1983_Mostek_Computer_Products_Data_Book 1983 Mostek Computer Products Data Book
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1983 COMPUTER PRODUCTS DATA BOOK Copyright © 1983 Mostek Corporation (All rights reserved) Trade Ma rks Registered ® Mostek reserves the right to make changes in specifications at any time and without notice. The information furnished by Mostek in this publication is believed to be acurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Mostek for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use. No license is granted under any patents or patent rights of Mostek. PRINTED IN USA March 1983 1983 COMPUTER PRODUCTS DATA BOOK Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS I. II. III. Table of Contents . ................................................................ 1-1 General Information Mostek - Technology for Today and Tomorrow .................... '" .. '" ................ 11-1 U.S. and Canadian Sales Offices ........................................................ 11-5 U.S. and Canadian Representatives ...................................................... 11-6 U.S. and Canadian Distributors .................... '" .. " .............................. 11-7 International Sales Representatives/Distributors .......................................... 11-8 International Marketing Offices ......................................................... 11-9' European Sales Representatives/Distributors ............................................. 11-9 VMEbus VME-SBC .......................................................................... 111-1 VME-SASI ......................................................................... 111-13 VME-SIO .......................................................................... 111-23 VME-FDC .......................................................................... 111-33 VME-DRAM ....................................................................... 111-37 MMCPU .................................................•......................... 111-41 VME Baseline System ............................................................... 111-45 IV. STD-Z80 Bus STD-Z80 Bus Systems ................................................................ IV-1 IVA. STD Bus Microcomputer Systems Matrix 80/0EM .............................................................•...... IVA-1 Matrix 01 0, 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. IVA-11 Matrix 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. IVA-19 IVB. MDX Series Data Processing MDX-CPU1 and MDX-CPU1A ...................................................•.... IVB-1 MDX-CPU2A ....................................................................... IVB-7 MDX-CPU3 ...................................................................... IVB-15 MDX-CPU4 ...................................................................... IVB-21 MDX-Math ...................................................................... IVB-29 MD-SBC1 ....................................................................... IVB-35 IVC. MDX Series Input/Output MDX Series System Interrupt Units (SIU) Table .......................................... IVC-l MDX-FLP2 ......................................................................... IVC-3 MDX-SASI-1 ....................................................................... IVC-9 MDX-~ASI-2 ................. " ................................................. " IVC-15 MDX-488 ........................................................................ IVC-23 MDX-ISIO ....................................................................... IVC-25 MDX-SI02 ....................................................................... IV'C-27 MDX-4221 ....................................................................... IVC-47 MDX-422N ...................................................................... IVC-51 RSCU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. IVC-55 RIOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. IVC-63 DIOB1 .......................................................................... IVC-71 DIOP ...................................•.......•....•......•.................... IVC-77 MDX-PIO ....................................................•...•............... IVC-89 1-1 IVD. MD Series Memory MOX-ORAM .••......................................................•............. IVO-1 MOX-EPROM/UART ................................. : ................•............. IVO-7 MOX-UMC .•..•.................................................................. IVO-17 MOX-UMC2 ..................................................................... IVO-23 MOX-BRAM ..................................................................... IVO-29 MOX-RAM 64/128 .......................................•......................• IVO-33 IVE. MD Series Special Functions MOX-OEBUG ...................................................................... IVE-1 MOX-INT ..........................................•............................... IVE-7 MOX-SC/O ...•................................................................... IVE-13 MOX-PFO ....•................................................................... IVE-17 MOX-BCLK ...•.................................................................... IVE-21 IVF. M 0 Series Accessories MO-ACC .......................................................................... IVF-1 Matrix 80/0EM Printer Cable ........................................................ IVF-9 MOX-CPU3/4 Printer Cable ......................................................... IVF-11 MO-PWR1 ........................................................................ IVF-13 MO-RMC12 ....................................................................... IVF-15 HMOFSS ......................................................................... IVF-19 Enclosure ......................................................................... IVF-25 V. SO Series Data Processing SOE-Combo ......................................................................... V-1 OEM-80E .......................................................................... V-15 OCC-80E .................................................................•........ V-19 FLP-80E ........................................................................... V-25 RAM-80E .......................................................................... V-29 VOI-80E ........................................................................... V-33 V!. SDE Series Accessories sOE-Acc ........................................................................... VI-1 SOE-RMC6 ..................................................................•...... VI-5 VII. Development Systems Radius ............................................................................ VII-1 AIM 68000 ........................................................................ VII-5 . AIM Z80BE ....................................................................... VII-11 AIM 7XE .......................................................................... VII-15 EPP-1 .......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. VII-19 Matrix 80/S0S ..........................•......................................... VII-25 EVAL 70 ......................................................................... VII-29 PPG 8/16C .............................................. ; ........................ VII-33 Oewelopment System Ordering Guide ................................................. VII-35 1-2 VIII. Application Notes Interfacing Mostek's MDX-PIO to Opto-22 BP24 App. Note #1 ............................. VIII-1 MD-RMC12/MD-RMC12-50 App. Note #2 ...•......................................... VIII-5 MDX-CPU2A App. Note #3 .......................................................... VIII-11 Reset Circuit for MDX-CPU1 A App. Note #4 ........................................... VIII-13 Customizing MDX-CPU3 PROMs App. Note #5 ......................................... VIII-17 Upgrading from MDX-FLP1 to MDX-FLP2 App. Note #6 ....•............................ VIII-23 MDX-SASI1: The Hard Disk Interface App. Note #7 ..................................... VIII-27 MDX-FLP2 vs. MDX-FLP1: Hardware and Software Issues App. Note #B .................. VIII-35 MDX-CPU3/41/0 Drivers App. Note #10 ............................................. VIII-39 Pro-Log MOOD Universal PROM Programmer with the STD-ZBO Bus App. Note #11 ......... VIII-55 IX. Software Products M/OS-SO ......•....•.•....................................................•....... IX-1 MOSGEN ..................•...............................•........................ IX-5 ASM-6S000 ........................................................................ IX-7 Microsoft ......................... , ................................................. IX-9 CRASM ...•....................................................................... IX-11 MOD-LIB .......................................................................... IX-13 X. Integrated Digital Systems 8200 ...............................................................•............... X-1 1-3 1-4 1983 COMPUTER PRODUCTS DATA BOOK '. "_'", " __ . ' , . ' V< ~.~, .....,..,,, , .... "".... ,.... "·".,o, ...""' .. ,.... ...... ,.<>~, .~ ...,.,~ ...............,_..-...,... ""... ,«_...... ''''''''''~'''' ........ _''' ... '''''"''' "" General Information : :.:" ;,.~ ~ "\' . , ~. ~ ' .~" ." "'. ,. : :;; "-M' _ _ _ _ """'." w., Mostek - Technology For Today And Tomorrow Mostek goal is meeting specificatiolls the first time on every product. This goal requires a collective discipline from the company as well as individual efforts. Discipline, coupled with very personal pride, has enabled Mostek to build in quality at every level of production. TECHNOLOGY From its beginning, Mostek has been an innovator. From the developments ofthe 1 K dynamic RAM and the single-chip calculator in 1970 to the current 64K dynamic RAM, Mostek technological breakthroughs have proved the benefits and cost-effectiveness of metal oxide semiconductors. Today, Mostek represents one of the industry's most . productive bases of MOS/LSI technology, including Direct-Step-on-Wafer processing. The addition of the Microelectronics Research Center in Colorado Springs adds a new dimension to Mostek circuit design capabilities. Using the latest computer-aided design techniques, center engineers are keeping ahead of the future with new technologies and processes. PRODUCTION CAPABILITY The commitment to increasing production capability has made Mostek one of the world's largest manufacturers of dynamic RAMs. Mostek capital expenditures as a percentage of sales are one of the highest in the industry, enabling us to provide high volumes of quality state-of-the-art products. THE PRODUCTS QUALITY Memory Products The worth of a product is measured by how well it is designed, manufactured and tested, and by how well it works in your system. In design, production and testing, the Through innovations in circuit design, wafer processing and production, Mostek has become one of the 'industry's leading suppliers of dynamic RAMs. 11-1 Military Products An extension of the high quality in fabrication and design inherent in Mostek's product line allows many of our ICs to be made available screened to MIL-STD-883. In addition, select parts are qualified to the rigors of MIL-M-38510 and are processed on our QPL certified lines. The MKB product line begins with the complete memory products offering, and extends into microprocessors and gate arrays. Leadless Chip Carrier (LCC) packaging and prepared customer SCDs address the particular needs of the military community. Examples of Mostek leadership are families of x1 and x8 high-performance static RAMs and our extremely successful 64K ROMs with more codes processed than any other mask-ROM in the industry. Another performance and density milestone is our 256K ROM, the MK38000. Advanced circuit techniques and design used in our fast MK4564 64K dynamic RAM enhance manufacturability to satisfy the demands of a huge marketplace. This year Mostek introduced a new generation of 64K dynamic RAMs, operating at previously unheard-of speeds and breaking yet another barrier in VLSI technology. Telecommunications Products Mostek is a leading supplier of tone dialers, pulse dialers and CODEC devices. As each new generation of telecommunications systems emerges, Mostek is ready with new generation components, including PCM filters, tone decoders, repertory dialers, new integrated tone dialers, and pulse dialers. These products, many of them using CMOS technology, represent the most modern advancements in telecommunications component design. Memory Systems Taking full advantage of our leadership in memory components technology, Mostek offers a broad line of memory systems products, all with the performance and reliability to match our industry-standard circuits. Mostek offers add-in memory boards for popular DEC, Data General, and PerkinElmer minicomputers. Mostek also offers general-purpose and custom memory boards for special applications. Industrial Products Mostek's line of Industrial Products offers a high degree of versatility per device. This family of components includes various microprocessor-compatible AID converters, 11-2 a counter/time-base circuit for the division of clock signals, and combined counter/display decoders. A low parts count provides an economical alternative to discrete logic systems. Mostek MATRIXTM Development System is a stand-alone hardware and software debug and integration system. Microcomputer Components Mostek is the world's leading manufacturer of Z80-based STD BUS system components. This year Mostek introduced a new line of microsystems using the VMEbus and based on the MK68000. Computer systems include our MATRIX line, which uses STD BUS cards to let you custom-design your own system. Microcomputer Systems Mostek's microcomputer components cover the entire spectrum of microcomputer applications. Our MK68000 16-bit microprocessor family is designed for high-performance, memory-intensive systems. Our Z80 is today's industry-standard 8-bit microprocessor. The Mostek 3870 family of single-chip microcomputers offers upgrade options in ROM, RAM and I/O-all in the same socket. The MK38P70 EPROM piggyback microcomputer emulates the entire family and is ideal for low-volume applications. Development systems include the RADIUSTM remote development station that lets you use your host minicomputer to develop the applications software. The program is then downloaded into the RADIUS which then lets you perform realtime in-circuit emulation and debug. The Semicustom Circuits Using the technology developed by Mostek and United Technologies' Microelectronics Research Center, Mostek is the leader in semicustom circuit design. The Mostek HIGHLANDsM Design System is one of the most user-friendly, highly-automated, stateof-the-art semicustom circuit development tools in the industry. Mostek combines this highly-developed CAD system with highvolume CMOS production capability, enabling us to offer you quality gate arrays at a low cost. 11-3 11-4 U.S. AND CANADIAN SALES OFFICES CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS Mostek Corporation 1215 W Crosby Rd. P.O Box 169 Carrollton, Texas 75006 o REGIONAL OFFICES Northeastern Area Mostek 777 West Putnam Greenwich, Conn. 06830 203/531-1146 TWX 710-579-2928 Northeast U.S. Mostek 29 Cummings Park, SUite #426 Woburn, Mass. 01801 617/935-0635 TWX 710-348-0459 Southeast U.S. 813/962-8338 TWX 81 0-876-4611 313/348-8360 408/287-5080 TWX 810-242-1471 TWX 910-338-2219 Central U.S. Mostek 4100 McEwen Road SUite 151 Dallas, Texas 75234 Seattle Region Mostek 1107 North East 45th St SUite 411 Seattle, WA 98105 Upstate NY Region Mostek 4651 Crossroads Park Dr., SUite 201 Liverpool, NY 13088 315/457-2160 TWX 710-945-0255 Northern California Mostek 1762 Technology Drive SUite 126 San Jose, Calif. 95110 214/386-9340 206/632-0245 TWX 910-860-5437 TWX 910-444-4030 Chicago Region Southwest Region Southern California Mostek Two Crossroads of Commerce SUite 360 Roiling Meadows, III. 60008 Mostek 4100 McEwen Road SUite 237 Dallas, Texas 75234 Mostek 18004 Skypark Circle Suite 140 Irvine. Calif 92714 714/549-0397 312/577-9870 214/386-9141 TWX 910-291-1207 TWX 910-860-5437 TWX 910-595-2513 Chevy Chase #4 7715 Chevy Chase Dr, SUite 116 Austin, TX 78752 Mostek 2150 East Highland Ave. SUite 101 PhoeniX, A2. 85016 Arizona Region Southeastern Area Mostek 4001 B Greentree Executive Campus Route #73 Marlton, New Jersey 08053 Western Region Michigan Mostek Orchard Hill Place 21333 Haggerty Road SUite 321 NOVI, MI 48050 Mostek 13907 N. Dale Mabry Highway SUlte2Ql Tampa, Flonda 33618 North Central U.S. Mostek 6101 Green Valley Dr Bloomington, Mn. 55438 609/596-9200 612/831-2322 TWX 710-940-0103 TWX 910-576-2802 512/458-5226 TWX 910-874-2007 11-5 602/954-6260 TWX 910-957-4581 u.s. AND CANADIAN REPRESENTATIVES ALABAMA Conley & Associates, Inc 3322 Memorial Pkwy., S W. GEORGIA Conley & Associates, Inc 3951 Pleasantdale Road Suite 17 Suite 201 Huntsville, AL 35801 205/882-0316 lWX 810-726-2159 Doraville, GA 30340 414/447-6992 TWX 810-766-0488 ARIZONA ILLINOIS Summit Sales 7825 E Redfield Rd Scottsdale, AZ 85260 6021998-4850 TWX 910-950-1283 Carlson Electronic" Sales Associates, Inc 600 East Higgins Road Elk Grove Village, !L6Q007 312/956-8240 TWX 910-222-1819 CALIFORNIA Harvey King, Inc. 8124 Miramar Road San Diego, CA 92126 714/566-5252 TWX 910-335-1231 COLORADO INDIANA Rich Electronic Marketing'" 599 I nd ustrial Drive Carmel, IN 46032 317/844-8462 TWX 810-260-2631 Waugaman Associates" 4800 Van Gordon Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303/423-1020 TWX 910-938-0750 Rich Electronic Marketing 3448 West Taylor St Fort Wayne, IN 46804 219/432-5553 TWX 810-332-1404 CONNECTICUT IOWA New England Technical Sales 240 Pomeroy Ave Meriden, CT 06450 203/237-8827 TWX 710-461-1126 REP Associates 980 Arica Ave Marion, IA 52302 319/393-0231 FLORIDA Rush & West Associates* 107 N. Chester Street Olathe, KN 66061 9131764-2700 Wichita 316/683-0206 TWX 910-749-6404 Conley & ASSOCiates, Inc ., P.O. Box 309 235 S. Central Oviedo, FL 32765 305/365-3283 TWX 810-856-3520 KANSAS KENTUCKY MASSACHUSElTS New England Technical Sales" 135 Cambridge Street Burlington, MA 01 803 617/272-0434 TWX 710-332-0435 Computer Marke,ting 241 Crescent 5t 12nd Floor Waltham, MA 02154 617/894-7000 710-324-1503 MICHIGAN MINNESOTA Tn-Tech Electronics, Inc 3215 East Main St Endwell, NY 13760 607/754-1094 TWX 510-252-0891 Cahill, Schmitz & Cahill, Inc * 315 N. Pierce St Paul, MN 55104 612/646-7217 TWX 910-563-3737 Micro Resources, Inc 2700 Chowen Avenue South Minneapolis: MN 55416 Tn-Tech ElectroniCS, Inc. 14 Westview Dr. Fishkill, NY 12524 914/897-5611 OHIO MISSOURI Rush & West ASSOCiates 481 Melanie Meadows lane BallWin, MO 63011 314/394-7271 NORTH CAROLINA Conley & Associates, Inc. 4050 Wake Forest Road Suite 102 Raleigh, NC 27609 919/876-9862 TWX 510-928-1829 Conley & ASSOCiates, Inc. MARYLAND Trltek Sales, Inc 21 E Euclid Ave Haddonfield, NJ 08033 609/429-1551 215/627-0149 (Philadelphia Line) TWX 710-896-0881 Arbotek Associates 3600 St Johns Lane Ellicott City, MD 21043 301/461-1323 TWX 710-862-1874 Waugaman ASSOCiates P.O Box 14894 Albuquerque, NM 87111 NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO 0' 9004 Menaul NE SUite 7 Albuquerque, NM 87112 505/294-1437 505/294-1436 (Ans. Service) ~Home Tn-Tech Electronics, Inc.'" 6836 East Jenesse St Fayetteville, NY 13066 315/446-2881 TWX 710-541-0604Trl-Tech Electronics, Inc 590 Perinton Hills Office Park Fairport NY 14450 716/223-5720 TWX 510-523-6356 Conley & ASSOCiates, Inc 4021 W. Waters Suite 2 Tampa, FL 33614 813/885-7658 TWX 810-876-9136 1612 N w. 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33432 305/395-6108 TWX 510-953-7548 516/543-0510 TWX 510-226-1485 (New Jersey Phone Ii 800/645·5500, 5501) Action Components 21333 Haggerty Road SUite 201 Novi, MI 48050 313/349-3940 Rich ElectrOnic Marketing 8819 Roman Court P.O. Box91147 LOUisville. KY 40291 502/499-7808 TWX 81 0-535-3757 PO. Sox 700 NEW YORK ERA Inc 354 Veterans Memorial Highway Commack, NY 11725 Office 11-6 The Lyons Corp 4812 Fredenck Rd. Dayton, OhiO 45414 513/278-0714 TWX 810-459-1754 The Lyons Corp 4615 N. Streetsboro Rd. Richfield, Ohio 44286 216/659-9224 TWX 810-427-9103 OREGON Northwest Marketing Assoc 9999 SW. Wilshire St Suite 124 Portland OR 97225 503/297-2581 TELEX 910-464-5157 TENNESSEE Co!"'ley & ASSOclates, Inc 1128 Tusculum Blvd SUite D Greenville, TN 37743 615/639-3139 TWX 810-576-4597 UTAH Waugaman Associates 10332 South 1540 W South Jordan, UT 84065 801/254-0570 0' 801-254-0572 TWX 910-925-4073 WASHINGTON Northwest Marketing Assoc.* 128:35 Bellevue-Redmond Rd. Suite 203E Bellevue, WA 98005 206/455-5846 TWX 910-443-2445 WiSCONSIN Carlson Erectronk" Sales Associates, Inc Northbrook Exe~utive Ctr 10701 West Nor.th Ave. ,Suite 209 Milwaukee, WI 53226 414/476-2790 TWX 910-222-1819 CANADA Cantec Representatives Inc ., 1573 Laperriere Ave Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1Z 7T3 613/725-3704 TWX 610-562-8967 Cantec Representatives Inc 15 Charles Street East Kitchener, Ontario Canada N2G2P3 5191744-6341 TWX 610-492-2683 (Toronto) Cantec Representatives Inc. 8 Strathearn Ave, Unit 18 Brampton, Ontario Canada L6T4L8 4161791-5922 TWX 610-492-2683 Cantec Representatives Inc 3639 Sources Blvd SUite 116 Dollard Des Ormeaux, Quebec Canada H9B2K4 514/683-6131 TWX 610-422-3985 U.S. AND CANADIAN DISTRIBUTORS ALABAMA COLORADO Schweber ElectrOnics 2227 Drake Avenue S.W. SUite 14 Huntsville, ALA 35805 Arrow Electronics 205/882-2200 2121 South Hudson St. Denver, CO 80222 3031758-2100 TWX 910/931"()552 ARIZONA 7060 S. Tucson Way Klerulff Electronics 4134 E. Wood St. PhoeniX, AZ 85040 602/243·4101 TWX 910/951-1550 Kierulff Electronics 1806 W. Grant Rd. SUite 102 Tucson, A.Z 85705 602/624-9986 TWX 910/952-1119 CALIFORNIA Arrow Electronics 4029 Westerly Place Bldg. 15, Unit 113 Newport Beach, CA 92660 714/851·8961 TWX 910/595-2861 Arrow Electronics 19748 Dearborn St. Chatsworth, CA 9131 1 2131701-7500 ,1WX 910-493-2086 Arrow Electronics 9511 Ridgehaven Court San Diego, CA 92123 714/565-4800 TWX 910/335-1195 Arrow Electronics 521 Weddell Or. Sunnyvale, CA 94086 4081745-6600 TWX 910/339·9371 Klerulff Electronics 2585 Commerce Way Los Angeles, CA 90040 213/725-0325 TWX 910/580-3106 Kierulff ElectrOnics 3969 E. Bayshore Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94303 415/968-6292 Kierulff Electronics 8797 Balboa Avenue Sa n Diego, CA 92123 Kierulff Electronics 408/748-4700 ZeuslWest, Inc. 1130 Hawk Circle Anaheim, CA 92807 714/632-6880 TWX 910/591-1961 TWX 9101764-0882 Kierulff Electronics 2608 Metro Park Blv'd. Maryland Heights, MO 63043 1536 landmeler Rd. 617/935-5134 TWX 710/390-1449 312/364·3750 TWX 710/332-1387 Schweber Electronics 25 Wiggins Avenue 8edford, MA 01730 203/265· 7741 TWX 710/476-0162 Kierulff Electronics 169 N. Plains Industrial Rd. Wallingford, CT 06492 203/265-1115 TWX 7101476-0450 Schweber Electronics Finance Drive Commerce Industrial Park Danbury, CT 06810 203/792-3742 TWX 710/456-9405 FLORIDA Arrow Electronics 1001 N.W. 62nd St. Suite 108 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 305/776-7790 TWX 510/955-9456 INDIANA Advent Electronics 8446 Moller Indianapolis, IN 46268 317/872·4910 TWX 810/341 -3228 Arrow Electronics 2718 Rand Road Indianapolis, IN 46241 317/243·9353 TWX81O/341-3119 Pioneer Electronics 6408 Castleplace Drive Indianapolis, IN 46250 317/849-7300 TWX 8101260- 1794 Arrow Electronics 50 Woodlake Dr. Palm Bay, FL 32905 IOWA Advent Electronics 682 58th Avenue Court South West Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 305/725-1480 319/363·0221 TWX 510-959-6337 Klerulff Electronics 4850 N. State Road F Suite E Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33319 TWX 910/525-1337 Arrow Electronics 1930 St. Andrews Or., NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 305/486-4004 Schweber Electronics 5270 North Park Place, N.E. Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 Kierulff Electronics 3247 Tech Drive St. Petersburg, FL 33702 813/576-1966 TWX 810/863·5625 Schweber ElectrOnics 2830 North 28th Terrace Hollywood, FL 33020 Schweber Electron1cs 181 Whooping Loop Altamonte Spnngs, FL 32701 (Orlando) 714/556-3880 Klerulff Electronics 13 Fortune Drive Billerica, MA 01 865 617/933-8130 TWX 710/393-6770 Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 312/640·0200 TWX 910/222-0351 Schweber Electronics 904 Cambridge Dr. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 TWX 910/335-1182 Kierulff Electronrcs 14101 Franklin Avenue Tustin, CA 92680 TWX 910/595-1720 Schweber Electronics 3110 Patrick Henry Dr. Santa Clara, CA 95050 MISSOURI Arrow Electronics 2380 Schuetz Road St. Louis, MO 63141 3031790-4444 CONNECTICUT Arrow Electronics 12 Beaumont Rd. Wallingford, CT 06492 714/278-2112 Schwaber ElectrOniCs 17811 Gillette Avenue Irvine, CA 92714 312/893-9420 TWX 910/291-3544 Kierulff Electronics MASSACHUSETTES Arrow ElectroOics Arrow Drive Woburn, MA alSo. Englewood, CO 80112 305/927-0511 714/731-5711 TWX 910/595-2599 ILLINOIS Arrow Electronics 492 Lunt Avenue P. O. Box 94248 Schaumburg, IL 60193 305/331·7555 GEORGIA Arrow Electronics 2979 Pacific Drive Norcross, GA 30071 4041449·8252 TWX 810/766-0439 Kierulff Electronics' 5824 E. Peachtree Corner East Norcross, GA 30093 404/447·5252 Schweber Electronics 303 Research Drive, SUIte 210 Norcross, GA 30092 404/449-9170 319/395-7230 319/373-1417 KANSAS Schweber Electronics Wycliff Commercial Center 10300 West 103rd Street Suite 103 Building F Overland Park, KS 66214 913/492-2921 MARYLAND Arrow Electronics 4801 Benson Avenue Baltimore, MD 21227 3011247-5200 TWX 7101236·9005 Kierulff Electronics 202 Azar Court Benson Business Center Baltimore, MD 21227 3011247-5020 Pioneer Electronics 9100 Gaither Road GaIthersburg, MO 20877 301/948-0710 TWX 710/828-0545 Schweber Electronics '·9218 .Gaither Rd. Gaithersburg, MD 20877 301/840·5900 TWX 710/828-9749 11-7 Lionex Corporation 1 North Avenue Burlington, MA 01 803 617/272-1660 617/275·5100 TWX 710/326-0268 Zeus/New England, Inc. 25 Adams Street Burlington, MA01803 6171273·0753 314/567-6888 314/739-0855 TWX 9101762-0721 Olive Electronics 9910 Page 8lvd. St. Louis, MO 63132 314/426·4500 TWX 9101763·0720 Schweber Electronics 502 Earth City Expressway SUite 203 Earth City, MO 63045 314/739-0526 Semiconductor Spec 3805 N. Oak Trafficway Kansas City, MO 64116 816/452-3900 TWX 710/322-0716 TWX 910/771-2114 MICHIGAN Arrow Electronics 3810 Varsity Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48104 NEW HAMPSHIRE Arrow Electronics 1 Perimeter Rd. Manchester, NH 03103 313/971-8220 1WX 810/223-6020 Pioneer Electronics 13485 Stamford Livonia, MI 48150 313/525·1800 TWX 810/242-3271 Schweber Electronics 10260 Hubbard Ave. liVOnia, MI48150 313/525·8100 TWX 810/242·2983 MINNESOTA Arrow Electronics 5230 W. 73rd Street Edina, MN 55435 612/830·1800 TWX 910/576-3125 Kierulff Electronics 7667 Cahill Rd. Edina, MN 55435 612/941-7500 TWX 910/576-2721 Schweber Electronics 7422 Washington Ave., South Eden Prairie, MN 55343 6121941-5280 TWX 910/576-3167 6031668-6968 TWX 710/220·1684 Schwaber Electronics Farms Bld'g #2 1st Floor Kilton & South River Road Manchester, NH 03102 603/625-2250 NEW JERSEY Arrow Electron1cs Pleasant Valley Avenue Morrestown, NJ 08057 6091235·1900 TWX 7101897-0829 Arrow Electronrcs 2 Industrial Ad. Fairfield, NJ 07006 201/575-5300 Kierulff Electronics 3 Edison Place Fairfield, NJ 07006 201/575-6750 TWX 7101734-4372 Schweber Electronics 18 Madison Road Fairfield, NJ 07006 2011227-7880 TWX 7101734-4305 NEW MEXICO Arrow ElectroniCS 2460 Alamo Ave. S.E. Albuquerque, NM 87106 505/243-4566 TWX 910/989-1679 U.S. AND CANADIAN DISTRIBUTORS NEW YORK Add Electronic 7 Adler Drive E. Syracuse, NY 13067 315/437·0300 Arrow Electronics 900 Broad Hollow Rd. Farmingdale, U., NY 11735 516/694-6800 TWX 5101224-6494 Arrow Electronics 7705 Malttage Drive P. O. Box 370 Liverpool. NY 13088 315/652-1000 TWX 710/545-0230 Arrow Electronics 3000 S. Winton Road Rochester, NY 14623 716/275-0300 TWX 510/253-4766 Arrow Electronics 20 Oser Ave. Hauppauge. NY 11787 516/231-1000 TWX 5101227 -6623 Lionex Corporation 400 Oser Ave. Hauppauge, NY 11787 5161273-1660 TWX 5101227 -, 042 Schweber Electronics 3 Town Line Circle Rochester, NY 14623 716/424-2222 Schweber Electronics Jericho Turnpike Westbury, NY 11590 516/334-7474 TWX 510/222-3660 Zeus/Long Island 401 Broad Hollow Rd. Melville. NY 11746 516/752-9551 TWX 710/567-1248 Zeus Components Components, Inc. 100 Midland Avenue Port Chester, NY 10573 914/937 -7400 TWX 710/567-1248 NORTH CAROLINA Arrow Electronics 938 Burke St. Winston Salem, NC 27102 919/725-8711 TWX 510/931-3169 Arrow Electronics 3117 Poplarwood Court Suite 123, P.O. Box 95163 Raleigh, NC 27625 TWX 919/876-3132 Hammond Electronics 2923 Pacific Avenue Greensboro, NC 27406 919/275-6391 TWX 510/925-1094 NORTH CAROLlNA(CONT) Kierulff Electronics 1800 #E Fairfax Road Greensboro, NC 27407 919/852-9440 TWX 510/922-7384 Schweber ElectrOniCS 1 Commerce Center 5285 North Blv:d. Raleigh, NC 27604 919/876-0000 OHIO Arrow Electromcs 7620 McEwen Road Centervilie, OH 45459 513/435-5563 TWX 810/459-1011 Arrow Electronics 6238 Cochran Road Solon, OH 44139 216/248-3990 lWX 810/427-9409 Kierulff Electronics 23060 Miles Road Cleveland, OH 44128 216/587-6558 TWX 810/427-2282 Pioneer Electronics 4800 East 131 st Street Cleveland, o.H 441 O~ 216/587-3600 TWX 810/422-2211 Pioneer Electronics 4433 Interpoint Blvd. Dayton, OH 45424 513/236-9900 TWX 810/459-1622 Schweber Electronics 23880 Commerce Park Road Beachwood, OH 44122 216/464-2970 TWX 810/427-9441 Schweber Electronics 7865 Paragon Road Suite 210 Dayton, OH 45459 513/439-1800 OKLAHOMA Kierulff Electronics 12318 E. 60th St. Tulsa. OK 74145 918/252-7537 Quality Components 9934 East 21 st South Tulsa, OK 74129 918/664-8812 OREGON Klerulff Electronics 14273 NW Science Park Portland. OR 97229 503/641-9150 TWX 910/467-8753 PENNSYLVANIA Arrow Electronics 650 Seco Rd. Monroeville, PA 15146 4121856-7000 Pioneer ElectrOnics 560 Alpha Drive Pittsburgh. PA 15238 4121782-2300 TWX 710/795-3122 Pioneer Electronics 261 Gibraltar Horsham, PA 19044 215/674-4000 TWX 510/665-6778 Schweber Electronics 231 Gibraltar Rd. Horsham, PA 19044 215/441-0600 Schweber Electronics 1000 R.I.D.C. Plaza Suite 203 Pittsburgh, PA 15238 412/782-1600 SOUTH CAROLINA Hammond Electronics 1035 lowndes Hill Rd. Greenville, SC 29602 803/233-4121 TWX 810/281 -2233 TEXAS Arrow Electronics 10125 Metropolitan Dr. Aust;n, TX 78758 512/835-4180 Arrow Electronics 13715 Gamma Road Dallas, TX 75240 214/386-7500 1WX 910/860-5377 Arrow Electronics 10700 Corporate Drive Suite 100 Stafford, TX 77477 713/491-4100 TWX 910/880-4439 Kierulff Electronics 3007 longhorn elv'd. Suite 105 Austin, TX 78758 5121835-2090 TWX 910/874-1359 Kierulff Electronics 9610 Skillman Ave. Dallas, TX 75243 214/343-2400 TWX 910/861-9149 Kierulff Electronics 10415 Landsbury Dr. Suite 210 Houston, TX 77099 713/530-7030 TWX 910/880-4057 Quality Components 4257 Kellway Circle Addison, TX 75001 214/387-4949 TWX 910/860-5459 TEXAS(CONT) Quality Components 2427 Rutland Drive Austin, TX 78758 512/835-0220 TWX 910/874-1377 Quality Components 6126 Westline Houston, TX 77036 713/772-7100 Schweber Electronics 4202 Beltway Drive Dallas, TX 75234 214/661-5010 TWX 910/860-5493 Schweber Electronics 10625 Richmond Suite 100 Houston, TX 77042 7131784-3600 TWX 910/881-4836 Zeus/Dallas, Inc 14001 Goldmark Dr Suite 250 Dallas, TX 75240 214/783-7010 TWX 910/867-9422 UTAH Arrow Electromcs 4980 Amelia Earhart Dr. Salt Lake City, UT 84116 801/539-1135 Kierulff Electronics 2121 South 3600 West Salt Lake City, UT84119 801/973-6913 WASHINGTON Arrow Electronics 14320 NE 21st Bellevue, WA 98005 206/643-4800 TWX 910/444-2017 Klerulff Electronics 1053 Andover Park East Tukwila, WA 98188 206/575-4420 TWX 910/444-2034 Zeus/West 23701 150th S.E. Monroe, WA 98279 WISCONSIN Arrow Electronics 434 Rawson Avenue Oak Creek, WI 53154 414/764-6600 TWX 9101262-1193 Kierulff Electronics 2212 E. Moreland 8lvd. Waukesha, WI 53186 4141784-8160 TWX 910/265-3653 Schweber Electronics 150 Sunnyslope Road Suite 120 Brookfield, WI 53005 414/784-9020 *Franchised for USA and Canada excluding California for military products CANADA Prelco Electronics 2767 Thames Gate Drive Mississauga, Ontario Toronto l4T 1 G5 416/678-0401 TWX 610/492-8974 Prelco Electronics 480 Port Royal St. W. Montreal 357 P.Q. H3l 2B9 514/389-8051 TWX 610/421-3616 Prelco ElectrOnics 1770 Woodward Drive Ottawa, Ontario K2C OP8 613/226-3491 Telex 05-34301 RAE. Industrial 3455 Gardner Court Burnaby, B.C. V5G 4J7 604/291-8866 TWX 610/929-3065 Zentronlcs 141 Catherine Street Ottawa, Ontario K2P le3 6131238-6411 Zentronics 8 Tilbury Court 8rampton, Ontarto l6T3T4 (Toronto) 416/451-9600 Telex 06-97678 Zentronics 505 Locke St. St. laurent, Quebec H4T IX7 5141735-5361 Telex 058-27535 Zentronics 590 8erry Stre~ St. James, Manitoba R2H OR4 204/775-8661 Zentronics 480 "AU Dutton Drive Waterloo, Ontario N2L4C6 519/884-5700 RAE. Industrial 11680 170th St. Edmonton, Alberta T5S 1J7 403/451-4001 Telex 03-72653 Zentronics 550 Cambie St. Vancouver, B.C. V6B 2N7 604/688-2533 Telex 04507789 Zentronics 3651 21st Street, N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 6T5 403/230-1422 Zentronics 9224 27th Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T6N 182 403/463-3014 Zentronics 30 Sommonds Drive, Unit B Dartmouth, N.S. B3B 1R3 902/463-8411 INTERNATIONAL SALES REPRESENTATIVES AND DISTRIBUTORS ARGENTINA Rayo Electronics S.RL Belgrano 990, Pisos 6y2 1092 Buenos Aires (381-1779.37-9476 Telex: 122153 BRASIL Casels, ltd. Rua da Consolacao. 867 Conj.31 01301 Sao Pa ulo (55111-257.35.35/258.43.25 Telex - 1130869 AUSTRAUA Amtron Tyree PIy.Ltd. 176 Botany Street Waterloo, N.S.W. 2017 (61169-89.666 Telex - 25643 ISRAEL Telsys ltd. 12, Kahilat Venetsia St. 69010 Tel-Aviv (31494891-2.494881-2 Telex: 032392 JAPAN Systems Marketing, Inc. 4th Floor, Shindo Bldg. 3-12-5 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, 100 (8113-254.27.51 Telex - 25276 KOREA Vine Overseas Trading Corp. Room 308 Korea Electric Association Bldg. 11 -4 Supyo-Dong Jung-Ku Seoul (8212-66-1663 Telex: 24154 11-8 NEW ZEALAND E.C.S. Div. of Airsperes P.O. Box 1048 Airport Palmerston North (771-047 Telex - 3766 SINGAPORE Dynamar International, lTD. Suite 526, Cuppage Road Singapore. 0922 Telex: 26283 SOUTH AFRICA Radiokom P.O. Box 56310 Pinegowrie, 2123, Transvaal 789-1400 Telex: 424822 TAIWAN Dynamar Taiwan Limited P.O. Box 67-445 2nd Floor, No. 14, Lane 164 Sung-ChIang Road Taipei 5418251 Telex: 511064 FOR ALL OTHER COUNTRIES Mostek Corporation International Dept. 1215 West Crosby Road (07158166.121545 Carrollton, Texas 75006, USA 214/466-6000 Telex: 4630093 INTERNATIONAL MARKETNG OFFICES EUROPEAN HEAD OFFICE Mostek International Av de Tervuren 270-272 Bte 21 8-1150 Brussels/Belgium 02/762.1880 Telex. 62011 FAR EAST Mostek Asia Ltd. Kam Chung Commercial Bldg. 19 Hennessy Rd. 11/FL p.a Box 20786 Hong Kong Phone: 5.296.886 Telex: 72585 MKHK FRANCE Mostek France s.a.r.l. 35 Rue de Mantjean ZAC. Sud. Senders 504 F-94266 Fresnes Cedex (1)666.21.25 Telex: 204049 PLZ 8 Mostek GmbH Frelschutzstrasse 92 0-8000 Muiichen 81 (089195. '0.71 Telex. 5216516 ITALY Mostek ttalla SAL Via F.D. Guerraul 27 1-20145 Milano (02)318.5337/349.2696 and 34.23.89 Telex: 333601 GERMANY PLZ , -5 Mostek GmbH Friedlandstrasse 1 0-2085 Quickborn HONG KONG Mostek Asia LTD. 19 Hennessy Rd. Karn Chung, Camm. Bldg. l1/Fl P.O. Box 20786 Wanchal, Hong Kong (04106)2077178 8525296886 Mostek Japan KK Sanyo Bldg. 3F 1-2-7 Kita-Aoyama MlOato-Ku, Tokyo 107 TeleX' 213685 Telex' 72585 (03)404-7261 PLZ 6-7 Mostek GmbH Schurwaldstrasse 15 0-7303 Neuhausen/Filder (07158) 66.45 Telex: 72.38.86 IRELAND Mostek Ireland B.V. Irish Sales Office Snugboro Industrial Park Blanchardstown, Co Dublin JAPAN Telex: J23686 SWEDEN Mostek Scandinavia AS Spjulvagen 7 S-' 7561 JlIrfalia Sweden 08-362820 Telex: 12997 UNITED KINGDOM Mostek U,K. Ltd. Masons House, '-3 Valley Drive Kingsbury Road London, N,W.9 01-2049322 Telex: 25940 (1)2'7333 Telex: 30958 EUROPEAN SALES REPRESENTATIVES AND DISTRIBUTORS AUSTRIA Transistor Vertriebsges, mbH Auhofstrasse 41 A A-1130 Vienna (02221829451. 829404 Mecodis 33-35, Rue Pierre Brossolette F-94000 Creteil (1)898.-1", Telex: 250303 Raffel-Electronic GmbH Lochnerstrasse 1 0-4030 Ratingen 1 (02102) 280.24 Telex: 8585180 P.E.P. 4 Rue Barthelemy F-92120 Montrouge Siegfried Ecker Koenigsberger Strasse 2 0-6120 Michelstadt (06061) 2233 Telex: 4191630 Telex: 0133738 BELGIUM Sotronic 14 Rue Pere De Deken B-1040 Brussels DENMARK Semicap APS AlhambraveJ 3 OK-1826 Kobenhavn V 01-22.15.10 Telex: 15987 FINLAND Insele Oy Kumpulantie 1 SF-00520 Helsinki 52 0735774 Telex: 122217 FRANCE Copel Rue Fourny, Z.I. B.P. 22, F-78530 BUe (')96610.'8 Telex: 698965 Facen 110AvdeFIandre F59290 Wasquehal. Nord (' )-735.33.20 Telex: 204534 Sca.lb 80 Rue d'Arcueil SILlC 137 F-94523 Rungls Cedex (11-687.23.'3 Telex: 204674 Positron GmbH Benzstrasse 1 Postfach 100364 0-7016 Gertingen Tel: (07156) 3560 Telex: 7245266 NORWAY Satt ElectroniCS AlS Sandviksveien, 12 N-1322 Hovik 02-12.36.00 Telex: 72558 PORTUGAL olgicontrole LOA Av. de Roma 105 Sexto Esquerdo 1700 Lisboa Sorhodis 150-152, Rue A. France F-691 00 Vdleurbanne Branch offices in: Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Munchen ('9)682428 (7)8850044 Matronic GmbH Lichtenberger Wag 3 0-7400 Tubingen SPAIN Come Ita S.A. Emilio Munoz 41, ESC 1 Planta 1 Nave 2 Madrid·17 01-7543001 Telex: 42007 Telex: 380181 GERMANY Dr Dohrenberg Bayreuther Strasse 3 0-1000 Berlin 30 (030)213.80.43 Telex: 0184860 (07071)4503' Telex: 7262879 oema-Electronic GmbH Turkenstrasse 11 0-8000 Munchen 2 (089) 2724053 CES-Vertriebs-GmbH Schillerstrasse 14 0-2085 QUickborn (04106)612-1 Telex: 0213.590 (20)98.92.' 5 Branch Offices in Lille, Lyon, Nancy, Rouen, Strasbourg (020)462221 Telex: ,,625 02-736.1007 Telex: 2514' THE NETHERLANDS NiJkerk Elektronika BV Drentestraat 7 NL ~ 1083 HK Amsterdam Branch offices m: Berlin, Hannover, Dusseldorf, Darmstadt. Stuttgart, Munchen Telex: 0529345 Telex: '5084 Branch Office: C. Pedro IV, 84 Barcelona (03)3095116 ITALY Comprel s.d. V Ie Romagna. 1 1·20092 Cinisello B. (Mil (02)61.20.641/2/3/4/5 Telex: 332484 Branch offices in Bologna, Firenze, Chlavari, loreto, Padova, Roma, Torino, Bari, Vicenza .11-9. Telex: 51934 SWEDEN Traco AB Box 32 S-12322 Farsta 08-13.21.60 Telex: 10689 SWITZERLAND MemotecAG Gaswerkstrasse, 32 CH-4901 Langenthal 063-28.11.22 Telex: 68636 UNITED KINGDOM Celdis Limited 37 -39 Loverock Road Reading Berks RG 31 ED 0734-58.51.71 Telex: 8483770 lock Distribution ltd. Neville Street Chadderton Oldham lancashire Ol96lF 061-652.04.31 Telex: 669971 Pronto Electronic Systems ltd. 466-478 Cranbrook Road, Gants HilIlIford Essex 1 G2 6lE 01-56462.22 Telex: 8954213 VSI Electronics (UK) ltd. Roydonbury Industrial Part< Horsecroft Rd. Harlow Essex CM195 BY (0279)35477 Telex: a1 387 Thame Components ltd. Thame Park Road Thame, Oxon axs 3XD 084 421.31.46 Telex: 837917 11-10 1983 COMPUTER PRODUCTS DATA BOOK VMEbus . ,'/ , ..... ' .. ::: 'l; ~ ,; ; J .... ~ ! !t COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK VME-SBC FEATURES VME-SBC Figure 1 The SBC board serves as a stand alone module or as the System Controller/Master (slot 1 type CPU) on the VMEbus. It contains the following features: o VMEbus Master/Slave o CPU MK68000 (8 MHz to 12 MHz) o Eight BYTEWYDE Sockets • 2 EPROM/ROM dedicated • 2 RAM dedicated • 4 option EPROM/ROM or RAM o Provides VMEbus utilities • Power and Pushbutton Reset • System 16 MHz clock • Programmable 8us-Time-Out • 1 Level Arbiter utilizing the CPU's BR*, BG*, and BGACK* lines o CSR Register o Selection Switches (With Remote Capability) independent serial communications bus, and open-ended transaction coding, it provides for tomorrow's applications as well, assuring the user of a compatible upward growth path for years to come. The international-standard compact board size promotes functional modularity and low board cost, and allows the user to select only those functions needed for his application. o Interrupt Handler o Two Timer/Counters o Serial I/O (D.C. E.) • One channel modified RS-232 • Asynchronous only (to 19.2K Baud) • Receive Data, Transmit Data, RTS, CTS, DTR. DSR. and DCD Mostek's VME board product line provides an everexpanding family of powerful general-purpose modules, applicable to a wide variety of systems and applications including data, word, and image processing, communications, industrial automation and robotics, data acquisition, and software development. For specialized functions provided by other vendors or by the user, Mostek VME boards are totally compatible with the VMEbus specification, ensuring fully functional operation with all other VMEbus compatible modules. o On Board Vectored Interrupts o Self-Test LED VME SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The VMEbus was designed jointly by Mostek, Motorola, and Signetics, and was introduced in October, 1981 . It offers an attractive combination of high performance timing parameters, compact form factor, and the advanced functional capability appropriate for today's applications of 16-bit microprocessors such as the MK68000. With features such as expansion to 32-bit auJress and data, an VME-SBC DESCRIPTION The Mostek VME-SBC, based on the powerful 68000 microprocessor, features eight 28-pin memory sockets which enable the user to populate the. module with any 111-1 ~ 2 ~ RESET' HALT' SYSRESET* RESET &- 8MHz SYSCLK CLOCK CIRCUIT t .. ~ 1---+ Ci\ IJI Nr- 1---+ c ':; Ii) o o CLK ADORES!; BUS (A01-A23) 23 A01A23 cS'g: c: 0 '" :D l> It FCO FC1 FC2 FUNCTION CODES ,,3 ADDRESS MODIFIER ENCODE LOGIC lACK & ADDRESS MODIFIERS (AMO-AM5) ,,7 I LOCAL MEMORY DECODE & CONTROL LOGIC BR' BG' BGACK' ~ ,,7 --- I--- I 1---+ 0 R I V E R S & R E C E I V E R S I : LOCAL MEMORy l I I I I I I I I I I ---I-~-I---I--- I I I BUS GRANT LOGIC SIGNALS I f-----; LOCAL 1/0 DECODE & CONTROL LOGIC MK68000 (8 MHz). s:: f-- L., -- - BUS GRANT LOGIC BBSY' I:r----- BR3' BGOUT3' DTACK' DTACK' 000015 AS' UDS' LOS' illw IPLO IPL1 IPL2 VPA' , ~ ~ 3 • INTERRUPT CONTROL LOGIC -, BUS CONTROL SIGNALS ,,4 - I : IACKOUT' I IR01*-IR07' 8 J.- ' - - .....----. f I INT , ,,8 2 00-07 SERIAL MK3801 (STI) BFRR' ~ DATA BUS (000-015) 16 BTO LOGIC , TIMERS 8 CLK It r SWITCH REGISTER 1I V M E B U S (P1) CSR REGISTER ~ RS-232 (DCE) INTERFACE ~ V M E B U S (P2) t TIMER CLOCK L.......-....I combination of designated ROM, RAM, and EPROM devices. MK75601-X-01 SOCKET POPULATION (2-2764s 6-6116s) Figure 3 Flexible address decoding allows the user to configure each memory device within any 4K byte boundary of the 16M byte addressing space. The user can choose one of the two preselected memory configurations or, by programming a decoder PAL, may assign any of the eight sockets to any address range. In addition, a memory controller PAL is utilized to accommodate different speed memory devices, taking advantage of fast RAM access times. MEMORY DEVICE 2764 (EPROM) 6116(RAM) 6116 (RAM) 6116 (RAM) EVEN BYTE # ODD BYTE # ASSOC JUMPER U09 U10 U11 U12 U24 U25 U26 U27 J3 J2 J1 J4 MK75601-X-02 SOCKET POPULATION (6-2764s 2-61165) The on-board I/O includes a Mostek Serial/Timer/Interrupt chip (ST!. MK3801) which provides an RS-232C serial channel, two counter/timer channels, programmable Baud rate, and programmable bus time out. In addition, the VMESBC contains an 8-bit switch input register and a Command Status Register (CSR). The CSR register allows software control of the following: STI interrupt level (1-7), Bus-TimeOut status, Self Test LED control (RED/GREEN), and Individual interrupt enable bits (1-7). MEMORY DEVICE 2764 (EPROM) 6116(RAM) 2764 (EPROM) 2764 (EPROM) EVEN BYTE # ODD BYTE # ASSOC JUMPER U09 U10 U11 U12 U24 U25 U26 U27 J3 J2 J1 J4 MEMORY SPEED REQUIREMENTS Figure 4 MEMORY SOCKET POPULATION The VME-SBC is offered in two memory configurations. MK75601-X-01 is populated with two 2764's (16Kb EPROM) containing a software debugger monitor (MON68K), andsix6116's(12KbRAM). MK75601-X-02 is populated with two 6116's (4Kb RAM) and the remaining sockets are configured for but not populated to accommodate six 2764's, allowing the user 48Kb of EPROM. The memory socket population is shown in Figure 3. The memory access time of the on-board RAM and EPROM required by the VME-SBC is determined by the processor speed. Refer to Figure 4 to determine the memory speed requirements: VME-SBC MK# EPROM ACCESS TIME Min (nsec) RAM ACCESS TIME Min (nsec) MK75601-8-01 MK75601-8-02 MK75601-10-01 MK75601-10-02 MK75601-12-01 MK75601-12-02 300 300 250 250 200 200 150 150 150 150 120 120 MEMORY CONFIGURATION STRAPS The memory configurating straps are installed at shipment. Each configuration is shown in Figure 5. MK75601-X-01 MEMORY STRAPPING (2-2764s 6-6116s) Figure 5 J1 1- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-10 11 12 14 13 15 - 1 6 J2 1- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-10 11 12 13 14 15 - 1 6 J3 1 2 3- 4 5 6 7- 8 10 9 11 12 13-14 15 16 J4 1- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-10 11 12 13 14 15-16 J5 1-2 J4 1 2 3- 4 J5 1-2 3 4 3 4 J6 1 2 3-4 MK75601-X-02 MEMORY STRAPPING (6-2764s 2-6116s) J1 2 3- 4 6 5 7- 8 10 9 11 12 13-14 16 15 J2 1- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-10 11 12 13 14 15-16 J3 2 3- 4 5 6 7- 8 10 9 11 12 13-14 15 16 5 2 3-4 6 7- 8 10 9 11 12 13-14 15 16 111-3 J6 NOTE: (-) Indicates strap installed. I/O Adapter Timer Input/Output Bits The VME-SBC provides the RS-232C, Timer/Control, Remote Reset, and Remote Selection inputs on the P2 connector. In order to interface to the I/O connector, one must construct either a custom cable or purchase an I/O adapter MK75901, which allows use of a standard RS232C cable. The I/O adapter contains four DB-25 connectors where one is dedicated for the serial interface and the second for remoting the selection switch, timer inputs/outputs, and Reset. The other two DB-25's are unused. The I/O adapter also contains jumper blocks to allow timer "chaining" and Baud rate measurement. Appendix A contains the connections needed to interface P2 to EIA RS-232C and Appendix B contains the P2 pinout. The SBC provides four counter/timers via the STI. Two of the timers (TAO and TBO), provide full service features including delay timer operation, event counter operation, pulse width measurement and pulse generation. The other two timers (TCO and TOO) provide delay timer operation only, and are used for programmable bus time out and Baud rate generation, respectively. Timers TAO and TBO, however, are for user use and have their outputs and inputs routed to P2. These locations can be found in the P2 pinout table in Appendix B. The bus time out clock is routed to P2-A6 to allow chaining this timer to either Timer A or B to increase the maximum time out of Timer A or B. When using this feature, one must realize that the bus time out clock still retains its function of bus time out. Baud Rate Measurement Strap When using the Mostek debugger monitor (MON68K), it is necessary to strap P2-A3 to P2-A4. This strapping arrangement routes the serial in data to a timer input of the STI (Serial Timer Interface) to allow Baud rate measurement. ARBITRATION The VME-SBC provides a one level arbiter on Bus Request Level 3 utilizing the CPU's BR*, BG*, and BGACK* pins. The SBC will not acknowledge requests on any other levels. External Push Button Reset Option MEMORY MAP The VME-SBC provides an input on P2-A 18 for a remote reset switch, so that the system can be reset from either the on-board push button or an external one. The VME-SBC MK75601-X-01 has 16Kb of EPROM (2764's) containing the software debugger monitor (MON68K) and 12Kb of RAM. In addition it contains a 16-bit CSR (Command Status Register), an 8-bit selection switch register, and a Mostek STI. The local memory map is shown in Figure 6. Remote Selection Switches The two selection switches located on the SBC provide eight bits of information that can be read by the CPU. The switch inputs (S7 -SO) are routed to P2 to allow inputs other than from the on-board switches. To use external inputs, one must set the on-board switches to a value of FF. Refer to Appendix B to determine the P2 locations of the inputs. The VME-SBC MK75601-X-02 can be populated to have 48Kb of EPROM (2764's) containing user firmware and 4Kb of RAM. Similar to the VME-SBC MK75601-X-01, it contains a 16-bit CSR and an STI. It has a local memory map as shown in Figure 7. Parallel Output Bit The STI (Serial Timer Interface), bit 17 is buffered as an output and routed to P2-A17. Application Note #4420XXX provides necessary informa~ tion if the pre-configured memory map needs to be changed to meet a particular application. VME-SBC MK75601-X-01 MEMORY MAP Figure 6 DEVICE RAM (U10,25) RAM (U11,26) RAM (U12,27) EPROM (U9,24) SWITCHES CSR STI (U34) ADDRESS SUP/USER WORD/BYTE 00000o - oooFFF SUP SUP/USER SUP/USER SUP SUP SUP SUP WORD OR BYTE WORD OR BYTE WORD OR BYTE WORD OR BYTE BYTE ONLY WORD OR BYTE BYTE ONLY 001000 - 001 FFF 002000 - 002FFF FECOOO - FEFFFF FFF801 FFF802 - FF803 FFF821 - FFF83F 111-4 VME-SBC MK75601-X-02 MEMORY MAP Figure 7 DEVICE ADDRESS SUP/USER WORD/BYTE RAM (UlO,25) EPROM (Ull ,26) EPROM (U12,27) EPROM (U9,24) SWITCHES CSR STI (U34) 00000o - OOOFFF SUP SUP SUP SUP SUP SUP SUP WORD OR BYTE WORD OR BYTE WORD OR BYTE WORD OR BYTE BYTE ONLY WORD OR BYTE BYTE ONLY FE4000 - FE7FFF FESOOO - FEBFFF FECOOO - FEFFFF FFFSOl FFFS02 - FFFS03 FFFS2l - FFFS3F RESET VECTOR LOCATION operation to the EPROM. The MK6S000 reserves the first 1Kb of memory starting at address ooOOOOH for the exception vectors, including the power-on reset vector and initial supervisor stack pointer. The VME-SBC contains logic that enables the EPROM to provide the processor with the reset vector and supervisor stack pointer upon either push button reset or system power up. The power up vectors are located at address FECoooFEC007 on the MK75601 -X-Ol version and at FE40ooFE4007 on the MK75601 -X-02 version. The user SHOULD BE AWARE that when a write access to RAM addresses 000000-000007 is made, a bus .error will result because the on-board logic will interpret this cycle as a write .A PROM is used to implement the logic that determines if the exception vector is fetched from RAM or EPROM. The Application Note referenced describes how to program this PROM to allow exception vectors in addition to Reset to reside in EPROM. COMMAND STATUS REGISTER The CSR has a fixed address of FFF802 and can only be addressed locally in the Supervisor State. The register is initialled to ooH on reset and is a Read-Write Register. The bit definitions are defined in Figure S. BIT DEFINITIONS Figure 8 015 014 013 012 011 010 11 11 009 008 FUNCTION L IE1 IE2 IE3 IE4 IE5 IE6 1E7 INTENABLE 007 006 005 004 1 003 002 001 FUNCTION 000 T T~1T_:::~ I - UNUSED ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - BTO CLEAR ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BTOSTAT ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GSYSFAIL ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LSYSFAIL 111-5 015 Interrupt Enable allows programming the interrupt level from 0 to 7. The power-up reset level is 000 which disables STI interrupts. 111 equals a level of 7. The interrupt enable bit controls all interrupt requests for the VMEbus and on-board devices, including SYSFAIL * and ACFAIL*. The power up condition is all interrupts disabled. Setting this bit to a "1" allows all enabled interrupts. SELECTION SWITCH REGISTER 008-014 Interrupt Enable Bits If Interrupt Enable (D15 =1) is on, setting these bits to a "1 " enables the specified interrupt level. The ACFAIL* (Level 7 Autovector) and SYSFAIL* (Level 6 Autovector) interrupts are enabled whenever the INT ENABLE bit is set (D15). The VME-SBC contains an 8-bit switch input register to accommodate two 4-bit switches. This register has a local address of FFF801 (Byte Register) and is read only in the Supervisor State: The register inputs are also routed to P2 to allow remote selection switches. The location of the P2 register inputs can be found in Appendix B. Baud Rates 007 Local SVSFAIL This bit controls the board's contribution to the VME SYSFAIL* signal and the state of the red/green LED. When set to 1, the SYSFAIL* signal is not driven and the LED is green. When cleared, the SYSFAIL" signal is asserted and the LED is red. 006 Global SYSFAIL This is a read only bit and reflects the status of the VMEbus SYSFAIL* signal. A low-going edge on SYSFAIL*, subsequent to RESET, also causes a level 6 autovector. A "0" indicates a system fail condition. Baud rates on the SBC are fully programmable and are generated by the Timer D outputofthe STI. Table 1 contains the Timer D data register values for the various Baud rates. Refer to Appendix C for a software example that sets the Baud rate. Timer D should be programmed to a prescaler of divide by 4. ' BAUD RATE SELECTION (TIMER 0 PRESCALER = DIVIDE BY 4) Table 1 TIMER 0 DATA REGISTER HEX VALUE (TDDR) $AE 005 BTO Status $40 $20 $10 $08 The BTO (Bus Time Out) status bit is set when the on-board BTO logic detects a BTO and asserts BERR*. It is cleared by writing a 1 to the BTO CLEAR bit (004). 004 BTO Clear Writing a "1 "to the bit clears the BTO status bit. This bit will always be "0" when it is read. 000-002 STI Interrupt Priority The interrupt priority bits sets the priority of the STI. This 106 106 104 103 102 101 2400 4800 $02 $01 9600 19200 The STI parallel input/outputs are used to implement the RS-232C control signals. Appendix C contains a software example which will aid in programming the control bits. FUNCTION I1T~- ICTS IOSR IOTR TBIN TAIN IRTS lOCO P20UTPUT 111-6 110 300 600 1200 RS-232C Control Signals 100 TT (x16) $04 STI PARALLEL INPUT/OUTPUT DEFINITIONS Figure 9 107 BAUD RATE STI (MK3801) Operation SPECIFICATIONS The Mostek MK3801 (STI) internal registers are available to the programmer starting at hex address FFF820 as shown in Appendix C, which contains a simple software driver. For specific programming of these registers, refer to the MK3801 Technical Manual. Electrical Specifications VMEbus DRIVERS Totem-Pole VOL = 0.6 V Max@48 ma V OH = 2.4 V Min @ 3 ma Three-State VOL = 0.6 V Max@48 ma V OH = 2.4 V Min @ 3 ma loz = +50 !J.a Max @ 2.4 V or 0.5 V Open-Collector VOL =0.6 V Max @ 48 ma 10H = 50 !J.a Max @ 5 V PROGRAMMABLE BUS-TIME-OUT The STI Timer C output is used to provide the bus time out clock. The first positive clock is used to sample the state of the data strobes. If either data strobe is sampldd low for two clock periods, the bus time out logic drives BERR* active and sets the status bit in the CSR. Since the bus time out clock is asynchronous to the assertion of the data strobes the bus time out is only accurate to + one clock period due to the synchronization of the data strobes with the bus time out clock. Below is the BTO range, depending on the prescaler value selected. Once a prescaler value is chosen, one can specify a bus time out period and compute the correct counter data value with the formula given in Figure 10. One must convert the base ten value given by the formula to base 2 for the actual counter value. Appendix C contains a software example for programming the bus time out in the Initialization routine. VMEbus RECEIVERS V IL = 0.8 V Max V IH = 2.0 V Min IlL = -400 !J.a Max @ 0 < V < 0.5 IIH = 50!J.a Max @ 5.0> V> 2.7 VOLTAGE REQUIREMENTS +5V@4AMAX +12 V @ 150 mA MAX (RS232 only) -12 V @ 150 mA MAX (RS232 only) COUNTER DATA VALUE Figure 10 Mechanical Specifications PRESCALER MIN BTO MAXBTO 4 10 16 50 64 100 200 3.26 !J.sec 8.13 !J.sec 13.02 !J.sec 40.69 !J.sec 52.08 !J.sec 81.38 !J.sec 162.76 !J.sec 0.84 2.08 3.33 10.42 13.33 20.83 41.76 (BTO) (2457600) COUNTER VALUE 10= (PRESCALER) (2) msec msec msec msec msec msec msec Length Width Board Thickness Component Lead Protrusion Connector 6.30 in. (160 mm) 9.20 in. (233.7 mm) .68 .38mm) .062 in. (1.57 mm) .100 (2.54 mm) Max 96 Pin, IEC Standard (603-2 IEC-c096-M) ± Environmental Specifications Temperature Range Relative Humidity 111-7 0-60° C 10-90% (non-condensing) APPENDICES APPENDIX A RS·232C PIN OUT AND CABLE WIRING LIST RS232C SIGNAL DB25 PIN# BA (TXDATA) BB (RXDATA) CA (DSR) CB (CTS) CC (DCD) AB (GND) CF (DCD) CD (DTR) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 20 P2·PIN NUMBER 7a 8a 8e· ge 10a 10e 11 e 11a APPENDIXB P2 PINOUT PIN NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 i5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ROWA ROWB ROWC TAOUT TAIN SI TBIN TBOUT BTOCLK BA(TXDATA) BB(RXDATA) NC CC(DSR) CD(DTR) NC SO S1 S2 S3 170UT EXTRESET* NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 5VOLT GND NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC GND 5VOLT NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC GND NC NC GND 5VOLT NC NC NC NC NC NC NC CA(RTS) CB(CTS) AB(GND) CF(DCD) NC S4 S5 S6 GND S7 NC NC NC NC GND NC NC NC NC NC GND NC NC NC NC APPENDIXC SOFTWARE DRIVER EXAMPLE MOTOROLA MK68000 ASM VERSION 1.20 SYS : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 .SA 08126/82 .SBCOPS 14:16:28 PAGE 1 * SBC SERIAL SOFTWARE DRIVER EXAMPLE * 00001000 00000002 OOOOOOFF 00000000 00000002 ORG $1000 * * PROGRAM DEFINITIONS BAUD BTO RXFULL TXEMPTY EQU EQU EQU EQU $02 $FF SO $2 ; ; ; ; BAUD RATE = 9600 BUS TIME OUT CONSTANT RECEIVER FULL BIT TRANSMITTER EMPTY BIT STI DIRECT REGISTER DEFINITIONS ooFFF821 00000000 00000002 00000004 00000006 00000008 ooOOOOOA OOOOOOOC OOOOOOOE 00000010 00000012 00000014 00000016 00000018 0000001 A 0000001C 0000001E 00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 44 00000OO4 45 46 47 00000005 00000006 00000007 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 12 $FFF821 $0 $2 $4 $6 $8 SA $C $E $10 S12 $14 $16 $18 $1A $1C $1E ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; STI BASE ADDRESS INDIRECT DATA REGISTER GENERAL PURPOSE I/O INTERRUPT INTERRUPT PENDING REGISTER B INTERRUPT PENDING REGISTER A INTERRUPT IN-SERVICE REGISTER B INTERRUPT IN-SERVICE REGISTER A INTERRUPT MASK REGISTER B INTERRUPT MASK REGISTER A POINTER VECTOR REGISTER TIMER A AND B CONTROL REGISTER TIMER B DATA REGISTER TIMER A DATA REGISTER USART CONTROL REGISTER RECEIVER STATUS REGISTER TRANSMITTER STATUS REGISTER USART DATA REGISTER STI IDR GPIP IPRB IPRA ISRB ISRA IMRB IMRA PVR TABCR TBDR TADR UCR RSR TSR UDR EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU * * * STI INDIRECT REGISTER DEFINITIONS SCR TDDR TDCR AER IERB IERA DDR TCDCR EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU * * * * * LOOP TO ECHO CHARACTERS AND SET UP BUS TIME OUT VALUE TO SERVE AS AN EXAMPLE OF USE OF THE THREE SUBROUTINES TO FOLLOW $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 111-9 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; SYNC CHARACTER TIMER D DATA REGISTER TIMER C DATA REGISTER ACTIVE EDGE READY INTERRUPT ENABLE REGISTER B INTERRUPT ENABLE REGISTER A DATA DIRECTION REGISTER TIMER C AND D CONTROL REGISTER MOTOROLA MK68000 ASM VERSION 1.20 SYS : 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 " " 00001000 00001002 00001004 00001006 6106 614C 615E 60FA 12 .SA 08/26/82 .SBCOPS 14:16:28 PAGE ,2 , START LOOP INIT RDCHR WRTCHR LOOP BSR.S BSR.S BSR.S BRA.S ; SET BAUD RATE,BTO, AND USART ; GET TERMINAL INPUT ; OUTPUT TO TERMINAL " " :'.~' , 66 67 68 69 70 71 * * * " * *: 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 INITIALIZATION: SETS BAUD RATE, BUS TIME OUT CONSTANT, AND USART THROUGH THE STI 00001008 43F900FFF821 oooo100E 137C00060010 00001014 12BC0043 00001018 137COOOOOOO2 0000101 E 137C00010010 00001024 12BCOOO2 00001028 137800070010 oooo102E 12BC0021 00001032 137C00980018 00001038 137C0001001A 00001 03E137COOO5001 C 00001044 137COOO20010 oooo104A 12BCOOFF 00001 b4E ' 4E75 " INIT LEA MOVE.B MOVE.B MOVE.B MOVE.B MOVE.B MOVE.B MOVE.B MOVE.B MOVE.B MOVE.B MOVE.B MOVE.B RTS STI,A1 #DDR,PVR(A 1 ) #$43,IDR(A1) #$OO,GPIp(A1) #TDDR;P'ilR(A 1) #BAUD,IDR(A 1) TCDCR,PVR(A1 ) #$21,IDR{A1) #$98,UCR(A 1) #$1,RSR(A1) #$5,TSR(A1) #$TDCR,PVR(A 1) #BTO,IDR(A1) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; STI BASE ADDRESS POINT TO DATA DIRECTION REGISTER SET OUTPUTS RS-232 CONTROL OUTPUTS ACTIVE POINT TO BAUD RATE COUNTER SET BAUD RATE POINT TO TIMER C AND D CONTROL REG. DIV BY 4 (TIM D), DIV BY 10 (TIM C) DIV BY 16, 2 STOP BITS ENABLE RECEIVER ENABLE TRANSMITTER POINT TO BUS TIME OUT COUNTER SET BUS TIME OUT CONSTANT * * * "* " " " RDCHR: READS CHARACTER FROM STI AND RETURNS ASCII VALUE IN DO. * * 00001050 43F900FFF821 00001056 08290000001A 0000105C 67F8 0000105E 1029001E 000010624E75 ." " RDCHR RXPOOL LEA BTST.B BEQ.S MOVE.B RTS STI,A1 ; STI BASE ADDRESS ~(A1) ; RECEIVER FULL? #RXFULI ; CONTINUE POLL RXPOOl UDR(A1) , J ; GET ASCII INPUT " " " 109 110 111 112 113 * " " WRTCHR: OUTPUTS CHARACTER IN DO TO TERMINAL 111-10 MOTOROLA MK68000 ASM VERSION 1.20 SYS: 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 00001064 oooo106A 00001070 00001072 00001076 43F900FFF821 WRTCHR 08290002001 C TXPOOL 67F8 1340001E 4E75 .sBCOPS 12 LEA BTST.B BEQ.S MOVE.B RTS .SA 08/26/82 14:16:28 STI,A1 ; STI BASE ADDRESS #TXEMPTY,TSR(A 1) ; TRANSMITTER EMPTY? TXPOOL DO,UDR(A 1) ; OUTPUT CHARACTER END ****** TOTAL ERRORS ****** TOTAL WARNINGS 0-0-- 0 0 MOTOROLA MK68000 ASM VERSION 1.20 SYS: 12 .SBCOPS .SA 08126/82 14:16:28 SYMBOL TABLE LISTING SYMBOL NAME SECT VALUE SYMBOL NAME SECT VALUE AER BAUD BTO DDR GPIP lOR IERA IERB IMRA IMRB INIT IPRA IPRB ISRA ISRB LOOP PVR RDCHR 00000003 00000002 OOOOOOFF 00000006 00000002 00000000 00000005 00000004 OOOOOOOE OOooooOC 00001008 00000006 RSR RXFULL RXPOOL SCR START STI TABCR TADR TBDR TCDCR TDCR TDDR TSR TXEMPTY TXPOOL UCR UDR WRTCHR 0000001 A 00000000 00001056 00000000 00001000 OOFFF821 00000012 00000016 00000014 00000007 00000002 00000001 0000001C 00000002 oooo106A 00000018 oooo001E 00001064 00000OO4 OOOOOOOA 00000008 00001002 00000010 00001050 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. VME-SBC VME 8 MHz Single Board Computer with Technical Manual (MON68K Debugger Monitor, 12K bytes RAM) MK75601-8-01 VME-SBC VME 8 MHz Single Board Computer with Technical Manual (4K bytes RAM, configured for 48K bytes EPROM) MK75601-8-01 VME-SBC Technical Manual Technical Manual only 4420342 111-11 PAGE 3 111-12 IJ UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION VME-SASI FEATURES VME·SASI BOARD Figure 1 o VMEbus Master/Slave o DMA cantransfer up to 64K byte data blocks o Programmable Bus Request and Interrupt Priority Request level o Interface to SASI compatible controllers o Up to eight Controllers can interface to the VMEbus through the VME-SASI o Byte or Word DMA data transfer capability or Programmed byte data transfers o Automatic SASI handshake control for communication with controller o End of command interrupt o Selectable I/O address on P2 connector VME SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The VMEbus was designed jointly by Mostek, Motorola, and Signetics and was introduced in October, 1981. It offers a combination of high performance timing parameters, a compact form factor, and the advanced functional capability appropriate for today's applications' of 16-bit microprocessors' such as the MK68000. The internationalstandard compact board size promotes functional modularity and low board cost, and it allows the user to select only those functions needed for his application. VME-SASI DESCRIPTION The VME-SASI interfaces the VMEbus with a nonarbitrating Shugart Associates System Interface(SASI) bus, which is compatible with many hard disk and floppy disk controllers. SASI handshake control signals are monitored and acknowledged automatically by the VME-SASI. thus minimizing software overhead. The condition of the interface is available through a status register. Interrupts report the conditions of controller status ava ilable and the end of DMA transfer. The daisy chain bus request and interrupt request configuration of the VMEbus allows multiple VME-SASI boards to be used in a system. Each VME·SASI board address, within short I/O address space, is selected (8 word increments) by strapping on the P2 connector. A control register provides the capability to select the Interrupt priority level, bus request level. User/Supervisor access, DMA mode, and diagnostic status. A red/green bi-color LED provides a visual indication of the diagnostic status of the board. The VME·SASI Block Diagram is shown in Figure 2. INSTALLATION Data transfers with a controller can be performed on a programmed byt.e basis or by using the DMA modes. A byte DMA mode is provided for DMA transfers to or from other byte oriented I/O devices. The word DMA mode allows data transfers in standard addressed memory. The VME·SASI mates with the VMEbus standard ccmnections as defined by the VMEbus Technical Specification. The SASI bus connections are made through the P2 connector. The P2 signals are defined in Table 1. 111·13 :n< cg s: m , ~ CD NC/) J> ~ "..-.,....16 CONTROLLER DATA INTERFACE t 8 lit 1\:-- 8 N \ I 0 P2 511' CONTROLLER II INTERFACE CONTROL 4 T 1 4 DMA COMMAND; STATUS REGISTER Dl r- (') TO HARD DISK CONTROLLERS "l> Cl 3 G) '-- JJ J> s: 4 4 16 BYTE COUNTER I 2 8 ... 2 3 COMMAND/STATUS REGISTER .j:> 8 16 DATA BUFFER ) 000-015 I 2 t BUS REQUEST RELEASE CONTROL f2 15 ~ ,. ADDRESS SYSRESET MASTER SLAVE CONTROL P2 JUMPERS 23 RESET 1 1 INTERRUPT VECTOR NUMBER ADDRESS COUNTER 2 INTERRUPT CONTROL I ADD"" DECODE ADDRESS MODIFIER DECODER BUFFER '0" 'B' A01·A23 lACK AMO-5 ' 6 , 1 .1 1 , 4 ~ I---- i-4 ,- 4 1 " 1 1 , 1 " 1 1 ••• SYSFAIL VMEbus IRQ IACKIN IACKOUT BBSY BR 1-6 0-3 BG IN BG OUT AS DSO DS1 WRITE DTACK BERR P2 CONNECTOR Table 1 PIN NO. ROWA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 CA 15 CA 13 CAll CA 9 CA 7 CA 5 GND DATA 0* DATA 1* DATA 2* DATA 3* DATA 4* DATA 5* DATA 6* DATA 7* NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU BSY* ACK* RST* MSG* SEL* C*/D REQ* 1/0* VME-SASI P2 CONNECTOR SIGNALS ROWB +5V GND R'SVED A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 A31 GND +5V 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 GND 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 D31 GND +5V ROWC CA 14 CA 12 CA 10 CA 8 CA 6 CA 4 GND SIGGND SIGGND SIGGND SIGGND SIGGND SIGGND SIGGND SIGGND NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU SIGGND SIGGND SIGGND SIGGND SIGGND SIGGND SIGGND SIGGND NU - NOT USED CA - COMPARED ADDRESS Strap address lines to ground to select the desired SASI short 1/0 address. SIGGND - SIGNAL GROUND To be used when a ground is desired for each signal such as a twisted pair, or alternating grounds ina flat cable. Address Strapping The VME-SASI slave address resides in short 110 addressing space and is strappable to any sixteen byte 110 address boundary. Base address selection is made by strapping the desired address via the P2 connector. The P2 address pins are a logic high (true) when left open. Therefore, to select the desired base address, strap the address bits required to be logic low (false) to ground. If all pins are left open, the base address will be FFFFFO.lf all pins are grounded, the base address will be FFOOOO. The P2 address pins are listed in Table 2. SASI P2 Interlace The SASI signal pinout on the P2 connector is shown in Table 3. The P2 - GND column indicates the ground associated with each signal for cabling purposes. Note that the pinouts are compatible with a 50 pin flat cable to interface directly to a SASI bus. 111-15 TECHNICAL INFORMATION P2 ADDRESS STRAPPING PINS Table 2 Register Map P2~6c", A 4 A 5 P2-6a P2-5c P2-5a P2-4c P2-4a P2-3c P2-3a P2-2c P2-2a P2-1c P2-1a A6 A 7 A 8 A 9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 All registers on the VME-SASI are accessed through short I/O addressing. The exact address block (8 words) is selected by address strapping (A4-A 15) on the P2 connector. All registers may be accessed as word registers on even addresses. All registers, except the upper byte registers that are "don't cares", may be accessed as byte registers. If an attempt is made to access a "don't care" upper byte register as a byte, the SASI will not respond arid a bus timeout will occur. The upper byte "don't care" registers are shown in Figure 3 as X's. The registers are listed below in the order of their offset from the base address selected by the address straps on P2. The register map is shown in Figure 3. OFFSET P2 SASI SIGNALS Table 3 o - SASI SIGNAL P2 - PIN DATA 0* DATA 1* DATA 2* DATA 3* DATA 4* DATA 5* DATA 6* DATA 7* BSY* ACK* RST* MSG* SEL* C/D* REQ* 1/0* a 8 a 9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a25 a26 a27 a28 ,'..a29 a30 a31 a32 P2 - GND I c 8 c 9 c10 c11 . c12 c13 c14 c15 c25 c26 c27 c28 c29 c30 c31 c32 2 4 6 8 - A - C E OFFSET 1 3 5 7 9 B D F - * indicates true low signals 111-1«» REGISTER DMASTATUS DMACOMMAND UPPER BYTE COUNT DON'T CARE MIDDLE BYTE DMA ADDRESS DON'T CARE DON'T CARE DON'T CARE' REGISTER INTERRUPT VECTOR CSR LOWER BYTE COUNT UPPER BYTE DMA ADDRESS LOWER BYTE DMA ADDRESS CONTROLLER COMMAND/STATUS CONTROLLER SELECT CONTROLLER DATA REGISTER MAP Figure 3 015 014 DMA COMP BERR 013 012 011 010 D09 D08 RE SET' REO" I/O C/O BSY" MSG" R/W TC/D MODE MODE ---TI/O U L DMA EN RE SET 007 006 005 004 003 D02 001 000 IRO LEV M IRO LEV L INTERRUPT VECTOR NUMBER " TMSG TBSY SYS FAIL BRO PRI U U/S BYTE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X UPPER BYTE OF DMA ADDRESS LOWER BYTE OF DMA ADDRESS X X X X CONTROLLER COMMAND/STATUS X X X X X CONTROLLER SELECT X X X X X CONTROLLER DATA Referring to the register map, the top word register resides at the base address (XXXO). The low byte is the VECTOR NUMBER register. Each register and its bit functions are defined below. this bit must be low for the SASI data to be valid. This is true when the controller is inserting data on the SASI bus, and when he is requesting data on the SASI bus. D11 - 1/0 indicates the direction the SASI bus is presently being set by the controller. A '0' means is inputting data from the controller. A '1' indicates the SASI is outputting data to the SASI bus. D10 - C/D indicates the type of data being transferred over the SASI bus. A '0' means a command or command status is being transferred. D09 - BSY* bit indicates the active status of the controller. BSY* set to '0' indicates the controller is selected and ready to conduct transactions over the SASI bus. BSY* set to '1 ' indicates the controller is waiting for a new command. D08 - MSG* indicates that a command has been completed by the controller. POWER UP/RESETVALUE - indeterminate Interrupt Vector Register Doo the interrupt vector register is programmed by the user to contain the vector number for the SASI interrupt service routine. POWER UP/RESET VALUE - Indeterminatel Unchanged DMA Status Register (Read Only) D14 - IRO LEV U X Register Descriptions D15 - TEST ENA BLE COUNTER MIDDLE BYTE OF DMA ADDRESS Doo- BRO PRI L DMA COMPLETE* indicates when a DMA operation has been completed by a '0' being placed in this bit. When a new DMA operation is started, the DMA COMPLETE bit is set automatically to '1'. BERR indicates that a bus error occurred during a DMA operation while the SASI was the master. When a bus error occurs, the DMA operation is terminated, and an interrupt request is issued. The address at which the bus error occurred remains the DMA address registers. BERR is reset when the DMAEN bit is set in the CSR register. D13 - RESET* is a read only bit which is the state ofthe SASI bus RESET* signal. Normally, this bit is used for diagnostic purposes. D12 - REQ* is the SASI request line. When this bit is low, the controller is requesting or presenting data on the SASI bus. During polled operation, eSR Register D07 - SYSTEM FAIL* is a status bit that can be set (1) or reset (0) to turn on a red (0) or green (1 ) LED. The system fail LED is set to red by a hardware system reset or by programmed access. The LED is set to green by programmed access only. This LED is intended to be used as a diagnostic indicator. D06 - U/S allows user or supervisor mode access when set to '1 '. When set to '0', the SASI registers can only be accessed in supervisor mode. 111-17 005 - BUS REQUEST PRIORITY high bit 004- BUS REQUEST PRIORITY low bit The two bus request priority bits select the level that will be used to request the bus during OMA operations. 00 - level 0, 01 - level 1, 10 - level 2, 11 - level 3 003 - TEST ENABLE bit provides selection of the test mode. By setting this bit to '1 " the SASI control signals are controlled by bits in the OMA COMMAND register. and provide wrap-around of the data transfer handshake bits. Do not set the test enable bit high when a controller is connected. See the test mode section for more details. 0- OMA write is selected. Data is OMNed from the controller to the memory. When TEST ENABLE =1, this bit is also the TIIO test control bit for the SASII/O signal. The I/O signal will assume the opposite state of this bit. 009 - OMAEN enables the SASI to start a OMA transfer. OMAEN is automatically reset to '0' when the OMA transfer is completed or a bus error occurs. 008 - RESET is used to reset the controller. This bit must be set to '1' then to '0' to reset the controller. POWER UP/RESET VALUE - 00 Byte Count Register 002 - INTERRUPT REQUEST PRIORITY level select high bit 001 - INTERRUPT REQUEST PRIORITY level select middle bit 000 - INTERRUPT REQUEST PRIORITY level select low bit. The interrupt request priority level bits select the level (1-6) to be used for interrupts. The interrupt request priority bits are binary coded. If level 0 or 7 is selected, the interrupt requests are disabled. POWER UP/RESET VALUE - 00 DMA Control Register 015 - 014 - 013 - TMSc;l is a test control bit for the SASI bus MSG* signal. The MSG* signal will assume the opposite state of this bit when the TEST ENABLE bit is high. TBSY is a test control bit for the SASI BSY* signal. .The BSY* signal will assume the opposite state of this bit when the TEST ENABLE bit is high. 015 - 000 The byte count register is used to set the number of bytes to be transferred during a OMA operation. POWER UP/RESET VALUE - 0000 DMA Address Upper Byte Register 007 - DOO OMA access will begin in the upper address.This register represents A23 - A 16. POWER UP/RESET VALUE -Indeterminate/ Unchanged DMA Address Lower Word Register 015 - 000 OMA access will begin in the lower address. These bitsrepresentA15 -A01. BitOof this register is always set to (even address) by the hardware. POWER UP/RESET VALUE -Indeterminate Unchanged a Controller Command/Status Register 007 - 000 All command and command status transfers with the controller are transferred through this register. POWER UP/RESET VALUE -Indeterminate TC/O is a test control bit for the SASI C/O signal. The C/O signal will assume the opposite state of this bit when the TEST ENABLE bit is high. Controller Select Register 012 - MODE selection high bit 007- 011 - MODE selection low bit Mode bits select the operating mode ofthe SASI. The four modes are selected by setting the high and low bits to the binary value of the mode. 00 - MOOEO 01 - MODE 1 10 - MODE 2 11 - MODE 3 010 - ,R/W selects the OMA direction 1 - OMA read is selected. Data is OMA'ed from memory to the controller. 000 Up to eight controllers can be selected, one at a time, by setting one of the eight bits of this register '1 '. A T must be assigned to one bit in this register before each controller command. This register may be read to determine which controller. was last selected. POWER UP/RESET VALUE - Indeterminate Controller Data Register 007 - 0 0 0 All data transfers with the controller must be through this register. Data is specified as any bytes (except for the controller select, the command bytes, or the command status bytes) transferred to or from the controller. POWER UP/RESET VALUE - Indeterminate CONTROLLER REGISTER LEGAL ACCESS CONDITIONS Table 5 REGISTER BSY* I/O 1 X X 1 1 X 0 0 0 0 C*/D REQ* X X 0 0 0 Register Access All registers are read/write except the DMA STATUS register which is read only. The byte registers which contain all "don't care" bits are not accessible as byte registers. If access to these "don't care" registers is attempted, the SASI will not respond with a bus DTACK*. WRITE SELECT WRITE COMMAND WRITE DATA READ SELECT READ STATUS READ DATA Registers can be accessed as byte registers, with the above restrictions, or as word registers on even addresses. X - DONTCARE While DMA operations are in progress (DMAEN bit set in DMA CONTROL register), the writes and reads of some registers are inhibited to prevent the DMA operation from being corrupted. If an illegal access is attempted, the SASI will not respond with a bus DTACK*. Illegal register reads and writes, occurring during DMA operations, are listed in Table 4. 0 0 1 X 0 1 X 0 0 Interrupt Requests Interrupt requests can be programmed to levels 1 -6 via the CSR register. Programming the interrupt level to 0 or 7 disables any interrupt requests from being generated. Interrupt requests are issued for the following conditions: a) After any DMA operation is completed. Completion of a DMA is defined to be when the byte counter counts down to zero or the controller has completed a command. b) After a bus error occures during a DMA operation. The address where the error occurred remains in the DMA address register. ILLEGAL/LEGAL REGISTER ACCESS DURING DMA Table 4 REGISTER CSR DMACOMMAND INTERRUPT VECTOR DMASTATUS BYTE COUNT DMA ADDRESS UPPER DMA ADDRESS LOWER CONTROLLER COMMAND/STATUS CONTROLLER SELECT CONTROLLER DATA (I = ILLEGAL. WRITE L= LEGAL) READ I L I I I I I L L L L L L L I I I L L I Operating Modes One of four operating modes can be selected for DMA operations. The mode is selected by setting the MODE bits of the CSR register to the binary value of the mode number desired. The four modes are described below. Mode 0 A restriction for slave access to the controller register, when the DMA is not enabled, is that they be accessed per SASI protocol. That is, the COMMAND/STATUS register can only be accessed when a command or status transfer is required; the SELECT register may be accessed only when the controller is to be selected; the DATA register may only be accessed when data is to be transferred. If access to any of these registers is attempted when the SASI interface is in the wrong phase, the VME-SASI will not respond with a DTACK*. Table 5 specifies the SASI signal conditions required for legal access to the controller registers. Note that for any slave access to be legal, the DMA must not be enabled (DMAEN=O in CSR). This mode allows data transfers with the controller actually transferring the data to memory. Each data transfer from or to the controller requires a handshake sequence to be performed. When the DMA is enabled, handshakes are performed until the byte counter goes to zero. Then an interrupt request is issued, and the DMA is disabled. Mode 1 This is the byte DMA mode. The SASI performs DMA byte data transfers to the same short I/O address in the DMA address reg ister. The Address Modifier codes placed on the bus are for short I/O. The DMA is complete when the byte count goes to zero or when the controller command is completed. An intrrupt request is issued and the. DMAEN bit is reset on completion of the DMA operation. The DMA address does not increment in this mode; the same address is used for all byte data transfers. 111-19 into write DMA's. During read DMA's, the data at the SASI bus ry during is' going out and cannot be checked. Mode 2 This is the word DMA mode. The SASI performs word DMA transfers to the address in the DMA address register. The Address Modifiers are set for Data accesses. The DMA is complete when the byte count goes to zero or when the controller command is completed. An interrupt request is issued and the DMAEN bit is reset on completion of the DMA operation. The DMA address continues to the next even address after a DMA transfer. Mode 3 This mode is similar to MODE 0; however, the handshakes are performed with the controller until the command has been completed. In Mode 0, they are performed until the byte count goes to zero. DMA data transfers do not occur in this mode; the data is thrown away. An interrupt request is issued when the controller command is completed. User/Supervisor Access The level of access to the SASI is determined by the state of. the U/S bit in the CSR register. When the U/S bit is '0', only the supervisor may access the SASI. When the U/S bit is '1 " both the user and supervisor may access the SASI. When both the user and supervisor are allowed access, the mode of the DMA operation is the same as the mode of the master that programmed the SASI to do the DMA operation. That is, if the SASI is programmed in the user mode to do a DMA transfer, then the address modifier code used for the DMA transfer will be a user code. If the SASI is programmed in the supervisor mode, the address modifier codes for the DMA will be a supervisory code. This test mode allows the user to verify most of the DMA master logic used during an actual DMA operation. Using the VME-SASI with a SASI Controller An example of how to use the VME-SASI with a SASI controller for programming purposes is given in this section. The basic SASI protocol must always be followed, or errors will occur. The basic SASI protocol is described below, and an example of a DMA read or write is presented. SASI Protocol The protocol discussed here is only applicable to the software and hardware protocol which must be monitored by the user program while using the VME-SASI. Interface signals, which provide status of the present condition of the interface, are available in the DMA status register. The description of the status bits is given in the register definition section. Table 6 presents typical interface phases identified by the state of the status bits. The DMA STATUS BSY* bit signifies that the controller is selected and is either awaiting a command or executing a command. When the BSY* bit returns high, the command has been completed, including all of the data and status transfers to and from the controller. Using the Test Mode of the SASI If the controller is in an unknown state, or if execution is beginning from power up, the controller should be reset. To reset the controller, set the reset bit of the DMA CONTROL register highthen low. The STATUS register bits BSY*, I/O, C/D, and MSG* should be '1' following a reset. The SASI provides a diagnostic test mode which allows the SASI to test the SASI interface and perform DMA operations without a controller connected. The test mode should be used only when the controller is disconnected. When the TEST ENABLE bit in the CSR is set high, the test mode is selected and the SASI signals are controlled as follows: The controller sequence to execute a command is constant. The sequence is as follows. When reading or writing bytes to the controller command/status, select, or data registers, ensure that the REQ* bit in the DMA status register is '0'. REQ* low means the controller either wants data or has data ready. If the controller registers are accessed before the controller is ready, a bus timeout will probably occur. REQ* -' BSY*- 1) Set the byte count - Write the number of bytes to be transferred by a DMA operation into the BYTE COUNT register. ACK* is connected to REQ* SEL* and TBSY are logically or'ed and inverted and then connected to BSY* 1/0R/W is connected to I/O C/O TC/D is inverted and then connected to C/O MSG* - TMSG is inverted and then connected to MSG* RESET* - RESET* is controlled normally through the CSR register. The RESEP signal itself is read through the DMA STATUS register. . When the TEST ENABLE bit is selected, a DMA read or write transfer may be performed by setting the SASI signals to the proper state and then enabling the DMA. Since the SASI data bus is not connected to anything, all 'O's will be written 2) Set the DMA address - Write the starting address for the DMA operation into the DMA ADDRESS register. 3) Select the' controller - The controller is selected by writing a '1 'to the bit number representing the controller to be selected. Controller selection is done through the CONTROLLER SELECT register. 111-20 SASIINTERFACE PHASES Table 6 BSY* 1/0 C/O MSG* 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 INTERFACE CONOITION After a RESET has been issued, or after command status bytes have been read. The controller is receiving or is ready for a command from the SASI. This condition exists after controller selection. The controller requests data from the SASI. The controller is putting data on the bus for the SASI. The controller command status byte is available to the SASI. The controller sends a message byte to inform the SASI that the command is complete including the status byte. The next state of the status bits will be all l's indicating the controller is ready for selection. ENDING STATUS: 1/0 = 1, C/D = 0, BSY* = 0, MSG* = 1 4) Send command to the controller - The controller expects a six or ten byte command. All command bytes must be written through the CONTROLLER COMMAND register. The format and exact data for specific commands are controller dependent. ENDING STATUS after: Write command - 1/0 = 1, C/D = 1, BSY* = 0, MSG* = 1 Read command - 1/0 = 0, C/D = 1, BSY* = 0, MSG* = 1 End of command - 1/0 = 0, C/D = 0, BSY* = 0, MSG* = 1 5) For DMA transfers (reads or writes), set DMA direction, DMA mode, and enable DMA. The final step to initiate the command sent to the controller and perform the associated DMA transfers is to set the appropriate DMA MODE, DMA direction (read or write), and DMAEN bits in the DMA CONTROL register. The mode and direction should be set prior to this step. The DMA operation is actually started by setting the DMAEN bit to '1 '. This is the last step. When the DMA is completed, the SASI will issue an interrupt request. ENDING STATUS: The completion of a DMA operation may not actually be the completion of the command. This condition may occur if the set byte count is less than the number of sectors commanded to be read or written. Therefore, two status conditions can exist at this point. End of Command Status: 1/0 = 0, C/D = 0, BSY* = 0, MSG* = 1 Not End of Command Status: 1/0 = X, C/D = 1, BSY* = 0, MSG* = 1 X = 1 for DMA read, 0 for DMAwrite the transaction for any command. The status byte 'must be zero for a no error status. The status bytes must be read through the CONTROLLER COMMAND/STATUS register. When reading the status byte, the REQ* signal must be true for valid status. The DMA STATUS register bits are given below. STATUS AFTER Error Status Byte read: 1/0 = 0, C/D = 0, BSY* = 0, MSG* = 0 7) After the status byte is read, the controller presents a messag'e to the SASI indicating that the controller is through with both the command and status phases and will be ready for a new command after the message is read. The message must be read through the CONTROLLER COMMAND/STATUS register. Note that when reading the message byte, the REQ* signal must be true for a valid message. The DMA status bits after reading the message are given below. STATUS AFTER reading message byte: 1/0 = 1, C/D = 1, BSY* = 1, MSG* = 1 Notice that the BSY* bit went high after the last status byte was read, indicating that the command was completed. 8) In step 5, if the command data transfer was not completed, the rest of the data must be transferred by resetting the byte count to the number of bytes left to be transferred, or by using MODE 3. If MODE 3 is used, the data is not used. Handshaking with the controller is performed simply to complete the data transfer. Status is then available when the end of the command is reached. If status is not required, reset could be issued to the controller to setup for a new command. 6) If the command was completed, the controller presents one byte of status which must always be read to complete 111-21 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VMEbus Drivers Power Requirements Totem-Pole VOL =0.6 V Max @ 48 MA V OH = 2.4V Min@3MA Three State VOL =0.6 V Max @ 48 MA V OH =2.4 V Min @ 3 MA loz +50 p.A. Max@ 2.4 VorO.5 V +5V 4.75 V to 5.25 V @ 3.5 A Typ. 4.5 A Max MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS = Open-Collector V OH = 0.6 V Max @ 48 MA IOH = 50 p.A. Max @ 5 V VM Ebus Receivers Length: Width: Board Thickness: Component Height: Connectors: 630 inches (160 mm) 9.20 inches (233.68 mm) 0.062 inches (1.57 mm) 0.5 inches (14.73 mm) 96 pin DIN 41612 Compliant ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS 'V1L =0.8 V Max V 1H = 2.0 V Min V 1L = -400 p.A. Max@0V > 2.7 Operating: Temperature Range Relative Humidity SASI Bus Drivers (Open-Collector) Storage: Bus terminated with 220/330 Ohms Temperature Range O°C to 60°C o to 90% non-condensing VOL =0.5 V Max @ 48 MA V OH = 2.5 V Min SASI Bus Receivers Bus terminated with 220/330 Ohms V 1L = 0.8 V Max @ 0.8 MA V 1H =2.0 V Min ORDERING INFORMATION Designator Description Part No. VME-SASI VME SASllnterface Board with Technical Manual MK75802 VME-SASI Technical Manual VME-SASI Technical Manual only 4420341 111-22 IJ COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK VME-SIO FEATURES VME-SIO Figure 1 o Four independent full-duplex serial channels • RS-232 Data Rates to 19.2 K Baud • RS-422 Data Rates to 307.2 K Baud o VMEbus compatible o Software programmable Baud Rates o Software Controllable front panel status LED o ReadIWrite Control Register o Software programmable self test mode o All I/O via Back Plane Connectors o Asynchronous Operation • 5,6,7, or 8 bits/character • 1, 1V2, or 2 stop bits • Even, odd, or no parity • X16, X32 and X64 clock modes • Break generation and detection • Parity, overrun, and framing error detection o Binary Synchronous Operation • Internal or external character synchronization • Monosync or bisync operation • Automatic sync character insertion • CRC generation and checking o HDLC and IBM SDLC Operation • Abort sequence generation and detection • Automatic zero insertion and detection • Automatic flag insertion between messages • Address field recognition • I-field residue handling • Valid message protected from overrun • CRC generation and checking VMESYSTEM The VMEbus was designed jointly by Mostek, Motorola, and Signetics and introduced in Oct. 1981. It offers a combination of high performance timing parameters, compact form factor, and advanced functional capability appropriate for today's application of 16-bit microprocessors such as the MK68000. VME-SIO The VME-SIO (MK75801-0-01/02) serves as a four channel full duplex serial communication module for the VMEbus. The VME-SIO block diagram is shown in Figure 2. A typical system configuration is shown in Figure 3. The MK75801-0-01 offers four channels of RS-232(DCE); the MK75801 -0-02 offers two channels of RS-232(DCE) and two channels of RS422 data communications. Each of the four channels is a full duplex serial link. Each channel is supported with separately programmable Baud Rate generation. The VME-SIO can generate and check CRC codes in synchronous mode and can be programmed to check data integrity in various modes. The VME-SIO is programmable for supervisor/user access. When selected for user access, the SIO can be accessed in either the supervisor or user state. However, when the VME-SIO is selected for supervisor space, the module can 111-23 VME~SIO' Bi.6CK DIAGRAM Figu~"2. '.' .. ', :Z> A16·A01 DS1' + ADDRESS SELECTION 11 ~ A04·A01 ADDRESS LATCH 8< DECODE LWORD' BB,CB 4 r--- lORa', RD' ce*.MI* ,...- t---- TEST 2;1 4 SIO r--oR BA,CA '---- 4 AB,CC,CF ~ 4 ~ .. DATA BUS: . BUF~ER' ~. ;'007·000 N·;;·;··.. ,, . ~ C L ~ ~ lACK' '. AMS.AM 0 \ADDRESS jn.IODIFIER DECODE SIO L-~ r-~ " 1 1 ',.