. _ D'N 2 15 CAS WRITE 3 Ao 5 14 13 12 A2 6 11 A4 RAS 4 '.-----1 A, 7 ,,-----I '.-----1 10 voo 8 '. - - - - - I ." '. _ _---IA~~pRjTSS " _ _---I BU~~~RS ,,-----I DOUT A6 A3 As 9 vee PIN NAMES AD - A6 Address Inputs CAS Col. Address Strobe Data In D'N ~T Data Out RAS Row Address Strobe XIV-23 WR E V BB Vee Voo Vss Read/Write Input Power (-5V) Power (+5V) Power (+12V) Ground ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on any pin relative to Vss ............................................ , ................ -0.5 V to +20 V Voltage on Voo. VCC supplies relative to V ss .........................•......•................. -1.0 V to + 15.0 V Vss - Vss (V OD - Vss > 0 V) .................... ", ......................•...............................• OV Operating Temperature, TA (Ambient) ....•.........................................•........... -40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature (Ambient) .............................................................. -65°C to +150°C Short Circuit Output Current ......................................................................... 50 mA Power Dissipation ...............................................................•.................. 1 Watt *Stresses greater than 'those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device, This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS6 (-40°C S TAS +85°C) SYM PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES VOO Supply Voltage 10.8 12.0 13.2 V 2 Vcc Supply Voltage 4.5 5.0 5.5 V 2,3 VSS Supply Voltage 0 0 0 V 2 -4.5 -5.0 -5.5 V 2 Vss Supply Voltage V IHC Input ~ (Logic 1) Voltage, RAS, CAS, WRITE 2.7 - 7.0 V 2 V IH Input High (Logic 1) Voltage, all inputs except RAS, CAS, WRITE 2.4 - 7.0 V 2 Input Low (Logic 0) Voltage, all inputs -1.0 - .8 V 2 MAX UNITS NOTES 35 mA 4 5 400 pA 2.25 10 200 mA 27 10 mA V IL DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (_40DC S TA S +85°C) (Voo = 5.0 V ± 10"16; -5.5 V S VSS S -4.5 V; Vss SYM PARAMETER 1001 ICCl ISSl OPERATING CURRENT Average power supply operating current (RAS, CAS cycling; t RC = t RC (min) 1002 ICC2 ISS2 STANDBY CURRENT Power supply standby current (RAS DOUT = High Impedance) 1003 ICC3 ISS3 REFRESH CURRENT Average power supply current, refesh mode (RAS cycling. CAS = V IH6 t RC =t RC min) 1004 ICC4 ISS4 PAGE MODE CURRENT Average power supply current, page-mode operation (RAS = V IL, CAS cycling; tpc = tpc min) =0 V) MIN = V IHC' -10 -10 pA pA 400 pA pA 27 mA 400 pA IIIL) INPUT LEAKAGE Input leakage, any input (Vss = -5 V, 0 V S VIN S +7.0 V. all other pins not under test = 0 volts) -10 10 pA IO(L) OUTPUT LEAKAGE Output leakage current (DOUT is disabled, VS VOUTS +5.5 V) -10 10 pA 0.4 V V 4 4 5 o V OH VOL OUTPUT LEVELS Output high (Logic 1) voltage (lOUT = -5 mAl Output low (Logic 0) voltage (lOUT = 4.2 mAl XIV-24 2.4 3 \ RECOMMENDED AC OPERATING CONDITIONS AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(6?,8) (Voo = 12.0V± 10%; VCC = 5.0V± 10%, VSS = OV, -5.5 V~VBB~-4.5 V) (-40°C~TA~85°C)1 SYM PARAMETER MK14116-72 MK14116-73 MK14116-74 MIN MIN MIN MAX MAX MAX UNITS NOTES 320 375 410 ns 9 t AWC Read-write cycle time 320 375 425 ns 9 tAMW Read-modify-write cycle time 320 405 500 ns 9 tpc Page mode cycle time 170 225 275 ns 9 t RAC Access time from RAS 150 200 250 ns 10,12 tCAC Access time from CAS 100 135 165 ns 11,12 tOFF Output buffer turn-off delay 0 40 0 50 0 60 ns 13 tT Transition time (rise and fall) 3 35 3 50 3 50 ns 8 tAP RAS precharge time 100 t AAS RAS pulse width 150 t AsH RAS hold time 100 tCSH CAS hold time 150 tCAS CAS pulse width 100 5000 135 5000 165 5000 ns tACO RAS to CAS delay time 20 50 25 65 35 85 ns !cAP CAS to RAS precharge time 0 0 0 ns tASA Row Address set-up time 0 0 0 ns tRAH Row Address hold time 20 25 35 ns t ASC Column Address set-up time 0 0 0 ns tCAH Column Address hold time 45 55 75 ns tAA Column Address hold time referenced to RAS 95 120 160 ns t ACS Read command set-up time 0 0 0 ns t AC Random read or write cycle time 120 5000 200 150 5000 135 250 ns 5000 165 ns 250 200 ns ns 0 0 0 ns t WCH Write command hold time 45 55 75 ns t WCA Write command hold time referenced to RAS 95 120 160 ns tACH Read command hold time 15 twp Write command pulse width 45 55 75 ns t AWL Write command to RAS lead time 50 70 85 ns tCWL Write command to CAS lead time 50 70 85 ns tos Data-in set-up time 0 0 0 ns 15 tOH Date-in hold time 45 55 75 ns 15 tOHA Data-in hold time referenced toRAS 95 120 160 ns tcp CAS precharge time (for page-mode cycle only) 60 80 100 ns XIV-25 1:1 RECOMMENDED ACOPERATINGCONDITIONS AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Cont.)