> ~ \1 1 ~ SYSCLOCK 1 CLOCK GEN o 2 IACKIN' IACKOUT' 1 DTACK' 1 WRITE 1 AS' 1 .Iflax t- 2 ., STATE SEQUENCER· J r-- 1 o....-L. CLOCK GEN INTERRUPT CONTROLLER ,1" 1 .6 111-24 RS232 B ~.; R RS232/RS422 I V BA,CA E R 4 ... ; S '---01 AB,CC,CF R E' 6 CD C 2 E DA RS232/RS422 I 2 V ,. DB,DD E 2 R TEST 2;1 bV INT' 14 CLOCK GEN h .. DSO' I I J-- ~ 2 ~ f- f- DB,DD RS232 BB,CB 4 ~ 2 DA r- 1 6 CD I., V E R S 1 R E C E I V E R ~ SYSTEM CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM Figure 3 r- r~-~ V' P2 ~ VA ~ ~ II [~ ADDRESS SELECTION VME·SIO ,-- C "'" P1~ '--- SERIAL CHANNEL A SERIAL CHANNEL B SERIAL CHANNEL C SERIAL CHANNEL D '} I I VMEbus only be accessed in the supervisor state. When accessed by the user state when programmed for supervisor state, the module will not respond with DTACK*. Programming ofthe user/supervisor state is via the module's control register (CR). the transmit of each channel is looped back into the receive side of the same channel, thus enabling the use of self test diagnostics. The switching is on the MK3887 side of the channel driver/receivers, so it is not required that the module be disconnected from the serial transmission lines in order to use this feature. The VME~SIO is programmable for interrupt priority levels via the module's control register (CR). The module provides an interrupt vector as described by the VMEbus Technical Specification. Each MK3887-4 SIO chip may provide a unique vector, thereby allowing separate service routines for the RS~232 and RS~422 I/O ports. The module's address strapping is accomplished via the P2 (J2 backplane) connector. The address strapping allows the VME~SIO module to exist anywhere within the short I/O addressing space on 32 byte boundaries. Only Byte (8 bit) data transfers are supported. If a word or longword transfer is attempted, the VME~SIO will not respond with a DTACK*. A facility for on~line self test mode is provided via the self test bit in the modules control register. When this bit is set, 111-25 VMEbus INTERFACE INSTALLATION The VME~SIO mates with the VMEbus Standard connections as defined by the VMEbus Technical Specification. The P1 signals are defined in Table 1. The P2 signals are defined in Table 2. Table 1 identifies the VMEbus backplane J1 /P1 connector pin assignments for the VME~SIO. The table lists the pin assignments by pin number order. (The connector consists of three rows of pins labeled rows A, B, and C.) All signal pins defined by the VMEbus Technical Specification are listed; those not used by the VME~SIO are indicated as (NC). J1/P1 PIN ASSIGNMENTS VME-SIO Table 1 PIN NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 . 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I';' " ! ROWA SIGNAL . MNEMONIC ROWB SIGNAL MNEMONIC ROWC SIGNAL MNEMONIC D01 D01 D02 D03 D04 ,D05 D06 D07 ,GND SYSCLK GND DS1* DSO* WRITE* GND DTACK* GND AS* GND IACK* IACKIN* IACKOUT* AM4 A07 A06 A05 A04 . A03 'A02 A01 -12 V +5V BBSY* (NC) BCLR* (NC) ACFAIL* (NC) BGOIN* BGOOUT* BG1IN* BG10UT* BG2IN* BG20UT* BG3IN* BG30UT* BRO* (NC) BR1* (NC) BR2* (NC) BR3*(NC) AMO AM1 AM2 AM3 GND SERCLK(1) (NC) SERDAT (1) (NC) GND IRQ7* (NC) IR06* IR05* IRQ4* IRQ3* IRQ2* IR01* +5 V SroBY (NC) t5V D08(NC) D09(NC) D10(NC) D11 (NC) D12 (NC) D13 (NC) D14(NC) D15 (NC) GND SYSFAIL* BERR* SYSRESET* LWORD* AM5 A23(NC) A22(NC) A21 (NC) A20(NC) A19 (NC) A18 (NC) A17 (NC) A16(NC) A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A09 A08 +12 V +5V NOTE: SERCLK and SERDAT represent provision for a special serial communication bus proto,?ol still ,being fjnalized. Table 2 identifies the VMEbus backplane J2/P2 pin assignments for the VME-SIO. The table lists the pin assignments by pin number order. (The connector consists of three rows of pins labeled A. B. C.) J2/P2 PIN ASSIGNMENTS VME-SIO Table 2 PIN NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ROWA SIGNAL MNEMONIC ROWB SIGNAL MNEMONIC ROWC SIGNAL MNEMONIC CA15 CA13 CA11 CA09 CA07 CA05 (TXA)BA (RXA)BB (RSETA)DD (DSRA)CC (DTRA)CD (TSETA)DA (TXB)BA (RXB)BB (RSETB)DD (DSRB)CC (DTRB)CD (TSETB)DA (TXC)BA (RXC)BB (RSETC)DD (DSRC)CC (DTRC)CD (TSETC)DA (TXD)BA (RXD)DD (RSETD)DD (DSRD)CC (DTRD)DD (TSETD)DA (N/C) (N/C) +5 GND (N/C) (N/C) (N/C) (N/C) (N/C) (N/C) (N/C) (N/C) (N/C) GND +5 (N/C) (N/C) (N/C) (N/C) (N/C) (N/C) (N/C) (N/C) GND (N/C) (N/C) (N/C) (N/C) (N/C) (N/C) (N/C) (N/C) GND +5 CA14 CA12 CA10 CA08 CA06 (N/C) (TSETA)DB (RTSA)CA (CTSA)CB (GNDA)AB (RSLDA)CF (N/C) (TSETB)DB (RTSB)CA (CTSB)CB (GNDB)AB (RSLDB)CF (N/C) (TSETC)DB (RTSC)CA (CTSC)CB (GNDC)AB (RSLDC)CF (N/C) (TSETD)DB (RTSD)CA (CTSD)CB (GND DD)AB (RSL DD)CF (N/C) (N/C) (N/C) 111-27 ADDRESS STRAPPING MK75602-0-01 TO RS-232 CONNECTOR The VME-SIO module may be configured to reside on any 32 byte boundary within the short 1/0 page. The short 1/0 page is at base hex address FFOOOO through FFFFFF. Therefore, eleven address lines must be configured by the installer, A 15-A5. All ofthese address straps are available on the P2 connector per Table 3. By having the straps on P2, the system is configured one time at the backplane and the VME-SIO has no configuration straps at all. These pins may be configured in any convenient manner on the backplane. The polarity ofthe pins is logically true. Strap the pins to ground if a zero address is desired; otherwise, allow the pin to remain open. For example, the base address with all pins open is FFFFEO; all pins strapped to ground results in a base address of FFOOOO. ADDRESS STRAPPING PINS Table 4 SIGNAL PIN NO. NAME EIA RS-232 RS-232 CA CB CC AB CF DB DO CD DA 7 8 15 17 20 24 a b c d 7a 8a 8c 9c 10a 10c 11c 7c 9a 11a 12a 13a 14a 14c 15c 16a 16c 17c 13c 15a 17a 18a 19a 20a 20c 21c 22a 22c 23c 19c 21a 23a 24a 25a 26a 26c 27c 28a 28c 29c 25c 27a 29a 30a MK758010-0-02 2 CHANNELS TO RS-232 CONNECTOR Table 5 Table 3 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 2 3 4 5 6 BA BB VME-SIO P2 PIN CHANNEL NO. SIGNAL PIN NO. NAME EIA RS-232 RS-232 P2-6a P2-5c P2-5a P2-4c P2-4a P2-3c P2-3a P2-2c P2-2a P2-1c P2-1a BA BB CA CB CC AB CF DB DO CD DA VME-SIO P2 PIN CHANNEL NO. a b 13a 14a 14c 15c 16a 16c 17c 13c 15a 17a 18a 7a 8a 8c 9c 10a 10c 11c 7c 9a 11a 12a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 17 20 24 NOTE: The EIA RS-232 connector is a OB-25 type. TEST POINTS The 8-pin header labeled J1 on the silkscreen is intended for factory test purpose only. No user strapping is required. MK758010-0-02 2 CHANNELS TO MOSTEK RS-422 CONNECTOR Table 6 SCRAMBLER CABLING PIN NO. MOSTEK RS-422 Because of the use of P2 as the interface connector, a cable must be constructed to obtain EIA RS-232 standard pin outs or Mostek standard RS-422 pin outs. This may be done in any manner convenient to the installer. In order to connect the MK75801-0-01 (4 channels RS232) to standard RS-232 connectors, refer to Table 4. In order to make standard connectors to the MK75801-002 (2 channels RS-232, 2 channels RS-422), refer to Tables 5 and 6. SIGNAL SIGNAL RS-422 SIO PIN ON P2 CHANNEL NO. c d 5 1 2 8 TXD+ TXC+ TXCRXD- 19a 20a 20c 21c 25a 26a 26c 27c 9,10 4 6 7 3 GND RXCTXDRXD+ RXC+ 22c 23c 19c 21a 23a 24a 28c 29c 25c 27a 29a 30a NOTES: 1. The RS-422 pin outs only apply to channels 2 and 3. 2. The Mostek RS-422 connector is a 10 pin header. 111-28 APPLICATIONS CR-LED CONTROL The registers of the VME-SIO are summarized in Table 7. Their uses are detailed in the following section. M1 REGISTER Since the VME-SIO uses a Z80 serial 1/0 chip to perform its function, a means of synthesizing the Z80 interrupt behavior was devised. The MK3887 needs a signal called M 1* to allow interrupts to be enabled. A Z80 CPU normally would provide this signal. A register is available at hex address 01 relative to the board base address for this purpose. After enabling interrupts on the MK3887, this register must be written to. The data that is written to this register should be a zero. Bit 07 in the CR controls the led on the edge of the card. A logical zero loaded in this bit lights red, a one lights green. This lamp is intended for use as an indicator for diagnostics performed on the VME-SIO module, but may be used for any indicating function. CR-SELF TEST Bit 05 causes the transmit data to be connected to the receive data for each channel. This allows diagnostics to be written to test the VME-SIO. CR-USERISUPERVISOR ENABLE If hex data EO followed by 40 is written to this port, the MK3887 serial 1/0 chip will perform a return from interrupt, resetting all interrupt hardware. Programming CR bit 06 to a logical one allows the card to be available in user mode. The card is available to the bus in supervisory mode at all times. If programmed to a zero, only the supervisor can access the card. User requests will not generate a OTACK* on the VMEbus when 06 =O. CONTROL REGISTER CR-INTERRUPT PRIORITY The VME-SIO has a Control Register (CR) which contains a variety of functions. It has an offset from the board base address of 03 hex. Bus interrupt priority levels 1-6 may be produced on the VME-SIO. The desired priority level is programmed in CR bits 02, 01, 00. 111-29 REGISTER SUMMARY VME-SIO Table 7 AOOR OFFSET FROM BASE AOOR. 07 06 05 03 .04 02 01 DO M1 01 03 i i··· . i'-- SIO REGISTER STATUS LED USER SUPV SELF TEST X X I· P N R T I CONTROL 05 NOT USED 07 NOT USED 09 X X X SYNC B R A A U T 0 E CHANNEL 0 OB X X X SYNC B R A A U T 0 E CHANNEL 1 00 X X X SYNC B R A A U T 0 E CHANNEL 2 OF X X X SYNC B R A A U T 0 E CHANNEL 3 11 CHANNEL 0 DATA 13 CHANNEL 0 COMMAND 15 CHANNEL 1 DATA 17 CHANNEL 1 COMMAND 19 CHANNEL 2 DATA 1B CHANNEL 2 COMMAND 10 CHANNEL 3 DATA 1F CHANNEL 3 COMMAND NOTE: X = bit not used. BAUD RATE REGISTERS Baud rates on the VME-SIO are fully programmable. Each channel has an independent register consisting of five bits. Bit 4 selects the source of the Baud rate clock. When programmed to a one level, the clock is provided via the interface. This is the normal case in the synchronous mode. When programmed as a zero, the clock is produced by an on board generator. The rate ofthis clock is programmed by the remaining four bits in the register as shown in Table 8. 111-30 BAUD SELECTION RATE Table 8 03 02 01 DO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 X1 X16 50 75 110 134.5 150 300 600 1200 1800 2000 2400 3600 4800 7200 9600 19200 800 1200 1760 2152 2400 4800 9600 19200 28800 32000 38400 57600 76800 115200 153600 307200 X32 X64 12.5 18.75 27.5 33.63 37.5 75 150 300 450 500 600 900 1200 1800 2400 4800 25 37.5 55 67.25 75 150 300 600 900 1000 1200 1800 2400 3600 4800 9600 NOTE: The selection of the Xl, X16, X32, X64 divisor modes is a function of the MK3887 serial 110 chip. CHANNEL DATA REGISTERS +5 volts +5%, -2.5% @ 3.5 A max The channel data registers are the actual data registers on the MK3887 SIO components. Refer to the Mostek Z80 Microcomputer Data Book for detailed programming information. +12 volts +5%, -3% @ 300 ma typical -12 volts +5%, -3% @ 300 ma typical CHANNEL COMMAND REGISTERS PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS The channel command registers are the actual command (Vl/W0-->WW7, RWO-->RW3) on the MK3887 SIO components. Refer to the Mostek Z80 Microcomputer Data Book for detailed programming information. LENGTH 6.30 inches (160 mm) WIDTH 9.20 inches (233.68 mm) BOARD THICKNESS 0.062 inches (1.57 mm) WEIGHT 0.83 Ibs. (0.37 kg) ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VMEbus DRIVERS CONNECTORS Totem-Pole VOL = 0.6V MAX@48 ma V OH = 2.4 V MIN @ 3 ma 96 pin, IEC Standard (603-2 IEC-C096-M) Th ree-state VOL = 0.6 V MAX @ 48 ma V OH = 2.4 V MIN @ 3 ma IOH = 50 Ila MAX @ 2.4 V or 0.5 V OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE Open Collector VOL =0.7VMAX@40ma IOH = 5011 MAX@5.0>V>2.7V RELATED PUBLICATIONS RS-232 PROTOCOL RS-422 PROTOCOL POWER REQUIREMENTS The following technical publications may be helpful in using the VME-SIO: VMEbus TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Z80 MICROCOMPUTER DATA BOOK 111-31 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. VME-SIO 4 channels RS-232 VMEbus compatible serial 1/0 board with Technical Manual MK75801-01-01 VME-SIO 2 channels RS-232, 2 channels RS-422 VMEbus compatible serial liD board with Technical Manual MK75801-0-02 VME-SIO Technical Manual Technical Manual only 4420343 111-32 I!I COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK VME-FDC VME FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLER MK75803 FEATURES VME-FDC Figure 1 o VMEbus compatible o Word DMA or programmed byte data transfer over VMEbus o Programmable to control up to four 8 inch or four 51.4 inch drives o Programmable VME Interrupt Priority levels o Jumper selectable VMEbus Request level o Selectable I/O address on P2 connector o Single and Double density formats o 51.4 inch Quad density capability o Controls single and double sided disk drives o Soft sector operation, including variable-length sectors o IBM 3740 and System 34 diskette formatting capability for single or double density format, and 8 inch or 514 inch drives and selection of write precompensation are programmable thro.ugh the on-board drive control register. The capability to use 514 Quad density drives is provided by jumper selections. o Automatic track seek with verification o Programmable step rate o Single sector, multi sector or full track data transfers Transfers are normally performed between the disk and memory in standard addressing space, in a Direct Memory Access (DMA) mode. DMA operations transfer 16 bit words to conserve VMEbus time. Programmed data transfers can also be performed using byte transfers. End of command interrupt requests can be generated on one of the IRQ1-6 lines. Selection of the Interrupt Request level is programmable through the control register. Bus request levels for the DMA transfers are selected by on board jumpers. o Automatic CRC generation and checking o Interrupt driven or polled operation o Programmable write precompensation o 1 Year Warranty DESCRIPTION VME-FDC is a floppy disk drive controller board for the VMEbus. The VME-FDC board provides all required controlling, formatting, and interface logic between the VMEbus and one to four floppy disk drives. VME-FDC can control single or double sided 51.4 or 8 inch Shugart compatible disk drives. Also 8 inch or 514 inch drives may be used. All controls to configure the VME-FDC The VME-FDC provides a 256 byte FIFO data buffer. The DMA controller writes data to or reads data from the FIFO until the specified number of words are transferred. The FIFO data buffer allows floppy data transfer rates to be buffered between the VMEbus and the disk preventing data overflow/underflow conditions. The FIFO data buffer is not used during programmed data transfers. 111-33 VME-FDCBLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 1. TO FLOPPY P2 WD1797 FLOPPY DR~VES CONTROLLER AND DRIVE INTERFACE INTERRUPT CONTROL MASTER/SLAVE CONTROL BUS REQUEST/ RELEASE . CONTROL SYSFAii iRQ i"Ac'Ki"N iACi iiSv 1·6 OUT BR BG BG 0·3 IN; OUT AS 0S0 i5S1 WRiTEiiTACK iiE'R"R VMEbus The VME-FDC includes a WD1797 Floppy Disk Contoller chip which provides advanced features including IBM 3740 or IBM System 34 diskette formatting capability, automatic track seek witllverification, programmable step rate, and automatic CRC generation and checking. In addition, single sector, multi-sector, or complete track transfers are possible. " Width Board Thickness 9.20 in. (233.7 mm) .062 in. (1.57 mm) Connectors 96 Pin, IEC Standard (603-2 IEC-C096-M) ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS The daisy chain bus request and interrupt request configuration of the VMEbus allow multiple VME-FDC boards to be used in a system. Each VME-FDC board 1/0 address, within short I/O address space, is selected (16 word increments) by jumpering on the P2' connector of the board. Functional control of the VME-FDC is provided through a control register. Specific control for selection of Interrupts levels, DMA mode, User/Supervisoraccess:ahd diag"nostic status is provided. A red/green bi-color LED provides the user a means of displaying the diagnostic status of the board. PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Board Dimension Length VMEbus compatible Shugart compatible floppy disk drive interface Power Supply Requirements +5 V +5%, -2.5% @ 3.5 A lYP. +12 V ±5% @ 1 ma Max. OPERATING TEMPERATURE Oto 60°C HUMIDITY 10"A> to 90% non-condensing 6.30 in. (160 mm) UI-34 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM Figure 3 1\ \ .-I P2 '-- VME-FDC .P1 ,; II \ I DRIVf 1 n 1\ \ .I ~DRLs DRIVE 2 v 8" OR SELECTION DRIVES ~ ) ;t DRIVE 3 Y \r - .. ~ ~ V ""-...7 VMEbus 111-35 DRIVE 4 ORDERING INFORMATION Designator D~scription Part No. VME-FDC VME Floppy Disk Controller with Technical Manual MK75803 VME-FDC Technical Manual VME-FDC Technical Manual only 4420341 111-36 !l UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK VME-DRAM256 VME DYNAMIC RAM MEMORY CARD MK75701 FEATURES MK75701 Figure 1 o 256KB of Dynamic RAM o 5Vonly o Byte parity with diagnostic support o Control and Status register o VMEbus slave o 23 bit address o Address and data-in latches o On-board refresh o LED indicates board status o Software programmable starting address o Byte, word, and longword transfer o Dual connector, 160 MM Euro-card format DESCRIPTION Performance' The MK75701 is Mostek's VMEbus compatible dynamic RAM board. The board features self-contained parity generation and checking on all data stored in its array. The Control and Status Register allows software control and diagnosis of board functionality, thus facilitating system diagnostics. The programmable starting address register allows automatic system configuration. Address modifiers are decoded in a PAL which allows the possibility of custom changes in the use of the modifiers. A board edge mounted LED glows green to indicate proper operation of the card and red in the event of a parity error. All refreshing of the dynamic RAM's is controlled automatically by on-board circuits. Access Time Cycle Type Typ Max Typ Max Read, Non-parity 388 430 418 460 Read, parity 434 484 464 514 Write 200 236 377 413 Read/Modify/Write 680 776 710 806 Operating Temperature: Storage Temperature: SPECIFICATIONS Humidity: Power: Operating Altitude: Capacity: +5 Vdc at 4.9 A 64K x 36 or 256 K byte Memory Cycle Types: Read, write, and read-modify-write Cycle Time 0 to 60°C -40 to 125°C 10 to 90% without condensation 10,000 feet Dimensions: 160 x 233 mm (6.3 x 9.2 inches) Compatiblity: VMEbus compatible 111-37 BLOCK DIAGRAM - ADDRESS AND CONTROL Figure 2 ~~~B~E~RR~'______-4~ SYSFAIL' (f) ffi ~-----------I :;» OTACK' '" ~ '---- .. BGOOUP -BG30UP " BGOIN'-BG31N' I WRITE'3 ,...--- WRITE'2 :I: U ,...--- S A16-A23 ,...--- WRlTE'O N :::; Ii:~~ ;:O~ V (f)«0: :I: U f- ~ U (f) A1-A15 ell v (f) (f) W 0: 0 0 « (f) :;) '"2W > ,...--- AM5 0 2 W 2 f- a; ~~w y >0: cD fJ5 ~ uOU OW 8 «0 M U (3 0 ..J ..J 0 0: f2 0 U CAS' RAS' 0 2 r------ « ~ 2 ~ ;::: - 0: AM4 ':!:!w !:!:o AM3 00 ou :ii 0W AM2 (f), (f):I: AM1 SYSFAIL CTRL wu O:f- AMO 0: 8~ W ----- lACK' f(f) « IACKOUP IACKIN' 1\ ~~ v Jr~ II CA1-CA15 r------ 0: 0 2 (f) (f) W 0: 0 0 « " ,...--- « 2 2(f)W -Wf- '--- 0: « ~(f)0: 0 0: f2 0 >« 0: W v '--- ..J WRITE'1 • (f) (f) W 0: 0 0 « - I (3 W 0: (f) :;) S (f) ell SYSRESEP LWORO' WRITE' DS1' OSO' ..J ,...--- ERROR/RESET BANK (f) 0: ~~ ",w ERROR BYTE 0-3 U w 0: AS' '---- ~ 111-38 o 0: ~ o u .Bl~ c 0 c; C') W,", o ;' '\ VME BUS DATA 'I 0 0 ~ c;> 0 '" V . .. 0 0 0 CD N b . '" " ,.. '" ,. 0 ~ b N b 0 " loo- l DATA IN LATCH/RECEIVER I I I I I I I ;:;; ~ DATA BUFFER • LDOOO·LDOO7 CONTROL AND STATUS 0 ;;:: 0 is is CD C ~ ~ l- ,--- I-- I-I-- .... .... . l: l: 0 0 is g "!7 U;!7 I ~ ;;:: 0 ;:; 0 l:0" .l: . "',. ;:; ~!7 0 -'" "C N ~T1 ~- ~- OJ J . STARTING ADDRESS REGISTER Ii DATA OUT LATCH m PARITY GENERATOR ;;:: o 0 f" '" ''"" ~ !7 4 »0. I >- DATA OUT LATCH PARITY CHECKER . ~. ~- j>-- .~ I-- lil1111 >- MD024·MD03l I I I I I ;;:: N ~ V ~ II 0 - LDOOS·LD015 ~ I-- '\ 0'" ~ DATA OUT DRIVERS -y I CD a: 0 U; 0 0 ~ loo-.. 0 ... • 0 MD016·MD023 . ~..'" :;; '" i'; ~ '" ".'" I I I MDOOS·MD01S 0 ~ ~ '""'~ w 36-BIT MEMORY ARRAY MDooo.MD007: II ~::XJ ):0, s:- 1 ~ ~ ORDERING INFORMATION Part No: Designator Description VME-DRAM256 MK75701-A-OO VMEbus compatible memory board with 256 K bytes of Dynamic RAM and 8ytewyde parity; includes Technical Manual VME-DRAM256 VME-DRAM256 TM • VMEbus compatible memory board with 256 K bytes of Dynamic RAM, without parity; includes Technical Manual MK75701-8-00 Technical Manual only MK75701-0-ZZ 111-40 l!J UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK VME-MMCPU MEMORY MANAGING CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT MK75602 FEATURES VME-MMCPU Figure 1 o VMEbus compatible o 68000 Processor and 68451 Memory Management Unit o 128K bytes (to 512K bytes) on-board Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM) o Byte parity generation and checking for RAM o Dual-port RAM; accessible from 68000 and from VMEbus o Programmable VMEbus base address for RAM o Programmable response to VMEbus Interrupt Requests 1-7 o Two on-board (EP)ROM sockets, 16K bytes (to 64K bytes) o 8 MHz operation o +5Vonly vendors or by the user, Mostek VME boards are totally compliant with the VMEbus Specification, ensuring fully functional operation with all other VMEbus compatible modules. o 1 year warranty o Suitable for multiprocessor systems The VMEbus was designed jointly by Mostek, Motorola, and Signetics, and was introduced in October, 1981. It offers an attractive combination of high performance timing parameters, compact form factor, and the advanced functional capability appropriate for today's applications of 16-bit microprocessors such as the MK68ooo. With features such as expansion to 32-bit address and data, an independent serial communications bus, and open-ended transaction coding, it provides for tomorrow's applications as well, assuring the user of a compatible upward growth path for years to come. The international-standard compact board size promotes functional modularity and low board cost, and allows the user to select only those functions needed for his application. Mostek's VME board product line provides an everexpanding family of general-purpose modules, applicable to a wide variety of systems and applications including data, word, and image processing, communications, industrial automation and robotics, data acquisition, and software development. For specialized functions provided by other VME-MMCPU DESCRIPTION The VME-MMCPU is a state-of-the-art, high density processing element which includes a 68000 processor, a 68451 Memory Management Unit(MMU), and 128K bytes of read-write memory. The DRAM subsystem includes byte parity checking, and can be programmed to be accessible to privileged external masters on the VMEbus. The base address of DRAM on the VMEbus can also be programmed to start at any multiple of 4K bytes. The MMU stands between the 68000 and all on-board and off-board elements of the system, providing address mapping and access privilege checking on all cycles. The MMU "completes" the architecture of the 68000 by providing a meaningful distinction between the Supervisor (operating system) and User (application) modes of operation, as well as allowing a distinction between Code (program) and Data address spaces and segments. Use of a Memory Management facility is essential to prevent inter- 111-41 VME-MMCPUBLOCK DIAGRAM FigureZ t-1~------I [> I-"A.",A::;M..---I !-,P;:.:H.:.:YS",'C",A:o.;LA",D""C2::':!...' . ADDR DECODE A7:1 MMU ONTRO SIGNALS CTRL V V M M E' E CSA'S BUS BASE AD (12) ..-1--......... [> BUS ARB'- TRATION t------.."..j C> LOCAlDATA(16} D(16) L-------f ility to multi-processor systems: the MMU facility, the VMEbus accessibility of on-board ,RAM at a programmable base address, and the fact that the MMCPU does not request or use the VMEbus.except as necessary. Once it has acquired use of the VMEbus, the MI\iICPU will retain VMEbus control if no other master is requesting the bus, thereby improving performance for subsequent cycles on the VMEbus. Performance in a multi-master or multi-processor system is further enhanced by the fact that the MMCPU will release the Bus Busy signal during a cycle on the VMEbus, allowing overlap of arbitration for the next master with the current data transfer cycle by the MMCPU. The. MMCPU design includes provIsion for future expansibility in several areas to provide the user with a product with compatible growth potential .as future LSI and VLSI devices become available. The design includes provision for the following types of expansion: RAM: Nine multiplexed address lines are provided, allowing use of 256K DRAM chips when available, for a total on-board read-write memory of 512K bytes. (EP)ROM: Address jumpering is provided for MK38000 masked ROMs, and for 27128 and pr.ojected 27256 type EPROMs, for a total non-volatile memory of 32K bytes (27128) or 64K bytes .(MK38000 or 27256). Speed: The basic design comprehends 10 and 12 MHz operation, with some parts changes, when enhanced-speed MMU's become available. Additional MMCPU versions including these enhancements are in the planning stages at this time. In the standard notation put forth by the VMEbus. Manufacturers' Group in the VMEbus Specification, the MMCPU is described as follows: MASTER A24:D16: Drives 23 address lines (16 Mbytes) for Standard Address Space transactions. Drives 15 address. lines (64K bytes) for Short 10. transactions. Drives and monitors 16 data lines, Word and Byte transfers.· SLAVE A24:D16: REQUESTER: INTERRUPT HANDLER: Decodes 23 address lines for Standard Address Space transactions. Drives and monitors 16 data lines, Word and Byte transfers. ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING TEMPERATURE: Release on Request (ROR) Early Release capability (during AS* low) Any of R(3), R(2), R(1), R(O) (STAT, jumpered) POWER: o to 60°C ambient (allows for 10°C local rise) HUMIDITY: 0-90",,6 RH. PHYSICAL CONFIGURATION: PHYSICAL: Anyone of IH (x - y) (DYN, programmed) where 1 :5 x:5 7 and x:5y:57 5.5 A max @ + 5.25 VDC (4.3 A typ at +5 VDC) EXP (for power not bus expansion) Length 6.30 in. (160 mm) Width 9.20 in. (233.7 mm) Board Thickness .062 in. (1.6 mm) Weight 1.15 lb. (0.52 Kg) ORDERING INFORMATION Designator Description Part Number VME-MMCPU VME-MMCPU with Technical Manual MK75602-8 (8 MHz) VME-MMCPU Data Sheet VME-MMCPU Data Sheet only 4420374 VME-MMCPU Technical Manual VME-MMCPU Technical Manual only 4420375 111-43 111-44 m UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK VME BASELINE SYSTEM MK75101 FEATURES VME BASELINE SYSTEM Figure 1 o 68000 CPU o Down load firmware o Five RS-232 Channels o Two Timer Counters o 256K Bytes of Dynamic RAM with byte parity o 12.25" high x 19" rack mount or Table Top Enclosure o VMEbus compatible backplane with extended address and data paths o Seven VMEbus slots available for expansion o Two I/O Panels (for serial I/O) o Provision for six additional I/O panels o 500 watt power supply o Provisions for mounting three 5%" disk drives o Monitor/debugger firmware o Interfaces optional DEC-host cross-assembler three 5%" disk drives. The standard 500 watt power supply has 420 watts remaining to power drives and additional boards. BASELINE DESCRIPTION The VMEbus Baseline System is intended for use by those people who are developing VMEbus compatible boards. It also allows for evaluation of the VMEbus by providing an electrical baseline. as well as facilitating development of dedicated applications. The system comes standard with a 10 slot VMEbus compatible backplane equipped with three VMEbus boards: VME-SBC VME-SIO VME-DRAM Together. they provide the 68000 processor. five serial I/O channels. 256K bytes of DRAM. 12K bytes of static RAM. interrupt control. and two timer/counters. The seven remaining slots allow for ample system expansion and board development. There is also provision for mounting The system comes standard with a firmware monitor/ debugger program. Optional DEC-host software is available for cross-development of 68000 programs. FIRMWARE The monitor performs the following functions: a) Initialization - Sets up and conditions the proto system for use; includes I/O ports and memory boards. b) Diagnostics - Performs minimal memory confidence tests and a checksum test on the firmware. c) Transport mode - 111-45 Allows interfacing to a host system and provides serial down line loading of 6Sooo binary files in Mostek Hex . format or Motorola EXORmacs SRecord format. -115 watts (this configuration) 720 watts (maximum) Physical d) Error Processing - e) I/O Drivers - Height - 12.4 inches (315 mm) Length - 25.9 inches (65S mm) Width - 17.9 inches (455 mm) Weight - 65 Pounds (29.5 kgs) Handles errors from bus timeout, sysfail, acfail, and I/O errors. Provides interface to console device and serial down line load channel. Environmental The debugger supports the following commands: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Display/Modify memory Display/Modify register Set/Clear breakpoint Start program execution Step program Fill, Locate, Verify memory contents Convert hex to/from decimal h) Disassembler i) Help - Command usage summary j) Read - Down load a program Maximum ambient temp. with disk drives - 30°C Maximum ambient temp. without disk drives - 45°C ORDERING INFORMATION DESCRIPTION PART NO. Baseline 115 V Table Top MK75101-S-11 Baseline 115 V Rack Mount MK75101-S-21 Baseline 230 V Table Top MK75101-S-12 Baseline 230 V Rack Mount MK75101-S-22 SPECIFICATIONS Electrical 115 Vac (90-132) 47-63 Hz 230 Vac (1S0-264) 47-63 Hz 111-46 1983 COMPUTER PRODUCTS DATA BOOK STD-Z80 Bus IJ UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK STO-Z80 BUS SYSTEMS INTRODUCTION purpose STD BUS. This bus is defined extensively for the zao microprocessor and its supporting peripherals. By specifying the STD-ZaO BUS, exact functional pin descriptions and bus timing can be given. A STD-ZaO system will be guaranteed to work with all STD-ZaOdesigned boards. The STD-ZaO BUS fully supports the powerful Mode 2 interrupt capability of the zao microprocessor. The STD BUS concept is a joint design between Mostek and Pro-Log to satisfy the need for cost-effective OEM Microcomputer Systems. The definition ofthe STD BUS and the MD Series™ of OEM microcomputer modules is a result of years of microcomputer component and module manufacturing experience. The STD BUS uses a motherboard interconnect system concept and is designed to handle any MD Series™ card in any card slot. Modules for the STD BUS range from CPU, RAM, and EPROM Modules to Input, Output, AID, and TRIAC control modules. The MD Series™ provides both STD-zao BUS expandable modules, designated as MDX, and single-board stand-alone modules, designated as MD. For those applications requiring bus expandability, the MDX-CPU series provides that capability; if a single-board microcomputer is sufficient, the MD-SBCl provides the system designer with a powerful ZaO-based microcomputer solution. Printed circuit modules for the STD BUS are a compact 4.5 x 6.5 inches providing for system partitioning by function (RAM, PROM,I/O). This smaller module size makes system packaging easier while increasing MOS-LSI densities provide high functional capability per module. Mostek has defined the STD-ZaO BUS which is a subset of the general- The MD Series™ of OEM microcomputer boards and the STD-ZaO BUS offer the most cost-effective system configuration available to the OEM system deSigner. IV-1 BUS PIN MNEMONIC DESCRIPTION : 1 2 +5V +5V +5 Vdc system power +5 Vdc system power 3 4 5 6 GNO GNO -5V -5V Ground-System signal ground and OC return Ground-System signal ground and OC return -5 Vdc system power (see Note 1) -5 Vdc system power 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 03 07 02 06 01 05 00 04 Oata Bus (Tri-state™, input/output, active high). 00-07 constitute an 8-bit bidirectional data bus. The data bus is used for data exchange with memory and 1/0 devices. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 A7 A15 A6 A14 A5 A13 A4 A12 A3 All A2 Al0 Al A9 AO A8 Address Bus (Tri-state™, bidirectional active high). AO-A1 5 make up a 16-bit address bus. The address bus provides the address for memory (up to 65K bytes) data exchanges and for liD device data exchanges. liD addressing uses the lower 8 address bits to allow the user to select directly up to 256 input or 256 output ports. AO is the least significant address bit.Ouring refresh time, the lower 7 bits contain a valid refresh address for dynamic memories. 31 WR* Write (Tri-state™, active low). WR* indicates that the data bus holds valid data to be stored in the addressed memory or I/O device. 32 RO* Read (Tri-state™, bidirectional, active low). RO* indicates that the CPU wants to read data from memory or an I/O device. The / addressed I/O device or memory should use this signal to gate data onto the CPU data bus. 33 10RQ* Input/Output Request (Tri-state™, bidirectional active low). The 10RQ* signal indicates that the address bus holds a valid I/O address for an I/O read or write operation. If STATUS 1* is also asserted, the 10RQ* signal indicates the vector acquisition phase of the interrupt acknowledge cycle. Interrupt Acknowledge operations occur during Ml * time, while liD operations never occur during Ml * time. .. Tri-state is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation. *following the signal nmernonic means a low active state. NOTE: 1. Pin #5 may be redesignated as Battery Voltage (VSAl) in the future by the STD-BUS Manufacturer's Group. IV-2 MNEMONIC DESCRIPTION 34 MEMRQ* Memory Request (Tri-state™, bidirectional, active low). The MEMRQ* signal indicates that the address bus holds a valid address for a memory read or memory write operation. It is used on memory cards and is gated with RD*, REFRESH*, or WR* to designate memory operations. 35 10EXP liD Expansion (high expand). A low signal enables primary I/O operations. When high, this signal expands I/O port addressing. 36 MEMEX Memory Expansion (high expand). A low signal enables primary system memory. When high, this signal expands memory addressing. 37 REFRESH* REFRESH (Tri-state, output, active low). REFRESH* indicates that the lower 7-bits of the address bus contain a refresh address for dynamic memories and the MEMRQ* signal should be used to perform a refresh cycle for all dynamic RAMs in the system. During the refresh cycle, A7 is a logic 0 and the upper 8-bits of the address bus contain the I register. 38 MCSYN,C* Not generated by the MOSTEK CPU cards. MCSYNC* can be generated by gating the following signals: RD* + WR* + INTAK*. By connecting a jumper on the MDX-CPU1, 1A 2, 2A, this line becomes DEBUG* (Input). DEBUG* is used in conjuction with the DDT-80 operating system on the MDX-DEBUG card and the MDX-SST card for implementing a hardware single step function. When pulled low, the DEBUG* line will set an address modification latch which will force the upper three address lines A15, A14, and A13 to a logic 1. These address lines will remain at a logic 1 until reset by performing any liD operation. 39 STATUS 1 (M1)* Machine Cycle One. (Tri-state, output, active low.) M1 * indicates that the current 'machine cycle is in the op code fetch cycle of an instruction. Note that during the execution of two byte opcodes, M1 * will be generated as each op code is fetched. These two byte opcodes always begin with a CBh, DOh, EDh, or FDh. M1 * also occurs with 10RQ* to indicate an interrupt acknowledge cycle. 40 STATUS 0* Not used on Mostek MD cards. 41 BUSAK* Bus Acknowledge (Output, active low). Bus acknowledge is used to indicate to the requesting device that the CPU address bus, data bus, and control bus signals have been set to their high impedance state and the external device can now control the bus. 42 BUSRQ* Bus Request (Input, active low). The BUSRQ* signal is used to request the CPU address bus, data bus, and control signal bus to go to a high impedance state so that other devices can control those buses. When BUSRQ* is activated, the CPU will set these buses to a high impedance state as soon as the current CPU machine cycle is terminated and the BUSAK* signal is activated. BUS PIN IV-3 BUS PIN MNEMONIC DESCRIPTION 43 INTAK* Interrupt Acknowledge (Tri-state, output, active low). The INTAK* signal indicates that an interrupt acknowledge cycle is in progress, and the interrupting device should place its response vector on the data bus. The INTAK* signal is equivalent to an 10RQ* during an M1 *. 44 INTRQ* Interrupt Request (Input, active low). The Interrupt Request signal is generated by 1/0 devices. A request will be honored at the end of the current instruction if the internal software controlled interrupt enable flip flop (IFF) is enabled and if the BUSRQ* signal is not active. When the CPU accepts the interrupt, an interrupt acknowledge signallNTAK* (lORQ* during an M1 *) is sent out at the beginning of the next instruction 45 WAITRQ* Wait Request (Input, active low). Wait Request indicates to the CPU that the addressed memory or 1/0 device is not ready for a data transfer. The CPU continues to enter wait states for as long as this signal is active. This signal allows memory or 1/0 devices of any speed to be synchronized to the CPU. Use of this signal postpones refresh as long as it is held active. 46 NMIRQ* Non-Maskable Interrupt Request (Input, negative edge triggered). The Non-Maskable Interrupt Request line has a higher priority than the INTRQ* line and is always recognized at the end of the current instruction, independent of the status of the interrupt enable flip-flop. NMIRQ* automatically forces the CPU to restart to location 0066H. The program counter is saved automatically in the external stack so that the user can return to the program that was interrupted. Note that continuous WAIT cycles can prevent the current instruction from ending, and that a BUSRQ* will override a NMIRQ*. 47 SYSRESET* System Reset (Output, active low). The System Reset line indicates that a reset has been generated either from an external reset or the power on reset circuit. The system reset will occur only once per reset request and will be approximately 2us in duration. A system reset will also force the CPU program counter to zero, disable interrupts, set the I register to OOH, set the R register to OOH, and set Interrupt Mode O. 48 PBRESET* Push Button Reset (Input, active low). The Push Button Reset will generate a debounced system reset. 49 CLOCK* Processor Clock (Output, active low.) Single phase system clock. 50 CNTRL* Not used on MOSTEK MD cards. 51 PCO* Priority Chain Output (Output, active high). This signal is used to form a priority interrupt daisy chain when more than one interrupt driven device is being used. A high level on this pin indicates, that no other devices of higher priority are being serviced by a CPU interrupt service routine. IV-4 BUS PIN MNEMONIC DESCRIPTION 52 PCI Priority Chain In (Input, active high). This signal is used to form a priority interrupt daisy chain when more than one interrupt driven device is being used. A high level on this pin indicates that no other devices of higher priority are being serviced by a CPU interrupt service routine. 53 54 AUX GND AUXGND Auxiliary Ground (Bused) Auxiliary Ground (Bused) 55 +12 V +12 Vdc system power 56 -12 V -12 Vdc system power NOTES: 2. Input/Output references of each signal are made with respect to MDX-CPU module. 3. The following signals should have pull-up resistors on the processor board: WR', RD',IORO', MEMRO', REFRESH', DEBUG'. Ml'. BUSRO'.INTAK'. INTRO', WAITRO', NMIRO', SYSRESET', PBRESET'. and CLOCK'. IV-5 IV-6 1983 COMPUTER PRODUCTS DATA BOOK \\ ,. ': '" > STD Bus Microcomputer Systems ':'::" '\ . .;.'("" :,' ~ ,, .""-: " . .....:,." " '" ""::',; :", ''1. '."~ ,", ~. .. \:. , . !t COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MATRIX-80/0EM INTRODUCTION MATRIX-80/0EM Figure 1 The Mostek MATRIX-BOIOEM is a single floppy disk drive based microcomputer system. The system includes the following: • MATRIX-BO/OEM enclosure with power supply • • • • • • • Fan Six-slot card cage (MD-CC6) Power cord Fuse B-inch floppy disk drive MDX-CPU3 MDX-FLP2 module II System Documentation A complete set of system documentation is supplied with the MATRIX-BO/OEM. This includes the following documents: GENERAL INFORMATION MDX-CPU3 Technical Manual. Pub # 4420261 MDX-FLP2 Technical Manual. Pub # 4420262 Schematics MDX-CPU3 #450-01065-10 MDX-FLP2 #450-00923-00 This manual gives a general introduction, unpacking instructions, installation instructions, AC power selection, flexible diskette handling instructions, and maintenance guidelines. Appendix A details the preventive maintenance procedures. Appendix B provides interfacing information to standard terminal equipment. programs designed to run under CPM (version 1.4 through version 2.2). Programs written for other similar systems, such as a Cromemco's CDOSTM, are also generally compatible. For a more-complete understanding of the compatibility issue, consult the M/OS-BO Operations Manual Publications #4420064. System Software Hardware. Description The MATRIX-BOlO EM does not come bundled with any software. The decision as to which software package will be run on the MATRIX-BOlO EM is left up to the purchaser. However, it does come with the M/OS-BO-5 boot PROM installed on the MDX-CPU3 board for ease of installation of Mostek's operating system M/OS-BO. The MATRIX-80/0EM system is based on the MDX family of Microcomputer modules. The two modules used are described below. M/OS-80 is a disk operating system designed to make user computer interaction as simple and self-explanatory as possible. For program development, a set of sub-systems is available to allow user programming. These include FORTRAN, BASIC, PASCAL, and Assembler. For normal use, many packaged applications are available from many sources. 1. MDX-CPU3 (MK77857). This circuit board is a STD BUS compatible, Z80 based proceSSing board that contains 64K bytes of Random Access Memory (RAM). It also contains the Z80-STI (Serial Timer Interrupt) device which, with additional on-board circuitry, provides a full function serial I/O port with programmable MODEM controls, an 8-bit parallel printer port, and two timers. A single BYTEWYDE (28-Pin) socket can be strapped to accept most industrystandard memory devices. See Table 1. M/OS-80 is "upwards" -compatible with the popular 8080 operating system, CPIMTM. M/OS-80 will run virtually all The M/OS-80-5 system boot PROM (2716 EPROM) comes installed in the MDX-CPU3 as shipped from the factory. The IVA-1 .5l~ ~ .~ N:!:! >< ~ om ~ ~ 3 ADDITIONAL FLOPPY DRIVES PRINTER r~-- 1 I -, I I -----. nl ~ o o o C til 5(") II-] "c HARD-DISK DRIVE ~:2l » J1 ~ ~ POWER SUPPLY N 4 EXPANSION SLOTS 0 8·INCH FLOPPY-DISK DRIVE C P U 30+ BOARDS TO CHOOSE FROM 3 CRT TERMINAL "-POWER-ON LED RESET 0 0 0 ' 0 MDX-SASI1 (HARD DISK) MDX-PIO MDX-SIO MDX-422 MDX-DIOB1 STANDARD MEMORY DEVICES Table 1 1/0 PANEL (REAR VIEW) Figure 3 EPROMs ROMs 2716 (2K x 8) 2732(4Kx8) 2764(8Kx8) MK34000 (2K x 8) Jl PRINTER MK37000 (8K x 8) MK38000 (32K x 8) J2 II not used II not used J4 not used 2716 contains the system boot routine to load tracks 0 and 1 from the floppy diskette. It also contains a rudimentary debug monitor to allow the user to: II II not used J5 J6 J7 J8 ~ ~ used used 1. (E)xecute from any location 2. (M)odify and tabulate memory locations 3. (P)ort modify and tabulate J3 CONSOLE J9 FLOPPY 2. MDX-FLP2 (MK77677). This module contains the Western Digital 1797 LSI floppy disk controller and a Mostek MK3883 Direct Memory Access (DMA) device. It provides all required controlling/formatting/interfacing logic between the STD-Z80 BUS and the floppy diskette drives. It can control both single-density, single-sided and double-density, double-~ided Shugart compatible drives. In addition, the MDX-FLP2 can control up to four 8-inch or up to three 5%-inch disk !lrives. The floppy disk controller is IBM 3740 compatible. cutouts for six(6) 25-pin "D" -type connectors, two (2) 9-pin "D" type connectors, and a 50-pin ribbon connector. The cutouts are labeled J 1 through J9. A view of the 1/0 panel is shown in Figure 3. J3, the serial I/O connector, is compatible with RS-232-C terminal devices. J2, and J4 thru J8 are not used. J9 is an expansion connector for use with additional disk drives and is compatible with the Mostek 60 Hz Dual Floppy Enclosure (MK78183-RMDFSS), or the 50 Hz enclosure (MK78185-RMDFSS-50). Pinouts for J3 are found in Figure 4. The pinouts for J9 are shown in Figure 6. 1/0 Rear Panel The inputloutput (1/0) panel for the MATRIX-8010EM has J1 PINOUT (VIEWED FROM MATING SIDE) Figure 4 STROBE STB GND PRINTER DATA BIT 0 DO 2 PRINTER DATA BIT 1 D1 3 PRINTER DATA BIT 2 D2 4 PRINTER DATA BIT 3 D3 5 PRINTER DATA BIT 4 D4 6 PRINTER DATA BIT 5 D5 7 PRINTER DATA BIT 6 D6 8 PRINTER DATA BIT 7 D7 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 10 23 PRINTER BUSY BUSY 11 PAPER EMPTY PE 12 24 IVA-3 GND • J3 PINOUT (VIEWED FROM MATlNGSIDE) Figure 5 CHASSISGND RECEIVE DATA (input) (RS-232) (BB) from terminal TRANSMITIED DATA (output) (RS-232) (BA) to terminal REQUEST TO SEND (input) (RS-232) (CA) CLEAR TO SEND (output) (RS-232) (CB) DATA SET READY (output) (RS-232) (CC) GROUND RDX 2 TDX 3 RTS 4 CTS 5 DSR 6 GND 7 RLSD 8 15 16 17 18 19 20 CARRIER DETECT (output) (RS-232) (CF) !TAO (TIMER A OUTPUT) DTR DATA TERMINAL ROY (in) (RS-232) (CD) 21 9 22 10 23 !TIMER C OUTPUT TCO 11 24 12 J9 PINOUT (VIEWED FROM MATING SIDE) Figure 6 2 !TG43 (TRACK GREATER THAN 43) 27 N/C N/C N/C 28 29 30 31 32 12 SIDED N/C ISELECT SIDE 1 33 N/C 34 35 36 37 38 39 49 IHEAD LOAD IINDEX 8-INCH IREADY IINDEX 5-INCH IDRIVE SELECT 0 IDRIVE SELECT 1 IDRIVE SELECT 2 IDRIVE SELECT 3 IDIRECTION CONTROL ISTEP !WRITE DATA !WRITE GATE !TRACKOO !WRITE PROTECT IREADDATA IS ELECT S!DE 1 5 N/C 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 ~ Pins 1 thru 25 are Ground / = Active Low IVA-4 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Unpacking WORD SIZE - 8 Bits Z80 Microprocessor The MATRIX-80/0EM system should be removed from the shipping container by removing the foam packing material surrounding the enclosure carefully. The soft foam inserts located in the diskette opening should.be removed. Open the system by pulling the front bezel off of the system and remove the foam packing supporting the inside enclosure. MEMORY CAPACITY - 64K bytes STORAGE CAPACITY - 486K Bytes flexible disk formatted SYSTEM CLOCK - 3.6864 MHz internal oscillator Inspection BUS - Mostek STD-Z80 BUS OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE - 15 - 49° Ambient Celsius Inspect the system for shipping damage. Check the printed circuit boards located in the card cage to assure that they are properly seated in the connectors. Check for loose connectors or wires which may have unseated during shipment. In case of shipping damage, place a claim against the shipping agent who delivered the system. INTERRUPTS - STD-Z80 BUS Prioritized Interrupts Power Selection MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS The system has a 115/230 volt power selection switch S2 on the lower right-hand section of the rear panel to select between 115 V ac ± 10% operation or 230 V ac ± 10% operation. Set the switch so that the primary voltage available shows through the hole in the rear panel. The disk drive must be factory configured for either 50 Hz or 60 Hz (verify correct frequency for your installation on the rear panel label). POWER REQUIREMENTS (MAX) - 110 V AC at 2 AMP or 220 V AC at 1 AMP. DIMENSIONS - HEIGHT: WIDTH: DEPTH: 8 inches (20.32 cm) 21.1 inches (53.59 cm) 20.7 inches (52.57 cm) WEIGHT - 47 Ibs (21.32 kg) INSTALLATION The system can be operated at 100 V ac ± 10%; However, the following wiring changes must be made. This section provides installation instructions for the Mostek MATRIX-80/0EM single disk microcomputer system. Procedures described include unpacking, preliminary checks, and system power up. For more details, refer to specific Technical Manuals (e.g. MDX-CPU3 or MDX-FLP2.) 1. Disconnect AC power at the line cord. 2. Remove the top of the unit. 3. Use drawing in Figure 8 to help identify the wires to be moved. POWER SUPPLY PRIMARY WIRING 1151230 Vac POWER SUPPLY PRIMARY WIRING 100 Vac Figure 7 Figure 8 IVA-5 4. Unsolder and move all wires except the blue with white stripe wire from pin 1 on the power transformer to pin 2 of that power transformer. 5. Place the power. selection switch (S2) in the 115 volt position. 6. Replace top lid. The system is now configured for 100 volt ± 10% operation. 4. 5. 6. Baud Rate Selection Th MDX·CPU3 has the capability of software selectable Baud rates. The system frequency of 3.6S64 MHz was chosen to make the range 110 to 9600 Baud rate possible. If the user chooses to use M/OS·SO, the driver routine will select the Baud rate set by the terminal within the 110 to 9600 Baud rate range automatically. If a fixed Baud rate is desired, refer to Applications Note # 10 for the fixed Baud rate driver routine. OPERATION The MATRIX·SOIOEM has been fully tested and burned·in by Mostek prior to shipment. If the unit fails to perform, proceed according to steps outlined in the warranty policy. 7. S. its temperature to be changed suddenly over large ranges. Store flexible diskette in an environment that is between 50 degrees F and 125 degrees F with a relative humidity between 0 and SO%. Avoid contamination and warpage by returning the diskette to its envelope when not in use. Store envelope in its box. (verticle is better than horizontal) Avoid placing heavy objects on the diskette. Do not write on the diskette except on label with a felt·tipped pen. Do not attempt to clean the diskette: The flexible diskette should be in the same temperature and humidity enviroment as the disk drive for a minimum of five minutes. Diskette Unloading Diskettes are removed from the disk unit by depressing the latch button. The disk unit door will open and the diskette will be pushed out of the unit. MAINTENANCE This section deals with the maintenance of the various sub units of the MATRIX·SOIOEM system. Floppy Diskette Power Supply The following are recommendations for extending the life of diskettes used in the MATRIX·SOIOEM system. Every attempt has been made to design the system for maximum diskette life. However, poor handling practices may cause premature failure of diskette media andlor loss of valuable data. CAUTION: Do not power the system up or down with a diskette inserted in a disk drive unit. Doing so may destroy the integrity of the data on the diskette. Spurious write pulses may occur which could destroy data on the disk. Also, "RESET" should not be pressed during disk accesses. The power supply assembly requires no periodic maintenance. If it is noticed that DC voltages have drifted from the nominal values, adjustment facilities are available on each regulator card. However, this determination should be made only with a high impedance voltmeter at normal operating temperature. Fan The temperature within the MATRIX·SOIOEM is very important to achieve error·free operation. The diskette DISKETTE LOADING Diskette Loading Figure 9 The diskette is a flexible disk enclosed in a plastic jacket. The jacket is lined with a wiping material to clean the disk of foreign material. Figure 9 shows the proper method of loading a diskette into a disk drive. The diskette should be loaded with power on. To load the diskette, depress the latch, insert the diskette with the label facing upward: The diskette is loaded when a "click" is heard. Move the latch handle down slowly to 19Ck the diskette on the drive spindle. Diskette Handling The following are important handling suggestions: 1. Avoid touching exposed l)Ireas of magnetic medium. 2; Avoid exposure 'of diskette to ma'gnetic fields such as motors, fluorescent lamps, transformers, telephones, and.so on. . 3. Avoid exposure of diskette to direct sunlight. Do not allow IVA-6 material has an operating range of 10 degrees C (50 degrees F) to 49 degrees C (120 degrees F) for prolonged life and error free operation. It is. therefore. important to keep the fans located on the side of each subsystem free from obstructions and in good working order. The power supplies have a lBO degree F thermal breaker and should the temperature inside the unit get too high. the breaker will shut down the system. The fan screen should be cleaned monthly. CAUTION: Do not operate the MATRIX-BO/OEM ifthefan is not functioning correctly. Disk Drive Maintenance The disk drive requires preventive maintenance every 12 months under normal usage. See Appendix B for complete details. Cleanliness is very important to successful operation of the MATRIX-BO/OEM system. The fan should be free from dirt. lint. and so on. Do not lubricate the disk drive unit; oil will allow dust to accumulate. The read/write heads on the disk drive unit should be cleaned only when signs of oxide build-up are present. Oxide build-up will cause premature failure of diskette material. Occasional inspection of read/write heads and diskette will monitor this condition. Disk Drive Removal Preventive maintenance or inspection of the drive unit may require its removal from the enclosure. The following procedure describes how to remove the drive. 1. Remove all power from the MATRIX-BO/OEM system. CAUTION: High AC voltages are present within the system even with the AC switch OFF. Remove the line cord from the wall outlet. 2. Pop off the lid of the system by pulling upward. 3. Remove Pl (signal). P4 (AC). and P5 (DC) connectors from back of the drive. The P4 and P5 connectors are removed by depressing the tabs extending from the side of the connectors. 4. Carefully remove the bezel from around the face of the unit by pulling forward. 5. Remove the front and rear screws (3) holding the bracket below the drive to the baseplate. 6. Remove the disk drive unit out the front of the enclosure. 7. Lay the drive unit upside down on its top and remove the four screws that hold the mounting bracket to the drive frame. B. To replace the disk drive unit. use the reverse procedure. TROUBLE-SHOOTING This section contains a trouble-shooting guide for some specific problems which might occur with the MATRIXBO/OEM system. SYMPTOMS THINGS TO CHECK 1. POWER ON indicator does not illuminate. 1. Is there Power to line cord? 2. Is Fuse Fl good? 3. Is LED defective? 2. POWER ON indicator illuminates. fan runs. drive spindle does not turn. 1 . Drive belt broken or off pulley 2. ACwiring 3. POWER ON indicator OK fan runs. system returns garbage characters or no characters to the CRT. 1. 2. Is the Baud rate correct? Are the Cable connections good? 4. POWER ON indicator OK fan runs. upon carriage return from the terminal. the floppy diskette seems to read only the first two tracks and quits. 1. Ensure jumpers on FLP2 are correctly installed. J12 should be pins 2-3. Ensure pins l-B. and 20 are connected from the terminal. (MODEM lines must be connected.) 2. IVA-7 APPENDIX A DISK DRIVE PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE INTRODUCTION Preventive Maintenance Procedures The prime objective of any Preventive Maintenance (PM) activity is to provide maximum machine availability to the user. Every preventive maintenance operation should assist in realizing this objective. Unless a preventive maintenance operation cuts machine downtime, it is unecessary. Details of preventive maintenance operations are listed in Figure A 1. During the normal preventive maintenance, perform only those operations listed on the chart for that preventive maintenance period. Observe all safety procedures. Visual inspection is the first step in every scheduled maintenance operation. Always look for corrosion, dirt, wear, binds, and loose connections. Noticing these items during PM may save downtime later. Remember, do not do more than recommended preventive maintenance on equipment that is operating satisfactorily. Cleanliness Cleanliness cannot be over-emphasized in maintaining the disk drive unit. Do not lubricate the disk drive; oil will allow dust and dirt to accumulate. The read/write head should be cleaned only when signs of oxide build-up are present. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES FigureA-1 FREQ UNIT MONTHS OBSERVE ACTION Read/Write Head 12 Oxide Build-up Clean ReadlWrite Head ONLY IF NECESSARY RIW Head Load Button 12 Stepper Motor and Lead Screw Inspect for nicks burrs. Clean off all oil, dust and dirt. 12 Belt 12 Frayed or weakened areas Replace Base 12 Inspect for loose screws, screws, connectors, and switches. Clean base ReadlWrite Head 12 Check for proper Alignment. Replace IVA-8 APPENDIX B PERIPHERAL INTERFACING INFORMATION INTRODUCTION Serial ASCII Terminal This appendix provides peripheral interlacing information. The content of this section will vary according to the customized configuration. The software driver port assignments vary with the operating software to be installed by the user. However, the cable signal, and pin out will usually remain similar. The information to build a cable is shown in Table B-1. This cable is available from Mostek - order part number MK78152. will CABLE INFORMATION Table 8-1 RS-232-C/v.24 MDX-CPU3 SIGNAL I/O CONNECTOR ASCII TERMINAL SIGNAL NAME CHASIS GND RECEIVE DATA TRANSMIT DATA REQUEST TO SEND CLEAR TO SEND DATA SET READY GROUND CARRIER DETECT DATA TERMINAL READY J3-1 J3-2 J3-3 J3-4 J3-5 J3-6 J3-7 J3-8 J3-20 EIA-1 EIA-2 EIA-3 EIA-4 EIA-5 EIA-6 EIA-7 EIA-8 EIA-20 AA BA BB CA CB CC A13 CF CD The parts required to build the cable are listed below and are not available from Mostek. F10IJPV Disk Drive 25 pin "0" Connector 25 conductor cable Table B-2 shows the pinout of various connectors to ease the interlace of the floppy disk unit. ANSLEY #609-25P (2 required) #ANLSEY #171-26 (6 FT long) IVA-9 CONNECTORS PINOUT Table 8-2 MDX-FLP2 J3 CONNECTOR PIN NO. I/O PANEL J9C~~~'if.TOR 2 4 ·6' 8 10 12 14* 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48* 50 FLOPPY DISK SIGNAtNAME 26 27 28 29 ITG43 30 12 SIDED N/C N/C N/C N/C 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 SELECT SIDE 1 N/C IHEAD LOAD IINDEX 8-INCH IREADY IINDex 5"INCH IDRIVE SELECT 0 IDRIVE SELECT 1 IDRIVE SELECT 2 IDRIVESELECT 3 IDIRECTION CONTROL ISTEP /WRITE DATA /WRITE GATE ITRACKOO /WRITE PROTECT . /READ DATA ISELECT SIDE 1 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 N/C * Pin 14 and 48 are tied together on. the MDX-FLP2 .board. On the MDX-FLP2 board, all odd pins are GND. On the 1/0 Panel. pins 1 thru 25 are GND. Logic Levels are defined at the M DX-FLP2 edge connector. IVA-10 !t UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MATRIX 010,100 MK78220, MK78221 FEATURES MATRIX 100, TABLE TOP VERSION Figure 1 o 8-inch single-sided, double-density floppy disk drive o 10-slot card cage, STD BUS compatible o Multi-disk expansion capabilities • o Fully integrated power supply o 50 or 60 Hz operation o 1151230 Vac operation (factory wired) o Standard 19" rack-mountable chassis o Optional table-top version o Front panel power-on indicator DESCRIPTION The MATRIX unit is a user-configurable microcomputer system. It provides the user flexibility in packaging and disk storage requirements by offering several configuration options. The MATRIX unit has a 10-slot card cage, utilizing the STD BUS, power supply, and fan. The power supply provides all the necessary voltages for both the card cage and floppy disk drive. The unit has a structural foam front bezel with quick release ball studs so it can be removed easily. The disk drive may be removed from the front for ease of maintenance. The rear panel has a hinged door for easy access to the 1O-slot card cage and has an adjustable strain relief mechanism for cabling to peripherals. PACKAGING CONFIGURATION POWER SUPPLY The power supply provides all the necessary voltages for both the card cage and floppy disk drive. The power supply has the following voltages available: +5 volts dc at 15 amps maximum +12 volts dc at 0.5 amp maximum -12 volts dc at 0.25 amp maximum +24 volts dc at 3.4 amps maximum The floppy disk drive (provided on the MATR IX 100) uses +5 volts at·1.0 amp maximum, and +24 volts at 1.7 amps, leaving the following voltages available to the card cage: The MATRIX 010 (MK78220)"has no disk drive, which allows the unitto be used as a non-disk based system, or the user can add a floppy-disk drive. +5 volts at 14 amps +12 volts at 0.5 amp -12 volts at 0.25 amp The MATRIX 100 (MK78221) has an 8-inch singlecsided, double-density floppy-disk drive. **CAUTION** The MATRIX units are available in rack mount or table top versions, with standard 115 or 230 volt operation. The table top version has structural foam side skins and lid. A minimum load of 1.5 amps is required on the primary +5 volt supply in order to ensure proper regulation on the other outputs. IVA-11 CARD CAGE 10-SLOT CARD CAGE The 1O-slot card cage is a vertical board mount cage and is fabricated from steel. The card cage is mounted in the rear left-hand side ofthe MATRIX unit (facing the rear). The back panel contains a hinged door for access to the card cage. Figure 2 is an illustration with dimensions of the card cage. Figure 2 Power connections to the card cage are provifiled ph the motherboard by a 2-pin and 4-pin AMP Universal MATE-NLOK connector. There is also a 3-pin AMP Universal MATEN-LOK connector for connecting a remote power lamp and reset button. The pin assignments for these connectors are shown in Table 1, with holes denoted from the comPonent side left to right. POWER CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENTS Table 1 CONNECTOR PINS (LEFT TO RIGHT) DESIGNATOR FLOPPY DISK DRIVE The floppy-disk drive provided on the MATRIX 100 is a Shugart SA8oo-2 single-sided, double-density unit. Acable is provided with a 50-pin card-edge connector that connects to the internal disk drive, and a 50-pin socket connector for connecting to a controller board (board not provided). The floppy-disk drive is mounted in the front right-hand side of the MATRIX 100 unit. STb.BUS PIN DESIGNATOR 4-Pin 1 2 3 4 +5V GND -12 V +12 V 1,2 3,4 56 55 1 2 AUXGND -5V 53,54 5,6 1 2 3 GND +12 V /PBRESET 3,4 55 48 IN INCHES The MATRIX unit has two mating connectors from the power supply that provide AC and DC power to the floppy disk drive. The DC power mating connector is a 6-pin AMP PIN 1-480270-0 utilizing AMP pins PIN 60619-1. See Table 2 for the 6-pin power designators. 2-Pin The AC mating connector is a 3-pin AMP PIN 1-480303-0 or 1-480304-0both utilizing pins PIN 50519-1. See Table 3 for the 3-pin power designators. 3-Pin 6-PIN DC POWER DESIGNATORS Table 2 PIN 1 I/O Expand/Memory Expansion The 10-slot card cage motherboard has two stake pins (lOEXP and MEMEX) that are connected to bus pins 35 (lOEXP) and 36 (MEMEX). If the 10EXP (110 Expand) pin is not used it should be strapped to the logic ground stake pin opposite pin 10EXP. If the i\iiEiiii"EX (memory expansion) is not used it should be strapped to the logic ground stake pin opposite pin iii1EK.iiEX: Interrupt Priority The interrupt priority for the 1O-slot card cage is from right to left as viewed from the front of the card cage, with the highest priority at the right-most side. 2 3 4 5 6 DC VOLTAGE DESIGNATOR +24 Vdc +24 V Return* -12 V Return -12 Vdc +5Vdc +5 V Return *The +24 Vdc power requires a separate ground return line. Ali DC grounds must be connected together near the power supply. One line from this common ground DC connection must go to one common frame ground connection. 3-PIN AC POWER DESIGNATORS PIN 1 2 3 IVA-12 AC VOLTAGE DESIGNATOR 115 Vae Safety GND 115 Vae Return CONTROLS AND INDICATORS DESIGN OPTIONS The operator controls and indicators are located on the front panel of the MATRIX unit. This panel contains the POWER ON/OFF and system RESET switches. The MATRIX unit is designed for use with Mostek MD Series microcomputer boards. A complete line of data processing, memory, input/output boards, and accessories are available from Mostek (see the current Mostek catalog for ordering information). The POWER switch, when pressed, applies AC power to the MATRIX unit. This switch is illuminated when the power is on. The RESET switch asserts the PBRESET signal on the STD BUS. Figure 3 illustrates the front panel of the MATRIX unit. FRONT PANEL OF THE MATRIX UNIT Mostek also offers a complete line of compatible software products for use with the configured MATRIX unit. Refer to the Mostek Software Catalog for available software. All Mostek software is available through a licensing agreement to those users who wish to sell it as a part of their own system. All Mostek software is copyrighted and unauthorized copying is prohibited. Figure 3 'CP1M is a product of Digital Research Corporation INSTALLATION UNPACKING AND INSPECTION MATRIX The MATRIX unit should be removed from the shipping container by carefully removing the foam packing material surrounding the enclosure. REAR PANEL The rear panel of the MATRIX unit has a hinged door for easy access to the 10-slot card cage. The hinged door also has an adjustable strain relief mechanism for the cables which connect to peripherals. Figure 4 is an illustration of the MATRIX rear panel. Inspect the MATRIX unit for shipping damage. Remove the top and check for loose connectors or wires which may have been disconnected during shipment. In case of shipping damage, place a claim against the shipping agent who delivered the unit. POWER SELECTION The left side of the rear panel contains a fuseholder (with fuse) and an AC power cable connector. The MATRIX unit is shipped with a power cord. REAR PANEL OF THE MATRIX UNIT Figure 4 The MATRIX unit is shipped factory wired for either 115 V or 230 V operation. The 50/60 Hz configuration for the MATRIX is a function of the disk drive selected. MAINTENANCE POWER SUPPLY The power supply assembly requires no periodic maintenance. If the DC voltages drift from nominal values, adjustments can be made. However, this determination should be made only with a high impedance voltmeter at normal operating ambient temperature under load. FAN The temperature within the MATRIX unit is very important to achieve error-free operation. The diskette material used on the floppy-disk drive has an operating temperature range of 10°C (50°F) to 49°C (120°F) for prolonged life and error free operation. Therefore, it is important to keep the fan located on the side of the unit free from obstructions and in good working order. The fan screen should be cleaned monthly. IVA-13 **NOTE** INPUT Power; Do not operate the MATRIX if the fan is not functioning properly. 115/230 Vac ± 10%, 50 or 60 Hz DC POWER SUPPLIED: FLOPPY-DISK DRIVE Cleanliness cannot be overemphasized in maintaining the disk drive (MATRIX 100). Do not lubricate the disk drive; oil will allow dust and dirt to accumulate. The ReadlWrite head should be cleaned only when signs of oxide build-up are present. Table 3 provides preventive maintenance procedures and schedule. Figure 5 shows open space inside the MATRIX 100. When using this space, care should be taken to avoid restricting the air flow and changing the temperature characteristics of the unit. +5 Vdc at 15 A max. +12 Vdc at 0.5 A max. -12 Vdc at 0.25 A max. +24 Vdc at 3.4 A max. FUSING 3 Amp, 3 AG for 100/110/115 volts 1.5 Amp, 3AG for 230 volts OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE Matrix 010 O°C to 60°C SPECIFICATIONS Matrix 100 BUS 4.4°C to 35°C (disk drive limitation) or disk media specification, whichever is more stringent. STD-Z80 BUS POWER REQUIREMENTS (MAX) INSIDE OF MATRIX UNIT Figure 5 ;== ;== iii. r-- r- ~ "---' WL-.J '-' Er- L...- POWER SUPPLY CARD CAGE 10 J~ n~~ r r10" DISK DRIVE ~ A ~ t-- i 1.5" i= i ,==", ~ 3 I-- EI--- I~ =1 III:Jl;l [:8:] .1 7" IVA-14 I SPECIFICATIONS (Continued) DISK DRIVE INTERRUPTS Shugart SA800-2 or equivalent (MATRIX 100) STD-Z80 BUS prioritized interrupts INDICATORS AND CONTROLS DIMENSIONS FRONT PANEL INDICATORS Rack Mount: Power-on Height: 7%" Width: 19" Depth: 22W' FRONT PANEL CONTROL Power-on switch Reset switch Table Top: REAR PANEL CONTROLS Height: 814" Width: 21" Depth: 22W' AC Fuse Holder (with appropriate fuse) AC Line Receptable/Filter WEIGHT 45 pounds (21.32 kg.) MOSTEK STD-Z80 BUS PINOUT COMPONENT SIDE PIN 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 CIRCUIT SIDE MNEMONIC +5V GND -5V D3 D2 D1 DO A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 AO IWR IIORO IIOEXP IREFRESH ISTATUS 1 IBUSAK IINTAK IWAITRO ISYSRESET ICLOCK IPCO AUXGND +12 V IVA-15 PIN MNEMONIC 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 +5V GND -5V D7 D6 D5 D4 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 IRD IMEMRO IMEMEX IMCSYNC ISTATUSO IBUSRO IINTRO INMIRO IPBRESET ICNTRL PCI AUXGND -12V PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES· Table 3 UNIT Read/Write head FREn. MONTHS OBSERVE 12 Oxide build-up Clean Read/Write Head ONLY IF NECESSARY Check for proper alignment Align ACTION Read/Write Head Load Button 12 Excessive wear Replace Stepper Motor a nd Lead Screw 12 Inspect for nicks and burrs Clean off oil. dust, and dirt Belt 12 Frayed or weakened areas Replace Base 12 Inspect for loose screws, connectors, and switches Tighten screws, connectors, and switches ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. MATRIX 010 Rack mountable, user-configurable unit with 1O-slot card cage, fan, power supply. 115 V, 60 Hz operation. (Cards not included.) . MK78220-00-00 Same as above with 230 V, 50 Hz operation MK78220-01-00 Table-top version, same as above with 115 V, 60 Hz operation. MK78220-04-00 Table-top version, same as above with 230 V, 50 Hz operation. MK78220~05-00 Rack mountable, MATRIX 010 with 8-inch single-sided, double-density disk drive with 115 V, 60 Hz operation. MK78221-10-OO Same as above with 230 V, 50 Hz operation. MK78221 -11 -00 Table-top version, same as above with 115 V, 60 Hz operation. MK78221 ~14-00 Table-top version, same as above with 230 V, 50 Hz operation. MK78221-15-00 Slide mounting kit MK78193 MATRIX 100 SLD-KIT WARNING: This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions manual, may cause interference to radio communications. As temporarily permitted by regulation it has not been tested for compliance with the limits for Class A computing devices pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user at his measures may be required to correct the interference. IVA-17 ORDERING INFORMATION D.esignator Description Part Number Matrix 8O/OEM-RMUS Single floppy disk drive based Microcomputer System (115 Vac 5 Hz) MK78231-10 Matrix 8010EM-RME Rack mount single floppy disk drive based Microcomputer System (230 Vac 50 Hz) MK78231-11 Matrix 8010EM-TIUS Table top single floppy disk drive based Microcomputer System (115 Vac 60 Hz) MK78231-14 Matrix 8010EM-TIE Rack mount single floppy disk drive based Microcomputer System (115 Vac 50 Hz) MK78231-15 Matrix 8010EM Technical Manual Matrix 8010EM Technical Manual only 4420345 CPU3 Technical Manual CPU3 Technical Manual only 4420261 FLP2 Technical Manual FLP2 Technical Manual only 4420262 IVA-1S I!I UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS .. DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK . MATRIX 200 USER-EXPANDABLE COMPUTER MK78222 FEATURES MATRIX 200, RACK-MOUNT VERSION Figure 1 o Z80-based, using STO Bus o 64 KB memory o Two 8-inch, double-sided, double-density floppy-disk drives II o 3.2 MB storage capacity (unformatted) o Includes: • Two cards (MOX-CPU3 singlecboard computer and MOX-FLP2 floppy disk controller), leaving 8 of 10 slots available for user expansion • Centronics-compatible parallel printer interface • RS-232C-compatible seriarinterface o Power supply: 115 VAC, 60 Hz or 230 VAC, 50 Hz o Standard 19" rack-mount chassis or table-top version o M/OS-80, Mostek's CPIMTM-compatible operating system is available, providing access to large application software base o Also available: Microsoft's Z80Assembler, BASIC and FORTRAN DESCRIPTION MATRIX 200 is a Z80 based user-expandable microcomputer system targeted for, but not limited to, industrial control and instrumentation applications. It is designed around the industry-proven STO BUS. Both rack-mount and table-top versions are available. The system contains 64 KBytes of memory. It has two thin-line 8-inch double-sided double-density floppy-disk drives, providing 3.2 MBytes of storage capacity (unformatted). A Centronics parallel printer interface and an RS-232C compatible serial interface are standard with the system. A card cage with ten slots, only two of which are used, provides for user expansion options. The power supply will operate on 115 VAC, 60 Hzor 230VAC, 50 Hz. MATRIX 200 complies with FCC requirements. TM The system runs M/OS-80, Mostek's CP/M compatible operating system, thus providing access to a large application software base. Also available through Mostek are Microsoft's Z80 Assembler, BASIC, and FORTRAN. The boot firmware for M/OS-80 is provided as part of the system. This allows for "phantom" operation, which means that once the system boots, the boot PROM is removed from the address space yielding full 64 KByte address space for program execution. Another feature included in firmware is a minimum debugger. This provides the capability for memory access, port access, and execution at a given address. CONTROLS AND INDICATORS The operator controls and indicators are located on the front panel of the MATRIX 200 unit. This panel contains the POWER and system RESET switches. The POWER switch, when pressed, applies AC power to the unit. The switch is illuminated when the power is on. The RESET switch resets the SYSRESET signal on the STO BUS. CP/M is a trademark of Digital Research Corporation. IVA-19 REAR PANE;t POWER The rear panel of th~ MATRIX 200 unit has a hinged door for Input: 115/230 VAC50/60Hz @355 VA Output: +5VDC@12A +12 VDC @ 1.5 A -12 VDC @ 1.5 A easy access to the ten-slot card cage. The hinged door also has an adjustable strain relief mechanism for the cables which connect to peripherals. The leftside of the rear panel contains a fuse holder and an AC power cable connector. (A power cord is shipped with the MATRIX 200.) :.' ," " Available for expansion options: +5VDC@7.5A +12 VDC @ 1.375 A -12 VDC @ 1.475 A DESIGN OPTIONS . PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS The MATRIX 200 unit is designed for use with Mostek MD Series microcomputer boards. A complete line of STD BUS compatible data processing, memory, and input/output boards is available from Mostek. The operating system .offered to MATRIX 200 users is M/OSc80 (V5 or higher). This CP/M compatible operating system provil;fes access to mE/ny.available' application packages.' Microspft's Z80 Assembler,BASIC interpreter, BASCOM (Basic Compiler), and FORTRAN are also avaHablfHhrough Mostek. Ci.istom drivers can be integrated into M/OS-80'uslng Mostek's system generation software, MOSGEN: ". "." . Rack Mount: Height: Width: Depth: Table-Top: Height: Width: Depth: 7%" 19" .22112" 8%" 21" 22112" OPERATING ENVIRONMENT Temperature: 10°C - 35°C ORDERING INFORMATION~ , DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO, MATRIX 200 Rack-mount version; 115 VAC, 60 Hz operation MK78222-0-20 Rack-mount version; 230 VAC, 50 Hz operation MK78222-0-21 . Table-top version; 115 VAC, 60 Hz operation MK78222-0-24 Table-topversion; 230 VAC, 50 Hz operation MK78222-0-25 NOTE: 1. All software items must be ordered separately. 2. Other system configurations are available. .;: 1983 COMPUTER PRODUCTS DATA BOOK .N" " '-''''',-',-, '_•. ""''''''''''''''''','''''' ,."' ....... ,,< ..... ,......... ~-,-"'......,..,""""""--..... ""' .... ,,-""............. "" ........."",,,,,,,. t.:!·,: ;~; ~ -', ,'i {.,'::', ~ ..... ~::..i'. MDX Series Data Processing ... '~ ,~ , ' . . . .'. <:~., ).., Ij UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MDX-CPU1 AND MDX-CPU1 A FEATURES MDX-CPU1 AND MDX-CPU1A o STD-l80 BUS-compatible o 4K x 8 EPROM (two 2716's, customer-provided) o 256 x 8 Static RAM (compatible with DDT -80 debugger) o Flexible Memory decoding for EPROM and RAM o Four counter/timer channels III o Restart to OOOOH or EOOOOH (strapping option) o Debug-compatible for single step in DDT-80 o 2.5 MHz version (-0) or 4 MHz version (-4) o +5 Vonly o Fully-buffered signals for system expansibility GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Mostek MDX-CPU1 is the heart of an MD Series l80 system. Based on the powerful l80 microprocessor, the MDX-CPU1 can be used with great versatility in an OEM microcomputer system application. This is done simply by inserting EPROM memories into the sockets provided on the board and configuring them virtually anywhere within the lBO memory. 256 bytes of scratchpad RAM are provided on the board and 4K of EPROM can be user provided (2 2716s).ln addition, an MK3882 Counter Timer Circuit is included on the MDXCPU1 to provide counting and timing functions for the l80. There is also a version of this board, CPU1A, which is targeted for the industrial control area. The CPU1A allows system reset to be generated off the board, i.e., from the MDX-PFD. CPU1 does not incorporate this feature. Due to this difference, the user must be aware of the "one-way" compatiblity of these two products. A CPU1A will work in any application in which a CPU1 has been used but the opposite is not the case. The MDX-CPU1 can be used in conjunction with the MDXDEBUG and MDX-DRAM modules to utilize DDT-80 and ASMB-80 in system development. The MDX-CPU1 is also available in a 4MHz version (MDXCPU1-4). In this version, one wait state is inserted automatically each time on board memory is accessed by a read or write cycle. This is necessary to make the access times of the 2716 PROMs and the 3539 scratchpad RAM compatible with the MK3880-4 4 MHz l80-CPU. IVB-1 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The MDX-CPU1 is designed around the powerful l80 CPU (3880) chip. A Block Diagram is shown in Figure 2. CPU l80 (MK3880) generates the address and control signals, communicates with memory I/O and peripherals, fetches and executes instructions, and provides most of the timing signals for proper operation of the system. BLOCK DIAGRAM· ' .. Figure 2 ',' ~ CONTROL OATA 12 USER PROM 2 2716's tl -5V"""GND v STO BUS INTERFACE COUNTER/TIMER CIRCUIT (CTC) RESET/RESTART The counter/timer circuit provides a four channel counter/timer function under software control. The MDX-CPU1 can be strapped so that reset execution begins at either OOOOH or EOOOH. This logic is required for use of standard Mostek hardware and software products including DDl-80, FLP-80DOS/, MDX-SST, and MDXDEBUG. EPROM Two 24-pin sockets are provided for use with 2716 EPROMs(+5Vonly)foran EPROM memory capacity of 4Kx 8. This 4K x 8 of EPROM can be strapped on any 2K bOundary within any 16K block. RAM A 256 x 8 static RAM is provided for general purpose storage and stack pointer operations. The 256 x 8 RAM is located at FFOO to FFFF and can be enabled or disabled via a user installed strap. CLOCK GENERATOR TheMDX-CPU1 comes with a crystal-controlled clock generator. This clock drives all the necessary components on the board, and is buffered to drive off the board to the other system peripherals. The crystal frequency for the standard MDX-CPU1 card is 5.0 MHz or 8.0 MHz respectively and is divided by two to yield a 2.5 MHz, or to 4.0 MHz or 8.0 MHz respectively. BUS LINES, (DATA, ADDRESS, CONTROL) All lines going onto or off of the board are TTL buffered and/or terminated. The data bus lines are bidirectional so that data can go in two directions. The direction of the data bus buffer is controlled by the CPU, so that the data bus buffer will always be enabled out when the CPU is accessing on board memory or the CTC. The data bus buffer will be enabled pointing onto the CPU card when an offboard memory, 110, or interrupt vector is addressed. The data bus buffer will go to a high impedance whenever a bus-acknowledge signal is issued from the CPU. The address and control lines are unidirectional buffers and will go to a high impedance level whenever a bus acknowledge signal is issued by the CPU. WAIT STATE GENERATOR This function, if selected, causes on board memory read and write cycles or I/O cycles to be lengthened by one clock IVB-2 period in order to allow sufficient access time when slow memory of I/O devices is utilized. MEMORY INTERFACE The MOX-CPU can be populated with up to 4K x S of EPROM (two 27165). It comes with a 256 x S static RAM that is decoded at FFOOH to FFFFH. EPROM ADDRESS SELECTION MDX-CPU1 AND MDX-CPU1A Table 1 CPU1 CPU1A CPU1 CPU1A CPU1 CPU1A U5 Jumpers EPROMU6 J3Jumpers EPROM U6 U5Jumpers EPROM U7 J3Jumpers EPROM U7 U10 Jumpers J4 Jumpers 0-7FF SOO-FFF 1000-17FF 1SOO-1FFF Pins 5 to 9 "to 10 "to 11 "to 12 Pins 9 to 16 "to 14 "to 12 "to 10 Pins 4to 9 "to 10 "to 11 "to 12 Pins 7 to 16 "to 14 "to 12 "to 10 Pins 2 to 12 and 5 to 9 Pins 3 t06 and 9 to 12 2000-27FF 2S00-2FFF 3000-37FF 3S00-3FFF "to "to "to "to 13 14 15 16 " " " " to to to to S 6 4 2 "to "to "to "to 13 14 15 16 " " " " to to to to S 6 4 2 4000-41FF 4S00-4FFF 5000-57FF 5S00-5FFF " to "to "to "to 9 10 11 12 "to "to "to "to 16 14 12 10 " to "to "to "to 9 10 11 12 "to "to "to "to 16 14 12 10 6000-67FF 6S00-6FFF 7000-77FF 7S00-7FFF "to "to "to "to 13 14 15 16 " " " " to to to to S 6 4 2 s000-S7FF SSOO-SFFF 9000-97FF 9S00-9FFF " to "to "to "to 9 10 11 12 "to "to "to "to AOOO-A7FF ASOO-AFFF BOOO-B7FF BSOO-BFFF "to "to "to "to 13 14 15 16 " " " " COOO-C7FF CSOO-CFFF 0OOO-07FF OSOO-OFFF " to "to "to "to EOOO-E7FF ESOO-EFFF FOOO-F7FF FSOO-FFFF "to "to "to "to Decoded Address "to 13 "to 14 "to 15 "to 16 " " " " to to to to S 6 4 2 16 14 12 10 " to "to " to "to 9 10 11 12 "to "to "to "to 16 14 12 10 to to to to S 6 4 2 "to "to "to "to 13 14 15 16 " " " " to to to to S 6 4 2 9 10 11 12 "to "to "to "to 16 14 12 10 " to "to "to "to 9 10 i1 12 "to "to "to "to 16 14 12 10 13 14 15 16 " " " " S 6 4 2 "to "to "to "to 13 14 15 16 " " " " to to to to There are no EPROMs shipped with these assemblies. IVB-3 to to to to S 6 4 2 II ! Pins 9to 10 and 2 to 12 Pins 12 to 10 and 3to6 Pins 5 to 9 and 2 to 3 Pins 9 to 12 and 3t05 Pins 9 to 10 and 2 t03 Pins 12 to 10 and 3t05 MEMORY DECODING JUMPERS WAIT STATE GENERATOR Decoding for each of the EPROMs is shown in Table 1. The 256 x 8 static RAM may be disabled by disconnecting U5 Pin 2 from U5 Pin 3. The wait state circuitry was added to allow 4 MHz operation with standard memory and standard 1/0 devices. When the wait state circuit is enabled as shown in Table 4, one wait state is inserted in the current timing sequence, either in memory access or 1/0 operation. Refer to. the CPU (MK3880) section of the manual for wait state timing. The wait state circuitry is normally. not enabled for 2.5 MHz operation. I/O PORTS Counter/Timer 1/0 Ports The CTC 1/0 ports are hardwired to respond to 1/0 Ports 7CH, 7DH. 7EH, and 7FH as shown in Table 2. For detailed infqrmation on how to program the CTC, refer to the Mostek erc Technical Manual. Jumper pins, labeled E7 Pins 1-4 have been provided to allow the Memory Expansion and 110 Expansion lines to be tied to ground. This option can be implemented by jumpering these pins as shown in Table 5. 1/0 PORT NO. VS. eTC CHANNEL NO. Table 2 1/0 PORT WAIT-STATE JUMPERS Table 4 CTCCHANNEL o Wait Operation State 1 2 3 RESET/RESTART JUMPERS The MDX-CPU1 has the : capability to reset and begin execution at location OOOOH or EOOOH. Table 3 shows the jumpers for selecting OOOOH to EOOOH was to allow the use of Mostek's DDT-80 (Designer's Development Tool) operating system. However, if DDT-80 is not used, then the reset to EOOOH can be used for user programs. The jump to EOOOH is implementing in hardware and must be reset after it is activated. To resetthe jump circuitry, the following code must be placed at EOOOOH: EOOOH CS 03 50 EOO3H DB FF (Any liD . operation will reset the address modification latch) EOOOH (User program begins) When using DDT-80, it is not necessary to execute this code since it is already in the ROM. OnCPU1 Connect On CPU1A OOOOH U10Pin6t07 J4Pin 11 to 13 U10 Pin 6 t08 (Open) U10 P13-14 E3 to E4 - Memory Access Disabled Memory Access Enabled (Connect) (Connect) U10 P13 to 14 J4 Pin 2 t04 J2 Pin 1 to 3 E3 to E4 liD Disabled (Open) U10 P13 to 14 E5 to E6 1/0 Enabled (Connect) (Connect) U1QP13 to 14 J4 Pin 2 t04 J2 Pin 2 t04 E5 to E6 - MEMEX 10EXP On MDX-CPU1 On MDX-CPlI1A Memory Expansion (MEMEX) Connect E7 Pin 3 t04 ConnectJ6 Pin2 t04 Connect E7 Pin 1 to Pin 2 ConnectJ6 . Pin 3 to Pin 1 liD Expansion . EOOOH On MDX-CPU1A MEMEX AND 10EXP JUMPERS Table 5 RESTART JUMPERS Table 3 Desired Reset Location On MDX-CPU1 J4 Pin 11 to 14 .. IVB-4 CPU1 AND CPU1A STRAPPING OPTIONS Figure 3 U5 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 0 0 U10 0 16 01 5 01 4 01 3 0 01 2 01 1 0 0 0 1o 0 9 J4 J3 01 4 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 01 2 01 1 5 0 6 0 7 0 01 o 0 9 0 8 2 0 0 0 3 0 5 0 7 0 01 3 0 3 0 5 0 7 0 9 0 11 0 13 0 4 0 6 8 0 12 0 o 1o 9 0 11 0 13 0 15 0 o 14 0 0 2 0 0 6 8 0 10 4 0 12 0 14 01 6 MDX-CPU1 MDX-CPU1A ASSEMBLY DESIGNATOR DIFFERENCES Figure 4 Signal E7 J6 J2 GND Pin 1 Pin 1 Pin 1 E3 GND Pin 3 Pin 4 Pin 2 E6 IOEXP Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 3 E4 MEMEX Pin 4 Pin 4 Pin 4 E5 MDX-CPU1A. MDX-CPU1 MDX-CPU1. MDX-CPU1A STRAPPING: MDX-CPU1 AND MDX-CPU1 A Memory Capacity Both assemblies have the same physical placement of the strapping options. Figure 3 does denote the difference in the numbering scheme used for each assembly. Please note that only the numbering ofthe headers have been changed and not the routing of the signals to the headers. On-Board EPROM - 4K bytes (sockets only) On-Board RAM - 256K bytes Off-Board Expansion - Up to 65,536 bytes, with userspecified combinations of RAM, ROM, PROM Memory Speed Required Figure 4 further illustrates the difference in these two assemblies designators. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Word Size Memory Access Time Cycle Time 2716* 450 ns 450 ns *Single 5-Volt type required Instruction: 8. 16. 24, or 32 bits Data: 8 bits Address: 16 bits 1/0 Addressing On-Board Programmable Timer Cycle Time Clock period or T state = 0.4 microsecond @ 2.5 MHz for MDX-CPU = 0.25 microsecond @ 4.0 MHz for MDX-CPU1-4 Instructions require from 4 to 23 T States Memory Addressing On-Board EPROM: jumper selectable for any 2K boundary within a 16K block of memory map. On-Board RAM: FFOO-FFFF IVB-5 PORT ADDRESS (HEX) MK3882 CHANNEL 7C 7D 7E 7D o 1 2 3 110 CapacitY MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Up to 252 Port addresses can be decoded off-board. (Four port addresses are on-board. 252 + 4 = 256 total 110 ports). Card Dimensions Interrupts 4.5 in. (11.43 cm) high by 6.50 in. (16.51 cm) long 0.48 in. (1.22 cm) maximum profile thickness 0.062 in. (0.61 cm) printed-circuit-board thickness Multi-level with three vectoring modes (Modes 0, 1, 2). Interrupt requests may originate from user-specified 1/0 or from the on-board MK3882 CTC. Connectors STD-Z80 BUS Interface Inputs Outputs One 74LS load max IOH =-3 mA min. at 2.4 Volts IOL = 24 mA min. at 0.4 Volts Function Configuration Mating Connector STD Bus 56-pin dual Printed Circuit Viking 3VH28/1CE5 0.125 in. centers Wire Wrap Viking 3VH28/1CND5 System Clock MDX-CPU1 MDX-CPU 1-4 MIN. 500 KHz 500 KHz MAX. Solder Lug Viking 3VH28/1CN5 2.5 MHz 4.0 MHz Power Supply Requirements 5 V± 5% at 1.1 A maximum Operating Temperature ORDERING INFORMATION Designator Description Part No. MDX-CPU1 Module with technical Manual less EPROMs. 2.5 MHz version. MK77850-0 MDX-CPU1 Module with Technical Manual less EPROMs. 4.0 MHz version. MK77850-4 MDX-CPU1 and 1A Technical Manual MDX-CPU1 and 1A Technical Manual only. 4420031. MDX-CPU1A Module with Technical Manual less EPROMs. 2.5 MHz version with Bi-directional SYSRESET MK77855-O MDX-CPU1A4 MHz Module with Technical Manual less EPROMs. 4.0 MHz version with Eli-directional SySRESET. MK77855-4 IVB-6. I!I UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION MDX-CPU2A MK77856-D, MK77856-4 Z8D CENTRAL PROCESSOR MODULE FEATURES CONNECTOR AND HEADER LAYOUT o Utilizes the powerful Z80 Microprocessor Figure ,,-------.=r-------.----.., J3 o Six 24-pin sockets are provided which may be strapped to accept any combination of the following industrystandard memory devices: EPROM STATIC RAM ROM 2758 (lK x 8) MK4118(lKx8) MK34000 (2K x 8) 2716 (2K x 8) MK4801 (1 K x 8) 2732 (4K x 8) MK4802 (2K x 8) o Memory decoding on any 1 K boundary o Bidirectional address, data, and control busses to permit external DMA o Four cascadable counter/timer channels o Automatic, transparent dynamic memory refresh o Fully buffered signals for system expandablility o Selectable reset address to either OOOOH or EOOOH o Selectable wait-state generator o Bidirectional reset which allows operation with the MDX-PFD (Power Fail Detect) -~_.---..J J4 J6 o J1 o 4 MHz version available o Single +5 Volt supply o STD-Z80 BUS compatible user may, by programming a new decoder PROM, assign any of the six sockets to memory addresses as required by his application needs. Address, data, and control busses have been made bidirectional to allow external masters to directly access CPU memory. MDX-CPU2A DESCRIPTION The MDX-CPU2A features six 24-pin memory sockets which enable the user to populate the module with various combinations of ROM, RAM, and EPROM. Flexible address decoding allows the user to configure each memory device within any 1 K boundary ofthe 64K memory map. A decoder PROM is supplied which will allow the user to choose one of four preselected memory configurations or, if desired, the A4-channel counter/timer circuit(MK3882) is included on board for software controlled counting and timing functions. The counter/timer circuit (CTC) Trigger inputs and Zero Count outputs are buffered and brought out to a connectorfor external access. In addition, a strapping option makes it possible to cascade the four CTC channels for longer count sequences. A 4 MHz version of MDX-CPU2A is also available (MDXCPU2A-4). To ensure sufficient memory access time at 4 MHz operation, a jumper option enables automatic insertion of one WAIT state for those memory devices idenified as "slow" by the decoder PROM. The standard decoder PROM supplied with MDX-CPU2A-4 is preprogrammed for use with MK2716 EPROMs and MK4118 Static RAMs, and identifies 2716 sockets as "slow" and 4118 sockets as "fast". IV8-7 MDX-CPU2A DIAGRAM Figure 2 lClOCK~ GEN BY_ 2 _ . f~ t~ CS1 MK3880 CPU I''''....'"G~I-OPTIONS STATE GEN ~ <- WAIT r- RESET 7 CH -3 :::> ~ ~ + A2· A7 ~ <::- ADDRESS V DATA +ClK I V CASCADEJ STRAPPING J DIRECTION DATA BUS () A15 - AO V II II D7 - DO II 1\ \ :": '""'"""' ••• A"D CONTROL I lOGIC I r - ~ EXTERNAL TRIGGER ~ MK3882 CTC ~ORTSElECT t h \ + CSO CONTROL SYSTEM RESET I' I II '--- ~,RESET PB RESET _p CONTROL lOGIC ++ ~DIR OPTIONS ~ DECODE lOGIC "- A15-A10 MEMORY I"--"'"" DATA BUFFER P STD· zao ~ STRAPPING CONT AD DR DIR ;> r--- P ~ ADDRESS BUFFER I DECODE OPTIONS CPUMEM DECODE BUS <=- ~DIRp --" CONTROL L BUS (J1) BUFFER CONTROL BUFFER ~1 __ ~ ./ (6 SOCKETS) '--'""' MEMORY REFRESH: 1/0 CAPACITY: The MDX-CPU2A generates all address and control signals necessary to refresh dynamic RAM (such as MDX-DRAM) modules. Refresh occurs automatically during each OP code fetch cycle and is, therefore, transparent to system throughput. The MK3880 (Z80-CPU) utilizes the lower 8-bits of its address bus for I/O addressing yielding a total of 256 possible port addresses. 1/0 ADDRESSING The MK3880 (Z80-CPU) may be programmed to process interrupts in any of three different modes (mode 0, 1, or 2). The on-board 4-channel programmable timer is hard-wired to the following port addresses: MK3882 Channel Port Address (Hex) o 7C 1 7D 2 7E 3 7F INTERRUPTS: Multi-level interrupt processing is also possible with the MK3880. The level of stacking is limited only by available memory space. The MDX-CPU2A will also accept nonmaskable interrupts which force a restart at location 0066H. IV8-8 CONNECTORS AND HEADERS J3 Memory Address Decoder J1 STD-Z80 BUS 56-Pin (see STD-Z80 BUS description). Pins not connected: 5, 6, 35, 36, 40, 50, 53-56. One of four different memory configurations is selected by J3. Additional memory may be added on the STD-ZSO BUS to a maximum of 64K byte total. See Table 1 for J3 strapping. J2 CTC Connector J4 CTC Channel Cascading The CTC signals are buffered and brought out to connector J2. Logical low .5 V at 24 rnA Logical high 2.4 V at -3 rnA J4 allows cascading of the CTC channels. Function CLKITRGO ZCITOO CLKITRG 1 ZC/TO 1 CLKITRG 2 ZCITO 2 CLK/TRG 3 NC *NMI NC GND Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-13 14-26 Pin Function 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NMI (seeJ2) CLKITRG 0 ZC/TOO CLK/TRG 1 ZCITO 1 CLKITRG 2 ZCITO 2 CLKlTRG 3 J4 Strapping 4 2 *The CPU will respond to an externally generated nonmaskable interrupt. The signal is logically OR'ed with NMIRQ, (pin 46) on the STD-Z80 BUS. • • I 1 3 6 8 5 7 • • • • Example showing channels 0 & 1 cascaded Note: If the eTC channels are cascaded on J4, the corresponding pins of J2 must be left open. J3 STRAPPING Table 1 Option 0 2 Option 1 2 4 I I 1 I 1 3 BEG Option 2 4 2 4 • I • • • 1 3 BEG Option 3 2 4 1 3 • • • • 3 BEG BEG Size AD DR Speed Size ADDR Speed Size ADDR Speed Size ADDR Speed U7 2K 0000 Slow 2K 0000 Slow 2K EOOO Slow 2K 0000 Slow U8 2K 0800 Slow 2K 0800 Slow 2K E800 Slow 2K 0800 Slow U9 1K FOOO Fast 1K 1000 Slow 1K FOOO Fast 1K 1000 Slow U14 1K F400 Fast 1K 1800 Slow 1K F400 Fast 1K 1800 Slow U15 1K F800 Fast 1K F800 Fast 1K F800 Fast 1K 2000 Slow U16 1K FCOO Fast 1K FCOO Fast 1K FCOO Fast 1K FCOO Fast IVB-9 II J5 Reset Address Strapping 2.~~.12 J5 sets the reset address to' OOOOH or EOOOH. If reset address EOOOHis selected the first instruction in the program at EOOOH must be a jump to E003H. Then, an 1/0 read must be performed before any address below EOOO is accessed. If no 1/0 access is required in the program, then a "dummy" 110 read or write to an unused port address must be inserted: Example Address EOOO EOO3 EOO5 4 2 J5 • • 1 2758 EPROM 2\~ 2\ 2. \ y •• 12 1~.11 MK4118/4801 SRAM \.y •• 12 1..1t'\\ • • 11 E1 Pin 1 and 2 ofthe El header must be connected when the MOX-SST is used. 3 1 Reset Address OOOOH 2732 EPROM 2716 EPROM MK34000 ROM MK4802 SRAM I • 3 •• 12 1~""11 4 2 J5 • • • 1~"'.11 1~"'.11 Instruction JP EOO3H IN A. (nn) First instruction of user program. Code C303EO OBnn 2\~ • • 12 Reset Address EOOOH MEMORY ACCESS TIME J6 Wait State Generator One wait state must be inserted for on-board memories which are designated "slow" for memory access time. The time required to access on-board CPU2A memory by external OMA controllers is tYpically 106 ns plus the access time of the memory device. This is defined as the time interval between the time memory address is valid on the STO BUS and the time output data is valid on the STO BUS. Maximum Memory Access Time From Chip Enable 2 J6 1 2 4 •• •• 3 No wait states J6 4 • I• 3 One wait state for selected on-board memories. 2 J6 • • 1 I II 2 4 4 J6 3 One wait state for interrupt acknowledge cycles. 3 One wait state inserted for both cases. J7-J12 Memory Configuration Headers Each header configures one socket for a particular type of memory device. Jumper J7 J12 Socket U7 U16 System Clock 2.5 4.0 No Wait States (Fast) One Wait State (Slow) 517ns 252ns 917ns 502ns CUSTOMIZING THE MEMORY DECODER PROM The user may find that the decoder PROM supplied with the MDX-CPU2A ,does not hav!! a preprogrammed memory map suitable for the user's particular application. In this case, a custom decoder PROM can be programmed. The primary functions of this PROM are to provide the chip enable, for each of the six on-board sockets, indicate whether the device in that particular socket will require a wait-state (should the device have a slow access time or require it for 4 MHz operation), and control the direction of the bus buffers (inward for on-board memory accesses and outward for off-board memorY accesses). In addition, this memory decoder PROM will permit four separate memory schemes or maps. IV8-10 Looking at Table 2 and the Figure below, we see that the data that should be programmed in the PROM for option #3 should be as follows: The 256 x 8 PROM can be visualized as four separate 64 x 8 blocks. The two most significant input pins to the PROM (A6 & A7) determine which of the four blocks you will be operating in. The lower six input pins (AO through A5) are connected to A 10 through A 15 of the Address Bus. Because it takes address lines (AO through A 10) to address 1024 memory locations, the A 10 through A 15 address lines will split memory into multiples of 1024 (1 K bytes). Each location in the PROM represents a 1K boundary. This is ideal case since we have 64 bytes in each section; each byte will decode a 1K boundary, and we wish to decode a 64K memory map. PROM DATA CALCULATIONS Figure 3 LOCATION DATA CO C1 C2 C3 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA - FE 3E 3E 3D 3D 3B 3B 37 37 2F 2F FF FF 1F C4 Selecting option number 3 (no jumpers on J3), the memory decode PROM is set up for five 2K EPROMs (2716's) to be addressed from OOOOH to 27FFH and one 1K device (MK4118 Static RAM) to be addressed from FCOOH to FFFFH. PROM DATA Table 2 SOCKET t t t U7 (2716) t t U14(2716) U8 (2716) U9 (2716) !J15 (2716) No On-board Sockets Selected U16(MK4118) WAIT STATES WITH WITHOUT CS1 = CS2 = CS3 = CS4= CS5 = CS6 = 3E 3D 3B 37 2F 1F CS = FF This can be verified by comparing this table data to the data found in the MK6289 listing. (The shipped PROM is configured for slow devices, ie wait states are inserted.) 7E 7D 7B The data to be entered into the PROM is computed by the chart in Table 3. The signal to enable a particular socket is an active low signal. This is indicated by the bar over the signal name (lCS1 etc.) To select the first socket U7, a 0 (low) is the desired condition from output bit O. Output Bits 1-6 will be 1 's to ensure that only one socket is selected at a 77 6F 5F (All selected memory is off-board) MEMORY MAP Figure 4 PROM LOCATION co I_ MEMORY DECODE PROM LOCATION 1ST ••• 1 K··· -,0000, Cl ,. 2ND ••• 1 K • • • • 1 0400 '\ C2 • 3RD ••• 1 K • • • • , 0800 '\ C3 ,. 4TH ••• 1 K • • •• o c o o , I· •••••••••••• C4 00 , - - I 1000, C5 ,- • • • • • • • • • • • • I 1400 C6 • • • • • • • • • • • • • I 1800 C7 I ••••••••••••• I 1 COO , 40 , , csl·············2000 C9 '\ CAI·············12800 ..!1 EO II FO / ,.I' ,.I' , I 1 1 I OPTION 1 I I 1- - - - - - I : OPTION 2 'Col------ / /' ' ,/ FEI·············1FBOO FF " :8000 1 - I I 1- - - - - - I .1 , 1 - '.1 1 COOO 1 1 1.. , 1 I I I 80 :4000 I 1 I - OPTION 0 'I • 10TH • • • lK • • • • , 2400 DO: - I I·!~H,:, •..:1~~ ::':1 ~~~~ IV8-11 ,/ 1 I I OPTION 3 1 F~I------I particular time. Output.8it6isa 0 if the user wants a wait State to beiriserted every time. this particular socket is accessed. Output 8it 7 controls the buffer direction, so if any sOCket is selected oncboard, this output bit must be ,a 0 (low.) PROM DATA CALCULATION 'c Table 3 I OUTPUT BIT FUNCTION LOCATION I I ANYCS I .' with wait , states without wait states i ';', I 6 7 WAIT 4 3 2 CS5 CS4 U15 U14 CS3 Og', 5 - CS6 ' U16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CS2 UB 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 '1 1 0 0 ' 1 CS1 ' U7 1 0 1, 1 ,0 =3E 0 =30 =3B, ' ,1 =37 '"2F =IF 0 , 1, 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 , 1 0 =7E 0 =70 0 =7B =77 =6F 1 .1 ,1 =5F no =FF '~elect PROM DATA PATTERN, MK6289 (NMI 6309-1J 25.6 X 8) Table 4 LOC DATA LOC DATA LOCDATA LOC ,DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA ----- ---- 05 06 07 " 3E 3E 3D 3D FF FF FF FF 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 08 09 OA 08 DC OD DE OF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 28 29 2A 28 2C 2D 2E 2F FF FF FF FF . FF FF : FF FF 00 01 02 03 04 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 ,48 49 4A 48 4C 4D 4E 4F -- -- --- -- - - -- --- 3E 3E 3D 3D 38 38 37 37 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 AO FF FF A1 FF, A2 FF "A3 A4 FF FF. A5, A6 FF A7 FF FF FF FF FF 68 69 6A 68 6C 6D 6E 6F FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 88 89 8A 88 8C 8D 8E 8F ·FF FF, FF' FF FF IVB-12 FF 3E CO FF C1 3E FF C2 3D FF 3D C3 FF "C4 38 FF C5 .38 FF G6 37 FF C7 37 AS, FF fF A9 FF AA , FF FF FF A8 FF FF AC FF FF AD FF FF AE FF FF ' AF FF " C8 C9 CA C8 CC CD CE CF 2F 2F FF FF ,FF FF FF FF EO E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF E8 E9 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF EA E8 EC ED EE EF PROM DATA PATTERN (Continued) MK6289 (NMI6309-1J 256 x 8) Table 4 lOC DATA lOC DATA lOC ------ - - - DATA lOC DATA lOC DATA lOC DATA lOC DATA LOC DATA FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 70 71 18 19 1A 1B 1C 10 1E 1F FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F FF FF FF FF 7B 58 59 5A 5B 5C 50 5E 5F FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 77 6F 5F --- ---- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 73 74 75 76 77 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF BO B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF DO 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FO F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 78 79 7A 7B 7C 70 7E 7F FF FF FF FF FF FF 6F 5F 98 99 9A 9B 9C 90 9E 9F FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF B8 B9 BA BB BC BO BE BF 3E 3E 3D 3D 7B 08 09 OA DB DC DO DE OF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF F8 F9 FA FB FC FO FE FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 1F 72 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 6F 5F System Clock MOX-CPU2A: Card Dimensions: 4.50 in. (11.43 em) wide by 6.50 in.(16.51 em) long 0.675 in. (1.71 em) maximum profile thickness 0.062 in. (0.16 em) printed circuit board thickness 77 2.5 MHz ± 0.05% MOX-CPU2A-4: 4.0 MHz ± 0.05% Operating Temperature: O°C to 60°C STD BUS Edge Connector: POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS 56-Dual Readout; 0.125 in. centers 5 V ± 5% @ 1.2A (excluding memory power requirements) Mating Connectors PCB - Viking 3VH28/1 CE5 Wirewrap - Viking 3VH28/1 CN05 Solder lug - Viking 3VH28/1 CN5 RELATED PUBLICATIONS ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS The following are related publications: System Design Using the Mostek STO-Z80 BUS (User's Manual) - Publication No. 4420237 STD Bus Compatible Z80 Microcomputer Data Book - Publication No. MK79602 System Interrupt Units: 1 SIU IVB-13 III ORDERING INFORMATION Designator Description Part No. MDX-CPU2A 2.5 MHz CPU2A module (less memory and mating connectors) MK77856-O MDX-CPU2A-4 4.0 MHz CPU2A module (less memory and mating connectors) MK77856-4 MDX-CPU2A Data Sheet Data sheet for MDX-CPU2A and MDX-CPU2A-4 4420259 IV8-14 I! UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MDX-CPU3 FEATURES MDX-CPU3 o Z80-STD Bus compatible CPU board o A 28 pin socket for industry standard Bytewide ROMs or EPROMs o Flexible memory decoding of ROM/EPROM memory on any 2K boundary o 64K x 8 of onboard dynamic RAM o Phantom ROM capability o Bidirectional address, data, and control busses to permit external DMA to onboard memory o 8 bit output port with handshake (Centronics printer interface) o Full handshake serial RS232 I/O Port o Software programmable Baud rates to 9600 Baud o Bidirectional power on reset which allows operation with power fail controllers o Two programmable 8-bit timers with output o Fully buffered signals for system expansibility o Supports multiple memory banks o Supports MEMEX capability The 8 bit parallel output port with handshake lines is configured to accomodate direct connection to a Centronics type pri nter interface. The RS232 serial port is configured to accommodate full handshake capabilities (interface type D). ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MDX-CPU3 DESCRIPTION STD-Z80 BUS COMPATIBLE The MDX-CPU3 is a STD-Z80 Bus compatible single board computer with 64K bytes of dynamic RAM, 2K to 32K bytes of ROM/EPROM, an RS232-C serial port, and an 8 bit output port with handshake for connection to a printer. The CPU3 supports a very flexible memory map configuration by the use of a memory configuration PROM. This allows the RAM to be enabled/disabled in 2K byte increments and the ROM/EPROM to be mapped on 2K boundaries anywhere in the 64K memory map. Each different map is selectable under software control. Address, data, and control busses are bidirectional to allow external masters to access memory on CPU3 directly. SYSTEM INTERRUPT UNITS: lSIU SYSTEM CLOCK: 3.6864 MHz ± 0.05% OPERATING TEMPERATURE: IV8-15 O°C to 60°C BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 ....c'" , DATA POWI;R SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS 8 SERIAL 1/0 CONNECTOR +5 V ± 5% @ 2.3 A max +12 V ± 5% @ 50 ma max -12 V ± 5% @ 50 ma max 26 pin dual readout; 0.100 in. grid MATING CONNECTORS MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS (P3) FLAT RIBBON - Ansley 609-2600M DISCRETE WIRES - Winchester PGB13A (housing) Winchester 100-700205 (contacts 20-24 AWG) Winchester 100-720265 (contacts 26-30 AWG) CARD DIMENSIONS 4.50 in. (11.43 cm.) wide by 6:50 in. (16.51 cm.) long 0.675 in. (1.71 cm.) maximum profile thickness 0.062 in. (0.16 cm.) printed circuit board thickness PRINTER CONNECTOR STD BUS EDGE CONNECTOR (J3) (J2) (Jl) Same as Serial 1/0 Connector 56 pin dual readout; 0.125 in. centers MATING CONNECTORS (Pl) PCB - Viking 3VH28/1 CE5 WIREWRAP - Viking 3VH28/1 CND5 SOLDER LUG - Viking 3VH28/1 CN5 I/O CAPACITY The MDX-CPU3 utilizes 18 of the possible 256 port addresses, leaving 238 port addresses available for expansion by the user. IVB-16 MEMORY REFRESH CONNECTOR AND HEADER POSITIONS All address and control signals necessary to refresh external dynamic RAM modules are generated by MOX-CPU3. Figure 5 I/O ADDRESSING The onboard ports are preprogrammed tothe following port addresses: PORT ADDRESS Figure 3 DEVICE PORT ADDRESS (HEX) MK3801 STI Parallel Output Latch Memory Configuration BO - BF 00 FF ---------------- 1 J1 55 I/O MAP PROM PROGRAMMING GUIDELINES STD BUS CONNECTOR If it is desired to use port addresses other than those which are supplied, then the following procedure should be used: J1 The standard Bus pins used are buffered and brought out to a 56 pin edge connector as shown: SIGNAL NAME Each address in the I/O Map PROM corresponds directly to a port address. The bits of the 4 bit control word are defined as shown in Figure 4. Select the desired port address and corresponding output bit definitions for that address and program a new I/O Map PROM with the new data. ·5 V GNO NC 07 06 05 04 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 RO" MEMRO" MEMEX (Note) NC NC BUSRO* INTRO* NMIRO* PBRESET* NC PCI NC -12 V BIT DEFINITIONS Figure 4 OUTPUT BIT DEFINITIONS 01 02 03 04 ACTIVE STATE - Select STI - Select Output - Select Memory Config. Latch - Any of the above Ports selected High High High Low PROGRAMMING SERIAL CHANNEL AND TIMERS Programming information for the serial channel and timers can be found in the SERIAL TIMER INTERRUPT CONTROLLER (ST!) Technical Manual, Mostek publication number 4420250. INTERRUPTS The MDX-CPU3 will process external interrupts in theZ80CPU interrupt modes 0, 1, and 2. Internal (onboard) interrupts can be processed only in modes 1 or 2. PIN 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 J1 PIN 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 SIGNAL NAME +5V GNO NC 03 02 01 00 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 AO WR* 10RO* NC REFRESH* STATUS 1* BUSAK* INTAK* WAITRO* SYSRESET* CLOCK* PCO NC +12V SYSTEM RESET PRECAUTIONS Oata in DYNAMIC RAM is not guaranteed to bevalid after a PUSHBUTTON RESET has been initiated. Note: If MEMEX is grounded on the motherboard. the ground strap should be removed. IVB-17 II PRINTER CONNECTOR J2 The printer port data and control signals are brought out to a 26 pin connector as shown: SIGNAL NAME /STB 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 NC BUSY PE NC J2 PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 SIGNAL NAME GNO GNO NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC GNO RX TX RTS CTS OSR GNO RLSO NC NC TCO NC NC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 J3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PIN SIGNAL NAME 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 NC NC NC NC TAO NC OTR NC NC NC NC NC NC 1 U22 PIN 23 3 '5VDC U22 PIN 26 5 7 '5VDC U22 PIN 1 9 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 A11 4 ·5VDC 6 A13 8 U22 PIN 26 10 A14 12 U22 PIN 1 J4 This header allows the ROM/EPROM socket U22 to be configured to accept various devices. Figure 7 shows the strapping needed for each device. MEMORY STRAPPING CHART Figure 7 J3 The serial comunication signals to perform an RS232 type interface are buffered and brought out to a 26 pin connector as shown, the timer outputs are also buffered and brought out on pins 11 and 18: PIN J4 U22 PIN 23 ROM/EPROM STRAPPING SERIAL CONNECTOR SIGNAL NAME PIN DEFINITION Figure 6 DEVICE TYPE STRAPS REQUIRED 2716 INTEL 2732 INTEL 2764 MK34000 MK37000 MK38000 J4 (3-4), J4 (1-21, J4 (1-21, J4 (5-71 J4 (1-21 J4 (1-21, (5-7) (5-71 (9-11 ) (6-81, (10-12) MEMORY MAP EXPANSION The memory configuration PROM supplied with the MOXCPU3 utilizes maps 0, 4, 5, and 6 to support two types of software packages. The first package is a system booted into RAM then executed out of that RAM. It utilizes maps 0 and 5. The second utilizes maps 0, 4, 5, and 6; and supports a bank memory scheme. If a custom map PROM which uses all 8 memory maps is desired, then install J5 to get this expansion. MEMORY MAP PROM CONFIGURATION The following chart shows the memory configuration maps as supplied with each MOX-CPU3 module. IV8-18 MEMORY MAP Figure 8 MEMORY ADDRESS MAP 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FFFF RAM NOT USED NOT USED NOT USED RAM RAM RAM RAM f~ _ ___ J:QQO___ DooO - - -- - - -- - - -- - ~~M& - --- - - - - - - -RAM -- - -- - -- - - - - - OFF BOARD RAM COOO OFF BOARD RAM ROM RAM Booo Aooo 9000 aooo 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 ---- 0000 ROM MEMORY MAP PROM PROGRAMMING GUIDELINES BIT DEFINITION LIST Each memory MAP in the Memory Configuration PROM consists of a series of nibbles which define wrich memory is enabled. Each ofthese nibbles is4 bits wide. The functio,", of each bit is defined by Figure 9. 1. SELECT EPROM: Causes the signal which enables the RQM/EPROM for reading. " 2. A 15 ADDRESS LINE OUTPUT: This bit generates the 4Ppermost address line to the onboard RAM memory. BIT STATE CHART 3. S!=LECT RAM: Enables the onboard RAM. If SELECT EPROM is also programmed, RAM will be write-only. Figure 9 OUTPUT BIT DEFINITIONS ACTIV~ 01 02 03 04 LOW - SELECT EPROM - A 15 ADDRESS LINE OUTPUT - SELECT RAM - MEMORY EXPAND OUTPUT LOW HIGH STATE 4. MEMORY EXPAND OUTPUT: This bit generates a sign~1 which is defined by the STD-ZaO Bus specification for the MEMEX signal. In most single board configurations, this bit is programmed low. IVB-19 TESTCONNECTCR PROGRAMMABLE LED J6 This header is used for testing purposes only and is strapped (Pin 2-3) a,t the factory. DO NOT REMQVE. An LED is available to be programmed onloff at bit 04 (1X) of port FFH. This may be used as a visual selftesti ndicator or other appropriate user functions. This bit is also used in the memory bank switching mode and the indicator will illuminate when·addr?ssing bank 5. ROMIEPROM ACCESS TIME The time required for the ROM memory tdbeaccessed by the CPU is defined by two specifications; ICS and 10E. First, ICS access must 'be:::; 343 ns., Second, access time from 10E must be :::; 242 ns. These requirements must be met in order for data to meet the minimum setup time for the CPU under worst case timing conditions. See Figme 10. ACCESS·TIME' Figure 10, I" 343ns~ ~L___________________~1_______ ICS ----i~ I IOE 242ns SQFTWARE PROGRAMMING GUIDELINES The CPU3 can support a phantom HOM type of operation where the ROM has just enough code to bring a larger operating systen;l into RAM, then by switching to another map, disables the ROM dynamically and begins operation in a purely RAM configuration. A very simple method to do this is to have memoiv map 0 in the configuration PROM act as the boot-up map and then switch to a desired map configuration. The following procedure is then followed: A. Copy the ROM code into the RAM at the same address range as the ROM. -j I B. Switch maps by outputting a new map number to the Memory Configuration port (OFFH), allowing the copy of RAM code to enter the active memory. DATA --------~(r~:::::::::::::j(~V_A_Ll_D_D_A_T_A MULTIPLE MEMORY B~NK C. Execution Qf the program will continue at the next . instruction now in the RAM. OPERATION The MDX-CPU3 supports a memory bank switching operation which allows memory expansion beyond the normal 64K byte limitation of the Z80. Related Publications The following are related publications: Customizing the MDX-CPU3 PROMs Application' Note #5 (4420301 ) Bank select is accomplished as follows. After the SYSTEM BOOT operation has been performed and the first bank has been selected, additional banks of memory can be enabled and disabled by outputting a bank seJect byte to port FFH. Figure 11 shows the control byte necessary to select each additional bank of memory. MDX-CPU3141/0 Drivers Application Note #1 0 MEMORY BANK OPERATION Figure 11 It SELECT BYTE 01 02 04 08 BANK NO. 1 2 3 4 SELECT BYTE 10' 20 40 8Q,', " , J' ,BANK NO. 5 " 6 7 " 8 .,1" ,lVe;.20 ' ...,,' I!I UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION MDX-CPU4 FEATURES o MDX-CPU4 Figure 1 STD-Z80 Bus compatible CPU board o Five 28 pin sockets for industry standard BYTEWYDETM ROMs, EPROMs, or RAMs o Flexible memory decoding of RAM/ROM memory on . . any 2K boundary o Phantom ROM capability o Bidirectional address, data, and control busses to permit external DMA to onboard memory o 8-bit output port with handshake (Centronics printer interface) o Full handshake serial RS232-C I/O Port o Software programmable Baud rates to 9600 Baud o Bidirectional power-on reset allows operation with power-fail controllers o Two programmable 8-bit timers with offboard outputs o Fully buffered signals for system expansibility . o Supports memory bank switching o Supports MEMEX (memory expand) capability Centronics type printer interface using mass terminated flat ribbon cable connectors . . The RS232-C serial port is configured to accommodate full handshake capabilities (interface type D). All STD-Z80 signals are fully buffered to allow use of this • board with other STD-Z80 compatible boards. This permits future expansion of functional capabilities. MDX-CPU4 DESCRIPTION The MDX-CPU4 is an STD-Z80 Bus compatible single board computer with five BYTEWVDE memory sockets'for ROM, EPROM, or RAM, an RS232-C serial port, and an 8-bit parallel output port with handshake for connection to a printer. The CPU4 supports a very flexible memory map. configuration by the use of a memory configuration PROM. This allows the RAM/ROM to be mappe s: 'ARAll£l POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS: +5 V ± 5% @ 1.8 A max (excluding BYTEWYDE sockets) +12 V ± 5% @ 50 rna max -12 V ± 5% @ 50 rna max I/O MAP PROM PROGRAMMING GUIDELINES MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Each address in the I/O Map PROM corresponds directly to a port address. The bits of the 4 bit control word are defined as shown in Figure 4. Select the desired port address and corresponding output bit definitions for that address and program a new I/O Map PROM with the new data. CARD DIMENSIONS 4.50 in. (11.43 cm.) wide by 6.50 in. (16.51 cm.) long 0.675 in. (1.71 cm.) maximum profile thickness 0.062 in. (0.16 cm.) printed circuit board thickness If it is desired to use port addresses other than those which are supplied, then the following procedure should be used. I/O MAP BIT DEFINITIONS STD BUS EDGE CONNECTOR (J1) 56 pin dual readout; 0.125 in. centers MATING CONNECTORS (P1) PCB - Viking 3VH28/1 CE5 WIREWRAP - Viking 3VH28/1 CND5 SOLDER LUG - Viking 3VH28/1 CN5 Figure 4 SERIAL I/O CONNECTOR (J3) 26 pin dual readout; 0.100 in. grid MATING CONNECTORS (P3) FLAT RIBBON - Ansley 609-2600M DISCRETE WIRES - Winchester PGB13A (housing) Winchester 100-72020S (contacts 20-24 AWG) Winchester 100-72026S (contacts 26-30 AWG) PRINTER CONNECTOR (J2) Same as Serial I/O Connector OUTPUT BIT DEFINITIONS ACTIVE STATE 01 02 03 04 HIGH HIGH HIGH LOW - Select MK3S01 STI - Select Parallel Output Latch - Select Memory Config. Latch - Any of the above ports selected PROGRAMMING SERIAL CHANNEL AND TIMERS Programming information for the serial channel and timers can be found in the SERIAL TIMER INTERRUPT CONTROLLER (STI) Technical Manual, Mostek publication number 4420250. I/O CAPACITY INTERRUPTS The MDX-CPU4 utilizes 18 of the possible 256 port addresses, leaving 238 port addresses available for expansion by the user. The MDX-CPU4 will process external interrupts in ZSO-CPU interrupt modes 0, 1, and 2. Internal (onboard) interrupts can be processed only in modes 1 or 2. MEMORY REFRESH SYSTEM RESET PRECAUTIONS All address and control signals necessary to refresh external dynamic RAM modules are generated by MDX-CPU4. I/O ADDRESSING Data in DYNAMIC RAM is not guaranteed to be valid after a PUSHBUnON RESET has been initiated. CONNECTORS AND HEADERS The onboard ports are preprogrammed to the port addresses shown in Figure 3. PORT ADDRESSES The location of the connectors and headers is shown in Figure 5. Figure 3 STD BUS CONNECTOR Device Port Address (Hex) MK3801 STI BO-BF Parallel Output Latch DO Memory Configuration FF J1 The STD Bus pins used are buffered and brought out toa 56 pin edge connector as shown: IVB-23 II SIGNAL NAME PIN J1 +5V GNO NC 2 4 6 07 8 06 05 04 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 RO* MEMRQ* MEMEX (NOTE) NC NC BUSRQ* INTRQ NMIRQ* PBRESET* NC PCI NC -12 V . 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 PRINTER CONNECTOR PIN SIGNAL NAME --I 1 I 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 I 1 __ +5V GNP NC 03 02 01 J2 The printer port data and control signals are brought out to a 26 pin connector as shown. SIGNAL NAME PIN /STB 01 02 03 04 05 06 00 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 AO WR* IORQ* NC REFRESH* STATUS 1* BUSAK* INTAK* WAITRQ* SYSRESET* CLOCK* PCO NC +12V 07 08 NC BUSY PE NC 0 0 0 4 0 5 6 0 0 7 8 9 0 0 0 10 11 12 13 0 0 0 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 GNO GNO NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC J3 The serial communication signals to perform an RS232 type interface are buffered and brought out to a 26 . pin connector as shown; the timer outputs are also buffered and brought out on pins 11 and 18. J2 SIGNAL NAME PIN CONNECTOR. HEADER. AND BYTEWYDE SOCKET POSITIONS Figure 5 r----t J3 o 1 2 3 PIN SIGNAL NAME SERIAL CONNECTOR *Indicates active low signal NOTE: If MEMEX is grounded on the motherboard, the groundstrap should be removed. J2 J2 GNO RX TX RTS CTS OSR GNP RSLO NC NC TCO NC NC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 o o o o o o o o o o o o o PIN SIGNAL NAME 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 NC NC NC NC TAO NC OTR NC NC NC NC NC NC J4 MEMORY MAP STRAP J4 Ajumper on J4 allows all eight memory maps in the memory configuration PROM (see section entitled MEMORY MAP PROM) to be accessed. With J4 open, access defaults to maps 4, 5, 6, and 7. The board is shipped with J4 open. RAM/ROM/EPROM STRAPPING Jl 55 J5-9 These headers allow the BYTEWVPE sockets 1-5 (U6-U2) to be configured to accept various devices. Figures 6 and 7 show the headers and strapping needed for each device. These are typical figures showing the relationship between J9 and socket 1 (U6). The same relationship applies between J8 and socket 2 (U5), J-] and socket 3 (U4), IVB-24 MEMORY MAP PROM J6 and socket 4 (U3), and J5 and socket 5 (U2). The board is shipped with no straps installed in J5, J6, J7, J8, or J9. The memory map PROM (U14) contains eight memory configuration maps. As the chart in Figure 8 indicates, resolution of the maps is 2K blocks. The numbers enclosed in brackets [ ], represent BYTEWYDE memory sockets on board as shown in Figure 5. The memory installed may be either RAM or ROM. The indication (RAM) represents offboard RAM. MEMORY CONFIGURATION HEADER Figure 6 J9 AD13 U6 pin 1 AD14 AD11 NC - - 1 3 5 7 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (TYPICAL) 2 - U6pin 26 4 - +5VDC 6 - +5VDC 8 - U6 pin 23 10- IMEMWR If bank switching is desired, the section entitled MULTIPLE MEMORY BANK OPERATION describes the use of jumper J4 and the various memory maps in obtaining this. CONFIGURATION STRAPPING CHART Figure 7 DEVICE TYPE STRAPS REQUIRED (TYPICAL) 2716 INTEL 2732 INTEL 2764 MK34000 MK37000 MK38000 MK4802 J9 (2-4), (6-8) J9 (2-4), (7-8) J9 (3-4), (7-8) J9 (2-4) J9 (7-8) J9 (1-2), (3-5), (7-8) J9 (2-4), (8-1 0) MEMORY MAP PROM PROGRAMMING GUIDE LINES Each memory MAP in the Memory Configuration PROM consists of a series of bytes which dtlfine what memory is enabled. The function of each bit of the byte is defined by Figure 9. BIT DEFINITION LIST 1. SELECT SOCKET ONE TO FIVE: These bits generate the MEMORY CONFIGURATION MAPS Figure 8 MEMORY ADDRESS MAP 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FFFF (RAM) (RAM) (RAM) (RAM) (RAM) (RAM) (RAM) [1] £0Q9- - EOOO ---DOOO (RAM) [1] ---- ---- ---- ---- - - - - ---- (RAM) (RAM) COOO BOOO Aoq} _ _ ---- ---- - --- --- ---- -- -8000 - - - - - --- ---- -- jlOOO _ _ 7000 ~ [1] 6000 5000 4000 _ _ ---- ------- ------2000 3000 ----1000 -- 0000 ---[1] * - ~ [1] [ ] =CPU4 socket no. (RAM) IVB-25 =off board RAM • conditions .. See Figure 10.. BIT STATE CHART Figure 9 MULTIPLE MEMORY BANK.DPERATION ACTIVE. STATE OUTPUT .BIT DEFINlTlpNS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 - SelectSoc! - - - - - _ - - - O I EXTERNAL CLOCK, ',. OUTPUT PORT'OO p--~....-¢ DATA OUTPUT p--~....-¢ PORT 01 DATA IO--~""-o OUTPUT PORT 02 DATA 0---. OIi!:BOARD CLOCK ADDRESS BUS ~ENERATOR 1"- 6 t. [' INPUT PORTS J1-J2 INPUT' PORT 01 C>------;_---~'-'--_Q DATA BUS AND DECODED STROBES TO 1/0 PORTS 02-07 SHADING INDICATES SOCKETS ONLY sockets provided on the MD-SBC1. PROGRAM MEMORY LOCATIONS Table 1 RAM ADDRESSES Table 2 PROM NUMBER ADDRESSES 0 OOOOH to 07FFH RAM NUMBER ADDRESSES 1 0800H to OFFFH 1, 2 (standard) 02000H to 023FFH 2 1POOH to 17FFH 3, 4 (optional) , 02400H to 027FFH 3 1BOOH to 1FFFH ON-CARD I/O PORTS DATA MEMORY RAM data memory Consists of two (standard) or four (optional)2114 RAM deviceS. The2114 isa 1024x4 RAM; each pair of 2114's provides 1024 eight-bit words organized as four 256-word memory pages. The standard MD-SBC1 provides RAM memory in pages 20 through 23. Two additional 2114 devices add RAM pages 24 through 27; these are implemented by plugging the devices in the The MD-SBC1 provides two eight-bit input ports and three eight-bit output ports. These ports provide 16 input lines and 24 output lines that are available at the edge connector. They are TTL compatible. IVB-36 ON-CARD PORT ADDRESS (HEX) Input Ports Output Ports 00 and 01 00, 01, and 02 PORT EXPANSION Nonmaskable Interrupt (NMII has the highest priority and cannot be disabled. MO-SBC1 can directly address additional 110 via two 16pin dip sockets(J2 andJ31. Oip connectorterminated cables can interconnect user designed liD boards such as AlO and 01 A converters, or UARTs and USARTs. The MO-SBC1 can access additional six 8-bit input and five 8-bit output ports or devices in this manner. The control signals provided at J3 are input and output select lines. They combine a decoded port address with Z80's port Read or Write and timing signals. The Input Select lines (IS-2 through IS-71 apply directly to 3-state enable pins, which gate data to the Oata In Bus(J2, 01-0, through 01-2); the Output Select lines normally clock output port latches loaded by the Oata Out Bus (J2, 00-0 through 00-71. Figure 3 shows examples of external 110 port implementation. Interrupt Request (IREal is enabledldisabled by the (Ell/(Oll instructions. The user can select one of three modes that define the action taken when IREa is honored. Mode 0 - Execute any instruction at Interrupt, but the instruction must be supplied by the interrupting device to the data in bus (01 0-71, J2. Mode 1 - Execute the RST 38H instruction. Mode 2 - Restart at any memory address according to a selected address vector (16 bitsl stored in two memory locations. The interrupting device must supply the first 8 bits of the restart address vector. The page address is previously loaded by the program. I/O EXPANSION A large number of external liD ports may be mUltiplexed through the on-card MO-SBC1 liD ports. However, this type of expansion requires more Processor execution time. Each liD operation must be preceded by an output instruction, which selects the port and followed by output instructions, which provide the output strobes. In this technique, one MO-SBC1 on-card input port and one output port are committed for use as data in and out busses. As required, other output port lines are used as liD port select, port card select, and port strobes. INTERRUPTS The MO-SBC1 has two low activated, level sensitive interrupts with several designer options: Modes 0 and 1 are summarized in Table 3. MD-SBC1 INTERRUPT EXPANSION SUMMARY Table 3 Interrupt Priority Restart Address (Hex) Mode Nonmaskable Highest Address .66H Any IREa Second Address 38H 1 1/0 EXPANSION Figure 3 INPUT PORT OATA 8 -+...---<11 8 1-_--._.:.,81--+----1 J2 1-+-...;8+~~_-i 7400 SERIES lOGIC 010-7 DO 0-7 EXAMPLE OF EXTERNAL PORT EXPANSION IS' (J3) INPUT PORT (TYPICAL) P----.--;'-+ 7400 SERIES LOGIC os· BRS' (J3) (J3) OUTPUT PORT (TYPICAL) IVB-37 OUTPUT PORT OATA MD-SBC1 DESIGNER.OPTIONS The MD-SBC1 has 5 spare edge connector pins (5, 6, 52, 55,56), which may be connected from pads provided to the signals listed below. RESET (Active High Output) EXTERNAL CLOCK INPUT DECODED PAGES 28-2F, 30-37, 38-3F (3 lines) ADDRESS Lines A 13, A 14, A 15 BUFFERED WRITE,BWR (Active Low Output) wait state RAM: 2114 orequivalent(1 Kx4)267.6 nsmaxwith nowait state INPUTS 2 Interrupt requests 16 Data lines (2 input ports) 1 ROY control (active high) 1 Reset Control Port Expansion Data Bus (J2; active high) External clock input SPECIFICATIONS OUTPUTS Mechanical Specifications 24 Latched Output Data lines (3 output ports) 1 clock signal 2 system resets (J3 and card edge) Port Expansion Data Bus (J2; active high) 6 Input port strobes (J3) 5 Output port strobes (J3) CARD DIMENSIONS 4.50 in. (11.43 em) high by 6.50 in. (16.51 cm) long 0.48 in. (1.22 cm) maximum profile thickness 0.062 in. (0.16 cm) printed circuit board thickness CARD INCLUDES POWER REQUIREMENTS Card ejector One Z80 Processor 1 K 8-bit bytes, 2114 RAM plus sockets for an added 1 K bytes Four ROM sockets for 2716 PROMs Crystal clock circuit and provisions for external clock Power-on and external reset 2 Input ports (8-bit) 3 Output ports (8-bit) Vee =5Volts±5%at 1.2Amaximumfullyloaded(1oomA per ROM,100 mA per RAM) GND = Volts o OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE CONNECTOR REQUIREMENTS Electrical Specifications MEMORY PROM: 2716 or equivlent (2K x 8) 300 ns max with no 56 pin, 28 position dual-readout on 0.125 in. (0.318 em) centers Printed Circuit: Viking 3VH28/1 CE5 Wire Wrap: Viking 3VH28/1 CN5 IVB-38 MD-SBC1 J1 EDGE CONNECTOR PIN LIST Table 4 Signal Signal Pin Number +5 VOLTS IN 2 1 IN +5 VOLTS GROUND IN 4 3 IN GROUND I/O 6 5 1/0 SPARE INO-5 IN 8 7 1/0 IN1-5 INO-6 IN 10 9 IN IN1-6 INO-7 IN 12 11 IN IN1-7 INO-8 IN 14 13 IN IN1-8 INO-4 IN 16 15 IN IN1-4 INO-3 IN 18 17 IN IN1-3 INO-2 IN 20 19 IN IN1-2 INO-1 IN 22 21 IN IN1-1 OUTO-1 OUT 24 23 OUT OUTO-5 OUTO-2 OUT 26 25 OUT OUTO-6 OUTO-3 OUT 28 27 OUT OUTO-7 OUTO-4 OUT 30 29 OUT OUTO-8 OUT1-1 OUT 32 31 OUT OUT1-5 OUT1-2 OUT 34 33 OUT OUT1-6 OUT1-3 OUT 36 35 OUT OUT1-7 OUT1-4 OUT 38 37 OUT OUT1-8 OUT2-1 OUT 40 39 OUT OUT2-5 OUT2-2 OUT 42 41 OUT OUT2-6 OUT2-3 OUT 44 43 OUT OUT2-7 OUT2-4 OUT 46 45 OUT OUT2-8 INTA I/O 48 47 IN IREO NMI IN 50 49 IN RDY SPARE I/O 52 51 OUT TIll RESET IN 54 53 OUT RST SPARE 1/0 56 55 1/0 SPARE SPARE Pin Number Signal Flow Signal Flow IVB-39 II I/O PORT EXPANSION SOCKETS Table 5 J2 Data Signal Signal Flow Pin Number 01·4 IN 16 1 IN 01 ·1 00·2 OUT 15 2 IN 01·8 00·4 OUT 14 3 OUT 00·6 00·1 OUT 13 4 OUT 00·7 01·7 IN 12 5 OUT 00·3 00·5 OUT 11 6 IN 01·5 00·8 OUT 10 7 IN 01·6 01·3 IN 9 8 IN 01 ·2 Signal Flow Signal Pin Number Signal Flow Signal J3 Control And Power Signal Signal Flow Pin Number Pin Number GNO OUT 16 1 OUT GNO IS·2 OUT 15 2 OUT BRS IS·3 OUT 14 3 OUT OS·3 IS·4 OUT 13 4 OUT OS·4 IS·5 OUT 12 5 OUT OS·5 IS·6 OUT 11 6 OUT IS·7 OS·6 OUT 10 7 OUT +5 VOLTS OS·7 OUT 9 8 OUT +5 VOLTS ORDERING INFORMATION Designator Part Number Description MO·SBC1 MO·SBC1 Technical Manual MK77851 MO·SBC1 Technical Manual only IVB·40 4420083 1983 COMPUTER PRODUCTS DATA BOOK ..... '~«:. ".~ ., . ',~." ~: ,-". :... ~ : <.:.. ': . ~. -'",,' MDX Series Input/Output \ , .. ' ',<, .~' ;: ..;'i .,,~ " " .~ " ;, , " ::# , ,~. : " " 1 l! COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION UNITED TECHNOLOGIES ,..jOSTEK SYSTEM INTERRUPT UNITS SYSTEM INTERRUPT UNITS Card SIU's MDX-A/D12 MDX-A/DB MDX-AIO MDX-BCLK MDX-BRAM MDX-CPU1/1A MDX-CPU2I2A MDX-CPU3 MDX-CPU4 MDX-D/AB MDX-D/A12 MDX-DEBUG DIOBl DIOP MDX-DRAMB/16/32/64/12B MDX-EPROM MDX-EPROM/UART MDX-FLP/FLP2 MDX-INT MDX-ISIO MDX-MATH MDX-MODEM MDX-PFD MDX-PIO MDX-SASlll2 SBCl MDX-SC/D MDX-SIO/SI02 MDX-SRAM4/B/16 MDX-SST MDX-UMC/UMC2 MDX-422 IVC-1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 II I' I 1 IVC-2 I!J UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MDX-FLP2 SUMMARY OF MDX-FLP2 FEATURES MDX-FLP2 Figure 1 o STD-ZBO Bus compatible o Controls single and double density disk drives o Controls single and double sided disk drives o Controls up to four 8 inch drives; up to three 5% drives o Jumper selectable to handle either 5% or B inch drives o Up to 4 MHz operation o Provision for priority DMA daisy chain operation o Provision for external devices to use DMA Controller o Jumper selectable port addresses in blocks of eight o Jumper selectable in main port space or IOEXP space o Jumper selectable write precompensation o Soft sector operation, including variable-length sectors o IBM 3740 and System 34 diskette formatting capability o Automatic track seek with verification o Programmable step rate o DMA or programmed data transfer FLP2 can control both single-density, single-sided and double-density, double-sided Shugart compatible disk drives. In addition, either 5% or 8 inch drives may be used. Transfers to and from the di~k are normally handled by the MK38B3 DMA Controller; programmed data transfer is also possible. Multiple FLP2 boards can be operated simultaneously since daisy chained priority DMA operation is possible. o Interrupt driven or polled operation FLP2 operates with a wide variety of disk drives, such as drives by Shugart Associates and Remex. Either 5% or 8 inch drives may be used; a simple change of three straps converts FLP2 from a 51,4 inch controller to an 8 inch controller. Write precompensation is also strappable. o Automatic CRC generation and checking o Single sector, multi. sector or full track data transfers o Compatible with Mostek's M/OS-BO INTRODUCTION TO MDX-FLP2 MDX-FLP2 is a floppy disk drive controller board for the STD-Z80 bus. The MDX-FLP2 board embodies all required controlling, formatting, and interface logic between the STD-Z80 bus and one to four floppy disk drives. Since FLP2 is based on the WD1797 Floppy Controller, many advanced features are available. These include IBM 3740 or IBM System 34 diskette formatting capability, automatic track seek with verification, programmable step rate, and automatic CRC generation and checking. In addition, single sector, multi-sector, or complete track transfers are possible. IVC-3 MDX-FLP2 BLOCK DIAGRAM INTERNAL Buses Figure 2 s 0 I T 0 S K a u 0 DATA S R I V E S MK388·4 DMAC SPECIFICATIONS Memory Addressing: On board DMA capable of addressing any memory address. Electrical SpecificationJ Data Bus: B bits. bidirectional Power Requirements: Address Bus: 16 bits. lower 6 bidirectional. upper S output during DMA activity +12 V ± 5% @ 100 mA max + 5 V ± 5% @ 1.2 A max Operating Temperature: O°C to 60°C STD-Z80 Compatible Mechanical Specifications Inputs: One 74 LS Load Max Card Dimensions Outputs: IpH = 15 mA min at 2.4 V 4.5 in (11.43 cm) high by 6.50 in (16.51 cm) long IOL =24 mA min at 0.5 V 0.4S in (1.22 cm) maximum profile thickness System Bus: 0.062 in (.16 cm) printed circuit board thickness System Clock: Upt04 MHz I/O Addressing: Sports on board selectable to any of 32 eight port slots by jumper options; board may be placed in main I/O space or expansion I/O space (IOEXP) Connectors IVC-4 STD-ZSO Bus (J1 ) - 56 pins with .125 in. center Drive Interconnect (J3) - 50 pins with.1 in. center SYSTEM INTER-CONNECTION DIAGRAM Figure 3 50 PIN I/O CABLE J1 FLOPPY DISK DRIVE 1 MDX-FLP2 BOARD • • • • ~il FLOPPY DISK DRIVE 4 L_ I --, I ..J STD-280 BUS DMA Daisy Chain (J2) - 8 pin dual right angle, _1 in_ center Mating Connector for STD Bus (J1) explains the purpose of each strap, and how the strap is set at the factory. J4: Auto Precomp - When open, double density write precompensation is always in affect (provided DDEN* is low). This is primarily for 51,4 inch drives that require write precompensation on every track. When strapped, write data is precompensated only for tracks greater than 43; this is the factory setting. J5: Test Points - Test points for factory use only. J6: VCO Clock - This clock is either a 4 MHzclock(pins 1 and 2 strapped) for 8 inch drives or a 2 MHz clock (pins 3 and 4) for 51,4 inch drives. J7: 8 inch Ready - When using an 8 inch drive, this strap connects the Ready signal to FLP2. When using a 51,4 inch drive, this strap is not connected. Thus 51,4 inch drives will always appear ready. J8: 8 or 51,4 inch Clock - Strap for either a 4 MHz clock (pins3 and4)for8 inch drives or a 2 MHzclock(pins 1 and 2) for 51,4 inch drives. J9: 51,4 inch drive - This strap may be used by software to determine whether 51,4 or 8 inch drives are used. Strap J9 for 51,4 inch drives. Jl0: Port Acldress Select - This option allows the user to place FLP2 on any of 32 possible 8-port boundaries. Figure 4 shows the various straps. Note that a strap installed implies a logic zero. The factory setting is EOH (111OOXXX). P.C. 3VH28/1 CE5 (Viking) Soldertail3VH28/1CN5 (Viking) w. W. 3VH28/1 CND5 (Viking) Mating Connector for Drive Interconnect (J3) 609-5000 W/O Strain Relief (Ansley) 609-5001 with Strain Relief (Ansley) Mating Connector for DMA Daisy Chain (J2) 1-86148-8 (AMP) References 1. Western Digital 1797 Data Sheet 2. Z80A DMA Data Sheet 3. STD-Z80 Bus Technical Manual STRAPPING OPTIONS FLP2 is customized by changing straps. Figure 5 shows the locations of the straps, J4 - J12. The following discussion IVC-5 connecting the signals to J2, an 8-pin connector at the top of the board. In addition, pin 8 of J2 may be used for external devices -- for example a PIO or SIO -- to access the READY pin of the MK3883 OMA Controller. ADDRESS STRAPPING OPTIONS Figure 4 Address Corresponding Pinson J10 Factory Setting 10 and 9 8 and 7 6 and 5 4and 3 2 and 1 1 (not strapped) 1 (not strapped) 1 (not strapped) (strapped) (strapped) A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 J11: J12: The configuration of the connector is shown in Figure 6. Twisted pair cables with two-contact connectors at each end are used to connect the bus priority chain. DMA DAISY CHAIN CONNECTOR o o Figure 6 1/0 Expand - 10EXP* is normally not used on 7 Mostek boards. The factory straps pins 2 and 3. If the user desires to use 10EXP*, strap pins 1 and 2; also strap pins 3 and 4. 8 EXT Ready Level- This jumper determines whether the EXT ROY input to the FLP2 OMA is active low or active high. For an active low EXT ROY, strap pins 2 and 3 (factory setting); for an active high EXT ROY, strap pins 1 and 2. 1: x x x X :1 2 J2·TOPVIEW Pin No. Function 1, 3, 5, 7 Ground 2 BAI (Bus ACK In) DMA DAISY CHAIN OPTION 4 BAO (Bus ACK Out) MOX-FLP2 is designed to allow the option of multiple OMA boards in the same system. The two signals -- BAI (Bus Acknowledge In) and BAO (Bus Acknowledge Out) -- which create the priority OMA daisy chain are implemented by 6 No connection 8 External OMA Request Input FLP2 STRAPPING LOCATIONS CONNECTION OF FLP2 TO DISK DRIVE Figure 5 2-----8 I J2 1 1-----7 J3 1 1 -------------1 The logic interconnection from FLP2 to the disk drive is made from J3 on the FLP2 board to the appropriate connection on the drive. The connection is made with a standard.1 inch center 50 pin ribbon cable. Refer to Figure 8. 1 ',-,-, 1 ' I ' I 1 , J4 1 I ' I 'I " 1 ' , 12 "I 1 J5 1, ,' 1 , I' I,,! "I J8 J9 J6 12 'I 1 1 I " 1 I ! I" " J1Q "1 J7 I , 1 21 , 1 ' x 1 1 xl 1 x 1 J12 J11 '1 x 1 1 x I I x I 1 I \- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ -=..,-- - - _. \ / ') Jl / 1 IVC-6 MDX-FLP2 MULTIPLE DMA BUS PRIORITY CONNECTIONS Figure 7 STD BUS CONNECTION BUSRQ J1-42 BUSAK J1-41 MDX-CPU J1-41 J1·42 J1-41 -- -- -- -- - - t- -- - - MDX-FLP2 MDX-FLP2 BAI J2-2 N.C. BAO J2-4 J1-41 J1·42 BAI r---- J2-2 - f- - BAO J2-4 J1-42 ----MDX·FLP2 BAI J2·2 -- -- BAO J2-4 J2 EXTERNAL CONNECTION HIGHESt PRIORITY 2ND-HIGHEST PRIORITY 3RD-HIGHEST PRIORITY ... ETC. NOTE: EACH MDX-FLP2 CONTROLLER MUST BE STRAPPED FOR DIFFERENT 1/0 ADDRESS CABLE CONNECTION PIN DEFINITIONS FOR J3 I/O PORTS Figure 8 Signal Description Pin Number Drive Select 1,2,3,4 Side Select Step Write Data Write Gate Direction Head Load Track greater than 43 Read Data Index Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Input Input Track 00 Write Protect Drive Ready 2 Sided Input Input Input Input 26,28,30,32 14,48 (see note) 36 38 40 34 18 2 46 24 (5 in.) or 20 (8 in.) 42 44 22 10 The MDX-FLP2 board occupies a block of eight contiguous 1/0 port addresses. This block of eight can be strapped anywhere in the main or 10EXP* address space. As shipped from the factory, the eight ports reside at EOH through E7H in the main port address space. Figure 9 shows the utilization of the eight ports. NOTES: 1. Please compare your drive interface connector prior to hooking up the MDX-FLP2. Some exclusions to the standard interface are listed below. 2. Some 8" drives have an optional DATA SEPARATOR output on pin 48. If this is true on your drive, cut the etch on the FLP2 board going to pin 48 on J3. 3. FLP2 board hasJ3 Pin 20 (INDEX8") and J3 pin 24(INDEX 5")tied together. Pin 20 is used as SECTOR output on some 8" drives. Pin 24 is used as the IN USE input on some 51,4" drives. 4. Drive SEL4 input is available on some 5%" drives at the FLP2 connection J3 pin 22. 5. J3-12, a no-connect on the FLP2 board, isa disk change status indicator on some 8" drives. IVC-7 PORT UTILIZATION ON FLP2 Figure 9 b7 bO b7 bO A2-AO Read Write 0 0 0 MK3883 OMA Controller IC MK3883 OMA Controller 0 0 1 Undefined Not used 0 1 0 XX FB 0 1 1 XX XX XX XX D4 03 02 01 SZ XX XX XX IR Not used 55 SO Rs XX XX D4 03 02 01 1 0 0 1797 Status Register 1797 Command Register 1 0 1 1797 Track Register 1797 Track Register 1 1 0 1797 Sector Register 1797 Sector Register 1 1 1 1797 Data Register 1797 Data Register Where: xx = Don't care FB = 1 FLP 1 Board; FB =0 FLP2 board SZ = 1 8 inch drive; SZ =0 5 inch drive IR = 1 1797 interrupt; IR =0 no 1797 IRQ 55 = 1 2-sided disk; 55 =0 single sided sri = 1 single density; SO =0 double density Rs D4 03 02 01 IVC-8 = 1 1797 active; Rs =0 1797 RESET = 1 select drive four; D4 =0 no select = 1 select drive three; 03 =0 no select = 1 select drive two; 02 =0 no select = 1 select drive one; 01 =0 no select !t COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MDX-SASI*-1 SUMMARY OF MDX-SASI-1 FEATURES o STD-Z80 Bus compatible o Supports Shugart Associates System Interface (SASI*) o Polled or interrupt driven o Up to 4 MHz operation o 110 EXP supported o External ready output MDX-SASI-1 Figure 1 o 5 Volt operation o Four address 110 port block o Auto acknowledge logic o Activity LED • INTRODUCTION TO MDX-SASI-1 MDX-SASI-1 interfaces the STD-Z80 bus to Shugart Associates System Interface (SASI). SASI is a universal systems interface that lets OEMs upgrade, mix, and interchange peripherals without affecting software. SASI is an intelligent systems interface, which results in easy peripheral integration. At 4 MHz, MDX-SASI-' has a maximum transfer rate of 1 byte/5 ~sec. As a comparison, a double-sided, doubledensity floppy disk has a transfer rate of 1 byte/16 ~sec. SPECIFICATIONS MDX-SASI- 1 may be strapped on any four port boundary. In addition, the 10EXP signal is supported. The board contains an external READY output. which may be used with an external DMA board. For example, the external ready output of MDX-SASI-1 may be connected to the external ready input of the MDX-FLP2. Thus, the DMA on the MDX-FLP2 may be used with the MDX-SASI-1. Electrical Spec:ifications Data Bus: 8 bits, bidirectional Address Bus: 8 bits (plus optionallOEXP) SY$lem Bus: STD-ZSO compatible MDX-SASI-1 also contains an activity LED. The LED lights when the board is addressed. This is useful for debugging both software and hardware. The board contains auto acknowledge logic. This logic may be strapped to automatically assert the ACK signal after reading or writing tolfrom the SASI bus. This allows ari increase in throughput, since the software does not have to "bit toggle" the ACK signal. Inputs: One 74 LS Load Max Outputs: IOH = 15 rnA min at 2.5 V IOL = 24 mA min at 0.5 V Interrupts: MDX-SASI-1 is a low cost, medium performance interface. *SASI is a trademark of Shugart Associates IVC-9 Mode 2 Vectored Interrupts generated. Interrupt vector programmable upon initialization. Daisy-chained interrupt priority. , ~'.; ;', "MDX7SASI-1BLOCK DIAGRAM F.igure2 " ". 50 PIN 1/0 CONNECTOR DATA zao PIO MK3SS1 DATA DIRECTION CONTROL EXT ROY LOGIC EXT ROY STDzao BUS , . SYSTEM INTER-CONNECTION .DIAGRAM , ~ Figure 3 CONTROL UNIT 1 MDX SASIII BOARD J1 I I'. ~r''-'''''--I ." I. . ' CONTROl.l· I .UNIT2 I 1-"L------1 1 ~ I, ."r, ,'., . '., " -: STD-Zao ,BUS. IVC-10 I '1-------, CONTROL UNITS I L __. ...,.-l SPECIFICATIONS CONT. System Interrupt Units (S.I.U.) = 1 System Clock: Upt04 MHz I/O Addressing: 4 ports on board selectable to any of 64 four port slots by jumper options; board may be placed in main 1/0 space or expansion 1/0 space (lOEXP) Power Requirements: +5 V Operating Temperature: O°C to 60°C ± 5% @ .8 A J5: Port Select - The board may be placed on any four port boundary by changing J5. The factory setting is AOH. The pins on J5 are defined in Figure 4. Note that a jumper installed gives a logic zero. J6: 1/0 Expand - 10EXP* is normally not used on Mostek boards. Thus, the factory straps pins 2 and 3. Ifthe user desires to use the 10EXP*, strap pins 1 and 2; also strap pins 3 and 4. ADDRESS STRAPPING OPTIONS Figure 4 max Address Corresponding Pinson J5 A7 A6 AS 1 and 2 3 and4 5 and 6 7 and 8 9 and 10 11 and 12 Mechanical Specifications Card Dimensions 4.5 in (1 1 .43 cm) high by 6.50 in (16.51 cm) long A4 0.48 in (1 .22 cm) maximum profile· thickness A2 A3 NOTE: 0.062 in (.16 cm) printed circuit board thickness Factory Strapping 1 (not strapped) o (strapped) 1 (not strapped) o(strapped) o (strapped) o (strapped) A Jumper Installed gives a logiC zero. MDX-SASI-1 STRAPPING LOCATIONS Figure 5 Connectors STD Bus (J1): 56 pins with. 125 in. centers SASI Interface: 50 pins with. 1 in. centers External Ready: 2 pin right angle, .1 in. centers • J3 STRAPPING OPTIONS 1: . Figure 5 shows the locations of the strapping options, J2, J4, JS and J6. The following discussion explains the purpose of each strap, and how the strap is set at the factory. J2: 2 I IVC-11 I , External Ready Output (J2 pin 2) - This is an active high signal which may be connected to an external DMA board. External Ready goes HIGH when the REO (request) signal goes low, which signals that data is available on the SASI data bus. Clearing of External Ready occurs by reading from the MDXSASI-1 data port (port 0). Note that pin 2 is the External Ready Output, while pin 1 is ground. Auto Acknowledge Enable - The factory straps J4 to enable the Auto Acknowledge logic. This results in the SASI ACK signal being automatically asserted when a read or write occu rs from the data port (port 0); the ACK signal is cleared when the SASI REO signal is deasserted. The auto acknowledge feature allows a higher throughput on the SASI bus, since the programmer does not have to "toggle" the SASI ACK signal. If Auto Acknowledge is not desired -- for example to debug a controller board _. remove J4. I , J4 1, 3' , 51 71 , 91 1: . 111 2 J5 , I x : X I 31 )( 4 I • , J4: x x x , I I 1 J,6 1 1 1 I I \-----------------------------1 , I \ \ J1 I CONNECTION TO THE SASI BUS PORT UTILIZATION Figure 6 shows the pin definitions of J3, the 50 pin connector for connecting the MDX-SASI-1 to the SASI bus. Note that the SASI bus is divided into a data section and a control section. All but two of the SASI bus signals are supported by MDX-SASI-1. The data bus parity bit is not supported by MDX-SASI-1. Also, ATN (attention) is not suppported. Figure 7 AO 0 0 PIO PortA Data (SASI Data Signals) 0 1 PIO Port B Data (SASI Control Signals) 1 0 PIO Port A Control Register 1 1 PIO Port B Control Register To connect MDX-SASI-1 to the SASI bus, connect a 50 pin cable from J3 on the MDX-SASI-1 board to the required connector on the SASI controller board. Read/Write STD BUS CONNECTOR (J1) PROGRAMMING NOTES The STD Bus Connector is a standard 56 pin card edge connector.. See STD-Z80 Bus Specification 4420094. REFERENCE INFORMATION I/O PORTS The MDX-SASI-1 board occupies a block offour contiguol!s I/O port addresses. The block of four can be strapped anywhere in the main or 10EXP* address space. As shipped from the factory, the four main ports reside at AO hex through A3 hex in the main port address space. Figure 7 shows the utilization of the four ports. lBO Data Book lBO. Programming Manual P10Dafa Sheet MOS/SO USers' Manual SASI Bus Specification - Preliminary J3 CONNECTIONS Figure 6 Pin No. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 NOTE: Signal DBO (data DB 1 (data Da2 (data DB3 (data DB4 (data bit 0, LSB) bit 1) bit 2) bit 3) bit 4) SASI Data Bus lJ Des ( - b;' 5) DB6 (data bit 6) DB7 (data bit 7, MSB) Not used (data bus parity) Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used (ATN, attention) BSY(busy) ACK (acknowledge) RST(reset) MSG (message) SASI Control Bus SEL (select) C/O (control/data) REO (request) I/O (input/output) l All odd pins are ground. . A1 J IVC-12 PORT UTILIZATION ON MOX-SASI-1 Figura 8 Status Control Port Definitions (Port B on PIO): b7 RES b6 SEL b5 ACK b4 BSY b3 MSG b2 b1 bO C/O REO I/O Input/Output (input) Request (input) Control/Data (input) Message (input) Busy (input) Acknowledge (input) Select (output) Reset (output Note that Port B is programmed for BIT CONTROL MODE. Bits bO-b5 are configured for inputs while b7 and b6 are outputs. IVC-13 IVC-14 IJ UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION MDX-SASI-2 SUMMARY OF MDX-SASI-2 FEATURES MDX-SASI-2 Figure 1 o STD-Z80 Bus Compatible o 5 Volt Operation o Supports Shugart Associates System Interface (SASI)* o Polled or Interrupt Driven o Mode 2 Interrupt Capability o 2.5 to 4 MHz Operation o Eight Address I/O Port Block o I/O EXP Supported o Auto Acknowledge Logic DOn-Board DMA Controller o External DMA Request Supported o DMA Daisy Chain Supported o External Wait Request Supported operation. If finer control is required for debugging purposes, the auto acknowledge can be disabled. DESCRIPTION The MDX-SASI-2 interfaces the STD-Z80 Bus to Shugart Associates System Interface (SASI). SASI is a universal systems interface that lets OEMs upgrade, mix, and interchange peripherals without affecting software. SASI is an intelligent systems interface, which results in easy peripheral integration. MDX-SASI-2 addressing may be strapped for any eight port boundary in the STD-Z80 I/O space. In addition, the /IOEXP signal is supported for maximum configuration flexibility. The board contains an on-board DMA controller for increased throughput. An external request input allows other boards in the system to use this controller as well. The STD-Z80 /WAITRQ signal can be used to speed-match the DMA to slower memories, and DMA daisy-chaining is provided for via an additional connector. The board also contains auto acknowledge logic. This strapping option provides automatic handshaking for SASI information transfers, and is essential to the board's DMA *SASI is a trademark of Shugart Associates. MDX-SASI-2 is a medium cost, high performance interface. At 4 MHz, MDX-SASI-2 has a maximum transfer rate of 570 Kbytes/sec. In comparison, a double-sided, doubledensity floppy disk has a transfer rate of 62.5 Kbytes/sec. SPECIFICATIONS Electrical Specifications System Bus: STD-Z80 Compatible Inputs: Outputs: Interrupts: One 74 LS Load Max IOH = 15 mA min at 2.5 V IOL =24 mA min at 0.5 V Mode 2 Vectored Interrupts generated. Interrupt vector programmable upon initialization. Daisy-chained interrupt priority. System Interrupt Units (S.I.U.) = 2 System Clock: IVC-15 2.5 t04 MHz SYSTEM INTER-CONNECTION DIAGRAM Figure 2 MDX-SASI-2 BOARD CONTROL UNIT 1 I I I r------, I I ~ I: I I • I I I ." • I I: W I I .. -------~ I I CONTROL: UNIT 2 I • r--~---, I I I I : CONTROL UNITS I I I I I'- _ _ _ _ _ _ .JI STD-ZSOBUS 1/0 Addressing: 8 ports on board selectable to any of 32 eight port slots by jumper options; board may be placed in main 1/0 space or expansion 1/0 space (lIOEXP) Shrouded 2 x 2S, 0.02S" square pins; 0.1 inch centers, right angle Mating connectors: Winchester 51-1150 Berg 65485-022 +S V ± S% @ 1.1 A max Power Requirements: STRAPPING OPTIONS Operating Temperature: O°C to 60°C Figure 4 shows the location of the strapping optionsJ4, JS, J6, and J7. The following discussion gives the purpose of each strap and how the strap is set at the factory. Mechanical Specifications Card Dimensions J4: IEXT REO Level cThis jumper determines whether the IEXT REO input to MDX-SASI-2 is active low or active high. For an active high IEXT REO, strap pins 1 and 2; for an active low IEXT REO, strap pins 2 and 3 (factory setting). JS: Auto Acknowledge Enable - The factory straps J5 to enable the Auto Acknowledge logic. This circuit will carry out the SASI bus handshake on information transfers without requiring the CPU to bit toggle control lines (SASI ACK). JS must be strapped if DMA operation is desired. If the user needs to explicitly bit toggle the SASI ACK line --e.g. to debug a contoller board -- the JSstrap should be. removed. J6: Port Select - The board may be placed on any eight port boundary by changing J6. The factory setting is port AOH, for compatibility with Mostek's M/OS80 Flexible Disk Operating System (see reference section), The pins on J6 are defined in Figure S. Note that a strap installed implies a logic zero. 4.5 in (11.43 cm) high by 6.S0 in (16.51 cm) long 0.48 in (1.22 cm) maximum profile thickness 0.062 in. (.16 cm) printed circuit board thickness Connectors J1 - STD-Bus: S6 pin dual readout edge connector; 0.1 25 iii. centers Mating connectors: PCB - Viking 3VH28/1 CES WIW - Viking 3VH28/1CNDS SDR LUG - Viking 3VH28/1 CN5 J2 - External Ready I DMA Daisy Chain: 2 x 4, 0.02S" square pins; 0.1 inch.centers, right angle J3 - SASI Interface: IVC-16 DIS: ~ en l> ~ N STD-Z80 BUS ~ J1 ~ A t.. \ V ~( DATA BUFFERS tA V I\., I\. \ vi ADDRESS BUFFERS t <: ... " C! vi- J.. \ f'.r---V CONTROL BUFFERS +J VL DMA [\s -\ [\r vi 11'--\ PORTA ~ PIO Vt rI - I'r - r- -\ vi PORTB STATUS/CNT~,/\ ~ "" II ~ r , t L IEXTREQ (J21 j BUSAK LOGIC vi AUTO ACK LOGIC READY LOGIC rBAI (J21 BAO IRQ LOGIC + ~ II \ DATA J\DRIVERS AND I\STATUS/CN-/ RECEIVERS r7 I-- 1\ IY- I- PORT DECODE LOGIC VA vt-- VL rl\r t- t.. r - DRIVERS AND RECEIVERS DIRECTION CONTROL ROY t.. "'7 DIRECTION CONTROL l;t i I ~ 1/0 Expand - This jumper allows the IIOEXP lineto' be included or ignored in the address dec9ding of MDX-SASI-2. Strapping pins 2 and 3 causes IIOEXP to be ignored (factory setting). If a given board is to be selected on IIOEXP =0, strap pins 1 and 2, then pins 3 and 4. To cause board selection when IIOEXP = 1, strap pins 1 and 2 only. J7: MDX-SASI-2 BOARD OUTLINE AND HEADER LOCATIONS Figure 4 J3 Multiple DMA Option MDX-SASI-2 is designed to support the operation of multiple DMA devices in a system. Two signals -- BAI (Bus Acknowledge In) and BAD (Bus Acknowledge Out) -provide for the connection of a priority DMA daisy chain. Figure 6 shows their locations on connector J2. As an example, suppose a system requires the use of four MDXSASI-2 boards. As shown in Figure 7, the highest priority board would be DMA device 1, while the lowest priority board would be DMA device 4. Thus, MDX-SASI-2 boards are prioritized for multiple DMA operation by their electrical position in a system, as determined by their J2 interconnections, Typically, twisted pairs (signal + ground) are used to connect the bus priority chain. ,H, Pin 8 of J2 provides an external request input (/EXT REO), whereby other STD-Z80 I/O cards without on-board DMA capability can 'borrow' it from MDX~SASI-2. This is done by feeding a card's DMA request signal through IEXT REO to the READY pin of the MK3883 Z80-DMA chip on MDXSASI-2. IEXT REO can be active low or active high (strap J4). J6 [Y7 J2 CONNECTOR PIN DEFINITIONS Figure 6 J1 BOARD :I: ADDRESS STRAPPING OPTIONS Figure 5 x x x x J2-TOPVIEW Address A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 Corresponding PinsonJ6 1 and 2 3 and4 5 and6 7 and 8 9 and'1Q Factory Setting (AOH) strapped strapped not strapped strapped not strapped (0) (0) (1) (0) (1 ) IVC-18 Pin No. Function 1,3,5,7 Ground 2 BAI (Bus ACK In) 4 BAD (Bus ACK Out) 6 No connection 8 External DMA Request Input (/EXT REO) CONNECTION OF DMA DAISY CHAIN Figure 7 J1-42 J1-41 IBUSRQ IBUSAK MDX-CPU 1 2 3 4 J1-41 J1-42 J1-41 J1-42 J1-41 J1-42 J1-41 J1-42 J2-2 J2-4 J2-2 J2-2 BAI BAD BAI BAD MDX-SASI-2 N.C.- J2-2 J2-4 BAI BAD MDX-SASI-2 MDX-SASI-2 J2-4 J2-4 - BAD BAI MDX-SASI-2 HIGHEST _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..... LOWEST PRIORITY PRIORITY CONNECTION TO THE SASI BUS Pin. No. The following shows the pin definitions of J3, the 50 pin connector to the SASI bus. Note that the SASI bus is divided into a data section and a control section. Except for the data bus parity line (pin 18) and the ATN (attention) line (pin 34). MDX-SASI-2 fully supports the SASI bus. Parity is a SASI bus option while ATN is not widely used by SASI peripheral controllers. NOTE: All odd pins are ground. IVC-19 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 II Signal DBO (data bit 0, LSB) DB1 (data bit 1) DB2 (data bit 2) DB3 (data bit 3) DB4 (data bit 4) DB5 (data bit 5) .DB6 (data bit 6) DB7 (data bit 7, MSB) Not used (data bus parity) Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used (ATN, attention) BSY (busy) ACK (acknowledge) RST (reset) MSG (message) SEL (select) C/D (control/data) REQ (request) I/O (input/output) SASI Data Bus SASI Control Bus Programmer's Model of MDX-SASI-2 beginning on any 8-byte boundary as strapped by the user. This is illustrated in the table below. MDX-SASI-2 is compatible with any STD-ZaO bus system. The board consumes eight contiguous I/O port locations, Function A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PIO Port A Data (Bidirectional) 1 1 0 PIO Port A Control 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 DMA Controller 1 1 0 Reserved Where X Board. = Port AO 1 PIO Port B Data (Bit Control M ode) 1 PIO Port B Control 1 Reserved 1 Reserved Strapping options on the MDX-SASI-2 PIO Port A Data is used as a bidirectional data port. It is connected in hardware to the data portion of the SASI bus. PIO Port B Data is used in bit control mode in order to implement the control portion of the SASI bus. The bit definitions of these two ports are shown below. SASI Data Port Definitions (PIO Port A): a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 al aO DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DBl DBO SASI Control Port Definitions (PIO Port B): b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 bl bO RES SEL ACK BSY MSG C/O REO I/O IL::== I Input/Output (input) Request (input) '--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Control/Data (input) '--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Message (input) '--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Busy (input) 1..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Acknowledge (input or I 1..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Note that if auto ack is strapped for use, then b5 on the PIO should be programmed as an input. If auto ack is disabled, b5 should be programmed as an output. IVC-20 output) Select (output) Reset (output) STD-Z80 Bus Signals Used by MDX-SASI-2 not used by MDX-SASI-2. The signals are accessed via J1, a 56 pin PC edge connector. The following is a list of STD-Z80 Bus signals used by the MDX-SASI-2 board. Pin numbers without a description are Pin Mnemonic Description 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 +5 GND 5 VDC system power System Ground 03 02 01 DO A7 A6 A5 A4 A2 A1 AO IWR IIORO IIOEXP Data bit 3 Data bit 2 Data bit 1 Data bit 0 Address bit 7 Address bit 6 Address bit 5 Address bit 4 Address bit 3 Address bit 2 Address bit 1 Address bit 0 Write 10 Request 10 Expand IM1 IBUSAK IINTAK IWAITRO ISYSRST ICLOCK PCO Machine Cycle Bus Acknowledge Interrupt Acknowledge Wait Request System Reset System Clock Priority Chain Out A3 Pin Mnemonic Description 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 +5 GND 5 VDC system power System Ground 07 06 05 D4 Data Data Data Data IRD Read bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 40 42 IBUSRO 44 IINTRO 46 48 50 52 PCI 54 56 Bus Request Interrupt Request Priority Chain In REFERENCES System Design Using the Mostek STD-Zao Bus -- Publication No. 4420237 Mostek 1982/1983 Microelectronic Data Book M/OS-80 Flexible Disk Operating System - Operation Manual -- Publication No. 4420064 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. MDX-SASI2 SASI2 module (including Technical Manual) MK77679 MDX-SASI2 Technical Manual SASI2 Technical Manual only 4420346 IVC-21 IVC-22 IJ UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MDX-488 processor, memory, a DMA controller, and hardware to implement the full IEEE 488 specification for Talker, Listener, and Controller. When used as GPIB controller in multicontroller systems, the MDX-488 can be restricted from being the system controller. FEATURES o IEEE 488- 1978 INTERFACE (GPIB) o Performs all functions of Talker, Listener, and Controller o Onboard Z-80 for local intelligence o Two BYTEWYDETM sockets for ROM/RAM o GPIB data rates of up to 400K bytes per second using onboard DMA 1 SIU STD-Z80 Bus compatable Operating Temperature: ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS STD-Z80 Bus Compatable System Interrupt Units: o MDX-488 DESCRIPTION The MDX-488 is an intelligent STD-Z80 module designed to simplify the implementation of the IEEE 488 General Purpose Interface Bus. The board has a Z-80 micro- Power Supply Requirements: +5VDC IVC-23 • IVC.-24 · II UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION MDX-ISIO FEATURES o STD-ZaO Bus compatible o On-board processor DOn-board DMA controller for intra- and inter-bus data transfers o Two BYTEWYDETM memory sockets o Inter-bus command transfer via a two port register array o Two serial channels o Multi-mode operation: - Full- and half-duplex operation - Synchronous and Asynchronous modes - Standard Baud rates to 19.2 K Baud to the STD-ZaO bus as a block of 1/0 mapped registers. Commands, command parameters, and status information may be passed between the STD-ZaO bus and the LIB through these registers. The on-board DMA controller may be used for transferring data between the serial communications controller and the local memory in a high speed communications link (intra-bus transfer), or for transferring data between the local memory and STD-Zao system memory (inter-bus transfer). The architecture of the MDX-ISIO allows the user to implement any level of control through his firmware and software. As a minimum, the local processor may be used to initialize the on-board components and take care of "house keeping" tasks. At the other extreme, the user might implement a high level algorithmic controller for the . . . . industrial environment. IIiIiiiI ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS STD-Z80 Bus Compatible o Multi-protocol support o Supports all zao interrupt modes System Interrupt Units: 1 SIU o Self-test capability with LED indicator Operating Temperature Range: MDX-ISIO DESCRIPTION The MDX-ISIO is a general purpose intelligent STD-ZaO module designed to simplify the implementation of serial communications networks. The board contains a microprocessor and required support hardware, a DMA controller, and a two port serial communications controller. The local processor and its support components make up the Local Intelligence Bus (LIB). The MDX-ISIO will appear Power Supply Requirements: +5 Volts +12 Volts -12 Volts IVC-25 IVC-26 UNITED ~ TECHNOLOGIES COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION MOSTEK MDX-SI02 FEATURES MDX-SI02 Figure 1 o Two independent full-duplex channels o Independent programmable Baud rate clocks o Asynchronous data rates, 12.5 to 19.2K bits per second o Receiver data registers quadruply buffered o Transmitter double buffered o Asynchronous operation o Binary synchronous operation o HDLC or SDLC operation o Both CRC-16 and CRC-CCITT (-0 and -1) hardware implemented o Modem control o Configurable as DTE or DCE o Serial input and output as either RS-232 or 20mA current loop o Current loop optically isolated o Current loop selectable for either active or passive mode o Address programmable o Compatible with STD-Z80 Bus GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Serial Input Output Module, MDX-SI02, is designed to be a multiprotocol asynchronous or synchronous I/O module for the STD-Z80 Bus. The module is designed around the Mostek MK3887 Z80-S10 which provides two full duplex serial data channels. Each channel has an increase module flexibility. Both channels are capable of handling asynchronous, synchronous, and synchronous bit-oriented protocols such as BISYNC, SDLC, HDLC, and virtually any other serial protocol. The MK3887 can generate and check CRC codes in any synchronous mode and can be programmed by the CPU for any traditional asynchronous format. The serial input and output is fully buffered and is provided at the connector as either 20mA current loop or RS-232-C levels. A modem control section is also provided for handshaking and status. The MDX-SI02 module can be jumper-configured as a Data Terminal (DTE) or as a modem (DEC) in order to facilitate a variety of interface configurations. Figure 2 is a block diagram of the MDX-SI02 module. It consists of five main elements. They are the channelconfiguration headers, line drivers and receivers, MK3887 Z80-SIO, programmable Baud rate generator, and addressdecode and data-bus buffers. Input and output to the board is provided via two 26-pin connectors. One connector is dedicated for each channel. Several features are available as options that are selected via the channel-configuration headers. The headers are used to select the orientation of the data communication interface or the mode of the 20mA current loop. The MDXSI02 can be selected to act as either a terminal or processor (Data Terminal Equipment DTE) or as a modem (Data Communications Equipment DCE). The header allows IVC-27 i~ c 0 iI 0 N~ ·0 ~ MODEM PORTCONFIGURATION HEADERS cn RS-232 RECEIVERSI DRIVERS CHANNEL A RS-232 DATA AND MODEM CONTROL io ." s:: ~ en o N 20mA LOOP <: o N CO STD-ZBO BUS 20mASERIAL ,~/'NPUT/OUTPUT ADDRESS DECODE AND DATA-BUS CHANNEL B 20mA LOOP RS-232 RECEIVERSI DRIVERS 20mASERIAL ,~/'NPUT/OUTPUT RS-232 DATA AND ~_ _ _~, \,----,{MODEM CONTROL PORTCONFIGURATION HEADERS J1 AND J2 CONNECTOR PINOUT Table 1 PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 DESCRIPTION PIN DESCRIPTION Protective Ground (AA) Transmitted Data (BA) Received Data (BB) Request To Send (CA) Clear To Send (CB) D.ata Set Ready (CC) Signal GND (AB) Carrier Detect (CF) RX-(20mA Loop) 13 15 17 20 22 24 TX + (20mA Loop) Transmission Signal Element Timing (DCE Source) Receive Signal Timing Elel11ent (DCE Source) Data Terminal Ready (CD) Polarization Pin RX+ (20mA Loop) or Transmission Signal Element Timing (DTE Source) (DA) TX- (20mA Loop) Polarization Pin 25 26 configuration of both data interchange and modem control signals. This allows the increased flexibility necessary to link different hardware elements in OEM datalink systems and networks. The module is shipped from the factory wired as a DCE interface. Binary Synchronous operation Internal or external character synchronization One or two Sync characters in separate registers Automatic Sync character insertion CRC generation and checking The MDX-SI02 has different selectable options for the 20mA current loop. The receiver and transmitter input and output lines can be reconfigured on the modules to allow reorientation of these signals. Also, the receive and transmit circuits can be selected to function in either an active or passive mode. In the active mode, the MDX-SI02 module provides the 20mA current source. In the passive mode, the module requires that the loop current be provided. The latter is the same mode as that of a teletype. HDLC or SDLC operation Automatic Zero insertion and deletion Automatic Flag Address-field recognition I-Field reSidue handling Valid receive messages protected from overrun CRC generation and checking An EIA and 20mA current loop interface circuit is used to provide the necessary level shifting and signal conditioning between the MK3887 Z80-SIO and the connector. These line drivers and receivers provide the current electrical signal levels, slew rate, and impedance for interfacing RS-232-C and 20mA current loop peripherals. Additionally, optical isolation is provided for both transmit and receive circuits in the 20mA current loop mode. The Mostek MK3887 Z80-SIO is the central element of this module. This device is a multifunction component designed to satisfy a wide variety of serial data communications requirements in microcomputer systems. Its basic role is that of a serial-to-parallel, parallel-to-serial converter/ controller. But within that role it is configured by software programming so that its function can be optimized for a given serial data communication application. The MK3887 provides two independent full-duplex channels, designated A and B. Each channel features the following: Asynchronous operation 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits/character 1, 1Y2, or 2 stop bits Even, odd, or no parity X1, X16, X32, and X64 clock modes Break generation and detection Parity; Overrun and Framing-error detection The MK3887 also provides modem control inputs and outputs as well as daisy-chain, priority-interrupt logic. Eight different interrupt vectors can be generated by the MK3887 in response to various conditions affecting the data communications channel transmission and reception. For more information concerning the MK3887, see the MK3887 Technical Manual in the 1982-1983 Microcomputer Components Designers' Guide. Address decoding, STD-Z80 Bus interface, and bus management for the module is performed by the Address Decode and Data Bus circuit. The MDX-SI02 contains command registers that are programmed to select the desired operational mode. The addressing scheme is as follows: XXXXXX 00 Channel A Data XXXXXX 01 Channel A Command/Status XXXXXX 10 Channel B Data XXXXXX 11 Channel B Command/Status The XXXXXX indicates the binary code necessary to represent which of 64 starting port addresses is selected. Each channel has an individual programmable Baud rate generator. The X1 multiplier on the MK3887 muSt be used in the synchronous modes. The X16, X32, or x64 MK3887 clock rate can be specified for asynchronous modes. IVC-29 II clocking signals on particular input pins to determine the bit/Baud r a t e . · . STRAPPING OPTIONS Table 2 shows the strapping for different configurations of the RS-232 and 20mA loop interface. When the board is interfacing to a CRT or TTY, it should be strapped as DCE (Data Communications Equipment). The 20mA loop can be configured to sink or source current in addition to the ability to be DCE or DTE. Ports should not be strapped for both RS-232 and 20mA loop. Strapping both could result in circuit damage and erroneous data reception. The strapping is shown for port A; however, port B straps are identical except for the numbering of jumpers. STRAPPING FOR J3 OR J4 Table 2 TYPE OF PORT RS-232 DCE (J3 and J4 as shipped) JUMPERS 1-2 13-20 15-22 11-18 17-12 21-14 19-16 RS-232DTE 11-12 13-16 15-14 17-18 19-20 21-22 20mA Source-Loop DTE 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 20mA Source-Loop DCE 23-26 25-24 27-30 29-28 20mA Sink-Loop DTE 23-30 25-28 27-26 29-24 20mA Sink-Loop DCE 23-28 25-30 27-24 29-26 ASYNCHRONOUS CLOCKING When a channel of the SIO is used for asynchronous communication, it is programmed for 16X clocking. Clocking is provided by the jumper-programmable BaudRate Generator. The rates for which the Baud-Rate Generator can be programmed (see Table 3) represent 16X multiples of commonly used communications Baud rates. For the Transmit side of an SIO channel, each serial bit is clocked out by every 16th transition on the clocking input. For the Receive, the clocking signal does not clock the data in itself, in the sense of being synchronized to it, but merely provides a framework in which transitions on the input data are considered. Thus, if an SIO channel is used for 16X asynchronous communications, and the Transmit and Receive Baud rates are the same (the typical case), there is no reason why the channel's Transmit and Receive clock input pins should not both be connected to the same output of the Baud-Rate Generator. SYNCHRONOUS CLOCKING EIA Standard RS-232-C defines the interface between a business machine (e.g. a computer), termed Data Terminal Equipment (DTE), and a piece of communications equipment (e.g. a modem), termed Data Communications Equipment (DCE). Within RS-232, the terms "Receive(d)" and "Transmit(ted)" are referenced to the DTE, so that the "Received Data" signal is provided by the DCE to the DTE, while the "Transmitted Data" signal is provided by the DTE to the DCE. In a synchronous environment, clocking information is in some way carried from one end of the link to the other. The "Receive Clock" signal (RS-232-C designation DO) is always provided by the DCE to the DTE, along with the data; each transition from RS-232 positive to negative voltage (SIO TTL ground to positive) serves to clock the Received Data signal into the DTE. Transmit clocking can be provided from either DCE to DTE, or vice versa. Separate connector pins/signals are provided depending on the direction: RS-232 designation DB is used for a Transmit Clock provided by the DCE to the DTE, whereas designation DA is used for a DTE-sourced Transmit Clock. Whichever the source, the negative-to-positive transition on the RS-232 signal is used by the DTE to change the data; the opposite transition is used by the DCE to sample it. As noted previously, the MDX-SI02 board can act as DTE or DCE; in each case it can also source or receive the Transmit Clock signal. For synchronous communication, the SIO chip always operates at a 1X clock rate, acting on transitions in the clocking signal(s) as described above. CLOCK CONFIGURATION STRAPPING Each channel of the SIO chip used must be provided with When the MDX-SI02 card sources an RS-232-C clock, it is from one of the outputs of the Baud-Rate Generator. The IVC-30 BAUD RATE (Hz) PROGRAMMABILITY Table 3 FREQUENCY CODE D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 SYNCHRONOUS A 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ASYNCHRONOUS X32 25 37.5 55 67.25 75 150 300 600 900 1000 1200 1800 2400 3600 4800 9600 X16 50 75 110 134.5 150 300 600 1200 1800 2000 2400 3600 4800 7200 9600 19200 X1 800 1200 1760 2152 2400 4800 9600 19200 28800 32000 38400 57600 76800 115200 153600 307200 X64 12.5 18.75 27.50 33.63 37.50 75 150 300 450 500 600 900 1200 1800 2400 4800 NOTE: Current loop applications above 9600 Baud are not recommended Strap = 0 No Strap = 1 transfer rates provided are commonly used for synchronous communication (1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200). These rates are selectable from the X1 column of Table 3. JUMPERS FOR BAUD-RATE GENERATOR FREQUENCIES The clock frequencies for fT and fR are selected with straps on J8 as follows: Pins Channel A Pins ChannelB 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2 LSB - A fR B fR CfR MSB - D fR 15-16 13-14 11-12 9-10 LSB - A fT B fT C fT MSB - D fT JUMPERS FOR CONNECTION OF BAUD-RATEGENERATOR OUTPUTS TO SIO INPUTS PINS 1-2 3-4 Connects fr to TRANSMIT CLOCK PORT A Connects fr to RECEIVE CLOCK PORT A Connects f t to TRANSMIT CLOCK PORT B Connects f t to RECEIVE CLOCK PORT B Connects fr to TRANSMIT CLOCK PORT B Connects fr to RECEIVE CLOCK PORT B Connects f t to TRANSMIT CLOCK PORT A Connects f t to RECEIVE CLOCK PORT A These straps are found on J7. Figures 3 thru 9 illustrate the use of these jumpers. Figure 10 is a worksheet useable during board configuration. CONNECTION OF RS-232 SYNCHRONOUS CLOCK SIGNALS DA. DB. DO TO SIO INPUTS For frequencies selected refer to Table 3. The clock configuration straps are defined as follows: 5-6 7-8 2-5 4-7 1-6 3-6 The RS-232 DTE-supplied Transmit Clock signal DA shares the connector pin assignment of current loop signal RX+ (Port A = J1 pin 24 to J3 pins 28, 10; Port B = J2-24 to J4-28, 10). The DCE-supplied Transmit Clock signal DB is brought out from J1-15 to J3-8 (PortA) and J2-15 to J4-8 (Port B), and the (always DCE-supplied) Receive Clock DD from J1-17 to J3-6 (Port A) and J2-17 to J4-6 (Port B). Connections for synchronous clocking are made from pins of J7 (which connect to the SIO clock inputs) to one side of an EIA driver or receiver. The other side of the driver or receiver is then connected to one of the clocks DA. DB, or DD. Various cases of such connections are presented in the following examples. IVC-31 II BOTH PORTS ASYNCHRONOUS Figura 3 J7 2 fR 1 - 4 6 U10 fT 1 ~ 8 (BAUD-RATE GENERATOR) - 14 10 ~ 16 1 14 3 13 5 27 7 28 TXCA RXCA TXCB U4 RXCB (SIO) 13 9 0- I - 15 12 0- ~ 75189 ~ 6 (PORTA CONNECTOR) J3 9 4 75189 U1 13 11 3 5 75189 U1 3 - 1 0- ~ ro J1 28 24 6 17 8 15 ~ 7 75189 8 U1 10 75188 9 ~8 10 U5 ./75188 --fi{-\} 13 PORT. A Asynchronous DTE or DeE RCV&XMIT@ Rate fR NOTE: 1 10 0- - J2 3 28 24 5 6 17 7 8 15 U5 --" PORT B Asynchronous DTE or DCE RCV&XMIT @ Rate IT This configuration is suitable for J1-to-J2Ioopback testing if tr = fRo DO DB (PORT B CONNECTOR) J4 ~ DA/RX+ DA/RX+ DO DB PORT A: SYNCHRONOUS. OTE. XMIT CLOCK FROM OCE PORTB:ASYNCHRONOUS Figure 4 J7 2 fR~________~1~_4-r~ __ 0-~1______________~1~4 TXCA ;:o-~3~____________~1~3 RXCA r-~6~~ ,~;"J:J:~~5~____________~2~7~TXCB U10 lo-t...:..7 _ _ _ _ _-..;2""i8 fT .--_ _ _ _.. 1>--..::8f- --j/Lf--; (BAUD-RATE GENERATOR) r----------:-;t- 28 24 5 6 17 7 8 15 75189 U1 10 8 9 (PORTA CONNECTOR) J3 DB 0- ~ 9 J2 75188 3 -" ~ 28 24 --../ 5 7 Synchronous DTE DCE Supplies XMIT Clock RCV & XMIT Rate External, Independent DO (PORT B CONNECTOR) J4 8 ~11 13 U5 PORTA DA/RX+ PORTB Asynchronous DCE or DTE RCV & XMIT @ Rate IT IVC-33 ~ ~ DA/RX+ 6 17 DO 8 16 DB • PORT A: SYNCHRONOUS. DTE. XMIT CLOCK PROVIDED TO DCE PORTB:ASYNCHRONOUS Figure 5 J7 2 1 IR U10 4 6~ 1 IT Y 8 (BAUD-RATE GENERATOR) i~ 14 10 -v 14 3 13 5 27 7 28 ..... 12 0- 6 RXCA TXCB U4 RXCB (SIO) 13 9 15 r!!- 75189 ~ TXCA 0- t - - 16 '.'~ " ;: 1 (PORTA CONNECTOR) J3 9 4 0- ~ J1 75189 11 U1 13 3 3 28 24 5 6 17 7 8 15 r-- ~ 75189 U1 1 75189 8 U1 10 75188 10 DB 10 0- t-- J2 3 28 5 6 17 DO 7 8 15 24 ~ Synchronous DTE XMIT CLOCK SUPPLIED TO DCE XMIT Rate @ IR RCV Rate External DO U5 /875188 ---@"11 13 U5 PORTA DA/RX+ (PORT 8 CONNECTOR) J4 ·9 ~ f-o PORT 8 Asynchronous DTE or DCE RCV&XMIT @ Rate IT IVC-34 DA/RX+ DB PORT A: SYNCHRONOUS, DCE, XMIT CLOCK FROM DTE PORTB:ASYNCHRONOUS Figure 6 J7 2 1 fR 4 ~ 6 Ul0 1 fT 8 (BAUD-RATE GENERATOR) '\ 14 ~ 10 1 14 3 13 5 27 7 28 TXCB U4 RXCB (SIO) 13 0- ~ ~ 16 15 12 0- .!.!..... ~ 75189 ~ 6 (PORT A CONNECTOR) J3 4 9 10 Jl 75189 Ul 13 11 3 TXCA RXCA 75189 Ul 3 r--5 1 28 f-o " " 7 24 6 17 8 15 75189 8 Ul 10 -12~11 ~ 7 PORTA SYNCHRONOUS OCE OTE SUPPLIES XMIT CLOCK XMIT RATE (RCV CLOCK SIG) @ IR RCV RATE (XMIT CLK SIGl EXT PORT B ASYNCHRONOUS OTEOR OCE RCV & XMIT @ RATE IT IVC-35 0- I-- 3 5 DB 10 9 ~8 10 U5 f75188 DO (PORT B CONNECTOR) J4 75188 DA/RX+ ~" " J2 28 24 6 17 8 15 DA/RX+ DO DB II PORT A: SYNCHRONOUS. DCE. XMIT CLOCK PROVIDED TO DTE PORT B: UNUSED Figure 7 J7 2 1 'R U10 14 3 13 6 5 27 8 7 28 ~ 4 L ~ 1 'T 1 (BAUD-RATE GENERATOR) RXCA TXCB U4 R'XcB (SIO) 13 14 ~ 10 9 ,0- r-- -v 16 15 0- ~ 12 75189 ~ 6 4 ...,- 1 0- ~ 9 .-----3 5 75189 U1 3 1:\ 7-" 75189 U 10 8 751B8 9 10 U5 (PORT A CONNECTOR) J3 75189 U1 13 11 \ J1 28 24 6 17 8 15 9 DA/RX+ DO DB (PORT B CONNECTOR) J4 8 0- 10 r- J2 751B8 12 13 PORTA SYNCHRONOUS DCE XMIT CLOCK SUPPLIED TO DTE RCV-CLOCK SUPPLIED TO DTE XMIT RATE (RCV CLOCK SIG) @ 'T RCV RATE (XMIT CLOCK SIG) @ 'R TXCA U5 11 PORT B UNUSED IVC-36 24 3 -" ,..., 28 5-" 6 17 DO 7 8 16 DA/RX+ DB PORT A: SYNCHRONOUS. DTE. XMIT CLOCK PROVIDED FROM DCE PORT B: SYNCHRONOUS. DCE. XMIT CLOCK PROVIDED TO DTE Figure 8 J7 2 1 IR "'- 4 "" 6 U10 1 IT 8 (BAUD-RATE GENERATOR) ~.J', 14 ~ 10 '" ~ 1 14 3 13 5 27 7 28 (SIO) l.!....- 75189 ~ 6 4 ~ 75189 U1 3~ (PORT A CONNECTOR) J3 75189 U1 11 13 1 75188 0- ~ 9 - 3 J1 28 24 5 6 17 7 8 15 75189 U 10 8 :..0 9 DA/RX+ DO DB (PORT B CONNECTOR) J4 8 0- ~ J2 75188 ~1 L.23 U5 f -- PORTA SYNCHRONOUS DTE XMIT CLOCK SUPPLIED FROM DCE XMIT & RCV RATE EXTERNAL. INDEPENDENT U4 R'XcB 0- ~ 0- ~ 10 TXCB 15 12 U5 RXCA 13 16 9 TXCA PORT B SYNCHRONOUS DCE XMIT CLOCK SUPPLIED TO DTE RCV CLOCK SUPPLIED TO DTE XMIT RCV@) Rate 'R NOTE: This configuration is suitable for J1-J2loopback testing if fR = tr. IVC-37 3 28 24 5 6 17 7 8 15 DA/RX+ DO DB II BOTH PORTS SYNCHRONOUS. DTE. XMIT CLOCK PROVIDED TO DCE Figure 9 J7 2 1 fR ........ 4 ~ 6 U10 1 fT ~:\ 8 (BAUD-RATE GENERATOR) ~~ 14 10 r-- ~ 1 14 3 13 6 27 7 28 (SIO) ,0- ~ 0- .l.!- ~ 76189 ~ 6 4 ~ 1 3 r---- 9 28 24 6 17 8 16 DA/RX+ DO DB (PORT B CONNECTOR) 0- !£... J2 76188 -- SYNCHRONOUS DTE XMIT CLOCK SUPPLIED TO DCE XMIT @ RATE IT RCV RATE EXTERNAL ~ J1 J4 8 ~11 1. 13 U6 J PORTA f-o 7 76189 U 10 8 76188 0- ~ 9 6 76189 U1 3~ (PORT A CONNECTOR) J3 76189 U1 11 13 10 U4 RXCB 16 12 U6 RXCA TXCB 13 16 9 TXCA PORTB SYNCHRONOUS DTE XMIT CLOCK SUPPLIED TO DCE XMIT@ RATE f~ . RCV RATE EXT RNAL IVC-38 3 28 24 6 6 17 7 8 16 DA/RX+ DO DB CLOCK-CONFIGURATION WORKSHEET Figure 10 J7 1 -2 fR U10 fT 1 1 14 4 3 13 6 5 27 7 28 (BAUD·RATE GENERATOR) - - 8 14 TXCA RXCA TXCB RXCB U4 (SIO) 13 ~ 10 9 0- r-- v 16 15 r. 12 11 0- r-- 75189 U1 6 4 9 75189 U1 13 11 3 r-- f-o 5J'> 75189 U1 3 (PORT A CONNECTOR) J3 7 1 0- r!£- ,... 28 24 ,... 6 17 r. 8 15 J1 DA/RX+ DO DB 75189 8 U 75188 - 10 9 ~8 10 U5./'75188 ~~11 13 U5 - PORTA IVC-39 10 0- r- J2 24 3 28 5 6 17 DO 7 8 16 08 J PORT B (PORT B CONNECTOR) J4 DA/RX+ common interrupt line (lNTRQ) will be pulled active low by the SIO requesting the interrupt. ADDRESS-CONFIGURATION STRAPPING Address selection is done by wiring the proper straps on Header J9. Installing a strap causes the respective Address Bit to be compared for a zero. Address select straps are defined as follows: Pins 3-4 1-2 7-8 5-6 9-10 11-12 ADDRESS BIT 2 ADDRESS BIT 3 ADDRESS BIT 4 ADDfiESS BIT 5 ADDRESS BIT 6 ADDRESS BIT 7 Address Bits 0 and 1 are predefined for the MDX-SI02 board as follows: A, o o 1 1 Sometime later, the CPU will send out an interrupt acknowledge (INTAK). During INTAK, the interrupt logic of the various peripheral chips in the system will determine the highest-priority port which is requesting an interrupt. This device then places the contents of its 8-bit interrupt vector on the data bus for the CPU. The interrupt condition is maintained until the end of the INTAK cycle. Lower priority interrupts are inhibited until this device decodes an RETI instruction or an equivalent command. If more than one peripheral chip requests interrupt servicing at the same time, a priority status is established. Priority is determined by the interrupt enable lines -lEI and lEO - and internal logic on each peripheral chip. The following table defines interrupt priority status: ~ o 1 o 1 PORTA DATA PORT A CONTROUSTATUS PORTB DATA PORT B CONTROL/STATUS lEI "0 o 1 lEO o 1 o The Shipping Configuration for J9 is no jumpers installed. STATUS higher priority device requesting interrupt undefined (not allowed) requesting interrupt (no higher priority interrupt) no interrupt INTERRUPT DESCRIPTION DAISVCHAIN The purpose of an interrupt is to allow peripheral devices to suspend CPU operation in an orderly manner and force the CPU to start a peripheral service routine. Usually this service routine is involved with the exchange of data, or status and control information, between the CPU and the peripheral. Once the service routine is completed, the CPU returns to the operation from which it was interrupted. The block diagram of the interrupt circuitry of the MDX-SI02 is shown in Figure 11. Mode 2 interrupts are supported by the MDX-SI02. This mode is the most powerful interrupt response mode. With a single 8-bit bytefrom the interrupting device, an indirect call can be made to any memory location. All Z-80 devices include daisy-chain priority-interrupt logic that automatically supplies the programmed vector (from the highest-priority interrupting peripheral) to the CPU during interrupt acknowledge. To ensure that more than the on-board SIO chip can be included in the interrupt priority loop, "look-ahead" logic has been implemented on the board. Both ends of the board daisy chain logic have been brought to edge connector P1 so that the board priority within a larger daisy chain system can be established. Board priority is determined in the same fashion as an individual peripheral chip i.e., through the high or low state of PCI or PCO. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS With this mode, the programmer maintains a table of 16-bit starting addresses for every interrupt service routine. This table may be located anywhere in memory. When an interrupt is accepted, a 16-bit pointer must be formed to obtain the desired interrupt service routine starting address from the table. The upper eight bits of this pointer are formed from the contents of the I register. The lower eight bits of the pointer must be supplied by the interrupting device. Word Size Data: 8-bits 110 Addressing: 8-bits I/O Addressing On-board fully-programmable 1/0 Capacity INTERRUPT SERVICING At some predetermined condition, such as data being strobed into a SIO port, the SIO chip will generate a condition for interrupting the CPU. During this time, the Serial - Two full-duplex serial ports, either synchronous or asynchronous. Special control register and circuitry to permit programmed implementation of SDLC, BiSync, Monosync, HDLC, and other formats. IVC-40 PRIORITY INTERRUPT STRUCTURE Figure 11 +5V 10K INT 5 II SIO PORT loP. A. B. +5V EDGE CONNECTOR r----' PI PCI 52 lEI 1K 6 1 2 lEO 7 r.i...