(6,1,8) (-40°C :s TA:S +85°C)' (V DD := 12.0 V ± 10"10; Vee = 5.0 V ± 10%, V55 = 0 V, -5.5 V :s VBB :s -4.5 V) MK14116-72 MIN SYM PARAMETER tREF MK14116-73 MIN MAX MIN 2 2 Refresh period MAX MK14116-74 MAX UNITS 2 NOTES ms 19 twe5 WRITE command set-up time 0 0 0 ns 16 tewD CAS to WRITE delay 60 80 90 ns 16 t RWD RAS to WRITE delay 110 145 175 ns 16 CAPACITANCE (-40°C :s TA:S +85°C) (V DD = 12.0 V ± 10%; V 55 := 0 V; -5.5 V :s VBB :s -4.5 V) SYM PARAMETER TYP MAX UNITS NOTES CI1 Input Capacitance (Ao - A 6 ), DIN 4 5 pF 17 CI2 Input Capacitance, RAS, CAS, WRITE 8 10 pF 17 Co Output Capacitance (OOUl) 5 7 pF 17,18 NOTES: 1. TA is specified here for operation at frequencies to tRC 2: tRC (min). Operation at higher cycle rates with reduced ambient temperatures and higher power dissipation is permissible, however, provided AC operating parameters are met. 2. All voltages referenced to VSS. 3. Qutputvoltage will swing from VSS toVccwhen activated with nocurrent loading. For purposes of maintaining data in standby mode, Vee may be reduced to VSS without affecting refresh operations or data retention. However, the VOH (min) specifications is not guaranteed in this mode. 4. 100l' 1003. and 1004 depend on cycle rate. See Figures 2.3 and 410r 100 limits at other cycle rates. 5. ICCl and ICC4 depend upon output loading. During readout of high level data VCC is connected through a low impedance (135 ntyp)toaata out.At all other times ICC consists of leakage currents only. 6. Several cycles are required after power-up before proper device operation is achieved. Any 8 cycles which perform refresh are adequate for this purpose. 7. AC measurements assume tr = 5 ns. 8. VIHc(min) or VIL (max) are reference levels for measuring timing of input signals. Also, transition times are measured between VIHC or VIH or VIL. 9. The specifications for tRC (min)tRMW(min) are used only to indicate cycle which proper operation over the full temperature range (-40°C::; TA :::; 85"C) is assured. DESCRIPTION (Continued) Multiplexed address inputs (a feature pioneered by Mostek for its 4K RAMs) permits the MKI4116 to be packaged in a standard 16-pin DIP. This recognized industry standard package configuration, while compatible with widely avail- 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Assumes that tRCD ::; tRCD (max). If tRCD is greater than the maximum recommended value shown in this table, tRCD will increase by the amount that tRCO exceeds the value shown. Assumes that tRCD 2:" tRCD (max) Measured with a load equivalent to 2 TTL loads and 1(;OpF. tOPI (r'!lax) defines the time at which the output achieves the open cirCUit condition and is not referenced to output voltage levels. Operation within the tRCO (max) limit insures that tRAC (max) can be met tRCO (max) is specified as a reference point only, iftRCP is greater than the specified tRCD (max) limit, then access time is controlled exclusively by tCAC' These parameters are referenced to CAS leading edge in early write cycles and to WRITE leading edge in delayed write or read-modify-write cycles. twcs, tCWD, and tRWO are restrictive operating parameters in read-write and read-modify-write cycles only. If twcs $twcs (min), the cycle is an early write cycle and the data out pin will remain open circuit (high impedance) throughout the entire cycle .. lf tCWD::; tewD (min) and tRWD $ tRWD (min), the cycle is a read-write cycle and the data out will contain data read from the selected cell. If neither of the above sets of conditions is satisfied the condition of the data out (at access time) is indeterminate. Effective capacitance calculated from the equation C =~with t.:.V = 3 volts and power supplies at nominal levels. f::::.V CAS = VIHC to disable 00UT able automated testing and insertion equipment, provides highest possible system bit densities and simplifies system upgrade from 4K to 16K RAMs for new generation applications. Non-critical clock timing requirements allow use of the mUltiplexing technique while maintaining high performance. XIV-26 I! UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK Mostek Corporation, 1 215 West Crosby Rd . Carrollton, Texas 75006 USA; (214) 323 -6000 In Europe, Contact Mostek Brussels 270-272 Avenue de Tervuren (BTE21) B-1150 Brussels, Belgium; Telephone: 762 .18.80 PRINTED IN USA May 1982 Copyright 1982 by Mostek Corporation All rights Rese rved
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