-------_---i "LOOK AHEAD" PCO INTRQ 51~~----------------------~ 44 >-+-------- . +5V IN -= ~ ·12VIN ? 470l! l r J5-'2 ~O U6 R6 -4N35 - - I'2 "0 G 31 ~ .-~----------~.----~ ~ "--~.~~J.. CRl IN914 l nov - - ~ 1 -6 IN914. _ U12 _ 6 R13 6 ..,... T2N39041cR3 91 111 _ • 6BK 25 v-------l 47011 1 ----0 o o 13 1 L 123 T• B ~'L ---, '12 114 -1 128 RX+ IDA)I .24 126 RX- .12 o o I 24 TX- .25 130 TX+ _-1 - 7406 II 1 I I .13 POlARIZATION~26 PLUG ...L - I I I T ----:~N914~ ..J +~ bll~1 150(1 ~ 271 lBOl! 470!1 • 16 470 !1 .7 POlARIZATION_22 PLUG , .J R2 +12VIN~ - I. 14 Rl1 ~ ::a 2 112 , 3900F ~l> l> -g I OTRAI 16 OCOAI19 • 4 GNOIAA)I : 151 cC· 0 c: ::a ca -I Jl .. 6 .- 17 OSRICC)I 0 r - J4- -,• 2 390pF +12V IN R3 1 ~O 3Kll TXDB~ 1 13 })- • ' 1 0 I 151 ""'f U4 o -=;'xfBA)1 o 211 CTSs 123 112 r, B I ~ z o • 20 .. B 5 O~_1~20~______~R~Xf~B~B)~I.~ 3 122 CTSfCB)1 I 19 RXDB 129 1 1 "::rmrn PORTB I 0 J,. L GNDfAB)1 ~ -=- '~12VIN- - - , +5V ? 47011 R15 3.9K 5! 1r p: 31 R8 UB - , ~N35.2 5 1 L-----------~41 CR4 • "~L=lt~ J5 0 2 16 47011 ~. ~~.------------ l +12VIN ._. / R1.8 15011 IN914.. U12 5 - 6 I_. 6 R19 271 o .L...L . 25 1 o 47011 47011 RX+ IDA)I .24 126 RX- 1 TX- I 1 ~ 25 I 1 18011 ~ ~ T2N39041cR6 1 ..J 68K 6 12B 1 L_I_.JR4 R16 I T ,B 91 110 111 112 13 1 114 ~-~ 7 POLARIZATION_22 PLUG 1 14 R17 ~ IN914 +5V I . ~ 1 29 1 I o o o L_ 24 130 I _..J ~ ~::u !!1 ~ o Wrn ~ "P 2 1 DCDfCF)1 ::u ~ -I -'IJI o ~ DTRfCD)\ c ~ 1 I· I 171 22 MK3B87 < .. 4 1 111 I DTRB 25 DCDii RTSICA)I I 116 o .. 6 GNDIAA)I : 390pF J2 1 114 0 ,6!~ · DSRICCII 12 TX+~ I .13· I I POLARIZATION_26 PLUG ORDERING INFORMATION Designator Description Part Number MDX-SI02 MDX-SI02 SeriallnputlOutput Module with Technical Manual MK77670-0 (2.5 MHz.) MK77670-4 (4 MHz.) MDX-SI02 Technical Manual MDX-SI02 Technical Manual Only 4420129 II IVC-45 IVC-46 e UNITED TECHNOLOGIES COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION MOSTEK MDX-4221 MK77671 FEATURES BOARD PHOTO Figure 1 o STD-Z80 BUS compatible o Two independent asynchronous/synchronous serial channels o Independent software programmable baud rate clocks o Asynchronous rates of 50 to 19.2K baud o Synchronous rates of 800 to 307.2K baud o Asynchronous half-duplex communications between serial control units and MDX-422's in any mix o BiSync, HDLC or SDLC operation o Both CRC-16 and CRC-CCITI error detection are hardware implemented o Receive data registers are quadruply buffered o Transmitter data registers are double buffered o RS-422 compatible input and output o Up to 4000' data communication over RS-422 twisted pair MK3887 Z80-S10 which provides both full- and half-duplex operation. Each channel has an independent programmable baud rate clock generator to increase module flexibility. o Common mode ground fault protection 400 Volts DESCRIPTION Figure 2 is a block diagram of the MDX-4221 module. The figure consists of six main elements: address decode and data bus buffers, MK3887 Z80-SIO, isolated supply voltage, line drivers and receivers, programmable baud rate generator and channel configuration headers. Input and output to the board is provided via two 10-pin connectors. One connector is dedicated for each channel. Figure 1 shows the board with overlay. The MDX-4221 is a dual-channel, serial RS-422 interface for use with STD-Z80 microcomputer systems. The module incorporates RS-422 (balanced, differential) serial communication, allowing long-distance communication (4000 ft.) in noisy industrial environments between MDX-4221's and/or SCU's (Serial Control Units). Each MDX-4221 channel is capable of driving forty devices in a party-line configuration. The module is designed around the Mostek The RS-422 interface on the MDX-4221 module is fully isolated up to 400 volts above and below ground. This is implemented to ensure protection from common mode ground potentials associated with long-distance communications. The transmitter/receiver section also has protection against transients of up to 150 watts peak pulse power for 1 ms. These transients are commonly induced on the transmission lines in noisy industrial environments. o Port block selectable o 2.5 and 4 MHz capability o 400 Volt optically isolated ™ MD Series is a trademark of Mostek Corporation IVC-47 BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 CHANNel A DATAIB) PORT CONFIGURATION HEADERS ADDRESS DECODE AND DATA BUS BUFFERS RS-422 DATA MK3BB7 SIO CONTROL (101 CHANNel B PORT CONFIGURATION HEADERS SPECIFICATIONS *1 *1 o 1 RS-422 DATA Baud rate generator Baud rate generator WORD SIZE *The baud rate generator is decoded from A2, therefore it may be programmed with any of the four available addresses. The high order 4 bits program channel A while the low order 4 bits program channel B. 8. bits 8 bits Data: I/O Addressing: I/O CAPACITY INTERRUPTS Serial: Two full- or half-duplex serial ports both capable of either synchronous or asynchronous operation. Special control registers and circuitry to permit implementation of SDLC, BiSync, Monosync, HDLC and other formats which can be programmed. I/O ADDRESSING SYSTEM INTERRUPT UNITS (SIUs) the high-order 5 bits of the I/O address are userprogrammable through the use of selecting straps. The low-order three bits are decoded on-board, thus indicating the need for eight consecutive port addresses. These ports are assigned as follows: A2 0 0 0 0 *1 *1 A1 0 0 1 1 0 0 AO 0 1 0 1 0 Generates vectored interrupts to 8 different locations corresponding to conditions within both channels. Interrupt vector locations are programmable. Daisy-chained interrupt priority. PortA data Port A control/status Port B data Port B controll status Baud rate generator Baud rate generator =1 CLOCK MDX-4221 Min. 250 kHz Max.· 4.0 MHz STD-Z80 BUS INTERFACE Inputs: Outputs: IVC-48 One 74LS Load Max. IOL=24mA Min. @VOL = 0.5Volts 10H = -3mA Min. @VOH = 2.4Volts CONNECTORS OPERATING TEMPERATURE o to 60 degrees C POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS +5 Volts ± 5% at 2.0A max. +12 Volts ± 5% at 25mA max. FUNCTION DESCRIPTION STD-Z80 BUS 56-pin, dual MATING CONNECTOR Viking 3VH281 1CE5 (printed circuit) DIMENSIONS Viking 3VH281 1CND5 (wire-wrap) 4.5 inches (114.3 mm) high by 6.5 inches (165.1 mm) long 0.675 inches (17.1 mm) maximum profile thickness 0.062 inches (1 .6 mm) printed-circuit-board thickness Viking 3VH281 1CN5 (solder lug) RS-422 Socket conn. 10-pin Winchester 51-1110-01 TYPICAL APPLICATION. MDXSYSTEM I IIII RS-422 LINK MDX-4221 CONTROL CIRCUITRY CONTROL CIRCUITRY RSCU ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. MDX-4221 RS-422 interface module with operations manual MK77671 Operations manual for the above 4420071 Z80-SIO Technical Manual MK78583 tVC-49 IVC-50 fJ UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MDX-422N MK77676 FEATURES MDX-422N o Two independent asynchronous/synchronous serial channels o Independent software programmable baud rate clocks o Asynchronous rates of 50 to 19.2K baud o Synchronous rates of 800 to 307.2K baud o Asynchronous half-duplex communications between serial control units and MDX-422's in any mix o BiSync, HDLC or SDLC operation o Both CRC-16 and CRC-CCITT error detection are hardware implemented Figure 1 \ ~,' > • o Receive data registers are quadruply buffered o Transmitter data registers are double buffered o RS-422 compatible input and output o Port block selectable o STD-Z80 BUS compatible o 2.5 and 4 MHz capability configuration headers. Input and output to the board is provided via .two ·'O-pin con\1ectors. One connector is dedicated for ea~h Channel. SPECIFICATIONS DESCRIPTION WORD SIZE The MDX-422N is a dual-channel, serial RS-422'interface for use with MDX microcomputer systems. The module incorporates RS-422 (balanced, differential) serial communication, allowing long-distance communication in noisy industrial environments between MDX-422's and MDX-422N's and/or RSCU's (Serial Control Units). Each MDX-422N channel is capable of driving forty devices in a party-line configuration. The module is designed around the Mostek MK3887 Z80-S10 which provides both full- and l1alf-duplex operation. Each channel has an independent programmable baud rate clock· generator to increase module flexibility. Data: I/O Addressing: 8 bits 8 bits I/O CAPACITY Serial: Two full- orhaJ.f-dupIIlX seriai,ports both capable of either synchronous or asyn<;:hronous operation. Special control registers and circuitry to permit implementation of SDLC, BiSync, Monosync, HDLC and other formats which can be programmed. I/O ADDRESSING Figure 2 is a block diagram of the MDX-422N module. The device consists of five main elements: address decode and data bus buffers, MK3887 Z80-SIO, line drivers and receivers, programmable baud rate generator, and channel The high-order 5-bits of the I/O address are userprogrammable through the use of selecting straps. The low-order 3-bits are decoded on-board, thus indicating the TMMDX Series is a trademark of Mostek Corporation IVC-51 SLOCK QIAGR.AM Figu", 2 CHANNEL A RS-422 DATA ADDRESS DECODE AND DATA BUS BUFFERS MK3887 SIO CONTROL CHANNELB (10) RS·422 INTERFACE LINE DRIVERS need for eight consecutive port addresses. These ports are assigned as followS: A2 0 0 0 0 *1 *1 *1 *1 A1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 AO 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 RS·422 DATA CLOCK Max. 4.0 MHz MDX-422N POrl A data Port A control/status Port B data Port B control/status Baud rate generator Baud rate generator Baud rate generator Baud rate generator STD-zao BUS INTERFACE Inputs: Outputs: OPERATING TEMPERATURE *The baud rate generator is decoded from A2, therefore it may be programmed with any of the four available addresses. The high-order 4-bits program channel A while the low-order 4-bits program channel B. o to 60 degrees C POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS +5 Volts ± 5% at 1.0 A max. +12 Volts ± 5% at 25 rnA max. INTERRUPTS Generates vectored interrupts to eight different locations corresponding to conditions within both channels. Interrupt vector location programmable. Daisy-chained interrupt priority. SYSTEM INTERRUPT UNITS (SIUs) = 1 One 74LS Load Max. IOL= 24mA Min. @ VOL = 0.5 Volts IOH = -3mA Min. @VOH= 2.4Volts DIMENSIONS 4.5 inches (114.3 mm) high by 6.5 inches (165.1 mm) long 0.675 inches (17.1 mm) maximum profile thi.ckness 0.062 inches (1.6 mm) printed-circuit-board thickness rVC-&2 TYPICAL APPLICATION: Figure 3 MDXSYSTEM I IIII RS-422 LINK MDX-42210R MDX-422N CONTROL CIRCUITRY CONTROL CIRCUITRY RSCU OTHER RS-422 DEVICES II CONNECTORS FUNCTION DESCRIPTION STO-Z80 BUS 56-pin, dual MATING CONNECTOR Viking 3VH281 1CE5 (printed circuit) Viking 3VH281 1CND5 (wire-wrap) Viking 3VH281 1CN5 (solder lug) RS-422 Socket conn. lO-pin Winchester 51-1110-01 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. MDX-422N RS-422 interface module with operations manual MK77676 Operations manual,only. 4420053 Z80-S10 Technical Manual MK78583 IVC-53 IVC-54 Il UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION RSCU MK77983 REMOTE SERIAL CONTROL UNIT FEATURES D RSCU (MK77983) PHOTO Figure 1 Utilizes the MK3873 Microprocessor D Asynchronous Serial I/O D Half-duplex operation D Data rate of 9600 Baud D 24 Parallel I/O bits individually strappable as input or output D Single 5 Volt power supply D Eight-bit selectable unit address • D Operation with up to 4000 feet of cable D Up to 40 units on a RS-422 link D Serial receiver/transmitter I/O protected against transients with up to 150 watts peak pulse power for 1 ms RSCU SYSTEM CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION Figure 2 MAXIMUM 4000· The RSCU (remote serial control unit) is an asynchronous serial-to-parallel conversion unit that is used for remote digital control over an RS-422 serial data link. Serial data is received and transmitted by using a half-duplex RS-422 (balanced differential) at 9600 Baud. The transmitter/ receiver is capable of communicating up to 4000 feet from the host in noisy industrial environments. A system can use up to 40 RSCUs on one RS-422 link. See Figure 2 for an illustration of an RSCU system configuration. The RSCU is packaged in a black ABS plastic container for mounting purposes. The container also protects the board in industrial environments. Four mounting holes are provided in the back of the container. The mounting holes are easily accessed by removing four screws and the cover. The unit's 24 parallel bits provide interface for up to 241/0 devices such as optically isolated solid-state relays. Parallel devices, such as analog converters, may also be controlled. The RSCU has five main elements: MK3873 microprocessor, address select logic, reset logic, serial line transmitter/ receiver, and parallel I/O with data-direction jumpers (as illustrated in Figure 3). LESS CABLE DROP LENGTH ~I MK3873 The MK3873 single-chip microprocessor has a serial I/O port that provides data for the RS-422 driver and receiver which communicates with the host system. The MK3873 also provides 29 bits of parallel I/O (Three bits used internally on the board and two that are unused.), of which 24 are available for off-board use. ADDRESS SELECT LOGIC The address select logic consists of an 8-bit parallel-in, serial-output shift register. The shift register inputs are jumper-selectable to the desired unit address for the RSCU. Power-up reset or push-button reset causes the microprocessor to load and read the shift register by serially shifting in the 8-address bits. IVC-55 RSCU BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 3 RS422 DATA JI ~ "\ I RS422 TRANSMITTERI RECEIVER V 1\ 1\ \ / v PROCESSOR SELECT / \ LOGIC \ I 8 BITS BUFFERS ~ A MK3873 ADDRESS PARALLEL PARALLEL 1/0 \ / \, I 1/0 AND V DATA 1\ .... DIRECTION JUMPERS /" POWER-UP AND PUSHBUTTON RESET LOGIC RESET Power-up reset and push-button reset cause a reset pulse of approximately 20 ms to be generated. A comparator circuit also generates this reset signal and holds the reset line active if 5 Vdc power falls below 4.60 volts. RS-422 RECEIVER AND TRANSMITTER Bidirectional serial data is transmitted and received by an RS-422 line driver and receiver. Transient suppressors are provided to protect the serial 110 channel against transients of up to 150 watts peak for 1 ms duration. The serial data format is shown in Figure 4. selected as an input or output by installing a jumper in the appropriate position. CONNECTORS AND HEADERS LAYOUT Figure 5 illustrates the layout of connectors and headers on the RSCU board. Figures 6,7, and 81istthe pinoutsforSK1, J5, and J6, respectively. CONNECTORS AND HEADERS LAYOUT Figure 5 SERIAL DATA FORMAT Figure 4 ~EE~:iGE > 2 CHARACTER FORMAT TIMES DEFINES DATA ,:0:, DEFINES MESSAGE LENGTH DATA LENGTH DETERMINED BY COMMAND CHARACTER LONGITUDINAL REDUNDANCY CHECK 2~1 •• INPUT10UTPUT J5 9 ••••• 1 10' •••• 2 The 24-bit parallel 1/0 from the microprocessor is buffered in both input and output directions. Each bit must be IVC-56 STRAPPING SK1 Pinout Figure 6 ADDRESS STRAPPING Pin # Pin # Pin # 1 PO-O 2 3 PO-1 5 Pin # 27 P4-5 28 4 29 P4-6 30 PO-2 6 31 P4-7 32 7 PO-3 8 33 P5-0 34 9 PO-4 10 35 P5-1 36 11 fiO-5 12 37 P5-2 38 13 PO-6 14 39 P5-3 40 15 PO-7 16 41 P5-4 42 17 P4-0 18 43 P5-5 44 19 P4-1 20 45 P5-6 46 GND A total of 255 (0 through 254) separate addresses may be chosen using the 8-address jumpers as shown in Figure 9. Address selection is accomplished by installing the address jumpers on header J4 in the desire configuration. Installing a jumper is equivalent to selecting the particular address bit to be zero. NOTE: Jumpers must be placed on J4. All jumpers are installed on J4 when RSCU is shipped. Leaving J4 unstrapped gives the RSCU the address OFFH which is not a recognized RSCU address. Address bit AO is the least significant bit, address A7 is the most significant and is the first bit shifted into theMK3873 when the address is loaded. ADDRESS DECODING Figure 9 • 5V J4 21 23 P4-2 P4-3 22 24 47 49 P5-7 +5V 48 50 --1 0--2. ~ o----! -0 I, .........z. -0 ,........! -0 ,........!.!. ,......E. : GND ,.......1! -0 25 P4-4 AOA 4 Al • B A2 C 8 A3 0 10 A4 E ,. ,. 12 AS F AG G . A7 H 6" SE;:tIAL ~ADDRESS OUT 26 Figure 10 shows an example of strapping J4 for address 36 (24 H)· J5 Pinout Figure 7 J4 STRAPPING EXAMPLE Pin # Figure 10 1 NC 6 TXRX 2 NC 7 TXRX 3 NC 8 TXRX 4 NC 9 GND 5 2 TXRX 10 ADDRESS BIT BIT VALUE GND ,rr 'J4 --""'l., PIN NUMBER - - , AO---O--- 1 0 0 2 A1---0 - - - 3 0 0 4 A2---1 - - - 5 0 0 6 A3--- 0 - - - 7 0 0 8 AA--- 0 - - - 9 0 0 10 A5---1 ---11 0 0 12 A6--- 0 ---13 0 0 14 A7--- 0 ---15 0 0 16 J6 Pinout FigureS Pin # r-B [E] DATA DIRECTION JUMPERS The 24 parallel 1/0 signals are provided with jumpers so any bit may be configured as input or output. To configure the bit as input, jumpers are added between pins of J1 and J2. To configure the bit as output, jumpers are added between pins of J2 and J3. The RSCU board is shipped configured as input with jumpers installed between J1 and J2. See Figure 11. IVC-57 terminating resistor (R9). Only' an- RSCU" placed on the extreme end of the transmission line requires termi,n!!tjon. LOW-VOLTAGE RESET ADJUSTMENT DATA DIRECTION JUMPERS Figure 11 PIN NUMBER HEADER JJ21~' ~: 1 2 0 0 Adjustment of Rp establishes the voltage level at which the loss of power: This level is factory set at MK3873 is reset 4.6 volts and should not be changed, If R6 has been inadvertantly changed the foliow,ing procedure should be used to reset the voltage level, on NUMBER J3 1 t + STR,APPED FOR INPUT WARNING Mostek does not assume any responsibility for module failure if this adjustment is made. STRAPPED FOR OUTPUT Table' ,1' is' an example of data direction jumpering and the corresponding output signai mnemonic, associated jumper number, and I/O device (24-module opto I/O panel is used). 1. Adjust the power supply so that 4.6, volts is present on the 5 volt input (Pins ,1 and 2 on J6)., 2. Connect an oscilioscopeor a voltmeter to the output of the ICL8211 (Pin 4 cif U12), LINE TERMINATION RESISTOR The RS-422 transmission line should be terminated on each end with a 200 ohm resistor. The purpose of this resistor is to reduce reflections from the end of the cable. Two printed circuit board holes are provided for ~ % watt 3. Adjust R6 until the voltage on Pin 4,of the ICL8211 ,goes tQa high level (greater than 2.4 V). , 4. Slowly adjust the R6 in the opposite direction until the voltage goes to !'I low level (less than.7 V). EXAMPLE OF D4TA OIRECTION JUMPERING Table 1 ' "~ DATA DIRI;CTION JUMPER NUMBER " IJOPORY NUMBER ,OPTOI/O MODULE NUMBER OPTO 1/0" OUTPUT TERMINAL NUMBERS 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 4748 4546 43-44 41-42 39-40 37-38 35-36 33-34 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 31-32 29-30 27-28 25-26 23-24 21-22 ' 19-20 17-18 ::-,:', " PO-O PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4 PO~5 (,.' PO-6 PO-7 , " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , P4-0 P4-1 P4-2 , P4-3 P4-4 P4-5 P4-6 P4-7 P5-0 P5-1 P5-2 P5-3: P5-4 P5-5 P5-6, P5'7 , 9 10 11· 12 13, 14 15 16 , , " 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 " 15-16 13-14 11-12 9-10 7-8 5-6 34 1-2 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 .:' " i " .. IVC-58 , SPECIFICATIONS SERIAL BAUD RATE WORD SIZE 9600 Baud Data: 8-bits 110 addressing: 24-BIT PARALLEL INPUTIOUTPUT BUS 8-bits MEMORY CAPACITY =-2.7 rna Inputs: IlL Bus Outputs: IOH open collector IOL = 24 rna maximum at 0.5 volts 32 bytes RAM POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS UNIT ADDRESSING +5 volts ± 5% at 1.5 A maximum On-board 8-bits jumper-selectable OPERATING TEMPERATURE I/O CAPACITY O°C to 60°C Serial: One half-duplex serial port capable of asynchronous operation SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE One Port Signal: Transmitted Data: Received Data: RS-422 Output Input ENCLOSURE DIMENSIONS 6.5"(165.1 mm) widex5.5" (139.7 mm) deep x 1.5"(38.1 mm) high WEIGHT 1 lb. II CONNECTORS FUNCTIONS CONFIGURATION MATING CONNECTOR RS-422 Interface Socket connector 10-Pin Winchester 51-1110-01 1/0 Bus Interface Socket connector 50-Pin Winchester 51-1150-01 Power 2-Pin connnector Molex Connector 26-03-4020 Pins 08-50-0189 IVC-59 I TYPICAL APPLICATION Figure 12 o 2 RSCU #1 23 o 1 RSCU #2 23 s= 4000' RSCU #40 OPTO PANEL DODD LIMIT SWITCH LINE l_. . NEUTRAL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NEUTRAl_~~_~ WARNING: This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions manual, may cause interference to radio communications. As temporarily permitted by regulation it has not been tested for compliance with the limits for Class A computing devices pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user at his measures may be required to correct the interference. IVC-60 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. RSCU Microprocessor-based remote controller with Technical Manual MK77983 MDX-4221 RS-422 interface card (isolated) with Operations Manual MK77671 MDX-422N RS-422 interface card (non-isolated) with Operations Manual MK77676 Technical Manual for RSCU 4420164 Operations Manual for MDX-4221 4420071 Operations Manual for MDX-422N 4420053 ISCU User/Programming Manual (used with RSCU) 4420174 II IVC-61 IVC-62 l!J UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK RIOC MK78208 REMOTE 1/0 CONTROLLER FEATURES RIOC (MK78208) PHOTO Figure 1 o Utilizes the MK3873 Microprocessor o Asynchronous Serial I/O o Half-duplex operation o Data rate of 9600 Baud o 24 Parallel I/O bits individually strappable as input or output o Single 5 Volt power supply II o Eight-bit selectable unit address o Operation with up to 4CXJO feet of cable o Up to 40 units on a RS-422 link o Serial receiver/transmitter I/O protected against transients with up to 150 watts peak pulse power for 1 ms RIOC SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Figura 2 DESCRIPTION MAXIMUM 4000' ~I lESS CABLE DROP lENGTH The RIOe (remote I/O controller) is an asynchronous serialto-parallel conversion unit that is used for remote digital control over an RS-422 serial data link. Serial data is received and transmitted by the RIOe in the half-duplex mode at 9600 Baud. The transmitter/receiver (RS-422, balanced differential) is capable of communicating up to 4CXJOfeet from the host in noisy industrial environments. A system can use up to 40 RIOes on one RS-422 link. See Figure 2 for an illustration of an RIOe system configuration. MAXIMUM ---40RIOC - UNITS which communicates with the host system. The MK3873 also provides 29 bits of parallel I/O (Three bits are used internally on the board and two are unused.), of which 24 are available for off-board use. The unit's 24 parallel bits provide interface for up to 241/0 devices such as optically isolated solid-state relays. Parallel devices, such as analog converters, may also be controlled. ADDRESS SELECT LOGIC The RIOe has five main elements: MK3873 microprocessor, address select logic, reset logic, serial line transmitter/receiver, and parallel I/O with data-direction jumpers (as illustrated in Figure 3). The address select logic consists of an 8-bit parallel-in, serial-output shift register. The shift register inputs are jumper-selectable to the desired unit address for the RIOe. Power-up reset or push-button reset causes the microprocessor to load and read the shift register by shifting serially in the 8-address bits. MK3873 RESET The MK3873 single-chip microprocessor has a serial I/O port that provides data for the RS-422 driver and receiver Power-up reset and push-button reset cause a reset pulse IVC-63 RIOC BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 3 RS422 A DATA 'I \ -/ RS422 TRANSMITTER RECEIVER V r-.. " ~ \ / v MK3B73 PROCESSOR / LOGIC \ " 1/0 BUFFERS V \ \ / • ADDRESS SELECT PARALLEL PARALLEL 1/0 A AND DATA / \ ~ v DIRECTION JUMPERS \ .I v ....... POWER-UP AND PUSHBUTTON RESET LOGIC of approximately 20 ms to be generated. A comparator circuit also generates this reset signal and. holds the reset line active if 5 Vdc power falls below 4:.60 volts. selected as an input or output by installing a jumper in the appropriate position. CONNECTORS AND HEADERS LAYOUT RS-422 RECEIVER AND TRANSMllTER Bidirectional serial data is transmitted and received by an RS-422 line driver and receiver. Transientsuppressors are provided to protect the serial 1/0 channel against transients of up to 150 watts peak for 1 ms duration. The serial data format is shown in Figure 4. Figure 5 illustrates the layout ofthe jumpers and headers on the RIOe board. Figures 6 and 7 list the pinout for SK1 and J5. respectively. CONNECTORS AND HEADERS LAYOUT Figure 5 SERIAL DATA FORMAT 1A 1C Figure 4 I J1 J2 J3 SERiAl MESSAGE FORMAT I ISK1 I H > 2 CHARACTER TIMES ,D' J4 DATALENOTH DETERMINEDBV ---------~ COMMAND CHARACTER 15 LONGrTUDlNAL 16 REDUNDANCY CHECK J5 INPUTIOUTPUT 9 ••••• 1 10· •••• 2 The 24-bit parallel 110 from the microprocessor is buffered in both input ,md output directions. Each bit must be IVC-64 STRAPPING SK1 Pinout Figure 6 Pin # Pin # Pin # ADDRESS STRAPPING Pin # A total of 255 (0 through 254) separate addresses may be chosen using the address jumpers as shown in Figure S. Address selection is accomplished by installing the address jumpers on header J4 in the desired configuration. Installing a jumper is equivalent to selecting the particular address bit to zero. 1A +5V 1C +5V 17A GND 17C P4-1 2A +5V 2C +5V 1SA ~ 1SC P4-2 3A NC 3C NC 19A 19C P4-3 4A GND 4C GND 20A 20C P4-4 5A GND 5C GND 21A 21C P4-5 6A NC 6C NC 22A 22C P4-6 7A NC 7C NC 23A 23C P4-7 SA GND SC PO-O 24A 24C P5-0 ~ 9C PO-1 25A 25C P5-1 Address bit AO is the least significant bit, address A7 is the most significant and is the first bit shifted into the MK3S73 when the address is loaded. 10A 10C PO-2 26A 26C P5-2 ADDRESS DECODING 11A 11C PO-3 27A 27C P5-3 12A 12C PO-4 2SA 2SC P5-4 13A 13C PO-5 29A 29C P5-5 9A NOTES Jumpers must be placed on J4. No jumpers on J4 is a condition which is not allowed. All jumpers are installed on J4 when RIOC is shipped: Figure 8 II • BV 14A 14C PO-6 30A 15A 15C PO-7 31A 16A GND 16C P4-0 32A It GND 30C P5-6 31C P5-7 32C +5V J' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ P ~ ~ ~~ ""A 2 • Al ,. • 6 A2c 8 A3 0 A4 E ",. AB, ,. A6 G A7 H SERIAL ADDRESS a..~ OUT J5 Pinout Figure 7 Pin # 1 NC 2 NC 3 NC Figure 9 shows an example of strapping J4 for address 36 (24H). J4 STRAPPING EXAMPLE Figure 9 4 5 6 7 S NC TXRX TXRX TXRX TXRX 9 GND 10 GND IVC-65 ADDRESS BIT BIT VALUE r, r J4 PIN --, NUMBER - , , AO---O--- 1 0 0 2 A1---0 - - - 3 0 0 4 A2---1 - - - 5 0 0 6 A3~0--- 7 0 0 8 A4---0--- 9 0 0 0 10 A5---1 ---11 0 12 A6--- 0 ---13 0 0 14 A7--- 0 ---15 0 0 16 DATA DIRECTION JUMPERS WARNING The 24 parallel 1/0 signals are provided with jumpers, so any bit may be configured as input or output. To configure the bit as iripLitjumperS are added between pins of J1 and J2. To configure the bit as output jumpers are added between pinl~; of J2 and :J3. The' RIOC board is shipped configured as input with jumpers installed between J2 and J3. See Figure 10. DATA DIRECTION JUMPERS Figure 10 HEADER NUMBER J2 J3 1 2 ~ 0 0 ~24 O. 2. Connect an oscilloscope or a voltmeter to the output of the ICL8211 (Pin 4 of U12).. ' 4. Slowly adjust the R6 in the opposite direction until the voltage goes to a low level (less than .7 V). SPECIFICATIONS t. . 'STRAPPED FOR INPUT 1. Adjust the power supply ~o that 4.6 volts is present on the 5 volt input (Pins 1 and 2 on J6). 3. Adjust R6 until the voltage on Pin 4 of the ICL8211 goes to a high level (greater than 2:4 V). PIIII NUMBER J1 Mostek ~oes not assume any r~sponsibility for module failure if this adjustment is made. ,' . WORD SIZE t, Data: a-bits STRAPPED I,:: FOR OUTPUT I/O addressing: Table 1 is an example of data direction jumpering and the corresponding output signal mnemonic, associated jumper number, and 1/0 device (24-module .' . . opto 1/0 panel is used). LINE TERMINATION RESISTOR MEMORY CAPACITY, 32 bytes RAM UNIT ADDRESSING . , 8-bits The RS-422 transmission line should be terminated on thi~ each end with a 200 ohm resistor. The p~rpose resistor is to reduce reflections from the end of the cable. Two printed circuit board holes are brovided for a,JAwatt terminatinll resistor (R/9). Only an'RIOe placed on the extreme end of the, transmission line requires termination. or LOW-VOLTAGE RESET ADJUSTMENT On-board 8-bits jumper:selectable 1/0 CAPACITY Serial: One half-duplex serial port capable of asynchronous operation . SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACE Adjustment of R6 establishes the voltage 'level at which the MK3873 is reset on loss of power. This level is factory set at 4.6 voltS and should not 'be changed. If R6has been inadvertantly changed the following proced'tJre should be used to reset the voltage level. One Port Signal: Transmitted Data: Received Data: RS-422 Output Input EXAMPLE O',FDATA DIRECTION JUMPERI.NG T~le1 .. , , I/O'PORT ' JUMPER 1/0 PORT JUMPER 1/0 PORT JUMPER P4-0 P4-1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 P5-0 P5-1 P5-2 P5-3 P5-4 P5-5 P5-6 P5-7 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 .", P()-O .:! PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 00-4 PO,5 " ,1"0-6" PO-7 1 2 3 4' 5 ,,6 7 8 ; P4~2 P4-3 P4-4 " P4-5 P4-6 P4-7 I\lC·66 " OPERATING TEMPERATURE SERIAL BAUD RATE 9600 Baud 24-BIT PARALLEL INPUTIOUTPUT BUS CARD DIMENSIONS Inputs: IlL = Bus Outputs: IOH open collector output IOL =24 ma maximum at 0.5 volts 3.9 in (100 mm) high by 6.3 in (160 mm) long 0.675 in (1.71 cm) maximum profile thickness 0.062 in (0.16 cm) printed circuit board thickness -2.7 ma POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS +5 volts ± 5% at 1.5 A maximum CONNECTORS FUNCTIONS CONFIGURATION MATING CONNECTOR RS-422 Interface Socket connector 10-Pin Winchester 51-1110-01 Power and 1/0 Bus Interface Socket connector 64-Pin Winchester 968-6033-0522-1 II IVC-67 TYPICAL APPLICATION: Figure 11 o 2 Rloe #1 23 o 1 Rloe #2 23 Rloe #40 OPTO PANEL DODD LIMIT SWITCH LINE NEUTRAL - l_,..J ______ NEUTRAl_~~_~ WARNING: This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions manual, may cause interference to radio communications. As temporarily permitted by regulation it has not been tested for compliance with the limits for Class A computing devices pursuant to SubpartJ of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user at his measures may be required to correct the interference. IVC.:68 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. RIOe Microprocessor-based remote controller with Technical Manual (European Version) MK78208 MDX-4221 RS-422 interface card (isolated) with Operations Manual MK77671 MDX-422N RS-422 interface card (non-isolated) with Operations manual MK77676 Technical Manual for RIOe 4420165 Operations Manual for MDX-4221 4420071 Operations Manual for MDX-422N 4420053 Iseu User/Programming Manual (used with RIOe) 4420174 II IVC-69 IVC.-70 m UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MDX-DIOB1 FEATURES MDX-DIOB1 Figure 1 o Provides parallel, memory-mapped Digital I/O Bus o Services up to 64 8-bit liD ports o Services up to 16 Mostek DIOPs o Balanced differential transmission with twisted-pair lines o Up to 50 feet Digital 1/0 Bus length o Address block selectable with jumpers o One wait-state generator option o 4 MHz capability o Single +5 volt supply o STD-Z80 Bus compatible GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Digital liD Bus Interface Module (MDX-DIOB1) is a board that provides a simple interface between the STDZ80 Bus and Mostek's Digital liD Bus. It provides parallel, memory-mapped liD to a maximum of 64 8-bit ports. Using 16 of Mostek's Digital 1/0 Panels (MDX-DIOP), MDXDIOB1 is capable of servicing 256 relay modules. Figure 2 is a block diagram illustrating the flow of address, data, and control signals on the MDX-DIOB1. The main elements of the board are address control, control logic, and differential bus transceivers and drivers. Input and output are handled by one 4O-pin connector. A reset signal is encoded on the Digital 1/0 Bus so all MDX-DIOB1 output peripherals can be latched to their off state when a SYSRESET occurs. ADDRESS DECODE The address decode circuit is used to enable the board by comparing the upper ten address bits to preset strapping options. REFRESH is used in the comparison circiut to disable the board during a refresh cycle. A strapping option to include MEMEX is also provided to allow compatibility with MD systems using this signal. CONTROL LOGIC The control logic section is used to generate the control signals on the Digital liD Bus and to enable the data bus transceivers in the proper direction. A one wait-state generator is provided as a strapping option to allow a 4 MHz operation with extended Digital 110 Bus lengths. All control logic functions are disabled by the address decode circuit with the exception of RESET which is enabled at all times. DIFFERENTIAL TRANSCEIVER AND DRIVER CIRCUITS The differential transceiver and driver circuits are used to receive data signals and to transmit address, data, and control signals. Termination resistors are used at the data bus receivers to minimize signal reflections on the Digital liD Bus. ADDRESS CONFIGURATION STRAPPING MDX-DIOB1 is address block selectable on 64 byte boundaries, providing for system flexibility. Address selection is done by matching the jumper plugs on J3 to the bit pattern for the desired address block. Inserting a jumper IVC-71 MDX-DIOB1 BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 DATA BUS BUFFER DIFFERENTIAL DATA BUS TRANSCEIVER 8 07-00 DIR EN OE IE MOSTEK'S DIGITAL 1/0 BUS STD-Z80BUS CONTROL LOGIC SEL ADDRESS DECODE +5V 11 A15-A6 REFRESH CRD DIFFERENTIAL ADDRESS AND CONTROL BUS DRIVER ADDRESS AND CONTROL BUS BUFFER 1-----' A5-AO IVC-72 ONE WAIT-STATE GENERATOR J3 HEADER PINOUT Table 1 1- 2 A15 3- 4 A14 The one wait-state generator option is used with 4 MHz systems when the Digital 110 Bus length is greater than 25 feet. Otherwise, this option is not necessary and can be omitted by not installing a jumper between pins 3 and 4 on J4. The maximum recommended Digital 1/0 Bus length for 2.5 MHz or 4 MHz operation is 50 feet. 5- 6 A13 BUSAK TO STATUS 0 7- 8 A12 9-10 A11 11 -12 A10 The BUSAK to STATUS 0 option is used to complete the priority daisy-chain when multiple DMAs are used in the system. Since multiple DMAs are not normally used in Mostek's MD systems, this option can be omitted by not installing a jumper between pins 5 and 6 on J4. 13-14 A9 SHIPPING CONFIGURATION 15-16 A8 17-18 A7 All jumper locations are shipped open. A set of jumper plugs is su'pplied in a separate bag. A jumper option can be strapped using one of these jumper plugs or a wire-wrap connection. 19-20 A6 PINS ADDRESS BIT DIGITAL 1/0 BUS DESCRIPTION All Digital 1/0 Bus lines are transmitted over balanced differential. twisted-pair lines with provisions for termination resistors at each end of the bus. This method ensures adequate noise immunity in industrial environments. A 10pin latching type connector is used to provide positive locking to the Digital 110 Bus. A 4O-conductor twisted-pair flat cable is used to interconnect Digital 1/0 Bus peripherals (Mostek's DIOP) and MDX-DIOB1. Figures:3 and 4 show the typical configurations for signals found on the Digital I/O Bus. . plug causes the corresponding address bit to be set low. The header pinout for J3 is defined in Table 1. MEMORY EXPANSION A memory expansion option is provided on MDX-DIOB1 to allow compatibility with systems that use the IMEMEX signal on the STD. Bus. When this option is used, the address decode circuit on MDX-DIOB1 will generate its address select signal only when IMEMEX is active low. This option can be omitted by not installing a jumper plug between pins 1 and 2 on J4. Address Signals A5-AO are used for port address selection. Each Digital 1/0 Bus peripheral compares these signals to its preset TYPICAL ADDRESS OR CONTROL LINE Figure 3 A4 I I 1 .1 I I I MDX-DIOB1 I I I I Ai A4 ••• INPUT ENABLE DIGITAI-I/O BUS PERIPHERALS IVC-73 1000 A4 • TYPICAL DATA LINE' Figure 4 7 1000 1.000 ••• 07 07 INPUT ENABLE 07 INPUT ENABLE MDX.DIOB1 DIGITAL I/O ,BUS PERIPHERALS strapping options to generate its address enable and port select signals. A5·AO are always enabled ori the Oigitall/O Bus, which means a Oigitall/O Bus peripheral will receive a valid address even though MOX·010B1 is disabied.This is of no consequence, however, since the 'controi sighals generatedbyMDX·DIOB1 will be inactive.' . Control Signal!5 CRO ahd CWR are coded control signals. On receipt ofa CRO command, the port selected by A5·AO will place its data on 07·00 ofthe Oigitall/O Bus and 110ld itthere until CRO is released. On receipt of a CWR command, the port selected by A5·AO will capture the data on. 07·00 of the Digital I/O Bus at the trailing edge of CWR.lf both CRO and CWR are 'active, a reset condition occms which clears all Oigital 1/0 Bus output peripherals. CRO and CWR are always enabled on the bus and are inactive unless one of the following conditions exist: 1. MOX·010B1 is enabled 2. SYSRESET is active 3. Oigital J!OBus is open·circuited Routing The maximum recommended Oigital 1/0 Bus length for 2.5 MHz operation is 50 feet, with or without the one wait-state' generator option. For 4 MHz operation, the. maxumim recommended length is 25 feet 'without the wait-state option, and 50 feet with the wait-state option. The 40con'ductor twisted-pair flat cable cah be tappedin·10·inch intervals, and should he laid out ina point-to-point, 'daisy" chain fashion. Branching from the Oig1tall/0 Bus should be avoided. Termination resistors (100, 16 pin DIP packages) should be located only on the 'end of the Oigitall/O Bus. WARNING: If more than one Oigital 1/0 Bus peripheral contains termination resistors, damage to the bus drivers will result. SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Word Size The differenti!'!1 receivers incorporate a fail·safe operation whioh will activate their outputs whenever their inputs are open"circuited. Note that this occurence generates a reset condition. 8 bits Bus Interface STD-ZSO BUS Inputs Outputs Data Signals "" INPUT ENABLE 07·00 constitute the bidirectional data signals to and from all Oigitall/O Bus peripherals. These lines are arranged in a party line configuration on thtt Oigital I/O Bus and are .always tri-stated unlessMOX-0l081 is enabled. IVC-74 One 74 LS load maximum IOl = 24 mA atO.5 V maximum IOH =-3 mA at 2,4 V minimum IOZl =-200 pA maximum at 0.4 V 'I OlH = 20 p.A maximumaf2:7V Connectors DIGITAL I/O BUS Inputs VTH = 0.2 V maximum (differential input sensitivity) liN = 1.0 mA maximum Outputs IOL = 60 mA at 1.1 V maximum IOH =-60 mA at 3.5 V minimum loz = +100 JJA maximum Functions Configuration Mating Connectors STO-Z80 BUS 56 pin dual readout 0.125 in. centers Printed Circuit Viking 3VH28/1CE5 Power Supply Requirements Wire Wrap Viking 3VH28/1 CND5 +5 V ± 5% at 0.9 A maximum Operating Temperature Range Solder Lug Viking 3VH28/1CN5 O°C to 60°C Interrupts DIGITAL I/O BUS No interrupt capability I/O Addressing Socket Connector 3M 6040 Ansley 40 pin dual 609-4001M readout 0.100 in. centers On board programmable on 64 byte boundaries I/O Capacity Provides parallel, memory-mapped I/O to a maximum of 64 8-bit ports, or 16 of Mostek's DIOPs System Clock 250 KHz minimum 4.0 MHz maximum MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Card Dimensions 4.5 in. (11.43 cm) high by 6.50 in. (16.51 cm) long 0.675 in. (1.71 cm) maximum profile thickness 0.062 in. (0.16 cm) printed circuit board thickness IVC-75 II J2 CONNECTOR PINOUT Table 3 ' Circuit Side Component Side Pin Mnem0l1ic Signal Flow Pin Mnemonic Signal Flow 1 3 5 7 9 11 13. 15 D7B D6B D5B D4B D3B D2B D1B DOB In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out Control Bus 17 19 21 23 CRDB CWRB A5B AOB Out Out Out Out Coded Read 18 Coded Write 20 Low Order Address Bit 22 Low Order Address Bit 24 Address Bus 25 27 29 31 A4B A3B A2B A1B Out Out Out Out Low Order Address Low Order Address Low Order Address Low Order Address Data Bus NOT USED Description High Order Data Bit High Order Data Bit High Order Data Bit High Order Data Bit Low Order Data Bit Low Order Data Bit Low Order Data Bit Low Order Data Bit 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Bit Bit Bit Bit 26 28 30 32 Description /D7B /D6B /D5B /D4B /D3B /D2B /D1B /DOB In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out Inverted High Order Data Bit Inverted High Order Data Bit Inverted High Order Data Bit Inverted High Order Data Bit Inverted Low Oi-der Data Bit Inverted Low Order Data Bit Inverted Low Order Data Bit Inverted Low Order Data Bit /CRDB /CRWB /A5B /AOB Out Out Out Out Inverted Coded Read Inverted Coded Write Inverted Low Order Address Bit Inverted Low Order Address Bit /A4B /A3B /A2B /A1B Out Out Out Out Inverted Low Order Address Bit Inverted Low Order Address Bit Inverted Low Order Address Bit Inverted Low Order Address Bit 34 36 38 40 33 35 37 39 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. MDX-DIOB1 Digital I/O Bus Interface with Technical Manual MK77672 MDX-DIOB1 Technical Manual Technical Manual only 4420069 DIOP Digital I/O Panel MK79863 IVC-76 I!I COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK DIOP FEATURES DIOP o Provides isolated computer interface to sixteen industrial I/O channels o Uses plug compatible solid state or reed relay modules o Wall or rack mountable o Digital communication via balanced differential, twistedpair lines o Industrial barrier strip termination for field wiring o Fuse holder provided for each relay o LED status indicator for each relay o Manual turn-on switch for each relay o Quick disconnect from field wiring o Data and data direction registers o Single +5 volt supply Figure 2 is a block diagram illustrating the flow of address, data, and control signals on the DIOP. The four main elements are the: o Compatible with Mostek's DIGITAL liD BUS o Up to sixteen panels allowed on one DIGITAL liD BUS 1) 2) 3) 4) GENERAL INFORMATION The DIGITAL I/O PANEL, DIOP, is a DIGITAL liD BUS peripheral that provides a reliable interface between Mostek's DIGITAL liD BUS and up to 16 industrial control signals. Solid state or reed relays are used to isolate the computer from the industrial signals. Each relay position is equipped with a fuse holder and LED status indicator. The relays can also be activated individually with momentary contact, manual override switches. DIOP is designed for easy maintenance and low down time. The relay modules are socketed and can be replaced easily. The fuse holders for the relays accommodate standard SAG (one inch) fuses. DIOP also features quick disconnect from the terminal strip so that the entire circuit board can be removed from its metal frame. This feature eliminates having to disconnect and reconnect 32 terminal screws whenever the board is replaced. Differential bus transceiver and receiver circuit Address decode and control logic circuit Data and data direction registers Relay ports Input and output to the board are provided via two 40-pin connectors. Two connectors allow easy DIGITAL liD BUS expansion (daisy-chaining). The differential transceiver and receiver circuits are used to transmit data signals and receive data, address, and control signals. Sockets for termination resistors are provided at the receiver inputs so that the DIGITAL liD BUS can be terminated at the last DIGITAL liD BUS peripheral on the bus. The address decode and control logic circuit performs four functions. First, it enables the board by comparing A4-A 1 to preset strapping options. Second, it strobes valid data into the proper data or data direction register during a write cycle. Third, it generates a left or right relay port select signal during a read cycle. Fourth, it generates a signal to reset all IVC-77 BlOC~ DIAGRAM Figure, 2 LEFT RELAY PORT RIGHT RELt,Y PORT DK1 8 DK8 DK9 DK16 READ DATA D7, DO ~ 16 P;B -' D6E DIFFERENTIAL DATA BUS TRANSCEIVER ~ LEFT OR RIGHT DATA tDE ~ SELECT 8 ~ MOSTEK'S DIGITAL 1/0 BUS LEFT OR RIGHT SfLECT STRAPPING OPTIONS ~41 WRITE DATA ,',' D7 LEFT DATA AND DATA DIRECTION REGISTERS 8 DO ADDRESS DECODE LEFT DATA STB fJA4 A1 AD DR SEL --a-' r D7 RES LEFT DATA DIR STB RIGHT DATA AND DATA DIRECTION REGISTERS DO RHT DATA STB RES RHT DATA DIR STB ~ : 16) A58 AGB CRDB CWRB DIFFERENTIAL CONTROL AND ADDRESS BUS RECEIVER CONTROL ~ --T LOGIC A5,AO eRD CWR the data and data direction registers whenever a SYSTEM RESET occurs. The data and data direction registers provide the output to the two 8-bit relay ports. The left and right data registers contain the actual output data for their respective relay ports, while the data direction registers' mask the data registers from the input relay modules on a bit-by-bit basis, The output relay channels will be active only when the corresponding bit in both the data and data direction registers are in a "1" state. This hardware architecture supports the read-modify-write and bit control modes found in the ZOO microprocessor. The relay ports constitute the 110 interface between the computer interface logic and the industrial control signals. Each relay channel has associated with it: 1) Two terminal screws integral to a quick disconnect barrier strip. 2) A user-selectable8AG (1 inch) fuse. 3) A user-selectable relay module. 4) An LED onloff indicator. 5) A momentary-contact, manual override switch. Each manual override switch allows the simulation of liD for debugging and troubleshooting purposes. If a channel is configured as an output; then a depressed switch will cause the relay to become active and the LED to light. If the channel is configured as an input. then a depressed switch will appear as "1 bit" within the appropriate data register, but the LED will not light. IVC~78 J1, J2 CONNECTOR PINOUT Table 1 Circuit Side Component Side Pin Mnemonic Signal Flow Pin Mnemonic Signal Flow Description 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 D7B D6B D5B D4B D3B D2B D1B DOB InlOut InlOut InlOut InlOut InlOut InlOut InlOut Control Bus 17 19 CRDB CWRB In In Coded Read Coded Write Address Bus 21 23 25 27 29 31 A5B AOB A4B A3B A2B AlB In In In In In In Low Order Address Low Order Address Low Order Address Low Order Address Low Order Address Low Order Address NOT USED 33 35 37 39 Data Bus InlOut High Order Data Bit High Order Data Bit High Order Data Bit High Order Data Bit Low Order Data Bit Low Order Data Bit Low Order Data Bit Low Order Data Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Description 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ID7B ID6B ID5B ID4B ID3B ID2B ID1B IDOB InlOut InlOut InlOut InlOut InlOut InlOut InlOut InlOut 18 20 ICRDB ICWRB In In Inverted Coded Read Inverted Coded Write 22 24 26 28 30 32 IA5B IAOB IA4B IA3B IA2B IA1B In In In In In In Inverted Low Order Address Inverted Low Order Address Inverted Low Order Address Inverted Low Order Address Inverted Low Order Address Inverted Low Order Address Inverted High Order Data Bit Inverted High Order Data Bit Inverted High Order Data Bit Inverted High Order Data Bit Inverted Low Order Data Bit Inverted Low Order Data Bit Inverted Low Order Data Bit Inverted Low Order Data Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit 34 36 38 40 J4 CONNECTOR PINOUT Table 2 Pin Mnemonic Power Bus 1 3 +5V +5V Signal Flow In In Pin Mnemonic Signal Flow Description Logic Power Supply Logic Power Supply 2 4 GND GND In In Description Logic Ground Logic Ground NOTE: All signals are referenced to DIOP. Figure 3 is the mechanical assembly drawing for DIOP. The four main parts are the frame, side flanges, circuit board, and cover. The frame and side flanges are constructed of heavy-duty, black anodized aluminum. The side flanges can be oriented two different ways to allow wall or rack mounting of the assembly. The frame also contains the circuit board stand-offs and quick-disconnect terminal strips that mate to the edge connectors on the circuit board. The circuit board is inserted and removed from the frame by two latching ejectors. The connections to the DIGITAL 1/0 BUS and logic power supply (+5 V and GND) are made on the circuit board. The pop-off cover is intended to protect the high voltage lines on the circuit board from stray objects. MOUNTING DIOP can be mounted on a wall or a 19-inch rack, depending on the orientation of the side flanges on the frame. The location ofthe unit should be chosen so that the DIGITAL I/O BUS (40-conductor, twisted-pair, flat cable) length is minimized. When many units are to be connected to the same DIGITAL 1/0 BUS, the units should be arranged so that they can be connected in a point-to-point, daisychain fashion with a minimum of cable length. Branching from the DIGITAL I/O BUS should be avoided. In any case, the DIGITAL 1/0 BUS should not exceed 50 feet in total length. Seethe DIOB1 Technical Manual for instructions on 4.0 MHz operation. CONNECTIONS The industrial field wiring is connected to terminal strips located on the metal frame. The fused (positive) line is on the right side of each terminal pair. The DIGITAL 1/0 BUS can IVC-79 MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY DRAWING Figure 3 , REF '16 ~ / . 4REQ~/ 2·REQO·'· . , I ~~16REQD ~4REOD '- I 6REOD be connected to either ofthe 4O-pin headers (J1 and J2).lt is recommended that a crimp-on connector with a strain relief be used so that all of the DIOP units can be connected without splicing the DIGITAL 1/0 BUS. A connector should never be placed in the twisted sections of the cable, only on the flat sections. The flat cable should be routed between units by looping the cable underneath the metal frame of each unit. Two headers are provided for the DIGITAL 1/0 BUS sothe system can be expanded readily without making a new cable assembly for the entire DIGITAL 1/0 BUS. The +5 Vand GND power supply lines are connected to J4. Pin 1 is used for +5 Vand pin 2 is usedforGND. Pins3(+5 VIand 4 (GND) can be used for optional remote sensing. ADDRESS CONFIGURATION STRAPPING Header J3 is used to configure the DIOP selection number when more than one DIOP is used on the DIGITAL VO BUS. This is done by strapping the proper pins on J3 to match address bits M-A1 . Table 3 shows how the address bits are arranged on J3. J3 HEADER PINOUT Table 3 FUSING DIOP provides fuse clips for user-selectable 8AG (1 inch) fuses for each relay module. Refer to the relay module manufacturer's specifications for the proper fuse ratings. RELAY MODULES DIOP is equipped to handle a variety of plug-in input and output relays, The different types include solid-state and reed relays. The user should be aware that certain output relay modules use zero-cross switching, sometimes a desirable feature, while others do not offer this feature. Manufacturers of pin compatible modules include OPTO22, GORDOS, ELEC-TROL, MOTOROLA, and CRYDOM, The relay modules can be arranged in any mix on DIOP. Pins Address Bit 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 A4 A3 A2 A1 Strapping respective pins together causes the corresponding address bit to be set low, Table 4 shows all the strappi ng combinations for J3 that correspond to the 16 possible DIOP selection numbers on the DIGITAL 1/0 BUS. A "1" implies that the pins are open, while a "0" implies that the pins are closed, i.e., strapped. Figure 4 provides an optional work sheet for the strapping options on J3. SHIPPING CONFIGURATION All jumper locations are shipped open. Jumper plugs are included in a separate bag for user strapping. IVC-80 DIGITAL I/O BUS DESCRIPTION POSSIBLE J3 HEADER CONFIGURATIONS Table 4 Pins 1-2 Pins 3-4 Pins 5-6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 All DIGITAL I/O BUS lines are transmitted over balanced differential, twisted pair lines with provisions for termination resistors at each end of the bus. This method ensures adequate noise immunity in industrial environments. A 40-pin latching type connector is used to provide positive locking to the DIGITAL I/O BUS. A 40-conductor, twisted-pair, flat cable is used to interconnect DIOP and other DIGITAL I/O BUS peripherals to DIOB1. The bus receivers are equipped with a fail-safe operation which will reset all data and data direction registers should the bus cable be interrupted. The data read by the CPU, however, will be FF. Figure 5 and Figure 6 show the bus configurations for the signals on the DIGITAL I/O BUS. DIOP Pins Selection 7-S Number 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 WARNING:lf resistor termination packages are located on more than one DIOP on the same DIGITAL I/O BUS, damage to the bus drivers will result. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0= CLOSED 1 Address Signals A4-Al selects which DIOP unit on the DIGITAL I/O BUS communicates with DIOB1. Each DIOP compares these four address signals to on-board strapping options to generate its address enable signal. AO is used to select the left (AO low) or right (AO high) relay port on the selected DIOPduring a read or write cycle. A5 is used to select a data (A5 low) or data direction (A5 high) register on the selected DIOP during a write cycle. Table 5 shows the address bit patterns (A5-AO) used to select the ports in a system containing 16 DIOP units. =OPEN ADDRESS STRAPPING OPTION WORKSHEET Figure 4 Control Signals +5V 1 -A4 A3 ADDRESS DECODE CIRCUIT A2 2 1 3 4 5 6 1 1 7 A1 J3 1 - 8 CRD and CWR are the coded control signals. On receipt of a CRD command, the relay port selected by A4-AO will place its data on D7-DO ofthe DIGITALI/O BUS, and hold itthere until CRD is released. A5 is a "don't care" signal during a read cycle. On receipt of a CWR command, the data or data direction register selected by A5-AD will capture the data on D7 -DO ofthe DIGITAL I/O BUS atthetrailing edge of CWR. The coincidence of CRD and CWR both active constitutes a reset condition which clears the data and data direction registers on all DIGITAL I/O BUS peripherals. The data direction registers are write only registers and should be set by the restart or power-up routine software. The data registers should be used to manipulate the output data during normal program execution. Data Signals D7-DO serve as the bidirectional data signals to and from all DIGITALI/O BUS peripherals. These Ii nes are arra nged in a party-line configuration on the DIGITAL I/O BUS. Table 6 shows the relationship between the relay channel designators (DK1-DK16) and the data Signals on the DIGITAL I/O BUS. IVC-S1 II TYPICAL ADDRESS OR CONTROL LINE Figure 6 A4 A4 10011 ·1 OUTPUT ENABLE '.1 I I I A4 ••• INPUT ENABLE I I S10 BUS INTERFACE BOARO I OIOP UNITS I I TYPICAL DATA LINE Figure 6 07 100!! 100n 07 07 OUTPUT ENABLE 07 ••• 07 INPUT ENABLE' STO BUS INTERFACE BOARD DIOP UNITS ADDRESS BIT PATTERNS FOR DIOP PORT SELECTION Table 6 .. A& A4 A3 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 A2 A1 AO 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 .' 0 0 0 0 0 0 O. 0 0 0 0 (j 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 ., 0 DIOP Port Selected 1 0 1 0 1 0 .1 '0 1 0 , PANEL NO.1 LEFT DATA PORT PANEL NO.1 RIGHT DATA PORT PANEL NO.2 lEFT DAT~ PORT' PANEL NO.2 RIGHT DATA PORT PANEL NO.3 LEFT DATA PORT PANEL NO.3 RIGHT DATA PORT PANEL NO. 4 lEFT DATA PORT PANEL NO.4 RIGHT DATA PORT PANEL NO.5 lEFT DATA PORT PANEL NO.5 RIGHT DATA PORT PANEL NO. 6 lEFT DATA PORT IVC-82 OUTPUT ENA!JLE D7 INPUT ENABLE ADDRESS BIT PATTERNS FOR DIOP PORT SELECTION (Cont.) Table 5 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 AO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 a 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 DIOP Port Selected PANEL NO.6 RIGHT DATA PORT PANEL NO.7 LEFT DATA PORT PANEL NO.7 RIGHT DATA PORT PANEL NO.8 LEFT DATA PORT PANEL NO.8 RIGHT DATA PORT PANEL NO.9 LEFT DATA PORT PANEL NO.9 RIGHT DATA PORT PANEL NO. 10 LEFT DATA PORT PANEL NO. 10 RIGHT DATA PORT PANEL NO. 11 LEFT DATA PORT PANEL NO. 11 RIGHT DATA PORT PANEL NO. 12 LEFT DATA PORT PANEL NO. 12 RIGHT DATA PORT PANEL NO. 13 LEFT DATA PORT PANEL NO. 13 RIGHT DATA PORT PANEL NO. 14 LEFT DATA PORT PANEL NO. 14 RIGHT DATA PORT PANEL NO. 15 LEFT DATA PORT PANEL NO. 15 RIGHT DATA PORT PANEL NO. 16 LEFT DATA PORT PANEL NO. 16 RIGHT DATA PORT PANEL NO.1 LEFT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO.1 RIGHT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO.2 LEFT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO.2 RIGHT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO.3 LEFT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO.3 RIGHT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO.4 LEFT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO.4 RIGHT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO.5 LEFT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO.5 RIGHT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO.6 LEFT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO.6 RIGHT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO.7 LEFT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO.7 RIGHT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO.8 LEFT PATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO.8 RIGHT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO.9 LEFT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO.9 RIGHT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO. 10 LEFT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO. 10 RIGHT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO. 11 LEFT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO. 11 RIGHT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO. 12 LEFT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO. 12 RIGHT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO. 13 LEFT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO. 13 RIGHT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO. 14 LEFT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO. 14 RIGHT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO. 15 LEFT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO. 15 RIGHT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO. 16 LEFT DATA DIRECTION PORT PANEL NO. 16 RIGHT DATA DIRECTION PORT IVC-83 I/O Capacity DATA BIT CONFIGURATION Table 6 Each OIOP provides interface between a maximum of sixteen relay modules and Mostek's OIGITAL I/O BUS. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS D!lta Bit AO Relay Channel Designator 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OK1 OK2 OK3 OK4 OK5 OK6 OK? OKS OK9 OK10 OK11 OK12 OK13 OK14 OK15 OK16 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Dimensions 19 in. (4S.26 cm) wide by 7 in. (17.7S cm) high by 2.5 in. (6.35cm) deep (rack mount). Connectors Reference Mating Designator Connector Function Configuration Power Control Load Socket Connector 4 pin, PC mount 0.200 in. centers 2 socket connectors 40 pin dual, straight 0,100 in. centers Edge connector 16 position terminal strip 0.375 in. centers J4 AMP 1-480-424-0 J1,2 3M 6040 Ansley 609-4001M TB1,2 14AWGwire ELECTRICAL SP':CIFICATIONS Fusing Word Size Equipped with SAG (1 inch)fuse clips for each relay module. S bits Relay Sockets DIGITAL I/O BUS Interface Figures 7 and S show the pin configurations for relay modules that are compatible with OIOP. A 4-40 screw is used to hold each module in place. OIOP is not compatible with buffered output relay modules. Inputs VTH =0.2 V maximum liN = 1:0 mA maximum (Differential inpllt sensitivity) Outputs IOL = 60 mA at 1.1 V maximum IOH = -60 mA at 3.5 V minimum loz = ±100 MA maximum Power S~pply Require~entS PIN CONFIGURATION FOR INPUT RELAY MODULES Figure 7 .04DIA.- -, e-e-e II +5 V ±5% at 0.9 A maximum I e--e-- 9-1-1- ~'~ Operating Temperature Range InterrUpts No interrupt capability 1.6 1.7 I/O Addressing On board selectable (four address bits) IVC-84 there is a vacant 64-byte slot beginning at DOOOH for the memory-mapped DIOB1. Coincidentally, Header J3 is used for address strapping both DIOB1 and DIOP. PIN CONFIGURATION FOR OUTPUT RELAY MODULES Figure 8 EXAMPLE STRAPPING Table 7 Device DIOB1 Port Address J3 Address Data Direction Strapping Data DOOO-D01F H D020-D03F H DOOOH D020H DOO1 H D021 H D002 H D022 H 1+-------1.7 -----+1 DIOP#1 Left Relay Port (DK1-8) Right Relay Port (DK9-16) SYSTEM, EXAMPLE This section has been included to illustrate how a basic DIOB1 IDIOP system could be configured and applied to a typical industrial control situation. The application chosen for this example is a motor driven conveyor equipped with one start push button and seven halt switches distributed along the conveyor. Also required is a RUNNING light, a STOPPED light, and a circuit to control the motor starter. DIOP#2 Left Relay Port (DK1-8) Right Relay Port (DK9-16) Assuming that it is desired to have the eight inputs connected to the right relay port of DIOP #1 and the two outputs connected to the left relay port of DIOP #2, the following program segments will control the process described above. Example Setup Table 6 shows the required strapping configuration on DIOB1, DIOP #1, and DIOP #2 and the corresponding HEX addresses. System memory must be configured so that 0003 H D023 H 5- 6 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 1357- 2 4 6 8 1- 2 3- 4 5- 6 Table 8 shows the correspondence between the computer data bits and the field wiring configuration for the relay channels used on DIOP #1 and DIOP #2. The inclusion of an appropriate power source is necessary, of course, but has been omitted for simplicity. EXAMPLE FIELD WIRING TableS Data Bit Address Function Corresponding Field Wiring 06-00 D001 H "STOP CONVEYOR" INPUT (HALT BITS) RELAY 10-16 DIOP #1 EACH WIRED TO MAINTAIN CONTACT, NORMALLY CLOSED SWITCH D7 0001 H "START CONVEYOR" INPUT (START BIT) RELAY 9 OF DIOP #1 WIRED TO A MOMENTARY CONTACT, NORMALLY OPEN PUSHBUTTON D6 0002 H "STOPPED" INDICATOR OUTPUT (STOP BIT) RELAY 2 OF DIOP #2 WIRED TO A RED "STOPPED" LIGHT D7 DOO2H "RUNNING"INDICATOR OUTPUT (RUN BIT) RELAY 1 OF DIOP #2 WIRED TO A GREEN "RUNNING" LIGHT AND MOTOR STARTER IVC-85 II EXAMPLE SOFTWARE LaC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR 0000'DD21oooo 0Q04 DD3621 00 0008 DD3622EO 2 3 OOOC'DD7E01 OOOFCBBF 0011 DDCB027E 00152011 8 9 10 11 0017 FE7F 00192015 001 B DDCB017E 001 F 280F 0021 DD360280 0025 C33OO0' 13 14 15 16 17 18 oo28'FE7F oo2A2804 OO2C DD360240 20 21 22 0030'00 24 1 SOURCE- STMT MOSTEK MACRO-80 22-0CT-80 V2.3 PAGE 1 PASS 2 DIOPEX DIOPEX REL LD LD LD IX,ODOOOH (lX+21H),0 (lX+22H),OE OH ; SET DATA DIRECTION REGISTER FOR INPUTS ; AND FOR OUTPUTS LD RES BIT JR A,(IX+1) 7,A 7,(lX+2) NZ,RUNNING ; ; ; ; CP JR BIT JR LD JP 7FH NZ,EXIT 7,(IX+1) Z,EXIT (IX+2),80H EXIT ; TEST FOR ACTIVE HALT SWITCH(ES)-I.E. LOW ; AND EXIT IF 1 OR MORE ARE ;IS START BIT ACTIVE-I.E. HIGH? ; BRANCH IF NOT ; ELSE SET RUN BIT AND CLEAR STOP BIT RUNNG CP JR LD 7FH Z,EXIT (IX+2),4OH ; TEST FOR ACTIVE HALT SWITCH(ES)-I.E. LOW ; AND EXIT IF ALL ARE INACTIVE ; ELSE CLEAR RUN BIT AND SET STOP BIT EXIT Nap SETUP POLL 19" RACK MOUNTING HOLE DIMENSIONS Figure 9 7" 4" IVC-86 READ INPUTS CLEAR START BIT (IF ON) IS RUN BIT ON? BRANCH IF SO ORDERING INFORMATION Designator Description Part No. DIOP Digital 110 Bus Peripheral with Technical Manual MK77673 DIOP Technical Manual DIOP Technical Manual only 4420242 IVC-87 IVC-88 I!I UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MDX-PIO FEATURES MDX-PIO Figu~1. o STD-Z80 Bus compatible o Four 8-bit I/O ports with two handshake lines per port o All I/O lines fully buffered o I/O lines TIL-compatible with provisions for termination resistor networks o Jumper options for inverted or non-inverted handshake and Output data buffers drive o Two 8-bit ports capable of true Bidirectional 110 II o Programmable In only, Out only, or Bidirectional modes o Interrupt-driven programmability o 2.5 MHz or 4.0 MHz options MDX-PIO DESCRIPTION The module has four independent 8-bit I/O ports with two handshake (data transfer) control lines per port. Two of the 8-bit ports are capable of true Bidirectional I/O. All port lines are brought to two 26 pin connectors, two ports per connector. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS BUS OUTPUTS IOH = -3 mA min at 2.4 Volts IOL = 24 mA min at 0.5 Volts TERMINATOR One 14-pin socket is provided per port for resistor termination (DIP packages) for the data lines. The parallel termination is provided for the 8-bit port data lines and the input strobe (lSTB) handshake line. The MDX-PIO is shipped with 1K ohm pullup terminators. In addition to the parallel termination resistors, the ready (RDY) handshake output line is series terminated with a 47 ohm resistor. The series termination reduces any reflections on that line. BUS SPECIFICATION STD-Z80 compatible SYSTEM INTERRUPT UNITS 2 total; one for each channel of the MDX-PIO. I/O CAPACITY SYSTEM CLOCK MDX-PIO MDX-PI0-4 MIN MAX 500 kHz 500 kHz 2.5 MHz 4.0 MHz The MDX-PIO uses 8 of the possible 256 port addresses, leaving 248 port addresses available for expansion by the user. I/O ADDRESSING PARALLEL BUS INTERFACE-STD BUS COMPATIBLE INPUTS one 74 LS load max. Each of the ports has two addresses, one for CONTROL and one for DATA. The port addresses are derived from the IVC-89 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF MDX-PIO Figure 2· 47 ROY 14) 8. PORTA 14) ------- A7 => 1 >------- A6 => 1 >------- AS => 1 >------- A4 => 1 >------- A3 => 1 1111 1111 PORTA 1000 1001 =>F8H =>F9H E26 - DMA DAISY CHAIN The E26 option is to allow multiple DMA device users to continue the DMA daisy chain ifthe MDX-PIO was to break the daisy chain. Mostek doesn't use this option to date. For more information on the modes of interrupt (Mode 1, 2 and 3) provided by the MDX-PIO module refer to the MK3881 TECHNICAL MANUAL Pub. No. 78506, and the STD-Z80 SYSTEM DESIGN GUIDE Pub. No. MK79646. DAISY CHAIN P1 STD-Z80 BUS Pin definition is as shown in Figure 4. See STD-Zao Bus description for signal functions. P1 PIN DEFINITION Figure 7 ~!~~~.A..!... +5V GND -5V D3 D2 D1 DO A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 AO IWR IIORO IIOEXP IREFRESH ISTATUS 1 IBUSAK IINTAK IWAITRO ISYSRESET ICLOCK PCO AUXGND +12 V DIIU DIA.l ~I~"IAI 1 3 5 7. 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 2 4 6 B 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 +5V GND -5V D7 D6 D5 D4 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 Daisy chain priority interrupt logic automatically supplies the programmed vector (from the highest priority interrupting peripheral) to the CPU during interrupt acknowledge. Board priority is determined as an individual peripheral chip; i.e. through the high or low state of PCI or PCO. (Figure 7) APPENDIX A PARALLEL PRINTER CONFIGURATION A standard parallel printer can be interfaced to the MDXPIO to run with Mostek provided operating systems. The 1/0 port address is DOH, D3H (1/0 #1), for operating systems j:LP-80 DOS and M/OS-80. Install jumpers: (J3) 3-4 19-20 (J4) 5-6 9-10 IRD IMEMRO IMEMEX IMCSYNC ISTATUSO IBUSRO IINTRO INMIRO IPBRESET ICNTRL PCI AUXGND -12 V ;Buffer direction option header ;Address option header InstalilC 74LS242 in socket U2 (shipped as 74LS243). PPG 8/16 PROM PROGRAMMER CONFIGURATION The Mostek PPG 8/16 PROM PROGRAMMER can be interfaced to an MDX system with the use of an MDX-PIO module. The PPG software expects the PIO to be strapped at DOH and uses the addresses D4-D7H (1/0 #2). Irstall jumpers: (J3) 1-2 5-6 9-10 11-12 25-26 33-34 (J4) 5-6 9-10 THE "I" MEANS A LOw ACTIVE SIGNAL. INTERRUPT SERVICING If more than one peripheral chip requests interrupt servicing at the same time, a priority status is established. Priority is determined by the interrupt enable lines - lEI and lEO - and the internal logic on each peripheral chip. The interrupt priority status is defined: ;J3 option header ;Same address as printer ;Address option header Remove IC UR3 and UR4 (1 K resistor packages). lEI o o 1 1 lEO 0 1 0 1 STATUS higher priority interrupt being requested undefined (Not allowed) requesting interrupt, highest priority no interrupt IVC-97 II PRIORITY INT STRUCTURE Figu.re8 COMMON DRAIN DEVICE / PIO#2 PIO#1 PORTI.P. +5V EDGE CONNECTOR P1 1 PCI 1 1 1 A. 1 B. 2 lEO r - - .... ~ .",' PORTI.P. 3 LOWEST PRIORITY I I I I 1 I I I I 1 .1 1 I .1.:: PCOI I INTRQ*I 44>-i--- MEMORY DECODE . .... & BUFFER CONTROL ...... /\ RAS CAS 8-MK4116 16-MK4116 WRITE 4~ 4 16Kx8 32Kx8 A DOUT DIN j\ 8 7 BUFFER /\ .. 4 ADDRESS MUX . {,1 CONTROL 8 Ii BUFFER 18\ I DATA .BUFFER I ./\ 16,)- t- 5V REGULATOR l--. ~, ~ CONTROL LINES l--. DATA BUS ADDRESS BUS I I I I GND +5 +12 -12 JUMPER CONFIGURATIONS Table 1 BOARD MDX-DRAM16 -!UMPERS Bto C H to J MDX-DRAM32 (U24 = MK6268) B to C E to F H to J MDX-DRAM32-4 (U24 = MK6268) B to C E to F H foJ MDX-DRAM32A (U24 = MK6280) Ato B D to E H to J I MDX-DRAM32A-4 (U24 = MK6280) Ato B D to E H to j } Same as above Will notch out EOOO to EFFFH when board is addressed at 8000H Will be contiguous memory when addressed at OOOOH. IVD-2 MK6280 PROM PATTERN (MMI 6300-1J 256X4) LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 F F F F F F 3 3 40 41 42 43 05 06 07 F F F F F F F F 08 09 OA OB OC OD OE OF 3 3 3 F C C C C 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 F F F F F F F 3 18 19 1A 1B 1C 3 3 3 C C C C F 00 01 02 03 04 10 1E 1F 45 46 47 F F F F 3 3 3 3 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 F F 3 3 3 3 C C 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 3 7 3 3 C C C C AO A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 3 7 C C C C F F CO C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C D C C F F F F EO E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 C D F F F F F F 3 3 C C C C F F 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F C C C C F F F F 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F C C F F F F F F 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F F F F F F F F F A8 A9 AB AC AD AE AF F F F F F F 3 3 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF F F F F 3 3 3 3 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F F 3 3 3 3 C C 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 F F F F F 3 3 3 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 F F F 3 3 3 3 C 70 71 73 74 75 76 77 F 7 3 3 3 C C C 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 3 7 3 C C C C B BO B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 3 D C C C F F F DO D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 C D C F F F F F FO F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 C F F F F F F F 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 3 C C C C F F F 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F C C C F F F F F 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F C F F F F F F F 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F 7 7 7 7 F F F 3 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF F F F F F 3 3 3 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF F F F 3 3 3 3 C F8 F9 FA FB FC F 3 3 3 F C C C 44 72 IVD-3 AA FD FE FF II MK6268 PROM PATTERN (MMI6300-1J 256X4) LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA 45 46 47 F F F F 7 7 7 7 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 F F 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 9 C C F F 48 49 4A 48 4C 40 4E 4F 9 9 C C F F F F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 F F F F F 7 7 7 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 F F F 7 7 7 7 9 38 39 3A 3B 3C 30 3E 3F 7 9 9 C C F F F 58 59 5A 58 5C 50 5E 5F 9 C C F F F F F 05 06 07 F F F F F F F F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 F F F F F F 7 7 08 09 OA 08 OC 00 OE OF 7 7 7 7 9 9 C C 28 29 2A 28 2C 20 2E 2F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 F F F F F F F 7 18 19 1A 18 1C 10 1E 1F 7 7 7 9 9 C C F 00 01 02 03 04 40 41 42 43 44 80 81 82 83 84 7 7 7 7 9 AO A1 A2 A3 M A5 A6 A7 7 7 9 9 C C F F CO C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 9 C C F F F F EO E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 C C F F F F F F F F F F F F 7 7 C8 C9 CA C8 CC CO CE CF F F F F 7 7 7 7 E8 E9 EA E8 EC EO EE EF F F DO 05 06 07 9 C C F F F F F FO F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 C F F F F F F F 08 09 OA 08 OC 00 OE OF F F F 7 7 7 7 9 F8 F9 FA FB FC FO FE FF F 7 7 7 7 9 9 C 9 9 85 86 87 C C 68 69 6A 68 6C 60 6E 6F C C F F F F F F 88 89 8A 88 8C 80 8E 8F F F F F F F F F 70 71 77 F 7 7 7 7 9 9 C 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 7 7 7 9 9 C C F 85 86 B7 7 9 9 C C F F F 78 79 7A 7B 7C 70 7E 7F C F F F F F F F 98 99 9A 98 9C 90 9E 9F F F F F F F F 7 88 B9 BA B8 BC 80 BE BF F F F F F 7 7 7 72 73 74 75 76 IVD-4 9 A8 A9 AA A8 AC AO AE AF BO B1 B2 B3 B4 01 02 03 D4 9 7 7 7 7 9 9 reside on any 4K boundary, ooooH, 1OOOH, 2000H, 3000H, and so on. MEMORY DECODING Table 2 STD Bus Interface STARTING ADDRESS 0000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 AOOO BOOO COOO DOOO EOoo FOOO U28 SWITCH POSITION 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 IOH System Clock MDX-DRAM MDX-DRAM-4 Min 1.25 MHz 1.25 MHz Max 2.5 MHz 4.0 MHz Power Supply Requirements +5 V ± 5% at 0.6 A max. +12 V ± 5% at 0.25 A max. - 12 V ± 5% at 0.03 A max. Operating Temperature o to 60 degrees C MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1 = Open 0= Closed One 74LS load max. = -3 rnA min. at 2.4 volts IOL = 24 rnA min. at 0.5 volts Inputs Outputs Card Dimensions Word Size: 8 bits 4.5 in. (11.43 cm) high by 6.50 in. (16.51 cm) long 0.48 in. <1.22 em) maximum profile thickness 0.062 in. (0.16 em) printed-circuit-board thickness Memory Size Connectors ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MDX-DRAM16 - 16,384 bytes MDX-DRAM32A - 32,768 bytes Function Configuration STD BUS 56-pin dual 0.125-in. centers Mating Connector Access Times SYSTEM CLOCK MEMORY ACCESS TIMES MEMORY CYCLE TIMES MDX-DRAM 2.5 MHz MDX-DRAM-4 4.0 MHz 350 ns max. 200 ns max. 465 ns min. 325 ns min. Address Selection Selection of 16K or 32K contiguous memory blocks to IVD-5 Printed Circuit Viking 3VH28/1CE5 Wire wrap Viking 3VH28/1CND5 Solder Lug Viking 3VH28/1CN5 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. MOX-ORAM16 16K Bytes (4116'5) 2.5 MHz MK77754-0 MOX-ORAM32A 32K Bytes (4116'5) 2.5 MHz MK77752-0 MOX-ORAM16-4 16K Bytes (4116'5) 4.0 MHz MK77754-4 MOX-ORAM32A-4 32K Bytes (4116'5) 4.0 MHz MK77752-4 MOX-ORAM Technical Manual MOX-ORAM Technical Manual Only 4420033 IVD-6 COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION ~ TECHNOLOGIES UNITED MOSTEK MDX-EPROM/UART FEATURES o STD Bus compatible o Three 24-pin sockets for 2K x 8 ROM/EPROM device o Memory addressing selectable or 2K boundaries o Full-duplex UART MDX-EPROM/UART Figure 1 • Start bit verification • Data word size variable from 5 to 8 bits • One or two stop bits may be selected • Odd, even, or no parity option • One word buffering on both transmit and receive • RS232 and 20 rnA interface • 110 to 19,200 Baud GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MDX-EPROM/UART is a STD BUS-compatible microcomputer module. Designed as a universal EPROM add-on module for the STD BUS, the MDX-EPROM/UART provides the system designer with sockets to contain up to 10K Bytes of EPROM memory (five 2716s) as shown in the Block Diagram, Figure 2. The EPROM memories can be positioned to start on any 2K boundary within a 16K block of memory via a strapping option. Included on-board the MDXEPROM/UART is a fully buffered asynchronous 1/0 port with a teletype reader step control. A full-duplex UART is used to receive and transmit data at the serial port. Operation and UART options are under software control. Once the unit has been programmed, no further changes are necessary unless there is a modification of the serial data format. ROM/EPROM - 2K blocks jumper selectable for any 2K boundary within a given 16K boundary of the CPU memory map Memory Speed Required without wait states (Address Access) 2716 (Single +5 V type required) - 515 ns 265 ns I/O Addressing On-board fully programmable System Clock MDX-EPROM/UART MDX-EPROM/UART-4 SPECIFICATIONS Electrical Specifications 2.5 MHz 4.0 MHz Min. 250 kHz 250 kHz Power Supply Requirements + 12 Volts ± 5% at 50 rnA max. - 12 Volts ± 5% at 35 rnA max. + 5 Volts ± 5% at 1.2 A max. STD Bus Compatible Memory Addressing IVD-7 Max. 2.5 MHz 4.0 MHz MEMORY DECODING JUMPER SELECTION Table 1 JUMPERS E1 - E6 J2JUMPERS DECODED ADDRESS EPROM U17 EPROM U18 J2 0000-07FF OBOO-OFFF 1000-17FF 1800-1FFF 2000-27FF 2BOO-2FFF 3000-37FF 3BOO-3FFF 4000-47FF 4BOO-4FFF 5000-57FF 5BOO-5FFF 6000-S7FF 6BOO-SFFF 7000-77FF 7BOO-7FFF BOOO-87FF 8BOO-8FFF 9000-97FF 9BOO-9FFF AOOO-A7FF ABOO-AFFF BOOO-B7FF BBOO-BFFF c000-C7FF CBOO-CFFF DOOO-D7FF DBOO-DFFF EOOO-E7FF EBOO-EFFF F000-F7FF FBOO-FFFF Pin 16 to .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..- .. .. .. .- .. .. .. .. J2 Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 "7 B ., 1 2 3 4 .5 6 7 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B Pin 15 .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ". .. .. .. .. .- .. .. .. to EPROM U20 EPROM U19 J2 J2 Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B Pin 14 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .- .. .. .. .. ..- .. .- .. .. .. .. .. to EPROM U21 Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B IVD-8 Pin 13 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. to J2 Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 1 2 3 4 5 S 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 S 7 B Pin 12 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. to Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 1 2 3 E1 to E6 and E4 to E5 E1 to E6 and E3 to E5 E2 to E6 and E4to E5 4 E2 to E6 and E3 to E5 5 6 7 B j MDX-EPROM/UART BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 ADDRESS AND CONTROL BUS r-------. en -i o CXI c en BUS INTERFACE LOGIC MEMORY SELECTION LOGIC EPROM/ROM SOCKETS (5) PORT SELECTION LOGIC RS-232 AND 20MA BUFFERS UART 20MAINPUT OUTPUT AND READER STEP RS-232 INPUT. OUTPUT AND MODEM CONTROL Serial 1/0; 26 pin dual. 0.100 in. grid Mating Connectors FLAT RIBBON - Ansley 609-26ooM DISCRETE WIRES - Winchester PGB26A(housing) Winchester loo-7oo29S (contacts) Operating Temperature Range o to 60°C Mechanical Specifications UTILIZATION Card Dimensions EPROM Decoding Jumpers 4.5 in. (11.43 cm) high by 6.5 in. (16.51 cm) long 0.48 in. (1.22 cm) maximum profile thickness 0.062 in. (0.16 cm) printed circuit board thickness Jumper Options for the EPROM decoding are shown in Table 1. 1/0 Port Decoding Jumpers Connectors The port decoding for the EPROM/UART board is jumper programmable to allow multiple EPROM/UART boards within an MDX system. The EPROM/UART board uses three Read/Write ports to interface to the UART. Figure 3 shows the format for strapping the I/O decoder. STD Bus; 56 pin dual. 0.125 in. centers Mating Connectors PCB - Viking 3VH28/1 CE5 WIREWRAP - Viking 3VH28/1 CND5 SOLDER LUG - Viking 3VH28/1 CN5 8 BIT I/O ADDRESS DECODING Table 2 I/O PORT ADDRESS BITS A7 A6 OPERATION PERFORMED A5 A4 A3 A2 Al AO READ WRITE UART DATA X X X X X X 0 0 UART DATA X X X X X X 0 1 UART UART STATUS CONTROL X X X X X X 1 0 MODEM MODEM STATUS CONTROL X X X X X X 1 1 NOT USED X = PROGRAMMABLE IVD-9 NOT USED 1/0 ADDRESS STRAPPING Figura 3 14 1 ----- 0 A7 2 -----0 A6 3 -----0 A6 11 4 -----0 Not Used 10 5 -----0 A2 9 6 -----0 A3 8 7 -----0 A4 13 12 'STRAP = LOGIC 0 NO STRAP = LOGIC 1 EXAMPLES: Strap board so that serial channels occupy 1/0 ports 0,1, and 2. J4 140-----01 130 02 120 03 11 0 04 100 05 90 06 80 07 Strap board so that serial channels occupy ports FC, FD, and FE. J4 140 01 130 02 120 03 110 04 100 05 90 06 80 07 IVD-10 Baud Rate Selection BAUD RATE SWITCH SELECTION Table 3 The Baud rate for the serial interface is generated by the Baud rate chip U7. The Baud rate is selected by DIP switch U8. Table 3 shows DIP switch setting versus Baud rates. U8SWITCH POSITION 4 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Programming the UART A full-duplex UART is used to receive and transmit data at the serial port. Operation and UART options are under software control. Once the unit has been programmed, no further changes are necessary unless there is a modification of the serial format. Transmit and receive clock rates (Baud clock rate) must be 16 times the desired Baud rate. A programming model for the UART is shown in Figure 4. 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 =OPEN 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 X16 CLOCK .8KHz 1.2 1.76 2.152 2.4 4.8 9.6 19.2 28.8 32.8 38.4 57.6 76.8 115.2 153.6 307.2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0= CLOSED PROGRAMMING THE UART Figure 4 1. UART DATA PORT DCH Write to Port DCH Read from UART 2. UART CONTROL PORT DDH Write to UART Read from UART 3. System Control Port DEH Write to Port DEH Read from Port DEH DATA TO SERIAL DEVICE DATA FROM SERIAL DEVICE I TSB I NP I EPS I NB21 NB, ITBMTI DAV I OR I FE I PE l><1> 2 h~Y ~: 04 06 357 JUMPERS FOR USING 27588 p~~ 3 5 1 0 3 5 7 J5-J8 4 J1-J4 h~Y OS 7 J5-J8 1 5 10----<>2 JUMPERS FOR USING 27168 OR MK34000 1 J1-J4 p~~ 3 JUMPERS FOR USING MK41188 J1-J4 J5-J8 J1-J4 3 5 10--02 30--04 50 06 7 JUMPERS FOR USING MK48028 10---02 3~ 50 04 Los 7 JUMPERS FOR USING 27328 IVD-18 MEMORY SIZE SELECTION JUMPERS MEMORY DEVICE JUMPERS Table 1 MEMORY SOCKETS CONTROLLING JUMPERS U4,U8 J4,J8 U3,U7 J3,J7 U2,U6 J2,J6 Ul,U5 Jl,J5 The size ofthe MDX-UMC memory can be adjusted by the use of Jl0. Before configuring the Jl0 jumpers, be sure that the memory device jumpers are in place. Figure 4 shows the possible combinations of Jl0 versus memory size. MEMORY SIZE JUMPERS Figure 4 RELATIVE ADDRESS 8000 U5 7000 U1 III 6000 U6 5000 U5 U1 U1 U6 U6 U2 U2 4000 U1 U6 U2 U7 U5 U5 U1 3000 U5 U1 U6 U1 U6 U6 U2 U2 U1 U6 U2 U7 U3 U6 U2 2000 U7 U7 U2 ~' - 3 10 5 - 7 x x x x 0 ~ U7 Z w Q. U7 U3 U3 0 U3 0 U3 w .... III U7 U8 U8 U3 U3 U8 0000- U4 ..,:> U7 U8 '~-I ~ w Q. :i! x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 x x x IVD-19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x x 0 0 0 0 x 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 x x 0 x 0 ~ w Q. :i! :> ::l cw Vl 9U " " MEMORY DEVICE AND SIZE JUMPER EXAMPLES (Cont.) MEMORY DEVICE AND SIZE JUMPER EXAMPLES Figure 5 Figure 5 2 4 6 8 ld-! 3 J10 J1-J4 J5·J8 1 cr---o 2 :~ 04 06 7 5 J5-J8 1~2 2 30------<> 4 50 06 70 08 4 lr~ 3 8K X 8 EPROM MEMORY USING 2758. J1-J4 8 6 1 cr---o 2 :~ J1-J4 2 4 6 8 lr~ 3 1 :~ 7 5 2 10 02 3cr---<>4 04 06 06 30 5 J10 cr---o 2 10----02 7 5 J5-J8 J5-J8 J10 04 50------<> 6 70------<> 8 4 J1-J4 6 04 0-------0 S 70 08 8 !-hl (~: 357 COMBINATION 8KX 8 EPROM AND 4K X 8 SRAM (SEE FIGURE 4 FOR MEMORY ALLOCATION) 16K X 8 EPROM MEMORY USING 2716. OR MK34000. MEMORY DECODING J5-J8 2 4 J10 J1-J4 6 8 lr~ 02 10 02 04 30 04 Los 50 06 10 3~ 50 357 Memory decoding for the MDX-UMC is on 4K boundaries, i.e. OOaH, 1aaaH, 200aH, and so on. The starting address for the MDX-UMC is selected by a four position jumper block, J11. Table 2 shows the jumper setting for J11 versus starting address. 7 0------<> 8 MEMORY DECODING Table 2 32K x 8 EPROM MEMORY USING 2732. Starting Address J1-J4 J5-J8 2 4 6 8 h~l 3 5 1~2 ~ 4 6 h~l 3 5 7 a 1 a a a 2 a a a 06 os 70 08 MSB - 1 2 3 4 a a a a - LSB 1 a 1 a 1 a a a a 1 a a a a 1 a a a a a 3 a a a 4 a a a 1 a a a a a a a a a 10---02 10 30--0 4 3cr---<>4 5 6 7 8 9 a a a a 50 50----06 A a a a a B a a a a a 1 C a a a a a a D a a a a a E a a a a a F a a a a a J10 J1-J4 8 a 50 8K X 8 SRAM USING MK4118. 2 a 30------<> 4 7 J5-J8 a 0' 30----04 5 J11 Jumper Position J10 06 02 70----08 16K X 8 SRAM USING MK4802. a = JUMPERED IVD-20 a 1 = OPEN a a WAIT STATE GENERATOR Since most MOS EPROMs cannot meet the required 275 ns accesstoallowthe MDX-UMCtoworkat4 MHz, a one wait state generator has been provided. Figure 5 shows how to enable the wait state generator for each memory socket. An example of how to enable the wait states for every memory socket is shown in Figure 6. ENABLING THE WAIT STATE GENERATOR Address Selection: Selection of 4K, 8K, or 16K contiguous memory blocks to reside on any 4K boundary, i.e. OOOH, 1000H, 2000H, 3000H, and so on. PARALLEL BUS INTERFACE-STD BUS COMPATIBLE: one 74LS load max IOH =-15 mA min at 2.4 volts IOL =24 mA min at 0.5 volts Inputs Bus Outputs System Clock: Figure 6 STATE FOR 4MHz Power Supply Requirements: MEMORY IN SOCKET MAX MIN 250 KHz MDX-UMC ADD ONE WAIT CONNECT JUMPER BElWEEN U4 J9 15T01S .... U8 J9 13 TO 14 U3 J9 11 TO 12 U7 J9 9TO 10 U2 J9 US J9 7TO 8 ( 5TO S U1 J9 3TO 4 U5 J9 1 TO 2 ) +5 volts ±5% at 0.450A max (Does not include memories) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS >AND E2 Card Dimension: 4.5 in (11.43 cm) high by 6.50 in. (16.51 cm) long 0.48 in. (1.22 cm) maximum profile thickness 0.062 in. (0.16 cm) printed circuit board thickness Connectors: EXAMPLE FOR ENABLING ONE WAIT STATE FOR EACH MEMORY SOCKET Function Configuration Mating Connector Figure 7 J9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 STD BUS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AND E2 Operating Temperature: Maximum Memory Device Access Time Clock ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 2.5 MHz 4.0 MHz 8 bits Memory Size: EPROM 8K x 8 using 2758 16K x 8 using 2716 32K x 8 using 2732 O°C to 60°C REQUIRED MEMORY DEVICE ACCESS TIME ~ Word Size: Printed Circuit 56 pin dual read out Viking 3VH28/1 CE5 Wire wrap Viking 3VH28/1 CND5 0.125 in. centers Solder Lug Viking 3VH28/1 CN5 RAM 8K x 8 using MK4118 16K x 8 using MK4802 ROM 16K x 8 using MK34000 IVD-21 No Wait States One Wait State 530 ns 275 ns 930 ns 525 ns .ORDERING INFORMATION Designator Description Part Number MDX-UMC MDX-UMC module with Technical Manual (less mating connectors) MK77759 MDXcUMC Technical· Manual Technical Manual only 4420084 :<1 IVD-22 IJ UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION MDX-UMC2 FEATURES MDX-UMC2 Figure 1 o STD-Z80 bus compatible BYTEWYDE memory card o Up til 64K bytes of RAM, ROM, and EPROM in any mix o Supports bank switching when multiple boards are used o Board may function as common memory in a bank switched system o Jumper option allows bank switching through any port o Jumper option allows board to be selected upon system reset in multibank systems o Jumper option allows memory to begin on any 4K boundary o WAIT states selectable on a per socket basis o 2.5 or 4 MHz operation o Eight 28-pin sockets are provided which may be strapped to accept any combination of the industry-standard memory devices shown in Table 1 MEMORY DEVICES THAT MAY BE USED ON MDX-UMC2 Table 1 EPROM STATIC RAM ROM 2716 (2K x 8) MK4118A(1K x 8) MK34000 (2K x 8) 2732(4Kx8) MK4801 (1 K x 8) MK37000 (4K x 8) 2764(8Kx8) MK4802 (2K x 8) MK38000 (32K x 8) 27128 (16K x 8 27256 (32K x 8) MD~-UMC2 DESCRIPTION The MDX-UMC2 features eight 28-pin memory sockets which enable the user to populate the module with any combination of designated ROM, RAM, and EPROM. Flexible address decoding allows the user to configure each memory device within any 1K boundary of the memory block on board. The memory block may start on any 4K boundary of any (or all) of eight64K banks. A PROM decoder is supplied which will allow the user to choose one of eight preselected memory configurations or, by programming a decoder PROM, the user can assign any of the eight sockets to memory addresses as required by his application needs. To ensure sufficient memory access time at 4 MHz operation, a jumper option enables automatic insertion of one WAIT state for those memory devices identified as "slow" in the decoder PROM. The standard decoder PROM supplied with MDX-UMC2 identifies RAMs as "fast" parts (no WAIT states) and ROMs and EPROMs as "slow" parts (one WAIT state). Also provided on the MDX-UMC2 is the circuitry to enable the board to be used in a multibank system. The board may occupy one entire 64K bank or as little as 1K of a 64K bank. The MDX-UMC2 can be used to provide the common memory in a multibank system. Bank selection is accomplished through writing to a user defined port. Each bit in the port activates a single bank, for example, bit 0 set enables bank 0, bit 1 set enables bank 1, etc. The user may strap the board to reside in anyof the eight ban'ksc For use as the common memory in a multibank system, the MDXUMC2 must be jumpered so that it is active when any bank is selected. A header is provided for this purpose. The user may strap the board so that it wiff be active or inactive upon system reset. IVD-23 MDX-UMC2 BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 ~ t DATA BUFFERS BANK SWITCH PORT DECODE AND LOGIC ;L-- ~1 CHIP ENABLE LOGIC t-- '""-- \. ~ "-.7--=lZ "",2 11 t\. \ BUFFERED DATA ./ MEMORY SOCKET BLOCK ~ -.;: \ MEMORY OPTION HEADER -I !::oo MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS System Interrupt Units: Card Dimensions: This board does not generate any interrupts. 4.50 in. (11.43 cm) wide 6.50 in. (16.51 cm) long 0.675 in. (1.71 cm) maximum profile thickness 0.062 in. (0.16 cm) printed .circuit board thickness Operating Temperature: o to 60 degrees C. STD Bus Edge Conne~or: . 56-pin dual readout; 0.125 in. centers Mating Connectors: PCB - Viking 3VH28/1 CE5 WIRI;WRAP - Viking 3VH28/1 CND5 SOLDER LUG - Viking- 3VH28/1 CN5 Power Supply Requirements: 5 V ± 5% @ 1 .1 A (excluding memory power requirements) CONNECTORS AND OPTION HEADERS ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS STD-Z80 Bus Compatible For the location of all.~onnectors and option headers, see Figure 3 •. IVD-24 BOARD OUTLINE AND HEADER LOCATION J1 PIN DEFINITION Figure 3 Figure 4 SIGNAL +5V GNO -5V 03 02 01 00 A7 A6 A5 J8 1 J20 J4 J3 1 I 2 '0 9 71 3 J9 5 I I 62 6 J6 2 J5 10 U 15 J10 16 J13 J14 J15 J7 10 J1 The Active/lnactive on Reset This header determines whether the MOX-UMC2 becomes active or inactive upon system reset. The memory bank selected to act as system boot memory in a bank switched system should become active upon reset, while all other banks should be inactive. For the board to be active upon reset, place jumper from pin 1 to pin 2. For the board to be inactive, place jumperfrom pin 2 to pin 3.lfthe board is to be used in a non bank switched system, a jumper should be placed between pins 1 and 2 as shown in the example. Shipping configuration is with no jumpers installed. SIGNAL 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 * 38 * 40* 42 * 44 * 46 * 48 * 50 * 52 54 * 56 * +5V GNO -5V 07 06 05 04 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 IRO IMEMRO IMEMEX IMCSYNC ISTATUS 0 IBUSRO IINTRO INMIRO IPBRESET ICNTRL PCI AUXGNO -12 "*" indicates signals not used on MDX-UMC2 within a given bank, so the starting address takes on the form XOOO hex. See Table 2 for starting addresss jumper configurations. MEMORY STARTING ADDRESS Table 2 STARTING 1 * * * * 7 STARTING 1 * * * * 7 ADDRESS ADDRESS (HEX) (HEX) 2 * * * * 8 2 * * * * 8 EXAMPLE: 0000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 The board will be active upon reset. J3 PIN STD-Z80 BUS Pin definition is as shown in Figure 4. See STO-Z80 Bus description for signal functions. J2 * A4 A3 A2 A1 AO IWR IIORO IIOEXP IREFRESH ISTATUS 1 IBUSAK IINTAK IWAITRO ISYSRESET ICLOCK PCO AUXGNO +12 V J11 J12 J1 PIN Memory Starting Address This header determines the starting address for the on board memory. The memory may begin at any 4K boundary IVD-25 0000 1000 o 100 I lob 00 I 0 1010 01 10 I I 10 I = JUMPER IN PLACE 8000 9000 AOOO BOOO COOO 0000 EOOO FOOD 000 100 010 I 10 001 101 01 I I I I I I I I I I I I o = PINS LEFT OPEN III as common memory. Pins 1-,6 determine the bank in which the on-board memory will reside as defined in Figure 5. If the board is to act as common memory in a bank switched system, insert a jumper between pins 9 and 10, otherwise insert a jumper between pins 7 and S. If the board is not to be used in a bank switched system, all pins on this header may be left open (shipping configuration). * * * * 7 EXAMPLE: J3 2****S The starting address is 0000 hex (shipping configuration). J4 Memory Map Option Select This header selects one of eight possible memory maps for the memory on the MDX-UMC2. The hexadecimal equivalent of the jumper sequence on J4 corresponds tothe memory map selected. Ajumper in place asserts a logic "0", while no jumper in place indicates a logic "1". J5 JUMPER OPTIONS Figure 5 1 • 8 I * * * 5 EXAMPLE: 888 I, I I T T T B I J5 * 10 PLACE JUMPER HERE IF BOARD IS TO BE COMMON MEMORY PLACE JUMPER HERE IF BOARD IS NOT TO BE COMMON MEMORY 1 * * * * * 9 BANK 2 1 2 The binary number represented by the jumper sequence above is 111 or 7 hexadecimal so map 7 is selected (shipping configuration). For map definitions, see Table 3. J5 B I 210 2 * * * 6 L: * T T T J4 o • 9 2 • * * * * * 10 BANK 2 * * * * * 10 I I I I 10 I 01 I 00 0 1 2 3 Bank Select and Common Area Decode Header This header selects the 64K bank in which the MDX-UMC2 resides and determines whether or not the board shall act 1 * * * * * 9 4 5 6 7 I = JUMPER IN PLACE 01 I 010 001 000 o = PIN5 LEFT OPEN MEMORY MAP DEFINITION Table 3 MAP OPTION 0 SOCKET SIZE U14 U 15 U 16 U 17 U 18 U 19 U20 U 21 ADDR 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K lK 2 1 0000 0400 0800 OCOO 1000 1400 1800 1COO SIZE 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K S 5 5 S S 5 S S ADDR SIZE 0000 OSOO 1000 lS00 2000 2S00 3000 3S00 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 5 S S S S S S S 3 ADDR SIZE 0000 1000 2000 3000 8K SK 8K SK 2K 2K 2K 2K 4000 5000 6000 7000 ADDR S S S S 0000 2000 4000 6000 8000 8S00 9000 9S00 MAP OPTION 4 SOCKET SIZE U14 U 15 U16 U 17 U18 U19 U 20 U 21 16K 16K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K S 5 ADDR SIZE 0000 32K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 4000 8000 8800 9000 9S00 AOOO ASOO S 7 6 5 ADDR SIZE 0000 SOOO SSOO 9000 9800 AOOO ASOO 8000 32K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K S S S S ADDR SIZE 0000 SOOO SSOO 9000 9S00 AOOO ASOO FSOO SK 8K 8K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K ADDR S 5 S S S THE "5" INDICATES THAT THE DECODER PROM IDENTIFIES THESE PARTS AS "5LOW". IVD-26 0000 2000 4000 8000 SSOO 9000 9S00 F800 EXAMPLE: EXAMPLE: 2 * * * * * * I *I *I * 9 * 10 1* J5 The board will reside in bank 4 for use in a bank switched system. Common memory will reside on some other memory card in the system. For the board to become active, bit 4 of the byte written to the bank switch port must be set to a logic "1" while all other bits contain a logic "0". J6 Bank Select Port Address This set of jumpers selects the address of the port through which bank switching is accomplished. The port address will be the hexadecimal equivalent ofthe jumper sequence. Insert a jumper to assert a logic "0"; leave jumper off to indicate a logic "1 ". EXAMPLE: * * *15 J6 * * B B I I T T 7 6 --- - * *16 B B I T 1 I T 0 The hexadecimal equivalent of the jumper sequence is FF, so the port is located at address FF hex (shipping configuration). J7 J7 WAIT states are disabled (shipping configuration). JB-J15 Socket Configuration Headers These headers allow the user to configure each memory socket (U14-U21 respectively) so that it will accept one of the standard memory parts listed under the heading 'FEATURES'. The required jumpers for each of these parts are shown in Table 4. For information on configuring the memory sockets for other types of memory components, see the heading "MEMORY SOCKET CONSIDERATIONS". MEMORY SOCKET CONSIDERATIONS 1* 2* *2 WAIT State Enable This header enables WAIT states for memory parts identified as "slow" in the decoder PROM. A jumper between pins 1 and 2 of J7 will enable WAIT states. The UMC2 card will accept many memory components other than those listed under the heading 'FEATURES'. The following information is provided to aid the user in configuring the memory sockets for components other than those listed. Each of the eight memory sockets have the pin configuration as shown in Figure 6. The numbers inside the parentheses are pin numbers for 24-pin memory components. When 24-pin packages are used, the memory should occupy the bottom part of the socket leaving pins 1, 2, 27, and 28 open. The pins indicated by the "*" are "option pins". These pins may be defined by the user so that the socket will accept a particular memory type. This is accomplished by inserting jumpers into the socket configuration header (J8-J15) adjacent to the memory socket. The function of each pin of the header is shown in Figure 7. STANDARD MEMORY SOCKET CONFIGURATIONS Table 4 MEMORY JUMPERS REQUIRED JUMPERS REQUIRED MEMORY 4118A 1 2 *-* * *-* * * 13 * * * * * * * 14 27128 1 *I 2 * 4801 1 2 *-* * *-* * * 13 * * * * * * * 14 27256 1 2 *I * *I * * *-* 13 * * * * 1 * * 14 4802 1 2 *-* * *-* * * 13 * * * * * * * 14 34000 1 2 *-* * * * * * 13 * * * * * * * 14 2716 1 2 *-* * * *-* * 13 * * * * * * * 14 37000 1 2 * * * * *I * * 13 * * * * * * * 14 2732 1 2 *-* * * * * * 13 * * * * 1 * * 14 38000 1 2 !* 2764 1 2 * *-* * * *-* 13 * * * * ! * * 14 IVD-27 *-* * * *-* 13 * * * 1 * * 14 * * * 1 * i 13 * * * * * * 14 III MEMORY ACCESS TIMES MEMORY SOCKET PIN CONFIGURATIONS Figure 6 The table below indicates the required access times for memory components for operation at 2.5 MHz and 4 MHz. If the component's access time is greater than that shown in Table 5, one WAIT state will be required. One WAIT state will add 250 ns to the required memory access time at 4 MHz. One WAIT state will add 400 ns to the required memory access time at 2.5 MHz. A12 A7 A6 A8 A5 A9 A4 A3 IOE REQUIRED MEMORY ACCESS TIME A2 A10 Table 5 A1 ICE AO 07 DO 06 01 05 02 04 GNO 03 ACCESS TIMES REQUIRED PIN FUNCTION OF J8-J15 Figure 7 SYSTEM CLOCK ICE TO DATA IOE TO DATA 2.5 MHz <438 ns <425 ns 4.0 MHz < 188 ns < 175 ns 2 1 MEMORY SOCKET PIN 26 - * * - V CC - * * -NOTUSED MEMORY SOCKET PIN 27 - * * --A14 BUFFERED FROM BUS WRITE ENABLE (/WE) - * * -NOTUSED MEMORY SOCKET PIN 23 - * * - - A 11 BUFFERED FROM BUS V CC - * * -NOTUSED MEMORY SOCKET PIN 1 - * * --A14 BUFFERED FROM BUS 13 A 13 BUFFERED FROM BUS 14 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. MDX-UMC2 Universal Memory Card (less memory and mating connectors) MK-77763 MDX-UMC2 Technical Manual Technical Manual only 4420319 IVD-28 I! COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MDX-BRAM FEATURES MDX-BRAM Figure 1 D 2K or 4K bytes of memory D 4K boundary selection D Same board used with 2.5 MHz or 4.0 MHz systems D Rechargeable batteries D 4K of memory sustained for at least five days with fully charged batteries D Wait state circuit allows sufficient access time for RAMs GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MDX-BRAM is one of Mostek's complete line of STD Bus-compatible laO microcomputer modules. The MDXBRAM is desig ned to save up to 4K bytes of memory duri ng a power fa i lure. Power degradation is detected by either the resident 5 volt monitoring circuitry or an external powerfail detect module (MDX-PFD). When a power failure is detected, the on-board battery power is enabled to retain memory data. The MDX-BRAM provides 4K bytes of random access memory (RAM). The addressing of the board is jumper selectable on 4K boundaries within a 64K address space. The MDX-BRAM2 provides 2K bytes of RAM. The board has a DC power monitor circuit to detect when the 5 volt supply line is lower than a specified value. It also contains the interface circuitry to monitor an external signal (lSYSRESET) indicating a power failure has been detected by the MDX-PFD module. When a power failure is detected by either method, battery power is enabled and all access to the board is blocked until primary power is restored. directly from the buffer to the array, and the other six (A 1a-A 15) go through a compare circuit for the board address and a decode circuit to form the four chip select signals. Control and II F Circuit The block generates the IWE, SYSPF, and data direction signals from the IRD, IWR, IWREQ, and ISYSRESET signals. Data Buffer Battery power is supplied by three NiCad cells which can provide enough energy to retain memory data for up to five days. An on-board battery charging circuit is provided to ensure the batteries are kept fully charged while the board is in use. Duration of data retention may be considerably less when the batteries are not fully charged. An MDXBRAM Block Diagram is shown in Figure 2. The data into the board is buffered by a 74LS245. The bus is normally turned into the board, and is turned out for a read operation. The bus is normally enabled but is disabled during the system reset or power fail. This is doneto prevent an invalid write to memory during power down and power up. Address Decoder and Buffer Memory Array All the address lines are buffered. The first ten (AO-A9) go The memory array consists of CMOS RAMs. These RAMs IVD-29 M[}X;SRAIIIf"BLOCK DIAGRAM ,Flglire' 2" .. ','. \' F ) A1~\' I . AOI .4-CHIP SEL & 10ADDRESS BITS ADDRESS DECODE & BUFFER MEMRQ .t.. ) RD,WR, \ MREQ. SYS RESEY +5. +12 WE. SYS, P.F .• CONTROL . & I/FCIRCUIT +5. +12 BATIERY CIRCUIT & P.F. DETECT V' BUS RD - M W L ) DATA BUFFER.' . -WAIT WRITE ENABLE & V BAlB ~/ MEMORY ARRAY 4K x B WAIT STATE GEN ~~ I BUS EN 4-CHIP SEL ~'. I \ 8 BITS OF DATA are 1K x 4 bits in an eighteen pin pac«,age; they have a 300 nsec access tiine' and a standby current drain of 50 microamps. The array is organized into logical pairs for each of the four chip selects. The total array when fully populated is4K x 8 bits. at ambient) and remains below 4.85 volts (maximum) for more than four microseconds. When this occurs, the board will block all access to the memory array. When the 5 volt supply rises above 4.85 volts, this circuit will again allow access to the memory. Battery Circuit and Power Fail Detect WARNING: This circuit contains a potentiometer which should not gimerally be set in the field. It is set at the factory and requires equipment which may not be available to the user. Changing the setting of this circuit will void the warranty. If it is changed inadvertently, the following procedure may be used to reset it. The battery'charg'er circuitcian be viewed as three circuits which are overlaid to form one circuit. The first circuit (the major source of charge) is from the +12 V supply and provides a nearly consta nt input of approximately 9 mA. The second circuit comes from the +5 V line which will provide a rioininal9 mA and is' cut off toa' very small trickle as the batteries become Hilly charged. The third circuit is the discharge circuit which provides a low resistance path (120 ohms) or at most a diode drop when the VBAT current drain is large. The zener protects the CMOS circuitry if +5 V drops out and +12 Vis still present. In addition, note that the VBAT is provided anytime +5 V is present This provision protects the CMOS circuits by providing power to the CMOS whenever an input is possibly present. - Three AAAsize NiCads supply power to the memory for five days when fully charged. It will take at least twenty-four hours of operation to charge the batteries to full capacity. The power fail detect circuit will detect when the 5 volt . supply-to the board falls below 4.7 volts (the factory setting 1. Adjust the 5 volt power supply to 4.70 volts. 2_ Connect an oscilloscope or a voltmeter to the output (pin 4) of the·ICLB211 (m 2). 3. Adjust R2 until the voltage on pin 4 goes toan active level (>2.4 V). 4. Slowly' adjustthe pot in the opposite direction until the voltage goes low (>.7 V). 5. Readjust the 5 volt supply to 5 volts. This circuit is also 'for the detection of /SYSRESET signal (pin 47 on the STD-Z80 Bus); when this signal is active, all access is blocked. This allows the board to interface to the power fail detect board (Mostek Part Number MK77760). The power fail detect board will detect A.C. power failures and "brown-outs" and give an early warning signal to the CPU to allow an orderly shut-down of the system. IVD-30 The circuit also does memory access blocking. If a power failure is detected, either on this board or on the MDX-PFD, this circuit will prevent any bus access to the board. This turns off all interface of address, data, and read and write control signals and access is blocked as long as the ISYSRESET is asserted or the 5 volt supply is below 4.85 volts. Wait State Generator The wait state generator will insert one WAIT state during an access ofthe board to allow for the 300 nsec access time of the CMOS RAM. (enabled when IMEMEX is high), then J7-3 to 4 is jumpered. WAIT STATE The Wait State Jumper (located at J6-1 to 2) will normally be installed; however, if faster CMOS RAMs (sub 200 nsec for 4 MHz, and sub 350 nsec for 2.5 MHz) are used, this jumper may be removed to eliminate the wait state added to each memory access. (Note that the jumper may be removed for 2.5 MHz systems using the RAMs provided with the board.) MEMORY SIZE BOARD ADDRESS Starting memory addressing for the MDX-BRAM is selectable on 4K boundaries, i.e., OOOOH, 1OOOH, 2000H, and so on. The starting address is selected using four jumper positions located at J5. Table 1 shows the jumpers to be used for various starting addresses. ADDRESS JUMPERS These four jumpers will select only those 1 K increments of memory the user needs. Table 1 Address 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y N N Y Y N N Y Y N N Y Y N N Y N Y N N N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N 9 5 VOLT ONLY Jumpers installed at J5 Most Significant Hex A B C D E F Four jumpers may be installed, depending on the memory size. When 1 K of memory is installed (U4 and U8 only), jumper J4-1 to 2 is in place. With 2K of memory(U3, U4, U7, and U8), install jumpersJ4-1 to 2 andJ4-3 t04, andJ4-5 to 6. When all 4K of memories are installed (U1 through U8), place all four jumpers as follows: J4-1 to 2, J4-3 to 4, J4-5 to 6, and J4-7 to 8. AjumperatJ2-1 t02 is installed ifand only if the system is operated with a 5 volt only supply, that is, if a 12 volt supply is unavailable. It should be noted, however, that this mode increases the charge time to 36 hours for full charge at 25°C. BATTERY DISCONNECT To remove the batteries from the circuit (for removal or addition of CMOS IC socketed on the board orfor prolonged storage of 2 to 3 months), the jumper J3-1 to 2 will need to be removed. (Note: this jumper is not factory-installed and should be inserted before use.) ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS System Clock MIN MAX 250 kHz 4.0 MHz Add jumper for 'V' and remove jumper for 'N' IMDX-BRAM MEMORY EXPANSION Bus Interface-STD-Z80 Compatible IMEMEX (pin 36 on the STD-Z80 Bus) is not used by the Mostek MDX-CPU1 and MDX-CPU2 and is held low by the backplane. The jumper at J7 allows use of this board in systems that do incorporate this feature. For the MDXBRAM to provide primary memory (lMEMEX is low), jumper J7-1 to 2 is used; if it is not primary memory Inputs: Outputs: IVD-31 One 74LS load max IOH = -3 mA min at 2.4 volts IOL = +24 mA min at 0.5 volts III Power Supply Requirements MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS +12 Volts ±5% at.2 A max +5 Volts ±5% at 1.0 A max -9 mA max on standby battery Card Dimensions Battery Type Used 4.5 in. (114.3 mm) wide by 6.5 in. (165.1 mm) long 0.675 in. (17.1 mm) maximum profile thickness 0.062 in. (1.6 mm) printed circuit board thickness 3 AAA NiCads supplies with card Connectors Battery Life Three years or 200 full charge/discharge cycles (whichever is less) Connector Function STD BUS Word Size Configuration Connectors 56 Pin dual read out 0.125 in. centers Printed Circuit Viking 3VH28/1 CE5 Data: 8 bits I/O Addressing: 16 bits, jumper selection on 4K boundary Access Time Wire Wrap Viking 3VH28/1 CND5 Solder Lug Viking 3VH28/1 CN5 Less than 400 nsec Operating Temperature Range o to 60°C Power Failure Detection Level A power failure is registered when: 1. The 5 volt supply level drops below 4.7 volts and is then held less than 4.85 volts maximum for more than 4 microseconds, or 2. When the /SYSRESET signal is active. ORDERING INFORMATION Designator Description Part Number MDX-BRAM4 MDX-BRAM4 module with Technical Manual (4K memory) MK77760 MDX-BRAM2 MDX-BRAM2 module with Technical Manual (2K memory) MK77762 MDX-BRAM Technical Manual Technical Manual only 4420066 IVO-32 IJ . COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MDX-RAM 64/128 FEATURES o MK77765 Figure 1 STO-ZSO Bus compatible o 64K (MDX-RAM64) or 12SK (MDX-RAM12S) bytes of dynamic RAM o +5 V only operation o Automatic refresh accomplished through use of STOIREFRESH signal zao o 2.5 MHz or 4.0 MHz operation with no wait states o Bank switching accomplished via a user designated I/O port o Bank switching is hardware compatible with MDXUMC2, MDX-CPU3, and MDX-CPU4 o Common memory area for bank switched systems may reside at any 256 byte boundary within the 64K memory map o Common area size is user defined in 256 byte increments o Common area can be made resident on any board o Option allows the board to become active upon system reset for use as the system boot memory o MEMEX and 10EXP are supported, polarity for each is user defined MDX-RAM DESCRIPTION The MDX-RAM card features a capacity of 64K or 12SK bytes of dynamic memory, and wi" support selection of multiple 64K banks under software control. Provision is made for an area of memory which will be common to a" 64K banks, useable for operating system or applications software which is needed by a" banks. The bank select structure is the same as that used on MDX-CPU3, MDXCPU4, and MDX-UMC2 and is compatible with commercially available software packages. The board will function in 2.5 MHz and 4.0 MHz STD-ZSO systems with no WAIT states. MDX-RAM has features designed to simplify implementation of multi-user operating systems such as MP/MTM* or TM* Digital Research Infosoft MULTI/OSTM**. One of S banks of 64K bytes each is selected by writing a "1" to one of S bits at the bank switch port location. Setting bitOwi" select bankO, setting bit 1 wi" select bank 1,and so on. Only one bank may be selected at a time. The actual bank switch port address may be jumper selected to reside at one of 256 locations. In addition, IMEMEX is decoded as a board enable (polarity jumper selectable) to double the number of banks that may be selected at each port location. IIOEXP is decoded as a port enable (polarity jumper selectable) to double the number of bank select port locations. A special option allows the user to select the board as the default system boot memory on reset without prior software intervention, enabling the board to be used as a standard 64K board without special software. To facilitate switching from one bank to another, a special common memory area has been provided. This area of memory remains enabled regardless of which memory bank has been selected. The user may place a software monitor in this common memory area for commul'1icating data between banks. This guarantees that the monitor wi" still be available when a new bank is selected. The common area may begin on any 256 byte boundary within the 64K memory map and is size selectable in 256 byte increments. TM** IVD-33 BLOCK DlAGRAM MDX-RAM Figure 2 a DATA BUF a 0 A T A a RAS/CAS/WR ADDRESS a BANK SWITCH LOGIC S T D MEMORY ARRAY RAS MUX CAS J a z a o ~a COMMON AREA DECODE - B U S 16 fa ADDR BUF 16 ADDR MUX MISC LOGIC CNTRL BUF In addition. an option has been incorporated to allow the common area to reside on any board in the system. One board in the system must be selected to contain the common area. System Interrupt Units No interrupts are generated by this board. Operating Temperature Memory refresh circuitry has been provided on board. and makes use of the STO-Zao IREFRESH signal. Memory will be refreshed even if it does not reside in the curre,ntly selected bank. o to 60 degrees C Power Supply Requirements In addition. PCI is connected to PCO for preserving the,Zao interrupt priority chain. MDX-RAM64 +5 V ± 5% @ 2.0 A MAX MDX-RAM 128 +5 V ± 5% @ 2.6 A MAX MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS CONNECTORS AND HEADERS Card Dimensions For the location of all connectors and option headers. see Figure 3. 4.50 in. (.11.43 cm.) wide by 6.50 in. (16.51 cm.) long 0.675 in. (1.71 cm.) maximum profile thickness 0.062 in. (0.16 cm.) printed circuit board thickness STD BUS Edge Connector 56 pin dual readout; 0.125 in. (0.32 cm.) centers Mating Connectors: PCB -Viking 3VH28/1CE5 WIREWRAP - Viking 3VH28/1 CND5 SOLDER LUG - Viking 3VH28/1 CN5 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS STD-Z80 Bus Compatible J1 STD-Z80 Bus 56 Pin For J1 pin definition. see Figure 4. (See STD-ZaO, Bus description for Signal functions). J2 Bank Select Header This header determines which banks of memory will reside on board. The odd numbered pins correspond to the eight bits in the bankswitch port. Twoofthe even numbered pins correspond to the enables of the tvyo 64K rows of memory that may reside on. board. Two of the even numbered pins are reserved for future expansion. The function of each pin IVD-34 J1 PIN FUNCTION Figure 4 HEADER AND CONNECTOR LAYOUT Figure 3 1 2 1 2 J5D J6D J1 SIGNAL PIN +5V GNO -5V 07 06 05 04 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 IRO IMEMRO MEMEX IMCSYNC ISTATUS 0 IBUSRO IINTRO INMIRO IPBRESET ICNTRL PCI AUXGNO -12 V 2 4 " 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 • 38 • 40 • 42 • 44 " 46 • 48 • 50 52 • 54 • 56 PIN 1 3 5" 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 • 41 " 43 • 45 " 47 49 * 51 53 * 55 * SIGNAL +5V GNO -5V 03 02 01 DO A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 AO IWR IIORO IOEXP IREFRESH ISTATUS 1 IBUSAK IINTAK IWAITRO ISYSRESET ICLOCK PCO AUXGNO +12 The ..... indicates signals not used on MOX-RAM. is shown below. To select the banks that will reside on board, place a jumper between the designated row enable and the bank select port bit that it should respond to. EXAMPLE: J2 If U1-U8 are populated with 4564 RAM's (MDX-RAM64), only row may be used. To make this row respond to bank 2, place a jumper between pins 5 and 6. a 2 BANKO--- * BANK 1 --- * BANK 2--- * BANK3---* BANK 4--- * BANK 5--- * BANK 6--- * BANK 7--- * 15 • --- NO CONNECTION • --- NO CONNECTION " --- ROW 0 (64K RAMI " --- ROW 1 (64K RAMI " --- RESERVED • --- RESERVED • --- NO CONNECTION • --- NO CONNECTION 16 J3 IOEXP, MEMEX, Reset Status, Common Memory Location Row a may be used only if U1-U8 are populated with 4564 RAM's (MDX-RAM64 or MDX-RAM128). Row 1 may be used only if U9-U16 are populated with 4564 RAM's (MDX-RAM 128). EXAMPLE: If U1-U16 are populated with 4564 RAM's (MDXRAM 128), both rows of memory may be used, rows aa nd 1 . To make these rows respond to banks 3 and 4 respectively, place a jumper between pins 6 and 7 and ajumper between pins 8 and 9. This header selects the polarities of IOEXP and MEMEX that the board will respond to, whether or not the board will become active upon system reset, and whether or not the common memory area will reside on board or on some other board in the system. Place jumper between pins 1 and 2 to cause the board to respond to a logic a on IOEXP, or between pins 3 and 4 to cause the board to respond to a logic f. If the host system does not support IOEXP, leave pins 1 through 4 open. A jumper between pins 5 and 6 indicates that the common memory area will reside on board.lfthisjumper is in place and the address bus contains an address within the range defined by J5 (common memory ending address) and J6 (common memory starting address), the memory in U1-U8 will become active. If this jumper is not in place and the address bus contains an address within range defined by J5 and J6, no memory on the MDX-RAM will become active. Place ajumper between pins 7 and 8 to cause the board to respond to a logic a on IVD-35 MEMEX, or between pins 9 and 10 to cause the board to respond to a logic 1. If the host system does not support MEMEX, leave pins 7 through 10 open. A jumper between pins 11 and 12 will cause the board to become active upon system reset. If this jumper is in place and a system reset has occurred, the memory in U1-U8will become active and will remain active until the bank select port is written to. If the address is within the common memory boundaries, the memory in U1-U8 will become inactive so that the memory designated to be the common memory may be accessed. J5 Common Area Ending Address This header determines the ending address for the common memory area. The upper boundary of the common area takes on the form XXFF hex, so the common memory may end at the top of any 256 byte page. A jumper in place asserts a logic "0", while no jumper in place indicates a logic'''''. EXAMPLE: EXAMPLE: J5 2 J3 "---BITO 2 * -- > BOARD ACTIVE WHEN IOEXP = 0 * -- > BOARD ACTIVE WHEN IOEXP = 1 • -- * -- > JUMPER IN FOR COMMON ON BOARD * -- > BOARD ACTIVE WHEN MEMEX = 0 * -- > BOARD ACTIVE WHEN MEMEX = 1 "--- BIT 1 *--- BIT 2 * --- BIT3 " --- " --- BIT 4 "--- BITS BIT6 " • -- • -- > JUMPER IN FOR ACTIVE ON RESET 11 12 15 As shown above, the board will become active when an address within the common memory area is accessed or when a system reset occurs. Since pins 1-4 and 7-10 are left open, the logic levels of IOEXP and MEMEX are ignored. BIT7 16 The binary number represented by the jumpers is 11101111, or EF hex, so the common area will end at EFFF hex. J6 J4 __0 "000 Common Area Starting Address Bank Select Port Address This header determines the starting address for the common memory area. The common area lower boundary takes the form of XXOO hex, so common memory may begin with any 256 byte page. A jumper in place asserts a logic "0", while no jumper in place indicates a logic "1". This header selects the address of the port through which bank switching is accomplished. The port address will be the hexadecimal equivalent of the jumper sequence. A jumper in place will assert a logic "0", while no jumper in place indicates a logic "1". EXAMPLE: EXAMPLE: J6 J4 2 2 "---BITO 000 " 000 " 000 " 000 * " --- " --- BIT 1 " --- * --- BIT 2 " --- * --- BIT 3 *--- BIT 4 000 " 000 " 000 * * " 000 000 000 "000 *--- BIT6 "000 "--- BIT6 "000 *--- BIT 7 16 " 16 BIT 0 BIT 1 BIT 2 BIT 3 BIT 4 BIT5 BIT6 BIT7 16 16 The binary number represented by the jumpers is 11100000, or EO hex, so the common area will begin at EOOO hex. The binary equivalent of the jumper sequence is 11110001 binary of F1 hex, so the port address is F1 hex. IVD 36 o ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. MDX-RAM64 64K byte dynamic memory card with bank switch capability with Technical Manual MK77764 MDX-RAM128 128K byte dynamic memory card with bank switch capability with Technical Manual MK77765 MDX-RAM Technical Manual Technical Manual only 4420291 IVD-37 IVD-38 1983 COMPUTER PRODUCTS DATA BOOK . : ;< MD Series Special Functions ~, , .. ,', . '. :"~' " ; ,', '-; ~ TECHNOLOGIES UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION MOSTEK MDX-DEBUG M K77950-0, M K77950-4 HARDWARE FEATURES o o o o MDX-DEBUG BOARD PHOTO Figure 1 STD-Z80 BUS compatible 4 MHz version available Serial I/O Channel 10K bytes of ROM contain the following firmware: DDT-80, ASMB-80 DEBUGGER FEATURES o Z80 Operating System with debug capability o Channelized I/O for versatility o I/O peripheral drivers supplied o ROM-based TEXT EDITOR FEATURES o Input and modification of ASCII Text o Line and character editing o Alternate command buffers for pseudo- macro command capability o ROM-based ASSEMBLER FEATURES o Assembles all Z80 mnemonics o Object output in industry-standard hexadecimal format extended for Relocatable and Linkable Programs o Over fifteen pseudo-ops o Two-pass assembly o ROM-based LINKING LOADER FEATURES interface and is available in both 2.5 MHz and 4.0 MHz version. Included on-board is a fully buffered asynchronous I/O port capable of 110-19200 Baud rates. Serial data interfaces are available for 20 mA current loop(with readerstep control) and RS-232. The on-board Baud Rate Generator is selectable to all common Baud rates from 110 to 19,200 Baud. The address of the serial port is selectable via 6 on-board jumpers. o Loads into memory both relocatable and non-relocatable object output of the assembler DEBUGGER DESCRIPTION o Loads Relocatable modules anywhere in memory o Automatically provides linkage of global symbols between object modules as they are loaded o Prints system load map o ROM-based HARDWARE DESCRIPTION The MDX-DEBUG module has sockets for 10K bytes of masked ROM that are filled with a Z80 firmware package (DDT-80/ASMB-80). This module has a STD-Z80 BUS DDT-80 is the Operating System for the MDX-DEBUG Module, residing in a 2K ROM (MK34000 Series) on the module itself. It provides the necessary tools and techniques to operate the system, i.e., to efficiently and conveniently perform the tasks necessary to develop microcomputer software. DDT-80 is designed to support the user from initial design through production testing. It allows the user to display and update memory, registers, and ports, load and dump object files, set breakpoints, copy blocks of memory, and execute programs. IVE-1 • MDX-DEBUG BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 ADDRESS AND CONTROL BUS 20 mA INPUT OUTPUT AND READER STEP BUS INTERFACE LOGIC MEMORY SELECTION LOGIC ROM FIRMWARE DDT·80 AND ASM8·80 RS·232 INPUT, OUTPUT AND MODEM CONTROL DATA BUS DDT-SO COMMAND SUMMARY M s M s, f Ps D s, f L Es H C s, f, d Bs Rx MEMORY, PORT AND REGISTER COMMANDS (M,P,R) - Display and/or update the contents of memory location s. Tabulate the contents to memory locations s through f. Display and/or update the content of I/O ports. - Dump the contents of memory locations s through f in a format suitableto be read by the Lcommand. - Load, into memory, data which is in the appropriate format. - Transfer control from DDT-80 to a user's program starting at location s. - Perform 16-bit hexadecimal addition and/or subtraction. Copy the contents of memory locations s through f to another location in memory starting at location d. Insert a breakpoint in a user's program (must be in RAM) at location s which transfers control back to DDT-80. This allows the user to intercept his program at a specific point (location s) and examine memory and CPU registers to determine if this program is working correctly. - Display the contents of the user registers. The s, f, and d represent start, finish, and destination operands required for each command. The M, P, and R commands provide the means for displaying the contents of specified memory locations, port addresses, or CPU registers. The M and P commands sequentially access memory locations or ports and display their contents. The user has the option of updating the content of the memory location or port, (Note some ports are output only and their contents cannot be displayed). The M command also gives the user access tothe CPU registers through an area in RAM called the Register Map (discussed in the Execute and Breakpoint section below). The M and R commands are used to tabulate blocks of memory locations (M) or the CPU registers (R). The M command will accept two operands, the starting and ending address of the block to be tabulated. The R command will accept either no operand or one.,lf no operand is specified, the CPU registers will be displayed without a heading. If an operand is specified, then a heading which labels the registers' contents will be displayed as well. EXECUTE AND BREAKPOINT IE, B) The E command is used to execute all programs, including aids such as the Assembler. The B command is used to set a breakpoint to exit from a program at some predetermined location for debugging purposes, At the instant of a breakpoint exit, the contents of all CPU registers are saved in a designated area of RAM called the Register Map. In the IVE-2 Register Map, the register contents may be examined or mapped using the M command and a predefined mnemonic (or absolute address) ofthe storage location for that register (example :PC, :A, ... , :SP). The Register Map is also used to initialize the CPU registers whenever execution is initiated or resumed. Thus the E and B commands can be used together to initialize, execute, and examine the results of individual program segments. The B command gives the userthe option of having all CPU registers displayed when the breakpoint is encountered. This is done by entering a second operand to the B command. Otherwise, DDT-aD defaults to displaying the PC and AF registers. When all CPU registers are displayed, the format is the same as for the R command previously discussed. LOAD, DUMP, AND COpy (L, 0, C) The Land 0 commands load and dump object files through the object 1/0 channel in standard Hex format. Checksums are used for error detection, and the addresses of questionable blocks are typed automatically while loading. The C command will copy the contents ofthe memory block specified to another block of memory. There are no restrictions on the direction of the copy or on whether the blocks overlap. HEXADECIMAL ARITHMETIC (H) The H command is a dummy command used to allow hexadecimal addition and subtraction for expression evaluation without performing any other operation. DDT-SO 1/0 CAPASILITIES DDT-aD specifies 1/0 channels. designated 'Console', 'Object', and 'Source', towhicl) any suitable devices may be assigned. The Channel AssignmentTable is located in RAM where it may be examined or modified using the M command. The table addresses correspond to the 1/0 channels and the table contents correspond to the addresses of the peripheral driver routines. A channel which has a device assignment may have that device assignment changed using the M command. This is accomplished by merely modifying the table contentsofthat channel's table address to correspond to the new peripheral driver routine. A set of peripheral driver routines is supplied and listed below. This scheme also allows the user to write a driver routine for his own peripheral, load it into memory, and easily configure that peripheral into the system. DDT-SO 1/0 PERIPHERAL DRIVERS 1. A serial input driver (usually a keyboard). 2. A serial output driver (usually a CRT or teletype type head). 3. A serial input driver which sends out a reader-step signal (usually a teletype reader). 4. A serial output driver which forces a delay after a carriage return (usually a Silent 700 typehead). 5. A parallel input driver (usually for high-speed paper tape input). 6. A parallel output driver (usually for high-speed paper tape output). 7. A parallel output driver (usually for a line printer). TEXT EDITOR DESCRIPTION The Text Editor permits random-access editing of ASCII character strings. It can be used as a line or characteroriented editor. Individual characters may be located by position or context. The Editor works on blocks of characters which are typically read into memory from magnetic tape or paper tape. Each edited block can be output to magnetic tape or paper tape after editing is completed. While the primary application for the Text Editor is. in editing assembly language source statements, it may be applied to any ASCII text delimited by '"carriage returns'". The Editor has a macro command processing option. Up to two sets of commands may be stored and processed at any time during the editing process. AIIVO is done via the DDT-aD channels. The Editor can be used with the ASMB-aO Assembler and Loader to edit, assemble, and load programs in memory without the need for external media for intermediate storage. The following commands are recognized by the Text Editor: An Bn Cn dS1dS2dOn E1Ln Mn NPn RSn dS1d- Advance record pointer n records Backup record pointer n records Change string S1 to string S2 for n occurrences Delete next n records Exchange current record with records to be inserted I nsert records Go to line number n Enter command buffers (pseudo-macro) Print top, bottom, and current line number Punch n records from buffer Read source records into buffer Search for nth occurrence of string S1 ASSEMBLER DESCRIPTION The Assembler reads zao source mnemonics and psuedoops and outputs an assembly listing and object code. The assembly listing shows address, machine code, statement number, and source statement. The object code is in industry-standard hexadecimal format modified for relocatable, linkable assemblies. IVE-3 • The' Assembler supports conditional assemblies, global symbols, relocatable programs, and a printed symbol table. It can assemble any length program limited only by a symbol table size which is user-selectable. Expressions involving addition and subtraction are allowed. A global symbol is categorized as "internal" if it appears as a label in the program; otherwise it is an "external" symbol. The printed symbol table shows which symbols are internal and which are external. The Assembler allows the' user to select relocatable or non-relocatable assembly via the "PSECT" pseudo-op. Relocation records are placed in' the object output for relocatable assemblies (the Mostek object format is defined below). The Assembler can be run as a single-pass assembler or as a learning tool, (In this mode, global symbols and forward references are not allowed.) The follbwi ng pseudo-ops are recognized by the Assembler: ORG program origin EQU equate label DEFL define label DEFM define message DEFB define byte DEFW define word DEFS define storage END end statement NAME program name definition PSECT program section definition GLOBAL global symbol definition Supports the following assembler pseudo-ops EJECT eject a page of listing TITLE place heading at top of each page turn listing on LIST turn listing off NLiST - RELOCATING UNKINGLOADER DESCRIPTION The Relocating Linking Loader provides state-of-the-art capability for loading programs into memory by allowing loading and linking of any number of relocatable and nonrelocatable object modules. Non-relocatable modules are always loaded at their starting address as defined by the ORG pseudo-op during assembly. Relocatable object modules can be positioned anywhere in memory at an offset address. The loader automatically links any relocator global symbols which are used to provide communication or linkage between program modules. As object programs are loaded, a table containing global symbol references and definitions is built up. At the end of each module, the loader resolves all references to global symbols which are defined by either the current ora previously loaded module. It also prints on the console device the number of defined global symbols that have been referenced. The symbol table can be printed to list all global symbols and their load addresses. The number of object modules which can be loaded by the Loader is limited only by the amount of RAM available for the modules and the symbol table. Space forthe symbol table is allocated dynamically downward in memory from either the top of memory or from a specified address entered as an operand of the load command. All 1/0 is done via the DDT -80 channels. Assembl ies can be done from source statements stored in memory (by the Editor). The object output can be directed to a memory buffer rather than to an external device. Thus, assembly and loading can be done without external storage media. The Loader prints the beginning and ending address of each module as it is loaded. The transfer address as defined by the END psuedo-ops is printed for the first module loaded. The Loader execute command (E) can be used to automatically start execution at the transfer address. The Loader Commands are the following: L offset load object module at address "off-set" plus program origin address Eexecute loaded program at transfer address of first module Tprint global symbol table MOSTEK OBJECT OUTPUT DEFINITION Each record of an object module begins with a delimiter (colon or dollar sign) and ends with carriage return and line feed. A colon (:) is used for data records and the end-of-file record. A dollar sign ($) is used for records containing relocation information and linking information. All information is in ASCII. Each record is identified by "type". The type is determined by the 8th and 9th bytes of the record which can take the following values: 00 01 02 03 04 05 IVE-4 - data' - end-of-file - internal symbol - external symbol - relocation information - module definition f OBJECT MODULE TYPES Figure 3 1 • • • • D RECOROTYPE "'.'''" 2 ~ 3 CD #OF BINARY DATA BYTES 4 5 7 6 I 8 START AODRESS OF DATA 110 9 0 0 I 0 TRANSFER ADDRESS OF MODULE 0 CHECK SUM DATA 0 1 CHEC~ CD SUM I I $ INTERNAL SYMBOL NAME 0 2 $ EXTERNAL SYMBOL NAME 0 3 $ #OF BINARY BYTES CD $ 0 0 0 MODULE NAME I CD1 CHECK SUM ADDRESS LINK ADDRESS I 0 CD1 0 4 0 5 CHECK SUM CD CD CD1 CHECK SUM ADDRESSES WHICH ... REQUIRE RELOCATION ... FLAGS CD I J -LCD NOTES: 1. Check Sum is negative of the binary sum of all bytes except delimiter and carriage return/line feed. . . . 2. Link Address points to last address in the data which uses the external symbol. This starts a backward link list through the data records for that external symbol. The list terminates at OFFFFH. 3. The flags are one binary byte. Bit 0 is defined as: o - absolute module 4. 1 - relocatable module Maximum of 64 ASCII bytes. WORD SIZE SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACE 8 bits for PROM 5 to 8 bits for serial 1/0 SIGNAL MEMORY SIZE 10K bytes of firmware MEMORY ADDRESSING Transmitted data Received data Data Terminal Ready (DTR) Request to Send (RTS) Carrier Detect (CDET) Clear to Send (CTS) Data Set Ready (DSR) Reader Step relay (RS) 2K blocks jumper-selectable for any 2K boundary within a given 16K block oftheZ80 memory map. MDX-DEBUG has ROMS strapped every 2K beginning at COOOOH. I/O ADDRESSING On board Serial 1/0 Port Control Port: XXXXXX01 Data Port: XXXXXXOO Module and Reader Step Control Port: XXXXXX10 XXXXXX represents 6 strap-selectable address bits. Output Input Output (40mA) SYSTEM CLOCK MDX-DEBUG MDX-DEBUG-4 1/0 TRANSFER RATE 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 BAUD BUFFERED FOR 20mA Current Loop 2.5 MHz ± .05% 4.0 MHz ± .05% SYSTEM INTERRUPT UNITS ISIU) = 0 IVE-5 RS-232 Output Input Input Input Output Output Output STD BUS INTERFACE Inputs: Outputs: CONNECTORS One 74LS load max. 10H = -3 mA min. at 2.4 Volts 10L = 24 mA min. at 0.5 Volts Function OPERATING TEMPERATURE Configuration STD-Z80 BUS 56-pin PRINTED CIRCUIT Viking 3VH281 1CE5 O°C to +60°C POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENT 0.125 in. centers +12 Volts ± 5% at 50 mA max. -12 Volts ± 5% at 35 mA max. +5 Volts ± 5% at 1.2 A max. Mating Connector WIRE WRAP Viking 3VH281 1CND5 SOLDER LUG Viking 3VH281 .1CN5 CARD DIMENSIONS Serial 110 4.5 in. (114.3 mm) wide by 6.5 in. (165.1 mm) long 0.48 in. (12.2 mm) maximum profile thickness 0.063 in. (1.6 mm) printed-circuit-board thickness 26-pin 0.1 in. grid FLAT RIBBON Ansley 609-26ooM DISCRETE WIRES Winchester PGB26A (housing) Winchester 1oo-7oo20S (contacts) ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. MDX-DEBUG Module with 10K bytes of firmware and Operations Manual. No mating connectors. 2.5 MHz version. MK77950-0 MDX-DEBUG-4 Module with 10K bytes of firmware and Operations Manual. No mating connectors. 4.0 MHz version MK77950-4 MDX-DEBUG Operations Manual only. MK79611 Program Source Listing of 10K byte firmware package (DDT I ASMB-80) including comments and flow charts. (Available free with purchase of either MDX-DEBUG Module.) MK78536 and MK78534 * The DDT-80 and ASMB-80 listings are available directly from Mostek by filling out a copy of the Software Licensing Agreement and returning it with the appropriate payment of Customer Purchase Order to: Mostek Corporation Microcomputer Systems Div. 1215 West Crosby Road Carrollton. Texas 75006 IVE-6 !J COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MDX-INT FEATURES MDX-INT Figure 1 o STD-Z80 Bus compatible o User-programmable CTC provides: • Four external vectored interrupts or • Four cascadable counter/timer channels or • any combination of the above o Z80 Daisy Chain Interrupt Expansion • Allows up to 40 interrupt devices • User selectable expansion of System Interrupt Units (SIU) • Required for systems over five SIUs o Nonmaskable Interrupt Input o All input/output signals buffered o 2.5 and 4 MHz compatible II o +5 volt operation DESCRIPTION The Interrupt-Timer Expansion Module, MDX-INT (MK77967), is designed to be a versatile multi mode unit. It provides external interrupt expansion of up to four lines, a nonmaskable interrupt input, up to four cascadable timer channels, and internal interrupt expansion capability of up to 40 System Interrupt Units. All interrupts are Z80 compatible with full Mode 2 interrupt capability. The MDX-INT permits up to four external interrupt inputs. This is possible by programming the MK3882 Counter Ti mer to fu nction as ani nterrupt controller. When progra mming the CTC, the selected input channel is programmed to be in the counter mode with count set to one. The active edge as well as the interrupt vector locations are also specified by the user's program. When an active input occurs, a Mode 2 interrupt is generated by the CTC and the MDX-CPU can vector directly to a service routine. After the interrupt, the CTC down counter is reloaded automatically with a count of one and the CTC begins looking for another active edge. Therefore, once initialized, a channel will provide external interrupt capability automatically. Up to four channels can be used to provide external interrupts. Input is provided through theTRGOto TRG31ines for channels zero through three. When multiple channels are used, priorities are resolved within the CTC if more than one interrupt request is made simultaneously. Each channel has a unique vector address and each channel can be masked independently by disabling that channel's local interrupt. The nonmaskable interrupt is also provided as an input through this board. This line is tested by the MDX-CPU at the end of each instruction. It has priority over the normal interrupt and cannot be disabled under software control. Its usual function is to provide response to signals requiring immediate response, such as an impending power failure. Each of the four CTC channels has an 8-bit Prescaler and 8-bit Down Counter that allows the circuit to be used as a counter of a timer rather than an interrupt generator. In the counter mode, a Zero Count output is provided that allows cascading of successive counters. In the counter mode, external inputs can be counted automatically by the CTC and interrupt the processor after a predefined number of IVE-7 counts. In the timer mode, the CTC can generate timing intervais that are integer multiples of the system clock period. The Zero Count output can generate a uniform pulse train of the precise period. Therefore, precise time measurements can be made that are a function of a crystal clock's accuracy and stability. The MDX-INT also provides internal interrupt expansion through a concept of System Interrupt Units (SIU). The interrupt system ofthe STD-ZSO compatible CPUs will allow up to five System Interrupt Units without need of expansion. The MDX-INT has circuitry to allow expansion of board with up to 40 SIUs. It must be the last card (the lowest priority) in the interrupt daisy chain. An SIU is defined as an interval of time equivalent to the worst-case propagation delay of the priority daisy chain through an MD board. A board with one interrupting peripheral component, such as an MDX-SIO, has one SIU. A board with two interrupting peripheral components, such as an MDX-PIO, has two SIUs. A board with no interrupt capability has zerO SIUs. The SIU expansion circuitry on the MDX-INT card monitors the data bus and PCllines. Walt states are added during the RETI opcode to allow the PCI and PCO lines to stabilize. The Wait state generator on the MDX-INT is enabled when an interrupt is pending or lmder service and will insert a predetermined number of wait states for 15, 25, or 40 SIUs. SYSTEM INTERRUPT UNITS Table 1 Card MDX-AlD12 MDX-A/DS MDX-AIO MDX-CPU1/1A MDX-CPU2I2A MDX-CPU3 MDX-CPU4 MDX-D/AS MDX-D/A12 MDX-DEBUG MDX-DRAMS/16/32/64/12S MDX-EPROM MDX-EPROM/UART MDX-FLP/FLP2 MDX-INT MDX-ISIO MDX-MATH MDX-MODEM MDX-PIO MDX-SASI112 MDX-SC/D MDX-$10/SI02 MOX-SRAM4/S/16 MDX-SST MDX-UMC/UMC2 SIU's 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 The number of SIUs that the system can handle is hardware selectable on-board. A Block Diagram ofthe MDX-INT board '. .' is shown in Figure 3. WORST-CASE PRIORITY CHAIN INTERFACE PROPAGATION DELAY Figure 2 PCI PCO 2.5 MHz 20 nsec 220nsec 20 nsec 4.0 MHz 20 nsec 160 nsec 20 nsec 4.0 MHz SIU = 200 nsec = 20 + 160 + 20 2.5 MHz SIU = 260 "sec = 20 + 220 + 20 CTC Address Decode This address logic compares the six most significant I/O address bits (A7-A2) with the J4address location jumper. If these are equal, and an I/O request has been made to the board, then the CTC will be enabled. AO and A 1 are decoded directly by the CTC and used to select the specific CTC channel, as shown in Table 2. MDX-INT BOARD PORT ASSIGNMENTS Table 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 lEO A1 AO CTCChannel 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 1 Bus and Buffer Control All signals are buffered going to or coming from the board. Data Buffering a SN74LS245 octal Data signals are buffered by transceiver. The turnaround of the bus is handled either by the decode of an I/O Read or by a Read of the interrupt vector. IVE-8 MDX-INT BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 3 3 CONTROL 3 CONTROL LA0- A7 ) 2 CONTROL ADDRESS DECODE 4 CONTROL 5 CONTROL CTC D~~ 5 CONTROL 2 CONTROL BUFFER 1 CONTROL I-- I 1 CONTROL 2 CONTROL ~ WAIT ED PREF 00-07> DATA BUFFER ~-DB7 D~ OP CODE PREFIX DECODE WAIT STATE SEau. RETI Op-Code Prefix Decode ADDRESS DECODE The Op-Code Prefix Decoder searches the data bus for two things: an ED two-byte instruction, and an RETI instruction. When an ED two-byte instruction is decoded, a WAIT state is inserted. Next the data is inspected for a 4D, the second part of the RETI. If a 4D is present, additional WAIT states are added corresponding to the number of SIUs selected. If not, no additional wait states are added. Table 3 shows the assignment of address decoder select. A pullup resistor is on the board which selects a logical 1 in the address bit field. Each address bit that is to be programmed to a zero must have a jumper installed. JUMPER ADDRESS PIN ASSIGNMENTS Table 3 WAIT State Sequencer This micro-programmed sequencer is a state controller designed to add wait states in conjunction with the op-code prefix decoder. It allows the decode of a RETI (ED-4D) instruction and the propagation of a correct PCI to all boards in the system. If WAIT states are not required, the interrupt expansion capability can be disabled by removing jumper E2. This prohibits WAIT states from being introduced on the bus. CTC Address Bit J4 Jumper Pin A7 A6 A5 1- 2 3- 4 5- 6 7- 8 9-10 11-12 A4 A3 A2 SIU Selection zao The MK3882 is a flexible peripheral that allows operation as either a counter or timer on to 4 channels. The outputs of the CTC are buffered and wired to connector J2. The outputs are the ZCITO from channels 0 through 2. Clock and Trigger inputs are buffered and provided for all four channels. The pins 1 to 2 and 3 t04 of J3 select the maximum SIUs in a system. Table 4 shows the options of system, speed selection, and jumpers required. One More WAIT State If there is an extra Wa it state in the CPU for memory cycles, the jumper for one more (at J3 5-6) must be removed. IVE-9 II MECHANICAL SIU JUMPER ASSIGNMENTS Table 4 MaxSIU's 2.5 MHz Card Dimensions J3 Jumper Pins 4.5 in. (11.43 cm) wide by 6.5 in. (16.51 cm) long 0.48 in (1.22 cm) maximum profile thickness 0.062 in. (O.16 cm) printed circuit board thickness 4MHz 15 14 3-4 and 1'2 25 24 3-4 40 34 NONE Connectors Function Configuration Mating Connectors STD Bus 56 Pin dual 0.125 in. centers Printed Circuit Viking 3VH28/1 CE5 .WireWrap: Viking 3VH28/1 CND5 SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL Solder Lug: Viking 3VH28/1 CN5 System Clock Part Number MK77967 MK77967-4 Board MDX-INT MDX-INT-4 Min. 250 KHz 250 KHz Max. Parallel I/O 2.5 MHz 4.0 MHz 26 pin dual 0.100 in. grid Bus Interface. STD-Z80 Compatible Inputs: Outputs: One 74LS load Max. IOH = -15 mA.Min. at 2.4 Volts IOL = +24 mA Min. at 0.5 Volts Flat Ribbon: Ansley 609-2600M Discrete Wires: Winchester: PGB26A (housing) Winchester: 100-70020S (contacts) CTC I/O PIN ASSIGNMENTS Power Supply Requirements + 5 Volts ± 5% at 1.2 A max Word Size DATA: 8 bits I/O ADDRESS: 8 bits using 4 ports with 6 bits jumper option Operating Temperature Range 0° to 60° Centigrade MODE OF OPERATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Interrupts are handled to provide prioritized interrupts compatible with the STD-Z80 Bus requirements, and be capable of polled operation when interrupts are disabled for the CTC. The interrupt expander is code-transparent to software when the CTC is not used. . SIU's IVE-10 CLK/TRGO ZCT/TOO CLK/TRG1 ZCTIT01 CLK/TRG2 ZCTlT02 CLK/TRG3 N.C. /NMI N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND·. GND ORDERING INFORMATION Designator Description Part Number MDX-INT MDX-INT Interrupt Expander Module with Technical Manual (2.5 MHz) MK77967 MDX-INT MDX-INT Interrupt Expander Module with Technical Manual (4.0 MHz) MK77967-4 MDX-INT Technical Manual Technical Manual only 4420069 • IVE-11 ""'.,,,' " IVE~'2' ; m UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MDX-SC/D MK77963-0, MK77963-4 FEATURES MDX-SC/D BOARD PHOTO Figure 1 o STD-Z80 BUS compatible o Provides an operator interface; switches and lamps o 10K x 8 EPROM (2716's not included) o Dual-purpose card, memory and/or diagnostic interface o Interrupt-driven programmability o Strap-selectable address o 4 MHz Option o Fully-buffered for MD Series expandability o Diagnostic software package DESCRIPTION Designed as a system controller/diagnostics board, it provides the user with Reset/Interrupt lines to the CPU, as well as the capability to run tests placed in EPROM on board, to verify the operation of other MD boards on the bus. The board is equipped with sockets to contain upto 10Kx8 of EPROM memory (5-2716's) as shown in the Block Diagram. The EPROM's can contain the diagnostic programs necessary for testing the modules or can contain user application programs. The EPROM memories can be positioned to start on any 2K boundary within a 16K block of memory via a strapping option provided on the board. For the 4MHZ version, circuitry is provided to force one wa it state each time on-board EPROM's are accessed. A three-position switch is provided at the top of the board. The switch is spring loaded to the OFF position. The RESET position initializes the hardware and software diagnostics elements. The START position begins the diagnostic test which had been preset by the thumbwheel switches, also on the top of the board. At the conclusion of the test, the results are displayed by the LED Readouts. Data transfers from the switches to the bus and from the bus to the readouts are accomplished by the MK3881 PIO. The PIO also permits total interrupt control so that full usage of the CPU interrupt capabilities can be utilizEld during data transfers. The PIO provides vectored interrupts and maintains the daisy-chain, priority interrupt logic compatible with the STD-Zao BUS. IVE-13 • MDX-SC/D BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 ADDRESS AND CONTROL BUS DATA BUS The address decoding, interface and bus management for the board are performed by the address decode and data bus circuit. The PIO ports have two addresses each; these are summarized below. PORl' A xxxxxooo XXXX X010 CONTROL XXXX XOO1 XXXXX011 EPROM - 2K blocks jumper-selectable for any 2K boundary within a given 16K boundary of Z80 memory map. MEMORY SPEED REQUIRED PORTB DATA MEMORY ADDRESSING Memory Access Time * 2716 450 ns * Single 5-Volt type required Cycle Time 450ns INPUT/OUTPUT The XX symbols stand for the upper five bits of the I/O channel address. These bits are jumper-selectable on the board in order to provide address-selectable, fully decoded ports. Controlled by spring-loaded RESET/START switch with center off. Test selected by two thumbwheel switches. Test results indicated by two 7-segment LEDs. INTERRUPTS MEDEX-80 Vectored interrupts generated. Interrupt vector programmable upon initialization. Daisy-chained interrupt priority. Selected bit channels can be masked out under program control. MEDEX-80 is a diagnostic software package designed to operate with the MDX-SC/D card's thumbwheels, switch and display. The package consists of a control monitor, MDX-SC/D card interface handler, and numerous diagnostic tests for the MDX series cards. The package can operate as a stand-alone program or can be integrated with a user program. MEDEX-80 is designed to allow userdeveloped diagnostics to be adapted as extensions to the package. SYSTEM CLOCK WORD SIZE STD BUS INTERFACE 8 bits Inputs: One 74LS Load max. Outputs: 10H = -3mA min. at 2.4 Volts 10L = 24mA min. at 0.5 Volts MEMORY SIZE MDX-SC/D MDX-SC/D-4 10K bytes of 2716 memory (2716's not included) IVE-14 2.5 MHz ± .05% 4.0 MHz ± .05% OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS +5 Volts ± 5% at 1.2 A max. CARD DIMENSIONS 4.5 in. (114.3 mm) high by 6.50 in. (165.1 mm) long 0.48 in. (12.2 mm) maximum profile thickness 0.062 in. (1.6 mm) printed-circuit-board thickness CONNECTORS Function Configuration STD-Z80 BUS 56-pin 0.125 in. centers Mating Connector PRINTED CIRCUIT Viking 3VH28/1 CE5 WIRE WRAP Viking 3VH28/1 CND5 SOLDER LUG Viking 3VH28/1CN5 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. MDX-SC/D Module with Operation Manual, 2.5 MHZ version MK77963-0 MDX-SC/D-4 Module with Operation Manual, 4.0 MHZ version MK77963-4 MDX-SC/D Operation Manual Only MK79678 Diagnostic software for various MDX Series cards, distributed on diskette in Z80 Assembly source form MK77968 MEDEX-80 IVE-15 II IVE-16 !t . UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MDX-PFD FEATURES MDX-PFD Figure 1 o Detects. loss of AC power after one half cycle o Detects brownout condition (AC below 95 V) o Contains logic to sequence pushbutton res.et and nonmaskable interrupt o Battery backup for up to five days via rechargeable Ni Cads o STD-ZaO Bus compatible DESCRIPTION The MDX-PFD board (MK77979) and voltage transformer module provide for power-up/power-down sequencing for use in conjunction with the battery backed MDX-BCLK and MDX-BRAM boards. A block diagram is shown in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows the MDX-PFD timing. The Voltage Transformer Module is mounted separately from the card cage containing the MDX-PFD board. Its purpose is to provide a low voltage AC signal which is derived from the 115/230 volt line supplying the main system power.ltcontainsaterminal strip for 115/230VAC power, a fuse, and a transformer. A cable and connector are provided for connection to the MDX-PFD board. Rectified AC voltage from the voltage transformer module is divided through a resistive network and used as an input to a comparator (U2) with an internal reference. The comparator "peak detects" the adjustable AC input which is factory set to approximately 95 VAC as a brown-out detection level. The comparator outputtriggers a retriggerable CMOS one shot (V2 of U3) with a period of 13 mSec. This output generates the NMIRQ signal, and it also triggers a second one shot (Y2 of U3) which inhibits the first one shot for a period of 5 mSec. This second delay is necessary to allow a software power-down subroutine to complete before SYSRESET is generated. POWER DOWN SEQUENCE Detection of power failure immediately sets the NMIRQ flip-flop (Y2 of US) causing non-maskable interrupt (NMIRQ) to go low, which in turn vectors the processor to location 66 H, the entry point of a user supplied power-down subroutine. Table 1 shows an example of a power-down subroutine. ADDRESS DECODE AND CONTROL When the interrupt port OF7H (PFD board address) is read by the power-down subroutine, a 0 in data bit 7 (D7) indicates power fail condition which a 1 indicates no power failure. The last instruction of the power-down subroutine should be a write to port address OF7H. This will set the SYSRESET flip-flop (Y2 of US) and cause SYSRESET to go low. The above conditions will be maintained by battery backed up CMOS logic until power is restored. POWER UP SEQUENCE When the power is detected by the MDX-PFD voltage comparator circuit, a reset signal is released from a counter (U6), allowing itto count. The counter then releases NMIRQ, nonmaskable interrupt request, causing it to go high after approximately 130 mSec. Next the counter releases SYSRESET, causing it to go high after approximately 260 mSec after AC power is detected, thus allowing normal system operation to begin the power up subroutine starting at address DOH or EOOOH. These delays are necessary in order to allow DC power to stabilize after AC power has been restored. Loss of power at any.time before system reset goes high will cause the counter to be reset and the 130/260 mSec timer sequence to be repeated after AC power is again restored. IVE-17 MDX-PFD BLoCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 . -;.. '" AC VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER MODULE " 5VAC SIGNAL - POWER DETECT LOGIC j " I PWR ---... 1 "t 07 - STD AO-A7& "\ ZBO CONT~Pk BUS SIGNA -y II1\ V A SYSRESET -. ., BATT,fFlIES CHARGING CIRCUIT I NMIRQ BUS INTERFACE LOGIC l.-. 7- SYSRESET NON-MASKABLE INTERRUPT AND SYSTEM RESET LOGIC 'f I -... NMIRQ ,. TIMING DIAGRAM Figure 3 ~-----------'J ~ ACPOWER PWR 6Ms - r-----~.Pt-i----'----- ' - -_ _---J H COUNTER RESET 07-_ _ _ _.:..." SYSRESET _ I Ur-------~Ut----r------- SET PULSE U $$...._ _---L_ _ _ _ __ I I .COUNTER(Q181 - n J l - ' " . - - - . . ! - - - - - - - - - - ' $ r-:-l . I COUNTER(Q191 -=----.J. j ~ f I -+I I 26~ ms NMIRQSYSRESET -=--__---====f-------JHI--------11 IVE-18 F1 EXAMPLE OF POWER-DOWN SUBROUTINE Table 1 ORG 0066H ;POWER FAIL TRAP • • • IN AND JP A, (OF7H) 080H NZ, NOFAIL ;TEST FOR POWER-DOWN CONDITION FROM MDX-PFD ;IS BIT 7 SET? ;JUMP IF SO • • USER POWER FAIL ROUTINE (EG:SAVE REGISTERS VARIABLES ETC.) • OUT NOFAIL • (OF7H), A ;INSTRUCT MDX-PFD TO ASSERT SYSRESET LOW ;OTHER NMI INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINES • • • JUMPER CONFIGURATIONS BATTERY BACKUP Figure 4 Three AAA size nickel-cadmium rechargeable cells are provided to supply standby power during primary AC power outages. These batteries will supply power for the logic for a minimum of five days when operated at 25 C. The batteries are charged from both +12 V DC(J1 pin 55)via CR5 and R6 and +5 V DC (J1 pin 1 and 2) via CR4 and R4. Zener diode CR1 serves to keep VBATTfrom going above 5.6 V DC when J3 pins 1 and 2 are not connected. If +12 V DC is not available, the batteries may be trickle charged from +5V DC alone by installing the jumper between J4 pin 1 and pin 2. Note, however, because of the reduced charging potential in this configuration, battery supply may not last the full five days. J3 • 1 • 2 J4 • 1 • 2 Depending on the initial condition ofthe batteries, the initial charging current is 18 mA to 32 mA, the trickle charging current is 9 mA to 13 mA. When batteries are being charged with 5 volts only, the charge rate is approximately 4 mA. • J5 1· 3. • 2 • 4 STRAPPING OPTIONS The CPU jumpers are used to activate the power up and pushbutton reset logic provided on the MDX-PFD board if CPU1 board is used as the microprocessor. Figure 4 shows the jumper configuration for use with CPU 1 and CPU 2 processors. The board is shipped with a jumper between J5 pins 1 and 2. J6 2 JUMPER CONFIGURATION FOR CPU-1 J5 1. 3 BATTERY CIRCUIT JUMPERS The MDX-PFD board is shipped with the batteries disconnected from the logic and charging circuit. In order to connect the batteries, place a jumper between J3 pins 1 and • 2 ____ 4 JUMPER CONFIGURATION FOR CPU-2 J5 •1 3 • Input Power Connections Voltage Transformer Module 2. The board is also shipped with no jumper between J4 pins 1 and 2. If +12 volts are not available for battery charging, a jumper should be placed between J4 pins 1 and 2. IVE-19 ...--- 2 1L2t115VA:J 230VAC~ • 4 SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 0° to 60°C 0° to 25°C for 5 day battery operation STD BUS Compatible MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS AO-A7 Inputs Card Dimensions (MDX Card) IlL = -.2 mA max at .4 V IIH = 20 pA. max at 2.7 V Inputs (11.43 cm) high by 6.50 in. (16.51 cm) long 4 ..5 in. 0.675 in. (1.71 cm) maximum profile thickness 0.062 in. (0.16cm)printed circuit board thickness Card Dimensions (Voltage Transformer Module) IlL = -.2 rnA max at .4 V IIH = 20 pA. max at 2.7 V NMIRQ. SYSRESET Open Collector Output 3.00 in. (7 ..62 cm) wide by 3.00 in. (7.62 cm) long 0.062 (0.16 cm) printed circuit board thickness Connectors IOL 24 rnA min at .5 V D7 Function STD Bus Tristate Output IOL 24 rnA at .5 V Configuration 56 pin dual read out 0.125 in. centers Mating Connector Printed Circuit Viking 2VH28/1 CE5 Wire Wrap Viking 3VH28/1 CND5 AC (Input to MDX-PFD) 5VAC RMS Power Supply Requirement 5 V ± 5% at 130 rnA max. 12 V ± 5% at 45 rnA max. MDX-PFD Card AMP87551-2 . 2 pin rt. angle to Voltage Transformer header strip on Module MDX-PFD Board AMP87499-3 cable connector on Transformer Module ORDERING INFORMATION Designator . MDX-PFD MDX-PFD Technical Manual Description Part Number MDX-PFD Power Fail Detect Module XFMRS Cable with Technical Manual MK77979 MDX-PFD Technical Manual only 4420046 ; IVE-20 COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION ~ TECHNOLOGIES UNITED MOSTEK MDX-8CLK FEATURES MDX-BCLK Figure 1 o STD Bus Compatible o 24 hour clock o Provides seconds, minutes, hours, day, and month in BCD format o Contains Leap and non-Leap year Julian calendars o Retains clock/calendar functional capability without system power for five days on fully-charged batteries o Provides Interrupts at 62.5 ms (16 Hz), one sec, one min, and one hour intervals to CTC on MDX-CPU2 via usersupplied cable o Accuracy of ten seconds per month at 25°C o Power backup is provided via rechargeable batteries o 2.5 MHz and 4.0 MHz operation o 2 Port addresses DESCRIPTION The MDX-BCLK module provides seconds, minutes, hours, days, and month data in BCD format (24 hour). Real-time interrupt capability is provided via the CTC on the MDXCPU2 or MDX-INT module. The module is accurate to 10 seconds per month at 25°C. The battery-backup feature retains clock/calendar functional capability without system power for five days on fUlly charged batteries. The board consists of nine main elements: address buffers, address/bus control decode logic, bi-directional data buffers, power detect circuitry, backup batteries, clock control register, clock data latches, CMOS clock circuit. and clock set logic. The address/bus control decode logic controls the direction of the bi-directional data buffers and the enabling of the clock control register, data clock latches, and the clock set logic. The power detect circuitry detects system power failure and prevents the TTL from interacting with the battery-backed-up CMOS. The clock control register selects the desired operation of the CMOS clock circuit (i.e., read seconds, set seconds, read minutes, and so on). The clock data latches, in conjunction with the clock control register, enable and select the desired clock data (seconds, minutes, hours, day of the month, and month). The CMOS clock circuit is a battery-backed-up clock which retains data for five days on fully charged batteries. The clock set logic allows clock setting through the STD BUS interface. STRAPPING OPTIONS Port Address Configuration Strapping The MDX-BCLK module port address block permits port selection and system flexibility. Address selection is accomplished by installing the proper straps on Header J5. Installing a strap is equivalent to selecting the particular address bit to zero. In addition, the board can only be port addressed on even bit increments (i.e., DOH, 02H, 04H ... ). Figure 3 is an example of a port addressed at 80 H. External Clock Input Header J3 is provided to input a clock frequency other than the on-board 1 Hz frequency and is primarily intended for testing purposes. Header J3 must be strapped for module functional capability, and is strapped before shipment. IVE-21 II MDX-BCLK FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 ADDRESS BUS ADDRESS/ ADDRESS BUFFERS 1------1, I-______________________________ BUS CONTROL DECODE LOGIC ~~ CLOCK CONTROL REG. r---~~CLR CONTROL SIGNALS BLOCK DATA REAL TIME INPUTS IVE-22 J5 PORT ADDRESS SELECTION MDX-CPU2 CTC HEADER PINOUT Table 1 Table 3 PINS ADDRESS BITS 13-14 A1 11-12 A2 9-10 A3 7- 8 A4 5- 6 A5 3- 4 A6 1- 2 A7 FUNCTION ADDRESS STRAPPING EXAMPLE FOR PORT ADDRESS SOH +5V Figure 3 I PIN PIN FUNCTION CIT 0 1 2 ZCO CIT 1 3 4 ZC 1 CIT 2 5 6 ZC2 CIT 3 7 8 NC NMI 9 10 NC NC 11 12 NC NC 13 14 GND GND 15 16 GND GND 17 18 GND GND 19 20 GND GND 21 22 GND GND 23 24 GND GND 25 26 GND J5 13,... A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 14 Battery Disconnect "\.J.--.-IJ' - 11 ...... ...... 9.... 12 The MDX-BCLK module has on-board rechargeable batteries. Pins 3-4 on header J4 allow disconnection of these batteries when the system is to be powered down and the clock function is not needed. Removing the jumper disconnects the batteries, thus preventing discharge. 10 "IJ.-.-,.:V ",,8 7.... ~ - 5,..." ~ - ..... A6 3,..." A7 1 6 4 2 -"- Connector J2 Pinout for External Clock Frequencies External clock frequencies are provided to enable the CTC on the MDX-CPU2 or MDX-INT to provide accurate realtime interrupts at 62.5 msec, one sec, one min, and one hour time intervals. The desired time interval or intervals are selected by connecting the appropriate pins ofthe 26 pin header on the MDX-CPU2 to the S pin header on the MDXBCLK module. A twisted pair connection should be used where one conductor is ground (See Table 2 and Table 3). J2 PINOUT Table 2 FUNCTION PIN PIN FUNCTION GND 1 2 GND 3 4 62.5 msec (16 Hz) 1 sec GND 5 6 1 min GND 7 8 1 hour The MDX-BCLK module can function with a 5 volt supply because the 12 volt supply is only used to decrease battery charge time. In order to select 5 volt only operation, pins 1 and 2 must be strapped on Header J4. Note: this mode increases the charge time to 36 hours for a full charge at 25°C. Power Fail Ciruitry The power fail detection circuit senses when the 5 volt supply to the BCLK falls below 4.7 volts. If the 5 volt line remains below this threshold for more than 9 microseconds, access to the board will be disabled. The 9 microsecond delay is a result of the RC time constant used in the SPF, system powerfail circuitry. This circuitry is composed ofthe ICL 8211, U1 (voltage reference); an MC14538B, U2 (dual multi-vibrator); and an MC14013B, U7 (D-type flip flop). The battery-backed CMOS clock circuitry remains active during SPU; access only to read or write is inhibited. The system power up, (SPU), signal is used to re-enable board access and may be active from 4.7 volts typical to 4.85 volts maximum. The SPU one shot U2, has a time-out of 5 ms to allow for stable power supply voltage before enabling board access. Because of the level at which the BCLK module becomes re-enabled, the user must set the power supply voltage at the board bus interface, connector J1, to a minimum of 4.9 volts (5 volts recommended). IVE-23 Adjustment of R2 establishes the voltage level at which tlie MDX-BCLK module recognizes power fail. This' level is factory set at 4.7 volts and should not be changed. If R2 requires adjustment, the following procedure should be used: ' a) Adjust a power supply such that 4.7 volts is present on the 5 volt input (Pins 1 and 2 on J1). b) Connect an oscilloscope or a voltmeter to the output of the ICL8211 (Pin 4 of U1). c) Adjust R2 until the voltage on Pin 4 of the ICL8211 goes to a high level (greater than 2.4 V). d) Slowly adjust R2 in the opposite direction until the voltage goes to a low level (less than .7 V). e) The ICL8211, U 1 provides 50 mV hysteresis typically between system power up signals which may be altered by varying the value of R4. DO-Clock ReSet and Disable When the DO bit of the control register makes a transition from low to high (positive edge), the clock resets to zero (00:00:00). As long as the bit remains in the high condition, the 1 Hz input to the clock counter chain is disabled. The disable function is level triggeredcFor instance, if DO is a high level and a reset function is desired, the bit must be "dropped" to a Iqw level and then "raised" to a high level. D1-Calendar Reset When the 01-bit of the control register makes a transition from low to high (positive edge), the calendar resets to January 1 (01,01). D2-Second Read/Second Set WARNING: Mostek does not assume any responsibility for module failure if this adjustment is made. FUNCTIONAL SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION The MOX-BCLK interface consists of two ports. When a write (OUT) is performed to the low order port (XXXXXXX 0) the control register is accessed. When a read (IN) ,is performed from the low order port, the desired clock data is accessed. Two successive writes (OUT) to the high order port (XXXXXXX 1) increment a particula'r counter dependingon the state of the control register, Reading the high order port has no function and irrelevant data will be obtained. Control Data Register The control register on the MOX-BCLK module consists of eight bits whose functions are described in Table 4. In order to read and,set clock data, the appropriate bits in the control register must be set. Writing FFH would set all bits and writing ooH would clear all bits of the control register. When the 02 bit of the control register is a high level, the second read/second set function is enabled, With the 02 bit set, and a read performed on the low order port, "second" data appears in BCD format. The bit also serves as the second set. When two successive writes (OUn are performed on the high order port, the "seconds" counter advances by one second. D3-Minute Read/Minute Set When the 03 bit of the control register is a high level, the minute read/minute set function is enabled. When 03 bit is set and a read performed on the low order· port, "minutes" appears in BCO format. The bit also serves as the minute set. When two successive writes (OUT) are performed on the high order port, the "minute" counter advances by one minute. After the "minute" counter reaches fifty-nine and is incremented one more time, the "hour" counter advances one hour. Note: The hour counter must be set through the minute counter. CONTROL REGISTER FUNCTIONS Table 4 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO ,I"'I~~.: . - CLOCKRESET&DISABLE CALENDAR RESET ' - - - - - - - - - - -.... SECOND READ/SECOND SET 1..-_ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - , . , MINUTE READ/MINUTE SET ~~--------------------------~: HOUR READ I..----------~~----.. DAY-MONTH READ/DAY SET I..---_---,------------I~ DAY/MoNTH SELECT LEAP/l\ION-LEAP YEAR SELECT CONTROL DATA REGISTER FUNCTIONS Figure 4 WRITE READ OUT (XXXX XXX1) (XXXXXXXO) (XXXXXXXO) OUT (XXXX XXX1 ) 07 X X 05 X X X X 03 X X X X X X 01 DO X • COMMENTS Rising Edge Resets Clock to 00:00:00 High Level Disables X 1 Hz Clock Pulse X X X X X X X X X X X • X X X Rising Edge Resets Calendar To 01-01 High Level Selects Leap Year Calendar 0 X X X X X X Low Level Selects X Non-Leap Year Calendar X X 0 0 0 X X INCREMENT SECONDS SECOND DATA Ripple Not Disabled To Minute Counter X X X X X 0 0 0 X X MINUTE DATA INCREMENT MINUTES Ripple Not Disabled & HOUR WITH RIPPLE To Hour Counter o 0 X X HOUR DATA o 0 0 X X MONTH DATA INCREMENT DAY OF YEAR o 0 0 X X DAY DATA INCREMENT DAY OF YEAR 0 X 0 D4-Hour Read When the D4 bit of the control register is a high level, the hour read function is enabled. When the D4 bit is set and a read performed on the low order port, "hour" data appears in BCD format. D5-Day-Month Read/Day Set When the D5 bit of the control register is a high level. the day-month read/day set function is enabled. With the D5 bit set, and a read is performed on the low order port, either "day" or "month" data appears in BCD format depending on the condition of the day/month select bit of the control register (D6). The D5 bit also serves as the day set. When two successive writes (OUT) are performed on the high order port, the day or month counter advances by one "day" or "month" depending on the condition of the day/month select bit. operations can be performed on "month" data. When the D6 bit is a high level, the "day" portion of the calendar is addressed and read and set operations on "day" data can be performed. D7-Leap/Non-Leap Year Select The MDX-BCLK module contains leap and non-leap year calendars. With the D7 bit in a low state, the calendar is a 365 day non-leap calendar. With the D7 bit in a high state, the calendar is a 366 day leap year calendar. During a leap year, the D7 bit only has to be set when reading or setting operations are performed on the clock. It is not necessary to keep the bit set all the time during a leap year. Power Up Condition All bits of the control register power up in a low level state. Clock Read/Set Software D6-Day/Month Select When the D6 bit of the control register is a low level, the "month" portion of the calendar is addressed and read The section provides a general flow chart for reading the clock and software examples in zao Assembly Language. The zao programs are sample implementations while the IVE-25 II flow charts provide detailed program outlines. Figure 5 is a general program for reading the clock calendar with leap year provisions. Figure 6 is a complete clock calendar with leap year provisions. Figure 7 and 8 are flow charts of the same information: for up to 127 days past the end of the year (i.e" 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 8A, ·8B, ... ) allowing the calendar correction. Explanation of Clock Read Flow Chart This section provides a general flow chart for reading the clock and a software example in Z80 Assembly Language. Figure 6 is a general program for setting the time. The clock calendar read flow chart is shown in Figure 7 and consists of the following four parts: Clock Set Advance Explanation of Clock/Calendar Set Flow Chart 1. 2. 3. 4. Leap/Non-Leap Year Determination Clock Read Clock Check End of Year Clock Read and Check In order to interpret the clock calendar correctly, one must determine if the year is a leap or non-leap year. Because the leap year is cleared when system power is lost, it should be set, if necessary, prior to each read. The clock calendar should be read next by setting the leap year bit accordingly and reading the clock in the following order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Second Data Month Data Day Data Hour Data Minute Data Second Data After the above data has been obtained, the two second readings must be compared. This is necessarY due to the possibility of reading the clock during a counter chain ripple. For example, if the time is (23:59:59) and the clock changes, one might obtain (23:00:00). By reading the seconds twice, the beginning and end one would always know the validity of the read. If the two second readings are different, one needs to re-read the entire clock. End-Of-Year Function Software is responsible for resetting the day/month counter. A status bit (07) will be set on the 366th or 367th day depending on which calendar is used (leap or non-leap) to inform that the end of the year has arrived. The end-qfyear data contained in the month portion Qf the calendar starts at 81 H !lo.that the user can test the high order Qit to determine the end of the year. From then it counts in binary The clock/calendar set flow chart is illustrated in Figure 8, and consists of the following three parts: 1. Leap/Non-Leap Year Determination 2. Clock Set 3. Calendar Set Clock Set To setthetime on the MDX-BCLK module, set in sequence, the hours first, minutes next, and then seconds. Use the control register to select the desired counter for setting; write to the high order port to incrementthe counter. Setthe second and minute counters individually; the hour counter is incremented automatically by the minute counter (i.e., after 60 increments ofthe minute counter, the hour counter advances.). Two algorithims can be used to set the clock. First, increment and then check each counter until the data matches that ofthe flowchart and sample programs. To set the clock, either increment each counter unti I it matches the flow chart and sample programs or reset the counters and increment from zero (i.e., 30 second desired set time requires 60 OUTs). The clock reset disable bit (DO) of the control register should be set and left set during the entire clock/calendar set time. Calendar Set Tosetthe calendar on the MDX-BCLK module, the calendar reset should be raised and then lowered at the beginning of the calendar set program. The Leap Year/Non-Leap Year bit, 07, must be set accordingly before month alld day data is set. Mandatory setting order of the calendar is month and then day. Select the desired date to be set (day or month) with the control register and then write to the high order port to increment the counter. CLOCK CALENDAR READ SOFTWARE Figure 5 MOSTEK MACRO-80 ASSEMBLER V2.2 LOC OBJ.CODE STMT-NR PASS2 SOURCE-STMT OPSRD OPSRD OPSRD PAGE 1 REL COMPLETE CLOCK AND CALENDAR READ PASS HL RETURN DATA IN BCD FORMAT : POINTER TO DATE/TIME BUFFER HL :UNCHANGED (HL) :YEAR (HL + 1) :MONTH (HL+ 2) :DAY (HL + 3) :HOUR (HL+ 4) :MINUTE (HL + 5) :SECOND DATE CORRECTED FOR END OF YEAR USES AF BC DE HL PRESERVES AF BC DE HL CONTROL REGISTER AND MDX-BCLK DEFINITIONS =0070 28 BCLK EQU 70H BCLK BASE PORT ADDRESS =0070 29 DATA EQU BCLK BCLK DATA PORT =0071 30 PULS EQU BCLK+1 BCLK PULSE PORT =0080 33 LEP EQU 80H LEAP YEAR BIT =0060 34 DAY EQU 60H DAY BIT =0020 35 MON EQU 20H MONTH BIT =0010 36 HRS EQU 10H HOUR BIT =0008 37 MIN EQU 08H MINUTE BIT =0004 38 SEC EQU 04H SECOND BIT =0002 39 CALR EQU 02H CALENDAR RESET BIT =0001 40 CLKD EQU 01H CLOCK RESET AND DISABLE =0007 43 LFLAG EQU 7 LEAP YEAR TEST FLAG =0007 44 EYEAR EQU 7 END OF YEAR TEST FLAG 47 GLOBAL READBACK =0000' 50 READCK: IVE-27 III CLOCK CALENDAR READ SOFlWARE (CONT.) Figure 5 LOC OBJ.CODE 0000 0001 F5 C5 D5 0002 =0003' 0003 0004 ... ,~' :, MOSTEK MACRO-80 ASSEMBLER V2.2 OP8RD OPSRD OPSRD . SOURCE-STMT PASS2 51 PUSH AF 52 PUSH 53 PUSH BC CE PAGE 2 REL 56 LEPCK: 7E 57 LC A.(HL) 23 58 INC DR HL GET CURRENT YEAR OUT OF BUFFER POINT TO MONTH DATA A Z,NLEAP-$ NON-LEAP FOR YEAR 2000 13H Z,ISLEAP-$ LEAP FOR EVEN DECADES 0005 0006 B7 59 280C JR 0008 OooA ES13 2804 60 61 62 OOOC OooE FE12 JR CP 2004 =0010' 0010 CBF9 0012 1802 0014 =0014' CB89 =0016' , STMT-NR 63 64 65ISLEAP: AND JR 12H NZ,NLEAP-$ 66 67 68 NLEAP: SET LFLAG,C JR SETFLG-$ SET LEAP YEAR FLAG 69 70 SETFLG: RES LFLAG,C CLEAR LEAP FLAG 0016 3E04 71 LD D370 DB70 47 72 OUT A,SEC (DATA),A SET CONTROL REG. FOR SEC READ 0018 001A 001C 73 74 IN LD A,(DATA) B,A GET SECOND DATA 0010 C5 75 SAVE ON STACK E5 001F 0020 E8 216400' 76 77 PUSH PUSH BC 001E 0023 0025 0027 CB79 2003 215FOO' =002A' 002A 060A 002C OE70 002E =002E' EDA3 EX HL DE,HL 78 LD HL,LTABLE LEAP YEAR TABLE IN HL 79 BIT JR LFLAG,C NZ,OVER-$ CHECK FOR LEAP YEAR LD HL,TABLE NON-LEAP TABLE IN HL LD LD B,5*2 C,DATA 5 BYTES TO WRITE, 5 TO READ 80 81 82 OVER: 83 84 BUFFER ADDRESS IN DE 85 LOOP: 86 CUTI OUTPUT CONTROL BYTE, INCREMENT TABLE ADDRESS (HL) 0030 OB70 89 IN A,(DATA) DECREMENT COUNTER (B) INPUT DATA 0032 12 90 STORE IN BUFFER 13 10F8 91 92 LD INC (DE),A 0033 0034 DE LOOP-$ INCREMENT BUFFER POINTER 0036 0037 18 95 96 DE A,(DE) POINT TO SECONDS IN BUI;FER 1A 0038 0039 E1 C1 97 98 003A BB 100 DJNZ DEC LC POP POP HL BC CP 8 DECREMENT COUNTER (B) GET FIRST SECOND READING OFF STACK IVE-28 CHECK FOR CLOCK ROLL OVER CLOCK CALENDAR READ SOFTWARE (CONT.) Figure 5 MOSTEK MACRO-SO ASSEMBLER V2.2 OPSRD OPSRD OPSRD PAGE 3 REL LOC OBJ.CODE 003B 20C6 101 JR NZ.LEPCK-S 003D 003F CB7E 2008 =0041' BIT JR EYEAR.(HL) NZ.ENDYR-$ CHECK FOR END OF YEAR GO FIX IT 0041 0042 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 AF 0370 23 D1 D1 F1 XOR CUT DEC pop A (DATA).A HL DE CLEAR CONTROL REGISTER RESTOREHL POP POP RET BC AF RESTORE REGISTERS 0049 46 104 106 106 DONE: 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 ENDYR: 116 LD B,(HL) 004A 004C 004E CBB8 3E62 D370 1804 =0052' D371 D371 =0056' 10FA 121 122 ADVN: 123 124 RES LD OUT JR EYEAR.B A.DAY+CALR (DATA),A UPDATE-$ GET MONTH DATA IT'S REALLY COUNT OF DAYS PAST END OF YEAR MASKFl,AG SETUP FOR DAY BUMP AND CAL RESET OUT OUT (PULS).A (PULS),A 125 UPDATE: 126 DJNZ ADVN-$ 129 130 131 132 133 134 DEC LD INC DAA LD JR HL A.(HL) A INCREMENT YEAR (IN BCD) (HL),A LEPCK-$ RE-READ CLOCK C9 =0049' 0050 0052 0054 0056 0058 0059 005A 005B 005.C 0060 28 7E 3C 27 77 18A4 =006F' 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 20 60 10 08 04 0064 0066 0066 0067 0068 AO EO 10 08 04 =0064' STMT-NR SOURCE-STMT 118 119 120 137 TABLE: 138 139 140 141 142 PEFB DEFB DEFB 145 LTABLE: 146 147 148 149 150 DEFB DEFB DEFB DEFB DEFB DEFB DEFB PASS2 MON DAY HRS MIN SEC MON + LEP DAY + LEP HRS MIN SEC IVE-29 ; RE-READ CLOCK IF ROLL OVER OCCUR ED INCREMENT DAYS POINT TO YEAR DATA II CLOCK CALENDAR READ SOFTWARE Figure 6 LOC OBJ.CODE . MOSTEK MACRO-BO ASSEMBLER V2.2 OPSWR OPSWR ·OPSWR PASS2 SOURCE-STMT STMT-NR PAGE 1 REL CPMPLETE CLOCK AND CALENDAR SET DATA IN HL (HL) (HL + 1) (HL + 2) (HL + 3) (HL + 4) (!-iL + 5) PASS BCD FORMAT :POINTER TO CLOCK SET BUFFER :DESIRED YEAR SET :DESIRED MONTH SET :DESIRED DAY SET :DESIRED HOUR SET :DESIRED MINUTE SET :DESIRED SECOND SET DATE CORRECTED FOR END OF YEAR USES AF BC DE HL PRESERVES AF BC DE HL CONTROL REGISTER AND MDX-BCLK DEFINITI.ONS ;0070 ;0070 ;0071 ;OOBO ;0060 ;0020 ;0010 ;OOOB ;0004 ;0002 ;0001 ;0007 ;0007 ;0004 ;0000' 0000 0001 F6 C5 24 BCLK 25 DATA 26 PULS EQU EQU EQU 70H BCLK BCLK+1 BCLK BASE PORT ADDRESS BCLK DATA PORT BCLK PULSE PORT 29 LEP EQU 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU BOH 60H 20H 10H OBH 04H 02H 01H LEAP YEAR BIT DAY BIT MONTH BIT DAY BIT MINUTE BIT SECOND BIT CALENDAR RESET BIT CLOCK RESET AND DISABLE 39 LFLAG 40 EYEAR 41 EOT EQU EQU EQU 7 7 04H LEAP YEAR TEST FLAG END OF YEAR TEST FLAG FLAG FOR END OF TABLE 44 GLOBAL SCLO---....~MONTH READ/SET CLOCK RESET CALENDAR RESET INCREMENT LEAP MONTH INCREMENT NON·LEAP MONTH CONTROL REG. BITS SET: (E1 H) DAY READ/SET DAY SelECT CLOCK DISABLE LEAP YEAR SELECT CONTROL REG. BITS SET: (61H) DAY READ/SET DAY SELECT CLOCK DISABLE YES IVE-38 CLOCK CALENDAR SET FLOW CHART (Cont'd.) Figure 8 INCREMENT LEAP DAY CONTROL REG. BITS SET: (11 H) HOUR READ CLOCK DISABLE INCREMENT NON-·LEAP DAY YES NO CONTROL REG. BITS SET: (09H) MINUTE SET CLOCK DISABLE INCREMENT MINUTE TO SET HOUR CONTROL REG. BITS SET: (09H) MINUTE READ/SET CLOCK DISABLE IVE-39 • CLOCK CALENDAR SET FLOW CHART (Cont'd.) Figure 8 YES INCREMENT MINUTES CONTROL REG. BITS SET: (05H) ECOND READ/SE CLOCK DISABLE YES INCREMENT SECONDS CLEAR CONTROL REGISTER RETURN IVE·40 CONNECTORS Function Description Mating Connector STD BUS 56-pin, dual Viking 3VH28/1 CE5 (Printed circuit Viking 3VH28/1 CND5 (Wire-wrap) Viking 3VH28/1 CN5 (Solder Lug) CTC Interface 2-position Housing Contact AMP 87499-3 AMP 87046-1 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. MDX-BCLK Battery Clock Module with Technical Manual MK77976 MDX-BCLK Technical Manual MDX-BCLK Technical Manual only 4420065 • IVE-41 IVE-42 1983 COMPUTER PRODUCTS DATA BOOK ," ~,,'~:. ,.~ .. ~. "',\.;<~.'~: ,.~~. '::l','. "','. MD Series Accessories :.,;.) . -:. . '~",' IJ COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK ACCESSORIES (MO-ACC) INTRODUCTION The following accessories are available to aid in the design, development, and production of products designed around the Mostek MO Series Z80* microcomputer modules: MOX-WW1 MOX-WW2 MO-EXT Wire-wrap card with bussed power and ground Wire-wrap card without bussed power and ground Extender card MO-2320CE-C MO-2320TE-C MO-TIY-C MO-PPG-C 25-pin "0" female MO OCE cable 25-pin "0" male MO OTE cable 15-pin Molex-TIY cable 25-pin "0" female PROM Programmer (PPG-8/16) interface cable MO-CC6 MO-CC6WM MO-CC10 MO-CC12A MO-C16 6-slot card cage 6-slot wall mount card cage 10-slot card cage 12-slot card cage 16-slot card cage The MOX-WW2 (MK77952) is a wire-wrap card with all plated-through holes on a 0.1 DO-inch grid. This allows mounting of both DIP sockets and discrete components for circuit fabrication. The plated-through holes accept 0.025inch square posts. A photo of the WW2 board is shown in Figure 2. MDX-WW2 (MK77952) PHOTO Figure 2 WIRE WRAP CARDS The MOX-WW1 (MK77959) is a wire-wrap card with bussed power and ground lines on the board to facilitate fabrication of circuits using wire-wrap sockets. A series of plated-through holes are available on the top ofthe card for mounting connectors. A photo of the board is shown in Figure 1. MDX-WW1 (MK77959) PHOTO Figure 1 ·zao is a registered Trademark of ZILOG EXTENDER CARD The MO-EXT (MK77953) is an extender card that allows the cards in the card cage to be extended outside the cage for easy access. A photo of the extender card is shown in Figure 3. MD-EXT (MK17953) PHOTO Figure 3 IVF-1 CABLES CARD CAGES The MO-2320CE-C (MK77955) is a cable designed to interface with either the MOX-SIO or MOX-EPROM/UART card. One end has a 26-pin socket to connect to the board. The other end has a 25-pin female "0" type connector. This cable allows the MD board to provide a Oata Communication Equipment interface. A drawing of the cable and interface is shown in Figure 4. There are five versions o~'~ard cages'avai,lable fr~~ Mostek, they are: MO-CC6 (MK77973) MO-CC6-WM (MK77978) MO-CC10 (MK77989) MO-CC12A (MK77970) MO-CC16 (MK77977) MD-232DCE-C (MK77955) Figure 4 All models have connectors on 0.75-inch centers. MO-CC6 and MO-CC12A have the cards inserted horizontally while the MO-CC6-WM, MO-CC10, and MO-CC16 have the cards inserted vertically. MOX·SIO MOX·OEBUG MOX·EPROMI UART The MO-2320TE-C (MK77970) is a cable designed to interface with either the MOX-SIO or MOX-EPROM/UART card. One end has a 26-pin socket to connect to the board. The other end has a 25-pin male "0" type ·connector. This cable allows the MO board to provide a Oata Terminal Equipment interface. A drawing of the cable and interface is shown in Figure 5. The MO-CC6 is a six-slot card cage fabricated out of aluminum. Its basic purpose isto be mounted to a baseplate, allowing the cards to be inserted horizontally. The card edge extending from the top ofthe cage is not intended tobe used as a bus extension mechanism. The thickness of the motherboard prohibits standard connectors to fit on it. Figure 8 iIIust~ates the six-slot card cage dimensions. MD-CC6 DRAWING WITH DIMENSIONS MD-232DTE-C (MK77970) Figure 8 Figure 5 MOX·SIO MOX·EPROMI UART MOX·OEBUG The MO-TIY-C (MK77956) is a cable designed to interface with either the MOX-SIQ or MOX-EPROM/UART card. One end has a 26-pin socket to connect to the board. The other end has a Molex connector that allows connection to the terminal block in a teletype. A drawing of the, cable and interface is shown in Figure 6. >- MD-TTY-C (MK77956) Figure 6 MOX·SIO MOX·EPROMI UART MOX-OEBUG The MO-PPG-C (MK79957) is a cable designed to interface the MOX-PIO with the PPG-8/16 PROM Programmer. A drawing of the cable and interface is shown in Figure 7. MD-PPG-C (MK77957) The MO-CC6-WM is a card cage fabricated from steel as opposed to aluminum. Its basic purpose is for wall mounting; for example in a NEMA enclosure for industrial applications. Figure 9 illustrates the six-slot wall-mount card dimensions. Figure 7 EJ IVF-2 MD-CC6-WM DRAWING WITH DIMENSIONS MD-CC6 AND MD-CC6 WM MOTHERBOARD WITH DIMENSIONS Figure 9 Figure 10 5.140 -----t Ilr:;::=:~4.~630-==~1---r -.-. . -.-------- ~ The six-slot motherboard (for both CC6 and CC6-WM) has eight plated-through holes in which to insert 16-guage wire (maximum) for power and ground connections. The holes are denoted from left to right on the fab side of the motherboard (see Figure 10 for a drawi ng of the motherboard). In addition, there are five pins located on the lower right edge ofthe board for connecting a remote +12 V lamp. The /PBRESET line is also connected to these pins if the user desires a remote reset switch. The hole and pin assignments are shown in Table 1 and Table 2. 0 UNUSABLE AREA :~-~.~-~~--=:~J'~~;r r.m--=-:=--........,...- •• THIS AREA FOR POWER INPUT The MD-CCl O(MK77989) is a ten-slot card cage fabricated from steel. Figure 11 slows the dimensions of the MD-CCl 0 card cage. Power connections to the MD-CCl Oare provided by a 2-pin and 4-pin AMP Universal MATE-N-LOK connector. There is also a 3-pin Universal MATE-N-LOK connector for connecting a remote power lamp and reset button. The pins assignments for these connectors are shown in Table 3. MD-CC10 DRAWING WITH DIMENSIONS Figure 11 INTERCONNECTION OF POWER PLANE TO STD BUS-CC6, CC6-WM Table 1 CONNECTION PINS (Left to Right) DESIGNATOR STD BUS PINNO. 1,2 3 4, 5 6 7 8 GND -12V +5V +12 V -5 V AUX. GND 3,4 56 1,2 55 5, 6 53,54 5.2 , I ) . ' / i ir20 /' A ' 7.89 (DEPTH) / / ' /' / I (EDGE TO HOLE) 7.490 (HOLE TO HOLE) CONNECTION FOR REMOTE LAMP AND RESET SWITCH - CC6. and CC6-WM Table 2 CONNECTION DESIGNATOR 5 4 3 2 1 +12V GND /PBRESET GND KEY The MD-CCl Ocard cage motherboard is terminated at both ends of the bus with a special RC network designed to reduce signal ringing. The CCl 0 motherboard is shown in Figure 12. IVF-3 II MD-CC10 MOTHERBOARD WITH DIMENSIONS MD-CC12A DRAWING WITH DIMENSIONS Figure 12 Figure 13 r 6.80 I ~. 7.25 COMPONENT SIDE The MD~CC12A (MK77970) is a twelve-slot card cage faricated.from aluminum. Figure 13 shows the dimensions of the MD-CC12A card cage. Power connections to the MD-CC12A are accomplished via a 4-pin and 2-pin AMP Universal MATE-N-LOK connector. In addition, there is a 3-pin Universal MATE-N-LOK connector for connecting a remote power lamp and a. remote reset button. The pin assignments for these connectors are shown in Table 3, with holes denoted from the component side left to right. The MD-CC12A card cage motherboard is terminated at both ends of the bus with a special RC network designed to reduce signal ringing. The CC12A motherboard is shown in Figure 14. MD-CC12A MOTHERBOARD Figure 14 .1I1MlDfA. 8 HOll!. INTERCONNECTION OF POWER PLANE TO STD BUS - CC10, CC12A .000DIIIo. 872 HOLES Table 3 STD BUS PIN CONNECTION PINS (Left to Right) DESIGNATOR DESIGNATOR 4-Pin +5V GND .-12 V +12 V 1,2 3,4 56 55 2 AUXGND +5V 53,54 5,6 1 2 3 GND +12 V /PBRESET 3,4 55 48 1 2 3 4 2-Pin -1 3-Pin The MD-CC16 is a 16-slot card cage which can be wall mounted or rack mounted. It is constructed from steel giving it greater strength for industrial environments. (See Figure 15 for a drawing of the 16-slot card cage dimensions). There are two AMP MATE-N-LOK connectors (a 9cpin and 6-piri) which connect power to the card cage. Note that the connectors can be placed in one to two orientations, either on the left side or the top of the card cage (see Figure 15).ln addition, the··right side of the cage has a rectangular hole through which cables can be passed for connection to the MD cards. Table 4 9ivlls the two connector pinouts for CC16. IVF-4 INTERCONNECTOR OF POWER PLANE TO STD BUS - MD-CC16 Table 4 CONNECTION PINS MD-CC16 MOTHERBOARD WITH DIMENSIONS Figure 16 , CQfolN STD BUS PIN DESIGNATOR DESIGNATOR •a 9-Pin 1,2, 3 4,5, 7,8 6 9 +5V +5 V SENSE GND GND SENSE No connect 1,2 3,4 /PBRESET AUXGND GND +12 V -12V 48 53,54 3,4 55 56 9 0 0 • 0 002 3 7 0 00' 4 6-Pin 1 2 3,4 5 6 '[TI' 6 0 0 2 4 0 0 1 I/O Expand/Memory Expansion The mating connectors for the above pins are listed in the CONNECTORS section. MD-CC16 DRAWING WITH DIMENSIONS Figure 15 Each card cage motherboard has two stake pins (lOEXP and MEMEX) which are connected to bus pins 35 (IOEXP) and 36 (MEMEX). If the IOEXP (I/O Expand) pin is not used to must be strapped to the logic ground stake pin opposite pin IOEXP.lf the MEMEX (Memory Expansion) pin is not used it must be strapped to the logic ground stake pin opposite pin MEMEX. Card Priority If a card slot is not used, the user can maintain the priority interrupt chai n by strappi ng across the unused connector to terminal points provided on the assembly side of the motherboard of each card cage (opposite pins 51 and 52). The interrupt priority for the MD-CC6 is highest at the bottom of the cage. The priority for the MO-CC6-WM, MD-CC10, and MD-CC16, is from right to left as viewed from the front, with the highest priority board at the right side. The interrupt priority for the MD-CC12A card cage is from bottom to top on the right, then from bottom to top on the left side when viewed from the front with components facing upward. Therefore, the bottom-most board on the right side is the highest priority board, and the top-most board on the left side is the lowest priority board. The MD-CC16 card cage motherboard is terminated at both ends of the bus with a special RC network designed to reduce signal ringing. The CC16 motherboard is shown in Figure 16. IVF-5 III CONNECTORS FUNCTION STD BUS MATING CONNECTOR CONFIGURATION 56-Pin PRINTED CIRCUIT Viking 3VH28/1CE5 WIRE WRAP Viking 3V38/1CND5 0.125 in. centers SOLDER LUG Viking 3VH28/1CN5 Card Cage Mating Connectors CC10 2-Pin SIP PLUG HOUSING AMP 350777-1 PLUG HOUSING AMP 350766-1 PLUG HOUSING 350779-1 Socket AMP 350551-1 3-Pin SIP 4-Pin SIP Contacts CC12 2-Pin SIP PLUG HOUSING AMP 350777-1 PLUG HOUSING AMP 350766-1 PLUG HOUSING AMP 350779-1 Socket AMP 350551-1 3-Pin SIP 4-Pin SIP Contacts CC16 6-Pin PLUG HOUSING AMP 350715-1 PLUG HOUSING AMP 350720-1 Pin AMP 350552-1 9-Pin '1.'" Contacts IVF-6 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO, MDX-WW1 Wire-wrap card with bussed power and ground, MK77959 MDX-WW2 Wire-wrap card without bussed power and ground, MK77952 MD-EXT Extender Card MK77953 MD-232DCE-C 25-pin "0" female MD cable MK77955 MD-232DTE-C 25-pin "0" male MD cable MK77970 MK-TIY-C 15-pin Molex-TIY cable MK77956 MD-PPG-C 25-pin "0" female PROM Programmer (PPG-8/16) interface cable MK77957 MD-CC6 6-slot card cage with STD BUS motherboard MK77973 MD-CC6-WM 6-slot wall mount card cage with STD BUS motherboard MK77978 MD-CC10 1O-slot card cage with STD BUS motherboard MK77989 MD-CC12A 12-slot card cage with STD BUS motherboard MK77990 MD-CC16 16-slot card cage with STD BUS motherboard MK77977 • IVF-7 IVF-8 fj UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION MATRIX-80/0EM TO (MO-PTR2-C) CENTRONICS PRINTER CABLE (MK79099) MATRIX-OEM 25-PIN FEMALE "O"TYPE ~---8~--~~~~~1 36-PIN FLAT RIBBON MD-PTR2-C DESCRIPTION The MO-PTR2-C (MK79099) is an 8-foot long cable designed to interface the MATRIX-SO/OEM enclosure to a parallel Centronics printer. One end of the cable has a OELTA RIBBON CENTRONICS PRINTER 25-pin male "0" type connector to connect the MATRIX80/0EM (I/O panel J1.) The other end has a 36-pin delta ribbon plug connector that will mate with the standard Centronics parallel interface connector on the printer. IVF-9 ORDERING INFORMATION Designator Description MD-PTR2-C MATRIX-80/0EM to Centronics Part Number Pri nter Cable Data Sheet Only IVF-10 MK79099 !t COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MOX-CPU3/4 TO CENTRONICS (MO-PTR1-C) PRINTER CABLE MK79098 8FT _ _ MDX-CPU3 MDX-CPU4 26-PIN FEMALE FLAT RIBBON MD-PTR1-C DESCRIPTION The MO-PTR1-C (MK79098) is an 8-foot long cable designed to interface the MOX-CPU3 or MOX-CPU4 STO modules to a parallel Centronics printer. One end of the 36-PIN DELTA RIBBON CENTRONICS PRINTER cable has a 26-pin socket to connect to the STO Printer bus board. The other end has a 36-pin delta ribbon plug connector that will mate with the standard Centronics parallel interface connector. .. IVF-11 ORDEf'I,NG;INFORMATION ," Designator i, MD-PTR1-C MDX-CPU3/4 to Centronics : Printer Cable , " Part ~l.Irnber Description , Data Sheet Only IVF-12 MK79098 I!I UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MO-PWRI MK77964 FEATURES o Triple output supply: +5 volts and MD-PWR1 PHOTO Fi!:!ure 1 ± 12 volts o 1151230 vac ± 10%, 47-440 Hz o Remote sensing on 5V output o Overvoltage protection on 5V output o ± 0.05% regulation o Foldback current limit o I.C. regulated design o UL recognized o CSA certified o STD or STD-ZBO BUS compatible DESCRIPTION The MD-PWR 1 is an open-frame power supply. Designed to furnish power for the MDX-PROTO kit, the MD-PWR1 operates from 115/230 vac ± 10% at a frequency range of 47 to 440 Hz: This input power is then transformed and regulated into the three output voltages, +5 VDC and ± 12 VDC. The open-frame design allows for adequate cooling. IVF-13 MD·PWR1 .BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 " \ '.,: +5V +5VDC REGULATOR 117/230VAC -r=-- XFMR GND +12VDC ±12V i-'---i ACINPUT 1151230 vac, 47·440 Hz REGULATORS -12VDC REMOTE SENSING Provided on 5V output, open-sense-Iead protection built-in DC OUTPUT +5V@6.0A ±12V@1.7A (Derate output current 10% for 50 Hz operation) STABILITY ± 0.3% for 24 hours after warm up LINE REGULATION ±.05% for a 10% line change TEMPERATURE RATING O°C to 50°C full rated (derate linearly to 400,1, at 70°C) LOAD REGULATION ± .05% for a 50% load change TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT ± .03%;oC max. OUTPUT RIPPLE 3.0 mV Pk-Pk max. EFFICIENCY 5V output: 45%, ± 1 2V output: 55% TRANSIENT RESPONSE 30 microseconds for 50% load change VIBRATION AND SHOCK Per MIL-STD-810B SHORT CiRCUIT AND OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION Automatic current limitlfoldback REVERSE VOLTAGE PROTECTION Provided on output and pass element SIZE 4.75 in (120.7 mm) wide x 11.0 in (279.4 mm) long x 2.75 in (69.9 mm) high OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION Optional on ± 12V outputs WEIGHT 8 Ibs (3.6 kg) ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. MD-PWR1 Power Supply Module with prestripped and tinned wires MK77964 IVF-14 I!I UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION MO-RMC12 FEATURES MD-RMC12 Figure 1 o Standard 19-inch rack-mountable chassis o Removable structural-foam front panel for internal access o Front panel RESET switch and POWER indicator o 12-slot card cage o Cards mounted horizontally for ease of cooling and cable routing o Self-contained power supply and 115 CFM fan o 100/115/230 Volt 50/60 Hz operation GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Mostek MD Series Rack Mounted System (MDRMC12) provides rack mounting for the MD series Microcomputer modules. The system features a selfcontained power supply designed to work on voltages and frequencies available worldwide. A structural foam front panel is provided with a system RESET switch and POWER indicator. The front panel is designed with quick-release ball studs so that it can be removed quickly for access to internal components. The card cage and power supply may be removed individually from the front or top for improved access. The cards are mounted in a horizontal plane with provisions for cabling over the card cage to the rear 110 panel. The back panel has an I/O panel prepunched for fifteen 25-pin D type connectors, one 50-pin D connector, and one BNC connector. AC components on the back panel include: On/Off switch, voltage selection switch, fuse holder (3 AG or 5 x 20 mm), and AC input receptacle/line filter. attachment is by the 3 pin connector J15. The front panel RESET switch is connected to pin 48 (/PBRESET) or the system bus, which initializes the system upon depression. The pinout for connector J15 is shown in Table 2. One other connector is provided to the signals /MEMEX (pin 36) and /IOEXP (pin 35) to ground. These signals are not used by the Mostek STD-Z80 BUS, but may be tied low for compatibility with other boards by inserting minijumpers or wire. Wrap wires on J16 are shown in Figure 2. J16 WIRE WRAPS MOTHERBOARD CONNECTORS Figure 2 The twelve connectors (J1-J12) mounted on the motherboard are dual readout, 56 pin .125" centers, card edge style. Power is connected to the motherboard by three connectors, J13, J14, and J15. The pinout for J13 and J14 is shown in Table 1. The motherboard is also the attachment pointforthe RESET button and POWER indicator on the front panel. This IVF-15 IMEMEX GND IIOEXP GND J16 II .J13 ANO J14 PINOUT Table 1 J13 Pin Wire Color Connector +5 GNO -12 +12 1 2 3 4 Red Black White Blue AMP Universal Mate-n-Iok PCB Pin Housing #350792-1 (supplied) Plug Housing #350779-1 (Using four Socket Contacts) J14 Pin Wire Color Connector AUXGNO 1 2 Not supplied Not supplied J15 Pin Wire Color Connector GNO +12 IPBRESET 1 2 3 Black Orange Yellow AMP Universal Mate-n-Iok PCB Pin Housing #350789-1 (supplied) Plug Housing #350-766-1 (Using 3 Socket Contacts) -5 I AMP Universal Mate-n-Iok PCB Pin Housing #350786-1 Plug Housing #305777-1 (Using two Socket Contacts) J15 PINOUT Table 2 MOTHERBOARD INTERRUPT PRIORITY CHAIN The motherboard of the MO-RMC12 CPU subsystem is designed to allow a daisy chain of interrupt logic between boards. Thiswiring is accomplished by connecting PCO (pin 51) to PCI (pin 52) of the next lower priority board from slot 6R to slot 1R, to 6L to 1L. The twelve-slot daisy chain priority of the motherboard is shown in Figure 3. Provision has been made for jumper wires in case the user wishes to leave a slot open while still preserving the daisy chain. This is provided by wires E1-E11, with proper connection shown in Table 3. JUMPER WIRE CONNECTIONS WITH DAISY CHAIN PRIORITY Table 3 If no card is in: TWELVE-SLOT PRIORITY CHAIN Figure 3 lOWEST PRIORITY 1l I 11R Connect To J1 6R J2 5R E1 J3 4R E2 E3 J4 3R E3 E4 J5 2R E4 E5 J6 1R E5 E6A J7 6L E6B E7 J8 5L E7 E8 J9 4L E8 E9 E2 J10 3L E9 E10 J11 2L E10 E11 J12 1L 211 12R 311 13R I/O CONNECTORS 411 14R Sll ISR Sll HIGHEST ISR PRIORITY The rear panel is shipped with no internal liD cabling connectors installed. This prepunched panel has provisions for 15 25-pin "0" subminiature connectors, one 50-pin "0" type connector, and one BNC bulkhead connector. The typical connectors used are shown in Table 4. Should the user desire to fabricate his own liD panel, the panel is simply held in place by four screws. IVF-16 United States systems (60 Hz) are shipped with a 3 AG (3 Amp) fuse in a grey fuse insert. European systems (50 Hz) are shipped with a 5 x 20 mm (3 Amp) fuse in a black fuse insert. I/O CONNECTORS Table 4 25-Pin "0" ANSLEY 609-25S (Insulation Displacement) WINCHESTER 49-1125S (Insulation Displacement) 17-10250 (Discrete Wire) AMPHENOL SO-Pin "0" ANSLEY SPECIFICATIONS Electrical Specifications Input Power: 110/115/230 volts ac DC Power Available: 609-50F SWITCH AND INDICATOR FUNCTIONS Load Regulation: The MO-RMC12 SUBSYSTEM has three switches and one indicator light as follows: Power ON/OFF switch Power selection switch POWER ON indicator light RESET push button ± 10% 50/60 Hz +5 Vdc at 12 A max. +12 Vdcat 1.7 A max. - 12 Vdc at 1.7 A max. ± .05% for a 50% load change Ouput Ripple: 3.0 mV PK-PK-max Transient Response: 30 microseconds for a 50% load change Right Rear Panel (S1) Right Rear Panel (S2) Left Hand Indicator on Front Panel Right Hand Button on Front Panel Short Circuit and Overload Protection: Automatic current limit/foldback Overvoltage Protection: +5 volt output, set to 6.2 ± 0.4 volts The RESET button connects the /PBRESET signal of the STO BUS to LOGIC GROUND when pressed. This generates a RESET signal to the CPU. Stability: ±o.3% for 24 hours after warm-up POWER SELECTION Thermal Protection: Bi-metal thermostat in primary ac line set to open at 180°F (82°C); close at 130°F (55°C) The system has a power selection switch (S2) on the upper right-hand rear panel to select between 115 V ± 10% operation or 230 V ± 10% operation. Set the switch so the primary voltage available shows through the hole in the rear panel. The MO-RMC12 will operate at either 50 or 60 Hz. Card Cage: 12-slot for MO series module 11.4 cm x 16.5 cm (4.5 x 6.5 in.). Connectors are the 56-pin edge card specified for the STO BUS Fusing: 100 V AC OPERATION The MO-RMC12 CPU subsystem can be operated at 100 V ± 10",{,; however, the following internal wiring changes must be made. 1. Remove the top from the subsystem. 2. Unsolder the blue/white wire from pin 1 on the power transformer. 3. Solder the solid blue wire on pin 2 of the power transformer. 4. Place the power selection switch (S2) in the 115 volt position. 5. Replace the top lid. System is now configured for 100 volt ± 10% operation. Line Voltage MK77966 (MO-RMC12) MK77975 (MO-RMC12-50) 100/115 V 230 V 3 Amp 3 AG* 1.5 Amp 3 AG 3Amp5x20 mm 1.5 Amp 5 x 20 mm* *Configuration as shipped Line Cord Supplied: MK77966 MK77975 Similar to Beldon 17250B Similar to Fell Model 1100 FUSE SELECTION Front Panel Controls: RESET Switch POWER-ON Indicator If the voltage selector switch is changed from the factory setting indicated on the rear panel label, the fuse size may need to be changed. Refer to the following table for the correct fuse size for a given voltage selector setting. Rear Panel Controls: ac ac ac ac IVF-17 Power ON/OFF Fuse Holder Line Receptacle/Filter Line Voltage Selector II Dimensions: Mechanical Specifications Height - 7.0 in. (17.8 cm) panel space 7.3 in. (18.5 cm) overall, includes feet Weight: 25 Ibs (11.3 kg) Chassis: (a) 19" rack mountable. Using the two rails supplied (b) Slide mounting available with optional slide mounting kit. Requires two inches of panel space below the unit. Width - 19.0 in. (48.3 cm) at front panel 17.5 in. (44.5 cm) behind front panel Depth - 21.6 in. (54.9 cm) with all protrusions 20.0 in. (50.8 cm) without foam front Order Mostek part number MK78193 SLD Kit. Operating Temperature Range: O°C to 60°C ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. MD-RMC12 Rack-mounted CPU subsystem with MD series 12-slot card cage with U.S. line cord and fuse. 100/1151230 Volts 50/60 Hz AC operation, front panel, support bracket for rack mounting, and Technical Manual included. MK77966 MD-RMC12-50 Same as above except with 5 x 20 mm fuse and European line cord. MK77975 MD-RMC12 Technical Manual MD-RMC12 Technical Manual Only 4420086 lVF-18 l!I UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION .TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK RACK-MOUNTABLE DUAL-FLOPPY-DISK ENCLOSURE RMDFSS, RMDFSS-50 FEATURES RMDFSS-FRONT VIEW 1 o Standard 19-inch rack-mountable chassis; 7 -inch panel height o Removable structural-foam front disk bezel for internal access o Front panel power-on indicator o Mounts two standard 8-inch floppy disk drives o Disk Drives mounted horizontally for low profile o Self-contained power supply and 115 CFM fan o 100/115/230 volt, 50/60 Hz operation RMDFSS-REAR VIEW DESCRIPTION Figure 2 The RMDFSS is a rack-mountable enclosure for two standard 8-inch floppy-disk drives. The enclosure is fully self-contained with disk drives, power supply, and fan. The RMDFSS is compatible with Mostek's zao based microcomputer systems, but can be used with any system which has a suitable disk interface. The power supply works on voltages and frequencies available world wide, and provides cooling with a 115 CFM fan. The two single-sided floppy-disk drives are mounted in a horizontal plane for a low-profile appearance and to conserve panel height in the rack. The enclosure has an attractive structural-foam front bezel where the power-on indicator light is located. Both the front bezel and metal top have quick release ball studs for easy access to the drives and power supply for maintenance. The back panel has an I/O panel pre-punched for one 50-pin "0" type connector for interface to the disk controller. AC components on the back panel include: ON/OFF switch, voltage selection switch (S2), fuse holder, and AC input receptacle/line filter. The RMDFSS has a standard 19-inch wide chassis and requires a 7-inch panel clearance. Included are two stainless steel angle brackets which mount in the user supplied enclosure to provide support along the sides of the disk unit. An optional slide kit is available from Mostek by ordering MK781.93 SLD KIT. III UNPACKING AND INSPECTION Remove the RMDFSS from the shipping container carefully. Remove the soft foam inserts located in the diskette openings. Inspect the subsystem for shipping damage. Check for loose connectors or wires which may have been unseated during shipment. In case of damage, place a claim against the shipping agent. IVF-19 INSTALLATION FUSE SELECTION POVYER SELECTION If the voltage s~leCtor switch is changed trom the factory setting (as indicated on the rear panel jabel), the fuse size may need to be changed. The following table lists the correct fuse size for a given voltage selection: The RMOFSs has a power selection switch (S2)(see Figure 2) to ~elect either 115 V ±1 Q% or 230 V ±1 0% operation. ·Set the switch so the pri~ai"yvoitage available shows through the' 1:10le in the rear panel. The disk module is, filctory configuredfor either 50 Hz or 60 Hz (verify correct frequency for your installation on the rear panel label). The RMOFss can be operated at 100 V ± 10% by making the following internal wires changes: 1. Remove the top from the subsystem. 2. Unsolder all wires from Pin 1 on the power transformer except the blue-with-white stripe wire. Connect the unsoldered wires'to Pin 2 of the power transformer. 100 Volt 3 Amp 115 Volt 3 Amp 230 Volt 1.5Amp Systems shipped in the United States (60 Hz) have a 3 AG (3-Amp) fuse in a grey fuse insert. European systems (50 Hz) are shipped with a 5 x 20mm (3-Amp) fuse in a black fuse insert. SWITCH AND INDICATOR FUNCTIONS The RMOFSs has two switches and one indicator with the following functions: 3. Place the power selection s~itch (52) in thE! 115 V position. Power-on Switch (51) - power-on subsystem 4. Replace top lid. Power Selection Switch (S2) - selects AC line voltage The subsystem is now wired for 100 V operation (Figure 3). Power-on Indicator - illuminates when power is on POWER TRANSFORMER WIRING Figure 3 .:~. DISK CONFIGURATION AND INTERFACE CONNECTOR The floppy-disk drives shipped in the RMOFss are the, following (or equivalent): Shugart 800-2 single-sided 50 Hz, PN 853104 , Shugart 800-2 single-sided 60 Hz, PN 850104 The drives are standard mOdels and include write protect. Jumpers inStalled oli the disk drives are as follows: Logical Unit (OK 1) , (left drive viewed from front) Logical Unit (OKO) (right drive viewed from front) A B A C B C HL T2 HL T1 T2 T3 T4 TS T6 .OS2 800 051 y 800 Y All other junipers are open. The interface connector suPPli6d with the RMOFss subsystem is a 50-pin, ribbon-contact type,Ansley 609-SOF (6fequivillent). The mating connector, which is user supplied, is either an IVF-20 Ansley 609-50M insulation displacement type or the Amphenol157 series for discrete wire cables. The Shugart equivalent pinout for the interface connector is shown in Table 1. INTERFACE CONNECTOR PINOUT Table 1 - HOST SYSTEM' DISK DRIVE SUBSYSTEM 1/0 CONNECTOR ~ 31 IN USE HEAD LOAD INDEX READY DRIVE SELECT 1 DRIVE SElECT 2 DRIVE SELECT 3 DRIVE SELECT 4 WRITE DATA WRITE GATE TRACK 00 WRITE PROTECT READ DATA SEP DATA SEP CLOCK GROUND 34 18 35 20 36 22 38 26 39 28 40 30 41 32 42 34 43 36 44 38 45 40 46 42 47 44 48 46 49 48 50 50 L..-- **CAUTION** High AC voltages are present within the RMDFSS even with AC switch OFF. Remove line cord from the wall outlet before servicing. 12 16 1- 25 i--- - 33 DIRECTION SElECT STEP The disk drive units must be removed from the subsystem in order to inspect them or do preventive maintenance. The following procedure describes disk drive removal: 1. Disconnect all power from the RMDFSS. RMDFSS DISK CHANGE DISK DRIVE REMOVAL 2. Remove lid (top) of RMDFSS by pulling upward to release fasteners. 3. Remove P1 (signal), P4 (AC), and PS (DC) connectors from back of each drive. The P5 connectors are removed by depressing the tabs extending from the sides of the connectors. 4. Carefully remove the front bezel surrounding the disk drives. A pull from the front will remove the bezel from the chassis. 5. Remove the front and rear screws (3) that hold the bracket below the drive. This connects the baseplate to the disk drive. Note that two screws are visible from the front. and the third screw is visible from the top ofthe unit between disk drive and power supply. 6. Remove the disk drive unit(s) out the front of the enclosure. " i--- J1 7. Lay the drive upside down (on its top) and remove the four screws that hold the mounting bracket to the drive frame. 'USER DEFINED CONNECTOR "ALL ODD NUMBERED PINS ARE GROUNDED RMDFSS THERMAL PROTECTION 8. Replace the drivels) in reverse order of the above steps. The RMDFSS contains an integral thermal breaker which will remove AC power should the interior temperature reach 82° C(180° F). AC power will be restored automatically when temperature lowers to approximately 55° C (130° F). Should this occur, check to see that the fan is operating and the enclosure venting is not obstructed. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Input power: 100/1151230 Volts AC ± 10% 50/60 Hz DC POWER AVAILABLE: (for disk drives) +5 VDC at 3.0 A maximum -S VDC at O.S A maximum +24 VDC at 3.4 A maximum DISK DRIVE MAINTENANCE The disk drives require preventive maintenance every 12 months under normal usage. See Table 2 for preventive maintenance procedures. Cleanliness is very important to successful operation of the RMDFSS. The fan should be kept clean and free from dirt and lint. Do not lubricate the disk drive units; oil will allow dust and dirt to accumulate. The read/write heads on the disk drive units should be cleaned only when signs of oxide build-up are present. Oxide build-up will cause premature failure of diskette material. Occasional inspection of read/write heads and diskettes will monitor this condition. LOAD REGULATION: ± .05% for a 50% load change OUTPUT RIPPLE: 3.0 mV PK-PK maximum TRANSIENT RESPONSE: 30 microseconds for a SO% load change SHORT CIRCUIT AND OVERLOAD PROTECTION: IVF-21 Automatic current limitlfoldback II DISK DRIVE PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES Table 2 FREQ MONTHS UNIT ReadIWrite head 12 OBSERVE ACTION Oxide Build-up Clean ReadIWrite Head ONLY IF NECESSARY Check for proper alignment Align Read/Write Head Button 12 Excessive wear Replace Stepper Motor and Lead Screw 12 Inspect for nicks and burrs Clean off oil, dust, and dirt Belt 12 Frayed or weakened areas Replace Base 12 Inspect for loose screws, connectors, and switches Tighten screws, connectors, and switches ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Cont'd) MECtiANICAL SPECIFICATIONS OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION: WEIGHT: 501bs. (22.7kg) +5 volt output, set to 6.2 STABILITY: ± 0.4 volts OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE: ± 0.3% for 24 hours after warmup 4.4°C to 46.1 °C (Disk Drive limitation) or disk media specification, whichever is more stringent. THERMAL PROTECTION: Bi-metal thermostat on primary AC line set to cut out at 82° C (180° F) DIMENSIONS: Height: 7.0 in. (17.8 cm) panel space 7.3 in. (18.5 cm) overall, (includes rubber .feet on bottom) FUSING: Line Voltage: 110/115V 230 V 60 Hz 3 Amp* 3AG 1.5 Amp 3AG Width: 19.0 in.(48.3 cm) with front bezel 17.5 in. (44.5 cm) without front bezel 50 Hz 3 Amp 5 x 20mm 1.5 Amp 5 x 20mm Depth: 21.6 in. (54.9 cm) with all protrusions 20.0 in. (50.S cm) without front bezel LINE CORD SUPPLIED: 60 Hz (Beldon No. 17250B) 50 Hz (Feller Model 1100) Humidity: Up to 90% relative, noncondensing FRONT PANEL INDICATOR: Power-on REAR PANEL CONTROLS: AC Power ON/OFF AC Fuse holder AC Line receptacle/filter AC Line voltage selector IVF-22 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. RMDFSS Rack-mountable, dual floppy-disk drive enclosure with 8-inch single-sided disk drives for 100/1151230 volt operation. Includes interface cable to SDE-RMC6 or MD-RMC12, front bezel. and support brackets for rack mounting. 60 Hz model MK78183 RMDFSS-50 Same as above, 50 Hz model. MK78185 SLD KIT Slide mounting for above MK78193 WARNING: This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions manual, may cause interference to radio communications. As temporarily permitted by regulation it has not been tested for compliance with the limits for Class A computing devices pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user at his measures may be required to correct the interference. • IVF-23 IVF-24 I!I UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION ENCLOSURE MK77980, MK77981, MK77987, MK77988 FEATURES SYSTEM PHOTO Figure 1 o NEMA or 19 inch rack mountable o CC16 STO BUS card cage, 0.75 inch centers o 150 or 300 watt triple output switching power supply o Strain relief for liD cables o Barrier strip for OC power o Fan and buffered air flow for proper cooling o STO BUS Industrial Enclosure DESCRIPTION The ICS 1 Enclosure provides packaging for STO Bus-based industrial control systems. Provisions have been made for adequate power for all sixteen card-cage slots. The optional 300 watt power supply contains sufficient drive to allow an additional 15 Amp external load (5 volts). In addition, the . card cage may be quickly disconnected and removed from the enclosure. Separate front panels for the card cage and power supply sections are provided. This allows the user to work on the cage and board assembly with power applied to the system with no shock hazard. A disconnect 'switch' in the power supply section removes AC power if the power supply section has its cover and cable removed. The AC power is fused where it enters the system, and the OC power is internally fused in the power supply. Complete overcurrent, overtemperature, and overvoltage protection is built in the power supply. A special strain relieved port is provided for user liD cabling to the STO BUS card cage. A terminal str'ip is provided on the power supply moLinting bracket of sufficient size to connect up to 16 loads (300 watt supply, 8 loads with 150 watt supply). Internal mounting provisions are included for a power-fail-detect circuit and transformer assembly. The enclosure may be side or top mounted to a wall or in a rack. El-ECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS AC Power Requirements Nominally 1151230 volts AC. Operating range 90-132 VAC, 47-63 Hz, si ngle phase, internally changeable to 180264VAC. AC Fuse Requirements Slow blow fuse only. 150 Watt supply - 115 volt 230 volt 300 Watt supply - 115 volt 230 volt IVF-25 = MOL 5 Amp 250 volt (3AG) = MOL 5 Amp 250 volt (3AG) =MOL 10 Amp 250 volt (3AG) =MOL 10 Amp 250 volt (3AG) • DC Power Available Power Supply Minimum Loading Adequate power is provided for a full card cage of STD BUS compatible boards plus an external load. The user is cautioned to check total power supply loading and derating data. To obtain full current from the +12 and -12. volt outputs of the 150 Watt supply, the +5 volt output must hllve a minimum load of 3.6 Amps. The 300 Watt supply requires a minimum load of 7.2 Amps. Card Cage Power 150 Watt supply (derated) +5 volts 5% at 14 Amps + 12 volts 5% at 2.5 Amps -12 volts 5% at 1 Amps Operating Temperature Range O°C to. 60°C Ambient MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Card Cage Power 300 Watt supply (derated!' +5 volts 5% at 15 Amps +12 volts 5% at 2.5 Amps -12 volts 5% at 2.5 Amps Extemal Load Power 150 Watt supply (derated) Nominally 1 Amp DC. May be increased by using fewer than 16 boards in the card cage. Approximately one Amp gained for each slot left empty. Absolute maximum is 8 Amps. External Load Power 300 Watt supply (derated) Height Width Depth Top Clearance Bottom Clearance Front Clearance Rear Clearance Right Side Clearance Left Side Clearance Weight ENCL, ENCL2 ENCL 1, ENCL3 13.97 inches 19.0 inches 9.53 inches NONE 1.75 inches 0.5 inch N/A 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 321b 281b 354.8 mm 482.6 mm 242.1 mm 44.4mm 12.7 mm 12.7 mm 38.1 mm 14.5 kg 12.7 kg Maximum 15 Amps DC. May not be increased by leaving boards out. Connectors DC Power Derating Power supply was derated by 50% at 70 degrees Celsius. Absolute maximum temperature is 75 degrees C within the enclosure. Function Description Overtemperature Protection STD BUS 56-pin, dual Power supply shuts down when internal temperature exceeds maximum safe rating. Unit automatically reverts back to normal operation when internal temperature is within safe limits. Mating Connector Viking 3VH28/1 CE5 (printed circuit) Viking 3VH28/1 CND5 (wire-wrap) Viking 3VH28/1 CN5 (solder lug) Overload Protection SYSTEM INSTALLATION Current foldback overload protects against momentary overload. Short circuit protection is continuous without damage; current is limited to approximately 50% of rated load current. Outputs are dynamically protected from foldback lock-up. Recovery from overload is automatic. Outputs 2 and 3 (+12 and -12 volt) are set to 20% of rated current. This system may be mounted in a 19-inch RETMA rack, or mounted to a wall or other vertical surface. AC input power is brought into the enclosure from the left. Input and output connectors for signals and de power leave the box from the right side panel. Thesl:! may then be routed to the external loads. The input ac power may beclerived from the power cord assembly, or the cord ,may be removed and % inch conduit cable may be used to install the power connections. permanently. Overvoltage Protection Output power is removed when the output voltage exceeds an internally set trip point. The trip point is factory set at 6 to 6.5 volts on the main +5 volt output. This protection is reset by cycling the input power. Outputs 2 and 3 also have this feature. Their trip point is set at 110% to 120% of their nominal output voltage. Wall Mounting Two mounting support brackets are bolted to the rear sides ofthe enclosure with ten (1 0) #8-32 bolts and lock washers as shown in Figure 2. The top and bottom of the enclosure may be used as mounting points if desired (see Figure 3). The complete assembly of enclosure and brackets may then IVF-26 be mounted using bolts or screws to a flat surface. This enclosure requires at least a 14-inch by 19-inct) flat surface for .proper mounting. inch RETMA rack using mounting bolts or other appropriate hardware. The enclosure requires a 14-inch high rack space, plus a 1% inch gap on bottom for cooling purposes. Rack Mounting Clearance The ENCL is shipped ready for rack mounting. The two mounting support brackets are attached to the front sides of the enclosure. Ten (10) #8-32 bolts are used to hold the brackets in place. The enclosure may be installed in a 19- When installing the enclosure, it is important to allow at least 1% inch clearance on the bottom to ensure adequate ventilation. ASSEMBLY OF MOUNTING BRACKETS FOR WALL MOUNTING (SIDE) Figure 2 ~.~ Ib / /' ~ /,p; /~ ~~ )1) / '0 / /~ ".- ~ ~ ~~ II • -r--- 13.97 I 11.00 DETAIL, MOUNTING SUPPORT BRACKET. IVF-27 ASSEMBLY OF MOUNTING BRACKETS FOR WAll MOUNTING (TOP) Figure 3 a. Remove upper front panel of unit and disconnect the cable from inside. V 0'1': iii I l4 l~-O 2 o 2 3 o o J6 Header 4 J8: 4-3 PHANTOM EPROM - This jumper, when installed, allows a peripheral device or controller to disable the onboard EPROM. Normal shipping configuration is to NOT install J8. 5 o o 6 7 J8 o o I ; Installed jumper, 0 ; open jumper J8 Header V-11 o o o o ROM MEMORY MAPS Figure 17 MAP 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RAM ADDRESS FSoo-FFFF F000-F7FF U44 ESoo-EFFF EOOO-E7FF OSOO-OFFF DOOO-07FF CSoo-CFFF COOO-C7FF BSoo-BFFF BOOO-B7FF • ASoo-AFFF AOOO-A7FF 9Soo-9FFF 9000-97FF SSoo-SFFF s000-S7FF 7Soo-7FFF 7000-77FF 6Soo-6FFF 6000-67FF 5Soo-5FFF 5000-57FF 4SOO-4FFF 4000-47FF 3Soo-3FFF 3000-37FF 2SOO-2FFF 2000-27FF 1SOO-1 FFF 1000-17FF OSoo-OFFF 0000-07FF U43 U43 U43 IUtr U43 U43 U43 U43 -U44U43 U43 U44 U44 U44 U44 U43 ~ U43 U43 All unused locations in all maps are RAM POWER-ON JUMP J10: POWER-ON-RESET - This header allows the user to jump selectively to any 4K byte memory boundary upon a system reset. This feature may be defeated by switch S1 located between SK3 and SK4.lfS1 is OFF. theZSO CPU will resettoaddress 0000 if power is applied or switch S2 is pressed momentarily. If S1 is ON. the ZSO starting address will be determined by the jumper positions of J10. V-12 J10 :1 ! o 0 o 0 J10 Header :I: POWER-ON-RESET JUMP ADDRESS Figure 18 Address 3-4 7-8 1-2 5-6 0000 1000 0 0 2000 3000 0 0 0 4000 5000 0 0 6000 7000 0 0 0 0 0 0 8000 9000 0 0 Aooo BOOO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COOO DOOO * 0 Eooo FOOO 0 • =Normal shipping configuration I =Installed jumper, 0 SIO JUMPERING J11 J11 : OTR ASSERTEO -Ifthe user's terminal attached to the SIO channel A does not support the Oata Terminal Ready function, then J11 should be inserted. Normal shipping configuration is with J11 removed. 11 0 01 2 J11 Header ORDERING INFORMATION Designator Description Part Number SOlE Combo SOlE Combo single board computer system with Technical Manual MK78202 SOlE Combo Technical Manual SOlE Combo Technical Manual only 4420312 V-13 = open jumper V-14 IJ UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION OEM-80E MK78122, MK78124-3 FEATURES OEM-BOE BOARD PHOTO o l80CPU o 20K x 8 EPROM o Accepts 2708, 2716, or 2532 EPROM's o 256 x 8 static scratchpad RAM on-board o 16K (4K) x 8 dynamic RAM o l80 CTC - four counter/timer channels o Restart to OOOOH or EOOOH (switch option) DOn-board serial I/O port o Software-programmable baud rate o Current loop or RS-232-C (V.24) interface o Four 8-bit parallel ports with handshake o Ports buffered with TTL, socket-programmed 16K bytes on-board. The l80 built-in refresh logic reduces the area taken by the dynamic RAMs to that required by other manufacturers· 1K byte static RAM, the cost per bit being significantly reduced. Also on-board are two memorydecoding bipolar PROMs. These allow a wide range of RAM/PROM/ROM combinations to be selected by the user; if the exact combination required is not already supported, new PROMs can be easily programmed. o Port direction in 4-bit blocks o Programmable polarity on strobe lines o Halt lamp o Power-on-reset logic o SDE BUS compatible DESCRIPTION The OEM-80E is a l80 CPU-based computer board. The card has sufficient on-board 1/0 and memory to be used in a stand-alone mode in many applications, yet it is fully expandable to support more memory and 1/0 in applications requiring it. The five EPROM sockets on-board can be strapped to use a number of standard 24-pin ROM/EPROM products including PROMs and ROMs with capacities of up to 4K bytes each. The eight RAM sockets can be strapped for 4K or 16K RAMs, giving a maximum The user switch-selectable restart address allows the DDT80 debug program to reside in the system without conflict with the user's own PROM-based software. If a problem develops, the user can switch from address 0 reset to address EOQO (where DDT-80 resides) and use the powerful commands of the 2K byte DDT -80 to localize the problem. The "E" format' and DIN connectors allow quick integration into the user's system hardware. Putting all connectors on one card edge is a unique feature in microcomputer modules, although it is standard design practice for many large system builders. The simplified maintenance and clean cabling made possible by this technique should be appreciated by all experienced users. V-15 MEMORY ADDRESSING AND CAPACITY COUNTER/TIMER CHANNELS. The recommenped memory map is shown below: . 0OOO-3FFF PROM (1 TO 16K) 4000-7FFF RAM (4 TO 16K) 8000-DFFF EXTERNAL MEMORY EOoo-E7FF DDT-80 (2K) , . E8oo-FEFF EXTERNAL MEMORY FFOO-FFFF SCRATCHPAD RAM (256 bytes, needed only if DDT-80 is used) Four counter/timer channels are provided on the card in ,a l80-CTC chip. One channel is" used as the baud rate' generator of the serial I/O port. The other three channels are availabletothe user. The channels may be programmed as delay generators, event counters or simply discrete interrupt inputs with a programmable edge trigger. The device can generate four interrupts. . INTERRUPTS Memory cycle time required for the PROMs is 450 ns. The OEM-80E has nine on-board interrupts. They are: One Z80 CPU NMI (non-maskable interrupt) Four l80 PIO(2) Mod 2 Interrupts Four l80 CTC Mod 2 Interrupts More interrupt devices (up to 128 total) can be added to the SDE bus. SERIAL I/O PORTS A UART with 20mA current loop and RS-232-C (V.24) buffers/drivers provides a seria.!. cornmunication channel for interiacingto TTY or CRT terminals or serial printers. The baud rate is softwllre-programmable over the range of 110 to 9600 baud. . . PARALLEL I/O PORTS The four parailelports are designed to allow maximum flexibility in ma~ching the MOS I/O ports to the real world of long lines or high voltages. Two ports support bidirectional TTL I/O with hystersis inputs. The ports can also be programmed for input or output only. The other ports are supplied with sockets which support a number of standard TTL devices for buffering. A list of pin-compatible devices is given below: TYPE 7400 7402 7408 7426 7437 7438 USE 16mA TTL inverting output. TTL inverting input 16mA TTL non-inverting output 16mA high-voltage inverting opencollector output 48mA TTL inverting output 48mA TTL inverting open-coUector output BUS INTERFACE All l80 signals are buffered before leaving the OEM-80E. The buffering protects the MOS components from static charge during handling and from bus transients which could otherwise destroy these devices. The bus supports DMA transfers and the daisy-chained, multi-level interrupt structure ofthel80. The bus uses hystersis-input receivers and current-limited bus drivers to improve the noise margin of the bus. Switching the bus drivers on only when data is needed and stable further reduces the noise on the bus. POWER REQUIREMENTS +5V ±5% at 1.5 A +12V ±5% at 0.175 A -12V ±5% atO.l A OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE BOARD SIZE 233.4mm (9.19 in) X 250 mm (9.84 in.) CONNECTORS Two 64-pin DIN 41612 (a-c) indirect, male V-16 . ORDERING INFORMATION D ESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. oEM-80E/4 OEM-80E/4 with 4K bytes of RAM (MK4027), 5 sockets for EPROM or ROM, 2 PIOs with sockets for TIL buffering logic, CTC, UART, socket for 256-byte scratch-pad RAM and sockets for memory mapping PROMs. MK78122 o EM-80E/16 Same as OEM-80E/4 except with 16K bytes of RAM (MK4116) MK78124 OEM-80E Operations Manual only MK78548 V-17 V-18 t!l UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION DCC-80E MK78192 FEATURES o 4 independent full-duplex channels o Independent programmable Baud-rate clocks DCC-80E BOARD o Data rates - 75 to 38.4K bits per second o Receiver data registers quadruply-buffered o Transmitter data registers double-buffered o Asynchronous operation o Binary synchronous operation o HOLC or IBM SOLC operation o Both CRC-16 and CRC-CCITT (-0 and-1) hardware implemented o Modem control o Operates as OTE or OCE o Serial input and output as RS-232-C o Address programmable o SOE BUS compatible o Each individual channel with NRZI encoder/decoder o Scrambler cable included DESCRIPTION The Multichannel Serial Input/Output Module, OCC-80E, is designed to be a multiprotocol asynchronous or synchronous I/O module for the SOE BUS. The module is designed around the Mostek MK3887™ (Z80-SI0) which provides two full-duplex serial data channels. Eachchannel has an independent programmable Baud rate clock generator to increase module flexibility. Each channel is capable of handling asynchronous, synchronous, and synchronous bit-oriented protocols such as IBM BiSync, SOLC, and HOLC. It can generate CRC codes in any synchronous mode and can be programmed by the CPU for any traditional asynchronous format. The serial input and output data is fully buffered and is provided at the connector as RS-232-C levels. A modem control section is also provided for handshaking and status. The module can be jumper-configured as a data terminal or as a modem in order to facilitate a variety of interlace configurations. ™SDE SERIES is a trademark of Mostek Corporation V-19 DCC-BOE BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 eTe AS BAUD RATE SK' CONNECTOR AND CHANNEL TIME OUT BUS SYSTEM BUS INTER FACE AND BOARD LEVEL DECODe 110 BUS ADDRESS I--r-"""---- BLOCK DIAGRAM DISCUSSION Figure 2 is a block diagram of the DCC-BOE module which consists of eight main elements: The bus interlace and address decode circuitry, the crystal clock and its associated conditioning circuitry, the counter timer circuitry (CTC), the serial input/output circuitry (510), the non-return-zeroinverted (NRZI) encode/decode circuitry, the channel configuration headers, the RS 232-C interlace circuitry, and the port configuration headers. The bus interlace consists of both uni/bi-directional buffers which reduces the DCC-BOE load on the bus to one LS-TTL load. The address decoders, in addition to being buffered, are jumper selectable to any one of the available 16 port boundaries in the ZBO I/O map. The DCC-80E contains command registers that are programmed to select the desired operational mode. The addressing scheme is as follows: (The X indicates the binary code necessary to represent which one of the 16 port addresses is selected.) PORT PORT ADDRESS FUNCTION XOH X1H X2H X3H .. . .. . .. . .. . CTC as baud-rate generator for Channel A CTC as programmable timer 510 Data Input/Output of Channel A 510 StatuS/Control for Channel A X4H X5H X6H X7H .. . .. . .. . .. . CTC as baud-rate generator for Channel B CTC as programmable timer 510 Data Input/Output of Channel B 510 Status/Control for Channel B XBH .. . X9H .. . XAH .. . XBH .. . CTC as baud-rate generator for Channel C CTC as programmable timer . 510 Data Input/Output of Channel C 510 Status/Control for Channel C XCH .. . XDH .. . CTC as baud-rate generator for Channel 0 CTC as programmable timer 510 Data Input/Output of Channel 0 510 Status/Control for Channel D XEH .. . XFH .. . V-20 The crystal and associated conditioning circuitry provides an on-board stable clock capability for the counter timer circuits. The CTC's are used as programmable baud-rate generators (Ports XOH, X8H, and XCH) as well as programmable timeout counters (Ports Xl H, X5H, X9H, and XCH). Each DCC80E channel has an individual programmable baud-rate generator. The xl multiplier on the Z80-S10 must be used in the synchronous mode. The x16, x32, or x64Z80-S10 clock rate may be specified for the asynchronous mode. Table 1 indicates the standard baud rates available for both operation modes. STANDARD BAUD RATE Table 1 Standard Baud Rates Asynchronous Synchronous 75 110 150 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 19,200 38.400 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 19,200 38.400 BINARY SYNCHRONOUS OPERATION - One or two sync characters in separate registers - Automatic sync character insertion - CRC generation and checking The MK3887 also provides modem control inputs and outputs as well as daisy-chain priority interrupt logic. Eight different interrupt vectors can be generated by the SIO in response to various conditions affecting the data communications channel transmission and reception. Ports X6H, XAH, and XEH are data channels of Z80-S10 devices. The CPU loads them with data to be sent and conversely reads back data assembled in the receiver buffer. The Write Registers (0-7) of the SIO are preset by a write operation on ports X3H, X7H, XBH, and XFH to control proper operation. The NRZI circuitry interlaces the SIO tothe channel headers and allows the user to connect the NRZI data to the RS 232-C interface. The RS 232-C line drivers and receivers not only provide the correct electrical signal levels, slew rates, and impedances, but also allow the NRZI encoded data to be configured as Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) or Data Communications Equipment(DCE). The port configuration headers are then used to select the orientation of the data communication interlace. This allows the user to connect a DCC-80E module to a non-encoded modem. The Mostek MK3887 (Z80-SI0) is the central element ofthe DCC-80E module. This device is a multifunction component designed to satisfy a wide variety of serial data communications requirements in microcomputer systems. Its basic role is that of a parallel-to-serial. serial-to-parallel converter/controller, but within that role it is configured by software progra mmi ng so that its function can be optimized for a given serial data communications application. It has the ability to compute circular redundancy checks making it compatible with such protocols as SDLC. This devic~ provides two independent, full-duplex channels: A and B. Each channel features the following: ASYNCHRONOUS OPERATION - 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits/character - 1, 1 1/2, or 2 stop bits - Even, odd, or no parity - xl, x16, x32, and x64 clock modes - Break generation and detection - Parity, Overrun, and Framing Error Detection HDLC OR IBM SDLC OPERATION - Automatic Zero Insertion and Detection - Automatic Flag Insertion - Address Field Recognition - I-Field Residue Handling - Overrun protection for valid receive messages - CRC generation and checking Input and output to the board is provided via the SK2 connector. The configuration and pin out headers of each channel are identical, and are diverted to the correct DB25 connector in the Matrix-80/SDS via a ribbon cable and scrambler board which is sold as a separate prqduct (see ordering information). The scrambler card installation and pin outs are shown in Figures 3 and 5. OPERATIONAL FEATURES The channel interlace connects DCC-80E to data terminal/communications equipment. It consists of four basic parts: 1. 2. 3. 4. Drivers and Receivers for RS-232-C NRZI encoder NRZI clock-recovery circuit NRZI data-recovery circuit Operation of DCC-80E can be tailored to any functional environment by means of prewiring two jumper fields, per channel, to any desired configuration. WORD SIZE Data: 5,6,7,8 bits I/O addressing: 8-bits V-21 1/0 ADDRESSING SCRAMBLER CARD ORIENTATION Figure 3 On-board fully programmable for 1 of 16 beginning port addresses. Board may be addressed to anyone of sixteen on-board port addresses. MATRIX BACK PANEL 1/0 CAPACITY SCRAMBLER CARD PLACEMENT Serial: Four full-duplex serial ports, either synchronous or asynchronous. Special control registers and circuitry to permit implementation of SDLC, BiSync, Monosync, HDLC, and other formats can be programmed. All synchronous formats can be NRZI encoded. MATRIX INTERRUPTS 1/0 PANEL REAR VIEW FASTEN ORIENTATION Generates vectored interrupts to 32 different locations corresponding to conditions within four SIO channels and four CTC channels. Interrupt vector location programmable. Daisy-chained priority interrupt maintained. llli WITHe NO. 4-40 SCREWS CARD DIMENSIONS Figure 4 SYSTEM CLOCK DeC-BOE 0 2.5MHz ± .05% I OPERATING TEMPERATURE COMPONENT SIDE ~1 -1 rI POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS I I I I +12 volts ± 5% at 120 mA max. -12 volts ± 5% at BO mA max. +5 volts ± 5% at 1 .2 A max. T CARD DIMENSIONS 233.4 mm (9.19 in.) x 250 mm (9.B4 in.) x 1.6 mm (0.062 in.) See Figure 4 V-22 DIMENSION TYPICAL MAXIMUM L Board Length 250.0 mm (9.84 in) 250.2 mm (9.850 in.) W Board Width 233.4 mm (9.19 in) 233.7 mm (9.200 in.) H Component Height - 13.0 mm (0.510 in) T Board Thickness 1.6 mm (0.062 in.) 1.7 mm (0.065 in) D Lead Length 2.3 mm (0.090 in.) 2.5 mm (0.100 in.) DCC-BOE SCRAMBLER DIAGRAM Figure 5 CTS-A OSR-A 1a 1c 5l (CB cc 6 ~===---~~~C~g~LX:~~A-------1:Bg~~r-------------====:s ~5 2a 2c 3a 3c ,>===--_~OT~R~-~A_ _--_-tC~0ii---------===:5 :~~~A 4a AAI 4c (gBA <;=____~~O~A~TA~-~A~----1R~----------------~) 5a 5c S:== ___ RXOATA-A '- 20 ~2' iR~X~C~U~-~A!=====](O~O~)=============:~~~ ~7 (BBI AA CHANNEL 'r A ~~ 9a <: 9c ~ 10a 10c e 118 c::: 11c (' < 12a c:: 12c e 13a 13c /c::' CTS-B OSR-B OCO-B TXCU-B OTR-B RTS-B SCU-B TXOATA-B RXCU-B RXOATA-B (CQl CC) CF DB (COl CA (OAI BA (DO (BBI ./ 5 ~ 6 ~ 8 ~ 1 ~ 2 /4 ~ 2 ;; ;;1 ~ SK2 AB 17a <. 17c 18a c:: e 18c < 19a'.( 19c : J13 ~ (lCH"." ~~ I iJ ;; ;; 317 ~ AB..... 4- V-23 CH. . ." C ../ ;; ;; ;; GNO / iJ ~ ~ 17 ~ 3 1 AB 7 -" '25 a e 25 Cc:: 26 a e !~ ~~ I 1 7 J10 0 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER OCC-80E Four-channel data communication controller module with operations manual and scrambler cable MK78192 Scrambler Converts SK2 Pin out to four 08-25 connectors mounted on I/O panel of SOE-RMC6 or SOE-RMC6-50 or MATRIX-80/S0S MK78200 OCC-80E-OM OCC-80E Operations Manual Only MK79812 V-24 I! UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION FLP-80E MK78146 FEATURES FLP-80E BOARD PHOTO Figure 1 o Soft-sector format compatible with IBM 3740 data entry system format o Capable of controlling up to four flexible disk drives per subsystem o Full disk initialization (Formatting) o Full-sector (128 bytes) FIFO buffering for data o Double buffering for control and status o Automatic track-seek with verification o Completely interruptable for real-time systems o SDE BUS compatible APPLICATIONS o Flexible disk-drive interface for use with Mostek's Software Development Board (OEM-80E) in a disk-based Z80 Development System (MATRIX). o Single or multiple flexible disk-drive controller/formatter for disk-based OEM systems using the OEM-80E Single Board Computer. DESCRIPTION The FLP-80E is an add-on flexible disk controller module used to interface up to fourflexible disk drives to the Mostek Software Development Board (OEM-80E). The FLP-80E provides the necessary electronics to accomplish track selection, head loading, data transfer, error detection, flexible drive interface, status reporti ng and format generation/recognition. The FLP-80E is designed to operate with either Shugart SA-800 Single-Sided or SA850 Double-Sided Flexible Disk Drives. In addition to functioning as an add-on card to the OEM-80E system, the FLP-80E may be utilized directly in OEM applications to control/format up to four flexible disk drives of either singleor dual-sided type in Z80 systems. V-25 FLP-80E BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 DRIVE & S~~~~E~:~: } WRTGATE DIRECTION STEP DRIVE & SIDE SELECT CIRCUITS HEAD LOAD DELAY . OSCILLATOR V CONTROL INTERRUPT LINES ADDRESS BUS +12V +12V +5V-= DATA BUS AVAILABLE SOFTWARE POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS (Typical) Software for the FLP-80E disk controller is the Mostek Disk Operating System (FLP-80DOS). A user can easily design his own OEM software package around 20 powerful disk operating system commands permitting complex record insertion, deletion, and position manipulation. Other software includes application packages such as an advanced monitor and debugger, disk-based Text Editor, Z80 Assembler, Relocating Linking Loader, Peripheral Interchange Program, and a channelized I/O system for each peripheral interface. These programs provide state-ofthe-art software for developing Z80 programs as well as establishing a firm basis for OEM products. Further information is provided in the FLP-80DOS Data Sheet, MK78556. +12V ± 5% at 0.OO6A +5V ± 5% at 1 .1 A -12V ± 5% at 0.03A INTERFACE LEVELS TIL Compatible BOARD SIZE 250mm x 233.4mm x 18mm BOTTOM CONNECTOR OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE Dual 64-pin Eurocard Connector, DIN 41612 form D; A and C pinned. V-26 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. FLP-BOE FLP-BOE Disk Controller Board with Operations Manual, FLP-BODOS bootstrap PROMs and diskette with FLP-BODOS Operations Manual. MK7Bl12 FLP-BODOS FLP-BODOS bootstrap PROMs and diskette MK7B142 FLP-BOE FLP-BOE Disk Controller Board with Operations Manual. (No Software) MK7B146 FLP-BOE Operations Manual. Detailed description of use and operation of FLP-BOE. MK7B561 Disk Operating System data sheet. MK7B556 LP-BODOS Data Sheet FLP-BODOS Operations Manual. Detailed description of the use MK7B557 and operation of FLP-BODOS. V-27 V-28 I!I UNITED TECHNOLOGIES COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION MOSTEK RAM-80E MK78109, MK78110, MK78212 FEATURES o Memory Capacity • RAM-80AE - 16,384 (16K) bytes using MK4027 RAM • RAM-80BE - 16,384 (16K) bytes expandable to 65,536 (65K) bytes using MK4116 RAM • RAM-80BE under page-mode operation - up to one megabyte of memory RAM-80E BOARD PHOTO Figure 1 o 1/0 Capacity (RAM-80BE only) Four 8-bit ports with handshake lines DESCRIPTION The RAM-80E is designed to provide RAM expansion capability for the Z80-based OEM-8OE microcomputer. For user flexibility, it is offered in two basic configurations designated RAM-80AE and RAM-80BE. The RAM-80AE is the basic 16K-byte RAM board for users requiring the most economical means for adding RAM to an OEM-80E microcomputer. It is designed using the highperformance MK4027-4, 4096 x 1-bit dynamic RAM, and includes address strapping options for positioning the decoded memory space to start on any 4K incremental address boundary. The RAM-80BE is a combination memory and 1/0 expansion board. The memory may be configured to have a memory capacity of 16K, 32K, 48K, or 65K bytes of RAM. This on-board memory expandability is made possible by population options of either 8, 16, 24, or 32 MK4116-4 (16,384 x 1 MOS dynamic RAM) memories. The RAM- 80BE provides strapping options for positioning the decoded memory space to start on any 16K address boundary. In addition to the add-on memory, the RAM-80BE provides four 8-bit I/O ports from the two on-board MK3881 Z80 PIO circuits. Each 1/0 port is fully TTL-buffered and has two handshake lines per 1/0 port. The RAM-SOBE also includes logic for ".page-Mode Operation" which permits up to 1 megabyte of memory (sixteen 65K x S RAM-SOBEs) to be used in a single OEM-SOE system. A complete set of documentation for each RAM-SOE board is available to ensure easy utilization. V-29 RAM.80AE BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 4 MEMORY ARRAY 16Kx 8 32 MK4027s -5V BUS RAM·80BE BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 3 DATA BUS SK2 64-PIN - - - - - - - - - - - , MEMORY ARRAY 16K x8 8 MK4116s 32K x 8 16 MK4116s 48Kx8 24MK4116s 65K x 8 32 MK4116s 3 V-30 MEMORY ACCESS TIME POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS 345ns (maximum) Voltage RAM-SOAE RAM-SOBE +12V±5% 200mAtyp. 575mA max. 200mAtyp. 575mAmax. -12V±5% 25mAtyp. 30mA max. 25mAtyp. 30mA max. +5V±5% 370mAtyp. 550mA max. 1.1A typo 1.5A max. MEMORY CYCLE TIME 450ns (minimum) BOARD SIZE 250 mm x 233.4 mm x 18 mm OPERATING TEMPERATURE CONNECTOR O°C to 50°C Dual 64-pin Eurocard Connector ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. RAM-80AE 16,384-byte RAM board with 32-MK4027s MK78109 RAM-80BE Expandable 16,384-byte RAM board with 8-MK4116s, sockets MK78110 for additional MK4116s, 2-MK3881 l80 PIOs, plus page-mode capability. RAM-80BE Operations Manual. Complete description of the electrical specifications, timing, and circuit operation of the RAM-80BE. Also includes a detailed schematic diagram, assembly drawing and parts list. MK78555 RAM-80AE Operations Manual. Complete description of the electrical specifications, timing, and circuit operation of the RAM-80AE. Also includes a detailed schematic diagram, assembly drawing, and parts list. MK78574 V-31 V-32 IJ UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES t.'OSTEK VDI-80E MK78198, MK78033, MK78199, MK78035 FEATURES SERIAL VERSION PHOTO Figure 1 o 24-line x 80-character display o 5 x 8 dot matrix o Upper and lower case display o 96-character ASCII plus 32 special characters o Programmable TABs o Programmable Inverse Video o Bidirectional Scrolling o 48-character FIFO o Auto repeat on keyboard interface o Direct and relative cursor addressing and cursor address readback o Direct speaker drive for bell tone o PARALLEL VERSION PHOTO Figure 2 Ability to read character. line. or screen information . stored in screen RAM o Two versions Serial: 110-9600 BAUD Parallel: 3200 CharacterlSec o 50/60 Hz versions DESCRIPTION The Video.Display Interface (VDI) board is a microprocessorbased video terminal controller system on a Double Eurocard format printed circuit board. The VDI serves as the interface between an ASCII encoded keyboard and an EIA standard video monitor to a microcomputer development system. The display format is 24 lines of 80 characters. Each character is formed by a 5 x 8 dot matrix in a 6 x 9 cell (60 Hz version or a 6 x 11 cell (50 Hz version). See Figure 4. Character generation is accomplished by the provided MK34073 character generator. If other special characters are desired. the user may generate a custom character set in either a 2758 or 2716 EPROM and use it in place of the MK34073. The VDI board will allow lower case characters to be generated from an upper case keyboard. ™ SDE Series is a trademark of Mostek Corporation V-33 BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 3 """"l,ATA PORT 4 HORIZCURSOIl ADOR COMP SY~C COMPOSITE VIOfO . -- PARALLEL VERSION - _ _ _ _ _ .1 BLOCK DIAGRAM DISCUSSION The serial version VOl allows RS232-C or 20 mA Current Loop operation via a Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) device. User strappil)g options include BAUO rate (11 0-9600), number of stop bits, number of bits per character, and even/odd parity. The FS-PSU not only provides 1K bytes of ROM storage for the VOl driver program, but has two I/O ports for vertical cursor and scroll addressing. The FS-PIOinierrupts the FS-CPU when keyboard data is ready for transfer over the data bus. The Master timing block consists of a hybrid crystal oscillator module and a series of cciunters which generate all necessary horizontal and vertical sync and blanking pulses, plus a 12-bit screen address. Since only 11 addresses are required for the 2K-byte memory, the 12-bit address must be compacted to 11 bits by the Address Modifier. The horizontal and vertical screen memory address are constantly being compared to the current cursor address to generate proper read/write timing. . The FS-CPU controls the flow of data according to instructions stored in the FS~PSU.Keyboard data received from the FS-PIO is sent to the system via the UART or zao-Plo. Oata received by the system is proeessed by the CPU and characters are written to screen memory via port 1. Likewise, screen memory data can be sent back to the system via port 1. The CPU also updates horizontal and vertical cursor addresses. The 4S-character FIFO is implemented using 4S bytes of the 64-byte scratchpad RAM within the CPU. The video monitor is refreshed with the contents of the screen memory at a rate of 50/60 Hz. On power-up, screen memory is first cleared (loaded with spaces), then loaded with character data from the system. The 7 -bit ASCII character from memory is latched and applied to the character generator as a character address. The row address is supplied by the mastertimer. The character dots are then loaded into the shift register and output serii;llly to the composite video driver along with sync, blanking, and inverse video control signals. • . The parallel version VOl uses the Zoo-PIO for fast data transfer with a Z SO-CPU. The VOl port addressing scheme permits the use of up to 16 VOl's for use lII!ith one CPU. V-34 MK34073 CHARACTER GENERATOR SYMBOLS Figure 4 SPECIFICATIONS TTL AUDIO: VOL = 0.5 V max @ IOL = 20 rnA VOH = 2.7 V min @ IOH = -1.0 rnA SOE BUS INTERFACE Inputs: One 74LS Load Max. Outputs: SPEAKER OUTPUT: A high level output is provided for driving a 50 ohm speaker directly. EIA RS-170 Compatible (75 Ohm. 1 V p-p) BAUD RATE: VOL = 0.4 V max @ IOL = 12 mA VOH = 2.4 V min @ IOH = -3 mA VIDEO OUTPUT: DATA BUS: VOL = 0.5 V max @ IOL = 24 mA VOH = 2.0 V min @ IOH = -15 mA OPERATING TEMPERATURE INTB & DINB: (Open collector outputs) VOL = 0.4 V max @ IOL = 16 mA VOL = 0.7 V max @ IOL = 40 mA IOH = 250 p.A max @ VOH = 30 V KBDACK: VOL = 0.5 V max @ IOL = 8 mA VOH = 2.7 V min @ IOH = -0.4 mA Oto50° C POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS Serial Version: Parallel Version: V-35 +5 V ± 5% @ 1.8 A max +12 V ± 5% @ 80 mA max -12 V ± 5%@25 mA max +5 V ± 5% @ 1.9 A max +12 V ± 5% @ 50 rnA max BOARD DIMENSIONS CONNECTORS o I COMPONENT SIDE SDE BUS 1~T~ I I L-r---I-T--T-' FUNCTION I I Dimension Typical L Board Length 250.0 mOm (9.84 in) 250.2 mm (9.850 in) W Board Width 233.4 mm (9.19 in) 233.7 mm (9.200 in) H Component Height -- 13.0 mm (0.510 in) T Board Thickness 1.6 mm (0.062 in) 1.7 mm (0.065 in) D Lead Length 2.3 mm (0.090 in) 2.5 mm (0.100 in) DESCRIPTION MATING CONNECTOR Dual 64-pin Wire Wrap Tail: Eurocard Winchester Connector, #96s-6033-0522-1 DIN 41612 form 0; ELCO #8257-096A and C pinned 648-124 Solder Tail: Winchester #96s-6033-0522-3 ELCO #8257-096649-124 Maximum ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. SVDI-80E-60 Serial version Video Display Interface board (60 Hz operation) with Operations Manual. MK78198 SVDI-80E-50 Serial version Video Display Inteface board (50 Hz operation) with Operations Manual. MK78033 PVDI-80E-60 Parallel version Video Display Interface board (60 Hz operation) with Operations Manual. MK78199 PVDI-80E-50 Parallel version Video Display Interface board (50 Hz operation) with Operations Manual. MK78035 VDI-80E Operations Manual Only (for all versions of VDI-80E boards). MK79876 V-36 1983 COMPUTER PRODUCTS DATA BOOK ...• :: , " ,'" ';-~";-r " SDE Series Accessories . ', . ':''-:~ . , ',',:';:,:::: , .. .: :,~", . '., ~. ",. : ~ TECHNOLOGIES UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION MOSTEK SDE SERIES ACCESSORIES SDE-ACC MK78152, MK79062, MK79063, MK79090, MK79088, MK79089, MK78187, MK78193 INTRODUCTION SDE-ACC Figure 1 The following items are available as accessories to support design, development. and production of products designed around the Mostek SDE Series Z80* microcomputer modules: SDE-WW1 SDE-EXT SDE-CRT-C SDE-CPTR-C SDE-PPG-C SDE-DFE-C SDE-2DFE-C SLD-KIT RMDC ncp Wire-wrap board with bussed power and ground Extender board Matrix to CRT Cable Matrix to Centronics Printer Matrix to PROM Programmer Matrix to RMDFSS Cable Matrix to two RMDFSSs Rack Mount Slide-Kit Rack Mount Dust Cover Table Top Conversion Package WIRE WRAP BOARD TheSDE-WW1 (MK79063) isa wire wrap board with power and ground lines on the board to facilitate fabrication of circuits using wire-wrap sockets. Three rows of platedthrough holes (spaces on 0.100 inch centers) are provided on the top edge of the board for mounting standard connectors. The spacing of the holes throughout the board are also on 0.1 00 inch centers to accommodate alilC Dual in-line Packages, discrete components, and 0.025 inch square posts. system board. This allows a technician the space required to use test probes or monitor signals at the component level on the board. The board is of a mUlti-layer design (an insulated ground plane sandwiched between the upper and lower signal trace etches of the board). This design decreases the amount of cross-talk between signal-runs. Additionally three light emitting diodes (LEOs) are mounted on the SDEEXT board and are wired to the power signal etch lines. A technician can tell at a glance that all three power sources (+5 V, +12 V, and -12 V) are present. EXTENDER BOARD The SDE-EXT (MK79062) is a board that extends the bus signals out from the enclosure to suspected malfunctioning VI-1 CABLES The SOE-CRT -C (MK78152) is a cable designed to interface the Matrix with a Video terminal (CRT). Both ends are a 25-pin Ootype male connector. See Figure 2, SDE-CRT-C MK78152 Figure 2 CRT 6FT MATRIX-80/S0S MATRIX-80/S0T ADDS HAZELTINE The SOE-CPTR-C (MK79089) is a cable designed to interface the Matrix with the Mostek printer (Centronics model 702). See Figure 3. SDE-CPTR-C MK79089 Figure 3 CINCH SOLDER RIBBON MATRIX-SO/SOS MATRIX-80/S0T I 25-PIN O-TYPE MALE 6FT I I 36,PIN O-TYPE MALE I PRINTER CENTRONICS 702 The SOE-PPG-C (MK79090) is a cable designed to interface the Matrix-80/S0S with the PROM Programmer PPG8/16. See Figure 4. SDE-PPG-C MK79090 Figure 4 MATRIX-SO/SOS I 25-PIN O-TYPE MALE I I 20 INCHES I J I 25-PIN O-TYPE FEMALE I 50-PIN O-TYPE MALE I I PPG-S/16 The SOE-OFE-C (MK79088) cable is designed to interface the Matrix-80/S0S CPU enclosure to the Floppy-disk drive enclosure. Both ends of the cable are 50-pin, Ootype, Male connectors. See Figure 5. SDE-DFE-C MK79088 Figure 5 MATRIX-SO/SOS MATRIX-SO/SOT MO-RMC12 I 50-PIN O-TYPE MALE I 2V2 FT I J VI-2 j RMOFSS The SOE-20FE-C cable is designed to interface the Matrix80/S0S CPU enclosure to two floppy-disk drive enclosures. Both ends of the cable are 50-pi n, O-type, male connectors with an additional connector (50-pin, O-type, male) in between the ends spaced as shown in Figure 6. SDE-2DFE-C Figure 6 1% FT 1FT MATRIX-BO/SOS MO-RMC12 2 RMOFSSs SLIDE KIT which are being converted to a rack-mounted configuration. The cover snaps-on in the same manner as does the structural-foam lid, and is dimensioned to fit as a lid while in the 19-inch rack, whereas the structural foam lid is not. The top is not used for rack mounted enclosures when they are stacked (butted up) one on top of each other. However, when there is no enclosure above to prevent dust from entering the unit, a top is recommended. The SLO-KIT (MK78192) is designed specifically for mounting Mostek's rack-mountable enclosures in a standard E.IA 19-inch rack. The kit contains two slides with mounting hardware. The slides are installed underneath the enclosure. The SLO- KIT will mount the following enclosures: * Matrix-80/S0S Matrix-80/S0T SOE-RMC6 RMOFSS RMOFSS-50 MO-RMC12 MO-RMC12-50 (MK78188, MK78189) (MK78197) (MK78182-1, MK78182-2) (MK78183) (MK78185) (MK77966) (MK77975) TABLE TOP CONVERSION PACKAGE The TTCP(MK78187) is a kit containing two structural-foam side skins, lid, and mounting hardware. The purpose of this kit is to be able to configure a rack mounted system to a table top configuration. One TTCP kit is required for each rack mounted enclosure. This kit is designed for the following enclosures: *Note: Two slide kits are required. RACK MOUNT TOP The Top is a black, solid metal plate which serves as a top. This metal lid is required for all table top configured systems VI-3 SOE-RMC6 RMOFSS MO-RMC12 MO-RMC12-50 MK78182-1, MK78182-2 MK78183, MK78185 MK77966 MK77975 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. SDE-WWl Wire Wrap Board MK79063 SDE-EXT Extender Board MK79062 SDE-CRT-C Matrix to CRT Cable (Male) MK78152 SDE-CPTR-C Matrix to Centronics Printer MK79089 SDE-PPG-C Matrix to PROM Programmer MK79090 SDE-DFE-C Matrix to RMDFSS MK79088 SDE-2DFE-C Matrix to two RMDFSSs : SLD-KIT MK78193 . Slide Kit RMDC Rack Mount Top TTCP Table Top Conversion Package VI-4 MK78187 I!J UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION SDE-RMC6 MK78182-1, MK78182-2 FEATURES SD-RMC6 PHOTO o Standard 19-inch rack-mountable chassis; 7 -inch panel height o Removable structural foam front panel for internal access o Front panel RESET switch and POWER-ON indicator o Six-slot card cage o Cards mounted horizonta lIy for ease of cooling and cable routing o Self-contained power supply and 115 CFM fan o 100/115/230 Volt 50/60 Hz operation SD-RMC6 Interior View DESCRIPTION Figure 2 The Mostek SO Series rack-mount system (SOE-RMC6) offers a solution to rack mounting the line of SOE Series Microcomputer modules. The system features a selfcontained power supply designed to work on voltages and frequencies available world-wide. All components are easily removed from front or top for i. nproved maintenance. An attractive structural foam front panel is provided with system RESET switch and POWER-ON indicator. The front panel is designed with quick-release ball studs so that it can be quickly removed for access to internal components. The cards are mounted in a horizontal plane with I/O cabling at the rear of the card cage. The back panel has an I/O panel pre-punched for twelve 25-pin "0" type connectors, one 50-pin "0" connector, and one BNC connector for versatility. AC components on the back panel were selected to meet UL and VOE requirements and include: On/Off switch, voltage selection switch, fuse holder (3AG or 5 x 20 mm), and AC input receptacle/line filter. • VI-5 SD~RMC6 Side View SD-RMC6 Rear View INPUT POWER CARD CAGE 100/1151230 volts AC ± 10% 50/60Hz Six slot for SD/E series module (250mm x 233.4mm) (9.19 x 9.84 in). Wire-wrap tail connector provided for SK2 I/O connectors. All SK1 connectors wired one-to-one. No PC modules supplied. DC POWER AVAILABLE +5 VDC at 12A max. + 12 VDC at 1.7A max. -12 VDC at 1.7A max. FUSING UneVoltage MK78182-1 MK78182-2 110/115V 3 Amp 3AG* 3Amp5x20 mm 230 V 1.5 Amp 3AG 1.5Amp 5 x20mm* LOAD REGULATION ± .05% for a 50% load change OUTPUT RIPPLE *Configuration as shipped 3.0 mV PK-PK max. LINE CORD SUPPLIED TRANSIENT RESPONSE MK78182-1 Similar to Belden model 17205B 30 microseconds for a 50% load change MK78182-2 Similar to Feller model 1100 SHORT CIRCUIT AND OVERLOAD PROTECTION FRONT PANEL CONTROLS Automatic current limit/foldback RESET switch POWER ON Indicator OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION REAR PANEL CONTROLS +5 Volt output, set to 6.2 ± 0.4 volts AC Power On/Off AC fuse holder AC line receptacle/filter AC line voltage selector STABILITY ± 0.3% for 24 hours after warmup THERMAL PROTECTION WEIGHT Bi-metal thermostat or primary AC line set to cut Ol:lt at 180°F (82°C) VI-6 25 Ibs (11.3 kg) CHASSIS DIMENSIONS a) 19" rack-mountable using the two rails supplied. b) Slide mounting available with optional slide mounting bit and requires two inches of panel space below the unit. Height: 7.0 in. (17.8 cm) panel space 7.3 in. (18.5 cm) overall, including feet Width: 19.0 in. (48.3 cm) at front panel 17.5 in. (44.5 cm) behind front panel OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE Depth: 21.1 in. (53.6 cm) with all protrusions 20.0 in. (50.8 cm) without foam front HUMIDITY Up to 90% relative, non-condensing ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. SDE-RMC6 Rack-mounted CPU subsystem with SDIE series six-slot card cage with U.S. line cord and fuse. 100/115/230 Volts 50/60 Hz AC operation front panel, rails for rack mounting and operation manual included. MK78182-1 SDE-RMC6-50 Same as above except with 5 x 20 mm fuse and European line cord. MK78182-2 SDE-RMC6 to CRT CRT Interface Cable Only MK78152 SDE-RMC6 Operations Manual Only MK79783 SLD Kit Slide Kit MK78193 TTCP Table Top Conversion Package MK78187 The following Mostek modules are compatible with the above CPU subsystem OEM-80E RAM-80E FLP-80E VDI AlD-80E CPU Module Data Sheet RAM Expander Data Sheet Floppy Disk Interface Data Sheet Video Display Interface Data Sheet AlD-DI A Interface Data Sheet VI-7 MK78550 MK78590 MK78572 MK78591 MK79709 VI-8 1983 COMPUTER PRODUCTS DATA BOOK ,<", «. '-''-'''. ,,~' .:._~: ~:: I.," ."" f.' ,_" v., ,'.,' .... ~, .... ~, ,.WI'.(<''''''''.>.''' ......."., ......... ",.''''.''''''''''''''''''''" •• _~, .......,_.,.......... .......,."._".~'''' .............. ,.".. .... , "' ............. -'_.',..,_.. , " . . ',r; ,:>'0',..,·' ...· ...· • '. -.: '," .. :r: ..... '. - .' ,~ < , .. ! ... ~. ,. • ' h' -:-. " , . ~ .. ~) . , ":,<,>, >.; '.", " ,~.'!' @J Development Systems .... " 'f M.... ",. , " ' " , . '''.N··' .'" I!I UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION RADIUSTM REMOTE DEVELOPMENT STATION FEATURES RADIUS Figure 1 D Microcomputer development with host computer • Software development on the host • Download to RADIUS • Hardware debug and software integration on RADIUS D Utilizes standard Mostek SDE series AIM modules D Host software available • Preconfigured for selected hosts • Reconfigurable for other hosts D Upload/download performed with error tolerant protocol D Emulation possible while disconnected from the host D Serial I/O Baud rate up to 9600 D Supports optional programmer local line printer and PROM D Self-diagnostic test INTRODUCTION Mostek RADIUS - Remote Access Development and Integration tLcomputer System - is a state-of-the-art microcomputer development system, designed specifically to be used in a host computer environment. RADIUS provides software development capability via the host computer and hardware development and software integration using the advanced in-circuit-emulation capability of Mostek AIM modules. In Local Mode, the user can: • Set optional Baud rates and special RADIUS control characters • Perform self diagnostics on RADIUS In Utility Mode, the user can: RADIUS is installed between the user's CRT terminal and the host computer via an ASCII RS-232 serial interface. See Figure 2. It can be operated in any of three modes: Transparent, Local or Utility. • Run the host components of the RADIUS Utility Packages (i.e. AIM-Z80BE, AIM-7XE, Line Printer Utility, PROM Programmer Utility, etc.). • Perform hardware debug and software integration. In Transparent Mode, the user can: RADIUS has no mass storage. Instead it uses the mass storage capabilities of the host. Once the user's target program is downloaded, the user has the option of disconnecting the RADIUS from the host. This allows the user to save connect time and long distance charges. • Perform any function that can be performed on the host computer. RADIUS becomes completely transparent to the user. VII-1 RADIUS SYSTEft"S CONFIGURATION f,igu~'2 HOST PROM PROGRAMMER (OPTIONAL) .' CRT RADIUS TARGET BOARD be RADIUS can configured in a single-user environment or in a multi-user environment. in which several RADIUS units areconne~d to an appropriate host and operated simultaneously. "performing entirely separate jobs. This configuration supports the development of multiple microprocessor/microcomputer systems. See Figure 3. compartment on the right. The processing compartment can house up to five boards: a RADIUS processor board. two-card AIM module set. and two slots for· future expansion. The RADIUS processor board contains: • zao CPU DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM RADIUS is a cost effective microcomputer development tool. It consists of an integrated cabinet. power supply. I/O panel. and a Z80 based processor module with four serial I/O ports. RADIUS is supplied with a host communications sOftware package configured for several popular mini/microcomputer systems. (See ordering information.) A user rehostable version is available for other host computers. Additional, preconfigured versions of the RADIUS host software will be pr()vided in the future. RADIUS HARDWARE FEATURES RADIUS consists of a structural foam cabinet. a Z80 based RADIUS processor board. and a power supply board, The user can addAIM-68000.AIM-Z80BE. or AIM-7XE modules to RADIUS to perform the full range of real time in-circuit emulation needed for hardware development and software integration. Future AIM products will be completely supported on RADIUS. The cabinet is divided into two compartments: the power supply compartment on the left and the processing VII-2 • 64 Kbyte internal systems memory • Four SID ports; - one dedicated to user terminal. one to the host " computer. and two for optional printer and PROM programmer . ' - RADIUS supports 11 standard Baud rates from 50 to 9600 Baud RADIUS SOFTWARE FEATURES • Local mode to set options on RADIl)S and to perform . local diagnostics.' . . • Most link parameters set at host cOnfiguration time • 'Full AIM command set available • AIM packages can run command files from th~ host • AIM packages can log all terminal output to the host • Progress of download/upload indicated on CRT • Protocol re-transmits messages upon line error • Self-expl,:matory error messages • Translators to convert INTELHEX. TEKHEX. Motbrola SRecord. and F8HEX object formats to Mostek HEX • Local PROM programming (optional) • Local printing (optional) • Self diagnostic test RADIUS local mode provides the following commands: SPECIFICATIONS • • • • • • The power supply board has single phase AC input at 47 Hz to 63 Hz for the following voltage ranges: • 95 Vto 132 V • 190 V to 264 V HELP PORT MEMORY OPTIONS DIAGNOSE QUIT The approximate dimensions are: • Width: 9.2" • Height: 10.8" • Depth: 12.6" RADIUS INSTALLATION IN A MULTI-USER ENVIRONMENT Figure 3 CRT CRT CRT HARDWARE/SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT STATIONS PROM PROGRAMMER (OPTIONAL) HARDWARE/SOFlWARE DEVELOPMENT STATION VIA MODEM ORDERING INFORMATION For detailed ordering information refer to the Development System Products Ordering Guide. VII-3 VII-4 I) UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK AIM-6BOOO FEATURES o In-circuit emulation for the MK68000 processor AIM-68000 Figure 1 o Real-time execution to 10 MHz with no wait states o Direct interface to Mostek's RADIUS Station and MATRIX Development System o 16K words of Emulation Memory mappable in 2K word blocks on 2K address boundaries; Illegal "Write-toMemory" Detection provided o "Stand-alone" Mode allows Software Debug with no Target System o Flexible breakpoints: Hardware, Software, and Timer o Single Step execution with Break on Register Contents o Instruction trace memory for Execution History ("Soft Trace") tracing Instruction o Exception Handler Routines provided o Symbolic Addressing Capabilities o Batch Mode and User Activity Logging provided o Extensive HELP facility o Disassembly of Instructions in memory o English oriented Command Structure Single Step capability allows the user to execute instructions one at a time and examine registers to see the exact effect of each instruction. The Single Step function operates in either ROM or RAM. Upto 16K words of Emulation RAM can be used to emulate user Target ROM or RAM. This memory may also be used while the emulator operates in Stand-alone mode, allowing software development prior to hardware availability. GENERAL DESCRIPTION AIM-68000 is an advanced development tool which provides debug assistance for both hardware and software via in-circuit emulation of the MK68000 microprocessor. All CPU signals are active during user program execution. No memory wait states are required. The user friendly command structure consists of Englishlike commands. A structured HELP facility and the ability to enter keywords allow easy system familiarization. As the user becomes more familiar with the system, commands may be abbreviated. A BATCH facility with PAUSE allows a list of commands on the host to be executed. This feature is useful for test environments and lengthy program setups. AIM-68000 breakpoint conditions allow 8 software breakpoints, one- hardware breakpoint, and one timer breakpoint to be set. The Hardware Breakpoint detect circuitry allows user program execution to proceed until a specified bus condition OCcurs. The Breakpoint consists of address, data, function codes, and an external "ARM" bit which allows the Hardware Breakpoint to be slaved to an external TTL input. Any of the Breakpoint condition bits may be designated as a "don't care" bit by setting the "match bits" option. An Event Count and Timer Breakpoint further enhance the Hardware Breakpoint facility. A software Trace Buffer allows the storage of register VII-5 AIM68000 BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 contents and processor status during single step or Invisible Trace. Invisible Trace allows single stepping to proceed with no information displayed at the user's console. A powerful additional feature of the software trace is the Register Content Breakpoint Function which forces stepping to stop upon the occurrence of a specified set of register conditions. The Trace Buffer may be Reviewed after stepping terminates. generator, the DTACK timeout hardware, and a number of buffers and associated steering logic. USING AIM-68000 When AIM-68000 is attached to the user Target System, it effectively becomes part of the user's system. It is important to understand the implications of this addition. The considerations may be grouped into four areas. They are: BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION The AIM-68000 emulator consists oftwo boards, Control 1, Control 2, and a Personality Module. The two control boards are attached to the personality module which contains the MK68000 CPU and plugs into the Target system 'CPU socket directly. Switch options in the personality module allow the user to operate AIM-68000 in a Stand-alone mode. Control Board 1 contains the Emulation Memory, the Emulation Memory Map, Control RAM, the Control RAM Map, and the two port memory access circuitry. In addition, the Write Violation Detect circuitry is located pn Control Board 1. Control Board 2 contains circuitry for the Hardware Breakpoint, Timer Breakpoint, the Exception Vector Map, and Keyboard Escape. The Personality Module contains an on board 10 MHz clock 1. System (i.e., Emulation) Memory 2. Control Memory 3. Exception Vector Memory 4. MK68000 CPU Control Signals SYSTEM MEMORY System Memory may be mapped into or out of the user's memory space via the MAP command. If a block of memory is mapped as System resident, the memory will appear in the user's memory map. AIM-68000 provides a DTACK signal to the MK68000 CPU for those areas which are mapped as System and the memory cycles terminate with no wait states. CONTROL MEMORY Control Memory: AIM-68000requires 1K words of the user's memory space. The default location for this memory is 24000H; however, it may be relocated via the INIT VIt-6 command to reside anywhere in the MK68000 memory space. Control Memory is a two-port memory which may be accessed both by the MK68000 and the development system's Z80 CPU. The user software must not access the 1K word area of Control Memory. The MK68000 executes in control memory whenever user software is not being executed. Execution in control memory may include the insertion of several wait states in a memory cycle; however, all user software is executed in real time with no wait states up to 10 MHz. EXCEPTION VECTOR MEMORY Exception Vector Memory is located at addresses O-OFFH. Each exception Vector may be mapped as System or Target resident. If a vector is mapped as System Resident, AIM68000 will provide the DTACK signal for the MK68000 CPU. The RESET, NMI. and ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION vectors are special cases and are used to perform emulator functions. They operate as follows: RESET: Is mapped as System Resident upon Initialization (lNIT Command). Immediately after initialization, this vector is mapped as Target resident. It may not be remapped as system resident. NMI: NMI is a shared Level 7 Autovector interrupt used by both AIM-68ooo and the user. It may be mapped as either System or Target resident. If it is mapped as System resident, the response to a Level 7 Autovector Interrupt will be a message displayed on the user console. The user NMI vector is read from the Target system prior to execution. The user must not alter the Level 7 Autovector during program execution. ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION: Illegal Instruction is the vector used by AIM-68ooo to generate the Software Breakpoint. It may be mapped as either System or Target resident. The user Illegal Instruction vector is read from the target system prior to the start ot execution. The user must not alter the vector during program execution. Since the actual exception vectors fetched by the MK68000 are not always the vectors in Target memory, the user should not attempt to run memory verification programs on the Exception Vector Table. MK68000 CPU CONTROL SIGNALS All address lines, address strobe, and data strobes are presented to the Target System at the CPU socket for all memory accesses, whether they are for Target or AIM68000 system resident memory. Data i.s presented on the data lines only during memory write cycles. MK68000 signal delay information is provided in the Specifications section. AIM-68000 SOFTWARE AIM68K is the software which operates the AIM-68000 emulator in either the RADIUS or MATRIX development system. In the RADIUS environment, Target software programs are generated and assembled on the host computer. The hex object module is downloaded into AIM68000 and/or Target memory via the GET command. The AIM68K software for use with the RADIUS station is available on several different formats for a variety of host computers. The software will be supplied on a flexible diskette for use in the MATRIX Development System. COMMAND SUMMARY The user commands for AIM68K are summarized in Table 1. Each command may also be entered in an abbreviated form. Keywords are allowed in the command syntax to promote rapid user familiarization. VII-7 AIM-68000 USER COMMANDS Table 1 COMMAND ACCESS BASE BATCH BREAK CLEAR COpy DELETE DISASSEMBLE DUMP EXECUTE FILL GET GO HELP HEXADECIMAL INITIALIZE LOCATE LOG MAP MEMORY QUIT RAMTEST REGISTER REVIEW SELECT SET SYMBOL STEP TRANSPARENT VERIFY DESCRIPTION Define memory accesses as word or byte Set or Display Memory Offset Submit a Batctl File Set or Display a Breakpoint Hardware Breakpoint Event Count for Hardware Breakpoint Trigger for Hardware Breakpoint Mask for Hardware Breakpoint Software Breakpoint (RAM only) Timer Breakpoint Register Contents ~reakpoint (for use with STEP or GO command) Clear one or more Breakpoints Copy a block of memory to another area Delete a symbol Disassemble instructions in memory Dump memory to a file Begin user' program execution Fill memory with a data pattern Load user program or mapping configuration Invisible Single Step with Trace Display command syntax and description Structured to provide two levels of information for commands Evaluate a hexadecimal expression Initialize AIM-68000; Relocate Control Memory Locate,a pattern of data in memory Log user activity to a host file Map emulation memory into target memory space Display and/or update memory Terminate AIM-68000 operation Test RAM memory; continuous test option Examine or modify register contents Examine the Software Trace buffer Choose registers or symbols for Step and Trace Display Set Exception Vector Map Enter or display symbols in table Single Step with Software Trace Communicate with the host transparently Verify memory against other memory Note that the ACCESS command limits emulator accesses to word wide or byte wide operations only. A write only option for the MEMORY command allows the user to set up programmable peripheral devices manually. VII-8 IlDS,/UDS SPECIFICATIONS Target Operating Frequency 1.0 to 10 MHz Standalone Operating Frequency 10 MHz Operating Temperature Range 0° - 40°C Target Power Requirement None IDTACK Signals from the MK68000 have the following maximum delays: Signal Delay Al-23 o ns lAS o ns o ns 14 ns E o ns FC2-0 o ns IHAlT o ns IPl2-0 40ns R/W o ns IRESET o ns IVMA o ns IVPA 20 ns IBERR 40 ns IBR 22 ns IBG o ns ** On a write cycle, DATA valid at the Target after the falling edge of S2, t CLDO max. IBGACK Ons ORDERING INFORMATION ClK* 8 ns For information on ordering AIM-68oo0 hardware and the appropriate AIM68K software, refer to the Development Products Ordering Guide. * DO-D15 t CLDO ** 145 ns @ 10 MHz 135 ns@8 MHz 100 ns@6 MHz ,,11-9 Skew from the Target ClK to the MK6BOOO ClK input. VII-10 I!I UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK AIM-Z80BE APPLICATION INTERFACE MODULE FEATURES AIM-Z80BE PRODUCTS Figure 1 o Direct interface to Mostek's RADIUS Development Station and MATRIX-80/SDS Development System o In-circuit emulation of the l80 microprocessor o Real-time execution (to 6 MHz with no wait states) o Flexible breakpoints (one hardware, eight software, and one timer) o Single-step execution o 16 K bytes of emulation RAM o Memory mappable into target or AIM system memory in 256 byte blocks o Illegal write-to-memory detection o Non-existent memory mapping and access detection o Forty-eight-channel-by-l 024-words history memory for tracing bus events o T-state timer to measure execution time o English-oriented command structure o Disassembly of instructions o System configuration parameters can be saved forfuture use GENERAL DESCRIPTION AIM-l80BE is an advanced development tool which provides debug assistance for both software and hardware via in-circuit-emulation of the l80 microprocessor. Use of the AIM-Z80BE is transparent to the user's final system configuration (referred to as the "targe!"). No memory space o'r user ports are used, and all signals, including RESET INT, and NMI are functional during emulation. No memory wait states are required. Single-step circuitry allows the user to execute target instructions one at a time to see the exact effect of each instruction. Single step is functional in both ROM and RAM. Up to 16K bytes of contiguous emulation RAM can be used to emulate the target microprocessor RAM or ROM. Thus, debugging can begin before the user system is completely configured with memory. Breakpoint-detect circuitry allows real-time execution to proceed to any desired point inthe user's program and then terminate execution. All CPU status information and register contents can be displayed forthe user and saved for later continuation of execution or single-stepping. Realtime execution may be terminated by the user at any time. EVENT and DELAY counters associated with the hardware breakpoint give added flexibility for viewi ng the exact point of interest in the user's program. A forty-eight channel history memory records up to 1024 bus transactions. The address bus, data bus, control signals, and 18 external probes may be logged into the history memory and later displayed by the user. VII-ll AIM·l80SE SLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 PERSONALITY MODULE HISTORV MODULE TIMER R':."~~':,§E!~.!."~~·:'0I%r.!.b':;;;:;8~8i"f=:~:::':':':"C"':::',"'C::':":,:,:,:~:,:,:,:::,:::,C,:::: ,: .: ,:,:,:,:,:,:,:, : : : : : ADDRESS CONTROL BUS BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION logging elapsed time and generating the timer breakpoint. The ZSO emulation system is composed of two boards, the Control Module and the History Module, as shown in Figure 2. These boards are attached to a Personality Module which contains the target CPU and plugs directly into the target system CPU socket. Address, data, and control signals are buffered by the Personality Module and cabled to the Control and History Module installed in the development system. USING THE AIM-Z80SE The Control Module has the circuitry for detecting the breakpoint condition(s) and forces program execution to begin in a separate System Interface RAM. The System Interface RAM is loaded with an interface program and is shadowed into the target memory space. This control program makes the target CPU a slave to the development system. When the user desires to resume execution of his program,the control program activates the execution control circuit and execution resumes at the .desired address. The Control Module contains 16 K bytes of emulation RAM, which may be mapped into any address space required by the target system. Alternatively, if the user's system has memory available, he may use that as his target memory instead of the memory on the Control Module. The History Module has a 24-bit comparator circuit, an EVENT counter, and a DELAY counter to detect a hardware breakpoint condition. The 48-channel·by-1024-word history RAM is controlled bY the History Control Circuit. The Control and History Modules of AIM-Z80BE are installed directly into the development system. To complete the emulation system the Personality Module is used as a buffer interface between the first two boards and the target system's CPU socket. zao The program which controls the AIM-Z80BE emulator system is AI MZ80. After execution of AIMZ80 is started, the program takes control of the AIM-Z80BE emulation system. The user can then initialize the target system and use .the AIMZ80 commands to load, test, and debug the target program. AIMZ80 SOFTWARE AIMZ80 is the software which operates the AIM-ZSOBE emulation system in the RADIUS Development Station or MATRIX Development System. Target system programs may be developed on a Mostek disk system by use of the apprppriate assembler. Programs may be developed for RADIUS cross products supplied by Mostek or other vendors. The AIM software.is supplied on a variety of media for use with Mostek disk-based development systems and with different host systems for RADIUS. The commands available in AIMZ80 are summarized below. Each command also has a "short form" which allows abbreviated input with fewer keystrokes. The Timer Circuit is used to count target processor clocks for VII-12 BATCH BREAK CLEAR COpy DISABLE DISASSEMBLE DUMP ENABLE EXECUTE FILL GET HEXADECIMAL HELP HISTORY INIT LOCATE LOG MAP MEMORY OFFSET PORT QUIT RAMTEST REGISTER STATUS STEP TRACE TRANSPARENT VERIFY Read AIM commands from a file Display and set breakpoints (8 software, 1 hardware, and 1 timer breakpoint) Clear one breakpoint or all breakpoints Copy one block of memory to another block Disable target CPU interrupts Display and/or update instructions Dump a block of memory to a file Dump the memory map to a file Enable target CPU interrupts Start or continue execution of the target program Fill memory with a data byte Load a target program into memory Load the target memory map from a file Perform hexadecimal arithmetic Display a menu of commands for the user Set history logging options Reinitialize target handshake Locate a pattern in a memory block Log all console output to a file Map the block of memory as target supplied, AIM system supplied, or nonexistent, and write protected or not write protected Display and/or update memory Set an offset value for relative module debugging Display and update a port on the target CPU Output a value to a port without reading it Return to the resident operating system Perform a test on the target RAM Display and/or update the target CPU registers Display the current status of the AIM system Perform a single or mUlti-step execution Display the contents of the history RAM Allows the RADIUS user to temporarily access the host Verify the contents of a block of memory with another block or with a file. SPECIFICATIONS Target operating frequency: 500 kHz to 6 MHz (MK78204) Target interface: all signals meet the specifications for the Z80 with the following exceptions: 1. The output low voltage is 0.5 V max at 1.8 mA for the ADDRESS, DATA. IORQ, RFSH, HALT, and BUSAK signals. 2. The input low current is 400 microamps max for the PHI clock, RESET, INT, NMI, and DATA signals. 3. The input high current is 20 microamps for the PHI clock, RESET, INT, NMI, and DATA signals. 4. The Signals M 1, MREQ, RD, and WR have a maximum of 25 nanoseconds added propagation delay. 5. The input signals RESET, INT, and NMI have a maximum of 45 nanoseconds propagation delay. Target system power requirements: +5 V milliamps (maximum) ± 5% System compatibility: RADIUS, MATRIX-80/SDS, Operating temperature range; 0 to +50 degrees C ORDERING INFORMATION For detailed ordering information refer to the Development System Products Ordering Guide. VII-13 @ 600 VII-14 IJ UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK AIM-7XE APPLICATION INTERFACE MODULE FEATURES o AIM-7XE Figure 1 Direct interface to Mostek's RADIUS Development Station and MATRIX-80/SDS Development System o In-circuit emulation of all MK3870 and MK3873 family microprocessors (does not include piggy-back parts) o Real-time execution (to 4 MHz with no wait states) o Flexible breakpoints (one hardware, eight software, and one timer breakpoint) and any number of manuallyinserted breakpoints o Single-step execution o 4 K bytes of emulation RAM o Option of on-board oscillator or user clock o Illegal write-to-memory detection o Forty-eight-channel-by-1024-words history memory for tracing bus events o Event counter and delay counter for monitoring bus events Breakpoint-detect circuitry allows real-time execution to proceed to any desired point in the user's program and then terminate execution. o T-state timer to measure execution time o English-oriented command structure o Disassembly of instructions GENERAL DESCRIPTION AIM-7XE is an advanced development tool which provides debug assistance for both software and hardware via incircuit-emulation of the MK3870 and MK3873 family of microprocessors. Use of the AIM-7XE is completely transparent to the user's final system configuration (referred to as the "target"). No memory space or user ports are used, and all signals, including /RESET and /EXT INT, are functional during emulation. No memory wait states are required. Single-step circuitry allows the user to execute ,target instructions one at a time·to see the exact effect of each instruction. 4 K bytes of emulation RAM are used to emulate the target microprocessor ROM. All CPU status information and registers can be displayed for the user and saved for later continuation of execution or single-stepping. Real-time execution may be terminated by the user at any time. EVENT and DELAY counters associated with the hardware breakpoint give added flexibility for viewing the exact point of interest in the user's program. A forty-eight channel history memory records up to 1024 bus transactions. The address bus, data bus, ports 0, 1, and either port 4, 5, or 8 external probes may be logged into the history memory and later displayed by the user. BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION The MK3870 Family emulation system is composed of both the AIM-7XE system and personality modules. AIM-7XE consists of two boards, the Control Module and the History Module, as shown in Figure 2. These boards are attached by cables to the Personality Module which contains the target VII-15 AIM-7XE BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 APM xx AIM PERSONALITY MOOUlE TARGET SYSTEM , -_ _ _-t:}-;:;=;;;;;-=;;-:;-;,--_ _ _ _ _...,AIM.7X?'_ _ _--i}-_===;;;-;;-;-____----, FA __ ~NR CPU and plugs directly into the target system CPU socket. Address, data, and control signals are buffered by the Personality Module. The Control Module ha.s the circuitry for detecting the breakpoint condition(s) and forces program execution to begin in the System Interface RAM. The System Interface RAM is loaded with an interface program and is shadowed into the target memory space. This control program makes the target 'cPU a slave to the development system. When the user desires to resume execution of his program, the control program activates the execution control circuit and execution resumes at the desired addresS. The History Board has a 24-bit comparator circuit, an EVENT counter, and a DELAY counter to detect a hardware breakpoint condition. The 48-channel-by-1024-word history RAM is controlled by the History control circuit. The Timer circuit is used to count target processor clocks for logging elapsed time and generating the timer breakpoint. USING THE AIM-7XE The Control and History Modules of the AIM-7XE are ir)stalled directly into the Mostek development system. To complete the emulation system a Personality Module is required. This module is a buffer interface between the first two boards and the target system's CPU socket. Note that a complete user target system is not required to do software debugging. Only the AIM-7XE boards and a Personality Module are needed. The program which controls the AIM-7XE emulator system is named AIM7X. After execution of AIM7X is started, the program takes control of the AIM-7XE emulation system. The user can then initialize the target system and use the AIM7X commands to load, test, and debug the target program. AIM7X SOFTWARE AIM7X is the software which operates the AIM-7XE emulation system in the Mostek RADIUS Development Station or MATRIX Development System. Targetsystem programs may be developed on a Mostek disk system for RADIUSTM using cross products supplied by Mostek or other vendors. The AIM7X software is available on a diskette for Mostek disk-based systems and on a variety of media for different host systems for use with RADIUSTM. The commands available in AIM7X are summarized below. Each command also has a "short form'.' which allows abbreviated input with fewer keystrokes. VII-16 BATCH BREAK CLEAR COpy DISABLE DISASSEMBLE DUMP ENABLE EXECUTE FILL GET HEXADECIMAL HELP HISTORY INIT LOCATE LOG MEMORY OFFSET PORT QUIT RAMTEST REGISTER STATUS STEP TRACE TRANSPARENT VERIFY Read AIM commands from a file Display and set breakpoints (8 software, 1 hardware, and 1 timer breakpoint) Clear one breakpoint or all breakpoints Copy one block of memory to another block Disable target CPU interrupts Display and/or update instructions Dump a block of memory to a file Enable target CPU interrupts Start or continue execution of the target program Fill memory with a data byte Load a target program file into memory Perform hexadecimal arithmetic Display a menu of commands for the user Set history logging options Reinitialize target handshake Locate a pattern in a memory block Log all console output to a file Display and/or update memory Set an offset value for relative module debugging Display and update a port on the target CPU Return to the resident operating system Perform a test on the target RAM Display and/or update the target CPU registers Display the current status of the AIM system Perform a single or multi-step execution Display the contents of ~he history RAM Allows the RADIUS user to temporarily access the host Verify the contents of a block of memory with another block or a file SPECIFICATIONS Target operating frequency: 1 to 4 MHz Target interface: All signals meet the specifications of the MK3870 family exceptthat the XLT2 input will not accept a user crystal. It requires a TTL clock input. System compatibility: RADIUS, MATRIX-SO/SDS Operating temperature range: 0 to +50°C ORDERING INFORMATION For detailed ordering information refer to the Development System Products Ordering Guide. VII-17 VII-18 !t COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK EPP-1 MK78229 EPROM PROGRAMMER FEATURES EPP-1 Figure 1 o Provides EPROM programming capability for RADIUS o May be adapted for use with other computers o Communicates with host via half-duplex RS232 or TIL serial link o Programs, reads, and verifies most +5 V EPROMs available today o 4 Selectable Baud rates: 300, 1200, 2400,9600 o Emulates a subset of DATA 110's System 19 command set o Includes wall mount transformer power supply o 8K x 8 bits of on-board RAM o 28 pin zero-insertion-force socket for 24 and 28 pin EPROMs o LED indicators for "programming" and "power on". o High level commands for ease of use with RADIUS GENERAL DESCRIPTION The EPP-1 is a microcomputer controlled MOS EPROM programmer capable of programming most MOS EPROMs currently available. It can be upgraded by adding a bipolar PROM to allow programming of new EPROMs when they become available. LED indicators are provided to show when the power is on and when an EPROM is being programmed. A 28 pin zeroinsertion-force socket is supplied for use with 24 and 28 pin EPROMs. 24 pin EPROMs are inserted with pin 1 of the EPROM in pin 3 of the 28 pin socket as shown below, The EPP-1 is designed to be used with the RADIUS remote development station. The software for the RADIUS allows use of all the commands supported by EPP-1 and additional higher level commands for ease of use by the operator. Communication with the host computer is via a serial link which can be RS232 or TIL compatible. Baud rates are selectable to 300, 1200, 2400 or 9600 Baud. The unit is powered by a II'/all mount transformer which provides unregulated DC voltages to the programmer. VII-19 • EPROMs SUPPORTED The following EPROMs may be programmed by the EPP-1. MANUFACTURER PART # SIZE FAMILYIPINOUT CONFIGURATION # ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES 4716 2K x8 1923 ELECTRONIC ARRAYS 2716 2K x8 1923 FUJITSU 8516 (2716) 2Kx8 1923 HITACHI 46532 4Kx8 1925 HITACHI 46732 4K x8 1924 INTEL 2758 1K x8 1922 INTEL 2716 2K x8 1923 INTEL 2732 4Kx8 1924 INTEL 2764 8Kx8 3533 MITSUBISHI 2716 2Kx8 1923 MOSTEK 2716 2K x8 1923 MOTOROLA MCM2716 2Kx8 1923 MOTOROLA 2532 4Kx8 1925 MOTOROLA 68764 8K x8 6424 NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR 2716 2K x8 1923 NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR 2532 4Kx8 1925 NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR 2732 4K x8 1924 NIPPON ELECTRIC 2716 2Kx8 1923 OKI 2716 2Kx8 1923 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 2508 1Kx8 1922 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 2516 2K x8 1923 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 2532 4Kx8 1925 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 2564 8Kx8 3130 TOSHIBA 323 2Kx8 1923 VII-20 SOFTWARE COMMAND The high level commands supported by the RADIUS software for EPP-l are: OUTPUT xxxx xxxx 'filename' COMMAND DESCRIPTION BATCH 'filename' Accept command input from a Host file BIT Illegal bit test on EPROM BLANK Check if EPROM is blank COMPARE 'filename' Compare data from Host to EPROM Programmer DEVICE xxxx Select the device address to be used for programming, verifying, or loading device data DIRECT Allows direct entry of commands to the EPROM programmer via the consale. May be terminated with control-C. FAMILY [xxxx] Select/display the family/ pinout HELP [Command name] Display a HELP description of all commands or of a specific command DESCRIPTION Output data from EPROM programmer to Host *(pause [msg]) Pause while in batch mode; message can be displayed, PROGRAM Program EPROM device with data in RAM QUIT Exit the utility; return EPROM programmer to keyboard control RAM xxxx Select RAM address to be used for data transfer SHUFFLE xxxx Merge 2 blocks of RAM; complement of SPLIT SIZE xxxx Select the hex number of bytes to be transferred; must be selected after RAM command SPLIT xxxx Split even/odd numbered bytes into 2 blocks; complement of SHUFFLE SUM Calculate check-sum of programmer RAM INPUT 'filename' Input data from Host to EPROM programmer SWAP Swap nibbles in every byte in RAM LOAD Load EPROM data from the EPROM into RAM TRANSPARENT LOG 'filename' Log console activity to a Host file Allows RADIUS development system transparent communication to Host VERIFY MEMORY xxxx [xxxx] Display or update EPROM programmer RAM Verify EPROM device with data in RAM MOVE xxxx xxxx xxxx Move a block of data in RAM OFFSET xxxx Select an offset to be added to input addresses and subtracted from output addresses VII-21 EPP-' DIRECT COMMAND SUMMARY CONTROL COMMANDS RETURN· Execute a command ESC Abort a command UTILITY COMMANDS G Software Configuration number This command returns a 4-digit hex number representing the software configuration of the programmer. (HHHH)< Set Begin RAM BLOCK LIMIT L 1 . Defines first RAM address (in HEX) to be used for data transfers. Also functions as the RAM source address in the RAM-RAM Block Move command. (HHHH); Set Block Size BLOCK LIMIT L2. Sets number of bytes (in HEX) to be transferred. Must be set after the Set Begin RAM command is used. (HHHH): Set Begin Device BLOCK LIMIT L3. Sets the first device address (in HEX) to be used in data transfers. Also functions as the destination address in the RAM-RAM Block Move Command. S Sum-Check Causes programmer to calculate the check-sum of RAM data and output it to the computer. F Error-Status Inquiry EPROM programmer returns a 32 bit error code. X Error-Code EPROM programmer outputs Error Codes stored in scratchpad RAM and then clears them from memory. H No operation This is a null command and always returns a prompt character (». T Illegal Bit Test Test for illegal bit in a device. B Blank Check Check that no bits are programmed in a device. Family and Pinout EPROM programmer sends a 4-digit number (FFPP) where FF is the family code and PP is the pinout in effect. Select Family and Pinout A 2-digit family code (FF) and pinout code (PP) specifies programming of a particular device. R Respond Programmer indicates status and outputs device word limit, byte size, and programming pulse polarity. L Load Load device data into RAM. P Program Program RAM data into device. V Verify Verify device against RAM. DEVICE COMMANDS (FFPP)@ VII-22 1/0 COMMANDS Set Address Offset Sets the specified offset to be subtracted from all incoming addresses and added to all outgoing addresses. Input Input data from computer to RAM. o Output Output data from RAM to computer. C Compare Compare RAM data with data from computer. RAM-RAM Block Move Initiates transfer of data from one block RAM to another. Block limits must first be set. W EDITING COMMANDS \ PROGRAMMER RESPONSES >+RETURN + LINE FEED Prompt character. Informs the computer that the EPROM programmer has successfully executed a command. F+RETURN + LINE FEED Fail character. Informs the computer that the EPROM programmer has failed to execute the last-entered command. ?+RETURN + LINE FEED Question mark. Informs the computer that the EPROM programmer does not understand a command. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions Serial Communication Unk 7.8 in (19.8 cm) x 10.8 in. (27.4 cm) 2.0 in. (5.1 cm) maximum thickness RS232 or TfL compatible Operating Temperature 20°C to 40°C Power Supply Requirements 115 V AC @ 200 ma VII-23 ORDERING INFORMATION Designator EPP-' EPP-' Part No. , Description EPROM PROGRAMMER w/wall mount transformer (US) MK78229-0 , EPROM PROGRAMMER' w/in line transformer (international) EPP.' Technical Manual • MK78299-' 4420379 .' .'{ . ,~, l! UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MATRI)(TM-80/SDS MICROCOMPUTER DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM INTRODUCTION MATRIXTM-80/SDS Figure 1 The Mostek MATRIXTM is a complete state-of-the-art, floppy disk-based computer. Not only does it provide all the necessary tools for software development, but it provides complete hardware/software debug through Mostek's AIMTM series of in-circuit emulation cards for the 68000, Z80, and the 3870 family of single-chip microcomputers. The MATRIX has at its heart the powerful OEM-80E (Single Board Computer), the RAM-80BE (RAM I/O add-on board), and the FLP-80E (floppy disk controller board). Because these boards and software are available separately to OEM users, the MATRIX serves as an excellent test bed for developing systems applications. The disk-based system eliminates the need for other mass storage media and provides ease of interface to any peripheral normally used with computers. The file-based structure for storage and retrieval consolidates the data base and provides a reliable portable media to speed and facilitate software development. Development System Features The MATRIX is an excellent integration of both hardware and software development tools for use throughout the complete system design and development phase. Debug can then proceed inside the MATRIX domain using its resources as if they were in the final system. Using combinations of the Monitor, Designer's Debugging Tool, execution time breakpoints, and single step/multistep operation along with a formatted memory dump, provides control for attacking those tough problems. The use of the Mostek AIMTM options provides extended debug with versatile hardware breakpoints 'ln memory or port locations, a buffered in-circuit emulation cable for extending the software debug into its own natural hardware environment. Package System Features From a system standpoint, the MATRIX has been designed to be the basis of an end-product, such as a small business/industrial computer. Other hardware options are available, with even more to be added. Expansion of the disk drive units to a total of four single-sided or double-sided units provides up to two megabytes of storage. This computer uses the third-generation Z80 processor supported with the power of a complete family of peripheral chips. Through the use of its 158 instructions, including 16-bit arithmetic, bit manipulation, advanced block moves and interrupt handling, almost any application from communication concentrators to general purpose accounting systems is made easy. OEM Features The hardware and software basis for the MATRIX is also available separately to the OEM purchaser. Through a software licensing agreement, all Mostek software can be utilized on these OEM series of cards. MATRIX RESIDENT FIRMWARE (DDT-80) The Designer's Debugging Tool consists of commands for facilitating an otherwise difficult debugging process. The MATRIX allows rapid source changes through the editor and assembler. This is followed by DDT operations which close the loop on the debug cycle. The DDT commands include: VII-25 Memory Port Execute Hexadecimal Copy -display, update, or tabulate memory - display, update or tabulate I/O ports -execute user's program - performs 16 bit add/sub -copy one block to another • provided. Symbolic addressing and an extensive HELP Facility ease the uSEl of AIM-6S000. MATRIX SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS • • • • • • • • • • Z80CPU 4K-byte PRDM bootstrap and Z80 debugger 60K bytes user RAM (56K contiguous) 8 x 8.bit I/O. ports (4 x PID) with user-definable t;lrivers/ receivers Serial port, RS 232 and 20 mA current loop 4 channel counter/timer (CTC) 2 single-density, single-sided disk drives; 250K bytes per floppy disk 3 positions for AIM modules, Serial Interface, etc. PRDM programmer I/O. port. Programmer itself is optional. Bus compatible with Mostek SDE series of DEM boards HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OEM-SOE CPU Module The DEM-80E provides the essential CPU power of the system. While using the Z80 as the central processing unit, the DEM-80E is provided with other Z80 family peripheral chip support. Two.ZSO PID's give 4 completely programmable 8 bit parallel I/O. ports with handshake from which the standard system peripherals are interfaced. Also on the card is the Z80-CTC counter timer circuit which has 3 free flexible channels to perform critical counting and timing functions. Along with 16K of RAM, the DEM-80E provides 5 RDM/PRDM sockets which can be utilized for 10120K of RDM or 5/1 OK PRDM. Four sockets contain the firmware. The remaining socket can be strapped for other RDM/PRDM elements. RAM-SOBE AIM-ZSOBE (6.0 MHz max. clock rate) The AIM-Z80BE is an improved Z80 In-Circuit-Emulation module usable at ZSO-CPU clock rates of up to 6MHz. The AIM-Z80BE is a two processor solution to In-Circuit Emulation which utilizes a Z80-CPU in the buffer box for accurate emulation at high clock rates with minimum restrictions on the target system. The AIM-Z80BE provides real time emulation (no WAIT states) while providing full access to RESET, NMI and INT control lines. Eight single byte software breakpoints (in RAM) are provided as well as one hardware trap (RAM or RDM). The emulation RAM on the AIM-Z80BE is mappable into the target system in 256 byte increments. A 1024 word x 48 bit history memory is triggerable by the hardware intercept and can be read back to the terminal to provide a formated display of the Z80-CPU address, data, and control busses during the execution of the program under test. Several trigger options are available to condition the loading of the history memory. AIM-7XE The AIM-7XE module provides debug and in-circuit emulation capabilities for the 3870 series microcomputers on the MATRIX. Multiple-breakpoint capability and singlestep operation allow the designer complete control over the execution of the 3870 Series microcomputer. Register, Port display, and modification capability provide information needed to find system "bugs." All I/O is in the user's system and is connected to AIM-7X by a 4O-pin interface cable. The RAM-80BE adds additional memory with Mostek's MK4116 16K dynamic memory along with more I/O.. These two fully programmable 8-bit I/O. ports with handshake provide additional I/O. expansion as system RAM memory needs to grow. Standard system configuration is 48K bytes for a system total of 60K bytes user RAM (56K contiguous). The debugging operation is controlled by a mnemonic debugger which controls the interaction between the Z80 host computer and the 3870 slave. It includes a history module for the last 1024 CPU cycles and also supports all 3870 family circuits. FLP-SOE DCC-SOE Integral to the MATRIX system is the floppy disk controller. The FLP-80E is a complete IBM 3740 single-density/ double-sided controller for up to 4 drives. The controller has 128 bytes of FIFO. buffer resulting in a completely interruptable disk system. The DCC-8bE multi-channel serial controller board was developed as a general purpose four port serial I/O. card. DCC-80E can be user configured to interconnect computer systems and will support SDLC and BYSINC protocols. OPTIONAL MODULES COMPATIBLE WITH MATRIX Assembly and linking are done using cross products supplied by Mostek or other vendors. AIM.6S000 (10 MHz max. clock rate) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS The AIM-68000 is an advanced development tool which provides project debug capabilities for both hardware and software via in-circuit emulation of the MK68000 Microprocessor. Real-time emulation is provided up to 10 MHz operation. Flexible breakpoints and Single-Step emulation with. Invisible Break on Register Contents are Dverall Dimensions: CPU subsystem - 8" High x 21" wide x 22." deep (20.3 cm x 53.3 cm x 55.8 cm) - 8" High x.21" wide x 22" deep Disk Subsystem (20.3 cm x 53.3 cm x 55.8 cm) VII-2.6 Humidity: up to 90% relative, noncondensing. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Material: Structural Foam (Noryl) INPUT 100/1151230 volts AC ± 10% 50 Hz (MK78189) or 60 Hz (MK78188) Weight: CPU Subsystem 25 Ibs (11.3 Kg) Disk Subsystem 50 Ibs (22.7 Kg) OUTPUT CPU subsystem Fan Capacity: 11 5 CFM +5 VDC at 12A max. +12 VDC at 1.7A max. -12 VDC at 1.7A max. Card Cage: Six slots DIN 41612 type connectors Disk subsystem Operating Temperature: +10°C to +35°C +5 VDC at 3.0A max. -5 VDC at 0.5A max. +24 VDC at 3.4A max. ORDERING INFORMATION See Development System Products ordering guide. PERIPHERALS AND CABLES NAME DESCRIPTION PART NO. PPG-8/16 Programmer for 2708, 2758 and 2716 PROM Includes interfacing cables to MATRIX. MK79081-1 SD-WW Wire wrap card compatible with MATRIX. MK79063 SD-EXT Extender card compatible with MATRIX. MK79062 LP-CABLE Interface cable from MATRIX Microcomputer to Centronics 306 or 702 printer MK79089 PPG-CABLE Interface cables from MATRIX to PPG-8/16 PROM programmer (MK79081 ). MK79090 III VII-27 VII-28 !t UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK EVAL-70 3870 EVALUATION SYSTEM FEATURES o An ideal hardware and/or software design aid for the MK38P70 and MK3870 family of Single-Chip Microcomputers o Includes a 2K byte firmware monitor o Keypad for command and data entry o 7-segment address and data display o Programming socket for MK2716/2758's o Crystal controlled system clock o 2K bytes of MK4118 static RAM (up to 4K optional) o Sockets for up to 4K bytes of MK2716 PROM's o Flexible memory map strapping options o Current loop or RS-232 serial loader optional (110-300· 1200 baud) o 3 general purpose timer/counters o 3 general purpose external interrupt!, o Easy to use - requires only two supplies for normal operation (+5, +12) o Ideal for evaluation of MK3870familysingle-chip microcomputers o Full in-circuit emulation of MK3870 single-chip microcomputer family. EVAL-70 Figure 1 USING EVAL-70 DESCRIPTION EVAL-70 is a single board computer with on-board keypad, address and data displays, and 2716 PROM programmer. EVAL-70 is designed to be an easy-to-use introduction to the industry standard MK3870 family of single-chip computers. Programs can be written and debugged in RAM using the powerful DDT-70 operating system. The 40 pin AIM cable can be used to perform real-time emulation of the MK3870 family of devices. After debugging, programs can be loaded into MK2716's for final circuit checkout (and emulation). The photograph above shows how EVAL-70 is used as a program development tool. Only an external power supply is required for operation of EVAL-70; the built-in keyboard and display offer all the functions needed to design, develop, and debug programs for the MK3870 family of single-chip microcomputers at the machine code level. COMMAND SUMMARY DM: Display memory: allows memory to be displayed and (RAM) updated. DR: Display registers: allows the user's register values to be displayed and updated. DP: Display ports; allows the contents of ports 0 thru F to be displayed and updated HX: Hex calculator: allows hexadecimal arithmetic calculations to be performed (add and subtract) GO: causes execution of a user program at a specified address VII-29 BK: Breakpoint all,ows a breakp,ointt,o be set,or reset ST:" 'Step: bauses single-stepexecuti,on,of a user program at a specified address LD: I.,..oad: initiates the serial loader (,opti,onal) MV: Move: all,ows a block,of mem,ory to be moved ,or copied from one space to another RO, R8: Read PROM: causes the PROM programmer socket to be read into address space 00-7FF or BOO-F7F' , PO, P8: Program PROM: causes the contents,of address space 000-7FF or 800-F7F to be programmed into the PROM programmer socket EVAL-70 KEYBOARD DRAWING IElulRILlllol BLOCK DIAGRAM EVAL-70 uses several membersofthe F8 multichipfamily.A MK3850 Central Processing Unit (CPU) provides the ALU, registers, system control and two 8-bit ports. A MK90071 Peripheral Input Output chip (PIO) provides two more 8-bit ports plus a flexible timerlinterrupt c,ontrol block, These four ports are connected to the AIM cable connector for in-circuit emulation of the MK3870 family devices, and also to the PROM programmer socket. An additional PIO (MK90073) interfaces the LED display and keyboard. A MK3853 Static Memory Interface chip(SMI) interfaces the operating system ROM, uptotw02K PROMs and uptofour 1 K RAMs. A switch option allows either the 4K of PROM or the 4K of RAM to appear at address OOOOH, with the other 4K appearing at 1000H. The operating system ROM may be up to 8K (currently 2K) starting at8000H. A switch option allows reset to either OOOOH or to the 8000H ROM. USING EVAL-70 WITH LARGER SYSTEMS BLOCK DIAGRAM Although the EVAL-70 operating system (DDT-70) was designed to make program machine code entry simple and quick, many users will find it more efficient to assemble their programs on a larger computer and then download to EVAL-70, The download to EVAL-70 may be accomplished in either of two ways: 1) SMI MK3853 I I I:" , PIO MK90073 2) ': KEYBOARD VII-30 A PROM may be programmed on the Development System, and then read into RAM by the EVAL-70 for debugging. A direct connection may be made between a serial port on the Development System and the serial loader port on EVAL-70, An optional,serial l,oader program is provided in the EVAL-70 Operations Manual. DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM EVAL-70 • VII-31 EVAL-70 BOARD SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature: DoC - 50°C Power Supplies Required: +5VDC ±5% 1.0A max +12VDC ±5% O.1A max +25VDC ±5%O.1A max Board Size: 8.5 in. (21 .6 cm) x 12 in. (30.5cm) x 2 in. (5cm) Connectors and Cables: .40 pin in-circuit-emulation cable is provided. ORDERING INFORMATION See Develepment System Products ordering guide. VII-32 Il UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK PPG8/16C PROM PROGRAMMER FEATURES PPG 8/16C Figure 1 o Programs, reads, and verifies 270S-, 275S-, and 2716type PROMs (275S and 2716 PROMS must be 5-Volt only type) o Interfaces to MATRIX and MDX-PIO o Driver software included on system diskette for M/OS-SO o Zero-insertion-force socket o Power and programming indicators DESCRIPTION The PPG-S/16C PROM Programmer is a peripheral which provides a low-cost means of programming 2708, 275S, or 2716 PROMs. It is compatible with Mostek's MATRIX Microcomputer Development System and the MDX-PIO. The PPG-S/16C has a generalized computer interface (two S-bit 1/0 ports) allowing it to be controlled by other types of host computers with user-generated driver software. A complete set of documentation is provided with the PPGS/16C which describes the internal operation and details user's operating procedures The PPG-S/16C is available in a metal enclosure for use with the MATRIXTM and the MDX-PIO. Interface cables for either the MATRIX or MDX-PIO must be purchased separately. SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION The driver software accomplishes five basic operations. These are (1 ) loading data into host computer memory, (2) reading the contents of a PROM into host computer memory, (3) programming a PROM from the contents ofthe host computer memory, (4) verifying the contents of a PROM with the contents of the host computer memory, and (5) display and update of the host computer memory. The driver software is provided on the M/OS-SO system diskette. The user documentation provided with the PPGS/16C fully explains programming procedures to enable a user to develop a software driver on a different host computer. VII-33 • PPG 8/16C' BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2 J1 CONNECTOR TO HOST COMPUTER 01 MODE SELECT CIRCUIT J2 +12VDC CONNECTOR TO +5, +12, -12 POWER SUPPLV +5VDC GND -12VDC PROGRAM PULSE CONVERTER R':U~~R I fI +27.5 VDC PROGRAM LED STEP-UP VOLTAGE REGULATOR -5VDC +5 VDC +12VDC INTERFACE OPERATING TEMPERATURE 25-pin control connector (0 type) 4O-pin control connector (0.1-in. centers card edge) for AIO-SOF, SOB-SO, SOB-50170, or MATRI)(TM 12-pin power connector (0.156-in. centers card edge) All control signals are TTL-compatible PROGRAMMING TIME POWER REQUIREMENTS 270S - 2.5 minutes 275S - 0.9 minutes 2716 - 1.S minutes + 12 VOC at 250mA typical +5 VOC at 1OOmA typical -12 VOC at 50mA typical ORDERING INFORMATION See Development System Products ordering guide. VII-34 08 2758/ MK2708/ MK2716 SOCKET l!I UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK DEVELOPMENT SYSTEMS PRODUCTS ORDERING GUIDE RADIUS - Remote Development Station RADIUS is a hardware/software development station that connects to a host computer. When you order a RADIUS, you must specify the operating voltage characteristics. The host software must be ordered separately (as described in the next section). DESCRIPTION ORDER RADIUS for 60 Hz, 115 VAC Operation MK78213 RADIUS for 50 Hz, 230 VAC Operation MK78214 RADIUS HOST SOFTWARE RADIUS host software is provided on a variety of media depending on host environment. When you order please specify one of the following. DESCRIPTION ORDER M/OS Version - implemented for M/OS-80 and CP/M supplied on single-sided, single-density, 8-inch floppy diskette. MK78224-11 RSX Version - implemented for RSX-11 M V3.2 supplied on DEC DOS-11 format 9-track magnetic tape, 800 BPI. Host must have a FORTRAN IV (ANSI-66) compiler. MK78224-33 VMS Version - implemeted for VMS V2.3 supplied on DEC DOS-11 format 9-track magnetic tape, 800 BPI. Host must have a FORTRAN IV (ANSI-66) compiler. MK78224-34 Rehostable Version - supplied in source form. Host must have a FORTRAN IV (ANSI-66) compiler. Supplied on ASCII 9-track magnetic tape, 800 BPI, blocked in 80-character records. MK78224-45 MATRIX - Microcomputer Development System MATRIX is a stand-alone, floppy disk-based development system. It is supplied with FLP-80DOS, an editor, an assembler, and a linker. When you order a MATRIX, you must specify the operating voltage characteristics. DESCRIPTION ORDER MATRIX for 60 Hz, 115 VAC operation MK78188 MATRIX for 50 Hz, 230 VAC operation MK78189 VII-35 • AIM-7XE (Application Interface Module for 387X) AIM-7XE is the in-circuit-emulator for the 387X family. It will function in both RADIUS and MATRIX. When AIM-7XE is ordered, a personality module must also be ordered. This personality module provides emulation forthe 3870 or 3873 family. In addition, the AIM-7X software must be ordered separately (as described in next section). DESCRIPTION ORDER AIM-7XE - control board and history board for 387X families. MK79094 APM-70 - personality module for 3870 family MK79093 APM-73 - personality module for 3873 family MK79092 AIM-7X (Software for AIM 7XE) The following software configurations are available for use with AIM 7XE. Please specify one ofthe following when ordering. DESCRIPTION ORDER FLP-80DOS Version - configured for use with MATRIX. Supplied on singlesided, single-density, 8-inch floppy diskette. MK78225-22 M/OS-80 Version - configured for use with M/OS-80 and CP1M host and RADIUS. Supplied on single-sided, single-density, 8-inch floppy diskette. MK78225-10 RSX and VMS Version - configured for use with RSX-11 M V3.2 and VMS V2.3 host and RADIUS. Supplied on DEC DOS-11 format 9-track magnetic tape, 800 BPI. MK78225-30 ASCII Version - configured for use with general host and RADIUS. Supplied on ASCII 9-track magnetic tape, 800 BPI. MK78225-40 M/OS-80 Version - configured for use with MATRIX. Supplied on single-sided, single-density, 8-inch floppy diskette. MK78225-11 AIM-Z80AEI AIM-Z80BE (Application Interface Modules for Z80) AIM-Z80AE and AIM-Z80BE are the in-circuit-emulators for theZ80. Theywill function in both RADIUS and MATRIX. When either of the two is ordered, the AIM-Z80 software must be ordered separately (as described in the next section). DESCRIPTION ORDER AIM-Z80AE - In-circuit-emulator for 2.5 and 4 MHz Z80. Provides 32K emulation RAM MK78181-4 AIM-Z80BE - In-circuit-emulator for 2.5, 4, and 6 MHz Z80. Provides 16K emulation RAM MK78204 VII-36 AIM-Z80 (Software for AIM-Z80AEI AIM-Z80SE) The following software configurations are available for use with AIM-Z80AE or AIM-Z80BE. Please specify one of the following when ordering. DESCRIPTION ORDER FLP-80DOS Version - configured for use with MATRIX. Supplied on single-sided, single-density, 8-inch floppy diskette. MK78226-22 M/OS-80 Version - configured for use with M/OS-80 and CPIM host and RADIUS. Supplied on single-sided, single-d''lnsity, 8-inch floppy diskette. MK78226-10 RSX and VMS Version - configured for use with RSX-11 M V3.2 and VMS V2.3 host and RADIUS. Supplied on DEC DOS-11 format 9-track Magnetic tape, 800 BPI. MK78226-30 ASCII Version - configured for use with general host and RADIUS. Supplied on ASCII 9-track magnetic tape, 800 BPI. MK78226-40 M/OS-80 Version - configured for use with MATRIX. Supplied on single-sided, single-density, 8-inch floppy diskette. MK78226-11 AIM-68000 (Application Interface Module for 68000) AIM-68000 is the in-circuit-emulator for the 68000. It will function in both RADIUS and MATRIX. When AIM-68000 is ordered, the AIM-68000 software must be ordered separately (as described in the next section). . DESCRIPTION ORDER AIM-68000 - In-ciruit-emulator for up to 10 MHz 68000. Includes two (2) control boards and a buffer boxlcable assembly. MK78228 ----- AIM-6BOOO (Software for AIM-6BOOO) The following software configurations are available for use with AIM-68000. Please specify one of the following when ordering. DESCRIPTION ORDER RSX and VMS Version - configured for use with RSX-11 M V3.2 and VMS V2.3 host and RADIUS. Supplied on DEC DOS-11 format 9-track magnetic tape, 800 BPI. MK78232-30 ASCII Version - configured for use with general host and RADIUS. Supplied on ASCII 9-track magnetic tape, 800 BPI. MK78232-40 VII-37 .. PPG-8/16C (EPROM Programmer) PPG-8/16Gfs8 programmer for use with MATRIX.It,includes interiacecableto MATRIX and FLP-80DOS compatible driver (on floppy diskette). DESCRIPTION ORDER PPG-8/16C EPROM programmer MK79081-1 EVAL-70 EVAL-70 is a 3870 family evaluation system. Itincludes an .in-circuit-emulation cable. 'I DESCRIPTION ORDER EVAL-70 MK79086 SD/SDE ADAPTER This board adapts SDE form factor boards to previous systems using SD form factor boards. This allows current AIM's to be used with the AID-80F system. ';,': DESCRIPTION ORDER SD/SDE ADAPTER MK79095 " VII-38 1983 COMPUTER PRODUCTS DATA BOOK !t UN1T,ED ' TECHN.OLOGIES' ,MOSTEK,'" COMPUTER· PRODUCTS DIVISION APPLICATION NOTE #1 INTERFACING MOSTEK'S MDX-PIO TO OPTO-22'S PB24 INTRODUCTION SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS The impact of the microprocessor has, at . least, been overwhelmiDg.: As consumers, most of us would be' hard pressed toJihd any appliance that doesn't have some type of microprocessor conta,ned within. Ln the area of i I'lstrumentation the microprocessor has brought about the development of a new generation of "smart" instruments. In general, when controlling valtages in excess of 5 volts and currents,in excess of 50 milliamps, devices other than ICs must be used. The salid state relay has provided the system designer with the perfect interface between the low current, law valtage world of the microprocessar and that of the real world. These relays come in many different sizes and specificatians with regards to voltage and current. For this application ,note, we will be dealing with the plug-in modules offered ,by such manufacturers as Opto-22, Gordas, and Guardian. These modules come in bathAC and DC versions with inputs and .outputs available in each type. In general, these modules are capable afcontralling up to 3 amps at their respective voltage ratings. This fact serves to limit the applications .of these devices ta low power direct control or high power indirect cantral through the use of higher power relays. Figure 1 shaws a block diagram of this system. Even though the areas of instrumentation and consumer products have .provided.· great in,roads for the microprocessor, its utilization is still limited by the "real-world" interfaces through which the microprocessor must communicate.These interfaces must handle such things as current and voltage levels which would be destructive t.othe MOS circuitry contained within the IC package. The advent of the solid-sta.te optically-isolated relay has lessened the impact of these "real-world" interface,problems. It iswith this in mind that this application nate will show haw ta interface a microcomputer system (based upan Mostek's MD-SERIES) to an OPTO-22 PB24 which is a 24-channel 110 panel utilizing,Opto 22's family .of solid-state relays. Figure 1 ". L MDX-CPU2 I r 'I ~ ) J MDX·PIO IJl :::J '" 0 PB24 co N 0 ~ • • §J §] IJl LlNE----------~1-~~~---------*~--~1 OUTPUTS VUI-1 INPUTS • HARDWARE CONSIDERATIONS As mentioned above, this particular application will make use of the MDX-PIO for the parallel interface between the microcomputer and the opto panel. In order to utilize this board the user must be aware of the many options available. This particular board is based upon the Z80-P10 peripheral chip. It is beyond the scope of this application note to go into great detail about this chip. For those readers wishing to gain more knowledge about this chip, please refer to the Microcomputer Data Book. 1981 zao For the type of operation that the opto panel is generally used, the data is handled as discrete bits. With this in mind, we will use the MDX-PIO in the bit-control mode. For more detail on this board, consult the MDX-PIO Operations Manual. When operating in this mode, the board can be configured such that I/O bits are assigned in four bit groups; all bits within a given group must be either inputs or outputs. This comes about owing to the type of interface chips used on the MDX-PIO. The user must be aware ofthis when it comes time to configure the opto panel. Port bits are assigned as either input or output by strapping the PIO accordingly. Figure 2 summarizes the various I/O straps for the PIO. The installation of a strap selects the corresponding Figure 2 J3 PORTB 1/0 CONTROL 7 17 PORTA 1/0 CONTROL 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- --- 2 8 18 24 B2 BrrS4-7 B1 BrrSO-3 B2 BrrSO-3 B1 BITS4-7 A2 OUTPUT A1 OUTPUT A2 INPUT A1 INPUT bits as outputs unless.otherwise noted. Note that port B can be strapped as two four bit quantities while port A l'!1ust be . strapped as an eight bit qi.iantity. To improve flexibility, the cable assignments in Tables 1 and 2 provide for the first 16: channels to be assigned to Port B1 and B2. Channels '7 -24 are split between Port A' and A2. In order for the software to use positive logic to activate the opto modules, the buffet chips on the PIO should be the inverting type. For channel A, 74LS240 devices should be used and for channel B, 74LS242 devices shoukt be used. The address assignment ofthe PIO is not critical owing to its having "ported" .1/0 as opposed to "memory-mapped" 1/0. For this application note; the sample software routine expects the PIO to reside at 1/0 location SO hex. To aCcomplish this assignment, simply strap the following pins on J4: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, and 9-' O. SOFlWARE CONSIDERATIONS There are two basic operation~ which are accomplished in software: progra'mming the PIO and controlling the opto panel. Figure 3 is a source listing for the demonstration program. For detailsc6ncerning the programming of the PIO, consulttheZSO-PIO section of the ZSO Microcomputer Data Book. The software routine provided with this application note runs the PIO as a polled device rather than interrupt-driven. The assignment of I/O bits is dependent upon the application. In this case, four bits are assigned as inputs and four as outputs. . All that is necessary to proQram the PIO is the selection of bit control mode and assignment of 1/0 bits. Once programmed, the interraction between the application software . and the physical devices which are being controlled is simply a matter of doing 1/0 instructions to I/O port SOH. A "'" in one of the input bits indicates that the device has been turned on. One nice feature of the PIO is that the software can read back the state of the output bits. This feature provides for storage of the state of the output bits. VIII-2 A PARTIAL BASIC ROUTINE TO CONTROL THE OPTO PANEL Figure 3 COMMENT: MASK CONTAINS THE 3 1/0 MASKS; PORT FOR I = 1 T03 OUT (21 + 127),255 =BOH OUT (21 + 127), MASK (I) NEXT I OUT PORT, DATA A= INP(PORn PINOUT ASSIGNMENTS FROM P10-J1 TO PB24 Table 1 PIOPINOUT J1-1 J1-2 J1-3 J1-4 J1-5 J1-6 J1-7 J1-8 J1-9 J1-10 J1-11 J1-12 J1-13 J1-14 J1-15 J1-16 J1-17 J1-18 J1-19 J1-20 J1-21 J1-22 J1-23 J1-24 J1-25 J1-26 PB24 PINOUT ARDY ASTB A7 A5 A3 A1 BO B2 B4 B6 BSTB BRDY N/C GND GND A6 A4 A2 AO B1 B3 B5 B7 GND GND N/C VIII-3 9 13 47 43 39 35 CHANNEL 19 CHANNEL 17 CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 4 CHANNEL 6 11 15 45 41 37 33 CHANNEL 18 CHANNEL 16 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 5 CHANNEL 7 PINOUT ASSIGNMENTS FROM P10-J2 TO PB24 Table 2 PIO PINOUT J2-1 J2-2 J2-3 J2-4 J2-5 J2-6 J2-7 J2-S J2-9 J2-10 J2-11 J2-12 J2-13 J2-14 J2-15 J2-16 J2-17 J2-1S J2-19 J2-20 J2-21 J2-22 J2-23 J2-24 J2-25 J2-26 PB24 PINOUT ARDY AST8 A7 A5 A3 A1 80 82 84 86 8ST8 8RDY 5 31 27 23 19 CHANNEL 23 CHANNEL 21 CHANNELS CHANNEL 10 CHANNEL 12 CHANNEL 14 7 29 25 21 17 CHANNEL 22 CHANNEL 20 CHANNEL 9 CHANNEL 11 CHANNEL 13 CHANNEL 15 N/C GND GND A6 A4 A2 AO 81 83 85 87 GND GND N/C VIII-4 IJ UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MDX-RMC121MD-RMC12-50 APPLICATION NOTE #2 INTRODUCTION CABLE ASSEMBLY The MD-RMC12 is a subsystem enclosure for the successful STD BUS line offered by Mostek and several other vendors. The subsystem has a power supply, a fan, a 12-slot card cage, and is packaged in a 19-inch rackmountable frame. Figure 2 PIN 1 (3) This application brief will detail the components for the cables that might be used and gives suggestions that might help improve the product's value to the user. CABLES The rear liD panel was provided for the convenience of the user. No cables are provided with the MD-RMC12 because of the diverse needs of the end user, but here are some recommended components and suggested cables to help configure a system. MDX-PIO. MDX-SI02. MDX-CPU2. and MDX-EPROM/UART (DEBUG) A typical interface cable from a Mostek module to the back ofthe liD connector panel is described in the following text. See Figure 1. The cable will be the interface for Mostek's MDX-EPROM/UART module, MDX-PIO. MDX-CPU2 or serial modules MDX-SIO, and MDX-SI02; however, the cable will accommodate all of Mostek's modules that have a 26-pin header for the liD connector. Ansley 609-2601-01, Winchester Electronic's #51-112601 or 3M's #3399-6026. The header is then pressed on the cable. Pressing the header on the cable can be accomplished with the manufacturer's suggested presses. A bench vise, if used with care, can also be used. Note that pin 1 ofthe header connector is the pin marked by the arrow on the housing. See Figure 2. 2. 24 inches of 26-conductor flat-ribbon cable: T&B Ansley's #171-26, Winchester Electronic's #55-262810/11 or 3M's #3365/26. 3. A 25-pin D-type socket connector, (T&B Ansley part #609-25S, or Winchester Electronic's #49-1125S), should be attached to the liD panel with the socket-jack assembly with #4 lock washer and #4-40 hex nut. (T&B Ansley 609003 or Winchester Electronic's 49-603-S) or #4 screws and nuts. The suggested method is the socket-jack assembly. CABLE INTERFACE Figure 1 RMC12 REAR 1/0 PANEL o~oo~ooC o~oo~ooC o~oo~ooC \ 7 Note: This method provides direct one-to-one pinout of MDX module signal wiring. Any scrambling which may be required to suit a particular application should be done with multi-conductor discrete wire; i.e. Beldon 8459 (25conductor; 22 AWG.) The D connector has 25 pins, and the flat ribbon cable has 26 conductors; therefore, the cable needs to have the last conductor (header pin 26) trimmed back approximately a half-inch to allow for pressing. This conductor isn't used by Mostek's liD modules. The D-type connector is then pressed on the corrected end of the cable. making sure pin 1 of the D-type connector end matches pin 1 of the header end. The liD panel position selected is uptothe user, but to make it compatible with other Mostek MATRIX-80 systems, • J3 is the suggested slot for the RS-232C (MDXEPROM/UART, SID, and SI02 modules) interconnect. The printer position defined by Mostek is Jl and J2 is the PROM programmer position. 1. The mating connector for the 26-pin header, on the liD modules, is a mass-terminated type connector, like T&B VIII-5 PRINTER. PROM PROGRAMMING When a printer is going to be used with the RMC12 subsystem the interface cable will depend on what type of interface the printer has: parallel Centronics type or RS-232 serial. type. the parallel interface uses the MDX-PIO and an internal cable described in the preceding text (Figure 2). The external cable is detailed in Table 2. of the PPG-8/16 with a 12-pin card-edge connector. There are many sources for the connector but here is a list of a few: AMP #583970-1 housing; #66067-5 contacts, and Winchester Electonic #HCA6S. (See Figure 3) THE WIRING LIST FOR THE POWER CONNECTOR Table 1 When a serial interface is going to be used, a MDX-SIO or MDX-SI02, the same internal cable as described in Figure 2 of the previous text is used. The external cable is the same as the CRT cable discussed later in the text and is detailed in Table 4. The PPG 8/16 uses the MDX-PIO as the interface module and as such will also use the same internal cables as the previous paragraphs described. (Figure 2). The external cable is detailed in Table 3. The software for the PPG 8/16 is provided with M/OS-80 and FLP-80DOS operating systems. The Mostek PROM programmer, PPG-8/16, will need a power harness brought from an external source, like a lab supply, or from the RMC12 itself. The PPG-8/16 requires 5 Vdc, and plus and minus 12 Vdc. The power can be taken directly from the RMC12 power supply by soldering 24guage wire from the solder lugs on the power supply to the connector. The power connector attaches to J2 on the back Power Supply Connector Pin # Vdc (J2) +12 +5 GND -12 4, 1, 2, 6, D, 5, E A B, 3, C F Color of Wire (24 AWG) Blue Red Black ,White MDX-FLP. MDX-FLP2 When the user needs Floppy Disk capabilities, another cable must be made. It interfaces Mostek's MDX-FLP module to the 1/0 panel. Mostek has a disk drive subsystem that contains two single-sided, single-density/doubledensity drives in a 19" rack-mount system called the RMDFSS. The cable suggested below is designed to interface the Mostek MDX-FLP Module to the rear 1/0 panel. PPG/RMC 12 POWER CABLE Figure 3 VIII-6 RS-232C DEVICE TO REAR PANEL MDX-FLP MODULE TO THE REAR 1/0 PANEL Figure 4 The cable used to connect to a terminal device is a one-toone 25-pin D connector (male). The Mostek cable can be purchased from Mostek or it can be constructed from the following components: Two 25-pin D-type pin connectors and five or six feet of twenty-five conductor flat ribbon cable. (AMC12 REAR liD PANEL) MOX-FLP MDX-FlP2 '~~ f::Li1 The twenty-six conductor cable could be used if the last conductor is removed or trimmed back on both ends. The D connectors are like the T&8 Ansley 609-25P. The cable is like T&8 Ansley #609-25S, 26 conductor flat ribbon cable. The connectors are crimped on both ends to complete the cable. l--\r------, _----'I \c-. Materials for constructing the cable are listed below. RMC12 TO RMDFSS CABLE 1. The MDX-FLP has a 50-pin header for I/O. The connector, like the previous cable discussed, is a massterminated crimp-on type of connector. (T&8 Ansley part #609-5001 M, Winchester Electronics #51-1150-01, or 3M' #3425-6050) 2. The cable is 50-conductor flat cable, 24 inches long. (T&8 Ansley #171-50, Winchester Electronic #55-5028101-11 or 3M's #3320/50.) 3. The connector that is attached to the rear I/O panel is also a mass-terminated connector. (T&8 Ansley #609-50F or 3M #3489-1001) EXTERNAL CABLES When floppy disk-drive units are to be utilized with the RMC12, Mostek can provide a complete disk-drive subsystem, the RMDFSS. The RMDFSS is a rackmountable, dual-floppy subsystem with two single-sided, single-density or double density drives with the power supply and muffin fan also provided in the enclosure. The disk drives are Shugart model number 800-2 drives and can be connected via a mass-terminated fifty-conductor cable from the rear of the I/O panel of the RMC12 and the rear of the RMDFSS subsystem via an external fifty-pin male connector (T&8 Ansley 609-50M) on both ends of 50conductor cable (T&8 Ansley #609-50F). See Figure 6. RMDFSS SUBSYSTEM Figure 6 The external cables needed to interface the RMC12 and its complement boards will vary according to the user needs as do the internal cables. Detailed here are a few common cables. EXTERNAL CABLING Figure 5 RMC12 REAR PANEl ~,~ ~oo~oo~o ~oo~oo~o \'--______7 ~\~ CRT DeVICE MK78152 EXTERNAL CABLE RS-232e 1::::::0.:: I:::=~:I 1==-"'-= 1=:..--=-1 !!11I1!!1/!11!!!!!! '"!!!I'"'IIIIII "IIIIII!!!!II!!II! II VIII-7 Table 2 Table 3 Wire list for a cable from the Mostek Parallel Interface Module (112 MDX-PIO) to the rear I/O panel, and from the I/O panel to a parallel printer (Centronics-compatible). See MDX-PIO manual for board strapping instructions and component changes. 26-Pin PIO Header Signal Conn. ARDY ASTB AO Al A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 BRDY BSTB BO Bl B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 GND GND GND GND * Jl-l Jl-2 Jl-19 Jl-6 Jl-18 Jl-5 Jl-17 Jl-4 Jl-16 Jl-3 Jl-12 Jl-ll Jl-7 Jl-20 Jl-8 Jl-21 Jl-9 Jl-22 Jl-l0 Jl-23 Jl-14 Jl-15 Jl-25 Jl-24 Wire list for a cable from a Mostek parallel interface module (112 MDX-PIO) and a PROM programmer (pPG-8/16) to the rear I/O cable. See the MDX-PIO manual for board strapping instructions and component changes. Centronics Centronics Female Male Connector Parallel Socket Pin Socket Signals ** Jl-l Jl-2 Jl-19 Jl-6 Jl-18 Jl-5 Jl-17 Jl-4 Jl-16 Jl-3 Jl-12 Jl-ll Jl-7 Jl-20 Jl-8 Jl -21 Jl-9 Jl-22 Jl-l0 Jl-23 Jl-14 Jl-15 Jl-25 Jl-24 *** **** Jl-l Jl-2 Jl-19 2 Jl-6 3 Jl-18 4 Jl-5 5 Jl-17 6 Jl-4 7 Jl-168 Jl-3 9 Jl-12 Jl-ll 10 Jl-7 1 Jl-20 Jl-8 Jl-21 Jl-9 12 Jl-22 11 Jl-l0 Jl-23 Jl-14 Jl-15 Jl-25 19 Jl-24 20 rINTERNA~L MASS TERMINATED CABLE PIO 26 Pin Signal I/O ARDY ASTB AO Al A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 BRDY BSTB BO Bl B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 GND GND GND GND DATA 1 DATA 2 DATA 3 DATA 4 DATA 5 DATA 6 DATA 7 DATA 8 ACKNLG STROBE PE BUSY GND GND (EXTERNAL) DISCRETE CABLE --1 * J2-1 J2-2 J2-19 J2-6 J2-18 J2-5 J2-17 J2-4 J2-16 J2-3 J2-12 J2-11 J2-7 J2-20 J2-8 J2-21 J2-9 J2-22 J2-10 J2-23 J2-14 J2-15 J2-25 J2-24 Female Male 25 D-Panel Connectors Socket Pin ** J2-1 J2-2 J2-19 J2-6 J2-18 J2-5 J2-17 J2-4 J2-16 J2-3 J2-12 J2-11 J2-7 J2-20 J2-8 J2-21 J2-9 J2-22 J2-10 J2-23 J2-14 J2-15 J2-25 J2-24 ~INTERNA9) MASS TERMINATED CABLE *26-pin header connector: T&B Ansley #609-2601-01 **25-pin D-type ribbon socket connector: T&B Ansley 609-25S****** ***25-pin D-type discrete pin plug connector: Cinch (TRW) #DBM-25P ****36-contact female connector: Cinch (TRW) #57-403060***** *****Housing for the above 25-pin connector: Cinch (TRW) #DB-51226-1 ******Pin 26 ofthe ribbon cable must betrimmed V,' before crimping *** J2-1 J2-2 J2-19 J2-6 J2-18 J2-5 J2-17 J2-4 J2-16 J2-3 J2-12 J2-11 J2-7 J2-20 J2-8 J2-21 J2-9 J2-22 J2-10 J2-23 J2-14 J2-15 J2-25 J2-24 PPG-8/16 25-Pin D PPGCon8/16 nector Signal Socket **** J3-10 J3-1 J3-2 J3-3 J3-4 J3-5 J3-6 J3-7 J3-8 ASTB PAO PAl PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 J3-17 J3-20 J3-21 J3-11 J3-12 J3-13 J3-14 J3-15 J3-16 J3-22 J3-24 J3-25 J3-23 BSTB PBO PBl PB2 PB3 PB4 PB5 PB6 PB7 GND GND GND GND (EXTERNAL) -DISCRETE CABLE I ~ *26-pin header connector: T&B Ansley #609-2601-01 **25-pin D-type ribbon socket connector: T&B Ansley #609-25S****** ***25-pin D-type discrete pin plug connector: Cinch (TRW) #DBM-25P ****25-pin D-type discrete socket connector: Cinch (TRW) #DBM-25S***** *****Housing for the above 25-pin connectors; Cinch (TRW) #DB-51226-1 ******Pin 26 ofthe ribbon cable must betrimmed V,' before crimping VIII-8 Table 4 Notes for Table 4 Wire list defining the cable from the communications modules, MDX-EPROM/UART, MDX-SIO, and MDX-SI02, to the 1/0 panel and a communications device (i.e. Printer, CRT Terminal, etc.). The strapping information for the modules is detailed in the module operations manual. SIOI SI02 (J1orJ2) 26-Pin Female Male EPROMI Header UART Conn. Socket Pin Signal * CHASSIS J3-1 GND XMIT J3-2 DATA RECV J3-3 DATA REO TO J3-4 SEND ClRTO J3-5 SEND DATA SEl J3-6 RDY GND J3-7 CARRIER J3-S DETECT J3-9 J3-10 J3-11 20mA- J3-12 RECV RET 20mA+ J3-13 SEND J3-14 J3-15 READER J3-16 STEP(+) J3-17 J3-1S J3-19 DATA J3-20 TERM RDY READER J3-21 STEP(-) J3-22 J3-23 20mA+ J3-24 RECV 20mA- J3-25 SEND ~ *** J3-1 *** J3-1 J3-2 J3-2 J3-2 J3-3 J3-3 J3-3 J3-4 J3-4 J3-4 J3-5 J3-5 J3-5 J3-6 J3-6 J3-6 J3-7 J3-S J3-7 J3-S J3-7 J3-S J3-9 J3-9 J3-9 J3-10 J3-10 J3-10 J3-11 J3-11 J3-11 J3-12 J3-12 J3-12 J3-13 J3-13 J3-13 J3-14 J3-15 J3-16 J3-14 J3-15 J3-16 J3-14 J3-15 J3-16 J3-17 J3-18 J3-19 J3-20 J3-17 J3-1S J3-19 J3-20 J3-17 J3-18 J3-19 J3-20 J3-21 J3-21 J3-21 J3-22 J3-23 J3-24 J3-22 J3-23 J3-24 J3-22 J3-23 J3-24 + J3-25 (INTERNAL) MASS TERMINATED CABLE MOSTEK PRODUCTS ORDERING INFORMATION 25-Pin D Printer or Connector RS-232C Device Socket ** J3-1 J3-25 J3-25 *26-pin header connector: T&B Ansley #609-2601-01 **25-pin D-type ribbon socket connector: T&B Ansley 609-25S**** ***25-Pin D-type ribbon pin plug connector: T&B Ansley 609-25P ****Pin 26 of the ribbon cable must be trimmed V>" before crimping DESCRIPTION MOSTEK # NOTES PROM Programmer PPG-S/16 MK79081-1 Cable included PPG-81 16 cable only MK79090 Power not provided PIO to PPG Cable MK77957 Power not provided Centronics cable only MK79089 used with scrambler CRT cable only MK78152 MDX-PIO-parallel 1/0 MDX-PI0-44 MHz MK77650 MK77650-4 STD-Z80 Module 20mASEND RET 20mA+ RECV MDX-SIO MDX-SIO-4 MK77651 MK77651-4 STD-Z80 Module MDX-SI02 MDX-SI02-4 MK77670 MK77670-4 STD-Z80 Module READER STEP(+) MDX-FlP MK77654 STD-SO Module MDX-EPROM/UART MDX-EPROM/UART MK77753 MK77753-4 STD-Z80 Module RMDFSS 115/220 V 50/60 Hz MK78183 MK78185 Cable provided RMDFSS cable only MK79088 CHASSIS GND XMIT DATA RECV DATA REO TO SEND ClRTO SEND DASET RDY GND CARRIER DETECT DATA TERM RDY READER STEP(-) 20mA+ SEND 20mARECV (EXTERNAL) MASS TERMINATED CABLE -1 VIII-9 II VIII-l0 I! UNITED BOARD AND DEVELOPMENT PRODUCTS TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK RESET CIRCUIT FOR MDX-CPU2A This application brief will detail the differences and the reason for the differences between the MDX-CPU2 and the MDX-CPU2A CPU cards. The change allows the /SYSRESET to be sourced by another card other than the CPU card (i.e. MDX-PFD). See Figures 1 and 2 for changes. Refertothe MDX-PFD manual for specifics on the power-fail detect usage. The difference between the two cards is in the way /SYSRESET is handled. The actual change is limited to a simple Printed Circuit Board change on the CPU card. The changes do not affect the parts count or the option strapping headers. RESET CIRCUIT FOR CPU2 RESET CIRCUIT FOR CPU2A Figure 1 Figure 2 PBRESEf 2 B PBRESET U17 MK3aaO zao CPU Q U4 2 B Q U17 MK3aaO zao CPU 13 U4 4 26 26 RESET - +5 ·5 UR2 1K 12 SYSRESET U27 U27 .IT a a 74LS244 SYSRESET VIII-11 13 ~ 74LS244 RESET VIII·12 IJ UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK APPLICATION NOTE #4 RESET CIRCUIT FOR MDX-CPU1A This application note will detail the difference and the reason for the difference between the MDX-CPU1 and the MDX-CPU1A CPU cards. The difference between the two cards is in the way ISYSRESET is handled. The actual change required the addition of an IC and a change to the Printed Circuit Board. These changes allow the ISYSRESET to be sourced by a card other than the CPU card (i.e. MDX-PFD). See Figures 1 and 2 for the affected circuitry. For specifics on how to use the power-fail detect card, refer to the MDX-PFD Operations Manual. The addition of the IC provided the opportunity to bring the nomenclature screen up to date with the present practices in labeling headers and parts. These changes affect the parts count, nomenclature screen, and the option-strapping headers. Tables 1 and 2 will point out the changes in the option-headers and the parts designators. OPTION HEADERS Table 1 Old Designator New Designator U5 U10 E3,E4 E5,E6 E1,E2 E7 Comments number scheme changed number scheme changed Pins 1 and 3 of J2 Pins 4 and 2 of J2 No functional change No functional change. J3 J4 J2 J2 J5 J6 Option-header Jumpers From (CPU1) US/U10 o o 016 To (CPU1A) J3/J4 10 o 2 o 0 ~14 4 7 0 Memory and 1/0 Expand jumper options ~6 I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 To (CPU1A) J6 ]1 0 0 9 From (CPU1) E7 M E o M I I M E o M • 150 016 Example: US 4 to 14 = J3 7 to 6 VIII-13 Wait State Jumper Options (I/O and Memory) From (CPU1) To (CPU1A) E5 0 (I/O) 1) E6 D D D EJ E40 (Memory) E30 + + 1 2 3 4 0-0 (Memory) 0-0 (I/O) PARTS DESIGNATORS Table 2 CPU1 Designator U1 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U17 U18 U2,16 U20 U21 U22,25,27 U23 U24 U26 U28 U29 U3 U4 U8 U9,19 UR1, UR2 UR3 UR4 X14 X15 X23 X6,X7 C2 C3-5, 7-13,15 C6,14 CR1 Q1 R12,13 R3,5,8,11 R4, 10 R6 R7 R9 PART 74S04 74LS14 74LS138 74LS04 MK3882 MK3880 74LS165 74LS393 74LS74· 74LS32 74LS02 74LS244 35392 74LS245 74LS373 74LS08 OSC.5/8MHz 74LSOO 74LS10 74S74 74LS30 1K RES,SIP 6 PIN 22K RES,SIP 6 PIN 1K RES,SIP 8 PIN 28 PIN SOCKET 40 PIN SOCKET 22 PIN SOCKET 24 PIN SOCKET CAP. 33PF CAP .. 1UF CAP. 15UF DIODE IN914 TRANSISTOR 2N3906 RES. 4.7K OHMS RES. 1.1 K OHMS RES. 270 OHMS RES. 10K OHMS RES. 22 OHMS RES. 510 OHMS VIII-14 CPU1 A Designator U1 U9 U10 U11 U12 U13 U17 U15 U2,14 U19 U20 U21,24,26 U22 U23 U25 U27 Y1 U3 U4 U7 U8,18 UR1, UR2 UR3 UR4 X12 X13 X22 X5,X6 C1 C2-3, C5-19 C4,C20 CR1 Q1 R2,5 R3,4,6,9 R1 R7 R8 R10 RESET CIRCUIT FOR CPU1 RESET CIRCUIT FOR CPU1A Figure 1 Figure 2 +6 +6 SYSRESET UR2 1K 5 U13 MK3880 Z80CPU U22 SYSRESET U13 MK3880 zao CPU UR2 1K U22 15 1-"15'--....___2Q 6 RESET 5 26 _ _ >=-'--Q RESET 74LS244 74LS244 10 74LS02 • IC ADDED TO BOARD II VIII-15 VHI-16 I!I UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK APPLICATION NOTE #5 CUSTOMIZING THE MDX-CPU3 PROM .. ----,,-, .",.., .. _--.,,_ ..._,,------SCOPE: CUSTOMIZING U24 (MK6359): This application note will detail how to customize the two PROM's (U23 and U24) on the MDX-CPU3. U24 is a bipolar PROM programmed at the factory (part number MK6359) to provide several functions for the MDXCPU3, First, it provides the chip select signal to the EPROM/ROM socket; Second, it provides the A 15 address line to select upper or lower 32K memory for on-board dynamic memory; Third, it provides the RAM select (RSEL) signal (on-board vs off-board) for an input to the PAL; And fourth, it provides the memory expand (MEMEX) signal for use in bank selecting of additional off-board memory. CUSTOMIZING U23 (MK6360): This bipolar PROM performs several functions. First, it provides the address decoding for the chip select signal to the Serial Timer Interrupt device (MK3801); Second, it provides the clocking pulse for the parallel output latch; Third, it provides the clocking signal pulse for the memory configuration latch; And fourth, it provides the input to the Programmable Array Logic (PAL) device indicating that an onboard port is being addressed. The data contained in the bipolar PROM provided on the MDX-CPU3 is listed at the end of this application note. If a change is required (such as using a different address other than BO-BF for the serial port or DO for the printer output port), anew bipolar PROM must be programmed. See Table 1 for the information needed to compute the correct data for your PROM. BIPOLAR PROM OUTPUT-PIN AND DATA BIT DEFINITION Tre data contained in the bipolar function PROM provided o~"the MDX-CPU3 is listed at the end of this application note. If a change is required (such as using memory maps other than those provided), a new bipolar PROM must be programmed. See Table 2 for the information needed to compute the correct data for your PROM. BIPOLAR PROM OUTPUT-PIN AND DATA BIT DEFINITION Table 2 OUTPUT PIN # 12 11 Table 1 OUTPUT PIN# 12 11 10 9 PROM DATA BIT SIGNAL 1 3 2 0 DESCRIPTION - X - - X X - - - X - - STI Chip Select (MK3801 ) Output Latch Select (PTR) Memory Config Select Any Port Select (PAL input) PROM DATA BIT SIGNAL 1 0 DESCRIPTION 3 2 10 9 ACTIVE STATE HI HI HI X X X - X EPROM/ROM Select A 15 Address Line Select On-board RAM Memory Expand Output ACTIVE STATE LO *. LO LO ** = Tracks A 15 input line, on shipped PROM. Potential use of this feature could be to have two separate 32K RAM memory banks on-board when using a MK38000 ROM (32Kx8.) LO For example', if a user wishes to have the STI port at 10-1 F instead of BO-BF, the data in the remaining location 10-1 F would be 1 H (0001), The data in the remaining locations cif the PROM must also be computed and programmed. The 64K memory map is shown in Figure 1. Note that each PROM location represents a 2K block of CPU addressable memory. The PROM location for the MAP 0 is depicted in Figure 1. NOTE: Depending on the bits being changed and the type of unprogrammed bit (unprogrammed bit'" 1 or 0) of the PROM, if may be possible to use the existing PROM. VIII-17 MEMORY MAP Sti0WING PROM ADDRESS LOCATIONS Figure 1 CPU Address Change F800 - FFFF Fooo - F7FF E800 - EFFF Eooo - E7FF 0800 - OFFF 0000 - 07FF C800 - CFFF Cooo - C7FF B800 - BFFF Booo - B7FF ABOO -AFFF Aooo -A7FF 9800 - 9FFF 9000 - 97FF 8800 - 8FFF 8000 - 87FF 7800 -7FFF 7000 -77FF 6800 - 6FFF 6000 - 67FF 5800 - 5FFF 5000 - 57FF 4800 -4FFF 4000 - 47FF 3800 - 3FFF 3000 - 37FF 2800 - 2FFF 2000 - 27FF 1800 -1 FFF 1000 -17FF 0800 - OFFF 0000 - 07FF PROM LOCATIONS AND PROM DATA BIT INFORMATION Figure 2 1F OF 1E .OE 10 00 1C. OC 1B OB 1A OA 19 09 18 08 17 07 16 06 15 05 14 04 13 03 12 02 11 01 10 00 CROSS REFERENCE CPU Address Bus to Prom Address Bus Figure 3 PROM LOC BIT # 3210 DATA OOOOH 1000H 2000H 3000H 4000H 5000H 6000H 7000H BOOOH 9000H AoooH BoooH CoooH OoooH EoooH FoooH OOH 01H 02H 03H O4H 05H 06H 07H 08H 09H OAH OBH OCH OOH OEH OFH 1100 1001 1001 1001 .1001 1001 1001 1001 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 CH 9H 9H 9H 9H 9H 9H 9H BH BH BH BH BH BH BH BH 0800H 1800H 2800H 3800H 4800H 5800H 6800H 7800H 8800H 9800H A800H B800H C800H 0800H E800H F800H 10H 11 H 12H 13H 14H 15H 16H 17H 18H 19H 1AH 1BH 1CH 10H 1EH 1FH 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 . 1001 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 9H 9H 9H 9H. 9H 9H 9H 9H BH BH BH BH BH BH BH BH MEMORY MAP PROM Address NOTE: A contiguous addressing of memory does not enable sequential PROM address locations. U24 A7 PROM AS A5 All A4 A1S A3 A14 A2 A13 Al A12 AO A3 - AO = lOWER NIBBLE EXAMPLE OF PROM ADDR ESS To truely understand the memory mapping PROM (U24). .the following examples are given. Eample #1 - You have a 2K EPROM (2716) that you would like to place in the memory map (Map 0) at location OOOOH. Refer to Table 2. Bit 0 must be enabled (0 =active low) and the remaining three Bits selected accordingly. The PROM location to be programmed Would be OOH. See Figure 2. VIII-18 Example #2 - You have a 2K EPROM (2716)thatyou would like to place in the memory map (Map 0) at location E8ooH. Refer to Table 2. Bit 0 must be enabled (0 = active low) and the remaining three Bits selected accordingly. The PROM location to be programmed would be 1 EH. See Figure 3. Figure 4 (cant.) 0800H 1800H 2800H 3800H 4800H 5800H 6800H 7800H 8800H 9800H A800H B800H C800H D800H E800H F800H Example #3 - You have a 4K EPROM (2732)thatyou would like to place in the memory map (Map 0) at location OOOOH. Refer to Table 2. Bit 0 must be enabled (0 = active low) and the remaining three Bits selected accordingly. The PROM locations to be programmed would be ooH and 10H. Example #4 - You have a 4K EPROM (2732)that you would like to place in the memory map (Map 0) at location 28ooH. Refer to Table 2. Bit 0 must be enabled (0 = active low) and the remaining three Bits selected accordingly. The PROM locations to be programmed would be 12H and 03H. Example #5 - You have a 8K EPROM (2764) that you would like to place in the memory map (Map 0) at location OOOOH. Refer to Table 2. Bit 0 must be enabled (0 = active low) and the remaining three Bits selected accordingly. The PROM locations to be programmed would be ooH, 1OH, and 11 H. Figure 5 Figure 4 OOOOH 1000H 2000H 3000H 4000H 5000H 6000H 7000H 8000H 9000H AOOOH BOOOH COOOH DOOOH EOOOH FOOOH ooH 01H 02H 03H 04H 05H 06H 07H 08H 09H OAH OBH OCH ODH OEH OFH BIT # 3210 PROGRAMMED (BINARY) DATA (HEX) 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH BH BH BH BH BH BH BH BH MAP 1 FOR EXAMPLE 6 MAP 0 FOR EXAMPLE 6 PROM LOe 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 Programmed data is a HEX value arrived at by using information from Table 2. Example #6 - You have a 32K ROM (MK38000) that you would like to place in the memory map (Map 0) at location OOOOH. You would also like to take full advantage of having 64K Dynamic memory on the MDX-CPU3 board. i.e., you would like to have one memory map use one half of memory with the same 32K ROM. Thus, you essentially would have a 32K ROM system with 64K of Dynamic RAM on the same board. By installing jumper J5, the 02 input to U13 is no longer tied high and will follow the logic level represented by the 02 bit. Also, sincetheA15 address line is selected by the bipolar PROM, the A15 line is enabled to select the lower half of RAM for Map 0 and upper half of RAM for Map 1 as shown in Figures 4 and 5. MEMORY MAP 10H 11 H 12H 13H 14H 15H 16H 17H 18H 19H 1AH 1BH 1CH 1DH 1EH 1FH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH BH BH BH BH BH BH BH BH VIII-19 BIT # 3210 PROGRAMMED (BINARY) DATA (HEX) MEMORY MAP PROM LOe OOOOH 1000H 2000H 3000H 4000H 5000H 6000H 7000H 8000H 9000H AOOOH BOOOH COOOH DOOOH EOOOH FOOOH 20H 21H 22H 23H 24H 25H 26H 27H 28H 29H 2AH 2BH 2CH 2DH 2EH 2FH 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH 9H 9H 9H 9H 9H 9H 9H 9H 0800H 1800H 2800H 3800H 4800H 5800H 6800H 7800H 8800H 9800H A800H B800H C800H D800H E800H F800H 30H 31H 32H 33H 34H 35H 36H 37H 38H 39H 3AH 3BH 3CH 3DH 3EH 3FH 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH 9H 9H 9H 9H 9H 9H 9H 9H I I Ii Il BANK SWITCHING An application may require morethan one bank of memory. The MDX-CPU3 board supports bank switching by addressing the control port FF and sending it the bank number the user wishes to select. However, bank numbers and memory map numbers are not one and the same. See Tables 3A and 3B. BANK SWITCHING WITH JUMPER J5 INSTALLED Table3A DATA WRITTEN TO PORT FF TO SELECT BANK# AND SELECT MAP# 15 RESET (00) 00 01 02 04 08 10 20 40 80 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 1 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ADDRESS BIT 14 13 12 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 02 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ADDRESS BIT 14 13 12 11 02 PROM BIT 01 DO 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BANK SWITCHING WITH JUMPER J5 NOT INSTALLED (BIT 02 REMAINS HIGH FOR PROM) Table3B DATA WRITTEN TO PORT FF TO SELECT BANK# AND SELECT MAP# 15 RESET (00) 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 4 5 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 01 02 04 08 10 20 40 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 * PROM BIT 01 DO 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * = 1 for Memory Decode PROM o for Data off-board EXPANDING THE NUMBER OF MEMORY MAPS PAL PIN DEFINITIONS: The devices shipped and discussed above will allow a maximum of 8 maps. However, should a user require more maps and not need to follow Mostek's bank selecting scheme, 16 maps are possible. The user can place a MMI6306 (512 x 4) bipolar PROM (with users' programmed data) in socket U24; Lift pin U24-14 and connect a wire wrap wire from it to U13-1 0 and insert jumper J5. Now the user will have access to a total of 16 memory maps available. Listed in Table 4 are the Boolean expressions for the PAL logic. These are listed to help the user know which signals are affected when changes are made to either of the two PROMs mentioned earlier. VIII-20 - - - - ,. ,-," ,,-,--------------------------------- PAL OUTPUT-PIN SIGNAL DESCRIPTION Table 4 OUTPUT PIN# SIGNAL DESCRIPTION CASSOFF = = EN ROM = INTAK IWRTLTH = IMCYCLE = 10ATAIN = RFSH + IORO + EPSEL*RO +/RSEL*/EPSEL RO*MREO M1*IORO IIORO + IWR +/PORTSEL 1M REO +/RFSH*IWR*/RO RO*MREO*RSEL + RO*MREO*EPSEL + RO*IORO*PORTSEL + M1 *IORO* IIEI*IEO + IBUSAK* IRO*MREO + IBUSAK*1M 1* IIORO* IMREO + IBUSAK* IRO*IORO* IM1 16 17 19 12 15 18 PROM PATTERN (MM16301-1J 256 x 4) U23 MK6360 LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 08 09 OA OB OC 00 OE OF 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 28 29 2A 28 2C 20 2E 2F 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 48 49 4A 4B 4C 40 4E 4F 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 68 69 6A 6B 6C 60 6E 6F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 18 19 1A 1B 1C 10 1E 1F 8 8 8 38 39 3A 3B 3C 30 3E 3F 8 8 8 8 58 59 5A 5B 5C 50 5E 5F 8 8 8 8 8 NOTE: 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 85 86 87 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 AO A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 CO C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 EO E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 88 89 8A 8B 8C 80 8E 8F 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 A8 A9 AA AB AC AO AE AF 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 C8 C9 CA CB CC CO CE CF 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 E8 E9 EA EB EC EO EE EF 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 BO B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 FO F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 B 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 78 79 7A 7B 7C 70 7E 7F 8 8 8 8 8 98 99 9A 9B 9C 90 9E 9F 8 8 8 B8 B9 BA BB BC BO BE BF 08 09 OA OB OC 00 OE OF 8 8 F8 F9 FA FB FC FO FE FF 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 80 81 82 83 84 Oata is in HEX VIII-21 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 II PROM PATIERN (MMI6301-1J 256 x 4) U24 MK6359 LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA LOC DATA 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 F F F F F F F F 40 41 42 43 05 06 07 C 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 08 09 OA 08 OC 00 OE OF 8 8 8 8 8 8 A 8 28 29 2A 28 2C 20 2E 2F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 C 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 18 19 1A 18 1C 10 1E 1F 8 8 8 8 8 8 A 8 00 01 02 03 04 45 46 47 F F F F F F F F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 F F F F F F F F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AO A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 CO C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EO E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 48 49 4A 48 4C 40 4E 4F F F F F F F F F 68 69 6A 68 6C 60 6E 6F F F F F F F F F 88 89 8A 88 8C 80 8E 8F F F F F F F 8 8 A8 A9 C8 C9 CA C8 CC CO CE CF F F F F F F 8 8 E8 E9 A8 AC AD AE AF 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 E8 EC ED EE EF F F F F F F F F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 F F F F F F F F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 F F F F F F F F 70 71 77 F F F F F F F F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 DO 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FO F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F F F F F F F F 38 39 3A 38 3C 3D 3E 3F F F F F F F F F 58 59 5A 58 5C 50 5E 5F F F F F F F F F 78 79 7A 78 7C 70 7E 7F F F F F F F F F 98 99 9A 98 9C 90 9E 9F F F F F F F 8 8 88 89 8A 88 8C 80 8E 8F 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 08 09 OA 08 DC DO DE OF F F F F F F 8 8 F8 F9 FA F8 FC F F F F F F F F 44 72 73 74 75 76 NOTE: Data is in HEX VIII-22 AA EA FD FE FF COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION UNITED ~ TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK UPGRADING FROM MDX-FLP1 TO MDX-FLP2 APPLICATION NOTE #6 INTRODUCTION With the advent of the MDX-FLP2, Mostek STD-ZSO BUS systems have the capability of maintaining up to 4 MB of floppy storage on-line. In orderfor this benefitto be realized, the appropriate hardware and software products need to be brought together. This application note will detail the required software (M/OS-SO) and hardware configurations necessary in order to make use of the above-mentioned benefit. The information contained herein is sufficient to make the transition from a FLP1-based system to a FLP2based system. It is assumed that the system contains a CPU card (CPU 1, 2, 3, etc.), sufficient memory to meet the operating system's needs, and at least a console interface (510, 5102, EPROM/UART, etc.). Additional information may be gained from the M/OS-SO operations manual, the MDX-FLP2 data sheetltechnical manual, and the MOSGEN operations manual. (See references.) memory sockets. As shipped from the factory, the default floppy controller in a phantom system is the MDX-FLP2. So, in most cases there will not need to be a migration path for MDX-FLP1 to MDX-FLP2 in phantom systems. There are, however, driver routines provided in the MOSGEN package which will allow the use of an MDX-FLP1 in a phantom system. Table 1 summarizes the various combinations of software and hardware which Mostek offers. When utilizing the double-density capabilities of the MDXFLP2 in a non-phantom system, the user must be aware of the requirement for tracks one and two to be formatted as single density. This is a requirement of the DCF EPROMs. The technique for generating a double-density operating system diskette in a non-phantom system is as follows: 1. Format the whole diskette as single density. 2. WRTSYS the diskette from a single-density source. SOFTWARE A system which is currently running M/OS-SO in conjunction with an MDX-FLP1 should have FLP1-DCF EPROM# MK62S6 and one of several DDT EPROMs for the console and printer interfaces. There is no need to change the DDT EPROM when upgrading to an MDX-FLP2. The correct EPROM for an MDX-FLP2 system is FLP2-DCF EPROM #MK6340. Of course these EPROMs only apply to those M/OS-SO versions which are designed to run as non-phantom systems. Any version of M/OS-SO which is less than 5.0 is non-phantom. Mostek uses the term "phantom" to indicate those systems in which the boot firmware is non-resident. In addition, the disk drivers are brought in as part of the operating system rather than being EPROM-resident. This gives greater flexibility to the system due to the increased space for software on a disk versus permanent EPROM storage in the system memory space. Through the use of a phantom system, only a bare bones disk driver need be resident during the boot phase. This driver determines the appropriate software routines which need to be loaded for a given hardware configuration. After this decision has been made, the boot firmware is phantomed out of the system memory space, thus freeing up additional memory. 3. Go back into the format program and reformat the diskette beginning at track 2 as double-density. After having completed the above procedure, the diskette can now be filled with data from other sources. The file area will have data stored in a double-density format while the system area will have data stored in a single-densityformat. The above procedure isn't necessary for a phantom system due to its ability to determine which floppy controller device is in the system and in what format the data is stored on the diskette. HARDWARE As shipped from the factory, the MDX-FLP2 is strapped correctly for operation with either M/OS-SO or FLP-SODOS and S inch drives. It is still a good idea to verify that the appropriate straps are in place. Figure 1 shows a board outline of the MDX-FLP2 and the placement of the jumper headers. Figure 1 also shows the correct strapping for the MDX-FLP2 as it is shipped from the factory. The following discussion details the operation of each strap on the MDX-FLP2. J4: Versions 5.0 or greater are designed to run as phantom systems and require a special "boot" EPROM. These systems are, in general, designed to utilize the MDX-CPU3 and MDX-CPU4 due to their ability to phantom certain VIII-23 Auto Precomp - When open, double density write precompensation is always in effect (provided DDEN* is low). This is primarily for 5'.14 inch drives that require write precompensation of every track. When strapped, write data is precompensated only for tracks greater than 43; (factory setting) • MIOS 80 CONFIGURATIONS Table 1 CPU Configuration FileName Memory(K) CPU MHz O/S Peripheral Devices PROMs Size Console Printer Floppy Hard Disk DDT/DCF DDT/DCF DDT/DCF DDTlDCF DDT/DCF DDT/DCF DDT/DCF DDTlDCF 32 48 56 64 32 48 56 64 ALLCONI ALLCONI ALLCONI ALLCONI ALLCONI ALLCONI ALLCONI ALLCONI PIOLST PIOLST PIOLST PIOLST SIOLST SIOLST SIOLST SIOLST FLPI [EO,SBO,50,4D,A:,SDB,SDO] FLPI [EO,8BO,50,4D,A:,SD8,SDO] FLPI [EO,SBO,50,4D,A:,SDB,SDO] FLPI [EO,SBO,50,4D,A:,SDB,SDO] FLP1[EO,8BO,50,4D,A:,SD8,SDO] FLPI [EO,SBO,50,4D,A:,SDB,SDO] FLPI [EO,8BO,50,4D,A:,SDB,SDO] FLPI [EO,SBO,50,4D,A:,SDB,SDO] NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE DDT/DCF DDT/DCF DDT/DCF PHANTOM DDT/DCF PHANTOM 64 64 64 ALLCONI ALLCONI ALLCONI PIOLST SIOLST PIOLST NONE NONE NONE 64 ALLCONI SIOLST FLPI [EO,8BO,50,4D,A:,SD8,SDO] FLPI [EO,SBO,50,4D,A:,SDB,SDO] FLP2[EO,SBO,50,4D,A:,SDB,DDO] FLP2[EO,SBO,5BO,4D,A:,DDB,DDO] FLP2[EO,SBO,50,4D,A:,SDB,DDO] FLP2[EO,SBO,5S0,4D,A:,DDB,DDO] 64 64 64 64 64 ALLCON2 ALLCON2 ALLCON2 ALLCON2 ALLCON2 ALLST SIOLST ALLLST SIOLST ALLLST FLP2[EO,SBO,5S0,4D,A:,DDB,DDO] FLP2[EO,SBO,5BO,4D,A:,DDB,DDO] FLP2[EO,8BO,5BO,2D,A:,DDB,DDO] FLP2[EO,SBO,5BO,2D,A:,DDB,DDO] FLP2[EO,SBO,3BO,4D,A:,DDB,DDO] +FLP2[CO,SO,50,3D,E:,DDO] NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 64 64 64 64 64 ALLCON2 ALLCON2 ALLCON2 ALLCON2 ALLCON2 ALLLST SIOLST ALLLST SIOLST ALLLST FLP2[EO,SBO,5BO,4D,A:,DDB,DDO] FLP2[EO,SBO,5BO,4D,A:,DDB,DDO] FLP2[EO,SBO,5BO,4D,C:,DDB,DDO] FLP2[EO,SBO,5BO,4D,C:,DDB,DDO] FLP2[EO,SBO,5BO,4D,A:,DDB,DDO] +FLP2[CO,SO,50,3D,E:,DDO] SASll[AO,5BO,2D,E:,DDB,DDO] SASII [AO,3BO,2D,E:,DDB,DDO] SASII [AO,5BO,2D,A:,DDB,DDO] SASII [AO,5BO,2D,A:,DDB,DDO] SASII [AO,5BO,2D,H:,DDB,DDO] M/OS-SO-4 Customer Update (MOS-AP32) MOS-AP4S MOS-AP56 MOS-AP64 MOS-AS32 MOS-AS48 MOS-AS56 MOS-AS64 System Release (MOS-AP64) MOS-AS64 MOS-DAP6 MOS-DAS6 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 2&4 2&4 2&4 2&4 2&4 2&4 2&4 2&4 13 1,2 1,2 1,2 2&4 2&4 2&4 13 13 14 1,2 2&4 14 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 9 9 9 PHANTOM PHANTOM PHANTOM PHANTOM PHANTOM 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 12 12 12 12 12 PHANTOM PHANTOM PHANTOM PHANTOM PHANTOM 9 9 9 13 9 9 9 NONE M/OS-SO-5 System Release (MOS-PHM) MOS-TS MOS-SK MOS-TSSK MOS-FS5 S S M/OS-SO -6 System Release (MOS-HTTF) MOS-HTSF MOS-HTTH MOS-HTSH MOS-HFS5 ): FILE NAMED SYSTEM.COM ON RELEASE DISK ALLLST: STI OR PIO AT PORT ODOH CPU MHz 2&4: CALCULATED BAUD RATE AT BOOT-UP 2.5 TO 4.0 PIOLST: MDX-PIO AT PORT ODOH CPU 1,2 : MDX-CPUI OR MDX-CPU2 SIOLST: MDX-SIO AT PORT ODEH ALLCONI : UART OR SIO AT PORT ODCH PHANTOM: PHANTOM BOOTM PROM ALLCON2: STI AT PORT OBOH OR UART/SIO AT PORT ODCH PHANTOMX: MODIFIED PHANTOM PROM TO OPERATE NON-PHANTOM FLOPPY: FLP2[EO,SBO,5B0,4D,A:,SDB,SDO] ~ MDX-FLP2, PORT OEOH, S" BOOT10PERATION, 5;' BOOT10PER, 4 LOGICAL DRIVES, START DRIVE A:, SINGLE DENSITY BOOT-UP, SINGLE DENSITY OPERATION HARD DISK: SASll[AO,5BO,2D,E:,DDB,DDO] ~ MDX-SASll, PORT OAOH, 2 LOGICAL DRIVES, START DRIVE E:, DOUBLE DENSITY BOOT, OPERATION ( VIII-24 J12: FLP2 STRAPPING LOCATIONS Figure 1 J3 One ofthe major additions to the MDX-FLP2 is the abilityto support multiple DMA devices. This capability is accomplished through the implementation of a DMA daisy-chain which adheres to the STD BUS Practice for mUltiple DMA devices. Connections to the daisy chain are made on connector J2. The MDX-FLP1 does not support this feature, there is generally no need to be concerned with it. It is, however, a feature that one should be aware of especially if one plans to have other mass storage interfaces such as an MDX-SASI2 hard disk interface. Additional information on this topic can be gained from the 1981 STD BUS Specification and Practice which is available from the STD Manufacturing Group. Figure 2 details the pin-out of connector J2. J4 1 2 1 2 D 8::r=l Gl s"r:-:l 1 5~ L:J8"L::J JS J7 J6 J8 x J9 1 2 .--- DAISY CHAIN CONNECTOR Figure 2 A3 A4 AS AS A7 '--J10 EXT Request Level - This jumper determines whether the EXTREQ input to the FLP2 DMA is active low or active high. For an active low EXTREQ, strap pins 2 and 3 (factory setting); for an active high EXTREQ, strap pins 1 and 2. 'rn 7~1 8~2 11:l J11 J2-TOPVIEW J12~ \ J1 ( J5: Test Points - Test points shown on the schematic are located on this jumper. J6: VCO Clock - This clock is either a 4 MHz (8 inch drive) or 2 MHz (5% inch drive) clock. J7: 8 Inch Ready - When using an 8 inch drive, this PIN NO. 1,3,5,7 Ground FUNCTION 2 8AI (8us ACK In) 4 8AO (Bus ACK Out) 6 No connection 8 External DMA Request Input The pin-out of J3 is unchanged therefore the cable used between the MDX-FLP1 and the disk devices can also be used with the MDX-FLP2. SUMMARY strap connects the READY signa) to FLP2. When using a 5% inch drive, this strap is not connected. Thus, 5% drives will always appear ready. J8: 8 or 5% inch Clock - Strap for either a 4 MHz (8 inch) or 2 MHz (5% inch) clock. J9: 5% inch drive - This strap is used by Mostek software to determine whether 5% or 8 inch drives are used. Only strap J9 for 5% inch drives. J10: Port Address Select - This header block is used to place the FLP2 on any of 32 possible 8-port boundaries. A jumper installed selects the given address bit to be a "zero". J11: 1/0 Expand - 10EXP* is normally not used on Mostek boards. Thus, the factory straps pins 2 and 3. If the user desires to use 10EXP*, strap pins 1 and 2 plus pins 3 and 4. The upgrade from an MDX-FLP1 to an MDX-FLP2 should pose few, if any, problems. The major stumbling blocks are in the various software options the user has at his disposal. Table 1 provides a comprehensive cross-correlation between CPU boards, FLP boards, and software. As indicated above, the hardware should pose no problems. Keep in mind, however, that Mostek software usually expects the system disk drive to be of the 8 inch variety. If it is desired to have a 5% inch drive as the system drive, Version 5.0 or greater should be used. Again, this is possible due to the phantom capabilities of these versions. REFERENCES MDX-FLP2 Ops Manual #4420262 M/OS-80 Ops Manual #4420064 MOSGEN Ops Manual #4420270 VIII-25 II VIII-26 !t UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MDX-SASI1: THE HARD DISK INTERFACE APPLICATION NOTE #7 INTRODUCTION As microcomputer systems have increased in their complexity, so have their mass storage needs also increased. It isn't uncommon to see as much as 10 MB of mass storage attached to an 8-bit microcomputer. Mostek has responded to this need with the introduction of the MDX-SASI-1: a Shugart Associates System Interface (SASITM) bus adapter for the STD-Z80 BUS. This application note will highlight the features of the SASI bus as well as provide a fairly comprehensive list of the controllers and disk drives which are compatible with the MDX-SASI-1. There will also be a brief discussion of the versions of M/OS-80 which are designed to utilize the capabilities of a hard disk. For more in-depth coverage, the reader should refer to the references listed atthe end ofthis Application Note. are those bus devices which perform the operation. A bus device may have a fixed role as an initiator or target, or the bus device may be able to assume either role. Figure 1 shows a simple SASI system composed of two bus devices; one, the computer, is the initiator and the other, the control unit, is the target. In this figure the MDX-SASI-1 serves as the host adaptor. This is the most common use for the MDX-SASI-1 in STD-Z80 BUS systems. BASIC TWO CONTROL UNIT SYSTEM Figure 2 SASI The Shugart Associates System Interface is an asynchronous, parallel bus designed to allow efficient transfer of data between computers and input/output devices. Due to its asynchronous nature, SASI allows speed independent communications. In general. SASI is oriented towards intelligent I/O devices. Bus Ports are the lowest level of interface for a SASI system. There may be a maximum of 8 bus ports for a given SASI bus. Attached to the bus ports are bus devices which are in turn attached to the peripheral devices. A 50-pin flat ribbon cable connects the bus devices. There are 9 data lines and 9 control lines. Each of the 18 lines has a ground trace between it and adjacent traces to reduce noise sensitivity. The other traces are reserved for future use. During a communication session one bus device must be the initiator and the other must be the target. Initiators are those bus devices which start an operation on the bus while targets SIMPLE SYSTEM Figure 1 Figure 2 shows a more complex system in which there are two control units. With the MDX-SASI-1 , there can be up to 7 control units. SASI also provides for multiple initiators; however, MDX-SASI-1 does not support this feature. HARDWARE A hard disk system must be composed of 4 hardware blocks. These blocks are the microcomputer, the bus adaptor, the hard disk controller, and the hard disk. Table 1 is a list of some of the manufacturers of hard disk controllers and drives which Mostek has evaluated and found to be compatible with MDX-SASI-1. This list is not "all inclusive" and the reader is urged to survey the trade journals for other possible vendors. One trend that is beginning to emerge is that of combining the controller with the drive with a SASI Bus Interface. Shugart has introduced a series of 8" drives (floppy and winchester) which support this feature. Of course, MDX-SASI-1 serves as the bus adaptor. In this capacity it accepts parallel data from the microcomputer and sends it down the 50-pin ribbon cable. The pinout of MDX-SASI-1 allows for the use of a "mass terminated" ribbon cable. Several manufacturers provide the associated hardware to build these cables i.e. Ansley, Winchester, etc. SASITM is a trademark of Shugart Associates. VIII-27 • MANUFACTURERS OF HARD DISK CONTROLLERS AND DRIVES Table 1 CONTROLLER MFG. 514" DTC-510Al520A XEBEC 1410 CMS CM5206, 5412, 5619 SAME IMI 5006,5007,5012 SAME RMS RMS504, 509, 513 SAME SEAGATE ST506,412 SAME SHUGART. SA602, 604, 606 SAME TAN DON TM602S, 603S SAME TI 525/62,/61,/122 SAME S" DTC-101D MEMOREX 101 OEM DRIVE MFG. SHUGART DTC-1401. SA-1ooo SOFTWARE MANUFACTURERS Mostek's M/OS-SO operating system has provisions for adding hard disk storage to a Mostek microcomputer system. Release version MK71012C-S1 is designed to support operation with MDX-SASI-1 and the XEBEC 1410 disk controller board. This particular version is generated to . utilize the Seagate ST-506 drive or its equivalent. The hardware set that this version of M/OS-SO is designed around is composed of: MDX-CPU3 or MDX-CPU4, MDXFLP2, MDX-SASI-1, and the phantom boot ROM. Boot up can take place from either the floppy disk or the hard disk. The system contained on the diskette will support up to four S" floppy disk drives and two 5%" floppy disk drives or three 5%" hard disk drives. There are four other versions supplied on the release diskette which provide for various mixes of floppy (S" and 514") and hard disk drives. For those users wishing to use MDX-SASI-1 in systems which do not contain an operating system, Appendix A shows examples of software routines which can be used to do reads and writes from the hard disk as well as program the MDX-SASI-1 and select the controller. For detailed information about the different modes of data transfer on SASI, consult Shugart's product specification on the SASI bus. Computer Memories Corp. 9233 Eaton Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 213-709-6445 Data Technology Corp. 2775 Northwestern Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95051 4OS-496-0434 Irwin International 2000 Green Road Ann Arbor, MI 4S1 05 313-663-3600 Memorex Corp. San Tomas at Central Expressway Santa Clara, CA 95052 4OS-9S7-1OOO Rotating Memory Systems 1701 McCarthy Blvd. Milpitas, CA 95035 40S-946-6692 VIII-28 REFERENCES Sea gate Technology 360 EI Pueblo Road Scotts Valley, CA 95066 408-438-6550 MDX-SASI-l Ops Manual #4420263 M/OS-80 Ops Manual #4420064 Shugart Associates 475 Oakmead Parkway Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-733-01 00 MOSGEN Ops Manual #4420270 Shugart SASI Product Specification #30134-0 Rev. A Tandon Corp. 20320 Prairie Chatsworth, CA 91311 714-675-2928 Texas Instruments P.O. Box 202145 Dallas, TX 75220 1-800-231-4717 In TX - 1-800-392-2860 APPENDIX A MODULE Hardware Interface Routines .* .* .* .* Description: This module contains the hardware interface routines required to communicate with MDX-SASI-l. All routines assume that the AUTO ACK logic (J4) is enabled . .* Ver 0.1 .* .* ,.* The following are Port definitions as they exist on the MDX-SASI-l board: .* .* .* .* .* .* .* A7 x x x x A6 x x x x 10 Nov 81 A5 x x x x A4 x x x x A3 x x x x A2 x x x x Al 0 0 1 1 AO 0 1 0 1 PIO PIO PIO PIO Function Port A Data (Bidirectional) Port B Data (Bit Control Mode) Port A Control Port 8 Control Where x = Port Strapping options on the MDX-SASI Board. Status Control Port Definitions (Port B on PIO): .* .* .* .* .* .* .* .* .* .* b7 RES b6 SEL b5 ACK b4 BSY b3 MSG I b2 bl REO T I bO 1/0 L- Input/Output (input) Request (input) Control/Data (input) Message (input) Busy (input) .* Acknowledge (input) .* .* .* Note that Port B is programmed for BIT CONTROL MODE. Reset (output) Bits bO-b5 are configured for inputs while b7 and b6 are outputs. VIII-29 Select (output) ·* Port B Bit Control Constants RES EOU 80H ;Reset SEL EOU 40H ;Select ACK EOU 20H ;Acknowledge BSY EOU 10H ;Busy 08H ;Message MSG EOU CD EOU 04H ;Control/Data REO EOU 02H ;Request 10 EOU 01 H ;Input/Output .* .* r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------, MDX-SASI-1 Hardware Interface Routine .* .* These routines handle reset, selection, status, command, and data to/from the MDX-SASI-1 board. These are the only .* routines that directly "toggle bits" on MDX-SASI-1. All routines use polled operation (no interrupts or DMA) . .* .* .* .* .* PROCEDURE initialize PIO Description: Initializes the Z80-P10 for polled operation with the MDX-SASI-1 board . .* .* .* Vt;lrO.1 .* Entry: C - Base address of MDX-SASI-1 board . .* Exit: AF is changed . INITPIO 26 Sep 81 EOU $ Set Port A of the PIO for bidirectional (Mode 2) operation. INC C ;Point to Port A control register INC C LD A, 8FH ;Program Port A for OUT (C),A mode 2 operation Set Port B of the PIO for bit control (Mode 3) operation: INC C ;Point to Port B control register LD A,OCFH ;Program Port B for OUT (C), A mode 3 operation For Mode 3, the next byte must set the I/O regsiter bits. Bits 7 and 6 are outputs. Bits 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0 are inputs. LD A, 00111111 B OUT (C), A .* Initialize MDX-SASI-1 board ... DEC C ;Point to Data Port B DEC C XOR A ;Deassert all control lines OUT (C),A DEC C IN A, (C) .* . ;Point to Data Port A ;Dummy read to enable MDX-SASI-1 That's all for now... RET VIII-30 ·* END procedure initialize Pia PROCEDURE Reset .* ,.* .* Description: Resets the controller connected to the MDX-SASI-1 . .* .* .* .* .* ,.* VerO.1 26 Sep 81 Entry: C - 8ase address of MDX-SASI-1 board. If A is 0, Then no errors. If A is non 0, Then A contains the error code . Exit: RESET EQU $ INC C ;Point to Port B LD ARES OUT (C),A ;Assert Reset Signal XORA OUT (C), A ;Remove Reset signal Check if all status lines are deasserted IN A (C) ;If status lines deasserted CP 0 JR Z, OUT THEN get out LD A,40H ;ELSE get error code OUT: DEC C ;Restore original value of C RET ;Enough for now... END PROCEDURE Reset .* PROCEDURE select .* Description: Selects the controller connected to the MDX-SASI-1 . .* .* .* .* VerO.1 26 Sep 81 Entry: A - ID of controller (normally bit 0 set to 1) C - Base address of MDX-SASI-1 board Exit: AF is changed . .* .* SELECT WAIT4: EQU $ OUT (C), A ;Assert ID bit (normally bit 0) INC C ;Point to Port B LD A SEL OUT (C),A ;Assert Select IN A(C) AND BSY JR Z,WAIT4 ;While XOR A OUT (C),A ;Deassert Select • busy not asserted wait VIII-31 DEC C RET ;Restore original value of C and exit .* END PROCEDURE select .* PROCEDURE block read .* Description: Reads a block of up to 256 bytes from the MDX-SASI-1 board. .* .* .* .* VerO.1 26 Sep 81 Entry: B - Byte count (Note that a value of 0 is 256). C - Base address of MDX-SASI-1 board. HL - Points to first byte of buffer area . .* .* ... A is changed . B is zero . HL points one past the last byte read . Exit: .* ,.* ... BLKRD EOU $ LOOPO: INC C WAITO: IN A,(C) ;WHILE AND ACK acknowledge asserted JR NZ,WAITO; wait WAIT1: IN A, (C) AND REO JR Z,WAIT1 ;WHILE request not asserted wait DEC C ;Point to Port A INI ;Read a byte JR RET ... ;Point to Port B NZ,LOOPO; and keep-on till done ;That's all for now END PROCEDURE block read VIII-32 PROCEDURE block write .* .* .* Description: Sends a block of up to 256 bytes to the MDX-SASI-1 board (Polled). .* .* VerO.1 .* Entry: 26 Sep 81 B - Byte count (Note that a 0 implies 256 bytes). C - Base address of MDX-SASI-1 board. HL - First byte of block . .* .* A is changed. B is zero . HL points one past the last byte sent. Exit: .* .* ..* BLKWR EQU $ LOOP1: INC C WAIT2: IN A. (C) ;WHILE AND ACK acknowledge asserted JR NZ.WAIT2; wait WAIT3 IN A. (C) AND REO JR Z.WAIT3 ;WHILE request not asserted wait DEC C ;Point to Port A data OTI ;Send a byte JR RET .* ;Point to Port B Data NZ.LOOP1; and keep-on till done ;Let's get out of here END PROCEDURE block write II VIII-33 vm·34 l'J UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MDX-FLP2 VS. MDX-FLP1 :HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ISSUES APPLICATION NOTE #8 INTRODUCTION 5. On the Type 1 commands the step rate select bits are assigned differently. Table 3 shows the differences. With the introduction ofthe MDX-FLP2, the MDX-FLP1 will become increasingly less cost effective due to the performance increases ofthe MDX-FLP2. With this in mind, this application note will detail the differences between these two products so that present users of MDX-FLP1 can make the move to MDX-FLP2 with a minimum of effort . 1771 COMMAND SUMMARY Table 1 HARDWARE TYPE COMMAND BITS Restore Seek Step Step In Step Out Read Command Write Command I Read Address II Read Track III Write Track IV Force Interrupt The major differences between the MDX-FLP1 and MDXFLP2 are in the areas of the floppy controller chip, jumper options, 1/0 port definitions, and miscellaneous board differences. Floppy Chip Probably the biggest single difference between these two products is the presence of a Western Digital 1771 on MDX-FLP1 and a Western Digital 1797 on MDX-FLP2. The 1771 is a single-sided, single-density floppy controller/ formatter while the 1797 supports both double-density and double-sided operation. This is not to imply that the 1797 doesn't support single-density and single-sided operation as well. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 V r, V r, V r, V r, V r, E 0 E a, E 0 1 0 1 0 I, ro ro ro ro ro 1 1 1 1 1 1 h h h h h b b 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 u u u m m 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 13 '2 0 ao 0 s 0 10 1797 COMMAND SUMMARY Table 2 BITS The command formats for both the 1771 and 1797 are virtually identical. Tables 1 and 2 provide a summary of the command formats for the 1771 and 1797, respectively. The only differences are as follows: iTYPE COMMAND The 1797 allows the selection of a particular side with bit 1 of Type II and Type III commands. The 1771 doesn't support side select. 2. On the Write Sector command the 1771 allows the selection of 4 different data address marks where as the 1797 allows only 2. 3. The Read Track command of the 1771 may be conditionally synchronized with each address mark through the use of bit 0 of this command. The 1797 always synchronizes with the address marks. 4. Type III commands of the 1797 can have the head settling delay conditionally enabled. The 1771 always enables the delay except for the read address command on which it is an option. VIII-35 I I I I I II II III III III IV Restore Seek Step Step In Step Out Read Sector Write Sector Read Address Read Track Write Track Force Interrupt 7 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 4 0 1 u u u m m 0 0 1 1 3 2 1 h h h h h b b V V V V V E E E E E r, ro r1 ro r, ro r, ro r, ro U 0 U ao '2 '0 0 0 0 13 U U U I, 0 0 0 0 • stEP RAnis information on this topic can begained from the>1981 $TO BUS Specification and Pra~ice.yvhich isavailableJ~p~ the STD Users G r o u p : " . . ',. . Table 3 8" STEP RATE R1 Ro 00 01 10 11 1797 .' 51,4" 1771 ,. 1797 ·3 rns •..··S.m9· 'Sms 6ms 12 ms 6 ins 10ms 10 ms 20ms 20ms 15 ms 30ms 1771 J2, on the FLP2, is also used to provide for an external DMA request. This feature allows the DMA chip on theFLP2to be shared with another peripheral controller such as the MDXSASI1 hard disk interface. Figure 1 details the pin-out of connector J2. 12ms 12 ms 20ms 40ms Jumper Options There is a great deal of similarity between the jumper options of the MDX-FLP1 and the MDX-FLP2. Table 4 summarizes the correlation betWeen MDX-FLP1 and MDXFLP2. The Timing Resistor (R2) on FLP2 is socketed allowing easy replacement when adjusting the timing of U2 (74LS221) for the optimum Head Load Timing delay required by the drive being used. If R2 equals 6.2 K nHLT = 43 ms 9.1 K nHLT = 64 nis 12 K n HLT= 84 ms JUMPER CORRELATION Table 4 FLP1 ADDRESS: BIT 7 E9 6 E10 5 E11 4 E12 3 E13 51,4" I/O Ports FLP1, on the other hand, has bit b4 assigned as the side select. Port 2, bits 0, 1, and 5 are identical for both FLP1 and FLP2. FLP2 has Port 2, bit b6 assigned as a "zero" where as FLP1 has this bit assigned'as a "one". This feature can be used by software to determine whether aFLP1 or FLP2 is present. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION One ofthe major additions to the MDX-FLP2 isthe ability to support mUltiple DMA devices. This capability isaccomplished through the implementation of a DMA daisychain which adheres to the STD BUS Practice for multiple DMA devices. Connections to the daisy chain are made on connector J2. Since the MDX-FLP1 is unable to support this feature, there is generally no need to concern oneself with it. It is, however, a feature that one should be aware of especially if one plans to have other mass storage interfaces Such as an MDX-SASI2 hard disk interface. Additional E1 E2 JS(2,1) JS(4,3) HEAD LOAD DELAY S" PortsO, 1.4,5; 6, and7 arethesameforFLP1 andFLP2. The only difference being in a few of the status bits on some commands. Ports 2' and 3 have several differences. The drive select bits of Port 3 are the same for both FLP1 and FLP2. FLP2 doesn't have the side select bit but it does have both a density cpntrol bit and a 1797 reset bit in Port 3. The density control bit is in location b7 and the reset is in location b6. J10(10,9) J10(S,7) J1 0 (6,5) J10(4,3) J1 0 (2,1) FLOPPY CONTRL. CLOCK 51,4" S" The notable differences are lack of Automatic Precompensation on FLP1, no support of 10EXP* on FLP1, and no forced single/double selection on FLP2. FLP2 DRIVE 10' 5%" S" # SIDES SINGLE DOUBLE DATA SEP. 5%" S" AUTO PRECOMP' '5%" S" 10EXP If using If not using EXTREQ . LEVEL HIGH LOW V/U-36 ES (OUT) ES(IN) R2 is , socketed E3(1N) E3 (OUT) 'J9(IN) J9(OUT) E4(1N) E4(OUT) N/A (bit 0 of Port 2, "0" = single sided "1" double·sided) E5(OUT) E5(1N) J6(4,3) J6(2,1) N/A N/A J4(OUT) J4(1N) N/A N/A J11 (1,2 + 3.4) J11 (2,3) N/A J12 (2,1) J12(2,3) N/A = data separator output to the controller. If one of these drives is used, the etch run going to pin 48 should be cutto prevent damage to either the FLP2 or the drive. Figure 2 shows the pin-out of J3 (J2-FLP1) with differences noted between FLP1 and FLP2. DMA DAISY CHAIN CONNECTOR Figure 1 x x x x : I: The final hardware difference is in the area of the reset circuitry. FLP1 gets its reset from the SYSRESET* line directly. FLP2 gets its reset directly from SYSRESET* for everthing exceptthe floppy controller chip. The chip gets its reset from one of the I/O port bits which is initialized to a "zero" by SYSRESET*. Therefore, the FLP2 comes up in the reset state and must be taken out of reset by outputing a "one" to bit b6 of Port 3. FLP1 comes up in the initialized state. J 2 -TopView PIN NUMBER FUNCTION 1,3,5,7 Ground 2 BAI (Bus ACK In) 4 BAO (Bus ACK Out) 6 No connection 8 External DMA Request Input An additional feature of FLP2 is the ability to run at system speeds of 4 MHz. This speed improvement does not speed up the transfer rate from the drive but it does allow a mass storage device to be interfaced to a 4 MHz system. The pin-out of J3 (J2-FLP1 ) is unchanged except for pin 48, side select; therefore, the cable used between the MDXFLP1 and the disk devices can also be used with the MDXFLP2. On FLP1, pins 14 and 16 are tied together and assigned as the side select control line. FLP2, on the other hand, has pins 14 and 48 tied together for this same function. In general, this will not cause a problem unless 8·' drives which provide an internal data separator are used. (Shugart model #851.) These drives assign pin 48 as the SOFTWARE Software differences between FLP2 and FLP1 are relatively minor. Most of the differences have been detailed in the hardware section. In summary those differences are the side select, step rate assignment, data address marks, reset control, and head settling delay. The lack of 4 data address marks on FLP2 shouldn't be a problem because most software only uses the Data Mark(FB) and the Deleted Data Mark (F8) both of which are supported by FLP2. The other two supported by FLP1 are user defined and may vary from routine to routine. DUAL-DENSITY FORMAT Table 5 NUMBER OF BYTES DRIVE INTERFACE Figure 2 Signal Description Pin Number Drive Select 1,2,3,4 Side Select Step Write Data Write Gate Direction Head Load Read Data Index Trackoo Write Protect Drive Ready 2 Sided Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Input Input Input Input Input Input 26,28,30,32 14,48 (see note), 1 6* 36 38 40 34 18 46 24 (5 in.) or 20 (8 in.)*** 42 44 22 10** 80 12 3 1 50* r -12 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 12 3 1 256 1 _54 598** NOTE: Some 8" drives have an optional DATA SEPARATOR output on pin 48. If this is true on your drive, cut the etch on the FLP2 board going to pin 48 on J3. * Pin 14 & 16 (FLP1) Pin 14 & 48 (FLP2) ** only on FLP2 *** Pins 20 and 24 are common (tied together) on FLP1 and FLP2 * ~* VIII-37 HEX VALUE OF BYTE WRITTEN 4E 00 F6 FC (Index Mark) 4E 00 F5 FE (10 Address Mark) Track Number (0 thru 4C) Side Number (0 or 1) Sector Number (1 thru 1A) 01 F7 (2 CRCs written) 4E 00 F5 FB (Data Address Mark) DATA F7 (2 CRCs written) 4E 4E Write bracketed field 26 times Continue writing until FD179X interrupts out. Approx. 598 Bytes. • Even though the software differences between FLP2 and FLP1 are not very large, the implications of double-density operation versus single-density operation should not be underestimated. First of all, the data comes off the disk twice as fast as it does for single-density operation. This increased speed means that for programmed tranfers the software must be more efficient if there is to be no lost data. Secondly, the buffers must be twice the size they are for single-density operation because the sectors are twice as big. Another area that the programmer must be aware of is that of the different format information required for single- and double-density operation. The single-density formats for FLP1 and FLP2 are identical. Table 5 shows the format information for IBM System 34 double-density operation. A few notable points are the sector length field (field after sector #), increased length of all gaps, and the different values placed into the gaps. Table 6 shows the values placed into the sector length field and what they mean. Note that this table is only valid when bit b3 of Type II commands isa "one". If this bit is a "zero", then the sector length field is treated as non-IBM format and it is beyond the scope ofthis application note to discuss all the possibilities of nonstandard formats. SECTOR LENGTH FIELD DEFINITION Table 6 SECTOR LENGTH TABLE * ** Sector Length Field (Hex) Number of Bytes in Sector (Decimal) 00 01 02 03 128* 256** 512 1024 Single density value Double density value REFERENCES FD1771-01 Data Sheet Western Digital Corp. FD179X-02 Data Sheet Western Digital Corp. MDX-FLP1 Ops Manual #4420032 SUMMARY MDX-FLP2 Ops Manual #4420262 It is hoped that this application note has provided the user with sufficient information to make the switch from MDXFLP1 to MDX-FLP2. The majority of the changes are in hardware and should have minimum effect on the software for those users who are just using FLP2 as a replacement for FLP1. Again, to recap the areas of importance: 1. Remember that side selection takes place in the chip for FLP2 and on the board for FLP1 . 2. 51,4" drives will always appear ready to FLP2. 3. Be aware of the slight differences between command and status information. 4. There is a fixed head settling delay for FLP2 which may require an additional software delay for 51,4" drives unless the value of R2 is changed to increase the setting delay. Western Digital Corp. 2445 McCabe Way Irvine, California 92714 (714) 557-3550 STD Users Group Bill-Shields - Chairman 8697 Frobisher St. San Diego, California 92126 (714) 297-1353 STD Manufacturers Group Matt Biewer - Chairman Pro-Log Corp. 2411 Garden Rd. Monterey, California 93940 VIII-3B !t UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION MDX-CPU3/4 I/O DRIVERS APPLICATION NOTE #10 SCOPE: INTERFACING THE SERIAL PORT (J3) This application note will detail how to control the serial port, parallel port, and the timer channels available on the MDX-CPU3 and MDX-CPU4. The serial communication signals to perform an RS-232-C type interface have been buffered and pinned out to a 26-pin connector in such a manner that a flat ribbon mass terminated type connector could be used. Hardware and software considerations follow below. INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this application note is to help the first time user of the MDX-CPU3/4 interface the serial and parallel ports quickly. Sample drivers are provided and can be modified to suit the user's particular needs. HARDWARE: Table 1 lists the connections required for the serial port. SERIAL PORT (J3) PINOUT Table 1 MDX-CPU3/4 (J3) Pin # Signal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 20 GND RX(BB) TX(BA) RTS(CA) CTS (CB) DSR (CC) GND RLSD (CF) DTR (CD) Z80-STI (MK3801) Pin # NC 38 11 37 9 10 13 NC 14 12 SI& 13 50 11 12 15 Input Input Output Input Output Output 16 14 Output Input INTERFACING THE PARALLEL PORT (J2) MATING CONNECTORS (P31 FOR J3 Flat Ribbon Type: SIGNAL DIRECTION Relative to CPU3/4 The parallel output port has been designed to support a parallel Centronics type printer interface directly. The port has been pinned out to a 26-pin connector in such a manner that a flat ribbon mass terminated type connector could be used on both ends. Hardware and software considerations follow below. 11 T & B Ansley # 609-26ooM 21 Winchester Electronics #51-1126-00 313M #3399-6000 Discrete Wire 1) Winchester Electronics Housing = #PGB-13-A Type: Contacts = #1OO-72020S (20-24AWG) (Crimp) #1OO-72026S (26-30AWG) HARDWARE: Table 2 lists the connections required for the parallel port. VIII-39 • SERIAL PORT Figure 1 INITIALIZE STI FOR SERIAL PORT OPERATION r-----SET BAUD RATE L ______ _ CONSOLE IN VIII-40 CONSOLE OUT PARALLEL PRINTER PORT (J2) PINOUT Table 2 MDX-CPU3/4 (J2) Pin # Signal 1 ISTB 2 3 POO P01 P02 P03 P04 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 21 22 23 24 DO 01 02 03 04 P06 P07 28 NC BUSY NC 14 15 GNO GNO 07 8 10 PE 15 SIGNAL DIRECTION Relative to CPU3/4 Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output TBO 25 26 05 27 06 P05 12 13 16-26 Z80-STI (MK3801) Pin # Input Input 17 NC MATING CONNECTORS (P2) FOR J2 MATING CONNECTOR FOR PRINTER (36-PIN CENTRONICS TYPE) Same as those for J3 Flat Ribbon Type: 1) 3M #3366-1001 (Bail Mount) PARALLEL PRINTER PORT Figure 2 NO HAS PREVIOUS CHARACTER BEEN ACKNOWLEDGED VIII-41 III INTERFACING THE TIMERS TIMER C & D CONTROL REGISTER (TCDCR) PORT7. There are four timers associated with the STI chip onboard the MDX-CPU3/4. Timers A & B are full function timers that can perform basic delay function, event counting, or pulse measurement. Timers C & D on the other hand are delay timers only. The timer outputs have been dedicated as indicated below. IRE~ET I Z80-STI (MK3801) Pin # 1 2 3 4 TAO TBO TCO TDO CONNECTOR Pin # CC21 CC1 I I I CCO RE:ET TimerC Control Bits DC21 DC1 I I DCO TimerD Control Bits . CONTROL BIT DEFINITION J3-Pin 18 (/TAO) Available for user J2-Pin 1 (/TBO) Printer Strobe J3-Pin 11 (/TCO) Available for user No external conn. Baud Rate Measurement TIMER GENERAL COMMENTS D All timer outputs are forced low by device (board) RESET. D Only timer A & B outputs can be forced low by setting the A or B register RESET bit respectively. If this method is used, the other bits must be maintained in the correct state as well. D Timer Data Registers and the main counters will maintain their contents during a RESET. C3 C2 C1 CO o 0 0 0 00 0 001 1 0 0 1 0 o o o o o 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 000 1 0 0 1 101 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 COMMENT Timer Stopped Delay Mode, -;- 4 Prescale Delay Mode, -;- 10 Prescale Delay Mode, -;- 16 Prescale Delay Mode, -;- 50 Prescale Delay Mode, -;- 64 Prescale Delay Mode, -;- 100 Prescale Delay Mode, -;- 200 Prescale Event Count Mode Pulse Width Mode, -;- 4 Prescale Pulse Width Mode, -;- 10 Prescale Pulse Width Mode, -;- 16 Prescale Pulse Width Mode, -;- 50 Prescale Pulse Width Mode, -;- 64 Prescale Pulse Width Mode, -;- 100 Prescale Pulse Width Mode, -;- 200 Prescale D No counting can occur while timer is stopped. SOFTWARE: D Timer contents remain unaltered while stopped. D Residual count in timer is lost when reloaded with a new General Comments value. The following assumptions are made: 1. MDX-CPU3 clock frequency is 3.6864 MHz. (standard) 2. Timer D is used for Baud rate generation. 3. Timer B is used for Printer Strobe. D In the Delay Mode, the prescaler is always active. D In the Event Count Mode, the prescaler is disabled. D Timer count will decrement to 01---then reload value from data register and toggle output state, during what normally would be count 00. Direct Registers are addressed as: IN A (STI+register-name) OUT (STI+register-name)A D Two time-out pulses are required for one complete output cycle. Indirect Registers are addressed as: D If the timer is stopped, the value loaded into the data register will also be loaded into the counter. D If the timer is running, data must LD A(lnterrupt-vector.AND.11100000B)+register -name OUT (STI+PVR)A A,(STI+IDR) IN be written while the timer is not counting through 01 H. D If timer is running, and the prescaler is changed, the first or output pulse will be incorrect (0 2':TO::S; 200 clock cycles). TIMER A & B CONTROL REGISTER (TABCR) PORT 9. AC31 AC21 AC1 Timer A Control Bits I I ACO BC31 BC2 I I I BC1 BCO TimerB Control Bits VIII-42 LD OUT LD OUT A,(Interrupt-vector.AND.11100000B)+register -name (STI+PVR)A Aregister-value (STI+IDR)A STI CHIP REGISTER DEFINITIONS STI EQU OBOH STI BASE PORT ADDRESS DIRECT REGISTERS IDR GPIP IPRB IPRA ISRB ISRA IMRB IMRA PVR TABCR TBDR TADR UCR RSR TSR UDR EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Indirect Data Register General purpose I/O Interrupt Interrupt Pending Register B Interrupt Pending Register A Interrupt In-Service Register B Interrupt In-Service Register A Interrupt Mask Register B Interrupt Mask Register A Pointer/Vector Register Timers A and B Control Register Timer B Data Register Timer A Data Register USART Control Register Receiver Status Register Transmitter Status Register USART Data Register INDIRECT REGISTERS SCR TDDR TCDR AER IERB IERA DDR TCDCR EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sync Character Register Timer D Data Register Timer C Data Register Active Edge Register Interrupt Enable Register B Interrupt Enable Register A Data Direction Register Timers C and D Control Register BIT DEFINITIONS PTRACK PTRBSY EQU EQU 0 7 Input Printer Acknowledge Input Printer Empty RTS CTS EQU EQU 1 2 Input Request To Send Output Clear To Send RX EQU 3 DTR DSR EQU EQU 4 5 Input Receive serial data (for Baud rate measurement) Input Data Terminal Ready Output Data Set Ready RSLD EQU 6 Output Received Line Signal Detect DDRVAL GPIVAL EQU EQU 01100100B OOOOOOOOB Value for DDR Register Idle values for General Purpose Port PTR EQU ODOH Output Printer Data Port Address BITO BITl BIT2 BIT3 BIT4 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 1 2 4 8 16 VIII-43 • BIT5 BIT6 BIT7 EQU EQU EQU 32 64 128 ASCII SPECIAL CHARACTERS NUL ETX EOT BEL BS HT LF FF CR NAK CAN ESC DEL DEFL DEFL DEFL DEFL DEFL DEFL DEFL DEFL DEFL DEFL DEFL DEFL DEFL OOH 03H 04H 07H 08H 09H OAH OCH ODH 15H 18H 1BH 7FH INITIALIZE THE STI CHIP STINIT: 01 LD OUT LD OUT A,DDR (STI+PVR).A A,DDRVAL (STI+IDR).A just in case LD OUT A,GPIVAL (STI+GPIP).A set up the general purpose port and set up idle values FIXED BAUD RATE DRIVER LD OUT LD OUT A,TCDCR (STI+PVR).A A,OOOOOOO1 B (STI+IDR).A LD OUT LD OUT A,TDDR (STI+PVR).A A,3 (STI+IDR),A timer 0 divide by 4 prescale then divide by 3 the output toggles for each output giving an effective divide by 2 the USART will divide by 16 thus 3.6864/4/312/16 LD A,1 0001 oooB =9600 USART control: divide by 16 8-bitword async 1 stop no parity VIII-44 OUT (STI+UCR),A LD OUT IN A,OOOOOOO1 B (STI+RSR),A A(STI+RSR) enable receiver LD A,OOOOO1 01 B (STI+TSR),A A(STI+TSR) enable transmitter OUT IN LD OUT OUT A,OOOOOOOOB (STI+IERA),A (STI+IERB),A disable all interrupts LD ACR CALL LD CALL TTYOUT ALF TTYOUT and clear any flags and clear any flags AUTOMATIC BAUD RATE DETERMINATION LOOP1: LD OUT XOR OUT A,AER (STI+PVR),A A (STI+IDR),A Set active register for pulse width measurement of serial in OUT (STI+TABCR),A Stop timer (just in case) OUT (STI+TBDR),A Initialize counter value LD OUT AOOOO11 01 B (STI+TABCR),A set up pulse width mode LD OUT XOR OUT OUT LD OUT AIERA (STI+PVR),A A (STI+IDR),A (STI+IMRA),A AOOOOOOO1 B (STI+IDR),A set up interrupts in STI LD OUT XOR OUT OUT LD OUT AIERB (STI+PVR),A A (STI+IDR),A (STI+IMRB),A AOOOO1000B (STI+IDR),A IN AND JR A(STI+IPRB) BIT3 NZ,DONE1 clear previous interrupt clear previous interrupt look for end of pulse if end of pulse, exit VIII-45 • I PRINTER INITIALIZATION DRIVER I PTRINT: LD OUT LD OUT LD OUT LD OUT A.OOOOOOOOB ; Stop the timer (just in case) (STI+TABCR).A AOOOO1000B ; Force the timer low (STI+TCDCR).A 16 x 10 x 271 nanosec =43 msec A.16 (STI+TBDR).A A.OOOOOO10B intent is that approx 43 msec (STI+TABCR).A the printer strobe (timer will go high IN CP JR A(STI+TBDR) 15 NZ.WAIT1 Wait for first cycle to stop IN CP JR A(STI+TBDR) 16 NZ.WAIT2 Wait for second cycle LD OUT AOOOOOOOOB (STI+TABCR).A LD CALL LD CALL ACR PTROUT A.LF PTROUT WAIT1: WAIT2: Then turn off the timer RET PRINTER OUTPUT DRIVER PTROUT: PUSH AF Save Character IN BIT JR A(STI+GPIP) PTRBSY.A Z.BUSY see if printer is busy make this paper empty IN BIT JR A.(STI+GPIP) PTRACK.A NZ.ACK BUSY: l' ACK: see of previous'ack is finished VIII-46 POP OUT AF (PTRI.A now output the character PUSH AF save it again LD OUT LD OUT LD OUT AO (STI+TABCRI.A A16 (STI+TBDRI.A AOOOOOO10B (STI+TABCRI.A stop the timer (just in case) IN CP JR A(STI+TBDRI 14 NZ.WAIT1 wait for first cycle to start IN CP JR A.(STI+TBDR) 15 NZ.WAITT2 wait for second cycle to start LD OUT AO (STI+TABCR).A then turn off timer POP RET AF 16 x 10 x 271 nanosec =43 msec intent is that in approx 43 msec the printer strobe (timer b output) will go low for approximately and then go high again WAITT1: WAITT2: SAMPLE PROGRAM The example program below is a simple one. It inputs a character from the CRT console. echos the character back out to the CRT console and outputs the character to the printer. .zao 0000' 0080 ASeG STI UseZ80Code ; eau OBOH STI BASe PORT ADDRESS DIReCT REGISTeRS 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 oooA oooB OOOC lOR GPIP IPRB IPRA ISRB ISRA IMRB IMRA PVR TABCR TBDR TADR UCR eau eau eau eau eau eau eau eau eau Eau Eau eau eau 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 VIII-47 • IN AND JP A(STI+IPRA) BITO Z,LOOP1 B110: LD JR B,105 DONE2 if overflow, then 110 Baud DONE1: IN NEG SRL A(STI+TBDR) A get pulse count counted down from 0 divide by 2 due to timer output LD B,11000000B RLCA JR SRL JR C,DONE2 B LOOP2 LD OUT LD OUT ATDDR (STI+PVR),A AB (STI+IDR).A output corrected value to Baud rate generator LD OUT LD CP LD JR LD ATCDCR (STI+PVR),A AB 105 A,OOOOOO10B Z,DONE3 A,OOOOOOO1 B output prescaler OUT (STI+IDR).A LD CP AB 105 LD A10011000B LOOP2: DONE2: DONE3: ; prepare to correct value 110 Baud? divide by 10 . else divide by 4 110 or higher? ; DONE4: USART control: divide by 16 8 bit word async 2 stop bit no parity JR Z,DONE4 skip around if 110 baud LD A1 0001 OOOB USART control: divide by 16 8 bit word async 2 stop bit no parity OUT (STI+UCR).A LD OUT IN A,OOOOOOO1 B (STI+RSR),A A(STI+RSR) enable receiver and clear any flags LD OUT IN AOOOOO101 B (STI+TSR).A A(STI+TSR) LD OUT XOR OUT OUT LD OUT XOR OUT OUT AIERA (STI+PCR).A A (STI+IDR).A (STI+IMRA).A AIERB (STI+PVR).A A (STI+IDR).A (STI+IMRB).A CALL TIYIN enable transmitter and clear any flags disable interrupts disable interrupts flush out that first input character RET CONSOLE-IN DRIVER TIYIN: IN BIT JR A(STI+RSR) 7.A Z,TIYIN Input from receive status Bit 7 is "receive char available Wait for character to be received IN RES A(STI+UDR) 7.A Input the character Strip parity bit RET CONSOLE-OUT DRIVER TIYOUT: PUSH AF Save the character IN BIT JR A(STI+TSR) 7.A ZWAIT Input the transmitter status Bit 7 is the "buffer empty bit" Wait for buffer to be empty POP OUT RET AF (STI+UDR).A Restore character IN BIT RET A(STI+RSR) 7.A Input the receive status register Bit 7 is the buffer full bit which is set if a character is received WAIT: TIYCHK: VIII-49 • ; 0060 0060 0061 0061 0063 0065 0067 0068 006A TTYOUT: F5 PUSH AF OB BE CB 7F 28 FA IN BIT JR A,(STI+TSR) 7,A Z,WAIT F1 03 C9 POP OUT RET AF (STI+UOR).A IN BIT RET A,(STI+RSR) 7.A WAIT: BF ; TTYCHK; 006B 006B 0060 006F OB BO CB 7F C9 0070 0070 0072 0074 OB BO CB 7F 28 FA IN BIT JR A,(STI+RSR) 7.A Z,TTYIN 0076 0078 007A OB CB C9 IN RES RET A,(STI+UOR) 7.A 007B 007B 0070 007F 0081 0083 0085 0087 0089 TTYIN: 3E 03 3E 03 3E 03 3E 03 BF BF 00 B9 08 B7 10 BA 02 B9 INITIALIZE THE PRINTER ; PTRINT: ,LO OUT LO OUT LO OUT LO OUT A,OOOOOOOOB (STI+TABCR),A A,OOOOl000B (STI+TCOCR).A A,16 (STI+TBOR),A A,OOOOOO10B (STI+TABCR),A ; 008B oo8B 0080 008F WAIT1: OB BA FE OF 20 FA IN CP JR A,(STI+TBOR) 15 NZ,WAIT1 ; I I t 0091 0091 0093 0095 OB BA FE 10 20 FA IN CP JR. A,(STI+TBOR) 16 NZ,WAIT2 0097 0099 3E 00 03 B9 LO OUT A,OOOOOOOB (STI+TABCR),A 009B 0090 OOAO OOA2 3E CO 3E CO LO CALL LO CALL A,CR PTROUT A,LF PTROUT OOA5 C9 OOA6 OOA6 F5 WAIT2: 00 OOA6 OA OOA6 RET PTROUT: PUSH AF VIII-50 BUSY: OOA7 OOA7 OOA9 OOAB DB Bl CB 7F 28 FA OOAD OOAD OOAF OOBl IN BIT JR A,(STI+GPIP) PTRBSY.A Z,BUSY DB Bl CB 47 20 FA IN BIT JR A,(STI+GPIP) PTRACK.A NZ.ACK OOB3 OOB4 Fl D3 POP OUT AF (PTR),A OOB6 F5 PUSH AF OOB7 OOB9 OOBB OOBD OOBF OOCl 3E 00 D3 B9 3E 10 D3 BA 3E 02 D3 B9 LD OUT LD OUT LD OUT A,O (STIHABCR).A A,16 (STI+TBDR).A A,OOOOOOl DB (STI+TABCR).A IN CP JR A,(STI+TBDR) 14 NZ,WAITTl DB BA FE OF 20 FA IN CP JR A,(STI+TBDR) 15 NZ,WAITT2 OOCF OODl 3E 00 D3 B9 LD OUT A,O (STI+TABCR).A OOD3 OOD4 OOD5 Fl C9 POP RET END AF OOC3 OOC3 OOC5 OOC7 OOC9 OOC9 OOCB OOCD ACK: DO WAITT1: DB BA FE DE 20 FA WAITT2: ENCODE: Macros: Symbols: OOAD 0008 OOOD 0064 0004 0004 OOOC 0009 0004 0003 0004 OOFF 0000 0007 0008 0001 OOBO ACK BS CR DDRVAL DTR EOT FF HT IERB IPRA ISRB MAPAD NUL PTRBSY PVR RST STI 0003 OOA7 0002 007F OOD5 00lB 0001 0000 0007 0002 OOOA 0005 OODO 007B 0006 0003 0023 AER BUSY CTS DEL ENCODE ESC GPIP IDR IMRA IPRB LF MAPN PTR PTRINT RSLD RX STINIT VIII-51 0007 0018 0006 0005 OOOB 0003 0000 0005 0006 0005 0018 0015 0000 OOA6 OOOD 0000 0009 BEL CAN DDR DSR ENTRY ETX GPIVAL IERA IMRB ISRA LOOP NAK PTRACK PTROUT RSR SCR TABCR oooD oooE oooF RSR TSR UDR EOU EOU EOU 13 14 15 INDIRECT REGISTERS 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 SCR TDDR TCDR AER IERB IERA DDR TCDCR a EOU EOU EOU EOU EOU EOU EOU EOU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MEMORY MAP CONTROL 0005 MAPN EOU 5 OOFF MAPAD EOU OFFH BIT DEFINITIONS 0000 0007 PTRACK PTRBSY EOU EOU a 0001 0002 RTS CTS EOU EOU 1 2 0003 RX EOU 3 0004 0005 DTR DSR EOU EOU 4 5 0006 RSLD EOU 6 0064 0000 DDRVAL GPIVAL EOU EOU 01100100B OOOOOOOOB 0000 PTR EOU ODOH 7 ASCII SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS 0000 0003 0004 0007 0008 0009 oooA OOOC oooD 0015 0018 001B 007F NUL ETX EDT BEL BS HT LF FF CR NAK CAN ESC DEL DEFL DEFL DEFL DEFL DEFL DEFL DEFL DEFL DEFL DEFL DEFL DEFL DEFL OOH 03H O4H 07H 08H 09H OAH OCH ODH 15H 18H 1BH 7FH VIII-52 Memory Map #5 Configuration Memory Map Control Port Address 0000 0003 21 11 0006 0009 oooB oooD OOOF 0012 0015 0018 001B 001E 0021 01 OOCA ED BO 3E 05 D3 FF CD 0023 CD 007B CD 006B CD 0070 CD 0060 CD OOA6 18 F5 oooB oooB ENRTY: LOOP: ORG LD LD 00 HL,ENTRY DE,ENTRY LD LDIR LD OUT CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL JR BC,ENCODE-ENTRY AAMPN (MAPAD),A STINIT PTRINT TTYCHK TTYIN TTYOUT PTROUT LOOP Block Source Address Block Destination Address Block Length Load Map Number Set Memory Map STINIT STINIT: 0023 0023 0024 0026 0028 002A F3 3E 06 D3 B8 3E 64 D3 BO DI LD OUT LD OUT ADDR (STI+PVR),A ADDRVAL (STI+IDR),A 002C 002E 3E D3 00 B1 LD OUT AGPIVAL (STI+GPIP),A 0030 0032 0034 0036 3E D3 3E D3 07 B8 01 BO LD OUT LD OUT ATCDCR (STI+PVR),A AOOOO0001 B (STI+IDR),A 0038 003A 003C 003E 3E D3 3E D3 01 B8 03 BO LD OUT LD OUT A,TDDR (STI+PVR),A A3 (STI+IDR),A 0040 3E 88 LD A1 0001 oooB 0042 D3 BC OUT (STI+UCR),A 0044 0046 0048 3E 01 D3 BD DB BD LD OUT IN AOOOOOOO1 B (STI+RSR),A A(STI+RSR) 004A OO4C 004E 3E 05 D3 BE DB BE LD OUT IN AOOOO01 01 B (STI+TSR),A A(STI+ TSR) 0050 0052 0054 3E D3 D3 00 B5 B4 LD OUT OUT A,OOOOOOOOB (STI+IERA),A (STI+IERB),A 0056 3E OD LD ACR 0058 005B oo5D CD 0060 3E OA CD 0060 CALL LD CALL TTYOUT ALF TTYOUT VIII-53 • oooB 0002 006B OOOC 008B OOC9 TADR TCDR TTYCHK UCR WAIT1 WAITT2 OOOA 0001 0070 oooF 0091 TBDR TDDR TTYIN UDR WAIT2 No fatal error(5) VIII-54 0007 oooE 0060 0061 OOC3 TCDCR TSR TTYOUT WAIT WAITT1 IJ UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION PRO-LOG M900 UNIVERSAL PROM PROGRAMMER WITH THE STD-Z80 APPLICATION NOTE #11 INTRODUCTION This application note describes the hardware and software required for programming MOS EPROMs using Mostek STD-Z80 Bus computer boards with a PROLOG M900 Universal PROM Programmer. A thrirty-two bit I/O module, the MDX-PIO, is the interface between the PROLOG M900 and the STD-Z80 Bus computer. With the system as described most MOS EPROMs can be programmed, read, contents verified against the RAM buffer and contents modified and then programmed into another PROM using the memory modify command. Files can be loaded from disk in binary or in HEX format and then the files can be programmed into the device that is selected. All operations are assisted with prompts from a menu driven screen driver. The driver isn't limited to STD-Z80 computer products as it is port I/O mapped and can be used on most other computer systems. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The driver writes data from the computer to the PROLOG M900 unit, controls the address and data outputs, and then initiates the program cycle or read cycle. Basically, the driver manipulates the data and the address/control inputs from the computer so the PROLOG M900 receives the proper data to transfer to the target PROM from its internal buffer. The PROLOG M900 has an internal buffer to load data into. The buffer size is optional and should be the size of the largest PROM that is going to be used. The driver supports 2708, 2516, 2716, 2532, 2732, 2564, and 2764 EPROMs. It will prompt the user on what configuration and personality modules for the M900 are needed with the selected PROM type. Some of the things the driver and the M900 will do: (L)oad a file from disk to buffer area. (M)odify the buffer contents. (P)rogram PROM. (R)ead the contents of a PROM into buffer area. (V)erify the contents of a PROM to the buffer area. (Q)uit driver and return to operating system. command directs the data to be loaded in the PROM buffer within the M900; also, the program command controls the addressing and control signals needed to setup the M900to program the PROM. As a support task, the driver can read PROMs and transfer the contents to the data buffer where the data can be modified or programmed into another PROM. The verify command compares the data in the data buffer and the PROM. If any locations do not match, an error message will be printed on the console device. After all tasks are complete or a new pattern is needed from the disk file, a QUIT command returns the control of the system to the operating system. MDX-Z80 Bus Computer Whereas this software driver can be configured to almost any computer system via the I/O port map, the Mostek MDX-Z80 Bus computer products are used as the host computer system. The system is a 64K disk based system with Mostek's M/OS-80* operating system. The I/O interface to the PROLOG M900 is provided by the MDX-PIO board. The MDX-PIO is a 32-bit parallel I/O board with TIL compatible outputs/inputs. The MDX-PIO communicates with the M900 through the parallel port provided as a factory installed option by PROLOG. The system needs to be at least a 32K operating system. The boards used with the driver are detailed below. MDX-CPU1A (MK77855) The MDX-CPU 1A is a Z80 computer with 4K bytes of PROM sockets. The disk control firmware and the boot monitor are located on the board in the two 24-pin PROM sockets. The actual strapping is described in the appendix section. MDX-DRAM32A (MK77761) The MDX-DRAM32A is a memory board with 32K x 8 bytes of dynamic RAM that can be located on any 4K boundary. The system consists of two DRAM32As strapped at 0000 and 8000H. In addition, the upper RAM board has the 4K notch option enabled to stop any memory contentions between the CPU and the RAM boards. Strapping details are described in the appendix. MDX-FLP2 (MK77677) The driver allows files that are stored on disk to be retrieved, the data is then loaded into memory and transferred to the PROM via the M900. The Memory command allows data to be altered or tabulated in the data buffer, then transferred to the PROM with the program command. The program The MDX-FLP2 is a controller for interfacing the STD-Z80 Bus to floppy disk. The MDX-FLP2 allows double- or singlesided and single- or double-density 8-inch or 5\4-inch floppy driyes. VIII-55 III PROLOG M900 Universal PROM Programmer MDX-SI02 (MK71670) The MDX-SI02 is a serial communications board that provides the console interface and the printer port. The MDX-SI02 has two independent asynchronous or synchronous serial 1/0 channels. Strapping information is described in the appendix. MDX-PIO (MK77650) The MDX-PIO is a 32 bit paraliellnputlOutput board that provides the total interface between the host computer and the PROLOG M900 Universal PROM Programmer. The MDX-PIO has four eight-bit 1/0 ports with handshake lines. The detailed strapping information is described in the appendix. M/OS-SO Operating System (MK71010CS1) The PROLOG Universal PROM Programmer can program many different types of bipolar PROMs and MOS EPROMs. This application note and driver will deal with MOS . EPROMs. The EPROM type selected has a personality module and configuration module. The driver will prompt the user on which module it expects. If the wrong module is in place, an error will be printed and the BELL will sound. The M900 interfaces to the host computer through a parallel port that is a factory installed option. The port provides a handshake routine for transferring data either to or from the COPY socket of the M900 PROM programmer. Connection is made via a 25-pin D-type connector. The interface has eight parallel bits for input data, eight bits for output data, and six bits for handshake and control lines. M/OS-80 is a C/PM* compatible operating system. *C/PM is a trademark of Digital Research Corp. PARALLEL INTERFACE DEFINITION Figure 1 I NTERLOC K' MODE' T RANSFER I . N T COMPUTER WRITE DATA 8 - b i t s _ 1/0 PORT REA o DATA 8 - b i t s - PROLOG R M900 R ESPONS E* F ERROR' A . ADDRESS GND ... E C E - ~GND SI GNALGN 0 • LOW ACTIVE SIGNALS PARALLEL INTERFACE PINOUT Table 1 PIN INPUTS 8 6 13 10 9 7 12 11 2 3 5 WRITE DATA 8* WRITE DATA 7* WRITE DATA 6* WRITE DATA 5* WRITE DATA 4* WRllE DATA 3* WRITE DATA 2* WRITE DATA l ' TRANSFER* MODE* INTERLOCK* OUTPUTS PIN SIGNAL 22 . READ DATA 8* 21 READ DATA 7* 24 READ DATA 6* 23 READ DATA 5* 18 READ DATA 4* 17 READ DATA 3* 20 READ DATA 2* 19 READ DATA 1* 15 ADDRESS* 14 ERROR* 16 RESPONSE* 1 +5 VOLTS" PIN •• The signals are not used in this application. VIII-56 25 4 LOGIC GND** -12 VOTS" PRLOG Driver Considerations DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION The driver is a M/OS-80 compatible program. It is invoked by typing the programs file name "PRLOG" and then a carriage return (CR). The driver is approximately 5K and reserves RAM from 2000H to 3FFFH forthe data buffer area to store data read from a PROM or loaded from a disk drive, a 2764 EPROM requires 8K for its data area. The operating system expects the area from OFFOOH to OFFFFH to be reserved for the system scratch-pad area. The minimum system requires a 32K system with the previous areas reserved for the driver. In addition, the driver uses the 1/0 port addresses OA8H to OAFH as the MDX-PIO ports. After the driver is loaded, the driver will prompt for the type of device, 2708, 2516, 2716, 2532, 2732, 2564, or 2764. After the device is selected, the driver will prompt the user with the personality and configuration modules as a reminder. Also at this time, the driver is establishing handshaking with the M900. If the handshake routine does not take place, and error message wil be displayed at the console and the console bell will sound until the RESET on the PROLOG M900 is pressed. The error condition should be removed with the reset; if not, check the setup and configuration modules to make sure the correct ones for the device are in place. PRLOG DRIVERS MEMORY MAP L-Load a specfied file P-Program a PROM Figure 2 256 " , OFFOOH " SCRATCH P A D " " ' " BYTES OFOOOH ~ < SK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3FFFH """"""""""""" """"""""""""'" 2000H """"""'''''''''''''''''' """""",",""'''''''''' ""'"'''''''''''''''''''''' ~~~~~~~~ 5K Enter type of action required (L,R,P,V,M,Q)? ) """"""""""""" """"""""',"""" ~~~~~~~~ DATA BUFFER ~~~~~~~~ """"""',"",,""" """"""',"""""" PRLOG. COM M-Modify or tabulate memory After the operation needed is selected, the driver will prompt the user for additional information it may require to complete the task selected. The information needed is detailed below. LOAD Command 12FFH The load command is used to bring a file from the disk. The file has to be specified when the PRLOG driver is invoked. ~~~~~~~~~ """""""""'"','',''' """""""""'"'''''''' '"'''''''''''''''''''''''''' "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' R-Read data from a PROM V-Verifiya PROM against memory Q-Exit from program A. PRLOG filename.ext (CR) 100H PRLOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Drivers name, filename.ext ............. file to be loaded form disk and the extension of .COM or .HEX. (CR) .......... , ......... carriage return PRLOG PORT MAP Figure 3 FF DO """'"'''''''''''' CONSOLE 8< PRINTER PORT AS ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ",",,,, COMMUNICATIONS PORT WITH M900 The file name is stored until additional information is provided to load the data into the data buffer. The user must specify whether the file is in a binary or hexadecimal format. The driver has a hex loader for the hex files. If the prompt for the type of action is an "L" and the file is specified, a prompt for the PROM loading address will be issued to the console. If a file is not loaded, then the following error message will be displayed at the console: "**File name was not entered before load**" The driver will have to be reinvoked and the file name loaded with it. 00 VIII-57 • The buffer area is limited to the size of the EPROM being, programmed. For example, a 2716 has a max buffer size of 2K, so the relative load address is anywhere from 0000 to 7FFH. Typically, the response is zero (0) in almost all cases. address and the contents along with the ASCII characte~s displayed beside the data line. A period will terminate the printing to the console device. QUIT Command The next prompt asks for the File load address and is asking for the starting location of the file to be loaded. The file will load only the amount of the data buffer. Again, using the 2716 as an example, only 2K of the file will be loaded into the data buffer. So ifthe file to be loaded is over2K in length, it will require repeated loads to get all the file into the EPROMs. After the prompts are answered, the driver will access the disk and load the data according to the parameters entered from the prompts. The driver will reissue the command prompt. A P-Program command or a V-Verify command typically follows the load. PROGRAM Command The PROGRAM command will transfer any data in the data buffer to the EPROM in the COPY socket of the M900 unit. The user will be prompted for PROM start'location, where the data goes in the EPROM itself, again relative to zero (0). There is an optional PROM stop location. With multiple loads and the PROM startl end information many programs can be loaded into one PROM. This is very important when trying to use the larger format EPROMs. READ Command The QUIT command returns the system to the operating system. OPERATIONAL HINTS Saving the Data Read from a PROM This is a suggested routine to save the data onto a disk unit. After reading the data from a ,PROM with the READ command, the data is stored in the data buffer from 2000H to the end of the buffer which is determined by the PROM type selected. A 2732 would end its buffer at 2FFFH, so the complete PROM data would be from 2000H to 2FFFH. After the READ command has finished, use the QUIT command to return the system to the operating system. With the EXEC command of M/OS-80 execute the DDT monitor by typing: A. EXEC E11 0 (CR) The"." (period) prompt will be displayed. This is the prompt for the DDT monitor. The data is still in memory and needs to be transferred to memory location 1OOH to save disk space. Using the copy command of DDT type: . C 2000,XXXX, 100 (CR) The READ command reads the data out off a PROM in the COPY socket ofthe M900 PROM programmer and transfers the data to the data buffer. The data can then be transferred to a PROM with the PROGRAM command or looked at and modified with the Memory command, using the "Save" command of M/OS-80 or C/PM* to save the data on the disk media. C-COPY.... memory contents from start-stop location. 2000.... The starting location of the data buffer. XXXX.... The ending location of the data in the data buffer. 100.... The target load address. VERIFY Command The VERIFY command reads the data in a PROM in the COPY socket of the M900 and compares the contents against the data buffer. If any differences are noted, the address of the bad data with the read and expected data are displayed to the console device. A period will stop the display from advancing if many locations are noted. The period is used as a terminator for most of the other commands as well. After the prompt returns type: .E 0 (CR) This will return the system to the operating system. After the operating system prompt appears, use the SAVE command to save the data on to the disk. The format of the command under M/OS-80 is as follows: A. SAVE nn [8:]filename.com (CR) MEMORY Command nn .... Is the number of 256 byte blocks to be saved. The MEMORY command is a valuable aid in correcting or tabulating PROMs. After getting the data from a PROM or disk file into the data buffer with a READ command or a LOAD command, the data can be tabulated to the console device by entering and "M" (CR) and answering the memory startlstop prompt. To modify a memory location, the single location to be modified is entered with no stop address and then the carriage return after the "M" command is entered. The MEMORY command shows the [8:1.... The unit of the drive the data is to be saved on. VIII-58 PROGRAMMING MANY PROGRAMS ON A PROM M - Display or update memory The best way to program several programs into one PROM is to use the XFER command of M/OS-80 to append the files to be programmed into one file. The format is: Enter type of action required (L,R,P,V,M,Q):M Q - Exit from the program Enter starting address Lending address]:O.l F 0000 19228A 12 CD EO OA DA 76 OA CD 7F OA CD A2 OA A.XFER [options] [B:]newfile.ext=[B:]file1.exUile2.ext, .... filen.ext (CR) ." ...... v ....... Then with the "newfile", follow the LOAD instructions and PROGRAM the PROM as needed. 'Looked at first 16 bytes of the 2nd 2K loaded' L - LOAD a specified file P - Program data to PROM EXAMPLES M - Display or update memory PRLOG TEST. COM Enter PROM type nnnn [2708, 2516, 2716, 2532, 2732, 2564, or 2764]:2716 Enter type of action required (L,R,P,V,M,Q):R Read complete SETUP THE PROLOG PROGRAMMER WITH THE R - Read data from a PROM V - Verify a PROM against memory Q - Exit from the program 'The contents of a PROM in the copy socket read' PM9064 and PA24-1 PERSONALITY MODULES. L - LOAD a specified file P - Program data to PROM AND THE 2048 CONFIGURATION PLUG. L - LOAD a specified file P - Program data to PROM M • Display or update memory R - Read data from a PROM V - Verify a PROM against memory Q - Exit from the program M - Display or update memory R - Read data from a PROM V - Verify a PROM against memory Q - Exit from the program Enter type of action required (L,R,P,V,M,Q):P Enter type of action required (L,R,P,V,M,Q):L Enter PROM starting, [ending address]:0,7FF 'Program new data in PROM' Enter file type - "B" for Binary or "H" for Hex:B Program complete 'PROM data transferred to new PROM' Enter PROM load address (PROM offset):O L - LOAD a specified file P - Program data to PROM Enter starting file address, [.file ending address]:O File load completed '1 st 2K offile was loaded from disk' L - LOAD a specified file P - Program data to PROM M - Display or update memory R - Read data from a PROM V - Verify a PROM against memory Q - Exit from the program M - Display or update memory Enter type of action required (L,R,P,V,M,Q):V Verify complete 'contents of PROM compared with data buffer' L - LOAD a specified file P - Program data to PROM Enter type of action required (L,R,P,V,M,Q):L R - Read data from a PROM V - Verify a PROM against memory Q - Exit from the program Enter file type - "B" for Binary or "H" for Hex:B R - Read data from a PROM V - Verify a PROM against memory Q - Exit from the program Enter PROM load address (PROM offset):O M - Display or update memory Enter starting file address, [.file ending address]:800 Enter type of action required (L,R,P,V,M,Q):Q File load completed '2nd 2K of file was loaded from disk' L - LOAD a specified file P - Program data to PROM R - Read data from a PROM V - Verify a PROM against memory VIII-59 A. 'Return to the operating system' II APPENDIX A STRAPPING OF PIO J2 J3 1- 2 17-18 23-24 3-4 (OA8H) 7-8 Change U6 from 74LS243 (as shipped from the factory) to a 74LS242. STRAPPING OF FLP2 J2 J4 J6 J7 J8 J9 N/C 1-2 1-2 1-2 3-4 N/C J10 J11 J12 1-2 3-4 2-3 2-3 The above strapping is for a single-sided eight-inch disk drive. STRAPPING OF THE CPU1 A J2/U5 J3 3-5 6-7 8-9 N/C J4/U10 11-14 10-12 EPROMs MK6235 and MK6340 should be in the PROM sockets U6 and U7. STRAPPING OF THE CPU2A J3 J4 J5 J6 J7-J8 J9-J12 3-4 N/C 3-4 N/C 1-8 2-3 4-5 7-9 1-8 3-9 4-5 6-7 PROMs MK6235 and MK6340 should be in the PROM sockets U7 and U8 and 1K static RAMs in the other four sockets. DRAM32/32A 1 st DRAM (OOOOH) 2nd DRAM (8000H) U28 U28 A-a O-E H-J A-a closed closed closed closed 1 2 3 4 D-E H-J VIII-60 open closed closed closed 1 2 3 4 SI02 STRAPPING RS232 (DCE) Channel A: Channel B: J3 J7 1- 2 11-18 12-17 13-20 14-21 15-22 16-19 1-2 3-4 J4 J7 1- 2 11-18 12-21 13-20 15-22 16-19 5-6 17-8 J8 J9 5-6 (ODCH) 7-8 (9600 Baud) open (19200 Baud) J8 15-16 (9600 Baud) or 9-10 (1200 Baud) APPENDIX B CABLE INFORMATION 25 D-type Plug PIN PROLOG M900 SIGNAL PIN MDX-PIO SIGNAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 +5VDC TRANSFER* MODE* -12 VDC INTERLOCK* WR DATA 7* WR DATA 3* WR DATA 8* WRDATA4* WRDATA5* WR DATA 1* WR DATA 2* WR DATA 6* ERROR* ADDRESS* RESPONSE* J2-23 J2-16 J2-18 J2-3 J2-5 J2-17 J2-19 J2-6 J2-4 J2-8 J2-20 J2-7 B7 A6 A2 A7 A3 A4 AO A1 A5 B2 B1 BO 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RD DATA 3* RD DATA 4* RD DATA 1* RD DATA 2* RD DATA 7* RD DATA 8* RD DATA 5* RD DATA 6* GROUND J1-18 J1-5 J1-19 J1-6 J1-16 J1-3 J1-17 J1-4 J1-14 A2 A3 AO A1 A6 A7 A4 A5 GND 26-Pin discrete header N/C J2-22 J2-10 B5 B6 N/C *Low Active Signal VIII-61 II PORT MAP OF DRIVER J2 PlO#1 PORTA PORTA PORTB PORTB DATA CONTROL DATA CONTROL PORTA PORTA PORTB PORTB DATA CONTROL DATA CONTROL AS A9 AA AB J1 PIO#2 AC AD AE AF VIII-62 1983 COMPUTER PRODUCTS DATA BOOK ••••• ~ •••• u " •• " •• M •••• , ••••• , . ,,~ •• ~ ~ IJ UNITED SOFTWARE PRODUCTS TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK FLEXIBLE DISK OPERATING SYSTEM - M/OS-SO USER FEATURES M/OS-SO provides a direct migration path to CP/M compatibility without any changes tothe system hardware. o Virtual CP/MTM compatibility gives the user many available programs to choose from. o Additional utilities and systems commands provide incre.ased capability and functionality to the user. o Provided on standard media for use with Mostek standard systems and MD Series boards for short system integration time. SYSTEM FEATURES M/OS-SO is a more sophisticated and powerful floppy disk operating system than any other micro-operating system available. It provides the user with a unique, but invisible, library structure. By assigning one system disk as a Master library disk, the system can free the user to place all application-related files on another disk while still having the utility of the various system programs on-line. INTRODUCTION Unlike other operating systems, M/OS-SO provides the user with comprehensive error messages. In most cases, methods of recovery are displayed and the operator is given several options from which to choose. M/OS-SO is a CPIMTM compatible, floppy disk operating system for the MD or SO series of microcomputer board systems. It offers a comprehensive solution to a wide variety of systern design problems. The software is provided on an S-inch single-sided, single-density floppy diskette which can be booted on Mostek disk-development systems or user-configured systems (see "Hardware Required" paragraph). M/OS-SO can be altered for different inputloutput hardware configurations by using the MOSGEN Utility (sold separately). HARDWARE REQUIRED M/OS-SO is currently supplied in three versions. V3 is deSigned to run on Mostek's MATRIX systems and on systems built with MD Series boards. An MD Series system must contain the following boards: Several powerful utilities are provided with M/OS-SO. These programs give the user a broad base of support and will improve design efficiency. These include: Item Processor Console Interface Printer Interface Floppy Interface Memory Editior (Edit) Designer's Development Tool (Debugger) Transfer Utility (XFER) FilelDisk Dumps (DSKDUMP) Print Utility (PRINT) . Print Spooler (SPOOL) . Several System Utilities The V5 system is for use with a Mostek Phantom PROM system configuration. The following boards are required: Because of M/OS-SO's CP/M compatibility, a large number of pre-written programs are avai.lable. M/OS-SO is designed to run programs written for other CP/Mcompatible operating systems, such as CDOSTM, I/OSlM, and SDOSTM, provided these programs conform to, the standards described by Digital Research in .versions 1.4 through 2.2. Virtually all compilers and interpreters.now sold for use on CP1M (versions 1 .4 -2.2) will work. For those Mostek customers who are currently running FLP-SODOS, CP1M is a Trademark of Digital Research. ·Inc. COOS is a Trademark of Cromemco, Inc. Hardware Required MDX-CPU1 or MDX-CPU2 MDX-EPROM/UART or MDX-SIO MDX-PIO or MDX-SIO MDX-FLPl or MDX FLP2 (2) MDX-DRAM with 64K of RAM Item Processor Floppy Interface Memory· ,Hardware Required MDX-CPU3 or MDX-CPU4 MDX-FLP2 (2) MDX-DRAM with 64K of RAM (required only for MDX-CPU4) The V6 system is for use with a Mostek Phantom hard-disk system. The following boards are required: SDOS is a Trademark of SO Systems, Inc. I/OS is a Trademark of Infosot! Systems. Inc. IX-1 Item Processor' ... Floppy Interface Memory , H.ardDisk,. . Interface Hardware Required MDX-CPU3 or MDX-CPU4 MDX-FLP2 (2) MDX-DRAM with 64K of RAM (required only for MDX-CPU4) Delete a line(s) or characterts), . Put a block of tellt into another. file' .' Get a b'ICek Oftext'from ai\plher file View text on the console IlCirt!eif Print text on the line printer Create a set of commands which can be executed asarnacro : MDX-SASI1& MDX-SASI2 With either the V3, V5 or V6, M/OS"80 requires 64K bytes of RAM for operation, Four bootstrap PROMs are supplied with V3, and one bootstrap PROM is supplied with V5 orV6, The system initially mList have at least one 8-inch, singlesided, single-density floppy disk drive in order to boot-up M/OS-80. Up-to-four disk drives are supported. The V6 configuration can also boot-up from hard disk. XFER - Trensfer Utility The XFER program is a general-file transfer utility. It all~ for the moving of files from disks or devices to other (or the same) disks or devices. The XFER features include: TranSfer an ASCII file Compare two files without moving Filtero\Jt iiiegal ASCII characters Conditionally transfer a file (user prompted) Transfer a Read-Only file Expand tabs Verify files after"moving Print HEX address of comparison failure Transfer only old files Transfer only new files Table 1 details the peripheral and CPU configurations required for the M/OS-80 versions. M/OS~~O CONFIGURATION SU!IIIMARY Table 1 PERIPHERALS CPU,' CPU2 CPU3 CPU4* UART Console SIO Console STI Console SIO Line Printer PIO Line Printer STI Une Printer' FLP1 FLP2 SASI V3 V3 V3 V3 N/A. N/A V3** V3** V3 V3 N/A N/A V3 V3 V3*** V3*** * * N/A N/A, N/A' N/A, N/A V5/6 " V5/6 V5** 16 V5** 16 N/A N/A V5/6 V5/6 N/A N/A viv6 va V5/6 V6 The DSKDUMP prOgram allows reading or modifying of a file, the disk data area;'.or the disk directory. Each block requested is read into a.128-bytebuffer, then displayed. The blocks are numbered' sequentially. Any block can be selected; displayed, modified, and written back to the disk. PRINT - Print Utility. Not Applicable.,. Future Design. SID line printer configuration issupplied as alternate on systems disk., Single-density only.' NOTE: 1. MOSGEN Utility may be purchasedto configure systems for different peripherals and smaller sizes of RAM. See the MOSGEN Data Sheet for more inform&!ion. EDIT - Text Editor The ASCII EDITor file provided with M/OS-80 provides a text editor for users who do rlot have access to a screeneditor. The editor allolllis creation and modification of the text files by several easy-to~usecommands. EDIT features inClude: Find a text String Change a text string Find a line Insert new text DSKDUMP - Disk Dump The PRINT utility formats ASCII files to the CRT or printer with automatic headings, tabbing and pagination. Userspecified options include page width and length, page headings, date printed of the top of each page, and page formatting. SPOOL - Print Spooler The SPOOL file system f~ature is used to output a file from the printer to a system list device while the system continues with other functions. Any ASCII file may be spoolprinted, and direct printer activity is prevented while a spoolprint is active. other System Utilities M/OS-SO provides several other system utilities to permit a user the highest degree of flexibility in the manipulation of the files and programs created and used with the system. Some of these utilities include: programs to format disks, change disk labels, examine directories, and to diagnose disk probiems: A PROM programming utility is also included that interfaces with Mostek's PPG 8/16. : IX-2 ORDERING INFORMATION DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NO. M/OS-SOV3 One diskette containing all M/OS-SO programs in binary, four bootstrap PROMs, and one Operations Manual. (See Table 1 for hardware configuration requirements.) Requires the signed Software License Agreeement (enclosed) with purchase order. MK71010C-S1 M/OS-SOV5 One diskette containing all M/OS-SO programs in binary, one bootstrap PROM, and one Operations Manual. (See Table 1 for hardware configuration requirements.) Requires the signed Software License Agreement (enclosed) with purchase order. MK71 011 C-81 M/OS-SOV6 One diskette containing all M/OS-SO programs in binary, one PROM for booting from floppy or hard disk. and an Operations Manual. (See Table 1 for hardware configuration requirements.) Requires the signed Software License Agreement (enclosed) with purchase order. MK71012C-81 M/OS-SO Operations Manual Detailed description of the operation and use of the M/OS-SO software package. 4420064 MOSGEN System generation utilities and device drivers, data sheet 442026S MSO/LBO BASIC-SO BASCOM FORTRAN-SO Microsoft language packages, data sheet 4420309 AIM-ZSO In-circuit-emulation for ZSO, data sheet 4420245 III IX-3 IX-4 I!t UNITED SOFTWARE PRODUCTS TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MOSGEN UTILITY MK71001 USER FEATURES o Adapts M/OS-SO to customized MDX and SD systems. MOSGEN is supplied on two single-sided, single-density S-inch diskettes. They are the System Generation diskette and the Device DriverslLibrary diskette. o Allows tailoring M/OS-SO for different I/O devices and RAM sizes. MOSGEN OPERATION The MOSGEN package creates a batch submit (.CMD) file which, when executed, walks the system through the complex re-assembly, trial linkage, and final linkage process automatically and without operator intervention. The last steps of the MOSGEN-created batch file test the newlycreated system for errors in linkage, size, and conformity to system restrictions. The user-supplied drivers are linked into the main core of the system during this linkage process. A special linkage editor is provided for the sole purpose of this system generation link. MOSGEN proves itself useful, if not essential, when system restrictions limit the amount of available RAM in the target system, or require the use of non-standard peripherals or special-intelligent 1/0 drivers. o Works on systems configured around the DDTIDCF PROMs or Phantom PROM. o Menu driven format to speed the configuration process. DESCRIPTION Mostek's MOSGEN Utility is a system generation package used to generate unique configurations of the M/OS-SO Operating System, MOSGEN allows the user to modify the M/OS-SO by rewriting existing 1/0 drivers or creating new drivers for specialized 1/0 operation, and configuring different system RAM sizes. MOSGEN may be used to configure M/OS-SO for different sizes of RAM in the user system down to a minimum of24K bytes. MOSGEN allows creation of a command file which will link a newly customized system. The MOSGEN package also includes a set of object and source files to provide the user with a valid set of device drivers. These drivers are provided to help the user create new drivers based on knownworking examples. Users are permitted to modify or select drivers for the following logical-unit devices: • • • • • • • MOSGEN SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS MOSGEN and all related software require the userto have a running 64K M/OS-SO system in place. Depending on the requirements of the users development languages, the system memory requirements may be in excess of the 32K bytes of RAM required for a minimum M/OS-SO system. System Console (output) Keyboard (input) List Punch Reader Disk Clock 1~-5 . ORD~RII~G INfORMATION DESCRIPTION PART NO ..' MOSGEN'Utility. Two diskettes containing MOSGEN system generation utilities and device drivers. both source and object files. and one Operations Manual. A signed Software License Agreement is required with purchase order. MK71 001 c-ao MOSGEN Operations Manual Detailed description of the operation and use of the MOSGEN Utility. 4420270 . DESIGNATOR' IX-6 IJ UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK SOFTWARE PRODUCTS ASM-68000 STRUCTURED MACRO CROSS ASSEMBLER LlNK-68000 RELOCATING LINKAGE EDITOR FEATURES o Absolute or relocatable code generation o Uses Motorola mnemonics and addressing o Enhanced macro and conditional assembly capability o Structural statements: IF-THEN-ELSE FOR-DO LOOP-ENOL REPEAT -UNTIL WHILE-DO EXIT o Complex expression evaluation o Source code, symbol table and cross-reference listing o Includes Relocating Linkage Editor GENERAL DESCRIPTION Mostek's ASM-68000 Structured Macro Assembler is a powerful software package which enables the user to develop application programs for MK68ooo-based microcomputer systems. ASM-68000 translates assembly language source statements into relocatable object code for the LlNK-68000 Relocating Linkage Editor, which in turn combines them into an absolute load module suitable for loading into the AIM-68ooo. ASM-68000 The basic goals of ASM-68ooo are: (1) to provide the programmer with the means to translate assembly language source statements into relocatable object code (for the Linkage Editor); and (2) to provide a printed listing containing the source language input, assembler object code, and additional information (such as error codes, if any) useful to the programmer. 68000 assembly language is a collection of mnemonics and symbols representing 68000 machine instructions, assembler directives, macros, symbolic names (labels), operators, and special symbols. ™OEC, PDP, RSX, VAX, and VMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. IX-7 ASM-68OOO uses Motorola-compatible mnemonics, addressing modes, and expression syntax. Numerous enhancements have been made in the ASM-68000 macro and conditional assembly capability, as compared to the Motorola assembler. ASM-68ooo produces a relocatable object module which contains information enabling LlNK-68ooo to combine modules and assign new sets of memory locations. LlNK-68000 LlNK-68ooo accepts object modules generated by ASM68000 and combines them into an absolute load module. The user may specify up to four "segments" of memory. For example, ROM code could be contained in a segment separate from RAM data. Up to 16 relocatable sections, plus absolute and named common sections (limited only by available memory space), may be allocated among the segments. Comprehensive listing output options are provided, including a load map, externally defined symbols, undefined symbols, multiply defined symbols, segment lengths, and error counts. Extensive control of LlNK-68000 is provided interactively at link time, including module order, address assignment, resolution of undefined references, and generation of listings. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT ASM-68000 and LlNK-68000 are supplied on DOS-11 formatted magnetic tape (800 bpi) in compiled object form, ready to link and run on DEC PDP-11 under RSX-11 M, or VAX under VMS in compatibility mode. A minimum user partition of 64K is required. Command files for automated installation are provided. ORDERING INFORMATION DES.IGN~TOR. DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER ASM-68000 68000 Structured Macro Cross Assembler, with manuals, includes LlNK-68000, for RSX-11 M (or VAXNMS in compatibility mode MK71020C-33 ASM-68000 Documentation package for above MK71020D RADIUS Remote Development Station data sheet 4420194 AIM-68000 Application Interface Module data sheet 4420316 IX-8 I!I UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK SOFTWARE PRODUCTS MICROSOFT MBO/LBO MICROSOFT BASIC-BO MICROSOFT BASCOM MICROSOFT FORTRAN-BO - MK71002 MK71003 MK71004 MK71005 FEATURES BASIC-80 o M/OS-80 development aids for Z80 microcomputer BASIC-80 is the most extensive implementation of BASIC available for the Z80 microprocessor. In three years of use, it has become the world standard for microcomputer BASICs, meeting the requirements for the ANSI subset standard for BASIC, and supporting many unique features rarely found in other BASICs. o CP/MTM compatible o Macro assembler o Relocating linking loader o BASIC interpreter and compiler o FORTRAN compiler o Common relocatable object format-link modules in different languages BASCOM Microsoft's BASIC compiler (BASCOM) is a powerful new tool for programming BASIC applications or microcomputer system software. The single-pass compiler produces extremely efficient, optimized machine code that is in standard Microsoft relocatable binary format. Execution speed is typically 3-1 Otimes faster than interpreter BASICs. The Mao/LSD assembler/linker package is included with BASCOM. INTRODUCTION A series of Microsoft program development tools are now available from Mostek. They offer a comprehensive solution to a wide variety of system and application design problems. The software is provided on 8-inch single-sided singledensity floppy diskettes and operates under M/OS-80. FORTRAN-SO Microsoft's FORTRAN-80 package provides new capabilities for users of Z80 microcomputer systems. FORTRAN-80 is comparable to FORTRAN compilers on large mainframes and minicomputers. All of ANSI standard FORTRAN X3.9-1966 is included except the COMPLEX data type. Therefore, users may take advantage ofthe many application programs already written in FORTRAN. The M80/LBO assembler/linker package is included with FORTRAN-80. M80/LBO M80 is a relocatable macro assembler for Z80 microcomputer systems, incorporating almost all "big computer" assembler features without sacrificing speed or memory space. The M80/LSO package is comprised of the M80 assembler, L80 linking loader, and a cross reference utility. Portions of this data sheet are copyrighted by Microsoft, Inc. CP/M is a trademark of Digital Research, Inc. IX-9 ORDERING INFORMATION D.ESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER . MSO/LaO Relocating macro assembler/linker on diskette. with operations manual MK71002C-SO BASIC-SO BASIC interpreter pn diskette. with operations manual MK71003C-SO BASCOM BASIC compiler on dis~ettewith operations manual (includes MSO/L80) MK71004C-SO FORTRAN-SO FORTRAN compiler on diskette. with operations manual (includes MSO/LaO) MK71005C-SO M/OS-SO CP/MTM compatible disk operating system data sheet 4420271 IX-10 I!I UNITED SOFTWARE PRODUCTS TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK CRASM-70 3870 CROSS-ASSEMBLER FEATURES o Assembles standard 3B70 and FB source system. The Mostek MATRIX-BO/SOS disk development system can be used for stand-alone assembly arid debug capability, with the AIM-7X plugged directly into the system. The assembler object module may also be downloaded from a M/OS-80-based system to a Mostek RADIUS development system containing an AlM-7X. o Produces absolute load module in FBHEX format o Runs under M/OS-SO on any Mostek disk system o Produces complete assembly listing to disk or printer CRASM-70 produces an assembly listing which can be directed to a disk file or directly to the M/OS-80 LST: list device (printer). The listing shows program address, machine code, and line number for each statement, along with each source program statement. Any errors which are found in the source program are indicated in the listing. A symbol reference table is printed at the end ofthe listing. Up to 500 symbols may be used in the source program. o Produces symbol reference table DESCRIPTION The Mostek 3B70 Cross Assembler (CRASM-70) runs under the M/OS-80 operating system, and assembles standard 3B70/F8 assembly language. The output is an absolute object file (load module) in F8HEX format. A conversion utility is provided to convert F8HEX files to Mostek Hex for use with the AIM-7X in-circuit-emulator CRASM·70 is supplied on a standard 8-inch single-sided single-density CP/M-compatible diskette, precompiled, ready to run under M/OS-BO. M/OS-BO, RADIUS, and MATRIX are trademarks of Mostek Corporation CP/M is a trademark of Digital Reserach Corporation IX-" ORDERING INFORMATION .',' DESIGNAtOR DESCRIPTION PART NUMQEFi c'RASM~70 ~870/F8 Cross,Assembler, runs under M/OS-80, on 8" SSSD diskette, with manual MK71007C-80 CRASM-70 Documentation package for above MK71007D RADIUS Remote Development Station data sheet 4420194 AIM-7XE Application Interface Module data sheet 4420246 IX-12 Il UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK SOFTWARE PRODUCTS SOFTWARE MODULAR LIBRARY FEATURES DESCRIPTION o Software subroutines/modules supplied in source form o Software modules supplied for STD-Zao MDX-Modular Board Series • MDX-CPU1/2/3/4 • MDX-PIO • MDX-UART • MDX-SI01/2/422 • MDX-FLP1/2 • MDX-SASI1/2 The Mostek Software Modular Library is a set of software subroutines/modules which provide example programs for users of STD MDX boards. Each module is supplied in source form in Z80 assembly language. Complete documentation is included as comments in the source program which describes the interface, operation, and use of the module. Adaptation of the example program to the user's specific hardware configuration is the user's responsibility. All general/standard MDX I/O interfaces are included in the software modules. o Software modules supplied for zao chip set • • • • • o MK3881 MK3882 MK3883 MK3884/SI7 MK3801 The Modular Library is supplied on M/OS-80 single-sided, single-density 8-inch diskette. A file named "READ. ME" is supplied with the product which gives a general description of each module. This file can be listed to the console or printer. A complete printed listing is also supplied with the product. M/OS-80 and a zao assembler such as Microsoft's M80/L80™ package is required. PIO CTC DMA SIO STI General Software Modules • PROM Programmer software for PROLOG M900 Programmer The printed listing may be ordered separately for those users who do not have access to an operational disk system. o Assembly language source supplied on M/OS-80™ diskette o M/OS-80 and CP/MTM Z80 compatible o Designed for ease of modification by user o Clear documentation provided in source • CP/M is a trademark of Digital Research Corporation. M/OS-SO is a trademark of Mostek Corporation. MaO/LSO is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. IX-13 ORDERING INFORMATION :.' .. r D~S~NATO/:l .MODLIB , MODUB Listing . DESCRIPTION One M/OS-SO di.skEltte cQntE!ining the Software Modular Library : ....: . source. Printed source listing: Is Included. {- : PAA,TNO.·· MK71009C-80 MK71009D Printed source listing only. ';:" IX-·14 1983 COMPUTER PRODUCTS DATA BOOK Integrated Digital Systems : "!;.' !t UNITED COMPUTER PRODUCTS DIVISION TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK MK8200 GENERAL PURPOSE MEMORY FEATURES MK8200 Figure 1 o 64 MB capacity with ECC 72 MB capacity without ECC o 64 bit word width o 100 ns/word sequential data rate 400 ns random access cycle time o Four dynamically switchable refresh modes o Unidirectional or bidirectional data bus o Single bit correct, double bit detect capability o Front panel access to internal error log DRead and,write capability to internal check bits o Automatic check bit validation o Rugged steel chassis Two piece connector system for enhanced reliability Integral fan pack and power supply The MK8200 memory system family, designed with the user in mind, is highlighted by a microprocessor-controlled front panel which allows centralized system interrogation via hardware or software control. Four dynamically selectable refresh modes include asynchronous (cycle hold off), external (external timing/internal address), synchronous (external timing/external address) and hidden (with refresh overhead hidden in an eight-way sequential addressing requirement). o High capacity power distribution to support burst refresh requirements INTRODUCTION Mostek's MK8200 memory system family is based on an architecture that permits maximum flexibility, with a capacity of 4 to 72 megabytes and word widths from 16 to 72 bits. Common piece parts can be easily reconfigured to fulfill a wide variety of applications, including such fieldproven applications as fixed-head disk replacement, main memory, video buffers, digital telephone switching, and data acquisition and processing. The result is custom system performance without the problems normally encountered with "one-of-a-kind" approaches. Additional user-friendly features include card slot(s) inside the chassis for user control logic, mUltiple voltage power distribution available to support multiple logic families, and check bit validation which automatically writes memory to establish good ECC check bits. Convenient signal probe points and probe grounds are available throughout the system. Designed around Mostek's MK4564 64K dynamic RAM, the MK8200 family gives you up to 72 megabytes of memory in a single, 15.75-inch rack-mountable chassis. Plus, all the logic necessary to support 256K RAMs is already in place, allowing for future "x4" densities without costly redesign. Performance features include 400 ns random cycle and access times, plus the abilityto mix reads and writes at a 100 ns sequential data rate. The Mostek MK8200 family, housed in a rugged steel chassis, is specifically designed for reliability and ease of maintenance. All cards feature a two-piece connector system which provides enhanced mechanical and electrical integrity over card-edge types. A high-capacity power distribution supports the peak power demands of full-speed operation and burst refresh modes. Ball bearing fans X-1 · feature fan rotation sensors with warning circuitry, and the system has a two-level ambient overtemperature warning and shutdown feature. Maintainability is .assured by power supply "in-tolerance" monitoring, built-in ECC, a built-in error log with isolation to the physical RAM location, and an optional diagnostic card to perform a full system check. mUlti-layer design that provides user access to auxiliary power distribution as well as standard system voltages. The card's top edge.can handle up to 10 ribbon cable connectors for interfacing the card to the user or toother cards in the MK8200 system. In addition, the socket array area holds up to 250 16-pin packages; to allow user-inserted sockets, the MK8171 card is available unpinned, or fully pinned with hollow pin socket contacts. HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS Array Card Storage Capacity (with ECC) Mostek's MK8200 general-purpose memory system is based on the MK8100 array card, which features a full capacity of 3 MS, using industry-standard Mostek MK4564 64K dynamic RAMs. Compatibility of the MK81 00 array card with 256K dynamic RAMs will allow for future "x4" offerings. Standard Capacity: t Up to 32 MB (four-way interleave) Up to 48 MB (two-way or no interleave) Extended Capacity: t Up to 64 MS (four-way interleave) Word Width The MK8100 array card has no user qptions; each card's address is determined by the motherboard slot into which it plugs. In addition, the card's flexible architecture allows full system population at 24-, 48- and 72-bit internal word widths. Timing and AddressControl Card The MK811 0 timing and address control card provides all system timing, including four dynamically switchable refresh modes, a high-speed pipeline architecture and mUltiple-user interface protocols. The MK8110 card also features automatic check bit validation, a port for the optional diagnostic card, and an error log with locations for every RAM device in the system. Up to 64 bits plus ECC (always 8 ECC bits) Modes of Operation Read Write Read/ merge/write Refresh (four modes) Sequential Data Rate 100 ns per word (read or write)* Random Read or Write Cycle Time Data and Error Correction Control Card 400 ns maximum* The MK8111 data and ECC card completes the control card set. With error correction enabled, this card provides singlebit correction and double-bit detection of all memory device errors. Other important features include a fully independent read-and-write path architecture that supports unidirectional or bidirectional operation, high-speed pipeline data paths, serial-byte write and partial word-merge capabilities, realtime error status with the error syndrome and flags provided at read access time, and a port for the optional diagnostic card. Read Access Time 400 ns maximum* at chassis interface Refresh Cycle Time 400 ns maximum* (refresh may be hidden) Input Receivers High-impedance TTL System Extender Card Output Drivers The MK8170 extender card features closely controlled circuit impedance plus a provision to move the motherboard termination to the end of the extender, allowing the card to be used at full system throughput speeds. Additional features include integral card guides to support extended cards, plus convenient probe signal and grounding points. Two sets of up to 72 Single-ended lines Universal Wrapped-Wire I/O Card Data Output The MK8171, a universal wrapped-wire card, features a Two sets of up to 72 single-ended lines X-2 Tri-state and open collector Data Input Address Inputs Thermal Shock 27 lines and three controller addresses 30°C/hour maximum Physical Size Humidity Height: 15.75 inches Depth: 23.60 inches Width: 17.62 inches (flanges meet dimensional requirements for standard 19-inch RETMA rack) 10% to 90% without condensation AC Power Requirements 11 5 ± 10% 47Hz - 63 Hz. 30 A Max. or 220 ± 10% 47Hz - 63 Hz. 15 A Max. (power consumption depends on configuration and application) Temperature Storage: -4Q°C to +80°C Operating: O°C to 50°C inlet ambient (unrestricted) tExtended capacities are achieved by reducing the number of card slots available for userwoption control boards and increasing the number of memory array card slots. Chassis size is unaffected. DISPLAY PANEL Figure 2 Fan and Cooling Waming Diagnostic Controller Selection ~ " ... ....""~''''.' "lIa, .... ,; ,/;'" " \ : Recessed Circurt Breaker Diagnostic Keypad Entry BUser-Accessible Switches and LEOs On-LineiOff-Line Switch Front Panel Reset Box Address Selection ORDERING INFORMATION The Mostek MK8200 is a family of high density. high performance memory subsystems. Many system configurations are available; these are detailed in the individual product descriptions. This section provides an overall numbering scheme for the MK8200 family. The available configurations are described by a three-part number, as defined below: -==r-'- TTl ProductFamily _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MK82aa b - c - d e J External Bus Configurations Control Panel Configuration and Voltage Data Word Width Word D e p t h - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J X-3 MK8200 PRODUCT FAMILY DESCRIPTION Field aa is a two - digit field which comprehends the following variables: 1. 2. 3. 4. Chassis Size Internal Bus Structure (Maximum Word Width and Capacity) Performance Thresholds which· affect RAM type and/or Array Card Quantities Custom Configurations These numbers will be assigned sequentially as systems are configured, using the following as a starting point: -10 Series -30 Series -50 Series 72 Bit Internal 48 Bit Internal 24 Bit.lnternal Existing Product Families are defined in the chart below: MK8200 PRODUCT FAMILY CHART InterLeaving RAM Type 18 Arrays =6 M Word (Standard Capacity) 4-Way 150 ns 72 Bits 24 Arrays =8 M Word (Extended Capacity) 4-Way 150 ns 15.75" 12 Bits 18 Arrays = 6 M Word (Standard Capacity) None* 200ns MK8221 15.75" 72 Bits 24 Arrays =8 M Word (Extended Capacity) None* 200 ns MK8230 15.75" 48 Bits 16 Arrays =.8 M Word (Split System) 4-Way 150 ns MK8231 15.75" 48 Bits 24 Arrays = 12 M Word (Extended Capacity) 4-Way 150 ns MK8232 15.75" 48 Bits 24 Arrays = 12 M Word (Extended Capacity) None * 150ns Product Family Chassis Size Internal Bus Width Depth MK8210 15.75" 72 Bits MK8211 15.75" MK8220 * All MK8200 Systems will support4-Way interleaving if a sufficient population of memory exists. Systems denoted by a "*" may not support interleaved operation at minimum populations. . ;~: X-4 m UNITED TECHNOLOGIES MOSTEK Mostek Corporation, 1215 West Crosby Rd. Carrollton, Texas 75006 USA; (214) 466 -6000 In Europe, Contact: Mostek Brussels 270-272 Avenue de Tervuren (BTE21) B-1150 Brussels, Belgium; Telephon e: 762.18.80 PRINTE D IN USA March 1983 Copyright 1983 by Mostek Corpo ration A ll rights Reserved
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